Miami Gazette April 17, 1944 - May 24, 1945

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'J:'IItJ1t.$DAY, AUGUST 11, IH4 ____


I \(J.;rrMN 8TOCKTOJIl OF NEW RAVEN 'RAn. BATTA.LlON PA'J"I'BiIaON FJEU) SJ'EAK. S OPERATES 1 ST CONT. RAILWAY ST.PETEBsBURG ·FLO~A , FOR OVERSEA, MBLY ,W. W. ADVISORY COUNCIL -. IHEADQUll\!RIrElRS, E U It 0IPElAN " InsUI'aJlce at aU ldnds , Wilbur N. IPOstmastu, L. H. GOrdon requests Mr. and Mrs. Walter Frasure and tb at ~I peOple sending packaaee to One of the most enjoyable even- THEATER Oifl OPER.A.'I1ION5The Altar Society of the St. Aug- Scat's, Phone 265l. sons had as their house gUests. !.the In service overseas get .thelr Jnga apent by the Wayne Ad- Shortly after the first detacllment of w;tlne Ohurch met at the home of IQ;~ters sister and brot:her-.In~lww, Mr packages in the mall not later. than vtsory OouncU was the one spent at a Umt.ed States Army Transporta!Mr. and Mrs. PilUl Brown for t qelr Illlluralloe of aU kinds ,Wllbur N. a.n d Mrs. S. N. ..Bagenstose, 01 St. Oct.ober. 1&, so that no soldler wlI1 be ;Ute, August 11 meeting at the home tion Corps rallway operating battalsemi-monthly meeting. Sears. Phone 2651. Petersburge, Florida. dl.sD.-p.polnted at chrJstmas 'time. of, Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Harlan. Ion landed In Northern France on D At tlhe clO&e of a short bw;lne II Mr. Bagerutore retumed to FlorArier . October 15 110 gift .Gueets of the evening were, Cap.. plus 10. the crews were ' assisting meeUng a stork shower given Mrs. EII I'1 Hockett had as her Ida Monday, and Mrs. . Begenatore may be ma11ed to 6. soldier Without 'taln and Mrs. Stockton, of Patterson Army engineers In repairing the f or Mrs. Theran Howell. guests on Saturday night. Mrs. will remain here a few more tile presentation of a written request Field and Mr. Raymond Braddook. damage rall llnes of Normandy. The evening waS : spent playing , Christine KeUy Fee of Greensburg, weelaJ, from him. The evening WBII spent out of Sponsored .by the New York, NdW <bingo or which all prizes won were mdlana. and Mrs. Paul Dargue and The parcels muat. not exceed five doors under an unusually bri8'ht !Haven and Hartford Rajiroad, the ,given to Mrs. Hdwell . .She also ree- ,two children at Oinc1nl1atl, who were po.unds, and not be than star-lit sky. DurIng this ba.ttalion Is now operatlng out of the eleed many lovely g:lfts from all the hete to attend the Yearly Meeting of ELEVEN ATTEND TBoI-8TATE Inches In length or 36 ' lnches in nSght, a.s was noted by the papars, gllerbourg rail yarda wb.Ich have members of the Socelty. . !Frlenda. CllRISTlAN SuW.OE Several from the Waynesville · length and girth combined. It &bould the yetll'ly disPlai of the Perselds been praotlcally cleared of debris and At a Illite hour II dellclow; lunch was served to the thirty guests con(Jinsurance of all kinds. WUbur N, Ohurch at Christ are attending the 'be matked "'Chrlstma.s parcel", aO mQllt reg11lar annual stream kn~ repaired. Although heavily m1ned, Trl-State Ohrlstla.n~ se.rv1ce camp that It mllY be given speclaJ.-&tt.en,- to Mtronomel8 reached Its peak. On only a small percentage of t.r ack was slsting ot chicken sa)~d, !Inger rolls, Seal'S, Phone 2651. Ileal' OhWicothe thlll week, thOle 'in · tion to assure its arrival .b efore De- ,this night was wltnessed .1ihe falling dama.ged by the retreating German a~gel food cake. orange and lemon- - • cember 25. of at le8Bt eight SQ-Called "Shooting forces. ade . Mr. and Mis. MIlton carr >lore a.ttendance are' Nellie Omdorf Not more than one parcel may be etars", They were very bright as Usable equipment was Jound In spending II. week I\Jt Marathan, Ohio Blanohe DickeruheetB,YW1Iel Dic*~ ensheet.l. Lll.ura M1l1er,. May jean II d ,_ k .they left a trail la8"ft~ a f- .... on "" . the Oherbourg y'ards, among .wh1.c h ,ms .. VERNON RETURNS I wllh Mr. ilnd Mrs. Onspraugh and ma e llU any wee to the aam.e ""'6 ........ u. TO BREADLOAF, VEDIONT !amUy. . !King Mildred Bourne, David Ha.tttwere fifteen 10camotlove5 brought to member of the aimed foroee .b1 or tn II minute. sock, Sammy ~own. Oha.rlea aDd behalf o( the same maUu. \Dur1ng the bUSlnesa meet!.ng the F rance by the American Expadltlon- ..• - Mrs. Anna Vernon of Pendletoll • • • When combloatl~n packages are 10l1Jllna of a . Youth 00uncU was dis- ery Force In Wotld Wa;r 1. They JOHN PmLLlPS tLndJana was the house gUC6t of Mr. and Mrs. Ellsworth Biggs of Johnny Orndort. Max Randall, the mIn1ster Is one John PhUlJps, 18. son at Mrs.' and Mrs. Elmer Sheehan dw1ng t he Oorwln. and Mr. and Mrs. Gilbert made up of 8uch Items as mlscellane- cUllllecl .. lit was the option of the were found to be in good condition ous to~et ar~lcles, hard cand1ea~oa.ll8 majortty preseIIt, .that ina'tAlad dror- and stUl bearing the U. S. InSignia. .Clara Phll!ips of Waynesville, WhO :,p ast week and attendea the Friends . Biggs spen t S\Jndn~ In Dayton 'WItih of the In8tructors 'at camp. te., the contents should be tightly ganSzIDg, an amusement center to After the engineers had oleared a graduated from ool!lc indoctrination Yearly meeting Mrs, VeNlon \.eft on Mr. and Mrs. John Weaver .nnd son paclwd so that they wID not become tate the youth away tnJm the bome, rall line in Normandy the operating August 12 as honoy' man of his com- Sunday for M'Iddleboro, Vermon.t I • • • BOBERT -IIAMILTON RESIGNS loaie~ed in 1J'IlIIQ"Ii and dlUDll8e the tb&t dUl'lng the sqhc?Ol ,year there crews soon had a dally work train pany at the U. S. Naval Tratnlng where she wUi I'emain while at- I Mrs. F, C. Sm1l!h of Tam a, FloTcontents or the cover. Bard _ ...It.. IW88 enO\Cb work and 8Ch00l actlvt- runnlnl. Other yar<l$ were alSO . Center at Great Lakes, Ul. He Is tending school at Breadloaf, Vt. · ,ida Is spencllng bwo weeks with her On graduatln-g-]fom the 0bI0 __ ,......., .. now home on recruit leave. motper, Mrs. SUe Evan!:. ~ te U 1 .a.. nutS, car m e Is (lncludlDg those .wee for ' tbe obI.Idren, thM there cleared and put tn !I< workable con.."ill n veralty wtll" high honors. coverded with chocolate), -'lOOt1es, 1Would be IUtle time left for outside dttlon giving 1Jle Trapaportatlon -----ALLEN D. DAVIS FOUND DEAD Robert Hamlltoo will reoelve h1s. B. · fruit ~, and chocolate bar6 tn- affatra If they receIved ~ reqUired Oorps ran centers fmlD which to CARL MILLER TO PREACH Allen H. DaVis. age 76 of Bellb~ook t Mr~. George Mills wa~ a dinner S. In Elementary Educa.tion and haiJ reslgned divldual.\y wrapped in wax paPer amount of rest. f\l11ller the wot:k ot raUway reconAT CHURCH OF OHRIST caretaker of tile Belibrook 0emef,ary ~:t : Mr. and Mrs. Ross Planck his teadUng J)IlIItt here to should be enclOsed In inner bollea of . The counc11 d1Bcussed bhe health 8truCtlon In Normandy. Mr. Carl M1l.Ier from Clnclnnati for the past twen ty-two :"'.1. 5, was ' nay. _ _ • accept a position in the M~1&nd wood, metal, or cardboard. .In (he schools and county. It was A regular train, operated ,formerly of Waynesville, wlIl preach I found dee.d in his gllrage, Tue day Mrs. J ennie Planck was 'dinn er State Teachers CoDeae for the comIPeriBheble goods, such as fniit.l Celt. the community aohoola know by crliws 1 n this battalion, makes both sunday morning a.nd Sunday af.ternoon, hanging from the ratters j guest of Mr. and Mrs Howard Drum- ing year. , and vegetables ' that may SJdl, are more abOutlhcIW much' JD(JIley Is ap- round IJ'lps dally. The first run wa.s evening. the loca.l Ohurcb or i.n a shed at the rear of his home. mood and Rruph, Friday. TWo replacemen.ts were 'made at . IntoicJcante, propriated for tIle county and how made on July 10 with Ma.Jo! Genef!llIOhr1Bt while Ml\ Randall Is a way Glosser, a neighbor; was • • . the last School :eo.,rd meeting to ma.terialS such as matchea OJ' III to .be uaed and of the !Frank S. Rolls and several mem,t)ers at ni-State . young people's camp. passing by the building at 2 :30. unsurence of all kinds Wilbur N. till the vaca.nclea made by lila virnuld&. poJ.sons, and anytbjJIfl that deztved. . of bls stil,\r! as passengers. 'Lauten- Ten' or the young people tram noticed the body and called the ginia Blackburn a.nd Mias Zo1a ID6Y damage other ma111Wo are proOaptaJn stockton told of the laclt ant Oolonel Fay L. King, SI!.bUela,! Way.nC6ville _ Church atliended Green county sheriff. • - strider. The new teachers are; JIra. hiblted. Gifts enc:IOledlnglUaaboUlcl at pirOper san1taUon In communitlee. [owa, Superintendant of Equipment. state with him thJls year. Mr. RanoRel8ltlves 681d Mr. Da.vJs· had been Mrs. Warren Cook has returned to !Anna Volz, of Harve~urg· and Mi'a. ,be aub6tantlallf packed to a vol d t Alfter refrehments were served, Second MWta.rY Railway Servtce, dall taught a class in 'p ersonal evan- In poor health some time. her atter spending severa) days Florence' HaIItlngs, of Wayneav1lle. tbreakage. Sharp tDatrumenta, 8UCh aa ~I'I!. 1AIIWi'eDce Brown welcomed th~ 1W8,8 at the thro~e, " IgeUsm at camp. Survivors Include his wlfe, dora: with her husband. Sergeant Warn n The opening made by Mr. Hamt'aZOI'II ~d 1t.n111!8, must have tbelr 8t'oop to ~er heme for the Septem.There were 37 men oNbe battalion One week trom Sunday Mr. Ran- I two stepdaughters, Mrs. Lily Smead Cook ' or Camp Pjauche n ear New Uton has:n~t been fWed ¥ yet. from Ohio: ()ne ot them was pfc. dall will be ba4 on the job agutn .of Ferry, and Mrs • .Grace Oross of \ Orleans. . MRS. AUGUS-.:uS aoSSKBU.y eda'es and polnftS prot.eotect' 80 tliat , ber meeting; ,t hey ca.nnOt cut throIJIrb tile CoverEdna. EIY'~y, sec. PhWlp EhUng,ot, Oregonia. and he wtll preach of!.. the following \ noo.r VandaUa' a sister. Mrs. Jennie 'Aviat lon RAl.cll " 'T' 'hnl I BITES JD&E Ings or lnjure poetal peJ'8OIUlel or . ' , subjecte; tn the morning, "The. Maxwell and a brother, James DIl.vt.8 e_ c an First damage ottber ~ VOLUl\rTEEBS FOB vrorollY PVT F. C. LYN(JH GBADUATE8 Common Error air KwnanUY " and iboth of Dayton. . Class Ohar\.es Fires of Key West. Flo The .rerna~ns of Mrs. Auguatua .. A WOB'IUY 9BGANlZATION __ tn th " arriVed here on Sunday evening t;o , Relatives ~ friends who JmcJW 1JOIlf!JtI®R ~. BilOxi, Miss." ,e eve:;ung, "The Discourse 011 TIle body was taken to Morris spend several dayS with hts plI,rents , RosskeUy. of Ohlcago, nurio1a, were personnel In the' amled semoea to '. We wkh to ' ~ trtISute to that AU(. 16-ll'he rAnDy Air PbrCe8 Hill Sona Funeral home, Dao)'ton. Mr. 8illd Mil's . Lous Ftres and ciliher brought bere by t.rain, lIonc:laY rwhom they plan to ~d,uta are at P'OUP IOlng by the name. of VolUll- natn1ng Qrmmand toda.y an _ The fo.u eva.ngellstic meeting- at relatives. morning and burial was beld to the far"cH4tatlt pointS ihould begin to for ViCbon'. For over tJwo years, nooMed ' the gradlia.t1on of pvt. the church wtll begin . the second WORD SONS • • • Miami Oemetary at that time. mllU J)acDge,$ on the opebinC lJ)eetlng every wo fteIaI this orC. oLynch Iran Its B-24 !>f October with Rally Day Mr. and laiwrence Harden Mr. and Mrs. Clark StruT and Pat ' · Mrs. RosskeIly III belleved to be day _ Sept.ember .15 .! of the uiaU- ,iantzatlon has made and ~t over- ator ~t machanlcs ' school ,t on that Sunday. Mr. Randall .will be 'h ave received word kom their sons and Jane. at O~bom. and Mr. and the ~ member of the Riossblly Mrs. Cyril Howard ~ Middlet own. f amily. and Is better known to the Ing period. Laet year late msWngS, sella an unbelJev~le amount at Keealer Flelet. He 1a Uie husband of ,the evangeliat of Mr. HeJ'bert Gra- Corp . .l un: cr' TOWnson tha t h'~ .. caualnl C9ncentratlon of area num- cloth1ng--mostl;V fOt- bebIea -.od Mrs. Grace~, IWayneevWe.. bam f~ the Ferry Church of !been injured and Is in n h~pltal were visitors at the home ~f Mr. and okler residents here. t bars of packages In the f1n&l days ot ~0IU)g cbIIldren. 1IW lnItaDce, so far . 8e . baa Juat fln1ilhed. . a l'1-:week OhRst' wW bring the special music. somewh ere in F . anee. Mfa. Ross Planc~, Sunday. . 8er gra,ndfll,ther ROBIIIr.elly .was the the threatened to de- .tb1a month .the tolloWlDg aittclea course Wbtch baa skilled him air- and lead the singing. S!Jt. Donn!d 'rOW50n Is in the • • • owner or the "Emm1l House", ·qotel .,f eat lIhe program. It lII' streued tbIi.t have beeD to the ioa.I.n office 'c rait maintenance ahd "eineJ'gency ENTERTAIN GU.ESTS . tron t line, with the medleal .det.achkinds. W!1ber N. many years ,ago. tluccea8 can be auUled, with the · 01 RUaIan War 'Rellef In, opperatlons of the ,LIberator bomIler SUNDAY EVENING rueht and wl'ites, they ~r/: ta·ldng • • LOY.u. SONS AND Um.l ted persOnnel ~d faClfrttee.van- .for o~eJ'll8llil ahlpll)elJ.t: 6 pairs pa_ Mt8r learning the fundaml!ntala of s:-Ienty of prisoners. Mrs Lena Hartsock v1alted her able"j)nly it the . pubUc f1ill jamu, 83 IUmonaa, m , boIinet.s, 11. the fuel, electrical, hydraulic ' '¥t. and Mrs. Ernest Edgmgton • . '- -- - dJiughler-1n-llI>w,. Mrs A. Z. Hartsock . DAUGIITEIl8 MEET c~peratlon through prompt mallaie tpB4nj ·booIleea, ' Ie .~l dreaea. 110 and . propeller ayatern, ' he spent ~ntertall,ted to dinner on B~day MARLA'I1T REIlNlON AUG. ~ Who Is 111 at the St. Anthony Hospital The LoYal Boos and Daughters at of the! overae~ gift parcels tram the p1eced-~ed , hOlpit.! robes, 8 pam several d,ayS tn the IFUght Producers eveWng with COVE:r5 arranged at the TIl 19th - -1I In Oolunlbus, on Tuesday. -the WaYI\esvWe Church Of 0brIat" ... ",nlila of thema11I"~ ........ od . ............ .ml•• -· branhh.he · · led .... '''I'. and Mrs. 'IMarlatt famlly annua "eun onSunda; or the ~...... VWUD. .. . C <w ere reee v ex-:-- . 'Ak'e ....... ,'for .... will be held met.fol' their retu1ar montbly meet[, The group wishea to , thank such ~ tn the dut1es of.' the &.erial lR.: H. ~ler and ~~blter, [AUgUst 20 Bt the home" of Mr Il!i Mrs. Jo~ J. Fret~ and daughter'llng &t the hOme of Mr.' and Kra. · WAYNE .TO~8BIP Wo'!W£N''' : ,pubUo sPU1tecl .C!tlBena ... bave <10- engineer In ,aevera~ h0Ul'8 of lUght. • Jane, Mr. and Mrs. Howard Mr CISm1th . Nancy, of Oak RIdge, Tennessee ar- Ray Klontz Friday evening . 1 . 1IIBBT8 luted matertall: In turn 1'\1e traininl at Keesler 'WW be . and ·ohili dren . of Day- a n:r ,riVed. during ·tlhe PUt week to be the The SePtember meetinl' will be ___ . . . .1Ibe y. for V. a&,'e . 1n r«elPt of a foUo:wed by a second ,phase at an~ ton, Mr. and Mrs. W. P. strader t bouse guests of .Mrs. . Fretz' ptltents announced at a later date. Wayne TownirhIp Women's He- ,"'arm ' Jetter Of cxwnm!llDcie(;l(m for 'ot.ber AAP 'statJon tba.t wll;1 ena1)le and SOIl. Mr. and. Mrs, Qarl. Ferger- noon. Mr. and Ml'S, W. P. S6llsbury for a RETURNS TO CAMP & n g ~~ Club held a Il10It lnterelt- ,thelr 8p1eo4ld 'work f~ bead- him to perform dual duties with a son, Mr: and Mrs. Rhodes Bunnell CHILD BREAKS LEo few ·weekS•. • • • VISiT Wl1'B PABBTT8 Miss Freda ~ey of ,Dayton was ___ · mg rneeClng OIl Friday, A~ 11. at ;ql1&1"tela-eent to ¥~ 0haInium . combat eJr crew. ' '. f,LIl~ daughters, tbe h06i and ,hOStess. .>the home of ~. S. S. 1IlWII. Nra. Ruth Moaure. , Bonnie Lee BiggS, 9, daughter of (he week-end guest of loWIs grace . tLt. ilnd Mrs. 'J'hom8a P'1orence en, _. Ii A'l'TEND METIIODIST PICNI(J. Mr., and Mr/3. Sheldon McKinney Mr. and :\I!rs. Ralpb BIggs tell ott Hockebt. · rAfter ~ uau~ busln. . &ellton; a .* wtth the.'formerej)arenta , .I,ovely p~ was condllctied ." PAlllLY BBUNlON .' I'. , . and d!l-ugbter and.chUdl-en of Dayton the .fIre eaca·p e at the Grade SohC)Ol . Mr. and MZa~ Mkv~y K , Ho\.e ~_ In ' WayaeavWe ~u, whOe ' LtMrs. l1. B. QbapJnaJl and MriI --:.. " . _ ,'membe . ra oi"'iheiocal WtbodlAt · Mrs ',Earply a.hadley' of CL,,><Ina. SMurday and fractured her leg In 3 ',' f'lorence wa.s Ion a ten day leave from , • ~. J. B. ObaPlll6ft 'aDd 1Qa. C? .z. b countrY home of Mi- d lID· ur " ed,~ .P~ ,~ LebSunday eVllnlng With Mr, 'and p18ces. She was taken to B day evening, 2nd Lt. a~ Mrs. Clar'"-!Ed8ington: )Ira. , Raijib Haattnp ~ " Bathai •~ . anon Sunday. Ellsworth Blggs_ IW'for treatment,' .~ the· pUt If months, U. :favored wttb two·humoroUS readIIIa ' ar" , W'IIl', cel~ the There .w,,!, a floe at~~ and """'T~:------'-:"'---:"""--:---------':""'--- enoe Mesamore, Capt. II. Eo. Treoh Jr ,~'li. ~ .._ an d M , . Florence '. done mUCh travellrig, . rs. Bassil Mardir ... Miss a~ seveNl aonp ,by Annette aM - reUDIpn tn ~ yeam, of thelr a n ~res~ ~"Ria tuF.i C " a I.. Dorothy.;Mercer ans Pvt Jack W. /but still claJJn8 that Oblo " "Gods · Joe T1nney were toW' ebbdren Jack W. MardIs, nlahed by a }'oUng ·g roup .1rom: aev. . Countl'y,,~ iRe hu been statIOned at Mardis. A U Itten T I l ' of Lubbock, TeXas' 14r. Butl Mardis erat 'churcheil, :and by ·the Lebanon . ! , ...,;e ft~"":""" ·bpe.~.: on Keesrer FleldJMtMlaalppl, ~, . . . K. ol ~veland' J4l'B. SblrJey E.ll~' ,r · WJV"J w_ ~_ y. .a&D, a rac:e ~ ana Be~ ~ . of DaU+~ High School BQ.nd. Mr. and Mrs. K. N. Hough enter- New York, NubvWe, Tenneuee, New 1Excerpt,s lrom the ,boot, .~ . --"en" bo~=ed ...... J"""" R.civ.Ru.sseU oJ, Humbert of ·Toledo· . ta lned to dLnner on Sunday, Mr. and .POrt, Ark .• and DOthan, Ala,. On re-, " • • .' . V1IU W ~'"JV~ , ·....e reUnIOn f ' . ~ , W~teo by s.unuFl B. ~ .1Wei'e: · lira. t.IIay Wad.IworUi· and gave a me address, Mrs. EVerett Harlan and dQ\lgh.te , <turn to he WIll rePort to Ft. tenglU, tonner meDlber Of 0:IlIreM -,. , . . .Mrs. Viola. llat:lan aM Mra, Marth~ M;eyers, ~0:tda. fol' ,fut,ther ptlot from Indiana 'and dJ8tt!Ibhied by IYr• . ~~ 1lrI. Walle Wadsworth FAMILY ,~A'l"IlDlNG ,AT ·, Hough, honoring the blrthda.y an- tr~. '. . . 'lAmelic".s Inc, were.*-d ,and , and ..and Mri. Bruce. CONN£¥. IN nlversarles ' of Mr. Hough and Mr. ' dIsCussed " ' " , ,OftpeVtnf.Ml'.andKra.Jceaertve, . · . " . - ..,,· ·TIIE LrrmE INN PUltCBMED . ' , ~ Ml'. llarlr~ WarwiCk. MIss I!I12libeth Mr. and ~. RAl.ymond Conner, Harlall. ' BY Il. C. MOIILBB .The boo'k Is wrJt.teD ,to, deQ1~te. IWUwict, Kt. .~d ,John Wr4G~ Mr. a.n~ MJ:8. ~ COnner abd dau" Mrs. Ada Courtney attended t;M that ~ 'are movtnlr wward, N&t.IimAl '...o*at aD4 Mwiena, aIld MIas Dar- ' i~ter. Mlaaes Saral,1 &l;1d Ruth Oon': funeral of her cousin, Mrs. FaIry ¥m. Emma. Me Clure Or Franklin. Soo1aI~, and tha.b . fr~ ~ on we '9thY ;I(ertler 'of Lebano!i' Xr and ner ~nd Mrs; ·~ ~ntJey were sold her .' propei-ty here known 18 Webb at Dayton, Monday. ~ ~ Ann among the It'U~te at a ·famUy · gathshould , move ~ away from, I t l ~ ' ~ Mri; , . ' .J "The Llt* Inn", to Mr. and )4rI. R. eig~t ylS;l't m cong:reII!I he' f~ c8z;-.' '0 t ~ 2.... ..... . Olaren : , erlog at the home ot J.I(r, and MrS. . InsurehCe of all kinds Wilbur ·N. C. Mohler, 'Who purchased It for intaln thlllt.·the en I. .................... ..... uo.. ce . .. ~, ,Am ~ ~ Ji&ve.;tleeimoie of KAi.tJik' :"ek1. O&U- j ~ ~ner In ~~ on 'S~day 6ea;rs. ,vestment purposes. . not chosen tIlat course but ttiat l the lamia Mrs. Ba.Iu MardJ.s Mr . evening: ' ( .'. . • Both parties were repreaente4 bJ' ,t'... , , -:~ey '\ ..' ~.!....,- . decision Ia being made' for,tbem t»Mr . .and hlnd the smoke 8creen ot iii ~_ aDd ~e&n1e~ tlle B~ ana ~t,.. • •!WBLL KNOWN CITIZEN ~ • .1c1nnatl . anAl :Mr. and Mr8. Rymer WUbur N. ' . an~poUUca~pr~, andhe8lv. ' . \'" '· C~Y. ILL R~, ,of CblC!lSO, ni4no~ speth: 1'u s. tnany f~la and tllr\ll'8J to ~,th)a callers .w~ I' ~' and I '. '. ~., ',,' - ". "t , <It'll' vlsi~lr..g With frtends here. .tatement. 0" • . ' SUpr~e" . 0: ~'. ~ v. _Bamh,art" who ~ ~ . '. , The clUb adjouni'ed .to m.~ &,p. a:DIl MD. ~ . ~, Vall 0 f _~~ W 'at,: IUs , hb!i\e" ~ ..,fIMl"II. cpiUU'les ~derspn'· ent:el\latDed tember a~ Ufe ~ome ·OfMra. ~ Mr. . ~ ~. Mil ell , moyed . to .. MCClellan; HO;s~~ ~ lUDCheon OD. Frkla.Y. Kra, lAll1e luncbQcm ~ Ia ~ ~ at ~~ .. , . 1 ~Unci&y w~ere he ~ in , a : A y ID!IY, Mia. Jsa B:vD:i&n and Mr~. planed, f . october . . , , ery crltlqJ, OOJIcHUbn. , ~" E.~: I • . or,., ' ~AL ~~GB :~ETs AUG.· ~' ban~ for many . , . ... ..,.,:-- , .: , ,'keeper for the W. H. .Mt~dEm ~UD\., .' I PaI,i.II\em Graage NUmber 13, sOl .br 00. ' and" Olerk· of 'nle Board 8ataa-day ~ 9;,~ ~ n . " at t , ~ . Education. . ' '. 'IGlraDlre Ball at 9:00. . I .,' ,,' .' J,;~ ,local 'Clvtc -Club ~Irp~t . ~Ea#O-:tssoo.A.TED , ""De ' ~, .aDd . the ~ is " · \ W1'11I 'DAnGN ~W-tiIIDI hlW&eIl) to atleb4.' ". . .




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Mrs.·.~ ~, ~f" Oln­



,. ...







THURSDAY, AUGUST 17, 19« THE MIA~I GAZETTE .-------~~----~--~----------~----~~~~~--~------~------------------------------------------~ --~,~-------------~~~----~~------~~----~----------~-----------------------


~bt Jliami ~ ~afette

PhOll. UU~


WQlJesvWe. Ohlo



Broil These. Deluxe , Hall1tburgers

Main Street



bter84 A8 Second ClaaI. lIlaU Matter at Poe!'.9ff1ce. W~esV1lle, ,O hio

~~C~ hu~ i¢h~ , es~l METHODIST ' CHlJ~H Coleman, Mioiliter

}I. B.

Walter W. Wiseman, Editor and Publisher

Church school ~t 9 :30 s . m. Mrs. Fvaymond Conner, superLniendent. Mominl; services-l0S0 Youth- F-elowshlp Tuesday even- . ng at 'l:30. I ' Ohoir practice , Thur~y. 8:00 p,m.

l880J1!D EVERY THURSDAY EJ\.JbIIlr1ptlon Price. fl.50 Per ~eilr. Payable Ln Advance


N.tlon.1 Ad.,.rtislng ••••,.


ia.,PAP.. A

.E.V.C~. INC.






Ralph Parks, A.l lnlster in Charlo . Church school at 9 :45 8., m . MornJng service and sermon 10:30

a . m.

liSLE rUEfTlliWs' 1Idon herold;ys: I




late hu~iM~S'P ~I~ me! i'm ·



Quutlon-Do.. the word "Chrflt" ,...... the Ame •• ""f AD8wer--The word "Christ" ~eana .nolnted. and "J esus" meane ~Yloul': See John 1:n- (margin) ~Ct Matthew 1:2L \ Q,-Whe,.. can 1 find the vera. In the Bible which ...y. that when

tho .a,.h· pa.... away the 7en Comm."dmenta will paM away

".of A.-Th8J'8 ·Is no, such vel'/le. The , Blbl, Rya jllBt the opposlte: "H~av. en and earth, aball Pasll away, but .,.,. worda Ihall not pUll away." Matthew 2.: 86_ ADd the Ten Com· mandment. ' the words of God. 1B"e Esodua ~O.) , Q.-Why do .omo aay that bap. tSlm I. not ..........1' ' A.-We 'cannot answer tor what peopll?, lay. Th. Bible says: "He that believeth and Is baptiled shall -.e saved; but ~e that beUeveth not ehali be damned." Kark le:16. . Q.-I.n't It old 'uhloned to ' b.. nt.1 that th. ' Blbl. I II Ineplredf What do you thlnkf ' . A.-'It e.lao be old fashioned to beUeve that two plllB two equall four, but that Is beUeving the truth. In I Timothy 1:16. we read: "AU IICI'fpture 11 given by inspiration oi Qod, "and

11 profitable tor

~-JMi~ -4-~. ue I_~, I'"

'-Ivrl.lllf: .,

SOfne I

1'4arathon Service S1tation I


IIElUtl' CUll'tClI QF CURIST Herbert Graham. Mlnbler


Looking for a recipe to keep coo17 Brojl hnmburg(~rs 5rsL, and when l ust pop aU Y(lUr supper foods Into they are almost done. pop In halved ~ the broiler. 1t w!l\ cook them Quick- fresh tomatoes sprinkled with salt ly, save ruel, and kcep cook and and pepper nnd buttered crumb •. I kitchen cOQl during warmcr days. Broil for about 10 minutes. During It's a good idea to serve broiler the last 5 minutes. toast split, but· mea ls In the gay informality of lhe tered buns and heat the polato porch ,or gard n. Give the ramily a chIps, Serve wit h cole slaw ~alad. •• real picnic. the sand and mos- Fresh strawberries and cream ia J'~'''''' thc dcssert sug.gestioD. quitocs. of course. 1U"lnA~ n u:H' C'~ Cooklng 111 the broiler gives that DeLwu! Uamburgers. grand ou1door navor mucb Hlle the (Se:rves 6) foods cooked over open fires of. the rt!l_~ 1 pound ground beef beach or woods, Broiler cookin , 1 egg ' . however, is much slmplef', To do It, -J 1 teaspoon salt just light \.be flame an d sel the. tem. % teaspoon lPepper Q~V • perature conh'ols at 350' F , Best , 1 tablespcon minced onion results. are obtained when this tem· "," % cup cal$ulP perature Is malntalncd throughout . • 1 cup sllcedl onion the whole broiling period. Business aDd people are DOt ene8 sUces bacon "Bottled" and "tank" gases promJes in America, because everJli vide regular gas service in fa I'm Combine ment, egg, seasonil1"rs, American JDa7' eome d,a" be a bust. and suburban are ns where city gas and catsUp ; miix welJ. Form in lo mains do Dot rellch . These lJquefied thin patties. Brown sliced onion in De&8 man. petroleum gases m oke possible the hot fat. Put meat patties'. toget ,cr, Ambitiou dlteIl dig. . . ~.b& &0 clean, hot fl ame 80 desirable for sandwich fashion, with sliced lIin n think of aD Aalerl!:ll w"ere tbet!: broiling. Broiled ods are not only in between. Press edges togcU r; ehildreJl . .,. IODle da,. enter bllllqlore appetizing. but easily digested. WTap with a bacon sUce and tnsten n_M or proleuiou. Here is a good porch- picnic sup- with toothpick, Place pallies on Soma of 1llI are fitted to work a'~ per me.T\u. with all roods exc.ept des- broiler r ack 3-!; Inches from hent. sert prepared In th'e broiler unlt . Broil '1 mlnlltesl on each s ide, a bench or lathe_ Maybe all our lives. l! BO, wa want a chance to save • -------------------~-little more than we 'spen~t and maybe invest (and THAT fa where we ALL becOme businepmen). · • -Our 65 million poUe,holders In . ~Led At The Intersection 0 f \.Jon, 'lite Repaking, BaU~ry Chllrg, Ule insur.nce eoDlpanld hu. busl- Oakwood aud Dayton Pike, Lebanon ,Inc - .. Quick Service In T~re Renell iIlveetDlen~ whether the), Imoc , Is Under The Ncw Man,agenien't Of ; callpb" ' " llocJlad' S e r v Ice it or not. I,WilHam PhI1llps. The PrOprleto.r ' t Whel'e You Get Good Values For What we AmerlcaDJI want Is. • Who Is OfferlnC A MOS. t Progl'CSSlve Your Ga.~ollne coupon.s ... Stop In ehance to aeramble. Anybody who Automobile Service, Twe-nty Four . offers ua a utelong ru~~ven a sale 'R OUI'9 E very Day_ S pee I0.Ilzln. g I n ,For Service That Will Help You , ~ . ~ 'IlOl IIP"'kmc the language Complete 'Car Check-Up, Car Wash_Keep Your TrII:llSportation Working we.~ ,too hear. . 1inC Slmon1z1nr, PO~hmr, LubrJca.- .... Telep.h one ,221-R.

Be determined to do your part to\vas.:rl slIving food, ca nning equipm e nt or no ca nning equipment. Don't glibly use the shortage of equipment as an excus ror not getting qusy and Illlhig thosc' pantry shelves wJth jars of non-raUoned food . pul up just the way YOUr fnmilY likes it best. You will do w II La fo llow t,he ad vice of Gladys Kimbrough, Home Service Director tor Bull BrotherS1 - -' . . Company. To 011 who l a meDt· the tacking stnps of oaorless ;.vood togl!ther. lacll Ott C~~Ilt'inl t C IIVt"I' nltenoeSJ(I]Stbde 4. Coal tongs (part ot Bre set) sugges '$: s r ue HI a s, e ronke good jor liller, workman re~u ' 1'I~ ; g~nd tools but 5. Strong string looped (slip bitch) whon he clln t uuy IU .11 he ne ds. IIround , ne ck of Jnr. Use when nel. he makes the Les t Ul O [what he ther jar Uller nor tongs ' cnn be has and makes wll1l.t 'he hasn't," toulld, ' A lew of Miss Klrt\brou~h's sug- tl. Wire ba skct to hold tbe jars gestions tor home-ma de canning whll~ they are In the cenner, Made quipr'ne nt nre i·: \J ~r:n t!u In the ' pho- . "r<lm 8 serap of wire mesh. <Poultot:rnph above, They arc: try · \vlre will d9'> , . 1. A 1!lrd CRn to , u ~e as a wlller- 7. Woode n paddle for stirring apbath cun ncr. A pnll, sirup bucket, ple butter, chili sauce. etc, Whitw"Ish boiler, or ony olhe r· container tled from hard wood, Wooden spoons iII which water can be boiled. will can be made In same monner. This year the government Is reserve, I ~ , " c It i .: ll':C! ve or more leasing more metal for lhe manuInches tieel', fact llre ot canning _equipment. Proi!. Funne.l. . '1 I;; \" ,s m ad e fr om duction arId d istribution mny make a No. 10 ti n can. It unnel.lessa ry for the housewlle to S. A rack or plattorm to Ilt In the Mscmblc home· made Ilqllipment, bottom of the' canner. Make by but It (' :))'1 , ~ II ""' 'IQtl done easily.




fOr re~roof, for correctiOD, for In" , . • trncUon In ·rllhteousD...... I Q:'-If God, oreetact' the devil, ,. H .. ,not rel.,on.lbll for the e.II In the world? , A.-According to the Bible, God areated a perfect lUlgel, who ~ as a free moral IIgeDt feU throqh pride. (See JIlnldel Z8 and Isaiah 14.) ThJa ancel" ,Lueifer, ~e , hlmsalf • deVil and W88 c8at qut of heaven. (See Jleyelallon .lZ: '1-9.) Jell1lll Baid, "'I behold. Satan as 'Ushtntng tal)



the of' Danl.j 7f A.--It Ja .~.' that the prophecy mantel 'lj 8) ATII that th18 power would liave "a .mouth lpeaktng peat thinp," but It also Ba)'. ,t hat be ~o~d ' lubdue three kinp (or tloado~ee verse 18). Kuslolliil kIi not ilOll8 thlI, and ft Is doubt. ..1 wbether anyone eXpects that be

Support' your home town paper . MIaull, Gazette 18 the only newspaper In the world that cares 'a.nything about Waynesvllle and Vic1nlty.


Friday ADd Sahl.rday

slow up and drive in to fill up bhe Ilhey need I~, The economy of It s ta.nk with ,their qualitY gas. and ~t 'comprehensiveness ' m 'a k es f o r a complet.e car -check-Up. Their ,ex- I a grellit saving, pert cbeck-up and serv:lce will IPng-' l' This 'statlon lIS. modern in e,Very t h en, th e Ute of the engine, keep r espect and ' gives the ldnd of seryour 'battery ' strong, will save utee t ha.t the I11l0torlst 11k~. Thew gasolln , jour t ir .:s, C1(H I I,l ,: s- ~xPet\t att.e~ttOI1I and good values gears, spa\.k 1-L &.; o,nd ·a.bJ so opera.te for real economy and with detallS which are so ImPommt ,expenses of general 11ving condltlona ' trouble-free drlv;1rig. ' f10ing up It is n llGCSsaty to take 1\.(1'> ' , The ~ord "M.a,Uithon" bas become vantage of savings, and, y k~p l.synoIWn.o us with economy for the going without nmnlng behind. Such motorist. as they oUer tbe Ult1ma~ \ ' In .va. Ille for your' .gasoline ooup 1'\8. economy is i1n lhle with our program lMany OVCl' ,appreo1atlng their for vlotory. '


9 :31'

a. m.

Meetmg for WOrship, " :,30 a.


'r. AlJGUSTINB CRlJIWB Fa~er KrumhoU.. Pried MMs Sunday 9:00 a. m.


\VAYNE8VILLKCI1UKCII OF ,CURIST IUn RancJalJ. MliWter Bible. SChOOl 9.30 a . m. Communion 10:45 a. m f'rea. hlllC, 11 a. m. Young people's meetlng '1:00. r.venlI18 service at 8:00. You are invited to come and wor11110 with


1\1'1', •• O .... v M_ It

UlI(lItCIl - T, 1\1. S~II I·rr. I\lInlNter Sunday School 9:30 8., In. E, It. Eanlhart, Supt. 'Evening lServloe, 7:30 p . ... I,

DANDRUFF if you aBe

, 'The M~ra.thon Service S tation in ,tWeno/-four h\>u,r servl~e. every Y Lebanon Js a sign poSt of economy ,~n the week, a s this continUOUS serCheater Gould . and service and when you sea their vice 18 an aid to our busy wOl'ke 's 011 1--_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _- ' sign Ju tlhe distance, It is well to tho various s hlns to get h elp 'I\._~n By "

fr10m heaven." Luke.


First Day school,

Scales can lie remond and a fresh-llve ,r~~ can !'Pin predomlbate 'In ,oar lICaip


Uiek Traey

9 :30 a. m .• Blhle 'school 10.45 a. m.-Qommunlon. 11 :00' a, m,-6ermon. 8:00 p. m .....Preaching.



Sold On a Guarantee On' aaJe a& . WAYNESVIU"E DRUG STORE




"S~ing Fever'~



...-er 1t1D.

Q~rha'" been told that thlre

~ book In tJil a!bll :that doe. not

_\I a ",oril'-)jout

QOd;I, that tru.,

·A.-'11I1. bOok of Esther 'does not contain. the .or(lll '''God'' or "Lord.'; But it certainly .peaks of the work .., God In delivering His people: 8/tld II and, lee. ' Q-Wh.,.. In tho Bible that the time I, __ ,...... :~~~HI·DI:»lr'1I~r:tr· '" , we ...." not be' abl. to buy t\.~Th. reference desired mUlll ~ Rev.~t1on IS:lf,1'1 ; "~d • .Ua8d all, bo~ ~small and =::;;rffi-ll,. 1\ Iir.h and poOr, free and bond. to ~ , Cl!'ve .' a mar~ In their rilht li~, , • _ :In thelr.torehea.dll: and that no m~ ~lbt buy or 'lIell, I.ave h~ that YOU'RE ',bad the 'mark, or the nama of tht TION I Cale,mity doesn't or the, Dumber of, his name: pick favorites I Mi.fortune






, Ed;, 'N*~' AldreD __ BIIl.U


70",. que.tio'lll II


h4lsn't singled you ,o ut aa an' exception I Be wise and protect YO\lraelf with good insurance 10 that no ' inatter' what happens, you, Yo'ur' fa~ily and ' your property will be .fully 'protected.


0/ PropMC7, Bos 55, IA• ..41i .,Ju 53, CaUl, Bible queltio'lll 01 B~n

.." ineerut

: ~I", QI

If1ill be /VIfICIUed

_poe. per",",.

, ~ No. rO-:AUt;

in ,Ai

JJ-U 'Pka ,..



, R.EAIly MIx

ROOT' .,OR AND CONS,ON caWe', pegs. 'sheeP calYe~ Norris-Brook 'Co" l1v~ ,wire ·a nd progre/islve firm (or ' t he b1gbest QIlUkeL prices and goo~ ~ioe, VnloD .Iiltoek Yards, CJncmaa.tI, O. Tune In on Radio S tlltlo.: WOKY, 1~:25 io 12:30 p, m , for OUr dally market ret>6rt.s.



ARMITAGE 1 SON I Pnone W'IItYnesv1l1e 2911 Morrow ~one No. 3 Lebanon: • O;t:(lce: Phone 473 K Residence 98, M

Send t~em mOre mail ~ •• pl~ more fight" iog equip~eot •••' plus m~re fQOd ••• .by seodiog all youdetters V~Mail to servic~ ~en and "women abrQad. the cargo .'space;saved 'hy V-,Mail ', D)akes mom for ( larger shipments of vital materiel of ~ar to remote battlefronts all over the w.orld. .. A tr'Uckful ~f otdiDatY.letter$ Photc1- ,' .graphed .on mi~film ,for V-M~ ~si~ ~~ up. DO mo~ space than ' '" box of


~~y . ma~e · or

model Fred. K,ahn .Motor :Ca.r c~~

at Rogen and SlmJ)Sl)D Garace

Formerly .. W&)'De8v1Ue Insurance Agency




,, PHONE 326



~igars-:-.~d:'~eig" ~e$S! '11i~' th~ ~Y~~~ ,.



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............. '*" ...11tr _11;10' .,..; Of .... cIoYI 'lite,.'. ao' room OYO,

I, _.,Oot." flIT

fer •• ,.,I..on'''I •• '!PIth Itl ••.• r .......... y .... ,..... Pr..,~.tI ............ ill M

...... lertIij.....

. . ~I All ' .... .


....... -~.... ,

01' cr.oP.~ ,



PIlO.111T1D ..






Not a mes~y, h~rd to '~g~ dye. . ' ... ~ot a slow worIOilg vitamin but a colo'rle8~ liquid that will in a fe~, "sin,lp,le .apl~1.ications restone gray and /:!tre.a~ed , h~~r to a p,'e autiful, "nat" ti~al color or your money ' back, '

, HAIR NU-TONE ii on

,l ate at



Able· space in a, ~port plane·;Di.y be " ~o carry giIos, 'dothing, ~~tiob . and f9od, lIS WIll as 10ur le~I"", wh~. ever the~~e Deeded! , Wr.ite· ,tegularly-()fteD'~to your ' friends and relacives in uniform-and' seb~ 'you,r ietters V~ Mail! ..


' 'one




8eYene TelepJaoae 0Iwpa' IIaID

W. ~..... ,0.

. . a.~dl•• ' "






In a month and a bolt of ' Ilitter tlJJhtlng in Fra~ce. Allied cllBualtiea HlilN aCCl<l~; happen ;lnd' you tOtaled 115,655. 01 which American hear ~he cry ·:It burts. Mom, losses nutnbered 11,026 killed, 52106ll m le! '~, dem't let 'Your child down wounded a nd 5,8ill missing. Seel)nd to the , U. S, were Bflllsh ' D n't bt'enk' l}ls laNh In you, Lenrn callualtles. with 5,~6 kUled. 27.766· whpt to do 'belore the doctor comes. 'Thill's the a!ivice ,to mothers given wounded and 6,182 missing, whlle by Beulllh' France, R. 'N., In Cap.. PQr's F a rnl ~ rr a magazirie rea'd Not 10D, after LlentAlen. Ll'g. y 1,:'5:),(1:, form f'o m 'lics, ley MoN-alr had been k'illed at the " UI,OIl j 'D UJ' :.t c \ J.~n s may depencl 'ronl' ln France by a bomh which the. sel'iollsness o.t' c on~eQuences." an American airman released ac· she IVr,itcs "The nUt 24 hours are orten the most , vital, cldentally behind U~ S. Unes, his only lion, Douglas MoNalr, 37, met "It a fn U leo VCfl a ' child uncon, scious or' conscious but d isinterested his death during the reconquest and 'stu pid ' keep him flat on his of Guam. Like bls falher. young McNair was a field artillery man . . back, cov ered wllI:mly, with head lower Ulan feet. P.le is probably in a stll te of shOCk. Canadian losses tota led 919 killed. "Broken bones may be Indicated .,354 wounded and 1,272 missing, by, r~ iii nnd Inabllib to move Ihem, On the basis 01 Prim e Min ster Churchill's stateme.nt that tosses among the Allles were proportiOll. ately the same. casualty figures woUld Indicate that Am,e rleans com· posed 60' per cent of th~ troops In. France, the British 34.4 per cent, and the Canadians 5,6 per cent. When the 'Invasion began. ' the numJ:ler of ' troops was about eQuaUy divided.


' - - - - - - - - Roloq.8f1 by Weatern New.paper Ubion. _______....~ (EDITOR'S NPl'.E: Whon o'Plnloq. a r ..."'pr.... d In ti. ••• OOI.IDDI ,,,., ar. t"~" .r " W"I.'DN ..,..p~per UnloD·. aew. aDa.,.,. aDd Dot Dee ••• a,", .1 thl. n.w.pap.r.)

• Paci6e-With molor traa.portatfon lackia •• Vaalu Ule nati.,. carta to haul heavy ammunition to TIDI~n front. .

EUROPE: Enemy Gives




Discharge Plans

Senate Fight

As Brittany's four big sea-basos of Brest, St. Malo, Lorlent and St. Na. zaire 'como under the muzzles of American siege guns. other Allied forces pressed thelr thundering ,of· fensive all'!'led at P aris. :r'heir defen'e lines In Brittany , Ihattered b ~fore the llghtnlng ad· vance of tho American armored col. 'urnns, stubborn German detach· ments squeezed within the limits of the four big bases put up a furious last ditch fight against the crushIn, we.lght of tho attackers. ' Whlle the bases were being reduced. other American forces, strik· ing outo eastward to within 100.miles of Paris, came IIpon the big com· municatlons hub of Le Mana. To the north 'of them, the enemy was coveriDg a retreat with strong ar· mored fQrces In constant c\lUllter.. attack. • , As the Allied drive rolled up the Nazl line to the west and north. German foroes also gave ground below bloodied Caen to the east, wilb Ca· nadlan troops punching holes 'ln the enemy defens!,s after terrific aerJ\l1 bombardment by U. S. and Ihitish planes. ' As RUssIan' f~rCes presled 0,11 E .... Proula.• men, women and cblldren of that Itronrho.1d of Gt!rm'lI ",lIItArllm were mobl· · lIud to assIst Nasi arm lea, ' aDt1 boal\el\, r.rms aDd other lII,tal,laUIID8 were ra.ed to preveut' thelr nile by the Reds. In the center of the 't laming ea,tern front. the 'Na~ls bitterl,y resisted Russian advances upon the' preWar ~ollsh, capita. ,of Warsaw, thr:owIng Itrong~ armored 'forces Into ,the ~ur· rounding plains to cohto(n the' surg. Ing Red troops. ' . ' Farther to the ,south, the ,R IIssiani were within 100 miles of th~, Ger, mans' eastel'll industrial province of SlIes la; and 'already hod ove~ the POlish bU·ficlds whleh form!lrly tlUPpUcCI the ~alls with abou~ 2 , per cent of thefr crude. ' , .

LookIng forward to tbe day when cessation at war activity 'will result In the trimming at tlie. federal payroll now inCluding 2,908,912 persons, the clvil service commission has es· tablished procedure for the dis· charge of worker.. ' First to be la.ld off will be those reclilled from '!'etlrement and beyond the retlreml!n\ age, with the second including temporary employees servIng under appoIntments limited to one year or less. In each of these instances, non·veterans will be dlscbarged be10re veterans. the commission ruled~ Next to be discharged w!1J. be socalled tranSitory employees, embrac· Ing ' those with appointm.e nts for the duration and six months afterwards, and tlnal1y. '~career" employees wJth unlimited appointments. .

With increasing lnterest focused on the country', changeover from a war to · a peacetime industrial basis att· er the termination of hostUitiell, U. S. senato.ra considered legilliation to place government work· erl I.n shipyards, ar· senals and Uvtties under atate unemployment com· pensatlon systems, Sen. Geor gll with the states free ~ establish their 'own rates of payments up to $20 a . week with 'f ederal aid: if .needed. Introduced by Senator George (Ga.), the ieglslatlon. was offered in place of another ' proposal.· which would set up unemplbyment benefits, of as mlJcb aa f;i5 a week to demobUized war wQrkers. delly payments if fuey refused to accept jobs offered by the U. S., and provide up ~o six , mooths vocational trainIng with a maximurn tlubslstence allowance of $75 a month. ClaJming the latter proposal would maintain 'buge poi'twar de1lc.ts. In· vade statel' rightll over unemploy. ment oompenaatlon and lIubjeot U. S workmen to gove.mment dictation. a coaUtion of RepubUoans ,and louth· ,ern Democrata ba~ked the G,e orge me.lulie.

W~lcome Americans


.. It Burt•• M:ommle!"

Be very. very carelrul not to let the b~nes' ends rub tOlgcther or pierce through ' the skin, . Keep the child quiet. Do !lot mo ~'e him .untU the doctor arrives. Cuts that are bleed. Ing badly call tor pre's sure. 11 you ha'le sterile gauze (do not use stenle coHon) or a clean hSlndkerchiel, 'cov. e 'h ~ ,,, " '! nrl press hard against It,"

MEAT POINTS WASTED .BY SHRINKIING 'ROAST WITH TOO' HOT OVEN , Conventional hl ~~ h temperature oven cooking wastesl qteat. This has always been known but its Impor· tance has been recognized generally sInce the scarcity land rationing Qt meat. ' ' Following is 1\ chart which indl· ca tes the cooking tJ me for various ' meats when roasting. uncovered, at 325 degrees. Minutes to Lb, Beo.! (rare) . ..... . , ... . 20-25 Beef (medium) . •••••.•. 25·30 . Beef (well) • ..•••••••.. 30·35 Poultry ................ 25·35 Veal .. . ..... ,30-45 Lam b . ;'................ 30-40 Pork . . " ... : . , .. . ,: • . .. 35·50 Ham <.fresh or' smoked) ,4 to 7 Ibs ..... . .. _.... 40.50. '. 8 Ibl!. or over, ....... . 30-40 StutYe,d fish ............. 20 ~OC)klng with low steady tempera· tllTl! will give you pllump juicy roasts without charred·bollel! or fat. Even th9ugh the cooking: period may be .UghUy longer, less gas fuel Is used because the , oven 'lis not turned on quite as high. ' Thill fuel saving I. both economical and patriotic. par. ' Ucul" rly if you ere, 'u sing ."botUed" ' or "tank" ,as which serves those in, subUrban, amaU c'l ty and farm ·ar~as. This gas is DOW doing war work and you can belp by conserv. Ing It.

G.I. SPECTACLES MENDER-8outhbrldge" MalS.-

Thl. I. one of the Army'. new po~table one·man optlca' .hop. built by the American ~ptlcal Company to pro. vide .peedy .pectacle .ervlce for front.llne fighter. who have .broken or lost their gIU8e •. Fir8t of their kind, the unit. are equipped to fill averag~ eyesight prescription •. They wll) be tran'ported by plane. Jeep or truck clole to fighting zones where 8pectaele repair. ' and replacementl were heretofore impossible.

4 ••••••••••

PACIFIC: NearerTo'kyo PloUihln, defiantly Ulrough the roWng PacUlc. ,U. S. warships laUed Within 6(10 milell of Tokyo to raze the port ' cente~ of,'. O~ura In the , BoJ:lln Islands; whUe American carrier planes. IItrqck ,haft! at enelny sbfp:ping In the vicinity. ,. The lea and alr'lulkes aroUnd tlie Borilils coincided with otber U. S. aeri(ll assa~ts \lpon the wbole tange at Japanese defenllea rguarding the homelaild, with planes rlpplrig enemy lnstlijIatlons on Param!llhlr,o to the north. and ~18Itinli Wake and the pliospbate ~enter of Na~ru to the south. , Wlth 10,000 ' Japanelle < alreadY ~ounted d!,ad, m.a rinel cloied in on the enem)"_ 1a~ foothold on the north~ali tip !)f Guam. ' wb!!re he ' had been .teadUy forced back under &be relentlelll . ~,re..ure pt American forces. , ' 1

inpt Act~on Vita]

hen Child" Hurt Nurse Tell. Mother.!'

Cos#; Fighting

Allied Driye' ,Draws N'ear 'Paris; Nazis 'Put \Torch to' Homela'rid; Senate ,Debates . Postw(lr Relief

~THlIRSD&X". AUGt18T11. 1. . .

, Enlerlns,eity of Periel'l in IireDt drive ·that earried aerol. Brihany, crew of U. S. recjlllnal..ance ear are I!reeted by two aled Frenfh Women. . ,


,POSTWAR GOODS: Higher Prices 'Because of ""Dge, increases. blgher

materl ~l costs and .taxes, p~lc,e!l at

BEAUTV AND THE BOXER CO"lely Katie Jenklnl, ,e~.wlf' of fo~mer lightweight boxing champion Lew Jenkl"l, I. ,back In the fight game again. thll time •• manager Qf 'Carmine F'a tta, 21year.old, l3S·pound contender for the .lI g ht. w,I,h' ...... Fa"a ] .w on his la5t 18 bout..:-hl. mOlt recent victory WlII& the (lrat' und.t Katle'I ', managpment. , ' ,

' ''''


4 STEPS III PR OPER CLEANING OF DAI Iinse ul.nlils in dean (old wat., 10 r~ov, doir~ film,

, rG ~.




uI.nllls ,apart aod!:eib wilh ,G, deon 1llff i!!!ili In a good dolry III.. lion WllIIII tnoug~ If meh and "' . move Ihe gll!!I. ,


many postwar clvtlla!l good~ are ex-

PUBLIC SALE pected to rise, with OPA avoiding 'HaVing decided to ' discon tinue lIlT undue restrlct~Oil whIch inl~b~ , interfere with the reconveraJ6n from fatmlng •.1 w1l\ sell I~t pupUa auctloI1 war Jndustry; , on wha.t lli kt1ow~ ItS ,t he But Taylor Aooo*r to "tlmatea. ~ the, place loca.ted 4'h ruilles Southeast of flnt new can. ref~eraton and WaYnesville, 4lh mnes Southwest of wallhlDr machlDel win cost !II Har veYl>burg and. two m1le.s Narthto as ,per cent mor~ thaD pre-war eaSt ot Ore89nia on the OINea.1 rood ' models, and there win' be III- on " , creuea aD· the prlcetJ of, radlotl.' " Rev~ ,~~eih wlUi UJe trend, be.... tti~rcl ,~ : SATURDAY, SIilPT. 2, 1944, " , All the sove~ent f!!Vlewed the .' pr04\1ctlon better quality seta beginning at 1 oclock proml,)t.)', the whole lend4ease· and 'mU1tary~ food maorporaUnr warUme develop. following c~ttels; lituatton a result oUevorable de· me.ta. ' 3-HEAD O F HORSE8--3 velop~enta abroad, 'the Ifatl!lnal As· 10ClaUon of Manufacturer. revealed Spending Spree' , One black mar'!, 9 years old, wt. With the natlon'l pockets: well 1100, Sound; 1 dark roan horse. , 6 .... '~re'asl!ld that B'ri~ah' leaderlwere In,a1lttng upon contiiluance 0( lend·lealle after haded 01 a reBul~ _ot all-out produa. yea., old, sound, well broke, good the ~ar In Europe;; and ~~Ibb' tlon for :th~ war eftort. ,U. S. retall worker,' wt, 1500 Ibs.; 1 black colt, Alia, to .bolate! that countr)' I In· spendlnli' tor the tlrst six month. of coming 2 years old. 1944 reached ' record propOrtlonl, OATTLE ,tem!il economy. One Jersey and Guernsey cow, , PfompUnJ the re"'ew of food wlth ' prospeets" th~t the whole year' I ' needs \}'~ch' mlgbt , result in In· , expenditures would · surpass 1943'1\ creased all(!tment. to U. 8. clvWana. ' all.tlme blgh. ' , " .. , 8!Xl<! milker, heavy springer, 2 Jer· wepe "'bld ID a's e iii 'ret a II 1&I'ea , lIey and Guernsey cows. carrying ' . the .'army'l h~e , ilpppUel built " cre qp.for a liml , W~ tb;At ma1 '~d loon· . for 'be Ilni baH tNt III b'eCond calves; 3 Holstein and er than . ~ected: the valt atock. 'the _aOed aoHUI'able Ib.e of ~uemsey calv~, 6 ;mon~ oldj one pUe. lllyirlg In Great ~rlfaln, ,and lood. lIIoludln. food clJotJI... - · :.I-year.old heifer c:lo6e sp"'~~er' I the a parent , Plentiful relervea ID " . '.. ' " ..... , . , '''"6 , occu Europe. . ra.ollqe. ,drup, l1qu~r, Ice, fuel, Holstein an~ Pole bull, 2 yellol'4 old. .1.' . olra~s. Jlowen, etc.. aUhoqb · IMiPLEMENTS , P, In alldnl ~l' c~nUnuance ol lend, ' businesl alto wal up .1D the 100 . lea.l e alft;e1' th~ ~d . of "bOltlliUea. called dnrable 1'000, Hlle jewelOne .w8ion, 1 IBuperlor !Wheat 'Brltrati 'leaden were .aid to have ri. ruralt...e. balltllDr materl.~; ' dnu',.l MOI1ler. 1 2-row COrD po'lnted ' out that Iba, war. ,roduCo • aatomqbllea" and ~ , aato' pam. ' plow, ,I one-rqw Cotll plOW, one horse Uon th'!r , wor~~ , trade ,'b1 ' 110 pe~ OnIY' ulea ot furDI......e 1II0,,~ clraWn double :dlSc.l, Jom Deere rldcent and • 110 per ' cent daena.e In a tleoreue. " . ' ~ 't .....; 1 .' ftl"C~; ' b "f.. ~ pl IIIl'elltm'eJitl, to p.y for : . ' " . '.' . ' ...oe p.ow. flo . ,,!_r rea~ OW. -lJlJtI~J'1' , iIt!ppl~elf . Mucb of ~e !Dcrealle in s~n~', . 1 !ive,al:lovel plow 1 furroughlng out " however, was attributed tQ payment : ' '., I .. . ~f" hi'gh~pricea ' for ' good.)' 81 re- PIO~. fe~oe, ,stret.clle:r" new 0l'06S cut fleeted ~ the' upgr~~IJI., otlnferlbr Isa-V( and a,xe, 30·[,t " exte!lSlon lacl .... meats, greater' 1.II1e. of RlOJ:e 'e s· , ders" fm;kB, sbOVeUi, ~t hole digpesUlve cl?thin,' ' In the absence of ' .gets, ~t<;, 2 oU ,drunllB, l ",12-hole b~ cheapt!i appare4 ',and the I?ar!n' ,feeder. UaI!d ,one ' yelal': ' .'. costi at ·used can. " , H~2 ' sides of breeching ~!*I. cpllatil; UnEI5 and br.ldlea, German ,-veapon. ,are of iaDlformJ)' ' MISOELLA:N1ElOliB " bl~ qual,lt)' in mate~,l Il1Id WOJ't,. :<>nil 2-wheel, trallier\ ~ut, 300 ~. man.hlp. reporta ,the. U. S. '.UW1 ,ft. ~gue and groo,v e lUiDber, some 'otdliance mteW,e'hce ~t iI!tel' . . h4ll,"1 SOUth Bend, coal ~anse, De-, im1ning Iatge, number~, Of caPtw:ecl laval Cl'e&ID /I!'P&l'l~tor. butcherln, arma, 'i'b~ II DO eVidence Of • tools et.c ' • Iact cat critical mater1a1a. IUC!" .. , .. ~ or nHI~Il"~ It .~I ala*,: ..J(aD1 OUt...













.a. . ,


UIlUlUaL .J!I111 that ba",beeiD ___ .m Irlelude a Plrlti!ooDer'l automat.

to mentioD.


tc' rUle. a ~•• Inc" rocket I'.ID "lUI • .rCdb. aDd' 1\' . e" 'ncb _ ".,tih, .. !.WIIY

l~~ ~...,,-="""'"

of Sale:



- "-,-

The germ grows deeply. 'To kill It. you must teach It, At any drug store, get Tre-ol solut on, Mllde tWith 90 per cent alcohol, it PENTRA'IlIDS. REACHES MORE , GERMS: Feel it -take hold . A,P PL.Y FULL BTRAENGTH for Itchy. swea.Ly or amelly feet. 300 today ,at WaynesvUle Drug Store.

BA'LDNESS It Is often sal~ Is a. resuit elf.

,. Dandruff S~OP



(FOR DANDRUFF) Sold on a. Money·~k Guarantee On Sale A'



It Is never sufe to r elax on'e's ef, the ,bacuirla and , ~~Iil 'WhiCb forts in the car~ of m ill\ nnd cream [ spoilage 'of cream. f" . For from the mom nt milk is pro, I The foll owing washing ' procedure duced until the mom ent when the hilS ' the recornm~n'datlon of leading' cream is pou~ed I~to thll ' 1;I1111n a '! ,dairy aut horities : 1. Rinse ~be uten. process of spoil age o,mUnues, IiLU ' slls ill clel!1l. colq water to remove by little, Causes , ot thllt spoilage the film left by the milk or cream. ar~ poor sanlill lion, storage or trailS ' 2. Take the utensli. apnt and 'wash porta lion at improper temperatures , them with a clean. stiff brush In a \ or holding crea m too long on ' the gopd dairy wa5hlng ,powder " olutio!\. farm . Only by careful handling Rnd ' (not spap) warm enougb to melt aUetlU~n to these !h ree fll ctt:ll'S call I and removE' the grease prelent. cream spoilage be prevented, 3, St~ ril l:te i.n boillng 'ho' water. , Of the preventives of cream spoil, 4. Place them.up,ide down on a table age "!one I~ more Importan t than I or clean rac~ In the open alr In a simpl~ cleanliness- strict clean ilpess 1 place where ~e' slln' CD!,!, get at them. In everyth ing tha t touches th e milk ' The sunshine ncts as a germlcJde. qr cream , Fortun a t.ely in cl'earri ' In addition ' to ~rYin, the utenalla , ' pronuction , QI\I)' <J few utens! ls a re ,rapidly, Ils('ri- polis, a mi lk strilille r. perhaps 1n the yea.r of 1944 there Ii an ad· milking, 'nlac.hin e. a ,S pll rqlnr. a ditional 'good reason for paying at;. storage containe r and the CR II H used tention to the cleanliness Of dalrJ to transport crea m to markot . It Is,' utl!nslls. , cleanliness prulongs the ' tmportnnt. therefore, 1hm these t Ufe of utensils which are today. like utensils be thorough ly clciHled !lnd , a ll ' prtiqlcs made' of Un or steel, . sterUized after each ~6e to eliminate ' exceedingly hard 10 get and very



or at leas\ minlnllze _ the

~roiN~ , ~~

hlgh, ~,:~ed,



__--__--~------------__------------------_4----~~~-!~=:==~=:~~----------~-~--~------------~--~~~--------------TIIt1ISDAY, AVOITSt' 17,




Inside '

We CHer



chnln stores c!U1 keep almost a. haIt lion 01 Pvt, and ~EUgcne Wllcher n o:llou dollars tha t they have col- QIld Dav.ld Kenn sons o( Mr. ~dleoted from the public in t,he gUIae OJ Mrs• . ftl\.!ph Flahe. Connie LoU Michael, !iaugbt&r of Mr, and ~,

F'U" ~N DS

Lewta Mlchael,

,- ,- , - - , •••••

, • ••• .,




, Mr. add Mrs. Waldo ElUott. Mrs, ~nune9&ille .}e$(; IWlan(l ruld Mrs. Ray Sl1aw IIItTho Home . ~- - enUvenl!d last . IIT~ ' ~ fAt If'r~r· t week by many visitors from out of tended the funeral of their aUnt, Mrs, Fannie Kea$ tOr. b'7. at HiUn~'rur('r W.! ~'C t9 town who were in attendance nt the U on Sunday afternoon. Y l'iy Meeblog or Ftiends in se Ion H. R. Fordyce and Mrs. Pcrry J. ti L Lhe Meeling ~oU8es from Wedn 5 'l'honlas attended the fWleral of The Oleveland B;;:;'UP, headed by c ny to sunday. ",UGUST 20. INt their ~USIn. Will Hedges. In DaY- ' OIlbert-Slmpson. who were clrcuJatMI'. and Mrs. J ean 'l'ooner, Q t BIBLE SCHOOL ing p6Lltlons to place an Amendment. bOYlt'Stown, ' P n. were Wednesday ton W~~ay morning, .,; Mr. a.nd Mrs. Tom Burton and on the ballot thls ~ II to cllmlna>te slIp pcr a lI.d Thursday brea.Jd.ast 9:30 A.. M. d..'l.ugh fer. Naoin1. were sup; er gUests the Ohio Sales ·T IllX, did not !IIc I g uests here. Mr. Toqmer was a the deadUoe was reached lRst pcnker at the Ojlening se Ion 0: 'f MI!'. and Mrs. Loma, Scoffleld at WaYllesv1l1e saturday evening, MOBNING SBRVICE week. Mr. Simpson said that he had the Yearly Meeting and eJso at the The - Unltled· Service (rom 10:00 11:00 A. M, enough signers, bu t did not have tbne oj;her sessions.. . to check and notorlze them. This Is Mrs. Edna Woll, of MoNab~, Ill. am. untll 11:30 aln. will go on trial l\IR. CARL MILLER. o.t tne SU81U' o..eek church during the first attempt to exercise the an inmate friend of Ma.rg.retta . wiLL 'P~OU 80m SUNDAY .I!ccte Davis and Cbude lUlo. to a ~oe from tbc:ir gtc:at dramatlc hit Ohio OOIlSLltutlonal rights of Initl- Heacock, attended the 'session t\nd the UlQnth at Sepbembcr. At !;he end "Mr. Skc:flilatoa," with ~a1cer Abel aacI Rkhard WIriDa. of that time a vote will be ta~en as atlve and ReIerendum, since the had a roonlin the home. ricker LegislMure passed the law to whether to continue with the B Mrs. Mino. Downing. · ot xerua. serVilces or not. emasculating the Intent or the Con- ~~lled on friends here """"-v mom ~ ........... - Mr. and Ml'S' IHOW8)'d Burton ant. YOUNG PEOPLE'S CAMP stltutlon. It is now so difficult to Ing. dau""llilr were visitors of the TOm , ~c«Ilure Is e1 S tter'" I of Da to 1;' Mr.and Mrs. H. B. Earnhart and \\lr5. Bcrt Uunnel., CorreHponc)~nt comply 'wIth the law, that t'he people TIl a .... wa teo Y n, l3Urtons 'l1hursday evening. virtually lost another guaran- called' on Home friends Se.turday. ' - _ _ _ _ __ <Mrs. Springer Belvllle and grandEVENING SERVIOE children were Saturday evening cUn• . ~llme , (, ner guests of Mr., aDd Mrs. Meeks in daughter have returned ftom a teed right in their Constitution. Only Mr. and Mrs. EL. W~th1ngtoll; of 8:00 . O'Clock :: n1'1 Mrs. Annie alld . :weeks visit with r elatives in Ironton. a lew rich and powerful groups Lebanon, call .... IIJIU. ~ ~UI,.. \\HIt .... h,t.'Ut' h '!. c, ·urrc;ltIU ..u . ..... ~I 21 n - Wayneaville Dayton. Miss Marie Gersuch bas joined the could p05Slibly meet the requlremen16 Mame Brown Friday evening. MAX W. RANDALL, 1Mrs. D. C. Ridge and Mrs. H. L. WAC's and will leave for her traln- now, and succeed. Mlss Anna WUson, of Richmond. Mrs. · Martha Hough 01 near Mini.ter Dye en~rtalned at luncheon at Rikes Ing ,In the near futUre. Albert E . ;a,.:ne "of Springfield, Indinna., was an ~ver-ntght guest In Wa.y~esvllle spent Wednesday with . Mr. QIld Mrs, Aileen Emerick. (._, _ _ _ _ . _ • _ _ _ _ \!-====;;i;;;===i===iJ on Thursday Mrs. L,urte Hldy, Mrs. J. Mr. and Mrs. Mlllard Ball -and Mr. who made s~c h a goOd showlllg In in the Home Saturday. R. Preston. Mrs. R. H. Hartsock and and Mrs. Bert Bunnell spent Sunday the Rep. race for (lov. In bhe pr1m- 1 Mr. d eorge Swayne. of pendleton, Mrs. Sarah Burnet, of Day.ton -Is 1M1'6. J. B, Chapman. IlIftenloon with Mrs. Hazel Abner nrI es agaI ns t one 0 t tl1e toughest Ind(ana , was a dinner guest here on spending a week at Ilhe home 01 Mr_ and Mrs. Ru.ssell Bmlet ot Rldge ' • • • and dRUghters. tields in the history ot the state, is Sunday. and :2rs. Harvey Burnet an~ Mr. ville and Mrs. ' Olilra. stacy were , Mr. and Mrs. Leo Conner and 'Mrs. Ora Wlhlte spent a few days stillln the fight. He Is going to Mrs. Evalyn G. Pete.rson~ Sunday Mrs. Harold WhItaker, before she Wednesday . eveuing Cuests of Kr. daughters, ¥1sses .Rut.h B<lJd Sa.rah visiting Mrs. Branner Stewart, Mr. palgn tor tJle ticket .this Iall alld artern~ and evening guests were returns to her teacillng at. ~ o.s t and Mrs. Leslle ~y ipld ~hlldren. Conner atended the Shel"Wood- Jcf- and Mrs. Vaughn Mullen lind son ~hen contlonue to speak before Serv- Mrs, Lnurennp. F'I'rqUtiar ' of Wll- I·Palestlne. Ohio. , Mr. and Mrs. E. B, Longacre, Mr. r !ery· reunion at Fort Mlclent on Cary 4le spent ·thelr vacation week !Ice Clubs through the state a,rter cl- I mlngton. Mr. ~nd Mrs, J . B. Peele, Danny and .Syntlhla. Groves, 0 f and Mrs. J. B Jones, Mls$es ' Ethel, Sunday, with Mr. and Mrs. Bert Bunnell, action. . of near Sabina. her . slater, Miss cJen\PI'VUle ·spent last v.;eek · with EVa and Ruth Reeder and Mr. and other ·guesl6 were Mr. and Mrs. Wal.• • • Hanna Greene of W1lm1ngton and their gl'lUldparenta, Mr. and Mrs, Mrs. ;aober\ Hunt attended the Mr. and Mrs. Roy EllIs and son. ter Pfeiffer and da.ugh~er Jane, Mr. William G , Piclcrel and Senator Mrs. Fran 'e~ ~'1drew~ !lncl d~hter' I'WllbUr Fou1lal, ~h1le the~ pa.nmts UnIon' Meeting at the Warren CO. WaDI A6. cards of ' ~ anll Nrs, RobeJ't Berry BInd ~. Mr, and and Mrs. Omel' BoJdrey and daugoh- Robert A. Taft. will meet for at least iMrs. Ethtl 1': ~j; and small were vac8it1onlng at Indian lAlIte. Methodist a.t lAilanon, Oblharl." - are eluU'red for .t. the !Mrs. Cha.rles Ell1s were Sunday ter Phyllis also Miss Beldrey from live debates on the "Issues or the daughter of. 0 cJQI.11a. -Mr, and . Mrs. Will Ro6B and grounds SUnday &.uemOO!l and evrate of aae oent. a wortl. Dlinbnam guesta ot ~. IUld MrS. Frank Hess Illinois II niece of the lonner, also day", before the E!leotion. Pickrel Is The Home residents are Indebted. daughter attended !he sale 01 t.he ening. aIaarIe . . A Want Ad lnaeried for in Dayton. IMIss Dorothy Ann Pfelfler foom the ·Democra.ttc canIdate· who . is Ito William Mackenso~ and Ray_llate Mrs. Jane smith at Springboro. three ...... chat,ell at. Ie a word, LOCAL JtlAN. .\SSAULTED 'Waging a terrtnc '" poor man's" cam- mond Braddock lor a fine enter-' So.terday afternoon. • • • West Middletown, iM1Ils Shirley Jean Hole ,Js spend1!)§ 1)algn agaInSt the 'wealtrhy Sen. Taft. tillnment Ba.turday atternoon. A Mrs. Ralph LeWis and grandson Chief of Police C. P. Joy and SherWELDIN~G several ;.leeks.with,h!ll' grandparents, PARTY HONORING ' . .. • screen was put up In thc lower cor- Denny. of near · M1am1s~urg were ift Qerald Couden are InvesUge.tmg Aceqlene or electric. See Bill Lee. Mr. IWld Mrs. 'Hal1qo Hathaway. BAILEY - STUBBS Edward J. Hummel, sec. of State, rJdor and ailter an Interesting 'talk guests of Mrs. Walter Clark, Thurs- an -assault which w!i4 aneged1y mtAde omdOrf Road. R. 3, Waynesville. • • • had about 300 lneDlbers and clerkS of ,CXPladn . ing the rellgion of the 'Douk-l daY . M:.'s. Clark remaU\s QUite poorly upon Frank ' JOrdllin 'near the wm ~-------;!.,'~-~:-:- Mrs. JamCl! Jordon lett Tuesl!ay Mrs. S. Ball.ey and daugh. Phyillls the Board/! ot Election throughout hoors, n RussJ,a,n r~ple who many Mr. and M!.'s. Edmond Mlnsterand Gustin poultry houae in Waynesvme JI'O.R S~PlcD1c Suppl1ea, lncIud 7 morning tor Columbus, Ollio, where entertained at their home 'a group the state, into Columbus last FrIday years ~go s6tUed. 10 Canada, glyen son of ~yton were 8unda.y guestl! . Saturda.y nIght. He wal, cut over _ -I! ld • . tI of !rlencls with 1\ basket plcruc din. lnr paper pIA~, co CUPl! nap-. she ~ undergo a Goiter opera on for a conference. Instructions and I by J. P assmore Elkington, of Phu- l Of Mr, and. Mr~,wmIBm ~rgdall. the right eye wWl . a rook and en ~ .etc. Alao kitchen towels, wax ' at a b06pltalin Colwnbus. .ner, on Ilheir lawn )Vedntl6day er - sug . gest10ns tor fs(cllltatlng tor 101-,.ad,el Phla, the movJe"K1ng o.t~gs", The latter accompanied the~ hOIDe staw..... in Iilie rigbt ~ ..... .... d toll t tis • • • lng h()nonng tile biithdays of Mr. A: r""""'" paper, .........., CUPII an ,e dler's votiD¥ this fall. A rbuhd-table was ,shown. It was i. deUghtful diy- '~Ol.' a few days vlsLt, / No clues lllloVe developed in the oUlce. . Stubbs.ftand Bailey, discussion Was headed by Leland S . . erslon. thoroughlY enjoyed by all Mr: and 1\4J'S. Harold Whitaker case. ., .D, auette T.... _ Mr. and Mrs.• H.• .B .• Earnhart and ~.Those ....... ~ Mr. ........Stanley In the dellclous ~ .. ."." Dougan, ASs't. Sec" of State. The movie was agalnshown a t.bhe ' ~1I d Mr. and Mrs. Eyet:ebt, Early _ - -__- lI'or 8&1e - Watklna Producta Puller daughters were guests at 1jhe concert dinner were; Mr. and Mrs. Walter ' •.• _. . Bruahflll at 23 North BroadWay given by the ' Middletown u . B. ' • '. " Red Brlok Meeting house Saturday a.ttended the Disc ........on ,Group, F'rl,. . . andand "sons, and . The 0\,'" d y evening at ~he home .of Mr. and 1IIr., -.iue, Ulb.u., .... OLEN ~, Lebanon, Phone cl1urch ch~ir at Chautauqua on Sun- Sheehan fWerren Mr Mrs R1chanl~ Will Stroud .,..v Court renc;lerrd O1ght for the ,Young , ' FrLendB. 88L -c day evening: Mrs. M~~'Fulkerson' and daughte; 'its decision last week on the appeal M . Ernes~ Har~n north .of town. Pvt. Paul Shaw is . enjoytng a 12 • • " Znna Mae. Mrs. ' Walter Wiseman from the Court clf Appeals. in . the ItY MiSs Wanda Clark was a dinnet'-' <laj fU11l~h with hlB family here. ~to rent 6 or , e room Mrs: Ralph Hastings and ljOP .. chU"- POU La d Bill famo\1S Hugh ~fOster mandllomus Sl,les~ /3undl;ly 01 Mr and Mrs. Earl Nt, and Mrs. H11ey GtbsCll &pent _.... ...... ..."n y u a.n y" ....... em. heiUIe, ~ Robert were Wednesday guests of Mr-- an.. ' , "-d . actlon to compel chain 8~res 1'.,.... 1I" i' .,. ~ I._!.I.u.n _ ..... ·orr",. .... Clark an d'. In btleaftem . oem acoomp- the week-end With their cOUsln. Mr, --'- ~1 even'-- . " Mr, and Mrs. A. H, Stubbe a u ~_~~ ......._ Olark's to "Open House" ' nnuue ...... and Mrs. George OSborn of Morrow. r ohlldren Yavonne and Billy, Mr. j'to pay in'W the treasury of the state Tile Ferry mlnl'Jtet , Herbert Gra.:. j "!'...... v " . " .' • and Mrs. Edgar Poff of .n~ Center. Mr and Mrs; R:rss:ll-Neal:-of Ind- ' S~nley :awey and tine bOlltA!l;s . Ohil)._$435.000 allegedlY co~Uham a.nd tl)efollQwing yo " toUts at Wrlgi},t apd Patterson Ftel~. ·,111e. aLso attended a sqow at Par ' l'IOB BALE-l maple bed:-room suite , from ,t he public £IS sales ta.x. They Ileft for at ',£,ar HolloW'j' Mon. rs.Leon. S4l1sbury. of Hilla Sa.t~day ev~. ' ' • I IWlth lnDer ..,.tr.~ maitre.; roll-.~ 1'. India'" d M ' A C Stanley BaI,ley 'and d!':ughter ·Phyills. tor did not I dny mor$g. · "~ft"hU gton C H were n1tem"'"" ...... ~ • ""tU'. po "" , ua, an I. . . t decided that the <:ha1n 8 es· Donis . and Allee ....... ,.. ,...~ SI SeJ1 leant LeWis erawford &war ~" and ma.ttn:-~2 metal, Bowman of FranklIn, wu e . gu~t.<; -- ~ILa have to PRY this Imoney. which W!lS : TholJWl. A1be La. _ SuUtson. Panla ~-ests al Mr. and ',Ml'/i. Allen ~- Monday lor- South GaroU:na.taf~! ~.. ; d1niette 8,et, 1 antlque of Mr. and Mrll. OrvUle Gr. y. '.' REl\UND . '" saldiObe collected from theptmHc in Jot)es. Porann Harl;is. Louella Bln~ ~k. . spending a: furlough with his hens, ." La;.en fkott. l'ecelv . \ MEATS,. / 1.8 dimes, nlcklesand out clair, ' nobel't Braekn\1Y, David Mfa. Harvey ·parents and fRends. . ' -,...... thl h Z8 AS E5 d C5 Dod in 0 f ~even judges on the SU~e VIill, Ptmald Etz Rnd Mrs. LlnvUle Burneb and ~ sarah Burnet, atMr, and Mrs. Ever,," Bunnell -KtL N. 1IaI:U, 2. at 3brtd&ea, from ht:r ht+Sbnnd th I; be blLS Il\JeU 'oug , " an g - Cour,t bench upliet the unanimous went along as' cooks, tended the Republican ClUb D\eetlnl called on Mrs.', Charley Cra.w!ord .at&te J;i.oute , t ramJ'erred to France. defoJIJ1tely. . decision of the three Judges in th , e iBl .... her Thomas Blackmore " will Priday a.tternoon ·a.t the home .of and PhYllis, .Gilton, Sun.dav~ after...l:..!!..~.....,...:!.._....,...-'-___~__.....;......, • * • PROOD;lSED . FOODS - B 1 u e ~l . v, M ~nien wrtat watch at RoxMr. and Mrs. Corw).' Ary nnd ~Pll stamps AS ,~ugh Z8 and A:i Court oLAppeals' and ~ upset me preach next 'SundllY at Ferry in the rs. Sid' .Ellis near Wayn~me . noo\,\ at 14t, Orab. una oannJDg, J&etory <Oorwm). Kent, s :cnt 1hlU'sday at WllnL~g- through F5 goOd lndef1nltely carefully consldE!red report of ' the ~J)scnce o!,.aemert Graham. - . Mr. ~d rs. Rlehard M~re a.d Mr. and Mrs.~ld Kelles an~' ~ .Bobby oatDIfleli Main ' , master In. Chancl3ry ... the Hono~le lRev. Walter and Mrs. Bnmt lett g1'an~-dllughter, of Dayton wen family, 01 near Springboro calleii on . 'aueet. WaJlUl8vWe. • 31 ton a.t.tendlng the YeR<l'Iy Mo(;ting of SUQARr-Sugar stamps 30, 31 and Carrlngton T. Matahall. former Sunday evening,' for a -two-week vtstt Saturday evenlniJ caller~ !).t to~e Lhe Olarence CraWford ane£- famUy , P , Priends. good for flv.e pounds In- Chief ju.stlce of :t he Supreme w'th their folks near Kan- home of and J. B. JoQeS, SundayaftenlOOD. POI\ 8M ,lIL.:Uodem house In WayMrs.' Lo{en ac"ott' .and little ll(!P~ IV 1 defin~telY. Suge~ stamp 40, gOod for of Ohio: 1SlIS. Rey. ~ Mill . er will preaOh at Lt. aI)./). Mis. EldQn Reci1er or Ga. Mrs. Charles JOnCl ot Waynesvt1le ' ----'11_ ... 10 000 ......... e.., , . 'lIve PQunds ot canning surar t ral d lAMt k........ .. Y ..."..,...... .... . ... ~ve_acrea. euuu. . spent Thursday Visiting In wa l1.:lS-1 thr 1 F br t ,¥ilgh Foster 1nI,mediatly flled ' a. ,t he SUIJ8.r Creek Christian ol1urch in apen seve aya..... wee ....... spent Sunday With Mr. and Mrs. roOai hoUse, othez: ~, v1l1e. ". oug I e uary, nex ~ear. notion to set &stele the court·s Judge- the abseJice Of Rev. -B rant. the{er's PElTen~, ~. ILJld Mra. Dayid LUCas. '. $3,000. Six-room twuse, e1ectrlc.\ty, Sue and J~y Mi"er of J~me3 E::t~co~~t a' rea:In.A~~2teoso'uo~tsnISdegoodthe ment and'graDt I'ehf!8ring.;Mr. Foster' IB, R. 'Fordyce and tlle P. ~tlett Mon~e. , Pvt. Paul ' Sha.w aDd wt:r~ ' Mary PI ueulon DOW. $Z5OO. ~ " . ~ ...... said thllit Judge , ~ward O. Turner ases were /lUP~ guests Or Mr. and h.. ~. Wll ilam ~ney of ~ Lue bad. as tbeir dinner IUeBta aim- ' 1b0'lVD bY aJll)OlDtment Only. WU- town 8Z'e visiting this w(l('k, at Hie June 22 through September 21, had disquallUed ihifuself' when':.h e Mrs' ..........~ 11'0 ' t W ' t i K:y. ,was II. ''week-.epd 8').Ieet ~ her da 'Mr .. if ·'~nh ..- ..... , d ' . bome or Mr and Mrs ~orge MIllCl' l '. . .oUUl rdyce and son a as , y . an.. rs. ,,""¥. , .,..a.w an bUr N. sean. Waynesville. Phone . ' . ' . FUEL On,."..Period 4 and 5 cou- e~.resaed in ol)Em court the belicf, QI.rrolton SWlday ' evenmc pnl'~ntaJ Mr. and , Mrs. <luy ~ IOJIa Of ~n1a; :tIl the &ttemoon a ' p And 80Il George J·r. d .... ·' h S be . . t' '. . ' . J. h '.\, '-_I1.~ ; ," ~ v _ rpons, goo w..·oug , eptem r 30. ' prlor .to the h~g, thi. ~e ~ou1d ·iMrs ..4'om ~n. Mrs. Ed BUl1tOn , all a~Q ..........,. . . / . group of fI'le~4!...&nd relatlves met -"':'-'~'----'-.:'::;;".-r---;-'----' '- " ~"- .. , - , ~ New ' Perlod 1 OOUP,OIlS. now good. not parlllcipate beea\lSe he had 'Ii, and Mis. George Wa.terhouSe were Mrs. E. B. Lon,a.cre and . g~- at'tale' Shaw home lind enlOYed ~'='_:::!-_~\ SfIOElf.'h..All'plnne sLan'lps 1 QIld 2. ,t he QaSe, actually Dayton v1s1tors Fmday'. " cbUdfen spent In Darton· cream and cake. good indefinItely. renting llo bullding: t.o one at ,t he stores Pamela Rae, daugh~r ot ¥r. and rPvt ~ames .Stelnke of LeXington, Kra~ ,P.ri.nt imte' of Spring V!llIey .. - -mYOiVe~' Yet JUdge. Turner wi'otethe Jack Aldrieb,wa$ de&ca.ted to Ky,. s~nt Sunday With ti18~. caUed.OllIk. 1Ul~ Mtii. J:meraOn D1l1 ' 'CARD 0 TIIANK8 J\l)DRESSES OF SER.VICE BOYS lerlgt1!y 'decislon arid Judge iMwar:<l the Lord and the followlng bsJJIes Mr. an~ Mrs. lJarold Steinke, , sUnday aUemOOl1, ' . \ I





. Services

---_.- ..---

At All







• • •



• • •











=-~~.:. m

~.,; ~s.


w~rd ~


FATS-,-~ed s~ps

~flII. ~ur


Du~ . ~: M:arllareli,Jo~,


~. W&YDtl!ll~e

32~ ·eaol~


To ~eka.




~1leJ' ~

personallnte~t ~



Pvt. Rlollard I. CamPbell 3580t91 S. ~&tthla.s. OharJ~ BeU and ~et Co.rl y. Weygant, concured, .' _.,-,._:..--_.:..::..,:..--.=.::::.::.::....::;:.,.:::::.::=- Moo. Sec. 1580th Ser. Un-It, Charl~s H. Hubble, .c andldate tor <ampbe11, Ky. : • " the Supreme ()O~ 8giI.iI1Bt Judge Corp. Charles B:. Earnhart, 350376 · Matthews, went on !;he radio the folZ9 liq. 22 Oorps, G-4 Section, lowing day and said to the reta.llors OtiPOnt. -Del. ! OhiO, "Are y,OU, a1mple-mlJided • ..' enough to collalt tbe. 'SQlesf4x from yoU\' customers and PRY' .it intO the pyt, Harry E. Lewis, PIt. 474--7th State TreasUry. when- the .SUpreme ALBERTA YELLOW U. M. B.-R. D .• Parr1.s Isla.nd, ' of Ohio stiys that .t~ big & utb carolina. ALSO LUSCIOUS WlIlTE

Cam» .


----_ ..---

e• • _ •


--._--_.Coleman Fami MIles SoUtheast

0' Fra.nkJln on

• Roate 12~ n~r ·Red Lion '

Call between


and '8 P. M.

. II 1.CltO Wnn L Ads







Advel·tlslng Shows Energy. ,i See Lhe Miami GaiWtte stlltlonery line. .


>Alton A. Ea.rIlbart A, S., Co. u. S. N. T. S., Great Lakes~ m.



~ay $2.00· for Dead Honel; $1.00 for' CoWl. ~heep, Hogs, Calve. , and Colb




w.... eoatr

, .~


9-12 each , morning 1-6 'afternoon!! ~xce~i;

Wednesd$Y , , 7-9 Saturday even:lng' •


1 .

Other, Eveiltngs "


By Appointme~t '. 1 -. '

,/ ','


Phone WaYDeavil1e

T_........., Fa1IIIIer I'IaDt ..



Dr. C.' E. lIdO

were 'ba.jJtIzed Sunday mO~n8 at MI;. and. Mrs: ~o M1l~ sugar creek church. Donna. ,SUe anel ch1ldlen, Mr. and ,Mrs. FfaInIt Dumitol'd, daug'bter of ' ~, ,and ~~tenber er attcn~ed 'IOpen H~e' Mrs. Dpn' Dumfoi-d. Geotge DaVid: at , ~n~ ~eld Sunday M!'emoon. Lamme. son ·, of Beaman and !nIra. ' Corp. an~ ~, OhiI.rles _¥~ Don l.6mme, ~I't 'Eugene W1lc:herand daugihter of BellbrOOk and Mr• '

~ . s~w ~~nt the week-end, with ber' 8l'a~patenta, Mt.' ~d Mrs.


J~hn ~bMV. pt, ~~ .



_Mr. an~ Mai. ·' ftlOlDllB ~~on . calle(l on the 'Harolq pPJeai SWlda, •of ,near ,Xeiila. '., . .Tonlmy, S~'I!' of ~ s,*,i ~ W,e ekjtmd .wlth ~belj' and I}o~ . .: ' . " .

.'. ...

;;t • •


WAYNEjjvU.ue, '


OH1(~_T"11R8DA'f, ' A




-----~~~~_____~~~-~----~,_==_ _ ~I--::==~-:~z:==~===_-~--~~--~-:~2-~::~~~:=::~~~~----------~'' WAYNE TOWNSHIP FARMES HOST, TO LEBANON AND c .. " .... "Ill' FRANKLIN CL1JBS

--.--------', . _

' It'ERRY . 1 ..... 1II1rlo-«I" I'" 'I'''"","~,



" 'Yariks Help Wottnded Nazi ~ ,' . . -: ,

~LE ~E&~7'





1\111' ROLL y


". ,t~ l~t;ul'r ............. t

,I I.", I/Ih,,,,

'Mr. and Mrs. Jess acland attend.....-----~-~----..,.;,...---...;.:;...~ Mr. and Mrs. Charles Ellis enter- A Ninth Air Force Bomber, E. T , family Mr, and Mrs, Ben Gruber and w ' ed the funeral of John TIttle Pot; The Wayne Townsllfp- Farmers tallied with 0. plcnlc supper on Sun- O.--(Jommendations for xcellan'!e evening ere supper guests SUnday f M Tip!) Oily Wed.nesday a;tte~oon. 100ub ~ l10Bt to the Lebanon and: day I\verung as a farewell ,for their 0 r. and MnI. Everett In bombing during the rJinth Air Bunnell d f tMIss Martha Wilson of Dayton Plranklln OlUbs whiSn they held aU!lt , Mrs. auth Janney and her Force pre-lnvll5lon attacks and suban amUy. Mr and " •• was the week end g~est of Mr. and 'their annual ullion plcnlc dinner on daughter, Miss Louella ja.nney, who sequent operatloru; In sup,;ort 01 SOlUl • Jerry ..uS. Le Morrla d 'Lewis and J,,{rs. Clarence Bockoven and fa.m1lY : Thursday at the mgh School dlne, an BillIe , spent are returning to their home In De iLo.nd Fl Id ground forces have 'been received Ily SUl,ul,ay With Mr. and Mrs. John 'l1he P~ J. Thbmases called on Mr. ing room with fifty-two· members 0, or a. a medlwn bomber group 01' which Koester o· Uti and ' Mrs. /John Reeder at oenter~ :with bhe1r IfUcsts, were pa-esent: The guests who enjoyed the 1!ven- Staff Sergea.nt acy Planck, acute 1. Miss P •Ulln ca. ' . ville Sunday a.fternoon. ' IDuring the afternoon a. program ing with 'Mrs. Jl.lnney and her of Waynesville, Is a member. Mr a e Gibson of x~rua and R1cha The peaoh SBaSon is with ua and I was enjoyed In the auditorium, Miss daughter were Mrs R D. Barden A veteran of h ' . rd MaIns of near Xenia a. bountiful crop It 11;. The farmers 1Franc1s Whitaker giving a plano and daughter Marilyn: of Columbus missions ove m~ t an 40 comba.t spent Sunday wl~' her parents Mr. are CBSbtilg judicial eyes at their !sOIO, MIss Alice F<>~ of Morrow, a. tMr. nnd Mrs. J . R . MUler ot Frank: 'Planck Is a t:ll gunrope, l Sergeant calland Mrs . HJly GibsQl1. Afternoon com with the Idea of harvesting it group of vocal solos and MIss Ruby rl Mrs ner n Colonel era were.Mrs. Henry Berges and Mary W Taylor The corn Is fair In sP,lte of drY w~a.-I' Hq'gerty, or Morrow, a plano solo, M11, d• Mr L of USpringboro Thomas B. Hall's target bustblg daughter Nancv Lou, MIll ~~. ShBIW , r. an s . . ' . W Uams and Ninth Air Force B-26 Marauder ~ .""';z ther. all of Whlch were very lovely and aaughter a.nd Mrs. Loren Hadley group which has d1l;tJr.gu1l;hed It..self ~~~:~Ughter Ruth,. and Mrs . Lee The S~ar <Oreek Chl'lstlall ~tly enjoyed. M1ss Mallthll. Shaua~d daughter ot Wilmington, Mr. , with an outstanding bombing acQhurch wUl hold their annual home er, art teacher, of Dayton. was lihe and Mrs. Walter TnyJor and Mr. : curacy record in the EurOpean The- . Mrs. DIiIvld Lucas spent a few coming, on September 17tJl. guest apooker and shOWed many ot days with her son Raymond Lucas -and ~s. Joe Worley and daughter atre of opera.tlons. The Sug1U' Creek Ladles Aid will her be8>utllul plotures. Interesting of Lebanon,Mrs. Ellma McClure, ElSergeant ~anck's unit has b~. n and tamUy of near Wlim1ngton. have an Ice cream ' soclal Q!l Sept~ rtalk8 were given by John Holden, J. Ha I tt M ~~ MIss MJnnle Crawford of Dayton magen Mc'Cl ~ e ure, rr e cOlure, offlciaUy commended times ember 2nd. . M. Earnhart, Mr. Cowan, oarl MIlMyron McClure, Mr. and Mrs. ac- o(or Its pin point precision. I ts nrc- spent ~he week end with her parents . ler and Ohnrles West. The Union ;j) tG d ~ there Mr. a.nd Mrs. Olarence Ota.wtr ray an sons. Mr. and Mrs. L. ,invasion attacks aided in paving the ford. THE 19th REUNlON OF THE .group adJo~ and will be guests M. H~nderson; Mr. and Mrs. acy ·way for the Allied landings in France MARLATT FAMILIES WAS of Lebatlon for next year. The Mrs. IDly (Jlbeon and Mrs. Clar, Elils and sou and Mr. and .Mrs. S. S . while current operations In sUPPOl't el}ce OnI.wford called on Mrs. Wm. , HELD SuNDAY. AUG , U8T ~ Wayne Townshtp Club wtll meeli Elllls. Six sons 0 f th1l; group arjl of ground troops have belm credl~ed Coleman lut Thursday alternoon <WIth MT. and Mrs. L. V. Branstrator . . In Septem~r. / serving in the armed forces. ,'WIth a.ss1l;ting the Allied to make at Waynesvllle. The 19th. annual reunion of bhe . steady progress In F1rance 'Ml\rlatt famWe,s was ' held on Sun. '. ~ " .,' _ _ JIROIIiIII..w. ~ ROY BA'J'TUS TO SPEAK AT Sergeant Planck, son or Mr. a.nd FlFI'EEN MEN TO BE INDUCTED Mr. RANDALL ATTENDING day at the home ot Mr. and Mrs. ~END8 CHURCH. ,.tUG. 27 Mrs. aoss Phmck. Wa~esvlJ]e, I s AUGUST TJIIRTY-FIR8T IntantrY,iiiin-ln France who have stormed into CHURCH CONVENTION AT Ola.rence Smith near Mt. Holly. A married to Eleaner J. P]anck ,' I48 E. St. Lo in the tace ot concentrated artillery and smdU Brm.e LEXINGTO~ KENTUCKY basket dinner was enjoyed at noon fire t~e time to help B wOUIJded German soldiell' abandoned Roy Battles, of W. L.W.. Cincinnati, Court Street, Dayton, Before enteriby about s~ty-~ve relatives and Wa~ren County Selective Service 'Will by his troops. Frl speak at' the Caesars Creek lng 'the service in December 1942 he Mr. Randall, m.1nJsier of the local ••.. .. .,:_ friends. During the afternoon: the Board No: 2. has given .not1~e to , ends Ohurch services, Sunday 'W'llS ( mployed at the N tl' I ' Church of CtU-lst, _left -Tuesday preSident, Mrs Karl Babb called a fifteen men to report tor Induetion ' _.~. morning at 11:00 o'clock. ' a ona CMh ~ R,egister Company, Dayrt,on ILcxlngton, Kentucky, w'h 'e -re he business session during Wb-tell time a.t Ft. Hayes, ColumbuS, AUgust 31, l\IUSEtJM PROJ~C'1r OF WARREN Every one Is welcome to attend , Mr. and Mrs. Ross Planc~ received spent the week at a church conVeJi:OfClcers were electejl for the coming and notices went out to three men (JOUNTY REPOR,T8 ON STORY ILIld bring their friend!, The tamlly a telegram August 19 1944· f t tion, He will return on Satturd.a¥ year, with B. B. Ee.r.nhart .as prest- for pre-Induction. 1Mr. and Mrs. J . B. Ohamberlain OF INTE~S1.· TO cmZENS of acy Battles will also be t rOUl he and w111 be in his Pl!1plt on BUllay dent, Mr. George Marlattt as vice ,'l1bree men are from WayneSvWe' \Jr. and little daughter. of Dayton . .' presen. War Depannl II~, !,w t,ull ·that their 'preslde~t and Mrs. Florence Hart-- James Morgan, WUllam AsbUry, ca.Ued on their grandmother Mrs. ,By Halel Spencer phiiups PUBLJ(J INVITED TO son ,staff Sergeant R,oy K. Pla.~ck morning , and evening. He wtIl B ....... e tr n " ' n dest tl d tU had been seriously wounded, August 'Preach on "The Common EmJr 01 sock Aulbn!ln ILS Secretary and and Donald Watkins. RIchard stan- .• , '-11 ..... ' " rue on an mu - IATTEND CHRISTIAN END , EAVO· rn.nna owrnan, Thursday evening. ... 7 over France. Humanity," 1n the ~ornlni, and TreMurer. Mr.:LalMar Earnhart gave ley, from Lebanon, RIchard Starkey. Dr. a~d Mrs. O. E. Russum, and a tl on 0 f old bwldlngs throughout our "The Discourse 011 Ma1's' Bell," In an interesting tallt on his experien- and MelVIn Wielder, of Blanchester. Mr. and Mrs. RObert K ersey,on)e.y- sta te Is- gradually' bu.t surely el'8.Sbng -Everyone Is invl~ed to ' attend the L~ER TO TIlE EDITo.R the evening. There W1U be a baptlac~ In the Southw~t PacifIC and Dale Grlawold; of Pleaaant Plain ton, ' were guests of Miss MBrgllret the plpture of ·our early histo!'y. IOhurch of ChrIst· Christian ,E ndeavor n,tal lIerv1c~ In the even1Di. the names 'of those serving In the Robert Thompsqn, Jack Whlta~ Edwa.rds ThurSday evening. 2043 Sherman ·Ave. Anythlpg that 'ca.n be done to check Sunday evening, August 27. at 7.:00 p. nrtned forces were read. Also a hIS- Marcus K. Iiouston, ~ O. SpenEvanston,ru. Misses Rutll and mlzabeth Chand- this ni~h1esa obUgat;!on 01 our otno m, to hear the subJect"'Prayer From MIAMI CIIAPTEB NO. 1ft tory ot the Marlatt lam1ly W88 read. cer"Ralph 'jiJp&ngler. We81ey Stevens. ler spent Thursday in Daytmt. h istory should be conaldered the' the Hea.rt·', Ray Klontz. OJlrlstJan August 20 , 1944 TO HOLD INITIATION, 'AUG. t8 Those present from Waynesville a~d Olen Lewis, aU of Lebanon. rMIss Margaret Edwards visited ~uty of thinking .A!nlericans. IEndeavor leader. will h ead the d1l;- 'I'he Miami GGazette 'Were Mr. and Mrs. H. B. nmmart 'J'!le three iDen to take t.helrPhysi- relatives, In J)a,yton and Springfield, I ' Thls house Is one of the fLnest of CU881on. Waynesville, Ohio and family, Mr !Uld, ~. A. H. . cal IndUction, August 31, are: Thom- :Friday. Miami Ohapter iO'l Order 01 the . ' ,tthe type generally known ILS the I . Sin;: Eastern Btar, WID meet on ~ IFJarnhart, Mr and Mrs. Earl Earn'; as Roolrs, of WaynesVille, Robeft Miss 011ve Williams was Honor Classic. or ~ol'e properly, the Greek They are all burled In the ,L ebanon ,r regret to llliform you of the hart and children, Mr. and Mrs. O. C8rrper, of Morrow. Ralph - Batter- guest at dinner o.n Wed{lescillY, Ule Revival. ThIs ~y.1e of Cemetary. death on July 26 of my father Lau- evel\lng, AU8USt 28 at elgbt o'cJock at' iB. Marlatt, Mr. e.nd MR. Max Hart- thwa1te, Of Waynesville. slXteerilIh, .!hat' date maIling- her attained It's greatest popularlty ~-I The CO!ltractors WILS named Amoo rence T. Sherwood. San of the ~t~ 1\ special meetllUt for the Initl&ttan or ~ sock' aN'! IA. Mar ~rt. ' '. birthday anniversary. A large angel tween .1SO<1 and 1850 and modlUed I Burnett ah<;l the house had been [)r. and Mrs. Thomas Sherwood, he candidates. All offlcera are urged to be present. . The reuDlQtl 'of ' the Marlot famll~ BOBEBT, MONGO HONORlID food e&ke featured the occILSlon. , details still nnd their way into the llved In almost' twenty years when The Miami Gazette Iell WIll be ·h eld at the same time ON SIXTY-NINTH BIBfl'tIIDAY • Mlsses Ruth and Ellza.l>eth Gha.nd- . b~t of modem architecture. Washln~on Ball was dedicated. most of his en.rly years in WaynesNEW B~OTON MAN and place In 1945. Mrs. R .. Monger entertained wifllla ler, Mrs, Georgia Mendenhall and 'Built largely of 1bl'lick with stone On the eventn'g of Ap1'il 16, 1861, vllle. He was ' a Hlckslte member ot HEW TO GRAND JUBY FIVE RUNDB.ED CAIID CLUB ~et dliuier In her bOUle honorJ.rig !Mrs. Evnlyn Peterson. attended as an accelisory It 'was of the moot tJ:te day after LIncoln sent out his the SOCiety of Friends and Gradue.' UNDER . $W. BOND ENTMTAINED WJ!:lJN~DAY the slxty-nlnth blrtbday of her bus- rearly Meeting at WllmlJlgton, Sat- palatial type 0 f It·s pertod, The call for volunteers'a meeting was . ted 'f~om Swarthmor-e Oollege In __ band; Robert Monger, · urday afternoon. simple dignity o! the old o~o·! held in Washln~ton Hall.It was a 1906. He ' got h1l; master's d~r~ . T.J~r Johnson, Ne'w, Burltnatoo, ~: an<;l Mrs. Rhodes Bunheu en- Those, w~o enjoyed the ~ellcloU8 Rev r Ralph Parks, who with his houses Is well exemplified. The pro- 1gathering 01 men, many In the fJower \\\IlLS born In Wilton, Iowa but spent ~ held under ~ bond. Wedneater,talned I't their countr; ,home pn dinner were: Mr. and Mrs. Guy lfamUy Is ,spendlng his vacatto~ with portloIl:S 'are good.a:nd the detail re- Iof youth, sudden.1y grow.n mature. frOUl the same instit\ltton a year &y, when be was arraigned before Wednesday evening with the 1Ilem- TUrner; ¥rs. Florence 'turner, Mr. bls parents at Nelsonville, WIl5 d Ln- fin d. It has the central hall. and ' ready to relinquish all that rlater. Judge D. M. Aultman In muntcit~ In 1917 he married Allee S. HoI. be of the five' hundred ~rdclub as and Mrs. ReJ1egh Monger. and son ner guest of MJ,sscs Annie: and Mame . o,p enstair willI kltChen and lesser values most: home-ease-pleasure-to court ' on a chnrse of seIling mortlhelr guests. prtzes were won by Mrs Robert, aU of Jamestown. Ghlo, Mt. Browne Q\l M!)May. ' Iwed roOInf! In paired flanking unites ,take up a soldier's burden. inger and had two sons, Joh.n K . gaged property. . \ rMlss Stella WUey, of Dayton, was The tront elevation with panels In,O ulbli.n Ward, la\Cr to reside in SherwOOd, 20, and myself, 23. My !iosco ' Fl,lrn1LS ~and Mr. Fred B~- and~. Delbert Oonger and l3e.rThe SPring VlUJey National' blank . dock. A. dalnty 'and re(l'Mhlng lunch ' bata( Mi&a ~Y J!mm1i.y, ~. WIl- the dinner,.BUest of Misses Ruth and towhJch the windo'll's were set, Is the I'rthls lovely old home, made an elo- ~ brother Is an nvJatloll cadet and I It accepted ,a m\Jl'tlap OIl lunch was served by the hOll,tA!8s. ' 1.1am ScboIar,l\tD's. Wilbur Woolard Ellzabeth Chandler on Tu~y. !best e~fort of the design, but the Quent ~peecl1: A paper which he had am a chemist, working for the 'govJohnson 8 automobile In January Or. 'J.1hoae pi-eaentc were Mr. and Mrs. and lIOn WUbur, the hoot and 'Burritt Hlwtt, ot WJ,lmlngto)1, call- rr~~r In this house ,with the recessed dnllWtl up pledges those, who signed erninent. My father was II> mem'beI' this yearj a.hd' says he ,IOJd ~ , CIU' Obl\~les Doster. ¥i'. -and MnI. P1red bOIl tess. , ed on Mrs. EvalYn Peterson, 'Tues- porches on the kltAmen and library It to the service of hls country. Dur- of the American ChelIilca.1 Society ~ruary, 8 Without conaeat 'af the Braddock, Mr. and Mrs, 1Awwfence Mr. Monger received many nice day I\ftemoon. , wlnlfs is of almost as gl,'eat value. ,loon Ward /Was the first man tO ,slgn and of various other sclentlf1c orb~k and With tment to defraud. ()ook, Mr. ~ Mrs. John aOna IUld gifts . among was a b1rtlhday The grilled windows, that were In- land the first 'man in t he Congrc$S- garuzatlons. > Johnson pleaded not trU1lQ' and Mr. and Mrs. RoGco "'UrDu. greet4ng from hla son-ill-law WU- WAL'r_ E. BIGGS sel'ted In ,t be frieze ot the second dOllal DIstrIct to enlist. The paper I am sendHlg you this InIormatlan ,prellmfila,zy eX~lJ'Itn't1on. ' bur ,<Pect) -; Woolard, of .Ft.' BItM, DIES' AT ms DOME story of the ,wingS, open into bed- ,pll5Sed from hand to ha~d and many a~ the request, of hls ' cousin r Mr. ~~:..;.:..,; WOMEN'S SOCIETY HOW TeXaS. . 80~ ~F ""AYN,~SV:lLLE rooms frr~gI.Iently tlseq as names wer~ written em. It. Herbert W~rwick. iwso a ·tonner res• COVERED Dlsa LuNCHIlON , .rooms in the early da.ys. Inc1denJtly One week elaJlSed from the dwte ldent of Waynesvllle. with the .___ B8BEBT B. SHAW BI II e 113 ,dlecI at his I these grDIs or ,.frets were paowed , of the 'Was~n J:Iall meeting un- thought that it would be of Interest Tbe ' Won~h's ' Soo!ety >'of OhrIatlan IN U. S. A. ON mLOUGH Home .south of Wayne~V1lle, ~urs- r!TOUl wood a~d are considered til theVolunteers , commanded by to many of the older re.!iilde:tmnftt.....,tllE!HHl1mthit&I'II'l,(He\tj~It1rHl-ile--'.:::.:.:.2:..:~ &ld8~r. AUC.2'1&t WIlynePark , Service beld ~ir regular meetlns, d~ from results 0;1 an MCldent lamong the .flnest' Ilxamples ot their Captain Rigdon Williams ,i1ep1ll'ted. , ~our commullity. Friday, with)" covered dish lunCbStaU Serieant R.Obelt B, ShBtw tW-¥ch ooclred ten m~n~s ago. , kind, bo~h .1n desllrnLng and execuRIgdon wuliams was the son' o! J. SIncerely, J . .0. Hawke , pre8iue 1'. ' eon which was served at 12: SO, In th~ Is e~ a thlrt'y-day , furlougli . ~e leaves his . 'Wife, MYrta;, and tlon. Milton WilHams buIlder of this f:., T. ,Sherwoocl ' 1I'rI. L. COOK, secretary l'OO:Iil to IhIU'e With his wife" Mrs. RoXie sbatW ' seven Mrs. We.ldon mzer, Thls Is one of few houses in house.. Jr. RADIO TECHNITION F, C. , IlfIrr(l.IQ~miNm~_ @Out nlnty IJIlcsUi, $It the~ home or Mr. and Mra. J. of Leba.non, Mrs. ~l1e Zimmerman Ohio Of this perlrod that- has 'Mt C~RLEs FlUS ON Furu.oUGII. 11 . OP TIm ' Miss Ji.Ua Ptantz, returned m18- Baokett and at the bonte . of his of Centerville, Mrs. J~ O. Hya't, Mrs. Ibeen, ' mutilated ,by .. remodeling or , D~OP! TJIB~ slonary from ct)Ina, who . ~ pa~ta Mr.. an4 Ml'II. Barry R. Maynard Hackn41~i and WUlle and iI\'lodemUzlng, T h Ei general history Mr. and Mrs: Lou1l; FIres ~ve as OF WDKLY ~8P~ on ' the artpshom 'was the IJ)I8IIIIer 'Shaw. "' near <>reronta'. . Sergeant 'Walter, Biggs .. ,of Oregonia. ,R ural and the pulJl1c recllrds alford Infor- , their guest tor the past week their . So many ~le , been interin U; S. A. on Aug. Boute, ., elght· grandclUldl'eD. of great value to the student for the son, RadJo Technician First Class. '.: lProblema .of 0li1na!' ~<? l.n ~. iii- I atter ba~c:ompleted flfty s~rv,ces ~ere he~d, !'l0nday after- anl1 historian, Oharles. Flrell. of Key West, Florlda.. ftlted '· ln Newapape1'8 and often noon ,at, 2.00 p . m .• /It the M.oC;:Jure The lot Contains 3.65 acres and a!!formal -m anner. abe tqld of ber'ttX- ICIoir JJ1ls:I1(1D11, In the EUropean On Thursday evening, Mr. and -whY J!ldltora are always to perJen~e8 In the Internment Serlet.Dt '8bMf: Js ~porarily IFunl!ral Home, with ~v. R. B. q>}e~ fords ample' parking areal!' and opiMrs. Fires a.nd daughter entertained ~ enjoy llfe others do, Is " MusIC vocals and bIa~ stationed In the ata~. man Officiating" b~1jll WIlS' b~ld in 'pol'bunUy .tQ beautl{y 'the ~ with a famUy picnic and their guests w an Editor told ~ draft ~d MSal:nl Cemetery) l '. ' • ' ' the . ' . ,." W'~~d ,the musewn. It Is accessable were Mr. anll 'Mrs. O. H. H8l'blson' , hen ordered to tate uphSa duties as . )w,ere also enjoyed Ullder tile super, ZIMMERMAN J ' from both Orchard Ave. and the and son · and Mr. Harold Taylor. of ~soldler. ~ then stated "The Show 'Vision or' Mrs. Ii: B. mambart and CELBBIU.TB8 FIFl'EENTII children. " , " . '. . ' WBDDJNG ANNIVEB.sABY ~BERT -G. , " ,' , otnclnn\lltJl Pike. ' Dayton, . Mr. and ·Mn;. Raym~ ust G~ Qu".,holds v~ true ~ the 'I1be ~leW adjourned to ,,,., , . '. " r ' ,' ' ",,;.o~ LO~~TT" ' G~ l ~fdB &how t~at ' the house was 6~mps' and so~, of Miamisburg. mr. 80Dl weeklY., paP;er too. ere are ,_ with 'MnI.~ W. O. Wbetselln ' . Mr. and ~. It. & mIl ce~t!bra~ , . .- - . ,'; 'jbuUt betwe,m 1113:, and 18(0 for J. and Mrs. Lesl,1e ~aylor a.lld ' lIOn, of. e of their duties: tler. ' fifteenth wec1dlni aUnlver8&ry Mr. and Mrs. C. ,M. ZflINI¥! ;lMilton ;WOO Williams whUe the Bellbrook, Mr. and Mi's.&roid KIn~edy of cent~llle, with i.he honor"" ''''''~~'''





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lMetoot1ls~ chur~

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a.fte~oon. Her , ~Ject ·,WiI8, 18ha:W'~ved t~e etst¥-


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gU~st. On saoturday " evening, Mrs. 1'iClyelrtUlementa.' rose FIres ' and Miss FloSsie Fires I' 'Wefe ,. supper 'guesbi anil on t;lt1nda.y l,lIUIllAlill; 'I:l&Y ~ fa.mlly ~~r was enjoyed at ' the bOme of Mr~ and Mrs. Harold Ken- IVe:rt1!IeUI.eDtta,


'tHE MIAttlll CAZEnE . ">



Tn-T EN YE RS A O · .'\uglIIIt. .,. 19Z9 ,



r Dress Wif~h ' 'Cl1arln~


J'·IINI .. u ..........


t)Uf'''" lItlIIoI... __,


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I A party was held at he street . Mrs. MaUd Crnne eniert.ained Mr. aud Mrs. Tod!1 Bunc;e uncl homo ol,Mr. u,M Mrs. Wal ter' prel- I ' .AN$W~KD 'IY TH~ Irlends from B eLbel Sunday. dqugb ter, Ruth, at tended a surp e Her. In honor of ' their. dllughter ,.. SecOIld Claa8 Ma.1l Matter at Postofi'1ce. WaynesvUle, Olllo , MI~es Tl'ilIenn and MIl rgnr' t Ed., dinner lor lhe lat~er's mother, MrS. ,"TlUlAnONAL ••• w IWWlCASTI.. - - - - - - - - - - . - . : . . . - - - - : : : --:-:-:-;-.- -::-:::.:-:-::-:---:---- ,wards w re sll ' pLn g- in Dayton., ' Millie Moore, at New AntiOCh, .SUll- .J ahe's' 15th bhthd ny all Tuesday August 15th, those preS(lnt wer.e Walter W. Wiseman, Editor. and Publisher Mrs. Crn<bb llnd (Ill !\ I'lSlt~I' last day. iMIlrgaret Schn~tDlan, Naomi EarnMrs. Ella P h elan B!lrlow, df ne.ymSUED EVERY THURSDAY week. h r broth r, It, J . Ooverston hart Anll Weltz Dloor Lukens, linrQueatJon-l. heaven a real pia co of Mexico Clt;y, Mcxico. loi1, w~s a gues t of Miss Hannah ' . ' ap Il'Itual co ndltlon rlet ,Janenay, Jean Wllson , Barbnra . Dr a mental or SUbeCrlDtion Price. $1.50 Per Year. Payable In Advan.ce . Mrs, Mary McClllre ieft. w day for J ordnn , for severnl days 11lS1i .week . 'DUI\lt~. Ml1U1" to pend a few weelcs MIsS Andromeda Thoin.'son ond Crime, Mary Tinney . Jane received I DnZ:swer-Let the warda of Christ N.tlo".1 Ad".rilslng ,••••t.t;". wlth h 'Is ter nt th at pIMe. Mrs. Mabel Terry, of Dayton. spent maony n1~e gittAeJ, the rcfreslunents answer this Q.uesUon: .. ~t not your MI'/!. Emnll~ 13arnbart and E . V. the latter part of tbe week at Mrs. were ~ce cream cake aud candy, th~ !lean ,be troubl~: 1 e believe!! In NS SB*~.CB. IlfC. girls lett wishing Jane mq,ny· more God believe also in Me. In my T erry 's home h ere. Barnha'J't 01, ClnCin!lAti are bhe dr', J thappy bl1;t,¥ays. Games to horse Father.'a house are many manSions:, gues ts of J , WilsOll and family. Mr, and ~. J ~sse Pennington, ot back rlcUng were the past time or 11 It were not so, I would hllve told Mrs. Walter Brltta!n and rulllWellman, have sold t.llelr pro Cl\ty the event. . yOlL I go to prepare a place for you. dren r etw'ned to their h ome .in Day'a nd moved to RarvclSbw'g, Mr. and Miss Marie Oersnch has "joLned And if ,1 10 and prepare a place for ton TuC5day, af t r 's pendin g four Mrs. Louis Smith nnd chUdren h ave . . to you. I wl1l come aglLin, and receive ... w. AMcIo/pIt - cw..9o I." • • ••• c: •• • HoII.roolBWg., S... F....eioc:o. c.a. fOU unto Myself; that where I am, weeks with jler pnronts, Mr. and purohllSed the hOme and are now the WAO's and wUl leave soon take up ner new duties. there ye kIlay be also," Johl?- H:l-3. MH. William Lipp lncott. locate d In their n ewly acquired proMr. and Mrs. Banner Stewart pur Saviour cnlls It a "place." perty, J. B. Cra bb spent last week attentook supper In Middletown Ol1e eve- r Q.-Doe. not Mark 9:1 mean that ding conference of, Ohio Smith Mr. and MI's. Orland Brannan, of ,n lllg last week, guests of t.belr lome of thOle peopl. arll aUII allvo Hughes teaohel's. Xenia were recent gtiesUi f the daugbter Mrs. Elmer Haines. IOmewhere In thll. world1 FfFTY YEARS AGO TWENTY-FIVE YEARS AGO T erry fa.mlly, Miss F lora Berryhill of Columbus~ I¥r. and Mrs. Vaughn MuJlen and .A.-Flrst, let us rend t;J1e text: August 4, ~894 'Aurud 13, 19~9 is spcndLng a. f ew <tal'S In WnynesMrs, Ella Stumakcr was a viSitor ".And Be enid unto them, Verily I were week end.. guests oI , Mr. Ilnd Ia1' unto you, That thero be some ville. Monday with !'illativesIn Labnnon. Mrs. Bert Bu.nnell. of them that stand here, which shall )41$a Mabel Salisbury is bome Miss Clara LUe h ilS returned to Marlon Oampbell WIlS h ere over Miss KaWlt)-n Gibbons, of near Mr. and Mrs. Morris Rcnls a.!Jd not taste of, till they bn\le lrun Oxford Oollege, SWldllY Irom Sardinia. h el' home after spendin g several >Waynesville was a. caller at the sons were Sunday guests of MI'. a.nd lIeen the kiJlgdom of God corue wi th Mrullon Ridge attended the fun- weeks wlbh her sister .at Wa shingJames McDona.ld home last week. lin. &l.dle Zell ~ spending several Mrs. Jolin Koester. power." Tlle legend of the "Wan· Lee Talmage and Jes&1e OllI'ner derlng Jew" who could never die day, tb1s week with relatlves in are- cral of a relative, Wm. Ro6ellberger, t on, C , H . I. at .COVington, Ky" Tuesday. Mr. and Mrs. W. E. S W'oUd and were Sunday cvening callers ' o! Mr, To patcb wallpaper, llr~ t dampen .temmed from lIuch a view of this aon1a. Miss Maggie Antram of Leoonon, son Harold, wel'c guests of Jake . and Mrs. J. B. Smith, 01 Oregonia.. the ragged portion wlbh a cloth and other texta, It Is all clenred up Kenneth Hole, Of Dayton, Is wa.s the gllC5t of Mr. and Mrs. Ow, j'Mel'edith a.nd family at New Leban'Wrung out ot warm waLer a.nd nllow by reading Luke 9 ~6-3G. 'l'he trnns· apend~ a few days . with W. N. Berry Sa~rday and Sunday. . on, on Sunday, Pink rosell lund bow knots give Stun JUdd 0( OlarksvUle wss 11 the paper to soak for some time, DguratIon was a representation 01 , The little daughter of Mr, u,lld Dr. O. W. Henderson and .Mr . and this dress ",faintly Vl(Jtorian f1~vot. -business visitor in this vlct.nlty Sun- then carefully ~move any ragged Chrlat'. coming in glory. This Is Saara and-lamuy. In spite of ibe Iromantic print, the I proved by ! Peter 1:16-18- read It. Mrs·C. ,G. W1I!1Iamson, or Tacoma, Mrs. Carl Noble a.rrived home design ' Is modelrn in Us cleau-cu' , day. ,porl.1on with a blunt knife, leaving Mosel tygtrJed those who wlll be , NIasee .~e carey an~.Edna .Oor. Th .. d n cklln(J and Washington, was bUrned to death O'n IThursday morning fro m CllllIornl.a. lines. e· r!hrlere e an tnlevcn. but not ragged edge. raised from the dead at ChTtst's Dell are spending 'thelr BWlUJ1er vac- the a..ftcrnoon of July 19. Mr. Wlll- IMr, Nobe-ls health Is very much 1m- skirt, buUllned s1ho ulder 3 nd PIACkcdt Milk cn.n be prevented from boil- ~tch up th e pape; tram a piece of comIng, and E1l;1ah those who wll~ make It a lunar, d ress t 0 sew aD ation With relatives and f,r elnds In lamson 'and family hAve lately ra- ' proved. wear. Every pc:nny SAved by seW- l ing over by tile use of 1100 .outer new, theu tear around th e' edge so be tranala.ted without seeing death, ~trolt. Iaetilgan. . m\>Yed tro'm OlylDPhla to Tacoma. Mr. and Mrs. Emerson Earnhart lng helps boy another walr Bon~, saucepa.n conta1n1ng water. Place II. that it Is jogged, Paste the back of See Jude 9; Romans 6:U : 1 Thes· ... spen t •~wo wee ks a t th e TIlls a slmllllr p attern s aVA • , h h an d ~are! I111 y St1Ck it In salonlans 4:16,17: ~d · 2 Klnga 'ADa. *,tIe Jilarnhart and Alma Dr. Lukens spent Wednesday 111 and cbllu.en able or at your 10111111 store, Back Ute smaller saucepan of wnter, and Poll t e I>utc 1:1. 11. 1J. lng t Clncihnatl. Reservoir. A"aok-Bay More Than Before. , place, the pattern match Q.-I enjoy yo.ur anawera to alble Waterbouee, who are camp a MiSs Minnie Harris is vlslUng in A. F. Melloh has purchased the L. U. s. Trca, ury Dctarltll.n., bo~h together. There Is then .. no , the res'!; of the wal1: Whan dry , this queltlona, and ·'!WI.h you ·would tell eDtelltalned Mrs. Cora Lebanan thJs week. lB. Gordon property at the corner of _ danger of the mllk bolllng over. renovation wtll ,bnrdly ,show. me thla-Ia It pOHlble for a perlon Johns a.nd.R,oy and Erwin EWa, last I. N. Harris, of Dayton, a ne;.l1:1ew North and Fourth s treeUi. arrived here TUE!Sday night for nn _ to alnk eo loW In . ' bad life that Bod cannot 11ft ,,'m out? of VH. Harris Is now the casbler at Mr. an.d /Mrs. Maynard Wel~ are ,extended visIt with Mr. and Mrs. R. ~I week. A.-Don't be 'dIscouraged. There Rev. and lira. ~wallader Iwere the Exchange Bank. . announcing the arrival of a. daugh- H. Hart.sock and othel' relablve.~. fO.l Is hope In God for tile man who Xenia vts1tora, saturday afternoon. !Mr. and Mrs. E. L. Allen , of Din- tel', Ann Elizllbeth, Sunday, August 41 Mr. and M1<s. Garl Hawke Of Dlly.., . . wants It., lust. read Hebrews 7:26: dnnatI, are visitors at the Allen 'M rs, W. P. Salisbury, MIss Hazel Iton. Dr. and ·Mrs . Ral ph Van08 and "Wherefore He Is able :alijo 'to 'sllve Mr. and Mn. W. H. Ma~er, of Bome lood treeKers such ns hcmC5tead bere this week. salisbury, Mrs. Harvey Rye and son, of Pleasant Pialn, s;,Jent Sunday them to the uttermqst that come 8urllngton, Kimaas, spent &l.turday this, as well as walk·in 'boxes W. W. ArmitS,ge, of near Oregonia, daughter were Xenia vlsi~ors; Flri- '1lWtthMr. and Mrs. J .. C. ~o.~ke. seeing He ev~r . unto God by , and IIlde-openlnr units In mueb even1Da 'With Mr. and Mrs.. J. C. met a borrlble death on Monday .by I\day afternoon. Uveth ' to make intercesalon for 'Mi. and Mrs. O . R. Unglesby, and larger sls~ wiU be availa ble aU. them.lIMvke. being burned. MIss Aubry Bumctt or Miami,lFIa. daugbter Miss. Mary ~argnre t are er &he war lor farm families now .Q _Why can't we undllratand expected home t.oday atter a dellght~ uslnr space In retrl&erated lockwerythlng In heaven, and eartll f er plants. ... boom In home freesf Ul vlslt wlbh re!atlvcs at Vicksburg, A.-WeU, 0lil,e answer Is in Deu· en III foreoast once the mer~an­ I MississIppi,. leroDomy 29:29: "The secr:et fblng. dlse of peace' once again ,can be Mrs. Ad.a Cbenowetal, of Centerbelong unto the Lota our God: but made. ' Ma,nufliclurers who had vllle visited severa.1 days tills week tJi08e thlJigll which are revealed convei>ted their fa blllUes ~ war 'belong unto us /Uld to our cblltlre,? wlth ·Ml'S. J. Beme J ones a.nd family . prodacUon 'or the /luration have tor ever, that we may do aU the made plllllJl to be ready to meet Mrs: J . D. 'l\, Mrs. C , M. worda 9f this law.H • &be dcmand for home anits In tbe Robitzer, Mrs. Merle Kerns a nd Q-Do you think· I wlll 'be 10lt If varlo... de.lred Iises. dnughter were cUnner guests of Mrs. I live' . good lifo but do not find It 0 , B. Marlatt 01 Rt. 1, Wednesday oonvenlent to keep all the Com. .. of fast week. -mandmontaf I' A.-Read James 2 :12: "So speak Mr. and Mrs. lElmc\, Sheellan and ,... and so do, as they that abll11be Mrs. Ray Mills attend~ a family judged by the law or ,liberty." And at Napt laneil.;Sunalso James {:17: ·'Therefore to dny going frOID' to NUes, Mich., him that know~th to do gOOd, and and returning he)me today, doeth it qot. to him It Is sin." With Messrs LlOYd lDa vis, W. O. Raper these Icrlpturea before hIm, we lea. . the decis ion lO our quetloner. and G. D. Mitis spen t $a.turday and even Lng at Bethel, Ohio,The occ~ion for their "isH' War "alhln, ' .w as a reception glv~n to th~ State Tbere are two effortless meana of washing e10theli which leatherneck Grand Master and h is oUlc~s of the 'ingenuitY hall conceived In tile Mar· J:. O. O. F. They had a grwnd time. sbah Islands. . Copying the system of IInUora on "Ilnlaturl~ Greenhouses 'lIhlp r-oho ,tie their clothcs to a rope Many vegetables, particularly and throw them overboard, the HANKS to freezer lockers, many t'o the best advantage. . That means marlnel seeu're theirs to big rookl vine crops, tomatoes nnd peppers, farm families cnn now elljoy . keeping 0 Steady st~entn ' of :food 'and leave them In the !!uii until lhrlve only 'in warm weather. Good growth Is usually not mad~ by these treats ot strawbetrll:is and crcll.m , pa ssing through the lock6r. , . the wsve. hove bentel\ the ' dirt .out , ' IMost 'Of us have been doIng that of them. " vegetables until the last week in 'tried chicken, green peas .and SCQres Mayor early lin June. ~se of hot. of olher dellcaclell the year 'round, by the' hlt·or.mlss method whjch Cleverer, perhqplI, lire wit\ caps on warnl-seapon crQPs may instead 'o f just In season, Martha meant that When Dad decided It was pelled washing mllchlnes, with wind· bring harvest c>l the 'c'rops a week Wreath Streeter writes In the Rural time to butcher a. hog; ~other bsd mills luPP.yin, Ule iooomotlQn Rome sectIon of, nationally elrcu- tQ start , molrlng room for It in the which mokes the machine. function. or ·two earlier. lQcker and the family ate Ifrozcn Those- in a burry merely. ,rab their Hot·caps ar(~ mihlature' g1;een· lattid Ca~per's Farmer. ' Aftel' the .w ar, when . food rood for a week. Since a locker pants, wade out In knee-deep · w;~. houses placed over separa te plants or hills of v e l~etabies~ Plant pro· freezers becolne generally avililable will bold only so much, choices have ter, and .,wlll' tl,Ielr ' clo~el over· tectors' ot this sort cost tWo cents or and farm folks have ~ashed in some to be made. U we put in 'too muoh head ond down Into the wateE: until aspa J:(lg~s and ~J8as, ' ljlere won't be - + ....~.:..' dependlrlg on &i~e, and are at thell- War ' Bond. to buy them, room .. ~ for corn and beans. Then, the dirt yejls-r:u,nc:1e.Ii ,; made of t~an sIUlcent, 'water·resistant families , wlll do even more\ freezing Unlike tile States, 'there ' are never '.. Ii .thet'e's · a bumper yegetable too, paper that ' iets the sunlight through to preserve foods gr~.wn in , tllelr' any worrle's abo\Jt .getting ' ?ne's, , • r ':" ' . . , . , ' Photo courtesy Ball Bros. Co. .to wa-rm tne plants.· On Bunny dais gardens and 'orchsrds and f(lttened crop, we may be' tempted to' cllcbe laundry l:iack...J unle' l the , rope so' many 'Quarls in our locker that We in their feedlots, Mrs. streeter be, ~ 'on 1he bome-c&J1llJn8 franlla ' easUy won by those who under· 01 lome foods Is better when they tbe iemperatw'e mslde a bot-cap ... -'. 'breoks in ' nlnn Nn, 1 . won!' be able to make room for the . ~ the ruiblen nature of the enemies-yeasts, moulds, snd bacterln nre canned In fresh boiling ' water. may. be 10 del~rees Or 20 degrees lIeves.'· , meat needed particularly these day. Want' totSeu Ho~ ·Goods' , "Until then, It ahe WrltelS, "we -tbat lIleu Into Jar. of fOod to 'calise spoilage. VsuallY they go into 9. Vegetables usuaUy have bet: , abov~ the temperature outside. ~usf p~n to u~e available sPllce' of Ihortages." Try A liI! tile an the foOO: Decayt:!d spots And crevices or broken places in the ter Hn.vor it a small amount 6f salt .l>'abrlo lSl.o rage U;tn 'of trul~ and ve,etablel serve 01 their favorite foXholes . . Is addeClllt the time of canning, but Textile speCia lists from the U, S. In th I ~ . they keep as well without It. , 8om~es ~e:r ftoat · on ear and rubber before using. True, these . 10. Remember that every minute department of agrlcultul'e recently ' aDd at ~era It~al a ride on a spoon are Inspected before th!!y leave the wasted between tH,e steps 01 prepnr- finIshed a ,tour·yeat study of the ef. , I . . dlrb ~ cloth. A .mall bat- factory bilt many things can happen ing, packing, and processing Is a fects of different kinds 01 storage on • ~OD . II 'eaaler .to de. troy than a to th'em before (and after) they minute In whlcb ba,cterin Krow different fabrlcIs , Cotton Bnd wool ,}Up 'ooe, so the 6rat thlnl to con· reach the bome kitchen, ' stronger. ' This Is particularly true kept lit an. attic "temperature of about OR TII1N 3. Remember that people who of 'the bacteria which cause ·f1at. 102 degrees were, weake!;, at the end IIiIdet II ~w to keep a }ar of food ., 1JSE ,,~. ~~ occupl.ed. by a,buge army make things know more about them sour. Fla~.soured food 'may look : of the test' and both white cotion ahd linen· had turned .yellow, Indi. white ' "~ illae C1~tab~, 'm~croseoplc or· than anybody. else; so use jars, good but tastes bad and often smells !'D.' .I. caps, lids, Bnd rubbers by Ute manu· that way. Flat-sour can Bnd does catlng. s ch~ll ~al . change. Linen d , fruIts facturer's Instructions. , ~ f ioU eal1h, begin before proceslling if the vege- did not suffer as: much damage from . (For ' Danclndt) .. . ..... "",etablel which are .tale, or - 4. Unle.s s vegetables grow In your. tables lire stille or over.ripe, or left attic heat 8a coUon ilnd wool cUd, but It was llightl, weaker. Fabrlci. .,oum·uu a Motiey-B~k' i1.JlLran·teA,. ~; or tmliJed" or broken, or own garden or can be bought from a standing two or three hours In • • ,~, or .decay~, larve as bead· grocer who will gather them early hot kitchen. or It the food Is not stored .1n the dar k Buttered lell than on Sale At , ~ ~ 1e-..u and moulds and In the mor~lng of the etay they are cleaned, prepared, and packed right ' those atored In the " light, which IWr:A;YNEfWD DRUG S'Ilm.E:. makeS' fabric. break down cbenucal-~., '!'bat II why ~ound, strlcUy . to be 'canned, forget about canning 11. When possiQle, use a .team 1)' and become w~~er. ~ boD!.e-Jl'QWn produce must be them. Vegetables 'that hllve had a press!p'e cooker tor ptocessh~g alf ebqMD' ·for ,c:~.. 'night out of the garden are not 1n vegetable. except ·tomatoes, and Bact.eni, the hllrdest·to·kJll of the Ilt condition for canning. even' use it for tomatoes it you ,llke,' , ,~ 1I'OiaPo' mUltlp}f rapidly in ,· S. Don't expect good results ' un· But the use of a pressure cooker I ".~~ lUolj II. corn, pea., Uma, less the vegetables are right for can- will not guarantee"· success unless it ~; ~:.,~ll~ut b~ap~. and are ninl, . .. " Is In good condition a'nd operated liard , to k1l1. C!Ilce tbey are estnb6. Every. vegetable should be accordlng to, the tnanulactur'e r!-I' iJl• . . ~. ' becla~ tpe veget"bles eon- washed 5lean before Its skin Is bra: struetiQns. , ~ bo patural 'c1d to help make It ken. Wiishlng away partlcl~s of dust 12. .U you have no pressure cook. : . ~ater'.tor be.' to destroy the bac· and soil also washes away pacterJa. er, process vegetabJes by boUblg In . ....... yeasts, lind moulds. 'Green beanl a water-bath canner. Yes/ the vege"', ". ~ Itbnbl'O)1fb, Home Service and okra require spec~al ' a~tention tables wUl keep It all rules are kept. Ol. . . . . .. . . , '.fo~; - ~tqr ~ Ban Brothers Compa- because the short ·thlck nap (Jr fuzz· and they .will be sate to eat If the,. ··· ...... fI~-...tI~ .....' ' ." ...... ·11 rule. wblch,' 11 foUowed on them hol~. dust, ,1'he blossom ,are boiled fo r fifteen minutes before .....-: ~ II;e ..,. ......... .... JD ~ cJetap; wlU lIl8~e victory ,end qf okra may bold both dust and they are ta~ted. . ., \ p~"J~."ttit........ !I' . . ~ . CIU1Del' a1J aloo, the ,iI}secls. . . 13. Never ·tast~ ellnned veget!!. . . . . . . , ............... c.. .. " '. - . , 'ttl., ale: " ." ' . 7. AU non,acld :veg~table. sbould bles': 'regatdless of how processed, ..... 'h rIII........, '. .p. a.. d • I d .. fats plaito for bome~an- , be precooked and paclJed hot for until they have beep boiled Mteen . . ~ AI JItPW........."'Y' ~. AU · bOln~a~ng processinr. I, " • minutes. Thllre II one ~pe' of bac............... l!IIo..lU1ID .. ..... ' • ume mqlded In the. 8. Vegetables mould be Plll:keilln terium tI1st may get Into the Jor anll , ~ '., . _fib aallUli or 1et1er. ·oil jar~ loosely ~ugb tt?, P,ermlt the cause spoilage wilieh il odorleli , ,~!::~ .re bdendecJ .a OIlo- llquld to circulate between the tasteless, and dangeroul. The ~ BOLD BY LUDING :II ,. , p1ee~.Food values are ¥,ber when cauled . by these bacterla--la d... '" " ...... JhTD a. ve,elablea ate canned with th1! wa· oyed by Ute ftlteen minutes boD. .DBAtD8 IN ~01JB MId clowa Ihlp. tet1D whlcb they ' were' precooked, In,. The boiling doesn't l,leC!ellarlb' ~ 1;=~;""'~tbII. tbetr provided tbe water Is net waafed deltrof the- bacteria. that oause the II __ the foocIla used, but tile &tvo". toxin; 10 leU·over canned ••ge\8bl.. aDd poaJb17 the lI:eeplDa ~I IIIOUld be ribOUid beforoe tetvbi8.

WaynesvUle, Ohio

M~ ln

-Save W'ithBollds



From 'fhe Mia'mi Gazette Files







__ ---: : -____ --' _ -:-_________ """'=-____"I Eurr "Postw , ar. Need Food Freezers






. 'Of ,,,ID'QUALln'..



'I., ••

..... ........

.. ::


............. t" ' •••




THE MIA~i Gii£ ,


~~,W'EKLY ,

GAS: NEWS ANAL~SIS"'-"-'---" ' Consider BOQsti

Allies'. Forming "Huge ' Pincer to Squeeze Nazi Armies in France; Permit' 'Essenti(l.l :Goods ' Output )lel~na4"1




Newl11nper Unlon;


"j ill., ... "'... .,


France-u. S. illEalltr,meD draw beadl Oil Nasi IDlpera durill, ab'eet &,hUIlIf for Brittall)' port of St.. Malo.

CIVILIAN GOODS: Permit Production


New Frone





ME'l'UODlST ellUReIl It. B. Colema.n.

Ctlurcll school a ' 9:30 ,a. m. Mrs. Conner, sup~11J,ntendent. Morning Bernces-l030 Yout.h Felowsl,llp Tuesday even· ng at~ . ,'~ Cll0ir practice 1'hursdAy 8:00"'p,m,

Good Tools

Men used to h.arvcst wheat with a thing called a cradle. A cradle Is a museum 'piece now, most able-hod· led farmers never saw one. n Is a scythe (blade like Fatho,. Tim,s car· rles) with a wooden frame attached to catch the straws al they fall, 60 the workman can lilY them straight lor bundling, Even I can remember seeing farmers cradle patchea too small tor maneuvering a reaper. Swinging a cradle Is hard work, There Is almost none of It done these dIl1$· 13\1t tarmers \Sldn'\ Quit \Ism, the device . tor thllt reason. They still ftnd plenty at hard work to do. The cradle was cast aside because It Will inefficient, extravagant. It used to take the profit out ot a wheat crop to pay enough men $1 a day to hal" vest It. But Mr. McCormick's reaper WAR COSTS: ohllnled .11 thllt. Meohanl,ed FarmlnrWldbh: Pavement 22 fIlet. 277 Million Daily Length: 2,303.8'1 fee t or 0,436 mUe. Some people complained for a Uncle Sam Is spend1ng $2'1'1.000,000 Contract to be completed not while ahout farm machinery putting men out of work hut ~at's not what dally In the prl?5ecuUon at the war, later than June 30, 1945. ,or 8 per cent more than a year ago, United States Employment ~r- happened. No ml1\:hit1~ oan do a when expenditures totaled $25'1.. 1 B tach , u map', WQl'k. ""ollme. 'IlTVe men. 000,000. , vIce, , WI' ter A, II ell. wanalltr , • helP them earn more by helping During the drst 36 daYB oJ the ' 143-47 , North Tl1lr1.i Strllet._ Hamil· Ulem do II bigger daY'1 work. Tofiscal year 1945, which got under· I,ton, Ohio. WUI furnlah t;he auool.'88- day one farmer with good tools proway In July, war spending approxl. ']' ful bidder Il;n employment ll.!lt from ducell all much lis 30 farmers dJd mated '$10,000,000.000, roughly $1,. ,whlch all qualified unsltUled labor 100 years ago. In those days two· OOO,O!JO,OOO more than at the same I. looa.1l a.vallBible shall be se- thirds of Amerlco'll laborers worked time last year. as .... y, OIl farms; now only 18%. al'\4 \.ll~$e On 'August '11, ' the public debt lected for this project. can overpro!l\.lcQ. lItood at $210,640,000,000, an increase The attentlqn ot bIdders is !llrec· Mllcblner1, American inventive· of $63.558,000.000 shice the lame ted to the apec1al provlEllons cover- nes., belps working p~ople. There date last year. Ing subletting or asalgnlng the con- I. no bocul.pocu. about It. No tract t he use of domestic materials. 'Lralght-thinklng person needs any , , hlgh·brow economist to belp him selection of labor, hours or employ· read thele three slgn·poste: (1) ~n Coaxed Out ment a.nd condItions of employment. the long run, people get paid for TAe rnJnlmum wage tol be paid to what they produ~e. (2) With good all labor employed on thls contract toole, which call for Investment, they shall btl W accOfdllJlcE~ with the CliP produclt more, (3) Invelitments ..~ oAhed~1e 0 f Pr-~"In 1:1 u 1 1IHlue in ma~ery raise the workers' ..y.... g 0, r y~.." wagea,






Ralph 'parkll, ,iW;;i;&er in Cba,..e Sunsbine angel cake, pictured Ohurch SChool at 9 :0i5 a. m. above, III an appetlte·t~mptlng desMorning service and &ormon 10:90 sert ~at aPlIcaSes. the family', a. m. sweet too&h. Selected trom hundreds of reCipes I-'f:nnv CIII ' IU':11 OF CUKI8T from Country Cooking , readers of Ilerbert Graham. Mlnllter Capper's Former, by Marjorie Grlf· ftn, home editor, It is ensy on sugar 9:30 R . m" Bible school. ration points, 10.45 a, m.-<:ommunlon. While nailer l'ellow natter 11 :00, a. m.-8ermon. I c. cllke Dour 6 egg )'olk. 8:00 p, m.- Preachlng. t ~ C. augar • up, sa lt 8 en while. !~ Up, b :l klnr ~ up, nIL IlOw de r FRIENDb ~ tip. creltm % o. cake Hour First Day school, 9:30 a. m. tarun '" o. hot waler Meeting for Worship, 1,):30 a. m. 1 tip, vnnllll\ 1 lip lemon JuJee


SItt /lou,r with Yl c. at the sugar ST. AUGUSTINE CHUB(JH Beat egg whites and salt Fatbu ~rumb.lta. PrIes, until foamy, Add cream ot tartar M8S$ Swulay 9:00 a. m. and bent until stiff, Fold In remain· Ing sugar gradually, then ftQ\lr-eugar WAYNESVILLE CHVB~D ' OF mixture In 3 parts . . nlvlde botter In CBBIST' 2 pllrts. Beat egg yolks until thick. Add sifted dry Ingredients alternate· Mall Randall. Mtnllter I)' With very hot water, Slir in lem· 00 Juice. Fold thl, yellow batter Bible Bc.hool 1.30 a. m, into halt of the white. Pour the two ComniunJon ~0 : 45 a. IlL batter. alternately Inlo on ungrensed Preaching, 11 a. IlL tube pan. Bake In a moderate oven Young People's meetl.,'lC 7:00. (325°) for 1 hour. fNenlng servtce at 8:00. No frosting Is needed for this ~ou are inY1tec1 to come and worcoke. the Capper's Farmer expert points out, If Ute home·m aker uses Ihlp with ua. level me!lsu.rements, the methods outlined above and the tempera· , MT. 1I00.LV M. B. CnURC" ture suggested, she can make a 't\ M. Searff, Minister oake that looks just os preUy an Sunday School 11 :80 a. m. l!l. A \.nstes just as good as thc original Earnhart. Supt. pictured al!love. J!ivenlng 8ervtcc, '1 :30 p. IlL

3 Urnes.

",, '

, la.araaee


H'. M~ ~OYNE."

:;" .,'t50;.

.. ,qple "were am~~ ,th~~ , caned. , I


l;tardm~t. •• '.


Driver.' VIII.. 'A series of .tudles on the retation of seeing dIstance. to car lpeeda which were made at Iowa Stow college led A. R. Lauer, profeBsor of paycboloO, to con. clude that unrestricted, driver -11· eenles shpuld be given ohlJ to thole having at least 20-40 VIIIOlI In both eyes, or 20-30 vision In one ' eye. When vision reaehe. 20-80 or »100 it may be belt to 'UlJlit the applicant to daylight driving or to, apeeda below SO mUes an hour. For eye. wtth visual acuity of lell than 20.100. be recommends top speed. of under z5 mile. aD hour, .aylng that IUcb recommended speeds will leem quite low, but they ato ea,lauJated In accordance with th,e MOwn facta ot seeing ' and stopping dlata.nce•. They actually represenl the lafe speeds for the cla88es of driven C011C rned

, Sunlight Aids 8eedtnc The reason abort-season vegeta· bles seldbm go to seed In the fall is believed to be related to the lun· light. mstead 01 lengthening daYI and warmer weather as the crop matures, the days grow .horter and cooler. Either Ole temperatUre or the duration at daylight glv~. the signal to go to· seed II) the swm· mer time and In the tall this signal II not received. So head lettuce goe. OIl heading and Chinese cabbAge makes ):>Ig, cyllnd~lcal beads of i!!n. , ROOT POR AND CON8I0,,', der criapness. and we enjOY the fin· est lalad of the year untU klWng 'yOur CattJe, bop. peep aDd ~ to N....·Broot Co., liVe wtre aDIIt ' frOlts arrive. p~ve firm for tile IdlMat

;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;~;;:;;;;~ f, AUCTIONEERI'NG-




Pasaen,er Tralllo The volume at passenger trMa· portatlon In ,the ,United Stotes has shown a ,sharll al\fl continuous ex· panslon since the beginning of the war,. Excludlng local transit and private automobile transportation, the volume in 1943, all measured In terms at operating revenues, was 51.S per cent larger than In 1942 and 253.4 per cent larger than In the prewar year at 1938, Lost year. the raUroads handled 71.0 per cent of the tqtal, motor bUBel '2,5:5 per cent and airplanes 3.5 per cent, U the continues, passenger portaHon' may show 0 further gain In 1944 but the prospect Is that IIny further expansion will be at a can· slderably lower rllte than it waa in 1943.



~eadny ' ~~~~~~~ U_Churche~~,_~

IV GEOItGE S. BENSON 1'1'U1'diltf;/{lIdill, t'olleie

With U, S. and French troops With objections of the military storming inland in southern France, chieftains overcome. the War Prothe Allies were developing a huge 'duction board permitted the output pincer 1p that embattled 'coun!ry to at hundreda of Items or civilian &roods by manufacturera with sursqueele In the Germans. Even 08 the new Allied Invasion plus facllitle. and labor 81 the armada swept ashore between Tou· fourth Itep In lis program of Ion and Nice, U. S. and British gradual reconver.lon. Previoul' troops cleared the Germans from steps Included u.e or such former ' the northeast corner of France, crittl:al , materl~1 all magnesium; with doughboys advancing wltfiln 40 construction of postwar 'working models, and permlsalon to order mile I of Paris. ma,chIne tools. Allhou,h not conducted on , Under the late.t step, manufac· the scale of Doday operatloal, the Invallon of southerD France turers In yosltton to resume civilian production will obtain priority rat.. wall ': .glrantlo undertakinl', Rates Ascertained and Determllled ings tor matetla~ 11 thc!,r Ntn out with DO Ie s &han 800 wal'8bJPI Men VI. Machines from the U. S., British and . luch ,"enUal 'goodl as vacuum by The Department of' Indllstr.'a.l • It'. a fact that employers who Canadian navllilS supporlb!c the cleaners, electric rangel. heating ; Relations appllcahle 't o state Hlgh- Work men on purely mec~anlcal jobs landini'll. AI U, S. doa,bbo". Iloves, • paU. and bucketa. Insecti· De artment Improvements in are olways faced willi a Ulree·cor. :lWay anil Frenoh pol,lOII IpWed onto clde' spray guns, electric fiat Irani, nerO!! problem-men. money and ~rdance with Sectlims 11-3, the beachel, paratroopers UI4 storage tiatterle., farm machinery machinery. They can hIre 0 man's 1'1-41\, 17·5 and 1'1-5e. of the Oener· body for wage. or buy a machine I'llder • borne troop'1 were except tracilirs, tire Jackl. gau"el dropped far Inland to paralpe and pUmps, alarm clock" copper 0.1 Code o! Ohlo." thot will do the same work without animal' trap. and cagel, and water ' eDem), defenles and comDulD" The bidder must subnlit with bI.s g~tting Ured. U Inter~st and' de, Itorage tanks tOr agricullul'al uses. , ~atlon!l In the rear. .,Id a certltled check in the amount preclaUon 10r the maclline II less ': Despl&e &lte WPB order. bow. per year than the p1a~'B wages. the First lpo~adlc. enemy resl~tance of $4,000.00; , employer 18 likely to buy the mao grllduaUy stiffened as the Nazis evu, Proaactiop Cur Denald !Plans and speclficatll)ns are on chine. overcaMe the shock of the attack Ne..... warned: "For &lte lime 1.n the deparf/tnent tOf hlg>ljWaya ond shifted troops and llrtillery Into Being relllaced by a machine may belnf; " II Dot andolpated that and the office of the resident dis- .t.inI lome saUslled laborer's pride the endangered zones. 'Because the 8111 larce Inoreaae. In produepu\ be 18 loon benellted by learning 'terrain hi this sector Is rugged and tiOD •• , will be poulble." trict deputy director. mountainous, the enemy was ex. The directOr r eserves the right to to monage cold steel rather thM pected to base his deleuse on nat- DROUTH:' compete with it. ' ThIll 'I" \lle very reJec,t any and all bids. . Ont lesson, the A·BoC at American ural obstacles. H R ' N d d Although suffering a major defeat eavy a&1I3 ee e Arler ihlnllnl It over, this Jap. ll. G, SOQIRS. pro,perily ~uUt on intelligent work; In northeastern France. Notl Gen· With the prolongation of the Ineae eoldier emerlled from hldin!! ,State Hlgb~ray Director. vplume prodUction, low In cost and eral von Kluge succeeded In pullloj drouth aod hot, bumin, weathe~, ' In dUlollt on Tlnlen Island In Palliae Nowbere else on earth can .. wilhout oll'erlnl lulddal , reelal.nte, the man who awlngs a sledge enjoy tho' biggest bulk of hi. forcel out of he,vy rainfall wal needed through· etiD holdlnll cilarelle wh~eb ,u. S. , PYBLIC SAJ..E' ttle hugo trap tlle AlUes had formed', out wide 'a real ealt of the Mlssl.. marine. uaed in eoaxlns him out. Having declded to d1scontlnue hlI own automobUe and bathtub. yUh the British and Canadian. Ilppi sb;'etchlng clear tO 'the At1a~Uc ' What Volume ' Doe. '-bearing lIouthward from below Caen ocean. ' to lave corn, loybean and farming. I will ae11 at Plllbllc auction Wages' 'for men are figured by the on !Wha.t j.s kno;ND as <tIl;e Bill Taylor hOUf; depreciation on machines by and the Americana ' pressing east. garden acrea,. and nourlab, Rared ,WHEAT: ward tram Mortaln and northward p~turage. . ' .;, , 1945 Acreage place located 4~ 'mUes ,6Oqthea&t of the year. The result Is interesting: from I.e Mans. While are.. we.t of the Mls,l.. ' ' Waynesv111e, 4% ,roUes Southwes,t of U two men work elgbt hours apiece ' To provide funy for eltlmated Even though von Kl uge d Id ' extrl • Ilppl river and in the 'south beneBarve--urg and two mlles North. and keep one machine running 16 t .k ca.e .... e b"lk '"' a t hi 8 forces , Allied fited from a d equate ra inf a 11. need-.. at normal yields, the War _ft'" of..-Or..a!nnla on the O'Neal road huurs a day, the owner thus double. armor took a big toll of his drOuth.stricken Illlnol.. Indiana FOod administration established a .....,. "Ow " his cost. So the owner's margin per desperate reargU!1rd unlll, ' while , and Ohio reportedly suffered a lOll goal of 88,500.000 acres iii wheat for on unlt 01 sale 18 wider and he can U. S. aM Bl'lUsh airmen whose of 83.000.000 blUl)ell of com. with, !~, 1,900,~ more than wal 8A~AY, SEPT. 2, 1944, lower his price without cutting the roaring ab'cralt dominated e Ohio one of the hardest ,hit I~te" planted ~s year a~d 13,500.000 beglnnlna at 1 o'clock 'I,romptly, the quality. Result: Wages up, prices skies. ~bot up the long columns in 'with .yleld.' of the grain supposedly more t;han In 1943. f~uOwinc ' Chattels: downl Workmen's wages go up with pro· r.etreot. ,0iT 50 per , cent and the pota~ oroii' Because o~ the Improved whea~ s..-HEAD OF HOIit8Es--3 ductlon but that same volume II . almost. total 10... Beca\!se'" wUt.o ' .supply slluatlon this year an~ an , SlOwed Ing pasturale, farmers , were com. estiml\ted record crop of 1.132,(0),. ,'ane black mare, ~ 'y,ears old. wt. what lowers the cost 'ot everythlng AI the RUISIan advance rolled Into palled to dip Into their dwlndlln, 000 busheis out of 1944 harvelts, 1700. sound; 1 dark 'fll)&tl horae, 5 the workman needs to make hi' East Pruula and pointed closer to teed reserve. to .upply IIve.tock. .WF,. advised larm~rl that. any ye&...· old, sound. well broke, gOod home al comfortable (his life. 01 central Pc!rmany Itself, Nazi resist- · In New York. only a .halt An Incb planting over the este,bllabed ,0011 worker, wt. 1500 1bs.; 1 black ,colt, abundant) as that of his employer or anybody elae. But volume pro· , oomlni 2 ,years old. . once ItiITened. wIth the Redl punch· of ,ainfaU in July retarded growth woUld be undellrable. duction requires Invelltment in good ,lng hard for shorter gains. " , . and razed pa.turale, and ~ M.ssa, Even lt yleldl 'were below norrr,al. ~ ~ CATTLE To the . north. 200,000 Germal} cbusetts, the .gricultural commll' WFA laid, ~e goal acreage sboul4 tools and trainlng for men ' ~ uie troops In, Estonia and cut of! .loner declared that an Incb ot rain provide f!>r safe aUPllUea In view 01 one Jel'/iey, and Guernsey QQ-, them. When Investments are un· from NazJ torces in East ,-Fru.lilli. ' winild tie worth $1,000,000 to tl!. the adequat.e re(lervea. gOOd mllker, heavy springer; '2 Jer· safe In America we may well start fought bitterly to word off Ruulan ata'te i . , formers. ' , and ' Guernsey cows, carrying rehearslDg with grandpa', cradle. ' attempts to outtlan~ ~em and com· ,"-'-- < • e&lvea; 3 B[oletein and ATHLETES FOO~ GERM pel their surrender or ', p~b them PACIFIC: calves, 6 morlths old; one into the Baltic ,sea." " '" : How To Kill n helfer, clO1t!, sprlnger; 1 Iii the hard fighting ' atound .East Good lYt,ews PrullUi, the Russ were pressing OIl WltJi 'U, S. air, naval ond ground and Poie bull, 2 yean' old. The genn grows deeply. To k1lJ. It, the province frontally tram the east, foreea beating down Japan's str.· you mU8t reach it. oAt any drug store, 'and on the IIank from the louthea.ul tegic outer defenae WBion. 1 Superior lWheat IYltem, Adm. Chea· With the Russian" '15 miJea away ter W. Nimitz had from central' Germany to the lOUth, the Nazis threw in strong tank anc;! l ' ,oad word for liifantry counter.attackl In 'a n atthOR 'wondering tempt to atop, the Red Iteam·roUer.. ' about the formlda· *,,' , .' bruly of the enemy hi the' PacifiC. 'f " , , ' .SaldAdmlrol ' Drain Manpower ItZ: '1 am noCW1'e With .German propagandlsta C~· ' or ' convinced " that lng fOl" 'tbtee 'more months time: to iD9 . .10n (of the build up their sagging armlel~ . Japane.ehoinelan'd) Relchs·Moblllzer Paul GOCbbel1 pro. '.. will be necell817 to ceeded to ~ralt1 the , l8lt drop , of lnaure a wiDJilna peace,!" avallllble " manpower , and bolster , . ' I , clvWlln economy by extonllve u'le o! To '~. que,Uon o!~ whether ,air PROTECT YOUR RIGHT women , Industry. ' . bp,ptb8idDient ' &Jone iDlght. b~1 ," .I. " , L " U bl ' S--..JapaD to het Imeel, Admlral Nimitz TO DRIVE WITH'. ' ac~ordl;PC to re a . " -:r- ' : ll~: Hit b,rInJ: leem. pOulble. , I' 'r epods, about ~ Nul dlvllllODl. .l'eP . o! ' thel' lreat ,'dlltanC" m. or" r;u~l,iI7 ,1.200,~, 'm,eD, !'1~ ;deUvu th~ lam~' ' , Clo~plete tra,ltlin, and ~ rellQ7 .', 'Oii J "~ ia "bill b~n de~or actlOD bj· the end of 00.... ,, ~ag~, a~ ,) d-' Gernlail aJlt1c1e4 ~ ' numeroU8 . " ber~' .~IiI.e! ADO~er :ao dl~lllo,nli" llvel~;;~ c:!~o: E::'~~/ /0 \, t o",,JUDtlOo. '.(.' ,. , , 'mea ,from ~ ~~'. ' ~~ ana " ,' " ., " YOU'RE:. NO , ~-CEP· . \ draft .,.11 ' Dot , 'be' available " c' " " do not tieUeye aD1 ~le IOn1t nON I Calamity doe.'t . ' \ ,f.erore 11N1.,; ,' ' , 'pt' , l!,Bbk ~ defeat Jopa~ It w1I1 In ' mbblllZing every II;vaDable " to ~, . ·comblnation oi evetT pick fa.ori~"1 MiafortuDe ..,......JA... ma~ technlchl ,workers, reUwayaD!l .w.ea~ea b1~~~, alr.:f~trd. lIa.ia't linlled you ·o ut ~.. . ~ ~Uti ,~Ploye'es: , ·m9V1~ · plctUt-e ~ent;' poU1bJe;;'IK~ce • J;) m·



1(J()f{JNfI family's Sweet Tooth- ii!

STATE OF- 01110 DEPABTMENT OF HI4Il:HWAYS ' Because Q~ the "wln~g battle , Collllllbul. -Oblo, Aups' 19, 1944 against the black ' market." f;..P!" of· eer of SalOl tq;•• Copy , No. "-2'77 6elal8 reportedly consldc: red ~oost UNIT PRJOE CONTJRjACT in "B" card gasoline ratlonll to ,825 mlies monthly from the 4'10 now prevllillng In the Middle West an~ the F.A,S. G·B (1) 325 and 400 'ollowed on the' Atlantic Sealed propci6a.t.S wlll' be received and Paclftc coast areas, at the oMlce of the state Highway i~ considering the ' boost. OP~. o!: iDirector of OhiO, at; , Coumbus, ' ficl~ls recognized that many B Ohl until 10:00 A. M" Ohio Stand. card holders were salesmen or oth;~, , , er people ' who ~epended upon the ord TIme, Tuesday, September 12. automobUe for their livelihood; alld 19«, for Improvements In: ' present rations were lnsufficlent t~' WlU'l'en COunty, Ohio, on part of allow \llem an adequate range 01 Sectlon C 01 the Hamilton-Lebanon coverage. Because a large part of Road State Highway No. 165, State black market withdrawal. have ' come from "B" card bold'e rs. OPA lRoute No. 63, in TUrtle Creek laid, an Increase In their oUotment Township, by sradlng, constructlng would further decrease Athe Wegal drainage structures, P1IiV'iIli with lale.. bituminous surface trelltment on Because cuts In pleasure drlvlna 'Waterbo\l:ijd macadam base , and are not considered hardsHips. and constructing a oontlnuoliS concrete rallons tor war workers and others . ore Iuffi,clent, there would be no sl8lb brl~e with concretl~ substruc. lncrease In "A" or "C" ration. ' wre (Spans:) 1lWo at 20,5;r,e et; iFOOad'Way 38 feet) , Bl1dge No. WA-6a.OO OPA omcials said. over Millers Creek.



IED1TOR'S NOTt:: , Wb_n op'nlo .... r ... "" ...... Ja til .....' •• W..ler. Ne .... paper Unlo.·. "e... 8"al,..&11 ~~. Dei, ,,~ . . . . . rll, e ••"'••••• I".per.)


an. acep~i9lil Be'wiSe and pw:otect y~lf witll inaurance 10 ' that DO _ •••_,'11 ' what , "appe...~ f . .ily " anel ~out, Ilpl:optll~, wIll " 'fully., pi~.. tectetL'


~ pdcea ~ tOOd UaIon 'S,"k yardi.. CIDGI~U, o. , 'I!tme' in an R8d1o BtA\Ucmt' WlBY,' Stanley and Koogler For Dates, Phone 2891, Waynea- '~~:25 . to. 12:30 ,p" m'. ,for qur dally

vWe, Ohio. Reverse Charges

mar et rep<?,rta:-'





ARMITAGE &', SON Phone Wa..vneav1lle' 2911 Morrow Phone N:o, 3 Lebanon: Office P~one 473 K Re.sldence 98 M

QUICK SE RYleE For Dead Slock HORSES, COWS,.' HOGS, CALVES. SHEEP, . . ',:. EtC•• Removed Pl'Oglp, ~ ,


. XEN'IA . .




______~~__~~~~--------~----------------~~----~4--------------------------------------~~--~-----~.----------~~--a---~------~--~--------------~----~ - '..-.r_._,'_M __ Shipbuilders Greateat LYTLE

""e. \\ .. "cor Ilf'l1rll'k.


t · orr".&lO.~.".

Mr. nnci Mrs.,,1. w Mealy and Mt. and Mrs. R. M W 1l r of, N'6\v Ill'. lisle, 01110 Mtended Lllil {.i \.q ' at the MelliodlsL Ohur h 5u.~day moCll1n~ I\nd visi ted ILh.R v. R. ·B . Coleman an4 famlly.' '.


~ , -, -

Sunday .At The Xenia 11leater

Consumers of Steel


The shipbuilding indl!.s try can· The Ly~le"""SU1'iday School \\iLl! ATTEND tlnued in 1943 to boltl rank as , the hold their annual plcll.ic dinner 'at notion's leadiM: wartime ' con$umer Harmon ;parR, LabanOll. next Sun-' stecl. , ' . ~ lt\lt~LU,;uiUc d'ay August 27th. Almost 11,509,000 lons ot steel . Everyone Is ,invited. producls were reported as sblpped !Mrs. Gordon T . Camj:be.ll, SOil and Q11111rr~ ' QJ)f during 111'13 from steel pJants to the de.ughter. left· Thursday tor their • • yards of Ilh v 1 and merchunt shiphome in Los Angeles, Oalif. after Leon Ohauey, or Det. olt, Mlci\,igan builders. being 8.\ltertalned severa·1 weeks at la VIsiti ng at ~he "home of Mr. and SERVICES SUNDAY ~hat tonnage rep'r esented 19.3 '-A(,1GUST 2'7, 19401 the home of Mrs. Campbel 's brother Mrs. George M11le r. MI'. Ch a.:ley Is 1\ per .cent of toto l steel shipments of 1 59.760,000 tons ot seml·flnJshed and T. Envlng ~tlIDlI1, wife 80M chllcl- 'bl'oth ~r of Mrs.- MUler: finished steel products which were BlkL SCHOOL r n on route '13, near Lytle. • • oblained trom the 89,000,000 tons 01 .MIss. GlorIa Allman ,of Dayt.oll Is Mrs. Harvey Burnet and grands:~o A. M. "raw s loe 1" or Ing ots produced In 1943: The tonna ge ot fin lsilut.! prod· daughter MIss Frances ' Wll1ta"ker. the house guest of Mr. a nd Mrs. A. ..... ucts shipped to shipbuilders last l\.ttended nn all d~y meetJng and H. Stubbs and family . M: r.NI 'C SERVICE year was substanllally above the l-icnic dinner ,at the Fa.1'Iner·s Clu~ 'total of 0.440.000 tOilS ot sleel dellv· W.).'. and Mrs. Ed GuI;udy and chilIl:uo A. 1'1. of Warren Ooun.ty at the Gym at el'ed to that Industry In 1042. drcn, of Winchl's te l', Ken tucky )X.:J t. ERJ\ION TOPIC Waynasvllie Thursday. Conlrllsted with the increased I a few duys a t the h ome of Mr. and shipments to shipbullders last year r "TJffi COJ\Il\1:O N EltROa OF A number at ladles of the WORed !, ~t\l n is sh, o wn in a comical scene {rom "Barhing Beauty." Mrs. Harold OSbofl.!. was 8 slight decUne in the lotnl ton· m e,n 's Society of Lytle enjoyed the Esther . a(j~,"$ and Harry J3mes .ali X~yier C\!i~ ~ t!!sir ~ mT~lANlT'J'" • nllge going for SLlCIJ other war uses • meeting and dinner ot Ute Wa.ynesMr. and Mrs. Orville Gmy and .... as ordnance. projectiles and tanks ville Women's Society at Ute Metho- Sonny MUleI' were among U1C guestS - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -- - - - - - - . and for export to allied and (riendly EVENING SERviCE dist Church there Thursday. nations; The decline resulled chleOy a t Lhe home of Mr, and Mrs. SLanley 8:00 O'clock Few Pectin Sou ccs Are from reductions In the lend·leuse Mr. and Mrs. Ollver Johnston and Gl ay, at WeJJman 011 SundllY, when Storm B'~Rt ~cQ11ure SE ItJ\ION TOPIC Tile storm boat Is 8 strikIng Avai ab.e for D velo ment steel export progrllm. Ia'm lly enter t.n.lned a nwnber of Mr. and Mrs. Gray ~ tertaill e d a wea pon used 't9 th row a spearhead "'filE DISCOURSE ON l\'1ARS' Althou gh pt'ctin Is wirle ly dl~tl1e1 r friends from Dayton, Lu a ]t\l'ge g r~ of fr! endll and relat.! as ~o!ne U. S. Fighting Men lOLL." welnner r oast at their colmtry home honoring the bIrthday anniversary -ol assault troops IIIc rOS5 a wide t rlbut d in the pl a nt kin gdom. there stream, inlet or lake before bridges ' nrc only Ii (c w sou rces at pl'cscnt When our nn\' ' l:t nds troops on a ot Mr. Gray. can be built lind whIm the clement cnpa ble ot com rT)c l' eilll d!'vC '1l 1· for eign shore. stet'l huts, produced Dial 2111 - Waynesville We dnesday evening. MI'. and ·Mrs. Ed. Hopklns of or surprise Is Impossible. Carrying a ment. T hl'Sl' nre In '("itrus lind in In tens or tholls andll by Ihe Amerl, MAX W. RANDALL, team of Ileven fully apple pom a ce . In this laUer source can steel Industry. working under The Youth FD.lowshlp Is l' prDSen. . fighting Way;nesville .were Sunday dinner , , . l\Ihnllter guests of Mr. and Mrs. Everett K en- .ted at Ohaulauqua this lVeek by Miss . equlpped riflemen commanded by a il QC':UI'S with 11 (1 1u r u 51. r eh ~' s liP I navy dll'ecllon must be erected at "noncom," lind a cr,ew of two, its n cl'lnl~ \\' llch li re ~ ~ l· once. i.....- (. . - - n - - ' I. . .II..... ~~...,.~ ~,;;;;;;;===o:i========ii rick and chUdren. Gladys, R.;'e, Rulli Helen LeMay 50·horsepower m otor \Vm drive It at cnlor ing Some are ncc(IC'd as hospllnls. _ •. __ _ _ _ , _____ _ dom eomple lely rc mover! in Ih A Mr. ' Harvey Burnet spent a IJack Crane, Jack Prj)ston and Joe 20 to 23 mlJes an bour. a speed .,nnnrun .~x po ~ ure ctl mm crcia l r' '.~ C >"~' . In c; 1,.1 some to hOllse r adiO E' ~ \Ilpl'l' r nt. (>1'1. couple of days the first at the week Dans. which, with Its low lines and great fruits the pectin occurs m~inl y ers to serve os ga lleys, mess halls Dandl"Un 'from parent or others. In WB.'3hington, D. C. tn the interest maneuverability pcrmItting qulC;k , In the whlta peel porti on f a lbcdol or sleeplJ)g quarters. Allin a ll. there includll1g Ih emselv s. Is an" Impor, Mr. and Mrs. Harold W~lltaker and evasive. acUon. makes II a dlfficuJt whIch \It's j U9 1 I· ... I'll h Ill l' , . • a'r e 85 uses for this most vcrsulilc oj tunl uause of eel-ema In Infants and I at Uie Co-oprie.r talve Mllk Associayuung children, Frank A. Simon, tion. 1am11y, Mr. and Ml'S. L u w l' e n c 'e target. On the return trip with a mented and nil,clillillining n l~ I" l' aU bulldings.. The navy has dubbed the s c'!l M . D., Loul svll1e, Ky., repurted In lOad of only Its two·mon crew It rind <nov doL 1'he p 'c li n III tho! lI,. Mrs. Elizabeth Smith of Waynes- Brown, Mr. and Mrs. Rhodes BUlulell wlll hit up to 35 miles per hour. bedo Is a s. oeio ~ d m a nl y I"I t, arch-rib but th(' Quonset hut II de· the Journal of the J\.merlcan Medical W:lle spent Sunday afternoon with and daughter, were Sunday evening The "passengers" lie tace down, cellul osic subst ne('s from \ 'hi r h It rives Us name from Quollset. Point, Association . Mrs. Mugaret JohnS. guests of Mr. and Mrs, William Lu- bcad to bow, rifle In liland, and leap clln be S()IJiJ I'ulcd ill I'elatlvely 11U I ,,' lthode Island. whe re the flrsl ones He saya that "E ~idence demon· were made at a naval' statlon. strating the causative significance out, ready tor aClion, the instant the cond ition. The gl'pn l . r. (lorti';n Mrs. PaUl Fiora and Mrs. C. W. kens, near Harveysburg. boat touches shore. The la'nding may pectin in frll it I'~ l r. I~ In a ro'd ' ~ ' at r Though m!lny chulfges in design, of human dander In the origin of WIUI' A60 ' Car~ of ' Tbanlu ..nel Yo~e of Dayton spent Thursday !Mrs. P. Ho:.klns and HUe daugh- be a simple slowing down at the insoluble form. known os proto· size 'and constructi on and 'i mprove. Infantile eel-em~ consists of: 1. Pos~ Oblt.,._ are allured for at the and Friday with their parents, Mr. ter, spent Wednesday afternoon, in river bank up which the assault pectin . Convers Ion to the \\10 ter· ments hove since been made. the tlve skln reactions to patch testl with rate of ODe ceDi a worc!. minimum and Mrs. Wilbur Olark. human dander In 15 of 20 infants Dayton, vlsl ting at the home of Mrs. troops soram ble or, it! the shore Is soluble pectin tak s plnce readily in Quonset name bas stuck. charr. 1141. k ' Want Ad In~rtflcl tor Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Hammond reasonably loW and shelving. the the presence (It a !Iligll! neidlty and So useful did th~ Quonset hut and young child.en with eczema. Hopkins mother. . three UaJ- II ehar,ed at "~ · a word. and oh1ldren atte.'lded a picnic of light craft m ay be beached head Is nlded by heat. Hence. commer- prove In navy installations the world whercas in 23 floneczematous Infant. the JoJinston Tool 00. a.t Eagle Park Mr. nnd Mrs. Gilbert Frye lind on at fuU speed, Its powerful m otor cial extract! ns are usually mnde IIround that the army and the all' aud young ctilldren there ~8 only 'often tobogannl ng It bigb and dry. by hot milky acidic solulinns. Afler forces have also ordered them in one positive reaction to Ule patch D8yton, Saturday. sqns, with Mr. a h d Mrs. Burnet.t tesl 2. The' fact ·that aU chlldren clarification and usually Arter con- large numbers. !oOetYlene or electric. Bee Blll Lee, Mrs'- Harold Whitaker entertained Butterworth and SOns, of Lebanon, While steel is the principal mate- are ex'po~ed.lo buman dander, either centrlltion, th ese extracla ore Orndort Road, R , 3, Waynesville. the Lytle Card Club at her "h ome 'Spent the past week ll't Indian Lake. St~ e COU ci D aWl Lreated with alcohol to p.recrpltnte· rial used, the Interior <lonstrucUon ~rom their own ,scalps or from those ....,..-...:.._ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Thursday . . Pas_ vnr FarrUl Program the peeLin, which Is laler alcohol ' 'also includcs plywood, masonite, "Or parents or' others with wbom they ~ SALE-PIcn1c SuppUes, 1ncludMr. Warren Hun.t la visiting his '<MI'. a.nd Mrs. J. N. Robinson and washed lind d ried. Sometimes the canVIIS, . screening and chemically COllie In contact. 3. The prompt Fa irly full employment In Indus· ina pIIoper plates, cold CUPl!l nap- brother, Dr. Morrtston Hunt and sons, or Dayton \Vere the guests of fry . expa nsion of lnlermilional trade concentrates after further puriOeB- treated Insulation fiber, each being clinIca l improvcrpent in :I 01". casel Ilon are sold ' directly for use bY' used to advantage It wW do !olluwinil the institution of measures their parents, Mr. and Mrs .. E : F . JdIu, etc. ..Also kitchen towels, wax family at Bonz, Ala'bama. in ceri a n agricultural products, reo j elly and jam manulacturers. the best Job . For northern climates, directed al the a'Voldan'ce of contact· . paper, . baldng CUPI!I and tollet tIsA number of relatives from here iEarnhart. lor the past week. M'ts r:tlo val of d'omcs ic tT'ade b arrier! • Insulated plywood panels. are used with humnn clnodei'. 4. ~e reproland pqlicy. publle policy with reo Pectin which Is for use In pharMax Patterson; of D yton. was alsQ a sue. OUette office. attended the Lacy · reunion at "Harmaceutical nnd medlcnl applIcalions . for the ends of the buIlding. For the du c:tiOfi ot the lesions. at will In " spect to marketlng and Incr ased must be. of grente" purity than Is tropics the ends lire ' simPly CII Se! (ou l of. attempts) on '8 pre-. Pol' S&le.- Wa*1n4 Products FUl)er mon ~k, Lebanon Sunday 0. welik !Week-end guest. agricultural ed4cIHIon and r esearch ordinarily available for comm..erclal screened. the roof providing II four· viously unlnvoh'cd ' skln area by ex· BruaJ:lea at ~ North 'Broadway agO. Mr. Ray m 0 n d Willi a m son cons Ii tute n post wa progr nm for purposes. The bulk of the pectin, now foot overhang lit either end to serve posure or this area to con\8ct with oLJ!IN LINTNER, Leb~non, Phooe MrB. J. :e.-Jones and Mrs. WIIUnm ot Cleveland was, Friday and Satur- a griculture as recommended iri R being used for medicinal purpose. liS a canopy against raIn or sun. buman dllnder." IlL ' " C 'BergdaLl I;Ipent Monday shopping in day guests of his mother Mrs H. H report by the C;:oUllcl1 ot Stote C oy. Is prepared by a prpcess whlcn _ . Dayton". ernments. makes use of tJle fact that cerloln ~to rent I; or 6 room loft..and :Mrs, E. B. Longacre, Mr. WUlla.mso[l. • .• • A period or hI gh domand tor ngr!. ions with large positive charges precultural products will follow lhe war, • mOdem house. :ate and Mrs. Dnlvln Lollgaere and chlld Mr. and Mrs. A. B , Stubbs and son but at the end 01 this lime. agricul. cipltnle the negativelY charged pec·, _ Phone 21101 eveDI~ reO', Mrs ~~. Lacy, Mrs. Lonella III-my, spent Mon,d ay in Akro-n looking ture Is threatened wilh a drastic tin, The 'Tol!9Idally precipllllted .\ mass Is washed repeatedly willi lAJ8'1':.....oruen wnst watch at Rox- ~wtUlk and Mrs. Agnes Swank a.nd af-ter busl.n css affairs. and prolonged depress ion. the repol1 acidified alcohol, rinsed thoroughly said. II is to th e be!;t Interests of with pure alcohol and finally" anna O'8nn1ng rectory (Oorwm). ,Chlldren att~ded the FoUlks reun• • • . l\IUST S~ OVT" BY AUGUST ' :I t-A M ;LEAVING TOW N 1Rew&r-i1. BObby oamt beU, MaIn ~on at the home or Mr. and Mrs. l..t. and Mrs. Robert E. OSborn at'e both farmers and the public that vacuum dried and ground. street ' Wayneavme. SIp IPaTker ShroYer in Cinc;innabl Sun- spend1ng a furlough and vls1t at the agriculture be on a sel!-supportlng 1--~---~---.....:..~--"""1HII~.,.... ,,-,"-=':-;;-,--~' , ,,' ._ • • __ day. home of . Mr. Osborn's parents, baSis. IndustrIal . production must be ~' l!OR ~pes bring 'your own Mrs., Loren Rout.zahn 01 Fr.a nklln Mr. and' Mrs. Robq.rt E. Q,;'born. on m:tintainC'd to providE! more . In dus· . spinner-.alm~'S new conta1n.era. !Perry Cook, Main at. 24p 'll1d Mrs. Hemad Ml'lloh of Waynes- notice t 0 r~ot.t back to en m p " trilll goods to exchange tor m ore ~ ~O-ln ~ood '~_ vWerapent Saturday with Mr. a.nd Osborn will report to Llneol Ne- far m products. according to the council, as a fully employed indus- . ' Olyde Wharton. ' braska. UaD;' ~& 3848 . 24p Mr. and Mrs. Baroid' Whitaker' . • • • . ' trial plimt and a fully used farm plant a re ,more desirable than reo f!OR ~ ' room 'house, modem, and ·children were entertained , to Mrs. Ruth SkimmIng ,of Wllmlng- duoed oulput; h'om ea(:h. p.'~ '~ !i ONE -MILE SOUTH OF ' WAYN ESVJlJLE ' ON ROUTE 4.2, 1lI& shO!iJl .by ' ~tInent ' only. ; ' 24p dln.ner Bwlday evenlpg at the home j, tc;m, a for mer school teacher In the The second minimum requirement . '~ r JAlIiiE NORTH OF R.IDGEWLL E, RoAD ON WEST SIDE OF ,~ • .j .. iWdIJur ~ Sean.pbpne 285 , 1 of .Mi'. and Mrs. WliliamLukens local sChools, was a Mon.d ay evenl.!'lg for sound agriculture ilS expansion of BarveYl!burg. ' caller at the honie of Mr. and Mrs .. t(lrelgn tra de and ara increase in , ;.,~ ROUTE U. . amounl ot a griculturaa producls en, CABD OF TIIANK8 . Mr. and Mrs. &iph Hammond E. L. ThoDl8S. terlng Into less restr,icted interna. 1 , Wish to expn!/II ,tbanta' to aU B.nd_.ohUdreu were Sunday ' eve~g , Mrs. Stanley ·~e; and da.Ugh~ ' tlonal " commerce. Th.e councll be. , qO . sent, me cards and fIowenr diliDu gulYats Qt Mr. and Mrs. EVer- Phyllis Mr A H 8'tub·.. • d lieves a more sou~d p(,liey than pro. ett Weller d f Uy , s. .. "'" an teptlve and restrictive programs ~f dUJdng, ~ ,tay at the hospital. bur an am near Mlams- daugheter YVOlUle nfid Polly Lou 'speclal (arm ' groups would be ,to ,K ra. Errieat :Bart8ock ~ Ell I d . Wiseman, s;Jent Wednesday after- promote more compc~ UtioD r ather . r lIP Mrs. MendenaU noon in. OIl ton. tban le~s. Most trad.e barriers shOUld ~ . .K '. Bond daughter, returned to Wanky be eliminated, improv'ement ot the, r egan. Dl. Thursday after "a Visit • • • interstate trucking situation should wl41. relatives here. COlllOrai a.mi Mrs Jrupes McCormick spent 'WecLnesda.y !with ·t h.e lat- be continued and hea11U1 laws, grad. ing, ~aekaging and quallty reqUire'Mr. and Mrs, Ben Round and Mr. It e r's pa"r ents, Mr: and Mrs.T. S. I don't want to bother anybody ments should be ~tanclardlzed. a.nd Mrs. Joseph Round of Dnyton ,H ardin and famlly. this world &xcept people wllo won.. were Simday evening guests of Mr. let other people a:Jone:. , and Mrs. Walter Kenrick. t.' ~ ~f,' Mr. aud Mrs. Oalvin Longacre enOne of lh' hard_t thln,,-lor ... tertained to dinner Thursday evento underatand In thIa world t. Ollf frienda' friends. . ing, ~elr nephew Rex Burnett S.lI-c of Norfolt, ya. who is here on a furA man ha. enoUgh trouble a in thIf lough. He Is the grand-son of Mr. S. r world without ~ to drown' them Burnett. ' In drink. Pfc. Donald FoUlks,. ~~o is an fu,tructor in an Army Oamp in Texas Is A man ~tli-;;-IObIe ~ lean A , faim~r-Owned ~ooper.tiv.e 10mtithiDe fro.: a ' goo4 woman whe bome on 1urlough and spending , fa dumber tban h. Ia. .o f his LIme with his parents Mr ..::...and Mrs. Wilbur Foulks, also vIsit, ',fL hat which ~, too ,large" may b§ ing hla . wlte and little daugbter In 'made to At by ,inlerting a pleC@ oj Advertising ' Shows Energy _ ....b"!t~_~~-----.....~-Dayton: bacon under, ~ ban)! on uch IIld~ Adyertise. ,or Bust . , ~rt 'S. I-c, son of Mr. and iMrs. Ernest Lacy, has completed a ~. A "Dift, t07 ,Wagon Can. be mac:. course of t~mlng In Marine Bar. J ou~ of an old. hanelle, '. .hoe bol: anel four poached eggs.. rage Baloon Opperntlo.!l and Maint. enance in a ' Bart'llge School, in epltaph;~ Just.when I 'Ch0\J:i!;&I - !Philadelphia, Perm., and has re. Ilad the hang oUtl , ' ' P ,_ ...... , _.... .. ' ..... cently retwmed to hls' ship In the Atlantic. . MT. -and Mrs. WUbur FoUlks' entertained to a frunlly dinner"In hopor of theli ' ,n ephew. Staff Sergeant l'OII18.1·le8 EvIUlS. who Is home o~ 'a 30 "" fllrlough, after ' 18 months 'or l-Ji dternoons exce.Jlt cOO$B:t_fl.v.lng to his credit, as 'gun.., .. "Wedri~~day .. ner on a. Flying Fortress. He 'hl1.s t>een JIowarded the Oak ClUster, The . , 11.9 Saturday ' ~venin~ . Piu:ple Heart and The Unit Cltatlon. , '. ,po

We OHer



,.'wl.t C




Services .,

At All



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Ih, -' .~~ .- ,, '.:~~'~: QUI-t.' · k·· '\ I on r.' m.







Cold spot ·rehi,orerator·8 cubic feet Easy washEir with Roll.·a w ' ay ' b~d

'I .







. . ".. c. . Wi:lynesville Farm~r's "


, My



--- . ' ~

Bob'$ Bairy

Whol~."u\f> . Pa.teurlzed 9airy Products


,Pasteu rizerj. ".Milk For ) ''Jlt Protecfum , Pho.... 2537 . VI • . . . ."iIle,. Ohio






ANNUAL OLD SCHOOL BEUNON YiAYNESVJLLE-:tHJHOOLS TO --.::::....,~~ OF HAllVEYSBUBG UELD 'OPEN TUEjlDAY. 8~ SA~URDAY, AUGUS'l'· Z6 FIFTH WrrB A (lOHPLn'lt , I STAFF TEAOIIbs Mf. and Mrs. Rosa · rece1ved The eleventh -;nnual, oJd school A groUp o! friends gMbered at the reunion of Harveysburge WIliS held R. W. Braddock, super1n~t ' ot home of Mra. SUsie EVans, North lWord trorri ,t heir daugbter-in-la.w. I she ~ received 'Word from st&Ung ; Saturday, August 26 with Mr. 'and the Waynesville lICbools baa an' Main street, on ~onday evebulg, ., her hUSband, StaU Sergeant Roy K . ' Mrs. Luther Hartsock, of Waynesnounced the toD0v44g ~ tor . honortng I?r. Ert~e Srn1th, of Peters: vlllL a nd Mr. U. L. Monee of Clneln- the school term startlng. september burg, ' Florida, who Is vtslblng her 1P1anclc. thlilt he W88 - getbing Iilong - 1I alright a.nd not to worry. ,~ , atl j.l-e.sent. Mr. Monce laught ' In fifth: mother. Mrs. EVans. · s taf, f Sergea~t Planck, Is ,the son the Harveys burg High SChool tor School wi]] open at 8:30 E. W. T., Those who enjoyed 'the covered 'o f Mr. a.nd Mrs. Ross ~lanck, and 11:.a lly 'yea-s, and Is pres nl at ali the !\VUh a. halt-da.y selll10n eliding . at supper were. Mrs. Della. VenI'('unlons ot Wlls grouP, . 11 :30 A. M. and wlll be In . ~ar able, Mrs. A~ella. Flora., Mrs was wounded Auguat 7th after comA picnic dinner wa.s served to the session, beg1Dning at 8:~ for th~e ~ Ethel Flora, IMrs. Flossie Carey, MIss pleting over fourty mislons In the c.r the "'Gay Nineties ' and COming early or on the firllt bus a.nd Lucy Emley and Mrs. Robert baker, European Theatre of War. dlOl ing this h::ur. th ' re was much continuing until ' 3:30 when 'the lUt and the honored guest alld hostess. BIRTHDAY CELEBRATION rl~ll i ,Iseell ce of the good times ""nUl bus ohildren' 'Will be d~. 'Dne .All spent a very enjoyable evening, HELD IN DArroN SUND"Y I ( WnetJes" had . of which most ot noon lunch perlod wID begin at and 'Were seved Ice cream and cake ' tt', e mell1ncrs were present who at- Ul:SO. ' at a late hour. Mr. and Mrs. E. F: Thomas, Mrs Lrnd {j s::hool at that time. A IuD Cor:pll 01 te&ehera haa been Jild\VJl Ramby, Mr and Mrs. Lowell . . TIlE GREAT MONTGOMERY Much time WIlS spent In sl~glng emplOYed and e~ery_ la in read. FAIR SEPTEMBER .th - 7th Thomas and daughter.' Mr. and Mn. th e old songs that were prevalent .of iness to begin 't he new lIChool tenD. J. M. Earnbar.t and sons, Miss Cora th nt period at that time and Mls8 iReg!stration 'Will be completed at WIUl rlU! every altemoon lind Thomas and Mr. Arthur Thomas. H le~ aret Gons' gave th e plano the HiIfh School bulld1ng. 'r.uesday evening of its'4-day session and 'WIt.h were the unexpected guests of Mr. Bccompanlment, . morn1Dg and lookers and boo!ca will with entries [low!.ng II!- for every de- and Mrs. Jebn 'Robey of ~n. O lhers prcse~t at t~e "GayNlnties" be asaIgned.· at that tune. partment. the annual Montgomery on Sunday. The group helped w. DB. AND MRS. B. SHE~WOOD HAR'11SOCK TWNS ENTERTAIN r 'un ion . were : Mrs . Josephine Gons Teachers employed fot' 'the $Choot County Fair. sched14ed , to 0 pen and Mrs. Rd>ey celebrate their TUESDAY EVENING Waynesville, Mr. and ' · Mr~. R. erms as (oIJdWa: Gf'ade BuDding, PASS ~WAY A MONTH APARII' Labor 'DaY. September 4th. and con- birthdaY annlversaries. also that of Mrs. Joseph HOmlell. ot New VI1()n fol t,M1ss Eacl-1C1I1 LukerlS. Mr Miss Ethel Beekman. Mlaa 'Anna tel1ue through Sept. 7th. gt,ves every Mis. ltiluby. Relatives here have rooelved ,word enna has' been the guest of her broMIsses Jea.n and Jane Hartsock, fll1d ' Mrs. Howald C<llle'tt. of W1l- Voltz, · MnI. M1Ii.nle Pro'PIt, Mrs. indication of being bigger and better of the death of Dr. and Mrs. HOI'lWe , entertained .to dinner on Tuesday ml L J th con.e tt.. E " L Flo U'__ •.t~_ ... I Vl-'.... """" 'of ...·- dlson South ~er and Illster-in-Illlw, Mr. and Mrs. ng on. onn. an , rence ....... --.0. - as , ......... W • S H..·e"""';'Y. thqn for JJUU1Y years in the past, R.. HAWKE B£UNON HELD AT ...... Walter WhItaker for the past -bWo evening at the Golden Lamb Hotel, .Hetton , of Cinclnna U, Miss Aliet ~rdin, M1aa·Laun.McIC1n8e.V. MrI. C. Haines. ~Ir Board secretary anWAYNE PARK 81J~AY itota. recentlY . . The wife died totrst ks 'Mr ' d ' U _ t..ester ~ ff of honoring MIss VIrgl.nla ,Preston, Ogle.t,ibee, ot Valley, Mr. a nd 'MUdred Sheehlln, MIas I>ototbY DI.)' . Dr Sh ood l'IIIIh 1a.te ,!\Vee. . BIll '""f~ ' 0 , ., .noWlees. . . The ~enty-a~ annual Halwke nn d . erw a !DO r. Oe,yton ,were ' also guests at the MJss cM4rUon SOWMb, Mias Mary Mrs. Ernest GllJium and ChUdren Mrs. Thelme. ELzey. . The speed program, ,because ()f the 're\linlonwasheld at the Wayne Park Dr. Sherwood was the. brother of Whitaker ho~ Jean Thompson a.nd the b06tesses. Gnll and Scott, New York City. Teaobers. to teach In the . B1~ many races ~rded , and the beavy shelter house on sunday. About Mrs. FlOl'ence Jeffery. and apertt his .. • • Those pvesent from In and about 'Sch.ool bulldJng are: MnI. Edith ,p urees offered. will attract the best ifort}'-t1ve rela.tlvllS ' and .frlen early ute 1n this v101nity. !Mr. aDd Mrri. ~. A.J rulkerson and " ' ~SO~ALS ;Harveysburg were. Mrs., CaLI' erIM ILukenS. Home Econonnf18; . M ·h orses In t.he state and give Falr at- JoYect a mOllt deUclous basket dinner. THOMAS HOME SCENE OF daughter Zana Mae are enjoying a Mrs. Viola Harlan returned to her Heston. Mr. and Mrs. GeOrge Denny, Mary M. Anderson, seventh grade: ,tendance man y unusual thrills. iDUril)g the afternoon. J . C. ·Ha.wke. DINNER PARTY SUNDAY vaCliitlon at M. acldnalJr. C1ty Mich-I'home &.t'ter spenlling 'the week 'with Mrs. w. W . Welcl1er. Joseph Under- !Mr. Char~ea J~, elihtb ~; • Purses tota1$6,'J60.00Ibnt It Isestlm- pl'es1dent. c8.l1ed the group to order Igan. . · . Mr. and Mrs. EVerett Harlan and .wood. E. B . Da!dn. Mrs. Me.ry Doster. ~ Florence Poxbower, Comated that with tJt'e attendamce tees and alter a brief bwdne8B sessioD a Mr. nnd Ml's. J. P. ~omaa enter• • • . daughter. On Sunday the Harla.n's iMl-s. C. A. 'l'omJihson. ~r .. and Mrs metelal; Mrs. OUve Bnu:e. EDclllih\ whiCh wlll be added to the purses ~r1al for Helen M. Balwke 14lned Sunday \YUh a dinner, the Mr. and Mrs. V!. O. Raper were had !U their guests .Mr · and Mrs. walter Ellis. Mr. and Mrs. Wi.,ur ~": Oarl JI'urguson, ~ ,and 'BiIIthat there will 'be $9.000.00 ~Id out FraIlIt Braddoclt and Edlt.h M. Hains following gUests: Mr.lIlldMrs.Henry Sunday guests at ,t.he home of Mr. Kenneth Hough, Miss Martha. SlUdaker, Mr. and 'M rs. C. T . Smart tory; Mrs. Minerva HOucb,~· In race purses.· . lWas read by MnI. John iFrODUp. Also Satterthwaite, Ruth and . ~rge and Mrs Tnima.n Wardlow IUld HO\lih and viola Harlan. and daugnter ~raee • . Mrs LlZzIe gllS and MatbamaUcs; lOla 1IarSince the Fair from an exhibition letters from llr. and Mrs. J. P. Lar- SattetlbbwaJte. Mr. amd Mrs. Henry family. • • • !Hough, Mrs Lena Clark ~d daugh- garet Roae,mluslc; Mr. Ralpb Parka standpoin t Is largely devoted to the rick of Ala8ka an<l Clyde JI'romm of' Satterthwaite IIlld tlimlly, Mr. an<l • • • Mrs. F. N. Bagerustase has return· ter h, Miss N ttie Oglusbee, Science; Mr. J.B. Cr'abb, VocatImal progress of agricUlture thl'Ollghout Florltaa were read. Reports were gi;'- Mrs. . ~rt Sa,tterfuwalte and 1Mi'. and Mt's.· E. F. JIilIU'II'lba.rt were ed to her home In: at. Petersburg, Fla. Mr. and Mrs. Wlll1a.m GillIam, Mrs. AgricUlture; R. W. Braddlq, • the County,.Fair of·fielals are pleaaed en of those serving in the anned famIlY. Mrs Jean Wsseld1ne and In Lancaster, Ohio. on a business I altter 'a t1wo weeks vacatiol) with her' A. S. Collett. It present .plans can be ,can1ed to report t.hJlt six granges ~nclud1ng !forces and t.t was found that this daughters. ·of ·Waynesville. Mr. and trip last. week. slater Mrs. Walter Fraaure ' and out.lwl()h V(lij be served a.t botlh the a new one, Wayne Orange, have fa.m1ly baa sent seventeen 80~ and ~·rs .. James Morris t\nd f6m1ly, of . • • • fa.m11y~ RI:'V. JOHN PATTER$ON TO grade bUlld!na ,a.i1d the hiIb ~bool made for the largecasl!. prIZes rang. daugbtera into the serviceS. Officers SabLna, Mr. and Mrs. L. J. Satter-' The !lve-hundred &nner e~ub • • • SPEAK :J>UESDAY EVENING !building, beginnJng, :Wedn~. Illg from $100.0(1 d~n. -the ~g year were elected tbwaite, of pa)'tQn, ,Mr. and :Mrs. lWere dinner guests, on Saturday Mr. and Mrs. Walter S. Frasure . . - - . September alxth.. Tbe electnc atove Individual fann displays also with J. C. Hawke again serviIli as Warren Elopy. of Centel'V1.lle, Mr.' and evel)iJ:l8. of Mr. and r.~. S. D. Hen- und sons have as their house guests \ 'Ill1e Rev. Jo', n Patter~, on- bas been installed at . I1'1Ide promise to 'be up' to all past stand-, president a.nd Mrs. Kathryn Banta Mrs. ~. 0, Toll pf 4lelta\lclrla, Va., kle in ~on ·thls week. Dr. and Mrs. T. C. Frasure ' ary of the ~(tbodlst Ohureh . the 'bull~g. but the Day.ton Powe: and ards. trylng for cash priZes ranging twUl serve as secretary at)d treasurer. Mr•. and Mrs. VIrgU F. R~~ MI. ,~ ... . ;. and. c~ren Stephen. ~tty and ~y~era-bad CQll1eranctl", lila. and Light· Company, has not yet retrom tGO.oo down, whUe HCIIml Dem'K. 4 , Jones; Mrs. Mthur Summer; Mrs. TrIlDU\,ll WVd.ldw and child-:- Jean, fromRlply, Ohio. superintendent of the V ara a placed the meter 01' lnatAlJed the olUltration eichlbfts. showing wbat LB'I"I'Jm TO EDITOR . ~ SallJe Harris. ~: Charles 8at- ren were Wednesday Guests of Mr. - • . " '" District wHi be the guest; B. eaker at service connection. It ia hoped that . the women ~ounty have bee!l _ terthwalte. of Lebanon. and Mrs. John 'Thornpson, in DayMrs. Jessie Hyman and Mrs. A. T. Waynesville Methodist church on this work wtU be completed before doinc the Past, yeer 1b protect w~ The Following l~ter was sent to , • ; ton. Polinsky, Ha¥e theIr 'house guests Tuesday evelling. Septt mber 5th \'t sChOOl be8iDII '.. . . 8re e~pected to plUiS .all perfurm- the ·Otl.Z«;tte~oKice in the Interest of . MELLOH ASSIGNED ,TO ,THE , • • 4' 'M rs. Robert Hyman, of Boston. Mass el ht o·clock. The public 1s cordi lly. E. V(. Hopkins and WUllam Bt&n&aneM. S~ock exhlbil8 will fill all 'o lder .resldent .who stm remem~T TBO~ABBlER ~OM. ~. Ertw1n EI11s hM ' returned wMe of Lt. Hyman, now statiQ!led in lnVlt.ed. berry ate continult1tr as ruatodlil.ns tlarns and paDB. the famllY, the wnter. (C. M. Lt. W11Uam F. ~eUoh, Of 312 S. lafter- spel\d1ng several weeks with England. The group were mterta.lnt t'l~r ~Wve ~ tllls • By specilil arrangement the first • has written about. Broa4w&y, Lebanon, haa been ashus1Ja.nd,Sergeant Erwin Ellis ed. Wednesday, at the Loohorst BJRTIIDAY DINNER IN' " yeji:' and both h!l.~e \'ueli- gJ'OU,.da Betty crocker CooIclng School "of Gazette, ' sJgned to the FIrSt Troop , carrier ot Fort ~, New Jel'l!ey. House, by ~r. and Mrs. Saul ,HurHONOR OF DAVGBTER. and bulldinga in good o~er. General Mlll~, !nc.'·e ver held In ~Ohio Command atter his wings • • wlch. The bp.& driven are the saDle, U ton will ~ conducted at 2:00 p. m. ~ the Army A1r<For-ce6 Imd Is noW IMlM IMargaret ~1U\lon was the Mrs. Jessie "HYman ~tert.alned Mr. and MrSc Leo Conner enter- last year. ~amelf. Cha.rles Lleaman, cacllday of the Falr!n the COliseum iMajor John DFew RIdge. whose learntn"IS to ',fl"J ..... e' a..lg '''-''J .~ . ' .~.e _ of Miss Naomi Earnhart tor eighteen relatives Ilnd fr:len cis tol un- talned to dlnn~ Sunday evening no. 1: HoWard .Burton, .no. 2; Rdlert ) . , , "'" 'U V ~ ........., with Mrs. Ralston in' charge. Mrs. were both born and .ra1sed pla.nes at Ber""tom F1eld, Aus- the past week. I honorlng' the fifth bll'thday arui1ver~ Baker, no. ';t~, A1be , rt·, GraYI n,o. '; !Uld ' ...... h ·-t · and who has been tin, 'l'ex~. according ..... to announcecheon at the Netherla.nd IP aza on se.ry of their little d' aughte.r . Oues'~ R a lston Is a no""" ome econo.... ....., WaynesvlUe • • • Thursday. .., 'niOD\llflon, no. 5. On I 'T who has taught foods and nutrlUon as 'm1Utary Instructor tn the by Colonel SamUel' J. DGns Dr. and Mrs. A E. stout IIind • • • !for the dlnper were Mrs. ' LWan ch&ngea In ' routes have ~D tour yea.rllin the ~n1verslt.y of'M1nat a in Vlrg1nla, la now . Of!lcer ot ,t he ~. daughter 'Were among the guests at ~ Phyllis Balley and Y~onne Crane and son Jlmniy, Mr. and Mrs. planned. . '. •. ' to the genenU statt'lri . Lt. "Bill" MeUoh will at80 learn' to a family dinner. in. Do.vton on Sun- 'StUbbs were Tuesday over-night Raymond WatkinS and Family, Mr. With, tb~ contfuued C09P8raUon nesota. Prizes and bukets of grocer. IllS ' will be diatr)but.ed I;lt each aesh a., i.n the Milltary tow the la.rge Troop COlrler clay evening When"lo/lrs. J. J. SitoUt guests of MIss 'Phyllls Burnette In and Mrs. Cha.rles Watkins, Mr, ~nd parents, tea.cbera &lid stuDl~. 'Mafor Ridge at the same tmte learning the ~e- entertained ' in honor of. Ensign her home at Lytie. Mrs. Milo Mlltenberger and family. dmts that we bad I.n ~ has made a. splendid reoord slnt'e lui nlque Of parachute <UoPplpg. Jaq1es snyder who Js leaving for • • • are I~ng fo/Ward "9 a~r entered 'the aervlce6. HIs la.thel· was CIl1J!or.n1a. Mr and Mrs. A. H. Stubbs and FISH FRY ENJOYED lluoocs81ut sc)lool year. Ui, laU! CltHord: S. RIdge and hia COBPOB..U: SPEAKS HONORED . • • '. chlldrM and Polly Lou and mlly IMlDbhef, Ann SWeet, who now re. ' AT DI5I!fER SUNDAY Mrs. ' Herman Sm1face and son W1Beman, were l;)Qyton shoppers Mr. and Mrs. John Kersey 'enter," . , Donnie, who have belen the guests ot Wednesd~y afternoon . sides' in 0hJcag0.. . His maternal ta.ln.ed with a: fish fry an &tW'day and Mrs. and' Mrs. • • • Stanley Batley Is aga1n the man- evening. TJleIr gUests w'!re ~:,...aolld,+-..!J!I~*ti~ftl'-me4Kil..."....J!IIY'II_~---,-~7.::~. Many ,.ear. tli~ editor of the lJartsock. llet,t for thell' ager of the 10cal Hardware stote. Mrs. W. C. Kersey of-OregOnla;·Mr. IOmlD "~ .Gazette." hO!p.e In Mult.reesbor.o. Tennessee on , and Mrs' Willard Kerseyapd ~u8h­ 'Ilhursday.· C. M. eartwrtglii Mr. Francis Gene, and Donald ter and Mr. a.nd Mrs. Joe Kersey and Editor Brown spent R few days last week in daughter of Lebanon. Mr. ana"Mrs. IIM","I1U""'; IMr and Mrs. a . W. Edwards.. of Brookville. In<llana. where Gene WAYNESVIL!-E . q.1BI. 18 Sprlngftoeld. were ~'eats of Mr. and spent some time visiting old friends Lut.her Hartsock and son. ASSIGNED TO 1101'0, JWnald Ha.'wke, on 9a,turday In that coInmUnlty. GBNEBL·. H08PI'IIAL l·ho!norf!4 • • • SALES O~ AUTOMOBILE and attended the Hawke reunion on Mr. and Mrs. E. J. HaUmway were DRIVERS LICENSES St.lPT. 5-30 Sunda.y.

On.t:he Road to Tala... .


! . I











ot the






. . .. Mrs:

Sergeant an~ rwarren OOOk, lBef/ty Braddock, Benpy and D.a.Vld FumM, &ttezlded Q BhOW in Dayton, ' anon.· ' Fr1d~ night ~d enjoyed a s;- agettl ~suPP4~r. at Longo's restaurant. ' I PliW41lB.&l . ~ PBMENTED AT • • '. • ~NDS ~G HO~SE who has ,.the lJU~t of ~jer aunt, MnI. D; . for the swnmer. hi\!! reItumeid to her ihorru! in ~nslieldi



Sal es of automobile d r 1 e.r'a .. .) .~. 'llI~. ••• l1censes in Ohio 'willbe81n TuesOaY', VOLlJNTBERB vlOroaY . Mr. and Mrs. Leo <Jon.ner , enter- tSeptenmer 5, and end September 30 -'~ED, AT ~ )OJIE, <ta1ned to supper on Tuesday even· Warren County drivers applying ' 01' KATHRY-J( qo.moNB Jng . Mr. and ' 'Mrs. Henry WatkiDB . for licenses ca.n' a.pply s-t the 'folJ.ov.l- • ' ,' ' . • ~ ',~ ;;, : ':r ' I . ...~\:~." . ,> and family ' and Mr. and Mrs. Ing locatiops. Warren Young, UO B. The VolunteerS Xor ~' met tor Charles Watkins. . ' , , center st., Franklin; a.M. M.cDon~ , uaUal 'l'bUi1cfaJ ~Venlng " of " • •• . , ald •. Hal'Veysburg; Clal'I'le B, 1Wll- 11w4~rt:lD« and a~' ~er ~ the Mr. and Mrs. Carl Branbt·of ~- lJams, Broadwav & South, 01 Mlaa.KaPlrYn a~. ' ton, .were Sunday ~~en1ng supper tR~by Whl~re, ,OJty B~dIng, M~r;elresblnenUs ere served ! gUesl8 at the home of Mrs ~e 'rOWi J. C. HaWke, Rogel's abd"B,!hippree.."" , . ' . ,. '. ' fllora. .; ' aon ~rag.. Waynesville. • were' ,V,;"" · CbarIeIJ ' ~ • Mr and Mrs. Ba.r.tBOCk and familY' ·Was tt· I~ , , ~ ~ ~-! among the 1JU1~ ai a dlnne!' I, Jalle W was· ~ pa~ "Walter PrUuie. ~ 801*. itven Sunday, at the home tient in of Dr. lftrdlng. " Wtwain ~~ X. a: l~t week lor the pU1'])06e. of ba.VMr. and, ,~. E. 'IQ.llannon, near Ing her ~ removed. Monday guests of Mr. and ,M rs. .1. ,Po






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.~tami ~a~tttt'


Waynl!SvU1e~ OlUo


' Math IiItreC)t


. . . . . M Second 0laII M&U -Ma~r at PostolJ1~: Waynesvllie, Ohio

Walter Wi Wiseman, Editor and Publisher IUillDrSDUoD Price. ,1.&0 Per Year, Payable 'In Advance



II • •SP• • • • A

Home T~ N.....,...

s.Mtg Arneftce', Adot

.u. I'"

•• W............. - CUceto I." • • • • Ie: • • • HoIwoo/I ~., SM ft--.., c.L

Do TOU rem~mber 'wben grand. mother had trouble putUng the "jell" In jellles? Or once in • while, when ,she turn~ the jellY out on a plnte, it . would atand ~ut not quiver, and the color WllS dark and the jelly had lost the fresh fruit Oavor? . One ot the rea SOilS for her trouble was the t.a ck of a r\lnge with quick. cooking facilities, Long cooking al· ways reduces ~ult flavor, darkens color, and may even brcak down the pectin which is responsible for the "jelling" quality, Now, quick·cooking gill · rangel






WlTIIIII 310 4'


From 'fhe M'iami Gazette Files



... .;....

.~ '. :"',


Once cream bas peen produced, the a~ner 1& 111 rnarketed the better for all concerned. Age, caused by delayed 'delivery to creamery .or. cream staUon, I. ~ Kate Hall spent Monday and W. H. Maddcn was n- Cimlnna!;! as harmful to cream .as delayed de'l1IleIday with relatives in Do.yton. visitor. la&t week. Uver;ir II to a.ny other perlshat>1e Bom to Mr. and Mrs. Marvin Hay Mr, and Mrs. O. R. Smith producl . . The chart above Illu strates what .spencl1Ds the week at James, August 14, 11).19, a son . hoppens to cream beld too long aD Mr. and Mrs. Walter Elzy and son 1ricUaDa; , the farm. CrealTl held for .more than Kenneth 'WClre Dayton visM;ors' MonYl'8. Vern Hough Is recovering three or four - days ustially has a e.tter an' Illness of several days dur- do.y. . . l higher bacterial count and It may Forest Rldge.Kenncth K1lban anci contain eonslderi!lble mold, no mat· ler bow It hall beeD stored. In the ~~ Orville n - n and Oh~ter iEltbon Crane, of Dayton, spem Sun...._.. ......... day here. make jam and .Jelly mak.\ng e'asy study lnvolvtng over 600 p~ucers Olrey attAmded the 'ball geme a.t Emes't Hoge.... and family' of !nOon_ 'and are available everywhere. ,E ven from wbich the above facta were ." '' - '"OJ homemakers Hving in suburban. 60 per cent. ot the cream deClnc1nDa.ti on Sunday. t were Sunday v1.S1tors With rels- rural or semi· rural areas have reg. taKen, livered within three or tour days , Kr. Lee \Hawke, Doris and nee.n tUves. ular gas service through "botued" was ot No. 1 ~luaLlty and .Iow In ,~.... Weltz or "tank" gns. mr.wte anei Mr. Ma ... ~....... 'Mr&. NnOS Mendenball and eon, For Quivery. tasty blacki!errr mold . . whereas ' of thll cream deliv'-were at the State Fak, Monday. Clarencc, spent a couple 0 r da,ys jam use thelie directions: Wash ered . once a week, only ~2 per cent proved to be of No. f quality. ~t ¥r.a. J. W: Edwards and daughter Iwfth relatlves In Dayton, week. ond ' hUfll berrhie~ Sllof0w~~.t.~ cup besl. week old rr~ nrn . ",~ I, ",. .. ~p r_ . .. f ' ......-~ , . sugur or eac "up .LlUJ Mash IIif&rBor\e were guests 0 Mni. """....- Mr. Harry J ohns ·o.~_d fa.mily,~. frllit as It bea ts. Brlng to · bolllng; Bai'rIbart and E. V. Barnhart in Etta 'P rlntz and Mr. Joe PrIntz, of add suga r and cook until thlck-not OInclnnatl several c\a.ys last week. ' Da;vton sPent Sunday with relatives more than 20 minutes. Seal JD hot. Ed-- illere. . sterIlized glasses. , " IOeaea TrWena. and Margaret . . wardii vUsted relatives in Blanches,. Mrs. Alice C~rey and Edna cor-e-d-F-ra-n-klIn--fr-le-'n-ds-o-n-Tu-'-esda· - -y-.tar laat Wednesday. :oell, . ' wh~' have 'b een . vlSttlng In Iftft n"'ft I' Br '1 f.... r ..... • n:fte . LYllOO. .u=S e all go.n 0 IlVJ.or "", J. L. lL' Hopk1na bas sold ·h ls Oro- .trIot, 8 rrlved ~~~e SaturdaY . r ' a is the guest of' Mc. am Mrs. Charles 1 P eaaant . eery - N. IUchman of Osborn. 'VerY MiMes [Alcy !""'" Eml M COOk \''''_ s;x;rry..

and grade bultet' wl)lch consumers do no~ like and will buy only when good butter 18 Dot avaIlable or ' because' It Is cheaper. Thia lower Is naturalJ,y rellected back the produ~er'l cream price. 'Mold Is a tiny HWe plant wblch needs air for growth and wblcb ftnd, the surface of cream Ideal for Ita re·· quirementa. ,Cream containing large numbers 01 mold II quite likely to . FOR HB.PING OUT lHlS SUMMER. \'OUU IE ABlE TO DO . contaIn large numbers' 01 bacteria Mold,. cream I, undellrable cream. ,~ .~ JOB ~ y~ FINISHED YOUR SQtOOUNG.Dr. C. H. Parson •• famed dairy au. thorll),. haa round that Imall' amounts of cream kept In oversize containers having large expoled sur· face areas invarIably sbow mOf(> mold than cream kept In contain· A'UGU5I' 26, 1944. Home again Susie didn't, like that so she moved erl of the proper sIze. Cream beld In damp cellarll, ' caves, springs. and it Is hard to tell webher 1t s <them lnto thc kitchen porch. That wella, cisterna. and the like ace uften -good or bad. Oood 'that the trip was wasn't a gOOd place for them so be tound to show an excesslve s.mount fairly comfoM.a.ble, that the wcather moved !Jlem out 'agaln and 'Ulla ume n' mntrl hp Al~n '1tA tPlI. · ~ COOl and we have had some rain Suzey took them lUlder the 6OUth ' Wat. I rested attcr a. good vnlaltlon. porch so bhere we let tbem stay. that t.h1ngs are $tll dry and that the Qne of my rellders was fJO touched posture Is still tlJO short. Good that by my tale of woe when the pigs ate fllY hoUse was well cared 10r while I our melons thwt I fOl1!ld some dewas.a.wtY:bad that I rilJssed my sum- l\cious cantelopes waiting (or me in mer company .'more than ever. good the refrigerator when .I got home ·..._v.. . tbat I was welcomed joyfully by Th~ were t he best hx:ally grown I ulrce dogs, bad that- they met a m elons I ever ate. If oura woUld Mr. HopIdoa and 1amUy have reo 'Martha ,Coo~ and :v~ wer~ ~ld~VlUC will bund a ncw school skunk this moming,good that some tlnve tasted llk.e that I feel worse ~9fJd to ~. the guests of Wss KathrYn Pren- house this fall . I·things 1lre trone that should have tl c..n ever that he J,l1its ate them. At Mr. and Mrs. W. Eo ~tro..!d and dergast at a picnic on the banks of Mast8~ James Funkey, whU.e per-been done' and bad that there are least the Ig., have taken that much IOD Harold. entertained on Sunda.). the river near b~ home, Sunday. {ormtng in . a trapeze Wednesao.y s,WI somEt thlnga left undone ·t hat t.alked of one-way trip to Cin'CInnatl Mr. and M:11I.CIlI.reooe nlwards and I MIas ElIzabeth Ohandler was in afternoon, fell lind Ibroke his collar shoUld have been done.Good that the and brought good prices too. They d&1~, Mr. and ¥!'S. lIeltlert Columbus ' Prlday und Saturday. \Ibone. illmt;! we ordered has been spread, were good pigs, plenty of good coni IIered1th and fMnily, .Yr. ~nd Mrs. ' Mr. and Mis. Oharles Shel'lWood Waynesville . Is indeed a .Idly" ' tlad that ha\lllng 1t cost so much &~ld sldm milk hat! gone It\to them To1Uan Lewson and. ' SOD, ' . Mr. &nd, ". .' ' and 'Oft £_YrnODd Con ner an d :jOn wwn now, . for t he well near the ,t hat even· a bumper croll wlll not- pay as w(ll lIS melous. Now Xmust find a Kl'a, Leonard TInney an~ faDUly. not Bunda 'With relatives in Day- ' ~mellHouse I1s the onlY' pub~c tor it. The cost of every thing we do coupleo! shotes that will f.tten by iID'I.. ~na Sheehan enterlla!Decl at . ::. . y liWell in town that h~s no~ gone dry is all out of proportion to what 'We . b .. bohei'[lIg · time - but l1rs.t I .must dIn1uir' em Friday. Mr. and Mrs. WUMrs. J . C. Hawke lind grandchflE, A. Brown is out agaln ~r his can gct out. of it. On the ot.ber hand nx a f lao~ to keep them, ~e aweet ~ ,Jaohner and two ch11dren, of <U'en, K81therlne and Ken net b r~ent illness. how good it Is that we do not have c{)rn. Is~ dellc1olla now. Good 'but bad Plt1&bUrg, Fa., Yr. 1md Mona. ~ _ _ ' ... l 'f A. D. HaInes continues low with top hI! Ub rated by force of 'anna, that I hnye no compan~ Wltb ~e ~ ... <lJU>Ul. are ,speDu>ug 1l coup e . 0 • lIIcbDer. Mr. and Mrs Prank Ro&IIell d . D d M n_'ph -little hopes of recovery. that there are no bombers i'a.1nlng' eat H. Good Ilnd bad - so 'it goes. ays "' , r. an ra....... of • of LtIIaDo~. Mr and ~. M11ton Vance, &It 'PJeasaht Plain. . 'P erley Lukens IS being enWtalndeath and destruction .on 'our farms . ' MONDAY. School betrLns ne!'t 8bee . ban. at deoterv1lle, Mrs. AIlriD ,..... d ;auS. ......_ Ji~ M'""'lure. ' '''' 'Mrs · ed bY, Olark McCay for 0. few days. 1mU. an and flloiCtOrles, w.eek. Good and bad, . good 1'01' lobe mamhart ~ c~an: !Pred Balwke and ~ Dot Hart, of ,' Mrs. J. Wlll WMte a.nd. Fred reI 'Ibe drougbt. extended clear tbrogh cblldren and the mo~ers. bad for j 1Ira. ,Ruth Janney and MIss Lou~. '~lon. ~ _.... _ 1eft sa ' t ur.... ... ;..y, f or R usse11. turned from a.lthree weeks vlslt a.t'~I-.I:-,...3;-_ _~::ii ... .......,-'"'"'" _----: ~_ _ , the~-Maln.:' as Clhey us when we need them for the fall ·eUa. ar.e apendlng several days at .1Po1.nt, Where they wlil spend a week Jamestown on Thur:s<1ay.~ . say. . though the gardens -ilooked iWor~. We worke'ci 'bard today clea.n~. . '.' ftshlDg. , -Mrs. S. S. Baines and Messers S. green'e r there tna~ here, vegetables In'& t.he feed 1'0001 and one~. ·t.he . ~ Bf~ , ~bt has reMr. Ira. Rich and family.• Mr. and D. Ever~ and A. B. Sl~es were'VlSitore sca1;ce and hlgb. Butter' ls hard : chicken h~uses. I have some nash,.......· tuJ'nedslteJ. jpe,ndtng atewweeka at. ...._ rt....,. ' a'ft"'_ It. . ..._ d Mrs 01'5 at 'the Queen City thlB week. to nnd. 'One day the stor~ wtll have light bllltter1e:s now so I must cUli the . ~" . .....,..rge ",,00 IIXU . an . tertal- 'n Oiazpp Osha. Trout Lake. ...._s. /H .' ' "n'_~ 'Mrs. A. J. . Thorpe 1s en .....'6 - ' Wi8coillin. 0 • B . Be'n tl'ey...... lUanna ~. ", ~ •., '110 mtle then they wa1 be out for hens. then."we must. elean the laying Mr. anlS Mrs. Bheebali aTe ""'Mary,. 'U"", '-"<ftkey, Mrs . LIn. a De vitt, hcr cl1amlng .n ieces the iMlsses M lolIr.... 8. ;.evllcal days. It bas beeD; the ~Ottest house. Summer Is ove,l'. The .e ' will be annoUDCln.g ~ blrIIIh or a. son 1401lJul1a !>Qnovan and Mrs. li:. S. inm and caowollier. of. ' summer ·in New Enland for. thlr.ty,. more hot weather but frD now ,on day, AualJst •• " . . ~y ~ended the funeral of Mrs. row. eight y·el1rs. but 800d for 'sea Illl the JobS are in the crops. Mra. ·~~ ~t .~as the. ~er .L aura MllJer, a.t Springboro. MonNathanlel tWo Ricks died wt the Ii bathing. The water was warmer ~- and gettlilg. every tblng snug and ' 8\I8It of . .... T. tLee ~ a~ the day afternoon. . hom~ or his daughter, A. J . ' lollg tbe N,orth Shore than I r¢4dY (or winter. I 8IW' some corn P1'Jeoda Utme today. The Oocaslon " Th<K'J)e last F.rIday, aged 'a:bout 'everknown it to be, wonderfUl batb- that had been cut yesterday but OUI'/S be1Dc ~. celttlnlt10n of ~. Adams' FJIiTY' YEARS AGO -seventy-four years. 'Funeral~unday. ing IUld the bea.c~~ full. ~f pOOple 1s17)'t .ready. We arc puilmg sweet . Nbtleth blltbday ..nbiversary. AUGUST 11. IBM 'R: M. Murry. a resident, of Dayton enjoyipg It:' , eOl'n with some .Jiay yet :to ~ke, and I II18es crane and · Be&trlce' and a ·lbrotber-in-la.w of WWIs. 0',T he ~ra1nl\, wer~ fUll but. not ()ver- clover fol' clover seed to cut. 'I"heft Is .~, Keaan. Gi1belt Pry~ and IBorn to Mr. and Mrs. W illium Neall, 01 SOuth Or town, dled on crowded, thanks 'to the people 'Who sorgum to strip and tobacco to out IteDDeth JI'romm were gu.eets of Miss Mller, on iFrIday, a daughter. Monday and .was Jnterred 1nto !the stayed at home. The bUmps atill pat- and tlle IUds go back 'to 8ChooJ n~ Ka&beJ:ji)e 'lWnet at ber bome in !Mrs. O. E. ~ndall and MISses Oemetery. Wctinesday after: ral the co~st, and tlJe big ~ .pave 'Week. Much of the credit for what . ~ over the week-e~d. ' Ella Ebright and May Wrlgbt- moon. . p~ct1ce but. there Is nOr. dim- the farmers ba.~e <been ·B!b.le to do and n o blaa o,uta. ' 'Plere Is a 'With so little h'elp 1s due to the bOys . • ,1. ~ .... II •• that ,w,e 1 are on the I¢rls bebWeen ten and 8iXt.een ' OLD JUDGE· SAYS ••• ". 'I.'8tliet..o,h but ~~ 'are constantly belng The seventeen year-Ol~ h"ve gone" L - , -' ..:va~ed Jt~t we m~t Dot Jet down to the' flltltorles tor -the big W8les, pric~s. yet. ThIs isn·t. the end. there are still leaVing their YOUIlJCr b~othe11l ' and cOll.tiy :~ttles. ahe&<!~ . . sISters to do the rann work. Many 'a SU,NDAY, No .churc.b. I ·planed to ~welve' year-older has been.trying to go church "visiting but instead I do a man's work and not gettinll any A fa ..m,er~Owned Coop~rative stayed ' at homc and saved the ' Psextra for It either bec8.uae 'It TWENTY·FIVE YEARS AGO August 20. 1919

' I'IF'I'EEN YEAJtS AGO Aupst 28. 1928


. From A ram Diary--Dry Ridge

t. f'~~'




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Farmer's ~x.

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oUne. It rained 'hard', off aM on. all' was 'part of hla family day. A gOOd soaklng ra.l.l1 that we JIChOol' bell wUl cell In a lot dr '1l\IQdY , needed. Iju6t looked o~t and saw the sOI4Ie~' who ha,ve fought the ; battle" '-. nine little dogs out taJdng a. look at Of the hay fields all IIummel'. They thls strange W9rld. Cap moved them . shoUld aU get servICIr ·rIJlI,on&. lreen ·the: cellar to the dog'hOuse b~t .tor he,y,'IVh1te !or tIO~d for grain. -





i ,


' .

forairplanewIDdahieldS and ~teov~ era. 't o make ~uera used 'in ~oU1laging equipment and as a base tor eyn~tlcrubber needed for titee, gas masks, paratroop elJuipo - ment and dozens of o.ther 'thing&. . ~ "Every time I think of it, Fred, I i'eali2e how fortUna~ we were in baving a ~ diItilJiDlr 'industry in ~ w~ war broke 'out ••• ready and eager to convert iOO% to the production 9f tbJa ~tkaIl1 needed war prOduct. I'm mighty eure bopt~ . . wouldn't i1!" been·~ much help.n


. ·.f lUriD ,GUMIlY Ii••,'••',.-...." ·.~or "It.f.,...

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Not a me8~y, lla;rd use ,dye, Not .a sId"." working vita~in. but i\ .c,oJot1tss ' ., liqldd, -th,a t will in a few • . sirnplfi' applications re .. . stor-e iray and streaked hah: to a be~uti1'ul; nat:' U1'&I ' color , or , your ' money .back.

HAIR NU-YONE - .,j. on -'



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Nazis Pcill Back T.oward Border' Unde~ Atil:ck 0/ ALLier:J Columns; 'Big ,Four"Shape .po,stW(lT World

Wants Parity




i()iJJiJNI 'iIBl.ElUEil~D'fs /r MIAJ) ' . ij



Adviling eotton growerl to' keep DEPARTMENT 01~-uIGUWAY8 their produet 'off th.e ma.rket to );Joost Columb.... Ohio, Autut I., 1144 .AN$W<KD By T~ price., Sen. John .H. Bankhead CAla.) .~r of 8aIeI l.eCllI CO,; , cJe~lar~d hll wlllingne.. to ftght to ' No, ".l!n tHTUHATlONAL a.all. eIl.QADCAsT•• Chrlltm.. to brlng return I up to uNrr PRlOJ!; OoNTaAar Plrlty. PA.S. G-B (l) V amIN. '-'-Ing O~ . Spon.or of an amendment to the ala wm be I aA Qu.-tlon-Wflie Wli the Ion • Rel..lld b7 W••tenrlt8Wllllper Olllon, _ _ _ _ _ _... prlc. con~ol bill orderln, lrier..... Sealed propoe ' ~ v"'" On, dl7in the outakJrtl of Chlea,o God Ilk' wh." Ht WI. with . till IEDITOR'I NOT •• "1I.a .,1111••• ' " 1........I. . . . . . ., . " tII....f In textU. prlc.. to reftect pal'lt" at the oKloe Of the mate HSibway r wltnea.ed I traffio aocldent, It. ,.th ... I" o....tlo'" Did He hlv, • " ••t •• 11 " •••••,,, Vlllaa'. II •••• nal,,, •••• .aot a ... _ttl, .l ; ..,.' •••••••••. , Blhkhtad conf~l'l'M ' " it ' __ot ~15'.t at ' OoU1!!bua, poc,r'l dellver, car Ilr\Ick one of fo","' . tureu, Ihlpperl aM governmt!nl ' of· ohiO, until 10100 A, :14,. Ohio Sta.nd- leveral chlldreD playinll !n the street AnBwe~W9 muot Jet the 'Wt",.. ftC:lala on mean. of raising cotton 8l'd Tbne, Tuesday. Stptember 12, a~d Injured' hJm painfully. Play- anawer. "Let thll mind be In YI. returM, with conslderatlnn ' ~IYen 1944, for lms:rO\lemElnts in: blates scattered in excl..ted disorder ~loh was aleo In CbrIst Jest'. loan. from 95 to 9'T~ per cent of Co.... I t .eeldng the boy', parents. a doctor, Who, . being ~n the form Of Go« Warren un, J', ()h 0, on rart 0 II policebllltt, E:aeb child 'rled to do thought It not i'obbery to be equ. parity 81 a lalt resort If other meth. PUBUC AND PRIVATE DEBT, U. S. A. IN IIWON DOl1AlS . fatl ' section C of the HamlIton~Lebanon what he thought rleedlld moet to be wIth God: but made HImself ot n. ods r;QII'(lUll"""INDMOUAI flDRAl AND 0TH8 In advoca~lng wlthholdlng of cot· Road, state Highway No. 185. State done. The father, a,halry IpecJmen, rez,utlltion,' and took upOn Him tb GOVUNMINT ton from the market, Bankhead Route ' No. 63, In TurLle O' eek was the first "help" to arrive. form of a lervant. and was mad. clashed with famed Georgian Agra- Township, by gradllllg, constructing No sooner had hIs dark eyes laken In the Ukenesa of men: and betna rlan .Tom Linder, who aald iuch ac- drainage struCture:!I, pa.v,ing /WIth in the lituatlon than be began to found In fashion a8 a maD, lit UA 919 61.1 tJ.oD ·would result tD the government ~tum1nOUS surtlM:e treatment on Icold the injured boy. He dJdn't humbled Hlmsolf, and became abel dumplng Ita stocks to further aggraactually cuff hil 10D but he said dlent UDtO death, even the del'th 01 vate the price situation, Countering waterbound macadam base lome really Harsh thingS for any po. the cross." PhUipplona 2: 5-tt' Llnder'lI IItatement, Bankhead said oonatr:uct1ng a oont;1nuous concrete tJent to· bear along' wit}( an injury. Q-8lnce Gen"l. 5:24 aaYI that '7A .9.9 76.1 that. with prices now depressed be- 1slab bridge ~th concrete substruc- <It turned out to be a broken arm.) "Enoch walked with God: and hI C!8use of lnsufficient demand. (.arm· 1lUre (Spana:) two at 20.5 t eet; iIWad- The unhappy dellveryman took .ome wat not; for God took hi",," don', en Ihould pu~ their cotton In loan I way 38 'feet) Brldgle No. WA-liJ-06 oral abuse alao. 'J'he father can· you think tHat Enoch waa the mOil unWa profttable marketing progralT' u'll' Or k ' tributed nothing elae. He vented bls loved of all the Old Testamen' wa. developed. over ..... era ee . anger freeJ,y with profa ty in thick characters? ~IU 77.6 r ' Width: Pa.vement 22 feet. dialect. A.-Whether or not he was tJu FUEL: . Length: 2,303.87 f(!8t or 0.436 mUe. DoeIJl't Make Senle moat Joyed ,.e cannot say. Abm Supplies Cut Contract to be CC?mpleted not Maybe lome learn.ed expert on hu· ham wu' ealled the "Friend ol God' EUROPE: POSTWAR PEACE: ' 9'5 man behavior could have explained With ,demands exceeding prodne· later than J uno 30,.1 'll • that father'l ClclioDe. A lufYer4ng (James 2:23), and tbe prophet 'Clearing Frallce Power! Confer tlon, clvUJan .tore. of Industrial fuel United States Employment Ber- ch11d wept; unknown InjurIe! welted Elijah wu translated,' ai EnocJJ With swift AllLed columns backing With reprelentativel ot the U. S., oils, heBtlng oils and gesollne de- , vice, Walter It.. Bel:.scber .. Mana~r, treatment while dul,y consUtuted au. rWso ha4 been (See 2 Itlngs .2: lL, .t thcir hard·pressed flanks In the Great Britain and Russia sltUng' cllned S2per cent from the faU ot 143-47 Nortb Th!r<l. Str.eet. Ha.mU- thority did a loud job of attaching' c:C-Plea.. ten rna where we north, remnanta ot German Mar- down to dJICUI. poatwa.r peace planl 1941, Deputy Petroleum Admlnlstra· ton, Ohio. will furnJsb the sucCt:SS- blame without lnve.tlgatJon Under. have the ICrlptural example fot shal von Kluge'll Seventh army at the quaint Dumbarton Oaka es· tor Ralpb K. Davie. reported. tul bidder an emplovwnent list {rom standing this might help exPlain why call1ng~ur paatora "Reverend." Itraggled across \he Seine toward tate In Wuhington, D. C., favor wa. N t to I d t I I tu J k f ~-.. people openly eommltted to the In. I A.-The Scriptures use the word the borders of their homeland, while ~own the U. S. propolaJ for or(anl. gas :oWed ~:~~g;est ~~c:::/ b~ wllJch &11 quaUfled unskllled labor teres~ 01 labor, work so elJecUvely "reverend" once only, and then It to the lOUth, other Allied mechan- ution of a world allembly under Ing 63 per cent of 1941 iuppUes·. From as is looaJIy aVailable, shall be set making jobl scarce. ' I Is appU~d to God. The t~ Is Psalaj IZed forcel IWIlPt forward before leadership ot the big powen, which . July 1 to August 5. Davies said, sblp. lected for thla project. De.troylng job. aoes not help la. 111:9: 'He aent redemptlon untO weak realatance. woilld use force, U necellary, to menta exceeded productlon by 9~,OOO The attention of bidders Is dIrec. bor, Workers are. never so well 011 HJa people: He hath commanded Having pulled the bulk of his Sev: aupprell a"re"lon. Becau.e Rus· barrell a day, with stock totalling ted to' the special provisions cover- al when there are plenty of jobs. An Bfa covenant for ever: holy and enth army out . of the Falalse-Ar- Iia II not at war with Japan, ChIna "8.036,000 barrell a. of the latter subletting or asslgnl"" tile con- employee', right to quit hJa Job and reverend 18 Bls nam.... . ~'6 ~oe take I better one make. pay good, I Q....-f-re not the angel. the IOU" gel)taD trap ' In Normandy, von WBI not to ',Oln in ~e conference date. Reservel of heating ona .howed ;.t ract, the UIIe of domestic materiala. alIo working condition.. Employ. of our loved one. who have Gone lOu(e confronted another Immedi- untU the Reell left. AI the meetlna got under wa)" the amaUest dlp, being 88 per ceDt ,selection of labor, hours of If'PIOY- erl wbo are liberal and conslderale before! ate threat wheD dashing Lleul Gen. George S. Patlon raced hll armored American partiCipation proml.ed to of the 1"'1 figure. ment a.nd oonditlonll of employment. of their employees get the best men j . .A.-Angela etfated before an:yon~ columnl to the retreating Germani' be of I non-partisan, . non·poUtie~1 VETERINARIANS The minllpum wage to be paid to and besd the best organizations. bad ever died; therefore, they a.rp rellr along the Seine river and barall labor employed on th1s contract ThJs Is all mucb a port of Amerlca's . not the aoUla ' of the d,ead. Reat! _ ailed · their crossing. ' Free Enterprise .ystem III owning Genesla 3:24, where we are t~ld Repor.• p rogre3! shall be 'In accordance with the property. that cherubims (0. n gel. 8) war. With Patton's men slashln, tbe ApproxJmately 100,000 dairy COWl "SChedUl~ 'of PrevaUing Hourly wqe Where the Jobs Are placed as guards to the tree at Ute enemY'l flanking rearguards neaf In New Jersey, New York and Wis· · Rates Ascertained and Determlned Not many yearl ago competent In Eden. And this WI'. before CalD the Seine, BrI\lsh and Canadian eonsln received artlftcJal lliIemlna-,. by The Department of In~ustr1al workmen often quit their jobs wllh killed AbeL troop. prelsed against the Nazll tlon lJl 1943, Dr, C. S. Bryan of Ealt big corporations to go In buslnel\s I Q.-I ·have had heart.break I. (rom the north ot this pocket, and Lanllng, Mich., told .the American , Relations appUcabl(l to State Blgb- tor themselves. They dId It. not be- family affalra and much trouble. al1 the while swarms of Anted Veterinary ~edlC!al allloclation con· ,lWay Derartment Improvements in eaUie they wer~ sure to earn more. I Do you con,lder It proper to alII plane. roared overhead, bomblna ventloo In Chillago. ecoordance with Sections 17-3, 17-4, In fact they knew they might earn for the prayi,. of other. In IUall the , Germans' frantic withdrawal Delegatell alao were told of plans 117 -(a, 17-5 and 17-/ill 01 the Gener· Ie... They did It for liberty lo use' eastward. proyide for equal distribution of 1al Code of Ohio:' their own Ideal. They bad lelf con· A. _ While 1D personal matters' AI the AWe. by·passed · Paris to veterinarlana ~oughout .the coun-, The bidder must submit with hla ftdence and faith that their plans la generally best to maintain a In concentrate on the e,rumb1lng Ger. try after the war, and of the current bld a certified check In the amount would prosper. The elemeDt of coming reticence, Itl Ja alllo man' defenses In the north, that chan~e made It fjm to operate bUll· proper to aeek help In prayer. Tl.! Poihral peac. lacl... (left practice of prom~tlng preventive fam~ French capital feU to faare..,llo of Ru.lI, medlclne ' througl:\ proper nutritJon, of ",000.00, . neIBes of their, &"wn. . apoBUe Paul gives good "dvlce b ulot forcel after brisk skirtnlshJna &0 rI ••t) B, ' R....W.... of .... 11. s., alld Alea. breeding, management and IInJta· !Plana and speclflcatJons are on RunnJn, yc;.ur own business Is no PhfUpplans 4:6, 7, where he laYIU . . .r cado,. . of aRU BrltelL Aided b)' mobile aurrer,. .lIIld tJon. . tUe in the department of 1llgbwaya tun now; more like a beadache, and , "Be careful lor nothlng." BY care receadlUonln, trulmeDt, .. per Speaklna ot arilflclallnsemlnation. and tile ofl·lce of 'the resident dIa- thll aad fact II clollng the doors 'of ful Sa i!'eant tuU ot care nervon. nalure, with .rohn I'olter Dulle., eellt of the wOaDded Amerkllll Gov. Tbomal E. Dewey'l advllor on Dr. Bqan declared: "The advan.\ trlct deputy' dJrectlDr. man'y one-time thriving Ullie enter- Deas, ten a1 0 n ' WOrry' aleepl_ _Mien recovered, wttlt foreign alraln, cOnaultlD' with · Sec- tagel of the method, such 81 exprlles. seventy-five per cent of aU nlghbl. etc. !lut how' are thtllll retary of State Cordell HuD on the" tendlngthe ulefulneas of outstanding Tlle director resenoes'-i:he right to American workers are, engaged In thingS to be ..voided when 0111' III .bout two-thirds retamm. &0 ... 8D)aU bUllDesl.. If, tn the post·war ~. go wrongT By reading tIM cour.. 01 the cOnferences. BuD ex- .Irel and' providing thousan41 of reject any aDd all bids. .,.. ' &be war departmeDI ~I'. . From 8prea complied betWeeli tended an inVitation to ' Dewey to dairy berds with the lervtee. 5'f B. G. SOURS, periods, small employers are hope· whole pUBage, we tind the anaW6tt laDe IS and luly IS, . ~ departpartleipa*- In the dJlculSlonl fbUow• . prize bulls whJch wouJd . otherwise State kIg~way Director, Ie.. ; If they ftnd DO reason to stay "Be careful for... Dothtng; but ID meDt ..Id· Q per cent .the men In, the ' latter'. apprehenllol1l that not· be .avanable to them, are obIn bUilnen, lee no ebance to excel; eveIT thing by prayer and releaaecl 'rom bOlpltall with . ~ the Intereata of Imaller oat1ona vlou.... PUBLIC SALE get no tun from eompetltlon, jobs ~tJon "with ;thankBglving Jet),eMII rloas ,by.leal IImU.tloDa elect. might be overlooked. (Having decided to dJacontlnue will be reo"l1 scarce. . requests be made known unto oOtLj ed 10 remallllnll!".lc~. Before force would ~ employed News ,Briefs ", I will aell at public auc.~on 'I'hlnkInc TIme Now Olu )'0111' heart to ChrJat-Cn HIi under plana dtlCUlled by the eon. Working people In thJs country, It heDID« there fa peace. He ..,. till ~at la known lUi the Bl1l Taylor they are wisely looking out tor their _~: "Peaee I _ " " . . Inside the eltf with No%! rear· tereel, attempta woUld be made to _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _--1 .e~tie dJlpute. peaeel!hl.Y, ,,"th· a .4, • producl o/lafHU'" curren. d. loca.ted 4~ mllea Southeast of own Interelta, bave no bigger sta~e 7GIIo1l71M18C8 I give UDto ,..,u. DIIC guards. . • Armed 'patriots' allo were riling world court provldeCI for adjudlc/l- UYierallo,.. on ~,..,.,. probl4!ma. Ih. WI~les,~e. 4~ mile. SOUthwest or In anythlnB than In' ImaU enter· . . . . WOIM giveth. .s.. I aM throughout aU of southern Franee tion. Promotion of world prolparlty Toltyo I'Gdio ",ill, Nippo,.", • •taJe.t_ B.rl.rv'~valbw'lI' and two milea North- prilel, be they 1arms or factories. ~ Letnot)'oUP hMJ1 be VWbled. as Allied armies drove northward wal ~ognJzed al an impOrtant taco MIHI con.ceilJed ,h. thvelopm",,' 01 • east . ot OrlllWni& on the OINe8J road What good la all the oralory about Mtber let it be afJ'U4.• .JoIla;U~ frqm beac~bead poiltlons alobg the tor In the malDtenanee of ltabilltY. eo-Pffl.perity ,""a,. ba.led eliachooUng dJscbarged service men to · . Riviera and around BorCteaUL " 0/ alae _rid illUJ Ihree 0' on fit them for certain 'obs If most of IIIJfuanc...EIUI .4r1a.ic. North and sATURDAY, SEPT. 2, 19'4, the jobl are doomed to vanish, leavMeellng Illght German reilitanr.e DEMOBTTIZATION,. Advertise Judlctously ........ Sou". .4meriea1t,' GIld P;lUOpean~1A In the IIcenlc mountaln country, the G.adual PrOCe!laId"r IItUio,.. in each, one promnlin, beginnlng at 1 o'cllllCk 'Promptly, the 1ng two meri waitln, for every posl· FOR SALE - Personal 'Stationery. U. S. and Free French eolumnl .' ., nai,hbMlilleu, joint de/eJU. GIld bud. foUowlng chattels: Uon that'slefl? ' 200 sheets of good bood paper, fanned out In aD dlreetlonl, wbll. Althoup from one to two mooon...... . ., 3-HEAD OF HOR8m-3 Tbere II no certainty that there big clUes IIko' MarseWes; Grenoble American eoldJer. 'ma, be relea.ed • •• . .. will be enough jobs after the war to size 6x9 1-2, with 100 epvelopes, ,Clnd Lyon oame wlthln theCr araBp. upon.the defeat of GermanJ, their ' Sock Irqm .. lOur 0/ ~lil.' RIWi.. One black mare" . 9 years" old, wt. employ. service men and former war all with name and address Im• ,The French polJtlcal picture took di.cbarge wI.U not be ·accompllshed Erlc""1ofaiuwn. ~ide,., 0/ ·ahe. V. s. 1'100, 's ound; 1 dark roa,n horse, 5 worken In pursuit. of peace. There anoth.,r quick turn. with Gen. "In one day," Selective Serylce DI· Cllcunber 01 Commer«, cleclG,edl -,,, year old, BOUnd, well broke. gOOd II no aI.s urance in the words of the printed, for fl .50 at the Gazette Charles de Gaulle estobUshed ftrm· rector Lew B. Herahe), d~lared. lliy I1'/flHlb I "1f1Hl redueouerad :.4....... worltel', wt. 1500 1!ba.: 1 ,black colt, ' poUUclan getting tough wJ~ crippled oCflee. Phone 2143. ''"_ ice. filalHlT b.lare did I recdise Ihe '. iIidUlU7 .aylng, "Big BUllne•• must .- on h9me IOU, and the Collabora· "If we let out 1,000 an hno ,.,' ........ ,or.--..../ our /r--~~~-'-~~ coming 2 years old. . &3 . 1 H _L Ill. "It ....'-;,.-Wl tak ......... .. ..-0 _.. . put them aU to work or support a w~ I . • 0/ our. ri•. hi 0 1 . eorlJU.L CAT1'LE I W A Uonlat government of ~Ierre Laval era erane), la _A.. &d t ' l' . th to t Id of .. 000 000 to ..... , . "10 .---. ligant c P to employ them ... · 1t In exile. Having r",ul , 0 ea,v e !ollOOm,oOOOn Imen.~e r •." our bill 01 ,..h.,.. '." '. ' one Jerli8Y and GUernsey cow, ' II Ulte the voice of the benJ"bted fa. " French soil, 88-year-old ChIef of ., . • AUCTIONEERING state Marshal Petain · repc)rtedly .) good mUlter, heavy springer: 2 Jer- iller cursing bls maimed eblld. Tbe . Althouab endorllng the I1ltem of iT pla"; mourialu., Ihe 'Me rea. . and Guernsey cows," can'Ying nght .• ~p. taken will 88sure ple./lty Stanley and Koogler wu taken prlson8;l' bY Ule. ger- Il'adual demoblllllltJon w~en ~e war rod... p'" cen.Jir•• mO,Ula,""''''"'' ' of J b N k man.. enell, Geqaral Herlhey admitted Ita ' 1iIued in IP47 ",ill",. relired. tJue iii fieCOnd ' calves: '.rtIolate1n and ~ s. th ext wee we will start to For Dates, Ph,!ne 2894, wayne.i' RN FR'ONT' '. ' unpOpularity. Said he: " •• ,When '947, ·lhe "..,.", are IAe oldua _II........ GUernsey caives, 6 months old: one ou e oae steps. ville, Ohio, Raverae Char,es EASTE . tlie war is over, ~pI• . want th.e lr _rill.. oWlumJIII,. 2-year.old· helfer, close springer; 1 ATHLETES FOOT GERM BROKEB.S IJ{,;ENSE Fighting SliDens boy. to cO!,De bome • , .... . AP RELOClTION: . . aDd 'Pole bull, 2 yelll'll old. How To KiD' U W.lth the Gel'Jllan. standing their ·Even att,r Germany II defe,a ted. S k R C IMiPLEMENT8 : gfound. and beglnnlng to fllht back General Henhe), laid, the pres~t ee eturn to . oru, One • au . 10 IWh t The germ grows deeply. To klll It, .wagon, 1 . per r . ea you must reach it. At any drug store', . '''dufttlon ' of between 70,000 to 100.000 ': ---- American ' clUzen. or Japa. , aftel deep wlthdrawall Into central ... ~ 41........ DrHl 1 Deer! y: rw r 1 2 row Corn ' Europe, the war lncrealed In Inten- men a month will continue to re ne.. desc"n~ne . the widow of • ' ng ' ( e, get Tre-ol solutlon. Made 'With 90 sltJ on the eastern front, wlf!1 ~e maiD . In force, Japanese·American . • ol~h!r. ~l.ed ~ow, 1 ODe-rO!' oo:rn Rlow, on,e hone Iper cent alcohol, It PENTRATEB. In acUon, and another a dJacharaed drawn double dlsc,1 Jorn Deere rid- ;REAOliEs MORE GERMS, Peel It RUlslanl stm knocld\tg bard at lbe PACIFIC'. toot to East Prulsla. U; S. vet-fl1ed a wmt' in federal 1D8 ~. 1 walkllng breaking plow, ' ta It e hoi d : A P PLY F U L L TARVlA-.LITHlC TAR AND WIllIe , blUer n.btl .... raPll . 011 So/~"n court In San Branciaeo, Callt, eee\r. 1 five abovel, plow, 1 furrough1ng out '. .....,."" In th "ri"l.t til reestatlUlh real STRIElNGTH for itchy, sweaty' or ROAD on., ·EXCAVATING , tbe eall Prudlall Iiorder, NUl. AI U. 8. ,round 'b-ooPS" prepared g e _ . , . , • , .fenoe atretchl!'1', new 0l'0II8 cut .-___ ..111 .. troe;' to the nortb cJearec1. 00fI0 I dence on the Pacl1lc coalt. and axe, SQ.r.t. ext.enalon ' ladfeet. S5c today at WaynesVIlle DUMP TRUCK SERVICB rldor to &beir Bal&to arm_ ..... for further .1I~u1ta 'Ol! the .trate( C Although th"eo,mPlalDanta 8tme. READY MIX CONCRETE outer detenae I)'atem ot the'over en!!m)', 116 the vaUdl'" . foru, 'abovela, post hole dJg· ~iiiiiiiii!iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii-' vJouaJ)' altU elf b,. !l .aloll . . . AmerlCIe bomt....r. ranged the eh a_Dae . ." of the alaD thrul to UIe GDJI of Rip.' "'I" .. exclualon qrder, they said etc., 2'011 dnlDll, 112-l1ole hog .bole weaterntaPacl1lc, softening up ,ro'un"for III further eliforeement "I L ~ one ...~ •. . . In the lIamlng Igbt for . Wanaw, ' U I UII uaea. ,,~no longer . --'.ted, . s:'I.... "- of '--hln~ Ruulan troops gabled grolJnd to .th e the JapI' mUl ry. In.ta ,.at onl. . . .In.,view . . , th,e faet .,.~....... ·WbDe the' ~erlcanl ., Ii~e4 for that there wal no apparent dan,er northeaat 'of the cit)' In bitter tallk and Infantry battlel, whl1e .oUth!lf new ·blowa. tbeytlptenlid their lrip of ,a Japanele ~vulon and ' the 11IiI1lD•• ,·ooUars, I1Jnea ancl o11ldJ.ea. Phone WBiYD88vllle 2911 the cit)', the Redl 'brought UP addi. 'on thellirlanaislanell; where <14,9116 arm:y Itself hal recoliitzed thil bJ. iOSCELLAINBOOS Phone No. 3 ' . tlona'l forcel' welt of. the ''VI..wa .Japane.. 1eU tD the"conque" qf.Saj. taking liJcb ltep~ .. c·anceu.atloD :ot PROTECT YOUR RIGHT river to menace the Oat, pl.IUU!, eC~I. p_a. ·TlntaD and Guam, with a U; ,S. cIlm-out relUlBtlo~ ' on" the • • Phone '73 K Lebanon: ' Office TO DRIVE WITH""': . try leadln, 'to the border of lOll of 'killed; m millin, '. nd ooa.t: ' . 1Il Residence .' " , ~ 1l2.000 J~panel8· · 'ADle~lc!Ula Silesian ' tildultrlal province of Oer- 20 MIl .wounded. 'nniln' the Pacific;" American evacruated , from the PacifiC' 1Jl~:~a1l1 ~tubbomllP.tlD' .ftarlid On I.IliOrribelrl waUoped Paramuahlro eome 70,000' of 101al ch~acter. , the northern ." R.ol'l1anICln ' ~~, the Dorth and th~ Carollnel terecl throughout reloca.tlon camsINSURANCE .... where the RUllianl dro~e fo~ the Manb8D1 to 'th6 eouth, while Itlll 'lD ' the ,..e.. wpul~ , I)e atJected ~ rich Ploeati oU fleldl. ~rl.Y fipUna other wingmen linder 'General ilac· the ded.1on. AnO\her 2'1,000 w8lmar~ed b)' tlie German.' ~b:&~. Arthur'l ' cqminand bla.ted ,entm; been ~oeated In Joba .~ere 10 donment of the bla ipduatrl8l'cl4' Of Illandl tHain, to ~e PhlllppiJ)el the countl)', ~ 1~900 dlaJq:ra,II.~tluW!'y" ~ . 1... I:, bub of, the ·Nalfl" IUceeutul and Iblpplnl' Pb1nI an ;Del\rbywa, Jilpaneae-~rlcw bave .,.. .• ,. IDilRtr"" ''tt ' defen .. of th'e l'IalOl\. .....~.. , ..~ . . ., re,ated at TUl. ~, ,~ .'


J '-- '









AM,,, ..t.,..


Momlng Serv1ces-1030 . . Youth FelO'Wshlll Tuesd&1 even. ' ng at '1 :30 . ChOir practice Thursday ' 8:00 A.m. ST. MARt'S BPJ8COPAL COUaCD

Ralph Parkl, Mini;&er In Chu,lI ' Church school at 9:45 &. m. Momlng service and sermon 10:30 n. m . "Emn' CUllltCIl 0 ... CIIKI8T

Herbert Graham. MhuI* 9 :30

a. m.; Bible lCbool

10.45 a. m.-;Commuwon. 11 ;00 a. m.-'8ennon.

8:00 p. m.- Preaching.

FRlENDti FIrst Day school, ':3f' a. iii. for Worship. ' ·1:30"a. m. 5'1', AUGUSTINE OBUROD Fa&bu Kru.mbelu. PrIoed

Masa Sunda.Y 9:00 a. lll. WA YNBSVlLLB CDmwa 0,.

CmUsT Mas Baadall, MlDWer Bible Sdlool IUO ~ ~' Oommunton '10:U .. III preacll1na:~ ' 11 &.


Young People's meeting . 7:00. Dvenlng 'service at 8:00. You are invited to come and wor. , hip with us. Uf. 1l01,I.V M.

Eo ClllmCIt

·t'. M. Sr.rff, Mlnl.ler Bundo.y Sobool 11:30 a. m. II. A.

Earnhart, Bupt. Eventng ,l!Iervlce, 7:30 p.



"/!O" ,pII.,..



"-In ....


ROO'I' FOB AND OON8IGJI you, Qattler hoca. ~ aDd ~ to. N!lII1a-Broc:k 00.. 09. wire alii prCJllJ..tve flim for tile .........

marUt pdcea aDd . . . . . .. . UDioft Stock T..... a ......... O. "' ~ In' an Radlo stattoD watY, ·12:25' to 12:10 p. m. for OUI''-'Id••nIl;YI'-...:.....:,.....::,.:.,.~ Dl&Tket reI_ort.. ."


Foe &Gravel



AatoDl.IIlle la.araace


' .






~.:' ~!If!.1!!JI!I(o..!~

ad If. ...I ........ a

For St~ck

~ORSES, COW~ HOGS, . CALVES, SHEEP~ ETC., Removed' PrOmptl,




XENIA 'FER'JILIZER ae9~ .'h. . . . ,CIaaqee

. aI.b. ... , ~ 0. & Q. Bull. . .· ' .....

' ..' \ ~;;;;;;;~;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;$i

loon ,.. aJlpt rile !D.f!1e coft tJf llvlftl tile ben.Ot of aD "expal)ded ..-tuplace In Jiilt. the N.tlonal IDt8lDment \. aD!! aporta ~am. dustrl~l, Conference .bOiiM ~. Lint. CoL Henry Clark; bead 01 ror the counlrl " . I whole th..... .... athletic brancb of tile 1MC1a1 ...... ~I .011 per Clent u compared . . . .CIft dl~.IOIIt piau With June. Sbrt7-three IndUlttlill .,.. .mplolilldp COIl"'" ' ... an lDclUded bllIl"m!MlWl aur. . . . - qDlta to IlUmUlate .,.,. III aD bat aD tile COlt ,..... 11... and. 10....... licit popIdu advaaeeJi. . ' C01aaII auk' fauDd. lie ' 'l'IIe Ijrplt rl.. ..,.. ......1'NDtotr.

8et'Vfc.emen ovenea. wiD

:ii.,1~5;~Y01IeJHII.::~ baIdDI . . . . lNQIdN·...




' iu



VII! Cntes On batUefronta where our boJi ar~ beset by thole per.latent foee- • m'ml. ram and eold-good UN .. being made of cratel In which car· lain of our airplane. arrive. For ,"stance. crate. for Po4O Ip*' ers are huge alTal.rl: aa much a. as (eet long, 10 teet higb- and more thaD five feet wide, After abe rulelage alid wlnal are removed (from separate crates, lncldentalq, 'Of nearly equal size) the boyl who bave been looking for 8D7 abelter, take over• ' 'lbeae immense crate. frequentJ,y provide leld office.. Ouien a,. used for tool·lhedl. Oecllllooall1 lome are ll1Ied mesl balla for ~ltI out In . the .open 1e1cla. In Malta, .the.e craLel provided livln, quarters for ll eo ple bombed out of their home••




B. ColeJQ&D,

Church achool a.t 9:80 a. m.: ' 1Irj. I aymQnd Conner, IUperl.ntendeJit.








01 I....feW pereent .....


have recentiy p~rc:haied ' a

~ptic T~ •

cleaner and are t


~repe,nid ,

to ·take caN


LYTLB .• ·••


III.. """Nle ti,,'ner. .. i.d•••

... n •. \\' .... rr I{ttu ~.~t· '4

~_ II

FRIENDS HOME' rr ... I.O,....".

1I4r, !\.lui MrI!.E?""V. Barnhart

Mt~. A~l~n H~ent: l week ~rated theli fifty-mth ;';"edding '!lln- iWitb. her on. Harvey 'HOle ~ .n d ntvers/U'Y ~turday eVening, AUg. 12. Ifamlly, in OIly~n. A dinner ,was enjoyed wIth ' their Rober~. MIU,#iC imd Jrunes Swnnk. seriously bunned some months ago /who have been Uvlng with their .present tp partlc1pa1te QIl. th1s enjoy- grand-parentS, Mr. and Mrs. E. :B. able occasion. , [,ot1gu.ore, moved to Daytop' Satu~da.y Jack R06S ~d Seldon Campbell to the home of their mother. Ml'1l: are bome on l'urlough. A4lnes Swank and their B.unt. Mrs. ~ Ce.ro1J.n.e anti Dlckie Jettery. Lonella Swank, or.Lebanon, spent the past wee)t Mr. and Mrs. Irwin Hardman. of' ' I ~th their grandparen~, Mr: and Franklin we.r e calling 0 ~ 1.1 N I e ~s. E. A. Jeffe~ , !r1£.nds' So.turday. " , . , 'M ! ,James Stevens iWho was so. Mrs. Margaret Johns a n d Mrs. was spent 1n playing ~ames and slng- Allen Emrick called on Mr, nnd Mrs. Is re\>ollted to be imProving. Hls wife, War,r e.u ' Thomas and chOdren on Mrs. Stevens who hILS been quite III Social Row road, Friday. WfUTen 'Y I18 :toJ.: two weeks 18 better at t hls time. Inducted In the armed forc65on SatMrs. Ella Ferris was a Tuesday urday. Miss Virginia. Doilz, of 01t\.clnnntl visitor , of Mrs. Mary Wilson and John Wilson, in Lebanon. is 5P nptng thIS week at the bome ot. Ohurch night wl;\S beld at t.he ' Mr. and ,Mrs. Oalvin Longacre. home olMr. and Mrs. Ed Jeffery anti Mrs. Russell campbell, \Who 'has Robert, FrIday , evening. The tlme been 11l for some bhne. IS 81(1\\' ly lmwas spent in playing games nndsing- proving ' and It Is the wish of her Ing by a quartette. Mrs. Alcholson. m nny {rlends that she wiU SOOI\ be of OIarksville pleased the guests Wi th up and around agnln. Dial 2111 - Waynesville her ~dion mUSiC, a cafeteria Mrs. Mlntie Smith and friends of lunch was ,enjoyed. ~yton spent Saturday evening with Mrs. Fra.nces LlnCOilll and daugh- Mr. nnd Mrs. Lesslle Gray and cl1ll' ter.· Miss Mary Lincoln. of Lebanon. dren. ~=========~;;;;;;J 'were, call1ng on the V1U\lrs, Ferris, Mrs. Wl1b~r Olark at.tended a tea,nd GemerTnlmag e families eepUqn on Mon~ay at t he ,bOOle of Wednesday. Mrs. Elrnns Carmony in Sprlngfl Id MIss Ruth Bunce was a Lebunon in honor of Mrs. Robcrt COrmany. shopper. saturday: Mr. and Mrs. Oharles MorglLn I!.n~ Mr. and Mrs. Fred Thompson were little SOJ,l, ,Donald. of B¢llbrook .were Visitors with Mr. and ~rs. Jake Tully dinner, guests on Monday of Mr. an



l11Jiner guesbs /?f ,MIss Margaret EdWlUds on Tl\ursday.

'iMr, and ,Mrs. E, A. Jeffery cele- ,

J. WI1<;on Edwardt and Mrs. Gem! Rhein, of Springfield lind W. L. Rhein. of st. FrancllivUle. m: called on M1sa Margaret, Eldwru:ds 'l1hursday afternoon. Miss .(H ... ;P .Igh. of Lebanon. called on hi. ill An I Ie and Mame Browne on Frlda~. M~, / :.ce 'l'elfalr, of W1l.minitOI1, iMrs. 1 'Lei Hagemym' and little daug~, tt! r. <if near 0 egonla. visited Mrs. h,vnlyn p etersen, S.Jtw·da.y


At All



~ _n_.

__.. r.





[ ,l,~ ~at!ms6ille Qt,li1U11r (Jl)f Q!~rist ~. I '


~£R"; ICES


AUG ST 31, 1944


~~~~~~~~ ,'a.fte~ 'Miss ":nuna Raph,41 is 111 nnd lIas )0 11.

... .

9;30 A. M.

, !been coullhed to h e I' bed {or several dllYs. M (NINO ~ ERVICE MIss Elizabeth Ohandler, Mr< ... 11:00 A. M. Evalyn P erson a/ld MIss Mame B~'own we. e in F , nk:lln. MOtlda.y, af.ternoon. Mrs. P t.u-son and MIss E~own ca hed on MIS . Ella 'Doyle, II. EVENING HERVICE ·former I L dellt or the Home. 8:qo O'clook Mrs. Geol'gla l'"endenhall a.n d MlssMa-rcaret Edwa.rds Bre at Mllr..,.. children nnd grnndchHdren b e ill g MAX W. RANDALL, spend bwo we ks. Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Martin, of Mini,ter Dayton , were Sunday d1nr,ei guests 01 Mrs. Georgia Mendenhall. RQbe:rt Ha.lll.1i'ton, of COlumbus; ' a former school teaoher In W~l-Ynes ­ Ville high .sChool. eaned on Misses I !Mame and Annie Browne. Tuesda.y ~I. Hur l... ,."" I". I I· bu'U.41~. f · .. rr~,. .... ! afternoon. Mr. Hamilton has aooepPoer,bert Gmham, minister or Ferry 't!Ial-l< ' 2Ihnded area on map shows how success of Allies' grand <ted a position In Mary:land state ~tr:ltacy wlll s~sh across France In a diagonal deadly to German ch~eh, has been called to Bellfounoo11ege. . " i:o'>e.'\. To the southwest. German armies will be sealed off from all taJne by the lllncss of hls father, S. o;siblv reinforcement and, suppiy . . Northeast of It, other German a.nd Mr. and Mrs Oscar Wildor &,Ild Mrs. Lesl.le Gray and family. H. Graham. family in Blancbester. Saturd8.y p rc. Harold Friend, of camp Bowie tll'll'li~!l will be torced back to a "last-ditch" line running roughly mond WI son and wife. MI'. and Mrs. Tom Burton and Mr. and MrsMarlum Rains and evening. ' , Texas spent Monday w.1th ~ lather, tram J.e lJavre to Belfort. to try to prevent invasion of 'the Reich "... MIll. 0aniI eI TbaDb aDll iMrs. John Wilson and Son Hugo, .!Mr. Robert Fmend. Itscll. Invasion of Southern France presents possibility of sharp daughter Marla~na. of near New dau&nter. Naom1 are vISIting Mr and ~ are charpd for 'at the of near Ola.rks , ville, arid Mr. and "._. Mrs. J. B. Jones. in company thn'..t east through ' Alpine passes, coordinated with nt'W invasion , ......., tmm Adrlatlc side to mousetrap Nazi forces In Northern ltnly . High- I Providence, Iowa, were dinner guests Mt~, Ed Burton at Elyria trus week. ra&e .. . . ..., • word. 1IIIDimllJll Miss LilUa.n Benllam of Waynes........... AWaD'M~ror Heber Moberly and ' family, ot Co- her sISter, Mrs John Zltiullenna.n, llr-ht of French , ,~ampaign has been' plane-and-tank teamworlt which I of Mr. 8.lld Mis. Everett Baines one vUle is s,lcndIng thls 'W eek with Mrs. lUmbus. Were Sunday guests of Mr. and Mr. and Mrs. Henry ,Finke of aJtblitzed the Germans: Armored divisions burn 25,000 gallons or evening last 'Veek. u.r. _~ .. ebaqell a' It) a WClt1I. and Mrs. Fred Thompson. ' WaynesvUle: were Sunday evening ' .. ' -sas 101' ,e very 100 'miles traveled. MailUyri- Sue Smith was enter-' J elUlle Mullen. deol-ge ~jcba.el Is 01,1 ' vacaticn dinner guestS of Mr. and Mrs. Ricbtalned ,1 n the home ot, caroiyn EI .. ,this week from hls duties at the N. CA.ESARS CREE}{ Ella Balnes:-leen StBDIIlY <m 'l'Uesd!ly. It. W1lS ACet.1JeDe or' e1ecb1c. See BID Lee. ...- - - - - - -_ _ _ _.. ard Moore 1n Dayton. · ' ,Mrs. George Da~ of Cinotnnatl,. Mrs. Wlll1l1m SmIth aDd Marlly.n, Oarolyn's 2nd blrthdQ¥ anniversarY. C . R. , It..... \VlIJluw S .. lIb. Curr~ .... o ....·"1 , 0J'Dd0I'f Road, R. 3, Waynesv1lle. The Tom Fordyces spent SUndny IS visiting her mother-in-law and Sue were inl Waynesville l!l.St Thurs· Mrs. Ella Haines and Mrs. Lucy 'Wltl\ a R. Fordyce a.nd the P. J slster, Mr. and ,Mrs. E. B. I:.o~cre Mr. andMrs. Bevan Jenkins u,ud day afternoon. Oompton retumect to their homes ItOIl'WB 'R) p~We have Thom sea Mr. lind Mrs.Bar:tlettMon"c spent \family. of Indiana spent Mrs. Donald HaInes and son Aldcm' Sunday night , frorn Wilmington II hoc feedera-metal or Wood COIl·.roe Ladles Aid or the Sugar Creek last week a the home of their son, 'Part of last week with Mrs, Jenkin's vlslteu her grandmobher. Mr' . Be.r- Yearly meetlng: ' ..toruaUon1FU1 hold aboUt 300 b.eadl 1Mr. &'1d Mrs. Rclbert Monee, north :father" John W~'Son and pr Aioer, tha Wqoner. of B"')w'lng Gr en, \Mrs. Edith Haines, Mr. .and Mrs. churoh bad the lunch at the Bodem price pm BIll Uee :l4c . Robert. . Sunday , • Melvin aoULngsworth, Mr. and Mrs. sal e 'near Oen\:el'vllle, Tue6dl\y. --~~~--~~~~~.- _ ::...-:--:_.......,--:::..---_ _""-_ of town. 1IW Bale.- Watldna hoducte Puller Bu~cly Flier, home on lurlough, • Mr. and Mr:l. Walter ',lten11lck wete , Mr. Roy BatUes, of W. L . . W ''; 'Mr. and ~rs. Rnymond WI , on enDonald Haines and son att,e~ded the REMlND:ERS JInJIla at ' , North Broadway in Franklin. F'rl!iay. and called on Farm HOllr, was I~,ur guest , spe~ ker ,tertnlned In honor ot Mr. and Mrs. SiXty-eighth annual relinlon at the culled on his gl<andparents, Mr. and 0I.aI UN'mIIR, Lebalion, PboDe Sundny, We , were! gla d ~ b a v e B~van Jenkins and family, of Ko· >LB1red famllY at JI'oI1t ,St. Clair park ~l' . Joe FHer, Sunday. .. ~ c imATS. FATS-;Red s~ps A.S IMrs. ,Alfred W~lf. Mr. and Mrs. ,John Reeder and Mr. The Woman's SOeI.ety .Of the Lytle several other vlsltclrs prese.nt. . komo. Indllbun , nbe following guest3 'E aten, Ohio one daY 'laSt week. through Z8, ..\.5, B5 .and 05 good in· end Mrs. George MCMlQhllel cal1~ churoh w111 be entertained n ex t ' 'Mrs: J~nnle Braddock ,and lJlaSte, Sunday: Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Ellis Mrs. Mlrlum Freeman and daugh~en wriaL w!'tch at .BoxD6,.good Indeftnllitely. on,Mr. 'nnd Mrs. P. J. Thomaa Satur..... Oanilln, tecta)' (Oorwm). PROOEBSED FQODS - Blue Wednesday afternoon, September (I Charles McIntire were week-end 'ld ' family" Mr. and Mrs. Th dore ter, 'and mothe):' Mrs. Earl Anderson ~ . Bobby 'oam(bill, K&ln IStli\lDIPB AS through Z8 and A5 at the home of Mrs. J . B. Jones. Tbe guests of Mr. and . Mrs. Raymond Moo tire and SOM, Mrs. J e .~ n·l e spent one evening last week with <lay afternoon. Mr. al!.u Mrs. Webb, ot Wilmington .BraddcckJW. anjl Mrs. '!paul i'Cter- Mrs. Dorothy Smltta. ~ 1!'&JIlSvlUe. 31p stamp AS through '1.6 gOod mdefin- devotlons will ·be by oMl'g oalvin Wilson. Longacre,and a "McGUlfy," -program Some of our memb rs attended son and daugHcr Beatrice, Robert Mrs. Mary Bogan is OOnvelesclng 'Were Thw'Sday guests of Mr. and JICR ~ pair b1&Ck "Red preparep by Mrs. Walter Kemlck. t;he Haines reunlclll on Friday and IWllson•.'WuJter ,Wilson and ,~e han- at the home Or her daughter ' Mz1i, Mrs. Ed ,GUWlUld and Mr. George oro.", _ _ !J~: -$t.qo onl1: wOl'D a '# Gilliland. lA.sslstLbg ~he 110stess I\Te: Mni. Don the Ballard re~.nlc)D on ' 'ored g\)estS. I:.eoh Wl1!!on trom ali attack ot fflff tImeL No' ata&np needed. KrI. Beird. Mrs . .wen 1tolg am;!. ~-~r: land Mrs. Luth r H:llncs had ·b ladder trouble. ,- - _ , 1'MIlIMI; ~ pbone' 2106 3~ IPKlefJIlAtely Lima Bellh. ... ~rtJett Monee " dinner Mr. and Mr~. Weldon as 'their dinner guest;; SWldaY, Mr. Mrs. Olel).ila Wi~n caUed in bbe In splle of lIle- fact' that Only UtI) )V1lsQn an~ ~s. ~_ 1?0lf1!D . ot Roy Battles, and ~r. , a.lId Mrs. Mel- ho~e of Mrs. Ethel ~. 11\ Neiw ~ aId1:t with white pcka~ ; Mrs. Sel1t1e Mlils \yas the gUe$t of ne~r Xenia., Sunday. . vin HollJngswortll. Burllngton ' one evening ~ week. ' , seed of lima. beans are usee( theydot _MUD atNet, 8i.tUrday after- litbJ'Dua:h .MIss ;Emily Hames of near Rees- . AUJUst U, Delayt'd Mr. and 'Mr/!. Teodore ~tlre 4U'e II good crop ' for garden.. Yleldfriends In Dayton ~ Sunday. Ina more for tile space occupied DOCJIl., Waeen 'bailk iI.Dd dry c1eAD• • • Ohio Is part· of Lhts Mr. ond Mrs. Leonnrd Ellls klrnd tOo~ dinner with her pn~ents Mr t lIlan peBS. In smnll ga~den. pole elL ftItID'Il to 'Quette oMoe tlp Mr. and Mrs. Walter WI.sema.n IWlth her -Il',mndmothcl', Mrs. 'family din ner g\\ests 01 , Ray- ,8.lld. ~. Raymond Wilson. sun,cla.y'. limas will ' take up UtUe ground . and children, Polly !Lou and l3Uly apace, a~ thelle cUmbera bOt only bear the large.t lind belt flavored e..n~ ~s. , Mlles Thom~on, of H~­ bean.. but give the hllavl'est yield; dlton. were Sundo.y guests of~ , Mr. Limas are .more tender than llIap ru1d Mrs. Mort Lang a.nd Mrs. Paubeans and take lenger ' to' mature. ,l ine Lang ~t ~aJ¢lton. sUndar. ' In both bus,h, Rnd cllmblnl tyPeI there aTe: varletle. 01 am all leed. ' lind thole of IlIrge aeed. In lenera~ the small .eeded ~arleUe. wlll do ' bettor In medlo~e aoU than the large. 'but tile' Havol' of the larg. belln. I. generally deem~ beat. The amall seeded 'pole Ilmas are tho butte ~nn o( 'lIe 'louth. .


~cQth¢.e ~uneral ' ~t1me .











£),avton~ '0hio,

Sept!, 1t:.5·(?·~ 7

·FIRST D'A¥--,-, LAB,OR B,J\Y , ":f\ .Big·4·,Day,and 4 N'ight Fair


Seale,. cu' be · mko~ aIiIl •

nc)rse ''Racing"Each '~,ft~rnoon , ~'nd ~ight ·

, freah-Uve f~ eaa . ~ '.

' b~.~'t Miss the , ~tteri.d~nce I?rises '$200.60 In>Cash ~ch ~ight , S~:age ,a ct.s of Dational '~eputa~'i~n ' ,'will appea.reaeh ' aft~rI)90n : ~nd night,.;:,', ,


• II ''''

Soltl on'. MODeJ:-BIwlk GuAnultee

On ale at




'See .t he G~eat' M'~Rtlo'~ery fair! . It Coats No More to See Mor,e!



EatabJiabed Price

, President







JOOf;;;;;HfNt '"'-lIle t~ ptlfefed at. the dinner .t able and ' YOU. helPect yourselr ito mother's ' delic1~ c:ooking? 'EVeryb'o dy toO'1t a " .\ seco~ bel-plng, ~. tblrdi ' Food waa ~ to . enjoy ra~ Ilb8.n wOrry 8boui. NObPdY waS on ' .,; diet a.Ud nobOdY . ~\ ~_? .;'

," ;

"\ , ' sTmiaS :, ~

, CHI~I?REN'S DAY, TUE~,:, ~EPT~ 5th SOLDIERS' D~~,' w~p.' ,~ SEP1". 6th ' , . . d .1 " . ' d • d Men,and ""omen In ""Iform of the U.51 • All. ~h~ldren ~un er 2 Yf&. ~ m~tte . _ . and Allied Natiouc al.o soldiers o~ fre. belwe. . 12 ~nd, 16 yra. a~bJect " former wan ~ithd;achar.e . to federal ~ of 8c ' , , papen, Admitt~ FREL '

WHOLESALE AND RETAIL . . (Since 1909)--.



EXHIIIJrrS OF F ARM '~nd GRANGE, DISPLAYS~, SCHOOLS, 4iH CLUB, ' AGRI(;ULTUAAL ~Jid HOR:r,ICULtURAL E~HIBrts, COUNARY;FINE ' ARTS, FJ.;OWER SHOW, VICTORY GARDENS, HOME · ~EMONSrRATIPN , PRO,JECTS, LARGE' EXJ:UBITS OF LIVE '. S'f.~CK , .Dd~ MAI'i~ OTH~R ', . " -: INt'ERESTI'NG, and EDUCATIQNAL ElHI~BITS. FOR THE ~DI~The ' N,. tiotially known BETIY CJtOCKER COOKING : of General Mills, by , 'Marian Rat.ton,', able.. ': SCHOOL ,, , cOnducted ... . Home Economist, 'each afternoon at 2:00,P. M. in Coh.e,am~ ,' .',


10. MaaP

. (FOB DANDBuft')


, ,·~'·~ Qa~es."·,.:Rides .S'hows.,"";"'· 'and ".' Other·' Ent~rtainm~nt "






2281 W-.yneaYWe,O•

~' -

':I'M .-ronA....

_cz.D. 'fI,p , WAR '

N _8_Vl-=L=L=K='=O=~ ~=T~H~U~~~'~i~~.A~Y_,,__S_E_PT__EMB __~E_R__ 1,_1_9_«_.____________ _~~N:IN::~:r~i~-F:O:-;U:B:T:B~YEAR~~____~________~~____________;-~~====~~====W==A='Y=-E ~





Airfield Ob,iec:tiye On Guam

THROUGH THE A. It. C. Mrs. Deibert Conger and BarbaiI'a, Amarlllo Anny AJr Field, Texaa.have rebrned to there home after , All Issue of "T he Circuit", n pub- Pv t. Howard F. ,Brow.n,. aon of ' Mr. The following article has been sub- spending the past week in NeW York Ilcatlon by Allied prisoners ot war, and Mrs. Findley Brown, Main mlted 'by t he Warren oounty HIstor- and New Jersey, WhUe there they ; d~ter April 10. Crom Stalag LuftmII £treet, Waynesville, baa com'Pleted Sagan, G61 many, pra.ises Capta!h his courses in blL'lic tralnina' for leal Society: visited Seama.n and Mrs. Perry 'BenTlie Museum t;.l-Jat we are striving ton (nee Ka.theryn Welker.) Charles E. Earnhart, son of Mrs, Anny <Air Forces soldiers a.t the basic to estalbUsh 'In grand old Mansion on • • • SnrB.h Earnhart, Leba non , Ohio, as tra1nIng center at Ama.raUlo Army CIncinnati ,Avenue Lebanon, Ohio, it Miss Thelma 'W a Ike r, Leb~o~, bclr:g "Invaluable In repertorlal cap- Air Field. . should be- deflna.tely Understood, is spent from Saturday until Monday 18.!i ly. " TIl's par-ar has come to Mrs, His completlon of ba.aJc tra1n1ng not Intended as a Memorla.1 to any evening with ber Bunt, Mrs. DeIOett Wllliam DeuLemeler, chalrman of qualifies h1m for further air forces O'!le family or era at the ih.Istol"Y ot Conger and {~~: ,. the Warrc,n County Home Servl :e training In technical or ' speclaUsts this part of the Miami Valley 1rn0lWIl MIss Phyllls BaIley wn.s the week p tmen t, Ilnd contains religious schools or for 88Slgnmeint to 'AAiP inas· Warren County, qhlo. and show news and current (;vents, staUalJons or organizations 'I<n' duty, It Is planned to begin with the end guest of Mr. and Mrs. Perry : along with s me jokes and a cartoon His In5tructlon IL'I a. trainee at tbls sLl'lp. It Is publl~ hed In the Gelman basic tre.I~g center Included thorIrndlan ReliCS, Peculiar to the locality Weller 'ln centerv11le. Ilnd together w1th them, preserve the . • • • PrlsOl~ Camps for the purpose of oqgh cou~ In close order' and exMr. a.nd Mrs.LlOyd Davis and sons collllctLng W1e meager store of tended order drill, defense. qalnst now a lmost priceless, relics of the household, fleld and stream, ha.nded spent severa.1 daye In Oinclnnatl I"home ' I , IVs nnd is typed and then aIr and cbemical Warfare a.tt8cks, posted on the cookhouse wall. down Crom gen eration to generation durrlng the past week. camou!lage, military dIac~pllne Sind • • • 1'5 , n eutemelcr also hru; a cO,;y courtesy, fum a.1d, IIUII'lramaitsbp, of Our 6 turdy , brave and patrIotic pioneers. Those who came from Mr. and Mrs. Fred BraddOCk enter I ~ f the "oKrleg1e Tl1ne8" whlcb Is pUb me.rcbes and b~VOU8CS, a1rcnIlt iderlMaine, N ~w Jersey, Maryla.nd, Penn- talned to dinner on 'Mo~y evening, 11 he fl'oln the same camp. The tUlta.lcon, orientation, a.nd rDs.ny syll'anla, Virginia, Ket}tucky, Tenn- Major and' Ma's. Arthur Wilde a.nd word "Krlegle" is an abbt'evaMon 0 olther basic milltary aubJects. essee, Nort.b Oarollna and South OQr- 8OllB, Mr. and. Mirs, John Gons and the GCl1nBn, "Krlegegefangene r: ,!Before entering serytce lie Waa oUna to t:Sl.abUsh their homes Ln the daugbter. . WASHINGTON. D. C.-(U. S. Navy Sound'pboto)-C~early pON:eptlble through tho cloud!: in thi. which means war IlI'L~lon er, which empJOYed as iii m11ltD8 macb1ne opo photCI taken by Navy reconnaissance 'Plane is this silabl~ Jap airfield qp Y\Wll..Th1a is one of the saliell' L part ot NOlth West that ~e call • • • objectlvea of our troops. . _ _ _. _ the Ame.t·ican and Brl ~lSh found too , ra tor· at ~dalre Dlvtakm of GenWarren County. Mr. and Mrs. Mark Rogers and ,) al'd to pronollnce. In this paper, eral Motors at Sur Iy there are none among us dauughter, Mr. Bnd Mrs. Stanley 'hl~h praise Is given to the Red Cross to<Jay who donot feel ~RP.nseof ,prlde IJalley and daughter were visitors LIEUTENANT HARTSOCK SGT. A.ND MRS. STAN1..EY CESTER L. CAREY for their great work 1.n !eedlni and In the accompllabmenta of ~h06e at Ohautauqua on Sunday evening. RETURNS TO U. . A. AFTER ANNOt1NCE THE 'B ffiTH < RECEIVES PB,()MOTION clothing the prlsloner$, In glv!ng _:"" o rave .men and women who Ie r t day evening. ABSENOE OF TWO YEAR OF A DAUGHTER EPT OJ • 1them c garettes a.nd chocolate bars, Miss Emma HaphUD, for many hOmes of ref1n~eni and culture, for Mr d Mr H Ohester L. Oarey, who Is to the U. all of \1 blch help to ma ke thelr JJves ~ears a respected resident Ot the oward S La I that time, aud ,bringing back only tho Mr. I!'nd Mrs. ,Ross Hartsock and Lt. Wilton, Hartsock, a son f M I'. h . ani d S. d c th! n ey S. Anny overs as bas been promoted mere beal'llble. This pnr,t lcular 158ue Home. passed qUietly 8f!/Ilar iWectn'eaand Mrs Ross Hartsook of Wa yncs- I ave rece ve wor rom e r son, I .. . I Ib are necessities of life, ventured In- daugh ters h11 d as th elr week-end ' . t . J hn SLa I ( • rom Private First Class to that of of the "Krlegie T im s' Is wn ten day afternoon, folla,v!.ng, a abort Jllto the wlld.ness to estal'ollshhomes guests Misses Martha Dea\l1erage, ville ,who last May cml>Jeted his S g ~ and ~~. ~h t thll ey, 0 ~o" ,ICorporal.' corpOral Oarey Is Lhe son for the folks back home __ so that ness. Funeral arranpmentabavenot.··" 'f or themBe1ve.s and their progeny: Marlon Brown and Anne Oolter or mission over enemy territory t Sp ngs, r . a ley are 1e (if Mrs. Flossie' CIIrey of Waynesvill. they may get an in IghL Into the been completed . '. as co-pllot of the "Cowtown Avera- , proud pn.l'e.nts of a. dnlllghter, born ' , . . , and wlt.ll t~\ at feeling ot pride comes Dayton, Mrs owen Hartsock and Mrs .. Thursday morning, September 7th, WilY their friends and relaLives are MIss Ruth Oh&ndler, our papular the desire to est81bJJsh here in WM- WUtA:m lII\rt8ock, ger, a Mitchell borOOe.r. Is en jt')yin~ 'l\IETBODIST CnuRCH BOAIW treated In the p risQ.:J camp Some me.tron Is now peII'DlaDeutly est&br 11 County a av.tu.seum to house not • • • a 30-day furlough at the home of his Both mother anCi pabl~ are doing TO MEET l\10NDAY NIGHT points of Int~rest (;011\ th~ paper oshed ~ the home um. . pa.renw, and ' With his wlfe Mrs. fine and the h ilS been nrun2d . ___ . ' ,. . WI;. Bertie -...uo spent the week- Ev I Ra ts k d th !at! Mary Lor aine. This Is their first There will be an Imp.:-rtant Inl:et- 'include the {ol.owlng. Misses Ruth and El1JJaIbeth CbaDd· onlY the rellcs 'orthose times but also the mome~t8 that will be brought &nd Labor Day with her son-in~ a .~Ien:s. oc Lt~Ha~~kr:rri:: child" . . 1ng of the Official b.:lard 0 t the ' Four c'assrooms and 31 day classes Iler visited friends In Cedarvtlle Prtbaclt by the 'b rave boys and girls rwh°a.nd daughter, Mr. and Mrs. in the Sl.ates after an a bsence of S gt Stanley Is in the Armed Foret's !Methodist OhurCh, Monday e\'ening are meeting each week'b 7ur~ed \dUY afternoon, Cutler of O1nclnnatJ, about two . years and on returrl1n~ and has been stationed In Arkansas september lilth at 8 :00 p.' M. All . by the textbook eontrl u on rom Mr. and Mrs. Edwin OTeene' . of soon will be returning from their servl e In the ·Armed iForccs of the:.. • .• • back to camp, will I'eport Cor duty for some time. ' members a re urged to -be pres. n t. I th.e Y. M. O. A. In .Geneva. :Most Blue Ash, ·were gueata ofMI'. Gfteo's 'Country. Their !patriotism Is no less at Miami Beach, Florida. ' R. B. Coleman, Minister ,popular courses are languages . with ,aunt, Mrs. Evaly;n Petel'aon" ~turdeservln~ a Memorial than Is that of ANNOUNCES BIRTII OF SON Spanish and French lead da.y afternoon. ~'"lI , • I German, '




DaYton . ' 1,'UII£NDS IIOME

· .. .








the men who fought lil the earlY JOlIN SEARS WEDS l\OSS Mr. Ilnd Mrs. Howard Stanley ot FR1ENDSBIP CLUB TO MEET l ing In that order. 'Mrs. Anna Bowman. whp spent struggles of our country. to aaaume her dll1iles as EVELYN DRAUGHON IN Waynesville ar e ann(Jlunc1ng t 11 e AT UNGLESBEE IIOME Lecture and dl:icusslon grouJ?S meet ,tbe past five weeka at Ute lkime. reOne ot the first concerns ot these teacher in llie O. S . and B. O. school NORFOLK, VIRGINlA blrth oJ a son, born Thulsd&y mO' nlWeekly. In the theatre, the polley of turned to her home 10 na,toO, Sun,p ioneers IW~ edu~t1on ,and religious • • • The Friendship Club of the Meth- . the present staff is to present CQlIU, day. Mr, and Mrs, Leo Conner and Mr. EUld Mrs, W. N, Scars. Miss i:a~~~t 31 at the Blair hosplteJ, odist .c hurch will meet at the home : ed1es and musicals, lam sessions and Mr. an~ MJ'Il. KarI' Dakin. Of Lilb, tralnlng f o.r themselves and their children. This 'old Mftnslon, bullt tor .Mr. and 111'8. Ra.ymond Lola Sears aM Mr and Mrs. Alber t The bo:IJy weighed e!~ht pounds- of Mrs Carrie Unglesbee, Wednes- · symphony recordmgs. Sea ting cap- anon, II,CCOmpanled W theii arandJ. MUton Williams and h 1 s · wlte, • Mi&aeaBara and Ruth Oon- Oawer returned Cram Norfolk, four teen ounces and has been day, September t~teenth n.t 2:00 p. I ac1W of the audltorlum Is I;'bOUt 'SO &On', ' of CoIumblll, called 011 lIOi. - a.ry Jane (Rigdou) wwtams, ha.d were.. Bunday dinner suests' of Vlrg£nla, where t.Iley a.ttended the named .. J elTY Lynn ThIs 18 the In. All mC1Jj.bers are urged to be p~r cent of the camp strength, req- Georgia. IVlna, 8uDda, ~. . it's ,very lIrst occup,nnts, desendand Mrs. Ed, Jetret'Y near Ore- 'wedcHng of John Sears and MIss eIghth child. . . present. uirlng !lve perCormances of eaoh !Mrs. Lou.e lla BroWn, or 'omtAIr .••-.,......,_-:::-~---, . t,s ot two very early school teachEvelyn J;>raug'hon, which took place show. There is a library with 1950 ville, 'Wa.s a. wellco~e caller on ., . ers of Warren OOunty. • e' • on ,August 30 at 4:00 p.m. in the EM1\IA RAPHUM PASE;~S A.WAY PFC ASHMEAD IS AWARDED 1))00kB, 1128 of these nre general flct- ~ Bl'O'IVDe Bo.tur~ afUlmoon. Julit!~¥,allclS lDW\levy', who taught lSereant ,' 'Warren Cook, of Oamp Chesterfield Heigh ts CJlUTC.b \ or.. AT FRIENDS. JIOME WED. GOOD CONDUCT MEPAL lon, mostly English. These , bOO"s She reporled.. the · hea.ttcll'i1g no:Wi- . the fi rst school,In the vlclnlty of LOti- IP.laUIClI,e.; who haa enjoyed Christ. Mr . and Mrs. Sears will live serve a camp ot 1000 men. 'Oircula- that ~er ~, OIlpt. Rt'ssell ,Brc";" 0, • anon, (so far n~ Is known 'It was the past several days with his wire a.t 2651 Gardner avenue, Be~kley, Emma RaPb~MSed away at Mrs. WUl StJohn h as receIved tion , records show one, thOUlia.nd will. 'baa SpeDt .tban tlro " e..ra < ilirst ~hoolln the country, was the other relatives, ,h as left for l"lCllIIIrB~n ' wbe.r e Mr. Sears has.hls Friends. , H~me, Wed. 2:00 P. M, Iword ~bat 11 e r daughter, Private bodks change hands during a per1ro In Australia ~d, New Guinea. . is granlUa\.her of Mary Jane (Rigdon) camp Beal, oallforn18 where he will ministerial ch arge. She had lived quite a few years at First Olass Rosemary Ashmead, of of from seven to ten days .Tile Ilea>:y now 10 the T1. S. k,' and a!~ .: 'WUllams; while Enos 1WI1lIams, the now be stationed. Mr,. Sears Is a gradu.a.te of the the home, 'J1ler-e are n.o Immtidlnte Camp . Davis, North Carolina has wear on the books from tbe constant v.wt with relatives, akKl <{lisDds', father or ' if. MUton taught • e • Bible Semlnary M .d Mrs . .1survivors. Funeral Services /will be Ib en a,warded the Good COnduct read Lng means ' that over 50 copies w1l1 ta\u! up adyanoe tr&1n1ng ·til . first school: In the vUlage of Leb- ' 1Ml'. IWld Mrs. , Gilbert Frye and Sears COn'Ipleted her nurses' tralJiing jheId Fr1da.y at 2:00. ~. M. a.t Stubbs Metal for exemplary behavior and must be withdra.WJI from ciroulaitlon and surgery at Randolpb Sinon and 'Enos Williams was the ReeDtertalned to Sunda,i ~. at the Navy hospital in ~orfo1k, ¥unel'Sl 'Home, with burial In Miami efficiency. every month. ' Texas. and !4rB. H. R. MOss and family, studied at the C~.clru' ~tl ~ Oemetery. . . ' I\IRS, W. D. ~RANSTRATOR At the Lime this pnper was 'pUb ----,.--~- , ' oorder or Wa.rren County trom 1809 -11822. Thus the proposed site for the and ~ J, B. R.1c:h, ~. OOla Il:Mmll~nl!-ry and., has, a ceT,titl(:/lo~ of ' DIES IN WILMINGTON , llshed , Ma y 1944 the men · were bavMuseum tles · In ,with twO ~ f t h " and ~a Braddock. , Health Crom the Peabody ANNOUNCE BfflTII OF SON . . __ ling a contest to see whlob prl.soher cou~try's earllesb educational advan• e, • college at Nashville, Tennessee. . MrS. W.·D. Branstrator, ,mother .0C I hlld the pl1lze baby. The contestants, tl'ges, Miss irma JI'lrea, ' dauehter of Mr. Mr.,and Mrs. ~yle E:Va.ns are the Mr, Ver,oon Branstrator paSsed awey ,many of whom 'hav~ not seen. theIr prOUd parents of II. sqn , bor.n Mon- I a:t h er home in Wilmington on Sun- Ichildren, were arudously waiting IUJ'n .... n Durbin Wa 'd, WhO' at that, time aWl Mrs. Lou1a ¥.ires, left onTuea- MRS, A. R. STARKE 'l'.,.uN TO OO()upled the house, came of a line 0'1 day for Qaiton where abe wIll enter ST ELIZABE:rn BpSP.I'l1AL day evening' at tbe HOSPital, I day with burlal on T\.(eSda), Mrs. I pictureS fro.m home, to In the 'patriOts; both hIS father and grand- ' .N~ 'n'a.1n.1n8 SChool . --'. I'~anon. The baby has !Seen ,named Branstrator had passed her etllmy- cont~t, w,hlch was to be judged · by fatlierservedin the War of 1812 and Va.l1eY 'H<l6pltal. .' Mrs, A. R . Starke, w1fe of Lt. ~ A. Gleun.arnold. , . . . < t hlrd blr,thday and Is servlved by four colonels. his moth~ wa.s the dalighter Of a • • • . Ro . Starke, and daugbter of M r. a.nd four chlldren, six grandchlldren and Monday and Thursday are. the b:g soldier in the same war. At the out- ' oMm• • Irene' :-Obapman of Fort , . . Ed HoP~ arr.1 ved at ,the !MOVE TO NEW LOCATIONS three great grandchlldren. dalys of the wet!k in "lllnn=:wt1rP.Tr-lill"1tb!o-b!ihtlrtll'IZ1!11t-ttutt'1!tllllHormot:oT-";':"':"::~;;--+i. break of the rebellion, DUI'b1n Ward 1;Wr, ,I ndIana and Mlli. PaY' Henof . her parents. here a few _ _____ ._ Issues of Red Cross parce!B lea be fonll. d on tba~ ,aame 8VeriUl8 was oMerfd a. C&palncY but refused, ley" ot OsaIa.n, Incuana were the 1IWI!I!ks'ailto, \from Ark. beca.use ·or III Mrs. Ethon Crnne an.d! family Ilnve MRS. EARL IIOOKETr ' made. ' k> hear Gov. Detie, 'sllJ)eeCb' from ' .' enlist as a. Priva te 6~estsof 'Mr-. and Mrs. VemonBran- hea.1t.b. Mrs, Starke enter-ed St, moved from"The Lit'tIe' Inn," to . ~ , .. fo prederr:1ng ENTERTAINS THUB.sDAY ,P ersonal parcels must be opene,d LouIs.Y1lle. '!r, ~... 'whe-n he 1l"11l " , ' adclres \ From Major of the il7th. Ohl,o he l..tJl'All'lt' 'during the pa&t ' w~k. l1!lllZaoelin hosp~tal, Day tan where t~le hOUjie formerly occ'upled by the !,betore guards who conflsca~e metal the evening aeaatml ot the ,N~tlon at passed t hrough the gr8de8 "of !Lt. , ' ... shewlll receIve treatmellts and . ex- ~dlers, on thlrd str·eet. . Mrs. Ea.ri liockett enterta.Lned to I tUbes and' search for vet;boten·goods. FederatlOO'Slennla1 MeetdDtt. Colonel aud OOlonf)1 and In Noo,:emPrivate and Mrs. ' Max .0. Hartaock to remain th~re for about ten !Mr . . and Mrs. Oh~les \l\nderson , dinner on 'nJurs<iay evening, hon- TobacCo parcels are tllst;'rlibuLed as ' . ,, ' <~ f . ' 'cr, 1865 was brevetted iBrlgadler a~ded a family dlMer at the qllYs. Her husband, lLt. Starrk lett of Maln Str~t hove -moved Crom loring Corporal and Mrs. Loren Rea- soon as they arrive. POSTING PROBIM'lm . BY ., " , " "OUr Ho "to the "Little inn" , General, ".ror gallant IIInd ?Writorlous Of Forman Pitst Olaas and here Monday after.lloon to J;etutn to , use, ' . , 'd son, of Oamp Muroa, Clllifornla. <Protestant and catholic' Ohurch .8TATI: BlGIIWAY·,DIIPr. ' conduct at ' the 'Battle of; Oblcam.. Earnest Ora.wford in XenIa on his camp ' at camp. ChaIfee" Ark.; and It Is repol'ted tha.t Maynar '!llle 'guests who enjoyed, the dlrmer services are held every Sunday. ' . ' 1 , where he has been Sor the 1I1x- .weltz and famJ1y will move Into with Corporal and Mrs. Reason were Most popular a.ctlvlty Is walkln~-uuga." . months. "OUr House." Mrs. Sadie Rcas<m, Mr. and Mrs, P. round and round the camp. SOftball,' e • e . In a preViouS arUcle the value of tbe site sa to the 'a.rchltectalre of the Dr. ' and ~. A. E , stout and L , Reasorl, and Mr. and Mr s. ,fencing and soccer .are popular bUJlding a .n' t 'h e possl)1lltles 0'1 bad as Labor Day guests, Rhodes Bw'lnell and daughters, sports. , _ _ _____ Mall Is the 'most 1mporl-l'nt item bea.ulllcyhti the grounds hall been ex- Mr. '&lid MI'8. George waltz of Deqpla.1ned. '. , WIl, "141'.' ~nd, l4J?,I. OJem;t 'B land a,nd EIlSTERN STAR TO ,MEET to the pdlioner of wa.r'; , it Is ~ ' or' SPringbOl'b. Many sectlpnsof the UI\lted States MONDAY', SEPTEMBER 11 ·m en evel'Where. '!lhe Red oross. now I ·., """'~ has a va1lable a new type of ; poStal; over a period o{ ~)leI;l~ ' " ~. , • • card to be sent to POW~ ' may be expending iarre sUlll4 of money to Mr. and Mrs. A. ' H. Stubbs Chapter 107 order ot J!la<;t~ eStablish' parka, museUms -and ~ chUdren " entertained 'Ihroll&'h the ern Star will meet In reguIa.r &eliSion ol;;ta1oed from yo~r local Iiqst of1~ce 1,m'ohlibit monuments Bf> inePtor~ to. Va,rtOU8 ': , ' ' Q~ .Monday evening, September 11th cr from the Red Orosa Home ~rvlce i:ersons. .and events; Ln moatcaaes week-end and'IAibor .Day, ~. Emat eight o ' "F'rlendShlp . Night" representative In yoUi' commun itY. it has' been necessarY to expend a ,O earhl.rt Jw:ld: I41ss Gloria Allwill be observed and the members of . Waynes'{1Ue Pr18loners" of war' Greaf amount of money 10 the reo ' man. of , ~yton, a il cha.pter§ In thIS district· are ·In- officialiy reported to The Bed '~ storatlon of the site: Here In War.. '" .'. . • . '. yit.ed to .at~nd. Also a. ,number o~ ~ 'as follows ' With next of " " ren..oounty we h\lve a&-qur' ~: gqu'ld omeera Y>'~ be present" °All U we e,ct qwoltly, a iP~d.Ifi of ·the :'ISPrb,ate Mlaml Ohapter members ~U1 p~e Pvt. -cha.rl~ 0 , ~'~her Q.J. .' \ Ciaasltl or the Greek ReviVal tnM; of btmg salad· a.:nd·satidwiches. A .veFY USIPOW 23m '. :" SWag s-Boerm8luy , arcili1tecture-.-one of the fin. exInteresting program has, been P~ed mother Mfa. Mary ,Belle Belc~er a.mpl }IJ be , f~und a.n,y plaoe-:;.tbat','lof ••1Oft1IV I'eqU1rel' no 'joesOOnltlon, it 1B UDSpIOU~ 'we:rnll6vllle, Ohio ' ed by either the han!! of. T\me or tne present. dill wve to .teal' dow.n or remodel ~e 1M!autlful old bulldlDp. . ShoUld co~ty, realIIe. ~ tlme, tn. value of, the proJect.] '. 1W1l1 have a 'm~ that. WU1 be U. FDYY . of :maDY Obl.o oount1ea. ~








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COIW~ of

our _ cou1l;l lJoIaat. 10 I~' " ~uai aM In t.IiOt 1ft of


J&rt-.' oountIea, ~ &IIer~ . . .Ciru .......

~~ to

- " IDON .. iii.


lin; oJ. . . . . .~ MI'. aad




at .ua. boIIIe or

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"tn.: " i5M



·1tbe :.Miami,. ~'D~ttt

1'b0De Ita

Wa1.Desvtlle. Ohio

• BIl\erecl ,.. Second Olass



.~ Malri "Street

Matter at p~totttce • . WaynesvUle, Ohio

Walter W. Wiseman, Editor a~d Publisher IS8t7EP mvERY TiiOliSDAY 8UtIICl'1ption Price, .1.150 Per Year. PAyable in Advance

....... 1IJ!IorIII .. 11.

",e.· I'

Home Towe N• ...".,. I" W. a-IoIpII- ~ ' • • • .•

r •• c.. • HoboolJld9., s...~. c.L

From "fhe Miami Gazette FHes FIFTEEN YflARS AGO SepUmber 11, 1929


ep't ember 10, 1924

Miss Lucy Emley. of the post of· flce :force. is taktng a. vacation ~ Mr. a nd Mrs. iRobert_ Crew 'We"e recen~ guests of frlenC\s In. Xenia. Mrs. Oro.ce ~ Smith was busrmesa yisltor In Olnclnna~1 this week. Mr. and )Irs. ~I O. Coyle and 80ll spent sunday "\Iflth relatives in

-Mr. Charles F . Mosher, of Cincinnati. spent several days last w eek \Wit h bls sister• .Mrs. Edith Harrls, and !family. Mr. and Mrs. Arthu~ Zell IUld cblldren. of EIluefleld, West Vlrglnin arc spending their vacation Nith Mr. John Zell, at Cotiwln. Mis s Hennetta' MoKlnsey, 1 eft BiooIr:vWe. Thursday morl}ing for AIilitubula. O. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Cook. Mrs. whel'e sh e has charge of t he pr~ry wm Bradley a.nd Mrs. carl FrYe. department ot the school at that iWere .Dayton visitors, Mond!!,y. place. Mr. and Mrs . .Rhodes and Mrs. Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Hawke spent O«Irte M1lla 01 . Indian Lake we.r e Friday in Pleasant Plaln, with their guests et Mr. and Mrs. W. O. Raper daughter on Monday. Orv1I1e Gray. Ell FUrnas and Mur, M1ases Lucy Emley and Mattha ray Hopk:l.ns, saw the Red-Pimte Cocik and Baby Pauline Woolard . game in Cincinnat i. Sunday,. spent Sunday at ~ be beme elf Mr. lIn u Mr. ancl Mrs. &y Miller enterlira. W1l1 Bradley. talned a lew relatives and friends at Mr. aDd Mrs. Samuel Butterworth cards, Thursday evening. and Mr. Gilbert Frye visited at the Mr. and Mrs. O. R . S~th attended bome of A. A. Unton and family at .the funeml of ,Mrs. Robinson, a.t W ,l WDtnington, Sunday srterDoon. m~!liton. Thursday aftemooq. 1Mr. and Mrs. ,wm Staley a!ld dauMr. a.ndKra. J . B. Cra.tlbe had as • ~ lor t-wo days, ·Prot. R. N. ghter, and Mr. and .Mrs. Alvin Dyke. Davia who is at the head of the i:Ialry 01 Dayton, ~nt 8 fl.tu rday eVenWl department 01 ArIzona State OO11ege. iWith W . and Mrs.J.H. Goleo.n. 1Prot. Davla 18 an old cbum room- 'M r. and Mrs. Lester: Gordon were WUm1n~n VIsitors last Wednesday . . mate of Mr. <7ra.bbe. . Kesani. ·.,esse 'Illiomas an 'tl .Lee Dr. lIiQd ,Mrs. ,E . J. Witham e~ter­ ~n 'Were business vlaltors in Oln- t6.lned on Sunday evening. Mr. Mrs. MInor and Mr. and Mrs. C11lIW~ IClnnatl MOnday. 1 'ford of Dayton. ~. a.nd iM1'8, f4;erle Kerns and ~. iHarvey S!lekett a nCl sons, daughter of Columbus, spent Sunday . John and Wade spent WednESday WUb Mr. and Mrs. J . D. Marlatt. ~nd rrhur~ay ~th Mr. and Mrs. II.Iaa J~ SCott and Mr. Oo:,"Way Harry Turner 1n. oe,yton. , ~. of Xenia. were we e It' - e ill d Mrs. Carl MX:Olure and DaUghter, aue-ta of W.,B. All~ and family. 'Who have been the guests of .Mr. 'and Mr.: 'a nd Mrs.Oeoqe Henderson MiS Waiter Mb01ure ,f or the past entertaanecllto dinner on Monday, ar three weeks. returned to their home and iIIt& C. W. Henderson aDd Ml:. In Dayton, Sunda.yLO eye~lng. ,KeuDetb ·K11bcm. Mr. A 11 red 'W rigb , of George _ _..,.-':'=.~..."".-=-....;....-..,.,--_ _ _ Sohool. 'Pa., returned to his 'Work there on ~turday evening, after several 'Weeks"with bla parent8, Dr. and T. Wright. .. II ~ .aid .. a ""It of Mr. and Mrs. E. L. Ttu~mas and /family, !Mr. ~nd Mrs Ira ,:RICh and. STOP 'l'JlAT rl'pJIING NOW family, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Braddock . ~ Wl'nI . spent last sundayatl he Zoo, in Cin-





Mr.8. ·,..





CutwO&. Destroy Plants .By Chewing Thei~ Stem.

i ~ry·~ Dry Bi¢g~ .'

From A Fa!m.

-~ -----

Sept" 1944. A ""rfeat ,Sep'embel' • ~ ,.ember day. Brigh t, ,w arm but not too hot. The recent ,showers freshened things so that the groSllS Is beginnlng to look green In spot.1; a.nd our


some blUlls as tbe rest ot the COmm l.}nll: ; to s et jobs on the basis ot thtl r a bl'jt.;r wIttino 'q uestion all to t.l ~t co~ r of thelr skins; to be e,. part of the commUl\1ty, not jL oommunlty



ICIENCY lIF _-.cEFF' _____

Mrs. Anna 'J1lon'P spen~ the week In the OIty.



tlh en


part of

, Dr: and M rs. T. 1. IW ey are here on a visit to his parental J1ome. . MJss Miriam Cadwa11d~. of Morrow ·has ·been spendin the week JUt her a.unt .Mrs. John Wright. Larone Bunnell has hllis week en-. !.ered the Ohio State University at , COlumbus, 1M r s . . Obarles E. Merritt: whose serious lllness. wos noted las~ ' week, died at ~pring Lake. N. J. SeIJtemole r Seven. Miss Kiz~e 'Merritt attendeti I the fWlCl'a.l. . •




III, •• 1I11t:J! Ulb.u!', Cur'~.I' .... a.·Qt

m ory

ltor has had theexper1ence

of havlng an lrlte8ubsioriber call hill}

Miss Paullne GibsOn. Mr R;!c\lard p and bless him out 'for an item that Haines, of X~rua ••were dinner guests the reader did not lUte or of wh1ch ~ SWlday ,ot Mr. and' Mrs. ~Y · 9ibson. he <Ud not approve. The fact bOWefe' leino..d 4 timn ·Iess for· lemot.d 21/, times I,,, Should be discorded after lAI'terooon callers we&'e. Mr. and Mrs. that a tmv editors dle of heart fallure 'Ign maHer than a good foreign maHer than a good "" with 1S or 20 gailoM of- ~'ymo~d ~th, or' ~yton Miss in tlJe har~less Is due to the fact that milk, when ernd,MY d;o~ Garnet ,Ohnmberlain, of MtW'.."V1lle only I'lN'el y does 'll reader IllW on&oof . coIt~!I 'disc sfralner. . canon disc sllGiner. Kentucky. , them up a.nd commend hJm beClause . nie sLrolning of milk. olle of ' the their milk and cream productlon iMl'. and Mrst Everet.'t Bunnell . ahd of somebhing in the pa]:.e!' that bus lesser larm cho es. l. rE!aUy one of practices. They flnd that the strain- rtamUy. attended the farewell sel'JJlOn met Witb approval. the most Im],!ortllnt. ' e,r pad not only fi.l lers· wide. ~oble of mv. O'Dell, 1)f ytati; 6undny ·Strainlng milk ill a precaullon In ml\terlals out of milk but indlclltes • • • Ilroduelnl! quality cream. It does no.l \ lhe carll which the milker hA" !oken morning. /L local Da.cbelor says tha.t one of replace clean m'iUung melhods. but , to keep foreign materials from get· ~. andMrs. EarllLucaS andlaMuy the pr~clpal dra.wba.cks about being doel remo\(e foreign matter whlcb Ung lnto the milk. · · . of O1nclnna.ti spent t. be week-end . ~y accident mal' have gotten I.nto , Th at not all types Of. strainers ore 'with their parents, Mr. and Mrs, a. bachelor 1$ .that one ruia m()8t of the milk. Straining is of little value equol val ue h a!\ been proven by David LUcaS. ' ,the meal eaton be!are be gets' it on unlen. ~one , hT1medlat~lY lifter milk· tests · ./It the W(:s\ Virginia Experl· , Mr. ·1IiD:'''~-. '''''--nce """OIn""""n ' the table. """""~ v-." ,,·u...-v . lng. for pllrtlcles of sediment left ment Stallon. The data II 8ummn. .In the milk for ,aqy len gth of . time r lzed In . the chllrt above. Single. lid flloli1lly of'near Midland were 'd1nlend to , dls~oive with detJrLmerltal ef· service coUOIl'dls'c pads were found ner guests Sunday 01 ahd Mrs. fectl on the quality of the cream. to be by fAr the most satisfnctory for David Lucas and fam,lly . Creameries and cream stations ,/llterlng milk. Cheap eno~gh to al· ~B. Ellsworth of Dayton, are required by low to run periodic. low lor the use of 8 new ohe for /?pent Sunday whit b er moth~, Mrs.' sedlmehJt tests n aU their produc· each milkln . the eliminate -8 o.s. . era' cream and to refulSe the pur· Ibl y t · 1 tl P !Mattie Levi and brother at We}l1ngchase of cream contil-Inllng ' an ex. II e lourc . 0 corl am na on ever ,ton. . . ces!;\ve a~ount of dirt c.r sediment present when cheese cloth or muslin · Mrs R ObCort Green a.nd tla.ughter as shown by these testl. Farmers 18 ~sed<~o,~ chees~ cloth ~d wire . . . . .. who' a no have ruter.stralners on straIners are too CQarse or ·too P9r· Leona. IWld l4t'. WIlbur Stevepso~ . o~ their place or' who do not use them OUI .and ~allow objectionable mater!. Dayton ~n~, M:opday .wlth Mrs. Lue .... f ....'~I"'.... ,.... f...... Du' wftll ..., ... conscientiously , Invite b.'o~h trouble als to readily. ft1t~r throug~. . AlSO" , Morga.n. '.' . ( .. tiler ..... ., _ p t ) - ........ and financia l loss. 1\ Is almost impossIble ~ keep eltMer Mr. Lue ,Morgan is sl,>Cnding a lew ~ ~ An increasing number or farfners of these types completely cl,eon and daya Wibl.l his' daugthter and famUY. """,,0 ....,.,. . . . . . ,.u~ have dlscovere~ the s(rulnlng opera- they t~e refure serve 118 ~ lource of Mrs Henr Be ell f 'B ' .. ~ Nt" ...,..,... , ' " .~ ., y . rg, 0 eavert.cnvn. tion to be a great belp 1m Impr9vlng COl)tamlll oUun. I l l ' r t!'f.- II ....... - III!'" . , ' . -.wu. and Mrs. Thomas R\1D)'OD at~ ~nded the Dayton Fair. Mond8.y, lt~ .... _ . . . . .......: " ' - - - . : . . - <." Mr. Je68 over-mght guests -.-.~ ~ time asci. of Mr. and Mrs. , · .. 1IiIIrI·Wrft. ~ ... 'ElIleJl!lOn DiU and faJn11y:' ' ..... "".. _ con••• _oVI ... OUND, IW'IDI to ......,"


(OnON 01$(



Hadl~y, ~ho

~WarBOJids .




.·For F.utur~ Needs,·



CutWOrqll, as the name lmplle., oCten cut on plants by chewing through ,the .tem 'ust· o~ove the ground .. Young transplant. of cabbage, bl'u••ela sprouts, .tomato. pep. per and eggpl.a nt are otten killed 'In thll way. Cutwqrmi ue good. brown bug.- eaten locust tTees have Withln a community. She warned us sized, Imooth. fleshy coterplllan. tasseLs of r 'Jbt green leaves a-t the n o~ to accep t gelleralltle8 u facts usually dingy brown In color. Th~ ~op. A ' J1t. e wUd plum tTee by the and not to ex~t all Necroes to be tced at night ond I:Ilde ' durlng the fence 1. oogtnJUng t o turn red .Just to 1allke or to h arye the same Ideas. Rec~ day Just under the surface of th.e r emind 1,;5 .\ hat autumn ls at halld. 1 ently I heard a sugjre&tlon tor meet~ ~oll or beneath stones nnd clods. would~ . H cl' hat it was renlly Sept- ' illg racial ~d minority . problems fou nClsoll ·andnear de:- em"'-' Quote, that I believe is 11 b"ood one a.n"d thn.t They canbyusually be the stroyed sUrring ....,. l' r I '.;'dn't .... plants thai have been cut. Tl c gal e.::! rOOls yellow, is; NOr to d '8CUSS them. that Is ,not A simple way to protect transi'be. Garn Is turning brown. as .R.AOE problems. but to meet a.nd plants from cutworms Js to wrap Tl :! trees In a pple orchards solve them as humn.n problems and ' thc stem closely with 8 strip of newspaper sCNel'ol shcets thick. Wi th lruit are-.bending dow.n. avoid SC'l'lU) of the b~ttemess that too reaching from bela..." the ground Lt Is a funny U Ing about golden much talk bl'L'.lgB out. Til 110 lng level to the lower leaves. The tar- rod prett,y as it is. not even the \scan(:01 In Dnyto n fl.Ired reccnUy In paper dlscs suggested for maggot sheep wi..! eat It. It couldn't be out the Pl.pel·S Isn 't primarily a ra.clnl control on CDhh(lge. broccoll. caull· of resPect for goldl !l rod as our nat- problem though It, ca.n be made to flower and brussels sprouts. will allo 19nal flower so It must be that they sound Uke one. SUoh conditions Ill'Olcct Ulcse plants 'f rom cutwnrms. but ure not recommended don·t like Lhe taste. They wlll ellt pig existed where ever houslng is sca.rce fo[' tomato or other 80ft·stemmed weed, anJ whlte~ tlip and wild letuee and landlord/i greedy and PeoPle % cup bread crum\>s plants. as they may bruise the a.nd lots of 'oth ers but not golden rod. Ignorant. so'ine of US are old enough Point-easy pork is good eaUng If 1 tsp. salt. thoroughly cooked to bring out. the stems. . They -wi,1 even eDt ragWeed if they to remember Jacob Rlls' books on ~ tsp. pepper full, rich flavQr. It cutworms are numerous enough are hungry e.nough but not golden the slums ot New York. Such con1 egg, beaten Rurar housewives who hove mod· to dnmage seedlings of peal or 1 {bsp. grated o.nion other row crops. a polson bait may ro~. We have a pastur.e full ot It and dlt10ns mus~ be 'cleared UI> for the em gas ranges supplied with ··bot· ~ cup milk tied" or ;·tank" g08 are forlUnate, be needed. For a n cffec6ve bolt mix even when It was the only green SaIl~y of Ule commUnIty. It Is not a for they can easUy maintain the Combine all Ingredients . Mix well. 1 tablespoonful of. paris green with thing there, LIley WOUldn't eat it. race problem put a huma.n one. ~constant loW' temperature necessary Shope Into cakcs resembling drum· to cook· pork so It i8 uniformly sticks. lnserl a wooden sk wer Into 1 quart of dry bran or "ake break· 1N0w llhatScleutlsts have found wnllit pie should have the jobs thllt they browned; with a crIsp but not hard each ·cake. Roll In crun bs or Oour. fns t cercnl and mix thll with S. a fine IIhlng milk w ed Is, some one can do bes~ and should neltber be crust so that it slices neither crum· Bro\'m 1ri hot fat. Covel'. Fry over tablespoon fuls ' molo~se,! dissolved ought to work on ragw~ed and gold- kep t ut ot them because of color bly noJ' dry. very low flame about 20 mlnuLes In llbout 'fz cupful of waleI', Scatter en rod. We have plenty of milk\.. nor pushed lnto them just to ahow Cook ing '1lork i. fuel·savlng be- longer . Brown 2 tbsp. flour in 2 the bolt lightlY b tween the rows. cause of the low temperature used. tblp. pan drippings. Add 1 cup hot _ __ __ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _.. weed !but this year when It could be what . they can do. WJlen we ca.n do and that, too, IB Important, for bu· water. Cook. stirring COllst.anUy un· some use t here are ha~dly ·a.ny pods that and talk less about how we . tone and propane In these gases til thickened. Season with ull Rnd on It. They ask us to gather the pods feel and what w\! fear time will take have gone to war. They fortify pepper. and tell us how to cure them bllt 10 care of' most of the bitterness. high-test .aviation gasoline. treat Sausage Rolli!. and 'cut metols, and make synthetiC fnr ,no one Il&:l sa.1d whet'e to take !Monday. Mushrooms. I.ols ot them (Serv cs Il) rubber ,and dynamite. a.n d arc they good I Cap brought me bhem when they are cured. 12 link sausa ges Here .are polnt·wlse recipes lor 12 thin .sli ccs ot bread Old · as 1. am. I haven·t outgrown a ten quaI'h raJl ·of t.'hem the ot her bo.memnkers wbo wapt to ta~e ad· Broil slI usnges·. crust nlY taste for mud pies. I spent moot day that l1e had gathred In just a vantage of economical pork cuts: (rom brend. Roli each sousage III 01 the afternoon pointing up the 'few ~'inutes. Drumnlck!ll. sHee of brend . Toast under broiler oracks bebween the atones of the Doesn·t anyone w~nt a good dog? I (Serves ' 6) Gllrnish with to ma to 1wcdges 0 1 parsley. barn fOWldati<m With cement. r did a have nlne ol Surey's pups looking l~ pounds leon pork. pround good Job too, as far as I went but I for homes and my tenant has fl~ of ....- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -- would bate to pay n1nety cents an QUEens lUtle beagles with long. ears FIFTY YEARS AGO '· When baJdng apples. prick skin hour for that Job. cement is harder om) taUs. Oueen Is a good little hunt00 YOU MIND I' I ~1IAP TtiE TOllA'R'ES ~ I T>II Sejrl.ember 15, 1894 of the apple a.nd It will no-t burs.t open L£TTUCE LfAVES-)II'E\RE SHOAT 'IF ... ",, ' Qn the hands tha.n mud but It always er or ra.bblts, POSSums coons and Mrs: Ada Shinn Is of! for a two- - - - - -- - - - . - - - - - - ---~.......- - - - - - - - seems to me that you can get It above aU taU;. Qack bct.ween the stones better ,w ith Tuesda.y. 6c11001 h&:l begun. Ca.p was week vaca.~ion a.t Lebanon and other .your flngers, I like to smooth h ere by da,y llgbt thJIl momiDg and Il2JIIEiIJ[_ _ _ __ _ 'eW )places. It 'oft on the outside with the trowel. Lena for once oo-operated and came Wm. Oollett and a Mr. Sutton MOST £mouu: . UAST £rAWTI NOT SO EffI(IE,IT: some day I am going to learn to lay a.t h ls first call. Usually she goes to made a busLlIess trip to Morrow on bi'1 o~. that looks 'Uke f~ too. the lartherest corner of the .1l8StUrC ~a.turday. . Saturday. At- the GfB~ge in. an and stunds so stUl that ~er bell Mrs. A. H. WiHlamson left ,t odaY , 'interestlng talk, Miss Chandler told doesn 't rlng-but perhaps tt only for a week's visit ~1th her brother. J. Us what the Negro really wants ' is; • :ms that way. At any rate sum1M. Bo.vle. of Olnclnnati. to get rid of pateQlelisril: dlscr1m1na- mer is over and our clocks are set ;t\Dcly Murphy is b ere l'enewing old ti011 and s~gre[llUon; to have gooq b'y the school bus and the season of 6chools not all a fa.vor bUt on the sales a.nd county fairs 15 on the way. Mcquain tances. .

and 'Mrs. ' Loren l1ave OeiIn' spending the sum,mer va.- , eatlonmoutluiat the home OtIMr.and '\ Mrs. J. E. Janney. parents of Mrs. 8T~R.E Hadley, have returned to their duties Iin QWrge BohOOl, ~a..

(POB DAfiJDB1JII'F) Solll ,OIl' a MODeT-Baclk. Gaanatee


f lWo Recipes for Point-Free-~ork




.... "


: 'f

.... ...'I'IIrII"

....., ...... "'o ••• '*'...............



50lne "

'nil'" .......'.... IWO.... ,


............ -..........- .


ATl~TES FOOT , ~ulres MObUe Llq.alds SuceSsIUl ifeatln~nts must be more

F .O R

th~ surf~ appll~tlC1lS. PowQ~ni, or olly !lqulds do not penetrate

su:tflc~nt1y. Aloobol . Ia mobile.


. ,Te.ol ~ the only IsOlution. we knew'lot. made. ~h ' 90 aleohor. REAOmlS IUld I-'L'U1.IOl:! more gefms~ 350 at any drug Toda.y at W. 1.. Drake,

. PHONE 326




.\Y'o~r W~r Boa



. Yo.~.."."e.tnieBt

'.'ADiem.·*' •

END 'YOUR . N9t a . messy" .h·ard to use dye.', .' .,.. Not a sloW. vvorking . vitamin. but a l;iquid ,t hAt "iII; ilB ·'a few, simpJfl ' ~ppljcation8 .restor..e ~ra:y .and strea~d ha~.: t~ a. beauti(ul, natur;x) color or your money baello ... ' . , \ . f

durinK our 13 ,years! of ~ohibition. ·What 'you i~Uy' vote for is Whether liquor III tq be IOld I,golly or illJgDll) ' whefher the community ·is going to ~el need~ , taxes fOr sc:hools. hospitals. and the like: or whether this' money. i~ going 19. go tO~j@fIgsler:J..Jllld bootleggers. That'. the 8nswet. boy, .. .

Bimple 88 A·B.c."






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t.'( io,. TWO beautiful ct' lUI' ." ~' photo enlilrQ,cment

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SOU)_,' ~U '




--.....--WEEKLY NEWS


• . - -=-=

ANALYSl~----...-· €OTTON:

- -. .Germans Shorten' ·on. East," 'West Fronts for Suicide Stand; · TO,PS 1943 R. ate C.oa1,Productton

....- - - - - - 1l,1I...ttl,.WII1em If'''lJ)apar 1111loa.




. art UlH. ..

(EDITOR', If~T.h WIle. o,llIle •••" ••,,,...... 1. . . . W..tera N,~,"~,.r t1DI~lI'l II. . . . . .I,llt .illll .tt .......rll' ,1 t'oI•• t,, ,.,.,er,)

r '

,IOfJllINfI - ~ '.OHIO ~.

Future Scah.ruad


With cdtton accounting for IUth of the nation's cash b rm ill-

:~::~ :~~ra~~~ ~~::e~~nCO:no; .



third of the country', pop atlon, at~4i"""" tention haa ~en .focused on the fu· ture ot the commodlty '\lnce the recStop orc1 breBklna demands of the war d . Ordlnarll1 people 'think aboUt In, J!:ven al Sen John H. Bankhead talCell as baving one PUI~pose: nam. Now that" Labor ~y ' h as pnssEld. (Ala,) fi ghts now for wart(me ,p arity Iy. raising mo CI,Y to meet govllrn. for cotton, apprehension has been' ment expenses, But lUI. day hili politics will . become more active' as voiced over the posslblllty of a big corne when getting revenue' I, only, ~th partiel) swln" Into th I f U .. ern pos~war alump .Ill prices, not only af· . Ollt! of the purposes of taxatJon, not fecting ilie producers themselves but necessarily the ' ma in o,ne. A chief IcamPalgns, northern industry and labor as well. r eason for collecting taxes these • • • As we .J'ledlcted , Gov. Bricker In studying the 11,0stwar cotton sll· days Is t9 deleat Inflation. Inflation uatio!}, the Guaranty Trust Company · Iii a sha rp rise In pril:es resulting "bowed to the t hrelR of votes" and of New York opined that pa rtial so' from spending power that people lncluded the hot pota,to of marking lution ot the problem may lie in price have over an~ aQove the available soldiers ballots in his call to th I ' e concessions, Increased production, supply 'Of tblngs to buy. If America's only aim In taxation I Special Session. of the Legislature tarlft adjustments, relllince 'on for· elgn credits and tho extension ot were poylng for the Wllr, we would : ' .. 'I'he Columbus Citizen showed have to admft failure" for Uncle him how simple It could be dOlle, 1f lubsidles. Indusirlal l'esearc~ and Intensive 601')1 if borrowing 60 pc'r cent of the he was really Interested. trade promoUon also might contrlb· wa r', eost callt. f llQf, fl!l~IllB orur per cent In taxci. All lel'lou.. ute to strengthening cotton's markel 40 students of govt!rnment money mat. Republ1can lea d ~rs h llve expressed pOllitlon, it was said. ters admit that currenl~ taxntlon I., I tbe fear that Gov. Bricker is hurtII) lArGO part, to cut down Mr. Con\ Lng t h e ticket by his al1lltrary stand SMOKES: 8umer'. big, ~Ilr UmCi fiiPllnd!ns pOW. against · -th e Wish es of so ml\riy Brighter Prospects er 10 he wOll't bO bringing grellter groupjl of O\1tQ voters. 111 h is rcfusal With Increased lobacco suppUe.s 10 Inllatlon UpOll himself by pdylng out. to inClude W1Clr problem In his view and an ea rly end to the wo r ·re· r ageouR prJcel.for tho few thing_left Special 8eulon 01 th x.:glsl t . ., c II. u~e . llevlng the manpower situation. the to b\l1. outiook tor Increased ciga rette proContrOl Spend In, • • • Any time the majority of a naMayor Frank Lausche, Democratic duction brightened. . Prospects for a 950,OOO,OOO·pound tlon's people serenely bid higher and ca.ndldate lor govefOpr, won bh~ flue· cured tobacco crop tor 1944·'45 higher prices to &ati~' t/leil' WllJlti i'l1lendshlp W lP4D¥ grO\lps In !'ddlpromised to allow m anufacturers to just because ther lUlVe more mono)' Won to 1)\e IjOlgJet'IJ, wbim he &~p_ Bet aside larger stocks for aging than they are U8'ed to, that', when ported Sec, or 8t{1.te EdWllfd 1 . Hum,.. lind release more matured supplies. infiation .Is out ot control. Such With cutbacks tn rnilltary ~oduc. tre nds have to be stCipped beforo ~l's ~~nd ~)l",~ the eoldler vottlon resulting In labor layoffs, many they gain momentum, ElIld there are 1ng la.w be clarified , The aOldiers arc former cigarette plant workers are two ways ' to dy It: (1) persuado dying for the right tQ vote f,lld poUexpected to return to their old jobs, people . to save and (2) tax their Wcians are bunsllng It 119 badly that easing the tight manpower situation spending money away from them, thelr votes might be thrown out.' The plan our government has been • • • in those establishments. , Tlie cigarette shortage, whlch has using 18 a combination ot both, and Republican leaders won1ed placed smokers on a day-to·day ba· U's not aU that mIght be desired. over the ImpreSBiOll given by Gov. ;rhe lIaving. idea has worked betals for many weeks, should reach Its peak in September, the trade re- ter. takl ng the form dt Bricker and Sen. Taft, t.ha~ the}, do sales. Bonds hav.e been lIold pu~ eq- not want nor expect ~he soldIer VQt,e. ported. tirel), ,loo Il111n1 tlave been ~ugllt There W3S ~\.lCh a. stom\ of protest by bank.; too tew by plrlvl\l.e InveQt. am,o ng Lhe soldiers everywpel'e tha t ora, Tbe taxat!on ·feobue of AmedDig Out of Hail ca's flght on InIlBtlon hEI' been hard- T~ft had to join In repealin g his own ly more than halt ~etatlve. Office amenomen t, whIch was paSSed 1n holders with elections in mind are t.he Senate recently. usua~y very 'slow to put taxes where they belong. . WJ:JaL's all oI tbe hu\lai)aloo alx> Double Dealln, Probably y.ou have beara It .ald lOSing tlle secret bal1o~, by permltthat the only good plat:e for a car- I ~ing the soldi~r8 to mark their bal. bUncle Is on somebody else. Tbe lot with Ink, red p:mcil or the e.n1 s~me rule. lleems to apply to taxes 10f Ii. bullet? . . " If the vorer don't In the United States. N'o office seek- Icar who's business 18 It? .. -:'He .is er ever boosts a tax bill that hits • 1 majori~ directly, He Itrles to make · earn ng hls right to vote any way l;)e every tax look Uke It' s on lIom~b~ pleases by oMertng his Ufe . else. Of co.urse tIlxe. Ilnalb .ettle • • • Congre&mlaD Owenoe Brown, who on t~e mlljo.rity every time, but the principal onel are disguised 10 the was a ppeased wIth the empty Wtle I. not aware that they are of "Bricker PresIdential ConVention tsxel. .. Thc orthodox method of .etting Up Floor Manager, a.nd since, with t he revenue planl In the United State. Ta,pP<>intment on the comittee to bas been to tasten al mucb direct manage tbe national campaign In tax as possible on mUlorlty groups 10hlo, is getting "fed ~," his friends and hit the heavy vol:ing elements say, wJth another "run around" , .. a8 lightly a .... possible. By thI. sye- Gov, Bricker is BUPpOrting Ed Hail drills five leek hi,1a in .orne tern a great many tax,u bave been I , placa, willa lOme donOl til large III devised that belp not.cllle bU ln tho' Schorr s attempt to take over t he ,011 balls, marked the .ellere ha,lilO'''' whida "nu:k Colof4do, cowin, fight against lnJIaUon. TaXel levJed 'Whole sbow. • • • J Ih milium doUa" .clamalfe Co citiCl and against ct;lrporatlon Incomell provide forno. In Pueblo, m'erchanls ore .hown an example, Sucb taxel ralae monEd . Schorr Is trying to bring presdi"in, OU' o/' drills belore .lOra. ey (truly) but they don't toucb In- sure on Tom Dewey and the Natlonflation. ADd Here 'lI WIly: 0.1 . Speakers, not to mention the Pl)BLIC HEALTH: Not since Pearl Harbor bave cor- "tired old men" In Ohio t.hJs fall, beFitness Sought poratlons been allowed to compete cause Jim SteW8oI't will be 64 after With 'Ielectlve service's rejection of . ,000,000 q'len revealJng ,the low with eacb other in buying gooda. election a.nd Roooevelt Is ' only 63. • • • health level of the population, effort Tbey are controlled , by prloriUel, wID be made' to Improve the sJtua- which amount to 100 per cent ration. , Both of the party state wnvention th~ough 11 naUon·wide physical Ing. Thul cQntrolled, corporstions tions will be held In OOlumbus next do exactly nothing ItO 'cteate runfltnes. program, whlcb will ' be can away prices. All they can do with week. The Democratic on the 11th, launcbe4 this taU in .cbooll and collegel and later extended to industrY net profit, If aDY, Is pay 'It out in dll., a.nd the RejluDllcan on the 14th, dends to stockhOlders or lave it • • • . ' and the general publ\c, /When' Sen. Fred R. Seibert of St. Under leadersblp of the Joint Com- a gainst that post-waf " rainy day" Marys challenged the Finance CommIttee on' Physical Fltneas,. no lesl by buylllg war bondl. One ot America's financial prob· of the Ohio Senate, and Paul than 3M naUonal organization. are taking part In the program, With I~m s Is to slow down tile circulation H. Ballard 01 Jackso ell . n, a11'man of goals inclUding: protection ag.tnst of over.actlve money; money that'l preventable defecta, correotlOD of being was ted because It Is not buy- ' the House Finance ,oomm1ttee, tumexlslJnc ~eOcleDcle., liDowll!dre of ing ne arly what It's w~,rth. Saving, ed down too requcs·t of the BrIcker bo,," ,to live be.llblally, .~d provl. e g,Pecla,Uy by buy'ing wllr bonds, will Adminl.stratlon for transfer of lundS aloli of ~d~lI.te meaDS for physl- do the' !rlck' IJecause sllvlng retards to the Ohio Clvlllan Defense set-up, I pelldlng, but not e~lough people ,bhey were very critical of Its publlc e.t development. In commenting on the program, ,re.a lly want to save. A salcs tax Col. Leonarci G. Rowntree, ehle; of would stop much (oonlsh Ipending operation, · . . . One saId, "Ma.ny of selective servlce'l medical dlvislon and ma/:e people slIve, but It would the things being done are more fanand chairman of the Joint Commit. be a departure from our tradItional tast1c than anything ever dreamed of by Harry lIDpk~ In the balmiest tee ,on Physical Fitness, declared: h idde n methods of tUKa lion. days of tile New Deal," "We need to develop people with staminn, energy, skill an~ aglllty, so • Want.a OUStomer for Anything? - - -- - - - -- - - -_ _ _ Want to Sell Your Bervkes? they may bave a fuller enjoyment of life." . 'Want to .Do ~m1r1na' ~ . Advertise apd I:lucceed




t.iarrlpc liberatioa of Paril w.. latemal whlcb broke 01lt . t 'amed Notre Dam. catbedral, with Ald, Inipert &rIDC on Peri,i... crowd, ah_1l ee-eldnl refu,lI" behind Freaeb halla_ .


COAL: Good Suppljes

Head lor Reich Giving In belore the overwhelming weight of the advancing AlUed armies, Nazi troops in the Paris region feU bock toward the German frontier, while remnants of enemy uoJts In southern France trickled northward to join in the evacuation of the country. Althougb the G¥rmanl claimed to have withdrawn the bulk of their Seventh army eastward, the AlUes exacted a heavy taU trom it, with U. S. and .British armored columnl hack,lng up rearg uards and fleets of bombers rlpp!ng up enemy trooPI making a hasty scramble for the reich border. "- the U. S. columnl .wept on, auch historIc Worlcl W.r I lIaltlc-Belda al Chate.u-Thlel'l'J', BeDe.a Wood .nd 8018lOD leU to ramp~llDg 00011100". after mtle re,lllance, tn marked cootrast to the bUter, IIloody 8,blinK whlc" was reqalrec1 U Je.n before the AJUes could plaDt tIIelr fI.1I'1 over lbe ground. In louthern France, ihe Allie, advanced almost ilt will, ebcounterlng fa.n atica l refllstance only at eertaln • suong·polnts. and indicating that the Germans had pulled out the buIll of their forces trom thll sectIon of the country belore L1eut. Gen. Alexander Patch' s Seventh army landed ' between Toulon and Cannes. Even '0, lbe bog Of en~my prisoners ·totaled well over 45,000, although many of these troops were foreJgners the ~bzi ~ bad ,Impressed Into .ervlc~.

With coal output averaging 12,000,000 toni weekly, the indu.try looked forward confidently to the achievement of tile production goal of 625,000,000 lons for 1944. Mining of the 625,000,000 ton. would assure the natlon-Of a comfortable fuel supply, but due to wartime compllcatlons. many regions ut:'Iable to obtain certain types of coal and may be forced to rely upon neighboring lource.~ Up to the middle ot,AUgult, U. S. minen bad tume~ out 401,000;000 toni' of coal, for a gain of 29,000,000 toni over a yellr ago. With rosy prospects prevo.l11ng, the government recen~b: allured d!!alera that there would be no further reductlon of quota. for retan deUveries.

PRODUtTION: New Labor Demands

No leu than 400,.000 worker. are needed to meet the services' reviled prodUction demand, based upon bat. tie experlence• .1n France and Italy with the Ihlpbuildlng and artlne'; and ammWlltlon Induatrles alone caUlr)s for 116,000 employees. To meet the new labor demands, the War Manpower eommla,loD planned to transfer workers from other jobll, even though they may be drawn from ~ctlvitie. I1ltherto , cgn· Iidered ellenUal · ~e'lde• . the shipbuild Ins and ar tiliC? and altlmunltion 'fields, G7,OOO workl!l'8 are required tn the lumber industry; 45,200 In food proceillrig tbl'ouSb., Septemb.e r; 22,OOO.ln elecEnter Hungary . tronics; 18,000 tn tire-making: 10,200 Even aS ' the Nazis streamed back in truck and tank foundrlel and to their ' own borderi In the welt, forges, and 4,800 moothly tn ootten tjlelr arm Ie. weJ;'e sorely preassd duck productJon. ; In the east, where German dlvlalon. trapped In Rumania tried to fight PAClF.C: themselves free; and other of their tr9QPS moved up to the Carpathian MacAr~h...r' s Strategy mountains to ' attempt to stave off . With· Gen. ~ouglal MacArthur'1 the Russian advance Into Hungal'1. ambition to return to the Philippine. closer to reaUZaID movlnl 'Into · 'b(l Carpatlll. tlon, ~lU~ry g."rts aDI, the Germani IuUiJled JD . • ,reemen' wltb 1the Rugarl.D. at South Pacific beadquarteri declared tJrat to provldc· troops fo~ til•• ClOantn'. defense •• tbe price for Pllrault of bll favotlte keeplnl_1& In tbe . w.r, foUowIDg'· tacUcs coUld lead to Rum.nla's ·c.pltul.UOD to PIe " conquest of the Islanda with a minimum ' COlt Alllel and ~alprl.' . peace bid. of Uves. , For herself, Hungary soullbt to .l In recaUltJg Genera) IIdlty her internal govemmeqt by establlshlng Bnew cabinet. compoled M~cArtbUr'1 l~atei1 fbr \h'e lnost part of military Itrobg tn Isolating the enemy m,n. beade'd by Col. ,Gen. Vltez Geza , on New. Guinea. g- ~et~ 'porta' pOinted out that MaoArtllur, Lakotns. , : As Germany tried to hold Hungary bls taetlcs , con"lsted In line, RussJan troops were reported chiefly of lurin,. the enemy out of well inside ' the Carpathian., with p'ositlon," then striking 'bls weakest the enemy energetically attempting poln~' and uslns ,the jungle as a 'to contain the Red drive In the rocky Bhleld fot maneuvers. Continuing eftona to soften up the masses. enemy'. defenllve lIy.tem" In the PbiUpplnel area. U, S, army aDd N~ Predicament With the fUll weight of 'AlUed Davy OOmben hammered at enemy might foll1ng down.on Germany. ,the shipping ,and in.tallatlom. . " Nazi pr,edic~llbent became leve~e1y. acute, with the enemy hlmlelt leem~ AlEAT: lngIS' pulllng In hll trooPI In both Lig"" Marketings ' the' west and east .tor a final .ulcldal With .hog ·18ceipta at, low levels, stand on .hortened Uries, bopln, tor and with , paCker. ordered to let • po~ sl ble c~mpromlse peace. on~thlrd of production tor the, Aitdresslnr ~e Qermaa DetlIove'rnment; pork luppllel promise pIe over tile radio, Lie.... 0eD. .. ~ remain tl,bt unttl late in «?etober, Kurt-Dittmar, the al'my'. ·prea . ' ;Ghen. the Ulual beaVY-leasonal run q,Okeim.D, aO\lJlded·tI!e 'ke)'llo" I. expected to ease the Iltu.Uon. . to Nail hOpei, decl.rtq aa.,t · Altli,oUrb ' the sbo1't bog IUPPlY II theY' would be w:tUlnr~ to Cl~ , apeeted to be offset b,. increased IIghtln, If tile ~UI~ relaxed tbeIr Bhlpmenta of cattle, movement of the laUer to m.rket ba. been Ilow.. Slild he:, "If this determlqat10n (to er than arLtlclpated, With the reluJt destroy'. Germ!!ny) did not e~I'" ,U' ~t .the... ~k'lef li'il~el have coni. the world we rice , ha~ ~een ready maDded ~. pl'lcel', . . • to '- recognize 'the .l lvln, rlghb • AI ~ fl!luJt ,of the t'igbt ' luPPt1, ' •. of it 'great, . .' bard· working natl~ ho'~ ~ave bIlen ' "Detting '~el11na . , no reason could llave been leen wbJ' "ricca, wi\h tl\e ·market expectec1 to tb"-mlsery hi ll to flU. the world , . , remaiD 4rmer than lalt ,.ear wben , a 'Ill pootlnue to flU i\''' the hean ft!ba 'eat under wa,..




".1' .Im...


•· ,

.. .

News Of The Reds

CIO: Probe ·Political Action ·

Called before ' the < bouse eam· palgn- expendlturel committee, Chl~o.!n ' Sidney Hillman . revealJd that the organl~tlon' .. political ac., ~on committee .~nt $428,311'1 up to August 1Il, .wlth $6'1,320' ot the sum used In ·prlinarles and ltate ·cie(!oo tiona. Vigorously ' denying that worker. were forced , to kick in to 'tile politi.' cal action c~~ttee;~' ~llmllD said that the bulk of' ,to~l coUectloQI $806,7111 1, ConlUtuted \mion contrlbu-, Uonl, ~th ~oaDS fI;urlng pr.omlfteri~ ly In the remainder of the funds, AD alliHtlqnaJ t1,500,OOO Is Ilelng llj)Ught from workers, Hitlplan reported,


............ i....._ - ' .I¢Jl:OINClNNrATI-<JrIm battles with :: Pittsburfh Pirates. hottest iea.m

:Aut....blle I ••uraD••

~I' ehur


f .l



vairtE~7DRD T"Etf .ij ........~~~~==~.:; 'r.:e. UnUIKlB INTEAHATIONAL BIB

I'mitUllfiJ(ll.rdi", ~oll'"




TRURSDAr, 8£P1'D1B111


J\1E'l'HODIST &. B. Ooleman. MJDIater




Queatlon--I worry a bout ' tl1e b t. Cfiurch aOhoolatiao a. Ill. KrI. ~Ie' of Armageddon. Will there be IUlymond Conner, luper11ltendllSt,

la'tty for anyone at t hi1t tim!!? An.8we r 0011'8 Children neC'd Bever fenr. Tb ~y ere Il.jwnys II-:e in 1-118 Icare, For encourllgo Il'nt, rcnd 1'8alm 91 : 4'·16, nnd noti ce cspec:n\l¥ ,erses 4·11: "Ho sh nll co ver tl lce ~it ll His tea:thers: Dud under His wings snalt thou trust: Ills tl' tl h shall be thy shield ond bucl:ler. Thou sh 1 not be I1tl'old for th o t('f' ror l,y nlfl lll: no r for Ihe nrmw tll'lt tlle(h by day; nor for the I1 I'Slll nne l hat wollleth III dnrkncsl: : nor fOl th e destru ction Ulnt waslel h al noon dny. A thousand shnll fall at t hJ Ihle, and .ten tho\ll'a [I(I /l.t th y righ l t,noel; llUt It Khllll not como nl" h U" :I). Only with thi ne · ey 8 Bh·; jj thou behOld nnd see tho reward 01 Ul e wi cked. D Ca1l8 thou hMt I " (IE Ule Lord, wh ich III my re ruge, even U·e most nigh, Ihy habltnl !on; \I ..) r~ IIh:u1 110 o'lM b e fa ll th oe, o" 'll1l'\' SIII\I\ any p)u lie come n ' j' \: It. '] d ·.v e! IJ~. For ne shall gi ve H ll ~:, :::' Is cbarge over tiH~e , to ltCI', 'l lce In all tby warll," It wou ld b E r .)ocl \0 l~I!IUOl'lz tJ Is I'snlm. 'l'b !ftrtY'stxth PSRlm IIleo was writ t n ('O r t.he t ime or trou blo. Q ....... PI.ase explain Hebrews 12:9: '1"'urthermore we have I1 /Id fothen of our flea" w,l1leh corrected us 111<1 wc gave them reverence : ch JII we, not much rat her be In GlI bJec to n unto tho Fathor of spIrIts, <Inc live? A.-if your lathor waR ll ke TIlne 1:0 beli eved In th o laylllp,; on 01 M nds once In 0. whlle! El.lI·lhh rn lhers corrC'ct their childi'l'Il 101 Ihclr own good , 1I11d the ch ! h.1r e ~ r "~ l1ect nnd \l anaI' t\l ef!1 tor It.. f:( I ~o, tbo beavenly F ntl!er m il' J ~nfllet lro ell oorrect liS. but UlJ s 0 " 1) IlI'OV S that \\'e are Eis sons rrti III () ll jcct~ of HIli car e, for "G oII d ~ I a lh wllh you as wltil tlOns: fOI whnt son I!J ' J'I) \ ,. ""l l11e filth t 1:lla 5lon th oot?" (VAl'Se ' 7.) Q.-What was the or i~i n of tl peo pl., In the I e. ~ d of Nod, V/ll e,.( Cain wal marr-ied1 A.-Tbe Ible fln n ,:~ ~' Y . h . Cain wns married in the land 01 Nod. Relld Genesis 4: 16, 17 care fully. If there were any peopi, lh~re b efore Oll.ln arrived, tb o3 we re also thc desc ndaots of Adnrll ..nil Eve, because Eve "was tbe mother of all living." (<rencGh a ~O.) The word "Nod" means lep a r ltlon, and no doubt r ecDJls th( II!'ci fact !,hat Cnln removed (rorr U,a presence of the Lord , near tllt cllte of Eden, to tbls land of Nod lOr separation. It may hove been un :u.i1abltod · un til be a.nd h is famil, ..rrlved. Q,-Ia the Golden Rule really /, .he BIble? A. -It Is found 10 f:-. tthe w 7 :1!!: "Then rol'l" 1111 1I .H1gs wh ntsocv" ,'0 Wli l.. . 11 t h ~t 1lI00l sbould do I .) : ou, \10 yo e en., to Ulero: for tb : ~ _:t the law and the III·ophola."

Mom1na 8ervices-10SO Youth Pelowahip TUesdn, ~.ft. ng at 7:30 . Choir praotlce Thurada-y 8:00 'p.m. ST, MARY'S EPISCOPAl. COUaCH Ralph Park•• ~ter 10 Ollar." CIlIU'ch school at 9 :t5 a, m. Morning service and ~on 10 :30 .l .

10 .

" EltltV <.: lll r lt<.:11 Ot· VIIKI8T ..erbert Graham, Miulater 9:30 a . m ., Bible lIChooL

a. m.-cGmm!J,D1on.


11 :00 n. m.-8ermon. 8:00 p , m.-Preachlna. FBlENDb Da), SChOOl, 9:30 ., m. Meeling lor Worsh1p, J '):30 '•. m. Fi)' ~t

ST. AUGUSTINE CHURCH F.~er Krumhelts. ......t MI\S8


9 :00 a. m.

WA YNESVILLB CIIt1BCB 01' OBB.I8T Max Baaclall, MiDIIIer Bible Bc.hPDI 9.30 a. Ill. Communlon 10 :45 a. IlL PreaUllng, 11 a. m. Young People's meeting 7:00. nvenlng service at 8:00, You a~e Invited to come and wor.hl p Wllb us. l\1'f. IJOJ.I.}' M_ E. enUROI. T, M, Scarrr, MinIster

Sunday School 9:30 a. m, B. A. Ell l'Ilhart, Supt.

Evening l!Iervlce, 7:30 p.



I Sand & Gravel . ,



ARMITAGE & SON Phone W~esv1lle :511 Morrow Phone No. 3 . Lebanon: OUlce Phone 478 K Residence 98' K

FOR 8A:IJE - Personal S tatJonery, 200 sheet8 of good bond paper, size 6x9 1-2. with 100 en vpJopes, all with name aDd address imprinted, for $1.50 at the Gazette . ROOT FOR AND OONSIGN office. Phone -2143 , . 10\11' CattJe, bOil, .sheep aud '~... t.o NOII'iB-Brock ' 00.. liVe wire aIMt The Pirates are t.o meet the Reds PI'OIJI',e u1ve firm for , tbe bII~ in a night game 0.10 ooley Field market price. and IOOCI - . t . ~ursday, a single IllcUes' game SatUnion ,Stock Yardl, C'DClnnMi. (). urday and a doubleheader Sunda.y. Tune in an Redio 8t&tilOD WOKY, The ntght contest wUl get undcr 1,2 :20 ,to 12:~ p, ~ for ·our dan, rway lI.t 9 o'clock. bhe ladies' da.y market reports. affair at 2:30 and the big twin blll home finale at 1 :30. On the latter day, West Virginia friends of piooher Max Butcher, of the Bues, and hurler Arnold Carter CJf Ule Reds, "NUl make a pllgTlmage to Cincinnati to honor the bwo twirling West Vn-g1.I1HORSES, COWS, HOGS, lans. Bolli will be preaented w>th CALVES, SHEEP, ETC•• suitable glf'ts before play starts. . M rer t.he series with F1r1scb's warRemoved Promptl, ~iors, the Reds wUl be off on their Call, final road trip, first to Chicago lUlU Jthan easliWo.rd through the league's second division, ending the year on OCtober 1 In dear old Bi·OO!tlyn. It Is ' hoP,ed bilat tbe Reds w1ll make enough progress an thls safari ~o ,p ass the P1ra.tes and regatn second place, the posiUon in whloh they ~Inlshed last season. . Tickets Cor bhe Pittsburgh series are now on sale at the .Redleg tlcltet headqua.rters, 037 Vine street, FOR. 8Al.iE-ChannJn TOllet· 'l1IIu" where mall ord.er8 are I'lso being ac-' Four rolla 25c. OUette oIfloe.

_QUICK SERV,CE For Dead Stock


In the National Let.liUe, ' wili ma.rk Ithe close of the home season for ' Bill McXechnie's Clnclnnatl Reds. .m. the late stages of the campairn tlhe.Plrate8 ha'le pulled a.bead of the ~, Wlho, ma4dened; are out to tile tables on the lads kom cef,lted. Smoketown.

We' Clean ·S, eptic ~anks And qesspo~ls .

~~--~~----~-----------------------~--~ ... ', tla. wee ..•.. lietll.


We have recently purchaaed a Cel.pool ~ptic Tanlc cleaneJ! and are prepared to take care


of' yCHir p¢eda. 'P roppt ae"ice aDd all work Buaran.



Call Pat and Whitey

PHONE 2414


AUCTIONEERING 1 Stanley, and KooBler '. For Dale'S, Phun~ 2894, w~_- I vllle, Ohio,

~vsrae O~










~--~----~------~--------------~--------~. ----~~~--~------------------------~-.~------~~~----------~~-----------------



Itlr• • n"rl"U"

" 'i · bu,ulI~. HDl ru" ....

liome.!lf.ade1'ractor for $31.65





.::.- .,- - - - -. .. - -


, ~



M 1':' '. ""lIum ~"II'fh" t..'urr" u....... n. Itl"'''. "N'HI~ .;.:;,;;;:- (.tur".lUUiU .n ~ Tile Reeder reunion wlll be l{eld . YOU ARE INVITED TO Rev. RObprt E. Hadley wa~ w1th Mrs. Roy DrUJlUlltlnd, M.I'S, 301m at the home of Mr, and Mrs. John' us Sundny. He " OJ be pur l)art- ,St.a:rr 8Jld lIttlc da.lightel', 'Stmya ATTEND ~er a.t Centervllle SI4\Uon next ' t imc pnst.or' ngaln this church y &I'. Kay, Dwight Drummond, and E.'v . rSunday, September 10. Mrs: Hadley and ·son · Bobble. were ett L(lForge, were &U ts ot frl nds IMr. Lclg<h Engle Is able to be out !'.\ ~' also present. \ at' Clrlll1cothe Sunday, p.nd on Labor sati8fa~ory and around agnln after undCrgolng I Ml·S. Erlllh B;'anctL of Bridgeport, Day,' of friends at Londonderry. another operntlon on IUs leg 0.1, the Jnd ,: aud Mrs. Lucy Com.Aon were Mr. a :' ~ . • George Plymll'e and (b Ill' l Mlnml Valley hospital last week. d inner guests of ~. n,nd Mrs. W~- , son, Vu·..U, attended bile Plym.lre r eMr. and Mrs, George McM:1chael lIn,m Smit.h. Il-l).d Marllyn Su e Satur· unJon L ~ Port WillJrun, Sunday, a attended the ball game at qtncm, day evenlrig. Missel 1 rothy 'MoO I' a. t 11 a 11 (, .naU Friday evening. ' ' SERVICES SUNDAY , Mrs. Nelli e Bumlcll and Mlss Me>- iF'a.ustll'. .:1 Pa. ' terson · '$pent s e veT a. ' A good crowd. alltended the ioe' nlmla. ~unnel1 have sold Lheir (aonn days With lhe "Ia.L ".1'S grolllip?r nts •';'rTEM.n.;R 10, 1944 creamsoola.l.held nt the Sugar Creek to Mr. and Mrs. Harry West and at E' ton, week. ChristIAn Ohurch, Saturday evening. h!L\'e bought property In Way,MSMl' . 'Olive Jaeobs, Mrs. Howard BIBLE SCHOOL Mr. and Mrs. CUnton OUVall\Louville. Oooll Mr. and' Mrs. Olivel' J acobs alln 'Mulloy) arc announcing the 9:30 A~ M. , The W.F.M .S. m t at ,the home and .·;Udren anll Mr. and Mrs. iblrt.h ,o f a daughter, Connie Lou, o! Mrs. Ella Hai_e.s Wednesday a1- Charles Ellis arul children, were -~--- weighing eight and one-hall powlds ternoon. 'vlsit.ors Lunday, t the Cluclnn tI M(. ItNLNG SERVICE at McClellan hospital, Xenln, Satur' 1\ . and Mrs. Raleigh Doga,n en- Zoo and oney Islr nd. " 111c VlctorioUll Life" day morning. tcr..alned Lo cilllner SUlldLlY In honor Mrs. M B_'Y Mann 'n and Miss Ethel Homecoming will be heid at Sugar 11:00 A. M. ot their guest, MfS, EdJth Brandt of lManm;m , or Wilm illgton and G. W. Creek Christian (Owell's) ohurch on Bridgeport, Ind., lihe (ollowlJ1,g: Mrs. Dav,ls, wel'e Sund~ y aIternoon callers EVENl G SERVICI!l September 17. Everybody 'welcome. F G W Lucy Comptou. Mrs. Ella. Ha.lnes, at the 'l'Blmage-Garner l)ome. Mr. The ' Unified service to have been War sborlages were ,only a cluillenge 10 a,rmelr eorg~ • "!Ml', 8lJd Mrs, William Smith and o.nd Mrt. Mei'le Tel'l'Y, were evenlllif "One Thin, Lacking" ~unernl on trail durIng S ptetnber bllS been Relph ' wbo buill Ihis bonte-ntade Iraclor walh dIe ·rear end Marilyn, Mrs. Oharley Mendenhall callers. ' , . , 8:00 O'cloek postponed, at t.lle SUg-a,r Creek f'rom ~ junked 1928 truck and a molor from a I~H9. ant9nto- . ~l1me bile. Tbe uaclo,", pariS for which cost S31.6~, hIlS. S1X speeds and ~Is.s Ella Compto{1. • Mr. and Mrs. Isaac LlIIForge have ...... Church. rorward and two reverse, and can do praCl1callly any farm Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Burden had as a. guest for .several daYll their Dial 2111 _ Waynesville 1H0meeomlng committees are as operation a faetory·made tractor can do. It operalC8 o? 8 was In Dayton some tIn1e this week oon-In-ln.w, Mr. Zlmin mum of Clnfollows: program, Mr. Waldo Elllott: MAX W. RANDALL. gllllon of gasoline per acre. Relph's 12.ycar-old son, K eith, t,o call on IUs brother and nephew clnna.t1. Sunday ' they atl attended a Ollall1Ilan, Mr. Joe Barnett, Mrs. drove Ihe traclor Ihis spring for mosl of the plowing an ; cui· at Good Salnarltan hospletal who at Sllgg Pa.rk. Minister John 'Reeder, Mrs. Clarence Bocklivation on tbe Relphs' l~O.acre fann near R~ss«;D, Iowa. In I \II re seriOUSly hurt In a motorCl1)le Warren Clca.ver , of Detroit, s;~nt ~===========;;;/ oven, -Mr. Herbert Barton ; publtcltY. addition to cooperating lD Ihe food production pro~am. of acc1dent.· . the past week wit}} the ManuQn and 1Mr. Larverne Schrnm.; ohairman. MI' tbe Farm Security Administration, the Relphs aI!I are bUYUlf; Mr. and Mrs . Raymond W,llson o. W. 'famllles. l'Lester Urcbell, Mrs. BeI1bert Ba.rto..'l, War Bonds and Stamps. attended the Hurley reWllon, sunday Mr. and Mrs, Robert Creech and Miss Flranc!.s, Elliott, Miss Anna Mae I at the home of Mr. and ·Mrs. Earl famlly who 'h ave been residents In Bockoven; Dluoer ' Mr,s. 'Perry MIlls. thJ!i community for several years. ' 'I'llomas, ohalmlan Mrs deorge Kin1lei an d E.eaux Be Mr. and Mrs. Oharles Stanley had .ba;ve disposed o( their truck hlld u ... ~ \\' .,1 ft·r J( t' u rh"k .• · u rre" .I"""" C!' ''~ !IIe1'; Mrs. Simon Gassert, Mrs. NeVin ,as Uleh' dl.nner guests lust Thurs- {armLng Implcmen~ nnd moved to Willlamson.(Mrs. Lester UrsoheU. Tho Gibbs !aIil l1~union was h eld . -'' I cay evening Mrs. We.ndall Whlte-' Dayton. Mr. 'a nd -Mrs. Herbert Graham and at the home or Mr. and Mrs. Charles E WaD hurries the fll!ltl'st 51de nnd ohlidren of WaShington C. Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Dodd and Ifamily returned iFrlday evening to Charlton and Mr. Emery, CharKon sometimes misses the boat" li . Mr . and Mrs . Amos Com.·..l 11 family of Dayton ,bave located on the Is the advice Holly M.iller gives ·teen. WaD' A6, Carda 01 ThaDb a 'b old serVices at Ferry church, Sun- Sunday. CJld So.ll, Wn ter Denn. and Mr., II.! d uu <--m the 'CrA~'" )las ""~a'A" """"" l fa-'Iy UU . _ ....... ObIUJarI_ are cbarled lor at the day. They bad been at BelUountalne. Mrs. Frank Milten)l T' zer E; ent age boy and girl rouders 01 her cO,I. urnn In nationally circulated Cap- 1M1'l;. La.wrence Mlt.chner. Warren Oleaver, of Detroit, spent rate , 01 ODe cent • word, IIllnlmum because of the SWOllS illness ot Mr. the w ~ek-end with Mr. nnd Mrs. OUf' I ·. le Compton-M ilia reWllGn Was the past week 'l'<Q1lh 1;11& 'MannQll and U Hitler hAd been a bullil' .....: In"n, per's Farmer. cbar,., tSc. 'A Want Ad In.wrtecJ for OmPam's lather. Mr. Oraham re- lIord Archdeacon and In he would never have .(a'r~ed thl. "Time may be ~l-wastin', belles held 011 the Caesar's C eek chur;:h G. W, [)av!.s IamUies, ,three Uines' tJi cba;r1e4 at to a word. porte tlbat ~ tajJher Is no ,b etter, oayton. Myron e,nd John Hagem.yer, of., war. and beaux," she wr'ites, "but don' t groun< s Sa turday. sev.!i'al were In r • FoUowlng are the committees fpr Mrl;. iLonella Swank ahd JInUllY let the thought. get you ~ sUi~h ~ ntc.n~Rllce . WaynesvJlle, were Sunda!V visitors of > the, Ferry Homecoming: Mr. and Swa.nk of Dayton were weck-end dither that you torget your ea~ ~. I Marilyn ' Sue "'mlth Was an oVU- . M BusIness men ft~ prof\t and d ...,_. "'.tel Ha Here are one or two Instances or . . 1'. an uu". "'" gemy~. 16s11. They. reaUsts. ').'l1ey doo't; Aoet.ylme or electric. See BUl Lee. Ml'II. Everett ~W1l:er, ,Mr. and Mrs. guests of tJle formers parents, Mr. the value ot av~ldlng haste cited by , mght guest; r 11 l' " 'u.lhJjJaleui<l, FrIends here of Charles EllIs a tOl'- want to make' histOry. TheY ' d~n't Omdorf ROad. 3, waynesville. Di IJnvl~e, Mr. Clinton DuVall. Mrs. Rnd Mrs. E. B. Longacre. tbls Capper's Farml!r authority: , Raleigh E'<ogan an.d wife, Sundny, mer well 'known resident n're sorry to waste any' time getting even with I ' . Dorotby Foreman, Mr. and Mrs. Ml's. NelUe M 0 n t go mer y ' und "Walt for the car to stop and for nigh t. learn of b!.s serious 1l1ness. IWd he anybody. They just want to make I JfOTlCE '1'0 FAJIMEKS 'Floyd Huglles, Mr. and Mrs. Coy daughter Miss Cleo, of Dnyt.on, were your swam of the evening to come I '1,;0 aid Hain wns In Miamt Val- 1 now confined In a. Coiumbus hoslOme honest money. ~.-JWe baVle 16 hoi teedera-metal and 011Uam. 'Mrs. Nina. Bell, Mr. and 'IJ:lursdn,y guests of Mr and around lind open, th'e door for you. ,1e} hospl!al [or a fcw daY,l for ob- Pital ~. constructLon Iwlll hOld about'Soo Mrs. Harvey Hole and Mr. and Mrs. 'Mrs. EVerett Kenrick a.nd Ohlld.rm . House doors, theater doors and the s vatlon. He returned home on . . U mUer had t~oulht of German, . . . Virgil Plymlre wa.s a visitor over pounds 1!ach:' price $6.00 ..180 3 <Inch Vernon HalTls, on the p ogrll!ll com.'Mr. J . B. Jones Is bu1ldlng an nli- 8wlnging , opening t(l the drugstore u a bulDw. he tould have spent come into thljl 'consl,derotion. Give Sunday. Mrs. Hamrs aud son s ~ nt the week.-end of IUs pa.r~nts, 'Mr. (l.ud , ~ bog troupb. BtU Lee. l<tp Imlttee. '1'0 look al'ter the coffee. ' Mrs. ' !litlQ.'l to obis grocery store, a·n.d him a chance to bEl polite. ' part at bhc tlme with ber parents 1n merely a IrattloD of hIa war bllliolUl ~ ~le~Wa~ Pr~ucUI Fu1)e; , IJ~nnle Thomas, Mrs. Qr ce Kruer , Everett 1y Inc. $J'e ' In talllllg a "T!1ke yOUr time when maliing in· Xenia. Mrs. O. E.: Plymlre. and ~de Ge'rma.J troductlons. Re,peal: names ~lainly , , hea ' at ~ ~orth Broadway land Mrs. Lester Gerhard. The bul-nE>~ mlll at the Elevator. . .. ceca of the ~orld. It hu lo.el, Phone says that all ladies are responMrs. Walr,er Kr er d the and, Inclden,ally, say the name ot I aeenary, aiid he coUld ha.e doll~ It J' Grass Pall tore . . ., . , . ~ I . " c sible for washing dishes. sale of M,r. J oh.n Sheets at 5pnng- the mosi respected Ilrst. Spend a Regenerate Land ' A good grass pasture is the easi· up further. time getting folks aeQuainted Hand·planted forest trees groWn est way to feed blr'ds not under con. ~ •' . ,\ • . -~ HUIlO/."OUS sight, my eight year' olp. Iboro Saturday a.ItCrn~n, and l'eports utUe before you leave them cold. Just In nurseries ore a means ot regen· finel'(leDt . As ' l\ temporary early ~ WAN'J'EI>--I.Ccterly man de- .son golng happIly down the walk the tha.t things sold high. adds a l.ItUe to your smoothie air. " AS erating iand on which there ore no ,pasture for poultry, try • comblna. .... room With board. reply 'With all other day singing 'lIn my 'arms, In Mr. a.nd ~rs. lWnlter Kenrick and ';You won't starV'e i.f you don't get natural I~ed sources. . ~and plant- , tion of oats, rye grass, And rApe. It H dII~, bOI: ea, Mia~l a.,zette my arms, lLi.n't I ever gonna. get a J~es Brunes aocom(:anied Mr. ,nnd your mea'! Into yo 'r stomach in ~. Ing Is u necessnry adJUllct to ,makes '00 earty rapid growth and ~ Oblo. 14p cir:lr in my aJ?Il6 1" Mrs., Ben Round, ot Dayton to their minutes flat. IL's lliit a very pretty management, but not the ~eons of ' is high In teeding value. The reCOql. ~ t' unneeded &ck to school today (Tuesday). cottage '9.1, St. Ma.ryfs lake at OCl1na, show tor yoUr 'famUlI, and some day providing successive ,forest harvests ~mended rate ot 'seeding per acre is you might forget when you're away 00 a broad commercial bOIls for 1 \i to '2 bushels ol..oatS. 12 pounds ot' Jp.; ~V ~o to tum '.t . The ~ool bUB CQD!e and · went and/I,t o spend this week. , He could have ~e GermlUlY a from home, Take lIime to be polite thE) future. Man ' c;nn never h'Opa to rYe grass, and 3 po'unds of rape. pQIIiiIalo~ lDtO qU1cik c:eah. ~~ the P\lP could hardly stnnd l ( he Mr. and Mrs. 4llen Emrick. enter- to 'your k,lnfolks. Ilpa'ys off in the compete with Nalur,e ' as 8 I.ow·cost The rape seed will have to be sown perpe~ , c&rn1val of beauty;' fun S. no~ bet~ than , wan barked and ran "after, but st.opped ~Ined to dinner Sunday evenlhg, Mrs end, since practice ' jgjves ,I;l0lse." producer of YO'. rg treu-he cnn use separately because It Is too small 10 and mualc. The~~ 1r~ ad In tb;e I41aml Gazette. ~ wa.tched wistfully ' when i calJohns, Mr. and Mrs. J. 13. t hotllkeeper.. ,Problems concerilling etiquette, nursery stock to 0 limited exlent to mix 'well with oats and rye grass In ahowmbn and 'l'he world wou d have come anjl manners and the .means of acquir- bring certain types ot land back Into I the usual se cling methods, PCB 8M. 8 J;OOm. hOUle, mOdem led him back. tPre~tJesOo~ h~ w1ll'be Jones a.nd IMr. S . H. Burnet. ' Ing smoothness aro dealt with by pr:oductlon, I For hot. dry weatiler or ·millsurn. ipeJ1t bUUotl8. well Jdcat4td and m. fll'it c1au cond1- ' W~tohIng for the bus to come at Miss MUler In iSSUE!S ot the maga· When putting a.way delicate whltec MilUons of 5C'cdllngsare rnl . ed Jmer1>asture, use 'the following mix. ' uOD. WUbUr N. Bears. , Phone 2851 ~gbt as soOn . as he lear.ns WJ:len to But, no-roUer. the statesman. summer things or Ilnnens the zlne. She is always I'eady to answer and plllDted each year by both pub. ture per acr'e: 11,2 bushels oats, ~ , look for' it. questions that puzz:]o youthful read· l1c and prlvnte agencies. Costs for lpounds rye grass, 3 pounds redtop. and poUtieJan, had to try to advanco hope chest" wrap In 'blue tISs ue 01' POR 6 room house, water Little Janet Trost has returned ers and to suggest methods of meet· hand plDntlng ro uge frum $6 to J12 's pounds timothy. 3 pounds orchard kls IlatlGo . , hard way. and 1lahta, exUa nice lot. W11bur N. home .after a bwo weeks vislt ' with <a. well blued cloth. This will pi'event Ing va.rious situations: per acre. Ol'djnl1rily. at leilst flO per ' grass. and 4 pounds sweet clover or cent ot the tr cs plant d will sur· ,2 al,sike .. ~ PJlti¥.265 'lp the Schaffel's ' ~t Springfield: Janet them .r.rom turnlng yellow. ' In ~he B.eJl ID thlll eooniry, I'll truat ease of new things being put away When PllCklng a tr'UIlk 'of woolens vlve. ' KlIR ~ acre8, 6' room .bouse starts SChoolthls year. ~.. , buin.. mea ..tber than politi. for some ~Im e, do not ·wash them it for long storage, pla{:~' In it Il bottle no ~~ , .PrOJM;l't!~ shown . b~ ' .A f~mUy,, ~ner was given at the , dana, 10 pt.........c1. ' , ;\' appointment only 'WUbl¢. ' N. f:1ears h~' ot Mr. a.nd Mrs; Ervin Thomas It . !.s. ' not abso~utely ,neces;;!l.ry, .os l of chloroform with n.. small Hole b they will k.eep much better with the the cork. The fumes will permeaot 'lp and. family.t Monroe, S~da.y. I"hOne 26&1 . . i . , Pralerit 'Were 'S t. Sergeant and Mrs. tlresslng In them, even if mussed Wartime Floora t'OR ,~Vlctol" ~eotr1C Vietrola Lowell Pr1n8te and son f~om Fort ~'om hancUlng when' jn the ,making. Ithe garments and des.troy the motli.'j. 'One of the developments In the ) 8 ~ 8paJ!tQIi l!llec:tr1p.Radlo both KIIlox, KY., 'Mr. and Mrs. Paul ~Ugh wartime ' rull abortate has been the Wboles"U\fO Pasteurized Dairy Produ.clll, aDod " CODdltlon. Whltey. Bauer. .and Mr. and MrS ILa.w· palntL.:J of lurger areas of bare ,floor . 'Ie Thomas, all ot Lebanon, a.ud Ya.stecuize(l Mille For Y6ur Protection IUrface In novel and arU.Uc effects. . . and Mrs. 'perry J. Thomas and One leading authority on decorllUon , W.'n tesville, Ohio c1~ an eilample 01 a larlle, eiitra~ son, of Ferry. hall at an e!(blbltlon having a ply. , I, TISSUE .....................II• • ~ ~~'1 wood painted WIth , dIfferent ' ahadel of gray In b\,oad atrlRea anIJ comments'that IUCJi treatment r!ln· dera It relatively easy· to toueb up 4 ROLLS FOR 25e apots 'which ge, > the mOlt ' wear. ' TI-l E MJAMJ GAZ ETTE "Pickling" of flool'8 allp I. reported acbleved I>y putting on a thin eoat 'lp of wlllte paint, Wiping It off and put. ~ Toma ting on 8 ftnlsh coat of vorl1lab ~r ahellac. Another nov:el treutment In·· eludes the painting of plRid~ and flowers on Burne wartime flollrs,' I



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Get Timely Advice




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Nobody .waa 'oo', a diet a'ilC:\ bOdY,' ~ed.B.em~ped e , ·

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Hitler and His (?) GeneralIs '


School News



TIle seho I enro:lmllnL Is somewha llwger this year til a.!) It was last yea: Dedication o! t he new 0 ran d Thus tar there have been 3110 en


Geol'llia IvIns Was in' Lebanon, Friday evening In attendaui.oe at .the '1'hompson-Dakln wed<Ung. The Stond of the Warren County Fair rolled at thc grade. buUdlng I bl'ldo. the younger daugbter 01 Mr. t lLcbano~. wlll be , held Wednesday. grades one to s ix Ilf'ut 2:3 at l.h and Mrs.~1 De.kln, ' is a grandSlnith Park on Sunday. About foIltyjseptember 20. The program Is as fol- lilgh school building maki::g daughter of Mrs. Ivins. and relatives enjoyed IA t. t 1 See Maym.aro Weltz for your hunt- .'iv-e f"'ends ~ , I(loWS: N a t I a n a n th urn. Fra n klln enrollment of 023. \ .MIss Elizab.etb Chandler left Se.turIng licenSe. the very delicious dinner. I !Band ; Invocation, RE:v. Ovel'lJl!Jler. Ml's. Hough and Mr. J ames \\It~ . ~ ay morning to. resurne her duties at - Miss Allee , aCns· has M her hOWle iWtth hot coffee ma/Se an\! served by IOtterbein Home ; Presentation 0 C theIr resj)Ectlve ccmmlttees Iirc !,~an~ a~ Hampton. VIrginia.. .... the cmnmittee In ch&l'ge ot'the dJ,11Amt'Tican Flag. by Mechclfrcsh Post, ing the two xh lblts which "'e hav . Mrs. Amanda Hartrum spent Batg uest. Miss Ruth Burgess. of Oollmlnero During 'the a ft.ern con Q. brl ef "'" y C. E. Dran ct en b ~rg as County Su- been asked to make at the ..Warrel, Ul'rday with friends in Germantown, Ibus. business meeting W88 called to order perlntendent at Schools; Acceptance County Fall' J1ext. week. There are I , Mrs. J. W . 'Ward, of Xenia.. stent by the president, Emerson F. Eam1of AmerIca:} Flag, Fred J . Hage- I addltlon to t;lls exhibit. an cxhlbl. tile week-end at the Home . . Mrs. Ida Parshall retur.o¢ to h er meyer;' ,Raising of American Flag, ' planned 'by the FFA Ullder the super home 011 SWlds)' a fter spa'lld1I4i Bev:' h 0. r t. MtEa FannIe' EBmbert, 0 f Carl Smith spent Sunday at the American Legion; Pledge ot I vls 'on of M.. J . B. Crl\lbb. cral days with her sister. Mrs. Emma. Xenia, secretary. ' lifter reading the home of his Sister. near O8'bom .. minutes for bhe previous year found Jance. /Paul Holthouse as leader ; two , Since 'there would be a large num Surface. unday afternoon guests 01 Mrs. this group has sent sixteen sons and solos · by. Allce Fore. of Morrow; ber or 'pupils ,necessarily out of scho,i GeorgIa Ivln,s, were her son and wUe Miss I):}rrJs Hawke and Mrs. car- daughters ln~ the mllltary service. , presen.tatlon of the Gra:nd Stand, by durlag these exhibits. the board 0 Mr . and Mrs. Howard E. Ivins and die 91U'dwell or O1nc1nnatt were week A geneology of .t he Earnhart familles tl1e County Co.mmlssio~ers to tIl.e educaU u at its last meeting though L TheIr daugbter, Mrs. Kenneth C0Oend ~ests of 'Mr. a.nd M.n.. C. Lee is being prepared and it was planned Agricultural Soc1ety .. by Scott Mc- lit best to dlsmillllscbool on TnUl' a gan and llttle daughter, Beverly Sue H.n.wke. 1Mr. and Mrs. Don nawke to complete it dul'1ng the oomtng IClure; Acoeptanc. ~Je ~tewart.. and ' Friday. Se,' ,lembcr 10-20. 1hD~·. aU of ·R ed Lion . ' were Sunday d'--~guestll. ., NEW ' YORK-It 'was 1940. The German armies wer,e all-conquer' d on days wlll be made up la-Ar In th ...., , UUIG> year. OfuceI'8 e1ected . for th e CO-'"w · ,'1 U'es Id en t 0 f th e boar d ; , Mr. IUld Mrs. ~llton ~l\eehan, of • • de t Em F lng, bavlng overrun France and the low countries in short order. t1 L_ W Mr. 'and Mrs, Donald Oreen Qilld 'YU1' were; . pres1 n , " e1'8OIl • Britain was supposed to be at Germany's mercy lind Russia was still Iof dis ngulshed gues .... D:W. Bishop ; year. Centervme and Mr. and Mrs . Earl palsy-wallY with Hitler and Der Fucrher was proud of his generals. 1PJ1nc1:-A1, John B~wn. State ..: During the absence oC M ~ Me Olark. of Dayton, called' on Mrs. Infa.nt dau~~r, 01 sabina were Eamhart; secr-etary, I:?orotby Jarvis; treru;urei', Ernest IA. Earnhart. He made a bunch-of them field marshals to show his plellsure. 1n the D~rector of IAgrlculture; Music by the 11"!.n~·y "'om school, ~""'s. Mar I _ Alice Cla.lIk', Sunday afternoon. M' a. ,S unday guests of Mr . and, Mrs. L . ReI ti ent from Xenia . honored group above are (leff'to right Von Richenau, Von Witzleben, L b 01 OJ b .. .. U IV" a yes.............. were. pres ' Valley, " "..'on Kluge (now Normandycommnnd cd. Li ~t, Von Leeb ~lhd Von Dock. . e a.non ee u. ---''''in,' Sp'1ng , Eiben Is teaching the fourtl1 '"urad Clark accompanied theBheehans toe V . !Branstrator: • • • .... IU""" ...--w.... '1'oday, reports say, Hitler Is 'r'" ' . . . " : , I :·;..,l and left to preand Mrs Ola Ke !ley Is ub tit. tl their .home ' tor' ·o.~m"~t vJait, Huntlng llcenscs for sale by May- Middletown 1Uld . vent a military plJt8cb fro m nlJst' I.I.. .. _. FORMER RESIDENT HAS HOME I Mrs'V ' s s u nc returning M~ aftemoon. All too soOn the hour for leamg DESTIWYED BY ROBOT BOMB or . 0 a th is week. :rulrd Weltz . Capt. Rl1&sell Brow.n. Mrs. Brown • • , • came and the members all exp~ OOmmerclal Dept.. 'Mr and 'Mrs Charles MenU a,1:\d arid tltude _ .....·t · Mrs. Albert Tarrell of New Vienna I AWllTds were Isslled by the Grege and little Judy. Mrs. Louella' Bronn. . . their thMllca gra o. m"" - ' NEIGHBORS AND FRIENDS OBUR.CH OF ~T PlANS daughter of Mia.mlsburge were the ~ 1ng In their kJve1y park and for the ' ' has received word from her sister, Company d),Utng the summer to th Mrs. Cliff Blowersan'd Mrs. Vir. ARE ENTERTAINED IN SERVIOES THE J).4.Y PEA.OE ,Mrs. Sewell Harris who .now res1dlS . following stUdents who passed tho glnia B. Learlsh,. of Dayton, and guests of Mr. andlMrs. EdWin 8m1th mnny things done tor everyones for the past week. . ' comfOllt and enjOymen~.. '8ATTilR'I1BWAITE HOME WITH GIlRMANY COMES in Lo1!ckm. England that her home j'espectlve tests in . ay 1944: slx ~ Milton Sheehan of C~terville, 1IlIIl• • . I . \ was recently coil\.. detely destoyed by 'W rd Shorthand Transcription Les • led on the Browne sisters Sunday Mrs. ·.I!mia Fires and Ru~ Bum'ett , 'EM _.t 1O.K_ H "'"t'~~'''-'te lJ'he Waynesv1lle Church of Christ a, robot bomb. /Wilma Surface · a, nd EL!:lora M1ch"ll. a~ternoon. -, A Mi"'- " Valley "-pltal SOUTH WAYNE COUN<JIL . ... . a,au ..... s. arry "'" ""'·w'w_ .h ..nve ente..,.. "",.. ."'" , tl tai S will hold serv1ces t. hEt eVlmhg of the M ri. , - b f , Mrs. Qedrgta Mendenhall and for Cadet ,Nurses tra1n1n , . g. , "OLDS PICNIC TlltJB8DAY l'CCCn y enter ned on unday . rs. ~rr", e ore her marriage S hOrthand Com .'""ete Th eory t · " . ••• qenlng with neighbors and frle~ds <lay that Germany surrenders. Plans ow a II Relen Ester H1l wklns, well J~nlce .Burnett and Lanna R.ilde- MIs. Georgia Mendenhall and 141M Margaret Eduards returned Monday MI" nnd Mrs. A. T. IPolinsky o.nd On ThUl"llday even1ng, Sept. '1, the as their guests. After a very dell~ht- are now being ,perfC4~ted for a full kinown to the older residents of Way- brecht. ~ght at-ter a two~eeks sojourn Mrs. Robert Hyman ' were dinner eoullh Wayne Advisory council dla- ful time spent In games and conver- 1W0rship .service built around a nesvlllG, and was .the dan( hter of the I ---. - -iM&rt1nsville, Indiana. guests in Lebanon. Monday evem.l'l8. peDSed with the usual proctdure or satlon, del1clous nome made t c e thanksgiving pray~r period. There lnte Rev •. and Mni. BettJamln 'HlWlk- TiD: WAYNE TOWNSHlP On Wednesday evening Mr. ..tid Mrs. dea11ng with the welgbt1el' problems cream a.nd peadl pie were 8eI'VOO b y IwUl be special music, a period tor Ins who was pastor of the !Friends REPVBLI<JAN WOMEN'S ClUB A . T. Po11nsky and 'M rs, Jeade ' of 11fe -a,nd laden with baskets of the host and hostess'. Their guests prayers and a meS!sage from Mr. jOrthodOX churcb bere and also at MET SETPEMBER EIGHTH !HYman ent.el'tI\lned Lt·. and Mrs. 600d tblnp to eat, weDded their we.y 'Were Mrs. Elvina' Bailey of Wllmlng- . Randall, the The pUbllc Caesar's Creek. W I a on Hartsock to d1lmer. On to ·Mr. and lira. Harry Bmlth's Lodgt ton. Misses Maigle Moore and -Stella is asked to ren1ember thl8 announceThe Hawkl!l,s l~!t here some ~ 'l(ln ' y The Wayne Townshtp Women's ~lmma Rar4bun, bo~ neaz Phil&ThtJ~y Mrs. Jessl.e Hyman ~d <for 'a real pICn1c, feast. . 110 Ashmore of Olarksv1l1e ~. and ment and to plan n0\11 to meet at the years ago and tI1elr daughter Helen Club met on Friday. September 8. at delphia, came to Wayneavtl1e lUI a da~r, Bemrce ~d. their !b~e colineU wishes to expre38 Its ,Mfa. Ell . Furnas and children. Mr. Ohurch of c;mtst. lll'O matter What ' left w .aynesville on the day of her ,the home of Mrs . . Nettle 1')nney at :~I ;~: :~~r h~rome~erthi~r . guest. Mrs. 1Robel't · Hyman weN II,pprec1ll.tIIon of the warm llospltaUty a,~d Mrs. I..e.wrence Furnas and~. the day or ~OJl, . . marriage to Sewell H1l.r ris . .On that ,CollWin. A large ref,ll'~enta~lon w a s ' " l4l"" 'luncheon gUC$~ at iNetberl.nd emten~ed by 'Mr. and Mra. 8m1th and IM1" and Mrs, Roy F1lnspack and Many ~ple .m be celebrating day they left for London. Englb«ld present al80 several guests. aunt, ~. Richard Balnllisl ~ Plaza, Cfuclnnatl. 'Were happy to have them as gu~. family, Mr aDd Mrs. ·Lyman lDay, Mr 1f.!l18 occasion wlib me:rry-maklng and where they made their home: I During the buslness session 'the she grew into young ~hOdct . The .next meet!ni· of the , council Albert achnaltmnn and cQ1ldren danc1ng and ck'l'!lklng. It ahOW~ be Mrs. H.arr1s wUl probab y be re- president announced the appolnt- and took part in the ~ piMaures.! 1W111 be beld the evenlag of OctOber Ilona Mr. a.nd Mrs Luther Hartosocly the time 01 thoughtful meditation membered better to her school mates ment of .delegates a.nd alternates to of the times . ~ter, ~er alteJecl W. S. C. S MEET WI'l'B MRS lJ G WIltliilBL 6 af,. the hUne of Mr. and Mra. &00 SOD. and tha;nksg1vtng to God. All thou6ht •as a graduate of the WUlmtngton the meeting of the Ohio Nemtlon clrcumst6:noea, she plllIlpd into !the r..II PIre8: .. lful c1t.!zena of tbe ~,commun1ty 0 f college and has a ~utnber of reat1~es of Republican Women's Organlza.t1oD duties of providing a. Bond A. The Woma:!)!. Society Of 0brI&tJaD All memh;n areu rpd to r.btead POW lNJI'OaIAftON GiVEN WaynesvUle wru eb p.~ to at,.. UvloT16 In thl8 vtctn1t1. They: are Mrs. whicb w1ll be held in Columbus on IiveUhood tor aDct ~• • ~, . ~ce ViIll hold the~ rerulat' maet-. as rurtber dllculBton of the lamentAT A.B.C.H.~. SJIlPI'EMBE& 19 'tend the Lord'.lI hOl.lS4' toglve t3lanb Auloa Cook and Mrs. Berntce Hart- .October 6, as follows: Mrs. Sherma.n For many yea", w , wu'a,tattbtUl · Ing at the bome ·Ol ·iMrI. 0', O·. l a'bly JJmlted bealth service to the, There wtll be~ting for rela- 4loB1m. • man, of WaynesvWe, who are f~ TInney. Mrs. Earl J(IocJtett, Mrs,. employee at the ~m'IdI Home, and ' -~=-1 . 'Walel8el 0 n . 'l'hursd1).Y ..r~' I COUDty acboola ancl oommunitywlll Uvea of those held as prisoners cf I ' cousins, and Mrs ~ TarreU. ot ,'RosCo Furnas and Mrs . Harvey Sa~ when Wlnill~er UIrfIted. ~forCOl1- _.September tWenty;.elghth. The ~e, be Q\l the aaei:lda. · . ~. 1\'IU"011 TUesdaY, September 19, 8t~ .. ~T. MARrS OIltJB(m BE-OPENS New ~lenna a sister. terthwa.lte, aU are to attend. ,ti~Ued setvtce, ~ .Board of tr.e bClrm cl1ang~ on account of the Belen McOo:v, StIC'y at 8:00p.m. in the Steele High . SUNDAY, EIEP'J'IIJMBER l'J ~thougb Mr. and Mrs. Barrla A prograom had' been pJS:nned: to Bome.-~emonstrated:titel p , Warren Opunty PB.1r. SChool Annex In . '.Dayton. 0 h10. nnd ·thelr chndren were asleep In which each DlA!mber had been ask~d t;Io by ?,!ferma b ra- a home, with all . MES. PIl&BL ULzy 'ADDRB88E8 sPeater wllJ be Mrs. PhUII) Fleming. On SUnday, 8ep~nber 17, the st. their home at the tIme. the Harris to contribute. Ilditorlllis and articles ~ comfortll and ileneftt.s, as lorif ·u V9LVNTEER FOB VICToRY GARDEN CLUB 8D'T• .1. of Washington. -D. C., WM Is on th~ !Mary's Ohurch school will' re-open famlly were unhanned, BInd are now irem our best magazines and newse should laat~ '. / MEE'1' AT CONNI!B ~ staff of Pr1.soners at War service a t for the All pupUs are urged llving in a home furnl8hed to them , papers. followed by a dlscusslon n'! ter There she had ~e freedom at the . ~ , ga.tden ol\Jb enJo~ a very the 1Amer1ca.n Red croos Ntltlonal .to be present for the service bec1n- by the Reh&bllltatlon Oommlttee. ach reading' proved to be a meeting hOUse and IP"OWldB, and When her tA very busy and pleasant even~g IoveJy meetIng on TblU'8day alter- lHeadquarters. She is the Wife of Maj. nlng at 9:30 a.m. .of paramount interest. The trehd of strength taped. ahe w~ Provided WQS spent. by the Voiunteer for VIc- 'noon at the bome CIt Mrs. Han1' ~eral ' F1emJng and they are the The regular st;rVlce of mOrning ENTERTAIN IN HONOR OF 'thought through many of t l1e:;e read- wl~h consistent medical and nuraSON ON FURLOUGH IN U: S.A. ; ingsls worded thus by the Cleveland lng ea~e ahd..glven tatth,f~ attention· toJIy groUp when they met at the Satiertbwalte with several interest- parents of a son ~hO is a prisoner of PrBY ooer and :"!~n ':'~ 'bPaetrkBinwta1t l h~e of Mrs. Jennie Conner on iug members pl'eaent. ''Pfant Ex- the Germans ~he' 'will answer any 11 : a.~. .. ••e nNV. ...... r __ ~laln Dealers. which tor the second untU ,t he afotemoo.n, of September 8, · ~Ursday evening. Dt1r~g the soc1al plores," ,~ the subject of a very pe~lns to POW IrtrOr: ' preacp on th~ subJet;:t, ..~~ CovenMr. and Mrs. ~ ,R Ha1'tsock ~n- time in.Its history su: 'port's a ReX/ub- ' '194~, ber IpLrlt lett he~ tired body ho~ dainty ref~ta w~~ tnterestlng paper IPven by M1s8 ma.tlon. . .a.nt with God . tertalned to) dl~er.. on SlIonday in 1.lean candidate. "The Il tli UOll toda.y and sbe entered ~to. eternal rest at. served .to , Miss Kathryn Oibbona' j pUle RUe). anCl ~ mentloned _ . . honor of their son. WUtan who Is .ts confronted with a fateful dic.l8lon the age of about~ years. Me$dames' Robe~t Gray. Walter Pm- many ' plaDts, fiowers and vecefA\brcs FATHER OF BERBER'll GRiAUMI CIVIC CLUB TO MJ~ET spending a thirty-day ~urlough with fWill It turn back to the tsl bh ot 1~ WhUe engaged in .mep~ ~, . sure. k. R. Hlll, oarl Ferguson. La- which liad come fram v8.rloua Col,llll'PASSES AWAY AT Bl8 HOME MONDAY, SEPTEMBER 18 ,hIs w1!e Evalyn and hl.1 pareDb!. .ta~hers, wUl it reverse the ~rends of many of them seU appo~,. be, Roy Moran, .Elmer Jones, O. 'R . iOt1- tries and were nllotDed fOf explorIN) BELI..£FO~.uN& O. Those who enjoyed the dlnner ,the last dozen years. or will It chang .! attention would be eaugbt b.r . 6 g.!tesby. H. E . Hathaway, P)'ed Hook, lere. MrS. 'LaWeDCe Pumas talked on Tlle OIvlC Club will . hold Its Iwere: Leutenant and Mrs. WU'<ln permanently the course of Ameriean beautiful oloud,. a b..wtant flower. B . V. Bmith. J . E. ¥oOlUJ'e and I "Chrysan~emuma." how theY were 'H~t Graham ~w of the monthly dinner meeting, at, "Our HiU'f:Sock, Mr. and Mrs. Ralph AmeS history and the tradition of more the plumage of a rare bIrd. 8be 9!'11!1 Charles Elzey. This group will meet a native of Ob1na and the oult1'f~- . Ferry ChurCh of Ohr1st, received House'" (Jonnerly the. "Little Inn.") and son. Mr. and Mrs .. A. Z . Hart- .tha.n a centur-y and a h interested ill couraes of ~ beav ag.dn the home of Mrs, H. JI'. Dye ,"au of ~m. '. . ord of the death of his fa.ther, . . e b teaJw: for the evening wUl sock, Mr . and Mrs . A. Z. Hartrock ulng down the road or dlsln tlgratlon . hll ·moveme,nta 01 o Ii ';1bursda.Y evening, gept.eDDr .A ~ nom1n&tI.nW ". couunltte,e was Graham, TUesday mo,rnlng .at 8145• .tbe Rev; . -Max MlddUestedt of the and daughter Helen and son Milo. ltD statism and dictatorship... . the consellattoDli and p1a,!)cta. She named by the pl'estdent; Ml'B. ~ af ,his )lOme' east ot Beller.oirlatne. BaIptlst .church' of It..ebanon. Rev . . all 01 KIngman, tPyIt. Robett Rogers. Wl'ltlng from Mrs. Dolly Gann, sister "lias .nt;Ver too weary to IJg~ the · twenty-tim. HAPPY UOUK OLUB MEET.S .4.'1' ,G.!>Cih· ~tb aDd t.htl cJ~ e,bJDurnCd ' Services Will be ~eld: Friday at·2:00 '~d<P~t wns bom In Poland and 01 Fort Knox. Kentucky, Miss Louise " of the Jate vice president. ChnrJes ward ~l be rich indeed. ' _ , , _ COLD SPRINGS TAVERN ,t o ~ wi.t h.MI'I.' J. L. ~enclelihall. pm. at .the Lultl1eran ch~, Belle- Q. very lnterestlng m es "8 ) e IJ I. 'Hartsook, of Lebanon. Mrs. OWen CUrIIs immediate past . Id ,t f ..Fa.lthf-Ul in amall t,hlu.p,·:h~ 're...e1yn P e terson in Dec~- . f on.~IHar·~'· e.n 0 'WardwW be, 'WoU -'-'- lnd~. : ", , ..nd ·M rs...... .......e, Obi O. ,r~ t . """"" an d 'Mrs . Len a Hart6oCk. "the League of 'Repub11fpres ' a n Womm, t.lis. Josephine Oons entertained ber 'wi~ a ~ Of. plants an~ and vice president of the Dewei- . One, wbo liVed 80 very -near the Happy Hour Oluob· at Oold flWer alliSea. iBricker Club. "more than 10.000,000 Burely Uved very near ~ ,~ . .' Sprlngs Tavern, lI'uesch!-y at!emOOn 'Women. in this country who were elROSPI'l'AL 8&POBI'S igible to vote. did not do so I.n 1040. . .'.. I want to see them turn out tn the. Mrs Olara ~ , ~, removed made up -the entertainment for the . J • • .. ' . In· the Stubbe amb"l.a~ bOm.; the lAlther Hartaock deligbt ,,1--";;"', ----:'--:".-..:----~.......-----.;.----:---------~--:--::-... November el!!Ction.'" .This is' Il major concern of the St. EI128beth llo8pltal, D&Yt9n to the afternoon. 010"1 " , ............... . .her coun."" CHRISTMAS comea el1~ly · thlJ rI'he Club Is' pleased ~ announce .... '/. en_ .....~ a~ \ "''' .. , year' for famlllel ' who will be Wayne TownShip Club. The goal has home of bet r~ntB, UF. and .Mrs . .that 'oQe new m~ '4ded to ~ome , ~ Slinday ~th 6 luneh,eotl pa'o~ng gifts tor fol)cs' I" .ery,lce ~een set for a 100 r;er cent'· vote on J!ld HoplWls ..tere she ' will . remaln the roll. ( .' ~d .ldt:(men shoWer honoring a, re- .overa~as; eJ)0lntl out MafJo.rl,'; , qrif,; November 7. . until she recupeI'Jltl;S. · :, After adelkJous lunch, the group cent,brtde, Ml'B. :Robellt't.. JI'1sher of fin, Home Editor·of' nat!Qnally \clr:cu.· en October 13 a luncheon, meetIng Mrs . .carrle Daldn of Tbird &treet home of, iDaytOn. ·¥ fa. Wut be remem,- lated ClIPper:s Farmer. ThDle w~o~ adjQUned to meet at !Will . 'be held at '1:00 p.m, at the '~~ talten to the ~ hospitAl · . .. tor , .... e ................ ~M . _ bered,'iLI Mrs. liartaodt·. wbo .ervlce kin are st1l1 8t~tioned In tlillJ Jennie DB v... '. .. VUtAJU<:£ ............ . . , 1_':' countrY will, of course, have greater Orange Ball. A speaker from Co:um- XenJa, In stubb~a ambulance. Marl. · 80 beaUtUully P,JaYec1 at her weddW8' leeway In gllttlng thclr glfts·maDed: bUS ·wlll highlight the program. day af<te~n. , MASSIE 1.1WP. GRANGE ~ , ~e1'a were arranged a\ the very For ,yuletide pa~knge8 going over. /EVery ~terested 'Woman 18 most corRay ROberson. of near oregonta .. MONDAY BVENINO lovd)' 'luuebeon table tor lin. Clyde seal, a mailing deadline ot,October dlally invited. You do not have to 'Was taken to .. C1.nc1nnatl hoIIplta1 Jobn' L. BeeIana.n, 11158- 15 wa. _et. OnJy .. one parcel could i>r1ng a member of the club. 11 you ,fOlj .t rea.tment on TUe&4a.y at~ 'Massle Township Orange m~ \ ' - and l!lmDa Plfletfer Miss be sent ·per week from any person entertained the &chool teacberiI at a ea ~ " nhlmAn . •iI!en to a!l1: one lndivldulllln the ·~arm~. ,wish to learn of the . arrangements lin the Stubbe ~" .'~" . ' ~n g~ven 'at the grange ilalll~~ · IL __ -:-" M.lea .....~_ fDrce. oversellS" betw . eon ~eptember IOZ: the luncheon you may do sO by MO'I1IEits CLUB . , ' . BlllDmell', MIla " JI'lorellce ~..,....,n, 111 ' d Oetab 111 , • . .Monthly e.venlng.. A ,l~ ~d, ~~ ·· ' ~u. Nra Evelyn : ~O~g ";:;at ' to send" Items conta~tIng the ptesid~nt, Mrs, S. S .. ,. :. AT G&.tnB .ScBoot " .' " IJ.._~ ." • " ' , JOyed games and a spelll.ric ooriteit., ElII8, the secr~tary' Mrs. Margaret '.. . ... ed b th Otioate; lira. John B. Be.,.l~. MIas WSI Grfftln Uatl', fr'lltcak" cookie., e Irma 1IAboe, )itu, Mary Al1cereble, hard cancl,y nutl, carame}. or cl)oCQo · . ,lRefftShltlenlotl were serv '. ~ Joh~ ot Lytle or Ilony 9f tQe coin-. The Mothers' Olub held ' ~1r 'itiat · cpIluiUttee to the !QllOwlJlg~. LoU Miia EnId 00V,it. Mri'. fla}ph W. late bar~ IndivldulUly: wrllPped al?d mJttee whi<;h InclUdes: Mrs. Harvey meett~ 01 the schOol year on JI'rId&J , \ ~$lnolds, MnI. -AlIce. HoUsh andMl'l. ~"ft __ '. . . . 8alt.a MW packed In tin Dr wood, these . travel 'Burnett, Mrs. Earl HQCkett . .and Mr3 Ia.1teJmOOn at the grade With MinnIe Welch. M1&a lIarba.ra·TJiorn~. ~ ~eIl. Cigars, olgarets and toilet Bhennanl''nmley ' J IMrs: Rohodes Burihell ' as ~: •bUrt"and 'Dhomaa' Reynold. oblJled Du1 .Hammond. ~t. II:ar'/ Lo~e deem sealet:\ packagea m~1l1kewiee .' , MrS OObert' Pry Ga vice. )lrelldent; V .:'- . wnbens Qmnolly aDd Mn. JobD ~ereey, be peloled. Sharp-pointed In.tru. • . .. .me:ntll .uc~ a. ' r~io~. .fld knlve~ · with muale8l n IMRS. O.tylE UNGLESBEE Mrs. Edgar BmJth as ~ and MIllS GOlfS 1N1J"EB'l'A1N8 8~ ~ a..&SS BEltNABD. ~Ult be weU-wr~pped and p~otected 1 £~.uNs FJl.Ji!iNDSBlP CLUB ~. ~ . ~etd .. ~. J ~otJons' tor 1the ~ . . . ~ DlNNEa ,oN "",PGB ~~e:::n ~:,:t:~lan~~e: " ' . ;, Corp. :z'he, FrleDdshlp Club or ·the Meth- 'in 'cht!iae' 'fit " . ~~, ~1 " . , . . . . boob of jokea or ,ood etori81 MUa ' Al1C:~ . QoD:a en~ to 8 1-0 CyYIl T. IIemucl and ~e of UtI popula.r, a .. an m8ft7 Itama ~ rullted flberb08rcL PrlDt or ~ 'joCUat church ?let at .th/e home ~ Mrs. ,Mn. Duma ~ LiWIa . .... . 1UIi& 8 _ 1 evening sllPPllr Wit.h the tal- IHerttold. ~. 0, ObarJei W. Bet.. .pparet • ~ adcire.. ca~. !l'Qe care '!» ~e Ungl~~e, '!.e'dnesday after.- 1 8~I' .and p.1!.! IIIiIII&.JIieIti~ tbe A..P,O. aDd .erial number noon tor,theJr regular monthly mee(.. - ~ ...... ,.,.., . l~aa l1,!e8ta, .b;~..r.. RaJ- t DUd 8 1-0 wbaIe ~dre. Is ~'Wn' .eaeIi tIfto .. c~t. ' ~t tb'ii8ddrei. OD a.up IDg and atter, the bus1ness &eaalon Iand telcben aDd cit boUa mobd aNddoct &nd daUlbtln. 1Ir, IftNIIeo, ~ . .... r..m ........ III turereM a..... ••. - , .. . Jet .......... GdIbI. ...... lao of,-per UcI tllGlc4t iDllde ~.Paclc- stunts IUld questions ~re en~oyed 1 ~ BnaddDllt .,.• • aD~ ..... 1l:Ul'UrDU, lOll aDd _ till -bailie 01 bill' .].'IU'eDt8. &lid .... AIIo RUt the ilddru. CD tile . wr, )II' aDd lin!. LII&btr Ii tile Drat ~ ___ .... _ _I11III OIl tIIe .wrapper, Labeleaob by aweD atter1c:kd group. Dain~ re- talt. ~ ."~.I . . . _ Gte outIIde, ."....i. frtabmeml were. aened at a late llllfIIDIMIIII' 8ad Ud . . . ftUl· bDme twa Dl ~." ..I ~ boW, . . . . b:r .. ....It;' Ella. Mo~ and Zara. Pierce 41 Oenernl hos;dtal, Ci.ncinnOitl and Mary The lJwenty-elghth annual reMoss. of Middletown and Edrul. Moss union of the descendants of Jacob of l~ulsvllle, Ky. were week-(IDd Eu.r1'!thart was held at the Ha.l'Il'Y guests, of Mr. and 'Mrs .H. R. M06S

. I'll .

'. . .











I The






:~ora,:a~=~~:S~Ih~ sBO~.=;=L.ns1uB Un. Yen.


MaiI · q.l~ Chrisbnas Gifts Early, Home Folks Told




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" '" 10afi1;,·Mi-a.

MEiT- -





ORm' .


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'rIItJItSDAY, SEhlMBE8. It, 1M'


~.~~~~~~~--~~----------~--~----__ .~e________~~______~______~_ _• _______


Pbcme JIG


"~,lther Plays Varied '

FromlA Farm Diary--Dry Ri 'sa .

Flli'TY YEARS AGO GI~OVE S;,,&ember 1 1894 _ . ~......... --,..-. • J Uf". -Jt!""let c. ~;;;;;;:-l' ~,rr~.lJu •• d·. dt Wl,J1iesvllle, Ohio -' Main Street Mis, Frank H. Fan vlS1ted lat . M~ Kathryn Gibbons and Mrs. , s~ptemb r'1, 19U. Do YOu 1Ik.e: PMV , Wlnlfred Hai-tsock, of Waynesville, PBWS? Thls Is the YelU" to \!I\t your. ,S pring Valley th1s Week, ClaII Iolall Matter It Postoftlce. Waynesville, Ohi!) Mrs. S , J. [Jppincott has moved Inwere 'sundayguests 'o,f Mr . a.nd Mrs. tor according to ell rePorts t ere -l-' ' . to the Leak propertl'. James McDonald and famJJY. Is a bumper crop. Bome f>eQple are





~gl!, the year

or some ohango. In life

Role in War n~ateri . Because the weather movel ealt. word the, German' have to auell ;~'hnt sort Is coming to them from the At antic, That I, why ther,rlalted es\a1;lllahfng aecret weathe, Itatlona in Greenl llndartd ' Spltlber,1Di Some pr.rll of the United Statet 10recnsts nre Bectet to prevent the Germans [I'om kt1:owinl what to ex. pec~. . . ' . The Japs hnve tho cdge in the Pacific. Their \feather head. our way. The Jnp nlrcraft earriers that attacked f'oarl Harbor. lIIeaked in under the clouds 01 an eastward moving storm. 'The some weather may be frIend and toe. The winter weather that freezes rivers " and swamps milk· ing troop movementa possl,ble wi~ require special Jubr~cantll for trucks and tanks, and shelter for troops. Ralh bogs down trucks and heavy guns, ruins unpaved landJng Aelds. ' but Improves the water supply in an arid country, Snow Is a big help .to aerial observation and photography, but makes It eaRIp.T for enemy p.1nnc9 to spot the licks ot · tru.~ks. t u "k~ and guns on the ground. , Cloudy wenth '!r not only Icreens bombing raids lind hampers anU· ,nil'crnrt Ore, bllt also ma~es formation flying difficult Rnd hides the torgl't . Fog tnvors surprlse, lIttncks /lnd scr een)! targets on the ground. At the same time Il humpers plnne landings And tAkeoffs. , restricts 1111 ' HI I pAtrols and subl1!lIrll1e actiylty, .

such ~ graduation, YOllr presant job, the <number of years s~nce that cv n t add tnem, and B~ . !What 'You get Walter W. WiSeman. Editor and Pilblisher . Oeol'S'e:W. Henkle transa.cte<l bUIIM.r. arid Mrs. ~: Ja.. had '83 very tond ot their lb!lnAna-Uke' flavor Very simple reaJly. your bil'th year Inea at Dayton on saturday. , a guest for several days their mcce, Iltnd strong fragrance. If bhey are no~ plUII yoUr age will always the l88'OED ~y TRURSDAY MIM Clara Zell of Bellbrook visited MJas HlU. at Dl\.)\totll. Su.ndl}>Y -they ripe enough the skin hilS a · put ktry current y-nr: 'lny other fear Nus the 8Ubecr1pt.1on Price••uo .per Year. Payable lil A<tvante 'Mrs. James stoops during this Week, :retUI'Ded her to .hcr-i1l() nnd spen f1t1:YOl' something like 1>0 simmons l\umbcr oI y~ rs ago will alway.; Mrs. '11lorp entertained Miss Mir· Lhe day "·JUl. the Rlfl family. Smokey likes them· but S UZey,dosen t. equ!1l t ·"C oUI ,'ent year, dlV~dc It lIy hun Cadwllllder of M rrow this week. Mrs. Mary Wilson. of, Lebanon Smokey eats the skins. se ds nnd all !two and thC're YO Il are. No dobt JlUIJl y E. B. Barnhart. Cllunc down from I'-C. was n visitor of Mrs. George ,Beckctt, and so fRr Uley ha.ven't ~urt her. ot you , ' w through It, If you saw the Dayton to attend the funeral of Ml:s. of ,nca.r Clarksville. lasL week, She Is PIO!lty of but no wlld flgul'( s 01' parha,:as you 1~1:~ d at It 83 Ellza Wright. spending this week wi th Mr. ruld plums would be more usc,[ul for Lhey I diu the first time and thought, Dr. Sam Way bade tne &Irls flU'eMrs, B. D. Ferris and Mrs. Ella mnke beautiful j lIy, suoh lovely "thr; t , Is odd, could It m 'au anywell on W cd ,n es day and left for c1cur 'brlght jelly. WIth Q. tang to it thing?" Ferris .. Sp r ln ~ Va.lJ~y. Mlllll . ... W. bodaIpIt - CttIMte I," • • • • Ie.. • HeI.oolIldt. Sea FteoIcIoco, c:.&. th at makes It especlaUy good WIth Fi'h nv. Broom ~orn is rat her MIss Mamie J anney of Pendleton. >Mr, and Mrs . GeOIl~e Plymlre were scarce this year al d we didn't pla.nt Indla.llll-, Is sojourning at t.he home of callers of Mr. a.11d Mrs. Frank Shu~ts, m:~temb r ~eventh was to have very , mu;l:l.~ so ,Mrs. 'rennnt nnd I her brother, J. E, Jenney. ot ,near HarveYBburg. some sort of a big day accor~lng to have taken upon.o lrstlves the' Job 0 ' Miss Maggie' Edwards Is seriously Hugo Wilson , of Spring Hill. was a one provlleoy tbat w.. s eolng the have tak€ upon a Irselv\ls the job of indlsJ:ooed a'nd will be unable to re- business caller ht!l'e. F'rldny. ,r ounds bassed on the tollowlong 5 t tobacCo IlttJng. ( rn cuttin g, hay FlFl'EEN ,YEARS AGO TWENTY YEARS AGO sume school duties for some lime. iI\ very enjoyable day was spent Of flgul'es that loo\!: as though they cutllrig, fa ll plowl Ig and w ben t Sepkmber .. ~929 ' September 3. 1924 ' plating, that IIttJe dab of broom 'La.wtle Zinunerman lett Saturday Sunday Sep tember 10. at Jacobs Park might mean something mystle: evening for a week's visit ,w ith his In Wellmnn, where m ore than one C1ll1rchllJ, age 70 ;year born 1874; straw IT'1&ht ·qc -lost. It !$h't; a heavy ' R. J . Adams and tamlly spent Mr. and Mrs ..George Hartsock en- parents and brother aL Elwood, Ind. hundred and six persll)~ at this and year of office 1940; years In office 4, ·Job n nd on a lovely qay Uk today 1~ Sunda,y with relatives at Rock- tertained Mr. &Ild Mrs. Ernes.t HnrtML~s Carrie Barley wllf begin her surrounding vldnlty were UlVltea by total 3888. HiUer, age 55; year b rn was a pleasure to bond t.he tall sta,lks WSdge, Ohio. sock and tllmJly at Sunday dinner schO(J1 at Lovhuld, on Monday; ond. Mr. and Mrs. James F. J acob to 1889; year of off! e .11133; years in of- cut ocr the tnssels IIVI th thn COrll 1JaY Hamke and Io.mlly of Da.y- Mr. Lyman Sliver left Monday MIss Trilla Ediwnrds, at ·Da.yton t.hepartlcipa,te in aJ}otber picnic which flce 111, tatS.! 3888. Roosevel t, age 62 knife, "boot" It, th t Is pull oCf the <tori, spent Monday with Mr. and evening lor Cincinnati. where he ' sallle day. Miss Barley wlll delight hns been ·thelr custclm for several year born 1882: 'year of office 1933; husk surrOwldlng the stem~nd tasMh. J , C. HAwke. 'Was operated on Tuesday tor appcn- ' her friends retur.nlng home every years. " years in ortlce n. total 3888. ilDuce, sci, and pile it up. The n xt filling to '! IIr and MllI Charles EdWards dIeitls. ! Friday evening. Many of the older one's Indulged In lage 61; year bQrn 1883; yeM' of oUlce. strip off the seeds, men ure it by aDd daughter of Da.yton, wt!re Misses' Cecelia Gorsuch, Betty Bar Mrs. S. J. Burgan, and daughter the various games I\I1Id II.musemen~ 192 1 years In office 22, total .:1888 It thin in some dry place. 2 au_ta of Raymond Conner and nett and Ida. Barnett spent the St.elia., and Mrs. Charles F. !Mosher to rbe fomted on the grounds" \vhUe lS~aUhe, age 65; year born 1879; ye-ar It mus ~ not be pUed u In deep plies ramu, OIl Bunday. week end with Mrs. Ida Kelsl'-Y and and daug.h~r ~vho have been occupy the ch11dren made good use ot the of omce .1923; years In office 2'~. total It henta and molds Very e83l1y. Then Mr. and Mrs; 1". U LeMay and James McClure. Mrs. J. Mosher's cottage during teeter ,t otter et,::., At the m>on 3888. Togee, ago eo; year born 1881; we will take It to Mr. Hel tmrul to famtly and Mr. and Mrs. C. M. Born- To Mr, Bnd Mrs. Howard the summer months. left tor t.heir hour a s plendid cUnner lWas ,ser oj year of office 1941; years In office 3, make UP I1ltQ brooms. And thLs time For Cbl'ls~mAS ' gUts to tho boys RGbSt8er and daughter spent Mon- ISherwood, of Dayton, a daughter on home In Covington. Ky. th.Is week. dn the screened dining hall, to whl~l totnl 3888, 1-2 3£88 _ 1944; 1.2 1944 _ .we are II'OL~g to 'g et all untl1mmed ovel' there, selld stationary, It Is e83Y dar' at ChautaUqUA. August 27. Mr. and Mrs. A. Ebright. Mr. and all did ample Justice. Septembcr 7, 2 o'clock 9-7-2. cbroc~ because they are so nice to to pack a.nd .w1Unot break, order now. Mr. and Mrs. Harold Wi1l1a.mson 'M iss Mildred Ho e spent Friday IDs, F, Barnhart, J. O. Ke.ys, Mrs, Hugo Mld Hel1bert iWllson, d "F:or Lhe S upreme ra uler of the sweep with. Gazette office and -~ ot Dayton, spent o.nd S6turday of last week with MIss T . Brown MisseB I Babe II a. ~orld, C'nptembcr 7, In'4 'ft 'ke the "'unday Toda 1tc cUnner in of H H. LIlli W tkln HIll, entertai1led with their"fl""t let'"'" .,.. .... "' , Y 1\ r Is a ba~ln. dollar each 'f rom Day at the home . • an a B. Brown and Amanda Irons attended ''"s of 'he forg O olng !.n. .,. ftbanon ~'e 'd rove past the ~ftnslon . music. Mr. and Mrs. Jacobs were .~ .~ y . ... ..,.. ""' n' 'u Ish u. WUIlIllM01\ and tamlly. Mr. and Mrs. Walter Penny, of the funeral of Mrs Eliza Wr·~ht. tha CI_' I t one thousand people, and five dotideal entertainers, and we the order given," t the Historical. """",e.y w esfuJ0 lars each t.rom nve h\mdred persons. . ... Sur- voted Mr. and Mrs. Fred Hartsook and Dayton spent ~bor Day with Mr. Wa.Jter KUbon and Charles' ! hOPe to have noo.ther such a get toRather Inter esting on face 0 buy Cor !\ museum. It tIs in a ~uu. 'ten doUlU's each from live hundred .. a .........r Mildred of Mllford, and and Mrs. All Bogan and, hove rb een ab the Blanchester I' f >l· cU ifled buildi I ,. ........ "" Mfa. Ronald Hawke motora year hence. It. To be sm'e tho comp Ulni' .. er .1e ] gn ·witl h.. ngt1f sa1 I , tr a arge famwes, and !if teen gifts of 0 n e Mr. and Messrs. Edward Burton and Virgil this week ""Ith their 'horse~ .and tltl Retalllck ,.. Miss Elbert R1ch ,.a nd Mrs. Earl a.bove had to use Muss 5 e awn. 1 ""au u 0 d ees, I\. hundred dollars each, .would 'do It. eel to CwcllngWn on Bunday I nre the week In Miller at Dayton. ot near Lebanon. were vlsltnrs . no his name to make It como 0 t ,bunding that would make a museum Or divld It up any ot.her wa.y so that , attended a ,Kosher reunion on Labor , West Union the guest bf MIss Edna. Rev , and Mrs. J . E . Cadwnllder d th t f us have a mn "", becn "hat much larger cities than t"' at the ZOel Sunday.. n..'1 e res 0 ' ''''.r w ' . '. every fam1ly and every ~rson shares Day. Howard. wJll make their home at that Chrl!.t tne FII 'l"er-11 coUld wellrbe prOUd qt.Th1s would be U, and We wUl have 80methlnir that R. A. CI'OIS8, Who h83 been Mrs. Annie , Hallies and tor the ensuing ycar while iMr, Cad- Mr. a.nd Mrs: Guy SlgleP and his ruler. first, 183t and al ... aJS, j s t as a credit IQ the whole country and the whole count;ry' can be proud 01 relattves In 8ea'd1nla, returned home Eui Conner, were guests ot Mr. 'is JlQTSUlng hlB duties at that mother Mrs. Ida Sigler all of Dayton ~uch as on Septembcr 7. 1944, bIt ,the whole 'country should get behind down to our . children's cbUdr~'s Mo~ay. Ellsworth B!,-Inea, ot Spring Valley, place 83 usual. They ..will leavc for were Sunda.y guests 0 :( Mr . and Mrs. look a.galn and ~ It 85 It is, a n Itt the troJc;ct, Ten ' .t housand dollars, ehlldr~n .beYQnd, Don't Jet ' It. fall 1Mra. E. R. Bentley a.nd Mfa. Chas, one day lut week, Gambler about the middle of this Fred 'I1hOOlpson. little problem In with 'What W~d that buy If we lIad to through and 'donn put it ott, such a &-"--n and 80WI ..n-.,t _ .... u In Dr. and Mns, &. T , Wright. enter- mOnth. We were sorry to llla.rn of the ill~..... tic b:>ut It Try It WI buy a lot and build a buUding? iFor ~au u . . _ • • . • ....,.. <> . ness of "-5. Vada Lewis' Barnhart, no .......·s mys a . . . .good opportunity will not come a.a..~_ Valley. 'talned Bunday Dr. a.nd Mrs. -Dudley T.he Miamis wept to Lebanon, o n . w u numbers your birth year youI.' once, 1n a Ume of hi . gh PACes, her. e I-.n. . ' ~..... of 'C""':"burg. y o u r , ." _ "' ... 1Kr, &nd Mrs. L. H Gordon and Keever, of , Oentervllle. ~ Mr, and Tuesday, prepared for war and 'made . -. JV

I:Dtered AI





From 'fhe Miami Gazetre Files










~~&· ~~~~~I~~~ ' ~er« '~~ ~~~~~ng~~i~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~i_~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ outside help, sing ·to the score of Mr. anI! Mrs. Owen Burnett en-

Sunday evening. ' 1InI. Baymond W1laon &nrd daughke of Dayton; vlalted her father A. O. Bla1r, TUeaday. • an. Elton Watiltina of COlumbus Ja tile guest Of Mrs. ~lle Dinwiddie UId daughter:W. Onve. taIr~ and· MI'I.• G~orae Baller of ~u. were ~bor Day guests 01, 111'. ,.00. Mrs, W • .0. s.per. ObUle8 ' Burton· and ' family and ilia. IIary Burton or · Middletown . ·.,.eats of Mrs. MarY J. Burton a.nd famlly on 8~y. ' The BurDett famUy reun1o~ wu held Sunday at the hom!l of Mr. a.nd ~ Olear Wade 'on Ya.nkee street.

terta1ned to Monday dinner the lat.,' 16 to 10 in our favor. Sevcrl!J "rootter's brother and wife, of near ·Un. ers" went down to enthuse the boY$. ion Olty, Il~.,filster-m-iIB<w, ~. Mary ~. Wade 'and son, of DaytOn, Ohio. Mr. Charles Bradd!>Ck, of Dayton. a~t, Labor Day with rela.t~ves and ~r1ends here. 08. THIN Kenneth. Kuban hIlS , returned to 1JeE Dayton after a two weeks visit with Ce.rl Henderson ~d famUy. " ~. George Waterho~e attended (For DanClruff) the Reunlon of the l''1th Dl$10n at Bold on a Money-Back OllllU'ltint:e"I. iFlndlay the week-end imd LI!bor On Sale At Day. . , WAYNESVn.LE DaUG ST(mE. Mr. Stanley Watkins and Donald



'niere were '12 preeent.' 'H enderson, of Lebanon and Ken-I ·Mr. _ KnI. S. R , Oonarcl and Deth KIlbon, of Da.yton. w'e re dinner II two daUIbtera of OreBent SPrinCa guests . Sunday of Carl HendersOn ~., ~nt' ~e put week with Mi-:, and famUy. aad Mra. T. S. B&nlIn aDd famllY. Dr. J. T. Ellls arrived, home Sun~bett Iloaher of CardingtOnc' day after 811endmg a Week in Det.pent~ laat with Mfa : Edith rolt, MiCh., &tid other places. iI. Ban1a and faIJdb'. Mr. and Mr8~ Merle Kerns; of Col... PraDk . Btu and family arrived umbus, sPent the week-end wIth Mr. ~ Tu~ of l;&st week 'alter , a and Mrs. '3. DI. Merlat,t , . motor trip .t brouah . the ' •Mrs William Neatherton 'eoiijb. , . " '<!8ue1;lter; MiSs Ellzaibeth, of pear

Sand & Gravel





RoIil_ M~

Henderson. Mrs. 0, ~,f. and Mrs•. J. E. McOlure were ,lOpper guests of Mm. L. 'H. 'OoI'cIDp at Wayne VIDa lut Thursd&1 e~enln8. ' .,' D. ' ~. Crane and Gilbert Plye were ~ the newapa.per men and ~. Who 'were guest.s of the Ohio Mra. L.

AGE ,& ,

Xenia called on Mrs. Kenneth Elzey"..,l-H~:"'::'=-~ffiiiti;~~~vm~~I~Itt1I--::-~----'---":'-\l\h:IJn~!iij~~f[Ilt1

TUesday Afternoon. ,M r. IIInd' Mrs. men,:, and .MIss

Dorthy Hoefler, of IndIanapolis, Ind. IlWere Lapor DBy gu~ts of the Pensouth 01 town. .

\dergastB, .

Morrow Phone No.3 ' , Lebanon: OOI~ Phon~ ''73:1t . .RI:a1dence 98 M


~. ._ _ _ _ _'_ _• •_ • • •_ . . . . 6t4te ~ on Friday, which was \' d sglna~' lUI Press Day.

. C"


(.,):Jtt1gutres ~obhe



~~ ~e&tmentB must be mol'e tJiari' Js~~ a.pp~ons. 'Powttel'll,

_ . cit ollJ ~quId1! do not penC\ira~ ~ttr. Atropa) Is mobile. l;t 1'I!fiE'lBA'lm. Te·ol Is the only

8olut.on we know of, made with 90 'pJcohol. REAOHIES' and IDihtB Qlcft,'gemia. 35c at at\yc1rug store.. Today a~ W. L. ,Drake,

sa ..

FO ~


USED .eARf.~ ,



Any make 'or m'ode'I···· :, Fred Kahn Moto,r Car ,Co.





G'rav , Hair




Not a me~yj hard to ,use dy~ . . Not a slow .workin~f vitamin but a c;"lorless that w!li 'in A f,ew, 8i~ple' applicati'Ons testor.e · gray and stre'a ked 'hair to a b~llutif.ul, Datural color ·~r y~ur trIoniW', back.


i. on · ..le at



Wayaea';lI.. 0.' , '1f~



\ - =-:r

..----WEEKLy: NEWS





NoZis Mobilize ,for /.;ast StCJ!ld As Allies Draw Noose on Reien.; National Income Reaches \ Pea~




AN ORDINANCE 'PRlOl!l , wmc:m

ough OYS


Aiong- The Way

119 .




Barrldte.F. Thoma.



TBVR8DAr, 8BPT~ l~ 11M


One dAY the boy cllugh t him am



I! Churehe8

went down the road to a nelgbbo boy 's home and he WQ5Il' t sup 'Ose d to CW 80, and of course Billy dlan '1 knoW this. The master came at te) , ~,__~~~~~~~;..==-:;, them and whan Billy started heme METHODIST CII1JJI()U he took the bit in h is mouth and ra!~ B. B. Co~ MID.... " With the wind. A white faced /J y "..--a bobb ~ .. Ohurch lChoOl Itt 8:10 It. m. l1l'i. over his sh qUlder and clunk h'a kymond Conner, . -.. tendebl to ... · mane because , at course tht Momlng Serv=':I0s0 boy was riding bare-back:. Billy 'Wac olne h J And h h Youth Felowahlp Tueaday eveng am e ome t Cy well t aH III at '1:30 . ' they swung around the turn in th e Choir practice Thursday 8:00 p.m. lane the boy (lew oft a'~l d land In the soft grass at th e lilde of Lh e ST. MARY'S EPISCOPAL lane. He wasn't hurt bu t WQ5 ballly ()RIJIICH ,f rig'htened. His lather pick I'd h im lJ P and told hi th t h h d be b Ralph ParIta, MInIa&er in Obarre m u e a 6.!l a d, Church school at ,9:45 ro. m. -but he guessed he h ad bOOn punish . d Morning service and aermon 10:30 enough for one time.

Built with a low cut to make It POWER AND !LIGHT' ClOMPAlNY, " ,Bllly--J{e wasn't' muell to 10 loali: 1e,. of a target. and capable , of I'M Sl1OOD3SOR8. AND .ASSIGNS'; at. He waa bony and 'a. d~ty whIte" ~r:.:e!!g 7~~:~:~ ~~~~:::e:!: NAY CBARGE fl:m ELWmIO hlB mane and tall were scra.gjJly ao c; Itroyer II amon, the new weapooa ENERGY lI'tmlNmHiED POR lWO. he plodded 'along like he was at u. S. engineer. worldn" Iri co. NIOl1PAlL IPUBP08ES.IN TB1D va,.. 't he end of his rope, Perhapa he telt • , OP WAYINEVILlt.E, OUIT", 1 oper,atlon with the arm)"bave de- ... &£!.tl' Itba way, he cer~ hodn't had ......v"" ~ vlled. IPOR A PmarOD OF FIVE (5) any care in the lut few years, :But Refiec1!nJLj , C1'NG 'ON 'IlHE in spite of hLs e.p 6Alf.nce h:s lines Ughter, heavier firing mobile weap, ons to wor.k around the enemy'. 6'I1H DAlY OF OC'l'C BER, 1944, AIND s~owed the !food blood that flowed panzer lormation., the army also D~G THE MANNER ll'l throl!&h his vatna. It shOWed in the announced the use of a new 90- WltIOH SAID EI1ElOTRIOlTY MAY way he held hls head up, I~ showed mUllmeter anU·taok destroyer and '(BE FtT.RNISHED. PROVIDEr> AND lin the flashing eye tha.t no mlsLrea~ lJght tank. avD FOR, ment coUld dim, It showed In the To meet the conditions lmposed _ Illne of his head and In the softly by rugged. tanilled Jungle country. BE IT ORDAINED BY ~ a new 6().mUll~eter portable can. . ~~ flarlng nostrils. To his n ew owner he non weighing 20 pounds, and capable ,OOUNaJIL OF THE VliLtLAOE OF , looked no prize, but he was 00 best of being carried by one man . also W1A YNl!lSVILLE, S'l1ATE OF OH,r o : that could be had for the money, a. m. Bllly grew older an d the chil dren baa !leeh developed. SElOTION I: ~t, The Dayton besides he went with the farm. Equipped with treads providing ~wer and IAght Com~ny , an Ohio The neighbors in to vlBltgrew up. The ooy got a car and die. FERRY CHURCH OF c)IRIST propuliion In water and traction In I COrporation. sl1a.1l furnish and sup- with the neighbors and they looked not P&Y so mUch a,tLOntlon to Billy Berberi Graham. MJDlater l :~~b~: ~7ac~:~~: ~:; %e:nSe!n ; ply to th,e Vlllage ot WlI.roeljvll1e, lit ~111>, and .shook their heads, "No ~Cilde8 the horse WQ5 getting 0 I d 9.:30 &. m.. Bible IChool. nearly halt · a ton ot ' supplles over Ohio, a.t the prices and IUlder t he good wUI COIne of him," they sll.ld, thnt he couldn· t stand the way h e 10.45 a. m.-C()mmunlon, wrms and conditions h erein pro- "he balks." used to. His weth were very bad au almQst any kind of erraln' 11:00 a, m.-&!rmon.. , vlded such electric energy as may Now the new owner had had ex- the vetlnal'Y came once and !Il( ~ d 8:00 p. m.-Prea.chlnr, AKE: be Illceded In and tor ,the operation perlence with balky horses bet ore, I them. but h e was a: ipToachln g h is lars E(lSt of the municipal water 'works for and he coUldn't find It In bls heart thlrteentn year and he was fa illug 1'BIKNJ)8 First Df.y school. 1:3(\ L m. In New York city, two tel ephone and dwdng the period of five (5) to believe that BUly was a nl\tural fftS t. But he dJd every Ullng he was .: Meet!Dg 10r Worship. ''):90 L m . Common slaht In .pectaclulsr AIDed drive fa Dor.bem France wa. lur- operators were nearly lossed ' from )'CRn, <!QIIlDlencing on the 6th da; I?vJker , SI) lle AamU~ h1m ,c.retully as ked to do a nd did It wlllln gly an d their chairs', in Albany, N. Y.. sleen.. of Octo",ftr ....... .-',,", , . ..... , Ilnd ~l11y was Wary. He watchc-d the with all th e s tl'l l1gth h e had I n , 1'eIIder of droves or pocketed b1 swift movfa, "DIed columns. ST. AUGUSTDU CII1JB,()B ing perSODa were thrown from their eroI'ION liI Th beda, and In southealtern' Wisconsin, , : at, the point of new maswr as closley as the ne~ lie loved a Dd was loved. FatlJer Knmtbelb. PrIeI& U. M.as8 Sunda,y 9:00 a, m. coat hangen, lamp shude. and delivery of aU suell energy, to be 'master watched him. and he COl'\R e W 5 nnally turned ou t In the swltc.hboard cord, .wayed, sUPJ:'lled tleJ'eup.ger for the purposes ~Ider(ld thlnlJs oarefuUy. He WILS well pDSture a~d th e mast r said he Wa.\. At 158 Billion Rate At . .Border Thus, although aUght, did an aforesa.ld, shall be Bit the point of fed for the first time in some time no t to ,be worked a ll • B IIJ., WAEUSVILLB CII1JaCB or indicating that the U. S. Is rapid- earthqQoke Hnvlng , fallen back the w~ole rumble through most of ~tlon of the sald The Dayton I ' . y mOlD. CBBIBr ly reachlng Its production peak, the length and width of France, and the northeastern states, part of the Power and Light COmpan.y's service Ilind maybe this mYW master wouldn t didn't care beca use It was such al abandoned Belgium ond Holland. department of commerce reported middle-west, and In some secUona 'Wires on the outside of the VUla e I whlp him with chains and straps t to pull ally u n pty wagon now Has IIbdIter Adolt roUer's beoten and bedrag· that the naUon's Indusu-Ies were of Canada_ ' h I g land everything he could lay h ili He hu ng over the postu re gnte· a n a BUlle SObooI 8.30 ... m. turning out goods at a rate 01 196 gled armies boled up behind the far Billy hadon t .seen waite<! for tile ~Irl Lo ornc a,1 d brill " Although windows rattled and pump ouse~ated on the Village hands to. Communion 10:~ ... Dl. vaunted Siegfried line to face an bUllon dollars a year, an increase of bouses shook In many areal where ,!Water Works property. The point ot ' anything that even looked like a him a.' ,pies, AI,pl.r s were h is deligh t Allied charge across the German only 8 per cent over the last halt the earth quaked, no substantial measurement ot all suc:h eller'lW ' !Whip. so he kept a halt way respect· Prea.cbtna~ U L m. d h' t th of 1948, Government purchasel ap- property damage was . caused. Bl.\t shall be at the meterboard loca.ted on border to Berlin. . an e go em. Young People'a meeting 7:00. Even , while the maln body of Al· proximated 86 bllllon dollara an· seismologists who report~ that the VUlagepumphouse ful attitude toward the new masler . I "Cllly noy," she said softly, "E .1y Evening service at 8:00. lied troops 8tlll were fighting through nuall,y. center of the disturbances occurred ! , . lOne day they came in out of the 130y," You are Invtted to come and .orAt the same time. the department in the northeast, where quq\tes have I Said The Dayton Power and Light , lfeld, and Billy had his bridle re- 1- _ the Lowlanda and eastern France, ihlp with \Ia. reported that Income payments to the American First and ThIrd ar· been common ~Ince Indlao days, de- Company ahall furnish, supply, op- , lDgV~ ,n~ h@ WB.lj len ~n ~o stu!l J'. e ncver did get up aga in. and l~e mles under command of Lleu~. Gen. indlvlduals were at a rate of 158 clared that considerable 109. might , (l~~ and maintl'ln all l;ra.nsf.orPle 'Wl1lle bla rnas~r went to get some :seemed to know that he wouldn •. MT. nORl' M. It, CIIURCII C!lUrtney Hodges and Lieut. Gen. billion dollars for tpe year, with dis- have been suftered If the shocks had-ers, serV1ce Wirea and mewrs neces- I til thimBU! b ked t ' d ' ~ut th en h e Wi1S au unusual horse - George Potion were reported to bursements to servicemen and their been concentrated in a populated ' sary in and for the proptlr delivery os T. M. Sea"f. Mlnl.tet' or . y ac ou an a.nd because he was .Ieved so very tollowed his master. The master Ilave penetrated Germany at Aachen dependents, and farm operators con- region Sunday 'schOOl 1:80 •• In. B. A. . and measurement of SU~:h electriC I turned and sa.w him and Billy went much, he loved In retu .. Billy Boy. and Saarbrucken In. prelimlnal'1 tflbutlng to the new bigh. Redectlng E:a.rnhart, 8upt. the near peak producilon, manufac· energy so to tie suppl1ed .hereunder. back into his s~ll In a rush an d ' lJy Nich ol s H. Crom B!.1y :aurlte. Not IklrmlBhes. Even!ng eervtce, 7:30 p. 1ft. turing payrolls were relatively U. S. Acts Swiftly Any and all property, apPIIJ'atus and '.tried IrantlcalJy to climb over the fll/lt enough ! : r tb trn::1t IUld lov d M the Allies tightened their ring' .table. or steel around the western border Movin, fast to bead oft another ' devices furni.sbed by said The Day- I manger. HJs e>,es werl! 'W~de wlUl ter- l too m'.1oh by the fi rst ma..,ter to be PAY YOUR BENT ON Although consumer expenditure. of the relc:h, between 60,000 and 100,'THE 041' IT 18 DUE rose to an annual rec.ord rate of 96 serious coal strike with a resultant ,ton Power and {Jght Oom;pany slu\ll i ror, aut the mastor calmly went In put through the rtg ;)l'OW: training 000 German troops were hemmed bUllon doUarl and taxe. · were ex- heavy los8 In production, the gov· be and remain Ita properlt.>, reglL~d- Itw him and stroked him and patted that race horses have to go through against the channel coast rar to the emment seized a string of pits 1n, IIIISS of the mode talk l with. He had had a h ard li fe, but h e ThIs friendly advtce was offered , or ma.n.ner of aJt!x- I him and"...ept up a croon Ing o rear of the forword lines. Spread peeted to absorb an additional 29 thinly In , a swe~plng arc from Bou- lJUllon dollar., the margin of sav· the Pennsylvania area, strike-bound &tion or attachment to tbe propet"ty him 11 th tim Bill ' bslded b t was loved very muell the last twelve today to tenanta by John Eo RobInIngs Indicated a year.aU volume of over demands of the Unltetl Mine of the VUlage of Wa.ynes\rille .. Ohio. a e e. y s~ u years of his Ufe. There must be a 38 bllllOn dollars, a suable cush- Workers c:1ericaJ, technical and aup- The Village of Waynes.vtlle shall be stood trembling Jl;nd .a ~€;r a wbl e heaven for horses imd dogs some son, Jr., district OPA dlrectol' 1n an Ion for expenditure. In the postwar ervllory employees union for recog- furnish operate and maintain all an-. ' he turned and nudged Is master where. 1t just mus' not be that they announcement that 'JH copiea 0 f evtction notices bad been flled by period. nltlon as barga_lnlng agency. ' ,. and snorted and bIB heart was the • , In seeking to halt a general tie- pamtus, 'f ixtures, devices and appU- masters own. After that Billy worked die o.nd arc no more,these gallant landlords during AUgUst with the liP, the government not only took I80UCes nooecssary to recelvt~ and u~l1- 10fWJl beyol1d ~ Iitrell8~h qeca~e he loving hearts. They were Created by area rent office sa J"eq1l1red by the E tW t over the .truck mine, but · also l2e Sllch energy at and afwr tl}e the same man that created us and [ regulations. Of these, . . notices aps XpeC ors .eu~d other pita 01 al!ected com· PC;ln.t Qf d"Uvery herein ~)()\Ie It;~~- loved Ills muter IJO IIlllcl1, thlnlt God must love them just as gave non-payment as the reuon for wbJ1e' the Tokyo radlo warned the panlel to assure full operation. fled ex.cept meters whlch are tQ be Then th~e wore th,e children: At eviction, he said. Japaneae that they collld expeet By acting quickly, the government" flr8t B1U1 regar~ed them with sus- much as he loves us. beavy aertal bombardment of their hoped to avert a work stoppage tn f~~ed by The Dayton Power QlId plclon" but gr"dually they wQn him "Under the regulationa hpmeland and •.exteDIIlve ground opo lome 70 mines, employln, 81,500, IL1i ~, lover and r'ode him bare.,back and h e may be evicted for not P6Y1nr the era tiona agaln.t their inner de- and producJng 150,OOO . Wnl ot coal SEC'IUON IU: That; eltiCtrtc en. ' Bumus Unlocks Soli when It L, due,",h 'e aaJd. "'nita (eoalve circle, U. S. wal'lhipi 'joined dally. As It was Interior Secretal'1 ergy so to .be supplied hereunder very cheerful of them. One day Humus plays an lmportant part In includes persons IIvtng on pemIons --=-'----''-:-7~ neighbor girl was on his 'b a c k the chemical reactions which take and the famfJJes of servtc:e men. U, S. airmen ill raking the eaem),'a Ickes .ald about 300,000 tons bad al. 'shall be ,w hat Is known colnmerclally mlUtar1 Installation. and .upply ready been lost through the strike. I ' she .had not even a bridle on place In the salt It helps unlock LltlaL Omu. 8racll., Oe"), OeD. Accordlng to the War Labor Board, las AltematJng Current, a,t approXland he race~ across the pasture from the clay, the mineraI. part of Ow •• bl Elunbow .. r (<<lenler), &lid Oe~ tines from the Bonin. down to the "We are ' nlldtng In&tancee where '1It,st Commander Sir Arlllllr Tedder _ Celebes.._ - -many- at- the employee. 'had-voted-jmate.\y 1115-230 volts, and a. fte- Ibe,callloSe the chl1dren loved this. She 1I0D, elemenls which \he plants need landlords, desiring to f:!et rid 'of a ler a& Pari., L,m. to tile DOJtb or tbe liar&-_ agaln.t· the .trlke. conducted at quency ot &pproximately 60 cycles ,---rr __ around his neck and as soon but cannot get without the' old of . and havin4r no ground&, have an.. wbere U, 8. went_, some of the mines_ \per second. . , logne to Calais, they fought des· humus. Constant renewal and build quleUy pel'mJ~ted Ule re:l t day to go _tchm. Uu:lr breaih: before to. SECTION 'IV: The rllte , to be he felt her slip he sUd b!s fejlt perately along the former robotIng up of humus content should be by' and then .quickly Interposed the launching · coast as Canadlan and ... tile, Dut .tep to..... la,..., Post~ar charged for ,a ll eleotrlc MiPv,lce supstopped where mr.ny another carried on and one of the best ways eviction notice. ani . , _ mae. frOJil Tokyo, _ would have trampled her lnto to do this Is by making a compost Polish forces closed in for the kiD. tile ...~..... were llaaunereCt b, piled under the terms of i:hls ordln- the sod. She was frtghtened and &0 pile; through which all plant debris "lit Is tberefore up to 'the tenant While Allted armies pressed _r.hl,. aad . plaDe.. WlUl' DGPolt~ aUlomobila llliU 110' diD. ance shall be three centa <t(I.oa) was he and he nuzzled her alI over and other orgllnlc waste maUer may who wanta to be sure 01 continued against the reich frontLer In the ~1lrom " , _ mOda. and tile)' per kilowatt-hour by meter, provldthe other cbildren rushed up be transformed lnto humus. meroaa eDem , v_ls aapplJlq possession of his rented to north, the American Seventh army. Uae beleapared ISIaDda blaaled may be lJif~r in price. ed, however, that It the usage and Place the compost pUe In a aeclud. , ~y his rent not later than the day drilrlpg up from the south througb and tile bo'to.... ClJair1/101t AI/red P. ConsumPtion of eleCtric energy Is and paM.ed him and · praised him ed corner. Shrubs may be used to It Is due regardleas of his preVlOUS broken Nazi resistance effected a _..:.. t d eel Sloan 01 General MOo and BllIy was happy. He was loved shield It from view. The plant rna· M kin ' . ' lunctlon with Lieutenant General 10" Corporation a.. such that a rate lower than three a g II....... u.e 0 a vanc base. on northwest New Guinea, cltrred.. ' ($0.03) ' per Jdlowatt-hour more than he had been loved tn a terlal , to be decomposed should be ~lence with bIB landlord. n Is ' PattO;l1's forces near Nancy. U, S. airmen attacked the enerD)'" 1~ com_lUi,., Upoll :would 'be eemed under ,thE! otherwJse time. But gradually be became put down In layers, with thin layers the legal rlgbt of the landlord to PhJ1lpplne outpoltlt, concentrating rJa. lutw". remmpiioit , tlred 'ot the children Bond he wouldn't of .0U between, A few handfuls of get his regularly and promptly. Nq,zi D~~Hards ' . 01 aulomobile _ _ a~UCable 8cbedules of the Com- let them catch him unless he .was tn Ume and complete plantfood should Even all the Allies tulI mlutar)' on hi. ntended IUpplJ UDe. to be sprinkled in the plant material as IF 'YOU want to turn IInDeecsed wllaken . hi. eftectivene.. aaainat faewre, SI{xm . .-Jd IMI peDy, duly published and on file mlllht wns I!rought to be\lr against possible. assauib. Apparently reGeneral , MOlD" wUI with The Public tUtlllUes, CotnID4B- the mood for being ridden. it I. put on the piles . . AsmaU possesaIona Inw quJGk...~ the Nazis' rel)ling webrmacbt, Ger· llecUn. the Japa' de.lre to husband ' rfHl ulN from 19,IIf 10 - -----. . - - - - - - - quantity of decayed material or mo· la nothing 'better than " WIUlt man dle-harda gave no Indlcatlon of ~elr UmJted air POTier, aerial reWe miNI'''' 10 nco,.. alon ot OhiO, then, and In It hat event, herein provided. oCcaslaned by the nure scottered \hrough the pile wl11 ' d th 1am1 ' living up the ghost. .lstanc. waa negUalble, In contrllt , tIfl'" /rom mlllra;y 10 $a Vlllage Shall be privileged to up to 't he point of delivery hosten decay. The compost pilI.' a In e ~ ~' \ Said the German army's propa. , to their once imposing Itrengtb reA. P.81oaa eluWOn produdlo", apply' to the Company tor such should not be allowed to dry out. , and chili plaN " . &aId electric energy to the Vllganda spokesman, Lleut, Geo. Kurt port.edl1 .cattered thfougbout the eaU lor emPlor-mol rJae pr""" ' ~ senlce, and, thereatte'r. the en- )age, as ,h ereinbefore pro.vided. and DlUmai'. In a, broadcast to the reich: enUre area. ' loree 01 500,000. : ' ergy so to be suppUed by .The Day· Want sta-tionary for Chrlstma:>? "When our nalional Btrength, who •• 1" tWclWinB pMtulGr modeh, SloGa ton Power and Llrbt Company shall Company shall defend a.t 1I.s Place four order now I At the Oazetw total mobilization haa been the ' aim .aid ~ I1aer. will b. only "!u.o, be supplled under and In confonn- own expe:u;e any isuts passed upon of all our eftorts in the last few PaIJllB'" III , dulBtu. and tha. ordlllll1'1 . , such claims, exce,pt Bnd provtded office. your hair Is thin or fall1ng weeks, Is concentrated on the shortod..oncemenll made ,' durinB III. lUlU' Sty With such e,pp,1cable !IChedule. that the Oompany shall not be liable Dandruff m1gbt tie the C&UH, ened prep'ared lines, then It will be yean would be incorpora.ed InlO llae ,SaId Company ma~ make and shall -trpMID mochinea. 1Ii8he ma.erial and .reoelve a mlnJmUm montbly charge or responsible and shall not hold possible for u, to restore the .tra· AUCTIONEERING labor COJU may 1_ an incr_ iii the Vlllage barmlCSB from any damteglc balance which we have now prica, he JUid.. ' , - of seventy-tl~e cents 130.76) per Bie or dam~ges to any employee or Stanley and K~Bler Jo.t In the west.," -



















MIl' ..




Peo~le "eed Hair


' BI~Ta RATE: . ' P,'rosperity He,lps


' :::u=~esi:::h!: ~~re : : t : ! :

employees, llcensee or Invttee of the For Da\.e8, Phune 2894, Waynea· Sold OIl a Mooe,-Buk OUU'Ultee " Iureman , . t of energy ,~ to be suppijed. ,who may go upon any sturcville, Ohio, Revnae Charges 01 all of Adolt HlUer's once formi, 0...4& , ture, pole, tower or appurtenanc.e of ,dable Balkan empire, only Hungal'1 BbomUrhe wage. and high em- ammoN V: AU meter.s Installed BIlOKEllS J.lCENSE WayD"~1IIe IDrar s~ ployment levels ,have 1>90sted ~e ' ,by yirtue of proVfl!10D8 of this orcl1- the ComlJ9.ny or attempt to do anyremal!led ,to help ca"", on bl,,' flgbt., what with ·BUlIarla seeklnl to 'e nter American birth rat~ during the lut lonanoe shall be read montJtlly ana as thtng to any lJne, appllance or apthe ,Al\Ied camp after atrong Ru,.ian tour years, ~~tlatle. indicate. Prln-' nearly sa ,possible on ,the same day of paratus of the Company. (orcell had Invaded the cauntry after ' , SEC'I1ION VIII: Upon The Dayclpel gains were among mothen 20 Moscow's' claIm that Its stateamen'l to 29, years of age, who hllve born'e ~' month, and the said Village ton Power and Ught COmpan:y flUng s'~rnddllnll diplomacy enabled Gertheir ftrat child, Forty , per cent of ,' ~ to pa.y said bl1la ~or electr1c itS wdtten acceptance of ,the ordinmans DeemS Romania lale conduct the births In 'the United State. be- energy sa they are rendered. tween 1939 and ' UI42, tor tilltan'ce, I SromON 'VI: All resPeIl8ibll1ty of loce with the Olerk 01 said Village back to ' thelr lines. , " Bulgaria'. downfaU fonowed 010 •• OCCUlTed among mother. in 1helr i ~Powei Oompany in retl:ard to the Wlthin' SiXty (60) days from the .t akPROTECT YOUR RIGHT . I, on Finland's' break with Germany :MI., while S3 per ~ent '!Iere a~on, C1U1'611t uPPly aball ceaset fter the effect ther~1, this ordlnance' • ai one of the terms ot an arml.Uce m9then SO to 8SI year. of a,e. I' 8 , ', . a . be and constitute a contract TO D~IVE WITH, wltli ' HUSlia, and came even a. It 'Conalderable increaae. were allo eamehaf been delivered to the - the Aid Village and Oom,was reported thot the Nuls were abown ln' tamJU•• 'hav!D& the lecond vtJJ.aae In accordance twlth the proIts su~ and asslgns. thlnklng· 01 abimdonlnll no&;UIetn. lt. "'O,UJI,...,,. or ~ ~hna. ''!beae 'galria ~~' not .\tJ8lo~ of Ol'dJnaD<;e, and the ' . . ' _. . , inftuenceCl b1 the upwal'ji lJi vwai to 1DdemU ' a'nd h ld SEOTION IX, That, this ordinance ROoT FOB AND CON,IOM aly, where U. S. and ~rIU~ , lrml.., prcKluce', INSURANCE fougbt 'through t,he enemy'. bQuted , marriage rate, but were cU· '!be ~ P ower arid iltrbt ~_ take effect and be in ' torce JOUJ'" cattle, hop, Iheep ~ 'c:&1yee "GothiC lin~,'1 ' _ reet reiWt or bette!: tim... ~ d free ,'f ', nd and atter, the' earUest period to NOR1s-Brock 00.. ' :Uve wire an.! _ MeanwhUe Russian ,orces drove women , ln; tb~ 80. who ' bad beaD ~ ~ an , rom a . aU""ed bylaw. pJ'08I'eu1ve ' firm , for tile Mgbes' YOU'RE NO EXCEP· 'through ROlT!arlla ' ~nd B.iJ.atia for~ dela1ln , " !lavin, ~ bee~~ or'l,for all l~, ~I o:r, e~e . PasSed by the 'COuncil of .the VllprJ ......oi,..:.. _ _ ., ..·.'''ul Calamity doe.'t lOW and UncertalD tamll7 lncom .. , 'gfcnv1ilC out' of or ~ any way OOD" cea _ ... I""" , _~,DII. Il. Junction" wIth Mar.bal 'llto'" Parba~e been bearln, babies durin• .the neited witli tbe claillia of ~ third laie o~ faynesvWe, ~hIO, ~hls 7th UQlon :, &~k. ' ~arc1l, CincinnatI, O. piClk favorita l MiJorCane Ulan. fri Yugoslavia preparatol'J io' relaUvel1 pro.petoua ' war,' le...... St ',' -"tft~ • of6eptembel', tIKI.. , TuDe In ' on Re.dlo station ' VlCKY, a tldve on the' .outhem BwiI.~n hun't ,iDlle~ yOu '. ,. ... " ' , pe1'IIOD or persona, ,eX!Cel....... eIJl ' .... ........ " .... ' ... . plainlJ ' . t' waa, Pc!lh , ted ~~ , . ' " or the, ~O'fVer 0CI.l.":"-.. 'in 0.. n. ~OE"MaYD,oJ:. t!) 12:_" p. m. -tor oUr 'dally an exception I Be ,. ...--., ATl'I!l8T: .......... EINANCES _o~ of "their duites. for .. ,ma;rDlL re.,..._. ~~----~~~~~~~----.-~.., protect yoprae1f '"-... Pod , the wat bal heeD a lnJl!i1es to ~ 01\ ,property oc~---""':':'--'---""'---:-inlurance ao that 1lO' or tbe borne (lIlidODecl-bJ1aid CIIrieiit at, and alter ~hat hap~' _~ treilllWrJ ollleJalI aalel; 1D r. ita dellvtlQ ,t,(;' tIle 'Vmate· as aforeyour family _"..... , . I'tDHG' AVl"OIiOBlidl:sz ''some hllew_bur the JC)VU'Dment lacal potl- I&Id, aad fbe VWaa. iurtil1er IIIt'eies PJ:OP~rty wUl lie da7 wbID,. ~ III to _ I car, tile ttoa.: It"a. palDted .out tba~ wblJe 10 'defead at it. own expenae

Blllkan Conquest





s::- ,


,"'111.1 '

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u. S:


-:.=.:]0'1-= =':='::::='~~


!WDerj ,.mCIUI ~, pndletL' tbaD 1. bJWOD 4oDan, ' '78 blDloa "I'm lICIt ~.." be Uded. '''1'IaeM or "wbkib ... ' borro1Md, III..... tIdaII ao,rL OCImrnodIt;r ~., be". ltd, rem.... ,atbela low IeftII. You'll lie . .~ fa ~ fa tile airport. ....". bald to

.we ..,.. '""



011. .......

~ .. or .,..., period.

bUecl upon



I8J!IDTION V[IiI: ~ ~[tOD Power ~t 0nmpulJ abaii L1MIeadfJ bald W~ "--the __VJJJap • __ _01 ,__ _ ......

falI7 ....-


0.,.- p-'-~acta --OJ ia.uuriutl .Milk .For frou,. Protection un.."·~---n- P..teurr-eci

... -

u..- 111_ d'M". ap-. , .,II-;;;;;;;;;;--;;oo;;I"IIlUIDW-

.a... - --..... will IIIIiD IIlcn'eUeI. ,~I" .....

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III.". '''llu..... !lUll .... ~"rrc..II ..... ~;.1

. . .f t .... ·



Due La the fa t. that I am lying • t.hls. vicinity to meke my borne In UW s9uth, 1 will sell a.. pltbl0 Iluctlo"l I\t my home loca~cd , In C" rwin n ar Mlqml ocmet I'Y (nt~ance ·on t:: ' 'l100DA~, SEFT.,23, 1 :00 p, M.. the followln$ : articles: , Ono modern bedroom sulte, 1 llv. L~1 g room suite. 1 H atrola. 1 Ilbrary ta b1 . 3 n ;gs, llnolclltn, 3 end tables, 2 Ill a,.d ab'es, 1 table \I'lOOel melio, 1 Singer ~w1ng 'maChine in gOOd' condition. 2 rocking chairs, 1 bookClUie, 2 good beds with 1 spring und 2 ma.ttresses, 1 dress r, 1 washsttlnd, I buffet, kitchen tables a.~d cha.ll's, kl t: he:n cabinet. large Ice box, '3 burn er kcr ene stove. eltcben cabinet, COI' pcr lad range, cpoltlng s,t.!>Ve, Sa.vell oil s Lave. 1 l2-gauge wt~chest er : !. mp gun. s::me as ne"", 2y.. box, shells. 1 full blooded Guernsey ccw comln 4 yeal'S old, giving good

Rev. L , A. tHOnler of Sprlnif VaUey 'Was our guest speaker Sunday , UtUe Doris Jane ElIJs llpent Monday a.!wmoon or · week. With he~ '~cimot.lier, Mrs. Glenna WUson , Sa~factO:fY Mr. and Mrs. Raleigh Bogan calle{) on his " mother, Mrs. Mary BOS1ln SUnday nlg,h t. Se~ces, 'Mr. a~d MIs : MelYln HollingsWOrth a.~nded 8 nuscella.necus shower for Mrs. Dorothy 'Gasa.way 'at the bome of M.l.s6 EmilY Haines near Reesvllll!, Saturday night. Mrs. ~ill Young ent.ert.IUned her sister, from NorwOOd over the week end. Mr . and Mrs. Everett Halnes s: ent SunClay evening wltJ! her father, Benjamin Ca.rrey at Highland. ' Mr, and Mrs. Theodore Motntlre spent last Wednesday evening with Mr. an~ Mrs. Ramond 'Wilson. ~c<ltlure ·~uneral Mr, John Wilson and Robert Wilson called on Mr. and Mrs . We;don ~onte W1l:;on. near Xenia. sunday ' afterDial 211.1 - WaYll_viU. noon. Mr. and Mrs. William Smith and Marilyn Sue a.nd Mr , and Mrs. 1Rnleigh ,BoJan were dinner guests or ~_.-;t==========;J Mrs. Lucy COmpton, S~ndI\.Y. 'Mr. Ham West' has retllJ'l1e4 ¥1ll:e from' Pueblo, COlorado, where he vls1ted his da.ughter, Mrs. Ma xltJe Bmtth ind new grandson. Mrs. /\fest stayed tQI' II. l0D8er visit. Mrs Ethel LocUe and 'sons called an Nl'. and M:r8. RQymOOd Wilson 8atlil'day ~ht. Card. aDel , Little Aldon HlIolnes was a guest or ~ are elW'&eel 10r at the h1s grandmother Mrs. Luther Haines . . . . . . ._ ee.Dt .. wo~cl, mlnbDun:a P!r1day. ........ lie. A WaD' Ad IIL_. for :Mrs.Allce Haines and Mrs. \001'u.r. u.. .. ~ at Ie' a word. othy Bmlth attended the ~Lnton Co. . W.O. T , U . OOJlvention at WUmington Fl'1ends (:hurch <me day last

At All

. Times

.... a,.;



. week. , Miss Allee

Acel;yleDe Or electrlo. See l;\ ,ll Lee,


Gohs 'and Walter Wit-

Waynesville. eon' called on W. and Mrs, Charley

Road, R. 8,

~-~--:::::-===~--:---------~ ILaird of Clamden last Wednesc:br.y. J1br Sale - Watidnl ~ucta FUller N .r . and MnI. Charles Bil.naman

ile the war tn Europe roars to

P:M. ·IA.



T. ' Oherr)', ppone Way.,. ',' ;28

m.vute 282'1.

~~~~--... • ~~ Keroseqe IW~


......:..........11...: . .

stoves .,y club. ' Call



it Is wet! ' to keep an

'.1r Nipponese foe will,,8OQn be confronted with the saIne disastrous fate the Gennans met. Wben the 3,022,38'7 aquare-mll.~ area of the I. nllcd States Is set down tn' the Pacific, as on the nUlp above, it 'Jottlghts the tremendous size of that war theater. From the Mar,oalls where our trans-Paciftc drive got under way, to Tokyo is toughly the distance from Miami to Seattle. With the a cquIsition of 11 ore n aval base isles, like Guam and Saipan, precious ' lOO-octane t:'1S tor Japan-blasting B-29 Su~rtortresses can be delivered by t.:nker in tremendous bulk loads. Previously much gas bad .to be .,n1i·,ped jn sdUlU drums, thrown overboard and let~ to drift ashore" .... m...r..bolQ below. ..


to .

,t' . carp / I '"




~lte _uunesfrilie Q111lt~(4 ®f 'GrlJrist , ,


BIBLE scHoo~' 9:30 A. M. ~ --


- 11:00' A. M.

,Morning Top'o-"WBEN PEACE OOMES,

8:,00 O'eloclk


" PEACE" ~

________. . .


MAX W, RAN'D ALL • Mini~ter

it>--.-----.. .

~~~-1~-- .





Never!ir lze Ithe other fellow, \ Main St. you may be the one ,who Is wrong. I .

Wa')-nesvll~o, Ohio


outCOOlC of the watl Save every drop of waste kitchen fat-bacon



fa~ cv~gl

' .,..,.


, • OVt;t


': And who i. going. to guarantee

u iaQa7en WHAT?


'flabby country nOI!p. ot us bad t o m,.k!! goo~ ;u~ \ ftlll' l.I!cl alo 'I! with ;lVi-ryt,IIj','g w(


Ilfl' I

They· Are Buyi~g , .'War Bonds

-Are You?: (

ThIll Is seamaa ,1 /0 Mell10ht a. Bleb. of QnltmaD, Georgia. De Is onlrtB bUt. veteran of action ta t!le ~edlterr leall. · 'DIe deaw"yel' ' eB~ort OD w~tob be s~t'Vod wa. torpedoed aDd be was hl& lit the alhue. For be .could , not move bJs teet but DOW OaD . . . . . . . foot weD. Fout badell.. are In the boIIpltaL, ~ aD HIIoaed bF a .....1' ......



foe .

,ncer.. Jil making the . •


powedul explosiv~ that may ~ be ~IOdiog





them; Useless to YOut tbey!re

Some talk at a , "gUaran~ ,~_ aual wage.". " So, ,who ia going to', ~tee i1D8inelllleB that the pubUc II going to ~ul' their goods if eompetitors make better products lor I~ money? _ '_ ' ,




.. •• III'" IOOcI



Evening TopIo-''C1IlU8T, THE

A~Nf~ "I¥** TIIA"

c '

. . . . , ,lCtIA r .. "t.e",'

-~ ---




It woli.ld be

~T •• '"

--- ..


them to your meat dealer. Wb~ will


~ . ---




iuarant,e6 lUI aomethfng,



This sketchy outJlJne should sbow wbal a eol<!.ssal job of master pre.. TUE RE TURAUNT ~NOWN AS, c sion Ame.rlcall iqdiustry must II,C· "oUn BOUE".IJAS MOVED 'FRO~[ compllsn. or else. It is stupendous, but It ;s pOSSible. It w1l1 require THERE LQCA1.'ION . ON l\IAIN acel,lrale markel forecastLng, bal· S'IlREET TO THE PliACE KNOWN ancedproducUon, ec,onomicai opera. S "THE LITTLE INN" . tion and good selling.' AU must plan A . .' well. ' WE WILL BE OPEN FOR. 'BUSIt Private Enterprise does Its lNESS SA-rURDAY, 16 AND 'WILL . share for national p,~osperlty by in· . , vesting 40 to 60 billion dollars to ere. ' FtJ;B..1"ISH SERviCE FORPA.R'l\JES ate 7 to 10 mll1lon jobs, industry DINNER PARTIES - CLUE. AND wID be obliged to have security of . ' 0 ~ , S. terrif'yin , ' g and deadly and WUltonly ,investment and bclpe ef profit..,.. SUNDAY , DVlNEM,BY APP INTa reen U ht and a"clear road. La· MENT. ONLY-WE. ALSO , WILL , boraildgove.r nmentr o . have a nee· J OAVE 1\I£A:t.S 'l\JIJtOGB -'l1JlE - --+ ', --:-.....:.....,.---.......,.m'"~ is Hitler's. 8~g robot bomb-the essary part to. pla:y LO post.war " , prosperity, ~and the next two chap- WEEK. ters of this column will deal wlth weapo.QS of war 1011 .d~, by saving waste kitchen them, one at a Ume. "Labor's Lev· , t - - -- , e~" next week. , ~ , ' CALL-MRS OllAULES ANDERSON fat, of much \greater value in, determining the

~ ~. , to , """ · par. bread u4 jeUT, Ihelter, . A ~tteWtUlt health u4 fJm, thil ....t of IIlJ' jrUl:belp,ypu aolve I~t ' & 'COIt ~e. ' We all waa(,oiaebociT elae to

... . ~~ .. - . g

, : A17END'

I(Owe~'s) will hold II.s

An ordinary J:aper plate, glued io tl1e bott{)m or the paint can., Is much more convenient thaJl'l s ::r ea- ;ing news , ~pers whIch mllst ' be ' moved EVery time the paint can Is ,shUted from cn eplace to S;uother.


of-, tne'


"" ,, '4-

Coperation Need'ecJ

Making Work

S" be> '. h . '0, lIMe !Y .



The Svgar Creek C"hriStlian Church '}lomooC;)l1lln sellv:lCC$ Sunday, september 17 begin nll1g at 0:30 B. m. and wlth 0. baskt dinner aLnoon. Rev. R. H, sho!mer of the F'lrst Reformed church of MJan'lisburg will ·be th e attern on speaker. ' Ml', 811 ~1m : Arthur MoOu1Jou!!'h are 'thc_ J I'oud pl\rent.'s of a sev,;,u W'u nd fe Ire: n 'Ou.nce, girl bom laSt Sunday. Tl$ 1:1 t , e sevenbb cl'lld. Mr. 0 otge SOhmHI. wbo has been in th 'Mlarril Va.lley hospital for bservaU 1l1lS returned home. HI! 1& n~t ID:proved very much. ' The ' n'y OhUJ'C' l ot QhrJst 'wiU h~ld their .hblllec 1 Wlg on Sunday' September 24 wIbh Brother Carl Ma,thews, of Laton.Eo, Kentucky as guest speal:er. A ba -kElt dinner wlll be ser'ved a t ,'I'I.oo.n. Hare 'are the comnolV of mllk. mlttee! l'Ogl'am. Il:lward Llnvitle. , One living room uHe. same as Nina Bel!, M. M, Holton .and aomo new. one Eruy ohair a11d ottoman , iRIggs; tables. Mr. ld Mrs Everett same as new, 1 Alexa.nder Smith rug, IHUnter, ~ ~ r. and MJ's Ed Llnv1l1e, M:r lone desk, one library table one chest CUnton -DuVall, M~s. DJrothy E,'ol'e- ' ' or dra.wers. dresser. Zenith electric man, l\ok , and Mm, Floyd lHughe!i, rudlo, ca'bLnet style In good condl- 'Mr. and MlJ;. Harv,ey Hole end Mr, • Un , 17 drawer SLnge\, sewlhg ma-Iand Mrs . Vernon Harris; coHee. Mrs chine, good as new, 2 beds, springs , Jennie Thomas, Mrs Grace Kruer and Ill1I ttresses, 2 other beds, CoIle a.nd Lester Gerhard , din In'" room tabJe and chairs, one enamel top klt.chen table, 1 large norch swing, 2· large lawn chairs, C1! nnEd fruit. a nd fruit jars. Othet ' Items too numerous to mention , ELI IRIEYiNOLDS J , p , lAmb, AuoLloneer Ivuletlte Re~oldB. Clerk

~ye on the world's taraest battleground-the Paclftc Ocean-wher4!

Proper sleps taken soon enougb will assure plenty of jobs, after the war, in peaceful pursUits 'for men ROOII WA:NTED--:II!IIdeJ'lY man de-I M'r8 ', NeUle Bunnell ~ec1 on busy today wltb , war work and .... room with board. reply w1th all Glenna Wilson ODe afternoon las1. for those in ,unilor!JI as fa~t 8S they are discharged from the ar med detaIlelI, b 0][ 96, M la m 1 Guett,e ~. torces. To say these men wID dew.peav1lle: ehlo. 14p POR-8-ALE----p-er-8-0n-al-s...,~-t-lo-n-e-ry-. serve good jobs Is saying 1a.r too Utile. ~DVlng saved this country o,m, ' ~I? See Maynard 200 sheets of good ~nd paper, from foreign toes, they will deserve . . . . tar ~ l1CenIe. 81me tid . 1-2, With 100 envelopes, to possess and enjoy their own prosall with name and address Im- perous land. . ~ Weltll!lVlu aeU you your pr1n1ed, for .UO at the Gazette It Is for the good of the country ~. oUlce. Pbone 2143. ' alld every family In It that plenty of weU.pald employment be provided W~e Jaqre d~ muat ." • - - --f-lq '. " e e III '~1 OODdlUon. ~. '0. BOx 96. . ' '11~ ', . , ....I' maller 01 justice .tO the deserving; ~ 'Iff : not at all a mlltter 01 pity. tor tile i'OR 8ALBr-'Wh1te enamel kitchen • Un!ortupate. It Is patriotism; it Is , " seU.prcsel-vation. It Ainerica is to :au~ coal or 'Wood. Ooocl remain the la.nd of Uberty and OppOl'0, t:1~ Lunlly, our first posLwar step',.must . J,' JI. ~~. 'Phone 22'1.. 211l'1I UJ~ be ' toward firm footing: ' Work tor ' ~ ' wIDlh'1! 'workers. 4 W~ to Wrta'ht Field. 'L ~ JIoW'B 8:30 to 6:00 .Gn·7.lltle Wanl Ads BrIng Reault.l.


..\. r" r U"rl.,.C4: ," ' , ThvIUUN. t 1I f" .,


~ ~t 13 North BrOllodwaJ and Mr. ",nd Mrs . fi. L. Oom$>n of r OLJ:N UNTNJIIR, Lebanon. Phone tOUlcmnati called on relatives Sun.elL " C day ~oon,








Berlin and Tokyo!

WAYNBSVlLJ.K. ' Omo,mtJRSDAl', SEPTEMBER 21 •. 19«




WAyNE TOwNSIJIP ,pABMEBS OLUB ENTEBTAINf{D AT Mt .' Holly Home Coming, BRANSTRATOR HOME Ml'. a.nd Mrs . L. V. Bmmlt.rator be held In ,t he ,church room. ' enter.t ained the members of the Evet·y body is welcome to come and Wayne 'r<>wnshlp ,F armers Cl u b, spend the da,y"with us. S . p _ 12. at .t"''''''' _ . ""'" 01..... ,.,.. Th"""'" .,.,.1&' Runyon. ID•. Bunnoll " "

Oc~. l,



_ .=

......... and ....",



• Olare_ """""'" ".II.d

pleasant social hour before the delIc10us dinner wa.s served. At 2:30 o'clock KeUer Hook, presIdent, called the meeting to order. Seventeen members were present. Ju.... 0..,,, B . ."",!>ant, .1 Lebanon, 'Was guest spea.ker. He dlBeUliSed Robert G. IngersO'll, the 1I.tihelst who WIUl famous as a spe6ker more tha.n a generation ago. He s poke of the orator's lack 01 rellglous f!llth and mentioned some 01

F'~lf·; ~I

. Launch "Two Cr'uiSers and Carrier

Misses Armle

SlWday. Ml'l!. EValyn 0, Peterson and Mrs . D . L. Crane were d1nner guests on Saturday of Dudley iKeever at their sunUlle,· home, the Wright home.,,"" at Sp"""bo". Miss VeIns Shoemaker and Miss Augle Mo reo of S prlng.Cleld visited the formers aunt. Mrs. Ocorgla Ivins. Sunday afternoon. M1:S . Georgia Mendenha.ll, In with h er nephew and wUe,






s.eatl n·

0( """""""

tum.. . . - . ....... the ...,. _ .... Un!"'" 8to",", now to .....

processed at a.nny Air Fon:ee Redla. trlbut.lon Statton, No.2 In, Miami

,1Beach, where his neE eestlPIII"ant 'W1ll be determined. Sergeant Shaw, a 11-17 !!ow 50 - . . . d ...... five--'; In Winning the Air Il«al' and Clusters. Hla wife R.oJde OaroJyn Shaw, resides in WayDlllVl!1le, and 'his father Harry ROIlS Sbaw In )regonta. He 18 a of \Vayne Township High Scbool .

Mr. IIInd Mrs. Emest Martin, 01 oDay:ton. spent Sunday and Monda) in Riehm d 1 on, nd1ana. " Mr . . ,nd Mr.. . ffar-old Tha::kera, r Y.· nkt e 8 eeL CJ Uod on M.·s. Al:c,' M 0'1. rk SUn<.iay oen. I S . Evalyn P eterson Is sr end L1( , .." nys with h,er s:ster t 'l Wlla few ·



M1am1 Beach, PloJida --

""""t B. Bhaw. ill

gu~" hore.n

.rt. c,." w.... dlnn"

"" w .... ...,......." O,,,n daugtlter Leona and Mr. Wilbur stevenson, of Dsyron. • MnI. La.wrence Zlnk spent Tuesafternoon with Mrs. Lue Mor-

Mr . and MnI. Everett Bunnell and tamil'll spent Tuesday evening wIth Mr. and Mrs. Ben Gruber and amUy of near Waynesville, .M""'d MM. W.l'" Calaban .nd son, of Cincinnatl spent SunllyiWith their parents. Mr, and Mrs Runya.n. M:IS. ElIsworbh SmJth. of Dayton spent Bunda.y with her mother, Mrs I!o(attie Levi. ' Mr . and MIs. Jim Mlller a.nd son iHarry, of Dayton were supper of Mr, a.nd Mrs. Hlley Gibson, Sunday evening. Mrs . f)merson oDUl atte,nded the wedding of her Q}I1)J . WtlC. Z ....... and " ' " ••" " . . . MaCk, Tue8c\ll.y evening at 6:30 ' in Dayton, Ohio. _ Mr . Bnd, Mrs. David Lucas spent . with _ . Harold 1Illd fam1ly in Xenia.

A'l;' ~, BEACH.

.n.moon. Sept. 16. D,. Ell C''''. or Da,.oo, .,d Rob-

Frank Kelll6 and daughter, Ruth. of Lebmon, Tuesday mom4n.g. Mrs. Henry Berges and children, of Beaver town, spent. Sunday with Mr and MnI. Lue Morgan. Everung C8l ,

Mrs Oharles West, of Lebanon. had charge of the spec1a'1 topic. "Why does the amount ot money in clrculatlon vary In times 01 depres6Ion and InIIiU='" _ . W",,' In. trOdUctd her husband, who d1scWi_ cd the many things that may serve edllhe many thLngs tho.t mAY serve as money, giving examples of thIngS, ,tbe varlous nations have WIed conclud:ng ,w ith the paper mopey of tpday. He explalned .the pap,cr ey In clrculatlon be mampulated so that tile ec;onomlc health of It he .natlon will be unimpa.lred.. He told how velocity of money de,,,,;,un.. ";;''''rlty, prod...... .;.. jobs ' must be kept up in order to sound economle II)'6tem, He . discussed ,tbe ;need for a .....d ....." " .,.,... In " " ,..,. 4olJowing the present 'Wlir. If we IU'e to avoid bhe dll1lcultlea 't hat ' came . alter Die wD.r of 1914, especlally in


~dMlmle Browne

"" ..... y

.~' >fi':

Mis s Mi n ",Ie Cra.wford and Mr. lngeJ"S04. when he heard him speak in Uba.non In 1898 . He re- daughters spent lll&t week with her ,"'" ,n nr.ted his observatlons of the great Mr . and Mrs '- C .Crawford . Da to man, as he saw h im on the to Mr. and Mrs . ,R aymond BmiUl, of OincJnnntJ, the mornLng after. his 'II n lVere 'Week-end guest6 of MI' speaoh. and Mrs.RUey Gibson.



were liostesses at the meeting of the Woman's AUXIliary of St. MarY's ohurch which WM held a.t the roc-

111s famous uttera.nces. He gave some of his personal ree.ctions to

I, .

S HOWlfi '





' Personals


Mrs. Walter Beritly ' • of - . .._cent 'a nd her da\1&tlter, M.r8. Rov i &'10 .... ~' s and Ut.tle da"-tor, of




Texas ' were -aut.ternoon gueate of ~. and """'"Mm. RwsseU ' ey. • mlngton. Bentl Mr. and Mrs . Carl Limbe! t. of • • • Oct your Sunday d!;nnera 'at "Our t ton, and Mrs . G r ace AlbinI of , 4l ln gfleld, called on Mrs. D. L . House" no reservatiODIS "'.," MOnday .!tom..n • • • n....... I PHILAUELPHIA. PA.- Soundphoto-This is a ' - I . . Wanda of called Going hunttnl? See Maynard · Ion Mrs, Allce Clark Friday for your Ucense. • . • ,., ... N. , Antietam. • ~ • . noon, ..-,~.. WED EVANGELISTIC ERVlOES IPVT JORN W, 1tl0H"';DS lMoCOY - E' I . ,.... ,,-0. "enne • I ¥Janet 'spent the muRSDAY SEPTEl\mER 14 SURPRISES P'..... ENTS ON ' nn.c .. .,R 107 ORDER OF OPEN OCTOBER 9 A't' ee -en a -the, home oIlIr. aDd no MIAMI 0""--' d Peterson, t A&RIVAL ROME .. FRO ' EASTEaN STAR I\lEET SEPT 11 CnU&CH OF CHRIST v k. vorl of 8prtn1fle1d.


I ~.nos

h~::~. PSh~~~ ti~a~h:ib:~kS:!~~d f:r;~~e~,I:: :rt:~'r, CC~t~el:~~ T;~~~as~r !~:c::lt~~r~i~~:'~t~~~eNfi:!yY ~~~d' "D~"."'"


Ol~rk, L~le, ~eltz




Mr. and Mrs . Jozef MoCoy take , MS. A. • •. • great plee.sure in annolWcl.n g the Mr . and Mrs. John Richards', of MIami Cbnpter 107 Order of E9stEvery memberot the Church of Tbe red croee aewlnc olaM .tU marriage their daughter Miss ' iaoute 2. Waynesvjlle, are reJoln- em 'Ster met 'in regu ar session 00 Christ Is espee1ally 'w-gcd to be pes· tart lilt the WayneavWe high IClbool JUlJet Fra,nels McCoy to Mr. LaMl3r Img over a surpl1lise visit from their Monda.y evenin, September llHih t.ot this coming Sunday mOrning tor tUlld1ng, October 11th. Madlaon Eamh111:t on Thursday, son, Pvt John lR.Ichards. who has with an attendance ot about Bible School and Ohw-ell. An L:isue • • • September 14, 1944. 'b een servlng In lihe Anned ServIces 1l11d tw'nt.y m mbers ' and has arisen thM the church board 1foIr· J. B. cbapPJUl were M'. and M" .....hart. In SOu", Amort... "'..... 0..... w",, ' loc ... . - I... tho .......,. or .................... home" with the grooms parents, <Mnr. Richa.rds writes: If we .have this FrlendshIp Night from ma,uy (the church should vote upon as ,it Is Mr. and Mrs.' S. D. Hentl8.tO LebMr. and Mrs . A. H . Ear nh ar t. faith in God he/Will brln . g our , dear \dlfferent chapters, a.mong them , be- too blg for the board ot 'handle alone anon, Both Mr, and Mrs. Earnhart al'e boys home. yve have ,With Pvt grand officers from. Columbus, too big for the board to handle • • . ' . I W.,.."..,.. HI . h John W. R4""_, b _ an • 20 Dayton, T1pp CIty and J.U"""n, &\00'. May '" ... you Bunday? ... 6Chool9.1ld Mr . Earnhart hltoS served day furlouB'h fqoom overseas duties. Ohio. Mrs. MInnie B . Fromm DeMr. Re.ndall wlll preaebon the ing l1cenae. with ·the, Ohio'l'lllrtyseventh, in the IRe lOOks good and to feel fine put'll grand matron of District 21 ex- [olloWing \Subjects , Sunday: in the • • • WAO COMPANDS ON DU'l'Y t;IouthVfe8t PacifIc 'area. He is now ' lIiwaa atId. looked down the tended a cordial welcome to every- mOrning .....The Way,'" and PartIe!II Clubs and Dlni1er partIea . Europe. ARE SELF-DEFFIC1ENT employed at. the Fr1g:Idalre. anly t,d ' _1lt dea.r IIOIl walk- one and after Q short business ses- evenlpg, B,In and Its PunlBbment." by reserva.tkJa only. "Our UoQIf" MIas 'Purl RIley spoke to Mr , and' Mrs. Jozef P4cCoy invite 1ng in. Wh8.t a. complete sur;pr1se ,610n 1\ most enter1;alning FrIendship ' There will be specla.l mWi1c SUndaY I(aJn Street, 21101 bert or the club about the drive to Fort Des .Moin't!S, Iowa., September the friends and relat ives ot the I r also, to have hllW with me again: Iprogram was given Iby the omcers evening. , • • •. get m9ney to pureha.8/l the 19, 19t4, Private' Ruth Morgan R . R and Mr . and Tl18llk God He answered my prayers and members of MJaml Chllipter The fall evangelistlc meeting o! Mr Md MnI. A. Durldn bome a County 3; Waynesvtlle, Is a member of ..the Mrs, M. Earnhart; W Bll in.Prlvate RdChBl;ds has a brother Following the progra.m everyone the Church of Christ win begin on spent the With tile1r aDD and sta.ted U'lat the contributions Women's .Army' Air ' Corps u'1'l,1 t SundllY evening. Albert Wiho was wounded In :InVlted to the dining room where R the day 01 October at 7:30 p . ::on l!larnbart, koS. at the tJ.n1tN could be made at the WaynesvWe recently len F 1 rs 't WlAC Septen)ber 24. at' thelr hom,e on D-Day 'WI8S presented a. PUr- salad course was served at tables m., Mr. Randall, the of the t«f Naval TrainIng, Great . National Bank. , TraIning center. here, for duty with trorn 8:00 to 10:00. pIe Heart which he sent to his wh1c;.h were a.ttractlVely lUTanged local church wUl do 'tlle pi'eachIn3' GUests tor. ;,.~ the day were: Judge mother and fatiller. with many b. o w15 of V . . . , . 0 and ham each night, Mr. Herbert Gm• T_"_ • • - - ---, " the Army at O&)esburg,m . CORPORAL KENNEm EKINS -.-.~teand Mr and 'U _ dleCbant, ot' MnI. WlAC unit6 are now ' at work Voltt4l Ughted tapirs In various colors ,l&Jl&Ulji) r of the Ferry Chw-eh .;;;:;;......._ .'AC'""ey_.._ I , ..... J. E . ........, ... ....., at ..... _ ' " ...",,,, . REl'tJRNS TO C..... WAYNE ADVJSOSY COON"'L . .1 """"t, willI.... lo tho - , , , . n.. .. .......... ........ Mr.. and MnI. Harold Whitaker, Mr all 48 states, the astrict of ColumMiami Beach, F'lort" , n Sep •. • m...... IN'l'ERESTlNG DATES OF istlc singing and turnllih the S()4!clal nonorJng LIeutenant W'Ut.oIl '. ,..., ... .,." MEET AT HOME OF L. BRO",uN m I """ Hartaoclr. Coven weran !4rs,....... • in England. Italy. 13, COrporal . Kennetb , H. Eklns, .... 'tend us C. n,e public Is InvJted to a.t-' " e 8lTaD.......or Gnd Mrs. E;U Furn4IB atId ,Elma Ross Haines of Leba.non. New Caledonia and KawaU, of -Mrs'. EkI.'Js of Th ' METHODIST CHUIWH these serv1ces each n,lght. ; Jaonored gueata and MJ:. and liks The WACtrain1ng pro_ e Beptembclr meeting of the ' . Har.fao:ck. Jean and BOME-eOM>NG sEltVle" AT W._,"" bM ","'enol lrom ",. W", Wayn. .d"""" = ,,11 WM OW' ",hoot """'.... lILUNOUS DOME SCENE OF Jan. ODd ....: ..... BaItIs resUlt~ in a rapl~ increase v1C~ outside the ,contWental Untted held a.t the homle of 'Mr a.nd M promptly Sunday mom< Bot BIRTHDAY DINNER FOR oct. 8upplementaJ tl'Oor,6, the Wac is now ,being proce!lSed La.wrence Brown . Six 'ests , rs. 9:30. We are endeavoring to reach . • • '. nRRY CHU8(JII ~F CRal8T .of 'which , are through bhe Anny 'Ground and pr-esent. ' gu were an attendance of 200 by October 8th your news 'in, 'our offictt ~ more Army jobs. Hun- ' v~ce Forces Redistribution' Statlo.n Sufficient health services in the when ''Rally Day" wUl' be ob6erved . A very enjoyable day was spen~ " .. • . ' 1lHIS LOBD'~ DAY public Is cord1a.lly fuvlted to , of traLned Wacs go out each in Beach, where his next as- 'BChools and the community was 'disSunda.y, October 1st Will be ob- Sunday at the home of Mr. and Mrs The ' Put Matrons and Put h- ' attend the speclal at week · from IWftC ,tralnlng centen; slgriment will be- determined . and 'one member from th served a.s "Rromotion Day" in our : lRay • Mainous, when friendS a.nd rona' circle W:1ll' bold tbeIr annual .Fetry . Church .of Chrtat sundAy, and schools, to take their 'Corl;lOral Elk1ns served 24 montllS ' gIlOUp was appointed to school, also "The Sacralllent of the Jlelghbors ·s a.thered o.t ,t he Manous et-tocether at _ ... " will be an .... _ . AnnY. .. line Cpl. Ln the . . ...."" ,"" _blllty or m.,. lundo to be ....,. 8u_ will be born. with ....... I ...d ' ; '" wlth • ............. '.. day wlbh '8. bll&ket dinner Wi/tC compe.nles on duty with the: of W'hBe ·there he rofor work in the O'.l.' ,ty. on tha.t day at 10:30 and a ded1da.- spend • • • friendsthe day with neIghbors lind at the noon hour 'I1he afternoon' .AmIiY are · self-euf,f lclent. , In a.d- oleved the Gqod Conduot Rl:bboh I llaitll tion offerlng 'Will be received for' l who bave birthdays tn the of !4J'. add'Mnl,. WIlford ,••" ....... 'p"om"'ly' • ... ..n.t 2'30 dltlon ,t o the 'Ro-an ""'" . . < -u 'nar Su!'rerers over seas, Bnd our month . ' ( . , SaulIea and dau!!htar bave 0n will be""'" "-ined . A_my U Ground . and. 'Services ...... r·ces ted to eW;irlSte the' agent was lruItruc- ,<ft, o! September , . . .Annt t..k.. WAC . , ' . e In Th tald !!!!! and will of special IV>ID. " " . _..e;s a.l8O stations lire located regard to the ·d:lst.ributlon of tunds boys . in serv1ce . We , request a.ll our ose , ng part in . the neigh8'iad to - - - - - - !safe short Memortal service and an 1!.dmea personnel. In various parts of the ,united States ppropriated by the st.&te for school people to attend these services, hood gathering were : Mr, ravS., Ion TUceon, wll«et.Hcy dress by Car I Mathews, Jobs with "the A'{my in Which personnel returning f.rom P\l11)06eS. ,,' The mlnlster will preach the com- J. E. lI1razier, Dr. Cook, Mr . are now Iocat.ed a.t S, '8!.b ,Avenue; min.lster of the Church of Ohrlst at, now supplement the soldiers, !lore processed through taxa.tiOll was chose.n munlon seI'mon next Bunda'll, Sep- and Mrs. R . B , Peters, ILI]d of Ar1BoIi& Oourt. ' Latonia. Ky . You w1ll want to hear m ,l t,be hundreds. rang,ln g stations belore assignment to for discussion by Mr . tember 24th at 10 :30 on the theme iMrs. Ray M8d.n.ous, Mr. a.rld Mrs . • • .. this Man of God, acoount.!Dg to m1Utary organlzatlans an 1nstalla-IBrown in the absence 01 our d1scus- "The Sacrament of the Lord's SUp- 'Ralph Linn and daughter Hunting ale b1 MaJ• "'. G,aham, """".... .. """. ....,_. _ WIthin tho U",",d ""'... . ID. Full<""",. po,. . 0 .." "'".. lodud" "". LIlli. .'';"' w.n.. · . \lOW .......t 10,,. •. m. ... ... Dudn, tho p,"od """"'" Aft" • hoW' doll••", reo ",." ..... CI.,. .".,. >11M ..... • • • ...... '<:brio! "". th. ChUM.' at Ann> ","und "'" ..... "",. _ ' " 'bY ,", __ PROMOTED moM BANK OF and "'. ..,. - . N... '" .,; Oome and' spe.nd the da.Y With Wi'. vloe Forces teas. , CORPOBtAL'l'O SERGEANT Bradenburg and \18 to get tile Out On




~~Ifl-la.w ~r d~ughter, fo~l reoePtlo~ l~

Mri~ ~""nded ~



wi" ....

m~c, ~

.. , HARTSOCK HOME IS SCENE ....,TY. SE, ,1" u,...." .. ... P'lU>o ca . •



Mr. Ilo1ld Mrs. R.oss ll. ,Hartsock and daugbters 8IlWrt.alned to sunday dinner honoring their !lOll IAe\1-. ote.~ . Woton H . Hartsock /IRbo ,.. hOlM ~ an ab6enOO Of . two years in MiUbIIr'Y duty I dbmer table was U!~1md f~ ueutenani' and M.r8. BaM•• f4n1. '8l8t~e ~er, of ~~.ula~~,t <


" lDe&tihe~, or ,Da'i~I:,:1 ~. ? Gene ';~n and ..... ""."',. LaumuDdley, o! ,00nclnnAtl, Ruth &nna ~r Mr& ~ , " -_ •.,I'_"'" BOCk and Mt.. LeDa ~. ' .'

members of the l~ JIIa8t.. em S~ Obapter have recetvecl inV.~ to ~ . tlbe • i1ieIita 'of 'tile


Dalton OhaPter, September '" Monday ef~ . . ., lIe1en'OJJd! tormerly,lIJa Belen ~.. Ja W:oriby ~ CII Darton Chapter. Ar:\'lUllllDlllta for ,r.1*eIId_

.ate Ja . . 01 lira. IIIDIIk





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~~- Red1strl, butl~n



"on _, ~ Red1strib~Il1Q!lBtatlon. _n~...,1aI




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MartlDe~ ~tober




I 'Co-~perative

'1AaIt"'!~"'.;,-oIl LIJ UJlnl CoiaJI I .~-.--~l ~




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S~tes ~




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mem~ Ward~ muse~



an~ ~.:. 'M~.

Frte~ ~erY hear of-' tIl~ ~


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d~UBhter, ~bl~



thoy .... " '. .. . _ " " " , . . . All m....... am ",01 '" '" P",,' ....... . ......... , end phys1cal classlflca,. an.t 8itthe' October meeting. A:nnouncement has been made by SUPERINTENDANT · • . ".. . , ' tion ndltl as 'Well offlcla:ls, of the Army Air Forces .\ND MRS, ' Mr . '8DC1' ...--•• ' 'w..... " itl4 a.s physlcal and, dental '. . BRADDOCK ENTERTAIN reco O! ng ~ther. with va.rlous' REV. MAX MIODLESTD'l' Materiel Comrriand at WrIght Field, TEACHERS FRIDAY EVE : ' ona ente.eCl t9.,~f. 'WItil 'lIr , leotW-e6 de'llgncd w reorient men . ,DRy ton. Ohio, of the promotion, of , , aDd Mrs, JQbn; BeW~ / M1d MIl. I't'JlleDtly. returned from combat ar. CIVIC CLUB IOb!m Titus, Ma.!,ne St., Waynesville. Super1ntenda.nt and Mrs . Ray- of Mrs. This processing is carrted on ' fTom the rank of Oorporal ,t o the mond Bradd McIntll' lJW:lth,out haste .1n p1ea8ll;nt On Monday evening the Wa.y nes- r a.nk of Sel'8 eant , ock very . e 8'IatI. ' Inga conduolve to mental ilond p)lYl\i- ville Clvie Club met at "Our House" \ on. Friday at Dr : : • '• . relaxation,. '1be speaker of the evening was WILLIAM G PICKREL their country h,ome W1th the teaeb• and lOa. S. . ', Bat.bIWWaY Be,fore g the service, Corp . .... :::e of Wa.ltor Wise' era of the Wa}mesvWe Schools and aDd.w:lth lira,·~ lllilitey,\ Bulaett .~...... , VISITS WAYNESV!U.E ,t helr husbands alitl wivea as «uests epe:ntMr. SUnday bJOtlier pr. EIr:lhs was emcloyed o.S a carymiter. as secrery was presented Ii? ' After the deliclous din, ner, .':- ....... . tIrneet Roin.....e ~, in - L _ I ________ . the. Club and Francis G. Bro,wn w a s " ' ! ' " "..... - - •.........,. UlIl " KELLlS ' PASSES elected to succeed him In that pes_ :lllIam G. P1ckrel. nlng 'WBa spent In gamllll and ·!'nteraDd belpec1 ' . celebrate "WAY .ATIDS · HOME' ' .. ' Ulan. ca dldate far Sta.tes Senator. esting Those llreef:nt Dr. ., . IN The speager of the evenlng was through this section, Monday 'Were: Ml'. a.nd Mrtj. J. B . ctabbe. ,villted ' . __ , _' ., . . 'the Rev. Max Mlddlestdt, pastor of , g W;lth a group of Mr. and Mrs. Charles J8mf8 Mt.' ,l'tIMIVflI IDtJftI.nlwins &be, Kellis" age 75, at his !the Baptl.6t church 1n Lebano wh candidates. They Visited .the tol- and' Mrs, O . H , Mrs 1 " '.," " in .Lebanon. Mohda.yev'ening," bavlng been bor 'oln Pohl dn lowing communltles: Franklin; Ralph E. Hastings, Mr. and MnI . , • • ,: of RU8lysla afoter an illness of nve 'lived for i an Waynesv1l1e, IParks, .. Miss P)lorence PoxMaynard welts IWW aeIl,'JPII JQ8r ,M'. ." ' Id ..... Wo,.,«' W r 1s nd rme.n y New: Vienna, ..Green- bower , • M48s Marga.ret 'Rale, Miss ' bunting J1ceD8e. , ' , . " ' I ........ d a a.n carne to 1ield n_'" -tt.,,_ iIIe !.eaves his . wUC;r Mrs . cawia tbiis country ltl the late otJw tt ' ....... DoUIOboi'O ' i1lt.b.el, Was Virginia Hllr.. Kellis, one son a&rQld. of Miamis- \pve a most in~reatlng talk : ' :~ . ' din. was Qorothy Day. Mt. and Mrs three L'llu the Minori.ty OToUp 011 BAI'ID MOTHERS TO MEE'! ' . Oharlea Mrs. -Mma.' . ~unnelljof . Letianon; .¥ta. Lecoa European Af'falirs." WEJ)NB8I)Ay, SEPl'BMBER ZT ~. WUltalQ,r.ukens, Mr. and ,Mrs . ' " ' .!l:.._~ _ ~._ ~lr. of Bprin8_Valley 11000 M1siI "PaW' ~pat, Mr 'a.nd Mrs. 'carl PerMr. aDd ,~, .!J •. II. :&~ CIf



~~ ,

Leba.nCib ,~ ~."UId



.daugh~ .~.

SOine ' ;~






18 mE LAST OALL FOB'DRIVERS LICENSE and eight ~n. . "._ _ ' SerV11cea were beld 'lbUl'llda7. at Do'~ wait linW the last day to ta:oo p. m. at KCOJure dr.Iftl'a Ucenae aa t.bere t.ome with buria1 il M4am1 08me- wII;l be lIP extenaIOIl at time 1COOI'd&aiJ. ', _ to j. o. 'IIftU. Joaal rePttar. Kellla. of DaytoQ, ol!e brother, OCTOBEIt FlBBT

!'uJIIft11~taSn ,OlD' .



Brace,~. an~

Lella~on. Ola.rla!~, ~M'

"Eff~ 'ot

Walter l I£eUIa of . ¥amtVWt!: Ohio,





n_ 1OIIa'" ' .

del1gh~lly ', 'eVen1~ ~



,", ~". :,..,,~~ ~ , ~.#' ~









W~~D" aiml9trivl. ,~e .. ~, - .~ au.aM-:· ~ ~.

H6qgh~ ~ ~ l1l'i.




Elj)o~:, ENTBB~AlN8 ~~ ~

The Band Mothers Club will meet 11\'. a.ncl M.r8 : Jt, N. in llfgh school b6nd roOm <llJ a.ud MnI. Walter Sheehan and WedneI!day! .september 27. m,' andllh. WW&rd M4(ft'eOD. An 1ntereBtmg meetSq la In, ,s tore ,.' . tot all -who attend, T1me is 2:45 p. New O!lntury OIUb, wb1cb WI m, '!'be mUlde Illsa' . meet September 2In4, Ibe wm be AD cIIIqe • .;;.;;,: PritIay 29 at • 'I'"""'! ..... of IDa. IkIII JfartIIooI£.


A ....




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'PUia, K7 . - 1"raDOeII1IrI.DI:I!ock "'!Ia '

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00IaaeI LIllIe,'

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. . . '.. . . . . . ..


,"ltJR hA • REMEMBER tl, It« ,. dlllllCr ~he fol' 1'9, Fr;\llk Ze I, Mr . I n I j\1J I. I-l'al .: Squll1. 9 lind ~a W~esY1lle, Ohio Malo Street da ughter porn,_M r . and Mr . j'oht:1 . . . . . Aa ~ , CluI NtJl Matter a~ PostoJIlee. Wa,ynesvUle, -OhIo RIch an d sol\, Maynar d, ' ¥r. nnd , Mrs. Ernest Bu tterwor th a nd ' on, <; . , ~. Walte. r W. Wiseman, Editor and Pub)is Burnett} and Mr . Lee Mason of ber '

Gtbt ._i a,mi



lowlll :;

r, l"ld


Fro m A Farm



iill'Y-- Dry ~~dge.

S e 1> t e m b e r 15. Sqlurre l seaS0!l 1a.) Insemlna.tion AesooSatiOO1 If and in Ohio I should like to write opened todp,y and Bogan Is U~l'ha;IPY when ,,'e get one In Warren county, abont that. In other words, this no~ O'tlt of sympat hy with the squir- Today I would join evan at five c1,01column iii going to be a state-w ide rella bu~ Qecause he does ' not Ilk lars a COW, and me with IIOventeen, . . inatituti0boDrdfor 9~ttoana from bor- "",ng ""0 matter how manY' Keac)n. Ume8 a ~ld and you.ns, 'lboa1r eolyou r h~d der to er... will at ttDIII IB8Ul5D I:VERY TBUR8 DAY coneem people from Oblo who ~~ cr-~'" Mr, and Mra, J , E. JC\.ney a \ d day I put him out, if. the kItchen Sa a very Importa nt .... t-"'l'IObafO ~ut hIgh in the ,tate and nation . door is O-i:l!I I hear the screen family 5l=ent sunl1lly wlth l'ell\{ l.llli pUSh. most or elle time he Sa a nulJanc e, Toda7ne_ ersta public ,lIervice. . Togethe r we ean ed gen' Y 1.I\l l\ he comes at Kingma n , • a tn taU down, The sloga~ ot the tenee manufa e.. help make OhIO a and ' ' 'H . ll-.h bull Amos . lVk. ot Hnr "cl's,il ' t ;l who the Uves of greater state. Wo canbetter help fight · st pp\t.'! ~. fry and r treats se 10"' . strang, and , . some of her petty enemies who fa rtllcn ·t orner . Sometim to tih l tures . has been ill f Jr seve rnl wetks , wc. n many Ohioans, es m: pIg tlsll \., ' desorlbes exaotly what is and I for one are.with in her borders , vWto~ and we can heart I' ' t"m and I leok the othr r ' needed b~t U your I!WC. III Wa~ ,:l CS\ Hie, I- tur rl,. ' sincerel y hope f nce doea not "ralse those who help protect her. It 111 a belpful Mr. all M. s . R nymond Wi!lL:.m l ' The Ohio-Go-Round wll1 be ' no~........ w..wI' TI" til 'way, j{ Ihr' (' al \- many guns banging. I mee t a11 th ose spec IfIca."I ons era. en It seems 50n, of CleveL'l 1 d . are spendlll ~ 1\ ~in nn1itica l iSlues, 'and if but "~hor limes I must enfo rce d ls- \ thcre. Is today that whene17er a newspa per partisan 7 trouble. Billy POlJeYe k 1' tak ~ has hi b man comes to . . the point in bls life we mil e mll es; w c we are dpll week w1 Ul Mr. Harry Williamson lllld say, ".Oul.Slcic." very been quIte well behav ed sInoe we when in order t<ll generat e more b?und toddo, theytwdlll COO 8O and !amlly. rectj?gster lv and make hlln go while hf' brought him over from the other • mzcd an . corrce e . ons tr nc ve asm for hisl wo~k h0 un derLee L!'l!1on, who has been working enthusi takel the writing of a newspa par criticism will be greatly appre- looks , me wIth rl" )roooh In his eyes Iplace un til today )l?ben he found a at Ha.mllton, Ohio. and Flint, MJc;,- column. In doing 110 he takes un1:<> ciated, and a ~ord of advice ~m Hunting for m <t of the hunters Jl Iace I n tJle feuee and decided a' brand new type of matrl- you readers wlll no doubt he!p he igan for ,t he llast felY weCK arri ve,! himself the just an e:'cUse to g 't out In the love- was lonesolile. Moor putting him . In ,"ony. and ' in the 'b'd rl e h e chooses future-a Ronnd. nd success of the OhIo-Go- Iya.utum weather . That Is home, SundslY, . . one r • s- three times, he 1s now In the chicken '-0lIeta an ex.a,mple or pt for Mr .R. Fra2.ter , agent at the Pa . what is to be And now '''''r~_ e I c1 QJC \.IIy lint on I enje y Uvlng in the country , I yard wIlere t h el'e Is some good grass his future and the futura of nlany wh\) follow his col- little epistle,~~v lk n word or two about do not med an eHuse or Il s~al :1. n d 1 .... nFrBE N YEARS AGO 'Mrs. <D. L. Crane spent at RaIl Rood stAtion. wa.s marrif'd lal> Ie enn ta to ...e umn. I hope to temper the news of myself. I am 32 years of age, red dny . I ha ve the mJ!lty mornings. the the fence, 50 I hope oows through the home of Messcrs Walter a.nd ,week to Miss 1AI wson . Septembe.r 18. 1929 he will be con,this column 80 th~Lt it finally con- hair, blue eyes, a coarse beard, WUl1nm Michen er left Mo~\day eve and ,n oons with the d p blue shadow s lent ~ntll I can fix ~eals into helpluI and thou~htful weigh approxi mately Charles Burnett . that; hole Bnd at this writreading that wlll be of benefit to Ing 200 ·pounds. I am happily mar- on ', Mrs. C . E. Anderso n and Mrs . W. Mrs. J. E. McClure and Mrs. L . for Easton, Pa . , WhCl'e he will be t·m the weeds ncros.~ the valley. th i ut one of the others In with him tQ 10. ·St. John were In Dnytoll Monday rl1. Go r don were Dayton visitors ployed as assistan t in the In.bornto ry my r eaders nnd to, the great State r ied (also nt this writing ) , hnve sunset nnd the sIal'S. There Is nl- k ~cp him compan y. All this while I in which we live. For Instance, I four beautifu l daughte rs, the of Latayet oldt college ways . some 1Ii's , Arch1e Hartsoc k of Onylon Tuesday . good l' ason lor going ont II':~S trylllg to get copy ready for the prefer to let the people of Findlay , est is 11 years. Their names are Joe Printz, son of Mr . Etta Printz Ohio. know wha.t the people. of. Ellen, .. Joan, vlalbed Mr . and Mrs. J. L. Hartsoc k M ssrs. A. K . OilY and Charl~ Bat;bara , and Lois. to enjoy th m , There nre the cows pn : ICr Illld 'hOlild be In Leballo ll Zanesv ille are d01l1g Bnd thmkmg , My wife's name IS Anna. (lnd SUnday aftemoo n. sh to t ake up to pSlItw'e when Cnp helpi'ltg with the Grange boolJ:J at the i ay vtslted the rormer' s mothel', Mrs. 'Was married last 'I'hursdny, In D w lind prefer to let the people of has been trying like hades bon to Miss to go - ~ dosen't hnve lime before school. Fall'. Luell Mr, and Mrs . Glen Bland, nee Lu- Janc Daf . . Hagema n . His Mariett a know what the people me to call her Ann for at least in Ashtabu la are thinking . There years, she is blond, and like J I • cUe St.Johl l are announ cing Lhe Ml· . and Mrs, ,w. O. Raper eut - many frIends here Ilt his old home Why Is it I hilt some people think I Thercal'e musllroom~ to be r ath(1\'ed , will be discussc d in this column doesn't believe in 'diets. My blJ't.h of a daughte r, Barbara Lou, at tailled Rev. ILnd M rs. Joseph Bennet t congrat ulate him , , nco and latel' U\el'ewi lin t !lny fruit that grows Is tree for ll be ~lUl.S . 1 c:tn at varioull times JP<Ilitics, religion, paper career h3s been imprllet M.Ia.Ib.t Valley hoopl te.l, Sept.e mber 13 and guest Miss Beulah B'lrnha rt at. i enjoy tile view whlle I stand ti l) In who ever geto t)lere Hrst educatio n, labQr and farm in/!', at .the best, fired from all jobs no mat-tel' FIFTY WARS AGO .the truck patch and pick and s hell hot It I:;? The chnnC€6 Rev. H. H. Mosher and wlIe of unchoon on Tue&la y . Maybe I will get you m3d onco m one, that paper went ou~ of i are th a t bll Septem a while, ber Z2 1894 and maybe you will give nessi my only claim to Glory a N:8W]JOJIt, R. 1. and &. F . Mosher of Mr. and M . Leonar d 'I fmey en my beans for SUPP1·. It Is a I aca1- t.hey would be Insul ted If you called me a pretty sound cussing at fame, slept on the same park OarcIInaton have <been guestB of Mrs. el·talnro Ith n six o'clock d lnncr on Mi ben allt walk up through Harry's Woorls It.hem thelves but what else s sAnna B elghwflY Is hom are they? times on someth ing that I have that Barney Baruch used Dutil Ha.rrIs and Ro.'l&Id.Hawke. as r. to see If t il re Is Wil Ier for the cows IPocr old Mrs. Mnrqua ~dt Friday evening the follow Lng gu es t.~: a.Cter a protrnc \iCd written . oUice. , got \' ry vb lt In t ho' y . It the mayor of one of .our many . Now that we have been Intro'MD. Anna. ~y, of &latle, Wash- Mr . 'and Mrs. A . K. Day. Mr . and o.r<1 bac k across the field to see If lIltlc fru t of! that Ml'S. I. H . H .I\'ts and daugh !e; I llnee after elties Mr, has been able to accomplish duccd to each other, we are ready there is goln Uliton; Mrs. Eli Gray, of Clarksville firs; Qakly Unglesby. Mr. and Mrs . g to be al1 Y IllSpedez a IMflr(Junrdt died, SOllie one aLways Minnie spent Thursdn y and Friday someth ing. that should be Qf interfor action, and will IlOO you next seed Lhis yeal', {Pros r.ecls not good. slipped aDd Mr. Emmlt BurLOn, Of Colwn- "oe 'I'lnney aud Cordla Truax, In and got It Just before bl the OIty . est to the mayorll of other cities week with our first news column. Looks as though it would ha ve to be I 'bua,were Sunday visitors of Mr . amI Mx:. and Mrs. Hel'ber t Meredit h Harry could get It pioked. Now this 1:.1', J.. O. Lukens expeots to - - - - - - - - - - - -- - -- - - - - - - - - -- ' reseeded_} Even lilli, W&lter Elzy . and Mr. and Mrs . Tolllan Lawson in a day or 'lIWo (or the rain y da yt; have yca~ It Is the same thing , There New York where 'MlBS Janet CartWr ight was hostess were guests or Mr. and Mrs their cbann but who goes to t he w I'e gmpes that 'my tenants . Leon- he will attend a special oourse 01. ' wife Milk -r1Iai d Dess erts Easy on Suga r Ratio n country from town oil a rainy day . 'Wns coun at a br4d&e pa.rty Saturda y afternoo n rd Tinney Sa turdny evening . De- ~ectures at Bellevu e. ting on making Into jelly given In honor of her house guest, llclous waterm elon was enjoyed In other words ~here Is alWays some bl1t the night before they were . MIss Maggie Edwa rd ~ has so Car ready EMPTIN G to th,~ eye and pleasMlsa' Bemad~ Garr, of Camllbellsreason to go out 1lo11d enjoy the out- to plck them they dlssape Mr. and Mrs. Lee Hawke and irecovered from her recent Illness as areJ. BeIng to the p3lnte, milk-made des · town, OhlQ.. The guests Oiere, M's . famlly, Mr. Q n d Mrs. doors when yo!;' llve in the OOW\tI'Y. lise a house ts unoccup ied dooen' t Maynar d to be able to return to Day·lon on serts can be easy on the sugar ration Marjori e . F&~ ot Lebano n, We.ltz n:n<l daughe er and The Ilttle plum cree groll's redder mean thllt the frult on the Mrs , L . 'l'uesda y to resume oharge of bel' and kind to lhe buduel. place MiSs MaiyFr ance8 Baney of Morrow Parshal l spent Sunday at every dny but nothln~ else has begun \dollen 't belong to anyon~ and Thot's the practico l tip to home· the-hom e school. ts not Miss &;ther ' Ht\nder50n, Miss OUve f iMr to turn . Where the gl'ass Isn' t klUed .go\ng 10 be used. 1 was - llor, o Mr _ and Mrs_ Joseph HIsey enter- makers given by Alice M. Cooley , . and Mrs. S. O . Chance taught to IAllen, ¥Iss Ka.thry n Tomer, ' M1Bs near Xenia. ou~ entirely by the heat and drought Itlla t that was stealing just as much ,talned quite elegantl y on Saturd y director of homc econom ics of the Nationa l Dairy Cou~lcllln nationally 14arga.ret VandClrvOOl't, MISs Ola it; Is blight young green but, there as L akl.n~ a pocketbook flve1'l1ng 111 honor of their neplhew circulat ed Capper and that 's 'F llrmer. Hart.soc k. Mias Dona HendeiBon and hasn't been enough min to help the ally<me WhQ does It Is no better TWENT Y FIVE YEARS AGO and nJ.ece, Mr. and Mrs. Walter than "Vary the popular slallll-by a, cuslin. 1laYnar4 WtJtz. wllter supply, it get.:; lower tllld 10\V- allY other their. Often the mlnulto n, or Colwnb us . tards, rice and I>relld puddings, by owner Septem ber 1'l', 1919 John QoIl5 retume d <to . cr. The sl'U'lng Is dry for the firs t would be glad to have the culllog their alrcad)' low sugar fru it pleku~~ty w~ere he 'Will ~ttir ·his H. M. sears and family and ·A. H . Mary Brown, nged maiden lady tent 'with sweeten ing of honey, contime this year. ed on sho.re8 or .....ould give some or It ma'who Uved with her sister on upper eemor year. Tile big event of the wt'e.~ WM a.wny but I sU.IP: Sf) that wouldn Sears and fa.mfJy, of G r e e no v III e. Springboro road Try ornnge custard lauce on gl.1l't be just .north of Iown, Mr. and Mrs . Mary 1Io~!18 of IIpent S~y with W . N. when our Johnny cnnle hOllle on a any fun. If I could on1y get · gerbrca d squarcs . Rcplace 2 absp, sears. the died a.t seven o'clook Thursda y mom !Deyton was the Wilner guest of Mr, of, each cup of milk in custard with fUrlougl~ aHer a yeor wi th tile Air . names or the frult Mr. thIeves aud 1ng. I Mrs. would Funera O. l 1 M, Saturda Robltze y at r. ~o o'clock H-!. tbsp. orange jllice lind .md Mrs : J, O. Hawke on Wednes tsp. Evacuat ton Trnnsp ort. from a base ' . Miss Henriet ta MoKinse,y and JMr. J . gratcd ,!range rInd. Serve chlll~d • In BrazU_ '!'he pl!lCC feels dlfIerel1L pll n!sh th em In the paper daY. so that Pence · w ere Clnclnn ati vl&ltors, Mr. and <Mrs. J, R, Wade and UTIC A One of the chief attractio ns about wIth him home. 'Now If 'only all oC peJ, 4le would kno~ what kind of Sunday . r~ and Mr. Kibler llibtended the these mllk·ma de desserlll Is theIr them were home tor good : ,SJlellkes there are l.n the commu nity. Mablon Ridge spc.nt'la st week with Mr. and Mrs. Leroy Shaw wc.t e In sugar-sa ving Quallty. Food auLhori8nJd~ feUllion TuesdalY. There lire days when 1 An~ now, good hunt!ng , but hleb. was held sat;DON'T relatJves in COlumbus, and attenile d Waynesville, Saturda y evening ties advi se that sugar rationing moy oould write good cqllurdaJ at Orove near Morrow. copy for the "rllfle - OLliMB FENCE S. have tlui to be Nationa retained l encamp ment of the G.. ing on oid friends . ror slIme months ' ~lve 'w ere ' p~t. after the war's end. So, for the Miss Erma Stump ts home from . -KIa Allee campbe ll' l!lvited the A. R. held at th home 01' Mrs. Llllie Vl\duration and as lOng thereaft er as t,eacbera1of th~ Waynesville Schools "II ... J I·"" lr u" ....... t,:urrr" UOn"cfti lars .. Wednes day MI' . .Ed Cook and family, Mr . the hospita l very much w :41'ove1. necessa ry. any method s the bome. to ' apeDd , Tueeday evening at her Frank COok- nnd lrunllY, .Mr, ORrl Mr. Spread chocola te pudding between maker can use to' save of. near Mr . and Mrs. Wilbur MarSha ll Mr. ami Mrs . ScoLt Day an!\ thefr fatbel!' . camp on tht;. river above poiMs . will pay attende d the an unl guest, Mrs. Skinne r were Dayton y, r. II:tl Mrs. ce e ra ,t elr fiftieth wedding an- .ponge eake layers. Sift confectioner.' lugar over pa:per dolly atop Morrow . A. 'thourou ghly delightf ul Otto Mills, Mrs. Sarah Foster, AlJen reunion at the Math.r' s mp \Shoppers, Friday. Mrs. nlversal'Y, Sunday . Tt.ey received calte, .' ,,~ _. Lift doD,. caretuU r• .evenlrig' ... a 8 spel}t. A. rr out-doo r .Le Dakln, Mrs. Susan, SWlday . Among the r eln.tlves In atCook, Mrs. many nice gals from relative s a ,n d M~' ~uth B~ce Is conllne<! to' . supper was prepare d find enjoyed. 'L lda ,K1lien. Mrs, Martha tendanc e were : 'M rs. MAl tJla Mar h Iher home on ncoou~t, of pIe sirup 'a nd corn I;lrup," she ad· .Oook 01110- frIends. illness for 'ltioee pieaent were: MIss M.cK\ns ey tared to H1l1sboro, Sunday vIses in the Rural a gome e elghtysl x, of Dayton l1nd Miss 'several days . . sectlon of and spent Mr, . and ,M rs . Banner Ste'~ fll't this leading farm magazin e. Mr. BaWek!, Mr. St. John, Miss .t he day with !Mr. Harry Ha Glenna Marsh, Ml· . nnd Mrs. Harry ines e.nd spent Sunday with relative s . Mr. and Mrs. Charles ' Haines and "Prepa re package d cake lind gin. ,iBObb, MJu 8boerha ker, Mr. Bwmell , famlly. Howe and Mrs. Ida Howe. chUdren , of near Taylors Oomer, Callers at the BlIDnell home were, gerbrea d mixes :-try Itopplngs of cus· M.iI8'. Henden ion, MIss RobblnB"M1as George Oren, of Fort Ancient vas were Friday evening visitors Mr, a.nd Mrs, 'JIhad Zllnmerm.'ln Mr. and Mrs, Levi Bunn' tards or of Mr. fruit sauceli. Add milk to ll and (l business vtsltol' hel'c. Wednesday Viui~rt, M1s& Squires , Mr. and entertal oed at Sunday . alld M.\'S • . James McDonald and cnllcUnner, Mr.. childrell, Mr. and MI:s . Vaughn package d puddings; ,cook lind serve ~. Ilooou!ow, iMrs. Josle ~talter, .and Mrs_ Mrs . John Skinner, of WUmJ.~gton dren. George Robinson, Mr. a~d Mullen and son, Mr. and Mrs . Wn.l- chilled In pies or between layers cir cake. . has ·been a guest· of h er daughte r , Mr. and Mi'e. &ruth and Mr. and 1MrB . Robent E. Crew, Mrs A "eddlng 0 f much Interest to . -Hachael Iter Pfeiffer and daughte r, Mrs. '!Thus with a lltlle Ingenuity a buSy ~, oauIpbell. Ml's. Scott.Day D.nd Mr. Day and 1rlends h ere took ' place' 'W " Crew,' Mrs. ' Ohrtstln a MoKinsey, !Hazel Abner and two dn':1gh ednesda y tl;rs, Mr. homem aker accomp lishes three pur. Mr _ and llnI. 'E . C. Orane and ,Laura. McKInsey, Margar ette family. iWhan Miss ' Andl'Ome,da. Thom~ .on. Rogers and Mrs. Everett Bunnel la;nd chUd- poses, Sugar Is sp3L'ed, the family lCll1kheo, of ~ Mr. and Mm. H. Fra.nk Crew and Phineas W _ Cook. ren, Mr. nnd .Mrs Olarenc~ ,Miller ~./{hO is stn.Lion d ,of 'Dayton w Ii uu ltEd Add m'n k to 'puddlng II1lx, cook lo marriage to . Orner Boldrcy 'Is pleased , and provfidlng the day's C. BW'n'.e~t and chlldren, Mr. and Mr . aud!l4r s. li1merson milk require ments- a minimu m of a and turn Into baked pIc shell. F or. a 111 Carolin a, has b,cen v1sltlng his Mr Cllfford Helma.n, of Dayton . Mis Mpson en- and daughte r. Quart for every child and a pint for reathery light filling, fold lD beaten parents , Mr. an :! ,Mr s . Delb~r t Mul- Helman )lIlS been a Popular teaepflr every adult·-I s made' easicr." len and ra.mlly. A dinner was given in Dayton, schools for ma!!y eg~ whilea-. Cblll well. years, In .hili honor at the' ren 1 home, nnd L~ l,eifchlJ\S a.t thls .'timc. Oon" "PROBLEM?" A Gazette Wlln\ 1.--.Wednes day. gT\\.Cula.tiollB and good Wl&t.C6 are exJUDG E SAYS •• ~ Ad will help you solve 'lt-at a cost AUCTIQ~EERING . Mrs. , Effie Chenow eth, of well- tended to the newly-we.ds_ of only a few oent.~-whenevcr you man was feted Sunday. on thc 00Sta-,Ie y and Koogl er J. Lee Talmag e, Albert Lee anti ~ have somethi ng to rent, buy, sell, For, Oates, P\1UJte 28M, Waynes · caB Ion of her blrthdQIY anniver sary. .J essle Garner were In ~burg linvlted guestS were; Mrs. Ella. Ferris Sunday to visit lh elr rela tradc--w henever yoU have n mesville, Ohio, Revrrllil charges Uve , Mrs . Mr . and Mrs .H. W .. Cline and IltUe 1· L1zzi~ Bnl1a.rd, who Is e IUcally sage to put before the bu . dreds of III a.t BROKE RS IIU'lENSFJ grandso n, Tommy Cline . Gazette renders. It·s ellSY I It·s profthe home "of her son. Mr and Mrs , ~:--==-======~==~'J TIle Red croo.s sewing clrole was Robert It.lible! ~r~. 'I' ry th " Minml







Fro m ·fhe Miami Gaz ette Files







;" 1.! 1It A il





A·n y


or mo del '

Fre d M~ahn Mo tor Car Co •


PHON E 326



Gral ', Ha ir ,


far more .•. it must IJrovide the base 'for suCh

indispensable prQduc ts 8S synthet ic rubb~, shatter proof glaSs. lacquers, plastics and many other of our re<juire~ents 80 e.ssential to victory. ' .. As a result hIJDdreda of n'lillions of gal191)8 are required every year" . half of which is being produce d by the beverag e distillin g induatJy. Bet you didn't know that. Eben." .. As a R!8tter of fact. I didn't. Judge. That,'a,a mighty importa nt war·con tributio n that had escaped me completely."

rllu ~._ .,....,., ., fMII" ..... III AI.",>. I ... I ••

" ••



Not a messy, ,h ard to us~ dye. Not a slow , . worki ng ' vitami n but a colo.rless ,liquid that will in a few, simplo applic ations " re. stor.e gray and .streak ed hair to ·.a bea~ti~ld. natUl'al color or· yc)ur mone¥ .baCk.


I~ , .:




ia on ..Ie .t




·4 f{OLLS FOR . ~5c z ' E T T 't

THE M I-A M 'J G ~

Spe~rheiids ,of ~efribution


.... ---~IE~KLY N~VI' ANALYSI~--.;..----,

U. S. CoLumns -[j)rive Into Reich For Assault ·on Siegfried Line;. Bumper Grain Harvest Forecast - - -..... ' - - _ R.II ...d by




NOVEMBER 7: . As Maine Goes? .

, \. Although the nation hal not al· ways gone ·th~. way Ml\lne went, polItical forecasters 'were trying to tead some I1gnlftclU!<le Into that . ltate's RepubllalD land.Hde In the recsnt ~lnera1 election,

.. '-:



OHIO Inside "POliti(~


R. B. Oqtem&n. ~!DW.


.::'~~'~O='71I,~ Y~~:.-::: ~PI ,OF .'WAYmJIMI4.E, OHIO. "."""I.,.r .Unlon. ,_------1 Us., pared with a 49.000 margtn of two POB A PllRIOD QF FIVlil (0)

Wben 0.,11111111 are •• Drt.... t...... Ilia • • art ..... or W.II •• n NIt"'IUlpt. Unlo,,'•• 1'" ,. ,nal,all Ind ............11' .1 lbll .'''',ape •. )


,churCh IIOhool 8:1O ·~-G. lilt. Labor'. Lever AmerIca', 39 mUllon em. ' '~ymond Conner, su~rlrn_diDl. • yean ago, the GOP Iwept through YEAIRS, ~OING ON 11HE ployee. IllS ye ar dre~about 90 bU. Morning Servwes-108Q ' the IItate', three oongr!lsslonal dis· G'l'IH Dl\IY 'OF OcToBER, 1944, AND Secretary of state, Ed... J. /lon doll ~rs In their pn, anvelopes YOII th F'eIOW8blp TulSClay even. OE:'l1JilRMIiN[NG nn;: MAN}4m w illmmel, J ust r eceived Q thrll1lilg let- - thrce,/ltths of our nntldhallncome. trlcta by better than 2 to 1. n g a t 7 :30. Intere.tlng fellMe of the congrel' WHICH BAlD ELECTRI<:1JTy MAY tel' .from an Ohio soldier on the top Th ~se people bave powe r to make Oholr practice Thursday 'Ii:OO"'P& .hln k , ~ ,,-, their country Prosperous or plunge slonal elections wlls the fact that all DE FURNISHED. PROVIDED AND f (, a moun... pea ... Ol1.m~ , comit into chaos, 'l'hey hold the lever three 01 the Democratic candidates BM:D FOR , ST. MARY'S EPISCOPAL mending hini ot his omce, head ed by and the best thing tbey cnn ever do were endorsed by a sublldlary of ' CHURCH -~ . Leland,S. Dougan. for their (althtul tor this nation Is to act for their the ClO's vaunted political actJon BE IT OROAIN~ By 'I1HE work In guaranteeing the soldiers U,e own bcst intere sts, seriously. , committee. Because Mnlne Is nOl American workers will not t'OI' \ for Ralph ParkS. Miolster In Charre ' preponderantly Industrial, however. OOUN01!L OF THE V<liLiLAG'E OF oppor t un I'.y to exercise the rl ;ht to the politlcol action committee's re. WtAYNESVILLE, S'DATE OF 0lH0: vote, for Which they are dying . . . The a tew cents a day like .Japs: they Ohurch school at 9 :30 B. m. I must. not. Lowerlrig Labor's Jiving SlllCTION I: That, The Dayton buft cannot be considered as a yard· Morning prnyer and semwn 11:00 Itlck ot Ita general strength, . Power and LIght COIn;:llln.y, an Ohio Ohio ballot.<; were first of any obher slanda I' d s a I wa ys dama ges Amerl- a.m, state In the Union to reach the tap can prosperity b . t th t Oorporatlon, shall .furnlsh and sup• y JUS II much flung oUtP06t ... Slmllar letters ore Industry's only hope to compete ~ Vly t" the Vlllage 01 WaynesVIlle, 11.1&0 cOming in [rom the Pacltlc lI!1d all mark~tu, at home and abroad. Is n~l(lt \' ( :llIIllCli OF CHRIST Teach l~literates Ohio, at tnt! prlollS I\lld un4er t he EuI'9",-",u tl')t'atres . , ,R", mruel snys on II bella of manu1acturlng efficlen. H~rbert Graham, Min.... • With about halt of Mexico's total terms and conditions ht~rein pro.. ~" cy. Producing more mllrketable 9:30 a . m., Bible ach~L population illiterate, that country Vlded such electric energy as may that there a4'e more than 210,000 a p- merchandise per worker per day baa undertaken an nmbltlous pro· plltAtlons In now, lor sold ier 1l1l110ts, _pells prosperity to employer and 10.45 a . m.--{)ommunlon. ' . I gram to have every educated perSall .be .needed jf). ~d for ,tile operl't:on ~nc;l thII.t It may reach 275,000 . , ,Th r employee both. 11 :00 a. m.--Bermon, teach at leost one illitera te non· of the municipal water 'Wol1cB for big political quesl10n Is, "How are ' Maldll8' JClbs Pay 8:00 p. m .-Preachlns. Indian how to read and write simple and dUl'1ng the period o,f five (~) they vot1n~?" Llllt week in this column I showed Spanlsb. Y~IW~, commencln~ on the 6th dl\Y • • • how employment might be put at FRlENDti' , First Day sehool, ,,:. .. m. ~llaaUgcu!,atedhbY tlPrOgreSSIVe Pres. of October, 19ti. Conventions are pouring In on Col- a sate• .economic level aftu .the amac 0, Ie program em, war. Briefly the I\£hievement will Meeting for Worahlp" " 1):30 .. m: braces Instruction from elementary , SECTION II : That. the point 0.1 umbus so fast now that It keeps us cost 4t(lvstry about $6.000 per job primers, lllustrating "dog," · ,dellvery of all such en erogy , to be I bUSY "lookJ,ng 10 on them" ... and we plua Borne g2od, sound planning. ST. AUOlJ8TINB ODmum "cow," etc:, with the pupil's suo- ~ tJPPl1~ bereupder for thl~ purposes {lo JQOK In Oll all ot them, becaUliC But this will be only a start. The F .... er KI1IIIlheIb, Joateet . cessiu] completion ot the course ie- aforesaid, shall be at the! point ot they all have their political Im\>l1- jobs themselves must pay good SlUlday 9:00 ,a'. In. wages and Interest on investment. corded with local and federal gov· tennlnatlon of the said The myUm 'rcatlons . , . Last week the state W C ernment authorities. ' ' . Otherwise the ·u be I cm porary ~ r d Power and Light Compan:y's serVIce O· U., hi acted 'by Miss Mary B, Ervl \, y WI WAYNUny.z CDlljall."j I n th e cas" 0 e ucated people un. _ I jobs. not wortjl p.rllvldln g. not worth , 0 ....8 ... able to undertake the Instruction of ,'W1res on theI outside of tlhe VUlage ,tHeld thel: convention at the Deshler accl'pUng. Only secure jobs lire good otel ana 'W6.5 followed by the na- JObll, Illiterates, they may be permlttc!d to pumph ouse ceated on the Village Mu ·Raadan. ~ " , ~ hire teachers to perlorm the work' llW8.ter Works property. The. poInt at Itlonal convention .. . This, week we Chca p forei gn labor has long been with amateurs expected to be large· measurement ot all such cuelVY J:,a ve t h e Oh1o.Federa"blop ot I.e,OOr at a challcnge to America n efficiency. RlI;le Schoo) 11.30 a . ID,,' There was a time whe n American ly employed because there will not ~all be at the meterboarilloca~ <m he NeU House heactec1 by Mlehael J Communion 10:4~ ~ IlL workerll felt directly the ~ompetitlon be enough professlonall to Bet PI' hlng. 11 a. Ill. around. the inside of said Village pumphouse Lyden or Youngstown . Among the ot ImmJgrants 'glad Lo work tor less For the time being. no effort will Said The Dayton Power and Light many 'fine speakers on their program Ulan nn Aml'rica n's living wage, The Young People'l meetlng '1:00. world was a t pOlice then and ImmiDienlng serv1ce ' at 8:00. be made to teach illiterate Indians, Company shall furnish, supply, op- Itrom Ohio will be. Phil Hau:!l.lh It wa~ reported. erate ~d ffil'lntaln aU transform- Murray Lincoln, George A. S train gl'uUOI) cosy . Those condit ions have You are invited to come and worers, service wtres and meters neces- and other local leaders. ohan ged, bUl chea p foreign lobar :hlp with UI. Expensive 'Care sary in and for the prope:r deHvery • • • :~~~ c:~~t~nd It consti tutes a se· JOieph T . l'erguson, State 'Audltor - -_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _-1 IU1 d rneasuremen~ Qf suoh eleotrlc Indlrec&OompcllUon M'I'. IIOI.I.\' M. 1':. OUURe" .. suppl Ied hereunder. orEated a furore within the ranks of Alien may never under·bid Amer'1'. 1\1. Scarff. Mlnlsler ergy sO t 0 ",e Any and all property, apparatus and the Democratic Party, when he at - ,CUll citizens for \/Iork on U. S, soil Sunday School 1 :30 •. m. ' Eo ~ devices furnished by said The Day- tacked their Plattonn pla~k 91\ Civil agnin ; thelr competition will be In· '~ mhl\rt. Supt. ' ron !Power anct LIght Company shall Service, a.fter the state c()llvent.lon. . . djrect. The hazal'd II that European r;velJ.lng Serv1ce. 7:30 p. A la tlc m a nufaclurers will use be and remain Its property reg81'd- However, th!PlWlg people of Ohio and their cheap heiJ) to im itate A.... eri. , ~, less of th e III od. e or ma.nnel' of affix- 'know that he Is right - the Ohio cun goods and then sell the rubb ish ation or att.aclunent to the proper!" eMl Service has been abused, twis- In Amcrica aud Clbewhcrc. Such a Food Ration. Differ of the VJllllfe of Waynesv41le, Oh10. ~d, warped and used, un tU it has be- degrading of world m a rkets ' will The of WaynelvlI1e shall 'come a vUe Imelling moru:tros ty. mean less business for American Amorig RUllian Wor~ t nl h · · • plants and fewer jobs tor Amerienn Fool! rations nre hlgheii ,lor 'ur S ,operate and malnulln aU apworkers. 1 k ' , lUi we ptedicted befOrE , the el<!ctlon manua wor era In RUllla .nd IIU paratus, fixtures. devices and appHThe A!l'lerlcan workman's answer st.e p by atep tor thole In other c .... In Ohio this year Is gOing to be, blt.... a.nces necCC6Sary to recelve and utllto such a cballenge Is easy: Less - gorles, according to I report ClD lze such energy at and ,a fter, the ter. hot and confused. There are- so. costly merchandise. This does not fOod rationing and IUpplJ tasued b, point of delivery herein above s::~- many . confllcting issues, so mnny mean lower wages. It means higher the League QI Natlonl and dI.. tied, except meters which are to be 'phoneys" and so muCh dccelt, toot wagcs. It mea tis maximum yleld- trlbuted in the Unltel! Statel b, the furnished by The Dayton lPower and the people are gQ\ni to do '" lot of more and bettcr products tu.rned out Columbia University Pre.s. . IlOrat,chlng. The IIpUt ballot in Oh io ta~ter and at lesl cost. It doel not Rusli. divides conlomen Into iLJght Com"""y. ...-' mean long ~urs, It means more four categories for purposes of re. SEX:m[()N m: That, ell!Otric"en- also gives many the opportunity to workers on the job 1cwer hours with tionlng with manual worken It the 'ergs so to be supp11ed Illereunder !vote one W83' for the national tlc.k eL American efficiency, more yield per top followed by office workerl, .dult Care 01 15 PeklnfQe dOB' fDiU flIIo shall be ;what Is known commercially and a.nother for the state. bour per worker. Whoever cut. pro· dependentl anI! children under 13 In dde Mn Ita Mae McGuiTe of Ontario, as Alternating OUrrent, at approldHarold H Gonnan of Oleveland is ~uctron bleeds lobar. . that order. C~ (abolJe), to lile interut In 1100,. mateJy 1115-230 Volts. and a: fre- ,ormlng a ~Lllrte-wlde organization of W.,es Follow Yolume Ration. are hoJllored In fUll In 000 IT 'f nd, in ill f/lell II Pe What a workman earns In a year North America. Unltel! Kingdom. 0te Mr•• Mar Mar::erh~ Sha~, owner ,queJlCY, of , approximately 60 cycles H mghoc~at: lor . Republican Js In proportion to what he produces, Sweden and Switzerland and a* ·.




Following encouater wUb N••I "'oop., U. 8. patrol move. eauUoUily through Drl.ncon III soatbe.stera Fl'aace In ~ow of 8II0W~Pped Alps.

EUROPE: Press Foe

CROPS: 6 Billion Bushels

Wblle the German radio told Its people that they must "Ilght on and on. come what may," strong spearheads from Lleut.·Gen. Courtney Hodges' First Amerioan army thrust inSide of the reich to bear down on the vaunted Siegfried Hne. As General Hodges' forces smashed 'Into Gumnny against stif: fening OPP o sition, Lleut,-Gen. George S. Potton's Thlrd American army waged a bloody bntUe in the Metz and Nancy sector to the south. where bridgeheads were thrown across tlte Mosello river in the foce of murderous enemy artillery ftre. In the third Amerlilau lector below 1'r/ancy, Lleut.-Gea. Alexander Patch's Seventb .rmy drew ap Its- strength before thc famed BeUorl Gap. the oPeD plain between tho Freach VOl-.. ecs mOWitalns aad the 8wl.. border Ic.dlae lnto IOUth_.t.ern Gormaay •. . I W.hlle U r S. troops drew upon the Siegfried line, with Its jagged tank traps and concrete fortlftcD lions set 30 mlles deep, lI)e BrlUsh Second army puncbcd over the ,Belgian border into Holland, wbere strong Ger· man torces slowed the sensational advance which had carried aU alone the chann 1 coast nrea. I

,U. S. Rravery ,

As the big baltic lor Germany raged, there was no end to stories of American bravery. There was the story, for instance. of Lleut. Raymond Bitney of Bloom. er. Wis., In charge ot a company .ent to cover the .evacuatlon of wounded from across one of the Moselle rlvcr brldgehcads. While exposing themselves to enemy machlne·guns and morton, Lieutenant Bitney's men kept up a A. AWed /nrcu hammered info a 'ntterin, Gern~nn1, and .frOllS If mflrican air and nUllal /orceJ were IJrin~in/f 'he war doser . 10 ]alHUl. rre.itlen, 'RotlJevelt and "rime Min· uter ChuroltiU m el in another hi.. tori!; conference in Quebec, Canada. willi lItelr military adlli.,e". AI,houlfh the European ~i'"at;on IIlIU lI,re 10 'cnmmund their attention, em· phll.,i, "1111 to be. placed upon plnn. for dentins the Nippnne..e • knock· ou, b.Wif)J 'il wru repllrted.

running fire to divert the enemy's attention from the elJorta being • made to tra"nster the , wounded acroBl the water by tioal Hit In the neck hlmselt, Lle!!ten. ant Bllney worked his way back to hendquarters to inquire why vehIcles were unavailable for trans· pOl:ting the woupded back of the Unes . otter evacuation from the ' bridgehead. At headquarters, he in· slsted on returning to battle. und with back bandaged. trudged oil , again to the trOlit. .

With the corn crop Itself expected to tolal3 101,819,000 bushels, the 1944 grain harvest wal estimated at more tban 6.000.000,000 bushels by the U. S. department of agriculture. Only soybeans at 179,024,000 bushels and barley at 200,038,000 bushels were expected to drop below last year's production. BenefJclal rains throughout most ot the drouth area eest ot the MissIssippi, and continued good growth In the corn belt. led to the USDA'I optimistic estlmnte for · the second argest cqrn crop on record. At l,1I5,oW2,OOO bushel!, the ex· pected wheat harvest would be the greatest on record, with · spring wheat. other than durum. accounting for 29~,775,OOO bushels, the largest ever reported. Oats pr~ucUOl) wal set at 1.190.MO,OOO agalnlt 1.143.867.000 last year, and sorghum gralD at 149,962.000 against 103.168.000.








Reduction of the work week to 40 hours, except In easel where continued war production . warranted overtime, release ot all manpower controll, end mlnlmom unemploy· ment compensation of $20 a week fOr 26 weeks were all recommended by War Mobilization Director James F. Byrnes to meet the economic emergency that will ~lle after Germany'l defeat. Claiming that the end 01 the European conflict wou14 release 8.000,000 toni of f~ from wartime reserves. BY,r nes calli!c;l tor concrelllional appropriations up to 12,000,000.000 "for price Il!PP'orts tor, tarm products. During the partial swlng.baek to. clvlllan production. Byrne. said, the 111. dOl'. In ca.. !.frl. McGuire r.. government abould maintain price Iwu. money l.4liU rever. to elta,.. control and use JncreBled tuel. stockl arillng trom smaller m11ltary demands to boost galollne allowance. New Uses In certain areal. Latelt of the sclentillc wonders Ie wood "steak" no on Swedish menu;, and ~ne of the many new Hit Philippines use. found tor wood which may spur As powerful American aerial and the lumber industry In the postwar naval elements ', contQlued ripping world. In dishing up a wood "steak." In away at the Japs' inner defense circle, ' itrong U. S, task torcel a cQuntry where a Iteak may be a blasted at Mindanao in the southern fried and breaded, preparation, Philippinel, and the Paleu 'Ilanda Swedes make It from a protein ye•• directly to the east. obtained from a cbemical decom. Even allihe task force unlimbered I,lOIIUon of wood through addiUoli of on the Phlllppines. other U. S. aerial ' elements of water. In preparlnl 'u nits aimed at enemy shipping and their famed aquavit Uquor. the Swedes also ule alcohol derived through the lOme procell. It was reported. Other sclentlftc advancel contributing . to greater wood utillzatloa include the production of black plaltic trom lawdust; strengthening of timber through impregnatloa. beat and pressure; lamhlatlon of 'plywood to stand up under severe stress, and sandwiching of one type of Umber over another.





per second. u , . e lor A\JtO~.ney GenSECTION l'V : The rat.e to be eral. whUe many Republicans are ch\lJ'ged tor all elect.r1e service sup- Boing to support George A. 'Hurley. a plied under ',the terms of this ordin- Democrat, because they se.y Jenkins baa never tried a l&wsult In his We ance &hall be three cents ($0.03) Per ldlowatt-hour by 'm eter, proVld- a.nd only Practiced law for less than ed, .however, that 1l the usage , and a year, ~d Is not quaUfied to serve consumption of elecLr1c energy fa In the responsible j)06lt1on as chief suCh that a rate lower than .three legal udvisor of the great state of Ohio . cents ($0.03) per kllo'\\,att-hour Honorable Martin L . Sweeney. for. woUld 'be eamed under 'the I)therwise appllcable schedules of tile Com- mer De.!Docratic OOngressma.n. La.s J*IlY, duly publ'shed and on file "Jumped the traces" and Is organwith The Public 'u tWtles 'C ommlscontinued In COIUlr. six

slon 01 Ohio. then, and In that event, the Vl11age shall be privileged to apply to the Company for Bueh rate for service. and., thereafter,. the energy 80 to be suppHed "''1 ....-e """'1 'U

. ....



as herein provided, occasioned by the current up to the, point of delivery of said electric energy ~ the Vl1lage, as hereinbefore' provided, and said Compe.ny shall defend at Its

With their lines harassed In lbe west, the Germans round no reUef in the cast. where the RUBslanl kept them on the go at bo~ endl of the long tront. . AI the battle for Warsaw CODunued tq ' with · tbe cie,.. m.ns employllll' stron, ar~ore4 'orm.tlonl to curtan Red troop',_ bam.merlag out &0 the, other RUllslan .rmle. rpassed fcir a ~rlve a,alll.' East Prussia, where ' the eaemy was elt"bUshed III tbe' wooded lake coUntry. , In the Balkans. the Germani were sorely pressed ·to wllrd off a, Ru.. alan ' smash through the mountain. onto the Hungarian plow, and to hold open 8' path Jugoslavl. tor 'tile evacuation of their Aegean Bnd Greek garrisons periled by the cona~se of Romarua and Bul,ula.

CONSPIRATORS Dm: . "lntr i 8ue

Execution of six prominent economic, • diplomatic. ROlltl}:a1 ,WId peillc, officlala of Germany for 1iD~ PUcatl~n III the rtcent .ttempt· 011 /OdolllPtler.'. life Indicate. the pllaated zoaneuyerln, ~eeeaAr, to " ' - ' GODtrol . ' cd a __~ and

eo.n. ,


Pr~, )'leId Marah81 ,

YoD aeven albel"...- '.

....s aeen· bad been eucateII ~ . . WiIl\l8ben


til Ibe plOt.

An employer's investment In tools increases volume, and the worker's enmlngs accordingly. 'Higb wages Bnd hlgb living .tandards for work· ers depend. therefo~e, on two ~Ings: (1) The employer s Investment In equipment, previously discussed, and (2)' workmen who coo and wlll make that equipment do Its best ,while in use. It management buys tools to make things people want and thus creates jobs, If work~rs help crash the gates of world n:!arkets with prices lower than the drivers of slave labor can quote. doing 80 wlU! good Atylerlcan things made taster to sell for lellS, then nothing clln stop our prospulty but government Itselt. Next week. "Moral Courjlge," which Is govern, , ment's part In post-war prosperity Want tatl f Ch S onary or rlstmas? Place tour order nowl Ab the Gazette If fice, . 1z1, --;--~:::-..- - : - - : - - - : - - - -ng "'ie state against Roosevelt .. . hile ,W many &epubllcans who have never liked Bricker are thrilled over leparatlon of the ballot so they can


In Germany, "'Jt nol In oct'upied' coun lrles, the repo l lays. Men on the ave,a,e require more calories than women. the report lays. sh9w1ng whit the requlNo mentl are tor varloua t,nleI of work trom that of • .hoemaker to the energy consumed by. farm laborer, Muscular activity rCQUlr" a basic allowance or 2,400 caloriel net, the report declares, The Le.gue 'cd N'I~ tlons health orgeillzation ,Iv" the following average luppiemeot: UJht work up to 76 calories per bour: moderate work '15 to 150, bour' bard work 1110 to aoo and excepUOO: ally hard work 300 calori. . .nd up.



ton Power and LIght COmpjmy shall ,be Supplied under and In lcoruonn- own eXj:e!lSe any Isuts po.ssed upon !tcalea caa be rem.... aDd a ity with such a.pp:1cable SC:bedule. .' such claims, except and provided freah-..Uye tHUns ean lIPID SaId eom"""y may ·make 'Emd shall that the Company shall not be lIatJle preiS....ln·te ·1D 10ar . . ." ....... bl ~ecelve a mlnUnum monthly charge or reaponst e and shall not hold 111011 .... , .' th Villa h ml f d ot seventy-five cents ($G.'ll) per e ge ar ess rom any a,mmeter, per month far 't he meter In- age or d~agC6 to any em~loyee or (POB DANDBtl'IT) stallatlon establlllhed for ' the mcas employees, licensee or Invitee of the te · .... In ~ t him . - Vl11ft ho YO a ..........., and st1l1 vote their 80Id on • IICIIIeT-Ba.cIl WAR PRODUCTION: urement of energy sO to be supplied. ~e w may go upon any sture- regular Republican state ballot 0. ...... '" SECmlON V' All meters tnstalled ture. pole. tower or appurtenance of I·Shftt. ' 0 0 ~ r._ M' . ttl C ....eem up ys, and take lOur WAYNESVILLE DRUG STORE Cutbac~ lnor !,by vl.I:tue of proVIsions of th1s ordi- I e ompany or attempt to do any- pick I With ollly 49.200 e!J'lployee. af. :~ shall be read monthly and as Ithing to a.ny llne, appliance or ap., fected by r~cent o.ancellatilml 'o f ' near.y as poaslble on .the same day ot 'i>¥atus of the Compe.ny. $421,4113,000 ~ war orders from Jun!t each month nd tile sid! Villa SECTJON VIII : Uron The Day15 to Ausu st 3t, it II apparent that I' to' a 'b . Ie ton \Power and 'L lght Oompa'ny flllng no lubstantial unemployment prob- agrees pay aid Ills fOl' ~lectrlc it. wntten acceptance of the ord1.ndefeJ\se InstallaUons all the · way lem Wm develop until the defeat of energy aa they are rendel'ed. 8ECmION VI: All reepenslbWty of ~ 'Witb the Cle~f said VlUage from tbe .Kurlles clown to the Germany releas~1 an eltlmated " . tile Power Company In rega.rd to the within sixty (60) days from the takCe1abel. . 4.00Q.000 workers. In joining anny . bombe~1 operat.· At the pre~ent time, more thaD .current aupply aball, cease nfter the lng effect thereof. this ordinance PROTECT YOUR RIGHT In, from New Guloea In bl8ltlng 9.500.000 perlonl are employej! ,.IQ :same ' has been delivered to th be and constitute a contract TO DRIVE WITHe the said VUlmwe and COm Mindabao, naval aircraft flew ·vlrtu· ' the ' munltlonl Industrlel. and P1:o--allJ unmole.~ 'over the entire ductlon for the armed forces II run_ !VlUase 1n accordance rwtth the proIts successors and assl~lIS, leo,th of the Wand, while U. S. alng . at I rate of ts,OOO.OOO.OOO Vlalons of thla ordinance. aDd the ,. ,, /VIllage arreee to lndetnUy (~hold SE0'TION IX: That, this ordinance czUJ.era' and deltroyen r.nged alonll monthly. ROOT POR AND CONSIGN tate effect and be In force GENERAL I~SORANCE the ' eastem ' e~ast. bpldJy crackfnll , Becaule many of the cutb.cka , The Dayton Power and Llg:bt ' Com~ at ~ tnJes, of IhipPlng using the , were made In prodUction th., ·wupe.ny bannleu and tree fl:om and trom and alter th~ earliest period yotir O&ttJe. hop, sheep and calYl'I water routes to eonnect the .mat· oa17 In, the plannm" stage, aad atto NOI'I'1a-Broclt Co.• U:ve wire &DC , ..' allowed by . law. YOU'RE NO EXCEP• plantl able to shift relealed tor all 10811, damage, or · expense . tu1n. at tllaUdI m~g up the . lected prQ8J'eSlllve firm tor the blab!st to other war 'output, the gr~ out of or In any \lilly eonPassed by the CouncJl of the VllWorkers T,IQN I Calamity dOMD't Phll'ppJnes.. In cracklnl ,Palau, cancellatlona will nected with. the c1a1ma of a.ny th1rd }age of ,WaynesvllJe, Ohio, this 7th marltet. pricel aDd gOod Bent •. U: 8. battlewaaon' rode unmolelted tun etreet of pick favoritel! M~sfortuDe Union Stock Yards, CinCinnati, O. person or excepting em- day of september, 191.. .. as the, pWVlflze.d every def~e. not be felt before four · month.. ha.n't si.lrled you out' .. Tune in on RadIo station WOK'i, ployees' of the Power Company 1n O. H, BRAOE. Mayor, an exception r' wise _II 1~ : ~5 to 1:1:30 'p. m. for our daUy E'ETI.TI.- ANY. · '1UV WAN: the performance of their dutiel!, for ATl'J!BT: maorket report.a. protect YOllneJf with .ood MISC ~.. & A."eU !ncreale Injuries to peJ'1IOIl8 or property 00Charlel! James, Clerk. insurance 10 th.t DO ....-~---------.. WllIJ morigale ouUet. restricted caaloned by aatd CUI'nJlt at and alter ,------~:"---~_+_:_-----_:___:_:_~-~--ter wh.t .....~ ItAlLSt ,CIa.. I raUroadl 01 tile b, construction curlaJJment. mIlD· its deUvery to the VWaae 814 aforeUDI,ted statu In .JuIJ. 1Nf. 'had in 'ber Dvlng. and loanl ...oC!laUou aatel, and , the ,VU1qe futtherr qreee your .famil" aael eetlmated, aet Income, after Inter.· of the Feder.1 Home Loan Bulk . ctef .' . IIDlrolllerltv .wit' 'be fiaU~ pro. t abd reDtalJ, of $58,Il00,000 com. ., .,~ 1Ib0wed an lnctea.e ~ h~ to end at Its own expense lU'Iy tected. pUed With ,182;1711.(111 In JuIJ, lIMa. Inp cd lIov.ernment securlti.. to sulta baaed upon such claims. II) tile Ir. I8VtD monthl cd lINt ..,..000,000 In 11M3 frC!m • •000.000 8l!IO'1'ION WI: The ·Power ·Whol""'l\.. Pasteurized nail')' Product. UIi6; had a.P uUmlt4ld Det In~.. lD 1NI. ~ ~ , thl .1IOC!l.Uou· aDd «..Iabt Oompany sh.n lOOeollf7 01. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Iftu Inwel'· and nmtalJ, of $181,. • ...ta.. to ",_000,000. • III and hold the ~ of W~ Pa8Uu,,wea Milk' FfJr /Your Protedioft • IIOlhomparecl with _ _ 18111' pel' eeat ~ .over the prnIOUI Oblo, tree and bIIrml. . b'OID I&Dd _ oo~ period of 1. . 11 year, ,when aD 'Increa.. of U 1ft for all 1... daIDIIe or eI'ip8IIIe for ......-===.1 Pia... 2137 W • .,••• Ohio cem wu noorcIecL iIIlIUIf &It . . . . or ~, . . .



Russ Massed






I ••





j' HO~




!ilol) ,s Dairy

. ,l1ed.





..... •




iSwld r . , ... \dlnncr at t hI' hom o cr M . .'1.)(1 I\{rs. ·Mrl' . M J'lrlrt't ,ff >klns 11.)1<1 IIt.Ue W. G , ;1r/llnts. In ~fyt()l1 . daughter, ot r,Vn.yol1 ov!Uc are now - Mrs. oJ. ' D . J nils Wtl a dlt'.~.el' >Pvt. J Rme Steinke of LcxLl~tpn, ' staying at tl~e hOme of Mr. [Iud MJ's . lest FrIday Ilt ~M trohl pf Ky. v15ited home folks aver the week lEverett Kenriok. . Car1 l>lckeilng :lnSi Mrs. Ad Ohc'n. end. Mrs. William Stnv ka p. of D ·Y-Oweth. III Cenlerville. In tl c :l ftlll'Mr. I\-Ild· Mrs. Harvey Burnet ab- item Is visiting with Mr. :I nd Mr3. noon Mrs. J Ol1es anI:! M;I'S . P lc':e I g tended ttle Diary OOWlCU Banquet lit Ralph HammOnd and chU r n . saw Sherly 'J1cmplc In "51 c' you. tl,e M1. mlHotel, Dayton on wedh~- I ME . a.~'d r.•rs .. to 'e:1 went away," at Roe "5, In Dayl!}! .. dayev.. Oastlne. Ohio Visited nn(l Mr . 9nd ' Mrs. Harol i W IU t Miss Sal'll Corlne Fumas visIted ·Harry alllmnn. Mondn.y. . . Mrs llHarv y Burnet. Mrs. r. u. relatives at R ichmond, Indiana Mr . and Mrs . Seth Furn II fl.nd M~ nas a.nd daughter. o.~bendetl the couple of days last week. and Mrs. WaJ tllr curlew a! ~'Jdl d ;Wayne TOWllShip Farmers Cl u b Mr. a.nd Mrs. Wl:\n.rton of Inde- I the Warren COWltyH.lstoricaJ Scciely ;Thursdny, at the hlJme of Mr. and pendl'1nce. Ky ., ~as 8 week-~d ~est I ~t the home of M.lss Pea.rl RUey Bnll Mrs .L . U. Br an.'ltl'iltor In WilY\) s. of M r . and Mrs. Olyde' W,harton. Mrs. C . E . J lIle.r at Rldl!cvUle on ' ville Mr. and Mrs. Ben J n es rav.c pur·. ' Monday evening of last W('I' k .. · . Mrs. Lowell T.homas en~ l'tain (I chased ~\J'Operty In Leba.non, n.nd ~Ill The lnr' les af Ii e Woma.n·s Soc:l! t.- t he Lytl Cnrd Club a h cl' hom move there In 0. couple of weeks . We ot the LytJe Chu rch are sCNlng the I . Thursday alit Tho- pr cn l are sorry to have them th15 ,meals at the d nn lng hall a. the were: Mrs . Therle .fanes. M1'S . • 1comm,unlty. . Iwar ren County Fair, this w (' k. M r . J ames J ohns suddernlybecame Mr. and Mrs. R ICl"o rcl ' MOO~C , of vln Longacre. Mrs. Fn'<i R ush, 1\1:) '5 . quite 11l, last Frld-ay but Is greatly Dayton spent Saturdny evening with Tom burton.Mrs. Elmer Orov('s. Mr~ Stanley BaUey Wid {ro. Ralph HamMr. Md Mrs. J . B . JOlles. improved at this Urne. mond . Mr . and Mrs. Olem. St.elnke 1I.!1.d Mr. and Mrs . .Fronk Brown and Mrs . Everett. Early and Mr. Lowe:1 l amUy, ot Botklns, Ohio v1s1ted Mr. Miss Mildred Dortnolt of Tlpp Oi t.y a nd Mrs. HaroldSte1nke and tamUy sp nt the week-end With M I' . tlnd Thomas lire havin g a display flom Mrs. Guy Roulzah n, and on S ' day t4Ytle Elevator at the, Wan-en Coun ty all visIted M.r . and Mn; . W!lllolm FBII' this week. Tinney at CovinGton. Ky . The Woman's SOCiety of the Lytle M iss Sarah Co ine FUllms lefL Sat· cilUtoh was entertalne1 at he home w'day evening by train for Plll1adel- of Mrs. J . B . Jones 011 Wt:d.:lescby > plua, to l'esUm her leaching In thl' of week. T he MCGuffey program Friends Seleet schoo) for nnobber ~lIS most interesting and much en'00.1', joyed . Mrs.E . B . Longacer acted a THRILL NITES! 1 Mr. and Mrs. WRIter Kenrick and teacher In the aJ.>seT.lCe of l\![I·S. Wa l· -SCltEEN_ J ames Haines a ttended services at . ter Kenr ick. The B:chool entertnln· IBellmont l~ . .B. cbw'Ch Sunday ment oqnslSted of reclt;at.ions nnd morni ng, where tei ' little neprew. lreadlnglj [-rom a.ll the readers, by Lhe Willia.m F rederick Ho.~nes \J\'nS b; p· mcmbell1 who had studl d tllc Mct1zed . They also ut.tended the familY J·Lfccybooks. The ~ng " S c h () 0 I ," n. ",,,II ... " ,,," " ·k.

f · ...


. --#---.----------------------------------------~ Opens Sunday CIt Xenia Theater -






~t41lnte Jlfuneral

~ome Di.l 2111 -



of ThaDb and

. . . . . . . are ClbaqecJ for at ' 'be

.... .. ... tIeD' a

••rel, mlalmam

...... lie. & .lUll Acl buci1ed for ....... _ _ II cbaqecl at Ie a .ord.



om~ Boed, R. 3,' WayneavUle.

Watklna Produeta PUller BruIbea at • North Broadway Lebanon, Phone


.... m. .....ll..... ,... ' ..orlt.


..... • '1'10"'' '..ID,••...,.)wi':-,.. " ....,.will &Ie (eI~"".'

~ bur.iJII




............... '"rto..... =:a.. "':r=-:::'~= - ........... .:......... 'hili.... . r--



IP booo 2274.




Keroeene Stoves by IW~ Mothers club. Call

coat. IIbDDe 8'1.





. ...d . "n.nIWlm. ."... aWL - eDn" •• ·•• D". ..


W~ rkle fr~ Day2:10 t.o 3:00 P ;II\. A. T. Oberry ~ 382'1 . 21c


Jane: Fruec: and J03n DaviJ in • rioroUl KCnt from latar "~~anslU City Kmv.' Q sona 3nd dl.llCt fcui"'.... wltb Bot> Crostn.




OIeAnlng wbdows n.nd mlrors: Porwlndows use wa.ter and -"" I. borax, k cl'Osene. or nI· ovua, amon.ll cohol. Soap should never be llsed 011 ·windows as It lea.ves a film . Wr;n g the cloths as dry as p~lble foc the filml polish . To clean mirrors, mix a powdered blueing, whltiug 01' puI. JIs stone with alcohol to [ol1n a bhln past. SmCllr the surface at ·t he ,mimI' wlUl this with a sm~1l1 rag o~ xmgc. lind before ilic 0.1001101 evap-

orates rub the mixture off . Aft.erwards polish with a. silk or soft cloth Cloths for windows Willh. out the use o! water ca.n. bemade ~l1tll a semI-l1quid past of benzine end calcined magnesia. The cloth whloh should be of conrse Unen or something free from lint, 15 dipped d to !this mixture and l)Wlg In tll,e rur until Ulc spirits have eve.por8lted and 1t Is free from odor. Tbh cloth mny be used aguln' and again, and is a.' gl'eat convenlence. JWhen soUd, Iwash and re-dlp.

Oavid H. Wing

'D avid H. Wbg In Dayton Is an Im portant factor In h elpIng r,eople to meet changln" condltlonll, wether in the p uying, i!!.:lg or e: !lnglng of real e6tn.te, and in offering propertles which will' mllke exce)1ent. pomes imd good Investments wi h ~he comhg years. ' Mr. Wing Is w 11 posted on farm and real .estate values and locations and has all active tisting. He hlU many an his list who wish to buy 1Il this part of rthe country, and too, . . many people ~re finding t ·h II I r homes are n ot m(.etl~g their presllnt


have opportunities to seU now, so dv n ot ovcrlook th em . The sprooding out of Ule city 10 the ~Wltry , the crea.tlon of est.ate.. aud t h e rel'labWto.t!on of near clt. ,fa.rms has been one of tbe develop· ments whlch h as not c a~q to h1;<aatlve In slow times and Witl1 ~ r~turn of peace nnd normal Wme,s, values are likely to mou,nt. Mr. Wing Is a man of experlC\wc and is 1amUiar wllih loca l condltions. IH e will be gmd to , confer Ish ' to wllih you wether you are w .~g . ) h his I buy or sci. Throug. co· f>n

EvcnJng Topic ':81N and ITS PUNIS HMENT . " will be special musln \Jnday evenl nll'.

MAX W. RANDALL; Miniater

hc"'-'---'-'-"'-'-~----' ATHLETES FOOT R t quires Mobile LlquJds Su essful treatments' must be more ilinn. surfooe n.ppUca.t1ons. 'POWdt.''S, salves or oUy llquJds do nob penetrate suWol6!1tly. Alcohol 'Is mobile. It PENETRA'I1EB. Te-ol Is the only solution we know of. made with 90 P I' cent a lcohol. REAOHES and KILI..S 'more germs. 35c at any drug store. Today at W . L. Drake .



XENIA. <F ERTILIZER Re\'erse Telephone

(l. . . . .

MaIn W, XI'n", O. E. G . . Bucbsleb. 'Da.

t lous service, hh_appy as been able for to pointtl1e way he ~_ homes

change, get In touch wlth ·hlm . You



LOST--ooe t.en ti.nd one five dallar bill railed up topther. (reward) re~ to MIami Oazette oflice 21p ~et,

11:00 A. M. Toplc>- "TIIE





------ - -:---

~~~OII~.~~UNOSij~II~MICH1CI~ICIAI~~H~~req~ ;.1r;em~e ~n~ts' ~l.nt.ercst a:n~d~ConditionS, 1~ 18 uto YOUr to· sell so, or Ifex-

A . T Oberry.


I I ,

::.=a:-.=, .... :.::. . _ .. - . . - . . . -

.......... ;,..,...19··

winter coat,

IIIIIIIIk ~-trtm aoel)ert, cOndIUaD. YOUll8 mMlI taD camel-balr , ,.... Up

r ........... __.

... , . . . . NO......

WY_'U lui" to take the top ooe - _ ,.... I JlJn't ... t .JI'



.... . - . . _ _ _ _



SEPTE.MBElt 24 19M

ADams 4404

~r 8ale -



Licensed Ileal Estate-Broker





Day ,"was s ung and Impars()nated by Mrs . Calvin Longllcl'c nnd Mrs . Leslie Gray. Ice cream and C kes With O rrle :'.09 a nd 210 Ludlow Dlulld'ln r , At 33 W . Flrth St., w TO served . The October meeting '-"Irway. Dayton, Spcein.llZ4'S In The Bu;sring, SeUin~ a nd Exch." ngi ng Of ",m be beld at the hl)me oJ MI·s. Cal- FBrnlS, Fa rm Lanclr., F"rm I (l ute.i, Estates nnd Suburban Properties . . . . Well and Favorably Known In Montgomer Y, Warren. P rebble and Ad vin Longacre . . joining C\lunUes ... . HIl,~ A I~r e Listin g AntI PlnCtlS Which . Will Mtlke GClOIl' Jnvcstm nt .. . Helping People To Meet Changing e ondftlons With A ·Rellabl.. Service . , .. Clln Arrnn rre Loons T o ClOSe ~llls . ... Te.leph one

AoetJJeaj .01' e1eetrlc.· See B1I1 Lee,



moon .


. . . ....

. a_F. _.•____

QIqurdt OM QI.ltri9i

0. \

At All

~ .-..

mqe ~nune~&ille



·1. . .

y. 8EPI'EMII£B at, lM4


''P1'IlCtialJly 5p

ne., ..... !J'rlima.n Wardlow

., ~ARDEN"


PJ.tolle Wa,yneavUle

At The


. Morrow Phone No. 3 Lebanon: 0111ce Pbone 473K Residence 98 ~

. "8A'LDNESS It ·Is ' often !J&Id Is •, resolt of .


1.~ afternoons except · . WeclneJday




7-9 "Satur8ay ~veDlne I ,

Tha.t. bumper crop of big, solid "beefsteaks"

Ottier Evenlnp

.~,~ .. ....E. ,

you've grown makes you a better gardener than eveo you anticipated. There's all you need for table use .. ~ y'ou'v~ canned ~ore than enough for the winter months ahead • . • and, there's more ripening out there in your victory garden-more than you can possibly use!

Wilkin Xenia, 0




B~gins October 9,1944 7:30 p. ~. ea~h . night except .S aturday

''wITH ..




OIlO:a:7!!-J)ac.1I On SaJe '"




. .. ~


Don't Ict them rot 00 the vines! CalJ in your i'!".t.:l~ ; the n~ighbors, on the street, ·.tad sell rhem, or give them away to preveilt them ="r:ow ~'Jing ro waste! In this way you'll stretch tJ... ~Jativu·.. fOI .><.l :rupply, make more food availwit' ne..\:, W!S1(c-f, and 'possibly enjoy a reduction ... l.d~ paint· "prices" on other foods: roan all you ca~ use - of tomatoes and all ~y gatdenproduce-an.d be sure that your ..iphzs crops don't go to ~aste. , ~.

THE ,4 • D

a: I G H I ,


a j)I'~ .B'ood warbler to get through witllout Even ' . the ch1Ucli social. was noi su~. ,without ',j'lihe Moo1drig .Blrd" j., with va~a.~ ,tl~ .iRem~? . ill(!' Bird?" I t took








.:-..~~ .

8 .. ,,~

'FUNERAl; e ,e • • • • •

. BOMB , TeJeplJ'bJl,. 2291Wqneavme,O. "

' -:-








SE~ E R 28, 1940&


• - 1. _ ..I






. Local board n~r ~wo for WarThe Wa.rren Coun ty Historical Wllm1ngton' Oollege opened Its .,fall [; . r ~ n Oou nty, Town Hall, Lcb3non has Historical SOCiety Is well on the way semester last week with 164 studentJ; ~ tten t notlCica tloes t9 the fo IDwt:l of creating a.n interest toward the regestered f~r cliisses,' o.n increase of t~. men for pre1ndUCUDn, SeiAember 30 pllI'Chase Df the DId ManslDn, Dr the a.pproxlmatelY 30 students over last Olen Glenn Clarr, Rout 3 , Way;neslate Mrs. Owens, for ,t.!le sum of year's enrollment. 'l1Jle 1!K4-tO stuv1lle: Albel't Lewis Romhr, Route 2, $10,000.00 as a museum for WfIJ'ren dent body klcludes 80 r~eshmen, 38 ..' MDrrow; Mllfcrd Leo BaUey, COl um County. sDphomores, .16 juniDrs, 10 seniDrs: bus. Clubs of all kinds and Indlviduals 10 speCials, and 10 Saturday s tu,Those to r'€port COl' jnduC i J ~ n , S(\PBS w.eII have already made pledges to Late reglstrlllnts w11l be a.ctember 9, nrc: Walt ' r McOarren . this wol1thy cause and axe becomlng "this week. Leo Conner , Cha rles R. Ellis. G. Dlgc Sliudents attending the colI e g e more Interested as they realize the Stl;les, 011 of WnYinesvll1e; Wllllnm '1', value of s uch a museum in Warren W6lTen County are as follows: Hard wlok. Benjamin Kelly, Rober t. Oounty . McKeever anel Mon1m1a Hoa.k, Carper and Orin SouUler , Df Moo' w Officers Df the 'Warran County l~raynesvlllle; MarjDrle Boga.n, LeOlYde L. Chcnowel.h, 6ab:na; WilHlstrlcnl Bocjety who can be contac- baJion: Ha.lTlette Mc<Jlure,Jea.nnette lard 1. WIlllams, Oregonl&; Melteed for 'more information a.nd for 'l1hanip8on, and Sa.ra.h Flannery , 'bourne Russell. 8Jl1d J ay Van Meter, the purpose of making pledges to- maar Lebanon; Pauline Garrison, of Dayton ; Murrel ThDm :'son, 0 . wards the Owens Mansion are: Wm. MDrrow: Geraldlne Hopkins. near MiaYIlisburg and WIlUam Ross, of Staton,ot Sprlngboro,nresldent ; MIss Blanchesterj and Robert Kogan. FIarve),sbW'g, 'P earl RlleY,a! LebrunDn, vice pres- Foster. Ident; Marion Bnlder,of Lebanon, ------.:.-secr etary; Mrs. lAJuise H1arr1ck, MIAMI VDAPTER 107 ARE member of elective committee ; ArQUESTS GF DAYTOl\i' OHAPJ'ER . t hur Hamilton, president of LebanSeveral members at M'Ia.mI COOpon ba.nk, .tr<!asw·cr for funda to put - ter 107 Order Df Eastern Star were clm., e bhe Owens bullding;iMrs . W. guests of De.yton Ch&pter on MonM. PhUli ~ , museum chairman for day evening and enjoyed a m06t deWarre.~ CDunty for pledges and l1g1btJUl evening.The inltlawry wOrk Harry Swal'Lz,of r..c,banon, trustee. W68 given by some of the Df{icers of Dla.~lks for co.n trlbutJoes for the MIamI Char./ter . Those who. attendNEW YORK-As one Nazi debacle fol\ow~ another DlCl'OSS th e map of Europe the hopl,lless \I ~t 41 purpose of purchasing the Owens ed were Mi. and Mrs. Ross Hartr;~~crl gd~~WS more apPlirent daily. This mllp, .In which the black Arca shows th~ extent of Ge:m~';1 lM,ansion for a museum oan be ob- sock, !q. and Mrs. Everett Early. , n Icat~s the. nat ure ~nd locntion of knock· out attacks as U. S. forces make their first thru~t :. •: Ge~mall terri tory 10 the neighborhood of Stuttgart and St rasbourg (I), while British-CanadiAn tr tained. at the ' Wnynesvllle National Mrs John Kersey. Mr . J. C, HQwke, swmg through Holland, .from East· Prussia (2), where the Reds have entered Nazi territory in the WnrBank o.nd the LebanDn National Mrs. Ross !WI\ land, Mrs. Lucile sa\~ an~ Bnlk!ln c~mpal~n8, ~h~ eastern front collapses. Russia has declared WM on Bulgaria anJ (., Mrs. B, B . Earnhart, ' Bank. ~u s es A~II Junction ,,:I£h Tlto s Yu ~o s lav patriots- a move which cuts oft' Greece and sews up the r.l. ans. e progress In Italy (4) ties up with the drive in Southern France and future YU"O lav Mrs .Elmel' Grove, Mrs. Pred Rush, movcment~. r . • " .. MltS D . O. RIDGE ATrENDS . John. Fromm. Mrs. Glenn Bland WEDDI.NG l\T QUANTICO, VA. . Ralph Hastings, Mrs. D. C . WAYNESVILLE TO · CHAGE RIdge, Mrs. J. J. BUrske, Mrs . Tmm SUNDAY, OCTOBER 1 'Mrs. D . C. RidGe has returned to Stanley Ba.i1ey, Mrs . BertIe MJlls, h er home after spending several very Red Cross Boxes to be f i lIe d Mrs. J . ·B . Jones, Mrs IWllUam It was annolJnced by 1\layor C. In\Alrcst.lng days in Washington, D f:!trouse, Mrs . Frank Hess, Mrs. L. for mal11ng to men and women In 11 Brace. that cJo((ks wUl be O. and a.ccompanled her niece, MIss C:Bt. John, Mrs. Jessie HYman Mrs. service can be ob tained a.t the 10moved back one hour Sund'ay Maritan Sowa$. to Qua.~t1 co, VIriW. E. Stroud, Mrs, Don Hadley, 'cal Drug store and at th e home of morning at. two o'ulook, tbas gln~ where the "(eddlng or l4,Iss So11l's. W . O. St . John. ' maklnr oar time the same lUI In wash and LIeutenant J . g . Collins . Amos Cook. Mrs. Glann Borsurrounding towns such ali DaytoQk place In the J:'1I.St; chapel. Mrs . den. Mrs . Lena Ha.rtso<:k~ and Mrs . . Paul M. St . Joli'n , Mechanical Inton, ClnclnnaU. X .e nla, Lebanon Ridge , Mrs. W, J. BlIackburn of Day- O. M. Ridge. structor in the U. S. J:lavy, Df Q ,lln and Middletown. Set Point, Rlbode Island, spe~t Mon.torr and the bride and groom re- NEW AAF NAVIGATORS day with his faither , Mr. W. c. St. turned to Washington D. C . for the EAGEK TO SEEK ENEMY ~LLt:N V, VENABLE PASSED John. ~dll1It dinner, after which Mrs. AWAY MOND4Y. SEPT. 25 HOJ:ldo Army Air P1eld, BDndo, • • • RIdge end 'MrS. Blackbum vlstted Mr, ana Mrs, V1rg11 Wllketaon september 18 . Another link Mrs. , Alice Anb 'Rm and daughter, • many ~nterest1ng places. * Allen V. Venable, a ge 82, of Wayin the chain of pyTlLlll!dmg U. S. Grace VIsited M1ss Uda Oglesbee, nesvJlle, Passed away at his home, Il\!r. and Mrs. W . W. Rummel of f'n tertaJ.ned with a farewell dlimer power woa forged th1B week as ~y. Monday a~temoon. Lancaster were week-end guests oC the follDwing guests ; Mr . and Mrs . VOLUN1EEBs FOB VlCTOBY thJs hi.vJgatlon school of the AAiF • • • ~ AT nOME OF B, F. DYE He leaves two. halI-brothers Will Mr. and Mrs . O. E . Stanford and Willard Wilkerson and three chll- (FFICER FOB THE SCIIOGL , . , Daughter lJ'ra1n1ng Oomma.nd II!warded aIlver Richard Campbell of cam ~ dre~, Mr. and Mrs. Ed Wilkerson TERM ARE ANNOUNCED of Lebanon and Qharles Venable, Df . The Volun~er for ViCtory gnN'p w1np. to a host of newlY qUaUfled bell, Kentucky Is spending. a short ~nd Mrs . Law'a Wilkerson, hDnDrlng • Spring Va.lIey and one halt-slBter, Mrs . El!de Hockett and Mrs, Ellz. 1W1llard WJl,kerson_,who lea\'.es-.for met ·fOr their usual work toge~her on oombat onavlgatora. vtsit at the home of his f.'G 1·ents, Mr. 'I'h ~ lQ!lwlnjf atfloeps tor the varBez:tba £mely . abeth Smith were MDnda.y eVE\~ln& t he army Friday, September 29. Thursday evening with Mrs . H. F. After successful completlon ' Of 18 bond Mrs. R. Cam'r.pcll. tous cla.sst:S &nd "\'val cehan ha1e Funeral services wet'e held WedDye. After sewing and worldng · a !Weeks ot comprehensive aerial and nesday at 2 :30 p.m. at the McClure guests of Mr. and Mrs. MDrrls Co.r• • • been Jlam~ and Supt . Braddock , ' nell. soclnl ' hour WQS enjoyed and dainty ground tm.Intng, ·these young Amer- . Little Carolyn Ann COnner spent • t!, 8rul()unces that' their fJrs! echool Funeral home with burlal In Miami IIr .., Uurl""e t··' c·I'bon,"". , ." ...... r • • paper tor ~ echool term will pre). refrll6hmants were served by the from every slate in the Union Sunday night and MO.l1day at the O. Cemetary. Mrs . J. p , Thomas and Mrs. Vir· ~10liteSs tQ Mrs . Jennie canner,' Mrs. ate ready to lead ANi' bomber8 to S. and B. O. Home, XenIa with her Memorial services were held at the bably be ready fol' the oh1Idren on gil Russell were shopping In Middlecrumb1iIl3 defenses of' Germany aunt, MIss Rubh Conner and wh l:c K . R. HIll, Mrs. Charles Ellis, Mrs. \FelTY Homecomlng Suncfa,y for Honday . Mr . apd Mrs. Jack Brown and Mr. town, Monday night . to the beleaguered out~ts of ithere she vIsited .~hetr kIondergarden . Fred HookiMrs . Walter Frasure, Yra /Roger Thomas B-nd grandson of Mrs ' Staff for the "Waycehan" are 88 EX-f~ boys, toot.ball play_ * • * anc;i Mrs. Homer Hart and daughter .;rapan . . oarl Ferguson, Mrs. Paul Maurice, ·':ennie Thomas and Mr~. Nellie Jilows. EcUtor, Rayl~ Crabb', costudents and ' young bUsbl~ Mr. QJld iMrs. Russell Bentley all d' J~lce; a! R1chmQnd, :Indlana, Mrs. Mr. and Mrs. ~Iton Sheeha.:t ~.•' Mrs .J • .E . McClure and Mrs. Elmer ')Vrlght, who 'Was kIl.1ed In action tdltor, Giadya . Rye; AiI't, Robe-men, they now have ,a common Db- !!lrs . Walter W1seman lU\d ohlldl·e.l, Hla.rry AzUng, Mrs . l1rts Vice, Mr . were SWlday evening dinner gue sts .,'" Jones . ' jective _ to. "C8J.Iry .tb mall'~. for ~ IPolly Lou and DUlY were visItors lit Md Mrs. Geo'rge st1'oud, of Day- of Mr. and Mrs. A. H. Eamhart . some where In France on A~ust 29. I'Isl}er. Ru~LeMay andlk?t1i7 BAlt.;' • • .• Mr . l\Jlld Mrs. Herbert Gr,aham Society, Mary J. AndepKlD, Feature, ~ '4ND. MB.S.E . F . EARNIIABT gre~1lir fleet. the home ~f Mr. and Mrs. Ande\'~ ton and Mr . and Mrs . W. E. Stroud Mrs. H. H. WllllalDSD Miss 6Dd famIlY, are spending a two-week Al~ Kleeman; . P1oUon, uartht. , ABE GUESTS IN DELAWARE t Fort An i t O-turd were clInner guests of: the ClaUde n "We'll Find the Way" Is th~ 510- lIOn a « en, 0JiI> ay. . Grace Williamson 'and Mrs. JosIah 'vacatIDn · at Mit, Eden, Kentucky. EarlYi Sporta, ildwyna. ~ortb: Stroud tamil . y Sunady" • • • Mr and Mrs. E. F. Earnhart b:V'e aan Ott the AJAP's akWed "com'llB&'l · . IDe.vIs were Wednesday e.v~'llng din- They will a&1si In a reVival meel11ng 'WIh~elette" Productloa, aa Ie I returned after sl=endlng severaa 'daJ8 ," Bombers gUided by AmerSoan !Farmers Grange no . 13 will meet lint; PublIclt)';I.&rmit, HUdlllm!bbt ,n cr guests of Mr . and Mrs . LlDyd IWJille lIbere . w!bh their son and daughter-Jon-IaiW, navigator8 lhave' already del1vered October 7 at 8:00 p . m . for InsPl:.'c Da.vls and sons. The Ferry Church or Ohrlst Mis- and Marilyn Bul'iIke; ~ Janicl!e thousanda of tons and de- ltion and reguIa,r business. All mtm•. • • slonary SOCiety Is meetL~g this week iIlumett IIIId Margaret fsllacs; BUIICDrporal and Mrs. Ohl11'les B. J!:am- etructlon to the en........ , m~ . are on bers are 1:'CQues ted to be present, ,nCJte ot,u~n Mrs. Alva Thompson has returned ~ith Mrs. Nellie Hun.ber. lless manager, BonI1~e Pt ters: PaC~lirt in New Cl8atle. Delaware . They -, v.~ sPen~ one day at Fort Dl.\pont,Del- the 'Way, . the change in t1me . , after spending the past severnl days Mrs. non fiUllIil'Drd received wor Idvls,,!', MIs. BM.' , 1lIW8J'e CIt y where cOrpOral Earnhart Some of the new graduates were . *. * at the Pythlan Convention In Spring ·that her hUSbal;1d is In a h06pltal lon Clasa DUlee~ ve, Freahman closS: " Is siat.lQned ,with' the WlentY-secOnd 'n"I",...... . helore enter!tlltf navigation Mr. and Mrs , Leo ~nner and iElIg. land and that . he had retul'ned !field. . ~atrd.. prealdenl;;.. Earl Rye, . corp, alSo vlslted ' PhLJa.delphla apd trem1ng, Those who bralned as ca- ofamlly were dinner guests of MI'. and • • • ,t here from Fl"a noe In a trans ' or~ ~Ice president;, Betty Thomas .ai.cre- . dets receiVed wif.h their vAn"'. their Mrs . Robert B1l1et SaLurday evenMrs'. J06lah Davis WBs Tuesd~y ; . He did not say if he 1tU'Y~urer; Da~Y' ~ reAl;an~lo City. mg coDUrlias1onS 88 fUgbt off,loers or ae' • • • evening supper guest of Mrs. Chal'- wounded·. .JlOJ1Ier, Sophomore claaa;, [) a vi d ...... Mrs. JDhn Reeder, Mrs . Verne tia.rtsoclr:, president; DorothY Conlas Anderson . l'DnGBESSm WOMEN'S _""--_ CLUB lieutenants. . Mr . an d Mrs . E . L , Tl:lOmas were • Schram, Mrs . ' Clarence Bockoven ard, viCe president:' Mildred BoUrne. . ROLD MOTRER-DAU~ ·" Each Ott ·t hem Is ap aerial expert, gueats of Mr. IlI\d Mrs . Myron BANQUET MOltIDAY.. OCT I trained to flnd the ta.r.get by' day or 'Thomoa a! Dayton, Tuesday . Mrs. John ncadw:y receIved the Md Mrs. Chet Pa1m~r· and Mrs, seoretary-treiuna.rer: Jean:· Wuso~ night, 111' fair. or moJement weather. • • • ' _ news MDnday of the death Df her perry J, Thom80 spent Monday in . leporter. Junior clasa ~ 'Boat' The PrDgressive- ' women's Club wlll, is ~heir forte andotheAxIs . Mr . and Mrs . Leo Conner sister, Mrs . George Pendleton of DB.yton . . ' , ' ~___ The P . T. Club of Bellbrook •• __ ,n-esldent.; Don BI'own. vice. pres .mect Dn· Monday e,,:enlng, Octob.n- 2, their ClOmIDQU object. family were eJitertained, to dinner ~.rd, Kentucky. ' .... • • • der the dlrectlon Df Mrs . BoCkoven Ident: Gladys Rye and W a·n d a' t "Our House" . .t~e meeting 18 to be FlJght Officer Robett 8. Thomu.26 TueSday evening by Mr. and¥rs . In the fOl'l'll of a Mother..Da\lChter, ~ Mr "and Mrs. ft'anlr. E. Walter Frasure. Mrs . J . P . Thomu ·spent Wednes- who is preSldent, 'gave an informal Propst 'eecretary - treasurer: ~ ' ,ba.nquet; fDllowed by a ' . program. , • • • daY ,in Spring Valley with Mrs . Lu- :reception .to the teachers' of Bell- mary Mulford, reporter, Senior Mr , Harry Burnett' a.nd daughters Miss Laura cunnlDiham, ·, tA,aoMr. eIle Compton. ~rook school last Friday evening. M~tha Early. president· Joe' Davla .. ' SRent Saturday evening with Mr • Ice cream home made cookies and ·' ." ,. ' ., ' • • • at Hughes 'Wgh ·Behool 111 0Indnand Mrs. E. L. Thomas. Mrs. Roger Chambliss has recelv~ coffee ker~ served, to about one hun- V~ce r"~dent: Ja.nice BumeU ~d natl, and spec1a.lIst in work f0t: defII VOMMUNITY • word f~m here SDn ~.t, Hairy M , .drer guests .. Mr. W1,1ey Manker Il! JoPn Ludington, aecretar)" - treasurective vision in children will be the . peaker. She wUl b~ ~¥al to MIBa Ruth OOnner · wns the week.; Turner that he Is being sent Dver- lIuperlntendant of the 60hoo1. . e r: buslnesa manager, D'nesi.1ne demonstrate the braille system fDr ClUzetls of W~lle and Cum- end guest· of MIss Lorna Lacy Ln Mr . P. J . Thomas bali received ,Or .the JunIor clssa. ' , • • '. . !l iWOfd. that his sister's hu.sba.nd, Sgt . rl~_ _ _ _":':"'_ _ _ _ _~_ _ bll.nd ~ple: Lt Is hOped 't hat' a 1&rge :""Ii"t... are maIUng plans to ~Ie- : Cinc1nnatl. . Olive Kadlde1 • Mr . and Mrs. Burgoyne Botner 'l owell F. ·P rlngle of Ft . Kriox, ·KY .•~ a th e Mtamt' Valley h<llpttal Jut nuinber' of members and' their guests Herbert Graham and family of the will enJOY .the evening With 'us . One Of. radio's b4s est WDI1!- and da~h~r Fran.oes, Df Vince..'lt, Ijs to receive a medical' ~ba.rge ~eek ~tn 'but' Is home now !UlCl. Ferry Chu'r ob Df 'Chrlst are enJoying' .en br Olive Kacklley,i W.CKYs Kentucky anct Mr. and Mrs. Earl [!from the imnY, Sgt. Pringle h lle paws a ll.ttle Improvement. .. .., a bwo-;week Visit in: Mt. Ed~n, Ky . good will ambasslador, wom- · ill '· .. 'Ml' d Mrs Tom P,ordyce nd en'• . commentator ,a nd women'. , ., Dr! and son '~ ()f lfam,lton, for some t.1me, and has beeu:J, 8on . , . a I ~ . program director:. In PBlt Ohio, were Boltners' in the h06pltli.l off and Dn 'all sum- IDoUflIaS called at lIbe_J .. P. three years she bIBS spDken, to 'ter Mrs . Woodrow Bmdenburg and .,er. ;, ises-H. R. FOrdyce home Monda; more ·than 1.000 civlc; service, fllmlly Frid&.y '&nd SatUrday. ~e Ladies ~d of the .Sugar Creek evemng. ' professlDnal and ~uslness orOhur$, met at . the home of M.s The SUP,ol' Creek 0hrIa~ ctimdl gani~tlons throughout Ohio., , Mrs. Jesa1e' ~-"an and Mrs A T ' BtU Ul'soheU last Wed. d '1, ' ,u nder the dirrectlon of It'8 mlnSIter Kent~cky and Indiana. She ' --v--,." .nes ay . n, , haa received .morc' than 53,000 I PollDB~y a..'1Cl Mrs. Rot:Iert Hyman ...t.ea served fruit. salad ,and cook- \W&lter Brant. Is a coUecti(<<l • .' pIeces or mall; has addressed were enterteined at a lunclleon at 1~ at the clo6e of the ,businesS meet- of clothing for the tmproyer:lih II&' Plo~e tban 500,000 persons. In- .'Kimper 1&ne Hotel In d1nclnnati Uig. qJIe of liberated .~, If ,.,.. eluding, a single audlenct> of last 'llhW'llday. Mr. Oeorge Gilliland 'vlsited a t .ani, will you IIIid 18,000,. arfd laas recelv~d mall 'r * • *. ' Detroit last weelt-end . . tbern to the churdl by Deit Buada.J. from an average of '21 ~tlltes 608ergeant Glebn E u-1dDs 01 " ...... J P Tho .' please. ~ co&ta every week. ,.,' , . U"'~. '.ue. " mases s.pen.t ,S\lUL _: ~~ -'- ~ Miss Kackley is heard at H'lf) Pueblo, Colorado, wbere he baa been daY with mla.tlvea at Lebanon. ' ta ~~~: AQd~ a. m. Monda.,- th'~0ugh Sat~r- ItatioD8cl 1~ ~ Put teD montba ..)Ir. and Mrs. Jess HolaAd,..Mrs. eeDd eveDlDi ~,... . . . .. ~O::~ day on .the L. B. W'llsnn ' station arrived here ThlU'llda,y, September 21 l"orreat Tro&t. and daughter . Jan"t UDI10n cl DIIa. WIIID8Il and at 5:30 p. m, (~ach Tuesday ;to IPI!Dd a fifteen day ~Iou(rh with vi&lted lira. Kate Hawes at' SprtDg need ~ aDCt- ....... and , Thursday· i)h the program, bJ& paftDta and aI8ter Kr aDd Mra v.ue, 81inc!i, ' ,.., to IICIUftI tIIIal. ·Cbarm for You, \1Id ltls*'na UId ~.. . aabI....s _ , . ' . Ill. Qeoqe Schmitt wa ret\lmed till .....






.• .' .


1"."1t Ity

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One ,O f Busiest W 1Ft R(ldio





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bdnr .OI'




UttJt .fll{ami


't te

Tlnlley . ( It rn ' f t l. 191 1, Wbrd OJ l'<'~e \' d 1.l!fe last w Pb. . DtI ,Main Street th!\L t' v~ . V Inl(> Wayne. vWe Ohio aT I\)w, who nas b(o-. 11 st~\ OJ"'I n.long ~ho Mrxtoo, n -. -....... -:--M --8el-C-o-ncs -ClaIII --,·-Y-&I-1-M-a-tt.e-r-a-t-PO.';-to-ff""lc-e-,-w -~--es-v-lJ-le-,""'O ~ ~hl~ tif\ldel' 'fOr lIre 1n I. IiI V on _Il..ontl! , IIUI so n. bi! Inu ' , d out a~ Walte r W. Wisem an, Editor and Publis her ,'! nylor, nod will reLlli'n home.





I88UED EVERY 'nIURS DA Y. 8Ubiicr10t10D PrJce, 11.50 Per Yenr, Payable in Ac1vllDee

••• •.•

ger and s n Hayold. of N w Dayt rl AlburLa. 'Ill It'U .t.'1 were Mr'I. "In 8 1 bee JUdi:'e and <1rs A. ,Rl,sirger, Mr. n,' d Mrs . P . D: Olag, tt AUce and John (klns.

Fro m [he Miami Gaz ette .Files

me .


Mr. and Mrs, Janle8 Md)ona ld ' The Warren County laIr 1s OVt'I such lovely weMbe r for outdoor ann childrcD. were SWlday evetl'lng for thIIi yel\'. 'I'ha.~ was the greatest work and tIlso I Was sav.Lng gMOllnc I al1e ~ at. bile home of her father J. event Of la,st.wec k. Alter, hll.\'ing ne SQ I didn't get there. Today I dld a L . Kendok . near Wa yne$viUe . fair for two year& a nd Iyl llll the new !rqt or two more.ot my stone work. Mr . ·n.nd Mrs. R . O. Boulware, of grn, d s~nQ It was Il. gr-eat occns1on. :It is C()ming' I;lowly . One wheel borChll;u;ville, were visitors h ere, SunS ptet:nbe,"12, 1944. ' Tod 'I \ as thc row lood of !nIxed cement put In tl:ty lternoo n. ' first day pf Lll B fall' 'I1Il1s was t.he place 13 about 0. days work for Die. I v~ Wilbur Thomps on, who was day Wb 1\ everyon e was working. EltMonday . :Still utJau tifull wea.Ule.r I t1uct.ed into II mce March 22nd, ,nd has been stationed at Oamp 'h lbl ts \ ere enning in, boobhs were 'rhere was a nip in the flir,for II. day beJ,ug dCf'orntcd. Everyon e was vlslt- or two that--ma de tlho solc,tier. home enr~on, Colorad o, is home on fur- Ing and keeping Ql\ eye on the others fr 'lD a. year In !.he tropIcs, sWver lough visiting- his parents , Mr. and to s~ who had the best idens . The but now It Is WQl'm and bright again, , rs. Walter 'l1hoinpson and rela- schoo~ a ll Ihad exhibits and the ' ~ With summer 's bt}St weathcr a.nd ,Ives IIInd trlen<!S. He was formerl y" a es each had w~rked out good Autumn 's bes t of cheer" . They put "mllloyed by the Huffma n Mfg. 00. ddeas . (Later . The Lebana n-Gran ge Ule last of tlhe OObacco in today, \\1. ayton, where his wile , Louise with the "Steps to Victory " won q It a lot of the sorghum Is stripped . iln d two children Thoma: ; Dale and first, and the Wa.: nfsville "V for nnd n ow Ul y ,11 get the soy bean ':;l.zD nne Kay live at present . Viotory " won \ second. ) _Shelvt}S ftlll J13y In before the weathe-I" ch~ges Wilbur has three brother s 10 ser- of canned frults and baked goods tJle rrst of tlhe !.hlngs will be vice two ot -whom al'e ove~eas. 'I'lle harmed made your mouth water. Racers by neither frost nor nUn. Thompso~ family were residen ts of were trying out tIl e track ~nd the Tue3day . Stili no ra~n though the B·eec.h Grove until a l few years ago, s l;l()k exhibits wore beginni ng to fill !<J<y was red in the asb this momwhen \.hey located nea r WaynesvUle. up the barns. mOmin g wh1ch Is said to be a wal'nBack of the stock barn \VBS tile i n ~. How glad I aJll !.hat I hav~ no INDUS TERY MUST LEAD beauty parlor for hellers. Wben I sn)' In \\Ch.:l t. the weather will be. I (lome along a. line white Ayrshir e would hnl' to ch 0 between good The first move in post·wa r pros· was having n slutmpo o and mani- llRstW'O with plenty of wa er In t1he perity therefor e Is industry 's move, cure. The boy In charge '\vas going sprL\gs aud 'OUr Gl>y bean hay safely pulting some 7 to 10 milliofl men to work at gll lnful employ ment. It is over it -thoroug hly WiUl 50rub brush in for \V~a I' feed but as It is we IIU small muller. The average In- and soap from Its h orns to its 1111 ve 10 ke what comes and l1ke it. vestmen t necessa ry to make a job in hooves it WIl.S beLng lathered Imd It Is 50 nice 't o have ODe boy Amedca n induslry is $0,000 which then wnshed off with IJ1tl hoso. A h me on furlough , we wL'>h we meuns tha t mdulitry mU6t put up 40 \young Guernse y Vlmt was getting c uW have nll of them for good to 110 billion doUar s for pla nt cquip. .\By sllullar treatme nt did not like cold the ,W:l.Y, a I or you home people men t and worklng capital to m ake aU WIese jobs good, that is, make mllter l rom the hose at all. !.hey are caillng for mora blood donth em pay wages and Interest on in· The s.tock in tlle Junior falr and Ol:i. 'I'ho Unit Is l t Daytc.~l now 01' vestmen t. the 4-'H call club seemed to be the the Rod Cross In Leb non w1ll Soon aller V·Day some 16 mUlio n o:Jly ones from any professJonnl you t.o CinGlnonn 1;1. This IB, somethi ng men will stnrt making Ulelr p~ rsonal , ery able bodl d perSO:1 at adJuslm ents from war to :I peace- breed er&. I t is nice to see these prIZe that lit 1 1: IOanlll'l' ot lifo. Abuut six mll· winners put I wisb there was some h ome OlIn do \.0' save the -life of t\ lion 01 them will get out of industry way to have more loca.! exlblts and "'c untltd man. The !l g h~ng ISnt ruler the war; you g people relurn· more fJOm our produci ng lanners . OVGI' !lind yet t.hey are havlllg more i{lg 10 school, murrJed wj)men reo o t cOarse I know \.ha t t he busy trouble getting don t's because peasumlng their hOI1lI<·m:lk.!ug, CIC . DUt rn.rt:n~rs hasn't ' t he time to groom pi thick the -war over. nllnk of some now in wa r indust..i s will wam .hJs cows and brln'" iJlcm In 00 com- thl ~ If you ar nc cpt,ablc to keep wur\(ing. as a bloed Pete ag>Jrinst lhe proCess ionals but d(;l\or, wha t If o bers ~'rom UII1Ue you ~ .U-i.e go and The -United States iil;d~ will keep there silould be 800d awul'ds for lo- 01 • boy dlt}S (or la.ok at blood you a la rge standin g Army and a .nore cally bred stuff. Perha~ the r e (;uld J,ave given, as many have dled p owC!'lui Nu y. thu n ever Deture. could ~ be an ellm111aUon contes~ Th fe Is not ~10ugh fot' a ll. There Probnbl y anybudy who wunts to reo wh ro the j uc;l.ges visl~ the farms and mnin in the armed lorces will have too much because It can a chalice (0 slIY. but millions of picked lJle best five 01' s ix to be liglillng mell wlli wont civilian jobs shown at tbe flii~ . The same .m lght ri ght alte r t he war. Tbe e lWI) be done with poul&ry. ve one pint of blOOd but 1 gtuUPS combme d f1luke.7 to 10 mil· Prlday. I thou ght tha.t s urely 'I It cnn save a Ufe. And also don't lltop lioll workers and Lhj!re Is not much woulc1 go to the fa.u· again but. It ,',as bu lug war bonds. d isagreem enl among statistic ians abuut the fig ure. • PUlling all theso m en to wox:k, of TAVERNS and RESTA URANT S NEW l\ltLEI\GE REOOR DS cours e, IS unly one side of industr y's big post·wa r reypunsilJ lliy. Tbe ol:b· . T81vern nod restaurant Opl:l'atO s an:."f:crSons wbo mailed Ithelr tire. er hal! ot l Is vrovidi(1g PIIQple the ho are p urchas1Dg a.~ establls,h- II: r C tipn records to -their boards they, waut and need a t price~ lhey can afford to [Jay. Both under· . ment .no II. golng ooncC'fn were advis- wl ~l\ th applica tion far T n ewn.l of tuk lngs requu'e some high·p wered oed today by JoJ;m E. Roblnso n, Jr., . A' gasoline books, o.s required , are phlilnil'!l. l 'uJ)ular reiail prioes have .dJstr1ck OM dlreoto r 00 check with now on!;el'ne d because the recMd \0 SHIH Ith low producU on oosts the local ration boMd Or the Cin- was not. returne d to !.hem. the rewhich depend on volun e, bu t over- cliinatl Distrlot ' OPA the' ceiill:lg curd is 110 10nger-:requJred . 'Ilhe "Mlproduct ion Is a calamIt y In any pr lt;e3 , . Which the seller claims are ) ~e " 1 tic.nJng recOrd which is bepiaut. a Mu cala mity in any .lndu~. in ' affect at the · place being sold. l ing seut out take3 If6 troY. place,

FUElL OIL-Pe riod 4 and 5 cotlpens, n ow perlo<l 1 coupons go,.d through h ea.ting YCilr.

SHOES -Alrpl ne s l&mps 1 and 2. gOOd indefhlllitcly. A new shoe tJlllnp 00 become good Novemb er 1st. I ,-,

, ATHLE TES FOOl:... R eqoll'f.5 Mobne Liquid adb'r FOR AND CONSIG N SucessIUl treatme nts must ~ mOl'e YQur cattle, hO(fs, stiet!p and ~IYe. ' tban surfa.ce ar.'Pllcations. PoWQt:l'S , t l) Noms-B rook co.:: IJve ' WIre an.1t salve3 or oUy -llquJds do hot pcnet1'll.te progres siVe firm for the jiJ.gheatsU!ff.icle.ntly. AJcoblIl !s moblle. It market 1l1'tcI!s and gOod ~De. PENETRIA'I'E'S. Te-ol is the only UnJon 'Stock Yards, Olnclnn atl, O. solution we know of, made with 90 Tune in on Radio sta,tion ' WOKY', per cent - alcohol. '&EAOB nd ES 12 :25. -to 12: 30 p. m.' tor our ·dally KILL8 more germs. 35c a.t any drug market reports. to store. Tooay, at W. L. ~e"


!,DkS ,,ou be8r ,that

Tom is

gomg to be

~w:t.ed irito the Army next wp:.k, Judge?" " .. :y~ Ftank,told me tllis morning down

.t-, tbe~ber ~

Our 'tp\yn' a lot of IDeO in the aervu:e now, Juil. 'In fact, all ..... bave. I was juat readirlg in the paper

wiele ,~ ...e·more·tban 10,000,000 men CIII1:their lionles iiI'the armed forces. . , all ~ they're doing a p d ' ViCtory clOset every day, .

~ at


. . . IoJb

home have a .milJhty big . ~ those lQ,OOO.OOO.fighting men. , lOt topodu ce the food to keep them



NOW 'WITH well fed, We've ~ot to keep them supplied with the ammum tion and equipment they need to finish their job. W~'ye got to help

the q,.Gv~ment pay fC?f 'all these jlupplie s our men need by J>uymg more and more War BOnds. We'll have another big chance to do that by helping to put the next War Loan drive ovet the tpp, Jim. . ... And,'in addition, we must be sure that, while they're away and can't eJg)re88 their opinions. we don't Bt>. voting on and deciding any things that wiD dii!please them wheo th~~oome ~."





Not a mess:y, 'h ard .to US~ dye. '. Not a ::ll ow working vitamin but a 'colorl ess" l i qu~~ Ulnt will in a few, simp,]e , app1iC;ktions restore g ray and st~eaked hail.' to a beauti ful, naturaJ ' colO!· 01' your money back. -


HAH1 ',N U-TO 'N E

i. on . ..Ie at



PJ,one 2121


Fro m 'A Far m Dia.ry- -Dr y Rid ge_



. END YOUR ·Gra :v ·




Only three dangers scom big enough to llireoten Americ a's d ire ct ourse to post.wnr·pr·osllc rll)'. They nre nf senrcity of capital, (2) loss of V.~ NC. torelgn mnl'\cets and 3) governm ent bunglin g In matters of business. Two previou s ehnptcr s of "Looking --.,.-- Ahead" discUSEC d Ihe first two ob· FrFTl' ' F.,\J.1. AGO l;tacles, Eith er o( them could wrcck Iltem1){'r 2), I BM Americ a's hope of world leadersh i p; both call be avoided. The courage of our peop,e to brave E. V . Barnlla rt s home over the first ' two haznrds dellcnds on Sunday . H. H . WJ.lUalnsoll. of Cl ov Ilml knowing what gOl'crnmenl means 10 do abou t tM third. Oy investin g visited his !amJly over Sunday . the cost of six months at war, ill· Di ck Milson · wn.~ ir!'u llli ing dustry can create lhe 7' to 10 mil· FIFTEE N YEARS AGO Mrs, W. ,Po Snllsbu ry llI:1d little nrnong his Wn:y ncsvmc Iriends on llon new Jobs need(~d. Com petent Septem ber 25, 1929 g :nndson, JiUchard Benson , wJ10 hIlS SW1day . Americ an w8rkers cnn makc thcse Jobs pay good wages and returns on ~,)Cnt the samme r with his gra ndMrs. Dr. Ogles lira. Elimbet r Bfl.1ly was tJhe returne d Ins' the Investm ent. Industry and labor .guests of J. B . Ohapm an and flUJl1ly parents . leIt Sllnday for Cleveia,:1d Sa.~rd!\.y from II. t wo werk's S1 con succ cd togelher wilh favorab le governm en t regulnllons. h I'e Ml's. Salisbu ry will visit h I' w:lth her parents . in' Columb us last ,week. .. Pays to be Rrady Miss . J eanne MeredlUl attende d lIdren. They were accompa.nled J . O . On.rtwrlgh t, a f Dayton , Stalling and delaying at the war's the PnahIIUl,ns' party of ,the Oen- y Mr . lIbury nnd Mrs. Harv y greeted the Waynes vllle girls WllJl end may, In three ways, stop all .t.ervUle high sch?Ol \ru;t Friday even _ progres s at lo bar and bldus try back his Bmiles on Sunday . ~e and Daught er lIS tar as P lain toward prosper ity. Indeed one ob· W. O . Raper lell Sunday even ing Mrs. William Droke and Mrs . City, wllere they were joined by Mr. 10- King's Mills kl· accept a ppsislon structio n can koep recovery from even starling , migh t wreck Privute NaYD8td Weltz vlstted Mrs . Glen Olnrk Salisbur y !4'1.d all cnJ.oY <\ a <In a grocery , at tllat placo Enterpr ise belol'e It stnrts. Taxa· . . Bland at Miami Valley hospital Frl- plcnIo cUnner before sepa.rat.1ng for Mr . - nnd Mrs. F. C. 'I'holllemnn.'l tion Is the deadly tool. No new la ws &elY aftemOC!n their respectJvc de3tina tlollS. vi'llted Frankli n relal:ives Wedne.'1 - are necessa ry. Mnny n small in· dustrlal pl ant will never turn II whe .1 Jacob Wagner of Oe.kl&nd, CaJU. The Wayoes vllle N~t1ona.! Ba.nk day and Thursda y and attende d the aLLer Ufe emerlle nc.v until pr S nl haa been making IU1 extende d visit !W8S closed TUesday afterno fair . tax lows are changed. on on with h1a cOusin, O. S . Ellis and A tactory In Texas works 11i0 mc n. G . J . Wright · accomp anied his family. of Route 1 account of the fUn eral services Cor d aughter, MrS. N aner Dakln an d I know the own r. . His tnxc.:s I'UII Mr, and Mrs. Herman Surface of O. E. Riley, senior vlce-pre slde;lt. oIlildren to their henne in Hannib al, $1.000 a day last Iyear. nbput lhe , same as his plly .roll. He m ::mngl'.~ d ~'- "'- t Mo., on TUesday . Dayton and M'r . aD .uou o. "," TWENT 'liiFIVE YEABS AGO today because the goYel'l1ment takes iIIa.1UO ct a.nd s on spent Sunday In most exquislt style, MIss May his complete output ; no r isks 10 run, willb Mr. and Mrs. George Hart Septem ber 25, 1919 WrIght, anttwttllned her friends at no' selUng to do. Aller the \ ur it n' progres sive euchre pa rty on Thurs - will be di(Ter nl : Uncerlnln ric· 1IOCIt. . ~ mands , sure .selling l:oslS, cOll1petl · d ay evening . Mrs. A. T. Wright WBS in MlddleMr. Rnd Mrs . ' W . n . Madden i d tion to meet. Withoul lllx relie f Mrs .. F L . IIJIen, Mrs. S Jg er an ,toWn BatlirdBy to a;ttend the funeml :were Sabina vis I OOTS, SW1day . llttle Irwin Sigler of Dayton spent he does . I)ot see how he CIll! afill rd services for her motiher- wbo died on to take sucb: risks. Dr . H. E. HathlllWllY spent Qun- Saturda y noc1 Sunday, with Mrs . Time Has '~al ue /Wednesday folloWing ~ stroke or !ay witlltreIa.t.1vcs in Spr~ngb oro. M&ttle Dodson . The eose Is typica l. Most manu· apople~, Mr. and Mrs. H. E. Enlnha r t A. D . . HaIne3, by the carelul nurs- tacture~s believe lox revisions will ,Fred Hubble received serious In- "nd L1l1ian WUk rSOD were come, but they fear delay. It work OIoolnlog of 1115 w:lfe and skillful treat... es ". -IAnn .tarts J••.... on a new t a>:_billll((e r V·Day, """" ' afterno on, wheD Idck- atl . v,lsltors, SW1da.y. • - ••en t 0 f his. ..... ~k ys Ic... 1ft n, is spes. d1ly it will be a year in till) making ed by a borae and is now a.t Mtami rega.1nLng his former b.eal!.h. and a serious busines s depress ion Valley hQ6pltal, With a .broken ann Mrs" Rol RIsinge r and son, Ha.rold Mrs Henry< McK.lru;ey and little can get under way In that time. and 'f ractured ribs. of, New Do~ton, Alberta, 08.nada , daughte r visited in X enia on Satur- U employ ers m igbt know' today holY Job Reed Mr .re visiting 'her parents ' and other re- da.y last. peace.ti me· taxes will ' b figured, 1If. l\l1d Mrs . ill cr, . htlvea. &Del urll. Boward surface and SOn, they could estlma te prices a nd shift . Dr . L . C. Lukens left for New Into post.-wn adwln. Mr. and Mrs. Maurice ()s- Mr . and Mrs. Gideon Brown, of York r production and em· Mooooy evening , being detain- ployme nt without a shut-dow n. born. an4 family sMnt SUnday with Pendlet on, Oregon , are guests of MJ:. ed here 11 day or ·two longer than exSometh ing else busines s men can't 1Il' •. and Mrs. Marlon Osborn and' ~ Thomas ' and f~y and other pected. walt for too long: News about gov· fUlLlly, The aftem90 D W88 Spel!lt en, rele;t1ve3 here. Mr. .Brown is a n t}phMr . and Mrs. Jrunes Stoops, Mr. ernmen t cOQ'lpetition. Th o U. S. owns JoJ1na water melon. . ' outrigh t 25 per cent of tbe nation' s ew of bile late Thom~ J . B~wn , and IM rs. JOe Thomas . Jr., Mrs. mnnufa cturing 1tIrII. FWeat Hough and daughte r ~d it has been th!.rt,yfl plant!1 and equip. ve y('ars Walter M9Chir e nnd Mrs ,Elizabe th ment, Will tbese be said into prl· .-I n..u..... Oft f V ott h ,.mee he bas visited bhe home of h1s ~urphy were en1lel'tained by Mr . vate ownersh ip, or wbM? U support · : : : - : : gues... 0 em n~g ~hood, __ .~ ' -" and Mrs. Joe Thomas Br. , llt'll ~1ih- , ed by taxes, Buch plants could rIlake • Oharle§ any tblng from foot-vnllvcs to lighl. Woolnr d and famIly SpeD.t day.. . Yr. Uld Mrs. ,1;). E. S ta.hlford ' ' nlng rodll and leave the employ ees Mveral days wUh relative s In InaDd BftIldaon Earl Conner Jr. zspent r Miss Mary L. Oook expects to or' bankrup t eompetl tors weeping in ~ PrIda.Y 10 SpIing Valley, dJanapollB, this week. day leave Su:n tor Chicago where she the streets. ...Iu.nne!Y.J[k...J...cM......M[UH!I'-iliJHI:~BIL..allJcelJiteclLa posltion _ SecUtioD II Unlawlu l as bookMr. and Mrs. 8am-Mertrl",t:h-~-+R' ~ed"""'Hawke were visitors in Oincln- ~per in a: · c1oak store. REl\IIN DERS Sabotag e is governm ent's third HeT eotertal Ded Mr, and Mrs. Joe Lomany fear friends to remove. here natl regret her deAllen ngltatcr s un· Thursd~also took in the '. sal of Bellbro ok, last Sunday evell-- -MEA'l'S , FATS~R d ' s~amps A8 muzzled In thll couptlty can be ex· 10,_ pal1ture verY muCh. , auoo show at M~'e hall . ..... <through Z8, AD throug: l G5, g<!;?cl 11 C pected to slart promot , I I ini ~evoluli on The little babe .of Mr . aDd Mrs. Mr . nnd Ml'5 . R y Hata1n.way nod os soon as hostiliti es have' ceased. dd inately. Charles died s ud d en I y, Ma ny new·ma de Americ ans still AD'fBB TISE IN THE GAZE'lT E1 Miss LUCY Emley were week-en d \15- 'Ilhursdau'Mosher n.ttennoon. PROCE SSED Ii000 8 - E 1 u e hold slave·la nd notions and believe itors with Mr. and Mrs .. ~ Ha!.hn~ stamp; anytbln AS through Z8 and AI) g that Injures their employ . ~Y. of OoluIDb ll& Grove, Ohio. er helps them. 'Arson, violence and deflnllltely. through , L5 good tndefln TOBACCO ·PltICE S Born-T o Mr. ' fII:1d Mrs. Leonard vandali sm should be restrain ed in wtt}ly. Bl ue OOken {jo~d caly thro'ug1. OPA hus announ ced on years when life an~ liberty depend 'S eptemb er 30. ,f.QOUokens wltll YO)lr. on emelenc y. Supp~rt yo ur home t~ w n p per . c1 one ce.nt per package . In the ~atnl1 nel9hbo'r s 00 ma ke mul pies or 10 The The Miami Gazctte is the ' only ceiling price of the 15-cont package s stay' world's only tree people must fre e. IndcpendE!nce must be SOGAR -Sugar stamps 30, 31 Slid newlfPQper ln the world that carel 01 SWeetened scrap chewing tobacC()o retained by the world 's only !laljon 32 an'd 33, ch g:;oo for fiv e POUI-HIs A previoUS lncrease or one cent was not reduc ed to beggal'y . No sane a.tythln g abQut W aY Dl!Svme and allowed on ~t. 4, which -brings the basebal l player would go. to bat with indellna tely. Sugar Sllm1P 40 g..oq vlclnlty . ·two. strikes on him. and, by the for 51bs. callnLng sugar thrOugh Feb1)resent ceillng pr,lc~ to 17 cents. same token , Americ a's rntional busl- ruary n ext year. neliS men deserve on open staleme nt GAiSOL INE--ln' states outside the of governm ent polky 011 three things: (1) taxallon , (2) sedition and East coast area, A-12 coupons 111 ' (3) gov!!rn!J1ent compet ition. If gov- 11ew "'A" book good through Decemernmen t wtl\ clear the tl'ack, Iniius. ber 21st, B-~, B-4, 0-3" 0-• . until , ~--.......:~---t-..--r try wll,l come through . • ueed .

N.llo" .' Ad.. rtiling tly.

EPTEM DER!8 , 194•


Revival in ,Marshall Island~





....-----~. WEEKLY MkiW.- ANALYSI~-._~I rr~ONS:


Germari Resistance Stiffens as A II ies Assq.ult S'L"egfrL"ed LLOne,· H. og CeLOloLngs 'Extended to June


E~peet Shipments -' First ot the 2.000.000 eh!ctl'le Ironl to be produced under ·govern· ment authorization In 1044 will m'ake thelr a'ppearance OJ;! retail counters about the mlddJc ot October, trade circles sold, with price! approxima~ Ing those of 1942. Only llmlted supplies will be a va n. bl tr d a e, a esmen sold. with manu· facturers, jobbers and distributors nllocating the irons to stores under tormulas based on prewar pur· chases. Manufactured In areas where pro· ductlon wLll not Interfere with war work, the, electric Irons will sell trom $5.95 to $17.50.

'¥l1ke Hay' in Stchool, Teen.Agera Advise




Handy Energy Savers

Scotch Oat Brend ' Liven& Up Meal









Mqrbld. cur!osity and ~ou"btlela~ . nell on the part ,of clylllani can greatly blndel'-und 8Omettm,e' :de.troy-the efforts ot dlaabled .ol~ diare to J1la4Jult ~elJl.elve. .to • ilormal c1vllJan Lllfe. Sllraeor, Qen· , .ral Norman 'J!. Kirk of lb. arm1 dtctared., ' . "14odern Iyr'tl'1 I. IIdllfulq Nltorln, then men.~· General ItIrIc HId. "preatbes.. are f\mlIlhed tQ M'U7 'man who baS' lost aD arm 01' Ie, and the men an &aUlbl bow ' 'to

IIJeID. • "' ."

1\11, 1'110'01 T CIIVRCU B. U. Colen;lan, Mlnllter

Un b i as~d observers and I'd1to"I'I1 writers generally agree that Pres .. Iden t Roosepel t·s fi rst openly la beled political taik was a lIlal>till·plece .. Impnr tin.1 "rooters" 011 t he · " Ideline". ~n this great "game of polItics ·. a re pretty muoh Impressed WI Ul the Id( a of k eep!.~lg the quarter b ek In the game when the team is w;nn lng - speCialiy IC they have a son, 0 1' rela tlve cr frlm d on the The air these days is full of p o~~· tenm . . L!lusche's fri ends are beam- war sehemes whereby somebody else long, because ~hey know that a hea vy Is going to take care of us f orever, but in all these Santa Claus schemes. Roosevelt vote wUl h elp t hem. you are just 88 soaked as anybody.


· .'.


We used to hear a lot about Old Age r ensions, but the Wl\r has In the first place, a big part c.f ('l'Owded t hat C1gh t ot the front .eyery dollar you spcnd for breall. pages. However, there is st!ll one .ehlrls, automobiles and nearl, evelything else Is lor taxes. p"bllclty Illilll " aL baL" tal' th emJc·hn Schram, of Cleveland. knoWl1 to radio f am all over the state Seeondly, the eompany you work tor ia probably paying terrific ta.xcs throu gh hls Radio Club. - and these taxes are, after al' partly out of '!lour production . If Tllere Is 1\ rcnl erton being m taxes were less, your wages migilt In Ohio to get all voters to "vote All be more. of their ballots" this yenr. Each V(lter will receive a PrcsldenUaJ balYOU - worldng in eonjuncticn lot, 0., state ballot. a non-par tisa n with the .tockholders and managc· Judicial ballot. and In some coun ties ment of your company-are one of the produeers of the money out of S jlecial Issue ballots . . It Is 1It~1 Inter.- which corporation taxes are taken. estlng observation In voting, to note how the percent age of votes drop off So don't believe In anybody posfrom ·the Presidential, down to ' the Stnte, through the Judicial and on Ing 118 economic Santa Claus-he is Just taking it out of ono of your to the Special Issue ballots. pockets and giving it bnck to you • • • . ~ anothe.t. . CUynJ10I.'1l County. the largest In the state. wlth one sixth of the votes aOE RATIONI NG Effec l.lve september 25, s hoes con ~in Ohio, has only had seven members In the Su pr~ me Court S~llce be- (lIni ng no lea th e1' 411 m de with Ing admitted to the Uulon in 1802. rubber soles will be ration-f ree. T he ( If anyon t Is Interested. we wUi be release. aHects chien y gym shoes.The glad to send Ule na mes IItnd da.tes.) rum or In shoe tra de circles d uring p t week that all rubb' T-soled • • Don E1brlgh t, Republican candl- shoes would be frOOd rx:om ra tioning (:a te for State Tr~ l\Surer, L, devotlng has no founda.t ion. . mOl'e t.l me to a n atlon~w l de camp. algll for tile Prtsldo!l.tlal ticket than his own campaign for treasurer of Ohio.

• •







BOl.DDiG8: Aside f1IOm ' holdings

.oJ. lamb and mutton. which'


Botb wholesale and retail ' trade sbowed ,: appreciable Increaaea I1l ' mld-September ov:er the same pe. dod , last year. with mOlt Unel 'sen., Ing 'well, . , · .:.Moit pro'lounced acUvlty W8I 1b collese lind young glrlJr' apparel and accelaorle.. and luch .port.wear .1 .klrt. and jackets 1ft plalda and lOUd color. moved well. . Botb Iur,..nd 'c:lotb coats were Ib demand. Blp _colored aDd bl8dt auUa and dre.ucl fowid. read7 buJ·

;iJDated 15.".000 pOund.. meat etDr· ag. ~owed a decided · drop on Beptember 1. Sloclta of pork totaled ",4l1li.000 pounct., amalIeIt December '!, 11M3, and beef IWldlnp ~ to 181.-.000 pouDda. 1qlaJ,l. .....lnce November 1, 1MB. AI ".IMO.OIIOpouac1a, lard atocU WIt lowtIt l1li" I'ebruar" I. era.



A state-wide caravan, headed by the popular 'William G. ,PicIu:el, Democratic candidate for U. 8. Senator; Lee FaIr, candidate for Secretary of S tate. BInd George A . Hurley, candidate for At torney ~Deml , a nd j oin~d , by local candld!1tes, is meeting with enthUSiasm all alon g the route.

See the Miami Gazette line.


AUCTIONEERING Stanley and Koogler

Fo)' Dates, Phune 2894. Waynes\'lIle, 01110, Reverse Charges '

9:30 a. m .• Bible school 10.45 ~" m.-Communlon. 11 :00 !L. m.-8ermon. 8:00 p. m.- PreachlnS. FRIENDt; FIrst Day &chQOI, 9:3(' a. m. , MeeLlng for Worship. l'h30 .. m.

ST. AUGUSTINE CIl1JltCll FaUu:r· KrIUl1beIu. PrIetI& M ass Sunday 9:00 a. m . W ~ YNE8VlLLE COUBCD OF

CBlU8T M~ir Rn.ndall, MIJllater Bible 8cbool 9.30 .. m. Communion 19 :45 a. Dl. P I'!' ''' hlllg. 11 a. m. Young People's meeting 7:00. f!venlllg ~erv1ee at 8:00. You a,re invitee to come and worWI. hlp wIth ,


l\IT. 1I00.I.Y M. E. (lllVRCn 1'. M. Sr..rtl. MI.later Sunday Sohool 0:30 a. m. II. A. Wors hip service a.t 10:30 A. M.

8nrnhart, Supt. i!:venlng eJervlce, 7:30 p. Ill. ..Ii ' Gasoline Book Cbuitstamp A-113 In the De\V "Ah book, naw valld, ls good for four I'&liooa Instead of the three wh1ch' preY10us stamps brou8'ht.


WfDNfSDA tQCTOBfR 4, 1944 AT 10:30 O'CLO.C K A:..;.:.M :::,:..._-...,.


At 10 :30 A. M., we will seU the followlng chattels: 40-HEAO OF CA~ 27 H I>Ih GrMIp. Mil k Cows. pure bred Guernseys. Rogl terrd Jerseys. 'Ph ese Cows In gOOd flow of mIlk. R(.ogI.stered. auemaey Bull, 3 yrs. old. Yearling BulL 4 Guernsey Cows. with calves 'b y side, 2 Bblllteln Oowa. 11 Good Hc lfers. This Is I:I n out.standJng herd of cattle.






Span good Mules, excellent 'worker!; . Good Saddle Horse. Sorrel Mare. 5 yrs . Eny Geiding. 8 yr8. .

People Need Hair 11 your hair is bhln or lalllng Dandruff m.lght be the caUBe. -try-

LORTS Sold on a Money-Back Guarantee On Bale At Waynf,llvUle Druc Store

HOUSEHOLD GOODS Choreboy 2-urut portable Milkjng Machine, like new. . 'I'E lRMS-OASH.

RIDGEWOOD FARM Inspection of

FInn prior to sale. For 'lnformation caUthe Auctioneers.

\I; ...=;;;;,o=========~'1 F, T , MAR~

& O. E . RIESAU, Auctioneers. ~02 Co~erclal Bldg. AD-366I, DaYtcn ..

Sand & Gravel


.......... ..,

" ' !l II\' (;IWnCIl OF CHRI8T H rbert Graham. MlnIater


Phone' Warneev1lle 28U


1-a,lph Parks. Minister ln CbaI'l'e Chu rch school at 9 :30 B. m. Morning prayer and se.rmon 1'1:00 a .m.






Located '2 miles Southeast of Oentervil',' . Ohio. Con Spl'ing Vall, y .nd Rook Road, a.t RaIDGEWOOD FARM . The 91-llCl'e Farm Is improved wUh a good G-room frame House: Barn i81160; Cribs and Impleme nt Bul ding. 36xGO: Milk HO\lB4l: Brooder House: Electric and Wa,tCr under pressure in all bUIldings . All bUUdIT.Ip are In excellen t repair, Barn like new; praCltlJally qll O!:W Fence on 1a~: White " Ceol'ge H. Bender. Ohio's conress- cloard [Clnce around the buldlngs . 70 A-:res Till ble. very beat of land, in man-at-Inrge, was the only Repub- good production- 15 Acres In Alfalla, 20 Acres Woodland, Blue Grasa Pa!I~ lican on the s tate ticket to get the Lure, wit h runniJlg WllIt;er . IP. A. C. endorsement . . William L . TIlls FlI rm lla5 an idelli loco,tloo 1' 1 Washington Twp .• approJl1mately Hart, candidate fOr re-eleotlon to 9 miles of Dayton. School bus aL door; Dayton Telephone aemce. TbIa Is the Supl'eme Court, Is also a Rep- a spJendld opportun ity to purchase a re/Ll ,farm, as It abeoluteIy eellI to Ublican o.nd runnlng state-wide. but the high est bidder . PUl'cllaser \.0 have seeding privileges, J)OII8e88Ion, Man:h Is on a non-partisan Judicial baUot. J . 1945;' clear warran ty, deed ; all taxes paid until 'JuDe, 11MB. 'With thel!: support. TERMS-41.000.00 ·CASH, day of Auction; Ba.lanee at Dellvery or Deed

protect yo~rself with good inaurance ,10 that n.o mat· ter ., what happena, you, your' family and your property wi.1I be fully 'p rotected. 0I11ee at Ko,en and 8111lPSOD


Church &choot" ~i- 9:80 a. m. un. uymond Conner, Buperintendent. Morning Servlces-10S0 Youth Felowshlp Tuesdoy even;; Itt 7-:00. ChOir practice Thursday 8:00 pm:


• • • The state C . I. O . Polltlcai Auction Committee endorsements h ave created much In teres~ in Ohio. 'l1h y <1ld not follow party !Lnes and some surprises 'were found among them. The activities in Ohio are headed by Jack 'Kroll and George DeNucci.




I_~~£'~l ~ Churches <

VE N thougb school la in full 6wlng, ' It seem~ pre tty early ' to think about gradUation" especially It that great day 'is going to be sev,eral years coming, says Holly Mil. ler, whose column In Cappe r'sFar.m. , n ole l od by Well rn Nowsp aper UnIon. er is a popul ar feature among boy (EDITOn'S NO" ,"; Whon opInIon. a re ncr . .. ee Iii lIl •••• olumn. lb., Are thOI ' of and gJ rl readers ot the nationally WeilOrn N . ..... pap.' Union'. no\\,. " . .Iy • • Bnot aor nooia.",lly or'lhl. a'e ... IPape,.) circula ted fa rm m aga zine. , "HoweVer, a d iplom a won't auto· matlca Ily turn YOU into the Intelli· gent. educated, effi cient ye'ung whatever·you·wa nt.(o·be, " she counsels, "unless you've la id a good founda. tlon througb the yea rs of good old golden rule days. "Come graduation, your class poet probably will dream up a fancy peak into the tuture lives ot your class· 19t'l2 Levels mates. aU in rather tree verse. For Declaring that " . . . we ca nnol Instance: bulld a lull production economy on ";4 gond .. ns incer is our GcoTge Arn(lld hlgb prices, OPA Administrator (I' I, iteChester Bowles sald ,that the gove rn·. TIe d csi/J/LI big machin e.•' of· gTear ment Intends to hold reconversi on ~ trl! lI g lh IIlId IIIlI ch mliglll." prices to the 1942 level wherever "Are you making hay while the possible. , t a t ~ 15 paying tor your education. However, Bowlcs said. new cell· or lire you lettins bright boys llke ings may be necessa ry for a uto· George White get a 'running atart ? mobiles and pa r(8~ - refri gerato rs Geors e probably studied bls moth wasblng m a chines, sewing ma· pnd physics while he was In ScheoL chines , vacuum cleaners and other A basle backgroun(l Qf itltoll'motlon is appliances. radios. phon ogr aphs. pl· not II luxury in this day· and age. It's anos, /leating a ud cooling equip· a necessity tor Getllng Ahead, be· ment, clock, and watches. ca use a falr percentage o;f the mil· 01 the Items on thl! li st whi ch lions ot your contem poraries are goCrouching along walls ot battered buildings, Dl)uCbbo)'s close In 00 BreBt, France. Toward rear, two caD be SCeD seUlnc up macbtne cunl. may demand new prices, fewel' tti an jJlg tq school to learn- not Jus t to a dozen acooun( for 85 per cent ot pa ss. Pl ayin g througq school tit, the total volume ot doll a r sales. you for practically nothing but ploy. ' ~OGS: Bowlel said, whlle the rema in Ina 15 Ing th rough li!e." '" 'r Fl.anking Attack per cent are made up ot small arU. Hold Ceilings With Germnn rcsistance stUTening While hog receipts continued light cles 01 the "egg·beater" claS9. along tbe Siegfried line from Bel· prior to the beavy seasonal tall run, gium to Switzerla nd , the gravity of the War Food adminjstratlon an· Last Words A long· handJed dustpan saves Allied a ttacks s wung to Holland. nounced that present ccilinga ot homemakers lots of back·tiring where the Brit ish Second a rmy link· $14.75 per hundredwe'l ght tor 240 "Dear wlte and famlly: 1 write fitooJ/ing. Jt none Is available In the ing up w"lth the AU ies' F irst air· pounders or less and $14 per hun. borne torce converged at the bead dredwelght fOJ: all over 240 pounds you these few linea at 6: 311 p. m. lltores, have your ittIsban(l fa shion of the Rh1ne river tor a drive Into would not' be reduced betore next I am O. K. My head burts but one from an old mop hlindle and some of the men are down. I have your regular dustpan, suggests tha the rlcb industri al Rubr valley. June SO. Home Editor of Capper'. Farmer. Drilting earthwa rd into Holland, H.o wever, WFA said tbat support asked the Lord Christ to ha ve whose advice on household matters . thousands of U. S .• Brllish, Polfsb prices will be trimmed to $12.50 per mercy on our souls." and Dutch pnra troopers landed tnr hundredweigbt tor 180 to 270 pound· Thu, did Foreman George Emery. II rqad by 1,250,000 tarm tamilles. to the r ear of German forces hold· era October I, with the 42, open hI. ts teful letter to loved Cleaning bedsprings is a tedious job ing up the Allied adva nce along the door still open for possible action one., written whl.le he and 65 other normally, she adds, hut when you Belgia n bordcr, and the enemy was in other weights. companions entrapped in 8 flaming use a long·handled disb n10p which hal been treated with turnlture oU, compelled to counterattack vigorous. In seeking price adjustment. it mine near Bellaire, Ohio, waited ly to escnpe .tbe compl te entrap- was sa id, WFA was contemplating vainly for rescue. Smudged with the dust disappears ' like magic. Moreover, you save time!, disposim ent of his tor ces. a "cushJoil" an all bog markctlng, . coal dust, the letter was discovered tion and many a backache. on Emery's body wben recovered. By landing' at the Rhine's bead under which packera would have to At 7:02 p. m .• Emery wrote: near tbe towns of Arnbcm and pay an ,a verage of $13.75 tor all " ••. We are lIery cold because Nljmegcn, tbe AUlel swung to goQd and choice hogs to quaWy tor "e took our clotbes to stop tbe the north ot tbe German baltloD subsldlel. ~L ' holea ID the barricade. • • ." of Kleve, reportedly the termlAt 8:111 p. m., he wrote: " . . . I nDI ' of tbe SIegfried IlDe. aD" have jUst asked the Lo'r d's divine thu set the stage for a drive Bitter Foe blessing on us who are trapped here arollnd the vaunted fortlllc••IOa Fighting against a toe &II fanatical . . . Most of the boys are laying .ystem Into the Ruhr vaUey or as any encountered on the Pacific around' and they are very cold. My plain!! leading ea!ltward to Berhead just pumps. My heart tries to islands.· U, S. mao Un. get out ot my shirt a t limes.' . . ." While the Allies sprung tbeir rlnes and dough· " ••• The boys are now taylng mighty air-borne offensive in Bol· boys pushed abead 'back 10 back to kecp warm ..••" land: the U:. S. First, Third and Sev· thelr occupation ,of "10:40 p. tn. ) can see the smoke enth armies bucking the Siegfried the vllnJ Palau I.. in this place. The men are restless. line trom the 'Belgian border to lands, 600 mile. to They are talking about death. That Switzerland encol,mtered Increasing. the east of the PhJl· ia • bad sign. I am starting to' vomit ly sti ffer resistance from a fanatical Ipplnea. Q1yseU. . . . I am lying down. Too As the battle pr0detens·e. sick to explore. My Ught slill burns. As the land drives slowed, the gressed. no ieu Bread. can do much to "Uven up" (Floyd) Aberegg is laying next to Ame,r ico'ns brought up large concen· than 5.543 Japanese a meal_specially lIuch Ollles as the aoldlers were Idlled me back to back. He is a very brave tralions of heavy artmery to blast plctured Scotch OateD Br'e ad, la.71 mao. . . . . . stubborn German pos itions, with the resisting the power· the Country Cookln, edlt~lr of C'ip"Aberegg Is asleep DOW. NodFirst army's big guns trained on ful U. S. amphlbl· Adm. WIlldMOD per'. Farmer, a pubUcatloD ot Dadin. myself. HI Blondy (bls 17. ous fOl'ce com· . Durem. gateway to the big Indus· tlonal clroulatlon. year old dauchter)." frlnl city ot Cologne, and Prum, manded by Vice Adm. T. S. WUkln· son, USN. aiId aided by Iwarma of west ot Coblenz. ThIs crusty, tempting loat Is made BravIng robot ' aUacks and heavy aircraft. from a fall)ous recipe banded down . VIcto!), In the Palaus had the et- Project Liquidated by an early Scotch setUer, For ta rtk and artillery fire, Lieut. Gen. Geol'ge S. Pa tton's doughty Third fect of neutralizing the big Jap na~ breaklast. toast it and s'e rve with Sale of 1\500 a'!res of the 2.771 army lashed a gainst strong German val base at Truk In the Carollnes butter an'd. jam: It' s madu to order acre Desbee farm neLlr Vincennes. tor snacks; or serve for a supper des· forces west of the rich coa) and In· and jeopardizing the enemy's ship. ping lines between the conquered Ind., following earller lIquidlltion of sert with creamy coltage cheese and dustdal Saar region." the pure·bred herd ot Jersey catlle, a bowl of homemade jelly, advises lI)dies and the homeland proper. hogs. other Uvestock and farm 1m. TOll·81& Nut As the U. S. forces banged ahead plements, will aU but conclude one the Capper's Farmer expert. While th Nazis fought.. . . . wlth thl'ough tropical Palau, other Amer· ot the government's model coopera· Scotch Oaten Brelld, complete co~tempt 10r'\lenth" hi It· lean troops secured their foothold tlve undertakings. 2 ODptI !lour J teaapoclD .&It ~ cup l UlU J ~ cup. bultermllk aly . as the Allied command put it, in the Moluccas, 300 mlles trom the With· the government . investing 2~ teaspoon. bak· 2 tablelPC:IODI lbor&southern Pltil~ppines. .... 811 essentinl factor In their rugged lal powder enlDr $534.326 in land. houses, dairy barns, defense of the vital "Gothic Urie". ~ teaapooo aDd. J cup rall.1Ju or roads. levees. and extending $102,. I ClUp qulck·cook. cooked . prlUle. gllarding the rich industrial 'Po val· 915 In loans to the operators who IDr rolled Dab loy was the skmtul forti fica lion sy., · Provide for Dispo$al , once numbered S8 families. the Silt Hour, then measure. ' Sift with iem eslnblished' by Field Marshal D!!}llte atrong ob ectlons to the Deshee project prospered at flrst. sugar; baking powder, sodll and salt. Kesselring. legfSfation's provISion fO.r a ,t hree· ten · ec ined when hlgb war ·plant Add rolled oatil and mbc thoroly. ,Every vUlage on the battleman board rather than a single au· wages lured some members, and Combine milk lind melted shorten· field was converted 1010 a llttle thorlty to administer disposal of sur· close government supervision In. ing. Add dlccd fruit. sUrring just fort, with the hOWlel reinforced plus war property, the President duced others to go olJ '.their own. enough to moisten dry Ingredients. with conorete and steel. Deep The govqrnment figures to lose Turn in to a well·grell sed loaf . pan tecelved -congress' bill for the ssle shelters were dDI oat of the of such goods, -estimated to eventu· lItUe on the operators, however. and bake in a moderate oven for llteep mountain slopes aud artilally approxJmate 100 billion doUars since they paid some $35.000 rental I hOllr. lery was oODcentrated at aU of Repreientlng a compromise be- In Bve years and sale of chattel il the chief passes tbrough wblch tween the senate and house, . the bill ~ected to repay the rest ot ihelr IF YOU want to tum unneeded tbe AllIel might atlempt to passed despite last minute opposl. loans. bang. ForUJlcaUoDs "ere lid up po~esslo"ns into quick cash, there tion centered against the eUmination In lIuob way 80 •• to .e~ Is ·nothlng better than a want of . a provision that all money de· an), advancing force to f1anklnc ' rlv¢d from th.8 sale of. surpldll war ad in the Miami OazeUe. Hears Nimitz lire. ' goods to be used to retire the pubUc Addressing the 26th annual con· Despite these rugge4 defenses, debt. . however, the Allied FUth and Eight!) As the bill finally went !o the ventlon ot the American Legion In _armies, made up Of Americans, lirlt· White House 'lifter much congrel' Chicago by radiO, Adm. Chester ish, Canadians, Polish and , Bra-zU- alonal wra~gllng, It forblda dlscrlm· Nimitz revealed that Gen. Douglas ian trilops,loched their way forwa,r d. , lnaUon agalnet Imall bu.lnels ,ID the 'MacArthur would direct the inva· I8le of riurpl~el: glvel former own· slon ,Dt the Phlllpplnea, with the Mass Weight era prlority.lD the purchase of real navy providing the necessary supGerman lines sagged nl the RUI- ••tate bo~pt l;Iy the government port. At the same time. Admiral PROTECT YOUR RIGHT sian's threw In 500,000 troopl In an' for · war purpOsea, and compelJr the NImLz wartied that the war agal1lal TO DRIVE WITHthe Japi would be a bard one, and' effort- to drive to the Baltic lea and , three man board to report to eon· cut olf Nazi armies ' in Latvia and gren 'on propoaed disposition of big the neceslity; tor hauling vast quan: EstQnia from German forces operat- 'qvetnrneht· 'Owned war planla ,to Utles of eupplles to the Pacific would extend Its duration. ing , in the Ea~t PronlaD and priva~ ' 'lntereata. While the convention pondered a . MeaDUme, eongren gave ' lInal wa ;'8a~ 'regions to, the soutb. .. FENERAL INSUlltANCE In' shifting . the weight 01 their conllde,atlon ' ~a reconv~~lon ~IU, ,resoluUon calling for "trong post· war security organlultion, It aaked' whicH' would .. et up 8 central offtee attack to the north all German linea ' . YOU'RE EXCEP. . stiffened abou~ East Prussia and to coordinate the work of aU gov' for the' deportat1on of subversive Warsaw, the R!!ds . were following emment" agendea on the Iwltch aliena; return 'Of refugees to their TION.I Calamity doean't "their .historic policy pi ,fully utUiz. back· ,to peace. and, 11 neceasa17. bomes, and stoppage of Immlgratlon pick favoriteal Miaforlune until ' unemployment taUs to 1,000 .. .tate.· mo~ey for postwar un· lend Ing their superior manpower agalnat 000 In the U. S. h.ln't lingled you out al e~ployment compensaUon. a numerlcillly Interlol" eneDlJ· an exception I B~ ' wise and



AGE & SON ltIOrrow "Phooe' No. 3 Lebuloa: OWce Pbooe 4'78 & lW'denoe II II







n ~_Q_F_


Mrs. Ramo ~~, of neal' F erry h. pm:.11 r XOl4 ulled on Mrs. Allc Clarck, Wedlles w~s our gce. \, I'C.1 U ' S u o1I.lY. . ('ay evenIng . , I!tTUNATIDNAL BIBla BR.OADCASTEIL I' all 111 ",. ..l ) '.~ ' Id \ ,11>("1, ha d Mrs. , Rossma n of Frnn~lln, cu lled liS t)1elr b UI''' t.; Su nuay I . 11 Uj; ::l 'Il t. en fr.lends here on Thul'sQ ay . . !17tll Mr. 3,~ld W s .Wan.C1 \ 1\ ,\,'::. . ( Misse s Al')~le a nd Mame Brown Q~eatlon-,?o you think the tl", lIud a ug h (r Hell y, .Mr s. J 1,"1\ ere dhmer guests of Mi'. nnd Mrs , will ever come .when all the lleopl B r~ddock , Mr. nn ~ IS. Thl OdOllC on earth will believe In God? :0. E. Mich e ner on Thw:sdny . Answer --Not only wl1l all peop) MClJ) tlf e a U(I sons. M'Lc;s Cloj·a. LUe a nd Mrs. l' , P . on earth believe In Him, but tb ~ I , 1.1'. lInd 1:. George Bu .~ell and Jwill p'ra.!se Him Ola.y-bum, of W\'lshin gOO!l C . Ii . too, accordi ng t family weI' week- cnd ~es ts of h l ~ COlled at , the' Home Thursda y . Revelat ion 6:13: "And every cr , moth er Mr ~ ' lI ,I' Bunn .1 nnd MISs M':trgnr ot Edward s ca11 r5 ture which Is Cn heaven. and on t il> Miss Monl run. Bunnell. durnill3 the )"fIlst week wereDe. lind arth, IUId under the earth, ani M l'. Q.!1d M rs , \Vi-Ull in Sml h alv! aucb lIS are In the sea., and all tha Mrs. G . E. RlISSunl , MisS Margaret Ma rilyn S e c 11 l~ r·t a l n , d t tl .:Jund ay are In them, heard I saying, BleSI dJnner Russum and Mrs . Robert K eresy. ';/f rs . lng, and honour, and glory, nnr "" II r), D o~ 11 IIf Ilca l' 01 Da yton; Mr . and Mrs . J, Wilson power, be unto Him tha.t slttetl Xen ia a.!! M I"', and I'S, Ra ll'IJ h Edwards, MrS. F . D ,' Smlt.h lind upon the throne, and unto thJ Bogan, Mr. George Eldwal·ds. of Springf ield Lamb for ever and evol'." 1 MI', I'TI d ! ,1rs. l' ymond Wilson Mrs . Hu bert R. Noblin. ~! Toledo, Q.-Wh at II your \ advice to I caited 0 11 I Irs. EI!a H\ 'ley nt LIle was the gu est of her aunt. Mrs . man who Is under convict ion tha Home Ci f MI' . nnd M rs. WI bur' Georgia I vins on Frida y . he Ihould live a better life? 8m t h 01 the Eleayer n clghbor ho Jd . QUEB EC-Pre s ide nt R~osevelt and PrUne Ministe .r Churc~ill A.-We can only reply In th, Mlss Ru th ChRJlcUer spent Satul·" met words of the Scriptu re. Acts 2:38 Mr . a nd Mrs, LlIL.H!r Ha ~" s \\ c re here {or what is ca Ued a victory confere nce. Church lll exclalm cd if' day ll,l Dayton , rrectin g FDR: "Victor y is evc1V\~lore." "Repen t, nnd be baptize d every on. S unday evening dlnnt'l' gu LoS cf Mr, ~cC1llute ~uneral • Mlss Ollve WU.~lnms and Mrs. of you In the name of J esuB Chris a nd Mrs . Mel vin Holllng swo:t h . G-eorgla Menden hall were Lebanon for the remissi on of sins." An. Mr . a.nd Mrs. R aymond B urden - - - - - - - -.- - - - - - - - - -- - - - - - - -vlsltors Tuesday a!·ternoon, ~ollte Acts 16:31: "Dellev e on the ' Lori , called on relativt' s In Tl' o~woo d SunVIan y Ace d ents Lause d by Mrs. ' E , C. Crane was a dinner Jesus Cbrlst, and thou shalt hi da y. u. S: CapUals saved, and thy house." Veh'c les Hittin g Train New s guest York City \\Ill S the flrst h ere on Wednes day. El r ol Dean H'lines left Mond y Q.-Are 81mol1 Peter and tho United States capI ta l under the Approxl m Hle ly 30 per ce nt orhlghM anthrlc1 te coal water hester afl C1'l10011 for Barnesv ille, O . wher t ·Connlt ution. It apoatle Peter the same person? was moved to Phila- way.rui lrond g rode·cro s slng accl. r.\'as ~nst.alled In the Home, T uesday . A.-Yes , nnd the proo,f is founl he wi ll on LCr h ~ &('11101' ye 11' of H igh delphia on Dec cm bc~ 6. 1790. reo den ts In 1M3 were co used by a pas· In Matthe w 10:2: "Now the name. ~ h ool. malnJng here until May 'I. 1800. se nger autumobHe, motor bus, truck of tbe twel'le apostle s are these Callers on MJ's Gl enna Wilson Washington, D, C., bceam e the or motorcy cle bcl ng driven Into the Even Lady Beetle s Have The first, SImon," who Is calle, T uesday wel'e Mrs . GOldle Shllcffc r capital In Novemb er of that yea r. side or 0 train . It Is disclosed in a BI ck Sh . F Peler, IUId Andrew his brother . Varioul cities were mee llng plnces report Issued by the bureau of a eep In am .•y James tbe son of Zebedee , ane and Mrs . MBJ'Y KaLhcr yn McIntir e ot the contine ntal cong ress and seat transDo rt econom ics and sta ll stlcs of The Mexica n benn beeUe Is the and sons. !VIr . !I.~d Mrs, Leonard of the governm ent during the John bls brother ;" etc. Revo· the Inte rstate Comme rce commls . black shep.p of the lady "bug" or Q..-Can bingo an'~ other gamet E ll is and family C&l1cd In Lhe 'WIlson lutionar y war and until the round- sion . lady beeUe family . While ~dy Ing of the national .capltal. They lie u ..d to ralle money for cho,.cl home Sunday II fLe rnoon, or lhe 3.206' hIg hway - railroad beeUe! destroy ophic;\s and mosl are bene· expenle a1 Mrs , Donald Hr. L~lCS a nd son a cc- were : PhBade lphla , Septem ber 5. gra de-cros,sl ng aechlen ts that took flclal, the beon beetle is our most 1774; Baltimo re, Md .• Decemb er 20, place last year. the re port shows serlous A.-The y can be so used,- but l' oln»Mlled h I' par cll1.S to pest of beans, It is a probvt~ 1 t her 1776; Philade lph ia . March t, ,tha t 937 r e fiu1t ~ d fr om such IJ cause. lem in practica lly all gurden! seema that the renl questio n II grandpa , and rents Mr . and Mr. ., 'vi . S. Lancast er, Septem ber 27. 1777: with ,236 persuns bei ng killed and Injures bush and pole snap beans 1777; they be u sed." The dlvln. t A6, CanIs or TbaIW and "Should York, Septem ber 30, 1777; Phllade l· 1,40.0 Injur d , plan for church finance Is based 01 Whetsto ne of WallOke net.a. and limas, "shell" beanll', and someSunday . phla. OMWarItil are Clbaree4 for at the July 2, 17,78 ; Prllnceton. N. J ., The di gesl shows that 235 01 Umes soybean s. tithes and offering s. (8ee Malacll' Wa lt cr Wlls , m a,~tcndcd t.h e Home . . . . . , ODe cent a _~ mlnbnu m June 30, 1783: Annapo lis, Md ., these acciden ts occurre d in day8: 8-10.) The bean beetle Is easily recogcom ing at Dover Fl1 nds ch urch , Novemb er 26, 1783; Trenton , N. J., light. wheren s 7(1l! . . . . . lie. A Wao~ Ael IlllMlrtecl for Q..-Do .. the Bible uphold th' took place dur- nized by its halt-pen ha pe. yellow Novemb er 1. 1784; New York. J anu. Ing the dark. " Dayligh t" and to coppery color. and &Juoe:e U - ~ cbaqec1 at ~ a _nt. divinity of Chrl.U undal' , the 16 black a ry 11, 1785. "dIJ rk" a re the terms used in the spots on Its wing covers. A.-The divinity of the Son 0: Wo a re gtad to report Mrs, Ph il l!QR 8AiLE-O ne ~ aubticr\pUOIl analysis and are not- based upoo a are spiny, lem on yellow. The young God was shown o,va l gr ubs, Young was better Sunday a nd h Or e pa rticu.lar hour. · ~ tlbe.MiaDJl OCJ&r.ette to the men 1. In His creative power. "Fo! otten likened te tiny pincushions. First Raincoa ts The factor of limited vi sipility II Both the b eties nnd grubs m aerv1ce for •.00 a yeal'. What by mm were all things created she {!ontln ll LO Impl'ove . f cd Rubber. now one ot' the ' world's r eHected In the nu mbe r ef a c(' ldenis mostly on the und erside of the cIJuJd be a .n1cer gUt to laat through that are In heaven, and that ue 11 ~·s . H urry West re turned home most vitally needed product s. re- in which a motor' vehicle Wil l driven leoves. leav ing only a lac ework pat-tbe yew &Del keep tIbe boye 1nfonned earth"v lslble and"'fnv islble, wheth l'Om Peblo, Col. las t W ed.:lesday mained unknown to Europe until into .the side of a trnin ufter dark, tern oC veJns . They IIlso destroy the discove ry Ilnd subsequ ent ex- Seventy ·flve pe r cent of OD aetlvtlea ~t borDe. 8ubecrIbe tn- er they be thrones , 0'1' domlnjo ns these Ilccl· blossom s and 'c at \:.toles In the pods. or principa lities, or powers: all ploratio n ot Caribbe an America . <Jents occW'red . , at the J&.rDl ~ office. IJfier dark, CO using Rotenone ,dusts or sprays are the tJilllga were created by Him, and The ellrly Spanlsb setU.ers , unnccus- about 70 per cent for Him." CoiosslaDs 1 :16. tOl1uid to the tropical climate and per cent ot the of lIIe fatal ' Md 77 best materia ls for controll ing the lIon-tutal Injunes . I. By HI,s power to perform mil' Berr' sa ' Call1 fie, Grow bean beetle as well as most other heavy rains 01 Caribbe an America , n _____ garden pests , They kill both the &CleB. ".And when He thus "} contrive d to protect themsel ves ha~ AaetJtene or electric. Bee Bill Lee, On Fer' i e, Dr a'ned spoken, He cried with a. loud voice, ,beeUes and grubs. and are s afe to from the incleme ot w' c other in a ~ ROad, ~ 3, W~YDesvWe. Luarus An y gardenc r tha t. has ferUle soil. very Caator on use at any time, Pyrethr um sprllYI , come forth. And he tha1 ingenious manner . NoUng that Castor oil Is now being used by and dusts are also waa deAd came forth." John 11:43 wel1·dra1.ned and deep. ca n grow fine crude rubber as employ ed by the sate and fa Irly chemi~t . crop s ot strav.>be rrles and raspbe r. JIIor Sale - Wattlna Product s PUller ' If. natives did not absorb water. these mllady' s in tbe prepara tion of, effective. Cryolite , relative ly new as s favorite perfume s. A more a garden Insectic ide. Iii' ries, .Il winter tem pcratur es go down Spaniar BruahM at :Ii North , Br()8.d:way ' a. By His right to lay effectiv e. It ds in Mexico and other ports down Hit life and take It agaIn. "Theref oI'f to minus 20 degrees, a hordy- varl- of' the New World used lhe gum for Importn nt [unction of lIIe oil. which Is only slightly poillonous and can be Is made from lIIe seed of the castor used safel,y even atter 0I.0BN i..INTN'l!lR,·Leb anon, Phone doth My Father love 'Me, becauso ety ot raspber ry Is the only sa fe one waxing the pods form their canvas cloai<s to' m ake plant. commo ) nly to~nd all ove r if the beuns are washed before IlL c ~ down My life, that I might takt to plant. them water-rt !sistant. And thus the Middle use. Ame rica , Is its use In CalcIum arsenat e and lead Spring planting of both kinds of first raincoa ts were bor'n. ~«>ne to cut. 1once .Jt aga1n." John 10:11. arsenat e the m anllfact ure of inks. ' mltntinn are not recomm ended as the)' are 4. By His belll~ recognI zed I\l berries should be as early as the leuther and In d: ~ In'l cloth. II stnr likely to "burn" . . . . and MW kip. Mrs. 0 ; R, God. "But unto the Son He salth, ground can be worked. The sol,l tlTe bean leaves Get YOUr news in our office early . oil 0 Iso Is used in D v iiI lion and gun· . and . ~. j8. ·R. ~,Wa)mesvtlle, Telare more poisonous. Thy throne, 0 God, Is for ever and hould be manure d wcll~ 'and tilled n ~ ry . . e~ 85. ever: a. sceptre of rlgbteo usness IE thoroug hly before the plants are set. It II best to let the soil settle POB Oorrida.le 1: 8. of Thy , kingdom ." for a few days after tillage before '"-D18 H u gtl es By what He endured .for fallen plantlbg strawbe rries. Buy or set ~ . vaney, pbOne Xe.nla.· men. "But He was 'wounde d tor our 'only sturdy young' runner plants of f!1!!Clbenre 28p transgre sslone, IrQ waa bruised tOl strawbe rries with white or strow· colored our iniquiti es: t llc chas tisemen t 01 plants. roots. iUack 'roots denote old Get lOR; ~roved Kiefer' pelliT6 our peace wo.,~ u!''l 111\11; anel ,w ltb plants from dlsease ·free raspber r)' an inspecte d nursery . to ~ Dr. ~'a tarm 'l mtle 8O~th !tUs stripes we 111'0 healed. " ISall'll avoid mosaic and 'other pests thot ... ~r ~e, Obatles Bogan, Msr. 53:5., reduce yields. . Up ,A. ·T. Polinsk y returno o' laat week • Plant red raspber ries 3 leet apart , ~ rowl '1 feet apart: I?lack and lOR ~s hJeycle inquire frorn wastUn gton D . 0. , Rind Ok:l\o- purple raspber rIes 3 or 4 feet apart b<ma. City where he had been s en t in rows IOIIaIA QueUe '1 or 8 feet apart. Set the, 28c , by his compan y on 8. , busines s trip.. plants 2 or 3 Incbes deeper than they stood in the nursery . Plant ~* •••• * .trawbe rri'es as deep as they grew 5p before, 1~ feet aport In the row, 8AlLtE:~\ect.r1cportable 2 unit in rows 3 to 3~ reet Qpart. Firm the soli around the roots so a quick 1DIJ1ID1l1&' macNn e, circulat ing 'c.lOQl Jerk on a leaf stem brenks the stem bilat:er, several Can. \ard a;od some . instead of ·pulling up the pla'nt. - . . ·Lester .Gerhar d, 'Route 1, •~v1lle. 28p ~NSW"R€D .

We OHe r-'


VDlt E {PR DPH Et"



;l~: tNI

'm~e ~num9&iUe

Satis facto r,


~·~~rt~b~e~~s:;c~~ePtre ~_~;~_~:~~~··~~~~~q~ 6: ;rroea

EYBn elistic M~eting


*** ••••

At- 'The

* ••

BuY nuell'Awtnow




9:30 A. M. ~---

Commu nion .10 :30 MORNI NG. SERVIC E

11:00 A. M. Grace Farnha m, mis!;llona.ry to JIlI,an wUl 'speak Bunday a m

------- -

EVENIN G SERVIC E '7 :30 O'clock

Evening Toplc-u SI.. and


punlsbm ent "parr two Therc ,,'111 he special musl unday evening .



Min' Iter





. At All




Sem ces





Time s

... _...




.. ' .:




'S pe,ci al!

..... .,



Ix Piece Bcd Room Suite ComIlete includin g mat.tnllls Il n d s p~lngs-VERY

SPECIA l. lor

Ulls wTek only $l7D.!i0 Fin ' Iino 'Of TOYS Just rctlclved.

•• • ••••

Waynesville t:u rni tur eC o. GIBBO NS BUILD ING NOR.TH



"'" QUI CK SERV~CE For. ' De~d Stoc k HORS ES, COWS : HOGS , CALV ES, SH£E-P.~, _ . Remove~ Promp tly


XENIA FERTlhlZER Reverse Telephone.


Maln ,45t, x.n~ 0.

E. G., 8uebsJ!)b,



for"""security, too!

ftlR SALE-P lcn1c Supplie s, lncludIDa, cold DIlIJII kina. etc. Alsdklt cIlelf towels; wax a-per,. cups and to~t tla.... ~t.te oUlce . •



L..I-_-__M_a_r_in--:"e_.~·_G_8_1_lo..:,p_in.....;9=--G_8_s_T_8_n_k_ • ..,......III


POR 8AU: - Peraona l BtaUon ely. 1.2, With 100 envfloP es, . . 'iheeta at rood bond paper, all .with name B.1ld addrt!88 Imp,lIlted , lor f1.60 at the Gazette

_ ext

.B egi,n s Oc tob er. 9, '19 44 7:3 0 p. m. eaQh ni~h~ exc ept Sat urd ay

(For J')~llruff) on aMone:,:-BaCk On Salo At;cel.


••• ••••



. ". .. •• •••••

each 1-6'



"';.; .. W.~~.Y


(U.· S. Muin. Ccrp. PbC(c)

Two ground- crow member s 01 Mnrine Mmjor Joe Foss' lamous " l'rh l( , stJundro , dlsllltc ~Ill!d III', 80 they built. this contrap tion out (PI a damage d ,belly gas tank, a, one-c,U nder ihotor, wheels alld l:;,lUler belting, Astride the 'tall, stecrlnr , Is Sgi_ Andrew J. MoynlJo.:.n (\f M:mehetl!.cr, ~. R., whllc In the coqkpit, at the controls , Is L ~ l. nol;eri B. Omtley 01 Clevela nd, O. Their gallopin g gas tmnk on F.m':au I., land rep'la!::cs the aged horse and home-m ade buggy the ,,',llr, hn.d \vbJlo on GUlldal canaL '.

~ob ' s ~Dairy


Pasteu rized Dairy Produ cla. P,(U;t8J.I·"i~e d; ,M.iZlc Pm; }"nir Pmtec tip.", I~==::;::J , PhOD~.-2537


Wavn eavllle ,


-everyo ne" whistled "The M~­ 'l ng' BIl'd ?," It took a pr\!tty good warbler to get thrqqgh Without

, umJ:lIng.


Even ihe. social was not ,s uccess w:l~hOut 'The ¥oc~g Bh'd" witll :"a~­











MrB . William P . Strader il&lsted . M1'S. Earl Enrnhart entertained on by Mra. Earnest Edgington 'enterSaturday evening honoring Mrs . L - tabled 'a t her bome on Thursday Mar' Earnhart, a rEOOllt b,rlde with A eventng wllh a "Stork Shower' for mlBceJJa.neous shower . Mter II. very Mrs. CWI Ferguson. After a. very pltlasant eV"lllng ot games and 0011- pleasant evening s :ent In playing !LCSts, ~I e bllde was prel:oeuWd wltl] _ "Dununry Br ldge" •'Mrs . Ferguson man~ lovely and usefUl gitls, Dalrlty was present.ed with many lovely g ,fts refre.slUOeJl'LS of ice cream, a 1l8e1100<1 and muol). time was spent in open Lng oa.ite and coHee were served by the e nd admiring them. Delicious 1 eh"'-;~I;" 'Ine illvhed guests 'Were j freshments of Ice cre'am and cake lW ... Aluoo1iai. Mirs. Ed ~..rullltt!r, were served by the hQ8t'ess. lihe inJ.n tS. J . . M. Eart1hal 1., !Mrs. Ben vttcd guests were, Mrs. Ral (h Few~th, M!·S. J. N. RobinsOn, Mri>. ler wn~ Mrs. Howard Fogt of DayR, W. Schroader Jr. ot Daytoi!l, Mrs. WnlteT Frasure, Mrs. Leo ton, Mrs . !Leona Car~lght of Eaton, Conner, Mrs . Eldwin Hamby, Mrs. K Mrs. PaUl NUll and Mrs . Marg8ll'et iJieston of Springboro, Mnl. Kru'l oR. Hill. Mrs . Ma.ynard Weltz, Mrs, Ba1;b, MIss FIUUl!e Earnhart, Mrs. Ross Bode, M~s. Mrut D . Hartsock, WUlls J1Ll'vts, Mrs, Ruth FulkeC9Ol1. Mrs. M. A, F'ullterson. Mrs. Ralph ot Xauia, Mrs. Jouf McCoy, Mm. D iParks, the honor guest, Mrs. FerJ . H~walt, Mrs . R . J. DIdier, MIni 8'Uson .and the hostess.



OF WALTER wlIi .... All EIt The New Ce~ t u ty Club he.d it.~ first ineetlng or the 194'1-.1945 y~aT Mr. a.nd Mrs. Walter Whitaker The Woman ':> ~e,y of Cld·L:.LL n 1I4..~. V. at the home of Mrs. R. H. Hartsock lind daughter entertamed to dlnne . e. y,u\: met a~ ~e uom~ on Flddayt anern.AJn, wHh Lole ne..... .wlday honoring thelr guests, Mr . J . Whel.';el on ·lhursoa.y a.1tt!J'uoou president, Mrs, C. Lee Hlawke pre. and Mrs . Charles Whloo'ker and lith Mrs. W~lt;t.s". ~ 1.;0.:. ...... """' ... . 5lding. Ro:\ call \\ as answerod by . l.ild.en of New 'K ensington, Penn- t!d by 001'a Rich 1U1(1 MJII . tlj lvanJa. Those present were Mr . ~eun1e Co:1IllIf. Mrs . Irene _ &l1'li sixteen n embers ach giv~:1g some 1I id Mrs . OhaJ'les Wbitaker a.nd . in charge 01 the devoQOIl8 Rru.! thOUght fcOlll their vacation, Mrs . MS . Walter Whltak ' - t~e' pr'·~'a. ~ , ~ 'U .,... ~.. " ("'llarles Ell<oS and Mr'S . J . R. Up- l',lIldren, Mr . and Mrs . Jake Mere- ..,r"~""Arl over the busine&l scSslon: dyke were In charge of the l.a'Og1·am , <.th and daughter ot J Olulsvllle, Mr. MS . A . K . 'De.y gave a very le l:gLuy with MilL M . A . Fulkt! I'Son givi ng a n!1 Mrs . Lester Po!! ot Dayton, "M r. Dd Interesting paper on work (lOlle 'Q. I Dell of Columbus, Mr . a nd Mi·s. the Methodist HOS;l4ta.S Mkr very loveiy vocal solo a~companie( ~ 01 man 'Meredl~h a.nd ~Oll of Bell<the society adjourned to mec. by M IS. F . U. LeMay. Mrs. Lpdyke ,.rovlt Mr. and Ml'S, Henbel't Mere- With Mrs. J . B. Rich In Octobel' !»resented Mrs. Becker of Dayton a~ ~Ith and family. Mrs. Sallie Mere. Mrs . Andre 'Of Wumingto~ guest speaker, who gave a ' sjAoendld \1m be the speaker. Ofllcers nOllLn11th. Mrs . Anna E . Mel'edlth and ted tor the coming year were, Mrs. review of the book "Anna and tl.e ~ J' . Ray Miller . ~\ . H. El\.mha.l't, president; Mrs. R. ~ng Seam ." by Ma11l!aret I.a .do ... aJ. Coleman, vtce pres1dent; Mrs . 'I1h1s was sO interesLlng a.nd giv e~l III 'V-DAV" PLAN C0J\1PLE1'ED IIlmer Sheehan. secretary and MIrs. such a manner thllt all were anxlou, FOR WAYNESVILLE BY V. E . Stroud, ,t reasurer ..Dainty r~­ to read the ·book. Mrs . F'ulkersol. LOCAL CO~UT'j'EE reshments were served to about hlrty and gueSt8. gave her &eeond number "Old.Old. TIle conurutte . Songs, chos to make ar-


Jennie De.v1s, Mrs . Lloyd DaV'l8. Mrl> FLT. OFF.JCBB ROBERT TROMAS

IHarry Bw:nett, Mrs. Bert Slleehan, AND PAMlLY ~ GUES'J.18 OF .Mrs. Gllert Flye, Mnl . Clarence Rye ' OF MR. AND MRS . P. THOMAS 'Miss Gladys Rye, Mrs . Frank ,~_ !Isa. Mrs. E . .A. Earnhart, MlBs ElmFllghtofotlcer Robert Thomas with Earnllart, l\trS. Harold B . . hJa wlte ~ baby ~ug~ter havo Earnhart a.nd daughte~, Mrs . E. F. ,been the at several days F.lemhart and Mrs. A. H. EILrnhart , bere 'With their parents and other

The club adjourned to meet with allgements for "V-Day' would Ilkl . MIss Allee GoIlS in October . DUl'ln8 to present th e following program '-~ JAMES O . 8TEWAR'l',,-:GOV . JOHN, W : ~CltER / the SOCial hour dainty n 'treshmentb plans. wez:e served by the hostess t th If Lhe news comes bet.w()cn 8:00 p, members and her guests Me ~ 11': m . and 8:00 Q. 01 ., th~ celebr tlon ' . . s. uc e IWUi be held at 10 ' 00 II. ' • relatlves , Fligh't ofllcer Thomas hal:! Mrs Fl ss1 r... ' Armitage, Mrs . Lena Har-tsock and m. . ~MMY FLORENCE AltRJVE8 now Jdt for further tralning 8Jt Lln. 0 e "",:ey. and family en- ' Mrs . lPearlRlch Will e'n tertaln the Miss Becker of Dayto!\. _ . From .8 :00 n. M . to 12 :00 ~ on ',:at JJERE ON FIVE-DAY FURLOUGH ,COin, Nebraska. ,a nd '¥I'B. Thomas : It~r't... "n.,,~ Mr . lind Mrs . T ruman Friendship Olub at her home 2 . p .m . • ,from 12 :00 noon to 4: p .m. , and daughter wlll remain here for a and family. Sunday in ber 11. Secret Sisters win be revealed WAYNE j-at 6: p . m .; from 4:00 p. m . to 8:00 iLt. and Mrs. Tommy Florence 81'- Jew weeks. Mr. and Mrs. Frank of Master WilHam Wardlow's lat this time lib be on hand to f d TOWNSHIP WOMEN'S ,Il· m . at 10:00 p. m . riVed hero an Friday of last week entel'tfl.ined with a family bJrthtlay. 'out who your Secret SIster Is Jll REPUBLICAN CLUB TO This schetlule ho;ds . good for any honoring their son during his Mrs W d Tur; " , I • • .. . MEET AT GRANGE HALL day except SW1\1t\y . Sundn.y observfrom Flt.Myers, Florida tor B. five da.y visit with their parents, Mr . and furlough. d~' ~r~dge ;';l:ter:;:;ed at I Mrs . EUzabeth and Mrs . ReOO The TO;DshlP Women's lance wUJ be at 2 ~00 p. m . Mr . Oleaver Oonner and Mr. and Robert H ' Y moon IBraddOCk enjoyed a. chkken dl~ner iRepubl1~n Olub .wish to extend a T.he activities will begin willi Q ~8. Howard FloTen.ce. Lt.lFlorence WOMEN'S C L U B ' Mrs . A. ;.~~I~~ ~ tO~I, and dancing at the ~eYSburg most cord1a.l 'tnvltGtlon to nll Inter- parade, led b¥ the school band, In leCt on of the following MEET AT ·OUR HOUSE". OCT. 2 ,Kersey. MrlI . p~ ~turd:ay evening. ested, ladles to alotend a luncheon I"Vhlch all citizens are, lnvlted to ); 6l'week or Lincoln. liebl'8llka., wh~re The ~Ive Women's Club met . tin hlob 111 ticlpate It will form at the M olul he will recelv~ further tralnfila. ' ~.-." • • • Mrs. TllllellUes, Martha Behme1r mee g w w , be held L~ ~hc c e at "Our House" OIl Monda.y evening !Mrs. Miles ThomPson and. friend Estella' 8h1yley, of :Da.y t·e.-n and ,Grange H&41 on October thirteenth (.or~er and ~arcli up Main Sthlet. IUlD CROSS BoXES FOR MEN " a Mother-DauB'hter ban que t. Kathy, Mrs .' Pauline and Mrs. . and Mrs . tPaUl llJougll a.nd at O"ne o'clook and are aSked 00 bring Lhen return to the place 01 formAND WOMEN OVE8.sllMlJ members. with ltIelr' gu!!6iS, No~, of Hamilton were Sun, of Lebimo~ and Mrs. Harry lone covered dlsb and your OW~ table Iatlon . After tbe parade, there Will be a.nd son were SUnda,.y gue8ts a.nd to arrive at the meet-Lng ;11 program of band music and com• lenJm"!d. a very'ovely dJnnerl 'After day guests at the horne Or Mr . IIl\d govemunent indorsed Red aU:11ler. t.Ile bualnesa meettnc was . Walter Wlseman and bhUdren Miss Plrancea ~trlck latter than twelve tWrty o'clock alnging, followed by prayer

i I




. .




I .





Pte. R<l6mary Ashmead. daughter M.-a, WLU St. John Is confined to tne h06Plfal at C&p1p Da1r:s, North



• who • bas been Q Baker guest of Miss Grace Hookett for weeks bas h~~ for Hawall she will be tn the employ ot governmept. Miss B ~ker and Hockett were guests of friends, eoluinb~8 ove:t the week-end. ' . Miss



. BAilLY ~AY 'H AS BEEN PLANN:ED 'ISpI!C1a1 , AT ~ OF CUBIST . , -- ~ ' Mrs. Eva Davis will entertain the Sunday. Ootpber Bth :1s RAUlY Day Hour Club at Aer home ()o.. 6~ the OhUrch of 0hrtIIt', A spectal ' tenth. progtam Is belong pJann~ that will . • • • be of 1r1terest to ·aU who a.ttend title services: tha~ da.y. • ' IAn • 8fi;tendance goal of 200 haS been and a~ lo\1ta~ Is ex'• • • tended to the entire', w"a.yneaWie relatiVes and frienda ' , , , ' , OIl Ridge and Lena Hartsock community to worship &t the Oburch tth of,'Ollr18t ' - . who !~~en for Mr'B.,.J ...~'HDiVHIs Jea.n and <Jane Har~k lit , . •" ' '. w ,."1oU soon aooompany -..". , - OXford 9n Sunday 6peclaJ,en'lP, p~ an wuiIamaon and 4a~ter ' gracil .w " the B~ble Scf1oo1 ~ and the ser- ~ Florida for the Winter;' o&tnty man for .n~t sunda¥ ~ .'. Th~ ~reshm~ts were 8ened , to the Bible Sch~ ~n, mWtled Jesus guest. after a very p1eaar.nt evenJng. Program tor Meeting- ute's Prob'. . )ems" , will be ta~b. by Mr. RRndalt S-SGT'., KOy 'PLANJ( W&1'1'E8 the mJ.n1ster . . . INTBBIIS':f,'ING LETTER 1'0 ., Tbe sermon .toplo for. the m'Ornlng WS PAKEN'l'S IIEBE L1eut.e~~t Wllton H . Hartsock service W11l be, "God Is Not MooIted" ~ with Mrs.,.. Hartsock lett for Mlam11Iormers ~d. 1iI ~Ing prepa~ eePeclauY tor Beaoh, 'Florida followmg' Lt . .Hart, RallY '~'I' A; ·mixed ~~ 'i?1D sockS ,thhty-day furloUgh i rom overl! ..... ,t w-ni&h ,the musiC for bile .,J'CI81:IIDl, I SetUI duty ;. ll1he SllrmOll t9plc ~or Sun day. evonlng 'Will ', be 'lRedeoip~lon 1 n Christ." There wUl' be spec1al mUlde at the evenin8' serviCe: Mr, and Mrs. Harold B . Earn hart. . The Fall Evange~ aervtcea begin and chUdren were Dayton visitors on Monday night, Octo~r 9, at!l:30 ~turday . . o'clock. Mr. ~,the ~ntster or the local o.h~' of ~t ~ ,4\0 , ~ prea.chlnc' eacl1 nigbt and , iii . B~ 'tar '



~~~~~~~~ a~~.fu~~~

-" ,.01111.. are expected· and an Interest· !Dr p~ has been · ~ned.


, of



clilltCb of nn,"",'... ...._ . Wflmlill


alD,~ ,ancl ~\llDJ$h ,


~ 'w1U prea1b IIWlD,:.~-' ~DfI 88~. ·.·~eni r.n tbe ~ ,. , M ~. God;". "The OoDfeuioD," " ',-!be ~, EOee it Mab.Jt.Dy 00-

ference, \' '''l1w secret Of A ~ I:WOIiLUPS' ful l BeY1ftl,~ '1Wh1 1 Beiseve Jeaul ~tIa,. Tbe:~ ' Of oOd," ~ Kteeps TIie allUld*, ~.. ' "We l)bn~" ~.,.... ''BO~ '~ I KlioIf I AzI:l A ~,~. ""JIJe lI'ol'm ADd ' ne.Iin ~,~I ~ W'Opel'

'9aciH,,"," •• ,ew.


• to



, ~"11110_

-~ . . ~..,,.. . . , 11* • • o\IIooI . _ _ ...1Irw.J11IIbtlllh

The regular meetl1l1 0 f the Club will be held 1n the lunch room of the Clmde SChool at 2 :00 p.m. PrtdlllY, October sixth all Interested in bills meeting are Invited to attend.


There was II. large attenda.nce Sunday morning for *e "World wide communion" and a lJberal oMerlng was presented for overseas suffe:ers aiM our boys ~ camp. Anyone WllO could not be preent please bring this oIfeling next Sunday . FRESHMAN CLAss MEMlJER8 "Rally Day" w1l1 be observed next ABE ENTERTAINED' AT TIlE Sunday, OCoober eighth a.nd w~ reHOME OF &. W. BRADDOCK quest all our peo,lle \io attend. VisSuperint.epdaht and Mrs . Ray- itors are always welcome. Braddock entet:talned the c\a8s at there country home FrIday evening w~tIh a Weiner


.' . . '. . .

'v!pe ~tl~ · t.lle

rttl!4~lt-.end guest IMI[)TlIIEIR'S CLUB .MEET




roast . The' group ge.thered at !.he BradNeal and dock home, latter making theIr way IIhJlrllJlIP,I ' l[ndIi.napol1s. I to the woods where a lar~e fl1 e was wdth the tarted and welners" buns, po\.!ltoe Mr. a.nd alad,baked beens and cottage oheese were enjoyed after which all took ip81jt In playill8 games. , Other gueats tor the were, ;';;':';":"'~----":~.!Wlfa P.lorence , Foxbower and MIss W"""".U

~Rose :

Miss I.eura McKinSey, local school underwent a major operaIn the Dayton Oeteopathlc H08Thursday, SePtember 28. Wora lias been received here Ithwt MISII Mc ~Y 11 recuperating'aetonly. BIRTH ANNOU,.OEMENT Me and Mrs. Robert' Puhr 'are the blc.t h of a d&Uihter om Tuesd a~ evening at Bl&1r 1HoIIltal. Lebanon. wei If h ,I n g '1 1..2 )OILnds. The ) has been named Betty' Lou and .the ' fa.tber la th~ owner of, Bob's dairy, The grandare Me . and Mrs . S tanley Puhr of Route '13, Wa~esV111e.

his year W8Il a succeu 88 all admit.

y boys and girls from the vocational lepartments. ~ Our own ~ Ch/I-pter F : F. A. t ully !.heir-share pr1Zes. ' more ~ef'inate 10 regard to our ' the com exhibit ~hal'd WhlWe believe that the whole 'coUunWlwon flrat prize. lWbel·t Gray, Il,y will ' feel an obligation to attend' I!IeOOl1d, Dale RIdinger. sboth, Venlon 'bohh the Union religious service and Shutts, eighth, and Donald Charlton he program on' Main Street. 11nth.

,ne ' tB Iovlted, . is · being plaimed ltor :30P.D).: follow1llg 'WlejW"rlval of tlhe news: The place of Ilbls meetlog,bati not been deteJ-m1ned.


, Robert


to 'b11ese activities. a l'here were a large number '01 exunion religiOUS .servoice to wJ:rldh every llblts by 4~ 'boys and flrla IIJIld






Gtbt ,_iami

BL c


. Waynesville, OlUo

'N ew & Used FURNITURE

Moin Street

, K'D&ered M BeooDd O.laall MIJl Matter at PostoJflce, WAynesvWe, (1)10

. Walter W . Wiseman. Edf~or a~d Publisher lSeUED EVERY THURSDAY

SlIbllcrlutlon PrIce, 11 ,50 Per Year, t;ayallie In Advance

School New.8

~. ,

Xenia, fill.'" A cellon And ar ' hc~pln tr .l"e?Pl to It)(lt ThC'ir CIUlIlj;lng u ddions By The . Buying', ellin g'. And , Ex.ohan,giJlIl' (,r 1:Furniture. Pay S: ot Cash For Any Amo~nt. or U ed Furnitu And Feature Fair ~ aUng . , 1 All or Their Trunsartiolls .. . ~c:e them •For They Arc howing SJme Very Good Values A n d IIdpinfo' '.fo Establish Happy lIomC's . . . Tcl. MAIJ1 154 . At 33 Grc.'ne


l 'r l\«

All Over This


.IF .1(:.. ·

e Home Town N.wspap....

•• W. RMoIo/pII- ewc..,.. I," "


H.....ooUldg .. s•• F..odiCO. c.t


TIl JH1;101'S. 'n Ile;' il. tE1W • rsu- , lncnts Rnd nlom tllllt,li r ll'l"~t loti. ordered theil' -10&1 ,'Ings SC'P CU11~' . 15. from tho 13astilm Brothers ComJl'IIny . Tbe ring !ute to artlve sot;lletl N be me In ovem r'. The FreSl1mnn Ol~ enjoyed II weiner roast at ,the !lorne oC Mr. rand Mm. Rnymocld Braddock, .Frldav, S eptember 2{' . Miss Fo 'bO)\' I ' , Elnd MJss Res asststed th host nnd hostess liS Chapenmes . The evenln \ MIS spentln playing games and slngIng sorigs Aroun\! tllC camp fire . On Tue,s<lay, 10, The Warr 11 COWlty. Teacher's ':AssOOlatlon

Black's New and Used FurnIture , will hold their mectlng in Sprbgboro, Store In Xenia conduct an instltu- Mr . Charles JamllS ~ 'f r esldent of

F,r'om A Farm Diary-· Dry Ridge tlon which well into our preson , I organIzation, Mrs. K enn eth . Iday life and b"slncSs and furnishes Hough Is sccretary-tl'ea.'lureI:, Dr . this


'Ibat would h been very nice 1l I bad but beeded the warning the dutt clouds, the thunder and the few drop.s of the pr e 11 min Q r y aprlnkle gave me but no 1. thought

thatwualltherewasgolng to bean on cuttLng broom oorn nnd Iheaded slowlY across t he field plekup .. few scattered tassels, Then dle 31n came. not just a sprLnkle or a f., di-ops but an -almost solid &beet of water mixed up with II little By the tim ,1 reached my enr ,a:.was eoa.ked. 1 tho\l~t",r my open wtndowa at home and sllllrtcd off as ,fast as I oould to shut them. The wind blew end bile rain came so hard that I could soaroely see the a-oad abe6d of me. 1 put ()n my llghts 80 that others could see me and went on. By the time I reached Highway '13, It bad begun to sla.cken and by the time .I turned in at my lane 1l ItI'IIB onJy"spi'1nkl1ng and by the time I 8to~ at my <loor the r.aln, was over, ' OUr soy bean hAY was sOa.ked

went inc


Lb e " eople with a service that en- I CollIns 01


~mber 27 . The ~aLn came. ,will get a

C<llumbus Will be the o.nd Miss Ra,ylyn Crabb will be one of the jrues!. ellt ~taI.!I~n; . School wUl dlsm.iss at noon Tuesday. ' 1110 H me Economies depa.rtm unt Is dey loping au l!xtE!\~ve six year course. BegInning ' ~Is yeal' !.bE.' 7th und 8th grade gir'ls are reqUired to take the course two days eMh w~ek. They nre studY'h'4l' Itmdamen~1s at !\J't Mld the selecti,o h 'and the dcslgn tor school clotlhipg. The highschool glrlli a.r~ studying consuUlcrs' probletillS or bll;Ylng 'foods in wnr Ulne, planning menues \j.nd trying nelV rCct~:s . The following rooJP for read has been very popular: BeQ:t one egg ond add 1.4 c~p sugar, 3-41 c/lPl plk and 3 tabl poon butter substitute. MIx well and ad.d 1-21 ~n salt, 4 teaspoollS baking ~er and 2 cu s After putt~pgthls hIlttor In a po.n, mix 21tablesr,OOrlll sugl\r With 1-4 tllaspoo,n c1nnamQtl: a.nd SPl'lnkle over the' ~tter, Bake 20 mlllute6 I~ , a hot civen. ' \A Home .",;. Clu'" ...... been org''''"'" '" ..... _. !zed which Is oprm only to' JUlll:>r ru'ld simJQr girls who have had t least' cme year or :1Dgh School Home Economics. The cftlcers of the cl ' b are Ruth Wlcal, ,. Muriel ~. Dickensbeete, vlc~, pr:esJdent: Janl 0 Burnett, secretar,v: NORna .....dBmll, ,t reasurer; Sarah l:!cott, ,n ews re, orter . '

good prloe for It at the , titles It to theIr large patronage I.IJld speaker.

Isale , and old rum It.urer ~\. nnd well deserved success. sale jW1k, thl& Is the p nce to urn oFropi who are suddenly t.ransI~ Into motley and let someone have ftned fTom one clLy to Illlot.her or

1~. U18.t ca.::! usc It. . who for some rClI.SOn desire to break f unday . Slow time ugn.ln nnd we up housekeeping, will fLnd this star.! c.m a ll bl'eat,hc a sigh of rel ci! and Is a ready purchaser of thelI: com~ s~e, a litUe later in the m :lmlng plete outfit, as they deuJ In h ouseefore thA.t school bus comes. It , furnishings and are oUerlng a tall' "'us so durk two mornings las t w . ck price and the ea 11 . All you have to ·tbAt the kids missed It. What A SIlly , do is to get III touch ~1th them or

hlt1g It Is to changc the time. Per- tak~ your furniture In to them and ·n.Ps bcfol'c spring COngress will do you are assw:ed of tair t reatment . QmeLhlng about it. After about CIf - I Officers, U1dustrlaJ workers IUld een years. I am back In 1.0 Sunday key men who been transferre-d School again and that mo.kes m e IUld who want to pick up a few piece ) iI'.urry a little Stmday mornIng so J 'or who W&ut to furnish a. home or bm dOUbly glad that I do not h to . want some a.rUcle to up ,w ith ('::me on fast time . !O!.hers will lind here an extensive Such a lovely nrternoo~ . The assortment. 'I'hey, too, have a well purJ;le asters by 'the road are more selected line of new furniture which beautiful than usual nnd many of are gOOd values 1n price. comfort and t he trees are showinz gorgco~ blLs ' utlU~. of color . It WIIS a perfect afternoon ,[ or tile party my tenants were h nvNatural !;unglnll CI lng. · It. was sup ~e d to I)e u SUI'Some unlmals, besides "avlng a prise on J ohn ny who Is ,borne on fur- yellowI sh ne two rk of capillurles In front of the retina. also have yellow and yet we 'h ad no water in th Tough and for M'r . and Mrs. John corncas ~nd y~llow .Ienses In their water holes for our cows eitJher. In who were celebrating thell' silver eyes. These tend to reducl! the Ugbt we D1\' R4dg.e styJe thc rain had lWeddLng. Anniversary . I think the and flller out blue rays. Generally, hit Tow:bsh1P Rood but had ml~ed s~rprises aU leaked out but that d d- the more time an animal s'pends in n 't spoil the tun. the sun, the more highly developed UII. are the protective fUtera In the eye. 11bursday , community Sale. I took Monday. At last I have fo und a Even the len. of the human eye lis IICIIDe cliick6llS to the sale today but us for cockle burrs. CUt tMm and yellowish, which deepens with 11ge. 4Ibk Was not a good day for chickens, 'Wok ' them into a bushel Ibll4ket, However, the bum'aD eye does not I d14 better wIth the ones 1 took to I~ped down into & sort of a bale, havl! very effective natural protec' .0- ~. """~lne on Saturday. Taking 'ttllm It oU,t and let it dry then, burn tlon against very bright sunsltlne. .... . u '02"". " L .:.. / . The prairie 1I0g. that basks In the ~ns to the conununity sale Jll lit In the flre .pIa.c:e .It lIJ.U&.es a lovely sun, bas a, highly eolored protective It. p.mb1e. Sometlmes you get moN',I1ke , Tho 'l>Ul'J'$ spaorkle ~nd ?OJ): Uke fUler ID hi. visual' mech!lnlsm, 10 UlMthemarltet ,p rlceandaomtlme.s fire worb ,and with each.pop you he does not mind the bright glare not ueacly as mUM . <>De small have thll.t lovely feeling that there Is or the sun. But human beingl are that will never Sf-crout orDe naturally shade lovlrlg c;re.tures and a I



Freedom in





Mr . Bt:addoct a.lJd the senIors 'Went to Dayto~ TUesday, to ha ve the senlor..piotut'e8 taken at; !.he Knoll studl08. ' Flve ofllcers 1IUId' advi (ir, Mr. Orabbe,ot t he MIamI Va lley Ohap


Oppre..ed P-eople Sought

A (ew weeks ago ibis column closed with the stulement: "Indus\ry must have security a! Inves\ment !Inri hope o! protlt III nrder to do Ils pn rt toward post·war prosperity.'> Sturting rlghl thcl'e, a New York roader look time ,to Inform me that. induslry 'was not alone in needing security 01 Investment, He present· ed a most as tounding set Ql 6gurc9 about p rsonElI Investments. The largest single Investmenl made ' by mosl America ns, be de· cl ares, Is In 11 place to live. Then he adds: "J ('r Iwilt " Ol1 !' ('~ bring us morc than to;1 11m s ns much IUHs as fi re. In th e Ill st ten ' y III'S. 111'1l 1(l ~ S 0 6 In the U. S. have b en a bout LllI'ee bil lion <;jolla rs while losses reo slInt r (~om poor building consll'ue· \ •• 111 e" _"dcd ~O bllllo.o dollal's In the same period." An U!;ly Picture ImagIne Sergeunt Joe D'Oaks com'· Ing home from war. The dote 01 his wedding lS sot' and home ·mu klng is In order . He pays hi s only $1.l)00 dO l 1\ 0,\ Ii 55.000 b lI!!,' In a :lU urb of hJs home tOWII. The sub-di i or allows him Hi y I'S to pay oft' the r 1TI1lllliug $4,000 in rl.lll·Jlkc ' pay· l1,C/lU! 01 $Ja II rllonl h. T)1ey !!over' pl'lOcipal, In terest and a few smull assessments . . A 'lew home hos been bt:ll'led. e Illy live ycll~S pasti. J e J un· lor Is four years old . There have I.. ..H.!I. u lut or costly repairs, especial. Iy wh cll \.he piLino broke lhrou ~h the li vIng rllC)rn flIIO I'. Tt)c {I'ont door no IOllger illS Its (rumo. liclJlillg co LS al'c like robbo1·Y. The place is nol w{)rtb the $:./,000 yet lu pay OD t al\d J oe i8 ~eudy lo quit. The D'Ouks fllQ1I1Y entel'8 temporary quarters al.d t::1 ke a loss a! $3,000 plus. The Other $2,000 'I'I)!! ho use is nol paid tor. ·Joe si~r1e d inslu hnent notea before he moved Irl. 'l'he real estale OU III dlScouulcd til 10 to a b::1nk. Does Lbe bank lose the $2,0001 Certainly not; the Idan was Insuf d by the Federal 11'/U5101 Adrnlnlstl'utlon. Soon .the FHA ta kes the Dlorllltllle a nd trlea t seU whlll J oe couldn' t elldw·e. Gov<:rqnJcnt's ovel'lIge loss on such dellis tlXceeds ·$600 and Lhere are plerl Ly .o1 them . As of December :n, 1010. the F~ bad insured '634.023 mortl:uges. Our. Ing 1941 trouble stLl rted developillB in' houses built in 1935 and 1036. Foreclosures ,andl delinquenCies wIlli expected foreclosures) number 5,4fi6 'which is 9.4% or loanl insUred


The !Sme search ~6r..... tr~edom which Ittmulated lu\er coloplzat1on ' In North America · prompted ' Norwegians to ' nee royal Oppr!lsl5lon In their homeJ,and' and settle on leeInnd's wellt coast 1,070 years ago, In 874 A. D. Today's In.habitBnts are descen(led (-rom tho~e V~kln gs ,and tram Ir ish, DanIsh, Scotch and Ehg· lIsh; some o.r whom r.eacbed Ice· land's shores even earller. Tb9Y were free. In 930 they set up their ,republic and Its govern· Lng Althlng, the parUamen\. In the y0l,11 1000, while an Ieelan~er, Lelf Ericsson. was discovering America, the Darllamept adopted Christianity ai 8 slat~ m a~ter, and aU citizens were baptized, After three centuries or freedom Iceland fell unde.r forei gn" rule ; Orst, Norwa~ In 1262, then Den· mark, In '1380, EmIgrations to America followed the naUon's darkest hour In '1783, when · unprecedented volcanic damage eapped 8 long era of plagues. ,amlnes and raids by sea rovers, The turn came In tbe 19th een· tury. On June 1'1, 1811, patriot Jon Sigurds!lon was born. HIs life 01 labor put Iceland 01\ the road back to the freedom realized recently when tile country declared Itself a repubUc.

~ ~d~~ h , ~ ~~

~ . John Willron, Walter WUMo~ ~Jld Robert W1Json. ,a ttQoded the ~un ernl of Mrs, Hattie Jenkins at

WI1m1ngton saturda.,i ~ ...tOl'rioon . 07


Mr . n.'lld -Mrs , 'Phil Young entilrtaIned relativC8 trolll MIddletown S unday. LitUe lAITY E)11s spent the w ee k-

Jap blaDdl ' The Bonin islands directly south of Japan are a 10rt o~ miniature Japanese HaWalians. They are appraxlmately In the latitude of Ulose American mid-PaclflC blands 01 well a. in the la~tude of Miami, Fla. UntU receot centuries the ::r Iliandl were uninhabited and eovered with tropIcal 1ungle, They lie north of the northeast trade winds a~d east of the monsoons, bot .occas.iJOnally catch We tall end of storms. Aggre~l1tln g about 30 square miles. of which one·third lion Chichi Jim a, the Bonln.s 'are bold and rocky but have a fine volcanic soil producing luxuriant vogetatlon. Sugar cane. pineapples and bananas are the chiet crops: Turtles and fish ~re cuught In the suiroundlng waters. . P alms cover the lower slopes. MUlberry , treel and ferns grow to great sizes, In prewar yeara the Island8 supported the surprising number of 6,000 lnhahItant-.about 200 jleJ'sons per square mile.

end with his grandparents, Raymond Wilson IIInd wife, L1tt1e~ Jlmnite MeIntire 16 spend1n~ pn.rC of thl.\i week with them . Mr . a.nd Ml'S. W1I11nm Smith and dougbter entert.6;lned to dinner SWl-


day, Mr , and Mrs. Russell Luty aud fam1ly of near PltIlburg, Ohio.. Mr·• Rnd Mrs. PhiPPs and [amily or near Potsdam, Mr. a.nd Mrs, Ha.rsbbarger ot noo r f leosant HUl, and Mr . and Mrs Rat j ................ ' . C " • • ~..n . Mr. and Mrs. Ever~tt Haines called ou Mr. and Mrs. Donald Mc Kay and son Sunday a.fterno~lI, Wolter Wilson attended !.he Home camLng At Mt. Holly SUllday-afterlloon :


'Mr. Phil Young urrd son a.t~l1ded the funeral 0 Mrs. Youne's brother A . E . Brown MillOI'd, OWo, Friday aJtemoon . Mrs , Dorothy Smith entertnined ,the W.M :F.S. at her home In New . . ,Eourllngoon Wednesday . A· Potluck dinner waB enjoyed and the meeting wa..s beld in the a'fternoon. I t was guest day and several menlbers and guestll were present , Mr. nnd Mrs. Raymond Wilson


entertained to Sunday d!ltner Mr. n.nd Mrs, Leonard Ellls and tamlly , MUl'Ityn Sue Smith s lit Tuesday night with h er grandpar uts Raleigh 'Bogan and wife . . Miss MQ.nlmla Buttncll was In WlI• mlngton on TUesday. . PUBLIC SALE 'As 1 am leovlnr the form to lllOQte in WaynesvlllCl,. Norlh CarOUna, I will sell at. pubUc Auction • .~ miles BOUth 01 WaynesvUle 2 and 1-2 miles

norlb ea 'of 'Qreronla" 4mUes souUl "fIIest. of llarve)'llbure on Swariael road, ATURDAY, OOTOBER1~1~ Ber~nine a~

1:00 p. m . sharp tile foUowu.. abattab to-wit: 15-0ATTL&-15 1 Ou rnsey cow 4 years (}Id to be fresh In Decemt:!er: 1 Ouernr,ey cow 4 y~rs old to be f:i'esb in January; 1 JeI'Sey cow • Years 'old to be fresh In January; I brown Jersey cow 4

Bryant Motor



Home 01 Balsam Fronting the PaCific and directly below Guatemala lies EI Snlyador,

I1lr". \Villi . . . .""", C ..rr......... .

-,.--. 4W1


baloolln .Jwll4llV



You Oan BrIne Your Motor years old to {reaMn In Feb uary; 1 Baek To Ute . . . ~rvlce IJersey COW 10 years old: 3 Heffera, For Motor Analnina'; Carbuntor, \'br:ed: ,8 HeUer calves; 1 Stoir ,weight


~~~~~~~~~~~~~=~~~~~~~~~~~~4~~~~~~~~~~ S~~~&:l~~

. .~mtDlCi~Iti~It-!~rer;IfI&*'"PeltHM~l,.,;:n,."Nrciiilnrun..n;;irthru;i-nrnmi~+~n.el:Je~~~ republles, arid .the real 0 . -SeryI ..... OIl Malet Of Cars . , " l l!J-...1n'OGs-:.-GO LEGHORN.IlENS ' .of bnlsom .. The sotn'ce o! :bal- the meeting! whl:c h was' opened by I B t t.h "" , vice, U you. W\IIlt a : calf \IV raI8e, sam I /I tree h' h th ars. u e governmenCs loss of See Th_ AI They Rave The Equipa reg cred 'O . I. C. 'S<Y,\'s brt 4 to -';"'ty of ou It" . 1 W IC grOWl .on e!.he Beaver Ohapl:er Officers. $600 lIer re-cpOb <l6~<:d house, /lgured ..; . "a'r '" N her' I Po '-l -""~ are 1_", y ~ ones. would ~ l\ better;nnme for this than ":Balsam cdasl" of El Salvador. on fi9,598 houses, exceeds 35Y.i millloll.' ment To "\lIp You Save Your Pre- I ~ row _ ovem : ' and ehba you want to sell a calf that Is too "1DIy Ridge. , After the tree has been bruised and dollars. It 18 1)Ol a fanlaslic Hgure. cll)Us Tires And To ,Kt:ep Your Can sowlb ; 1 Poland Obina Ye1lTllng YOUD8 to veal 60JDe one will buy it J:Jow a bout going ,up to ~b6n t-o cbarred, III bnr~ (alls ofT and balFHA's annual report auys (Qreclo- ' Trucb In Service . . . Mla4lhlne boor; 14 feeders tha.t Will wc1g'h bet:and ra1ae It, If you want to $011 a tile .Blood Bank and ~ve a rJn t ~B m begins to cJrude. It 18 the., reBures In 1940 increased 26'.4% over Shop Service And' wrecker . N. ter than 100 pounds each .. be .... tb ch1 ", celved on . rags, w~lch, when 1939 Th _ n W~ . W. some one w1ll be It several made. appointme~tIl for saturated. are balled in water. 01. . ese pre·war fi gurell Warn MAin 488 . 'IMPL~ENTS ' glad .to buy her. If you have som'~ ttie siime Utne I am S\1l'e arrange- IOW'ipg the lIeplirated balsam to fall ~:t post-war sa:feguards are h e e d · ' ~l'dson tractor with cultivator at-. half (P.:'OWil chickens that are n ot th~ m ellts CoUld I,)e made tot trrun&po rta.- to Lhe .bOLlorl'\, Balsu rn Is .well known The building Industry Is enormouS: ~a.nt "Motor SaJes a~ ~I)Ia Me I; Oliver traotor plows; OUver the · 81ze the poultry dealers ,wan b , ror Its fragranl oC\or and js uscd hI It alfect,s everybody. WhCII Ule an , in~fiULI~!l that aJds In keeping ,~ractor disc; John Deere manure ~ou m8,y do well willh them there ol' It1~' " co\'Ltectionery' and {>erlu~ery lind buUdlng Industry pl.'ospers, mOlt In. the ,b iulISpo*tlon or this part otthe 8preder; Superior fert1l'za~' wheat U jou ,have l!Om.e thlng ~ and Z1Q Buy twi , ee as ~y, war bonds ali most Im~o~'(nnt. or all; in morterl' dustrl 0 t Th I ' t ' h state eontlri~ rolllng nand'" Jdrill I C>~ s\l r~tl ry lind phn" mn/oolor,y. 'Balsl\m spe. p r ve er sam. . . 0 ".; eed grinder, power-wood saw; (JIle will ,haul It lor you ~ Cincinnati ,yOu did befor~" perha.Pl! we can get 1/1 Indispen~ll hle In modem wll rtnr mer and the carllcnle.r '. , saw, mark fer the ·people a .serVice that la. elf. garden plow; double laddc'r s, Iron' 1Ibere 18 81W&YB a , ohance that you the boys home , tIWl<:e as soon. Qot1 nus pr(lY!).' invfl lll ll hlt' In ltJ (> tile tempo of p~osllerlty. BuUdin, flclont . prompt and depend8ble. ,k ettle, laNt prk. butchering tools , trends affect tenta, laxell, social con· ,7- .. .,u Ii ld 1 .. _ ' L I r I' 'IJ in C/! , 1'1,' : : ~, ~ diUons and matters ot health.. Ita • u, ......, e o . en....,avor. CC>-OI'dln- step ladder; 1110 feet of I 1-4 hay


..... A





~~~~~~======:-:-~,.;~=-=-=====~==~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~--~~~---THE . •.1 OLD JUDGE SA:r S. • "7"~ .' .L::---'-,--;"

~~~~~a~~~~~~~or~~:~~~~ ~ ~

to pirates, especially In tlmel of mOllt im~t foctors anel whether used one s n ; dha~n holst; new (lcute demand and It Oe-&tbletio or mOo hoes', shovels,forks; 3-10 gallon milk tty, But pirates, beneHt nobody. . tor cars, 8\.lCCeas cannot be ach1eye(l ca.ns,nUUc strainer hUckets· Deleyal . It Is not fair if borne-coming ftghtl: without Perfect -H~I~~ and synchl'O ' era and war workers, bent on l:nak~ ' , ~,~ 'I! fU·... - Ql'cam separator' ahd ollher ,small arIng homes, ' waste their BavlngS In nlzatlon and here, tliey are pre~. ed CleleaL--,-_ _ __ ~-----_ houses tbiit 1a1lllpl\rt. It il not fair ~ tJ~e.~up ,your . motor BO ~t all ' ..FEEl> tor older. taxpayers 'to Uquldate note. 1lQrts arre ~n 'per;tect ,co-ordJna,t1on 7 ton$ i1l1xed· hay..J5 bales straiW. on the DeQJ'DC~tlc , Tlcket tpat' these detrlluded y,oung ' a.nd your car WUI glve :you fta.WIes:> MISCEL~OVS · e "soluUon ia In a,n(l mOi'e"eCbnomfcal perfonnanoe . ' Newjlog house 10XlO; p~g .houiSe 7 , ' ~ust defaWt. As a oandldate fer PrO$e(lutor, ~outlCl construction ' and ' mortgage TheY' are able to repair ot tons Yellow Jacket COOl. , 3 'Cords . money Is the key to better bu!ldfng. any mllike and have In theu. em 1 . ,he knows that lite cannot be 'reeleo~d without the su POrt Next week's column will be on tho . ' pay WOOd; Kihroler lIgnt p181~ 110 volt: . -~}-- , I lLi~ject 01 "Mortgage Money." men who ,know boW. A trial service 011 brooder stove, 300 chick c~plolty, bL'I frle.nc1s eoa.eq~Uy · w~ ,._ _ _ _ _ _....:..~____..._ _ wID oonvmce YOU that they can help ' . HOUSEHOLD GOODS . take thlll oPportlD\lty toO protect ' .' ATHLETES FOOT . . your car- and give you Oapltal ' coal range: 1 hea.ter; · 3 his . ffien~ ,for t,b e III]PPtlrtl1 the most trOuble fr mU ...... _' JI R , equlres .MOblle Liquids ee ea . '4'U1t;Y burne 011 Btove', 2 ,h igh 0I1al:8'1 2 • I Y gn ve hJln lore Ilnd Will no! , ... 1" • Sucessrw. treatmentll must be more ,, your car thorough and baby,bl!ds; (laslnet: 100 Ib can. Ice e\lrely ntt e tlla, .h e ~ay - .L In " "ependable ..a ...... "'" 'as ""-lr ' '"511 than sUrface appllootions. 'PoWQ!:1'S, ~ , .,"'" "~'" ....... . e.xpert · ,b ox: 2 end tables,.' and m"~, y ""'all" , repalrmen can loca.t tro ..",! ..... .,... . on your B•• 'lIPPGrt. -; , s, a l ves . or olly llqWds do no't penetlMe, · . DieOha.n1ca.J , d1ffictl.l e ._ e a.n,d .a11101es too , &. nwnerOl1R I . ..... ·.to me.".,'. tlon'. , Elec,U()Q NO"~I.,be r ' 7, 19•• .. _ 1 sUifflc1e.ntly. Alcoh?l ' Is mobile. I t a ties rwith ' 'TERMS '0l\8H ' SponStlftid by ' , ~TEB. Te-QI Is th~ only mazing 8~ and good work. ' GRI\Y FOR l~SECUTOR I solunlon we know' of, made wfth g() " , CILtR~ES L. KLEMAN COMMn-I'EE -,' W I pel' . cent ...,.,ohol. Rl!:A,OHIES and IF' 'YOU want to tum unneeded . N. Sears. Au~Uoll,eflr. Ha~e, Gray, KILLs more germs, 350 at any drug , Wa.... UI Ph" "851 Pol. Adv.' I • possessions Into , " quick cash, there J~e... e, oue jOo St. John and BeaSon, Clerks. _ is. nothing better than a want





.'. . .1...

1 . \.

.'. r


ad ~. the MtamJ Gazette

~Nn ! Yd~!~ , ~'r'a 'v NO~ WIT.H f'



~() t a messy, hard to use dye.'


No t a ,Jow working vitamin ' but a colorless liguid LlI"a~ wil( in a few, simplo applications ~e­ ·stor.e g-ray i!lnd s~~eaked hair .'to .beautiful. nat. ul'al; coloJl OJ' your', money· back.




, i,·o..


great wartime miracleJ"

:rlU....,'- ' - ' _ ' " CMII- _I AkoI.oIk ~o,.. 11tIfuIrNa./..

PJ.ofte 2121



Hair WOR~Im;


taxed capacity of our industrial alcohol plants. 8c?, overnight, our country's beverage distillers stopped making whiskey and pr0duced ,hundrtlda of millions of gallons of the vitally needed alcohoL ' II As a matter of fact, Sally, a high governm~t official said recently ' •• , synthetic, rubber is ' from ' 6 to 9 months ahead .of where it could have been if alcohol had not been available tor butadfilne· production.''' ,iWe were . really ' fortunate, weren't we J~ge, to have ~bever8ge distilling industry in Uietence. ,; able ,. to help perform this


'- .~




toR AND CONsi oN your ea~e, bop, Ibeep abel c&l'tCI '19 HOrr.....Brock 00.. Uf. wire p;~ve tJ.rm for ~best ~ltet prices and ,dod ..mllll~ UDl~D lKock Y~, clDelnDa&), O. Tune' In pn R&d1o Btatton WOKY , 1t:2& to.' 12:30 p. m. tor OUI' ~ally lmarket reporta, _


Jrl KLY ND, ~S ANALYSIS' -:-___-,


' ~az is

F'ight . to Check, Allied



':Advance 'on Industrial Center· .Study r>ians' for · PostwarR,eich

R le" ~Cd by Wce\crn NCW8P~Pi!. Union', --,_ _ _ _ _~ (EDITOR'S NOTE: Whon opinion. au • . upre ••• d I" Iho. . .0tam),1 lbo, a.1 U.OIe .t 'V~.'.'D' N.w~p"pn Unton'. nlw, ltnal,I'8 I .. d II'~ DOoo ..... IIJ .hl. newI".,.,,) ,


Thrifty Sugar Saver t1 tilizea .Cor.n Sirup

Correct Time

. For Cotton l Wheat , ' Proceeding In accordance with recent acl ot congress to equnllze farm Income, the W~r Food Adl'nLn· : istration announced plans rbr. pur: chase of all 1944 cotton and whca~ In loan at parity , . In stating thilt It , would buy aU1 1944 loan cotton in suitable storage at 'pl1.rlty, w'blch approximated 21.08" cents August 15, the WFA Rlso ra-: venled that the Commodlt)' Credit corporlltion would be tJermltted to sell the staple at not less than the equaUzatiOn price. . . Under the WFA's wheat purchase ' program, It" will buy all unredeemed 1944 loan wheat May I, 1945, at parIty. less carrying charges for the storage yellr. In the Instn'n ce of wheat, the equalization price is (lg. ured .at the Joan rate, plus 15 cents. per bushel.



'At 2.'1~ w. Mniti st., ~enJa, Spe~ In Watch, Clock Ilnd J .wetr)[ Repalri'ng . . . Undllr The ·Oompet. mt DlncUon 01 Fred Lovin, Who lias U~d Years Experience ""d Is Well Versed In The Construotion 0 1 Watches 01 Au Kinds . . . Suvice IS Right In Line With Our Economy 'P~&,ram and ReI People ,To' Be At Their Jobs On 'lime . . , Tel. l\IAin II04-R.

CQUR(;n R B, Coleman. MlnL'Ihr



' Ohurch schoo l at 0:3 1\, m , Mrs. ' nymond Oonner, s uPelln t.en lent: Morning Servlce~1030 YOut"'FelowshipTuesdtlY evenllg at 7 :30. Oholr practice Thursday 8:00 (tm . .



Parks, iwnhterln Charle iFred Lovin MXenla and hJs corOhurch school at 9 :30 a. m, rect Tmle ~ervlce offers the people White sirup cake 18 the aus we r to Morning prayer and sermon 11 :00 pie ot t his section a. service In ad- many a home-maket's praye r for a Justing and repairing of ;watches anc1 sugar-savlng dcssert thcse wartime n,m. Clocks of th e hlghest calibre and all rationing dD)·S. . .'· ERltY CIUlUCIl OF cmus... The reCipe, selected by Marjorie who have watches or clock6 whlQh Markets Bound Herbert Grabam, Minister ot Cappe r'. Griffin, home editor are not keeping exact time should Down a week before with thc prosFarmer, was among hundllCds sub, take them In to him to be gone over . 9 :30 a. m" Bible school pects for a bumper grain harvest. mitted by readers of the nationally 10.45 a. m.-Communlon . Even ihough your ,watch Is keeping circulated mo gazJnc's Home Cook. grain prices shot up wiU! llie an· 11 :00 n.. m.-Bermon. nouncement 01 the WF A' s pa rity good time. but has not ,b een looked in, deportment, program for whcat a nd cotton . p , m.- Preachlng. 8:00 ov(!r I'lICelltl)" i~ would be wISe t o ~ e, I hortenln. 2 Isp. ba.ldng Moving In sympathy with wheat IJOwder take It in and have It clelm ed OCCQII. ~1. e,c, Rugar corn slrull FRIENDS and cotton, the market on corn, oats, It ls11. loda IDna111, as thi8 wUl ,be an In.ssura.ncc • till, beateo !4 c. _our mU)I: First Day .school, 9:31\ a . m, rye and barley also o,dvanced, al· cake Hour l~ c. sour c.eam IIga10llt It getting out ot orc1er, as ~• c.lsp. Meeting tor Worahlp. I? :ao a. m , though traders believed thai some n it 2 18(1: vanlUa revision wouldt flave to be made 4n dU8t, whlllh gets lnto all watches , Cream shortening and sugar Add ST. AUGUSTINE CHlJRCH Two dougbboys doublc ilp on makeshift col for rest behind bl}tUe the case of the latter two grains It ,sometimes cause the tiny s plings to sirup and blend tho roly. SUr In ·eggs. they are to hold up, since loan prices Father KrumlloU.. 'Prleat Une~ at Aacben, Gcrll\any, while oUlers loll aro~nd armored car. break . It is an economy to keep a Sift dry .In!¥'cdlents together and Mass Sunday 9 :00 a . .m. o~ them are much below parity. good watch cleaned and kept In or . 1 {ldtt nlteroately with milk and sour In all of the' grains save corn, and EUROPE: Pf!f, cream. Add vanilla. Turn Into 2 PACIFIC: In cotton, the WFA's parity program WAYNESVILLE OIlUllCU OF He bas ilac1 many years of expe . greased, waxed paper·llned 6 by 01 tutu res buying that led to a wave Decisive Battle Rake Philippilles CBBI8~ . ll·jnch pans. Bake In moderate oven . . reached the permissible price' limit Jumpers have spotlight riepce 10 tllis line 01 work a.nd thor- (350' ) tor 20·25 m10ut Wh ,Greatest buttle on the western The spotlight In the South Pnclfic tor one day. fa~lon ncw, for IIlveral seallOllll. Iou hl¥ d ta d the . . es. en Mas Randall, Mlnlflter (ront raged around the Dutch towA continued to play brIghtly on the Thl. laU, ' wide ""oullle", " nd SOn I g un ers n S IJle{)hftJl1sm slightly cooled, lUI and frost with Bible Bcbool 9.30 ... 01. of Nijmogen as Br ltaln's Second , Ph ilippines, where army a nd mao CIGARETTES: pthertl at the hlpllaf~ Intr.cluce a ,of Various types of wa.tches and Quick Strawberry Frosting.: army under command of Lleut, Gen.. rine gl'ound troops tightened theIr Oommunlon 10 :45 a. Ill. I en • , 1 c, .trawberry naUerlng lIew ~gurl8 line. For ,Clocks and is prepared to repair Miles Dempsey, aided by nl r·borne hold on ImmedIate outposts, and the Boost Tobac{;o Quota IIChool or bUlmes., ma,k e thl, jwnp. them roperly and correctly. A wato~ " tsp.•alt prelerve. Preaching, 11 a. m. . ' reinforcements, struggled to turn' navy and air force cnrrled the fight There were prospects 01 easier er 01 sheer woel Dnll IPut your sa,... Ohrlstian E!ldea.vor 6:30 Inp Int.o War Bonds, ~rry gold, puror clock should not .be entrusted to Combine Ingredients. Beat with the vaunted Siegfried line above liS right fnto the Islands them,selves. lupplles of cigarettes with the War or the new fueblila tones for the hands of anyone save a.n expert rotary egg bcn ter until frosting will pie Evening S rvlce 7 ;30 northern termlnus and open tbe Some 300 miles to the south of. the Food administration's allocation 01 the jumper and wcar U with plain lor repairing or adjusting .but If " ou s' ;" ld In peaks. Any tart jam or Midweek Service, Wed. nIght 7:30 gateway to the "Ru)lr valley, heart Philippines, army troops tightened 624 million pounds of flue·cured to. or print blouses. You can obtain I • , ,' y m:\.v. hc u ~ r(l in pi llre of straw. You are invited to come a.nd worof German Industry. . their hold on MorotaJ Island in the bacce to manufacturers tor purchase this pat~rn at local ator~III, tUtll YOllr ,work ot this over to : . .' ~" \' N. <i'-. -,-I. Themselves. declaring that the en· Moluccas, while some 450 mlles to during the present marketing sea· U. S. T,,;lIu,? D, parl_rtl h Im yOU need n ever have any mis,hlp with WI. tire course 01 the war In the west the cast, marines battered thro\lgh SOil as a result 01 the big 1944 crop giving. could be determined by an A1UIld the lower Palaus agalnst the ranat!. of 1 bllllon, 47 million. pounds. MT. nOLLY M_ E. flIHIIrC'1I 'H e has <in hand the necessary AUCTIONEERINC break· through in this aector, the cal opposition of J apanese, who' pre· With production estimates biked T. M. Scar", Mhtllll .. , parts and springs tor watches and Germans used Increas.Lng nUmbers terred suicide to surrender, over the billJon pound mark trom · Stanley and Koo rr.ler Sunday School 9 :30 n. m. E. A. clocks a-nd If any part Is broken or of troops pnd large Ql,lantltles of · Meanwhile, naval aircraft taking 834 mUllon poUnds in JulY, 1944 al· For Dates, Phone 2894, WayneseQulpm'ent to slem the BrItish off from carriers riding close to •locations . w ill a1most equa I th e ~orshlll 'service at 10:30 A. M. has been last, he Is to mak ~ ville, Ohio, Revt'Tse Charges l!:nrnhar~, Supt. th rellt, and the Luftwaffe made so,mt' Phllipplne shor~s, raked enemy sblp. amount of tobaccp manufacturers Located at 8 West Second st.. til" proper replacements. ot its infrequent. nppearnnces in ping ' ' Eveni ng . Service, 7:30 p. IlL supplying the scattered islands. used d ur Ing th e 1as t year, an d f a 11 XenIa, Ol:lcr, An ExcoUen.t Dry BROKERS 1,If1ENSE Mr. Lovin Is, also, a jeweler and strength to bomb B.rltlsQ con centra; d ' d d ~ I ' I1"al 2 pef cent below purchases' from ~ tlons. an groun · own ' ap panes c . d of 1939 (tlcanina" Ilitd Presslnr; .servlce-, I!'ea- is expert 1.n t he repairing of Jewelry recor crop , , . , lenging the aUacks, . As advance colul'lna of, Qen· Allied and other friendly nations turinr W,h Clau Wod,. At AU Times ~d II help~ through this service In an el1'ort to. Impede the cne· eral Dempsey's ' Second army my's flow ' ot ,supplies to the war were aUotted 391 mUllon pounds. . , . People From AUI SurroundlDf to preserve m nny tine pieces which thrust DMlhwarcl In tbe NIJmofronts, B.29 8uperlortresses ' carried Co1nDiunlty Fi~ .T he Uae Or 'Thelr haVe become heirlooms and are now gen area. thc Germans launched ' persistent aU!a cks on Its sup'ply on another heavy raId ' agaJnst the Remembers Buddies ' 'luaUty Processes Is "nlrbt In Une 60 popular to lidd n. touch of style t. , linea , runnln,' sou4bwal'd to manufacturing tacllJtJes ot Anshan, With ' Our £aono"" li"rOIram ~d .t-rocks anq slilts. 'Manchurla, st:;cond greatest 8teel ~ w:....brlCII With MOdem'StOreS At 23 E. ,Main 'I r..~sonable Prices . . ,Otler Well 88Eindhoven, 'Dd the Drl41ab were • Are E ntrust IDr Th el~ ,IFi n........ • center 10 the Japanese empire. Pre· .' ' . '':''- . ~,,,,,,,"'" St.; Xenia, Dring Much Trade Ac- looted Lines For Dretll anet UUU,, · hard prclUi~ d to k op the rpads To Them W,l th Assura,nce 01 Sa.Usopen (or the transport of rna· vlous B~29 allsaull. had been ' ~lrect. faction, . . , Cash an,'IU' Garry , . . IJlr. .L,~~ ..lf) II.. Ll, ilvl~y To To~ Becaul!III 01 Tbelr Oood' Values ' And Con~t ed against 'the city's ore rellnerles.> " terlal. Aa t.hey 10llrbt to olear Tt!1. Main 1st . .wlltNllflP~;. ,,;'Jf4:1(Jf. Excellent Stock 01 Merchandise F;'r ShOI Plni ... New Fall St.oeIl Amvthe , main highway, alternate POSTWAR GEnMJ\NY: . _. _ . AU .M~bers Of The Farony And A.t ing Dally , ~ . Tel ' MaIn 839. road, were es&atiUbed to He ....ew "'I .... ner at ' Yd~lft are ea.l a~d ~etlt. Opposing ,Plans . , -H hel~~ :ur~~ ~_ I' The i. O. PennY' 00., b;" Ilbeir 6emce Is ,b y pubUc. ~dIng the SecOnd army's thrust Capital quelUon In Was~lnrton, gram vlctbrY'. by their· flale IaIdIIIII con tah. with ~ ' and factories and r They carry 'a well &elected line ~ were appreciable reln!orcements of D. C., 1, wtlat to do with Germany; Iser.oL.e in dry Clleanln~: piesatng ~:"-'--------....:.!:.=7-T=-~ with large , (lQSh-bUy~g ., ,fac ll:'t1es, I clot;,bJng and fuimJah. 1Dp .for all the · m en aneL mnlerla~ by nlr, with the with the preslden· ~ .'" occupy the Ultlma.te posit.lon in eco- Ple.tnlbeJ'll 01 the filJn1]y and all III '8etamed "Red Devil" (iivlsion west ot tlal eablnet ~pUt lof ,met\'s, ,women'li · . O~l1dre1l'8 g and draperies, nbinica.1 distribution of merohandlse. ,lected with ' the nee&i a.nd ' desires of Arnhem fighting to the lost to h'old over Secretary of , open tbe brIdge nbove the Neder the Tr~Ii!~ Mor· By uSing the be8~ PI'OCeSl1!!S In all , saving . tQr ,the p ubllc ~e profi t ,the local trade In view. All Is w~U · Rhlrte' and '~et the stage for a swing genthau's proposal dep\U"tlments, they arls ' llillPtng to (WhiCh u.;;ually g'{)cs. po t.he wholcsalers displayed iUld BlloppIng here 11 easy 8rOUlld the Slegfrled line down to to strip the Reich of "Ipreserve materU\JB to ,g1Y~ the hlU, and mlddle\D8.ll, while the l'etaU prlc . 'a nd Is help'1ng'our econOl1lG' pi'ogtam the Ruhr: ' . , ' all its Ind,u stry and I mate In wear. . minlm.lzed on 8.CCOunt .of their by m~k1ng trips to distant .cenLera' While the big battle raged orouhd r cd qce.Its peopI e to UDnece688n'. ,. ' large salC$ and small proUts. Nljmesen, big · guns 'of L/eut. Gen. small agricultural ,E ach . step In . thei1l service Is tn COurtney Hodges' First·army raked hdlcUngs. ' ,. _ ., ' charge 9! an eXpert ~ the line and 'I'!le opening of Iltores ·1!Jl ove~ the The J Penny. 00. by their wellSPECIAL FOR TmS W<EEK German posltl ns ellst of Aochen on W,hile Morgen· Picture: .how. Marine Se'r., eanr Mer. Iall a re c8reful.and ~~. Evcountry has placed them In the fron stocked store with the excellent serI · " . "1 th N thau',ptaD won tlie ton F. Taylnr (center) 6/ Poud4m, N. 'I . ' I, " :.. f • rall'k of oppe~tlng aCCOl'dlng to 'the vl~ a.nd·low p,rlcea are adding greatt h e rood t 0 C0 1ngne. n e /iIIlCY Y.,. ltaiulin8 Oller maKuhi/l grotlfl of Iery !I~t1e deta11 01 the work ,Is Large Uphobtered Rocker scctOt;, Lieu!. Gen. George Patton's Secrelal'J' support 'o~ President one oj Jour buddiea , I.,ho Jw4 been jWatehed in a mcst dll:lgent manner ,m odern, economic trend . lri this ox- 1y ;to attractlvEl1leM of XenlMi.a a Third army advanced in Qle face of MorlteuUtau Rlloseyelt, It w,a s killed by hu .ide nn Guadalcamil #II and own~rs-~eed never' be fearlul of jpanalon, "Xenia and the ' SllQ'ound- shOWing center. · Here. you cantlnd · stLlbbo1'l1 German ,coun terattncks de,opposed by Secreta· 1942, . I .' . $14.90 . ing community 'Were not for.gbtten merohandlse wblchwW pJ6ase you signed to slow Its drive on the Indus· ry. ot State Hull and Secretary of l4/ter haJtily burYing them in fa~ ,'the use of ~prqper 1IlI,~bda here. Mld. by the large number of patrons and at a much lower pI'loe tha.n yOu triljl Snar basin. In the BellClrt Gap War Stimson, who a~gued that Ger· holu dnd /a"lion!fa8 crude "crouel of ~ey clean ltabr1ca at all tin&! and Halloween Costumes betweon the Vqsges mountQlns in .many's lndulltrlal machine ot 25,· dick.. and b'!yaneu to mark tho '1191$, their processes l~ye' Il~~ta fresh who have become their contlnuow nre expected to pay, I ;, , · 'Ieu" r!en 000,000 ' workers 8UppUed necessarY Ser8': Toylor UHU ,arced to mOlle on. . '. F rance an d Sw'Itz erIan'd ,.... customers .. t hey know that. their dem.c ' and xzU ,. v.bgkQcmfwy £CV •. "I • ' bu" no' IIllt·,·l lIe ad .'llw~d 'ft coms and clean, feellng . ancl loo\dng Uke ' S th · goods fn other European nations and ~ ~ .. . I Alexan d er P,a t ch. 8 even army en, y bacle .ome ' day ,0 orrans, a decenr I' now; , , . ~tered heavy enemy tlre 'from also com.posed :a big market COl: oth· b al. T ' I S' r T lo . ' .' uri tOO .yoori o'er,. II 8',' oy No matter whether lib ~ ; or prep\li'ed defensive positions guard. er .producers,' PerSODal By. . . . IiIg the open plains to Germany. , CoUntering . Morgenthau'.8 po.sitlon I.~~''::' to' /ittd 'he bod.e. and fulfij drfl8li .suit, or OQ&t, mWltary Or clvili Do you keep your te~th and mouth Preislng Corward tronl , beach· that dermany must be strlppeCi of Ilan uniform, oVera.t or any' Iltber clean by frequent un of d~c. aJlt1cle Of l8I~el, CNl'Ulns, ~pee, heads along the Yugoslaylan Cout, aU Its industrial mo· lind ' mouth walb' . Db J~ air· JOUl' , AlUed (orces sought· to cut off Nail chlnery to prevent D' (JY- t 0-Day; lUch"" ,...... to dresse8 and shoel after YfearlnJ troops ml>Ving northward .from the .It from re.armlng" e,te., •• vu. w ".... ...... secure . tnem and, before placing them 1ft • -HttIl-and'StlmsOD in. With . the government reserving the max1JnUDl · of' 'W~~ consult them 'Balkans " \PROTECT YOUR RICHT closet with other ' iarmen~? Al· '. If • • I slste · d' that tlie same 126,000,000 pounds of. thle 138,000,000 for their aei'rice 18 qUite &n omBONS BUlLD~G ways bru~h ' off "yoUr tollBr after lJ'helr t'Ootblo" Uno breachecl d t b tt In' to f Its If. ' ' T O DRIVE WITHI'Dd EI"htbAllled . ar· Ilbjectlve coUld be paun B 0 U er s rage or.' e 'c<:onomlc factor in 'kee)mg down tile ...... . e ' FIfth b• ... combln, your ·halr. lIake aD effort NORTII ST., WA1(N~SVILLE,O . , clvllian supplies are Oil a day·tO+day . l ' . ' mlcs advanolng under cover o( achieved by closely basis, the Amel'lcan Dairy ,assocla- cost of living, ~I1d8t; ~ne same . time, always to ' keep JOur ' nail• . clean. · inurderous artillery · and aerial ,r g u I a t I n.g th e tion reported. ' : pr~ttng tHe '.ood a,ppearance ot Keep from hlilng "ybur I\ngernalll. . ·Always ,car~ .. clean~ fresh baDd· .. bom bardment, Nasi ' armored Reich's productlo'n Ttle tlghl situation promises to let Ip~:eop~~le~.=~=l'~'~I===~J~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ GENERAL INSURANCE · . eo.umna blnorihero Ittly ;Wugha through control of up loter in the 1 e a.r, however, with :: kerchief. A1~aYI wash ,~ baDcIt ,'Itrateglc materials, and fresh,e n·up before '••t1q. , .. _ . th o e government', wllhdr,'a wal, from' '"' s t em •lh e ' U• S • anu~ BriO'." In Britain as well , orect pushiIII 00 the r Ic h -P 0 the butter market tlt'xt m9nth, The ' YOU'RE NO EXCEP. See the Mlam1 OUette atatlonel'1 v"hey by' repeated eoon't er. as the. UI S. opinion Secretary HuU , goveI1'lm.ent has be.eJ) dlverting mu,ch , t ' . was divided 'about T!ON I Calamity doe.n't Une• a tacks. ' b.utter fat ,from but . te .. prOducera foJ' ., ' the postwnr pIa, ns for Germany, wIth . , Declaring hthat , Finland'i with· ' pick favorites! Misfortune lJ d'" Prim ' e MlnJs' tar Churchill ' and F. or· Powdered Rink ~nd other uses. WI'" Modern SO- an"'d Ma~hine D-In" Farm Machinery , . , Keell r dr aWal Itom t e war no lonse ma " '.. ~ d Normally, 178,000,000 I\ounds o f ' " --~ -." hasn't aingled 'you qut aa \ it t'lece's aory for them protect the elgn Secretary :Eden 'leaning towar butt. er are beld In' storage for civU- Shops ~' ,1,Q9 Malin , st., .Xenia In Toucb With Tbfm Fen: They Will . . ' B I I MorgenthaO's principles, wh~e 'lome IIa Th 1m I ts As F t As an exception! Be wise and 'finns' nank by occupying the a t c elements favored retaining the Indus. fans at this ~me every year, 'in- tand 8.bbia, ciDDlIat Headquar- ' . ve !lie . p emen lUI . states of, :Estohla ' aDd Latvill, the trial nuclei 01 the Reich with iI view' stead of Ple current Btock of 12,· ' , i. ~ - Ii!..: · They Are Released . . . Also Feature protect YO\lrae.f with.,good ' announced . they . were toward futu~~1 pow~r polltlcl. '. , 000,000 pounds. . ' ' ItenJ For Farmen,'ADi , , .•'Irood .. Prod\lC)- ,I palo000- and . to.r 01111 . .. Are He1pQ ermans, inauranee aD that no mat_ . Trao ,.. breakjng off the D~ttle In \Aose co~· , WAR PROD· U CTI' O N'. ' era From AIlS~ , ..•,~ , comlln.~- f~ Uncle sam 'In HIs program For ter ' what happens, you, \ TARVIM.uTBle TAB AND .t'rlea and' pu\1lnii out. N 'R t' n ~ -" n,"ijJ~'"j .ROAD OIL. BXOAVATlNO Even as the Germans s~oke .of . an . efl~ ~ La ' . I ltl~ . For:, SaIeo ~~. PIU1$ and The Best P08IIlble Food ProducUon your family 'a nd YOU! e DtJIip 'mlJat 8IIIRVICB Declaring ' ".: • , Morgenthau terns g Repairs On ,.~ 1Jnp1ementa .. . By KeeplJir Ileady To, Go ", Tel. 'their detnchlJ;ig ' movements, the Red property will be fully pro'1IIr ' torc~ swooped down on: Nazi wants to see 4S,OOO,00!> .Germans ex· Despite the heavy overall output, I - , " ' \ . ~:Y MIX CONORETE . " J 'the Nazis' reac' m ' anu.f acture of lome war mateda1 8aka and . i'Oz~ McCennlck- IMaID 1068 tected •. ... ships seeking to" evacuate' troolls ' terminated ,. · trom Baltic ports, and the .Rus,,~ .tlon to the Secretary of the Treaa- ran behind scheduie duriDg the ftr.t armLcs Pressed tqward, comple\«! oc· w:l'S pr?p08al was violent. eight months of 11!4.4, . '. ', 0. A'. Pabe' &q'Scim I\t'e i.lert their 8UpPIy Is complete. If the oU Olllce 'at Bo,en. and SlmP'!lun ' cupn~lon. ot Estonia a'nd Latvia, . ' ,ty'plc~l of'Fommentlwoa the state- ' Only 45 ,pe~ c~t 01 the year'. to the 'need of the i~imei'8 pro- Is to be' changild or the tractor . Oa....e .:,. ' 'nns further shortened ment, ot Adcilf' Rltler's ' own new.· heavy · truck · program . I. complete," .. ' , , will II d' th t It Ul b As tb Ge pm Phone WaP~vlIle n I!o w e ·Fonnerl)' tHeir' lI~es '~n tl'e : C!onti'actlng' e8sl.i, paper, ,wblch said: . .... , What has. WI'B said, and' ri"es Of 42 per cent ,duce tor' VjctOry. They afe ,hCtld- greased, you

I i




DOUBLE om, II-'R.I! _...... DO I







'.S pecla. • I'

.... . ..





.... ... .

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~.tomoble I'

Furniture Co. 1.'UraDCe





w. Are ..

Sand &.Gr~vel

WI '

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#nera 0,'

· ern fJ: Ol1 t , strong .RusIII~n force. been' planned : . ;. bas the eflect of .' poJ.aed for a mlljol' drIve against doubliJig ,the a.eter.mlnatlon of :Gel'· East Pruula: while IItill other Uf!its man r,~illsta~ce."', 10ugh.~" on 'tJie mourttalnous thr!lsh. · . , "Occupation of the Reich by Amer: '(old of .ez-echoslo.v"akla 'a nd sklrtilll Ica!"!B and Brl~ish W(?Il~clbe as borri· 1:. AI"" t 'd bl if b th II' tilly the Bolshevist the 'llransyIVal"\lnn ' ..,8 ,0 a vance e as . . y e , .. .on the broa~ Hujlgarilln ,plain". ~u..lalll, " . the 'N~zI radio blared. , . '

' FoIiow FOOTSTEPS: .' 'Back' 'Near Rhine '. AmencaD" battllni their way intO. Germnny' with the other AI 'te' ;~ f:'ces ari '· folloWtng tbe loo~ · ,s teP' at· ',D ~arller .ienC!raUon cit · U. ,R: ~tIn&. men. '~ . ~ illl&. Ule Americiln' a.nn., of occupatlOn 1l01i1ed ; thl'oup wtntQ CJeftnai17 to the east batik of the ~. III accoi1laDce With tenpI of ~ airmIIUce fqUowtna tb!-eoDapae 01 the Kaltet'. 011" 10rinlCIable

. . .uablDt.



In ~1.g sliell, produ~tJon ,and 28 per ~rteJ'll 'for ~e 'tamous , ~or:01J8hlY accurately done. a.n~ WayneavlU~ InauranCt! Agenay 'cent I~ .aerlal bC;'mb outp~t ar~ re- MJl<tOr,mlclt-Oeer1Da' ·1ine , ~ ra.rm·'<they will use the p~r lubr1cants ~~~~~~~~~~,r~~~~" qulred to . ~ound out g~ala. ·· , , I machl.n~ . 8n(I are renderlng a.n 'for the work. l'WMers every , _ Found ~earlenin~ wa's peak pro- ; ~ellent ~:p: ~elr equip- 'ciontidencetbat their equIp~ent wUl Get your news 10.' our of'fice ,early' d,uetion tor heD~ dilly, .tlres, ~ tin ' ., t th du- 'then operate with their old tune .er· and B-32 super bomber!!, aDd heaV7 men , ' , . or e ( . -r artllle·"'" am'm '''-'''on- tn' Au'gu8l ratl.on are glytng Illlclehc . y• .~ uru.. I 7 . " ,: ' every , way of. "Food. ~fht ' Fo~ pteedom" . 18 : a .Quotes ~ ' ~", , , . '. ,W~G$S: , '-; " '.' ',j;a~ts., reea~ _ . ~ a1~ ~e68 :days, a.nd as I,rl/l prqdllc,w" ,wuloubtedly : Peak ' '., ". ,. . .\: fro ~~ ,yourf~1JIi.- the gov!lrnment, h~ glvC1l . a~


e:,:"":;c~:::'o'i:;J,IJs,: !'~ida~~f~":i

-"rpjly ouitun ,,_-~ .1/ 59 11R1l 'I inn"';'", • ;~ compared -;ID.""S2~:iiOOin 1'9'13, .r. rotn/14lI1 the . ~"" leveli. - .!=~,;k ~, ':1:"':1;...,., IJINID/1M,OOO 100 laC t",m prica in 1950, ..,."., 11M


eJitrf01.- .,


dido,.. cI..mbtld. ..,.", . .,.,. ~ _~ IDifl· aM ' - ' 0/11".,. NIl e6mle 'pol'Uy '" 1943!'~ H. R. l'oU.r. cIdeI 01 1M 6unaa 01



.......".,., •• ...... .


'Showing a 'traetlona] lIlcrease over , pleme~ts 'm the previous. month, hourlY , w'!ges . tbe~ WW · Ill " the' manufacturlb" indu,trlel · the war\ or a~er~ged $1.01 ~ July, the national 'I them' serviced Indu.lHal co!1ference ~oar:d repOrt. bav~ the ''BIlow ed. to r1se_41.2 per c~t ~!ler thol;(! Clem IiervlCe, .. pr,vallf1lg In Janua!'J. 1941.. . rd!D, , Det1!lte the fact- dlat weekl1 Hm. acco to inlll IhIlW~.!I sllll.t ,!!II! 11;011'1 the .. ~ . prevlou. 'month, ..ther th. traC* ",,81 ~.,fulJ, DO.1per cent-o•• the.. P8I'tI Ol""...b!. J . . .". IIU, ~e1. lie

wm ..



r: ;n :::


so that out ~ =u:~ o~ the , dura,ijon of coun.... 0" e , ' cr~e ah~u1d ~ve ,ftbe supply, any (-&'J'IIIAlr attempting Here. Qley ' to, o{!erate,.a, faUlty tracto,r or " ,par- . t6 !!tve mo-. ~Ially efncl~t imPlement ca,JUlqt clo !!iiulpPed , hla "bit for Uncle sam." , , for O.'J./to , Dabe & Bona bi t.heir eXlCel-



Morrow Ph<me No. 3 t.eba.ncm: Omce Pbone f'1JK .... Bes1dence IJ8 II '


one tat.- ,lent .aer'v1ce are r~ and can 88here 10r slat , our farmegl In settbll ~ lit.that , ~ from thejJ' ffue ~_ with 1*"80 II , IIIIMJI)\hl1 I'UoDIllnl equlpbleJ1t

,Any make or m'od~.1 Fred, Kahn Motor ~ar PHONE 328








NOTIOE O.F ELECTION ON lire_ Jl,.... le GUI'Il.r. (luw.e.l""I,I ~ ,.-' I UE OF );lONDS MrS. -Isaac ~ Wl\SoQ guesL III Mrs ....Mar~etta lleaoock wbo lUIa ATION; 1:'J'O., RE U '1) BY Miss G\'lIoe l"arnliam , retumed NOTIOE Is h~ i1ven t1\at In , Mr , anl}-Mr/I-:-Waitei'"Ki11er have 'rU E' i\(,)T F ( ·ONGlut. OF m L lonary of Japan. sr oke at t he pursuance of ' resoliltJon ot th t.t~e home of her son, GUY and Ml'S. been Ill,several weeu. was plefi$'l,nt!y received w<\rd that tbe)r Qil, Ptc. · Atl G S1' .24. 19J2. Suu<;\ay oyenl;lg serv"ces • t F' tTy Boa d of Township Trustees of Ma:;~ LaF'orge of Centerville. for seVeral lIurprlsed Saturday evening when OhUrles Kruer arrived In t he St.aLes ' ~et brotl'ler, Dorsey Blackburn , ,ot Of Th Mtlml Gazt!'t.t.c. , lU~l1/;ll OhW'Ch of, Ohrlst. • . sle TQwnshl1)' .Warren Oounty , Ohio. daY/! o ',' from oyel;' Seru! last week. ~e lJ n~ l4.r. and Mrs. George MCOroili . Pennsylviurla. came fOr a at Waycl;\'lllto:, 0 1'1 fOr <.>c., TJl L6dles Aid of ~Ie SII 'I) r ere k I*lssed on the 1st day of SePtemt;ler, Chatleston.' s. Oarollna ~nd will IWeekiy , VIsit . He was acoompanled 1. 1944. Chu rch wUl have thl1 lunoh at the 1944. there wlU be subinltted tQ a ihaVe been very hnppy to have their be sent to ' a hospital nearer home by Lealie Blackburn, o'f Everett S roLe of Ohio. , Eichelberger sale Wednesda.y of this ,-voLe of the. people of said Massie SOIl Gene. In their home who Is on soOn. Cbo.rl~ wound~ tn .Ita l ' . Stnd ·Mr. and Mrs. OoWlty of WalTen, SS, \WCCk. ' Tcwnship at t he GIENERAlL ELEO- u,l,o ugb ror several days. last A.priL a~d been In a h ospjtal Mr'. ' a nd Mrs-. Harry Ollne have MUler, ot.F1shetitown, PellJl8ylBefore me. 1\ Nota. Puhl1 ' in nn I MI'. tlnd Mrs. Huold Bost nnd TJON-, to be h eld ul said Township, lS1fice, Leslle BJackbUTn a.nd Mrs. for the s tate (ln d COU'1ty ,nrOr(' Id da~ter were vlsltors of Mr . and ' lilt the regular places of votlog boug\1t t he W1lI>bOlls' property ~!1 <Mr. and Mrs. Ben Jomes moved ~16phew and neice of Mrs.· personally appeared Jennie Wl.o;c- Ml's. P . J . Thomas e;;nd son a.nd H . thereln. on Tuesdny. the nh day of WelllIllUl . to S6ge Street, Lebanon. Saturday to Mr. and Mrs. 'Ed Fred and little an~ her prother, ate son man. ho, having b 11 d uly worn R . Fordyce. Thursc\a.y' evening. Noyembel·. ' 1944. the question of lsibhelt new home Which they recoil tly daughter of the )al\.e Anna. accol'd ~'.1g W la w. ~e lOSes and : ... ~s Mr. and Mors. Jess Ro~d made ' sul.n g bOnds ol id Township In soh, of Leballon ~ere S~day {ues~ llill'chased of Mr . Nelson , i hat she Is the D l!Slnl'SS Mana .e: 6 business trip to Tlpp Ci ty. Thurs- the amount of Six Thousand Five of her parents, Mr. and Mrs . C\lrey . Furnas Blackburn . Mrs . Haacook iMr. and Mrs. L..'\.wton W bb arc _ , seems greatly btiI)e(ltted by the visit ,t he Mlaml , Ga zette li nd t.Imt t' e day and whil e there 1~lslled the lat- Htmdred DolllU'S (6.500.00) tor bile Shume.ker. . , a.nnounclng the birth of a· daughter. Wa.lter Wilson. of N vi Burllngto'n from her rela,tlves. following Is, to the s~ (.<1' I\i r Ii t er 's aunt. Mrs . Jentlile T ittle.. I plu1:bse of PROVIDING F1'RE /\PSeptember 19, at Miami Valley JtOS- knowledge and b I.d, a Il'lI~ s t.a~ cMiss Ruth Ohandler attend~d a Ml'. carl MIller, of Omclnuu' I PARlATUS AND APPI..1lANOES AND was a Thursday VIsitor of his !ela~ pltal. weighing 9 3-4 pounds .· M1'$ Lena CII\~k . • meeting ot Al ~ih l Phi chapter mont of the ownership, m~lna ~ e- Bible CemJnary. <tellvered the sel'- BUlIJDINOS FOR ITS USE. Mr . and Everett Kenrick and Mr. o.nd Mrs . 'R . O. Boulwar e, of of Delta. Kappa" Gamma. National ment. tc.. or the afore aid p llblt - mon at Ferry §undaS' morning. H 's T he Maximum number of years children w ere Sunday afternoon cation for l he date sh wn in Lllo brother George Millt;l.'; led the sL!lg- during whl h 'bon d~ 1\1' to run Is OIAr1lu;vllle. Mr. and Mrs'. Clarence Te8.ohers . F r n: t 'e l' n 1l y, guests of Mr. a.nd Mrs . Lawrence above caption, re qu ired by Ule P ct tng. wn yElars (10 ), L( ase, Mr. and Mrs . He:rbert Henly which was held at CO d Springs Elliott and sOn. a t Centerville. of August 24, 1912, embodied L~I S Herbert Gmh'il.m, minister of the Th e estimated M dllJonal tax mte and bhree SOIlS, 'aU of [)Q.y,ton, were Tnvem SatO:rday ev~ing. Mr. and Mrs. Clyde Wftl'ton reticn 443, P 06OO1 Qnd Rcguln- !Perry clllU'Ch Is vacaUoning in K .:m- out.side of the ten mm Umitatlon as ' Su.nda.y visitors of J . Lu Talmag e . Mr . .and Mrs . J . M . Greene, of te1ved word last week that th eir "uu. attended llel'V1ce a.t bile Friends tlons, to-wit: t ucky. certified by the COunty Auditor Js and S01l, -and 'J essie L. a1u-ner.Pvt. Morris Wll arton h ad sa fely Ilr~C<[lure ' ~uneral 1, That the lUllnes and ac!dl' s (IS Sunday evening MU rs at the P. J . .70 mills for faoll one dollal' of val- ... b kind 'S f ttl IMeetlng house Sunday and were dl",..ave een . orne 0 ese same rived In France . of !.he Illlbilshl:r, editor. ma nnglng 'I1homas home were JOe Bar,neL. Mike ualton , which amounts to $.075 for good lrlnd i"""p,le .will keep a dog n erguests here, Qt their sister Mr/? Milton Jones spent the Weck-end editor and bw;i n ess ffia':1a:,ters a rc: !Bockoven, Mr. '~d Mrs. George eaoh onc hundred doUIU'S of valua- o.nd theil w~a;;; he IsQld and 1,lSeless Evftlyn Q. Peterson . , 'W ith hls grand parents, MI' . an d Mrs 'PUblisher. Wa lLer Wlscrrron, Wa y- Schmitt and Mrs. Stella Schmitt tlon . Mr . and Mrs Jack Green e and ' Dial 2111 - Wayne.ville Edwin Nutt n ear Centerville. nesville, Ohio . and Mr. and Mrs . Carl Whitis and The Polls for said Elec Ion will take him out and dump him olt (lhildr J kI O l d Bellt MIl Mr. an~ Mrs. Rober t Hu nt attenEc!1·tor. Walter Wiseman . Wa""l Es- ch1Jdren. Mr. "'''''''-'t'. w'ho 11 na someplace . Female dogs are always 0..'1 ac e, nro an I ' e J' ""-"M.U:O ~ ..... open at 6 :30 O'ulock A.M . o.n<l re- the ones who suIfer most from th1S of Montgomery, oaJled on ~he r aut,l. ded the cl)urch homecomJ.!1g at Or - ,ville. Olllo. \ ~-n III for 'so vel'Y ~h',n g I mu- k lmP . I.e S d· Ct ..,,"" " ..... main 0 n ulltJI 6 :30 0' jock p , M. eatl1'lent .- Why? I don.t know. It . e rson. un ay a ernoon . I egonta, Sunday. . I un ........... ,,~. ~"'". K Ed' I'~r, Wa lte r Wlse- nToved n~d a·~',b.l e 1W_ I'" up for shor'• (Eastun S ta.!1c!ard time) of said seems to me tha.t the curse 01 Eve Is ' C.... the gues t 0f 1\ "" ..,. -. '" l~ne was Mr . and Mrs . Charles Keller IlJ1d man, WIlYllesvllle, Ohio . times. day. . visited on female dogs more than Miss Grace Suydaur, In daughter of S ) i11ngtleld called on .B uslness M!lllaccr . Jennie W~ c· Mrs. Clarence Bockoven. Mrs. B d f 'I 'b_ d f EI t l I . Sunda,y afternoon and Ih d M L I.e K I k S yOI' e ' 0 ole .eva l' 0 00 · ons, any "other women. Most of these ..u . an rs. es r enr c. un - ma.n, WaYllcsvIHe. Ohio . Ohet Palmer lind :l.Ilr. b.nd M I' S. \--. evening . day, 'a ftennoon. , 2, That the o\\'n l' Is: Wil l r Ip erry 'I1homas met at the home of of Warren Oounty, Ohio. d ropPed Ilon1mals starve to dea.tb, for Dr Emma HoUowa.y, [ol'mc)'l), or Rev. O. E, Vice h eld communion !wiseman, WayucsvllJe. Oh10. IMr . and Mrs .•r_(". """"-Ill, FrlD. W. BISHOP, contrary to most folks beUe!, dogs _.. t Ly'l cl h h i '"'... •• ...... u... Ohairman an d cats cannot take cnre ot them. Manchester. LndJana I\.l·rlved seA uce a 0e l urc a t e 3 That the know.!:! bondholders. da'y evening to I""A!' boxes for the Tu da ..... be t - -'d t ......... H. O. ST.ELES. elves. They n .... domesUcated ane$ Y \IV 11 J.,ermanen rc.'>l. en lreachln g ho ur S und ay mo min g. mortgagees, a.nd other securIty hold- 'boys of the .... _. Creek Obur<ih ,-... In th H Mr Guy Ro tzhan d d h l.e ~ ....Clerk., not wild Kicked e om~. s. u an aug r. ers owning or holding I ' per cent 01' Who are over saes . Mr . .and Mrs . Irving Prltchll.Td beaten, stoned flald · starved, they l'<lrs . Wllllam Tinney. ot CovIngt~n . more of total amount of bonds . three chlld\:!:n enrou te from KAlntucky who Is visiting h ere. were mortgages. or other securities arc : those domestic women who acc~ ,wancler o.round. If the6e dogs get In- IOll'!ve,IA.l1irl to HoUSton. TCXAS, were 4ibI. Carda of TbaDb and mopping In Dayton, .'Puesday . Nane . By Mrs. Harleue ,Thomas thelr.-Jnendlng by the light of the ',to 60meones ch1ckerus they are n I or MIss Margaret Edw8l'ds on are ebarred for at &he tMr . and Mrs . Walter Kenrick vlsJelUlie Wlsem.llJ1. lamp. I do m~ne on th e sewing mach- Idemned as cr1mJ.nals, when they ure rate 01 ODe cent a word, minimum ted Mr . arid Mrs. Wllllam Colema.n Business Ma nag r. Today the sky is gI'IlY and the h or- ine In the light of the da y. There obeying the of na.ture and tl'Y- IMonc:lay and greeted other frIends " I Mr·. Prltc.ha~·s mother wos • f cllarre I5c. A Want Ad Inserted ' for !1 WaYllC5vllle, Thursday afternoon. Swom to a.!:!cI subscribed bclore Inn ISOO1 Is h oo.vy w1... uu : ag. The dead ' the piles of magazines with the.r ing to I eed themselves . Wha t to do? I cIl'1f.t d al lu fr her, f1a:nny Way. the &bree Umel! II ebaraecJ at ~c • word nd found Ullm bOth very ill . this 4th day of October. 1944. ' eaves , own, C1Wv am the \oonttnued s tories that I have put There ,arepoundsandnninlal slleller te ock. Notn.'I'V Publ'ic trees and every so often a spatter back lor some I ter tIme. Ther will ll,ouses for un_ted dogs and cnta , of bhe la Dr . S : J . Way, l'vir. I\ond Mrs. E. L . ROberf.<l spen t Ro"o." H . Har.' FOR SALE-one y~ subscription ... .~ J many years 0. dentist In Waynesto Miami G06zette to the men he week-end wlbh their daugh ter. My OOrrunJsslOI1 expires February 17, of rain sounds on the root. The Wind 'be II. IJttle bo~ to h elp with 1 SSOI1S. and other pets, and 11 you don't; like Is chUly and the.. old dog hunts a There will ~ our t vorite radJ pro - U1!! ;idea 9f taking a~ un , wanted dog dn servl~ f(1r $1.00 a year. What rlrs. White !llld family at Bell- 1946. ,rook. wann spot. MY thoughts !'Me !'or- grams a.n d there w111 be the Joy of .or cat to one ot these plnces, wh re COUld be a. meer gift to last ulrough ,Mr. ond Mrs. H. E . Kellison of wardtb meettheap/ll'OIlohm'gwlnter thefrunllytaikanddlscusslon.Tllere they are put outol!heway by.pnlnthe year 'and keep ,bile boys Informed R£i~NDERS yendallA enroute to the OregonIa and some of my vls:lon pleases me 'W1ll be I{uests who will drO.' In r r less mono·x1degas. place tha t thought. on actlvties at hOJllB. Sub90rtbe to- ' and som~ of it d not. It is said a.n evening. And w 11, 'maybe when against the one taldng the Ilnlmaa it'lUrch home - comlng, CI\l!ed at th'e MEATS. FAors.:-Red stamps . A8 my a.t the Miami Gazette office•. lome or Mr. and Mrs. Wa lter KenAt 2n34 Wayne Ave., Da.y&on, Are t hat when we ~ tll) dread bile ap- one balances nll this a gnlnst the out and Clumping it Into Q, st;ro\'lg East eoost area. ' A-'13 coul;Ons 1n <l~tly Alding poo~le To Mee~ proach of wtnt-e,r we l\,te getting old . thoughts of zero 'w eather and mud. place where It will s\1tfer Wltold hor· lck Sunday ' Forenoon. ' Mrs'. Ewlng Strumm en ter tan.e d Changing Oonditions Through Their be. Sure It is tbat the though t alI . this tops the scales. ~ors before death releases It. N"Qt..a PROCEBSED roons - Blue Acetylene or e1CC!trle. See Bill Lee. o a. bridge luncheon ather home EsceUent Service In Buying, SeUlng of cold feet does not I:ll.ease me. Mud There al'e those people. gOOd kind '):a-etty pictUre Is' it ? " stampS A8 through Z8 and A5 • Orndoff Road. R. 3, Waynesville. III Rou.te '73. ' on Wedilesday of last And Eschangio&, 01 Store Fixtures, zero weather does, not,P!ease m hearted 'peoJl1e who are too kJ.n d to H Ve you. notdc'ed that lltMe bo)ls tlilrougoh Ii5 good indeflnately. no Neek, eiglht of her friends from , Equipment For Ho&els, Restaurants, either. But I lave tIile 1a111og snow put Qut of the ~ay . unwall tt.d n o - al'e not pl\lyl~g war . with as , OIuoh' n tw stamps until November 1. JIW~:a:;:c:u;:= pa,yton. • Tavet'DS, Bars and Fountains; Walk- and I like tlOwalk oul~ In It when the bom . kittenS I\Pd 'PUPS "to whom I e zcS't as they, did?, They tlT~ twmlng SUG~ugar stamps 30, 31 and Mr. and Mrs. LesUe Gray s nd in and Other Types Rerri~or wind d~ not roar 1IIto my, t.ace an. 'h as no meaning. But these me baok to the 014 fa,!orlte cowi>Oys and 0L1IIN LINTNER, Lebanon, Pbmle amll}' entertained on Sunday aIter' Cases, Compressors, Motors, Dls- ' pinch my n06e: ~dt then I U~e to good. kind people can take tl' ese ·Indlans. 1 'Pope this Is symbolic t.hnt 32 I1.nd 33, eactl good lor' five poW1ds Indetlna~ly. Sugar ~ stamp ' 40 good .. C IIOOD the fol!owlng guests; M1". ~d JAmSlnr Equ1pm~t. SDpplle3, Q,e. ~ or winter eventn~ 'with ,a g: od pups and. kittens out w¥n they are. the end of the war ~ , ~ar. Or It for !lIb&. c8.nh~!)g '6~ ,~ Peb • . ftJB SAI.&-dDlproved lDefer peen 1l1'II" : S . .,.. Arnold. Mr. and Mrs. pair Parill and Sea-vice . .. I Under in the stove and , th.e supper e fe~Jn~ntba old md drop t:pem 10 may:mean that c.h1ldren t.oo Me yet')' at Q'. Iknnan'/l fatm '1 mile IIOUth Ernest Arnold and O~dl'ep, Mrs. The Ab"; DireCtion of ,Raymond L. ~one and In mI¥ bands a. book a. strange nel&'hboI~ooii and· go ott .hired wer. To man'y of thcql. 'war \laJ'Ye next year. . WISt 01 ~e, Oharles Bosan, Ksr. IIintie SmIth, Mr . 'L ee Hoema.'!l and I'~er and Edward Bowntan . . .some fancy work. I am not one or ~th a clear OOlUicience that they , has been a s:reviws thIng. GAsoLINE-In lltates outside tQe 1. Mr. ",00 MnI. Wayne ~oeman. of .' TeL MAd1son 12n. ---'---..:..;.,.-.-·---------·::----.:---------~....,.,,-----..,.....-;---~~r tau;ough Z~, A5 and K1i,goqd In-def_ _'--------"'T:~:-'-_:_:_IDa,yton. • ' ina:tely. ~ext new atainp Qctober 29. FO'R. BALE-,EI.eet.zk\ portable 2 ,UDlt Mf. ~d Mrs. J. B. Jones, Mrs The Neighborhood A!pplJance 'W' book good through Decem~ ~,ne, clroUlattns ,coal John ztmmennan a.~d Mrs. Henry hl 'DaytOn. are greatly aiding bustber 21st, 1$.3, B-4, C-3, cq- untU ~ <beater. several caoslat<l a.nd some Flnke attended the fun~l of their ~eS8 houses to 'I\djust themselvell to ueed . ' ~. iL Mter Gerhard, Soute I, uncle, Andrew Dill, Sunday o.fter- ' the changing condlbions of the times FUEL OIL-Period 4 8.J~d 5 couW~e. O\lt : lQ noon at Uie Alspiach Funeral Chapel through fairdealing mebhods and ns, n w period 1 coupOns good LOST-K1tten, blue gray with white In ·Da.yrton, and the burial at Sprlng good service In buying, selling and through heatJ,ng y ~Qr. Valley Oemetary. exChn.ng1ng of all kinds of store fixnose aa.t;uM8.y ntgbt belOlltJln8 to Mr. QIld Mrs. E . B . !Longacre 'tures and equipment for -grOceries. ~HOl!lS-Alrpl(lne s: amps 1 and 2, 'M'aM1yn P'ou.nsky. Name Fluffy'. {1sI~ M;. and. Mrs. Ray Branllem- meat stores. restauronts and tJaverM. .600d Illde1llnn:tely, A new shoe stomp 'can H:Ym!BDI, 3681. Jurg a.t M8rtJnS'V'llle, OhiO, Sunday 'I1hey carry an excellent selection ~ becomq good Novr.mber · l&t . · of IIx·tures, equipment and supplies, Bernard Mternoon. Mr . Dearth Sheehan Is i>lanlnng a refrigerator cases and bottle cases, 1019p Hog sale at his farm In the near the coot 01 which will be ' very modCABD OF 'QIANKB future. erate and should be considered an I SERVc~E Robert O. Roberts T. l-c of Day- Investment :mbller ·than an expense I wIah to tha.tik everyone for their , Itm who r~ently' returned Irom ~ver for they will pay for themselves ~, lettenl. , flowers and )d,~CM seas, vlstted his aunt. ~. ' Delilah eral 'times over In the new trade to me'Wb1le I waatn the ohosplla'l. ,diller a.nd "-"'dparents Mr ana cw'hlah they w1ll attract. Prancee K1rIapa.trtck "'-,. Anyone who Is the . mxm. !Mra. E. L . Roberts, Monday atter____________ refurnishing or their hotel, restllturan' cat~terta. or golpg Into business should get in touch with ,them and HOUSEHOLD HINTS use ~Ir ' experIence In the laYIng You can 'make your candles last out of plans for supplles 10r money longer 1J YOU givc them a coat of wID be saved as well as time by the POR 8ALB - Personal Stationery. white vllirn1sh and put them {\<way Mnmgement. . Itlse 6*t 1-2, with 100 ellYl'lopes. 'for a day or two before using . The For those W~lO find it to their ad· , .20& abeets of good bond paper, varnish keeps the wax from rwmlng vantage to sell, w111 f!.nd they will '.. . all wtt.h · name and ' address 1m. aver. thereby enablLng the candle to offer a very fair price lor MaiD W, Xenla/ o. : , PlJnte4, for .tUG at the G~tte burn longer . equipment, as , they nre known for E. q.' nUClh8Ie~ , J~, . .: otflce. Phone 2143. their friendly service and squar~ ''', -ilea ling In all of their transactions . ' , . 'News to the OazGtte office early c.eeo v.rD . ~ us to let the paper out on High 'IIUS IIty seed , corD slored In " war da~ wMob Is, Thui-sday. a dry place Is practically 8S good Cor planting' after one yel!r all new seed. However; unlt!s8 seed com iii of high quality, It will lose In yieldIng ability as a result of one ycar'. ·storage. according to G. H. Dungan ot the University of Illinois college of agriculture. "Reduction In yield from old seed 18 caused by a decrease' In field stand and also to a lelis extent by B lowered yield per plant. •Therefore, OF a germlnatlon test which indicate. 1 •• a blgh viability and strollll seedling 9-12. each morning vigor Jj a safe guarantee that one· year-old seed Is good to use; , '1-5 afternoons exe,e pt "Planting In B warm Boil favor. ,the success of old seed. So for , reWellneld., planting purposes and for late plant.. InS S9Qd seed. corn, held' over a year '1 . 9 . Saturday evenln, wlll .llve satisfactory results," Dun. !laD sold . ' , .


" Ir• . \\' lIltt'r~ " .. uri .. ,,: . : .. rn-.II ........ .

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At Ail







Along Th,e Way

,,_a 011........




Neighborhooa Appliance Co.






For BeaU Stock





•••••• •

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Other £V'Map '.

' By


Wholesl)1l1f> PaateJlr;zed 0....- .. .



.. .... sa. .

X ••1a, 0

Pasteurized _ _


Phone 2531





TDE SOlJ'TW(. WAYNE ADVISORY LOQAL SOLDIER FIGHTS COUNCIL ME,JtT OCTObER 5 WITH ·RA.~OW' -REGT. . AT LEWI~ _ _ ~mES HOME ' IN l'I'ALIAN 'nIEAnR With the F1!~ Ann~. Italy-baa The South Wayne AdviSOry COUll· lighting with the168th Infantry leu met the evening of OCtobf,r 5th, fl&htln~ with the 168th Infan~ ot the home of Mr. and Mrs. L\)wls Regiment. vetcrlWlS of more than 300 iFlr8l. _ • daYl\Of combat. In Its attempt to br-I The topic for d1scusslorvW1!.8, "The each the QQthlc Line in Italy. ,Atta<* on the Cooperative. OrgulUZ· 'Part of Lieutenant!»1 Mark .,aUon by the National Tax Equall ty OW .Clark's ruth Ilrm~ and a Wlit cif Assoolatlon. the 34th ".Red Bull" D1VIsIQ~, the 168 1 'Fhe'attack "was corudde~ed to be an arrived ln th Brlttlsh Isles in Feb. effort to .Wlderro1ne the organl. aroa.ry and . Apill ~f 1942. l;n It.'! bWO tlon. &lnce the unc1erlylng prlnc1 . .1e nn~ a half years ovprse!l-S H has o! the OOOpleratlve movement Is fought through 88 dayS of comblt In saving rather, than profits. theTuclstan Campa1gn and has b{;(.n The Coope~atlve movement Is tax· on t he line In Italy !1lmost const.a.ntly fne"becaUS8 It has no surf.~us profits Lu illUding at Paestum September as 'a ll savings ~re returned to patl'ons 21, 1943. 12 days after Corrtlnc;ntal ~ councU members are reguested EUl'OPtl was Invaded for the 1st time. to submit Ideas or suggestions for . Known as the "Rainbow" REgl. the bettennent of rural Ule to -Mr. ment, th.e 168th was part of the Gnd Raymond Bradd~. wollo will pre"Rainbow" Division In World War I. sent them cons1dera,tlon to the OolQnel Henry 0 'Hlne, ' Jr. of annual meeting of Fa.nn Bureou. Livingston, New J~l'Sey, ' Is O. m1n keeping with the a ·u t ,u m n a 1 mander of the 16th Regiment. season, the h08t;eSS served the always A cOWlt iaken In early Se. tember tempting pumpkln pie, doughnuts 1944 showed men of the 168th had. and hot coffee. received Ii DlstLngulshed Servic e '!be OOWlcll iWl11 reconvene No. Stars a.nd ·. Soldler's Medals and had vember the second. at the home of , In the Itallan campaign alone, re- Mr. and M1'8. Ralph AsburY. Cle1ved S024 Purple Hearts and Clus. Helen McCoy. SfJe·Y. ters. I",..,



. Sehoc 1 News , The last game of baseball ~ ' 11 .. 'played at Mason on·' October 6Lb.

i with , ~e

Waynesv1l1e wLnnlnS 6 to : 5. basketl:l6U season I:B rut lAPI)l'oochlng. Tryouta for Junior HIgh and Varsity are under wa;y. 'l'he first game Is schedUled tor Norem.ber third. All toochers attended the · ,Of the Warren , COunty 'l'ejW;her& ,... I SOClation ~eld In Sprlnaboro . SChool October 10. Mr. Charles James and ~rs. Kenneth Hough loS jlresldent a nd secretary of the or· ga,nlzatlon were. to a great extent, responSible for the very good .progralIUl of the afternoon and evenln8. Representing the Wayneav1JJe.Mu. sic Department auth HeleD ~Y. accompanied by Ra,y}yn crabbe. sang '\WIlen I STOW too old to Dream." ' g At the ev'erun sesalon 1Ray.l)'n Crabbe played a plano 8010, ''Deep Purple." There waa no school Tuesday afternoon. ' The first ed1Uon of the Waycehari came out Friday, Oct. 6. NearlY all 0 1 250 COplC8 were aold. As 80 many school acUvlt1es come in the spring. the Juniors de~ldCJl to give their ~ the first Ie-



IP.I!1l1ER8 .R!lPORfI'ED The ,168th landed .a~ A I g I e r s ..' ftAlLPH MIB8lNG 0ViER OE&MANiY mester th1s year Tbe class has 'Northern Algerla'on African 'D' Day. h os e n ;W!lnda Pro, lit Erne .th ,e Its 2nd Ba,tta.Jlon led the attack .uP Mr. and Mrs. Emery Peters. o! R. ' I!8rnhart and HArold .Starr to help the-slopes of HIli 609 and Is offlelal. Route 3. Way;nC8vtue. received a teleselect a suitable play. The catetern has shown an inly credited with Its capture TIle re. I gram from rthe War Departl'nent LFlrl. glment tor Bened, Fonndouk, Mateur day even1J:Je, October 6, that their . . raese lo b?th patrons BDd recelpte. Mdiekhl_''' and B1zerte. <>nt. Ralph Peters has been m1s' . - ." J We are aVeJ'88'1n1 185 c:laU.v'. OUr .... NEXT WEEK'S PAPE R FOR THEIR mENTIFICATlON ' ' great pa.ttle In this cam- smg sln~e September 22, over the war Its first two genial coots, Mn. Oonard and . I be h th In <lermo.n Mrs. NonIe, are dolnc . ex.cellerit pa SO gan October 13. 1943, W cn e e Y' " EAST WAYNE ADVISORY \I\IOTHERS CLUB TO HOLD work. Its men crossed the Voleturno and U. !Peters graduatedd In the e:ass HALLOWEEN (JARNIVAI. took Caiazzo and other towns. IronWaynesvWe high school and COUNCIL NO. nVE MEET ' . 1. [Jma beans and hIUJ!.. cabbeplnea leally, the 168th,suffered exactly 168 ""as employed at the ·N. C. R., DaY. OCroBER. FOURTH The Woman's A.w Pllary of the St. I Llcute-n'ant and Mrs. Roy E. 01' c , The Mother's Club held the Oc· lI ,PP1e 9l1ad. g1naerbrea4 with casualties In the second orosslng of ton. He enlisted for service 'a;t East Wayne Advisory COUncil 'NQ. Mary's church w111 hold a Bazaar ket 01 Hondo Field, T exas have re. ,tober meetIng an Friday atternool sauce. ,f-he Volturno. Wright Field, bilyton. the year of'oU !fIve lI1et with Mr. and MrS. andtood Jll(\)'ket I;he township turned a.fter spending sQvelru C'ay .at the grade building. Devotion; Often meeUng 'foes of ~ past, ",.,._, . Lt . Peter~ recelvedh1s training a,t: Satterthwaite 'on the erening' of bouse, the afternoon 'of December with Mr . ... ~nd Mrs . J. E.' Stoko~ a _ _.. Florid ~ and ,were ill charge ot Mrs. Ra,ymonl 3. Macaroni and tomatoee. .... muf- ., a. OctOber fourth. Twenty members. ,second. ' \Mr . and Mrs. Everett MCCuJ:~\ 11 • .BraddocK Qlld during tlie bUSlnes: ~ln.s, vegetable 1Wad, Ice cream and Inc1udin g the Hermarui Goering _...... ............ Dlvlslan and 88 troops. the 168th ~ &Dd ch11dren a.nd two guests. Dr. II>nd . • • • , \ • • • session pla.ns were made to hold tht • IAIIAK £6B.NIIART IS Mrs. A. E. stout, were present a, and Mrs. Howarcl Gessman of Mr. and Mts. W. Britain of Dayton annual· Ha.J1oweeo Oarnlval at \lb' . fought thfOUgh the mountains. gain_ HONO., AT committee, JIlrs. Luther Oakwood lind Mr . and Mrs . ,hBlVe recelved .word that their ron. ,'HIi'h School GymnaslllDl on tho their lunch. ...... lSe ,CSaUY for InS ground north ot &In Anglo and Sa.n Vlttore 'IaIeY lost tOO men and !.frl. Robert Ben'\V entertained to 1Uld Mr. and Mrs. Kellar BooK, 'i\GS Alle.n o~ Springfield were Sunday Sgt. RdJret Britain Is In a haspllll ,night of October the twenty·el~th Inflicted 1200 en~ casUalties In dinner on lPrlday evening at 1:ler a,Ppolnted to Ifrarw' up teSolutfons, on :: :::: ~~~~ pa~..J)4r , and Mrs. .somewhere In ~ce--. The Brlt:l1ns' .\Mrs. Bta.nton Smlth of Lebanon, DI, IfE'rBOIU8T DW8 _ 'Wresting M~t <Pan-tana, before Caao- apartment bOlloring 'Mrs. LaMar what the Farm Bureau should do • • • were fonner resldeont.s ot WaYllesvl.le rector of Home Nursing lor the Red AND .utnVl'1'D8 sino, from the enemy in a aeven-day Earnhart, II. ,recent bride. Oovers for 'us during t.he com1ng year. Mr. and Mrs : Louis- Ftre,s had as • • • Cross was the guesL spelliker and told , .oottle. It Was the 'first regUnent to were ~e~ at the very attracUve The d1licuaslon leader took qba.rge Sunday dJnner guests ' and 14 s. Mrs . ~rlOOnner has received ,of her many experiences as overseas ' The . Fall Day-too- Dtatrict IieetlDr hold a bridgeheaci on the north bank dinner table fOl' ~e. h~ guest. !With various taxC6 and socialized Gilbert Frye and SQlIJS. MriI. Cora !'vord trom her hus69.tld that he Is nurse dur1n~ World W~r 1. vas held at Geim&ntown. 'l'UeIIdAr. ' . o,f Ra-pldo River, ca.~.tured Cairo. Mrs. ~. lIIlM Mary Jean medJclne the lnte.res~!ng toPI~. Rich" Mrs : Relxl Braddlock and Mr. now, 'FIrst Sergea.nt. ~ Older Qlld dough nuts were serve<. Rev. GIld Mrs. ,. B. Oo~ ID~ MOWlt Ti'ochlo a!ld Oen\lJ1o 111 a ~y, MIss · PhyUIs ' Rickey. MIss Af.ter several remarks. Dr. stout l and Mrs. H. R. Mose. • • • ,bY the_ Mothers of MIss Hardin !; Mrs. Ray ~or r~preeerl.ted the . ••• . .-MlSs Phyllili Bailey was a Tuesday room. . local ChUrch,-,"nlep rorr&m was unsurprise maneuver and, taking Hills W~~. Mlaa Norma GrOdy and aDBWered several questions ,ind ex. 66 and ':l13, became- one of the first the l108tea. t plaJ.ned the Doctor's' point of view In Mr. and ~s . Earnest ,Martin. of Ieven1ng dinner guest of Miss Norma U&Ually, en.lJlhteD1Dtr. · . Fifth AnnY' uul~ to penetrate the Mlsap!iylllsandMaryJeanRiclrey regard to socialized me!1iclne. The !Dayton and~ . J. L. Mendenhall ·LongGCre. VOLUNTEER FOR VICTORY belpfUl and eOu,h~ ' , Gustav Line. also recently entertained with - a councU 8cuourned to meet wlth Mi'. were saturday a rtel1loon gUl'Sts of • • • MEET WITH MRS. FRED HOOI{ The .Woman's Soc1et(v ~ Chrlat1an The regiment debarked on the m1aceU&neous shower for M'n. and Mrs . Rhodes Eunnell In No- Mr . and Mra . Fred Hook. ,M r . and Mrs. fro. SLout, of 0 3Y8erV1ce wUl bold their regular · at Oold 8priIlgB Tavern. 'VeDlber. .'. • • • ton. Ptc. Elmer Stout, o!Wllm1ngton. Mrs Fred Hook opened her hom ~othJy meeting next Thursday M l beaChhead around a.n.zJo. Karch 19.' aDd Its commander, COlonel Bine, Ma.~ lovely and useful ~ta were PauJetta satterthwaite. sec'y. 1Mrs. Leo Conner spEnt the week Dellliware spent Sunday at the hom e on 'l'hui'sday evening to the Voltir 2:00 I!' m.' at the heine of lira. Peurl , 'Won the f:JllverSta.r forQ'allentry .recelved by the ~rlQe and everyone end with her hU&band" Private 1..(0 of Mr . a.nd Mrs. IWssell Bentley. 'tecrs' for ViCtory workel's. DurIng tr.. Rtcb ac~on f9" having pe~oolly led the :Joln,ed " in, adm1rlng them. Dainty WEST WAYNE ADVISORY . Conner, in Indiana, Mr . Wllllam ·bnl~n left Monro y social hour a delicious ,salad COurl The meeting 'Will be addrt8Ied by bitter fight ln , whlcll ' nh'eshments were eerved. Guests ot 'COUNCIL MEE,T AT' . -.. [01' Miami. Florida . was served by the hOOteS6. ThOOl rfJ',.a. E. . F. Andree. the ... l68th k La vi to .... Mrs" OIyde Hurst 011. salem WesL present were Mrs. J ennie """'nnn too nu , 0 remgve ...e . even1ntr were Mrs. EarJill&Tt. POLlNSKn HOME !VIrginia was a wetlk end guest or h er • • • vu secre~ of tbe-W. 8. 0.8 pr U" " ...e one of the.I&te6t major ObaUcles be- Wsses.HclzeI and Belen Vlnt, WUma _____ Ib-the l I d ,,"t Mr d ·Scrg(Gn~ a.':ld Mrs. J ohn Bog~ 1' Mrs. ClIorl 'Ferguson, ¥Ia . Pa U ~hlo Oonterence All our - - - IU'e ., Rome. ,.... ...._ an d 'Mrs-. .lU . t P I1nsk r- n· aw an s~. er . an have re t ulned to Maine .... ~~ter f If ~Il Maurice. .... - . Ro bert Gray. Mr . "prom~ ' - 4\ forore Paul, Ruth Anna Jobna. auth Helen ' 0 ey ex·. .., . 1>..,S equested to ,be pn!eent . .' . , ' OAMded "08pltallty to the W ~ Mrs . William P. Strnder and son. da furlou"'h ' Ith th Ir ts f Oh I El Mr Ed H Idns .... Colo~l Hines, In a jeep, -waa t:le LeVay. Martha. ' Early. Ina '...... II es " . , •• _ ys · ..' w e parell ,0 at es zey. s. op • ....... :00 p.m. as Mis. Andree .has to• aoq first American In OIVI!aV~ch1a. V(here Bonnie Peters, Ruth ~e- Wayne Adviaory COWlcll, _~da.~ Mrs . Hay Morsan za.nd dlll'shter Dayton and Yellow Springs. Qram Shoup. Mrs. Charles. Maurie 0 another 'Ills reslment ca tured bwoblg u.A.n'a1o' Keever, Almetta Steinke. Irma Fire. eVeni . ng. ~ter the bualness meetlr . 19 'are In Walla Walla was . hlngton with Mrs. G. Schllebley and daughtc:r. and Mrs. Obarles' Ellis. Plans wer· TP1.I mee'Un& 'WW ' be eiperan, beac-~eadl; an unpleasant one. Norma Grady, Mrs. Robert ~ a d!!lIciou ll lunch was enjo~ by ' MOr8a-~ for an Lndeflnate made to meet at the home of MIrs . \\alliable for tile oCf1eera ot'the eoWhen relieved July 28 for a brief With the h08teuea. ' . twenty. members ~.nd four guests" stay . :t:~torl~:O.l& s e.nt Saturday !Paul Maurice in two weeks. . ,Iety. . . test, a . days .alter reacli1ng the Mr. ,and Mrs. J.olin KerseY, C. e. I 00 'Methodlat Arno River! t~e il,68~ had beeiD 1n ~•.JOHN ~BY " " J~~ Hyman ~d. Mrs. Robert .. y. Mr, -QJ;ld Mrs. Malt: D. .Hart~ock MIss Phyllis Burnett had as 'hel' MIAMi[ CHAPTER 10'7 0.E.8. . tlen's Btot.berh~. will ~t at· the ~bat 291 days~ , ~TAlN8 ~E CLUB ~. o~ B06ton. Mass. . entertallled to din~r Ion Wednesday evernlght guest Tuesday, Miss NO~ MEET MONDAY EVENINC .~ ~ In Pr8.rikltn, Mon. Amongst a list of'Ohlo"men listed .'Mrs. John K;;;) entertained . on '· ~ nelrot meeting w1l1 be , held I,e vening Mr. al}Il Mrs. 'W. P. Strader Gruber. Mlilml Charter 10'7 O.E.S. met 11 .. ,.ay eventnI. OCtober 16th, at 8:30. wItb the PUth AmlY Is .one Way,:le8- ThursclaY with a bridge luncheon oNov~ thlrl\. land Bon. • • • ~gu1ar session Monday evening 'Wl tL Nter dlIl;Dfir . the add1't18 w1il be vWe~, PIc. Richard D. Satterth- hon~i Mrs. Robert 'BYD'.an Wh~)1s ' .,...uEND8RIP CLUB MEETS • • • Lieutenant and Mrs. ,R obert E. all officers present except one. Tw· ~de by ' ~ ',L: ~dera, ~ waite, tru~ driver. , the gUeSt o~ her mather-ln.•laW, Mrs. , • ' The Woma.n's Society of Chris· Osborn are mak:1ng their home a~ '<nndidates were Inlt1~ted and plan raveJor ~d world,'Blw.douter• .• , Mrs. Pearl Rich ope.!Ied her hom.e tian Service wUl meet at the home Wyom1.ngwher~ Mr . Osborn 'made to atttend Friendship ·Nlght ~ ,~t 110:46 a • .m. Mr. a.ndfIn Jeaa1e ~ The afternoon was roaMER WA~-ESVILLE deJJahtfully s.,en.t in carda with Mrs. to the. Fl'lendshlp Club Wedn~l: of J. B. Rich on ThursdlloY af~rnl>On has been transfered lor further "in Lebanon. on OCtober ~vent.eentl. rrlW. s~ ~telJ after ~: RESIDENT PASSES AWAY Mark Rogers .~Iving hl&n scOre•. ar~oon. A l8rge nllDlber of l\l-d:ies October the nineteenth with Mrs_ ' tralnlng .. ' I ~lans w.ere also made to attend : ren oe more ~ .~ the' local 'Ib POl1~ e p' 48 m I c 1Mrs., Luther Hartsock $he co~ were .present for ell'@tlonof ~flcertl. Andre at W'11Dl!Lngtcl'D as g u es t Mr J hn b· •Mr Stanley Grand Ohapter which wlll- be hel~ ~urch are ~ to atteftd. e · . n <lhecUd '~ tl~ and '~. H. 'P. Dye the travel- revea11ng 'of secret s1'ste~ :a.nddi~. apeaker. is 11 s. ~ D on:~ ~ HA ,In OIncihnati during the last woo.. 'Th~ ~ you~ Pe1lowah1p "Booth ~ought ~ou have. beedur!' 'he ':'-~k': 'lng ~! ThOle who ~Oyed the lng new names for the next rear. . • • • Olad Bey.,""'~~ftrt' ~:.. ... E . F', :.s..r·n.. .:.rr: of ,Octdber. "eatl~". ~ be bel~ here. SUndaY. p..,lYedan p&pUlnl'gfle ~g ~ "~tak hoeplt&11ty of Mri. · Ker_ and the Lovely fall refreshme!-1ts were Mr.· and Mrs. Rall'lh E Hastlngs ~............ __ .ID • ~ov~r tiw'e~th eDd resulting ve new cues. _ e' ,. .-~ th " o.nd SOn Robert were iSundaY dinner attended an EBstem StiI.r mee~g HAPPY HOlJR OLUB MEETS .." ~ Ing the llfe of a 'P1euute of the pest served to e !.adies at a la.te houre. guests of Mr. a .n d Mrs . Oll>f I and Banquet In Leesburg ' on Tues-S-EBO--U-NT; ~dent. ' were~ . . 11. T. P9~Yl Yi'B. Ste~etlSon In Leilanon. day night. The' Ha rllY Hour Club met at t.he l1\iPANAIIA' CANAl. ZONE Jobn TUrner Kra -a P n..e, Mn Mr. and Mrs. K O. Ridge and h f I 'u~" " Death clime to Mrs. 1I:Btba Linton ' ' • -<\&. • ~J ' . daughter, Alberta, of 'WaahlngtOn D, orne a MTs . Eva Dav 5. 'I =ua . 31 year8 old, tn .the 'MIami 'Valiey K. -R. ~,un. 1:" R. 8m1th, ~., atter;no;,n. After the bUllness meet- · lJeI\dquartera, Paonama 'Oan&l Deh08pJt&1, .She had been in the Iron Luther. !A""t. lin . . Roy EllIs. O. Bond ot Jol41'lon, spent a No~ Ing songs and readings were enjOyed partmen~oUoo of ~. OUtlun 'from the tlme .she W1!.8 admit Mni. ~,Rocera; Mrs. A. E. ~tout lew days with the Fonners father ,by a.11. At a ·l(l.te hour dainty refreeh-' 1~ W. K,ruer, of Route 2, W~ ,.g. _ Mrs 'M A 1IIulJt~0n, Mrs Wlllard Mr. ~~. o. ¥. Ridge and MrS. menta were served to the members vUle. 0b10, from corporal to Jail ,ted tQ ~ hospital. October 3rd"un. , wi~ the-- honor ~est and D. O. Ridge. ~ 'Ridge Is in train· <lnd ~ests. pre8en~ rank, was a.nnOunced tUl the time of"her d~th,OCtobei' '1. LIt'tIe oJ _ G1ao lng' With the U. S. A. 'i n''weshlngce.n.'n bv' tbe --~ OoMt ·ArUl- ' 1MrI. LInton, a graduate .PI- MS8ml oa.u -~ was -' tAm . ....' -" ~ 'university, ,hAd taught schoOl 1or' a 8'Uest,.t~ the day. .. ' . ' '. . Friends here of Mr. Roy Stack ul . lery command. .\avera!- , ", eara.In ., W .· .. ""esvuie and at' CO ' fA» ). 8";"--08 'T,\Ii......N ~__ • • • ," !Wyandotte;' ' M lchigoan were grlev·:r Sgt. Kruer Is a 1IW1~l!Oard opH',_.. .--..... ","_ " .... ., ~. Jessie ~ ente~~ to '. " ' to d ···· ........ T . . . . . . ." otto W " . tnl--. ~.'", .j,,, t BW.', , - /, .- " '. , ,- ....A....'- .. , to hear o.f . his !'lidden ~eabh lal.1. a 1-' on Uy, " .. ......... ~'. ~ID, • c . . . . . . . . . . . . " " .....~ UlU _ _ a dJiDner at the BIltmOre Hotel; ~y. -an1--- I _ . Sbe '.Ii ¥"1 by bel'. h~, . . ....... '.' too ~. M&rit RogerS :Mrs. May. TuC8day. Mrs. stack ts'.rem.emberc:2 P~'s , ....._"-"':t ~ veCl aupetlntendant of A Unto COld ',l'a WhIOb here a ·forrr.'6; battAallOil. He' baa, Wa1~r. n; , vem, . ~ ~ Wei"" Mn ..4\. BolOWell of Mid· . resident of Waytle!ivllle schools with ( the Oout ' ~ the N~, ~ Oen~ cnmecl»1 BaDner 8~, dletown, Mrs~ AI Pollnskey and Mfa. ,,' .. ' . " ... .. . ruard1n4r. the, ~ CUa1 II1Dce BC~ ~ct <It ~nt H!u. ~ by ~ ~rt B:vman. ' of Boston Mass. One. dil.Ugtiter, Mary /rJm. • 8; li. Brown and h1a ,wife JI1t'tl.e.- Gf '911' .W~ evening : 'M rs. Lena. Hartsock· Is .spm:ldLtig .Nov" 7, lOG. ' . her' mother. M1'II AlIce ,8mitIh, Plea:who ba-'Ie been ~tbe : ' .. • • ' aevel,'al dayS !1~ her "lughtcr-111" .' Ria, parenta, Kr. and 11ft. Walter







,' son










~a~~~:rc::~~:. ~·ehUdren......





.as .









fO~ W~esvllIe'


I" .



' ~ ~rrll9



..aQM<nico--TO . ,. .-,

Ho! Yo, Cail't Come In



M'~May Str~~n.






slint 11111; and

tWo brotoher&. Charles ,.._.... _.

Bmith, RlCbJpond. :U-" and fltc~ Rof SIDltb; QlmP~. ~. r




Mrs • .RObert· ~ returned t~ ber bome Ii1 BOe&on; ...... after

the~, ! ",


ueUtenaDt ."

and, Mrs . .

Iiaa been UDdf!r the 8awrer arrived

Uri. ~. ~ day




their home )4oh. .

LltJui.aI~Kanaaa·1 u: ~. '

~ber" at '!'h1ch ym:.~ wlU' repor,t, to iiamore.~cautoi'· ...... IIJrUe Bro1m baa t.aJw.l tit. IWednelday. 1lnI. SiwwyeJ' Wil.

na&uraIBa'. lira. BrWn' remain here 'foe ibe prelim" . ~~. Weea WHIt ~ ~ .... ..dIDner~ .....' elum .lIId . • ... . aad IIr .Ud'" Al ~ ~, bI' . . . .~ IDCl w11l 1Ir. aDd lira. John. Wltbers. BJa*l . ' . ..,. __ UIroUIb b WIIek'. Brr.deatoa. ~ lint YIIltlq '" tlIe IlMtIG' _-~Mr. U. 1f,aJ,IIrt S. 1If. IIiraft wID Inenjje &be fIab- • or ..... UI.d '1In; 0 •• mi-

JIIIfI' . . . . . . . . . . .

ID· ~





Ilaw, · B4J'S~'A,

Z; HartSock, of · ne. 1 W. ,~, and ~ ~• . ~ '" . Kruer, reei4e at the w.~ ad.. . • • • .. • . dresIi ', " . ' •. , ·M rs. H.ILWlll1~m50n and'daug! - . In ~~1l~,~. Bl'uer wU.-... ter l>"~-;;. '~ wiri1&Xnson p; ..d,M :~. chmllit~ . ~ , bJr ·~ .X-t..... . ','

, Ktniman,

~ ~ J08i~ Davis left on saterday morh~

lIig for F1911da whei'e they W11l enJoY



m.:.ths~ -.

-~. pro,, ··M. .:.J...'J."':" ~. ft...;.i ..._



~.~a.~.~WJib.... iii;lii;;';"""~~ -~

atter . - - ipftl •. ..". Joan O'Banlon ~tertalned lUlDbl»-1dIli Mr. . . Lou WtsemaD .to &t!.n.."ler I'ernMD ID'. iII4 • • _. . . . . . '. .'.




11"£ .fIiami


Warumne, Ohio



Main Street

Miss P4Jnnl\' Crawfjll_d of Da¥1i\I1l. : . Spe~t Lflt: week-~nd with per pe.rents . . . . . AIJ 8eooDd CI&II u:au Matter at . Poeto~lce, Waynesvtfle, Ohio : ~r. and ' M1·. OlateliCe 0rt8JW[ol'd. ~--""':'------------":'.----"----~-.... Mr. and Mrs. Elswortlt Smith, of Walter W. Wiseman. Editor -andPubli$her 'Dayton pent Sunday wlt.h :..,;:..,;,.:;..- - - - -... , -J;BS~~O~&D~ . J:V~IiR=-=y:-=n=lI=O=R8==D:::-A:-:Y::-------'--· ' Mattie Levi tl nd son Willington , Mr. and Mrs . Ev rlltt BUl~i ell nt8ubBcJ1P~ Price, .1.50 Per Year, Payable In Advance t.enltcd the fu neml at Mrs. C .\t~r !Blnk.ley a t Mill isbU1;~ , Prit RY. ' Nati AcfYerti,h'I••• "ta"". ., MI' . LInd Mr. , Hiley 01 11 SPl"o t . , INC. Sunday lI.!ttr.:IOOll In a)ilbrook. .......A... ~ NQ .. Mr . and M w. ;\~ orrls ~wts n .............. tnJdg*.". ........ fJ ... \ sons Jerry and Billy called' on Mr , I and Mrs . Edear p on s, Sunday aner · noon nTld were l;U P PCI' gu~~ t., of M1' . and Mrs . Hltl' ld Rog rs of BeUbrooo: Sunday venlJlg, . IMrs. Glenn Haine!;. Miss ShIl'ley Titus oC X erull called on fri cnds here SWlday a:flemoon October f, 194f. Wbeat planting :she 15 stUl here. We didn't get a llY , Mr. and Mrs. Hiley Ibson we"e . . . begun . 01 COUl'Se some people .mUtt this , morning. I wond if I: IlhopPin3 in Xenia MO:1day . . started before the o!flclal fly-1'ree. IWIIB tbe Btra.nge heiler, ~e bull 01' Mr. and Mrs. Mlch1(l1. of ' Xenia datle but now It 15 officlally the time e IJtt1e spotted helIer t.hat got. It. ,called on Mr.. anc;t Mrs . Edmond tq ~ and our field is stUl lull ~ There seems to be plenty of gr 1 latt Sunday evening. .eII IiIOY })ean hay that has been ' now but Lena. Is i allln In her n' lll: caucbt In the recent sho'!Vers . It I nster than she should. perhaps It Is ilDtt ehtirely spoUed yet but It will ithllt dairy feed I bought In Convl.n I hadn't dug ou t and the ~e ,was still be very dusty . If 'we ooUld only have Ithe other day . ,L ena rudn't like I , the zipper p ; 10 to be aecoun ted _ It raked up. and made Into bl" she sniffed at It and turned Ull her for. Del!os Worl~ laugh ed when I dOOdles"before the rain thoy say I ~ 'nOISe Bald left ·m ost ot It. We didn·., dug ou t th e t.wo tl'llotOI' spark . Qugs would have been sa.fe, that it woUld ' blame her, It looked very chaHy aId '1 h od Put there ns slUDl>les t.!le olSt bi.w packed down on the outside rof oobs. I i ot some of the k.lnd we time I went down to the p!ace f : r ~ 8e&Ied It.self <I«91nst rain aIld :>were used to buy-lug and we will see. t ractor p(lrts . I ,wondere n ow,· d!~ Other mossture and could be left in- , if that helps any. Smce I got Ih l" lever buy those s~ark plugs . ~0.1ll de~. Soy bean hay make& good J haV~ a-teard other comr latnts abo'lt ,Jlnsn't compla1ned 50 ~erl1aps I did. feed bIl if It 1s late planted QUrtng the local -dairy felld at the present so I can take these out now .- By t h e! com. in a ·t Ime of uncerta1n weath- time, l:t th1s Is G farm er's coopern.-- ,w ay, We ,never did have the r eport er. ' . ·[ uve th~ should get busy and do lor wha,t the men had In their p, ckets ..~ It 1s lie bull abat cause someth.1ng. about It. Feed Is sca TCO At lnse the vlslt!.ng heifer has gone 88 trouble:' onlY this time it W68 the but the price Is too high to have to )llome. When Mr. S h utts came this be1fer tbatcUne over the fence . Her I*Y far sometJl1ng ~a.t sln'·t an~ morn1ng he tried to drlve her toowner came and tried to get ber out goOd. ware the fe nce comer a!1d'to turn but 42Jere waa no one here to help Another cha.nge In the neighbor- the' bull ' back but Bm}' PO;-leye sailed IbIm aDd be could not do 1~ alone &0 ' hood. The Reeder farm h as been over the fenee like a deer with the ~iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiliiiiiiiiiiliiiii~~ 1sold to a Mrr. Diers at Da.yton. The Iheifer after bIm. (He lost ~he oha In ~ . 'new owner came over last SundaY to out of his ring last ;night so he could I get aCqoolnted a.nd to find out I do it. Tha.t 15 the seoond ·chaln h e • Ii. where the line fences· are and 10C" ' Jlas pUlled off, we must get a bet r u.s over to see the kind of n ew Iastening), So this evening we w, nelgh~s he i.e to have . H e Is all cd WlW Stark's cows were put In to excited over ow:nmg a farm and 'lllte be milked a.nd he' went over to see if all of' us who come to Ule farm from the wanderers went !.n wit.h them. the city he wUl Mve lots to learn . While we were ,wait.lng for biIq to 1 'Was glad 'to hear that ~e fonner come back and report we W3JW a ram. owners not leavinl 1mmed1aOOly. 1liar figure In the Ul> .1eT past,u e and . That Is the- trouble 'With changes of there was BUly Popeye' .h ome ap ln. ownershIp. We are not glad to h ave ,(Now 1 must find. out ,w hich fe.!1ce them when It means ·.loalng good he went 'througb to get baok,> 'neighbors, Sln~ ~ moved h~e In The lle1fer had gone meekly in 1941 every property on 73 ! rom 48 to ·Wlt.h the cows and h ad been glven n TOWIl8hlp ~d has cbanged .~ds . ~de home In the tlatler, but Billy t Bu.nday. Not "October's bright preferred to come bome on hIs own. ....~...._. ~1ue weaUter" but cool and gray. MondaY. Tod&y I bought. a f8.'IOOn...... 1'heldnd of fall day that ,r emindS US to hold my cllrun and as soon ns that winter Is on the way a.nd tha t 'We can fmc! another suitable chal.n we better' clean the furnace e.nd put 'Mr POpeye rwm' not lind it so easy the 's torm 'Windows , kind of to go over the to.,. ~~~~~~~~~~I-A!i~JlBLIlaru~~!L.lIlml1tlet Buy War Bonds. It is a ll rtght for Ij.l:.~~:-:--,---*.... .11. 1&' gOing to 'cloud up more and ra In Warren CoWlty to go over <the top or clear of! and frost and t):l~. It ,in the new bond . drive. Don't be owlnt,v . It dOlSen't do either. We think of held -back by. a chal.n In' ~ur March II4ld April -as the month ot .nose. Help lln1Bh th~ 'War as quickly changeable weather but. thls 1& the as possible, so tbat w~ 1lJl . keep SUt)DOlr't. fall brand or the same thing . future trouble maIters inside thejr AJ> & laugh getter last night in t he own fellCllS, BUY, WM' BOnds. Orange progrl4D they; asked the ,WOOlen to count artlc1C!\ lp. ~elr ' handbags ' and the . I11Al1l -t he Uley had iii their ·'.Pockets . One la.dy had ·fUtiy&eVen so I stopped trying tp count mine at llftyflve, and let h er . . .~.............. have the h~~o~s thougb there 'W ere



Spiced' Cake. Are·Tempt" Delaert





From A Farm Diary-- Dry Ridge I








At ta Eo MaIn St .• Xenia,.. Is One 01 The Moet Complete si9~ In nils Pari Of The S&llte . :. . Featurine Mer(;b u-udisO To Keep Homes, Business Places and CIU'S Worldil, EfflcJently • . . Their Blopn: "We Sell EnryUlin," Shows The Bc:Lson FOr Their Larp Pata'onage . . . Keep, So MaDy Bard-To-Find l&ems

Homes and Taxes Prophets of bus hlc. e tr-ends f pr .everal years befol"c Pearl Harbor wcre predicting II building boom to be In progress about now. They ren o 80ncd that onc-tourtll or America's pop ulatJon. an unusually large sllnre, would reach an age to be married lietween 1940 tind 11)10. 1\ s "med reasonable cnough to gucss that II lively dem'ond ror new bomes woul\! develop Quite nuturally. , World War No', 2 cave this fore cast a setback but did not ehoug., the facts much. A !record·brcakJ" " number 01 new famlli~l/ ure be in(, started now WiUlout lIew houses allu the looked-for building boom Is growing whlle It wai ~s . "When Wilt ends and rest rictions ar\! flll l""'" from lumber and hard wure," lh~ ex perts say , "look out fur a lJi!:. hUI'l'.)' up demand {or places to live."


And Make Sboppina- AD ~ Event , , • I\'Mi1n FurnItUre, AppIIaneeI, Rap, Hardware. ' Paint/!.

Farm SllppUes IItIId Mally .S~" ties . . . GGOd Values, LOw Prte~ . , . Dave Been Seivlnr The Comfuunlty WeD Since 11110 • • , Tel, 'l \laJn . 179.

The Famous Chea.-p store Is a.lcad- In Xenia 15 VlSsurect, 88 they offer 1ng t.rading center and Is . a general the neceSSities of life Jight In the Little' lp1ce.d cues provide temptIng varlet)' for ibe deue,& blU-Of~ store with a reputation lor a- large commWl1ty IlJld 's o close at hand fare, .a,.1 tho Dome (Jookl.q, editor· stock ,courteous serv1ce and low save t he t:eople mucll in time and of Capper'l Farmer" a pubDcaUOII ,p rices, [lloney Iri the way of tripe to dlsof nUona! clrcuiatlOD', Th18 excell~nt 06tre has kept ta.Qt canters .' ~rdle6S of deThese cake8 require only ~ cup Sibr eaat 01 the times and has a large velopmentS in meJ;Chand1s1nir, 'nIe ot sugar and nre topped with a tooth- stock of merchandise. The general Famous Oheap Store is htre for some frosting that uses no sugar at store was the' outgrowth of the <gOOd and a.s you can atwa.ys count on all. . ." ti 1)08t a.nd was the -develop.. 'Ulern, 88 they oUer an, exception~ c. sbortenlnl tlp.clllOamoD • c. sugar menlo alter man emerged Crom BIlV- al servJee, ¥.a lip. lIutme, . 2 ens, beaten 1 e, lOur mllil agery . and commu.n1sm. Their stock The fac t that they are o1'ferlna 1 e, molallel 1 tip. ,rated Build Good Flomes S c.!Iour temol1 rtDd has alwayS oonslsted 01 the noocs- 80 mllJlY' s upplies to put your place A home is 8 vlllull t)le II ing. worll, 1 lip. l oda t c. ra.lltDl !tIes of llle, and true to Its o~n, m order b elore ~h e winter sets In , owning; every new (me brings Il ," tip. clove. Ing benefit to a communny II 1I 1 Cream shortening and sugar. Add Is ina1nta.ln1ng Its sta.ndards and It will be well <to stop 1.n tor t h ey nre house Is worth whut it cuMS. L ui eggs and mola sses .• SIft dry Ingredl. keeping up with the . t1lnes. In t h is oHel'm g excellent 'values in paints, houses that ur lIut of sOllud ~on· epts and add nlte(na lely with milk. enterpl'1s1ng store we find a. variety b,ard,w are and fwm.lShings. struction are public liabilities. TIll Add lemon rind and raisins. Balte Everyone in the neighbor hood os owner of a go6d hQust: In a IlIlUL In greased cup cake tins ror 2()'25 ,n ot generally carrfed under one and a.s a resutt they not. well as visitors' mould alwa.ys stop. community pay. taxes 011 his pru p· minutes' or a 2.pound loaf pan, for only h eld the bUSiness of the past, In at this popuiar store when In erty willingly , but un abllilOUIICU 40 minutes, In moderate oven (350 house yleldll 110 tuxes und lowur:i l lC Makes 3 dozen cup cakea. Frost but are contmually using their lWl8 town for they 1l1'e ' always doing So value ot every other house fur blod H wrtii Flwry FrOIlt!n,: expecience and ·wlse foresight to treat work in the dlst.rlbutlon of around. important merchandise to rnercllandlslse where It Is needed ~ eu wbltel • l.p. st\lt Most residences Blre buUt befure I c. lls bt corn H. lip. vanilla m et; the .needs of the days. and helpin g to keep down th e cost; they are sold and alre buught with ~rup The positIon of thIs popular store of llving In o~r program to victory. caplt8~ thE' m Olley li!ude¥ Bcu t cgg whites and salt until holding a mortgagc. .l'hel'e \ViiS a frothy. Add corn sirup in fourths, Ume when a morlgace WII~ umple lieBting until frostIng Is th.l ck and HOT PLAn: MARKS ON TABLESI IILLEGAL t1SE~R, TOKENS protection pecause land gliined holdl a peak. Bcat in flavo ring. . . The first proseoutlons under OPA value fas ter than houses lost Jt, but The stiffness can be controlled b, To eradicate ~ot plate mar~ from liI'egulatlons tor Illegal use or lOtion not lately. Houses cost five to ten adding mor.e ot less ~!iup. plate marks f~ YOUl' table, try tOkena ,w ere <begun this week crimtinies as !nuch as lots and, back in 1936, the government began Insuring rubbing parattln vigorously Into th e 'mal informatIons !lied by By_ mortgages to keep business acUve. marred areas, then pollsh wtth a B. Harlan, district attorney at Costa You alld Me Many Materials Malee sof t cloth . It may tnke several such -OlnclnnaU at the InBtance of OPA The det-ressloll· born Idea still . Good Garden' Mulch treatmen ts to get the mark8 out- lattomys ~a.lnst two m en , one relives. The banl4;e r eanJes the house· ISldect ill Cincinnati and the other In buyer and the national treasury car· BesIdes slowing evaporation of extreme coses wUl not y1eld ~ ries the banker, but who carrles the water already In the soU and keeP. _ __ __ _ _ _ _ _ _ _-,-_ COVington, Kentucky, They are Trearury? ftnswer: The taxpayer I Ing soU temperature down, muichel Ichargtld 'WIth inserting ~t1on tokens U Mr. ' Buyer!s new h'~u 8e is a ··jer. save weedIng a.n d cut down on the in the tW'JlStlle rate boxes of the ry" he abllndOOll It'. 'Lhe banker barmful r;>ac,?-ng of the soli when R~Y-TO-WEAR cmc1nnaU Newr,.ort and Oo~ton takes It over add the 'fre asury pa;rs tramped. &llway OOmPllny, whIch opera.tes oU but the payer 01 t4~deral \nxes Is · Lack ot mulchIng ma te rial need Wl&b Modem IiIbop at ~9 E. MAin cars between OIne1nnaU and Kenstuck. He hus a Ona ncinl Interest never cost you e crop II you look 1.11 cvel'Y government·flnanced house. eround a bIt. Try grass clippings, St, .• Xenla Is Showing An Attractive tuoky cltles am:oss the Ohio River Locjll taxes ' are 'Involved even Itraw (rom oatl. wbeat, rye, rice, LIne 01 Coats, Dresses, Looreries more, Building helps a town, 111' and bellns; slough bay, salt marsb and Hosiery In Ii Gr,eat Var'~ty , .. I Fresh oranberries for home: condjled.. E ach new bome In a good hay, allalta bay ; strawy ma nures; Tbelr Good QuaUb At Sueh Rea- suniptlan were brought Wlder price subdlvaion means a new man \0 leaves rokcd from lawns ; shredded 80nbale ~ce. II Rlcbt In LIne With I control lor the llrst time today, when help pay the /lost 0 ,( running tbe cane, shredded corn stalks, pine city, " broadenll tbe tux base," But needles, peanut shells, rice bulls, Our Economy Prorram For Victory OPA prlce ceUlngs went Into effec ~ vacant houses )lay np Laxes. They buckwheat bulls. Also shredded red. .. . A WeD S~ected Stock And Nf\w at alllevelB exoe~ reta1i. OPA t'XonlY ralle ' the tates Oil other, older wood bnrk, seaweed, tobacco stems, FaD . Line. ArrIvlnr Dally .. . Tel . P.CCts that under the n ew ceillngs, homes in more..subswntlal parta ot ground cQrncobs, peatm(l'»s, .pliag- Main 1451. the higbest retaU price lor Crrultown, Such letpts of rev~lIue ought nUm' moss. And where plentifUl, cot-, berries will be about t1 cents peJ:' lb, to stop. With every economy, taxes tonseed hulle, cotton burr., . clover MUton's at Xenia makes good -~--will be higher after this war than cbaff, aUaUa cbaft, spent hop. and value the foremost feature at t.h: lr PUBUV SALE ever before, ! pea vines. ' , l Of Evcr"bodY':; D;':,U~SIn::::e:;s!l:..vffi'rltv+-..EW~m:-.~ed..-m.-!,IJlck.In~;...u~;ea.fStnr.rvirltlCille~.1lAl Ltl!jn tl1e1r0 readY to-w~r , , touc s- e an" the As I am leavln, the lann to I~&e Bulldtng-boom8 a serviceable as does . tar "I ' ... W .. l es t pape.r (for cool s o,lls), building and combl"fttl Aftllent quollty In , Wa,ynesv e, Nonh ParoUna" . I S lm p.pv B usine. · wIlen th ey 5 t ar. .... ' on of 1»'" ••"" " prospers while they Jast and goes wrapping paper, newspapers, card. with reasonable prl s m e ,wiU -aelt-at-:PablIO AUCl~n; ji'tldlel.. - IDLe a lull when they_ stop. But 0. board, corrugated paper, wood shav- took very attraclJve. !lOath of WantenUIe I aDd l-.! miles: boom can be '\ counterfeit. LO'a ns Ings and uwdust. For . the beneJIlll Individuality and (UstLntlvene-; north ust of Or~'OJllat 4 mDee IOUUI ought to be easy on well·bullt housea of summer mulch..· alt these mate- of design, are noted in the coots weat 01 UarveJBburc on S'l'&~ and lmpossible on poor O1Ies. When rials are lipread betwee n the rowl ' roAd I government widerwritel a ·shodq.Y. on tbp of the soil and not hoed Into lIuits, dre.;ses , gen eral s~ 1Qr ts wear ' \ . shack it amounts to making l!ixpay· it.. The lioll ItseU sbould be culU. an d ,~ccts.sorles and this in '1 large ,. SA,TURD~Y. OOTOB~. 1t, IMt,_ ers gliarantee a Iweet profit to any v"ted and spread lightly wIth a bal. degree ncooWlts for the large trade Becinnln, at 1:00 p . m . ablirp • dlshon.e8t · builder who can fool a all . oed plant food . before tlle muich ot this store. All gOods at this po_ lollowln, chattela &o-wi&: banker. It has' I been done. I I"..-v,~ " a•• -D l" goes on. pulor s hop ~ not juab ordinary, put ~.".... OJ , At a very sma ll D:dd1Uonal cost have a. style of their own. A well __ . 1 Guernsey, cow " years old to beany honorable .\buildel' can gIve al' -= 8!Jrance 01 a Q!J8l1ty structure to WI Cheml..... Incomes '. lected ,stoclt of Pall dresses, Bulta IlJld fresh ~ Dec~: 1 Guernsey COW' customers, to their bankers and to A study of cbemlslll' Income. re- ooats Is em band for -t he aooommo- 4 years old to be .f1'Csh In Janua.ry,;, the Treasury, 'wi\h a certificate of veab tha~ earning capecity reaches jatlon' of their patrons, OD'd, no mat':-- 1 Jersey cow " years old ,to, be fresh\ structural ' rating. Organizations _of ita maximum. at approximately 60 ,tel' wether you wish it lor In January: 1 brown Jen;ey cow 4! established real estnu! brokers have yeara of age. The central point jUS't sports, 'work, "Round-the cl""k" Years old; 1 brown J ersey cow Ii power to enfor~ standards of borne tor beglnne~I~. Incomes In. 1943 wal r' Id to f h I Feb I. construction as 'hlgh a8 anv commu. wear, efr dressy events, yoU can get years 0 res en n \.I&l Y: ..., sligbtlJ over $2,200 a yellr, blcluslve ' J 10 ld 3 Heif~ oity demands. Workable maehiner)' of I.a lariel, fee,_, and .bonWles. Of It here a.nd It, will I?e becomtng RJld et'S('y ,cow YCllrs 0: . exists already at the! comman<;t of this lrOuP, 25 per 'cent were earn. It wW give you caste and good loob. bred: 3 Heifer calves: .l stelr weJ8h~ civic leaders and taxing dIBcl$. Ing Ie.. than $1,800 a year and 10 .'I!he1r line of suits and coats offer 600 pounds; 1 Veal calf. . t Iels th an.'"1 . 200 a ,.,.a r) exee ent values, has been selected LEGuOR . An Inelualve LlI' . per cen .,.. ,ou .." DEUS .... . Five grouplt. d annUli I ID • carefully, and with the kilowledge ' I . C . sows, brut. b , of people hope all whil. e ... ~ pel' cent ha 3 regist ered, O. post-war ,home building will be -good cornea In exceBl of $3,000 and 10 fA in ...... _ buUdln" : (1'} , Homl~niakers .. tha~ the ladies and misses of this .. rrow Novem"",; I P dand Cblna ; " . per cent In e·x cess at $3,40!>. 91 ~oae .... red Ian wnnt their mOlWY' , worth; (2) with eight and 8 boU years of expe. part or the country are t(IBty and &OW;u ; 1 Po d 0hJna. yea rlilig el'S, inter ' sted In good rlenee, one.hall were earning more ltke j)1'etty th1ngs being taken into boar:' 14 feeders tWit wUl w;t!b bat(3) CHI zeus who fa vor a brond tax than, and one-hall less \han $3,750 conslderaU\?n by t.he m&nagcmen t . ter than 100 lJOunds bose to support good IQcal govern· a year. Ten per cent of iIi\, group Th1B shop 15 a favorite oe!1.IMPLEMENTS . F'o d t. t Hh lt1 to t ment; (4 ) A,ll who !Joy (ederal taxes earnec;J more than $5,219 8 yeHr. Be· ,... e 10 years ' exper Ienee leve I t e r whether you ar e wanting the tached 1', .Jon rac 01' W ¢ .) va . I'll, an d wUlll til"w money (Ised Wisely', ,.on d ..... 011 I and (5) Realtors who suffer the the spread In earning cepaclt,. be. advanced or more conservative Btyles ' ; ver ~tor P 9Ws ; 9· lver ' headaches or , ram~lbackle resl· cornea markedly acc_ a ted, th. of the days tractor disc; John manurel ' 8preder.: Superior fer(:ll!lI ~r whcat.l dences. · . report continued. For .m~tl with 14~ fears of experience. annual In· dr1Jl; teed grinder, power wood S8IW;; '\' at t he upper Icve.1'" ATHLETEs FOOT " ' rs, ,IrorJI CQml:1 , .',189, garden plow; dOl,lble laddE were almost · two imd one-thIrd., Requires Mobile L!qulcb lteUle, la.rd PI;'CBS, butchering tools~ Urnes as great tiS ·those ot $3,019 at Sucessfu! treatments must be more the lower level . than s~aee 9.ppl1ca.Uons. 'PowQt,i1I, stt p ladder; lJlO fee~ of 1 1-4 b 1Il,or olly liquids do not penetrate rO" e: pUl1eY8:~ ·gra.mle 'for~ ..ry sll'.ff.lc1ently . . Alcc.hol Is mDbife. It used one season i chaI.n ho~ MW Te-ol Is the only boea, shoveb,lork.8; 3-10 galWn m1lk PROTECT YOUFt RIGHT AucrIONEE~ING 180IUt:lon we know af. made with 90 cans,m1Ik strainer bucketa: DeleVal 1, ~ • 'TO DRIV~ )y1,T Hcent alcobol. REAOBI!l8 aIld c.ream separator; I-two wheet tra.ller I Stanley and Koolrlel' For Dates, Phone. 2884, more germs. 35c at any drug : 1 n. rack ~ sma.u ~-





) .






. · · ., . . . ,






"Our rubber experts knew how .to mak~'

it but the problem was to Bet the h uge of. induatrial alcohol needed. iU, molt Overnight ~ country's beverage d~ tlRm IItPW8d ~. whlikey and cx:mverted 100% to the prod\l~tJon of thla vital in· gredien~ A high government ofBcial said recently thia was '" ,an'8lmoIt UnP8l'8lleW example of the ovemiiht _vaiIoa of ~ entire iildultzy from peace to -"ar.'" . "Come to think of it, Judie. .it WIll a migllty fortunate thing the beverage distil· 1inI i;DdUItrJ WIIm exJstence, wasn't it?"



- --"'''---- -


YOU'RE ~ NO EXCEPI Cal~mity doe..;t · pick favorit.s t MiI.fortune ha.n't .ingled YP1l1 ~ut as an esception i Be wise and prot~t yo~rself '~'ith good )f in.urance 10 that ~o 'D)at·1" '. . i ter what happen., 'you, tour family aDld 'youl' property will tlll1ly protect,ecl.





.• vll1~, Ohl0, ~v~~_ Ohar&~ BROKERS IlOEN8P. --.<--

' -;,I


othe:_ _ _ _ _ _-:-.,...--_Drake __ . _'_. r . ? ~ mJj~F=~6' bal~ stllW..} 12 acres ~ 1 nflellS, 30 8bock&c:om, ,100 bu: ci»<n in Crib, 100 .m c6ts.' . I

MT9CEiANBous' .'




lGE·& ,PbODe W~v111e


Morrow PbOll!l No. 8 Lebl.n0D: Olftce Phone 473 K BeIJdence 81 It


New hog p lIse,10X10: Jt,ouae" !.or)a Yellow Tacltet coal; 3 . cords, " WOOd: Kibrol ,r llaht ' pJaol't llC. volt;. oU bl'QOdel' otove. '300 ~ck cltac1ty:. 7 BOU8£BOu) GOOD8 ' _ r, Capital coal ra~: 1 heat: 1 ;. , ti~er 011 stove; 2 hlg~ ~aI\ 1if 2 ,our QaWe, hc!p, IhI!8P aDd lSI", baby beds; .daa1netj 100 Ib ~r,a. .­ to: Non1a-Btock oo~ lIv. wire and box:. 2 end tab18l: and l118li1 SIMI!. P!'Ollft&llve firm ,for 'the bllbe11 artfclee too numeroua" to meSlon, :. martet prtcea and IOOd lint., CAllI UaIeD 8.... Y~ ICbteIDiIaU. O. 'f\gIe ~ an ~ st&tIon .WOIItY. 12:25 to 11:30 p, m. far our daD1 W. ,N; ·....... ......, ._.


'_rlr. zepoita. t

W&JIMimIIe. ftae MIl

M.'............ .......




....-.-WIEKLY NEWS ANALYSIS-....;,;;,;",.---, rOSTWAR REFORM:

Allies. ~-low' ,11frollgh Siig,;'ied France ,0 Line as Big Guris B'last Enemy;, tOok F. D. R. Ponders'· Wage ' Increases

• Rt!IQQsed b~ Wutcrn N.wapa per Onion. _ _.:..._ _ _~ tJj:OI.,OU ·S NOTIl. Wbon opinion. ar. up ...... In lb .....I.non. II•• , a.1 .boll 01 w.... 'n 'New_pupo, Uoloo'5 "ow. AhAl),,'. a.1I1 1101 nece •• a~lb oi Ibl. lIowopapor.)

8boWD leavlDJ WbUe lIouse aUer wa,e confereace with FDB are (left fro~t row) PhiUp Murray. CIO presldeat; Mn. Alula RotteDberr. _elary to the labor board; WlUlam Green. API. prellideut; aDd Daniel TabID,· teamster. union prcsldent. In bade row (len to rI• .ht), JaUus Em.. , lIall. (lIO electrical workcrs president; B. J. Thomal, CIO auto work'lrl president. and George Meany, Al"~ secretary and ....ea.urer; (See: Wa,ea.) 10 ra,bl In


'·EUROPE: Shift Attack

Study Boosts

With the British Second army run· nlng Into IncrealSlngly stl1f resistance ' in Hollnnd as the Nazis poured In re.l ntorcements to prevent It from . • winglng around the northern ter· I mJnul of the SiegfrIed Line Into the Ruhr. the American First army swUng over to the attack to the south In the Aacben regIon. Although continued murky weath· er prevented full use of the .power· ful Allied air force. U. S. Infantry· men plowed forward in the wake of a thunderous. rolling artillery barrage to advance upon the Important c:ommunlcatlons center of Julich. : from which hord surfaced highway. lead to . the greot Rhineland Indu.triol cities of CQlogne Dnd Dussel· dorf. 20 mUes away. AI the FIrat punched Its way through the belt ·of SiegfrIed forti and pillboxes lendIng back to a , depth of .ome 50 mlles. LI.eut. Gen. George S. Patton's ThIrd army conUnued to meet heavy resistance in ~ts drive to the rich Saar coal basin to the enst hf ,l'tiet% and Nancy. About Metz. the NaziS fought from , concrete and steel fortifications bullt 80 that the Bre trom one covered the appronches to two on eIther aide ". of' Ii. while about Nancy. the enemy used the heavy woods for cover. At the south end of the 480·mlle '!'ont, Lieut. Gen. Alexander Patcb'l Seventh army 'drove to the ap, proaches of passes through ',be ru~-

Despite organized labor's assault upon the "Little Steel" formula limIting wage increases to 15 per cent ovc·r January. 1941 levels.• Presl~ent Roosevelt indicated that there would be no change In government' poll_cy before the November election. · Meeting With high AFL end CIO chlel1alns In the White House. the President reportedly favored a plan for retaining present wage control. untU lilrge cancellation I of war contracts cut down working time. when Increnaea win be made In basic. hourly rates to compens.te for the


.- . - +1 -tL_;.....-..-:.......:.--' THE ,,OHII()"GO~RQUND t. /- ---:'----:------==--..:.----.:.._....JI

Declarin, ". • '. We .dO not want to back to the . prewar ~oUtical. by loclal and moral .ltuation wblcb UI to the brink of the abyss •. ,', Tom French l,ader Charlea de Gaulle outlined hi• .eeonomle program for the Buchanan nation In an address In hli home town of Lille. . . Oolumbus. O. "Our eeonomlc duty Is . to make ;b!ut~e:: ti~: the fullelt use of what we hove In . of year. when our soU : . . and.-llur empire." de the old lecQn d Goull.e said.. "The only way we ean ~';';eJ"8ongo ~ do that Is by means of what Is called a planned economy. We home town polltlclan of the year and It looka like want the state to dlreet the eco· I might aa well make I' ~nkev nomic netlvlty.of the enure nntl~n. " If B owever, I donr~t Under de Gaulle's plan, both In· out of thlnlc I *i11 be too lonesome for dustry and labor would participate company. in the formulation of economic poli. "-ankly. I'd """ +A ........ a new ~T _....... w.n cies. but initiative and profit would . trend in polltiW campalJrlll, J be preserved. Goal .would be the would like ' to .tart bettiJl~ on the el1mlnaUon of concentration of ineampaign . manager Instead of the terests . . . "which. In England and "Id. procedure of picking the winAmerica. are caUed trusts," de Oil' from among the Domlnees. Irl Gaulle salc1 I'rllCtlcaU, same thting as in ,., horse rae~ng Where 119~19 people Britain wapr on th, number oj! Willi pf the jocka;, buitead of the horae. More radical than de Gaulle's pro· HOWiVef. in .th. OQJDlDr gubel'l1.'grem Is one drown up by the Il J;1cral council of Great Brltaln's Trades ·tonal. racel, I don't haPI".!) ~ be aequalnteci with elthel' the jockey Union congress. colling ror public or the' horae on the RepubUcan lido ownership or control of all Indu ~tTY. and. as a matter Qf .fact, only have with Immediate transfer of the a hand-.haklng acquaintance with transport, fuel and power, and Iron· ·Mr. Lauache who haprenl to be and steel enterprIses to governmcnt the Demoeiitic DO m Dee, but hands. . brotl.ler, J ,lIre do know the p-)' In the event of public Qwnershlp. who handleJ ~e relna {o, ~, Lauache. LuckY Johnny lAku 18 the congress' council recommended ~II name, and let me tell you that the formation ot public corporations .ome of .Johnny Lour's workouts under a minIster <responsible to par· liament. with provision for represen- .around the Lausche traek, or JIl8ybe we had better call it beadquar· tation of labor. tars at Cleveland would lead an),Part of the control of private inone to belleve that he, M:r. Lokar, dustry through ~peclal boards made was really in top Ibape. or the up of labor. business and pubUc bes$ riding form, How anyone man ~fbandle suclt. a luge remembers would call for 8tandardlza· spon.lbtUt)' an4 dQ ~~ " lingo tion of equlpment and products; amount of work .. ,John I..oku baa' pooling of methodll and patents and been Illlle to dO especililly ~ • general comm~clal information. state-wide eampafgn. nobcldy .eelDl and creation of common ma rketlng te. be able to answer illiat one. and purcbasing agenelel, . ~apecl!,lIy when p~ple ~"ho work 10 political camp~lgns bke to be raid, and you haven't got the New Diaper dougb to pay them. ICleveland nowspaper men. who ha,r. known Lokar for many years ten me that he hOli been a powerhouse for politica1 work for many )'E!IIl'1I, The ,


• • - • • • • r _ .........

. Xenia. Weldmg .Works


At the same time. It wal reported that the 'War Labor board t. con· slderlng a plan under which employers would be able to grant Incre~lea during the reconversion period with· out government approval, provided they ar, not used ait a ba... for boost ing prlcel. or e8 a lure for attracting worken from war Indus· tries.

Mil!~r S~ell




WIt"I Popa StaUon At 101 W. MAlD St., In Xenia, Offen' lid almply lov88 politic-. . I AD A.ceommOdatlnr Service In QUIIIBut 101 there il 8lways one sftnky S' Produota, Featuring 'l1he Famou \I ttl. cloud that has to pu t a """ II G In B. B. Coleman, Mllliller Ihadow over the lun in every po. ....~e 1l$O1 e, Oils and S n E ) Utical candidate'l life. The Ihadow LUBRIOATION WbJoh \\ ill Uel. Ohurch achool at 8:3:1 n. m. Kri. ~t hanga over the Lausche camp Your Car To Outlast Tbe Duratlon ~aymond Conner. aupe r l.t1ten len'. 11 money-money-money-win ot' I Th Ir T ests Cheel The W~ lir Or lose, Johnny Lokar will- probably .. . e Morning Servlces-1030 have to run the Lausche campnlgn Wartime Sio_-Allrl- O o D '"Int: .. . Youth FeloWshlp Tuesdny evenon-1esl do-ra-me tbnn any gubel'They Oheck f1ssonUal Points as TIll" natorlal campaign. the Buckeye L brl . l\g at 7:30. State bas seen in . the last several u cate . . . Cheek Tlr • J\att 1·1e.:. Choir practice Thursday 8:00 p,m . years, and a lot of. smart people be- Irnltlon Wires , .. One-I)ay Tll'e '~e. lieve, that the Democrat. have a capplllC Sfr"lce ... Tel . .1\Iuin 967 S'I', M~RY'S tlPI8({OPAL better chanca for the ltate · CIIURCII o,fIlee thla year tban they have had I T he M!\Ier sb;u Se-r vice at Xen a in recent years. Indeed. the chances . l.alph Parkll• .MIIIIsUr In Cbarge are so good that a dollar bill Is one of the foremost s rvlce S~ a t I Church school at 9:30 a. m. Lns in the comm1lnlty an d has. il pu n an envelope and maired to the Lau~che head~arters In Clevewide acqualnance :lmona" the peo')ll Morning prayer and sermon, 11 :00 land, WIll Clluse a mild tornado 1 .. . . , . nt. when received. Already their calP..- n.l over this section . palra funrl hal a defl~lt An4 bottJ l It Is j ,l'omlucl1tly located and It 15 , IHut\' t:1II'llCIl OF CIIIU8T the eandldata and the campaign . easy tor motorists to rl rlve up t [ ' manager have had to use thelt' . 0 0 Herberl GraiuJ.m. Minister personal resourcel. (Incidentally. I ,servIce. to get a . check up r .~Hl 5 p . hopo to be able to tell you some- I :4les , TIlcy hav e am, I : pumps a .1(\ 0 :80 a. m .. Bible school. thing about our RepUblican nomt- nrc well equipped for lubrlca~lon aile 10.45 a. m.-Communlon, npt !'nd lOrna of hili probleDUI in 11 :00 a. m.-8ermon. til, ne", tu~, In tho lDean; . nil tile Vllrlous servIces . MI' . time, if you have any old worn ollt Rnd O$Slstants al'e nl ways r eady t L 8:00 p. m.-Preachlng. dollar blU. tha~ can ~ Ulled.. ' (< Ive prompt s rvlce. T !1cy wll\ 1001 PRIENDl!t ~e)'. .Johnn, l40kU wll. mo . he will be glad 'to have them drr- I nne Lhe windshield, air and oil a~ FIrst Day school. 8:31\ a. m, cleaned and 'put to ~ork in behalf I well as Ute gas111no. When you leav( Meetlng tor Worship. 1'):30 a. m. of bla bon Frank A. Lausche for here yoU w111 be ocmpletely ' leed Governor. ." I serv ST. AUGU8TlNE "BUIlcn -0-'ll.!ld ready to go. FaUler Krumbol&a, PrIes' It takea ArthlU' Leedle ~. I ~ he\l aasoHnc Is 'well known as Mass Sunday 9:00 a. m, to, Robert' I., Tal~ Man 'FridaJ. I . ne ot the best gaso Ines of tlle day t4 do. smut job of DOlitlcs. WheJl ! Leedle bejll1l of a Taft sore IJpot, I as ..also their famou.~ oils and gi' e WAYNEijYILLB OHURCH OF he 'reea rtght to the source of the They alwnys have a su: ply llnq far (lBBJ8T wound and begins to .d oetor it. mers wlLl tlnd that they can get tn. Nin, out of ten times; h' gets good ·Mas Haildan. IIlnlllter r 81 u it I. Thepresc:ripUon Dr. rlll'ht t;yrpe for CIU'. ruck: or ,t ruc !,.;>:' Leedle'l ueure All", manufaCtured I '] h cy al'e he.ldql181 t.t I'S l or HElL Bible Schoo) 11.30 a. m. uuder the exprelll patents of th~ LtJaRJIOATION which wl.l h I "Ot ' Oommunion. 10 :46 a. IlL, Taft f.aboratoriu, py thQ way, .' Preaching. 11 a. In, the JlenatoJ' Is working 11k, a Tro. to keep your trao.. portaLlolI I'olllnn. Christian Endeavor 8:30 jan-J-what, with • campaign along The effecb of wartime oondltlon . with committee worx,plul havlnw , with ao much sto I-and-go drlVl' g EVening Service 7:30 to be on tho Senato floor, llln.. I • .. Midweek Service. Wed. n ight 7:80 host ' of campaign epeeehes. boy, and with Cflrs which olde,l'. dewhat a manl mand good car e . Frequent lubrlca. You are invited to come and wor· -0-t iol1 with Sheil wUl h Ip t t t \h1p' with us. I wonder if Chief Justice Carl 0 pro ec V. Weygandt (pronounce it Whmt, you against bur.n ed ou t bea "ings M'r, nou..Y M. E. CllmtCn it you pleue) will go back to ht. scored plstoJllj. ruined battel'l and old law firm in Cleveland alte.r he b k hId I .,' . ,' -:","·rr.· Jh.I''''r is retired from the beneh by Judge ra eJl. 0 e rad ators nd, • p ~ Inl, !Sllndny Srhool 9 :.:10 a. m. B. A. Walter V. Wanamaker. Rcp\lblioan, ly been ere; Ilacemults nre so Il l r WOl'shlp service ut 10:30 A, K. of 4l.lcrQn, a~ ~Q l'{ovemllu bo\ItB. to Obtain . So IDl\ke a datA- for Sh e' _I ... 1M. " . ..~ lubrication today. ,:anlhart. Supt. Covelling Service. 7:30 p . •.







Mra. lAlther Hames, Nt. and Mrs. Donald Baines and 0U'e4 LeIgh 50,n of Clarksvllle. were visitors SUnProf and Mrs. McDonald of WU- HaInes attended the October Meetday of his }l6reuts. Mr and Mrs. mlngtOn and thiee of the College . Ing of th~ Book-of-the \VtGI' club taaac LaForge • .near OretrQnle. . . students On \he · Gospel toom were held at the Qome of Dr. and Mrs. Mr. and Mrs. Dave IW nner, of our guests at church Sunday. They Speer ne&r ~. Mrs. ·~ll. were recent calJel'll In the were dinner guest/! ot Mr. and Mrs. Luther Ha.Ines gave a IItI.id7 of t.hl! flames of Mrs. EUa F'errb and th Everett Haines and son ce.rey Lelgle Composer '''Baek'' uat.~g recordinLs PACIFic: Jordon family Mr. and Mrs. Nellie Bunnell spent ·t o Illustrate hl8 WOltt. ' ,. ~l d ,,-_. b A family dl~ner was given Sunday the week-end with her son George Some of our members attended the ShippinR Target 01 all peop..,. ,. exan er """"en erl . Mr. an~ B unne11 an d f a m1ly. 'WIlO ~"" h ave re- 'Hem~~Iftn oj Net» York would be expeeled lD .be IJ.t the ho~e of his parents, .......... a..• Nf!!fI Bur"ft"'- - . ..... With u. S. forces siandln, on the Mrs. George MCOraste. In honor of ~ntly moved the-re ffom Daytop. f1rlend& Oburch 8wIda;y af·~. threshold of the Phlllppine.. pow· Ihe 10" pellOll i" ilia world to inlleAl. their son. Gene MeOTatb. <who ia ·Mr. and Mrs . Melvin Hollings- I MI:. and_.Mta. Bomer Haklea of erful Amerl~an bombln, squadrons pinleu di4pe,. ~ur '0 he Iuu.. '. Ope,,,tor oj CI,~rerle COllCeulOlll III ta d 'n .D~AviD ... _-- :....A of continued to neep over eaem,. IUP- 'f!lleral "'~ Mon."altan "otell. So,.. home on furlough. 'Vior~h enter Ined to Sun ay din.ner ear ~ e were .......... 1\1"'-1 ply linel in' the vicinll7. nfl." b.,,.. creation co",l.u 01" reB."16r George Beckett. who Is statloned lI4r. aijd Mrs. Charles Vandervoort '18. Ella ~ee. Moodcly. As the big bomber. ,oulht to dl.· dia~ ~ich aqa be lold~ eulaer in Virginia. has been at !liS llome on find Mrs . Josephine Vandervoort . Miss M8.ry &11th 8ta.nley. of Dar. , '. . . to d ....rupt the. flow of men and material reaiml"W or Irlanfr!llar, WIlli Ill". "'rou,1& 100" 011 bolll win,. to Sr;dns Hill, for a few dayll with his Mr. and Mrs. EVerett Hames caln lion -~. Kabel Carr ea1l~ on to PhJllppine balel, U. B.• t!9Q I . It f"'t.~ Xen111 WeI dIn g W 0 r k s are 'WKe and SOI14. Oharles and Donald. ed on MTS. Ha4nes' brother 'Mr. Her- ·Mis . ro~h,y BmIth Sdtur y nte!.t. cleaned up the southern Palau I.· an economical ,actor In the nltlc· I Mr. &Ild MrII. Ernest BIll and bert Carey and famJIy on Monday land. QOO milel to the ea,-t, with the. hanJcalllte of this part of It.he sta.te, 'daughter. MIB6 Vera Mae. of lDe.y- October 2. total of over 10.000 dead and only FLOllR: PouHrJ FeedS 187 captured aHesting to the fanat- Canadian Output 186 they offer a tl1l&t saves ,1t1n. were vlaltors FrIdo.y of Mr. a.nd MrII. Glenna Wilson Is spencUng Il Poultrymen wttl ,et the molt out Ical reslltance of the enelD3'. With a IIbortage of space lor bulk IpeOPle the ~ of new. mateJ1al ·Mrs. H. W. 011ne and Mrs. Ella Shu- ff!W days with her daughter. Mrs. of • feed "ben used for the apectao Bellde. .lappin, at th,e PhlUp- ahlpments. and much of Britain'. and maldog the equipmimt ~ihey have loaker. MIss H1lllntends to leave for 'lJeannette ElIls df near Kingman who purpole for wblcb. It la d."Ignated. plDes, U. S. bombers attacked Jail elev~tor capacity ~estroyed by en- ldO ex~ duty· and to last tor the du- 0811t01'llla. 'is sick at thi& writing. , Five main of pouJtr, feed d,efense InlltaDatlOlll over a wide include .chicken l1aiterl; broDer emy bombardment. Canadian flour ,.ration and loon~. . The pubUc auction. Wednesday. at Severo.J ot our members attended Paclllo area. ranginJ from the Xu· ma.hel or comblnatJon starter and .rUep In .1he north to the ,..arsh~ mW. have ~en kept busy grin~ :ntwy ·haVe a complete acetylene the farm home Qf Mr and Mni. E . a mtsoeUaneous shower given I~J broiler ma~e.; growln. mashlli , wbeat for export. and a1eetriCal eqUi me t In lud"'" I " , . in ~e eaat. . : WI~ 80me nillls operating as I "I , J: 'll c """ 'A. Jeffery near Oregonia, was well MIs6 Ma.ry LoUISe Jones last Thurs- laymg ' malbu or combination lay, I ,much 'as seven days a week, flour Iboth stationary and .portable .plants. 6~ded and talr prlcC$ preva.lled IdaY afternoon at the 'hom~ of Mi·. lng and breeder inaalle.: an4'breed· Lose Chine5e Bcue5 producers turne~ out 24.4'14.696 bar~ No longer need we do as was the for GIl articles and stock offered for and ·MI's. Donald Jones . . er mashes. of lpecUlc feed for , With Chlnele opposlt(on dialnte· rela of 196 pounds each last year. Ifonner 'American habit 01 discarding ~Ie The Ollve Branch Ladies' Aid &be lpeclflc need wlU conaerve the Gi:ncral Pattbn (left) eonfen wllb . griaUnI. be'gllUie of ·lpoae m Wt8r1 mOlt Critical . Ingredlenu, namelJ (lenerlll EIJIeJ)hoWcr (rtgbt) at Allled leadership and ln8dequa- of equin. of whlcba'1proxlmately 13.5QO.OOO equiPment as ~ as .a part was '~rv'ed lunch We 'regret to know that OlYde MoKinney of near Antioch . . . " , protelnl and Vltsmin IUPplementl. Ileadquarterl. ~" .... barr«:lB were exported. ~I year. ment,' Japanese columnl pre,.ed the output I. eXPected to reach 28,. broke.;t. for, n~ with such a 1ine ,:the JeUery family have 801d their he honor guests. Joh.'l. Moore. Mr. and permit mo... emclaDt ute of • g~ Vo.ges !pountainsleadlng to the their drive to seal gil the whole 388.000 barrell. servce at ~ ~ and call, we have « rm where they have resided f~r and Mrs. Harley Cartwright and !)We- . gralna and tbe1r by.prodilcta. Even enemy border. nnd moved closer on euteth Chlnele coa.( with a view . . In an. Increased inWlng actlvltYl<tound that the can save much ~lme ~hlrty-three years and have boug~t daughters. ot Sabina. and MIss Ruth at a bllller price,. It la laid. prc~ the sprawllng Beltort Gap with iLl toward preveatln, U. S. landing•. ab.orlled 100.000.000 bUshels of Can.· Iand money by having part.s ' tpropertyo In: GenntQwn -Much success Bunce. Stanley and Claude Gray. at erb' dellllled mllab not onq .aV(11 25·mlle open corridor to .outhem AI a result of the enemy'. drive •. teed. but uluaUy Ifvee I:' I!l'enlel Ie· dian Wheat lalt year, and bulk ex· tha~ they will last as · Iong as n('IV . to them In their new home, Welltn were aftennoon rollers. Germany. U. B . . , th h If tThey have a. reputation . folr welding Mrs Elizabeth Garner Ballard. . Ravlnc smaalled throalb tile a1)andon four edvanced bas'l from ell, of whicb more an a weD . ' ~hlcb they had ,been peppering the ~ t1ie ,U. S. Thl' yeaz: .. ¢e d0inh:i., Jobs ,that stick and if your l'WhO was bom . and In thL~ forward dcfenlee of the "GOtlalo Line" In Italy',' the Allie. me. Japl. I • • ' lon~s ' wheat production III expected b~ ·parte In ,to them. lOr gllt in lmmed1ate ' oommwllty passed OIWay to rench ' 447,000.000 ' bushela. on touch wl\ll them for larger Jobs. you ' Thu18day at 2:30 a. m. at the home . eturenbir German reSlslallCt! .. A' L UED CRISlS', the, des'ceadec1 OD 1!Je creat Po which the farmer Is guarantee,d a , will find they WiU give you prom. t lof her SOIl. Robert and Mrs. Ballard, ' nUey, and beaVy ralDe, which Poli5h DiSpute mlJiimum of-$l:25 a bushel under the service. expertly performed. and you in MJamlsburg She had been In .rr ealed .mouatabi .lepee &Del quota system calUng for hIm to ra.,' ewelled lateral .treame, ad/led With the RUllian aponaored PoU.b taln hII grain until .elevator capaclt,. may rest assure 'that all wlll be per- falllng health tor the past year. to tile Flftb and E ...hth armlee' CommIttee of National LI6eratioD in become. available. ' feotly satisfactory. Much of which 'Was s~nt in the Located at DetTOlt and' Tblrd 8&8.. WIDdo_ and Boon _. dIftlooUies. Lublin making another Itrona at· • Dayton h06pltals. . . Xenia. Are Helping To Solve Qw; able PrIt!ee . • • _ ThIm I'or 8apDeep ' In the Balkans. Rut.lan tack on ,the U. ,8 , arid , British aup.. LARD o . '. . She Is survived by ~~o daughters noaalnC Problema. By Their Servloc p~ Por A1~... aacl 8.eJII'In troops pressed down on the rich coal ported Polish govemmt:nt.-In-exne In and two liOns•. all of wliom are mar- IDlrect From The Mill Tg The Con-,, : •• UDder ~~~ble MaDaceand copper mines ~ Bor In oentral.London, the HcklJ~h dlplomiue Iltu· Productwn Down eastern yugoslavia, whlle'/anber to atlon ,arl"lng trom ~e tro,ubled sf· '" 11 result .of Ihlpm.enta of fewer \ rLed ·a.nd nUie grand c b II d r en. IIUDler ' In Doo.... Windows, ~ mllli or M. E IIaloes. Who Will tbe west. the last columns of. 200.000~ fair. ·of ' that country took another bogs and Ughter welgbts In rec~nt IFuneral rites took ·pl.a.ce Saturday at nd Mouldi . Alio Feat1Ire Be Glad T' AUt Y Tel months. lard production has been the , 2 '00' p m at the ~hart-Bchmltt a DP • • '. 0 011 • • • • Germans hurried northward . trom·· lerlous W!'b. ' ' In two yearl With cold HO' RSES , "CO'W'S I " . 'C ombination Screen And Storm 'MaIn as. the Greek' border area. . . OccasiOn for ' the Committee of smallest to' t En e" 't in l Funeral Home In Mlamisbul-g and · 1._ a With RussIan' forcel , .Urging LIb;er!ltJ~'1 latelt broadllde agaln.t s to rage 8 """ CU "" P r c:en CAf..VES, SHEEP,ETC., IbUrlal at Xenia. McDowell .& Torrence at XenIa ung or to have th1nga made to ~a,ain8t' lts southeastern bardett, the the London- exiles Will / the latter~. period. and the goveJnm~t ( Jessie · L. Garner. J . Lu Tal· are offering the pubUc an excellent theJr own ldeu and deatan. HungarIan army went over to ~ appolnbnent of Gen. TadeulZ (Bor) owning ~ per ceat of the' relle~. ' In meetln~ the situation, 'packen ' Removed ' Promptl, Image ·o.rufAlbert. were relatives w~o l service which ~ables them to make The 'l1lILnecel' ball made a study nltac~' In an efl'ort ~o stave oft a .Red ' KomoroWIII:I a. C!Ommander-In-cble1 brenkthrougb onto the ferUle plalnl ' 01 FoUah ,. force. to replace Gen. have tr.\mJi'leli more lard and fat of! Call ' attended the f·unera.l eerv1cea 'neoeBllll.rY repairs and a.lteratlons ofinodernbta.tlon, pro bI e m B of leading to the capital of Budapelt, Kazlmien Somkowlld. · . I 1 Mr. -a..'ld Mrs. Todd Bunce' gave a \oWhich give added living.., ~~o~ \bmJAlS ~ bn11d1nga' and will furhO'1 than in 1~ Ydear., wlUth ...v poua I per ve once plcturesqqe. nlM heavJl)o razed In attacld.qg the U,ndoD exile-. tb e aver"ge weIght cOlDparIDl wltb~12.8 In ,dinner Dunday. at their here daUons. as wen as. · t:o keep' homes Dish 10U with .m1JloIror& In a style by bombardment. - To ' the ~rtb, who bave joc:'keyed agalnat RUesian ln honor of their son-in-law. Harley ,and bU$iness ,buildings In good can- that 18 .ulta.-model'D. or oonaervaT~LIZER German [orces fought to cbeck an· claim. to eattem Potand. the Com· and below 11, In some fO!Milr year.. . cartwright. of N. Camp Hood. Texa:; ditton. ' ,tlve &II yoo Wiib. IIAni' de- . other Russian drIve through the ~ar- rhlttee of National LlberatJon" not De.plte ·the-cl.o .e mavlng. h01l\'",er. · . . I and the latter's brother,. John Moor~ TIley feature an excellent Une of taUa whlch StYe' added comrort and patllinn mOllbtalns. deslgnei! to I~ only 8aU¢ ~~orow.ak1 al a crimi- August lard and fat productioh at up with'· the 'colu~ b~.rlnI nil for leadin, the ill·fated ~m.· . II1S.~.~.. ~ds wl!..IS about Reverse, ~1e,bODe ..C1I'" '[WhO baa Just retur:ned 1l'Om Engla.rul wlndaws doors mouldlngli and .thr ettlc1aooy to bmles '~d a~ta poun... ~ow ..... , 1\ • . ' , . •. ~ , '. from the south. ture UJltlaln, of patriOts a,amit the 000WilL ' '''e average weight of caWe The following ~ts .w ere: Mrs. styles In miUwol'lk ' and com have been worked out and it JOU' ~ Wf • MaID &N. X ....... 10. f 'Anti k ~. In the Baltic area. reJDll~ts of Gerrow In but AlIO .oulbt MUUe '~e. 0 00 • _o.r y doot;8. The~ ~rvloe anll have a place In tale COUDt!7, IIUthe Gemianf ~atvlan and EI~an. to· the . refugee ,gverl!ment IIi Au~t at "l.~ PoUllda com~ B. G. ,.... Moore, of Dayton, Mr. and MTs. ,are a grea.t accommodation to burbs. or in the ·clty. tbet :~ tie ., annies sliPPed through the . narrow b7 decilarlnlf,t hat It WBI out of com· .wlth 843.8 Uin year. a ~Iht .Ituaarchitects. contractors. farmers a.nd·. able .to a.saI8t YQU and 1\IrDJI.b \he corridor rear guard. kept open below pIete touCh With the people lnalde Uon alao bal ar~en In pri1dll~t1on . of Rtga to elcepe annthllaUoD. . ."'e coun\r7. " tanDw:. ' . tho s e oN bod 0 the ( r 0 IW I pateriala whJch iWi1l IJ?Ue • 'ftr)' building to go here and malte lSe· valuable . addttiOn ' to JOUr prop, _ Bitting Champs . eetJol'I8 and see what they are getLaabJq out ~tl . bit. In ~ ,tripe . Althou,h the nationaJ Income III to the plate. B~'. veteraD out· JulY. wal 'lQ1aDer than til \btl -.ame . , ' lie1der, D~e Walk· month laat· ,ear, the deorea., b7 ,am.. in er, WOD ~. K.ti~ · more ·than · . lniports ot ca~e from M~c;o to al lealUe battin, ced1lll ·montll.. Por the ailt me U.,tted Statea total" about ODD' cbampJODIbIp with a ~ODthI. the naUonallDeome amollJltflfth to one-fourth of all c.ttIe pr0.15'1 lvera,e. w~ eel ~ ~ato,qoo.OOO·· thIi ' ".r ~ duced in the ·naUon 'to the .ouo.; .~ OIenbind'e )'CIUthfIJI a,a!nlt .1H,OOO,OOO lilt lear. corellA. td department of agriculture PrWIm.lDarJ Irlform~tfOD 1ritSlc• • • aaanq.... LoU SoU· raporil. M9It of the IN ctreaa, ~ . the that the moderate upward· trend yaunl bulla. UlU8U, betweeD ODe "-American l.alue the °naUoaal JDeome-wlll reach a and t't'fO jearl ~ .... wltb • ~, Utle bJ 1taaItDI out pad III Ocitober a!14 of 100 to 'lOG pouDdi. 'l'be 1IirpoIt. 111 Idta III . . trleI to • dec1lDe lit Novem_ and I)e. - LEBANON. OHIO quota cd DOO.OOO bead ~ b7 c:ember, . ~, lalt leal .wW bold _ lJH.

At Main'" Patton St.'!., lin XenIa. Are An Important FactOr bl Keeplnc The Wheels Of 'l'raDl]lortailon. Agr!. culture and Indutr, On 1r"e Move B, Tb,tlr heeUent Service In WCldin&' or AII .M etala .. , Rave Bot.. sta. tiona.,. And pOrtable 'IanUl And Are Equip.,ea To Give Quick Alld ~ 6ervtee On Jobs Larp And 8maU. : . Co~clal Weldlnr. Motor Car and Truek. TraUer, }'arm Imp. ments. Tanks. Hlrb I'resal_ PI fl • . .• .W~cUnc,Eto ... Under The E'flclm~ IDlrcC'tion or W. GreeD ... ~rfll. MaIn '3M. '

' h . •. hlll l" ", :Iii. II h. ,,·....·.,,", ...... "n.

Mr. and M '·s . "Sam LaForge and










MoDowell.Torrence Millwork


It,CE Fo'r Dead St,o ck,

XI:'N -r . IA


. ",,









.b'eliwe :,









wm ""...."

Any make or ,. nodel -Fred Kahn Motor ,C"ir C..




TUNRSDAY, octoBER 11, lM4

"t •.

LYTLE \V .. III'. '''· •• I''.k. ( :0 . . . . . . . . . . .1

.- Mr. and .Mrs . HnT~<!Y' Burnet a ttended the D~l.ISSlon g-roup Wed- · · needay evening a:t Ilhe' heme of Mr . 'I' o.nd~. Bid Ellis nC<lr Wayn viDe, MIss ~metta. Steinke Is maldng an extended vtslt In ~xe.s ab Jack· sonvlUe, Fort Worth , Dallas, Wa: o and other points of tnteres~ . ! Misses ·R uth. EVa IIJ'Id Ethel Reeder S~r:vices have sold their farm on Route 78 and wlU mov:e to their property in. ~burg. , \ Mr. and MrS . Everett Elairly were in Cincinnatl on business Thursday and als~ spent a portlOn of the day · at the G1!org town Fa.1r. I .Master at .Arms and Mrs . Ea rl Mendenhall and ·little daugJ)ter 'arrived from Waukegan, TIl., Saturday to, spend a ten-ooy with the latter's parents, Mr. tllld M rs. Guy Routl'JllWl and Russell and also re,.,.. J InLlves In Waynesvllle. ~cQllure Mrs. Marga.reb Johns spent ~t week with Mr. an d Mrs . Ea r I ~Llnte Thomas in Centerville. Mrs . M1lrga~et Hopkins and little Dial 2111 - Waynesville eaughter who have'heen sta'''n'''"with


y ~nks Am!JSed By.Stone Age Wa:sh Board




with 43 per 100.000 and larger cilles have ~ toll 01 66 p t· 100,000 . , -~ The- iSland 0 GUam . the largest, · • .. • 01 !;he Marlanss was ceded to Mil' Th Po.elflo Northwest IS comUnJood state~ b; Sprull in IUDS . It pletely tree Irom hny rever. R 1111, 30 miles long, lnd four to eIght tlvely free arc northern New Engmiles wide. It hOoS a. pop'Ula.tlon of land, parts 01 the Adlronda,ck moun22,290. . talns. the souther.n tip of F'Iorldn and all the terltory from tJ1e RockA microscope bas been developed les to the ' Paclno. In bbe ,RCA laboratories capable ' or - .- - - - -=--:-- .-!...--o--....:.-.:..... mRgn1f~ obJects JO.OOO timeR ~h (l h' · .... Ul!ll. . ._ _ _ _ _. ._ _ n ntul'al size. Under suoh a JUJuro- ;;: • scope blOOd corpuscles app ar t wo ,.reet across . I


At All



==========~ IMJchlran, Mrs. Ruth Wier of West Brancll, spent a couple of da.ys idall . , Mr. a.nd Mrs. Forest Farree and

family, of Dayton visited the Harry GllmGn famUy Sunday. Mrs. J . W. Huston. of Yellow Springs was an over SUnday guest of TJaaDIq ' d her daU8'hter, Mrs. Everett Early Q.,lJd ,.a IhusbiLnd.· 0 .....,... are ebarpd f_ a' tile Mr. p. M. Slade of Toledo Is vtsltraCe ., _ a wwc1. mkdmllDl ,lng at the home 01 Mr . and Mrs . .,..... lie. A Waat Ad· lDIened for Waltrr Kennck. u.r. t.bDea II eIIoarJed at Ie a WOrd. , 1M1 and Mrs. Ralph 'Hammond - - - - - - - - - - - - - lllnd children were Sunday nfterPeR 8A[.&-one ~ aublcrlpt40n noon gueats of ~r. and Mrs. Pa.ul to tile lIlaml 00&Iette ,t.o the men ;Sdhnelder In Dlfton. III IerVice for 1l.1lO a year. Wbat Mr. a.ndMrs.Harold Whitaker and oauJd be a.moer lift to laat t.brOUah :Mr. alldMr$. Eyerett Early nttended b leal" and keep <Ilbe 110;' Snfonned ' their Dlacusslon group at the home



SOMEWHERE IN INDIA _ (Pnssed by Army Censors) - These members of the U. S. Armed Forces are amJsedlY looking on n !! an Indian dboble (public laundryman) quaintly drubs a 1It8rment on his primlUve "wash board." This is n far cry from the hygier,ic and scientlftc methods used by laundries In the Slood old U. S. A. Note the serlou8 8Xjlresslon of the 8warthy "linen beater's" daughter (center) whUe the Yanke chuckle.



l\lohnlr Frel.zc Uvlng Roo m


Suites With Spring'S

. NOTIOE is her by given that In pursuance 01 a resolu tion of the tl3( a d ( Towns hJp Trus te of Massie ow.nshl) . Wnrren Coun ty. Ohl • passed on the 1s t day of Sep temlxr. 19.f4. 'tJ1ere wllI be s ubmitted to a vote of the people of aid Massie T ownshl l) at the G,E NERA'L E;LECTlON, to be held III said Townsltip.

I\lcdtcJne Cablll ts


.,. .....

Table Lam]!1i '

Waynesville Furniture CO.

a.t the regular places of v.:: t h.g therein, on TUcsdllY. th 7th day of November. 1044, the questlo of ls1suing bonds of said ToWnship In , DESlGNE~ & nUILD~RS , li the amount of Six Thousand l''1ve FINE ~ORIALS Hundred (6.500.00 for lJl' ,purl)()Se of PROVIDING Fl RE AP , Located a.t 115 W . M:lln St •• Specialty Grluiitl!S, Stony Creek. 'P ARATUS AND APPLIANOES AND Xenia, Feature A Fina Serl/lce, Un- 1\11I10rd PIUk and Vlcwlill White. A.c; BUlLDINGS FOR ITS USE. equalled In The Industry .. . Trained lWell As, The Fin.ent of Gray GranThe Maximum number of yr a ~ EsperL'! In All Departments "Ahmys IItes .. , nave The Most Com. l~te EIl- during whloh bon ds are ' to rUI) I; ITo Band Better l\femoria·Is" .. ' C· lied hlblt In The Mlddlewest . . . Establish- ten Yellrs UO). All Over The Country To Creatc (11- ' ed 1864 ... Work 1()11tstanO'Ing d The estimated aadi lonal tA x rllt divlduaUy D~lgncU l\[cm(lrlals Puo- Prices Reasonable . . . Tel. M.'\ln outside 01 the ~e1l mill 11mltn ~lon as Ue and Private, From Their Three SSp. certl1led by the Coun ty AudI to)" Is . .75 mills for eaob one dollar of vnlThe George Dodds & SOns Gran.1te for the preservntlon of the . famiiy ua1an, whIoh llJllounts to $.075 f l' CO ., at Xenln e1lJoy the dlstlnction' name each one hun.d red dollar'S of valuaIOf being one of the ,leading Il4lthoriThe George Dodds & Sons Grani te tion . Itles on memorial construction in the Co. occupy an unlqu~ position in L e The 'P oUs for aid Eleot:lon will country and have brought much 'field of designers a.nd builders of open at 6:30 O'vlock ' A,'M. ood r elame to 'the city ~usc 01 orlglo- 'of dJstinction . From thc·r open until 6:30 O'Clock P. M .





.s.s ...


OCTOBER 1, 19«

BIBLE SCHOOL 9:30 A. ~ M. COmniWlloll 10:30 l\IORNING SERVICE u:oo 4. M :


EVANGELISTIC MEETING Now III Prorrells At TilE WAYNESVlL.L E CRURCJI OF CHRIST 7:30 p. M. Nightly Except Sat.. . Insplrlng messages tn song and sermon each night tinder bhe dl-. l'cctlon of Max IRandaU, eVllngel1st, B.nd Herbert Graham, sor g evallgellst . EVERY PER ON IN TIlE 'O~1J\ruNITV I URGRD TO ATTEND.

:I M~X O et


W RANDALL, Miniater




our oftlce early .

Anllounumg Cold Sprlllgs '!'ave.-n, on Route 42. 1 nnd 1-4 'miles south of IWllynQ.llyllle,




P C ned under the

11 w

m;'na/tment of.

I\IyriJe 1\1. Brown. Chicken dlnncrs

,wm b seMlOO'

unday -:- Week-OllYs By

Rt!servatJon. Clubs -



Ohm r PaTtles by ap; olntment only.

Cold Springs Tavern

S BI!ttlal'd t1nU!l of ' s Id





Mr. and MrB. Walter Kenrick. Mr: The placing of memortals over the Keene, 'N . R., thE'Y oller remark · By order of the Boa4'd of ElectIons, James and their guest,Mr . graves of the dead Is a CUSLOm lable fac1l~tles and plan of service to Of W~rren . County, Oh io . IT. 21'. B.1)U1e, were Friday evening w·htch orlglnated with our enrly clv- Icreate ITom their three .s)~jalty Aee&JJeDe or -electric, Bee BW D o' W. BISJIOP. Onadorf Road It. 8 WaynenUle. dinner guests of Mr . <U1d Mm. Ben Ulzatlons. In Egypt. It was the CUS_ lgrn.nlties, Stony OrE~k. Millord 1Fin ' Chalmla.n . F" , ,Round In D6¥ton tom lor the Pharaohs to erect a pyr- and Vlotorla Wblte . Their dllSlgnl : g H. C . S'I'liIJES, , . lI'Uller I1M!'· and Mrs .. Therle Jones and amid durlng their lifetime, so that serVice ca.n offer IndJviduallty an , Clerk. IW Sale - WaWDa Procl~ eon entflrtalned to dinner Sund~y when the final summons caDI!> a 'Origlnallty and whEm furnished, th ' BrIiIbea North Broadway ' I ~ Lebanon, Pbone jMr. and Mrs. EdWin Nutt and gra.nd jplace was for their. r ecep- ,memor1l;ll, whethe ,rlt be smail er . ' . C 11011, Garry 'Moran, of nea.r . CentCT- ¢.lon . N,otable exam'ples of tl;l1s we-e ·lal'ge ~ portray the work ot n - ....-~-------, .,. V1JIe and Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Jones. ' the pyramids of Rameses and King I artist and w~l1 be ' of high qu.,allty . "1D-==:€I~j!I;:W8J:a;~I8lg:g~ ~' ..::m. 8Al.&-4mproved KIefer pe8DI in honor of the l.~ter's birthday. 'l1ut . Their thoughtfulness has pre- and surpassing I;>ea.uty. ncui:uDcn M ' flr f ' \ II>' Jlr. JIenDt,n'a farm ·1 mile aou"th I, Pvt. MIke Yanovlck and P v~. lFYed to us a record of the c1y11lpa.- I Untiring hOoS re~istered the ,tide IfLI riLl "'ULIT ,/' . -. __ At l$1e, ObalIes ~,MIg'. James steinke, of Baste Englneer- . tlon of the past centuries. In .Amer- of counUess een~wies w1th~ut ob,~ ---'+o----,f-~~....~"" Up Iklg ,u nit ' or' the university .of Ky., Ica. every man Is a Idng a.m~ the lIteratlng or In a.ny wLse lnl. ~i -log -the · Sunday SCh091 ' C; lstmru; .. , Leztngton spent t.he week-end with head of every family should see tha' the beauty. and glory of the vadetree was Ughted with real candles IICR 841 E ' EIect.I1c pot1able :I unit 'Mi.. <Uld lin. H. B. Steinke and ' a sUltnble me~orlal ready for ti:le gated. yet harmon:lous coloring of a close-_teh was kept to see mlllrlnS c1rculaUnir ooal famUy. lamlly which he heads, . teat It Stony Creek Gralnte. Today, In the that the tree dJd not Cl.'lteh on . baaW. I8veral cans lard and lIOlDe :Mr. and Mrs. E. B . Ll'Jngacre . ~ . ,c ity parks. }J'Ubl1c squa.rcs a~d In fire, and everyone held their . . . ~ Gerhard, ~te 1. <Were· called to Olnclnnatl, 'Thursda.Y', wUl lbe in place, nnd. should adver- l pl aees of greatest promlnance, you bnath when San~'s whiskers rot ~. oct. lQ ' by ~e wrleas of 't he latter's sJ&ter, j>lty come to his des~ndnnts. the beautiful examples of their too near the flame. Remember? .raa ~, bed & 8P~ ,~. Lucy Hte. who suffered a proper . tl'ovlslon .has been made t!TS.llltes ~d, work. STUBlJ..'3 tI.MtirIiiI lDcludecl. aIao lea.llhere: stroke of ~ralYsIs. . FUNER.AL b12 alrDiJDater ,J'\li.. 'Mrs. W. P. Mr. and. Mrs. Ernest Dlrnhart of \ HOME near Oh&utaqua, Franklin <1lld their _~_HOl\1E Id~r. and Mrs. Fl~IYd Heacock and Telephone 2291 ' &11Ibury. Pbcioe 26t.1. . da)Jg,hter, MIss Dprothy ~rt of Wa,rneaVUle,O. SMv. Bernard the Mlddltow.n hospital, where she is Mrs. Geol'gla Men4enhali two chJldren, JOSCi)h and AIle e 10l9p lin tratrung,' called at the homeS 01 a meeting ~ the discussion group at Katherine, a.nd Mrs. Eugene Davld_~-~ Mr the home ofMI'. ·s,!ld Mrs. ·Cha.rles son, 01 Bedford, F'a.., Mrs. Ol1ver . lIaR 8ALB-itelfer Pea\'I!. C , E. 1 '. and MrB . Le811e Gray and Mr. Ellis Wednesday nJght of week. , Heaoock, of ~ttYSbUrg, Pa.. Mrs. ...... l'boD 2a6 . i36e and Mrs. Wal~ Kenrlok, Sunday ..., _Oller. e . , ' afternoon. Mr, and Ml'!!. J W. Edwa.rds. of .Florence Purkhl.ser, of ~lem. t!ld. ftB.BEN'l~ toom'"1fouae, electr'c, ~. Calvm ngacre - en e ned SJ:aingfleid were guests of Miss M8. - and Mrs. Irene Root, Of RIchmond . . . . 1n Idtcllen; , ohicken house ~le WillDAll',8 Soclety at their October ga.ret Ed\\~ds. tFrldl.\Y . ,Indlana, are visiting Mrs. Margaiael weaetable ~den. Two miles meetlJig Wednetlda.y afternoon a.t the MIss Freda Harvey, of etta Heacock. thJs.,week. eouth of , We.y.nMV1lle. PoII8e88IOD churcb it ,w as rt'pOrted that the called a.t the Home Sl'turday after- I Miss .~uth Ohandler was In Leb1...m..u~teJY . ~. E • .t.abuJ\Y" IJOClet)' ,netted ' f500. 00, serving the ~. ' " anon, Tuesday a'fteJmoon. 1 ' , , , ' meals at .the Leb'anon F'alr M,. \. /l. lJa 0 1' . a ,d MI's . O. E. Rusom. ~ ~ aAl~Y' sweet pota~~ and plQoo nlu:Clc by ' Mfs:~I'.s B.·~t·· ,Ma rgur t Russum ' and Mrs, Rpbert ''BROBIJEM?'' A. ,Gazette Wunt ~h~ • .I. O. Bi.wke: ' O.mpbell and Norma. Longacre wa ' , Keresey, of Da,y,tan. cnDed on MIss Ad will help you Bolve It--Qt a cost i· ~ ... I~ enjoyed . The commUtee' wl!o Margaret Edwards, Saturday a.fter- of only a few centll-whenever you 1IOR ~tcbllJl cabinet wiUl aaslabed Mrs. Longacre were : M~s noon. have somethIng to rent. buy, sell. white po~ t ,~ con4ltlon Jemes Johns. Mrs. Ralph Johns and r MJsses !AnnIe and Mame Brown· trade-whenever yoU have a mes~tate be&trola, uaed 4 years, oau I4lsa ~ary Prether. ,IWlth !rev. &lld Mrs. Ralph Pnrlcs 'sage to pu't before the hundreds of oent.ervUle m~, Mrs. AlmB. ~rs. Be~?!,rd MeUoh. of W\l-Yll(t.$- I ~nd little dau,~ter, dined at ,t he Gazette readers. It·s easy I It's prot, ' ~ell:. W. Ntltt. , .' ta:l vtlle spcmt Tueada.y wIth her , RreOo,5.' Wishing Well, at Centerv1lle, Sun- !table I





main : : : : -~ ~ to-I;a:~::, =~Y~V:I~:~ey I n :~ a.nd fine' creations In. memorial i=~ua;~:,y a.n~r!~ts~:'l1f~~~ ~tern

m~e _uuuesbil1e. ar~utt~ ®f Q!4rist




la8bweelt with her mother-tn-18lw and .

.... ..

I --------------~~

The Ge' orge Dodds & .~::!ons Granl·te CO.

I alater, Mr. and M!t'!i. WUllam BergI

•to •Dr.• Herman

p,ollulatlon . Smaller cl t1~ nrc !\ext






Sp~cial! E. , . ,

Hilleboe, rural areas t:ave the lowes~ tuberculosis rate, 31 ~r 100.000


Mr. a.nd Mrs. Everett Kenrick for some time. moved to Way,nesvllle, Monday.

. . •.

.-.. . . .. _J,j _.. ._ - '.1"'.








FltJ EN 0_,

Candidate For


ottr Aotive S!-1pporl Will ae Appreciated Vote Straight Republican l'i.c ltet



Mora.u. 1

~ ~! ,to tlie' Gazott.e o~nce early





, .and MrB. Olyde Wiha.rton., ., .' Mia. E. B. Longacre 1s ,~\1 and 'r:neIbabIea \III ',to set the Pl\per out. on der the DoctOrs care at this time cfat.e \Yhl~'IIs. 'ltlursday . I MrS. wwiur Poulks spent ·Tuesday .'. - -. -.---at the .hon1e of her brothe ' : \' At 112 E. Milin St. In Xenla,.Are Truck Serv! ' w_. ' . Wife Mr and M~- f d T ' . I ce ... (~,ve Y01ll' Worn IoV;4~--"'IJ!!M!"'M-" -" - _ .,_ ......:. . rs . tn<ll'lS OJ' ew··L, Important Factors [n :nae Promotion 'nres With Them ' tFu. Be-ca. at Franklin. Of Industry and Increased Food Pro-/ " Plnr ~r. a.lld Mrs. Olaude Rigg~, of 'dUetJon and To Keep OUr Transpor- For ~ompt And Quality Service . . . ,'D ayton spent Sunday afternoon wi th :taUoa System RoDlng On ... Featur- A Scrvlce Station \Popular -With ' their parents, Mr. and Mrs . WUber ~' A Wholesale and RetaIl Service j'PeoPle From All Over This Section ,Clark. lIn GaaoUne, Km-osen.e, Oils, Greases, I" .GGlve Good Values. For Your U. S. and' Batter1es : .. Tank Gasoline CoUPOJl!J ... Tel. Main 15.

The Carroll ~ind:er C~~.




GaideD II'rl,a&loD . ----:. ---Emergency Irrigation means dlgThe O8.rroll B1ndcr Co. at Xenia They are headqullU'ters for . new , glllg a six to eight ,incb· hole beside is not only a mecca for,motortsts for tires, featuring the famous U. S. each plant and re1Ulli:rg thi. with Jjerv1ce. bu~ becaUse of the qul!llty TIres . TheY are sturdy and wUI give ' ' woter at least three Umes belor. products they featu~e. By giving the.. yoU many mUes of CIi~~e-fre~ driVing. leveling the ioU aga.ln. It dQe. many best 'P06Blble values they aiding ',I'hey too h U times the good that ipraying the ' , . . ,ave a re able storage sarne amount over the garden will in our economy ~m and to keep \be.tteJ;y service on cars, tJ!UOks a.nd do. A canvas hoae" that leta- the j our busy cars, truCks, tractors and hractora, Drive In .and have your water oo~e througb its ~ pore. t.o fa~ equ1~ment on the ·move for tlattery cheaked for att>el")tlon now 10ak thc, 1011 ,without w8lh~g 18 a Viotory. .arid YQu canl save y<iurseu many great c.onvenlence. Where your lIar- ~elr gasoline Is .noted tor bal- starting troubles. JIJ , cod batt den II level and you have wliter d 1 d 1_ ' g cry tQ lead Moog the I rows. use your ance per ormBnce an. ... 'Second to ,.Will help you to g~t l;be 'most out of hand bge or· wheel boe to· op~ two ~one. They Ofter certUled lubr1ca- 6'0llr ~ttons. . . tq Iqur Inch turrow,. OU\ aopl' eight tlon and readY to, give the most \' They wUl 'be ple&!lI~d to have you Inches from the erop rOW8. ms8D ~plete a.nd accurate service. ThtrY atop In the next ·tin Ica~ the water. into thele. Count 00' understand all featurea of lubrlca.- I . ~e" yoU are In watertnllJour vel_tables thoroughly $lOD and foUow-the clJart6-..of the I ~: An Inspec)tton ~ qWQk once a week. Te.t each tlm,e manufacturerll ·or-all cars ' Tn I 'lice WW Cive you an BqJ.Jrance of Jour band trowel to make certaIP ' . . ' e1 _'.' the loll '- wet down the deptb-of ~-caee sen1ce 18 91"'" .. h II, ('!;!"- safety .~cb Will add ao i:nt.tdl to b1adC Jnc tile e.ngtnell ' . . ··J I , .100. JOUr efficlency and JX.Qee of mind.




Wilrren County..'. Election Nov. ?




PrOSe uti , . orney


School News .!Report Cards for the first six weeks wUl come out Friday •. October 20. Friday 1n an assemblY' Cheerleading tryouts wID be held 10r the coming basketball season, TJle Future FWmers 1n1tla,tloli was held at IWaynesvIDe HIgh 8c}hool, Thursday, October 19, 1944 at 7:30 p. m. Six "green band" members were ralsed to the de~ree of F u t u r e iF'armers. The following members t,()()k the 1n1tiation: Olen SmIth, Robert Gray, Richard Whltake,r Jaclt Asbury, Dale Rltinger, and Edwin Wehner. There were seventeen members present at the initiation After the initiation reJresbm611ts o! cider and: doughnuts were served The F. F. A off1oers' of this y(<U' are: president: Vernon Shutts; vice preA1dent, William Woolard; Secre. taryl 'Donald Charletan; treasuref: Jack Asbury, Sentinel, R 1 e h t\. r Ii Whitaker. . , There Is being much Inlierest and enthuslasum shown I.n the Home Economics department, More equipment will have to be pu~ to aocomJnodate the 1ncrea.sed number In the classes, About &eVanty glrla are taking pOrt In' the new class schedules ' The 7th and 8th grade g1rlea are studying various fabrlcs, weaves and color harmonies. The B1gh School claase8 are lunches, doing !book work, and laboratory Work in one dish mea.Js. 80 far. the meat shortBle has not eUected cafeteria meal& but baa 1Jm1ted the variety 01 usable m~t.




ETHODIST CHURCH NEWS , The following attended the Warron Co. Brotherhood meetlne Monday night at Franklin: R. C. Moler, Walter Whittaker, Truman WardJow, Hebe r Jac\Ulon, Carl Fergu~on, J,tev. and Mrs. R. B. Coleman. The Youth, Fellowship held their re"ular meeting Tuesday eveninr • followed by a sQCial meetini in the basemen t, 26 were pre-"'nt, The .... Booth Festival will . held here N ov. 12. Mrl. E. F. Andree confe-ftce ..... secretary of ,t he W.S.C.S. deiivered. An addresll to the lOcal lIoCiety 'Thursday afternoon. The "Week. of Prayer" will be cbserved in one public service by the women of the Methodist Ohureh on Thursday afternoon, October 26 from 2 p. m. to 8:30 in the church. ~n appropriate program' is beine arranged. Any women of the community who may wish to worship with liS are cordially invited.

. SEAMAN SECOND CLASS ------~----------------~--~------.----------------------------------~ HAROLD M~Y PASSES EDWIN RAMBY ARRIVES HOME ON LEAVE ' 1' AWAYBTEOII AT IUS H01'IE. NEAtt "" ~. GIWVE FRIDAY Edwin Ramby, Seaman Second _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _:--.r..._________~-----..:::::...---_1 Class of Samson, New York , ar. Funeral services were held Mon· rived during the pallt week to en. day at the Friend:; ehurch In WU· joy a short leave with his wile and mington for Harold McKay, 53, 8 children. He with hi~ family were well ~rtown farmer of the Beech honor . guests when Mr. and Mrs. Grove community who died Fr1ay, Homer Hamby entertained to din· Mr, McKay WlIB Ionnerly pre51. ner on Sunday evening. Other dent 01 the Warren County F'a.r)n guests of the evening were J. !Bureau and ()t the Farm Bureau Hamby, water tender 2nd'class, reo cently returned from overseas Cooperative A&soclation. He and his service, Mr. and Mrs. Hayes Ramtwin brother, Howard, 'have ow,ned by, Mr. and M.r s. Melbourne Rusa large [ann In Ule Flat Fork area sel of Dayton, Mrs. Edwin Ramby for many years. • of 'Germantown, Mr. and Mrs. Claro H~ was oom at GurneyVille, near enca Simpson and daughter of Mid. Wilmington a.nd was gradua.ted dletown, . Mrs. Opal Yunkes and from Wllinington college III 1910 and son of Lebanon. Seaman Second Irom Ohio Sta~e university in 1912. Class Ramby has completed his where he maJored . 'n n ....liculture. recruit training and will return to .. ~.. Sampson before leaving for further Surviving are a son. Allen, ot training. Genia, his twin brother, Howard, a Sister, Mrs. Harry S Rowe, of neal' Bowersville, a.nd 'a brother WIDTAKER DOME IS SCENE • Maynard J. of ·WUm1ngton. . OF BIRTHDAY DINNER PARTY ~e was a. lifelong member of the Mrs. Walter Whitaker, Miss Friends chUfCh, be~ng promlnent Anna Marilyn Whitaker, Miss .Sal· til Ulls f!lith for many year .: Burial lie Smith, Mrs. Ray Conner, Mrs. 'Was in Sugar Grove cemetery. J. H. Sackett and Mrs. Reba Braddock celebrated their birthday anFOUR DEAD IN KINGS niversaries during the past few MILLS BLAST; FLARE days and were honor guests when BOMB EXPLODES .their friends gathered at the home of Mrs. Whitaker on Saturday eve. Death toll in an exploslc:m 01 a ning. During ,the very pleasant evening delicious home made ice bOmb at the Kin g Powder 00. cream and cake were lIerved. Tholle plant at Kings MIlls mounted to The Four·H Club. of Arn~c.. 1,700,000 luong, ment of Agriculture, looking on. 'No.3 showl BUly four Thursday as York Bryant, 29, Ilresent with the honor guests were Mrs. Role Fires, Miss Flossie helping are makin« a vital contribution war th~ program h 1 in D ad with Sou til Le'In the gigantic problem to of th, keeplJlt{ f90d Fleming 0 r Fairfax COlUlty, V'1r1l..I_I. ......' e p g .,..llQll Rnd Albert Pallpolls, Fires, Mrs. Stella Whetsel, Mrs. lupply line luong and in buying War Bonda. Here \U'o ' tho chores. Billy la putting bli earnings into War 35, Kings Mill, succwnbed to burns Lena Hartsock,' Mra. R. C. Moler, aome seen" of 4-H boys and girls at their ",at' work. ~cmd,. 4-Q Club membera own 90,000 head of dairy In Blair hospital at Lebanon Mrs. Miruiie Monger, Mrs. Glenn No. 1 shows Glenn Whittenberg, of Hidalgo COlUlty. cattle. No. 4-4-H Clubl mako • mighty contribution Fred Gibson, 3B, and Hugh Terry, Borden, Krs. J. B. Rich, Mrs. Sal- Texas, with hi. fine litter whicb will help the food 1nP. ~o the poultry and egg Inpply, raising 9 million chicken I Ue Meredith, MilS Judy Conner, ply. Glenn i. putting hill profits in War Bond .. No.2 SIt 19'13. Here fa Helen Wheeting, Brown County, 32, both 01 South Lebanon, died Mrs. Cora Rich and Billy Whitaker. ,hows an ambulance purchased by the 37,000 member. South Dakota, with a couple of ber birds. She alao Wednesday. The four were worlc1ng of the 4-H Club membera of Virginia. Representing buys War Bonds with her profits. No.4-4-H Clubbera on the assembly line a.t tile plant JOSEPH C. SHAW. the Virginia CI~b8 in the picture i. Carolyn Steele, , are IllI? Victory Gardeners. Here is Jane Budderar of when the the e"Ploslon occurred. RECEI Pairview, and Richard. Flemin" of Brane.ville. Malor Fredenck County, Maryland, in her garden. TheBe farm VES PROMOTION B~mard Sobol, tI,SA, II accepting the ambulance, Wlth youngstera railed 5 million bushell of garden produce The !ire destroyed the . . Director M, L. Wilson of the Extension Service Depart- last year. Back the Attack-Buy More Than Before. . f.nune building In which they w&e A Josap ; C• . Shaw'cf. 139 Thelma - - - - - -- ,- - - - - - : - : - - - ; - - - - - - - - - - . , - - ; - - - - - - - - - - - - - 'Working. . venue, ayton,Ohi, recently bas PBOGRESSIVIl WOMEN'8 CJ.UB WAYNE TOWNSHIP LITTLE ' SHIRLEY. JEAN been promoted to the grade of . THIEVES ARE AT TeehnicalSergeant. 'Son of Mr. 'EO ENTERTAIN FARMERS FARMERS CLtfB MEET AT HOLE HURT IN FALL WORK AGAIN and Mrs. Joseph D. Shaw of Day. .GIMHGE SATURDAY EVE. HO)IE Of' HARVEY BURNET FROM FATIIER'S CAR

4.11 Club Goes All

ton, liecollege graduated fromandMiami Jacobs in 1941 i. a be f th mem r o e Phi Theta Pj, Fra· ternl·... "I· Sergeant Shaw landed In North Africa in D........mbe 1942 d i ~ I' s current! I . ta an y le~ ng a8 a88IS nt sergeant major of the Mediterran.e&D Air Transport Service in Italy. His wife, the fformer.Aruma Treadway WaynellVl'Ue, 0 resides at Graeeme.n t Olub, . out Drive, Dayton, Ohio.

FERRY II ... Uarleee........... _

'lbe B

v ......'_.


... moe Economic Club, MOdern Momemaltera" met lallt ilI'ri;d&Y. After the tJUfl1nea meeting, REPUBLICAN WOMEN MEET p~ ~ttee CQq1posed. of AT LOCAL GRANGE HALL AlVIno. Kleina.D. M'W1el Dicken.. .and ~ Scott, 1ntrodu~ .' The Wayne Twp. Republican ~ ...alng procram. Women's Club met on Oct. 18th at Mr the Grange HalL Between 60 and . BDd lira. Jfa Rolimd, M!rB. 66 ladies including gueats from "D'o8t and da\l8'hter, Janet, Columbus; Centervville and Mahie aDd Mrs. Albert Wean aud' 'Township enjoyed a luncheon' towere cl1nner :gether. Wean 1n Belmont SUndaY. '!be wu In honor of Bruce Following thl.s the meeting wu . 1CB1led to order by the prellident. A.Navy who Is hCXDe _. ·.After the business senlon the dele:gates and alternates who had at.- '!be Ways a.ndMeans CClIIlmittee f tended the Annual Fall. Conv8I1. the Bell ' - 0 tion of the Ohio Federation of Reo brook PrO met at the b6me publican ·Women's · OrganizattOmt ~ lin. .Jobn Black In Bellbrook, gave reports. These reports showed !lbul'IcIay ev~. 'lbe clUb is aponthat it hiRl been a most worth. & BallOwe'l!ln Carnival Thurs~ while experience to attend a lltate daY October B8 lilt the HIgh meetin&,. . : Auditorium Feat,Uea ot the Group singing was enjoyed with will be a 'cake walt door Lola Sean at the piano. A tribute turkey raffle v· i ~ to Wendell L. Wilkie WBJ read b, tbe~. :: ~ Mrs. J. A. Hartman. Several peata , . ;you ,. re8ponded with intereatlnc ' at the fair. Comel '"'ark's. The pro ......m Aommi"-- . Mr. . and. Mn. JobD. Reeder of .... ..._........ '!had been most fortunate in aecv- Oentervllle ~ve atended em ining ajJ guest speaker MIlS Helen 'V1tatlon. ~ the sUnda.J School of the Dean of Columbull and 0Nek 0bdItIa.n Church to a who proved henelf to be both iJa.zty at their 'home charming and info~ma1 . . She . held 'IbU1'8da.v eftID1nr October 31 the undivided attention of her lira ' . . listeners throughout her talk and • 'nIID1'VrdIce,...boDor lUest ~el1 most graciously ailaw~ • . ~~ eupper ~ evening the P. J. 'lbcIaIIla - H, ~. Pbrdyce quelitions. . . Feeling that thll had been 'a fine . , '. neighborly and. co-operaU.e meet. ' aDd Mh. IA~ce 'lboinaa ing the club. adjourn!!d. to ~eet 1P'U'4~ .l!IrwJnP:r1nl1e, of LEibFrIday November 10th at I p. m. called on Mr. 7~ Mr.. Perri a~ the hom~ of M1'!" Harry Sat'l'boIDaa' aDd aoD aDd B. R .Partel1hwaite. . ' . and M:r.. NaDCJ ,PoPe Ilr. M:r.. ' Waldo I:Wott GDd fa ....'.. .FA.ILy GAiHERlNG 'u~ a . ._.....!. . . .~ IN BEAVERTOWN, 8UNDAyl-IDdI'1---.-.. ' r lint ,..;... "4'.:.~ . . ~ -.... ~ . . . •SW1da.r with the "Mr. and Mrs. F~ . E. 'nlomaa. 1Ir;.'.""'.... II"'!' .'l4b'llWiaela and Mrs. :tlpyd DaVIa aDd IClil!I,. Mr. Arthur Th9JDB., 11"" Mr. and )In, Thomas arid daaeltter wltll ~obD lobe, 'of. DaJton. SaDda, rueata of 1I'i. aDd - l. Earnhart and IOU In aDd trt.ada far thIIr belp This lamU, tile moO






the bItthdaF _. .....:..- Bal'llhadr Kill -_nor"'1'boIDu IIIIIl.:



in War

Bo~d E;'lr.ort


Saturday night, thieves went to Mr. and Mrs. ' JI~rvey- •B\!rl).et Shirley ~eBn fIole, 3-year-old the home of Henry Satterthwaite, graCiously enterti!1 i!leq ~he Ill. emof Mr. aJld Mrs. Barve" hers o~ the '~ WII e Tn',.,..,"'1titm-~'';;;;~;;' ., on Route '18 __ nil . 8to~ bou~ ' ' of Da:uton fOI'lllCl'ly 01 Farmers Clqb at tqeir . home in .. seventy ducks, ge!:se and turkeys. L tl . 0 tobe 12 fell froll) the car <trivThe Satterthwuite's were asleep Y e on oc It' , on bv her father. Shirlev J ean's in their home at the time the robAfter an enJ'ot,able 'social hour condition ~ • is rG{lorted as~ saUs- bery was committed. members and gu,eats were seated factory. ·at laden tables :ror tbe delicious chicken dinner. ADDRESSES AND NEWS BEECH Keller Hoak, president, called the 0 ~ MEN IN SERVICE meeting to order I~t 2:15 p. m. Sev. ftll ... J~. . le U ..... er. Olln•• plld ..., enteen families were present. The Pvt. Richar d I. Campbell, schedule for meetings in 1945 was 86804918-19th Field H03pital, Mrs. Wayland Jordan and arranged. Camp Ellis, Ill. daughter, Miss Claire Irene, of Seth E. Fu.r nas had charge of Cincinnati, were Tuesday guests of the special topic: "Farms. and Jobs P,F.C. Raymond O. Morgan, the Jordan family. for Demobilized l3ervicemen." He 85076297-Sqd. T-3-A,A.F.-423rd Mr. and Mrs. Howard GI'aham of discussed plans that have been ad- Base Unit-Walla, Walla, Wash. near Harveysburg, · were Sunday vonced in varioll£ parts of' the -_ callers at the home of Mr8. Ena country to make it possible for Mrs. Jessie Hyman has received Ferris. ' service men to buy land. He re- word from her son Robert Hyman Mr. and Mrs. Orlando Brannan, pea ted the warning, being given that he has been promoted from of Xenia, were over Saturday by the department of agriculture. Second Lt. to that of First Lt. night and Sunday guests of Mr. that inexeprienced persons should and Mrs. Mearle Terry and Walkor not engage in fal'Dling until they Earl Mendenhall nnd his wife Terry. have had lion,.. p.rpe,rience under and daughter left Saturday evening Mrs. Ella Shumaker was a Sat· the guidance of people who for Waukengan, TIl., to mak~ prep· urday visitor of her daughters, farming as a business. orations for shipment overseas. Mrs. Ed Fred and Mrs: Will Dow· Mr. Burnet intr,odueed Rev. R. B. His wife expects to return here neY;i:'~i::-n.Le=-=,b~a::n=o.:: n::... . -:--=---:--;:-_ _ Coillman as gue:lt speaker. Rev. in a week. . Frank Sama, of Dayton, waS Coleman gave a most interesting calling on friends here, Sunday•. account of a trip Ihe and his family Pvt. RUBsell Lamb, of the South Mr. and Mrs, Charles Kleeman took to the 'West Coast in 1935. Pacific, arrived at the home of his and f!lmily wqo were former resi· He told of looking~ up in Deadwood parents, Mr. and Mrs. Sil Lamb, dents of Dayton, and for the past S. D. the widow of Seth Bullock, -- . eighteen months have been locat· famous detective and U. S. Mar· Charle~ (~pud) DaVIS, S ..C. llC ed on a farm near here, bad a pub· WAYNESVILLE LADIES ARE shall under Coolidge. Mr. Coleman of Adm.lrabty Isia.nds Wish to lie auction Saturday of all tfteir DINNER GUESTS IN DAYTON was interested in learning more thank hl~ .many frIends for . the stock, farming implements and blrtbday cards from they sent h Id go~ds. Mr. K'leee· Mrs.tHarry Myllng of Dayton en. about a famous highwayman, who lovely him. Also the letter the some . house.o tertained a group of ladies on Mon. was arrested by Mr, Bullock, lIev- Christian Church. and Dr. Mary ma~ and hiS famtly ~re leaVing oral years ago in the neighborhood Cook. They were all greatly ap. t~elr f~rm soon, and Will be estabday to a ~ dinner hollOl"/.ng her where Mr. C6lemtm grew up. Mrs. preciated. He" smtes he is in the h~hed 10 thel~ home in Waynesaunt and daultter, Mrs. Na.ueyCUil· Bullock remembol'ed her husband's best of health and well contented. ville, ~. ~arohna,. where ·. he has a who are leaving this week' trip to Ohio and another old resilucratice Job awaiting hiS arrival to make their home In OalI1orrrla. dent recalled the highwaymun and Mrs. Mack Davl's recel'ved word there. ' The l,ames of Waynesville Those attending the dinner !rom his misdeed, Mr, Coleman was able st. A to find out Bomla of the things that her nephew's son, Tech. Fifth ugustme Ch\Jrch served Waim..wWe were'. Mrs. 0. ce Vice, G d S tt · B'ld b lunch ,_. ... about the highwaymah he had ra e co I t'r ack of Marth ~. Irene Henderson, Mrs, W , E. puzzled over sbice his childhood. tinsville, Ohio, died Sept. 20 of .en e message came Friday Strou!! and Mrs. Maude Grane, of He then spoke elf his visits with wounds received in Gennany Sept. :o~llng bearin~ the new~ that one friends in various parts of the 18. . . eecb Grove s 1lI0st hIghly estLILLIAN MAY HEAD PASSES west. He describE!d. the industries LOCAL SOLDIER. SLIGHTL~ and scenery that Impressed him WOUNDED IN FRAN AWAY AT DOME OF PMtENTS and told ljomething of the people CE LIllIan May Bead, one (,1) day old tha~ he met., M:r. Coleman ex· ~ Glenna WOOiard ·recelved a . . plamed that· he ~ad been in~~sted 'te1ecf8ln 1tom the War De artment daUghter ~ Mr. and Mrs" Ivan m · the West SIn(!C his childhood iPrIda ' . ' p ~&;d.paased away WedneedaY at and that this tr:lp was but' t~e y . ~ng stating that her 1.00 a.,m . . 'first of a series of trips he hat! . ~ !Pte. John D, Woolard, had Survived bY.sister cha.rlotte pater· made to that region. He said, too, !been slightlywoullded 'whUe fightsrandpa.rep~, Mr. and Mrs-. that' he . ce:ger to see more of 1ng iB:' France on October 2. The JaJ;IIe& Bead. _ . that part of our country wben 'JneII888e stated that dete1l& would Puneral servicelI 'Win · be ~td travel for pleasure il again ' be sent later . Tbursda . . y, 10:00 a. m. at the. rest. sible. . , . --'----,---.que&ts for ~~ I meeting were: NanCE dace with bUrlalln ~ MDml Oem· Rev. and Mra, Coleman, Mr .. and ,UDder tJU! d1rectIon of. - ........ On "oliday evenin, Lytle was ~ Mrs~ H. E. Hatha\lray; Mr. and M"'~ ~eral home t J. B. Chapman, M". Georgia M~n· vlslted'. , a crowd of young boya . 'denllaD, Mrs. Eli Furnae, CI.rke '!bill Waynettrille who partlc~· MRS. QBANNOCK RECEIVES I King .f1f n,yton I.nd M;r~ ' a~ ¥i'II. pat.ed ba lIlaDY acts· 0' vandal. 'WQRD OF· THE DE4TH C. D., ~J>erts of' ILewiabure laill. Do the parente know whue OF LJBUTENANT ALLISON ., . ~ • • til... ,0IIII1( bOi. were after 10 . ':, . . 8TBAL ~1JL1'ItY 0'1'. . ,~.,' Mn. lI'rancee B1ilnnock returned II&II&Y MT'I'BBII'BWAITI 'I'll• decided that ,f rom Parla, Ky., where abe atteDd. the ,......" an napoulble for eel the .,morial for her nepJiew :u..d&lH the . . 01 their eldldrea. Lt. CoL ~ who wu JdUed All ., tile 110,. ...•• are cmI' German.v. Septemb8r 10. U. ....... ad weltope ........' WU with Patton'. ThIrd . Olub The Progreaalve Woma.n's w1ll t th t Fa prese.n e prognm Q l'IJl&S, G ....... "d evenin Oc......... range, ___ Y>' ay g, """"r 21 The program 'whlch WIll beg1n • l.~ around 8:30 is open w ·t he public ' a large turnout is eXpected • -CIVIC CLUB MEET . AT "OUR HOUSE" MONpAY EVENING . ___ T1le Waynesville Civic Club met for their regular monthly dinner meeting at "Our House" and their guest speaker was Sgt. Joseph H. Graham of Bellefontaine, ·Ohio. He is the nephew of Herbert Graham, minjster of the Ferry Church.of Christ. Grahem spoke of his exin New Zeaiand, Fiji Islands, Guadalcanal and New Caledonia and used as his topic "The Life of a Soldier.': He said, "u you really ~ant to appreci~te home, speitd thirty months in the Pacific Islands." Interesting talk lasted one hollJ' anil after Sgt. Graham concluded his talk, various .ques· tions from the club were answered ; The meeting proved to be one of the most interesting meetings the club has ever had.








Personals Mrs, Ray Mainous , returuecJ from Detroit last Friday where she had been visiting her chUdren.

• ••

Mrs. Elizabeth Smith spe1\t IC•• eral days in Wilmington and at.tended the funeral of her couiD, Allen Jay.

• • •

Mr. and Mrs. Maynard Welt. were Saturday night and Sundal guests of Miss Doris Hawke and Mrs. Cardie Cardwell in CinciD.. ·nati. .

* * • Mr. a d Mrs. P . 1.. Realon and Mrs. Elsie Hockett were Sunda, d'mner guellts of Mrs. Sadie ReaioD . H arveys burg. In • • • Mr. George Waltz' of Dayton, Kt. Elmer Grove ' 'of CenterViDe 'aDd . Dr. .1\. E, Stout enjoyed fiahine, at Indian Lake over the Mrs. Waltz was th" weelt.-end of Mrs. Stout and daughter aD Saturday evening and on SuD!Ia,. were joined by Mrs. Grove aad children.


• • •

Mrs. John Reibel and ehiIdreD of Ashland, Ohio wu a B~ evening guest of Dr. and Irln. A. E. Stout. '

•• •

Mrs. Harold B. Eamhart Is Con· fined to her with a Hell, sprained ankle as a result of • fall in her yard.

• ••

Mr. and Mrs. Stanley B8U~ daughter, Mr. and..~ tBlUck and son, Mr. and Mrs. RuseD Wilson and children, Mr. and Mrs. Irvin Mulford and famiI" were Sunday evenine dinner pest. of Mr. and Mrs, Emil Brown aDd children i~ Jamestown•

. • * ..

Mr. and Mrs. Rhode. BDIlDID and daughters were Bunda,. dbmer guests of Hiss Nionlmia and lin. N elUe ~unneU. •

• •

Mrs. Leo Conner has word from her husband, Pri. Leo CoDDer, tIIa& he ill'· now .tatloned ., Oamp 'Faiiriler, Te~., • ' • ' I

Mr..a~d Mrs. Henry Wa~ 'Mrs.Lllhan Crane and BOn left oa Tuesday to spend several days with "'Piivate Donald WBtkil1ll at Camp Wolters, Tcus.

•• •

Mrs. Bertha Gray of Da)'tqD was a week~nd guest of her IODin-law and daughter, Mr• .end )(ra. E. F. Earnhart.

• ••

Misli' Ruth Conner atte~ed "Homecoming" at Miami UDlven- · ity through tbe week~nd'" .

· ..


Mrs. D. R. SaUllbury opened bel' home on Tuesday ' afternoon and . entertained the members of bel' bridge club. Two tables were 1D play du.r ing the, afternoon aft8I' which dainty refreshments were · 'served. .

• • •

Lieutenant William Sawyer left Sunday for LeHoore-.FIeld, ·Call.. fornia where he wiU join hl.1 flyinlr officers. Mrs, Sawyer will remaiil at the home of her parents for the present.

• ••

Mr. and Mrs. Walter Fruure and 80ns enjoyed the week-end with Mrs. Frasure's mother, Mrs. C. C. Lester of FleminJrSburr, KentuckJ_ They also called on other frieDda and relatives. ' •

• ••

Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Brown entertained at ,dlnnel' on Saturday evening Mr. and Mra. William Lukens and , family, MI'. and lin. Rhodes Bunnell and :clllughters aD,d Mr. and Mrs. Harold.Whitaker and family. After tHe ' very deUcio. dinner cam weer enjoyed d~ the evening. t !

* • •

. Mrs. ' Robert Thomas left .d~ the past w~ek to join her huabaDd Lieutenant Rol)ert Thomas whQ .. receiving further! tralniq ~ Idaho. Lieutenant and lira. TbO-.. little daughter remained With ... grandparents, Mr•.and lin. BIDet, . Butterworth. : ' .. I

THURSDA y, OCTOB~ 19, 19«


- GtfJe. jliami ~a?ttte -

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W&1DeSvWe, Oble)




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Main B~et

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---G()Qdye~ Seryic~

At :10 We t Main St., In Xehitl. Are Hell)ln~ To K«p Our Trans· .' om of our membel'S attended . rU$lic ervic In I'IIwlogrnphic 11Orl.ation System 'I'hrou~h Their Excelltlllt Cur Seniel! In Supplies For . ~ Ita 8eooDcs Olau ~ Matter at · Postoftlcc, . Wayn~vill~, ObJo Purlntilur ' For OlJ<crill1inating People . . . Photo/Cr:lt1hM ()f Your elf th funel'lll Of Harold McKay in 'Home, Cor. Truc~ and 1'ractor. 'Gllouycllr High Quality an Hells, Low Or 'rhe hildrcn. Is One f '[h~ Best' oluUun '1'41 '.'!le Gift Prublem Wilming ton MonthlY afternoon . Cn t, High Value Goodyear . 'l'ircs, Tube and Go,!dyellrEl'tra.Mill!a.gc •.• 'Popular Ft,r Bridges, Weddings, Grad ual . ;md I! ' amily Grl/up .. ' il'. Edward Bennett of ClIl in· Walter W·. Wiseman, Editor and Publisher Modern Method llnd Fine E quilllnellt . . . Under Able l)ilrecUon ..• nati spe nt the week-end with his Recallping. Usin~ Wodd Fa mo~s Goodyear r.~lltenaI8 . '.' ,load Service With upplies li nd EXllerl t \ our Call I'll Get You domg ••. Prompt Tel phone Main 297. IB8UBD BVERY THURSDAY niece, M.l's. Raymond Burden, and Attentiun And Reliublll UCllllir .•• Stop ]n For ]ns\?c4.lUon. , •• ' . --.-----'felepho~ Main U5. In the moking of fine l)ortraits They have been vel')r successful fomily. ~ PrIce, 11.60 Per ~e&r, PaYable in AdvllDce The Young Friends of Xenia The E. F . anb. hoto Studio lit in t he taking of chilth' n's pictures L~ckY, indeed, arc the people of be well to hav~ yo.ur smooth tires Xenia ranks high a nd their work and they poss('ss the happy faculty Fl'iends hurch "had a picnic Sun. Xenia and all tho surrounding com- recllp]led on, especHllly, .before the of being able catch them in just day 111te1'nOOn and evening nOllr tile is pleasing to tho most discl'iminat- the right moods for an al·ti stic and home of Mr ~ and Mr.s. Donald munity to have in theil' midst lind fa U ruins come and difficult dl'iv.N~. at their b ck and call the l very cf· ing conditions develop. I.t doe.s not ing. d 'lightIul photographic) study. Haines . ficient service in cal' and home pny to take chances with your car, Styles change in photography They arc experienced · and can Mr. and Mr~ . Rale igh Bogan photogl'uph yo u to tho best ad- ju t us in evory thin~~ else. lm- call ed on MI'. and M'rs. Weldon Wi!· needs at money saving prices liS your tires 01' yourRelf. Tire. experts will r ecap your tires, using only vllntuge. Their wOI'k causes iuv- proved methods and al)plll'utus ell- son and Mrs. Mary Bogan Sunday the Goodyear Service. ~'. AllrtlMoIh4.... . .This is II populsr. trading center the g nuine Goodyear materials orable comment whever it is seen ubl ·s t he photogl·uph .r of today aitel'Ooon. and is heaaquarters fOl' new tubes, and methods to give ·you many and thoi r 'Jub'onage is steadily ill· to g t expr ltIs ions more lifelike lind , ., d Miss· Ellel' Wh etstone of Xenia tires, tire repairs. Goodyear extra- extra miles for !Ide driving. crensing. Should YI)U wish nny work photogl'aphs more Drtlstle an was the weck·end guest of he.r mileage recapping and supplies Their rOl\d service car adds 80 done for any sp('cial occasion, it \1Iore pcrmanen t . . .. for the automobile owners. Garage much to the peace of mind. of our would be well to tnlk with them It is incumbent upon eVllry man, SIster, Mrs. Alice Hames. as they have nn eye of an artist womlln and child to huve photoMrs. Mal'y Bogan spent a . few owners, too, find this a very con· busy workers to have at their call October 12, 1944. Do you plant you dug any, watch to see whether ami can make your portrait in. graphs of themselves at various days with her son, Raleigh Bogan venient SCTvice and thnt it speeds should they have tire trouble on by the moon? The almanack says they keep any .beUer than usunl. dividl1,lIl lind .d iifel·ont· from that of l ages so that the photolgl'aphic ree- lind wife. ' . up business and aids transportation th~ l·oad. A word .sent to th.em· will JOU should also harvest, can, preSunday. The first frost of t hc the photogl'sphel' who depends up· or? of t.he fUIl1i1y cain be moinMI'. and ' Mrs. Raymond Wilson to huve this store so close at band. brmg an expert tll'e man With supTo keep your cors in service for plies and will soon have you on serve and butcher by ~he moon for season last night. We have such on the camcra alon . ta med. \Vol'e Wilmington shoppers Monday 'the duration and longc.r, it would the go again. the beat results. For years seien. good air drainage tllat there was forenoon. tists astronomers M r. a n d Mrs. Raymon d B urd en .. t1edespecially th . ' have th little damage here but others reo NOTICE OF ELECTION ON Blindness Cur,cd &CO :u atof th e , possibility that e port their beans laid flat. When tt d d th e wedd'Ing o·'l M1:S . B ur· . ld h IS UE OF BONDS Blindness due to high blood pres· n en e poai gon e moon cou ave the sun sm'nes after a fI'ost the sure as well as to some other dis· den's brat Iler, Mr. John Bennett . any influence OD plant life in spite air seems. to have a peculiarly NOTIOE Is her-"'Y given th" t f D t d U ' C I' B k of the thousands who have believed sweet qualIty that ... nkes these 01....... lu"on or'" thlne eases has been cured and sight reo 0 ay on an 11.1IS8 aro lne ur· ,,,.. w slored to numerous paUent!l by ett of Beave rtown at the Beaver· With Large Plant On W. hurch St., Xenia. Are Wholesalers and it for thousands of generations for warm days with frosty nights some pursuance (1 reso maintaining them on .a diet consist· town U. B. Church Saturday eve- Retailers For Home Consumption Of Wine, Beer. Cam(da Ginger Ale it is ODe of the oldest beliefs. In a of the lovliest of the yel;ll', t he Board of Township Trustees of MIlS· lng almost entirely ot rice, Dr. ning. nnd Other Mixer ••• Also. Mnnufacturers Of lee And Supply Three rece,-t article, I read that Dr. Har· kind of weather city' people come 1 To\V,n shlp, Warren County, Ohio, Walter Kempner of ~E! Duke Mrs. J ennette Elli s and son Q)unlies •.• Headquurters For Vitalnire nnd Coolerator llefrigerators When Released . . . Excellent Selection or Impll:t,cd nnd Domestic old BUrr, professor anatomy at to visit their country friends. on the 1st day of september: verslty school of medJC:lne has reo Lar t t f I k' Wines', Champagnes, ordials, Syrups. To Stock Your Wine Cellar ••• ".~....tbe-:ra:le SChool of Medicine, 'has Today I heal'd more about one 1944, there will be submitted t<f B ported. At the same tlm,e. he stated, I'y spen pat· 0 ast we.e Wit Id M I lhe trealment or diet re·duced blood her patents, Mr. and Mrs. Ray. Telephone Main 29. "discovered" that the moon DOES _1# .. ~l.;.oI" ..I of the pro'lilems that is going to of bile p~'Ople of sa ass e pressure to a'bout hn'U ' n hyperlen. mond Wilson. auec ...............e. call for every bit of our broad. ' at the GIENE&A!L ELElC- slon cases. He was unable " r_ commentin .. upon these recent to gh,e Mrs. Charley Laird returned The Xenl' a l "'e Co., have estab· and cham l~agnes including th~ dis· "cI~---a--... -John J. . O'NeU, mindedncs!J and toleration in order nON, to be h eld in saId Townshlp, the exact reason for this rice home M:onday after spending a few Jished a Large '"business as whole· tinctively Amorican wines of the ....... _ _ ScIence IilditOr of the New York that we may act kindly .and fairly, at the regular pllWeS of voting "magic." The diet consists almost days with hel' daughter, Mrs. Edith salers, as well as retailers for home Finger Lakes R gion of New York Herald Tribune writes, "The seien. that is the ~e-Ioeation of Japanese therein. on TUesday, the 7th day of enUrely of rice, boiled or steamed. Haines. consumption, of wines and carry and Northern Ohio, the full-bodied tlIt8 ~bo have made the discover- who wer~ dispossessed and .moved November, 1944, the question of Is- plus fruit Juice. a~d vlt~ mlns. No Mrs. Lu'Cy Compton, Mr. and reputable brllnds of world·wide and fragrant wjnes of Californiu, Jea ' them cautiously, or ~rom homes and bustnesses suing bondls of said Township in salt Is permitted. BenefICIal results Mrs Willl'am S 'th d M 11 ' r eputation and holding their posi- which aJ'e European in type and .... r-" on the st t d h b were achIeved In some cases In a . . . ml , an ar yn with nrp~e as if ft were unpro· II we ~oas an ave e~n the amou!lt of Six Thousand Flve few days, but most of them required Sue were dtn!ler guests of Mr. tions as among the fol' mo ~ t deal- imported wines which ure s tili f ....onal 'for 'scientist to dis- n concentration camps. CommIt· Hundred Dollars (6,500.00) for the from three weeki (0 three months nnd Mrs. RaleIgh Bogan Saturday ers in wines in this part of the available. People who desire to have a wine 00ftI' that IOmethinc is true which ~s f~om t~e Counci~ of purr..ose· of PROVIDING FIRE Ne - to achieve reducUon of blood pres. eveni!lg. state. ~ ,.era! Pl1bUe baa believed for . ure es, that. IS the rl~ht PARIATUS AND APPLrANOES AND from about 240 to 140. The - - -- - ' - - - - - - - - -They are carrying a large stock cellar property tocked and somethousands of ;rears" name, are ·undertakmg to help WIth BurrIDINGS FOR ITS USE blindness trentment required longer, . "PROBLEM?" A Gazette Wllnt I_SIUIIICUmt to supply the demand thing that the family llnd guests These dI~verl~ toeetber with 'p lacing tbese people .and quite a . . from a few months to a year. It Ad will help you solve It-at a cost al1d cordial1y invite you to drop in will appreciate, should stop i.n here . ..... _ AI~-'; that the m l'.he Maximum number of 'years was determined . URI ............. " 09n the number have been placed in and that Ithe kidneys 0 t onI Y a few cents-wheneVer you rna k e your a cqual'ntance WI'th them Wine has been for many centuries the social drink of the home and ~~~~-;"J;nr.i~bo:rea~H:.~an:d. other matt'netic ar~und ~ayton, w~erever homes during whIch bonds are to run 15 were nOI to blame for the blindness have somethlng .to rent. buy, sell, when you are in town. I~ radio reception an emp oyment could be fout:t d for ,t a.'l yoors (10). IIlnce the diseased cond:ltions of the trade-whenever you have a mesThey hove succeedcd in securing even during prohibition its merits. ... __ fo~ •• ---nomers to aA. tpem. These people are American The est1mlloted addiUonal tax rate I-klldn,evll were not improved, al. for distribution tJtroughout this have been recognized. It adds to -... - that _"'vtbeI;6 are other " bor~. Th ey h t th' sage to put before the hundreds of territory many of the weU-known. the health and social contacts of Iaaowledae aveios elr. h omes outside of the ten mill llmitatlon lIS thoullh blindness was cured. tItIIm cravitatJonal effects caused 'bus!nesses through no feult of certUied' by the COunty Audloor Is -------------~ Gazette readers. It·s easyl It's prof- and world famous brands and are the home and makes dinner a ..,. the mOOD. Th&)" are now enabl- t~Clr .own but .beeause of the na- .76 mills far each one dollar of val- Ge~ your news in our o[flce~ eOIly , ltablel £eatul'!ng the highest quality wines pleasure. .......L of th el tri ' tionahty of their parents or grand. . to ........ iD terms 6 ec • parents. They have been educated ualQtl, which amounts to $.076 for ea1 ... .auoc~ with the in our schools. They know no otb. ea.oll one hundred dollars of valuapomlilUll of the moon and the er country M 'f th • tion. . ~-Aa a reault, a new science . . . • any o . ell' sons . ~_ I lal I and prothers are' fighting in our The Polls 101' sald Election will II . .&v.....1r u~e est e ecb'o· . , . At 215-217 S. Colllier St., Xenia, Aro Helping To Keep Our Carli ~ " . ' army. In fact last week two of open at 6:30 O'yloek A.M. a.nd reo And Trucks In $ervicIl By Featuring New And Use~ Parts For All AD outataDdlng and progresaive them came t? vi~it · their fami1i~s main open unlitl 1t:30 O'Clock P. M. Models Of Cars ~ .. Buy Used Cars, Wrecks And Pay 1'he Very Best utroDomer taltes the lead in the ~n. Dayton Wlth wounds that will (£a&tem Stlliuda.rd time) of said Prices For Them ••• ila\'e An Immense Stock Of Good Used Parts And Tires, Which You Cal'll Buy At A Great, Saving •• • Car B9ught. lJnedI.Ptron of celestial electron- cnpple them _ fo: life. They have day. In 'l\ny Condition .• " . AJso lIeadquarters For Batteries and Glasa .. • •• Be fa Dr. Harlan T. Stetson of 'been carefully sl~ted by th~ F. B. By order of the BoMd of Elections, Tclephone Main 815. JIa..ehueUe Insti~ute of Tech• .1. HoW are we gomg to aet if some Warren Oounty, Ohio. Il0l- and he fa -...nnsible for hood? of them D W BTQ,HOP U come we ca intreour t tneighborh' . . "V j The genCl'al trend of modern fully inspected to make sure they i\t 84 E. \\laiu SI., Xenia,






.From A Parm biary~-Dry Ridge

Xenia Ice Co.







Xenia Auto Wrecking Co.



.. ,


~ erection for that institution of 'd'vid 1 . n a em as llltbefr CoamIc Tarriatrial Research t ua s, f~lrly and courteously or -L..ra~ at. Needham,. ""'-a., at least, and if bP",oBsible with

~ wu.rnr

--" eleCtrIcal

frOm outer


"' I ' IJI,

,1#liI, (l1J fill, ,.

_ _, , _

Obrunnan busl·.ness and du'r l' ng war tim"",'" are good and usable Tn all respects, .... u H. C. STILES. for a conservation policy and to are good replacement3 and are

~ ~~~b~t~~~Ei~~~~~rt~~====================~rn;~~~.~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~f~erlie~d~a~tvim~a~te~1~1a~lnIY~·il~o~w~e~rrrf~~__~~~~~~~__·~



CODling the

8pa~ ' are mechanically i

th f '. -:..a....:......:. d rd d 'd " ng e ounda ~ons for. ~~ 'han... _ reco he orHlng united AmeriCa. but if we let our " .. - . .... ·.&GUr 0 ..... of t e clay. ere "'reJ'udl'ce 1 •b h . ....... &..-:Oled el .. I f f " s ru e OUr e aVlour we -~~w.u ectrica e ects are starting trouble that will be a 1i~ thoee of :. ~ho lant b tne long time ·he!,ling. ~ L_ ... • '-ept ·moreP.... refulyrec. The war IS not over yet. Buy _ .. IIIIU a . . . . bo d ora. With the proper scientific more war n s. ell. . .. ~t is .always planting a row. or hiDs with all condi· -- - ~ -, -~ tioqa ~ml~' exc~pt . the time of ~,tlne,. we might ·.be contribul;.. lD4t ici~tlflcl .dfata on the subject.



A.ccO~1r ~ ,~,. ' almanac~ ~e

eleventh and &velfth were especlaD~ IOod dates to dJg and /ltore POtatO. and o~er root plants • .If





Jjo- not touch a Iallen telephone ' f IWire It might be lylng aeroos a Wire cllarged wIth e!ectrlclty. !Dont neglect a cold. It may lead

to something mUab . ~ore serious. If you chill thr<fugll upon going out of doore 1n cold weabher, you are not dressed 'W'B.rm1y . enough !!'here Is quite a difference Iil feeling thesharp nip' of exhUei'a~1ng coYd and ~u being chilled through. As long as the glow of warmth is pres.

:I~ .there

Is no danger 01 catching


service for the dllratio,n the Xenia Auto Wrecking Co., satfsfies these conditions, as here, they buy old C8.[$ and wreck them, saving the valuable parts for further use a's r eplacements, and at tbe same time, removing the o~d car from the highways, where it is a menace. A car does not grow old at the same rate all over. and, frequently, engine part are I\S good as new or even better from tieing . broken in by usc. These used lparts, care·

that they have parts for very old or unus ual models, for which new parts would be very hard 01' often • impossible to get. It will pay everyone to come hu~e before trying elsewhere Or ordering new parts. They are performing a useful public serville in helping our eeonomy program and encou1'8giitg safety on our highways, by buying up the old cars, using the good parts and turning the balance into the valuable scrap pile.

. .


The question foremost in his \


QUICK SERV.CE For Dead Stock HORSES, cows, HOOS, CALVES. SHEEP, ETC., Removed Prollllptl;f Call


mind ••• will bis ~;I_ 'he 1111 rlghl-IIhIB 10 lleBp IbB IUth

Req!l\fes Mobile IJqaJds

Sucessful-ireatments mnilrt'lb,.-mn.r..-I~ surface applicatlons; PoWders, salves or olly liquids do not penetrate sUffic1ently. AlCohOl is mOOile. It P.ENE'l1RlA'Im. 'I'e-ol 'Is the only solution we' know of, made with 90 per cen.t alcobol. REA.OHUJ and iKILLB more germs. 36c at any drug store. Today at W. ~. Dra:ke.

bBalthYI "ro"8 a"d blipI" . whil~ hB"IIWIlYr.. -

---------~ ---

.let's keep our service men from w~rry.

ing about things at home, by holding food


prices down-by.~olding ALL prices down,




Main CU, XfIDIa, O.

utomo .....-..~-



YOU'RE NO EXCEP. TION I Calamity doesn't pick favorites I Miaforlune haln't singled you olit aa an exception'l B~ wile add prote~t YO\lr~lf with 'g ood inaurance so that no mat· ter what 'happ'ienl.,. you, your ·famiIY · andl your prOpe~ty wiU' be!fullly pro· tected. · .. . . Offlee at Bopra aacl

W.,.mJJe lDRraDee ~



Sand '&Gravel TARiWA-urmc' TAR AND






your CattJe, bogs. §beep and' cal", to Norrls..BrocIt eo.. llve wire ani progreu1ve finn ;,for the blIbeat market P11ces and gOod Mnfoe. 1lnJOD Stock Yards, Cincinnati, O. Tune In on Redio station WOltY, for our' dally 12:25 to 12:30 p. market reports.

. 1IorrO!r' PlMJtIe', Ko. "3



paid. . . .

2baIuI .,. &


everY soldier's loved ones, 1111 011U~

will have a fair share·of the goods needed for family maintenance. I


E. G. Bueh!Jeb. .JDO.


away and fight this war don't want to come .back and find that prohibition has been put over on them while they were away ... iitlltT ~atitmally or locally. TheY'have heard about' the attempts 'being mad~ and they resent it bitterly:" '.





When you shop for your family, remem~ ~at it's the service man's family that luBen first wh~ you pay more than ceiling prices.·.Remember too, ·tha~ we will all suRer sooner or later if prices ateJi', kept down. Oh,ertlB tBiIi"gprit", _~ . '?sH _ .' ..

... -

. :t.


' YMI ·DAYIO ·N . IIIO·WI .• ~ A.• .D~I.M ·' .e·O·MPAN". .-"". ,, I






"FARM MACDll'Wl}:":.;

- Reduce -NaZL· -Strongh0 ld. S,·.~, " Pinch to Perdst AllLeS La·ndL·ngs L·(1 ChL·na,U. S. ,'nlans n h Sh ~pe ~'ostwar Peace Mac inery ~r::I:q~~~~t.available !.------__



Despite an overall Increase in the production of farm machlilery tor' .t)1e year ending June 30, 1945. supply will' not begin to meet demand. but ample quantities 01 spare. parts


Rel ensed by


Newspnper Union. _ _ _ _ _ _ _.1




PrtSirltlft:JI(/I'IfI"'~ Coif'¥"6

Selu",. ,ArUNIt1'

to service

Seed Corn

In .plte of the overall Increase, produoUon of dltrerent machinery wlll be spotty, with such equlpmenl as corn picker. aDd combine. probably turned out at 150 per cenl of the 19tO level, while tractorl may be held to 55 to 60 per cent. Although manpower shortages present a major dlfficulty to the Industry. production bottlenecks have developed In magnetoes, precision bearings, ca stings, othe r foundry products. and chains. Because of the long period to gear up plants for larger output. an end to the European war or any increase In quotas would not result in: any Immediate boost In production. trada circle. said.

In the ea rly days at my practical uscfuluesiOi'l a farm a ' show-oli cousin of even age vis ited CIS ever'; yenr when. In James Whitcomb RI· ley's words. "lhe Crost Wall on t.he pumpkin a nd the fOdder In the shock." Not . so poetical perhaps. but we al\yays had a few porkers falle ning In the pen also. The "smart" lad shared my quarters and tried <I thought) to hel p me with my errands which Included feeding the pigs. One evening my father ha d to be away and I had extra chol'es so J trusled our visitor to teed the pigs alone. He fini shed in a surprisingly short time and I was m ost grateful until I learned that he had fed my fa ther's hand'picked and elrpenslve SURPLUS LAND: seed corn because It was already shucked. He must have figured that Disposal Waits I had stupidly ove~looked thls spe· Because of the need of the new clal box of fine ears all fall surplus war goods dIsposal agency He Was a Type to look Into lis tas k and formul aic In defe'1se, the smart-Alec argued regulations governing purchases. that· it m ade no dl1ference; he had thl're may be a delay of another 90 fed the pig. corn. just like nil other days before sales of surplus land corn, whlch had no ValUE! above A. Brltlsll_Tommlc Icans agaln.t one of concrele anU·tank obltacle. are resumed. any other nubbin in the crib. Spe· OD Slcgfrled line to write letter home. cow browse. lD bacqround. Sales of such land were halted 60 cial species. careful cultivaUon. critdays ago. when congress was can. Ical selection, painstakiIlS care pnd ,. slderlng legislation giving former fancy price were all lost on him. He EUROPE: PACIFIC: " owners preference In repurchasing saw only the convenIence of tho Batter Strong Poin.ts China Goal r.ealty. and officials decided to walt hour. I hope he has changled but I " We must make landings on the 90 that such owners would r eceive know some grown men who act that Historically fnmous as 'the , of Charlemagne' s ancient empire. China coast In order to secure a every advantage when the new law way now. We have people In America try· and busy industrial city of 165.000 land mass close enough · to the was pa ssed. Meanwhl1e. the Reconstruction FI- Ing to devaluate things more Rre· populaUon in recenl {fmes. Aachen J apanese empire to enable us to em· bec.ame the first big metropolis to ploy the air forces which will be at nonce Corporation has suspended ne. clous than gold-the very germl of goU ations tor sales of all govern. prosperity. National prosperity I. feel the full weight of big U. S. guns our disposal." 8S its garrison of 1.500 defied an Thus spoke Adm. Chester W. Nim· ment war plants cos ling over $5.. all-one with national income, just ultimatum to surrender. preferring Itz, commander of Allied forces In 000.000 untll congress estabUsbes like personal prosperity and, person· to flgpt from the charred rubble. the Pacific. In B press conference definite policies on such transac. al lncome are the same thing. Now, Air the U. S. 1st army smashed in which he also divulged that cur· tions. Under the current-t'""•......,.'""',..+..:w~ithH-715% of us, personal Inc!ome de. Aachen to ciose on a communica- rent U. S. operations In the l'hiUp. gress must bc given 30 days notice pends on a job. so national Income tions hub with broad highways radio pine ate a were handicapped by the belore such plants are sold. and the dep ends on a lot of joba. High em· ating Into the Rhineland. 3rd army blustering typhoons extendlngi from RFC Intends to wait to learn of the ployment Is the goal !)f all sensible legislators' reaction to certain sales post.war plan I. troops presscd their drive against June through December. Lel Work Thrive .strongpoints guarding the old French Referring to the projected Chinese propasals. As I write this. victory In the Eu· 10rtress elty of Metz. key to the coastal ampalgn, Admiral Nimitz form er lenon' larmer~. ropean theater of war Is. expected coal·ladcn Saar basin to the east. said: "To the extent that the and owner 01 land, equipmen' and any day. Many 'forecasters say we Before Metz, action focused on Japanese improve their situation In live 'lock, 2(J.y(J(ll'oOld Elton Elluon may look for It before winter actu· Fort Driant. long underground , China, our task wID become more 01 Rail.!, Te%GI. WGJ chosen the 1944 ally sets In. When it comes we must stronghold, whose flanks were cov- difficult But- when we have the .tar farm er 0/ 'he U. S. al the 11th guard the .afety of our seed corn. means to do It. we wID get the ered from the big guns ot nearby a/IIIUal convenlion 0/ "Ie Future We must jealously prated those German Iortlflcations. As massed bases •• • we want." Farmer, 0/ America. . priceless sparks of life frOIlIl which U. S. arUllery and bombing plane, POSTWAR SECURITY: . Elli,on. tuho wa,' married 1m' joba. grow: . Energy, educall1on, en· blastcd out tangled barbed wire and lu1r. recenlly amwered hi. army terprlse. WhQevf'r devaluates these laid down u protecting screen ot 'Big .Four' Plan call, and notO i, .t/llioned al Camp will be feeding Uncle Sam'a aeed fire, U. S. infantrymen fought their Cooperation of th&- U. S., Britain, Robe".!, Calil· corn to the pigs. way Into the outer approaches of Russia. China and later France in Pigs con be ear·marked' but dan· Fort Drlan,t.,grappUng at close quar· the maintenance of world peace WHISKY: gerous reiath'es are .omewhat hord· ters with fanatical encmy troops. after the war was ou~ned in a pro- R le . h S l er to Identify. ·Some are Uazy and who occasionally emerged from posed charter drawn by representa. ep nJ.s Upp Y wish human' endeavor wa,8 of no 1h ~lr underground quarters In an Taking ' full advantage of perml.· use. They want workers and drone. tives of th'e '!Blg Four" a1ter weeks of d1scusaion In the forested Dum· slon to use their capacities for to eat the same fare. Others are barton Oaks estate at Washing· manufacturing beverage spirits duro greedy and concoct taxes to grab ton. D: C... . Ing August after 22 months of Indu.- the trults of other men's wa,rk. They Under the ' plan. tn" which other triai alcohol production for the war love to squander what Is lnot theit United Nation. would form an eftort, 129 distilleries plus some com· own. A few are just plain tough. advisory assembly, the "Big' Four" merclal alcohol plants turned out They think In terms of p(llwElr, reand later France would ,be entrusled 150,000,000 gallons, the treasury reo prisal. pillage and terrorism. with the responsibility of establish- ported. . Look to the Future,. tng atabillty through peaceful methRepresenting a third of normal anBureaucratic brainbustElrs can ods or force. if neces.ary. nual production, the output Included torment small employe.r s until they 13,1584.910 gallons of whisky; 201.705 quit business. Power.mlld plutocrats To acbfeve peacefal eettlemen' of disputes, the Dumbarton Oau of rum; . 897.221 of gin" and 467.563 can choke American enterprise by Womlln In Ge.r man .-pa.ralroolH'r·, reo .ana co.t dowo by Allied Ore In BoUanei. conferees envisioned aD bte.... of brandy. In addition. 23.083.499 forcing government Into it. Moon· . .troDal ceart of jasllce. whUe gallons of spirits were produced In Itruck Pandoras can handcuff honattempt to check the dO,ughboys' the, pro.ldecl for the use of dlslllleries and 11.514.000 gallons of est workers by pampering pet penetrations. force in .appreulDc acrre••I.e alcohol in industrial alcohQl plants. 10unge·lIzards. But the provident Despite heavy downpours. which power. by the rormalaUoD of a During August. the treasury re- people of the , United Staltes want mired the terrain. other 3rd army military .talr 'to be beac1ecl b, ported. 9.783.894 gallons of whisky, somethlng spared today lthat will troops hammercd forward below , their ehlef. of .latl. rum, gin, tiranay and other spirits grow tomorrow and prosper' in year. Metz, while farther to the south. 7th Fully cognizant that .ettled bust. ",ere withdrawn from bonded ware- to come. army Units pressed forward slowly .,~ houses compared with 7.213.521 Wo still have our smart.~Uec rela· . , t.lvell,· able lo make sh.o rt work of {Jnto the foothills of the broad Bel· ness conditions cofltr Ibute grea...., toward stablllt.Y. the "Big Four" gallons last yeor. 10rt Gap between the towering Vos· valuable things; able to kill a year'. ges mountaln~ and Swiss Alps lead· proposed the formation 01 an eco- FOOD.. hope In a reckless moment and arnomic and 800lal council gue that It·s right. It must not 1n(f Inlo Bavaria. Chid adminl•.trattve officer of the Less Meat, Blttter happen. We 'need good seed for our Strollg, persisient Canadian at· Civilians can look forward to leu post-war employment crop. Reprotacks whittled down German hold· new, po.lwar security organization, Ings in southwestern Holland, WhUe whlcb would be known 81 the meat and butter 'durlng the remain· sentatlve. constitutional govern· . J-;m;;e;n;:;::;:';";:o;"v=ernmenf"by law and not In the northeastern section of the "United Nationa," -W;mllt15lf"llIIlI!e're:t-;;r.e;;r;'-;o';T'I1DiT-~wHn";;m;:'ei;;a:r;";e;11n;;:'~o:r;r.;e;n:" country. the British turn'ed back ta17-general, appointed by the mo· erally lower quality, the Depart- by a man's directive; FrE!edom to own property and operate business Nazi counterattacks against their jor powen and six other members ment of Agriculture reported. Other iood supplies will remain jn in the hope of profit! Th~ se are a long spearhead extending to Am· of the jovernlng councll, to be named fro~ the advisory 'assembly. good supply. the USDA said, with few kernels that must liVE! If freehem .. Following conclusion of the Dum- seasonal increases In poultry and dam lives. Even as Allied bombardment in· ------creased in tempo. fanatical Gcrman barton Oaks confab. Secretary 01 citrus fruits. Fresh vegetables, fluid Curlou. MlsnoJper garrisons held out In the French State Hull declared: ''The road to milk. eggs and grain products will Of the many misnomers current channel ports, seeking to deny their the establlshm~t 01 aD Inter· be available In large amounts. Despite heavy wartime preain the ' world today. none 'fa more use as U. S. and British supply cen· national organization capable of ef· fectlvely maintaining international sures, the USDA said, total food curious than that applled to the ters. peace and lecurlty will be long. • • • COlts have tncreased only n per product known as "balsam of But we cannot hope to attain so Dent since 1939, with one-half reo Peru," which In reaUty orllrlnates tn Squeeze East Prussia cordecl. before Pearl Barbor. EI Salvador, smallest of the ten F'ierce fighting raged along the great an otijectlve without constant Meat price. were up sa per cent; Middle American republics. There meandering Russian ' front, with the eftort and unfailing determinatton cereals aud, bakery product. 16 are several explanations of this Reds striving to develop a pincer 01 this war will not be In vain. ••• " . per cent; fresb fruits and .ereatrange misnaming. Mos!l 10,lcal movement on East Prussia. and also tabic. 100 per cent. aDd clUllled sl1 ems that of William Iileld · wbo driving northward Into Hungary DRAFT : . R.ecLusil:"'ation fruits aDd veretablel U per says that ilie mi~labeling dlatell back deep In the Balkans. I"' to Spanish colonial days when aU In smashing at East Prussia, "Work or tight" prenure wa. cenl. Middle American produ(!ts were where the Nazis held strong defense taken oft men in the sa to 45 a,1 As a result 01 declining' hog shipped to Spain. Since Pt!J:u at that positions In the heavily wooded lake group under a Selective Service rul. slaughter. whlch totaled 3.520,588 for time was synonymous with the country, the Reds marshalled 1.000.- ing placing them in class 4-A, tor- the amallest volume since August. wealth 'and luxury of the New WOl'ld, 000 men. In on effort to unsettle merl,y reserved for those over 45. 1942, most pork cuts were scarcer Spanl~ tradesmen, assun1lng that the Russians' drive on the province Beca ~e the no" and na .... have in September. all New World nroducta o..!"lnated from the south. the Nazis counter- . a" ." . Althouft" lupplles of top grade ., ~ '. . u ma • any calls .for l i m i t e d " " 1rom Peru, proceeded to misname attacked strongly at the Narew riv- not sery~c.e registrants since June, cIaIi meats were small, heavy market. the product, which since It hat time er In bordering poland. I.A (1.) wal abolished, with indlvld. Ings 01 Wlllnished catUe re.ulted lu haa bee'n kno'wn a. "blafaam 01 With Russian troops .50 mlles from ual. in that ca~e,Of1 to be deferred abundant Stock. 01 low· grade beef. Peru.:' In any case, consltllering the Budapest, Hungarian and German under diJ!erent cla•• ifIcation... Slaughter of 1,310,310 cattle tn ~ep. imp'o rtance of balsam in. 'med1clne forces braced for a stand alOllg the ,Another selective Servfce ruling tamber wa~, tlJe second highest for .today. perhaps the SpaD!s,rd. were Tisza river. last formidable natural placing all' honorably. dllcharged . a~ month on record, being only not far wrong , in beJUevin, it defense line before the' capital. NaZi .emcemen In 1.e will prevCJlt their by August'. 1,339,198 At 2,- Peruylan - wblch means·... "priceresistance also stiffened to the aouUs sluce that classlflcaUon head, s)leep .Iaughter ~howed les.... ' in Yugo.lavla after the RUlslan tide re-inductlon, tediDlcall1 keep. them III the armed a .easonal increaae, -but W81 lowswept over th.e northea.tern borclez: for6e.. est for September in ~ yean. of t,he country. , (EDITOU'!I NOTE: Whe n opinion. are oxpr .... d In tb •••• olBmBi til.,. Ih . . . .1 W•• lorn New.pllpe, Union' ... ew. nnl&lyoll .... d nol ..... .....lIl' of Ihll ~'W.pIlP.")

Son 0.,








Old Battle.Ground


. __ __ __ ~~I ~mCOME L

, ' At the jun~tton of the Sava and . 'D bllbik rlvers In YUgoslovia. Bel- • , ar.adtt hal leen mQl'fl bat~ Chan ~ mlcrO.copiCl : plant aDd perbap. ,uiy other capital cit; at .,lDlmalllfe, .ateD by ISIbo '~lvH OIl EUrope; ., . . . commercial ferWllar ....,ppUe4 to .-\._. W~ aDd , 10lt ,.ucceallvel.7 . ancl PODcU. J'iilr1hat COD. JJl7rIIIla. Celts, RomBDlo ' Bim•• Iaku IWM pldiloD 10 IlOUI'ijhed are .11. Gotha aDd Greek., ' fought over by taltier. IDOJ'8 abUDdaDt. aDd , . CbrIIUaD aDd Mohammedan,. beld b, ler. lamer thaD thole tbat eat , . tile tb8 TurD for aoo ,ear•• captured by UIIII1 »iaUtoD fDqDd 10 ordbW;r 1D BulIJrl. . . BUDlariaDl aD4 Aaatri- ferUIbad YWd cd 'au, IIeJpa4e -8IW11 u .. at_


Cla.. l raUroad. of . the United State. in Auail.t, 1944, hall an eltl·. mated net mcome, afttlr 1J)tefts' an4 rco.tals 01 $63,000.000. . In 'the eight m~th. !Jf 19U the, bad a~ ••tlmated net Income• after' lD\ereIt anl$;"'~1 ••



Walle, " •• ,1<'11. (Jon. . . . . . . ..


. CIa .. I n~dI In the ftrat eilht moab cd tbia ·,ear bad a nit ra1lo

Income, before intertit and reotala. I)f S'lG8,&'It,OIB compared ,rUb taft,"',Ie8 III the • ..".

'WQ operating





'Along The Way


B, Mr1r. BarteRe Tbomaa Mr. and ,Mrs. Leon Salisbury of Was hington C. B.,' ,spent Sunday The cOlllllUl.ndo snake snaked his afte1,'ooon with Ml·. and M~Il. Allen way along the grass, kee, IIg ip ti", e Emrick. cover ot the busheS as much as (:osR. B. Coleman, Minister Mr. and Mr . Lowell Thomas slblO, lying perfec!JY stlU 1 ttl~g hi --, . and da ughter, Betty, were Sunday CIImofiaugcd suit blend WI t h the tel'Church sohool at 9 ,30 :l, m: 11ft. dinncr guest:! of Ml·. and Mrs. l)'1n whenever a Stl picious sound oc- 'taymond Conner. auper!.nt.endent: Morning Servicea-l030 Madison l!;Ul'nhUI'L ilt l.Icavl!1 .' '-Icured • He came to ,11 .I0 VI wa 11 . T autown • d 1\·1 H B tt 1lously he JreCped over a.m1-saw the Youth Felowshlp Tuesday evenM r. an ... I·S . arvey urne ng a t 7:30. entertained t he Wayne 1'owll ship guard S~dlng there. Suddenly he ChOir practice Thursday 8:00 pm. Farmers' Club on Thursday. leaped the wall and silently tell upon Seaman and MI·S. Earl Men. the foe and the enemy was hlSl . ST. MARY'S EPISOOPAL d.en haJl return ed to Waukegan, The' pUot ~n the right hand plane OOURCH 111., Saturday after spending a tensed. Coming at them w1tJlllglltweek with home folks. Mr. Men- nlng speed was the eilemy I He sigh- Ralpb l'arlui, Mlnfakr In Charp denhaJl. will soon leave Great ted the plane In front of him a.nd Church school at '9: 30 a. m. Lakes Naval Training Station for flew stral~ht Into his path, hIs guns Morning prayer and sermon 11 :00 a boat, flaming. TIlen he soa'feci up and up .m. Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Hammond a.nd looked down at the plwnmetlng "'EltlU! CllIlIUllI OF CHRIST attended the Rubicon Clu b in Day- on fi ton Satu.r duy even ing . P . re below him aud he gTinUerbert Graham. Mllllster Mr. aud Mrs. Forest Graham en. l11ed. Another Jap had met his 9:30 a. m., Bible schooL terLajned a n~ mber of relatives The <lOwboy had 0. terrific 10.45 a. m .-CommUUlon. and friends to dinner Sunda'y in tight with the Indians a.nd single11 :00 s. m.-8ermon. honor of the larmer's birthday. Jlancled han killed about a lnmdred. (.,:UO p. m.-Preachlng. ' Mrs. J. B. Jones was shopping-in He was very tin.d and rested on JiJs Dayton Monday. pony while he looked about him His FBlENDti Mrs. Margaret J ohns was a din- eye fell on th e house olose by • FIrst Day school, 0 :30 a. m. The comma.ndo - ~110t - ~Wboy ner guest Sunday of Mr. and Mr~. Meeting for WorablP;- JI):30 a. W.eller . ~aines and daughter, ana climbed t.he steps slowly. He openea MISS VIvian Jt>hns neat· Bellbrook. tile door and entered the ST. AUGUSTINE CRUBOH Mrs. Everett Early wa s co-host. . . . l en. A Fa6her Krumholt.. PrIes& ess at the home of Mrs. Paul Knost woman stood by the stove busily Mass Sunday 9:00 a. m. . in Dayton Friday evening to t he jPreparing ~ meal. members of the Western College '\Motller." said the collUllando WAYNBBVILLB CHvaCH OP Alumni. m:,ilot - cowboy, I'm "hungry." (JBBJ8T , Mr, and Mrs. Walter Kenrick, J ames Hines and F . M. Slade, Max Baodall. MlnJster tronomy----. Bible SChOOl. 11.30 a. m, spel)t Sunday afternoon with Mr. William Pence at Sprinl;boro, CommUnion 10:46 .. ,m. Mr. and Mrs. J. B. J ones Wel'C Preacb1ng, 11 a. m. Sunday evening "guests of Mr. and Christian Endeavor 8:30 Mrs. Hem"}, Finke near WaynesEvening Service 7:30 v ille. Midweek service. wed nlght '1:80 Do you treat your refrigerator 81 Mrs. Edward Mincer and son, You are inVited to come &Del wqrJack, of Dayton spent Sunday with a catch·all for leltover. 'and pleaaantly forget about them? ~hlp witb us. het· parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. C. Or. do you give the refrigerator Bergdoll. the piace at l'espec llt truly deserves MT. IJOI.LY M. Eo cliuneD Mrs. Everett Early and Mrs. as food InsurAnce? The Liquefied PetrOleum Gas A.s· Henry Belcher made a business 'I'. M. Scarff. MlDlater gives a dozen simple rules trip to Yellow Springs Friday and soclaUoD sund1l.y School 9:90 a. m. B. A. on the care and use of refrigcra lors. called on the former's mother, The associa tion represents the In· Worsplp service at .10:30 A. II. dustry which produces propane and ;arILhar~. Sup~. Mrs. J. W. Huston. Mt·s. E. B. Longacre is some- . butane gas and lhem in bot· Evetllng ffervlce, 7:30 p • .....:.. what improved, but is still under tled or tanlt form to homes away from cily gas mains. for use as fuel the care of Dr. Blair of Lebanon. in gas refrigeration, gas ranges and Mrs. Harvey B'urnett, Wal- gas waler·healers. PUBLIC SALE 1. Remove pupel wrappings from ter Kenrick, ~rs ! Margal'et Johns. and Mrs. Robert Hunt attended the foods before storing In refrigerator. EIuvjng decided to quit' farming. 1 2. Wi pe off milk and cream bot- will sell at public auction at my. 'Republican . Club luncheon and Ues. ' meeti ng at the Grange Hall, 3. Wash and clean Ycgc tabks and r esidence at the north corporatIon fruit bC'fore storing. Wash berriea line of Springboro. on ' Waynesvi lle Friday. SATURDAY. NOVEMBER. Those who attended Pomona, just belore serving. t. Place uncooked mellt (un- .Beginning at 1 P . M. the follo~nc Grange at Mason Thursday eve· wrapped) under freezing unit. h tIt . ning were: Mr. and Mrs. Therle 5. Allow foods to cool before stoi.. c a te Ii O·WIt: Jones and son, Mr. and Mrs. Ing and make sure they are cov. 2 HORSES . 1 black mare, sound, wt. 1400 IbI. Lowell Thomas and daugh ter, Mr. ered. 6. Walch leftovers and use them good worker; 1 "ay mare. 8OUDd~ and Mrs. Ever ett Early, Mrs. wt. 1400 lbs. good worker. . Harold Whitaker and daughter, attractively. 7. Place foods to allow for free 5 CATTLE Mrs. J . B. Jones , Mrs . Chjlrles circulation ·of air throughoul reo ' . 1-4 yr. old Guern~y cow giviili . Charlton and Mr. and Mrs. Walter frigerator. 8. Keep botUes and cans at room good .flow of milk: Jersey beffer Kenrick. Mr .. and Mrs. William Ross and temperature unti! ready for chllling freslrwith cat! by her -aide; 1 Short and serving. , hOl'n bull, 11 mo. old; 1 heifer daughter, MarjOl:ie, entertained to 9. Open lind close doors 1l~~~~..Jj_~iOnths Ill, . h k" 0 . 98 .....,n ~lOS_ a fa.mily dinner Sunday in honor Iy as possible to- preserve10. Clean refrigerator by wiping cow. of the fonner's 60th birtbday. Those who enjoyed the ·day wer e: with a damp cloth often. Wash with .4 shoats wt. about 60 1"". each: a. weak solution of ba.k ing soda. IMPLEMENTS '· Mr. ' and Mrs. Alton Ross. Mr. and 11. Use ice trays tor frozen sal· 1 Troy wagon with box bed; iroD Mrs. Jack Ross and son of Spring- ads, Ice creams,' mousses. and fat wheel wagOn with flat top; oee,bOI'O, Mr. and Mrs. Roy Roberts colored ond flavored Ice cubes: ing mower ', steel tooth ha, ralte; 12. Defrost regularly according and daughters, Mr. and Mrs. Carl to manwaclul'er', instructions. hay tedder;- Case com plante~ with Ross of Franklin, MI'. and Mrs. fertilizer attachment: Oliver rid", Ger\e Ross and son of Miamisburg, ing, breaking plow; walking b~1c-' Mr. and Mrs. Max Ross of Dayton, ADVERTISE IN THE GAZETTE! jng plow; 5 shovel plow; double s ho.vel: bar ,share plow; Bemis tobacco setter with fertiUzer attachment; feed grinder; - com cutter: 2 sleds. " . . MISCELLAN~OUS N ew hog house; new 60 pl. cooker;' hay rope ; tQbaeco prell: -milk cooler; Hudson . oil bi'ooder, fiOO ·chick callacity; wood ato• .,; CrG" cut saw' buck saw; level: lot .mall ----.,.








Carl Abaecherli



A Lifelong Republican

HARNESS harness. lipel.

practiced law in the Ohio and Federal Courts fur 15 years: PROGRESSIVE-A leader in Warren County Civic weI· fare and fraternal affairs. . DEREND'.ABLE-Phumpt and efficient i~ his work. He

is Ii

family man, married to a · ocal girl, and the! father o~ two' children. -Pol. .Adv.

.1iI.................IIIIiI.!II. . . . . . . . .- -..~'1 '.

, Constantine' Brumld, Italian artlst, s~nt over 30 years deooratlhg the walls and ceillng of tile Ca.Pitol building at Washington. An " soci-

*' it ...... 11 * •• * * r • • *."

IQIII8.AW-a far""flsearHy, too!


• Terms-Caah STA~J..EY COOK ' Wilbur N. Sears, Auc~. Ph. 2651 Wayneaville. O. ., , ~t. John and ,Reason, clerka.

WELL QUALIFIED-It years of alte, he has aClually




TlIUR8DA Y. ocrOBER 19, 19d

General Mills Inc.

mite ~aune!'Sbi1le

At 315 S. Whiteman, I}' Xenia, .A.,e' Ari Imllorlant Pact-oi' l~ Our Victory. Prol{ram For Increased Production Through ' Their E~cel­ lent'Senice In Fe.,-d/l, SlleClalizing in Qualily Feeds, Growing a.nd Laying Mashes. Are Thoroughly Versed In The poultrymen's Problems And Offer' Produds, Which Will Solve Them ••• "Food Fights For Freedom." ••• 'Tel. l\~ain 26.3.



~tGI~ ~uneral - ~Otiu Dial 2111 -




OM ClIqri9t


12, 19" .


---_ . .,... Communion

General Mills, Inc, have at Xenia a service which is l"ight in line with Uncle Sam's Victory Program for increasing food production. They are a veritable headquarters for farmers and poultry raisel's fo.· feeds for stock and poultry. Their sljrvice is so complete, that it brings much trade activity to them from ovel' a wide. te;rl'itory. . Their feeds are mixed fresh and aTe composed of the best ingredients that is pos si ble to buy. They have made a study of all t he tests mnde all pou llry by the government arirl noted poultry raisers nnd ie'll SUre that their feeds wjll give good r l'sul ts and that poultry them will develop faster, arc healthier and become more produc~ tive layers. , Ask them for the Geneml Mills chick rnislng ·p rogram, as it will hell) you get fast, uniform growth at low cost. You will get the most for· your f eed ·dollar and will be getting efficient feeds for wa'rtime needa. ' . It is your patriotic duty to do your utmost in helping to keep up W. A. Brannock, the food supply for our country Fourth row, left to right. and allied nations. Every chick you George Jr., son of Mr. and Mrs. raise is a vital contribution to the G. F. Miller; Darlene, daugbter of war C:ffort. Mr. and Mrs. R. W. Klontz; Robert son of Mr. and Mrs. Fred Knowl, ton: Nancy, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Ethan Crane; Naomi, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. T. M. Burton: Mrs. Georgia Mendenhall attendMelvin, son of Mr. and Mrs. ed the meeting of the Farmers' Cbarles Haines. Club at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Burnett 'in Lytle-, Thunihay fever. day of last week. . Mrs. 'Abbie Chamberlain; of ... ..- -...Iii..... North Lewisburg, and Mrs. Florence Manos of Dayton, called on their cousin, Mrs, ~valyn Peter80n, Thunday afternoon. • Dr:. Emma Holloway and' Min Margaret Edwards were in Day~on last Friday. . _ Miss Clara Lile of Washington O. H., is spending a week or ten days in the Home. , • Mr. and Mn. "tisper McMillan o! near L.Wilming~n; were dinner gIlests of Mrs. Evalyn Peterson on Sunday. " . Mrs. Georgia Mendenhall entertained :with dif\Jler at "Our House'" ,on Sun~ay, her eousfns, Mr. and Mrs. John Hutchessen. of Oxford and her nephew and wife, Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Martin of Dayton. , Several rooms in the Bome are undergoing cleaning and papering. Mrs. Harold Flitcraft; of Chi. cago, is visiting her aunt, Mrs. Margaretta Heacock. Mrs. L. M. Henderson and Mrs. p. L. Crane we~ dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Rogers Chambliss in Xenia on Sunday. .•



11:00 '''', M. , ----.-- - --EVANGELISTIC MEE11'ING

Now In Procress A~ THE WAYNESVILLE CHUIWH OF CHRIST 1:030 p. M. Nightly Exc~ Sat. messages In song and sermon each night under the direction of Max Randall, evangelist, and Herbert GToham, song eva.ngelJst. EVERY PERSON IN THE COMMUNITY IS URGED


MAX W. RANDALL. Mini·ter


. . . Aat. Oa* e6

You are in suspense no longer. he.r e are the names of the WaYnes. VI Ie children appearing . in the above picture. Top row left to right: Carol. daughter of ~r. and Mrs. R. O. Carrier; Robert, Bon of Mr. and Mrs. R. W. Berry; Judy, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. L. C. WilBon ; Carol, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. G. F. Edgington; Amy,


.,........ .... eharp4' for at tile

.... " _ _, a word. miDlmlUD

. . . . iii. .&


Wat Ad ~11e,d for

ti- III cIIarP4 at Ie a word.

Ir~~~--~OR 8M.&-Gne yean subscriptton

to tile~ , CJiCJeIII!tte ~ the men


TIloa,hl.S For Serious Moments Ill' ....." tor & year. What oaukl be & asoer aUt to thro\l8h It Is good d.Jsoretion not to ,tile , . . &Dd keep b bo)'8 1ntonned too much of any ma.n at th.e llrst, GIl IIOUTtIee at ~. 8ubacrlbe tq- becaUBe one Cannot 'hold out in that proportion. - Bacon. ' . .,. at tile IoDam1 0Uetite otfJoo.

daughter of Mr. and Mrs. J. A. HOP.klns; Sandra, daugh~r of Mr. and Mrs. C. 1;.. Cook. Second row: left to tight: Raneby, 80n of MT. and ' Mrs. H. P. YankclI : Marilyn, granddaughter of Mr. and Mrs. R. L. Bogan; Charles, SOn of~. W. Gwinnl Linda, donghter of Mrs. R. C. Bogan; Nancy, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. C. E. Bauer: RaylIt Is estima!-ed that


mond, son of iMr. and M,r s. C, E. !lauer. Third row, left to right. Ruth Ann, daughter of Mr. andMrs, Chas. Huinas ; Earl, son of Mr. and Mrs. B. W. Conner: Sybil Joe, daughte~ ,o f Mr. and Mrs. C• W. LeMay; Freddie, son of Mr. and Mrs. C. W. LeMay; Billy, son of Mr. anU Mrs. W. P. Strader; Albertu, daughter of Mr. and Mrs.

6,000,000 to 9,000,000


suffer from

make .--------...- - -....~III!II.II!II-!IIII-~-II!IIII!-- ~--

A 'good ma.n Is the- best Jr1E1!l(l, and therefor .soonest to be chosen .&cIeQien. or electI1C. See Bm Lee, langei- to be retained;' and, Indeed Omdorf Road, R. 3; Wa1n~vUle. to be parted with. - Jeremy , Tayler. lIW-....:... ~--w.;.a-tJdna-:--Prod--::-ucte-;' -:"'::'W-:'l:-e-r l ,




~ at 21 North Broa.dw&y . . . ~ Lebanon, PbOIle

FOR SALE-Boy'l 6 year 1ft; ' coat, iiifiip PJioDe 2926, I ,

D' YOU want


pc;:azJllom. Into


old~o~u~t·~.iIi_iiiii. ._

Speci'a l!


quick cub. there II ........ 'better than a want

. . III

$52.50 Plaques - Bo(jk-End8' • Toy.



JIIOft SMa-JBua 8&W. Bernard 1019p


Spon,s ored by ·the.·Wayne Twp. Mother's ·Club . at ' Th& Waynesville Gymnasium SamidayEvening, pctob~r 28

•••• •••

t.Jw IIIaml Oturet.te. .

ZU*.I-. fiOItr.

....._ _.~


Mahogany JCnee Hole Desks


" ta6c

FOR SALE -' Rosewood Iquare plano and candelabra (ant1q~e) ruaat ' beds, d·t essen, book.ieUe, leaded glasa cablDet; tablea, buffet, enameled 1dfiehen cabinet, table, gal range, ... ranee. Stanley Nel.on, ~ne M Ird. StI ' and Bighway '78, Wa)llenOle, Ohio.




Parts Co.


In the maintenance of continuous production on the farm in industry and transportation in this part of the state, there is no one ,who is playing a more important part then B. E. Williams in Spring Valley. He has excellent equipment an~ is expert in the welding of broken parts of machinery, whether it is pas8'l!'i\ger' car, truck or tractor: He is able to repair parts lhat in .:former times would have been considered beyond help Ilil\! by this modem methodll and ability to cor· reatly weld them, he is saving our . people much in the cost of ~ew parts Qnd is helping in our gram towar~ victory by preserving what we have to serve us for transportation and to maintain our food production up to theJ?est pas- . 'sible level. . -".-. Be . oJfers an accurate service and all work, is firiis~ed with precision. He ia accommodating and gives prompt atte'ltion 'to aU 'work whether. the job be large or lima}). -Bis service has become an ,im~ portant .link in all industry anel our program ' for deefnse. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _'"-

Hot wa.ter, weak ammorua aM . qp are effective 10 clearuns 1elllUJlE'ile(l wOOd surfaces. • Por maIdng our ' cakes light 'and -' - . feathery, add a teaspoon of baItlng , At lOS ~. Main St., Xenia, A,re socki. U lrosem.r'b&rdena and Is still Greatly : Aiding In Keeping OUr warm, add two teaBpoo"4,uls of boll. TranSportation System Going • • • '. L_..l -: . = FeatiJri .... g Quality Auto ana For I:ng wa __ and beat untu COld. J.f All" Makes and )Iodela Of Cars, fmattor fans to thicken and Is cold, Truc:ks and Tractors • • • Owners add ODe. one-f011l't4 cup alfted pow. and Garages Can Save M"ch ' By derect sugar and beat untu the ~ Trading Here ••. Genuine Parts 1s tboroug.hly blended. and Complete Automobile Machine Waxed floors wbether the wu: fa Shop ~nd Electrical Service • • • applled direcU; to the WOOd or over Starters, Generator Service, Exlde varnlsh shellac 8h Id "'_ ....... or , a u ~_ .... Batteries ••• Under The Able Di. rection of Ed Schulu., 'TeL ed with ,a. dry btuah .o r cloth and 28S: . polJshed once a week.


With Shop Conveniently Located On Pike, At Spring Valley. Baa A Large Trade From All The Sur- rounding Community ••• Featurinc Expert Welding and Repairing Of All Kinds of Metals •. ' . A Good Service For Cars, Trucks. Tractors• Farm Implements ••• Are Ilelplng In Our Econo~y P.rogram To Make Our Valuab~e Equipment To Laat For The Duration And Longer. Ter. Spring Valley 8-7091.

Xe~ia Standard



B. E. Williams Welding


PATRIOTIC-$1.50 OJea.nJng Oril'er ........ ... . ......... .".... . . ... . .. .... .............. .. .... Model . Cleaners NATIONALITY-Pott.ea Plant .... . ........ •..... ·. : ........ : ..•...... ·.. : .....•. WainesvUle Floral Company MOST ORIGINAL-Pair Hall Soles .. . ...... , ·............ . .. . ....... ; ...... . ....:•. WaYUesv.We Shoe bpalr HOBO--I Quart Ice Cr~ ........ : ........ .... ................................................. Our House \VITCIJ~ Bottl8!l Pop .................... .. .... ·........................................... T~lma;. LDllCb GIlOST--6 BOUlcs ,. ...... . ....•. . ... '.. .. . . . , : •.'. ..• : . ... '.' ...................... ... ..••• W~tey'• .Cate OLD FAS.IJIONED GlR';:"Shampoo Finger, Wave .............. : ..... . .......... .. . : .. .....••.•. GraCe Frye COMIC STRIP ClIABACTER--l Quart Jee Cream ..................•........... . .... .. ... Smith. Recreation MOTHER GOOSE CHARACI'ER-l Quart lee Cream.' .... ..... . .. ..... , ................. Smith's Becre8.uon BEST ANIM~Plcture Puule ... : .... .. .................. ; ...... . ................ Elsey'" Heme Shoe Store' O~EST MASKED PEBSON-I box Xmas Cards .......................... ; . : ............... EmIQa Raper MAE WEST...,.Shampoo, Haircut and Wave .......•... ... . .. ....... : ..... , .• : ., .. : .. Evel~·a BOaty Sboppe AUNT JEMIMA-Shampoo, Finger Wave ............. . .... ..... . . ............... EmIna Mae'. Beauty Shoppe YOUNGEST MASKED PERSON-ChOd's TOy .

• •• •

Xenia . Standard Parts Co. at Put fruit cUe ~to a h~ oven ' or Xenia are ,playing. a great part in the fruit wm'smt to the keeping our transportation system J. working by their accommodating service in new parts and supplies PRIZES FOR BINGO for cars, trucks and tractors. , $2.00 MERCH~NDISE ORDER .............................. " ............. : ............ Falrley's llal'd'ware They have a full stock of bear~ ONE YEARS' SUBSCR.I PTlON TO MIAMI GAZETTE ..... .. . .. ...... : ...... ·............. ,.MiIriai Guette lngs, eears and accessories for ' re$.1.50 IN MElWnANDISE ................ , ........... . .................................... ,... H~'s Store p~a.cement on any model, ear, truck $1.50 IN MEn.CJIANDISE .... . .................. . .. .. , ... ..... , ......................... D . B. 8~lih Grocery · or tractor. No matter what is 'TWO LARGE CAKES .................•.. . ......•... : ....... .. ........ . ..... . .........,..... Krocer GroaerJ need'ld, JUBt call at their place --the SUDda, . SchOol CrWmaa. $2.00 IN MERCHANDISE.,.......................... .. ... '. : ........................... : ..... Everett &.ri1 over the telephone, giving the f;ree WN_ ~ wUb ~ C&IidIesJ number or' description and you will a · dole Wateh ...... to. ._ $1.00 IN MERCHANDISE ... .......... .. ..... . ..... ~ ......... : .................. , ...... H~ODCJ" G~ find tliat they have it in stock, as tha& the ~ dl4 ' DOt $1.00 IN MERCHANDiSE ........................................................ .'.t. .... GraIIaJD·. ' ~ . they keep well supplied and antic!fire; aDd' helc1. CbeIr oa;"i pate the needs 'of the people. $1.00 IN MERCJiAND~SE ....... . ................... , .... . . .......................... '........... 04.. ItftMb jrhen WhIIrlera lot. $1.00 IN MERCHANDISE" ...................... . ....... : .. ; ......... : .. : ............ , ... Hopkin', Grocer7 ' Th~ir stock includes pistOn rings, on the Democratic Ticket $1.00 IN MERCHANDiSE ........... . .. . : ........ : ..•...................... ·..........• . Coyle's Me.t Madlet pistOl! pins, axels, cb.!na• .~ &be fIam,. · ~ '.e~yl B. (Shorty) Gray 75c BOTTLE BAm TONIC ..................... ·" t ...... . ... . ........... . : ............. Gray'. ~ber shop gaskets, king. bolts 'nnd , blllllhi[lgs. • I b&n and raiBed in W"l'r~'n. FlIVE POlJNDS ·SUGAR ............. , ............ , ... ; .... " . .' ...... : .... : .......... ......... Tbelma'a ,LaDCb eon~ecting rods, .springs, fan belts coUnty,:attendt'd prima S~ BOTTLES P-Op .. " ............... : ...... : . :.: ... .... . : ...... ;. : : : . . : ........... ,. : ......... WhHey'. Caf~ paTi(lbt ~nd ..~uto-body Bupplies. '. ~ BOMB • • U........ ONE HAmoUT . • .•.. ..' ..• . .' ........ .... . , . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .... . . . . . . . '•• , •••••••••••• ,.J:Yerban·.' ·JIaaober SJiop not made, up"tb.8 of , ' Tel~2291 In '"'"" hi g h 8C h'00I . pirateelrparts nor .bearings, but . Wa,vnemue,o. a~n, Ja a graduate . $1. sO BOX DB. BESS' STOOK TONIC .... ...... .. "" .. '.. , .... : .... '.. :: ........... , .. ))rq 8~ real, Pearip&,s thllt, fit 'and are ' of Unlver81ty, and received his %5 LBS. FLOUR ... , ....................., .. " . : .....•. : •..• : ..•. ,' . ;.; •..•... : "" : '" , ..... • . ~'j" :warmer's R~an~ standard design ' and BOrne .of the decree in Cincinnati. We , .. ' . OTHER PRJI:Z!B.wn..L ;BE ·GIWIN • . best teste..!~ outputs of' ~1.e . lea'u-tiat Meryl Gray . has and WI ...... have the interest ' (JASH DON~TION8-Gulr GII8 Station. Came'. BastauraDt, 8 m a •• "; 0 04". Market., SiUbb'. Funeral manufacturen. ' . ' ,eneral welfare of the Home, Waynesfllltt 'Furnlture Stare.. Q. E. s~ih ~fe, a' ·Market., B. C. liobier. lWclere'a DaIJj, D'" ' Their aU~JnopUe' machine 1.h0P WarrtiR County ' first . ~ervice is i~ the h8nds of 'eipermlDd. · C Rld",! ),V . .r. Madden- '" .co.~ WayqenlUe lee Go., Bob's Da:b7, w. B. sca....... Dr. Mary Cook, ' iOMll lenced men and ia' a great accoDi~ Grocer1~ CBmllbeU'B Garage, Boubbk's G~e. Crane's G""; Bopn '" SbnpjlOD, FaIllerson's · mOdatlon ' to autolstl, -fal'lilen, BIecUon NOYeIDber 7, 1HC 'Station, JJtn ~,?hJre,.., BiOwtl's CoJj~ SprIJtjii--.Inn" "'bite S~ La~ S~U"''- 8ervIee StaUon. ~D trarag!!lI, transfer firm. and !DaDUSIMtIlHl'ed b1 Tbeatre, Rev:' ParIIa, 11m. ~eaJaIII Mrs. DoD Bane. ~~ M. lUcIA Ten Store, Ta:acIe facturers througbout the ,I:liatrictt. GUY FOB P,ROSECUTOB Servtee S&atlOD, Bawke>a Barber Shop. . . They ate with all the . ' . . COMiD'1 rilE t • tricate 1m.0'\Ir how to

Meryl B. G'ray






e;.,.ooe sA:ftia'll

ca... ..

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-"'1 ~~------."

•__~____A_D.M•.•IS.S.I.0I!IN~I.1.0.a.n.d_1.S.C.'.'____I!IIII• • :J~, 1






" ,(




Personals Mrs. W. C. Brown, B~ysburg, returned "t;o her bome Tuesday, after undergoing a major operation in a Wlimington hospital. • • • Ml'8. Ftank Braddock and , Ml'8. W&nen B~ddock have returned after spending a f~w days in Danville, Ill., where they attended the funeral of a relative. • • • Mrs. Clyde Kellar and son of 'Dayton was a week-end guest of Mrs. Leo Conner and daughters. • • _ • ,For your Christmas cards and gift Wrapping paper 8ee Emma L. Raper. 11-2-0 • • • Mrs. / Reba Braddock, Mrs. Cora

, Colll}ge of ~Ul'sing and Health students at the, University of Cinci~nati will enjoy 'a n informal dance being sponsored Saturday, Oct. 21, from 9 tol2 p. m. in the grill of the campus Union by the collcgc's student tribunal. Miss EBcn Mos!!, Oregonia, 0., sophomorc, daughter of Hurtley Moss and u '43 graduate of - W!lynesvillc hitll1 scliool and is a member of, the United States Cl!det Nurses corps whose members train for nUl:sing ca'fri l'S at Federal expense" 18 ch.uirman of the ·tribunal's co~mlttce In ch.l1'rge. Among those . aldmg her With preparations is Miss Lillian Feldman, of Clifton, freshman. Others on Miss Moss's commi~ Rich, Miss Sallie Smith, Ml'8. Frances BrannOck and Ml'8. Harriett tee i"c1ude. Miss Etellnor Du'ndon, McGinnis were Xenia shoppers Erie, Pa., senior; Miss Dorothy Fremgen, Hamilton, 0., junior; Saturday afternoon. and Miss Shirley Arin Campbell, • • ~ Richmond, Ind., and Miss P.atricia ' Mr. and Mrs. Walter Wiseman Jones, Chll~lcothe, 0., sophomores. and coUdren, Polly Lou and Billy, spent Sunday evening with Mr. and THE I'ROFES'SIONAL WOMEN'S Mrs. Mort ,Lang and Mrs. Pauline CLUB ENTERTAIN LOCAL Lnng at Hamilton. Pvt. H. Erwin Lewis of ' Parris GRANGE SATURD~ Y Island, S. C., is spending a 10-day leave at the home of his mother, The Professional Woman'~ Club Mr. and Mrs. George Miller and furnished a very entertaininr pro- son, George, J r. gram at t he regu Iar Grange mee~ _ • • lng on Saturday evening with Two new cases of scarlet fever Misses Virginia Harden and Florence, Foxbauer in chllrge. A have been reported to health authtotte, Miss Hardin Lola Searsj orities here, both cases are on the Dorothy Day and Millll Foxbauer rural routes.. • • accompanied by Miss Anna Mari' . Iyn Whitaker sang several selecJames HartsocIC Is spen~mg a tionll, Mrs. Ralph Hastings. gave furlough at the home at hlS partwo 'interesting readinlrs, Miss Lola ents, Mr. and Ml'I\. Hartsock. Sears, an accordian 'solo, Miss ,Har• • • din and Miss Whitaker, , piano . Mr. and M~. Harold B. Earnduet and' a playlet was given by hart and family were among the Mrs. A. H. Stubbs, Miss Wb,itaker, guests when Mr. a~d Ml'8. E: A. Mias Hardin, "Miss Ethel Beekman, Earnhart and famIly entertained Mrs. Walter Sheehaq and Miss to dinner on Saturday evening, bonoring the birthdays of Harlan Grace lIoctrett. ------- • Earnhart, Mrs. Karl Babb and the host. Other guests were Mr. and TliREE DAY OLD SON Mra. Karl Babb, Miss Fannie Earn,OF Mit. AND MBS. OSC~ hart and Mrs. Ruth Fulkerson of BILL PASSES AWAY Xenia.


Rescued After 12 Days on Raft . ,



School News TIle cheerleaders, for the bas\tet-


ball 8~on elected Frl<!uy. were;

Hazel Vlnt and Rosemary Mulford; TIle bOdy of Bernard Beel, 44. bw iPhyllls Balley and Nonna Gruber, line owner, was found slumped be, The Annual meeting of the Sou~h- hl.r d the steering wheel ot a com, western Teachers As&oclatlon will be pony truck on the Hart Road ,two held in the Taf,t AudJtorlum at 'mUes north ot Lebanon, w.ecIn~cia) Cincinnati, Friday and Saturday. mOrning. He was sh~t In the heal QUe of' the spookers. Hallet Abend, and under hi.s left armpit. Iformerly a rej::orter lor the New to Sheriff Gel'Old COuYork TImes will give an account of ,den, a wallet and ' a $500 diamon( hJB experiences when he was eta-. ring which Bee! ordinarlly wore Woned In the far Enst for some time. 'Were missing from 111.Is person Bee. Th.e Miami Va.lley Chapter 01 the had been de~d from six to' eight Future tFartnel s of America will have hours before his body was found, acthe "Green Hand" invitation, No- cording to a stat.emAint made by. Coc. vember second 1944, &it Waynesville lonor Hershel at an Inquest. IHIgh School. The follOwing members Sherill Couden ;ald the slnyel 90re eUgible to take the Initiation; might have been a man who wa..<: MArion Shutts, Sam Brow.n, Robert &cen by David Stl'atton,15, Lct~n. SherwOOd. Earl Rye, Jolm Orndoff on HJgh School boy, who told tht , and John Hagemeyer. Bher1t! he heard two sho\.s near .t hl In keeping with the Hallowe'en ' truck as he was hi!'(:hhlklng to Leseason, the Junlor-&n1or Home Be- banon late Tuesday night. onomic! Class made doughnuts thi.s T'he youth sold he Lt.lW the man week. waJk onto State JlIghway ,48 fron They ' found that it they used !Hart Road where Beel's truck. wa: mashed potatoes In theLr recipe, the parked. The man spoke to Stra.ton d04lrhnuts woUld Jr.eep fresh longer. and continued 'to walk north on U YOU Were to vSslt the Home state Route tao Frtghtel1ed, tile StronlJ. handa lift Lt. Comdr. Robert Hoyt Porice, USN, oC ' 'Economics room on Monday 0 r freshman high school boy watc-heci Sbelbyville, aboard a carrier In Task Fo~ .58. 'Price, afternoon you would see the man a.nd beHeved he returned an air group commander, was attacking a Jap~ee cargo ship wednesdaY tJ. display ot various colors and hear to the truck when antiaircraft tire clipped hie bU line and foJrCed him to . land in tbe waler. Price spent 5 houn in the water wearing such questiOns as, "noes this \ look , Straton t~ld the Sllel'iIf that a hie life jacket before another tighter pUot diollped him a gOOd with my hair and eyes?" or Dayton-bound bus passed 100 yards one·man ralt and a nole promising that a K1ng66her OS2U "Do you like this color on me?" A down the road, adclJng that lle beplane would he sent out Cor him next moming: The King. .new liet of bibs have been added to Ueved tlhe man got' Gll Lhe bus. fisher Came but railed 10 find him. Twelve days later a our eloUi1ng equipment o.nd have The bus company o!!1ce was nodestroyer found him, picked him qp, and r-.hed him to a been enthusiastically used. tUied by a Dayton I'esldent who The Hallowe'en menu in the lu.~ch found the body as be was on his carrIer. ' ,OWl. J~I' · ••.:, " rooll1 will Include hamberger sand- way to work in Lebanon. ,f wlches, baked beans, slaw, PUDl';:kin Heel had operated n, taxicab buslpie and mllk. ness for .seven years In Lebanon and 'WhIle Mrs. Ca.'lard Is In Cleveiland started bus llnes hl Mason. Kings thJB .week, Mrs Amy Bailey is ·t aldng Mills and south Leba.non five years her place 1n the lunOO room, . ago, and recently !lad been gra.utf.d a franchise to start a new !'Oute to ;MiddletoWn from Lebanon. / The body was taken to the Oswald :FInneral Home \Vh Ie services were ,tentavely .set for Saturday an 2 P. m. IWith burial in Leban~n Cemetary ' , He is surVIVed by his wldo", Martha, his mother, Mrs. Elmel· Sheet.s and a sister, Mrs. Jessie Hance. BaltlmQre, Md.








HALLOWEEN PARTY AT THE .HOME OF , RALPH E. BASTING~ Mr. ~nd Mrs. Ralph E. Hastinl'l cnwl·tamed at their borne on ~mi Street on Friday evening with their 8 0n Robert as host to a number of his friends and classmates .witb Halloween , as the theme for the whole evening. The guests arrived each Ol1e masked, and severa! prizes were given to the best in the different kinds. Fortunes were found in a hollow' tree in the yard and games were ' enjoyed during the evening. A delicious lunch of gIDger bread and whipped cream und cider was served by Mr and Mrs. Hastings: All the 'were ' . decorated in keeping 'Y~th ~e son. The invited jfues'ta were: Eileen Brqwn, Eula Hoak, Francia Whitaker, Phyllis Martin, JUdy Conner, Betty Campbell,' Betty Dyer, Norma Pummill, Peg.,. Tambleson, Jennie Lee Braddoc~)far­ tha Wardlo!/, Mary Ann ·1II811*. Robert Hunter, Kenneth Vicken. Donald Lukens, Don Wallace Benderson, Billy Mehdfie, Rogei' Watkins, Kenneth Lon~acre, Owipt' Barnett, Earl Peters, . Dick Shaw; Wilbur Woolard and the host.


S 2/C ALTON A. EARNHART HONORED ~ DlNNRR Mr. and Mrs. A. H. Earnhart,entertained at dinner on ,Sunda, ~ honor of their son Alton A. Earnhart, Seaman Second clasi, ~bo has comple~d his recruit training at Great Lakes Naval Training School. Oovers we're arranied for Mr. and Ml'8. laMar Earnhart, Mr. and Mrs. Earl Earnhart and children, Elwood and Barbara Anp, the honor guest, host and 'hoate.,s, Mr. and Mrs. Earnhart also entertained o'n Sunday evening, a ereat number of friends and ret.tives,"in honor of their son also in honor of their son and daughter-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. LaMar Earnhart who ,we\'e recently married: DuriD¥ the evening dainty rebes~en*- ".re ~erved to the guests at a IIlOIIt a~ tractive table in the dlniDc raPm. MRS. KEITH ASIUIUD

RECEIVES MEDICAL ·· DISCHARGE FROM 'WAC. After spending the paat month iii the hospital at Camp Da'riB, NoI1la Carolina, Mrs. Keith Aahmead baa received a medical discharp, the army and is recuperating .at the home of her parents, Mr. and M~. Will st. John. . , Mrs. Ashmead, the tirst W~~ Township girl td , join the' W AC' . . , hal,! been in the army over a ye&t. receiving her basic ,traihiUC"at F 't; Oglethorpe. From there ,abe was sent to Atlanta and Camp Da.,.. ',\ , Her husband"S!l't. AsbJD~; '!I!;w has been in New Guinea with the armed forces for ' tWo years 1ia~ been recently transferred to 'the' East Indies. !


The Woman's Society of Chris· tian Service met at the home of Mrs. J. B. Rich on Thursday afternoon fol' their October meetil)&'. Following the usual business session, Mrs. E. F. Anelre of Wilmington gave a most ihwresting talk on the duties' of the incoming officers. The society adjourned to meet with Mrs. Ruy G. Conner in November after which refresh- TWO W.\YNESVILJ.E ': ments were served by the hostess MEN ARE ' CALLED . assisted by Mrs. George Mills and , FOR PRE-INDUCTIO~ Mrs. L. V. Brunstrator. Local 'Board No.2 for Warren BIRTHDAY DINNER County, Lebanon, 0., 1uuI aent HONORS MRS. ROSS PLANCK notices to four men for pre~~jluc­ tion, October . 25th. Thef ' a~: A birthday dinner was served Walker B\lf'llell, PIC8!JlUlt "Flam; by Mr, and Mrs. Cad Peterson and Ronald Daughtery. Clarksville and .Janice and Barbara at their home Myron Hagemeyer and Nathan in Springfield honoring Mrs. Jen- Hartman of WaynesVille. nie Planck, Sunday. Those !2resent Galbreath Carder, of ClarksVille were MI·. and Mrs. Arch Hilder- will be included October 27. brant of 'Lebanon, Mr. and Ml'8. Robert Bowers and son Allen of CELEBRATION OF TENTH WEDDING ANNIVERSARY Springfield, Mr. and , .\'drs. Wayne BELD IN DAyroN Planck and children, Janet and Donald of Dayton. Mr. and Mrs. , ,Mr. and Mra. Paul Maurice were' Clark Starr and Joe, Patty and for mer tblcher in lWaynesvU e Jane of Osborn; Mr. and M.r s. among the guests at the home of Mr. and' Mrs. Delmar Morton in schools, called on friends here Su~­ Lewi,lI Planck and Betty ,of Os- Residence Park, Dayton on Saturborn, Mr. and Mrs.' Russell Martin day evening, when they entertainday. and Phyllis and Rosl! Planck. ed a grOup of. friends to celebrate their tenth wedding anniversary. ' Different gamea were enjoyed during the eveDlng with ·several beautiful piano and accordian BOlos. A delicious buffet lunch was served : 'at a late houh ,



The Secret Deillot Is one of the YOUR VOTE IS ' •...*..' dom bulwarks of' Liberty . . Free- .* • YOUR BUSINESS ••.• Guard It Car.fullyl '

SPECIAL .. BERVICES ' OCT. 19 FOB CPt. ~,. RpGER TBO¥AS Special .-menioiial ' ~e"ice ' f~r ' Cpl. ROg'el','T.bomas 'lie be1d at the Ferry Chutt'b of Cilrist I~ri. ,day afternoon 'OI:.t . ~ a' 8:00~, Cpl• • , 'rhomas, 89n ,of J'..arl Tho~ of " 'Xenia was killed in ttie~ battle tlelda . of Fran~e, AUI. 29. "Herbett pl'aham ministel' of ~be Fe~ C~urcb of Christ , will ' have cIIarP. of; tile service. " . ,,< " (, , Services are qpen the »PUc im~ friend, ot the iamu,. ~ an eSp'cclally inviteCL . " ~




.atbe miami c!§8;ttte '

IIbCIDI . . .

WQllesV1Ue. Ohio

MaIn Street

Re-elect MER fLB.GRAY for Prosecting Attorney A WARREN COUNTY.BOY.

...... M 8econ4 Clua M.a1J Mattet at PoItoJrJce, Waynesvi1le, Ohio

Po': Adv,

Walter W. Wiseman. Editor and Publisher ~

PI1ee, '1.50 Per Yeer. Payable In Advance



. . . . . .A • • • A



James Leahey R~staura';t· .


At 9 CincLnnllll

A,\'c ••


Wit h a B u eke y e InC' 0 n g~'t S S

In Xenia., Is

1\1r. Joe Pi! r suffered injUries last Sl'turday while work-· ing at his home when he fell from the roof of the garage. He is a little better' now. . . Mr, and Mrs. John Reeder were Thursday afternoon guests of Mrs. Perry J. ,Thomas. Mr. and Mr's. Billy Guthrie of Dayton wore dinner gU(!'sts of Mr. and Mrs ~ Perry Guthnrie and family on Sunday. George Wieal, son of Mr. and Mrs. James Wical has pass_ed his examinations Ilnd expects to re-


Conv~nient. F.or Local People 'For


&. \;;


':Ur", ,.urh:ICt! I". 'I' holuu,.. U•• rr....*'.. B'

• • .•

.. 81, CLAUItC& J. ••Ow..


Having decided to quit farming . .I will 8ell at public auctiQn at my residence at the north cOl'poration line of Spr ingboro, on . SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 4 Beginning at. 1 P. M. the following chattels to-wit: 2 HORSES 1 blaelt mare, ~ound, wt. 1400 Ibs. good worker; 1 bay mare, sound, wt. 1400 Ibs. good worker. 6 CATTLE 1-4 yr. old Guernsey cow giving good flow of milk: 1 Jersey heifer fresh with calf by her aide: 1 Short horn bull, 11 mo., old: 1 heifer calf 6 months old, h:ls been Bucking eow. 4 .shoats wt. about 60 Ibs. , eaeh• IMPLE~ENTS . 1 TrOy wagon with box bed; iron wheel wagon with flat top; Deering mower; steel tooth hay rake; hay tedder: Case (,OPR planter witb fertilizer attachment: Oliver riding, breaking plow; walking breaking plow; 6 shovel plow; doub~e shovel; bar share plow; BemiS tobaceo setter ' with fertilizer attachtpent: teed gl'inder: corn cutter;' 2 sleds. MISCELLANEOUS New hog 'house: new 50 gal. cooker; hay rope; tobacco press; milk cooler; . Hudson oil brooder, 600 chick capaeity: wood stove; cross cut sawi buck saw; level; lot smnll tools; shovels; forks; boes ; 2 new window 88sh; posts: and many other articles too numerous to inention •

r:;;bort Orders, Featuring Goocr Food, ..... - .. c-cr-. C*- DIatrtIjI Beer, WIDe and Liquor . . .• Have A ServIce In Ice Cold Beer To Take I . - ...---0Home .. " I\tany Meet. The I r The exceptionally fine J;rogress plentlful. The announcement from •• w. c: •• • ~~ Sea FT--.., c.a. FrIends Here When In Town .. .. made by the American N~vy and Its the bureaucretie ofiicials in the War air forces In t.he South Paoiflc. Food Adnilnlstratlon faUed to say Tel. Main 399. " coupled With thE! successful Lnvll810n !Wether they "planned It that way." The James Leahey Restuarant at of th.e Phillpln~,1 by the Ann,y units • • • MC"Mthur hBS ere A year or Xenia is a. popular center for local nder Oen --' OlW , . . .· ' d so ago American newsIII , OCtober 21, llK4. "When the ~t IROW he doea It Is a puzzel to us. He people lIB well' as t.h06e from Bill over ated much optimism In Washlng~'l papers an magazlnes, Q8 we as iI! an tile pumpkin and tt,te fodder's .isn't mean but he is too lively to this section as they o!!er a friendly labd blS added to[) ·t h,e bene! 01 those ~~e : : n ~:~bwa.~ Po~/o~n~~~~.~ ~ ~~ ;~fa::~ an tolle shock." our todder 'Is not in Itrust without a chain. I ho: e if they service In good foods, featuring short lin high places that the war agulnst the great InterIlJ!o-tional road tba.t and Mr. and Mrs. Wade Marshall .the shock but we had a. touch start an assoclatlon In th!s county. orders, beer, wine and liquor. t11e J apanese will ,n ot be lihe long was being constructed from the were Sunday guests at the paroll1'<llt and we have plenty of pun,tp- they 'will aL50 have beef bulls, for I They weloome you and invite you drawn out alfah' at Iirst believed Uruted States across . Cl\nada Into sonage. Little Sharon Graham lie: 1dDa, tons of them, the biggest <mes I . have some cows that 1 would .preter meet your friends here when In likely. A London ·annou.ncement last Alaska. but lW;O to oPC;n uP. that companied t hem borne. everlWlf.·Wben -we pla.nted that Held l to have bred to Il bee! bull as 1 do '<town Their service Is satisfactory 'Week of the d~'P.atch1ng of 9. glg3n - great northwest territory for seLtle- . .The Missionary society of the of corn laat vear the dealeI'3 were au, not care to keel) theJr calves for re- whether you are Oilone or come in tic British fleet to the ,pacific war ment a.nd development. ThouslUl.ds Ferry Church is meeting this Wedout of com fertWzer but one ma.n . placements. 'With a group and whether your order zone was cheering news, for once of American soldiers and engineers nesday afternoon at the home of .,.. overstocked with garden fer- , ~day. Food r~ulatlons be large or small a.nd all Is served the full force olf the United states' were assigned to the task of bullding Mrs. Maurice Hunter. and- rather than postpone and as usual tl1ey mean less Iood i I power is turned, against the J apan the highway u.nder most diflloult Mr. Ed Roland of Jamestown is p1aDtmg we boUght that and ueecS ,lt. ' on the ma.rltet ~ot more. All bhose n i'h~'lr short orders, food spechls v1c00rY' 'Will . be certain Ilnd SOOJlo- oondJtJn.'lS. Somewhere 'betweell one visiting the Jess' Rolands. rrb.8 com WIUI aa good lUI we . could y.oondertul puml'k~ and nothing to and ' sandwiches are well probably Wichln ,sIX montlls o..foter tbe hundred and twenty-five and S llC Bruce Wean visited his expec~ on that ground with the do with them. The cannery has used and their drinlts DJ"e deftly miXed by f ull sealO' Allied .offenslve Is started. hundred and fifty roiUon 'dollars IWeatJ1l!r we haYe had but the pump- up all their ca.!lS alloted them for I_... ""ul bartende- wi"'" the best of • • • sister Mrs. Forrest Frost and ~ •.,..... ..,~ be' g recelv~" been expended on the daughter and his eQusins Mr. and Idn ~ wonderful. They WOl'1teCl ol1 : canning pumpldn and with 'a hun- Jlquors used. They know all the de... LAny Ie tters are.~ "'" have uUcanalready Hlgbway. Now It Is being da1tocSay;~ libem In until ~ <Ired tons 01 pumpkins piled h the taIls of handiLng and cooklng and In COngressional otflees fro m l"ell1Mrs. Jess Roland from Monday ....n......... biIb .. ,our . head wa!tlng R l n . . - Y8ol'd and hundreds more on ~~""e their foods ·Wi.... the' various t1v~ of the figh ting men who have rumored about Washington tile until WCldnesday. '........ --" .,... . . . . . 'Whole project will be ab!.\.ndoned to 10 to ,tI¥t cannery and more In the farms !.Pay are gohg to condiments which make them en- been serving In. the South Pacific soon after the wllo1' ends stmpl1 00aDOtber fte14 tp be plclted up. No to qult oannlng Pl1P'lpkln. It s~s joyed by all. The service Is coUrteous for the past tlWO years or more cause neither 08.nad& nor Its Prov.~ In ~ plea 1hla year. aa thO\l8h there must· be cans tl.'1at and accommodating at a ll <times. urging they be grnnted furloughs. inees 'Wish to 8S8UIDe t.b.e reaponslblleau~ LeJI& GIld I wete wrong. lWe oom- were not used for com because t he Some of the letters are quite·critlca.1 · ly ltv and cost of maintaining the ....tobHod too IIOOD' and In the IWl'Opg I corn pack. was smaller than 1l6ua1 of . Members of Congress an d Imp r -r---:I taors h1g~a.y. w~ch many contend would . ' 12 1-2 N. Detroit st.. In XfJI1la ..a __• U I had carried her compla1nt that could be used tor pwn; rein but the ~llef the . national ll'gIa HA~ESS tua not be economlcally Is Now The c"enkr 01 Interest. All It 2 sides harness, lines, colial'8, 4lreot1r to reed dealer they woul~ regulatlons are regulations and must ere respnnslble for bhe sltlon. • • •feasible. . have ~.Ined to me tba.t hundrersl be followed even tho~h the bumper --- • Tbe facts are l\IIembers of COngress Congress WIll reconvene on No- Is Featurlnr A Bmutltol IIoI\d Well bridles. FEED 1·"10 tion 0f vember 14th, at which time one of Selected Une Of Gifts For All HemAt 23 S. Whitman st.. Xenia, Is have no auth0 rit.~ or j urlDU of 4lCII1l~ cow. ~ producing on, crop of vitllmLn filled pwnpklns rots. tbM bnIDd of feed "Wblch 18 one of If there rooJly are iIlO cans bbat Is A Popular Place And Is Known For a;ny kind whatsoever over mJlltary t he heaviest ~egJslativ e schedules ben Of The Famny . . .. O"erin~ 200 bales alfalfa hay; 160 bales clover hay; 160 bales straw. tile . . ' -.uen .in this part of the bad enough but if they are being Tasty Sandwiches, Soups, Goo d forces in time ()f war. The Const!- ' ever presented to a post-electlon Coemetlcs, PerfuQlca, Shavlnr Set8, 40 yearling white · rock and red ~. 'DMIJ woulc1lh&ve told her beld up by red tape then something Beer, Wine and IJquor . . .. People rtlut.lon gives the ,president as Com- sessla.'1 must be raced by the Toys Many NoveIUes . . .. Make hens. Your selection Early For The Holl- ' Wbat abe 1IdsIIed..waa tha.t good ought to be done abo~t it before the Enjoy Stopr1ng ~.ere FaJ' A Sn.aek mander In Ohlef, the sole authority na.tlonalla.w makers. dlsPi~ the unTerms-Cash . ........ _- .~- .. th- - ·....-'t - t on .... '..,NHM. freeze. The dilliculty Is and Relreshmentl:l .. .. Under The to direct ' and control the actiVitiES ted f .,- I Ista f th d~ Or For Any Occaaion .. .. TeL STANLEY COOK ...._--..- ~J""""""'''~ ...-~ tI Of PhIl J Campbell Proexpeo ana"",a res nee 0 e ., Wilbur N. Sears. Auct., Ph. 2661 , . ~ of the war a.nd that lIB a not to raise food but to get it an the Dlreo on • , of .our fighting men. While the Wa.r Na.z1 armies. ,the war In Europe is MaIn 2034 . ..~ ~w abe would have to market. ~ plannlng needs the prietor. . .. Tel. 1\1aJD 2Z. .. .. .... Department IWI a. n no un c e d a expected to cOme to an end pefore The LuoUe's Beauty Shop , is os- Waynesville. O. :....J. WitboUt it. All JoIdng aSde long 10010 ahead but It · needs a . X •. ~ Is 0.1 genem! polley oj~ granting ful1l0ughs, January-BInd oertalnly at the worst . pOOf4ll.y a.ttraotive' at this SeasG'!l of St. John and Reason. clerks. .. Harry's Bar at enA> ways · .... t.ee4 "'''DI!M baa fUI headaches' qulclrly adJustable system tha.t ca.~ 'Where to men assembled ' oP . en for the crowd that visits here, .... __ possIble, . ~ ... teen ..... _ with f l more not Ia.ter than next spring " Once the year, lIB they have ' . -' ...... nat. OIl .good groUJid make changes quickly when nature IOLUOU e&6-" mon ......, 0 orelgll peace comes in ·Europe. America. 'and ' lovely treasures for any member of bM & ~ feeding value,tha.nI oats 19018 us' and gives us plllm>kins in.- ~lly, noon or ,n ight. l.t Is . easy of serVice, It has li'kewise a;nnounced the wol1ld face roo.ny reconversfoil family during coming HollNOTIOE la I hereby given tha.t In and . - . A stead of com. PaIll pigs are sca,'CC aooess and offers a hospite.Uty to the that such 'fUrloughs cannot and w11l and """' .... ·ar n"obl~"'" upon which ,cft'_ or for almost an", da:y. . . """!'.. - - - - •• _-... e"""" local and travcllng publlc. .... ..-vw ..~~""" of a resolutlon of the ~ are IIC8l'CI! thla year. I am, .uus yearbeca.~e of uncertainty as 1n addition ~ good soup and Balnd- not ~ granted to many of the men the COn(p'ess must leglsla.te. as a Oifts are dally becoming more hlle of Townahlp Trwstees of MasUllll'elf"tbat ~ .t ry, their best to what the government was go1ng wtches, they serve beer, wine and' liaviDs langterlIl8 Of. service in the result the .not sll!. or el8ht mootb.! vogue and the demand IB- made!or 61e Towinahlp, Warren dowit, OhiO, ~ • IOOcl f~ from the best rna.- to do" U oora and serve their J)f1trons wlih IPe.dfic sector because of pressing 'W1Il be amongst the mOst hnportan~ the unusual. In the old dM'S when }laased on the tat day of September • . tIIita.ia &Y&IiabIe IMlOOrdInf to the far- l . 'Tuesday. Clouds th1s ·mornIng but ·w.., ~~~ , ..... _ '10.' ""..t"es. Ni"v 'W1U" n~ In. r............ spite of the .... f~t In n~ of th~ .... " be auDmitied to a • I!_~ """"~t. a.. reaso........ e ...... ... . . . . . . . , In Congressional h1sto!"Y. , . n~esslt1es , L pJB1l:\.er 1'.... ~ .. ~ ~ PI'ID"- on the tN tIlerefore ,DOW the 6WlS out aind I Just ordet~d matter whetherou can far whlskey many .ua.em"",a. 0 ""'~Igr ...... __va ' . .. . ... ., ,In o~r. a,pd r:o~~r, tt Ja vote of the peopl" of MasSie 1IIIJ . . . . . . were UtIt&ir•. \In t.bat a tank of water to ~t In the well at soda ~btan Mart1ru ,or been urging fUI'l~ughS for the warlIB ~ is written, two w~ bebard to flnd, . the thlng 'l'bwnahip 4I.t the GENER.M. ~_ eM!! I am ~ to eat my w.orda' the tenant's bam for the stock The a.nd . ' .• , .. . ' Jweary veterans . ≶ht or wrong_ lfore the electlon,' more unoertalnty desired, so It wlll be t f d . . LmI& baa already the feed wagon 18 busy these dJl,ys: It '1s the responsIblli.ty tor the present as to the cane be found in and see ,..:----':..!...--.:...&1 -""~1t41..... t ~1t"~'1Irlt. beautlful ,golde-n weather but we do rfection and wi1tI the best Ingre- !polley il"eSts solely · with the War 10~e11 seleCtion they have 1n use- therein. on TUesday" the 7th day of "ftIere Ia an a.rtlcle ~ need rain and If we have {'aln we \:ences used. ' !Department a·r d the Comme.nderpolltl~ h1stl;lrY, with the })OSo11ble pracUcal and l~ous gifts and Novembe" 19M, the-questlOU; ~ . 00II0ber filUcc6IItul f'anD.Ing on 'WQ(l't be able to baJe .·the stra.w - . Q... with cor.t._1 hospita.1i ty, in-QhlOf- not'ili.rlth. thee Oongress. exception 011916. While extravagant ! ~plec1eilltll!S they have assembled foX', sUing bonds of said Townahlp in ... A1I-bed .... .,.., WQO> cla1ma are being made by spokeslocal I - . ""WhMIi -roc with Artiflolallnsem- ~\LIIC ....e COWI! ......~ up""",, straw pleasant com..... nv and easy pe.rk1ng, the poop e. ' the amount of Sh' Thousand Five •__ .......,..... that·- I_ter..... ed .-~... ~-.. - ...tI ..... if i t " - - " Now that .the- Autum frosts have men"for both partlC!l, no one actuaaly Th h d t d f th ' ~~ ...... ODe .. AU...."8~ -... ~ ~ cap so , "'ou ,w1ll flnda-comblnatlon t.hatwill , . ey avema eas u y.o e cus- Hundred Dollars (6.500.00) tor the ..... ' tIon _. .._ ... th st will t .... f"t ,y . come, and the fi1"C6h frult and vegeseems ·to know for a...cemu!lly just of soo1 ty d wUl be lIeased -.' baYIDc IlD ueoo1a in Warren m~ e' raw no uc 1 ~ve refresrunent and re1aXatlon to e an, . r.. pW'):05e of PROVIDING .PIRE AlP8bClIUJd read thla a.rtlcle to bale. Oh .me. ,Oh my! Forget the b workers. ,£able season Is over so 'lt Is no longer 18 to happen 'on Election Da.y. aas1Bt anyone In the selection ot PARlA.TUS AND ~.fOND .poIDW GUt 6be JIIADy pltfal1li that &- !WeQtJler but ~'t torget to buy usy , i!OS8ible to do much home canning. 11H.\wp",p.r. ever;ywhere it s~ ~ be proper g1f or the perfume to POR lT8 USE. DeW Venture and gilt War Bonds. ADVERTISE IN THE GAZE'lTE! an an.nouncemeillt h8B been made by lI:I!feed 't hat . the suent vQte-.-land j:ersonalJtl~. You can depend The Ma.xiJm1m liumber of ye6I'S ~ ~ as to how they' ~ be ' the ,W ar :rooo ,4~tratlon that is a big one th1s >,ear-wIll their taste and rellablllty is dur1na wh10h bohda are to run. is ~ ~ can be expeCted of - - - -- -- - - - - - - - -....~-~ sugarsuppli~w.ll:lsoon become more settle the issue or -the PresldenPY. es\;abllshed. years (10), • . l . • WELDING 'nob. aD, aax:I.atlon a.n'4 the coeta ere plentiful so houRw1vea will be able The' fmai result DIlly, be extremely iBe sure to see their lines 01 \iOys, est.tm8.ted additional tax re.te al80 ~ed. .":AlwSfs It 18 Ill! bull. ' Arc Weldin; Of AU Kind 'to obtain the sugar on their ratlan cla;e, although there are some inare Jeaturing the ~test ldeM of the ten mill llml~tlon as that' mabe Be. trouble,"~ true. only In rear of Dosters Guare couWns they cduld not get when dJcatlons, especlally In the l'U1'al will delight ILny youngster. Their by the Co~y Auditor is _oniD.liW:v Popeye lost his fourth HarVeysburg. Oblo freah fruits and vegetables were areas,. a Bepubllcan sweep may be is arriving dally so, it will be uiwa for ea.ah one dolla.r at valcb&ta the Ottmt day In spite of the Brown and Penninrwn, owners In the making: Most observers be- w1se to shop early: whlch amounts to U75 for . QIIIIal;faatenel: that I bol.Jibt for it. aleve a. BepubUcan House JUld l.,'leach one hundred dol:lara of valua~ ~ . creaaed lRepublk:an .trenth In the Sen t 18 "'_....... -.... Lea"'; to Use EYei tIon. a e a ............ ~... The . 'Polls for said E1ectlOD w1ll Peolile ha,ve to learn how to ule their eyes Just as they mUlt learn open.~ ~,: 30 O'vI~k A.Yo: 8I!ld re~, . SALlE-Cbanntn ToUet T:lasue: . TARVlIA-U':rHW TAR AND how to~-N14--<1ffi--81JItornolnlt!",,~lb! 11.30 0 Clt)cI: P. ¥. FoUr rolls 250. Gazette office. pre!!s. or aDY oth.e r Instrllment, soy, (Eastf"m : S!:amda.rd ,time) of aa.ld ROAD .OIL, ~CAVA~G the ~etter ,vlsl,oD InstUute. Se~ln, II day. DUMP mUCK BEIWICB ------------~ ·a complex activity. In which nerves By order of the Board ol EiectioQs, and muscles pinyan Important part. READY MIX CON-ORErn: The picture OQ the reU~a fells UI of Wan-en , County, Ohio. D. W. BISHOP. much abOut an 'object, but our esUCha.1nna.n mates of distance. size. dlrecUoD H. O. 8TlUJ3, and POfBtluon Intv~l\'l' the Interpreta. Uon 0 ntr leu e movements of the Phone W:a&nesvl!le 21111 external and Internal eye musclel, Cle1'k. Morrow Phone No. 3 al w.en all related nerve lmpUlsel. To "walk. to run. to operate 8 LeblUlon: OUlce Phone 4'73 It AUCTIONEERING DiachlQe elTe~tlvely, we musi learn Resldlence 98 M to coordinate the pattllrn of. Ught

.....,.-c::w...e I." • ••••

From A Farm






L 11' uci e s S' Shop

H arry'B s ar


crown --.. ... '.............Ift..





'=::r 1:

n::d~ '


::O~e to~~~d

:ra: ~~~




~ SaDd & Gravel



.t··M~ CO:YNE . . ~ I~S~¥N~E

isn't the answer. It's not th1it simple. We" . bad nearly 14 years proof of that, didn't,we? "The real answer is education and better . control. fact, the responsible members of the distilling indusp:y are working constantly toward that end, They doO:t' want anytiody to abuse the use' of .their' prodpct anyCmore than the three of us dO•." "If "everybQd1 .woold ta1te that sensible attitude. Judge. and coo~rate as more and more are now doing. ,we'd be a lot better off a lot quicker.... .


Of.flee '

a' Roten


&D4l 8 .........


W.,...mae ....... ApBq

StaDley aael. Kooaler.

on the reactions, reUna' wl\handtheInterpret muscle and nerve our , ROOT FOR AND CO~8IG~ your Cattle. hoP. 'Ih~P and ~yee vJlual . Irr'l~r ~s.: 's ro that there II '.. . propt'r direction of body move, ." to Non18--Brock CO". ilve wtri an4 ment!;

For D~ tes, Phuoe' 28M, Waynuvllle, ·Ohlo. Rever. ~~

BRO,WS . .,, :.ICDS. ·


.' Ii11~~~~~~=~:~~~=i::~~=~!=~i

market pricesfirm and for I~', prosresalve " the hIIbeat Union 8&odt Yards, ·CIncbina&l. '0. Tune In on RadIo stat.ton WOKY, 12:'25

to ' 12:~

market re~rta.

'P: m. ,

f~ our· ~



Nazis f)L.Og' try. I'lor WL"nfer War,," A,ir Ba·tlLes. Rage in P'aci/ic; Meat HoLdLOngs at Year"s Low I



Rele08ed'bY Western N'~.P8per u~ N01:E"Wbea op.nlonl pr ••••• ln til ...... I•• De .... tII' •••f Weat.ra p.r' .(jllion'. n.,.,. anal,.lIl ••• ao' D."".~lIr 'ii tIIl"'·.~.p ..r.) .







tYl'LE Cuue.lllolHl_.

SALARIES: Big Pick in' B

l ..... \VuUrr .",.o."k.

Drawlpg $1,138,000 for the year end In, August 31, 1943. Movie


con8ecutlve year. With all personal receipts above $200,000 taxed at ' 94 per cent. however, Mayer turned about '$900,000 back to' the '1'rea~. Members of tb us. - try continued to clrl;'w the blebeat salaries, wltb Producer Waiter F. WaDrer secoud to Mayer with $710,372: and Executive \ Sidney -R. Flelsber of' 20th.()en4urr-Fox FJlm corporatIon $6411,000. Among the stars, Abbott and Cds· tello each earned $394,000; Deana Durbin $282.250; Spencer Tracy $219,871.; Irene Dunne $200.000; Joan Crawford $194,615; Robert Tay. lor $176,983; Greer Garson $159.083. and Randolph ~cot~$132,187. Among the nation's big businessmen, Eugene G. Grace of Bethlebem Steel oorporation and Thomas J . w,atson of the Internatio'nal B·usl. nest Machines Corp. eacb 'recelved over $500,000. A. Oblci of Planter's Nut and Chocolate Co., drew $374,· 737.

LAMBS: Fewer Numbers

,Map IndJcaleB V. S. carrier aUacills OD ' Formo.. 'aDd PhUlpplDel ...4 V. S. land-based bomber a..auU OD Borneo aDd ~lmabera.



PACIFIC: Air War/are

I Digging In behind their strong de. ·tenses as . !he batUe.tront .was loa ked by rain, the Germans prepa'rild tor a winter of warfare as Allied armjes pressed their aUacks on the Reich. If the Germans prepared tor a winter of warfare, however, It was not without expectations ot further grand Allied assau1ts aimed at quickly finishing them olt. Reportlng -that the ' 'Brltlsh had massed 1.1100 tanks around Arnhem, the Ger· mans declared that they were Ollly waiting for . clearance o( the port of, Antwerp for the delivery of largescale supplies before renewing their .effort to outllank the Siegfried line above Kleve and drive down Into the vital Ruhr industrial vaUey. Although expecting an attack ' ln the Arnhem sector ,the Germans a"o remained on edge about Aa,ch<en, wWere Lleut. Gen. Courtney Eodges' U. S, First 'srmy tiad aU '. but -close'd the :ftoose- on thlt once . thrlvtng :city of 165,000, and bl" • troop. threatened to Qvel'fun the Nazis' elaborate nlghway syatem ra· diatlng into the lildustrlal ~hlneland. As stalwart doughboys mopped up street after street in Aachen, ·' root· Ing the enemy from the charred rubble, the Germans massed 8~Qllg artUlery ~d troop concentrations to the east of the city In a'n effort to thwart an American breakthrough. With the Germans able to use up large, quantities of artllIery ammu,'

WI~ Gen. Douglas MacArthur's forces wiled on the threshold ot the .Philippines, and with U. S. army and naval uhlts closing , In on Japan's In'n er defense system, some ot the greatest alr·battles of World War II were tought in the South Paclftc as the desperate enemy attempted to blunt American efforts to crIpple his facUlties tor resiitance agalnst 'the next big move In that theater, In over • week aDeI • half of ooutlll.... acUon b7 carrier aIJ; craft-aDCl8apertortrHsea aplna& &be enemy'a defense .,..tem III · Form_ aDd tile PblUpplDee, aImOIl' 1,000 ~apaDne plaDell were .0& from the Ill, .. aDeI 'be proud Impetlal,.VJ', wbleb bad ..Ued ou& to, tlU'llecl taU back to ~er ~&era. I Firat proclaiming a great Victory over the .U: S., the' enemY later·tempered his claims, declaring: ..It cannot be thouibt'that the enemy with, thIS setback WiD give' U$I till plans for attaclda, the Phillpptnea. • • ." ' M~~~l\vhUe, other ~erlcan ~Ir units hit Japanese In.taDaUonl OD. Halmahera to the south of the PhilIpplnel, and importimt oR redneri.. on BalikpapaD iD Borneo. •


'Holdi~g' ,Spotty .






iliekr~ S· H~g~U)a~'


Less Trimmings. Celebratu,n 01 thu year'. yuletide may lee 'he revival 01 the old.liuhio,," clUtom 01 lIrin,in/J pollCorn I.UId cmn. berr'" lor Chri.fmaa -.ree dccoratioru, what with lew. il ony new ligh. bulbs to be IfW!1'fte$ed ond .hor,' lUppliei 0/ otlu!r trlmm/n«. avo/fablo. The orily llgh' bulb~ auairob/e lAu year, Iratle eirellu IllY, wiU be those ahe home, 's inc~ no new onu wUI nuule b_we of WClr,ime rUlrictio,., .,.". .1Ora virtu.Uy eshau.fed tlu!1r in 1943•. Neither wiU .ilver or /Jold timel be ",anuloc;w,etI thu year, it wa.t wid, qrnl aupllli.. leatl loll ",i cyd .." 0IId ,lobe. wi be .hort. Few celophone will be found on counte". Be. eouse they are made 01 imported m4leo rial, artificial Chrutnuu Iree. wiU be






~hippirrg ) Factpr With u. S. oltenslves In full swing and long supply lines necessitating .otm,ost utilization in shipping. the army ha" been lible to grant only about 30,000 furloughs 8 month, the war departqlel'\t dI8clo~ed. Sol~en .overseu tor long periods are being relun;ted tor rehabilitation, r.ecuperation recovery when .force may be , reduced; . when servIcemen may be given temporary duty iD this 'country tor a period· rest, and when men may be permanently reUeved of overseas duty and nBlllaned to tasks at h.ome. . Jle~rn " o,f one soldier from overleas aetUall,y II equivalent to a ]018 ot'iour to 'ieven men on the fighting tron~ the war department aald, declaring that the condition arises prl. marUi' from the ·tlme requil'ed for provi~1 tor h1s replacement. "


M .


ning. At 20 E. Second ~;t., . Xenia, Are · . Mr. and Mrs. Wilbur dlark spent Mrs. Therle Jones and Mrs. J. B. ' Wrecked-Car SpedaHats, Featur- Frida.y in Dayton. ing A Complete J"'nd Ac~mmoMr. and Mrs. J. B. Ohapmlln of Jones were shopping in ' Dayton . At 46 W. Main St.. In X.... dating $ervlce "In Gpneral'A,u to Re- Waynel\ville entertl:\iMr' Mr. and Monday. Mrs. Jo11'n Zimmerman -of neal' Have Every,thin, For Your Carl pairing, Fender anld Body Work, Mrs. Harvey , Burnet Il.t luncheon l'alnting ••• The,ir Wreck Car, at Rikes' lunch room Wedne~daY. Waynesville spent Saturday with Including' Radios, Oils, Gre.., '· te r, Mrs. J . B. J ones an" . ,I Pl\~t,s, Tires, Battri~ ••• ExeelWnt Efficiently l\{anne~l Js Avail8ble Mrs. Fred Rush entertained t he hor ,SIS MI'. Jones, Stocks and Quick Sen'ice __ • Are To Tlui Public tiay nnd Nfght . •• Lytle Card Club at I'\er home Mr, and Mrs. Wilbur C1.81'k en- A ' Great Convenience To Fleet' Thursday afternoon. '. • • . . ae~r .A Good Place To .Get Your Car Keith Longacre ha s been ill with tertained to .R famil y dinner on .Tuesday evening of last week. Tho In r eepipg Our Transporta~n Checked and Repaired, As They the grip ,.for the past two weeks. System Working •• - Undtll; The ,Are Specializing In Keeping TransMr. and Mrs. Everett Kendck guests were from Dayton. Mrs. Morris Wharton of Inde- Popular Direction Of Doc PAell"'n, 'portation On The l\:love ••. Under attended the, moving of Mr. and • Mrs. Lawrence E lliott . and son p~ndence, Ky., was ~a week-end Prop., Tel • •Main 912-W. The Direction Of Jerry Swigl\rt, from Centerville to their new home guest of Mr. and Mrs. Clyde WharThe Main ,Auto Supply at Xenia Tel ••. Main 242. in Oakwood, Saturday. ~on and ' Levi Greathouse. are offl!rlng ,a great !iervice to ~1I Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Burnet ' the Ijurrounding community and -Mrs. William Setl'aukamp of One of the greatest problems Dayton is making an extended visit visited their unCle and aunt, Mr. are helping to keep our ;valuable that is confronting the people to- with her and daughter, and Mrs. John Hayner and daugh. transportation system on the mOve day, is that of trnmsportation. It Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Hammond and tel', Mrs. Helen Colbert at West- By carrying a ·lar-ge supply of -ooris . necessary in order to keep our children. ville 'Sunday afternoon. l'ect parts for eais. trucks, garaae Miss Eula Hoke of Waynesville . Mr. and Mrs. Will -Ross ane' supplies and equipment with' I a complex civilization.-on the move and, especially, in OUI' program for spent t he week-end wit" Miss daughter, Marjorie, and Mr. an(' modern store they are renderi,,&, economy and for. Victory, that this Frances Whitaker a nd together Mrs. Alton Ross of Springboro at· a very convenie~t service to .kC;p featuI'e of modern life be given the maximum amoulnt of attention they .attended ,a Halloween party at tended the fun era l of Mrs. Ruby our busy workers and industry 9n. the move. . I ,lark at Xenia Sunday. and The SWigart Gal'age at Xenia the home of Bobby Hastings in Friends here of Mrs. Ra]ph They carry a large .stock i~ a great aid · in sollving tbi!! prob- Waynesville. Miss Betty Campbell Lewis are sorry to learn that shl' beatings, gears and/acCessories fbI' lem. , also attended. is in Miami Valley HospiLal, criti any model or make of car Or trudl. Their auto refinillhing service is Miss Fl'ances Whitaker and ~iss cally ill at this time. No matter what' is needed, JUI' very comprehensivE! a nd features Norma Pummell attended a slumMrs. Lawl'ence Zink and son of get i,l touch with t hem, giving t~e fender and body work, auto paint- ber party at the home of JenilY ing, in fact they can take a wreck- Lee Braddock near Waynesville, Mt. Holly were Sunday afternoon number' or, description and you 'wftI guests of Mr. and Mrs. Lester find that they bave it in stock pr ed 01' damaged body Ilnd completely Thursday night. Kenrick. can get it for you. ~hey anticipate refin ish it. Mr. and Mrs. Bartlett Monce ar,e Miss Almetta Steinke retullleu t he needs , of the people and are The auto and trulck painting de- now staying with t heir daughter, m partments ' is prepst'ed to put on aMI's. Sillman Stewart, in Lebanon, FI· fTOm Texa s, where she has well p.repared. to", the. •. . been visiting friends. . TheIr ~tock tnelude~ p~Bton nl!gJ!, fine finish which isl recognized as who was severely burned when a M d M E tt E l' pIston pms, axles, tlmmg cham", the best possible. 'fhey will paint cali of beans exploded that she was . 1'. an rs. . I vere ar y, gaskets king bolh bushinp con- ' your 'cllr so it will correspond with taking from a steam cooker. M'l's. J . B. Jones and Mrs. Ross ! necting' roda, 8Pri~gS, •(aD the general lines and you will think Mr. and Mrs. Everett Early were Roland attended Enst~rn Star at I a ut<>' body and ga9lge .a1q)pUH. you have a new CDlr. in Cincinnati Wednesday evening L.ebanon Tuesday evenmg and an- j It is very" importanlf - tJlit we You will find t:heir service is where Mr. Early attended a meet- ll lversaJ-y of Harvey buhg Eastern have a specialty e.tore' to keep' a most courteous .a nd satisfactory ing of the bank officials. Star Thur~day evening. weli. selected 'took of ~ an" and we are pleased to assure you Mrs. Harvey Burnet, Mrs. WilJ\.frs. ~h.ver Johnston .esc~~ed aceessorjes needed 91 '~e'r auto, that you will .finei a visit to this bur Foulks, Mr. and Mrs. Walter serIous injury Th~rsday even10g close at hand. It takes a 10lig time establishment much to your adwhen .rcturning from their .drug . to ' ~t 'these' from cities vantage no matter what depart- Kenrick, Mr. Walter Clark, Miss store 1o . Dayton. She was bhnded I and this' service ' "is one ' of ' arreat ment y~u patrpnize.. Wanda Cla1'k and Herma~ and by 1111 approaching car at the cor- , convenience. Their accommodatJng ncr by' the elevator when the service ~reat1yappreciated by left the road and tore out a panel our husy people. ".' of fence and hi t a tree. The car was ,...-____"-._ _ _......._ _~....___ badly damaged., Tinware ·will ; nev-.-.,.. if . The W?man1s Socl .ty of ,Lytle it 'ia' well rubbed With laJ1l' Church ~vIll b.e cntel'~, tned WIth an , and then with. conUnOD unall day meetmg ond covered dish I k d I' b' f L.-!_ dinner next Wedneijday, November a a e Im~.e ore ~ .. put 1 at the home 'o f Mrs. Har.vey Bur. away~ Th .. I • •1.0 the beat net. The devotion!; will be in way to remove ru.t. Rub fr.echarge of Mrs. Allen Emrick. A ah I~rd On every part, th.eD Thanksgiving program by Mrs. put it in an ova and heat it Le lie Gray. The committee are: thToulrhly' tinw.... til.. Mrs. Harold 'Whitaker, Ml·S. Mar- , treated may be ua,d in water ' garet Johns and Mrs. Rob\!rt Hunt. ' conatantly and'ht Mr. and ,Mrs. Walter Kenrick . and free from ' r.u.t indefina~ James Hail}cs e~tertaiYled to atley. dinner Thursday evening in honor ...;.'~. ot the 90th bil·thday of their uncle, Round, Mrs . .Eya· Hatnel, IIr. ~ Mr. Fran~ M. Siado of Toledo, t he Mrs. Robert Haille8 and ~ ud followi ng guests : Mr. and Mrs. W. M A. Haines, Mr. and Mrs. Be.n D:~i:~ Mrs. William P~da of.

Auto Supply Co.




car l




- --* -'-.....ii..,.........


1'Hli .IW .·.~'D.·I GOt~D1h4.


Suppli81 01 dee raulle may Deaplte larD withdi:a~la of lielp brl,hten up the ICfln~. Ia_er, cheele, sbell eggs. meats and' lard, I witla lome monulacwrers ,oin/J in lor stocks In · 'i torage OIl October 1 briUi4nf red anti «reen paper orll4. totalled 1,630,298,000 lb•.• wttl) trozen rru:nu, 'liruel 01 .pun· «la4S and .reated fruitt, eggs and poultry at an all. rayon•. 0IId «li.tenin/J "snow." time bigb for the date.

Pork hoidln,. at , 856.982,000 Ibs. anel, bee! at 149,114,000 lb•• were IIIlt1aUest since last November, while a" drop in receipts and weight . of ho,s at m,rketing centers contributed to th" heavy Vo1,thdrawlil of lard 'slnee llune, with ,holding. equalling only 1",453,000 Ibi.! of which the Ge"eral Mor.hall (lefU i and Ueutenlln' General Patch of Seventh o.J1D7 eonfer 011 ,overnment owned 1111,125,000 lbs. westem fl:OIIt. . , ,Part17 becaUle ~ ieBlonal holdln,s, ." nltlon, and with !lew weapons being lamb al'\d mutton atockl atoocl at ~ passed ' out to their ,,units, it was we.' a aUgbt iD· pOinted out that the enemy's supply " ~ problem had b~en reUeved by the creale iD butter boldlngs ~er . the previoul month. the supply of ISQ,. shortening of his lines. ~ . . With rilin mlrlng ·the terrain anti 948,000 lba. wa. almost 100,000,000 f" greasing the mountain slopes, the lbi. . below lut year. ~~V..-' S.' T)lfrd and Seventh . armies' D "l RATES drive . betore Mett and the Vosges nA.U.. .: mountains on the lower end of the iJ~o", 460 mile front slow~d to a walk. ContendiDg that rallroacfl would 'great tarik batUes raged, ~ the earn over two bllllon dollara betore southern plains of HQllgary with the iDterest and iDcome tuea thJa year, ~ppoaed the Rusalans edglng to wit!tln 50· mUea -I:'IIOVIIrllIiDI~t, of Bu·dapest. pOlit ical strite ahook can:lera' an ov~. the embattled ~<!unb7, witl\, Pro. 'an 8 ~r rate ·Inctea.. Naz' e),ements qeaded. t!y fanatical the 19 per cent Ferenc Szalasl assuming control aft. p~::~:!:~~!t~ ' ID ~ect afnce elr Regent Nicholas ,HorthY'1 . a~r. fIr.t tlve attempt to negotiate an a~ Iii buckin, the carrlen' petitiora tice ',~I~ ·tI)e .\u~h. . . ' for the iDerea'~.lUP ~ore tht! Int.-. With Horth)' In Hitler!s hands,· ,atate Co~.~c. "com·mia.lop, the Szalas\'. followers ,went rlg~~ to declared that 'wo~k seeking to root out ·pro·~ed elements ) In a desperate eJrc:irt to keep the Hungarian army of approx; linately 400.000 men In the deld \\I~th ' the ~1iJ;ls, 8!1d .9sure contln\led flow p1 meLtel'ial:~\O ., many. , • , FuUy caplta(tz!ng' on th,e B~g~rI­ ah ehaos, the .Russlan. Pt..s~ their . 6lYenslves. on the coun~ ~ from north and east as ~ell a! 't4e .; and~urther tlghtenJ).df. theJr ' 0~tlying' y'uIl9.!&vla, where and Tlto's Istorled thto ttie C!apltil of BellJr1'lla,.


Although !.he lamb Industry has been less of a hendache to OPA than other meats, production. Is not bearing up as well, with Cederal Qfficials reporting the third lowest spring crop since 1930 and prospects of the smallest sheep populntion In 14 year!! next January 1. With the lamb Industry In fewer handa than most meats. and, there· fore, easier to be kept under OPA surveillance. black markets have of. fered legitimate packers less conipetitlon for 8upplles. Prices have been regulated through controls on the ftn· Ished meat and wool markets. With hog prices showihg 8 '159 er cent Increase In prices since the start of !.he war, Bnd catUe up 76 per cent, lambs have only regis· tered a 66 ' per cent gain. Tbe tight feed situation. and ratio between feed and market price, are rellected In the corn·bell·s 111 per cent reduction iD feeding operations this year.

Heber SmJth attended the Republic~m Rally at Lebanon Mond~y eve-

-. MUUCI'U of a,w ~ealr


tlr.a are aurpad. IDg exptlCtalloaa OQ the rOad 'today. proy. iDg them.. CIoIe to the cr~el'Clge ....


werr tINa, ID mileap cmd "CIII~ ~. taxi neeta a •• rag.d 22,360 , , IIILIJ.. ' before . rec:appID!1J ° • • cmcl tJaOuacmdl of · other Goodyears OIl tCllda. police .:ar., lDail rout... an JIIOYiDr they CCIIl tcdre It a" der aD IClda of hard~ drl.lag c:oDdJUODlo Todcry'a lbeet lillY" a Goody,,,, .




and True


-TO TflE


110 "anFlCllft IIUDD If 'fOil n.,ed n_ tub.... _ 'fOil can get Iru.Ihrortby. JODg·~-ve Goodyecua at

TERS acnr.





A Tried



'3 65 "'. , tax




' R8GfRS aod SIMPSON Wayne.vine,



; STATES The S'Plendid record made by Clarence J. Brown in publi~ ser.vice. is well known to inp~ eitizens:~ A . .former' ~ieuteoont Governor , of Phid" Sec.,.~tary ot State, Republican nominee for 'Governor, Cla~e J. 'Brown has made an outstanding .-record in the Congress. ' .' : ,. .,

Ml'. HOLLY --'Mr. , aI1d Mrll. Harold ~'Uel'

...... I1U.,. .,;11I.u .. CUu_l' "aa.,a,



" Alon g The Way


By l\Sn. u.rltlUe T~omaa

01 S-o-o-o-o Bossyl

nelU' ';\C.Hol j)lI il u~ ~\ louu<lY Wit h lnl'; he" pretty, isn't;- she? Standlt;lg ana bull. 'l'uomas !twltsn . there , 1lil'l:I. !~)' l!1I)uU :::Imnn 01 }Jayt on wei" supper ltUest8 or Mrs. Hlly ~oking like a firs t coushl to a fawn? Gibson ::mturusy ' evemng . Her brg brown eyes, ith their baby Mr. '1110mB rtunyan , Mr. P ete I stare ' ,Runya,~ baVIol leul'neu ox tbi dt!ULh So shy a nd wary, But it won't be ot ~lJelr nepbew 's !Ion SCOtt H\Hlerlong D8Ck'/ teClUuc 18n 1Uth grade 01 Until shc'll make . loose my Milhm8vilUl, vnio. .liC dled l:iept. r eligion. ~() ot :wounds receive d two lIays earlle't in Eurolle. It's supper time and she wants her Miss PallUne liibson and friend ma Richard Haines of Xenia. Miss To serve the eqts, Well, I can't .t:Odaietb Brown "nd friend were blame her. dinner ' guests Sunday of Mr. and But here's the milk, Now, S-o-o-o, Mrs. BUy Gibso,n. Bossy, J\.fternoon callers. Mr. and Ml'S. I wish someon e else had to tame Morris Lewis and children Mr. and her, . Mrs. John Kost!:!r of Utica, Mr. and Or else I could stuff her like a Mrs. l.'veret t Bunnell lind family, pigeon. Mr. Usker Monee spent Sunday in :Lebanon. ' Mrs, Barpld Kellcs, Mrs. Frank Eight thousan d years since the -' Kelles were dinn!?r guest F!iday Was ~irs t wild ox taught to obey t he voice of ~tGtlure of Mrs. Clarenc e Crawford. mnn. Mr. and Mrs. John Mc'ragg ert and son of LeWisb urg, Mr. and To muzzle him the stood on some ~om~ rocks, Mrs. ,Norma n Kessing er and For he renched heavenw ard Betty Kessing er of Dayton, Mrs. on span. Minnie ' Sincrof e were guests of Mr., and Mrs, Ernest It 'was morc of a job thap you think. Earnha rt and family. lIrs. Morris Lewis and son Jerrry, Mra. BUy Gibson ,calJed on If one s mall bovine not yet waist Mrs. Paul Armstr ong of Lebanon C~J;I high, wear a man until he's groggy Tuesda y afterno on. Pity the man, in the day's .gone Mrs. Henry Berges and childl'en Who hunted . down an untame d of Beaver town s}ient Sunday with doggy, . Mr. and Mrs. Lue Morgan, Mrs. And s tood on some l'ocks to f,each 'I Robert Greene and daught er, Lena him to drink. called Sunday, evening. B), J'laomie ' S. Fordyc e }Jr. ahd Mrs. Eddie Marllitt, Mias Clara Daught-eis were supper The above was written by my guests Tuesda y evening of Mrs, ~othe.r and if you like it, . I. will Morris Lewis. give you Mr. apd Mrs. Edgar Poff of neal,' wrote. Momsome others that she . . . . '__ 0artIt ., 'DIaIIIIa .... Centerv ille wer~ dinner ,Juests wish I could. could write poetry 1 . , at the Sunday of Mr. and Mrs. Hiley Gibson, MiBS Pauline ..... fIL _ Gibson OIDt . . . . . . lIIlDbDam and friend Mr. Richard .Babies of . . . . . . . .. & "Ult A4 IDIeI1ed for Xenia called in ,{he evening. . ...... .... ~ ebarred at Ie a word. Miss Minnie Crawfo rd of Dayton spent the week end with her ~ . eM. ODe Jea!'a aubllcrl~oo parents Mr. and Mrs. Clarenc e On Pike at Sprinr Valley, Brinr flO Itbe IIJuDl GOuet te to the men Crawfo rd. Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Smith of Much Trade Activit y To Their IQ ...... felt- .,.,00 a yea.r. Wha.t Dayton, Carl Robert Stiles of near Home Tf~n 'Because Of The Com: . , i Mid' d lerun called on the Gibsons prehens lveneN Of Their Service ~ . . & IIkier' BUt to last tbroll8 h ••• Bein .. Headqu arters For Feed, .~ ~ p i teep tile bo}'8 lntonne cl Sunday mo~ing. Grain, Coal and The FamoUs JohD ~ ~ at home. SUbecr1be toDeere Farm Implem ents, Bales, _ _ tl!Ie .1IIamI. Oa.t.t.e otfIDe. '<F!BOBLEM.?" A Odette WlUlt Service and Par", Hardw are and '.I.l-~.....:--:-!~_ _ _ _ _ _ _ IAd will help you 'solve lli-tlt a coat Supplie s ••• Machine Shop SerTice Helping To ~.,: .Equipm ent In ' of only a few centa-w heneve r you Sh~" To Produc e' For Vlctol')' • •• , • ~ ... ~, See B11l Lee, iiave ~ rent, buy. sen, 'Undw ~e Popula r Direc:tion of lonutar f Roed. R. 8, w.arneavWe. RaTold Van Pelt •. ' • TeL Spring , Valley 3·7371, -



Serv ices

At All




QMI"'" ......... ,_

Gtfturdr (Df ' Gtltrilt SERV ICES SUNb A.Y Octob er.; ~

BIBLE SCHO OL , ~:30 ~ Jd•. '

Organ,i le a. Unit of

.... e. 7 ,



D ew ey St ew ar t




funda to soDelt DO m~ to aHeDd. For complete inform ation, blank fol'llll and other ·I"ppUee, write or phoD e:-


Rep.bllcaa State HeaCiquarten

33 H.rtll HI,. st. c...... .. 0 ••• T...... .. ~.I!I 7741



~; ~ '~~ii~;;i~i;::PUi~~in~HA-III!!II!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!~!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!~!!!!!!!!,,~C,~ell~~e~:n~t




I!tock impip.m of general re, PUBLIQ AUCTI ON GRO~ fl\l"lD ents,hardwa parts: re, feed, grain, coal and many Having Bold our :rarm located on BEECH GRO~' aO specialities. ~ Omar Eugene Hitema n ap With millio~B, of men under Waynesville-New Burling ton }toad, arms and all CUBtomel'S not being 3 miles south of ~ew Burling ton, Everett : LaForg e were/- visitors 'In Cincinnati, Friday. . produce rs, there' wils' bound to be 5 ~ miles east of 'Waynesville, \ we ~ 1\11'. and Mrs. ' Helman (Andro a ' drift from the surplus to a scarcity and to meet the demands are offerin g for Bale by way of meda Thompson) and Mr. and Mrs. ' Orlando Branna n of 'Xenial .' " to make what we bad do extra duty Publie Auction on' 9KU ,~U, Base Bop were Sunday ' guests of the-Te rry their service bas I'been a boon to SATURDAY, NOVEM BER 11' the people all over this part of the beginni ng at 11 o'clock the follow- fanilly. $5.75 Mrs. Walter Hartma n, of '~abina state. Because of their foresig ht ing : .. 9sl5 . Felt Due Buls . was a 'Friday guel't of her parents ajld' ext'ensive eXperience, they bave Mr. • and Mrs. Leaoy ,EllI8, near LIVEST OCK been able, to bri!!g to the, people $7.95 Harv~Y'Sbtirg. many Bupplies and to give service 7 head stock cows: 14 head sheep; Wide selecUon of \ tee 'Talma ee and Jessie Gamer to , keep equipm ent in running 1 Shropsh ire ram; 11' brood sows; 80 pigs by ' side wUl be ready to spent Sun~ay evenins .with Cookie Jan and , Mirrors order., Mr, and They are author.ities o~ feeda. ween by day of sale, 1 Duroe maJe' Mrs, Ernest EVans, in Lebanon. No matter whethe r you want a 100 hens, 26 pulIetll, 'all ,Leghorns: . The P.T,!.: is sponsor ing a Halloween Carniva l at the HaneY'Sfeed to make the chickenB lay, the FEED burg nmna1 ium, Oct. s1. A bazaar give ,milk, tl\e cattle or bogs 5 ton8 alfalfa hay: 140 bales fs one of the main·feature s of the the horses in condition to work, straw. "venIn a'. entEin. innient to . whicb' can ~ecure tM proper feed , EQUIP MENT ' any ~ all perrone are invited to a,:~"~"~~F.4I~"==d:IzII+-U.''''''' ' as they roMe a study. of feed problei ns of the day ~nd have 'feeds Six pew hog hoil~es Sx12 'and contrib ute' some artide for .ale. . other . smaller on~I ' with metal Refresh ments will be ~Ierved that suit every purpose. . ' GIBBO NS' BtiILD ING, They are a veritab le farmer 's roofs" .1, Ig. wood . trough, 2 hog durlnSLthe e'l(eninr. A fee ot'ten fountaIns, 1 feed rack; 8 hog feed- c~te Will )Ie 'imposed ,on all NORm ST.. 'WA~8VJLL',O headqu arters for jmplem entl . who F==:=l:=S · ~III01le they f!!ature the John Deere ers; 1 !1at top. Hike ' rie'w, allo do not attend masked. Music and I'!IIIII~~JI!!I!!I!!I.!!!!II.!I--"''''''''':''-.-_'' of equipm ent and can be counted wagon, 1 box bed, l' lrotatY hoe, h~:v prizes . will ~ aiye~~ ~'i ' ) ,upon to have as fast ,as they are fork ' and rope, 1 wagon tank, 1 released , jmplem cnts suitable for ,tank hea,ter, 1 large cooker 'for I suPPort your home ~ paper. 1111 c~ops raised in t)1is territol '1. lard, 1 iron ',kettle, 'll wheelbarrow, Tbe ' Miami Gazette. JI the .>L ._ pipe vise and tongs, odd lot of lUmber measur emen1ta, 2i4's: uoq Advertising Keep!l Oid custom erl newspaper 1h the workS that carea ,ho\Jae IOxI2; oil burning AdvertlBl:ng Shows EnerS)' aboUt brooder 8tove,' 8mall, electric v~t'. brooder, small colony house \nth Advert1se JudlC10usly ~~-:--";;-:-.:::-:--...,.".':""'----:'--";':" wire floor an,d eun~ porch, . Beveral . ,. Advertise or Bust Chicken feeders and ' metal drinkTry ,the Gazette Want Ada l ing fountain8, 60 ft. of 6 it. wire ,netting (ne:w). _n . HOtJSE HOLl), GOODS Lard press, 2 DeLava l separat ors ,~ (one has ~ttachmJlllts f'or electric motor) milk cooler, BentWood churn, 8 burner Ne\j,"P edeciio n oil stov~, m~tal o\.ltdoor' camp , stove, 2 -..:...l;.. ) ., ~ ..\...r:...--. . e~nsion tables" ':Work table, Ii':, You ' ~ ClUt aiway. iIfl.:;eacf on brary table, 2 Btand~. mirrors . Several, good rocking clUlini, 4 be!iri>om rood reUabIe .ervtcle IOJ: yoar, ~ .SUiqlB, eprings and >mattt:ess, I when YO':l' pUD InW our' TExAc O ~eatller 'tick (good"cleim 'feather s) 1 brown 'brpadloom rug i2xt6 also In voting for 1000ai officers , SERVICE, STATION: Tb~ JI'O;' sever)ll smallr ug8, 1 dinette ' ' have every confidence that pdetol', ',BObert Servlll II OOII~ of ~ble ,a nd 8 cbaiJ:s in red ' and people of Warren County t.lnaaDy on &be JOb strlvlbi ' to ' 'black, several ~ti 'cm~ini, 2' dinner fear of c~ossin ,party ....'•.\' •• ,. ', P!ll'Ve,''',e puliDc ."~u"""-~ , ... ~. b!!lls~" allverto ne Jl~On(lgrapJl" 'IL'nd in order to re-eleetg'officer8 .. ~ Wlvav • •. . " .... , a~thtue hare proven their ability out &a1&1.n6 too much Ilf bill Ii&.: I reeofdl (qqdliis; solid, ' mi,llolraily,) popularity with the citizenS. vom time. ', 1!1iomas clock :J:he aim of Meryl Gray corda) 1-9x16 , DrualluXlm , been and will cont;tnue The ~'ext time you neecr ...... security ani! welfare o .... e. ,0Il or a pneral ~heck-c:itbena. ' I/o '" TERMS - CA$H . t ' on ~UOD In preperauOn f'or. v , . Jle-elect 'h'm on ' November NELLI E' &: MONlM BJINNBLt. , IjIPGII8Ored .bJ wlafa', "ve blm a visit, 70U will G~Y.FOB PIlOSEClJ'I'Oa lie r~ .Jog c11cl. ~ch ~ed, -b~ W'~)'netlvibe COMMITTEE -- - _ _ _ _ _~ t' o

.... . ..


wages. P. O. Box 10-26-c C. E. !Mlc



" Tl)e ' Sp~ng Val1e~ H~are Co, are a grea factor m i'p\ng' our homes, farms, and business places running efficien tly by their ex-I~-:"'-""';""___ ___ ___ :-:--:".:!.....--_ ___ ___

cleanto learn



** *

No duel 'to pay -



We have been urged, nnd finally consented, to aga,in risk that delicate job 01. picking the winnel'S for Co_an Ioh lO:st the November election,. and state MOaNI NG sa," " our 'rea80n for the choices •.. So, U:IO.L IL here they a~e: " For PresideDt: Rqollev elt to carEVANG BLIMIC JIEEI1 NG ry the nntion, including possibly Now In PNet_ At . Ohio, because of the war and Gov. TIlE WAtNESVILi..B CB'OBCII Bricker being considered, ~y "inOF CBBIS T siders," a8 a liability to Dewey, '7:.30 p. M.' N16b~ EuIpt sa&. For Governor: Lausche, because the public is 801d on' qis ability 1\6 1lieIBM- 111 IOIl8 aw1 all admini strator and not a 4th of seJ'lllOD ,e ach nJaht under the dlJuly orator, and also the belie! that rectlon, of Max ~ evracel if Stewar t were elected, Ed. SchotT 1st, and ~rbert Qt~ IIDn" would "actual ly be the Governor." , .' 1"01' ,LL Gov.: Herber t Hoov er eva.~gell6t. EVERY P£1I8~"pr 'l1IB anll George Nye in a close race, 00MIII1JN1TY .. lJBGllW with Nye having the advanta ge it LauBclle wins. TOA~. For &leteta ry of State: Edv ard J. Hummell, because of the eXMAX RAND ALL, cellent jOb that he has done, i.n his Minirt er tirst terrQ/ the feeling of American aportsm anabip that he is entitled 10"- - - -.-.- '. - - to a second term, arid the sympat hy because of ' his brief sickness du.r jUg the campaign. ~Ol\ ijtate Audito r: Joseph T, Fergus on, "becausa of his endless amouni of publicity, good and blld, At CO, 8. ])drol& 8&.. ID X~ II all of wbich Is "good" ill a political Po~ With People From Onr A campaign. ' For Treasu rer of State: Don H. Wlde 'TeITlIoI'J', Jl'rien4l 1 Ebrigh t, because of his tremend ous (lalekr la 8tn!ee , ... ' Open 'hOI A. p~ona1 pOPl1iarit"y, as weil 88 II. &0 10:00 p. M. 8andaJ1l9:00 A. .M.. . domg an excellent job in the 10 U P Treasu rer's office for the past six . M.. ,DeUelo aa 1'006, w~years. PJepare iI •• •• OflerlDi 000c1 M.,... For Atty. Genera l: A close Vecetab.... Jnau. .... 8pecl als between George A. Hurley and Hugh S. Jenkins, with the outcome Whlcb Are Belplor To Keep 0111' depe~Qing entirely ori tbe head of Iworka :" e d .. .. AGo d Ole ticket. PIa4ie r. Go For IWry ProdacCa ancr For U. S. Senato r: A close race betwee n William G. ,Pickre l and Ice cr.m. 'reL IIaID '1M# Robert A. Taft, with Pickrel baving the advanta ge !Jecause ' of hi8 Iaal,'a, IDo. at Xenia. 18 greo:tJ.y appeal to the people, in apite of aldlDr In teeP~1l8 our busy worUra 'raft's ability to ~ur a fortune in- 8W)pUe d with 10ClCk, bot.b 10th their to the race at the ~t minute. caf~ aervlce .. well .. tbetr For Qln,res a....·at-lar ,e: Goo- lloodl to ~ out 40r ........ __ 'ft rge H. Bender, becaU;Se of hia huge . .. . - . . - at state-w ide acquain~i lone lerv.. home or addlUona tor lunch ice in public Ule and popular atanti boxer. ~ on all leii"lat ion in Walhin gton. 'I1le maDacemrlit ,aeea U:!iat . For qalef Jastice of tile Saprea e people at thl8 p&l1 01 ~e 00I.IDtI7' the ..i Court: Walter B. Wanam aker, be- ~ ODl7, the b,utble st ot cause the public belJeY811 ~t foOds bUt cue an wen ~ to where there is 80 much Im9 ke, jn , .---=" ...A ' connection 'with the Hush Fo.ter - - to 1i.ft8 l aa.~~Uon. Cham s!el S.1~ Tax, there no .M, wbe~ order be mUlt be' o~e'fire: ' " -: O! .mall,; 'I1le7 have Pl'l'fWtid.. Fot udre 01 tilt! 8uprea . Court Iood ebUJpment In the tt1tcben ud J~lBt, Te~ ~Br~es H. DubbeU, ~ IIlWQs kept In the ~ a180 ~U8e l)i8 oPt'Often~ con- ~ of ooodlt1on and ap~ y curred in the Chain Store Sales 8a'Ved . " ,Tax- Case, an~ the facHh a Hub- ':Ibe.v are- caidul bu1e - ! ~ 's, name is kno~1'l to evelf voter "" ........,.. -.i lB, tu'e in estate . . - ""'..... de the beet of Jgdire ' of the Suprellie Co~ fOOda ob~able and the, f~tUTe Jan. ,2bd Term: William L~' Bart, manJ' clIabee wblob are ,a delightr ul because he did not particiPa'te in cijunct to any meal., the , Chain- Store Sales Tax 'Case, Here Y<M1 wuk ~t the aj:petla Iris and bt!~use of his long exp~rience cUabee and can make·.. 8electlo n and '. t the bar a. ~ aure to find ",JDt, YOll,Wlillt. The News to the Gazette oaUle early aervtce 1a rapid for ~ who desire bl .~ t , It, yet ,lB no J.ndJcaUon of blUT)' ena ee us· to get· e paper, OU on U you ther~ wagt t9 vIsit Rwtl1le over yo\11' t :'1e regular~te which lB, 'Jl:nir,aB¥. ~offee. - - '----- '--'7- --.:;'-:-_-:-:-.,.,~-::::-::~~~-,-:-=,~--,_ _':'.~


II ",,/ 0'--

Spr ing Val ley Har dwa re Co.


ijIhe ~agnet&ilIe

Do YC)& Want To Lic:k the NEW ', DE,A




!~rATI,~N , ..

Pro see







Barrtet Gra"

_~---il ~-~~-

__IIIIII_r;;: Pal.

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Robert Servia, Prop.











Bale condu~ b7 STANL EY and , KOOGLE}.t



~T., "J~~:'"





.~ . "A~vu..t.a.



' D G-· n J Recognu:e . e aaH45 ~ Long the bearer of. the' bllDDer oil


JI"." UII,." ••




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. ' . A dairy meetlng was held in LebThe ladies ot the ~hu'cb observed The HighSchool Gymnasium W'U Mrs. and Mrs. QUI Ferguson had See Emma L. Raper for Avon " the llCene 0 f a. festive occa.slon ' u"e1r ' . . d .. Lois J~an P od t' s an ' d Lc)ve\ GI'ft Sets "non, October' thlrtle'h when nearly "Week 011 n..· " yer" wi· .... a public se &II IIU weeL.-en gues... " r uc y .... • n.. w, T- saturday night. when t.he Mbt.het"S Boots, of Yellow S.:1l'1ngs and Ronnie 11-2-c fIlty Warren County dairy farme"s Ivice Thw'Sda.y a1temoon. Tilere 'W'as Club sponsored the annual Hallow- • Hamel', of Xenia. on Sunday Mr. • • • attended. The meeting was held In , II good a.ttendance and a ooretully le'en carnival. . and Mrs.Ferguson ent.ert.a.1ned wiUl Mr. a.nd~. JC)qrt Kersey and <!On the courthouse at whi~:h C. N . prepared MId lIelpful J!il'Ogl'am was /u!, 1n all Hallowe'en fest\!i u)e tlea a famJly d1nher and t.hey were joined 'Were SUnday eve1ll1ng guests ,ot Mr. Obrlstlan, extentlon milk marlret1.llg given. . masked assembled lil -the. rranll Elleet of the AllIes' action wal- to c;alled on t.helr parents Bunday, Mr. by Mr. a.nd Mrs. Sam Boots, Mr. and MrII. 'H oward, Fogt and chUdren specialist ot Ohio Btate university, The Youth Fellowship enjoyed a march. The' local busiD_ plACes Itrenllthen 'the ~ll, stll! leneral'l and ·Mra. Da.V1d IAIC8iS and fBmlly. Charles F\1nk, of Yellow Springs and in Dayton. ••• apolte. The main to).de of discussion hayride and weiner roast FrIday ev- fum18hed the prizes tor the beSt hand In dealing with th.e COuntr)"1 Mr. and Mn. Edward Orew, Mrs. Mr. aDd Mrs. Herbert Harner <Uld 'M laseaJean I\Itldl Jane Hartsock and IW1lS the datry Improvement progrnm n1ng. Donald Asbury furnished the ' ~ .... _ ' . mask ed persons . Am.... ong · w,e 1-'" ..... . b ate h of ~ol1t1eal groups. which pr~Levi and son, We\llngtOn. daughter of Xenia . Thelln6 'I'ressingml, ot Oxford were for the county whleh ~ncJudes plClns tractor and hay. wagon and did ,t he winD Da.nn Hutaodt 'Viously had been 1!0ld1n1 out In II ,. spent SUnday; w:lth Mr. and Mrs. 'Week.end guesta of MT. and Mrs . for a ~ntral testing labora tory: art!- Idriving. The occasion proved to be "BhOSe:.~ a~~reJoann/~nJa!1: :: in Audrey Crew and family of ntxU' FIVE BUNDRED CLUB MEET AT R:<J6s Ha.rtsocIt. f lelal 1nseminailon and Bang s dI- a very enjoyable one, with twenty "old fashioned girl. to Both . Upon announcement- of the AllIes' !Lebanon.' HOME OF MRS. J . B . CHAPMAN AI Th·..· Miss ~e control. ', eight memb~rs taking part, I are members of the Freshman claae. lMnI. Robert Greene of ~n ...._. and ..... _. J B v,,,,, """-pm8i1ll 'Mrs. va omp5Qn and. :. ,_ ti A g eneral committee was aJ:'polnThe Sub . D'strict Booth Festival move, the U. S. undertook to per. • ....... lVI.IO ' . The cafeteria. WII.$ a seetl'l1ng DIA'III '~ mlt the travel of necellary buajntl~1 called on her mother .Sunday eVen- opened their home ' on S&turday Jean Hartsock were In OIn....una ted to further the wOl'k of the pro- will be held In the local church rof I 1 eI t F Suu"no, - u_ d h d ' . , of people, wandering from· 0 I). e r p en ona perl ann 0 rance; !ne. Mra. Lue Morgan. p.m. with m.embe1'8 of the card club & ......, ..... ..,rnoon an . ear sram In the county. ThIs commltt: e ,SWlday afternoon and evening. Nov . . amusement to another GIld enJo,tnc .. ,unfreeze I bLUJon dollars of French Mn. 'lAIe MOI'8'IIi la spending a dellclous dJ.tffier. wllih all ap~omt. Jeanette McDonald at Music Hall. will meet In the courthouse aUdltor- , 12 About one .hundred and twenty- ' ta to IUpply fundi tt..YB with d&\llbter, Mrs. menta In keeping with the &17 Mrs. D. C. entertained to ·Ium. on N!>vember 10 . young people are exj:>ec.ted to at-I th;,!ell!:s':. was ,.. . ( Robert Greene Of Dayton. carlowe'en season was enjoyed With dJ.nner on Sund&y Mr. and ·Mrs . Elrl It was pointed out at the meeting tend. The booths will be In place by n1&hed bY the W6ynesvWe H1ib 'Purge Collaborationuts Mr. a.nd Mm . Everett Bunnell cnrds &II the dlverslon for tlbe re- Dav18,,Ilf Dayton. th&t the control testing labomtory 14:00 o'clock and there will be a pro- .School ..~ ,~." . , ." _ can be set ,up to test milk for butter- gram 01 music and s]:eaking, wltp 0. The UnJtect states Zoo1oP»I BoThe leene In Paria' court of jus- &Pd' familY apent Konday eveo1ng of the evening. tlce trying French with the Gruber family. For your Chf'lst.mas cards and fa.t and one rna. can service up to ba.nquet in tlle evening I...... b' · .... _ ... _._ ..... d C Q"J gave 8. a art U& .. _&Uta ..., ' gift . wrappmg . 'couldi h ave been to m tr OlD thepa ge Mr. and Mrs . HUey GlbIon were MOTIIEBS OLUB MEET F&lDAY paper see Emma L. 1100 or 125 herds . The herd owner !I'be young !lOOple of ~he church an1ma1a before ~~.. pUa 'l1iundN>. of a ltory book. supper .... -18 Sund&y evenhlg of IN GRADE SCHOOL BUILDING Raper. .• 11-2-c takes the samples and the supervisor will call upon the members of our N be -"'d PUt 9 'OIl In ... _

Mr. 1Uld Mrs. Loren Kramer and

f --···· of ' ;oau+.were .... _ ..A., the "Free French." Genera. Charle........., J ' VV" .,.......... De Gaulle's provltloDallovernmen' sueets of Mr. and Mrs. 1!meNJOn was recognized al the prope~ ruling Dl11 and 8Ol1 Ralph. , authority In Uberated France, with : Mr. and iMi'a. Ra.ymond Lucas ·~~ttl!'1t~::. behind the immediate, &nd lam11y of near W~n



~~~at~ ;!~::~~=:gnitlon







. '






I '

• ,. • , ovem r seeon . . ! ....., The wayne Township Mothers Sta!1 sergeant n obert Chapman is picks them ~p. The supervisor wUl IChurch lor do,natioos for the, chlld- mornIng. TIle fB6ture a~CtlOn WII' Bell~. . herd 1lnprovement as- rens Home at Worthington . Ohio. so "'he v-nnga Olub beld their regul&l' mom.hly enjoYIng II. very pleasant furlough also do dairy .• 0 . " - " ' too a~t. _ Mra. Harold carter and chUdren lIocla.tian testing. please give our children 1\ liberal ofAll t h t. __ .......... Obi ' • m.....ln... FridaY afternoon 111l the With bls parents, IMr. and Mrs.J . B. . cae . era . ... ...e 0 of XenIa were . week-end ruesta of lunch "". Among the tlfty In attendance : f ferlng tor this worthy cause. ~-te Tea-he·m .... Hn<tI of both ."'_ room of the Grade Building Ohapma.n ~_., Mr . and Mrs. Da.Vjd Luc:aB 'IWd ....... _ ~ .. th Chandl _ .. to th~' th1a meeting. were ~ Villars. OreThe Fall OI~trict Meeting of the........ .. .. d high IlCbOola. A.moIl8 , __ u.. - - R\I er s~e ;. ," · g o n t a · Hel'ber EllIs lIfl~vey Burnett W S C Sill b h .Id 11 n.. to .......e .... , ' ........". • members on Books'and MBpz1.nea . Mr. and~. A, W. Merrick h a v e ' , . ' . . . . VI e .e l ......y· n th08e teacherl! ' who rema.ln'ed for lIlr. and Mrs. Clarence Cl'8lWford . for OhUdren ." The club a.lao en~ •returned to the ~~e of t.helr son- and _mast Oook. ot Wnynesvllle. ,Er.(WOTth Church. November 14. We ~ week-end a~ ' the "etherlaDd caiUed. on Mr . and ~. Joe Morpn lseveral m•.•• Aft, 'A.' ect10ns and at tn-law and dauitlter . ,Rev .. and Mrs. . p1a.nnlng for II. large delegation Plaza. were: Mr . and Mrs , Brad . dock of MScJdl RoWl sunday after ,~ .,.,. , fro ch h near e - close of tile meetin$ all enjoyed a IRfJph Parks far l~he winter. ~ _ _ .., m our urc. Missea V1rgtn1a Ha.rdIn, ~!loe llmch served by the mothers of th.e " .... ,Mr . J. B. Jones has been on the Regular Oholr practice Is on Wed.: ¥oxbower. Ethel Beekman, ~d A,"VMr. ancU(1'II.lElvia Mlch1al of~ club ' Mr. L. J. ~:oto!l atte.nded t.~ e slok list. He IS somewhat Improved nasday and Sunday ev~nIngs a,t 7:30. anel Beekm&n of BI~. Xenia sj:eDt Tuesday evening w i t h · , ~ aales in WaysvUle. Kentucky t this time There will be a special Choir prnc- 'l1b ttemaed th ~ c( the Mr. and Mrs. EddIe ~latt a.nd POBMER KE8IDENT ELECTED during the PIIlI~ week. a Mrs. A. Kyle and. Mrs. Leslie tice at 3:00 1'. m: SWlday. All metft- 8oU~ ~~ni Te:chera ~ on Bert Marlatt. I"BF.BIDEN1-' OF KIWANIS CLUB" 6tln~ e v _ "gu~ts ot Mr . and any 15pent tuesday of last weel; In bers are )lrged to take ~art. FrIday and 8atur~y: ' ( ~ I~SA Mr. Kennebh--et. John. son of !MrS. Harvey Hole a.!1d ooughter were OlnotnnaU. ." 1A Hallowe'en Party was given for In the , Qommerc:W ·Departm_~ Mr Johnnie Boo.n who sold his the little folks of the ch urch Mon· Wilms Surface enrolled 1t1 abaIt,I I ••. W'Uh u ........... C;.. n .... u ....· ut .l\Ir and Mrs. L. O. St. John an,d IMlE DorOthf Mercer, Pvt Jack W. farm 'some time a"'o ~ Mr. and Mrs. day everung and all had Q very en- 'hand II, hall recent!" Campaign Platform a former re8klent, has been elected IMardls of Lubbock, Texas M1'8 ., " bv. Robert Hedley, our PIIlI~ iii as prea1dent of othe 'Kiwan1.sOlub for 66t.... d Mr M . ~eyser of Dayton, moved to Leba.~on Joyable evening . Those 'Who were the CoDiple.te '!'heor)' ~ by Bea U : ' ISlue II the prelld.enUal , ..... IIUIbualy W with pollom.Jeletia at ", ~ore an . an . rs. 'oot w--'-. · present were: Ruth WaTdlow, Wa de \ .... _ . "'~_nu 4- N- ...._. . -,.;..::,............. eampalcn lwung Into· Ita clOlIn, 19461n Hubbard, Oblo where·he now Bally- Hathaway Pvt MardIs was"'" ""'" b lis .... _ .. ~... .. .. - - , "lias- will handling of 1 -1 - af. MIami Valley hospital. me uWe aan . .' Mr . S. N. Burnet, Mr . and Mrs. \Turner, Jack James, Doro hy W on This year we are UIl,ug the I)'8taD r - " ' ihome one ni8bt 'arrlv1rig by plane lAllen Emel1ck and Miss Margaret IBWy Wardl ow. WIl)n Ie J oe Stout of mwtary ramk1DC . . . cr1~ _ . falrl: ' "Bobby'l 18 aJao a. . r.atlent there in realdeI. T , 8aJcJ Canc1Wate 8eoHyel&: "I w1l1 t 'b e Whitmore bulldlng with the Ml'. St. John. is . Ii teacher and ~ p. m. J hIlS Is h H h Zlilna Mae Fulkerson. Donald Wll~ I hi h to eCord prost 111 'l'J'PIIC not ny to you now, or ever. , that oocwh in the lRubbard rugh School .• " • 0 v lted Mrs . Mart a _ou g son B1l1y 'W hitaker, BllIy Wlsema.n, ,'W....:..:; ..~ AI .... eIIII ...... _ ... . . .. . of l aame· Wneaa. end' a teacher In ·t he Sunday 8.."bool Mr. a.nd Mn. Glen Borden GIld and Dr. &nd Mrs. J. W . Wa d B~ I II""~~. _QSt "" ...,e - - ...... , we my par 7 Mr. and Mrs. Ray~Q!ld Wllson ' . lMoOlellan h08Pitnl. Xenl , Wednes- Warren Sheehan, Lucile LoLterbauch Tni1!lg n are oomm'MliJnecl olficeq' toow .U the aDat the CbrI.stIan Church. !Mr. and Mra. J. B. Rlch ~ded ,Ruth Earnha 't d Mirlum WUscn Iwen. I 1m certibl, called . on Mr. and ·Mrs. Warren itheMeUlod1BtCbul'CbIn Newc.rllsle day afternoon. . . 1 an . I and It Is hoped that. ~ of tIMID far m,lelf. th.t I BMd4oc1t and MrI. Jennie Braqdock JUVENILI: GRANGE ACTIVI'I'IES . 8und&y and were dtnner guests of A large crowd enjoyed the Hal- ThOS~ who IIsslsted in the occas on 'WUi become Qenera1.s by the ~ 01 do no' know how aD aftemoan. ~ . loWe'en CamiValatLytle Hall F)'i.dsY· were. Mrs. R . G. CQ!Ulor, Mrs" R. the y86r. 'I'yp1n& 1 ~ta ....... the ~ ..... bl. ~,and~. Ralelab Bopn bad ~bers ' of tb~ Wa~e Rev. a.nd .Ml'II. L. O. Radley and 'evening. given by the Woman's A. Connor, Rev. and Mrs . Colmn.n, advancing up the ~ iJllllUtIIIJ .4UDculU. CI8D . . d1nner puta oii ~,QaIj. JU,en11e Degree Te$JlI plan to ~ve daugbters. ••• Soc1et,v of the church. Mrs. Walter Whitaker. Anna. M: nnka. . :~:~t ~::; 1l1,1b'. and lID. ObJl'Ue WVwiclk DivNe Work for 10eal 9uborclI.nate !Mjss Vera McOf-eu was the weet:- Mrs. Harvey Bun;-et spent last 'Whitaker and Mrs . M. A. FUlkerson Th8. tOcat ctzapt"er at . ~ ~ I bave unlimited Barl Peart aDd daurbtel' 01810~ even1ng; No,em- end guest of Ml!!J 8&ra Conner. !Week In Washington, D. O. In InAfter games of ail sorts w~re en- ¥al1Der'a of Amertc& b,e1d .petH.,. . faith that ~e job oune, 01 OolumtlUl, 111'. and KnI .., ~ fourth, The ~ T£AlDl haa • I. • _ ,tere&t of the Mlam1 Va;lley Oo-oper- Joyed a lunoh was served ~ the little Tburada¥ evenJas, ~ seaoad cm be done. And IWUlIa'm Smith arufMaiiJyn Sue. performed at two different meetings. M1aa NJ.r1~ ri.etb1ng of Gr~n- atlve mUll: associatlon guests In keeping with the ~ow- at the Bl8b Scbool. ~:\':I~w~ .b::: Mrs. Glenna ~ oocmipm1ed firat, ~r seven~, at the local v1Ue W&II a week-clOd cueat of Ill'" Mr. a.nd Mrs. Walter K~nrtck e'en season. There were t1mlt¥-tbree......-.. :- . . In the arduOUl. practical and ber ~ Mn. G~ JWnaa and JuvenUe Grange em 'I napection night Ruth Oonner. acClOl*Pa.nJed th.e lr uncle. Frank MABGARETTA IlEA.C9CK present. ''!be follaW1D1 ~1 : ~uIJi, experIence .of these p~ MrI. BertIHa . 8bjun~~ tD visit and eaatn on Octooer <bWelfth, ~t • "' Sl8de to Dayton Weclnesday where PASSED AWAY TUESDAY students were given tbe"steeolwD:!" 'ev.enttul 78an . ! (heir lIloth~r lift. ~ BUrley at t.faaon Juvenile Pomona Gra.nge AlT. aDd Mrs. ' Chari. LeMay ,h e took. a train for his' home In degree; Marlon Sbutta; 8Im11kow.l, , . ~ camt..... Dewe)': ,"To heu ~e home of Mrs, Julia Bmtth, of meet.lnif. . . 'Were among ,the gu.e8ta at blrtbday Toledo. . Ma.rgretta BlofJ.d>urn '~ :k, ~l Rye. John ~... oJ« n (lome people) talk, 7 0U would thIDk the. lIIeaaer 'neljJbbor)lood Prtda,y . Tbia !year the Wasrne$V111e JUvenile rpartIf gi,en recentlY., tor Mrs. RuII1Pvt. James Steinke &lld Pvt. Mike passed a.way at Filends HOJJre. 2:00 Orndorf ILnd, Robert '8berwoOct • ~:~I lh:ad t1~~~-; Grange 'V&II given a score of illineb- sell Terre1 at her ~ in Xenia. Yanovlck, of Lexington, Kentuoky, p. m. Tueada.y. age '1'1, • Alter the ln1t.latlon, ~~ ibown any campa. M!:. ,OIarenoe 'R aina a.nd five by the COunty Juvenile Deputy. are having a seven day furlough.) She is survived by one brother, of W1enera and pepd-clOl& ~re ' 'lence 1ft forelcn r~ and famIlY of n8CU' 0Teen- lira. De10e Worley. . NEW CENTUB.Y (~tJB MEET AT ~e latter spent the week-e!1d with Dorsey Blackburn: ~f penn:;ylvan1a;. I5erv~ to all present. ' laUODI , • • The, oa1led on IAItber Hamea, Sun-. Wayncsville biIa the honor of tAv- -" "O~ 'B9USE" 1RTII MRS .Tames and his parent.'!, and then I Fu.neral services were held at 10:00 _ ,DImes qf BlaJ,ne efterIlOOIl. ~ ~e~ .JUV~ 'Degree Team MISS ALICE GONB, BOS'niss !Went to Cleve1&nd to visit re1&t1ves 11.. m. Thursday at Friend:! ~ome. ~etbaIl 8CIleclU . and Hal' and Root. Mrs. E1la Balnee took dlnner W1th 111 the Oounty, who were t.ra1ned ):1'1 ' . Mr. and Mrs . IRobert Hunt, and 'I The body WII8 shipped to Pehnsyl- WAYNESVIIlLI!: mOB BCIIOOL of ~!'IheI, Kell",*, _ . U'~_ "'_1 __ A_" "fA_lin 'D.o."'An Wlt'on. _ :I'he N~ Oenrury Olub h~ld thelr •__ ._ f burl 1 1JM-lMI '. ' -_.a "'tim _ . . . . . ~ --. ... son W . arrent entertaitled to dinner ,.......... or a . , lUlU D 1CIIl. I • _---1 .. _ ........ The - - :.......... nw ~lah.~ed for regular October meeting on FrIday , _ are llnked to IUch ~YWe,...--. . - ..... ~ ""'..... ... , .... A'" n-. 8Wlday. MJsses Ethel. Eva amd. RlUlb Nov, 3-Morrow-H ...· 1••' - a.___ n..ule .... ,,- -_.. ' - -L e........ nw will be ';"ven b" atternqon With IlIUM . mace """II> as -.:.' ....emen.- al the • ....... v .. . . - . . ...-.......... -....... . . . - v........ •• ~ Reeder, Mrs, Margaret Johns and Mr CINC~ATI DAm~Nov. lo-Bellb~-H ,004 nel,bbor pol• 1An7' were Sunday ~ ~ of thQ, JuvenlleG.range, hostess at ~our Ilouae." Nlne~n 6nd Mrs. Walter Kenr1clt. PURCHASES BOB'S DAIRY Nov. 18-Oen~~A Ic" the o~ door ' OOY. DeweJ Of t&Ir crUl4pcareota, J41'. Uci II as foUowa: vocal duet; Da:vid members answered to roll cjUl by Our community was saddened N 22-HarV~A r 0 l' C bin a, t b. ' Del ~ ~ WOaoo LlWe !Mid DorIa Brown' reading Betty e1vJnIJ a ourrent ~fvent. After the. . The local Bob's Dairy who have ov. " B.1Ue peace conference; th" dll- . , ' . ." buaIneIe 'meeting Wblch the presl_ &.turday to ~earn ot the sudde!'l 111- b r -In the . I I t.h1a d . 1-6prtng VaU.ey--.\ armament conference, the pact 'of IIiDDlUre spent Jut. Weclna- sa.ttertbwalte; .plaDo. d~~, Doroth¥ .. ness and of Mrs, Frank Mil- I een serv g poop e 0 an Dec. 8-(~dl.ale-A .1, , •• '" the World Aan ....n'...; ......k . - - GIld MlrtUJDWUaon' reading .Jennie dent, M:iM O. Lee J:laiWke oandu:lled, surrounding oommIJnlttles for the ~arII to Qu.... w war, -- ~.- ...,"" ........ ' '. ' Mrs it. E AabUrY d Mrs F U benberger,&Jt her home a mile West ~. 15-8pr1ngboro--fi Court, . the pollC1 of. ~Og~OOD lit. &IId~ • .W61ler W1laon. and 'L ee BraddoCk and Sue . ~s. . .. • . an . , . of ~e. Mr . and Mrs. Miltenberger past two years bas been purch86ed Dec. 3Z-Leba.non~ of (conqueln . . • Every one of Mr and Kn Donald HaIne8 IWd Mai'y. JD.l!UIoak; plano 8010, ~ were ~ c:bl~e of ~e r.-o- ha. II ed h . be r by Obarles Kafmehl, of Cincinnati Jan... ''''AB-n-Ath~. great lecretBr1el of ltate ; . • • ........... Da _ _ _ A """-n _. ";6net' . ....... ener. cln.ln~ s - h tp'MI1. '!be interesting book, "Long ' ve v ere anum r o. years, 'I has taken cllaTge of the d a 1 r y o r - , 11 ' " . - - &R&D . . .~ _ _ _ ...,...uau -~ " .........., _ ., • .- - ,...,~-, ' .. a.ud were highly respected citizens. and Jan s-:..Frailk11n---H wei a Repub , can •. • • the h~l~ft at<Xenia PaUl.Mlchener ShIp PaasIng, WBS ably . reand fann Weclnesdll-Y. November 1. '. . - . ....--..- - , • VI Ed by 1.1 Alb and Mrs Mr. and Mrs. Everett Eady at· I Jan. 12-0pen Prteoda ~ B<U18 sundaY a;f,t er ae'fresbmenta 'WIll be I5erved at ew rs. ,ury . tend d.... Gra d Chapte of the Mr. K.11meW , has been in da J,..... I" ,n>-rv......."'.----'U. <LeMay gave &, Inumber of poems e ",.e n r k f be f .. a u - - - .. ~ ..... I t poem. i • the cloIIe pf the program, . , ' Order of DIBbern Star In Olncinnati wor or a !lIJ!D r 0 years an... Jan. 2~ . 1llI1nIln , ' -A 'WrItten bY 0Tace N'Oe1 Crowell. Two I hopes to be of the same service to -~.........., KnI. Dorot!ly 8m1th '\\'QA Ito g\M!8t IIIAJD CIIAPl'EB 0.E.8. . victrola records "Ballard of The ,Wednesday evening. Mrs . J. B . th bU ' th f Jan. 2~A· -1i her aWlt, Mrs. E9'an TO _ _ MOND, ...... EVE~G rI • '~d Jones GIld Mrs. Fred Rush, In com. e pu c as was e o~er .OW,!]£1'8. Feb., !'}~tc~ .._ . .. .."'8 H. n. .I...rCDiSaYof of -...-A ftL ...'.... .North" and ''Reve e' were enJoye . Mr d Mr Ro"'Af~ ""' .... - and - -.,....."'-, With ' Ball f • an 8. ,.,., v "I<U" 'El..b" ....... _u_,_ ,.,. ,--, . ". IDa1nty retrellhme:llta were enjoyed pany .... " . ey ey, 0 baby daughter, and the ' formers "". _..........-.0.• • 6Dd 111"1. Ilveretta IIaInea and - A covered; dl8h wlU be en,Joy~ .bY during the soc1a.l hour atm' which Wayn~viUe, attended Th u rsd ay parents. Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Feb. '16--MO~ A· .. : ~-~

Wearing a learlet robe with a wl)Jte 'e rmlne collar, Judie AUl\1lte Ledoux "at on the ben!)b, lIanked b7 six juron. BalW!. wore 11'ock coat,l d bite tJ d poItce were a t,. an CI an tired wIn black jnckets, blue panta and red caps. Unkempt and nervous, ex-coU.t>oraUonlst Editor Geor,el Suarez stood before the bench to hear Jud,e Ledoux pronounce the death leI!.lenoe for contact with the enemy. Suarez', lawYer had · argued that since France had concluded aD armIstice With Germany. the two coun· no long;r were at war, hence COAl s~~t~:: w~e:ied a~".1.500 oth. .er coUaboratlonists In: the • ParIs .rea _waited trial

Mr. Bnd Mrs. Harold

Rogers of





I Y'I'Llt"








been.......... .










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.. the club adjourned to meet with Mrs .... in Stumm f '13 . E . . . on _cm ___ eo ...........,' . D. C. Rldge ' lnNovep1~r. .......... a .....,r e 0 ~ I.~.'. ' Ben.j~ oarey at th11'teenth With hot rolls and cotfee entertained her class from oakwood sUncIa¥.: . served by the refreshment camm1t- SIX ~ 011 GRAND aohool to a Hallowe'en party &nd . ~ IIal11jn Sue amth appeared Po1lowtng . the dinner, ~ OIIAP'ftlR EASTElILN STAR. MEET hay-ride, 8Ilturday evening. ~. 'Will be' held tor election qf AT MUSlO JIAL1L, CINOINNAT.I MIsses Ethel a.ud 'R uth Reeder &t~ tendedG teed1era meetmg In OO\um1Ilra •. Sta.nley BaJIley, ~. J. J. lIua Friday. They also spent SaturBurake. Mrs. Harold :8 ,' l!&rnhart, day 10. lDayton. .1 A~ ~ O,-MJlB. TOOKI!B ~ Rush, !lJtrs. 'J. iB, Jones ~. :fann1e Uncoln and d8ugbter ' 1!Ir .nd Mrs D _ Tucker of and Mrs. E. P. EaJ'DhartttereOln. NarY Of Lebanon were dinner lrUeeta ...........-


l'\tbr and daughter are moving to V-Varsity OalUonnia ' where ilhey elt ' eat to J-JW11or BJgh ~e niBke their home. 'l'bey also e~d R-Re6erve oa:me their thanks and ' appreciation to .- - - - their customers and shippers for ~elr splendid CQOperation , Bob's De,1ry ~ve w~n . ma.~y close fr'en~s througb ·t helr capable service and h!lome 'nlinl _ _ < .w.-. ... wlll be' greaUy mls8ed by the cltl~ns er an ~.......... ~ ~~!.' of ',WaynesruIe and surroWldlng a;ftemoon bonoI1.Di' ~~ .• .. • , ~-J , . ' . ' . ' commwiitles ,day of ohel' Uttll! SOIl iiteDt. ~0IiIDer\ IfAl'CelhE, M1olllpn,.Mn. ~ Hall e1nnatl ViSItOrs em 'l!'bUradaY o.;nd a.t-Isund~.y of her nJece a.nd . nephew, were 0 . the ·~ springfield. Mr~ and Mrs. Enocil ~ded lnstllatlon o~ Grand Oharlter N1aa JofaryBrown and Morris Brown " . enj ~~ , ;!.L.:,.~L';' ~ . and ' Mr. ana MriI. II!lUtern star Oftlcerll a.t Muslc Ball ~ of the Ferry. &ad. '. . . I:"FC. JORN WOOLARD WOUNDED man thebea=' :~ or d fam4ly of P'r6nitnn I Mr. and Ml'8. Harvey Burnet at- ' IN ~crION, OO'I'OBER % Y ., ' ~ " MB8 DON llA.W1[lII:':JqrrBB'JIAlNs . . • . . -. _ ' __ the. hanor gueat W&II a. ~ ~era.1 . ~ ~. ~ . . BBmG& 0i.t1B MONDAY 1'tendecl thelrcUnner olqb ~atUreGY ·Ptc. ~ohn D. Woolat·d. wOWlded pleasant enterteJnmt!D&. here ~ ~e put wee~. . __ . . ' ~~ ~ of Yr. and!'fl'll Just above . the left knee by a frag~ b1rthdlQi ~ .~ 'Ave ' CiliIMIltil ilOME 8CDfE OF ~. Don "'&.Wke .entertained at I . B. O~~ 1n.~e· l ment of shell w'¥ 1e in actl~n In . ~~ 8L~, rOty,. QCTI9 11", bca:Qe on ~ street, ~.~y l1li8. FB4NK Illl.i'l'BNBlBGm . ~~ce, October 2 writes from' a ~ve Uib1e _ , _ .... " . .. . 1even1htr with tbe ~ of. ,her P.q8lts AlWAY, 1'1-' .... B~ boIIpltaJ in I~y th&t ~ wounds. aeated ,for , ..1IrP. 0barlM ~. m:-te~,!,:,. bri.-,olub as bar,I I ' -" lire. RoyI ' . '. ", ' to , .~e h86l1ng satlSfactorUly. ~'b7t&; 'tiCll_ _.... _ ...... ~~ 'qbt IWitIl .. ~' !BWI, Mrs'. ~ W1!lta e.n6 ura, 111ft. ~ce, M:Htenber~er passed . . iJOhn KerIeJ,aDd ¥Ill. ~ . . .,,"" complete IWJ)riae for . " . TIImer ~ .~ meets of the . , . , in her home tlve n'Ii1es North· LR1JTEN4NT ~B PETERS ' . 'J1b8 ~ -slID$ ~ln._, ~ .",uth ~ DI.lDtY -~ ~ . . . or· W~e, : 12:10 ~. ~-.I ·,1tEPOBTBD PBI80NEa OF W~. .. .. , ft




C1afJlleng6. f~~







, 0000~M ~ and Illlis, CIt ~1U8 caned

'B aJbtJDI 1. , '12tJt ~ancl . B~Uniore ~~' Ild~ ~ ttreett In , Kana" ' CI"" U. S. solo ~. cIleI" Inoludln, ~riti~1d oveJ'¥" ~ aM IWbe BrowIUI


wets,:ch.n~.ed i.ibloll :pi~tI 'wI~ ...c1 . . . Otarir. 'Llle ~Ied Withlil'IB, aern:e; Bri., BalM Paatra ' 00'/. ~

'ra:.:a)'to I.

me:.t.ed the AYllttcia co~~D1'. , _.,. LOOO erriplo,eeI becl . . ",. proW.t fit a·'tr8Jllter to .~ " , • department - . 8DIl'IJ.J .,.:: . ,tisrtre ClO pt.cardl ,

,pic::. b-=::; , : ... lid...~' .. rmt . . aU



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vtsIt to- ~ aaturdroJ Gft«. " . 1IIlI. ~ NaP of. ~~, ~ lIN. IkIbert iiumu were iuMta crf D. AJJae ~ 8a~ ~-

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. i 8be 18 survJYed by . her~, hUllband, Jlr. a.nd Mrs. Eme'ry . P eters, (If a.irIJ . . . .-,aae daU!fbeer, lIlra M1ldred ,Rural Rout It have receLved,. word', nDIXO of Da)'ton, one 1t:i!1, tJQ:n the ,tWiP.r DeJ».Ttment, sa*,crf ~vWe aD4 five arand- . , . October 28, 1944. tb~ .t heIr --\p:iIIII~



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~----=;~------------------------~--~----·----~~----~--------r----~------~----~----~ ~ r

Maln Street

_ • • AI IIDoDcl 0laII ¥all Matter at Postofl'lce, Waynesville, Ohio bt


W.lter W. Wiseman, Editor and ISSUED EVERY THURSDAY ~

Pr1ce. $1.50 Per Year. Payable In Advance

• • • • •A • • • A ~. 1I!a ....... ~

8B.".~B. ' .N~ •


Home T0Wft Newspapers

.. w...... :-c:w..

I." .•••• c: •••

From ' A Farm Diary-- Dry Ridge 0ctdIer '25. 1H4. ~ve1y ColomilO, New Kesico Al'1JlOniI., Utah weather ~ Wbat w~ need is an old ,Oblo ram bUt perhape It loS just as well for 11 tt' at&YII llke this perhaps we

At 26 N. Detroit t., Xenia,' Is l'opular WI~h People From AllOver Tfle urroundlng Territory . ' . , Fenturlnr GOod , Food, Wen Served . . . . l\(any !\teet Lhelr Friends Whcn In Town . .' . . T el. !\(aln 978.

The Interul'bll.!l Restaurant In Xenia Is a cen ter for local as well ns Ule tra velJng public Ilnd has La ken n prominent place ln the · busln('ss lIIe of t he communi ty. 628.

HoIbtooletdg., *Fr.~lsco.c.a.

with good service they have a lu ge and growing, patronage, You will find a wide v811ety that Wll! please the moot jaded appetite.

'dalre and mJlldng extra but h e ell.


Inot do· It thloS winter so I will need a

:tennnt for my house on Township 811 •• JUNlr tAu.",· •• UurruI, .. ".I ••" ,Road.. some one who would like to Mr. and Mrs. Robert Ballard and .milk some good cows, I hope" or else daughters of Miamisburg, W eI'C Sun am set more of tflbe work done lUIless [w1ll have to sell them or perhaps -day callers on friends here. it 1akea..u our time pumping wlllter IsOmeone would llke to f eed them for Mearle and Walker Terry werc tOl' tile· stock. At ~t 'We are lucky the WInter tor their milk. visitors SWlday of Mr, and Mrs. cur to b&ve any :water to pump. No ll'I.&tTuesday. BtUl no raln. Full moon ford Helmare. In r:'lytO.':l tel' how mueh Willtel' 'Thpiiey has al- last .night. When I went out ~ Ule Mr . and Mrs. Oscar Wilder and ~ had, as soon as you start to pump, t he moon was high over head dall,gllters, MJldred an Viola, 0 f PIIIDP. abe '11 right there sUcking Mr twtth a great ring around It but this Eaanchestel', were Sunday guests of ooee up under Ute pump Qlld letting mornJng there are no slgtlB of a Mr. and Mr , Fre Thompsnn. f tile ..... nUl over it even when she change In ·t he weather, We finally J . Lee Ta.Jmage and Albert , and dian, want to drink. ' The other sold eight tons of pumpkins but we Mias J essie Garner, were Sunday "-7 Wben BIllY got in bel' war Bhe had to haUl them much fart;,lCr than ftIIGhed OYer a.nd; nipped h1m right the cannery to WhIch we had ex- ~ers of Mr, and Mrs. W<udo Re-Pbettiea the ~. Pretty Iood a1m JleCted to take them. Do pumpkln logle and Mrs .Flctah 'HUf[mon. In for • bllD6 borIe. Now Ia the time seeds really make (l. ~ go dry? I Dayton. tbat I-ftINt not bQytng that e1ectrle cave heard that ond 'wben ~ ten- Mrs. Beverly ;wtlson of neor It could be ·h 8d. " ants cows ate them with seeds In. 'IbSe 111 I'OOc1 patn~ weather. I thete waa a big diQp in the mllk but bus was n. sunday guest of Mrs, IaIDd that ...,. 'If1ndow saah niec:Ied wether that 'Was due to the seeds or Mabel Terry It bed&7 80 I am to 8tIIcIt to to a lack 01 peature It loS hard ,to tell., Mr . and Mrs . H. ' C, Olme and b job untU it 1a f1n1shed. U tblB I was feecijng ~e of our cows UllB Mrs, Ella Shumaker, ",ttenderl the ~ Uepe up perhaPl we can morning, without the &eedl;, Leno ,A.nson sale near WUmt.ngton. Wed. ctye aD the white ' trlmm1ngB a freeh wouldn't t'IIIit liel'l' otf the ground but . COM. WlI&t & dlfterence ' a 11We- Bhe would ca.t tbem cut lnto bl~ nes~y. patDt mM:ea ' a1Ze pIeces and handed ' to her . I - - - - - ' - - -- - -- - -

~:' El!W'o~

Reedy tb1nk8he would Uke them t.he way dl'ed thla moming, We ' Rave ooe 01 our readers told us to feed IoIt & JQOcl ft1tmd and ne1Ihbor. Be them last.year. that Is. cut up and &D4 .Jtibn b&ve been 'WCI'k for m,txed with ground feed . I always ~:...:.~~~~~~::rw Jears. Be was a ~.utner ,re our aorabWn 'and he but.cbeI'ecl for us aDd tor many ot.beIIt. 1100 many II tact tOl' It'WU


thought that these .huge pumpkins

l'WOUld be COUJ'5e and stringy but they are n.OO. The meat Is so thick and cooIta so qu1ck1y that no wonder the GftC)fOIk JUt 'WInter ~ . ~t canneries prefer them. ~t the break in his hMlth. A 'good To bad we can not send p~pkin NdI'b.... aDd & 1OOd' father Who 'W111 plea in oversoos boxes but we can do be p-.u, IIIIIIed. lImle~ more Important, we can on..' la Ch1ll 1D the wind todaY bIly War Bonds. &lid tJle,l. . . . are comlnir down very . - - - - - - ' ' - - - - - - - - -- - -

.,... QDl7, & patch of color'left here. aid ~. '1'he cab are ~t1ful ~ riareepjclaUy tbo8e1n the woods

. . .. tile nad eut of ~ I . , . . . " them such a brii'ht IICXIJ'IlL WW ... I dolDg using up gasoIIDI"tral' dOWn -there? I bad BOne to . . . It la 'WOnderfUl, how many



.'" , 7) ~ AI -


t. • •

.. V~ "

10ge1.Y, places fa.nn can teJte . , 1IMUJ'da7. Today I went to a. sale near _ baDd, at Utk:a:, wh1ah Bhould be ..,.ued UtleY as that Ia the way people poDOUDCe It. .ThIa time I got tile IDIlIt ClIoD8 I 'W8B looktng tor. IOCId aa. teo. ! will ;not need them ~ ..ioh loIJI!IZ' unless I find some • GDe. 110 Ddlk mJ' cowa. as BW 18. not fDOIDC tID be &b1e to dO it. tb1& winter. Be baa beaD worklnc at the F!1g1-



"ote. For




Brown tor Conllre. CommlUOI! R; B. Howard. Chm., ,London. O.

________________________ __ ~

The Tavern

At U W. Main St.. Xenia.. Features Sandwiches, Liquor, Beer and Wine And WUh An Acoommodatin, Service In Cold Beer "nd Wine To Take 'Out . • . .' Popular For Friendly Groups , . . . lleadquartAlrs For Beverages ThaL Please . . . Open From 6:00 A. M. ·tIl Midnight Uncler Tbe Direction Of AnU100y Santo, Pl'Oprietor , - , . Tel. MaIn

08 A BI


Ollio's $90,000,000 Surplus Belongs To All ,lie People 01 Ollio Ohio's Republican state platform for 1944 says: "We helieve that no part of this surplus should he used to m'eet any of the recurring operating costs of state government:. The use of the surplus should, be limited exclusively to cxpenditures for per. manE!nt improvem,ent8 which are Bound in charllcter and from ~hich the people will JAMES GARFIELD STEWART

derive utility or enjoyment for years to

Republican Nominee lor Governor


Tllere Siloultl Be No FtI".reti Group No FtI".re" Lottllit,

STEWART SAYS: "The state surplus belongs to the people of Ohio. It is their money and none of it should be wasted. It should be used for permanent improvements of a Justilla character ... ft should not bE' boondoggled away, • • '



, !. I

Ohio Repubtlean Camp!ligD Committe., Fred H. Jobn; on Secretary . ColuDlbw. Ohio

unneeded possessions into quick cash, there Is nothlng betu~r than a want ad in the Miam1. Gazette.






OWee at Rogers and SImPsUD G~rage

Formerly Waynesville Ins~ce AJ'CDCY

'"-------..,... __.JI ...






'C,A 'S H

Sand & Gravel TARVIA-LITli1:0 TAR AND

YOU'RE NO EXCEPTION I Cal~nlity doesn't pick favorites I Misfortune hasn't singled you out as an exception I :B e wise 'and proted Y,o \lrself with good insurance so that no matter what, hal,pena, you, your family and . your property will be fully pro·' teded.


GOVERNOR JOHN W. BRICKER SAYS: "I am satisfied thot tho sound and progressive policies pursued in Ohio during the la t six years will be conf,inucd by James Garfield Stewart, the next Gov' erDor of Ohio."

K EEP 'H ENE 'W 'D EA LOU" 0 F 0 H I 0

'l1he Tavern Is a place of individuality as it offers 0. good service in tasty sa.ndwlches. 'good beer, wines IF YOU want to tl11'll and 11quors,

They feature delicious rondwiches attra.ct.1ve1y served! , and fo~. thlrsty ones t1:rls estab1l&bment Is a popular haven as they serve drinks that woUld be h~d to beat for quality ,a.nd taste and a visit here IW1l1 prove it. They serve choice Olrd1als .. wines and Uquor and are experts 'when it {lomes to nWtIng Martlnes. ,Manhattans a.!ld other mixed drinks. People will be Imperssed by the genial and comfortable air of the place and will be In a mood for tood and drink.


Ohio Needs' Stewart to, Meet Post-War Problems'

- - - - , 628....... . " .. . .... .. .. .. ... . ..

,-- ,.- - '-


Interurban Restaurant

~a;ette Wayneev1l1e, Ob1o


FOR,USED CARS' Any make Qr model Fred Kahn . ~otor Car Co. PHONE 326

MOr-ow Phone No. 3 Leb~on:

Offlce Phone .731( Resldenqe 118 II

,ROoT tOk .om CoNSIGN your CattJe, bogs, Iheep and to NOrris-Brock Co~ ,11ve Wire ;.nO progresa1ve flrm for the bl8heat market prices and' adod Union Stock Yards, Olnclnna", O. Tune In an Radio sta.t1on WCKY. 12:25 to 12:30 p. m. for our daily market reports.



NOTIOE' OF ELECTION ON PUBLIC SAL~ " , ISSUE OF 'BONDS Having decid ~d to quit farming. 1 will sell at public auction at my NOTICE Is hereby given that in ~esidence J!.t the north corporation pursuance 01 a resolution of the ' Board of ToWnsblp Trustees of Maaline of SPl'i~lgboro, on SATUUDAY. NOVE~IBER 4 sle Tow.nah1p' War;-en, .Oounty. Ohio. e-:_'__ Boginning at 1 P. M. the followin~ PllSSed on the 1st day of september chottels io-wit: , 194~ there will be ,submitted to ~ 2 HORSES vote of t.he people of said ' Massie 1 black mal'e, sound, wt. 1400 Iba, Townshi ' t th G..:"'n:",..~ goot!. worker; 1 bay mare, sound, ,P a e '''''.............. ELEO'IUO~. to 'be held in saI~ Townabip. wt. 1400 lbs. good worker. 5 CATTLE . a.t the regular places of votmg 1-4 yr. old Guernsey ~ow giving thereln, on Tuesday; the 7th day of good flow of milk: 1 Jersey b,eifer November, 1944. the qqCstlon of ls-, fresh with ealf by her side;. 1 Short sumg bonds of said ~Ip 1ft horn bull, 11 mo. old; 1 heifer calJ; 'the amount or Six TholiSarld ' n .. 6 months old, h:ls been sucking Hundred Dollars (6.500.00) for the cow. ., P"1'1""-'oe ot PROVID:n.. ' .... 0 FmB AP4 shoats wt. about 60 lbs. each. - ...~ IMPLEMENTS " PARATUS,AND APPI.lAlNaJ!l8 AM> 1 Troy wagon with box bed; iron BURJDINGS FOR lT8 USE. wheel wagon with flat top; Deer- ,The Ma.x.lmum number of .years jng mower; steel tooth hay rakej during which bonds are to run is hay tcdderj Case ('om planter with ten yea·rs (10). ~ertilizer ,attachment; ~livcr ridestima.ted 8idditfon~ taX rate ~ng, breaking plowj walkmg break- outside of the ten mill l1mItatlon 'l IB 109 plowj 6 shovel. plow; double certified b th ' 00 ' ,ahovel; bar share , plow j Bemis y e unty Auditor 18 tobacco setter with fertilizer ' at- .75 mills fClr eaah one dollar of valtachment· · feed grinder' corn cut- uaio.'l, -which a.mounta to '.075 for ter; 2 sleds. • eadl one hundred dollars of vall1a- . MISCELLANEOUS tlon. N:ew ~og house; new ·50 ~al . cook- The Polls for sa.Id Eleotton er; hay rope; tob~cco press; milk open at 6:30 O'vlock ' A.~, 8iIld l'eco?ler; Hu~son 011 brooder, 500 main.' Ope:l IUlI41 6:30 O"Oloc:i: ,P, 'M ' .• chlck capacity; wood stove; cross (Eastern 's a.nd&rd tml " cut saw; buck.saw; levelj lot ~inall da " e: of aa.1d • toolsj shovels; forks; hoesj 2, new Y' , ,~ • window sashj posts; 'and many By Order o~ the ~ at Eleetl~.. other articles tOo numerous to of WlI.him :<..ountY. Ohio. ", mention. ' " D. \v. BlBHOP. " HARNE.S S , ,. 2. sides harness. lines, crollaril., ' H.: c. CI'ftIIr •.",., bridles. ....u ....o;c., '• OJ8'. . FEED , 200 boles alfalfa ,hay; 160 ' bales ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; clover hay; 160 ba1es straw. , AUC:r,JqNEERINO' 4,0 yearling white rock and red hens. StaDI,y-~d Koa.ler Term ••Cash FOr Datea, Phonl . . .. Wa~iR STANLEY' OOOK viDe, Ohio. .Renne ClllU'lnI Wilbur N. Sear!!, Auct., Ph. 2661 Wayne.vflle, O. St. John and Reallon, c11l1'ks.,





! ~.

.. ~....



-Qu!te a ltack of newspapers I It:ft YOU ' ,.terday, Judge. ~'t gain' in !the newspaper buaioess, are you?'" ,·'No. I juit enjoy reading di fferent

, .-pen 10 my nephew George sends , them . .to '.


"~ftl' he takes a bflsil,less ttip.

got a

billtick out of some he sent me

taD .vera! c:oU1ltilis wllm itiM.

III,y still hall'

riom some headRise;,

'Bootleggeril must post Ceiling Prices',

" Federa I Ageh LS seize' Trick' Liquor Truck'. Doesn't that: go to prove, Joe, that prohibi. tion dots not prohibit?

.. I waUl.hed conditions pretty caretl,llly duringoui' 13 years of prohibition in this countor. IThe only thing 1 could see we got out o.f It was bootleg liquor ~tead ,of legal liquor .•• plos the worst crime and corrup- · tioD this country baa ever known."

State ,' S.e nator ~ Member of Senate Ccn:n'mitten '~ F~anc:e, culture, Edu~tion, Conaenation, .InauruC«' and, Political Subdiriaiona. . _ Y- 0 u r ' suPPort will be areatlt appreciated. Republi~" Nov.7 '







..... ntEND8 BOME



Lt. James Kern or Tamp:l. Fla., Nra •. ~len Kern &lnd Mra. EdwO:J'd Van Bolt or Oerma.ntown and Ml1!. IP'red Matth1aa of ~bufg, were gueata of Mrs .' Ama.nda. Hartrum rum Monda.y afternoon. Alber.t McKay of Dayton called on the MIsses Browne Monday mom-

---, Of R.lcbrnond, Ind., and Mr. and Mrs. A. R. Orepr of Dayton. Mr. and Mrs . A. li. SCholer of Otlando, F1&., callAld on Mrs'. Crane Hac:, To Wedneeda.y. . . Henry HauenstJ6Il a. n d mg. lWsa Ann, of Mrs. D. L : Crane joined a. fl3m~tl, called on the fonner's 11y group at e orne 0 r. and Brown tor CUDI(IftI Commlu.. mother, Mrs. Georgia Ivins, sun-/ IMrs • J. B. GOns for supper Monday R. D. Howard. Cbm .• London. O. ~ aftemoon. ,' night, with Mr. a.nd Mrs . . A, H. 'Mnl. Dudley Keever ot Center- SChooler of orlando, Fla." IllS honor ville, vIs1ted friends here sunda.y gueatB. atternoon. iHBllowe'en was qule,Uy observed M1sa 9Jam LUe returned to her <here by the matron and her starf. Special services. were .held tor liome In Washl.ngton O.IH., Sunda.y \We enjoyed a del1clous supper a.t lRoger Thomas at the Ferry Church of Christ Sunday a.!ter.noon Pvt. after a pleasant two 'Weeks v1s1t in tables attrtlcUvely decomted with autum leaves, yellow and black Thomas was kUled In Fra~ce, In <the Home. -_ _ _ _ _ _ ca.ndles, ballowe'en place cards and September. . 1H0ugh and chUdren. Mr. and Mrs. and small yellow baskets fUled with Mrs. Ed GtlIlland wIth her parents Mr . and Mrs . Jeff OBanIon of LowelllPrinQ)le and iron, Ute hoat and Candy. SprIng Valley. vl;;lted her sister at hostess 'all of Lebanon and Mr. and !Dr. Emma Halloway attended a Troy Sunday, Mrs. Perry J. Thomo.s and son of meetlng of the Friends 8ervice Coolmittee In Rol c h m 0 n d, Lndlana Mr , and Mrs . Lawrence Th~mas Ferry. ~ Mr. and Mrs. Waldo E1llott and on Wednesday. entertained theIr c h II d r e ,n and After an Illness of several weeks, gJ'.;mdchlldren to a Hollowe'en weiner 1Mrs. Jess Rol9.nd attended the Kensroast Monday night at their home Ln ter sale near Hamlltan Friday after- Mrs. Margaretta Heolcock passed !Lebanon, Those presen t were: Mr , noon. Mrs. lAwrence Thomas spent away Tuesda,y at 2 p. In. A !onner and Mrs. Ervin Thomns and fanl1ly the da.y With her mother, Mrs, ~tron of the home, she was loved and held in .hIgh esteem by all who of Monroe, Mr, and Mrs . Paul Nancy Pope . MhI. iPerrY Guthrie Is vlBltlng her 1cnew her . Funeral services were . e Thursday momlng at 10 :00 , lson, Bob who Is stationed in Kansas. ,.held her Miss Nloo. Scott and friends spent o'clock. Burtal will be Gt Fishertown Sunday In Portsmouth.. iPennsylvanla. CIIEVROLET SALES '" SUPERMl:. and Mrs. Tom Fordyce 8o'Jd The quarterly meeting of the Board SERVICE eon nOuglas spent &mday with the of Trustees was held 1lIt the Home ' On Pille At Sprin&' Valley, Offer An P. J. ThOlD88es and H . R. Fordyce. 'Wednesday .


'¥"'. da~hter,




H . W. Ba d 9 1ey

Excellent Service To Owners or Car!; All Makes, Fe&turln, A Complete RebuUdll1&' and Repalrln, Service . . . By Intricate And ACC1II'&te Work AnI Helping To Keep Our 'J'raDsporatJon System RoWI\&' • • • Genuine Parts and Dependable Work At Reasonable Prloes . . , Tel . SPrinr Valley, 3-7092.


. The H. W. Badgley Garage at Spring tValIey Is considered an economical factor in the transportation l1fe of this section of the "tate as t hey offer a modem servIce that ~n­ abIes bUSy people to oonserve their cars and .t rucks and to keep the government program' moving in cun steam a.head to VIctory . 'It I.e a -Sign »06t of economy and when you see theIr sIgn It Is well to stop in for an inspootlon, a check ~p . for they. are able to repair cars of an\y make GOd ~ow ,bow. A trial servloe will convInce you that they can help you to prot.ect your ear to give you the most trouble free mlles ';rbey W1ll give you a thorough OoTid ' depen$ble service as they can locate trouble and remedy mechanical difficulties qUickliY, . MI'. Badgley has. always 1ns18ted that the very best ot attention be given to every patron and as a' consequence people from all over this sect10n of the state are praising the Service of 'tihls "popular garage. They are expert body surgeons and feature the repairing of tops a.nd bodies, metal parts and fenders . If !you have ~D. unfortunate and gott6n into a smash-up, they are ready to repair or rebuild the bodf or straighten the renders and your car when turned over to you again, will look like new ~ there will be no squeaks nor ratUee ~wbere.

.-c_u_a__ ._._r_r ___.










8. Detzolt 8t., In Xenia, Is Oflml1&' Wholalome ReluatlonAnd AmeUlallent To Our Busy Worken. · • • Popular WIth Men &Del Women • . • 8peda1 Group And Teams • . . A Good PIacle To Entertain· 8 _ Frlen. . . • Aflernoon Bowl. In&' AvaUable And F ..vored By Man,!Who Bowl To Keep Fit • . . Tel.

MaIn 11M.

The Recreatian Bowl1ng Alley .at Xenia is a social center ot this sec-' tlon of the &tate that I.e popular with the people f~m all ·t he BUlTOI¥ldlnB 1OOI1lD1WlJt)" and off4;ml an Invill'omt1ng exerCise and re1axa.tlon to help them to keep in good condition tor their ma.ny !1utles. . . ~l1nB ill a. giune tba.t juBt ,&bout. everyone should 'enllQ8'C in occasion. I


as It offers a

pleasan~ recrea-

tiOn and ' healthful exercise, as well , &II, . practlce' Ion " Precwon

and the 1. 'VlteBt of BIdll, ~hich kee~ one on ~ ~ to win. '1b1s .g1v. one the Uve that stlets In busmeea and , the soCnl world, thus, mat.ea ita . pla1era, , l~enJ. · 'lbere 18 DOIlb1ng better to mate 'YOU 8leep well and enjoy 4!!atlnlr ~ . . bawi1ric. 1t &lao helps to keeP. doWn obeait.yand to keep the body trim. . IIalre up 81 ~ . acme, a.tte~


or eveniDlf aiDd. enterta1n ' 'JOUr MmdI Ii bowUDl. "Ibe.Y ;.m 1M eJad' to make 'en ~. for

cueeta wm be IUI'e to

.!POIl aDd JWl' eajoJ tbe _ and

• _.


vote JOID' pU'tr leIdbW ......

. . . , . . .epeaW . . . . bere and tID

:-WARREC . TY I-: Has Over 3,000 Men and Women! i ~ In the Service I -== =

=. ==



= .

--==-= -=-

-= --= --= --= =

--= -

-= ~

= =




is =~ §' ~'





OF OBlWAGO, ILLINOIs Member of The Board or Lecturship of The Mother Church, the FIrst Church of ChrIst, Sclentlst, in Boston, Massa.chusettB, AllBplces, Second

Church of Christ, Scientist, Dilyton, Ohio



.' .

IN lMEMomAL lfA[L,' F1l!RSTand ST. c;x.AIR S'l"RlEE'ffi

. _U_tt __

ALL ARE WELCOME, u"_ a . _ _ _ _ _




~~ .

Sen4 Back To

WASHINGTON The nation is ·asking that everyone be given his job back when he returns from ~e · army. Let'a atart NOW and re-elect Meryl B. Gray to the office of P.roaecutor for Warren County, the job he left when -----------------------------he entered the aervice. RBP1.1BLICAN TICKET AS

,Our Representative . In CONGRESS Clarence J. Brown has been a most vahuible Con· gressman in these troublesome times. He has proven his worth to the District and the Nation. He has' worked long hours, with great diligence and in- . telUgenee, to serve his District in the war emergency. Hia training and experience are needed in the trying daya ahead. .As a business man, newspaper publisher, farmer and former state offteial he knows the problems of the people of the 7th Diatrief and the State of Ohio; and hu fought fOJ: their beat interests at all times. ' " He baa lonj ~n known as the friend and. e&amplon Of the 'men and women in 'o ur fighting forces. "He hal d~onatrated a sYmpatheti~ tinderst;anding of ' theb~ ' problema and has voted and w.orked for their welfare; and in the interest of all veterans and their de-· ' Pendent.. . .' . He hu given 100 per eent s~pport to the war , doli H.'pledges hi, every endeavor toward bringi~g about a just and iallting peaee under a system that will . . properly protect the rightl of A,meriea and each in- , . cHvidual cl~ ' " . , . He IJ' a,t ehampion , of the free enterPrise .SY8~, 'UDder a representative (orm of ~ernment, whleh WIll ~tee to aU cltizeila ~e opportunity to work fo., lair com~tlon, and to' enjoy, t1!f .fruits ,o f their IUor ad Watry. ". . '.


W • . . , G Good JIG" '" COftI."BII,


IIIIII 1111111111111 11111111111111111IHII1111111111 1111IIII III UIIIIII 11111111111111111111 III 1111111111111 1111111 II II 0111111111 01111 IIIIII11111111111111111111111111111111111110111111


Recration Bo~ling Alley At


TlnlBBDAY, NO' . . . . . .




J:le left the office in capable hands. There haa been no complaint. It is not costing the taxpayers any extra money, which fact can be verified from the records in the A'u ditor' a office.


.;Re-Elect.' aryl B. Gray for '

On the Democratic Ticket . \}' General Electi~n Tuesday, Nov.



1944 ',






Re-elect MERYL B.GRNY fOr Prosecuting Attorney

Ofier ,


~--~--------~----~--~~~----------.~-------------------~------~----------Margaret HeJen Chambliss Along .The Way


Watkins Hardoen


~cQtlure Jlfmurnl

~ame Dial 2111 -

With the advances of the period, the sciences allied with the medical profession progTes.5eS very m,p · idly, and, in no field of endeavor.

Wayneaville ,


bas there been a greater Improve-

un:nt than in toot of the care and treatment of the feet. In the olden da.ys. people paid IIt~e a.ttention to this science nnd rl ~ · mand for efficiency has brough t It. to a high state of perfection. At no time has it been brought out to a greater degree than for the armies during v.ur times • .II YQU nre havins any troubl~ with your feet , It W1ll be well to get them in first c1a...-s oondltl<m . An examination nn'] the proper service wUl add 80 much to )'OUr personal comfort and grcB tly to your general etflc1ency, bot.h In and 1!! yoW'soclBJ purRlllt.s . Dr. fHardoen has put many on ,t he rapid road to reoovery . She tGkes care 01 COmB. bunions, oalWuses, ingrown nalls, tired '

.,.., A6, Carda of Tbaab anll 0IdWari1li tibal'P4l for a' ~e ,... at .... a word, mlnImlllll eIIIu'p IIa. A WaDt All lDIel1ed for &line tbDea .. cbal're4 a' eo & word.






A-NO•• ,

With Well Equipped Offices At M1 E. 2nd., Xenia, Is A Registered Foot SpeclaUst And Is Hdlilng To Keep Our Busy Workers On Their Feet . . , Aiding People To Be Rid Of Foo& Troubles WJtjch IUndH Them In Their Dalq Pursuits . . . Feat1ll'in.f Service On Corns, BUllIons, InaTown Nalls. TIred Feet, FaileD Arches, Etc . . . lias Many Gra&l!f1l1 Pal.l:ons From Over A Wide Teria-tory • • . Tel. Main 1179- W .



AlletJlene 'or electric. See BUI Lee, orDdOrf a.o.d, R. 3, Waynesvllle.


~ 'Bale _ Wattina ~qc:ta JI'uller

feet. Phcla! Sbe features work ' 0 uches and people

• 'BruIlu!Is at 33 North Broactn

83L ' -:;;;t~:::::=---::-:--:----::----\V,ANTED-Music puP.Us to start -. tilkin~ leSIOns, November 6. If : intere.ted call-2899, J. L. Heston Rt. 8 WaYJlesville. . 11-9-c

on . fallen treatmenl.S lbave become. grateful patronfi. Men a.nd wunen in stores and at other work: have been made more CODlfortable bY' service, here. giv~n

TOR sALE-coal heating .tove :;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;-~ . ; A-I condition, Mrs. Wilbur-, 'Foulks, R. Rt. 2, Waynesville at . 1 t.7Ue. 1l-9-p

GRADI-I GOODIiEAA • MUUona of new Goodyear By1ItheUc tlr •• are .urpaa.· iJ1g expectatJoaa on the road todcrr. plOT',mlll".. dOH to the a .. rage pr•• war tire. In mnaa\Je rmd alamina. 16 taxi neeta a.,raged 22.360 mil.. before r,cappin\J ' , • cmd thoWlanda of other Goodyears ' on taxIL police car•• mail roule. are pro'ring they can take it under aU aorta of hard· drh,iDg coqdltlon.. Todcrr'a b ..t buy Is CI Goody,ar.

lEW 'I.BES SII£ 'liES ' NO U".,,,iCA.,. NUDED ';b.....




j~p i

~ ~lD'ebred WhIte Face


£~ ' 18 months.

two Purebred ;::.~ Cows, two bred' caMs := be tniab JanUIU'Y, 5 and March . ~. 8. Schneider, first fann south -J. . ::j!f Ratrork lICbool hQUSe, R. R. I, .~ 0h10



•' and Holstein 'f#If, due to tl'eShen December 15

, • ~~ cali, ,mitte, Booc1

nillker. :"larotd B. Eamhirt, phone 2614. ,~

on the Democratic Tieket Next Tuesday Is Election Day . Many bave decided to vote for Menl Gray and to those folks we her-e extend oar al nee reapIJlIl'el:Wlon. To those who wiD for the other- eaiuudate we know he extends to his fri~" his Reprdless for whom you vote, LET'S VOTE! Sponsored by GRAY FOB PROSECUTOR COMMlTl'EE



r Ot~'r

Evenings ... ,By ApPointment .


';" ,


Dre C.' E. Wilkin Opto.eUj~

S. I


.E,e Sped.tiat

S·t .


XeDI.. 0

AT 116 S. Detroit In Xenia., L~ HelpiDa' In Our Economy Program By Flldng, Buying, St-Jllitg And TracUq FurnIture, Farn1sh1ngs, .'\p. pllaDCtIII And A!dlng People To 1\'[ake 8a&lsfaetorT AdJuatments To Chang. ing OoodltJOlUl • • . Featurinc Good Service And SqUare Dealing Tel. MaIn S91-B. The FIx ft Shop In Xenia. is one thllit Is serving the people In a double caJl8(flty in the way ' of roving our valuable appUances and equipment for the duration, as well as, money and,helping people to meet changing

~=;;~:;=======~ condltlnus by buying, selling Bnd

Reelect ·


WaynellviHe, O.



J,.own fur Con"...,.. CommlllPl' R. Il. lIoward, Chm•• London. O.

QUICK SERV~eE "or Dea tI Stock COWS. . CALVES, SHEEP, ETC •• Removed Promptll

Call .

Bob's Dairy


Wholesl)lf\p Pasteurized Dairj Producla . t----,-'-- - '

Pasteurized .lvlilk F01" J our Protection ,

Main .114 .

Phpne 2537

Eo G. 8UcblJeb.

Wane.ville, Ohio


tail. Abaecherli

trading. The· have a large assortment of . ,f urniture and furnishings 's nd 11 you wa.ut to trade for more sUlt.abl pieces you IWJ.!l find ·they give you a , sq~ deal. 'Ibeir service In. "Fixing" Is a ire a t · accommodation anll Vell' muCh In demand. They knoW hoW to , repair ' furniture a.nd all. 10m of By featurlne . well pr~pared 1o:x1 In toud1 with events take yoUr radio In to tbem tor eervicIDs.






W:~t. ~aumll&il1t Q1~ur(~ (lj}f Q!~ri9t SERVICES SUNDAY October 22, 1"'


9:30 A. M.· Wild ducks flying last night lal e, tllroUgh that iOvelY all rev l~lg Communion 10:30 . We came home last night MORNING .sERVICE a bout ten o'clock and it was so 11:00 4. M. tingly beautUuI t.h nt we hated ----.~ to go In. While standing Ulere we EVANGELISTW ~NG Now In Procreas At h oord iL • that wild dUck quack of the ducks. We looked nnd looKed THE WAYNESVILLE CllURaJ and looked but we never saw them, OF CHRIST but. we note t.h m passing by their 7 :30 p. ~I. Nlrhtly Except Sat. cries. According to an old WlwritInspiring me.ssages In song and ten tradlUon, wild geese or ducks sermon enc.h night under the dlI lylJlg by ,n igh t means t110 L hcre Is rect.lon ol Max Randa.u, eVUoIlgeldirty weather a head. 1st. and Herbert Grahrun, SOI1g Old you ever Ulum b an appl e? tWe eva.ngellst. used to. "Name the apple, " we called EVERY PERSON IN THE the game. Get your friends to ~hlnk COMl\IUNlTY IS URGED of ' a nBlIle of 1\ boy fliend or girl TO ATTEND. friend, whichever you mny have. and then thump, your apple, Then after MAX W. RANDALL, you eat your IIpple, count your seeds Mini.ter and sa.y the following verse Bnd whatever you have to meet wllh t.I1e l iCt"-·------~-- - ·b verse is your fortune with the girl or boy named.


One. I love, Two, I love. Three, I love I say, .Four, I love with all my hear t, Fin" I cast away. Stx, 'he loves. Seven, sh e loves. Eight, Ialey both love. Nine, he comes. Ten, he ·tarrles. Eleven, he courts, '!'welve, he marries,

• • •

I came aocross this ·lll iii magazine the other day, and it brollg'ht lmck l ,memOl1le~ of how our sphlt.s rose or

fell, accor!ilng to number of seeds we had. I boys and girls might be lnt.erested lli ,it. for young hc.cui.'! do not change very much from one generation to the next. OAJU) OF THANKS



You can always depend on good reliable service for your>car when you pun Into our TEXAOO SERVICE STATION. The pm. prletor, Robert 'Servls Is oon· UnuaJly on tbe job strivlnr to serve the pubUc thorouebly with· out taldnc too mucb of his Ill'trons time, The next time you need' gas. oUne, oU or a geueral check·up on lubrication In preperatlon for Wink.!', elve him a visit, you wtU be glad you did.

- . - ...

--- --

Robert Senb,


'W. ----:II-: 1!19~.~~

I wish to thank Brother Graham for arranG'lnr sueb & nice memo.rI&I Ilel'Vlce In memory of Corporal Bopr Thomaa Sunday art.emooo, , 0Cl~ 29, 1"', at ~e Fe r r 1 Church 'of Ohrtn at Ferry, ObJo. I abo WIsh to ,hank ~e church




- - - - - - - - - - - - - members ~1IIl... my .'rlenc18 'Who hel»ed In any way In service and

. Fix It Shop

9-12 'each morning

7-9 Satin-day evenine





1-5 afternoons except Wednesday





'@)tr ' \!d


. . -aAlLF-Poland 0h1na boar 15 ~ olclJRufus lWatXin8, ~tle ~ R R. 2-, lWaymesvllle. is-p •





BA.LE-December , 6.1K4


Sfae 6.00.16.



:;'~ Atkineon, Rutal Rout 3,

, ~~.


$365 "'u.u.

Phone 2341

SALE-Fancy Sweet Po· ; _tatOes, J. C. Hawke, Waynes· :: "Yille. 11-2-c


U you ne.d new you cCID_get . truatworthy, 10ng.miIeage GoodyeCUII at

J'OR SALE-Large size Clermont .. ..beater (coal or _ wood) -'.. Gibson, Mt. Holly. ,


Helen Ohamllss Beau~ Shop hI Xenia Is known ' as up-to-date s.ud oHering the latest Ideas In hair styJfng and' beauty cuture. It Is meeting with success and has be· come the mecca for well-groomed ladles and Is aJdlng many In th Ir Quest [or beauty, A part of her service which Is giv_ Ing so much satisfaction is her cold wave. It gl'ves such a natural-ake 'wave, 50 close to t he scalp. easy to mfloUll4le and 80 comfortable to receive. Get In touph with her for one a nd you will be glad you dId. Her beauty service gives you !I. marvelous sense of well belng. Her :facials Your skin glowing and fresh a.nd the scalp treatments make. you~ hair' allve and eosy to manage . She. also, !ea.tnrres the vaIlious types of · waving, 1lliln1 ~W'ln g a.nd haJr dressing In all the desired styles. Seek your bea.uty servIce h ere a.nd you will always have tha.t wellgroomed look . Attention to beauty is essential to ViCtory. for good grooming aids one's poise and sell.esteem. _ _ _ _-"-_ _ _ _ _ _ _


._J ____

_ _ . _ . ___


Like . . . Stop In And Get A Which WUl CompUment Your New Ha& a.nd Frocks . . . GOOd Groomtng Is El;sentJal To Your Part Toward Victory . , . Tel. l\Wn 718 ,



At (I S. Detroit St., Xenia, Is A Progressive Beauty Sbop, Fent.urlnl The Latest. Ideas In Beauty OUliure, Jlair ,Styling, pe..manent WavlUg, peclaliDn« In Cold Waves, So BeauUtul, Practical and Natul'lll-



By.l\lrs. IIIlriette Thomas

Beauty Shop



At All ,,

Pol. Adv.


••••• e

fOIl the beaaW1I1 nOl.r!r..-t"Ikj~......rl sent In melDOrJ of Oor, oral Thomaa. , .Jellllle Thomas.


Gr:ute' Ladder Back "'01...... _



Having sold our farm located on 'Waynesville-New Burlington RQad, 3 miles south of New Burlington, 5 Y.i miles east of WaynesvilJe, we are offering for saJa by way of Public Auction on SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 11 beginning at 11 o'clock' the following: . UVESTOCK 7 head stock cows ; 14 head sheep; 1 Shropshire ram; 11 brood sows; 80 pigs by side will be ready to ween. by of sale, 1 Duroc male;

Toys • lAmps • MlrI'OrJi


___~__~ . FEED 6 tons alfalfa hay; 140 bales baled straw. . ' .EQUIPMENT Six new hog houses 8x12 and other smaller ones with ~ING roofs, 1 Ig. wood trough, 2 Arc 'Welciln, Of All Klnll fountains, 1 feed rack; 3 hog feedIn rear of DosCenl GlLI'aCe . ers; 1 flat top, like new, aillo . Baneyabur" Ohio wagon, 1 box bed, 1 rotary hoe, hay fork and rope, 1 wagon tank, &0_ and ~ennlnrton. o_era tank heater, 1 large cooker for --~----' lard, 1 iron kettle, 1 wheelbarr0'Y" •...;._ _-=-...:.-.-..:_~_ _ __ _ pipe vise and tongs, odd lot of Tn' lhe Mll1ml GlUelto Wl1nt Ada' ' lumber .measurements,2x4's. Brooder house 10x12, oil burn'i ng brooder stove, a small electric brooder, small colony house with wire floor and sun porch, several s:hicken feeders and metal drinking fountains, 60 ft. of '6 ft, wir~ netting (new). ..,.,.011 .eat to 'tbe depot. to lee HOUSEHOLD GOOD'S . . "LImIted" come InT It WIllI press,. 2 DeI.aval separators (one has' attachmenta for electric &be ~ht of .. quiet motor) milk cooler, Bentwoo~ da7. ADd OIl Sanda, It pew bUo chum,3 burner New Perfection oil a aocIal ~n' ~ -Jor prop.,..- ' stove, metal outdoor camp stove, 2 . ~ No' ODe almed &0 mlu it. extens\pn .tables, work ,table, if· Bemember? . brary'table, 2 stand~. mirrors. Sev:eral good ,rocking chairs, 4 bedroom BT1JBBS suites, .springs · and mattress, 1 FUNEB.U,' feather",tick (good clean feathers HOME . 1 brown broa~oom rug 12xili also T~lephone 2291 se,~eral small. rugs, 1 dinette table and 8 chairs jn Nd and bla~k, several odd chai~, 2 <tinner bells, " SUverto~e . phonograph and :recorda, antique square plano • (Gacbles, ' solid, mahogany), Thomas clock (with weights an~ cords) 1-9x16 broadloo~ rug likh new. T~RMS- CASH NELLIE. MONIMIA BUN~L . Lunch served by Waynesville 100neIl~~~~llW~~~ruunL~

=-----.. .

... .. .........



, -...u,

, Carl Abaecherll Is II capa.lJlc; attorn~,., ,un 01 ap, wb,o Juu time an~ again ~rovetl his In~t In the weUare of Oo~t,. 'by Ills constant endeavor In civic affalra. J.ast as one ~e out of IIUIUJ', While serving l1li flnt Presiddnt of the WaJDeevlUe Olvic Club. ht. was I ' ' primarily responsibl~ lor obialhmi modern equipment a~ ton-tree telephone serVloe tor the W&JDesv!Ue-lIf&ryeysbUl'( area.




Is In .GIIJltJon ·t o do the work reqaJred bY the 0'. Ifce of Co~ty Prpaeeut~, .an4 IN! on Uae job, ~Il who .wUI ".e f1IIJ 11IP• oi\ . " , port to a progressive RepabIIeaA a(mlaJatraUOD, J01II" actl".., aarPori of his candldac)' WW be ~ apPfefIU". . '" ;.. ' .... . TilE 8T1LUGIfI'-BlIPUBUC&N TiOK£T-:~ SPOlUlOred B1 The warren '~ .....NIcaa CeDtnI and beeutlft CommlUeee. "Aln Ariid&qe. chaIr.l... . As the candidate who




-,e.., a4v"

GI'8DJ'8 Sale ecindueted STANLEY . and KOIOOla







----~---------.-----------------------------------------SOUTH WAYNE ADVISORY WEST WAYNE ADVISORY LITTLE CITIZEN'S OF WAYNESVILLE COUNOIL MEET AT ASBURY OOUNCIL MEET WITH ~WENTY MEMBERS AND GUESTS NOV.l BOME.NOVEBMER SECOND Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Sheehan, Mr. Mrs, Geol'gia Mendenhall atand Mrs. Walter Sheeha.n. a.nd sons tA very £plr1ted meeting wa.s en'Ilwenty members and four guests tend meebmg of the WliCusslon In ~ year'a claaa ot ~t. 'Were among ,the guests when Mr. Joyed by the membelo of the South of the West Wayne Advisory Council 8roup a~ the home of Mr. atid M!·S . U1ylyn CJ8bb · WIIB the- tirBt to -._ y..... ~. D W d awarQe~ the order of G.--- ArtiDIlI and Mfa. Sheehan recently Wayne AdV""''f!Y Counc11. November met !\;t Lhe home o,! Mr . a.nd Mrs. -.-.'1 J Y, e nesday 111gnt or ..... entertained with a turkey dlnller .t he second. at the home of Me. and Ross H8l't8ock, November tirst. 1,80 week. . ;ertUJca.Le by the GreW ~. hono1'iili the bl.rthday annive1'S8ry of Mrs. Ralph Asbury. IMr. Sid Ellls, a member ot the !\Ill'. and ~rs. Lee Mason. ot Ma- ~~~: stUdent8 ot Wle grade bUOd~ Miss.Helen Hood and the hmt. Certels and their attendant evils, board of health was one ot the tn_ l son called on the tormer's 8l&ter, -- ave collected rlty-ftve . . . 01. • • • price f~ and monopolLstlc con. vi ted guests and .very ably told 'of the }..I<.:e ClarK, 011 'l'llursday . Il'.Iilkweed pods ~or the SO~. Mr. Raymon dbavis. 01 Dl.yton WIIS 'trOIs, .w ere dJsc.ussed at 1e.11gth. work: ot the health oftlcers of . the Ul· . l::mma Holloway wa.s in Richhey a1'e 1iO be shipped. to Mfc:btpoo· call1ng on friends ill Waynesv1lle, on Two books peroklln1ng to t.hLa subcOWlty I1B they opero.te. . r .• ond. Ind1a .. ll!l., last week at;tending "'. here they are UBeid' Ion the maJdo, SunQay. ot We peraervers. Ject were recommended for readlng: !Mrs . Lane, another invited guest a co.uerence 0 f the Amerlca.n Several members of Oha.pter 'Ge~m.o.JlY's Master Plan" lind "Bot,told in her generous way the advan- Fl'iendB Service Oommlttee. ~Iss The Junlora have ohoeeD ... e." tagel>. to b e ga in ed from the services fwuth uhauole l' wItn M. r i-'4a.y,SVI}ves.'-"Thwntle t1p" ._ a O. E . S, attended Frlendshijl m l<et- l£lnecks of Busin·~ ~ an".. Mrs. .thelr moderncla6:J p18Y,by Def--j, Ing at Bla.nchfl)ter on Thursday T he COl:nl:11 will enjoy 11 turkey of a. pre-venture full tlme hea1bh Roscoe humas were ut ~lle SW't<1lly oJ ..... W'Q dinner at the horne of Mr. o,nd Mrs. . commissioner . , session. l>r. aolloway retijl'noo. <bel given lhuradaiy eve.n1D3, ~ evening. • • • Hartley MoSs this ·month. All South After an eiJoyable social hour de- ho~ WIth tllem olUlday eve-Din". ber 14. in the high ICbOol ~ Mr. and 1\&8. Raymond Conner Wayne adv'-ory members ..... n.n d their ' ium The members of -.~- -' "" llcloUS refresh.ments were served by ' J . Wilson l!.dwards and da~ters' - .." • .._ .. nh en.tertained to dinner em Sunday t ftn • I1 'es are invl' _". . ~1.. . ... nwalh -~ . .- . 01. ' _UJ.l IoCU the hostess. The next meeting will be Mrs. Gene Rhle.n aru:i .Mrs . lo'. l.r. anx10 ..~ ...... ..... .._01Ow_ evening. Mr. and Mrs. Harry . Oon~ the boolts so ....... v ......:.- ' ~amDd and Mr. n.n d Mrs. .T he committee In charge ot arof S",i'ingfleld , wel'e gues.ts of out8 tor a ... ~.. - ma.... ...... -,. .. '''·ughter ....~.. The above .children rooenUy photo .......phed by the Woltz Siujlos In held at the home of Mr. filM Mrs . Smith UI . _ _•• 1. . . . . . . . W Houston, of Dayton, Mr. ran~e nents which are as tollows : ... Ia C. H. Brace. December sixth. 'UJQi:J Marglllct E~wards on Sunday. boys. U4 . . . . . . . . . ~ . . . . . and Mm. Russell Bentley. Mrs . l£o Mrs. Edwin Stanforth, Mrs. Ha.r.tley WaynesvUIe are; Carol and R.hoda., daughters of R. B . Bunnell nd chi Those trom a distance at the funOon.ner and Ohlldren and Misses Moss, Mrs. Clareru:e Rye and Hartley Idren or Paris Davis. of Waynesville AIRS. MARTHA BOUGH PASSED era] serviCE6 !or Mrs. Ma.rgaretta. . Mrs. El'llcst Harlan 1& • ~tqt;; ltuth a.nd 8aJ'a Conner. 1M06S. - -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - . - - - - - - - - - - - AWAY AT TIlE McCLELLAN '. rhur day, were, Mr. Lng for Mrs. Ken.neUt ~ 'Wbo ' • • • '1 he December meeting will be held MOTltER'S CLUB MEET V. F. V. MEET Wl1rH MRS. HOSPITAL, TUESDAY P . M, a.nd Mrs. Clement FlitcraIt, of Ohl- h8B been absent trcm ·, 1GboG1.: ,.... , Mr . .and Mrs . JoW; Settlemyer ' at the horne of Mr. and Mrs. J. B. FRIDAY AFl'ERNOON CnABLES ELZEY, TlIURSDAY ca{,ro. lJl1no.s ; Mrs. Irene RIoot. of cause of the death of~. ~ a.nd son, Billy were Friday evening Crabbe. Mrs. Martha Hbugh, age 86, widow Richmond, Indiana; W1lllam Ma.clt- HoUCh. Mrs. Harlan .fI · ,...,.. guests of Mr. and MIS. L. O. st. Hel.en ~y, Secretao. SWAC The Wayne Township Mother's The Volunteers for Victory ' group of Charles Hough. died at the Me InSOll, of Wnshlngto:1 . O. C . 01'. ·m athamat1cs, frencm ..~ Iatitil. ' J ohn. • Olub held their regular monthly of .workers enjoyed w()rk~ togetrer Olellan hos(lltal. Xenia, 'I\ ·esda.y. and Mrs: Dudley.Keever, of centerLest Thursday lWe ~ p • • " MISS ROSNAGLE APPOIN'JIIlD meeting In the grade bu.l.ldL!lg lWleh on Thursday evening, with Mrs. afternoon !TOm l'CSults of a broken ville. g u ~ 8 ts in Ule caf~ . ~ Mr. and Mrs. R4ISs H . Hartsock DIRECTOR OF COLLEGE OF 1I'00monFriday afternoon with 81bout Charles Elzeya.s'bQ6tessatthe home hip which we received about a Chandler, Mrs. AOla:nda women who were apenctt. . . . . dIi;r were Sunday afternoon .guests of NUBBiJNG A.ND HEALTH f11ty members . and friends present. of her mother. Mrs . .Frances Bra.n- month ago. HatLrum and Miss Olive Williams sewing tor the R.ed ~. ' .. Mrs. A. Z. Hartsock Bond bm1ly Olncinnatl, Ohio, Noveplber8--M:lsa Max Ra.nckl.ll, minister of the Church nock. Dainty refreJshmcn.ts were She La survived by one son, Ken- were euro.lled on tke slck' llst this glad to have them eat 'WlUi ui. lIear Klll&1I\8Jl." 0 • Laura E. Ros.rulgle, 192'l graduate of of Ohrlst wns in charge ot the de- serv~ during hour, Those n ebh , with whom she made her home. week. We are gJ,ad to I'aport they extend a.n invitation (0. ~". Mr. and Mm. Lloyd Davia and the Un1verslty of ctncinn&ti COllege vdtlons and several vocal nlllI1b!rrs present were Mrs. J. E. Mc Olure. two gnlOdchildren and one Sister, a re all recovering frlends .to viSit th~ eat~.• r.,. SOIlS had as Utelr week':end guestB f Nursing and Health and a.saociate ,,!ere given by the third grade pup1ls !Mm. Walter Frasure, Mrs. Fred I' Dora, t.he wUe of Dr. J. W. Ward. time. , " SerVices, Thursday 2:30 p . m. at MRS. GEORGE SMITH PA,SSED The Junlor-senior Beat . Miss Margaret Mays, Miss DorothY director sin-ce 1942 of the Ha.rUord. ,t inder the direction 01 Miss Rose. Hook. Mrs . Charleis EllIs. Mrs. Miller and Ralph of Dayton. COTUlecticut Hospital Sch 00 1 of MLa, Ruth Ohandler wa.s the guest Charles Maurice, Mrs . Paul Maurice, the MethodISt Ohurch Wlt~ burlalin AWAY AT HER HOME HERE omica baa been dlvldld ' , . ~ ursing, today was appcinted direc- speaker and G. very instructive Mrs . Robert Gray, Mrs. Jen.~e ,MlanU Cemetery under the, direction SUNDAY, NOVEMBER 5 ,g roups and are aemng lunCit Mr. and Mrs . Olen aland and Lor ot the College of Nuraing and talk on "BookS and Publlcation for COnner, Mrs. Ed Hopkins. Mrs. cf McOlure Funero.l Home. each otber. . daUghter of Springboro were Sunday 'D'~lth here . ifOr Ohlldren." Lunch served by FTances Brannock allld the hostess : Mrs. Emma Smlt h, age 77. died at oMarUyn Burske and .no;<> • ARMISTICE DAY SERVIOIlS IB evenLng dinner gueSts of Mr. and Ml&s .D~nn~le succeeds Mi ss the mot.hers or the sixth grade. ber home after &''1 Illness ot about raddook, ·who have bello Mrs LOSt John .---METHODIST OHURCH NEWS WILL BE HELD SATURDAY eight mOllths. hOBPltal tor tonaillar CIP8_ _ . . ' " Helen G . Schwartz, dean since 11140, WAYNESVILLE OHU""R AT ST. MAR . Y'S CHlJB,CB --.... u---.: _ ....... ...... She leaves her husband, George; .'". ·ere a ... UiICU'~ ..... _ _ Seaman Second Clasa Edwin who r~edJune. 1 ror adm1nist.TaOF CHRIST A~"""'""S Choir plt'actice SUnday at 3:00 p.m, 'A ftar the thrU1 \A ~ ~ .... ...........WI> Tr.·ere will be n special e~" f (lne SOil, Rl lph and bwo Aft ughte-, Ramby, o{Bampson, New YOl'kspept tI ve work In Wa.sh1n8tOn With the and Wednesday to 'UIO p. m. • ~ s q.ce 0 -• ., .t Ile week-ewt here with h1a tamUy, /llJnlted states C6det Nurse COrps. '!"he Wa;ynesvl11e Ccurch of ChrIst A S ub..JDistrict P'estlval will prayer in st. 'M ary's Oh!.rch on BatPhWlp IIIIU'. . Mrs. Ramby a.ud ch1ldl'en. Born in Springboro, Ohio, a.nd completed a foUr-week evangelistic be held in thee loaLl church Dext ~day, November 11, beginning at and oth"· ........... ~~ • 10 '30 a m 6ervlces w~re held Wednesday at .,.. .. - .. - , lisUng W..ynesville, a.s her penna- campaign last Sunday night with Sunday afternoon and evening. 125 " • • . . • 2:00 p. m . wit a burial in the ..... liven by the BaDd -.-h_ Mr. and. Mrs. 0rV1lIe Gray a.nd ' nent home. Mls5 Rosna~le attended 25 additions, 21 of them baptislll'. young peop,le from this and o.dJotnPetitions and Inter~ions on be4UIAll.U ---11. WIJl1am Sawyer entertaJned to ISprlngboro.aehools, M1am1 University tOuring the year of 1944 the log COunties Will bel guests . . The ~lt of all men and women in the Oemetery under the direct.l.on of the ~':l ;ahy~ . t!.,~ d er on Sunclay Mr. and Mrs. Oxford, ' Ohio, a.nd the local COllege ' Churoh of Christ has had 49 ad- booths w1ll be ready 'by 4:00 o·clock. armed services wID be presented. McClure Funeral 'Home. JUNIOR BlOB Sh~ TowOOJl. of MJam!Sburg. of Nursing and Health trom 1923 to dltlons, more than it has' hGd in the a.nd the publ1c w1ll be welcome to This observa.nce of the World Day C. ABAECHERi... REPUlILIOAN TJJ.o ladJColl· Methodist 1927. She holds a 1935 master of art last two years combined. The aver- visit our church and see the booths, of Pracer is open to '1the publ1c. WIN BY MARGIN OF 245 VOTES Wa,.entIIe are very bU8Y pla.nulJ)ti tor their degree from Colwnbia UnIvera1ty, (\ge atttn<fance tor the year in a and attend Ute pr()gram at 7:30 EAST WAYNE ADVISORY Conard-O 'IbGaII*D'" .. T:u,rkcyo d.l.nner" which they will New York otty. . fraction more than 111.6 per Sunday o·,c lock. OOUNoIL MEET AT BOME OF Carl Abaecherll, lt~pubUcan won Smallwood-. DtJdn-8 oAlter a. year of privati! duty nurs- as compared ,with 87 last year, 78 The /)anquet will be for young RBODES B~~L the race for prosecuting attorney serve In" th church dining room on Glllen-2 ~-2 '-. ~ evening, iNovember th e lng, MJss Rosnagle served on the 10- tth~ )'ear be.rore. and 67 the year be., peop,le only, ~t 6!p.m. '!!he object of bye. vote of 7,185 While his opponent haaUD88-0. .~ 1hhaU'..... twenty-first. The la.dies will begin cal Un1versity's and health fore that. !thLa !t'IItlval Sa .flO ge ISUpport tor The East Wayne t\dvLaory COuncil 'MerYl B. (Shorty) ·drliy'· Scoft!d' a Vlclcera-O ftje.O facUlty from 1928 to 19t1. then went Ftnanela.lly, the church Is dolog Chtldrens Home at ~rol'thington. 0 , met wIth Mr .. alld Mrs. Rhodes Bun- vote of 6,IHO. ThLs is how the race .serv1!18 at live-thirty p. m. IAJbDI,.O 81mPlOn-o • • • to the Highlat:Jd HOSpital School ot better than it has ever done in Its 'Otis intltution cares for oz:phan .nell on Thursdo.y evening. Nov. 3, il'or .the two candidates scored up in Hunter-o · Mrs. Obarlea Anderson entertained Nurslllg,BOchester, New York,as 88- entire history. The church has given /ch1ldren, those from bro~ homu' with eighteen members a.nd three preclnots wiUt the winners to lunCh on Friday. Mrs. H. E. sl3tant principal. A year ia~ abc more than twice as much Into all etc. A&ssLst in reblllJldiilg broken guests present. score .firat. Taylor-1 Hathawny, M1aa L1A Benham and was called to HartJom . offerings thLa year t.han It did last bomes, and r.i1a.ccs cbJldren In good Meeting opened with roll call and Wayne Twp. East, 121-107; Wa.yn'e Brill-o Mrs. Lloyd Davia. . 'Durr1n3 the current year MIas Ros- year. . ~omes. our young people would-like reading of the minutes ot' the l&St Twp. NW, 171-202; Wa)"ile Twp. Or~lg-O • . • • " is president of Connecticut For the last five SUnda.ys the Ito raise $100.00 tor thla cause. meet1ng. Le~ from oarl Huoohi- SW, :12-61; Wllynesv1lle Nonth, 122'lUarters 1 - 2 • a • t Mr. ~ Ml's . Donald Green and League of Nursing EducaUcm. Bible School attendance has been They Will try to so.Ucit the whole 60n and COngressman Brown were \11)2; Wa.ynesvllle South, 101..,105 . WaY'DesyWe ,2 - 1J - 11 - II baby daughter and MiAs Sue Fumaa In 1939 file was president ot the 00-- as follows; Ootober B, (.Rally Oaf) churCh, but U th6l! Ollnnot complete read concetn1ng aoclalized m.edic\.ne. . ---,,-M!ll'J'OW 2 - ~. 8 • 11 were Bunay guests of M!r. and MnI. ucatton secUon, Ohlo Sta~ Nurses 215; October 15, 143; October 22. tthls please bring your otferin&: SUn.- fBlll 1161 was again discussed. A .reSTATE WlNNElis ARE: L. V. BraiJstrator. Assoclation. From 1921 to 19113 she Ul; October 29, 162; November 5, day mbming. The yo'qng peo):4e also port was given by the resolutions -- . 8BN10. BlOB Mrs. E. W. Sco!lefd and son of taught in MJddletown. Ohio public 81. For the ]lISt two SWlday even- request ~ family to bring a few committee and passed upon by the President. F,rankltn D. Roosevelt; DesMoines, Iowa are s lpe~dlng schools. ings theQlttendance ha.s been 'as cans of fruit. Empty wlll be Cou.nc1l. A~ article on "Cartels 11.-' Governor, Frank J . Lausche; LieuW.~ 60veral days . here with Mr. a.nc1 'M16s Rosnagle's loc&l appointment Ifollows; October 29, 229; November given tor all cans brought. gu1nat Crops" wa.s read 'and a short ltenant-Governor, Oeol'ge D. Nye; Ludlngton-d3 ~ Mrs. Irwin Mulford. will take eftect at a date atill to be ~, 219. . discussion fOllowed. Secretary of State, Edward J . HumBrown-O ~~ set . .ln the mlW;1time, IM1aa Clara. E. The Waynesvtlle Church of Christ A llghtluncheon wa.sservedand we rmell ; State Al.\di~r, Joseph T ,; FerDavls-2 ~-o MOUOW ;' Mrs. Leo Oonner lett on Monday Oestel. associate proftesor, is in tern- is a grOWing Ohurch. its purpose ,II •• • Willhaw 5"'1110, Cun.Mllu........ edJourned to meet in December With . ~. and Mrs.Luther He.rtsock. O'Brien-' ~ even1ng to 'Spend a tew weeks with po~y adJn1.n~ive charge ot the or eXlStanee is the ,p roc.lamatlon ot Paulette satterthWaite, Sec. 'l'HE VOTE FOR. ALL OFFlCES A$ IH qadorn-o R,q1aad-8 ber husband, Private Leo Conner, at . C. College ot Nursllg a.nd Health. the gospel of Jesus OhrIst as It is Mrs. 'Phil Young died at her home ecorded In the New Testament and near the Oellaars Creek church THEY St.mntED UP IN Traylor-O , ~ l camp Fa.nn1n. Texas. Ifohe saving of the soUls acoordlng to ;Mondaynight . W(! extend our BED CROSS SEWING CIRCLE WARRBN C()UNTY QuarterS' l . ' ~. a - t Mr. and MrII. Walter Fra8ure a.nd :u .... 11,,,1.,11., I". ·1·lou.o ••, Curr.... ·...' the New Testament plain . sympathy to th? be:reaved family. MEET 'A TLOOAL WGBSCBOOL WaynesvWe 15· 1J -18 - II ' Mr. and Mrs. Luther Haines viSDewey lRJ 7,733; Roo6evelt (D) II 3 8 8008 were week-end guests at Dr. Last. T~esday evening the ,Sunday . We p~each. teach and believe that iLed Mr. and Mrs. '()ltlarley La1rc1in Thursday, November 3, 1944 was 5,948; Governor, St;ewart(lR) 8,'123; arrow - ·10·11 and Mrs. T. O. Fraaure at alp1Cf, S,*ool of ~ Sugar Creek 0hr1st- it is.nqt necessary to oocet4; another camden. S\IIldG,y. me~ ~y for etn ladies of Wa.yne Lausche('D ) 6, 478; U. B. Sena:tor, DODBIlB ~ Ohio • . .- . tan Church came one by one and creed than' ~ belie: in J~us Cl:j.rist Mr. and Mrs. ~¥DlDDd Wilson ' Township for the purpose of sewing l'i'llfit (8) 8,239 ; Pickrel (I[) 6.626, ~ AY .~ . Mrs. EHmbeth 8m1th entertained two by bWo to the home oft!r. and ,as th: aon Of· 000, that we / cannot 'Were shopperll in Xel!lia last FrillaY for Ute ReclCross at the,hIgh !i('hool Lieutenant Governor, Hoover (IR) M¥aaret rAaca and Ruth 110to· dinner em Sunday With covers (\rJohn Reeder at Oentervtlle. accep. or wear any man-made 'Mrs. ~ell1e 'Bwulell a.nd MIss oa.ra~rJa. An all-day s,ewing WQ8 i 8,~; 'Nye (0) 6,368; secretary ot £eeverwerebODor . 1'HIIta ablr'Ulranged for Mr. and Mrs. Lev1 K. we knew at a glance, aome we names, that we m~t com.e to the ~oo1mia Bunnell .mtertalned to in seasi~ and twenty-five Idt bags St&te, H~l (X). 8,685; 1"a1r(D). daY., pa.rtJ..,~ven satUrday ___ IHa.w~ oC WllmIngton, Mrs .. ,M ar- didn't know untJI they unmasked. Ohrlst through Faith, ~tance, dinner Sunday, Mr. and Mrs. Shaw were completed. IIi,lOO; Auditor of Tr~ (R) at the ,IaaaA:8 boDle. Both 'ItdI,. . . garet John, Mr. and Mrs. Amos Jitl was Hallowe'en I The home woa. confession, balPtlsm, and the lIv1ng 01' Dayton, Mr. and Mra. Benshall Mrs. W. Luldns served lunch to &,312; Ferguson tD)' ,633;J;. ·T re6aurer e1g'Ii~. ' •. Cook a.nd MTa. Earn,est~. tastef~f deoorated, with an old of the em istJan lite. We fl.n41n the Bunnell and daughte!J', of Lebanon, <the ladies In, th~ High School cat&.- of ~tilite, Ebright , (R) 8.387, a.n ev~ of . . . . . . Mrs. Harold h. "Earnhart and lady ~pldn ~rtng ~ her New Testament ·t hat to oomc; to Mr. and Mrs, W(llker and Mr. terla. strong (D) 6,2&1; Attorney GenenU, 8D1U8E1Denta, ~ "'If" daughter, .Naomi, IIolld K. N. HOUih .~les at ua1rom the butfe' and Jesus in a.ny other way 1& impossible and Mrs. ·Kella.r Hoak. . ~e next Red Cr~ sewing wID be Jenkins (1Ro) 8,333, HurleY(lJ:) 5,26'l; of tee cream, calce aDIt' ~ ~.... d h Do . DIay a, graceful YOUIlS aquash dan8led her 68 to do so, would be contrary to Ute ~. Everett Haines attended a a disaster sewing. Materta~ are COngress o.t· l.4rge. Bendei(lRo) 8,32'l servecl bF meed""," VIriD aDiI ::n :~~r~~' ~ as she watcheil U8 from New ' Testament plan. conlerence of the Amet1can Friends not yet avallabl~, but It is desireable O IIlBS(Ip) 6,243; Seventh Homer Iaaaca to tbO ~ 'o,jl0'tr'ID' A black cat d.1'Clied his It is our ,PI11lpOBe and ·pla.:n to in- Service Committee In session, Nov- Ito "have . as !JU!o1lY ladies present tor District; Brown (~) 8,678 'Cashin trUeat.Ii: .S&rab Jean ~ RutiIl . !Mrs. ~Ohar)e$ Anderson of aDd at 118 from the lamp terest and win every person of this ember 1 to I) at Earlbam, ~cl, th1a meetiDg a.s possible. tD) 5,l17' State Bena.tor :a:u.k (R) ~ ~..:'.t .r......~~ , 1ft f ~ Wftll . community in the Way proclaJmOO '. ' ,e , t... ' ~~ ~,~ ~b.~~henert spea.n ' ..,.twiflLef!!W,Mr, ~.... alteleton greeted U8 at tpe, by the a ' tels Jesus Ohrist THE WOMAN'S SOClllTY OF THE ,8AiQ4,. Conlln (0) 5,1'J1l .R.epresen- MurIel ~eIl.Ilieets, . ~ ,"': • VOl " ...... In all, had a "f ~ h"-'- h. ' 1M'r6. Glenna Wilaon aocompa.nied LYTLE ooOYn»,"- E~-'T.II~ taUve toGeneml .Assembly, Martz Keever, IJMJr& U1lJer.,' 1Ro!l&l ' U B tl 1,.,111;\&\\»'''110,''' :.' you no c ..."'. ome YDU ' ClUJUlVD . , .II'' ' ' ' ' 11JU"___ . . . e en ey. . at' juat are most sincerely mVlted ' to 'wor- her mother. Mrs. 1~11a Hurley to IN HARVEY BURNET'S. HOME (R) B,67!); ' ~ OonuDissloner, ~, ' N~ Ol'I~lIrIi~('I_DII", Mr. ~d Mrs~ ~l·~ en~ ' .shIp, .wit.h us each Lord's day a.nd tlne home ~ Bertha S~a.mIxlugh In 'H a8emeyer (.~) 1i,1IP. l\4CQ1ure (R) Berry, ~ 1IIl~ tajne~~' to ._ SUnday d1nner, 1Il's. become 'affiliated with U8 in serving Iw&ynesvtlle, Tu ead a:y a.ftemoon The Woman's 8oc1ety of the Lytle ::::~! Atto~ney, Aba.e- ~ , '.JllIbIDO"" ~ie 0!LrCY . .and M:l..B$ . I.a\qr , '~ , .' !Him woo died that ,we Intght live :where Mrs. Hurley will spend se-: church were en.tentainec1 Thl1J'l!day r '. CR) 7. 85, Gray . (D) 6,~: 8het:t's, Jack KbII8;' i(bU'ljlI ' O~IeIt,,~ . • veral weeks. .' ,t o a.n a.ll da1 meetin8ahd: oovered P~k .ot CoUl'ta, Bec(ltett (IR) 11.724; ~1m. BartIoCk, ·Daft lfa:rIac_~ J'8_ BDn'II' MfflOUNCEMBNT cotlee. .. ~d 'WARREN ' OOUNTY MEDICAL Mr. and Mrs. Donal111ainEti nd d1llh dinner. at· the h~e of ~! Shez:11f , Ooudm{lR) 8,98'1; 'County Otw!lea were. to a'boUt ,SOCIETY MEET. NOVEMBER '7 80n A1don were Sunday ~ehmi .~r~ey .B.unret.. The 80CJety ~.. RecoJ'der, ~raham m.) B,900; ~t(y waynesVille ruesta: ,~,;. .• . __ . guests ot Mr. and MlITI. J,{e,1~' Hol- aen~ . the p'~den.~ , ~. E : B. "rre~~urQr, IJ.'Ohnaon (R) S,,,.,1; Maraa et -.~.dIII• •~\lM.~.17' ~ ~tlt)g Will be. At a' meeting . of the W arren ~wor~. ' ., . Lo.. ga.ere Ilrayellng Iijuse for Mf Ooun.£~· Engineer, Henkle (R>, 8,728; Don w.,.tJ~n,;,: MIU1Ct!18'.:U:ie;..'.i ... j Ili~~·.~~ :.l~..tbe ch"urCh this 'lbunsdaY County Medical Society, on 1N0vem- Mr. and Mrs. William Smlth ~ ,df1cIent an", uDtlrlng 88fVlce tor a COroner, W1lllama ~IR) Mac; OhIef PaUl Mallot Of Lel~~:"ili: ,11\' ~....e.LboJ~'1'Wi7~ . ber 7, the following officers were Sue enreR&IiD~ to- Sunda¥' lIumber of ~ears. otfl.cier& tor the IJuatiCe of' thl' Supreme O:I~ Wan- .~ gU~ "1'1~N "'itiIr.liIC,'iaj'I"~&i~ 01. aecq.e Sc:hmItt went for the coming ·year: Prcsin honor of Martlyn sue.81 ·~1Di ¥e8r were el~tecl as follaws . . of UM; Weyg .n .. dt 3,012; ')ft. .. ... bIa O!irn for bJinllaat Dr. <Allred' E. stout, VIce blrt.hcby, the followIng ~: Mr. ,President, Mrs. Jjl, B. ILongjlcre J~ of the, 8qpreme.·OOUrt <'l:erm '1iii~i1i~~~ ~ 'has 'been alck Dr O. Y/. Hottman, SecMrs: Weldon iW1iIDl, Mm. JVtee Prea1dent, lire. J!la,fl Young. COO1IJ1e'bclng Ja.n : 1), H~le 2~; !PIIDD:D ttme:,. • Dr. Roy O. A. Bock, 'I're9.~. qf , near Xeula' . !.Ira. ' Secretary. Mrs. Therle Johea, ~, 4,110; 'J Udie Of the"Str,J,retJWl •• , Dr. Mary L. COOt, Censors. compton, !(r. , and l4ra , RaJlira. Oharl~ Oh&rlton;' OQr(Term 00l'DD1enC1ng Jan. 2).














~7r' :;1s;1 ~~:ln~I.Mrs.

. . 11IIJIII



01 the




·. . . .









. --"'--.

S~~=~:::'lJ~~i)J"'I_"""~ .111'" ~ ~ ~ .' 1




lira. '1Ian7', J.

~. ~: •


~~1iti.i~ii ~



BlaJ,r; A.·P. Lippert, 0,'



.state Medical


Bop.n 1LI¢·pba.t'ley Mend~ . Walter wilson palled on lIII'. MrII. Melvin Reevea m Xenla,

. Dr. Jl!Ole8 Arnold. P. W . Tetrick. LegDr. 'Hi. 1(;

at ~~. .~ ~

"""1"l'OIt reaUJ



BecretarY~ ~ns' \ walter R.eJa.t~on. Y;ra. OllarHome SerVIce- ~.W1l.

. •

,Mra. 0; B.

,Heit 4"


Oouit of,Ap~ (UIImtJlIriid

Btw:hmt. wOrk, Mi'B. 4'eb. , 8, ~,~ Y~ ;~omen J~i'e,o!Prob&t4)'~1 B. stetnke, ' Ob1lcfren'a Precl ,Rush, 'Ll~erativ.e, 8DiitJl, sUJ)pl1es,- lira.



. . '. ' , ,- " . , ,ltIuDdilIl' ~,. Bat tbe . . . 8' 1-;.0 AND MRS. BOIlEJ'T L¥~ ~e, It.. iIW1 ~ ~ 'BI*I~ LIte. Un. \. VISIT ~ 'LApY A!J1 LYTJ"B 11ID• .;tllfIIIIIii. ...... tbat .wt C U l J V b a l 1 o n , It II ......Int. howIMIt'. m8etmc wm 'be held on



..-1IIft, . •


'l'hs. ,~~, J.p,:",:.,y• h~::-::':~=ll i".IIItbI... aDdwIll the.~~1Ure

.. Thanday, November 9, ,lid


E.., ...---WEEKLY NEWS ANALYSIS-----. LEND. LEASE = Food SJaipmem$ .For You to Build




~ER you have a boule

.' of ,our own or whether you

. move etten. unit book shelves are , . . . ~er , ~ many a problem. '!'bey may be 8~aled to fit almost W _pace; you may add to them u needed and they may be ahifted from one I,>lace to another ae&rdiJ;ll to, your moo~i. ,They may Nrt In the -living room and end In the children's room or in the Idtchen. The units may be divided. ~ultipHed or used ' in various




',J,leed no special akill to thfl three units shown. neSt well pt:0pottioned . shelve_


Naval 'Victories PaVe Way for Assault on Japsf Inner 'Lines; Reds Press Back Nazis in East

• In !:zcept for a IUlht tI1erelle milk products. lemld-le'le ahl~ menta at food durin, the flrlt nlDe monthl of 1944 were IlmaUer than In the corr,lpondlnl pell'lod lalt ,ear. the Foreign Econom:lc administrator announced. ' ....- _ _ _ _ _ Re eand b, Wutern New.paper Union. _ _ _ _ _.....:...1 Blneat oha..... . . . ID beef (EDITOR'I NOTE. WlII ••,Ial•• , ar •••,r..... ID u...... I....... lbl, IIr. tbe•••r and veal. lbe FEJI~ aaJd. wlUl W....... , N,w.,a"r V"le.· ••• w, .D.I,.t• • ad DOl ....... rll' .r 1101. n.w,p.p.r.) leas lbaD 1 per ceDt 01 the U. 8I1Ippl, lend-leased compared with 1.' per ceDt 01 liltS. Shipments Included 12.1 per cent of the supply ot U, S. eggs; 111.11 Pill' cent ot edible tats and ons; 8.11 per cent of canned fruits and juices. and 10.3 pe.r aeot ot canned

-Up Frock a, Favorite ............,Iiio."".... Set Most Fla~tering

W i

WIIIN CONml'AIIOH mall.. ,oa pllllk .. lb, dieteDi. briDp 011 iJtolDl. ,

aput, lOUt wte. ,..., dIIcomfort, tan ( Dr. CaldweU·. f&mOue medidDe to "ulctb vuU the triller Oil "17 "11IIW'CIa ... belp 10U t,a1 brlJbt aDel c;hlpper ; ,


At the same time. the FEA said U. S. forces overseas r eceived large quantities ot food trom Britain. Aus· tralia and New Zealand under reverse lend·lease.



DR. CALDWfU.. I. the


tulti,e contalJle4i11 ,ood old SJlUP Per aiD In make It 10 .a, to tako. ' MANY DOCTOIIS Ule pepan prepuall... In prelCriplioDi to mate the lDedicine more palatable and .cretable to take. So b. . . . ,our lualinia contained ill SJIlIP Pepa.. INSIST ON DII. CALDwtll·S-thlfnori..


of millions for SO ,eal'll! and feel that wbot..

IOlDe reUef from c:onaupalloD.lnn ~

Even 88 the U. S.. government children love It. sought to prevent tho fostering at CAUTIO", UIII onl, u directed. monopoly In the disposal of surplus war plants. the British! moved to establish control over fadUUes erected during warUme with puhlic funCis . U. S. acUan was reflected in the • . Justice department'. declaration that -.ere deaigned especially for ama. NaUvea on Ley&. Island ID PbJUpplnea walk throqb lbelr .moalder. Jt considered the Aluminum Com· teur homecraftel'B to make with 1Il~ , riIla~e . caa~bt in orOil-Sre of 'D. 8. and JapallHe II&'bUn~. pany of America a monopoly. aDd. • the simplest t~o1s. A compasl saw '. as such. ineligible to purchase three from the llve-and-Oime w1ll cut EUROPE PACIFIC'. of the 60 million dollal' governmentREUEVES DIAPER RASH , the curved shelves of the end Units. ' : owned plants ' whicb 1't bas operatBeca~ the shelvel WeI:e de- ~U!! Press Nazis lap! Humbled ed during the war. . . alined by a homemaker, a simple '."lghUng wJth their backs to the With 60 'of her warships sunk or no~c:~i~~t Itth:ouf:~:=e~t ~~t method, of conatructiDg them With ..aU against masses' of Russian meo damaged. Japan's once proud tm•• ell, the 1.000 factoriel It c~nstruct­ For this. pattern. l end 25 eent. In eolna. DO open dust space' at the bottom and material. the Germans doggedly perial navy no longer domlnatel far ed to meet the wartime emergen. 10ur name, addre ls, pattern number and Get Your War Bonds wu .. worked .out and IIJHlclal , alowed the Reds' march through Paclftc waten, having given way to cy. The government also said it llu wanted. ~ ,iven to ' tile wid~ ,East, and Hungary: a U. S. tleet which i8 standina pre- would tum back to private ownerTo Help Ax the Send JOur order to : . aDd , depth or shelves. 110 that th~ In Holland. however, the eneill)' pared for a ,rand aSlault upon ·the .hlp planti taken over I[or war work. 12·20 ~ have J];e maxunum useful. Tiithdrew from the southwestern enemy'. inner detenses. with the queaUODI ' of compensatioo SEWING CIRCLE PATl'ERN DEPT. lata an.d's be made of stock porUon of the country, with only Stakln, a major portion of their for improvement.. or markoff. for re,.... dlltnlaef IONlIIlY 531 South Well. St. Cblca,o . . . . ;of ~b:~., • min~r pocketa of resiatance re.m aln· navy 00 a brazen attempt to smash depredation left 'openl. Eneloee 25 centa In eolna for each 1IOTa: Patllefn 2'10 llvei it fullllza 'pat- Jng along the Schelde river. where General Dotialas Macltz'thur'l IUP• pattern desired. tim foil tile c:ur;ved abelvu of these book they had , successfully blocked the ply Une. to the ~hllJppines. the Japi DOCTORS: P.ttern No.. .............. .Slz.. . ... ~ . Graeelul aDd 8llmm1n, .... IIUllar•• d1a~.m. with dim,1IIlaDa Allies' free UBe of the bl, Inland suffered approximately 24 warabJp. A C t Call Name .• . •• •••••••••••••••• "' •••• •••••• ., aD tile atralllbt ptecos. Alto a OOID- port of Antwerp. , 13 probably .unk and 28 dam- I'I.rmy K ,! princess charmer. accent. . . Hat of materlal& required ' vessels a Dd With appr........ --'- a t6'.•n per cen.,..... - ed in rickrack. will do things for Addreu . .............................. . lratad dlNctIoaa lor ueb .tep IIIand themue· CODIn Eaat Pruasia, the Germans onl)' age d by U. S. surface ~ -IiInIeUoa of the UJllti. To .et tbJI pattem IUcceeded In alowing up the Rua- aircraft, wblch met three enemy or 60.000-0I the naUon,·. physlclana your figure and make you the . . . . . II, eenta ~lb IUIme aDd ad~ Ilan char,e. orJgIna1J,y paced b)' forces In the viciniI;)' east of Leyte. In the services and "eterana' ad- enV7 of your friends. Trim with IIDII dJJecl to. . over 600 tanks and swarml of bombTheir supply Unel .ecured. Gen- mJnJstraUon, the. army announced It novelty buttona. Secret Is Out IDg planes, after the Red. drove 14 era! MacArthur'1 troops continued will not recruit liD)' more doctors ...... No. _1 .. 4HlCDed for IdZH WYB'1'II SPBO. Itt. no secret that Nu·Maid Mar-milel within the province on ~e their drive Db Leyte. crowdln, sur- trom cJvilian ranka. meeUn, Its N,w y~ II. 1" 11. 18 aDd.. SIze It abort a1eevu garlne has a finer. churned-fresh road toward the capital of KoenJ... vlvin, enem)' acldiera onto the needs trem graduates of ita spedal. Nq1llral1~' 1U'C1a 01 . .lIIch m.terIal; 1~ Drawer 11 ' flavor I Nu·Mald 1a the Table· ber~. As the drJve Ilowed. there mountalnoua western end of the i.. 1Eed traJnln, program and' Individ· 1arda machlll.mad, to trim. , ..... tJ _ta for Pattem No.' 1'10. were eVldencel in the Nazi home land. In eatablJabJna their beach- uala ,now belD. proeessed. )"or tbIa patten. IeII4 • c:aIa III ooilla. Grad. Margarine • , • made ••peIbe dulracJ. aDd tile c1alq for use on ill. tablel:-Aclv, anny'l fevered defense preparation. Becaute expansion In perlODllel ,.ur In the hu,e concrete bunkerl uaed aad .tepplDl ~ at Pa~Ulc opera· patten !..-.J~"'-' M to Impede the KUlslaD advance. Vef7 AUraeU"e In an effort to divert · German __r:COr-.D ....~aaCID ~_~by-.crUIoef.m. ~ round-necked. extended· -Nau_ ~ .I ahOulder treatment of this strenath, mon. RUlSlan forces U, whJch, .... Iod tw'O or m,re Dlpteown Sa very ftatterin, and opened up an offensive alan, the aoid aod .... nIT ODe nrvtriD~. unusually easy to cut and leW. Nraew river above Warsaw. making IIIe .... departmeatl .....~ IDIert a narrow satin or velvet .ma~ penetraUon. in bitter fIIb~,. pro~ecl • poHe,. at nlt1arDlq .. ribbon in the draw'ltrin, topGaiety Vani5hes ~~~:..:..~:'~~~ or nta~ III tile ~~~ make the lash of the yme ribboD. . l1D1ted 8 .............I __ y . . _ Edte the attractive bed or bre~ In Hun,ary. great battle, n.ed fori ~. ., aW.. aoa of a f~ III ca-. when fait Jacket with narrow lace and alon, ttie TIaza river. 110 miles from head. alon, the e.stem coa... and tw'O or more .... U~.I bema ..... tie it with another pretv bow or the capital of Budapeat, with the the .ame shade ribbon. . heavy riunbUn. of bl. IUDI plalnl)' then drinn, Jnland Into the .trateale escept wllere 1M tllll'YiYlac eaa Leyte v.Uey. U. S. dou,hboy. in- .. lIIIIapet III DOD - . . . .rd... , , , heard In the c:J1;)'. ' ' dm,. onne... ' Barbar. BeD PattuD No. 12S1 .. d. fticted 24.000 ea.ualUe. on the Japl. Famed for ' ... lIIal UI4 licleo In a.....linI the tun e!fec:ec:lt~at~th~o~:;.;;::;;;.;::;;~~;:~~~~~ IlIDe4 lor . . 11. It. 11. 18. 10: to and waIIi calea. Badapest took OD U. S. vietofJ' In, the Iko;' nava ODS ave crea ,d emand for a. SIze It DllbtaoWn requires ' " 1U'C1a ~cc oa ••NIHOL-II IODllMlr tODes, wJUt tile German battle of the PhUlpplnes. authoriU~ mecllcal ameen. the navy. on the III ..1Dc1l material; Jack.. 1'1\ 1&rdI. DRB DeWi apacy n,POl1hIc: laid that the enemy'. 10llel In ahIpa other hand, announced that it muat - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - : - -.......~------~--------.--. ""I'bere II DO more I'J'III' mulo. IUDk and damaled seriously Im- add at leaat 1.000 more phy.lclana l!lTerythlD~ II 'raUoaed. Labor paired hil ' abWty to reslat the to Ita present rolla of around baUaUou III teDI of tIIoaaaDda American advance for months to 13.000• • f mea un atarted to work OD come. In additloll to the na~,. It was reeatreDcluDenta••, Becaute Japane.e repair )'arda al- vealed that the fecleral aec:urlty Even thoulb acme Hun,arlen ,en- ready were taxed to capacity before a,ency aDd tho ~eterllu' admInJa· erals were reported to have lODe the latest battle, clamaled ene~ traUon a1lo are leeldn. aclditlcmat over to the RUlllana after Be,ent Ihlpa will bave to await a 10111 tum doctor•. lin ..... Horth),,1 ill-fated plea for an armlarecondiUoned for' aetlon. It AGRICUL·'l'TTD'I:'". tice. the Hunlarian arm)' remained before Will said. II. \J Al.£I In the fllbt by Germany'. .lde. a1Market' PriceJ thoulb the Germana themae1vel 'Situation Un/avorabW were compelled to throw In lar•• With farm .ale at lpr:inI pi,. n.; Speakin, at a ma.. meeUn, In inI rapidly. ho, pricel took • •pJD force. to bolater, Axil lJDu Olaka,' Premier Kolao ur,ed the In the acuthweltem part at tho c:ounJapane.. people to lncreue ttlm In recent marketa. with the avu· tl'J'. a.o at Chica.o dropplDir to centa JD Accordin. to mWtar,. advtc:ea. tho proclucUvo effort, declarin,: ... . . coe cia)' to $14.25 per bundredwe1gbt. omeer. and men had to die for their Geiman evacuation at the Aetean CounterinJ the drop lD the boa , ' I~, Greec. and lower YuaoaJa· natiOn becauae we did not lend them market, however. wal a ltea~ cat.. via cw aa .alel to have lalned them lUfftc:ient material • . ." tle market. ' with the bIIIlk at Iteorl Slnc. th. Jlps compelled to lOme 18 dJviaJona. or about 150.000 around $III. Sheep and lamb, men. '.l'he eneDl)' appeared to have abandon their outer defense rlnI. brouIht atead7 pricn. ' withdrawn the major bulk of theIe ' Kolao llid, the litu'atloD had be- AI 141,000 bo••• lncludJDa about forces de.pite the prllsaure appUed come ''rearettabl7 ulifavorable." 115.000 apriq pip, moved to ill " a,alnlt hJa communIcaUon Unel .". CHINA: leadiD. marketa Octobttr 11. lar•• Tito·, Partlaanl. later aided b,.1luaholdovers were . reported at lOIn. II&n aod Bul,arian trooPI. Highlighu Crisi5 pacJdDJ centers at the clO.. of the ImpaUent with ChInese GeneraU.. da,', tradlnl. In the ....lVIoua wHIr. Escape Entrapmenf almo Kal-ahek·. aJownn. In 111.000 ho,1 bad baeD Ihlppecl. Their po.lUon jeopardized b1 In· cooperaUn, In the UIilllcaUco at tho WIUt "p. ~ I.r Uricre.. In, Allied pro..ure, some countrJ' and the rohabWtaUon of hi Iteck aDd U~"""k baIto,OOO GermaDi streamed northward tattered armle., and bavtna In. &J!lCIq" decIbao for oro.., .... trom aouthweltem Holland to ... curred , the GeneralJlalmo" cUI. pDenI leY.. of far:aa ,ria. cape entrapment from the rear b)' pleaaure for prellin. for quick 1M pel' cent ., tile a dyin. Brltlah column mavln, to- action. Gen. JOlepb W. (''Vine,ar UOf.·14 Ipre III lIIIa.october. ward the North lea. ' Joe") StUwell ha. been recalled ,to tile ,c1epartDant .. aplcaltare Al'aarb I1Ibjeetecl .. lIIe the U. S. . . reported. wJthortq Ire of AWed At the same Um•• the USDA .&id, StUwell'l removal ODC. alain tile major JOrUOD of &be eaem, broUlht tJut critical Chlno.e litu· price. f.rmer. palel for eommodl· force manaced to wJtbdraw, aUon into tun 1JJht. with lateat ao- tiel wen 1'111 per cent of the 1810ODJyle.~ bebID4 tile .....Ied counta Itrellln, the poUUcal cUI- "14 level. ' ' tiDlts OD both banb 01 tho unity exJJUn. In the countl'J" beIncludJD. price. pald, Interest and Sebe14e. Aa lbe AlUea broacld &weeD the ,GeneralJasimo'. ' .overa- taxes, the pariI;)' index ,toad at 170 their IalI _I,ba to bear OD &beIe ment and tho northern CommunJltI, for the Mth conlecuUv. month, alta. tile,. were alowly COlDand the GeneralJllimo'l leemln. de- with the avera.e for all farm com. pressed. to .ave hJa mJlltafJ' force. to modJUel It1ll 14 per cent above In Italy; the Germans Increaled maintain hJa control after the war. equalization. CommodJUe. .tW betheir anwl!fJ' 'fire In an e!fort to Ever ainee comln. into command low pariI;)' included wbut, oata, further alow up Fifth army force. of the Chlna-Burma-India theater ley. I')'e, &raln lorlburn., ha)" pea· boiled in the moUntain mud. Indl- early In Ita, SIDweU encountered nuts and ell'. ciatlve of the Nazil' determination ditftculUe. in seeltlnl to develop tho While the aU-c:rop indeX feU to to hold OD to the Po vaney throu,h. ChInes. war dort. beln. hampered 188 of the 11109·'14 level, llve.tock out tho winter was their planUn. by lnadequate authOrity. the in- and llve.tock products pr:lcel roll! to -----..,....--.....- ......- - - at more mlnes, and their strlnam, eiBclent handl.Ina at equipment and, ll1e. At 'iIle feed price index of more barbed wire. acro.. tho tIDally. tho GeneralJuJrno·. Peraonal jumped 'I per cent over Dud-Oc:tobor battle-front.. boatIllt)' to b1m. in lMI.




WHlIg!2~!!! !!!!J





female Weakness


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IWII" .Mrea. _bel'.



* Axil!





PIdlJ.,... .,...

















lncreme Quotas



WJth an increa.. 01 2DO.000 over tile precedJn, month, the natloa'l total tire quota for November wal lOt' at 1.8:10.000. at which . 880.000 ,are for paaen,er can; I'JO;OOO ~ traetor;imple~ent mac:bln8l7: and Il10,000 fOr truc~. lccord1nI to OPA, the quota of, pu...... Ur.. Ihould ••u.:r" aormal lfovember replacement DHdI . . ,.... and .~. ratloD bolden, but >


. . ma~ cut ba~...





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Dividend! Up l\ 1lec:tJnc the boom, dI... . _!. :. war , u ___.. . ~ OIl c:ommco atoclut _ ..... OIl

J46.oooJJOO uladM,.J'" lPJS.'n ~" the N_ Yo~ Exchan•• aIi~ a ...,. JarMr IIMlIwiIIIII--. o.b ., per cent 'lnere... ~ the am DID. months ~ . thJa ,.ar, IJVet' lMI. ......... ' totaIlJDa 1\tt bOUCID doUan. ' , 'o.IL~ Pace-........... emuaeme.t '" , .. ,....... 11M ~ fl!OP atocb. which Ihowod a IS Per ceat ., ~~ JDcnue: .utomottv•• ~p .. . .1Cdcin hi iii ~ OIIit' rubber up. per elml· petro. ...... Cat ~ Q 14 and a• • .... ". i'W. . .. 11per ceat ..

Jtl(JJJOOJJOO o6OH 1M wlaol. iIdI

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Utbe _iami


.W aynesvWe,

~a'tttt Ohio

!lDtered III. 8ec:01ld C1aaI Mall wat.ter at; Postotllce, Waynesville, Ohio

At 26 N. Detroit t., Xenia, Is Popular With Pcojile From All Over The Surrounding Territory . .. . . Featuring Good Food, Well Senrcd . . . . 'Mllny 1\(cet thclr Friends Wben In Towll . . . . Tel. l\1nln_!nB

Walter W. Wiseman, Edjtor and Publisher IB8UED EVERY THURSDAY Bubacr1ptlon PrIce, 11.60 Per Year, Payable in AdVance


The Interurba.~1 Restaurant In Xenia is a center for 10001 as well as the traveling publiO and has taken a prom inent place in the busln~ss UIe oC ·the communi ty' 'By featuring' well prepared. food with gOOd service they have a large and lP'owln.g patronage. You ~il find a wide variety t hat will please the most jaded appetite.



Hom. Ton N......,.. ... w............ -CIIIuto I,"

• •


• HallrDoUld9 .. San FraOldaco. CeL

From A Farm Diary--Dry Ridge

November I, 1944. SU1l8hine and a ,t he things over and IJut in a bid cOld wind today. Woolly ,WOm18 are ery now and lihen. Sunday. My cows rove found a 6e&rce th1.s year. I haven't seen enourh La be able to foretell next new home for a year a.nd my .new winter's weather. one prophet mllldng st.aJble wIII be empty . r hate we are going to have the coldest La let them go, but it seems the best -winter In twe.nty-five years. Br-r-r. !Way to do and r hope lor a nice llook One Wooly wonn I ElJ;W looked JWit ot calves to raise In tile sprinjt . lllte JlI.6t year's variety, but tod&>, I Ilven before the man llad gone ai.ter saw one with jU8t a. ,b lack tip on each makJ.!1g arrangements to ssk tnem, end which' would mean a long winter one of our ex...nelghbors drove in to but unW .I see enough to know the ask <\bout them. He Had plenty of general pattern It 1s hard to say; be- feed and would have been glad to cause no one ever told me wether ltake them for the winter. No doubt you were ,to Judge by the first one or lWe wlll hear from someone else, tor the season pr by the general)la.ttern .things a}wa~s go by threes. When I for the year . .U there rE<llJrj 1s any- went over to tell Bill about it, the ,thloi to it, It should be the majority 1lrst Ith1ng he said was, "come in pattern and <bile others are Just froo.k here and see wha.t we have got," a.nd They do vary .from year to year but I t here was Bett,v with a nice big red have not kept tra.clt of It long enourh to prove whether there 18 Our big, white gobbler Is d~d. 1 . " any correlation between varying said a good mBony rude things about amounts of black an.d browlh and the Ills looks but ·to Jose twenty or more temperature or not· , 'l=JOund.s of turkey just as the mnrket Cellophane Used as When they brought us a. tank of ls 0; en1ng. This Isn't what I wanted - water this morning, they said tha.t either. Perh8ips If we had found him Cover Agairist \.a~ they had. orders for Twenty-five sooner, a dose of Phenothiazine One of the many wnr jobs assigned .tanka of· water today. might have helped. They say they to the famm ar transparent film flnds ThW'!ld.-.y. Dr. Prsot came this are beg1n1ng to use it for blackheads celloph llne In the form o()r a gas pTa· morning and tested our COWs tor and other parasitlcal deseases of tective cover, Cor use by OUT armed forces In case the enemy should reBangs. not t.bait I thouebt any of 'TJOultry. J.! It does as well for sort to g~s . Several of tilcse capethem had it but you Ilear 80 much poultry as It does for sheep , the llke covers EIre issued to each man talk and It ls aometh1ng that I had poultl1yman's life will be made easier Elnd woman In the overseas fo rces beep. doing for a long time . I hO/.oe They say hawks kill more han e- as protection against po~sible attack the day wID come when we can bUy nough pests La IQ.y for the damage by poisonous gases ; and each sol· COWs 8lld feel 11.6 safe about Banga 80S ,they do, but toot pair of big ahlckm dler's cover equipment uses as 'We now ~ about .T B. I had never hawks that fly over every day will much cellop'hane as Is required to acen them ' tc8ted before. They Ihave to do a lot of good to 1=<1Y their wrap 1.4.50 packages of cigarettes. have a ~l hollow bl~ needle ~W. How: easUy and swlltly they When it Is recalllld that gos casU· an a Small glass tube whi~ they \6&U, patterns tor those man-made alUes in the First World wnr nre reo atlck into a vein 10 the neck an4 h&wks on w~ch we are de..'Cnding to ported to have r e.a ched substantial dr8IW! ort a small amount at blood win our battles. ' totals, It can well be seen why our :which 1& la.ter tested in the labor- I iMonday. The corn picker ' cante government has leIt no stone un· turneIJ to provide our invasion atory. We t.esteq nilleteeIl head '&.1- . toda.y. Not much of a crop but betrer torces with . every possible pro. ~ethe.r, COWS &1vee and I!4ll)" Pop- ith&!1 we !ear~ and whcl.t a cqmfort tection against the use at ga s. La bave It, lIi now lnBtead of next The garm nt Is not a substitute Batur~. Rain ;oat · night, bu~ spring sometime. What corn. there ' for a gas mask which, Incidenta lly, hardly enough to make a puddle, ls, 1s good, moe big ears of good Is also wrapped In cellophane until en9U«h j)e1'haj:6 to keep the com solid com. WJlQlt would we do this Issued but Is designed to keep the fodder fnet be1ntr cnJIIhed to dust year MthOUt pickers 'and combines fine ~~ ray of bli stering gases, such 'When the picker oomes If it '6omes We had a lit tle alfalfla seed com~ as mustard. from touching the skin, soon. There were two, much adV'er- bined. Such a big awkward looldng clothing and equipment of the fight· " tlZed salea thla afternoon, but wben machine tQ gather In that tiny seed. Ipg men. the doctors, nurs!:s and . I walked dow.n ,t he streets in Wa.yoooa news I '!'be docLar gives our other exposed personnel. ' nesvWe thls attemoon ~ I met DIm cows a clean bill of hl!81th. No _ A speci~l type of, celloph~ne was Surface anci Bangs Burtan and there bangsl chosen by the army 5 chemical war· !We were, three old sale fOO8 that 'I'll tI st hard t -.4 th _ fare service because it prove~ to be . e .~ reeze VA e sea more impermeable to the pOIsonous . were npt &t either 9lle. 'Ib1nsss &ore 600 laat, termperature around gases than any other lightweight .sell1ng high enQUgh at the most o~ rbwenty. maybe that cold winter L~ transpa rent m aterial. The cover is ., the saleB Just D9W 80 that we be8i1lllilnfJ. Remember the' oo~er expendable. Is thrown away after a 'not needed at La bid ~e prices .u p. It gets the more our lboys w1ll need glIB attack. and new ones issued. 'One of the best wa.ys I know to save the War Fund and the things our -money Ia to 'stay away f~ sales, War Bonds buy. Give th t he WOT but It 1& tun to go ~i:i look the:F'und and keep .on buyIng bondos.


ltheumatlc fever, ·dr.ead clluse of hool·t di sease tu children and young adults, may yield to a cbl'mlcal fourid In red pepper Bnd lemon peel. l\coording to a prelimin nty report by Dr. James F . Rineha r t. prof ssor of pathology in the n edl 111 Be ,h.)1 on the San Frnncisco ca ml tiS of the Unlversily-1)f-Ga llfornla. 111 plant pig· m ent, nuYene, Imown as 'Vitamin P . has shown cons id(>ra ble romise as a treatme nt (or U.e t :e:l l dl sablf.:r ~h eumaLi c fever. While the bacterial c au'so ot r heum a Uc' (ever has not been definitel y establi shed, it is genera lly nccepted that respiratory Infection is at leost one factor. Dr. Rinehart. advanced Ule Ulwry thil t ri'.l; rltiOI1!1I deficlen· cy might put the body In such con· dltion th a t it wns predispused to r he um atic fever under U:\I~ Dttack ot an infec lion such as tunsli lUs. Treatment at rheumatic fevcr pa· tients with vitamin C, though pos· sibly beneficial, was disllppo,inting. but when vita min P wa s ;added. improvement was noted. Dr. Rinehart said. "While it scems Improbable that im roveWlcnt in lhcse cases was co· incidental. lItis must be cons idel'ed a prcUmlnary report and final judg· men t rega rd ing the el'recl.lvcness of vita min P in the tre ntment of rheu· malic fev er withheld until a lnrger numbt' r of cases has been studied," Dr. Rinchar t wnrns.


e: .


A Smart Raincoat ~elp to·War Bonds

The Farmer and War Bonds .

by Mr. A. S.




the National Grange

"YY X1BleraFREQUENTLY hear farm-r.alae the question as to whether or not they should buy War Bonds as long as they are In debt. The answer to this question should depend in large measure . upon' the nature of~ the debt , and whether"or not it 1$ current. If parI; of it Is past due, and the borroWer .,q,ej:tl to ~xperlence dimcul~y In , meetin" past due payments, ,he probably should bring hi!! debt Into current POlltion. before investing BOnds. If, however, hil pay...' .....nt. are current, there .lleems to, reason why farmers should ........ ••• - a. miDT Bondi all they Most indlvJduaJ. invest.government Bond. are 'cardebt, in one form '!>!' anrates hilber than t2\e yIeld. . ,TbII, is as It the purcbaser Is in an ;~j~~~~~~ which permIts the 'l ome surplUII. for we. an owe it to our ,ovemment to do our utmost l.n the flnanclni 'of the eve!tthouah the transaction may .red' In our paying iome extra iJiterest on' outstandina debts.. " 'When a farmer' owe. money he ~ alway. ooncerned a. to Whether hi. crops ""In. lell at prlcel which wm !!Dable him to.repay hi. ~ebt. When pricel are -blah It la ioocI bUllne•• and cpo.enative ftnan~e 1P -redude the debt a~ . rapidly as iioqU)le becaule when prices are lowf it takes ol'!)pa anll



doN to ' We

aside to make pt\yments Qn exlsUn" dcbts when they fall due. In fact, quite asftlc from the ,patriotic appeal, It Is 'good business to buy Bonds ratbcr than make pre-p:l.ymeuts on debt, ,because the time may come wben the ready cash Is needed IlDd the money tied up In pre-paymcnts cannot be returned, U this money Is inVC!lted In Bonds, It can be converted Into cash tei meet any nE:ed. which ma)' arise. . If e~eryonB foliowed the policy ot buying no War Bonds until their depts were paid, few Bonds would be lIold to the publle. We have an obligation to he1p ,finance this war whicb Is vastly more Important than the income we may receive on the ' investment of money In War Bonds. Farmers are finding It Impossl. ble to maintain their machinery . and buildings in D satisfactory state ,of repair. They are ftndln ~ that they cannot replace worn-out ~uipment' except at e)!:cesslvely blgh .c ost. ' 1& woald leem to be sound aud 'conservaUv~ buslnels praoUce to lay aalde mODcy' to make the repairs and ,replace wel'D-oa& e'qalpm~n·t


. wIleD material aDd machines are apia available. No sater , p~ C8ll _ foand to lay .llIde 1n0a07' f ... nch ~polCtl Ulan 1it ~ Bo1IIIL '. .'

Eve!7 time we buy a Bond we are ndt onlJ aulltln, Ih 1laaaclng the War, but:we ~re I\lso doinC our ' bit to pre'1ent that most dreaded economic cHAl1er caned lnftauOII. If each one of ua would invest a. much aa we could in -I.9ftI'IlIDlDt . BondI. the danler of b)ftatlon would be.-eatb' reduced. U.S. rr._nJP......

cook $pinllCb III a mlnimum amou'l\ of \ li t r as soon as possible art r plchil' /! jl l'd don' t overcook It. 'l'hO J' I ~ I ess vitamin loss it fr C!sh spinaoh~js cooked only In the wU.ler which' clings 10 the I fi ves after washing. In cuokl ng frozen spin· ach, add the greens to boil ing WII ter rother thnn s l a l' li l1 ~ tb in in cold wa ter. It's besl for the v l ~amlns and for you when spim' ch is cook ed only' unill It is done or just tender . 'Pre· pa ce eno'ugh spillach for one meal at a time. as cooked spinach stor\!d 24 hours In a refrigerator loses some vitamih C and rchea ting causes more loss. Study In th e ' University of IllinoiS F oods Resea rch labora tory shows UlIIt vil amin C In spinach decreases ralher rapidly dUI'ing stora ge . This loss ca n be checked somewha t by storing spi nach in the refri ge rlltor ralher th an <II room temperature i1 it is nol to be cooked n t once ufter pick ing or buying. Only smaU amounls of the B vitam ins- thiamin and riboflavin-seem to be lost duro ing marketing.

U. S. Initiates Pro&'1'am For Producitng Cork The U. S. forest service, state de· partments of forestry ond local farm bureau agents are cooperating with private .industry In a program look· ing to a future supply or cork in the United States. This project, started four years ago, has resulted In the planting of more than 100.000 cork oak seedlings In Callfomia a lone, and plantings are to continue. The Idea of planting cork oak trees In this country is neit a new one. Thomas Jefferson tried, unsuc· cessfully, for 40 years to estnblisb the cork oak t-ee In the ' United States. In Frat.ce In 1784. he saw cork oak trees and noted the soil and climatic conditions under which they grew. He shipped SOl'n~ acorns' to the United Stales but the three and a ball months iri transit caused Lhem to . become moldy. He made many other attempts to have cork oak acorns brought to this country and planted but was unsuccessfuL . . In 1858, the U. S. gl)vemment mnde plan tings of cork ~.a.k acornJ imported from Spain. MOISt of these died from storms, insect3, or lack of care, but a bunt through the southern states bas lqcatl!d sev,e ral la l"g~ cork oaks 6f thiS l!15'8 planting. More acorns were brought frQm Spain In 1880 ' and distributed througb the south, and In Ca\i!ornla and Arizona. A few 01 ' tillese t.rees survive.

Stalied Toma"foes Provide Early and Clean Fruits To get en rly tomatoes. prune the tomnto plants to II singlc starn nnd train thcm to stnkes. From equa l arens of gro und. ilie stlliled :lnd un· traillcd to matoes will ylcld about the some amount of fru it. Stallcd tomn loes usually pI'ovlde clenn fruit s of s li\:hlly bctle r shape and color ilian unp rulled plants that sproad on Ule ground. The sUlking dQes increase dnnger 01 sunsco ld and blossom·enel ro t. A mulch of stlaw, \e;lves or lawn cli ppings un· der the staked tomntoes. as well as under pl '101S left lo spr('nd on the ground . will lessen the du mnge rro m blossom·en·d rot. When loma tn('s nfe grow n 10 H sine le stem . pln'1l Ulcm In ro"s abou t 3 fee t apart and pl uce the plants 18 inches apii rt In Ule rows. To III a toes left tu run on the 'round are plnnted 3 by 4 (cet apa rt it they are small eurly varieties, lind 4 by 5 feet apart If the plants ar 01 large lale vil rieti s, To prune [li an s lo a slDglt' ste m. nip out the side branches which ap· pear in the axils ot the leaves. Brenk them off with the fingers be· fore they are mor!! thnn 3 Inches long. Do Dot use knife or scissors, these may spread disease from one plant to> another.

. • U. S. 'TNGIYr) D,f'G""'_"'

~--your boQle town paper . The . is the ·ne1Ir1111Qtw,;:1• .· the . world that cares



BRAISING BEST FOR UTILITY BEEF You can have your steak and eat It. too. it you braise the meat. Recent r ecord production of bee! has placed large qua nil ties of unrn· Uoned "utilily" or lean beet On tile markel. . Whell COoked wllh slow, moist hent, It can be fork·tender and del icious. To brnise menns to dredge mlla t in flour, sa lt and peppel', brown In rat and Illen cook at n low hent. with moisture, unlil it Is thoroughly Hat 'and Frocks . . browned and tender. With a pro· inK Is' &senUal Tq pane or butane gas range , braising wnrd Victory • . . .N. Helen. 0hamlJss Xenia. is known (\.'I no··to-d offering the latest 's tyl1ng and beauty meeting 'w ith succesS a.nd· come ' the me6e'a. for · ladies and' is" aldlng ma.ny quest 'fOr boouty. ' A part or her serv:lce is easy because the flam e can be Ing oJ much satlB set at hi gh ·to brown lhe meot quick · wave. It gives suoo' a Iy and then lowered Quick ly nnd wave, so cJose to the " easily ' so lhe me.!l t will cook slowly. Th.e se fuels, know n as " boltled" or mn.nage a nd so - fnrofJr'l~lAo. "tanlt" gas. fl rc used in ofT·the·gas· oelve . Get in touch m ains resi dences. . 18 ' The best cuts or mea t to use for one andyou .wUl ,l).e g~. d L. ai sing In" lude bee f rOlilld. chul'k; I Her beauty service ribs or plnte. The m o t Is a dee p I=velous sense .of well cherry r d in c lor with no (al m.llr· . bUng thrc.uo,;h it bu t 0 Ulil1 la yer Qf 1aclals leave your skin fnt on ihe OUl9idc. fresh a.nd the scalp For Swiss st('I,k Ilt Its be ~ l. dreilgr make your hair aJ.\ve a.n4. ono of the obove c~lls with '14~ cup noll!' mix('d with 2 t~ lIr.p <I llS SR I manage. Slle, also, featurea, nd " teaspoon pepper. Lf possible. rious tYPes of W'II.v:Ing, poun" in the 11 0uI' mixtllrl' wit h " a nd halr dressing In all mollet. BrowlI It quil'kly in o/~ tAble· Sf)( nns rat.,. :-nd then add 2 cups or styies . Seek your beauty !1a lllled or co (, k~el tomA tOes. Cover a.nd youw1ll always ti gh!ly in KC' tll . or sk ,lIet I!od ella' groomed look, wilh u vc ry loll' hl'l1 l 2'h ·to a hO llTS Attention to beauty Is until me~ll is tcnder and easily piel'ced with II fork. Vlcto~y, for good'~ming poise and self-esteem. IF YOU want to ·turn unneeded possessions luLu Quick cash, there StatJoel'Y ord"ers tor is nolhlng betLer than II. want inust be In by NOV~mber-" ad In t he Miami Gazette. dlssa.pointment. '.






Belp Produce Food Pinch·hltting for theh' fatherll, hu sbands, brothers nnd sweethearts on the beachheads, women', boyll and girls a re already m il king. their presence telt on the food production froot. according to Roy E . Moser of Massnchusetts State col1i!!ge. slate supervisor of farm labor. More than 60 girls representing 23 colleges are working on Middlesex county mar· ket garden farms . It Is th~ second season for many of tile group. Thanks to the efforts of 308 boys and girls from Amherst High, North· ampton High, St. Mlcbael's High of Northampton, Easth:i/mpton High. Northampton school for gi.rls. Burn· ham Ichool tor gll'15 and Smith col· lege the harvesting of Hadley's big -hnmr..mrr1"Tllil crop is nearing comple· tlon. Many of .the 124 boys, who took the . one-week dairy farm training course at M. S. C. are a t work on farms In the stnte. Othe rs iIIre awaitIng the close of school before they take jobs whic h are l'eady for them. Worcester county hnd 42 boys taking the course and thus slands to benefit heavily. Rea lizing the ·imporlance of the tood production pro· gram, school ~officials are coopernt· Ing to the {ullest exlellt, releaSing boys where It Is possible so that farmers may hnve Immediate help In planting ond caring .for early market garden crops.

Glamour and practlcallti combine to make a ra n'loat th'e oareer or school ,Irl , has dreamed about. Make ODe for her "special" Ohrlst....s ,1ft. Of casual ont, with wide revere, roomy pockets alid ample tie-belt, this handa,m~. coa~ :will ward off ralndropa aDd the rainy weather doldrnms. OhoOle lemon yellow, emerald creen, plum or II08rie& In a Waterproof' fabrJc. 8.~· tor a rainy day by makin, yo Yuletide l'It&s and pattlQ.. the de I .... yoa Into ~. War Bondi. . A .ultable pattern maJ be obiatped at Joar 1110" ltore.



Don't Overcook :Spinach TeAt Vitamin C to To Preserve Vitamins Combat Rheumatic Fever To ' moke the most of vitamin .

Interurban RestC\urant

Maln Street


Pat Milk In Bottle. Proper handling can ptevent many of t11e peculiar tastes thnt orten develop In the family ' milk supply, says A. C" Kimrey, exten· slon dairyman at N. C. State college: He points out that Ille contnineT In which the milk Is stored III of great importance and suggests that the best container for milk frolT) one or two cows Is the standard g;lans milk bottle. "Just after milki ng. strain the milk through three or four foids of a good grade ot ehees'e doth," says Kimrey. , "One y arCi of this cloth Is suffi'clent and will cnst only 'a few cent•. Hp'ld thls elqthl ClITer' the side of the milk buckt!t.and .traln the' milk into another buckeL "It 'll can be poured !rom Illis buclfet moo il quart glass bottles. using a ' '~Bll tin ~el to preve,nt apl~,•.n\;.'; · He further sugges\a that the bat~el be I capped with standard.; milk bottie '1 .1 caps. Tliele caps prevent dUlt llnCl odors from getting Into the Milk. A .upply of caps ror several montha wru cost Ids than liQ cent.. He alao recommends that, afte~ ~~1.milk haa been bottled and cap~ If b. placed in cold water I, coola much more raf!dly unal!lr'l~(h'. dlUon thsn It d1rectIJ in the ·11!fI1.:e.raI~!I

ud .bc&

Any Magazinelisted am' Thi \ Newspaper,Both for Price Shown

o American

Fruit Grower.... tl.75

o Amerlc:an Girl .................... J.5O o American Home, 2 Yn..... t.9I. o American Poul.ry JOl!mal • • o Aviation In Revicw........._ .. s.e




>lOTRUE STORY .......................... 1 l'ATUflNJ>ER ......................... I Yr. SILVER SCREEN ...................... n ~to. JlOUSEHOLD ... ............. ;,........... 1 Yr. POULTRY TRmUNE ............1 Yr. " ARM .JOUR ' AL &: FARlIfElt'S WifE ................. ..2 Yr. *Chcck one




pla ce




ONLY Tru e Story




o AMERICAN GIRL ...... 1 Yr. o OPEN ROAD (Uo)'s), (12 I~uc) ................. 14 Mo. o . HERALD .................... 1 Yr. o PARENTS' MAG . ........ 1 Yr. o PRUTESTANT OCOUNTRV VOICE (Weekly) ...... lllr. GENTLEP,(AN ..........5 Yr. o SCREENLA~D ............ 1 Yr. o TRUE COMICS ......,..... 1 Yr. o SPORTS Afi ELD ._...... 1 Yr. o CJnLD LIFE ..............6 Mo. o THE WOMAN ........ _ .1 Yr. o U. S. CAMERA......._......1 Yr. o SCIENCE lLLU, . ......6 Mo. CHR'~.TIAN



o T,RUE STOR,Y ................ .'...6 Mo. o MOTHER'S HQME LlFE._l Yr.

o ~I\IERlCAN ' fRUlT . GROWER ........................!':'.. I Yr. o MlERICAN ,POULTRY



o o o

JOURNAL .. ,......... _............. 1 Yr. ' FARM JOUR~AL 'Be FARMER'S W1FE ...........J Yr. NA'{1JONAL LIVESTOCK PRO~UC£R ..................... J Yr. POUL'J'RY TRlBUNE ........ 1 Yr. SUca:ssmL FARMING •. 1 :Yr. HOUSEHOLD MAG . ..........2 Yr.

OPATHFINDE!! .........c..26~ [J CAPPER'S YAIUiIEIl '.. _ 1 Yr.


o Belter 'C.ooking Be Hmkg... s.• Farmer .........--.... • • oo Car,per's ChIld Lire ........_......._ .......:. II...., o Christian HcmJd ......._ ...... 1l.!Ii o Coron t ...................:..__.... 3.51. o Correct English .... ;:............ 3.45 o C:;Ountry Gentleman,J5 Yr;, 2.1NP o Etude MusiC; :Mag:uine...... IUO o FArm Jrl. Be FannCl"'8 Wire

FlowCJ; Grower .........~ ......... .

HlluSt!hold : .................._ .....



Battles Shape As Enemy ~ to HoLd Philippines;' Nazis' ~rip on Holland.

_ _ _ _ _ _ Belea.ed by Wuter-n New.pope, Union. _ _ _ _ _ _:-'

are .';puII.d In Ihete c.IDm" •. til., a •• II•••• o' ....iDa... '!~~..._'~l\h.I~.! ne •• aaal,.to .,,4 "at ne •• lurll, 01 1111. "e-:"pap ... )


npe..,orkcalleJl operating 'rom China (I' and U. S. carrier (2). Important Jap supply line In....... heavy broken arrow II threatened . Sinaller arrows mark ports • NlIoI·• 'IiIaIob enemy mOVel malcrlal '01' shipment to homeland to teep .00n. aud to lupply his troops operatln&, lu the tar-8ua, AslaUo

"-, ,aI.~_

f!JoII&'ID. In I'hlllppine waters

USDA'I'New Apple Sirup Proce.1 Quickly Adopted A proce s developed In the East. ern laboratory at the department of agriculture for the production of a bland apple syrup hns been adopted commercially. This accomplishment Is partic ularly slgnlficnnt because of It . timeliness and unusually short period of conversion from thc lab· oralorY 'scnie to commerclnl acceptance and p,roductlon. Three mllliQn pounds of the syrup were produced In flve facto ries In the United &tates and Canada {rom the 10:2 crop. most of the product being used in the tobncco industry as a moisture retention agcnt. replacing the glycerin required In the ex· ploslve and other wa r Industries. This and other im portant uses In the phnrmaccutical. cQsmetic. and food Industrlcs crentcd a dcma nd tor ad· dltional Inrge qunntltles of the syrup. The simplicity . of manufacture. great dem and. and the usual avail· ablUty of apples induced some 15 companies to prepare to produce about 20 million pounds at syrup from the 1943 crop. Several fa ctors . such as short apple crop. scnrcHy at labor to ga ther the less valuable windfalls arid drops ut1liuble In the process. and unprecedented demand for vinegar and for apple juice con· centrate have Intervened. however. to limit the output to four or live mUllan pounds from the 1943 crop. Tecbnical assistance hns been given the manufacturers of the syrup in chooslog locations. obtaining equip. ment. planning machinery layouts. and solving production problems . A GazeLLe Wlmt Ad will help you solve It-e.t a cost of only a tew cents-whene."er you have something 1.0 rant. buy. sell. trade-whenever you haVe a message to put before the hundreds of Gazette readers. n 's easyl It's profitablel Advertise and Succeed


I By MaUing Thu"Dress Yourse/;f You Save Money for War

Blalted Corn Makel Good Silale, Expert SaYI


PACIFIC: :-.fJl1Ilf.i~';"',"::"~U. $. forcel continued to hit atmlallS bard oQ the central and Mctoril of the 460 mlle front, Canadian and British ..,ere pressed to clear the froin southwestern Holland .....1· ....up the big port of Antwerp ~!UlJed . mWtarY traJ'ftc. ..,ttefelt ftghting in HoUand cen· blil.I*Jt the mouth of the Schelde leads to Antwerp. Here upied two strategical along the .outh bank "~bellde, the o'Uler on the Isthe entrance to the

, the enemy could hold I)'::)iclialtlollll, 10 long could be -'~'i~ri~on Allied ships In the Schelde to vital materi· forces tor Kleve, at the to the industria I

the attack on enemy em-

Pbleel"'~tI on the islands. partially adltMSlIlII~ln

ruptured lUkel. the C~adians ,loWly narftI. . . . IODe German pocket 10uUi. at the BrlUlh 2nd army to the northeBit In .mash through Nazi the Ilea and cut oft the the rear. central acetOl of the west,. Lie~t. Gen. Georle 5.)'atarmy pushed to the south ring of tortS guarding the Metz. key . to the coal-laden bBlIih whUe on the so~them W'.,~,/Ii~ . at the. . bllttie-llne. Lieut. Geo. ~-l-11,~~Jdd~~~ Patcb·.·'7th army pushed .ji B.••,U .... Itrong prepared enthe slopel of the m()Uf]IWnl. 1110cking e.nliDen ~achen •.Lleu~ Qen.

::(l~~I81 Hodges 1st army girded

• '__ 11._-

at the Rhlne18lld, ~ distant. -

. Drive I neo East PrussUI ' In East Pruisla. powerful Russian

fOrces massed along an 87 mile front chewed deep Into the northern . and eastern .r eglons ot the provlJ'Ice, h<1me of the notorious German military Junkers. A. the Germans fell back before , tb'e .concentrated might of the Red tbey sought to hold up their In the wooded lake COUl'ltry. ~"" wnl,," von Hlndenhurg had , successdefended against ' Russian In World War I.' , to bring powerful torces play to guard the southern gateway to Austria. the Germans slowed 'the Russian steamroller through Hungary as ~e Red,s smasbed with· 50 rriUe, of Budapest.


billion ":911ars Iil fUel could each year in the existing , .,iI/eI:uDKa ; ot the U~ted Statel. aean estimate ltI the ·BuInformation CircUlar. .. .. IUCID (I"I~IU~' include caulking of "HlrA,1!ka and other openings, with mod. . . c.~. COD)poundl, Inl~ation. .-rm WlntkJW*; weathe...tripl. and .., - .

Major' Boule After bitter. but minor. battles In the Japs' Pacific outposts. a majol' engagement shaped In the .Ph1l1ppines, with the enemy throwing In strong aerial and' naval torcel to back up his g1:ound troops realstlng the U. S. invasion ot the Islandl. Prlnclpalland flghtlng centered on Leyte Island, where General MacArthur's forces overran three all'flelds and sdught to batHe up the enemy In the broad Leyte valley lying inland' -from the coa.t. Japanese resfstance was ferocious as doughboys. paced by 'medium tanks. worked through the heavy underbrush to strike Into the lIout~ern part at the valley at S8Jl Pablo, while other; repulsed enemy counterattacks farther north to push into the valley beyond Palo. Having routed the Jap8 tram the principal port at Tacloban In the northeastern lIectlon 01 the island. doughboy. fought their way up the coast along the San Juanlco IItraits. and repqrtediy JlUJlped the Darrow waters to land on the big Island 01 Samar. As doughboy. battered torward through the heat and mire on Leyte; Important lea battlel developed, with U. S. carrier plane" taking a lleavy toll npaneie wa 'seeking to move in western Phill~ pine waters to' bombard' American land poaltlons. In an effort to dllrupt relnforcementl. the Japs sent squads 01 bombers after units of the huge convoy supplying MacArthur'1 Ub~ratlng troopl.

AclmJnlswaLor's S,,1e l>y AUCTION Wednesda.y. November 15. 1944 At 10:00 A. M. Located elgh>t miles west of Waynesville. three miles south of 'Lytle. one' mlle abate Route 73. on the ToWnshIp road. 31-BEAD C~T1'LE--31 . 14 good innk cows, 1 with calf by side; 16 hIMers. 2 buns.





9 sOws with plll5. • sows without. 4 boal'B. 5 good shoat.s. FARM JMP.LEMENTS , 1938 MOdel-A Jolin Deere Tractor

!Mrs. MII"a MOrgll.!l and little son. Donald of Bellbroolt spent lut-week at the hom"e ot Mr. 8l1d Mrs. LeIlie Oray and c.bJldren. Mr. a'nd Mrs. ('al ence Bmlt.h tipe.!l!t 'I'hursday with ~l.'illr so'n and wire, Mr. a.nd Mrs. Allen Sinlth.uad dAughters in Dayton. Mrs. Margaret Johns. lilTS. Allen Emrick and Mrs . Eaf} Mendenhall were shopping In Lebanon. Frtdsll. E B Yleft Mr . and Mrs. . . UJngacre Wednesday tor Bradenton. PlOrida. where they expect to spend the wln~. . Mr . and Mrs. Will Null and aughter. Mise Lavina. of B~ ~­ lb oro were Sunday evening iuests ot Mr . !lnd Mrs. Le41ie Gra,y and 'Camlly . Mr . and Mrs. Leon Salisbury of Washington C. H. were Sun<ia.y


afternoon callers of Mr. and Mre. Allen Emrick tMr. and Mrs . Wt11lam Tinney. of Covington. KentuckY. spent ~t.m:­ duy aOO Sun~ with Mr. and Mrs. Guy RoutaJ.n and son. and MrI. Earl Mendenhall and daugbter. Mr . 8l1d Mrs. HarveY' Burnet attended their Dlsctl6S1o.n Group Wed. Mr nesday evening M the home of • lind Mrs. Lyman Day near Wayneelille . Mrs . Oeorge C'Ustenborder is lU at this time. Her mother. Mrs. ~ Bh Rlke ot BeaVCJ)t.own. is vlth her . Mr. and, Mrs. Everett Kenrick and :aul! hter spent Thursday In Dayton nd cal f d at ·t he home of Mr. and tfts . Lawrence Elliott. Mr. Bernie DIU ot Olayton waa a • B . Jones. Mr. and MpI. Tberle Jones and 60n Milton were alIIO dinner guests Sunday. Mrs. Margaret Johns WIIB a dlner guest Sunday. of her stater. Mra. Jo:liz!lbeth Smith at WalinesvUle. '. Mr . Q~d Mrs. Evere~t ~rly were Sunday evening guests of Mr. and Mrs. Pa.UI WWiama. In . ~. Mr . a.rld Mrs. Kesler Gra.ham 6pent Sunday ~ter-noon and eveninC With Staff Sel1l'eant and Mm. Robert Siney in Dayoton. Rev. O . E. Vice tilled bbe pul,Plt at Lyt le Ohurch j:llUlday evenl.D(. These services 'WUI be held every two weeks d LTing the winter. and the altefl:o.lte Sunday c.burch servioeI re h eld at 10:30 a. m.


Oily raga. Ilke rubbish. may Ignite spontaneously. Bum them 11 practical: otherwise store them In closed metal containers. Paints. too. should be kept tightly covered. Heating systems should be examined (or ~ . . U. S. rrta,,,,,y Dlparrlll,n' cracks or other defects. soot. or clogging In chimneys and Hues. Repairs should be made promptly. Make sure thnt no combustible material. including. woodwork. Is exposed to heat. Keep ashes In covered HOW UNOESUABLE FLAVORS FIND WAY INTO CREAM metal containers: shield flreplaces FERMfHlAnV( RAVOR~ with screens. flAVORS, ABSORBED flAVORS Replace weather-worn fiammable ICauud b, (0., IGting (trtain ((aulld by adion .. baderia ((OUsH by ,rorlng mom where wood shln~lc roofs with flre-reslstant .1. enliO. lIaver.d .ltds or on improperly dlaned ul.nlils.l lhe,. orl objedionoblt odon.) roofing. See thllt ample ash trays 'HcIs.1 are avuUable wherever smoking Is permitted. and that careful smoking habits are cultivated by all mcm· bers of the family. Put mat(!hes In metal containers. out of the reach of small children. Use a flashlight PUBLIO AUOTION Ha~ lng sold our fann and . j lntf to for temporary lJl~ml~atlon. Use great cnre With any flnm. ,. . . mabIe liquid brougl1t loto lbe home CalHofll .u. we wlll sell a.t ~Uc for any purpose. Do not use flam. _ Auotion our Household goods and mabie cleaning fluids. A correctly faIm oh~t1e8 loc~ 3 mnee SOuth built Bre needs no kel osene. Replace of Waynesvllie. OhIo. 6 m1lea- NOIIth frayed electric cords. bave defective of Lebanon. OhIo on State Route G. , ',nenti", i .. , <ow, off WOlh llporator and Prtvtnfi04t1 Do not stOlt "10m. electrical equlpment replaced or reo on SatUrday. November 18. - 12:00 ... d, pOllull ,,'n ral hours all Ul'fllil, oft., ICXh IIW .lth Ia bom. kilchtn. "91Iabl, tllpaired by a competent elec't rlclan, noon. ~I'Oll milking. fud ·Iilagl. brush and dairy ellGntr. Scold lar. Qarall' II other oc!OIOU' check the fuse box to lee that prop. STOCK _ IMPLEMINft _ ETC. tIImlpl oi (abbog' all.r milk· with hll1ng hOf wal., od plocH. er fuses are installed, and see that 2 good rows. 1 fr4!8h In ~ lamp Ihadel are distance both giVing good now of m1lk: 1*Nlplait in IVn 10 dry. "'g. .~CQt tram electric. light bulbs. Recharge. ,._. bo t 40 ood la In beDs' Farm flre extingulsherB and put them .... 3, a u g ._ Y 8' ,, ' _ Flavors are of prime Importance crevices and rust spots Invite de· where they will be readily accellt- Implements. Manur spreader. nattop wagon, ~l hay rake. 00I'nIn determining the grades of butter. jlOsltll of particle. and bacteria - ble If a dre should break out. planter feltll1zer at~. HaFlavors are no .Iess importpnt in the which - conta n'lnate the milk Bnd row. sled drog, buD AIW; bub wire. gl'odlng of cream. since butter cQn· cream and introduce unwhoiesome talnl aU the original flavors of the flllvors. ' Dairy utenslll ' are belt PoDeD Facto... fence. hog box. toola bJacan1tha cream from which It was made. washed with a bru!lh and a good Deciduous fruit trees are good shop-tools. com repla.nter, troctorl Undesirable flavors can be k"ept dairy washing powd~. .No , utensil Bourcel of pollen tor honeybees. .The umbrella. 'l1arpolian. OU tanks. 38 out ' only Ii careful ~eeding. careful can be said to be well washed which succellion 01 blolsoms tram the 'f t. ementlon laddem. ba.rrel creosote. cleaning of utensils. and careful has not been steril1zed with balling time of the .arly almonds througb !Window sash hno> box 2 cOrn sheller . .....,. a methods of ha ndllug milk and crenm hot water ana IWl!etened In the lun. the applel extend I over neul)' . CAl\EFUL STORING: Because three months. There is great vari- shingles, Chicken ocops. feed. t\Ibe, are followed on th,~ farm . CAREFUL FEEDING: When COWl cream Is so sen~ltlvl! and perish. atlan in the amount ot poDen pro- land-roller. step ladder. Wbeel bareat certain teeds or' weeds their milk able. it should not be exposed to duced by varletlel. especla11)' in row, mUk cans, mowing ~e. becomes badly tainted with charac· objectionable odor.. Dark, unventl· pluml. bath tub, tobacoo steamer. emery teristic. objectionalDle flavors, 1}lese 10 ted caves and cellarl are bad beSome nectar Is also gathered from and motor, clover seeder. milk bUckflo VOrB movlj, rlgbt along into the -cause their odon Impart a Ilale the deciduous fruit blossoml. ~e ' ets. carpenter tooll, new Bl6d:ley teed cream. By way. of safeguardLrlg the musty flavor to the cream: Cream French and Imperial prunes some· grinder. onlll used short time. Jarwe original wbolesome fla vor of the kept In the kitchen absorbs unde· tlmel provide honey during ?lann. amount of sma.u toola of varloua kind milk ond cream. cows should be sirable cooking and other odor_to dry leBlona. The boney from .1- large amount at lumber w P'or4 kept all' weedy past ure three to four say nothing of the rl.k of. lpollage .mona II . quite bitter. ' That tram . e .• hours before milking and silage fed from the .love heat. The .. me balds pearl II of Uttle value: but the truck pick-up bodY,. only after milklng--never before, true of the home laundry. Neither apple produce. aome ,hone of hi b FEED CARE.E1JL CL.EANING OF UTEN- should cream be kept In a garage quaUty. Blossoms at sweet cberry ,ton clover hay. 900 buebel SILS: Milk pails and cream canl, or other place where gasolJne. 0115 are far more attractive to bee.. than HOUSE HOLD ~D8 should be bright and shiny after or similar productl are kept OJ' are those 01 the lour 9t_'-", cher7 piEce break:fllBt set, Copper Clad cleaning. Old blllttere4. seamy. used. That cream Ih~uld riot be riel. On the whole. UJt¥ 1r.i1lt honey coal range. Maidc Chef white ... . rusty. poorly-washf!d po lis and canl kept In the barn .goel Without say· II stored. becaus&;" .of the high fange Conservo cooker churn kitare 8 deflnlte menace to cream qual • Ing. The Ideal place tor . keeping humidity during the blossom period chen' cabinet. Ironln8 .~. Ity . Dents and uneven surfaces are cream Is a cold water tank. preter. and allo because the bee Golonles cbciir 8 oiece PbUUptne JoIahop.1V hard to wash and sterilize. and the ably one located to a milk houle. are seldom up to full storing dln1n~ suite, ba«ld made, drop hew! - - - - - -- -- - - - - -- - -strength so early in the season. sewmg ma.chlne. BlackatoDe eIeotrIc

and oem cultivator. 14-lnoh B. & O. breaking plQw; Samson Tmctor. double disc;' tractor ,cult~r:a.cker; 2 high.owheeled Wagons, one wIllh box !bed; 1 low-wheeled wogan w.lth bOx bed. 1 hohle-dra.wn ,b aler In good condition. 1 dump bed. hogshead. Frick feed grinder. John Deere cOm sheller. New Idea Man'l.tre sprtader. CIVILIAN. GOODS: American wheat drill. 10-7. wlt.h lel'ttillzer 81ttachment; Hoosier disc Alloe Production NearlY 800 pla.nts with available wheat drill; one-horse Wheat drlli, fac11ltles and manpower have been 11 k e new; seven-foot McOortn!c authorized to manufacture $152,441.- whea.t .blnder. Steel roller. 14-foot 000 at civ1l\an goods within the next hay ladders. 2 ·tobax:co setters. Deeryear. the War. Production board an- ~ng mower. 2 I-row cultlvators. 2 nounced ,f urrowing-out plows. 'Hamllton waIk. Inoluded In the list of arUolea ing . plow. good Aigger; ·2 Co be produoed are 8.Dtomotlve ·breaking plows, 12 1nch; see d pa..t., buUdln&, ma~"lall. plamb-. cleaner. good dl'ill p~ess. vise, emCl'Y In, and beatin&' ltem~ barveatIWheel, steel harrow, ,tlay fork. rope In&' macblnery. laDe...prlD, aDd pulleys. hog feeder. Keystone tre.llel, vaouum cleane.... hay loader. hay ' rake, MCCormick bouehold aluminum. laWD·mow. 'llIder. small br.::oder house. , e.... electrlo lrona, bloJ'cles. I verware. furniture, electric , coal bl'OOder, 2 steamers. lard press. 2 sM.\SClge grinders. complete nne of lampe and chureh IUPPUes. Use of 44.270 tons of carbon steel. butchel'lng tools. 4 block and tackles. 512 tons of alloy steel. 902, 1M poundl lOCO-pound Fairba.nk.s-Morse &cales. of . bras. mill products. ItO. 379 oom shredder. MdCormlck 28 thrashpound a of wire mill products••50.148 ing machine. forge. anvll. forks. poundl of toundry prOducts. and 17.- shovels. .chalns. hoes. sl!lgle and 895.563 pound I 01 aluminum has double trees 8., world of .srua.ll been approved tor the output covitems. ered by the report. 3-mVES OF BEES-3 Te%tile Control F'EElD-liOO bushels good com. 20 Primarily because ot shott' pro- tons m1xed hay. ductlon. WPB will bave to maintain ' SORGHUM M1L~ milk cans. textile cantrall atter the defeat of II mllk buckets a.nd strainers Germany. Chairman J. A. Krug an1HlA!RINESS-2 sides or b~-~Ounnounce'd. Due principally to man-, ted breaching Iu\mes6 collars lines power d1fftcultles. cotton textile out. bTidl ,. put Ilumped from and es. · · .yar~s in 1942 to an eltimated 9.900.BOUSE 'HOLD GOODS 000.000 yards thll year. Montgomero- Wa.rd and wood At .the IIlme time. Krug revealed. range. only used six months. like new already lowered , inventoriel of ra- 3 I ' ult 2 tenst tioned shoel will be further depleted ",P ece din~ng room s • ex; on witb production down 73.QOO.OOO tables. 1 buffet. davenport. several pairs from esUmated needs of 349.- stands •. Victrola. several beds and 000.000. springs. wooden cupboard. kitchen " In an order relating to domestic C81blnet. 2 metal cupboard5. metal cooking appliances and heatlnl ealblnet. 2 Delco eleotric irons. 3 Deloo stoves. WPB perml ted manufacture motors; COBI oU range. 't hree-bumer of oven thermoltatJ . and burner oven attached. Delco sweeper, several valves. 011 . lamps. library ' table. cans. Olermont range sliove;piOliures. 2 dressers Island Paradise dishes. 12 rugs. coOking utensils and many various items. . .. This Is an exceptionally roOd IUlC:' With a popula~lon of nearl)' 1'7.000.000. the Philippines con.llt of Uon of ltock and bnplemen&1 more than 7.000 Islands. big and utMaS. BESSIE' BEEDY. ' tIe, saYI the National GeOgraphic • A~tlx of &be Estate of El.ociety~ , In all. the area amounts to more wooc1 Beed,y, D~ thl\D 115.000 square mUe..... trap- P. T . . ~'I1IN a.nd C. E. ~'U• Ical Ipread of luxuriant vegetatiOn AlJcUOneera . . 711'J ~al Bulld- . 'and extensiv.e forelti; with moun- lng, Daytan. AD. 3661. Centerville tains ~8nl of them active vol· 7CX11. BrooIGvWe. . canoes) reaching up .ome 8.000 feet. ME'M0DI8T CIIUIWII HBlNQ.. abovJ! the surroundIng ~tr11ic1.. BOItctlLU LUNCH

RBln or shine" you ",111 deUght In thllI afternoon dresl of • 'dohinr umbrclla-splashelil print. The wide, shaDow V-neckline. IIl1oulde.. bows and sleudcr skirt are youthful and becoming. Remember 'bat by sewing for yourscU. you can Save for a rainy day. and the belt possible Investment II War Bondi. A suitable pattern for this afternoon dress may be obtained at your local store. Back the Atuck-Buy More Than Before.







Ironer, heating at.ove, 2 piece 01«Cleanllne.. Savel Food stuffed living room '8IIit.. Wre neW. It ls especially Important to give beauWul Onyx baaelndlnlCt ~ • tood containers scrupuioul attention overstuffed ~lr "nd ~ in hot weather. Bread and cake ~and made tablea. chUdI di* p.q!S boxes. cleaned only once·in-a-while. cba1ra,toys. twin bedrOom IUlt. .,... accumulate bacteria that qulckly I~ hand made ' all bea.U1iY reet span even a fresb loaf. These con· Z:16t.~ S piece 'Waln\ft ~ talners should be "fashed weekb'. 8 ite • . .... bed .......:.....u..... .......... both inside and outside. with hot. u • new yo_ -!"" sudsy waler rollowed bY 'a rinse of M· Electric sweeper. e~. ~ ." bOiling water to kill any mold. sweeper. llnol1Um, ,fiowelit, IIIecIl; After being dried with a clean dish Btu.dio, coucll. pull-Up rocIIlen. ~ towel. the o~h box-should tIIen be bench. G1'Wl8 11 ~ ~ UU ___, left on ,t he Window sill' to allow Ute mantel , ,,:htme Clock, ...b.. .~ air and sun to complete the sweet· lama>, BLsaeU ening. It il ~rgent to guard agalnlt leOw Friezee B ,(" ~~ the IpoUage of food ·thele day I when wa.t.( el pad tb1.Ila W. ~ .1000 ainothing .hould be .wBlted • . G'ood tlcIeri not' ~~. ~ '--, bousekeepers buy only whal toodl ' .~ .::..... ~ they need and protect their aUPPUei vege~ll!!fl. oootlnI :~ by clean ,l:arclul storage 10 every etc. _• ,_ . last bit can be used up. Thds /Undoubtedly· the ~ btIIDe at furniture eveJ' aoId In ~ .8ICItIIID. everything In eltDeiJent opadIfiIad. . 011 Productlou 'I'enIIi CIIIIah The Plaited States, althougb lUll J. D. 8oBDIBi"nc. ~ dqminant, Is . losing ' Its comftl~d· F. T. M&BTIN aDdl 0: .......U. Inr pOlltlon '" a world aU prodUcer, 'A~ Or_ .... It hal. within Its own bol'~~r~ near~ Da 1..... _:. to per cent 01 tfie world'I ,proved reo .ytoP, AD. 1111 ,.......... lervell. and American nationals .own ~vWe. :&5 per 'c ent of ,,the rernalnd~l-. Brit· ~..;,..,......--~ ilb intereltl bold .bou~ 110 per cenl of the,proved r~sene8 of ~e Middle East and about 26 per cent of the ' world'. totaL hola onl.J 11 per cent of world' I renne., bul it POIlesiee more Impo_lng potenUaI resources In petroleum 1han 8I1J othttr uUoo. .

sw_ ,. . . ,. ,.




Outline\Steps for Acting . Againlt Fire Hazards


(fo11l8ll1d Ba'ttleground

Com 10 badly blasted ~ drouth 0 1' chinch bugs t hat It nnt prodl'ce a I! raln crop ma y be ~nlvoged fllr fccd by puUing It into the silo, SII YS W. H. N~lIens or tht' Univer ~lty, IlJ Illinois college 'of agriculture. P\'eserved In Ulls way aU the torage wiD be saved lor teed. while if permitted to stand In the fleld or If harvested 8S fO~der; much or Its feeding value will be lost. SUagc made from corn wl~ few eRrs Is not so high In Ceeding value as silage containing the . usual amount at grain. but three to tour tons of It will fUrnish as , many pounds of nutrients as one lon of hoy. The chief precaution to be follqwed In making silage und~r these eondltions IL to make certain thot the corn as It goes loto the silo hns the correct amount Qf m oisture to Insure Its keeplog quality . Seven'ty to 711 per cent molshlre Is right. To make a moisture test. choose six to eight representative plants from the field. Immediately remove to a shady place. and chop finely with a com knife. Take 8 three·pound sample. weighing carefully 10 one· tenth pound. Spread In pans and dry overnight lo the oven of the kitchen range or Until the sample loses no more moisture. U the sample ' weighs less than one pound when complelrly dry. , the crop Is satisfactory tor Silage, but If the dry we.lght Is more than one pound. water must be sdded until the corn is well moistened. No other pre· servatlve II necessary.


Un. 'Valt.R IC.Rawl"k. c.w .... . - .


d1a¥S. :


company sur-

. prised by Japs in the early mor~g, Tech. Serg~: Henry G : Bohlen of Kania leaped from his foxhole. killed silt and wounded IICvcraJ more• .:rbat done be helped ID.-buddiu bring aboQt 'Che surrender 9f 12S Ind kill or "ound..-nothcr "S. Bravc:rr won BohleQ a silver lur. That lUnd of action will lpeed victory wben slipported by War Bond ...u. S. Tm",.,y



Thund ay, November I, 1'"



Ka thl een No rri s Says: Int,,,,,,, t;:;;,,,.,,,,1 ~ ISsUNDCHOAOYL Use Rich Corde for That Bag

T M E If. T


TRAP PERS nAP ..OlE a ..11 OOYOJ'E , on bue or deap .now. Learn modern ~rjck. .to_ d wit the .Iy furbaare .., Free lIIu.~ra~d outell'eular. Q. BUNOH. Wel.b. lIUDD, Bo. "D.

CATT LE . . REGIST ERED SOORTD ORNS. , e ..... ~th ealvu, bred COWl. " yr, ·helr..., 2 bulle. Write for .ducrlnU on and price.. . . . . LYLE • RI. 1. Cadi •• Obi,.


GAMES ;IlAID TOKYO wltb direct hlt. on my new ,Dart Boa rd Game for only 11,50. Send to-

.'- L E S SO N .:-

Mar ital Mix-Up


Bell S,ndJcet e.-WNU F .. ture••

Mood)r Bible tn.Utu~ of Chlca.o. Releaoed b, W..t.m Newill_p er UnIoe.,

three the hom. front right Into your home. PrI· marlly, however, it'. the tile of one Itar who bad the courage to dl;part from Ingenue lead. - wbo took a cbance at a mother role and then found herself mothering two other .tare In real life .. well This 1. the behind·the·lcenes ItOf7 of Claudette ()Olbert, JeDDifer JODe.. and Shirley Tem· ple In "Since You Went Away" - a combination that 1. smashing box ottlce record . across the land. Every time a

Le_ IlUbl."~ end Scripture text. _ lacted end copyrjlh ted ~ In~meUona1 CouncU at R.Ulloue Educatio n : uud ." pennlato n.

Lady Foum lSqua w W tJI But Humoring the 'Oldster

LESSON TltXT-M etthew 0 :",..; R0-

mani 13:1-".

GOLDEN TltXT-B J....d are tile peacema ken: tor they Ihall be called lOne of God.-Ma ttbewa 5 :8,

Everywhere men a~ talking about the comln, peace, They are can· cerned 'lelt having won a war we may lose the peace througb the .elf· Ilhness or the Indifterence of men. It I. s areat problem and one about wblcb we are rightly concerned. Why il It then that the most 1m. portant factor In alluring a Just and friendly lettlem ent of the problem fa left out of men's dellberaUonaf Why fa ' there little (If any) thou&ht of God and prayer to HIm for the needed guidanc . and wi.· dam! W. know that there can never be III abldln, peace until Christ come. to establlsb WI kingdom but In the meanUme, we Ibould .e~k . to brio,


like ' lolng up to


A lady tourist, walking about an •• Indian reserva tion in the West, pat on Ole backnot alone for the . came upon a husky squaw car"'" ... piCture. but for in8 an aged man on her back. Gazing pitying ly at the overgro wn takIn. my advice and ca.tlng Clau. papoos e, she said to the youn, dette a. mother. lQuaw: It all .tlned one da1 wb1le David "It is too bad that your father 1a cripple d and cannot walk." WII .couUn l around for a top .tu' "u.ghl" grunted the aquaw. to pia)' U.e heroine of the home front -mothe r ".H im no c r i p p l e d '''' "TheD is he sick?" '~don't)'ou get Claudette Col, torwouldn itt" 1 'twed. 'Ueh! Him no sickl" • bert "She cODlent," be ccnm"Then. why do you calT7 him tend. . . OIl your back, al you would a small chUd?" Sa6fl. , Wof1 "U,h." grunted the squaw. ''Let me nut a ilttle )'UD that ''Him in lecond childho odl"



ltol')' breaks about . bow well "Since . You Went Awa1" i. doing I feel


lewlll. elrel, He,lIl,cr

aft D,p&. 1M W. RaIldoJpb st. CIIIc~IO _, IL J:nclo.. 18 eenll for Pattem No _ _ _ _ __ NameL-_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __

Leno n for Nove~ber 12

day to E. TAYLOR , P. O. Box 11510, Iu.,'&lee 0., CII""'" ., Oblo.

AllM rOll SALE-2 00 Bcrea nenr Baltl alrAeld Countr.: AboUI 04 acrea bottom nd with runn nl ",a~'r. Good tor .~clt , ar ,rntn. Large new barn Dnd lood lemlmodem '.room bouse. R. H. OMAN .. • rle R,ed. COLlIMB lI ••• 0010. •

the mo.t popular pattern Dumbu•. 8end :Four order to:


Of The

TillS i.the atOl')" of actrene . who brought


Due to an unuauaU y Jar,e demand IIId current war condltlol1l, .1Iiht17 mON lime Ia required In RUIn, order. for a f _ ..

~aree~~to~-:'hofopwrln:~~e~~ ::~~~:: 0'

Shoulder • GuoOr the C08t of One

* * BUY WAR BONDSl _____ _____ _____ ___

~- I



SO YOU want a Cord~ bagl Too expens ive to buy? Then c'r ochet either of the beautie s pictured-i nexpen sive and easy to do • e • •


ll1ch Corde ba,l crocbete d tn IIQuarel ar

IriaDIJ... Pattern 938 contains dlreeUon a far puna; .Utcb..; 1Ia~ at mat.ert.l I.

" ...... _

.......10.1.. .. ",__ . . . . .rN. 'a .... 'v" . . . . . . . . . . . . . w. . . . . .

"..,.. . . . . the ....... "Iy

..... _ ......... _rw .

I. A BI,her . LoY e.. ... reItIter ' • .my IIteat _ ~ (Matt. 5·. ...."D) . '. • ....... ....... .· f w _. . Th Id ha tabUabed I peIIdu to tIM. wltll ... _ • wor • •• U OWD • I prinCiple of conduct baled 00 .etaab _ . . . . . . ,0........ ....... . advant l,e. It pay. to be pollta to . ' .., 1M' Hartley. '",l41Id y. v .... """ ollWpr U" and' oD.alo Il-m tho •• wbo Clll favo.r you, .0 culti. ....... ,.... ..U,.... _ 1M and in lias old ICNIY I __ A .maD of viae,... plaCK Ia.. sm6r_ in • NCOIId.'lata their ,ood wUl boT ecta of cour. in a roombowl ' will abaorb tobacco . tel)' Illd kindne. .. Your neighbor tmlok•• B KATH LrrN NO·DD 'S An. M.atcae . . . . . - reo a 1 be aW. to belp 10U III p' ~INFVL CHIOICE -0m hour quftd. by ...- - , .... .... 4 of need, 10 do 100d to him en a. YOIl LID. the eODtalDer .in wbleb you 10 . . . . . _ HEN I divorc ed my ...... ..,. po...._..... remove ashes from ·the furnac . h us b and four years ....c .. ,. 11 year. 0 ' . _ · ...act . u l hav.op v , I peGCe . But an •...... en8m,' -what cen yOIl with wet paper to keep down the ...alll"-. ,.·..... ......... ago." . writes Maryand comfortable married UI.. ,aln from Idndne .. to him' Bata dust. lee Johnso n .from Sacram enbecame too, duD lor him. and treat him lUte III en8m,'. of . . . " ........ ....... .., to. "we were both 'more or Marylee. She and lllU'1HJY ju# Cb.rlatla nlt7 know. nothln, ai web In wrIDJI nr oat Ie pWo~ caMI In dis . l' d fri olous decided 10 ......'-1110 qWIITe l a eplrlt Even tbou&h It be nllC8l. the S8 un C1P me, laundry , always Insert the V r=== === === === =' ~: :::~!.~ r:'i~ and we'll let person .af7 to OPt aplDlt wicked men In closed end into the roller 1lrat. s. We had been marditlide d ,hem, i " mere' y order' to hinder their evll plau, Th1a D. O. 8. all'eed. will preven t poulbl e buntried 11 years. every thing .eemed lhe bUI U1CJ.y ow 0/0 we neec1 not 10•• Nat day I came out witll a .tof7. seeme d sudden ly to go dull love tor tIlem. inc of the leams. rireaome ait"odo n. Morylee oc- Even tho.e whoour delpitelull7 uae At 8:10 a. m. Ibarp Claudette had and humdr um; there really -.cormn& 'y &01 a Reno ditlorce, UI ma1 be loved for CbrIaY••ake. ....... ....... ....... . ....,... .. me OD the phone. She Wlllted Altu baklnr alw~1s leave tM seeme d no reason for our o,.d took ~ UU'e do"'!"' er 10 "Conal d.r Hlm tha, endured aucb ~~ In Ib, dovBJ ...... . stay;" g logeth er. The•• was oven door open to .permit the U ...... h I" ... d: , _......~ ....... ....... ....... ten IUch III idea-w bat ever ,avo no quarre l. we simply .. to ....po .,;a Ib.. decide d One d4y Marylet, and her a.lf" (Illd went riIb' on limn, ....... . ~ me the notiOD that. .he would CQDO one morni ng at break vent the oven !ro.m rustin, . fast that d4u&hf er une%~ edly mel them), '1u, Y' be wearied" In eider playing the mother of a coupl. we would be happie r -0apart' 8 L_ of IlrI. that old' Th your own love for tho.e who bear 10 Joa .are bavinr . trouble 'startartJey ora IfMJ 1Ir . .,. ere the .ad name 'lben I went to work on her. of enemie . (.ee Heb. Inc wooden screws with and Me;rgo t and I left for Reno a acre. WGI 0 happy ,reunio n. and 12:1). "David Selmlck doem't make a"'T' two days later. For a few driver? Well, put them throulh a Mcuyle e reiWze d Ih.d .he h4d TbU fa admitte dlT a bl.h thing but load plcturel , doe'. he?" month s the chang e and pIece of cardbo ard first and then freeIOtJedHort1"'1 alhhe ,rime. Now ani, but Jt II not too blgh 1 a.sked. tor dorp were!'l~nse relief HanJey it ..kin, ~Ier to di- wbo Imow the loye of CbrIat. tb.oae hold the 'cardbo ard while the screw II .~rtJng Into the wood. "Well, no." to me: ' '1 Uved Wlth a woma tlorce , ~ preae'" hUiband, n. A HI,ber Dearee or LoJaltJ "You don't expect to be an In· friend who had a daugh n -.ter and remarr y IUm. Marylee is (Rom. IS: 1-4). JeIlue all JOur ute, do you'" 1'0 pick up brokeD rial' trom Margo t's age and took a job. in ell qUtllldG ry. She WCIIIU Bar. An intelligent Chrlatlan II the belt the floor. wet a newspa "Well, no." "Wh . fr' d per and d ~...., back, ....., .he feel. a cere citizen. He knows that aD "You're an aotrell, aren't 10U'" aoverD- gently wipe up the ,lau with it. en my len '. husban came -J . .. ment fa baaed OIl the power IID4 "I'v. been accused of It." home unexpectedly from oversea . -.DON " . .' . fain obli&tJlioB 10 her .econd authority of God, and hence b. "Well, whY don't you think It that arrange ment natura1l7 ended. reo- Plant lemoD .eeda In f1owerPota hlUband., Phil, 111M 1uu been over'" After lOme months of uncomfortable WIIH COLD M., I"I' to kind, &eneJ'O UI and affecrion- olDlze. the legality and authorlt7 at r house "All. right bu' Selmick bam" ahlftlng about, I married again, planta. The ~lny leaves H •• ,'I 'A'Sr .••"., dub' coosUtuted ,overnm ental apn. flavor cakes when one or two a.ked me 1et." .omewh at helltantly. I felt much are ate. cle.. . . "He wru." J replied. placed In the bottom . of the cake Ie.. .ure of mYlelf at S4 than at Il1llf 0.-.. .. HI f . , No matte.r how mucb man hal per- pan. Tie a few leaves into a cloth She wa. recepUve ~d asked to 21. and although Phil I. eV,eryth tng think I .111U would tWO-. never ..... a.1t another ... fa. . verted or dearaded ,overnm ent, and drop into apple·s auce a few . .ee a .crlpt. Natur-t l-, at that Italo that 1. ~d,generou •• intellige nt, vor of Godl But bow can 1 delert yet it ta In ...enc. the IILlEf TNHI- Leu. ...,... ... . " hi elEPre I Of the ,ame there •• IOIl minute s to live it flavor. none IndUltrious, yct I know that I bave Phil, who .toad by me wben Inllf fOUl-• • . . , . . . . I wa. of a ministry of God (v. f). Bow II ' never been truly In love Ia -'bhim. lonel1 and troubled? What .hall ... how ScoU., EmnlsiOD I deepl1 albame d th.t .hould make Cl.udet te called me. "I've pever He wal ~ when we werewith II1IU Jour . f IYl-.. mp I ...... ades are .. ..... cUngy married , do? What would be the be.t thing to tho.e who re,ard pollUcal oftlce aa and IIeIpa toDe ~ ,out 1)'ItaD, helpa buDd taken or ac~epted a part 0-'_ CleIiI .... _ yellow on the inside, they without a captain In the regular lervlce. He . do?" lilt rldll. . . . . Ia· '" ItamlDa IIId zaIItauce ..... colda- reading tile .cript Ilrat. What ...... a mean. of ~r.onal rain and ad· probab ly are absorbi ng quite ...A . ~_111_ .... . . . _ __It . . .. _ ......, 11 It has now been overlea . tor one year ......... a _-_ • tbUe ila dIetar)' deAdenc)' of A l D Ian't .uitlble for me?" vantage , or who . . u , •• ...... their _ . authorl .. I ........ o te. ......... large percen tage of the and light .omeUr ;you nes, Uke mlll1 othe; The aniwer, Mel')'lee. fa of course to permit or promote that wblch II need to WamlDL It.. ceql SImpi)' tab Scott'a I ':Lilten , Claudette," I aald. lee ,:>y. To restore their ."I.VO tI,iDIII IM ,.,.It'.p eaU B1I7 , II gain, to be a bl, picture. ''Th1a wartim e bride., I dare .ay, I feel that JOU 'never .hould have dl. alalnat God. reflecU ng abilitie s, paint the inside Sek- a. It I hardly knew him. vorced 10ur huaband lin drugIst•• today! tile Ilrat EVef7 publlc omclal .hould reeo•• With two coata of Dick doem't make !allure. . Ba ''Wen. here fa my problem white shoe poI. ' can" ~orcl ' to make all'Tthln. but that ha. coat me mllll'T day., ODe place. Divorce ought to be ao Serl· nlze God a. the liver 'of hi. authan. Ish. Pat the second cqat on ' careand OUI,'O terrible an aftalr, e.pecla~ ty and seek the COL D Lord' •• ' a .ucce••..,-and to do tIllt It'. ,at to nlghtl of bitter -Norryln,. peclal arace tuU.r after the first ia comple tely Four when tIlere II a cb1ld to conalder, Illd IUlduc e In the be juat right tor 10U a. weD a. month. ago, walking dlacbar ge of dry. . , downtow n that it could not be cOfll.ldered hi. dutle.. Evef7 citizen .hould ---:: -:--- ----Ole othen." · with Margot, who II now 12, 1 met cePt In a ara"e crl.lI. -;:-- ----. ...:.......~-----~~~ Adequate blghly the one who 'rule. . . I Claudette agreed, and the deal wa. Harvey. IilstlntI.Y a areat rum of rea.ona for dlvorce should neces- bavin, regard a power ordained of God I .et. ' . aurprlse, pleaaure and aftecUon aarUy be .0 fundam entll that there (v. 1), for the ,ood of tile nation went over me, and In the old way could never be an,y quuUon _ _ _ _ _ _...._ _ _ _ _ _ _ Anoth er Pro6r .". of re- (Y. f). wa. In bfa embrac e In a .ecoru:L From thel h.t Jennife r was war· He leemed I I hapP1 a. I, and Ma,. turning to manled ute on tile old Bere then fa the solution of the term.. . , pollUcal problem . which are caUl- It "'HI MllAC U 01 MO••~N" CUI" ," • ~ PIdtIre; ned. She c11dn't feel she wa. got perfectly rememb ered Mal')'lee, after 11 years, declded .ln, upheaval aD over the world, #iFIRS T '• ... photographing quite .. well •• Ibe adored father- al a matter of ber fact on a dlvorce ,Imply bec:aule might In certain Icenes. sbe has vilited for some weeki with didn't .eem a"'T good rellBon there namel7. a revival of Chri.Uan teaU· In Itay mOll7 and faith, for It wiD lead to a Selznlck went to Claudette with him and hi. mother evel')' ye.r, and manled. She h ed a. ireac lone of ,lOYalty on the part of tha people bJl problem, and Claudette took we bad a happy reunion. Harvey, those polntl wben married life. wblch II quite unknown where Chrfa.. over the mother relnl In real ilfe a. now also In the service .. a Lieu. drag. on monotonously. :noUling Uanity doe. no' brln, ita true Inwell a. on the soreen. tenant • Commander~ took u. to clUnI bappen .; a woman baa a good lIuence to bear. "YOU're a Ireat actre.., Jennl· lunch, one of the pleasan te.t hour. . --'''' husband, a lovely cbUd, .food and I 'l'hat kind of love for men .,... - lre~MU _ - ou G6 fer," ""·udet . dJaf:tM I te told her, "and of my life. -~ and cloth .. , boou . and frlel~da In the 101alty to ,overnm ent necena you're lolnl to be greater. Why rlq 1& W.. Foonlh ue... . mo.t prolperoull and lecure country ibrlnaa about: don't you JUlt concentrate on doing . "You can guess the reat. We were· In the world- but that bn't enO\lgb.! m. A BI,.r Standar . a good job and let the camera mlll alway, friend., we never d Of Pahldlillkeel She wanta thrWs, change. , travel, 0'1-- (Rom. 11'.• ~'1). take care of bJ17" " -0'each other. Our pa~ ....g was aU fool· relief from monotony. So Ibe 1 ~ breaks There it moreorto real patrlotlam Jennife r c11d just that. labDe.. and a .mistake ; w' three 'l'ben we have the ca.. of Claud· lonl tollether, and we Imow it be· up her home, trle. office work, geta then Gag waviD. and hilh••oun".Rnow. bored. eUe'. other "daulh ter" - Sblrle- B ..m be at a tI on ed b er~ tor who ,- mamea a good quiet mill orato-. There mUl" be a " arvey _w... .. longlnl for comp&nlonship enUous .wlUlng " ..-na. Temple. ne... to aerve the ' .ome Urne, he adorel biI r, and cltJ, meeta het' Iir.t tion In obedience to Ole com. Bere wa. ~ girl who had been No. he makea himlelf cheerfullJdaughte at bome hua~and alaln and fall. under the maud or the Nqueat 1 .tlr of her prevloua picture. , cd ProPer In my apartment, .nd ye.tera . No. 1 at the box office. In ,thl. on. the' Brat ' time he lugge.t ed y tor old.peU , Illd then nf:1vely uIu ad· authority. . that I vioe al to . what i. the right cour.e 'ftte Cbrlatlen lb. h.d to mare that 1JiWna witll.1x ,et a dlvorce . and that he and Just lbat ~ 1 be to pur.ue. . of patrioti o aupport to .bIs COUDV7 ....~_""!'""_ _ _ _ _ _ _~IIIIII!~lo~ .err::yrt=:-.:weetjOb of acijUlt- re~parhllrled.i' ."', he bal alwaya been There tao no advice that wm help (Y. 5), ilia eDliIhtened conlelence ... ~;;.;;~;;.,._ _ _ _-.:-,;,,_.. ;;o..-.;;.; Ing. ber.elf un.tlbl e In charact er. If demanc ll It, IID4 be raponc I. ' to ~ Il.W condition. a ab.r endlone .ome man; he h.. no llIl'Tone 11 Jears of marria le were not But the motller lnr the recelv~ OIl . famtly. That a ' woman like my.elf .' enOUlh to e.ta\)lla h Mal,),l. . In a Then too. tIlere mUll be auppon the '.et from 'Claudette had a lot to · coulcl love him alway••eemed to .trouc, decent, useful manner of Uv. at· tile aoventment b)' the P~..t do with makinl !3hlrle, a better blm a rnlraCle. BI. letten de- l1li, ilothln. w111. Sh,'wIll probabl1 cd tuu. ThiDlI: cd Ole thousll .ctre... . ld. wbo votlon ltaelt. .'You are the one thine divorce Phll and remarry BaTV.Y. are .....eelln the busin. . cd.."adClaud~tte Colbert, Jennlfe r Jones In ·Utat .1 car. for,' b• •ay. but ..tha' ,won't .00ve . .' problem. l1li tbe1r JUIl share cd the COlt ~ aDd ShlrleJ' Temple D;lake .. tine trio over and over. 'You are the 0Dl.J .When the war ~ over Barv"'. will IOYUDIIWDt. OIl the screen. You ,et a fHllnI that person wbo . .' '. belong. thare II real unity In the HUtoo ODe 'l Clll call mine.'to me, Ole ODl.J' prellilt the nme dull old problem _.~th~~ .. no share . In ' • and Ma171e e wID be no "nearer a·....... .... - II read, to PIJ boIDe. .'lb. klncl at . urlttJ the bDJi ''U be were,Dot In the picture, 11 reaUzaUoa cd the true .oclm of bap. bIs ~ 01 the apeue cd-~. ov..... ·~aDt to come bome ~ 1 could be all Harvey '. alaID I ' P'T Uviq ,than Ihe fa todD,. ment .. a 1IlinIIt17 . 01 the ~ " . . . (Y. I).

:A -ci ladi CI .

. .. .

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GROVE ' .5 _



BRIAN .DONtE¥¥ 'speaking:

aGlOo.AO __D. ~ u;,,,666


ex. !

rP!lrllllllllJl'-=1 !










. ...

Ro ,OYerDlDtDt caD fuDotlOD sftp. It.., Yev. AIu:- a.., .., DGI' . . . . . . . . wldch doe. nOi Let the alarm clock wos* tor 1ou. ..... tile NQeCt uId. codd . AzJ. a~ c1oclI: c~ .Illd Ih~ be ...... 'l'bere ~~ UHCl for maD7 JIUl'POII88 other ', caD ... - tbIJ1 wUlna ODe up · in ·Ute mona- ... but erIUolI m, d11C01l ~t, and in" Whm clelllin l' or ""~rklnI up. dllObedl.... In aUOb en atmoep ItaJri or In a room where ·tbere ·1s W. ,ba... ~ " ~ ban no' clOck; let' tile alarm' ~ call we IQ It ........ ... but tblq but thaI 'OU BllJUm e 1011 wIIh m order. to oouId bap,*, " Amerlc . polltioalb itart a D).ali or Jet It lJ1I~ce the II • 01 CbrIatla nltJ. Ow &11M for --a faYarlte radIO pro. . . . . . . ~ OUIbt to ..t tile • rram. WheD Iud~aet tile . . . aJgPIe 8IId enooun .. lbe people t. . IDDow In npeDtIJ lce, ....titution an, ud let it caD ~ to elL You caD a.ra NIII'" . a.act D Chrom . . . . . tile alum JOII ....... . talt.



IIIeIdDC or........ othtr

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l ·dllHlt's·dantifncl---

ear- wu CNItIIII ." a cIaDdII . . ,..

_wIao . . . _IadW aaeI ....... .

. . willa 1IbIIOIC . . . . . . f • • L ·lcrapal oaad"!' Dd.,. you . . ..... ,a feel afiar .... ~

aocaw,daD I. ear-

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....,.• • CO'- .... 111 ar .., . . . -....rlGO YfAdu aw' ria ...... .



THIt MtAMI GAZItTI'E ThIll de,.rtment Is IiI'ranpd U1d edllfld. by ROIls MacPherson. l\1r MaoPhenoaa lnvUeII ~el'll to lIel)eI In favorite pGC!D18 they would like &0 lICe published here . )Al''''rs with lIunesUons for ihls ~luaui are invited, Wrltec Ross ~lacPherson. ,care 01 thiS ~per. . ,

Thank Veu





l'1roIn ,the Book 01 COmmon Proyer.


• • •

~cQ1lutt ~unerlll ~O'tne ' Wayne.vi1le

.Love divine, all loves excelling, Joy of ~Ieavem, to earth come down! FIx 111 us thy Ilumble dweU1I1g, All thy truthful mercies crown. Jesus, thou art all compassion. Pure, lUlbolUlded love thou art; Visit us with thy salvatlon, Enter every tremb1l1g heart. FinJsh ~len thy n ew crea.-t1on, Pure and spotless let us be: Let us see thy great salvation, Perfectly cestored 111 thee: Changed from glory ~nto glory, TUl1l1 heaven we take our place, T1l1 we caat our CroWlIS before thee, Lost 111 wonder, love and praise. <Amen.

la ' zy

WANTED-Music pupils to start 1An.hour spent ee.ob evening detaking le8,80ns, November 6. If voted to a particular subject 'D\&Y interested call ~99, J. L. Heaton make you an expert on the subject. Rt. 3 Waynesnlle. 11-9-e It will, however, enable you to know FOR SALE-CoaJ b-.tiJig stove more Gbotit it than tJ1e avefQ8e A-I condition, MrB. Wilbur person does. Foulu, R. Rt. 2, Wayneaville at U ' you use that hour construcLytle. ' . 11-9-p tively, 'when 1Ihe long winter is oV6)' FOR SALE-I.arge aise Olermont 100 w1ll loot back GIl it with BI!ottsheater (coal , or :wood) Hileylfaction. You w1ll accomplished Gibson, lit. Holly. 11-9-p ~. . FOR SALE-Fa~C1' Sweet Po- Befoni y.ou start, ~ sure you tato,es, J, o. Jli1Vke,. Woyne-F are attempt.1Dg...aometh1ng you will

merit \.he eon-


fld(~I1~ a.nd

trust placed in me.




b ive personalized LntlOllei;l';y-!fio~l'~';;;;;~;;;;;;;;;~;;;;;;;;;;;;~ AUCTIONEERING Christmas, 200 sh ts 100 tlvclopes ""'Itll nnme ru1d IHldl'ess $1.50 Stanley and Koogler


Prosecuting' Attorney, elect

For Dates, Phone 2894, Waynesville, Ohio, Reverse Charges

bite'em; and so on an inftnitem.


• • •

Money ~lkI;. but it never gives tseU 1\.waY'.


• • •

• • •

F .. 111' Church of Christ

793,231,343 stars in t he universe, ho'U believe you. But If a sIgn ' says

to make

• •


Emerson Said It 'Mast of the shadows ot this llIe are caused by Ata-ndlng 111 your sunshine.






your Cattle, hogs. sheep and cal'fCl to Norris-Brock Co,. liVe wire and progressive tmn for the highest market prices a.n~ gOOd ~rv1oe. Union Stock Yards, Clnclnnat.l. O. Tune In on Radio Station WOKY, 12:25 to 12:30 p. m. for our dally market reports.


• • •

traveler through the mOWltalns of East Tennessee made a wrong turn and fOlUld himself on a slderoad'that soon Pecame a mere track . He kept. on the road for s everal mUes without see1l1g a SOul. FlnaUy he

For Dead Stock HORSES, COWS, HOGS, CALVES, SHEEP. ETC., Removed Prompd.,

I: :'::::bC;;;p:~~~~~~

Save That Twinklel That. rougish twinkle from a pair of bright young eyes! A pnceJess possession. Yet so often it is dimmed by need· less eyestrain, Mankind grew up out of doors-where eye,s had ample light ftom the sun. Today, living indoors, many eyes suffer from lack of good light. Now science is "moving the sun" indoors. When the war is over we can all enjoy bountiful indoor daylight. 10 the meantime. let's observe these four rules to ward off eyestrain.


With a dog. "That's a remarkable


dOS." swId the v1altor. "Nam, he aint

so smart," said tIle native. ''II lust


beat h1m two games."

Reverse Telepbone Charres

A FooUah Rhyme

MaIn Uf. Xenia,

My sister Anna, She's from sav-




NOV,EMBER 12,7:30 P . M .


personal In vestlgatlon .



If you teU a man there are 381 ,

' fresh paint" he has


Pla.nist nnd /\ccordlnnJst

Write on your mirror: '\MYOBI " l'\4111d your own bus1l1ess.



,Fred Kahn Motor Car .co.

I shall give my utmost hl enlng \.he pubU

'H as smaller fleas that 011 him pr y' ADd these haNe smAller fleas LO

(They D1v1l1e Love by Chas. Wesley)

ipus Bible verse, prayer and hymn were .• ~ by the Rev. Paul Dr. Dison reques&a readeni &0 amd In ahorC. Prayers or Bible WaDt A6, Carda of Tbanb anel OIJHlIadea are charpd for at the venes that have ht!Ipec1 them. Abo rate of ODe cent a word. mlnfm.UJD let hJm ~ JOur favorite bynms., oIIarre Uc. A Want Act Inserted lor ONE, BOtJB llaree Umes II ebarrect at Ie • ,"-,nL The long winter ,even1ngaa.reclooe at hand. After work hOurS there is Acetylene or electric. See Bill Lee, less time for .out-door recreation, Orndorf Road, R. 3, WaynesyWe. What .ue you going to do with these - - - - - - - - - - - - '.' --- even1Dga? Pbr Sale - Watk1Ds Products FUller An 'hour; a alDgle hour each even. Brushes -at ~ North Broadway 40._ ill an """port tty Y OLBN Id!NTNl!R Lebanon. Pbane .... • , u.n . ou can GL ' 1t away, or you can devote It- to some ____________ 0 wortbwb1le object.

Any make or· model

given m in TlIesdays elccUon .

For all any Of us know, the rish Lord 'We beseech thee, grant thy people grace to withstand t.lle temp- that got away may go home and lie tations . of the world, the flesh and .a.bout ,the size of bhe bjUt he stole. tho devU; and· with' pure hearts and An Old Verse to follow thee, tJle only God; \h~ugh Jesus _ChrISt our Lord. Some nntura~bserve. a tl( R

At All

Dial 2111 -

sincere apPI"C!·e)II\.Uon tor tbe su, port

• • •



t.,'\ke t.h.Is oppor~unIty to thank my frlenils and express my

1\1n.y I

Suffcr thc little to come nOD GATE Wlto mo, and Jorbld them .not; tor A lie can tI'n'~oui1d the orld of such is the kingdom at Ood..the tenth chapter and thir- a.nd bl\ck again willie the trUtI1 is lIwlng up its boots. teenth verse .of st. Mark.

She plays tbe, 'W hile she rots a Mnnena.



B. G. Buch$leb, ..... (II

J Do

aU reading, studying, sewing, or game-playing a' good light.

_._ . _a_ d _ . _ a _ a _ a _ a _~


A certain solUldness and wholesomeness ~ f character; a. tougb hon~t streilgth, unceasing effort to make life conform at all 'points to the tru~ as one SEeS it. A stralght-' f011WaI'd.l'lCSS o.nd simplicity 111 whlch there 1a rio guile.








Poets are tbe unaclmo wledged of tbe world

'BarYerab1P'r; Oldo 1kowD '·PenDlDtrtoD.

Abou Ben Adhem

Abou ~ Adhem (may h1s trlbe·1 ncreasel) Aiwake one night from deep dream of peace, . '. And.8IIIW. Within'the 'mooriUgl\t in his room, " . MaIIr.lDg 1t rich and like a Illy' In bloom An AbBCl writing 111 e. bOOk of gold: ' . ~tng ~ had made Bell, IAdham bold, And ' to ~ ~esence in the r90m he ~d, ". '"Wit;l&t 'Wl'1test thou .. '!be Vlalon raised Its ihead, And With a. look made of all :sweet a.ccord •. AnsWered,' '~e names, of ,those -who loVed the Lord." .' And ls mine one?"lIald Aboll. 'N ay, ~ot ./JIl," Repued ~ . angel . Abou spoke law, But chee:rly Bt1ll; and aaJd, "1- pra-y., thee, .then, Write me as one Ilhe.t lovo.$ his tell , OW-tneD. ,. , 1be AlJPf wrote' ancl Va.ri1ah~d. · I . . The nm ntiht It c,ame apln wit at a ~ wakening llBht, And abOIved'the names whom I.,ov e or God had .,1eaeed, Arid, Iiol Ben Adhem', ~ led aU ' t.b& rutl ,j

See tbe M1amI

_ _ _ _'IIIIIL

Dishes - Platform Rockers

•• • • • ••

Furnitur~Co NORm ST.. WAYNES



"~t's r~illy Q. great editorialr.ou just read ~ us.;1udge. Wh~e did you say ltappeareq?'"

.. In 'Th(~ . Stars an~ Stripes·••• the newa- ' f,laper o~ the V.S. ArmCd Forces in Europe. Kit)d of giveS us folks back home something to think a,hout, 'doesn't it, Bill?'" . "Itc~La41Iydoes, Judge. PartiCUlarl~tJte Jast parllgJl'8ph. Would you ,mind readinI ~t again?:'~


Galeite stationery ' FOR ~n ~.t TUIut.

I :roar IOlJa iIo.


CJueUe ~.



'!G¥ to, BiU._It..aaya, 'We can ~

---------~----------~----~--------~--~.------------------~ ==:=:====~=;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;.;,..,.;;?':' ' r....,~ a :.u.wr.... ,........ ,. !~ . ---- .,'_ ... 7


. . .






I Auto~obl"~


I ••uraaee




YOU'RE N(f)1' EXCEP. TION! Calamity d04!!m't pick favorites I r.tisfortune' haJD't .in,led you out, aa an exception I Be wise and protect YO\l~aelf ~ith good insurance so that "no matter what happens, you, your f~mily- and yOur property wUl be .fully pro'tected. · · .

... .

Oflice Il~ Boren ;lnd SllnPl\un Garare .

. Former., WaYl1clvlUe Insurance AlOne,.

.-- :

rnC:;;;;:HtNl . -icc c~m socials "~,, Jl'oP....

way of ra.lslnc mone, for • tood F.aeh famlJ7 donated a (reeser of ud a ·~ke or two. You were IiCnecI at tables on the Ja.wn decorated by lapaneee Jant.erna. . e'feDi. tieoalS'c-illObiillre' . ·alwa.ys a . ~~?


'coun&ecl ~~\IA~f!iI!"',






KInd '

Baby Crib WUh Mattress

Way 'er.l ,,·:lle Avoid glare from blue bulbs. Don't sir f.d.g the light. Glare strains eyes.


Dr. C. E. Wilkin

III rear of DOI&en Ganp




....• .

,' WELDiNG Are w~ or All


preferably a .modern reading lamp.

Avoid ,badows. Make sure you have :)-12: eaeh morning Note: Bob Gates lnrites letters trom I good light direc,tly 00 your, book or and win wdcome eoutribuwolk. Sbtulows ,'rain .yes. 1-6 afte~noons except tloDa of short verses, snappy paraWednesday prpbS or anything suitable for his ville. , 1~-2-e l~· I · ... column : ' ~'t take up a sUbject j\1St to ge 7-9 Saturdalr evening Have eyes examined r~guJarly. If eyes t., f_• AI~ ~ember ~,1844 atucSytng 8ClII1ething. You will : do ale de~ective, vision can be greatly . ..... Other Evenings Arthur .AtIdDBon, Rural ~t S, beat; 10U Will get further; by doing n1ty that Is clean and uricrowded, ,. ,iWaynesv1l1t!helped with proper glasses. 16-p .1OIIl8t.b1ng V(IU l1ke to do :'W bether and where Ufe . is leisurly. They By Appo.iintment J don't awnt to have at drive 'half an 1IOR ~p'urebred Wblte Face it's work1Dg'With tools or with books. hour through trad:!ic · to reach the TELEPHONE 62·R Bull 18 months. two Purebred. try aometb11'lg you w1ll endoy doing. out-doors. They ..w.nt room for ' Bhortborn Cows two bred caUa If mat.bama.t1ca, 11 economics, or lawns and gardeDB. When the war Is oyer we are all going to hllve Better to. be fresh Jan~ 6 and Mai-ch h1atoIy tnteftst you, study one Of The sme.ll town has an oppOrtunp Light for Better Sight. In the meantinie. let's conserve 27. S. SChneider, first fa.rm south tboIe subjects. lty now . VIllages, especially those both eyesight aod light. Take care of your eyes. but don't y • of nattork scJ1oo1 house, R. R. I, , u you a Job you llke. concen- w1thLn easy driving dJ5tance of large waste light. Optometric E,re Speci.liat .Qreaon1a. Ohio 9-p trGte on leaI11lng more about that atles,. can attract deS1rabl~ resLdellte. , Job . U your Job,~osen't 1I1terest :YOU, 4! bhey are wlll1ng to make the e!!ort. 26 S. Detroit St. Xenia, 0 THE PO WE R ~ SALE-~ ~ boar 16 you in t\le ~Ong place '. ~ . .iWlth lbhere-shUffllng ~populat1on months old.B~ lWa~s, Lytle to 'pl'epare yourself for kind Of atter the Wai,.. people by the thous- . '- - - - - . - - · ' - - 0 COMPANY !Raul, R. R. 2, Way.nesv1lle; 16-p a job you 'WOUld Uke to have. lind. W1ll be looldng for n~ places ADVERTlS~ IN 'Jl'HE GAZETTE I On b ~A'" nln to live. 'These people will dEIIIIa.Dd R)R ~ellley and Holst.ein e our ........ eve g. You .can the.t the town they loca.te in be just- - - - - - - - . - - - - - - - - -- -.......-;--::~------__.-;------------cow. due to 11'eahen December 15 make it an hour that W1ll pay big aa clean imd sanitary as tJh,eir ltldlIMICOD4 calf, pntJe, good m11ker. future d1videodB. It·s up to you. viduai hornell. They want a corn:THf; OLD JUDGE SAYS ••• Harold B. Eamha.rt, phone 3614. SMALL .TaWNS mlIDlt(y with good schools; a wholed6p aame normal attitude . .'niey· wU1 de. ' . A nearby towon la plC88ed at hav" mand some eultUl'&1 opportunities .rw~ to and !rOm Fl1g1- Ing a new factory ~ its midst.. The Ubraricsr Occasional conceits etc. ' ~~~ ·one or two f~ ~t ,people of tIle town have s.ribed They want a golf course ' and base...""':'" ~. ~ne ~15 23p tp!r.~ thoUBand doUars as a bon1.\8 to ball" dWnonds; opport,unity for recFOR ~ 91d,year old HolStein get it to' locate there. ' rea.t~. . ' . , dleifer iiNtth heifer calf by side, .76. We have heara of communltl.cs The small ,town ~ grow if It iMe&n. 1-2-m1le of I-\V'tle Route .th'a.t Me willing to ra.lse t~ money i 'Wishes to. It need lose nothing of ~ 'waYneaY1lle, 23p to at.tract factorIes. We ca.n',t recall :the ohann that is .part of rural i hearing of an. American town willing America. In fact it should <lCCen.t tIle fIOR 8&I.JE.;4Vhite-tace heifers also to l'8Jae thirty tbO~d d~lla.r8 tQ better tlpn8's Ilba.t · always baem 2~wheel ut1l1ty trallar, en e a ·p . ,m ake Itself better, more attractJve ! a: paIJlt of village life. ThJs will bring phqoe 2s;n ' 22c place for people to l1ve 111. I ~ Its doors desirable residents. Their I1.lDR ~es black ' . Here Scnd there sma.ll towns are s~ndlng, their influence on comCent (needle .1I1t) with ~: 'W\l~ up to tJ1e foct thrut there are mlllnity ute, will be worth more than • ., __.... Jar po , 'bl a.IsoPCl bo Imore worthwhile things than factaty most average factories. A strictly .......... co , rea.sona e, · ys I . " ~";tip ca.inel-hair coat,alze 16 res dence town .can be a prosperous excellent . OOndJUon _ like new, of persona In our c1ti,es. town. It can be a place people wUl .pbooe 282'1 smoke, noise and over.. enjoy l1Ying in, It <X'li11 be a town 1t.'! . 22c erawdiong, long for life 111 a commu- citIzens wUl be proud of, . ,

east o.



YEAR Dr l .




SCARLET FEVER CLOSES LITTLE ClTIlZENS MIAMI CIIAP'JIER 107 O. E. S. 'PRIVATE .JUNIOR L. TOWSON SPRINGBORO SCHOOL MEET MONDAY, OCTOBER 13 CITED FOR ~X'l'\RJEl.ME TUESDAY 14 ' BRAVERY IN GERMANY . November 9. 1944 . Elettlon 18 ov&l _ _' NOVEMBER . . --. Miami Olmpter 107 !fiet Mond,\y - ,: 4nd we have had rain. j!ipt that Dr . J. W..Ward, 'are fn. died at IAn epidemic or sca.rlet fever evening. A delirious co>v red dish - -. ·L 6st Fr!c'ay. November 10. the ,t here Is .a.ny cormect;lon urueas it McClellnn hospital. Xenia. Tuesda.y ;which has taken Llle I r cf one dinner was enjoyed in uie dining F'rom h eadQ.uarters of a·n Ameri~n Coca-Oola Bottlbg Com any f re· could be toot the sk.les weep with morning atter an Il1ness cd one year IPUopll. wns r po~sible fOl' tho clOSroom after which the regular busi- ~rmored division in comes sen~ before the high school chIld, ing of the hlg>h and groJ schools ness session . was held . OfUccrs for an interesting story by Sergeant Bill ren, an Interesting tilm f'om wartile Republicans but we farmers did lind three months. wEit. min UlI\It ,pounded so ~d on Born In WalTen County. at Mid- &t Spr1ng:boro Monday eve~ling by the comlng year were oWrthy Mut- !al1ton of 2101 Riverside Drive. Day- otime Washington. It wa.s shown In wet rom ~opunded so hard on ~boro, *y 30. 1857. He received Dr. Edwa rd Blair. WarrLll cr.upty ~on. Mrs. Everette Ea,rly; n. fanner sports writer lor 'rhe ,the llbrary and narration by Mr. the ' C'omm~ttW Sale balO.roof, b t 'dleboro. May 30, 1857. he received ibealth COIllll1.dssioner. !Patron. Mr . Everette Ea.rly~ ~I_ Dayton Daily News, who .plLI·,ticipated -M1ll.Ion, from aJeyton.IAmO:l8' the y~ couldIft h,e ar the a.uctioneer and Ileal College, Cindn.natJ and grad,_ I George Shww. 6-year-old son of . Me, Matron, Mrs. R063 Rowland; in the invaslon of France and who slgh~ shOlWl1 were Mount Vernon. d:le bad to {AlUSe Ul1tU it quieted lIaIted Mal'oh 4 1884 In 1897 he Mr and Mrs Ralymond Sha.w of &isOclate Patron Mr RoBs Rowla d rt;cently heard of an 8IInazmg feat ·the White House. the Wash1ngton The above chUdren l'ecenUy photo- Sooretary. Mrs:' E . . F. Ear~; ~1::~Oism performed by a Dayton :onwnent. and other famous build.. down. W8/ 8£tually staDCuDg in went' to the N;w Yo~k Polyclinic noo.~ Springbo~. died Monay alter puddles for the f\rst"time in ;weeb. and in 1902 receIved additional work a 'weEk'S llless from the disease. He P-aPhed by the Woltz. Studios in ITree.u.srer, Mrs. LucUe Armitage; 'l'h e boy Pri\'aw JU'rio L T G C h or course It will take more the.n this dn .the New York Post Graduate "''(I.5 ·a pupil in the first grade. vU1 Ba Ii d C Ua Iconductress. Mrs. John J Burske' , ' . I' . ow- I e regg ompany lUI OIWW'ded to Ilhe water situatllon but th1s Medical school Thirty-one- ohildren from .the Waynes e are: r .~ anH e d Associate Conductress Mrs' Stanley Ison, whose addt·css is Rural Route 11 the following dudng the hi a good start. , Dr Ward h~ two school ma.tes school lIIfe either 111 01' u.~der quar- chlldren of Mr . and e . owar IEa.iley. •. ,Day>wn. and Is ·the son of Mr. and ·past week: Typewriting frogresa T.bey bell me that the Community 'WIho ~ere very close fu him a.nd he ant1ne out of an enrollment of 483 M1sdslllne, WaynesvUl A report of the work done durIng I~yn~ence :a.l'din, ~t~ded the ~~icate for 33 woul., a. minute to Sale Is P llltting on a a- along witb his friends ~. OwniY The majorIty of t he cases are rehe past year showed that a olle hun- the e.nlls~ ~u s~h 001 u.~ t~'I~~e ~ e Hammer.; Junior membergainst destas d st;ock or poultry 8.4ld Keever 01 Centerville and Da' Ben IPOrted to ,be mlld.. Uinless ·the epidred dollar war bond was purchased e army rom ...., \ 11.P in the order cf ArtIstic TypIsts they are warnLng COll6lgnors Ilha.t McClellan (,n ow deceased) aiways dem1c spreads further schools will a.n d almost one hundt'ed dollal'6 WII8 '~~~i!r' IS a cycliet In . we armored to WIlma Surface and Janice Burny one who knowingly sends a.ny made it a point to gradUSlte in the be reopened Nov. 27. It WII8 indlcatgiven for wa.r relJet and charity. Ballto~n ra~~ the tncI~t .which nett. . , • lth ugIh it 18 t ed scatwred cases also are reportMr. and Mrs . Charles Ellls enter- ---- e occured uflng a I The Jumor clll8a play. "Thumbs to the sale without properly me.rldng Itlhtm is liable to }mlSeCut;lQIl. '!\hat ~ar:/:~a doc~rs gro.d n~own ed' in Fmnklln a.nd Wayn esville. .t ained to dinoner on Sundflly evening. BIRTHAY D1N1'I.'ER IN HONOR dr!~e Into the Sleg'fl'led line . "UP." Is a typical modem story of a 18e. goodmove because tomanyotl\lS til , II ua rom Mr . and Mrs. lWy Ellls and son, OF LORETTA BRADENBURG lne L.ei1lmns had no ~~ace re- IIPe.triotlc woman 'Who ·baa · o~ned have brOUght home oontageous calf ~~ 005t':'~8s'1 D W d NEWS AND ACTIVITIES OF Ohe.rles. 1Mr. and MnL Erwin Ellis, maln.i ng to run to and were dug In her home to girls dOing 'War Work. ooours ' and other ills llhat made ~ y. ;. ar lIVas Mrs. Lucile Ann1t.age B.':ld Mrs. A dinner was goIven by Mrs. to put up n. bitter defense. 'uaited The story takes place tn a middle ibal'lllloin ve e . ensive Our Oom- marrIed to Isodora Ne.son·. He was TilE METHODIST CHURCH Robert Bel'11y and son.. ,WOOdrow Bradenburg, on Thursday, States tallks. \Vhl h were b iug UI;(.d sized town In the Middle Weet • . UlUllolty Is X'P t 'C<mvenience the youngest member of a. family of November 9 for her dau.;ht.el'. Lor- LO batter enelllY pUlboxes, were The cam ls as follows in order of in these da there are six, all of Whom prececded hlln in The Sllb. D1&t1ict Booth Festival !Dr. and Mrs . ·A.· E. Stout and etta Rut.h, h er elgonth rWUring desperatly shollt of ammu- bher appearance': Pbyll1B Duaul. ma,lly restrt%t1ons 'and rules on d~th. dl{lstofa.therd,wh.~lllamh,w~d was held last Sunday was a success. da'Ughter were Bund,a.y eve n 1 n g birthday. Guest.s included Naomi n t1on. One truck had attelllpted to employed at Consolidate Airplane ' truckin to Oincinnatl The ' are a ...... a 00 r , an ... mot. ers name Over one hundred young people a.t- guests of Dr . and M~s. Clare E. Jane BUI'ton, }atrlcla Ann Brown !WI t.he l!a,ullIUet of artillery. mOl'- faetory, Rosemary Mulford' T8xaa mAk.lllgga 8'l'eat effort to'keep ~in8s t;J~!rfer ma.rriage was Mary> B. tended and the amount raiSed by 'a bout at the MJa.m1 Valley Country Doris Brown. '/;Wnald Ed nfMd' ,WI' ,. a.nd an~i-ta.nk fJl'e and l1t\d 1'(TeX) KJ.ncaid, in high 6Ch~1. Seth c11lWl a.nd Wnltal and I bo t.he\Y' othesc groups was $556.00 Club. Wade Junior and Kent. TUrner, and bee..1 knocked out. Hoak; Molly 1CInx:etd efi's mother :mcceed in m~ bhe CO~OJ'II ~~~~ h~= ~mth1s~'~ tmin OUr local group raised- $104.00 of • • Wade WWtel'son . ·l 'vwson. heru Jl.g c:J!, bile ne d for Len1)ra LovelY; Bhiriey Blair. em~ mad sendonly dWllStooke.nd ' ult I "&e. . wue e this amount. Mrs. Irene He nderson. Mrs. Grace Mrs. Brande.~burg WII8 assisted amm·unib1on. inrmedlatelY' volun- ploYed at CotlllOUdated, Wanda never SBoW II. leaner nl~ ~~g ~a. hph ~~!_~:~ ~letw'Ohityt°'i were he Our group also tied with calvary Vice and Mr. C1aud(: Stroud were by Mrs. Wade Turner .· Games 'were ilieered to drive It through. He alld PrOpst; Mrs. Winkle. who OWN the !bunch 01 sma l caJ.;es than there ,)'"..........or en ve years Cbw-oh, Middletown and Franklin Sunday guests of Mr . and Mrs. aus- playe d and a edllghtful a,Ctemoon Oue other man loaded a balf truck Kincaid residence Vlvit.n PummW' w~re toc1,\-,\I ' Mh_ ._.... ~ and was a member of the Blue Lodge ~n haNlng- the most attl8£tive booths sell Carr a.nd Mn. Maude Crane in was enjoyed by all. WILli snells and took off. It. 'wa.s the Idwho (Ida) ~ld in high achooi ...., . .-.4S ...., """...... or the Masons a.nd aI60 ot the soot- 30 of our yowrg ·peoj.lle attended. a Lebanon. mlucLe of the aIL ooLl ! M J . ' • • call1palgl1ll IlhrOUlPhout~ the county tlBh IRlte and Shrine of lDB.yton 1DIstr1ct Ra'l ly at the Epworth • • . . T . S. HARDIN REOEIVEs SUR- an e-:n 0 a clear ary ane Anderson; .... labama ure helping too. ,and later in Ufe made their home at ~hW'Ch in Dayton. Tuesday eve.... Mr, a.~d Ms . Elu'IIl"Jmberlain and PRISE PHONE CALL FROM SON 1' 1~ t~e~e~~ d°v1d~?_ no cover Er(Bamatin ) KinooJd, ~n ' hlgh 8Choo1, ,1 crowea wo soon. my COWs Bl·e.. · .. son,or FrankUn, Ohio s,.... nt SundJY -II , • n or uucct ob/;€rnes e Earnhart; Lucy PanIona. still wtth Us. The InB.n who WB8 to Friends Home, in Waynesville un- Ing. Five delegates of the W. S. C. with Mr . and Mrli. :Ray Mnlnous. Mr. and Mrs. T. S . H8irdin a.nd vulJc.n of the enemy. Towson ClUTied a n ell:'hbor, 1n high school. Qladys UlJd,e to cate or them reckoned ottl his oonditlCA."l compelled him to S . attended the District meeting at Af.ter:noon callers were Mr. and Mrs. ' amily had a very pleasa.nt surpT.ise ,(.Ut ~he 1U11ulunltdon mission by d.e- 'Rye; Emma Lowry. a man can1er. Without his dre.l!t booord amd there enter . the has tal in Xenia. HIs Dayton. TUesday. Robert Bruce and Mr. and Ml's. last week, when they received a I~Ll'mg It La each (olJI.k. in the front NonDa Adama; Betty Barker. emale COI11'pUoations. 'llIle second one wife. Isadora remained by h1s bedThe ladies of the church are very Conard Mainous and Igral1dcla.ughter phone call that their SOil. 'I'ressle r, ~he, which was under constant fire .. ployed at ,9onsolldated. Bamara. to oHer 110 take them bought some ,' sid dis th busy planning for their "turkey din- of Hamilton Ohio. ,'Who been on fomlg-n soU for 'two en leal'nlng that the tank crew W(ll,ker; Bruce (Bum.;JIl Watson. cows of his own a.n.a at mos~ C6iIl onlY e. an e only Immed1a.te sur- n~" which they will serve in the • • • YeM'S, has returned to tihe States. !\ ere in need Oil wa tu·. he collected . Tex s pal. in high School, DoDald t.Bke two and Ilhe t.hIrd otfer we had vlvor. . churoh dilli1ng room on 'I1uesday Notice our change in prloes, alter IHe has spent some time in l~ldla ,tthe water cans, had tbem filled at Brown; MIss ~chol&. Prtnc1pal of Is Jor two so pel'hajl6 we OIUI> get Services were held Thursday a.t eyenlng. NoveJnOer 21. The la.d1es lDecemOer I, hair cuts liOC .. shaves 25c Afrdca.. l!.ngtland. andFrance but the rear a.nd made n r6turn u·ip. the high school, Mlla'8'Uet B&rJan: OIOUtI. , -VV:o of W\l!l heUers woUld 2:00 p. m . at Mc<:nure Funeral wUl to serve at five.-th1rty. C. Lee H~wke and Ot-ville Oray. sayS the good old U. S. A .• looks ttl~ c.:ompIEJted the d Y's work by Mr . Smith. an U.nacrupulous charhardi~ payo "their bQ&rd except for tHome with burial in Min_. , •• . tJetter than any p)a(:e else. ICi.lflYWg- .two wounded I.ulantrymen ecter. Har,o ld Starr; CUJilornta. (OIJ) someGlle who WOUld milk them next . ' ...."" Cem.e- They will 'be looking lor you, so d.o n't Mr. and M rs . T . S. Hardin have Sergeant hardin will be at home to an aid station. 'Kinca.ld. In the army. Wa1tc~ Jolmsummer 80 we c:an ~e C&le of them tery ; , this delJdouse turkey dinner. reoe1ved word that their son., Ron- 'u ntil NOV~ber 30. at whiCJ.r ·time son. Tbe wpQy wID be d1reoted by Blld perhe.}l8 sell one and dry up ald, has an1ved;.in. Fr;ance. he willlejlOrt lit Mlami, Florida for THE. ALTAR SOCIETY OF THE Mrs. C. ~. Brace. 1le and ~e oem aet along until a Mrs. James McCormick, of Day- re-Btlsl.gnnu:nt. 1 . AUGUSTINE OHURCH TO I 1he Fleshman claM 1& h~ better time to aell. 'IlJlere are so . . Note: ThIs department Is ananpc1 and edited R06S MaCPherson. ton; spent last week a,t the bome of Mr. AND MRS. KELLER HOAK HOLD FIFTY-FIFTY DANCE prepare for thEdr pa.rt;y to be UIIUlY cows on the mIaJ,'ket now t.hB.t Letters wi t1 bY her }:arents. Her husli>&nd. Corporal ENTE.RTAiIN _glVen for the high schOOl 'memben! it is a l)ettel' time to buy than to sell th IIU&'11!1J ons far material you woald like to have appear on J a mes McCormick Is now overseas. FARMERS OLUB 'Il1e Altar Society of the St A'llg- Friday, November 1'7, in the gym. SUllday.Anotber beaut.1fuilBunde.y. · this pare an fDvlted. Write ~ Ma.cPhenon, care 01 ihis paper. Mr. Bnd Ml.s:Keller Hoak ex- ust.4~le chw'ch will give a' 50-50 IMslum at 7:30. The pupils lire fall baa been rel1"ArkalbJe m Mr. and Mn.. ·ta;,rence Hardin ,tended a gracioUs weLo.lIe to the dQ.ll~ and Bingo Saturday night eagerly lookhlg forward to the party so maW Of the Sundays have I wtll lin up mine eyes unto he' BOB GATES COMMENT and son James. called on 'M rs. Net- members of the Wayne T wp Farm ' November 25 at the WayneSvill~ and aU of Its. 8ur~. oeI~48!Il'--tI1'ear. temPlat.lona to use hllIs. From whence cometh m,y heLj)? tie Tinney, saturday a.f·t emoon. ers club when it met aL til .i. 10m~ High school gymnaslwn. Music for Cups. bowls. lilates, and ~ Iiban la proper. MY help oometar from the Lord. who ilndlanapoUs .rAoS a Washington • • •. November 9. Mr. and l.~.,,~ Walter Ithe dance wUl be fwm1shed by !the ha ve <bee.n p urchasedoto meet the tn... 'MI~(JaY . .lAst nleht was the JUt. llast IJlBd(t heaven and ee.rth. PBalm Street that crosses Dela.ware (St . ). Mr. and Mrs. J . .E. Ye~ger, of Bluck and Mrs. l,(Jren Ha4.lcy of !Ben Hockman ol'Ohlstra. of Leb- cr e 01 the number served in the ~ ~lter to mlJ.k 80 this 1~, 1st & 2nd veraes. It you can give your son only one Da.yton .were week':lend guests, of. W4lm!ngton, Mr. and Mrs. ffurvey anon . 'l1ck~ts moy be PUl'chased cafeteria. . =~:..Nira. ~t Wld I went. !We beseech thee, Alm1gbty God, gift, let it be enthusiasm.---iBruce Mr. and Ml'5'.~ Wernu:. . Rye, Mr. aud Mrs. Ha.r , . ry Smith before Saturday everung rl'OI'!lP , lMrs TheboafI"d of EduC8i~on WU (or- . Iibo JDilked wb11e I fed look upon the hearty desires of thy Ba~ton 'Mr. ' and Mrs. Leonard T1nney Mrs. NellJe BUllneU. and Mass MO-: ~Ul Brown. Mrs. Albel'.t hefty. 01' tuute in being able to find d.Isbes tD ~~.,llIIIcPl~UU'e of the calf. Tb.Ia humble servants. and atretcb. lorth 'Iihts is a fun-nY world. All CivilnUnii BUlUle11 were gueSts [or ~he Catherine and Lorra.1ne Ba. r . 1l1 9t~h our other a.rtlclee. lAck of heljlOO us and we the J1ght hand or .tlly majesty, to t)e 1zed peo~~e are at war; all sawges =~ ;~~e;dp~~~d. ~t~in~~ meeting. • Lunch will be served, 'E veryone is ·these dlshes haa 'hIllD(UCIIlJlPed the 'llflt:y h84 the our enem1es; through Jesus Chrlst. are at pea:ce. .natl. Mter the deMcious turkey dlnller 'i nvited rto attend and 11llve the time servlDg and we are v~ ~ tD the 0IUlc has Our Lord. Amen. Q1JESTION Mr. Bluck. cou.nty agent. ClJn- of 'tbelr lives. our Bcill'd lor their ge~~ 1JQfit Isftlot IFrom tb.e Book of Common lPrayer. WhJ.dh has the best dispoSItion, Mr . and Ml's. M~;c'n 11homns. of t,on county. gave an infOlmative c~e. t , I beard the voice of .kBus S8~, . a bond or brunette? You ca.n't tell Dayton were &Jturday supper guestAI talk on th«a. White House conter- LOCAl; BOARD NO , 2 C ._ e le~~en h and. eighth :..&tria came ,'aiDe .from CXlme unto me and J'E6t: any more; so many girls have been of Mr. and Mrs. E. L,. Thomas. ence 011 Ruiiil EducllltiOll. which he FOUR ·FOR PRE-INDUCTION sewin such 8.Ir ~ tala of Ji~ thjl.t the schOol lAy down. thou weary one. lay both bJd attended Os 11. delegate. .tie' . {. tl the making of vari· Jl1 ~ after 'Ibank6dawn. • The Woman's AuxllUary of St. ,pointed out the fact that I'uml eduBoard number two" IW &r r e 'n ou~ . seams,s tches. and deoora.tIons. l~. lID acoouDt of a Dew out~ head upon. my breast EXTRA! EXTRA! M."a.ry's ChurGh will hold a. Bazaar oatlCln is lmcorte.nt to the ,.oople of Oounty. at Lebanon <<ills Cour . men fLn lIe Home EconOmics ~la8Isea are bl~ 01 1001,l1et fever With one I to Jesus as J was' There's a. book now that tells ' how e.nd Food Sa.le at Township House, the cities because so many rural tor pre-J,nduob1on physicsi examln- I Ishing their cooking projects. All .~. The ohlld -wbo dlt d of scar·Weary. and wom. and ~: 't o spell all the words In the IaD8'll- saturday, ~ ~. 1:00 p. m. 'rec.PI~ move IX> Clt;les. In fifty years. aUon on November 21, 1944 at Ft. ~DIWi~:r=,!O~Jtspll'ep&l\1,tory Wll'ic fever 0CIIQPIWate4 with pneua: fourid 1rlm in a resting place, age You,'re ·right. it·s the diotionary. Mr, Oharles LeMay lelt on Sat- t 1:; estinlallOO, 80 percent , of the Hayes, COlumbus, Ohio: Robert L . . . · ~~ .. m~ on F11Iw.y 80 the And he hILS made me glad. !lSi the war news' mention Is fce- urday evening for t~O weeks de- f~Ple in 0;: Clties will be decended DI£moret, Plewsant Plain, Ohio; VIrW. H. B. NEWS bo&t4 thclught it best to dose :r heard the voices of Jesus s~, quen1)y made ot pllaces so many kil- tactred duty from PalttersO!l Field. I' m peap now on lW'll1S . Mr. g l E. Starke. MOITOW, Ohio; DallaS ~l un.t1l1t WB8 seen whether ometers aput. Do you know how HIs duties will take him through the Buok_ cIted the to SllOW I~. Lemb, Oregonia, Ohio a. n d Waynesville ~tAI.rted the seat.b#e "ere any more new OII&CS. I am thda dark world'lI light; me.ny feet in a kUometer Don't 6ta.tes of Pennsylvania. QJld New how nligration /1.0 cities Is tak.lng Charles W. Jones. of Wa.y,nesville. · on off rdght. by defeating Morri:.... · T1l8J:~ in1tb&t way to break the <Look unto me, thy mom shaill i1se. bother; I've looked It up for you. It·s York . place. BetJween 1920-1930 6.3 mil- I . . 4-19 on the home court. lAIat ll"1'1.. Cbam,pt:, OODt&:P.on. ~nd 0.11 thy day be blieht. 3280.8 feet. Incldently, (l mile is • • • lion moved to cities irom J'w'al ar- WOMAN'S AUXILIARY MEET lay night. agat!1at Bellbrook. bb!y , ~".. Olou'dy with a f(SIN sprtn- . I ooIt~ to Jesus, and I tound 5,280 feet. Mrs. ~die Reason. of Harvey,s- taos; betJween 1930-1940.3.75 mlIlion; WITH 1\IR8 RIOE SNAJIP proved that their action on a of Wn.,l.a~ tha.t now that .In Him my- star, my sun; burg was a week-end gruest of her oeoween 1940-44. 4.'1 milliCA."lB. _. 'I'M8 notil1DB to be ,we haVe ~the boYS home to help us An4in thati:ht of life I'll walk <U!:rep~~d=to."n version of "Ley 60n a.nd daughter-in-law. Mr. and At pl'esellit .o ver one-llJ¥! our chil'the WOOlBoll'S AuxiULl!'Y of t he St 'l. ~ lain.a that 'We lQIlt do ~trave dayS are done. . ~! 'Mrs. P. L. Reason, l\l1'. ood Mrs. dren are beulg educated in rural .1a.ry's EplSC8Ij:U Churoh held their t1r1nt ~ I a pesa1mlat? Horat4ua Bonar, 1&l6 "Ob, drop thaot lethel weBi;;on. Mater Vu-gU were Sunday dinner guests. schools; !Uty~two per ce~t ot our regUlar mon.tbly meeting on Friday ~ our oAd gtibbler d1ed our D1&gorge It from your hip. • • " ·tc8ohers are rural ; eigh Y-live 'Per- IIJternoon wJt.h MJs 'R ice S )'oq one baa taken his place as Thb lYbie vene, JlI'&1er.and hymn To~ of that liquidator, Ml's. Robert Berry, Mrs . Lewis cent at our school builtUngz; are rur- ~lOStess at her home' 01 thlrdna: ~ ~ f# tne tiodt and he Is migl;cy were Mlec&ed b1 &he Rev. Pull DIs- Relea6e it from your gdp." ThOll1POOn and Mrs. Irrvin Ellls.lWere al. 'I1h.e amount allowed lor the edu- FoUowtng the busln I. i 8 ~ proijd at lllmIIeU and. struts and on. Dr. Dixon request. readers to A ~LlSH BBYME Dayton visitors on saturday after- cation of each rural ch11d va.r1es Kathryn Pend t~S ~~OD Ilia te&ttlera lri a great effort lIend 111' short,prayers or Bible YenetI noon. ' f'!'Om $24 per year in .the poorest Sio.ll..(.ulle...$t,I~e~li-1·!.lillO!lokea-fllM~:;;'US~-~~~~~~~~~L-IudhlctA:m..._--::-....::....21~~ 'to n;l88 tnt' PeI\S. When. I throW that have hetped &hem Alto let him - (Bill had a blll-board; lOr • • • states to $120 in the bc:st. Tne av- wiling the soclUi hour refrcshmE'nts galls and one foul hot ; S8Cket;"_~ed four ,points to ()~ft~e . a1des~d andd loothen bow your ~a~te hJmna· ~ ~~~Ji,~b~ill; bus ~:!t ~~!y .~~~ ~~= =gey~:altheteaca.hver recefives .sth35 -were &elVed ot twelve members Bnd sth ks • ,hlll._ on one sl e an Mrs. Harry McGin.nIa. '~~ "ers • erage or 0 er tne {,'lJest, MIss Marw;lret Ec1wards. e score; ........oclr; and llI'adley ..,. t;QIld Wbite. he is doq thaIt the "1'IIANK YOU LEnERS" ao BlU sold the bill-<bcru'd ........... , Is $1965 per year. , MIS. C. R. Fl'azll:r will be hCfl- eacl}. toeaed 1.n one basket. Bell,. __. _ '__en& iet' It.. I want him to felt~~r:d! ~e ~db~Jl The Volunteer for Victory will A nat.onal sur~ey shows that in tess lilt t.he December· meeting brook wasn't exactly aaleep. Itor '~ ,t.~~i~ ~ "up a. little beOIlWle he fa earIAre you a courteous person? Do meet a-t the horne of Mrs. K. R. 1940 less than 5'1 per cent of the . Shannan and Wolf made bWO potnta mar,k;ed lor 0\l1' TbanllSg\VUlg dinner you send a "t.h4nk you" note, tolNo longer bored Bill. IHill on Friday evening. 16-17 year old c.hildren 'Were in 1 so too; when the buzzer ~ Ra!n1ns Not 60 pleasant lowtng a. vlalt to a. friend's home 'l • • SChOOl In Kentucky 32 per cent 01 MIAMI CRAnER 107 O . E. S . ending the half bhe soore~ 21-t ,~l~bu~ oh so useful. A lJttle chickadee Do you prcmptly acknowledge a The tY'l:dcal successfUl IIlrul WII.II !Mr. and Mrs. Will Gut:hril! of those 'between 16 and 17 were in MEET MONDAY EVENING in favor of Wa.yneaviije. , r~ • ~ out ben: an the berrY bush enjoy- "itt sent by a lr1end? born 1n the country. !He worked llke Dayton, abtended bhe funeral ser- school; in U4la<h 88 cent of -The third quarter CODttiluec1 much lnIJ .the red be1'I'Ies. I wonder 'if it . or do you walt a week or a month the dickt:ns so he_ could live in the vices cd Mrs. Guthrie-'s aunt. Mrs. Ilfre group were L'l school. Ml1un1 Oha.pter lIYl O. E. S. met the same as Ilhe first 'trwo, with Lud' llas found bhe 8ue~ bag. 'l'n e tuftec1 and then toriet 1t ent1rely? city; where he worked like the dlck- 'Martha Hough. lDue La the war. 13.000 school 1:1 regulBl' session ou Monday even- Ington adding four ;po1nt;a to the tlwnlce and the wood J:.«:kera have A current ' Ainer1aI.n need III mOre ens so .be coUld a.f'ford to live in the rooms have been closed. MollY ing Mth a delicious covered di h licore; Sllckett, two; Brown, two; '. found it' a!rold,y. I made an eUort of the· goo4 Old-taab1oned ~t- country. Mrs. K .R. Hill W8;S a. visitor in schools have m'opped vQcatio:1ul dinner . served In the inillg rOOlD. Hartsock, three; and Johnson, one . .tQ get t, out early t:h1S year 80 ttat ful courtesy .at 'an earUer generaMarySVille on Monday. asricultural department$. FI!f,ty Elect;lon of o!flcers fol' the For Bellbrook Shahan scored tbfte theyrwoUldnlt look for ltln vaiiliand .t.lQll. We 'QYl . ~ine it, of Note: Bob Gaks invited letters bhousand teachers are teaching on ,year was held ,.durlhg the business poln·ts 80nd Ferguson added flve go QIW.a.y when a cold day comes , .' i(l!:7IlI'8e, bllt 1~~8 Dot ntllflect It, al- .from readers and will welcome conNoUce our change in prices. start- emergency cer.t1fica.tes: . lsession and a brief memoll1alwM ·points to the score. At the ood of Have you given to the- fund tor the together. 'IbEi \\o.r; bel:ng busy; not trlbuttons of short verse in mappy S19 'De~emrber 1. hair cults 5Oc •• &haves . Al'hlY 't ests brought out t~e fa.ct IPven .for Mrs. Mal1tha Hough. who the third quarter Waynesville WG8 neY{ museum iJ;l IJeban(m? 'Ilhey lIlLy feeling well; gOO<l intentions; none pancrapbs or anything suitable fOr 25c. C. Lee Ha.~k~ ~d Orville Oray. that our literary rBlte is 4 1-2 per tassed away re::.enUy c.t the homc still leading 33-13 the campo.dgn has been, going veT¥ of these. la an t!lWUIIe fOl' d1acour- his colamD. cent a.!ld toot 40 per cent of our of her son, Mr . K .' M . tHough. In the fourth quarter LUd1ngto!1, well but . that some mOl'e is Deeded • .tesy ' . Mrs. Alvtn H. Ea.rnhal't was ·taken youth were rejected 10r physical or Hartsock and Davis each made one 'l'be quota for the War Fwld in not Here:a how one tamlly 801ved the to Miami Valley Hospital on Sunday m~ntal defeotAl. . MRS. ROBERT BRANDEN foul shot. Sackett made one riel41 quite fi)led yet lind there are alwa.ya problem of thank you letters. The Another rule WII.II to make the Jet- for ab6erva.tlon and treatment. J.lh e ·p urpose of the conference HONORED BURG.goal, For Bellbrook. Bahim, OcGtney war BIlIlda to buy, but do not forget .parente taQaobt their children three ter personal. Try to stress some Mr• • • 'Was to determine what Ilhe fA'ObAT DINNER and Ferguson made one ft1eld ,t bll.t" an investment not a. f1!>t. almple rulEe and. lnIIlsted QDi their ticular fee.ture of the v1a1t; tell or iMrS. SadJe Meredith Is spenalng If,ms in rural edUClllltion were. As a ~1. The bU1.2llT rang endin8 both . follOWing them. J:IJX:.1dent4UlY: the the pleasures it gave. 'I1h.e same several days 1.n 'L Ima, Ohio. With ber resUlt of the dlscussion It seems Mr. and Mrli. Otvllle Oray and , the quarter and t.he RUDe wI.toh G. 8'. BALL. PAST-OWNER OF parents were acrupuloua In 'Uvlng up 'f or a gift; say something about tha.t son ood their familles. that there is a need for nation-Wide WdWam Salwyer entertMned to 'l waynestJ\lle 38-lIO . WAYNE PARK PASSES AWAY .to the r.ules themaelwe rpe.rtloular gift. . . . I • • • SUPPOllt of schools; a need for a ' betner on Sunday honoring the The Waynesvllle. band marched r -" - I . A letter of thanks waS &eDt to the . 'Lastly. the rule was: don't guah. \ .or. and Mrs . H. ll:. Hathaway ,ter health proemm; ~.need for more tb11tthday anniversary of Mrs. Robart 'between the second and t.hll'i! quu.. . ~ S. Ball, aBe 61. pa.rtmer .in host. the same day one retuliDed ~ t.llt.lnks simply and IIi Ill> few had .as Suncla.Y gUeSts, ~Dr . and Mm'e . ,creative teacl\el8, who abould be ~TandenbUl'g. Cove~s were ar ranged ,ters. They formed a. 'IB" in honor . OWneI'8h1p of Wayne Park with Mr. ' .h'om a 'v1s1t-neve~ later than the words as posslble. . IEarnest RosD86le 8one1 family of ettlploYed on a year aoround basts so or Mr. and Mrs. Olaude Om'ay, ••LlS of Bellbrook, a hom of'tPkInty (Q&' ~,' &nd ~ owner Of tbe Edna next day. The same' t.h1ns 1IIJ)IlI1ed, to SUmmed up: be }:rompt. Be sin- -London and Mr. o.nd Mrs,' ~ey that they can be 'a pal'It of the com- ~:nley Gray. Mr , J. T . Gray and ThanksgMng, and a "W" tor ~• • lI!fae Oandy CQ.·, .died ~t .:06 a.. m. lobe' receipt of Go 110ft. • cere. Be brief. !Burnet. .munltYand help. with va.:ation (lct- , guest Oil Ilonor, the host and nesville • . ~~y. at his ~~, 2801 S, . \ ' • • • , ,iVit1ea; and a. need 10r 'b etter under_ lh0ste8s . . I 'I1he Wa.yneavUle R8Iervea clef~ , ~1'8OD' ,pl~ .. DII.~, alft« ~ ." iMrB. J . B. Ohq:ma.n opened her st.londlng bet.ween tile SChool st.e.fl . ~. the Bellbrook Reaervea 14-1. 1l1nIe& crt 1,3 weeu. : Poeia are tile IUIIIA!knowledpd lecblators of &he world,-8heIIy nome on Fourth street on TUesday and the people o~ the community EDWIN RlUfBY TR.ANSFERRED High point man for WaynesvW...... ~ ' I¢ l.taDcaBter. PL. Mr. B&ll ad'ternoon a.Ild en~ with a 80 that the t,wo can work togeth~: TO RGEAT LAKES, ILLINOIS Bill a1ckey and Coatney. JeI4.iD. ePmt I;be ·~t of h1a We in I:lIIiYtOIl. one o'clock desert bridge. 'i!wo tablea Mr. Bluck poinbed out ,the lact . J.olnts for Bellbrook. . h,e ~ founder and owner cd L'Bnvol were in ~ . during the afternoon. that the other agencies in any com~. EYaiyn Ramby has ' rec~lved ~ MUller O!md,y 00., whlCll rWben earth'6 last picture jls pa1nt~, and the bubea are tw1a~ and • .. ' DlunltYi eQUC8Ite There must 06 ' word from her husband. Eldwyn BOSS JOHNSON, WLW ~ .. lie It*1 .\be BufCJnan 'RealtY 00. dried, .' It . I I • IMrs J B Obapma.n t 8a.tur greater ~as:s on the home as .'R..unby, Second Class. that 1'0 ADDIJIlSsmnC CLUB MdY•• three ,earS qo. Be ~ ~ m!I1a When the oJdeat colora bave %&4ed, ~ ·the youneat critic has died, day in' OitDcu'rnati as of Mr: <&ll .edUCatl9D81 Lnatitutlon. . be ha.s been transferred from Sam:' · .Mie . ~ Co: in ~~, IN. ' We.8ball,l'eIIt, aDd.1'a4tb, we '~ nee9 it,-1le doWn-fOol' a.n .aeron or and Mrs. J. K. Preatclill. . The lICI).ool nas ,three dut ies as an 11011, New 'fork bo ·the Great Lakes _ The WaymsvlDe O1yjc ~ ~ Be wu 'the owner of the ~1 8tcI:e tJwO, . . . ' . . '. ', . . .. ed:uca~ lnIIUtutloo: ·(Uto pre- Naval 'Training School where he ~meet a.t ''Our.~" ~ ..... ~ 00. w.ti:1oh .~ IOId out to T11l the ~ of Al1060d WOI'kman ahall set us to work Lnewl . The W Pare the , 1ncl1v.ldual fOl' a. Job. ('2) will receive lur&her -instl1Uotlons I1-n.d The ~ will. tit __ "...., the Weetern -ton! • ." 00.. ~o ",.Aad tbGa8 ~ were IOOd .w ill be :~: ~ .ahAll sit in gok\en MarY'I;:::: ~~ w::!~ to prepare bI.In for .sei:t~reaillBt1on. 'LriUnlng lor 'several weelrs . , son. WLW ¥t4&t CIt ..... )doia N~ axK111i lOU lie ~ Mr. cbIdr; . . . . to ~ him for seU-reallmlikm. . Each IMIDber fa ~ ..... ~bcJUcbt ~Wvaeftrk'W'bllab '!tieJ UallIPlub at a teo leIcue canv.. with brUahe-. CIt cometa'~; ::w.~ '~mobet41~llab1p ~, '1ne Club w1l1 meet .December 1. STAFF SERGEANT ROBERT . mt' and miDI a 1UtaU- IUIIIi. Is looatiIId tn ~. . 'l'ber IbaU tiDd real ' ..... to ciraW'from-~ Pet« &1}4 PaUl; ""'<1. ~;;r ;' 1:00~• .m. at th..e home ot Mr. and l\4J'&-. Bar- / . OHAPMAN IS PBOMOl'ED _ . Be Ja mrvl , viil bi-JU wtdOW. IdA P., 'lbeJ . . wart: for Ul .... at.a aDd never be tlrecl at a.lll IU. __ .. 'U_ __'"..... Vf11 8ackett. --~ ftl . . . . 00I'p0ISl JUabard •• BaD. AIlCI CIDIir tile ...... 1bII1111'1d1e ~ IDd 0DI1 tbe-~ abaU blame; ..... .. ..-. ~................omaa.lIr. . Statf Sergeant Robent ~1D6J1,.. ,.....Mci ·~ 'l'bJIa,'" ODe . 1ADd 110 aae aJ& ~ far 1DODtII, and JlC) CIbe ibaIl work fOl' fame; :~:. ~~~~=. ~.:a~ Support yoUr ~ -tJWll ~pel'. son ot Mr.'a.nd Mrs. J. B. Cba}lDlOD ~'':'::=~:'':''''' o. Dee, ~ aut.-ll far . . _ CII u.~, and 1Mb. 1D h1a aepet'Ue ..... ' D• -'!'be MJam1 QazeUe ~ the onl,r who has 6ee.n stationed lilt. Shephard, .'71 Ifar1 k. lIioee. . . . dnr.w tile 'l'IdneI- be _ It fCI&' Ood of Thlnp .. tbIr aNI Ml'a~. l!IImbart ~ "110M at ue,...per in tile world that cat. P1l'ld, Texas (or the ' put three . KiIII!DI iBero • Mr. abd lOa • .JabIl ..._.. W "'_ ~d one-half yean 18 DOW wltb CIt DQIIIDo were Mo dbmer IIIIII'UWII - ..,DIIIV.... and Dental ClIDlc at tbe A. A. P •• ftn

Fum DittrY







School News



saJr; S:h::a







/ '?




















uour ""'.,.

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. t-'

Thamaa .... "oVtaIm Kat


Thursday, Nov_her I"~ INt


_-orWlmcl y


Reds Peril Gqteway. to ..A)1stria;· Japs Bolster B·~ttered · Forces; Check Decline Ln Hog Prices


Holder- ~ For Pots and PanS

POSTWAR AIR: World Traf/ic

A. repreaenlative. from. AlUed Ind neutral natrona met In Chicago for the international dvil IvlaUGn conference, principal queatioo aria· Ing .was In wbat way could countrlea best cooperate l.I!I the development of extensive postwar trafflc. ....._ _ _ _ _ _ Rel.aaed by W.lltem 'Newtpllper UnIon. _ _ _ _ _ _....1 At the opening sei·llon. three UllDITOR'S NOTE: W•••• plaloa •••••"pr..... la lI, ••••"ama •• tIIo, .r. I. . . . .f methoda were propoaed. The U. S. ~..I". New.pag., .IIDloD· ••••••••11818 .D• • •1 ....... rll y of till••••• pap.'.) IUggesUon advocated • free devel· opme.n t between friendly and progressive statu, with an InternaUon• 1 body which would merely conlult and advise on alloc:atlon of air routes, rale· flxlng and. regulation of competition. On the other hand. the British called for the regulation of postwar air trafflc througb a Itrong international authority, whlcb. like the U. S. civil . aeronautici authority. would assign routes and have • voice In rate milking. Australia and New Zealand presented the extremlst view of pool· Ing all aerial resourcles Into an In· ternatlonal operating 4:ompany.


1011' OK., .can't resist. But l'U alwa711 be late to market it we have buDa good u these every morningl

Symbol of "o!lpitallty.

ASgulden·skinned GOOD·LOOKING as a real, pineapple! It is a crocheted potholder. 7 inches high and 5 inches wide , made of yellow crochet thread. The green leaves at top are crochetfo'd Sfo'Parately and then sewn on. Very easily crocheted and m ake s a most unusual shower or Christmas gift. The pineapple, you know , is a symbol of hospitality! So give your friends this lucky "pineapple" holder at the Christmas sea· son.

PEGI Well, 1f'8 can , • • t4!U,. And my new• qulck recipe US4!I


Yenst, which puta In eztr4 vitamtnsl


• • •

To obtain complete crocheUng Instrue· tlons tor the Pineapple Potholder (Pattern No. 5789) skelch of stitch used. send 16 eents In colna. plus 1 cent posta ge. your name, address lind the patte rn number. For thIs pattern. send 18 cents In coins. your name, address. s ize desired. and the pattern number. Send your order In:

One-third ot all war contracts will be terminated within three monthl AU. THOSE VITAMINS atter the defeat of Germany, a War l\oliiii*f... GO RIGHT INlO ...oUR Production board offlcial announced, 8RfAOS WI'Tlf NO with apeed,. letUements with manu· ~T LOSS IN THe facturers assuring smoother recon· OVEN. BUT Be SURf version. For your f,.. SEWING CIRCLE NEEDLEWORK Yqoalav ParUslIlII carry w01lDded back &0 aecret ItroDpold. copy, writ. ITS fi.f/SCWMNN'S To date, the government haa let 530 8011'" Wella 8L Cblc.,o. Standard 325 bUllon dollara in war contracta, YEAST/ Enclose 18 centll for Pattern Brand. Inc., PACIFIC: No. _ _ _ __ It WBI revealed. with completlona Orand Central totalling 240 billion d:ollars. After :Anno, Box 477. Enemy Girds Budapest Imperilled _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ New York 17. canceUaUons: about (15 bUlloD dol· Still dete.rmlned to hold on to the Once, Uke Paris, a center of EuroAddre'..s'--_ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ N. Y. lara of contracta .re now outstand· pean gaiety with colorful aidewalk Philippines despite the concentra· lng, one· third, or about 20 billion cafes enuvened b,. gyps,. musle, tlon of U., S. strength behind the dollar. worth, of which would be 1_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _,;;..._ _ force~ of Gen. Douglas MacArthur, If/. a fevered and the Japanese poured In air reo terminated on V-E dllY. . . .'OF'RST~o'liiD Budapest .omber citybecame as Russian arm Ie. ham· Of 37,000 contracta valued at II mered toward the Hungarian eapl· intorcementa for the IIhowdown bat- billion dollars cancelled thps far, . 181. tle that will develop when the 28,000 have been letUed for 340 mil· Having broken across the TlBza Americanl move onto the larller I.· lion dollars, WPB said. lands. , U81l river. lOme 50 mlle. to the east. Even as the Japs sought to bolo V-E Shipping the Reds bore down on Budapest aa German and Hungarian annies ster their defenses, drst severely Germany', defeat will not lessen were hard preilled to hold broad shaken by the U. S. navy's major the demand on the U.. S. merchant lines ·.cro.. the country'. rolling triumph In the second sea battle of marine, the Offlce of War Informa· the PhIllppiriell, General Mac. tlon reported, With military and reo . _ ~"~I plains, . gateway to I Austria. _W. _I .1aaU•• I. 7.. r ...11 Arthur's ground lorce. on Leyte construction traffic continulng to and -~st llaU . . . . . . s ....... f.r EveD as the RUlllans rolled forfrom the continent, and more Ihlp~ ..on.. 1l. ..,..I.ttq 00. an ward. thouaands of Budapest'. ............. LM ~I"" II. ping needed to transpor.t Increased forces and luppllel over vast dis· entrenchmenta andInforti· erection ofwere e1rillan. put to work the tancel In the Pacific. flcatlon., and the German. vowed Three tlmel the amount of Ihlpthat tiley would make thll city. ping presentJ,y engaged for the Euroonce obe of Europe' a prettiest. Into pean war may be requlred for the another Warsaw. a battleground. Paci1lc conflict. It wal nidi and ealtem porta will be usled to relieve ·Sacred Soif lome of the tremendous traffic that A. the . Germans and Hungarians wlll . be imposed on those In the 0... ..... A....... (leU) . . . LI ..o ••. d~g In for a stand about Budapest, west. I.e:rl •• ·the Nazi. fougbt fiercely on the East PresentJ,y. OWl reVI!aled, no .Ieas Prullian front to 1I0w up the RUJo pushed the enemy back to the moun· than 11,000.00II toOl of abJpplng are llana' advance acroll the " ..cred talnoUi .western portion of the 11- being used just to tran.port IUPIOU" of this historic home of Ithe land. pUe. from overseas basel to ftghtlimkera. Because of the terrain. dUftculty m. tronta. AI the Germani bra'ced in East was encountered in the speedy erecPruSlia along prepared lines some UOD of alr fields on Leyte. but, .1 Unusual Quads 20 mUes inside the border, the Ru.. construction progressed, Increasin, numben of fighter plane. took oft "'+-afElnI~rotIldwimi-iit@llr ' traditional 6 . ~ea4M4-mWta17 polfcy, lbitted the weight from the new base. to Join carrier- In IAe Ii'" ClUe 0/ ita Idnd bow.. ill borne alrcraft 19 attacking shipping mediClJ' hilrory. 3o.rear.old M". KIIIhWhy You Get a 8etter Joh With aeeklng to reinforce the entrapped lefln Ralcher CirmineUo 01 Plailad.J,. '1'0 prevent eDem, a,eats from enemy troops on the Island. phia. ~a., ,av~ 6i:rth ro quadruple". ill Flrestone~ Factory-Control M.thods obtalldnl' vital mUltar)' informa. With her back being preased two ~ln~te. all a .caNelrea.. °rperauon. closer and .. loser &0 the wall. ' IV el,hlR, from thre. ro th .. and II tion UIroUCb coatact wiUl U. 8. (1) THOROUGH INSPECTION •. "'t quarler poundl. the q111114U-,hr•• ,ir" lr9oPs. tile arm, I. r.,ldly ealoro- Japan •I Premier Kolso call~ for and II 6or_e the lOth ,el in th. Before any 'Work is done. your tire LOVELY INDIAN Ill&' _ relUlatiou aplDBt greater war producUon. declaring U. 'S.. .ucla 6i,"" allera,"" O/UI ill PRINCESS, SAVED CAPTAIN JOHN is thoroughly inspected. Any weak . doqhbo,.. · . mbinl' wi~ Gerthat many troops had died for lack 658.503 C41N. I spots or nail holes are marked for M,1ITH By 'FUNGING HE'RSILF IlIAD clUseaa. of munlUona. Almost 'a s Kollo spoke. Five lee' and two illChN call, and ) tJllO~ HIM AS .HrR. FATHrR. repair. the enem,. reported B·29. recon- lIHli,hu., 1J8 Uu., M,•• CrimineJlO ia 'Inops may DOl make 'DJ' 10, WAS A80UJ TO BEHEAD HI~. Dolterlng over Tokyo. IAe wi/. 0/ II /inancial .analy., /0' lIN I oIaI calls at German bomes. TIle,. (2) ~XPERT REPAIRING S«uriti.. and Euh/Jll&·. Commiaalo... IDa, Dot eODtact GermaD IIrb. OTHER SIZES .d prfl1liou.t child died ell· 6i:rth. ( When repain are needed. a trained lleeaaae of .enl.e e b, GermlUl ~A'i'TLE: Plaud in an illCubatr.IT. the childr... PROPORTIONATELY specialist using latest approved ASA barieDdera. Oaey ma,. Dot evea IDeI'e Mlled .4. B. C ~Id D. Said Mr. Record Marketing method:s builds up weakened or LOW .,~ beer eatalde of mea barl. S.YMOOL of JIt/Rm' ".My UJl/ew"ru thr~lh the With more than 40 per cent of CirmineUo: broken areas. AND SWEET, WHDLEordeal. l'U 1., h., Ch04". the _ . " Talldna wlUI GermaD people II federally Inspected beef. veal, pork aD ' ___eeeaaal')' OO1Itact," the SOME GOODNESS. (3) CONTROLLID lUniNG and lamb going to the government, FEED: tHE NU-MAID arm,. baa raIed, brbt_In, lIDel of .upplie• . of better grade. of meat The worn, tread is precision·buffed from &0 185, GIRL PERSONIFIES remained in searc1ty l8It month de- Outlook Good for perfect balance. Only. minimum. THf Q!!J.Y Iplte record· breaking markeUn, of Despite smaller IUppllea of con· of rubber is· temoved to provide A\ARGARINE centrated feed for the 1944-'48 Ie.· I of their .ttackl northward tow.rd cattle. proper surface. CERTIFIED BY ITS Shipment. of cattle were S'l per .Ion. more will be avallable per am. • n.rrow belt of Baltic leacoalt MAkER. TO BE .t Latvia, where lome ,100,000 Na.zll cent greater than tor the l().year mal unit. however, because of re(4) ACCURATI TRIA DING -TABLE-GRADE!' were "ported cut oft from the re- av.erage for October. and receipts duced liveltock populatloD, the deNew tread rubber of highest quality mainder of the enemy line in the of calves were 'II per cent greater. partment of agricultul!'e reporied. is carefully applied to the buffed Although showing substantial in. Because ot the record production e..t. ""'~AlO loa Ith. 111114. deflcot. h'for .over September. market- of com a~d lorghuml tor ·1~. tread base. Care and precision insure Slicln, Into German posltlons In creases ..... ,-i'... 11111110lIl of lobi... Inga of hogl and sheep were lower USDA .ald. the domE!stic supply of a well balanced tire. th1a lector . with overwhelming than In October of 1943 000II __ It 0110 fot _ n l " . feed grain. will aplI.roximate lalt frying. and Ilumliers of troops, the Rusllians (5) SCIENTIFIC CURING Due to the heavy .Iau~hter of cat. year'. at 130,500.000 ton •. Stockl of other «lOll.. threatened to chew the entrapped tle and calvel. production of beef, by·product feeds willi be allghtly Careful scientific control of time Nazi armies to IIhred. before they veal, lamb and pork amounted to larger than last year. With deand temperatures assures proper could be successfully evacuated b,. about 1\11 bUllon pounds tor Octo- creased demands. moderate price .ea. toughness and maximum wearing ber, 29 per cent gr4;ater than the 10- declines were anticipate4. quality of the recap. year average for October. According to USDA, local feed grain supplies are .maller thin last (6) FINAL INSPECTION year In the east north central and Formerly forced to truck .upplle. Hog Price! Complete 6nal examination care· . the western atates. but IlJgbtly overland 400 mlles trom Cherbourg. After an unsettled market had larger in other lIectiolris. Except for fully inspectS inside and outside of or from temporary beach harbors lopped 75 mUllon dollars 011 of the along the channel coast, the Allies value of the '.latlon's hog crop, high. the west north cantrall and the westtire. Note sharp. clear tread. ern Itates, hay 'UPPUI!I are smaller. ~aterlally improved their communiready for thousands of bids b,. packer. stemmed the cation lInel by galniDIL tun control er additional miles. downward .plral of price.. CASUALTIES: of the great Belgian port of AntThe packers' action followed War To.-l 487,692 werp. Food administration blnta that the IoU Control WBI lIained when Can· government would cut subsidy pa,.. WIth the army lutJerlng the bulk ~ulIIoo relfeveI DI'OIIlDtlY be_ _ 11 ~~to tOe _1. ot th. .dian and British troops cleared the ments, amounting to $1.30 per bun. of the losses. U. S. battle casual· tIauble to I looeen aDd expel Gennana from both .Ide. of the dredwelght. It average prices for tiel on the far·llung fronta totaled .-m ladeD aDd aid ZIAtUN Behelde r1'9'er leading iIlland to the to lOOtbe aDd heal raw, teDder, In- port. AI the AllIed attack devel- ,ooil and choice gults and barroW. .a7,692. tIamecl broocbSal mucoul ·mem- oped. the Nazis pulled out the major were allowed to drop below a $13;110 Army casualtle. reached tl'l.lll. per hundredwei,ht avera Ie. Lower .of wblch 80.688 were kllled. 2211.212 InDeI. Tell.JOur drunJat to &ell J'OIl • bottle of 0i'e0mulId0n with the UD- bulk of t,belr 40,000 troops to pre- grade hogl. however, would not be wounded, 53,622 and 53.QJ. ~ goq must like the WQ 11 vent being encircled trom the re.r. Included. made prisoner.. After more than • AI marketinga Increased durin, year of bitter fightlnj 'ln Italy. wb.... AI th. Allles moved to Improve rg~ the ~ communlcaUOOI. the U. S; Firat the Ilrst :week of November, packe,,' Allied forces presled their l1'1li7 n.umed It, offenalve about became more choos,. in the pur. against atrong Nazi fortificatlOlll. hrCou.U. ~Colcls. 8...chltit Aachen. cI;rlvlng through the ~ce chase of hog. declaring that durtn, 11. 5. losses were eaUDla ted at 90.000. Latest Davy compllatlol1l placed ..,;.--~---------- plcture.que. now Ipllntered, tIr. pine the periodl Jf lower recelpta the, IDd allver bil'ch Hurtlen forest on were compelled to pay ceUln, price. e•• ualtiel at '10,571. of whleb 28.231 tM ro.d to the vital induatrlal for maD)' ~pmenta Just to keep were ,ltUled. 211.441 wounded. II.U! their planta busy. . ~ mlsllria ·aDd 4,478 mad. prlaoDtI'. llhInelalld.

i --------------1




· 666

$25 A DAY



•• a.,•••••'or ••


RECAPPING Grade A Quality





Relief At Last For Your Cough




Shoes Will B~ Brighter Next Spring



Texu led .U atate. in mineral L..------------:"...;;~----.....:-....::..... proc;lu~on in 1943 .nd wa. the onl7 Although clvWan moe pi'oductloD ' Biggest I?Oon. however. II in the ltate producing minerals v.lued III will nol return to nonnal Ul1 ' attar ,ovemm~t'. lltUn, of . restrlctlona excelS of • blllioD ~Ionar. III that the war, retaUera wUJ fe.ture on the u.e of eolora. with women ,.ear. the bureau of IlDinea, depart.. briabter line. Dext .prlng. IUl'VlJi promised spring wear in green. llb- menl of the interior. revealed: of the 'national ahoe fair In Chicago ..v' ~ and b,bae j.eket blue. and - With Its mineral output valued I&revealed. men'l ihoe. in Ihlldet from &rm7 $1.118.OIi6,OOII kit ·,..·. r. the . Lone There will be an airier style. too. ru8Jet to turf tan. . . Star Stat.. nteined tor the Dlnth with women'l Iboes open at the toea ~ ton..- wiD be made . , . .it ' oonsecutlve ,ear ita r~ of Ilrst in aDd b..... anlf··c..u~it," for com· Wli me.led. with d1trel'elltlJ col- th" -tJDited. State. to the Yaw. cd lad wear. comJn. - II1to oreet leather permUted tor lb. upper auc:h products. TIle total repreteQtI ~ in lIDe with ......, pan cd lbelboe tf lOla are made., IU'I per aea& cd Ibe aaUODIl ....... .... IOIDI oller CIOIIQIOIIUon. (II'OIIucUcm





November 18, 1'" .

Colo nial Salt Box, . Pan HolCier Rack




Ka thl een No rri s Says:

'Date' Dress Is Slim, Graceful

Adopted Babies Bell 8,ndlcate.-WNU .... .tuN ••

Due to an unusuaUy large demand and current war conditions. slightly more Ume Is required In Oiling ' orders lor a rew the most popular pattern numbers.' Send your order to:


Address ......... .. . , ......... ........ .



LESSON TEXT-M .rk :12:13-17: Bomana 13:8.10; I Peter 2:13·'l1. GOLDEN TEXT-B ear Y. one anoth· er·. burdena. .nd .n fuUlll the law CbrIlL-Galatialll B:2. . No form of governm ent can 'elalm c!lvine authorit y. for God'. Word dOel not prescrib e any s,p eclal form of ,overnm ent But (and this Is most Important> the princlp lel upon which ,overnm ent should be established are clearly ,Ivel~ In God'l Word. and the form ot rule which best Ota Into the teacbin g of the Word necessa rily calls for our interest and support . NOTE-M rs. Spcal'll hal prepared aD We Ilnd In the Bible the declara actual·slze pallern for aU the pieces of thl. tion that men are equal in the aU box and the kitchen rllck wilh slepb)r·slep cUrectl0\ls for moking.- A pollern sight of God. that govemm ent II to and color guide' with complete dIrections be a ministr y tor God (see last for the aleneU design t. 01$0 included. week's lesson), receivin g Its authori'1'be pattern may be used over and over b' from Him and serving Him In tor decorating canlslcrs. place mata and other attractive gilts. Ask for pattern 251 exerpla ln, that power. Men are to 8IId enclose 15 cent. which covers cost be loyal to the gove~nment bemalling. Address : cau.e they are loyal to God. Our lesson carries forward th, MRS. RUTH WYETH SPEARII Bedford DIUI teachin , of last Sunday. Ii tells UI New York Drawer 1. that: B. grafeful to Cod that you can eo". an unforturult. c-hild or two into ),our The Ohrlatla a ClltaeD 1_ Enclose 15 cents for Pattern No. 25L hOlrnl, and ,ill' a lIKIif who.e lil. mi,ht olhe_j, e be bU,hted a better chanu. L 81Ibjeot to Both God and COUDName ...••••••• ••••••••• ••••••••• ••••• By KATH LEEN NORRIS &ry (Mark 12:13-17). Address • ••••••••• • ' ••••••••• ••••••••• . RESEN TFUL m. devotlon to God and! the thini. ROUBLES take all sorts 1of God la to be expecte d ot the Chriaof forms in this strang e Childle$s women generally tian. We almo.t .ald that It I. taken mixed -up world of ours; yearn lor children, Barbara it for 8I'anted , and sometim e. that la three-f ourths of the wives of such one. She has a fine so true there Is no reaUty in hi. the world are in consta nt ap- home aand We. But .urel1 If he i. a follower prehen sion of having childre n Six y~ars a loving husband. of Christ he mu.t be devoted to Him ago they adopted a and to Hla cause. too fast. The other twenty · baby girl. Bab,ie, who satisfie d five per cent is even . m~re Barbara', materru But what about hia COUJDtry! That d derirea for Irelation misera ble becau se the babtes a time. . anew. in the strlkThen ,he wanted an- lng .toryappear won't come. of Christ and tho~ e who , other. They obmined lillie cam. to test HIm, ye•• trap Him Barba ra White is in the iat- Sonia. who WtJ5 aUo very love· wiUs a Ikllltull y wordedto·'lIuestio ter 'catego ry; her tragic letter able. n. W itla. two children Bar. The Phan.e e.. who ba.ted Rome Ues before me as I write. bara', heart WtJ5 filled. for ita domina tion of Pale.tin e. and "Benny and I have been married A/ter two year,. however, the Herodla~ who suppo:rt ed Rom. 11 years. After Ove years. with no Bab,ie 'l mother deJ7UJnded her in Ita control /of the land, were enehint of a baby coming . I persuad ed but they joined force. to him to agree to adoptio n. We both child, and Barbara reluctantly mies. tempt Chrilt. They knew that If He bad boped for children . we bad ev· gave her up. Ever lince Bar- • ald "Ye." to their queltion , the ery other blessing We can .upply. bara hcu been frying to get an- Jew. would be anP')". and He said in health. friends. 10rtune . devotion other unwanted baby. Several "No." He could be cond.elfmned a. to eacb other. but our hearts ached time$ ,he hcu come close. bu' a traitor to Rome. ' for one more. each lime the mother change d The trap wa. .et, but it cauaht "Six yearl a,o we adopted a deU· her mind. only the cratty hunterl . their cate, unwante d baby. six weeks old. The UIl-6ucceI,ful qUeal iI 0/. owo pocket money H. declare d that Under my love and care .be 8I'ew feeling Barbar a'. whole ora- If they uaed Caesar '. money they to be atl exquisi te little creatur e whOle charm 'made even stran,e n look. She .iI enviou s and re- ouaht to pay taxel to Cae.. r. The coin ItOod for an orderJ;y ,overn. In Use street notice' her. When Babsentful of women who achiev~ ' ment, beneftta of which theiY enjoyed .Ie was two we adopted a little sla· motherhood, although lhey are and which they oucht to support . ter for her. Sonia. dark·ey ed and obviously ill.filted and oflen No reial Chri.t1a n will ,. vade bla vivaciou s. a lovely contras t to the help ...... tliln.. undeliroUl. So bitler if .he duty to hia country whethl!r It be to •-::!t~=:~h ulder girl For two years Ben and b'ccomi ng .hat Ihe /aUa into pay tue.. to take part int eWient! 7 I revelled In bappy parenth then fitl 0/ deapondency. She iI In Ita covemm ent, to defend It, to GILY VAPORUB Gives YOD thla came the blow. Babsle· .ood. mother pc:iaI double action. It'. t1me-testat. had morrled again. was prosper ous. cuking Min No"iI for advice pray for It, or otherwi se to .how hia 1Ian:Ie-pooyed ••• the best known homo wanted ber child love. . One of the blot. on the Chrlain thi, perlOrud crisia. back. Our ' "ate tian cburch thepart lackofof cIvic rlgbt\. I, I,,, . si upidly enough. In· 1..._ _ _' -_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _--1 eoUllles l on laUse many of Ita .,au that the real mother sball know leas '. ClQ1da. . joy of motherb A prJl J'5 who has her child. ood hal roused lIlembe r•. and Babsie' s D. Devated to BoUs Brother IUId mother came straight to UI. and in me 80 deep a resentm ent. 10 painful a sense or the injustic e of Nel,hbo r (Rom. 13:11-10). we ,ave. her up. The Chrfatla a love. hla brethre n; "Partin , with her bad aU the bit- life that I am becomin g unbalan ced; terness of death, elpecla lly al the -not that, really. but gIven to Ota Indeed that love I. one of the tesll real mother 1. a careles l. .elfllb of despond ency I cannot leem to by which w. may know that a man ~ type wholl;V pnfltted for the care of a break. For the lake of a wonderf ul la truly born again (I John 3: 14). AlOUf bUlb and and a lovely child I alk But that love reachel out beyond .~.Itive. precoci ous chlld. I bave tho clrcl. of the bre~en IUId not .een Bab.le since, thougb I your belp." • • • loved ber aa r belIeve few mothen touche. every man who ba. need ot That belp mUlt come from within. it The teacher love their own children . a of the Jewllb law . Barbara . only you can cure your- bad IOUght to circums cribe th.t "We then applied tor another But I am lure that a wider word ..neighbo r...· but the Lord child. a lon, slow ·prOCell. for chil· ef. MOIrf rub'- 1'-, In common di'!!n availab le for adoption are few. look lit the situatio n will belp ;VOU fIctivel y dealt with that viewpoi nt . . are "'aped at Itt. factorl .. in to phil08O ph;v-or r~ther to ~Imple 'In the .tory of the Good S:l mlrltaD Finally we were promise d one; boy Ilant .xtrvdlll ; machln.....Ich In or gLrl, we did not care. nor did we commo n lenle. 1l'he world Ii In a (Luke 10). general appearance and action ,take milllon i of All tha comma ndment s concern . know, for this baby I was unborn. bad way. It are ..uch Ilk. iii. ordlnary Idtchen The unmarr ied mother. 18. bad capable and warmhe arted. 'women lnI the vital mattet of penona l re••ot Irlnde,. Rubber, 1II1••d willt chemlcall, II .atrvded in OI)Y ..... p. come a lon, way from bome t9 like your.el t to cure it. CountleSi laUon.h ip are lummed up IJ!I the on• dMlr.d -_d, Iquar., rectangu. have her baby to secret. and bad women bave b!!Ctn roughly separat ed admoni tion, "Love ~ neJshbo r a. lor or.tubular. determi ned never to look upon III from the!,r children ; countle s. oth- th;vlell" (v. I). When love controls. '1 era sufter the agony of ..ein, thole there wW b, no locial dilibone little face nor know who took It. .ty i chlldren bewilde red, bungry, home- .trlfe or ru.wUl There will ft. crl'lCa' n~ "poe whole bumlni summe r day leu. Mother I . . . .lUre I.. a ,lr.l. about 2*t I waited at the hospital for my jobs. bomel . are workln8 iii men'l violence to the periOD or propert y I IIotteIt poillt, are broken by divorce . of another . tor ''lov. wol'keth DO ..... I. reach'" '!1I1ck.r ,. • hc1lildi-lmd when it came the youn, the lum ot juvenile delinqu ency hu W to bls neighbo r." ayII,1I.II1 , 'I III".r tire til •• I. drew It to her beart imd reached unprece dented _ _....f ... heights. . Thil II tho real "good nelah. r. • ald with tean that she never would True. many women who bear chil· bor policy." Even between ....... I......... 1..10, nationl 'part with It. cost the telling of ber d1:en constan tly are tot~lly unOt for w• .need more real love lUIell Ie.. • .....f facta" In l.ecret wbat It might. Seelni Jn7 motherh ef. tIN .......lIlch a_Ills for 'disappo intment the hOlpltal authol'i· Ing In ood. and many children Uv- fort to lmpre.1 one anoth.r by dip1101... cautl..... underpr ivileged homes are lomacy and good wW expedit ion .. tiel promise d me another baby. loon lei. ..... reapectI... tII_ fortunat e than thole you ml,ht Let there be Ie.. poUtical m·an1pula. 'to be born. But here a,aiI! the tlon and more lovln,. and '1117' Ihall mother, another young girl, refused adopt. But take a wide. far look ,t the , ftnd our neJ,bbo r. both lperlona l me. and I came home empty·a rmed. ,Ituatio n. and be .ratefu l to God that · and nationa l, relpond inl In Idnd. . "That was a year aio. Once .tnce you can take an unforlu nate child or Love draw. out lov. from another . then I 'made . an attempt to find a tWo tnto your bome. and give a m. SubmiiS tve to BoUt Uw La" ., child. A friend in another city told small walt whOle lite might other- Gec1lU1d allUI 'a Pet. 2:13-17:' m. ot a poor woman who already . wise be blI,hted a better chance. "Fear God" (v. 17) ' Usat I. be ~al . five .mall children . who II For,et your own humIDa tion In bav. · obll,ed to accept charity, and who tn. humb17 .to be, for children from ea,er 1bat there la , . no bllur, on dreaded 'the burden of another , a. women tar Interior. 10 yourlelf . re- JOur part to ple.l. Blm bJ ~bey1Dg tt mean. the aacrlflc e of • ,ood job. mb r onl;r that you can Jiv. joy lila law. That we expect , of the But me merely laughed at the Idea :~ .~eb' love and care to the Chriltia n. But w:e Qllect m.o re: be of adoptJon and .aid that lomeh.ow helpless cr~aturel who 10 need it. ~ b:a ~, la:~idlnC ~r~tI~ .hli "cQUld manage . " Whethe r the woman wbo actually 0 y ..... e WI.. • COtID"", ''TIle effect ot thla on r;ne .b.. been bean a child doel that chIld, • fa. the ,Lord. lake (v. 13). ver;r bad: I ·bave ever;rth tn, now vor I•• dllputed queat1oI!- But th~e ;The . be~ever nUlY. by bl. ,odl;r that I ever bad, inclpdl n, • beauti- fa no que.tion ot ilie beneftt be- talthful ne.. to hla IOvernm ent, .t. ful ¥i!l of · lour. . But to bow ~. .towed Upon .om. 'forlorn Uttle-de r.. f.ct1v~ wI~es. a,abut ~. q. Hit tderile and to be o»I1,ed to bel Uct by a woman. can give It a ..,. norant criticia m of foo~ DlLID who Of thue luckier , wonten the price- , d iheltere d cblldbood. Y(OUld have ua thlIIk tha' being. ~ an . chrlatla n mak. . . man a naklln l, . .... ._ L ... Needed or 10 other.w orl4lJ that b. la UIOo . All _lMlua _ -.... ~ Ie.. In thb world. ' One hit meal at night woo', make Our freedom iIi CbrtIt la Dot lID up tor a 'ClDty breakfa lt or luJicJa tor carel.. . or wicked U". lervocl to cb1ld or tho "c-. IDg. Not. at alb-2uat ·the oppoatt e 111 tol'7 worker. 187' MaJ E. Foley, Go fact. W. ''boDor 'a U D'l.IIL." BIcrjr aan teDIIon DutrltioDllt at the Ma..acliu- tit be 0nI;r by the ....., State Coneg.. Lunch Ihould Qo4. but by Hla ble..tng pace 01 _ can de ~. a run third of the ,!la1'. ag. tt. makes for the real IIpprecl trlUoaa l neodl. It mould' CODIlat of aUon of mlUl 'wblcb II the very foun a fruit 01' . vegetab le, a : : : foocJ dation of ~ur II I IUCh u .... or cJa--. ~ mean. aDYthin, ' It mUit 0I'..mb ed ....d, aom~.... ad mDk.-WileD a thermae bottle . .. roundaUOD principl e .... .... bot _ or ehoco1ate OlD be "alue of human. We and the 1Itdr...... . Jf &be ~I of maa..

l I


A Fashion 'Must.'

WE KNOW what a "date" dress

should have-a nd . this one has everyth ing! A close-fi tting waist and peplum - a fashion "must" this year-a nd a softly gathere d skirt to make you look slim and gracefu l. Pretty for fall and winter in velvets . velvete ens. tatIetas or rayon crepe,

• • •

Pattem No, 8711 comes In ' slzea 12. It. 16. 18 and 20. Size 14. short 8leeves. reo quires 4\~ yards 01 39-lnch material: three-quarter aleeves. .,~ yards.



For Qui ck Cou gh Relief, Mix This Syru p, at Hom e

• • •



.alD' ......a-Cltolce boar. for bTeeden _ farmer•• Satisfaction luaranle ed.




"ANTE D-Relia ble .hoemaker. for lII04Iem &hop •. Good pay Dnd workin, ccmdio tlon •• vacation with PIlY.• Wl'lle or Wire colo lect. IllaD •• r. 8"' •• Repair. EI,rl•• Oblo.

Name . .• ••• • ••• •• ••.••• • •••• •••• ••••••





Enclose 25 cents In colna for each pattern desln!d. Pattern No.. ......... ...... Size .... .

l A _ .ubj_cta .nd Scrlptur . texta _ leeled and eOP',l'I.bted b:r Inlernatl onal COuncU of ReUlIloue Educ.'tlo nl uaed b, pennla.lo

• P,;.,,_ __ ."pl, without la .a.atlal __ 0' .., lit, 1,_ tb.l, looaI Ullit" St. ;1I4uatq will _lit


Leaaon for November 19




Bl' HAROI.D L . LUNDQU IST. D . D. Of Th. Mood, Blbl. lnstitu'' '' 01 ChIcBIO. Bel.,...d b, .w~tam Newspaper Union.

ERE is a pair of gifts' that will bring a any homem aker. The salt bO?FlJ as The gracefu l proportlon s of'thos e used in Colonia l kitchen s. and the rack with cup hooks screwe d in place for hot pan holders is designe d to harmon ize with the box. Both box and rack are easy to out out of plywoo d or scraps of thin lumbe r-eithe r by hand with • coping saw or with a jig saw. The quaint stencil design may be applied right on the wood with wax crayon and then shellac ked to fix 1he color.


F ..

r.aWD.... CoUDa.VeryOllie.

FOR SALE REREFO Rb BOOII. Be.llter ed. Pi .... botlll "''''' • • l{ilta and boars for aale. P .... LEVO • NEW VIENNA. 0 BIO,

NoCook iDr. NoWor k. RealSa viD(. Hero'8 an old bomo mixture ' your mnther probably used. but. tor ' real results, It Is 8tl1\ one of the most effective and dependable, tor cougha du. to colds. Once tried, you'lI swear by It. It'a no trouble at all. Make a syrup by stirring J cups of granula ted sugar and one cup ot water a tew momenta until . dissolved. No cooking Is needed. Or you can use corn syrup or Uquld boney. Instead of sugar IIYrup. Now llut 2% ounces of Pines Into a pint botUe. and add your syrup. ThlB makes a full pint ot truly splendid cough medicine. and give.s y,ou about tour times as much for your money. Ii keeps perfectly and tastea fine. And you'll say It's really amazlDg. for Quick action. You can teel It tak. hold promptly. It loosens the phlegm, soothes the Irritated membranes, and helps clear the air passa~s, Tbus It eases breathing. and leta you Bleep. Pinel: la a Bl)ec1a1 compound of proven ingredlentB. In concentrated form. well·known for itl! prompt action on throat an\! bronchial membranes. Money retunded If Dot piea.ood In every way.



Bookl ets, Pamp hlets


WANT anotbo .r "Armlstlee Without Peace?" Write DOW tor f .... cop), "Lest We For,et. " LlBEBT X JrBBED OK AND YOV, PeDaeook. N. S.

INST RUC TION S lIe...u.a all N ... I "KOllc Sbo~and a1I4 Typln. COurse." Simple. Price !IOc. Dtek_a .Br ••.• IlOl Elballeth lit•• AD •• n ••• e. o.

Buy War Savings Bond s

KEEP lit place. Tame that Ullnl~ IOOL Ad4 lu.tre. Keep YOUR . hair .... e11 "roome d with JloroUnll Hatr Tonic. Larae HAl R botUe 2Iic. Sold .nrytrbe re.

************************** Amcri~~ Ceria'!




!• CORN •• *** .

*** *

Kellogg '. Com Flakn bring you nearly aU the protecti ve food elemen t. of the whole grain declare d eaaentia l to buman nutritio n.




I ir lfl





J'ry Scott-. BaulJdoD I CcIIIio taiaa iIcIHIraI A • D VItamIDI that Wp

enav and ~ ' If tIteIi dtJlcWlcy .of these elGneat&


Tai. iI

4IIil,. AD diuaIaIa'

........ .. I'.

,_1 '......

tI... _...


HGoodrich '








Wc1tch Your

Kid ney s!




PUBLIO AUCTION ~I.-,.. " .111111111 " " " . Clin........... ~ on ILCc9unt of my henl!.h I decidD ...... r-::er 6".--' a. • . d to q\l1t farm1ng and 'off r lor ~""" ~ .."..A'.u 'Mr. a.nd~. EcIDlond ~, r . t\. . . lII:rs. TheOdore McI:uL re lIe on the Albt!l'~ Baker farm l~ ~t.lnlJ 01' the National Honof and IJ1 rslled on Mr. and Ml'k . l>\Led six mUes east of Ml8iI~; Tea.cheril .P'ratemlty RJt the ~ldal~~_. Rn.1\10 U W lSon, Prlday even!. . \ six rplles west of cenbe~vl.lle, 10 IHllril:I8tA:me Inn, in Xenia, Satul·c:\a.y .... .....~" :l'.t... '. ).l Ha.tnes spent tile w. e,: •.niles soubh of Dayton tlU'ee miles EtMI end \.'1 . " "1' parellUl, Mr. a.nd M rs' . OlTth r Springboro ~ne m11e \lOSt . . 73 spen, were Sunny evening, d.1nn~r guest Oharley _ .;. d of Oamden. She Wa.! nf ~ 741 on the road on Ol1veBrancb Oonununit'y Olub Mr. and Mrs . Allen Mr . a.nd Mrs . Wilbur Olark. called \lome on account of the 1l1ness 0 rou " NOV Z1l ~ at the home of MI; . IlIIld Mrs. . and Mrs, Seth Iournas amd '. 0. , E. yice, 01 Mason called lof h r mother. . WEDNESDAY, " . Herbert Ross, ot SUvu Grove, Frid!l¥ Mrs. Harvey Burnet nrtoonded the Mr. and Mrs. AlIEtn Emrick M,d I \Some of our memoer attended . startlnc a.t 10 A. 1\1. . and Mrs. Hellr), Belcher and the [u..'lernl 01 Mi's .lPh11 Young at lIbe ll--:Head of catU_ll \Mrs. V1r&Lnia Plymlre and ,dough- • Mr. and Mrs. Henry MIlb;.rd, ot Sunday nltem()oll. . s t ubbs Funeral Home, laS~ Thw'sdlLy .\Holslleln cow, fresh lth fourth 1 tMRm'A ter, Virgine, or Sligo, pent an even - Olive' Branoh, onbettAlned, Mr. aud . lIoud Mrs. Earl Young, Mr6. Mr . and MJs . lJaiwrence'Miohener calf ill september, mUklug bet een noon'~ ~t18 J'eOOlltly with Mr. and Mrs. Gao- E . .A . Jetiol'Y ro dllla'ler, on 0l1al'!es Bllnno1l' a n d bUdre.n and called au Ella H.e.1nes Sunday afoor- 5 fI.11. d 6 gallons ~Uy;, Holsteln cow;. I M1lis d Mills Ada Parrge Plym1re. ' .' \ Tuesda.y evening. , Mrs. Emma Lacy t Su.nday wit.ll oIl0011 . . freah Nove!Tl.bCr, 3, nillIdnS 6 gallons, ry 01 lunond IndJana were guests Mrs. Wayland Jordau lUld daughMrs . Delbert Mullen and Carl, r latlves at Midland. Mrs . Nel.ile Bunnell, Mn>. Glenna da.Uy; Jersey cow,fresh ,In s eptem- \Or'Mrs Evalyn 'Peterson..onSundnY 'Mrs , Harold Wll1teker and Ml"s . IWilson andMlss ,Mnn1I:nIa. BUJ.'Ionell at bel'. with fourth cnJ1, mUldug '1 to 5 Mrs: II.~ C: '11hotruis, or Rdchmond: ters, of Oinclnnati. Iwere Sunda.y \ were Leba.non vIs1(.o:rs. Thursday . V'lsltow a.t the Jordolon. hC?mo. ws . Ell J:I~rrls WM .0. I:la.turdQ.y Llwr nee. Cl'Own wore shopf)ers 11 corner call d on Walter Wilson Sun- gallons da~; Jersey, 'Ire&n bY ~ In~ '", member of the Home 1 __ _~--.---,.. vJslt.or of Ml's. Mary 11sa:\ and Cinellin tl one day llh6t week. home of Mrs. Qt:a1 Roosa)). TUasday 01 sale, with f~th calf, extJ:a, &;;;If YeartS> ~eet!.1.lg bOOtd, called on Dr : " , J:01m M. Wilson 1n Lebanon.' . Mr . a.nd Mrs. Edwin Nu<1lt of near a.ftelDoon. Mrs. Wilson called on m.llker ; jJ ~ey oow with second Emma. HQl,lruwa~, SunOOyatternoon. M:r. and Mrs. Elba, t hand oentervUle were Sunday dh~e.l· ne.!' mother. Mrs. Ella H\lfley alfter by side ; J ersey cow with second calf Mrs. E;\.rl Bum~t, ~r aunu Route daughtcn;. or Wellm:in.n, Wfll'e visitors guesl'll r Mr. a.n j M, s. Therle Jones tile meeting. by side ; Jersey cow, ft" sh In July, one and ~ ~~ of Bell 1in Lepanon, saturday: nnd SOll, Mllt.on. I ,M r. u.ndMrs . Dooold HaJ1nes IUld s ond ce,!!, giving 3 to ~ gallons b~k, were SUnda~1vUeSts br Mrs. W·. OScar Kesling, of Middletown Mrs , Everte Ela.: ly visited her son visited Mr . aT,! M1'6. Oharley dally; Guernse-y cow, Ir h In Sep- Allee Olark . , bas bou ht cue J8d<IU of Mr. isaac, lIfOtber, Mnr. T . W. 1'{uitson wt Yel- Lrurd,o catnden 0 :1 Sunday. tenlocr, with t1r&t ~U, mllkIng 4 to iMl'S. Howell PIerce 6!Ild Mi!l& Helen was formerly owned by D . M. low Springs. 'C'hursdny IUld In li/1e IMrs, MEll Y Bo.:oan h as been sick a.t 5 gaUQIlB daily; Jersey cow, fresh in Oalv&1't at ~ ~. MIna. Downt L:yru:ih,' and is DOW f!1ol"fficd by Del- aHernoon · th y a ttend ed the funeral tile hon e of her sol1·: Ralellfh Bogan, Se»tenll?el', first 001!, giVing ,~ lng, of, Xe~, and Elbel't Jones. or bert Mullen. 0 bhe former's a Uont. ln Springfield. but Is better at bhls wrlt.1ng. dow of mllk, very rioh; Ho",-.... Lebll,hon, Indh.!':(l. 1n abbendancc a t 1Mrs. Lieorge . Beckett and sons. Mrs. Mo 118 Whnrt<lll, her moUler Carl McKln :lcy, or neat" BcM1Y's 'h elter bred Septeql.ber 20; Jersey CFrlertds Q~rly 1\'1 ~t1ng were ca\, Oharles and Donald, of S[Aring Hill, and brobh er, Mrs. James Keeny and cqmer sall d on WaiteI' Wllooll Sun- helter bred ,SeptEmber 21; Hoiste1n leI'S at the' abme, Sunday. were Sunday vlsltors 01 h er PMents, Donald Kleen,y. of Lndependence, dayaJt.emoon. . h eifer, open. , 1MrS. Stel~Bone Is spandJllir a f 1I Where Mr. and Mrs. S. D. Ferris. K n tuck,y were enter t In d t SunWe ale glad to report our pastor, This. is a.n clIitra good berd. All d&yS at her l\Ome' !n New ManChesMrs. John W. Wilson and son day cUnner, n.t tile home of Mr. and Robel·t Hadley Is slowly lmprov1ng at t. b. tested. ter, ' ME'l1J:IODIST OHUOOH Hugo, ot O!a.lIksville, Wel'e Sun.- Mrs. Clyde Wllarton. this wl·itlng. . 47-Bead SheeF-4' Alter au exteud,ed Ui.ne5S, Dr. J. day visitors ~r Mr.. and Mrs . Fred 1M:r . and Mrs. Ev rott Ehl'ly, Mrs. : 'Ilhe Bunnell sale was well attended 45 'h ad of extra. la.1'ge ewes one t.o W. 1We.rd .~ed . a~ Tuesday Who is serving 'I'hompsoIl, J . B. .Jones. o.nd Mrs. Ross Roland last Sa.turday. live ycars old lu splendld condltion. morning a.t ll\e McClellan hospital Dial 2111 - Wayne.ville AlI JOldlUl was a SWlda.y visitor a~ded Fri€ltldship 'night of t.he , 06t.1y a.ll br~d' 2 Shropshire rams. Xenia. Dr. ' E\pd Mrs. Wnrd' luw~ LADlES of the OIIURCH of Mrs. Lucy Flsnbn.ugll and f841Uly, Eastern star a.t Bla.nchester. Thurs- ~.JIMMY FlRASURE 2 yearS old; gOod breeQers. been a. ~eJ\tAs of !.he Home fQr Do Ion Middletown. <!ay even.!ng . HMi MIDNOR OPERATION Fanning Implemenloll, Etc. number of years. . , " What time J. Lee 'J."Blmage attended. Mr .. and Mrs. Will Roos a.nd . . OLver 'lO-roW crop tractor on ._;';iiii~~iiiiiiiiiiililiililiiiiiii~ Rite in Dayton, Friday and Saturda y. daugh r. Murjone ('ntect.elnled. t.o !Little .Jimmy Frasure, son of Mr .. 1steel. Eq\l1ro>ed wi" cultivators, ~ dUm on SUnday. Mr . and Mrs. J. and Mrs . 'Walter Frasure, ~ conv&.- 1.Ighta, starcer o.nd power lift. This 5:30 P. 1'1. TUE DAY R. Wade, ot We,ynes'ville a.nd M1ss leso~ug <lit the home of his parents tractor is like new Clllra: Wade at Wamisburg. followlng a. tonsU op ration a.&,tile A:11ls-Ohaliners l:aW Crop tract.or AUCTIONEERING Dr. W. E. POBTER NOVEl'IBEB 21 ' 'Mr. and Mrs. Wilber Ollnk,. Mr. o!tlce ~ 'Pl'. Hru"t1nger, on saturtlay on rubber Model C with cultlmtors Stanley and Kooaler a.nd ~, Allen Emrt,::k, . Mrs. Mar- mormng. . IUJ.d.power llU, new in 1943. Will sell ~~ Bow mach ~ plate U not sold before day of sale. For Dates, Phulle 289', Waynes- guret Johns, Mr, a.nd Mrs. James W..,.uemDe,·Oblo Johns Mr. S. H. Burnet, Mr. IUJ.d A nUIllber of ladles 'of the Iqtle John Deere ~-li-lnch bottom • • . '. t • • vllle. Ohto. Reverse Charges Mrs. Wllllam Bergdall and Mr. lIoud .c buroh a.trend d 'a n aU day meeting brettk.lng I-Qow, like new ; slx85c SPECIAL F DROKER~ I.1f:ENSE Mrs. Walter Keluick aibtended the of the Woman s Society of Oh'istlan l.root John Deere dl.stC .hal'row, lllte _~ _ _ _ _ _ _ - - 'J fUneral 01 Mrs. Mart.ha SOugb, at t;ervlce at the EpwOl'~ ohurcll .. West new; Moline oorn planter, fertlll.zer , Burry-hurry .. Come Early the Mejihodist churoh tl:t Waynes- Third Stroot, Dayton, rruesIJ.ay, 'l'ht y land check row attacl1menta. like ~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ville Thtp'Sday alteN\(xm. 'Were: M06denies' OI\lVin 1.ongacre Inew. Moline com planter. fer<tillzer Mrs. J. B . Jones 8iIld Mrs. Therle Rt;\IPh ~W'geE, &u'l ~oung, P. N: ood check-row atto.chments, lllte , Jones were entel'taiIl~d to dLnner COrnell. James Johns, Vernon Purs- new; 6 loot oMru;sy-BarrJs' power 11h\1l'Sdtly not tIle Do.ldn Hotel, in ley, Lharics BUiliOOIl, Rob rt Hunt, I mO\';"er , semi-mount, can pe made WELDING M'rs.!RAlIYmandOsllOrn and · WUbur Foulks Ilnd O. S. Snl1th. It.o tit any tract.or, alm.ost new; 5-f~. PIaquee-PiC\lll " .....~IJTO: her daUhter, Mrs. ~Il.nk Helbt. In IcuL , Mi1w8/ukee mower; sell-dumP Arc Wcldlnc 01 All Kind. .TOys· ~1II'l1s the a.fternoon they attended the iLI'I'. IJluy rake ; 2 one-row cultiva.tors; I n r~'il:r of Doskrs Garare t heatre there. ' . b !Dunham cUlU-hoe, good; 60-toot.h Harve,..,ur.. Oblo .". ~. II " ••~ , . 11. " n, ';ur.., .."ou u""uC Isteeldroge harrow.; New Idea.msnw·e Bro~ anel PennlnJt.on, owners . spreader; Su ~er1or 8-hole dJsc grain MIs. Da d d Lucas spent the week- • drtll· HoosIer 8-l1ole dJsc grain dJ'I1l1' HOURS: Waat A6, Carda 01 anil ?d wlbh h er son and la.mily, Mr' l Fum~Wl Ohio cultl\"AlCker; pr,l ng: Obl&aarie. aN c~ for .t &be 1" Earl Lucas of Cinolnnwt4. toollb harroW; high-wheeled wagon, 9-12 each morning Mr.and Mrs. ~ymolld ,Smith, of loomPlete with boX bed; tlat-top rate of ODe cen, . . . . . mlDlmam , were w ek-end guests, of Mr. rubber":t.1red wagon or tmller 16 1-5 afternoons except ebU'.e I5c. A W_' Ad IaJerled for Ml:s. HIley G iPSOl) • . ' GIBBONSBUIUJING Clarence Orawford IUJ.d Mrs . teet long. witb. side);>on.rcLs.; power, HOaSES, COWS, Uaree Um. . . cIIuPt .t· tc • word. Wednesday 1'I'I,nnMO< Runyon. were shoppmg 1n portable corn or ~led hay ele! a.tor, 20 feet long, new. Farquar pi~k-up X lila on Monday. CALVES, SHEI~P, ETC., 7-9 Saturday evening Mrs. EmIl1'50!lI Dill spent Bundaoy blllier w1th mot.or, good condJRemoved Pr.[)mptl;t with her 51ster, Mrs. Ja.coti Zlmmer. ~oOormlck grain binder , 6Acetylene or electrtc. See BID Lee. . Other Even4ngll , of Bea,v ertown. . cut, P. and O. 1~1nch breakOmd(Jrf B\l84, a. 3,' Waynesville. Call • a.nd Mrs. EVerette Bunnell en Ing plow; 2 fi ve-shovel plows; pvel By Appointm nt ltert.a.llledto cUilner, Sunday, Mr. aDd bed' sUp ~:bie-=~ Pl~ressi 1'Vr Sale -,- WatidDil Ji'roducta Fu1lef M111ard Ball, Mr. and Mrs. "I . lm'd TELEPHONE 62·R Bunnell and Mr. aDd Ml's. ... ow. pOwer oy .er /. Bruabea 'at 31 North Br*w&.y Walter Fl!fer Bond daUBhter, Jane. ' Ilwo-hole hand or pOWOLEN" JJINTNBR. Lebanon, Phone !Mr. aDd. NiB. JQlm Sba.w and sheller, New Idea. No: 1 . 6SL c called on the MnI Paul Sha.w sheller, hand or power; 'Un1~' , ~m... i1_ "n~ • gasoline eng1tl!li' 8Reverse Telr.phono Obargell and ~ Sun_" .F&1rOankS-Morse feed 8T1Dder; 4 sheep troughs; 2 steel hog MaIn ~5C. Xenia, O. troII«b8; hog self-feeder; elebtr1c 26 S. Detroit St. Xellia. 0





Turkey Dinner? - -.- ---- --


l I






c;.,-.-.------.--.;. \ t





The~tre Wed., Nov 22




Wayne ville ,urnitu eCo.

Q Ui"K SERV.CE . For Dead Stock

one day only

~:':m~:,< ~:. ~~~,~ !I


and anvU;

RS ~ny ~ake

or ~odel Fred Kahn Motor, Car ICO.

Starrln" .




sheep sheering

Union S&OCk Yards OInelnDa~ O. . . ' . • Tune in an Re.d10 sta.t1on WOKY, 12:25 to 12:30 . p. m. for our dally market reports,

• COWBOY (x,p()s .,

ijlnll'r, 41f W~tC!m Sfllilli

furrow o~ for com planter; set clod fenders 1m- com ·planter; FOrd's single unit mllkel' with track' 12Jd4. feet brOOder house; eleetrlc brooder,' 6OO-dl1ck; oU..burn1ng brooder, ~ ohlck; ·chlcken feedenla.nd ~ten!1'S:,.. 1 2 4~10-foot 'chickcn JlOCiIst.s; h~house

Inch pipe and couplings; 50-gallon cooker; lard kettle; lard PreM and salusag sWffer, sausage giinder; gaanble sticks: fork and shovels; I<1ClUble-l~re4es a.nd Single-trees. MAny of &hese IuIPlements are


lJ6~ () nltarl.t


-- . ED Sl\IITH World's Chimp . 'Harmonica .rIltYer



rhfl ...·hlrllln' .......,.,


Sun.hlne, Glrl~ .


• UNCI,E 1I0:\rEn I\It:i:J_'iWM (;'Jh .....Unn

' ea,aOlTbanka

near1Y new.





~i'dlcl'lI l' .dlln .......



HONESS Set lead h&rness; set IS-feet oheclt. 2 22-Inoh leather horse ColBrs; r"'~"w~:n leather horse • . FEED 400 bales 'WheRJt stre.w; 50 buSpels oM.8; corn crib; about · SOObu.abela Llttle Red clover seed.

Chickens'..for Prizes

·'IUm' ,


iO-~on ~ cans; three 5. mllk ; caiIs;. spl81l tools too I!lumer~to lDeptlOll'. . . .



' .

/We wish to upresa our sincere ~t1on atnd thanks to Our ~ends fOr their Idndnes.s IUJ.d 8)'mP8thy a~ the time CJ! our tiereavarnent. ,. Kennetb Hough aiUd taallly






!Horse .blanket, metal bed, modem .', new; bed-room rocker: 6 dln!lng ~ c.ha1rs;rocker; stand

~~!~5=! hea.t1ns 2 incub&t:Qrs;

~te ~;


oUne stove: ·churn. 5-gaUan:.

~tor'; mantle clock; ilepq;awr; ~line lamp;



aantem;_ ~ panels

n. DlIsterll,

. lew·.o.n


tected. OftJee-.'



-IIIC. l.,hlH 'flcl·. pl

TbJs Is

fence • .'




feet .......,,) . ~

(S '


ranD aUotlon :

" t


" BA&VflY .E . BlVANS, Oher.. • ' LUNOHS1!1IWm BY THE ·




GR.ANom (

F. T MArR(I'm .and O. lb. a'riIIBM:J.. auctioneers, '10'.1 ~l adll1ibg,.,On. AD. 38111. 0titDtarvtUe, Ohio; ~. 'lim . BrootvWe 65-7' -:::,--



~ Slm,....









...........--it=--.w;.:...:;,.F ":,






....aoe cream

IOCIa.Ia were pop~ of raJaID. moDe, f . a caaae? Each ,amlly c1aaateil :!• fr'tleller' of 0re8m ~d " ClUe er



twO . J'ou were iemd at tAitlel . on the lawn ~~tea bJ .JapaDele laatema. The enm ,.... always. l1Iocea becauae ~ oo.antec1 theJr ' ¥iiat, aDd tbM , h!Ime-iDade 1011 ~ wu the bea& 108 eyei:~. ~ . STVBBs

. FtmBB&L '

stove; Red 'stat keroeene or ' gas..

. ]. .

your ' family od .yoar property will be fully pro-

.elestrlc pump-; 120 feet one-mch _y . rope, fork and pulleys; 2:00 feed ~; 6 steel drwris ;; lIPl'Ryer; 3-gallon pressure 8pt\3.yer; 200 leet

Illcluciinc '



~ feet; large hOKBhead; lIlont~ Ward 350-gallOn shallow well


,\~d jll" DIll' l1li811

. YOU'RE . NO ExCEP. TION'I Calallu1y doe_'t

pick favoriteaL Miafortwle ha.o't ~irled ' you out .. ROOT FOB AND OONSIGN cut-olt saw fram; 30-lnch an exception! Be ~iIe aael your ca.ttJe hogs iheep and caIn. circle saw, like newi 20~1nch c~le . ' • . saw; one-man 811JW, 2 six-foot OI'Olill- II DlfOt4ect YO\lnelf' w~ aOoc:l to Norris-Brook OOJ liVe wire an4 'CUt saws; Delux tractor S81W', power m.urance .0 that Do progresa1ve firm for the h1Iheaf take-ofIf; tra.ctor log saw, n..ew; fence what happen., yCMl, marltet. prices a'nd.' aOOd ..nIDe. stretchers; field umbreU&; Set of disc ._, .




scales; set of steel banda lor traot.or wheels: set rolllDts ooultiwh disc J()lDtel'S, fits all traota 2 seta liheep cUppers, new lmI:!l'o\red' electrdc stewnrt shear, • n~; set Stewe;rt horae!illpIpers; Steele toller; . tobacCo Betel';



TelePhone 2281 "

.... W~vw40•.


WAYNBSVILLR.omQ TIt1JBSDAY, NOVEl\mER 23, 19ft J . Nlillilc~OUBTH YEAR ~ S:~~--------~~-------=~~----~-=========~~--~~------~. , • .." . ' ....... AFF' CIIAPMAN SERGEANT' LOCATED ROBEiw .AT ,'I>II'h.1DS IROBERT BERRy· ~rrT.;t~ WIlI......,.. MOTHER'S CLUB TO Gh... • \. . !,l-. U 4 ,l :. INTERES'fiNO .•""' ..... PROGRAM DEC~ 1 FORT THOMAS, KENTUCKY "'N. \\'"tt"r 1( \· lIrh" •• ( ' .. rr.· NI ..... \·..... SOMEWHERE IN ' QPU:w. .. wir 1Mr . and Mrs . Harold Berl'yhill MI's . J ean M1sseldlne and dnugh1 ~-~-' 'f'' 'lUte waynesvUle Mothu's Club ' Th -t -ky N ~ ...~_ and little son' SteveIi of Bellbr(,lOk, ers. Mrs. Mabel FrYE~ and 5011. Mrs. Mrs . Ralph HlIImmond ent ertruned . ' . will ]llreSent 81 veIiy' interesting pro- !Fort ornas. Ken uc , ovesu",c, vislrep M4sses A:n>nle o.nd Mame iRobert Furnas, Mr . Benny Furnas, the oo.1'd club at her, home Thu.rsdn.y SOmowhel'e £u Oerma,.ny ' . :I gm.m for Ilhe December. 1st meeting 1116, 1944 Staff ~rgeant Robert D . Browne on wednesda¥. , 1 1Mr. and Mrs. ' Davb Furnas a;nd even1ng. October 22, 1~44 r which will be held in the Grade lChapman. 31 of We.Y'llesville. Ohio U'dl's • • Lissa Curl of Harveysburg 6On, Mrs , Edwin Pnyne a.nd sons Mr . a.nd Mrs. Thomas Whire of IFr1da~ nie'ht buUdlng. Anyone interested in see- I'h as J been transferred from Shep- 'W8B the guest of Mrs, J , " '. Wurd 'were recent guests of Mr . and Mrs . Dayton visl<ted their COusins. Mr. 1'0 the editor: 818: lng the perform.e.nce of children. is ]>II.fd Field. Texas, to ·t he Al1n& Air iIlwo dayS ,last week. iFlred FtI.rru1.s a.t Jamestown. aDd Mrs. Allen Em6rlck, Wednesday J t received the July 20th L"8ue . 'I thought I 1aOUlillliih..." l.n¥l.ted . Foroes, newly-acttvat.ed Convelescent Miss Margaret W Edwa rds spent 1 . . afternoon. . . ,of your ,p.tper although It ge l.$ to me 11nf8 tonJgbt. ~votlonnls : :u3na ~ F\Ulkerson, Hosp1ta1 at Fort Thomas. where he IFrlday In Dayton" (Ml', D . A. Ferree of New PlyoMrs . J. B. Jones and Mrs. WU- pretty late. I stUll1ke t.o lead It . t,pretty gOOd tOIl",lt. TommJe George cassidy. Roma Bur- now serves as a member of the tMs. Georgia I~:lS Is 'Visiting her mouth. Ohio. t,vnner superintendent ,lism Bergd&.ll were entel'tfl.lned to Have been In Germ~l1Y for some tlfttle weak 1n the'~eea gess, John Cook and Irene Fllns- part.'s penna.n6llt-party personel. ..- son-in-la.w and daughter Mr nd 10! Waynesville Schools, was a Way- ,dinner Thursday evening at tJIle , time now. B etore entering Oi!nnalUY' tlng. along o . K. paCh; RecI\J\lJtlion : (Qhristmas WishThis wa.s announced by Col. W. Karl JJak,1n of Lebanon' InesvUle visi tor on 'I1b~y and at- home of Mr. and Mrs . He!U'y' Finke '\mS In Holland end Belgium IIInd of 'You mentioned esJ Ronald Edollflel(l. lJOud Let the !Frank .DeWltt, 20 year Medical ~. Evalyn Peterson returned lrended tJle funeral Sl~rV'lces for Dr . at W'l!qnesville. ' course ,was in France . Wihlle in Bel- 't he obher day carols Ring, carol Longacre; DIa.- OOr:ps veteran who retW'ned reoently Monday evening after a. pleasant IJ. W. Ward. A number of [,Mends lrom ~ ,glum I went to Brussels. I think It nated aome blood .. logue:The First Ohrlstmas) James fi'Om Illine manU1.s duty as the Sur- wit to friends in Rlohmond I:t• • .. and ¥I.clnity attended t he tunerol of ,represents llind looks more like a things I would like Jam~ Jones, Gall DIckensheetS. '8wn of the AlAIF's Ind1&-Burme d.laIlla. Mnl. Peterson will spend the Mrs , O. W. Brown. Ml'S. John Dr. J. W. Ward at the McClure ' clty of the U , S. A. than any l've th(lse bl90d dQ!latlObS bec$wle J1mm.le Adams. Shirley Ann Jones. sector, to serve os commanding of- '1:hanksglvl..'lg hoHdBys wlt.b ~r sis- Fox and son ot Marys~le 'were Sun-Ioruneral home in Waynesvil~ Thurs- !been in yet . Also w nt to Waterloo 19iven blOOd Plaama. . , !Leroy and HOpkins. Jea.!Ulle~; !leer at Ft. Thoolas. ter in Wilmlngton. day guests of Mr . and Mrs. K. R. day afternoon. ' and sa.w a la rge painting or "The -the h<J8plt(lJ In FrIIoDOe. I • oong. Red Rldd.lng Hood. s1X little Sergeant Cha.pma.n now Is ~ Margaret W Edwa.rds will Hill. Mrs. EveretJt Early and Mrs . WU- Bat tle of Wa t erloo." These a re the whose blood I was gtven glrles; Dialogue (A Chrlstllnas Mes- alcUng the Fort Thomas ata.ff in spend' The.nksgivlng . day witll reMr d ~ j FU'O _ l1am Bergdall were DWYton visitors, only t wo times that I have gone realize tOOt some gOOCll.lJ alted. sage) Paul Shipley.'Pa:t.ricia,Tlnuey. 'p reparing for arrivals of AlAF con- ,l atives 1..'1 Dayton. tertained to dJo~er °onn sun~th~r FrIday s igh t seeing withou t "ducking and American .}uBt....JDre YOU; -.;-.a. IPhy~ [.emb. Julla Ta~lar. Richard valescents transferred {rom g,m.eral IMrs. Amanda Ha.rtrum will be da\l&'hterlMI"s MelvlnBa.nte. Jlx>ve'Mrs . Mar(!'llIret Johns spent J11tt.1ng the ground . means for ~ , belng alive " .'IV1a& IF.rye; Donald W1lson, Barbara Mar- or regional hospitals. or. other eases the goU.eSt of her son A H Stubbs 1 d d'J 0 H k Mr several days last week with Mr . and So far I l:ave been In n lot of Al .. there was sorne way tor us' boyI& gnn, a.nd J08ll Johnson; p~lett.e sent here ' from the AAF RedJBtri- and filllllly ~vtng ~Y" ~lta ,s ~~ba~d. pic. ~:v~; Ba.~~~ 'Mrs. Earl ThOlIl8s a.t Oentervi11e: Ralcls and I am not -ai1'8J.d to say oyer , here to 'Teall)' exprese Our ·(Naugbty .Jack_ and Jill) Jee.netie butlution Stations. Th,e fWlCtlon of Mrs. J. W. WaTd will be a dinner ds servin with the MM f01'Cf.B Mr . ao!ld Mm . E. L. Roberts. who VI as pr~ ty scared someUmIl#! . thanks to t " e .()Qes ..whO 8E;M Williams. An~ette Morgan, DonoJd the convulescent hospital Is to guest Itn the home of her ne;l'l lew K. , .In Ha. ~ , !My Ihave been living with thel.r daughIWe ha ve found , tba t. cell rs are a over here so tbat ',re Iid8tih Lynch. and Rn.ndaJl I'!ul'key: D1a- physically and mentally rehabUlt&te ~. Hough and Family on Th~y . \Ii . . • '. ter. Mrs. DeUiall M111er, moved bar k : il'ctty safe place in oase of Air Raid:> &.lIve to some day come badr lOiV:O' ''Clever John." .B~ Lee Kle'r. Its pajJents, 00 bring about a smQOt.h Mr. and Mrs, Ralp:h Hastings a.~d to their home In Dentervlle Ken- or Shelling, so wella.vebeen sleel'6ng to the ones we 'love 0iDeI Edna. Bunnehl. Erea.nna Bunnell and ,t ransition from detective hoopltal DR. J . W. WARD son Rober,t. were Su:nda¥ guest.-l of tucky. aa.turda.y .n them so we dou't have to get up love us, . _ ._ Mrs H'astlngs sister- Mrs Cordi c 'A llU'ge n'\.ltIlbt!r or t.he youn" er a nd run l or shelte r , You can't. realiZe hbw much ~ J ' rry ~; Medley of Songs, by two <t.rellItment or 0.,erat1onal [lilbigue to f~b grad~ &lid Mrs. Propst's lIe- full A:AP usefulness. reducing to a James Wlll1am Wa.rd. son at wu_ ~. of Lebanon." !persons from here attended th~ basI'll admlt this isn 't much Qf R pJa&ma is being wed over here 1ad cond 81'&de; ,DIalogue. "We L1k.e small p'Crcentage the number re- lia m and Ma ry (la~lh~t) Ward, • • .. 'ket ball game between Waynesville lettn. but all for now . So Long. the nwnbeT of boyS tbo.t are all'" Chrlstmas," OarolyoD Campbell, turned to civilian flie, yet also ald- ,w as born In Wa IT6!l CounbY, Ohio. Mrs . Frank Matson of WUm:lngton and CentervUe at CeIJterville SaturSincere ly YOW1l today that obbe1lwiae WOUld b e cnv!d Beal. Joanna. H.Lsey and lAl.r- ,l ng those wllo tna.y be discbarged. !May 3(). 1857. and Mr. 3.Ild Mrs , Q!harles Ma.tson . day evening, Opl. R. W. Berry from this ee.tth. ~ r-y Be.Uey; D1aJlogue, "A Christmas Sta.ff SeJ1geant Chapman entered tie was t he youngest of a !am1ly of Spr.1n eld were Wednesday 'l1he men or tile Lytle MUron naa Artt. In Ge~.. I am not 8W'e JuIIt ~ Lesson." Peggy Adams. Janice Lemb the amIY October 6, 19~1. The son of six ohlldren and < laBt survivor. guesl8 of Mr. and Mrs. Mack WU- an Inreresting prognwn In charge of ,blood was given me I can'{, r~ S I4n1ey Fl' ~lId. aDd Susan Morey; of Mr. J. B. Chapman of Waynes- PB.ssed OJ\Vay at MCClellan llospltal. son'. ilWbert Hunt. at the service Sundlty l\JR. AND AIRS. VAL MYERS 'bet much about ~ fUst' five _ .... rec1t111t1on (A Nice G1'Ill1d' Pa,) Billy ville, Robett 18 a.t preeent in the Xenia. OhJo after a liongering 1llness , Eva~lng. Rev , O. E. V~oe also had OBSERVE GOLDEN WED- I am swe ·tl waa either flw9 or ~ Bhoc~1t;e.tlon (Lazy ,Betl1y) . RAUI- mediea.l COll:S attached to the Aile or more than lllteen months at the Robert &ruce and Mr: and Mrs. a talk. , DIN~ ANNlVE&SA&Y I bottles. sell Rout29Jhn' Vocal Solo, carolyn In the Dental Clinic . He gradu8lted a gll of elghty-seven yearS a.nd 'x Conard MainO\!lI and granddo.ughter 1Mr. and MnI. H8J."vey Burnet . In Mr d Mrs Val M f . ' ,I know siX ooys woo waa in IIIF d HM1llton o~o '. .. compa,ny wtt.h Mr. and Mrs. J . B. wa~es~~e. observed ~~ °goi: ward that are a.l1ve tocI8¥ OIImpbell; ~l1ation (Whalt. can I 'from 'the Nollth high Schoolln COl- ·months. • Bay) Nicky Tumbleson; Rec1ta.tion IUffibUS In 194.() and bo t tended Ohio On Ma.y 5. 1887 he was married to 1Mr . ilmd Mrs C HlwWk Chapman of \W.ynesv1lle, were en- wedding anniversary and th birth ' someone at bome was W1l11hg (My Be~) Janice Inabnitt; D1aio~e State UitUvers1ty the ensUing four Isadora. ~~lson. in Columbus. Ohio Oinc1~atl vlslior~ o'n Wecln:s:.:r~ rtert.alned to dinner W e dn e s day Ida.y: of thej,r only daUgh:er,Mrs~ blood Ito sa~ them. (The ChrJstJr.\ll! story) Ma.bel, yen:rs. He was ~loyed by the In- I UY the Rev. T. B. Atldns and for Y ,at the Netherland plaza, Kenneth Woolard 0 11 F'l'lday, No- I, Ma')t>e the blOOd 'YOU Edward 14mb, Donald Klontr. Rlch- Idusbrlal Commission prior to his more than fltty-seven yeers they Mr. and Mrs. StaJnlfY BaJley at- Olnclnna\;1, by Sergeant Robert vember 16 The Immed1:l.te fa.mily not the blooct they ga,ve me, ard Hlldebreoht. Tommy L6oy, and entrance into the Army. ~ourneyed lites pathr.\uy together. tended the f'un,et'1l1 1St mo s of .he C'!hOlpman of Ft. Thomas. Kentucky. were. the only gueslls presen t for t his 'WIIS IIOmeOOd,y's son. ~ ~::~~i~ Ba.rbalCl Benbow; Recillaltlon (!Ready 'I1he AAF Oonva.leseent Hospital Early in life his tallher who will! a ,fonners \UltC~. Mr. JC38 Hibberd, at Mr. and Mrs . Ben Round of Day- observance . will get to see her boYacaJD b '1'0 Quit) Rronald . Sears; ~Ltation at Fort _Thomas Is one of several Phys1e1an encouraged him to make the G1bbllrt-Schmldt Flunera.l Home wn were Sunday evening d1:'mer Mr Myers Is 81 wh Ie Mr Mye rs It Wall you ' at home 'Who _ved (How Provoking) Joe TInney . loperated under the direction 01 the the practice of mecl1c1ne his l-l'Ofes- in Mlamtsburg on ThursdaS' . guests ot Mr. 1Uld Mrs. Walter K el1- olge 71 Is confined to her 'bed by life Just 8.11 sOmebody _ved ~ . !I'his ~ Is· WIder the dlrec- AAF Per:>OllJlPl DistT<lbution 'Oom- slon. rick. Mr . and Mrs. ThomalS Collins, jillness ' They we manled t s I 'We oVer bere would lite for,. to tlon of Mrs. Propst. Mrs ,Volz and mandJ which also suplerv1ses AAF >Following his fathers adv4se he Mr. and Mrs. Donald Greene and 01 I)&yton were eJternoon oo.llers. Tree . . Ridge In ~ghl8lnd ~un:-a . know how gt'ate£ul W& are ~ M:1&a ~.; Red1st.rlbution Statiana and AlAF graduated lrom the Med.1ca.J. Colleg-e ,da.ughter. Mr. and MnI. A. A, AnMr. and Mrs. Frapk Fisk wer ' t be year of 1894, and have three you for 1riv1Dg US the b"",,oe. tID Overseas Replacement Depots. of OhiO. In OlnciTllll!.tl. March 4.1884 son ~ Roy o.nd SI.1e Furnas were shoPfPlng m Xenia. FrIday. sons and one da ughter 1X d be alive. In Alprll 01 the same year he 10- Sunday dinner glies1t6 01 Mr, and -Mrs. Clara Stacy ot neat' SpAng - I aad TWo • 5 gran - , Well I guesa I had better' c1aIe ' CAUTION TO MERCHAN'IlS OR oo.ted at Lytle. Ohlo, 5UCCeeding the ,M rs. L, V. Bra.t:latn~tor. boro Is spending severel weelm with ~h1ldren. One son is S~~~g ~:; now. Hope I"" cNer 8OOIl. "' •• oL"~,,,", NovembeJ; 15. 1944 Rain ~In last ALL WHO CASH CHECKS '] are Dr. St. John . Mr nd M Do, ' HWilik Mr her da;ughter, Mrs. Leslie Gray and awny, 9ve1'Sell6and a. gre.ndsOn Is in l'Want to come bane. night but II> beMltU,U1sUo.'lZlY da.y ~~ IFor twenty -nve years I;te served . iii I'll. n . e. . ~. . the nav C6Jl"e'of yO\lJllel! .. day tor Ilhe ~ sale. Radn. last Check. thIeves and check, forgeTS till! people of that communlby aond IIInd ,Ml'II , C. ~ Ha.wke. Ml:i(I Ann Mr, and Mrs"Leon. Salisbury of y. . ~bt so that tJle ,! ru-edders COUldn't will do, 't heir Obr1stmls Shopping #1c1n1ty although his work was done ~~ I~ens , enj~ed W'ashl.nston, C. H. SP6l'llt Sunday .th~~~~dan~~~~~ ~cd.d~ IWcrk today but 1IUIllIh1ne and blue 'Wir.n stolen and , forged '. checks 11 ·1n the horse and buggy days y~ no .Ce '~l eS ~ g Well in afternoon with Mr. a.nd Mrs, Allen Mrs My rs received ma'ny iovely skJ.e s today 110 that they would wont merohants and housewtv~ aren't night was ~ da.rk. no road to long, n e <m. w;t IY. ~. Mr. nnrtclc is quite poorly ~. ~ <to come to the so.le. Every one has part1cula.rlY careful. a.ooordlng tD Or too mUddy for Dr. Ward to reMr. and Mfa. L. V. Bmnstre.tor at this !lime, 1-'WI!:'IfiII........._ .been shredding and -help has been iF'rank J. W~, OhIe! of t.he U . S. 9,JOnd 110 a call 10 relelve 8Uflel'lng a.ttended the Go':llluml State Fonn 1Mn;. Ear l Mendenhall a.nd Russell THE V. FOR V. WORUM a premium. but todoy they CQUld Secret ..Serv:1ce. Treuury Depart- IlIIld no one ha.ppier when the work !Bureau convention ill cOlumbus on spent 8a~ a.nd Sun, MEET \Vl'l'H l\m.g, K. R. BILL a daoy otL- We are ~wa.ys sony ment. 'I'be government ma.lls out ~ ~l1shed. . Tftufstta, _.(",~ ..w.t Ba'turda ~'.....~~. 4iam ~;. 'a IIIIle t.bIlt means the loI!Is Il$l'ly one oil1llon Checks . every rLn 1897 being Vltillly In·terested In !{;he Netlii~ ~ y at ney at Co¥l.ngton, Ke!ltucJt;y . Volunteer tor ' "'ictol')' ~p nelghbOr. MnI. Reedy has da.y." says Chief WUson, "ancl 'abonL h1.s work, des1.rlng to keep abreast .. • .. Mrs. Fred. FIsk of Independance, met at tbe home of Mrs. K. R. HW hoUse in SprtnaOOro and' e1gbtm.llllon go each.month to de- ·wtth the t1me& and reallz1ng the 1Mr. and~. E . w. ThOlll.ll&spen.t Ke~tu~ ts her father, Mr. on FrIday evening . Mter the Uiua.l nlcwe soon n.s they C8ll. pezldentB of men in the a.nned forces Talp'id strides that were being lIlIIIde Sunday aft.ernoon 'Vith their son George Qni,y a.nd Mr . and Mrs. busy evening. d(llnty refreShments "l1he new te~t lsmovmg In soon, Cheek thle'ml stEal as many - they in Ilhe science of mecHcine he ent1red and dIlUihter-in-llIlW. Mr . and M15. !LEslie Gray and ch1ldren. were served by the hostess Bond tile 50 the owner was much in ev1denoe can from hall and porch mail boxes. the PolyClinic of New YOl'k lor fur- IW~Jltam 'Jlhomas a.~c1 daughter, of group adjourned to meet with Mrs . lbuy1n8 pigs lIond sheep and ilbe best Then they to~ the endorll£ments .ther stu<b'. Returned and. b:ok up Lebanon Char-les Ellis on Friday ·eve.owK. IOf the cows 'The went for ann ¥I.ct.1m1ze retaUers who ~r~ so 1t1s w\)rk ~th renewed vigor n.nd • • " ft,lr~. 1111",. (,;S".u •• (;U" ..... " . " .. nl ~oanbor, JUst. allil~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~"~~~~ &!mOl!lt. nollhiongand the COWl ~d not anXiOUS ,t o D1$Itct aBJes that they 1'lve years lli!te.r in 1902 rellUrned to Mlr. and Mrs. Eatl Par ks. 0 f Mesdames Oba.rles MaUl'1ce' IIfO:l'CeIInCilt <bring high Prt~ but on the whole, fail to conal.der the 1066e6 they may New York, tlus Ilime attending the Youngstown spent Jrriday 9Jt the The Good. vnu ot Dai'ton is putlng 'Were Paul Maurice. J. E. McOJure. Fred the 8:l1e went wen and some thtonp suff~ thrOugh carel!l8Slle&S." "Post Oradus.te" school of medicine hom~ ot E. O. Thom8l!. on some Pictures a.t bbe ' Mt. · Ho!iy !Hook. Robert Gray, WiU1am BaIWyer . The .secret ~erv1ce of'f ers same lor additional study in bd.s chosen • • Church this Bunda.¥ even1.'l8', Nov. 26 Elerl Conner. Ed HoPlOO8. Chades <brought extremely &'bod prIoes. ThW'8da~. 'J1hIs moming they slmple precautions to help fight Ilhe profession. Leutenant ~ Florence 18 '1101'1' at 7:30. OoQie and enjoy them with Ellis and the hostess, came lor four of my cows and on the forgery racket. If yo~ receive cheeks !lie continUed h1.s work In LyUe 'stationed at Mt. Home, Idaho. He Ua. . by mall, be lilt home or have Q, IJleDl, 'UnW Ma t 1909 h '.A'l' Is taklng his crew trIIln1ng, and 1Mr . and Mrs . .Jtaymond Smith of tr~ odd~ enourh were two heIfera y o w en his .........."'t address 15: Lt. Howard ........."n ......- .... - week _ .. with .. ,. that 1 had sold summer be ore last, tier oJ. your family at home receive CClIllpelled him to dispose 0 1 .... _ """1"'" ..~....., ...... 'now tullY grt;)Wlt Pond tat, headea for the, ch~ wben they are due. Then his j.'1'8.OtIce and retire to his f8.l'm. T. Florence, crew 91105. Mt. Home Mrs . HIley Gibson. . , ' MIss MOIillnIa. HOak. WaynesyWe. they cant be stolen lrom ~our mau Inear Ha.rveyBbUl'g. Ohio which Was IA. A, F. , Mountain, Horne, IClaho. the IJt,ockyards. Whlte ' Da4sy Mr. and MnI. Henry Bergs an4 ,was th(l featured vocal soloist last :1Il4:iIoernbln'the "Iret to be loaded. She 100Jced at box. ~ Ihls home until Febl'\la.l1y 1939 when iN tIce eli··' ,children NIIi~cy Sue, and Johnnie 'lbursda.y at, the annwl Thanks- I o,.~~~lI':=~: ~~;~~il the~ute, bl1We.d her feet ~d stood. II you/ are a retailer or oaahler' l ~e and his wUe came,. to reside at the ng ~ece=r 1, ~~1f: ~~:~~:~:; of Bea.vertowJl spent Sunday, witb g1~g dinner sp()nSOred I\Jt Wil-': II ' mlngton CollEge bY' the college Y. l!Problem Tdl(ly pushed and pulled and talked ~"ti tl.iSh che 4Jts for stt:&ne'Joi "lilJ116!lds Home at WQlynesville, 25c C Lee Ha.wke and Or¥l.l1e Gray Mr. o.nd Ml'B. Lull' ~. a nd !UtnoIly got h~ in by Inches. lWi~out proper Identification. Know ~o. .. • • . Mrs. Cla.ra daughters Is spending M. C. A, and Y. 'W , C. A. " I V~~I~., a....UIY oame,WlXt. She was even firm- !yoW' endOTSe1'81 Before ca.shlng A11ter returning to his famt Dr. . Mr . and Mrs. Evenltt Bubber, Bnd & Wslt wit.h her nephew. Mr FTa.nk METHODIST CBUIWII NEWS r In her determination not to JO up ~eck, as~ youself this questum. Ward never again opened an office Mrs. Warran W18ner of Do.yton, 0 .. Bratton and family, in Dayton. . ,a.nd . Mrs. EVerett Bunne;l1, The Rev. 'L ester Norris , of De1:1) thaL chu'te. , FInallY we turned ber . Ill' 'JlBIB 0BrI!l0K IS ~ for actLve pract:4ee but at his land Mr. and Mrs. Jefot Thompsn, of I around and led her In the oIlher dI- AS A FOROERlY, OA!N I .LOCA/I'E old pe.tle.ntll to oo),ls!llt with LebIw.on, 0 •• called on Rev. R. B . !Mrs. mIey GitJaon and Mrs. Paul ware, OhID, director or reUgtoUll 11DlI~'W(Ir{' Taction r~ the ' ~ and 'I1H!E FORGER AND R.IIOOO\1E& M!Y jh1m and new ones IWluled th m- Coleman and family Tuesday even_ IBb6W ·called 00 Mr . and Mrs, John education of Ilhe Ohio Col'liNtrence w of near Xenia. M~y even- ·wlll preach SundaiY rooming No~ l~ticI!lI'8. ~vereci the cbute'Wlth!odder. Then La38?" , 1selVes of h1a 8elIVIces which he gladly ling and attended the dinner at t.he they turned her iiround a.nd.led her "0hJ'1stm88 ls not o,l hol.ciaY for lrendel'ed 8.11 long as hea1t.h and,'clr~ cbW'Cb. ' • IVem.ber 26th at 10:30. He will alSo




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" Fann Diary

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1\1.1'1'. HOLLY


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just as as before the'Y' could righttlme up duto theIut QijcIt she'had to ~ llbiJu<tit, Buitle haaG genUe and tiaotabl, d.Ia~tlon 8 abe WQ8 ~ up the l1UlII'MLy rwttb a hlindl Ull of fodder and s . ot.. senSible old caw that she Is. w8lked right up the · runWuy. &ild. Into Vbe truck. 'lba.t ' Ie&ves US ablll wltn ~flye. one with a caJ1. one' !itY' <Utd three beitel'll to 11.. m..... . n1da)\ 'H~nt1ng. seaoon ~ tQday and there selimed to be plenty. dt ,pecple ,wlth a tew s!1ells each. &It ~~~~ w-; p.~en.:c:'It~ 00 g ... O\! . . V;oUldn't ~ ~:~Ih~ ~'It JI!,1nc1 , .tb,em h t " le:n~ , Rain~. G BOlt 8fHdY ~...~ w1U d . . lot 'Of .......... bUt' ~in 'lUI 0 a .1 ary, ,a n unpleasa.ut clilll In IiIr tb8.t t t~ ofU:e teels I:~ .Jb8t ~es. x.aat n18ht 'durin <lib ' iJ'&llge p~am' they . g e • ...,~ "ech 'on.


: '


anaw.t1 S:o;'e:w







the dheck fOlger.·' 'Wllson !CU1Il6ta.noes . pennitted. • have received ~ !osIe lVifS. aild Hill' ~ Gibson.~1Jh CIIlled Monday on Miss conduct a worker's ~ "~e'8 on the J~ Ohier every...minute. On bile fth of MMrust 1943 be was 'RielaUves here .. 2:00 p : .m......:Speclal alwaY6 looldng lor ifterchant8 he can .taken to M.oCl~n hoop4tal at 01 thl! dea.t:h of Jessie . B. ClaIke. Mr.. and Mrs. Dneraon 001 and IS ttr),da,y eVening at 7:30. 1001 • • rrh'C anly way to beat him Is ,IXen.Ia, Ohio where everyobhlng med- Qf CiitcinrulU. torm,e r resident of ,5011, l,talph entertained at SUnday I We request a large a.ttendance In' , : : : to, beat hJm to th.e puJlcb. KNOW Ik'\ll ' scllmce and ca.reful nursing wayn~e. d1Jiner, Mrs. Mattie Z1tnmertna.n ot .both Ohun;h School aild Wor8ll1P III 1Y'n~~~~'R--.JREQUllRIE could do failed .il-nd In 'the . lj First Leuten:nt" H:~rold ~ger :-~~iY ~Ubur ~ Service ~ oo-operate wlbh Mr.• Nor" IlpleceA .~.~;~~I;~~-=~~=~= 1~'6- T~ mOlDing of November 14. 1944 the · of St l»cotJtrio F1ld • /', r. i'lJl.O e ria In what ,hl! wishes to A~~p~ ~ , C. P. Joy splr4t that had Btru!Mled so lo!lg lett . , 4 )" e • Va" spent, the CIty and Mr. J'a.mes SOWa l"d or lor us, 'We requeSt .all our chUdren w1l1 be I Ohlet o! Police the tired ea1'llhly body and returned of the week at the home of hJa Xenia. :Attemoon callers were Mr. and yo1.Jth to be Pl'e8eQ.t SUnday ' to '! . W· the· God who gave It. aunts. !be 0g1~ ~~tera, !Kenneth. t;IOWa.rd and IKlI1l Roger of receive their pe.rts In the Ohristmas B1CIIABD FRYE CEIEBIU,TE8 y, Waoy,ne&''')'_ ....~.. Xenia, Mr. Russell Robin- .'-.rnDm1>"," .. .., Sa n d ....., ...era wUl .nee"r eon to New and Berllngton -.,. __ . . Mr' d '-!IIi~.;3,~~P'j 8EVBN'11I BI&'l1IIDA CARD OF TIIANKS meet a~" the High School on Novem:" Mr. , and Mrs. CrlIIwford . The WOlllolll8 Boc~ety 8iPPrec:\8IteS Ch1ldf:Viezoe IMra '.G1lbert ~ eotentalned a I wish to thank 'I ill who have been ber 28. «t 2:46 p. m. . have .reoe1ved word that .t helr liOn the fine response at tl\e tu.rkey ·d1I1- 'of Mr and Mrs Il'OUp ·ot llttle playma.tea on Frlday '110 loyal a.nd unfa.1llng In their kindStall Sergeant lRw1s Oralwf~ , ~ ncr 'IluetKla¥ evtmlng. 'I'bere was iMrII. ~ tor h~ sOn R4cba.rd who ness to U8 during Dr. Wa.rds long Mr. and Mrs. M. T. McCohn _tio~ed somewhere in En.gla':ld, · =~eUOWSh1p, and about 175 were tli e 1I\(ijee ' tft8 celebr&Wtg his seventh bi1'1'.h- illness. Your presencs, flowers <md of Chicago are visiting th~ week Mr. ~ Mounce spent sunda¥ . . Stiai,r · Oreek . , .bet-ween the hours of 3:00 to letters · 'bliJ8lhtened many a :,th ~~. ~ B'b=~:: f~~ In Leb&1liIn. . W. I)' C. S. MEET WEDNESDAY g~ve'a &:00 'o 'clock .. The gIIltIIIIt.I eo,jOyed a gloomy day. . . n a .r . ""'~Mr. a.ncU!rs. Everett Bunpell and . . '. iMl's. ~', playing Itaa* arid I am 1l'8.~ to members of the le,ne.n. . l!am1ly CiIlled on Mr. and 'Mrs. '),be 'WC!JIl8'!l8 SocIetr.ot ChrIstIan 'l1homaa ~~::'-Ir~~ ~ the many rlfta, A ~- '\Fl1lends Home" famUy who have " Bert Bwmell SundlloY' aiter.noon. SerVIce held th,e1r r~r Novembec Saturday tul \cake; tAiIJJied with seven CI\oIlCIle:i, been so taillhtw to us. SUNSHINE CLUB MiEET WlTB Mr. and Mrs. Morr1,s Lew1& and meet4ng With Mrs. Ray G. ~nner 'Was cut and JIelWecl wltJ1 ice Qn!IUIl ,'My deepest spprec1atlan and MRS.LEAH MILLS WEDNESDAY 01008 Jezry 1aJ a.nd Kenneth WUl1am .8.11 t!o,&t.ess at her ~'. Mrs. 0 , R. at a. 'tabl6' ~t attrabttve with II8P. thanJrs to the nOOto1'8 and staff of ' --spent sunda¥ with . Mr. and :Mrs. Unglesby ' was In ep~ge of the de~ ao1d1ei'B; ILD4 place. ca.rds tor MQClella.n hospital. friends. relatives riie 8unshlne Club m~t , t th& John Koes;et. of Utica. ~o~ and UBecl for h~r .theme, Bruce Bunterj Wade '11umer. Billy IIi1ld lodges, for their bealUtHul floml home of Mrs. Leah Mills. November ~ D t akO':le&ll. In a· S trange ~,wamm Shutes, Joe ~1lIis and sympathy. , 15 . The meeting got under .way , O. F. B. FaDdY. C. MEET lAInd." ll.eports were given by sev-


Fwrest a.nJ





«ille4 for an ~ve~ by OD8 ' n~. Donald .WUson. Da.v1d BroIm; 1 also wish to thank Rev. Coleman com being given by Mrs. The OhIo F)rm BurelW Fedes'- em) members wbo .·. attended ' the ~~€~~ii~!ill ~~ bite$bit Uiltd to b¥ DoIIald ' Eden1ielcl and the guest of for the OODI'IOlatton oUered 1\J!Id the l with devotionals RIeb, featunng "IncUan Porm at10n W8& held at 'Columbus OhIo meeting in' Da-yoIiO.n and m .,ch tlme come ~ looUd 'and ~ on bDDor. ' , .' McClure F\1nera1 Home for 1jhelr ef- of P8alm 23." Mrs !tala. Th!JmIl6<>n Novf.mber 1617 '1819« • 'W88 .. given ·to ,th~ turkey su!:per ' , Bif~r an , cluur~ was tlJ8 .tatal ~: I .... _" , ' . . flc1ent Be1"VICeB. 19ave a VeIiY "interesting '~ on (I1e 1 'l"herit were' ~lev~n youths from w¥Ch l.s t;o be. given un~?r.: the local ~'her itonaUa, ~ U and 'I coUlcln~ tbJDk'iJ( QI18 . HACK ·W'IJa8()N 'HOME SCENE ' Mrs .. J . . W. Ward ' ~lJt1es of a Flight Nurse. Alter a IWarren Couptsy who a&tenCied the ~h\lrcll o.c:tlvitles 'group. Mrs. R . E. i.lJ Dayton; ~;'.~~~ii ,8 I maaeJ &ffSW ocwnIncin",, ' t. OJ' ~AJ.NMENT ' , Ivery lntere&tlng a.nd en~nlna, Oooveotion. 'From Wayne Tow,nshlP ABblP'Y ,tor the .Pl-o;gl'llID a'm~t 011



't! .

· ~g , but ~true remu~ enlJ . tbeD ' \ -.' ' , A mmUTE ~m the club discussed ,~~t!SII _~~.~!e!:.. , ' , proteSt ' ~ ~ l,(I'. and ¥n, ,Mack ~Json en" .. f,lnd enJoy~ a soclall~our WUIi abopt ""'40"" ...... ~L~;r~, It ~ . .& tp'Onn at , trleDds III!ld ~ J W W-.... , ' thirty .m~ and ~1Bo enjo~ · ~ec~"'o:""v~ .....' n .. '.LIIIaI,l""l!on..... r. -r . _ ·LJ" . ames . - ' t was a ~em- an old 1'uh1on ~l1iJlg oootst. .mar ~ w ~ (bIIItmu ~~ covere:cl, dIsh.dln ber of Ute Pnends Home family The neeetrlber .meetlng whlch 9198 ~~~~~on:,~dlaPl&~~y=ea~rlY but , RaJi:Il' Da' on ... y evmlDI honol'IIDg from Febi1nla'y 20. 1939 to AUiUllt t , 1.0. h. be held 'the ev6nb1S of llecleaDr 'dec:• .tlqllI aJwuld ~W8.lre. Myron Hqe- IH3 ' fa ~, ~ ~ Vemon D~ th06e "US be eMeQred :12 .... wID be hel~ OIL ~eacJa¥" DebOiIltda,'Y ~ .ad Ben BI8ey: who wUi, g . 'Y till tire fartDn <,cember 12th at the heme of ¥no



enter I






service I ~

the nett

,were made

~ -...,... ",..0 , With ,tile boool'




~;~:==~=t~w~ ~.~~.~and= fiblrt.M.a. Mr.


Youth OOUncu the following OU1cer8 1nspir~g and I,educa.ti~ educa- , 'Nere ,e~~t: oharlC1J, L ; tion,l talk ~ Hymns, gt~ the "B '.':B:aw«~;'.1~~~;ti R-,and 1NIouI_ · From fIaI\les at wrIters and reasqns 1011'.1 . . J~ .. ~ . . .wr1tJ.:hg them. Ra.Y~ Cra;bb, Ell1a of BPrin&bot'o, Prealdent, PaiWlcla Ruth ~ry beautl!U1ly played the varioUs Itbe EIiuJ K.olt.(Lebuson), and Green pre.tI1dent, True YouthR-alph OWn- · selections on 'oil . the \ :1UllO . The Society AI ' riU1'll1ng..MJ$ 1 . Foley; VJoe president. Ethel Ba.nt8; adjourned, to meet with Mrs. va j ve~, All secretary and tIreuurer RAlIlh ~ Thom~n in December. During the recDYeriV . ..


not to viSitlng e en: .ltn ~ey ltala 'l'hoInpson... " 'Po1--. , .......--_._"-'''''-' John the anlY guests -:-r-~ '" , """:t. .. ~~, , . .M'. B088 JOHNSON 18 QUB8T laDe, Hester ' M~Illnd. . .ROber · sell5e e'ot humor enllvened th~ , SPMKEB AT civIc ~. . ~~ , ,Ru t h d11t1cul1) ocoas101)&, <UId at Ilhe ' I oarrou, ~f!e IW4 th'elr adW8Cl' Mrs , time his ~efl1c natue -:--. , . RalP.h laDe. ' him Einter lJ1to the lives of ~~ W~Yl1,ea~ . tJ1Y1e ~ ' met . There Wer;e seven adUlts a.~ded aI. Well.

b8lntt beallil8 of ap1rl£, as h9 a.t 0Il't ~ ¥cJ:I11da.1' nlCbt, wtth ,pr«taalon • . brOU8ht !U.ltb ~~l ::~I ...~__ AIM~ tbe ~ , -. -~~ ~ - - .......... W 'DiIaeed him dunnc owae ~ .. "fU' tile ~ of.


mon~ olwMrY waS_~ the boI- =~bIM,:,~=

and DI1/II t.bat hIa 1lDeet')' pre- In~. 1Ir~- - - . 'Wi'b bJa _ . " ,. •e., ta;Dct.I~"':"':: II DO 1ODII!1' wtUll1l, we be- bome IPUn ~ 1ift lIII....


--- -




~ to . . . . . . t«

~~l1~M:;~~=~J~~ -~ JII8DJ clitia to ~ eater tbOIIlII&O tibe ,. cC the =,~

CICIIIIIt...,.· Ill.....

COIIl~tlon the. oounW: were aboutl~ ~O ,oullh& ptelklllt

from 0bl0.

and Mrs. Rebe. ' ,


day. November ZI, as Boger Brown

_ ~....


r'W.M ~ to war ,

~ =tb~OO: l:=-~


Bmd~. .!

lUUCb cUai_aus be realJIIecl. _. In tbe QUiet. of tibe nJgbt I"IInIM MI4 Deeded a c:ar, 10 took tile 1M IIr aD4 »B. of at.eeUDc Mr. 'BrG1IIl'a GIld ....... IM:r ~ dInIier ~:";~I~~I;;

RuUl M.


da.iIltY~~=;.i'\DlQP, i,E'li.Il~8is,..,~...~n~"~~ill

l,Ioc1al hour ,a vel'Yby the course was served .assiSted by Mrs . Wa'iter


DAY, NOVEMBER 16, IOU Tn mE MIAMI ..N"II, ...... ~~~~~--~~--~~-------------------I.,--~-- ------~~----~------~~----------~----------------------------------~------------~--'1"JUE1~DS HOlVIE BEECH GROVE I LYTLE wal'1l Township . rs Club, CA.ESAl~S CREEK P BLIC A (,T~N



'8dny a.t. t.h llome of .Mr. and ,l l r. " ,. ) 11 " "" Imlell. ~or, ••pO •• ,'·" 1 On flACOIIII' I decid.. _ ". '" of nlY 11e.·II'11 U . Kellar H k 1lE~ Wa ynesviU . __ (. . LO QluL CUl'll1. Ill ' IUld orfel' 10' Ml5s a uUl Olullldier a l.tcnded Il I' Mr , o.n d Mrs. E . A. Jcfft'ry nnd . Mr. a.nd Mrs. E dtnoll(f1abs r ' 1\(' ·Mont.hly COlTlllluntoll ;3crvlce Mr .!\' d Mrs.- Theodore Mcn .lore' . •Ile, 011 &he Aillllli. Bakel' J.,·m, 10- dl~r In Ung of tJle National Hml(runny I n eilr Oreg ntlf. hlwl: move(! son of Da~l,on were' Thu.rsduy ev s o\).l;erl'ed . t the preaching holU' an el ' IlS ra llCd on Mr . and MI . , Iletl s ix mlles e t df Mlamll!bw'&, OI'I\.l'jr TE\achcl'5 Fl~lert1j,LY at t.hc to their new hO,l • at Gerll1"'t'.t.OWu:. I fns'l' gu ' I their Pttl"e nda m Olnlllg' at Ls Ie church . & ' 11' ::1 I W Ison, Frida y avenLn ' . : IX mlles , bL of n tervi1lc, 10 .H rbPstollc Iun, tn Xen1a, Saturday They WUl be vcr much m d by Mr. IUld Mrs. William B !l;dnll . Mr. ['.nd Mrs: O . w.. YO\U1Ce and I' . l Haines spent tlie .nnes south of D!ly~ n, Uu'( mileil lIight. 1111 11' 111a'ny frl ri s i!l bhls comOlu- ' M uscs Ethul !lnd Ru\J)'l o t 'Mr . and Mro, Claude Rlggs, of Day- ud \.. .;. parents, Mr. ILnd rs, Horth of Sprlll l;:boro, one mil' IlIlst .orJUl.d Mrs . G, E. Rou UDl', M1ss bUy . . ,RouLe 7;) sp' nt Wedn elY eIli.lg oLon were S unny evening cUnner guest · Charle~ _ ., ,I of Camd en. She \\',1;; of route 74,1, on l,he Aust in rond, 'on M.:u'glret Rusum n.!ld Robert Ker'Ine Ollv Bra]l 11 Community Olub wtUl Mr. aud Mrs, AlI 'n Ehn erLk. of l'vIl', nd Mr . Wllbul' Clnrk, (,<l llcd home on accowlt of the Il.ncss fsey, of Do.yton , were guests 01 M1ss met. ilL tll h ome I Mr. nd Mrs. , Mr. IUld Mrs . Setdl i' umBs Uo!ld Rev. O. E. Vlcc. of Ma 'on c;J.U\,d of 11 '1' moth 1'. WE.'DNE D,H ' , NOV. 22, 19~4 Mal1g8.l'ot W. Elc:lwa.rds on Saturday. Her beri RosS, of Silv \. Grove, Frld:1J' Mrs. Hal' ey Bunlet aLtelld d the 011 Mr. and Mrl'l. AUen Emlick and ~l1ItJ of Ul' III muers nt~~ntled St..uUng tli 10 A. 1\1, Mr, and MllL Dr, Witlll ngton, of evenlug" _ --_ ~ " Mr, und Mrs, HO~ II'y B~ lcllcr Illd t,hc URlel'lll of Mrs ,Phil Y OLU11l' at Ule U - lIerul of CI\UJe-U . Lcbn.nOll ca1\ed 011 Misses annie a.nd Mrs. Vhll l.nia Plymlre and da nghMI'. I nd Mrs. Hetl!'y Millard of fru:nl1~; SLUlday nfwn oon. . SLubb: FUll 1'<11 H om ', 10 'L TJlUi'sdaY HolsteJ u cow, fresh WiLli 10LU·th Ma me Browne, on Satlll'day aftertel', Virgille, of S .U6ro. s pent 1111 even- 0 iv ' Brn~loll , . Iltert.,l llled, lvll'. ~tlld I l\IlJ'. and Mrs .• E:lrl Y ~un g, Mrs" Mr. lld M IS. L.l\vrc ncc Mlolll' ncl' Ic.' In Septemb 1', 1l1.llklng be~\\NllI 110011. ' MJss 1 ·ParrY"~ . d Miss ,Ack\. Purtng recently wi th r. und Mrs. ~- Ml . E. A . JeC,cry LO d.ilulcr, on Churlt's Btmncll and (hlldrt! n and ailed Oil Ella Hnlnes SWlClay a fter- IS and 6 gu llo!}s dally. Hols~~l l~ow: rge Plymire. Tuesday evening , . I\ Ml'S. Emmu Lacy "c,m Sunllny wlLh \ ~lC?OI I. fresh November 3, .~illklng Ii ~n . ~ru: ]y, of ruclunond, Inelia na were gllL'sLs les h I~, SC~t.e lll " lof Mrs. Eva1yn Peter son on Sunday. , MI'. Wnyla nd J ordan I\nd daugh Mns. 1.) Ibert Mullen and Carl, rl'latll'cs nL MJdland , N Ule Bunnell. Mr... GI nnu dluly; J er I'y c tel'S, of Cincinnati, were Sunday were Loban VIsiIoOI'S Th ul'ooay, I Mrli, Hnrold wnJt.ake r a nd Mrs. ,WilSOIl and MI: Mo~lllllill. B lul J1 cll at bel'; WiUI fOlU WI ~.lf , mllki.1g I to a I 11's, A. C. Thomas , of RI~hrnond. ~ I'tsltOrs a-t t.he J ordiLn home, 1u·s. Ella rcn Is w~ l\ &LUJ' y , LuIVI'CIlCe Grown were shop ..ers 1.1 1 ornel' cal l d on Walter Wilsun Sun": llllilons dully; J ersey. Il'csn oy IndlfUlo.1, 0. member of the H om e \ _-"iI--_"_~ \'LsiloOl' of Mrs. Mary IlSO' I, IIld CI' cinntlLi o lle lIay last wee:, . J10me of Mrs , 0 ,,1 RfIIlSOll, Tu€5dflY OJ bale, with fifth ca ll, ~1.rIl gcalf Yt.>a.r ly M,eettn:; board , rolled on D r . !l John M. Wilson ill Lebanon . MI'. lllld MI's . Edwin Null of ;:l'ar aILe l noon, Mrs . Wil.;on culled 011 wIker; J Isey COW with ~ o~l d . . Emma Hollaway, rufte rnoon. lVIr . Ilnd Mrs . Elbe , L Rkh and CClI l crvillc \II l'e Sun.d ay dll111e.l· her moLber, Mrs. Elln Hu rley after I lly side ; J el'sey cow W1Lh !>Cl.o.ld call Mrs . E.1trl Blu'noLt, of I'tlu-a l Rou l,o y · Dill', duughLcrs, of Wellm:"!l , were v1;iLors I jJ u t'· t~ 1 MI'. tI,:\J 1\1 . 5. TheI'l Jones Ule meeLing. I llY 'Ide; Jen,ey cow, tn ·s h III and Mrs. 1;'.0 Ish , of B e ll III !.A·bSlwn, Soltlll'a ay. \\nd , 0 I, MIlLon. Mr. 11IId 1I11·S. Donald Haines and fiC"Olld .cal!, gll'~. 3 . Lo 4 . gal ~1~ brook , were Sun Ju Iluf'.sls of MI's. M.I' . Osc:ll' K~sling, 01 Mlddl t.Qwn I Mrs . E I c r L Ltt) En Iy \'l~l l ('(( her SOlI visited Mr, an Mrs. Olllll' ley dlU~; u cn lSt.y CO\\ , I llsh m ep I Allee Cllll'k h,s bougllt Ll,e I1L11ll o C .\1r. • at: nli,L1ler, Mrs. T. \V. Hu tli on at Yel1.I·d, o. Cnmden 0 ' 1 SUllday. ' lenlllCI'. with fIrst rolf, mj lk1l~g 4 Lo M rs , Howell Pierce a.nd MIs8 H t'leu II'h.1ch was formerly 0111100 by D . M.' low Splin gs, 'r 1 1l~rsd ny nn d h t.lle I .11 , Jia . y Bv o ,lII Ila be n sick at b ird llollS da lly ; Jersey cow, flesh In Colvel t or Selma, Mrs. MtnD. Down' LYJIOh, and Is 110'11' funn ed lIy DeI- laJ :ern. on Llw y a l ten dl'd t.he fWlCl'Il1 the 1lun,a ( f her SOil , rt:lhlgh Boga n, SepLell w~r, il1'SL cull, gh lng ~ I in~, of X enia, u4d Elber t J one5, of bert Mullen. luf !llle fOl'l1l1,rs al. ~lt . III Sprill!:lleld. \ bUL Is beLLc r at Wl b \IT.tlng. Ilow o! milk, very rl~,~ HO~. Ll'bnnoll, (lIdl.; "':I, In nl k nd a nce n t MI , v rge Beck ,tt and SOIlS , I MI ~. MOllis Wnu l·tOll. her mother Ca l l M ' Kilt.l ey , d 11('<1 1' Deny's II irer bred SCPlem~ .1 _.a , Jel S:Y Friends Q lmrtorly M al l ng were catth.arlos and DonaJd , 01 S,.a·jng Hlli, I,Wel brOLh er, Ml·,~ . J~1.1 I1 eS K cp ny ncl <:01'11< I· soli d on Wa lLeI' Wilson SLU1- hiler br oo ScpttmbcI 21, Hol~ l.cl1l I ~ rs at Wl l-Iome, Sun Io.y. were Sunday vl!>1wl's of h cl' 1,:U'cn Ul ' Dc.l1a ld Keel ~ , f L!ldopc.lldence, day (l.ft,cl noon. IIClfer. opc.!l . M.r s. SLell B on e Is s pc.mllng a fl W ~c([lure Where MI'. !llld ,\11'05 . S. D , F'el'ris. · ' 1[(,mUCk Y w!'r e C':lll' t ,ai lwd tl SLUI- I \ c arc g la d Lo r"\Y.ll't our pastor. T,h ls Is an exLra. good herd. All days at her home In Now MlI.nchcsMrs. J olin W . WiLson nnd son d \ y el1uner, at tile hOI!le of Mr . find l'WllerL HlllUey Is slowly impl'ovinll' at t. b. Led. leI'. . METHODI ST CHURClI Hugo. of neal' Clarksvill e r were Sll ~l- MJ s . Clyde Wharton. l Ulls wriLlng, '17-Uead Sh cc ll--47 AlLe r a ll e»1.endcd m~leSS, D r. J. any vls lwrs of MI'. and MIlL Fred ),11'. und Mr". En l't ttEl:ll'I.I' . ~rs. 'l 'lle b Ullu eli snle was 1\ ell attkndcd 45 head of cxtra IW'gc ewes OI1C to W . Ww'cl 'lJIlSScd a ll':ty l'ulsda y Who is serving Dial 2111 - Waynesville 1 'nompsoll . J. B, Jones , fllIU 11' .• tos:; H .).a n I \alii Sutlll'Ull Y. II c yt ars old, In plenditl condlt.ion. morning at Lhe McClellan hospi Wtl, I U JOI UIUI was fI ~un d y vlsiLor 1I tten ded Frtc.:lclShl;) nlg h L of tJle Most.y all bnd 2 Shropshire r ams, XI'lI i:.. Dr . aud Mrs. Wn I'd have LADIES of t h e crruncn of Mrs. Lucy Flsuoouoh and family Eastern Star at Blanchester , T h urs - MAIS'l'ER J1M:MY FRASURE 2 years old; good breeders . been a reside-nUl or the Hom e for a i:r ,tidelietown, . day everLing . HAS MTNOR OPERATION Farming Implements, Etc. . 1111 1llbcr of What time , J . Lee 'J 'almage attended ScoLtlsh M r, amI '1 ~·S .. WIll ~ und Ollvl.r 70-row Cl p tractor 011 ~ F i Le III D nyton, Frlckly and S a turda y. daughLr, :vr.l r Jor1C rn ~ eJt.a I :cd to U Wc JImmy Frns lU'c, son of Mr, Isted . Et}ui}Jpcd wllAr cultlvat.ors, _4 5 :30 P . M, T E D AY diu ' J' on ,slL'l y, Mr . and Mrs. J. land roll'S. Wallcr Jo' raslU'c, is CO I1\'l\- Ilglllli, ::.t.u r U!l· lind power lilt.. This I R. Wade, of Waynes vill e and M.1ss ' lescL!lg aL t h e hom e of h is j.llll'Cllt.S LIIiCLcr Is like new. Clara W ade of M.1amlsbw'g . I.fOlloW!r 4r 11 I.<m, U Opt rail III a _ tlte Allis- hallllcrs I'OW crOI) u'u<:wr Dr. W , E. PORTER AUCTION EERJNG NOVEMBER 21 Mr. and Mrs. Wilber Olark, Mr. offlc~ OJ Dr. Hurtin jJcr, 011 Snt. urtlllY on rubb er. Model C wit.h cultlV~lt.ors , Stanley and Koogler VETERANARIAN and Mrs . Allen Emrick, Mrs . Mar- morning. land power Ii.!t, new In 1943, WUl sell Row much tl plate F or D aLe.s , PhuJle 2394, WaYDesgar t Jolms. MJ'. a.nd J ames - - - . - - - - - - -- U not sold b lore day of sale. Waynesville, Ohio Phone 2587 Johns Mr . S. H , B urn t, Mr , and A numb l' lIf laJiu; f the L~'11le I JOIn ,D(;ere ? -14-1nch bol.tom 85c ville. Ohio, neve rse Cha rges Mrs. WHliam Bergda U and Mr. an d churoh atte nded fin aU day m eeting breaking ~ lo"" like n w: : IxSI'IX' IAL FO WEEK Mrs . Wolter K cnrlek · attended the C'l th e Wom an s Society of 011'· Lilln I foot JOIUI Deere disc harrow, like URO){ EIt& Jjr.F.NSE lIurry-hurry .. Come Early I fWl eral of Mrs. Martlla Sough, ut I:::ll'VICe at Ule Epwor th ollUr.:h, West ,n ew: MoUne corn ~alltel', fl'rtilizer A pslblc, Itubber _____ -- -.." ~e Methodist church • t. Waynes- 'I'hlrd SLr t, D!lyton, 'l'tICSt:,:!Y. Th. Y SlId check row (l,tta hmenUl, like Tl rc Bub Carringe ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ (.,_ ._ .. _ .. _ .._ .. _ ,_ .. _ ,_ .._ .. _ . •-, ville,Thursday afrernoan . , we)"l: : MCfWI\llne:i o..\ IViIl Lol a.cre, ' n ew; Moline corn plll\1 tCl', fertlllzer With tor~ Ourt.nln :: ____ i MIS. J . B. J ones and Mrs. 1'11e rle Halj.. h Hili'::; I', Earl You I g. P. N , and check-row a.tUlclunellts, like I , Jones were entel' tamed to dinner Cornell Jam es J ohns Vel'lloll P ur s- n ell ; 6 f L M':lssy-Hal'l'1s power Thursday at the Dakin Hotel, in I~y, L~nrl Bun~lel l: R b. 1't RUlIt, ' mO\\'e r. semi-moul1t, can oe made WELDING IVienn a by Mrs.Rn.ymon d Osoorn Sll d Wilbur Foulks and (; . S . Sm iWl. to flL any lrn cLor. nlmo;;t Il1W; 5- L, I I'laqllCs-Plot~1\flrrors Arc Welding Of AJI I{ind i ller da ubter , Mrs. Jl' ruok Heiot . In CUt Mllwuukee mow 1' ; selC- dLUnp , !.he afternoon they attend ed the - - - ' --' - huy rak c ; 3 one-row cul tlvaLors ; ToYs-OhAlres In rear of Dosters Gn.rage I 'theatre lJlere. DU!UlflJll cult.! - hoe. good; 60- Loot.h lIarveysburg, . Ohio ' ~;;;;;;;;;• •;;;;;~ .'11 , ,, f ( . , "I I,,,, , , .. , 4. v' n · .. po ll ';...·". lsteel dlUg harrow; New Id c D.llln llw·C ! Brown and P ennin gton, owners ~ spreadn ; S u :ertor 8-hole disc g ra in Mn, .. Da . d Lucli s{)t.nt tht: week- dril l ; Hoosiel: 8- hole disc gruln drl il : HOURS: Want AdS, Cards of Thanks and e n d \I l ~ h Lr son a n d . family, M r . IF IIllOUS 0hl0 l,ultir..ucker; sprlngObituaries are · ebUled for at t.he SERV~CE 1:,a rl Lucus of Cincinnati. . tooLh h arrow· high-wheeled wagon, 9-12 eac h mOl'Oing rate of one cent a wol'd, minimum iVl.r ., nd Il's. ~ny mOn d .SuULh, of Icom.Plete WI':h box bed; flat.- to} Dayton \V~re wt e,,-end gue:;r.s, of Mr , rubber-tired wagon or trail r, 16 char(e 25c. A Want ' Ad Inserted for 1-5 afternoo ns exce pt a nct Mls ,IDley Gibson , , feet 10'lg with sideboards ' power GfBnON three Urnes is eharced at ~o a woa:rI. HORSES, COWS, HOGS, Wednes day Mrs. Cla rence Cra\\ford and Mrs , labl " , , b led hn ' " levator' T h IlUl.S RlU1Y0l1 lVer e shOpp lllg III POI' e COl n 01 ..a , ~ .c " ' NORTII ST., WAYNESVnLE,O X enia on Monday. 20 feet long, n ~. FarqU:l1 pi, k-up CALVES, SHEEP, ETC., 7-D aturday evening Mrs. Enlel'SO!l Dill spent S undo.y ihay baler with 11101.01': good ('on~l - , Removed Promptl., Acetylene or electriC. See Bill Lee, wit.h h er sister Mrs . Jacob Zimmer- tion; M 011l1 lck ':till blndpr, 6- ~··~'_. . .m ~n~~~~ Other Evenin gs Iner of foot cut; P. an d O. 12-lnch break- " Omdorf Road, R . 3, WaynesvUle. Call By Ap po in tlll on t and Mrs , Eve~ellte Bunnell ing plow: 2 fi ve-sl:ovei plows : g1<1ve~ tel ta.1ned to d1nner, SW1Cl1y, MI'. and bed: SliP. scoop , tob[l{!cO press . For Sale - Watkins Products Fuller Mrs. MiliaI'd Ball Mr, und Mrs. g rindstone , ' double-shovel plow, 1 TELEPHONE 62·R Brushes at 23 North Broadway Bert B unnell and ' Mr. and Mrs. :;in gle -shL I lJI w: power cvllndel' GLEN lJINTNER, Lebanon, Phone Wn lter Flffer [md daugh ter Jane . corn sh eller: two-h ole h and or powMr . and Mrs . John ~w and er corn sheUel'. N('W Id~ NO. 1 l ~L c f nmlly allied on the Mrs PaUl S haw corn sh eller, hand or power , Unl ted Reverse Td"phone Char:;!'s a d frunil s u n d a ' 2Y. liorsepower gasoline englne ; 8- PROTECT ' FOR SALE-young geeI?e on· loot or D y y. Lncll Fairbanks-Morse feed grinder: dressed, OiIbert Frye, phone 2951 Opto me tric ,Eye 0 : 4 sh~ t roughs; 2 steel h og TO DRIVE l\1ai.n 454. X'e nt", O. 16c troughs : sell-feeder; electric 26 S. D et roit St. Xen in, !tr;jSffi;j;-CI1lffi'fE'i', 20.0 yards...bnrbwire: FOR SAiIJE.-7 room frame house, 2 forge and anvil; lO00 ~pound plattWelbi, 1 large olstern and tobacco 6hed, all in good condition, about I form scales ; set of steel bands for INSURA CE 2 acres ground with plenty Of tor tractor wheels ; set x:olllng coUlters t.1wh d1sc joiners, fits aU traotor shade around the house . Hiley p lows ; 2 sets sheep cUpp ers, new Gibson, Rural Route I. w o.y.nesYOU'RE NO EXC~P. in'Iiwoved electric Stewart shearville, Ohio. TION r Calamity doean't master, now; set Stewart h orse cUp FOR SAiLE-.heatrola, coal' hee.tpick favorites r Milfortune pers: S teele roller; tobacco seter; dng, good condition. Mrs Rice snap $eep sheering bench ;pa.rls green hasn't singled you out aa Wli,ynesville. SOp duster ; cut-off saw' fmlll; 30-inch ROOT FOR AND CONSIGN an exception! Be wile and c1rele saw, like ne w : 20- Inch circle 'WlA!N'l'ElI).. or 5 room house or your CatUe, hogs, &heep and cahill sa.w; one-man SILW, 2 six-foot cross- II,n,rO~[~t yopraelf with 8IpaJ'tment (modem) with garage Lo Norris-Brock Co., liVe wire and c ut; Delux tractor saw, power middle age couple-no chlldren insurance 10 that ~o matprogressive firm for the highest take-ol'f; tract.or log saw, n ew; fence refenwce,lWl'1te Ed weaver box 96, Alllt'rica's Grclltest ter what happenl, you, stretchers: field wnbreJla; set of elise mnrket prices and gOOd eervIoe. Wa.ynesville. 30p Ratlio Rural S how! your family and your Union Stoc:k Yards, Cincinna ti, O. 1UI'row openers for corn pkmter ; set Slarrin!: clod fend ers for corn plrunter; Ford's' AUCTION SALE-Decem bef 6, 1944 property will be fully proTune In on Radio Station WOKY. s ingle unIt milker with tra ck; 12x.14Arthur Atk.Uu;on, Rural Rout 3, PHONE 326 LEBANON, OHIO tected. 12 :25 to 12 :30 p. m. for our daily f eet brooder house; electric brooder, 'W a.ynesville. 16-p 500-cll1ck; oil-burning brooder, bOOm a rket reports. enick; cl1leken feeders and waterers; Olflce at Rogers and Simpson FOR SAiLE-Poland China. boar 1& AN D 2 4x10-f oot chicken roosts; hog llouse months old.Rwus lWatklns, Lytle 6xl2 feet; large hogshead ; MontBIG g omery Wa rd 350-ga\lon s hallow well IRaI.d, R. R. 2, W6y.nesv,1ll~: < 16-p Formerly ACTS! elestric ptunp ; i2.o feet one-Inch hay Includlnl:' WANTED-rtders to and trom Fr1g1rope, lork and pulleys; 200 feed • COWBOY COPVS sacks ; 6 steel drums ; bucket sprayer; dare, pilant or three f1rst sblft :Shlj;t' r 01 Wt,. tern S!,n". 3-gallon prCSSlU'e spruye'l'; 200 feet Walter Frasure, p.hone 2115 . 2&P inch pipe fi nd couplings; 50-gallon ••••••••• - - ••••• • GLENN II UG HES W"rld', Ut' ,t {;lIiturl»t FOR SM.tE-2 old year o~d Holstein cooker; lard kettle; lard press and sausage stu ffer , sausage grinder; belfer with heifer calf by side. $75. • WOODY MUSIC BY BEN HOCKMAN'S ORCHESTRA ga.mble sticks; fork rund shovels; MenU, 1-2 nUle east of Lytle, Route WOODRUFF double-t.rees and single-trees, ,'nil J1J. IIIg UI,"~ Fltldlp 2, ,Wa.ynesville, O . 23p DANCE STARTS 8:30 Many of th ese ' implements are . • ED Sl\nTH nearly new . -ice cream were pOpular FOR SA.!l.IE-<White-face h eifers ,also \Vorhl's CI,BII'P HARNESS way of raising money for a good 2-wbeel utll1ty trailOJ', ch e aop. Jlnrmonlca i 'layer Sot lead hal1less ; set 18-feet check cause? Each family donated a .phone 2827 22c .• NORl\tA "t:!tT lines; 2 22-lnoll leather ' horse eoms; freezer of cream and a cake or )".idIQ'8 l ' odll'lC" ••••• 21-Inch leather norse collars. , FOR SALE--Le.dles black winter two. You were served at tables O(I(\t (needlepoint) willi p ersian FEED • SLEEI'\' MAIlU :, on the lawn decorated by JapSTARTS 7:30 Th r. Ht 'lddilll' " .t°'ll" lamb cow, reasonable,also boys 400 bales whea.t straw; 5.0 bushels anese la.ntems. The event w.. oats; corn crill: a'bout 500 bushels fiilger-tiP camel-hair coat,size 16 always a s ucc:ess because nobody • )JETTV un,l i\:\'N Little Red clover seed . Sll n s hln ~ G lrlo exoeHent. coneliUon - li ke n ew, counted their calories, and tha.& phone 2827 22c home-made loe cream · was the • UNCI.F: UO~rEn Six 10-gallon milk cans; tJrree 5Mt: i ::': i, ....", best. you ever ~, Remember? , calion milk cans: small tools too (,'J IlI"«;: an i!1 umerous to mention, Card Of Thanks STUBBS HOUSEIIOLD GOODS _ FUNERAL /We wlsh to expresa our sincere 1H0rse bla n ket, m etal bed, modem BOMB approola·t !on amd tha.nks ·to our de51gn, new; bed-room rookeI'; 6 Telephone 2291 d1nJng room chairs; rocker; stand !friends for th eir kindness and Wayneav1lle,O. (wa.!JImt); linoleum rug, 9xl2 feet; 6~1IIlpa.t.h Y' at the tim e of our ice refrigerator; market showcase; - ---. 2 tables, one extensl.oll table, 10 feet; ib erea.vement , I 2 incubators; &state range; h eating Kenneth Hough amd fa.m.Uy stove; Red Star kerosene or gas_ ol1ne stove; churn, 5-'ga.\lon; water sep,aroa,tor; lIUUlUe clOCk; DeLaval sepurator; gasoline lamp; gasoline lantern; 26 panels (8 feet each) Thl DlIstlrlnl picket yard fence. • . low· down on the . _rn(!r. t: .... I"~ ... lH. .. n\.·IJ. u-I' •• .J , ..... Ie l.u

U , ...

\\ 1I I It.". h.I I_"'lt_'~'


ut'rl·" I'u ,.,- eh .


Satisfactory Services

At Ail




.,.•.-.-..--IIIII-. -_..

= I














=. , --


Wed., Nov 22 one day only


.. .....

.... .. ..





t I

Xenia Theatre


QUICK For Dead Stock

W ayne~viIle Furniture Co.




I Dr. 'C. E. \Vilkin I

Spc~j3 Ii . 1


1I'!"I"ft',. _




'Automobile .. Insuranee


:;';;. -~.~~. ~"~'~'~. ~. ~,~:_~. ~.~.:.~~~~E~.~G~'~B~U~:':h~.s~:~eb~.~.,n~c~.~~-t








Any make 'o r model

Fred K·a hn Motor






50-50 [}ANCE






Hi h SchooJ.,Gymnasium





'f , 1. .-'/1 ,.


Saturday, Nov. 'S !

"Black .Mark.t" crack , upl

Admission ·.SOc:



- -


Aloae" Wl6meav1l1e 21111 _

IIaI1VW Pboae No. 3 LebUlon: ontce 'Rhone .73 It R&IIIdenoe 118 II


RI. _

r- 'RAVI.


<l) , Ilea nor .




'a,k.,.Jac" LoR"e


This l'l an exceptionally good rann , auction. . HARVEY E . BIVANS, Owner. LUNOH SERVED BY THE SPRrNGiBORO GRANGE F .. T MARTIN and C , E. :Ri!:EBAU, 8lUctioneers. 702 Commerelaf Building, Dayton. AD. 3661 . Centerville, Ohio. B-hane 7001 , BrOOkville 55 F- ' 22




.. . .. ..... THE MIAMI GAZETn: Walter '\9:- WIii!man, owner Jennie wmeman,. paItUaber Phone Ut3

:Wa~ Ohio

II!lDtezed as SeooDd Cl88s Kat.tfI" News to the 'Gazette oft1ce early ,at Way.n,eavllle• .OhIo, Iaaued every enables us to set the pa.per out on ThUl'Bda.y. SUbeoription


regular clate whicb ls, ThUlsday. per 1eal', pa.yable in




~ .,. ,





~1O'l'III!:Il':-~LUB '1'0 GIVE L''''"'ER

'STAFF SERGEAN'1' ROBERlI' 1 I D. OIM."MAN LOCA'I'En AT PROGR~~~D ' ""'.~ . FORT THOMAS, KENTUCKY ·'rUle Wayn esvlll e Moth rs Club -will IU'csen t a very Intercsliillg pro- ,F ort Tlloa;ras. Kcntueky, November !,rl'll.m for til C December 1st m ee-LUl g 1' 16, 1944 Staff Scr gean t Robert D . w h lcl~ will be h eld In the GI'ade ,C11apman. 31 oC ':"'11 YllC ville, Oh io buU dm g . An yone in lerested In scc- , h as been transf etred f rom ShepIlI g Llle performan ee of children. Is Ipa rd Field , T e. as. to t hc Anny Ai r kn viLed. . ' Forces, n ewly-actIva ted COn velescen t Dcvot.!on nls : z,:1I1a Mae Fulkerson. HOOI tal n.t. Fort Thoroos. where h e Tommie Geo rge Cnssld y. Roma Bw'- now, s er ves as a mem ber of the !!(''SS, John Cook md !J'cne FUns - , poots penna n on I.-part .I' persone L pac h ; RocitJaUon : (Ohrls Lmns Wlsh- I This was announced by COl. W . e:, ) Rona ld Edonfl l!ld, Loud Let t he Frnnk. DeWIt.t. 20 year Medical Cal'ols Ri ng. Ca rol Longa; Dla- ICcrps vcteran who retw'ncd r ecently logue : (Th ' First Clu'lstmas ) Jllmes from .nlne monUlS d,uty as Lhe SurJ a mes JOII CS, Ga ll D1c kens ilect,s. g on of the AAiF s India-Burme Jll1unle Ada illS . Shlrlcy Ann J oncs, sect.or, to serve as commanding ofLeroy a nd Hopkins, J ea:lIll t: Cu rter; fl cer a t FL Thomas . IiOng. Rc? Ri dding Hood , six little suur sergeant Chapman now Is girl s; D lulogue IA Ch rls wnus Mes- aldlng lJ1C Fon Thomas s tn.f1 In salle' Paul Stti pl!!y Puiric lo..TIlluey, pl'l:par lng for a nivl1 ls of AAF COIlI d valescems u'ansfel'red fro m g ~ n e ra I . . P hy11 Is La 10 b , J ul la 'T oy Ior. RiCUll' F rye, Donald WUson , BarbUJ'U Mo)'- o r re gl0l1111 hoopllals, or other cases gru l. u.:ld J oall Joh nson; p~.).ylette Sl' nt h ere from the AAF Redlstrt(Naug l1ty Jack__ and Jill ) J ean t te butlu tion S ta tIOns. The .f unctlon of Wl.Ulruns. Amon etLe Morglu1, Donald t he conva lesocnt hospItal Is LO Lynch . IUld Ra.~ldnJl Purkey; Dia- physica lly and mentally rehabilitate loguc, "CI£'v!.'l· J o hn," Bllly Lee Kier , Its pa Lien ts. to bring about a smooth Edna. BWlI1cU. Ercillma Dunnell nnd transition from defective hospital J l rl-y Dyc ; Medley of Songs. by two treatment or o,.,eraLional fatigue to first CT(ldes an d Mrs . Prop!!L's tie- lull AAF usef ulness, re d ucuig to a .eolld Ilmdc; D la loguc, " We Likc s m a ll !:crcentage the nWllbor reChJ·lsl.m lls." Ca r 0 I y.11 CnDlpbell. ~ur.ned to cl~iHan file, yeL also aldC vld Boa l. J oanna H isey and lA!.r- IIlg those wno m a y be discharged . ry B Ueoy; Dialogue, " A Ohrls tmas st,arc Sergea n t Chapman cntered Lessen ." Pcg<:y Ad ams , J a nice lA\.Illb ·t he army Octobe r 6, 1941 . Thc son Swulley Frl!l. ~.i1\ d , and S usan Morey ; of Mr . J . B. Cha pnUln of Waynesr ~itatlo11 (A Nice G rruld' Pa) BUly ville, RoberL Is at prese..Tlt in the h ockyReclt.atlon lLa zy Betty l Rus- medical Cor{:8 attached to the AM' sell Rout2J!l hn; VoclI I Solo, carolyn UI Lhe D enta l Clinic. He g raduated Crunpbcll; Recitation \What Oan I from Lhe Nort h ' high School in <.,'01SnYI NIc ky T 1.1I11bleso n; HecllJl tlon umbus In 19.4.0 a nll .. LLtended Uhl.> (My Be ll) Janlcc lJ'ml>:litt : D1alo';'1.Ie 1 3 t.a~e Ui!1l v ~ sit 'I ~he e llSillng four IT h e Ch.l'istnJ:ls Swr y ) . M n b c I, ye alS. He was employed by Ule InEdwa rd Lamb. DOI~llld Klol1'f. Rich- dusLrtal <?onun1s.slon prior to h is Iud Hlldebl'cc h t, 'l omnlY La y, a.nd cn t rance InLO the AI~IY . Ba,rbal ~1 Be n bow; Rec lbatlon (Ready I T he AAF Convalescent Hospital '10 QU ill R ona ld S aJ~ : Recll.aUon at Por t _Thomas Is on of severnl (How ProvokLngl J oe I1nney . lopcmted under th e ~rection of tile This progra m Is wld cr the dircc- AM' Persortntl Dlst1lbutlon ComUon of Mrs. Pro,, Mrs . Volz and mand, which also s u pervises AAF MIss BeelrnUl n. ' Redls trlbuLlon SI.aUQ!IS and &AF Overseas Replacement Depots.


r' YTI


Pt~~~~"f " I~~S



!ROBERT . BERRY WRITES . '.ROY . INT.ERES1'ING LETTER F,ROJ\I FOL"~ .........'1'0 RPMI'! Mr . imu Mr;'- iral'ol d B c rr yllllJ Mrs .' J ran Mi.c;.~!ldl ne a nd da ugh- \ l h . \\,,111" 1''':,:· Io~:. .. ,orr,·." ......~... ~ OMEWHERE IN GERMANY "" ~~~N::~ and lit Ue son S teven of Bellb rook c rs Mrs . M a bel F'rye a nd SO:l , Mrs . Mrs. Ralph Hammond en te rt~\Ined . _ ,VlsltCp M~cs AI"J.1IJe and :vtamc Ro~rt FUrnns, Mr : BerUlY F\lrnas , I t he card club at h er home Thw'sday SOmewh el'c Ln ~rma.ny ,U . S. Army HOOPI~ Octc,ber 22, 19<14 . Bl'Ownc on Wednesday . 1M I' . a n d M I' . Da vis Furnas al:ld levenln g . SOnt-ewbere in England Mrs . lJIssa CurIoI' H a rveysb u rg on, Mrs . Ec\wlll Pay nc n.!ld SOIlS Mr. a.nd Mrs . Thomas White of . Friday 'n ig b t , ~ tember. 14, ISU was Lhc gu . 1.01 Mrs . J. " '. Wu rd we rc recent g uests of Mr . a n d Mrs . Dayton visited Ule lr cousIns, MI'. To thc edItor. Dea~ Sis: 'l.wo days last week. F red Fum s at J a m estown . Mrs. Allen Emerick, W edllt"6day I Ju >t rec lved Lh e J uly 20th I~sue I · I thought I Would drop YOU a few MIss Ma r ba ret W . Edwa rds sjl n t nfte rnoon. of your ptl per a lthough It gets t.o m e lines tonJght. am s till feene Friday In Dayton . MI'. D . A . Pet ree of New PlyMrs. J . B. Jones and Mrs . WIl- pretLy late. I s tllll1ke to lead It. IJlI'el;ty good tonIsbt. I am stUl : Mrs. Georgia l vbs I.~ vl.'>i tlng her mouth , Ohio. fpnn er s uperintLnden t , lJam Bergdall were cn tertalned to I H n e. bee n In G ermany Cor some :JJttle weak in the k'nees but am getson-u1-Iu.w a nd da ug h Lcr Mr . n d of Way ncsville Schools. was a Wa y- ,dinner. Tllursday e veni n g at ~h!' time .now. Befor e e ll teru~g G ermG.:1 Y , ting along O. K. Mrs . Karl Dakin of Lebanon . lilesville vlsl U·r O~l Thurs day and at- home of Mr. and Mrs. Hem'y Finke , \\'Qs. 1Il Roll~nd p. nd Belgium a nd of You ment ioned In a letter I got Mrs JDvalyn Pe tcrson rCLU111ed tend ed Ule funera l SCI' vices for Dr . at Waynesville. lcoul se W BS 1n F rance . WhJle In Bel- the other day where fOU had doMond~y evenin g af ter a pleasnm J . 'w . WlLTd . I A nwnbcr of frlends from' L~ glum I went to Bl·\.I.SIicls . I t hink It , nated some blood. 'I'llere Is a few ' Visit to friends in Richm ond , T~1 - 1. • ". '. . and vicinity attend ~d the fU'l eml ,of I'Cl)rese nt,s and looks more Ilk a thIn gs I would Uke to (J&y about dia na . Mrs. PCLcrson will s pc nd the ,~ s. c . W. BI ~\\ n . •MI s : JOI.ll1 Dr. J. W. Wa rd a t 11lC McCl ure City of t h e U. S. A. than any I've those blood donations ~ I wa& 'I han.ksglv ~~lg holll:t.:lys with h e r 5 15- Fox a..n ~ .son of Ma /') s vU le ~ el e SU..1- fun eral home In Waynesville Thurs- bcen In yet. Also \~ ut . to Waterloo ! given blood plasma when .I WIUI in. ter in WUm ln g l.oll. . day Ij UCSU; of Mr . a n d MI S . K . R . day nfternoon . I a nd saw a lnrge paIn I. n g of "The the hOSpital In Prance. I don 't know Miss . Marga r et W . Edwa.rds wil l IHm. • • • Mrs. Everebt E-a rly IUl d Mrs. WH - , BaLt.le of Waterloo." These are the ! whOllC blood I was 'glven, but do :you s pend Thrulksbrivl ng day wlI h re - I Mr I Mrs Jol Fromm en- linm. Bergdall we re Dayton vlsltol's . \ Onl Y 1.11'0 t[me~ th at I have gQue . r ea lize tJ1,],~ some good-hea.rte4 laLlves 1.'1 Da'... "'n I' adlJ( d" 11lS d h I Frida.y Sl!lht s c(>lng With li t "d llc klng and Amerlcan just like ""'" """;a .... _ J ~ a n r MLOrs .nl1er un o-f ay Lovct I' J' Mrs 1 h ltt.ill" ...... Mrs . Amand a • Hartrum wlll be dlen a ughte Mel vinon Ba.ntn . M a rga,r e.' J01l1S S pe n t . b t he"'" .,.oun d . m eans for my. being .~... alive. "I-,wish the gues t of he r so n A H Stubbs I 1I nn d 'J C H ; ke Ml'S several days last week wi th Mr . a n d ::;0 far I l<lvC bren In a lot of Al l' th ere was s ome way fer us' boYS and famlly Tha.ll~vin·g d~y ;.,J. nt . ' b 'd pj ~ M~ I ' n . I' Mrs. Earl Thomas at Centerville . Raids an d I a m not afr aJd t o say ove r here to really express\ our Ml'S . J . W . Wurd will be a di nner ISa~~v~n usw ~~ 'the ~ Mt.I;'/ f~'~(~ Mr . Q.!1d Mrs. E. L . Roberts, who was pretty scared som cl.lmes . t ha nks to t Le ones who s£.~t blood guest I.n Ule. home of h er nC lh ew , K. I H.a ~I . . 'I Ihave been living wlLh t h ei r da ughhave fo ull d that celJa rs a rc R PVCI' hcre s,'o that we might .....7N . Hough and Fa mily on TTh ursd::lY. n Ila. .... tel', Mrs . D ellia ll MllJ~I·. m ovl'(j baelt ~'~ I Y~c pl ,lce i n ~ase of Air Ra ld.~ nJ lI'e to some day come 'back Mr . an d Mrs . Ra,lph H astings n,~' d to tIl!'ir home In Ccl1ter vllc K en- or She ll mc, so we h ave b ee n sl ee~d ng to LI e ones we love ana ones " thcl ' un . J . lV . WARU SOil Rot)(!r t. were Sun day gu ests of tucky. Saturday .11 Lh" 11 so we dOIl·t. ha ve to c'et up love us. . Mrs . Has tin gs sister Mrs . 'ord lc A large m r of l he ,v oun "er and r un lor sh elter . You can't realize bow much blo.oct J a mes Wru'd, s on of Wll- Hl zaJ' of Leba no n. ' 'p erso:1s from h er e attended t.he bas1 11 admit th is un'l muc h of a plasma is beIng used over here a.1ld II.n m all d Mary 1Kil ijlllrt) Ward, ' ket ba ll gam e between Wayn csvill e (-tt. r. but a ll [or n ow. SO Long. t he number ot boys that are aUva was ool'll In Wa l'l'e.:l COUl1"Y, Ohio, Ml'S . F rank Ma ts(m of Wlimingt,on (md Cen tervlle at OeI1ltel'\' UJe Satw'S incerel y Yow'S loday .that othel'W18e would be May 30, 1857 . and Mr . :lnd Mrs . Char les M El.t.' on d a y evening. Cpl. R. W . B erry from t hls earth . IIOD4 H e was th e YOWlg st of n fa mily v I Sp r in,.fldd \ve I' e Wcdnesday The me n ot Llle Lytle cnu rcn n l\(I Artt . in G ermany. I a m not s ure Just how mueb. of six chJ ldren a n d Ul e last IiI1 r vivo r. gu sts of M.!' . and Mrs. Mack WlI- an Intercsting program In charge of l\1U . AND !\tit blOOd was gi ven me. I can·t rem-emPassed away a L MCC h!11ru1 hO 'pltal, son. Robcrt HWlt, a t the service S unday . ', VAL l\lYEltS 'bel' much about the fust five cia X enia , 0 )110 a.Cter a li.ngering illness I • " • EV6':1lng. Rev . O. E. Vice also ha d OBS EJtVf_ GOLDEN WEI)- r o m s Ule tI was el ~her tw9 or ~ of more th rul !Ifteen months at th c Roben Br uce a nd Ml'. ·ln d Mrs. a talk. nlNG ANNIVERSARY I bottl~. a!;'e of elghty-~cven yeru'S and 'x Conard' Ma lnous and gr:l nddaugh ~ I !Mr. and Mrs . Harvey Burn et In ' Ml' a nd M ' VaJ M . f . I know six b~ys w.ho WII8 I months. . (f Hanll1 ton O~o,.. , Icompany with Mr . a nd Mrs. J . B . Way~eSVille . ~~~rvcd iI~~t. °gO;~~\~ ward that are alive today ~= a~ Ma y 5. 1887 he was married to Mr . a.nd Mrs. C.' Lee Haw ke wcre C'hapm a n of wayn esVille, were en- wedding a ruJlvel' I'yand t il e blr (l1- s omeone at. home was wtlllng to gtve Isadora Ne son, in ColwlIous. Oh io Cincinna ti visitors on Weu ncsd:ly . I'terta.ll1ed to dinner W e d n e . day day of t,heir on ly dau ghter,Mrs. ·blood 1.0 save ~hem. , 0.1' t he Hev. T . lr.J\.tk1t1S amrTor e vemn ll', at Ute Netherland pla.Za., K enneth Woola rd 011 F rida y NoM a ylbc the blood yuu donated . mo~e than fiftY-SCV~l1 yeru'~ Lhe y Mr . ond M rs . Sta nley Ba ll e~' a t- Cincinnati , . by Sergean t Roo r t vem ber 16 The immedia te iam ll y not t h e blood they gBove me, but h Ij uWIICYL d lif(":; pa Wl"" y togeLher. to!lded the fun m l s l rvlcui 01 the (hllJpm on of Ft . Thomas , K entucky. Iwere the only guesl.') presenL for this was some body's son. Some mobber Earl y ~n life h is fath er who was a form ers uncle, Mr. J e.,s Hibberd, a t I Mr . a n d M rs. Ben Round 01 D ny - observan ce . wUl get to see her boy aeain becx?Aa phYsiCian . cn cow'llged him to m a ke t hc Gibbart -Schmldt F'1.Ine ral Home ton were Sunda y evenu1g d L-mc r I MI' . My ra is 81 wh ile Mrs. My ers It was you 'a t home who saved hja the practice of medici ne his l.u·oCes- in Miamisburg on Tl1ursday. gu~sts of Mr . a nd ~. Wa lter K~n - uge 71, Is confined to her bed by life Just as somebody 8&ved mine. ' sion. rick . Mr . and Mrs. I'homas Ooll i: . ' llbleSS They were l1111rrled at S I . I We over here woUld like for you to FQIJowin g his fa th ers advise be Mr . and Mrs . Donald Gree ne a.~ld of Dayt{)n were af ternoon oo.l1ers. T ree Fudge In HI g hla.'l I COUll t Ig~ l 1m w how grataul we are toward g raduated from l:J1e ~&lical Colleg e Idaughter, Mr. and Mrs. A. A . AllMr .. and Mrs . Pral' k Fis k Wei' the }car Gf 1894 and( hal' n you [or giVing us the hlllJ:lPlneee to o f 01110, U1 O1llc~nna tl , Ma rch 4, 1884 ,son and Roy <Uld Sue Pw'n as were shOI:tplllg In X enJa, Friday. sons and one da~gh t,er s Ix e 'a~~: be alive. ' . III April of the ,!.am e year . h e 10- S unday dinner gu ests f Mr. a nd Mrs. Clara .StaCY of n ellT Sprlng - .chil dren B.!ld Two ;'eat ~'1Ind- I W I I guess I had better cloee CAUTION TO MERCHANTS OR ooLed nt L ytle. Oh. •0, s ucceeding t he IMrs . L . V . B:a~t~tor. b ol'O is spending severel weeks wIth children . On e son Is S~r\' ll1g ~n the now . Hope .I ts over sooti. We aD Nov mber 15.1044 RaIn aga in last ALL WlIO CA.SH CllECKS late Dr. S t . John . M d M Do H k Mr her daughter, Mrs. Lesl ie Gra y a nd larmy overseas a nd a gl'llo~ldson is I want to come home . TaIte IDOCl nJ"ht but a bellJutifUI SI.L!1ny da y to. 1"0 1' twenty-five years h e ser ved r . IIIn rs . n 'llJW e . . fam1Jy . h n care of yours elf o Cl k 'I I d heck f and Ml'S 0 Lee Hawke Miss Ann t e nEl.vy. ' .• day for th c R ecdy sale . Ra~n las t I le c . 1 eves .a n . c orgel's the people of that community a.~l d W i t ' d L k ' j d 'Mr . and Mrs. Leon Salll'bury of I Pl l(>lIds ·.:IlId ne ighbors cu lled I Your b rotJler night so Wlat the s lu'cdd ers couldl.1't will do t,heir Ohris tmas sh ol>pin g vic inity a illhough his work was done I e z ti ll lei. u ens en oy was hington O. H . sr-ent Sun da y n Iii_ ,w . a r k ' -" -a y but s Ullsll,i ne nnd bluc sLOlen and forged checks If In the hOI'se a nd bu'''''''' da"s yet, no ' dln,!1e l' at the "Wishlng We ll" In a.fternoon w1th Mr a.nd Mrs Alleil the afternoon a.nd.cvening . MI' . a nd Tll C ., .. le"'~tit ' .U<.U b"J.' r-en terville a SUllda . . . Mrs M ytrs rccClved many lovely ~<JVve u""r was writeJa. skics today so tha tl:J1 ey wO ltld wan t merchan ts and h ouseWI ves aren't n ight was t.oo dar k. ,no road to long, I'" n , . y. Emrick . Mr. EmrIck Is quite poorly gifts'. ' IRoy Planck, son of Mr. &114:II1II .. ' -to come to th e sa lc. E ery one has partlcUlarly careful. IWCOrding t.o Or too muddy for Dr. Ward to reMr . and Mrs. 1:". V . Bmostrn.tot a t thiS time. IRoss Planck, R. RoUt.e I, Wa.yneebe n sh redding and help has been Frank J. Wilson, ChIef elf the U. S . s •.lOl1d LO a call I? r elelve suffC1in g attend d the u.:mual S tate F a rm Mrs. Earl Mendenhall and R ussell THE V . FOR V . WORKERS Ville, Ohio. R a premium but today they could Secre t Servlee, 'I'rea8w-y Depart- a nd no one happIer when U1(~ wark iBurea.u convent Ion in Columbus on Routzahn spent Saturda y a.n d Sun' MEE.,,), WI'£11 lltS. K. R . lULL Roy has another brother. BObeR ~e a day orr. We ' Me always s ::rry ment . '''I'11e g~vernmellt m all5 out was . accomplished. Thursday. Frt\JII.y ~d -Saturdny . a.t d.Q,y-witi')., ~" B.~ ¥rs ...lVUiam Tinwho Is now a pWi9nq of wa, •• 1.0 lave a sale tbat menns the loss ll~ly one million chec~ every '1n 1897 being vlllllly Imerel.'ted in Lhc Neil House. n ey a t Covmgton , KO!1 Lucky . Thc Volunteer for Victory group <J f, 000 nclghbor. Mrs. Reedy has da.y." says Olllef Wilson, "and ablJn ~ his wOl'k, deslr ng to keep a brcnst Mrs. Fred Fisk of Independance, met at t he borne of Mr . K . R. Hili SERlES OF FBI LAW ENJI'OBOB;' boug a h ouse In SpringUoro and eig ht million go each , month to dc - ·wdlih the times and l-ea.llzing the Mr . a nd Mrs,. E. L . Thomasspcnt K entu cky Is vlsl tLng h er father, Mr. Oli Frlda.y evening. Af ter the usual l\IENT COFERENCES FOR 1JH they will meove soon as they can . pendents ot men In the armed forces rapid s t.rldes th at were being made S un day aft rncoDl wi th thel)' son G eorge G1'llY unci Mr. and Mirs . busy evenIn g, da inty relreslunents 'l:he new to':1snt is moving In soon. Check LhIeves 5 1.<a l as mm)y lIS thl!Y in the science of medicine h e o:ltired and d(lu gh ter-In-ll~w, Mr. and Mrs . iL<slie Gray a nd chlldren . were s erved by Lhe h ostess lL:ld the Mr . Ohlilfles ·E. Weeks ~t in SO the owner was much In evidence can from hall and porch mall boxes. the PoI~'cl1nl o of New York for fw' - fWlIlJ a m Thomas a.nd daughter. of group adJow'ned to meet with Mrs. chal~e at the Clnclnns!tlOlfice at ,buying pigs a,nd shcep and Ule best Then they lorge the cndorsemen t.s Lber study . Retul'l1cd alld t~O,{ up Lebanon Cha d es Ellis on F riday evenIng, the F'ederBitlon Bureau of 1nwIetlo f th e COWs The horses went for and vlctlmlre reta ilers who are so ills \\ork WiWl w newed vigor a.nd ~I'·". 11I1l')' (;IbNUIi. 1·"rr"'I'u""",,1 oDec)embu ', fu'St. rI'h ' ros&nt gation has announced the plaaa fWl al m ost n Othi :lg and the cows did not anxious to make sales that they five yea rs latt:r In 1902 retw'ned to Ml·. and M rs. Earl P a I' k s, 0 f 'Were M esdam es Oharles Ma urice, the Third Series at FIBI ' l.oIW ~ bring hi gh prices but on t.he whole, fall to (.'{)nslder the losses thcy may N e w YOl'k, til lS Lime aLt.en ding t h e Youngslown s.;oent PrIJ a y a t the The Good will of DEl6'ron Is pilli ng Paul Maurice, J. E . McOlul'e, Fred forcement Conferences for '; ~r thc oolc wen t well and s ome tM!1g5 s u:ffer through ca relessness." "Post G ra.{juate" ~c hool of medicine ho m~ ot E. O. TllOl'ruls . on somc pictures !\It the Mt . HoMy Rook, Rob!:rt Grny, Willia m Sa,wyer '}9~4 have been completed. Ooottb broug ht extremely good prices. TIle secreL ~erv1cc offe rs some tor addltlonal s tudy in his chosen • • Church Ulis Sunday even1.!l g, Nov. 26 Berl COlmer, Ed Hopk1ns Cha rles j:!IlCC will be held in t.he followL If Tllllrsday. This m ornin g they simple precautions to h~lp fight the profession. Leutena.n t Toml11Y Florence Is !lOW at 7:30. Come Il<nd enjoy them wit h Ellis a nd the hOStess. ' cities an the dates indicated: Pol( • came lor four of my cows and on the forgery racket . If you recelvc checks Hc continued his work In Lytie sta tioned a t Mt. Home, Idalio . He 118. __ mouth, November 29; ~tt , truck oddly enough were two heifers by mall, be at. home or have am m- nnW May of 1909 when fQili!l g Is lakin g Il ls emw tra ining, and tMr. and Mrs . Raymond Smith of VOCAL SOLOIST AT DINNER November 30; SteUbanvll1e, Deoeh.- • Ulllt I had s Id SUJlIIl1er be.ore last. ber of your fa mily at home reeeive hoolU1 compelled Jilin LO d ispolie 0, hl') pres cnt o:lddress Is:_ Lt , Howard IDatyton spent the week end with Mr. - - . ber 5; Zanesville. December ~8: C,,,. ' Jl0W fully gro wn llI:ld fa t. headed fo r the chcoks when they lLTe due. Then I hIS 11m Uce alld retire to his farm.T· Florance, Crew 960;), M t . Home , a n d Mrs . HIley GIbson . . !Miss MonlmJa Hoak, W a yncsville. lUlllbUB, December 7; aDd ~ • the st.o::k yards . Whlte Daisy was I·they can't be stolen from your maU ' near Htu'vcysbUJIg, OWo whloh ",as A. A. F. , Mountain Home, Iaaho ,. Mr. and Mrs. Henry Bergs .and Iwas .the featured vocal soloist last '1Ilecember 8. . \' I the first to be looded. S he looked at box . . his honle until F ebru n.ry 1939 whll n No tice our c1ia~l~re 1n prices, st.a.r-t- children Na.:1CY Sue. and Johnnie Tl1w s day at. the a nlllHl ThanksThe program will' OOID8I8t. CJI!& th e cilULc, bl11-Ccd h er l eet and s tood. you a re a retallcr or cashier" 111e aud his wife came to res1de at the nl: L e~embel' 1, ha ;lr cuts 5()c .. sJ1aves 01 . Beavertown spent Sunday, with gI~ng dinner sponsored (lot WU- cusslon of an 1n~ .~ \ '1 he y p te Icd a nd pulled a nd talked dPr1 t ( I..ISIl c.h e 41tS for stl:a~lg..t1'5 "Fri6~lds Home" at, Wayn esv1llc, 25c. C . Lee H a wke and Orvllle Gra . MI . and Mrs. Lue MOJ1gll.n. lnll1g tOIl Coll(ge by the coUeHe Y" Iproblem by an DUtll~ , >.lnd Iln ally got. her 111 by Inches. 'WIthout pl''Oper IdenWlcatlon. Know Ohio. y I Mrs. Clara. daughters Is sllCnding M. C. A. and Y. ·W . O. A . officer. B. leoture an ''PeraoritIU, nl.J.y came ,ncxt. She WDS cvenflrm- ~ow' endorsers I Before cashing any AILeI' returning to his ta rm Dr. M.r . andMr:; . Ever e l.tHubbcr .and a visi t with her nephew. Mr Frank l\lETIiOniS-T- OH URCII NEWS crlptlons and Portralt , · ~ • er iri he.r dotermination nOL to go up oheck. asly youself thls quesLlO!1: Ward neve r ag ain opened an o!f1oe Mrs. Wa.rm n Wisner 01 Dayton, O. BrRltton and family In Dayton . _ clisouaa1on end demonstrattoli OD ~ t h at chu t,{'. Fin lly we turned her "IF THlS OHEOK IS RETURNED for actlvc praatic:e but mll~Y of his a nd Mr . and Mrs. JeU Thompsn, ot I !M.r.a,nd Mrs . Ever ett Bun nell , Tlle Rev . Leste r Norris of Dela- '''I'es~ny a.od CIQIIJI't. Bocml' Bearou nd a n d led her in the oth er dI- AS A FORGElRJY, OAN I LOCATE o ld patlel1ts came to oonsult \\1t h Lebanon, 0 ., called on Rev . R . B . IMrs. Hiley GIbson and Mm. Paul ware, 01110. dl rootot of r llglous hav:lor, and wUl!> inclUde 04Ib r Tec;t lo':1, ren,r ra n ged the gwtes and TH!E FORGER AND ~VER MY hiIn and new ones avnlled I.h u n- Coleman an d fa mily Tuesday eve.n_ IShSiW called on Mr. and Mrs. John . educatlon oJ the Ohio Confert'lnce, 1&emIl Qf Int.ereet to lanllU;m~;_ _~:..,-..-,- , Nlve red the chut e with fodder. Then LOSS?" Iselves of his services whlch h e .gladly Ilng and attended t h e dinner at the Shaw of near X e nia Monday even- will preach Sund ay morni ng -No- otfloor;;. . ing • they tumed her around nnd led h er "Ohrlstmas is not ,\ hol:day Cor ' rendered a.') long lIS health and oil'- chul'ch. ·I Ivember 26th at 10:30 . He will alsO These conferences provide M1 CliP" j ust, s fast as they coUld right up the check [ollfe r," Ohlef - 'WIlson cums tances ~el1nitte d . • .. • Irs . Hlly Gibson cu lled on Miss con duct a workCl"s Conf&ance at portunlty fo~ Ilhe exchtah8e In Lo tile truck 'before she'had time said. "He's on tllC job every minute. , <XI bhe 4th of AUb'USt 1943 ·h e was Rcl nUvcs here have recoJved word Josle. and Rena Smit h Manday. 2 :00 p. m . Special choir practice \ Ideas and the developement' of tne to t hink about It. Burtle has<l genUe always looking for merchant6 he can talfun to MCClellan hosp.itll l at f the deaU1 ofJes&1e B . Clalke, Mr. and Mrs. Emerson Dill and ' Sunday evening at 7:30. ISP\llt i)! coopera·t1Qti &Il,d ~, aa. and Lracta,1)1e disposition s .she was fool. The only way to beat him Is IXenia. Ohio whcre cve l'ylihing med- gf OU1clnna LI. fonner r esident of son, Ralph ontertained at Sunday i We r QU s t a large at~endance 1n slstance among <ill '. enfOl'OelllJel1lt coaxed up tIle ru.mvay wi th a hand- to bea.t him to the punch . KNOW l<'ul science and eal'eJ ul n llr~ b g Waynesville. dinner, Mrs. Ma.ttie Zlmmel~l1la.n of bot.h Ohurch School and WorshIp llIgenoies. .• . , fuil of fodd er and S . ot , se nsible old Y'QU R ENIDORSER--~HEQUIRJEI could do lailed and In the ea.r l; First Leu tenam Ha.'old sin er 'Beavertown , Mrs . Wilbur Calter a nd ' S ervice to oo-oJlemte with Mr. Nor- I AnnoUtncemel'1:t. of .tbe time aDd cow tlu l,t she Is WIllkcd rluht up the IIOEN'I:IiF1IOA'J1IONI" . morning of November 14 1944 the f St Pa ' . Pi I V RI g , ' da.Ug:h.ter, Beverly Ann, ot Morralne ·rls In wha.t he wish es to Accomplish tpl-nce of the Indiv1d~ co~elioea " .. " C P Joy . (}. tt,n c e d. a. spent the CIty and MI' . James SOw'J l'd of w111 be later "" ' " . , runway and mto the.,. tru ck. TIlat . f f Poll s Pirnt that had struggled so IO':1g left last of the weck, a t lhe home of his Xenia ACten,loon callCis wer e Mr 1101' us . We request 'JII OUr children • .;, " . ~.' ' Iffioves us still with flye, one with a ' e 0 ce thc tlrcd ea rthly body and ret urned aunts. the Oglesbee s isters . oKenne'th SOwa.rd and SOon Roger of and youth to be present Su.nday t.o Vi , ~..-,~. I calf , one dI'Y and three heifers to RICHARD FRYE CELEBRATES to the God who ga\'e It . ne&r Xenia, and Mr. Russell Robln- 1'~0iv~.:~elr pa.rts In the 0I11'1stmas I ~ \, ~... . . milk. WaY~lcsvlllc Band Mothers will son fo New Beillngtol1 I.. gr-~. ' --:-__ J, ~'ll' , , FrIday. oHuntang seacon J?egan toSEVENTH BmTHDAl' CARD OF THANK.S l11e(>t at l:J1e High School on NovemMr and Mrs Olare~ce Crwwford The WOIllilns SocletYllippreclwtes Mr . and Mrs , 3"'-1J1e1S' ~w.~ ~ day nnd there seemed to be plenty Mrs. Gilbert F""e antertalned a bel' 28, at 2:45 p . m. .h ave· received ~ord tha.t theu' hOn uhe fine response a l. th e tW'key dln- chlldre.n were ~c~· ~ of people wIth a. few s~lells each. [1.t OJ ~. I wish to thnnk all who have been Staff Sergeant Lewis Omwford U; ncr Tuesda'Y eve.'llng . There was of Mr. and Mrs. Jess JiOla.r¥l .UMI ' leas t there were p~enty of people out group at little ·playmates on Prld'ly so loyal a.nd unfa.Jllng In their klndMr . and Mrs. 'M. ·T. McCohn ~tatloned somewh er c In En . lu :ld . fine fellowship, and 8Ibout 175 were MIT'lib' eForladlreSest and d61l8'l:~r. In th h I dJdnlt h atternoon for her son Richard who ness to \IS during Dr . Wards long " served. look g oug ear was celebrating his sevcnUl blrth- Illness . Your prcsencs, !lowers and of Ohlcago are visiting this week Mr. 0s03r Mounce spent Sunday . Sua I' Creek many as usual. If they wouJdn t day, between the hoW'S of 3:00 to letters have brightened many a wLth Rev. R. B. OC,lema,n a.nd family ' in Lebanon. W. s. C. S. MEET WEDNESDAY nvego. elunb the fcnces I wouldnlt mind 5:00 o'clock . .The gtUeSts enjoyed a gloomy da y . Ml·. Cohn Is n, brother o'f Mrs. Cole!Mr. and Mrs. Evere tA. Bunncll and g M~'s leLLlng t.hem hunt. very t'~- playing 17<>"nes and I , . , I to be r th leman . tfamlly called on Mr. and Mrs . The Woma.!1S SoCiety of Christlau Tllom~. Sun""y. Rain 11,'(..... ·' n. (l soft steady a"-'-'-g . .. the..many •.., ....... u .. I mem rs B' ert BU!nnell Sunday aCtel'noon. ..... Sgifts 0A- '--·u tl .. "'Ii amdsll'ra He II h 0h e Service held th eir regula,r NovembCol' Sa' .d..., min thllit will do a lot of good but UUlllLU · • ""'" ... ell me am Y w 0 a ve Mr . and Mrs. Mo ...... Lewis and utll ay fuJ cake, topped with seven candle ', been IiO raithful to us . UNSIIINE CLUB< MEET wlm , ...., meeting with Mrs . Ray G. Conner 8n 'u npleasa.nt chlU In the air that ElS t d ed Itlt I cr MRS.LEAH MILILS WEDNESDAY liOns Jen-y Lee and Kenneth William as hostess at her home . Mrs. O . R . feeis like snow. rt .rcels like snow 'W ctaubl an serv w ~th fe:::~ My deepest a;lprecla Uon a 11 d _____ spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. tUnglesby was In c ha r . f t l Cl .and It is snow. the first of t'he sea- a t a e moot IIIbtractt ve ....,S tha.nks to Ilhe Doctors and start of T he "'unshine Club m~ t t the John Koester of Utica . ge 0 1e · eson, Just e. few ,flakes. Last night a.nd soldiers, and place cards for McClellQ,!1 hospital, friends, relatives votlonais and used for her theme, Billy -" I d f tl ir be .u 1 fl I home of Mrs. Leah MIlls, November "'l;he O . a k.oness, In a. S .rall"c Bruce Tunler Hunter Wade dur~n g .the gI'8J1ge program they " , a , , ,... 0 ges 01' Ie ilU ..... U ora 0 F B F a Y C MEET .. 'ow """-en Shutts Joe 'Iltn '--'"b tes d th 15. The meeting g(.t under way .,. an • • Land." Reports were " Ivcn by scvca lled Cor an Improptu sp ~ eoh on "-.... ,"''''' " -: "''< u an syrupa y. b . b gi b ney. Donald Wilson, DavId BI'OIVi!l, I also wish to thank Rev. COleman devotionals 'b eing given by Mrs. The OhJo Farm Bureau Feder- era} , membCI'S who a ttended th e .,Ieascd to learn~sj~~~iii:: !~~~~~~i~g w~te :trIn~e~ed yto o~~ !Donald EdenUeld and the guest of for the col1Sola.tlon offered and Lhe Com Rich, fcatuling "Indbn Form a Lion was held at Columbus, Ohio, meeting in Dayton and m .. eh time , home makiing chair. We all loaked and there 0..'1 honor. MCClure FUneral Home for their el- ' of Psalm 23." Mrs Itala 'rhol11JI;-son November 16, 17, 18,1944 was glvfill to t he turkey sUI:prr after nn OD~ra.L1Qn my chaIr · was tile .fatB!l string . I flclent services. . . gave a very interesting talk on ,t he I There were elevcn youths from 'Whlch Is to be given Iil1d ~ r t.he local her tonsils, stood up and I couldn't think one MACK WILSON ROME SCENE Mrs. J. W. Ward duties of a "Flight Nu:se." After a Warren COun'by who n.cte:lded the church '3.ctlvltles groU)) . Mrs. R. E. ill Dayton, 5e'1'e.J1~· ,aa;VB'· aeD. f . 0, F ENTERTAI.NMENT Ivery Interesting a.!1d enllg'httenlng OOnventlol'l. Prom Wayne Tow,:Ishl .' Aabqry gave for the prGg r a m a mos t I Mrs . 'Walter ~:i'j~rll=J~~r~~~ I ad thin g to say. mea ow common-. progrom the club discussed busIness. .. lnsplling Ilnd ed uca t.lonnl I;duca- of Mrs. Leroy Ellis place but true remarks Qnd then A TRiBUTE j I I .... ,,_. Youth Council the following oUlcers glvin th ...,, __ _ voiced mry protest against Christmas M~ . and Mrs. Mack Wilson cn-:l nd en Oyed a soc a. hour wiuu B.uu..t were electeQ,P-resldent, Oharles L. tlonal talk on "Hymns," . g e t e r , Mary n:........ of gtl4IIIII": ~I9;",; . te.rtained I f I cis d -thirty mem.bel'S IIInd also en Rye,and Edwin S\mace. F rom names of writers and rea SOliS 101' lB . Howe. of Dayton . decolatlons before 'I1hanksgtving. It a group 0 I' en IIl!1 'D r . James W. Ward was R me~1- ,an old f'6Shlon sjJ{~llIng contest. 'Writing them. Miss Ra.ylyn Orabb, Ellis of Wlliningt.on,:5~;;1 may' be 'n ecesswry to put Ohrlstmas neighbors 'With a covered dish dln- b el' 01 the F1r1cllds Home faffilly Spr\ng'boro, ptreSldcnt, Pa.trlcla. Ruth ' Chandise on display ea'l'ly but ner on Thursday evening honoring . " . I '1111e December meeting whiCh MIS KoII, and Green True Youth Ooun- v ry b cau LlI uJly pla yed the varloUB ;t.he Ellis home last mer ,D n...... from Februaa'y 20, 1939 to August 4' 11.0 bo held the eVElning of December seleeUons on the l. kll1O . T ne S ociety nursing /4Is. EllIia realy Oh~lstmas~:corakstll°viOS 8hOUki I' ~-yer"" ~~_~bWTbomalte , psoMYnronvHagennoe~ 1943. . 13t.h wlll be held on Tuesday, De- cll (Lebanon) , president, Ralph adjourned to m eet with ·Mrs . Alva Ivelescenee. All'Vdlib";ber. not flOW bef011 ·, u,an. g \Ig. I t i5 ,~...,.,.".. , DUl'L11g those years he t:.'ldenred eember 12th at the home or Mrs Foley; Vice presIdent, Ethel Banta: Thoml:5011 in December. Duliug the recovery. is o-ne of our best holiday Bhutta and. Ben Hisey, who will himself not onlll to the entIre fa.mily ltala Thompson. . 5e(:r~1.ary and treasurer, Ruth M. s oola l llour a very dainty . Salad ~lls. Jennie R1cb Sea£OMoout of the oolendar. and al- enter MiUtal(l' service In the ne~t but ~ the guests visiting 1n tho ~ley, . dis'oUtSSionJ.ielo4er, John M. course was served by t he hostess mlin, B~~::t~to:;~i=~~ so six weeks is too long to t.hem few months. The tables were made 'H ome, as Well. . BOSS JOHNSON IS GUEST Lane. Hester Mol'arlana, R ober. Ilsslsted by Mrs . Walter WhItaker operation up. Before Ae day, comes ' we begin very o.lIttr0dt4ve With chryse.ntheHis sense of humor enliven d t.h'! Lykins. Eugene BecIm1a.n. R u ~ h and Mrs : Reba B11Iddock. hOSpital. She Is to i eel .like'1fie... little If\1'I whQ wlahed ~~ in vartOllB colors. Those who moot dIfficult OCCasiOllS, Ql1d a.t the SPEAKER ,AT CIVIC CLUB Oarroll, and ' thelr advis~.r Mrs . · tel' of Mr. and 'UI. J.,....... lo~ OhrIstlr..aa everv day in' the year eD:JWed the evening with the honQr same tllne his sy'mipalthetlc J'lo.tue Ral~ ULne. . GAR STOLEN H ...... JIIIUl7' and e~ bcr w1all. I Ilke · th1n88 in aueeta were Mr. add Mrs. Roy Flin- 'helped him. £inter IntO the lives 01 11he Waynesvtlloe Civic Club met , There were seven adults attended ~~~~.:.= ,their proper s~ns-. " " 8pe.~< amd children, Mr. and Mrs. .others, beinS' heallD.g of spir~t, as he at "Our House" Monda.y night. W\th ,the oonventlon from the countY . tid 18 But I ~ there IUld couldn't .~ Se.~l't.hwalt.e and familY, Mr. by - his proff;SSlon brought health !l'o rty-e1.ght members a.hd vtsitors '!Ihele were /Wout :150 YGUIJ'Is pl'est'U ~ Ln the eal'ly I~;rning of Wednes- a. thfnk or--ailythmg to say, 1, Wp Hemy S8ttertltiw6l.te., Mr. and Aks. to ' the body _._ ' , present. A deItc1I()US .turk~ 'dinher frolh-~Oh1o day,- Novem'b er ,I;\S--Itoger tlOVe 1'b8t!liag1ving eSp'eclally U4'man' ~, MI'. aDd KrB.Lutber We have 'mIssed him 'during was enjoyed as was the addre&a of . ' . Ruth M. FoleY IWas going to work; lunch buckeL 'JUmnktslving' in t.he count1'1. ~- .Barteock, Mr. and Ml'a. Gllb'ert. months of weary wwHnn at the hos- the evening which was given by boas Secl'etary and TreaswreJ' under arm, he realized a disastrous Frye apel IIOD8 Mr aDd Mrs ....... Johnson. radio a.rtJst, of Aurora, Green Tree Youllh Coullcl sup;;rtse. Ie hO uld best ing t.o tbe peop w co un'" pita and ,n ow that his cheery lA'e~ Indiana. 1Mr. Job.naon, 'With hill . _ _ _ , _.~ I 1n the qulet of the knight someone ~:~==I~~ der8tand t.bat feeling. Par 'I'hIuikS-,atvlea ~ and 8011, lit. sen~ 18 ·no longer with us, we beth ~... "n-.... ... i~ . 1s _.1. . . fa.ziD festlval. , ' an:i MriI. DicIt ~ Kr. aJ;1d· lieve he " n o h~ard ''-e ... r <ay home spun pr)'los6pby . left. h1a auMr. and Mr6. Davis PurI18S and . needed. a. car. 80 too e t - " _ _" • .... ......, _ · ...·IMrB HaI'old I!IbuttI a.n4 fl' .... 'w Kr ...... -"',........... ~.. dience aometh.Ing to t.h1nk GboIIt for Femlly ent.erta4ned. Mr and Mrs. of steeling Mr. Brown's aer. otlibe l levet'1Jiuj the same feeliJls ' . -'>7, '''Well dOne lsvuU and fa1~h1uI ser- _an.... "'''"'s to come. It. __ an even- ",':'_1_ l\IOIIS, Billy 11.-0 und ! Mr. Brown had the t\U' 009tftd tat in ot.he food mu8t. be bought. It III when and . . . Sid 1lWI. Kr. and ltoIra. " -... -;, ..oAOWWv# -...... ]a . . put the of wbat we J. 0:. _ ob1JdI.'eD. tile beet. vant, enttr thou ~ the JOYs of tbe in& well spent, accordJ.nB to all pre- Eaty Pr1nIIe 1I'1tb & 'I'urke7 dinner with Ins1.raDCe, but. stated "I WOUld . • aant.tD'J14 oa PIlI' , 14'd," &eDt. . I~ evElWll, lratber have IIll car. " . EC



__________-------~~~~~~=-~~=-==~I ~-----------------------------------------------------------__~------~--------~--~~~~~~~~~. WAYNESVlLLR. 0010. TlIVIC S DAY, NOVDmER 23, 1944 J





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. Farm Diary


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1 M.






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Thutsday, Novem ber Z3, 11M




in StrengthenS, F. D. R.'sHand;




Sailor Doll Everyone"s Favo~te· -'

With Amerlc an ."consum ers comIng to -appreciate the ftne quality of "'~/knt,,1 Duo to on unusuall y la.r lle demlDd Ind domestic product ion 'of such cbeese. curre n~ war cond itio,,!. I lIlI hlly more tim .. as roquefort. ca:ml!m ber t, gorgonzola .0. Is req uired in flI llng order. ,or D few" • and SwiSI, U. S. produc er. are ex· • the mos t popular pattern number•• By RAROLD L. LUNDQ tmrr, D.' D. pected to obtain an increasi ng vol· Send your orde r 10 : The MoodJo Blbl. rn.Ututa 01. Chlc.,o. ume of busines s in these types over Of Rele ...d bf Weatem N'w"Pap er Union. in the postwar 7earl. .r•••.,1'••••• la till ••• lIolaaDII. Sewlnll CIrcle Nee41ecraft DePt. " I til ••• • 1 .... al,.ata ...... at D~ ..... rIl1 .f u.ey the war, imports of )!:uroIbla ••• Ipap... ) 564 W. Randolph St. Olllealo cheese average d over 50,000,- Leno n for November 26 Enclose 16 cents for 000 pounds annualUy, with roqueJo rt No _ _ _ _ __ and camem bert coming In from Lel_ 8UbJeeta aDd Scripture texta _ and copyrt,h \ed 11\1 Internati onal France, gorgonr ola from ltal7, and Iloted Nom~e__------ ------ ----___ COWIcU . Swiss, of course, from Switzerland. permlUlOofD. ReU,lOIH Educatio n; uaed by AddresS _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _-:-_ With 11. S. epi.cure ana becoming THE CHRIS'I1AN VIEW OF accusto med to Americ an brand. of INDUSTRY these rarltlel , however, 't hey are expected. to more land mor.e latisf7 Jones Found There Were LESSON TEXT~Luka 18:14·28; their taste for roquefo rt from 1111- 'nIe ... lonlana . 3: 1()'1J. Not Enough Come rs-In! noll, Minnesota, ](owa and Wllcon- GOLDEN TEXT-L et him tha' atela .In produce rs; for ~amell)bert from .Ieal no more: but ratber let him labol', J ones dec ided to enter busine s., New York and Wisconsin: for gor· worklnl wIth II\a ban.s. the thlnl that II load, that he rna,. bave to live to b1m a nd so he bought an establi shmen t ~n%Ola from Wisconsin, and for that need abna 6:28. lwi.. from Wisconsin, IllInois and from an agent. Work t. a blellinr , and the proper Aiter some months he failed. Ohio. .In prewar yeara, over·aU U. S. attitude toward It II an Importa nt Bnd m eetin g lh e agent some time cbeese production, totalled around part of the life of I Christia n. Indul' lale~, he said: " Do you remem ber , 2,000 r.blter tlr.1 700,000,000 pounds, with output soar- try haa found Its best Ind most desellin g me a busines s a few 1.... I. North pendabl e worken amonr those who Ina to 916,000, 000 pounds in 1941. months a go?" .. ,.,Ioce tl.... which believe in Christ. It hal alao come "Yes " r e)1lied the agent. "But ....... ....... .. 11.. to realJze that the .trength eninr of wha l's ' the trouble ? Isn' t it all I ...,.. la .ctI••• the faith of Itl worker. makea them r epresented it to be ?" N 0 nwIt of the dlwnlon of better workme n: hence we see aU " Oh, yes," sa id the other. "Yoll •• petrGI_ by. prOduct to avfa. Greates t in the world, the U. S. over the land the Interelt inr sa id it wa s in a busy ·localit y devel· • . . GalOlllle, about 50 par cent .teel industry ma~le lubstan tlal ex- opment of chaplal nl In industri where the re wer e plenty of passal of the blltodl_ p~uced fw qrto pansion since 1940, adding lZ~ mIl- plant.. That actlvll7 rl8htly dtetlc rubber proceuJng 10 far .. e rs-by." lion tons to capa(:117 at a cost . of and properl7 conducted canplanned With U. S. tncu walUnI' III muCl, Cblneae cooll1111 work dJU,eDU · '194' cam. fro. alcohol plants. be " WeIJ'" q uer ied the ' agent. of y &e over 2 blllJon doUSlrl, half of which ,reat value to both the individual cl~iar washout of leotion 01 Burma road. • • • "Wh a t's wron g with that?" WIIeII ~ w ....r ...... was put up b7 the governm ent. and to Industry. Needlework you'll hate to put down. P at· " There wer e· too many passe ... · . . . . . . . . . . of ..Iyll". tI..... DEMS GAIN: 933 contain, a tra ns ler · pattern lor Aa of July I, Carurel showed that EUROPE: Our . . .rl. . . . . . . .tl. . . . tI_ lesson rl,htly deala by." with the and clothes : comple te the capacit y of blla.t furnacea for individuaL Christia nity Is a dire · It ..Ic•••• INtIIII person· 1_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ctions, ~1ICIa F.D.R. Strengthened _ _ __ Thing$ to Come refining .raw ore was railed. to over al matter, a life rather than tI,. lit 00aIIrIc a h the. All I foci ......, _ _ 1.ts.20 trIIIk th 460 In wInn1na a fourth term, Prel. U t 68~ mllllon tons, whOe capacll 7 for or-r. It deat. with the man rather e ~.:s :,e~ ~ further processing 01 iton and scrap than the masl. tina ... abdy 6.00116 ~_.. D. Roosevelt carried the tr n I °u IDI!mC)Crlltic pa", along with him in ac onl, gbtt ...... .....11I1te _ .... ,,"" . co Into Iteel was boosted ' to over 94 I. We Are Aocouulable for u gthwaGe e rmans, for 0 'mllllo Oppor. n tons both the senate and houae, where he brooked no misgivi ngs o. n the comMost vivid indicati on of the lize tanil7 (Luke 18: 15). now appears to be aaaured of a parativ e calm. of th U S ind ..... U I Its • The king In thil parable II Chrllt, ~orklng majorit y on both Intere . . 115 •• " es n com hal now lone aWly, to return While the BrlUsh were clearing all pa.r lson ID.lIUon81 and domelti c Issues. with that of other coun· who h God I ely f HIm to .et up with Ger:many's prewar ~ Their own positions ' materia lly of louthwe stern Holland, and U . S. tries d I rea In the Add salt to the water in which an positions capa~lty rated at around 20 mllllon tim' HI' om on ~_ weakened ,. b7 Gov. Thomas E . forces were improvi ng b n;.e e - eggs are to be cooked . This m akes ' th M i s e • .ervan.. h Dewey's Itrong .Iand for an eftec· near Aachen in the nor, . ave een ...v n the shells e tens, and Great Britain 'l at 111 mU- th t hi h th h uld more brittle a nd easier b the center and the Vos,es moun- lion In f tons. .tll.n ITCHING ,. MINUTESI live internat ional organiz ation to In ~ w c e7 I 0 e u9 , or to remove . talns in the .outh, the Nazis clalmed pre.erv e world peace; ataunch GOP that the • AllJea were striving to obS natlonallsta were among the de- tain Ipringb oards Two thlngl .tand out in this stor,. Wax your book shelves . This for a great drive Zoot hoes J'1r.t, the fact that Jesus II coming feated, with the re.sult that F.D.R.' I on the Reich, and,onl will permit books to slid e in and WlIJ mit perJlWlt.>I IUl'I IrOlllltrat ellla, wh. y using 25 per . again. There are many Icollerl who peace program ehould encount er cent of their troops. It I. 10 ell, 10 r. U... UeIIIa. or euema, PIOriout e asier and eause less wea r on •• lI and olUr Iltin alh"e"117 TllollUllile deny that blessed truth (ll Pet. 3:3, easier Ileddlng in the senate, where ex rle"tlD till qultll, loothIa, .tUOil them. 4>. There are maD7 belleve rl to detaUs will be worked out, and in wr.eler" Alllllllt"t - Ill IIIlllul.., 1I0t 1I0ura Tboa,b aotioD In tile west. .. Slop uperllllellllllc with cIaJo,lrolll c"'....u.. whom the promIse hal become but the house where funds W:lU be aplocal, U wa. · bllter, with "ery When sending a book through Deddl NOW to ,et .. lIer - or MOl'flll' BAc&: a formal truth in a confessi propria ted. on of - with t.ble I":0.....l "'0, Ilmple er..ta_1I toUlb fl&'Mlnc below Aacben, faith or a creed. But the failure: of the m ails, cut the cor\1ers from MaU SI.OO (if C.v.D. PlUi "..taSI) todaJ1 All of the so:caUed nationa lists did wbere dOUlhboy. worked severa l heavy envelop es and place men to recognize truth and their un· WHEElER LAlOIATOIIIS Dot .auf!er defeat, but promin ent throu(b the fir aDd pine Hun. willlngn ell to hold It predou ., do over the four corners of the book ",st frY"" ,.", .1. (,Ie...· ........ . among thoae that !lid were Sena,lID forest In indian fatlhlon on not alter the fact. JelUs II coming to protect them. tor. Nye In North Dakota, Dana· the road &0 the BhlDeland. againl in ' Connecticut and Davis in • U candies are son ed, rub them ._ ....__- - - - ; . . . . - - - - - - - - Penillyl vanla, and Represe When H. comea, H. will hlv. Ju the Doughb oy. pusbed through ntatlvel many thin" to accompllsh, but- with a cloth dipped in alcohol . J'isb 9f 'New York and Da7 and th.e spllnter ed Hurtgen forelt. both and thIa II our lecond fact-on e of Or they may be rucbed with lard Maaa of MInnesota. aides made tree use of air and artllthe most importa nt I. that tbc:. or other fats. Although the Democr ata faDed to lery bombarc1ment for mainten ance abaU be an Iccount ing with Hi. fol, make any gain. !n the lenate, the7 of open posmon , outs~de the wooded lowerl (who are supposed to be HII .tand just ahort of a two-thir d. ma· tract. ..rvlnta ) . regardi ni the life the7 It wa. there, in litUe hamlets , necel8a r, for ratlft ~ ation of have llved. What wID your anlwer treatiea , a margin they may lome of the ' bitterei t ftghtln, n'. 'WOnderful how. a lltue and mine be In thl' da7? It depend l V..~nol rolJefte' trana1en& up by an alliance of luch curred, with tiny villages on what we are and what we are congeaUon Utat autr. up the internat ionalist . a. Ball 01 handa in close·qu arter action. DOle and JlII01I4 aleep. QulckJ7 doin, rIght now. Fierce fighting ~Iso took place In noee OpeJlll up - breathto .... V. 11uffl The ...... basil lnvife of Hla Judgme nt apo II euler I Also rel1mII In ~e hOUle, however; the Demo- the foothllla of the Vosges pears In d.I8tre8 of bead oOlda. the followb; l, verses. where crats made big galnl, Increall ng ulna, where mixed U . S. and Follow ctlrect10na in fO~. we learn that: their membe rlhip to over 240, while French unit. pounded forward ton. We Are &0 Be Rewarded for the Republl canl feU tar elow their ward the great paues leading into FalUafuJneu (Luke 18:18-26). preelection streolth of 210. louthwe ltern' German y. AI AllJed Zoo. mi~,. II1Wa II.. 10"1 coa" -IiIODIMII "p- " . ~ , IIIId When belleve rl Thus, althoug h Preside nt Roole. troops worked forward, the Nazis ballY pan" with d,'''' lIIIkle. halle enee of Chrllt Itand In the anlwer for the winning margin WBI below pushed in reenfor cements In an ef· come up a new o/lle in Lo. An,ela, deedJ done In the Celh ·(our .Ina fort .. to check the advance s, Calif, of 11140, the Democr atic "lctol'7 ' were Judged at CaJvar-r I) , It will Shovin , oft in a surprise attack Their l4tu, are ahoa wllII.1f tl around hi. lead.rah lp a.l sumed plaled not be· a question of what church about Mell after a heavy artUler-r ~~Ia IIIId "ee", tII10 inC~"iIIIIJ~~~'II 1R"k/! to, or what family name we IUiaweapOlll. .. n e auer 0... you belong bombar dment. U. S. trOOPI 1m- "'elY er' Fiaher au impecli n, lOme 70U bear, . or how much mone" J proved "their pollUona along a 1i5 111.100 pair oj,Iwwra aucJa co,./iicaIed by have amused . No, the onl7 q ' mile . front, encount ering mainly jutlemle aulllori'ieI. tion asked wID be, "Have 70U been amall- arms . fire from German s faithful in tradln, with the gifts, the cauaht tlat-footed. In developing DISEASE: ab1l1t1e. and the opportunitlea which their attack. Yanks braved Icy 'H Line' God ha. , alven you?" Itreaml , cbeat.hlah, to get acroll 0 to the opposite banks to eitablli h Although there haa been•no appre. Note that there are three dilleren t Judgme nta here, but aU on the bridgeh eads and cover for engineer· clable increase in the .inl corps throwin g acrosl brlda~,. venerea l diseale in the U. rat. of around of faJthful ne.l. Th. firlt man S. linca reprele nta thole WbO with all dJU. • V1cton IVel' na....... .. Included the war, an Increas e among .ervic.. lenc. and zeal leek to Il'OW .plrltuao.eriIor MOMS who 4efea~ Ny.; PACIFIC.: men in recent montha foretella a all,y and to .erve the Lord with rlad "'eat he aquat u BeJmett who beat FIlIal S l~doWD in the vlgorou . campal an abando.n. All that thll7 have tormy w r which hal been wage:d a,aInat the.. are thll7 ,Ive to' HIm for HI. and Brtu lIolllahOll who troanoe d ,lor7 , Ra8ln. hurrica ne. known throuih • .courg. s, omclall 'Illd. DaDaller. an4 for the wlimln , of otherl to out tropical water. Iwept acrOIl the Source of great fUture daniel', 81m. ·The7 will be comme nded by the proport ion 01 a JanilaUde. The Philipp ine., and 11. S. troop. drlv- Surgeon Gen. TboDla. .P erran 01 the Lord and areat will be th.1r IUccell ful , eonduct '01 the war, the Ing down the northwe 8tern haU of the 11. S. public bealth IImce nwardl . compar ative comfor t 0« people" d .. Le~· Wand toward the Jap bale ,aid,' lies In the .prelld 01 thele dJa. , The .econd man. with equal GPQUe rationll i, and the Prelkle nt'l o! Ormoc were caUiht. in the Iwlrl- ease. b7 untreate d people throuah . porturill7, did accomplla~ IOmetb ln" Intimat e acquain tance with Allied In, whirlwind an4 their attack out the country in tlll. POltwar pee but DOt too much. Be repre,e nta airaira- aU tended to oPpoll· ·alowed. rlod of migraUon a.nell poilible decll._ tboa.·who do want to 1M Lord tion. Havin, cleared the enem7 from nation . of moral .taItdar da. . but with no .peclal zeal. no great AI ·UlUBl, the Preelde nt drew hla vtriual1y aU of the eastern section While the overall vlllllereal dJae8le m.aaur e 01 .acrUlc lal endeav orgreates t str8l1ltb from the nation'. of Le7te, Gen. Dou,la . MacArt hur'. rate 11 at an all.tim,: low in the Jut "avera ,e" (what an unJortuwa. Induatri al centen, where em- forcel .wung around the northern naV)', It wal laid, infectio n amon, nate .landar d!) Chrlatla n.. , ciant polltiilal .machin es like Ed tip of th. mounta in ran,e blocldnll personn el In the 11. Soo bal !ncrea. ed Th. Lord II fair. H. doel not d. Kelly's of Chlca,o , Ta~any' I of oft the western coast, and were 34 per cent above 1842. The rate ill 01 th Ii' II. In th New ' York and Frank BafUe' l of driving down It whllD the hurrican e also has taken a jump In the army prlv. eal t' th e brewarb __ Ithe k Jene7 lince Januar City plled , 1944, . up It tre~end th wa. oUi remeaaur e a .7 Dudtr ~meth;""'!1 Itt blazlna tile rood Ive een.. ItruC • . ported. ' tul, they too .han ftnd J07ou. lervlc. tD VlctOtr I £lela cit til... efficient weapol1l plurallt ie. which traditio nal RepubWith ODe or Japan'. top mUJ.. Hcan rural' dJ,uIct s could not CoUllfor HIm. But ob.erve that there II .pendl upan dry bltteri" to spalll till ter-bala nc.. tart.t., Genera l Yamub Ul!, pat GRAIN MARKETS: .AI It wa., Govern or DO .p.clal word of commendatioD .me for Instant action. The bltterilS yOu D.wey atd not In comma nd 01 the enemy'a Election Sp~r al stron, In the ID thIa case, and there II a Umited ., wllhQut me~n mott flre·poWlf for front· eountr)' areas a.runwas lorCM, the loe'. determi nation anticlpatecl. reward . to put up a fI,bt for the PbQlpo ,.,., fIaIlt1na men. Use your lvallable bit· With reelection 01 Prellde nt Th. third man repreie nta Much credit for gettina the vpte pines was weD reflecte d In their Rooseve lt presagi ng the farm bloc'. tlrIII ~rlnll'y..• k"p them ~" Ind d" ... ~t ,In the big f Industri al center. aiand on Leyte, wbere elemen t. continued control ove'r th. aJimlnl who profe,. to b. In fear of God. nat them -IS .often IS posslbll. for ftte went to Sidney Hillman 's ClO .PoUti· .. He .eema to demand .0 much 01 of four· "ap d)"laloD S ,entrencbeCl tratlon' . agricult ural program . them and thll7 are not reacb to alv. IIttI" Hinll-.Wrlt. Dept U-4, Bura_ c.,l Action commit tee, which under· . them.el vel In the blUy and price. reacted favorab17 took to impre. . union memtie rship grain It. After an. the7 "1, w. want to ..ttary Comp~iIy, freeport, lllinoll. .....Ied terrain on the weat markets , scoring fraction alongafnl. with the exercla e of their power enj07 lUe. Wh7 abould the Lord exoou' &0 face the oncomln c A' Ie,!" .... Of all grains, only corn falled to pect 10 much 01 ua? 'he SIXTH' thro~ the polla. Not only do Yank.I.' rellPond to election happen ln,s, the, lole all r.ward, but Abroad. Preside nt Roosev elt'. the Lord . with the large volurne of country mUit take away even IMt which . election wa. wen balled 10 AWed '. A. Be a cra~cla81 slugging match offerings in the mlddl'l!-welt temperbaa already ,lveD. . . develop ed on the ground, air com· ing prices. c~c~~. the London Evening Stand- bat m. We Are CODUDaDCled to Work also Increas cd ard: ''The re8ul~ of the election ••• U. S. carrler· based in tempo, with Reviva l of talk that beverag e (n Th.... l:l().12) . planel attack· alcohol manufa cturer. again would From ,the " , leave. the taaks of winning the wat da7 that God ,put AlIam ~g enemy alrdrom es and aupply be allowed a tempora INnt£NA nON'11E Jl'Ig aDd the larger taaka of ' advanci r-r bollda7 III the ,arden 01 Eden to care tor It, ng depots In . an eftoI't to weaken ilie from war distl1latioll.. for clvilian bonelt work hal been ~ . .. •. ADglo.Amerlcan,Sovlet unitY to win the lot at all lIDeDl1'" air force, whUe Jap land· production, a~ded to election the peace In the Itronl, proven baled craft conducted harassin g ti\t1lsm, reaulted In nn upawln opo manldn d-7el, &ncl hi. honor: There , III ta no place in the "0110111\7 of God ban~" 01 Rooleve lt. ....' raid. on U. S. poslUon. on Lefte. 1'1~. for the man or woman Woo I. able _------~--.... Blow Hard · ARMY 'SURPLUS to work but II not willInl to do 80, TT ''It AlIT will not work, neither let ' Hurrlc;a ne. that stl,'ike the Phillpo . Surplus serviceablll ·pr~erty VBI'7- him .ar·' (v. 11). . pine area blow Itrong wlncia, ~ ·ad. In, from . nontact lca!l . • Ircratt J'~~~~;:..;.~...:;:~----;--..... ,- . ,to . , . dItion to their circul~J" 'l'hlrl the .nowlho el, ~ belnf r.epOrted by the th.A:ppare nu, there were ~. In cburch at 'l'he.lal ~ actres. Ann Slierl4an, JoBIna ,tropica l C)'clonel ~ove in their en- war departmllDt to ,ov~rnmea:tt ".ned ,th. ·teacbln onJba who pe~ . of tha -Lord'. wager on Govern or DeweJ, tlrel)!, alowly at first, and .uaua1l7 agencle l charged ~f~ diapo.a l 01 n~ tl/bO .'.ald. ~t U'Jlaua were . paraded down BoDnro od' bouleva rd no more ' than 10 mile. an hour. IUch .o,odJ. comlDi lIDy da,. , wa. DO In ragged 'eostum e and burnt" cork ~me, atorma. 'however, have at- Exampl es cit-· ~s of eurplUi .:orkin ,. ':\'be7 had OIl her face. '~ed the IrIdb talned a .peed of 40 mllel or more properl7 Iultable fo~ other war comple te)) arOUDd. The point iii • • • per bour. Tb!!. Ulual direction for and-~t cl"WIID dI.atrfIN . that .!nce JelUi ma7 a"om. at AlIT About 110 farm buJJdlqa1HlrD , tho.e Iionb at the ~uator Ii wutlneluded m~' en&in-. tlme. w.e .bauld aU be dolnJ our utevery darlll u.eUDlted~· ward. · then northwestward.. ahearlli lp, macbln ea m .. mOlt to accomp llih aU can MIl Mme Tropical cycloDeI are ~ tOolI, oD ' drum.. a~ ..hal we may ItRnd In HI.wepllelae ...,.. ~ , __r ..... Iia.... . e tbe1r atroDp atlnthe area 1P8f'8' pu1a, p&YC8, Il'BcIen MIl "Ith \'" " .nd · nol wltlt Iria. .ham.. atrilw ud frqm Le1te. .....

Germans-Fear New Allied Drive:. Storms Sl·o~-w~~~!!~~nlon~arfare I

... L E SS ·0 N

w_ ....

LO. '.


t,: 0:1n

............. ...... ,.. _....... ;-.,.p..r








EC ZE M A. '3



& .t il ly







~ VlC D /.




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xt,. 'a,

·8.URGE,5 5








... Call....





'l'handa" November Z3, 1N4

Pull the TrI I .. "Inna.. . . Kathleen N~r.ris Says: -- wry


• ~ftJGpt-·

1ANJ,ldng at

Girls and ' Alcohol Don't Mix


Ball Sntclleate.-WN17 reatuH •.

Lovely Gif~ for a Special Friend Smart Ensemble for All Occasions

tIdldreo love it.









T.a'IT' .' .

Scott'. EmuLdoo bel", lound teeth, and

Itamlaaj helps buDd reslstazI!:e to coldL

11'. deb In 1IIJtural A a: D VItamJDI· that


ThowandJ 0/ bars, saloons and roadlwwf!J have .pruns inlo uilleru:e everywhere. and 'hey are frequented b y women_omen of o,e.. Idle elderly women, idle young willes, schoo/II iT'•• , •


.-------------..., By KA.THLEEN NORRIS GRAVE PERIL ~IFTY years ago any man who had said that women Taverns, cook tail loungu, and girls don't belong in roadhou.e. - eve ry pln,ce saloons would have h~en where people of all !OrU minlaughed at. His observation gle and drink intoxicating . would have been so ridicu- liqoor - is unwholesome and lously superfluous as to be ab- dcingerow for adolescent girls. surd. Fifty years ago only the Mature women con protect lowest and most unfortunate themselvu from men seeking type of women freq uen ted "pickups," but teen--age girls, bars, and thl! great mass of eager for excitement, are in womankind only recognized 'grave peril. the existence of such places Angela, .a sweet and preuy by their dislike and condem- child 0/15, accompanied some nation of them. of her companions from an TQday all that Is changed. Today exclwive school to a road8corilS of decent men and women \ house. Here the girls met some are obliged to recognize the fact that men with whom they were thousands of bars and saloons and slightly acquainted. One man roadhouses have sprung Into existsuggested that ther. all go to ence everywhere, and that th.ey are frequented by women-women of all the IItudio of one 01 his friends. ages. Idle elderly women. Idle young Everyone agreed, and soon wlves, .ohoolglrls. 1n our own quiet Angela found herself in the college community two school girls midst o/a wild party. of 14 were .plcked up in a bar the Angela'il mother writu, "My other day, Just as they ·were about child tVIJII delltroyed, body and to leave. with two completely un· soul. All hope, 0/ an honorknown men tor a "good time In the able. normal woman', life ucity," 30 mUes away. In both cases the mothers expressed horror at the ' gone. She i. scarred for life."


be lacldng In the did. AIId-it'. , ...." easIu tQ 'iM ,w. t:otllltl. danger to which these girls had exposed themselves. but both mothers '" So pve It dally. Buy at an drugg1sIal also took the attitude "but what can



., ........

l.cts.Fre... BIOCHEMIOAL rOIlND .....• TION. au Glenwoo'. O... ~... te, m.


Goulding Is like no one else here. His technique Is hili and his alone.

CAUTIONI VI. DIll, u d1recte4.

"any doeron prucrlbe • combInation of Inaredleoll for reUef of cold •ymptom •. Cold. don', .ho .. up I I a .Inal• .aUment. but .1 a compl.. Hrlee of mlaerlu. Grove'. Cold T.b"t...II. comblnallon of elllht .cd.. medicinal Inandlenll. Work Internally.nd promp1lron aUth ...."mp. toma, r.U ••• headache, reduce f..... .... body .che., lu.en mUKulu JIlIn ......e n... lltulllneli. Take "_ Ictly a. dIrected. G.t Gro..•• Cold Tabl.u. .

MISCELLAN:~OUS CL1m TO OLD .... oe IUDOLE. Why do people .row. old ond dl ... 8t!nd for ",Ia ntlft,, '

Ruwwed Indil1iduali.t





ment comes from Edmund Oould. Inr, Who, if he doesn't know all there Is to know about directing pictures, can at least give lessons to nine out ot ten ot IhJs contempora' ries. What was your tl~vorlte picture? "Dark' Victory'" "Grand Hotel"? "The Old Maid".? "IUp Tide"? "Th. Devil's Holiday'" "'Love' ''' "White Banners"? "The Tre:spasser'" "The Constant Nymph"" "Claudia"? Goulding directed them all, and many more.

.,.et, lOut Wle, I..., dllcomfort" tall. Dr. C.tdwell'l fllDlOUI medlcin. to qu1~ JU1I the triller on IA%7 ''inllarda'' aa4 .e1p ,ou feel bright and chipper ~ DR. CALDWELL'S" the wOllderfulll_ , lulU.,. CODtliDed 10 1004 old S:rnap l'etliD 10 make It 10 e..., to tUe. MANY DOCTOItS ae pepsin prepuatl_ iAprelCriplioa to make the medicine mon ....table and lareelble 10 taIIe. So be . . . JC1U luaU.,." cOlltliDed lD S:rnap P..,.m. ..SIlT ON DLCALDWELL'S-tb. flyodte ., mWJODI for 50 ,can,and feel that "hoi.. lOme rellef from ton.t!PIUoa. EYIIl IIDldir

t.", '''''

WANTED-BeU.ble .boem. ke.. tOr m04,. em lII1ops, 0004 pay and worJdn. cODdh vacation wi\h pay. Write or WIre 001-' Iact. ....a •• r. III •• Blp.I., 1l1,..Ia, Oble.'

to make it." This disarm ing atateCONSTIPATION m,k.. JOG ,...



."P," a;,"

"THE hardest thing about milkinK a MOVie is landing the Job,

punk .. the cIIckea, briDp 00 .tomada


• SJ.,... .ow III • ..."., III4U6fIT "Ill Dot. w/tboat ...... , " ' " ' 01 .n(labltltJ' from UaJt.d SU,.. ~""'oJ'_" s.ntlft.

- -.-1-


E .p A R 'T M B

you do?" ~ it would be a great and lasting Ihame to American womanhood If the decent ~lement ot the popula. tion was driven to legislation on this point, and women, as a sex and without discrimination, were to be torbldden to frequent bars. But If thlngs continue al they are going now, or rather. grow worse, as they are rapidly growing worse. the pub· IIc will certa lnly take this step In .heer lIelf-protection. Bara have nev· er been places to respect, but when patronized, by men alone they did have their standards of behavior. Some ot them ' rose almost to the dignity of clubs. where a half·hour of companionship end relaxation made a break at the end of the day. . But many of todey'. bars, road· Iide restaurants and saloons. main· taln no code whatsoever. In 80me, "" are a recognized part of the entertainment to immature married women and undeveloped weak-witted young girls. and loyalty to home ties, absent husbands. arue· . lous parents are all thrown aside. Fidelity to whatever these women have been given ot purity, honor, faith Is thrown aside, too. 'Sbe Wa. aD Angel.' "My Angela was truly tha~on ....nte4I .., angel," writes a heartbroken wom· an 'from a western city. "She I. 15. A widowed mother. I carefully instructed her In the' elementary facts of life. but hers Is one of those nature. that seems unable to assim· Uate anything that Is not simple. aweet, childish and pure. A year ago I placed her hi an expensive private Bchool Just to avoid the hor· Mr•. MTlaNOON, NOV. U ror ' that has now fallen upon me, although my mosi agonized fears DICK BRAY · would not have reached the tulliless ANN~UNCI., AI IHI .~IU of thll despair. "Several of the girls, girls ' of ,ood 'famQleli, were In the habit of dropping In ,at, 8 roadhouse now and theri. They were not .teady cus· tomer.~ ~eir..~.ltS were alwa!1 In 700. ON you. DIAl.




Begin. W.i,h Ruearch .. '


Attract.i ve Ensemble ERSATILE and lovely. the jumper frock is the perfect aUoccasion frock for every age. Square shoulders and · trim waist give this one a smart; crisp air. The matching jacket makes an ensemble you'll wear with condo dence. e • e P a ttern No. 1240 cornea In Ilzes 12, 14. 16. 18 and 20. Size a, jumPl!r, requires I". yards of 54·lncb materil1l: jacket. Ion, sleeves yard. , . Due to an unusually large demand and C!UlT.. nt war conditions. slightly more time Is nqulred in filling orders fol' a few of the most popular pattern numbera. Send your order to:


Patobwork Apron IF YOU like a covered-up feeling while you work, make this gay, practical patchwork apron. Look through your scrap bag for pretty pieces to make the unusual border. A lovely gift for a special friend • . •



Pattern No. 1993 comes In sizes 14, lB. and 44. Slz.e IS requires 2~~ yards of 32 or. 35·lncb material; ,. ),ard for foclng. or uae scraps. For thIs pattern send 25 cents In coins, your name. address, size desired, and \he

18. 20: 40. 42

pattern number.

Smartly Curtaining Your French Doors

SEWING cmCLE PA'fTBBN DEPT. 530 80llLb Wen. St. Chlc'IO Enclose 25 cents In for eacb

pattern desired.



Pattl!m No................. Slze..... .



.HITR!lt~!!! •

in Liberty Buy ,War Bonds

"* "*


11 • • • 1 • • I I • • • •


STAY IN mOB 8<lHOOL Blond. Tr..... Are Goin. A drop of 1,000,000 In hlgb .chool ~ ' Taml!l' II a b.lj 'lrl now, 10 enrollment iirice the war highlights ber hair. ~ be cut 'lhort-for "Weekthe importance 0( enco)J~arIng and End at thJ Waldorf;'.' She had quite ' , uralrig 'teen.age chUdren to re*um 'a time with that blonde ha.o w.~. . to their .cholill tor' educatiOD and pla)'iD. '.a WAC, , They parted aDd preparation for fUture wOrth.whJ1e ,braided It, and woun~ it·around her work.' Many of Jobl held br'h11h head. • • • RatOB, a . Bus.chool ~ch1idren . . none__Uat. - .I~n; bo~ Beb Dam, Better part-tline ICibool and part. ~hman. 1rom "Win,.. Vlo~. work proirami abQUld be d. to..," nt ~ ..~ , .. ..tOped b7 coaunUnlti.. to draw 1rWunan. a , •• Ibtie .chiIdreD baek to ~ .cboola fIaD\ !or • Do w. aDIi to pnparatlCID 'foi' eoaatruc:Uv. Go I'IVID .. walk wIdcIa II ... adIIcatloDaL 1IIb nDtlll':'l_

Aern Californlo Stat. Deede4 L.nds now avanablll for MtuemellH.rrom to 11.50 per acre. StatewIde: umber. Ira~lnl, olrieultural: eounU"y Bnd c:lt;y loeaUon•. Horn......kera wont~a. not _otto latora. ror Iocatlonajj dC8crlpUoDII. inIJIImum .prien, map. . Ung blanks .od . . atruoUon•.•end til mane, order to ITATE LANDI D1!lrABTIIBIft' V. I. P .., 01110', B ••••, llar.II&, 0eIII. -------------KW1QII lISo



Cools. opoaaum. fox. tlOll buntlng hounda.

I'obblt and .eomblllaWrite for tree Utera-~ showlnl pIctures and breecUna. , State dolt Intereate.6. KENTOCl,KY ClOOM. BOUND JlENNEL8. PdB.a. b, lteataek7.' . ' ~u.e


Be.aUf.1 D ••kle'" B.lIrlDle Ie. RoUe ... veloJ>!!d. two deckl..dl" prints ae... , liv. 2l5e. Two Deluxe enlD.r . ... b'om ne... tlvel 2&<;. S_er~ Sta.I., llDloa"W.....

Preliistoric Guide

The rate of travel o~· a glaoJert N.m.... .. ............................. ' may not a1lect us, _but it enables; Address .. ...... , .. ............... , .... scientists to say with ac"ura~" what happened milllons of years' They are measuring the rate, of the MalaSpipa Table Reminder in northern Alaska, MAN-Why does a table make .dlscovered that' it moves me think of margarine? inches an hour o~ fine days WOMAN-B~cause 1t hall that rate whep rain or fo, you of Nu-Ma~d • • • the about. ~rade margarme ••• made espe- ,This gJacie.r is part of an Ic.. cUllq for use OD the table.--Adv. tleld 235, miles long.... the J~riest; = ========== ==1 discovered outside polar regionsbut it will never Wl'eclt c,lvillze4 areas for as-ft-moves- Roirtb-tlIF~==="""'" DRESSES MINOR WOUNDS Ice melts and forms the source • river.

OW to make French door curtains harmQnize with the win"I want to know lall about them. I want to enter their lives •. know aU dow treatment in a room is a their problems; their aches, pain., que$tion that always arises. Frefears, apprehenllons, and hope •. quently, over--draperies are omitI'm paid well for my trouble, be- ted for the doors even though they cause there ts great Itrength to be are used for windows, The same given hy someone wlilo dlg. and un- glass curtain material is then used l!erstands more than surface prob- as for the windows but a heading lems." As this is being written Edmund the manner of escapades. always on Goulding I. doing what he consldthe sly. Once or twice. without tell· ers the most important picture 01 Invest jng me. Angela went with them. Un- his career, It'. ''Of Human Bondtil the last terrible occasion sbe age," the Somel'tlet Maqbam ItOry drank lemonades and only looked on that -catapulted Bette Davl. to ItarIn fascinated disgust at what took dom. Her ·part of Mildred. the cockplace. 'Then one afternoon U' was ney girl who wrecks the life of proposed by several men they had Phllip Carey, I. bell1lg taken In the picked up to go ·on to someone' . present version by Eleanor Parker. studIo; Angela accompanied them. Gouldlng's method fJf conditioning She does not know, atter that. wl:\at 'Eleanor, an almos& unknown. for sbe ate or drank or what went on the important role 11 typIcal of hi. until the frightened girls teleplioned thoroughness. me at about ten O'c1llCk, I had sup- He went down on 1tbe let of "Beposed Angela was with my lister tween Two Worlds" to see ber. She and rod is used both 'top and bOtand ber cousins. . Will very beautiful quiet more un- tom. However. over-<iraperies add "My chUd was destroyed, body like Mildred than ~nyOD; he'd ever dignity. and mind and soul .T he men bad seen . Either .a wooden or a metal rod done only what the glrlll, by their EI~anor laid: ''Of course I want extending well beyond the sides of actions, and their presence In such a to play the part of, but I'm the door frame may be hooked in place, had invited them to do. but In .ure I can't." place as shown here in the ' diaeach cllle all h~pe. of an honorable, "What makes you so etlcksure you gram. This permits the doors to normal woman. life were gone. can't do It?" asked Eddie. open without interfering with draFamily doctor. a;e discreet and an She ans~ered: "Well. It takes an peries. epidemic of IIcar et fever made a actress and you've ,ot to be Eng. a • e Umely explanation, but we three lish" • NOTE-Tbla sketch 11 from I new book· mothers know. and our glrlll know. Eddie continued the narrative: let by Mrs. Spears called MAKE YOUR th~t they are scarred for llte. "Well-something happeDed then. It OWN ctmTAlNS. ThIs 32·page book 11 of .mart new curtain and draper)' Angela, from being al lightheart. wal Instinctive, It WIlS a challenge. full Ide.. wlth 1IJuitrated step-by-Itep direc· ed as a ·hummlng-blrd. Is silent, It wal . my ego, I guess . Uona for measuring, cuttlnlt. maklDg and 8~amed, bewildered. Love. romance, "I asked her to snEiak away when hanglnlt an types from th .. simplest sash curtain to the most compUcated Uned over· wifehood and motherhood are words she could. talk cockney with me. I or sturened valance. Wbatever whose mere mention fllls ~er with got the English actress Doris Uoyd dr.PI!ry your curtain problem here I. th .. answer. repulsion. Oh, yes, we could per· to help her. At the end of the week Order book by Dame and enelo.. 10 cants. haps hav~ Identified these men, had I kn h ld d It Addre.s: them arrested. Our girls are only ew 8 e cOU 0. . 15. But no mother will do that. bit. "I worked with her like a plychla• MBI. RIITH WYETH SPEARS ter 81 may be her thirst tor re- trilt. Altogether it took two and a Bedford BIll. New York ~enge. " half loUd months of work to play Drawer 1. around with that girl until she blindEnclole ·10 cents for · book "Kalle , Your Own CurtaiDl .... "&0, no 'mother will do that And Iy believed In me. Aneela's mother may have thls con. "We made the test, and I will Name .•••••••••••••.• •••••••••••••••••• .olatlon. if misery rell-lly .does love stake my reputation In the theater Addres8 •• ••••••••••••••• company. 'JbousBnda of other moth. and 61ms on the Itatement that El· era are hiding .Becrets like ' hers. eBnor Parker Is all glreat and exeltScores of girls will have to r6mem. lng, as thrUlln, and ' promising an Rate ~f Heart Beats ber all their lives the degrading ma- actrel8 ai I've ever directed." . ments that opened their eyes to the Writer, compoler ("Love, Thy Whpe the human heart 'rarely ugUness of life. Memories .of coarse Magic Spell Is Everywhere"), arttalk, low companionship. humillat- 1st. world traveler. student, ·Eddl. beats less than 70 or more than· 75 Ing liberties, ' don't make a good Goulding I. ab.o ve aU things. a hu· times a mlriute, casell . fu which background for that development man beln, whOle entlre time @lid this rate of pull?ation was as low into' wise and dlgnlded. womanhood. effort are spent, on blOWing and im· 8!1 42 and as high as 184 have been happy wife - and motherhood to derstanding people. He love. pee. recorded in medical 'literature. which every alrl aspire.•. pl.. , '


', ;.. . . . .111e . . . W......_ ......JI

He, welcomes temlPerament. The tougher they come the better he likes 'em. There Is s o much to write about Goulding that In this article you can get only a glimpse of the man. When I say that he is fabu· lous I'm pulllng my punches. I']] let Eddie talk. I quote: "Most of the people who have interested me are those who are In lome kind of spot. They were either beginnlng or d ••• perately anxious- Bing Crolby, a natural . • • Bankbead, beautiful, vital ... Coilstance Bennett, eo positive . . . Alex Smith., so nerVoulI ..• Dolorel Moran, 10 green . . , JoyCe Reyn~lds, 60 younS ... . Ole Younr, so anxioUII . . . • Geraldine Fitsrerald, 110 Irlshiy lndlfferent • . . Louise Hayward, Noel Coward's tip and mlne . . . David Niven, 10 refreshIng .. . Fa,. Bainter, so scared of the movlell . . . Belen Hayes (for whom he wrote 'Dancing Moth· ers') .. . Paul Luka., so bothered about cur language . . . Richard Barthe1ma., 10 ' ambitious. . . . Some weird fate brings me Into oth· er people'. Uvea when they need me. "Show me .omeone trembling, perspiring. fearln, th\!y're not good, hoping they will get by-someone to whom the enterprile means life or death-and I become their soldler.

Eger's Jewelry & Gifts'

Lebanon ,,Parts Company





I wJIh to my ror the lovely caro. alld f1ow~ that At ~ jnce Their Eltabl. 1-were sent to me d uring my stay in mel t t l 11;~ E. ,M ulberry In ~2 'At 4 S. Broadway In Lebanun, Is t.he hOSPltaJ~TTD'& E. Mjfn u ....<::!'i:nr ' anou ~ .•. ~ 1 A L::qe Patroriace ,.., ·.J",ow A C n Of Interest As I ______..,_UOQ ___·~ __ ' ...... _ .._ 'they . _.' " t~ A FIne Ser' l ~ They Are Showing A WeU Selected (•._ ._ _._ _- _ _ In Stlu "-QuaiUy Par&li Equip- and Attractive Line or Gifts . . . . ' F e a t u r i n g "LOYALTY" D lamouds, ._..... mcnt, AccC5Sorles and SuppUcs Fo~ lW!!ddi ng and ' Engagement Rings, mE W OMAN S AUXILIARY I\UW, 'rru k, Bus a.nd Tract.or •• • W iltches, PrecioUs J ew Iry. Earof i.lile \ Arc A Factor In Kocp ln!:, Ou r ' Val - rings, Experl Watch and Clock R.eT. l\fARY' cnURCH ua,blc l'rnru."}IO r taUon System Roll- pairllig. Engraving. J ewelry" RclllllrwiU hold a. ' . 'ft .w Parts T i l -I In and R.elDodeling • •• A Trusted mg . . . ac r o c P Advisor In MuJUng elections.. . A.r]f.~i(~,c..~~ AN~ FOOD SALE Progra.m 'J' or High Fooel producUon Tcl ~OK. r ;al. . . . Uuder ThA! P~'WIr Direction of ' -HOURS : WNSHlP • 'HOUSE j , - on O'num ,KilDlllel •.• Tel. 179. Elger's Jewe lry and OUt Store in Lebanon boW1ds in Idea.l lI rUcles' !l-12 ench morn!ng OOnon Auto~U; 00. since the for Weddlngs ond Oifts fol' 1111 ocwe~tft;~~~~areS~c Opeuing of !.heir stOre a.t Lebanon, 1;11610115; In faot, Is .now 'showing a ...:~~~=~ ~ lIervice- \Vllieh 18 1·5 afternoo n, except Ne sa. llIg own ers aua ga,rages muoh vety IIIttrnotive Una of engagement ... t)le times in m t~jme and money an.d are plaYing a 1lnd wedding rings. watohes. gUts for mrontenaintng Wednesd 'y " . great part. III keeping om' troillswr- and noveltles. suit4\ble for both , _,"'ilml~~t.· equlpment in homes LIon system working by tlheir ' cOm- young and old. 7 -I) Saturda, evehin~ ~'1:=~=~0 ' and keeplng transple ~e and accommoo:1ting sm-vlce Irf OUts ale dally 'becoming more the r;. th move. , qunJ!ty pal· ~ . eqUipment, acCessories vogue il,n d "he demand IS made fol' ,il ~ruhr: <tbe: e!~tl1cal age ' . :1.1 d &UP•.l ies .tvr cars, t.ruck nnd .the unusual Today, it 1s sometimes ~ ·ute , dependent tp tr<lctors. .hard w lind the thing that Is c£,.~~r ' ~s ~ ~ 'pon, bile effieTt.RVtlA-UTtno TAR AND Jmve a Lijll stock oI bearings, peclAUy desired, so, It will be !lO your ~ of lli)pUnnees whicll ROAD OIL, 'aiCAVA'TlNO and a~es lor' rela..:e- iUdvantage to stop In aud see the Yery ieal pnrt of e.very e!\~Ilny model. 'No matM:r what. lovely. selectlol). they assem" ·D UMP l~tfClt. SEllWIOE Iu.ilql~, their ~oe Pl rep'ah~fI I Is Ilt"~J;.JU:>~ ca:ll at t he.l r place or bled lor the pco::Ue . • ap prElolaited. by' thil READY ~x CONORETE giving the n umThey are expert in nne adjusting oV'er the provflli, by the l arge Ibel' OJ" cdscnlption d you will find 6;1 d r epairinlr of watChes a n d rec&ve · , I that they have 1il s tock, or can Il~t clacks SO if you ha.Vfl 3. 'w~tch oJ;: an ~cel{ent took of It l eI' you .• as key IillU ;tlJnt ~ t.he clock 'Which Is not · keeping correct" ~ ~=~I:a~:-:~~~:~~ '~ .'l\ard to find needs of t.lle people ami re well t ime you should take I.t in to them • w~l' . al! J)I!.!nts, polishes, Phone Waynesv1lle 2911 in, up-In-the-mlnute deSUlI.plied., to be gone over. Even though your 'lllcll' stock In cludes piston l'lngs. wMah Ii; keeping good time ~ut.has An a.ttl\l~~lVe Une of gUts, Morrow Phone No, 3 piston p L. s, axl " timing chains, not !>Cen looked over lately. It will be '~ ;, ;;;:;~~g~~~; ;~~ru~~~pra~soctJcal a1\.0 attra{ltlve arc Leblll lO : Office P h nne 473 K gasket.s, king bolls. busll11lgS. COll- I~"lse to take It In and have it cleaned. ~ ,;~= U .you \~ a choiCe of n tinS' rods, springs. fan be1t.s. bat- 'O<lCIIQc.~1ly, ~s, this will be 1\11 orn-aments, gift lWSldence 911 M '.~=::::~ J arcliHllIgli, be (lure to .stop in early, tcrles and body sup/::dles. 'l111elle \lre SUl aJlce ~iJlst it ou t of They ) sooured , the very lat- ~::2~~=======~~ ,! lot nm<le up of ptrate PlIlts or order, as dust. whioh gets Into all IJ'~~~it1~==~ est assortment of goods bea nlllls, b1 t t he l' ul bearlngs ~l:a.t watches. ' sometimes Ol.uses the tiny todil,, ' in toys and have gam~ and ~{jirl~.;r:;;iiWi;;;;;;;::;n~~"iiii · tIt. arc Ot sta n dard desIgn and some springs to b reak. It Is economical to novelties for bC>l"s a.nd . girls, tne 01 tme best tested outputs of lead- keep good wat. os clean and l!l good batby and even for father and mothing tnamU'actw'!l' S, order . j er. somethlng can be secured that bring ba£k the llPlrIt of youth give much pleasure.


and Food Sale




Sana '8i Gravel .







..,.. _




~e ,WeJ~In~ ~f

",U Kin d

In crear of Dosters GtlJ'agc , Ohio

WayncsvWe, Ohio

BOOT FOR AND CONSIGN your Oattle, hogs. IIheep and calyet to Norris-Brock Co .• llve wire and progressive rlrm ~:o r the highes1 market prlces and gOod service. Union Stoek YILl'dB, Cincinna t i, O. Tune in on Radio Sta·l;Jon WOKY, 12 :25 to 12:30 p . m. for our dally market reports. .


FO il

Any mak e or mo~el ~r ed Kahn Motor Car Co. LEBANON, OHIO

P HONE 326


MARIONETTE .SHOW Now Playing ' in Rike's Corner Wlndo~

Asa special treat for child~en and adults of the Miami Valley, Rike's presents the famous Suzari Marionettes in an unusual Christmas production. The corner window has been transformed into a tiny English vi llage of the Six~eenth Century. The marionettes, includ· ing joUy Old Santa, sing, d ance, aDd tell a traditional Yuletide' story of Merrie England. A group of skiUed puppeteers, concealed behind the scenes, operate the strings which make these marionettes perform. This marion. ette show will be repeated at intervals of abQut teo minutes' daily during regular sto re hours from now until, Christmas. Bring the ch ildren to see Rike's Marionette Show - in the corner window-Second at Main.



GENERAL YOU'RE NO· EXCEP.. Calam~ty .doean't pick favorites I Mi.fortilDe haaa't .iBeled yOU' o"t .. an exception I Be. wise and protect yo~aelf with Cood" m.urance ~o that DO mat-, ter what happena, you, TION~

your property will' be full~ pro-' tected. ' y ' k

__ N_~ ____-_F_O_UB __TH ___YEAR __________________________________~________._______ W_A_YNE ___S_va __L _~ __O_H _I_U_THU ___RS __D_A_Y. N~O~V~Im==IB==E=R~3=O~.~1~~~_____________ _____~____~========~

__====~______~lVU~O~L~E~NUMBER~~~~t~lU ,


NEWS OF THE WAYNESVILLE NEWS AND AOI'IVITIES OF RlKE'S PRESENT "CIIRd:S'fl\IAS FANTASY," A l\lA.RIONETTE S110W FAMILY GATIIERINGS ON MAJOR ARTHUR J. WlLDE THANKSGIVING DAY ASSIGNED &S OFFICER IN COURcn OF ClfRIST THE METHODIST CHURCH RADfR LABORATORY Mr. a.nd Mrs. GHbel,t Frye and ---. sons enterta.1ned to d.1nner 011 Friday T~le local OhurCh of , Ohrist has The Rev. Lester Noms, of oeJa.Mr. and M1's. HatTy Satterthwaite Wrlght Field, Dayton, Ohio, Novem- were hoot and hostess to 8. .large evenlng Mr. Clnd Mrs. Harold Shutts ,just completed the purchase of the Iw are, Ohio, spoke In the Method18t " 30. It's none too safe In the New family gatherlng . on Thanksgiving Miss Marle Shutts, Mrs. Oem Rich house on the corner next to the Church, Sunday-·morning. BJa theme , . Oul.neas, but he'd as soon be there dlW. Their guests were Mr. and Mr.!. and Mrs. Reba &l'8.ddock. ,church. The hlOUSe will be used thls was "The Oh1Jd and Youtn in the with the simple hazards or bat1tle JWnes SatterthWaite. of D6ytx)n, Mr. • • • . next year for class rooms as the !Midst" . lIS !jU:e the tra.t.oflc a.t Wright Field, and Mrs. warren Espey, or CenterThe Five Hundred DLnner olub W'8S I·the churoh Is beoom.Lng inoreasingly I Rev: Norris Is the director of Hedeclrares Major Arthur J. WUde. re- ville. Mr. a.nd Mrs. Vl.rgU Russel, Mrs entertained at the home o! Mr. and crowded as the attendance contin- iLgious Education of the OWo Concently returned veteran or four rna- Thelma summer. Mrs. Charles Sa.tMrs. Harvey Burnet on Saturda.y ~ to groW. . ference. jor campaigns and 27 months in bhe terthwaJte, 'M iss Mo.ry Bo.tterthwalte, evening. I l'he purSllase of this property by I He wet with the Sunday School SOu~h PacUic. wh.o with h1s wife and and Sallie Haines of Lebanon. "Mrs • • • the local churCh wlll be advanla- teaci1ers and officerS in the Bo1tersmall son Daniel. l1ve on Route 3, iLuelle OOmptcm and daugtlteTs, of See "Underground" at work in the ,geous in several ways. One WHy. just , noon. d1scUBS1ng wltlh them plana tor WaynesvUle. . Spring Valley, Mr. and Mrs . .RA>bert Junlor Class Play. "Thumbs Up," mentioned, Is that it shall a!Iord ,v..Il1'ylng on the work in the Sundily ShoN, dark and energeLic, the Sa,tterth'\\ulte and da.ughters, Miss Waynesville ruSh School audltor- room for resj:.OOtive classes of the School. . young Signa.! Oorps ofl1cer has just Ruth Satterthwaite. Mr. George Se.tiwn, December 13. 7;30 p. m. It Bible School to meet ln, room that 'l'he choir will meet Sunday aJ-terbeen assigned as project o!t!icer in teTt.hwa1te Mr. Henry Battel1tbwalte . has been needed fer the last y 1". nooll at three o'clock and WedneaR6dil.r labomtory, a part of the and Mr. and Mrs. Jesse Thomas a.nd Mr . Rnd ~. j. Tholllas ell - Alter the war bhe chlll'Ch hopes to day evenlIlgi at '1:;;0. Rndio a.nd Radar Section. Englneer - tM1ss Marjorie MOore. of Ol8.1'ksVllIe tertAUned to Sunda.y dinner Mrs. be in a pooltlon to build n ne w 'l'h e chiLdrLn will meet Sa.turday Lng Division. A1r Teohnlca.l Service • • • LU{!Ue Oompton and daughters, of church house or to be abi~ t.a add aftC'rnoon at 2 :00 o'clock tor their Oomma.nd, Dayton, Ohio. 1MTs. T. B. Brannock entertained Spring Valley. t o tlbe one It alroody has. 'Illls pro- practLce. · . "After patrolling some 2,000 mlles members of her tam1ly to a Thanksperty will give the chw 'Ch th~ of South Pacific coast line by mea.ns g1~ dLnner on Thursday. Other inDr. Gnd Borden And ~~d to build upon. THE IIAPPY HOUB. CLUB 01 every conveya.nce from ail1p1anes vtted guests were Miss Linda Lee daughter ot MiBtn11sburg were recent 111e gTeaLest ,tld\antage of all. te native canoes a.nd Just plain iRnmby a.nd, Mrs. HarrIett McGI.n nis. guests of Mr. and Mrs. Gienn Borden, is 1n the foot that bhe pu; _ MEETS WIm MBS. B&.SO'N walldng. and coming through ·thr~e • • . chase of this J'l'OperLy sha.ll give tbe 1_ d' tel ed I During the day I4le fllmUy sent a crash ... n .ng,s unscrn 1 , "Round RobLn" to the absent memNot;lce our cila.nge In prices. start- IchUa'Ch \lhe l..."lcentlve it neens tJ Tbe HaP.. 1Y Hour Club recently thought it about time to ~hrow 81way Opl T B B J h is ng Ce_6m'b er I, hair cuts 5Oc .. &haves continue to grow at its present rapid met with Mis. L. P. Reaaon-aa bee- ' • t + d com home" he ber, . ' " ronnOOiC r . W 0 2 te ,~ ra.bblt s 00. an e , So. O. Lee HaJw-ke a.nd Orville Gray. ,p ace. . . ss. '1'he meet'~~ waa In ....... -e Of "_I t d serving with the Alnled Forces over U'ti ~..,... a ..... u t e . d d h the Western Front. • • • , The Cilurch at Ohrlst h as enjoyed i.he new o1Itlcers with Harvey &1tActually. lJhe ma.lor ad e , . e * • • iMr. a.nd Mrs. H. L . Rye ellter- , a great year In 1944. The attendauce terthwaite lIS president a...'l(!' !In. , didn't wear a good luck/ chann of talned to Su.nday evening dinner, has been almoot half as la.rge aga.b Luther Hartaock 84 secretary-Veaany kind. but wa.s just "very careful ':U:ylu'atdl:h= ;j:r~ ~~ Mr. a.nd Mrs. J. K. Preston, of Cill- ,a.s large as it was ill 1943 and the surer a.nd the program 'Waa .when there were auy Japs around." As a special treat to the children lighting lJhe ia.lJr'..£ .~ the tune of cinnat1and Mrs. D. O. Ridge. ' ofofcr1n8s for all causes has bl en cl:1alge f M.lss !Betty Og~. lie plans to follow the same pro- Mrs. D. R . Salisbury and dsugbtelli. 01 lJhe Miami-Valley, Rike's are pre- "000, Rest Ye Meny Gentlemen." _ • • more bha.n twice as gl·eat. So far Dalnt.y refreshments 'Were aene4 to cedure now among Lhe truckS. bue- Their guests were Mr. and Mrs. ,W. E. senting the InternaHonllY famous Then comes the beaut1full mistress Dr. and Mrs. A. E. Stout 1I.11d there hllve been 51 uddltlons, ore the members and guest. alter Wbicb ' sea. and jeeps at the field. =ell~. ~:.:!~ S:~d Sumrt Marionettes Ln a peclsl and master returnin6 to their home da.u~hter with Dr. a.nd Mrs. Cla.lre than the last two yeal'S comb1ned. the clUb adjourned to meet wUh !More than had.! of his two years in daUghter. Mr. and Mrs. Edgar Smith Christmas production for their cor- for the evening. Soon they are be- E. Stc-ut of West Milton and Mr. The church Is united more so than jMnl. Lawrence Furnas. In DeceI:rIbel'. the Pacific theatre' wel'e spent 1n ner window every week day from ckoned to their baloony window by and Mrs. George Waltz, of Dayton It has ever been before. The pros- , . trave.ll1ng by any IIovail2lb1e means and daughter. * • • now until Ohr1s~s. Rike's have en- the wh1maicaJ and delightIfUl je.ster attended the footba.ll 8UIDe in 00- p~ts for tIIle year to come is t.he STOLEN CAR IS RECOVERED in connection with hls job. toot of ,gaged the world famous Suzar l mar- who is followed by a Itroupe of show- lumbu5 on saturday a.nd were guests ,'b nghtest It has ever been. IN CLEVE•• un. omo locating clties and supervising the '1'ha.nk3giving WIIB observed at the tonettes for U11s .hol1day pres en- Imen to perfonn for 't.he master lUlel c4 Mr . and 'M rs. Oha.rles Benson. . ~&I. IlOlDe installa.t1on of a.lfCll'll.ltt warning sta- I of Mr. and Mrs. Charles E1l1s ItatlOO. The corner window ha.s been mJstress, teb lcgenda:ry Yuletide r:a• • . . STANLEY BOYS GATIIER HOME --, tlons. Trave.ll.Lng by plane was not on Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. l.&w- transfomled lnto a tiny English vil- {3eant. 'Ilhelester and I~he hobby horae Flash! I "Thwnbs Up" Flash II See FOR THANKSGIVING 1l0LIDAYS The d1sastrous BUll. rtae. wh1ch 8ilwa.ya ,p ossible; small boalia and rence Ell10tlt a.nd son, Mr. and Mni. )age of the sixteenth Century. Dor- who next appear on 't he scene, have how t.eeU'<lgers of one ~::.wn uncler- I _ __' l~cger Bro ,l'n expe~ienced last Wed. native canoes were useful only t>e- Iwmard Mockabee and d:a.ughters of 10tbY Zaconlck, a well-known pup- a. duai. Thla ls lJhe ll~gendary battie It'!1ne SobotelU'S with Iohel.r underMr. and ~s. How I'd Stanley, of nesday morru!l8" when' h1s car WU tween islands; much of hts travel ColkWOOd. Mr. and Mrs. Ed Decker peteer of Czechoslov8iIda, wrote and that Is symbol1c of the of the ground. Junior Olass Play, Waynes- !M'a.1n Street en terlillned thel.!· [ our ' stolen haa all been ,~ weD~ . wna done on loot, with na.tlve gUides ,a.nd daUghters of Centerville ILnd staged th1s pu ,p et show especially old year end reaches 11.6 climax in ville High School Auditorium, De- ,boys who al'e 1n serVice, along with whell the ca.\' was located in Clevel¢o lead h1m through the jl1Il&les. Charles Ellis Jr. as guests. for R1ke's. Miss Zaconlck, who stu- the resurrection of tjbe 110bt-y horse ctmber 13. 7 :30 p. m, Itheir f~ies over the weelt- end and, Ohio. The ca.r VJU unharmed, MlI..lor W1lde's first overseas Sta• * • died wood carving In Europe and In the NeJW YCQI' form. Next on the • • • This IS the flrs t ttime in bwo years but the' gasoUne tank W8II empt7. It ·tton was nee.r Brlsbane, Australia, Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Davis and sons Lraveled throughout bhe continent scene are the beloved. caJ'ollers comMr und MIll. Jdhn F romm, Ser- .or more that the entire Camlly has tWas not learned at tb18 ~ Wl10 where he repOrted in June, 11142. 'Were among the guests on Thanks- with ht:r puppet shows, carved the plete with the little blOnd boy who geant Cbde Fl'Omm and nr. J. O. Ibeen togeth r. Tiley a re: Sgt. ttook the car, , There h edlos In charge of .setU:lg up giving day when a. tamily dlnDeT i\VB.S f igures and designed the beauttful s1ngs from his notes. They sing two Hwwke were Sunday d L-:1n er gue;;t., of Howa:d S tll,nley. 01 Fort Ral 19h, and opera.tlng the Q.U'.!lIllft wa.rning given at the home of lI6rvey Ela.1n oostwnes tor their sho~ing. A group Ch ri stm as carobl. Naturally It Mr. and Mrs. Oarl Hawk.e in Dayton. Kansas, and wlfe and da ughter st\llt1ons near GenervS Mac Arthur's In Xenia. or sk1lled puppeteers concealed be- ~oL ldn ' t be Ohrlstllnas for the cb1ld• • • INancy J ean , of Spring Valley ; Richhcadq~s. hom t lerc he was . • • • olUnd the scenes, operate the strings :rau unless there was I!J. Santa, and SO Mr. and Mrs . H. B. l!i:lrnl1art and ' R.rd Slal1ley 2- c, or Great iLakes, Ill. , -~ . fO'tI~ Gulonea to head the Mr.a.nd Mrs. John Fromm, Sergeant which these marionettes sing. dance, out da.nces Santa, and what a. jolly children enterta.i!led to dllmer 011 land wile of, Ltbunon; S gt. Jd m !NO\C'lllber 24. 194t. '1'be da1 alta' ar seCttl'-t"f the Fiftl\ l'igh~"T Olyde Fromm. M rs. Melvin Banta, J . and perronn. The story· is built with and c<lptlvatlng one he is too. The SatUrday evening Mr and Mrs E F Stnnley, lind wife and daughtCT, ,'IUlanltsglvlng. SUM a nice • teelComDiand, 'wlth which organ1za.~lon Halwke, ' Mr. and M1'lI. O. Lee traditional old Eng11sh Chal'acte'l'S. show is a deligbllful treat from the Eal'llhut . . . . I Mary Im'Uine, of Hot Spr1ngs Ark' ling wUh no;need to nI8h around to ile well& through we ~.etnel'lahds 'Ha.wke, MIsS Anne Weltz were guests 'l1l1e show, done entirely in song and OCg!.nrung to the endl for the y o u n g ' ~n<t Ptc Cal l Stanley , f Ol;emu~: get . ready . for ~" . PIeIitJT at .EASt. Indies. the Papua. and the N\"JW at a rami1y 'l'lhlmksgiVing dinner a,t dance, embodies a g:roup 0( skUleQ and old I Thls ma.r\olllette show will NEWS OF WeAL nov Field, lll.; and Bal'oo,l"a, Cleo, Harold Ig ood leftovers. to eat. and I tb1DIt Guinea cam~, and the the home 01 Dr. and Mrs. R . H. puppeteErs who show unusool r. continue a.t 1U minute intervalS In IN THE ~ ERVICES and baby Jel l"Y LInn. and the host ,they are the best part of a turIteJ ew OUlnE4"'1. battles which ended Vance,ln W1lm.1ngto~. tlstry and lmag1na.tion. The story R ike' s C9rner window '- MonAD Y and hostess I ·dlnner. Yeaterday wu a very pleas'Wlth the Ol.Cup&tion Of Sarulapore. • • * built around traditional Olel EnglISh >&f'" 8 ELMER ~. SURFAC'l'. S l-e Other guests were, Mr. Li nd Mrs. a.nt day, that 1& It was ,~t to As oommandlug o1.Llcer of the Mr. and Mrs. L. O. ,st. John with cha.raoters of the 16th Century OP!DS !Jhrough Thursdays from '12 to 9. - - , Frank Conklin. of Wilmillgt" n, an d sit by thewoodl fire with p~ . 560Lh ~ Oorpti a1n:ra1It Warnlo.1g Mr. and Mrs. Glenn EWi.nd and with the lamp Ughter appearing on o'clock. and on Frldl~ys aml S8JturElmer R, Surface S l..cof the U. S. 1Mr. and Mrs. Wa.lter Stanley, of comps.l"ll' af ter <I111nez. In vieW or IbJa,ttal1on, he was responsible 10r daughter or Springboro en joyed the city street covered wibh snow; days from 10 to 7 o'clock Nravy, spent four claYs leave over X~nJa. and Miss M Lha Early of my recent remarks OIl ~zaSeed U6hing ~<l mam!&1n1nS SOIIIM Thanksglv1ng with Mr. and ¥!,s.John ' . 'IUlan~ivfng With' his parents. Mr. Wa ynesville. :food 'and the ~vinI fl\lilldt~ ~o radar sllatlons ¥d six righter Settlemyre and son, near Leba.nOD. and Mni, Laiwrence Surface, now of this d1nnes- was a Joke for t.he ciIiI.v Sectors over a 2.0110 lnllel.ront, t'r om • • • {'111"1'1.11)8 WUmJngton. Elmer Is an Armed PROGRE SIVE WOMAN'S CtVB home ra.lBed food OIl the table WM .Brtsbane noJlth as fa.r as lA!.e. New Mr. and Mrs. CharleS Ellls, Mr. and • { ~ .~ 1~ew8 u ,ua.rd on a Merohant ship and has TO MEET DECEl\1BER FOURTH the cream tortbe . ooUee. U~ I Jua~ returned from tour trlna ovtrmake"""'" butter but when I .......;. &:ulnea.. Mrs. Roy E1l1s a.nd 8On, Mrs El'w1n !Mr and lI£a..I' -Ro RI " s f - .... . """". "'So ml,LCh tl'Q,Veilllng gave h1m tile ElI1s Mrs Robert Berry and s:>n Fer' 11 s. roo 'Ug , 0 near On Frldn,y night, November 14, .!leaB. Thls time his shlp anchored In The Pl'ogresslve - Woman's Olub to make it tbls time I W88 In a ()pj-ort;unity . ~ see much of the 1Wf!!r~ Thank.stPvlng guests of Mr. a.nd WOOly : , Cd on Mrs. Alice Oi'd'l"k the first high ISChool par Y 0 f 'Fllance, Engla nd, :Wales and ScotLnd IIW1ll meet a bhe- . . Sllubbs resi- l1'Urry 8lld my mlnd W1I8 on ou. country. ami to oome woo con aut Mrs. Frank 'H ess,ln Dayton. ~nesFraY' k • _".n_ f ,t he YOO I' was given by the Fre~hmen and he reports that the tr1p was /dence. Monday veiling at 6:30 things first t.he cream W88 to Gold 'W iWl lIll!.IIY of the outposts In t.he • • • B. n . '-'C.l.....y. 0 Lebanon class. very uneventful. o'clOCk for a. potlUck s upper with and it Whipped. then I !at the ebllln ares. as well as to see quite a bit ot Mr. and Mrs. Qa.rl Frye entertained ~'1IoS d~ l!oU~of Mrs. OeoJ'gl8, The gymnasium was bea'\1tlfully He visited friendS and relat1ves IMl·s . Stubb.> tis hostess. Everyone In BOrne 'WIIIl'Dl owater to 'W8.l1I1it JU!,4 ~tlon: I\S Is ~ttested by the lour tod1nneron Thur&da.y, Mr. and Mrs. Ma~a E~~ and Mrs decorated in yellow and brown around Waynesville Wednesday. and lis asked to bring hls own ta.-ble a llttle. but I 'W8l'D\ed It too II1II: '. gcld on h1s sel"Vlce ribbon ann Loren Wooley 80nd Mr. and Mrs. :Mart~ Hender50D were Thanks~ streanlers. In the middle of the floor ~:=~~ w:er::: ~':t ~,:::r service and 8. 25c Ollrlstmas gUt and ·the areem aU cbumect U1e little bl e bar over hla rilht Gilbert P'llye and lOllS. giving dinner guests at the home 'Was a corn shock ~r1th pwnpklns .preparing to sal1 soon • ~~wi~ ~eeepe~ga::: ~Uer1no'hrgIstht: ~ e~ t~topliln!-.1cef=! pOCket, which repl·ese.nts a pre4i• • • Mrs. Jennle Th of Fer W8Jl a.!ld ears of oom around it. G a m e . ' ..-. .. ucl1tal unit station. Dr. and l\4n. A. E. stout and the dinner guest ~ AllcC?OllU'k were plaYed and enjoyed n('t only ,by mas splr1t. All mem~rs are urged· to ith it and bought some butt.8r a~ J'ew of tile comIfOl'ts or home are mughter were among the guest.s at a .... hankBgiVlng da.y Ithe .puplls but bhe tencl!ers. Mrs. SERGEANT .CLYDE } _.0 ..-.11 be present. the grocery. Then Wlum we loObd . to the soldle.s over ~h~!'e' IThanksg1v1ng flllW1,y dinner at tile 1Mrs. Crane ~t Th~nks Ivt'l 'Hough ap(l Mr, J?arlt:s In ra bUndat the bird I ·had counted 011. ~a <but what tney have 01 , convenience home of Dr. and MrB. Claire E. Stout rat the home of J. Q. Oons an: ~ Itold 1.eed1ng contest wen~ the hlghSergeant Clyde Fromm arrived . _ _ ....... II uut' .... ollae I'M" " iW8S much too ' big. ,t wenty pounda, is good. the ~ll1cer sa.\d. food, unW 'in West MiltOn on WedneIiCUW even- lAllee Oon.s lalghts Q! the evening. t.ele the as't week from ~.nd tt.ClJt without a b1t dt ~ OIl r ecently. was made up ohleflY Of ing, I Sunday ~l1el'S of Mrs. J . W. Ward Attef refTeahments or cider a.nd OLU Field. Florida. for u fHteen day 1UBERCULOS~S (hJ.m. and many pLn feathers. i1' 'lIIte (iebydmded ~UCIB "b1ch, WJ Le 'Were Mr and Mrs HeI1be t Ul doughnuts. Lll enjoyed bhe dllnctng. furlough with Ills parElllts. Mr. and IlEno:igoh rat S'Or ,ple~ty of 80pd bl'f.WA ' nourisnio!lg. not delectable. On Mr and Mrs A. H. stubbs had as. and Mlas' Lula Soll~s aM ~lePhe': The music . WIlS 1'urtl1she' by the Mrs. J. P . Fromm. . gravey so I rushed mto Daytooj out many of ·his W9II.k1ng t.rlps through • iUests Mr. and Mrs. &un- jot DQyton, Mr. and Mrs, Foote; "ahyt4lm 'I"W1.stet.... - - -neiglhbors were sold out at ~ .the Jungle he took, aiong with hia . and eon of Baltimore. ICAlnnlngham, of Wllmlngton, . Mr. Hubbard and h.1s wile Betty. LIEUTENANT CECIL M, DAVIS and 'Want ~the old market ~ ec,uipment. severol' pounds, or freSh and Mrs, Amanda HaRrum. Miss Chandler a.nd Mrs. W6ird made an hour ftJ1d a half ot fun Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Davis have ~Z!. ~ee. yOU: ~~• . Jl1(Qt whlch was ~ten the first in a . . • were 81W&Y Tuesday, the former in and . frolic for the pupils of both receivCdalbox of Oermans<:'Uvenlrs me and said. "Me you .t4U J~ long tlme t~ the IIKIll In t.he inMr. and .do. R. H. H3rtsJCk and ~t.;,n. the later In Xenia. grade and high SIOhoolB. He presen- lf rom their SOD, Llet.em.nt cecll M. ~001?" I (found· out t.:ba.t ,~ 4ier1or. on bC~e trlPB he a'i so 00wec-e 'IbaIlksgivinl dlDMiss Murgaret EcLrwlI.rds was has- ted a rew tricks With the a.ssistance I;e.vls Wlho ls somewhere In France.. been In the sixth &!Gde 1D :tile oOIIS1Ona.lly .carried mall to p~ts for guests 01 Mrs. Marlh Deabher- teas to the members of her bridge of BIlly W1sen:an, Jean Lackey. country school I 0IipeI '10, it tJ~ oomm~t101l ~ had not In Dayton. club 'I\lesday a!ternoon a.t "Uur Harold Stal'ley. Patty Smith. and SERGEANT J. A. HOPKINS IW'8.S 6Jmoet as good sa . ,~ a :vet been estaO!1shed.__ ....l.. • • • • House Richard Noggle. Many 01 the pumls _ _._ 'home-growti -bird.' I cou1d , MIl ~,m bhe UIaIJVI" opinion. . as they le1it he gylnnaslum were 'Mrs. Arthur Hopkiru; has received canned oean8 or . . . .tca ur4 WIIB the rapidity with which eivlliz- ~~ ~'!~'a~'a~Z~~ WORD RECEIVED HERE OF arguing over hOw the magician a box 01 varlous artLcles from her pumpkin pie tout t.nste8d.I JWd. CUI. 80&1011 was bullt up In the jUlli'les by D1v~'" e home _I " ._. ft_" ".__ . J. THE DRAm OF MRS. D. LYN(;IJ m.ade his rabbit dIsappear. husband. Sergeant J . A. Ho.., ikl.ns ed d _.~ ' oil ' ,the Americans. COllSldeting tnat.. ......u.... ..""'" - ... lllUu Tile Ore""" Oom-ny of New York n peas an ......... pie, 01. , dl~ . D .....I~r_ In Dayton ThDnks .... .,.. Who ta somew: . here in Germany. even have nom............,.,· -~ -N O()llJly ~~ one percant of bhe sup. .....,......,.,... ~ IRela.tives here received a tele- has !&sued during the p&st two ' - "r-~tPl1ea were gobten from the la.nd itda¥, . gram Monday. of the unex,.'e cted weeks to the followU:lg pupils their I·the sl1lIW but It wsa p. !ICJOd. ~ .self, it W88 little .short of 1IIJIIlZi'n,s • • • death of Mrs. 'C avid Lynch of T1!- TYpewriting Piogre!'S CeTtI!I' otes : I\IURRAY HOPKINS. C. C. s. hope we ,~. ~uly .... t hi'. ho quilt)kqy mosqUit0e6 were cleaned Mr. a.nd Mrs. M. A. Fulkel'llOn and fin. Ohio. for hhe listed nwnber of words per I llP. and decent Uvinl qual'ters were dal\l3hter eDdoyed a turkey dinner a~ il'ullera.l services were held Wed- minute. Janice BUrntltt, 34: Wllma 'Munay Hopkins, Chief Comml sSundaW. Mter abufch ~ built. at lirJlt ptiOl1ty on the: bUlld- the home cl Mr. Qlld Mrs. Harold nesdE.y. and th06C who attended t.1ll! Surface. 34: Betty •. a.rt. :,J; Rn.ylyn sary Steward. alTlved here from the went home and ate the ~ Of 1:lg were screened mesa haUl. Van Pelt, in SprlnS Ve.lley on funeral from 'h ere 'were: pte anel Crabbe. 35; l.6nna F.l1ld.ebra.cht, 36. Aleutian 111 ands during bne past ' Ia(t, overs and I ~ <lay rooms and EVery 'I1ha.nkagivlng~. Mrs. Floyd Lynch &inel son and Mr. Order of Gregg AI1tist -pdn, Muriel 'week. to spend ae~era.l weeks with 111s ev~~!:t~hana.n~e a.o..el1l\JOn was g;1ven to the com:!ort . Oharletl Lynch of W..,ynesville, and 'lDickenMieets. patents, Mr. and Mrs. Ed Hop!clns, The 40th anniversary of the sl\le TIul.t is tIhe title at ..,Il,[lCl4~~. ." . '0£ the men. with no J.im1t an wnat Mr. Ilnd Mm's. John Kerley a.nd son W&lter Adams, of OOvlllgton. Ken- I The date of the JWlllor class pla,y, ~~lswRbhi~_herswlill report to Oamp of 'he tirst Ohrls"llAS S~' l w.o ob-' like. the adv.,........ ft.~.-· could ,~ deV1Bed. . have retUmed a.t.t.eJ: apendlng tucky. . ''Thumbs Up.'1uts belen changed to ......... ""'" and tor re-assign-· '" -..., ""''''''"'6 Liv1IiC qu8il1ters were usua.lly tentia the 'l'ha.Jl!UIglviDg hollda.ys Witll U\tl lDeeem!ber 13th, lnst.e1ui t the 14th ment. served when the 1944 Seal sale "poise. power, ~, Im~~~ or~ , shacks. The latter were pte- il'urmera brohher-in . -18IW and sister. COR.PORAL OWEN HARTSOCK .. {IS prev10usly announced. A ba.sket opened Monday, November 27, it plenty." Be a ~ in ch1ef f oMr a.nd MnI HoWa no and roll t h December 111 MATHEW TURNER IWas announced by FlOYd A. Rowe, main. "All on an ~ :fer~ed fa,;; se~ reasons, . , 0 ' . • ery PROMOTED TO SERGEANT game a orne 011 , ___ _ . Cleveland, President of thl;! Ohio Now the ,f t\a-zln- "'-" ~G~ willCh 'fare llill1t they were cooler, fem11y. of Qreen Sprtns-. Ohio. rnmcie this cha.nge nec!essuy. ___ ~ . JaatA;d langer. Tents ~e ail • • • 1Mr, and Mrs, Ro$8 Hartsock have 1s constant ' exdtement Q! 'Mrs. Kathryn OhamWiss of Xenia Public Heal~h A.ssocla.tIOll . tlcles d1I!opumgq ~ other mater.ta.l in the trop1ca, mo· iMl's. John ReIobel and daughter of received "WOrd trom. their son. Owen, practice in the auditorium. scenery has received word from her son, I 'IIh1s year s Ohrlstmns SeaJ carries soldiers tl'Clm 8UQh)~. dewe<l, ¢4 rOtied ill a vtl'Y' ltIW .Ashland Oh1o were 'lbiliadsy d1nner .t hat he been Pl'OlDdted !rom is taking fOl1Ill, and it looks as If the MlB.tthew «M&t) Turner. that he has Q POStman holding an envelope In stresses the dlUloUltyj lt ~.' The 'ab8pU. bUllt " and ove~ht g:ueets of Dr. a.nd Mrs. Q;>rporal to that of Sergeant. and is Juniors are to give a vel'" eJXlelltm.t been promoted from the rank of his uprised hand. '111e postman de- l1ving on a 1SDU\1l plaiCe .......... teet oK £lie Mound, to 8Ialow A. 1Il. stout. ,'now In New Guinea, . per1fOIma.nce. 6ergea.nt to that ot Stal! 8eTge&1lt sign. aooQrding to President Rowe. t can be done. It CIIolla·· ~~~.iI ..... .~ H ','Was selected In memory of Einar the d4f1ferenee hellWtl~ .•lI;"IDtr:. lor ventailablon bAd acreenec1-in ' • • " . I e has made several mLssloru; over ,RolboeU. Danl,ili j:osta! clerk, wi)o count . anel -, aideS '&11,(1 roare. 'JllIaIIlC~ ~. a.nd Mrs. W. P. Sal1sbury en- 1Mr. a.nd Mrs, Harry satterthwe.tte BIRTH ANNOUNCEl'tIENT ~ennany 8Ilrea.dy. being in Engla.nd first had the Idea of selling Ohrlst- in Nle~untry.~.n::;.::..:~~ -was ~ by :flhe Mtt• • but rest on 'IbanICIg1Y11lg da-y. Mr. had as their d1nner guests op. Tues- -ISnce AUg<lJBt. mas Seals to ralse funds to help t.he .A small place in . of i~ ~ W8B done by .the IJ]ien Mrs. H. L. Rqe and 1iOD.' . day. Miss .Cora P!la.umer and MIss Mr. and Mrs. Carl! FCT'gUSOIl are . sick. "Durtng the 40 l'ears follow- ightful w~ ~ J~ time trom th8ir • • • ~, both of Wllmlngto"n. and .v ery happy to an.noullce the blrtb r4 BIRTHDAY ANNIVERSARY InS the first Seal Bale, 61 COUIlt.\es aged can be UYI'.I!'!IIUJ. !~ I$llu\ ,~I·. .• ", , (J. 0') George. Steele, of Wes~ .., baby daughter, Connie Jean, (l,t OBSERVED SATURDAY hlllve used Holbell's Idea ' to suPPort of BII'I~ll[!1Jllent . MiIIJor. 'M Iae. the 8011 or J! Ohio a.nd :Mrs. Roy FI1ns- GOOd Samaritan Hospital, on Notheir fight against tUlJeroulosls" MI' e tter ~teqL ,~~, vernber 21st. ,MnI. Ferguson and IMti.FI06sle Fires celebrated her iRoWe 8I1id. ''In this oolLntry' 2;500 l ~i ' pcill8itote .,~~., il'l WJI . • • • daughter are now at their home on birthday annlVC'l'S8.ry on Sa.turda.y 'i!I'OUps have become aJt1l1ai,ed wIth . i' . SobDol· In: ~ r.t the home of Mrs iFOurbh street. The 1aimer is Poach ~t I and was rem1nd~ ot .i t when a num- the National . TubercWools· 'Aasocla- ~~ to 'h el 'a member of 8OC1e\J. PkmI. .were~ lofrs. Ralph I. Wa.ynesville H1gh School basket bar of guests a.rrived UDelOjJeCtedly ,tion to wol'it for t~rculosl$ c;ontrol fihd ' Ml1ta.bI: 'I\IIQcH!Ii " and a Cheer leader. Be·'attended .all\! ~ter ~~ Sue. team. durina' the evening. Games were en- in oltles. townS and vUlag\!8 In every' e.lso to Ohio ~ UIDlvel'ldtY. reoelv1l!a 6n ~ . ~.~ ~ Mns ' oarl joyed and ~w re!res~nts wue state. The past 40 years seen. maci8' elecb'1clll ~ dIIIfte in 1t3Ii ~.........._,;\ v1al. ENTERTAINED servecL Tho8e present w~re Mes- tuberculO61s ' d~ths cut from J~ m 1ng nl8l'e' he WIllI ..,.uve 10 the Tower ~~ ' '--, ~~ on MonTO T1llI\KEY,' D~ \Sames Stella WIh.etZel, O. B. Marla.~, everw 100, to 4 out of l~ deatbS,;.4l 8. Club ' Be 'eb!bei'ed D . ~u. . Oora ,R1ch. ,MJ,nnlf? MongCT; Ulenn , the UnI'ted States. That t.s a. g(xxi " ru,.t· ~ 1n ~. lIMO, Mr. Qlld Mrs. 'lfa11llr Don .Hadley. and cla.ughter, 'r ecord, qut we ti&veno right. to J:8OI!lved JIIO'R) a turkey d~~ on TUesday . Smtth, Mota. Rolle Fltres gloe.t when We roollze tba~, tu~- l ~~~~\li~:' .ft'Om Obio' StUJ. aDd & ~ . and hGd aa l~ ,g:ueats t'ale th~ hOnored guciSt. , 108~ still kUla one per80~ every.i4De ,~~ . tp ,f~ ~ in J~ bl ~ thl'lJl ~, and " -=.........:. .. . . !m,tputell ilotId ' ~ ~e " Hnit d.1Seue .:':~=::;-";~:~;;~ == 00..... ' Ittre are .. follows: D~ ~ ~ONO~ OF . . k1lIet of persona between tibe .... at ..... ~ IDcIuide Do*aqci.aas, - &d.NBST ,BtJTTBBWORTB \15 ~ ~.'" -. -,. &Ild Mar. ' ''The Wonderful maD lIIa1f, W"*tt"~ KrB••BarokI &D4 Ml'IJ. '!lamest ButtellWorth·· boell's 0hr18tmea ..... IIIDi1 afttDer, nn; JIt;!.lt to 8Imda1 dinner honor-1brought m1lUcma of Jr. IIDDIver.J8l')' or Kr. fiaht ap1Dat ~ Be a..at1tel'liVllIrtb lIl" jEVel'yabe wbo ~~UI1Ii~~~~ ~ oad . Ji8te In




Mr:. C. C.








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T'H E M lA M I GAZ ETf -='

Western Auto Associate Stores

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tab! l\6 we \\ llld a 1"cl1fl~. on 1Ltl alter Ilhat the III 81 n. sac.rcnlcnt alld riOt I, t • . '

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Ule 01\11 C.rS of !lC ,..a(~Ln t chairs at. Wle lfLblt':l. 111 q ur llea.l't.s you were ' h~ th ere in Wlose chairs and we roid "Do h a ve £1.1 oWlet piece or LlIl'k ey " a n d w c h ope Lhat. n e)'1. y 0\j,1·. drt'll lllS wUl b tru e and we assu re yo u t l a t wh enever you get. bome wUI be 'ItlllL'lksid i ng Lay wh e Wler, lt is 1.111' fo un ll 'I'h w';'-

., J1funernl

the nC(,I~ ]I'" vcr y Importam 'q .;, IIl g


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Garson's Shoe Store



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Comfort For Bus y \ Vorkc rs .. . l ·.. df r The Able Dlrcc tiun fir itlr. ( ,:,/, _

(IYs ·.\1ld 1,,1'

l.all· "' \l IILl> IIlId

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son, WhQ .W"!! for 16 ~.'ars till' 11' 11 Manllc-er IUId Buycr for Lill th l"r lUltl Shoe Corp, of Clcvc1'1.nd.

11.. . . 1 1

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.. .. .. . . .I Special! ,.,

SI'J,;l'IAL FOR T ill S WF.EK m : \ \ "I'wn, FlVE .,1 EU; , LIME 0 .\ 1\ EX'U lNSJON T ffi"E I3REAKl-' AS1" SET

[ 14 0 - mak~ L-



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r rl E·( ahn t o 'o r Car Co.

PI ;O NE 326

.u-kd reports,


GIFT FOR T lIF. ENTUl.E FA..,\IILY Li\' ill g Ruom ultcs -


f "nn lt~lI'kl'n; -





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l\l lrrurs _

L::lrtl . · S Roc.kers :UI~ I (' hair, - P laques _ i dllrl's lIuok Ends ' lDok'r, Cnoki· J ars ChUq's

"abl,,:; -

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'I Ull' in 0:1 It, dLo .' I.I LlOn \\'CKY. ::! 25 lo l~ :~ O l ' .I11. lor Olll' (a i1~ II




IH T I.NC'I'I\·E l'O lt T la n ~ At 12 W. 3i lllhc l'ry. 111 L, h.ll hJll .


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ItOOT F O It A:-Ill C O S !' tGN i~ , Clli r C at We. hogs. shC"I) anll c a l v eJ .' , r-; " I'n , - R I'Ol'k Co . ' lI VE' " 'Ir e and ' ~ pr U):fl·. slve rtItn f OI' t h e lu g! e t I . .~ :.IL r'kl·c Pr1CC ~ nn el g(,Od s pr v/ cp.. . ~

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aaYOI· th e mld(!le uf JU,l1cso G reel_ ' l.'ihlll(·I1! . ·tllI. r irtgs to you all. ' is very Jl llIch - ----1)lI bl](; Lllltl :S

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ln cJ t y oroollntry and Cllli.sL- 1 I , . . ,.. a ny \l htU'e bu t T )II:' \ ..,', t e IlI j \ 11" 'ntaS TOha k is j Olu 'isbtoas / ."!: .... II sg DayJa a t I t.s best 011 1 u .'bnnoll OU t'I' '.1 ~.'l,\ ",· \11 :"!1 IS '~ . fn.nn. l li'ht a bl'cnstof r". Gl'CCLl ngs


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. I~. l\[ ul hcrry It1 ~' .\ ·L rJ;t. l ' lI lrtl u ul:

"11 ',

CAUl) OF 1· 1I .\ ~ K '.

Eger's Je welry & Gifts

I.' -' ''''' I'heir n~ccllt J::.~ L:Lbl lil t .

F 00 d Sa '1e

'\ ('(""'t1ri~'"


Lebanon Parts Comp~ny

a2; ar


~ O~l ) CO~~:' C~ ' Pap ·~.

'I' II UR D.H' . Non;~tBEIC. 2t!, l!.l401







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Now Playing in Rik e' s Corner Window


A,.I '[i.1I lrt'.11 for d lildr,·lI .lIId ;Idul" II f lhe l\ l i:l1l1 i Va lky. Hi J;t" ~ I Hl' ~ t' III' Ih e LIII1IIlIS S ll~ .l r i i\l.lriUIt' · lll'.~ in an lIl1I""" I UHi ' lm:t s prlJ durti(ln. ·1 h e cur l1 t' r wind ' J\\' h:l'I hl'e ll 1[, 111 fOrfl wd illlO:l lin)' En gli' h I ill.'gl.! o ( Ihe ixtecnt h Cl' nlury. The 1ll .lri oIl I'Il L·'. inc luding' jull y Old a llt:l , 'lin g, <i ,Ir1 ( e , ,llld 1(' 11 a tradilio na l Y IIletidt! ' 1I1ry II( l\1L "l'i" I. ng l.lI1 d. A group u( s kill~d p"ppdl·l·r, . c,l nct' :li n l hehind tht' ~CCIll' S , u pe r,llt' Ih!' " Irin g~ "hich maJ;t' chew 1I1 arittl1l'l ll" I'l' I' f ll rill . T h i ~ 1lI .lrioll~ ll l' ~h()w willlw rL·p,·,ltt: cI .1I i11 lcl'\a l, II ( .Ihou t te ll Illinllll's d.lil y dllrillg rL .~. d. l r ~· .. rl · IH ' lIr~ fWIlI nil \\' lI n lii Ch r i'IIII . I~ . Bri ng Ih.· , Ilii d n 'lI (() w e H.i k c \ 1\1.lri t)Il t' III· ::- hll \\, - - ill Ihc c" l'1wr WillLlllW - St'( ,lIl d al l\ I,ti II.

Automobile Insurance


II ;I !


~\ ,! 1/

1 ':




YOU'RE NO EXCEPTION! Calamity doesn't pick favorit es ! Misfortune hasn' t singled you out as an exception! Be wise and protect yo~rself with good , insurance so that no matter what happens, you, your family and your property will be fully protected. Offit·c al ltog ('J's alld Simpson

Garagc I"ormerly Waynes ville Insurance A,ency


YOUR CHRISTMAS STORE SINCE 1053 (~lm.c to visit :I.t The rest of thc class It'i):,g ll't\ when you werc (,<.III'd on 10 r" ('il c The il she rl'm.lincd until s"'lOol ;\" IS disrni~sed and t.!llkell tu the tea ,' her about your progress IIr lac k uf it. R(!membcr? -~· u tlr


s('htltl l '~


HOl\1£ T elephone 2291



For .Dead Stock '.' , tf.,.. j,


Hq~~~.• · .CQWs. H9GS . :

CAJ:;Y~ ' ..".,~~~all

XE-r NI~..:" ,



THE MIAMI CAZEn~ Walter w. ' Wilteman, owner

Revel'!lft Td .. phone Charge.~ Main '4$4, Xpnia, 0 ,

E. G,

naeb ~lrb,



Jennie WIseman, pub1lsber. . , Phone 2143 . Waynesville, ·ohi. Entered os Second Class Matter at Waynesv1l1e. Ohio. Issued every ·Thu rsclay. Subscr1pt10~1 price, $1.50 per year, payable in ~_Ilce,





•• ,1' NINI:."J'Y-f'O


1\I 1\ .lOlt .\H T lIllt J . \\ll.I lI: A S I GNEII i\~ OFl'lll J( IN H \U .\It LAIIUU \TOlty WJi~ hl FIt' It! O~(\lOn O li lu Nuvl.'lIl~ . ' r ,1' 1 au 1 L.~nol\cl(){] 'alell1thl' Nc ,\ rlll'lI'.IS. bUl IW(j Il S M}()11 i), thClc \lILh 11 11' Sir ll PI! hn7_lId s II I battk n,o; l all' thl' II, LI II ' ,IL WII :;hl FI('ILI, dL'l l,"" I\laj ll l .\ 1.. 111 J WHil e. J(C'l' lllI y I lllllllt·t! Il l, I'll 0 1 10111 11 1.1JOI l ,lIl1P,lIgll;' and ~7 1JI1ill UIS III l h, ' ' olllil l',llII I' wlt. · II! tll li b 11 11" 111 1" ' v • U " l1Iall 'U ll U.I.'utl IIII' ()Il JL')lIll':.l


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G .\'I'II EJtJNGS ON 'I'll \:\I{:-; G I\' JNG U\\'

01ll(~'I'11l 1t ~J) , \ \ ,

MI alld Mrs I1 a rrv S !1tU' rtl\\\nlt.c wl'rc hos t a nrl h o;,1.l's~ LO a I:l.rg(' 1 1111111 !;,IUIf'lllIg on Th nnks ' l lilll.: (' ( 1 TI II'1l g" iI ~1s \I III' M I n'ld :\~ I" .• I' fDa " ':\1


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ri\:\'(' .\ S \ ··· \ i\l.\RIO "E'I'TF. S HOW

I:\,EWloi OF '1' 111 \\ ,\ \,:,\I ::-; \I • ( lI lJHCII 01 ' (,IlHIS'f ~ 11 Ill d ~1r , (dUll' t 1' 1 I , .l lld SI ll).. 1'I,ll'II.IIII« 1 lAl el lIL'II' ) Oil J II h,1 T l.e 10t'. 11 (' llIlIl'I l (I Iirl ~' nns I , I1In ~ :III '.11 LI MI S 100\,(lld l:>hllu', Ju ~ t IUlIlp ll'l.11 lilt' p,"th " " "f ti ll' . 11 M.1 I " ~hlll1S :\1 1' '1,1 Hu, h hOll~l' Oil I.h l' tc) Il '1 11I~1 to L.c ,II \(! :VI I.' Hl'iJII BI ,l[ltI( " h dlUld. Tht' h USL' 11111 U, Il~.d :111'. III'XI )1,11 l UI tI , lUll II, .1 .' LlII Ih. 1 1\,' 11 111111'd D: "i II1Ibll,1s IIH' l'i Llllth i - b(' I O,III'I' Jl II!'! .1 JlI::l11 I " "11 L1'1 t. Il ll' d ,LL I I I,' I'Olll<' oj :\1 1 Ilhd {J II(I II:l .I~ L.!t .L ClL·nu,' "ll "ilL 11 \11''' H nll ,·\ HU ' Il, 'I S,I'IlILi,(1 I'l'" 10 g l'Ol1 Illllllg Iii,' 11 111, .... .'(· II I , I" " jJl ul"'n bl 111(' 1()(1I1 <.IlllIlII III I I), I"I, ' 1\ ,. -

, ',


:\ I:W :-. /\'\'I) "en \ I 'II ES OF T il E -'lin 1I0lll ST C II UltC li

1'lJI I{( I L.C'sll l NOI I Is of Ul la\1 II,' 0 1110 ., p o ke III tJic Mc h Oellst 'i '1 _ ' -: (;lr ll llll SU ll tlll) JIlol llil ,g Hls W1CIIle < j \I ,]., . 'L I ' C hild and "OULIl 1n WIC ' Mldsl." ~';~~~I~~LIZ~~\~~;~ll~~I~\'. ;. fllO~:ntC:_ .1"'." . H.c "' o llb I I ll' dllectol' of Re• ~ ' . , "~' 1' llIc. MI ancl MI';; Vii ~ II Ru " cl Ml s _ j"IIIt11> l:.uuc.,lIu ll of Lile OhIO ConTh elm" S lmllll (,1 MI S Chlll'l l';; S ,I _ ~",, (' 11 l ll ll'ICC ". S I I 1 [ (·l' wnll' MIS., ... :tr) atLl'1 III~\ Le ... " ~. ! J. v lu l l II Ilh tile SUllday School ,# 'il .. .,n(I SIll II p H a lill'S 0 f r ,l' I1<1 11011 ,vL IS -I ... ' J , """' . . 1 I ·.' ll1('\., Il l. d ufLcCI S in Lhc al te rW,I ~ II.W lllt' IJullt' Comple.·1 n n d ~·lller~ f , . ~tl' ''ll llli' g l(lIl1l(l .Il 1(Olk III Lli e ~l·U I.:; i ll~'·l lIa l ll ,l\ ' U I, ' 1I' , . j US I."vll ""L!lI II1g \1\LlI tt.l m plans for d.llk S pl llIg Vnl lc\' , M r and M IS H.obell \ J III III,! ct, •..,.- Plnl ' I lllllll b, I Ip III( llli l ll l'(i I~ 11 ,11 It ·.i1 1 " I IOI LI " . lI 1\ Ill g Oil lhe 1101 k L!1 Ult! SU llduy .(lI d VIll'I,jl'I I. , LIl L' S:lll, I L!JI"JII. nll rl dall g hU' l s Mi!i5 ~ I '.'~' .•' \V ,I\II('s\I ,I, HI gh &. .v,,1 ,\lIlI. I' '' - " )( 1111 IVI 1('S, .·l l lll' I I ' ' 'I /o " I III, ' IJOII L:! I()ol )UIUl b ::;1j; II.d CUI P, 1I111t' l li. s JlI1il 111 /111 S ,'I I' ('I'IIII"" I' Mr GCOI"(' ' 1\'_ . . ;-.... 111111, U L'((lll iJl' l 1.1 7 JU 11 III I I illiJlt' &1I\01 U, ••ltl II. 111111 11 ,) ... ' I", IlllJ " " .( , , ' : ' I I, l ,li u ll 11111 lII eel Sund.!" a ~el Ill'lll .1" .. 1 1,,"1 • •. • ,(: "' 0 III ( \' I II I S I ..... h .• s ill" II 1I(', 'd l'd :l l ,Ill' J. •.,l I .11 J !te ll I I !J'IIl II I I I Lt' Il'lti1\\':lI l eMI ~ (,I1I'J nt( ')Ll ll~1I 1l' • + • II[)UII, ( I I III l·C()duck,,"dWt: Il ~.s ,. ,I ll ) L J '" p IlI' 0 ,t:! ,1, .(1 MI ~,l1cl MI :; J !',.' (' ' l hOIl\,11' :1I1c1 .' '1 I ". J I I AJI ., I I .. 11 .'1 Il!t! I li ll l( Ii 11(" ", III H.adlo .• II H~((ll li !::il, ll ull C;lIg"Il . , - " · ' , .• I ,. ,\( ,vu .' , J ' I lOll .I s 1'1- U III L I Lt •• ) l'l l'l IIIIK ilL 7 JU UI \ I I ' \1 1S~ :\1!.1 l jOIl I' :\1 0011' or C larkslillf' i " -L It! ,oIl1ld t u SWI(I;1\ L1l1d h) :\11 ~ I' ,I jlv." .011 1(1 ,) 11 Ii ., Ill . 1 11 ~ <lI IIGI" 1 will Ill ee ~ SaLurday IIlH I 1(1 11, II l'C lll"" l, ~t 1 I I(' C • .. '. 1 I (. . ( IJUIl h I., 1I'" 0 1 to Ii, 0111,· '. ,' ll , ' I I ' 1I11,' ' lIljl lOIl ,1I'i! 1i:!"1 hi' I ' ' ,f .\llllll"OIl ., l ~ UO 0 clock for I.helr ,HlllIl"lIt U , . ~LlJlI Ollu \0'-: " 0( I I II,Ll! Ullllt,'ll' ll!. ' .•' I II , MI S T U Tknnl1O< k e l ll.'~11nul\'d " "plIllg \ a, 1', P " planl~c Al tll lJ.lll .,jl1l1g SOIlII' 2.UOO l!lll," Il f I llUn1l 1 W II I'hank s .,/ . Pll :~ 11111 ~ II" lil .. , .. 111.11 I" 01 !::iulltli Pal Ill< 111,,;, 1 llne b) 1Jl' ·, III." 1JIl'1l )I'I S 0 11'1 , ' " .. , • • • • ' l lI Ulld to b ll1 ld UpU Il Ull'll'l) t'IlIIl·I.LJ(t' II OIllUiJ,.I , "" '~ g l\lll ~ dl'lII"lonrhUMlSidfl\LOltdh l' I .'. I , I,~ \ II ·.lId :\Ir~ C L llu'lI.·. II H ' IIII' ~1' :I L •.., t I.d ' 101 ', 1'111: 11 .\1'1'\' 1I0Ull CLUB 10 1I ,It lll' L, IIl I, c ' 'IIIL! jllSL p lulIl l'IIL'<1 CU!'.'IS \1('11' . ' S 11 :1 ....(' ; llolll~ II U I 01 \1 1.!·lIls buq; 11'1'1, I, '11 ~ , I .i1 .\11 .1: I S WI 'III lUttS, REASON R.: lll II 1:\11 H nnlltl M cG lIlli ls ) ,'U ""l , ul ;'0.11 1I 1U M I L,t. 1111 U , d,1I 1,(1 .1(\ , I . I, II llil' 1,1 I .. . 1 t ., p .lIl, dklll . ,.lId COIIllll g lllJOuj;ll Lli l~ U J\ ,LlI'( .. S h f' I ' . , I' ~, l ll.I'" 01 l ill, I ll l" I I., ~ ), .I , I ,,' II I 1. • t I ,\.., II IJ IIILI ,' •.; .., 1I 1~ I.IlI·ll ed , I IIll1q~ I II' "HY I. e nml y se lh 1I ."'. '. t" OI l (Im ·I!.!,' III )lIII " ' ..'I.!1 - [h I(h ,li,' •· .. ' ·1.11' Il III , ' I II' /l lIP. Y H our C lub ucen t ly tllOll j;i1l I1no lI L lu n e W lhlO\I ,111"y 11 ollne I R 0 b 1'1 . t 0 I l C fl lJS{'II l II l('n I ' s L P. RC'dSOlI as hoo Jl IY I llbull l uol ,m el onlt 110m' . ' II C \)11 Cll i 'T' B Bl'lllIlO<'{ Jr who I ~ :. g L C. llllbl l 1. h.dl ClIls ',0 h ,lIC S " ,l1ll1 l l1" 10 ,, !ll\l .' , I" II " 'P.l IlIl t II I' h lL·••, 111(' Ji ll L'LlIl b II Il.5 In <.h argc or 11(;lJd I Lld :-, e l \!ttg with t.11e Arnl(l'd Por 'es OV(,I 2 ..... C; L~t Il a,\kl' and U ! ,l llt li l .l \ p. lt!' -,t ' I I" ClllllI II () I lllll S I,. I Atlllnl l) . lilt: lllajL)) II ddcd . h L Il' W csleln F'ront '1. , tl 1l' "" .1 OIl eels \IIlh H IIJ'vey bltl('ll lh\a l l,· us ples ld e n l .l!ld Mrs. UIlIlil ,IC,L1 II guud IlI ~ k 1'J111111l oJ • • • , .......iI._ ~"., ;'oI l und :\1J ~ H L 1;\, " "" 1- ." p, II • .\,·,lIl1l W\I '1' 1 "I ll,llI , ~ II'n.•.e, ,-oll j('ll('d 011 1,.lIlld 10 ~ll'ldd) (lelllJl"'" LiII .11l1 II (S Ulen :111110.'>1 h.1l 1 ,", I. ~ I ,Ii~, d I LUIII I I lIall"o, k ~et!l laL'y - t r eaA f .1111 II Y (III .Ill) kilid bill \I , JLL., t 1(1 ) CllIdlil I nd ,\11' n d M I, J . K PH "!"" " 1', _ ,.., I' " hl ,I ~ It II .• , 1I. I~jj .l ll(\ I.. M il 1'1 .I li d l lic PI Lg l .l m was In I Ilomc 0 r M r un d 11 11'11 IIII I L' Ill'le lI lI" J"I) ~ .11l1l1l1d Th ,II'S,' H\ II I lll' ' I J I .... I ., ~ As n s p lCI:! 1 11(":11 II I ' ll' I!ll c1 II 'l1 . 1;' Iling I IC 11l . 'v t1(~ llI n e of ~l lIn" l l lInLl :\rJ ~ U C H.ld ~ l' v lll'U I,,' l UI ,i1 '.l ll '.' 1 .1- b l', 1l .11 ~· LI Miss !:lcLty Og lesbee. li e plan:; IU lu i ll m Ihc s:.Ulle plO - :\11 ~ D H S:1hsbul) an d daU ';h te'~ OfWleMlaml -V.I I1<1 B II.a ." .II( Pl( - ' vod HL':;L Yt I\I CII \ "1I1 1llll 'II ' I IIIIIL IlI."I , I'Il(' ., ~ ".11 11 1.11 Ll.(I1I ' ~ II'f I c,';lllllcntb welc scrved to cdlill t' 111>11 ,lJllong til l' 1 1 1I ~ ks . l)lIl" 'I11{' 1I guCSl.s 1\ PI ('!'viI Il nd Mrs W c, '1'1 I b II I C II M d M Ro II S I !i,lItlll !; t llc 1l111 1 1l 11 <JII:II L' :nuw; lin t'(jlll( 'i tIL' ('a lllllll tnl s (',~ iJ r allel :II! , . A I'; S 011 1 'lid ,II! Ii I.. 1I I iJt'lI .> 1 "liol <lUll., "IL I l ll e 11I1'lli!J, I.' ,llI(1 gucsts after whlcll "l 'i , lind J"l'Jl al l hc IItl el IS W 1111 ( 111$ -1 '11,', ,)1 ,"(U ,'.1 ''- II''-- LI, ":.. "1 .• 11." .11 t'. \ 11,"1'" , 1, 1 II' IUII IL'I" LO '11'1 1 IIOl1l t ddll L1 I L .l.'... t tht1 \ t \l l ..... Il lIdJ,lIt . b orlH' 1 I nn G b ! o l l: I ltlU·hlt'l \\Il h 1)) I ' d \1 1."" ( ' ll' l.' till' t1ll u .I1' j UII cd to meet WIth J\10Ilihllth.dJOII1l ~ L\\'OycaI'S Ill UJ'V J\rs corg I' IlIIlPr ,In( Ch r l' Jll,I" IJlo<l lltloIIIOI II II' 11 CUII l lt'l'l l,mng 0011 111('1 1(' 1)" r I I I ',l PI . 1\1 I nll c11\' E"u sa l S m Ii Il ~ • , WL'~ :<'11 ,'" 11 ,'1 .,1 .'., 1/ 11, C !llll I I, 1I1ol , Lll 11 ,01 "I lil JI :VII''' L.I I I/' II.L· t'UrIlRS. In Dec~mbe r . lhe l'lld l lc L, le.L l. I' I, L':C ~ l hllL III I (~IIJ.: J "~ I ,(0\1 I., I , . 1('1 1' Ir.J I(0111 lun d. 011' Ic)1- I:. I!:>I~I UL 01 n CI 111 tV, ·I.1 II I'C' l.l\ 1/0 111 , k on ~ d to ", ( \\. I It I.u , l'll'l b ll ll Uti /il 1 II 1'1 " llull'IlllIJ; b~ .• II~ .1\aI1.. lJlc lIl e,UlS I, !lml dRu gllter ' /1( '11 nlll Cl,I I.' ln ll " l'lk , s 110 1" ,11I I I d " I I I . 01 ( , J .\ .c·VI~ 1' ,I II of O.I ) W ·I " ,," , I l' 1I1IIl1SIla ::Ill ut! I": ILl II j"ilL'l . , oI ,IIl.('d 111l' 1('Olbull '; 11 II L' III Cll- P' 1.I , l UI Lli c ~· ,.II 10 lI>II' I I S "OII ' ~ III CU'Ull'< '1 till 1'lLh li ls job, ~J.' L L 01 , • • g.l ol'd 111(' \\olld l IUII OI I' S U7,.I' I 1\1 II _ II 11u I.~ fo!lowl'c1 b) L1 II ! liP!' 01 , It U\1 - "" I , lJ lI~ .111 l:> ,ll'" L1[\ \ ,1' 101 \I l'1 . '11" I I, ' 1" ltl1S L It 11:11> ,",,'1 b" II ." I' , .. t' \ R IS R E(; OVERED ILJt:,Llin g lilies lilt! , Up CIIU,illg th e Tltank s~'!ltng- II'ns ,,1' sf'rI(' d at lite 10 n L'lll s fm l it\., Itol ld .\ Jllt ' lll - Illl'!1 W p erlOl1ll fOI Lh e IIlUMc r alll! I illl n n d :\1 1'" Ch,lI llS U " ~~un' _ _ _ 1:-' CLEVELAND. OHIO In;,t.ll 1.1 Ll< II 01 1Illu'rlft W.I I IlII IJ; s l.. l- 11 0 m I' of W ,1I1d 1\11 Challes Ellis WLIU'1 Tlw ('01l1l'1 1llIldo ,: ,.1., b , e l, 11I b 11l S~ u' ll It tt Clld,lIY Y llll'lid I ~l' .\ :,\U \ BO \'~ (; \ Tllilt lI (1 ~ 1! lIull., i ~",vtlll'I H b.1 plallC \I'll., 1l0 t 011 SILn cl n~ \11t h MI nnd MJ S LUII - 11.1IIsfo!'lIlC'd IIlTO~ \"11 - ~ l'''"1 Th l'j Cstel an d l li c h obll\ hO I ~e I L,,,It I ' TJ IIIII,tJS Up 1'1 . _ 11'::;" I ' UI{ JII .\ :,\K:-O(oI\I,,(, II () 1.1l) \ \:-0 T l ., dl ~n ' lI Otl, Sill Jise w n lch Iw\.I11-o PU,,"' I:J It. 5 111 a II bu.,!., oint! r pm!.' E lliolL an d SOl1 . M l and !'. Irs lage' of tltl' SIXU'llIth l: Il IUI . J)UI- Ilho nl'~t npp ea l on Llie ;Fl'n " , IISI', ltuII llL'I" ~l rs u l UI ,!: 11\11 oI l\(Il! j , g ' I Lli U 11 l x p e I~ n 'cd last Wed;'0.11' ,.lId ;'I I ~ - 11 ' 11 li d :-; ,. I, ., 1••lllle 1I11IU'S II!:II l,s( lul Olll~ b,·- Willard M(){:Kai>('1' and rl':1Il "IlI' I ' of 01111 Zaeolli [\; ,I \I. ·lI -k Il OII I1 p ll p_ , I Cillal "1 111s IS ul e Itg'lIlill'l 1M Ih· 101 m S <.,bOll'lll' \\ 1 h .1 l I ,l)l( ll'l 1.<,~ c1 ' 1 ', (JJ IWlg Il hcll h Is car was L\lell J I~,n ll tb . •1l1ll" ,A "L~ [l ., .... 'lk\looli. Mr and . 11., led Dl'c k t r Y" I"! '1 ,If CZI'ClUblo l,l ioa 11 1(.t l >I ' d lIl1L 11, ,,j lllbolwOf tl1l' Cle'UIIl of t l · 'IUIlld JUiliol Cit....., P I,,). \ a lll~ ., - 1\111111 - UI 'll 1IIl'·II' , II11·d .11 I 1111. ' toll II hll . ~ 11 been Illade well a.gain 1\', •.,do ll elJ lI l(JuL . I\l lll !I .IIl\c glJlc1 1~ alld dallRllcls of CCII I" nllll' w ld s " g ccl III ! ~ p U Pl't St. ,1 I S)J"" "1. " lei .\e,d ,lIld I Ca CI1 ('~ IL" '1 11I1tlX 111 \1 l1 e HIg h !::icltooi A u(O .. , 11111 UL - /)"> Ilho d!('11I ":1. , . ,II \\ " . 11111'11 11ll' ca l was 10Cll,ted In Clevell <J ha d h l' ll llUUu., ht,ejllll~les ChallesEI' Is.J 1 asgllS ' fOI Rlk L"" ~lb, ZlCO llllk \lh" ,, \! - :hc I' SI UllOCt!<'1 01 W'cliobb) hOl s c" lt lllbLl13 73UpIIl IIIl1l .1 11l1"' ·' ' I l l Ill' II , . o l d .mt!, OhiO Tllc car lIas unba nned, .i.I Ju l \ IIdl " II1 , L OI·d SC,.S :, , <1 IdHd \\ ood I :J. I I II ,g , 11 r.l! l o )J flld III I llL' Ne\1 Y("r f01l1l NeX lOI\ l he '1 , ll, JS Ihl ' III' 1111, I' • .1" " I UUI \ ' " , :1 ,)11'1 La nk was em p ty It 110 11 II" S n l .1I l:l1 l.>IJ:1 lll'. : LL~ l alla ',II find Mrs Lloyd D n u s a nd ~ OI\S 11I"'l' LXI LJlIO\lgl.oll1 Llt(' (Ulltl lenl .,(, IIC ,lit Lh b elo\ cd c,l rollclS COIll ;<1 1 .lJ. e1 ;\1 S Jolill Fl o mm S,I- vI' I1I UI'l tl .. ( lilt', ltill! 1'" 1 It ,I II ,IS 1,(., It.lll1cd at li11s time who II III Il' h(' It;.,v rt,c! " JU lie, I:H:! II II' a 11101\ I; tl1e l!lIC"[s 011 T lIll,k,- \\· tn hi JlIlPP l' s noll ' trll\{llil p ll' ll' \l l l h Llle Ih Llc b .ond ooy Ilho gl lit L1 J dc iJOlIll1l ,!I 'I . .. 1 J ( I Jll'" -1 . .. 1 1. 111 .Il ;''' ' t ook the ar . -I !l!i e h l 1'. .1" 1I Cllar!;l' 01 'L1L'lg up b'ili'lg dllY when a family dlllll/'1' 11',15 I lJ. UIC'S .lIlel UCSI ~ lJ(, c1 Lhe b l aUllfli l ;-. 11It,;1:> f l o m l.s noLt Tne) !>llIg tllU H ,I \\'kc IIC IC Sun(J a l d l ,llIl c " I ,I 11 ••1., d II) h Jl, l .iI I ). HIllI UIJel.,L.II l\ Il ll: .U1, :l.ll IIUIIIIl\: glll' n ::It Lhl' homc of li nne, E I,lIl1 ( Sl lI m s for thl'l l s itO\ I Il ~ . gruUp C1111 " Ll1la!> calols l\ lll u l nll y 1L ' l\ll ,\I cl ,\lI s Call1iLJ\\'kt' III O I\IUIi K ,I'I .( , . •11 '" lui, .' Ilt! d,l ~I.l " l III "k lllt-c1 p"ppl'lC, IS ,0 11t;('!l\('d lJ _ .1 , l Ull I be Chn.,lll1a s [OJ I.h e ChIld - I !>'''L IOII ~ Illal Li l'llel Ll Mu c Arthurs In X cnL1 • •• . ' h olio \ J" ," , II JIll! ' V,II. I , 1:1 1 I L,lLi'IUollt' IS 1· IIlll. CIC lIl' was • • • 1. , lI d.ll' ..," elll'.).I> I·nlc hc ~, nllgs 1," I UIlItS.<;tl:'I L·IIOS tlS,.Il Lll, lld1iu _\11 11IluMI S HB1 .. III,d . I.1l1l1 ' 101 1 1/11_- . ul( ,. l' ,. l l ••,. c II I Lo L' o1l( I '" I 1111 No 1"lIb I 24. 19q4 -1 h e day after - 'I _ U l" lll VIU " C,\ 10 11 ' d Llll Mr <1n<l MIS ,John P IOIl m . S ' ge:lIlt , ll hllh thL', ' !1)rtl' lL')H'tl-t!> Sl ll ~ . d a"c(' 'JlII d,1I1n" S,lI l a . IIl1d II' laL, Jolly e!ll lcllLn ln tL rt<l I"L'd IU (I" III I 11 11 I.U 1111t' "I 1',,.,111 ~t c t~ L ei th l I'UW l' l g ltl r CI)de PrOll1m M s M pl\ill Ballta J ll ild jJl'll"rnl TIll' , LillI I" llllllt IIIIJI ,lid, I)) II11Llll g t l1c It b too. Th S,JlI II C:Il~ l' I('IiIllJ; MI !llld l l ~ l:: I,' !'.!..II !I I lid 1\lI L ,, ' Id " ' \.' 1' 1. Thll) k.gIllI1g Slich a nice lazy feel(;1111 1111.11 Jll \11. 11 1\11 11.11 Ul J; ,1II1l..llUll C H a wkp Mr ~ ' l cI :\11'5 C Lee I 'n llll l(Il ,;11 ol d Ell 11 II LiI,IIl{I)" 1,1, \1 I , a dl' ll !,;il ~lu l l.aaL frum lll C Eall l.h all \ l' ),0 1 /", II 110 ':>Jl l.ll , ' .\111. 11l ~ l\llIl 1,0 'wl'cI to I1ls h l\1'ound to h<: I\L'IIl LJlI lllb li , I , t! _,l' L, 'J ILlllcls EIJ'.lke. MlsS Allllc W cllZI\'('I'('gUt'!'L:! .·I Ii"" OIl Li ()I CL' l lI! { I) in ,ullg"n llll J, In llL'g to li e Lnd l UI ti ll' ~O , lI l g ______ .I1,d II l •• 1 - I'I !. ." I III lI'~' 1,; (' )l'" liy fOJ :1 n )bh lng Plenty of 1:.11.... L Jndl' t l,e l'ajJll .'. 1l1ll1 lIIc 1, 1\ at U family Th9 nk ~~ lv\ng {llnner nt l eI"n'(' l'lI lbodits n !; 1(,lIP (f sk illed ,I <I o ldl I'hb 1l1:lI'lOIlL'U ' SllOI\ 11 111 NEWS 01 ' LO( ' \L BO\ " !-ili ll il l ,1 1.. 1 U"'lJ,'., CI, '" 1\,11\,!,1 " ,ud !t'IOVtIS LO .It, 1IJ1d I t hink L, lIJll!;.1 c;uIJlpul";"I1.!, ,ad Wle Du u:h I.he hom' of Dr and Ml's R. H PIIPI,.·!.ttlS \llI o s!l<.,w 1IJ IISI "~I r- ~C I ! L l'l lIl ,Il Iu Ill!; Uk II1 Ll'n,11s III I f~ Tilt. \IDIEII ::-.E H\,It'F..' .' il ll I,UI, , ! :' I • II .,lId llIl lI osl th!:1 ,Il l L11P b , 1 part of il turkey .. l , L,lIlIll'.1 ~ UatUks which cndcd Vllncc. In Wl hlllllb'U,1l lIsll ) a lld 1J1l .1 lIlal IJIl l'I .c 1111\ I' I k " .' .tl IU Il v!>'l ., (I11 11 ll'l YeSlL- lliay \\,I1S a very pleas . , ' ., l vlll ~ l IllIld OI\ - ~1(>II U8 \ S "1:\ I\llh lllc o celi lMlIu 1 I !::)"dMPUIC • • • u uil l 1ll 001lld lI ac!i Llo n,<l Old En (,: I L~It, I I'." I I:: I(){ Sl'ItFI\ (7," t -e UI '.L1 ,' I 'H~ ,. \ I oIld :-' :1., ,1.',1 " " UIHtl.s II, WRS ~.leasant to A~ ulllla,lJ.U, llg 1..1 ICl'1 I lile ~ I I' lind Mrs L. C Sl John Il1lh i Ch,lI:1 ClL'r , o f 1IH' 10 II Ce. 111\ lip n o, .II UlIt,: ,1 1'hlUs<i:1 I S f10m 12 ~o !I 1"'!1lk "'lI k l li 0 1 W !tll II .,!I !I .,1, ~ It IJ~ Lh ,'wOO<! f lrc With pleQsnnt , ' v.iL I bij;ll.w Colp::'III •• I.lI l W,ll lll g I Mr. an d l\; rs. G I(Jm L l n.n d and \l1tll 1 1(' I( n;p IUll{'1 ,lpJ)c,lling 00.'1 ' I L><k,.11 U 'I FlldlJ~s :lI1d S ,HUlEllllel R . SUI'; II CC S 1-, C,fl hl' U . . ,J " lit! :\11 ' \ \. I!\l/ ~ " " !!I ul 'OlllP,lIl) afLcl cU nn cr . In VIe w of J." tl ., ,UII, It e 11,1" I ('.>p()Il.';lb le lor ! da lI!! h Ier of S prlll ): wlo a J OJ I' (. II I h!' ['\ I I 'I ) l'< t COl el C'd II llh s now , c1,I~ .., flOIl1 to LO 7 0 lock, ~~ I I k ... p eill t f OUI cl.~ I> le:1 I t' II I I • , (' I I,. ,II rI ~I I . I ,111,,1 E,,, : I u, 111\ I c (' nt I CIllD rks on home-raised t~ '\,,1 1lI11l amt 11 "a .. ' 1111111 SOil III jThn ll ksgl11ag wllh MI'. li nd M IS J 1m , Jail l.gll ng w)Lh h p Ir ·I~~. MI' W a)al's'. J it' Io<>rl n nd Ule '1Ih anksghi••"lg s pirit .!u ,,"lal l,lLIO'lS "pd SIX 11 ~htCl' Sell I 111Ft:! 'llld SOIl ncar Leballo ll - - - -III ci MJs WII ICIllC :;11I1Ih l' I1UII l': ti l l;' d ll1J e l IIUS a joke fOl the only "I "'1 I'll \ " UJ U iililc 11 "1 I 11 ' 111 Wl lmi llgl " n EIllllr I ~ J' Il AIl Ill'c1 ' 1'1 ' . - -. lion , 1111c cci 1000 on W t bl ",·~.,u '. ~ , u. v l " )ll ' ,I U ' l J O \'lE ~ llllltiv ll aMc rcJln.'l ' 11lI} n ndllAS dH, H1' '''/'i1\1 \, 03 1\:\ :-; ( ' ll ' U ., Ie aewas li , ~ uJll le I1vllh ." I,ll us LIlc, Nuw Mr. :Lnd Mrs Chn ll es Ellis , :\1r . :lnd ' 1\. '..1 '1 , ,. ~ I U 'IH ' I' 1)1( '1 " . lIL L1l"11II fOlthe coffoe--U/;UQll)'-l-"" J US~ I('lUllIecl I ), III fuul LIII)." 1>\'1• . . /11.1! l 'Ol/(TII 11 1 :lk(' g~' butI ~l . bu t Ilh'en I went 1;tl l le, , NtI'S JlOl E II IS alld SOil, MI S le.-\1 11I 'VVU "toe ::;,0 \lI 11vllll!~ld l llg g Ull' hIm UlC EllIs M'rs Rober t Bl ll \ nnd S ill 1 ;'Ill ,lIlcl l\.I " 1~(ll!u J : (; , .pl lI , ! O n f'11.' :1 , Illg hl N(\IC11IIrl 14 1 ":'I~ Tld.> lIIllel1l ~ slll p n ll( ll )J cdl ll T Ill' /I tlc l , I ( \\ \; 1,.11 1:-. Club , 10 Illake IL Lhls tlllie I was In a l lJ,UIIUl1lt) W " ct' Illllch of Lllc \\t'le Tllnllk.~l v!ngglllst.'ofMI 1l 1lt!\:L~;~l l.,,'ci~~~d 0 11 .I I~ Il l" . ' ct" I ... thc fll hlRh ~IH,o l PilI' \ ot .f , <'ll cL .EIg,l ll d W all· ,,'lId:; v ~l l.tI 1IIIIIIl N'l.( th!' :' II ~, lI iJl) Il'''Innd-my-nT1rn'l was on othe r « ,lin t) ,dli lu c >11 e 11 0 "u:l.a" t ' nIl s. PI :1 nk H c~s, In DaYLOn :v l ' k' P H \ l' ll \1\ . g i l I'll b~ t.IH' 1'1'<,s llll1 en and IIc I t PUI I., t hut Lj IC LIl .) II us cI~ I IIU;J I , I. 1I1l . ~ ,II Ii 30 tl d ll g~ fll S ~ Wle cream was to cold "" 11 Ill,oIl.\' u l IIIC " lll)JU!>l.;, III ww ! . 11.) 1,, 11 I l :',, > f Ll'ballUl1 Cl. I . I('IY III ' C .IlWul o '(lcck l ui , . puLh l 1 ' LIPPI I' II H ll .. li d IL whipped. then lsutthecl1Uln "ILII ,I .., Ildl .I~ Itl see q Uill! a bit of \ 11' and M s C:ul F!')C l'lI tcJt.,l iI,ed 11I1S ull l,' ('I b 1l l'Q 1,1 :\11 > v(·orgl.t 'I Ill' •. 1I11laS ' lIm Il'ns be:' lIlirll ll~ HI' \l SIL(d Illcllds .11lt! Ida tlvcs rvtJ , SLabb , ,I S h u:'I('.. ~ ),;\lI'JuIIC III ., Oll \(' 1\"<U IIl wa Ler to wann lt JU t ., . ti ll . . u, Lo ltl" Ll CI 'J) thc Iu ur tudlllll el oIl ThUl'~d ol'. Mr Il ll d M rs ,\if'J' cil'nhllll on PJiday CI ('('Ulltul ' 11 \ ell 0 \1 ilnd biotin nlount! Wa~ n LS \llle W ld l e.,>dll, ,'Ill IS a::. kcd to 1) l llI g III.', UI\l. l,.ble :, lil l ie bu t 1 warm ed lL Leo mU( I 1O . lel 1, 11:; 0.111 IllS ~ Cl\he Ill,UUIl lUlU Lo:en Woole~ n.'I(J 1\1 1 anel MIS MI S M ill I.' I:.1b 'lI .I l( • . ", sl lC'nn\('I~ 111 tl1L' ll11dd lc of thp f1001 !L' IUlnlt! to NCII YOlk Tltlll , c1ay ul\ lcc and a 25<; C .• l btJll .. s glfl IIlId llle cr a ll1 all clllu'l1ed back Il. I ItLl Lllu iJlI 1'1 II' " ngl1t ,\ lll1ll1a Hl'lI du so l1 Ilcl(.' I II,lIl Ks - II.I n '01'11 ., h oc k \'1111 I.UIllIJ k ' ns l'IL 1 1't: , 11i1l:rC IllSsilip IS anCh urLd . \lhl CIt 1\111 be cX 'h,uI d (I I. IIIII! 'I le 10 mIlk (lI1cl eV"n a ddJllg Ice ddl ' /I' I C "t U t:.., Gilbert FIJc Ilnd sons. gil L' I" limll!'1 ' ll'~l~ .Il Il l! ilUI . ,.' I ' ll);<I'l n" tu 5<ul ,00 11 ~" i' il".J(L'I. Illlali ll'lJlC C.'ILS U Pl lSI* • \lJ ~ J'"11JC "J IIUIll,1 01 F t'l t" lIas WId 1·,\l S o f COlli m o und It (}nIllCS ! ". lvclll n g III kelplI ,!,; wt.1I til(' CIll lst- (0 ,In) :O Otid s o 1 slopped fool1l ;:" !ll,il 1.r IlL " l ll tion . Dr an d !\oIl'S. A E Stou t and I.hl dlllllli 'MI s Allee 'CI. I I( II( ' I{' p lllw d :IIHI Plljtl\(d II I olll~ b l' - mas splnl All Inell l bt'l ~ alf' (11 ' l el to Ililh IL (lli d 1J0uf\ h t som c butter a~ i l'll UI lJle LV .,lOll 01 hO llle nle eh ughter wcrc among ~hc g u esls a l a I I.he pupils tllt (11(' I :H' h,l " \'1 sE l tCa,AN r (,I,YUE I . U ._.11 lx' PI'l'SCIlL. n e g IOC (,IY The n Whe n we look(',l '. 1 ~ llks \I'ln g dar. 110(1 ,, 11 ,Illd I\lt l'''l ks lt1 \'1 blind 1.1 1,1I (' bud 1 had counted on , l . .! : lI,Ll,llb1e 10 L ( . ~Ll \( . OILl lI le ,c . TlIa llks!; lV h ~ l ,lIm!y d ln.'lel' I1t tIl\' 1\11 ' CL. ne ' 11l 1 I 1' 1"1 S LlIlL Ilh.' 1 L.. LI n.lle u. cUIl, CIIJCIl 'C 1I0 lll e of DI Ilnd Ws CI I" e E S'O d' ' j')ld !t','dllll\ (O IlLI',,1 tI I e Illl 11 1" 11 ' 1 ,, ~.lI' l Clydc 1' 10111111 1I11 1V,d , I\rl., mllch 100 b l ~ , t\lcnty PCWld.-:;, ' L1 " " tIl Ill(' hu llI I' of J Q (, liS .1I1 L! ~f l~' I d _ • " ........ i ~ "~ I , I., • UUlI , L1 11' ul 'k"l ;,..ud luo<l. un t il 111 W cs L Milton on W ecln esclay even- All ee Gorl.S l 'g hl S of Lh(' " \("Il n l; , ('II I' tl lllb t Il d . L IICc" 1/0111 M ll c- ' ' I ,d ,I tIL IIJlho ll t n bit of fat on I t~ LIoIl ), II,I ~ lltall e up clllc.! ly of :\f l 'l I Li I I~hIlH' IIt.s o f tldel flll e! Ll I I'wld , l'lullll.I lUI I 11I le '11 d ,, 1 hUll .lJ1d m,lII,l' Jll'l fcathers. I Jjk~ ~lLll)U1.,dlLJ 1)I UliU dS " Iud., II , I..: ' 1II1d,'\ lal :Lb uf 1I1 ls J W W.lld c101l.!'J1I111t.t, 0.11 I n 'OI'('d 11)(' (llIlCll1g f,J llolI ~ 1I .d l l! Il l." IMltlllS :\1 1 dltl D ' ..... . (11 0 [; h I,'l fOI , : el. Ly 01 good bro wn IIll, iVll " I cI :,jl.' Ill"b, 1l ULc , 1\11 " . J P ""01 111 11. , ~ I Ill. c! LI1 l 0 Da,y ton, our I. LIIJ ' .,' j; . I. ~I~ 1.01 (I ICeLLI bl 1:. un Mr. and Mrs A H S t ubbs h a d n. d MJ L I I fh t' IIIU SI (' II .'S fllillbite' b l 11.(' ' -I b lullY so ' II) , I u ' ll all s~ II I 60 1 L'I ;"1 ,1 lI . p lle\\. 'Rll I Lll111 ·r.,\ . 'nl ' llL'i<"lIlJols we i ' sold OUt of tur"e's lk I 11 .,111) 0 IJ Ill\. ' 11 4;.1 S ,II 0 t; Thw sday guests Mr. fi nd MJ s SilJ. ,- 01 Ll.! ~ WII. MI Hlld l\ 1 1~ l' o:.!c l . " , ..., 1, I EU TE:\'A:-.rT " ... J t1Jl' JUI,gle lC wtlk. ,\ I()Il!;, IlfLh 111,'; u el Stubbs a nd son of Baltlmorc, (, llIlll llIghtllll oi WI 11I. IIl ~ton M' 1I11bIJ.lIci a n d h Is \' 1ft' Be )I, I:CIL i\I. I) ·\\·IS ,and WO' II. t.o WIC o ld m arket house e' ,llltJII1CIIl. Sl' 110.11 PO,llldS of fl csil ' Ohl0 and Mrs Amanda H aJ·tl'lun :\11".., Ch,lIldl li '-L!lcI ~JI.\ · W :1ld mnde !Ill h Ollr :111<1 ~ ltnlf o f 1111 1\11 ,l lld MI S Llol d Hml go L a lovely onc jllSt the right nll.. d t. II illcll wllS oHeli tile fll st III a \1 erc ,' III a' '1' 1 cl.' " , the 101/1 CI' III nll d 11'011 fo J' h pupils of b I h : 'IS IHH C ' :;I~c Thc youllg woman walted on J J Dl C'L1 nll n Ii ""tea-"'~Iv 111l t ,IIl ' 1,,1 1. It! lilli ' III WII! 111M: d M R H H r k I DU\lu ll, W 1c 1", l CI " In X elllH ~' I':1dl' and hi '11 '~·hr.ol s li c p l r~ l'lI- 1 ellednbox 01 O CI IIIU Il >< lIV" I,) )" (. "AIe you 6.... f




.. '





, :.





I'- I I

. . .

Farm Diary



. · .


S cool h' N"ews











lUIUI Un t.c c-· c Lllps he .l lso DC - daJI~ilt~I:S ;IClse TIlrulks~I~~'~~ :t;111,~ :'011.'., ;"''' t ' I!': J::d.lI. I I ' " " S- t cI a fl'll' Illck s \\'<t >~ t ',(, a ss!~' a l1r(' ~ ~~~:s L~II~~ ~o~~II~~;~~~Jel1l1l~el:I~III~~' ~d lOol?" I found out that she bad edS IOIl!l11l ClIl IlU 11 1,111 to P oJSI s JOl l1 el ' lIe:;ts of MJs . MlUth D e a Wlc I- U'SS W llie mClPiJl'ls ([ h er burl" !, ('If PlII" WI s ('I1.Jn J C'a ll L ackcI, bt :1 III Wl sI x t h !!'lade in the 1, ,,le" CO"UlllIIIICIII~OIl hil es had lIot l nge , ~ll Dayton, d ub TU lSda) ,liLlIll o .. n .• t Ll~l r l lilli o id Si~r.l f'\ -pr.fl l Sml t ll ~1l'1 'bli ll bl) ,dlouJ I bllce tuug'l it, so +ltt:------"""!)It bee II ,.>1..,!)(\sllcd HOllse R ll' lU:ll'<1 N(lg-~ I ' :--Tn'lY of thr plI " lls SEItGI.AN·1 J .. \ II()I'KI~ ::; \1,1'> >l Jm (.st as !;ooo as ha''ing a UI p II~ lllll . LI t.l.c m aJO! S 0 PUllUII, , I _ _ _ __ _ ns 1hl'l Il'fl 11!' c \'mn nSIIlIll II PI (' ~I A I H k hOIllC- ~ 1 OW l) bIrd I could have rlad 11 11:; 1111' IUpl lilly Illl ll II ,1-h Cit IItZMr ,\lid Mrs E . F Earn h mt Ilere "Olll) JlJ;( ' E I\ I:: Il 111 :10 01' !\1 !, 1 1 11l~ 11'1 11(01'1 1Ill' l1I ~g i('\all ,IS I 1111 Op ' lIlS h.l !:. Il'C{' J\(,c1 ,all ll ~d bC:IIlS 01 tomatoes and , LJOI, W"" l) ulli up III Lh c 11I1l1lies by :llllOllg t.h e gucsls al a f.u w l:, d lllllCI rill DI ~1'1J OF :\II{ J) L\ :\(' 11 Ill.lrl p his l~l h ' lll d lsn pflC'ar a bo x Ll 1.1 1l0 11" ai'll" " 111l11l IIcl Plllllpkm pic Llit L'lslead I had canlilt' I1 I1I LIICIIII ,'; L.OIl.'.(/("lIlg Ula, IglV"l ll L Wle h ome (j~ MI'. 1U1~I. MI S J I .. " 1'1 (. C, I" g Cotn l)a lll' of N eVo York h ll~U,lIld. I!;pa n l J II l! u, I:IIl.' 11 d pellS dlld mince pie I dJdn't til , II :.tJOUl Oil!: p , I n ,'ll 01 tJl~ bUjJ- I N RublllSOIl III Ll a ll.On . 1 Il,l lIk~ lI d ,llI I C'.' Ill' I " III I I" d " " _ lIn s I "~I I('rl f' I ' Ill/.! If I!' " .1 ' I I' ('I WI ,0 It ,Oll iell llC I C III OC l llla II \ , I III 1' 1VI' nome-grown cabbage for lAIC::; WI' I I) !iOlll' lI 11'0111 tile lI\ lld It- !,;ll1 ng day gl,llli Ml)'II,:JI If t { ,II" X ,," td I\('('hs 1(1 Ille fol lO\vln .: pu pi l, h eIr the , I.L\I Ihlt It lIas ' I good dinner _" , if It \\uS Il Lll c "hOll uJ ,WI,.llll .1 1Il'l1th of MI S. 1:' "ICI L~ llll1 of TI I- '('\P('IU\ III ' l!" PI "~" " s C "rllfl'1 ,," . 'Ill(/( \Y 1I 0 I'KI:\ S. C . (. ~. ..,' Id I h p wc had duly thankful !oj" QIII ' kl:, mo" qull{)e~ welc c ll'aned MI clnd M rs M A Fu lkel sOIl ,\lId f1ll. OllJO r/,, Ill(' 11 ' 11 '11 11 II III b!'1 of \lonls 1'(,1 hl',IJLS lip. ami d c;u'm (\\111 '; o.jllUH!:'1> lol't; da ll ghwl cllju~C d a t .ll ke:, dll1ncl at ,lII ll·!.' 5(,1\1 e II(,IC IH'ld Wed - 111 1" 11:" ,1.I1 II('p II lI·lelL. :14 . Wilm a I :\1 1111 <" I[( ,p ,, "" (ital (' (JIl II" I ollnd,l ) c hul'c.h today we lJ UII ~ Of lII st p ll I1 Ly 0'1 the bUlld- I the hOllle o f MI' li nd Mrs Halold n csci/, ) l111cl 1110"" \111' ',I'IHltll I,. SlIlf.\(t' 1.1 B( 'I . •lll o j Ral l\11 SO I Y SL-l"I'.lId a l i llcd 111' 1,' fl o m 1111 1\l'IlL home li nd !lIe thc last of.the I, ' I1"L 11, l e "" Iccll('d IIi C S hu lis, VUII Pc lt , In SPIIIl t;: V,lll L) U11 11 11 \('/.11 11(. 11\ it l' le l\t ' l. Pfl and C r~ h h.' :1 '. Lalll ltl H !lrlebrach t. 36 AI Llll loIli I ~ al\ t! ~ (illll" 1{ I" p. ' " 3!id Chri s r.fI'J " ~ ~v" 1<-1l OI CIS and I tJhought they were U.I) l oum.> all d u ls p " n an e" l:!I CI'.\ Thallksll lvlll~ day. MJ s F1urd L~lI c h :1'lci ~() Il nnt! 1\11 O l elll of (;J( 'tl~ AI' lSI l i n Mill Il'l I 1\1 ck LOSPI'IICI.,'\(· d ol II [ ('f;s 1\l 11.1l! , Cltll betwr tha n I.he first tlnle . •• CllUl llS Lln "l of \\'Rlll c,, 11 11t- .' !l d IJi l k(,ll ~h('t s IP II IO·II.' MI :J n ll Ml's Eel H u pklll., . F, Ve AClcs and Independence." •tt.' ·IlIl,, 1 II.,~ HlIl'n lu till' ,omfoll ul lite Il le l l Il1l u nu IJ IIllt. 0.'1 \\ lI:lt MI' und MJ S J oh n K c rs ey and scn Wn!t...'r Adal ll", 01 C "V . ll ~ t v l' Kl'il' 1111' (In l l' of L1lP JUlli or c l:t.<.~ piny . 0.1 111 Ilhlth he 11111 IlPOI L 10 C,IIIII> T ite 4011i "II J1I1I"", I \ " I till' ~ .d,' I hul~, thc tlt le of a book not Cltall c " lIld be dcll!)l'd (lullleshave l'clul'ncdn1tcIspc ndm g tu k). T hllln lJ s U Jl '1 l:1 ~ bll' JI hnJl g !'f1 In DillS h h oclc h lllll d 101 lI-dS,' lg II- 01 till I ll" C I II ' "" ." S I 01 \1 t, 1")- hkc UIl' auYcltlsl n g we used to get LI vl n g Cj WU·tl' J'S II CIl: IIsuallj lents ' the Thanksg ivIng h o llduy:! wllJI We I _ )/'( I'll1b( I I :lt il I'l~ t('arl r thc 14t h mcnl. M' l'l't d 11')11'11 lh I!J 14 S, ,i1 .tl l' " pOise. p ml e l p eace, prosperlty and t,l 1l1.1 :;S~ J1.J (;b Th e IIlLl' l II UC }lI L'- fOl'IllCls broLhcr-II1-la,Y lIlId ~l sl.' l (,O Jtl'OR.\J. U\\ E ~ II\HI ";()( ' li I1S PI[, I I Ot I,<; I~ .l n IlOlll1Cp<1 A b:1skf'l I opl ned ~lon <l,l\ ;oJII , " " It" ~i JI plellt) Be a kin g In your own do. 1l! I JCU 1(,1 SCVll'fLi I a,:,on , clucf of MI ,vld MIS. HollIS Emery and I'H O;\ IOT I::U TO SEHGE,\:,\T l,II I g.1 1ll(' It h O'l1e Oil D ('('embcI 15, I i\1.\1 JU.W 'I lJltS r It 1':'.' .!11I 1!l1I 11l ~d I'j Il ulli t\ Iwwe, malll All 011 un a cre of groWld," ,,111C h "CIt! LID t they WCIC t:ooler, f,lllul), of Gl een S pllng li. OhIO 11 ,dt' :hIs r h , III ~ I' llPcc ,,~n ry I C1C'1 1'111 JlcI PIC lel(" 11 Il: II, u I.U Now l h 1l1a~ll zines a'l'e full at ar.IIlU 1:tsLed 101l J;C I, TCllts lik e all • !'oIl . ajld Mr!i Ho~.~ l I,,1 1 0. 1,11.111 '1'11 (':(' i, ,nll - Ian l rxc ltr lllP.'1 of ;'oll ~ K nthr;.11 Chllllll)1rss 01 :-<' ,n ll Publi C H l'n lLli .~ ' (Jl I ' 11,1 l ldes d LscoUJ'aci lng t.he ret~ utllll 11I1lI.CIIUI 111 Ihe L1tJPI.S. Ilu lMrs J o hn R~lbel a nL! daU g hte r of ' ICt:CII('d II lei fl OIll Lhl ll SOil, 0 11 ell )l1':l!'l lcp In Il1r .1lI dJlOI !l1J11 .<;(,CII('I I h ,," l('e('l\ed II Olt! flolll ill I "Oil 'l'llls ; "''' I, C ' II"II 11 , :::; .. 11 , ,,II ,' .. :,oldlers from such Ideas. 'l1h1s b=Ot Gellcd lllld ruLtcd Jl1 a Il IJ ' . 1; AshhUli:l Ohio wele 'I'hlu::;da y dJnncl' LlJ<l t he 1··1S ll pcn Jll'o ' llot ed from IS l,d.\ I1~ fOll n and It looks:I.<; if he M:Lttlle\l I M al' "l'lll1lel L' la L Ill' I , .I ~ .l IJ051111.1 11 1, 0 1:l 1l1 g oIn ,'IIt! P ~ III - tl '·SI'S ~h e d ifficul ty of making a. IJ IOI1Llls The sJlacks, bl.ul t about (JJld ovc llUg h ~ guest.s of Dr a'ld 1\11 s COl po , a l 10 Lh~ t of S ell;('.( n t, and b J Ulllo l S rIl (' ') g lvc :t I er' ex cell cllt bl'CII Jl I 1Il0leu 11 0111 Lh e I., II ' (,I hls IIpl ~ cd !I lid 1 III I'" Ill". 1 l,"- 111\ lII g 011 ,I s lllClll place yet it mys Lh ' ee fcet ul! the glOUlI U LU .1,1(. 11 E Stout. .·IUlI 111 N ell GllJll ell. pe) fonlJll.!1cc ::ie lgla·.L tu th al of S Wf f S " l c l'. P lI ." ~ II " c,,"d lll~ to [' '' '' Idll,t l ~uwl'. It ca ll be clone It calls attention to 10 / I cnt la ~lOn had SCI c r ll c d-lIl • • , lJ e hao; made "el'l 1111 n ll,'~ I O II.' 0\'1 \I .IS s ell'. lt I 11\ IIll 111(11 ) 01 U ..lI' Lhc differe n ce b etwCCi!l li Ving In the Sldcs a nd t.hatched roofs Tllate l1J ng MI and Mrs. W P . Snlls bwy (11 Mr (Vld MIS H .III)· S a Ltclll! II'I1I' l l'CllIlnn' a ll l'" d:, , bc m g III Eng lanu 1I 0il)oe11 D,lI li h I USI.d t1 L1k II III (01l1l1.1Y and t ) ' lIl g to make a U':'n .. • nlln If ,\S~O( ~CE!\IEST , fil S h:1cl tht idl'l )f S I' ll CI ',.., 11ll.> d o nc by t h e natlvcs, b ut thc r est It«'rt.a j.ned 011 ThlUllV>gl vlng day, MI had as LllC'lI dllllWI !ill~t~ 011 ruc ~ bll lCC i\u~ust .:. ' , " " , lIhl - 111 rile COWltJy Therc Is a differenCe. o j WIC bullcl!n g \Vas donc b v t he 111, 11 Gild Mrs H. L .• R~e ~J l d bon I!al. Miss Cor,\ Pllu ull1cI an d M I'i" 11l' IIlld M IS Call P l'lgtlSO n a rr II,,' ~ Sc •• b l () rat-' flllllb to help t.h e A sma ll pl ace In the cou.ntry Is a de\lhCIl thcy l oun d wile from lheir A CI1I ls"llas 1)I'C."Cll t for n s o lel ln l " !sa Hcps. bo t h of W lllll ll1g ton a n d It'!''' lm !'Pl to an.·lOllnce tllc bIJ-Lh of IUIt'l'IIDi\Y AN :\IVEltS \HY ii lt k " IJUllIl g loll, 40 J( ,l1 ~ 10111>1. - I" htful placc to lIve and well man- ' w ., ~ , Lt J G) , . S I f II1g Lhl' IIi Sl S('al ·.Ile ii i o .lI tles tined can be made to y~'-' a. U....... I d u ·, l eg um' ... cs . Why not a swbscl'l):ILlon LO Thc . I . vCOI!,;C ICl e. oWe.,' .l babv d a ll g h tel . Co n n ie Jran (It on~Envt:u :-<,\Tl:ttll,\\ 111\,(' u s d 1101) 115 U " """" ..... Major, Wild e , the o;on of Mrs J . Mlalnl O .... "nt'e. S p ecIal prl" 10 IUmon, Ohio fw d ~1 1 s Roy r 1I11S- G OO<:l Sal11tlll tJl n H os pl: nl Oil No' , . l: I L1l Iu SUPPOI t c f liupplemcnt o thcr income to m~e h S ' n 1'1 .. ~, ~e ,,' f W ill t h clI fl g htag alll. l I:JL' (111 ) I " i\ i l C L( )'u p ossible but ~i H o b (']'.,.,011. E araso"" , a . 'MIS Imembe rs of the armed servlces.$100 q•• ":"l, 0 ayncsv e . I ell1 \)(' I' 2 1 ~t . MI's F'erguson and !\lI S llos.o;Ie FIJ(s c,'loblllt d III' I' Ito . IIC ..,. \leI . III Ih" LU ,L'I L.y :! GOO ~ .I lall 1)I,n "C"';'a k es m"ney to l1. d uat.ed from U1C WlIm1ngt.on dllu ghte r IUC now at th clr home on bI llll da ) anmvcI sa r y on Sllturd::t,l' };IOU PS Itn, e be ' 1 11 d lh ,~. ~ O0N6 - li'gh School III 1931. wh e r e h e was a year, ••• S undllY gu ests h t the homc of MI s Folll·t h S t l et T he fa t il e r IS Co nc h o f a.n d was I ' tnllld cel of It. II h " l1 a 1l\1lI1~ I m e a . I a., II I also LIl kes work There many pl&na a member of the debatIn g socl ty, AIUI:\bella Flom werl', Mrs R. lp h r t he WU) n CsI Ille Hig h School b askc L ber f gllC.sI.S alllVlc! IIIlC X ,['deul\' ~:I~ ~lWCJll~II "1 Ubl;I' 1I1U~IS I fu;SllC\,I- afoot to h elp the returning ~ and l\ checl lea der. He a ~tende d Pvt. Floyd L y n ch of Keesler Fleltl Chc l er and daug htcr Pa tlri~ la Suc ball tea m . ' dllling the evcl1lng Gfimcs 'VCI (. ('11'1101" 01' t ) e rell S s con t rol fme! s uitable la nd if they want It . 'nlU,ll lvnrslty, receiving all 'Misslssll, pl, spend Lng a fifteen day I • • • II c.d C~I · LO III1S ,1II cl I' ll ges III every :llso t.o avoid some of the -,~ l."': _ 01110 S ", . t o t : ' f I h I'h hi If f I JO.I cd a nd d'lll1 I.y I flf.'S llIlI(' Il LS 11', l't' .,eVIL ' I1C I) l ' ' 0 I ell' ·t.nClli e llglneCl'lng degree In 1935 ur vug II' . S W e and son 0 ) Mrs Gilbcrt Fl')'e and MI·s. Call . ,c ' ' . , .~~, )CoI IS IRI'e s een m a de In the past when the retiu:n'I hCJc h c was'actl ve In Wle Towel' Main Street On his rct.w'l1 to Ca mp Cook \\ere Darton visitorS 011 MOll - .' nn EIlDEIt:;; t-: NTER _RTr\JNED F. ISlcl'V d Thooe pi s (;nt II" r' Ml'~ - lUbcl~1I10SLS L1~ .ll.lls ~lll. flom 12 111 In g soldIer was e ncoUlUged to 'tall. h \l'Ul r e port to Camp In No th TO TV KEY UI~N .R '( Umcs Sulla Wllep: I, O . 0 ~i!l , la l . ~ cl'y 100 10 -I. t. t 0 1 LOU l:L.luh~ III '1 cut over n'ld o''''er ~Q.....t_'~ ~_'.. Club. He entered the Anny as a ~ c a. r Idl\.y, ___ ICora Illch. l'vll:ulIe . lOll ('I . l,lu111 ill tJ) It ' d S' l 1'1 I • ~ WI .. -~ . . . . . _ fust Lieu tenan.t In Novembe r , 1940 oa.rol1na, .., • • . ~. C I C , :\ es . h I s a (; 00 I whlcl1 was too pOOr to ~e ..._ _ MI'. Rnd Mrs HllIj'' IIwaltc ' Bo l'dCJI, Don H ' ldlr' ), !llld cI ,I U:,;1 I. ~I , I" 'uld. buL lIe hU I~ no r ' .I~ to a llvt:Jg Fannin h ~hft~r:: l: )ll1Villg received R.OTc comm.lssion Sgt T1cssler Hardi n .w ho h~s Mrs William SaW) el has r celvd gave a turkey dmner .o n TuesdllY M ISS Salli e S mlth MI S Rose FIIC., g lOdt Ill1cn. we l(·.ll1m 1.11. t t u bu Il- thes e Iyar yea''S ganda.slt....'::~~ · r lIl.m OhIo S ta te, IlJld a promotion spent the past three weeks with his , word from h er husband, Lt WIIlI~ 1ll e venlng, nnd had as th eir guest,.<; the and th e 1101101 t!d guest. , IOS I5 st~1 ~,:lJs OIlC p t'lson, nJn c proved t hat !~we;' people ; , ; ; Lo flrs~ lle uLe,1lanl In 1938 in . the ,parents, Mr. and Mrs. T, S. Hardln, j that h e h as b een moved frol1l L-~ me' l " ' ho help cd t.hCln shred. and ! -1I 11JUL e" ,1,ld I t he ! J'st d l case {m'ms avallable because th ~ "flieers Reserve Co,,"c left Tuesday for M!aml Beach Moore, Ca.lIf rnla to W nlln WlIIl tL, their fa m!lies. T,h ey ar e. as Jollows : DIN~ER IN 1I0NOR OF kll le.1 of 1 elsUlls b eLWc n 'he ~"es of fDlms nM'ilnble because • ..: :0.-.:.0_ ',.' v . • ..... ' Florlda where h e wiII be reassigned, WMhlllg ton f o r.. hJS crew t l'Bming. EAI " "'-0 ,. b e ...... '" - ...,...... ~ His 10rmer soo.tlon.s Include Bow.. '" Mr and M'rs. Oilbe rt Fry and sons, tNE . 'I' BVTTEltWOR'rll 115 a nd 45." will read to tire m_.....~ --tM, • • , Dona ld and Rlohard , Mr. anLl Mrs. -I . T h e \\ ond l'l f I Lh n g .Lbout Hol- ' b . y re - .., '''''-' ...,man Field, Kentucky. he was Mr and Mo·s. Harold House r and Rev N<:l! r ls wns -a S1J.~da~ dinner Mllck Wilson , Mr. and M ' s. Ha.rcld Mr. and Mrs. E:t "n( sL B ,IWI!,\\'01 th boc ll' Chrbtmlls Be. I is tj lat IS h~ ; ~ e muClh new .land. UIIQJ _ ,base slgnnl ofncer, Fort Marimout.l:1, daughter Mal11yn and Mr. an d MrS. ' guest at t he home of Rev Coleman Ulland and son, Mr. IIl nd M 's Ja k nter tG lned to Sun day dlnn I h01101 · balllgl t I1lUlio\U; of peo , Ie L:lto' tbJs- m1~ , AOU:~elare....-.~ - New J ersey. and camp Murphy. Fkl . A:lll';n Powe ll, Of near OIlrllsle Itt - l and f~l1y . Rlch, Mr. and Mrs. Hoy It.tnsPQCh Ing the birthday annil'CI tlly of MI . I 'ht as UlS~ the W llitc Plague 1101 ... P HtIII_ d d d 1 I .. I Lended services at the Methodl··t • • • a nd t amily, Mr. and Mn. Butterwort h.1'heh sues w{' re, M I b:~el'ycne ",10,) pun 'U~"S a Soul en~ ~th14prtJblem:::.C'T H::, nl 'o aUc"] e ra ar SO l00 ilJ chureh. Sunday morning and WI>re I Mr. and 1\11.... f{obCJ t nlyth , o~ Sat;terthwaite, Mr, and MrI LYman and Mrs, Burne~t Buttu . wo th 'Ult! I l In ~ IC In.L lc aga1n:t one of tat , fl\&~=~ula~:~~ h;..rvllJ·d (Jluv£rslty WId :w.. .. ~_cllu- dinnt:r guests Rev. Coleman and C In cinna tI Wl]'fj Saturday guests 01 ,On), and Mr. a.nd Lutl er H a Tl- 8O!l, of Lebanon, llnd Mr. and Ml·. v.or~t cI l a~tS whlc.h has ever ap- 81 _ ..........1JOI1'a lIe~ta Institute of TechJlOlo8Y. , !famJlY. !M1S. AnoobclJa ~,o:a, Saturday, and son, . . Gilbert Frye and SOIUi, pcd ~he s~rcllgLh oJ: men,' I~_




" UY
















Thursday, November 30" I""



To, Chelt That Hal '




Big Allied Winter Push Aims At He'art o' f . Ger'man Industry,· WFA SetS F00d GoaIs for 1945

Aid Homesteading

As a result of a homesteading pr~ gram fin anced Iby the board of natioDal missions of the Presbyterian STENCIL.JNG scalloped bOTders, bright the stars and topsycburch, farm famUies are settling on turVy letters' on ,this gay toy chest property purchased on extended bsure toputY9uin theChristrrias terms of 30 yellrs, with down pay.pJrit. The chest itself is easy to ments deterred from one to three make 'from scraps of plywood and 1.....- - - - - - - Rel"ased by Western NewllJl8per Union. _ _ _ _ _ _....1 ),ear, it practicable. it has a number of special features (~nlTOR's NOTE: w" ... oplllion...r. n" ..... ' '" I" . . . . . Iamlll lbe, af. I......r that will p1ease Mother as well Weou.n Ne ......... UnIOD'. ne,... aDBlut•• Dd Dol n ....... IIJ 01 lbl. De• • papo • • ) In addition to bomesteadlnr, fands may be used for the acqulIII Ion of forl~st handl for tbo The rope handles and wooden beneflt of tbe whole commuDlty, wheels make it possible to move 01' for loans to Improve bome a .complete assorlment of toys to and farm equipment. Funds also as the youngsters. hne been utlillzed for awakenIng Interest ~D farm ownersbip tbrourb tbe provlsloDS of general education In proper farming metboda aDd advice lD leleclln, • aitable crop .. Under the homesteading program. an application Is approved b)' the po stor and three elders o.f the churcb, with the prospective owner agreeing to culltlvate the land and raise self-supporting crops. Starting mode stly, the Iprogram has grown steadily.


fDY convenient spot. Then comes the lld; 10lding legs are . opened up; and Little Miss Muffit has a table just the right height for play. When Mother wants tOIL..I1I.:..._____~IIIII£:::.!:L____....a~-:;~~~~~.L move, toys and aU are trundled along unW it is time for pandas WI'b Prealdent Roosevelt. Prime MilitateI' Churchill and Marshal StaliD and dolls to be tucked away ICheduJed to mee' BOon, tbere a,alD b ... been a resumption 0' dlscn8l101l under the star-spangled top for to &he future dlspoalUon of Germany. Oil &he baal. of &he Iatea' lDforanother night. &he Belch ml,h' wen be reduoed to bait of Its 1938 .llle, with (1) • • • Franoe clalmlD, '&he 'area we" 01 the Bbllle river; (2) a reatored Aas&r)a NOTE : Pattern 11 avaUable to readers ob&alnlll, Bavaria; (3) BoDand belD, compensated for flooded land; (4) 8bowtn, bow to mal;<e th1a cheat and fold· &he BussiaOll and> Pole. dlvldlll, Eaa' Prussta; (5) Poland recelvlD, Also i\Iuslrat~d directions for Pomerania and part of Sllesl .. and &he Brealaa area ,olq to c.tcbo. : decoratlon ., table top. with stencIls which req\llre no, 'II,.,vlalda, apeelal IIdll for perfect results. Color" plde 18 included. .uk for Pattern 252 and _clole 1:1 cenla with name and addresa.


MR8. RUTH WYETH SPEARS New York Dr.w.r 10

Be4ford HUb



cents for Pattern No.


Name: .. ....... ; ........................ .

Adclreu ............................. ..


Big Push Using their superior torces to pre· rent the Germans from building up ltrength for next year, the Allies 1\B1I1Dc:hE!d an all·out drive against the enemy', west wall, moving forward toward the vital industrial Ruhr and Rhineland despite wintry weather. Although they had ntlcipated a reneral olJensive, the Germans con· :eded the Allies' superiority, stat. inS that until their vaunted new could be delivered to the their' troops would have to on their spirit to stay in the the Allied aUack got underway, Brltlsb 2nd army strlking in 1In'lItt'PA Holland stood only 37 from Dulsberg; tbe U. S. 9th to tbe Tommies' south was fro,n Dusseldorf; the U. S. swinging below Aachen WIIS 28 miles from Cologne; the U. S, Srd working past Me\:z was 131,2 miles the Saar, and the' U. S. 7th Frencb 1st were 40 mUes from points of the attack cenIn the U. S. 9th and 1st army where .warms of Allied

·-~---::::~~::::::-:=-=::==-.-i!~::;. bomber.... upporled by..Jl.ghie.r... .. MINunsdropped thousands of tons of


IMA -r.

PACIFIC: Bloody Science

Bloody business, war is also a aclence, lind as U. S. troops plodded torward on Leyte Island in the Phlllpplnes, Gen. Dougills MacArthur's strategy unfolded. With the enemy's main forces compressed on .the northwest corner of Leyle, General MllcArthur's tactics pOinted to their annihilation by the prized military maneuver ot engaging them from the front while sending other units to cut them off In the rellr.


Farm Valuf~ s Despite increases In the value ot farm lond slncIl the outbreak ot the war, the over-all Iltuation remains .potty, with pdces reaching inflationary proportiollJ Ln some sec· tlODI while rising to fair figures In others unduly depreciated during d~· pression years. Consld,ned lin all its aspects, farming bas risen trom a 49 to a 70 billion dollar Industry since the war began, with value of la.nd and buildings totalling over 45 billion dollars, crop Ilnd Uvestock inventorlel over 15 billion dollars, and Uquid capital about 12 bUlion dollars. Making If{lod use of wartime pro.perl~, farmers have whittled mortgage debts down nearly a billion dollara since 1939, with the figure now ,tanding at abo,ut 51,2 billion dollars.

Wonder Show

Lovable Sleepy Time Gift Doli Looking ...

Y'pr complele cutting, pattern. lewin, and finJlhln, Instructions tor the CrIb DoD (Pattern No, 5643) send 16 cents In eolDl. your name, address.and the pattern nlllD' ber.



A GUY bere turned down $I,OOD,000 the other day, and be's not

Enclose 15 centa No ._ _ _ _ __

having his bead examined. He" producing a picture. He's Frank wbo was olJered $1,000,000 for .omethlng he paid $100,000 for. That II $900,000 profit on anYbody', comptometer, but Frank Ross doesn't want It. He wants to a~d $3,900,000 to hi. orlginlll investment and complete a piCture . If all that seems astronomical and a trifle goofy, consider the property this chllp haa got hold ot All studiol agree that nothing like It bas come along In ages. Frank II living proof, incidentally, of the value of the "help thy neigh. bor" polley. One day In 1942 he was helping RIchard BalUday, lit·5643 erary agent, to cut his lawn, when Hal11day happened to mention a book his client, Lloyd C. Doq"'. was writing. The book WBI half written; the subject f8lclnated ROlli. As loon BI the 181t blade of ,ralll bad been trimmed both men were on their way to Dr. Douglu' bOWIe A Favorite Toy to talk a deaL AVORITE toy for little tots to It wal estlmated .. early as that take to bed. This life-like doll is that the latest of the Dougl .. nov- 22 inches long and is adorable in ela, called 'The Robe," might ,ell outing flannel, fur cloth, sateen or al many as 400,000 copies. The lat- percale. Use yarn scr~ps for hair. est report from the publishers show, It s'old 1,500,000 coplel, and after two years of publication i, still til. tastest lelling thing on the book .helves.



for Pattern



Stupendou's Mistake Probab1y the most incredible mistake made by the Nazis in· France was the building and furnishing of a stupendous subterranean ~eadquarters and hide-ou\ which they never used, says Collier's. Constructed north of Soissons between 1940 and 1943, thia secret city is 50 feet below the ground, ' occupies 25 squar~ miles and has living accommodations for 100,000 men, including eleotric light, showers and bus service. To deceive Allied airmen, the fields on the surface are camouflaged with numerous farmhouse. and bomb-damaged buildings- aU made of cardboard.


. la'IC1

Get' a_tu\tl BakIng llM(£O

,,,rou9" IA"e, ION DOUBLE

Wilh Ameriea', learned scienlisu behind Ihe Ie.l1 rubu looking more and more into the .ub,tance 0/ mal· ler, wondert may nellcr cease. Already the lu, of accomplish. menU rum high, cu evidenced al the Nalional Chemical expolilion in Ihe

Thus did the 24th division move to press the enemy frontally, while turreted Co{u4eum in Chicogo, W ., the 1st cavalry and 96th division. where lightwe.i,/1I tIIId wealher r. pierced the mountain ranges to the .utanl plaslic .mogne.lium furniture, southeast in a drive to entrap the lawn .pray. ulhich kill weecb bUI Japanese from the rear. ./KJrll ,rass, alld women', ,ynthelic Meanwhile, U. S. airmen kept a clolh~ were on duplay. close' eye on the Important port ot Speclalors milling aboul Ihe great Ormoc, through whicb the Japanese hall al!o could .ee a new melhod for had previously sent reinforcements producing a he/gh mileage ga!oline: to help their troops holding out artificial aromatic. lor we in soap, cosmelia and perfume., and a .pray against the American advance. for Ihe painlUl trealmenl 0/ .evere Manila Bay also came under the burns, bombsights ot U. S. airmen, with ScientUIJ I!JCplained the proceSSf18 carrier-based craft hitting at this 0/ electronicJ,.... Ihe magical lillle important nerve center ot enemy eleclric alom. of which 30 billion, .hlpplng for the entire PhUlpplne billion, billionl make an ounce-in arell. In one .trike alone 11 Ja .the drying of .plywood 10' 'he weldcar go vessels and o~ll~e-'r"s"'w =en-'t~to 7-''''' thC'e''+lI-'t.I1'-'o<i/'';loI;li'';e''''m'''o''''ll,tmtnnaleriols. bottom . .


~ I'I.Ik pel'lllUleDt irom acr,ldWI&wbea • Sri II> _ to r.UnellcJWIl of eczema, 1IIOri....Ulel oUaer aIIIA aIbuiIb1 n_1lI an ~_cIal lb. ,weir, . 800IIIIJII actiOll ot 1rfaft1er'. O~tmelll-Ill miDD .... DOl lIount ItOIi·UDerim...11a1 wltb danprODl CIlI'e-ane. DeCId. KOW to let r.llef-or 1I0lUY BACIC -wi1JI dala 1JIOT.....1 uf!\ IImpi' tJeatm...d IIaI1 II.CIO (if C.u.D. P"" -"Ie) to\SaJt



ewe... G,"""

Good-tastlag Scott's Emulsion containl ..,.,., A • D Vltambm often needed to bdp l)uDd atamillund ralstance to colds and minor tl1s. Helps buDd stronc bona and lCuod teeth, too 1 Give goodtaItiDg Scott', daDy, the year-round'

" ••••1"•., ...,....

BAD SKIDS AHEAD! Don't riak driving on snowy, sUppery roads without the protection of Weed Chains-it's too get a new car. • If you need new tire chains buy Weed Chains now for the supply is limited. • If you .own old Weed.Chains have .them

repaired and reConditioned at once. • Forbest buy-in tirecbaina. ask for Weed American Bar-Reinforced. Mad.e by American Chain Division of American Chain 85 Cable. UIn Bulineu for Your~ety."


._ID AMlllCAI 111.aEU'fORCED..

.... V. .·I!ln,ecW..



Thunday, November 30, 19«

A.ggravated Fellow.Mus' Have Needed a Haircut A long-hair-ed m nn m et a little boy, w ho 'asked him the time. "Te n mi~utes to nine," the man replied. "Well," sllid the boy, "at nine get your hl1r cut." He took to his heels, the aggra vated one alter him. Turning a corner, the man ran into a polic eman. "What's up," asked the officer. The man, much out of breath, said, "That young sc a mp asked me the time and when I told him 'ten minutes to n ine ,' he said, 'At nine get your h a ir cut.' .. "Well," said the cop, "take It easy, you've got seven minutes y et."



CLASStF.IED Kathleen Norris Says: ~:'';'~'/I ~~~i Do}l's '!ardrobe a Delightful Gift 0 E P \::M~ E N or _.uu uu;.uu".uu .. ~ SEWING CIRCLE PATTERNS

-:- L E S SON -:- ,ShirtWaIst Dress Good Standby

These Wartime Giddy Wives Ben 8711dlcat.e.-WNU Feature..


B"leao"d bJ Western per Unton.




December 3

GOOD L1JCK MIDGET BIBLE ' o st n ~ " s t omp size-corr y It nlwoY9. Pos t!DId 20 GltOVER P UBLIOATIONS . De.,l. ~"t soo Bartlett. San Fran cisc o. CDllfornla .

Lel son . ubJ ects and ScrIpture texts . . lectcd Ilnd c:opy rlllhl:ed by International Council of R eUI(lou. ·Edu catlon ; used bY permlaelon. . WORLD-WIDI~






Unity among the believers in Chrl.t I. much talked about and deaired by many in the church. They seek a single Chr'llItian communion in the world, or atl least a gathering of all Protestant churcbes In one body. Such outw~lrd unity may be At bedtlmc rub throat, chest and bade impossible to attain, II.nd In fact with Vicks VapeRub toeasecoughln£ Iooeen. up the ph!egm, ~elp relieve (X)Ito might be quite undesirable it It d1Q aestionfn upJl8f bronchial tubes,lnvite not expre81 a unl'ty of spirit and of rat;ful sleep. Relief comes as VapoRub true fa lUi. PENETRATES to upper bronchial That tact, however. should not tubes withitsspedalmcdidnal vapors, hinder us from seeking a world-wide mMUlATES chest 'and back ~ fellowshlp of all belleverl of every faces like a warming paul t:ice. , ]4-48 race and creed illl the unity of the Oftm by morning most of the mi1Holy Spirit. The true church, the InDue to an unus ually large demond anlS a}' of the cold is gonel Remembervi.ible body of Christ, Is not di· current war conditions. sUghUy more Urne ONLY VAPORUB CiY.1 You this ~ III requlred In fillin g orders for ·a few at vided. even thoueh Its memben are !be most popular pattern numbe .... dal double actioo. It's time-tatid. Icattered In maJlIY denominations. Ixme-proved • _• the best-known home Send your order to : We are remincled In our lesson rancdyforrellevthat whatever elae may be true ~d~eries of IEWlNG CIRCLE PATl'ERN DEPT. about UI, we (th. t II, In beUevers) 's colds, vAP0 R u• 530 Sautla Wen. st. Cblca,o are united in Chri.t. W. are : Encloee 25 centa In eolna for each L .. &be World-but bl Christ pattern deslred. (John 1'1:18-23). Pattern No .. . .. .... . ..... .. SIze .... .. "Dorh-crieD biturly on !he dark day I laid ',ood·bY CO ·her." Even .. Christ was sent of the Little Mother Name ••• •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• Father Into the world to be the Light N entire new wardrobe fot her By KATHLEEN NORRIS AGONIZING SUSPICION of the World, .0 we are here In the Addres .............................. .. ~ ABOUT doll will delight every little OME of the husbands who darknesa of lin and sorrow to IIhIne mother. These adorable doll al llabls for Him (Matt. 5:U-16). are en duting terrible Far harder to ~than He--did not pray that H.iJI disciples clothes are fun to make and will hardships in far - a wa y tropical heat, galling iruecta (and that Include'l us. v. 20) should be a perfect under-the-tree places are naturally worried and the danger Irom the ene. be taken out of the world (v. 1lI) but prise. e e e because the little woman at my is a soldier's haunting fear that they should be kept from sin Pattern No. 8707 come. In alzel 12. tIS home is having such a hard, that his wife may be wanderI bl the world. Add ordinary caw'. mille to the Induded. Size 18 Inch.... pouIble IOUI'C8I for rubber. ClIemdull, lonely time. ing from h~m in his absence, I So we are In the worla. But let u. and 20andIncbea requlre. ,~ yard of S5 1.... 1tr.candy wal announced,have Other husbands have the When he has her veiled cul- Inever for a moment foraet that or . ·lnch pantle. material; ntghUe anel Illp, ~ EaaU,. Mixed. Needs No CooJdq. developed a product from mUle rome L_ h ,though we are l1li the world we are (!Oat and beret. ~~ yard: jumper u4 problem of Capt. Je mission in writing 'nat s e . ill I in yard: Cough medicines usua\ly contaiD • whldl ha. the d\orac:terldb of bloUie ~ yard. In Christ. He w • ve usBlank, who writes me from has been unfaithful, the bitter I falso large quantity of plain 1I)'1'UP-& good natUral rubb .... -" H h ... "---ace and Guadalca.naL a". e as ...ven --.Classic Shirtwaist loc-red1ent, 'but one which ),on caa ·.'There I. not a man down bere," chagrin almolt maddening. glory .0 that we may represent Him make at home. Take J cups of When the rubb.r lapp.r gael smart good looks, the shirt- easily can 1 .J_, aIIks an unIn the world. W , lT8Dulated sugar and 1 cup of water. says his letter. "who iB not sick for 110. lUJ InlO the South AmerIcan far.." to waist dress is tops. Its trim, sUr a few moments until dIahome. Every one of us talk. ot It, fortunote officer. "I am in a There iB to be It on.nell about be· well fitting lines make it a stand- and worIr. he raqulrer about 100 Item. lIolved, Or UIIO corn ayrup OJ' llqu14 eireams 01 it. Through beat and faItate 01 indescribable agony. 1 Ueven (v. 21>, not alone because by in every wardrobe. Tucks honey, instead of IU~ syrup. eI .....,Ipllleftt and lOme 40 differThen get from any druggist I~ ent IIem. of food. And they .ay cannot eat or sleep. 11 Ihe hall their ,ood (bllessed al that may at shoulder and waist, set-in belt , tigue, insects and prickly h.e at, long ot Plnex, pour It Into a pint life In the rubber Ilmgle II Ilmpl.1 . hikes 'UU-ough rough gralls, long really betrayed me, 1 can never Ibel), but In order that the world are distinguishing d etails OD this oDunces bottle, and add your syrup- Thts glv.. walts under the simmering midday forgive her." may kn<lw and bellev. In Christ attractive model . yoU a fuU pint of wonderfUl medlcln. fle.ts of lIIetor vehl •.,. (vv: 21, 23), Thl! gb~loU4 corollary • un, the men talk of trees. and the for coughs due to' colds. It makes a ..... clrlv.. 150,000 ~ehl... real eaving bocaUIIO It gives you about shady porch at home, and Mom's to that truth iB that .very evldenc. Pattern No. 8625 eomea In .Ius 34. cleve lop " ....." four times as much for your mODe,.• cooking. We Imow we bave to get or sleep. My mind Is ftlled with of diviBlon and friction b.tween 36, 38, to. 42, 44. til and ta. Size 38. abos:t It ']lever BlJolIs, and taBtea fine. I. ')'IIth.tlc .Ir. cOIIltrvctlo.. through this and we'U get through It, his detestable triumph, hi. smug- God'i cblldren Is an opportunity and .leoves, requires t\~ Ylrds of 39-loch This ta actually a surprisingly erTha. IIIU.... II Ilx but Lord, how we want the day to ness at home while I Bght through an excuse for the world to deny the materlal• fectlve, qulc\c-actlng rough rellef. .....i .roa"" ......rth, . arrive when we can start for. bomel hot day after day down bere. At one truth of the gospel Promptly, you feel It taklJlg hold. . II loosens the phlegm. lloothes the lrJ1,. moment I want to write her a scald"Behold how these Christiana tated membranes and makes breath''Well, what I'in writing you Ing letter, at another I flnd myself love one anothelr" was the bamed . West Point Grads d about, Mrs. Norris, iB my wife, DarIng easy. You've never Been anythllll' Is. I'm 42; she'l 28 and extremely weakening Into teaTS of pity an testimony of the pagan world In the botter tor proD)pt and pleaslng,results. lovely. Sometimes I don't dare let love. If sbe bas really betrayed earl,y days 01 thle Christian cburch. Of the 13,000 men who have been In myself thiDk bow lovely sbe is. me. I can never forgive her. But They could arg,lle with their phi· graduated from West Point be- ProVOD 18 a Plnex IngredIents, how shall I know? If she 'has just losopby and question their the- tween. 1802 and 1934, more than form. a most reliable tor throat Mter a most unfortunate first mar· - een rooIii li-but n o,those phra ses 010'"'. but thev had to admJt that riage I was divorced 11 years agoi ' th t. fW , 7,000 are living and in the army Money ........ n.'AI1 ix years later I met Doris, who I quote above mean more than a something had happened to these ·today, 70U In evory way. . had elsa had an unhappy young I am miserable. miserable, mber- people whleh made them really love marriage. Both our former part- able. What pOSition shall I take? one another. ners have found other mates, .0 What can I do?" II. ID the Church-but Christ that we felt entirely tree to marry. • • • (I Cor. 1:1..:3>. and tor two years our love stOry You can do, my dear Captain The church. even In ita outward was unclouded and exquisite. Then Jerome, whAt thousands of other form of 10Cfll a.ssembllel and decame the war. and I ceme out here. busbands and wives. with all sorts nominations, hall a place of areat Doris cried bitterly on the dark day of new problems to face. must do importance In th.e world. One could I aald goodby to her, and the memo after the war. You can come home, certainly not Hod a more wonderful ory of her lonely Uttle figure turning· meet your wite. look your changed body 01 people [lor more latls!,ylng away haunted me. clrcuri'lStances in the tace, decide opportunity for service than that sf"But now It's all different. She Is where you will live and what line forded by the cburch. Buy War Savings Bonds llving In a group of friends, who 'of work you want to take uP. flnd a The ones to wbom Paul addresseu Uke herself are ldie. with plenty of house, setUe down to matrimony and thl. letter were members of "the money. She Is having a whlrl of a forget the past. If you want &0 be church of God wbicb Iii at Corinth," good time. It I. all dancing. drink. bappy-it anyone wants to be hap- but they were wbat iB of InHoltely lng, card games, country clubs. She py after this war. It must b.e b,. a l1'eater importance, ".aints"-those goell to races and nlgbt club., buys beroic closing of doors. It may be wbo had been IBncWled, or set new frock. and bats; II In Florida that Dorl.· charm and beauty and apart from this wicked world. In with one friend. goln 0 Santa Bar. lellure were not proo!.a,alnllt temp- ~t. Jellus. bara with anotheri she vialts a lux- tatioD. wen; you cbose bet fot those This glorlOu. distinction wa. not urlOIU Adirondacks camp and 'never very quall~lel; you didn't want a the1l'l alone, bU.t belon,ed to "an In her life had lIuch a gorgeoua sensible, modest. faithfuIlltUe wom- that call upon the name of the Lord time.' an who would keep your house and J..u. In every I~lace" (v. 2). Here ODe Mall'. Name. your memory safe. again we bave Ithat feUowship and "Of late months the name of one War develops abnormal .Ituationl, unltJ In the love of Christ whlch man bas been In ber letter., or rath- In which men and women act al tranlcendl an other relatiODlhipa er bu been conspleuously dropped they would never act ordinarily. and whicb IgnorOl the boundarlel of from her letten. But my jealou.y There I. ,olng to be an enormous race, color, socii I. polltlon - yea, IUPplles hi. n~e. ~e 11 a ricb amount of Itrallhtenlng and adjust- even of church member.hip.. and attractive . YOUDI fellow, d. Ing to be done when the war iB over. No matter wbo or when. another barred iiy a mUd ato~ach com- It I. for every one of us to lessen bellever may be. JesUi Chrbt iI lEU. plaint from active lervice; Idle, the grand sum total of that uncom- " Lord and. ours" (v. I). On. ThOll rou. IIIIIell amu.1D1 and UDlcrupuloUJ. Dislike fottable procels as much a. we could about, "Hallelujah-Praile the 10 rood, I Juat can't walt of blm and envy of him have been can. It i. for every one of UI' LordI" for lucb a dellghtful com. tor supperl IInqlne. airl burning me up for weelu; I cannot to overlook, for let. forgive In every munion of all Ulo.e who love .HIm. ·u pretty u you being such • wonderful cook, tool' ,et him and the thought of hil ad- dlrectloil;1 not to demand explana. m, III Bemlce-bat bl Chrtd mlration of my wife. out of my tiona not to rak~ up the past; not <I Cor. 12:4-'1, 1~~ 13, EllEN. mind. to Indulle aulplclon and curiolity. God bal work: to be done In th. You're lun • Slatterer ••• TOOK A and J IoWl Itl .Theae are "Now comes a letter from Dorl. DoriB I. evidently a little fright- world. To accompUah that work, He "no-kneadlnl" rolll. fMN~ PART IN THE AMERICAN that has .et me on fire. She iI ened hene11 at th. length to which Ilvel diver.e eWs to men. How They're made with REVOLUTION 'BY REPLACING makin, a lonl stay with ber moth- abe bas carried thll ftlrtatioD. But wonderfully Be endowl and calla PIelachmann's lleUolD HER WOUNDED HUSBAND label yeast, the .t, a thiD, abe never w..,ted to do being beauWul. young, Idle and rich, men and them In Hil ""_ 8EHIND A CANNON. before. She la,.s abe 'II a IOrry. and abe will presently eqlbark on an- Ic.1 We can think of DothiDa more VUomm ,,;,I.:'llIl~~1l ashamed llt1le girl who plUed too other. Steel yourlelf not to bother latiafyin. than to lern 111m. 10nl with . fire, ' and that when ( your bead about them. When you But even berll we mutt keep In THE FAMOUS NIHMID come borne 'there II something [ come b~ck, expect • welcome from' mind that the Important thinJ iI that GIRL PWONIFIES mUit forgive ber.' Alao I am not ~ lovin, ~e, build your Uves to.. ,.. ate not indil'lduaJ a.t er. to Ihin. to beHeve anythlng Mar,aret Ot Sal· ,ether a. it the!e had Dot been th1a bl our IOUtary 1I0ry. No Indeed, A PURE, SWEET. Vt1fOLESOME ' S~ . 1)' write me. Thele' are my liiten. grim In~erruption, and whatever you •• are onlJ a It art of a lI'eat plan She I.y, she i. 'done with· Tony do after you have given peace- and purpose bEtin. carved out by IN THE MINDS OF $eN" " '. time marriage a fair trial. let mat- "the .ame. LorllS'.' (v. 5). W. are MILLIONS, NIHWD • . fol;evet.' . OYeR .fO PAGe$ OF ' "Mr.. Norri.... the letter ends, terl '0 on a. they ar~ now, and called, cofnmflllioned and .ent by THE MA~GARINE WIT" f(fcIPts IN THe NfW THE MILD, SMocmt. ''thla bal thrown me Into a ~te of solve tomorrow"1 problem when to. th. ODe Holy Spirit (v. 'J). W. an "OIl. bodJ" (v. 12), baptized by th. . I'MSW COmON or CHURNED-FRESH, buSuctibabJealO~. I cannot eat morrow comel. ,\ I I i,# RAYOR.. . BoJ.1 Splrtt Into that bl...ed relaI'LlISCHMANN'S MMOU5 carpel Beetlee BreecJ ID UIit Ucmblp, and It I.'that bodJ of·CbrlIt I eMAO B), doinl a thorouP job of faU which 11 at worle In thl world to d6 OOZfN~ OF WONPCRRlL ~OUIecle~ housewives can .keep lUI wUL


Y leKS











BOLS'rEINS, r"aflltered. B a by. bun. to servlc. Good ODe8. Will deliver. BARRY BEABER • Parl •• Oble.

Unprofitable Composing Composing concert music in the United States is so unprofitable that even the most sue· cessful composers ha ve to earn their liveUhood another occupation, says Collier's. A major 01"chestra pays only from $25 to $50 for the right to perform a Symphonic work, while most choral societies, small orches tras and chamber - music groups seldom pay anything. Ont: famous symphony, although performed many times .by lead· ing orchestras, e arned only $175, or $220 less than the composer' a expenses.



How To Relieve Broncbitis

Cough Syrup 'Is Most EHectiv8


. ,-

R01JND8 FOR SALE Coon. oposl um. fox. r a bbit o nd comblna· Uon huntin g hounds. Write l or Iree literature s howlna picture s o nd breedlna. Sta te dOli inter este d. KE NT UCK Y COONBOUND KENNELS. Paducah. Kent"ok,.

.ur- This Home-Mixed

L_. u

Oreomulslon relieves promDtlY be-

cause It goes right to the seal Of tbI · trouble to help loosen and expel sum laden phlegm, and ais! nature to BOOthe and beal raw, ten~er, Inftamed broncbtal mucous membranes. 3:ell yourdruggtst to sell YOU



• bottle of OteomUlslon with the




...... •cI." '0


FEATHERS WANTE n . N E W OR OLD 3hIp or writ e to STE RLING F EA TH E R "' Goo Nortb Broa dw ay. St. Loul • • Mo.

LESSON TEXT-J'o bn 1'1:18·23: 1 Car· Inthlan. 1: 1·3; IZ : ...,. 1%. 13. GOLDEN TEXT-NeJlber pray I for Ule •• alone. but for tbem .lao whloh .haU beneve on me Ulrough their word; !bat !bey' all may be one.-Jobn 11 :20. 21 .

RELIEVE-r~ n~ COLDS' miser,:'.

" or ,ale- Poultry Fo rm nnd H -aere ollple ; rchard at bell. ring 81nllo . 'Located at I1'l ro. )h10 .• Approx.lm a te.Jy 10.000 ft . of Roor pnce for broile r s or lo),era. Bulldlnlfs Irl cod re polr. Elec t .• gas. WilIer. PrIced to . ell. Inquire C. R . Da ulhorty. Shelby. Ohio.


B, HAROw) L . LUNDQUIST. D. D. Of The Moody BIble In.tJtute 011 Chleala.


derstandlmr you must Uke the 'WaY It Clulckly al1i.Ys the cough or you are to have your money back.


• ••

'for Coulhs. Chest Colds, Brcinchitit


NO ASPIRIN PA8TEB than &eDlline, pure Bt. Joeepb Alpldil.World's1ar~iMI1ler at 109. None betterI.

DOlle 1IUl'eI'. ~.~ft more? ~ e ... aooeptlelaT Bt. JoeephAlpirin.



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• ..

:#;;fo' :.


down the dama,e done ,by c~t ~tl... In m8D7 cain. of. Infestation .the breedin, place cd the.e peI1I bat been .found In cCilcl m,' rell.ter• . an!! IlmI1at ,plJee. wher. lint ha. ben anowed to ac:cumalate over a loaI period of Ume. Ilventualll th. larvae came .out aDd wudend around JookJq tor more food. I'ot that fealOll. tbotClUIb bounclu nln, I. elHDtlal to eradicate IbeIe iDleets

Nor dOlI tbat In 8D7 ' ay mlzll.

'''!'''' mIze the Ilo~ ~e .a1u. cd _ " w. are 'caDedrto clef. OD tbe contrary.. CII'

enhanc. coun,. to «_ler •• an DO' alaDe. .vr.

callfDl and ea ". W. are ID the Lort'. aervtc., but lint of lID we are ID Oarlst. and. that 11)._ that ·,.. move forWard willi a .....' world.wtde .......11' of' ....." wIlD ban like prec;Soue ..... . ,.... It




fOR Mel




sweer IRfADS-


Ther,,·. IIODd reaean wb, rA1.0 .InCm ~ nl h.. been u. ed b, .. man, mililani eutr.,.,ra rrum . Imple I'll . .. Plnl. I'AZO ol.tmenl loolhealnnamed arU. -rellen. paIn and Itohln,. Seoond. l' A1.0 alnl ..eftt lubrl.ale. hard,ned. drIed pa,l_help. p,ewent o,... I"II.n" .o'e n.... Third. I'AZO ol~lmCftI tend. I.. reduo. Iwelllft, and oheok hleedlnll, fou,lh. II', ea., 10 u"". I'AZO 01111_ menl'e perforated Pile Pipe m"u ..... plication .Impl~. d!o,ou«l•. Your doclor .an tell ,OU about olntmnt.



Gel PAlO Todayl AI Drugs tores l

MEldl.1Ui pound aplDlt


P1nItham'. 8111f1C1al17 for uu. and tMe'. the klnd clne to buyl Follow label dtrectlODL



Kidneys Must

Work Well-





Ir" . '\' Ulluu• •• ,1(11, «Ja ...."llu.f......

'I ... .




.1• YTtE

a' ,,·r

l,\ t-(h rt"h• • 4. .. rr.·"'vo.".. w....



- ~ 01:"- - -,- -


Mr. and Mi$~en Brad. ook. ~ Mr. , and Mrs. TherIa J 1 - and Mrs. J? O. Ri~'~~d ber horne Mr. Gnd fi-s. Theodo re Me IntIre 50U, Milton, sent h.mluig ivl ng ay on Friday aft.elllo on l~nd had 3S h er e nd $On. s)X\llIt swuiav evening wi\Jlt.h Mr. Ilnd Mr . Edw1n NULt Denr gue:.!.'; ~be member s 0'[ the New CenRniYDloi:J.<l WU 'on and' wl!e. Centerv ille. tury Olub fOT Uleir monthl y Mrs. Mary 'Bogan remme d to t h e Mrs. Margaret J ohns, Mrs. ElIZa- meeting . Mrs. J . B.r ,egWar Ohapma l;l ~d home of. her daug hter, Mrs. Weldon beth Smith and Mrs . Robel'!. Hunt, Mrs, J . K . Prest on were in charge Wilson afoor s p a':ldlng several d a,va spe,llt Flidny I.n Day.Lon . I t ,lihe progl'llm . ~.S' . C~pman givwlllh het son Raleigh Bogan Bnd Mr: GIld MIs. Walter KelU I~k t - ling a l>aper on Pms and Mrs. wUe. . t ended Po , ona. Gm~ Itt Wa\yllcs- Pl'esten b~ "Why ,,:"ollle:l Cr~·." Botal iMr. and Mrs, Charles Stanley en- ville, Satw'da y evening , papers were very "n l.ertalni ng. Mrs. itertnme d to din; Th Its I I v ~g soMr. and Mrs . u.~\ CllCC Ellilott tU d ~cdder oJ CincinnllJU gav a very oay Mrs P I Sliller I ~n n Tommy , oJ ' .D.iyton re mter csLlng talk 0 11 '''P eriod DecOl', ,:.~ LncUa r d ' M utSC ' TIla.;lksgivil'w gULS. of Mr. and eMrs J enkins. . ....uo."> Mlon " rule! S 101\ d slide af t.he 11e a. an as 1'1'''' Amerl 1 Roo Lavenre Sinclair . of near Clmter- EV6I'e'~t ~ nrick and i mini t .. chUd E:1l. hi I d:lJ;n I vUle Flight officer Lowell Sinclair a me Mrs. Eldon Reel cr d O"lnJ,t,.•. a, W C 1 as be en illS 011 , p ay at Music and 'wife and baby of Georgia . • spent d ays last w ' ek \\' IUI I~~ f~rj ~he ~~~ fe w wcel~' The Mrs Ella Hal 'i:t d d th W her ' p arsoveral ents ~U·. ~ nct Ml' . Ha, elll a OUl'lle "'" m cct w "' . Mrs , ,. nes a. en e e . Mounce. Mrs. R och er wUl m uke welt 1 er S ckett l::l DceClilb clr. A most dcC. T . U .. at th e home of MI'S. MIlrie her home ill Dayto..'l . as h :r husua,n d hclous dl:6el't (:OUI" was served by Blair lnst Wednes!!ay a.fter,';1oon . U Recl! ' 1 I . t . ' the host~ to .wen ty m em bers and Mr and Mrs Lenn ord Ellis and ' el las 6 1 101 overs ' .. U' n1n w1 I Mr aud .!\Iu'!; H.ob rt HuntIS.n ll J I two ,.am y SPell't "~d !; UeMS, MJ·S. R. ..;. Cole111an un d •• ay eve g t 1 " Mr. aiui Mrs, Raymon d WIJt;on. 6011. WalTCll, sl-om 'l 'ha. . IVll g Mrs ' R " 0 Moler . Mrs. Dorothy StnIth spent Tues- day with Mr. a.lId Mrs. Cua mOll da.y W1th her CQUSin, Mrs . Marjori e Cook aJld nettr W'lYllesvlll ~ F ~ lUf.Y Namn in Dayton , lll1.r. and 1'5. WalLeI' K enl iele and 8y l\lr~, HarieU4l Thomas Mr. and Mrs. Raleigh Bogan e,n - Mrs. Allen l!lIlrlck \ ere n Uurto teIjBlne d with a famUy dinn 1', Sun- ' U;ltors ·Friday. MTs. Mal'jori e Trost received word day In honor of their n e -lhew,Cpl. 101e S out.hwc Jo'a.':1("Y FOl ther Fliday ill a t,e1egI'a1TI from the War Rebert O. Boga.n of camp' Chaffee , Club ofHcers h eld a mu tl l1g aL Lytle Dcpaltl ULllt !!hait. her husbaJld , .Pvt. ~cQIlure 'Ark. the 'followi ng guests: Mrs, Lue:: Hall . Sunday Mt m oon on 'est '1'rost, was missing ill action , , ~ he p oul t ry A. Compton, Mrs. Mary Bogall, Cpl. show will be a.t MiJn'l The l..adics AId of ~h e Su l' bw ~ u11s and Mrs. Robert. C, Bogan. Mr .. and yenr. Or ek Chr15tia n o.tlUncn will 6 MIa. Robert C, Bogan. Mr. and Mrs. ' •.1'. ' and Mrs. ,LL'OI1 Salisbu ry of G'r uistJn as BazaaJ' at lhe Taw'll Hall Weldon Wilson. Mr. and Mrs. Evnn Washin gton C. l:.l. aud Dl'a. I 2' 111 _ Wayn esville O. . Mr. a.:1l1 Mr s . in Bellbroo k. Bogan and little grandso nDenny E?dl\u'r d UIldweU H-ev. li nd Mrs. C.arenc e Bennet t Day t.un, were Nevdn and Mr. 111M Mrs. W1I11am .::>W1day a f ~ oJ' n 0 n LUliers at. a.: d ' the Ia.Lter's mOI.her. Mrs, liin Smith and MilUyn Sue. t.h h om e of Mr. alld Mrs. Alien Em- eva Simmer man oj Jeffel'so uvllle I Mr. and MIs, Ra.ymon d Wilson lick.. I'S. ~Ill isbury lel1l:.lL:1ed lor were Sunday lImnt l' guests t ~' Mr. , Not much timf' for gift m a kin g? l~== ===========!' and Mrs, Pel"y GuL:Jel'le and family Ohoose a cap and bag ct which ('an Mrs. Ella Haines a,t tonded the several days. :: double funeral services for Mr. and . Mr. and Mrs. Walter be mndc of fclt fo r I he tee n·"lle,. K enrick anl Cpl. Bob L. Uti e rie ('1 Kl.UlS6S Is iMrS. CalVin Lundy Tuesda y aft er- J nnles Haines wer e guesl s at a 'LuT- speuwn g a &\\ nt~ -on c ua y 1w'loug h l 'bls 5hould91- ·tmp bn " POri !! " noon a.t the Ohester Friends Ohurch . KCY d1uulOl' 'l'h anksg.iv buckl at the should r ror "dlng evening . With h1s p!U'~nts. the Perry Gut.b- . large Jusllug the sirup-le ng th nud '\11 ,' n, Mr. and Mrs. Everett Haines at the home of !.heir nephew eries' und velo llc fI J1 t hal buttons cJo ocll, 1'110 ca!led on' Mrs. Haines' fa.ther. Ben- n.leee, Mr, ul1(l Mrs . E6~1 '. harry R. FordY'::e. Mr. and Mrs. RoWld In close tittlng C:lli is Irlmmed wllh jam1n Ol.rey of HIghlan d one a.fter- tDa..yten . Pel\ry Thoma s and son . Bob. and relt flow er allpllqllcs. Chrl Imns 'glrt noon last w~. '",.r. ,and Mrs. Ha.r ey Burnet .:n- Paul Fleenor were Thanks giving expense s ('a n be cut in hall If ~' ou Mrs. Glenna Wllson visited her 't crt.a ned t.heir "500" w IlDer club at supper guests of Mr. a.lld Mrs. Tom make your girts . nlHl yCl u'1I be wise mother ~. Ella Hurley In Waynes - their home satur~ay eve:ling Fordyce and son at West 011ar1'Ol- to Pllt the mom'~' you SilVC In t .. ex. ville, SaitUrday afterno on. lvll'. Allen Ullrlck r t m Ins III a t ton. The group attende d the tra W:lr B UIl I\ S . Tltls pnltern is this Urue. EI'WIll H nis Is eru'Ing onial t.hwtre Ln Da.Y't.<>n later ColIn th e availabl e at you r local st ore. for him at night a l d S. H. BUl11et even!.ng. . S. 'I'rl'O slfry lJ t/,IJrlmr,, ' _.... ....... I!--'"_ of Thanks and ..1 • n ...... cau., V"-t..U rema1ns Wl!.h him In vhe day t ime. 1\1,..•. UU C) G lb .... u. Correa punu ... ,., Mr, and •..mi. Earl Hubbell OJld """' _ I ... ....... Oblt~_ "" charced for at tbe "MY BLOND E HEADE D BOY" ......s , W .!w u TI:m cy of Covlngt cn Mrs. Ed Gill1land were Pickway vis'The Ladies Aid will meet in I,h e Kentuc ky speut 'Ihanksg lvillg a lloy itors TuesdaY. .. rate 01 ODe cent. word, minimu m chureh room next As I sit nl~ne ! ~ a Quiet house Wednes day. TIl l' wi Wl her pll'ellts . Mr. a1ld Mrs. Guy I5c. A Want Ad werted for !Will also be an. exchang e of 011rI8tI drea m of tho y ea~'S I;one by, Routzha .l1 and son !lond Mrs. ~rl u_ ....."--d • ~ I see a boy with gOlden curls , ord. mas gut&, SO e very one come and Menden hnll lind dau",'llL Uaree _ N ... - - - . - a. el·. a w brtng e. gift. PI ' ylng wi th toys a nd coIl1e Mr. Robel·t Young of Dayton , sou ~11". J,..... j~ (. .. r .. ~r. lJu r r".jIlI UoI,,,.. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ___-:-:: ---- , 'M r. and Mrs. Morris Lewis. Mrs. of 1vxr. a.nd Mrs. Eu l X'OlUlg 01 this n eig h Mrs. Ethel Besson, of near lu u'H1ly Olbsan, were ahopr dng in Day- place. \\oas m ducLed luto the 1I11n y vcysbur g, , was a recmt visitor of S Bill ~ __ ton, 'rUesoo\Y', TI1ey were d evoted pn ls. Ulls boy Tuesday . Mrs. Bessie P1ymire . Aooe~lene or elec~c. ee ........ Mrs, Harold cartie a nd children and dog MT. a nd Mrs. Walter K enrick Mrs. Ella Shuma ker was II visitor Qrndor f' Road. R. 3, Waynesville. were week-e nd guests 01 h All thro ft h the day toge ther er p aren ts Mrs. Ma.rgar et J <...tms ,Uld E!' .est of her daugh ters. Mrs. Ed Fred and . , 1n the h ouse they romped on 1M!'. and Mrs. Da.vld Lucas. Cook, in compan y wi th Mr. a.nd M.s ,Mrs. Will Downey . JIIOIR ~7 1'OOOl frame house, 2 1 Miss Pau11ne otbson and Saturda y. in stonny days friend . Milton Sheeha n, M.1ss NalUtie CI_1 u. Iftlla, 1 larIe cistern and tobacco JMr. Richard Haines. of Xenia. OUtside In SUfU1Y weather . we-re I s~ lind Dr. Oarrie RUl.Ohls on. were J. Lee Talmag ebed, IJ1 In good conditio n, aIboiut supper g'UeSts of Mr. and e. Albert 'I\IlInag e Mrs. Hlly en te tn1ned to a. turkey d LDller UI1- an d J essie 3 acres ground With plenty of 1G1bson, ~ .Mrs. Frank Garner. a.ttende d tJhe When I made ready to s ti r a cakc Dnk'L' ; 1 da.y. at We home of M rs. Belle Coon auction sale Saturday , at the ,IWBbade · around the house. Hiley , called in the This little boy a. place :It the rung. aJld da.ughte rs in Dayton . bert Mooney lanu. ,n,ear Lebanon . G1b8oD, Ru;8l Route , 1, Wayoea ta ble would take Mrs. Rotler.t Greene, Ml'S. IAX>nll Mr. a.nd Mrs. J . B , Jones ente.l'George Davis has retW'lle d to his ~. 'OhIo. . , , ' To w teb, Otnd then get a taste CRecne lloud Ohlldre n. Mr. WUbur !Ja1ned to d kmer Sunday cv ling. home here a.fter " several days visit ' trola coal h t Soovens on. of Dayton ca.lled on Mr, Mr. Of tbe creamy yellow batter. and MJ:s. '4Y1110l d OSbJI1le of 'wltih Mr. and Mrs. E . C. .ftJ!R ~t.1 ~,....."" ";,, Ma.unon • a.n:d Mrs. ';l;ue MOJ'8Iln. Sunday evcn- Xenia, Mr. and Mrs. Alfr d J ones of lIear Wilming ton. mg. & - - on . ........ """'''' qo-P mg. Some times he decided to gather South r,u lillis, Mr: and Mrs. Garl Mr. a.n.d Mrs. Fred Thomps on W~v111~. rwood 30p 1MrB• . I:ltaWd lJUcaa Is spendin g B Pickerin g a! Centerv ille. and Mr. were visitors in LeblUllOn. Saturda ¥ WAN1'.I!ID--4 01' 5 rOOm bouse Ol' lew days with her aaUhteJ Oet wagon, hatchet . nd don "is !, Mrs. and Ml'S. Therle Jones and SOil MiJ- evening .·f Inr. (modez11.> With :Harold hood 01 Xenia. oou. ' L e e Talmag e was a. busInes s vlsOut to the wood lot; Ifnst as he COUple-DO chll~ The family CU:trlstmas me.etlng of ItOT In WUmIn gton Monda,y . ~4~JCe,I'If1'ltie Ed' weaver box 96. could The Woma.~·s Society of Ly t i e ~~;;';'~"""'-"''':!Ir~'DesVllle Jessie Ga.m~ was a. M :>nda.y To fill to the top his wa;gon 30p .11 ,,", lInr .., ,,., , ' , I h .. " .., . . .... r.,.~ 0' 0 ' ci1UTch will be I I ' a t the Hall ~tor In the home of Mrs. Susau whethe r or no. Bnturciay evening , DeceU .... Ll· 9. 1. ~ I SCihmldt.. In W11lningto'n. ~ large IlWIll\tI'ty of red . PUPPY LOVE Kesler G raham has charge of ·the Ckwer' an~ alleU9. bay. On "PenOb Ume ,turn back to days of Yr:1re pel'h aps I ma.y look back some day progl1lm . 'IUJe ccmmlt t ee assistin g Give Persona lized statIone ry for D1Q8ton tann ' ...t~. 0Bll D. ~d say; When tha.t boy sat on my . 'c lvlJ'S. HaJph Hammo nd. Mrs. hrlstma s. 200 sheets 100 envelop ~ M'wsb urg. _ 30p I would sing and hug him close "Early in lire I fell in love with '1 es wnbleso n nnd Ml:s. T. E. Smith . , love, '7Jlen he would sleepy be• . With an d address $1.50 I'OR 8&t.Z--DOllB, in good con- . Roused from my bed to ,g reat eRCh - .- -- - - - -- - - - - - . : . - -_ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ __ _ d1~ "mI8U, ·medlum . and large brealtln g day And then. when I tucked him in lilies. " ~ .L ou ~,phone ~Qving of birds In Spring wnd star. his bed 2148 aJ[ter echoo1 bours. . 1'.8 above. And heard. his little prayer. . I would b end near hIS little crib YGlWned at t he rising sun a nd And' kiss the golden hair. sentime n tally s l~hed .

(.,';;:l g Gifts Aids p ,"r .,:iJ.g W(tr Bmu .. .

We O££er,

Sansfactory Serv ioes





At AI!


Tim es '

l_Ch;~he~ il I\lE'1'110 01 It. 8 . Colema n. I\Ul\lsle r

Church school al 9:30 tI. m. Mrs . Co)tnel'. superin tend n~. M01'1lln g S CI' Ices-lOaD You th F.elowsllip 'ru e~d y cvenuS' a.t 7 :30. Choir jJractlce Thursd ay 8 :00 p.m .



9 :30 a. n, .. Bible sc110JI. 10.115 n. m.-Cot nUlun!oll , 11 :00 n, 1Il.- Sermon , 8 :00 p, m,- Preach lng,

. Th~

' pmll.lO "UCTJO~ ,

I..m.e ll ~11 .....,. fann chattels and

Jealous of every hour that I must .


26 S. De tr o it S t . "" '_ __

.Alway from my beloved . But

Oh! ~. blis.s. 1mBloclr. 3 1-3 ~ southw est of theiMagie. and sweet content that illd , iWIIJ'D~We. OhIO on wbaot 15 known

. . t.b.e, George Washin gton fann , I-.r the ~enn.sylvan1a Ra1lroo d. on ' j. .WedDeadaY, Deeem.ber 6 '" ~ At· 11:00 O'clock , -BOlM a aDd MuI_ , . ~~iDare, weight 1600 lbs.• brown ~ 1300 Ibs .. ..both are extra ~, w,Orkers &nd sound. . ' " --' ()atUe t- ' , , Pntib'cow lBth oalf by side; Jersey C9W. 8 )'lis. ' old. due .to freshen by ~ or aale; Jf!!rSeY and ShoItho rn 00tt', 5 yr'. old, giving good flow at 1m11k. 'l;bese cows are ext.ra. . good. ptIltle ahd sound. Jersey Slwl't.h om beUer. 16 ·mont.bB old. . .....18' ~ Wool Sheep IS1 ~16 open Wool ewes; 1 open wool ;~ . . -18 ' F,eeclI~ Shoats 18~ . ~ Bred Barred Rock-



n d lass Ikiss. with lite can crowd into a Eagtt'

l . Sa'_a

First Day school. 9 : 3(1 a , Ill , Mcetlng (or Worsh ip, 11 :30 a .

11\ ,

Fath er l{rumhoILz. Priest ,I IlSli Sunday !):OO u. 11\ .

CllltJS' .r

lax Unl llia ll. li n is t er Bible Sl:hoOI {),30 a. m. ommunlon 10 :45 II, 111 Prea . hillS', 11 a, m. Ohristia n E~ldeavo r 6 :30 Evenin g S ervice 7 :30 Mldw k Service, W d, n ight 7 :30 You are i nvl\.ed to 'ome a lld wor"hlp wilh ll S. M'l' . 1101.1.\ ' 1\1, E. ClI l iltOlI 't'. i\l . Srnrrf. l\lInlstc r

Sunday S chOOl 9 : 30 a. Ill . E , A \\ or h ip service n ~ 10 :30 A. M. Ea I'll lIa r l, SupL. ,c;1' ~ n i n g S erY lce. 7 :30 p. I I . FOR SALE- one y ars subscrip tion to t.he Miami GGazet.te to the m en In service for $'1.00 a year. What could be a nJcer gilt to last through the year and k, ep the boys Inform d tn a eUvtl\!S at 110me . SUbscri be toe: y a t the Miami Gazette oUlce.

---, -,:..:-.=......... =-..::=..




Sand & G~avel



'!" Dr. W . E, PORTE R

'~~RINARIAN PhOlle 1587

~.ynNvU1e, Ohio






Any m'a1<e mq del M oto r Cail" , ,Fre d Kah . n , PHON E ' 326



'4~MITAGE &,SO" . Alone Wapesv 1l1e ~U

~ Pholie No.8 Lebanon: Office Ph~e ~'11 Jt R.esJdence 88 II



" '.


AUCT IONE ERING Stanle y and


Fol' DaLes , Pbune 2894. ·Wayne sville. Ohio, Reverse Charges





Sp ec ial ! •••••• •

SPECIAL FOR Tms W£EK Genuin e Mystlo Jacquar d Velvet Upholst ered Occaslo naJ C b a I r ~

$26 .50

TOY S . . . TOY .. TOYS A good assortm ent of gifts for nil the fa m.lly still In stock , . . but s ome of the ohoiu items are UDllt.ect and cannot be replact! f. We s t roll«ly advise carty bUJ'ing. Lay-a.w ay h eld until wanUd .

••• ••••

W aynes~.ille-

FUrn ittl j,4(, Co rr·"::'1 , ::-:1"; • NORTH ST.. WAYNE S'VlL GmBOl l: ,j



i;. )

Au toD lob lle'

Ins ura ace


Ke ep





On This

But SUOll Is life. tim e rushes on My hair has t u rned to gra·y 'JIbat boy now a. man has become For him I cease not to pray. By Jennie M. Planck


'·_ '._ _"_ "_' _ __ ' _" _ ><11




Many a ,time to Heaven I looked And plead protecti on for my chUd And ask tile Father up a.bove · To keep him .tree from guile.

Pu;:~y loV4!'-By Da.'le let. denied. Tears 'dim my eyes and I am eansciel1c:e strioken , , 1 (}foney. I must ronfess I don't reThe Oeol1,"e Dodds & Sons Gm,uJte and veining. is. also. famous for call your name. Co. ofier (I,n unusual ly fine b'Crvlee 1ts hannon y lit with bronze letterin g Only ecst..aay of youth a t ,t h e In the designin g a nd lr..anUfa .cturlng u.nd has been chosen 101' many of <th~hhold. oJ' memorll\tls <"if indiviqt;allty and ,their.' ou tsLUndln g monum ents. 'l lhey, 1Ma4 with the t.hrlll of 1I!e, pla.y- orlgillal ity. 'Ilhe cou,n:Ue ss numb er of too, manUfa ct ure all l,eadL:lg Ing it's II game . ' memor1 n15 of distin ctive b eau ty all graJl1tes with a hill gua.ra.n na.:lve tee 116 to Absolve me from the years with over the countI-y attes t th elr lIU1.ny Ifine selectio n and qual.ity. ,t heir tarnishe d gleam, years of experien ce and the skl1l of After d esigning ruld bui ldL':1g fine And send me the Joy o:\ce more of th~lJ' master craf,tsmen. memO'l'ials Jor more .Ulall 80 years. love's young drea.m. S Il1ce the beg1n.~ling of t!me , man l they, dally. a,r e lincling oppor,'JIbe trail is grOwing dim but I has Ereo~ed memori als to honor 1tunltles for n ew expres.:J ons 01 rememb er. ' t h o o c whom 11C ilas loved. 'I'h r~ugh beau ty a.:\d sImboli sm. Early In life I fell In love with love Ithe cen turies man has kept There Is a comfortlt1g saUsCae t:·,:l By ANOMI E S. F1ORDY CIE: I memory of h is lOVed OJles a.I ive the wltn Inknowin~ thatyou l"ldeaslora meH~e is another poem. I Mv, InWmOr ll\1s of eter.nal stone. The 1110rial lI : e cruTled ou~ III evel Y ,I' " ,.....())JjCkenssome requests for more, and I a m 'J.AYTwmld s. th? early mausolc wns, the detaU. S .... it yo u \~ ilI get in to, h~l ." "'40 lien8 - 60 pullets m ore Ulan glad to oblige . I am n . t , anciellt obehks stand L day as per- with thcm. you . -Feed lconceit ed when I sa,y .... 1k frw TWO _ _ ...... I In- petual m emorial s to t h o li ves of every type 01 will be able to see i1 i:I1b' baDd huaked = ; 75 bales spired the lllbove p oem.that ceme',d ."/ m emorl.)1 becaus e- those, who lived t.housan ds of years :from small individua.l t'.1 b.t\ s to ~ hay. small lot OII.U> 'ha.y. 100 "1 rememb er" (00 'L..:U . H , F. T . l ag~. Impress ive a nd dlstilh:tivc fll ll111v bU,:';~ev.'V)' oats, 100 !?hocks bundle -~ - - ,- .- :stony tlocld'ei'. ' 0 eek Gl').n lte ma justly n m ts 'I'h FA.R.l\f DIARY CONTIN UED .. '0 ntRIfIY DAN.,. . c~ ..will I dl I be called nature's lovelies ty mOllUmo u en , . ey ••• '1 .'11. . . . ca"Aal •• OVI n. FULL LINE FARMI NG ga y su'o ll~ it ",0" - r mental matl:.ria GIlAND RAPIDS 2, .MICHIGAN ], No other hll8 a original sketche s and e'stlmnt e;; an j , IMPLE MENTS ,M.onday . Springboro school opened , compar nble blendin g of delicate you will find the flnl';3cd J'r(jdu~t. , HOUSIi lIlOLD GOODS ,again today alld our h elpers h ave 0-;)1' such unusual marklng will be , one of beauty tlond a. tis try. - Terms 0IIah gane back. ThIs morn1n g I milked the he11ers. It ·was the first time I A.BTIIVB ATKIN SON ever milked mor~ than one 6111.1 I Karl II. BI'own, auction eer 'Wll8 rather slow but the cows wete , tpat1ent tha.t a ll' but the firs t onto " . SCHOO LS IN FBA.NK LIN CLOSE D i had her all Is milked but the last few , UNTIL MONDAY, NOV. 2'1 squirts when before I ~ou1d WELD ING move u p Arc Welding Of All Kind . /Went her loot and down a gaLn. right ~ Pn.ntll1 1 ,scboola were OZ'dered to into that hMd earned In rear of Dosters Garage milk. It 11apTISSUE .n maJn ~ until Mondhy , by the once in a While to t.he best of Harveys burg. Ohio ~ ~ BlKl boa.rd of ed- lll.11kers Ibut it was uukl.nd of h er to Bro'IVD and Penninc ton, owners f.uicMl,on. . , ' Ido it on my first d ay. lWell the . The ordezl, wb1ch was given Tues- ,chieken s didn't care if their mi K 4 ROLLS FOR 2Sc da7 ;. for ' the PIJl'P068 a! was somewh at flavored so it W(l~·t THE MIA MI GAZ · E' TTE .. ~ ' .M tilaeI6ae& which have Ientirely wasted. ~ ohUd:ren' and young ~ 1 War BondS a gaIn, keep .them ----------~---.....,..------ I'-. "P,O' ~~ the Monday coming lLntU the boYs come home . ~, oI. Ahne, B1l?dley . ll-year ,~~Mm:f~_-'_ _ _" . . • __ dcs~ofllr. ~Mn\. E. H. 'M r. and Mi's. A. F . Melloh, of 1IiIiI.dley. talally>' atticlten by polio . Lebano n; former residenc e C1! Way;' . '!be ~ . !OrbI4I ,tbe of llesvll1e. have receiVed word TARVi IA-UTm O TAR AND tha t !IID1 ~ PeqJIe 1l'OU~. and closes their son Lt . WUlia.m F. Melloh RO.(I:D OIL. EXCAV ATING . __ . puIItMC 'lib1Wl; KaltaKa vern, ·t/lie who Is w~th the ' Arn']y Air .F.orcees DUMP TRUcK 8~VICB . . . . r~· center, and has been sent ·, oversea s from New ,' York. RElADY ~ OONORETJ: . of

Xenia, 0

.' R IEN O ~

Geo rge Dod ds & Son s Gra nite Co.

With D lspby Room, Offices and Plant at XenJa. Have !I'om their Beginning. In 1864 ConUn~ed To pjon.!!Cr And Advanc e . . . AlwayS OlterIng N :w i\and Better Id,4la;§ And Bulld.!ng l\tem orials That IPortray The "cntlme nts 'Cbey Represe nt -. . . Distlnc tlve Memori als Of Their Beautiful Stoney Cr~ k and All Leading Native Granite s Built By Master · Craftsm en " Visit Their Esblblt Or Write For InteresU nill' Free Book-


Optome l ric E y e Spcti"B a t


go .

Dr. C. E. Wilkin

IIcl'bcr L Gm banl. l\Iini s t t r


Alon g The Way

fllul'dl\y eve ni ng

Othel' Evc n-in '1I By Appoln tm" nt

n :lC\t\' C III lIlC ll OF c..: IIH1 S '1'

and .


~xee pt

Wed nesday




Ileh mal'llin g

1-5 afterno o ns

Ralph I'arks, 1\Ji n l ~tcl' in CllIlrgc Church sch ool nt !l :30 0. m , MOl'DllI g pray!!l' and sermon 11 :00



0-1 2






Spa ce Next We ek'

YOU' RE NO EXCE PTION I Calam ity doean 't pick favori tes I Misfo rtune hasn't single d you out .s an excep tion I Be wi.e aDd protec t YO\lraelf with good insura nce so that no matter w hat , 1fapp enl, you, your family and , your prope rty will be fully protected . ' Office

at Ropn and

SlmJIIIUIl Gara&e FOrDIet'ly W&1)leSville Insul'aI lce AIeD~

..... .•..

~ RiA!;; tHEN, BOOT FOR AND CONSIG N your ClitUe, hogs. sheep and calYe. to NorrIs- Brock Co.~ liVe wire progress ive !1rm for the blghest market prices and g60d service. Union Stock Yards. ClnelnDaU, O. In on Radio Sta.tlon WOKY, 12 :25 to 12 :30 p. m .· for our daily "m,,,, ,<I". reports,


Get YOUr

news ~in

our office early.


For pea d Stoc k HORSES, cows, HOGs , . CALVES, SHEE P, ETC •• . Remo.ved, Pro~ptl)' Call , ,


-mothe r alwayS baked the family's bread . Sbe set the pan of dougb ai night to. raise untJt m9rninl r. For halt a clay tbe smell of baIllnr bread filled the bOUlle whettin g appetites. CrIsp strips or crust balr.ln&' (lver the edges of the tina ud slazling ltot ' with butter, were &iveo to tbe cblldren . Oven hot bread: for dinner. Remem bel'? . 8TVBB 8 FUNERAL BOMB




Keep It Flylnr NINETY-~IFTH



YEA'R -NO. 4189


. ,.

Wooly Worm-Puritan Stove Five-Year Diary


7, 1944





Frank Crew, left here Frlda.y f·:>t Fort [at:derdale, Florida to spe~ t he \\ Ir.ter Yo ith his brother Dr E. R. crew, after spending the sum;, mer there with Robt. Crew.

Air servIce Commend DepOt In England"-'-When new battle tactics dictate last minute changes In combat aircklnes, Tech. Sgt. Charles E. Bur,ton, or Wa.ynesville, Ohio, steps up hJB recoro-shatterlng output. Bomb racks for IIghter .planes, QJ11JlOr plate bombers; parts tor Pl'O- . paganda. bombs - - -, l.hese Dl'e only a. lew of the high"priority projoots ~e ana his tellow soldler-tecl.yucilUlll help build In the metal manuflWurlng section of this Air Service Command modlllcat4on depot. He and hJB buddies were recently commanded by their comma.nding general for thelr I11gh speed ,p roduction whioh hel~d spur Lhe Be.Ial offensive . ag\l1nst WesLern Europe. 'He is the hustJa.nd of Mrs. Charles E. Burt.on, of Spring Valley, Ohio. Before he jolned the BJmY In Jwy, 1943 he wa.s employed as a senior Mechinlst oy ,!.he F'. A. b. Fa.lrIleld, Ohio.

December I, 1944, It dldn;t take a woolly worm to tell ua that winter sLw·ted ea.rly this year. Wednesday Mr. and Mrs. .Arch Hllderbrant, of .nIght, the wind began to blow and ,LebJ.non, and P.ny.llls Martin were 'l1hUl'sd'lY momlng the ground was I SUPper guests cf Mr. and MnI. Ross white with snow and the wind blowPlanck Wed.nesda,y. Ing a gale. The roads wei e so sl1p~>e1"Y tlmt I wondered whether the • man would ccm'6 to take the black S tadlf Sergeant 'Olyde Fromm and cow to the COmmunlLy £o.le but he ,:erellts, M~. and Ml'8. J. P. Fromm, did. Perhaps it would haVe been Just \Vere sa turday evening dinner gUI sts as well lor me if he hadn't as there of Mr. a,':1d Mrs. J. F. Dupree, In were so many cows there that tl1ey Dayton. fairly gave them 8lWliy. Everyone 15 • • • In lJle same 'boat, feed hiJ!b and Mrs. Le:> Conner has' returned water scarce. We still have water at,tar· spending ' 800le ,t ime witJh her but It Is hard to pump for so many husband, Private Leo conner, at in cold wea.bher. Tile cold we&the,' , Camp Fa.':1nln, 'I'e)(Il8. caught us IbehJ.!Id In our prepn.ra• • • tlons lor ....'inter. The barn stU! Is Mr. and Mrs. F. E. Thomas and too open and so iii the chicken granddaughter, Karan Sue Thomas, house. The liLtle Putnam stove Heeds were Sunday guests of lIoU'. and Mrs. to be filled and put In the Wll&~ l' J , M. Earnhart In Bea.vertown. stand. It lS a little W8.ter heater to • keep the chicken Wlliter 1rom lreezMl·s. Edwl:!l R.ama>y spent the week tng. It burns about a week 00\ a plnt CPL. mOMAs B. BRANNOCK SEiOUSLY WOUNDED end wlLh her husband, EdWin Remof keroocne. It has a ClrUDl sha,ped by .Booman Second Class, !lit OTeat oover on. wh.lch the waLer bucket sits ..ak . l\l\va l Training School. ana ·the tiny lame, about the l;ize Mrs. l-ra.nces Brannock, ail Wayof a small candle 'filame 15 enou61l nesville rece.ved a telegram from ML. and lV.Js. O. Lee Hla.wke had to keep a bucket ot watel' 1rolll the War l.>e,..a.r:tmtmt SbJ.ting tllat as SWlday guests M1s6 Darla Halwke ue~ even m Quite colO weather. her son, Cpl. Thomas B, l:illUlnOClt D:!ld Mrs. L arl11e Ce1'Qwell, at UnIt is fUW1Y about the wolly worms was serlously injured, In France, Nocinnati and Mr. and Mis.' c. W. this year. I W8lt.c.hed for them be- vember 3, 1944. Freeman, c.! sin AntoniO, Tema. The telegram was received Mon('uuse I let a lot of tun out of ch\lCkhlg up on fo~ weatiler signs. Thi ~ ooy morning, but no deta.11s were Mrs, J . P . F1romm, Mrs. Harold B . Top Row: Third Row: . Earnhart a.nd Mrs. Stauley Ba1l1lJ year I only seen two of tJle given. :J:>cnl81as McElfresh dames and Grace 8m.Ith ""''''\IIII~' a.nd Betty Miller On wednesday, Mrs. Brannock black ana tlrown wooly wonns. T:'le were Installing oWcers at the 1n8.lJimmy McElfresh and Patrlela MoWlUlams K.lY 'and Esther Satterillwaite I Uon of new oI!1cers at the m'eet' weaUler Dlu&t have been dry' foe received a letter from her son, writ,them. They say we .need a dry year ten h1mIlelt, st.ltlng he WM feeling ng of N w B urllngton Eastern star Jonny Miltenberger I and Freddie Hubbell Mrs. E. W, Ranlby and Children Ch&ptu on '! uesday evening . every once In d, while to Ket:p peliL:l mooll better. Peggy Jo Miltenberger • Joel, and J anice Moody t"pl. ibrtlnnock Is " brother of In weck. Many ,weeds do uot surGrace Britain of lDayt-on, Ohio Tinuny Miltenberger Carolyn ana Janet Cormer vive a dry sununer . It Is nat111'6.> ¥rs. Oha.rles Elzey, a local sixth The Woman's soctety of Ohr1lt1an way of keeping Ilhings In balance. . grade schOOl teacher. Service will m.eet llt 'the home o! Mrs. Alva Thompeoll on ThUl'llda:v lorlda.y. Today we spent gett.lng FRIENDS liltern on, Decem.ber 21st. BEECH GROVE rwdy for tile bIaza.rr tumolTOIV. We MRS. EMMA O. KERSEY PASSE~ AWAY DECEMBER Z' by IIriss J Garner cooked and baked a.ll day, thaL l.i a ll Mrs. Georgia.' MeJJdaihall v1s1ted iLinda Lee Ramby was a week-end the time I was not llli1k1ng t.he cow. friends in WUmlnItOn over the Emma. O. Kersey, ll8e 87 died at II -est at Janice and Sylvia. Woolard" 10m The lust QlI.y ,n LOok CHRISTMAS AT mE week-end. Until further notice The Miami Hertert K enley, of Dayton . was 1.1 Dayton. me DlOt.O ot r.t e lfiOlntng. I am sUll h er home in oregonia, at noon sa.tMEnlODIST OHURCH Mr. and Mrs. Wa.1tei1 Kenrick and sluw Out much better tlla.n that ..! am urday of a cerebral hemmorage Gazette office will be dosed on Wed- here Sa,turday on a hunting trip. Mrs, Everett Eatly. at 'iqtle, called Mr. and Mrs. RU86Cll can and Orlando Brannon, of Xenia · was a pracU::lng trYing to 'k ee..~ steaQ,jl suffered about a week a~o. Two Oantatas will be given at the Mrs W ...... --"$ he leaves one son, W1ll1am, ot ChrIstmas season: The one "Bebh- o.n . J. . W .... u , ...... Mrs. Allee nesday 8Ifter.noons and all day Sat- visitor Suncj,~y of the Terry fa.mily. and son, and Mrs. Maude Onme Of, l!Ll'elU11 HOWUlg lmilead o! J u a t Olark Wednesday 81I~oon. urday. This a.ction is absolutely n cLebBnQn were Sunda.y cUnner gueeta • squirts. 'lhe.e 1& '8. Jot of .skUl to O ngonia., former Oregonia. mall car- lehem" by Fredric E. Weatherly a nd 'M r. and Mrs. Ha,rv.e1 Brawn, 01 Bernard Jorda.n. of Harveysburg. of the Cl'!\.\!de stroUd family. rier; and eleven grandc.hlldren. cessary .that we may have time to Ol.Ilk~. A good DI.1lker Is a. skilled George F. Root, to be- given by the Da.yton and Mrs. CIt!fqIr Wade 'ot • • • services were be held Mondaly at chUrch choir on •.:und&y evening near Mlanrlsburg alled on the take efficient care of CUr work. In- is a patient in Blair Hospital, at WOJ·1ana.n. Some milk with just a few present. 2:00 p . m. In the church 'at Oregon1&. Mrs. W. E. Stroud and Mrs. 0r8ce l1ngers and some with Llle whole December 17th at 7:30 o'clock. M.lsses Annie and Kame Browne creased volume on prln ll'::g and InWenzel Herres, who lived on ,a ha.nct and ,mere are good ouUtcrs Ot with bUrtalIn Miami cemetary. 'I1he Cantata consists at three and Mrs. Olark SWlldaf attemoon. abill ty to Obtain help forces us to falm . near Wellman, untu t!}ret! Vice, Charles Strouse and Ol~ude stroud attended tbe funeral at Mrs. both kinds. I belleve that good milk- MR. WENTZEL HERRES parts· Part 1, "The Birth of Christ." Mrs. J . W. Ward ciaUed on friends adhere strictly to this schedule. years ago, when he and l..J'S Ht!rres Vices' Son-in-lww, HArry Az11ns, ·of part 2, ''The Flight into ~t," and in tIe cia ~._ mg depend.s somewhat on tile kl.nd at to Corwin, passed lIJW8,y a.t moved PABSED AWAY DECEMBER ~ part 3, "The Return." Thts Is one Ly; Sun y .._ .....oon. Dayton, SaturdB.y aftemooD. bands people ha,ve. some nave wann Also, daily o,t rlce hours w1ll be: his home there, Thursdo.y, ~ter an of the best liked CantatJas tn the Pvt. Seth • lurlough ~netlc DaIlds atem to ailmuwbo' is 8:10 to 12:00 a. m. aDd 1:00 to 5:00 !He was born in Austin, Ii6ven~ WeD3el HerrMraae 'l9 pll88eQ,a'W&y churches at both Amerl~ and Eng_ trpm ,camp .aloe lobe:m1lk flow. A person wlllh . -be!~ IliD.ess of <eyeial ry9Jll;h.s" .... _ ()old weak hands would not make Il at hJB home Thursday .night &iter a at it w1l1 Mil , Sr. aiWed on f.rlends nbe years ago, ' and c8:ine to Uils serious llIness of three weeks. good mi1Jl;er. country wl1en a young man with his The other Cantatol, entitled, "A here /3U':1ooy. Pvt. :F!urnas will reMr. and Mrs. Ward ,P umm1ll, 01 Su.nd~y. "DoWn to fUteen t h 1a He is surviVecl lb y his wWe, Ruflna, Jolly Christmas," by Oharles H. Ga- port to Rlrt Mead, Maryland for some regulation in or:der that we .wife, who was a na.tive of Bavaria, Rural Route 2, Waynesville, have remorning ,Even with my nelper mlllt- !lve sons, Herbert, of Bellfountaln, br1el will be given by the children an Iturther training. may pla.n our progrrun. Your kind ived worct'Of-the-marr1qe of tbeiT Burial was held in Miat C lng .r !laC! a llard Ume gettlng Joseph, at Mlam1sbullr, Albert, Fren- 'l'hur.sday ·evenlng. December 21st. and generous cooperation In this 'M rs. E alyn Peterson returned L ry. 'I1ho,e who &ttended t he son, Warren PwnniW S • .2-c ~ Solot1u'augh In time lor Sunday oehooi. z1e, and WeI)Ze1 J .., of Da.ytan, IUId !Perhaps no better cllildrens oanL til. Sunday lli&'ht havq spent some matter will be highly a pprecla,ted. iune!'ll from here were: Miss Han- moDS; Maryland, to M1ss Rita. Beall, one daughter. Mrs. Gertrude Biggs ilie had to milk llrstJ has ever been composed. time visiting r elatives In a.nd near The Management nah Jordan, J essie Garner, All Jor- vf Cheverly, Mlj.ryland, 8a.turdl..y o! Corwin. I am on the last llne in the FiveIl'he public In cordially invited to Wilmington and at Clnclnnatl. dan. Lee Talmnge, T. F. McGuinn, night, ' DecEmber 2, at 7:00. iFuneral services were held Monday 'Year-Oial·y. Five years 8fI'O I ,bought momq at 10 :00 o'clOCk at the St. hear these Cantatas, and join with Howud Me Guinn and J. P. Cun- . The wedding tooIt place in a rell DINNER IN UONOR OF STAFF tile old Kll-o,YI farm and started my Church, Rev. R. H. us In our Christmas services. tory in Maryland, and the yowll , SERGEANT CLYDE FROMM nlligs. chECkered co.reer as farmer. To be Krumholt.z officlatlng. Bur1a.l was 'Ithe church will be apP' opl'llltely co up 1e will reslde at SOlomor.-J, :lure we had lived here .since thirty- made in Miami cemetery. decor8ited with sPllCla.1 attention beMaryland while the groom Is alt.and Mrs. John Fromm bad • • asMr.Sunday one and we ~e<pt chickens and a lng given to the Chrlstmas tree . . tloned at that Place. guests with their son, TIlE EAST WAYNE ADVlSOItY , cow or two and had a little hay, in Represe~tatlv es of the local ch urch Staff Sergeant Olyde Fromm, who Is COUNCIL MEET FRIDAY attended a church conference at otner wONls ilved In the country but HARVEYSBURG 19«-ts home for several ooys. Dr. and Mrs. On Friday the 11 st, the student R. H. Vance of Wilmington and Mrs. BASKETBALL SCBEDU~E :Ulballon, TUesday even1~g. . SUNDAY DINNER GUESTS as the author ,OIf "~1ve Years or The East W&yne Advisory Councn IN CONNER BOMB body dellghtfully (?, received their Mr. J. C. Hawke. Tbetr ciaughter, dependt!nce" said there is a big dlfmet at the home 01 Mr. und Mrs. Following is a schedule or the re- ClULDREN'S CANTATA, DEC. 21 report cards. lCel'ence 'between living an a farm Mrs. Melvin Bant1a, of Loveland was Lubher Har~ock on Friday night Sunday eve.'llng dinnE!l' gueats or "A JoUy 'C hristmas" .and trying to m!ake it p:ly. Some ma.ln1ng games to be played by the This week in the Co.mmercW De- aiso a week- end guest. Man.Y friends with fifteen members p resent. Mr. Mrs. Earl Conn~ were: Mrs. RU88ell by times It '1)Il.J.s, In pleasure at least so Ha.rveysburg High school basketball partment, ' the students In Typing 2 and relatives call d at the hon e dur- Lawrence , Cook as vice president; Dalbe' and M1's,: Bruce Rose or wnCharles H. Gabriel I charge the losses up to education. team: received Typewriting Progress Ger- tug Sunday af,ternoon and evening Mrs. Raymond BJ<lddoclc. 'as secl'e- m1t1brWn, and Mrs. H. F. Dye. The cha.ra.otel·S are as folhws : One learru; a great deal in five years Dec. B-Morrow . ... ... .. .. There tlUcates.They are as ' follows 1Jer t.o greet St. Fromm, tnry and ~ Mr. Rooco Furnas as dlsMrs. Dabe Md 'M l's. .Conner have Mr. PresIdent R<lbert HastJIn gs, of fa.nn1ng . Profit or loss. I still t hink Dec. 15--Morrow , ' .......... Here Dorothy Graham 46; Hazel cusslon leader. Mr. Alber,t Schna.1t- receIved many ,lovely gilts ' from, !t Is an interesting wo.y of lite but do Dec. IlB-Lebanon .......... There Mr. Reporter - Halllan Earnhart, Vint 37; and Vivil!ln P-ummell 31 HOUSE GUESTS IN man was elected legislative repre- Pa~ 1ll and Oerman souvemera from &ntJa. Clause - Jack Ti':ll1ey, Winnot go into i,t if you do not like Dec . ~. ~HARTHOME sentatlve. their husbands willo ~ ~er In ter Paul Wegner, Mother McClure wsther or work. If yOu do not get Jam. &-Springboro .... . ...... Here The Juniors have been busy with Mr. Grew of Wllmjnlltnn - Sal 1um. Sergeant Oharles B. Earnh'llrt, of £G.1.ll:I1'aoblon out of a hard Job dune, Jan. 12-Klngs Mills . .. . . .. . Here - Phyllis Martin, Snowflaoke - Mar- practices a!ld stage prep:LTatlons for of ,b atUlng with" storm, it you want Jan. 19-Wayneav1l1e ...... .. There tha. Wardlow, Miss Frost - MIriam thei,r class play to be given 1.':1 t he Fort Bragg, NOl'th Carolina. and cussed In a lTIost interesting maneverything smooth and easy, stay a- Jan. 26--lMason ......... ,... Bere JOHnson, Miss Sle"t - Judy Cormer. High School Audltorlwn, ntxt wee:<, Mrs. Earnhart. o~ Spllngfleld ure nerner, the bllls concern~lig fann- BIRTIIDAY SURPRISE IN Louise - Lucile iLaulerback, a.nd December 13th at 7:: 30 p. m. HONOR OF MBB. RATLII'J' the guest.<! of the fOlmers parents, ing, wl11ch are to comebetore the WIly trom ] f you do not en- Feb,~n Mr. a.nd E. F. Earnhart. Mr, leglllia tme. joy the sunset while you drive 'up Feb.9-Sprlngboro ....... ... There GJ.ldys - Ruth Wardlow, as Xmas This play "Thuml~s Up" Is a Ino- a.nd Mrs. J. N. Robinson and son, Dainty reLresJunents were served A S\U1{Ja'1se birthday dinner W\l8 the COWs and the morning light n- Feb. 1&-Ca.rllale ....... ... . . There fa1r1es. Bessie - Miriam Wilson. CI'llr" - dern comedy to-day for this mln- Donald, and Mrs, Ber tha. G ray of a.nd. the cO,unci1 a<Uour,! led to meet ,given SWlday, December 3rd, tor: .cross the pasture, If t he lire d. sl!l\ ·t Linda. Ramlby. Adolph - Wade ute, iDon't miss this evening 01 f.UJl Dayton were also Sunday evening with Mr. Clnd Mrs. Raymond Brad- Mrs. Berry ltat11t( at her home in .seem 'b righter when you gather YOUl TOP NOtCHERS Turner, Bert - Doll R~e, Claude. - with the 'teen-agers. All members of dinner guests. . dOCK for their' next meeting. CoI1lV1m Tnose present were Mr. and own WOOd, stick to steam beaten apBtlly tBubb.s, Do.nald - :l!:d.wllrd S IIY - the Junior class active Pl rt.s, Nil'S. Beckham Shields o.nd daushter, p artl1lAln ts. If there tsn't a thrill to MASSIE RURAL SCHOOL Mr. and Mrs. Raymond 8h1elda, at der, Ernest - Rich'LlJ'd Frye, Fronk - either as members of the cast or on FAMILY GATHERING . :ra.l.slng your own food, do sO':lle~hin il' HONOR RO~ REPORT Warre~ Sheehan. ccmmlttees for LIl;e production. of Walton, Kentuckey, Mr. and Mrs. IN I\lAINOUS nOME DINNER IN nONOR OF else and buY' It Ilt the grocery but if Minstrels . . . Chorus t he play. MRS. K. R. IIOUGU Gllber,t RaiUff and family, at Eryou like these things the !arm has The follawin8 lliuplls have made You are eordla.11y Invited to these Mr. and Mrs. Ray MaJnOl.lS enterlanger, Kentucky, MinI. L1Wan U1l. ~n undying cha.~ that carries o.n the honor roll in Massie Rural Bl?ecial services. A Ohrlstmas party Is In the mak- .t alned their children with 8 LUl key 161', of Clnc1n.llII.tI, Mr. and Nn. )(ar. :year after year. As long as he can school tor the period ending Nov. lng, It Is to be given by the Sopho- dltmer ja..;.t ThUrsday eve n I n .g ~r. and Mrs. H . B. Earnhllrt and ion AdamB, Mr. and Mrs. ,RAymond sta¥ on the farm, and I have known 2&. CALtFORIA GUESTS IN more class on Deeember 21st a.t ..the Guests from out of town were: Mr. clilldren entertalned to dlnner on Adams and family, Mr. ana Ml'S. ma.ny active farmers in the eighties, ' .FlRBT ~lvester Combs ANDERSON HOME Hlgh-ScllOOl gYlrul(lB~um. and Mrs. Vernon Malnous, of St. Sunday. honoring the birthday 0.11- Howard Dalton and aon, Mrs. MIwde A fo.nner never settles :lown to Deana Hosier'. Stan'ley Abner, Anna ~ettersburg, F10l lda, lVil'. and Mrs, nlversary ?f Mrs: K. . R. Hougb. Adams and daughter Jean. and Mr. dream and live In the past, tile best Ma.rle F'a.lrehl1d. IMrs. Harold Anderson and b:lby According to th& custom, Chrlst- Ralph Malnous IlPd so.n of Detrolt Covers wele arranged for Mr. Slid and Mrs. Berry R.8It1itf and tem41y. is just ahead. Next ~ar the weather BElOOND GRAIDE _ Gloria Ann daughter arrived on Thursday, from mns assembly Is to be given by the Michigan Mrs R 0 'Walker and IMrs. K. N. Hough <1lItughter and san, Mr. Ratliff received many nice will be better, we will correct thc/se Jacobs, Wa.nda Falrohlld, Shirley Los Angeles, Calliornta. to spend S eniors on the week before Ohrist- daughter,' of Fern'd'al~, Michigan , Mrs, Vloln: Harlan, the hoot, hostess pl'f=Sents, and the occaa;1on waa enm1stakes, or we wID try that new Osborn, Da.rrell Plummer, MarcIa several weeks with Mr. a.nd Mrs. mas. G uests In the Malnous hmne on and chUdJ en. joyed by all willo w1s.bed Mr. RaWf .seed. The lb est is jWlt anead. Ann Rader, JNomlS. Ellml Sharp, Charles Anderson. Sergeant AnderSunday aItemoon were, Mr. and - - -- many more happy blIthda.y8, And victory w1ll be a.head It we buy Jeanette 8pra.y, Vivian Vo1ers, Al- BOn Is overseas in Mlllta1'Y service. .UIl"" lI ' Wn'n l Ad.!1 BrI n g nC81J1ts ~. Mrs. Burris SmiUl, of Maderla, Ohio LT. MELLOH OVERSEAS ' -those -bonds. bert WD.lker, Dnh1el Wilde. !Mr. and Mrs. Vernon MalnoUs l'eTHiIlRD ~ee Bogan, turned to C1nelnnatl wit h them and . ' ABMERS GRANGE TO ' Oeorvianna Crowe, Shirley Plymlre. ",111 go Qn to Stevens, 'K entucky, Mr. and Mrs. A. F. Melloh, of'LebMEET SATURDA~ E\'l:NIl\fQ HOLD-UP CAR iJI'OOlRIIlH CliRIAIDE---Betty Anne • •• where they wUl visit relatives for :l I a.non received word that melr Bogan, Helen Deboard, R.<Jbert. Dosfew days lbefore returning to Florida. son, Lt. Willillml F . Melloh has been I ,F armers OTange. .lumb~r 13 wW ClDEF POLICE JOY IS HOLDING ter, Patty K1n8, Bh1rley VOiet8, On December 6. the owne rship of the Miami Gazette ' , ' I' sent overseas. Lt. 1W1m\1~ F . Melloh meet 8a.turoay eve.n1ng with tbe CAR BELIEVED TO BE IN BOLD Charlotte Wiaeman. was transf'e1.·r, ed to Mr. Floyd L . Davisson, of Troy, Ohio. MIAMI CRAPI'ER un O. E. 8, 0-701160, AmlY' Air Forces, A. P.O., newly elected officers noldlnS oUice. SIX"NI OrRlAID&-.Hown.rd Doster, TO MEET MONDAY EVENING [care o~ postmaster" New. York , ~. Y. 1 Mas~r, La.wr~n~' Pu:'JlQS, Over- . . • UP AT MIDDLETOWN Betty King. " , . . M~. D 'aviss?D'; ,?imsel: a printer, will continue th.e pubM1am1 Chapter 107 ,0. E. S. will Note. were are sorry, but we nave seer, ~eet OOok, CbAl)I~. R~ Marshal C, P . Joy, lB hold1ng a 8EV!1NmH GRADE-JMary Belle hcabOlll of thiS nmety-flve year old n ewspa per wlth th . e me t I ,~.v.~ ss1 M da. been Gsked not to. publish com lete Braddock, Lecturer, OT&Ce. Hockett • . ' l~, Buick sedan car which was Bonn, Betity L. Bogan, Dorothy De' " . e n leIS....... se ~n on an :y addresses at men . in service over.. Steward, Harvey Burnett; G. t efound ' abandoned in Waynesville: boaM. assistance of Mrs. Davisson. The Davissons, together with evenlIMr, December ll;, for In- &e6S. keeper, Edwin 8urfre: Aaailtam ~"~ ... ~'" ->.....~ ...·.d .NINTH ,..e .......,. --ied&. B W' l ' .. . h' ste.llatton of newly elected a.nd ap- l ' ft~ Ed"_ .... awn--d' T • .0- &. ! ollv,,"'6 w.e ba.nk ~""""ry - ...... . ·~l •• thelr daughter, Bonme, wllJ make their hon~e e118. , pointed. officers. The 'regular busl~ , , . :llnt 'Stew';;d\l ...a'=:' ·Q ........ n' .. -~d: dletown l~t week. He,. 8tates that lJamson. , ' , ." . . • I nCS6 session wtlJ. Ib e beld, also a brief V FOR V. MEET IN ELLIS ' HOME r • D""":". .!:.::~ members of the 8tate hIg~~y 1M'TEN'l1H 9~ld Hough, Mr. DaV18/i10n recently was wlth ' the M9ntl~omery Prmt. memorfa.!. ,for sister l'tha Hough ' . l ~~ur!:.,~=.-...... )Secwr~: I trol believe that, it 1& the car' which ,T homaa ReYInolda, ovt Talbert, ing Co.; at Troy, and is thoroughly familiar with new~- and broth~r Jami:s 'W. Ward. , , - ,- , 1 ~~""'V;-gln1a.' ~Har-'-dln~ ep1'olDVl r ·. , ""'68 used In the hOld-Up. The car lB COlleen W1ll1amaoJ\. , Mrs. Charles >Ellis was hostess 1;0 ', " ,. • • black .tn..oolo,r anll the original white ~ ORlADE--iMary lnu paper work, and job printing. SEARS FAMILY RETURN the ,group of Volunteer for Vlw>ry Wanda. Cle.1'!k. • , . ' Itt workers. M ·ter a vel')' busy eV.:!lltug , side viall tires . had heen painted Moore. tlJadt.\,The, car, 18 Bald to ha~ ,beeD 'I'Wi1!lI.4I'l1 GRADE - Darotby We wish to take this .opportunity to thank FROM BERKLEY, MlO . ~AN In :which ma.J)Y in!ants garments .stolen In ~n. May Ita. . , 'IAImb, Ralph N1ll and advertisers Who have giv.en us such Spl(nl dld , supM1s& ,L ola Sears returned to her were cQlllpleted, a.ooc1a.l hout was FRIpn)S.:,n'~~~:::= . . II 'wAR FUND CIL\DI¥AN REV• NBS PARKS ~port.· ' , h~eMon~y, ,atter". sp a enjoyed with 'dellclous reIreshments .. . , ,, ' ftUHK8 ANNOUNCE BIB'I'B QF SON ' . • wedt at the home bf her brother and 1Ie1'V~ by .z.u:. Ilrtd ¥nI' Ellis. The 1!he Ftlendab1p ClUb wUl meet fell' DO~~ , . __ _ ~ While the Mu~mi Gazette owes a debt of gratItude' to slster':in-la.lf. ~. and Mrs. John 8.T OUp !plu.nned to meet With Mrs. J. ,t.oeir reawar mootbly meet1ns, an. ' ~aDdKIII RalphParlalare th I f thO .. ' . • h th t Sears, at Berkley, Mlch1gan. E. MoOlure on.~8r'l., home 01 Mrs. l~ aD ~ obahman ~ the Wo.yne Tow::l- h8IIP1 to ann~ ' the birth of a e peop e 0 IS cornml,lnity It lS our 8l~ere W18 ~ (Mr. and Mrs. WUbur bears spent 'l'h~ present were Me s d a.m':8 M8.1n street, 'l'Ueeda7 .ereniDI. ~ t:~nkW... ~ DI1ve. I WSIlJ ~ seven and one-baU IJGWld bab,1iOi1 your eoo~ration and auppo rt-will a& it has in the Tlla.nkag1vlng ho1l~ With bheir Wa1:&er Fra.sUf"e,--tennie Donner, K. cembu 1& 'TbJs meeUDI' .WiD be • f1ftr1 one wbQ bq)ed in ~ tit NcCleJ.lan ~ em l'r1day, . ~ ~and wUe and rewmed hooie Hill, J, E. ¥cClure, ned Book, Chr1&1mea p~ aDcl \0 .. MY to mate this dr1ve ' a 1Rl.ce.:a. Decetnber, I, 1144. AJldtew Menlo" ,the past. over \he week-end. JOlm Is tihe min- Charles Maurice, LUC1le, beld on W~.,..... Total reoeJpte to date are Parka Is b DIme liven to tbiII DeW W. alter of ;t.I)e Berkl~ OhurCh of RObert Gmy and Mlaa Ka.t.bryn Gt/). bar tbe daa. . . III ~ • . _ Wal&er Bau1ak ~, .. . . . . . . a1dJd. 18e!llan 0IINt. . ' bolla. .... bin are UII8d to lie ~ ri.

• • •


• ••

• •

· .'.



• • •

.. .

:!n~~~~er n~~~~~



"'8e~thffilllFlUmaB!"' ·


AChange Takes PI ace


=. . . . .

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......; .

Thursday, December 7, 1'" '



RUB.BEB ,... IIQ of the COUlltry'. .ptll.tlc rubber productlo.. lIIay d.,.... lIot only .pon toch ..leal prollre". but olso apo.. pollcl •• odopted for dl,. posal of tov.rllme .. t-owned planJ •• In tho opinion of Joh .. ... Collyer. prelldont of Tho .. F. Goodrich CompallY ond

• pioneer In . yntlietlc devel. . op..... nt. Authoritlu expect thut about

32,500 lonl of natural rubbor will reach the U. S. from tho AmalonICIIl region thll year. Our 'ynth etlc program I. noW geared to pro-

duce 836,000 lon..jl ton. a year of thll lubstitute for crude.


Nazi Defenses Crack Ln West; Batter Japs' Industrial Belt; OPA to Tighten .Price Control L..-------

More veal, about the same amount of beef, but 15 per cent le~s porktha t's the meat prospect for 1945. the Wa r Food administration reo vealed. The continued stringency In beef will continue beca use 31 per cen l of Released by Wutern Newspnper Union. ' • the supply will go to the armed (EDITOR 'S NOTE, When oplnloD. ar. upr ..... In thue molam ... , tb .., are tbo.. ot " "e.,er n Nt'w.,,~pe r . nlol1'. nt-wI Aoal,.lla and not n ec.ellaarU, of lbl . !;IClw. paper .) force s, it was sale1. Increased sup'plies of , better crade beef were lo prospect for donlestlo consamers, wllh reparIs Uiat mld~vestern farmers' were aggreStllve buyers of stopk· eu for lattenlDg" what with feed stocks at hlgb Ilevels. Mucb of tbe beet on sale tbls year was 01 tbe utility type, eomln, from cras!I.fed range cattle. 'Meanwhile, cattle ~aughter reo malned heavy during October. with an all·tlme record of 1.450.572 beef animals put on th E! bloc.k. along with 919.599 calves. The tot al of 4.223.255 hogs butchered w,as 1 per cent be· low the 5 year average.

Wavlot: while flag, German I.roops .urrender to douCbboy. on Aachen 'ront durlo, Allied oftenslve.

BF.Goodrich .,When Your'nnards" are Clyfng the Blues

PACIFIC: Hit Jap Heart

EUROPE: Big Crack

As U. S. troops punched forward on Leyte island In the Philippines, with a driving rainstorm slappini them in the face, huge B·29- auper· fortresses blasted the great industrial district In Tokyo feeding enemy armies all along the far.flung Pacific front. Flying from newly established bases in the recently conquered Marianas, 1.600 miles to the south· east, the B·29s took the first crack at Tokyo .ince Lieutenant General DooUtUe's carrier - based medium bomb.,s raided the Japanese capital In ·the spring of 1942. Successful de· velopment of the B·29 attacks would imperil. the major portion ot enemy Industry, concentrated In the Tokyo district. Speaking of the operation, U. S. air chieftain, General H. H. Arnold, declared: "The battle for Japan bas been joined ••. (it) will be carried on relenUeasly ••• until the day of land:!,e,!l Invas!on •... " AU"oa,b eaem,. resIstance on Leyte continued stlft. U. 8. forces contloued their enclrcllD, advancea. with General Ma~ Arthur s&atln, tbat onr superior artillery and iDfantry lIrepower ,was ouHID, deepl,. lnto Japanese stren,th, whlcb had been feverlably reinforced In an eftort to hold up the Yank drive. As a result of penlstent U. S. attacks. the enemy ha. been unable to concentrate bls forces on Leyte , for COllDt,er·'~tt,adts, General MacArthur

First German lines to crumble during the Allies' big fall offensive along a 460.mtle Iront In the west were on the southern end, where the Nazi 19th army. under steady U. S. and French pressure, was told . to aband6n equipment. brea k Into small groups and beat it back, a. best it could, to the Reich border. Indicative of the crack In the enemy's )Jnes was the French lst army 's break through the Belfort Gap, and Its swing northward up the Rhine in a maneuver designed to trap some 70,000 Germans who had been holding the Vosges moun· taln passes to the west. The rapid French dosh wal fol· l.owed by the U. S. 7th army's smash through the Saverne pass In the Vosges 50 miles to the north, which had the effect of forming a· nut· cracker squeeze on enemy force. caugbt between the two pincers. Only enemy rearguards retarded the U. S. and Frencll maneuver, but the Germans prOfited from the murky weather, which prevented the superior Allied air force from rising In tu1l strength to smash the knots of Nazi trOOPI beaU ni their way eastward to the Rhine. In an effort to extricate the bulk Of his 19th army, CoL Gen. Johanne.

throw In his troops here and there in· an dart to check the U. S. of· fensive.

STABILIZATION: To Hold Prices, Wages

I,ce_"" .,.., .


* Helps tone up adult

Iystem. - h.lpi chDdml buUd lOund teeth. stroag boll&

'Relief At 'Last For Your Cough Ol'eOmuJalon relleves promptly be-

eaWJe it goes right to the seat of· the

trouble to help loosen and expel Iel'JD laden phlegm, and ald nature to sootbe and heal raw, tender, inflamed bronch1al mucous membranes. Tell your druggist to sell Y01l .• bottle of OreomuIston witb tbe un, ~ you must like tbe way 111 qu1cklY' allays the cough or you are 10 have your money back• .

·CREOMULSION for Couih., Chest Colds. Bronchitfl

With llvlng costl already estimated at 30 per cent abov.e January, 1941, levers, OPAdminlstrator Che.· ter ,Bowles moved to 'check rllcent .mall price Increases, especially in clothing and texUles. Vigorous action to halt further advances was seen as part of the government' . indicated poUcy at retaining the ,disputed "Little Steel" wage formula, under which pay boosta have been kept within 115 per cent of January, 1941. levels . Because of the permissible lIS per cent wage raises, plus large over· time earnings, it has been felt that workers' weekly Incomes have balanced price Increase.. But further rises In living costs threat· ening that balance, the govemment wal expected to press hard to maintain present price levels. Altboulth the National War L .. bor board'. recent flndlnr' tbat Uvinr costs bave gone ap 30 per cent sloce January, 1941, was expected to bolsler ,tbe CIO and AFL', campaign lor ware locreases over tbe 15 per cent llmU of the "Little Steel" formula, the government ba. IbOWD DO Inclination to rive In to tbeir demand •• On the other hand, it haa been .uggested, with the President's fa· vor, that as long as overtime earn· Ing. are being paid, current wage rates be retained. With a trim·off to the 4Q·hour week, however, It bas been proposed that wages be boost· ed to allow worker. to "take home" thtl lame average income as they now do. Under luch a plan, worken would lIet about a 30 per cent raise In pay, thus assuring a continued high purcbasinll power with a resultant .tim· ulatlon of employment. As part of ita program to main· taln the present cost level. OPA was expected to take a firmer Ital\d on manufacturers' requests for high· er price"

..,U... War .....

Un.ung, but neverthelell ' ~ vital Importance. are the arm,. railroad men, belping .upply the advancln, , U. S. force. on world tront.. ""litese troop. ' are scattered aU . over the world," .aid Brl,. OeD. A. F. McInttre. chief of the anD7 ran dlvilloD. "'l'bQ...a1'e In New..Jlu!Dea, AluJt:a. New ' Caledonia. Enlland, France. 1tal1, Iran and India. 'l'hq allQ IUJlported the Inva.IOD In Mrlca the Moroccan raU",1 bad IIUel1 Ible t!) support tbI

U. S. tarm Income has continued Its r ise in 1944, with the department at agric ulture now figuring that the total r eturn for the year will run to over 20 'I I blllJon dollars for the na· tIon's 6.000.000 operators . The USDA'. estimates were based on cash marketlnl~ and government benefit Income 01: 14Yl billion dol· lars for the drat nine months of this year, a little less than a billion dollars more than tor the corresponding period in 1943. Combined with steady debt reduc· tion, wise utilization of the farm plant without undue expansion and the accumulation of large liquid resources, the continued high Income further strengthe:ned the farmers' position for the uncertain postwar period.

Thieving Craze Lote3' 01 the warlime jUlleni./e problem. to plague auchorilie3 wa' a ,hop-li/,ing 'pre,e among "een.aged "bobby-scx:"" girLI in l'or,lnnd, Ore. Carried on by lirh .tealin, lor personal we rotruer Ilion re,ule, 'he 'pre. reached alol'ming proportion" wit" lou" so heIJVY in one big departmen' ..or. ,ha' aud/tor. fmt thou gh, there rnw,hav8 been a boole. keeping error ill the amolUl& 01 merchandiJe origlinally lilted. One J2·year-old wa.s caugh, with 'ISO wor'" 01 .wea'e", bead. and braceleb. ..4 J1.,.etJr-old .aid .he had .IOWa 1700 worth of gooth in .ellM month. lor h.,. sailor .weethear,. Sobb ed one "earful c!'lpri.: "I gue.. i, Is .'ealiinl, only I didn', think 01 It tha, way. I, WCI.I GIl ad. lIenlUl'e .ora 01. Th. other airu were doing iLl'

EVeD as Ge'neraUlllmo ChIang Kal·shek sbook liP bl. iovernment to ravlta1ize the Chinese war dort, and Dooald Nelson arrived In Cbungking with • group of steel and alcobol experts to build up war production, the Japanese tightened their Hetarlcb Hlmmler (fore.round) lao hold on the wbole eastern coaatal ,peet. fatlaUcai 8S troopa Oil we.terll .ectIon of the country. Object of the Japanese drive, froaL Blaskowltz ..sembled all klnda of whicb covered 750 miles lo .Ix boat. and barges to transport tTOOPI months, was to 4!limtnate the basel unable to move acrosl the Rhloe on of the 14th American air foree, Itatlonary bridges. whose planes had harried enemy Although less spectacular, newl ground forcea, slbot up communlca· from other sectors of the winding tiona and ranlled a'lea to blaat coastbattle-front was good, with Gen. 81 shlppln,. eral Patton's 3rd army probing Into The shUt in Chiang's government the coal·laden Saar basin east of followed the row over ,ivlng Gen. Metz, and the U. S. 1st and 9th and Joe Stilwell cotnmand of ~lnese the British 2nd armies maintaining force. to stimulate their proaecu· their terrltlc pressu're on German tlon of the war after it wal hinted defenses east of Aachen. Even that the ~enerlllllllmO was using though the Allie. were throwing much of tha army for the preser· maases of men ani! material at vatlon of his ClWD politlcal part)' them aU alan the 460-mlle front, against the enlCroachment of the the German. expected sl11l another ommunlsta. -~ drive, thIs one In northeastern Hoi. Nelson'a retur:n to Chungking folland, where they said the British lowed a previow! visit during wblch planned to drive around the anchor studies were undertaken as to what ot the Siegfried line at Kleve dOWD kind of Indulltrlal development would fit Into AnIted aid to help the into the Ruhr valley. Beat description of the fighting Chinese war elf'o rl about Aachen was provided by thl. Thanksgiving report from the battle· SAVINGS:

tr~~~r Lieutenant

General Hodges'

tat and Lieutenant General Simp-

lon's 9th and the British 2nd armIes, knee· deep In mud In heavy battles, this day at the approacbu to ' the Ruhr and Rhineland wa. hard and bItter slugging, yard by yard." German plaD wal to slow up the big Allied drive by wearing down U. S. and British strength. and toward thil end, the enemy launched repeated counter.attacks with hlI new King Tiger tanks. A. the Allied troopi advanced, they found ~azls In the forward de· fense positions of Inferior quality, the German plan apparently beln, to save their best lor a last desperate fight along the. main line. In the east, bad weather Inter· fered with the Russians drive upon Budapest. nnd the brOad Hungarian plains lead In, to the gateway to Austria.


Gay Accessories Made of .Felt Duo to an unusually lorge d e mand ond cUTt'cnl war cond ltlons. s UghUy nlore lime Is req ui red tn I1l11nU orders Cor a Cew oC the most popula r pAttern numbers . Send ;your order to :


Send your order to:

Sewla; Circle Needlccrllft Dept. S8t W. Randolph St.

Chienco 80. W. Enclose 16 cenls lor Pollcm

No. _ _ _ _ __ Nnmc'_______________ Add reSB.B_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __

Place a handful of s tarch in th, wcter whe n w ashing tile floora. It will lea ve a nice s bine . . --e-Boll tbe wick of a k erosene lamp In vine gar before u sing to keep It from- smoking. -- e -Never leave pieces of cut-uV c hicken in w ater. Some of the good juices and excellent flavor leache. out and is lost.

- e--

Male Ostrich, One-Mate Bird, Takes TUl'n at Nest

MAKE this season the gayest ever-for accessories Get out

The long. lived ostrich often reaches the age of 75 years, and comJ:l}only spends 65 y ea rs with one faithful m a te. Wh e n hatching eggs (40-d ay p eriod), the male and femal e t a ke turn. Mother cove rs the e~gs in daytime, while dad t akes the "ni ght shift ." In th e n est are round eggs and oval ones. Males emerge from r ound eggs, fema les from ovalshaped ones.

To preve t til gl !IS from com in. off white pal ,t, " .Ish with nUUI and very little soep. -- e rr the leg of an old s tocking fl cut and stretched over the new broom down t o a s bort w s tanc. above th e end of the s traws , it w ill prevent broom (rom wear out s o quickly and at the sam. time make it be ller for sweeping.



those old felt h a ts . . . cut 'e m up into beanies, belts, lapel ornaments, slippers.

• • •

Y ou'U have lots oC fun

Made from Premium Grains!

mnklng felt

" ree·gaws." lnstructlons 706 conl:!ln pal · terns

of aU pieces; directions for arllclea

shown • .

Models Fashioned of GoM Lin.k Living With Departed


To the Darien Inwans in the h ighlands in the region of the Panama canal. gold means not wealth but everlasting contact with departed ancestors. Vast stores of ld in th f f go, e arm a skeleton repllcas, lie burled in the Inwans' graves. When a chJef dies, his tribe makes a golden likeness which is buried with him. As a lasting contact with their loved one. each relative bas a miniature copy of the akeleton. made of gold.

o Kellogg's Com Flakes bring you nearly all the protective food elements of the whole grain declared essential to human nutrition.

Thls he wears on all ceremonial occaSions, suspended from a neck cord. When a man wes, the gold replicas of all of his previously deceased relatives are burled with lIim. The graves ot the Indians are veritable gold mines, but death awaits the intruder wbo dares to despoil the burial places and carry away the precious carv~--------------------~ ings. .

laps' PTOlJTe~IS

GI Railroaders Follow Troops


1945 Pros pecj~s

.., ... Cra"••• r••r ••' , ......-



51p;;..,. 49

·Caah or Cheek trith Order

ADVANCE DRUG CO., 238 ....m Ave., Dayton, O.

The Talk of the Table t For a finer churned-fresh ftaVOl: al~Y11 use 'Nu-Maid margarine: Nu-l'daid is the Table Grade M8l\o ,arine ••• made especially for use OD the table. Grand for cooldna and baking, too.-Adv.




. ".,", a01nlD


Well Heeled . What with totnl lavlngs estimated at $100,000,000,0010, Amerlcanl Ihould dnd themselves able to meet a short period of adversity lo the postwar world. Of the bUCle amount 01 .av· locs, $36,883,000,000 are In war bonds, 1& wu I!'evealed. About 81.000,000 peol~le, or 60 per cent of the population. held these securitie.lo comparison wltb about Z5 per eeDt In World War I. Next to war bonds, bank and postal .avings deposit. constitute the largest source of savings at over $36,000,000,000. Of thl. amount, over $ were In bank deposits beld by about 33 per cent of the people. Life Insurance forms the third largest source 'of lavlnga, what with ISO per cent of th. people payIng in over $33,000,000,000 on their policle., It was revealed.


With cotton UPON dOWD to an domestic economy of the country." average of 1.235,000 bales for th. . Tralned troOPI of the Military four crop leason. from IINI to lINt, Rallway lervice are aU in .ervlce' the. trade looked to the recentl1 fD. overseas General McIn1Yre .ahL In voked War Food admlnlstratlOD additiOn 'to operaUngand shop bat. expon subsld)" prol1'am for po. talionI, be explained, mfscellaneoua .!ble mctea.ed .hlpmentl. • unltl, stich u mobllt workshop.. iliUm at.. a. 10 the amount thet hOlpHaI • train maloteaance crew•• ml,ht be .01d ll'l1c1er the Wl'A'1 Dew ba.. depot companiea, and trau- pro,ra~m .arl~1, ~th 1I1e .olume Of' pOrtatiOD companJe.. l;!!1al 105 MlU. ·.hlpmentl dependh1a.upon the &81'1 Railway .ervlce· unlta coati! .bWt, ' of call',o lIIace, It wu, IDa aboUt 2,000 oftlcei'i and 42;000 .... al1'eed. Exports have bppn lowest lilted mea. elDc. the CivO war.


'CI~ AHorN •• WAI '0"0




Thursday, De·e e...ber '1, 19«

Flou lder's Ey Enab1es It To Take on'N utral Color Studies of the winter flounder pro~e that the eye of this fish is the organ which enables it to t ak e on the color or the sea bottom on which i t Ucs. in or d r to deceive prey. When the head o[ the fish w as placed a gain s t 'a biacl< background. its en tire body turne d ve ry dark, and vice v ersa . says Col. lie r ·s. The uncanny a bility of th is fish tQ copy a v ari ed backg round was also shown by putting it agai ns t a black - and - while checkerboard which . it r eproduced we ll enough to m ake itsol1 indistinguishable at • dis t ance of te n Ieet.


Kathleen Norris Says':


Ben SyncUcat• .- WNU Feature..

e lt her





Reoso n nbly


RI . 4. J" CkOOD . Obi ••

FARMS For S"le-Poultry Fnrm ond H -oere opple o rchClrd ot bearing s t n ~c. Locn ted ot TIro. Oh Io, Approxhnotely 10,000 sq. ft. 01 aoor

spoce (or broilers or l aye rs . Bulldlnlla In good re pa ir, Elect" Gn8, water. Prlend to se ll_ InquIre C. Il. ~ " ulb.rt y .ljb e lb y. Ob lo.

SALES DISTRIBUTION AUenU.n M'..' .. , •• I..... : If you hnve n" ythIng of Quality Ihnt 19 worth·whlle m arketIng but Jac k

.n l ~.


d19trlb u tlon or

pleose wrIte to Mr. Freemun. K.


F. Dla-

trlll .. thi l CG,. IIlSI E. ZlIrd 81 .. Vineillnel, 0,



ISblp or write to




Co .• 'II N .. 11o BroaClwnJ . SI . Lo .. ls . Mo.

HOME INSTRUCTION Sen.. tlaoall 14allle shorlhond a nd tyll lnll cour!te. even


tcn-yenr-old chU d can un-

derstand 11. Price 25c poslpa ld . II ynes Pub... a Uo .... BOll POll .. BunUollon. W. V.

PICTURE CARDS VIEW CAltD~From dee p In the Henrt III T exus, HIBlorl. Temple. 5 for 25c or 25 . ...

a ' ARKEN HO f'K IN8 IIU W. Oarlle ld . 'rompl •• Tn:a ..

BOOKS IIhllol Blblo- Postage stamp It alw oY'!. Postpa id 25c. OnOVER PlIBLICATION S

Good L •• I< alle- Cnrry

3" BarUell

Sa o F ra n. I•••• Ca tlf.


"LiUian .eemed 10 b• • 0/ ~ and ,MeroUl natur. and • dUdplined character, 8u••" e never for,GtHI lim', mom.r.-

By KATHLEEN NORRIS . 1M CARTER'S mother nd wife are planning a wonderful Christmas present for him, but Jim will never suspect what it is when he gets it. It is one of those subtle gifts that those we love can bestow upon us without tissue paper and ribbon accessories, and with only our own hearts to receive and treasure the gift.

Jim III a marine. 30 years old ; he bas been for more than a year in CATTLE FOR SALE the 10Uth Paclflc. Lillian. his wile. I. 34; his mother Is Martha, the HOLSTEIN!!. reBl s tered. Boby bulls to aervlc!! nile. Good onu. WI.II del/vcr. type ot strong. good·natured, capo· HARRY DEABEn • r a rts .Obla. ble. worshiping mother tha t so many of our lucky boys' ba ve. But from ..., 'ale- Two rellistered J ersey h eller. the beginning she dldn't like LillIan . Of cows Iresh or comIng (resh. T .B. s nd Lillian was a compact, ·s1iD'1. suBon. Accredited berd . FRED J. BI\VDE R"Y. MU. Hortll .. W.s lolollonvllle. Obi •• perior, spectacled school teacber when Jim met ber; she seemed agel older. than the clumsy big farm boy Invest in Liberty of 20. She taught blm In nJght and nobody d.r eamed that Buy War Bonds Ichool; the cultured Miss LIllian would ever look at Jim. When his mother flrIIt heard of the affair she begged bJm to' consider; he was so young. tbu. was his first love. Miss Lillian was four years older. she was the cold, unloving. snobbish type! Lillian managed to gather from dear mu· tual friends that her future motherIn·la w held this flattering opinion ot her, and she told Jim she'd marry him on condition that he never asked her to see his mother. So they were married, LIllian also stipulating that PROTEm OIAFED SKIN ahe never need live in the country, needn·t have cblldren 100 soon, or ever at all If she didn·t feel like It, WHITE PETROLEUM JELLY and could continue teaching. To all this the Infatuated Jim agreed. Well. IIhe did teach for one year. "nIen they moved out to the Carter', "upper farm." four miles from bl. mother's place. There Sonny was born. and then Richie. and then Amanda. and then Flossy, Lillian lUll wears ber glasses and keeps ber _ _ __ __ _ __ _ _ _ _ _ _ trim figure. but she Is the most enthusiastic tarm wile and the most devoted ·mother any fortunate ' man could desire. When Sonny was three weeks old. sbe sent Jim over to bJs mother's place with the baby. and .very Sunda,. since Jim ' bas taken bl. tamily to his mother tor the two-o'c1ock meal. Lillian bas 01' MU'''PLI RILlI' beavy never said one word against her IELIlF ONE-I• • mother-In·law: In fact, Lillian seem. IIlIU TWO-hli stdy Il0l•• to be a woman of a fine and generRILIEF IHIEE-IIIIIe. Hdy ..... ous nature and a strong. dlseiplined RILIEF FOUl-hi••lld. PO" cbaracter. But ~he never forgave IIlIU FIYI-lns.. heaclach•. Jim's mother. G ......•• Cold Ta blele. Uke Never until now. It iI!I the mother doclor·. preKl'lptlon. are a mult pl. wbo writes me. and this iI!I part of medlcln •• A comblnallon of .Iahl acII •• medlclrHlllnllHdlenls esPeclaIl, ber letter. ""'peel for reller of ulual cold mla......".'n on _mulno. "About two months ago 'I had a caller. I was out In the shed. can· nlng tomatoes. when my soo's wife came In. She Bat down very lIim= == = =========:=====:=:Iply, like any other caller. and we taJked. Iii five mlnutea m,. eyes .:.:..::..:...:::.......=.-----------1 were so tuIl I couldn't see to go on with what I was doing. She told me that abe knew from the children that I'd been writing to Jim. sendlng him ' cooldell and sweaters and clippings from the paper and ev~I'Y' thing ellle I could think of. and that of cour•• ue'd been doing the same. "But ab. said that the real pre.-

'* '*


11 MOROllNE ~ it


maDr. •

That Naq~in~



I; ""




01 The Moody · Blblc In .Utute of Cnlealo. Relealed by Wes tern Newspaper \Inion.

J\ GNES MOOREHEAD doesn·t hold with those ancle.n ts who Lesson f'o r December 10 believe that genius thrives on misery and an empty lltomach. Luson subj ect. and Sc rlptur. t.xts ... lteted nnd eopy rlghled by Internationol Everyone - actors. musicians, Council 01 Religious E d ucat on: use d II)' painters, even plumbers and ditch permIssion. I djggers~o their best work when CHRIST IN THE HOME they have a full be,lly and a re free of worry. maintains Aggie. LESSON TEXT- Matthew 19 :4·6; Luke "It stands to renson." says ahe. 10 :38·42: 11 Timothy 1 :3·6 COLDEN TEXT-These Ihlnga 1 com· "that a person call't put forth hi. m and you. thai ye may loye one an· best effort If he's other.--J'oiln 15 : 17. unhappy or If in the back of his The American home faces many mind there Is enemies and powerful destructive In· worry fluences in our day. At times · one gnawing about the butch· wonders whether th is most Impor· er. baker. or reo tant or all institutions has not 80 tar action of his a850departed from wha t God Intended It cl ates." to be thnt it has lost its place and Agnell Is con. power. In such a time, it Is Important vinced that those ,reat musicians Agnes I\loorebead th at the Christian church kcep beand artists of the fore the people. and especially our past whose talent s flourished young people. th e Scripture teach· 'midst poverty bllld some sort or ing about the home. We need to compensating happin ess; either they revive the old·fashioned home. with were in love or th'e y had wonderful Its piety. purity and high purpose in friends . the plan of God. We begin right The actress. who in 1943 won the when we note: New York critics' award for her I. 'lbe .Plan of God tor the Home performance . In "The Magnificent (Matt. 19:4·6) , AmbersoDll " thtnlu a "relaxed and When Jesus was challenged by bappy a~osPbere" stimulates an the Pharisees. who claimed that a actress or actor to far better per. man ha d a right to divorce his wife. formances than tension and reprl- He appea led to ~criptur... Tha~ Is mands ever do. the sure foundatton for right lhink·

HOGS IItock , L. M.



DEPARTMENT 1'101 - RegIstered

Lo«l,king' at

Merry Christmas to Jim


Pretty 'Frock for Gala' Occasions . ~:':'';,io''4111 S~HOOL New Party FrOck for Little Girl. ;; , u u; e.e u u; I Ie e. e"



THE BEST PRESENT A far better Chrislrruu pre!ent for (I man overseG.I than lome trinket, is a letter telling him that .omething dear to '"' heart hcu been accompluhed. Jim, a farm boy, married II school teacher. Jim's mother never liked Lillian, and with some recuon. After their marriage, however. Li.llion .eemed to change. She became 011 enthwicutic form wife; and mother 01 lour children. During the ten years 01 their married life. however. Jim's mother and Lillian never met. lt was only through the sharp impact 0/ war, when they both had to give up Jim to the service, that the!e two women came to know and love each other. ent we could make Jim wa. tor ua to be friends. She asked iI ahe mJgbt come down every few ·day. just to talk with me. I couldn·t aa,. anything. But we kissed each other ,oodby. "Well. there'lI 'no use going over the years I've lost - ten years ot friendship. cif Intimacy with my grandchildren. But we know each other now. and we respect each oth· er, Lillian and I. When I begged her pardon. she begged mine. and we closed that cbapter forever. "So JIm's going to have. as one of his Christmas presents. a letter from me saying that Lillian and the children are coming down to the old farm tor Christmas week·end. M,. three boys are aU awa,.. one In the Aleutians; one In Normandy; Jim at Guadalcanal. but the three wive. and the seven grandchildren will be with me. and I know what that news wiU mean to Jim. War and .u1ferlng and separation make you th1nk. sometimes. anll the selfish. petty little things you've been doin, look pretty small." War does make u. all think along new lines. Martha. and there I. many another woman. beside yourselt and Lillian. who may well thInk .eriously · today ot the Christmas present she wanta to send a son In the war zones, . Perhaps It may be. as In thI. case. the news that some stupid misunderstanding between mother and wife has been ended. Perhaps it ma,. be . an announcement that all goes well at borne. the trouble that seemed to be threatening Mother and nad with a divorce has blown over. Perhaps It would warm JohnnY'- heart to know that Mother has met hi. girl. and has asked her to Christmas dinner. Perhaps a youn, husband somewhere would be glad to know that the billa were all paid uP. and Margaret and the baby In good health and spirits. All the presents that go to our boy. won't be in boxes. All their Christmas cbeer won't be In tanaible shape. Isn't there something that you can write in your Chrl.tmal letter that will mean more to bJm .than all the Cigarettes. cand,., bookll. fruitcake, wrist watche. in the world? Oare 01 Leatber Bap Handba,1 of dark leather ·m,,. be cleaned with a mUd, .addle soap _0lution luch ., b used on 'lIboel and luaa,e. 'Dry with a cloth and let B1aDd a' room · temperature unto thoroughly dry. 'lbe bag .boWd n,ver be Immened In water or placed near heat to dr7. About twice. month. appl7 • neutral cream aparlnlb' ctG th. leath., UId wipe oS with a 80ft cloth. BQI! wtUI tom baDdl., ripe In the leau.:

She IJked the CI.,mpany and part abe .played In "Mrs. Parkington"and wby not? Agnes was the rival t G G f r Walter Pldo .reer alnoD 0 ceon I affect ons.

DUe to an unusually large demand .aDtS current war conditions. sllgbtly "'!1ft tim. 11 required In fiUing orden for a few 01 ttl<! most popular pattern numbers. Send your ord er to : SEWING CIRCLE P"TrERN DEPT. 530 South Weill Se. Cldeqo EnclOll8 25 cents In coins (or eacb paltern d esired. P attern No.. .... . : ... : .. ~ . .Slze......


referred them to the story o' Princess Frock the creation of man and woman In . Genesis 2. 18·24. There It Is re- YOU'LL look lovely and slim in this charming Princess frock vealed that in all the animal king. dom there was no creature lulted with its contrasting yoke that One Big, Happy Family for fellowship with man. The one frames your face so becomingly. "We were lucltl a happy com- who finds full satisfaction in the For tha t aU·important "furlough pany." laid she. "Everyone was company of a cat, a dog. or horse, date'" relaxed and unc1et'Btanding. That Is Just not up to norm al. No, 1252 comes In sizes 12. 16. attitude was rell:e cted in our ef· Adam must have a " help meet" 16.Paltern 18 and 20. Size 14, 'A sleeye. require. torts," tor him. that Is, one suited by per- 3',. yards of 39 Inch material: ~~ yard of' Agnes. a New York stage and ra. sonallty and gitls to be his compan· 35 or 39 Inch material for contraetlng dlo actresll betolre OrlloD WeUeII Ion. God made WOm<\1l 'or that yoke. For Ihi • .pattern send 25 cents In colna. drafted her to plB,. the mother of purpose and gave her to man. Thull your name, address, lize des ired, and tbe "Citizen Kane" maintainS our plc- He established the home and or- p attern number. ture Industry' b more considerate dained that all through man'. his· For the Little Girl of actorl! than th., stage. tory there should be the 'coming EVERY little girl loves .a new "0 th ta b t lb together of one man and one woman party frock. Mother can easily o e I ge ,.ou ave 0 e ow in that indissoluble union ot love your way through ,.our career. Here (v 6 ) which makes the home and quickly make this daint1 one It ~oesn· t mucb, matter whether We have forgotten God' s la'w. or with its full skirt gathered onto the you re a star or a bit player. have deliberately violated it. and yoke. Pretty for play time too. There's alwaY'~ 1I0meone have broken down the home in its • I· • ready and wUlin to ~Ive you en- very founda tion, We had better be. P attern No , 1230 CO'Tles In sIzes 1. 2, couragement. At "least. she added, . t think . . 1 bo I th dI 3, t and 5 years . SIze 2. dress witb "that·s been my experience. " ~:ceo proble!er~o~: :re ~ot t~ g~ panttes. requlre. 2\~ yards 01 39 Inch rna· terlal. 3\~ yards ric rae to trim. It wasn't until after "The Ma,- the way of other nations. nlflcent Ambersolns" that Ihe de- U. The Presence of Christ In the elded to remain here. Before Ilgn- B (Luk 10'38-42) Ing a contract with )Y[.G.M ahe al- ome. e. . . Oh, Success! , waYII free-lanced" d,uring to obtain Christ repeatedly honored the

Name .•• 9 . ' • • • • • • • , . I I • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • Addrcss ••••••••• , •••••••• , ••••••••••••

• • •

• greater variet, of rolel In that wa,.. But ber rolell bave been pretty varied; thougb. 'WIth the exception of a brief , appearance ln "Bi, Street." each bllll been a "nasty character." Her nastiest. Agnes thinks. Is In "Dragon Seed." with Kane Hepbll1'D. She played the part of a Chinese Qulsllng. But IIhe was hateful. too. in "Since You Went Away." "I play the kind of cha racter you aU know exists but. thank heaven. rarely encounter." That's wbat she laid. but we've all met that kind of women-let's :face It.

Bli../ullgnorance Agnes ~~mlts Ihe kn~~11 noth· Ing .about camera angles an.d has no mtentlon at. Jearnlng. She I tar more concerned Ithat ber part be In· terestlng rather than that it be too long. . "n·. my hope to make each par· traysl different." . Agn~.s said. "I'd bate to get Into a rut. . Well. there's very little chance of that happ.ening. Aggie. like the late great Alice Brady, is an actress wbo loves her job. wilU play anything or everything it she thinks It'. got mcrit or Is different from the ordinary !'Un at ,parts. I remember years ago sitting In a vaudeville the. ater with Alice when there wa3 a monkey act on . . Alice sat on the edge of her choLr. I asked why. She replied: "Who k:nows? I may have to play one at those critters some day." 'The publJc, of course, will decide how well Aggie manages different roles, and they've !:ieen pretty pleased up to date, Agnes uses a Frencb accent In "Mrs. Parkingtoo," and does It so convincingly a visitor on Pte set asked Director 1~aJ' Oarnett: "Where did you ,et that French dame?" "I only got tbe role b,. the sldn of my teeth." Agnes declares. "Alter all, Aspasla Im't one of those bitter, nasty. frustrated wom· en I usually play. Sbe·. warm. charming, chic. Also she' s been loved by one of tbl! most tascinat. Ing men of the century. A bll order!" • • •

He Got La.t .l Augh .

wUiJam Perlber,; "Diamond Ho,.. Ih "producer ,ot Billy Haln" to re::corate · his' bouse, then .turned over bill household " to b!t lold at auction. 'lbe auctioneer made a bl, to-~o about'bavlng bill turnlture, which ' has relUll~ In many emba,. rasllng bappenlna' tor . Perlberg, Wben folk. law. bill atuf! OD the .uetlon block. the~ thought be wa. brOke. "At lea.t.'· .aid be. '1 mow wbo m1frlenda an. In the Jan fe.. .er, aDd brok_lOCb uould be tak- day. a baU dozen to lend _ to ....~ NJ)alr abop. me money to dlle me over."

:~:: ~ ~ w~~~::; ie:~~e:~ec!:

of Galilee. and there He performed Hil first miracle (John 2). He sbould be the unseen guest at every Chris. tian marriage invite Him expect Him. honor Him. and He w'l11 bless you. One home In partIcula r was a pla ce of rest and refuge for our Lord when He was here 01\ earth that of His friends Laza rus Marth~ and Mary. In Bethany. H~ was a welcome guest. always at home in that household, Sha ll we do les8 In

The corpulent, self-complacent Iris hm a n sank ioto his most com, fortable chair and remarked to his wife. "Well, Kate, me dear. life to m e seems to h ave been one long run of prosperity. First I was plain Hooley, then I marded you and became Mr. Hooley; then I was made Committeeman Hooley, and later Alderman Hooley. . , "To cap the lot. as I wint into church yisterday, all the congregation with one accord rose and

._,.... ,..,c........... _ ..... .-y ................ . ConIItipatiOll can 1aIdermine ~ and confidence. Take N atun • Remedy (NR ~ta). CooIAIna 110 chemicals no miner:a1II,l\OpbenolderivativtIIL }UtTabietaare difJeren'CIa ditrerent.. Plm/y weerable-a combination oliO 'Vegetable ingredI., enla formulated over

60 yean ago.

Uncol\tod or owy eoated, their setion b dependAble, tborough, yet pullet as mi11iona of HR', l1A~ povea. Get a ~ ConvinGer Bot. ClutiOll: Tab.tIIIIy u directed. NI fOIUGHf, IOMOIIOW AUIGIIr

our households? We see mottoes In ~Ei~a~n~g~,~'H~O~O~le~y~,~H~O~O~I~e~y~.~H~o~O~I~e~y~.'~'!:;:~;;;,;;;;;,;~~~~~~~~~ homes. " Christ is the unseen guest In this home." How appropriate! But note that His presence in the home gives Him opportunity to teacb and to direct the life ot the home. Mary and Martha had both been busy about the work ot the household. but Mary knew when It was time to stop being busy and .It .t Jesus' teet to learn and to be blessed by Ilis presence She not only worked. but "abo 'sat at · the Lord', feet" (v. 39). Martha went rigbt on working until sbe was dllltracted. and came to censure her sister. The answer ot Jesus Is .slgnlfl. cant. He did not rebuke Martha He only told her to get her life 'in~ balance. There must be work In a home. but those who make bome only a workshop m iss Ita ,rea tea' blessing. Home should be a place o. Iweet fellowship between the memo bers of the family. and especially between them and the Lord. m. Tbe Power of Fallil III the Dome (II Tim. 1:3.6). FamJly religion really pay.. 'lbe borne with the ·famlly altar. where God's Word Is read all a natural and proper part of daily living. where prayer is made. and God's goodness II remembered Iil thanksgivina and praile, that home will send torth children wbo know the grace of God, and are prepared to heed HIli call tor service. Timothy had a grandmother and a mother (one wonderlt where papa . and gr~ndpa were) with unfeigned faith. What a precious berltage! • Beo-Qay actil/ut to nHeft 'lbat wal far more valuable than 'mUlCUl8r ache and p8in-be.Uver or gold. or fllnns or corner caUBe it containB two famoua lots. What heritage are .you glvln, paiD-~elieviDg iDl1'edlentl your children? Note the reference to Timothy', Jmown to every doctor. Yea. work al .• mIni.ter of God iii verse 8. Beo4q 'contaiI18 up to 2~ It wa, by the Holy Spirit', call, eDd IiJDH more of tbne tested IDwu recognized by the' cburch In pecUent.-methyl aallcytat. ordinatloD. the '''laylng OD of hand•. " iDd.lD8llth.ol-=-than tift other But It I, evidently closely connected · ,.ute!1 Offered rub-1M. No with that whlcb b .pokeD ot in th, ver.. befor.-the tal~ of bJ. bom•• WoDderit"IOI"IO~ . "nIere b power ~ that faith to und Get paubae~. .' a boy forth to valiant .ervice tor God and to keep him faltblul In the day of tria). Give tour boy .and girl ,om~ rea~ w~whUe to remember wben the,. think of bo~.. Put the power of faith ID ~e home , baell of their Uvea in pubUc (or

•• ItIII/1

.Sen-Gag flv/tX


n--d" _ . . n



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=t=-* ••


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Rmltod lerCl from Man's Suit and Sa1vi,ngs Invested in War 'Bonds


We Offer

l--Churches M E'l'~ODIST


PU)IYD 1. o.\)VlSSON ,. Elditor

Satisfactory ~ PrIce,



~ Year, Pnyaible 10 Advance



At All Times

0 :30 a.

II :00 II. 1lI.-8crm ol1 .

!flrQl[ttte !iullcrul ~f ome D ia l 2111 -

F'i.rstUng DayCor. chool . 9 :3(\1 1::10 a . mR. . Mee Worship.


AUGUSTINE CUllltCn FIIUler I{rumbol tz. I'rlcst M ass Sunday 9 :00 n . m .


here and moved in thelr n ew Frlday.



h -



'Mr. and Mrs. J . B: Jones we're en114ra. Everett !N1y III the sol1c1to:' ent&lned to d1n.ner Sunday a.t the tor the alxt.h War Bond ,dr1ve in thIJ; home of Mr. and Mrs. Henry FInke at Waynesville, 10 honor of the lat OammwUty. moth~r,

Mrs. J ()hn ZimmerJ4r8. W1lbw: ~lIts, Mrs. iWIIlltam .rum's 77th bi1lthday. Beridall 'and Ml's. J. B. Jones were Mr. a.nd 1Mrs. Earl Young nas ~1ntP 10 Xenia. 8lturday af~r­ noaA. temporarilY' moved to Dayto.n and Me llV1ng With theIr son 8 wife and , - 111'. and Mrs. DoruiJd Clark of Jttle son • .<18 Robert Young WII8 inNU'th RIdge called on Mr. and Mrs. Juoted in the Army last week. 'IVlll .R088 and daughter Frtday even1nc. Little R'eddle Whltal,er, SO!n 01 lIoIra Iaaaora Wa1'd and Mr. Ke.~­ Mr. &nd Mrs. Marlon Whitaket 01 now stlaymg at the home neth B:ougll, of Waynesvllle, 'oall£d Dayton,18 at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Allen of Mr. and Mrs. Harold Whltaku as their home burned to the gro_n d Eml1cIt, Sunday a..!:ternoon. Economy Is Impo~tant In your Pvt. James 8e1tn1te e.nd three Mr. Harry Gilman has been quite Christmas gUts this yea r, for every .aldlera buddies of the Basic Ensaved can be turnl'd int o stneertn8.pnit of ~he Unlvt'.rsity of ill and under the car e of Dr. Ma r J penny War Bonds. Your girts will Kentucil:1, Lexington, spe!l.t the Cook or Wl3ynesvtlle. He is improved more be as weloome as ever, If you make . "...,..-end With the former parents. at this time. tbem yourself with an. eye to origi• . and Mn.Ha.roId Steinke and nality, usefulnes s and chllrm. For Mrs. WUUam Tinney. 01 Covklg" tbe teen-agcr, nothing Is more fam!l7 . . ton, Kentucky spent the week-'e nd heart-warming, nor hand-aDd-h 'ad~ Beth lP.um88 Jr., of the Rifel wlth home folks here. warming, tllIln a ga y bonnet and ' ~.,., of Oamp Landing, Fl01'lda mitten set. Make th orn from wool Sa 1JPeDd4n4r & ten day !urlough with Mr. and Mrs. Wesley Mannl~g remnants-for Iltlded saving-and hIa parents, Mr. GIld Mrs. seth l"Ur- and two children, of Beavertown sprinkle with felt flower appilques. have purchased the Ridge property Patterns for th ese a ccessories I1re au on .S ocal Row. available at local ij tor cs.

Proof of the se,wlng sklU of the younger generation Is this trim tailored suit, which receutly won first pr iz e in a. sewing contes t for Juni or girls. Remodelled bom a man's IIUIt. it is of lIavy lJ! ue wool lIee ed, Hh red. The jacket Is given profcsslol al fill's h by lh reil Justorts tlc r ss the front'. Every wardrobe contains old "do s" t hat (' :\J1 lie trans' or Oil into attractive new outfits , and at StIch n , mr. 1I l: S t Ii, ' t 10161'0 10ne y oan be saved for War Bonds. Back the At ' .: cl,-l1u.\' :()' '- '1 :!:m " 'J,'c .. U. S. 7 1 I''''':.\' D.r ."ttt lUll;'"

Card of Thanks

r " reJ' People

Aclrndwledgment of the kindn ess and sympathy of fri ends for U1e beautiful flowers, and the spiritual boquets, is her~by given in memory ot the I late husba.n d a.nd lather wenze1 Herres. Mrs. Wenzel Herres and Family

FOR SALE-2 modern properties in Waynesville, O. 2 good farms with AM,,1eae o;r e1ecb:1c. See Bill Lee, imme<Uate poses,slon, show.!l. by apOrDd.orf ROad, R. 3, WaynesvUle. pointment only. phone 2651, Wilbur N. Sears. ,7p.

Fi v b 'lIi!1 <Jollors of the 14 bi:li()n d<> !a rs our c ' untry needs t pres s hc war agai nst our qneInie!' rl1 11st come from indiv idua l investors. Th a t sounds like, and i s, a l o t o t money. Adunllv success or fa il. ure or the Sixth War Loa n is up to each individual American . Every war loa n has been oversubscribed because Americans by the millions have sbared its responsibility. Americans such as you b:lYe recognized the need ot extra War Bond purchases over and above thelr normal poyroll savIngs . . There is no S UL'h thing as a little l eUow in a War Bond drive. Your Waf' B()nd pUrch nses. multiplied by thc War B ond p urchases ef your trlf' nri s nnd n eighbors. . become tlgh ting power which saves liv es ot ~merlc n ns on th ba tllefr oll ts nnd brj ng~ us nearer our com mon obj ctlv e. TffE EDITOR.

PUBLIC AUCTION On account of th.e dea,th of my husband, I have decided to sell at pu blic auction on

Sat1JJ'day, Dec" til, 1944. at 1:00 P. 1\1., at my home at Lytle, Ohio, 4 mil:s nOl\th of W'a.'YnesVille and 2 ~r. mlle.Q oU state aOut-e No. 48, directly in ,t he rear of Kessler Graham's grocery, Ule following h ousehold goods a.nd small 111.l1IJl. tool&: One sewing ma.cbine, 1 n ew IIlllple l1vlng room suite, 2 ma.ple end tables, 1 >seven-way floor lamp and obher lamps, 1 smOking stand, 1 . ,E merson radio. 1. 9x12 rug a.ud pad. 1 6 .3x9.6 rug 11<l1d t:M . 1 1l .3X!J.0.6 linolewn rug. 1 cocktail table, 1 large Heatrola , 1 small coal 011 henter, din ing room suite , 8 piece wit h lea ther seats, 1 3-plece bed room suite, complete, 1 good 'n:l led o ~ ~;:~======= -~-=~ - ~-=-)1 coml'lUting scale, 1 Evera sweeper 'I AUCTIONEERING with attaclunent6, F:rtgldaire. 6 cu. ft., with ,new motor, 1 Voss electric Stanley and Koogler washing machine wIth tU IlS. chLna l For D a tes, Phone 2894, Waynescupboard, set of steE~1 kitchen cabinets, 811 a.1I ki t;Qhen t ole . .Also ville, Ohio, !'teverse Charges some calmed goodS and other small BROJ[ERS LICENSE artlples. . :I Seventy Rhode Island laying pul le ts and 4 cookerels, 1 Roynl electric brooder, 500 chick eapaelty. lLSed one year; alao good feeder and water fountruns. 1 g~Oc\ 1'alWll mowDr. W. E. PORTER er. TERMS OF SALE : OSs h. VETERINARIAN MRS.' D ELliLAH MruLER Phone 2587 WaynesvWe, Ohio S ltlnley & Koegler, Auctlonecl'S Isabell Thompson , Olerk


RlR ~, 10 800d con- 1J:.OSrI'-"A" gasollne stamps Russell cS1tioIl.~, ~um, . and large W'1l11on, Waynesville, Ohio' 7p aUIeti. ~ Lou W1seman,' phone 2143 after 1Ohool .~. ts FoR SA!LE-Welsh ,p aby carnage ---.:.---....:.--., -:..------ . (folding) gOOd condition . . . 1 pro • YOU. want to cet marr1ed, write !Whlte ~by shoes 4 1-2 size, llke n ew :BelIE , _ ..Juuaette, Idaho. tJend Phone 2'143, Waynesville 2J.p Aaql. txn FOR SMJE-.Jig saw and motor 'A-l JIOR ~ ,aet _ solid con~ltton, Lotta ,Heafauver, Mt Hol. 0beri7 c1rcIP-INI with 'fOur 'rose .If, Ohio , . ' . 7p bMk ~ with quamt iIa~ up.,. roR S~1 pro nurses oxfords ~. pbOIle Alben. Cherry black, size 6 1-2 lJ ,nev~r been worn : •. . . ~lp no r&~on sJjamp, needed. Opal TresJQR au..<1arIe 1liiie ~ sler, alter 5:30 P, m. 21c

Wbolesl)ll\t' PasteurJzed nairy Products

1-'asteu,l'ized . ,Milk For Your · Protection 1

==:.J PUa'nle 2537

Waynesville, Ohio



0QIIIPlete. A-I caM1t1an FOR SAiLE--Roll-t,op desk (office . . . . . . . . . . . . phone slze,) phone 24tH, J!la.meat Battsock, :alp.



By Appoin t rn ont TELEPHONE 62·R




An' make or model . ,.. -- ahn M'o tor Car Co. F'red ~


' .


O p tom e td c Ey e'

Sp('( i ~ li 5 t

"- "- "- "-



Xe nia, 0


'- "'-" '- '- -'.)

'==============;:>5-1 Sand &Gravel




ARMITAGE & SON P"on e WaYllcsvl!le


Morl'Ow Phone No. 3 O rC lc,e Phone 4 7 3 K Residence 98 M

L banon :

I Special! F OR TBlS WEEK




to the Miami GGazelote t.o thc. m en JuvenJ.Jo ROCKERS and TABLE and C~ SETS in service fOr $1.00 a year. What EXPRESS WAGONS - SLEDS could be a. n icer gU,t to last through TOYS - GAMES - COOKIE the yea.r and k ep the boYs lntormed on acUvties a t home. Subscribe ' to- JARS - l\IUtROR. - :::~:n TABLES LOUNGE C ...... "TIl' - ' :.. :''!PS d ay li t th e Miami Gazette office. 1\1A TTRESSES Open Every Night Until Christmas

-!l-• Watch this Space for Extraordinary Attraction Comi~g to your

community aoon






YOU'RE NO EXCEPTION I Calamity doean't pick favoritea l Misfortune haan't singled you out •• an exception I Be wise and protect YO\lraelf with good inaurance so that no matter what happens, you, your family and your property will be fully protected. Office at

Rosen and Slmpsuo' Garage

Formed" Waynesville lDIurance Aleac,.

ROoT FOR AND CONSIGN your Catt.le, hogs, Meep and calYei to Norris-Brock ' Co~ liVe wire and progressive firm for the hIIhest market PACes and gOOd I8l'VIDe. Union Stock Yards, Cincinnati, O. Tune 10 an Radio statiOlli WOKY, 12:25 to 12:30 p. m. for our daUy -the Brusselacarpet had &0 be taken market reports. up and belltcn every .prIne? It ,.... h~ Qver the clotIws lIne,aDd pounGet yoUr news 10 our oft1~ early. ded with ·the ~ beater until no& a wisp .of dUllt followed • .Voke Then fath~r pat In the evenIDr on his knees, stretchin, the carpet Urh& tacldng it alOng the edp. Carpet SERV~CE and c1eanln, was an .event. Remember•.




Dr. C. E. Wilkin

FOR SALE-one years subscription

HaRSES, COWS, HOCS, CALVES, SHE~P, ~TC •• Removed ~rompt.J~

'" 8:15 o'cJock -: _ _ u_ _ _ IJ _ _ _

Sunday School 9 :30 11. m. E . A Worship serv ice at 10:30 A . M. E!\ rnha~· t. Sup t. EvenJug S ervice. 7:30 p . • 1.

QUICK For Dead Stock


By Dr. John 1\1. Tutt, O. S. B. of Kansas City, 1\IIssouri

In the Churcb Edifice, Sa.writJll aJld l(,ubicon iWac1s, 3 blocks south.. on N. C. It. SATURDAY EVENING, DEc. 9

..:. CHunCII

Bob"s ··Dairy



1101.1.1' AI

1'. 1\1. Srarf r. Mlllister



Member of- the Board of Lecture. hip of the Mother Ohurch ' the First Ohurch of Cllrlst, Scle~t1st Bostoo" Massachusetts . ,

~ IT.




!\"lux ItllmJall, 1\lIlllster Bible Sch OOl 9.30 a , m, Commu nlo ll JO :4!i U. III Pr ea . hlng, 11 II . 1l1. . Ohrlstikn Ende~VOr 6 :30 Even ing S ervlcc 7:30 Midweek Servicc, W ed. n lg 11, 7 :30 You are Invited ~o come Illld worship with us.

of this Community

u. ~'. Trtmsur)! D,pOrllll,"'


In .


fti_. '


'Olhc\' Evenings

,.. '-

F·ltIENn ~


SalurtlllY c'lcni ng

26 S. D etroi t St.

8:00 p. 111.-preuch ing.


(Iboe) _

W e d nesday


Billie sello 1.

111 ..

iOA!) 11 . 111.- Conullun I01l

BonneL- l ittpn GUt Saves for War Bonds


1-5 nIl ' rnoons except

C IlItI ~T

nullerl Gra ham. ~I i n is l cr

.. .

JItJtr IraID

9-12 ea ch mOI'ning

... mm\, -----l'1I1 1It t: 1I OF



UIlJpl, I':U')IS, I\Lin b lcr ill Charge Church SCll 01 Ilt 9 :30 n. m. Morn ing PI' ye r a nd scrm ob11 : 0 . 111 .

Mr. and Mrs. Everett K enrick. Mld scn and dau~hte r , of L'l'tle an d Mr. . ' The greatest favor to us will be "Letters to th'e EditOl;." alld Mrs. Ben Roun d , Mrs. E va lne a nd Mrs . P aul Arnold. of Row else C1\Jl we learn and correct Out· fa ul ts? If you di - F..l Dayto.n were guests of Mr. and Mrs. agree, write a letter! If you agre~, still write a letter! Walter K enrick on Tuesda.y evening of lllst week . in h ono of the blr1;lldays or Wal ter Kenrick nnd Ma"s. • • As we cannot accomplishaJ1 , the things we want to do Everett Kenrick. Ice cream lUld cake were served. in the first issue, no, not in several issues' of the Gazette, The \at ter. Ml'S. Walter Kemick it is hoped our readers will work with us se:nlding in n ws furn1shed a lovely cake. . . .. making suggestions ...... doing their part to m a ke MI. and Mrs. HarVcy Burnet, in comp Any with Mr. ·and Mni. C. D . ' The Mi~mi Gazette (their paper) the kind of a news_ Robert6 of Lewisburg, Mr. and Mrs. John Dearth, of Spr Lnglfleld and Mr. p3~r they want. and Mrs. Esta Smith, of Troy. are attendmg the' National F ederal Federation, or the Co-OPperatlve Milk Above all else, let's keep in mind that at this moment .P roducers Association, in Ohlcago precious blood is being shed ~hat we may find pea.ce, se- this week. . curity and freedom. America ts now washed in the blood Those from LyLle cllUNh \ ho attended the Fi.l st Quarterly o.M erof her sons. May we at home sincerely endeavor to main- enee in Lebanon, Monday evening tain the faith with them by keeping our commuity un~t­ were: 'M rs. Robert .Hunt, Mrs. Charles BumteU, Mrs. Vernon P ut'.ed, ·our spiritual strength undaunted and our finanCial sley, Mrs. J. B. Jones, Mrs. Calvin aid unselfish. Longacre, Mrs. Ralph Barger, Mrs. -,,- - . . , . - - - - - - -- -- - - P . N. CorneU Misses Ruth, Ethel , Mr. and Mrs. wm IRo6.s and and Eva Reeder. . .d8Al1rhter, -Aargerte, spte\M Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Ciharles Davlc at Miamisburg. ~n the evening the Ros! family visited Mr. and Mrs. AlMr. and J4r8, EVerett KtmrIcIt' and bret (lOOk nenr Ws.ynesvUle. daUCbter, Jane, were shopping tn Dayton, Thurscl&y and also called 1I,·t Mrs. J . . B. Jones spent Mo.ndol Y the home of KI'. and .J4r8. Llwwrence shopping 10 Dayton. BllJott and 8QIl. 1I«1lton Jones, . a memb T ot the Remember the filmily Chrlstmas "Rhythm TwLsters," of Waynesville meetIrc .to lqt,1e BaJ.l next se,tur- school, played the coronet at the U . ~. Dlrwnbe!' 9. There w1U be S. O. entert~t at Wllmong&Jl ~ of , ~ts and .s. home- ton. Sunday evening. made or .. IItore gUt for the wetion Mrs. WUbur F'oulks attended the Iuneral of Mr. Herres at Wayn esville 10'. Allen DDerkat remains ser- Monday afternoon. ~ Ul at h1a bane here. Ml-a. Mr. a.nd Mrs. Loren Routzahn or Leon SaU!bIIry of Washington C. H. .Franklln and Mr. and lV.l>fs. Bernard ill her mOther, Mrs. Dnrlck. Melloh of Wa.ynesville were Sunday Mr. and Mm. WUbur Clark &nd diner guests of their parents, Mr. ¥r8. !iIaJIa.ret Johns were Dayton and Mrs. Olyde Wharton.


CIl1)U.Oll Coleman, l\tJnlliter

'j -9

This same general feeling prevails as· we solemnly ocCu~y the chair before the keyboard of Miss Lino Type and proceed to gingerly feel out the pulse beat uf th e old girl preparatory to "setting-up" t he week's n ews. From week to week we expect to ,becom e better acquainted with the folks that make this commu nity. In so doing, ,we hope to increase the read er interest by a dding new articles of community importance that will in _ clude names, places and activities of all who live within our circle For the most part we will probably please a goodly parL of our readie.Ts but do not expect everyone to agr ee with . . us · entir~ly. This is a natural conditIOn' In a free country where free - thinkers live.


Church school at 9 :30 a. m. Mrs. i.aymond Conner , supe.rintendent. Mornlng 'S ervices- l030 Youth Felowship Tuesday evenn g at 7:30. Choir practlce Thw'sday 8:00 p.m .


Imtyrine yourself, if you can being unexpectedi y calle-~ upon to stand before an audience of six to eigh t hundred persons to give an unprepared a ddress.· To some, few fortunate individuals this would offer no ch a l~ le~ whatever, but to the most of us it cl\:use a subzero action in the region of the "think-box' with a sub_ sequent freezing :up of the vocal organs ... result,can't speak a word.






.; ' 1IaID

W. x.m.. 0.


FUNERAL. BOMB. TeIephoq 22ft WQneavWe,O.


THE~~ Keep It












Future farmers

Pl~z · Fo9t.l , Profits

lAmlounccment has been made of t.he !ll8l'rlage of Miss '~jorie Moore and Mr. Raiph Satterthwaite on Tuesday evening a.t 8 :00 o'clock, It beLng made by the brides pe.rents. Mr. and Mrs. Roy Moore. of Clarksville. The ceremony was performed by Rev. 06car Nickelson In the Me- , thodlst parsonage and In the presence of the groom's brother. Mr. Harry Satterthwaite, and of Mise Belen Strunk, a classma.te of the 'bride. The ,b ride was attractivelY gowm d In a .street dress of soldier blue wit h pink carnation corsage and the bridesmaid wore 'blook with white carnation corsage. Mr. Satterthwaite lsthesonofMr. a.nd 'Mrs. Harry Satterthwaite and utt!nded Waynesville High School. After a short trip the brlde and groom are a t the home of the gr()()lllLS paren ts.


in Bon

The Womnn 's Auxil linr" of the' St Marys church hel;t thei r l'egu.Jsl ' monthly meeting on Frida y afternoon at t he country hom,! of Mrs. C. R. Frazie r. Twelve ~lemb (:rs ware plcson t. Ilnd aJter a sh ort bUSiness sE:~ lo n. Mrs . MayneI'd We Hz read a very'cl;ting item e n I '1c ~ lu dy book of the year, I n ct i :, n s are .. eo;: Ie too." .Th ls vC::" 111le I):tper was prepared by Mrs. C. Lee Hawke. Dain ty refreshments w cr~ served by the hostess a nd the auxi'lia J'Y ndjourned La meet with MI'S. Maynard Weltz In Ja.nuary. Mrs. Ral ph H ollenbeck. regional presldenc of Spl'' ingfield will be Ule s pelkE'l'.


Mlnml Ohapter 107 O. E. S. met 1n regUlar session on Monday evening \vlth a very nice attenda.nx:e. al"BETIILEHEl\I" though several were ab6ent an 00A Cnnta,ta. by Fredrick E. Weathercount of wOO/ther conditions. Follawly a nd George F . Root: To be given ing the business session In oharge or by the c hoir of thc !We.y,nesville the offloers of 1944, installation of MeUlodist Ohw-ch, Sunday evening. 1945 officers ,was the interesting fea!December, 17, 1944, a t 7 :00 o·clock. tw'!) of the evening. With Mrs. Ruth Orl,'11n and Plano Prelude, A Little Stingley a nd, Mrs, Helen Hood. at 'fown 01 Bet.h1ehem , Wilson lcomNew BurlJ..TJg ton Chapter. Mrs. R. H. po8er;) Piano, Miss Vlrgina HardJ.n; Hartsock and Mrs. Raymond BradOrgan. Mrs. R B . Coleman; Violin dock as Installing officers. the folDuet. "Silent Night." 'by Gruber; 1st lowing were conduoted to their ofVlolln. Mlss Mildred OOleman; 2nd f1~ : Worthy Matron-Mrs. Everett Vlolln . Miss Mru-garet Rose. Mr, and Mrs. Cha l'les Ellis entet·- Early; Worthy Patron-Mr. Everett talned to a very delicious turkey Early; Associate Matron4fts, Ruth ' Cantata-Pan 1 cUnner on Sunday even ing wit h Rowland. secretary-M r s . Mar yo l: \ I'S a rl'lL!1ged fo r Mr. and Mrs. Earnhart. Treasurer....Mra. L u c II e The Birth of Christ Earl De,::ker, MI'. and Mrs. Oarl Zhn - ArmJtage ; Conductress-Mrs. MBlY1. OhOl'us O! the P eople on their way II . I'lI1an und Mr. and Mrs. C. K. dell Burske; Associate Conduct.res8to the Temple: "Ood or our Hn.lnes of Centerville and t.he host Mrs. Amy Balley; Chaplain-Mrs. Futh rs." and chorus at the tl nd host.ess. Minnie Fromm; Marshall-Mrs. ElizHerodlans accoml.anylng Herod : abeth Jones ; Ada-Mrs. Bonett&. St• • "Lo, the KIng Cometh," MIS. A . D. Lanham of Salem We.o;t rouse ; Ma rtha-Mrs. BarIl6.ra &JtwSTAFF SGT. ROY PLANK VirgLnia ls the guest of hcr son- il1 - yer; EJecta-MIs. Jooephlne Earn2.S010. 'I'enor and Chorus of all seelaw a nd daughter a nd Mrs. W. p . hart ; W<arder-Mra. Edna St. John: lng the Magi a.pproach!.ng In . T.nis poom was found on the bodY Stradcr and son. Sentlnal-'Mrs. W. E. Stroud Four procession: "Wllo are yonder I of an American boy killed In action officers, to be Installed were allSent. Mr. a nd Mrs. Orville Gl'IlY, Mrs. Beautl1ul cors~es were presented Grey beards Olden." of the other slde, was sent to LUCy .1 , W'1Ula m Sa wyer and li ttle Sonny to the Installing oUlcers. the Worthy 3. Trio-the Magi: "Where is he J:.mley and Ws. J elll1le Planck by )Alllcl', were Sunday gucsl,s of Mr. Matron and Assoclate Patron also that ill bom KIne?" lVas. Planck:s son. star! Sgt. Roy Throughout the nation the FF A boys are making a lilonds. No.3-Edward Jones of Pittsboro Chapter Gray's mother, Mrs. Lora Woll. in Mrs. Minnie Fl'omm presented each Recitatlve-Harou : "I 8m th e Planck. substantial contribution to the war effort through the PFA. North Carolina, and aome of his ,455 high -producLondon, Ohio. King." Ohorus of all the ,p eople: vi ctory hena. Edward made a net profit of $548.12 1944 oHicer with a white ca.matlon. ing of the all.importQnt food supply and pur' production "With A Friend" • • • last year and is putting his profits in W ar f rom his Rock War Bonds with their profits. Shown here are chase of '1'11e reti ring Worthy Matron, MD. D. Long Ltive the Kna". , Flash!! Flash I! Junior Cl'l\ss play C. R1dg~ received a beaut1t.ui Put lome instances. No.1 shows Robert Hill of the Wel- l30nds, No.4 shows Colin English, State SuperintendLook ' God, I have never spoken to "'I'humbs Op" will be In action, Dec . 4. RecItative and Arllr-Hero<1: "All come Chapter FFA. North Carolina, wit!, three of hi. , ent of Publlc Instruction, Herbert Shuman, president Matron '~m ,,"om the Cba.pter. Deyou eight registered dairy calves. North Carohna FF A boys . Palmetto Chapter FF A, and Harrison E . Barringer. 20th, at 7:30. High School auditorme. what do 1 hear?" licious reLrshments were served In but now 1. want to say '\Row do State Senator, all of Florida, at the high light of an owned 9299 dairy cows and invested profits in War ium. Bad weather prcvented the play the dining room. ' Bonds t~tal1ing $308.650. No. 2 shows two Wilson ltnnual Father-and-Son banquet. The Florida Future 5. Trio-The Magl: "Where the dark you do? from being shown on December 13 Farmers bought a $1.000 War Bond with tile fun ds The Vbry sad. but beautUUl pr.n ')Cou see God. t.lley ,t old m e you dldCounty Tennessee. boys of the Green Gale Chapter at l!."Uphrates." and Recitative. Her.. Lebano'n repairing farm equipment. At an auction of from their farm .produce grown on their own c la s~ oC the evening was tha.t glven' to .. od: "Tell me, m:y heart Is full of n 't exiSt. Mrs. Ross Bode has received word 't hia farm equipment, a total of $85.000 ent into W ar p roject. Back the Attack-Buy More Than Bdore . . m\llllor;o.l arra.nged for the Uvea of dread." A.I1C1 lIKe a 1001. I believed all thls t ha t h er 11 band Star.r Sergeant two recently departed members. KhI Bode was In j ured In France on Nov6. Tric>-'l1he Mag1: Behold I a Ohilcl Martha Hough and Dr. J. W. Ward, Utst ni€,ht 11 om a shell hole I S»;W UVENILE GRANGE TO GIVE LOCAL BOARD NO.2, LEBANON ember 15th . M\·s. Bode resides in ls Born. your .sky. INDUCTS l\IORE MEN DEC. 19 Waynesville with hcr sister. Mrs. W, the latter helng 11. charter memller CHRISTMAS PROGRAI\I SAT. O! MIami Ohapter. . .n.l1C1 Iigured they had told me a lie. P. Strader. . 7. Oarol by a few voices: "As the Star , <had 1 raken time to see things you The local Juvenile G range will iI..ocnl Board Nwnber 2. Lebanon in Distant Ages" ("Slcut Aspresent a Christmas program for c'llls fo ur men for Inductl'ln, Decemtl'um... .. ) made. , I 'd have mown they wal'en't 1:8.11- the adults Saturday evenlng, DeMr. Ed Cook Is convalescing at, I' ber 19, They are Olen (;Ia ry, Myron Hospital after undergoing a cember 16. There w1.l1 also be a. J u 8. Full Chorus: "Thou Bethlehem." lng ~ 1I)J,,<lt: a bpdoae. Hagemeyer, Charles Rye, J a m e s Miami major operation during the past venile gift excl;1ange. Pad 2. The FUcbt. Into ErYPt Ha rtsook, all of Waynesville. w~k. L\~~~~~~~~~____~ J: wonder uod' if you'd shake my All children are asked to be at 'the Those to report for Prelnductio.'!l ~ ~!~~ and lIGDd METHODIST CHUBCH Grange.Ba.ll 8A;.c6;30 ..for pract1oe.. on 18. 1944 are, Albert Keep your "Tumbs Up" Da.te .open, Ojl~. ~ . CoUrt,bOUle how I lew yOU wUl und~rB, B. Colemau, MIn'ster Thompson. Phil I P Hawk, FWssell for Dooember 20. 7;30 p. m. HIgh !era: • Behold, his Heart Is stand Hartman. Atchie Ross, and J ames School &udj torlum. Weather preheavy. ' lV.o. ucic. b'unDY I had to come. to thl8 hellish iReynolds, Jr., all of Waynesville. vented Showing on Decembcr 13. as Sunday, December 10. Angels' Chonl&-Tdo of female (l'la.ce. ~arold Muchmore, ,Plell83.nt Plain; originally schedUlcd. Sunday-SCliOiir 9;90 am.. lira. voices: "Glory be to God In !Before I had time to see you face. Oharles Co.nover. Oozaddale; Max • • • Raymcmd Conner. ' Superintendant. SCHOOLS CLOSED DECEMBER Heaven." follow'cd py Rec1tatlve BriU, Morrow; Warrcn Osborn, Mor - . Mr. an ct-Mrs:-Ctlentl13"'a;"'n=-"an =-+--Wlll'lIm~ PIihO an:1- Well I pees there Lsn't much more 12-16 BEOAUSE OF DEEP SNOW ~od: .. Agaln those MOck1ng ro\v. These men wllJ rePort to Port da ughter were SundaY' evening dln- Organ. Voluntary "Silent Night" Hal-es, Columbus. Because of deep snow and ley ne1' guests of Mr. and Mrs. L. "c. St. Miss Virginia Hardl.n and Mn. It. ,but. I'm sure glad. God, that I met row the schools were closed on _ _ __ __ _ _ __ _ _ _ John. B. Coleman. 11. Song--<Contralto: " A Cry goes up you today, ' Tuesd81y and will remain closed In" • • • H,ymn, "Come All Yc Faithfw" <1 guess tl:Ie zero hour wlll soon be by his wife, Ncttle, a step-daughter ~. D. C. Ridge had as Sun-'-y Hymn No. 96. the remanlnder of the week, and UJIo here, will resume c lasses on Monday. and lour cousins. the funeml ~rvlce . Mternoon anc;! cvening guests. Mr. Invocation. Old Testament Le8aon i". l-l'clude and But l 'm not arraid since I mow was hcld at Lytle Methodist church, ' and Mrs. Earl Davis and Mrs. W. J. pagc 618, .. Arise. a;nd t.a.Ke the young ch11C1.• Schools that were effected by the your near. Monday afternoon, conducted by Blackburn ot Dayton . lA.u .nllgel ·a p,Jeal'B at Bewllehem closing due to eight Lncllcs of snow • • • Gloria Patri. New Testament IaRcv. O. E . Vlcc of Mason. lntcrnLa .. oseph. "nero. Wlth Mary ana 'I'neres slgnie-J've gO.t to go, if a 11 were : Wayne.sville, Harveysment 'ln Mi9Jmi Cemetary. More than Wednesday, DeCemb4,!r 20, 7:30 p. on. Lukc. Chapter 2. the Sllephard ne Is watch1ng I llite you lOts, I want YOI1 to mow burg. Lebanon . Springboro, Kl ngsfriends. m. High School AudJLor~UI\1i, Junior Pra yer, Anthem. "The Clhrlatmaa scventy-llve relatives and ,h oly Uhlld. 'lhey hear the Look now. this will be a nOlnble Mills. Mason, Morrow and Malnecalled to pay respect, at the Emrick Class Play "Thumbs p ,"carrled" by Wiison. sound or la.ughter in the v1llage v1lle. fl8ht Christmas Sennon. Rev. R. B. home Sunday afternoon and even- over from Deoember 13. >belOW.) WhO knows? I may be at your Ing. Those from a. distan.ce who at• • • ..oleman. LYTLE 13.Chorus: "Hal'ltl 'I'ne VoicesDmw- hOuse tonight. tended the lunetal were: Mr. ~nd Sister Mary Rosetta. (nee) ThelHymn. "It came Upon A lI41dnisht by Mrs ,Walter Kenrlck Illg N t ar,' , Mrs. Leon Sallsbury. of Washington rna Biggs and slster Marrle Mlchoo.l. tlear," In'nm No, 00. Th~ I W'lISIl·t friendly to you Mr. and Mrs. EvE' 'ott Earley and C. H., Mr. and Mrs. Edward Caldwell of ctnclnmvti. spent Friday with the 3enedictlon. HDuet,-Mary and Joseph: "Lora. before . Mrs. Ross Roland I<~tended the InoMr Olyde Mount and daughte~, fONTler's father and motl)er, M'r and Direotor of Oholr, R. B. Coleman. IqoIt Cfuwu bom heaven," I womler. God. U you'll wait at stallation at officera at the New Misses Edith and Cecil. Mr. Thomas Mrs. Ellswort h Biggs. Father Krum- ) rganist. Miss V1rgin1a Hardin. Burlington Ohapter of Eastern star lo. l-Ull Ohorus: . Fret .not ~sel! the door? Whi te at:ld Mrs. Ouy Kibler. of Day- ,~h~o~l~tz:...w~as~'~als~ o...!a!!:r...!a!!tc...!t!:!h!.!le!!lr:.Jhtl!o~mM.t-.!D~tr:!!ec~toQlrE!!s~o!!.f~?blIl!lllrm:~CII;DJAiI.t&_ _-:-:-____ on Tuesday evening of last week. ton, Mr. and Mrs. Earl Thomas, Mrs. ' • • • I1lss Virginia Hardin, Miss Ethel beC8.use of we ungodly," Look. I',m crylng-mel Shedding Mr. and 'Mrs. Wilbur C1!U'k spent Ocena Lewis and Misses Anna and Mrs. Earply Shadley (nee) P ea rl ~ckman and four, children teacher8'. J!1U1. 3. The Ketura .teers Friday In Daytan. , . R,uth Nutt of Centerville. Biggs, spent a week-end (tt WashChristmas Tree. Carl Smith wd I Wish I had known you for many . MissPhylUs Bailey. of Waynesville 16. Recitative-Angel: ···A rlse and go Ington. D. C. with her b rother. PIo. .Yl11(ln · Day. Christmas Party years. IDW the la.nd of L51\.Wl," spent the week-end with MIss Wllllam A. Biggs and wife of the U. NomuL LOngacre and attended the The Christmas par~y of t he We- S , Marine Corp. ST. MABY'S EPISCOPAL 17. Qua,rtet oand Chol'lUS: ·'<HaJ1r.1 Well. I have to go now, God, good- Christmas party at the Hall Satman's Society, of Lytle church at the • • • CHURCH tJlOIIC Angel Voices." b;1, urday evening. Ball, Satw'day evening was attended Junior Class Play "Thumbs U~" ~t.ra.nge s1noe I met 'you, 1m not Mr. and Mrs. Ever('~t Kendrick and by near o~e-hundI'Od members and will be given Wednesday evening, R&lph Parks, MInister In Chaqe 18. RecJt..ltlvt-&ritone: "And the a.!Ta1d to die. daughter and Mrs. Clyde Wharton. fl·lends. Mter a short business ses- December 20, High School AuditorChurch school at 9:30 a. m. Ohlld grew," were shopping ln Middletown, Ohto, slon a splendid program ln charge of ium. Morning prayer and sermon 11:00 19.8ol0-S0prano: "Amoni the Thursday. Mrs. Kesler Graham. as follows. was .m. BEECH GROVE Fields of liaza.ret.n," Mrs. Henry Belcher and little enjoyed. Reading - Mrs. Mary smtt h MI'. B. V. Smith has been qui te 111 by MIas Jessie Gamel' grand-daughter are both quite 111 plano solo - SlTbara Barger; cornet, and confined to his bed, a t his home "EIUtl' VIUlIU':O OF CUBIIiT ~o. Flna.l. Full Cboru.&--CllOral: "0 for the pas t several da.ys. A little dBlJ8hter who Is known as at thls t1me. Chrlstmas carols Milton Jon e s; 'H erber' Graham. MlnJater bavlor when ,thJS lUe is o'u," Mr. a.nd Mrs. Frank Brown of Duet - Bunnel slsters; Brumonlea and ChOl'US In Oanon , lOrUl: Beth J!fllen, and welgha eIabt pounds. 9:30 a. m., Bible school selection - Ward Pummill; Duct ''',Wess1ng a.nd Honor and Ulur,)' became a member at Mr. and Mrs. TJpp Oity were Sunday and Monday 10.45 a . m.-Communion. James iM.oDonald, of w~~vllle; Rt. guests of Mr. and Mrs. Guy RoutTumbleson sisters; Marimba music , f rom the Alusla n !.slands a nd Gerand Power , be Wlto .tUm tnat 11 :00 a. m .-8ermon, 3. Wednesday. IDee. 6. , IISIIhn and son. and Mrs. Earl Men- The campbell children and Norma man souvenirs from G Cl1many sent .sltteth upon the .u,u-one," 8:00 p. m.-Preachlng. Mr. and MrB. Ch&r'lea Baines and 'denhall BInd I1tle daughter. Longacre; Acoordlan selection -Mrs. ,b y t,h e brothers of Mrs. Stanley f~ of Wa.ynesvllle. Were 8unCla.y l'i4r. and Mrs, EVerett FJ3rly. Mrs. Orville Young. of Dayton, a.nd an Ba11~y. FBlBNDIS Thursday evening, December 2Jat visl.tora ion. the MdDOnakl . hom iI. J. B. Jones. Mra. R06II Rololnd and interesting Chrlstmas readlItg, "The Those present tb cnjoy the cvenPlrst . Day school; 9 :30 a. m. 7 :ao o'cloclt. ~ Fathu Kl"\lmhOll2, at CiDlllJUla,t.!. was Mrs. EVer~tt Harlan attended Inllttle Mixer" by Mrs. Arthur white, lng were : Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Rye. Meeting for WorShIp, '1):90 ... m. CIilldr'en's Cantata Q mornii\a caller. stalla.t.l<m at the Eastern S tar a~ of Columbus. Mr. and Mrs. Gilbert Frye. Mr. and tBannah ,Jordan and Al! Jordan. Waynesville.• Monday evenlng. 'Candy and cooldes were served. Mrs. Stanley Bailey and daughter, "A loll,)' ChrIstmaa" ST. AUGUSTINE COUBCH were bU6Jneu vJsitors in Lebanon. 1Mr. and Mrs. Da.v1es or the GlenWEST WAYNE ADVISORY ·Ross Hartsock, Mrs. Earnest. Harlan, Fa&ber Krumholb, ,....., by CJlu!.rles H. Oa.brtel Ba.tI.Jrda¥. win Poultry> ·f arm, Mr. Fred Rush Mr. and Mrs. Irvin Mulford, and SundaY 9:00 a. m. \; Lee '1'alma4te Waa In Wllmi.ntfton and Mr. PoTest Thompson had C'ltTop Bow: COUNCIL 1\lEET WEDNESDAY son and da lu ghter, Mr. and Mrs. , Ooess1ontenalts T_tr'00'..A>""_ on ~ bualDeee trip. Mondla.y. . hlbltB ' of chklken& at The Fancy Donald Lynch Amid a Yu.Je-tlde setting In the Everett Early, Mr. and Mrs. Morris WAYNESVILLE CH~CH No. '1. ,P roc D ..... . ........,.., . 1Mr. and "" -. Leroy !lWa da"~bt- ,Feather Club ahow at Miaql4sburg Fu1k d h Mr (lHBl8T MarCh. No.2 Greeting Ohol'U8, Fui1 ..... " Seeond 1'01': home of Mr. a.nd Mrs. Brace · erson an daug ter. . and . The --......... ... Solo fully entertained a group at her re- last ' sunday. • Mary 'Mendenhall the West W.ayne Advlsory Co,unCl1 1Mr . s. Harold Whitaker .' and Francis . Ohol'U8. No.3" .. ~"".r-o . latlvea .. t:"- 0'~1_1r dinner, Frl""" , Mr: Harry Gilman. 69 years. a d Fredd h Mas Ran.. ·11 MlDlater ':1\ "~ Whait' 8ball be .. ...... ....,.... ....., enjoyed a Chrlstmas dinner meeting "an , , y. and t e host a nd hosand Cnorus. No. .. _ ......ft_. ' resident of Iqtle for several years, Third Bow: tess Bible SchOOl 9.30 a. m. - "-' ..... Solo "Al· "vl.n - - D. o-'th ..... returned to torrner.1o.· of lDayton. ' died Tuesday ""ft· is Wednesda~ . .. ...., ~-'" lJoya ....,.v " . Dec.ember 5. Done, 801o. No.. 5 . ...... . 6 S'ft""n.. .,..... 001 li h 1 ,Couunun,ton 10:45 a. IlL a.nd Ch~ru.s. iNO~ • us r. ......... her home here aUer iii v1s1t with re- morning at the MIddletown HOIIPital orOd g ts and hal y enhaonced Il.ARRY E. GILMAN PASSED PreachIng, .11 a. In. Solo. No. '1. Da.ya of 0hi1db00d, 8010. latlves In KeDtucq. ' ~avlng been taken ' there on Mon· . the holiday spirit of everyone ,pres" , lio. 8. \leeper BollI, M1D8treliI and , day. He had only been ill about umbus. Mr. and Mrs . .Robert S,lney. ent. ' AWAY TUESDAY, DECEMBE~ U Christian Endeavor 6:30 Chorus. No.9. Music fA.. tbe ~. ALLBN EMacK PA.8SBD three wee~. H~ Is survived ~ hls of Dayton a.nd Mr. !1nd Mrs, carl ~ter a .deUciou.s d1nner was served " Evening Sel'vlce 7:30 ' WnBtrela.a.nd Chorus. No. ,10. Match wlfe,.sara.n GUhens Gilman, a. dau- W . .!U~ht at ~k!In were dinner in the d1nlng room. election of bIHaniy E G1lma.n. age 66 of Way'Midweek Service. Wed. nlIht V:ao tPrOCeas1oD!U. No. ' 11. I boJl'~ IOnder• AWAY JIIBID~Y, D~EMBE8.' 8 IJhter, Mrs. &rold S~lDke a.n Q '8'Ue~ of Mr. and .MnI. Kesler Gra- f'icers for the new year followed. nesv1lle, a...Rt. 2, p assed a.way at the Vall are Invited to come and ~ratIuwt ~ No~ 12: aweet our· Sons, . seven grartdchi1" ....n. 'Funeral ser- ham. S';tturday evening and tpJoyed Middletown Hosplb.1l. Tuesday 10:00 ~ SolW'. No, IBmwulller I' Allen Emr1cIt, M, ~ _ . , riCes 'are, lncomP~ 'at tl)ls time. <the Christmllll pBl't,y . at the HClll. Those elected were: President, ,a . m, 'H e Is survived by h1s 'w1le,s8Jiy ' illip ,wlth 111. and ~ Ni 14. at. b1a hOme Prlda.., at . . Harold Whlt..lker; Vloe president .. one da.ughter · Mrs. Echo Steinke; ------the Poor, Solo o. . . Mr., and Mrs: ~Old , iWihIt.aker Allen EmrIck- Deatib ' Everett .Early; 8ecreta.ry. Irma F lye. one brother of Piqua.; seven grand": , MT. 1I0LLY M. B. CHIJaCU r B1esaed st.cJry. lJitUlt 0Iau and ~!..-0bJ0' . . . and Mr. and MrB. EVerett Early o.t, : and, Legislative agent. Harvey Rye; chlldren, • 't. M. Be..",. III...... CborUL No. 1'6. PaIry LeDd, The ~ ~ IIIl'ViY.Ol' Js his tend~ a dlnnet party of the DIscusAllen Dn.J1ck, age M years. one of lD\8cusslon leader. L&wrence Brown. Funeral services were held Frida" Sunday Scbool 0:30.... m. .. ANo. 16. Santa. 0lauI Js 'oomJ.lIIJ, SOlo . Io\ife, Nettle. lion Group at ,the home at Mr. and Lytle's mast respected citizenS. paa- . ' . . 'J _ and ·Chorus. No. · 1'1. banta~. Service. were held Mcmdll¥ at 2;00 Mrs CUftord Brace m Wa.yneavUle, sed away at his residence here early After the businef;S meeting the' 2.00 p . Il!.' at the · Lytle .MetbOdlsl; Worship ael'vlce a~ 10:10 A. M. 6010 lAnd Ohorua. No. 18. t'iG04 'Nilht p. lib at ~ Iqtle cburch, Wlth burlal OIl Wedneac:IaY evenlDlJ. Priday mom1ng. afer an l1lne8B of group enjoyed aeeinIJ a collection of' church with burial ~ Germantown Earnhart, Supt. " to All. 0l0II.QJr 0bGnIL J.u &be 1IIIIIDl~. . Mr. and Mrf. A. Eo WbUe. of-001. almost tbree ftAl'1. Be II 1Ul'91ve4 Jat:e.nese aouven1rs brouSht b&ck Cemeteq. ~ '1:10 ....


A Prayer Poem


Present'lng ...


·. .





• • •



. . . . . . ' Y' A









A Thrilliq Surprise For This Christmaa DO YOU know a YO\,lng houIlekeeper





make a home for a family of dolls

in this oharming Colonial )louse? It is easy to make from scraps of plywood or from panels \\ ilh slight flaws now available for «:i\>ilia.n use. It is even possible ' to make the front, partitions and

' . Smash_.e; d · forcements J·ap ReLn ' Nazi Strength,. Yanks Weok'en Iron 0 ut H .',uge H· . Lgh ay p rog ram

conscripting the bome army tor overseas service, It was expected to come only after one of the most ;...----~-- Releas.d by w ••t,,", NewlIPoper Union, i f th (EDITOR'S NOTE. Wile ... pl .. lolI~ ar •• I:'r ...... ID I" ..... Iamao ,,,., ar. tb ... or severe cr ses 0 e ,c ountry. Principal hostility to King'lI comWelI.rD Nnr. p·aper Valea·. n.... aDal,.I, and Dol u...... rll' of Ihtl "'.Ipaper,) promise proposal to send .over 16,000 of the home gu ~\rd to the European front to' bolslE~r the volunteer force came from the province ot Quellec. where the :E"re'tlch, long al· lowed to keep .thelr own speech and customs and religion, stood firmly on their traditional oppositlon to con· scription. where the rub came In WBS that King long has depended upon Quebec tor political support, and the province. almost to the last. pressed the prime minister to abide by hb government's earlier pledge against conscription for overseas service de. IIpite his obvious elffort to compromise by restricting the number ot draftees to 16,000. Despite Quebec's violent opposition, King relied upor. his compromise to draw some support from Its representatives to ride out the storm.








h _ _ for 111111..." •• nts

. ....... a ........ latlHnc....

.... auppl,. of cottoll IIHCI... ... tile _ .....ctll'. of tl,.. ............ '1I1t.I i.r h • ..,.. , Accurat. Ilr. Inflation

'_e IIOW "'11ft ev.r before. Too mucft pr_e encourag., Impact breaks, faa 1I"1e causes .xc••


ond heol-a heavy mil..

age wolfer. A _pll..... to .... tocIt1IIda.. ,..,...Illtl. fa' til. . . ... ....nt of ....... ....... tile fad tho. tiro. aMi ...... ,,~ulrod 1t1 .... U. ..

0nI _ _ D.p.r .........r. ...... II ... c•• co..,...... to a lUltetlt... .... lICIt.ral


Worst Crisu

W .

other special fealures to fit book shelves that you may h ave now. Anoth~r important feature of this house is that it fits into a 28',2 inch space against the wall, where it 'Won't b e stumbled over. Yet it is Hght enough to be moved Supported by taDks In the rear, U. S. Infa.lirymcD advance near GeUeDabout. The convenient lower kircheD inside GermaDY OD westeI'D froDt. shelves are an aid in k eeping any pl!iy spot orde rly and, when doll days are over, the house also may be turned into shelves for books Smash Reinforcements Baule 01 Attrition and trinkets. To the Nazis oelng pressed back Despite the fact that ground fight. Ing on Leyte Island stalled In bad to the Rhine. the great llattles ragNOTE-Pattern 213 gives UJustrnted dl· weather, with November rainfall to· ing along the western front were rections and dImensions for making the taling 23'k inches. there was no lull " the most ferocious in all history." To doughboys of the U. S. Ninth eomblnnUon doll house nnd shelves shown in action in th ~ PhiUppines. here: alllo actual·slze ouUlne drllwinRl for First. Third and Seventh armies, As Jap General Yamashita tried the doors. wIndows. shutters. flreplnce and views Into UR·to·dote kltc:hen and bath. to · take advant.3ge of the inclement slogging forward in heavy gush, DlrecUons for c:oloring these f~n tures and weather to reinforce his beleaguered they were the hardest of the war, gluing them in pla·c:e. making flower boxes troops on Leyte, U. S. airmen rose with desperate resistance encounand other details are Inc:luded, To let tQ combat enemy transports plough. tered at every step. , this pattern. address : With airplane activity limited by Ing through western Philippine waters to Ormoc. In one long assa ult somber skies and r ainfalls. the batMRS. RVTH WYETH SPEIUlS on a convoy, U. S. aviators sank 10 tle was lleing fouglil along the Bedford mil. New York enemy transports. sending 4,000 ground, with heavy U. S. field arDrawer 10 troops to the bottom, and bringing tillery and big, rumbling tank. pourEnclose 15 ccn).s for Pattern No 273. to~al .Tap losses In reinforcement at. ing their"deadly fire Into enemy en!:fame . ............................... . tempts to 26 ships with a tonnage of trenchments to clear the way tor the doughboys of the infantry. 92,750 and 21.000 men. Addn!s. .. ........................... .. Altbougb General Patton'a MeanwhUe, B·29s continued their Third army aboul the Saar, aDd raids ovel' the Tokyo industrial area, General Patch's Seventh army encountering moderate opposition. east of the Vosces, maintained Infuriated by the ~omblngs, chatbeavy prellare OD Nazi UnM, the focal point 01 acUon centered OD the Ninth and First army (ront. betweeD JuUch and Duren. East of the small. llut strategic, Roer river. IJoth of these towns are vItal communications centers, with elaborate highways running in from the Rhineland to feed other roadways running to the north and south. M the great battle of ottritionwearing dOWD-rose In tempo, this Wghway network was vital to the Germans in rushing troops and ma;lerials to the endangered frOJlt, and then transferring them to the north and south. Indicative of the great pressure _~_____________

Was Star of Bethlehem A1thoug~ pU.d81. lPrlme Minister A Natural Phenomenon? MacKenzie KJng 10loked W a vOte Astronomers Disagree of confidenoe from Canada's pa~lIa­ ment over the question of PlIl'lIally


newl commentators that "albino apel'·\ parachuting onto Japanese soil trom dls· tressed ' Superfortresses would be "killed on the spot by angry people." '


· I aps Ga~n


this aector was the report that hle opponent, foxy Fjeld Marshal von Rundstedt, had transferred troops from the Dutch front to the JulIchDuren sector to cope with the Allied powerhouse. No 80dfi1r had the report come through than it was announced that Canadian troops had taken the field on the Dutch front, increasing AIlied pressure llack in this sector, and· giving ' the German Wgh command no rest. 810Wed In their IroDtal aa..uU on Budapest, Ruwan annlea 'croued the Dlllube to the 10Dth of the Bunprlaa ca.,. ltal ito thrut ODe lpearhead aorthward toward the embaUled cllT and another _tward toward the AUltrl!Ul IroDU~r, leu t ; ; 110 mUM a_7~

With the greater number unknown heroes, U. S, sondiers, slogging through the mush on the western front iIito Germany, are only Identified in the mass as members of the various army un.lts driving onward. Included in Genl!ral Simpson's 9th army batWng lalong the Roer river were the 2nd armored division, the 29th. 30th and 102~d infantry divisions, organized In the 19th corps. With General Hodges' 1st IIrmy fighting east of' Aachen were the 3rd and 5th armored divisions. and lst. 2nd, 3rd, 4th, 8th, 9th, 28th, 38th, and 104th infantry divisions, organized in lith. 7th, and 8th (:orps. Ge.neral Patton's 3rd army driving Into the Saar included the 4th, 6th and 10th armored divisions, and lith, 26th, 35th, 60th, 90th and 95th infantry divisions, organized In the 12th and 20th corps. . Fighting alongside the French In General Patch's 7th army east of the Vosges were the 3rd. 36th, 44th, 45th. 71~th, 100th and 103rd U. S. infantry divisions, organized in 6th a:nd 15th corp•. Among other unlts reported on the western front were the 82nd and 101st U. S. ,a irborne divllions and the 7th 1IJ. S. armored and 94th U. S. infantry divisions.


. . Into 'Actlon

... full ;VlctorJI

Fai Call: Seven 'hundred and seventy-five thousand ,dollars ' in war bonda waa the sale value of a pure bred Holstein bull calf at· Omaha recentlY. A life iJjslir~ce company in Omaha. "lJought" the calf fQr $3(10 000 In bonda and then they offered it for I.le again with the Dougla. County Dairy Breeders association - paying $375,000 for the animal, which they will put In .ervlc.!,

• • •

To obtain crocheUng InstrucUons for tho Bluebird and COIno z-y Bird Cage Potholderl {Pattetn No. 5709l. actual size bird, color chart for embroidery lend 16 c:enll 111 coin, your nom!" address and the pattern Dumber. Due to an unusunlly lorHe demand and current war conditions, ~l1ghtly more time I. rOQulred In filling orders for 0 few of lhe most popular pattern numbers. SEWlN'O e IltCl.!'! NEEDLEWORK 530 Soulb Wells 51, Cblcalo,

Enclole 10 cunl. for P Itern No. _ __ _ __ ____ ____ _ _ __


- .~

Il a small article h as fallen into THESE unusual bird cage pot some hard·to-get·at place, use '. holders will add a gay note wad of chewing gum stuck on the to your kltchen . Each one is 71k e nd of a long stick to get at it. inches high, and they're not a bit

Tree for armed (orcea In Iceland. IItar had been : and 's ince Tycho Brahe discovered his famous nova in 1572, many ~cw stars bave been tentatively identlJled as the. Star of Bethlehem. Jupiter, Mars, Sa turn. and Venus are planets visible to the naked eye. Computation has figured that Jupl. ter. Mars and Saturn were in conjunction in the year 7 to 6 B, C, as such a phenomenon occurs about every 800 years; it is impossible to include Venus and still conform to the biblical account wWch places the Star in the East since Venus is most conspicuous in the western horizon. Modern astronomers do not attach much weight to the foregoing hy. potheses Such phenomena would ocCll!' too far from the earth to serve as a local guide and, seen in the same direction from any point on the 'e arth·s surface, would not stand-as the billlical Star of Bethlehem.


An easy way to cont dou ghnut. with sugar is to place the m in • Skiing as a Sport paper sack with powdered sugar, Although skis h ave been used as Shaking the bag will do the rcst. a means of tra vel, especially by Do you have an old eye-glass armies, for at least 4,000 years, as evidenced by a runner of that case around that' isn't in use? age now in the Nordiska museum Employ it as a r e d and blue rain Stockholm, skiing did not be- tion t oken holder. come a sport, even in the Scandinavian countries, until 1860. Il needles are scarce, ' open up The sport did not become one of the old pin cushions and popular in the Unjte d States until doubtlessly you will find a numalter 1920. ber of n eedles embedded there.


Tips oil Carving

Smiling ,Diplomat Melder atatesman 'Cordell Hull, '13. passed ,from the presidential as sle cretary will assumed by pe.rsonall1e Edward h--..... Stetltinlus, 44, anothe·r of the nation's big business men who have mad e good recently in


With government outgo. In the first nine monthl of the present a.· cal year ending in July totaUing $82,000.000,000, and . receip~ equalling $35,000,000,000, Vncle Sam will be forced to borrow $47,000.000,000, War Finance Director Te~ Gamble .~ld. . Of tlt,e $JI2!000,DPo,~IOP, G.a mbel revealed, $72,000,000,000 will . be ~t on the war alid' ottlle'r governmeDt uses, whUe $10,000,000,000 will resent mone)' needed t.o redeem cUrIUel maturing Wltbla the nlDf monthl.


complic'ated to mBke. One has. yellow canary-a bluebird is in the other "cage"-all in a single crochet stitch ,

Yanks in Battle

WAR BONDS Meai: The largest production of be'e f and veal on record tor any November wall made at federally 'inspected ~eat packing plants .lallt DlPntb, according to a review, pf the llvestock and meat situation toda,. by \be" American Meat institUfe. Total pro.d uction of· all meat Jalt mcmth wII'l,539,OOO,000 pounds., Thla wal IS per "ent more than that produced en October.



Use . the corn popper to toast odd bits of stnle .brea d ,



ill the week'. new,

1!!7'S 9


Addrcs:s."_ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ _

Pushed to the wall in the Philip· governmental ranks. ~~§::=~==::!.....!:~~~~~~ Son of a Morgan pines, the Japs had llettet luck in portner, Stettinlus, Finding the joint. without bac~ China, where 'Chiang Kal-shek's ar· Edw.8tettinlllll talk·e d out of join- Ing up the bird la the hallmark of mies were hard put to it In an ating the ministry, W tempt to lllunt an enemy drive lltarted his own bUlllness career in a ski uI poultry carver. He CIII aimed at cutting the Burma road IltaDd or slt to hla taak, whichever the ltock room of a roUer·bearing il more cOnifortable. Poultry Ipeto Chungking. works, then rose rapl.d ly aa vice pres- claUltll of the 11. 8. ilepartment of Thrusting westward from theil' Ident ot General Mc.tors and, at 37, agriculture oller thMe tlpe: aorth·south juncture at Liuchow, as chairman of the U. S. Steel cor. where they :loined to seal of! the Have UJe platter tlet OD the taporatlon. SmUing, hearty and blunt, whole eastern Chinese coast, Jap Stettlniua has been \!biefl,. noted for ble with the lep 01 the roaat turco1wnna stood about 100 mUe. from his ability in handling people. key or chicken pointing either the Burma road, key cQrnmunlcaSecretary of State for 12 years, atralcht toward Y01l or toward tiona line linldni much of the 10Uth· Hull held the post longer than any your carvlnr haDd. A wedre 01 em part of the country. other American in Watory before bread or apple uder each aide of A. the Japs pressed forward, they .j.JJo~;" out by ill health. In ..e_ bird wID lltead,. it lor c&rvlar. claimed 150,000 Chinese troop. were l.fojletJ!J,· " Ends Ir-he worked for' a freel' world a clean cat between the falUng back on the big Wghway basWith the death of 65-year-old Justrade through his rE~ciprocal agree- bod,. and the lee and rive a aIIiht tion of Kweiyang, where a strong tice Edward C.' Eicher of Iowa, the mentll. and from the first advocated twllt OD tbe end 01 UJe drumltlck. Itand was expected to block any seven-month-Iongj and at times far- use of force tor the luppres8ion of II the bird .. cooked Just rlrht, drive further northward toward clcal, sedition trial of 26 defendants aggression. An old line southerner iIIe leg wID thea aeparate euUy Chungking, Kal·shek's headquaretr.. In WashlDgton. D. C., came to an In a new deal government, Hull was from the bod,. 110 ,.011 caD aee the abrupt end, with 11m all chance of joint aIllI cut throlllh It to the mGHWAYS: considered a .tempel~inl factor in a ou"'de. 'lbe lee of a duck or resumption. liberal administration. ' Although government counsei said ,oose Ia more dUllcuJt to dlaJolnt Postwar Project the trial could go on il both the U. S. than Ihe ler 01 a chlo"ea, turke,. Following separate action by lloth defendants ag~eed to the lIelecor plDea, A cood carver leavea houses, senators and representatives and tiOD of another judge, It was recalled Up Again lDtact the tidbit pear the blklkbo~e got together in the nation', capital With income from crop. 10 per to ,ettle on a definite po.twar fed- that a federal court previously had cent greater than last year, and re- called the "o,..ter." Separate the eral highway program, the tlrst ma- ruled that justice required comple- ceipts from livestoc.k and Uvestock clramllUok and upper joint, aDd of a case lly.the same judge and alice the ler ·meat of a larle bird. jor public works project planned tion j ul'1 and no lIubstitutions coull1 be proQucts 4 per cent m"ore, farm in· 8tart the wID, cut at a lpot for .peacetime. made, even with consent.. 'i1l\~S, the come for the tlrst 10 months of 1944 above the }IolDt where the win, After the senate had approved of government was faced with the al- totalled $18,430,000,000, ., per cent leem. to Join the body. Cut at an the expenditure of $450,000,000 an- ternative . of IItarting new procecd- above the .Bme pedod in 1943, the angle 01 about t5 degreea to hit nually for three years after the war !!lgs. U. S. department of ajriculture re- &be Joint. 'lbe wIDe la aometlmea for construction' of rural, secondary Even though the trial or the 26 ported. ao& eDUrel,. aeparated from the and urban hlghways, the house de~endant., accused of trying to un- At the lIame time, the USDA .ald careUl but drOPped down 110 . . passed a bill providing for $500.000,- dermine the morale of the U. S. that farm pricel, whIch . have on4' to leave the breaat tree lor aile000 annually for three years. . armed forces and establish a Nazi changed about 2 per cent within the lar. Under both versions, states would form of government in this country, last year, would probably remain 8Hce the breut meat of turhave to contribute an equal amount had already taken up seven months, exceptionally stable for leveral keys, cblckens aad pine.. para'" more months. ' . of money for road projects, and ,government .c ounsel revealed that lei to &be outside lurlace, al~ lumS would be distributed through- at least six more .months would be With the 1944-'45 dome.tic supply the pain 01 the meat. Cut the out the country on the llasls of re- necessary to complete presentation Or the lour principal feed grain. put gipnal Importance. Under the house of Its evidence. With defendants' at 132,500,000 tons, the USDA de- breast meat of ducks aDd reese acro.a the cralD 01 the meat at bill. for instance, $775.000.000 would attorneys expected to consume an clared that not only would all re.rlCht angles to the rldre bODe, be allotted for rural hlghways, $450,- additional three to six months, the quirementa lle met" but additioDl 000.000 for secondary roads and case .promlsed to lost about a year would be made .to .re.servell, cut .ub~ after runlng the blade of the stantia.Ily in the 1941.-'43 feed :r.eara. ~e uder the Seab to lootleD U. $375.000,000 for urban arteries. and a hail.

HI G H L I G H T S •••

Unusual 'Bird Cage'

Four astronomical hYPotheses have evolved from the consideration of the Star of Bethlehem as " natur. al phenomenon-specifically the possibilities of its having been a meteor, a comet, a new star, or the conjunction of two or more planets, A meteor is a very transient and local phenomenon. Under no cll'· cumstances could a meteor be visl· ble for more than a few seconds and one large enough to attract the attention of. ordinary observers would bave had its place of· impact commemorated. Tradition credits Hipparchus with having noted. In 134 .B. C .• a brilliant new star where previously no




8napdragon Game Snapdragon, stBi played In a modi. aed form in England and America wall a ~avorite Christmas game U; England more than '200 years ago The original game caUed for ~ QuimtIty of raisins to be depOSited In a 'large' IJowl or ·dish. ' Brandy or .ome other .plrlt wu poured over frUit and 19i1ited. The b1ltandlh~ eqdeavored to grasp a r&!- ' by p)~ their hand. ·throup flamea. A carol called "Tbe Soag of SnaPdragon" accompanied the lame.

IWIIle. ",lIr'" ........ Is ".1.1 •••• ttl...... .

eoutipatioll may m'ake 8IIlOIIe a Mr. or MrL Oluin. TabNature'aReIned.Y (NR

~). CoDtAiDanochem-

bIa, no miDerals, no phenol derivative&. NR Tablet. are cWl'ereDt-Qct diflereut_ P,ftl, w,ecablc-a eomblaat.iOllof 10 veptableiape-


Ifl JO.NlGHf, JOMOIIOII AllIOHf ...iiiI...iiii

Thunda,. December 14, 11«

"KI,aT.' lell;. Mis.rles of Yoar


As He Sleep.

Now most young mothers use this modem way to relieve miseries of a child'. cold. Even as you rub it on, Vicks VapoRub Itar1s to soothe Irritation in nose nnd throat. loosen phlegm, ease coughing. Then, as baby sleeps, VapoRu6 ••' _

P'NITRA71$~; to upper bronchial .~.

tubes with its spedal medicinal vapors.

!. .,

$7YMU~,~ chest and back "$ surfaCD like a warming poultice. -:;;:;:...~;.,;.;~.c:.;.;... Often by morning most ofthe mIsery of the rold is gone. Remember, Mother •• _


- .. ~

Simple, Durable Toy~ Please Child Most ~:.


PArents and relatives doing their Christmas shopping tor the children should pick toyS on a btlli. of w)lat the toys do for the child. and not on producer of musicals in the basls of color. design. or appear· Is trying to equal Fio ance, according to Mra. Ruth D. IZJ,q1felJtl!. record. for no one Morley, extension speclallst In child discovered more beautiful girls training at Massachusetts' State col· than Flo. lege. , "Toys are tools at play, that Flo picked 'em for his Broadway .erlous business of childhood," say, shows, but sooner or later-It was the speclalist. I usually Booner-the studios signed "Buying toys economically means 'em up on contracts and mad~ 'em buying fewer toys. but selecting screen slars. . them more carefully," continues Strangely, too, many of th.ose 10!'. Mrs . Morley. "This means that tOYS claus blonde. brunetie and should be well constructed and duo stunners ended rable so that they will not be dam· tbelrcareerstrag. aged In the hard usage of normal Ically. Seems the play. Children become attached to candle of life their toys, and enjoy using them for burned too bright· a long time. ly tor them, as "In selecting toys, It is well to most at the loveeonslder what the child already has. Iy moths flnally Often a new toy added to a child's bur ned t h 8,1 r assortment will make the old toys win g son the more useful and more interesting. Harne of fame. For example, If a chUd who already Irene Dunne evaded the "Zieg· Flo ZIegfe1d reid curse" o~ heartbreak. She s one of the sue· cessful girls who started with Flo. This last season she has appeared In pair or screen hits. Irene will commence a comedy at Co: IJU,nlllU·-"Over 21," based on Rutb Gordon's stage hit. Irene Dunne. incidentally, Is aI lucky In private life as she Is professlonally. She married Dr. Fran. cis Griffin In 1927; they have one adopted ,daughter, Mary Frances, and they re all very happy, thank



u,.l •• " •• ", ••• ,.

race and Dignity in This Frock LESSON .-.- umper Frock a Figure-Flatterer

By HAROL.D L . LUNDQUIST. D . D. Of The Moody Bible InsUtute 01 Chlca,o. lIeleaaed b)l WH1~rn NewiSPGper Union.

8712 iI-II

V Ie K S


GfIla~~D~. :1'


" Lite and profession must be In accord. To ,follow Christ means more than embraCing a creed, or following . rltual · ~ for dally living of





JIi d

d Ci IEJiSb pld!.h••1 Uicn

(loo. La c .. Mld,o' Blblo-Post"gC slomp alze-Ca rry II alwll Ys . Postpn ld ~c. GROVER P UBLICATIONS no BarU.U • San Franclloo. Calif.

HOGS DunoeS-Rer. Op~n (lilt. ; wonnllng pigs; low. h usky e"sy.feedlnj{ type . JONAS N. HERSIIDER(lER. Barton. Obi ••


• Due to nn u nusually la rg e demand and current war condilions, s lig htly more Urn. I. required In filling orders for 11 fe w of the mosl populor pattern numbers.

Send your order to: SEWING CIRCLE PATTERN DEPT. Z30 South Weill St. ChlcalO Enclose 25 ce nts in cQInS for eacb p attern desired. . Patte rn No ................ . Slze ..... .

Name .. .•••••••.••••••.••• ; ••.••••••••

Address . ...... ... ................... ..

For Joyful Cough Relief~ Try This Home Mixture

Saves Ble Dollars. No Cooldnc.

Thla splendid recipe III used by mUllons every year, because It msk_ BUch a dependable, etfectlve medicine tor coughs due to coldS. It la 80 ea.tJ: to mlx-a child could do It. From any druggist. get 2". ounoea of ,Plnex. a IIllBcl1ll compound or proven ingredIents. in concentrated torm, well·known for Its soothing effect aD throat and broncblal m,embrancs. Then make a syrup by stlrrtng two cups ot gmnulated sugar and one cup or water a. few moments. until dtasolved. No cooltlng needed. Or YOU caD uSe corn syrup or liquid honey, InItead at sugar syrup. Put the Plnex Into a pint bottle and add your syrup. This gives you a fUll pint or cough medicine, very dedi" and qulck·actlng, and you lrOt about tour times Ill! much tor your money. It never spoils, and la very pleasant -ilhlldren Jove It. You'll be amazed by the way It hold or coughs, giving quick 100sen8 the phlegm. soothes tated membranes, aod helps air passages. Money doesn·t please in every way.

Mighty Good Eating!


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• •


Vai,e' St.t.. Em,/o,mu, S.,.,Jee. ·

Auto M"oballioa un. PaInter_AttentionWe have openings lor 2 good mech a nIcs anel 2 pointers; top p a y, excellent working c:ondlUons. vacaUons with pay. ycn r.end bonus. mInimum fu n r a nte • . Qucen City Chevrolet I. a swel , friendly pl a ce to work. See Mr. Flory. Queen C;lty Chev rol.t. SUa ... Syeamore, CloolonaLi. O. Ph. PA-4880.

LESSON TEXT-Calatlans 5: 22 . 11:10. GOLDEN TEXT-If we Uve tn the S~lrlt. let l UfI.. alao walk In the Splrlt.-




Fact0fl Worker_No experlenco n ecelt-


6 66

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come and see us. we have m a ny vJtnJ w a;r lobs open. with good p a.y. Applicant. must have ret~rral cllrd trom USES .. Amul .... Fam,., lila., 120): F ,lndlny . Clnclnn.. lI. O.







D EPA R T· ld E: N T .-

Lealon for December 17

Herein Christianity dltTers from a 11 other religion's. n Is a llving dal 'double action. It's time-tested. faith in a living Lord-which pro. home-proved • , • the best known home duces a living testimony. Such a life remedy for reliev. 111: ing mls.eries of I. Spiritual (Gal. 5 : 22.26). cbIJdren s colds. V A PO AU. The Christian receives his new ute through the ministerinl~ of the Holy Spirit. Since that Is true. "let us also walk by the Spirit" (v. 25). Ev. ery child 01 God (nof just a few , as 50me suppose) Is to live this kind of splritunlly fruitful life. The works of the flesh horrible in their wickedness and 11I;t are Usted in verses 19.21. and thE~n by striking contrast we have the fruit 01 the Spirit in the life of the Christian. Note the distinction: work Is something we produce; fruit Is something that grows. Walking iri the Spirit the Christian in his life the inward graces love, joy. and pea ce, These then THIS graceful a nd dignified PaDlette Goddard is another who themselves outwardiY In afternoon frock for the matron started as a Zlegfe1d girl Paulette long suffering, kindness, goodness, be perfect for all those occa. was In "Rio Rita." She came here faithfulness, meekness, and self· can· when you want to look nicer as a blonde showgirl to appear In trol. The Spirit·filled man Is not ever. The softly gored skirt has a set of building blocks receives the line of some of the early Eddie only a good man, he llves a good scalloped finish on collar and a toy boat. the blocks immediately Canlor musical fllms . Paulette was Ute. l "l,~p'JP" are pleasing detail s. become piers, boat·houses, bridges, ambltlous-sttn is. She married II. Gentle (Gal. 6: 1).. • • • etc." CharUe Chaplin, appeared as his Christiantlty Is not harsh and un· On the other hand, new toys can leading lady In "Modem Times" and forgiving toward one who haa alve children wholly new Ideas, the "The Great Dictator," and pr'oa- .inned. Certainly there can be noth· 1 SYMBOL OF speCialist points out. "Children pered even more after she left his ing but stern condemnation or can· EVERLASTING LOVE,SEARCHED should hllye toys that develop both board l'nd pictures. Paulette I. cur· tinued, flagrant, Impenitent slnninl. FOR YEARS FOR HER LOVER-Jumper Frock bodies and minds. They need toys rently under contract to But toward the one who has failed. FOUND HIM IN A POORHOUSE, HE jumper dress is a figure· to use when playing alone as well and Is married to Actor the winsome attitude <of loving res· flatterer for every age. This WHERE HE DIED IN HER ARMS, as toys to use wben playing with Mere4ltb, toration should be the first reaction. model has bro ad shoul· other ohildren." VlrrtnJa Bruce still appears In pic. There Is good re aso~ for this, for and trim waist to give you Stating that children get their flrst tures. Vlrglnla Is wealthy In ber God ·is kind, and ChrIst would not popular new T·square look. ideas of beauty from their toys and own right but her life has h.a d quench the smoking flax (Malt. novelty buttons for the clever THIS FAMOUS everyday surroundings, Mrs. Morley many tragic moments. Her mar. 12:20), Then who are we, weak and MODERN M~IO urges that these familiar materials i with John Gilbert ended on ralUble human beings, to treat an shoulder treatment anti side·button closing. A smartly tailored IS' A SYMBOL. OF be designed with the principles of ~~g:oCkS. They had one child. Her erring brother with h ardness? blouse is included in the pattern. art in mind. Although toys need happy marriage to Director J. Wa1- III. lUnd. CGal. 6:2·:». THE PUIUT'r' AND not be works 01 art. neither do they ter Ruben ended In despair when he We are to help the br'other in need, • WHOLESOME have to be grotesque. They should dled suddenly. They had a child, too. lift his burden and bE~ar It for him Pattern No . 8712 comes In sizes 11 . 12. GOODNESS OF 13, 14, 16 and 18. Sue 12, jumper. requires be simply and tastefully colored, ' (v. 2). At the same time do not go 11. yards of 54 inch malerlal; blouse. NU-MAID# THE. and be pleasing to the eye. F,om Tear. to Ciaeer. expecting anyone to bear short sleeves, l'~ yards of 35 or 39 inch ONLii MIIR.GARINE "Toy. should alve children a Funle Brlce, currently making burden (v. 5>' Ask .God tor material. . CERTlFIEO BV ITS chance to experiment, to try out one of ber rare appearances before and bear It yourself. It your NI'-KER. TO :8£ their own ideas, and develop their tbe movie cameras In "Ziegfeld Fol· helps you-good. It not, do II d f V I ·'r"BL.E~GAADE: own skills. Some mechanical or lies," Is a big radio name through not be offended. Too many Chris. Taxes Cance e or a or merely ornamental toys do DOt do her Baby Snooks character. Fannie tians expect others to help. The town of Bahadarpur in this. An elaborate mechanical toy was never a be'auty, but she soared TOen there Is the Dleed tor klnd- Patiala, India, recently had its A'}toutlo"t-, u.. OIIIy Morgorln_ tho", plolllly finally bores a chUd, or else en. to fame as a comedy star. Although ness in thinking of oneself, aDd one's taxes canceled for a year because lab.led ''Toblt-Grod•• '' That', NU·MAID, courages him to abuse it by pulling Fannie's career has been perennial, neighbor. Pride 'ls self·deceptlon (v. a local soldier won the Victoria olll for II, It apart'~ , her private life' hasn't .been all or· 8) . It puts God against us (Jame. cross. aw"',dlurntd· chld~ and ~rmlne. She broke her 4:6). We wl11 have no time or occa· 'rtlh !lavor. heart over the man she married, lion to judge our neighbor if we Children Are Content to Nicky Arnstein, wben be went to bonestly appraise our own life (v. Mak Th 'r Own To jail. She was once Mrs. Bllly Roae, 4). e el ys that didn't work either. IV. Honorable (v. 6). Like to make toys? It is Interest· ing to see how many dlfterent Gorgeous OUve Thomas was In While the Christian wllI not be ~gs can be made from a few several' sbows , for Flo, and later lIeeking any glory OIT reward for scraps of wood. Because these ob- lltarred In sUent picture. for Lewi. himself, he will alway!> be honorable jects are made to come apart. they J. 8elsnlck, David's father. In caring for those who serve him may be assembled to represent dlf· OUve 'marrled :rack Pickford, Ma· the gospeL Salvatio,n Is free, and =:~SZo" terent animals. By !Simply chang· ry's kid brother, and died tragically true preacher or t.eacher of the Ing the head and tall around, .as is of an overdose of sleeping powder. gospel would set a price on it. But done with the cow in the yard, the In a PariS hospital. Pretty, dainty the necessities of life must be proposition 01 the animal Is easlly MarUyn MlUer .larred In "Sally" vided. and It Is the obllgation of the, changed. and "Sunny" on the stale before one who Is served to "communi· U81l " The bodies 01 the animale, POIU, abe repeated thole IUccelll8S for the cate" of that which !he has to hi. trees, and other objects are cut trom oameras. Marilyn, too, mamed teaching brother. • length of flve-eJghths Inch square Jack Pickford, and the ceremony It need hardiy be said that If the _ Cold Pftpal!J~ CII ~ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _--"_ _ _ _ _ 1white pine. while the legs, neck, oal1!ed a breach with Flo. The marhad obeyed this and aIm1lar rlale didn't last 10Dg, ended In !U. found In many places ~~~~~nffi~nnmrn~~~~~~~~I~,w~~~~othavethe ministry, sbe died. and of Neue, a Dull Moment ImlSSlorlarles waiting to 10 with no Ina Claire Is best known 81 a money to send them. ~Let us be hon· stale atar ot drawing room comedy. orable about thJs matter. but Ina was a Ziegfeld las8 'way V. CODslstent (GaL 6:7, 8). back In "Foilles 01 1916." Ina's of!· There Is an Inexorable law whlcb atase-and·screen life has been tem· brings only the harvest whicb Is pestuou8, and leveral of her mar· planted. Too many Christians are rlales have ended In divorces. Now trying to reap the fruH of spiritual. Ina Is happily wed to a San Fran· Ity when they have sown only the claco lawyer. seed of indifference and worldllnes •. BUDe Burke, who was not only It can't be donel Flo's wife but the alar ot one of hi. SeH will is always strulglinl laU and ,1mJlar pal18 are made musicale (stranlely, a flop) oaned God's will In the life of the • ,_ "lira • have Jow reslstaDa! to from akewen like those which come "AnnIe Dear," .Wl plays dizzy mao an. Sowing to tlhe flesh mean• colds aDd mlDor lDs-cluo to lacIr. of tile In candY all~ay luckers. These trona In 1Uma, alao OD the air. BIl· 1ieldlng to self. And the result? Cor. ;\'ltal E1emeD~1IG11Iral A It D V1tamfnI measure one-ellhth Inch In !Uame· Ue'. stage career , goes back to ruption. Yes, even Irll the life of a -try taking ·'0od.IlUIht, Scott's Ernul- ter and are cut to the length ra- Charle. Frohmaza. How muclh there is at lion cIaiJy the year aroandJ N allow sur- Qulred for the particular job In hand. Lope Veles, who made 10 many that, and how It hinden God'. workl 'ley Ihows .. 40do" recommencl The fence posts are cut two Inches "Mexican Spltftte" , fllm., was In There Is here the Important truth &ott's to IIeJp 1;IuIld up redstance, briDe long, and ho]el are drWed to take "lJotcha." The vehement Velez was that the one who sows .to the Spirit back CDav and .taminal Buy Sc:oU_ three·slxteenths Inch maple dowela. married to loium7 We1am1lller and reaps eternal life. That s~eaka of today-at an clruglsUl For a atealaht run of fence, the divorced after a tempestuous period lalvation Itself, but It also speaks H'$ fiOOD-TASTIIII boles are drilled at right anlles. The of marital .• of spiritual development. gate POlt. are drilled only haH way There are dozens and dozens of VI. DlUgent (Gal. 6:9, 10). through. "Follie." graduate., lome whose It has been said that we have A hobby borse can be made With Uve. are happy, lay and IUCCesaful, three classes in the churcb-work· a broom stick, fastened to a wooden othen wboso Uvea .were ~ied up in ers, jerkers and shirkers. The shirk· horae's head made trom .a box and eventual disappointment and defeat. er does nothing. One 'lVonderl wbeth· It s~ems sad that so many beauU· er he Is really saved. since .there II painted. The diagram shaWl thls hobby horae may be made and fUl girls who had sO much ot this DO Ilgn of lIle. The worker I. the the picture llulw. bow It looks when world's good. ende~ by really hav· one upon whom one .:an always decompleted. . Ina 10 Uttle happlnes.. pend. The jerker ]s' the one wbo • • ., iakes hold mightily, and then I. lone Ill... Not lor ,P,,,'ote. . when you moat need him. ~ . A Desert Tree ..You coulil cut 9ulte a 'play from Christian Hvlng at Ita belt calla Stran,est 01 aU Chrlltmas tree. the laDg whn gav, Pvt, Robert Por- tor consistent, . persistent, dilliet I. the caCM. The .tately but thorny te~lcl a trurpriae ahIpplng-out par- application to the work ot God-DOt and leafle.. caCM, however, mIght t7. Those who sent .him of! were only today, but tome>rrow, and .the be the only tree for IiO mUes. the ZacIaarJ Scotti, lack Lea, Grec· next day, .~d the nutl It Ii just a atra1~t trunk, with or erJ Pecu, WllUam ~es, loa . Note the IUgg~8tl.on of specIal without one or 'more "arms'" '0 ,. B~k, .lime Butei', ' MarJorie thougbtfulnes. towaltd , <Jt.!.r f,Uow branChe', aD serrated' and covered II..... Be. . . Ro,Ie, lames BUtoa, Christiana (v. 10). Some folk opel' with VicioUi needle-len,ua thol'Dl. ...rr~.· W,ober.,. and lira. JolID ate on the oppoSite Iprlnclple. Th., But a few baubles 01 ,..... Ibme Crav~ ' Bob'. been p]annlng post- treat their fellow bE!Uever. with a featQona 01~ .uver aDd lold t1n1el, war veteraD theater II'OUIII aU over UWe extra coldness'-I .peclal derlb))oDa and co~ and the '''&ombo the COUDtQ, aeem. thole idea. am of susplclon .aDd criticism. That ......". Our UIMi1y of tile deHrr' II a CbrlItmu abould come from , a bra.s hat. So aurel7 il 'not ChrlatiaD Uvlna ' at Ita .., U. I. W_ 80ncII .' Itclae tiee lit aD truth. beJDI IbIpped to Texas. beit.

ONLY VAPORUB Gives You thfsspe-


POULTRY ~~~ET!~n~I~~~. C~I.A:'C~e~Odr..~1 I~~O'.;';

Lellhorn, Bnrred and While Rock chick. at ordinary h a tchery prlc,,!. Also MlnorOll· Leghorn Cross with TownHne Leghorn breeding . Write fo . Frce educational cot,,· log lllustrn tlnl! Townllno breeding. Tow ... lIoe Poullr1 Farm. Doa II-N. Zeeland. Mlcb.

SALES DISTR1BUTION AUentlon Manufactarer. : If )IOU hnvo any. thing of quoUty th otl. w orth· whlle m llrket.· Ing but la ck 80les distribution or fin once, ple ase write to Mr. FreeJ1) nn. K ... F. 01.. Irlbull", Co •• 1830 E. ZS rd S t., Cloveland. O.

Directions in Sections Slwuld N of Con/use Him The salesman asked a farmer the way to the nearest hotel. "You turn left at the schoolhouse," the farm er . advised. "Then go straight ahead till you come to Gad Shor's house. Then take the left fork in the road and keep on for five miles." "That' s clear," 'th e salesman said. "Where does that bring me?" "Wal," the farm er announced, "that brings you right back here." "Right here!" the salesman shouted, "why should I come back here? " . "To get the rest of the direc· tions," the farmer explained. "U I told you them all at once, you might get confused ."


-m1ll'l- brupirin-thm-the _

,.,...fII..- -- ---'--1

quality and purity KUAl'anteed when yea Joeepb Aspirin, world'. Jar~ aU~

Demand Bt. Joeeph AapiriD,



I Y 8 4 ItH.)

r() M' IJPrl~r,

"!Ilf f




1rt itJ

Shoulder a Gunthe C08t of One



Beware Coughs ' IrOli com. .


That Hang On '

CreomuJalon relieves promptly because It ,oes right to tti~ aeat of the trouble to ~:& loosen and ezpel germ laden gin, and aid D&tlIre to soothe and heal raw. tender. inflamed bronch1al mUCOU8 membranes. Tell your druggist to JOu a bottle of Oreomulslon with the understandlnl1Qu must like the ..., quickly allays the ClOu,h or 10U an to have your money back.




for Couths, Clint Colds, lronchltll : WNU-E

Watch Your Kidneys! , Help Them C1ean,ae the Blood of Hannful Body Waste , YIIIIr kldD.,. ant eollOtalld, tIItarf... _te matter from ~b. blood .tr~m. Bid klclal7l1 "IIl.Um.l., In tbelr "'ork..... .. ot .ft u Natve Inteeded-Iall to _ lIIen Impllfltl. tbat, ~ retained, ~.F po..... tlie .,-... and UPHt tb • •1I0Il bod,. mac:bhiet7. . .' . • S)'1Ilpto_ ilia, be DAldDI ba.... eII•• ~t he&claebe, atta.luo of dlala_ ..\tlnl up nllbta. • ••IlIDI, pullla_ ~ l1li11.. &h. _~ feollDc 01 Deno. autel" aad I... of P!'P aad ~b. OtloV .t1llO of kJdJil, or' bladit. ·ct• .. . . . are oomatlllla blirDiq, a.;anl7 • too fnqu at urlnatloa. . 2'bere ahoalll be DO dOllbt tbat prolDDI treat_t i8 wlMr tbaa ,tr.. q..1'·1 ti.... ~"'. bay. bMa wID.IlIa8 1lII? frI...da for 1II0re tbaD farty T I&q ban • aatlOD·wid. repulA". . r-_etldedb, ...t~luI~'"

- . . - D'f• •

Ail _

U(,IINrF' , .' _




_ _MN_ _











FRIENDSHIP CUTR MEET ",T 'l'h O :\-lI' ~~ o' i IIOME


MrS. D. C. Ridge op en e r .. v . .. ~ ,._ on Saturday evening IlInd had :lll h er guests the of1lcers who served with her ,In M.1am1 ,Oha.pter ' order of · PlDYD L. D.&VlBSON. Editor Eastern 8 1m' during the past ytlaf. 'Subscription Price 1IID~ u ' Mrs. J ohn Kersey showed alldes .Be06D401ua Natter11'.50 Per Year taken of Gmnd Canyon during Ii. re..t W~ville, Ob1o Payable In .Advance cent trIp af ter which the evening ••• was spent In pleasant oonversa tloo. guest wfls presented With II. White ia Blackl lovely gif t: a lso th e guests presen ted thetI hostess with n.- lovely rememMonday morning .. .. Gobs and gob ' of now ... ot:l the ,branee. · Delicious refresh mems of street,.in the road, no busses running, and. if th ey did' it wa ice creom, cake a nd coffee were serfar from 8chedul e~ cats all held Up, ev.en plow el'vice' out . ved a t the ,"lose df a very happy (:v-


Mr. 'and Mrs. Leon SaUsbury

. 50- 50



At. ZImmerm&D a,l The Penn. R. R. aDeI FalrflelcJ-Bdlbrook Pike, it. F. D. , Xenia &Del R. F. D. 8, Da.yton, An GreaU1 AlcUnr Our Victory ProII'UIl Fur Inereulnr Food Produo,u.a 111 Their Esce1Ient Semce In ..... Feed' Supplemen.... ~ Coa~






We Offer

at The W ~ynesville Gymn. 8:00 to 12:00 p. m.

GI'IacUDr To Help Make YOOJ' en.m Checib Go Up ADd Your


Feed BIDs Go Down • •• Wm. Tell uu1 VfI'1 R.Iob ....oar ••• ~ Flour for .Whea" UnderslAnd the ProbJ_ of the Producer and Help III 'Dlelr Solation. Te. KE %107.

Door Prize

Tbe Belden M11llng 00. at Zimmmman since their are IB1n1DB an ever increasing patronaae amoDg fanners all over this area, aa they manUfacture a.nd are renderlnl a fine aerv10e in feeds for




A.RMlTAGE & SON P hone Waynesv1l1e



Cominlr to your




-the Bmssebcarpet had' to UC-l.....::u-I up a.nd beMen every .prtnc? 1& wae hung over the clothes Doe and. PoDded with the carpet beater aDtU not a. wisp.or dll8t followed • IItroke Then father put 18 the evenlne on his knees, stfttchlnr the e&rpet Urht and tacking It alone the eclp. Ca.rpet c1eanJnr was an ev«mt. Remember.

Morrow Phone No. 3 Lebanon: Office Phone 473 K Residence 98 M


9-12 each morning 1-5 afternoons except

Automo•• le lasurance









. Formerl1 W&,1IU!IIvllIe lnaarance

A __




'-em DOWt-STD - Waynesville, Ohio


Dr. C. ·E.' Wilkin -I-+-~

Main' St.

Optometric: Eye spedali.t 26 5. Detroit St.


Office at. Ropn &Del ~

By Appointment

B60T FOR &'ND CONSIGN your Oattle, hogs. 'sheep and calye. to Norrla-Brock 00., liVe wire and progressive firm for the hlahea1market prtces and llood ~ ceo Union Btook Yards, .Clncinnatl, O. Tune in on Radio Sta tion WOKY, 12:25 to 12 :30 p. m. for our dally market reports.

Waynesville Furniture Co. Fairley Hardware Co.


Xenia, 0

When You've Tried Ev,rywhere


Come Here for Everything

Dr. W . E . PORTm


Bob,'s Dairy

Wq.ynesvllle. Qhlo

Pasteurized Mille For J'.o ur Protection _



Phone 2537

FOR SALE-2 modern properties in Waynesville, O . 2 gcod farms with Immediate posrssion, show,~ by appointment only. p hone ,2051, W1Jbur N . 8eaI's. 7p.

F'OE S'A!LE-Welsh baby carriage (folding) gcod cQndition . . . 1 pr, white baby shoes 4 1-!! size, like new. p hcme 2644. Mrs, Howard ~lton. 21p .

~ atGmp368, JuUaette, Idaho.


Here are a few of our many items in Stock. AUTOMOBILE PUMPS and CHAm -










BASKETS, All Typee











Send ... .nocom _ .. A.. gasolin'" bin """"' ... ---. e ".II.lllP5, R USS l'11 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - . - - - - , • Wilson, Wa.ynesvUle, OhIo . ~p FOR BAlL»-blnette set - 5 0 11 d - --------.---------;--Oberry drop-leal with four ~ se PaR SMJE.-Jig /iaw and ,motor· A-l back'wtt.h quaint tapestrY up- condition. Lotta Heafauver, Mt HolhoIatertrig. phone 2m, Albert Oberry ly, Ohio 7p , . 2Ip F16R S~l PI', nUrses oxfords: l"OIi .' BA1&-lal'ie sJze American black, size 6 I -a B .never been worn, PlY- tra1n complete. A-I oonditl~'l no mtton stll~p, needed. Opa.l Tres(Iboe) ice - states, lJlt.e new. phone sler, after 5:30' p, :m. ' 210 ' 1811, A. ChIJ'J'Y ' 21p. SM.E--l'Wll-top desk (office' JIIOR BA.I.»-YOU!lC aeese on toot or size) phone. 24114 Hartsock dr,fUd. Q1lbeIt Frye, phone 2951 ' . , , .. ~1~ 210 ' ====· ~ ---:-~:-----1LOST-Olr key With dlsBbled yeterPOICR8IPJ'-bouae in Harveysburg, ans, identification tag (691 L",:P') , adulY 0Dly. phone ,.Waynes¥1lle 1943. Finder plM retum to J. B : PHONE 328 .... IDa .. 1V'. ~. Har¥e)'II- Crabbe, Rt. 2, We.ynesy1ll~i Oh1~. .... '. 'Ie Reward. . '. a.4p








Whoiesolllf' P':ateurlzed Dairy Product.

, I have tried to be ,u seful to our' CQJlIDI.1D1t)" during this 'war emergency lind W&'lt to take this .season to wIah all a. Merry Ohrlstmas and A BBppy New Year. BiD Lee. IlF---.YO---U-wa - n-t-to-g-e-t-m.arr1--ed-,-wrl -' -t-e


Open Eve'i'Y Night UntU Christmas

Other Evenings

xem., o.

E. G. Bue~b. ' ....

Lamps -

7-9 Satul'day evening

Bey. . . TelephODe Cbaqea MalIa W,

Gifts &nil To,. End Tables - Smokers

.YOU'RE NO EXCEP. TlON I Calaaiity doem't ~llme communit~, loon piCk favorites I Miaforlune Dial 211 t - Waynelville hun't ainlrlecl you out aa an exception I Be wi.e and proteCt YO\U'Mlf with aoocl WuraDCe ao that DO matI ter what happenl, yoa, ....- "- - ,- - - - - - your famBy and your " . ---I4-I-IJ'~'tfI.-=Mmr:044'IHRII_t_tllprOpefty will be fully pro. tected.


CALVES, SHEEP, E;TC .• Removed Prompil~ Call



Extraordinary' Attraction

Sand & Gravel

Fancy occasional chairs


W iltch thi. Space

~ctll[ure Jlfunernl


Waynesville Furniture Co


'lbe1r service Is IIlaIdng the tl&tural . feeda of the fe.rm do double dUty by ooniIerV1ng what we have a.nd to *'P up the qual1ty for added food prouct1oD.

QUICK SERV.CE For' Dead Stock




Uloomingtoil, Ill inoi s

- - - -- ------,;


poultry and llve aUlck.

They are authorities on feeds and understand ouatom..grlndlng. is y furnl.ahlng tb1a aervIce to fanners, . the'7 are able to use ordinal1:Y' supp11ea to get feed of the highest nutrtttonal qualltles by adding supplementa prot.eln coneenlin\.teB whlch produce extrl!- ~da and can shOW you the W&y to ext.J'a. protlts. •. •. . 'Their 8UPplementa, minerals and supplles for Uve stock and pOultry are developed .t o meet various conditions and t~, productivlty I3.Ild cUma.te. Many ~w1nn1ng hogs and cattle and top,-produclng poultry are fed vltallty, 1mpro~e in ftDJah, and, of course, ·proUtII. .

Rex Da VIS, lIe ws-editor- inchief ot WCKY, -Cincinn ati, is a ma n of vari ed tale nts. In add ition to being 'lead ne ws, man of the 50,OOO-wa tt L. B. Wilson stat io n. a.nd dean or nil incinnati news C'omml'nta Lors. he is h eard d:' ily in anoth I' ro le a nd und l.! r nnulh r na m e. As F ranld yn S te wart be is kn ow n t o tho usands as a n exce ll ent ba ritone on the pr ug ram , "Fr:1I1klyn StewlII't E n . le rtains. · Jo r a l' ~1 ct "j v a t 12:45 p . m. . H is n e ws casls a re a t 8 a. m. an d noon. fi ve duys ' a week, and at 8 II. m, and 12:30 p. m. each Satu r day .

At All


308 North Main Street




Roy Hensley, Sales Managc~

IVr 1." " .\, Phune 2894, Wayneavllll!, Ohio, Rever&e Charges

Hockman's Orchestra


farmer to act as representati e in this community. full ~r part time. Liberal-generous commissi ns. Here is your chance to make odd hours and slacJ, winter months pay you a handsome profit. You can build your own business just calling on your nei hhors. Don't wait. Write . toda y for full exciting details to ,

At 1Ll' ONEERING !:t •. n l.: y and Koogler


PodIJ'. DaIry .. Hor FeedI ••. Cas-

60-year-Old livestock suppl~ company wants a local

------~-------------, ,.--==:os


and l a.m1ly.

.To earn as high as $750 this wint .r-

In· keep~ " ...... ~h" v~ n ::l tll.aa season and the tree beld gUta tor everyone, ('lch receivlng a. remembrance from her secret sister. Alter II. very delightful program dainty refreshments w ( re served by the hotess who W :l .~ ~ " \sted by Mrs. Dorothy EderU I ',J Ul : U Mrs, oaule Clark.

-. ..... .

the perdicament ye Ed encountered this w k in 'at- temptinlg to travel from Troy to Wayne vill e. The condiCard of thanks tion conti~ued through Wednesday and on Thurs9ay we I looked in to see if the Gazette was still ther e. It was. On OUr most sIncer e th anks and apFriday at 5 :00 a. m. we headed Sout h via C. L. a nd E. and preCIation is extended to friends and arrived in one piece at 8: 30. From there we whi pped out neighbors for their Idndness <Uld sympathy during the sickness and this second edition hurriedly and hope the readers will death of Allen Emrick. We aloo wish "hang on" for just a little bit 'till we get adju ted. Next to thank Rev. O. E. Vice for his conweek we start irrlproving? So, you see this was one l'l now of SOling word~. th e donors 01 noral tributes ELnd t he McClure funeral home the season that even though it app em'ed whi te, it pro ed ! or their efficient l>erviccs, black in causing our delay. Mrs. Allen Emrick


...:;rt:e Ptiel .ru ! p :11 ', 1". 1 :-their regular Dec l' .Ut r ( ' \1 !; ,s a Ob r 'tmns pa. 1.1 I '.' h, ' lJ l Mrs. All n 'J b<ll h · lI. • (! , ,'Ie " ns beaull .. .ly Il . ... ' Sl,. \ l Jl , • • 1 ;, .... g


WAYNESVILLE,OHIQ Phone 2143 Published by- DAVISSON P-R-ESS - - --

'Belden .' Milling Co. ·










SHOTGUNS ..:.. Thou~d, 'of Other Articie. · Not Mentioned ' .. , . \



W. Will TRADE ~ Bri~g in what you have -

'We'll for what

you ,w ant. '!leal!!» buy aecOl}d-hand fu.,.iture or ~,. uaecl item.L

ob 1»ill .... ttl












The personnel and famll1es of t he Fairley Hardware Stores located at Hillsboro, . Wayn esville, Sabina Lynchburg, Wilmington, and Blanchester were guests of the ma.lY.lgemen t at their ann U al Christmas dinner Monda.y night. A flne turkey dinner was served to the guests at the Wllm1ngton 'Methodist Ohurch. Following the dinner the group, numbering 61. went to the Blanchester bowl1ng alleys where six alleys were reserved for the party f.rom 9 to ·12 o'clock. The bowling and social gat.hering climaxed the evening's entertainment. A big Christmas tree was. provided together with gitts for , all memiber of each family. 'I1h1s year's 'p w:ty ,w as the most successful ever h eld and a merry time was enjoyed by the large group of employees ana their fam1lles. Attending the event were: Mr. a.nd Mrs. V. B. Fairley, Miss Constance Fairley, Mrs. Elizabeth MsLaren. Mrs. Ruby G. Rhoades, Mr. and Mrs. C. Gene Bunch, Mr. and Mrs. Srofe B. Ludwick, Mr. and Mrs. Lewis E. Liggett, Mr. and Mrs. P. C. Welch, Mr. n.nd Mrs. Fred J . Purdom, Mr. and Mrs. Ohas. H. W.indom, Mr. and Mrs. Wilbur Mercer, George W1111ams, Mr. and Mrs. Louie Ormes, Hillsboro. Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Balley, Mr. and Mrs. Russell N. WJlson, Eldon EIlls, Mrs. Florence Hopkins, Ed Hopkins, Waynesville. . Mr. WId Mrs. ThW!. G. William60n, Lyochburg. Mr. and Mrs. William T . Appleglllte, Mr. nd Mrs: Chaa. E. Hay, Mr. and Mrs. Ralph E.. Watson. Mrs. Cora Stewart, HOward Stewart, ;Mr. ¥Id ~, . Clyde N. Wilson, James. Wa.llaee,~ Mr. ~ lI:rii. Natha.n R .. Tuclrer, W~8ton . . Mr, Iilld Mrs. John L. Hawk. Herbert CHne, Mr. and 'Mrs. John O. WOOdmansee, Wanda. Lee .Mla.rl!h, Sabina. Mr. and Mrs. Cbas. J. Wood, Mr. and Mrs. E. A. Bilderback, Raymo.nd pruber, Blanchester. Mr. and Mrs. Wilby Henry, Hillsboro. ,Mrs. Alta ' Sharpe, Blanchester; Henry A. Ruble, lIYnchburg.

Dolores Clar, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. C. A. Olark, Waynesville, Ohio, has reported for duty wt"th tile Navy Department in W ashington, D. C. She 15 serving with several thousand WAVES who have been assigned to Washington as direct replacements for male BluejaolQets, relUlsLng them to f1ght at sea with the fleet. Groups of "Women In Navy mue have become an established part of the busy Washlngton scene,a.nd both the clty and the Navy have m.ade the n ewcomers feel at home.

Guest Spea.ker, Charles

The South Wayne Advisory COuncll met December 7. at the home of Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Cmbbe. The following ollricers were elected to serve in 1945:- P:re5ldent, Hartley Moss; Vice President. Alvin Emnhart; Secretary - 'Jlroosurer, Ethylyn Cmbbe; Leglslative Agent, Josef McCoy; D13cussion I£6d~, Norma. Asbury. ·T he discussion period was confined to tl'le subject of "The Oampll.1gn of the National Tax Equallty Asliocla.tlan against CO-ops. "Co-ops are legallzed by the laws or our land and ask and receive no spec1al favors 01 government. They threaten to abol15h explOitation and to \pve the people econom1c power." It was stresed that, in order to meet this a·t taek. "America. m'llSt know 'itlle fao~." and "C<l·Op6 must talke Aggrestve acLion in 4lcreaaing its l1OTd1np, maintaining a sound 11nanci al structure." ·A pleasant social periO<i ,followeet the dlscusslon and all enjoyed Mr. G.n(l Mrs. Crabbe's


PERSONALS .. PERoSONMS Mr. and Mrs. Fred Braddock and son 'w ere Sun ay dinner guests of Mr. an Mrs. William Doster, near Harveysburg.

• • •

Reverend (lnd Mrs. R. B. COleman attended the District Christmas party on Monday, which was given by· Dr. John W. Danford at the Grace Methodist Church In Dayton..

• •

Mr. and Mrs. W. P. Stra der and son, Mrs. A. D . iLa.nbam. Mrs. Ross Bode, Mr. and Mrs. Everett Sears and son were among the guests at Cl dinner honoring the blrthday anniversary of Mr. Roger WaJtOIl, on Wednesday evening, 10: S p rin g Valley.


. The many frie.nds of Mr. Ed. Cook Te Gregg Company hIlS recently are glad to know t hat he is rapIdly ilnproving after ·his major opera- isued Order of Gregg Al'tisLs Certificates to; tion at Miami Valley Hospital.

• • •

• • •

Mr. and !lIMB. Henn&Tt Surface and &OIl, Donnie,' 'a ¢Ved here ~

FERRY CHURCH OF CHRIST TO GIVE PLAY Revival Services Will Begin January



The Ferry Church of Ohrlst Will have their Chrlstmas entertainment next Saturday evening at 7:30 P. M. A bWo act play entlt.led "Gilts of M<yrrh" will be given as well as rec-

The January meeting will be held at the hOme of Mr. and Mrs. J. J. Burlike. Helen MCCoy Soo.-Treas. S. W. A. c.


Mary Jane AnderSGll Earnestine Earnhart Martha Early.

LYTLE (Delayed)


Mr. and :Mrs. RaynlaIid Braddock and daughters. ,




itaUons Ib y the ,boys o.nd girls of the

·eDts;tJ-'......~• • •~~~

~. tcs . *i1d...tb8 ~ ~ 1nv1~ to attend. the two weeIriI holidays with ~the1r parents. Mr. cind ~dBy eventng hono We wan t you to keep In mind also birtMayo annivey&ary of her little Ohrlstma. eve, Mrs. Ernest Hartsook and Mrs. daughter, Janet. Many loVely gifts It Is a model'n pla,. 'W1~ • mod~ ' The Sermon, Blmda.y ·m orning was that our revival begins the first ot Goldie Surface. were J'ecelved by the little honor retting. It hu an iJ1lteresUng plot on the theme, The Tisit of the Wise

guest and alter a very pleasant that leads ,t o an ezdj~ cUmax at Mem, • • • MIsses Jean and Jane Hartsock evening, daloty refreshmen ts were the cl05e of the play, In Ute evening the choir rendered have arrived from Miami University sel'Ved by the hostess. Those present An ollering .w1ll be .taken ;which the cantata' "Bethlehem" to a capa(or the Christmas holidays. . we re Mr. llnd Mrs. C . E. Edwards will be given to the Mlnnesota Bible .tty aud1ence. • • • and Mrs. Clyde Keller and son of College in Minneapolls, 'M innesota, The apeclal parts were taken by Mr. and Mrs.E. V. Barnhart had Dayton, Mr. and Mrs. Henry WCltThe public Is invited to attend. the following: 80106; John '11Urner. as their week end guest the kltters k1ns &'ld family, Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd DaVis, Mrs, OOber:t Frye, Miss sister, Mrs. Marie Rtifle or Olh- . Charles Watkins, Mr. and Mrs. MUo Ethel Beckman, Mrs. Mon1s FulkerclnnaU. ' Miltenberger and Children, Mr. and VOULENTEEBS FOB. Bon; Duet; Mr. and !Mrs. John • • • Mrs. Raymond Conner, Misses Sam VlcrOBY GROUP Turner; Trlo; Wade TUrner, Lou Printz, John Turner. . JUDGE FRED SMITH !Mrs. Lena Hartrock ~as a. week aod Ruth Conner and Jlrruny Crane. The Volunteer for Vlct.o1'Y group • • • end guest of Mr. and Mrs. H. C. DIES IN KANSAS Mr. and Mrs. £a1;l Earnhart MId met and worked at thft home ot~. RATIONS FOB OHURCB Harvey in Latbanon and was a guest cbldren were Thursday evening J. E. MC91ure on Thursday eYenh1i. surPf;ft,S at a fa.m1ly dmner on SWlday. dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. the soc1aJ bour da.1nW roA simplified method provtdintr Judge Fred Raymand Smith, a • • • !l'eshments were served by the host- mtioned food allotments tor IUch [olmer resident of Waynesville, Mrs. Elmer Sbeehan celebrated: Harold B. Earnhart. • • • ess to Mesdames OrBDlL Oonner. Fred <lied at Manhattan, Kansas, on . her birthday an'niversary on Sunday . . ' !Ha.a'k, Charles Maurl.ce, Charles functions as churoh IUppere and December 4, 1944. He WII6 75 years and on her return ·f rom church refMrs. Al va ThompSGll entertsmed El"~ P 1 "'-uri " ' 1 ch M..1=, au .YlIIo ce al[l d K " R H1ll . picnica where there is • a ' ch8qe old on· Qcto»er 21, 1944. He leaves Vice, found herself a h05tess to a with a bri dge un eon on onuay. The group 'adjourned to meet with made for the meal became effechis wife, ' two Solls, four grartd_ number of unexpected guests. Mr. Two tables wel'e in play d)lfing the Mrs. Charles MaurtCll on January tlve December 15 covering new 00chlldren.and two brothers, Frank Sheehan arranged tills dellghtful afternoon a.nd the g ues~ were Mrs. e1 . Ith C8.!!lonal UIlen. The new occasfonal iH. Smith of Mli.nhatten. Kansas dIn.ner ,p arty for hls wile and in- Marie RIffle, Mrs. E. V. Ba.mhart, ~~ a~d Mrs. Frank. Heas of Day- WIers are to apply to their local War F. S. DOWDY, ETaqeUs'& and Judge WJIli8illl E. Smith of vited the following guests : Mr. and Mrs. carl Conard, MJ's. J. B. ChBIP- ton were Waynesv11le visitors · On Price and Ratloning Board using Wamego, Kansas. Freet was Dis- Mrs. Ellis MoClure and children, mWl, Mrs. D. O. Ridge, Ml.... R. H. Saturday. OPA Form R-315. 'Local boards will JUdge for many years. The E1ma, Gene and Myron, Mr. and Bar~ock and Mrs. H. L . &Yb. . submit these appiUc&t1oM to the JanU&ry and will rWl at least four weeks. We have again secured the last ten ·years, he and his two &OIlS iMrs. Doo.rth Sheehan and daughters, • • • Area. Food !Panel for processing. lIervices of Brother F. S. Dowdy B8 practiced law in Manhattan and. Her.nlce and Janet, Mr. and Mrs. Mr. and Mrs. Carl Brandt 12 Wood- GEORQE PETERSOllir Those OCOQSlonal users o't instltut- our evangel15t. Brother Dowdy Is one Marysvllle. Kansas. One son is in Walter Sheehan and sons, Mr. and dale Road, Dayton, were SWlday dIn- ON FURLOUGH JlJlJitE ional rations already re~tered will of the great preachers of Ohio n.ud the Navy. He ' waS born ()'.'1. a. farm Mrs. Everett M<:Cu:Ilough, Mrs. Bert- ner guests of Mrs. Anna belle Flora. continue to apply for rationed comnear Waynesville a.nd !Was a son of Ie M1l16 and Mr. and Mrs. Rice a .. .. mOdit1" on the bB61s of their Pf\5t once you hear hlm you wlll agree Harvey 1M. Sm..ltb a.nd Irene Phllllps Snapp. Mrs. COm Rich and Mrs. Harry Hamilton of Cleveland, George Peterson, Mo. !!4 M 2C 15 record of service of rationed foods. with us. But don't wait until the last Smith. Reba iBradd<;lCk were ·also aftemoon OhiO, made a flying trip to Jlis parent.'!, Mr. and. Mrs. George EARLY 18 TIlE WORDI week to hear him, but come out the guests. The taibles were very at- Waynesville, calling on his Uncle, hts parents, Mr. and! Mrs. George . ___ very first nlght, and we know you tractive with two large birthda.y Mr: A. L. Klng. Petersa.'1 or near Wa,nesville. With Ohristmas day taking away will not want to miss a s~gle serFRlENDS HOME cakes and many lovely gilts for ,tbe • • • !He has been in Central some of the thne at the Gazette Vice. Services will begLn each evenhonor guest, . Mrs. Robert Furnas and Mrs. and SOuth PacUlc for the Il88t o!.foice thls next week it w1ll be apBecause .of fa1lJng health, Mrs. • • • Romo Riggs, left for St. Petefsburg, ·eighteen months. On his return he prec1ated if news Items and, other Ing at 7:GO P. M. Notice the adverStella Bone, who for the past six Mr. and Mrs. Fred Braddock had Florida, last Friday for the Winter will repor.t to the U. S. Navy hos- mltter 15 brought or &ent in at the tLsement elswhere in your news~ month.s was our excellent and POPU-as Sunday evel,ling supPer guests season. pital. 'Norfolk, Va. earllest possIbte time. paper. Jar cook has resigned and left last· _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _~_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _._ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ Thursday to make her home in North --------------------~--------------------.--~--------------------------------.----,Ma.nchester. iIndiana. The boarders iuld all concerned regret Mrs, Bone's going.


• • • • • •



Miss Slzabeth Chandler, of Hampton, Va., will arrive Th,Ursday to spend· the holidays' With her slster and, oWer ·retatlves in. thE! com:' . munlty.

• • • MrS:





.Nt.iIP. . . , ~ Price ct-

percentaP ~ ..,


blJ!lC!l'l. I8\'el'81 oimatmu _ . cr.ro1a.




'W«t' were ',p1eas8ntly' reminded Of the . 0hr1st.ma1""' ~, T 11 e s d., y nlght ',wh~ a 8'IqIIp of. youn& lolka. ~l:iera of a. )o.Img. peOple'S 80Clety of the.MethocUat cblU'Clho 8ccompa,Dted the pastor, 11.1'. CoWn~. VIIltA!d the &me aDd ADI in ap18DdId


'E ffectlve ~~: ~.b.: .~ 73 ltsied Species of . ~ ftIh MiS· I!e&.' food 9111·. a' ilUd ~ per-pawid . inAritUp ~ ae' •

. . J. Y. QreeDe, fleld ·m&.n tor the wo.:iTeti OOUnty Ooo~r~t1ve, ca,ll!!d On Jljs alB'tier EV~yn PeWsOn Satur~ · evening.




Mrs. IAllce Cl&rk · is recovering wf·ter a few days illneSs . .


Harry R. Fordyce lei, OIl tibI "Sunshine" bll& bound t~ JileksonVUle, Florida, from C1J:IdDnIoUo. Sundoy evening. Ml'.. and YrB. TolD For.ayce and son.and Mr. and .• . Perry J. Thomaa and son acc0mpanied him as far as ·ancimlatl. The Christmaa program 01 1M Ferry Church of Ch11st wlll be 81.en r ay eve , , 23. The Ohristmas program ~ tbe Sugar Creek ChrisUan church wUl be given Sunda.y evening, Dec. 36. The Heren.n class m.eetJng 'WiD be held this ThUl'llday evening In tale soc1a.1 rooms at the Fe.rr7 cburdl. 'Revival serv1cee Will stan u b Ferry church on JanU&.rT I, Uld . continue through ,t he month. Mr. and Mrs. Albert Wea.n 'ftS'e .n day guests of Mr, and Km. ..... Roland last Saturday. H. R. Fordyce received 1I0I\l ~ hJs son. Radio 'I\!cb. Verncm D. Fordyce, thGt he 15 now In Puts. Sgt. For~ ' WIII!I last hIJU'd fIUa in June. ' The schOOl bWJ from ~ did' not come today (~) Mcause or iropaAAAhJe roadII.~.-_ __ _ _ _-; The Sugar Creek 0 hI' Ie 'u .. R church had a Ii6les ta,l[ countme at the church last 'WedneedII.Y evening. After the sbamps were counted, ClUtoI'd Elliott ahotNd slide pictures in colors tba' he hII4 taken or home [oiD and bune scenes. Popcorn ·balls were 1IeI'Nd. Opl. Bob Gutherie and hfa br1da. the. fonner Bet~ f'ruell. CJf Beavertown, returned 1ut . . . . to hls camp in Kansaa. Mrs. C. M. HOpe, Ilrs. I'OrreIl FIsher and MllI. oarl Wlbit.e Ud daughter of iDay.t.m, were Thmttda.y dinner 8'I1esta of MM. p, ~. Thom(lS and H. R. ~.

Pootmaster Lester H. Gardea aDd hls f~·thful and efIt.1c1em belpen are being taxed to capacItlJ' wlth *be unusua.1ly hea~ 0hr1stmaa 1I:I8otlIDa•. Boxes, routea and trenera1 dellftrP are all feeling the eztr& bludea be- . Ing placed on them. All .. t# courtesy in OOII6ldelwt1on ~ toile postofflce deJnrtment, · it . . . . . . . well to withhold &Il UDI1~ . mall until alter tbe hol14q>. . ' .An o!l1clai record ' of .t bemaU .... .. during ' tbJa hol.ide.7 perloc:t wUl .. : acQUired "'and ' 'PubUShed In u.. . columns at. ~ early date. , NEW 'fiS" &EGULATIOM ' , ~ '.

iMra. Eatel Hagemyer of near Oregonia: waS a recent ~t of her

aunt Mrs. EvGlyn

·The members of the WlI/JDe Township FamI~ OlUb met the home of Mr. and Mrs. J. Harvey Sackett, December 14, with the following guests present: Rev. nnd MnI. R. B. COleman, Mr. and Mrs. Austin 'I'hAckera. Mrs. J. E. McClure and 10&. Uld Mrs. Wade Turner and ch11dren. AILer a delicious chicken cl1nDer Keller Hook, prell1dent. called the meeting to order. Mrll. P. U. I.JeKa:t read fl'om "Home far CI:u1atJnaa"', by Lloyd O. Douglas. Her ..leetIons were ch05en to picture to bel' l[stener!! Chrls! III!I 'lIM in their chlldhood. . Mr. Sackett introduced Charles West, of Lebanon, as gueet apeder. He announced h15 topic as ''Wh&' we ought to do in our toreJgn relUons." He stressed the fact tha, citizen should haTe an intelligent interest in international . ntlations and 'should have some ~ew as to what our foreign poDcJ Ibould be. He gave an h15torlcaJ sketch 01 foreign relatlO[l3 during the 1lU' generation a.nd presented an &WIolJsis of the present state df alfalJL He warned IliQ1nat bein8 taken in by propaganda. of hate stnce ~ Is such a great need for 'trlezIdl7 cooperation in a world where ~ can be maintained if tbe Ibjg I!&\ions can remaln at peace with eaeh other. The JanullJ'Y meeting ~U be held at the home or Mr. and ~j ~ Fulkerson, January 11.·



• • •

Dr. and Mrs. A. E. stOUt and da.ughter Wld. Mr. and Mrs. M. A. Fulkerson and daughter attended the Inland Ooncert at Memor1ll1 Ila.ll on Sunday afternoon.


Talks On ForetP ReJaUolUI

~.. Albert


It 01 Mt. Vem,_ N •. Y •• iutaln!i .• .• battereel 'k" .bUe lehun, with Comb.£-EDdDeerl In I'-Iy. After



'l'wIce "oDDde4 bl:Alrle• .~'OIlee !IIi FraDee, I'v,t. ba.

Malapes,· 32, of Pae..- Rleo ean s.IPDe ·an4 ar,e Aiaerle.... 'tq baf hospllaUftd ZZ mOlitba. be -W.r Boada. Be laDIled III No~ War Bond parebaaen for . . . . . , GIl D DaJ: aI' ..,.. . .I ........ &It. OM he .... re- be wOaI4 DOt be ~ . . . 4IeIYeL lIu .Ore War BiIIIJL ....Ior War BollI ...... ~ ,

'Stnek by' . IheIl from e~iny ar.tlJlerJ: on Ole .Itallu 'toDt. ht. I. Mor,.D. SO. of C.rlJo,ndale. P ••• Olanka Ole m'Odem medl. eaI.eaalDmht ana lCJ04.4oe1on '01' his s~..dy recover,. Ue satfend~. Inetarecl femor an4 aerJoas open wolllUls. TbIn,1 looked ....., 1nd Wu . . . . farDlabeci' the leIen~o lemeclles 10 he.l . . - - . . . . . . . '"-. 80rlUl ..,.. many more be,. wW tbal


"'01' ......

_ . . . . fnm Wu .... ""• •


'lIda'."'" ,

. 0UIclnn&t4 OPA , flee ~ouDcecf todr.J.. p~ -- f1ah 'japd 1IiIlaod.__ '. . der the same JneUiod _ ...... . t . .t varl~e& at freab tim . . . . . fOOd have been 'UIIder aIDot ..., t.b)e 7eat aDCl wIllliIIDpIIfJI_ . . . Of botb ret&Uera UUl tile . . . of ""-~"''1'1!!!'":~:.:d

10 .....e. "---~""";-=--"""'~":;'"'1I""""'':'-'''''''---'' _ ~ -,-:... Cl.a.~~ ~

locII--- . --

I 'i

, MI


Thursday, December Zl, 1'"


Civii Strife Ln Greece; Set V ise fOr J aps on Leyte; 'Quake Shakes Tokyo District

The Queafion. 1. Row many signers of the Constitution were foreign born? 2. Who kills the bull in a bill!

fight, the p icador , the matador or the toreador? 3. What is a lee shore aboard -\,,: ... up . 4. What American woman fought for the emancipation of woman' s clothing and the wearing of trousers'? 5. Can you n ame one prominent American statesman who violently opposed the ratification of the Constitution? 6. What are the only two countries in South America that do not touch Brazil?


1. Seven. 2. 'l'he matador. 3. The shore upon which wind is blowing. 4. Amalia J enks Bloomer. S. Pa trick Henry. 8. Ecuador and Chile.





'_r.,....H4 I.b •• r Dlr.ctor

Dewey • tho opinion tllot tlto Inoylto.. l. 1,",lImlal. latlo. South AIII.rlcan and Aslatle coltlttrl•• 'ollowl... tho will . . . . . world .... _ad far Mlltltor ~r It.yond tit. _paclty of th. plantotl••• that ••latad It.'oro th. .plnl.. that .h••11I • _ _1. prot.ctI.. .f _ ·. ,.....tle pla"ta.



_1"-0. 'It.

The super-bomber 1-29 can1et about 5,000 ~d. of rvbb.r_ CIoN 10 two toni or. r.qvlr.d 10 IIIOft•


30 .vll.t-seollng fuel

tanb 0'-, Thor. or. mOt. than 200 ",bber I.... 'n thll glon' fortr... of th. olr.


N~w 5 p np"r


War.vobe Make Tbi·S Smart .AccessQry. ,Set,

The spruces are the least deslrabae of the trees used for Chrisnnlll. 'l1le folla ge Is sharp pointed and it II the Christmas tree to shed itl n.e· .




Iff 12-20

The fir, someUmes called the balsam fir, Is the Ideal Christmaa tree and has been so revered for years. It resembles the spruce except that the needles are not sharp pointed and the tree becomes golden brown before It sheds Its leaves or needles. The Douglas flr Is also commODly u sed as a Christmas tree. The needles are flat and smooth to the touch. It can b e Identified by a number of buds at the tip of the branchel, which cause the needles to bend aside, changing the regular comblike ap pearance of the twig. This tree has cones which are short appendages on each scale. Hemlock, wbile used as • Christmas tree, Is objectionable because

Ils tralD Ues at bottom of ~loseDe river afler plungiDg througb wrecked bridge, French youth Icramble over debris to lalvage food from

F irst official act o.f Sccretary of State Edward Stettinlus was to blast at Britain's and Russla'lI maneuverIng In liberated EUiropean countries to establish governments favorable to their Interests. Declaring ". . . We expect the Italians to work out their problems of government along democratic lines without Influence from outside . . ." Stettlnlus aimed his blast at Britain's .objectlons to the naming of Count Carlo Sforza as foreign minister 1111 a new Hallan administration. Bri.laln's attitude, It was said, was the result of Sf9rza's anll-monarchlcal tendencies. Although not speclflcaUy mentioned. Russia could get no comfort from Stettlnius' statement, which ind irectly hit nt Mosc:ow's political activities In reoccupied countries by declaring: " . . . ~Mlls policy would apply to an even IllIore pronounced degree with regar~1 to governments of the United NatJlons In their liberated territorIes ,. . ."



Civil Strife

Fasten Vise

Added to the Allicd military burden in Europe was the political problem posed by Leftist rebellion in Greece. Slarted when Lefllst liberation guerrUJa forces refused to surrender their arms on the ground that Premier Papandreou's Rightist elements were allowed to retain theirs, the uprising brought British troops Into action to resto re order. Situated just north of the Suez canal Greece com / •. ·.nds this vital wate;way route linking Brlt1an'. eastern empire with Us homeland; and for this reason, London has taken the greatest Interest In cODditions there. To assure Its position about Suez, ijle British have bac.k ed Papandreou's Rightist elements as against the Leftists, including Communists. In calling British troops into action to lupprell the rampaging Leftist ' elements, British Maj . Gen. R. M. Scobie declared: " . _ . I Itand firmly 'behind the constitutional government and shaD ald . them to the limit of my resources until the Greek state can be reestablished with lawful armed forces behind It. _ . . "

Striking' again with characteristic suddenness, Gen. Douglas MacArthur moved the 77th division ashore below Ormoc under the heavy protective cover of U. S. Daval guns, cutlln'g the Japanese defenders on the northwestern shore of Leyte In hall. The general'a move came after bad weather, coupled with sllff enemy resistance from strong hill entrenchments, bogged the American drive on Ormoc from the north and south. As the 77th secured Its beachhead below Ormoc, the huge LSTs dumped supplies ashore, the gen· eral was able to apply both frontal and rearward pressure on Japanese FARM YOUTH: troops operating In the sector. Prior to the American landing be- Win Honor! In event. at Chicago, m., attenlow Ormoc, U. S. artillery opened a heavy bombardment on enemy po- tion was focused on the nation' I outatanding young sitions to the north and south, drawfarmers: 18 - year Ing strong Jap reln10rcements to old Donald Mowery. both areas to counter infantry moveTerre Haute, Ind .• mimt. Then, 81 their withdrawals 4 - H achievement weakened their positions about Orwilmer. and 17-yearmoc, MacArtbur struck. oldl Ben 'G reve, BryEven as the 77th was hitting the antt, Iowa, raiser of beaches below Ormoc, U. S. filers the ChIcago Marwiped out a Japanese convoy, bear·ket Fat Stock il'and ing 4,000 troops, which was headed cham plOD. for Leyte. Lett fatherlea. at EARTHQUAKE: 18, ~ower1 took over~ operaUon of Rocb th.' family's 58 Centering In the Sea of Enshu, 'acl:~I, and through






Princess Frock FLA'ITERING to the ' youthful and lovely figure, this enchanting princess frock is wonderfully simple to sew. Make it in checked taffeta with ric rae to trim, or in a dark crepe as a basic dress and add your favorite jewelry.

Accessory Set YOU'LL find ~any uses for this clever accessory Sl':t. In bright plaid woolen it would be very smart for dark suits or slacks. For dressier occaSions make it in rayon talleta. Changes of blOUse? give you many different costumes.

• • •

Pattern No. 868. comes III lize. 12, a, 18, 18 Ilnd 20. Size 14, weskit, require. 1'~ yards of 38 or 39·tneh mllterla); hat. on. Ilze medium, 1 yard; ball, one Ilze, '" yan' plua ~ yard for IJntna and ~ yard atllTenlng. Due to an unusullll,y large demone! u41 current war condlUonl, slightly more tim. Is required In filltng orden tor a few at Pattern No. 8607 comes In alzes 10, U • the most popular pattern nwnbera. 14, 16. 18 and 20. Size 12, short sleeves, /lend your order to: requires 3 ~. yards of 3D·lnch material. For tbJs pattern lend 2S cents tn cotna, SEWING CIRCLE PATTERN DEPT. your name, address, alze desired and 530 South WrU. BL CbJeaco pattern number. Enel050 25 cents .1n eoins tor eacb pattern desired.

of the sbedding of Its foliage when kept indoors. A hemlock I. diatingulshed by having two white linea on the lower aide of each of Its narrow, ncedlelike leaves. Pines have never been a favorite Chrlstm81 tree. To those who do not destre the converiUonal and are content with an or irregular growth. they prove .. tldactory. Pines are dlsUnguished by havIng needlelike leaves which .re .... soclaled .in clusters of three .nd Ave. P a ttern No . . ............... e." ..... . Size •••••• . The red cedara, which produce Name .•• ••••••••••• ~ •••••••••••••••••• berries rather than cones, are lelA!1dress •.: .. ...... , .. ' ••••••••••• , ... .. dom used as Christmas trees except In neighborhoods where the,. ERE is miniature furniture all grow wild. The foliage is rather carefully scaled to reproduce prickly but II very Imall and Icale- actual size pieces. Any little girl like. will love the sturdy five-inch-long. llpholstered sofa a nd the lounge chair with matching ottoman_ They are easy to make, too, and Nazi Strategy so is the chair, It is covered with In heavy fighting on both Euroa flower print such as little girls' pean fronts, the Allie. continued to dresses Ilre made of, but it looks forward, with the U. S. 3rd like a large scale chintz on a Progrelllive parties have become chair only four inches high. the spotlight away from poplllar al a teatlltft of th 'Rini-J'oom-furnit~ is all earthquake, so powerful that its drive Into the vital coal·laden Saar eql:upment, rented Year', joyous celebrations. Four, made of straight blocks but the tremors threw a recording rna· basin. ami shared an addi- five or more famllles join together chairs are smartly upholstered in hine In London out of gear, As a result of General Patton's tioll1al 112 acres, be- and iDvite guests to meet at one of struck Japan, causlnJir . serious smash Into the Saar, the great insides doing custom the homes. A punch or llght refreshloss. dustrial clt'y of Saarbrucken was Don Mowery work. When bad ment can be aerved at the fir.t y.... f ••I1.............. , ... brought under the muzzle of. heavy aDd BeD Greve weather .et · him bome, a few games, and then on to Without Immediately reveal,-. tie. I . C......... I•• U. S. artillery fire, with many parts the second home. Each home In turn back a weck last Ing the exact extent of damage, Yell, constipation can .teal yoar aflame. provides some form of entertaiD· summer, he toiled 130 hours the thc J.paDese reported that tbe energy. Take N ature'a Remedy (NB. The 3rd army claimed the lime- ' tremors caused' landslides, cav- I next, making It up. In nine years ment, games or refreshment. The Tablota), Contains flO Clhemicala, no light as the 1st and 9th U. S. armies of farming, Mowery has earned party can take place on New Year'l Ing-In houllell and IItr:eets aloDg ~ no phenol derivative&. NB. slackened their heavY pressure day, or New Year's eve, ending . nearly $14,000. a ISo..mile belt across tbe maiD Tablet. are difl'eren~ dlfl'erenL east of Aachen, where the German P_I:/ wgerable-a CIOmbinatioa of Equally enterprising, ,Greve with the dawn of a new year. Island of DODsbu. Duge Udal high command, under Field Mar· 10 vegetable lDpedient. formulated Many difterent games caD be waves roiling In from the Sea ' paid $91 for a 65ll-pound Hereford shall von Rundstedt, had concenover 50 yearsaco. Uncoated orcand7 of EDsbu flooded coastal discall in New Mexico, and fattencd played . One called "Mixed Resolucoated, their aotian Ia dependable, trated Its major strength to comtricts below Tokyo, deluging . it up to 1,170 poutlds at 20 cents a tions" wiD 811 the bill for fun-makthorough, yet gentle, as 1Dilli0aa of bat Gener'a l Eisenhower's great pound before toUnlg It to the Cbl- ing in a mixed crowd of all ages. homes. NIt'. have proved. Get a ~ box drive, which carried within 22 miles today ___ or Iazpr econoDlY lise. cago show. There: the steer ,won the GUesslDg Time. Although the Japanese claimed of the Rhine. junior and grand. championships. CautiOD: Tab 0DIy as directed. Anyone CaJl estimate the length of that the quake dld not damage Big question In th'e mind of Albringing Greve $585 In prize money. a second, but few people know how bright oilcloth to simulate leather_ mAlC»IOW AlIIGRf their . war Industry centered lIed strategists was how long could before being bought at auction by long two or three minutes will 11\'t. The bed with pholstered head around tlie Tokyo district, they the Nazi hlgb command continue io the Firestone Tire and Rubber comHave the guests alt In a circle piece is especially glamorous and remained silent about the effect pany for $5.265. atound the room and announce that the dainty dressing table has a that the mounting tidal wave you are gOing to ask them to esti- matchmg stool made of half of a had upon their all-Important SEAWAY: mate the amount of time it take. spool witli padded top an<L1ull ~...J.[!mIillli&....1l:!-Ria and at port fOrthree minutes to pasll. skirt. The nursery is also well furAgain HELP WANTED: Clap your hands when the three nished with attractive pieces. Relected as a treaty requiring a • two-third vote by tlhe senate In 1934, minutes Is to start. To prevent the Seek Arms Speed-Up NOTE-Pattern 27. gives Bctual-slu! lUests from counting out the time FOR ACID .INDNlanoNthe $421,000.000 St. Lawrence Seapatterna or dimensions for aU tho pieces Once deeply concerned with reto themselves, pass around lome of this furniture with Illustrated directions conversion, government officials way project. provlldinJir a complete refreshments, or If someone can for making. Patterns and dlrecUon. are have once again swung thclr prin- waterway link from the Great Lakes play the plano, lIing a song they an also elven lor the lamps and other. ac· to the Atlantic oeean, bobbed up cipal attention back to war producknow. This wiD not last more than cessorles. Pattern 273 gives all directions tion, what with munitions shortages again In the upper house, this time a minute or two, but It will throw lor making the doll house. Patte.rlll are a in the form of an agreement recents each. Send direct to: Geoera\ Eisenhower (left) conlera wltb on the battlefronts threatening dethe players off count. Soon the quiring a simple majo.rlty. Field Marabal Montromery In Rolland. velopment of mounting Allied yOIlJ' dream. MRII. RUTH WYETH SPEARS • of We c:om. vae. U Calling for construction of dams, guelltll wll1 begin to call off the three manjpulate Its forces to ward off a tacks. minutes. A prize can be given the on YOII are p1annlna to Bedford Bll1I New York With 300,000 workers needed In canals and waler-works at an ex- winner. vlall Florida, DOW or po.twar, cel Drawer II decisive break·through at anyone &ure boolde" and InformaUoa rerar spot. Although the enemy was said munitions plants, labor became the pense of $277,000,000 to the U. S. True or False.. Enclose 15 'cents lor each pattern -BantlDc, Fisblac, WorlE, Play, aDd and $144,000,000 to Canada, the proj· ordered. vacaUoD aUraclloal, Where to ro, wbat to have about 6,000,000 men afield No. 1 consideration of officials, with Another game is similar to man,. ect wall to be illtroduced as an to lee, Wbere to .tay. 'J'bI. b!formaUon will Name ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• in both the east and west, only War Manpower Commissioner Paul of the radio contests or programs, allt.e :rOD to lave 1D0De:r aad plan aa about 1,250,000 were said to be V. McNutt calling for Intensive re- amendment to the: rivers and har- true or false, or do you know the ecoaolDlcal aad pl.alBlit Ulp. Price P .... AdClreu ............. tee ................... . . . . . . . . . . . DA.ay - lOX ana. TAMPA, fLO.IDA cruiting 'Of women; transfer of em- bor bID by Sen. Ge·orge Aiken (Vt.). answer. Have a set of queaUOD.I crack troops. One of Presiden·t Roosevelt's pet .tart the guessing contests. The That the enemy has few troops to ployees within a plant to more eslipare is evidenced by his tactics In senUal jobs; channelling of workers projects, the St. L,awrence Seaway questiona should be of general Inthe Balkans, where the retreat to- to more Important Industries; dis- has been the subject of lively dis- terest. ward the Austrian border promises couragement of labor turnover, and cussion, with advocales charging SpeD Backwardll_ to draw up all of his troops suspension of manpower 'authoriza- private power Inte·rests with blockA good old-fashioned spe~ bee '11'. ba•• limIted quota 0( ou pateaccd, paraateed, OOZIP.HO .... Ing Its passage, and opponents claimpresently strung out along the Hun- tions for civilian production. IOTS_'" fot IU twldu4 4oahle-ec!a. ialet7 ruor blldu. ' may prove of ,nterest, however, CDe garian and Yugoslav border. In addiIacredibl1I!lea. blade lir•• Better .b..... Take. bat. 1D000e&. ...,. {or Of the 300,000 people nceded .. Mc- ing that only Canada stood to benefit In wbich the spelllng is done backftIeIf o,er .tieI oyer, Silllple, practical, podtbe, aeml04utomatic. tion, reports from Italy Indicated a Nutt said, 130,000 were for heavy from It. AIken's attempt to .pass warda, usuaUy creales more iDter· "Z.IP·HO....IUT' "'&rPea. uulauop. BAJUlER METHOD. See4 P,OIIpa,id Gcrman retirement In that country, and small arms munitions. Indus. the project as an egreement rather est, IIIFWh_la U.S.A,usd to ....Ico mea ... 4 _mea O",,.,,.upoareceipt ofoob than a treaty further fanned the ,t.2,ia IDC}O.,.-orderor cltcck; Or CoO.D1lau. S.A.{or ,1.2' pI... .m.u po.... As the Nazis reformed their Ilncs tries requiring the remainder in· A Uttle competition will enlIven the deedoa cbIr ... (No o,er." Co 0, D_ ... PllleDb.) In Hungary, flying Red columns ad- clude air· borne radar; assault, fiames, with opponents stressing game, so arrange the lUes" Into . " "... _ _ . . . . . ._ " , . " " , . (No cash ~ IWIIP. pleaH.) vanced to within 13 . miles south of transport and cargo ships; tank ma- that anything as v'ltal to our inter- two or three teams, then tell them IftaM. . . . . 0fFII. ord ... fOIl: in 0; IIIMII Idb. ~ tJala ..., foI ...nco rrieaol.. NltaoIWdlacolllll,oa ~ rel~ca, '" ' . . national relations properly deserved Budapest, where civilians were put terials; cotton duck for tenting; the rules. 'E ach contestant "m .,. . . ZIP.HON. Co., p. 0. . . . c.nternIa . the extended supp~lrt of the country to work digging entrenchments for 'a heavy artlllery, trucks and Urcs, as a whole, 'as exeJlDpUfied In a two- eliminated trom the game when he last ditch stand. . and B-29 Superiortresses. makel bls miss, and the Irat team thirds senate vo.l e.. to be Ipe11ed down 10lel the .am.. Down Under • • • ADo&her TIlDe. The income from meat · animals A. parr 01 ill plan 10 imprbv. ..... The name of ' this ciontest II alIIo will reach an all-time fecord this year, approximating one-third ot A study of artlJlcial breeding just erol livin, colldWOM lor New GI/inea '"'l'ime." Prepare the sUps of'paper. the total farm Income, or more than completed by New Jl':rsey State col. native., Au.traliall rwthorilieJ hOIlfJ _ writing on each a clU!erent .,arie" 6~ billion 'dollars, George M. Lewis, lege of agrlcult4re gives conclusive fQbli.lhed medical "hoou in the Ie"" of ·tIm.. .. uch· .. ItlllIna Tlm.. seat.. director ot marketing of the Ameri- evidence ' that the science has pro:. lory o. whk;1a 1I0tiVe. ore .l4I4;lI••o dia.- In, Time, Saving Tin1e, MarkIq nose.common. maLldie. 41111 10 we;"/Uo Tim.. Father Tline. Lo~ 'l'ime, can Meat institute, predicted. il'eSled to the point where It can be rIlen" lor them. w..o~ ar, liven b,. Mareh of'Tlme, Nick of lJ'lm.. :\Yalta ThBl1lng' the trends of livestock adopted on Ii natlon;wide scale, Dr. Au.trolima doctorJ in.·Motuan and pUl,- TIme, Blaht Time. Summer '~ , production for 1945, Lewis 'si\id the :J. W. Bartlett said. in. Here i. sam;le. at in pUl,- etc. Mak8 two c~les of ucb _ United States department .ot agriThe study just completed iD New in.. The,.lIoclOr IU"': . Sl!ppo.e "ead'''. 01.,. oDe .aOb to the WOID_ ad cultUre esllinates the marketing. of Jelley shows thl\t 120 "anillclal" pam, allin ~. hot, bGIe"'ide paba, lie • __ ·tIIe other let .1n a bat for .. . cattle and calves be about 35 cows, bred from outstan&ling bulls, no Wee ItaiMi (/~IJ-wlia' _ • .". p~ .. ID,!D to draw, Th..-mea tba ..... produced 9.3 mare milk aDd 14 per loll, thilleiloW 'O~lthinll''' .,4n4 mWlorf1lead, or a mUllon more tha realOIIGble relulariIJ ".. iI«lOr I iiDltnt. III pantomime the Idad at cent -more butlerfa1. this year, the bigliest. on record. tIID. ... np....eatl, 10 . . lid . _ . . . . . . ber partn~,


Get Your War Bonds To Help Ax the Axis


Pillns to hurry Ithrough the _po polntments of Jose:ph C. Gr.e w as Undcrseoretary of State and WIIUam L . Clayto.n, Nc~lson Rocke!eller and Archibald Mac:Lelsh as assistant secrct rle! In the department ' -_ _ _ _ _ _ _ Re\en.ed bl' Western Union. _...,.-______ , struck a snag In Ole senate, where (EDITOR'S NOTE: Wben opinion•••• '."pre •••• In tbe . . . . lumn a. lb., . .e tbo" ., a rebellious conlingcnt forced hearWe.lela New.paper 1Jolo.n new. aaa.,&&.1 ana D01 neefl ••• rll , ot lbl. ne.w. paper.) In gs to be held Of! the principals' Illness for the offices. Leading the attack was Kentucky's "Happy" Chandler, who, In referring to the appointments of Bu siness men Clayton and Rockefel· ler, de clared : .. . . . I was told that the poor folks would be given opportunities as a result of the election. . . . Instead of the poor people obtaining the jobs. the Wall Strcet boys a re get'llng the m . . . . " In pressing for confirmation of the a ppointmenls, Texa s' Tom Conn ally decried the allegation that business In terests would use their position to Influcnce policy, declaring: " . . . Every senator who knows the PresId ent knows that he Is going to dominale the foreign p'~licy of this goverrunent. . . . "

Christmas Trees ATe I SEWING C~RCLE ' P~TTERNS Of ~ny Varietws To Brighten Winter

Stiffen Policy


H it Appoint~~nt!


Making Doll Houae Furniture la Fun


Festive Games Provide for a Real Home Party









DO -YOWl .~v.: 'I

J.p plll·boICes

and lIun emplacements are "knocked out" · '1st when deadly bazookas to Into .cllon I It likes I trained. two· man telm and blttery-powar to keep Ihese portIble weapons firing. Batteries that onee were made for homes and farms are now Mnt to seive ollr flghtlnll men. Use your Ivallabl. Burllau Battery spa ~lngly ..• keep them cool end dry. For Free Billery HintsWrll. Dept. U·5, Burgess Blttery Camp.n" Freeport, illinoiS. .


fa You,

S.",Ic...... n Toda,'




Better Bossies






wiI" II71II.I

'I.". _.,_,



- he ~I Chure ~



Mtdweek Service. Wed. night 7:30 Tn' tho' Miami Gaz He Want Ads ! You are invited to come and wor- ,G~t . \Viliit Ada 'Urlhg' R a.;i18 . . .ship with us, .



T. &1. Scarlf. Minister

Invocation, Old Testament Lesson age 618. Gloria Patrl, New TestamentLeson. Luke, 2. Prayer, Anthem, "The Christmas" by Wilson, Chl'lstmas Sermon, Rev. R . B. )()lem(\l1.


1tIiHIlllifJ.~ DOUBLE DUTY .'I





FOR' Any mak'e or model Fred Kahn Motor Car Co.

'Dr. W. E . POR.TER


WaynesvUle, ohio



TO the Telephone Subscribers of the Waynesvill e Ex-

.change, your Telephone Co., alongwith your fellow subscribers, requests that through the Holiday season and the inclement weather that is here,that you limit your telephone conversation as much as possible, also limit the length of time you talk.

Hyl.l111, "It Came Upon A MIdnight ~lcar." Hymn No. 92, The Central office equipment at Waynesvill e is reason3e.nedlction, Please bring your "White Gilt" ably adequate for norm a l traffic, but is not sufficient for SW1day morning for our Home lor the overload t hat the weather and the Holiday season is 'the aged. The Youth F ellowship of the putting on it . Your Telephone Co,. r egrets very much that Methodlst Church. Instead of holding t.hclr rcgular meeting Tuesday night. it. cannot install adequate equipment to take care of your ~lng Ohrlstmas Carols In different t:very call, bult until the necessary equipment is released ~ecL1on s of the town. and then enjoyrefreshments a t the Mulford home, by your government we must ask your c~operation in geton North Main Stl'ect. Over 30 were ting by with t he present equi pment which will handle In the gl'Oup. ST. MARY'S EPISCOPAL CHURCH Ralph Parks, I\lInlsi er In Oharre

C: A' SH .



" R. B. Coleman, M!nlster Sunday School 9:30 8. m, E. A. For Dates, Phone 2894,. WaynesSWlday, December 24th Worship servIce at 10:30 A. M. ville, Ohio, Reverse Charges Sunday School 9:30 a.m, Mrs, Raymond 'Connel', Superintendant. Earnhart, Supt. BROItERS LICENSE Evening Service. 7:30 p . E. ·Worshlp 10 :30 a. m. Piano and Organ, VolunLary "Silent Night," Miss Virginia. Hal'dln and Mrs. R.. B, Coleman . . o~o~==~o~o~e==~eo~o Hym11, "Coml! All Ye Faithful" Hymn No. 96.



, AUCTIONEERING Stanley and Koogler


the calls if everyone is considerate and uses the telephone only when it is necessary.

Church SChOOl at 9:30 a. m . Morning prayer and sermon 11 :00

,m. • ' ,'EItIU! CllIlltCIl 01" CIIRIST Hcrberl Grabam. MJniJter . 9:30 a. m .• Bible' school 10.45 a. m.-CommW1ion. 11 :00 a. m,-Bermon. :8: 00 p . m .-Preachlng.

Your Telephone Com.pany would like .to take this opportunity to wish alJ of its subsscribers, A Very Merry Christmas a nd A Happy New Year.

At this sea. on we should a ll subject our, elv es to I'e-exa mination, to see if good f lIowship and kindness still survive as a practi ca I combination to bl'ing happiness to the human heart, Ea ch of us holds in his hand the key to this comb ination. Let us use it during th i hri tmas season of 19 ·4, to help transform dreams into r ea lties. M<lY we add our 'g lad Christmas greetings to the many which are finding th eir way to you .

·We hope old Santa will not forget you this Christmas of 1944', but .that he will cr.a m that stocking so full it can hold 1110 more. Good cheer,good fellowship, and Merry Chriatma. to you


Sohio Service Station

Fairley Hardware Co.



The Ohio Central Telephone Company

¥RIENDS First Day school, 9 :30 a, m. Meeting ror WorshIp, 10 :30 a. m.


ST. AUGUSTINE CHUROH FaUier Kruinholtl, Pries' Mass Sunday 9;JJO a. m.

WAYNESVILLE CH1JBCB OF OHRIST Malt RanclalJ. &Ilnlster Bible SchOOl 9.30 a. m. Oommunion 10:45 a. m. Preaching, 11 a. II;lI. Ohristian Endeavor 6:30 .Evening Service 7:30


Jlnrle beJl!I, Jln,Je bells,


. And . Saturdoy •



Jlnrle alI the way, Oh! what tun It is to ride In a one-horse open shay!

We have much to be thankful for this Christmas, and we want t o express our thanks to you. May this Christmas season of 1944 be an especially happy one for you.





Jane, Larry Parks

/. SUN.-MON.-TUES. YOU' ll I ii

BOB'S DAIRY Charles Kofmdal



~ ~

New 1945 Master Mix Concentrates and Complete Feeds 'RODUCED GAIN AT 15% LOWER COST PER POUND than the best p~evious Master Mix rations· 1Sc saved out of every feeding dollar in these That's not just a "guess" ... not just a careless "claim." 15% savings' were actually recorded in carefully controlled tests in which the results of feeding Master Mix rations contain· ing new, revolutionary METHIO· VJTE were compared with those of . feedin g the beslt previous Master Mix rations - unive:rsally recognized as among the most efficient and economical of feeds. Stan, today, to get the benefit of 1945 Master. Mix Concentrates and Complete Feeds, fortified with METHIO-VJTE. Because conditions;



I Iv .

* *

rO f _~_ a " lI -


llan· c e at' . r ,


. Th~ Wayneaville Gynm. 8:00'to 12:00 p. m• .

.! ·PBC. sotJa Hockman'. Orchestra

Ref...h~eDb Door




Now available •• • Master Mile Concen· trates and Complete Feeds with M-V (METHIO.VITE) for sows, pigs, breeding hens. Available soon In other Mastel Mix rations.

, Cost per Pound ga" cut

'5 ex • o

lHt"~1 '5 ..

.......... ; ··

~--------------~--~ _ u_ q_ u _ _ _ a .


stock, management vary so greatly, we cannot promise that YOllr saving will total 15%. It may be less. Jl may even be more. But one thing is cerlah,: you'll produce poultry and pork faster, at lower cost, than with any Master Mix ration we have ever made before. And that means a big increase in profits for you.





IN THESE LAST SHORT DAYS OF ~944 when beaming,faces tell that Christ.. mas is very, very near, we fl,re re· minded again of the suprem~ value of frienId.s hip·. .He who has no friends, though he may have amassed fortune, can~o't be happy. We have many friends in .this area -- frienkls from many ' years back as well as fdends who have become friends during ' this past year.. These friendships are a great source of pride a.n d happiness to,. us. To a'II 'thElse friends we wish a VERY' MERRY CHRISTMAS ' ,' 'SEASON

. lound, . a ne~' . 1 vue lS l essentla f tce ",e'h\~- l sou C? and 0 f/1a,t. ca lelt vitapllns plplelt c""~'!J"'" \y eo thiOnine eOhe aplino the e lug' ~f t ttant nu' ~ ··spatlt .p the lplpO i tWO . toteln result 0 1 b. e P . t plalt • It is the etw\il1en a i ad~s thf'~dot i.t . lS. reh at the ~\housands 0 0" resea.~ testS on t..• iu"e .i atS I Cll,e . os .....PII. .P. olio ye: . of spe .J ' ot raUo ' . s 'atoti4~S':'h hundreus ..,...........if.a.. O.... ....... - l's :

-In ·~rowln9 brOilers


~lt .

., ,


.Bes. previous . .' Master Mix F d New 1945 1.1." ee s F d as'er .1.1,. ·Sosed 011 tad • . ee . with M-V All 0)' s ,

r~~C~O~l1td'_'t;_O_I1S~il1~te_s~t:-i~d:ng~ . r;e~d:;e:n~' ;p~r;~c.~s~.: :;.;;.~j ""."" "'<ep' f., f. ....

'New .MASf;.ER· tAlX

Conce..trates and Com~lete Feeds ,. Now'ld with · Methlo-Vlte ,


- ",





CIfftu& SOYA CO" Iff', ,.,. W,,.,. 2. Indlono '




.... ~



'ent., .g,...... I.'. '••cI-"o.v'.,'v,...


In hl,lo..,..

A•• d,o·,


la" .......'oc!v••"



of .............


Wapesvllle-l'armersElIoba" •• , Phone 2371






two weeks, left tor- her home. SWlHarveySburg School was <?oeed day. . ' all last week .oil ncootmL of the 1<;y

T,. . . . . . CAZET_TE WAYNESVILLE, OHIO Phone Published by DAVISSON PRESS . EnteftId. a.e Beoond Claas IMa.tter at Waynesville, Ohio


Mearle TgTy has been confined roods. to his :roOOi.= for t.h~' 'PI\st week .In a " _ _ _~_ _iiiiii~_iiiiii. serious lllness, remains ' in 110 crltlcaJ '" condition ~t this time. Dr. Stout. of WE TO. . ARE PLEASED ' Waynesvllle,. Is the attending phySician. ANNOU~CE T HAT Mr. and Mrs. Cht:u'les HaLnes and WE AGAIN ' HAVE Lester Kennck. or WP,ynesV1lle. Mr. CALENDARS end Mrs. Amoo Hrulles and family ot Lebanon, and Ju.nior Snlder, were COME IN FOR YOUR . SWlday afternoon ylsitors of Mr. COpy TODAY a.nd Mrs. James McDonald and


Subscription Price $1.50 Per Year Payable in Advance

...•..•.•...................... ...... -.... . Peace! ~

• a mesh of strife, war, t ears, The world is entangled in heart-break blood, grief, ' broken homes, widows and ..orphans. Tribulations bey~md the conc:e'p tion of mOlta l nlan. Planes, guns, tanks, ships, shells, bombs, death and destruction!. A world gone amuck in an orgy of ruthless murder, plunder, rape, diabolical deveItry and politic a l intrigue. A sad and terrible pictul1e< of human errors and griefs. Sadness' predominates throughout the land. Grief runs rampant. Terror and fear shows in the face!3 of the populace. The world is at war-a terrible, bloody, deathly war. Darkness abo unds throughout the world. Through this darkness comes a light to those who can see . A brilliant Jight eminating from the Star t hat shown over the town of Bejthlehem. A light that still shines just a brightly today as it did then. Look up, it's shin~ng now, clearly, brightly. It cheers the broken hearts, aleviates th e grief, hea l the bleedil)g souls. It silences the guns, .q uiets the plan e.. , r e_ moves the terror from the faces and h ear ts of tho e who will but look up and see. A holy light that penetrates to d . h h the core 0h: hearts and heals tthe break~ an e (;ou1. At t IS season we pause 0 remem er t h e II 0 ne who stands ready and willing to give comfort and che'e r to any heart that ~ill accept the pr.edous gift. A gift that truly makes l"'l.-istmas a day to hold most dear.• A gift that '-{&ll will last throughout a lifetime. May we humbly accept and freely rec,eive this most<!ious of all Christmas gifts and m , ay our hearts overflow with peace on earth and good wilJ to men.


family •


A. T. Kyte and Mrs. Leslie 3ray were Shopping in Dayton. Monday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. Bartlett Monee spent last week with their son-in-la.w and laugh ter, Mr. and Mrs. Silman Ste".vrat and family in Lebanon.

tended !.he funen.l of Calvin Stingley, in Wilmington. Friday afternoon. Mrs. Dorothy Bmlth a.nd Mother, Mrs. Raleigh BagfUl spent last Friday in Dayton.

After 80 two week visit to her daughters 1U1d their families in Leb(Delayed) Bnon and if'ranklln. Mrs. Georgia Mr. Thrwnan Miller fo Wllming- ~~SB;~turned' to the home on Wedton WIiS our guest speaker Sunday. Mrs. Georgia Mendenha.1l attended Our communIty was saddened by the death or Mary C. Autrum who !~et1:e~:;:e ~~.~:s~. ~:. was 0. fonner pastor here for several ence ·Ed'MU'ds. Wednesday night or years. Some or our members attend- ast week.


~o!~ f:er~i~::s ==~

Miss Margaret W. Edwards was B Dayton visitor Saturda.y. afternoon. Mrs. Homo Rlggs of ;!lear Ferry 'Mr. OoTId Mrs. EVerett Haines spent called on Mrs. Allce Clark. Saturday Friday evening with Raleigh Boga.n morning. and wife. M rs. J. W. !Ward attended the IunMr. and Mrs. Raymond Wllijon eral of Alla.'l Emrick at Lytie Monhad as their gue~ts little Dorts, Su- doJ.y atternoon. , san and Larry Ellis. Mrs. Edlth Haines spent part of a'll n d a. yeva.'llng service at the last week with her parents. Mr. and BEECH GROVE church. Rev. Vlce also proo.ched a. iMrS. Cht:u'ley Laird. Her mother, Mrs. by )IJss JeSSie Glmter ermon 9n mJsslons. Choir of young Lnlrd, Is a patient in Miami Valley M!OPle lurn1shed the music. Hospital at this writing. Mrs. FlOra. Little of Franklin. who Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Greathouse, Ma.r1anna. Bogan and Ella. Ha.l.nes has been nursing in the home or Mr. w:h0 have been liVing an the swartz- . sp.ent Sunday evening with Mrs. and Mrs. James McDonald the past traub~ farm, left saturday for Flo- Lucy Compton. in New' Burlington. rtda, where they wW spend several :Mr. and Mrs. WllUam 6mlth and months. Mr. Greathouse will man- daughter' entert(lined to dinner Sunage a. fishing bOat, near Key West. day, Mrs. Ella Haines and Mr. and for a. Dayton finn. Mrs Raleigh Bogan. :Mr. George Gra.y returned bome Mr. and Mrs. ' Cha.rles Habdman, MQuday atter a. three week visit with !Mr. and Mrs R. Compton and daU&hh1.s daughter, Mrs. Fred Fisk and ter. Mrs. Margaret Richardson. of fam.lly. at Independance, Kentucky. called on relatives, SuniMrs. Wilbur .Foulks was called to day a!ternoon. Dayton laBt week by' the illnesa a.nd Mrs. Nellie Bunnell spent part of death of her sister, Mrs. 'LUllan last week in Waynesville. Evans. Mr. and Mrs. Foulks attended iMrB. Maxine Smith and baby san. the funeral at the ParkYlew Naza- Wayne. of !Pueblo, Colorado are visttrene church, Dayton, 'ruesoo.y. and ing her P!U"ents. Mr. and Mrs. Rai'the burial at MlamI cemetary, ri West. WaynesvWe. Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Wilson at-


MrII. Lean S6l.Isbury returned to !her home in wash1ngton, O. B., Th~ atter spending three weeka 'With ber mother Mrs. Emrlc, during the lllneaa and death of.Allen EInrkk Mr. and' Mrs. Arthur Orea.thouse llpent several ~lIlast week with Mr. Levi Oftatbou8e. IDeep1te the mow and 1nclen'ient weather large·crowd attended Mrs. iDell1ah Miller'8 sale and: thlnp sold well . . Pvt. James ste1nke, of the !B681c En8ineer1ng Unit of ·the University of Kentucky. ILexlngtoll. Ql:\lle home to attend the funeral of 11111 grandfather, Mr. Ha.Jory Gllman, Prlday aDd the b\Jr1al. at Germantown. A number of members (rem here enjOyed the Juvenilf Ohristmas program at· the regular meetlrig of ora.nCe at W8YnesvWe, Eo.turday




AchemIan and llUe son, of .~ 8lmday even1nc dinner guests at ,t he home cl Mr. and iMra, Walter Eem1cL J4:rs. Mbn1s 1WhartOn, of Independance, Kentucky and ber slater, Miss Em1ly Keeney, of ltonoltvllle, Tennt!IIIee, spent Sunday 'With Mr,' and lin. ~ WlWton. The Woman's 80clety of l.iYtle chu!rcb had a m1aslanary program, d1rect.ed by Mrs. Therle JODee. at the

Bii'Or FOB AND CONSIGN JOUr QUUe. hOIS. &heep aDd cal. .




At All

Wilbur N. Sears


Real Estate and Insurance Office - Main Street

Dial 2111 -




Wha.t..stauncher tree than the oak, anld what stauncher friends than ours? Each year at Chiistmastime we realize mO.r e keenly than ever that our success in this community is deeply rooted in .the 'firm soil of friendship. We cannot tell ybu in so many words'how much these friendly associations mean to us, and how . we cherish them. But we know you will understand. . In this 'spirit of appreciation we send our sincere good Ch.ristmas wishes to you and to all those dear to you.

~~­ I,{W,,$ THE NIGH}'


GOOD .CHEERI There's nothing quite like it. And good cheer is an affair of the heart. It cannot be withheld and hoarded to gain added v31lue with the days or years. Good cbeer must be spent! Let .us radiate good ch'eer this Clflristmas of 1944, for there are reasons enough for good cheer if we but"pause to ref.lect. .

Slelghbells tinkling dOwn old roads, farm homes glea.miD, in the dark, the spirit of kindness brooding over the land. Yes, 'tis the night before Christmas and all men are kin. . We hope that your a.rlstmas wiD be merry and bright, Mac) that you wlU receive a full shan of the gOod things thJs happy se~ brings.





Rd~y is 'allllo$t


' Re' vl~a~ , begins



Galee a& ......... ·sbIqwit

-.- ., -

. . , . . . . . ......... Ap11f7 __

All during ' " we have been .~ .

, up our graittlide to the People o~ . thls

community, as they have oome In day after !'I&y. Now that Chl'btmaI b here It fa Woe to make deUver;.. So here COUlee • , •• our rr&Utucie to 708 · 1n one bl" happ)' , merri Chriatmaa.





ferry Church ,of 'Christ

H.· M. COYNE YOU'RE NO EXCEPTION I . Calamity doesn't pick fa.,.orites l Miafortune ham't aiD.led you out u ... exceptionl Be wiae and prottlCt YO\U'Mlf with good iDauranc:e 'ao ·that no matter, what happe~., · you, ~ family . and' your Jjr'opa t) wiD befuUy pro'tectetL





~~~~~~~~~M~j~~~ ~ ~~~~~~-~ I



-Phone 2651





Residence 98 M


AutolBottlle I.s.ranee

Morrow Phone No. 3 Leba.non: O!f\ce Phone {73 It

~. - . ~-~~~~~~~~~





_0 _ _


to Noma-Brock CO.. ltv. w1re anct ~va firm for tbe hIIhes! ~ prtcea and sOOd I1D1oD stock Yanh; CIncinnatI, O. TUDe 1D an Rad10 station WareY'. 12:25 W 12:30 p. m. for our daDy ma.rUt report,a.


, Pllone W~tl4v1lle 2911

We Offer

MERR"X CHRISTMAS GREETINGS from all of us to all of yoll





_ _ a_a. _ _ _






Rogers & Simpson

Mr. and Mrs. Clifford Helman, of lDa.yton, were visitors SUnday at the Terry homes. Mr. and Mrs. George Plym1re were vLsltors in Lebanon. Friday. Mtisicisa daisy but shc', onc daby who tclls all in M·G·M'. latest picture. "l'olaiJie c'ocs To Reno." JwrinJE Ann Solhcm.

Sand & Gravel




Thursday, Detember ZI, 1944




I(athleen ~orris ,_Says~ _ ,


looking at

The Debt We Owe to Christmas

! P"'SIIIJS . no", ~D~.ro4 in <"tDtl., In4ustTT ..III Dot .ppl1f ",itbout Ittlte. mont 01' avail.billt1f f,o in tbol, loed U"JIe4 Emp/o1fmlftt S.,.,I•••

Bell SyndJcate.-WNU



Fador, Workers-No experience


, •••••••• .••• « •••• , . . . . . ....


''''P:o,,~tI ' Uniform Illt~rn"'io"ltI



Apron RaSeEye-Appeal



Of The Moody Bible IneUlute of Chiearo. Released by Wntem New. paper Union,

odds weroe thousands to one T HE against a stocky, freckle·faced

Lesson for December 24'


Fllr this pattern scnd 18 cents In eoln., your name. address lind the pattern num-


Due to 00 unusually large demand an4 current wnr conditions. sllgh Uy more time Is required In filling orders for a few o. the most popUlar pattern numbera, Send your order to :

D. D.

Bury . l,t not workln!! ln" delenGe plnnt, th en con:ae and ace. Us. \\lC h nve nlU Il Y vltol Wl1r lobs open. with good pay. Applicants must hove relerral 'nrd Irom USES AmerlollD Fump•. 1110 .. 1202 Flndl"y, CI~.lnnll&l , 0.

blues singer who came bere nine Lesson subj~ela ond Scrlplure texts ..... years ago for a care !~ r. lected and copyrighted by International Today .Judy Garlandi is onc of our Coun.U of Rellgloull EducllUon: used by top box oaice pets. She could put permission. Nam,ee______________________ aside her songs and' go dramatic Wllntotl-Glrl. YOllnl/. genoral housework. THE GROUND OF UNIVERSAL C:l cvcl~ n d suburb. Re l~ r . n cc8 ex.honKed. any day In the week. She could, JOY s Prolestnnt preferred. BUtS. F . MARKERT, Address. - - -- - - - . . . . . . : . . - -- but" I sure . would be mad at her. luau Aberd •• " nand. nack, Rlv.r, Oblo. Hers Is no Cinderella story, No LESSON TEXT-Luke 2:8·12; Hebrewa Auto M.cbllnl •• nnol Palnter......Atlenllonsterdom overnight tor Baby Fran- 1; 1-4; I John 1 ;1-4. We have op"nln~s lor 2 good mecbonle. GOLDEN TEXT-Behold. I brln, you Early Camouflage ces Gumm, "the lind 2 painte rs; lop PUY. exaeJlent working good tidings of great Joy. whlcb shaU be c ondlUon8. v a cati ons w ith p ay, ycnr.end little girl with the to aU the people.-Luke 2 : 10. bonulI, minimum lIun rnntee. Quecn City great, big voice," Camouflage is not a mode rn war Chev rolet Is a ~w. J1 , 'rlondly plnce to work. Sce Mr. Flory. Queen City Chev rolet. 8tb as she was billed w eapon. Shakespeare. in Scene What would you like for Christ• Sycamore. Cincinnati, 0. l·b . I'A-48110. In vaudev\lle. IV, Act V, of "Macbeth," writes: mas? Could anything be better than From the day "Let every soldier h ew him down to find for your beart and mind that FEA THERS WANTED she was three a bough, and bear' t before him; spiritual "afety, certainty, and joy she worked, and thereby shalt we shadow th e numwhich transforms life ? Well. that Is FEATIIERS WANTED. NEW OR OLD worked Born e Ship or write to STERLll'lG FEATIlER bers of our hos t and make disexactly what Jesus came to bring Cl•• , III Norlb Brood ... ,. S\. Lonl •. lifo. covery err in report of us ." more. mankind. It was the tlrst Christmas Long before Ju· gift, and it 'Is the best gift this ye ar dy or her two lis. 1L:...,........,;.;:iIk.. . too. ELECTRIC HEATERS ters, Vlrclnla ,nd Judy Garland I. Safety (Luke 2: 8-12). Sue, were born, ELECTRIC IlEATERS Men need deliverance from their No priority. Hca vy duty recondJUoned Frank and Etbel Gumm toured sin. They needed It when Christ movoble. 110 vott cicci ric heaters, Plug hi "'/ thi.! could be brought home 10 our children. rIIi. iru:alculable debl rhol vaudeville circuits as "Jack and came. They need It today. They AN attention-getter, this bit of any receploble. On. will hent nverOlle bedroom. Price $28.75. EX1)reS8 prepaid. riley owe fa Jesus Chrisl, whose birrhday we celebrQU OR Chrillmos. il mi,he .olue Virginia Lee, sweet southern sing- must have a sale refuge. one in feminine frivolity. A croItI.L10TT OIL CO. - Plnc Dlulr .Arll .ome oflhe greal problem. ,hal we mo,he,. foee." cheted apron in simple pattern "Pine BIUlJ Wanla Small Industries." . ers." When the Ilrst Gumm sister WhIch they may rest secure. stitch, finished with a crocheted arrived they lIettled tn Grand Rap. All the enorts ot thIs world to By KATHLEEN NORRIS Ids, Minn. meet man'. need are vaht. As Jo- ruffle. THE FOUNDATION • SALES DISTRIBUTION CHRISTMAS seems to me Grease paint was put aside for seph Parker' put It: "The world did An apron you can make in double· AUenUcn Manufacture .. : If you hav" "ny. . this year quite different the nonce and Franlk: Gumm took not want an adviser. The world bad quick Ume; ineXpensive. Pattern 641 conEuropean civilization Wilt thing of quality thot 10 worth·whlle marketfro mall the 0 the r over the New Grand tlheatcr as man- advised Itself almost Into bell The tains crochet directions for apron: Ing but lock sales distribution or finance . . erected upon the ethicallounager. It was there, at the age of world did not ask for a specu- atltches. please write 10 Mr. Frocmo n. K . 1Io F. 01": Christmases I ever have 'rlbllOn, c. .• IIIlI8 E. 23rd 8t ..,O. 1m dation 0/ Christianity. A I the three, that Judy made her debut. lator. Everything that man could own. great accompli,hments 0/ the It has always meant holly Middle Agu were achieved by Her two listers, with mother at the do had been done, and men sat in plano, were on the Itnge. Judy had the darkness of their own wisdom. FARMS and the tree, presents and men who believed in the reli. been told to sit quietly In the dresl- The world did not want a reformer, IMMEDIATE PQSSESSION-80 nere_ roaring open fires, and all the gion 0/ Cr.rut. Even today. Ing room. She had her own Ideas- a man who could change hil outLevel hltlhly productive land with 0 llood IIroom bOUle; elcctrlcity; Silo and lorge family gathered for the feast. practically all chose splendid she IItill haa, She wanted to alng, ward and transient relations, an enburn : equlppt'd for cattla reodlne. lIood to- It has always meant special bacco ahcd. This larm I. well fenced ond and noble imtitutiom that dis· too, and sing she did. Before any- gineer that would continually detllcd nnd con be purchosed with a 14,000 knew It sbe WBIS standing In vote his time to the readjustment of down pnyment. C. W. MAUKEY Realtor, music and special services at tinguish our civilization /Tom one 'Slttlng on the edge of a mat,. front of the audience singing dve the wheels and the pulleys and the 103 N. Barron BL. Eaton. Oblo. "lIone 81. church, and-of later years that oj the ancient eastern choruses ot "Jingle EleUs." varIous mechanical forces ot soci- tress weakens the edge and causes especially, much serious won0.. 70111' low>triN N. B. C . .,..,,_ cultures have come down to w ety. The world wanted a saviour." it to sag. ."17 8GtudaJf monWtlF dering thought of the little /rom centuries that were acti- California, Here We Come ' Jesus came as Saviour. The sood :llaOO A. M., E. W. T. DUnOC8-Re,. O,e .. Glltl; wellnllnll plu; baby whose life was to be the Shortly after that the Gumma left tidings revealed to the faithful shepvated by a lively Chri,tian La,. ,.our vacuum cleaner on the WISE WBIS WOPI WKP'l' ~~':.i::~~Be~~8:J.:~~t~~~Burton. Ob.le. most important ever lived by /aith, Ho,pitau •• chools,homu tor CalHornia. , In other words, they herds were to be "ot great joy to floor and pass your dust mop back 10100 A. M., C. W. T. man. /()r the aged, codes 01 law pro- worked their way out. Jobs were all people" because they presented and forth before the opening to I have marvelled anew every WAPO WROL WAVE WSM Icarce. At Lancaster, Calif., the the One who could bring them re- clean the mop. tecting individual rights, /reeyear over the facts of His .We; the Subscri tion Agenc local theater was crying for a new from sin. ~ dom 0/ 'peech. equali.y 01 manager. For nine years the demption . .'+T'+~ ....... That revelation Is ready to be lIa,alln. Salll.rlplloDI":" Lowest prices. poverty and obscurity, the complete Add a haDtU~1 of salt to the women , •• all these and mucll Gumms Uved there . . We quote price. on your favorite malotlne, unimportance of all His associates, made again this Christmas. and a. last rinse in cold ·weather, and the we olso &/Ike tlilt subscription. . ~REIT­ more has been the outgrowth MEYER, 11101 LlD'.a", DctroU ?, IItob. even of Hil persecutors, the strange a lot ,ot cOllrage to tackle It came to the shepherds at their clothes will not freeze as they teaching that was received by a lew 0/ the great religion /ounded a Ittriptook to Chicago, But they did It. work in the field, so It may come are bung out. poor peasants, and the death of a over 1,900 yean ago. Thete Fortune smiled. They were to you on the battlefield, In camp, In BABY CHICKS common criminal that they made · It ,eenu ironic, when most booked Into the Oriental theater. the air, under the sea, in the kitchen, When putting a dish directly on Him die. U. I. Appr. Bab, Cllte",. W. Rocks, White That night marked 1the end ot the the tactory-yes, anywhere. We ice put a rubber jar ring under 0/ the Christian ' natiom 01 stran,e teaobin,. Indeed. It coD, Wyoodottcs,N.H.Reds.BnrredRockl.Whlte rightly 10 to our churches to worLe gs. Turkey poults In .eosan. Write for &radlcted enrythln, that meD bad the world are engaged in. the Gumm Slaten. Up until now they ship on Christmas Day, but let us it to prevent the pish from sUpprlcn. Al bic, Ba ..,. eb.le" Co., A.ble", 0. greatest war in hi,tory, to say had been billed as "Ithe Crumb Sla· remember that Christ is every- ping ,off the ice. ever beUeved, U dlacoanled force and ...~. It voiced the incredible that Christianity has impired ters." "the Bum Sisters," but thia where, seeking each one - yel, too much. The marquee read. When grown Indoors in window Oldest Armed Bodyguard doctrine Ulat love wall tbe only pow- all that is great and good on was ''The GLUM Sisters,, " George .Jet- knocking at your door. Wlll yeu let box or in flowerpots, herb!! do bellt ... er, and Ulat love falfllied aU the I.w. 'his earth. Yet, in a seme, the leI changed their name to Garland, Him In? Then you wlU have Ch.rlstin a south window where they get 01 beaven and earth. They dldo't bevery /act that there i, a war and Frances lwitched hers to Judy, mas indeed I King Henry VII of England, Deve rum, and Uley ldUed Him, and plenty of sunlight. II, Cer,-Inty (Heb. 1:1-4). being waged, that there are so founded the Yeomen of the Guard HI. forlorD obscue foUowen ' face4 Change at name didn't mean a many millwM 0/ people will- chanie ot luck, though. They de- God bas spoken through the cenin 1485. Now the oldest armed Ule crea' ",arrm. world of tbat day. body unde r . the crown, it forms and of Ule Dew worlda aDd Ule ~ ing to fight and .uler and die cided to go ~ome.' ,J obs along ~e turies In the messages of many faith· ful le~anls. We do well to ,Ive the sovereign's bodyguard at cor~ paDded day. 10 come, wHb Jut .. few. Iqr the principals 01 jwtice road barely covered expenses. heed to God's Word through them. nations, opening of parliament, qaoted precepta a. their berlta,e. and /reedom that are .he very Then VirglDia ' anci Sue decided But after all they were only servand other state functions. And that heritage grew and spread essence '01 the relision 01 to marry. That mElant that wbat ants. This message of redemption Christ, is the best testimonial was laughingly called their act Is so vital and fundamental that God and thundered down the ages and reached unknown countries and unto ever-living power 0/ that would split up. For SEmtlment·s sake sent HIs Son, Himself the Redeemer, born peoples - Qh, yes, polluted and they had one last fling. They sang to declare It. great Jaith. twisted and miSinterpreted and beat the Lodge at Lake Tahoe. A talHow final, and definite, and blesstrayed sometimes, it is true, but .till ent scout spotted· Judy and In three ed I. that trUth. The heir of all the the doctrine of forfi,vent!ss and are the nations that cling to HIm. weeks she was signed by Metro- eternal glorle8 of God the Father, brotherhood. Human weakness. de- profess fidelity to Him, no matter Goldwyn-Mayer. and Himself the elfulgence (or the layed it, but nothing could ldll it, how tar they fall away from the Even then she waited around a fiashlng forth) of the glory of God, because it is the truth. So much we humillty and charity that He year, but Judy finallJ' got Rn assign- has IIpoken God's last word-HI. all know, so much we all feel, at preached. ment - a ~o-reeler' wit}, Deouua certain word - about redemption Christmas time. inspired Medieval Marvels. Durbin called "Eycry ~·mday." from sin. It began, of course, with the Then Durbin was gnbbed by UniSaddeD New Llgbt. We aU know how tull of uncertainBut - lIke a window opening to brotherhood of the early church, versal and startedi getting the ty the world is. how our own 'mlnds • udden new light, i\ has come to me with the sharing of bread and wine . breaks. But Judy got nothIng except are distressed by the very uncertainty of countless things about us. in these terrible years of war that It went on to those early documents, bits and heartbrl!ak. Her Orst role with :Mlckey Rooney What a precious gift from God to we owe Christianity a tremendous to that wealth ot priceless pai~tlng8, debt over and above the spiritual to the great cathedrals that simple broke the ice. A C(luple of Bcenes re-alize anew the absolute certainty value It givel us. That Christianity, men buUt for love of Him. Even ta- In "Thoroughbreds Don't Cry" led we have Ib Christ. He came to and the paSSionate love it awakened day our painters do not rival thos!! to writing a part fo r her in "Love .ave, to satisfy, and to keep us, Note that He has all the needed In men's hearts, Is the actual ark of early expressions of love and ' de- Finds Andy Hardy." Ida KovermaD civi1iution, and that it ought to be votion to the Madonna and her became Iter guardl,a n angel and authority and power to carry out Catch cold ea.UIy? Listless? The quIckly 1 fostered as a sacred possession by baby; even today our architecu kept putting in those good words for His loving purpose (vv. 3, 4). He marvel at the beauty of Chartrel wbo "made purification of sin';;' for Help tone up yoar system t Take Scott.. everyone who hopes for a new world, Cathedral and Canterbury and her. us to believe, is divine. He has all believer or non·believer. Emulsion-contains "o'"ral A a D De.erIJed It power. He Is glorious beyond our Tbe creat Hebrew rellcloD. from Rheims. Faith bullt all these; faith :\'JtamiIIs your diet may be JackJng. a.. whicb the Ufe of Christ wa. derived. Inspired the great musical composi- For "The Wizard (II Oz" Judy reo ablllty to describe. He Is God. We the chorals and reqUiems, tions, and gte4t!Buy today, Alldnlgglsla, 41d more thaD build lemples. celved the Academy award for the can rest in perfect assurance in HIs It •. .',\1' , ballt Ubrules, bOlplcetl, collere.; It and a1terward the secular world outstanding juvenile performance 01 redemption. laid down a publlo and • domeslle took hold of thcse patterns and gave the year. Then came "Babes In III. Enjoyment (J John 1: 1-4). law. What o&ber elemellt ever did' us all we know of modern art and Arms" ond a series of Rooney-Gor- God knew the need at man for land musicals that spelled box office real joy If iife was to be pleasant Theile thin.. do ' Dot exist in orl- music. and profitable. Being a Christlan It ma, be that after tbe war we dynamite. ellial couutrles, where Ule cre.t "Yeah. but how-good will she be was never intended to be a somber, I, mallBetl of &be people eveD tocla, ahaU have to berln aU over again in Uve and die in obac:ul'e .uperstltloni • stable with • baby; begin ;nUl without Rooney?" Ute cynics ques- doleful business. No, indeed. "These a.. . : - -- - - -- - -- - - - - - as 10 evU eyes. ca.le. black ma,lo, lorrtveness aDd brotberhood, begin tioned. Judy answered them with things we write," says John, "that "LltUe Nellie KeDy," "Presenting our joy may be made full" to reallie that Dot only do HI. -BUl War Savinrs BondsThey do not bulld citiu, railways, _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ ___ bridges, roads. The orient is almost oharcbel carr,. HI. Dame down &be LtIy Mars," and "For Me and My What did he write? By Insplration of the Holy Spirit he wrote of without these things, as it Is withou\ a,es to aa toda" but that every Gal. " It seems a far cry from one-night Christ, "the Word ot lite." He had moclem convenij!ncell, sewers, tele- other cood and wise thine we have phones, paving, Ichools, hospitals, li- --oar bOlpltar. and IIbrarle.. ODr stands in East Alhambra to the Phil- seen and known Him the Redeembraries. I have seen Iwarmlng dark Red Oro•• aDd oar scbools, our law., adelphia Symphony, but ' Judy was er. He had fine and u'Pllfting tellowcommunlUes, hundreds of them, In oar talk .t dJDner tables. our plaM the girl who !lIade it. Last summer sblp with Him, and declares that we India and China, Into which no one for a betler mture, .U Item from she broKe the record at Robin HoOd too (as believers) share In that felA skid wreck that smashes your car ·Den when, accompanied ~y Andre lowshlp. of these things ever had been intro- that ODe Ufe. or truck may cost you far more duced; where the compounds are Icy U this could be brought home to K08telaDetl and a hundred piece One of the bright and gladsome puddles for eight months a yeu, and our children, this Incalculable debt sYmphony orchestra, she appeared thing. about the Christmas season than the vehicle you can't replace. I. our fellowsblp with our family even such simple luxuries as a ga; that they owe to Jesus Christ. whOle there In a summer concert. One amazing ~ about Judy .. and friends. It brightens the whole It might· run up big hospital and =WNU===E========S=l==" stove or bureau, a ehange of shoes birthday we celebrate on Christma., ..:.:..::.:.:~=..______ __::.=..-.::.::. or a potato had actually never been It might lolve some of the great her extreme versatility. She could, holiday aeason. How much more doctor bills, • Don't take unnecesproblems we mothers face. CivlUz8- jump from MIckey's leen·age sweet- delightful 11 the fact that we have seen~ sary chances I Protect your car and heart In "Babel! on Broadway" to '~ellowship with the Father and with Extraordinary as it would be to tion will Increase only when we iet state that the mIraculous life ot back all close as we can to the law the mature role wltb Gene Kelly In his Son. Jesus Christ." truckwithWeed Chains during danJesua Christ had anything to do with that tells al that by this .hall we "For Me and My qal." Then back That fact really "makes" Christgerous winter weather. • If you need Europe's scientific and material be known as Christ's followers, that with Mickey in "Gld Crazy." Now masl Many · will be separated from progress, and the unbelievable we love one another. That love ful· she's bridging the widest gap of family and friends this year. but new Weeds order at once because ADa .Y oar StNiJlJtb aDel growth ot our own world. yet the fll1s the law. That His burden is all. With the teclu~lcolor musical ClU-lst la there, and they may have a serious shortage. If you own there's £ae1'O"I. Below Pair ' . faet remains that the believing na- easy. That He is the way and the "'Meet Me in St. Louis" donei lu· thla most precloull at aU friends with .}" . It ma7 M eaa.d hi d[lordl'''' tiddy'. done her first straiibt dram~Uc them. The empty plac~ ar und the, ,, ~...' old chains have them inspected and, the Europe ot yesterday and truth and the light. That we have tlons, .... 'UllctioD tli.t permit. pOleono\18 role in ''The Clock." family tal?le will be fiUed (If we wuta to lIoc:umul.t.e. For trW, IDaIIJ' the weitem hem1lph~re ot today. only to seek to find Illm. 'repaired •• ,Ask for Weed Alncrican ~Ie reel tiNd. wHIl aDd mlMnble , 0 0 • wish) by ' the Lord Him sell Let'. wbee tbe IrIdn..,.. .aU to remon _ .... Bar-Reinforced, the best buy in tire Go.h, Such Prai.el keep Christmas with rum as the unadcla IIIId Glbor waite matter' from tile Woo4, :Women Take Over San~'s o~ Street Corners Geor-ce Cukor, w~<>'. done the Job .een but nonetheless rea!' Guest. In Yoa may ... If.r DlnlDr baebelle; Chains. Mad~ by Americ~ Chain .....m.Uo palnl, besd&cb... · dIsaIa_ do even. more than that, There'. another iroup of familiar 01 bls ' llfe In ''Wlili~d Victory," .. tact, let The manpower ahortage has hi' ...wor 'up nlebllt, Ie( pa[na, ..,.lIlae. 'DivisiQnof~ericanChain&Cable . WEED .AMERICAN . orie 01 America's most cherished In· Sant.. - the Itreet corner 'figure. readin'g scripta at Metro. Geor,. :Iet us count' .rum ~to the Intima .. So_tim. 'reqDont aDd uriA.. tloa with amartlne ...4 .bumlne In a ... stifutlons"'::the Santa Ciaul buslnell, who rln" bella tor charity" sake, .aid .worklng with Darty. Za~ucll fellowllhlp of' our famlly"cil'cle (.nd ~cln B.usiness for ,Yout Satety.~~ , BAR-REINFORCED ot... lip tbat II<)mit . wrona Altl)o\lgh the, age ran,e, for proteII- Red-caped women are fIlUng iii here. was II terrUlc experlEiIlCe. He'Ii tui two caD make, such a circle). That 1rIdii..,.. or bladde,. lest VaiN I. if,. ~ . TI*II '. bould M no lIoubt tbat promDa a chance on eveqtl:lin,. And WitlJ I., wbat He wanta· to blh-to you and 'tnatmeDt .. ,.tMr tb... If.. a{onal San'-I run. from 45 to '15" ' . . I~ .', ,. The women Santu" o to a ' "San'- Geollge worKed with, him he had no to me-this Chrll~as 'Diy, 11144. . there aren't enough men around to Doca.~. Pllla. ·. It .. Mtter to rilt GIl a MIl7~ his ioy , be yoUra · In fuU medtellle tllat lIu WOD "'un~""WId':! piay th,e tat old saint. As a .reault. Claus .!lhool"-a simplified, mow· Idea Zanuck· was ' .o".eniltive. · "HIs pro.... ·th ... lID .......tb[D. 1_ ....0 . . bow cia••. Proapeetive st. ,Nicks are picture mmd," lays Georie, "u mealUl'e. . That •• the . w:tab of ' the . women are lncblng lnto the aet. bOWL Doq'. ban ...... tried and .. ~ ~ ~ , at all drq "toni. The squeeze stnred lalt Cbrl.... liven their Un...:-!fley·re ,told bo;, to Iharp' " the cutter' ••hean." ·. • • writer of 1bHe Un~s, and it ,DeS , J atteDUoD to themselves without Would you believ. that MODt)' Wool- .from bla he~rt ~ the very last read. ~~.'Udjj"'a.·Ir.~~~II" m..... Aiton Eqqlty wal 10 abort 'of· draw _ . I Idle men the)" ialkeel one of He. beiD, bofa~told what to IQ Ie,'. name la not ~onty, but Ed. er who may be In the uttermost part , yort'a larlut store. Into subIU- aDd wbat DOt to IQ to parenta aDd ,ar? Fancy ,E dlar ,behind &bat 01 the earth. A, blelseel Cbrlstmu beard I . to ,oul ....~. . o&pdq. IIdIaI • m.,.ear-01d am...












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' .

GD WEED' CHAINS NOW · Keep Your C!rr and 1'ruc1c.Movl.



OBITU ARY Harry E, Gllman , ' son of J ames an Leah Gllman , was bom in Oermantc)"wn, OhiO, J une 25, 18'18, .and departe d this life, Tuesday , Decemb er 12, 1944., after an lllness of approxi mately two weeks-;- d uring which time' he suttered conside rably. beating . his sufferin g well. On Sept. 26, 1902, he was rna.rried to sally Githens and to t his union \\-us born one daughte r, Mrs . Harold Steinke of tile late home. Besides his widow and dlfughte r he leaves to mourn. their losS, two sisters, Tryphe na Grady and Louise WlIkerson , one brotJler, Collins GUman and seven gl'andc.hlldren. Mr. Gilman united with the United Bret11em church in Germantow n In 1910 a nd was Secretary of the Sunday schOOl there for ten years. He also held II. membership in the Odd FE!llows Lodge. Mr. Gilman was In Dayton for sev£ral years and for some time he was associat ed with the Elder & Johnson deparbl lent store in Dayton. About Ilve years ago, togethe r wi th his daughte r and 11er fam.!l,y AIB.'MrAIL Ite moved to Lytle where he had BOXED ! Ince m ade his home. GENER AL D.W1GB T D. EISENH OWER . STrATII ()NERY We .wish to extend oUr heartfelt Supreme Allied Comma/Iller. sympat hy to the .family and frien ds. 36 Envelop es - '7Z Sheeta The blrds will fly above thy grave, OBITU ARY But such II. tide us moving seems The stars watch from the skies, nsleap, box And ang les guard thy sacred d ust Too full for sOlmd or foam Till God shall bid thee rise. Allen Emrlok was born near GAZET TE OFFICE Oentervt1le, OhIo ,Novem ber 14, When tha.t which drew f rom 1880. , CARD OF THANK S out the boundless deep, (Be 4epiarte d th1I life the ea.rly Turns' again home. -WC-w lsh to th'l nk the many momln g of Dec. 8, 1944. Aged 94 friends and neighbo rs for their reara, 23 dal'a. undel·st andlng and sympat hy at 'l1\\1ghl1ght and evening bell. the death 01 Harry E. Gilman . The ma pa.renta were Qeoroge and . And alter t.hut the dark. And may there be n o sadness of lovely flowers, cards, a nd the exMat1lda ~ pressions of sympat hy were comfarewell .uu fater died when be Will! a forUng and es~ia lly appreci ated . YOWlI bay, Allen with his mother When I embark . We grateful ly acknow ledge Rev . O. and 81ster, Inez, shor:tly after his For though from out our bourne E. Vice tOJ his underst anding h elp fatbers deat h, moved to Lytle. HOURS : and the Stubbs Funera l Hom e raJ' of time and place . Allen mUted with the Lytle their services . The flood may ,bear. me far M. E. church in 1897, \mder the 9-12 each n~ orning Mrs. H . E . Gilma.n preecll1 ng of Rev. Philip Trout, a. I h ope 'to see my p ilot face to fac e (Wihen I have crossed the 001'. m1nJster loved by many people. ,M r. and Mrs. H. A. S teinke 1-5 a!te rnoolns e xeept and !amlly IAlle:n engaged In fa.nn1ng. H e Wedne sday !Funeral service was held at Lytle Urat labored for flllmers a. tew Method ist church, Monday rufteryears. He married Mrs. Nettie Cor7-9 Saturday e venine nell in 1902, who was II. true h elp- noon, conduc ted by the pastor , Other Even(ngs m&te in every way. Togethe r they Rev. O. E. Vice, of Mason. Interaocm bad a home and farm of their ment in Miami cemetar y, Waynes By Appoin tment THS STORE WILL . own. .To them W8S born II> daugbte r, v1lle. , GladYa, in 1909, who departe d th1li CLOSE AT NOON TELEP HOllfE . 62-R llfe in lIU'l. CHRISTMAS DAY See the Mi&m1 ~tte sta t ionery They lived on the same farin, ' \ unW about me and one-ha l! yeara line, 1180. About .a yea.ns. WAYNESVILLE DRUG &leo was ",voted to b2a farm Optom etric E,.·e SpedaU et STORE and live sOOck and was very sue26 S. Detroit St. ceE'u.L Xenia, 0 SER V~C E Be 19U honored and ~d G!u _ a_ a_ a_ l_ t __ .- - - -., by all b1a neSghbonl, an hox.est ---------

.......The Cow with a Complacent Ego

21, IN4

·WANTED! A--lLOCAL FARMER To earn as high as $150 this winter 60-year-old livestock supply company wants a local farmer to act as representative in this communityfull or part time. Liberal-generous commissions. H-ere is your chance t o make odd hours and slack winter month s pay you a handsome profit. You can build , your own business just calling on your neighbors. Don't wait. Write today for full exciting details to

Roy Hensley, Sales Manager 308 North Main. Street

Bloomington, illinoIs ,




(._11 _2_ _ "'11 __ I _IJ _._

Dr. C. E. Wilkin

For Dead Stoc k

'nJe nobtest work of God

TO live 1n.Jlea.rt.s we leave H1B f~da and loved ones will rememh rr his life as long 88 they lJve. Though Allen's voice Is f orever sttned, the way In which he met the lMUea Of Jlfe will not be


ero.ID c' Tbe Bar

bJ AtfrecJ TemiJSOD "Sunse t and evening star ' And ODe cleII:' call far me And DI80Y there be no Dl()!U!1n g at the bar, . When :.. Put obt to sea.

Remo ved Prom ptl, Call

Wa yne svi lle Fur nit ure Co



erR E SEASON'S qRE ETI Nq'S There wlU be a halo over the home. of Americ a this ChrIstm as radlaUn r from the .new bope ror the wotld. Tbat y01ll' ~hl'l8tmaa season may be bOth joYOUB and happy la tbe alneere wish of : I" .~ ~ \~I

194 4


Eo G . Buehlie b, lno.


As we approac h the beloved anniver sary 01 a tJ;ea.t Event we 8I't!

reminde d acaln of the 'many Christmas seasons we have seen eome and ' go. Time baa changed eVel'yth~

B 0 b·"8 Da ler y

exce" friendsh ip, We 8I't! proud ' of the

WbolelO1nf" Palteuriz~d I'aiit!:~l2!!b!g!L-II+tl-..,..._ _ _ _ .....;th:a;t~ we. 'numbe r -


cosIIiiUlY 01 the town's0111'"oldeat Inhablt antal·;.....,riends who have become de&l:er to US with the )JIUIIJ~ years.

Paste urize d Milk For Y our P rotection 1'--= == Phone 2537






* ,.. '... .

Reverse Tete'pho ne Cbar~

We wish for you and your family the best of Merry Chrlstm aae8, and the best that this happy _ can brtnr In bOth materia l and spiritua l blessiJJrs.

rREi;';; ;"fNI

-the family c1n:le was an important par.t of the social order, ond "Home Sweet HOOle" hung in a frame over the fireplac e? There was always a blble on the parlor t able. and "Gone W~th the WInd" ---~-------.----- referred to a cyclone instead of a beat seller. Remem ber?




Chrls&m aa Is here. And once more we find ourselveS at • 1_ for ....orda to express how we feel about your . loyalty to US durlnr 1944. But we know you will underst and.

Wayn elville , Ohio


Onee again we say Merry Cbrtstm aa to all




• . . .'I"'P'!.........

4 ROLLS FOR 25c THE MIA MI GAZ ETT E The meNa ge of good that emana ted from Bethle hem two thousa nd year. a80 not only transf orms the world at Christ mal but i. the found ation of every hones t transa ction. We depen d upon your 800d will; you depen d on ours.

CI&sIIIlecl adver1l ainr rate 2e per word, minlmu m C)baJ'ge ZOO


I have ·tried to be useful to our oommu nlty during this war emergency and wa.nt to take t.h1a seuon to w1ah all Go Meirry Cbrlstm as and A Hllppy New Year, BID Lee.

FOR SALlE- large size Americ an I"lyer train com plete. A~ l conditio n (shoe) ice · - skates, like new. phone 2827, A. Cherry 2,l p.

The wise men saw it in the ' hills of old J ~dea •.• it g.!ows in the Christ mas sky ,tonigh t, thoug h clpuds may obscur e tl]:e heavens. It is a beacon of hope in a world in which t here is ever so much mor e room for tmpro vemen t. lP YOU want to get m&rried, write FOR SALE-- ,Welsh baby carrIage Sox _ .1ullaette Idab Se.ud (folding ) good oondltlon . . . 1 pr o Its spirit tr~vels aroun d this earth, encouraging" sustai ning, . ,0, lm1 wh ite baJ>y shoes 4 1-2 sIZe, I1ke n ew and beaut ifying. . ' . 1Itamp. . ph~e 2644. Mrs. Howard Dalton. 21p I.Al8'l'- 8lac:k leather billtold con.. ·Ou.r Christin'as greet~ngs to ever~, .w oinap ' an~ child . tam1na some 'money ~d vaIu- l'QR SALE- i · pr . .n urses oXfords , in t his comm unity". ' . . a gr~ eting as warm and lie arty· . able papers. ~ " ieturned black, size 6 1-2 B never been ;worn, 40 a...tte ~ Hakolc1 '0 : !"ox, ., no ration I>tamp needecl,...()pal Tres- we hope - as if it wer.e made to 'each persoJ)..'w tth-S' friend UIIdcien PIICe: Oreenm ont, o..v- ~, after 5 :30 p . m. . ~o iy smile a n:d a shake of the hand. &oil, . O. Tel. KB 8'10l1.

YOur 80ot! will haa been a , pricel M. asset to us during ~ 944 and other years. We tltank you for

FOR SALE- Roll-top d esk (office size,) phone 2494, Earnest Hartsoc k. 21c

the confid ence you have placed in us and wish '. you the inanif old blessin8~ of ~happy Yuleti de. . ,

< • ••


210' FOR SA\J..iE--.;Dinette set - s oil d

Oherry d rop-lea ! With four rose ,:lOR flAL'll..,.JOUbI aeeee on foot or back chairs with quaint Ill pestry up• dr~.I .Lt. ~ Pr)'e. phoIle 11161 h.oIat.e,ring. phone 2827, Albert Oh erty . . '110 . 21p

DA VIS SO N PR EfS B Publis •

hing THE MIAM I GAZE 'M'E . fa

, . . . . .






. .. '



McClure fur~eral. Hom e


. . .





Keep It Flying '




TWO AWARDS OF "PURPLE HEART" Corporal Brannock and John 'Wooland Ilonorcd






PAUL R. GERARD ENROLLED AT UC OincInnati. Ohio, December 2S-P a ul R. Gerhard 01 'Wnynooville. Ohio, has enrolled as a. freshJ:nml. In the OOllege of Engineering and Conunerce moohaniool engineering course of the Uulverslty of CincInnati. OOIDPUS a.uthoritles announced h ere today. Gerard, son of Mr.AIJld Mrs. L. W. Gerard, R ural Route 1. Waynesville. Is a graduate of BeUbrooke hlgh school. Th~ unlverslty,s College of En gineering and Commerce will admit a special rotd-year freshman class January 29 lor an accelerated course covering th e nonna! fln;t-yea r studies by August 4, 1945. students who qualify will shorten tbe1r college careers by one year.



--'rr, i'ats, oa.nned Appolntment Made At

Call Conard Appolted To position of President

~,) Q-5, R-5 and Board l'1.eetlnr Tuesda;r -5 through X-5 At a meet1De of the board of dlrProcessed ectors of the Waynesv1lle National Blue stamPS Bank, held 'l1uesday. December 26. Z-5 A-2 and Mary E. Stansberry was made through G-2 v~ Ass15tant OIIahier of the 1nst1tutlon. Sugar. Mary. as she 11 popularly known Only Sugar S~P 34 iOOd for 5 to the customers of the 'Waynesville Pounds Is now ~Id. will National. gra.ciU81ted from Waynes· be validated ~ry 1. vUle High School 1n the cl&.ss of :26 Shoes-' Md took a year of teechers Numbers 1. 2 aJiCi 3 s\1rp1ane stamps' oat the old Grace Green Normal In Eook 3 valid fot lpa1r each \U\tll schOOl In Dayton. further notiCe. days In o.dvan00m1ng to the Waynesville Natceo Merehants 'W1l1,~J1tlvely not ac- 10na11n August 1927. MIss Stansberry cept loose stam;e h as served in 'about all the capacities ,..~"~,.~~ . fI, QOIlntry bjI.nk has to ofofer a.nd has ' n~p A-14 ~ for • gallons compleWa ljeVeraJ courses in banking S ....... . .;;,t:.;.; t th n. ............. .a~ "~ eri t hrough March ~-. and 0-4 in- 0. ~ """YI'Y" ~tt""p ..... Vf I"'e~. ~ valid after DeceIhier· 31: B-5, B-6. can In&tltute of BapIdnlI, -6 and C-6 v&1td.tDr 5 gallon. \U\tU She Is oae 01 tho weill tnrormo4 C -.:10_ 'lad !Je.nkers 1n U$ ~ further noUoe.. 90'£..., ·state and 11<:¥ • • enst. number . OQ ~b. coupon 1!M- , ... ~'l1ELy ' receipt. of book. ~ M.ll~ ·~rda must be submlttoP 'With .~lte.menqu a ......u-u tQ t,he board. gasoUne -..........

CHILDREN'S CANTATA WELL RECEIVED The Ohlldren's Oantata. 'A Jolly Chrlstma.s" waa exceptionally well rendered, and a la rge audience ~ In attendance. More than fifty children took part a.nd the chorus work and special parts showed good work had 'b een done In practice. santa. C' · was one of the characters. and he also came after the pr~m. and delivered the Sunday School gUt of candy to the children. OVer 100 boxe6 of can dy were given out or sent to children.

MAYOR C. H. BRACE EXPIRES SUDDENLY Passed l\way At His Home Thul'llcJay

Clifford H. Brace, Mayor of Waynesville and. Qashier of the Waynes· ville Natlonal Bank. unexpectedly passed away at lrls home h ere last Thursday night, December 21. Mr. Brace was boIn in Bryon, OhiO, May 15. 1.8!IG, the son of OharLYTLE lcs a nd Mary BraA:e. He came to by Mrs Walter Kenrick Waynesville In 1936 and became iMiss Sarah Corine Furnas of a.f.fUlated with the W~le PhUadel;:h1a. arrived Thursday to Nwtlollal Bank III oA~ 1938 It. spend thll holidays wIth her pa.r- the posltJon of 88SJ.stant caah1er. =~l~~:d Mrs. Seth FIlrnIl:S of He was made cashier in February Mffilbers of the T '''le Card Club 1944. ""Y'" Mr. Broce WUI!I serving h1& IMlCOIld were enteJ1alned Thureday after- term as "~yor of Waynesville a"'d Mr. and Mrs. M. A. Fulkerson en"PURPLE HEART" AWARDED ..... .-wedding a.nruvorsary. Th()j5e who terla.lned on s unday. Mr. and Mrs. noon at the home of Mrs. Stanley ",as also a member of the W&lTeD iMrs. NelUe Wooland has received enjoyed the dinner together were Bailey In Wavnes~. Hugh Barper and daughter of CUl.~.. COlU1Ly Ratilon Boord.. t he "Purple Heart·, a.warded !Pte. !Mr. and MIs. B. V. Smith, Mr. and ver, IndlIl<IUl. and on Monday /Mr. . Missel Ruth, Eye and Ethel Reed- He was a. member of the MethJohn Wooland who was recently Mrs. John Settlemyre and. son, !Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Fulkerson of Spring er vlalte(l their Uncle and A\U\t. od.Ist Church In Toledo. Ohio, and released f rom a hospItal in 1taly and Mrs. Glenn Bland a nd daugh~, and Mrs. Marlon Osborn 'a t also was' a member of 't he MllI!OD\o Valley. and has returned to acUve duty. ter. the hoot an hostess. Jiarveysburg. FrIday afternoon. Ordel' and The Eaatero Star here. • • • ·W . and Mrs. Forest Graham. SOl'). 1n addltJon to his 'Wife, Olive. he • Mr. and Mrs. F . E. Thomas haV~ 'M r. and Mrs. Earl Dunham en- had as their guests for the past few and daughter. and Mrs. J . B. Jonoo is s'u rvived by his mOlJler. '~ tertr.lned with a family dinner on days , their son , Flight Of!1cer Roba tten ded the Junlor C1 ~ play a t Mru"Y Brace of Toledo. 0ll10. aneS Christmas dll<Y and had lIS guests ert S. Thomos of Topeka, Kansas, Waynesv:llle G1m, Wednesday eve- two brot.hers Keruleth Brace 01 !Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Dunham of 'lnd Mrs. Thcmas ana daughter. Tirll&- ' . ning, 1Tul..<o. 0Jda.h~ and OU¥ Brace NEW CENTURY CLUB !Lebanon, Mr. and Mrs. <JommeroIal ~ mP.B~ be Mr. and Mrs. Dearth Sheehan of Akron, Ohio. • • ths METHODIST CHURCH TIle New Century Club held their Surface and son of Murfreesboro, "' ..... and Mrs. Harley M06S, Mlss Inspected evel'1l 6 DUm or everY Q.J1d d\l:ugh~l'6 <1ttended a f amlly Burlal was made In tho Klunl December meeting at the home of Tenn .• Mrs. John Lerrunon and Mrs. ~YU 5000 mJles wblc:1he1'el' is firtrt. Pe.aT - - -~ C~ day at the home Cemetery under the d1rectIon of Moss. Mrs. s:n ....r . ,_ In .........J..."iS.' are 1'At'IU,....... a. D- (J91(!~ ~~ ........* d ".- Elm Mrs. J . H. Sacltett on Friday after- RIchard Kosater and daugh ter of Mary M05S, Mr. Willlam"'-'B1'8d - ... ~ .... " "'-rr,-r-;<l"' • .., ""'+ "" ...... an -.". er Sheehan at MioC1ure's FunenU Home of W~noon. The members answered roll Dayton, ·M rs. McGregor and Mr. Cora Rich and Mrs . onlif' <when a.pplf~, fA»' tire repJwc:e. Ohurch ~pol at 8 :~O a, m-•• W.ynenUle. . nesvl11e. call wJth Bible quotations. During and Mrs. Ernest Hartsock. ~)'JI1ond oonn~, l!u~LIlWpden~. IMT. ' and Mrs. W!o.lrer Kenrick dock were Christmas guesta of Mr. m enta. the business seSSion. Mrs. E. L. and Mrs. Gilbert' Frye and sons. Momm~ SOJ<Vtqes-10SO were Lebanon visitors Frlda.y and • • • • • • Fuel 011. Thomas nnc;l Mrs. J. P. Fromm Mr. and Mrs. Ralph HaStings and Last season Youth Felowshlp Tuesday even- called on Mr. and MrI. Ben James. and Mrs. Mame Sldenstdcker and presented very lovely memorials son Robert were Christmas guests :Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Rye ::- new IJe&SOn pe:I04 "2 'aDd 3 oou. ng If,t 7:30. Mesdames Therie Jones. Charles Mrs, Alfred Jones of Dayton, at.for Mrs. Martha Hough. MrS. of Mrs. COrdie Bizar in Lebanon. tertamed to Chr1stInaS dinner. . ons now good. ~ \Ie 10 galChoir practice Thursday 8:00 p.m. BunneU and Wilbur F\Jnlks were tended the mtd-nildtit Cbl1.stmu Amel k1 White and Mrs. George All ~ ~ reserve J;>ayton VlSIWr&. .Fr\.da.y. services at Secred Heart. IU1d Bt.. ,M r: and Mrs. K. N. Bough en- and ,M rs. Ed. Hartsock of Spring SrnlUl. Mrs. S. S. 'E1lls and ' Mrs. tertained w1!h- a Christmas dinner V~Uey. Mr. and Mrs, H . L. Rye a.nd =~na goodthMt~ heating ST. MABY'S EPII!COPAL . Mrs. Nettle Emriok returned Marys churches In Da)1,on, SundaJ Raymond Conner gave very excel- and had lIS guesta Mr. and Mrs. Har- son and Mrs . •Oru:l~ Rye. year. CO~ _ OIncIJina,U CHURCH home Tuesday, alier spending night. lent papers on "Christmas CUStoms old B . Earnhart and children. Mr. Mr. and Mrs. E. F. Earnhart en- arep. as of ~ :as should not Ralph Parb, JrIlnIsier III Char,e Christmas with her liOn-ln-law and Mr. and Mrs. Beth PIIlr'DU and In other Lands" and "Chr15tmas and Mrs. Ernest Harlan a nd daugh- terta.Ined to Christmas dinner Mr. have ~(f 'p er ceni of aeadaughte~, Mr. and Mrs. Leon Salla- daughter, 1dIes Be.r&h 00rIne, a.nd seals." The club adjourned to meet ter. Mrs. VIola Hs.rlan and Mrs. and Mrs. J . N. Robinson and son, son's mUon. Church school a.t 9:3() a. m. bury lilt Wnshini'tO!l. D. C. eon, Pvt. seth FIumaa. Jr.. who". . in Ja nuary with Mrs. W. E. Cornell Dora. Ward. . MomIng prayer and· sermon 11:00 ·M r. and Mrs. A. F . ~ spent home from camp Mead, lid. OIl • Mrs. Mary Patterson and Mrs. Ber- Sto~ ., ' . . . as h06tes at "our House." .............. ' . tn. Ohristmas day with the 'former's '12 hour ,spent Clu1a . • tmaa tha. GrClY of Dayton . Oer'tIflcatea ct ... ~ Ifteh ... A dainty lunch WIIS served by the Mr. John C. H&wke had as IiU'P• • • heaHn~ ' and .. llIiftIdnIl staves th&t SSStm and tGlD4l,y in ClnclnruI.tI . . ' with br. a.OO Mrs. M. W • YenMr h ostess to ' the members . and her per guests on W~Y' evening \ --e .....,..~ FERaY C1lI1RCH OF. CURIST Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Archdeacon at ~ IDdI8D~ . "'..... _nA "··S. Ernest Bart&oc,k 1O&U OU 01; _ aIBt we ci;taln...., '. . UI_i_ ' . .' ~ . . , g1Iesta who were l\4l'S. 'R . B. Cole- Mr. and Mrs. OII.rl Hawke of' Da.y- . ....... _ AU ..... . S . . n~: . _ . . tar : Mm.fBes"'e '/K'e7Jrk* '~ ~ .- PraIIIlea BI'aDDOCk 1Pi'D" ~, :Mr~. Alv~ ~,....,l4.J1J. tOn, . ~. 1\11~"'.:vaDIbe ~ clJImIil 1ftIaI. ' \ ' -.~ ville Chris......nD d1nn tB of .... Mr. and Mm. Herman SUrface and f>rjce lnforma.tIIiD.- . 9 :30 8. m .. Bible school were --Ilr gues Sunday in ~ <1t the heme Jobn Turner and Mrs. Wade TurnWilmIngton, Mr. and Mrs. John son. Mrs. Earl COnner and eon and ~l*Ioin iPdCe Jnlfo~Ion Ifrom 10.46. a. m.-Communlon. ol their alstel'6, Eva. Ethel and Ruth Mr. and Mrs, Ernest Wol1ard 'Who er. • • • Fromm, Mr. and Mrs. C. Lee Mrs. Goldie Surface. . the PrIce OItl1~or local Ww 11 :00 8. m.-Bermon. the old home place on ;e~~ ~~~~ _A~ • Hawke. IM:1ss AnIie Weltz and MIss • • • ~ce and lta"I,,"I. n .... poam. Report 8'00 p m Preach10g ............ "'... ""' .... IJ.VUIU . . . . . . . . .Esther Lukena. Mr. and Mrs. Clarence R»'e ~~ ov~:'l'"'P. . .- . Mr. and Mrs. Everett Early /lit- was sent to the ,absent member, W. S. C. S. DECEMBER MEET The W. S. C. S . h eld their Dec• • • received IWOr~ from their son, CharWe WI41~ to rezn,lnd of our tetlded bhe tnuem.l a rMr. Clifford Cpl. Thomas Brannock, who ill In ember m eeting wIth Mrs. Alva Mr. and Mrs. Russel Sallsbury les. that he IS now receiving trainfrtends l16ain that the revival meet- Brace .at his lateres1dence hi. Way- a. hosplt.l.l somewhere in the " . Thompson os hostess a.t her home entertained on ·Christmas day. Mr. Ing I\.S 0. Ma.rtne at Paris ~land. FRIENDS HOME ing beg1ris next Monday night a.t nesv:llle, Sunday afternoon, and the zone on th.e Western fr<mL on Ma.I.n st.reet, assisted. by Mrs. A. and Mrs. W. P. Salisbury, Mr. 00d South carolina. _ 7:30 P. M. bur1al. a.t Miami cemetery. Dr. Hall and sons of Columbus H. Stubbs and Mrs. W. E. Stroud. Mrs. W. E . Cornell, Mrs. George • • • . lBrother F . S. DoWdy w1ll be IW1th iMr. and Mrs. Walts .K enrick were guests of MIs. ~ .... various m embers presented Chrlst- Winner nnd daughter, Mrs. carl Dr. and Mrs. B . E. Hat.he.way ThOS.!.~~.~ "~beref~l,y",:~ us at that ·Ume and will bring a and James Haines 'Were among the b1nn15. TbUJ'llday. . mas, as held in the v.u1ous "Homes Winner. Mr. and Mrs. Edgar Sm1th were among t1he guests at a fam- spent v ......... \lU1IIG -y ~ .• great goIIPE!l message each SVOlrUng. gueetB a.t a fam1ly ChrIstmas dinner Mr. a.ri.d Mrs. Kesler OTabamepeq' . for Children a nd Young People." and Mr. CUnton Luce. ily dinner lrtven at the home of Mr. baoppy Christmas. A llandllOme 1J'ee lJIere 'are some of the lIubJ~ he Sunday, at the home of Mr. and Chr.Lstmas wtth their son-in-_ aDd Mrs. R. B. Colem.nn gave a very en- • • and Mrs. Harold WhItaker In 'Lytle and flowers decorated the large cor- . shall dl&cus& d~ the meeting: ' Mrs. IWillllam Ht110es In DaY'tPn. daughter, staft Sgt. and Kl8. Robel¢ tertalning and InstructIve reading Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd 'Da.v:ls and on Monday. rldor. The d1nlnc room and tables "PaUl's Desire." "PaI"tIKers of the Marjorte. Bobby ~Q J1mmle GineY' ·1o C&yton. SSt. <line:r, WbO on t he various Christmas hymns, sons. with t heir guest Miss Mar- r . • • • presented a.n a!itraft11Te appearance IInherltance." ''DelIverance and Bwank of Da.yTt.on, spent Chrtstmal! been stationed at WJ1ght Pleld. wi h Mrs. Baird playing t hem t on go.ret Mays of Dayton, a ttended a. Reverend aJld Mrs. Ralph Parks U en.Jtheoyboa.1'd .. ~t~dt\t~ ~tteThalled TraIIBlatIon." "Redemption In at the haene of Mr. and Mrs. Calvin lett TuesdaIY tor tra4n1ng in ~ a the plano lind everyone joining in !nrn1ly Christmas d1nner at the and Mr. and Mrs. A. W. Merr1CIt to the trImm~"".SP~ ;~..~ M1sa OhM." "'nle Ima8e of Ood." Lo~ and family. Mr. and Mrs. 'W Ilbur Clan: en_the singing of tllem. hcme of Mr. and Mrs. Howard ent ertained toOhrlstmas dinner Ohandler were her sister. Mias Eliza.. "ChrIst the O1'eator." 1Mr. and Mrs. L . A. Barger o( tained to a famJ.l,y d1nIner 0hrist.DIaa • • • Burley, near Spring Valley, on SWl- MIsses Anl1ie U. Brown and Mame ....... Chandler, of Banlipton. Va .. hill' "The Preem1nence of Jesus." Washington C. H. spent th.:! OhrIst- day. the following guests: Mr. a.ncl PROGRESSIVE WOl\!EN'S CLUlJ day. Br own. U'<'w.. "'-_._11 of "Tho JI\lllness of Ohrtat.'· "The mas season 'With Mr. and Mrs. Fred Mrs. Evtlrett Clark a.nd . ~, ~, The Progressive Women's Club will • • • • • • meee, Sp3 OeItrude J.':.~derw1f Great Reconc:U1at101l." "A Great Rush and fa.m11y and !Mr. and Mrs. Mr. lind Mrs. Ola.udoe· RIaB t.nd ;ur; hold Its· .-~ ~""r meet'n~ Mr. and ·M rs. John sears of Bet'k. . T. S . DIoUUU< ' 0 _ ..... , _ .... Yorktown. Va .• LewIs her bn:~Ohandler ..... er an e Ob~ve." ,.•.a_toIle Preclchlne." Hal"'" and u...-iI chIldren. ' .C. W . '"" d -... ...... on TueslilW Mr. 1Illd Mrs. ..."ve• ....... and Mrs. <1nd ...~~ .... Barger 'nNIU__ .. n t a dnMr s .I.00D0e an uwv evening. January 2, at the club room ly, Michigan. Mr. and Mrs. Albert received word that their son. [anB- 4YU "A RaIolute C!h.r1st.ianlby." "The Mrs. , ..........u ................ spen daughterl of Da.yton. lit 7:30 P. M. Each member Is asked carner of Cincinnati. Mr. and Mrs. tng. has <been promoted from ~ Mr, sam Hultman. ReposltoJ"Y of True Wee.lth." OhrLslmaa and this week with Ml'. to bring her baby picture. Please Everett 8E<1rs and son Ronald spent man First Class to S~ ~ (Mrs. ,f)YalYn Peteraon. with other YOll won't want to niJM a smsl~e4.!!~;MrsM!:l~~Il!2Il!L.M1I\Si:l:..JIWI:La'oo.+I~RF~------~----"'"I note tile change.o! da.te :to TUe&d&y Christmas day With....M1: relative&, spent 0l)r1BtmU1 at;!e ~ce, 60 be sure lUld coine the Jack. In ~. evening. WUbur Bears and daughter. Lola. . • • • home of her nephew 10 B ue . very first night. Herbert Graham. Mr. (Uld Mre. Donald Baird and OhrIstmaa came went, .. • • • _ 0 9 Seaman . Second Class Edwin M1as Msrgaret W. EdW61'd8 IS M1nlBter. will be in charge of the daughteJ1J entertained with a fam- OhrIslmwf always does. But. \b1I Mr. and Mrs. Ross H. Hartsock Mr. and Mrs. W. P . Sallsbury Ramby of Grellit Lakes Na.val hO~~ ;!~~:. slng10g and iWll1 brlni 110 special In 11y d1nner ChrIstmas day. year It came on a cold WlltVO With entert:a1ned with a very lovely fam- quietly obsEltVed their fJ1lby~ Tra.In1ng School etlJoyqt Ohrist- ~::u- ~~1eid. song at every service. fIlhe Ohrlstmp.s entertainment plenty of Ice and snow and near 1Iy . gQtherl~ on OlulstmllS day . wedding anniversary during the mas here with his wife and child''''alter Clark. Jr. c:&1led on Mnl. A cordial 1ovitation is. enencied was given at the Sunday school zero temperatures. The 6IlOW Cl'UDwith the following ns guests: past week. They received congrat- ren "-' to all to attend. hour. Sunday morning. The pastor, ches under 'our feet BDd the men LIeutenant and Mrs. WUton .ulaUons by phone and cards froJp.. •• • . Al:SC~da~:'enJoyed Rev. O. E. VIce and Miss Ethp.l go about bundled up untU they look' Mr. and MrI. Gilbert Frye and a f1oe''tunteY a .to the home of FluENDti Reeder the Sunday school superin 7 as if they bc1d ~ put QB Hart.Sock. Mrs. A. Z. Hartsook. their children and ma.IlY' frIends. !Mlsse6 Helen a nd Louise Hartsock. • • • sons and Mr. Charles Frye were A. A. St.ubbe nnd ·f amlly. on tendent were presented desk lamps. ~lfty pounds 'of weight. The dop Mr. Joe Hartsock, Mr. Milo HartMr. and. Mrs. Charles ~emeyer Sunday g1loota of Mr. and MrS. her sou, P1rst Day schoOl. 9 :30 a. m. Mr. and iM:rB. ILawrence Elliott bU8 the fire and. the IIWcIt dDeIm" sock Mr. and Mm. Ra.1pb Ames and have word from. their son Myron. Glen Frye in Dayton. ~~ 'RUth and EUzabeth ChanMeeting tor Worship, 10:30 a. m. and son, Tommy. and Mrs. Nellle wander too far from. tlbe ba.m. son. Mrs. Lena Hartsock, Mrs. OWen who rooently entered military rer• • • ae.turda: Monl8'Omery and da~bter, Miss Today the sun ill 1Iob.1Jl1Dg, bu' Hartsook, Mrs.' D. O. Ridge, Mrs. v:lce, that he Is now 10 the Navy SWl Sergeant Robert Chapman dler were iDayton ~ra. t Chris~· ST. AUGUSTINE CHUROH Cleo of Dayton, were Christmas there dn no wannth ttiere and n Martha. Deatherage, Mr. W. T. Jor- &Ild receiV1ng tra1n1ng at the O1'ea,t 01 Fort Thomas. enjoy-eQ Christmas Mrs. Ooorgio.. I sx: the ~ Fatber 'K(umholu. Prig, dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. under the new layer of mow ~ • dan, Misses Jean and Jane Htlrt- Lakes Nllval T.nUn1ng School. with his parents, Mr. and. Mrs. J. mas eve ~~daughter Mr Maaa Sunday. 9:00 a. m. Everett 'Kenrl.clt and children. treacherous layer of - See. Nobodf. • • • B. Cha.pmjUl. of her 800":'_:1 In rr _ .... ....: • 1M.r. and Mrs. TherIe Jones .a nd ventUl'e6 out vel')" far. UDleas sock, iMrs. Gene Elllngton and Miss ""n~'''' L'.1P el Ba.A k • • • a.nd Mrs. JJ<I&U' , . . . , -...~. son, Milton. entertained to · Chrlst...... "'.0. ....ens. Mrs. M Yin n .... -was a. wee " ..~. and Mrs . • C. Dan Walter of . M Edwi have urgent bue1neee In: towD. • • • end guest of her Mr. e.nd Mr. and Mrs. W. P. Strader held. uu their t, Mrs D WAYNBSVILLB' CBtJRCB OP mas d1nner, J.\(;r. and 1'8. n The churches 'bad their !Mr. Clnd Mrs. Thomas, with theIr Mrs. John Fromm and on Christ- "Open House" on Chrlstmas eve visited BIU1l ., OHJU8T Nutt, M.ra. Alma. Moran and son. crane. Sa.turdaY afternoon. n...~', Of near Centerville and Mr: mas services and they were ~ guests were among the guoo ts on mas da.y Mrs. Banta and Mr. and and ·greeted a. number of friends. MisseS Annie and ]\4ame Browne Mas BaDdaIl. MiDlI&er ~-'J weU a.ttended Gnd . tho pnJ8I'UIl8 SundaY when Mr. and Mrs. Lowell Mrs. Fromm were guoota at Mr. and . ••• ._ of ""_ and Mrs. J. B. Jones. • . _*-, ...... _ n -0..-,. ' ... _ .. ~ 0 4 Ly,tle enter"-'--'" iMr6. Grue Vice 15 spending the Chr1stmS dinner gues... ~v. Bible SChOOl 8.30 •. m. Nr. and Mrs. LaweU' Thomas and carols wen ....... v_." w...... - - -. IUIIr Th~~ ~~ " ...... "'" with Mrs. P. D. Banta. in Ly,tJ.e. no. 1._ --..I A._Un Ii.nd li&tened to "I"'_ . ~ , '- -'ly dinner. On C"''''---- day Christmas holidaY5 with her da~h- and Mrs. RAlpil ~ ..r.... IUJU. ..-....q. m. .... ··~h·- Bette en·_... '0 a '. - - ..- -,' a ........ ·~u..., .... ...., • • • ""_. J. W. Ward spent CbrIstmaa CommunIon 10.... :...... --""" Jt . --~ • al · aboUt the birth of n.t04_ Mr. and Mrs. Thoms entertained Mr. and iMrs ........ _- sm1th en- tel', Mrs. Irene Azlinff, in ~ .... " family Christmas dinner Sunday . 1 -,-1:AoI6, • • • her nephew, Kl~nneth Hough Preachlnl, 11 a. m. . 11144 ~ 880. In ~ f!.fV'I with their usual family ga,therlng terte.1ned to cards Saturday eve1Mrs. C, H. Gordon had. as Chrlst. Fl.Igh.t OMIcer Robel1t S. Thomas hame there 'WU a cba.1r' and their guests were ,F lightiOffioer n1Dg. Mr. and Mrs. Roy EIlls. Mr. mas gue.,<;U;, W:36 sa.liie enlith a.nd rIllXlGu~. Uftft .. _~ .. _l1 ......... t Ohrtatla.n ~de&vbJ'.6:30 of Topeka. Kanooa. and hiS Wife, we aU tried bard to b e - '!tie Robert S. Thomas. ' wife and d1lutrad <leo·M rs. . ...,...- ..........'w:uuau - y Evenlrlg Service 7:30 . Mrs. Dena. ThOmas and Uttle .._.... . . and Mrs. W. P. S er, Mrs. MI:s. L, M. Henderson, ChrlBtmllS eve &Ild Christm8a with da . hter Carr Mr d!Mrs ch11dren: ' receiVed tbe1i' trltt. ~ ghter, Mr. Clnd Mfs. J . M. ~ rie WinDer. Mm. E1'W1n EllIB and - • • her nephew and wife, Mr. and. MD . • l&1dwee~ 6emce; Wed.. night 7:30 illS. en, • an . were 'gehuJ.nel;f' b8illP7 aIIOIl' t.bem. and sOns of Beavertown, Mr. and ' Ml'S. l.ou1s Thom"""n. Rc. Robert Clark tit New York l"rank E Thomas M1ss Com .. . , ' .-.I ........ enjoyed OhrlstmaS here With .lU8 Ernest!4a.rt1n 10 Da.y1too. .' Yo~ are 1ovl~ to come and wor- Thomas Arthur Th~ of Way and there were ~ maneDte - . Mrs. John Robey of Dayton, . MJss • • MD. spent Cbr1ItmB8 rwltb . • . . la~ t:Rm tho 1l'OWDCora Thorrias and Mr. . Mrs. Luther PerkIns of SandUllky. wife and de.~. her son E. O. Crane and tainlJ,y. Ih1p wlt.b. us. neavWe, . Mr. and' Mra. Maddison ups. . ..'" . Mrs, ;u.. _ . WadBWol'th of west • • • Ea.rnh&rt <lJld sonar J~lde and , 'nlomaa. A_ .r-.O .Mrs. M. D. Baird had charge of .The M1ases Cb&n~l!r ' = ~. ~ of Beavertown. and .Mr• . But in: eveI\V heut there . . . . ., . ,' . • •• .' .......v.uuuu. ......... .......u.... ....."' " . v, or their, Lewia, ., ~ . liT. UO..... w"'" M • .. cu.... and "---.' John n~""" 01 "';"'''''n. fervent .· .and , buahed .- -. _ , , Mr. an ,Ml's. Maynard !Weltz 00- Leba.noil, .. and Mrs. .U .. E. stroud the devotiona. ualng'the 0hr18tIn8a - "" ..-uv A""""y AJ""JIIV • )M_~ tertaJ.ned w;tth a, ~amuy dinner on were FJolday dInher 8'ueatS' of the story as her theme; . ; .1. { I. on~~~ ..~ J!l. L~ ......... -:..._ T. II. Beaill. Mlolater: ~. ~ Mrs. H, ~. HatlU!-WaY of ~~e~~~Z :,~ .~~ ~ ~nda~ ev~, ~th . the J.UlU8ol Claude 8trOu4 '~"-"""" yy~esv1l1Er and Mr. and Mra: Har- ~""""" . --- . . . 'e xchange of gifts~ ' CoVers were "I A dainty· lunch wall aeJIVecS ·Wit.b · Lebanon, Called ontbe. IOaIeI ~~~ . SChool . 8 :30 a . m.~ .fl. oleS ' Whitaker and chlldIen, Rlchl 'b e war no DIIOl'eUld ''PeieI a.t'l'IUlgedr 'tor Mii!S POria H8.wke, • • •. everything in / keep1ns :wIth ' the and ~ ~, ~ wor~. service at 10:30 A. II. a.n1 .~~ FranCls~ 'Were cair1&bmG8 'On ~' .a.nd ~ W'lBik.~ . ........... ell t 'WU. ,...--~ ... Mrs Invited_ _gueSts of ""--'A. Mr. ,and Mrs. 0hrlStmas IIe88OIl. . _." 0h1'1it1naa '.' -'1 .._ __ .. __ 8'u pt'. .. day ·".,.,,-te of Mr. and be an~..,."'. Mrs. ""'_"'A i' ....... ....,. "'........w ---. _G_ ___ .... ~ _81' . .... -~, .. , lIItl ., Harvev ." Man· _ _ woUld . . , , O. W. Freeman of Cincinnati, !Mi1I. ~, noIIW"" on · Burnet ....---, ' W'~~am:"~'''::i Wlth h1iI sister, Mil. CIOldI.e Bernazod . BveDIDI 8erv1ce, 7:30 ~. ~ . Mr. 'a.nd KrB. ~t It is ~ 'iIDd ftDd . ::Nell' AnderaOn of IQnamOn Mr .1i.nd were' IIJ:II. &nma . ~ure . ~ tMrs. ' 0. Lee ~ Ml8. 'Ida. '~d:' ~ ~ Ildrta. wail 25 percenttiehlndached- &nd falpilY. C. OABTWlUGBT 'Id.· and chtfUren, BOJ;by anti J~ IWhM . all' tb8 . . . . . . .. GII :>-" shall, Mr. J. ' C. Hawke, ¥r-... lIarrIa lIOeIer Ule"fran Juiy l ' to' October 31. ' U 8 iibIck ~ repar4;Ncw- .0. M. .~ c:.haiRnan pro- tended .. !amll7pthertne Ferry m1Ibt be tbtII .... Mrs; DOn Ha.w~. _~. aDd lID. . '... • . . ' . ~ t.o'bavebeeD l8 pet cram CCIIDmIU. or the BlIh Scb(;lol at tile home of th'elrpal'enta, Mr. 'WOU1cS aU ~ ,q, &JIe . Weltz, $uahter met IIODIS. " . . . .. , . . ~ fCll' ~18 .me .....tIl AIIamDl ~tloo, .. in 1lVaon8t.Cm. aDd l\C'8. ~ ~, ~ hotwr tbSDIr, tuDD7 ~~~~~=U:: • • • . ¥r, and J4r8. ROy BWa bad.. All U. S. ~ BateMJilbollld :n~ bUt . . . . too dfmNMl far ,m.. boIpltaI ~ frOm 'an of ¥urioy Bopk1na wbo hall arrlved tIab1e GIl 0,.' 11 • . - . and Kra.l.. O. at. .'tobn: .• - ~ aueata .111'. ana lin. ::'·~;...i..",,1 '!'be . . . is ~ ~.umc for ar.tAUut .OIl hie riIbt froa1 over..... aDd 18 IlPendinc' a .. , . . . . . all '. terta.bIed' tWit!! .. CbIIItmoiI dlnDal' I'ruJk Rfu, Kr. and Mrs. Chilrlea j A - cu "'1:-. . . dial- '1e. OWIIW to 8CIIDe OCIQIllc&tscaa lurlouBh ~th relatmw b,ere. .. and, alIIo, hOrIOreCl the 1&ter', pU'- EI1I8, MrI. DIIIIIa Grubb•. M'l'a. Br· alattoo wu receut.17 ~ to.tAJp :-ofl.or bftIGen . . . M14 t.bat . . III be WIll be. In boIpJ. B. ~ In ! ;;~t~~·~~ii. ent.. Mr, aDd Mrs. B. V. 8mltb, 'Wbo 'win JUI UId JIr8. RoIIert BeI'r7 retallera ~ meat.1IOId to 0ClIl\be ~ . _ kJIIpr tbaD .lae ailtltoPtoecL 1118. 0Itl at ·om~rIlJ8l.r.·.IIDtIaU

RECEIVES PURPLE HEART Corporal Thomas B. Brannock, who was Inj ured in Fi-ance 's-bout the first ot Novem\ber, has earned the right nnd honor to receive the Purple Heart wh ich was receIved by h ls mother. Mrs. Francis Brannock, on December 26. Mrs . Brnnnock had a. letter on Saturday, December 23. stating tha t h er son Is slowly recovering from his injuries.

At a meeting of t he Council h eld Wednesday night, December 27, Mr. Warren Braddock. who has been presIdent of Council under tJ1e Mayorship of the late Mr. Brace. was 8utomllUca.l1y advanced to the positIon of Mayor of Waynesville. Mr . carl Conard llSSumed tlle post of .j"ireS1dent . The vacancy on the Council caused through this change was ( lllOO by the a ppoin tment of Mr. 'L. C St .John to the post. _________________ ____


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Thursday, December 28, INt


Lovely Dishcloth ~ Gay and Unusual

----~WEEKLY . NEWS ANALYSIS-----~ WORK ORDEn: New Dra/e Rule


Naz is Gir.d for ·Counter-Blow; B-~9s Rip laps' Home ,ndustry; Approve Huge Waterway Bill

Neat and Wearahle House Frock Tailored Brother and Sister Sets

With 300,000 wor~ers needed for critical war Induatrh!., the nation'. draf~ board. cbec:ked .through their Ole. to offer thoae lin the 28 to 31 ale lIfOUP not presently engaged In ~ssentlal productton the al~a tlve of "workln, or ftllht:ing.' ~ ~,'" ......~~_ _ _ _ _ Rel~aud by Weatem I'/ewapaper Uf\lOl1 . R 1 CEDITOR '8 NOTE: Whell .plalo.. are ~ .. ,re••• cl In lb... eol.... "oJ .r. Ib ... ,i evers nil a pre"loul Selectlfe W•• IUII N ..u p.pu Vlllo.·. II ........ '." ·.n4 ...1 •• eo ••·.rll' .f Ihl. n •• Service policy ot grllliltingliberal de- CE()IL B. DE MILLE b.. been ferment. tor the g[()UP over 30, 10-' called .. combination of Nap. cal boards are expected to adopt a 1e000, Beluco and Beau Brummel. more Itrlngent .tUtude toward can· but P. T. BaruDm would be mucb a1derlng the essentiality 01 '. regl ... better. because De Mme, Uke Bar· , tr.nt'. employment, It was thoullhl. I. a lIfeat .bowman. Registrant. who lett deferllble posl· HI. record Is unbellevnble. HI. bave earued a Ibockln, tlon. for leu Important work ,will tace a return to the'" old or .Imllar of money-more than $200•• position or Induction. This doesn't Include retuml While the latest crackdown prln· his latelt. · . cipally was prompted by the move Story of Dr. to provide manpow«!t for essential .. wblch Industry. Selective Service Director Gar, Coop' and which Maj. Gen. Lewl. II. Hershey de· clared thnt Increased mllltBI7 activo P. ram 0 u n t Ity cal\cd for a fl'eater amount of claim I will make replacementa, with the result that a money than 10 to 20 per cent Increase In Indue· other Para. tions could be expected in the next ount picture fe.w monthl. with one excep. Output Lags tion. per hap_ Although production of crltJcal "Reap the Wild war malerlal rOle IS per cent In Oc. Wind:' In whicb CODver&ed IDto forlre.. b, Germ.DI, tile Iowa ef .......enreh. . . . tobu over the previous month, a ( my PUSI for a Imart quarter redDced 10 rubble b, AWes III advaDce IDIo Retcb. It'eater Ulcrealll for the remainder ot an hour. of the year II neceillary to ...ure Ever Ilnce C. B. founded HolJ;frequired dellverlo to the lervlce., wood .s the movie C~Pltal. of the PACIFIC: EUROPE: the War Production Jb,oard reported. worl~ (In 1913 with 'The . Squ.w Ga1. Di.bcloth Nazi H pe5 In revlewin, Octo~r 'production, Man ) hli Bltute ,howmanshJp b .. Fear B-295 SE red and white crochet the WPB •• Id the followin, pro- ~~:. ~pf.!~~:. K"Tlhe ..S(IIDblobf thUUe For Tots AJmed .t ~ockin. out the gre.t thread for this ractical nd FIgbtlng now with It. back to the It'aml were below .chedule: air- I ,&WUa uo n,s w c I 1.. dlsh 1 P a wall, a desperate Germany Is draw. industrIal centers ,of the Japane.. ROTHER and sister set the Ut10ve.., . C ~th that l~ks .lIke a In, up Its dwlndlln, Itren,th for homeland, IUpplyln, enemy forcel craft 1 per cent· Ih~ps 1 per cent. II the mOlt pl.yed ftl.m In blltol7>. , tie folks will want to wear of. amall dancer s .~rock. It s 10 m~~es great counter.blow next year In on far·8un. Asiatic frontl, luper· IUDI 'and are coniro~ • Per cent; .m: and ''The Ten Commandment." .tUl ten. Si!)ter's pert pleated skirt and ip all and has sho1,llderstraps to bope of yet winnin, the war, fortren air raldl were .tepped up, munition, 2 per ·can.t ; combat and are Dilleatonel In tbla picture bual· brother's trousers both have susban, by your sink,. They make .ccordlng to advlcea from London. with one force at over 100 B-29s let. motor vehicle., IS pel!' cent; commu. ne.. o,f our•. pendersl Either boy or girl can and unusual gifts. The reports came througb even ting fire to the Mltslbulhi twin· nJcationa, IS per cent; .nd other Kin. lor a Day wear the neatly tailored blousa, the enemy Itrul.led to retard enslne bomber and 8ghter plant .t equlpment .Dd .uppU.., 1 per cent. De MlUe I. a wlae and ,ay man with long or short sleeves. 3...... 'J;'o obtaID complete . crocbeUIIC lnatruc:- U. S. armies' .teady advances on Nalloya below Tokyo. Particularly critical. it WBI report- rich with "adom .nd experience. tiona for the Doll Dre.. Dllhcloth (PalAI a resul' at the growln, B-29 ed, are the tire and c:otton duck pro- At 83 ye.ra be'. become spokesman tern No, . ) .end 16 cents In coin•. your the ~uhr, Rblnela~d and Saar. and Pattern No. 1259 cornel In sizes 2, 3, ... llam.. Iddte.. and the pattern number. the R4sslan marc:h on the Au.trian • ttacks, Japane.. omelal., who once dUj:tion programs. WlII.t with 500,000 ' for the 81m c.pltaL He reaches II and 6 years. Size 3, blou.e. ahort .House Frock Ileeve •. requires 1!~ yards 01 35 or . . deacrlbed tbe a .. aults a. attempta vehlclel In operation on the we.lem ! fO.OOO,OOO people weeklJl on hi. radio Due to ~' Jar,e demand and ,ateway. eurrent'War coiIdltloDi ••1lBbU,y more time In Hun,al7, the Nazll retreated to lower enemy morale, took a more front alone. and thlt Nazi de.truc· abow. When be recently want to Y simple to fit Inch material; skirt, H~ ;yardl; paatt. 1 yard. .. required to · ~ orden for a lew of to mountainoul terrain both In the aerioUi attitude toward the bomb- tlon 01 shelter In the bitter acorched W••hinetOD, D. C., to participate In bu~~:i.f~~~e~~:S~d f~o~de.!ill Due to an unusually larlle demand .ud h moat popWar pattern numben. north and south, UI an errort to .iow Ing., clalmln, that thelr .teady ax· earth 8,btln, neceslltatln, much the premier. of '''nIe Stol7 of Dr. eurrent war conditions .•lIl1htly more Um. SelIc! ,our order the RUDinnl' itead1 advance tendon prea.ge4 wide dama,e, ne- tentinl. Was..U" he wal ..Iven the No. 1 you look crisp and neat for '11 required In flUlng ordl!r8 for a few 01 • Ihclmle·frorlt tasks. the mOlt popular pattern n'umbers. Austria, 100 miles dlltant. · cessltatlnl the evacuatIon of e1vU· treltment relerved Invariably for aWDfO' CQlCLB NBEDLEWOIUt rel)utedilY preparln, for a COUll' lana from dan,er areal. vI.ltln, potentate.. Be ' ,ot Pomp - - Send your order to: Rehabilitate Vets At ~ II&. CIIIc.,o " JD. the badly m.uled but ~ the giant .uperfortre.lle. and c1rcwnatance from the Pre.l. Pattern No. 1977 come. In sizes M, 38. 40. 0, tt. 46 and 41. SIze:lS requlrea enemy apparentq was wmged their way over the he.rt of SEWING CIRCLE Pol'ITEBN DEPT. dent down the line to torelgn am. 01 35 or 39·lncb material; 3~~ IplllCb:I' ht. hopei In a .tnl atrOn, Japan'. loosely lmlt Asiatic empire, S30 south Well. 8L Chlenlo b....dora.. In other warda, for ona rickrack to trim. whole forcel J1ave been care- U. S. forcel In the PbWpplnei EncloH 25 cenll to colDl for each day the most dlIcu.led man back ror thi. pattern lend 25 cenll In cow. pattern desired. hu.banded: In .new· weapolll, moved .teadily ahead In redUclnl j there wal C. B. Delrfill•. He I.t the ~~:;r~ddress.•ize desired aDd pat· .~&'--------------~~-iDd lD short IUPPly Unea. . that lIf8at .tron,bold protectinC tbe lta,e and they '.V. bIm the worb. Pattern No................. Size .... .. I . . With 4,000;000 German. lD the'&e1d enem,.'a supply Unea to 'the Indie•. .... ... . ..... .... ... ...... ....... . ID ~th the east and welt the On LeJte, the Jap. were faced with Addre...................................... ~ ••••••••• Nam -have beeD ftabtIDIJ a delen- alow ItranlUlation a. General 1I.e. There·! Something Plwrrey ••ve war from .atrOn.1;y fortltled poal. Afthur'~ 10rcel continued to com· the time D. MJDe wal makln. _ ~ . I ~b TL . . ial", I tIons lD rec~t montha In the hope preaa them In tha northwe.tem· cor"CleoPatra," and . the lequance .. n. out "u FlnallC ,Deal '" tnJUctln, m~um 101le. on the ne%' of the Island, with their i1ne1 c;aUed for C1ade«e Oolberl to Il'asp .I . . \' _ , " ~eI ·,nd keeplng'thelr own casual- uncSer attaclt: from the north, e... an alp (that'l • malte, de.rle) to . Jones found himself Btranded in till to • 'mlrilmum. Bec.u.e Of the and 10Uth. a ber breast .nd let It do ber In. De ' . . . • distant city, io he phoned hill of many fore~ work· W ATERW A YS: lime ~ew Claudette loathed maltel. Use a lar,e oiled sUk bowl cover IX IS fri~d Smith. .. . 91e Reich, the, hava . Helmew It he .lked bllr to hold one for lUi emergency shower cap. "HeDo, SInlth,'~ he .aid. "ThIa able · to dr.w beaVilT on their Hug~ Pr~gram ..4djua'''M..UO_COftdiliDnl'woutIt abe'd walk off the .et-or faint. -U Jone~. I'~ a4'anded here with'mlllllpower. , " Lerae-"ale development. of U. 8. "..... --.. u ot;CII"....., "..,.. Wen. tWo weeka b~N Ule 'Cene De Glue a brl,bt ,piece of linoleum lUI kvmr. No Cooldaa'. So. ~ out • cent. Can 10U wire me. No"" be1n& u.ed " a,alnlt AWed waterwa7 re.oure,...w•• ,authorfzed .",,}. _ 6., ..., liD lI111e rented a bu,e boa coDatriCtor over 1be old worn ' top of a card You'll be IUrprleed lIow qulckl,"aD4 _ 8pOt,'" , . ' trooptt ln' the welt, the V-I . bi conlt'ell ID • ,1,000,000,000 ft~ NllabUlul,. W (J'. S. ..,., .,.Is; from a local zoo, had It broulbt cxi ~ble. tully )'Ou call reline coullut due Ie "801'17,1 can" hear .,ou," came bomb ; aDd V·2 'rockeJ ara two of control bJD. while conferee. from. ..4.1Ae "alIw Reerl -"ial III "'.... the let In a box. Claudette fainted -ecolds, when you trY thla Iplendld .... from SmIth. • , . the new we.Pcme the Null Intend both hOUie. met to Iron oui cl11fer. III~1Oft, D. C.. pIc. L. HwriI fie. -'" h" It• . _ clpe. It &1veemedlc1De you about four tlaiea .. I' .. ueD I .. law . WheD lbakin , a. Bmall throw much cough toryourmonllT. ~~l laY, can ' , eDCel for .pproval of expenditurea II..~(!, duIuity lit tJae ~ O/IUti- to be brave, to lr7 to ,et u.ed to rug, hold by t e sldes.-ff-held by aDd YOU'll Ilnd It truly woDdertul. dollara'" of an additional ~,OOO,OOO In pro). fiCt.l tilll• .",. 6y playi..., dteek. . ..,. ita preaence. Then on. day before the ends, the weight of the Make a syrup by It/rrtng J cupe or ''What'• •that,,~ . I , ecta ClDUlUer. 01 diD.,..., 1i....·IllWa Oor:u".. the .cene was .cheduled De MUle rug pulls the threads, apart. cranulated- sugar aDd one CID~ , With . Usat the opefa~r chipped ;..__ r '''e ClO~,," ._, lAb' Iiorual Til··....·' Swim lr'ohlon4. ' " . _ _' water a tew momente" untU dIaaolved.. . c.... e ' a. ... ..., ". had a tIn:r aap broUlht In. 'Wh.t • • No (lOoking needt\d-Il·. no troubl.• at in: "There'. nothlril til. matter crteatlDr pr~lt'.m -.r.ea peace SMOKES' : that' .. alked Claudette. ''Tbll Uttle When bolliD, caull8ower, place all. (or you call WI6 corn II)'l'UP or With the CQDDoctloD. I can' hear ' «10m.., tile two bm. provide f.r thin, I. jUit an .IIP," De IIWe re- in a kettle with head downward. liqUId honey, lnatead of 'sugar ~p.)J the caller dlstinctly. It loocI control, aaYlpUOD, reo- Plan AZlocatiOM plled 10oklD,.t Cl.udette "\Vb7 Scum rising to the top of kettle Then put I~ ouucea ot PlDex (obtalD.o "Oh, can ),ou?" ·. ald · Smith. Iam.Uoa aDd .,dro e1ec&rte AI long manpower Ihorta,el that' ltty·bltt)' thin, couldn't hurl will not then setUe on flowers and ~.'r:.~-::u:~~toy::I:!.::t; "'TheD' IUPPoae ~ou send I).im 'the po_r, with the , ,1,000,000,000 will peralst and wart:line cOlldftlona .nybody," I"d 'Claud'ette, plcklnJ discolor them. tull pint or mec:Uclne tllat will amu:e ten dollars." " measure caDIq for an Inttlal will make extension cJf facWtlel dU. lIP the .sp .nd IQOking sldeWaYI at -eyou by Ita quick. acllon. It nevv approprlaUoa of $fOO,OOO,OOO for 8cult, manutacturerll .wID not ,b e the bu"e repWe In the bo ''Who Co ' If-e ,ro ' uuds m ' ake . ' good spoil .. and taatea fine. ... d I th ' . • x. , '" ThII elmple mixture tak- rlc1tt boJeI Clar. 'Bootla Lac. (left) cOafel'l ...e ev. opmeDt of e MI.lourl able to Increase theJir already ree- could be afraid of • Uttlll thlJig Uke sweeping compound for use in the of a couEtb. For real rea'JJtll, yoU'" willa Gea. PaUOa OD or.Ir. uD!7', Iront. river vaUey b,. ~nny IID,meera ord . production of el,areltes, the you'" Claudette .ald 81 Ihe did tho basement. never seen anytblngbetter. It looaena nd the burea.. reclamaUoD. trade told. conllres.lonal commit- Icene: and De Mme .mUed wilel,. -e. tile phle!f1D!800thOll tile IrrItated mem' to utilize In any counter:assault. In actin, on the bllll, the' aenate tee. branee, and 008011 the IIOrene8ll. They have hinted ,a t· th~ pr~uc· . TIme or the day meanl nothing to It Is easier to wash a large Plqex Is aspec:JalcomPOUDdotprovea t d th ff rt f S t A l k tlon of two other, deltrUcllve rej ec e e e a 0 ena or . . en Meanwhile, tob.celo dfltrlbutor. C. B. when he'l makln, plctur... amount of sUghUy soiled clothes I~ente.ln concentrate<! form. wellweaPons, but the only other one that (Vt.) to push through the $421,000,- announced plan.. tor. 'the adoption of SundaYI" nJghts, . the,'re aU the than a few very dirty ones. known for Ita p~mptacllon ID COUgM I e' and broncblal Irrltatlona.: MODey n. AWe~ ' authoritlel have' ·J.1t0wledle 000 ~t. Lawrence leaway and pow· nationwide ratlonfnl' : of ,Iupplie. same " - funded It It doesn't pleaae 70U .. of la a submarine with' new device. er ' prQject !I' an executive a,ree· among retailerl to all.ure equltable When washinr walls, start at avery way. . tor underwater breathing, whlcb ment requlrlng • majorl~ vote .tocb for aU amokeJl'1, With efforta Well What El.e? ... . llln .' ',:0 . ' , .. the llottom, instead of at the top; they lritend to unlealJi agalnat ahlp- nth er thll n al a tre a.., ca 'Dlr made to readjust de1ivenea to .blftD~lng North Weat Mounted Po- . then if you spill any of the ping., n tWD-\bfrds .margln. Ing populations. .' ' lice ~e ' Mme wal doing a .cene cleaning fiuid on the ~all 1t will Flnal17" the enemy hopei that Speakin, at the confl'e88lonal of • fl'oup of lupposedly b dly hearing, Col. Fred C.. F;'" a . shaft IUpply llne• .'1n contralt to ' -, laid, that 'Wounded Mountie. lietumlng to their I not' . spot , as otherwise. • .. ' ILtii~~~;:!i~~~~~~:;S~i WFA Program the army wW hav!! p:rocur~ barrack I, which were ,aftame. For - ,- . , A _team bath will U8~ally brmg .. rae With demands ot the lerv1ce••nd· 000,000 elgarette. by the ,~d of 1,1IH, houri hi. alliitant rebe.rsed the pldltY, but here concerted Allied the Aille. ~ected to a~count for but movementa of the I~kes ,to the men. Ailer man, reh~ar.all, wb.t velvet back to its original texture. bombUlga can be expected to play approximately 26,500,000 cases, front 'Une .real were Impeded by with beln, bound up wJth banda,ea, -.havoc wltti his land route.. . there Wiu be ltttle urplUi ot e.g. llinlted fac~tiea tor unloa~n, and .pUnta, crutcbe., ca~' litters, mean 10ar brick bearth by first Whatever the German pluns, AI· I the need for rushin. more vital rna· etc., the men were tired ,De Mme scrubbing with a stift brush aDd Ued arm!e • . were. glvUli the enemy In 1945, Lieut. Col. 'R . W. O,matead, terlala like food and ' , ..oUne to the caDed for a final rebl!arsal. 'lbe hot soapy water, 'Rinse clean and no chance to dream, a, they main. ~:~tyF~eca~~lItrSUaPtrot; fotorldthea combat zon..: , Mounties dragged themselves out of wipe dry. Let staDd a day and taliled their terrlftc ·preaaure both I n ' " . the welt and ell it'. trade meeting In Chicago. AGRICULTURE: camera range. ,then, IUmmonfn, then CORt with boiled ,, d 0 U. C.Z. . their wanfh; .trength, began to -eColonel Olmstead spoke after the D New Political 'Crisis WFA announced that be,lnnln, J.n. ~oost er. Ings ' march .croll the lo~. De Mme BaIdn, aoda is one of the be~ To ~e complicated European po- ual')' I , It would support prices at ~ .a move designed ~ reAect par- watched . their weal')' progre••. Sud- known 'agents for cleanin, ,)au.. Utlcal acene waa added another r1 centi a dozen tor 'producer. ot Uy to producera, the p~A hlk!'C' ceu· denJy he sbouted: "Stop I Stopl What ware. disturbing incident In the RUBsiab candled eggl and 2f cent. a dozen Ing. on cash wheat ,~ cents•• nd at In beaven's name do 'you meD'thlnk BOW ~ "'KNOW- .&SPIIUN I! hea.,. famltnre must be IaII be IDI'8 to . . for 8t. J ...... .poniored poUsb National coun- for current receiptS to repreaent 90 the •• me time r~1 the top on aU you 'are? A bunch of cripples'" Aaplrfa. Tbere'. DODe faster. Done clI" . announcement that the new per cent of p.rlty a* required by h01l1 except 'OWl, atar. and boal\' HolJ;fwood'. pet .tory about De moved and there Is no second. per~. ~,,:,.:r'Wodd'l""" year would .ee the formation of a law. .', to 'If.75. Mme Is the one about the great Lo. IOD to help, this is a satisfactory ..... UC¥. . provi.lonal PolJah ',ovemment Inde. . About 25,000,000 calea wID be ~ announclnl ~e ceIUn, boolt on An,eIe. earthquake of ,earl back. way to. do it. 'nIere is litUe l1ftlnI, pendent ot the U. S.• British needed for the proceaalnl 01365,000,. whe.t, OPA teveal.rcl· th.t the In· AI the earth .hook and rumbled .nd and there will be no acratchell on backed PoUab exUe regime In Lo~. 000 pound8 of dried e,.s for the 'crea.. aflecta' .U .lthr~ of dl.trlbu· the playen 'were tOiled from their the ftoor. Lift , furniture onto an ·don. servlcel, Ru"ala, Brlt.In, Be\gium, tlon. but · could Dot clll.turb the COlt beds they aWQke ahoutlng, "Yea. old ra, rug 'ot sack. Then pulll'- - - -- - - - - - - -It over to where you want It to be. ,-Du,. War Savina- ....__ Declarinl that It would be the new Holland and France, Colonel Olm. of bread. The pre.8IIlt lubsldy of 111 yea, Mr. De Mmer" provl.lonal .overurnent'. concern to laid. and, In addition, Britain canta • bushel to dour producera But ht. Wife teDa thli' one. It'. break up l.rge estatei for the dil' 18 expected to approxim.tely will .Uck until ~ Int of the year, her ~vorlte story. Some year•• trlbutlon of land to 8,000,000 prop- 1,Il00,000 C.I.. of abeD e.... 'What OPA "41, wben. ne. rate. will be he w•• In the baclt: country around New Orlean., and lome natlva,' ertyl... tenants, • N8t1ona~ CouncU .urplUi remains' may be dlIpoled aatablllhed. spokeaman allaUed. the ' prelant .ex. of througb Ichool lunch proirami, ' ~th oOiclal admJlaI10il that th.e hearln, ·hla nama aDd , VOice. .ald, Ued regime al beUl. representative institutions or tor tankage. ' tioolt In the ~o, ccaWn, to . ,1 ..75 "0. Mr. Pe Mme.. you lure are or the powerful nobll1ty ,buoltln. So- .!DreveaUn. that 'WFA hal re- . . .. affected to ln~ua feedlnl of our favorltel" C. B. beamed ·.nd viet Inftuence 'In Poland because of duced Ita 111H boldlngl to· 150,000 'C9rn. the .m.rket ~ that It'aIn aaked, ''WhIch of my plcturel did a fear of reform an owner.hlp. caBII of Ihell .lUI, Colonel ,O lm. ~ althoilp. beaV7 country of- you ,lika beln" "0, 18 You In pleIn Greece, the Brlt1ab moved to ste.d ••Id that no ,Itocka 1f?Uld be tetlnll t~pered ~ctlv1ty. At Chi· turea, .too, We meant la our p.tch up·dff!ereqcea .tietween radfcal dumped on the mal'ket iii, 11N1S...trltb ~alO, ~o, p'~ca.,:. • rero a.peclally favorite on the, radlo.~' And 'that. and' rllhtl.t element. and, re.toreprlce. tendln, to ' r.Aect procluctlcm .ItrODI, .partl7 beellUle, ~clemlJlt m1 bUddlJii, la ~ favorite, too. He~a order 'In that country frontln, BrI· COlta which ar~ expeCted to waa~er kept lulll auppUu OIl juit • ham at beart-and aren'" We taIn', lIedlterranean UfeUne. lafgb ' throqb th~ ,oar; , • ~. .UT .


Lookiag _










.- .




ci:~~-:~,~:;:!:l~;' ~ ! HOUSEHOLD


i::; _"










, ;'

V·Ciirl~s , Day Belongs to Uncle Sam .'


Threa JOPI, 101 ~our. a ~... Hven d~11 and nJghta a week~ and lIS per cent of'her 'arnfnCt loin, Into war. bond.r ' . . Th.t ,comel7 Genevieva ' De1cloppo. of Syraclile, N~ 'Y., rr-' ,e¥.:otd Wife of ·a tank 'drlver ID. 'l~, .~ hour•• 4a" for 11-.. ' In.-and time to do her .oYiD' bOllMWork, whlc:b Includea wubiDl ironJne and eoqIdJlI la udlUOIl; tbII V-lIrl ~ time to dcaate bloIMt.



'l ' '. ' " MlSCELLAM.r.!;


From 7:80 •• 10. ,to '1:10 p. 10., _ .' .iz da,". ~ GeDey1eve b,. ' :. .~ , been ope,ratin, three · ~achlnea A recent 1UJ'ft)'. eboWI that l'~ and a ".nder.'! ' miWon:Vlctory .a~~ ware,IfOWD J'rom 4:10 p. 10. uutll -10:1O W. ·, ear. ,. p. , I I . , ~ ·I'rld.y, abe baa been IfoItIDI cuel and actin. u ~PPlD' ,clerJt ,lor ~ 8yra!=u..·.II~can bUIl7: Saturday nJghta and Sunda,.. ahe works u a counter waltreil at ¥c:Ca......... Seafood - - £ -.. _-t. .-~ ..-... Sha tool£ ~t Job .... .Jlma.


. . ..

Ready 'or. ~nythu.. WlUIam·· . from

' .


a ,pIt. 0Ii,



,came ID handi WhaD ,Woke, up at .th. crack '" dawu aDd h.ard voice. oUufde. Be look~ Out. aDd' thIN ·.,.. a blt ,IU7 . tr1~ to pt throqb Ida ' ,.te. 'He ~bbed. Ida plato!, ra . downatalrl, ,o]IeDed , the. door, and nicS. ''StIclt: 'em · upr" 'l'ba fellow turned t be -"'-ou to a m_ . ......t ..amall, • bit fIIIQ' and Joet. Demanlt ..... ell uP cooklill 'breUtut tor b1na ,


To Rel-Ieve Bad Coug, h M' Th Ree' tH Iptt~ a ome

Tbuncla1, December Z8, I",






~;: ";,~U ," " " u; " U4 ,eo " Blende~ Colors in, u!;,.". ft SUNDAY ,Knatted Rag Rug , . ART MEN T mlertulliott.' U SCHOOL, IF YOU want 'to 'make a really _D_E_~~_______


When the ~ ~NOTHER ~ ,~ A General Quiz • ~ New ,Year The,.. WRIG-HT A . •'i Will Arrive PATTERSON I ]" The crew of Columbus' fleet was composed of what type ot Relaa..d Wutam Newspaper Vme.. people? WHAT OUB NATIONAL AmongU.S. is the greatest molyb- DEBT REALLY MEANS denum mine in the world situThole who Ihould know, and beated? that by the time the ,Fighting 3. What mythological couple lieve do. grew old together so gracefully war and It. immediate aftermath are over and we get back to a peace that they turned into two tall trees time basi., our naUonal debt ,Men growing side by side? to more than 300 bUllon dol· 4. What common insect lives but amount lar.. The intere.t on .uch a ,um a day? before the debt II liquidated 5. The Wandering Jew is alleged be not leu than another the bUllon. to have been compelled to live un- A total to be paid ot not less than til, the second coming ot Christ. bUllon dollan, What is his name? No one of Includin, tho.e who World Over 6. How many New York goverthink in large ftgure.. can visual· ?


.0••.L E S SON .0.•


2. Whe~e

tell UI





1. Adventurers and convicts. 2. In Colorado. 3. Baucis and Philemon. 4. The mayfly.

5. Ahasuerus. 6: Four - Martin Van Buren, Grover Cleveland, Theodore Roosevelt and Franklin D. Roosevelt, 7. A stringed instrument having a pear·shaped body. 8. ~braham (Gen. 22:17).


wlllCh It wUI co.Unae to par ::e::e:rU:r:-:.

~! :

eaeb beIq


dIes three-eighths inch in diameter. These are sewn around a center oval. The colors are important of course and it is essential that the knitted strips be eased in willi evenly distributed fullness. Th .. trick is in pinning them in place first as shown In the diagram. U you do not have the colors indicat.ed, remember that it is alway. worth while to dye the rags 10 13·20). It II not enough that men reeoa- that they blend harmoniously. • I • n1ze Christ aa a teacher. a moral leader, or a man willing to dle for NOTE-Thla rug II from BOOK. which His convlcUons. He must be more If allo glvel the complete knitting 4IrecUoDi He I. to deliver mankind, and, thank for the center oval and the stripe. Direc· tlon.• for more than 32 thing. to make for God, He il more. your bomes and tor gllta and bazaarl are Peter, speaking by the guidance Included In tblI bool.<. Coplel are a cen" of God, declared Jesus to be "the each. Send your order to: Christ. the Son of the llvlng God." "III this what Christ Is to you? There MRB. RUTO WYETH BPEAR. Bedford York are 10 maror shabby. Inadequate. In· 10 accurate. limiting view. of Chrllt teetay. ' Men will glve HIm pral.e, but Enclose 15 cenia for Book No, to retuse to give HIm the hOllOr due Name •• •••••••••••••••••••••.•••••••••• to Him alone. The only Christ that Adclre ............................... .. ever really lived I. the Chrllt of the New Testament, and that Chrl.t II the omnipotent and eternal Son of God. Any ChrI.t lelll than tha' 11 a falae ChrlIt, a Chrl.t ot man'l ima,lnaUon. The Chrlat of the New Te.tament can .ave. but no ather Chri.t II the savlour of men" (PelAlOU!


Many churches of America, of all denominations. will Iteep thelr door. op'e n Sunday and Monday in order that relaUvea and frien,ds of American a,hUna men and women throughout the world may offer New Yeu'. prayer. et the time their loved one. are welcoming In the New Year, DO matter wbere they will be. These service. art! In addition to replar watch nlght .ervicee. ' When 19U reachel New York City In a blare of DoLae or a IUence of prayer. It will aIread; be early Monday evening just east pf Australla in, the Chatham lslanell. MeanwhUe; at Honolulu the clock will reg later e:so p, m. Sunday. The New Year II born on the lonely Chatham Islands, Ut mil.. lOuthealt of New Zealand. and racel westwani at 1.000 miles an hour • • About ~ .hepherds and ftahermen. aUllllen1ted with trooPI In the Chathllm aroup. wUl celebrate the New Year by ringing the church on Hanlon illand. The Intem{lUonal date line. near these Islel, wa. the Brltisb admiralty and runs near the l80tb meri!1llan of longitude. _ _ _ _ _ _'_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _-.:.__

B II 0 ' , e s ver the World Will Herald In a New Year 0 f ,Promised Peace

oabet'a Notes). Thli Chrlat, the unfaWng









Jho1nII, . _



WeD. bere II real... cOUnp *lUt


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c.._rclol ...... "..lclo. In

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.1...........,. .xpoctl4l .. .... 16 11m. . . .11••• ,...-. ............... tI... _ .


to' mMt tho ..... year. M., It blHHd OM . . life,' ..0 nat tM aperSlllCII aDd elf.


eumatucel be. God II ...... ,.uo Let • mcrwe Ionrard


willa· il1iiiio


PICK.UP Baler MeCormlck-D •• rln, N., 11 , used one .eoson. •. E. FULTON DUNKmK OBIO

Subscription Agency Ma,aalne Sall •• rlpUon. - Low!!at prlcn. Wo quota p,le .. on )lour favorite mall"t.tne, we allO take 11ft 8Ubscrllltlons. BREIT. MEYER, UIOO LlDd.ay. Delral& I', Mlell.

F~ATHERS WANTED FIIIATDERII WANTED. NEW OR OLD 8hi1l or write to .TERLING FEATHER Ce .. til Null. Broadway. 8l L..... Me. \!

CATTLE p.ned SlIortllorn Balla, rendy for servtce. ExeeU~nt type. quollty "nd breedlnl . Write or eome. II. A. DaDlap. WIlIIa .... p.rt, Oblo.

SOAPS-CLEANSERS FREE IIOAPI .,bA.. 8c laundry 8001llncludedFREl!: 'Iri!h M pk, •. lII!c ,.,,,shlnc powd... for 18 pmpald. O.n.,aI P,..... ta Ce. (U·U ,' Oa.


FARMS I. .ACRE BIGDL~ PRODUOTIVE FAR. near Columbu.. Equipped wltb nice Ht 01 buildln,. and, real farmer', form. '13,Il00, ~"cre dairy farm. V. S . hllhway. Near Columbul. Ono of Ih4I best equipped dairy farms In eenual Oblo. Priced At *15,000. OLENN C. BOOVER -O~•• ....lIlfF


AORIl-Two .eta buDdIn,l, hard road, ' near Cood tOwtl , t3,'IOO,oo. 120 ocro, CODa buU.un., ",000,00; ., aere-tt,200.oo. 14 8cre-t1,000.00; 47 acre-ll.tIOO.oo. .lE8I B. EVERITT lI ..ttall.r" .... ,. ACBEI-Located S~ mlIel ,outh of Oak Harbor. ExeeUent buUdln ••. Good aoJI. ~ mlIe tram .ta te route 18. A. W• •EIZNIlR. Realtor PII.a. D. '1' a.~. 1W. Oak Bar"" O~• • ATTIlNTIOM -FARM FOR , BALE. UO acre., JIoIcArthur, Ohio.• ,DOd II-rm. hOUMI tree eoalJ IU, .DOd barn. outbuUdlnc. ana water. ~. R : .e"'!har, Olll••



....,.pn ................ ....... _.....

.... ...... --_1........ . . . . . .. ...

The rwbber used .. vos ...... I. _ 100 per ant I)'IIIIIaIlc.

for w.lcIIl..... 4......... ~~1i=::::=3~~~~~~-.......:= ... _lIufachuNr........... to BBL. MIDOET Marvel Flour MID. el,eo fIIll_ will "Hit If ,.. .... trle power. two motor•• Meal Rolli. Corn erulher. la!',e building. Gorage and hAl' t ........ hll .1...... aphOUH on mW Jot. Not able, to work .... m~t '..II. ~ee ".000.00. Coil or writ. N. I. DOL.EI. , . ..... wItIt"........ ell_, .anell••lar O~ •• ..I. . . . . . . . . . . eN rt...

....................... 0.1"



e. Appr. Bally CIII.lI•• W. 1I0cks. Whit.

Wyandon88.!t. H.Reda.BorredRoeks, WhIte Lei', Turkey poulta 111 -...,38l1li. Writ. for prl .... All"'., Bally ClWo" Co .. Alllle1'. O.






establlahed a victorious Church, bunt on the acceptance of Him al GOd. That Church marchell OD Into IIN5, al It bu eJitered every other year, assured that a. It follow, Christ, and pre ache. God'. Word. there II reason for encourallement and Joy even In thlI awful day. D. An UpUltlq Faith <n Pet,

Incomprebemlbl. a. IUch a Chl'lIUanlty II not just a let of m87 be, .nd .., that OOt)'blDlon rulel and relUla!lona. It II .. We. Iau do.. coocern eaCh aDd lt must grow, and It doel grow. The us, Wben brolcen down to the realb' born·a,aIn believer cannot nand .un In hiI .piritual experlvidual and the famlly we c'a n .... ,~,..... I stand It. W. can viluallze the ' S-- 1 ence. He ha. a faith wblch mu.t lnI. and pay1ne, and Pa11n1 through move blni forward and upward for aeveral,eneraUon.. We of thlI the glory of God, UNetJet'/orlel 'he cheerful tuul cordial! ei'aUon will not pay all of .it. Much ThI. experience I. called arowln, ob.ertlance 01 New Year'. Day." It must be faced b7 our children in grace. which mew that each day Low Moodl Ar. Oft. . of and our ch1ldren'a ch1ldren. ,eneraof thI. Dew year we 81 believer, are -G~Be If'Glhington" a.lot.d ,. Conltlpotlon Uonl yet unborn. It la a le,aey or to become more like our Lord. W. debt they will Inherit from UI. Since ear17 agel, tho 10lUld of baa .tarted a movement for the wide are to have il1'onler convicUon., Y., depniIIed ItA_ and coaat.ipa. tion oCleD 10 tocether ITakeN,twa'. Under such condiUOI1I our Inter- aton•• of hollow re.onant wood, and development of carillon muslo, be- and at the .ame time we are to be Remedy (NR TUiell). ContaiDiIlO e.t In econom7 In ,o~ernment II of all the metola that came out of lieving they could be made an e1.. kJnder and more loving. We are ebemicall. \'10 rniDeraIa, IIOpheoolde1ulJy warranted. Every unnecealilry the earth, feab10ned .. a meaJ)l by ment in promoting human accord to be more forgiving, tenderer, rivaliveLNR Tabletaarecill£_~ dollar that f •• pent meaOJ not alone which man could make hlI rodl and genuine sympathy amOlll the more eager to .erve Chrillt. act different. Plarl, c.oe~l£-a more for UI to pay, ablgber price him. bave alao been Uled to many raefal group. In America. Christian. have you made all)' eombinatioD 0110 veptable iDpedi- , for ~e thin,. we ·buy, but It meaM announce peace and the ' ente formulated p 60 yean IlOo JUlt when bells wlere dr.t u.ed to IIpiritual proare.. In the year 194t1 Uncoated or candj' _ted, their'BOo pal sine alon, more for tho.e who point toward better ot We. announce the end of itbe old year and If not it Is because you 'have faUed tion la depeDdable, ~, :rat The tlrst belli were faihloned by the .tart ot the new Ia not !mown. to take God'. provision for your lite. follow UI to pay. gentle, oa mil1iona 01 NR. bYe The cOOJumer will pay, and must , man"of wood. !rior to Long before the cloc~k had found itl ' You have let the enemlel ot your povCd. Ge~ • 2Iit§ ConriDcer 8aJr. P/iY. It production end dbtributlon qua time the click .tone, .ome- way to the tower, they had been loul mislead you (v. 17). You have Owdon: Tab IIIIlT u di,rectetL a used to announce time. often united not been dlllgent In your CbrlsUan '"~ JO.IIlGH1'i fOMOlIOW AUIGIIt are to continue, Tax.. are a part time. called the flnt bell, of the co.t of production and di.l1'i. re.onant .ton~ IUIpended by a .thon. with ~e observance of the canonical We (v. 14). buUon, and taxe. are a part of the ' houri. By thl. usage a monastery God does not want any believer to live a defeated lite, not arowlna In price we pay for wbat we buy: ~ became timemarket to the ne1aharace and In knowled,e. And there polley of ".oakin," Indu.try and borhood. Is the secret-study God', Word In cll.trlbutlon I. but takin, the to I1N5. Learn more about God, . and money out of the couumer'. you will &row. That'. something to Sucb are truly the hid!!en taxei 'RING OUT, WILD BELLS look forward to. with which that IiOO bUllon dollar Then note that thlJ i. to be In Rins oUl, wild bells, to the wild .ky, debt will be paid. the lIaht of the promised return ot , PO_ ACID 1.......'11011Tlas fl'1inB cloud. dlfl/rod'1 liBh,: • • • TIa" rear i. dying i'n the niBh'; Christ (v. 14). He may come In 1943, OOVEaNMENTOPEBAftONRin, oul, wild bells, ,rmd Ie, hiln dia. · BED OR BLAOK INK, m.An lnaplrln, Dope (I John 1:1-3). THE AMOUNT OF MONEY RinB ou' the old, ring in the "flID, We bave already touched on the . Ring, happy beU'.llICI'oll lhe IIIOIII; NEEDED to pay Intere.t on the pubgreilt hope ot the Church-the com· Thfl '1fIIU i.s goinl' Ie. him '0; lic debt aDd the peace time operatRin, ou' the lalse, rirlf ill duJ 1Taa. ing again of our Lord Jesus, and ing expensel of the ,overnment II approximate17 lIxed. The.e dlleJ1j,ell Ring pu, aM B,iel ,hat 141'$ aM mind ~ere It II pre.ented a. the inlpira. tion to holy Uvln,. are paid by tax... The rate o.f 'or &Iaolfl tha, herfllOfllflflnomonr: Sometimes the world polntl a fin· eral taxaUon hal varied with Rin, ow the /eud.o/ rich and poor. ,er of .com at Christian.. ex· amount of the national Income. Rin, in redru. to all 1n4IIIcind. When that amount II hlah the rate and .truck with a lUck or another po.ln, their wea!meaael and faij. RInS ow a .lowly cI)ins t4W1e, to produce needed revenue can, ltone to Ilv~ the rln'lDI ~ec:t. urea. .It makes u. aahamed and .4nd ancienl for,", o/1HJTty .tril_; we resolve to do better, 'but we are low. We bave been a.1Ured of loW. Th. ~.t chlD'cb beJl wal erect.d Rin, in aM noblflr model ollile, er to rate.. To msure that relUlt b7 Paulimul. blahop of Nola. In' tIM not dllcouraged. The world doesn't Wi'" _ler mcmnfllr., plU'er Icrw•• we mu.t have ' full emplo)'Dlent at clt7 of Campanl/l. Ital7, In ' a~ IUlderstand .p!ritual truth or Chrll· ~ wagea, with higher prices for toO A. D. Ear17 bella were bapRin, ow lal.. pnG.1 In pI.ce and tian experience. We believer. are product.. ·Thele thing. win produc.. Uzed. In Switzerland a eurloUi tra"th. chUdren of God." born a,aIn blOod, an Inereue In the naUonal ·income. dltlon I, that all baptlled belli take throuah faith in JelUi Chri.t. '1". civic .laru!er and u.. 'pile; ),or tho :rear 11/38 the naUonal in. a trip to Rome ever, ;,ear durin, Rin, ill th.lotI. 01 truaA on4 All that II involved in thl. new ecimfl was approxlmatel7 80 bUlion Pa.Jion weeki and ,et ba~ in time Rin, in u.. commollloN 0/ ,ood. lite doe. not 7et appear. It .. bld· dollars. ,To inlure a eovemJneot'in- to be nm, on Euter 1DOI'IilDi. den under the ImperfecUoDi and the Ring out old Juapa ,01,,.,' .u-... cOme, fol1ow1n, the war, IUfftcleDt to -.4U th.,. thunder Mr. ~ luJmul."t faUure. of our Uv... But it II there. Rin, ow u.. IUIIT~ " " ' , 01 anel one day when JelUi comes .' meet Interest P8J'lllenta .and operat. 'or "'- 6el" haN " - _In,.., ,old: ' . In, colt. from a lowered to· rate, "pdud wi". haIr 1HlfIr. RIn, OUI u.. th_nd _ . 01 old, alaln It' Iball be mad. mown. ''W. we. mUit bava a naUooal1ncome '1'1wr "-fy our .U&nao# pow1D.Rin, in 1M "'OWN '1'" 01 JMIlI". abaU be like him." All. that malte. OD. square ' hiI shol$1era and lltt ap~l"OldJpate17 180 bnllon 'l'!ie .dence of mtillc of bella hall Tba~ I. an even greater recoaniUclin '~e of the _ead- · RiIi, In 1M valUuaa 111_ on4 /r.. UP. hII bead to. meet IH5 with 81TA. W,., heart, tl~_ 1dMlMr we . bava' bad In the war' muitc in.UlqUonl of the worlet. lurance. . ' " Iumd' ' we lower the rate. u rL Kamlel Lefevre la c:ariUonneur Of Ob.erve,that tbJa hope of Chrllt'. '"'" Out ;,.. darb;":o/lA4J ....... return 11 nO$ .Just a theoloalcal docdO DOt mue Pie income grade th. Riveralcie chUrch. til New York ' Ring in "'., Chris' ala. " to ~ ~8nt oWw continue to be .. C1~ where the chlet' of carlllou, by trlDe to \ dlicuII: {.or a reUalbUI 110-WRD· t'ENI'fYSON. net. .... and .cope. 1naJaUecL ' Be ~ to proclaim. It baa a tr. . , • • ., j l ' • mllDiloua17 , practical .. applicaUon. '1'be ODe wbo apoctI Chrl,t ,to come lack "'that ,cd llfe ,fh1cb II spoken of In .vera I. lie lI ,com1nf. I ~~ be rlacl7 to Blm' with Joy, 80 Dl7 Ufe-7el. tile detaDa of,iQ\ dan:; ~mun '-' rtIbt Wbat an JDceo~" to real boij






HOGS IIALE-Re,letered Hereford BOIl•• . be.t type of the kind, any 8ex ond ale. Spe. dol ."rvtc!!. L. D . IIlIIer. Rt. I , Bailie. O. FOR


For Centuries the Old Year Has Died to Tolling Of Be11 W-th H ope f or Better T··lmes.


NURSE'S AID, t8 to 85 years, experlebee unnec,,"sory. Snlary. room nnd board. Write Oak Rld,e lIanltarlam. Greea Sprln,•. O.


A significant year-1944. But now It III gone. We look into the future and ask ourselves, what next? Shall we enter the new year with tear and trembling, or may we face It with courage? If man', knowledge and dependa. bility are all we have to .tand on, we had better be afraid, but there 11 a real basis for courage and aa.urance If we look to God, and to m. Word. We have: I. An UDfaUlnc Chrll. (Matt. 18:


Ulllt.4 St.... l&lIJplopaua' S,nl"••

thlan. 15 :58,


The AlUwer.

lIIea' , .1 a.,.I'abllltp I,otll tbaf, local

Clla... bermalda KItelle", ne/pera. nur.lnc attendonta, wh l Ie, male ond female. Experience not ""ce •• ary but must be Intereate4 In carlnll for the .Ick, Nervou," ond mental ho.pllol, Sal"ry, room. menls. uniform •• laundry. Wlndaar Buplt_l. ~ bll,rID FaUa. O.

LESSON TEXT-Matthew 15: 15.%0; U Peter 3:11·18; I John 3:1·3. GOLDEN TEXT-Wherefore, my beloyed brethren, be ye Iteadfalt. unmovable, alwaya aboundinC lD the work of the Lord, toralmuch al ye know that your Jabor II not valn lD the Lord,-I Carin·



ize or comprehend .ucb a .um. It .. .0 large, ,0 enUrely Incompre· henslble; that It cannot apply to UI. It cannot be our debt. But it 11, and we and our pro,eny will pay It, each in proporUon to what he con· lWnes. In the end It II the coniumers who pay the taxes throuah wblch that debt will be liquidated. For eaeh ODe of tile mWiOll .f _mea, 'UU'omea IUIIl oblktrea -wbo DOW oouUlute tile Amed.ClaD people, It me .... aD ayen,. bulebtedDeu of $3,'265. I'or eaclt famUy of ftYe U me.... P8,lIII. The baby, when born, enters upoo lite with a charae of $3,'165 against It. ~ the purchase of Its dlaper. and the blaoketl with whlcb to keep the 'chlld warm. there II Included in the price. a pa¥JIlent on that debt. A porUon of the price paid repre.ented taxe. the producer and tho merchants had. of necelllty, pa..ed alon, to the conlumer. • Throughout Itl Wetime that chllel will continue to make paymentl on th'at naUonal debt. Anythina It ma7 purchase. or ~at may be purchased for I~ will carry a. a part of tho price a contrlbuUon to the taxes out of which that debt will be paid. That will be true of food, of cloth.ln" of fuel. lIbelter and any luxurle. It may enjoy. When that child ha. reached itl aDoted 7ears and pa..ea away, the price of thil casket in which It Is burled will Include a final contrlbuUoo. WIleD tile cItI1cl muriel anl1 ' eatabllallell a famll7, that 'amI17, IIDte ...... UdrI1, foarUa or more reDeraUOI1I, wW ' , ltart wUh aD 1II1Iet!D m.rl......

•j"lIuifry IJI.,IO"._111"...."01 ."'.8.11 I" .1I,.",laI .pp/p _ilbo~ star..

Lellon 8UbJeeta end Scripture text. Mlected and copyrllhted by International Council of ReUClou. Edue.UOII; UHd by permllalon,


nors have become Presidents of the United States? 7. What is a lute? 8. What man did God promise that his descendants would be as numerous "as the stars of the heavens, and as the sand whicb is upon the sea shore"?


effective rug from odds and ends of fabric-and do it quickly, this knitted rug is the answer. You By HAROLD L. LUNDQUI8T, D, D . Of The Moody Bible Institute oC Chlc:a,o. cut or tear the material in strips lIeleaM!! by Wntem Newspaper Ullion, about three-quarters of an inch wide, turn In the raw edges and Lellon for December 31 then knit straight strip~ withnee-



... apP.'IU BolIlI,l.t.. CaUeetGra varlOUl WES·.· TRAD... RS MART"2c word, lample COPy:zoe. Advertlalnl clo... Dee. 3lat, .Ianuary IIIU •• UG2 O~&arl. ~"'.FI. Wa,D ••JIIL. ltem,!£" ers... buyer., advertise In "MID-

Adding Ancestors


How To Relieve Bronchitis

Oreomula1on relieves promDtlF . . GaUlO It ~ right to the seal ol tbe

trouble to h~ loo8en and 'apel It!I'Dl laden ~ and aid nature to aoothe and beal raw, tender. inflamed bronch1a1 m uoou. mem. braDeL Tell J'OUl' dmgglat to aell 1011 • bottle of OnomulllOl:l With the \ID-

.........dlnr JOU must like the,..., It CI1doIdr alljJa the couch ar 101& an to bave JOUr money bict.


IotCOu.... Chest Cold., lroachilll

The number of our lineal ancestors does not double with each as commonly beAfter the third or ' fourth generation, the actual number is progressively sn1fller than the possible number, owing to the intermarriage of kin. For example. in the past ten generations, or 300 years, the possible number of one's ancestors is 1,024, but the actual number is only 300 to 400.


... ... ....... ...

'DI11R8J)AY. DECEMBER ... 1'"



Phone 2143

We Offer

Published by DAVISSON, PRE S


I take ,this oppo ~lty to thank 1 ~ to thank the Eastern . each MId every ob,e ' for my lovely , Star, mY' nejghbors and frlen&, lor cards I received wltUle at the hos- the beaut1f\l1 thoughts expressed plta!. in my. Birthday Gr~ll8l>, Edward Cook


To earn as high as $750 this .winter

, IMnc:Uson McKInsey'

PllOYD 1.. DtA.V1SSON, Editor

Entered as Beccmd ClaBs ~ter at W~~vihe, Ohio




Subscription ;?rice $1.50 Per Year Payable in Advance

••••.••...•....~AY ... .... ...... --


At All Times ,

cmcaIlure Jlflm~ral Dial 2111 -



,W e look 10l'\Wal'd to 1945 with the !l.mi bel1el in better tJl.lnp to come and we want to eXpiI'es8 our deep appreciation to each of you for havIng contributed In ,such an lrnport8Jlt way to our cont.JnUed succeas in this ~unltrf,


Roy Hensley, Sales Manager

1-5 aiternoonll ex cept Wednesday

108 North Main Street

Bloomington. lIIinoJs ,

'AUCTIONIEERIN& StaDley andf Koogler

7-9 Saturday evening

For Dates, Phone 289'. W ..ynesv1lle, OhJo, Reverse Charses

Other . Evenings By Appoinment


T rv th o Miami Gazett e Wan t Ada '


. Gazette W8IIll Ads Bring Reaultal .

............ -


Dr. C. E. Wilkin


Optometric Eye SpeeiaU.t

26 S. Detroit St. 36 Envelopes - '12 Sheela





- _4_;_ _Xenia. 0

- 4_10



ralif;;; ;HfN1

...- - - - - - - - - -.... -:ever" ~11t1aa-l ce.mpalgn calkd for torehl.lgM PIU\1dee? A sight" it was, to watch several · hundred men marohJng lOIl8 the. street. each carrying a flaming torch. TheA at the end. or the march, In the Court House square or clty park, the orator of the occaII1on blasted. the opposItion ~d lauded hJa own candidate, the same 88 today. Remember?

A Very Happy

and Most


Section 3. , Thl4 Ord1na.nce ahall take effect and be in force on and a.!ter the ee.ruest period allowed by





To All

>PBueci at Q)lmcU Chamber this 21st ~ QC December. 1'". '0. H. Brace, Mayor , ~lea James, Village Clerk. ANNUAL ELfJO'l'ION Tbe eleCtion of the atock.boIcSimJ ' of the ~e ;N6Uonal Biult foJ, the ~ ot·electing directons for ,the eo8~ ;year, IWfll be hel(l at ~ banklns rooms on -'l'ueIIda,y, ' January 9. 1946 between the houra of 2 .mt 3 P. II. ' . IIar7 ~ stailaberry, A*. Ce.ab1er

PQ-year:-old livestock supply company wants a local 'fanner to act as representative in this communityfull or part time. ' Liberal-g~nerous commissions . Here is your chance to make odd hours and slack winter months pay you a handsome profit. You can build yoUr own business just calling on y,our neighbors, . Don't wait. Write today for full exciting details to

9-12 each morni~1'


12'l of the V!llage 01 Waynesv1lle, be hereby amended and that the salary of the, Superintendent of the Wa.ter Works 8haJJ be the -aame is hereby fixed a.t Nine BI.IDdred' (tI/OO,OO) Dollars per a.nnum, ~le monthly !rOm the ..Water Pund Wlder the control of b 'llrUstees 'o f Public :tU!aJrs. , \Section 2. All 'Orcitnancea or parts of QrdIna.noeS in conflict herewith are ~. repealed


____ ._ , .... _ ,_



1haru:e No,


• __ •






More cattle are Jed this winter • ORDINANCE No. 181 'A n Q:rd! to amend Section than were in feed lots a a~, , 'f ol On.llilance ' No. 127 and to ~bc the $O.lary of the Superl.ntenden1o of the Village Of wa.ynesvp!e, county Of Wo.rren, State of Ohio 8ect1on 1. That Section 7 of Ord-


Anoth~ year 'is knocking at thedoro'.' Let 'US give it & royal we'lOOme,

Christmas again is ~ past i ue with only the memorie's rem.ainng of tbe once-a-year. e ent. To some, e p e~a l~y the younger f-olks, 'remains tangible things s uh as toys, dolls. ' etc. To oth~r8 ' remains only a vague m mory of the events of the hofiday season. The spirits with which they gave " the ce'lif:furation ze t were of a slightly liquid nat ure. To othe-s the true m a-ning and t rue spir it of the day was. made manifest by their devot ion to family ties and to the strict observance of the d ay as the birt h date of the Christ· child. Songs fitting the occa ion and prayers com_ ing from the heart were heard hroughout the land for the tnany who were present 'n spirit and memory only. TrUly it was a Christmas of joys and so rrows 4ntel'mingling, and the greatest desit'e of all was that the conflict would end quickly so that next Christmas may be observed in a truly joyful manner.

the Wat:er Works, . ' , Be it ordained ~Y' the Councll of




As we counr off the reQ1ainin ~ hour!; of 1l),H . we cannot look back witho!-u ·expresslng ou r deep appreciation to you , out fri e'nd ,and , neigbbors who have loyally shared wllh U!I the service ot our country at war. 1945, with ,all its~ hopes and an x ieti(''i. it ·


Thrl!c ' 'populilr ml$cQnceplii:ms about canines are here debunlred by· tbe Gaines Dog Researcb,·Center. New York City, ',. The. country dog !foe, not 'lIve longer tban lhe city dog, As a Dlat,. . ler of tact. the exact reverse Is true: The ' lt.teSPll-ll of thO average . city· dog, Is two to three yeMB l on~er . tban. thgt ot hlB cOllulry couslu. dbler tor tills Is the better

trait Is believed II carry·over from prlmlUve day s wh en dogs ran 1/1 packs and ea ell hllli to eat fast.. to get lila ahare ot captured toad. An. other roct: Tho sll'ucture of the dog's mbulh Olld tiuoat Is unlike that of most doniestianted an lmal., You cannot toll a purebred dog by his black·roored mouth. ' Tbe mouUis or m cross,brcds are black as rnl The biaclt '

feeding. of .<COurse are not cXJ)o8I!d" to natural , ~o2nrds encountered by coun.try dogs.", A. dog that· bolts his foOd Is ft-ot 1lD!1etnourJsh ed. It Is nalura.! for a dog to wolf or gUID his meals. Tho

sonle authori ties 'hold . a black or partially blacll tongue Is au' in. dlcatton of Chow blood somewhere along the line even though n .glven animal may have D() other blnt of Chow 'resemblance or cbaracteri. 'tIcs.

cballeng~ng probl~s

Waynesville . Furniture

mands that together we look ahead,




and opportu~Il,es . de-

. Our New' Year's



is a pledge wnh ,il

wislJ: -=---==-<II--"K'tNlgeof~J'enewed





determination rhat

this organization de4ic,Bted to p u b/it

I::r v·

ice shalJ nod>e found wantj'n~ in 1945. ~he wish that the monrh!i ahead mB' hrlOg


ADVERTISE IN THE GAZETTE! FOB AIm C0N810N ,your QMtle, ~ ebeep aud ealftl

to ,NorrJa.~ Oo~ " Mv. \. . w1re an~ );JroII'f!I8tve ann tor ua; ~t pl'lcea aDd :1OOd ....,•• Val. ' stOck y...... ~....!I..&I. O. ,

_belt ,

TUDe 'lit cm . ~ stab WC$Y. 12!:16 to 12:10 p. m. tor our ~ marW NJIQl:tIa.

Sand &Gravel TARWIA~




PJlone W86'De.v1l1e 2911


:W&7DesvUle, Ohio



Morrow Phone No. 3 ' Lebanon: OIflce. Phone 4~3K. Residence · 98 M


'. OF





! ~




QUICK SERVjCE ~or. Dead Stock ' Re~oved Pro~pt11



Office at ~cen .ADd S1mPIUD Garap Formerly



/ XENIA FERTILIZER Reverse ",Telephone Chura -, ~ ~, Xenia.



Wh~lea.omf" P.lteurized Dairy' Products,

YOU'RE NO EXCEP. Pa.suuriud Milk Calamity doem't IItIF~!,!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!;HI!~~" 2S3!J pick ' favorites I Misfortune , .s ingled you out as an excep~ion t B·e ')Viae and protect yo~r.elf wit~ good insurance 80 that no matter what happeDs, you, your family and your property wiU be fuUy pro· tected.



through lht"






' I Tln'lUl



Automo bile' lasUran"e

to our co mmunity (he happiness lhal



Eo ' O. Buch,lleb, Ifllil. .

• The,Wayilea"ViUe·Gymn. 8:00 to 12:00 p. In.

·DEC, ·so,. :., SPONsOaim BY

,', BAND ··..,; " :f),T IIERS CLUB , ."


For rour Protection UDenill.~ Ohio' "



:lill,Sl yUlg iu.h IC"«::lllc nt oj d.llicuit





• .


.CHURCH OF CHRIST. Towna~i,p. T~tee. ,M~t ," ;tuVENltE GRA~E .T'o. ' HASrrs BEST YEAR n':;' F.:~'"""i:'''':''..E INSTALL NEW OEFICERS


Mr•• E. S. 'Henry Dies









Mr. and M1'8. IA. H. StubbS and chUd1'en were New Years dlimer gueat6 of Mr. and t4rs. N. R. Allman, in Daytoo. ' ' • • • Miss lAura ' McK1nliey who has been absent tram ' her SOhOtll duties on aooount of Ulnesa 'baa reswned her duties and. Is ~ member of the niends Hoole family. • • • The TUrk.ey supper, 'Which was to have been given In the Mellhodlst church d1n1ngi room OD! Monday night ' \\1QS , postponed on account of ....... "'V6n by ...... weather. and w11l be ... ~r the ladies TUesda.v evening, .Tan, 9

The church h8d 63 addltlODa laat year as ~ With 49 [or 1942 and 1M3 ~ 'lbe Bible '8Chool Gverage iWU ,1:1" • ~ed with 8'1 for '43, '18 fot '&2 bel, II'l for 'U. The total UlClClDle OIl ~ Church was iftll own" $5,G1)O.OO, inor-e tb&h ~ aa m",cn u it ~ for 1M3. During Year tb,e, ~(IO made /WeU over ~ ~ and wrQte' 0WIt J . . . . ~ and l~ 1n thO JDter.t 01 tile chUl'Ch. The minIster' .....~ U'OUlld _ ~ caWs, weadl-t 1 t ou ..... -........ ~"-.~ .. "'" ,4IV- 8eJItI.OO6, &en ~ 2........ IJlJmeogrv.phed ca.rds and letters, preacbod most or .. four • weeks r8v1val and- bII4 seYeMt WedGuests of Mi'. Md Mrs. Everett dInP abd tunera1s. Nine l'OWl8 on New Yeam Eve ~ Misses peop.\e !rom the cliUrch ' -went I\V1th Janice Pennew1t and Meisers Roger the nUclatel' to IIUJDInel' -Bible camp Walton and. Thomas Houston,' o.ll o! - wllere tll1e mbUster <ta.).1gbt. ~ Valley. ' fall Ule ch1lh)h purcbued. the prop,. eo • •






to tile aburc:h on the eornef. 'l'bIa JII'CIIPIIi'tY 'W1ll be u.sed Ul ~ the location for a ' Grove" in Centerville. Dr. and new ehurdl ti"ndlng. In the Im- Mrs.. StOut and d&ug<~ter enjoyed mecl1o.te , . . . . tbe hou$e W1ll be 8Waday dIl:ilier with Corporal George uaed' tor o1a¥ ~ for the Bible BO)'er ~ M1B& ~oan Beau~. acbooI.. ' . . ~ ~ Boyer, ~r Oreatc -thlnp. are plamled for or Mrs, Stout, was a. recent ~ 'of 1945. &tMo~ goal :will be etoutil Illtel' serviDg two years 135 per Sunday for the 'Y~. The overseas ~. • . , ~ DQ ~ In OotobeT wtll, be WUUam ~ury who l1$& ~n 'l1we1" ijleciai days are ~ Camp Walters in TellB8 p~ecUGl' Ut6, «Saylor at ,JJOme enjoY'lng a [-urlobgh t\1AIb moatb.OD I(Ieclal daJa llJa parents, Mr. and Mrs.<RIUph erty





:::u:.""==arQUI!MI'" ~



A8b~. :,

lor a..'laItIe

of D).e~r8

Raymond BtaddOCk.



attendance ereet -theli Dew matron,

Gmnp1'8 regular


year. The lows:




Juvenile W'ged to a~tend their

mee~ throUllhout J

FOlleli To Be Sold; MeetlDc P1aeea Noted

the •

or>1leers tor 1945 are 9lI toJMatron, iM:I.'S. Raymond ~­

d~i )(Aater" meen ' Brown; Overseer, Dlla ' Hoak; Steward, Sue Furnas; Aat'l;. 8tJeJwVd. Roy Furnas; Lady' A86-'t: ~; WIlhem1na Broldd.ock; Lectu.rer. DwIght ~ ner; ChaPlamr Robert. H'astlng:s i Pomona, BaItIe.r8i ~; Flora, Dol1s . OlW'ltoD; . ,ceres, Alberta Brannock; Secretary, Betty sa tterJe Lee ebwalte; -TMaltVer, /lIlY' BraddOCk' oatekeeper, Rlloda BJmnell. - - - - - - - -- - - the cl~lnti .-Of ~ schoolS for the

week, -<i}1!! to


~ extreme weather

', •• 4 The New was greeted In t,lle usual man.Jih by B- iJ"OUp of f~ I.r-====~=~iii!l!!!=====!!! who were. guest. of Mr. and Mrs. HalOld B: Ealnbart On Sunday eve--


nlnIr. After a

vttr7 pleasant

;.~. ~


proS-ONALS .

;r~~.~Ql · ~t with oth-


Mrs. E. 8. Henry, age 75, pa&sed' aW'll>Y at the home of her daugJlt;el:, Mrs. Mae McGuire, 21113 Woodland • Avenue, MJddJetown, Ohio, on TUes-' day, Janua.ry 2. Mni. Henry was the ' mother of Farm Accident PnWeDtlOD the late Mrs. James Lovely. She was ~as~ToBe~ a. resident of Waynesville for matlf

the folJowirig year these oMlcers: C . 8t. John, president; Jessie Look For Attendance ~dent. and TQ Greet TlMlIr New Matron I'laIIa DeIIDlieIJ Made For IRo'bert iFurn:aa, road 'superintendent: :., A G..... Y_!In 194.5 o~er business of tmport4Jiee wu 'I, -; - - tra114aCted during the meet1nB. ~l1e Juvenlle Gr~nge The year ~ 1944 was the ~' plans to ~ neW offfuers at their est YeM ~ ~ton' or the We.y.. ~,l SQ.tUl'da-y evening, JannesV1l1~ ~ or Ohr1st. The Io!- fd\ • :. • UUy 6. ' 'The , Juvel\1le Grange is hoping low1nc Jj ~ ,r eporl or last year's .



daint)' retrahmenfa were served, by the ~, hosteas ana: children, to Mr. and M1'8. RalPh Hast1nge and so~ Mr. and ~. Walter 8beehan . and ao:n&, MD. Mary Dora Hough and Mr. and P.m. Geol"ge Hender&On and ~ . ' . • • •

. Dr. o,nd Mrs. B. ~ BathalWay ent.e1't4UDed to a Wl'ke.r CI.1nner on W1ll meet in Ney;' Y - JIIYe. Mr. ~ Mrs. Bar... \Ie1' Bul'Dett, ~ Mn. J. B.



T. M.

Scaht, MlnIs&er


SUDd&y aobool - 9 :30 A. M, E. IA. r ~ 81lPft1DtehddDt. Wnnoh!m service - 110:30 A. M.' . .."'.·mr.... &eI'VIce "'- 11 :~1 P. II.

The Youth councua all aver oil1o . sponsoring an accldent,prevention program to tlelp m8ke the fGrm and .farm ltornes 41> safer ~ to llve and WOl'k.



DF80UGHING ael.. Loise.·•• COLDS "I".UII ••

Up all night with those dreadful ~ughlng spasms ~t<Xlme with<lOlds ••• Why don't you try the wdI·knOwu Vicki VapoRub .team treatment? JUlt put a jlood hno.I , ."I~nrul of Va~ bOll.fn8 water • • • vapois. CrandrelJefames withevay breath )'OU take, u the soothing medicated vaporspcnetrateinco thecOld-irdtated Upper bronchial tubes. How 9I'OndcJ-. fiil)y VapoRub helps loosen phlelnn. eue coughing. relieve upper broncfilal lrrltatfori ••• Jnviting the restfulslcep you lIeed 10 much. Time-tested. 1Iome-\:'1~~RUb Is the best


Released by Western Newop8 PU

UnJon. _ _ _ _ _ _ _l


(ED'''OR'S NOTE. WbeD .plal ......... ' ..... 4 I. tb ••• e.I.III.a1 tb.y .r. til . . . .t W•• , ••• N .... p.p., 0"'0.'. aa.a •• al,.t• • aot n .......U, •• Ibla oo ..... p ••• )

~Uevlnllml!. Y,ICICS VA~oRu.



While advocating a reapprals. al 01 farm credit needs. lnternational agreements to dispose of surplus commodities and low. erlng of trade barriers, Ed· ward A , O'Neal, president of the American Farm Bureau federa· tion. also called for reaUstic marketlngl based on feed and labor costs to repla.ce subsidies.

History Repeat5

Put on Heat

Movement of 2,000,000 persons

Attired in clvllian clothea, and wltb some of their number c.arr:r1D. mace-Uke aDUlaDk projectiles. Helnricb Rimmler'. home parel l'aradea ID Berlin.



Look!ng forwal'd 'to the day when the war wID end andl the cellatlon bt wartime production will ' pole problems Of providln1i1 adequate op· portunlty for a peacetime economy. lenate 'a nd house committees busied themselves in develo"lng a program for the prosperous employment of both labor and agriculture. Most specific action taken was by a senate committee beaded by Mon· tana'l Senator MurrllY. which BUbmitted a proposal for an annual esti· maUon of the amount of expenditure necessaI')' for fuU employment and the probable ouUays by private In· dustry, with any dif1rerences to be made up by federal Investment. Before the govemment would undertake any expenditurell, however, ev· ery effort wOhld be made to Btimu· late the flow of private capital. WhUe Senator Murray's commit. tee prelented tbe proposal, a bouse committee held hearings In Chi. cago. m.. on meansl of bolstering postwar agriculture.

crielofcolds. 1'1)' itl

How Sluggish Folks ,Get HapPr Relief .


Stability Sought:

German Drive Reminder of Last D.~sperate Fling in World W~r I; Farmers. Harvest Ba'nner Crops.

1-_ _ _ _ _._

Thunday, JUDUy f,

All through the scattered PbWp. from farms after the war to pro-



Crochet in Butterfly, 'Floral Motif Due to an unusually Jar,e demantl



8e'llllnl Clrde NHdleeraft Dept. 564 W. a.andlllpb 81. ClaJealo 10.

MATl'ER how grown.up we look or are. we all remain ltidl at beart. Deep down the chUd In people remains aUve, even though on the outside the,. rrow old and ,ray, That'l the reasoD folkl never lose their taste for fair1 t~les. In wartime we partlcularl,y want to believe goodnesl always tnu mph s. t bat Prince Charming invariably Ila,. the ogre and rei' cuel the Princesl Beautiful The fairy tale In 81ms bal nev· er been more popular than It I~ to-

To many, the mlgbty German pine islands, the enemy came un· vide them with Iuft\cl,ent Income and counter. offensive Field Marsbal der Increasinr pressure at U. S. lUar. against overp,roductlon was Voil Rundstedt launched against Al· ' Iand and naval forces .. the advocated by Cba,irmim Oscar lied armies on the western front was American••peeded up their "ttack HeUne of the Iowa Farmer Grain remJnIscent of Geoeral Luden· on this great archipelago guardinl Dealers aSSOCiation. In agreeing, dorff'1 last desperate throw of the the Jape' vital inner imperial Unel. Prot. Noble Clark. chairman of the dice In 1918 In an eftcrt to Improve Latest ' threat to the enemy was Land Grant Colleges' committee on Germany's position tor the negotl· the U. S. landing on Mindoro island. postwar agricultural policies, urged atlon of a peace. where the Yanks drove forward a broadened educational program to Fanta.y de Lan Tben. Ludendorff'1 drive faIled; against negligible opposition to es· equip rural youth for occupational Director Allred E. Green assurel this time, resolute U. S. troops tabUsh air bases from which land- opportunities, me that the picture w1ll bave aU the mcved In to stem Von Rundstedt' l based bombera could loin carrier fair1 tale ftxlngl-magic carpetl, atta ck, with decisive Allied counter· planel In bammerlng the main ll' WAR COSTS: ,Ianbs, a subterranean river with measures expected to not only blunt land of Luzon to the north. nervecrocodiles whicb cbange into 10Na the enemy's thrust but also sap the .center for the wbole Jap defense In Pricing Policy flowers ' lUlt . In the nick o· time. most formidable part of bia force the PbilIpplnes. Even as the dougb. Aiming to cut gov'e mment cost I harem beauties by the dozen. ancl and reduce hil war potential for boys plodded forward, carrler and at the same Urne' impose great· an under·water ballet that promlsel next spring. planes ripped at enemy shipping er efficiency on lom~! ftrml with. 'to make the old ADDeite KellermaJID There was one dlfterence between feeding Island garrisons from the resultant release of manpower and lUb8ea moviel made durin, the flrlt Ludendorff's suicidal ,amble in 1918 main staging point. material. the war department an· World W8l' look like ftotaam and Jetand Von R\lndstedt' l of WI war, On Leyte. General MacArthur'l nounced the adoption of a new pric. lam. bowever• . and that lay in Hein· trlple.pronged offensive continued to ing program employing teams of Even before World War I. fa1r7 ricb Hlmmler's BucceSI In hold In, squeeze the Japanese into an ever experts that w1ll comb over con· talel were popular on the screen. the German home front together to narrower corner on the Island. tract. before lettln,. . IU early al the turn of the century supply the webrmacht with men E~ressing the beUef' that lower Geor,ea MeIle-. In France. discovand materials for the bl, drive. In STATE DEPARTMENT: pricel would lead to greater IDe of ered that movies could show magic 1918, on the other hal\d. Ludendorff • manpower and matelriaL Col. Fred In a ,way the stage never could manwas faced with a crumbling home O. -K. New Setup C. Fay. director of army aervlce age. tront, once rlsmg to a bawling r,a ge Amid fierce debate. 11) whicb forces purchases. IBid: " .•. When. It wasn·t long before America In those monthS because a tottering charges .were levelled that the reo ever a contractor'. leUin, prices allowed feature length fair1 tales .oveimnent falled to provide aum.. cent reor,anlzatlon of the IItate de- are clole to b1a cOII1, the contrac- and fantasies. One of the earUest cient trooPI and lupplles, partment put the House of Morgan tor has an Incentive!' to lower b1a was Mal'}' Pio~orel In "Cinderella." . A. tile Qermaua' deaperate OweD MCHlre, Ma17's hIDband at the In an lnIluential position in the shap. costs to Increalle pro1liL • • • .. drh!e developed, IS 'ollowed &he Ing of U, S. forelgn policy,' the len- T ftrma estabUihlni clole prlc:- Ume. played the prince. and wbUe patte,. et other ~jor Nul a'" ate conflrmed President Roosevelt'. In 0 poll les went ' q.e promise of the "transformation" Icenea, were SaoW.t World War D. with powappointments of William L. Cla,.ton cO!lider~tion 'for a higher rate of Cl'Ucfe beside \bose In "A Tbouulld erIal armorecl .pearhea •• and Nelson, Rockefeller al asalltantl return In reviewin, contracts for ex- and One Nights," they made peopt. panchlil. &hroll,b '.nrarel eleto Secretary of State StetUnlul. Dts and maintenance of galP wben the pumpkin became a .euea aDd &heD apeedlDr eliWith ardent New Dealerl Pepper :::k p~ case cutbackl 01' re- coaeh and Ma1')'" rags ~ed lDto ward to let the trallin. Infantry (Fla.) anl! Guftey (Pa.) leadln, the ducUons are made illl th~1r Une of royal ,lad ragl ~ore their 8111• .........zo ...............~'Ii_ t ..... ,•• 1111'" , ...... Here'•• deal wit.. oppoSln. elemeD&a 11lI'aUack. it was charged ,that the. new war production. LauUih in Old. Day. Too fin&. •• zo ........ , _ I I.. I. . . ... letup In the lltate department fol• . ' roaD deal &e the rear. _ .. ,..'-. . . . . . . . . lIda.... s...... . lowin, Secretary Bull'. resignation AGRICULTUR1~ It was Annette Ken~rmann, one•• ZO ..., . . ., I... rkel.....rd •• ~. . It ' was . UlUI that the Germans . might indicate a reversal in a IIber' : time cbampion lwimmer. who made ~.'.n' cradrl••• iId . . . . . . . T.lrd •• "10 oint...., ...d. wiJieIl ·out the Poles; broke France. .' : , New Crop the blggelt splaR of that period lD ," .mce •••111", ••• elleek ..Ieedl.... and marched a tblrd of the way an elaborate fantalY called "Nep. "'111. II'....., '0 .... 1'.10 .IDl•••,'••erf... t.d PII. p . . . .0'•• apacross RUSSia. 'Ibll time, however, Thanb to a new extraction tune's Daughter" and aDother. "A .1....... III ..... t".,..,h. Y. ., do • .., the enemy faced a stronger. better and harvellting procen. the ra~sln, Daughter of thlt" God.," Annette ... teU J .......t ,~ZO .I.'....t. equipped, more resolute toe. and of sunflower leeds may develop Into brought the one-piece bathing auit Get PAlO Tod ayl At Orug st ores' as hia attack developed, U. S, reI aD important fann crop lD the mid- to tam,. and gat. bave nev.e r ellalerves thrown Into the battle moved I dIe welt, foll?winr successful experi. carded it liQ.ce. ~ele fllJns were mentation In Dlinois' Piat coun~. to dam the surge. made on lo~ In the Bahama. In launching the olfenllve. Von Due -to a new solvent procesl of and Cuba under Derbert BreuoD. Rundstedt followed the 1940 lriva. blo-chemlst Ezra LevlD. oU now ex- WIDlam FOll starred the Fox Kid. sian pathwaYII. pointing 8pearheada Seenlar)' 8tetUalu (ItIt) willa WWI&m tracted from the I1mftower leedl dlel lD elaborate versions of lalrJ' acroslI Belglum and Luxembouri. L. CIa~D. .and the resulting mllih n.o longer talea. with young.tera p1ayln, botll In ~oosing' this battleground be· al U. S. forelia policy. to whi~h become rancid, whUel the conltruc- jlin.\or and adult parte. Remember low ·Aachen, the Nazi field marshal Senator ConnaDy (Texaa) repUed tion of a new comblnll. cuts the once blonde VIr.1n1a Lee CortilD and concentrated the bulk of hil forcel that President Roosevelt would high harvesting costl.. l'ran~1 ea~Dter In "Babes In the Ol'eomuJlloa reUmIs prcmptbr be- against the Firat army. w!iich had Chart the cOUntry'l ccurse resarel· Planted ID to·lnch I~WS and culti· Wood" 8!ld "Jack and the Bean· ,CI&UIt it IoeIIl'IIbt to tile Ileal cit tile thrown the Germans onto the edge lesa '01 the reorganization.' vated twice througb the lIeason. 1.600 Italk"? Thoae movies cost tortunel. tnIulIIe to ~ JooIm . and UDal of the Rhineland plain. AI the storm over the itate de- pounds of s~ed were obtained from Doa. .. Falrbanb knew the' dream IVID ladeD ~ aDd aid nature In the early ftghtlng. the Na~ to IOOtbe aDd heal raw, tender" InlIartment reorganization t 1 r I t an acre, with a yield. of oU at 1'~ of youth better than any one elIe. Iamec1 bronch1al mucou. mem- thrust against Monschau was ap- mounted then subllided under presl. cents pet' pound reportedly hlaher In "Robin Hood," "The ThIef of Tell ~ur drug1at to aell you preciably con~ined by the Yanks, • bottle of Oreomullloo Wltb tile un- but the 'Ipearhead farther louth dential pressure, Mr. Roosevelt told than that obtained fl.-o m a similar Bagdad." and ''The Black Pirate," newspapermen that the Atlantic planting ot soybeans. Not only 11 the he gave til some of the belt talr7 derstaDdq JOu muat J1ke tbe way it probed a. deeply 811 22 miles to or Cbal'ter was not a fotmal document 011 ,ood for lalada and cookln" It tales the screen hal had. fOl,=~ 1011 ~ the important roael juncture of Stavelot In Belglum. StID another signed by thil country and Britain, was laid, but seeds !lere found to Walt DlaDe)O, ble.. him, really but inerely a lltatement of principles have protein content ,Dr 58 per cent. brought the fairy tale to full Bower Nazi force pushed acrosa the Bel. WAR SHIPPIN'G'. with hil magic brulh. "Sno,w White," for Cctulh.;CllestCold•• Bronchiti. lium border and threw a plDcer to guide the Allies' war alml. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 1 around st. Vith. wblch is now revived. II a love17 Big Profits tIilDg for kids of aU ag... And now, In Luxembourg to the louth, ihe CROPS: thantu to a special campaign on ID7 Gennans drove through the Ar- Banner Year With nine Ameri~an' Iteamllhip part. it w1ll be revived each Christdennes torelt beyond Ecbternach Surmounting weather and man· linea having Q:1ade $24,847,000 In after meeting stUJ U. S, resistance. power problema, American farmen profits on $31.364.000 worth of bUlli- mal. ODce the German aHack ,ot 'WIth cycr, CASH ORDER (or :z clozca again answered the natlon'l call for nesl from AprU to September on Try, Try ABa;" J l ~ pilat. of Wa.blnll'owdu. we IlIdlide "AlIce In Wonderland" came anderwa)', the battle tamed IDto high level production with a near lend·lease runs to the Middle East, . . "Id acqui . inled" ~/t. , dOlen 61l ba •• • alanlD, match, with the eneUllAdry SoaP. Mailed for '6,00, record output . 01 cropl, :at per cent the U. S. maritime commission alon,. too, JUlit at the time the my paulor meD Into the lnIUal . . . . . PIODUCTS CO. (1J.2) • ....,.... above the 1923-'32 pre-drought avo atarted court acUon against seven Icreen W81 learning to talk. Parabreaellel Ie uplolt their breau, erage. the U. S. department of agrl. of the operators to I'ecover excels mount made the mistake of covWhile the AUiel moved reserVe. cul'ture reported. 1ocome. . erlna such famoUi facea 81 those of Ga.., CCHlper and W. C. Flel" with to ~e troDt 10 cheek the drive. .-ointing to Dear record acreage, Operating on raj~el that the maski. . Coincident with Von Rundstedt's the USDA said: .. • • . Farmen commission itself · set at the Shakeapeare'a "Midi ummel' amash to the north. Gen. George S. planted only wben they could and Nlght'l Dream" WIll given a .pec. Patton's U. S. FlrBt army encoun. they kept on planting past the time when lubl weire Icourginr seBl and sblps were needed tacular production b, the late lIIas tered atIl'1'ening Nazi resistance in normal season as long as there the to baul material to the British BelDbardt. the Saar, with tbe enemy following seemed half a cbance of sucealtern and north Il14y GarlaDII played Doroth7 in In the middle his favored pattern of throwing In cess. . • . " African sectors. the companiea "The Wizard of Oz," based on the Ihort. Iharp armored Production of grains, fruitl. nuts averaged $300,000 profit per vel. Baum bOOD, and you certalnl.7 tacks In an attempt to ' momentarily and commercial vegetablel were all leI. or 910 per cent of the book baven't forgotten her Ilngln, "Ovar check the Y·anks· push. above last year. with all·Ume top value of each. the Rainbow." Meanwhile. it wal announced that harvestl of corn at 3.228,361.000 Yel, there's DO end to lair7 tala. Bimmler himself had taken over bIDhels and of wheat at 1,078,847.000 Although two of tllll~ companies and we're all happier becaule of command of German resistance in bushell. C>vtput ot dry bean I and bave refunded $3DO.OOO, the others them. 1\'s ,ood. to be able to adopt the Colmar pocket In A1sace. throw. peas. 011 leedS, tOQacco and har have refused to maIm remittance., the faith and .yel of a child OD ocing In Itrong ' detac~enta of hJa and forage crops hal bee.n .Ieldom c:laimlngthat they merely char,ed calion and saO through a thousand motley but fanatical bome auard exceeded. Cotton was about 'aver· prevalent rates. recolgnlzed by the and one II1ghts at 'r omance BDd. ad.units. age. BrlUlh , themselves. venture on a magic carpet.

required In Olllnil erd" tor a few .,

the most popular pattern n_",ben. Senti your order ..:


da,.. Columbia II balin, Itl mOlt pretentloua pro. dUCUOD of the year on "A Thou· sand and One Niahtl," a tecbnlcolol' fantal,. of Coruel Wilde 0 I d Bag dad. They've taken the Aladdin and hll lamp ItOry and are giving It a sophisticated twist, with Coruel WUde playing Aladdin al a crooner. the Frankie Bo, of an ·earlier age. Evel)'D Keyn aa a Jivemad jinnlyeb.

eurrent war oondltlons••~ more time


Enclose 18 cenl. for Pattern No._ _ _ _ __ Nam


_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ___

Addcess _ _ _ __ _ _ _ __


COLD DISTRESS RELIEf ONE-lase Headack RELIEf TWO-I.I fever. RELIEf THREE-LtI... ...., ldats. RELIEf fOUR-East tilly lOS •• RELIEF FIVE-R_e .nd. .d,... . No n.N 10 JUII .ulter frOID commoD cold IlIlacrl~ . Gron'. Cold l1el rlllhl down In.ld•• nd work In· Itln.lI), on .lIlhe•• Ulu.l.ymplon» .1 the .. m. 11m•• euctly •• dl'~I~d . Lara ••1&, ..... inan.y.


two or tHree crocheted buttertlies form the edge of lovely towels scarfs or pillow cases embroIdered in' these floral motifs . In B~~tefl~e~n



• • •

~~~!~~le'1~slf,~ "cr:;.~~~~,:::

pattern of 3 motifs avera ging 5 by 11 Inches; crothet directions. For this pat· tern send 16 cenlll In coins. your name. address and the pattern number.

Longest Distance Flight Nonstop Is 3,563 Miles








'The longest distance flown non· stop today over a regular civilia.n air route is the 3.563-mile hop made by the planes of the Qantas Empire Airways across the Indian ocean between . Albany, Australia, and Colombo. Ceylon. The second longest d1stance is the 3.376 miles flown between New York City and Lisbon. Portugal. Buy War Savings Bonda _ _ _ __ _ __ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __

"I'd Have Been a Goner '; ; .",


.. ,.11.' ,...... Ie".,. ,., ....I.



.... ..,.,....".

,Relief 'At Last For Your Cough m.nes.

=CREOMULSION ..!ho::grclt.






~ n-'-~"'P"";'l-'i-.-·'"-~-L--71-'Q-"-,. .----~~-... TIRES ,:r)


AI... LIIR..





With Increaslld mWta17 demandl and . PlaDpower Ihortagel , llmttlnc L.._ _--:_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _.- - - - - - -,-, ~...:..---.......J IUpply, no pa~~e~ger tire. 1!ril1 be TesW,ID, Utat her llaab'" Dellve17 ofa premature two pound available fpr A ' ca~ bo¥erl or reIued 10 work aa ION u 1IIr. baby boy to Mrs. Jam.. Snodrrasl ' Ie... ~slential "B" c~ apPUcants '~"el' was pru1cleD~ J4I'II. " of Forelt Park. m. came a. a com. through the Brit ~" montha of , c;la&berJDe lD~a!l~ of Delrol". pIete 1urpr1.e to 'both hualJand and 18:'5; ~de clrclel r&l~rted. 1IIch., w:a.' JTlUlted a ·diyeroe. wife. '.'We bad DO i~ea w__were Ito- At the lame time, .It we. la~ • • . ' lq to be parenta a,aIn, and I ougbt the supp17 of heaYl tzuCk tire. dur.o Onb a few dayl after purcha~ ·to !mow." .ald Mr. SnodgraSi. ttl've IDI th1a period w11l b . the smaUllt 'bla 01rD plue. 2t·year~ld BOward ,ot .two boy. already, one leven and for aJI1 quarter since IMI. Bele... So, or Ul'baua, m; was kJUed wilen -tile other eight Jelll1 old." 'I'be Cblld or experienced worken frOm the It I:l'Uhed lD the blrnyard or b1s , wal bom ~ Mra, Snodp'....• UID1 we. proPOled to belp rem8117 GWD fa~. • c:ompla1n.t of '.·c~he. tbe truck tire shortall"

lhmocraeyStU':'" Worir 'hap~



froai '

.. 'Hi' 'he ditch. boy,: here come,la. Iemel.' Lik. ,Iae relt 01 "'men I dove tor ,he neara. hedge,ow ita a Norrrnmdy field on rIae ,oed to 5,. Lo. The ~& plana dumped their bomb. 010,., the road. Only OM m' GIld .hat one lail near me. 1 IDOl badly ~ounded by ,he .IaeU /r,agmenu and .he thi1igI1mew'I ... In GIl et1acuarion 1ao.pual and .G II Army nur.e WIJI &innl ".. blood pltuma. 11 ~ IUuln', been lor .hai rd have been a ,oner. rm lUI 0,!,.1umd at pltuma lor r.,. ~ i' twenry ,imea. Now 'hey're pt1ln& me whole·blood eraru/unortl. The,. were Ann.1. nur.ea with me all .he rime and. fired 01 many 01 .am ~ 'hey'd lpend their off-du,y.irne with UI wounded men, Mlpinf to bring w back to where we ,hough. 'hing. were really ~ fighting/or. We neeli.n 'he nurlel tH clUIget. 'I )'ou can, ~ ,he Army Nur.e CO'P"" -


ALL Womln Can H.lp! If you Are untrainedt- take. home 111II'Iiuc or nurse'l aide co.... If you are • . aenior cadet nune -ieI'Ve your final .Ix mozdlu'la an Army !!olpitaL If yoo tq'e a regi~tered nune - Joir~ the .Arm,. Nurse Corp~ y.,.

maT mean the difference between life and death to oUr wCnmdecl m~o. Vilil or write your local Red Croll chapter for fuD information 8IId applica~oD blank: Or colbDlUDicate ~th the ~.... GeD~r~ U. S. Aimy, W.lbiDgtoD 25, D. C. .


...... ..... . . . . . . . . . . . • •• ~

.......rMI 1M Inforl'llaUIMI en II... ,

............ .. _ AnIIl' - . ....... - eta _ , fer u._ ndaII Nam*'-_ _ _ _

~_---_ _ _~


Where elIe could It but ID . AM .....I.--::-....;..--_ _ _ _ _...........:....:.._ _ _ _ _ _ America? 0Dl:y a . lew abort )08UI ago I wei talJdnl lQte ,. motbel' to 01_ ..... .. tall bandaome )oun,s" .cared It ..... _ _ ....... u.~ __ .....~_ .out of b1a Wita about ~.• Reae . " Do C....... ,.. ......... er.. ........... ~.~ lD "qilldrea of Divorce." y-, 1M ~ ~•••• other Digbt 'that JOI.inPteI', GU7 Ceopar, bid .~og,OOO In war boDdI tile • ••• oae ' of IIl1 aWl bata aua!lu!pped: "!JtII'tYanteci to . . tite durnect IhiDI oIr the :aalk..... 'l'bat saml kid II ,Il0l ' oab itarrtua ID but PlOduaIIII .....cnna.... ADIlID . . . . , . II!t'I ItUI ... .". .....oaat ....

.m.wt .... - ...·.... -=--, . ... ---.. . . .. . .



•• • •• 4." . . " , , i i i SEWING CIRCLE P.4.TTERNS





I\athleen Nortis Says:. . ~::!;:';o""/l\' SCHOOL A~tractive Al1~Occasion Play

uit:-:- L E S S O'N -:. Play Sets for Brother and Sister

When ~he Losing W om~n Wins

Ih' HAROLD L . L17NDQu\ST ~ 0 D Moody Bible lnitltuts or chic. 10 Relened b, WHlern Newspaper Union. .

o.n 87Ddlo....-WNU ".atuft..


HELP WANTED • 1'0'110'" ao.. ""60, ,4 In ouulld

01. The

IndWllr7 ..,iII "at .ppl, without n.t•• onilobl/itT. Irom tbtlr locll

IDO'!t 01

UDltH St.t.. EmploTrnl"t Slnic••

Lesson for



NUR8E'S AID. 18 to 65 yeors. experience unnecessary. Salary. room ~n d boord. Write O.k Rld,_ Saaltarlom, Gr .... 8,rla ••. O.

oublectl an.' Scripture textl _ Jected and e~yrilhted by InternaUonol ~~~::'. Re .Iou. Education: u.ed ~y Le..on


0. 7"DI' 10"",. N. II. C. .laem. .....J']r


SIIOO A. Mo, Eo W. T.

10100 A. M., C. W. T. W&PO waOL WAVE wall . . .

¥-.............................. .'+-~'+'+~ that weU &rOOmecI ~oc:lt.lAdd IIQUe. ICeep JOur arylill' flat. Altray_ \1M Morollue HtJr Tonic. Lam botUe 25c. Sold evernrbere. Gl", It


.The voubr. belM when he eaml holM one d4y 10 reponllud 'Mummy' ~ tehool and had 14ken him 10 lunch. She hod promised him flip. 10 Ihe circus and ~ IrIOtIi& and him II penkni/..• COIM 10

. . . . . 111......"'-

O.., ...w ......

. . . . . . . . . aW ..


,... ~ .... At YlMlr . ~ ,..,.;




'nlti I





po,.'" ,I.



DIAICI~S .. _lIo-y....kI

......., ......... · ..pedanw . ,., dill"...., eIv- wal _ _ Nllef .,

tlr. ....


II tho 5601"', ... _Id... .. whkll Nk.. ..

• 1ICh ft_ .........11111.. .. M . .a ...... ~ ttre .. ...

" M Y problem is a maddening one," writes Molly Bates, from Sy'racuse, New York. "I am 21. A year ago I feU in love with my ' employer, whose married life was one long quarrel. She was in love with an army airman, whom she married later. Lynn and his small bOy of eight went to Reno, I went to ~y sister in San Francisco, and we were married there as soon as he was free. A happy month followed, then Lynn, who is a doctor, was sent to China, and Junior and I came home to Syracuse, where my sister-inlaw and her baby joined us for the duration .

............. ..,. ............ _r.' .... ..... -,.......... po.'" ,.,




* "*



eo . . .






Smart It~'" haft AIiecI , , lor ~ iooth~."etrectl" . , Pr. Porter'. ADtlMpdcOU. It'. eooth~. ' .' '.' tendl .JO Pl"D1I:'o" a.tural bea~la. proc:eeMe.lteep . It on hand .....,. (or

..,eney UI~. lor mlDOr .m cuC~, . bul'lllo ..ddl. ...... bra"', llIb "ouad.. and UN oQJ, i.a dJrjc:I,tt • .uk YO'!! wet'erlailrlaa ~bout II JOur dra....t .... ·U •.

.M7'advice, Molly, 1. th~t you aur· the child at once to hil moth· er. When i.:vnD ieta home he can '


~~ him. lor there will be noth-


Matthew Is the Gospel of the King and His ldngdom, It stresses the lU1Jillment of prophecy in the comlng of Christ, the KJng. A1ter Hil rejection, It tells us of the Church "the kingdom In mystery," and of the death 01 Christ: for our sins, His resurrection for our justUlcation, and His gl,?rioull cc)mlng again. This then is an, important book wblch we study for the next three months. Teacher and student aUke should be enthusillstic and expectant. Tha genealogy ()f the King, and the story of His cClmlng to earth III the babe of Bethlehem <both impor. tant matters), are covered in. chapter 1. In our lea,son we find Him .. a Uttle child. Observe how man recelv,ed Him, and bow God cared for Him. Without assigning definite verses to our points we note that: I. 'Meit Received or Rejected JeIUl. It hall alwaYI been so. Men, then a. now, were either for Him or agalnat Him. The world or today Is lar different from that of the first JerklD Suit century, but the difference Is all on the outside Almost breath.taklng 'DEAL for any occasion, this have been the devE!lopments of mod- i two-piece j.erkin suit is tops em science, but these have .not with t~e t~en-age crowd. The changed the heart of man. He still well·~ttlng J';lcket can be collarfears and bate. and IIgbts and sins. less, it you like, and is smart too His attitude toward Chriat Is un. with long or short sleeves. A changed. There I~re still only two change. of blouses gives you many classel of people in ,t he world-those attractlve costumes. wbo bave received Christ and are • • • saved, and those ,,~bo bave rejected Pattern No. 8732 comes In sizes 11, 12. Him and are loat. 13. 14, 16 and 16. Size 12. without sleeves. 1. Men Are Against Christ req~ahort 3~!t yards of 35 or 59·lnch rna· H d h th Ir j tl terlal, .Iecves. S ~~ yar.ds. ow 0 men lowe re ec on at God'. Son? Just a. they did at - - - - - - - - - - - - Hi. . a . birth, was afraid lest 0 y uc or oy


"Junior II an eager, normal, af· fectionate Uttle fellow and I know •• ectIy........, • .,. .... be love. me. But tile ,"able be. •• .1It1... __ Mt .f ft... PD wIleD lie cam. bOUle ODe day ~ etIdI ...... report· uaa, IIad cem. &0 ICIJaMI ........ tabD' bbD 10 l_oIa. &be bad prombecl him trip. to the ... t.ct ........ nIIIIer .... clroaa . .a tile moriM &ad .., .... U......... Ialm • peadadfe. Thil mother 01 h1a went to San Diego upqD ber lecOnd , .••• per __ la _ . . . . marriage, and, baa .boWD. no Interest . In Junior unW now. Ha aaked me III World W., I ......... .:... If 1 minded tUm .eelug h1a mother. ...ptlo. ,.,......... .1INt 01 courae. 1 .ud no, hoplnl that thil U _n, bhibltlon 01 Interest was Just a flash In · the pan. • "I wrote to Lynn about it and he . answered with much feeling that Adele waa an unbalanced and by .. terlcal perlon; bound to excite and hurt Junior, that abe bad abown no affection for blm In bi. babyhood • and that the underltanding waa that I abe W8lt to bave no re.ponslbWty lor blm wbatsoever. He writes that ahe agreed a year ago to thia arrangement. . • Motller-ID-Law lIi""'ere•• ''But a complication it that Dl7 husband'. mother, o~ ·Mn. B.atel, hal alway••ympathlzed with Adele, wbo evidently flattera and amusea ber, and wbDe I am workinl-Ior 1 still keep my houri as oMce nune at the' clinic-they often pick IiJm For the ~re8ervation up alter Ichool, and carry him 'off for Ice-cream, cookie., .toriel, Of the ·American spoWng blm generally. HIs mother Jo.. JI.. JI.. doe. hU homework lor blm, and be • e w W ' M comes home tired,· lmmanage~ble, Way 0 f Lif with n.~ appetite lor IUpper. He BUY U•5• WAR. BONDS! . wantllt debated continualb'. 'I have _ _ _ __ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ _ 1 to lo"e my own mother most don't I, Aunt MoWe? My Grano; .ay. that If Dad41,etl killed l'U Uve with my real mother: "I went to my mother-In·law, tried to explain how c:ll1ftcult aU thl. makel thing. for me. Her anlwer WBI that If Lyam were home it would be different: as It II, the cbDd'l mother comes tlrat. Sbe Uvea In a amall apartinent: Adele alao ba. a Vel7 .~all place but vl.ltI and. goel about ~nt1nually. Here we bave a .paclous backyard and a windmill, 'a nd Junior'. trietidl Uve aU about.' I went to lea our lawye:. He telll' me that abort 01 court proceecllngl I cannot do .a nything whlle L)'DQ II a,way. Adele lay. that Ibe wants her cbild, and In any court, be lays, that hal tremendoUs appeal I don't want to admit lIl7.eU beaten, but I do , ~t your advice."



. LESSON TEX'+-Matlhew 2 :13·23. COLDEN TEXT-Behold. I am with thee, and wUl keep thee In all pl.eel whither thou ,oest.--Gi!nesls 28 : IS.


:'I'AMIE UIRUL,\ Kltobea uelr..r •. nunln. attendants. wh teo mole Dnd emale. Expe. In oarinl for the alek. 'Nervo"" and mental hOSJIltal. Salary, room. meals. unlform. laundry. Wlnd .. rHol,ltal. Chn,rln Fallo, rJence not necessary bu t mU5l be Interested


LET HER HA."E JUNIOR Molly find. hertelf in a .'..,.. 8led si tWltWn. She iI ,he If!Co ond wi/fJ of a doctor, now in seTt,ice. Her hwband, Lynn, left hi6 eigM-year.old IOn in her C41'e. :t4J1 went weU unti'

fir. wife. Adele, began to tGke a renewed interut in her .on, Junior. She now take. him the .how, gi1JflI him ere."nt. and, in genera'. Lynn',


'.pow him."

Lately Adele '"" been..L lie" rJUuuling complete poueuion of her child, cmd hinrin6 cd leITol -~on. L yrua, wn'to: o ...... •• ng /rom far-off China, iI entirely oppo.ed '0 'hil. It all plGce.



U. II. Appr. Olb, Cblo ... W. Rocks. White WyandoUea.N.B. Reds. Barrod Rocks. White I.e,S.. Turkey poults In 80nson. Write for price •. Aoble, Bab, Cbl . .. Co " Al bl." O.

CATTLE Poll •• IIbortbcrn BallI. ready lor service . Excelleht type. quullty and broodIng. Write or come. 8. A. DDBIIlP, Wllliamsporl, Obit.

FARMS ,., ACRES-Located 3 M. miles south 0100k Barbor. Excellenl bulldlnll9. Cood 8011. 'r4o mile lrom sta te routo 19. A. W. MElZNER , n.aUor Pbooe '8, or R••. 181, O"k Harbor. ObI... Hts buildings. hard road. ,._g• .•, ~ town. $3,700.00. 120 aore, IJOOG Girl and Boy Play Snits $4.000.00: 6 aore-$1.200.00. 14 L .000,.00: 47 nore-l1.600.00. . AY togs for boy or o<U'- ' l1LIU" " " EVERITT Sooltobarc. rat. tots will love this practical set - - -- - - - - - - - - . : . -made in corduroy with bright flow- FEATHERS WANTED er applique. Sister's dress has pert puffed sleeves-and she may FEATHER II WANTED . NEW OR OLD ' lik b lIh1p or write to STERLING FEATRE& h ave overa 11 II Just e rother's c •. , 811 Nortb ~rolld" ay. 8t.. Loul•. II.. Use pretty scraps for the applique. 1----- - - -- -- -'--..--


• .• •

Pattern No. 8725 comes In . Izes 1, 2. S, 4 and 15 years. Size 2. dress, requires 1\10 yard. of 35 or sg.!nch mate rial' panUe. tL yard,' oVAPa"-, 1'L y'ard·. . ' , '" ~ ~ '3 Due to an unusually large demand and current war condilions, slightly more Urn. III required In IIllIng ordeI'll for a ffIW 01 the most popular pattern nU.mbers. Send your or:der to: ClaCLE PATTERN DEPT. no South WelU st. CIIlc"O Enclose 25 cent. in eoln. for eacb pattern desired. . SEWING

Pattern No .•.••••••••• " •• •Stz.e •••••• Name . •• ••• •••••••••••••••••••••••• . ••

Addres.............................. ..

============== J II D k f T th 0 r Lawn Ornament e cornin, 01 thla One sbould result

in the ~,oss 01 hlsl ill-gotten gainl. MoI Iy in a difficult and annoy- Hil anger and fear made aU JeruinS poJition. lalem afraid. . wheelbarrow Is easy to Mia Nom. coumela MoUy b. Ind.l1Jerence. When the WIse' make from scr(lps of lumber. to give in gracefully to Adele'. Men asked where Christ was to be The wheel is cut out of wood and wi.he.. WheA A.dele 1atu had born, the prlestl lind scribes ltnew 1held ih place with a bolt. You the care and t1uaa an exactly wbere to ftmd the lactlln the may be able to salvage a metal eigM.yeor-old entGih, .1u, will Holy Scripture., but havin, done. ~, wheel from some discarded toy • obabl., be -lad they relapsed Into Indltrerence. The ducks are cut out of plywood pr J 0 0'" They bad no Interelt In the fulflll· with. a jig saw or by hand with • relinquilh him a/leT a Uttle ment of the proph.ecy. copmg saw. You may like to while. Then, lOy. Mil. Norria, C. Hatred. ·Herod poured out the outline the ducks onto the wood MoUy con make her OIvn terms violence 01 hil heart by ki1Ung the about taking him back. . fIr.t-born. He was the tlrlt 01 many' .....___________..:...JI who have raged against the ChrIst


lng dnal In .uch a courle, but Ju.t DOW that will be mucb the wIIe.t plan. Adele'l actions imack jUit a lltUe at mallce; Ibe Is evidently try_ Ing to annoy you. Thi. will completely reverse the situation, and call the bluft of both thea AD elght.year-old boy II_a :re~~r::! and responslbWty· be II noll d manding, deatruc:tive, be can:~t left alone In an apartment, d t he can't be taken to week ye tiel and dancel. Tha ca;:notpatJ; clothe. and meala il a real b d and to be a fro hi : : en. wtU make ~aYll th m I endl and cU... tlift a t.!t m~re reltlel8 awhlle, and , : a good re:~o::'~ before upon lome retext er th~y .end him b~Ck to or anoth· when they do make lOU. And tel'llll ' your own 'GaID L)'IlD" S,.mp.tII II L)'DQ ragel about uJ~ ri above It. Merely answer him :: amiably a. you can that you talked to ,our lawyera, wbo assured 'OU that you bave no authority and that you will not malte a legal batUe'Ollt unW Lynn cornel bome Go after on • t with the usual cbatty, affection. tba ate leHers, II If' the question wal closed once and tor all. . II you treat It In this, with no ugline.s or argument, Lynn', Iympathy wtU inevitably go to you, hi. youn, wife being haraued by these older women. ADd very sbon. ly you wW berln to receive me. lagel that Juntor would Uke to come home for tha waek-end, that perhaps It would be better for him to ftnllb the .chaol year under your guldance, lince It i••0 much nearer. Then you can say ~'Ye." or "DO," just .. you feel mcUned. II It. I. yes, be aure to ltipulate that only occasional villts ar. to ' be perml~ ted, for the ,c:b1ld'. own .ake, to hU mother and hil g~andmother. . Often, iii ~ . nfe, the bad thin, tuma Into 'the 1l00cL Often by con. ceding a point, ac~eptln, 8 ' hwnW~ atlnl defeat, we Win through to I real, raU1er ttian I leeming, ,v ictol'l. To loll the !rat· trick, ·In tblI ea.e actually will alve 7ou.aU the trUmpe' ____.:..-.,.. , __. ...,... :



BepaIi1iIa ,laDbta . N~ ' 7~ or' ,IVe11nP, from old blankets aboul!l be Uled to dan! bolea or breaU In a 'blanket a. lOla al the, appeF. ,WlJ~ po..lbl', un woOl plea.. for patchlia and no

HOGS SALE- Reilistered Hereford Bo•• type of the kind. any sex nnd age. Spe! aervloe. L . H. Mill••, RI. t , Oalllc, O.

POULTRY DEBE III YOUR CHANCE to lIet the flmous Townllne R . O . P . breeding In your Lelhorn. Burred and White Rock chick. at ordinary hatchel')' prices. AlIO NIno.caL clhorn Cross WIth Townllne Le,born breedln• . Write lor Free educational cam. 101 llIul tratin. Townllnit breedlnlf. re_ UB, POD"r, FI'm, Bo" &ON, Ze.laail, 1110'"


Invest in Liberty Buy 'War Bonde', .'



Which of his two wives WiD he come home to •••

In futUe anger. d. Sorrow. The tears of the moth. era 01 JeruaaleD;l but foreshadowed the weeplng and wlilllng which char· acter1ze. Chrlst·rl!Jectio~ both In tlme and eternity. 2. Men Are For !Christ, Thankl be to God, there were WHOSE those in that day who were for FAn -LAUNCHED A THOUSAND Christ and, Uke those wbo follow SHIPS; WAS SO BEAUTIFUL Him today, they .bowed: . FOR THAT ADMIRER.S FOUGHT a. SpirituaUty. Men have marC IlD'S QIIILT II Slot veled that the M!lgl knew 01 the A'PLIQUES OF UIIAI"~ THE TROJAN WAR FOR: HER. birth of Christ. They mUit have . .tu·dled the prophelCles of the Word and take It to your nearest wood· and been responsive 'to the teach· worker to . be cut. They are then Ing and moving of the Holy Spirit. nailed to the sides of the wheel- 'Ii Can we say as mudl for our.alve.'? b:rr°": and th~ fun of pa~nting and HIS MOOEIlH b. Interest. Not content to know S enc iling begms. You lust trace ~ID IS MMOUS and to marvel. tbey shamed the the pattern on the wood ,nd follow aECAUSE SHE priest. of Israel b" their peral.tent Ithe color c~art to get that wise PERSONIFIES Interest in tbJ. great thing which expression m their big bl...."..............+- Pl:JH-:11H1It1'-- -,"+...L,.:----a had come to pass. and the life-like yellow bills and WHOLESOME C. Love. They brought themlelYea feet. lIf/'MAfD. THE ONLY In worsblp and they brought rich • • • . MARGAR.INE CEIlT!-' ,Ifts from their tre,lll1ll'el. You can NOTE-Pattern 258 gives an aclual'llze FIEO BY ITS MAKEIl give without loving, but you cannot ~~:~a~::~c:ga~t~~.~~u~e J:~ TO 8E It. +TABl.E'" love without giving. to be used for lawu ornaments or appUque GAADi"·MARGAIUNE. d. Action. They came. They per. ' designs. Large dianama ahowlng bow to .Isted unW they found the Christ. cut and assemble the wheelbarrow anet a Then the 11 t ned to God' d complete llat of mlterlalll required are fto -Il0l, - ' . chrned·frtsII tIaYot .. y s e a n pro- included. Ask for pattern 258 and encloae NU-MAIO . . If • fa¥orllo for teoted His Son by not returnin, to 111 centa with name and addre... direct to: _ki", aIIII _lng, _ ... _ far , • .,.ad .... Herod., MRS. RUTH WYETH SPEARS ot ..., lob •• D. God Protected . .a Prepared Bedford aw, New Yor. Drawe,10 The ruin which lin had brought Into the world could only be met by Enclose 15 cen" for Pattern No. 258. RFIRST • redemption which Chrlat bad come to brin,. Some IIlen bad atready Name ... ... .......................... . mown their batred for Jesus and Address . ............................ .. tIlelr rejection 01 Him. But God lun ruled, and lor the lake 01 thOle wbol---- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - . : . . . . received H1m (and would receive Cold PtelXlraUOD. U H1m in all the cllnt:urle. .lnce) He kept the Chlld JelWllrom barm; W. find Him: . WNU-E 1. . Protecting Jellus. Men." may hate and .eek to de,.tro;y God'. SoD. Satan may inlpire them' ~th Ingenulty and c:unnln., But ' ilee .bow ·the Eternal Ona apoke to Jo.eph In WtI.. IIa4 .... In . . 01 .., IIIorte.dream., bow He prepared ' a place J'OU caD IdIl pc SaUda . . Coqb Dropa, 01 refuge In Egypt: aDd' ultimately We'D ~ IIadder IdIl ..... VIaoq.... _ In Nazareth, where ,tho bo7 Jesua make 'a lI ~hh -sa. Smltb . . .Black or lIeadaol-aD1 mlg~t Increai!t In ,rfadom' ~d I~t. ure and favor with God, ADil man. I. .Preparin, JelUil. "God Imew Of tho day. " ~ pub*" ~ wbleb aU.,oa .iNIHOL-$f .' , , ,.... abaaa, aDd ' abon .n; 01 tha' clay. ,!!h~ ~ .Golgou.a·~ bD1 Cbrllt --:----..-'-.....;.-----:-~-::--""----,...-~o:--------:.­ ,wa~, lD ~ on boctj, to< prepare lalvatlon tor lOU and,.or me: God II liever taken b" iIJD'prIae. Be move. forward to the completJOD of' H1a , plan with . the ~~ tread cd






IlIIIorAO", .

' ' D


tlUecIMI 53-44

Kidneys Must

Work Well-




lntorcementa. BeeaUn wool . blaDo btl do. ~ot IrQ. .Utchlng 'WIthoIit ~ Ii a QUIck DntIb 011 ~ He toolt Jeaua ' to' &D»t. . Be blaiIketf with ~ lelva.... • brougb\ HIm aplb to Ifuaretb,' III


..... . . . . . 01'

"Ic ~owe r, two motors. Meal Rolla. Com CrU8 bulldln Carnge ond ho,. house er, on large mlll lot. Notc.Ilble to work an4 mILl! ..,11. PrJce $4.000.00. CaU or write N. J. UOLftlE8 IIlncb ••tn Oblo.

LOCKER PAPER to WTIl P irozen meata. Bnd rolls. Also Locker Carton•• LOGAN8PORT PAPER CO. Le,aupon . . Indlau



FOR SALE -:-:-----------:..:...::.==---.0 BBL. MIDGEt: Marvel Flour Mill. elec-


n10D In a ..UII f~ the day. 0I1nIn1atrr ~ - . BI8 SoD .. fI·JftUm4lllt cd 11, God'i

To" rePlan or..Iba_ , aU Ha ~iQ.1,;~.).I .... mUa WI'Il .ttraotl tel.... bIad'J'bJ it ahead. All wa. thll. ·~...v bIDdlaI ..... be ..-chIDe atItobed pripbeC1 (He. .... . . . . " . . . . . . . . • . . fa ~I

Il~~!i~~~~~ii~~:~ iiiiiii


.... 8lDoe

ANNUAL ELOOl'ION • The annual election of stockholders of tho Waynesville Na.tional Bank for the PU1'~ of electing dlrectors Jor the ensumg year, wID be heid at the.\r bankIng rooms on TUesday, Janue.ry 9, 1946 between t.he hours of 2 and 3 P. M. Mary E. 8ta.osberry. ABst. Cashier


Phone 2143

1?ublished by DAVISSON ? RESS FICYD' L. DAVISSON, Editor

Entered aa 8ecorld Clua II&tter

U 'W~viUe, Ohlo



. .. ..



Want to S ell Real Estate? Try th e Miami Gazette Want ' Ad s

ANNUAL REPORT OF TIlE CLERK OF 'l'RE VILLAGE OF WAYNESVILLE, WABREN COUNl'Y, omo t'or The Fisc:al Year Endin, DeoemlIer 31, 19". . Popu.La..~lon, .1940 'census 836 WAynesVille, OhiO, J anuary 3, 1944 I h ereby certi1y the following to be correct . . Charles Ja.mes, Village Clerk

Somewhere in OermallY Dec. 12, 1944

Totbe editor: Just ~ back from ea.tlng mY cUnner and haven't anythlng . to do at

prMent tune.

The weather has been pretty bad tbJa put month, with snow rain and of couree It has'been cold. None of us Uke thla kind or weather as it holds up the war due -to the mud. It seems like the Germans don·t like <US to hear our own music or news, becuse wh en we get a. station tha.t 1& 'good they come 10 and cut it of! ·w ith opera. or something in that

S ubscription Price $1 .50 Per Y ear Payable .in Advanc

..,mnUARY OF FUND BALANCES, RECEIPTS AND EXPENDITURES Balance .Receipts .Expen- . Balance Jan. 1 dUura Dee. 31 General Fund . .... . .... . . . . .... . .. $2922.97 $ Mll1.79 • ~.'jO • 4141.06 Auto License 8tJee.t Repair Fund .. '~,*1.67 1137.41 836.05 743.03 IJDSOUne '1 ax SLree~ Rcpa.iI Fund.. ti70.68 1230.50 646~ il3fi5.96 Livilian Defense . . . ... • .. .. ... . ... 200.00 200.00

lotals General V1llage Funds , .... . ~5,32 order. wat,er WoNtS Fund . . .... ... . " . . .. :!a64.00 Every day they put on a. program DOlld Retirement Fund . . ... .. . ... . i615.52 with the news. The person 'Who gives Firemen's IndenUlity Fund . . . ..... 1151.23 th.Is news Is a wom:a.n so every one calls her"Se.lly." But to hear her Orand Totals of All Fllllds (Clerk) . 9366.07 give we are losing t.hJ.s war fast. Outstanaing Warrants (Ad d .) ... ,. I guess that is to build Uj) the Ger- Treasurer's cash Balanoe . .... .....

7859.70 3hl8.82 1736.72

56M.97 2346. 72


2.00 19114.24



• •

• •

• •

• •

Grand Tctal Receipts

• •


bome on lurlou8h. Nn, Dav14 Lucas spent a few daJa with Mr. and Mrs. Raymond lI1cu and 11L1llily of V'/UIIl1n8't.on. 1Mr. and Mrs. mJy Gibson entertained ;ro ' BUpIier' Wednesday evening, PIc. AlIthur ,MorPn 'and lW11e M4rgaret and ·MI". awl Mrs. :We




733.64 1000.00


QUICK SERV'CE For Dead Stock


HORSES, COWS, HOGS, CALVES, SHEEP, ETC., Removed Prompt)., Call

"bother 'B1rt~ of a NaII.'1 Every man, wual 'Id. child . ,

IOS.00 ,::1.66

Reverse Telephoae CIUIqea

--.... ..... .... . .. ....... .. .. ..

Total S6nlte.tlon ........... . ......... .......... ..... 807.817 H1ghw.a.ys:..GeneraJ. Village Funds ... .. : . . . . . . . . . . . . 2248.08 Highways . .•••.•• .. ••..•••••• . . . . . . . . . . . . . • . . 2348.08 Service Enterprises - Water Works . . . . ... 2304Jl2

Total Public Service En.fiellpr\.se8 •••• . . •• .•••. • . .. . . ' 23~j12 .M iscella.neous- General Village FundS .... . . ... ... 'W1.63 iFl.remen'S Indemnity Fund .... . .. . . 2.00

Total M18cella.neous . .. ... .... ...... .. . . .... .. . . .. _ . '129.63 oraow: Bank Special Ass~ent COnst. Funds Service Oharge 2.00 Bond ~tlrEment and S1nk1ng Fupds : . . . . . . . . . . . . . . • tJOl.60

~.r~ Mr.::l


01 JUper St.eItlon, ¥ettY' Ofnoer TOtal Interest ...................... ... : .. ... '. . .. .. . 663 50 ' \Warren K. Soward 'Who Is hoDie on Total ~nse. andOUtla.y .'• • • • • ••• •. .•..• •.... . .': . • 81;12:46 fur~ Mr. and Mrs. IKenrteth outla.y . . . . . . .. ... . .. . . .. .' 1'54.13 . ~ &ad 100, Reier. ~ near Bond ~t-anct-S1nk1ng Fund; . . •....••.. .. 1100.00 :Ken!&, Kn. Mattie . Z1mme!: of ' --~_ .. wn, KrI. WJlhur Oa.rter and Gre.nd Total Elapend1tures • . . • • . . • . .. . • . . . • . . . . . . . . .• 9'16'1Jl9 dalllhter, Beverly Ann, ot"MOrralne BONDED DEIn', December 31, llK4 City. and Mr. Rus&ell Robin6on of SINKING FUND TRUSTEES or VILLAGE TRE&SUBEB. New BUTl1nitOn. The occaalon being ASSn'S LIABILITIES 10 hollOl" or Mr. and Mrs. Ead Sow-

ard and Mr. and Mn. OW, twentytl1th wedding anniversary. Mr. Soward cmd iMrB. D1ll 'are brother

and alster. With each returning year, higher joys, holler a.1ms, 0. puret peace and

diviner energy. should freshen the fragrance of

be1na. --Mary Baker Eddy

MaIn tM, XeDIIt. 0.

Eo G. Baeblleb, .....






lW II"ur·N. Sears



'.'W YOU want to, gt\t ma.rr1ed, WTite .. BOat 3Ii8, .JuUaette,' Idaho. I:5end




!os '&ALB - ~ettAiaet

- sol1d Oberry ~-leal W1t.b four rose . . . ~ ."th flIJDt tapest' ry ~. , Phone' 282'1, . AJtIer.t Clberr,. ' 28c

or model . Fred.Kahn Motor Car Co.

-':pi1l·DOUa~__ lI..... .n-tbaD"lSItal01llw.a!l'tnti-l-:~~~a nr.,..a~.e 1d '. ..... IIIudCJMeUe.



- ' 0-._..-..·....,_1- _u

HOURS: mornin~


1-5 afternoons except


Other EVen1Dgs By Appointment TELEPHONE 62·R


Dr. C. E: Wilkin


Optometric Eye SpeCliali.t

Wednesday 7-9 Saturday evenini

Spec'i al! I




• 26 S. Detroit St. ';'~-



. ~-





rHE:;';; :HEN!



ogniZed cure

1I).0Iasses was the recfor &pr1ng fever and

thll.t tired !eellng As a precautionary meo&Ure, mother save you several doses of the m:lxture whether you needed it or not. Tlhe Word vitamin wasn't in the d1ct1on.a.ry then. Reomember?




'-- -



YOU'RE NO EXCEPTION' Calamity doeln't pick favoritea' Miaforlune .haln't ling led you out al ' an exception I Be wiae and protect yo~raelf with·Kood Uuurance 10 that no matter what happen., you, your family and your BOO'1' FOR AND C0N81GN property will be fully proyour Qattle, bole, ltieep UId c:alYet tected. · , to Norris-Brock. 'OG,. :l1v. · wire aD4


pi'opeMlve finn . far \be

market prtcea and




Ualoa Slock Y..... ODcIDDaII, O. Tune in O!l Rad1b 8t.atlon WOKY, 12 :25 to 12:30 p. m. lor our dal11 ma.rket reporta. "

OUTSTANDING GENERAL BONDS (Payable by General TaDtion) Sewer (Village Port1on~ • • •. $17900.00 . DEBT STATEMENTS . Total General and UtUit)' Bond :Retu-ement and Bonded Debt ... . ... . .• .. , 1'1900.00 S1nk:1ng Funds ...•....•. $ 1587.74 Total Bonded Debt .... . .. , 1'7906.00 . '1'0141 Sinking Fund As6ets. 158'1.74 Aooounts Payable Bal. Operating and Co~, (UUpald B1lls) ••••.•••.• 133.09 F'uIl& . , ... .. . . ..... , .. .. 10476.15 Total IP lO8lt1ng Debt ......• 133.09 Grand Tot. .Assets, Gnand Total Debt, ... Dec, 31, 194. . ..•• •..••.. 12063.89 !DeC. 31 , 1944 .... .. .. .. .. 18033.09






Of~ at ·.....

aD4 Garap

Form.., W&11*vl11e IDAranee


Waynesville \. Furniture Co., GIBBON8BUlLDING. . . NORTH ST.. WAYNESVlLLE,O

Wboleaom.. P.ateurizecl Dail'J' Producta .

Pasuurized Milk-For




AoeeUleue or electric. See BID Lee, OrDdorf Ro~, R. 3; Wa.inesvUle.



"GIld ... Itl" WMIit WNIf&t .



Morrow Phone No. 3 Lebanon: OUlce Phone 473 It

WaJDesYDIe, Ohio



:.~ ~~ fOOl: Mr . J



For Dates, Phone 2894, WarnesY1l1e, Ohio, Reverse Char...

9-12 each

Phone 2587

lVWe. 1Mr. and ' Mk'8. RIl1ZDODd ~th Total Protection to Person and ~p er.ty .. ,. .. ... . 1'78,85 ' (I( DaJtcm were week end guesta of 14l". and Kra. ~ GUleOn. Health-TOtal .. ... . ,. .............. .... . ...... . . .. 85.58 ~c. Autbor 1o{0l'IJII0n c4 camp Bar- SanltAtion-Oenera.l Village ,Funds ....... ~ . . . • • . . . . 807.8'1 key, nUl, aon, OIl Mr. o.nd Mrs. Lue

_ Of 'XeDJa,

Dial 2111 -



Dr. W. B. ' PORTER

'I1t011 WHO KNOW

4830.70 37.37 11121.75 !L230.50

• • ••

. . . . .'. . . :-:-:-:-:-:-:-. . • • . . . • . . . ~---:-:-: • . . . . . . • . . . . . ..


~carlute ~uttera1

Matinee and Night

. ·were

Year'e CUIln


Thursday, Jam. 11

Mrs. Lue Morgan, Mr.

Vorsan, Js

Sand & Gravel



SUMMARY OF EXPENDITURES ~ MIll - iAlfred MCJl"IIII.Jl and General Goveriunl!nt-«.eglslatlve .( CQu.ncU) .. ' .... 1144.00 ch1Jdren spent SUnday eveh1ng IWitb Mr. UJd KIll• .~ ~ ,General Executive. . .....\. .. . .. . .... . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . 512.99 Elect.loM . ... . ". ..... .. .... . ' ... ...... . , . • .. . .. • . . .. • 'l:l.76 , GDd ~ ~ Bei&vertown. ~ Crown Hall. etc........ . . .... ... , .... .... Gi.19 lira. Bv~ Bunnell and ch;ldd1nDer guests Monday of 111'. and 1lnI. Waltu .t"h ief.!er a.n~ Total GenenIl Government . ... .. .• '. , ... , . . . . . . . . . . . 79f.93 --7;-;;_"lJt-umll'""""'1V'HJ'm!2r_t.:... Pr7io~tecti~~ on ~ to Person and Property -Poliee .... .... 617.30


Mld-week prayer service Wednesday night - 7 :30 p. M.


Total Revenue .................. : ............... ..


ur: and

Christian Ende.a.var - 6 :30 P . M. Evenlog Service - 7 :30 'P o M.

10:30 A. iM.

1'1 :00 A. 1M.

Selmon -



• •

Communion -

One- Day Only


SUMMARY OF RECEIP'l'S wet for lODle reason. but a notice out to elGpect it. So fV all of Property Tax~nera.l Fund .... ...... ..... . .... $31119,98 Bond Retirement and SinId1;lg F1und . ... .. ........ . . 1735.72 been dry and in grand shape. U any ' one has a doubt in t heir mind tb&t the War Bonds dou·t buy Total Propettty Taxes .............. . ...... ... .. . .. . . army equlpmentthls may prove Cigarette Tax .. .. . ... ..... . .... . .... .. .... ..... . • good. RIght now I drive a "peep" state Motor Vehicle Tax , . ..... .... .. . .. . . .... ... , 1W1th a plate ~ reads. Peep &'tven Gasollne Tax . . . . ... .•... . . . .......... . . .. .. . ... . . . to the U. S. ~ by the Edgecomb [nher1ta.nce Tax-General Fund ... . . .... . . .. .. . . • .733.64 Steel 00., N. J .... An4 there are a lot Total InherJtance Tax .. . . ...•..................•. more like it. Sales Tax ... . . . .. ..•........ . . ... ........... •.. .. .JUst read in the pa.per t:.ha t state Beer and Liquor License Fees. . ... ..... . ... . 100.00 COIDpaIll' had gone on another strike Local Licenses and Penn1tB ••• • ••••.•....• . . . •• . .•• 6.00 I peas these ,people that. are strlltl.n£ oJl the time don'~ wan~ the JWa.r to Total Lioenses end Permits .... ........... ..... ... . end. Ilet them cha.n8e places with us Fines and Oosts ... .. .. ... ............... .. ....... . for .. wll1Ie and I'm sure they'll Mlso. Fees, Sales and Ch~e&'-Hospltal ...... . . . . . 5.00 ChanBe tbe1r mUld. . Sidewalk Asseslnent . 115.34 Well I lth11lk ~ have did: enough O,en'l Village and other FUnda .... ................ 369.46 sabb1Da an4 haven't said any thing Total Miscellaneous Pees Sales and Oharge.s .. •. • either 10 w1ll cloae. Op1. R. W. Berry PubUc Service Enterp1'ises-->Wa.ter Rent4lB, etc. .. 3&18.82 9th U . S. Army Total Publ1c service Ente1"lllf1Ses ........ . ... ..... .. P. Ii•

Bible School ~:30A, M.





In the evening on "A Church Inspected."

Nine Hundred ($900.00) lDollars per annum, ps,:Ya}J\e monthly from the Water F1Wld unde r the conttol of the TrUstees of Public MfairB. SeCtion 2. All Ordlnanc:es or parts of ord1nanoea in conn1l:~t. herewith are hereby repealed Section 3. 'I'h.I& Ol'dina.nce shall take effect and be 10 force on and a liter the earliest period allowed by la.w. PasI!ed at Counc1l ClI.a.mber t.h18 21st dillY of ~ber, 1944. O. H. Bmc.e, Mayor Chules James, Clerk.

321G.l2 133.09

Mr. Randall will pr each in the morning "Church Financ,es"


be· and the same Is hereb)'o fixed a.t

M40.OS olO36.10 1168'l.74 1'149.23

Invites YOU to its s'er.vices Sunday Morning, Janijary 7.


Total C8sh Balance, D ec. 31, 1944 .•

We OHer

the Water Works.

1ne in noW. A lot of them have 'been



Be it . Ol'da.1ned bY' the Ooune1l of the Village of Waynesville, COUnty of W~n, state of OhIo Election 1. Tha.t Bect10Ill 7 of Ordinance No. 1!'r1 of the V1llage of Waynesville, be hereby amended and that the saJary of the Superlntendent of the .Wa.ter Works shall

J:DaJi moral

:A lot of Xmas .p acltagea are


iJl.DDrANCE No. 181 An 10rdlnaDce to ~11ld Section 7 of OrdlII&M8 No~ 127 and to fix the ooJary or the 8uper1ntendent of

- - -- ---------=------- - - -- - -





Revival begins at

ferry .Churcb of· Christ

WaJDeawille, 'O hio


Keep It Flying





National Methodists Crusade for Christ LOCAL APPEAL HAS A GOAL OF $1250; DRIVE TO START JAN. 14 MethOd1st.s or Waynesville, Ohio, are being called by the Rev. ~. B. Coleman, rrutnister of the WayonesvUle Methodist Ohll!I"qh, to talre IPt\d't in raising $25.000,000 for wOlld reUe! and rcoonstructlon, the first phase ot the denomlna.tlon's n a tionwide Crusade for Christ progrnm of JlOIit-war service. The local appeal. for which the SOILI is $1250, w1l1 .begln January 14, Mr. Ooleman announced. The Me thodist congregation here is part of nearly 8,000,000 men~bers of 41,000 churches In the United States who are partiCipating in the four-year, five-fold Ol"usade. ~penditure of the Crusade fund' by the regular , general agencies or the Church will p rovide tor "feeding the hungry, clothing the destitute, o.nd freein g th e mmds and spirits o f the 'iguoro.nt, t he undcrprivUedged, the driven find the dispossessed:' 'Thrce-flIths of the fund haa been alocated for the "re4>uUcUng and rehabUltation of }nunlln llfe" In foreign coun~es, nlne-tenths in war-devnstated areas and the rest in other mision nehls. The balance Will be USed for emergency, warca used , needs in this country. Other phases 'of the O~ for Ohrlst program call for oontinued education in and expression of opInion for "co-operatlon o.mong ,natIons in the post:'war world," renewed evangelism · eHarts with special emphasis in 1946, edUca.tJon lor OlU'lstla.n stewardship at ability, time and money, and Improvement cO! sunda.y Sc.hool enrollment and



The . Wayne TOW1}&.hlp Trustees wUl h old theb' meetlng o.t t;he township house on TUesOay evening, PLANS FOR 1945 INOLUDE 1000 January a.6, Instead of ~heir rt!C'ular meeting n ight, Monday, January 15. Thls cha.nge of date !Was 1Ulllounocd by Mr. ·W. C. at. John, Mr. Ran dall will preach on the president of the 'b oard. subject, "Folks Who 00tn1'0l't Us" next Sunday morning, JlUliuary 14, and on Ilhe subject, "The River Jordalll" in the evening. Rutherford-Comler Weddlnc ,P ktns are well under way for a Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Stroud were great year In 1945. The first three among the guest.s at ,t he wedding on months of 1945 are e.lrt.a.dy planned SaturdllY evening, or MIss lWth lor it Is the plan of the c.hurch Conner, daughter of Mrr. o.nd Mrs. to average 110 per Sunday for ,t he Gene Coner, and Seaman Harold mont h 01 January. On the last SunRuthe rford at the Methodlst church day of the monbh, the 28th. a special In Lebanon. and at the reception program is being plaIllUld with a. which was held at the GoI~n ·L amb. special message and a male qUllJ'tet Both .the bride and groom are grad- from ·the Cincinnati Bible Sem1na.rY. uates of Waynesville high school A goal of 150 has been set for th&t and former residents. day.


• • •

A record of all calls made and letters a nd cams ,Wl1tten by the ooIl8'l'egatlon' in Ibeh.a.lf of the c~ will be kept by ·t he pastor this year. A goo.! of 1,000 calls and 3,000 letters and ca.rds has been set for the oongl'egatlon during t he year of 19t5. On January 201, the se~on topics will 'b e, "The Greatest or These Is Love," In I!he morning, and "The Efficacy o! Prayer," In the even-

Bridee Luncheon Mrs.' Luther Hart.6OCk very de-' llghtful~ entcrta.ined with a ,bridge luncheon TIIlU~dhY. After ,t he very delicious luncheon, four ta'bles were in play with Mrs. K. R. H1ll receivlng first prise, Mrs. M. A. F\ilkerSon the oonsola.tion and Mrs. Wa de Turrim- Ithe tmveling prize. Mrs. Hal'tsock's guests were !Mesdames John Turner, Wade Turnor, H. F. Dye, 'D. R . Snl1th , Roy Ellis, ·A. T . PolInsky, John Kersey, K. R. Hill, M. A. Fulkerson,. A. E. Stout, Mark Rogers, Ell .F'Ul'naB, Rhodes Bunnell, Raymotld Braddock, Arthur Wilde and Ham'y Sa.tterthwatte. Woman's' Soc~)' of

ing. An Invi(ution Is extended to .attend the Churoh 01 Christ Illld worSlU1> on each Lord:'s Da.y.

Civic Club

• • •








OVer Araerica

· ...

Mrs. Fred Hoyle and ohildren o.r.rl.ved here during the past week, hun Phoenix, Arizona, for an indefinite visIt With her parents, Mr. and. l\4riI; R&yp1.Ond Wade and With Mr. Hoyle's paren\a nell4' Bellbrook.

• • •

\MiS9 Jean Eaker of the Nurses Schooi, st. EUzabebh Ha;p}ta.l, Day;ton, enjoyed the ' week endheTe with her IJlIIirents, ,M r. and Mrs. Robert Baker. Tra1n.lng


Dr. and ·M rs. A. E. Stout and da.ughtet entertained tQ dinner Sunday at the Well in Oenterville, Mr. IUld Mrs: Elmei G2'0ve anc! chJJdreli. . . and Mr8~ ~. Braddock ond . and Mrs. Fra.nk Braddock were sunday guests of Mr. and Mrs, w8.iTen ~doct. .

\ Mr.



JANUARY, 11, 1945


South Wayne Advisory Council Holds Meeting


Red Cross Appr.,ves County Chairmen

Lester H. Oordon, , in his repoI't to the government on the amoul1t.s of m 'l ll handled through GIVEN BY this of lee shows a. substantial inJ. M. GREENE ON OIL SITUATION crease over bhe same period f a WAR FUND DRIVE TO GET year ago. lD 1943 the figures given are as UNDER WAY IN MABCII follows: Period& endIng March 31, The South Wayne Advisory Coun$1822.61; June 30, $1801.34; S ept. c1l met Thursdll·y evening. JanualY !H. H. Druhot, newly elected chair3D, $1891.03 ; Dec. 31, $2788.00. This 4, a t t he h(m~ of Mr. o.nd Mrs. J. J. gives a total for 1943 of $8303.01. ID man of the Warren CountY' Red Burske. comparison. the 1944 figures follow: Cross Chap~, announced tba.t the A re~t upon the Dlllondale Co- PeriOds ertding March 31, $2321.66; executive committee at a meeting ope~t1ve was very a.bly given by June 30, $2058.87; Sept. 30, $2200.44; held recently in Lebanon, approved 1 lVus. HartJey Moss. Mr. Alvin Eam- Dec. 31, $3241.02. The total for the township chairman· for 1945. . The annual Red Cross War FUnd hart turned his toplc,"The 011 8er- year of 1944 $9821.99, 'l1h1s amount ' vke Plan", over to Mr. J. M. Greene, represents about a $1500.00 increase Drive Is scheduled to get under way State organization Director, who 1n bUsiness 1n .fa-vor of the year just In the county in M:areh but the . quo16 has not lbeen announced. The not only gave a comprehensive view past. quota. last year was $33,000. of the 011 situation but also cast 'P ostmaster O. Stanley ' oJ!la.rnha.rt MISS CARRIE A. RIDGE DIES AT man), hi~ 11goht.s upon varlons son of Mr. and or Lebanon was named treasurer 01 IlER HOME IN MT. AUBURN iFiUm Bureau &Ct1vJ.ties in thls and of Wa.ynesville, Ohio;t~s the oounty chapter to fUI the. vasUl"{Ounding states. a B-24 heavy crew Miss C8.rrJe A. ru~ dJed at her cancy caused by the dea,th of Ma.yor An interest~ report on Youth at the AlrmY AIr F1e'ldIlca.sper, Wyo. home in Mt. Auburn, Cincinnati, OJir.Cord Brace of Wayneavllle. Oounc1ls as organ12led here Illld In TownsWp chairmen are the 8BIDe other parts of lt he ooWlity was given January 5. She WII8 the daughter of the late Prot. a.nd Mrs. John C. as laat year wlt.h the exceptlon or by ~. Clarence Rye. Ridge who lived at the corner of· Wayne towIlBhip where Mrs. EvDuring the SOCial hQ\U' deUctoua lF1fth and Oh81pman streets in Way- erett Eaa'ly was named ·to take the refreahment.s were served to .the nesv1lle for many years. Miss Ridge place of the late MaoyOll' Ollfford . members and the followm~ 8'U~; graduited from the local high Brace. (l,..=====-=;1I!~;;;;;=';;;i) Mr. lUll! Mr•. Everett Smtth, Mr. schOOl In the class of '83. mberment ",ll1ers are; Wash~n, IF.rec1 ... G411l Mfa. ~)1noptl Braddock C\Jld WB.6 In the Miam1 Cemetery, Tues- f'.agem eyer; 'B ulan, Clayton C1az1t: METlIODIST CHI_ Mr. J. M. Oreen., day. Union Ralph Van Meter; West &. B. Coleman. Dee! Held, Walter ChesnC) , East Deerfield, Steve Orligoo; OhurCh school at 9 HeI'tcrt carr; Salem, John Eo HoldRaymond Joneer, en; Ha.mUton, .1. 1.. 'K napp C\Jld Momlng Servtcea TurtlCCljeek, lWilliam HuUord, Jr. Youth Felll7Wllhlp, Tli.IllIA" at '1:30. ChOir practICe, We.~I~ 8:0<) P. M. • .. Cl.AUllCa J. ••0 ' "



With a Buckeye In CongreSS••• M_. . . .



Chrlstlan ServIce , The ,Womo.n's 8oc1ety of Ohristlan DINNER TO BE SERVED AT "OUR Service will . hold their reg-war HOUSE' BY' IADtts OF FERBY mont.hly meeting with a IUD,OheOn at the Methodist Church on. CH1JBCH; ATTENDING REVIVAL day, J a nuary 18, Following the luncl1eOn at 12:30 P ,'M. an interest.~ Ing 'program with the theme "Open Aooording Ito a report made by Doors, Wllat No Man Can Shut," Francis Gene Brown, secretary of attendance. will be given. The meetlng wUl be the WaynfsY1l1e CIVIc ' Club, the ;'Th"Crusade for Meth- 'm ~ ot the new officers with Janua·l'3' meeting of the Olub w11l be .odlslll's organlzed response lor as- Mrs. A. H. E)ambarrt, president; Mrs. held ¥ondaf . 1m 15\b at .. ~.~tt4l .~ .1ri.. ~ .~ Elmwe!....... ~~e~ and -unsettled conditions and vsat stag' . ttm) ...... ~~G8urer. la dles" of F'eIT7' Cburoh at "Our gering ·n eeds created by 'the .second • • • House" on Mo,lln street In WayneaWorld WaT." "HaWlg proved ita Grauma.n-Berryhi11 Marriale to live In the face of a,ll ,enem.les, 'I1he marr1.age . of :MIss Clan vUle; at 6 :30 P. M. lTbe Club w1ll attend reviVal ser<the Ohurch Is now ready to give Bel'Q"h1li and' Mr. TIed Grauman practical and splr1tual food ' to t.he was. solemnized. IIJt the ,Preabyterla,n vices in ,a body alter Ithe dinner. These members who have no hUl)gry both of its own household church in Troy on Batw'day afterand others ' thrOughout the world noon, ~ooember 30. Mrs. Grauman means of transpOrtation will ldbdly without ' distincl1on of race creed ' Is the daughter ot Mr. and Mrs. see Mr. A. H. St.ubbS. or color." ' 0 . N. Berryblll' of nesr Spr.lng V61The C;rusade for Chrlst · ley, wa.B a fonner teacher In the LYTLE who will dfrect' the ~ocal f1nanclal Wa.ynesvllIe ~de achool and ' 'h as drl vc a.nd other phases of the' four- been in the Troy achoolS for several year ~m include: The COm., years. Mr... Grauman has made h1a Mrs. John ZImmerman of We,ymittee on F1nanoe, Walter Whitaker, home 111 Waynesv1lle and has been nesv11le, spent satur_ with her chalmum; The Church School connected wlbh the Madden Lumsister, Mrs. J. B. Jones., Mrs. Ra.ymond Conner, ber COmpany; at present wltll the Mr. and M1's. Leon SalIsblJ!'ly of cha.J.nnarl; The !;xecutive Commit- N. C. R. in Da.yton. T hey· expect to WashJngton, C. R., Were Sunday tee of the Woman's SOCiety I of est&bllsh ~etr ·h ome in Wa~. afternoon guests of Mrs. Allen Chr1s1an Service, Mrs. Alvin .l!lanl-. • • • hart, c.hahma.n. Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Qhapman were Emrick. Mrs. Therle Jones and son, MUThe sollcita.t1on will by ho\llIC ClncUulati vlsitors .on Saturday &.J;ld ton, apent ' Frlday with her puents,' .to house canVll85. Infonn.atipn can . WeI'e C1COOIIlIp8~ed home by their be obtained OOlloerning the Crusade son, Stat, Sergeant Robert. .ChaP- Mr. and Mrs. Edwin Nutt and Mrs. .by attending .t he public servioes. ,a.t man, who remeJned for ·the week- ~ M01\'ln and son, Garry, near· Centerv1Ue. . '.the Church. An endeavor will be end. --.--;;;;--;;;------t-a''Vt;-CIOmtnt'-Wmtll:~~f CamP' made to ma.11 , literature to those Ftc. and Mrs. Milo Wade haNe Wolters, Texas, was calling on '.Wiho are un9ble to attend. returned' , to Camp Swift, Texas, friends here Thursday. Eight 'g ood voluntary pledges :have ~s . Robert S·i ney of 'Day.t on,spafter spendJng seveeraJ. daYS with ibeen received to d&te. lihe fortner~ parents, Mr. and Mrs. ent the \VCek-end with her parents, Raymond Wade, and 1W'1t.h rela.tives Mr. and Mrs. Kesler Gra~ Mr. IUld Mrs. Beth Fuhla.s of Soce,t Spring valley. '


CBUBCB Balllh Parb,

Church Sclloot at MornlIl1l pfa)'tlr Nld '"I!l'~Do 111 :00 A. M.

Bible schoof'=Oommunlon, Sermon. ~ 11



o...-7do ...

The 71Hih Congress convened on aohedule at 12 o'clock noon, January 3rd as proyided by ~ 00nst4tuUon. Afta!' Q1e M@mtJersblp, 43i Jna(,le up ot 243 ~ta, 180 RepUbllcana and 2. independerttl!, tooIt tbe oath. Repreaentlltlve &..m Rayburn, Democrat of ' 'l;exae, wsa elected speaker over the iRepubllca.n candidate, iRepn!6entative Joseph W. MaI'.t1n. Jr., of MassachusettB. W. '




eon 'm eeting In New To~k last Week that ,, 'mistake was made in can~ c.elUni food stamps, due to an underestlme.tlon of the number of !lOU8ElW1ves who would be al:f~. FIrom hl.& statement it seems .h e oontinueS to hold. the Idea it ~ prop_ er to break his ornclal word and 00 viol8Jte the pght.s of a mJnor~ty 80 long as that ~orlty Is no wo IQJ'ge

HIGH \WILL PLAY TBB&E GAMES AT 'LOCAL GY<M AOOOIl'dIng to an ' ~ made .today by Coach ~ Of

the Waynesville . Hlgh Sebool. the Alllnmi of W~ ID&Il '!\Il p lay at the local pm OIl PricIar evening, Ja.nuuy 12, at 8:30 ,.. K. Pnor to UUa pme; the "alnr.b ' &l'\dvocal. ~oqal 'ertil-





the DemocratIc

.:'A Gree,t ObJective," caucus as a IM&jOrIty floOr IAlader, We 4nvlte you to COIne and hear whLleRepresentat!ve ~ 'wAs ~e ~ ~ 1IIorah1p 'Wltb nam~ ~oritY' ~tr Of ~ US.


BOABD ANNOIINCES -NEW~ INDUCl'IO Black market - opero.tiOns, .i.- ' have , been increa.s1ngsteadlly Looa1 Board No.2, at,. Warren sometime, 000It a sharp Jump upward after the Boles food stamp county reported tocby tbM,yt bad ~nce~n \announcement. J.I'ood ordered tor induction into the'armed ·s tores report housewives 8I1'e buyblg forces he follow1ng. mert: goods and :thelr food. sta.mpa VirgU Starke, Leba.noD; ' Cbatlte M18Blsslppl, ,threw bomb~ahell Into more ·rapidly ,t han ever. Shoe stores Oonover, RJt. .t, CorIIIdd≤ Dallu the proceed.lnga by offering an a- in the 'E ast are swamped with CUG- Vernon lamb, at. I , ~;. Rocmendment to establish the com- tomers despite BoWie's assurance ald DaIJghel'ty, Rt. I, ~: mittee on Un-American Activit1es shoe coupons will not be inva.l1da.ted. Ralph ~l'1Ibwa.1te, Rt. I, 'WIIIrDes(also known sa .the Diea Oommittee) Long linea of automobUea walt at V1lle; Max. Brlll, McIITow: .JaiDM sa a permanent standing COIJlDUttee every gasol1ne station, where a sup- ~ds, Jr., at. 3, W86'DeeV1lle: of ,t he House. PrevIously G41d ply Is ava.1J.a,ble, with the resUlt that and Boyd Jones, WayneavWe• . ita lI!e, ~e Dies CCmmlttee Q, serious sho~ exists. OasoUne. had been a ~ Committee on ·t he black market in W~n, DR, R;OBEB.T M~ BLAiR GIVIDS whlcb automa.tlcally pasaed out of Is ·brl~ seventy-live. ~Dts to ",. FuNDs FOB .8WIMIMING. POot. exllltence at ·the end of each COn- doUIll' t\ gaUon. Farmers are "bootgresslUld had to l!e ~~~ ICW1ni" chickens ~d other. fOod attbe b~ aet4qn .of ea.cil n" CQnrrelS. . stut!s direct to clty cuswm~rs. Not Tale Co~t~ h"d lana been p_ all, l)ut.....ll......m:ak...-lWJlIOlot1on-<lit...4;lU-J.u!Ce[~.....seIlt-.a....c____'--taClO94e-~--~ posed by tlle AdmUlJatr&- trouble, can be traced directly to the the Warren Oounty Ohnclren's Home tioD, and the Uberal a.ncl Rad1ca.l action of M1'. Bowlea and the OPA and told the auth<rit1ea theni to elemente at the country. Soon alter in breaking the government's word use 1t in the ooIistructlon of & swiinm1ng pool for the YO\.Ulllltel'8. the November elections, many state- to ~~ people. If· the pool ca.n'tbe t1nl.ibedfar menta were Issued ·that the Oom• that amount the aut1:ior1t.lea an mittee woUld not !be re-estabUahed Five years ago, in January of 1940, WId to come back far 1DOI1'e, by the new ~; and the books all United sta.tea currency in ctrDr. Blair also contrlbuted $6OO·tO and records, wh!oh tncluded fUes cula.Uon amounted ~ seven billion on, thousands of Government em- six hundred mUl10n dollars. Now, Girl and Boy sCout Troops, 01' $100 to eech troop, to be uaed for 8CIOU~ ployees accuaed Of rad1c8llam, would five years later, we twenty- work. be .turned over to the 'Clerk 01 .t he nve billion four hundred mUllon 10 House, and later to the Ltbra.ry of outstanding clUTency, with the totul. Congress, which Is under Adm1n.1sOWTency circulation increasing at FRIEND'S HOME tmtlon control. Adm1n1strs.Uon lea.- the ration of !lve biWon a year. Our d~ in the House, 'including Demnational debt a.t the close of World ooratic Leader McCormack, vigorWe.r 1 was only >twenty-six Illld a MIss Margaret w. Edwards reo ously fought the Rankin Amendbalf 'b1ll1on. Today it is fast appro- tUl'JlCd Thursday. ha.v1ng spent the ment, but, when roll call ended, the aching tihetwo hundred and t1fty hol1d~ 'With ber nephew, .1. W. COmImtttee had been made a perb1lllon mark. Bank depcielts at'e '50 manent one by a vote of 20'7 .t o 186. high, and currency circulatlon Is so Edwards and family, at Spr1n8f1eld. J ,' M. Greene of ~non, vIalted It Ii the first time In the more than gceat thot, 1I the trend oont1Duea, 150 ~ of the na.t.lon's legislative it will soon be necessa.t'1y to lower h1s alster, . MrS. Eval)'n Petseon. h1atary auch aotion has been taken. gold res~e requ1rEmentl! or to take on Mbn~. Mrs. Ne1l1e Bunnell baa taken U» It was a ma:j0l1' de!CIIot for ·t he Prea1- some other action to meet the sltdent and hIa more rad1cal suppollt- uation which Is giving grave oon06I1l her residence in the hune tint.u her era. Also by bh1s action tJhe House to the more ser10us studentfB :of gov- new ~ la ~ for ' OOCUPlSDC1of Repr~tat1ves, within less than ernment finance. ~. Men.denhall and Mrs. Pe~ we hoW'll after it. We began, gave BOIl' atendt!d a. of Warreu DOtIce to bhe .country the 79th Con(X)UDty fan;IIenJ at Lebanon, PrId&:J II'1'C88 will do Ita own th1nk1ng and nlSbL

. RepubUcaplj, . The meeting oontmuet eeM • • • .. night untU January :i!8tb. ''Come The or~t1on of the new with US e.nd we will dlt) YOU . good." House went along aooord1ni' .t o fonn and predict10n untJl the Resolution FRIENDS Gdoptins the Rule6 of ' the Hoose waa offered ; whereupon Democra.tic Fllrst Day school - 9:30 A. M. Meeting f~ worsWp - , 10:30 A.. M. Consreunan John E. Rankin, of


ST. AUGUS'lllN}; CHUlWII FaUler KrumhoUa, Priellt MII& SlInday -

9:00 A... M.



Blble School ~:30 A. M. cOmmunion - 10;30 A. 1M. Sermon _ 111: 00 A. M •

C)lr1stJlW; ~dejl.V9I' .:... ~;39 P , M,

Evening 8erVlce - 7;3() P, M, prayer serVlc4~ .' Wednesday night - '7:30 P. M. MT, BOLLY METHODllST CHURCH ~. M. Scarff. M1nlIter Sunday schOOl - 9 :30 A. M.. E. IA. Earnhart, supelrintende.nt. WOrslUp service - 10 :30 A,. M. Even1Dg service - 7:30 p, M.. TOB.BENC~






Torrence M. -...Irlp&t~._. US.N., ,11c, spen,~ the ChrIatlIllUl lio~ with .hi8 mOther, Mrs., V~ and ' bJa slstA~, iPIazlcea. belng .1n and seelng &ct1on in I~ance' e.nd GrfAlt Brlt&n, hit b8a also been til Newfoundland, 'IcelaDd and ItaJly, and wsa .~ lD action. 'He 1s now waiting for old9fJI w1l1 ap1n ;retum l:11m to.lIAlve . ~. Kb'kpMrlc ,~ ', . . .lftC1 a let.ter from ~er otGelt. 1C!Il. ' <leO~, &to.tI.J:le he la flDe:- and eeelng plenty or, .~try but.,' ~ _\ben! any. place like hOOlle. " "


. . .'

• • •

' MMl~


All-Purpose Bulletin Boa~d With Wi~e Trough Useful to JunIors' or SeDlors


Nazis FaLL Back in BeLgium As A!~e: '. allenSLve "Th reat; Yan ks Sterri. Ll"VL"ng Costs, Show Sm'0' Lf ,Gal"n

gov'er:ent spending 89 billion doUars iOn the war alone, total U. S. exiMmdltures reached 97 billion dollars In 1944 to esta bUsh l an aU-time rec:ord, preliminary fig· ares showed. ThJs compared with _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Released by Weatern Newapnper V·n/on . _ _.....;._ _ _ _ioI the ouUay ot leas than 10 billion (EIUTOR ' S NOTE: When oplnlonl ar. ",prelloa In Ihol •• 0IamDO. 11Ie, are lb ••••r IllU'llHlr.. In 1939. Wo.lern NO.,.l pIlpor Unlon'l ao,.1 anal Yllo an. nol n ....u.lI, 0' Ihl. nt.lpaper.) additio,n to 'spending more than any other 't ime in ·the naUon's history, the government also coUect· ed mor;e at 4!1 bl1~lon dollars and borrowed more! at 62 billion dollars. For the first time, three war loan drlvea were h411d In one year. DeducUn, the amount coUected from that apE!nt, the governmenl wound up the year with a deftcl1 of 52 billion dollars, to bring the total naUonal debt up to 232 billion dollars. The 1944 ftgure ot 52 bll· lion dollars, however, was ' about 1~ billion dollars less than the dellcit In 1943.

, 0... . . f ......... .. ....."'.... Dr, Droll.",

....... will .. II....

__ " ..... t. coldl,


Inllrodl.".. he.p I. loolh. ""'talMl Ihroatt, aul.Il"........,. ... fa h.a' m ... cau1dtly, or 1801l.y "adt. u .... f.r .....



Thursday, luU&ry 11, INS


thall 50 KHP .... " •• ,,01. Y.ur ".IlIh.o,hDoci .......1...... II. A.1t I,


TRAIN WUECK: 48 K'll d , e


Slowed up by a freight . train staUed by mechanical trouble, the Southern Pacific rai1road's Pacific Limited with 300 persons aboard was creeping through the early morning over the Salt Lake marshes near Ogden, Utah, when a 20·car mail and , ...mrPRR train re)aring behind crashed Its rear, throwing coaches along 40-foot causeway like jumbled Lt.-Gen. Mark Clark, commander aU AWed forcea In Italy, point. In a cha.!n. oat former German pOlllUons OD Gothic liDe to delel'.Uon of vlsltlnr con- Late counts showed 48 persons I'ressmen. and 81 In:lured as rescue workcut througb the twisted wreckage to remove th.e victims, many of EUROPE: FOOD STOCKS:



I" splle of wartltl.



"",.rican motoritta traveled 280 billion pOIMII".r ..n.. 'n 19"~. Q drop of about"" p.r contf~ III. oll-Hm. hillhetin 19"I,SI". rallrood pauen".r ",II.. trov.led .i. 19"3 w ... 2000 per cont abo.... 19"1,

Bulge Shrinks

With 26 of the U. S.' 44 divisions reported In action against the German bulge In Belgium, Nazi Field Marshal Von Rundstedt's great winter blow appeared blunted" with field dispatches Indicating that he was A.ot ..... ,..... .. the pulling bls llnes back. .._ ........... la tl,... M But four mUes' from the Meuse .... eltla. I. U. .. .... ..1_ .11 th.l...lIk . , ....... river and 23 miles from Sedan at trvdc.. the peak of their offensive, 1.he German Unes sbrank sharply as Lle\lt. A ...... ala . .k. •• Gen. George Patton's 3rd army ....... 100 .n..... II,.. swung up from the Saar to 'attack W.rtI................... from the south and Lleut, Gen. will"..... th....... Courtney Hodges' 1st army recov! ered Its balance to slash In from the north. Von R!lJldstedt's withdrawal movement was favored by the rugged terralnl fo.r ; In surprising the 1st 'army on December 16, be chose the rough 'and hilly Ardennes countrySide, Aa Von Rundstedl tried to puU In bill force. UDder the beavY ' preuure of the 3r4 and ls& .rmles, be 1IeD& out swarm. of Nalt plaDta to blast at air, droiDea beblDd the liDea ID .n a'tempt to prevent the .uperlor AWet· air arm from ~kIDr IU colDJllll8, Eves. .0, aoomlD. 11. 8. ftrbter-bomben aDd bombers ripped ilp' eaem, armor and ~clul. ;;7.r~--;--;;-----~,- -""=====,===:::::::::;;;i---'Wftli u. S. pressure on the . Saar Buy W , ar Savings Bonds relieved b,- the switch of Lieut, Gen. Patton'l forcel, the GermanB went on the offensive agalnat Lieut. Gen. Alexander Patch'a 7th army on the southwestern' end of the front, IcorIn, small gains against sUt! Yank resistance.




..,,1•• .........


Ruin of a City As both aides disregarded a plea from Pope Pius XII to withdraw from the elty and spare residents the horror of bombardment, houseto-house Ilghting reduced the once beautilul Hungarian capital of Buda- . pest to a shambles, with fanatical Axis troops reslsUng Russ advances. Budapea,'a .tre~t.-·reverbtirat.­ ed with I'UDftre, as IICU-propelle~ BrtlUel')' and tanka rumbled down tharoarbtarea, awunr ab.rpl, around comera, aDd opened poln&-blaD1I fire OD oppoalDr aDUa. SbarpabooUnI frOID cena..., Ald. troop. 1iD1Ied themllel vee DP by brealdD" boles .throlll'h adJolnlnr walla,

' ....... ...r....f MONTHLY

Felnale' Weakness (Ali.

Hitler Talks

FiDI Sblluclllc: Tillie)

Lydia E. P1nltham'. Vegetable CompouneS 11 lamotU to reUcvlI perlocllc p&ln and accompanying nervoUl, weak, Ufed, out



to functional monthly dlaturbanooe. Taken regularly-PIn\tham'. Oompound helpe build up reelatance aplnBt such

annoylng symptolDll.

PIDltham'. Compound 11 made apectall/l lor wome_it Itel". _ t ..... and that's the kind at medlclne


to buy I Follow lobel dlrectIODII,




1~1MtlIt15cott'a EmuJdon I caD.

.,.ruI A • D Vltamlu that 1IeJp. back 'eneJIY and atamIna U there ~ of_these . elemenf&

TGI, "' dail1-~ druggbtil


Declaring ". • , In this war the German people cannot be brought to their knees by strength of arms nor will there again be a 9th of November, 1918 . . ," a subdued but defiant AdoU Hitler told a suffering Reich on New Year's day that the end of the, war will not come before 1946, unless by a NazI victory. Said the fuehrer; " ... Except tor the Jews, nobody in the Allied camp knows for what he is Ilghtlng. But the aims for which we are fighting are clear to aU of us. It Is the survival of the German people, It Is our fatherland, it Is our 2,000 year CUlture, It is the children and grandchildren of our people . . ." Referring to the attempt on his llfe last summer, Hitler said: " .. , The 20th of July brought about at the fronts sad military consequences .. . Nevertheless the day hu become a turning point In Germany's destiny because the attempt to annihilate the German people's social state by a plot hatched at the most 'bltter . struggle has failed. . and I am In a position to assure you that this WIlS the last atte~pt of ita.'kind •.•"

'Forgotten 'Front' With all attention focuseii on the Ireat b~tUes belrig fought In 'western Europe, Italy, ft seems, 'Is the "forgotten front" · of _ the present world w~r. . DesDite the overshlldowlng of the sector; ' it Is sUll one of the DHl"r"." of the war, with Allied lll.Jllrds_ and at -a COlt of men agalr)sl ,a fanat.ical foe cleverl1 dug Into the moun. • talnOUI terrain,· and living ground only after palnful ·approachea to bta poaltian.


At Pre-War Levels Although not 88 high as In similar periods since 1042, food stocks through the Orst Ull'ee montha of 194:1 should be sufficient to provide civilians with supplies equal to the prewar levels, the U. S. department 01 agriculture reported . Potatoes and butter supplies will be below prewar figures, the USDA saId, with meat, lard and fresh vegetables about average, while stocks of fluid whole milk, non-fat dairy ' products, eggs, 6sh, margarine, cereals, dry peas and citrus fruits should assure high consumption. . Although at prewar level., supplies of meat during the first three months 01 1945 will be substantially below corresponding wartime perlods, USDA said, with low Inventories, . declining production and military requirements cutting into stock..

LIVING COSTS: Small Gain Effectivenesl of the nation's prIce control in eombattlnl inflation It reo , .. 6eeJed In the urat - althou,h na. tional income rose to 155 billion dollars In 1944. and there was Iharp reduction in tha I toe k I 0 f co nsumers goods price. only. increased 2 per cent, Secretary of Labor France. Per· klns declared, France. PerkiDI Bec~use of IUbo, atantlal boosts In 1941 and 1942, however, when a risIng business activity prought up the general level of depression prices, retaU costs have Increased 28~ per cent since the outbreak of war, Miss Perkins said, . "Even though Ute price rise Is less than hall as great as during the First World war," Miss Perklna stated, "an advance of nearly 30 per cent Is dangerous. The · rise In cost to families with very low fucomes has been greater , _ , be. cause~of the disappearance of lowpriced merchandise and because of the rise In food prices. . , _ ..


Even as U. S. aerial forces stepped up their attacks on enemy shipping and InstaUations In the Phllippine islands preparatory to the pursuit of the American offensive In that last great bastion guarding the Asiatic mainland, Adm. Chester W. Nimitz told Pearl Harbor press conference that it would be necessary to occupy Japan to win the ' war, "I think that the only safe plan Is to assume we must Invade their homeland and llne up our forces accordlngly," the admiral said, With American advances In the Pacific, Admiral Nimitz Indicated, Jap war industry was faced with strangtllation through increased attack on Its supply lines bearing raw materials from southern Asiatic conquests and througb bombardment of factory areas. •. To step up such bombardments, Admiral Nimitz repeated ihat one of the major U. S. objectives was a landing on the Chinese coalt to establish air bases for bitting the enemY'1! homeland.



~S.C . ELLANY .,. .

.' .

IDJared ,oilier Ulfle4 frOID

tra1ll "recl!.

whom were s(!rvice personnel en rout.e to duty after spending hollday furloughs, Because of the shallow marshlands below tht~ causeway, automobile. could not be driven to the .cene, complicating rescue operations, and Injured were removed by tram for treatment.

NAZI AGENTS: Se;..,ed J.... FBI

.... 11.1 .,Tl'amed til tile' ule of high ex· plolives, pbotolrtaphy and radio operation In Germany and Holland. two Nazi sabot.eun were naUed by FBI agents In the New York district before being able to. do IlD1 damage. 'Landed by aubmarlne of! the coast of Maine with $60,000 In U. S. currency, forged birth and draft eer· tlficates and secret 1n1u, the two laboteurll were making the rounds of New York niSht apob In an !!ftort to pick up information to radio to Germany at the time they . were nabbed. According to the FBI, one of the saboteurs was II forme.1: U. S. navY seaman named William Curtis Colepaugh, alias William C. Cl'ldweD, who was dischar,ed trom lervice early In 1943 bt!cailse of suspicions he beld pro·German sympathlea, Arrest of (he two saboteun brought to ten the Dumb'er captured by FBI agents after landlnga trom subma'rlnes, six havJ,ng been caught previously aftel- allghting In Florida, with six of them IUbsequenUy executed.

Uncle Sam wID have to acrape the bottom of the barrel for m~power to meet production and military reQ.uirements In 194:1, War Moblllza· tion Director Jamel F. Byrnes told a New Year's presl conference, declaring tha t Selelctlve Service "workor-6ght" orders, employment ceU· Ings and restrictions on clvllian output may not be sufficient to meet all labor needs, With the arm], Increasing ita call tor replacements and thus further draining the manpower pool, Byrnes said the drattln, of the nation'a 4,000,000 4-F's fl~r Indulltry 'o r non· combat military dut)" would help maintain war production and releaae more active seJl'Viaemen for 8gbtIng. Because the largeat remaining source of young men is In agricul· ture, he said, the' basla for farm deferments may bave to be reviewed. Terming government ' seizure In· adequate, Byrrlel asked .for·· a strengthening of the War Labor board's authority to enforce Ita decllions on both capital and labor, so as to p.r event th.l!! 10il of productlon through work di~",rbanceL



. Again, ~bulldlng leaels aD heavy Industr, in th~ earning. of ita workers. The ,preva,llIng average hourly wage rate il) the InllustrY be*"g ab\lut $1.33, wblle · we~ ea~- Ings In a recent mon,th ware ~,68 . OQ... an avera.Je 1!iOrk week' of ",,6 hours, Payrol1l for the year In prJ.. vate ahIpyard~ wtn-: ~pproxJma'" .",000,000.000 sbarecl:.hy \yorken ba aImQat everJ &tate,


Bedford IUlla


Ne. Vorl! 10 WORLD WON'T BE MUCH DIFFERENT Enclose 15 cents for pattern No . ~67. We American. are promIsed ' "the N4Ine .. ................ moon with a fence around It"-when Address ....................... . ............ the wart are over, These promises have been made by scientists, IndustrlaUsts, economlsta, and especially the politicians. SCience and industry propose- to take all the labor out of work. Under sucb condltlon. our pOliticians as- HERE fs an all-purpose bullesure us of 60 million jobs, at high tin and blackboard that will wages, with only the arduous task ot be welcomed by. juniors and sencarrying home the pay on Saturday iors. Its gayly stencil e d or night. . painted top and bollom trim In the home there are to be gadg- makes it quite handsome enough ets to do everything. U all the prom- for front hall, kitchen, sewing Ises are kept there will no longer be and rumpus room or nursery. It dishes to wa.h, 1I00rs to clean, laun- also has a number of speci al dry to wash and Iron. beds to make, features that one does not find in and there will be gadgets to look ordinary bulle tin boards. atter the babies, The housewife can spend her daYII at the club, playing The main part ~a.y be m a de of bridge or listening to the radio The plywood· or composItion board and housemaid will be kept only ~. an is finished with a special black 0.. ]I'O"J' lan,,11. N. B. Co etata. ..".ry Saturday mOJ'nIng ornament or to impress the Jonea I paint mixture. family. • • • 11:00 A. M., E. W. T. The farmer wlU puab a huttou WBJS WOPI WKP'r NOTE : Pattern. which Is availa ble to to have bill ftelds plowed; to cui10:00 A. M" C. W" T.renders, gives nclual s iZE) culling g uide Uvate and barvest his crops: to WAPO WROL WAVE WSM WD for scallops; paint formul a; IIlu slral ed leed the Uvestock and milk the ~ directions for dccoratlons with s tencils cows. The dirt 'armer In overwhlcll require DO special . kill for per· ails and wltb Mil ou bI. band. will be no more. He will ret blr prices for. tbose thin,. lhe radleta produce OD hIa 'arm, wltb an ...urd market for aD &hat Call be rabed, The mon. rare will ButomaUcally pay UeeU. Tbere wID be DotblDr left ""'"''''J' to worry Bbou~wbeD the wa... are over, Wonderflll11 quiet, a Uttle Va-tro-nol The bus In ells man Is promIsed a tlP each noab1l helpa open the naIIIl reduction In taxes, grea ter profits, passages-makes breathlnC easterthough he .ell his merchandise at when your head tlIls up with stu1f7 transient oongestion I Va-tro-nol glvee lower prices; a lesl number of gov\ifBnd reUer, too, from sn11Dy BnI!eZ7 ernment reports to make. Gadgeta dlstresaofheadcolds.Tryltl a.- . · and • beneficent ,overrunent will PoUow dlroctSoDI In folder, w.. take from him all of his worries. . The eo mIUlOD workers are to have nothing to do but push button. through short hOUri of each day, The back breaking days of IIhovel and wheelbarrow will be of the palt, The handles of such few Ihovels al may be used will be IItted with cUllh· loned lIeata and head rests, With ihe high wages earned the worker will buy or build new homes, equipped with all the gadgeta; new 5().mlles·to-the-gallon cars; take extensiVe vacaUonl each year, and anything else that can ' be dealred, All of thelle when the wars are over, Hllh prlcd publicity experta were em,aord to eeO lilt that dre.- ,eI &be IDWe.,a11llll. Now that &be ... or tile wan Ie ID alibi &her .have aplD been em- , plo,ed to dispel the dream, for aD. or an), larle pal1, of the proIDleel win Dot be realised .. the lmmecUaCe. or Dear future. ASIde ~om 0111' reJolclDr al tbe .toPPlDr eI tile CloDftlcl aud the retlll'D of those dear to a, the tomorrow. will be mucb a. wero tile )'esCeryeara. We wiD propo", ID the fulare .. we bave ID the pa.t, 'There wtU be Dew radrell that will r. lIeve mucb 01 tile toU Involvd ID OvlDr. The,- wUJ come poadaaU)' a. did the felecrapb, the electrlo IIlbt, tbe telepboDe, aa.tomoblles, alrplaDM, radln, aatomaUo relra.erators, air cODdlUoDin., and other thlnp tIIal bave the IIv" of thoee now IIvtDr euler thu. were the Uves . of those , of paal reneratlona. We cannot bope for the millenni· um the day after-the warll end. Mucb CII~. ~~ ••• _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _- - - - 01 what we were promised will rna~pjo af .1.I.ebmaoo" terallze In Ume, but it D.Ot be D,wly ,",MCl ''Tbe Broll4 ......_ _ _ _ _ _...".,,-..,...-=--II-........,::"""~ tomorrow. Those ot the promIsed . Buket." no- ." rec:lpoo for brotMbsiaodad _ _ _ _- . : . - - - - - gadgeta that are pracUcal will come I .s-eru. Ad.s.d BrandllDcorporate , alo'nl ,radually, one, or a few, at a time. The chUdren of the genera477, New York 17, N.Bos y, -;=~;;;;;;.~J;"~"'''-M • Orand eaottal.AlulG, tion that fought these wars will see aome of them. The dream can not come true over nlgbt We must not expect too much of the immedIate tomorrowa, Let US walt a bit before destroying the broom or the overalls. 4 .................

oo .. .


.,.,... . ........................... . . . .'+

.''''w fI,,, .,.",.A,.,,,/"

VIeD .. II'" .OL

'Weighing but l~" pourtd~ at birth, . tiny Ellzabeth AIm Reyman,' born In ' - -......- - - - - - - - - - - . . . . . . S~n ·Dlego, Calif" ~a~ 'rOWD to I


feet res ult •. ' Color guide Is Included. Alit for Pattern 2il1 and enclose 111 eenta with nome and address. Send to:


MANPOWER BA~L: To Scrape Bottom

PACIFIC: U. S. Goals

8y Ruth Wyeth Spear.


pounds, 6 ounces within 611 da,. \ In one of the Itran,geit'c!a~ea. ~ met$!cal a,nnala, .... " I Conllned to an iDaubator where physlcta~s Intend to keepAher . tmtl} ahe welgha II pound..iJttl. EItz beth haa, been relatively Itron, and -able to kick about treel7 from blrUl. thoUib' onlJ one CIUt of. 100 • BtU. over her 1feIPt have •

chaD" of







TO LENIN, Communism was an Idealist's dream In which aU would ahare equally regardleu of Indlvid· ual ablllty or position. Stalin belleves In, and practices, ' paylnr for value recel¥ed. Plant man· Ilera, who make good, are paid many time.' tlJe lII7age ot the mat who works 'wlth hil band.. StaIb haa created ambition am9nl th. RUlllall people, While Rua.II, un der a dlctatorlblp, II itlD opera tin. .on the ayatem of atate socialism ' that ayatem II gradually livlnl wal to private enterprise. Mucb of , th. merchandJlin, t Ia today In privatt bands, Our parlor ' pinks' are, loalm their ifand example. They will hay. to look elsewhere for leadership ir their effort to break oiU America. aystem both at government and. , oi prJva" enlerpri...

• ••

ONE' mmG WE ~ 'REAsoN 'ABLY' look forward to · w~• . tht' war.. are·· over il IUfIll!i~t .al to take ua places we want to 10. That' will be a plealm. boon ' for to brm. ill. "




'. .


. SHouLD 'WE ' REALLY DAVE·" Mn.LION 'obi to IW • 10& of people who do· DOt want to dO 10 WiD hav. .10 10, to ~9I'Jr..:..-. .. • • •

. P~ATlON ~ up" an tilt bo.~ OIl wblah IOOd nIGJ8. . . . . . . ,........

Thunda:r, Janltu7 11, 1145





Pretty, Be-Ruined Dress for the Tot

I(athleen' Norris Sa.ys: Before

1250 2-6 wi.

Lively·Polka Dots for Gift Apron

lAJoking at

You Write to Him-Think

acceptable gift at any time. 'You'llwant one or more for yourself too!



Dell Syndleate.-WNU Feature..

To obtaIn cpmpl.ete pattern •. finIshing Instructions for the GI(t Apron (Pattern No. 58021 send 16 cents In coins. your name. address and the paltern number. Due 10 an unusually large d emand and current war condlllons . sllghlly more lime Is required In 1I1IIng ' orders tor a tew ot the most popular pattern numberl.

~ a small · group in Hollywood

the year 19<15 means the beginning of tame; tor movleland. al· ready jammed with stars. is planning to teature some new names in big lights during the coming year. There wl.ll be many surprises not In the cards at pre sent, but from where I sit on the side lines theae are the stars you'lI hear from in a big way during the coming year: Blll, at 20th. landed smack In the lap of Lady Luck . This means that the lad fro,m Mara, Pa_, un· known to movie s two years ago. will be right ' IUP at the top In tllle cast of chara cters. Eythe's high

SEWING CIRCLE NEEDLEWORK 530 South weU. SL Cblcaco 7. m. Enclose 16 cents tor Pattern No . _ _ _ _ __

Namee__________________ Addre ....._ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __

Party Dress PRETTIER party dress would be hard to find I Your pride and ~oy willlov~ this gay be-ruffled pantle trock with its sweet round 70ke, st;aUoped tront and swing. time skirt. Make it for kindergarten too in bright colorful 'cot-




Paltern No. 1250 comes In sizes :.! 3 .. II and 6 years. Size 3 year!. dress ~nd pantle. r equIres 2\. yards of 35 or :J9. iIIch mate ria l: I~~ yard machine-made nIIl ln, to trIm. IIEWING CIRCLE PA'I"l'ERN DEPT.

1130 South· Well. St. Chlcaco Enclose 2!} cents ID calm for each pattern dcslred.

Pat~em No . .. . ............. Slze ..... .

Name ...•• • ••••

f ••••••••••• • ••••••••• •

Addres.a .• ••••••••••••• I I I ' I I I I • • I I I I .


..... s,IrtIe4 . . . . .tIII.... AN I ......... Qlc.. .......... 0fIe.

1'0. eoDlti~atioa take Nature'. Jlemed,. (NR TabJeta). Contains no ehemic:al8, no minenll, no pheDol delivativee. NR Tablet. are -cia different. Pwm, ~le­ • coml?iDatJoa of 10 wptable m. pedienta formulated over 50 Jean qo. Uncoa~OI' cancl.J ulioa iI dependable, tho yet ptle. Get a ~ ConV\Doer' Caution: Take 0Dly .. d.l.rected. If' fO.HIGHT, rOAlOlIOW AUlGHf







That Unr:nhlin Something B" KATHLEEN NORRIS LETTERS FROM HOME Lauren Bacall, that" glamorous FOLKS write me menace whose pussy willow face and so much about trouFighting men have enough baH-mast · eye. are her trademark. ble that I'll be dar· to endure without having to Is famlHar to every magazine read· gonned if I want to go home . read aboul the "harthhips" er, althcSugh l1u~'. appeared in only again," writes Private Tom back home. They depend IJ one picture, ·'To Have and Have Willoughby I from a post some- grea, deal on letters Irom home Not,.. with B1l1npbrey Bogart. So where in northern England. to keep up their morale. When what? Warners sent her right back "It's got so bad," the letter these letten are merely IJ co,... into double h;arness again with Bogle in ·'The Big Sleep." She'. goes on, "that I kind of hate ,tant recital 01 complainu decorative anel provocative. to open the letters! . My moth- aboul IJhortages and rationing, Qulte a dUleI'ent type II Univerer, my father, my sisters, all dilJicultie, 01 travel, and the sal'lI Ella BalDe~. A girl with clean write me as if they'd be glad ,carcity 01 interestin! youn8 blue· eyes and It well washed Jook. to change places with me. I You law her. In ''The Invisible men, they may be wor.e than Lady" with Fraacbo. Tone, and wish they could, for a few no letters IJt aU. weeks . . I was in the hospital To the man at the Iront, tired again with Eddie BraCllten in "The four weekS, I didn't write and homesick. and living in Conquering Her,o." But ·'Tall In the them anything about that un- constant peril, these .ort oller. Saddle," with .Ilolm Wa; De, really 'em. til I was almost well. I've fer. are jwt one more burden. gotMoody Gall BasseU II l'arabeen over German towns in a He would be better off with. mount'. ace finid .of the last year. bomber seventeen times. I've out t"em. Dark, mosS)' 110ft hair, eyell full been wet and cold and 's cared of dream I, and a trick of llrojectand hungry more than once, lng the intangible put GaD RUIand homesick all the time. ter have llought three small farml, .ell Into a clUI by berself. She'. each for their absent boYI. StiU valuable, and PI~oved It In '-ne Un. But my letter~ aren't half as one another devoted family is' goinl to invited:. depressing as theirs are_ prelent their boy when he comes "It'. all rising Ilrlces anc;! Ihort- home wi~ a lubstantlal bank at- Home Town Boy T"pe

ages and manpower scarcity and count, enough to give him a threeWhen Metro :rouud Vaa lobDson bow dull the town iI In wartime, years-start on the career he has al· they hit a rich vein or talent are. with no men to dance with and no ways dreamed of a. an architect. Metro hal a second Van Johnson gas to go anywhere. They teU me When one of our boys came home in Tom Drake, 1\ dark type with the that the fellows who aren·t In the .u1'ferlng from a nervous compJa.i nt .ame direct, h.)mey appeaL He'll lIervlce are getting a lonl head start a tew months .go, his parents sent make the register ring at the box on me in busines8, and that Roger him, hi. hrother, a hound dog and office. and Bat have just bought darling two horsel up Into the Sierras for a Faye Emerson hall had .U alonl homes out in the new development long lummer. He went thin and what It takes to make a young star. and that both their wives are bav- trembling and nervous, he came AlreadY she', been stepped into tbe ing babies. Ma writes Ille about ber home last week a8 hard 81 Iron, lead role In "Happiness," and It arthritis, and Dad about hIs busi- and brown all an IDdJnn. He already she wants to keep on making pic. ness troubles; the girls don't write has a ,ood job. . tures she's set. Faye has real talotten, but when they do It's one long "All that costs money," protest ent as an actreas, but It took a yelp about not having anything to do, the whining voices_ Of course it marriage to a Roosevelt to make nor any fun. and wiahinl the rotten costs moneyl But lurely saving for Warners recognize it. old war wal over I My .Ister. are the boy's return, and If pouible You mJght kl!ep your eye also 1'1 and is; I am i9. a detlnlte plan tor that return, I, on red _ balred! Lucille Bremar, "You don't know how It makes us the least we can do. A thousand dol- M-G-M's most promising young feel, alit here, to know that there's lars, tlve hundred-even one hun· dancer. She getl star billing in 10 mucb trouble at bQme. Every fel· dred dollars ought to be awaiting .'Ziegfeld Follies.," Then there'. Metlow I know wants to ,et bome, him, to save his pride, to give him. ro·. Gloria De BaveD, halled by the dream. ot bakec;l b~anl and Main time to look about him tor his GI Joe as Just wbat the doctor orstreet, the local newspaper and the in the new world.' de red for a 801dll~ with tbe blues. familiar face.. To have the lucky Three TlD:!es a Day! Twentletb" lune Baver bal danced ones. who can stay there, knockitlg An engaged girl, Dean Davis, her way Into star role. after 18 it all the time, i. about the llmltl writes me the other side of the months' experience on the screen. Sometimes I think I'U make a fresh picture. She is 110 deeply in Jove Of IUIIe AU)'IIon. another Metro .tart on my own, wben I get home, that she writel her Georgie two and baby, you might .ay "once seen. and Uve In lome other place. I lmow three times a day. Georgie II out never forgotten.' " , aU news can't be good, but I should somewhere in the l'hilllpines. "Destlnation Tokyo" gave UI three think they could pick out enough Three times a day, I think, I, too boYI that hit thle popularity target that was decent to sort of buck us much. Especially as GeorgIe prob- deaa center-JIII~" Craie, Bob Bidup over here." ably ,ets the8e letters· In bunches toD, and DaDe Clark. Craig bas • • • of SO or 40. Glad a. he Is to know some of the quality that put Tom, I think too. And I know that he Is so constantly In your Clark Gable amon, our fabulous marly mothers imd whles who do thoughts, there is a certain amount few. Hutton Is a 80rt of c~mposite manage to keep their letters cheer- of boredom Involved In opening SO or llmD:ly Stewar' and Bob Walker, ful· and inspiring. How eagerly and 40 letters that all say the same and Dane Clark Is a natural. with wbat palsionate delight those thing. Three time. a week II better letters are received by our lonely. than three time. a day,· and a good ,Never ·T 00 Yoan. far-away boys, only those boys healthy incluslo!) of clippings from regn Ann Gamer wal the child know. Your mother and father and the newspaper and from ma,azinell prodigy of 1944. But EUaabet.b .lIten not only .hould lelect for will .lIve him more pleasure than Taylor will be In 1945. Remember you wbatever pleasant news there too much love making. One girl of "Lassie Come Honie" and "White ii, but they .hould dp something to wbom I heard wrote such Incessant ClIffl or Dov~r," .. nd a lItUe girl . ·buJld It ·up. • and poetical letter. to her yoting with black hair' and looty Idsh I mean they should de8nitely plarJ man that be ' answered by askin, eyes? She played a ,c~lie with Bod. lomethlng tor your bomecomlng her not to expect him to matcti dy M'cDowaU that made the big boYs that will mean a real welcome ' for quotaUons from Coventry Patmore sit up and ta"e OIoUce. In "NaUonal you. One mother wbo wrote me or to teU her Which. ·ot Millay'. Velvet" EllzabeUl Taylor rldel right had taken the room over the family poem. be liked best. Be also mar- Into your be,rl. You'll simply love ,arage and ~ed It into a ,tudy tor rlecl aa Ea~lIsJI ,Irl, wbole · ree.. her. ber ' 80n, wbere be can 80me day afler Ive yea... of war. prlvaUon., You can .shout and .cream about aalt bis frlendl to drop m tor talk- were prllbabl, ..Udl, OIl tbe croUDd. the great !ii8coverie. of the year, What we aU bave to ao 11 to try but for my mone'y Bob Waller tops and smoking; hll own especial part · of the bouse, nqt to be used to put oursel~eJ m'. thl! placeS of 'em all He hal! the bbme" shy, by anyone elle. Before be went theBe lonely. homesick, ·bard- .weet boyishness of your own .OD. aWay lie 'sbared a room with 'a pressed boy., and contribute ·wbat " ne year 1945. should be .. luckJ we oan to their comfort, with their ,aad a , happy on. ~r ·the••· BolJ,yyounger brother. ' .. Another mother and father and Ils- ,needa; rather than our own, In view. wood .tar.. . ". / .

No Doubt Now! There's no doubt about it! NuMaid Margarine h~s a finer, freshchurned flavor. It's the Table Grade margarine . . • made especiaUy for use on the table.-AdV.

Gift Apron MADE in red and white polkadotted cotton and trimmed with a band of green edged in red-here you have a delightful, colorful apron that makes a most

Relief Is Easily Mixed at Home

No CookiJlr, Makes Bi&' SavIDr, To get quick and aatlsfylng rellet from coughll due to colds. milt this recipe in your kitchen. Once trIed. ;you'1l never be without it. lI'lrst, make a syrup by stirring I cruPI! granulated sugar and one cup at water a tew moments, until dls!lolved. A cbUd could do it. No cooklDg needed. Or you can UBO com syrup or Patient Had Aptitude llQuld bODey, Instead of .augar sYrUP. Then get 2% ounces ot PIDex from For Variety of Tasks any druggist. Thill Is a epeclal comPOund or proven Ingredients, In CODAn inmate of an asylum was centrated form. well-kaown for Ita action 00 throat ,and bron. about to be discharged as cured. prompt chlal membranee. As he was preparing to leave, the Put the Ptoex Into a pint botUe, superintendent called him in and and add your Syrup. This makes a full pint of splendid medicine and you wet asked him about his plans. four tlmOll as much tor your "Well," was the reply, "I was about money. It never spoils, BDd tastes fine. admitted to the Bar, so I may And for quIck, blessed reller. It 18 practice law. 1 used to be an ac- amazing. You can teel It take hold In countarit, so I may become a a way that means buslnellB. It 100seOl phlegm. Boothes the IlTItated membookkeeper. I speak six lan- the branes, 8J\d ease8 tbe Boreness. Thuslt guages; so I could be an inter- makes breathing easy, 8J\d lel.ll you preter. If I find the going tough, I a1eep. Money refunded It not pleased may become a house painter or a ill every way. carpenter." With that he a'r ose, placed his left hand on his hip, the back of his other against his forenead, extended his fingers, and added: "Or -1 may become a tea kettlel"



Made of The ·plumbinl tndust.ry ·announce. tha' a ~hma bathtUt) Win beOb the market.oon. TIi. ~aln problem·wa. '" dlid ,a combination of .non-CrtUcal ceramic inaterial wbleb could IUddeo change. Jrom bot to' water. The reiult 11 a bathtub look. Uke 80. cblaa, 1. e ••y to arK! 11 r~t" to ac ck ' aad acratolle.. It II IIal-oD tbe b o t . aDd DOt D. .r~ 10 dHli u the ~ tar .tub. Elitealift. res....OJs ..... ceded, Ibe dealIIl that . . . IDaUr ....


1 h~ GROVF l hROf, 1\ I Ilf\iE" IN( "







Postwar Adjustment "DOW TO GET A

(lOaD I II BOO Valuable

Gu lde. Free while su pply l a sts. l'O:lT-WI\R ADJ US'fM E; N'r ~ ERVICE V, HOlt GAo, II t"per SLA ., Detro". M ••••

FOR SALE co nUL. MIDGET Ma rvel F lour MID. electric power. t wo motors. Mell i Roll., Com Crus h er. lor a. building. Ga rullc and hay house on mill lot. Not oble to work and must sell. PrIce $4 ,000.00. Call or write N. 6 . 1l0LIIIES


Obi ••

In B a t c9v \Ue, Ind.! p opu-

I~~~~h~~~ ~e%r~akS'~M~:~~~~~~ I'i;r~t

building on MaIn street; In sta llIng new boke ov en. nil necessary IIxtures and b akIng equJpm enl Included. all In 1100<1 condition. Owner desires 10 r ctlre. Price 10,000. which IncJudes tw.... tory brick bulldlnr Dnd oil bll ke ry equIpment. See or write. (J. L. 10HN ~ ON, 8 ot ....III • • lilt.


(lo., lUI North Broad.a,., 8t. Loa' •••••


now open for BIll Do, VItam.-

~:~C~~~18e. W:~\~I:~~~~~~~I~ro~ :t"::

and servIce. A belter deal for anyon" DOW cDlIlD1I on farmers and pOultry ral.en ... well a. produce deal .... feeel nnd bard.ware .tores. Full or p art time ba.... B..... ter dealer dl.counts. Old. reliable naUOQoo aDr, advertlsed ftrm. Write at· ony,e for de~~~ I~f 1~:ebDv::.~hI~~md':I~bt'::o~~ .ale. ILLINOIS STATE HATCHERlE8 IWII....



For the Pre8erv8tioD Of the Americ8D

Way of Life

* * * * *





Beware CoughS fro. com..GI cold.

. That Hang On OreomuIsion reUevea promptl1 because It goes rigbt to the seat of tile trouble to help loosen and expel germ laden phlegm. and aid DaWN to soothe and beal raw, tender, Inftamed broncb1al mucou/! membranes. TeU your drugglat to seU 1011 • bottle of Oreomulsion with the understanding you must Wte the wa'1 it QUJckl7 allays the cough or you 11ft to bave your money back.

Naturally. miD 100b old berona bl.yeaJ'1l when he', IOro from lamo bllo or otber muscle paint. The famo1l8 McKe"oll Labonlories denloped Somone Liniment fo~ thOle cruel plint-dao to ezpOl11l'", lCrIiD, ladlue or oVeN!Sercile. Get tho . blelled relief of Sordone', .ctlon;-

cold,.. (hIh1dt,!;,.,olUl IIdI .. I.,



eUculGUma. I. Claed ,.• ..:ttIcrT uana;" I. Help recfue.loeaI ....",..• ~irl. Tu;"'· "'a6'~ Six Goldwyn Ii:trla b~d 10 much ,~ ""./fIC. caplUIfrY Wool ee.aelI. . . In ' AIlaia Dod~, former 'coUejlate w.reltler ~nl ' TulI., Sorel~De eoDtim. meth,l Okla., and recenlly diilclia~'ed froJn " ..... moti elective paln.rel.leYID. the army. th~t ttley 'lIned 111m up. , - ..ent.Il'bere'. 0(IJ.1, ODe Soreto,abuilt OD It for Somoae relDlt&. ·Be · had . no agenl> . no.t · lDJlilence,· SOl. A bll bo~ oulf 11. dIcSp't know whe~. hfa next Job wal comin, from. Now ....... Bo.. and Me"" Leror . a~ ,oln, to use hi '" ·'TI\e Robe," .and If be clicks the, wID .dd·' another . con~act to tb(' pia'. I'm told be'. - deftniteb dream7 aDd aWOOli Itutr aDd . . picture tbe7 me prove• ..1&


rur" 1 ond city. to ' sell line 0/ hou~eholel neces.ltles to h er neigh bors. OUT line jneludes such SCD rec Items tiS cheese and laundry soap. Libera l comml9slon. G.n,rlll Produ. ' . Compllo" jU-a l. Alb""". G.ercl.. - - - - - - - -- - -- - --

.- ----'----:c--:----.----------------



LADY WANTED tn eVll ry eommun.llY. botb

8alanced double action •• e 'or positive action in the mixing bowl ••• for gratifyIng results the oven.




IIlIn . bo oter

Splendid Cough pressure personality won him the lead opposite TatluJab Bankhead in "Royal Scandal" When Producer Lubltscb saw the rushes he .ald. "Eythe 18 the greatest .tar material I've rIm into In 20 years." So they rushed Eythe Into the lead Fie also marri~ IlII EnglWa lir" whose leel, .Iter /ill. yearl 0/ war privo- in "Colonel Effingham', Rald." fiOlU, were probably .olidly on die ground. Watch hil dUlt in 1945.





SDRETONE soothes last with



.................. . MUSCULAR PAINS





for Couahs. Che.tCold!, Bronchltfa .wNU-E


That Naq~in~




• • •• • ~ TIIE B1noe 116"

.PUBLIC AUCTION of Live Stock and Houaehold F\1rniture



p,hone 2143


WaynesVilljl and 8 miles nor~' of Lebanon mile East of tlle ,1 nter~ect1on of State Routes 48 and 73. on St..1te Rome No: 73, on SATURDAY, JAN. 20; 1945

•• I.

SUbscr lpLIOn Price



S1. -0 Per Year P'.lY ble In Adva nce


• •••••••••••• .• _ • _ •.

commencing at 1 P. M.

RIlj en e DI t.Tict ·No. 4

ChaI1I!r No. U20



the laLe roold nce Of Mrs . Katie

Reeder, deceased, 6 mUes west of

Jl'U)YD L. D1AVIBSON, EditOr lI:nierecl as ~ Class Matter U W~nesvine, Ohio


W~ynesville National Bank

OF WAYNESVILLE , in the Sta.te Of Ohio, at the lose of business 011 Dec. 30. 1944, publ1sh d in response to call made by Comptroller or the CUl"l"cncy, under sectJon 5211, U. S. Revised St&tues, . AS ETS Loans and Discounts (Including) ~35.l 1 overci rafts) " .. , .. . , ,$140,666 ,48 United St.o.tes Govenlment obllgatlollS. dir <t and guaranteed " 537,030,70 Obl1ga.tions of sta.tes lind polltl('al subdi\'ulons " , . . ' , . ,., .. " . 186699,89 O ther bonds 'notes and debentures .... , . .. , . . .. , ... , ,·, · · ·· ·, ' 53 ,879.73 ":orpol'Cllte s~k!; (b-tc1uding $3600.00 t()(k of Fl'dual Reserve bank) ." .. . , .. , ' , ... .... " .,.,. ,. ,'. ,. , . . ..... " 3,600,00 ~, ba.lances with otlher bllJ1ks, IncludJng rt er . o \m.!n nce , and cash Items In process of colleoU n " .. " .. .. .. .. , .. , " 523,; 47. 6 Bank premises owned $6000,00, rurnilure Bud tixtUrLS S1.(;O . ... 6,001.00 'tBallk premises ov..ned are sub~ct to $ one llens not assumed by OOl1K) --., TOTAL ASSETS ." .. . , .. . ,',.,., . . ,', . . , ... ,' . . . . . . . , , $l ,451,4~3 .96

tendent Of the Water Wara aball be and the same Ia berieby fixed at Nine HUndred (tIKIO.o.o) Dollim per &nnum, pa.yable monthlly from the Water PlUnd Wlder the, oonu-ol o! the TrUstBe/l of PubUc Mtafra. ' Section 2. All Ord1.nalilcea or parts of 0rd1n8nces in confl:lct 'herewith are hereby repealed Section 9. Thls Ordinance ahall take effect and be in force on and a.fter the earl1e6t period allowed by law. P8.s.&ed at Council Chamber this 21st day of December. 1944. C . R. Broce, MayOr Charles J8mell, VWage Clerk.



rNit;;;; ;HfN1


8.nnoed. : '

Esta.te of Cl1!fol'd H . Brace d eceased

Notice ls' h ereby given that Olive Allen Bmee w~ose P06t OCflce address is Wa~v111e, Ohio, has been duly a.,.l)lomted as Adm1nlst1"lotrlx of the esta,te of ClUford H. Brace late of Warren count y, Ohlo, decea.sed. Dated this 5th day of January, 1945. Ralph R. carey Judge of The Probate Co1l!t Warren County, 9.1;110 . Saaph H. ~ Judge Or the Probate Qourt S t4!.n1ey an d Stanley; Attys, WaneD. County, Ohio stanley and Stanley. At tys.


For Dead Stock HORSES, COWS, HOGS , CALVES, SHEEP, ETC., Removed Prompti,

Dial 2111 -


BOoT FOR AND CONSIGN your O&ttlle, hop, sheep and caIn. to Norris-BrOck co., l1v..' wire ,an" prosreaatve firm for the hiabes' market prices and ' IOOd aervtce. ' Union Stock Yards, Cincinnati, O. Tune in an Radio sta.tlon WOKY, 12 :25 to 12 ;30 p. 'm. [or our dally market reports.

Reverse Telephone Cbarra Main 454,



E. G. BucbsJeb, 'ne.



1·5 afternoons ,except Wednesda,


' North" .

at 8:15 o'~1Ock, f;. S. T.

property will 'be fully pro~' tected.

Dr: C. ,E. Wilkin


January 19, 1945

Other EveriiIlp





By Appointment


7~9 Saturday

Optometric Ey. · Speeiali.t

26 S. Detroit St. '"

X.nia,O .









sM.tE--6 room

m~em house,

8Nplaoe. ~ lU'lige, shown 'by

..ppamlment onl1. Up

WUbur N. 5e6rs

POI\ ~ 200, BfUes ' brtll'ht baled ....... 8IIC bale. ,C. L. Ary, Soc-

Ial _ _~emlIe, 0., RU.

Waynesville ,F urniture CQ.


. using only the electric service that you need. ' not amount to much but yours, together with the savings in many millions of other homes, will do' a lot to · help relieve the critical shortage in th~ na-


/ supply. Use what you need but need wha[ you, use,.



.·N D

L I G It'


W ER C '0 M P • N Y P

Rday has arrived ,Revival Started at


ferry Church of Christ



Any. ma'k e or ,model ."F-red Kahn Motor Car Co~

Hear the Qre~t Gospel Pr.eachlna




F. B. DOWDY, , , Bft.DplIai


got to be conservative. You can help by


I~S;:~;;;;;;;;;;;:~;;~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Ii


so much

though we're nearer to Victory we've still





that many people are wasteful with it. Al-

Oflice at Roten and SlmPlOD Garace Formerly WaynavtUe Insurance Aleney ,

AND TOWN PROPERTY' FffiE - AUTOMOBILE - BONDS , Modem ~ck Company Service

1Pl1 wa.nt to ge~ married, ~lte Box 3M, Juliaette, ldaho. Send '

A peony's worth of electricity




tion's fuel and transportation

Pasieulized .MUle POl' Jour Protection

elect.r1c. See BW Lee, Onutort Road, R. · ~, Waynesvllle. '




Wholeamw· PasteurIzed 1)ai..,. Products

AMtileoe or,


YOU'RE NO EXCEP. TION I Calamity doe~'t pick favorite. I Misfortune hun't ainaled, you out .. an exception I Be wise and protect yO\U'MIf with,aoocl iDaurance SO that no' mat~ ter what happena, you,

9-12 each morning

Entitled, "Christian 8c.1ence, Lts Teach1ng and Its PractIce" by , ' B. PALMER LEWIS, C. s. Bof New York 01ty1 Member 0: the boatd of lectureship of Ilhe Molner Church, The First OhUl'Ch 01 0hr1at, SClentlsf, In Boston, Mass. Grand ' Ave, &



Bob's Da.iry ~~~!J Phone 2537





Free Lecture on CHRISTIAl'If SCIENCE




V1l1e, 'Ohlo, Reverse Oharges

J'HcOIlure ~ulteraI ~ome

SECOND CHUJWR OF OIIRIST, SCIENTIST Dayton, Ohio Cor<C<,llly Invites, You To 'Attend A

.. TCn'AL •••..•..•. , ... .. . , .. , .. .. . , .• , ... .. ... , .•. ,$122,695.31


For Datoo, Pllone 2894, Waynea-


Section 1. TIla.t Sectlon 7 01 Ord-I~'O~------"'----_"" 1nance No. 127 of the Village of Wayne1 ville, be hereby amended and that the salary of the Superin-



AUCTIONEERING Stanley and Koogler


the Water Works. ' Be It Ordained by the Council of the , VUlage 01 Waynesville, County of Wa.rren, State or Ohio

(a) Depo61 ts secUl'ed by pledged ~ts pursuo.nt to , ' requkement6 of IIllW . • .• . • ' '•. •• .•• .• .• •• .• •• ••. • • ••• ,. 12~,595.31




Secured UabWt1e8:

Correctr-Attest: , EVEREIT EAIRoLY GEO. J. WIA'I'ER.HOUSE H . A: cORNELL Directors.

6 :30 P . M, 7:30 ·P . M. Mld~week Pl'llYer serV10e Wednesday n1g~t - 7:30 P. M . Endeavor -

At All

TOTA!L •....••.••• , •••.. • .... , .•..... ' ,' • .. . •• , , .•. 179,931.25

state 01 Ohio, COunty 01 Wl!.rren, 88 : l, R06Il H. Hartaock, presld~nt of the above-nam ed bank, do eolemn1y swear that the above statement Is true to the best of ~ kDowIedse and belief. , ROSS H. HARtrsooK, President 8Wvm to and 8llb6cr1bed IX! re me this 5~ day,of January, 1~. , I " L. H. OOlf.DON, NotIail.'r Publlo


EVening Service -


Karl M. Brown, Auct. Thompson and Irwin, Clerks

AOlniJUatratm , de bonis non \With the will JilISta.te cl W. H. Allen 'Deoeaaed ' Not1ee is hereby given that Olive .AlleJl Brece whose POBt OU1ce addresa Sa W~; Ohio, has been dUly ,"ppolntied . Adm1nJatrtrlx de bcmU ntD/with the will annexed of the e&tate 01 W. H. :Men laiOO of W~ oounb1, Oh1O~ decea&ed. Dated. tlWl 6th day of January 19t5.

Eveni,n g Sermon, "THE RIVER JORDON"


TOTAL LlABLIllTI!ES AND OAlPITAL ACCOUNTS ... .. $Il,451,423,96 , l\IEMORANDA Pledged ClSSets (and 6eCurltles' loaned) (book w lue): i{a) n1~ StateB Government obligat.lons, direct and guaranteed, pledged to secure depos~ts and othu l!abWtIes .... .. . .... ; ... . ... ... . ...... , . .. , ..... .. .... $174,931.25 t<b) Ci>ther assets pledged. to secure deposIts and other UabWtlea (including notes and bUls r ediscounted and securities sold ' 1plder ,repurc.hll8C agTeement) .... ... . .. 5,000,00


Morning Sermon, "FOLKS WHO COMFQliT US"



ca.pltal Stock: . Common st.ock total par $76000.00 , ... . ... . .. , ... , . . . , ... $ 75,000.00 " ORDINANCE No. 181 Surplus . . .... , , , ....... . .. , .... ........ , ....•.....•.• .. h ,' .. , 50,000.00 Undivided Profits ... .. .. . . . .... .. ......... .. . , . .. . .... .. . . , .. 31 ,009,80 , An Ordinance to amend Section , 7 , of Ordinance No. 127 and to flx TO'llAl. OAPITAiL ACCOUNTS ' ....... .. . . .. .... . , . .. , . .. 1E6.009,80 i the a:Ua.ry of the Superintendent or


Invites YOU to its se rvices Sunday 'm oming. Jan1iary 14

We OHer





TOrM.. LI!ABILITIES .... . ... .. , . . . ..... . ... , .. , .. . , .. . $1,295,4H.i6



2 - Good Milk COWs - 2 Bible School -6:90 A. M. 1 - Ton Mixed. Bay - 1 Phone Waynesv1l1e 2911 Household Furniture Oommunion - 10:30 A.. M. Morrow Phone No. 9 01 rmont heating stoV'C, CopperSerm<>ri '- 111:00 A, M. clad range, Nesco oU stove, ExtenLebanon : Office Phone 473 K tlon square kltchen table, Round -::;;;;;;;;;~;;;~~~~~;;:;;\ Residence 98 M dining room ta ble, drop leaf kitchen iable, Library table, Two 9 x 12 ~d ne 12 x 16 rugs, Six dlnlng room Dr. W. E . PORTER ~ha1rs, NIn.e kitchen ct\8.1rS, Four rocking chairs, Davenport, Phllco VEl."ERINARIAN tattery radio, Rooster kitchen caDInet, Comblna.tion bookcase and -41. pinch of t.h1s, a pinch of that Phone 2M7 Waynenille, Ohio writing desk, Shm1dt-Dauber p lano and a. dash of someUllng else molde nd bench, Victrola, Four stands, t.he best awle pIe you eva alte? Dresser, Two double and one single Cooking schools and exact recipies Iron bed, Wooden double bed and didn't Interfere wtUl a. woman's "nRitural knack" Cor cooldng. ~ pr1ngs, Two ~"a1l mirrors. Women had that "feel" for mJxJng DIsl100, Two Al1ad.ln and 2 small things t,cgether and havlng UleJr J mps, 10 strl~ of m~ carpet, Clothes Rack, 7 Stone jars, 50 sugar baking turn out rl8'h t. Remember? uuckets and 's plckets, 2 cream cans, STUBBS cream separa.tor, 2 mUk FUNERAL I t uoketB, One stralner, Med1c1ne BOME Icab in et, Steel wheel-barrow, Hay I fork and rope, 16 f t. ladder, !Wooden sleigh, New roll 4-l>01nt b:\rbed wire, 3000 ,tobacco stIcks, 3 gmln boxes 1'1 k'S sh Is d or , ove a n S81WS, Glass ch-

L IAllI LITlE Demand dePosits of individuals, 18-1 tnE'rSh.lps, a.nd ool1portltlons .. , ... " . .. " ., ", .. . ... . . .... . .. , .. . . . ,$1,063.127.87 Time deposits of individuals, partnerships, and corporations ... . ... " .. . , ... " .. , .. .. .. . .. ... . . ... " 100,490.43 Deposits or U~ted States G{)vernment \Includlng postal savmgs) .. . . ... . .......... . ....... ,...... ....... . 70,218.83 Deposits of States and poUt.leal subdivisions, ... . ,........ .... 59,409.47 other deposits (certi.f1e&t.e and cashier's checks, etc.) ,... . ... 607.76 urn, Galvanized wash tUb, TOTAL DEPOSITS , .. , . , ..•........... . . , .. $1,293,914.16 oU~er lUIticles. ' O bher liabilities ' ....... . ............. .' . . .... · .. · · .. · ··· · · · · · · 1,500.00 TERMS CASH




E Keep It Flylnr


JANUARY 18, 1945




TEM, . ttaJy-Teclul1c1an FoW'th Grade, !Lewis E. Thompson. husband of Mrs. Lena E . Thompson, IWUlIamson ApU;.. Waynesvill.c, Ohio a'lld son of Mr. and Mrs. B . O. Th~ of Wllm1ngton. Ohio. is sorVing with a Peninsular BIl5e Seetion Ordrulnce Depot which carries 63,000 different 'ltem&-from a needIe to heavy arbillery-on Lts four million sql.Ullre feet of floor SplICe. Its men .taike pride In servic1ng combat. troops of the Mediterranea.n Thootre or OpemtioJUI wibll any these ordl.nl1nce Ltems within 48 hours. In Its first oIihree months nt the present site the unit. received 91,000 ,bons <If SUppliES dlstrtbuted 42,000 tOns. More !tJlan tons of eqUipment wem unloaded in one record day. Slx hundred Amerloon officers and enlisted men supervIse the work of some 2,000 ltAlians. . More 1h1IIll five tonB of eqUipment aTe salvaged 8IIld renewed each da.y by this outfit. ®1gihty per cent of tlhe paper containers oo.rTYing supp11eB from America are' saved by t:h1B unit.. Overseas 1~ rootJiths, Sg!t. 'l1homrpson wean; the Mediterranean TIlea.teT RIbbon with two Bat.tle Pal'ticlPI!otIOn, and he has been II/warded the GOOd Conduct Medal. Be1'ore ent.er1ng tile ArmY. he W&B employed by N. C. R . Comp6,ny of Da.y.ton, Ohio.



BEECH GROVE Mr. Wetzel. ot DQIyton. was (\ businew vUiitor at the James McDona.1d f·a nn, TUesday. Mr. and Mrs. Oharles sWindler. of Dayton, spent Frl<i'8Y Jl18ltt and Saturday at their farm h~ and a Ltended ' <the ibaslretba.ll game oat Ha.TVl:ysburg, Friday evening. Miss Hannall Jordan and All Jordan were bus1:ne5s visitors in Lebanon, 'Iblmlda.y. Mr. and Mrs. Ola.1bonne Baker have bought the Mrs. Ethel Beason pro erty here, which W1IS the 'h ome ~f tne late Mr. and Mrs. AmOs . . Allen. Mr. and Mrs. Todd Bunce 'h ad as their guests la6t. .Th~, the tat,



• •


MT. HOLLY Ma.rgeret Morgan, Mrs. Leona. 'l1h1rkle ot Dayton. spem.t. MJanda.y with Mr . . a.nd Mrs. Lue ""-n'. ............. Mr. MId Mrs, Ben. OnJber MId falnU.v lWel'e dinner gue&t8 sunday of Mr. aDd Mrs. EVerebt Bunnell and famIlY. M1s8 Mmo4e Qm.wford of DaYllOn W'88 .& week end guest . .o! her parents, Mr. and MnI. Cla.retlce OrawMrs.


Tho follOWing men have been The Gregg 00II\ip8.ny in !New York has M\urded the Oamperent ordered to repont for preinduction TyPist Certi:t1caste for 32 wards a exam1na.t1on on January 1'8, 1945 and Mrs. Russel H. Campbcll MId by Local Board No. 2, Warren mtnute to Maa1lyll' Bunske. chlldren. &illy and Duncan, of 001A 00mIpet.enJt Typist Pin ~ been County. umbus. WUlIam Downey, Lebanon . OWo; a.wu'l'ded to Bebty Har.t for 30 wwds Mrs. W . E. Stro· d a. Thursday e. minute. Maurice wrutacre, Morrow; Mal'di!l41er guest <If ber s16te.r.- in-laJW, Beca.uee or unfJ!.vanlible weather tin Ward. Cortland. Ind.: John L. Mrs . Maude Crane, in Lebanon. oc.!ld1t401lS, sohools rema1nC(l olO6Cd Bills, Morrow; Holly Kennard, Leb. Mrs. U. G. Whe!i;el has retumed for. an lndeUnite t1me. ]to reorened anon; OUver Jacobs. Waynesville; after spending a few weeks with her EdM'Ool'd Kmg, Waynesv1ll~; Auz1.lhurnruY,January 11. daughters in CoIUlIlbus. . ExtImlnat.ons for It.he ftrst 00- wOOd MaIrtin, W'alynESvUle; Oma.r Mr. and Mrs. Ross Hartsock. Mrs. me."'ter 'Will be given 'IIIlursd8.lY' a.~ Hitesman, Oregonia. John Ludington, Wayne6VlIle; IDona.Id StephLena. HarWOCk, Mrs. John Fromm. I F1'lda)' of this week. Mr. and M'I's. Everett Ea' ly and The music dlepnnment 1.8 working eM. Oregonda; Robert O'Brien, MorMrs . J. B. Jones 'lttended Installaon the opere~ta., "Jerry of Jericho row; La.wrence Hoo.d, WaynesV1lle; tion of of!lcers and 1n1bia U<;n of H.oe.d," to 'be gq.ven liOIlle Itlme in Glendon is. 'Morgan, Wo.~esville; William Keller, Pleamllit. Ploaln. March. candJdates at Harveysburg Easten1 'the remainder or the oaJ.] will Star m eeting on Saturday evening. Mrs. Elme3t harla.n 15 tea.chbg , My. and Mrs. Walt~f WUieman Staff 8~ JlJ'llarlles IIartaoek Mrs. Broce's classes In her a;bse.nce. be filled with men d efel'l'ed for . The F. F. A. and ,the Home Ec- rarming. ',.~ewlt of Wayattended the funeral ot the fonner'l! nephew of "esvllle and son of OIlOm4es g1r15 '.lre sponsor.tng e. play. Uncle in Ha.nillwn on Thursday. returned "The BoIS6 of the Powderhor.n." The AUTO LICENSE FEES Mr. and Mrs. Wilbur Sears and Da"toD, Ohio, about 30 mon- Ch.araoters :have been chosen. They DISTRIBUTED da~ter, Lola, enterta.i ned to Sun- to 'uu. war theatre are as follows : Tom Qa.rdjgan, Fore': day dinner Mr. and Ma-s. F. B. ths In 0I.e pe Is now man o! PowderilouSe (Jack Asbury) IDoWdy and Mr. and Mrs. HeItlert wbere be . . . Ohio's count}' an<) mur}ic1pa1 tr~­ In New York &ReI s- Billy Harper, ollis pal IDale RiltingGraham and daughters. sur100 w14 soon receive $2,279,563.00 er) ~, ~ ~ hari~ a,. abou~ The many friends of MIs, AIlIOI! pecte to IlODIt of 1944 I\u to ltcetUle tee monies. dUl(~b¥ G~l ~, ~ ~ weeks, COOk. who has been undergoing tribute" ~ to the provisions (M~~ ~) ~! treatment aJt St. El12Jabeth Hospital, sec~lon 6309-2 of rtJ1e Geml'l I of ;varno, J\.n04m~ <lI'JVIWy ('D!W1;l WMare pleased to know that she 15 1W1Il) PlLtfIcif. ~, BUly'a cou- COde. lmproving and eXipecls to be home WIIlTe'll County: ButJe l'l'1l1e, .l~.50; sin (ID& Gruber) Wheeler COleman, soon. .,lawyer (W1lliBm WOOl.f,.rd) Nonna.n CorwIn, $31.25; Franklin. $700; Harveysburg, $68.75; Lebanon Mr. and ~. Charles DosteI: and Bann1stIer, 6 wEGlthy broIrer (E»w1n $531.25; Madneville, $118.75: Moson: da hters of Harveysburg and Mr. Mic.'1ener) Ma.rcella. Tucker, Cole- $12S; MOlTOIV, $125; Pleasant Pla.1n, and . Mrs. Emest )lJdglngton W'eI'e \\"'====~I!======i ... man's secretAry CWUma. Surfocel $31.25; SOuth Lebanon. $68.'10; Sunday evening gueste 9t Mr. and s~ Wha.leIr, Med101ne MOW Springboro, $43.75; Cow.tys 25% Mis. Itbodes Bunnell. m.a.n (Vernon Shutts) !I.IIld, $1,675; County'a 17'/0 fund, Mr. 'and Mrs. E . F . Earnl1.8(t Church school am~;;su 16,638.75; TOtal, $10,170. were Sundayguesltl ot Mo'. a.n4 W. H. S. SPORns Mrs. J. N. Robinson and SOQ. in by EdW)'lD& Stanfort.h 8elWIIBI






Vo~ Feli1O\1~~h~ay



Ser;geant e.nci M:B. MIlo Shoup and dauwht.ers. Sue Ann and ChaO~IJ''l!~ ...._ ~11DI~1t' D .' lT ft "'_ye returned to "._WlVe/ .•, anna ...... y. ,,~ 8:00 P. 101, M1run1, Florida, ~ t.wo ~ int4l!fe11i wee'ks here \\ tth !r1eru:s and ~~ ~~lA ,_ A. . ... TCchn1c&l

...... ""lA



~ .fIk



ltoilrB. Wade TW'ner very deliIrht. one flu ,fell_dill:

fully entertained wibh & bridge lunc.h.eOn '<in 'Ihursda,y. A delicious luncheon was sery~ with the guesta seated at the d.inJ.Il6 ~le wlUc~



Despt1te J,cy roads a.nId Bub-zero

mnA~l.'r~ ·~

W: H: S. ·\1I.uinnl Jg~ea ~ t(I .~ &ilm& DlIIiter far their "game-ot...the-year." I might add thaIt theY' made a very good showing. We were honored by the a.ppee.rance of Dan Collett, Bud LeMil.y, Joe Hartlsook. and Bud! Alle4l


FARMERS' CLUB HOLDS FIRST MEETING OF YEAR REV. R. B. COLEMAN SPEAKER OF EVENlNG The WBJYII:t6 Township Fanners' Club was most h06P1taJbly welcomed by Mr. and MIll. Mor:r1s l"ulkerson for bhe first meeting of the new y.ea.r.


delicious fried ch1cken dinner wu enjoyed amd a. pleasaint soc:Ial hoW' followed. After the business session, F1red Hagemeyer. the new President. pve . the customary annual address. The specla.l topic, "The F&rmers' Stake in wternational Trade," was very a bly. handled j)y iHa.rvey Bur~ Illld an interesting cl.J.8cuas4on A

follOWed. Mr. Ful.loerson Introduoed Rev. Coleman as the guest apeail:er. He gnve hJs 1hitenms & mO&t graphic picture ot t he German offenalve, staited on December 16. FollawUlg . this he spoke at length. on. ·p olitlcal

and economic cODd1tJioM, both national and world_idle, of the Pl·CSUl·L time and after the war. Be ~lt6t.d by giving his views on wtIat {:art ~i:pon must lor 8Q establishEd Peace. tHe feels that the Church and all men who ' be11e\'e in brotherly love will have <to \mite now In a mighty eftOl't ·towvd that


The iUest 1l&t 1oolUded. Dr. and E. stout, Rev. and Mrs. R. B. Qoleman, Mrs. C. stubbe 11114 Mr, '1'. W. VlIoIftlt. The Olub ~ed :to meet in February at tlhe home of l4r. aZI4 ~1'$, Alt~


t ...


Sales Tax Exa.mlner v.l!l be stn.tIo d t th f 11 wing I I ne a e 0 0 oca t ons to 8SBlst the vendors with m .no their. ST 10 returns for bhe period July 1,:'44 to December 31\ 1~. *_ e5e retllIT!f! mwot be fllC(l on eJ'':fflL 't.!le ~i :u,.roll~ R u tl1erfqr{! or 'P.e1'ore Jan"·"" 31 1~ F1allure <W<l WtP.roreo ."""".....11<1 froIn tJh ' - J , ' do ,tbeIr part. • ..........., . e to me on or before t.h1s date subproWded tor Navy; and the Iollow1ne o1vllian8 jects the vendor to a 'penalty of One

LYTLE Ronnie RQSb. 80D of ~. 8ZI4~. IW88 called for duty 1D ~ !Merchant MarlMs, UId 'Wmt to Cinelnnat1. Wedneadaw. ' Mr. a.nJd Mjrs. nm..le' Jcaee·-'" -Bald Mr. IlDd MnI. 1DWel1 'lboIiI&a a.nd daughter w~ ~ ~ W~ e~ ' .

E'l'Cd, RUSh,

~~~~~.~ot ~~~~~~&~~~;~8 ~m;1;~~ot;~~w~U~~~~~&~~~ ·~~re~~~~~~~t~a~~ ~·~~~~~~~~~;~F "~~~~04· ~~~~=~1~'~~~~~~I~rlb~1~t~tolf~b~~~~~_ ~~~~ .~~ ~i ~ '~ ~ ~4iiIUD4~ . . 't.erlded ·tliQ~ 'S:oiiItf at the • "


Reuben M: MOOn. of ~, Kan-. with Mr. tlIDd Mrs. Bert Bunnell were in sas. and family of mar W~Ville. during the afternoon with Mrs. News of the death of iA8bland Mr. orund Mrs. Mot1r1s Lewjs and R. Hill rece.1v:t.1'lg rwt pr1ZIe, Mir$. Ohiles, who lived in ·t.h1s oommun4ty """"ft ~M" -'11 wiith Mr.' 8I1ld Rhoaes 'BUIll]' 11 second and Mrs. QU.I.JIUOIooJ yean; a~o. and passed aw1i.y recent- Ml'S'. John Koester of Ult1oa.. John 'fUJ'Jl rt.he traveling prize. Iy of 11. heart rutJta'c.k at hJs home 1D Nr. aru1 Mrs. Edmond Mial' louests 01 Mts. Turner were M'esKentuclty. He was the brother of and son Jack1e fire spending. th1s dames John ~y, H. F. Dye, D. :M.rB. Cl.!!.renoo Allen of Dayton. week with Mr. end> Mrs. Dale Fa.1r R.. Smith, Luther ~, K. R. We are pleased to re~ 1ba.t 01 Xein1a.. HilJ. John Turner and ~ BunMea.rle 'l'erfy, who has been very Mr. 8I1ld Mrs. ElVIs I4ichlal called nell. . sick for several weeks, 1.8 some bet- . on 1M.r. 8IId Mrs. flItD)ODd M.e.r;\, . Mr. an M.r5. Jullan B. crabbe aIId ter o.t th1s time. . Sunday evening. SOIlIS, Jay !Wd Guy Lee. spent leVMr. and Mrs. Todd Bunce tWere MnI. ~ert Greene of ~ etal dAya laSt week. a.t Itbe home of call1ng on Mr. an~ Ml'S" Delbert odled on her rnbtiher, Slmd.a.y even-his op6I'eDt:s, Mr. a.nd Mm. J. B. CoDger and flllDilY of near COt'W1n, lng. . cn.bbe. 3ullan came EaSt to make Sunday aItemoon. :Mr. Ruuasell Wanner ()(llled OIl tIhe ~Ce of h1s new 800, Lee an.d · Albert Talmage ho.d a Mr. and Mt8. H11y G'ibsan, Sunday 08ll'Y; ~eeks Of 88tl, aod to· take very unexPOObed surpr15e se.turda.y B.f.ternoon. . h18 tamJJy ~ to .their new lwOle evening when .in ~banon a.t Bea.l's Mrs. Emu!:;on Dill aAltend!ed the In R1chJamd, W~ Restaurant,. & number of YOl~ Memorial se.rvkles, SUolldli.y anter· Coxwa.ln MIl« . Kl:l'~9k, USN, .men from Dennison stopped off for noon' at .ttle Mt. Zlon ahurob for l'e'burned Tuesday to BuJi)er Hill, ,refreshments and gas. 'lbe peny her 'nephew, Jbbn.R4clJaro Zimmer, Indiana, a.fter ~ vis~ with his an their ' return from Oxford, S 2/c, /Who· Was k11led m aotJIon in in-lw and Were, Verona. Ki..q}Ilf. 'where their team ')l1atyed a ~ of SO~ i'6cl.f1~ December 2. rick nnd ha.nces. . iJasketba.ll. The- maina~ df th1a Com'tWn BOd Mn. Harold RUtbteam ' Is Everett Olarlto . Murrish. m:ford (~th COMer) spent SatMrs . • ~. K. Hole ententa1ned io'rmerly of Xeo1a, who Us 1\0 rela.t1ve ~moon With 11'nmQS- here. 6..utlday at a surpiise dinnel\ in of the 'nI.lmage men. 1:be meeting booqr <If her hUSband's '):)jIItbd&.Y. mutual plOOBU1'e ' to all CAESARs CRE~ Those present were 1M. <W.d MR. pa.rtlell. BUl Ma..rt1n'8.nd oh1I;dren. Joy, Janet ~. and Mi-s. 'lbeodOl'e !Mclntlre ·1WId Danny. Mr. alii:!. Mm. Everett FRIENDS HO~E emd 80lUI "M!Ire guests o! 'M r. and Hunter and. LOIs Jean, Mr, MId Mn. __ . Mrs: Raymond W~, S~ay Ed Linv1llo and Dorot.hy .Ann, M1:ss Mon1m1a Bunnell, Lebaaltin, evening. ' Roger l-'O \I1'm8n and Nancy. Kay. was >the guest of Mrs. NeW.e BUnLittle C~ Gi'lldo CWOlyn Stn.n- ~ ~~:~.:n =~ .n ell m Friday. ley~ ,pa:tof~,dayla$'l1hurs- iU:>u, tneihOBt.andnOstessIWldShirMiss La.ura. McKinsey' spent Sa.t- day with Mrs. DorothY Bm1th. • • .... ley Jean Hole. 'urday and Sa:turde.;y night lilt 'W,e Mr. and Ml's. Re.leigh BogIaIn wct'e home ' her brother-tn-lBIW oDd dinner guests 'of Mit. a.nd Mrs. Evan !MnI. Allen Hole 13 s]llend1ng sev<sl6ter, Ml'. and Mrs. Eari swa,yne. 'Bogan of D8.~, suhday. era! daya. w1hh .Mr. ~ tdrs. harvey MdBs .MMga.rt'it EdWla.r ds was in Mr. and: Mi<8. EveJ<8tt. Haines and Hole. and odaUi'hw. . . DaytOn, FIdda¥. sans l\lacV~ and .Qljrey Lee were IPfc. Oemld OOyle, A. O. Eng. is Dr. Emma H'OllaJWaY 18 v4sWng in' Wilm4n8t<m OIl Mon~. spending an elghtoen day 1W'lough .Trlends in RloI:unond, Indiana. Mrs. Glenna. W11san called on her WUJl his pa.rents. Mr. 8IIldMrs. E. O. DEATH &18ter. Mrs. .roe ~ba,ugh, last Coyle. MIss -Ma.rga.ret W. Ed",tl!rds re- F\'dda.y aftemooD. Mr. and Mrs. Byron Prend.e.rgaat c:etved a ~ire, last SeltUl'day mamMr. IlDd. Mrs. ·oo.nald Raines and and MJss Alma. Prendergast, of Olnmg, be8:ring news of the death, iJan Alden were guests at Mrs. cl~na.t., and Sert!e6.nt MelvUle L. durbJg me night before, of Cl11ford HeJnes' J)IUUlta, :M1'. and Mrs. ayles, of Hetcher General Ho6pltal, M. Pl1tChard at his borne In 'l'u.I8a, Wlh~ of XenJ..a, SWlday even- Oambridge, v1.sited M1sa Katherine Okla1lom&. A former l'e!/kIeot of irlg. . Prendergast, Sunday. Wa}'MSvWe, ~. IPrj)tclIaro was tJhe Mr. and Mrs. Oharles Stanley PIc. and Mrs. Paul R. Miller have .BOIl-In-law of ·t he hte Dr. &amuel were 1D Xerua. on 'llbu.rsdBly. ,r etw'ned to George Field, Il11nola. J , ~e.Y, Who for many yeara opMrs. Ella HiWles WB8 the guest , a..fter ha.,1na spent servera..l ~ mated a ' denbaJ . fl\Ul!'Ell'Y' here, and of her Dilter, Lucy Compton, in with thelr parents . and "Mn. ibrotlher-m-law of Dr. T. I, Weq, a Ne,w Buil~ on Moilday. O. P. EllIs and I~. 'p rominent dentiSt In" IHa1nes 18 spending a :.' ;SUrviving are h1S w1dOW,lI'aIln.V', ODe few day& with her ~ a.t Oam.w . a.nd Mrs: Raymond West. ~d san 3Ind two daught.erll. · . den, Oblo. . . , daughter RuIemary, of 1Da.~, Mt. and:, Mra,' William 8mM;h and ~pent ThW'sdatY evendng w1t~ their ' IC CLU' B MEE-N; M&r:\l)'n were ciInIIeI' ~ in the Uncle, 0 .. P. Ellla.

........ 0........ ...... _..



Mr. and Mrs. ,K. R. Hill had as Specla.1 to: Wa.ynesvUle (Ohio) guests over the weclc end, the for''MIamJ Gazette" mer's brot her-In-law and sister Mr. .AlLIED' FORCE HEADQUAR.-

YOUNG PEOPLE WILL TRA VEL TO XENlA Next Sunday moming Mr. RandlIll will preaoh on the subject, "The GI'es.test of These Is Love," QJtlId in t.he even.LTIg he wUl use the subject. "The Eff1nacy of .P:myer.... One week fl'on SWldny, on Ja.n.uwry 28 . a pOOnl program w~ be p resented 1.0 the Ohurch . A m31e quartet wUl be present f·rom the C1ncitm ati Bible Seminary to sing [or both the Bible school and ohurclt services. Emphasis will be placed on BI~tendance for t.ha.t da.y. A gOO.] of IvO for Bible aahool hBl5 becr.l set. Mr. RanJdallwill 0. s; te::la.l sermon for tl'm momrng entitled, "Believing a LJe." In the aftemoon or ithe 28bb. the young ,p eople of the Wa.YIIlESvill.e ChW'cll of Christ will travel to Xerua to n youlnl '!'ally of all the ahW'ohes of Christ or this seot1on of Ohio. The Waynesville young pe<Jple will present the progrnm . for thalt m.Jly whidh will be the pla>y presented at t.l:re onurch h ere on Ohrlstmus Eve entitled ''What Would Jesus Do? "











CIV • OJ • .nS . REVIVAl. home of aw.rley MenldeDhall. New . • ATTEN'&I ,' BurJ.mtptop. ~. , . , VolllllUer for ·VIctOi7 'oro~p , " ~ Boiur and wife called on . . , on ~Y evenfug, JamJIII\V 15. 'Albert ~ In ~ The VolUll'tAler for' Vtctory . OrQUp the Yl~ ~vIc .Cl~b ~ lilt luf'l'hUl'8d86'~. , . '.. of VlM' Rellef wotikera met &it tile

''OUt: ~ tor d~ aDd a~, 1~ 'seaaIcn af~. ,R IMLI ~ 'ClbaIt the next ~ <Will be ladll1Jl qbt.. Aftet Itbe ~ .file ClUb ad,foumed to t:be ftI'n" Clhurah or 0Ilr1It 1I'bere ~ .~ecs .tbe ~ IIer"VIce8 eIld beaI'4 b ~. 1'. II, Dowd,y . . CD tbe ~ J,z;.


..MI'. aiDd NIa. "i1an7 WUIt bave home of Mrs; ~Jt. ~UI'ICe on UIeI.r ~ eOOaa to 'IilUllldalY evenmg; Muah: WOIttwila


~ _baDe ~

or lin. NelUe


SWlde~ m()nlJDg , at 10:80

LeMay, ,tlle Lord's Supper Ohaol'les

wW be . W~ F~ ~ our f8.ll1i1liee 00 be ~esclQ'f ?o,:-t.iPt f6r= vice u..t__ ......""-- j._ ".6 . ......&IS your ........... "". .... communion. We aJao request all om- youtb <to ,b e preeent. YOtn'H FELLOWSHIP MEETS The Youth met at



ed ~ ~ 'W1? ~oull'bt ~~ WlI§

golnl w be a


CHURPP. Ralph P~, l'f1nJa~~


In Ph~

Ohurch SchOO] a~ 9;30 ¥, Momlng prayer aJld ~ 1'1:00 A. M.



ea.Ch added


pom,tB to

final a.c:xxre and .

. ,-

BrOwn ~(lCb added ~po1.n~ '. " tAl

FERRY CHURCH C)F CBBIST Herbert Graham; MllDIIter Bible school - 9:30 A. M.. Communion - 10;46 A. M: Sermon - 11:00 A. 'I,{. ' Preachlng - 7:30 Th Un tin e mee g oc)n uee eacb night until January 28th. ''Ccm8 with us and we will do .~ eooct"

our 1!OOJ't!' Don (lha.t1

'liv.: .~



~ . rw6 ~ iM

~ with tlw ~ &bead

29-20, It waa a gnnd game tboUSb em we'n! glad you were ihere to play, k!oya. Wherever you may 8'0, W. H. S. W1Sbea for you the best of everyt.b1ng.

SPARTANS VII: COMETS On Fnlday. JanU8l1"y 5, Waynesville played Maaan on the lattel"s FRIENDS oowt. The Mason vc:m;ity defea.ted Wi m f t vtUliU. 46 2 F'lrst Day school _ 9:&0 A. II. ayne8V..:..: · . yo - 8. Wa.vnesville Jr. High de!ea.ted Mason Jr, Meeting for Worahip, - 10:30 A. K. tidgh 19-16. ST. AUGUS'llINE CJItJlWB SPARTANS VSI FBANKLJN Father KnunhoUa, Pried Wa.yIlESvWe met :f1rankl.1In, S&tM&;s Sunday _ 9:00 A; II.. urday, ;Je.nuary 6, on the loca.l hardIIVood. FranJilln, outaoored W"ynesWAYNESVILLE . /. v.llle 61-32 m tthe varsity game CHUB.CB OF CllB.lST whi1e our Jr. High defoo.ted FraInkMu BaacIaU. }In Jr'. oHigJh .21--19. WILL PLAY HARVEYSBURG ~ -8:30 A. Ha.rveyaburg I'Mll1 meet W~Communion - 10:30 A. Ito(. ,VUl)e on our floor Friday nIgbt, Sermon - :\11:00 A. .Y. , Jano.ary 19. Th18 1.6 tile second 9'hr1stlan Endea.vor :•.,.. 1:30 P. Mo ~ aame or ·t tle Be88OID. Be 8UI'e Evening ~ - ;/:~ P • .IL To ' Comel . Midwweek ~ IM!!1iIoe Wednead&y nilPht .._ ":30' P. ¥. _ _', Loyal Sona and Dalll'hters Ctaa. ••. ' ,-" The Loyal 8on8 tUld Da.~tera MT. 80 ... '1' lIrIETIIODao',A' ~, the ""' ....... ft ._ Qh"-'" e CBt1BCB ' ... "'_ _ L"'~ ...... '. ' . _ ......- of l4r. a.rid 'Mrs. Walter Frs.T,"H, 8Cad'~ I!fIn1a&er "8ure~ ' '''on .........6~ . , ... ~.'" <U.u= ""'" Bund&y 8Chool - 1:30 A, K. ~ bualn~ meeting, a. IlOC1&l Ell IA. E8rniu\.J!t,' IU~. . was enjoyed with refreabWOlJdUp aervkle - 10:30 A. II. ' mI!IIU ~ by the boBt a.nd.boEtEy,eD.lns Ift'VIce - 'l:., p~ M. eel. .


·u___ _1M.. . ....;._ ....

. '<


~ averap P*e



".far ...,






Jogs 8Ild IIIIIQIar JUl- .st.aodkIs timber :nile :K aDd 16 J*' pOMpcJoed ceat ftIIiiiiecUveJy til 1M3 OVC' .1M2

. . . laI.....




to Mrs. DellIab M!I.lera pnlp-

erty bent.

Mt/i, Willlam Bellrdall .1IPI!IJdIIla

1Ih1l week with 11er d&u8b., Mn. . Edmond M1naeI', 1D Daytoo. Mr. and 'M1'8. Lcren Rot,..m of Fn«lklln were f3unda¥ e~ en.. ner gueSIB of Mr. and Mm. ~ Wlla.rton. 'Ibe Woman'6 Sodet7 of ~ church served dw lunch _ tile SUTface S8!le. Moo<Iay. aM oett.ed a neat s~ Mr, ami Mza' Everett. l!IBI'b' &lid Mfa, J. B. J'onea atteocted hlIIteU. .

!\.loci Ul4 ~ at 14le ~

Star at Harveyl!lburg•. OIl ~J ' ovm'lns. . . .' for J(I.llU£1, ~bi::uII.ry a.nd Mr. a.nd Mm•. Frank KuI:UB. ;un.. wUl ~ flle¢ IWith one appU- Wiilbur Foulks, Mr. S . K :Bunlel* cat;top' for payment. App1ica,tlons and Mr. Kenneth l!Qx m ··XeJWr. and evl(Ience for ,this period w1ll be V1S1tors, ThlJlB<1ay. . aooepted <lIt ·the county off1ce begtn_ BIRTH rung Aprll 1, 1945." Mr. a.nd iMnI. liiSmmld ~ ~ Dayton an! e.rinouncmg the b1rt.b Eutern Star Meet )f & daug.JJter; M&roella .t&CJ1e1b:1e. at Mbm1 veney hclepital ~ A number of the local Eastern 15. ~. ~ - . W~ Star members are planning to atare · e proud 3l'&D4-PM'tend the DiBtI'ict meeting to be ents. ""- 1"1.._ _ • held at M8.son ~ W-ednesda.y, Feb~"".1a I4enc:lellball spen't rua.ry 7. A busmesa meeting will be ~ w1tAh Mr. BIldI Mrs. Du'l held a.t ten A. M., covered dish dIn- Men.deohali Blld f1lOlUy in W~ Ile!r at noon hour and a. school V!1Jle. . Mire Clara ~... ~. of 1nst4'Uct1on in the afternoon. . ~J a.nd Mrs. LeBUe Gmy and daugbter speot ~ _ A M _ W'l.tlh .....!Ii GRANGE WILL HOLD SOLD "'IUD. elm}lmr1ck. f~ '~~m~t.I\. H~Q1'.

ford, Herb Oollett and Bud

.t o 101.....,."".'t. ~ ~ The Motherlind Book. J. B. MlOIun U&I7 IJIIflII!t.4q baa 1166 . . Wde&:..lI':raMIre, fte . . . lIrDl UDta1 tbe ftIUlM' . . . . . time ka ~, 'ltie ~ ftre ~ meet III . , ..... wiIIb lire.. dUe to . . . . . fIrCIiD l'eP!IN Of 20,000 .ump...

, ..'lbe llt& ... 1'OIl bM ~ COIl-

~ tedUtaeilll'Clm. UIM or but IIWl PIVfIdII HI' ctfWID. .

'nom the way the loca.llads stairt-

runaway afflltlr. In ttw !1rst qua.rt«, Ludlng>ton hit the hoop fqr seven points and Ha.rt.sock dropped in three po~ wbile Bud .G ET IN YOUR LeMay and Hs4'old Rut.berfotd 001\- DAIRY SALES SLIPS tp.~ parsonage Tuesoda¥ evemog. tributed three poU).t.s to ~ a.1wrurl's M~ lI.b..e regular meet1ng Rev. 600re. The seoand Qoonter went on 1Mr. Harold Sluup, member of the and ~, ~~ ~ mresh- in the same Dl8lIIIler with HarUIock, County A. A. A. 00mm1t.~. uraentm.ent.. Shoup, and Brodley adding two ly J;equested ~$ to fl1e ~1r ~~ ~ ~ QIlf IJCOl'@ ap~'lteJV~ Da1ry. ~ AppUoat1on andevtTHE WOMAN'S SOCIETY 0.. Jo Collett M\~ ~ Ito 'lib. SOOl'e of deiwe for November BInd December CHRISTIAN SERVIa: the Alumni, lJlBkins toe tally at tile production and sales before FebThe Woman's Soc1'E!ity of 0lu1st1an halt 16-14 m favor of the loceJ nl8lY 28, 11945, 80 'that' rpaymenta for met Thtutlday o.t Spert.a.ns. these months may be Aftei luncheon, 0. b.'USlrless meeting In the secood 00lt the AlUDlIld "We ~ making ~ts W6B iheld. The topic lfor the PI'OI!1'8Oi really got in the groove. Herbie 001- for two-month periods and tben alwns. "Open DoOrs Which No MB.n l~ 00Baed 10 e1(!jht poinlta and Bud 10W'1ng 60 day. for f1l1ng applications Ca:n Shut." LeMay Wo. ~ e.nd Bedt- and evidence for tUl\Y period," ~; ett added three po1ntB to our acore. 8Juwp ~Ja.1nfd. "'l1h1s p~~ ST. ~'I"S EPISCOPAL lin Itlhe fmal qua.rter'Harokl Rut.hergood for November...~

Aooompllabed ~ the 'aves:1dJw ,Bunnell and .l\Oaa Monimla, BuMeU &nd dW'1n4r:7thte.1IOCIa.l boI1r ~1JIiI!I1l-1 "'----,....... 0Nek 0iUrab. ' mente weze·'8flIl'Wd· by, .t he Mother'. CIa1I


ho~ or Mre. WID 1RoaB, Wed....tq a.tWrnoon. . Ford ~a.rage; J:a.nuary 26, MQrrolV. Mr. nad Mm LealIe ~ and Mayor s Office; Ja-nuI\JY 20, Frank- M!rB. Warren Burfa- -~ .. - a' b··.-I. lin I"'Ity B""'" J ......, ........, IID& ,~. ' ...._ng; · 1UlU:!U'Y 3D, 31, ness trip to Lebe.noo ~ LeOOnon, CoUllt HOU6e. Mr. a.ndJ aIofta. Ohar~ ~ and family moved ~ 110m

(Herbde) QUIett, .JtUl~ 22, 2Gj 24, 'LeIb6.non, Court <Jeorge ~ca1. l\ouse, .Januuy 26. WaynesviW'\


~ 80Cl






REGULAR MEETING TIle reg.ula.r meeting of 't he Famlers' Gra.nge will be held tb..Is Satmda..y everung lilt 8;00 ,Po M. with the new officers ~ A duet by Jennie Lee IIIld WUhemen1a Bralddock, SOloS by Bobble H.ast1nga, repor.t of Stalte Grange by LetcmaI'd He.l'ba,ugh and trames

lIbe f1l.1'IJl of Mr. a.nc1 Mrs. W. A. 5UI1face waa IlOld SatU!'day til J\Ifda'e RoberIt Nevin of Dayton, 1XJc' 111000. I'he sale of cha.ttels on MDnda.Y wu :tmded by a large crowd ~ .

~ ,snow storm 8I1ld cold 'ftat.ber. • and Mrs. Surface ' will IllDWI to ~ where Ibhey ~ed property. Tbeir gm,nd-eoo. ban. have been planned for.the program. a.Id Surface, wW 8OOIl' be Indudbed 't he armed!orc:es. FBlENDSIDP CLUB '!be F1riem!sh1p Club met at tlhe WEST WA'YNE


,home of Mrs. Mable DaVls·m. Wed- ADVISORY COUNCIL nesdaIy, Janu8l'y 10. De~ were led Ib y. rMr& iPea.T1.R1ah a. short' The We8t W,.;.."..:,.. AdPIb~ '!g folloM!<i . .An in- met at bb.e hCllJle .....,.- of Mr. '"-.I;and




re..,.. .. was .........., .vy ""e ~tA!Ie tiiWOinbed to 'send lettlel's ~ aLl'da to 1"elaIUVC6 of members Wtlio are In 88l'V1o'e e.nd 'to I\'.h18 time 11. 1lotaJ. or 29 CU'CIB anld Jettlelrs 'have tleen .....

- - .


frvin Mu1!ord on ThUJ'llda,yl~. The topic of :tlle 11M ohoeen by the d15c..g,on leader, Mr. ,lawrence Brown;' 1\ond he ,U8ed fJiIr


'b Is sUbject, ~ Of &be Free .~ '.' 'Iti6·"VU ·follCiftd Mt«' ~ a. eocial by 8fivei.a1 ~ Club",,· . 'WU ~ and +n hlChUalbt ~ Joun1ed to meet with 111'. aDd .... """"'kID, !In. MOble ~y Harold ·W bitIItw· \n l'IIb...." read a ~ of 1JC)e1IlIr Wd.tteIl by· lI'olJIowtDc meeUi18 . . . . . 1aW BUmett 1ft1IWer, 8; tormer ft8ldIeut waa eIItJQ1ed with del"*- .,...... Of UIU ~~. IIOWI'EIIIiIdIq bJ' tbe bIII& 1IId·- -·,·



a. m .... __





T~ursday, lunary





Maet J'CIIInI mOthen Ole this modem -.Y. to ftIIe\<e Il1I1eries of children'. W1da. At bedtime they rub' Vlcks ... ~qb ~ tbro.t. cNist and b3ck. , Grind re1Id'~ u VapoRub, .•

A,LIies Shilt Weight 'oT Attacks Against Nazis to BeLgiu,": Front; VitaL Issues Face New Congress

' -_ _ _ _ _ _ Re leoaed by Weste"! Ne wJ1)ope r Unton . ( E DITOR' S NOTE : Wb.o oplllion. or. espr •••• d In lb ••• e.l.mDO, Weltera Ne w. paper Ualon ll De '" a •• I,eta ea' Dot Dee .... rn' .f

" IUETlAJES to upper bro~ ......1Oth1t..pedalmedicina1vapqrs. a..~TES chest and back IW'" like • warnurur poultic;e. Often by, m()l'n1ng most of the llllaeWoftbe~ Is pie IRemmmer_

OILY VAPoRUB Cites You this spe-

cial double aCtion. It'll time-tested. Iaarne:1xoWd ••• the best-known home

iC~~fyICKS '. c:oIda. VAPOAU.


I· ri~





,... ""....I,......f .Ite Iat. . _II'ta" ..hlel....... . . . _ a _I... atll_act ta ... .....u ..I. . . . . . . _ .. ' .. "' ••ta.lI.h""


_.....,..,Ifty ...............1,....., 0"

.11 Mrh

..... . ' . .Ida It I. ..... ,al*, _ . " ......... ad tI.. w ..,... ., 111. . . ., 00cMI-

rid! Co. , , If CI!IYot)O IIC1. any doubt obout ",. , ~' of Ih. trvcIr mortClv., ,ho only hal to !mow that ODT fll_ ih_ that tho truck GIld trUck tradon of. tit. _Iry fI!III lIP ,d_ t ...a bilion 1111••• year 01 roocl traftL That calli fat


' ~


Well-Fitting Slip

With the l!lurOJ)4!an war havln, taken an unfavora~lle tum, and th.e natlon'lI total re.ources needed for continued r~cord production of war materials, there win be Uttle im· provement in Itockll of civilian goods through 1945, the Wa.r Produc· i Ibe, or. U•••• 0' tlon board pl'edleted. "bl, a ••• pa,.r.) With the froum stockpile down to 411,000 units, and resumption of product,ion unlikely unUl after the Euro-' pean war when 'alJinost six monthll will be needed for r'econverslon, mechanical refrigerators 'will 'r emain practically unavallilble. If manufac· turers can start (lin production ot 3'15,000 all·steel Ice!·boxes, civilians will receive about 116.000 a Quarter

For Larger Figure DoD'c ta1k-dOG'c .preed rumors. DoD'c coosh-doo'c .prad aenzu. SmIth 1Itct. Couah Drops, IIllck or Meotbol. are am .. toOthla. and dc1iclOl1l .. ncr-and they atiI1 COlt 001, a Dickel.



Of 35,000 electric ranges authorIzed for 1945, civilians are to get M per cent, while aboUt 1,200,000 electric Irons will ' be rulsembled, Some aluminum kitchenware will reach the market but out,put of cast iron, enamel and ,alvanlzed utensils probably will remain down. prlmarlI)' because of manlPower shortages. Although WPB authorized produc· tlon of 319,492 vaC1uum cleaners In 1945-0 fraction olt the peacetime output of 1,903,000 annually-actual manufacture may f'all short of goal. Because of the increasing scarcity of lumber, the IIUP,p ly for furniture III expected to remain short. ProducDemocratic leaders leavlll« white bouse after pow-wow with Preslde~ tlon ot innerspring mattresses will Roosevelt berore openin, of 19th CODl1'ell inclUded (leU to rlcht) Vice be negligible for at least six months. President WaUace, Speaker Rayburn, Senate Majority Leader Barlde,.. Only ,for Imall' electrical appli· PrelldeDt.Elec' Truman, anel House ,MaJority Leader McCormack. ances are prospec:t ., described all brighter.

Tables Turned With U.S, torces having reacted quickly to Field Marshal Von Rund· atedt' s great winter olJensive, which carried deep into the hilly Ardenne. forest, the big German bulge In • outheastern Belgium shrank under th~ steady hammering o.f the Amerlean First and ' Third armies plough. ing forward In swirling blluards. , As elements ot the First ,and Third armles punched at the western nOle of the Nazi bulge, other units of thelle tried battle torces gouged Into the north and .outh flanka and ad· vanced within a dozen mUea of each ' other, threatening to cut the German sack In two.


With bOth aidea brl.ngbi, their beavlest weight to bear in the wltherml "batUe of Belgium, IIDd with _____~~-~-.....,_-- Von Rundstedt leemln,l)' deter· to continue the flght 10 the , .AzdeJme,II, the enemy appeared temporai1I:v IUccee.ded In I UlCrllllU' the .truggle away from the Ruhr ,and Saar valleyl, heart hli heavy IndUltries. ' A. UJe ' AlUea threw their fllD weleb' loto the battle, It waa r~


that elemeDt. IIr the Brit.

lab Second 'a rmy Joined the U. S, Flnt In 'the aUacu on the northern Bank or the bulee, and Field MarShal ~.lIt"omel')' ,wal dven

.verall command of 'oreel In W. sectOr. Not ' o~y the' BrUllh SecoDd bllt element. or the I1,S, Ninth '.od' SeveDth armlea alllo were moved Into' the line to mout lDoreulll«' presllure, ,the Nasi. sal•• With the withdrawal of the major atrenJth of the Third army from the louthern end of the western front, S. troops dropped back from exholding. In ' the Salll' , 'a nd Palatinate In the face of heavy, German p~es8ure designed to exploit th" 're!lUgnmen't ,of forces.

ew Regimes Europe'll troubled political a(falrs two new turns, with the forma· of a liberal govel'lUitent in IGr'ee(~e expected to end civil .trffe, and the RUllslan - sponsored Lublin comDlittee'1I estabUshment of a pro,overnment, ,for Uberated It..l·ritIDrv looked upon to further the Polish problem. Although Gen. Nicholas Plastlrall assumed leadership of the new G~eek government, principal att~· thm 'was focused on Foreign Minis· WAS H\M\8LED ter John Sotlanopoulos, 57-ye,r-old ~D BEATEN AT HOME. BUT agrarian liberal, wholle inclusion in WHEN THE PRINCE SAW HER the cabinet foreshadowed a .um· cientl)' llberal pollCT to attract ,reo AT A BALL, HE INSTANTLY volting LefUstll. fEU IN LOVE WITH HERo. , In declaring Ita elf the provisional go,'enlJ1llent of liberated Poland, the committee, which favors tel'. FAMOUS AsA I rlLUCI11U concessions to the RUlsi8DI SVMBOLo,.PURlTY • regime friendly to Moscow, ,AND,SWEET, WI;tOLE· clashed with the AllIed· backed SOME GOODNESS, , POUsh government-in-exile In Lon· THE 'NV-MAID doD, , which contests Red ' iand GIRL l'ERSONtFiES claim. and radical Internal locial THE' ~ " ........~- ~llcle. . . MARGARINE :1' .-IFIED BY , fII Ml\KEJf. TO 'BE , Reliable and uncolored reports emanating from lnalde Germ8ll1in. --rA'~ dicate that the Nazis appear to po.Ie.. boA1 the manpower and the mao terlal to' .trln, out the war on the "e.iera front. ' " : ' n took Von 'RUildatedt'. llgbtnlnl IhruIt into Bet.ium with 200,000 m~ to point up "the 'Gerg'I8D1" abW~ to repienllh their ahattered weiIterD ,armI.. after the rout iii I'ran!le. Theae troOp.' ~pply of

PACIFIC: Step Up A.ttacks With General MacArthur'1 to.r ces consolidating their poslUons in the central PhlJlpphies, U, 5, airmen stepped up their attack on enemy lhipplng and Installations about the main Island of Luzon to the north. At the lame time, carrier • borne aircraft blasted the Japs' big air bases of Formolla and Ryuk:ru, 8erv· Ing as reinforcement centerl for the Philippines. ' , . 'l'be, anxious Japi themaelve. looked nervously to an American In. vallion of Luzon, with the enemy trying to cqmfort himself with the assumption. that he ' had .umclent force. to meet a thrust there, and .borter suppl)' lines favored him. Not only did U. S. bo'm bardment of ahipplng about Luzon hamper the movement ot materialll about the main illiand Itself, but It alBo 1m. periled the movement or matetlal to the .outhem Islands.


******************************' Good Buy for Yon!


In 1945.

BII' even a. UJe F1n& drove 80llthward 'rom JIIalempre ana the ThIrd Dorlbward 'rom Loll«. Cla&mpa, Voa .... dltedt ';'as • portecl ..HiD. ap • Dew '~IDIO lbae b'aII.ny back from' ,bla deepea& peaetiatloD, wWt mOil« Nul. aJ1Ilored 'ermaUona throw· la, III conataDt eGlIDter-aUaoka III a l1eac1ly of attrlUOli Ie co"er 11» tile m."e,


1945 Prospe~t;s '

18, 1NS

Good By for Ja,pa!

******************************• GEE-SHE LOOKS ",. TODAY Slenderlzlnr Slip

ANheavier IDEAL slip for the slighUy figure. This well fit·

r-----~--____, ting slip has darts to give it figurehugging lines, and built-up shouI~ House Wanted ders that stay put. Nicely tailored '------------~ panties make an attractive ensemHavln, IIterall)' IlUPg himself into ble. • the 8enate, Idaho' '; crooning solon, Sen.-elect Glenn Taylor sought to Pattern No. 8138 comes In sizes 36, 38. .ing himself into a home In to, 4Z, .., 48, '8, 50 and 52. Size 38. sUp .nd pantle. requires '\~ yards of 3lI or 39crowded Washington, D. C. Incb material. Gathering hill attractive ~runette Due to an unusually large demand and and two chlldr'e n about him on current war condItions, SUghtly more time cold steps oi 't he capitol, and .. required In fIlllng orders ' for a few ot



IhlI most popular pattern numbera.

Pattem NO. , ••••••••••••••• Size ••••••

.YOU BET JOU abow It wIleD tho'e erae1 paint .hoot throulh ann.. neek. back or lei" Do .omel/tinf. Rub PD IOUTON. LInIment. Get tho ble_d relief of Soretono', cold 1aeoJ. actloD. QuicldJ Somollo

Name . •. •••••••••••••••••• "•••••••••• .

acta 10:

.EWlNG CIRCLE PATTERN DEPT. 130 80uUa Wen. SL Cbluco

Enclose 2lI cen.. In cow for each



Addres.l ••• ~ •••••••••••••••••••••••••••

SORETONE soothes fast with



J. DIla:ce .fIT/_ ",,,will')' WoeHl


%. Clu!elr m~'ar cnm",.

London's Pillboxes

!. Enlaance locfJI drClllatl.oa. 4. Be'p ""'-8 'oad -uIn,. DeftioDed by dse ,.mOUl Mdt..





London Is now demolishing the 80D IAboratori.. SontoDO it a anIquo 'onnula. SomODO eontaint .... TQIoi ,w. 'm any pillboxes erected in 1940 to MUSCULAR PAINS methJI lIlieybla, a mOlt eledlve CONGRESS: , defend the city against invasion, pa~ Ilent. Forfateat 10Roll& Up,Sleeves OD ilia battered banjo. say. Co1!ier's. Although c~ncrete doD, ,.. diy, rub in . . . There's , Taylor putred: ' forti8cations, they were never deSORE MUSCLES 'oDb' 0l1li Soretoae-iDliJ& OD it fol' In allemblina for Itt ftnt lellion. . ' tected by the aerial cameras of Soretone rwnIta. W. Bi.. 10lIl. the '1ttb 'COllIl"U' faced • '1tIl! job 0, ~ ~ die capitol the enemy, being ingeniously cam-, IutIq bollia, II, " MINOR SPRAINS OD both foretan .~ well .. domestic a yrrd ~ iUtil.Wwr.a c.- oui!aged all J1ew88tan~, lnforma-:. blue., re1atin, not onl7 to the IUC."lay. ) tiOD booths and slmllar sman clAM pro~ecution of t,b~ war, but I"" one room or lillO, -r old tid,., structures. ~ permanent peac~ a. ~ ICIill i&-;- . For some time, they even de" In international atram. of course. O. _ r:tI11" find a 'fu..c. Co .,..,1" celved passers~by, despite baving recent in~ld~tI in Pola~d" Greece VnW the Senator". 1O~.strikes • SUch facetious signs 8S: "Closed and I~ are ~eat~ to lead to- responsive chord in .ome landlord'. SUndays; not open during the ward congreAlonal pressure for a heart, the Taylor., wD1 live in a week." .trlcter definition of our foreign ' policy, while attention also will be devoted toward the development of UN.AMERICANlSM: an organization to prelerve the '. , peace with proper relpect toward To Resume InqlnrJe$ the Intere.ts , of 'all naUons. The new houle had barel)' settled On the home front, the manpower Into its lIeats before R,ep. John Renproblem will 'r emain forembst, with kin (Miss.) .et it .go, by pushing need for milntalnl~ an adequate through \he formatl,on of a new com· mittee on un-AmerJlcan activltiel to production force and at the Ume meeting military demands for .ucceed ex·Rep. Martin , Dies' demore men. 'l'be Une agalnal Inlla- funct investigating committee. bit' tion alBo will have to be held In tHe ter target of liberal elements. face of hIgher wage ' and price de- . Repreaentjltlve RaiIldn relorte4 to , ~ands. a legislative, coup In havln, the approye, the IOr,~tion of a FARM DRAFT: committee, ludderu;, in.ertIn, hil proposal amendment to Seek ¥ outh. , " ' the rule. being conaldered for the Alsertlng that War Food Admlnla- current seslion. Sev,enq Democrats tratol' Marvin Jones had advised Joined 137 RepubUcans In voting for hJro that n~ critical , ', the proposal while 188 votes .were reduction in farm counted against it.. . production would , Unlike the Dies c~oziunJttee,vJhlch resuit, War ,Moblll· concerned Itself 'wlltlt" inveatl,atlon, I a t Ion Dlrectol' the new committee OD un-American Jame. F. Byrnes actlvitlea will hav'e the P9wer to called for the inducdraft legislation fl~t correcUon or Uon of deferred abusel and lIubmlt it to the hOUie farm work~ra befor passage. tween 18 and 28 years of age. BANKS: There are approxi. matel)'364,OOOyoung J. F. BfJ'IlH U. S.'~ Biggest men In thI. group, Biggest bank in the world, the It wa. revealed, and' Bymel asked Chase National of New York wound Selective Servrce to appl)' the moil Its 1944 buslneu with a record· crucial standards in the further de- breaking total of $5,I80,OM.OOO In referment of all1 ot them: With ,the sources, of which ~l,835,219,OOO were army call1ng for young men, he said, depositll. Holding o'f government liethe only alternaUve would be to In. curltle. reached aIuioit , $3,000,. duct 26 to 29-year-olds in war Indus- 000,000. try, a move which the War Produe- Not far behind Chale'. wa. the tion board warned mlght hamper National City Bank of New York, apunltlons output. with assets of $4,489,686,485. or Farm 8tate lena torI were quick to which $4,205,0'12,012 were ,in deprotelt Byrnes' action, Senators pollts, Allo of New York, the Guar· Reed (ltan.) and Johnson (Colo.) anty Trust compan; ftnllhed the citln, department ot labor .tati.t1c. year with resource!! of '~,B28,18I,\1B2. to show that the average work week Biggest bank Wiest of the AIleMen'. lives depend an supplies by iir when advance combat units art cut off 10 indwtry dropped to t6.1 houri in ghanles, the COntinental mmol. Na. ,In enemy territory!. Battell:-powered parachute lighti quickly IIIlde fight~ tlonal Bank and TnDt 'company of one year ended September, 1944. Said Johnson: "From these Ita· Chicago wound' up 19H W1~ $20818,. Jill men, to essen~lal food, ammui1l~on and 'medlcal !HluipmenL Batteries help light" tttUcs, it doesn't take a smart man 821,039 In resource!., ' of i which '$2,. the way to'Vlttory on every fig~tina frOnt- t~afs why they Irt not' av~lIabl. to discover way. and meRDI of de· 4t7,'1tll,085 were iIll depo'. ltl. ' Th. , creasin, the manpower Ih'o n. bank beld oyer 114 'bJWon' dollan . 'here lit home. Use your batteries sparinaly, ~ . keep them a,e. , • • .. in ,overnm~t .ecurl~u. CoQI ~n~ dry. BurgeSS BatterY CompanYI Freeport, Illinois.



"w.t:...,. •


.1 an


Herf!tS} ,Gfll~ry

~! grOIl revenue. of tsS,a9,OOO, ,"

L.;,,-------__ ----'I~e Tennellle. VaIJeJ' , .utbo~UJ' Maj. Oi'vll ' Ande'rIOJi, realized net incomo q" Qen. ,


,deputy commander Of tleu£ Gen. Jimmy, D~Utt1e'. Eighth-air ' Ja well kiIowJl' ~, sclenU~ta, and men 'in ' Walh1n~ a. the pllot in 1835 guljIed the , WOI-Jel'. 'larilit balloon to tIie peateat hel,ht ever attained by man. The· beUum.l1tted IJalloon climbed to. 13.71 mile•• remalnln, there for near!J' two boun paa. A weapons alIo Iocuaed atten· for Obllerv8UOO Of DumelOUi .cleDtIaD GIl the Hula' industrial machine. Wic pb~elJa Cd tile uj,per . '


power operatlona for ' the J'e¥ end· in, June 30, 1~ E1ectdc1~ pto. exceeded 1.0 blWOIl Idlowatt houri aP!1 the a,'III1OJ' alIo . out 100,000' tons of calchml carbld. for I7Dthetlc rubbtlr. l"~CIIID toni Of

tum. '

ammonium n1tra.te for'...tertWaer,': Ud t,~ toni of d1c~cl~~te for mixed atoct feeds. ' ' Partb' beea1lM of ..tIIe draft, TVA ,mploJment dropped to 21,000.

n.ln~ Twice lefore Yoi. Tra.,."


Thursday,. January 18, 1145


Kathleen NOl~i·is ~,ays:

. ,

'_1J6kiBg at


What Can Parents Do About It?



""'4u" ••• "u,¥ue,uu,UiIi

Improved i/o,.". I"lema/io"al




-:- LES'S ON .:-




e Pe,n,.. a_ I. • .. la4a.try will aot appl, wilbout at.t.. meaf 01 ..,allablllr, 1'018 .11.1, local UaltMl State. ..,p/o,meat SeTTle..


Of The Moody BIble Institute of ChlcnlO. Releiued by Western Newapaper tlnion.

I'M GOING to leave' my Hollywood Lelson for January 21 beat this time In order to share NURSE'II AID. IS to M yeors. experlenc. unnecessa ry. Solary. roomandboard. Write with you a from "Spec" McOak Rldr. 8aallarl.lD. Oreea 8prl",.. O. Luson subJeols nnd Scripture texts _ Clure. formerly ot my Btaft and now lected a nd convr lllhted by International ............... _ ...... ..,ty ..... HOUSEWORK OR MAID-Glrl to aulst Council of Relliliou. Education; uI.d by Berving with our army In Belgium, with housework In emoll "partmellt In expennll.lon. ~., . . . . . . . Dr. " " ' . 0Ift_ clusive Cleveland. Ohlo. neig hborhood. No I have found no finer expression Ott "';"Ia~fe N. ~. C. .fa".. w . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..w....... children. PrlvBIa room for you. Con 110 out ....ZX Saiar4QT of wbat our Boldlers think about and STANDARDS OF mE KINGDOM nlllhts . Good .010..,. plus room and boord. Very pleasont home. Experience not nece. 11100 A. M., Eo W. T. their hopes tor the post·war 'world. euItt ....... .,... . . asry. We wlU pay fare here. Phone collect _ .I!I_.-"IA .... Cleveland. The army nurBe to whom Spec WIllS "OPI ~ LESSON TEXT-Matthew 5:3·10, 43-48, 0 .. LOnllocre 6487. or wrllo 8. W• • auallD. 188018. "oollla"d. Clenl .... II. o. GOLDEN TEXTBlessed are they paYI tribute In this letter WBI 10100 A. M., C. W. T. which are perseculed for rlllhteousness' Frances Slanger. who was killed b)' CllalDllar...alll~, lUte"." Delp .... nursln • WAl'O waOL "AVE WIlli WIll • ake : for theirs Is the klJICdom of buv· attendant •. wrute, male and femole . Expoa German shell October 21, 1944. en.-Matthew 5: 10. R•.DRAKE'S rtence not neceaaary but mutt be Interested ~ ~ In c:arinll for the alck. Nervous and ",enlal Just a few hour. after she bad .'+'Y'+~:+ > hospItal. Salary. room. meal •• unUorma. mailed to Stars and Stripes ber open A kingdom must have laws. and laundry. "Indlor D •• p"al. CII"lrl .. FaU •• O. letter expresaln, her appreciation of here we have the laws tor Christ'l the fighting men she served. :;jr::llln'~ kingdom- the kingdom of beavenAGENTS WANTED Spec' I followl: which He shall one day establish on ' "Dear Miss Hopper: It la Jate this earth. In the Church we have the joy of living as loyal subjects of afternoon. and here the earth Is rela- ~r.;!1'~ tively quiet-al quiet. one might ; Christ. and hence these standard. lay. as the army can ever be-a are for our counsel and guidance. thrum ot distant motors; J;lerhaPI a The verses of this greatest of aU "'l1lI:"'___'" discourses are addressed to those friendly it loud argument or two; lUIP;~"'BABY CHIC~S perbapB a lone G.I. grievously ad. r.I!~.I). ......_.., --..........--'who have actually taken Christ 81 GOLDEN RULE bill busky chled. b'CIIII dressing his Maker over the lal.est ~ King of their lives. These beatieIl.eoM Ine lIocka. proftt by our 20 ,ear. exasperation. . . . tudes are not a substitute tor the ::~ ~~S:~~~~~~~~~~~~~erl~e::rW:.: eospeL They are not laws that the "I . have Intended writing you GOLDEN RULE DATCUERIEII .UIRVILLE IND. unbeliever can keep and thus be something of entertainment here, saved. for this would be utterly imbut since morning I have been think· (J .. I."•• W. Rocks. WhIte possible. Only he who knows and Red., BarredRocka. White Ing ot a dead girl whom I never poultl 1n seoson. Write fol' has caUed upon the power and grace knew but whom I. doubUels lIab,. Clliok Co .. A... of God In Christ can quality to walk with counUeaa others. felt I knew. "Sally htu ewic. beell r.ported ro m. by Ichool aulhoril/iel as /requelltill6 as a citizen ot Christ's kingdom. FARM EQUIPMENT army nurle. and a roadhowu• • mokin«, drillkin«." "She wal , We note two things In this won· tew weeki ago, In answer to the BOO BOU8E. and feeders. Tractor Ure •• derful and instructive passage from tUbel, don and ChalM. Buu: laWI. BDltna' blesslngl the wounded and dying By KATHLEEN NORRIS wire. Puah rok.,.. etc. God's Word : ENTERT'A1N1NG BORNER BALES. B ...... O •• na. Olal.. had beaped upon ber kind. she wrote II . HEAR' td 1 AT HOME I. The Character of the FoUower an open letter to th~ men. It apo ~ a grea, ea of Christ (vv. 3.10). pea red in our Stars and Stripes. about parents reo FEATHERS WANTED The eight characteristics of the And it WBI a model of ~ .elftes. sponsibility for juve· .4 mother admit, that she rEATDERI WANTED. NEW OR OLD here presented are worthy ShIp or write to 8TERLING FEATHER devotion. a humanlty. and an In· nile delinquency," writes he. failed. Her two daughtera Christian c.., III N.rtJI Broall ..a,.. St. Llala•••• of extended individual attention. but tegrity one thtnka extinct. . . . Marna St. John from Seattle, lind her IOn hollJe been seeking we can ofter only brief suggestiona. "She wrote al a G.I. Jane to a "but not much about what their puuuure'l away from "Blessed are the poor In spirit" FOR SALE G.I. Joe deeply Invol:ved in a blood,. and how and why and wlIen horne sinee th4~r early teeru. speaks of humility a8 a commend· 40 BBL. MIDGET Marvef Flour Mill. ele.,.. businesl called war. asking not for parents can do anything about One daughter Ihos gotten into able quality. How contradictory the vIc power. two moto.. , Meal RoU., Com understandin,. expectin, no mercy. It' Cru.her. larll. bulldinll. Garalle nnd bQ present-day phllosopby. whicb calls .errow trouble: the other. on· boun on mlU lot. Not able to work and but glvin, to her limits in both. :'Ourl ill a normal household of mUll aell. Price ".000.00. cau or write ly 17. IuJa b61en frequenting tor seU·assertion and seU-reUance. N.I. HOLMES Comradeahip father. mother. two girls. one boy, • ....... t•• 0 ..1•• roadhowe. cuul other danger. But Jesus W81 not mistaken. The "And we knew there wasn't a false Imall Income. no servant, one car. way Into the kingdom of heaven II OUI place.. ThE~ boy, in second word In the letter. . . . We knew It My girls. 19 and 17. have jobs. Marnot that of assertive seU.lumciene,. DOli" FOOL LAND FOR SALE yeor high aclaoo'. brings hi. tor OlD' world; and we grlnned In ,aret make. good money In a local ''Blessed are they that mourn." frienda 10 lhe howe, but \he The world does not believe that (lautomla Tu.DelhiQueDt Lauds appreciaUon. knowing that we read defense plant. Sally hal a part-time at fr.ctlon of true valuea: deec18 seems 10 "live a life of his .tatement. It shune the house at the letter of a airl alread7 dead, job and keeps up with ber college eIlract from State: inquire TAX LAND BSo H.I.'S FAS' 1.L1.' and her WOrdl fixed be)'ond ltudlel. Mart la In second year higb. own." There is litde family mourning. It tries without avail to fOil ACID IIiDMIDlIONlSAB(JH. P. O. B •• ..,. (Jatllarala, "Marlaret ill a good, quiet, prettion. They were aealed with unilY or real (,ffectiora. They philosophize away the tact of lor· IUIEF ONE-lese blood. . . . ty girl. but Ibe hal alwaYI been lultJe only G nlruJll howe, and row. The Christian. on the other POULTRY 111111 TWO-I" ,..,•• "During thiI war. al both disco~tented. feeling berself loci ally Ihe girl. feel z,lMble 10 enter· hand. feels with his fellow man and Inlll IHIII-l.... ..., . . . HEB. III J'Ol1B CDAM(JE to ,et the ,.,. and loldier. I've leen Ideals tram· bandicapped. SaUy ill Independent. thus . receives a blessing. One can raOUl TownUn. R. O. P. bnedln. In yoUI' 'ain ar home: IllIEF FOUl-E.• ...., .... pled in the mud b)' those who most plea lure-lavin" not aftectionate or lAlhorll. Barreel and WhJts Roc:k chlc"l .t really learn from lorrow. ordInaO'· batch• ..,. price.. Alao .toorc:.. Mil. Norri~t', in' reply, leUs mIFFI~-I""'" profell to uphold them. I have.een domestic. Mart lIeems to live a lite lA,hom Croaa with Townllne Le,hona I walked a mile With Pleuure: of II family .he know. who For the PreaervatioD 0 - ' . cow ....lIieu 1M ",..1 ...... 1•• braedln •• Write for FHa edueaUonal c.tathiI too otten to have much faith of hta own; bil boy friend. are al. Sh.e chattered aD the w&),. 10. lUultraUn, Townlln6 breedln •• T ..... .... t e _.. lived contentedly in G .mall But left me none the wiser lett. And I have leen, a. aU waYI here. in the basement, or he IIIie ....Ilr7 B •• ~N, Z..Iu., .1 .... ....... tor ...... nIW. A_bIaaOf the Americau _ ...... ................ ... -. . _ _. .,.. _ make an bonest effort must, a la Qf! with them in their b8lem~ts. For aU Ihe ' bad to lay •. lind humb~ dwelling. yel wlao .and form. of belra)'al anel IncldentaUy we have a IpacioUi. knew all ,he "but people." I walked a mUe ' with Sorrow. Way of Life Seabees warm, weli·Ughted basemen.t. Ity. And in wearinell J have And ne'er a word aald llIe: The young ,Iolks were quite myself a thouland times nothln, Go to K'oadbOURll. But. ob: 1M th1n81 I laanled from ber The Seabees started o~ In OctO. popular. Gfti1 had company at Wheb Sorrow walked with me. _~___________ Iber. IMI. with an experimental mained to believe In-that the "Never havln, had money enough COLD . Twme mod of.aIae time. dent enemlel 01 to enable my -cirls to entertain. or "Blesled are the ·meek." Poverty group of 99. In .Tune of 1944 the~ and lporance-were too rreat take their place In society. I can·t I of spirit comel when a maD rigbU)' were 282,000 of them. oUr mortal atren~ to conquer. blame them for tlndln, their plea .. perl" I have .e,eD Phll anhdelllllnlllBees himself, and hal a .lympathetic now I know' that 't his II not \Uel away b'om bome," the letter a. eagerly and . . .1tlUully toucb with sorrow. Then he "In. ,ether rilht. • • • ,oe. on. "But I teel deeply the dis· to pack a picnic lunch as any herlts the eartb," because be tru. advanta,el uneler which they have women could. It rtllght be 1y comes to enjoy it 81 a place of 011. Ray 01 Hope . had to aufter. I am al diltrel.ed epplel, buns. frelDktUrterB. but b, service and Christian growth. and "For ,lOm.where in"the 10rcUd. 9ver Mar,aret'. periods ot deprel. the time the Martina and thell not because he has a deed to a sin. lab, shameful bUlinesl that lion al over Sally'l irrelponslbility friends had dragled themselvel tel gle toot of its soil for COUGHS due to COLDS Mau... 11"';1.....IfI.. rra.....I. po....... , .... ,ra." ...111 wid! up moat of our petty Uvea there and Indepeildence. Margaret'. case the top of some bill, or ,one of! ill "It II the hunger aDd thirst tor P"W ... t_at. H ... • . . . . ,. Plral. nobility that will not periah. is lerious enouah to have needed the rickety car to lome beach, II rIghteousness (v. 6), and not the PdO alat_at ....... I.IIa.84 ..... • really ....hl •• MalU" • -nil••• JIll. ... 1Id11... Saead. men declarlna that nothln, la worth medical advice; Sally bal twice talted Uke nectar to them. : they',. really . : possesslOll' of it, that la blelled" P"SO .Inl ••• ' I.brltat.. ..,...aad, ftgbtlng for' are known to die with been . reported to me by Ichoal 4r1.. , ..__ •• I,a .,.•••• «BdI1...... Games at Dome. (Plummer). SeU. satlalled people _ • •L T.I .... P"ZO .I.t ... te.u their faces to the enemy, refutln, authorities al frequenting road. Father and mother Instituted and know nothing of the glory of bavln, .. , .........IUD' aild elite. bltldl... by their action the wOrdl their lips bouses. Imokin,. drinkin,. Theae Jed the games. i~ this bouse. There their hunger and thirst satlslled b, :. . , :j rev... It·. . . .,. t. . . . . .AZO .1." ,erronte" PI1. PIJ!I .alI..... bave Ihaped. are terrible words to write of one'l were guessing galmes .at the table, God. : ,lIeslle. . . . . I............ Y••, - _ "And I have seen too many fravel daughter, but In my anxiety to find and nobody minified · the fact thaI We have here al80 the Christian'. UII tell , ....... t PAZO .1.t... ,,1. : f) , :' 'lOJNOCUlATE WITH of those who. loving lite al dearly an answer to this problem I wID the enUre meal consisted of one gen. Iplrlt of merey which invites divine Get PAID Todayl At Drugstore s' ' c . , COUGH as I love it, nevertheles.s died In or· not Ipare myselt. I bave worked erous stew Illled with garden vege- mercy' a purity of heart. cleannesil der that .omethlnr · m1aht keep on bard all my lite. am iood cook, tables and buUt ell'ound two pound. of m~d. and sincerity of purpose, _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ m~ne:,er; the house is alwaYI clean of shank beef. Phyllis. the youngel which enable 'a man really to see living. . . . "They lay thil war Is won and and comfortable, and my husband lirl, was as expe.rt a cook at 14 God even in thi, Impure world: that : MilUoDi UI8 F ·.t F ~DgeI to ': the victory la ours. I believe iMI. la a steady, hard-working man de- ber mother was; ev~rybody In ChrisWke spirit which makes him a : civ~thelrthro"'taI5miDu~lOO~ : apeak of wiimin, the peace. voted to hi. family. But he 11 lome· Martin house wal busy, and the, peacemaker In a Ilghtln, world-I lng, oomforting treatment that; • • F _ report that IDoc:uIadoD remalnl to be seen. But this what quiet. undemonstrative. aIid always impressedi callerl In~o help yes, 'that Ipirlt whicb makes him reachel all die way dOUinJ For :j 1ritb NITRAGIN mabe hiaw,.ieJda I do believe: If the common atti. P~ed by what goe. on. eougha, throatlmtat.iODlor hOlU'll&- ;j ing. They never Interrupted any· Uke the Master in sweetly bear _reau1UnglromooldsorllDllking, _ .aad IUft!l' crope. N1T~GIN ~ pod tude ill not chan,ed, it greed II not • I know we bave faned. with a thing that was going on Just be- unjustifted persecution. Theae In. IOOthe with F.t F. &., oJlly 1(ij. .: . crop m-anc:e for enrJ plactiaa of uprooted and Ilncerity restored to il~uroUc ch11d. an unmanageable cause company came. and thl deed are the marks of the man wbo . ~ alfalf" 1eIpedna, IO)'~ ute U a man'. ideal. are lesl than chlld. abd a boy whose Interelts apo young people of my household used follows Christ as King . . . . . ......... It c:mIa it f_ cimb BQ hi.' pur.e and the graves are fot. pear to be anywhere than at home, to come bome t() relate that the, ec:n,"- oal, '. f .. minu.. CD IIlia gotten ~e will not have won the but how have we faUed?" the let· had assisted at putting the MarUIi D. The Conduct of the FoUower af attic in order. nklng the Martin'. Christ (vv. 4-3-48). with t&. aeecl. It'l the olclelc, IDOII war; .'we will not have won the ter endl. paths. or pasting photograpbs In Th~re can possib~ be no more .eWIcIely med. iaocuIam.' PNduc:ed by th 1 th traIaIicllldeDtiIII iii • iDodena ~ peace; we will have I'a er ollt e vere test ot a man s Christian char· Well. Mama, I think' perhaps you Martin Icrapbook:l. tor;. Get it, ill th.,eDow can JUrbcI world. .", . Three of the MartinI acter than the manner In whlcb he have taUed al most of us do. In not My love. SPEC." Nicnp., from your cIeaIU. .. realizing that iood tood, education. most happily; iIIl each case th. treats his ~nemles. Many who pall fill! .................. te ...... MItw .......... Than'_ That Count fatherly and motherly sympathy are sweetheart was one of the familla) the other tests meet failure (at least ......, Mlljll.. CI'OIM. W,lte ......,. -Followioi is part of Frances not enough. We can't be merelY lUests of the household. Phyllis. tht In part) at this point. ....... 1......_1 .... youngest, ill now a WAVE, and r.. It .11 no easy thing to love your - - - " fl ......' pi.......... Slanger'. open letter to Stars and nesative In lolvlng this problem of Stripel. written just before the shell· lafety-moral latety tor our chn. ports enthusiastically .that "all th. enemlel. but ~t is the standard of Christ. and He will enable us to live Ing began which took her ute: elren-we have to .Itruggle and work Ilrll love pencU gamel." Everyone 10vespencU ,ame., up to it. Now Is a good time to UIUA"' ••,NGI "For a change. ' we want tl:\e' men and plan to achieve it. to know what' we think of them. • ., Here In thil coUege toWn where I lUeslln, games, charades. th.. put it Into practice. not 0nI)' per· COM.O.",.. .IUI. IN HOU. rin wriWlg thi. b1 ftash1lgbt. 'The live I often . think of the Martina. atricals. hlde:oand.,o-s~ with th. sonally. but nationally. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _.......;.;...__ G. LI lay we l'OUIh it, but we In and what Mrl. ~artln did tor ber li,bts out. Everyone love. to be There can be no doubt that love litoe 't ent can't lee it. We wade cbUdren. There were tour of thept, drawn Into al~rangementl and for the brethren will be a more Inti· deep in mud. You bave to two bal'l and ~o cirls; they have preparation.. On.e of the MartIJI mate and satislying experience be_ _..:...,....._ _ _ _ _ _-:-.,..-_~. Ue in it. •.• .We have a ltOve ' and Uved for two generations in. a boYI married tllle lonelY, 10velJ cause they return our aftection (Y. coal. We: even have a laundry' line rambUng Ibabby big place Just out daughter Of · one 01 the richelt and 46). Anyone can do that and enjoy the tent. Our G;I. drawen are of town. They . have alway. been atJ,fte.t and dullel,t famille. in .town. it. Enemies often return hatred for thil moment doinJ the dance poor, tor the father 11 an aathma Thla ,lrl used to telephone Bee Mal' our love-they persecute us (v. 4-l). But we are stiU to love them. . pants, what with the ~owl. autrerer and works onIr intermit- Wl wlattully on many a inJ. the teDt w*'V1ng precariously, tently. The 'mother bas helped o~ nlIbt: "Bee; can I come? Aak yow That love must move us to treat the rain beatinl down, the JUDI Ar. the tamtly Income by ~ chil· mother i'n brlnB two roalt chick them kindly and . to pray tor them. ' Someone says. "It can't be done." Ina. • • . ' dren to board, ralalng vegetablel, ens and a layer cake." In her own magnlAcent home th. Yes, it can by the ,race of God In ·"Sure we rouah it. But you, the making cakel and jelly for the WNU-E ch1eken. and the 'layer cue wert Christ. and it is being done. men behind tIie IUDS, driving our Woman'l ~ch~,e. tanka, flyinf oUr planel. sallinl ' Yet hospitality !lnd ,alety and co- -Juat unlDterelttnl: toocI, But on the We need to exercise care lest we IhiPI, buU#In, bpd,el, and the operation . were the rule. of this Martin'. ~ble.i~ lauahter an~ faU Into the e8lY habit ot Ipeakin, 'pave ble 'w81 and the men bame• . ,BI;\d ,lQve was .t he un!ler- love; ~uIJ1, and competing cbal. with derision or Icorn of the un- that wicked. dlulpated current of It aD. ~. have heard Bee. len,e and ··trlwnl~ aU about. the, behind':"lt' Ill ' to jou became food for ~lhe 'oC!l. who hangs around taverna ~~:~.~:4:· =:~'~'· III burled In a ~ oldest Ilr~ ~t ca~lnl sWam. ' It m81 be too liIte for Ma B~ and other queltionable pla..el. Let 'J from th, itr~Wberry bed: "come liDlJUt.alrJ cem~,!laDbd on etther and help me 'ftx th,ae' Ptanta, ~ bOw about you? lit 11 Dever =~arlJ us never condone their lin-that we · mould bate-but may God help us to ~ the men abe .erved. ru' lee what .Mother hal ~II .~ to .tart. . love them and lead them to ~t. " , - II:oeaeIIaIIIie ill ' ...... _. Thil lellon 11 Indicated belnt . .• _ ..... . temPerance lenOD. The applica. :. SJn~ theN • .no pracUcable w~ can on11 be made ~rect1y. meaaure and ration · out the ,.. it ina; have valu.. The us. of and , ~c1tJ 81' " . do the oil &DC II 10 destrUctive of evBrl.' , m~at. the fOVerm~.t IJa, to de~n~ tbln, ·that la ,ood. that ·It . la quite .' CID . voluntary coo:~.ucm. D~ obvious It 11 .not Sa accord with IUIlutiona for .aVlq on la.: . ~dardl of the"!.\om Of .at the c~ ~e: buftia It la time .ome churcb peo. blue: If it dOHll It, c1UD' the declded whether they WBIlt to .... or correct ~ .~liI1m_t JoDI to the world or tie10IIIC to • ~~Iu. burner wHb e ChriIt. . It the latter II par. II&e pot, • lartel' bumer poee. we belIeYe the onJr CCIIUIINae . . . . pot. Oooir Willi al uWe to take II that GI abdIa ••1 u paulbJe. ~.. ... lOW aIcoboUc 1Iquon.


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Watch Your




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amooth arvuments, beautifUl not." To mQe Qed a 11I1i 11 fNfW the alia NIChed. qapltd. H1l1 'from

words in rYthnl

Phone 2143



--------~ ' --------~ Jtntered all ISsUED Subs(,l'lpUon 1'1'ice EVERY $1.50 Per Year 8eocmd CJ.ass Matter __________________- - - 4 M Wayneliville. Ohio THURSDAY Paynbl e In Advance

..... .

~e wu and Navy that many c1villo.n employees do no h&ve enugh work tJo keep 'llhem busy, and hllit many ~flcers are assigned w tasks which civUl!ms could well do. There is n Invites YOU to its services Sunday morning, J anuary 21 general !eellng in tlhat Morn ig, Sel'mon, "The Gl'eatast of Thef'l e Is Love." .. beIore tlaItlonnJ conscription of men and women for civilian work in 'W&4' Evening Sermon, "The Efficacy of Prayer." 1.ndustrles start:; ,t he greatest employer of all, -bile United Staltoo GovChristian Endeavor - 6:3'0 P . M. eJ1Il1llent--£hould ,put its ovm house B\.ble SChool ~: 30 A. M. In order. Incldenally, Ithe number of Evening servlce - 7:30 P. M. cMl18n employees on tlhe FedernJ -~Un1011 - 10:30 A. M. Mill-week prayer 'serv1ce payroll, as of Janua.ry 1st, was near Wednesday night - 7 :30 p . M. the ,t hree and one-:hnU million Sermon - 11:00 A. M,

worten wltaUn

Ol' P1'QIe, aUbltltu- 111100.

tlOllS. co uillierfel t.1ni, in more w-ays thnn we rea.llze !.he Deceiver Seeks UliurpRtfo~ nnd robbery; thl} "mighty h~Ul t)J' BEFORE the Lord." Iu this poem we s e the subtlle suggeS1llon t,lmt God may chan'ge ' Hls plans. Yet He ~YS, "I cban~

Lf we Are

iWJae ~'e will aeeIt kn09t·

led8e and understanding 'of the oorlptures whkh are able to make us wise unto .salVat.lon assuring us peace with no fear to die. . Must the young men nlW'ayS tJe the scape-goo.t.? ,WE



'l'he Cl1rls ~. All ':dead works" of t he prj U100d, tJle rrlcsthoods, all un cUs,, etc" were Ulkcl1 out of ~ holiday season havlng gone We 'way: "naUed to lJ1e crOSS." The by and notices of who dined where Divino MOLil'l l}', H oly SPirit, which h6ve been told. ,t here may be avaU- pl'OOC ds . muk. rom God the F-ather able &p&oe on the pages 01 tile Gaz- Lhrough H.s a pPOinted channel, " CLAUNCI IROWN ....... e...,... ,.. ow. INa. . . ette foc these letters. Remember the Jesus, !.he Word , briugl! invitation u) WrIte? L\!st winter AUCTIONEERING \ sUts : ralLh. COlll title to gnln knowCOllgll'eSSlopall commlitltees tire estimate s\x htmdred thousand mare .the6e letters were lntcresting and edge of hoI', to foll ow Lhe Anointed busy condu.c'bu'lg heaa1ngs on the clvman war ""'OJ'kers will be needStanley and Koolrler cha.lleJ1iUlg untU some one wrote In one, p ower f r obedien ce, hope, joy, recommendaUonS made b y the ed. Secretary of W !lII' I~ pre- For Da.~. Pllvne 2894. WIi..' ·'lea- I ,t h&t they were "fed up." It ,t s surpeace, and lI t the end, sall\lt;!on- P resident, in his message to Oon- dlot.s that practica.Jy o.ll physically v1lle. Ohio. Reverse Cha z'i ' 5 prising how little It takes to fill up If we IU'C willlng. "Neither Js there gress on the Stalte of tIhe ·U nion. quallIied men under <the age of some folks. But this Is not the matBROJ[ERS LICENSE salvation In any othcl', for there is Cor the enaotmem of leg1sla.tlon to thlrty will be called ;to tJhe col<:«'s ter or whlch we Intend to write. no other 118411C tlnd r heaven given compel 4-F ers to Itake wtJr jobs, during the next year. At the preWe rE(ld and re-read the printed among m en whereby we m'llSt be to draJit n W'SeS, and to oonsc.l'ipt Ilell't time tIibe Unlted Btaltes has oopy of. the poem sent to home !o~ saved." AcLs 4:12 . This Is the l!1ibor g.enera.ll~ to assure full pro- a-pproxlma.tely e.l even m1lUon men lly SgIt. Roy .Plank. Its mixture of . Dr. lV. B. PORTER d~l1Ual n ecessary for admlssiol1 "a.t duoUon 01 WIl4' goods. However, under arms. 'IUle n81tiOll 18 engaged pathos, despair and hope crashed In YOUR bOuse." ,n tSny dl1ftculties are beJng tncoun- 111' fighting tw9 .full-sized wars. upon us and left us almost cold-for VETERINARIAN In thls \.oem we flnd no mentlon 'Ihe jD.mled service:; alree..dy Amer1cams are doing pr:lctloally nll QlI',.hlle-tben we wondered If thls of a redeem ,or the need of one. the right to Induot 4-F reg- of the !tlgbtlng in ItJhe Pacl.f.ic area, Phone 2587 WaynesvWe, Ohio had been the eXpEri nee of the No regrets 011 account of sins, just iblil1auts for llmltro I>Crvloe, and and mak.e up seventy percent of young man on whose body It was some remorse for not ha.v1ng bellved. c..&Jm they ha:re more llmited oor- the Iigh <tlng units fa<:ing 'Hitler's fu-und, and then, we wondered, l! "Your sky" and all "YOUR" creat- v ice personnel 110W tho..n !they need. hordes on .the Western and ItaJ.1n.n It I ad ' ever been the exper1noe or ions have been about u.s all our lives 1 4-F'ers are not to be taken by the Fron1l5. BJlYone, or, just -p ropaganda.. so there Is no excuse tor unbelief Muny, and. all labor Is tJo be con• • •. Once we heard OII1e prEtlCher say If only ,to b elieve llS the "Devil scripted, then no s .eclal legislation even As a. result of the recent Pres1tlJ&t he was just fool enough to bell ves and trembles." would be need a <to Coree draft dent1a.1 Order for Se1eo)Uve Service beUeve the Bible. We are tha.nkful W e nre s ickened by t he overwhelm- rejoctees mto war lndustrlcs . . In Boon)s to re-exam!lne all agrlcultwe beloDg to the same class. We find lni propaganda In war, politics, el;c., any event <the penalbies a:btached wal delermenrts, C6peClally m bhe tha.t tth.e Blb~ teach~ th8It aU have the worst of which is Satan's efforts to any complUSory war work legls- eighteen to itJW9Dty·!1ve 6 ge sinned and come short of the glory to rob nnu1.kind or the truth, These lMlon will be ctvll In Ul\-ture rather brackets, most people believe all of God. ''The soul that 6Jnneth it . youthtul fanners are 600D ··to be shall die." , (Contro.1'Y' to the Word systems might appear t.o be different ttan military, but In the las~ ann~J Is they are • • " dre.t.ted. Ho~, Ule TYdIngS 80me teach tha.t the soul is immorThat a rem shortage nurses In Amendment to the Seleootdve Service 10.1) The E.tble also teaches tha.t one. AS the man's black. ()()w a.tlng there ill nO escape from this penalt y ~en grass, to g~ve creamy white' !.he. a.nru:d forces exist ca.nn<>t be Act aWl Il'Cll\.alna the laIW of the questlon<.'<I·. More than a. year ago land and local Dm£t l3«loniB have 6;xcept tlbrouglh the Redeenier Jaus milk to make yellow b~tter i the<y work band In hand tor one r sult; the CoJlgg:00s moved to meet this full a.ut.horlty. aa well flS le@Gl res. and that reSult, the chief atm, Is to nW'!!e s:horWi.g'e by establishing a ponsibtlty, ,t o deter !run mllitU'y NO~CE OF APPOINTMENT make Goo a liar. the post-war plans NW'ses' ~\det Training P.rog<mm, service essential qrtcultural WOI'k. AdmlnlslraiOr whlcb have come to our notice leave whloh w1ll soon begin to supply 'ers who cannQt be replelClld mthout Estate of Cll1tford H. Brace deceased needed ntm>cs to tile Anny, Navy food PrOduct4:on suUerlng. l1t should out the D1 in~ Pl.1n.) Notice Is hereby given tha.t Olive lU.d Veterum A~on, How- be remembered It 18 the loc8J None "caJ.l 0. spade a. Allen Brace 'w hose PooL Office advcr, In ,the mean1.ime, ,wlbh a. dire Seleot1ve ServJce Boe.rds Who have dress 11 W ynesv111e, Ohio, h as been shortage of nurses eXiStIng. male ~.real a~ and d1saret4onary PUBLIC AUCTION duly a. '~lnted as Adm1nlstI'a,t rlx of nurses complain the Army and Na.vy powa- to plllitl uJ)OIlltJle question ot the esta·te of-Cl1fford H. Brace late of Live Stock and con Unue to to use t.hem; essent.killby of faml WOIlkeI'!l, nob· of Warren county, Ohio, deceesed. Household Furniture whlle ilischaxged veteTl\llS, who wish witbstanding ,!be pr-e5Sll~ whlch 18 Dated thla 5Ui day of January. to help tlheir wOunded "buddies". being put on theql froni stwte BiIld a t the 1a.t.e resJd 'ce of Mrs . Katie 1946. • 1Off1iclaJs to fum.lsh more ):talph H. Carey Reeder, .deceased. 6 IniJes west of rehabll tate themselves, are ftn:dlng Judge of The Probate CoUrt Wa,ynesville and 8 m les norbh 01 It d1fHcult to the oppo11tunlty and more ,m en to the Sirmed, forces. • • • Warren County, Ohio Lebanon 1/ 1 mile East of the inter- to do so. It Is qUite possible some ~tQIlure 0nIe flOOd tbklI' 'WVllcltl has come Stanley and Stanley; Attys. section of st#tte Routes 46 and 73. method may be found ,to 501ve the _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ on State Route NQ. 73, on nurse. shOl1tage ~bh:out resorting to out of the Pl'eIIeIIt manpOWer short~Ol1\2 the dJWft. Americans Me not very cr1B1s 18 tho dema2~ ,~ haS NOTICE OF. APPOINTMENT SATURDAY, JAN. 20, 19(5 eruthusl'll6tic over conscrtpttng wo- 6rJsen 10· Clooirla fot government .~tor de bonis non 'With Oommencln8 dt 1 P. M. Dial 2111 - WaY~flavillfl mt)n for 1mY sol'(; of PUlX1~ <NW, agencl.e8. i1lclUdlnr tI1Ie. Amly and the wUl BI:lDeDd. 2 - Good Milk COws - ~ . • • • Na.V)', fbo mate. better use of thQ!le EBtate 0« W. B. , Allen'.PeCeased 1 - Ton Mixed Bay - 1 !Ihe President WIIS not &t au ()~, already ael'iWn8 10 the armed forces Notloe 1& hereby given that Olive Household Furnlture His mer;aage to Oon8J'e8s. .. to or . employed . . . oIvllililn Allen Brace wholle Post 0UJ.ce ad01 rmont heating stove,Clopperseen 80 . dre!sa Sa 'WaYnesville, Ohio. haS bem {llad range, N~o oU stove, Exten- what ,p lan ~e faVOl'8 ~ OClOL!ICItpt Membera in ~mn. duly appointed Adm1!i1atrtrSc ' oe tlon square lcItchen to,ble, ~d labor•. l1t tWill ~ TeQI.eIJlbered tbM many hUiky boiua n!lDlwiW the 'wJll lUlDex3d of d1ning room . :iabl~, drop l~! kltchen Ibwo ~ea.r& 'qQ the President ma4e Wbo appear ~ .~ualUled. for the i!&ta.te ·o! W : H . Auen late of Lable, Library table, Two 9 x 12 and the t"lme ~OQ tor t.he 4mtt- OOIJ1b&.t duty. tiEmt 'U8eid aa oh&ufbut sur- teUJ'll, 'ptden8l1! and off ice worlt~, Warren ooun~ 01110, deCea&ed. , l one 12 x , 15 I\lt.~, SlX dlnjng room lng of c1vilian or for oIlb8r dutls, IWbtch Dated th18 6th 0ha.Jrs. Nme ' kitchen chairs, Four rounded ius provisions as .to p1lI.CII4_ ',","eas. cr girls could ~9t5. Iba.,t:t1'11'V Hooster kltchen cnib- ca.lly pl1Oh!b1lt the enaotment ot any PErlarm, ~ to ,b e carwlnoed tha.tthe BalpJ1 H. Qazey' satlsfaotol'Y , leg1Bla.t1011l. 'I~ ll&ID Army and Na.vy is not making thft JUdge of the Probate ClOurt Ine~, Combination bookcase and HOURSI IDAllnpower aJwrltlng desk., ,Shm1dt-Da1,lber plano sitUG.<t1on IIID.\Y' ~ agam, and boot possible 'u se Warren Oounty, Ohio many ohserva-s belleve' there is ready available. COIopI8.tnta have ana ' bench • . Vlctrola, Four stands, 8tulley arid stanley, Attys. :i)·12 ea ch' morning Dresser, Two double ' a!ld one single llbUe l1k.ellilooa ,nt. in t.he end, Iron bed, . Wooden double bed and !lilly llIiw lor the genem.l OOll8Cftpbion 1-5 afternoons 'except springs, Two wall ·m11Tors. of labor will be enaobed. Dishes, Two Alle.dln and. 2 small Wednesday • • 4 lliD.llJ6. 10 strlI:6 of rag carpet. As a ;result of mllitMy reverses 7 -Il Saturday evening TARVIA~LITHW TAR 'AND ' Clothes Rack. 7 Stone Jars, SO' sug& omd exceptionally heavy casualties, buckets and splckets, 2 Cream ca.ns, the Ww: and Navy Depa:rtmenItis ROAD OIL. EXqA'~ATING Ol}1er Evertings DeLa.va1 . Cream separator', 2 milk a4Jjng lor a quick step-up In DUMP TRUGK SERVICE . By Appointm ent buckets, One strainer, Medicine ~e draI· or men into :tJhe Il4'IJltd READY MIX OoNOHZrJ: cabinet. steel wheel-barroW, Hay forces. 'A pproximately n4n.e hundred fork and 1'ope, III ft. ladder, Wooden t.hOu.sand more Amer1~ W1ll be TELBPHONE 62·R , 800'-~ ,,'OR .ND CONSIGN' sle1~h. New r oll 4-point. b.l.rbed Wire'. called roc JJlil.ltuy duty wWrln the . .. .. 3000 sticks, 3 groin boxes next six months; while officials your ~ttle. ~. sheep and calYI!I Forks, shovelS and saws. Glass eh. Phone WIPMvma ~11 to Non1a-~ Oo~, liVe w1re an' urn;-OJrlvllnlzCd 'Wash tub, prosreulve fInD for the bIIbut other a.I1tlcles. MolTOW PhOoe No. 3 Optometric E~. Sp~aU.t market prlces and JrOOd "",08. TERMS CASH Lebanon: ottloe ~me &'73 It lJDlOD ' Stock YanII., CIoclnna,1. O. ETtJEL REEDER. Admx. 26 S. Datrolt St. Xenia, 0 Tune In on Radio station WCKY, Karl M. BroWn, Auct. Thompson and Irwin. Clerks 12:35 to 12:30- p. m. lor our dally

With a Buckeye In Congr ~ss ... · J:

Letters To The Editor

We Offer




At All












ORSES, COWS, CALVES, SHEEP, EtC.; Removed Prompt."







ALL KINDS )mSKRAl', Average .... S 2.25 MINK. Large and Small . 16.00 RED FOX ........... .. 5.00 SKUNK .. .. .... ... .... , 2.00




Acetylene or eteotrlc. See Bill Lee, Omdort Road, R . . 3, Waynesville.

IF Y OU want to g!i!t ma.rried, write Box 358, Julh ette, Idaho. &nd stump. bm ,' OR sALE-- 200 Bales brtght baJed strww. 600 bale. C. L. Ary, SocIal Roedl Waynesville. 0., Rt.2. ~5p

-----------------FOR 6A~BedrooIl'\ Suite. ?ed, ,

~, sprlilgS, chest and '''anlty.. Mrs. ' L. Webb. 'Phone 2966. 1~

. ' W~



Reverse Telephone







Main tM. Xenia, O.


E. G. Buchal"b, lao.

Bob's Dair·y

Wholelll)ul,. Pasteurized Dairy Product. STAMPS Pasteurizeq, .Mille ]for YOl.l,r Protection ~~~~ Phone 2537 WaYneaville, Oh~o J






Phooe 2143: --r-


STOvE~' WOOD- 'S blte . p!I'~ pel' . cord del~vered. Phone 211.43 . ~eectItllc Jig Saw Q.ud M~-1 concUll1on -:- Lotto. ~, 'Mt. Holly. e lito IISp ' W~hIn. 01 boys and drII .. .entee. Ako pera'Ol1lI ' or ..~ ,..,¥GUIld W. ~ ~" &b&& will be .ullabfe r~ . . . . . . . fa tile ~ G .~ be, .....I1led,

. Jlt>R


" ••'111.,-, .. . . O. ..... otllee

~ ....


Any m'a ke or. m~~el Fre·d. Kahn Motor Car; Co. J..EBANON, OHIO

Quality Box Springa And Mattreuea

OUR STORE HOURS $13.95 Mattresses Reduced to


$12.00 Cotton Mattress


Reduced to

will be .





9 A. M. to 1 P. M. 3 P. M. to 6 P. M.

Waynesville ,

Drug Store

.Waynesville Furniture Co. GmBONS Bun.DING


Phone 2121


Aatomoltlle WHEN 1 l.sur.aCe

-.the big arc lights hUlli' on the corners? 'Jlhey ,€eve a ~ light and could be ~e to spubter by Jerking the rope by> which they were

rallJed .l Itoo· lolVered. Every lew ~8 a. man came to changt! the ca:obonS and gave taie burned on es to childran lor ''penc11s.'' Remember? STUBBS

FGNEJIAL B91l1B Telephone 2291 ( Waynesv~,O:


GENERAL INSURANCE I YOU'RE NO EXeEP· l TIOM I Calamity "doesn't ! pick favoritea l 'Miafortune haan't .inlrled you out a. an. exception I Be wise' a.d p~tect yoynelf with.aood in.urance ao that no mat· ter what · happen., you, you'r family and •YOllr proper.ty 'will be fully pro· tected. .




and sm.~


' W&JDesYiUe,ln.arance Apnc,. ~








Offtce at

Sand & Gravel

Dr. ,C.' E. Wilkin

Janqary Sale of








Modern 'Stock' Company Service



Join the "March of Dimes." Remembe!, you may ' need ' help for your loved ones I

An Interpretation of The Methodist Cruaade for Christ Painting Shown Here Before 8Ibtempting oto put on cantIhe pe.1nUrJg <that Ihas been adklpbei1 88 the offdclail Mebhod1Bt ~ fer Christ PQintlng, war!lei' Sa.Hmen, the art4st 'WOO&e "Heal1 of. 0lu1I:l¢" has becQme the best knoWn and moot 'WIdely d4str1buA.ed ~ pWture of oUr d.Imes, IXID\WI


fflmld Crusade 1eadIer8attogreat learn tthe 'With ~unrdwlmmtail

prtDC4_ Oetl!nd tlhe be



to give '

~ to

the drive rt4lIIt MetJhodism. contemplated. It 'Will be not.ed trhaIt the Owt.ral f~ of hI6 ~ He Is' the oontral fJ&u;re of the Crusad&-Is 'Ule Cruliadlng CIhJUs\....Ga.rbed in rtlhe robeu dIeInot4ng IHIs ~, but 'W'Ittl the IKXU'& of lUhe nan~ stm don IDs obamdB. the Ohrlst IItlridelI tlbrougih the flCIlnCf; al war devastat.Ion. '!bus we bn\Ve itJhe StI1d1ng ~, lUI purposeful 68 He 18 oompasston... ale; in !the van of His peopje's - mIIIl"Ch. Ibo "trample cut the vme1VU'ds Wbere IIhe ' 8'l"G-J)e6 of "1oftdl 8I"e 1IIlOre<l" rua eYU'Y expresiOn <Uld aWtuDe W1ect the impenIt.iveri.esa of ~ ,taak... Bia left him clenohed, RIa <r1ght ihand exiteIn.deC in a.ppea.1 , flO tno oDiooker to join tile mIIII'dh of MeitJhod;,q on beb8if of tbe bere1It, ma al.eeves bOe6ed back-ever)'

~~tthe~ He feel&. No remote OQ:Irlst, tlhlal J3rttiUnd !HIm, ~ m a VIihapeJd :ronni:l.tJon denot;Jne Wctory

tbI.t will ~ ~ thelr 1wa.Y, ccme 1I1e ~ of. 0hl1st-~ !aIdboId13ts. It wW. be noted rIIba.t tale iIddat there bIa 1mluded ' men and ~ boo,a aDd g1rla, lrom fNfJtY IWIIlk at' U1.e, iIIIId ~ maoy I'MeI: 'In UId 1Iu'cqb UIe IICeDeB or din ...... 1ID!1' ~ IbJI

. . . . dh _ baa ~.mkd. AIld ,above t.bem, ~ of tile bDpe Ibhey bIiD8--tlhe D8W dMm Ule Q\Jsade &taalde for-la -a, colorfUl 1UDI:IUw. Of the $26,000,000 tor nilef and ~ 'WIllen,tJbe -war iIa aver, -wbkIl iIa IlOW ~ iw.lIed by membenI of tlle ~ (burch 1n tIhe f~ DMft ~ haU wtU be spent in rwar deVa8~ . . . lor ~, c:l<JIlhlnc, medJml .auppI4ea, UlId ~ 1DinlsUy, ~ to BIIIbop J. IWJjh Masee ,of OIl1ca&'O, cllreOt.or of tIM !O\a'~~

are niot Wv

iBec&ta! 6peC1fJc nefida ~ IcIlo\\u 1n m06't

and OOCUpjed COUDtne&. elIILClt. apJliq)na.tkln8 in ead1 QII88 ;wUl ~ ~ by surveys Ito be made atter CIl.e tMU', 9iaboR Mape ex.......... If ~ Ihaa fIDt been

up'e8t .. ~ iri one ~ tII'ee.teI' In 8IIIltlher, .rumu IWW


be . 6b11ltecl ~



meet 4be


Auctions DilCuued At WaJDe Advi.1OI'Y Council Meean, .





SCHOOL NEWS • • • ,--



A a'OPOII't !from H. C. ;Milllga.n , Supel1J.ntend ent of the Massie Rural

OOrnpo.ny lms ~ the ent4re w~..telnl dlv1slan of the M8rlanRe6erVe ~er Oo\n'pwly. 'l1h.e p~ d/ndludes itJhe electrtc sYStems servdng the c1lb1es of. Sidney, uroa.r.a. and M&rysvIiUe. 6B IWcll M <lthCIr dmpartant communitlcs 10alIted In oham!pll.1ng1n 8I!ld Und.on

'Ihe 00C0l1d selllCQ\..c1· of Itlhe sahoOl year bas ,begun.\lttons Il4'e orer and a sigh of reUd passes over uhe iSI~uderut bOO~. 'l1he repont cards for iIlh'C six: weeks w1ll come out Friday, Je.nuary 26. The JUJ!lior and Senior Home Econom1cs gIl'is are planning to redecorate1:Jhe sohool m'Ll61c room, 'l1hIs ds rt.he1r project lor Ibhe fo1lowing mOl!ltlh '<ulti It 'W1ll include .6UOIl undeTlt.ak.lngs a.s new urnperles 1'Oir tbhe 'wdndows and slip covers for tIhe furniJture.

School rut H.oJrveysburg lists t.llC . H O!lOir Roll for ,t he pertod ending Janua.ry 12, as !ollo'Ws: Gmile 12 : Dorothy lAlmb, Ra Jph Ndll; Grade 11: Jack Reynolds, Mary lJou Moore; Grade ,io: 'IDlqIllM R1cyoolds. Colleen wmirunsoll ; Harold Hough; Grade ~ : BetJty Oarnes, Wilma. Hader, F'reid1:a. BeUe Wdlllnll'\.iun; Orade 7 : Bebty Bogan, ' Mna-y Belle EbgMl, Dorothy Debtl101"d; GmIde 6: Howard ID05W, Betty Kling. Mary M8it1hha. Gregg.



8Jl1d L1gIht Oompe.ny Iha ve oonOUIrlCoed tbtwit ItfrIere will be IIIO change In personnel, rates, etc. at itJhe prEl!lelDlt t4me.




,===========;;;JI METHODIST CHURCH B. B. ColelMll, MiDJater Ohurch school a.t 9:30 A. M., Mrs. Raymond uoneer, superintendent. Services -

10:00. Youtll Fellowship, Tuesday evening at '1:30. Choir practice, Wednesday 8:00 P. M.

Grade 5: Charles Elllson. Robert Dadds; Gmde4: BottyAml . Bogan , HJeiln Deboo.T<I, DostJer, Patty

W. H. S. SPORT:;

KillJ , Robt'l1t Doster, ShArley Vaters, C111lrlotte Wdse=; Grade 3: Maa1It _ Dogan, Shirley Pl)~; GTade 2 : Vivm.n Voien;. Daaliel Wdlde, ~_ berot ~ •.llker, Jdmmy Lindsey. Shirley Osborn, RilClhallXi Deboard, D9Ntd Lee Brooks, J eaI11ette Spl'a8, lMarci(l Anne Rader, :oe.n-en PlulT\IlIfl"; GnLde 1 : Anala MaNe Fe.iro1Uld Deana. HO!l~61, [)e&nna. Campbell: Sylvester Comb!. Glenn Cox, ~

by Stanforth SPARTANS n. TIGERS Com1ng d'11UIl\l ~lnd '-n ,Ilhe final hiaIl!f • .Harveysburg Tigers . <trounced t.he Spaa1ta.ns, 29-27. In a Wa:n-en CourJtJy x-gtle game Ihere FnxIa.y, Ja.nua.ry 19. The Spl:Jrta..o1s :held (1 three ~ lead at Ibtle dnteml!1s8lon, but ,t ile steady .ma.rksmalnshlp of l\Ihe TIgers wiped out tt.l1at edge and took '& five point lmd In .tJh.e Il ftlird perdod. carr and Gentry, 'Witlh 9 II!Ild 8

E.a.kdM, f/.OI:ltI.ld .M.or4omery.


"I1he Wom.a.n's Soclm.y Of otnistml points, respectively, paced the Serv1ce beld ctihe1r arst; meetllng 01 winners, but <bhey couldn t Ireep up t.he new year IIIIt I1lhe Church, Thursw1th :tIhe SpjIIlltan's not-Ghot, JOhn day. January 18. Luudinglbon, 'Who hit the Ihoop six ,T.JUnCheon was served b~ Clhe ' 1.-tmes 1rom ilhe Hclcl pmd added of1IIcer8 of the 6OO1ety a.t 12 :00. The t.h.ree {'roo-'Ilbrows to .take .oop §QI}Cmeeting 'WB6 m c!harge Of the .'new ing ohOl'l.Oll'8. ~t, MirS. AMn ~ The Huveysburg 1ed at ttale C4ld of tJh.eme fur study W8B "The O I:1Im .the f1nJt pel tad, 9-8. Tille 6eJOOJld Iloor.'· q\W"ter of pl:sy 58IN WaynesvUle 'lll}e society vobed $50 for !\he taIldng a tijlree llOlnt lead, malWlI ONsade (or amstancl a member ~ tally at the ihaJ!, 17-14. save i25 Ix> Itbe credit of the society, A conlfldent Ra.rvey6b1J1V teem mnkill:lg '75. '1'1he aoC:.1ety w1ll serve came rock in. Jtihe Ibhird pe1'lod of ,t he . eveohJg .dJoner fur the next ple.y to take a five po1nt lead B1ld Civdc 0hIb mi!et1Dtr: Uhe sr,ptans witlh a. fIOOIIUes15 ~ My 'WOI%IIm were present. pertod. In tbe ~, the ami tile OOW year am.m.a out very W. H. S. lads ou~ VIle TigenJ, promising. • 10-7. The soore W88 29-27 ~ 60 ''IU1e Yout.h Fellowship meIetmlg seconds left in the game. ~ burg got the baIll BInd BllCCeetied in 'IlUeaday ~ !bad 'an 8/tteDd8m.Ce fTeoezIng it In tlhe closlng minutes. of t.blrtY. WID Olady& ~ led the


CievotioOa ,a.d







nuy.." I'IotliCh Ia

28, . IU "'YlmIIh bedIlg ob&erVed

~ Ibbe 0h0I0 C'oof~,

The Young Palpi8 will oanst.1tlJte clDr SUnday UlDllIl4ng -end the ~ will preach an appropriaite aftIIIOIl: '!be YOutb 'MU 6Mo IbIOld a Pe1ldlvrlhip, 'e emce 111 . . ~, ~ ~. About twenty 'WIJ1 8.lttleN1 the. Mal-winter linatitute at


8e.lJman, LIon. appeal for aacrU1e1a1 contribU-

t Ohr1!5t has sold !LCUl here the supOhristlans to Lhe their Leader thaI war. Methodist.! 'wno are working ,btce for all men. !!f'~V@lI-r, ~y~-.~e!d ,

the past. tlwo Year5 MId iha.s been. OVeI'SlOO,S fur thC w.m year. Mr. 8IIld Mrs. 'E arl 'El!irnhart. en-

teI1t.a1ned Ito dJnner on Selturdey n4ibt ihbnOIllog itJhe second b1llthday of 1the4r son Earl Ell,wood. The guC6t~ wCfe

" ·Mrs.


defeated K1ngUIan WedD~ ~, ' JI\.DU8I'Y :K, OIl ~e local gym floor V4~ a. filxIl score of 34-31. 'Ihe g&mjj ~ ~ 'rona.way &ffq wtwl W~e 1ead1ne all t11e ~.

SSboeIlt.lei- Ib&ve< mlDN fII!Jends , In Waynesville 88 iIIhey, 'm'W! vlslted here m8IliY ~. '111le1ir ndber WIUI Eltbelyn .Jone9, a reelident of W~* ~ her Jll8it'1'JIIge. .

. ~- Ben ~, - Mrs. j~_


led1ne 1Ind ~ra, Mira', FOITe6t GnlIh8m 'end dauI~, Dorothy, were Wednesday supJjel" fl'\,If6t6 of 1Mr. aald Mrs. L. R. Wilntileltl and famJJy of~. Robert WoollaI'd', Pebtyl Ofl{4.cer 3/c of .tJhe U. S. Na.'J'Y' Air Force hWl retun:JOO ·to lUs beISIe Miter spe':lding a. ,ten day ,~th iIUs parents, Mi-. and Ml's. ,K tunElih WOoUaril. ~ tsa.tun-et g\mner an Q. PV-l

Mill Iris Britton Marriage ~ New Yorl'~ Announced


9:00 A. M.


ORUJWB OF OIIBIST ~ BADclaII, MlDlater Bible Babool ---4;30 A. M. Om\munlon - 10:30 A. U. Sermon ....:. 1>1:00 A.:. M. Ch:rI&tlan Endea.yor - 6:30 P. M. . Evening Betvice -- '1:30 P ; !L t41d--week ~ I!4!rVioo W~

Dlcht - 7:30 P. K.

Magazine Prinla Article By Miaa McKinsey


c1pal." Miss M(:~ ~



Of 11 educa.tare ~ lI4le 11~ Sta.tea v.1ho ~ aaked ,to Wl"lte OIl It,4e 8\J'bJeet, 'Bbw Ito Trod1 QJurtI.e8y BIIld Mannen to rthe 0bi1dreII of OUT Elenwotary -sabools." '!be request was by ,t he Dept, or ElEIna1tary ecbool ftmdpaJs of , ,the NatiOnal EdUcait40Il! Aam · Aiao askIed 000 ftl.tie, cu' ,tee subj1!ct IWU MM. Emil,y. Post..... . In I\Sl't was McKlrleey. SIIJd ' In het . arUclo ''tbe BP'r1t fIl '8ernce .1J)4I!lt. ~ . the · ~ of F.Iilate

sood .WUl, 01 _lP ~



ID!ia •• .,o!'




Ilbat tihe 8C:booI8 have lUled . . . , dmra' ito tAIaoh .the ~ot 00ldeIn Rule aDd -~ Oom............, baa J'eIII1rbed, aoOonI-

_ ~ MIll ~, ''tD a IIek of UIe ~ • • es of IIDOd IlIeedIDr peL eSJed b7 our ...,..


Cora' R4ch were Sunda,y guesQ; of . Mr, and MIr8. GUbel1t F1rye and

Mia. L. A. B~f Washingt()n, C. B., &pent lost W(ek wifu' h er daugfrvter, ~. F1red RusIh and 16mUy nrul her ron, Ralph Bargea' a.nii

ftlO'lillY'. 'VI"!lS -atJ~ by large crowd, Satu.J"<;l:~, desPite tJhe dcy ~ ~ I\lll\ng sold~, Mw, ~ UOpkins 8l!l baby d@lughit;er at lWUYnesv!Jl!6', ~ '"

'I1he 'Reeder saJe




Safe-- -Sound

Next Sunday, J.nuary 28th

T c F ea lure Special Program L<lSt Lord's Daiy W8B' Q i!reat dBy a.t the Wayrnesvllle C'hm'dh of crut&t M t:h 122 PireSent for Blblie 8cif.Oo1. Mr. Rtl.1ldall l'rreaoheid on tlhe subject. "The Grealbest Of These Is Love." Xnsead or 'WO~ppJng at ltJhe WaJl'Il9Wllie dlurch. 1n iIlbe evening. the congregat1'OCn went in a bCldy ito ·bIle .servdoes eJt PerTy . Ohurch of Ohrlst. Seventy-s1x of the WIa.}'llesvULe people ~ there. Last week itJhe membens of dle Waynesville oongreptAon wrote illS letm; and 'POBt~ in Of t.he churoh amd made 40i calle. 'Ib1s Is in line VIIi1lh the 'p rogram lib bulld tbhe aOtendance reoord tor 1945. 1l'0~ver, a. @1'eIIIIler Sunday 18 be'l ng Ihoped lot" tor <t.h1s Lord's De.y. T.he 28th of the mOIlll:h Is otlhe special Sunday f« JIIn'lW'y a.t the Dlun:h of ctutst lII!ld ,a gool of 150 or mme for Blble school .l8 hopea !or OIl 4bat clay. A special QU8rt;et tran CioeIIl.n 'W Bible 8emoInary 'Wlli be preeeot to sing bo'tJh (or Bible fJChool and f or ohuroh serwoea end Mr. RaIldall w11l PI'eadl a IIpeda1 I!IeI1Doo t«, iIlhe day entWed, ' 'BelleWrIa' " Lie." The 5Ilbjeot for tale ew:n.!IlC ssvioe .1a ''The eto.JtllDe Mf8!8&e." Next SIlI1tlay a.fternoon at. ,2:30 o'clock, Ithe :yo\lbg people of tile W~ ohurob. owlll ~ a three act plq entUIled. "WIIaI; . Would Jesus Do?", at Ibhe IDClIldIllr young 'p eople's R.a.Iq 'Wbldl • bekt a.t rtlhe . xen.ta. (burah of <bUt. A w-ge dellgotlbrJ, of :yQIq people ' will Itravel .from. Ih~ tIO Xenia t.h'at ~Ion. 'I\tu!ee mll1ea, ~






Mr. .a.nd MrB-. Chester Baird of MIs. Allen ' Bmr,IoJe wea a dinoer guest. ~ 'Of Mrs, MaTP{et Johns. Mr. a.nd Mrs. ~ ~~ bury ' of W~I O. B •• caUed

c;tay ' ~ . ~

. . . .. ...

E\'erett Btrilell· &lid t~ SODS. - Robert flbaw ~ EJe.t.urdq . MIr6. Ralph Miller was h<" to ndgtlt witlh hill ~-~, Mr. members of iIlhe AllglUllOt Bl1age at h:e . ~ of-~l~=',"",,~' Jobn ~'Il ~ ~. Clull ~ ''O\lr Howie" ~ l'uesda'¥. · Mr-s. Emer1olt, Sunday even4ng. of . near Xerua. . Two t6bl~ wero in play durtrng UIle Bobby Kem1ck. was a week end Mn: ail~y Gdbsoo, MR. DMnan



Mrs. Charles Hagemeyer has retll!rDed 8l1Jtier SJ)6I' ~ week with her fafuer. Mr. Oharles Ellis, ~ Sa.bIala.. Friends of Myron W. Hagemeyer, Apprentice Seaman, ihn'Ve reoelved word loran tum lllhat 'he likes the Navy ! end enjoys Ih1s ....,ork very much. He Is sbattlon8\i at Ibhe ~t


ot tUs uncle allld eU!lt, Ml".

and Mrs. iAwnmpe ELUobt and &an Tommie in ~. Mr. 8lIId MJl;. Everett Kenrick a.nd daAlgbter were a.lso Sunda.y ~ of iIIhe~. Mr. and iMrB. Pred R~ ~\~

word .trpm rbhelr son, ~e R~, a! the ~ ~, last week, sa~ ~ h\l !s st.e.tioneid at She9t:tlbead Bay, Brooklyn, N. Y. bomb6r: . ,- . - -- - . .- ~Nt'-VI!4~~, Mr. W1Wem Bert!dal1 ~ SotMnJ. Gll-bert. PlWe enttrta.1ned to urdaIy< 8~ at tlbe 00me of Mr. orut Mn. MlldJson ~ h~ son-on-law, !Mr. Edmond M1nser d1nnel" 00 ~ tM1:W1g 841.ti saris spent 1lhe. week-end. 'WU.h In oDa.y tan and visited ihts daugoht«, honnrlng tbe bIa1IJhda,y 1I.TIa\lvenra.ry Mr. and Mr.!. if'ralIIt E. 'llIana&. Mrs. Mmaer, and Ubtle 1!'l'a.I'ldof .her h~, GUbeI1t ~. on . Mr. and 'Mrs. O. 'l!~. StA1l1od1h and ';Ilhlmlda,y eYUrlllnir M1' Frye 'W88 <l&Ughter, at MIIam1 V'8llley HOspltal. dllliug21ter ente11lalned to cUnner OIl greatly suJ']ll1sed When a ~I> of (M4aB Janke Burn~ spent tne Wedneeday evenine: IhoDor1rig Set':' neighbors unexpectedly emved week endwitb M4SB '1m 0Tuber, 8'e8it F'rimk l.eMa¥. ~ were 114'- a covered djsh d11lOler whtoh had 'ne&il' WaY&6V'lllJe. ranged at \the ~ve dl.nnm been fimUlged by Mrs !Harold Mm. AUen HbIe rwas a 8UESt tali table for 8errg~t UId ~. P'rMlk Shults. 'Ibo6e "Mho en~oyed the ~ of tier eon and wife, 'MIr: and LeMay, Mr. . 8lld Mrs. F. U. LeMay, ~eQSa.n.t evening IWel"e Mr. 8lld M4'S. Mrs. Harvey Hole and daugihter a.t Mr. and Mrs. ObKl1les LeMay IIild Mack WilBon, Mr. aaJ.d Mrs. ,H arold Dayton. Ch1lWen, :Miss Ruth Helen LeMa.Y Blhulte a.nd raoUly, Mr. and Mn. Mr. and Mrs. Will N'UU ead a.1ld. Warren LeMe,y. 8. S. Ellis, 1Mlr. Jld 1Mrs. Oh!l!"les • daughter, Lev4na, ot metU" ~_ sto.f.f Ser,geant Jameu A, GIllam, Hagemeyer BIIld Ihoot, nOGtesa bol'o, wer~ ~ afII;emoon If:I,leSts who lhBs been ste.t~ 4n Australta III11d dhildlren. of ~ • .Cl~ Sltiwey MIld M1r. II4ld fur itihe ~ tlhree <lIli1ed on . . J. K. ·P reston ~ !o.rnijy of ~ .. Mlr~. Leeil1e Gnl.y and dlDldren. frfunQ here, Synfla::v. ~! were ~ng on fr(~!lee'e ~ FlnlInce6. Johns ' of Ohrist H06pJ4al, OindnnaItI, spent rthe week MIss MarY ~I e.n(1 Mrs. ~ .oo~, K1noad of MI<ldk:ww.u a.nq ~ Mr. @Q Mft. W. P. strader en- enQ with :her parents, Mr. and alen MOIlS of Ule 'N·urSeI" TnllIUng tentaIned to dinner Se.t\lt'da6' eV'elll- Mm. Ralph JOihns and famdll,y, MId SchOOl 6It 0erIenW ~HoIIpttaJ, CIndnlng, Mr. 84'lk1 ·M rs. Max Ha.ItsocJc, on Monday rt.ook a 'PIh3'&1oal test a.t Mti, we1\! week e:ld rue8ts of Mr. MIas JBnilce Pennewdt, Miss Mar- Paltterson F'it'ld. Frances bas JoI.ned' and Mrs. IH. !R.. Mt., Jorde Evans, Mrs. Ross Bode, Mr. the Nun;es Qidet Cori:s and w1l.l be an duty at an Army Hospdtal bhe 'Mn. ·H . F. Dye, iMnI. Gilbert ~, Roger WeJton a.nd Mr. Tom fKousMnI. 'R bodes lBtmn!ell and MR. &1oon. . Wit Il1x ~ of ~ beroIrc her 811" in May. pr were Olnclnnatl ~l.WrB Mr. and Mr5. Glenn Borden lind Mr. &.nd Mirs. GI'8ham on ThUlllda,y. \ . Mrs. Mlrunie Munger were S1.Iindo.y Nancy .Amlle Belbt.lemeyre Is Ule guests or Mr. and Mrs. Ed Eyre In and Mr. and Mrs. T. S . H9nUn WIld na.rne oh.ooen' !far I!he lovely, oow Sprdngboro. Vqmla 1\JI'ere ent:eI1tl\4.nea 00 dinner seven BIIld one-lJU'lil1t«', pound baby IMlr • end Mrs. Jbhn Kersey were Sunday evenj,ng by itJh.eI.r daugrh.ters daught/eir born to Mr. and Mm. JOhn Salturdlly evening dinner guests q! ~s, Robert 81ney and Mrs. Jama Set\J1emeyre at Mlami ,'V8Il1e;y Hoe- ' Mr. aOO Mrs. Sba4:rley Ma4"kC)' in, <lit Mrs. SIneyo's home pltal 00 ~y, J~· 16. 'lbts ~~, In Oakwood. The OOC8!S1an. 'Was the taby darugbW ~ ~ . ~ ohUd Mrs. Amoa ~ returned to he1' btrthdlLy 8lIlJli,Wl'SIIII"y of blOOh Mrs. GIIlIIham 8.nd Mrs. HerdlIn. of illhe SettL1eme)'l~'s <mel gnwI- . home' on S\IIlJday aJter rece1vllog ,{hen the . tredgbt . tmm t.rom da~ of Mnl, ~ . ~ trealt.ment m· the st. iEllr.abetlh Ha;of Leba.nm and of Mr. &rlId MR. i.. pita} dQr tJlIe ip6St several -weeks. Dayton IW88 bII'ingIng !!l'eIight to the C. st. JohIl iMlr. and MrII. ,abodes Bunnell en- . Lytle Eiev'illbar, ~ even1li8;.tIle A rwmber·of fn.~6IId rela.tlvee enta4ned ~ canIa on W~ at eng:lne and 6everal can 'WWO dera4led lilt the sIdlng ~n Lyttle. 'I!be engin_ atunded . otihe bBa.l &ei-vtoes of . their home In t,he country, Fllr&t was nUTlt MIld IWamo to tile haspMn. Fred. ~d. at !bbe MBddle-: pri2Je8 -were 'won by ~r. Mld . MnI. ~n Ba.ptIat ~~ m Sunday ., Cba:rles Do9ter 1Wd ~ by !.tal. A wrecltiIit crew k<lm tthe ma.lrt ~~ 1Mrs: Blmlianl t\\Q8 il. for- Mrs. W. P. ~ IIIld Mr. l!lraIest line waS Ihere ~ and p1acej mer residEd of .~~ aIld Edg1ngrtm:1. FolJow1ng Ibhe games the cars back on the track. ptaaIied Illwatat'·(lbja' GiOOd ~ . ctamty Il'e!~t:s we1'e also en'!be \I.iytae O&rd O1ub enjoyed a ilJD6pI.tal. I.~ ~.n. aaer rceetvt.c joyec;i. The .suest,.s were Mr. am! Mrs. lunon.flICm ~ <m'd8 ~ ~ 4n~ Ul' an autombtiUe aoadlent. ~ Oodt, ·Mr. 0iDd Mi'B. W. P. 1lhe .reete.unmt of MrS. LoUIse Elmmbh In W'aIiY.~vWe, 1btJl1rdaiy. 'I'bJiII W. &lid 101ft. .Jtimea BanBoi:lt SIJrader, .MT. UlId Mrs, D"ne8t ildgih6'W! wore:!' falom Ithelr IQl James, UI8toD, Mr. 8IId Mrs. Oha4'les Do&- pl'e6ellt' lWere.. ~. "Iberie Joaes. J~ UIat he • a_ _ reOe1VInC bIB tier a.n;d"MrIt. LUtDer Hart- _ . Harold ~, ¥n. B8JIvey BUmit, Mis. ~ . 'I'tioImIa, .M'nI~ a~ aeamah ~ at ~ eoc1 .a1, :New YOrk. .. Mn.. \Wade 'Ilumer ~ PaUll Sb.lpIey, ~ ~ Mra. fial]lh &vnmond, IYn. BIaJao Prtftrte Gerald ~ • eqjoy~t2l. tridse l~ em ~, me a ""lOll&b.bde.." bill panmta wtIIb Mrs. Eo A. stout, lin, Raipb Groves, Ml'8. Tom BurIIlorn. . . . Mr. aad lin. JDarl 0DIIe. I'rlvat.e Pa'I'U, 1611'1. D. R. fIIDMtl aDd Mrs. 8tarIIey ~, . . . ~ . WIIIaIl Colle lIM .... El'DIS .~ _ Ibel' paesta. UId ura. 1AWInrI;!Ce Drowb.




Bible School Had 122 Present Sunday

weekend guest of ld~'. at1(l Mn;. EveretJt Kenrtck Met ohildren. ~. EVerett Olm'k Of DflYibon spent .sunday ~oon wft.h his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Wilbur "Iwk:. ~. a.nd 1Mr.5. HMry elCiher at Ibhe W~ alnJnil lut sprreceived two shol1t letters from ing, b&Wl 8'I\'OWD. iIJo rtbe pJace Wbft they cover a. ,great . numller Of the their SOIII, Pvt. Ohlarles Belol:le(, WM Ohurehes Chrlst .In .thIa . . . of in a GeIman p~r of ~. ~r SW~ <>I Dnyton, spent . the 5tate. ~OIlll8 people w1ll be· PI""' IiOOt from teD or ~ . ~•• t41~ week ~ ~ otlhe hoo\e of Mr. am! 'Mni. eaavt.~ ~ 8ald



MIss Henrtet.ta M.cK1nsey, princlpal ofBUl1ker H'1ll Sdhool, Altlland. OhIo. has an IIII1tIcle tmUtJed, "The Vtllue ' Good TechaUque," with courti!&)', p1llbU8hed In the DecemIber, 1944. tssue of title "Na.bioiuld .E.IeID.enrt:.a. School PJ1n..

Mr. i.Pg ~, i.., t:I, ~.

Mr. fJld Mm. ~ ~ ~ Mr. IW4 Mn. ti'No1\1. B. ~ aDd fa.In11y,

Fmm ~ 6out.h Bend TrtbUn&Tlle WU'Ik for rIlbe oru.sade f« ' N6'IVII a.s lll8£Iheid 'M't.sbama.ka. of 0hrl8t 15 (I01ng forwvd lin a. fUte Ibhe man. 0I1Was Iris Jane BrI.tspint. So tv IU rbhe soUcltaUlon bas tan, daughltel' of Mr. EIJl4 ~, Verne beeI1 camieJIt, ltihere 1188 bOeo a pa'R. Briton. Rura.l Route 2, &IUd! ~ feat. 1"f$&JIJIl88. gene A &ihoettler. m.otlOIr ma.cI).. irQt's mete linlt claas,w1Uoh took ST. MARY'S EPI~COrAL place ~ 20, In JomeJ~ Long Ulaod, NfN{ york. The seI'Wce CHUROII Ralph Parks, MlDIaier In Charp 'WII.<; reed m the J~ Meithoc1Jst Ohurch by Rev. iI'IOw8:rd RooB. After Ohurch SchOO! at 9:90 A. M. the c.erf:monyt 6 ' dln!lel' tWU 8e11:'Ved Morning prayer and sermon, .. .. In title Commodore Hotel, New York lJlzOO A. M. ' Clty,.:·M4!B V1J'gIn4a' SBlnter of \Brook------~~--~------~~~~~~~~~~f~ FERRY CIItJRCB OF CBBIsT a.llii NOnnan H. MYers. mdtm ni&ehHerbert Grabam; . MIDIa&er lnistB' m8lte ~1Nt class 'W8s' best meD. Blble school _ 9:30 A.. ~ The bride wore a, stre9t len&th Om\munton _ 10 :46. A. M. dreE8 of aqua f8ll11e ·wilthlWhIdb abe Sennon _ -11;00 A. K. wore a tuohsiII. caloc-ed Ihat tI4ld glov:' Preaching _ '1:30 Her 00l'88ge 'WB8 a! ordllds. Mrs. The meeting ciOnt1Duea each &illoettler bII8 retuJmld to MiShaIwnJaht until January 28th. "CuM a.ks BDId the Prlde-groem nstu.m,ed with US and we w1ll do )'OU good." 10 dutq lit Lido Bee.oh, Long Islan4. 'Ibe Indde Is a. ~ead)er in ·tJhe MaxeM Mo11em.hour Sdbool of iCa.nce, BaIillh Bend,

,MaI;s 8urlday -

~1l99' 1\~l1ql\nQ9,


W. 08mlWm, ~ 3 aid .4,

ST. AUGUS'IlINE CIIUBOB FaUaer Krambolw, Prien

IWr9~ ~tw n~-

KINGMAN e.nd Luciln&ItOn.

roo. '

tions to the $25,000,000 Crusade reliet and reconstruction fund, more than half of whlch will go for food,. clothing and other aid for peoples ot war devastated and occupied countries. Other phases of the Crusade for Christ cal: for support of cooperation among nations In the postWaf wgrl~,' r fI~we~ @Vlll1g ellsm ~f­

. iiiaUman paln$lg. tQ~~. ,!dl!~tloH f<lr elJ11S~!\Ln 8~ew· . more Lhan 41.00<1 ardsNp ~d tmprov~eqt Qf Sl.\l1day IS


JANUARY 25, 1945 FIVE CENTS PER COpy ~~==~~~~------------------~~~~~~ MASSIE RURAL SCHOOL REPORTS HONOR ROLL

Ann lWeltz - l\la.rguret. Scluwitman

ooUIWies. OfIdclals of 'I1he


~~ns~ble -SECU~~ I I


AnInouau:ernem IhM been ~e Ithat 'I1he DlI\Y1tlOn ll'oWer aaJ.d L1ghit

t4le 'be¢ter depict tlhe

U1roo&tl Ihla


D. P. and L Company Buya

oruaide, I\lhat

feeling and force neoossary







If you have rno ey to ~



BhDppI:JIg in> X....."",

last TuaidaY• . '

. Ma'. 1md 1Mh1!. IIMmmd Ma.ria&t and. 110ft J8ICIde spent kst. onek WUIl MI". 8Il1d iMlrs-, Dale ~ of xeNa. Mr. a.ndt Mi'a. ElVeNIt. BlanDeil&lid fmnily and Mrs. Hue;y ' GtbiQ) elIDeel 00 P4r. 8Ild Mrs. (buolE!Y Olwtrford 8m IMm.LaIa 0-... UId da~ 'Plhyllils of IMeX8lld-


ria. Sunday lItetmoon.

Mlrs. Bessle BalIIIne ~ 'n'oy, speD\, iF1r1day 'Witlh !her tlllther, 1Ylr. ~ Madebt. Mrs. Olalreru:e Om"lhard. aa.; MornIs I:.ewts ahd 8OIl8, M1r~ Bert Mi!m'latt, Mft iH4le:Y GJbIpn, Mh. EIl1ieraon lOW and Nt. and 1011., j;1'weIit ~e1J. , 8Ddfam:!I5' . _ 'Ib.Ul'6lday 'With Mr. Oeartre 'Madatt to ~ 'him of hJa 'I9tat ~. MnI. lawrence ZI.nk Uld IlOO Bernard were in IA-rnoa last TuesdAy. " MD ~u14ne otbeon of X'.eIl6a. Mi'. DIck IHaIInea of oea.r 'Xerda, spent Sund&:YI with Mr. 8De,y CUb-


- . AI1tlh.ur MCrgan of DQ)'UlD ~ ~Y' .wMl!l 1\0'. 6DII


LUe MOI'8&IL Mh. IfeIlr:V' B - . aod ' ~~.... ....... "" -..... __ oI Be&vetWwn, &peot 8unda6' IIVttII M·r . and Mlrs. Lue ll4Drgaat. Mr. and MnI. Everet BurlIDetI UlId f8mlly and. Mrs. &ley GJIIecio ed on ~. omrd Mfa. Harold Ropra end 1M!Is. Emma. Gdb&on of Edbrook, SUnday even:q-.




M.erldeIlhau Mld

MR. EY8J)'n l"etenan a.ttAmded • dlscUliSlon group ~ at Cibe hromie of. ldr. IIIld ~. 8. S, I.lWIt. Wednie8day IIlAght.

Mn. C . .8. Br60e 8P,eIi& ~ 8Ilt!i F'riday "riIll ~vea :in CbI;. oJ.IlnaU •. Mm. Orane spent ~ dIl h~ 800, IE. O. Qw.oe _ ~~ MR. Win1fJ'ed Hut80cIt aDd • • Da.Vid . eJao were ' 8fti111U .'or ..

. cranes.



BIic ........

J. 'W~ ; ~, or Go 'called 00' ~',I'Qnt. ~ _ _ _ W. l!l&,7i&rdS, ~ .,........ wau&am .~i all - ,• . ~ , D. O. cad ~ ... . wtIl apeod a ,..., IIrIi...: ' ¥lB. A.mK!dlI. ~ .rtt'rel • ~ '!!diuy, ............ wben, . CD . D!rIDIr lIIIaID ... .,. . .. bel' tot rtw'IiIId, , . . . . . . . .


amkle. WJIale . . . . . . .

~ Ibe wG1 P')fa in.,..."W.""


"' ...... .



Thursday, Jaauary Z5, I NS

NALYSIS-....;;...--. FOOD:

G ,eat Battle Shapes As-¥ anks

1945 Prospects


Vniform -b,lernl. tio"al

So tnr well fed Amorlca ns can conti nue to look torward to subs ta nlIal nutritious far e in 1945 although supplies will be below last year' •• WFA Supply and ,D istribUtio n Direc· Lee Mnrshall declared. Ne wspn pe r I1nIOl'1 . _ _ _ _ _ _- 1 Altho ugh there will be about the upre • • • d In tb u •• • Ium ... , tb ey are Illoo. Ir same amount of beet, there will be and Dol n llt' l • • r ll , of tbl . Ilt wI .,a Pllr . • iess pork, veal and lamb, Marshall said. Poultry supplies should be lar ger . Supplies ot da iry stoc ks will be Jpotly, Marshall predicted, with more fluId m ilk, enough e vn poraled PACIFIC OCEAN milk to meet essential needs, but less butter . Athough In ,ood I UPPly. the vol· oJme of fre sh fruits and vcgetables for the next three months will not approach last ye ar' s, Marshall ,a id. Oftsettlng a alight Increase in the supply of canned vegetables for 1945 will be about 12 per cent less canned trulta and juices. Cereal productn will be pientUul but the sugar situation will be Ught. the WF A official declared, because sma ller relel'17eS and Increased mlllta ry requirementa.

Move on Manila in Philippines; Extend Controls on Home Front

I -_ _---:_ _ _ Relensed by eED I TOR'S NOTE' Whe n opinion. a re \\' e s ter n N fI • • p a pr , lIDlon' , new.

o-ay ......,. .. Dr.

,.., ...." a..d. AI





' NTS~

For Quick Cough

Relief, Mix Thi's Syrup, at·Home

NoCookiDl. NoWork. BealSa~ Bere's an old bome ml:Xtul'$ yoUI' mothe r probllbly used, but. for real results. It IJI alii I one ot 'tho ma"t ettectlvo and dependable, for cougbll due to colds. Once tried. 'you'll BW6I1I' by it. It's no t rouble at al l Make a syrup tiy stirri ng 1I cups ot granulated &Usai' and one CUP ot wAtor a tew moment. u ntil d l!:lllOlved. No cooking IJI n eodocS. Or you ciln U8e com syrup or liquid honey. Insteud of 8uJ;ar syrup. Now put Z% ouncea of P lnez lllto a pint bottle, and add your syrup. Thw mak08 n full plot of truly 8plondi4 cough DI dlcln e, and give. you about tour tlnl S us much for your money. _ 'if rougb bands annoy one whe n It keeps perf elly and tastes flne. And you'l1 lillY It's rIlSlIy amazlnc, on a fine fab r ic, a nice tor Quick action. '\'ou ClUl (eel It take can b e s ecured by bold promptly. It 10000S the p'hlegDl, them in warm wa ter ,to aootb&.ll the Irrltutod membl'lUloll, anti which common starch has been helps clear the air, pa.MaJils. Thus . eases breath ing, and lots you IIleop. added . Pln eI I.s a !!poclal compound ~ proven Ingredients, In concent ratec! "" . form. well-known for Ita prompt , .up for the Table action on throat ane! broncblal mam~-Sa:v, is this realiy mar- brones. Monoy retuodc<1 it Dot pleaaecl In' overy way. larme? WOMAN-Certainly. It's NuI . ' • • Maid Margarine. You s ee. Nu. Maid's the Table Grade Margarine .. . made especially for use on the tablel-Adv.

When waxiDr 800rs with liquid B y HAROLD L. LUNDQUIST, 0 , D . . W\lx, use a sponge instead , of a 01 Tho Moody Bible lnl tllute 01 Chlca.o. cloth. Rei_sed by Wallern Newspaper Union. • To prevent rus t on new tinwa r e, Leason for January 28 rub it with fresh la rd a nd heat well in oven b ef ore usin g. . Les.on ftubJect3 and Scripture text ..... lec led ond copy righted by Internotional To prevent steam In the bath· CouneU 01 Re1l810u. EducaUon; u..,4 111 room whe n t aking a b a th run one p e rmls.lon . . , inch of cold wa te r into the tub beLOYALTY TO TOE KlNGDOl\1 fore turning on the hot water.

- .......

anal,. .,.

1IIAut..._ SO-YHr-.I. ...... ~ "fllClolly . . ......, II.. wet __ ,,"ef


-:- L E S SON .:-

W Cft t~rn

...........1... ........... nIII ..


•• • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • 44 ••'



TEXT-Matth'cw 8 :33; 1 : 12. 16~LDEN TEXT-Seek 37e fl rs l the Idngdom 01 God, and His rIg hteousness; and all these things shall be added unto fou.-Matthew 6 :33. -In the kingdom of Christ there must be unquestioned loyalty. It t hen He is the King of our lives, we as Christi an me n and women will wa nt to live in accordance with rus blessed will. Loya lty to Christ leads to the. best kind of living. It surpasses any ex· PEACETIME DRAFf: perience of loyalty to a cause or a 't belle human person ality. Instead ot hIn· H l y 9 ~~es d erlng or limiting our development. Although pledg.lng full IUpport tor it opens wide the grand vistas ot a - - - - - -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -- an adequate defe!nse program, the We altogether worth-while. It II a Association of American Colleges We : I . WeD Ordered (6: 33) . Ke, l&epa ID MacArthllr' a retara to the Philippines InclDde (1, IaDd· went on record al against {mmeID, 00 Ley&e and Del,bborin, I. landl ; (2) IDv.aloD of MiDdoro; (S) diate enactment at compulsory Much of the distress In which men iaudlu, ou Marlndaque, a04 (4) rreat 1D. .lloD .r DlalD talaod ., Laon. peacetime mlliUlr:J' training fQl' and women tlnd themselves is youth becaule otiber methods have ' caused by the fact that their livel HOME FRONT not been tull7 ex)1~ored and the sub- a re not well ordered. They Live in PACIFIC : : . Jeot should be U1veu more stud,. ' a constant fiurry of uncertainty. In· Battle Looms Tighten Economy than DOW 11 poIslble. decision and disorder. They have On the grea t plain leading louth. Congressional bearing. on a work Chairman of the comm1ttee draw· no proper center for their Uvea, and n. n ... .worth hano. an ward to Manlla in Luzon. th.e declo or fight bill tor m en trom 18 to 4:1 Ing up the relolution agl lnst imme- consequently they are lops ided and tho JO~ folD bero • i v e bat tl e of the years old; imposition ot an $18 cell. dlate enactment of peacetime con- lacking in real usetulness. for 0111' ann1vanary Jun Ing per 100 pounds on live beer Icrlption, Dr. Dcmald J . Cowlin" See how delight.fully rlgnt 11 the PhlUpplnes Ihaped up, to hear 'em rave about 1'0lIl' a s the U. S. Slxth ar my catUe; an appeal to householders to president of Carll!tOll college. said: :experlence and activity of a tollow· dellcloUl ron.. But thI7 ~ 10' of extra wort,'MarJ? keep temperatures at 118 degrees. "This country dlel not get Into the er of Christ. He Is the center. 'lbe m oved Inland 'trom an expandin, 25 . mlJe and a ban on all advertisln, Ught- present meas throUJb lack of man· tnterests of Hia kingdom are the beachhead on Lingayen Ing Ulln, po,,!er developed trom coal power. bu't because It lacked a real ftrst In thought. His righteousness marked the government· I late.t policy. al wal evidenced ln is the rille of lite. Other things? Gulf and the Japanese movel on the home front to Ilt the to app17 economic lanctiona . Well. all that Is necessary. God adds brought up trooPI to counter the liberators. nation into the tightening war a"alnst Japan arid Italy." day by day. A. the ftrlt lar,eeconomy. In the fleld of eeducatlon, the a ..oWhen the center of We 11 right• Considered after President Roo. e- elation found ..... menacln, POI- everything else is right-when that • cale. open fighting of the whole Pacific cam. vell's demand for a national servtce Ilbilities (In compulsory military II wrong. ali.ll wrong. II your We training) that in<loctrlnation - . ttl ' centered in Chrllt? paign loomed. after Gea,ral act, the work or fight bill under dll·· metbJod of wholesale II. KlDd (7; 12). three yearl ot arduous cusslon provldel for the Induction 01 _ m'''hl: become a dan. Spiritual princlplel app'- to daily any draft registrant from 18 to 4 5 " y ~ QIIdercover jungle )War· ~ o~" tare. U. S. war,planel IDto army labor battalionl if he faU. poUUcal '!II,eapon with us . a. I Hvlni. to our a ttitude toward our clouded the Pbiiippine .lde. In end· to te -"al I been · true ID other coun· fellow men. Here we bave the 10en r e..e..... emp oyment o r . . called Golden 'R ule. It 11 not the leBs aHacka upoa· enemy Inst.lla· lbUtl jobs without permluion of wa y of lalvation; tt 11 a SUtnJDlll7 of the teacbin" of the law and propb. tlons and linel of communicationl local bo.rds. With the services plan· RECORD FLIGHT: leading to the big battleground. nlnl to take 900,000 men within the • Like a "ood .... .... ter. General next.1x months, ' and with another PO$twar Pronili&e eta. But It does provide uI .with a • ... .... IplenclJd principle of dally conduct. MacArthur ,struck on Luzon in a 700,000 persons needed in ellential Model of Amari,ea', IUper alrliner 'Our a ctive 'concern each day and 8QO.ship. '7B-mUe lon, convoy after war work plUl replacementa for of the postwar 1nI1r~ Boelng'l con· In every toucb with othen .. to be. luccessfully feinting the enemy out those drafted from indus"",••ome verted B·29 · aIm7 ,transport flew ''How would I like them to deal with at position. with ' the resUlt that .ort of legislation wa. held to be from Seattl~, Walh.. to WaahlDgton. me? Let me do thus. to them." the American landlngl were almo. t the mOlt eftective way for routin, D. ,C., In an lnd1catecs IIx ,h our', IUI" IThat is a higher standard than you - ---..:.--:,..---,,--'--- - - - blooCneu. In eltabliablng a base on manpower in the fqture. I think until you really try It. Onl:f I'..rnDIft. Leyte. and !)Vel'J'UJllllni Mindoro and Relardinl the draft. Secretar:J' at :Cbrllt can enable you .t o do tt. 951.1.... Marlnduque, all JUlflOUth of Luzon. War Stimson said practicall7 all ' .... . ~aeArthur compelled ·the en~1 to m. FraIUat (7:16-20)'. • !reep a gUard Itruna below Two fruit tree" 9r vlnel ma,. look UanDa. 'l'ben, be moved to the £SC1...iye OR Farm Draftl almost alike unW the fruit a))peara. ft DOJ1h. By Walter Sbeaa !and we 1eam the true eharDrV1n W .........C -----a Bcter of each-whether aood or ·bad • . . ... n" _ _D .rra....-- ,1.-.,..z....;. .., . .! - ilG.~=~~y~.~~fPPn;~~e CeJ)ter of ,_ theu . Evef7 .life bring I forth soln...4IIlC1-f.-IH~'...;.....,;r;....-.;......'----_._:_ L..ta.....r.:-. ...I. . . . . defeJJ rarm pab1Jcl .. uellilT Allatic' maiNand, the alarmed over the rMellt dlreotlv. of fruit, and In Itl outward mILnU'es- 2:::===~~=~~~!::=~~~=::~~~~~~~~~.:..; ._ _ ~ .. " . . . lapanele appeared determined to If War MoblUHr lama r .. ' tation the life .peakl of ~e Inward -7 condltlon of the We. Unclean and ~.~ ....,...." ..... --...... put up a Iwt fight· for It. with the Bymes RbJec!Uq ~.... aarl"Strato-cruIMr" Ia a'-bt. profane -.peecb. hatred. dlabonelty ............ _ _~.. eneDl)'·. top fleld marshal. Tomoollitaral workere 11 10 II to ID".r .. .11. aria.) Ja.1 trw DR. EILllalll'S )'UId YatnlllhUa, reportedl)" com· ducUon ID the MW mobWaaUn of and trI""ery-the.e come out of an 8WAMP ROOT .... ......... ~. beart. Ri"hteouanesl. puand ...... iiIr -..... manding lome 200.000 troops. manpower for the anD,. .a nPUIIn" d · the giant Lockheed ConateJ· -vU ~. ow w::;:~=~::- ~!:2 lation'l time of 6 hour. ~d 5& min- .klndly IpeeCb. thouabtful actions. ~, ...... _ _ ecWItr. 0iiII. Working ID close coordination 'WIth aavy, ' aceordlD, to rarm lea.. utel trom Lol An'lreles, Callf., to the honest and straightforward dealin,,1 ~... .. . ,. .. ~~:~_' the Il'OUDd forca. Adm. Chelter era .ID the aaU~'a caplW. capital. -these lpeak of the . aood heart. ..ta......: ~--:~:. Nimitz' Paclftc fleet rode the eneThere II DO ."elence, theJ' To be known as the "Itrato- The one whose We is centered in r::!ii~ -:a~ Dly' a bmer lea lane. lD an eftort to that the SeleCltfve Service com- cruiser." the postwar vermon of the Christ (see above) ,ja a vine after ..... I ~~ .. dlat prevent the Japanese from rushing mlllloD lD&endl 10 DaWfy Use 8-29. now known 1\1 the arm),'1 C9'1, God', own plantlna. His root. Itrike .. - .... =0:.Ie ~.... ..... relnforcemeJIt.l to theIr Philippine TJd...... ~menilDleDt to Use 8&- \V1l1 earry ' 100 p8ll1e:aaarl and u.e deep' doWn IDt<> ~e grace and mercy ::.:1l!r~t.:"' a,... a~e.. lecUve Service act. whicb .pecJI- entinel of more than 8.000 horl.. of God, and his fruit Is the Chrl.t. , . '. ~ 'w',""" .~ ' ..,..a.. TODA.YI EUROPE.. . IcaDy provtelel for deferment power each. Uke grace of Christian cbaracter "........ ., ...... ,...'11 ... .... rarm labor, II ,e-'-cementa are dIa' ,... ......... _ .............. Although arm1 oMel'" ret~sed to <lee GaL 5:22. 23). . ~~ EIItMr • Co., 11ICoo" Back Again · aet a . .llable, and it local draf. comment on the B.29'1 record m-'" IV. Genuine (7:21.23). .... . cbearell detennlDe the worllera ...... It All ~..... MIlS..... ..... . Tbeff drive stopped. thelr ftanke are more essential OD the 'arml. the ship haa been underloinl lerv· Lip lervlce w1ll not do (v. 21). , _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _£-....,-_ _ _ WIder increasing from fce testa on the weat coast lince Even an Imitation ot the real .erv· Field Marshal Montgomery' I forcel , It collid be, a'athorlUa -y No'vember wl~ lI'atifyinl restaltl, It Ice of God'l people, but rendered on the nortb a~d ' Lieutenant aetlbere, thaa If Usere are any rarm wal learned. without the backing of a life of (alth. workera who bave left Use 'arm eral Bradley on the .Iouth. the ror ether work • • • II there ani BUDGET ". wUl result onl)' in disappointment Germana Ilowly . wIthdrew trom ..., wbe may be considered oODand out Lord'. own diailvowal (vv. their·blg bulge In Belgium and Lux· UaI"IDeb u worken OD DOJLH~'-Billion Asked 22.23). embourg. ~e~ - laUsfacti mor-. .......+t...........~ The opposite of that II equally their claim. that the oftenslve had rannli••r iIlaahroom 1T0weri • • • Total authorizatioDi for the war true. The real chUd of God workl ther may be caDed to mUllaf7 . relieved AlUed pressure on the Ruhr service 'ueler reolualBcat'-program I In ce 1940 w1ll h aye for Christ; he speaks ·of his Lord. ~nd Saar. . -reached 4110 bl11lon dollara .by June and calls on Hia name, But In - . . , - - - - ' - - - - - - ' -- - - - MeanwbiJe. the Nazll 'contlnued ' - - - - - - - -, ~ 1946. with President Roosevelt'l and through it all there i, the evi· their Umited oftenslve In Alsace on abl ..bodled Ipen under 30 will be request tor an 87 billion ~oUar budget dent ring of Ilncerlty and genuinethe southeastern end of the winding drafted "'this year. because of the . for the next fiscal year encllnJ on ness' which marks It a. the real - - - - - - - - - - - - - - fflO·mile {ront. shifting the weight 01 .ervices· emphasis on younger men. that date. thing. their attackl to the Strasbourg reo E.tablisbment of an $18 ceiling At 87 bl11lon dollarl, the Presl· One doel not hear muoh mention ,Ion aft'lr the U. S. Seventh army on live cattie up to 'July 2. when the dent's budget wa:B· about 1~ ' billion these days ot hypocrites in the blunted thelr attempt to split It In top w1ll faU to $17.50, came after dollara below·last year'l 100 bUllon cburcb. Perbaps we are too polite lengthy discussion between govern- dollars, with most of the reduction to speak of th·em. or'1t 'may be that two near Bitche. Aithough relinquishing most of the ment representatives and feeders. In war expenditures. Because of de- we. think them too obvious to need It'ound aalned during the initial who declared the move would reo creased war expenditures. how· pointing out. But they are there. burlt of hi. great December often. lult In les9 choice beef beoaule of ever. Individuals and corporation, going through 'the motions of a live, Field Marshal Von Runds.t edt rising production costs. Emphaslz. will receive less Income and pay Christian lite. talk~~g the language, managed to ~trlcate the bulk of hi. Ing its desire for output of more less taxes. with revenue ~cted and imitating the works, but com· forcea tram the bulge, leaving only low grade beef. Economic Stabilizer 't o go down to about 41 bUllon dol· p'letely dead splrituall,t . Icattered rearguards to cover hil Vinson ordered 'OPA and War Food lars. By the end of June •. 1946, the V. WeD Gronoeled (7:24-29) . retreat through the Ilwirling . bliz· administrator to limit choice and national debt will reach 292 billlOD Tbe figure of speech cbanges. In. zards. good cattle slaughter tor eacb dollars, the President estimated. .tead ot being likened to fruit treel. By cHvertlng the bulk of Allied month. , Included In the Presldent'l men' . Hve. ·are laid to be Uke '!be appeal to househoidell to was a request of 2t,J billion dollall bousel, with their 'v arioUl k1n~ forces with the drIve Into Belgium, the Nazis claimed, they preserved keep temperatures at 118 degrees, for veterans' bene~fits. whlcb can be foundations and luperstructures. much of theIr war·making pOtential and the order to cut off adverti.lng expected to inereSISe upon demobW· The figure Is an Interestinl and 1IUSCLE PAINS em clo II to ,011 .lOofhes by temporarU), 's talling the drivel HghUng. were both aimed at con. zation, he said. lilnd the BIlking of In.tructlve one. There 11 only one -mak. yOD leel old-10M dmm ., on the ' It'eat steel, chemical and s~rving tuel. what with estimated a halt billion dollar. tor the War toundation upon which one can buUd aad b,"_rel. louroq LlDbneDt coal ol!nterl of the Rubr aDd Saar. consumption of loft coal tor 11145 set Food administration for the farm a Christian lite. "Other foundation eoataina .m eth,l salicylate, a Dlott Action on the eastern front con- at 620.000.000 tons and production price support prol~ram. He also re- 'can no DIaD lay than that 11 laid, .'eeli:ve pIlti.relievtal 11eDt. \tnued to center In Hungary. though at 1160,000,000. with the laUe.r figure quested that the borrowing author!. whicb II Jesus Chrllt" a Cor. IoretoDe', colel he. actIoD II...... the nussla~ were reported prob- reHecUn, a reduction of 45,000 In ty of the Rural !~lectrl1lcation . , . 1:11). ,Joa fat. .e+o.thlnl ~ef. IDg {oto German defenses in the the mirilng force since 11143. Fur. tem be raised to 1150 million, dollan Therein liel the folly of the mod· J. Qaleld,. 'S orerDu ......... Baran.w region. lome 120 mUes b.. thermore. the Industry's ItockpUel and that of the Ii'arm Security ad· unlit or liberal. He baa d!!n1ed and laanu 1oeaI ·~ low Warsaw on the road to Silesla. amount to only one month'. supply. ministration to 125 mI11Ion.' rejected the only foundation-and '" co-. 01 , .. Cr*1r fIIIIICIIIar pWMJIIo u.!re'a a bl_lDa to have OD EGGS, ,et trIes to buDd a bouse of Dlrll' 'bead for _ .....ney UN In tak• tlan character. When the .real probI. B.,,,~t:-J...,... Ina. can ' of mlDor abn'lon•• WACS 'SAVE UNCLE SAM S, 2 ,700,000 YEARLY ON FOOD ,BILL New Programl . leml of!lfe strike. lie goel do~ b ~ BU.,. , ' Ituna. bnllaM. Don·poleq'nO"ul In a program le'p arate frelJD' price ruin. '. IDaect bites; c;haSna, aunborn, etc. Dr. 'P~_'1 Aaflieptlc OU ' IU}>POrt, the goveL~ent raported!J, On the other band. let 110 ChrlltiaD The rl,or of · army We .notwtth. ly nourished on ratloDi prOviding planned the purchase o£ from 1.OO(),- wbo hal laid B foundation on' the • " ~ th.fonnu" or a lona·.It anding, the WAC. true to ber 8.100 calories per day-which fs 6:10 000 to a.oOO,OOO casei of Ihell elia rock faU -to 10 on and bUDd upoa porIeIlced talb:Oad suilleon ••• aad ri recommended 'amUy feminInIty ••tin eats less . tilan the caloriel. less than the number .re. for llhipment to, Great Britain, It. Thill lP'Ounded. bts boUle - of )'~! $potnes ••• average G.I., the Wlr department qulrm ~y male loldlerl. but II .tW with the pollliblUty llla. IUceeti. Cit faith· will stand thou,b the ,wind and aa4'~.,,-o.moteftlture rlhea1hal dllcoYt;red, . wl\ll ~e result ..that 600 caloriel·. 'lver the minimum the venture may lE!ad to the 'develop- rain and floods Of Ute 'Ieek to tear .... ~ .... a'c n_ , Ule oqly al dl· B readj~tm~nt at the women'l reoODimended by the . national a:e. ment of a postw'a , traele In thet it d6wn, Of thJ,t ldnd of IlouM We ' ......... At ,our dIU....'·.. 1ft army corpa~ menu will efteet a ~.. search counell tor the moderately co.untry. wblch Imports the FOduce f nad that "It feU not: (or It wa.t annual laving to Uncle Sam, acUve woman. . In peacetime. to ded upon a rock" (v. 25). WAC, thougJ1 a ·.oldler and The WAC likel about ·the .ame , . The_abeU egg 1!I'.D8l'am .. In addi- =--Th1Ile~ will dord IIUIIIt ~ "_~ an acUv. ,life. does Dot .!at a · 'looct"'Qlat ber soldi .... brotbu-likel. tion to the government'llDtiutIoD to fa.ed Cb'riitlau__ chuM " . ..a.:-:i· ratloJl. ~ can be adequste- but in cWrerent qU8D~U... dr1 abo~t • •000,000 poundi or .~ , !t!-tr Uva P!S theb; ~ III . .i T.- .--,.~ ---, ,. . I God'. l&ancfardi. d"'l . . . ..

DIAKE'S Qiessco












'IIIJ'.........,. ..







-Y. .






----_-1 .


S.ORETOIE fast wit,.,-



,1£'1011 '.

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... . . . .,ft . .


Thursday, January Z5,- 1945




I{atnleen Norris Sa.ys;·


Jlopp"': A Smart Outfit for the Matron

l.ooking at

T.he Woman Who Couldn't Bear It '

• Pe,;"'". no.. .n" '1. d In ' . ...ntlel

'ft., ...


Bell S)'ndlcate,-WNU lI',e ature.,

ladun", will ao ~ . pp/, wl lhout mIDI 01 .vel/dill" 1,041 tbei, looel Utnlted St. t.. E m,lo,m.llt S.lY'c ••

AGENTS WANTED LADY WANTED In every community, bo~ rural and city. 10 Boll l lne of bouaebold lIecesalU.1 to h er n el. hOOrs. Our I1n. In. dudea ' aueh . enree Items aa eheesa and laundry .oa p. Llbernl commlsalon. a.aeral 1'"..... O.IIl,. a)' CV..a). Alb.b,. O.or....

BABY CHICKS aOLDE.N RULE bi, huaky chiou. from dteea ae fre e flock • • proHt b)' our 20 y en •• aoek Im'l>rovement, . tandBrd breeds , BI. .ari)' order cIlleoun". fold .. r leU. a ll, Write GOLDEN RVLE UATCHERIES BU.HVILLE IND.

BABY CJlICIlB - F eldma n auper fantl! chleks for 11K!!. bred for hll h -e., produe- ' tlO1'. Ilt,OO n hundred. Feldma n eommerclol f a rm chicks ore bred for fas,develop. ment anel fa.t Lelltherln, broiler. and fry.r• . '12.00. hundzed. In order to , et lboee chlc:lul Ute d Ble you ,.,ant Ulem ,o rde r t<tday. We a re IIOJd out for 3 weeks abea d, Buy your ehleka from B pro.reu lve and ~ dependable R .O.P . breecUn, f arm and Ohio U . 8 , controTied h otch .. ry. Fel'lIlDD P ••ltr, Farm a.4 Batelan7~ __



HOWdTd it comins hit mother from tM Philip~ Bill it will ,.at be an enIirely happy re~urn, beCGUM he wcu blinded in combat. furthermore. hit wife ond children will not be aMme to ~ him. Muriel 80t a ~

vorCe dIUI rnGrried

Thue millortUllel ore almolt too much Jor Howard'. mother 10 bear. It aeerru 10 her 10 UAJoir that 0 man who Iuat bt 10 much ira tM .eM1ice 'of hi. coUntry .hould olio .ul· fer MdTtbrea1c in ilomutic lile. SM wonder. what .M can do 10 hap Howard readj"'t himeelllo AU,neto lile. He iI 31, CPid' tcJCII fI lieutenant_ Hi. in,. Cera" run 10 bookJ ond mruic.

my daulbter married and went to Call10rnia with her captain bUi'






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:-rw;:::; I:t:: ..ton I. a

/" _" _" __ _ . ., . . . . . . . . . , - . . .


DomIN Back BlbIL "What that meant to Ime I 'woo't attempt to eXplain. It II ,B oward in whOle intel;elt I aIiJ wrttinc jDU. ' 11 comIn, bQ)'De DOW bUnd.. He will live bere with me. Without' wife. babiei, hom~lnil without O)'el. "MrI. Norria." thi. letter ,oel aD" "I bave tfud to &come recOncUed to WI. I, hlye tri~ to' ac,c ept It a~ God'1 wilt But I cannot. , RebeWoo rllel up In' me.' aDd balf chokel me. My, boJ fa ~, no~ .... ftne. balanced. tIook-and-m,!,lc~lovlni ', man wbo never did a cruel or .elllsh thinl in hi. llfe. He love. h1a ui1le pia. Wht ahoUld thla cro~. be laid UpqD , him, while thi. ~ota. .eu-eente~ woman ,oel ~er Wa,- to a , rtcher marriage and b1lhe~ pol1tionf II ther.e any , or Ju.tice in thilt' Bow can · I tace -the' tuture that ia ' before me

. ....

now''' . '

, , My dear Mrs. 'WlWaDlI, I ny in rePb'. don't ' attempt to "fllce the future:'.' .~ace ODl:rtod.,.. Live It U heroicallY. a ••imply, al cheertulb'

al lOU can,. and-let-tomorrow'l probe lem ,w ait .1iDtU' tOmorrow. , When HOward .etshomemeeth1m , without 'l ush.. · or ' lIeDttmentality aDd pity;, concern ' yourlelf with ~aklnl 'himjlby.icaDy comfortable, and dlaculII - Mnrlel' • • ,CUoDI without bitternell. UDle.1 hiI wUe is an actual mohater; ibe will ' ~ w.WiD. to lend y6u the cblldrea ' friQuentb' and when the), come•• makli their visits a. hap..". al )'Qu caft. 10 that . they will want' to com. agllD. MeanwbUe, buDd up 'a' realllfe tor Howard. un~ be "'all fOWld hil footInl In the new darkened world. Be ======::==::::::;::===;::::::~I will a dOl. of coune; be will eventuaQy hive a routine. and, beBeve me. there are' m~ mothera woo well might envy you the oppor. tumty ,y ou bav. , ~ ltay clole ~, blm I1\d b_. J1.i.t!4,d .bY~. " .' ' ' Na~~. dOD't introduc;e the new order with bUlt1e , and nIle-makin.. Rather ·liIt -It .raduall1, dewlap, ,He ' can take, waJkI: ·encour.,e' him to ab'out.{ Radio 'lUid record music Ww' be a tremend9ua ~. and WlU1 . . maatel'l BraWe ,ea· intO th.


,..,W' h._rile N. B. C. ataU_ eftr7 B4IIudaT mOnUnrl

11100 A. M., E. W. T. WBl8 WOPI WKPT 10:00 A. M., C. W. T. WAPO WROL WAVE WSM ~8

.."...~ ........................... . .'+-""'¥

.••...••....., •........•......•••••• ~ "HOARSE" SENSE






. . . . . (10m . . . . . . . . .


8EWING CIRCLE PA'l'TBaN DEl"1'. 530 Bouth WeD. Bt. Clllca,o Enclose 25 cenla In row for each

Two-Piece Suit Dren ' '''"\llfTc. two-piece suit dress ts designed to slim and flatter the slightly heavier figure. A crisp white collar gives your face a radiant glow. Here is an outfit to


rAe :

•. '








. ' . II"

• (

S~." 6at 'N~' ',V er" , .




S1ze ••••••

I I ••••••••• ". II •• I I ••••• ,

Add.resa ••••••••••••••••••



= = == = = ==

At Last For Your COUgh' _tl_

CREOM Ucoa LS 10 ....

'Columbia ItucUo Un't 'clm1~ that Ibtrbl doubled :tor CaneD "lance to ~ bla'c lt cloak ~own a. WIlde when Chop,i n tak.. 10 th~ , lbed~o, 'while m~JOIi' , o u i n' ''A SOn. fj~ 'R'JD~, ~' ba$ to"abou, tile ~e cif.COofuClul. ....... _ira cioub1N; for M ,rot ~~.. It .. ~Ir~ ,modin a number for,. the· balua un fa 1~ ~t veb!an. 'nte.arne ladi.. In '~e' Thcm,uDd aDd ODe Ii vUioultr ~ted ~ RIWla, ~ Rilb~' but e ve l7}1odi'. · ao~1 man" 'l'uit§. but It 8rtt , cam......., !mow It wh~~$al' atarta. wida' attentloiD in ' wbJle ••• ~ wbo 'made a m04,m, ~ terri4c. 'bit an tour .. boIpUala 1D·1",. But I with thelODl I Do AD:rtbllDll CIOID'M ouda YeJ7"'~ aut ,SWIm''', " hi (1l'0III_ orIlIDa..... 1ft All'.. · to Wed." ,


II ••••••••• • •••


in top pictur... Leavinl bome in Bolb'wood apeUed tUccell to lome ftne aotrellell, liven th"m \I1..e blaseat portunitie. ,of their' c~; In old daYI the 'home Iota groomed UleIr ,0UDg playerl i or I~rdom. , then bunt a fence 'l'(.uac;t them a m1le hllh , 10 no one elise WOUld be . able to cash in on their .ucc.... Today Hollywood doesn' t hoard ~ talent-it at • prollt.' lBec~u.e. l\lOlb'wood .mart eno~gh now to .know that when rtrla leave bome thqltrelurn with a better fan foDowlq. a higher lie IlIOn IeIIder and do..... box oIftceratlD,.,plua ~eDC': '

f ·


pattern deoln!d . Pattern No •• Name . . ...•••

Fl~ Sta." , take you everywhere with charm Relillef Another example of the girl wbo and confidence. .ood aWIQ' from home II a • • leDDlIer 10000, Who won an Acad· emy award for ,"Song 01 Bema· Pattern No. l232 cornel In 14, III, dette." Selmlck Ii .... ed her. loaned •• to. Go " , M and fl. Size 35. jacnt, ... Ibort ~eevH. require. 2~~ yarde of III or her to Twentieth for the title role in • Inch material: .Idrt 1~" yarda: .. :JIIrd Oreom"'''~~ , ~..... .. - W-..6e1 .to ..... then r-"·-ed ..-uu ........ ........ III.... ' _" aWl for contr&lt1n, collar; I "arClI rWIlInI to aUla It ~ rItdlt ~- ttie 01 tilt to let her pIa,' Ule title role In trim u pictured. ' trouble to h~ lOoIen UIIS ape! "Laura." whiclt h.. put Gue I8Dn ladeD ~ aDd aid DaWl'I I'leme- amon, our ftrst ten yoWl,Cover-AD Apron ~~ aDd beal raw, teDder, m, ~ broDchial mucous mem_ lters. " YOU like a covered-up feel- -........ Tell JOur ~ to I8ll JaG LIDda BarDell had been Pla11Di ing whlle you work, you'U be • bottle of Orepmti,lalOll with the UDjuvenile leadl lit bome-Twentieth delighted with this pretty and ~ JOU DiUat l1b tbe ,...,.11 CenturY-but the, " ot ber bardl1 practic.a l apron with tulip shaped ~= ~~ or , . an aQJWhere.. Then lleDe Clair came pocket and border. Look through along with "It Happened Tomorscrap bag for pretty piece. rill row." a · picture: ,r&ch had a role trim this attractive apron. forCoqh •• ChntCoI•• lronchltll made to Order tor Linda. She to1- _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _' ~..;...-------:.----:'lowed u a HIIlIh · UIIIID peuant prl In, OIlS.... 'l&ummer Storm," and ahe compl.ttld ~e ItarrlDg temlnine role in 8IIDJ Cneby'., "The Great John 1.." Three top a ..lpmenta, one Ifter the 'other. ' ' :..:" '


IIiIaIo ... ........ ,rnA)' he II a,ucaL U he Play,

, Most'- Parlor Games Were' Devised Cerit1¢ies Ago • ,8y ELIU~:RANKlN ,-'. , ',.,. ,.," OM... probllbl7\ the mo.t. ancient' , 11 ,isimtlan, a matter , ID 1ninIa~\)e ~4101)~tator lta ,l=ODttnuOu. ape c.r1abl it II that Ibme variety Idea 11 foUnd in a:YerJ" .mOlt to tile IMdeI.. fIiom the moat)D'llpf· to the matt clvDized. ".,..,hiotI' ... .- . . band-dIdD't",tuni l1li .... JIIb -tur.r ID ~, __

No. 1811S cornea In at.zea 1t. 1•• 111. 20; (0. 42. 44 and 68. SlzII 16 requtrw 2~~ yarda of 32 or 36 Inch material: • rickrack to trim. Due to an unuBually large demand aII4 current war concl1Uon. ••Ughlly more time " required In filling orde... for a few " the mo.t popular p.ttern numbe....

the pJaD9 that w1U be an inaxhau.ti.".. intereat 'to hhn. NothJng or wiD be eaq at tint. but let throUIIl the drat hard ate,e., an,hven~ you w11l fInd ,that'JOll have a' buI7. coutant, ' ~lIophical Ratla G.,. A.-ou_ .on restored to :rotI. the, tie between Bath WarrleII: 11 a widely loanedJOU, :bemg more teDder and close out ac~e.. bere. Under contract to thaD ever. ' , no. ahe play~d oPpolite Edward , R,mamber that friencla are a G. Bobluoa in "Mr. Winkle 008• ' .real' COniolatlOll to anyooe 10 tem- to War," then Pat 'O'Brien In "Seporerlb haDdicapped. AlII: the men cret Command," and then "Guest In IW Uke. to cIrop,.in at an hQUl'I. and the HOUle." So what happened aftkeep your tone a1!17 from pl~. He er, than Ruth waf haade,d the top will' bate to be' pitied. The more role at RItO in "China SkY." which CluleU7 and oorm.u, ;rou take the ClaadetM Colbert had tumed down. IituatloD the more QUlet.b' and nor- Same thinl happened to B, xter. 'malJ7 be wiD. When ahe lot back to TWentieth they 'Here II perb&pa the ma.t com- handed her II lood role til ..pzarm.... foitln. ' thini I caD A)' to ,you: alk' with TaUalah Baaldleact. anYone who !mow. ao:rthinI about Iqrld BerplAD, UDder contract the bUDd and J beDave ,ou will ftnd Selmlck, ia one iJf our moat that It ia tru,. BUDd ~ are tant loan.,out ltanl, After "Intermezalmoat liivarliabb':cheer(ul. l'erhapa 10" for SeImick ilhe did " F,or 'Wllom In their krkDel. the;; don't ' .ee the BeD Tolll... ·, "Gaalllht," and milch. that 11 Ulb' and ba~ in "Saratola Trunk." aU .t cW'ferent W. world.Per!:lapa,thrOugh 'a tudioa-and D.LvJc:l ' made much ~me' Of the ve1lI that 'are ov~ our monO)' OIl the it.,als, , NOw ahe, re,...,e.. " tumI home for "SpeUboWld" Whatever the reason. thoUiandl of " to~ bUDd -persona lead Another Stray Ul8tU1. intereated and liapPJ Metro,ltllled LllralDe Day oft In a Bla ciauDters 'ma, ,et mean much Dt. Kildare picture in order to belp to- Howard~ Married. 'loy. ma, weD her escape from the lerlel. Then come again into his We, and more Laraine began making the rouncbfortuaateb': .:~oU . ~ ftnd that he awa, from home. Firat she did "Mr. dOal not colhPlaln: 10 dOD" you be- 'Lucky." with Ca,r y Orant, Ulen C. i1n it. 'J " . . 8. De MlIJe·...::;tory, of Dr. W8IJ had a bUDd friend yean alo who lelL" After 'those two pictures, read. talked, wrote. played on the ,opposite Cary Grant aDd ' Oar,. OI'.an, walked,' belped in the bouse- Cooper. Laraine W811 ready for 'starbold and ,enerallJ Uved a more dom oD her own bome lot, 10 than ordinarlb run ll1e. We otherl .ave her "The Woman', 'Army." were the, "lIlbted' people." "There'i The mOlt rented;lut,ba~ in town a lot ,'OIl t IIlbted people never 'I. Joan FoatalDe but lbe ito tOnger .ee," be used to 117 plf;J1DlIl7. carel. t, or alw,,~ ahe geta top


I ,



habit of dai17 reading; beadUn... arUcle. from the dig..ta. every. tb1nI aborttllld cheerful that 'ou can GIld. After a while Introduce pal..... froID Shak..peare, Steven_ the poeta; tb1aPthat upllft our beartI and '1ta7 with u..






"A ' few rr\ontha after Pearl Har-

band, who 11, aD Inltructor In a ba.e camp d)ere. That wa.a shatCo.; .11 ... rpo Br••W"ay. ." IoHIao . ... tering blow. for Beu,., wa. 30. and I I had ratpet thought ahe }'IOuld aIW"I be with me. HAIR WANTED "Tben Boward, my Ion. went to w. Pa)' DIGJlEST PRICES fer CUT RAJa oMeera' tra~ camp and emer,ed IMP'S BAIR STORE 11M .aIa Claela_&l. O. a Bel1tenant, belnl 'JUt Immediateto the PbWppinea. Bill wite. would not move in with me RECIPES •• I ~elted, and I lloon discl!"-O-h-,-m-o-m-!-Is- '-thi - . -e"';v"'e"'; r;" ;; d-e-U-"-.'o-us-! ered why,. She cUd DOt. want any par.. Ucular , atteaUoD ~aWD to ber all4 110 eao ~ m a ke ~" 41'Ua...a bUit ,.:::~~ alada In d.mand b7 conduct from that Urne on. It vaa aU lb. •. ReeJpe ten eenw allil bridie and cocktail partl... allbt ~. _ ....s for .nveloDo. 11&1 AlIke" . &a.... ell, I, ••• c1ub1 and talblonable bart. She bad many beau.: eyentualb' one ",a. , Plqerprtada , more IUceeldpl ,~an' the othen. and . '!'be ..........rlDt diviaioD of the abe wrote to Howie for a divOrce. I -r ~Wt. at the time. IDJ ftrIt 1'Bl-• .ow 7ear8 old. 'l'h:e::N.:,lllafcIlI'ID,au.1iD came-frOm their 'Olden are more 1Jum 90,000,000 daughter. who II aeven, Heartalcko ,I prlDu ' em recor:d.' . tried to realon with Muriel, It waa no u.e. She a divorce. married her new .weetheart, aDd moved awa,. with ber cblldren, to a nearb1 town. , ,l

lI\1ns" and "North Star," both of which Anne made away from her home lot. The "Guest" role Is a strong· willed girl whose .elftabnesl brlng.1 unhappiness to ev· V1 one she melets. Evelyn Heatb (the euelt> I. to Anne Baxter what Mildred wal to Bette Davll in "Of Human Bondagl!." what Scarlett O'Hara waa to Vlviea Le1rb In "Gone With 'the Wlnd"-we hope, Anne began her .creen career on a loan-Dut blck in 1940. David O. 8elufek tlrIt telt:ed A,nne and Twen. tieth Century Ilgned her on the basis or the telt. Then Metro borrowed her for ber drat Icreen role in '-rwent,v Mule 't"eatn."


LL my ' vallles have .W.r•• O~. IIIW••• G6III changed," w,rites ~ar­ guerite Williams from BELTING Tennessee. "l feel as if I were a strang~ person living in a :ntII:DEa HOUBE IIELTS for CD .. , Ba Je ... Cnt4lotl fre • • .UDION "ACBI~RY CO •• DI . .tar. DL strange world. Three years ago my splendid son and his wife and two babies,l ived near FARM EQUIPMENT me, my daugl)ter lived with .OG .OU'_ . nd feed ..... Ttl/etor tir... me; we were a bappy ,and tulle •• rims and chain.. Buzz ..w •• B oUlla Wire. Puab r . koa. "tc, united family. BORMER. IALES, II. ., 131. G •••••• 0111 ••



for COUGHS due to (OLDS

V ••• A',r. 1I.It, Cblek•• W. Roclla. White W,andotte •• N , H,R eds ,Barred Rocks.Whlte Le,B. Turke y poulte 1n senson. Write for IIrien. AaIII., Dab Cill ok Co •• ""ble),. O.

....- .......... ==-..~:::. ~~TZ=rii!:

Has Tulip Trim

a juvenile delinquency problem. but the record 01 careers of some lead· ing actresses he re w/lo lea ve their home lots as newcomers. go outside to make Important pictures. es· tablish careers Ilnd reputations for themselves. and then return to their home lots as stars , There', Anne Baxier. tor exam· pIe. the cuest Inl Hunt St,·olllbe,rg·'.1 "Guest In thle H au I e." t be crowning role 01 her career. Ane! she'll had lomle pretty big ones. including "MagnJ1lcent Amber-

PLANER "AN-E >q)~ rlenced on beaVlJ work. All m nles mu st hove USES refe rral. IJlluDaUOna l OIa, M • • bIDer, C •• Uti! Bol...... An. Da,lea. 0111 ••

HEARTBURN ....................... ....

Cover-All: Apron

HOLL'iWOOD it·s the girls who I Nleave home who make good, Not

EXI'EIlIIi:NCE D POWE R 8E \nNO M Bchlno Opera tors : atc:ldy employme nt. O'NEaL AWNIlIiG .. "J:El NT CO .. M We. ' SW' D .Sued - Col.IIlIt ••• 0111 ••






~I ··· :1


Gee below cite ,elTgle tine with : F ct: F Cou«b Lou llAu. Eacl1 F 6: F :

Lolenge givu your throat a 1S • minute aoothing, comforting treat.- ': ment all !he way down, MUllone : ' UN tbem for cougbl, throat irrita- : ' tiOIll or hoarsenesa lUultinll from : \ ClOId. or amoking. Box-only 10~. :

...•..........•.. ....•..•••......•• ~


~ I~



............. _-

1'ech. .1 ••11 II)' . . . . . . . . . ........I. . . . . . .tc.H1 ....


..... .. ...._


.1.. .,.....tIc ......

U.. of syIIIhetlcl GIld alt.1'IIOte ..aterl.... partkvlorly In t\oId wi,. and ....pIaI. cablo, mulled In the ~!\DfI by tho Slinal Corp. of tha U. S. Anay of more "'aft 12 .. 1I11oft pound, of crvde IVbb.r In IIIe lint .. ~ths of """

....................... tI.............., .. MIdt.. ... II I ...~ .... .~ ... filet

.......... .........

.......2,....111 .... ... ........ ..........:;..:..c ...................... ~

Balanced double action ••• for 'p ositive action in the mixing bowl ••• for gratifyIn~ results, 'the oven.




Buy United States War Bonds








AIR MAIL STATIONERY Re~. $1.00, Spec:. 87e The Miami f'~zette










Dr. W. B. POR'I'EB


WANTED Admlnlltra&or

lette&- foDawB:

Estate of 0l1!1ord H. Brace decea8ed

Dec. 11. 1944 Dear Jean: I Avail myself of the opponImI!ty WIhJch J8 offered Die Ito add th15 llttle iebter <to that. of Bob'a. I hope ~t ~ have 1ndeed receiVf.d my first oanl. We glad. my pa.rents and r. to h&ve made /the acqucUntuice of your brotber woo Is truly a. n!ce boy. !We ipIlS& ~ evening':!

Notl.ce Is hereby given that Ollve Allen Brace whose Post Oftlce &<1drea Is Waynesville, Ohio, haa. been duly awolnted as Administratrix of the esta·t e of Cl1ttord H. Brace late 01 Warren county, Ohio. deceased. Dat.ed this 5th ~ of January, 1946. Ralph H . Carey Judge of The Probate Court

IOOgeC)her 8dl 11M 8uIldBq8 becIWse he UI alV,WS good-lIUlblrEd and WI

a new storY each day.

Warren County. Ohio Stanley and Stanley, Attya.


F1r«n. our be&uUful ooontry, ruilly l1berGf.Eld, perm1t me ~ offesybu best w15hes for t.he New Year 1815 well 86 In yo\U' mot.ber. Bob bas just reed .\lII a }t!ClIleIr trcm

NOTICE OF APPOINTMENT Admln.lstrator de bonJs non 'With rw the will annexed. Estate of W. H.' Allen Deoe&8ed Notice 15 hereby given th&t Ollve a~ll~e~e~w~~ Allen Brace whoee Post omoe adwen lIlideed at 8dbool. dreea Is Wayneevllle, Ohio, baa been In eloI1Di I send you. do you and duly a.ppolnted AciIn1natrtrlx de your mat.heI', \the frIendship ~ a bonis non/Wltil the will annexed of FreIldl !am1ly. the esta~ of ·W. H. .wen late of A IPOOd C8.11!M 1\0 Rlnny. WlI,lTen oountyo, Ohlo. deceaaed.. A 1rkInd, . Datec! th1I 6th day of January Ja.clde




Raw Furs



RlJpb H. Carey Judie of the Probate Oourt


Watton CoUDV. 0lU0


Carl Abaecherll


iUs law offlce will be


Bible School ~ : 30 A. M.


ALL KINDS KUSKRAT, Avel'afe •...• 2,25 MINK, Larp aDd Small. 18.00 RED FOX .. . .......... 5.00 SKUNK. .....• 1.00 t




QUICK SERV~CE For Dead Stock HORSES, COWS, HOGS, CALVES, SHEEP, ETC•• Removed Promp t1 , Call

WIIIItenl Tram; indian capdva; Old Phampleta: Earl,. Newspapers; Old MaIM; EmlpaDta· GuicIea: JIIJtortca1 papen: IlaDdwrl&&en d1arI_: Earq OhIO .._~ Early Ohio law boob; EarlJ mecl!ldne beoU; EarIJ Ob1IdftD,' . boob Hlghait . ClB8l1L PI"1cea pUll

Quality Box

.- -


•.•................ .. •••..•.•...•••.•••.•.••. 48,922.33 Bond R.eth"ement Fund .. . ........ . . . ......... ,............ 1,176.00 lAa'lIIb •.••... , • • . . . • • • . . . . . . . . • • . . . . . . . . • . • • . • . . . • • . . . . . . . 3,91~.39 r.rotal .. . ... . ....• . .. . .. . . . .. .. .... . ..•..••...••.•. • ...... , M.Ol .81 Balance. DeGember 3la&, lMC. 86 0imeraJ. PIUnd . •• . . .•••...•....... • .••••.•••••••••••. • ••.• 1~,356. Band R.t.eirenllIrlt F.und . . ..•..•••.•••••.•••••••••• ,........ 1!Z89.u





1-1 aJterDoonl except


,12.00 Cotton Ma'tre. Redaeed to



MonvW lIbODe No. a . r . Llla8DC! ott1ce PboDe .,. It .a.etdtJlCt! II y .

17moa S'" Yar", ao...... O. 'l'WlI 111 an a.cuo statllon Waitt'( 12:111 to 11:10 p. ~ far oar daDJ

7-e Saturday

By Appointment

,ClOd' ......

mark" repo11l.

fJE/tIi1En ;"EN,

Pa.·deurized Milk For Your Protection W.yneavme, Obio

bGldl. J4Fc" studded GOd ClI"nat.eIy deoaIIatel with mal PUbIme Q!l 811 ,II:U::tnI air .. tIM '90'86 a red .t'FintnWe lilt ~ repuir_ ed e. nUt.e of pMaeoce aJoag wttll tIhe skW of adjUlll.6ni IIIhe pIna. Remem.beI'?


BOD Telephone Dl

C ·ASH •






MI • • • _U_t_


1'16.118 11.011.16 3,8'lt.32

A-16 to 2SI iDe. PaworIal Service ............................ - _ -





2M.00 1.116.14 2&,986.20



'l'eIt. ' BocD •• , ..................... : ................. '1,00&.14 B-6. Qher SIIIlP'" .......................... 28'7.)4 0-1. W81Ume'. ~ . :: •.: ....... ........... •••••••• HUI 'lbtaI 0IbIIr /fIUIpIIeI, • ~ .•' ••• , ....... . ...... . ..... : • , • • • . .. • 1.'-.51 Total ~ ••..•.•.•.••••.. , ................ : •• , ..... 81,310.10



. .

ROTEcr...YOUIl..RlG,n.a-ll--:: LlbrUtee. . ~ TO DRIVE WITHB-&. 8obooI ~ BId:a ... . ............................. • ~ 0UIier P\.trp08eI ............. . ............... , ..... .......:..._108.

H. M• CO ~ y NE



4oe.'t ,

pick faY.iteal MWortuae b ••n't ain.led 70U out .. an exception I Be wiae .nd

1lDtal ()Uher ~ •..•••..•••..••••.•••••••••..••.•• : ••. ' ~423~ Totai ~ of 'P upIls .,.,......................... &.181.38 Public f.aDCbe. . Ao:o37. PeIalrI8Il ~ •••.•••••..••••.•••• . •••• • •••.••••. , S85.OO Lunch SUpplts . . .. ........ . .... , ............... , ..' ....... . .. 3,817.31 ~ PuDUc 1AJnd1ee •••••• " ......... " •••. •••• " ..... :... ",~.38 O&ber ~ Apncfllil 1'1-11. '1'eecbBnI RIeUi'tI:nent ~ •••.•.•••• .• •••••••• ·1I..08U6 r-e. DDpJo:ya Ret.lnaJent ~ •.•••••..••••••••• ' 2M.oo. 1"-8. ~ a.rd of . JMucatJon ~ ........... . 1,116.1* ~ ~ ~ ~•...•••............•.•..•...• 2.t60.10

I. protect 70\1....lf ~ith .oOcI

wurance . . th.t no matter what h.ppeu, you, 70ur famDy and :raar prop.-ty will be fall7 pro-

orne. ~......... ,




'1'<l1l.I oi2ler


........ A....,.... ........................... .

()perUIOa 01 8clIaool !'laM-


A-Gito ... b. ~ 8ervtce ............................ iB-D.. PIleI ~ •..••••.: ....................................... . IB-I0. JIuJMaa BuppUea .................................. ..



1_ " fIlCO.oo

7DO.Cl B-13 ot.bea- Supplliea ..................................... . 1015.9'1 1D-9. W......................................... : ........ . 2711.311 B-10. ~ •• • •..••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• , ••••• 401.215 Bool1.~ .. ........................ . .... .. . : •••.••..•••. 'roM B-17. M ........ ...................... . ................. .. :I'U.8 &18. Ba'!IMnc ........................................... .. 30.15 ~1t. abler Qdract. UId Opm CIrcl.- Senb •.•.•. . .••..• 681.20. ·P ·3. ~ •••.•••. . ..•••••.•.••.•••••••••••••••••.••• 3Ua 'IlcItlaIl. 0IIleI' ~ •••..••.•• ; ................. . ......... . 4.111C1.ft ~Iata:l 0peratiDn at. ScII.ool IPltIat. ........... .. ............. .. a,NU", ~ of 8c:hooI1'Iab..... 0-1. ~ fbi' ~ 1UdIII. GIllet 0rcudI ...•.••••.•• 'J88.m 0-2. ~ b- ~. 1ilQUtp. Ud ~ •••••••••• 30.111 &-2. Repa.Ira 8c:t*)Ql _""""'" ••• • •••••••••• ,. I ••••••• • •• '. '1.13 1:-8. Re~ ~ 1i94•.a ~otad ~ ~ . ~ ..... . ........ .. .................. 1,41i6.C3 TotaiI ~ of Babool IP.auli •..•. ; .......... . ....... 1.taII.a Totaa ~ aod ~ ..•••.. , ••••••••• ,........ 8,~.90 Total 0UIrreI& Scboa1. 0clIIt ................. . .............. fi2.839.82

" . . . . . . ta.Juee ~



'l'ranpoI'taUoD 01 PapD.A-38. ~~ 8eII'Vb . .....•.... ,........................ 2,'l'lI.oo . B-3. IoiIDtor VddI;Ile SUppUiea •••••••••••••••••••• • •••••••• ·l,08'l.22 1IDo4. ~ Nator Vel*:lee . .. .. ,.............. . .......... 888Jl 1'-8. <:JeI'ap IR1I!I:K ..... . ...... , . ............... ,. .. .. • • .. • 400.00



Ubiwtea ............ ;..................... ~ ........... BD'END1TUII&8


!TION I Calamity

Any ~ake or mO'd el ·Fred Kahn Motor Ca'r Co. PHONE 326

an • • n,. _ _ _ _ •



XeaIe, 0

ZI S. St. _


Whole.".,.,.,. P ••teur1zed ·Oairy Producl'

Optoai.tric E,. S,...JaII.t •

29,53&.10 1,089.96

1161.112 'l'c:JtaJ ~ ••••••••••••••••• • •••••••••••••••••••••••• ,. 5'J,tSC).:D Total 'IlJ'anadlooa ••..••••..•.... , ............ , .......... ' 51,t90.11 AdJDlnIatAC.lo_ . . lA-I 10 14 Inc. S8Jcu1ea 8Ild Wagee Adm. ornos. UIId IlmpIoyees .... . ..... . ............................. 806.00 'I'ot&l IPerSlIIal 8ervI,ee ...................................... 806.00 B-1. 0l!D0e SUIJplleI ...... . ................ , ......... , .. 48.81 Total otber PuIlptwea ••••• •• ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• 48.&1 TCItal ~ . ...................................... 8Ii3.81

Dr. C. E. Wilkin




Otber EVerMDP

-Vo'tWIIe!de ..... 1vwe beId.Jn place by CWo .or ·~ lhlllliiMet eIfa4ra CbeG' '\'ftD. 8cmle with Jazre


FoandaUOIl I'rOInm 0a8h Rece4ved ' •. . ••.• . ..•...••••• •••.• • ••••••••••••••••• •• DedudJOIl8 fOl' 'I'eIIdlenI Ret1reIDeIrt ••.•••• ,.. . ............ DedudUant fOl' 8cllool DJjpIoyeB Retl.t"elned ..•.. . ... . ..••• Ded\.IcUXlo ·tor 00I.Imy Board of EducMicD ••••••••.••• • ••••• Total IPlDundalltbl .E'nJ&ram •.•• : . . ......................... Inta'eBt froQl et8It.e Ulr lITeduct1bIe'Debt ••••••••••••••••.•••••• V'Ooattllaal EdUcattoD 8IId &lb8bd H tetrn 1Cl1" DaIt, BUDd aild Ordppkd ChWien Ia'om state and U. S. CJoftI'nmslfl Lund1 •••••...••..••..•.••••.•.•.. ; • • .. • • • • • .. • . • • • • • • • • • . • 0t2ler .. .....•........ . ....• •.• .•..• • •••.••..••...•.• • , • • . .


Waynesville Fumitlue Co.

PI10De W~ .11

~==_.' Pbone '2537

GeDer.I Propert,. Tall_ LocIaI Levy IAJl Other P\JrpaIes .............. .. ......................... lII,clI6.04 Total ~y Tax ..• . ...•....•...•.••.•...•.•••.•••..••• ; 25.4116.04

9-12 each morniD&'


10Ul IlJattle, hop. lIbeep aDd ealftl to Norris-Brock Oo~ I1v. wire ~ prosrealM Unn ' for UUI llllbelt marbt pitt.. and





..... ....... ...... . ... . ...........'......... ..... . . . .... . . . . . . . . . . . . 24'~ro~

Total Exenditure& and 'BeJenoe .•... • .•...••. • .••..•••...... '18,624.91

MaIn cU, XeaJa, 0.



•••••... . ... . '" •.. •••••.•• , •••••••••• '" •. , 63,615:90

Lunch . .. .. .. .... . ........... . .... , •••..•.•. ,.••...••.••• , . . Tobal •... ••...•..•• •.•.••.•.•.••.. , ..• • •••..••. .• •. • ..• , • . . 51. Total ReceIpts atDd Boa"",,,",,, •. ••.•..••••.••• • ••••..••••••••. 1B,6lK.9I

And Mattre. . .

Sand .& Gravel

The Miami Gazette

BeeelP..... CiebenIJ. F\mId



Re"erae Telephooe CbR. .

Eo G.' Bucbaleb, ' ....

Oe!lel'a.l lI\IDd • ..... .... ...... • . . ..•........•••••• • ....• .14.862~ Bond ~ Fund .... ... ......... . .... . ........ . ...... 6.«4.1 LUIIdl .......... . ..... . .... . .. . .... . . . .................... 1,027.63 ~ .. . ....... . . . .. . .............. . ........ , ••..••••••••.• 31.134074

~ame Di.l 2111 -

632 36.6'76.60


~cQIlure ~uneraI


January Sale of

'!'ax Va.luatlon .. ... . .... , .•.. . .•• .. ••.. . •••. . .•••..••• . .••. ·$3,«4,81108~

Te.x ~l .~. '::::::: ::::::': : : : ::::::::::::::::::::: SIal1arie8 uId ~ . . ... . ......• . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . • . . • . . . .

JI.F.D. I, New CarIIaIe. Ohio PbODe DcnmeIaY1lle ...1


Made To Order





10:30 A. 1M.

FINANCIAL REPORT OF THE BOABD 01' ED170A'l'ION For ....... Year EncUnc DecIeIIIIMlr list, 19M WAYNE RURAL S(lBOOL DISTRlCI', 0011NTY OF WARREN P. o. Addrele, WAYNESVILLE. omo. Date, .JANUARY 1%. 19&5 I CII!I1Uy the foDow1n4r tOO be C'OrTeCt. E. V. BamIlart. Clmr. of the Btlenl of nlucatton

At All



- --..

ChrIstIan EDdea.vor - 6:30 P. M. Evenlng Servtce - 7:30 P. M. Mid"'IIM1t ~ eerv10e Wednesday nteht .- 7:30 P .' M.

Sermon - 1'1 :00 A. M.


Good Service.

Oammunlon -




Sermon Topic, Morning, IIBelieving a Lie" Evening, "The' Startling Message" A quartet will be present from Ithe Cincinnati Bible Seminary to sing both morning and eveni~g


Monday, January 29th .

---=-..:.---.....:----- - -

l» apnt_bille -QCburtb of ~briJt Invites YOU ttl its serVices Sunday morning, January 28

We Offer


Sta.nley and StanlOY, At\)'a.


-'-- -----_-.:--:




WaJ1l"vfUe, OhJo


Cpl. Rd)ert AdamIS woo Is located in F'ra.nce became ecqus4nted. with MIas Ju:quel1ne Fobel. e. native Uhat 00lIIltlry. end throI.I8b tIhIs acQual.n1iUJaBhip Mjss Fabel wrote a leiter Ito Opt Adam's sister. Jean. a nEldent Qo.rwln. '!be intmest4ni



Amlo1inces ttia.t EtfeoU.W1

6ub6crlpUon PrIce '1.50 Per Year Payable in Advance



, I.

W8a'ftn 00un1<Y

PU>YD L. ~vmsoN. Editor Jlntered as 8eoODc1 Olaaa Natter

an ...,. , ' ' ' ' ........;


::: .. i

lDqI...... .... ,......................


or electric. See BW Lee, 'OmdGrf Road, R. I, Waynuvme.

DeIM. . ~'

H-l. Bands

!'OR SALE - Rubber-tired 1III8IlI1: IllOUJIIted bUD saw. an lJee.

YOU want to ret m&n1ed, write Boz S68, .Jullaette, Idaho. SeDd



~ ~


• •,



___... . ... &:'P ..... e _____







~. 81J11'in8a, CbeIIt MId vm_. Mm, 1.. Webb, 1FboDe' :II66; Ie -


_ _ _ ..



.................... , ................. ,. H,014.«I


~ B~ 200 lialea ~t ~eel ItraIw 8Iic bale 0 1.. Art BooI&l RoiId'· W~ 0 . . '

Mllltudnc ..............•.... •. , •.•..•••. ; I . ••

B-2. Interei!IIt OIl BoI:Ids ••• , ... , .•••...•••• ,.............. 1'16.00 Total DII!tlt Service ........................................ 1,1'16.00 'I'aIIal ~ •••••••••••• • ••••• •• •• • ••• • ••.••• • . • •••• M.Ol4.6CI



AIIeP~ .... , .......•... ; ..........................•....••...• ~tlO~ 1IIWeab'y flIWilet aDd ~ ,."... . . . . ) .,............ .. '.eoo.OO IAiDdiI 1(00It) (DlUiMWcl) ... ~ ... ~........................ aeoo.• ~ .(a.t) . (~) ' .......... ; ....... ,' •• ~; .. ~ ... i1,~oOo.oo


~ (oa.t) fl!l!!ltrnlMed) ........ , •••••••• ; ........ • • • 10.000.00 ~ A8Mta ·. ~ ·· ........ . ...... , ......... -; ................ ~O.H


' . ' ,.

amded [)ebt ............... : ........... : ................... 4,00c).QG ~ !I"'NJIItb . ............... ~ ......... ; ............··.. ~.QG ~ or AIBeta .............. :. , ....................... ~.•.• : .11100110.16


. 1liiie 1t: COOd C'QI1IIMM! l'bOae . i~§&~~~~~~ ~----&_--;~: · ~'a5~e&a9~'~..~..~~SBB§ijI· II


POR 8ALB-8-room'

·NO ,

4PpRAlSAI . 4 · or,·LOAN FEE


a-o . ..m-1iIIidIra



.'WIIber: ~ --; . ~: ..-. . ~: cII!IIem: ..a: , ~ .n . : on

IIIIn at.. OIlUl . QbIo. 8-Pi

. Babb8 W.,....uJe.


WMrID- KMID. Good. IIree4. JIbaae ..2lG.


8'mVJI WOOD- . . . . . . . . . . CIIIId JIbaae . . .


'. ,, -




1 ;. .

INS ·· < "'''CE .' I'YD' U '~~ .

F AR~S , AlIP> ....OWN p'~OPJ$TY __ . ' ---: . __:_ ___ FIRE --. AUTOMOll~ _ BONDS


Eighte en seventy-five you have that amoun t Ito ' loan to a 8o~dier .who l~an8 you his life? Sur~ y'o u dol


"Go 118 into all the

nairy Senice Attempted


AccordI ng <to repar:\8 ,1Irom herd owners, ,t he 'WOrk IOn iIIb1a project dB now in progres s. oom:nu tteemel from th1B area are Heber EllIs, Jll!ill!St Q:lok aru1 J. B. Crabbe. 8CCOl'dlne to a IrepOIl't from the office of OOUnty A'gent. E8.1l(l5'. GIRLS FRIEND LY sociETY The Girls Friendl y 8oc1ety met a.t the booIe of Mrs. Oharles Terrell, JanWl.l'Y 29. 'IUle follawtn g of'f1oel'll were elected: Doroth y Conard. P~esldent; PhyWs Ba.tley, secretar y; Barlla.ra

Crane, troosure r. 'I1.he next meet1ne will be heId Februar y ill. at the bailie of Mrs. Olm.rles TeITell, aru1 IWtll 'b e a Ve.l-

ent1ne party. The younge r g:roup o.Jao elected Clhelr offl.cera as follows: Be.ndm Simpso n. presiden t; Me.ryln ' Terrell. sOO1'et.ary; Elane Eva.ruI, treas-






WYloo1ne R8.nda1l. nee Kur!15s. died at 4:30 A. M. W'edneIIda.y, Janua.ry 31. ~ 24, 8It . BlUr Halpj.ta l d.n Lebano n. She is SU1'V1ved by her husban d. Staff Sgt. 'Delle Randal l. with the armed foroea do EJul1Ope. Also. her pareDJt.a, Mr. and 1Mra. Frank Kurrflsa end grand-p• Mr. Bald ~. W1JDBm Qn.ham . 8erv1ce s w1ll be Iheld 8a.t~ a.t 2:00 !P. M .• stubbs FuneIW Home, wdth burial in M4ami oemeflerIY.


As a means of conserving fuel on a nation ·wide basis, the WIU Produ ction JJoard has issued . an order, dated January 15,. 1945, whi~ prohib its the use. of electricity for the following purposes:

un,.Outdo or adver tising and outdo or

promo tional

lightin g. •

"(2' Outdo or .dl.pla y IIghtl.n g excep t where necessary

for the condu ct of the busin ess of outdo or estab lishments . . •. ~.' ... . . "(3) Outdo or .... --rat·lve and outdo or omam entall.ightIng. -











1 4

0 2.


Bra4ley , D. iBmdIIey , K.

0 11

1 0

White way s'treet ligh. ting In excess ' o. f the ampu nt determ ined by local public autho rity to be necessary for Public safety . OuJdoor Ilgn lightin g excep t for: (I) directional or . Identlftcatlon Ilgns required for ft re an d poIIce protec tlon, trafR~ control, transp ortatio n "rmin al. or hospitals; or dlredl onal 'or identiftcatlon signs for any similar es- ' sentlal public ~rvlces the "shtin g of which is spec ' iftcallv , certlfted to be neces~ry by local public authority. Certift.. ' L_ mcicI I u..-y ' . - ~" I"" I cation sha II . e n wntln g to the appro pr u e ec- , IrIc suppli er and need not be In any partic ular form; directional or identlftcation Ilgns u_lng not more than , 60 wafts per establ ishme nt, for doctors and for hotels, and other public lodgl n, establ ishme nts." u(7)


As a suppli~ of electricity, The Dayto n Power and Light Company is requir ed to bring this order to the attention of all its . customers using el~jcity for these purposes. This order of the War Produ ction Board is by its terms mandaeffective 'ebrua ry 1, 1945, and 't'l~es the responsibility ~or compliance .upon the fUns of electnClty. The War Produ ction Board, however, urges voluntary compliance as soon as possible,

. , 7 ....~.' 'tory,

The order furthe r requires that the Company notify any 'cus· tomer known by the Company to be in continued violation of the order after Pebruary. 1. A copy of this notification must, be sent to the Distri ct Office of the War Produ ction Board.


War PrQductiQD Board asks full cOoPeratio~ of all usen affected. The order provides that wilful violation is su~jectto fine orimpriso~ent, and· furthe r prOvideS .that .the Board ~p,on 'det~atiot:l of ~01:'~~ vio"~~, ~y direct .the .us~ion of setVlce ~ . prescn be ~ conditlons under which service may be resto~<, . " '. . .

. lb.

Co..""; UIIil 6. 4W

" rt'f/ul,.", ,,,,s.


10 .

-!'is',fIIiIb ~ f'U,oilln$ be .•••Ii'" ', :. '




IB\nCm DUnaway Akers A!Ult

1 4 3 0

. f:,



0 '


Bprm,t mo


1 (1) .', 6 9


The .Jtm1Or ~ Quintet bowed

to 8pr1n&b oro :!or Ule aeoond Ume

tbiII aeuon. '11le blu . and white Jade trounce d them, . 201\'18, In a. game Where it _ Sp(~ aU the

wa.y. W~ille Spdng~


1 6 13 18 114, 16 18 20 --------


2G-i>V1t. ~lee 'RUIl6eJll EWs, btl&,bEWd of Ml's. Mtnnie E. EWa, Route 3, Waynesville, Ohio, baa been tnwlsfe rred f·r om the Army Ground . Forces tAl the oAmly Air F\orCea, awl has repo!llteI d at ,tlbe AAP 'lm1D1ns Comma Ild's ba6e at Kessler P1eld. He 18 'IlDW at Kassler 8!Wai14nc re-


peoplel, MlrIi.

. . a. 1\Dldl-

w~ III

Ib'$' .

at .tbo Reel Q'OIa room at

Center:v We, WedDielda¥ ~





' Weltz

meeting a.t ~e HaU, SundIt.y after:n~ Mr. GOd Mrs. Wwtee Kemiclc were IebIVlq n via1tma. Tburada ,y afterno on.

Mn. Keeler Grawn ,pezit Thur&.............1..... in ~ ....n

- iMr......vv_ ....~...... ..,. and M'nI. Fnwlt· Brown ~ ~ City, were t!U~ at ~ bome .. ... __ " ...- r.. ... !t.ou'-h n aDd of ...,.. --.. _u. ~.... Mrs.


Eat-l Menden hall IQD S\.Inday a.iId MondOi'. !Mr. and Mrs. RobEft iMoNabb of, west. C6.Trolltan. wen~ 8UDday din-. ner g:UeI!Ite of Mr. aDd iMn. Milo ~ and chd.ldren. Mr. and Mrs. RU,ph a8l!llJVWid and 1Bm11y enterta1ne4 Ito d1noer SUDday evening, Mr. 4i11DCl Mn. I'8W SobneJd er and. Mr. and MJ:'s. ROOe:rt Da.via of ~ Mr. ad1 Mn.' EMfttt KenrIcl t IIIld c!I4ldren a.ttend~11 8. recept.\oD for Mrs. Mumly Hog1k1Il& or Da¥ton, at iIlhe home of 'Mr. aDd!4r s. Stanley Ba.1ley a.t W~, Saturdayev en.\Ds. 'l1be cammlt,tee of tbe c:lI'UsBIde for <hriBt; UDder the lea4enIb1p of · WaJUr iKen&1c&, ma at IIi:ie Kennck home, ThUl'8da¥ ev~. M!'. and Mrs. 'Ib.erle Jules and 8CID, Mr. Uld Mrs. ~ 'lbaDaa and dlUlF'te r. Mr. and MIre.. HaiT7

1\he VIal\lllteel' tor

ill. ,1:1 ... ..........,.. O'abbe aDd..AI Ine !Very ~ sang. "All



home of :Mira. WWtai' .... - ...... a veJ\II. ·b usy. eveinlDg. a 80CIal. ' hour 'Was _ I A ed - """... ..""'_I_'ft .. _--

.m.., .



and J4rL


P. ~ . . . .o f . . .......


't er-in........, iYl'a., baR in



Do ....... .

:~::=~=~=l:IW •


• .

coUf6e~ed';;~e=~~ ~~;-~"'!; 'l1bIose pre.'leD


t~~ea Jennie Conner , J. Eo MDOlur e, CIIIi&'les Maw1oe. Pa:ul Maurb , .Robert Omy, 061'1 ~ !DIow1n iR8m:by and 0hal1I.e6 EWa. About 6Ix IthOUaa.nd pnnenta. UlO6t of rtheIri tor re[\IiIIIIl iD:taDta,

~ a.ftter wlllcb. the Club adJourn ed to meet with :A4:rs. Harvey Rye CIS iJloste6s, at "OUr Bouse" tor the

~ mee_ .

W11son and family, nee.r Waynesville. Mr. and Mrs. iRalph HemDl!)Dd, Mrs !n.n1l1_ .... u ... _ ~~ .. ~ ....~~ u _

;-=.: :::: ~, . . . . . ........... ...,..,.. and J'amea


of Ml'. and MnL ftuIIIIel ·W IIa IIlIi lam1ly. iMn. lJIiBIe,1AwIcD dllllQ' ton, '80 weeQoc l ~ of b Wla &lib a d1nDer . . . .


Amelic an 1\Vbman ,"

S:'the~=e~:=~ ~v~=::J\a::;,

ent6. Ml'. and. Mm. f:teeler Ch'a.ham . The;y Feat.mll ' OlUb held a


• • •

Mr. 6IId MD.1I ftnIIt ~ ~ abUdre n SUDd'a..v dtimer ......

\leeds, will ~ bJs lleW asliIlgIlJDeIllt.

BorUeq gave an excellen t


M!ra. V1D1& Hadar. ,

QODS!dera.Uon 01 title Army'S mUWI.ry

beeIr~ed doWn bY'.the Americ an reView. pt

M:lu ~ <HbblOllB . . . ..

'l1UeI!Id!aiY even1nc dIImf:I\ . . . cd Mr. &Dd Mra. It.; N, BIDuIIIl ~

to dutl1ea with b AJAF. A revlevr of bla ,previou s m4ll1m'y ¢I1'a1n1Dg. eJtPeT1ew:e. 8Pt.L1lude& and ~ condi~, ,t oget.ber with

Barden . Mrs. Crebbe used as her

• • •

MIa. ~ Oooner Is confine d to ber boaJe wlfh .. IIadIIr IJftIDe d a.ukie u Go l'4IIWt of a. tall em 8be ice.

assignm ent

~ ~~ .~ in ~ of iMr6. J. B. Orabbe ami Mrs. Glenn

.._ ....... _-,... _......... .. 6OilI6,

!Mr. and Mra. Walter ~ aad IIOIlII lDed Co IIUICMIl' OIl ur_ even1ntr, Mr. IIitld Mn. wm!am E. l'naUre , ~ WJlmi~

Ke.Wer Field, Biaoxi. MR.. Ja.n.

Oornell 86 Iha>tess at "Our House," witil Mrs. D. IR. Salisbu ry and Mis. RAmaId Hawke 8$ guests. Roll 0Bl1 W8B answere d ,by giv1ng a. New Year






guest Ial

• • •


subJect. · Ames.1Can Folk wre." and dn a I\IerlY mtere&t 1ng manner wId of

. eon


of O. Sill.. ~ BrJpIdn a !Camp ~. abode lBIuId.

1acts aoout the hJ.story of, ~d. Everyon e 18 '1'eQUeSted to be pre~to tell 8. Sootch joke•

f.l1be New Oeatury ClUb !held Clhe1r JiuluaIr y meet1Ile Ubb. Mn. W. Eo



cammen datllbn.

g1n1a Ha.rdin, p1woo solQ6 by ~­ land Crabbe and some intere.st1 Dg

Mr. &Dd Mrs. a.t Smibh of Day.ton we'e ~ ·'CWenmg· dinner _._. of the JattIIirt. __ nNo Mr. ......... . -~ Mn. ~ . GnIbam and Ms. Wa.nda

B&tle.v en.terta4 ned on SiatuId ay evenlnfr, boocnla bel' /lIIIIber-In'-laW. !4rB. ~ BopiIMw of Dayton . 0IIn1a IW'EII'e die ~ of tale evenlDi 1IbIdI a. lfaID.t7 salad coun;e IW'8oI enJo1ed. a..tB of the even1ng were ,, ,,.,...., ,,. JDd. , HOpkins, Everett KeIIl.mck, D. O. iR4dge, llMn MiUl1on1, R188l J e6Ii6 'IU1omaa. aw"lea .Ali:iel:1IOPo Harold Andenon. Il\ltbUr IHDpIr1ne and Ule gueet. or ~. 1Ihe Ibooa' ~ Sa a. reoerIIt bdIfe

LeMay. 'I1IUs Waynes ville sroup 18 ~ an 0\.Itst.a.nd1ng piece of 1WOI'lt, 8Ild 18· ~ aocal suppor t aDd

A program 'With the tlieme "ScOtland" is planned Batu1'd aq at. Farmer s' Gr,a.D£e. 1\here will be dU6tB by EIlhel Bee!<m' 'iD 8.nd Vir-

. ..



tale fOlWwln g Iadliea : Mrs. Ohal'les ElJJs. Mrs. M,yrtle Rook, Mrs. P.ra.nees Gray. Mn. Rita H1ll.. Paul Ma.ur1ce. Mrs. Ohas. Mlwr1c e. Minl. Jennle Conner . MIs. James IMaOlure and Mrs. FnIIIlk




were 6eIlt. to tale local group and were given. out. • ~plete surP1'1se 00 the ~, e.t tale !['~ 6eW1,ng, 'lb.W'S<Iay IUgbt. to

Navirat or on 8. B·U, somewh ere in tbe _ area., 1& tbe BOD 01 Mr. and Mrs. Frank E. Thomas , 01 nt!&r

10 1 11

F.T. Pts. 3 Ci 1 9 2 8 2 2 2 2 11 (2) (3) (4) 9 20 30 15 24 27


.Due to a. wa.rebouse ,fire ltihe JdnS



~ '.. .



'Wft'e del8(yed but C8i1'<ds of &i'I\UI'd



Brown BIrtBOc k


Y~ l9K



ttbe locaol umt

'IUle basJ.s i or ,tale e.ward 18 kieJtermaed ll1lM~ and the same pin given to women in all atles in w!hklh RussiBn War Rel!l.ef bIIs a worldiDg COIIIIIJlIIittet;. 'lbe6e pins were wwarde d aill mem.lJers 'I\~ had comple ted J.44 hoW'll of 6Dt1ve &el'V1oe W1tlb.1n: the



A dellc10u a NDIchtl'ob a.nd Intei'esttng bridge game in ~ ~ were ecdOYecl by a eroup of :rteod8 when Mil'II. D, R. Smltal entertU ued on 'Ilhursd ay. ~ !Were WUl . " M!rB. Jctm 'Il\II'ner. Mrs. K. R. am arid ~. ErneBt ~ 'Ibe 111v1ted fl1le81a 'Were Vfedem .... !L A. F1ullrer&on, ~ KeBey, .1abD Turner, K. R. i8Jll, 8a.lpb PUb, Ernest nt8ln~ .A. E. stoat, 1L'I1'Iher HB4'eso cIt, WIde 'l\Imer aod

argIaJl.\.zaUon. "RIu.6s.Ian War Rei11er, Inc.". were 8IWarded. spec1al sesrvtce l~on at a meet:.I.nG held in 0inx:lInna:tl. Jan'U8a'y II.

Charlet on led ~ tJhe w!rmer.. ,q)tJl ten poinIts wlhlle Dunaoway paced the ikl6er's with ~ BInd HartllOCk of tlhe ~ were nexJt on the ~ with 8 and 7. respeotivtly. rw. a 8 . boys'tr aued four rt>ints in the fourtlh ~! 'Wilen 66cltett came into ctb.e " lime 8IIld stu.ted tb1n8B mov1ne ~en he bl6ed. in a field goal. WAYN ESVlLL E F.O. F.T. PIts.


U(4) Show windo w lightin g excep t where necessary f or Interior illumination. . "(5) Marqu ee lightin g In excess of 60 waRs for each , marqu ee.



Ihalf. Waynes~ i Ol'ged aheed to de1e&.t Spr1n&' ' . 30-27, F'11!.d&y. ~ 26, ~ rtbe latter·s hardwood.




With a .six-pOint deficit a.t the

Clbutdl .




I.saibeue Dr1\unm ond. SOD6' . ~ Timoth y IWd Roy. Funen l IIIll'\1Ce8 Sunday at 2:00 !P. M. o.t Middler un



bJ Ed.,.uL 'Stanfo rth

James B. Sm11h. 8'1, died a.t title !h«ne of iWB ~ Harry, at 8:30 00 WedDe6day even1IItJ, Jenuiu y SI. Survivo rs are hl.a d&ughte r, Mrs.

Saoket t


the . I"<l; gospel to every eres.t ure. St, MS1;k 16 :15



"WVren County Da11'y 8erV1ce Unit WIder ~ 8uperv1sIQlll of Countu Ai_ BG4ley. 18 ooeIt1ng to obta.1n auftlde nt m.embersh1P5 Ito the ~nlm,t1on in tlh1B a.rea <to make the plan wo:rkia.ble. The pla.n ca.tt1es !dve d1Herent aerv1oee. offering Ith.e d9.1ry herd owner an oppontw Uty I!o become af.fil1ated with an o~ dlbat y.rm give a oonstant and l11et1me of a SOrely needed <help. Brief!$'• .the ftve units tlo this service are aa tollows: Amlt1f1clal mBeDlinat1on. a feature h t provides the &est blood llnee to every owner at 0. niI'8ODable fee. owner- sample .~ aDd bs'd improve ment teat~ are two other impo.l1ta.nt; ( $ ture&. I4'e1nbe1whip 1n the umt, Breeder II AMoc1at1on life membe rship are al$) oUered.


world , and



Lovely of Waynes ville. spent 'IUlunday in ClooInn atl. Mrs. Everect Ea.tly attende d t.he Wester n Ooll~ Club~, WedlIlesday evenme at the !home at Dr. "and Mrs. B. F. Suffron in DaytOn . Mrs. J. B. aee, iM1ss Wanda Ola:rk and iMJ'. ' QIIld Mrs. Walter Keruid t <IIttended PombD a Omnge dinner 11M meet1ng ~ .Bpr1n&boro, Saturda y even1ng.

lhave been comple ted b~ tibia ppup of 'MOIl'kers and. tt1eIDd8. Sever8ll ~ 'Were OlD. ~ at the tea recently beld 1n ClooIDI l8U for RWl8iail !WHIr Rellet, IIIc. 'l1he erouP acijolll't led with MnI. Cat). ............ _- toin JDeet Wo eeka..


... -~-

and Mn. ..,.........,.. ___" "'~ ~_~ ....... ~ ..,............ .... --Waynes ville. Mr and Mrs ElIswor.t.h . SmJth

a.. ..._


OmIp~, 'TfwIIeM

" ....... the peat 'ftdt. . • •• • Ylr. ead MD. 0l"IUIe GIa7 .4 Mn. WdJ..llam 8a.WJ'C!!r M.tftIe d tile

If~ aertYiDea at Mr. ~ ..... In aBt1I8v tl]e, OIl ~. • • • . ·MIa. WOCldl:cnr 0... ~1e1d, ....

ren at


u.s.cbUd""'* 4DII

bar maIbIr , ..... ........ _ . • • •


1"-. _.... ,. _ _ ......~'" •..;:. -.:a

- - ......... - - - . . . .-

~ near


.,.,....t ....

Mlrs. Lena. Ii8I't8oc It .... paesta of Mn.. .A. z .

1EIImdaJ '


Mrs. U. o .•~ *Mal __ ~ytton, ~ on Mrs. M&We &1l1vea 1111 ~ clUIq tile , . Levi and son Welllna ton, 8UDda,y weeK. . even'I!K,


• • Fire of unknow n orlg1n d~ed Mn. 'IUlelmB Berges a.DIjl' cb.1ldnm MD. flDbert Berry MId 8oa, no the barn on the :farm Io! Mi'. and 01 Beave11town. spent Sunday wital ' have 000I1Pted an .~ lID .... ~. Ell:1a Back, new: Lytle, lIotonds.J iller pa.rents, Mr. and ' Mn. Lue "WtufOm aon BowJe" lcJr tbe ... r. about. DDOn. Morgan . 1IIOJIdIe, mve l'etAIiDed m DI$D Mrs. J. B. JOIlE& spent F'rida.Y' in Mr. Oecll 8ba.w of Xenia, spent wttb her plal'en1B, UI'. IIDd K& ~.ton and EaW tile play "Meet Me tbe week eod wital iMIrs. !PaUl Sb6W P.raIlk BealL. In St. LoUIs" at a.nd famll¥. • • • Mn. Everett &.rly. Mrs. Fred Mr. and Mrs. MA>rr1s Lewla and Dr. ~ MrI. A. II. stout ·Md Rush, Mrs. R068 Rowlan d, in oom- S01lB Jury. Lee a.nd enneth Will- da~ dUIed \OD the tcnJen ~ with Mrs. Pearl ~,Mrs. lam. spent Sunday 'Kwith 1Mr. and mAlt.ber, MIL .1'. .1. SCIOu&, tD ~. ~ Hartsock. MnI. Alva 'Ilhomp- MIs'. JobnK. oestet, or Vt.k:a. tcm. on ~ • • son. :Mrs. JIQhn FIanm a.nd Mn. Mr. and Mn. Tim Smitb spent Mr. end Mra. P. c. 'lbomM __ Daisy Snyder of We.YIOeIIVille, spent Monday with 1111'. awl MnI. EMIl Ite1'ta.1Ded Ibo d.1mler OIl ~ . til ' WedDeada-yat Ibhe Method ist Church Smith and family. btmIor of ~ bir:UIdI.J ~ in ' Centerv1lle maJdng Red C1'C6S Mrs. David Lucas spent a. few sa.rlea am or blr cnod.... 'I'CIm-. Burnet and fam11y ~ ~e baIIldage.s. ~s this week 'With her dangl...,r, ~. 'lbe dbIaer 4Iible . baBketb8iU aome e.t ~ b1iIh . . ..., The Wanan s Soc1ety of L6'itlW Mrs. of XenilI.. wbose ~ve . 'W1tIh Ia. Jaqe ~ aabool bU1ld1ng, f\1day evening, . 0Ilur0h will have an all day meet- ilwBbaOO is reporte d miIIJiJls 111 ca.Ir.e and ocmn were 8I'IuIII d fGIo Mr. ami Mn. Charles Bllrmel l and ins and covered d1sIl dinner next action. • Mlr. and Mn. Jcfm Bobe7 of DiIt'MnI. Emma. JM:y ~tteDded the tun. Wednes day. Fet>rua.Ty 7. at.lbhe home Mr. and Mm. Cla.renc e Oha.rlllo n too, Mr. aDd lin. .1. K. erel jar. Elmer lAIcy a& I'raDkJ&n, fol ·M rs. Walter Kenrlck JIIII'DbUt . DevOt.101l8 of iDe8X Wayru!Sv1lle. tWere supper &Dd eooa. Mr. Gd ' I4n. lAJnIl Thur~ 1IIfoteriDOon. \ by Mn. Charles Bunnell . Di9Cu.sslon gwlStB . Baturds .)' eYenlnS, or Mr. 'lbomaa aDd daUlhter,lDf ~ ..... Ml'B. Haney Bumet tell on tbe on topic of the Lndia.ns by Mrs. tilld Mrs. Everetlt Bwmel l and famIUIbert 'lbcmu &Dd ~ l1li4 ke Jaat week 1nJtir1nc IllEI' ann. but Wilbur Clark~ The comm1t.tee Uy. tlbe boat e.zid ~ no bones were ~en. f ASSisting are: M.ra. Therle J.ones. MJss M1Dn1e CnlIWItonl spent sun• • • 1*. aDd Mn. IPaw ··W11k¥ns of . MlrIi. Guy Routzahn and Mrs. Nebtle day wttb her pa.rents, Mr. &lid Ml'II. Mr. IIIld Mlra. Kac1in l 1lUDlII R. LebaIIlo n ~ d1niDer '1f\It'ISt,I, SunEml1ck. Cla.reaJ.oe Ctawto M. 1. 1_and eoals spent tile 'fteIt ead 'WUb cla,y evening of iMr. and lin.. mverett !M4'. RU68ell Rc:bm8 on of De8&' . Mr. and Kra. I'rIIDk B. 1Ja.rl¥. 3IaIIM . MT. HOu. .y New Burl1ngt<m, spent ~ With '. • • • Mr. Fmnk M.1l1lenbel;'ler spent the " l4!'. and Mrs. Eiv18 Wah.lal and Mr. tW,d Mn.!Dn er8on week ·ouw DIli aod 8DU, _..a ............ ....... . ..... Mr. 0Iti» Pnimer, ~ IIIne!tt -'- -._... 8OIlI..... _ aDd . Mrs. [)aJe Fair and. er, Of ...1_h. :1..... ';xeDlIa. . . operUie d ClIII ~ " daUcbter, 'Mr,· 8iIld iM'i'8. 0W!bi l nes:: Xmlia,. fll)ell,t Monday a.fter·M r. and Mrs. Rl-YIJIQIId Smith of ~"P lhoapUa·J tor Ar<:bdeloon &114 .. ~ m :""';'''- noon 'With Mr. -_.. Mrs. "'."-'-' d """, _An, called KI!Il Mr. aDd. Mra · cion. , • ,...41_ ~t. Be . , dB DOW . ~ ~ yV~ , . a., .."" .. aftenlo on. ' &4oWJ bJa' balne. . " • . and iMr. Be11; ~latt. . . ...__ . ,., Mr. ~ Mft. KSler . ~ . " .. ~. Billie Welch of • • • Xenia, spent Ml'II. D&~ LUcaa apeat 4Ibe -.reek . • Mra. ~. Skley , ~ ~. aDd :8uiIdEw with Mr. and . Mrs. Mr ~ !In. HeltIIIR a.IIIa i'. Emeet end 'W1Ibh her SOD, 'Ra.ymd od ~ . . •> · Ul'a.' 08:it Albti&'bt at ~ Sun• _ u... ., ~ 8Dc:l famUY, . .and.fam 1li dt near Wllmtn ilOO. ' 8I!d ~ and' • • -_ . . day ~ Mr. ~ 'iI 1JUf_.. . ' iMr. arui',Mi'IL Everett Bunnel l arid ,. . I S. ~ liven ~ in ~ . . . ; f~ ~ ' .. brobii' arm aDd ', !1IIIAl,y, w~ d1mler' suestB. ~; M1'. aDd Mia. 6. R. 1l'01leeb J; wr, N. ~. ~'~~ . . ' .~ tbOUlder~ · reoehIild . Wben a, of Mr• ..aDd Ura. ~ $JibiIoIl. . .pleaaan~ ~ tbeil! !UIdJ1' Mr...... ... .AI1biIIrt 0IrNr . . . . ~. ;reU '~ ~ tM he,... .cut,Mr. 1il!V1D .~ • on the a1IcJc .~ dinner; ~1, ,m' boIIoI' ~ JA:incIIIf..vii tIbeIr JIM'IIIIIIIo . . . doRl. ' .: > . . ' • ~ PII4~ Ol*. Dulotll7 . . . . . if ...._ . · ~. ~. Mn: a.., ~ '.ad .lJat. ;;::::-iUD.-fi in'y 'rumbu ll left Iut I ~A'Vl!I,B~ ' ~ . . " \9IIIIUI' • - , . .. ,..JfDI!Iell ~ 8IiDcIQ .... Mr. and .--'11luDda;y to join ber ' ..1IIIiaN1 ai . P1rat ~.. abe ' bill ~ 'ur.. WiDIIIm ~ .. on...... BoatAIIr, MIla. " 0CJiiniei . at B~ 00Uep aDd" 'Mr. MId MI'L CJanDce Cbu'l8O o ~ '1Id.; &D4 .. _ dIiOiM . 111'. MId ¥Do spent 'l'!lUrI!dIv. ~ W6th _: l1li4 to at oiu1.M' d. Md. ~ KrL JIIVtel'ett -...... aDd~. C8Ilfa:t da. Ibt.. . . ......, to ....... .... tD Kr. IIDd .... . . . . 8uDDeIi ~ ...... fIItbeI'. .ied __ tbe . . of lit. tIII4 IJIIiI' . . . . . , . ,





acwq _ .

.1. willi...

ber·. ·




. Thunday, Febl1lU7 1, IM$


__~WEEKL Y NEWS ANALYSIS - - : - - - - r LEND-LEASE: ' Bed Spread Made Food Shipment$ ---Of 36·Iii~h Goods

Germans Strive to Check Great Russian Break-Through .in East; Congress Ponders Labor Dralt

.THIS lipread for . a double bed may be mode out of chintz or

ahy 36-il)ch~wide ma~erial that you haVe on hand. Eleven and one·hall yaJ'dll wlUbe required for a bed 5. inches Wide and, if you follow ' -_ _ _ _ _ _ _ Rele naed by New-slnper UnIon. _ _ _ _ _ _... the cutUng diagram given he re, (EDITOR'S NOTE: When ,plnl.hI ar•• "pr .... d In U••• , celomnl Ih.)' lbo . . . , not a scra.p goods will be W •• 'er" N .... p.p.r nl.n'l new. aa.t,lt. an. Dol n • ., •••• rll' .1 'hi, aew.p.,.r .) wa ted. \ Cut the center parts first; then the la-m'ch ' side sec tions for the pi1l9w cover; then the l(}.inch





Showing a 4 bIllion ~Iou nd d~oP un· der 11M 3, Ijmd-lease focld ond agrlcul· tural pr.oduct!! ah.lpments <Juring 19« tota lied over 7 billion pound.. with meats, dO.lry ttem~1 and graIn cercal, composing the bulk at de· liveries. Of meat lend-leasl~d, 708.627,733 pounds were cured. smoked and "Roughly Speaking" hit trozen pork produc:lS; 61\.238,418 the stands last )'ear I started pounds at frozen pc,rk loins; 60" right In yelping about it. ~ I reo 762,243 pounds of lamb and mutton; member. my words were: 23,285.892 wunds of frozen veal. and "One of the most fascinating 16,101.290 pounds of I~rozen beet. Of books I've ever .read. As Ameri.c an dairy products. 280,84.5,099 pounds of all Boston baked _ _,""':::r-....,.~'11111 cheese were delivered, 23.886.449 beans. C h a r a c· poundll of butter. and 17,800,503 tere .)urdy aa Plymouth rock, pounds of butter all. Other food and agl'lcultural prod· Mrs . , Pierson, ucts lend-leased Included 543.930,297 American rna tho pounds of granulated suga r; 44 .1J.41,- er, could. If she 306 pounds of canned peas; 41,424,· had the stun to 897 pounds of canned pencpes; 28" do It w i th, lick 059.988 pounds of canned green Hit I e I' single. beans; 24,650,997 pounds of canned handed, as she's tomatoes; 21,668,310 pounds of soa p. ! lIcked wealth a nd _ _~a.;_~ and 20, I1l5,ll2 pounds of canned po v e r t y B nd pin eapple. brou g ht up five Pierson children. There's SYNTHETIC RUBDER: a woman I'd fly thousands of mUes "4 P ' to meet." 19,,... ro d uctlon She reminded me of It when she Built up almost oVElrnlght 81 a re- got here for the filming of her book, lult of the severance of the nation' I • , . Importll of crude rubber tram the E"ence 01 America far east following the Jap9' early Mrs. P ierson, whose life story, conquests, the U. S.'. 700 million "Roughly Speaking." was recently dollar synthetic rubber industry compieted by Warners. with Roz produced 763,000 long tons (of 2,240 Russell In the autobiographical role, Is a person that you, too, have met. pounds) last year. Decla ring that synthetic produc- 'wh'e ther you know it or not. tlon can be boosted tlO 1,000.000 toni She'. America. If necessary, Secreta ry 01 ComBorn rich. pampered by a father merce Jesse Jones laid that the who dressed like and faintly be· 1944 output was equal to the na- Ueved he might be KIng Edw81'd tlon'lI annual peacetime rubber (even to the beard, whlcb he brLl· needs. liantined), Louise was dumped out Because 60 per cent of the ru~ on a coldly reaUlltic world at the ber was made trom lalcohol Instead age of 10, Hat broke. of petroleum, Jones aald, proouctlon Returolng from funeral. her costs ot the lIynthetic averaged 33 mother called her two daughtera tacenta a pound. compared with about gether In the aunroom. "The trouble 19 c.e nts for the crude. Is," she ,8aid, "your father Indorsed

Versatile and Smart-Two-Pie-cer

,,"king at ':

will give you · an ensemble that'. ea~y to make, easy· to 'w ear ailcI easy to lo?k aU




lIIab materIal.

Due to an unusuBlly larie demand and current war conditiOns, .Ughtly mare Ume I. required In IIlIIng ordera lor a rew of the moat popular pattern numbere. , Send your " rder to !



Evldencln, cooperalion .iven Yank forcca lD Phllippillca. native vol· lIJI&eers lnformaUon or enemy acUvUy on Mindoro laJapd.

NOTE-This .pread Is from S2WJNO book 1 which Is 32 pOKes or illustrated dlreetJonl (or sUp cover., dressllUl tab!". couch eoyers and other \blngs to keep homes btlllht ond attracUve for \be dura· Moving deeper Inland down the tlon. To get a COpy of Book 1 enclose 111 cent. with name and address direct ,reat centtal t.uzon plain to Manila,




New York

Beetlord Bill. Drawer 10

Enclose 15 cenls ror Book No, 1. N ame .. . .. : ••• • • • ••••••• : •••••••••••• " Address ........................... , ..



Advance Inland

'Greatest Offensive'

with elements probing Into the moun· taln. on either side to secure th'eir flank., Americans' of the 6th army under Gen. Walter Kn.\eger proceeded with caution os the Japs held back on committing their major force. to the bottle. At the same time, U: S. carrier planes ran ged for to the west to strike at enemy sources of supply and reinforcements along the soutb China coast, and U. S. army airmen .wept up and down Luzon hammer. ing at communications lines and air· dromes harboring the remnants of the Japs' all' force. ' Strongest opposition to the U. S. drive wa s encountered In the mountainous terrain on the east flank: where th'e J nps fought back liard from caves and entrenchments in an effort to hold open the country to the north of them,

NATION'S CUPBOARD: Well Stocked With luger lupplies in some foods oftsettlng smaller Itocks lD others, civlllan. should eat as much during &b, Aut three montbl 'ot 194~ .1 durmg. the preceding three ~onth•• &be War Food admlnistration said. , In comparllon. the WFA · Ialel. more mUk, eg,s, chees'e and cltruI fruits wiU be avaLlable for clvlllans,

Their lines shattered and their border lands imperilled by what was described as the greatest olYenslve In history, Germany'll armIes of the east fell bQck for s feverish rearganiza tion In an elYort to stem the Russian tide that threatened to roll right 91 to BarYn. Although the Russians plunged forwa rd all along the sprawling Polish plains, the drive of their First Ukraiol an army under Marshal Konev on the rich Industrial provInce of slIe81a to the southwest conlltituted the greatest Immediate danger to the Germans, with the enemy frankly admItting its loss would seriously Impair their ability to continue the war. In an effort to Ihore up the RussIa n advance there, Heinrich RImmler's home army was called Into acUon under a hall of aerial and artll1ery bombardment. ,To the north of this sector below . Warsaw, the First White Russian army of Marshal Zhukov speared westward toward Pomerania, and also threw one wing southward In a move desIgned to hook up with the First Ukranlan force and trap Ger-

ReftecUDc proapeotl for a 10Drer Earopeaa war &baD anticipat.ed la.t faU, farm prodocUon -'oa" for 1945 were upped UPOD &be War Food admln1ltraUon'. recommendatiaD for mare milk, bora aDd beef, and clry ' beaD., potatoes, tobacco, ftaueed, aU'i ar beeta aDd clover Red ••

.....aUf War Savinp Bond....

but ICI. meat, chicken, fats, Olll, but.ter,. canned fruits and veaetables, potatoes, lugar'and dry beana. For 1945 ai a whole, the WFA declared, civllJ,an suppllel will be smaller than 1944, but alight1y larger than tlie 1935-'S9 average, ' More milk, eggs, mear, chlcICen, fresh vegetable. and truit., lard, margarine.' sirups, honey and cereal products will be available than before the war, but less butter, sugar, dry beans, canned fruit, ' and juices, evaporated mUk and canned fllh,

LABOR DRAFT: Push Bill .







Spurred on by. the President's inIistence, congress gave Increased at.tention to Rep. Andrew May'. modified labor draft blH, prohibltlng men between 18 and 45 trom leaving essential work without their local Sel~etive Service board's permission" or compelling them to accept Jobs designated by lIuch boards. With thl! army calling for younger men for replacements, War Mobilizer BYrnes outllned procedure for the Induction of registrants In the 20 to 29 ' group, with less important employees in essential and so·called critical war industries to be called up before key men, Probably half of the present 365,000 deterred farm workers between 18 and 25 now be· Ing examined prior to review of their easel can expect to be Inducted, Draft 'Dlrector Hershey said. ' While the President sold some lort of national .ervice act was necCl' aary to chanhel work era Into riecCl.ary jobs, representative. at both labor and Industry told congrell that the present comparatively aman manpower Ihortage could be best inet by voluntary recruitln,. . .


. GAA''''Ie WITH THE. \

smartness. This clever style, made up in light weight woolen,


0.. 7OW' land" N. II. C. .toll_

Retired Officers

Satruda, mOI..u.g .

11:00 A. M., E. W. T.

...... WlIlS WOPI WKP'l'

..,... ..............................















, .J}






THE long-line torso hugging twopieceI' is the last word in

".1...... "'1,., .. .



Add_res!l .. ................................ .



••"1,,. _. .

NAme .. ................................ .


..-.. .ta

Enclose 25 cenlll In coins for each pnltern desired , Pattern No ......... ,', .... .Slze ..... .

10:00 A. M., C. W. T. After retirement, an officer of WAPO WoOL WAVE WIIM W8B the regular army remains under ~ the jurisdictiOn of military law and may be tried and punished by a court-martial any time during the rest of his life for violating 'any army r egulation includ ing notes ." . the use of contemptuous or disThere didn't seem any use in lilt- loyal words against the President ting around bawling, ao before long of the United States. Louise wall going great guns BI a lecretary ($12 a wee.1t) , when IIhe On 'he .ame dDr, III ,nid·manlh, death met her first husband·to·be, Rodney cam. 10 'hree oj III. mllion', celebralild :'-"six feet two, tailored by Brooks, !iguru: . and had won six Latin prizes at In Meriden, Conn .. S(J.Yf!(Ir.old Yale." Rodney was making $66.66 a T, IIta/oney (Oem.) ,uccllmbed to II month In a bank, so the two wept to hear. allack. Lef. .u:ppor' lour bro.lI· live in an $18 a month flat, where er, lind .i.,e,. 01 III. aile 0112, /\falone)' ahe had four children In four yean. worked up the le/l4~'e Irom· When Rodney reaD,y got into the per reporter, mayor 01 Meriden and ch.lpa the family moved to Osalnin" 'We'ft aIad thae fa 01 war ahonaaa eongre.J,man. JOG. an Idll let Smith BroL Coup Drop&. In Wa.hington, D. C.. 10 atrend 'he where Louise . plunl'ed into eve",'We'll be aIadder adU when Victory lcu 1&1 Pre.idenr'. inGuprogion. 57-year-old . thing trom politici to the little theamake all ftI~"tHl" needJ. Smitb Btoe.GeorS8 D. Crowley, llIice chairman 01 ter. Tragedy struck in the form Black or Meathol-1CilJ 5t. the diVi.ion /iflQrP;8 oj Ihe Demo- of infantile paralysis, temporarily eralic Nafiono c.ommillee, and one oj \laYin g low all four children. Louise lounder. oj lIIe 1',000 club durin, Jr., never did fully recover. aLACK Oil MINIHOL-$I ,h. reeen. oompoJ"" died oj heorr 1T0uRodney dec:lded one day he'd had .4 prominel!a ChillG/Jo wurance enough. "I'm movinl to the Yale. nuIII ond ~ Crowley WGI the IOn b" h e decI._~ I-----'---------------:"----:~------, oj en auIIlGIiI ..-:r,.fat;ry oj' fAe IT_",.,. cI u, IU.,... ruider Pre,idem Cln,tlarul. . " I ,So without too much a,d o ahe ,ot If" .., tw......... Creiluw oj III. '1IIIMI'tJ "Frank Mmi- a divorce, a.n other job, another bus_U" licrion characfU', who.e _ i n , band, and In ~ue lJ!ne another bab1. I. uplo/b thrilled mill«,,., 01 reaele", 78- Husband No.2, Harold Pierson. yetINIld Gilber, Pallen, who wrqte un- fought with the Canadians In the der the nome 01 Bun l .. SlGndish, paI,. ed last war. away in San Dlelfo, em/J. Pallen, who rGII away Irom home at 16 heea",,, fl. Kindred Spirit. diM', like .clWol, wrote. 20,ooo.word He wal as nuts aa she. adllentur" nollel week lor J 8 "I've ·alway. had a weakness for . Leaders III abe sreal R ............ DJI .. yean, and .... utinullled 10 hall. wrie- big men 1!flth black balr and blue lDellld. (leU to fI.1I1) MUIII... , ZIlallOY, 'en 40,000.000 worth iin hu lifetime. eyel,.. . says Louise. "BesldCl. he Koney aad KoIuJIIOV'IrJ. BASEB,ALL: wal romantic, charming, irresponsl· bla, no miDenla, no phenol man units In a huge pocket. AI Nod ble, generoul:" He wal also rich, .s FDR's cIorintJvea. NR Tabltit. are these two drives developed, 'Mar- Ge .. owning the. ' vast flerao" ,reen' dUlereDt -act· With the game having been liven houses and nur.eries near 'l'arry.hal Rokollllovky'll Second and Genw&mlble-a oomhleral Cherniakvlky'. Third White presidential approval provided it did town, Th.ree yeara later they were Dation of 10 veptable ilIp&Ruulan armies .queezed East Pru.- not Interfere with the conduct of the broke, lia from the north and south. . war, major league 'balleba'U .magHarold got a WPA Job in the New nates began layln~t planll ' '~or the York City parkl department, wh.lch Naz;is Outnumbered 1945 season, with their ch.lef concern led to the superintendency of land. Frankly admitting U)e gravity of being to scrape to,ether team. ' leape construction at the World'. their situation, ' the Ge~mans re- from, the dwlndllng manpower pooL fair. ported ' the withdrawal of their Although the club. were expected , She bad , alwaYII wanted to ~Ite fo~ces to the weat, and the hUll- to rely again on dllcbarged or re- 'l etters ~o newspapers, hecklIng edlbanding of ·their reserves for coun- jected army personnel, their plana torlal writers. One of these mlnives ter-actio.n If the rapidity of the Ru.- were complicated by, recent ,overn- she aimed at .Arthu.r Krock, POlftlcal lian . advance .ho~J.1d resUlt In the ment regulations c8ulna 'for ' re-ex- editor qf the New York Times. Ipreadinl of their strength. Because, aminatlon of 4·FI and ' work or Hglit Amused, he ~howed It to hill friend of the numerical superiority of ·the orders to men under 38. Some of Max Schuster, who promptly sent Russians, it was laid, It was Im- these men, howevel:, Intend to enter Louise 8 check and told her to start possible to stop the Reds' advance essential Industry Illnd arranI" for writing a ~ook. by attempting trontal reilstance on playing ball on the outside. At Brst, abe ' tells me, she thought the open plains along the whole line. Because of the need for perion- It was a gag, but when the check . I .t ( nel, .. . .. . kJds about 17 . • , will didn' t bounce Ihe realized she wa. Yan k~ Regaln nl la we have a' wonderful opportUnIty to Ituck. The' result was "Rough1)' As the Rusllian fighting developed, play In the big lea8iUell.'.' said Clark Speaking." the Nazill looked with apprehension Griffith, owner of the Walhlnaton She said it wall the bardest work to the wellt, where they feared an- Senators. . Ihe ever dld, and she's worked hard other all·out thrust against the . at everything tram scrubbing Boon Rhineland. . U. S, NAVY : to running a SMoot boat. The book Regalolng their balance after the was an overnight smash (I threw German break-through at a month Greater Firepower at least five of my hats In the air), ago, Allled forces were back knock· Its tlrepowcr Increased flve time. and three studio. began bidding, Ing against the Nazi frontier, with Ilnce July, 1940, combatant Ihips, Warners wired her: "Will you ac· the British Second army punching auxlllarics and cosu!lt guard venelll cept $35,000 for 'Roughly Speaking' to:ward the Roer river along a broad of . the U. S.· navy can ' now hurl and a contract at $300 a week, with front. and the U, S, First and Third 2,000 tona of s\eel In a 115 second 6r- expenses paid both ways?" Anarmies whittling down the remains Ing run, the equivalent of 50 freight Bwered Louise: "Three bundred • Qf the big bulge, ~ carlol\ds of steeL week not enough-need new toothAll the First and Third armies Packing a wanop 92 per cent brush," Replied Warners; "How hacked off the shoulders of the greater than the pre·Pearl Har~r about $500, then?" To whicb Loubulge, they encountered stubborn battleship, TelCas, the modern Iowa iBe wired: "Okay, 'l'bat will pay tor rear-guard action as Von Rundstedt II armed with olne Ilx-lncb gun. toothbrush and new hair·do, too.~' LOW, dile()Dr8gecJ, ~.,. CIA sought io pull his prize troops back mounted in threes, twenty Ave·inch Louise Randall Pierlon seelDl' to soo'~es· fast mw yon fe~....thole nlUlnl DIUinto the Siegfried . Une. ·double purpose 8\llll", in twos, and be a feature at Warners. That drat 'de achei, In Sontone LlDlmenl While Brltisb and American torce. many smaller anti-aircraft auns. contract was tom up and a mucb . Joa let the betle6& of Iil~J1...u. Possessing 123 pur' cent mar!! Ib'e- fancier One rigged up. She and Barexploited their initiative to the cylale, .. DlOIt cil!ec:t1yit p~lJ.,. north, the Germans maintained power than the UI30 beavy Pen.. · old bo'u ght a place at Santa ~onlca. till BlCDt. :And SomoDe'1 cold '.... pressure on , . Ute . l.o wer Alsatian cola, the modern 13ilUmore carries If you' ve read the book, "Rough- . , led~ briD,I JOU f .... 1cMMi.thiu, plainS, throwing In tanks and in- nille eight-Inch gunl . in threel, iy Speakln~," 1 don't have to ur,. relief. Sq~one LbUment 8!il1 tOI- \ fant1'1 to bold the positions gained twelve dve-Inch anti-alrcraft gun. in YOU to see · the picture. If you .. _of ,J. DUae ""'/~ eO"",.., WoN In Umited offenslv'es while main AI- pairs, and .numerous im811er ~tl. ' baven't,'1 envy you tlie treat In .tore ~ . , lied power w~. diverted to Belgium, aircraft v.:eapon.. for you. MUSCULAR,~UfMA~ ,. JC..." ~crain,...

Becauae It II looked to .. the lar,elt ' Bingle ' field ot expan.lon, the CHUlN~D~FR~SH FI..AVOR. ID the eWeD' de8Dite anarAllces buUding tra~e ' wlU Have 'to employ are ct.,e. to AmerlcaD corpOraIIIh mWion workers If the pO.twar i tlo.. aa4 bllalueu eDterprllea ........,.ID " ..I~., .DI., IICItOelflne certlflltl . irt Its ...k., 10' 1M • ·'folll..o,ad." - - objective of 80 mUlloil Job. i. to be , ~'th.... rI,~ ww tie l..oOth ." ' " _olce', It attained, R. .j,Thom,1 of the.'CIO reQOoted ..... the, wiD be Id.....01 . _ AutomobUe , Worker. union told the IIYea the ' ~ruad" AmeriCan HOJDe BuDden coDvenUoD' iD,"leIIlbIlafe ,...1Ita, .1 INi fry'....... iD OIlCa,o, Ill. ~ ..... ee.alieraba. Witb I~ miWOD worken. Thoma. low ., Jrlnte AIIIerIcaD ..ld, a mlJiimum of 1,'100,000 home. tal allro!'d .. 1M, , _. ., direct GOUld be coutrucmicl ncb ,eu, • ID........ _ ..........-AI..wl percentap of the JIew .f


SEWlNO CIRCLE PArmRN DEPT. !JO South Well. 8L. Chlcal'


llirips for the pillow - cover and apread, This leaves a long strip for -the flounce. You may buy !learn welting or cover cable cord with bia's strips as at A. Usc your machine cording foot for the seam ao that the stitching will be close to the cord as at B.


Pattern Nil, 8530 cornel In .• 1ZeI 11, 1J, 13, I., 15. 111. 18 and 20. Size! l2, .hort sleeves. requl.rcB 3~ yarda of 3G or »

BRITISB·CASUALTms ' Loolt Oat, N~;"

With the United Jtlugdom of Ena-' lanel. Scotland aPld No,tb ~eJaDd '.ufter.lng 835,107 ca.ualti,.· . alone, Bz:ltilh Empir, 10.... ·totaled; l,IH3,~ ~ III! to la.t Novembet, ~. Mihlster O1ur~ ~ &be boUle' cd .commons, . ' -' Of the other Conltl~U, 1Ddla'. lone• . reached lID.WI, AUitraU ..,811; Canada, '11,-: New zu. lU4 14,1115; South AfrIc., 28,HI. IIDd other oo)oDiel, 11.1. 1Dcl,*,lna recenttw..-u ~.... ualU... S. IoU.. totaled 711....




Lee Sbatiart fa on hi.· wlI)' b .... to

I. Bn~ 1oeaI..,.,.,.···

Ii"!,~ '-!',..",..• .. rot 'Utell ii7, ru6 fa "

, ':0

..... '!'bere'"dto.. . ,.

complete arrangemenu for "'Sweet Surrender," " mUiloal wblols ia abOut the battle between Monterq oaIJ _ So~ ..... III 1&-..... Soretoaa ,.... and LoIAnge1•• ~eara 'I t wID feature 1.eit·()artUIo, 'lbe J7rlCi 1dd \- ..,. A\ Ida ~ onlJ fl. the off evel'J'thlDC. 1II ' " Ao: pI.e.. That . alon. wD1 Clun 'Jt to run in BaD Franclaco • ~..... It would be too ,oad to be' true, lay. IDa two .plQa lUocHd ben lIdon tiler lilt · ~_. • .......... ''8oq til lfonrQ" o,..s ... .. WIlt ~ -













*!-~--u= .~~J

. ~ ----


Thursday, Febl'UU')' 1, 1945

Ea~h Apron Take!!.:,. CLASSIFI6-D ~;:~~;t~" ·,,~SiiNDAY fI HO U_SEHOLD .Less'Than ~ Yard I(athleen "No.rri~ Slays: ~=","~/I SCHOOL ~ . INTS~ D E .p A 'R T ' MEN T '

"Grin:' and Bear ' I(


-:- L E S SON ..:-


'bottle brusbes searee, use By HAROLD L. LUNDQUIST; D. D, waxed paper from bread to scour Of The Moody Blbl. tn.Utula 01 CIIlca,o. bottles. It ' does the job well. Releooed by We,lern New.papa. Union. _._ When dJscardiDg worn bath towels, save the best parts and use Leason for February 4 for making wash,c loths or bath Lea.on subject. and Scrlplure text. 18- mitts. I@cted, .nd copyrighted by International CouncU 01 ReUlLloua EducaUon; urad by Some type~ of artificial flowers perml ••lon. ' may be r enewed by placing them JESUS' CONCERN FOR ALL over steam for a few minutes.

PorIOD. DO. ."'.'04 III o.uDdal JrHlrutry .111 DOt opp/7 ./thout


.. onr 01 . ".ilab ilif7 Irom rhofr loell UD/IOI' SI.IO. E"'p/o¥1lloal So",ic ••


'Uenorrapber.: TYIllsls. pleasant worklml undltlonl . 48 hour week. Po.twar future, UA , CO~d'b:(W~.I~R'J~:MCEY~:iulatiOn •. 1* I . Smithville n.ail" Oal\on, Ohl •• "UNIOR 'DRAFT8MAN- lndustrlal detoU. mil. alleo~t 2 yra. experience. hourly rota. Dily.only. Good pOstwar oppOrtunl!;v. TIlE EUCLID CIIANE ... UOIST CO.. Eaen •• O. MACHINISTS AND TOOLMA,K.ERS Want..d: oll·oround experienced. Essential work now IIncl postwar work. HEARN DIE TOOL .. MACIIINE CO" 1111 Vine SI.. Cqlumbu •• Ohio. Must. hllV9 USES Referral Cord. PUARMAOISTS with monalle rlnl copabll· lUes. Cood opporlunltlel lor chosen IIPPU, cli nt •. Good sW rllng 8010ry ond commlsalon. Men nceded for Cleveland. CIncinnati ond Sunny South. Write for Interview. K·W Dral Co.. 8~1I HDron Ro ..... 0levelaa4. O. E:CPEJUENCED POWER IIEWING Mocbln<! Operators: oleady employment. O·NEIL AWIIIING a TENT CO. 141 We.' Swan Strna • Col.mbD •. Obi ••




11:1. lI·ll1.


·..· ~~- LOZENGES



'COUGH Millions UlI8 F 6; F Lorehgel to f'lve tbelrthroata 15 minuto600tblng, comforting treatment !.hat reaobes all the way down. For coughe, throat irritations or hoarsenesercsWting rrom coldsontnolc:iag, eootbe with F 6; F. Bolt, only lO~ ':

A small vegetable brush is an tool when using paint whatsoever ye would that men .hOnld do and varnish remover, especially • .J'''''I''f'........o'2i \0 you. do yo even 10 to them: for this on carved surfaces. ~ •......................••••••.•••••• la Ihe law and the prophell.-Matthew 7 :12. If an enamel pao boils dry, do What II a man worth? Well. IISY not plunge it from the hot range we. that depends, and then we are into cold water, Let it cool first, prone to undervalue him. Jesus had then soak before washing. (and taught) a high regard for the When wringer rolls begin to lose Inherent value ot mnn. He saw pos. sibiUties in all men . He had a love their grip, the glaze can be reAGENTS WANTED for them. He was concerned about moved by roughening the rolls their welfare, and they responded with coarse sandpaper. Wipe with LADY WANTED In every community, bot" rurol pnd cllY. to . ell line of housohold a damp cloth. Use sandpaper with by nn interest In Him. neceulUcs to ber neighbor•. Our line In• clude ••uch .cnr.e Items as cheese Dnd Jesus showed by His dealings with discretion, o~ course. laundry SODp. Liberal coromlilion. Gene,aI men how wrong are most of the ~ ABOUT ........Ia Compa.. , (U-lI). Albaa,. Geor .... ACH of these aprons takes stnndards and attitudes of the world. less than one yard to make. With rum there were: . BABY CHICKS The colorful embroidery is so I. No Social Barrier (w. 1, 9. 10). GOLDEN RULE big husky chicks, from simple even a youngster just The caste system of some lands, disease freo flock •. profil by our 20 "ear. learning coul(l do it. f1<><:k Improvement . • londord br.ed". Big dividing people intO soclnl strata early order discounts. fold er lell. 011. Writ. wbich separate men and hinder fel· GOLDEN nULE DATODERIES Little material. eD.y .Utchery. make Inry aaa _.Il 1....eI . , ... RtJBIlVlLLE IND. Idenl hostess glfll. Pattern 7277 contalns lowship. does not exjst In our Innd. U. I. AnI'I, •• ntal.. I~ transfer pattern of moUfs; patterns; di· in practice. we have such levYet, U. I, Appr, Bab, Chi ..... W. Rock •. White ponnd. af , .....,. Wyandotte•. N. H . Reds.Barred Rocke. White recUons. els which nre a formidable barrier LeiS. Turkey poulls In r"nSon. WrIte tar Due to an unusually large demand Bnd -Tholll bobifll 0/ yo,..,. GT~ bette, oil. with 0 neBteel/ul r E" Jrien1'r ~ Bd~ in the thinking of many (perhaps • prlcu. A.ble, Baby Oblck Co .• /\Oble,.. O. current war conditions. slightly more time Ev... IIOW. with til. rvbber lituat/on motller. and thei, "andmoth., I daily viii", thon !hey would boe III an InshlDtion. most) people. Improv.d,lt ,.1 mpartont tIIal car DAB'I' CDICKB -Feldmon auper form Is requircd In ftWng orders for a few of Jesus knew nothing of social bar· ehlck. for IIN~. bred for blgh-egll p.6duc· the most popular patterD numbers. , owners hove tlr. rKapp.d tlon. '1".00 n hundred, Feldman commerBy KATHLEEN NORRIS rlers. He Ignored them and went I" tim •• In II.... ",ealll wh.n til. cial form chl~k s ure bred for (:It,1 develop- Send your order to: UNDUTIFUl, MOTHER mcnt nnd fast Icnthcrlnll brollc.. nnd fry· tread I. worn 1IIIOOIh, but befar. straight to the one In need. In our HERE are times when ers. '12 .00 n hundred. In order to lIet those th. fobrlc sho_ lesson It was a man of position and SewlJlr Circle Nee4lecralt Dept. , . there is no immediate A lieutenant. soon to be sent wenlth who was an outcnst among ~~~C.k\v~'''a r~;~I~~lI;"'fO~1 i~:k~r~'1,reJ~ 564 W. RIlndolpb St. CblcIlCo 80. m. It ' Is I .... antry BuY your chleka from n progres.lve nnd cure for an intolerable OtJerletu, tuks Mi5~ Norris his people because he was a hated dependable R.O,P. breeding farm and Ohio .uthorltl.. _Fly Enclose 18 cents for Pattern U. S . controlled hatchery. situation; times when we simwhere he can find a nursery gatherer 0.1 taxes for Rome. WHEN CONSnPAnON makes 'au feel No._ _ _ _ __ Feldman I·oull.,. " rum aD4 D ~ t c h .. ,. po ..... r ... riod will .rl"8 • punk sa the dlCkeDS, briDp aD .tom.cb ply have to grin and bear it. lor hi, CWo children, aged four Mllfo,d, Ohio ~Illro,d 311114 Jesus saw In him a man of faith __________________ . .",.nd for frOIll 16,000 fa lOur laste 'UIY c1Iscomlort, There no use arguing about and five. Their mother is not and a useful witness lor rum. apset,l <10,000 long of rubber take ur. Caldwell a famoua medlcloe ..I1-_ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ Addrcl1 BELTING justice and reason; they have dead, nor etlen ~Iick; she is just And He not only talked with him. to quickJ.y pull the triuer on au, ''in. for the pro.ucttOft of late. nard," anel .help ,.,.aloeS bd&tit an4 foa", apeng . . . . . In cu •• lou notl)ing to do with it. Things too bWy enjoying her~elf to but called hiIn' to be Ills disciple. chipper FEEDER nou E BELTS apia. of varlou. ty......eI 1ft ..... are all wron'g and they are be bothered much with her Then He went further and, to the DR, CALDWELL'S BtJDs'8f., ~~oC~:~~.\':~i\,C~~.I~~;~~~ur. m. I. the won4erM sennltu....... going to stay wrong, and we babies. W hat care tlte'y do re· astonishment 01, His critics. went In II. \fullve contained in ,cod oIel SJI11l a great feast where many .uch Pepaa to make It 10 eOJ to take. have to wait for the long ceive come! from tlteir ma.- to FARMS were gathered. MANY DOCTORS use peI)lin prepua. months or years to bring ternal grtJJldmother. This men FOa. SALE-loARGE DAIRY FAUll prelc:rlpllons to make the medJ. He ate with pubUcans and sinnen. nenr South Doylon. N . Y. ' about the change. cI.oe more x-I.table and agreeable to young army oflicer feels that not because He approved of their BOX 146 • 89. D.l'~on. N. Y. take. So be aure your luatlve is conSuch a case leems to be ' that of manner of life. but because He wanthi., children from he must take talnecl in Syrup Pepsia. a lieutenant wbo writes me from FARM E UIPMENT their mother al1d put t/iem in ed to change it as.He changed them. INSIST ON DR. CALDWELL'l-tbe ~ Florida; his wife and two babies of mlI1ion. for 50 years, and feel . a home so thaf he tvill be as· D. No Fear of Crltlclsm (vv. 11·13). vorlte live ID Worcester, Mass. They BOG BOUSEB nod feed ers. Trnelor Uru. that wholeaome relief from CCDllipa. MallY a kind and noble iInpulse tUM., rims and "halns. Buu anW8. BaUn, sured that the" will be cared can't go to him. for It Is iInpoasible tlon. Even ftnIclt;y chl14reD tove iI. wire. Pueh r ukelJ. elc. has died a·bornIng because of the IIOKNER BALES. B." ISII. G.n .... ObI•. to flrld living qunrtcTS where he Is. lor while he is ,away. fear of criticism. "Vfhat will people and be gets home to visit only now I Miu Norris ,advises him to • ef laY?" has kept many a Christian FEATHERS WANTED and then. . tI_trla4 Dr. D'...•• a bad sit lUI- from speaking to aome sinner about make the best of f_el. wlU .. "My wUe is extremely pretty." FEATUERII WAN"TEO. NEW OR OLD tion and 10 leal~e,he children his (or her) soul. c............ nlell. Ship or write to 8TERLING FEATHER Pys his letter. "She Is 10 yeara with their motlJer. This is be,' c." 11.1 Nora .. B .....w~1. 8" Loal...... s._ ndl.. ••Ip I. "The world Is too much with us-" younger than I, which means sbe la 1trfM..111 ..,....••• lor etleryone, Miss Norm ad· and we all too often gulde our llves 24. Our children are a girl of 5 and -.:;::::~ .Iddy, ., HAIR WANTED vise.. Even a neglectful "aolh· and serVice by the possible reaotlon tOHTAlNIO IN I" _ . ., ..... UiM ...._ a boy of 4. er is better than an irutitution, we may receive from those round w. P.y D1GDEliT .RICE8 for OUT BAm "Betty la gay and friendly, .he ..... 10 r - ' It.., It •• ."API". BAIB 8TORE 1MnMI. , _ ............ loves a ,ood time. alld~well, ID a ,he MY" W:hera cJae WGJ' it about us. ' We did not learn auch an liN "al. CloolDD.U, O. trpm JU)ls. ,.,. . . . . . . It. AlII f., It. word, .he 11 uofaitbtul to me. She over, this your.g woman may .attitude MULTIPLE RILIEF His answer to Hill CritiCI made goes about with a rast crowd. staYI have maturetlf coruider~bly. it clear tha t there will be no aelt· lASES COLD "'151 RIEl POULTRY away night.. neglects the children, Site may be quite happy to .et- righteous'- "good enough" LIKE A' DOCTOR'S ' BEllE III YOUR CHANCE to let the fa. runa into debt. and 1s altogether untle down to the ,re!pon,ibilitie. in beaven. The Lord Is not moul Townllne R. O. p, breedln, tn your ptisfactory. If I reproach her for an Lelhorn. Barred and White Roc\r'ehleka.t PRESCRIPTION 0/ married life.. calling them. so long as they cwdlnnry hotchery prlcn. Also MJnorea. untidy home. c.1'1lllg children wbo al· I.-_ _ _ _ _ _,_ _ _ _ _ _ in their own goodness. He came to Leahorn Cl'O!III with' Townlln" Lelhol'D M.ny doctor. prncrlbe a combin.· breedln • . Write lor, Free educotJonal eola. - -;-:-,,-.,- - - - - - - - - - - - ways have cold. III their heads. untlon 01 Inll~lent. 'M relief 0' colcl ' loll lIlustrotln, Townllne breedJn,. T . ... to endure what :you can', t , at the seek and to save slnnerll (v. 13. and paid b1l1s, and a1Jairl with other aymptoma. Cold. don't .bow up a •• U. . Pe.Ur,. Fa••• De" 1-1'1. Z.el...... I• ., men ahe .only lauilla. She doesn't moment. cure. Write Betty all pleas. Luke 19: 10). einille .lImenr, but . . . comptn We. too, may go forwnrd without , deny all,)'tblng. Desperateijo. wben I antly lind a1JectionateJY BI you can. eertea of ~I... Gro".·. Cold Tab- ' leta u •• combination elllhtac:tI.. was last at home. I accused ber of Trust her to grow UP. to improve, fear of our critics. That doesn't 'Battle Talkers' medlcln.1 lnaredltftlll. Work Interhaving lovera. and abe aniwered to become a better mnther. Praise mean that we "don't care what peo· "BatUe talkers" are , seamen na1J)'enci promptly on .11 these aymp. who relay the captain's vital or· -10 eue paiafaI bladder irritatio. boldly, 'I"m oot asking you any her to her mother and praise her pIe think" about us. We ought to tOmll •••Ue... head.che••educe fe,..t. mother to her.' . , care. but U their opin.lon Is based cauecl b, exc:eu aciclity ia tis. ariDe quelltioDs, and while you're away I ders over the battleship's telebod)' .ch.... IHUn muecular U. all yoUr let~~r IlIdicatell, your on unbelief ODd self·rlghteousoess, phones to the. point of 'action. on TIo_" .... lloaaIdo, DR. I;ILM£R'I don't thlnk that what I do I. any of PIli.... _ Da..1 .tulllne... Take ea· last talk with her was somewhat ID it should certaiJlly not deter us from SWAMP. ROOT for ..Iplot 110... to .... your businessl' Any 01 my buslnell board ship. .ctl" .. directed. C.t Cro.,.'. Cold the nature of an allgry IIcene. ignore our all·lmportant business of soul· ••". lb. ".u.. af ,tI••• up at what my wile doesl Tablt", .1110"". For ,I ........... '.rbal ...cU,,1aa. iL Write ber as U it had ' not ocwinnlllg. _lalaalh, c....t •• bp a praetlar... r,hp". GolDe OVerlleal. nl. No LlndtaUon of Time and cia.., eet. 'luldd" ,•• Io.r_ tlo. tow" "Of courlle." concludes the letter. cuned You will lind that she has COLD arlo•••• Ioelp. "Illin ........, rUD.4"'f1! ''thi t f ' h' f •• I~ ..; uDco.'er •• bl. a""I"_o..e .1 s 'Or 0 action on er part' and cooled down. too. IlUd will be glad to Place (w. 18·22). IAaLII. blad ... lrrlt...... SWAMP ROOT . . . thls attitude have, somewbat " de- resume relatlonshlip on the old baais. Often the help of mlln to those in HIe.Urlc ' A co.."".. Itro--red my , old love for her. But When you are away. send ber a need II circumscribed by so ' many cen''''I), ......... _h •• ,not .. " ••• "10.... ",' 1taI_ A&"'atoib"tiaalt ... what I want your advice· about ia, present now and then. If you can. reiu}ations that those who most deII«Wt·,...." ........ "ou .... Dr. KlI ....... what can I do?' M" mother Is dead', In other ,words, make the best of a serve help cannot get It. There are . .cUelo•• Ju.t .... ta............. bat act "' Iu. 10 )'lMI . . . . CODl.fartl I have no sister. Nurae.ry home. for bad Iituation, and wait until the war times and places for application Se. . f_ ' ..... p.....ld M . . pl. l'ODAYf babies of those agea are tOo eo.Uy. ends to come to another understand· form II, and tests must be completed. LIII. tJa........ t 01 oth.ra )'ou'U loa a1aol etc. ' Doubtless much of this Is need.bat ,,0" 41 •• ha......... ead ......... te and although Betty'l mother 11 Uv· Depllr'l1l\Ollt c 1 KII. . .. A C... I.e., Sa ina, and goell in dallv to do what No Code of Deceno),. ed but one wonders at times wheth· Ius, StiuaI_. Coos.... Off... u....t.d. s.iul • ., Sheer decency should bave kept er' our cbaritable Impulses have not at one&. AU .....11.." .eU S_p R-. Ibe can for the children. la not un",,,., IIINOI _ _ _ _ _~-----_---Istrong enough to assuine full care or Betty from these axcellsel, 01 disappeared under a mountain 01 COM'OITlNO IILI., .. NOVR course. .Sheer deCE!ncy on ihe part of red tape. . ' . certain nationnl lE:adera would have Be that as It may. how Inteff~stllnll I must tolerate the igflomlny and prevented this wilr. and you would It Is to Bee that Jesus met the I~lscc)mlol·t of thllI state 01 affairs. be at home still, io your nQrmal oc. when and where It appcared. He Do 'II Hate HOT FLASHES?· you recommend to ~e any 110- cupatlon. able to protect your wUe was alreadY on one errand of mercy Help alfalfa,down and co)'beatu make when the sick woman touched rus arealn' profit&. lnoadate the aeed with COli. . . u rou iwrer from bot ttPhflll, reel clety. that cares for calel Uke thla, and children. But where code ~d hpnor don't robe. He was not too b,llsy nor too NITRAGIN. You give theae crop. DION "ealt; De"OUl, a bIt blue at t1me_ and might help me lind a place all dUll to the 1unotlonal "mlddiowbere I could put my bablel?" exist. or where a weak, easllY·ln· preoccupied to stop and give her a visor to grow f~, fight weecIa aDd 1&1" ~lod DeCUlI&r to women-trJ drought, and malee bigger yieJda of rich fiuenced woman is left too much to word of help and comlort (v. 22), • • • .L7d1a S. P1nk!lam'. Veaetable Oom· pO\I1ld to nUevI Nob IIJIllptoms. Oreomulslon relIeYeS promptly be· her own devices. wretched crises III there not a significant lesson feed. You help build soil fertiJity. WithNo, Don. I don't. and U I did 1 ••• if you're a ,GOd, kind owner Taken teItIIlarly-PInkbam'a Oom· c&UlIe it goes rigbt to tile leat or tile wouldn't recommend it. nil. Is a like these do occur., and they bave bere for us in the church? The out inoc:uIation, Jegumel may be aoil pound befpoa " buUd up' rcalalanc. and keep Dr. Porter', Antiseptic robbera and their growth atunb!d.. troUble ' to help looaen and eXpel .ga1nat .ucb 41PlOylDg symPtoms. to be laced like tile abnormal prob· need Is reason enough for the ex· miserable problem for yoq. aod you 011 on hand In 'the barn always' ,enn lad@ phlegm, and aid nat'llnl Plnkham'. COmpound .. made tensioo of our help. The place il ..OCULAn ALI. A1IALlA. a.oVERS; lOy. have m~ heartiest sympathy, To lema .they are, too soothe ODd heal raw, tender, ln~ ~y 'for 'women-"fe hel~ ftC/for eme"cney uee. Aak your alAN., LlSPIDIZA WIT" NITRAOlti It might be that, in anger. ,Betty anywhere that men are In sadnesl turD aild '1Iot'. the ~ CIt mt41· have to go away \0 the batU~ront ftanied . btoncllfaJ, mucous mem. veterinarian about It • , • he'lI cUt,e to bUJ:II'OUOW ta~ ' dIrectiOns. , branes. Tell ·your drUa1st to IIelI )oil under these circumstances II a real exaggerated her 'escapades•• ,ust to or sorrow. and the bour Is now- N1TRAGIN c:oeta ahout 10 cenbl .;. ' tell you what 81\ effectlv~,..!'on. acre, tales a few minutell to It' • • bottle of OreomWato.noWlth thew. LYDIA L PI~KHlM'S:== ma.rtyrdom, and the bitter thougnta provoke YOU, It mligbt be that when when they need our help. derful belp it I•• n pr!lmotlna demanding you \nullt Uke the Wll1lt the oldest inoculant ••• widely u...t that are seething within you will do you come home, in; a ' year or two. IV. No i.ack of Power (vv. 23·26). by farmera fot' 45 yean. Produced by WlCklt annYI the (!9ugh or you are . Datural heallna processes fol' --'-':":':~'------7=------ nothing to IItreniihen your arlTJ or you will find a dlflrerent sort of wUe. How often the human beart is trained acientists in • modem Jabo..... to bave your money ' minor cuts, ' bum., I\Ilddle or quiet your nerve!, when the bour of Dein't, attempt to. find any solutIon prompted to help, and willing hands tory. Get NITRAGIN, in the collar,corea, bruleee. any minor , crisis comel. . now; leave It to time. are ready to tollow its promptings caD, froID your seed deale.r. fle.h wound.. U.. only a8 dl· for Coulhs. ChestCofcls. Bronchi'" But at the same time, those bablel It il hard to reach the understnnd· in loving act'ion. yet we find that we nEE booklet. t.1I how to grow baH .. _h, foacI rected. O~ .. leb)'your.druaalat• • nd 1011 bulldlngl",u_. W,IIe .. oddrMa .... ow. of yours are better off with the ing 01 a girl like this. One reminds cannot do anything. The need Is t.oo neglectful, yet "gny and friendly" , her of "duty, character. , code: linegreat for our meager ,resources. Our WNU-E , j The GROVE LABORA TORIES, INC. mother, and with the dally Visits miss. moral law." She never heard strength does not suffice. We have Sf LOUI S 3 MISSOUR I of the grandmother. than they would the words I Her only law la that 01 no money. or the situation II one Mn l. " 01 GR O VE S ( 010 r ABu n be in all,)' IlIsUtut!.on, or under any pleasure, and she basn't bad any beyond human help. care yo~ , could bUr for them, now. pidance even to .how her what How wonderful It II then to reo All the kindly. 'older women who PteBllure Is ,sate and' what Is dan· memb~r the Lord Jesusl A touch ................ Uled to ,care f01 nttle cbarges ' in ,eroul. Prayer .and arace , would on the hem. of His garment In faith 'UQIIIi,ii~ , corMortabl~ , borne, are ~ut in the .ave ' her; nobOl1lr , hu ever taUgh~ made the woman Whole (v. 22>' A , ., 1IaIy' : worlc'l DOW. driv!q . rive", nurlin, her what arace' ,Il., or bow to pray. wprd from ' Him brougbt the dead ~aCldn' oversea a fQOd,and Her whole ariUIDent and creed and Uttle girl out to tace Qie scornerl belief and law' &ire ciover~ by the of JesUl.tD the bloom of life and \', It woUld ohe ,e xpre'8 Ilve ,phrale ~· "ao what'" health. " Has He lost any 01 His great tlPw. BOllE IUDt; ~~ , ' er? No. He i. just "tb~ ·..ine ,e. U the man or the fam1l¥ la iult ·terday. &lid ,toc1.y, and realoolabl)' good , at carpentr)', the (Heb.ll:8). Why not"trult Him? ",chance. ~e he CD do~' al weD or Do you nee(! help-.pirltual, menbetter .than .ome cd oUr plon,8l' tal, phyJica17 .He 'la able. Be bat cutor.. , The1 UI~" the wood , 'a t DO prejudlci reprdinl:rour IOCIla) baudo the toola .a"'tD~., wbat aidU pOsltioq; " Be wiD meet . you ~t ~Q ' hld. The ~lCnt.....,o( the,lr • • wlien yOU ,~., and ri_lit noW. Be . ce. tn. u...·:.~lli.' attempt 11 ,leeIdD, the .iCk. UJd the .~ taDc1~~ than tbe7 cO\&ld ''Uae Jolt, the Jut, and the leut," ~. , . ~. And it III tb1a VH, forth- Look to HIm b:r faJtb. 'rilht cd tbelr fuml. TIle ....' ~ ~ Our lure that prlae neb.... TIle _pddIIIIi ,,_:' t1Q1IeI1oda7. boneIt;J aad Be· .................... ...,. to ...... Ivy U. S; War . . . . asefuIneaI ID Un. cd them. 0 ..., ~ . . . II ,,-. .J' 18·26.

GOLDEN TEXT-TMrefore .U thing• effective








• • •



.x,......t.y_h. to..



Mattre..... .

i:-..s BlGooc1rich

"w ..,.,.



.. ...1 ....




FI.OIS DISCOVEI' acts last on llie kidneys











'Beware Cough,





~:~ ~t: :~~k!~I~et:e:::e0::;

LIVESTOCK LAUGHS At Cuts and,Bruises

That Hang On



C'ItEOMULSION Kidneys Must

. Work Well -











PlDYD 1..


altarecS .. IIooD4 (,lui Matter ..t W~tlVi~, Ot11o

eth Hili, Mar.

fnmdllh eu 1 came Dome z,rom my wmter 'Va08t1oIl full of pep a.nd . Jdee.a and, news about my trlp, the

stock a.t Denver, Clbe

'MI,yne svtlleinsboro basket ball 86Ille, the fox dr'iveo u.t our ",y, the new Da1ry un1t, ~, weat.he r a.nd the weat newa of Suzey, 8IooIrey and the cows, 0IIly to find bhat the edltm aa,ya that he will not any &pIB.ce tor ~ but news

Eld6.txlrs Note : Do the r eaders of the Gazette really want Ul1s colwnn' of


Dry RJdge? Accordl ng to the d emand lor this type of writing our policy oI publ1oGJtlon will be governed. If )-lOU want Dry Ridge a po6t card m ailed to the Editor will help

doeen't cons1de r Dry Ridge

place it back 1.n t, co umns 1! caras n.. e sent ill fa.vor of it. a ! oourse, JJ you aou't wan t it, the same JA','vlleil e lS extended.

news) unt1l the Gazette sheds its

LoI10 llg1h

patent 1nak1ea aboDt ,bbe first o.f U'aroh. It baa been a lkIt of fun writing the Diary and It has been your ap~on t.b&t has made it so. Your frtendll Up and encoura gement durins the lour YEW'S tdla.t you have beeA l'eading It has made the Usne spent <lIl it worth while though it II DOt &1w~ ~ Itx) grind out copy

8eJblook farmers Institute Lists ~ aluab!e t'rizes

Bellbrook UJ,b Scbool A~dltorlum Tueaday and Wednes day FEBRU ARY 6 IIl1d


Ah1. enlJ1es must be In bY 1:00 P. M., Tuesday , Februa ry 6. The rl81ht is reserve d to ~thdra.w pr1zea 1r e!lU'les too fww in any claiIs. Door prizes w11l be given a.way WednesQ a.y even1ng, Februar y 7. LunQh w111 be served by Le.d1es of Owens Uluroh . .I!aiJtr1es !rom Sugar

Dr. W. K. POBrE B


Creek 'J,oWD8u1p only, l'arm prou Ce \\ iLl l>e SOld.




B Ls t SlX 1£l'8 "opell poll1ne.t ed" 1''ll'St - llA) lb. 10 % Lairy l'-eed, Ba.t neb~ Grocery

beoond - 011 cI'.ange ana Oreaoo JOj) Mllil:Zs vlce o lAr..on

Janua ry Side of

best s1Jc.'S " nyond"

Quali ty Bos SpriD ,_

l-'1r6t - 100 In. 20 % DeJry l eed ~enia

And M.ttr e....

Frulm bureau Co-op

Stcond - ull change ana Gr ease Job .bryant Motor S ales b




W OLD BOOKS WANTED ho..ll.,rn Trani;

lnd!ao CarUVe8;

Old lea.; Early Newspa pers; Old l\1aps. Emacra nts' Guides. 1Ils-

toric:al papers. Haodwr lUen dlaries; Early Oiuo laws; Early Ohio law books; Early medicln e bOoks; Early CbIldre o's books ~_ caah prioea ~



O'l'llD GRADEs






U.D. 3, New Car1lalj!, Ohio Phone Don.nelav~e 3691



Beautif ul TenhnIo olOr lF1lm:

-Au--to_ -- -o.,_.- --tle

ville, Ohio. Reverse CharillS


·•••a ... .ee



H'. M.COYNE GENERAL ,INSURANCE · Y,OU'RE NO EXCE P. TION ' CAlamity doelll 't' pick I.von ta' Mi.EortuDe iUUD't _m.le d you out ,,, an:.cept ion l Be ~ and protec t yo~1f with .ood wura nce .. th.t DO mat· te" · what, h.ppe n_, ,.ou, , your famil, . and ,.our ; prope rty ~ill be fully pro!tecte d.


IHiM;':; WHEN 1

-the t.m1Iy a:lbum sat on the center table in the pa.rlor? Lt WQ8 a


volume with metal clasp aond

ornate. covers. , T1nJtypes and faded

~pha of

"relatiO ns" in stiff,

~ by Frederi c lwareb w~ Alexis Marta Mootes and loa Ball .. 8mi~ Doliald CrtslP, AIao Bale 1IIId .. lobo carradl ne

Best Single Ear First - $3,00 In ~e-Penewtt Hdwe. "'econd - 1 gal. $took 6PI11iY Slncla.l r 011 00., Xeroa

Best Six First - $2.00 in ttrade, IWgers and Simpso n, Wa.ynesvWe 8eoond -5 qts. Motor on, WUllam s Repair Shop, SIll'1n&' V6lley SOY.BE ANS Best quart (bring in je.r) First - 100 lbs. De.1ry Feed


Robert ,t he boy,' Corky h4s dog, IIlId MDte his h orse, round out a fine sWr:Y. for every youngster OIl' olctsrer WIho love line a.n1nnl p1cture61

Bennon •••••


ErwIn. Also: Cartoon and

ptaNe bome. !here.

& Staan



r,=. ,

II1lIOWld Ito ~ DOW

Mn. c.B\UUa ~ !BmIIIde nbu.rg spent. Wf,dlll'!!!(!!a.y night e.t the hane of her ~. Mrs. J06epb1 ne Peml-

We Offer

MoDoIrm&ns, Xenia ROLLS

FIrat -

yeast, One doz. 2tlb. ~ Cream Velvet Flour

'Ibrttt-E -Msrk:e t. Spr1ng Valley Seoond - 1 pro Full faah1.oned Eklse Block's, Spring Valley CANNE D FRUlT One QIWt FIrst - $1.50 in trade, P'a1rley HardW8ll'e a>., Waynesv1lle

Wa.ynesville; Sprq Valley Bulk; Davison Ohemlc al a>., H. Stephen s, Agent; A. o. Mlcha.el; Dr. HartIn8'er; Badgley Gal1lie. Spring Valley; Wm, Jobe;D r. Stout, W~nesvme; Dr. Bowers, SllrUl8 Valley; and ·'Frlenda." McClure Funera l Home, stubbs Funeral Rome and W~ Na tional Bank, Waynes ville. DOOR PRIZES First Ptlze - $7.50 Ooffee Table Donate d by's Fur. "store Second Prize - 5 gal. Texaco OIl DoIliWted by SohmJd t OIl 00., Xenia Third Prlze - 100 100. _ M86b Donoited by Farm Bureau , Roxann a. Bra.nch

in IHG&'ve ysbtq. Jt'681e O6nler WM 0. OIIIlIer of <bile Gray !!~ in WeI.l.m8.n. Wednes 'd ay evening and .. 'Vlfittm in the tlame of M!rs. Fra.nces linro1n , in Leba:n.on, 'lbw1;d ay a:f1ternoon.

Satis facto ry


Serv ices

We are pleased Ibo report the.t MAvle Tewy 18 v«y mudl lmpI'OV ed in Ihallth a.t present . '!be lrtendB of 1M1'8. John stan' at near' Oresonla. were sorry to learn tlha.t She had fallen and BUffCl'Etl a. broken ann. Mr. a.nd Mrs. tRoy EWs were recent v1s1tms at b1s SISter, MW MaIble E1ll8, in w~

At All Tim es


Carl Aba eche rll Pnleecu tlng Mbmne.Y' of 'WBn'en OOlDlty


AnIlou1loE6 tdla.t Effeot.1ve



Mond ay, Janua ry '29th b1s law



Dial 2111 -


........ . .. ..... ... . ........ . ................ . .... • ••



il81iOi'[v ~1'lfd8i) much filthy ' substance. He 68.18 b1a 1IItom.aoh. Intestin es, boWela 8i\d wbo1e system· were 60 tJborou& hIy cleanee d that h1B oonstan t headaches came to an end, several p1mrJly &kin eruptions on tlrl5 face dried up overiUght; and eV'Ell the Meuma .tlc pa.Irut in h1.s 'k nee dklappe ared. At present he is an 8ilt.<Jgether dIlferen.t man, leeUng fine in ever.y W1Ly. ERB-HE lJP oontaJ.ns ltIl Great Herbs; ,t hey clEXlll66 Ilbwels, clear 8B8 lrom st.oma:qh. act on slusg1ab liver and kl!dneys. iMB:rab Ie people soon feeI d1!feren t all ov«. eo don't (!k) on sufferin g. Get ERB-BI El.P.

10:90 A. 1M.

111:00 A. N.



Sand &Gravel

took ERIB-

Endeav or - 6:30 P. M. Evening Service - 1:SO P. M. Mid-we ek prayer eervice Wedn.e6da.y ~t - 1:30 p. iM.

1Mr. and MrII. CkYbor n Bakel' and

"THE GREA T MIKE " W10th Robert


BJble SChool ~:30 A. M. Ooolmunian -

AT THE "Frien dly Store"

, OM E

FU RN ISH ING S! "Ha rd-To-Get" Item s'


0_ '_a_



9:1t 12 FELT BASE RUGS ,

Gredel!l ¥kat - ~,OO < 1~ ,

CURT AINS - SUP COVERS LAMP S (Floor and Table )

. . . .00 CABH 'D ONATI ONS , Neeld F'unel'&l Home, Xenia; S~ VWley ~ Co.; UDlOll BIiodt

STUD IO COUCHES (FuDy Sprin a Filled )

- - -- -




9-12 eac.h ' mornin r


1-5 aiterno ona except


Wedne sday 7 -9 'Saturd ay evenin r

"Com plete Home Fumi .hen"

Other EveDi~ga ' By Appoin tment

.BOoT FOB AND conlO N your Qattle, hop, ~ aDd ~. .

to Non1a-Brock 00.. live wire .... Pl'OIP'eaalve firm for the bIIbal market prlces aDd lOod sent •• tJllIOQ 8toek YanII. IDIDcIIDn.u,. O. 'l1uDe in an Re.dIo st.tion WOl[Y . 12:2!I to 12:30 p. m. for oar ,deo1l7

market repona.



Dr. C. E. Wilkin .Xeala, 0


'~Eut Main Street .t Whit........ .

Optome tric E,e >S.,..laU ,t 28 S. Detroit St.

lCf: m OHI O


Pho ne ' JU2 R


... . .

.:: :: : is :.: : ' •• a.




HORSES, C~WS, HOGS. CALVES, SHEE P, ETC •• Remov ed Promptl~ Call


Office a' Bo,en aDd SIm...... " G~

Formerl,r W&7I*Y lUe IDnraD ce



Xenia Farmer s Exchan ge Secbnd - 011'e, Ma:rShIiJl Seoonkt - 1 yr. Soo!lCl1pt1on Brobhers Go.raee, Mpl1a 'I1b.e Wam1 Gazelbte, Wa.ynesv1l1e CLOVE R SEED CANNE D VEGET ABLES Best p1nit (IIi j8ll') One~ rust - 100 100. Dr. Heintz NU-Wa y- , F1l'st - $1.50 in trade, Sprtng Several other smaJler prizes. Feed, Jaike Scott Valley Hardwa re BEEC H GROV E Second - 011 ohaalge, l..6.ns'8 Seconki - 1 yr. SUb:;JCrlf tion Mr, a.2lId Mrs. Delbel't COnger GIld Chevro let 00., Xen1a 'lbe M4am1 Gazelbte , W1WOesv1lle two daugQlters. of nea:r Oorwin , WBE.tT BUGIS were SUndaly- d.inIIler guests of MI'. Best peck EI'II.1ded !Rags and Mrs. Todd BuIlce. First - 100 lbs. TuXedo Feed First - ~ .OO in trade, Early Alphla Seed and 0m1n i/!, Lytle Second - 5 qta. 011.. Hess Electr1c 6econd - $1.00 in tirade, Kenned y's Oompan y, Xenia G~, Spring Valley EGGS Oroohe ted Rep Wh1te, One doz. Hr&t - 1 box CUldY, Geyers Flrst - 25 Baby chicks TARW A-UTH lC TAR AND iReslblwmnt, Xenia Beams HaJIxlhery, Xenia Seoond - .1.00 4n tmde, Bea.ns Oro. ROAD OIL, EXCAV l<TINO Second - 100 lbs. JiG Mash Hooked Flap DUMP TRUCK SEaVIO S DeWir.ea EleVllllm, Xen2a FJr&t - ta.OO in trade, Blaclts Brown. One dM.. READY MIX OONOR ETlll 0a.ra8e. Bellbro ok F11rst - 25 Baby ah1c:ka 8ecoDd - $1.00 m trade, Moores Maple Lawn Hatcher y, ZImmennan Restaw."8Jlt, Bellbro ok Sedand - 100 Ibs. _ M.a&n CBOOB ETED FANCY WOBK CentervWe ~ aad ' Feed ' FJr&t - f,2.98 &poIt atWt, PJlone Wa.vnesvWe 2911 CAKES J. O. ~ a>., Xenia White (IcedJ Seoond - $1.00 in, Coylee MOrrow Phone No. 3 First - 24 lb. bag PIlOIIl' " 1Iar1tt:lt, Wa.ynes ville Leb&noo: OffIce Ph~e · ''73Jt Wo.ynesvWe .Fanner a Ex.obaDIe "I'08TB B Co:NTE8T" Second - wort Iib1J.t Reaidence, INI M BI8D 8obool, 10-12 . 0r1tA!r1aD" XAm1a Fdrat - f,2.oo Second - $1.00 .J'uD.D '1-9 0_ - - _ . - _ ,____ First - f,2.Qo • Secood - $1.00

QUI CK SERV~CE TUB 8 F1mIEJDBIljS:. --.--=-,or Dea d Stoc k

' HOME Telepho ne 2291 WaynesvUle,O.

evening '- '4By t he Bro.o k"


Ilaa'k (Iced) F11mt - 24 lb. bag Flour Waynesv1lle Fu.nner s ElWhan ge 8ecood - 2 necklties


Wlocimtdlrtable poees tilled the boOk: Waynes ville Druc store. --edv. and made 800d BubJects for remln- ~jiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii iiiiiiiiii~ l&clng a.nd d.Iacu&s1on- ot-, changes of styles in wea.T1n8 a,ppa.rel. Bemtm -





~ O"Le6, Phuue 2894, "Joynes -

The Ute story, advent;u res Mld exploIts

• ••


Invite s YOU to its services Sunday morning, Febru ary 4 Sermon topic _ morni ng - -"The Startl ing Messa ge."



Ol~ FtI.1r5. Dll.nc1ns. SWOl'd the g<rea.t author woo wrote. ''Huckle of ben'Y Play a.nd Bow - a.m1 - Arrow ""Tom Sawyer'" Mm otilers. No 8UIb&taooe of 8dliool oh1ld should lruss 1t I Warfue e is the "THE ADVE NTUR ES OF

t, ~ otmee ~ and aaJd after0lBBO N8 BIJILD ING AUt;T tONE RING ward that be ' never ~ NOB'll l lIT.'JLLB,o---"--~~~~~~~~~-li I-~ll!V1mI

Stan Ie)' and K.oogler


~burcb - of ~brist



,WED .

Bowel Cleaning Power ofOneERR-HELP Medicine man

" RE.IED IIObl \ ::.hut" -

• •

Bu,. War Bond_ .nd Stamp _ at Our Box Office

week aIter week an d get it in by th dead-lin e. 1 will be secl.og you at the saJes aM thank you again for making WiJl a.tnaIteur city-far mer feel a.t home l:n YOllr 1.x>l'1l-al1 d- bred farmers commu nity, Sincerely yours, Dorothy J . Fl'o,zicr

" , P&rin DIa¢"Y: , I w.nt- CD t.baDk you all far your IIIaD1 expreiIIIIIone .o.f ~ and





F •••


Phone 2149

Subscri ption Price $1.5,0 P er Year Payable in Advanc e

·Dear ___ CIf the Dry R1dse

-.reat WtBt.em iarm aooount.a.


'Reverle Telepho ne Char,. . MaIn tH, XI!ILIa. 0. Eo G. Buc ....eb. ...... I, /

-Bo b's Da iry WholesIlI. ,,. Pasteu rized 'airy Produ ct. Pa~t e U1 ized


Dl 'YOU ,to set married , write Box 958, Jullaett.e, Idaho. &nd



t.==== ==:J

"Mille For} 'Jur Prote ction

Phorie 2537

Wal71lelvill., Ohio

,\ , ' 'ro -R ~', -SALE--,---BedroQ--m--S-ul-:te-.----Bei -:·-:1,

, : mattreu.. aprlnp, cheat it.Y.

and VUlMm. 1.. Vl~b. Pbon,e 2866. 10



FO R Any ma k,e or,'. , ..,Fred--Ka'i'n"M oto r Car 'Co.... '

PHON E 326


·can or' Write



seventy-five you have ' that amount {to loan to a soldier who loans you his life? Sure you do I



Best MontnRecorded

MT. and Mrs. E. iF. F..aIm'ha.rt and Mr. '6otld Mrs. John F1romm recelved Wbrd fi'om ,t heir SODS, Ser. Charles B . ~ -and S IS Clyde F'roIDDll, tlha.t tt4ley have arrived not same desttnaotLons overseas. ~t Ea.rn.haIrt has 'been in mlUtJary service over iIlhree years and is connected ~ the personnel of tp.o Flield oAIltlllery, leaving 1fu'OIIl Fort. Bmgg, N. O. S IS Fromm has been in se-v1ce almiost tlhree years and has been sta.tioned at M8.cD1ll Field,


15th Aamy Air Force in 11alySgt. Cba.rles K. Foley, 24, at Harveysburg, OhiO, has been B.uthor1Zled It o wea.r :the Europea.n-Mncan-Middle Ea&tem Theatre ribbon, to an o.nnouncement. at 15th A!r ~ Hed.vy Bomber Base In Italy. ' A .grunner. an a B-24 Liberator bomber, Sg:t F'Oley !has completed the required pe.l'iod of .over-SOOB duty which entLtJes him to wear Ibhe ribbon. He is a member of a bomber group wh40h bllS flown mare toha.n HIS combut mJs.sIons age.l.nst stl" targets In SOuthern Eu-


rope a.nd !\he Eoakanll. He aW holds ttlhe RoIhe-Arno battle star, VIlhloh 18 worn on the ribbon. IDs group is oommilJtded by. 001. Thomas W. · Steed, of EltaWIWl, Tenn'. S8t. Foley, a graduate of &IDg~ man Hjgh Sohool, entered the ser'Vlce, sept. 14, 1942. He ~ b1s gunner's wings BIt Hru'llngen, Texa5, prior to ctUIing overseaa. WALTER N. BUNCE &Ec&lVES AIR MEDAL AWARD 11he 'I1welUlh Att Foreea, opereotlng in the M.ed1Iterraneo.n Theatre, has a.nIliOWlCec1 the award or otlhe Air M'eda:l to T/~. Walter N. Bunce, a. Flight' Engineer otl a 'I1roop Ce.rrier Mroradlt. His parents, Mr. and Mrs. Todd O. Bunce, res1de on Route e, W~e6ville Ohio. Sgt. Bunce ~ been overseas 24 mkmtha With b4B squadron. In th1a time he has piled up a total of over 600 boors of flying time, 1U1d flown on 15 combat mlsa1ons, OVa' enemy linea, in SoIl UIl8.1"lIIIed and UDeBCOl'ted TJ!OOp oa.mer 'llype alrc::m.ft. Besides bIB Air Medal, be bDl~ the Pre-Peart Harbor rtbboo. the Good OoDduct MedBl, iIbe .AmerliCan Theater rubbon, and the Med.I.terII'&ll8an 'Ibea.tre of 0pers.t10nII Rtbboo 'Rtth 3 BaitUe staTI. . A anduate of KJnpnan Inib



SATTERTHWAITE-ASHMORE WEDDING SOLEMlNlZED Miss El;teUa: Joeeph1nll Ashmore. daughter of Mrs. Nellie 'AShmore, beoome Ithll bride of Mr. Henry Sa.tterthwa1te, son of Mr. a.nd Mrs. Harry Sattet'lt.hrwrute, at the home of the brtdes· mobher, neer Clarksville, a.t ~ht o'cloclt on Saturday evenlng. TIle double r1ng ceremony was per!Qlmed by Rev. 06ca.r Nl.cbolson in Ithe living roam where the br;1de and groom and ,their IIIttendants took their pla.ces with Mrs. Osca.r N1oholron playdng !the wedding maroh. MH Suzanna. :Mulford w1I8 brtdeanald e.nd wore a pe..le blue formal. She C&.l'l'1ed yellow snapdregon& and pink ca.rilat1Olns ded . with yellow tulle. l4I'. Blliy msey seA'ed as be&t man.. 'I1he bride took. !her 'vows m a lovely 'Wbite ~ 80WD and carr1ed White ~0D8 and white camatlmls tied with a large bow of 'White tulle. Following the ~ a. recep/tlon b the gueaI8 .wu Ibeld with a bea.ut4tUl wed.d1ng cake aJld atiIlel' ~ents being eemld by \ tale brides'mot.ber. :Manl" beII.l1WUl gI!<ts received by tile brJdeand groom were on dis· pliIq. 'l1le 8UIIiIIa 'db UJe ~ UIIl


WlN8 DIS'I'lNGll1811ED FLYING CBOSS Ueutale.nt W1lton H. iH84"tsook, lIOn of l4r. and. l\4rS. &las Ha.ltSoCk, IWOIl bbe d1stIiDgU1ab.ed .f1y1nc cross tar iJIItritalldlng a.chieveDllllJlt eplDst the enemy, Ito a repot't received oy bla. wife, ~elyD, from 1Ihe c)Jmmand1ilg O!ficer of tbe 12th NIt ~, ''With which U; Had.aoaIt aerved. He 18 DOW In ~ State. a.nd • at&b1oned &ot UIOodY Field, V8Il4aIla., Ga., but Ie on detailed Jiervloe eIt R8rulolpb Field, Felmuar<y



James Bt oSmith. son or JackSOn and OB.\lbaIrI.De 8m1t.h, ,waa born FEbNaIry 26, 186'7. d.epa11beid tbJa lite JanuB4'Y :n, 1945, 87 )ears G.nd Q.l montbs. . He mamedi ADn1e RoBett1e ~­ Iaott, September :M. 16'79. Of t&b.IoI Wintlekl. Haony, TimOlihr, LeroY. IlIa.belle and omoe. One son a.nd two dau8htenJ preceed.ed: him in de&ltih. li1a wife dIled., NovembeI: 14, 1906. ' . He was a member rot Ibbe Wddlerun BapUat Cburch. He le&walto mourn, one claJ~, and ~ SOCI6, ' thJ.rteeD, 1II\UlAlCIhildren and eiilbt ~t 1f8oIld.dlildreni a.Dd a ho8t of relatives and (lI'1en<1s. Sunset a.nd evenl.l18 -star, And 'one deer call tor me, And IIl8iY there be no moa.nlI:I& of the bar, WbIm I put'put to sea!. But tIUdl a ltide 06 IIIO'IIng aeema aaleep, ' IIW £uU toe aou.nd 8oDod foam. ' Woen tbat 'whWb dl'ew tmm out lIhe bouDdlesa deep. . 'I1urna ep4n home. 'I1wilJ8bt and eveWng bell; '&oDd aaer dlat tlbe daritl .Mel ~ dlere be DO Of

~ .' , WbeO 1 embIIoltL ,. For .tbo', flUnOllt our bourne Of

Ume,aDd pbIO&


The;:rlDOd."m&y 1beU' JI¥l '(a.t', I bqpe 4iP _ my P1lOt if. . . to ~ Nibeo' beIv~ orosaed the bu'.



i OAllD THANKS., We wIab to dteDd our .IIIlaoDD tp fdilrJdlf &lld ' ~VE8 ~ ~ IIJID-

P&~ '


~ ~ deaIIIb of Sllltt.b.



of Christ to speak at ConfereDce

Harvey and ·S. H . BurneI; received word Iaat Tuesday of tile death or thea- brother, ai'rof. WhUltie:r 1BUl'llet, lilt his Mme in seymour, Mo. Mr. G.nd Mrs. ~ NOlItlhway, Dayton, .were d1nnel' gUeSts of Mr. and Mrs. Oha4'les Mulenix and DlcIt Irons, 8a.turoay ewIling. RalpQl Be1aher has been ill wtth mumps Ithe peat Itwo wedaI. Russell ~ was al:JseDt from schOol ftdt Mtb. 8IliP. lDII'Vetf Bumet ~nded a. coopero,t1ve m4lk IiIeetiDg to Greenv1Jle, FrJodq eftIDIne.

MDi. Pnilk Mulford aid - _ _ B ..m ob....... 'M'!'. 'aDd Joob.. W.O•. when she Ifeu 00 the ice. Ashmore and srtwddaUBbta's of ' . . . Ben IHawke, COlumbus, spent Wddlet;own, Doily 8DD1h and SUDday and ,Mooda.y W!lth Mr. 8bd IPIhyllla Brown of 0IadaMlle, Mr. MlrIl. ¥mr!k K'ur11a8. Uld Mrs. Harry SIIittedlbwaite and Rev. O. E. ~, MaBon. was undaUghters, Boml4e GDd Betty !lJou of able ~--tW. blIr a~nf;tnent 0Jt L)'IIile We.ynesv1l1e, Mn!. Nellie As)lmore MeUloclJst church, Bundiq, due to and dIu~, ' DorIa a.nd EvelYn. ley nBda. and 8OtlI5. Elmer &oDd and Rev. Mr. and Mm. WOl RollI .BZJd and Mn. 06dIII' Nicholson da.u(llhter, IfuljoI'Ie, spent SaiburdaY ~. and Mrs. SattelthW8iite III't'l evenlllg with relaUves Spr1Dg' aendlDg a few days mth 1lbe brides' JJon). mother, alter 'IWl1Oh they wID be Got Mr. and Mls. 'I1be:rJe Jooee and botn.e iWWl the groom" penm1B, son, 1MDton, were cIinJler I'\JEII!Ite dt Mr. a.nd !Mrs. Haony sa.ttelItIhW&1te Mr. e.nd Mm. EdWin ' ,NUtt of near near Wa)'tle6V1l1e. Cenitemlle, Sunday, in oo~ with Pvt. iHennan NlItt of Va., who Mrs. ~ Fb'es and MJ's. Cliff . is bame on 8. furlough, and. hJ8 wife , Bumett~ed the "Capping Exond ~y dauabter, Dcl.y.ton. erc1Ses" at WQm1 Valley ilaJpital Mr. aIId MR. Wlo Wltenberger dur1:lg the past week, wheIl tlhe1r entelUined to dInDer, ~, In d&~, Il1D8o ftras 8IIId Rutb honor of ,the tbtrd Ib~ or BIz:lnet,!.. IreOEIlved caps. M1s8 F1res their 1IOIl, Jonny. GIJas!B were, and !oo&s B1.lrn¢t entBred l\4Wn11n and Mm. Leo Qanner and. daugh- september 1944. There are s1xW~ rem. OerolYn ' and Mrs. e1gb.t of ;tJhJ.s clBs& and all have been' >1Ie&sIe Malcolm 8.nd . MiISs Helen reg1st.erid hi oadet NW'61e TiiilDlIli. Saul, W~, ¥ra. Ethel'Ilrlmble, Mr. &tid :M:r8. OU!ford ArchMrs. Orville ~ and Mrs. WUllam . Sa.wyer enterlta1ned to dlnner deacm and dIIo'u8I1ter, Betlty lDu, on SundaY', hQnming die b1rt.hd&y Da,yton, AJr ~t Robe1!t Archil'nn1v8l1i8J'y or Mr. Gray. covers deacon, Amarillla, Texas, Frank '&rrUISed tor Mr. and Mrs. Miltenbeqer end. PeaIY Jo. a.nd TImmy Wltenbeqer. Earl Boo&m and of Cinc1nmtl, Mz. and Mrs. Harold RANDALL F1JNB~ HELD Oabom. 1ibe boetess II4ld bClOOl' HERE ON 8ATtlBDAy , ~. A vel')' l8qe group of frIeDds and I Ool'lJ)01'6l Cbarles " ObalXJWl of rel8ltl vea eltten.ded the tllDft'Q} SerFo:r.t ~, Md., ealjoyed a furloUih Vices hel4 Itar MnI. Dale Randall at Stubbs ~ IHome on sa.turdaJ. /lore with bis parent6, Mr. and Mri J. B. Oh&pma.n, qminr the past Mrs. Randall, ~e df St&rf week. Staff Seraea.nt Robert ChAp- ieant DaJe Randall; who j& avr:rman or Ft. 'I1homaB, ~., 'Mla aIao seas in &e11WOC, was the cIaiJghter of !Mr. and l\4Jn;. iF'1'apk Kurllss and A w~ end ,g uest of bl& IlQIl'eDts. sister of Mm. 1!m'1 ~. l\4lr. and Mrs. Ohall'les lfII.ItDt.Sbe1'ge1' Mr. lvP'8: JIli:ed Grauman atof rMlddl'etmm. were weekend gUe&t& tended till€! Lumbermen's Oomenof Mr. and ' iMini. Ohulea LeMay. Uon in OOlumlnl8, dll11l18 the past Mr. ami Mn. .James B\1rt(n and week. fam4ly ocr· ~n, were' also Sundily <Unner gUeSts. EASTERN STAB W1LL HOLD Mra. Nellie B'umlell.' ,w ho _ been REGVLAR MEETING, MONDAY • at th8 Frienda Home b the ~ Mdami Obapber 107, Ol'<kr of 'few 1s.J)ellCllni seveml-dap Eastem Stu w1ll hold tbdr lief son aDd dlM.llPbter-ln-lew, um meetinc: Monda(yJ evening at _a.Q4 Mm. Oeorae Bwmell·BDd eI8'ht o'clock.lF'Il~ the buSine. ~ In ~ session, d.l1I'in8 whktl tJ,me pla.lla tQl' lI4biIas W<Uld& ~, Dhel Beek- othe' rwar '~ef WIldt to be clDD . e tor UId. ~ ~Vt ti1eIDda the~, 'MIll .pe q.I8ola1$ed. An ezof oaiYmn'atiAmded tne' FrIIDiSOOu- obaoJ:I8e of >home made, VGIluntlDe8 bezt . Operetta .~ ~l be en~oyed. Tbe ~ of , ~_ "'.JJ:" . ~... .. . MJun1 ahapilei' baInt been m'VMled ~ !O .". 14~ ~ ~ • . "to '\ _4-.-A ...... IDIIpeatIIcJo .... ..:..:.._...



• • •






weeka, * , Mr.





l\4.Ii& :Uft_~ ./U"_ Of ---- -'" w.., . ' week. eDd jui!Bt' of 1M:r. UId Mn. Uoyd ~ and 8OD8. un. D . a • y t o n

...... ...

. :'-'1"", ,... _ - " " • HOTBBBS otUB"iI1iZTING . .....

our fathel'" ." ' " B. • ~ etaIItarth,"


Sunday, February 18, .at 4:30 P. M. <the Rev. Ralph PIBrics will be orda.ln.ed Priest m st. Mary's Episcopal Ohuroh by' the Rt. Rev. IHeniry W. HIollson, Blshop of Sootlhern Oilio. The service wdll fea.ture Sj)eC1al mus1c by the 011011' and will Include celebmtlon of Holy Communion. Bishop Hobson will be asslst.ed by the Rev. Messrs . . ctlBdes E. Fish, Olu'1J>t Ohurch. Xenia; Raymond K. Rclbs, St . .'PGoul·s. Da.y>ton; John albeIt, st. MQitthew's, Oincln.nalt1; Ke:nned:;h OrMler, Ohuroh o! the Epiphany, Nelsonville; II1nd other V1sitlng clerg.ymen. TP.e ordLn8lt1on sermon wlll ,be prooohed by the Rev. Frederic B. Altkinson, Archdeacon of Ithe Dlooese. FlollowLng the service. a. reoeptLont will be helq SIt the Rectory. The pub14.c is Invited.

seventeen montJllSo Susan Scallion. "ad~IlltA!1d Waynesville Hlrb

Friends "",,,,~



Ilhwt GInDOt be nad elaewbere, it loses ita perllOnaUty I1Dd. tJeoonMw


Ann iWeltz - 'l\la.rp.ret. SchIutltman

Gregg OOml$ny aW<lm'ds ha.'Ve been made in the fOl1n of oerto1fiotes til: - WIllma SUl1fa.ce. 80 word shorthand tmnsorlptLon; Mlurie1 Dickensheets, shorthand complete 1lbeory cert4f1C81te; R.aylyn OnIbbe, COOlpetent typist certl!J.caie 41 words. . W1ll1sm Mrs. Elbon bas been employed lIS



and i'eIllI'e8en~~ .l:'4U~:lIOII 0eD.NatIooal Ohuroiles Peace," January '16-19, 1945. The <t.oNc at ing 'Wtll te, '''111Ie in WIorld Onler."

CAESARS CRI~tx Mr. tand Mrs. and faln1y IW1 lGm1:ly were

or their mond


MciLnt4re Ellis and dinner guests

Mn. Ray-

MIs. Dena Oa.1ter of Xenia., called on her pam-ents, Sunaay.

Just a mere 8Ub\llt), a IIbCJp.lia:bt OIl ~ hl@lbWlIIY. It. Ihaa no ~, DO community eplrtt, :co indMd~, nobhing to call ~ own. ,

Mrs. and Mm. W. A. O>Jlahan , son Paotr1ck, or OIDe1nnsJtl, visited Mr. and Ml's, T. O. Runyan, SUI!.daY. Mrs. RobeS'lt Greene and g<randohlldren. Eddie Lee 8Irld DelroIse, M!rs . M&rgaret 'Morgan, Mr. and Mrs. Henry .Berges e.nd dilldreD, Mr, and Mrs. Al.ked M.organ and children QUli'iMT, Wilbur Stevenson were guest.s !of Mr. QII1d l\41'&. Lue

'11be editor and ([ were dJaco'1IIIIn&. "Wilat 18 news?" To biIn newa means people fJrat, laSt aDd all the tune. ~le, lI8meB, p)acee, d&tee

the 7·t h ~e tQl.cher tor the remainlder or the yoor. The Itractor school SJlO[lSOI'e(i by the. Smith-Hug;hea depa!1tment, and under the dirt'lotl.on or lI4!'. cre.bbe, 'W'hlch has been held foe tlhe past three weeks, will be CODIClud~ next

,were e1gjht ~ly emol1ed members besidEs 8en1ar OOl'S who &ItteDded each utemoan. SChool W88 not !held on Mondaq, ~ 6, m ~1IanQe owiUh 'Lausahe's · ~equeat.. The coa:l situ.a.tlon will detleInn1ne rwiIlet.her oe not Lt w1ll be necessary to clOse school. lAs a ft8Ult of the 00111 ahOl'Ulge, it ilaa been decided

Monda.y. 'Ib.ere


and owh8It -tIhey dk1 Up Ito • certaiD

~t I 8i\l'ee vntb bdm, bUt I aJeo contend that all otlh1l1p iIIlIIt toUah our lives from a new idea. or & eun. set to Ibhe ,rood in the ~ .tAn. tIhe Ibem lor of ....... aDd ll'feoo stock, 8itIl8ll ~ of daily llf~. a new boot. .. tann 1We, or &be weather. lin !aot apeclalbl .tale we8ltber, da n8W8. NIG ODe IdDd or news nor &.n¥ ODe !feature c:e.n Jar.

Morge.n, Sunday<.


Mr. and Mrs. MOl'l'ds Lewis and spentSUnJda.y 'Rtth MI'. and Mm. John K0e6ter of U:t4ca.. Miss ~ul1ne Gibson and Rdoha.rd HAines of Xenia, spent Sunday with Mr. and 'Mrs. H1ly Gdbsan. Several· {rom ib.ere atte:nlded tile funeral of JIIJmi6 Stmth Got MI1ddle-





!PeDe1ope Per.rUl

wrote & c:ol.mnJlI in tbe ~ HeMS

iBa.ptI\st Ohurch, Sunday.

Mr. a.nd Mrs. Olalrence 0hatliIm, IWa.vnesv1lle. spent Frt~ evening With Mr. and 'Mr8. Everett Bwmell and famlly. Mr. and Mrs. Everett B\.lDIIell and !am1ly spent Thun;da.y wWl ~. . 1B.nd Mrs. iBeI¢ Bunnell acd family.

called "From



Mr. e..IIod 'Mrs. Obas. ~WUds of Da&'Itml called an iWss lAura. l\4c. 'K dnsey, FriLd8.y dternoon. 1M1's. Nellie Bunnell 18 Wd~ bel' son. Qeorge GoIld fam4ly, m an-

...... .....


¢be ~

meuJOl'y. opeD.

--..... nUDII III .....;, .......

~ WOUld be "Well? 'WIIM dill JO'& dOf IWbo did YOU Beet , ~ did JOII& blm'7" ~ tdDI'e I Md '.

retm:n frIDm town bill


Mrs. PaUl WWianIs .or Le!laDcm and Mrs. iRlUial. Paimer of I$Je. were gueata ' JIm. Al1ce 0Jan,


'WIndow." Sbe atneItI and 8fl;W ~ GIld eP'el7bod:F. lnall!c!q much u.t . . DOt dIItcernabJe ,t o tbe ~. lis' col. unm waa read 'WiIb . . . . . . .t MId tDtereat b,JI a great a-. but .... t.llouiIbt it :foolW!.... i'o.r ~ ftve yeaft, ~ hlllbuld spent moat pi! bf,ls *no by. ~ ICIUtob Window owhiab looIIa aIf MIr'a. Cbe paature. IWith Go pUe of I:Iocb MId mapmlllf8 abt .the ncBo cu· . . other ~ lOt him and Itobe iWi):JclrW 0«

lIooIald d.ovm


;~.;to;ca~;~ooelil~=~'S&t~~; , ;,;,~~~3:1~~~~ ~~t.o~dprm~i~~ ....

Ml'8. Raleigih woo is confined pla.yed Ibere PlridB¥, FebnEay 9. It will be pIa.yW there 1nst.eaO. Ito 'h er 'h ome !by aIclI:ness. 'Mr. 600 Mrs. Eyerett Haines were in ~ one 4ftemoon last week. H. S. SPORTS iMr. and Mrs. wuuam Smith were by Edwyaa Stanforth ea.lled· to Da¥too, ~, by the serious 1llnes of a brother-in-laiw. W~ Spe.m.ns had a ban:MIr. and Mrs. Weldon W1l8oo. . ner rught 8.t K1n8B ~ Fri~, oewa. Mrs. Mary 'BxJean and Mrs. Eva February 2, de!~ them 40-30. 'lbere .ant people ',l Ibo ~ JOIDk Alexander were vWtas m ~ . A spectacum first period 8&W the out Ul!U' Wf.Dcl<mI to Me 'WIJM .... '" I BoQan thcxne, S1.IIldar'. \WIB five 4tIob an~ ~l1ftIng 13-5 IIeIII'hb;om we doI:DC U!4 CbIn· . . W'. <U1d Mrs. Melvin Holl1ngs~. ~ .t be:lr Pil"OHIO" people wbo baDe ClUl'CaIII8 over tibI!m WOl1tb were dlnner guests or Don- lage, rIlhe 8pBrt.uJs S8l:ked the K1l1k.I; . 80 )'OIl' am~ see out. I ___ JIIi:ecs by Jennie Mabel I'1aI1ek ald Haines and Jram1lY, SUIlda.Y meshes {or a 22-9 ruut-'t1me ~. lit has been many a day amco 1 ·clll1la1D8. <n'W . q: IWiDdon &lid I ~. .flUle destruction 'Wl'O\I8bt dll11Dg ll8Ver need a 1QdIo in ~ car lie'\Welded my pen Mis. Luther Hadnes, rwiIlo bas the ·f irst bl-U cooI.1Inued 1Dto the <lauee ~ I . . ClQIIdde .. 110; ID· To It,ell of <tale state I love: speDt a Itew days 8.t bel' home hel'e. last Ilia.l! 88 the Spantans. h11lt1ng the 1tereBt1IIi. lit 18 IoI1l _ _ to.iDIL plans to return Ito Oamden in a few net 6t 'Will and mreIy mlsas1ng an The trees, sp&rr0W8, roblna a.nd t1be Our D8WIP8PIlI' U a. _ _ 01 000 of the turotJe dove, days 00 ~lelp care 1»1' bar mother. opportUD1tyi Ito 1ICOl'e, rcmped to a cbwII ~ IWIbICb ft b* && OW 11he winding paths ~ the Mr. RobeIt Hedley, our pl\8t.or 32-20 third ~ iIally. canmwdty. The edItIar 11M • WIllolaclQberry dow iIllm bD out _ 'v.ilo 1'M16 ' strick:en '\\tth infanWe Kenny Bradley racked rup 11 talAInd the spriDQ' at Ithe root or pa.raJyals Oct. 31, ~lA8 been 00w0 lies for the ca.use, wb1le KIn8B M1lI8 and be plans Wet to WI . . . . . ifAbe hill, to . W8lm Springs, Oa., foe treat,. Truman bOwed to him wt'bh 10 or the tbkI8B be - . OUr OIIIDWThe led8U>, groves, riVWS and each JDlent. . . points. pclIld.e'tta iJook out and ,t ell . . . . . ~ J11l. M1's. .Bemard J,enkUIa (Loulle our ne4&bbcn azoe • •' 'wbo .... F.G. F.T. Pta. WAYNmVILLE And when yov. wa.\k ~ ~ SIDcla.i:r) of Da~, wbo • a.wattdliilier lWtth eoQQa-WID- . 308 Ludln~ nooks ' 4ng her a&SIgnment 'wltb the /Waac8, dow loOb Ito bI ftekIII, cbe woOdt 228 He.rtsook spent the week ·end with ~oves awltett And pthe!r rwtld iflorwe1'8 ga.y GDd iIlhe weatber; my . . ~ 204 There CGGle8 to you amoe& th~ fldda to the IIU!IIi8e aDd 1Ib8 118m; &be lbere. Bradley;- K. 3 5 11 11he ooent of new DICIWn hay. ,weat ODe to the ~............ 1 I 3 Bra.c1ley, D. JOHN J, MICHAEL ASSIGNED The musbroon m81'8hes in the chicken ooUee aDd tbe,""-': aDd 1 0 2 Obarletxm TO LIBERATOR 11lNIT ' . bottom lands GIllY' CU' windon. ~ . . .e •• 1 F.G. F.T. Pt.s. 15th AAP In It.aly--Qorporal Jobn E!INGS MlILU3 The doewood trees, red bud and tba'Ye peoHne tDOUIb II».,.. .~ Pahorf 1 1 3 J lWohael, 27, WaiY'DAl8vWe; Obto,' the Da1!V I . . . lINd 410 "nDOft aU 317 top ,burret gunner on .& B-:H, baa Ph1llLp6 Where -the ch1pmook <Uld gray 'WbMeVel' mJibt . . . . 1 1 3 &Uder been aMigned U> & \ 15tb aqUlmlls pla.y aometimee IDiIIIIe people ItibI& SaaIII 215 Wilson AlAF ILiberator ~ Around oak trees large a.nd tall. call At De\lI8 IIoDIl IOIIID atJI7' • 5 0 10 'l\'l,mlan A graduate Of Be1lbrookl ~b "~C)\l1nn. 1 0 2 And the grandure of Autumn DO lbnber school, Mjahael was .eDIIOOYed as & !NO C'cm 8111' ~ . 1WQQJd ' (l) (2) (3) (4) tongue can de8ar1be ma.chJnlst by ~al ~, IDe .• ~ 4M11rJQDe. 'We Deed IDIIV Wa.yqleSville 13 22 32 40 As fM ~ <eye can see unttU be enteI'ed tbe &nJlI.Y' in Feb. yJBg tnm . ~. ~ . Our K.1n88 iMWs 5 9 20 30 PUorple flowers and golden rod. 1944. Mter 8UNlelY ~, be 'PaPe!L' 'WOUld be mere tn:.. '&t .. it The Junior >hIgh qu1n.tet 'b owed .to And hwDming of tibe bees. ' WIIS 6IIIiiIined Ito, crew &oDd .....r1VBd mare ~ abared CIhe life .. KineS Mills ~ hlgih, 16-20. 'I1h1s I:)VerSeBS in. JanUM')'. HJa rwlCe;Mrs. 18 Itbeir Ith1rd loss i~ Atart.s tIhls Oh, beautiful Ohio, .tlJe place of my , 8vtW by It.lJfjr !WIndon m.t.e&Cl cd Hazel ~SoIl Wey Mit....'. TeIiides an bUth otzyUIC tlo abut.aU Ibbe . . . 0« 4bIIIp yeo.r. Wa.yneevdlle. I love thee DlO1'e IWd DWIe that otben Uke ~ ' anbe ONI'. ~ -~--.~ . w orking iUrJ8etb,er we oou1d mab UIt. Your valleys, woods tPeus and dUes WALTER KENRICK. WILL BE DR. OJIAB.LEs B. T.\'l1B Wiith all my beart I adore. ODIe bODlBtXJWD~ t.a.t wa&ld SPEAKER AT mSTORICAL BURIAL 8IB~~' JIBLD IIQt be called medIQare. dull MIll .. SOCIETY MEETING, MONDAY May God bless the Buct.eyll sta.te to c:Ue. . Burlal 1MU'e held OIl TuesThe Wa.rren Oounty H1sborical And protect heiJ !l'om. all hum dar QIt; Miami 0eI~ for Dr. Bociety meeting or1g1na.lJy SOheduled ObaTles H. TMe oH~. Dl-. 'l'Gie Ito be held on .February 5, baa been And may ea.oh mt1ve ·of 'th18 BbI.te 'LeBon on H18 zmehty arm. is SUl'!'Itved Of '!h1s \V1dow, MlB. ~ postponed l\1ntU MondaY' evening, EVerlY' Tate. a fIOrIDlllltO resident at Feb1'lllU1,Y 12. at Ibhe Golden lAun:b in IW~ and ~" 8Md1.\Bote of LebIIonon. lWalter Kenrlckwill be W~ Hl8h SIObool. . ~ speaker- at tlJ.js iffieetln8'. ac· oord1rig to a. report; issued by Wm. E. MRS. ALLEN HOLE'IIAS ' Stanton, prestdent and MBa1an ' O~TlON 'AT 1II[UID VALLEY 6D,Ydel', ~. ' M1'8. AlleA Hole OIl at MJaml Valley .b o",W on Tues- B£V. ·B ,'8. COLEMAN JNI~ Aft ...........:.... _ ........ « ......... . --s. Ul - " ....... .,OI~ I'ePIDWd lot· of F'8.lllni on the ice",__ In Aft_ front of ·the one ~. She is alowlJc ---..~ ' .... _"_ ._......... .Bt.rater res~, ~ . ev......... tbel bome' ot beI"~ -""'--:-...... Hole, ~_, R B ~1-~-of·1.· :YJO¥ ~.. • . V'UIQI'-' "lie ...............




u.. __



a.._ •



. ,opefat.ed



ad.... . vc--___ ..... .1'eIfreoI!.....

and to .tIbose IMlo do not: "W1hy try to -keep a hklme-town . paiper going? 'l1Ilere 18 80 much med100re priDted matter now that it WIOUld be better if ~ an cloaed down and people read II.tle beat clty papers." That wsa e.n opiDIIOn I hea:d last summer, but I 8Z';uec2 tib..a.t wtlen a COIlIIIWJUty loses lta newspaper, ar lot ihaB !OObhi~ in It·

."~" .." '....""""""""""""'~



~ by · DOBOTliY J. I'BAZIEB ~ ..""""":-"""-"":" . """'" To read tlhe Fum DJar7

FolloWing the Ibu.slneis meeting, Mrs. Ralph Asb\JJ'y led in the dlscuss10n as to 'VMy W'aners carry less life dn.s'ul'a.noe Ithan city people. Mrs. John Burske and Ola.rence Rey gave their 1dees c»nccnling post..wv agri.cUl.1.ura.l oonditlons, whiah ·e.roused a spirited d:iscUB61Dn. RefreSbmenlts were 661'Ved by the hostess during ttb.e oecia.l bOUT.

~ ~



~ ~ A FARM DIAR Y", ~

t?! . NEW S




Mr. . and M1's. Josef M.oQ>y ent.elttIalned the SoUth Wa.yne Advtsary 00uncJl on ThursdaY' evening, FebmJocy 1.

, ...., " " " " ' _...., " " ,...., " " " " " ' _

1912• .


'1\110 Go 8\m-' \AboUt '70 ~ and frleDdaBlllCBlVES HO~iIBl. > . ~~ ~dbIer . . . ' eajOyecl & _ _ ~ JIC'O- D'UicJuBGB nioiI DIu PriVlllte ,Leo QgpnW azmed . . . ~ ~\ Olub weetbic OIl PIrC.OIa11L.~_oI- *~aDd an' ~ ~ ., fIIie . ~ anemooa. IDB. , ~ . . . . MD. l1li'1 Green or baa . . lWtth bill __ aDd ~ ~ ..... VIrIIDI&.BoM'dbi betID ~ apd aU.- ~ '&lid reJat.1ft8. -. &um. 01 . ,iImiIIc· ..... Mr.IID4.KIL RIIDQf Dlil71r _. 1be '~ ~ umed lena b?o were 8DDdir dIDIMf' .... at ..... b)' ~ 01 - . P'nIp&'. - blr bIlaIIII. Mr. u4 . . . . . o.



-Ini_ .

u_ Qba,...._. OIl ,'11'..1_ _.... ,14.



t1leI, Untti 1ibe ,t1mas of die ~ be fulfllled. ~ Lute




led a.~ c:a.ptIv8 into


Randall, Mlnlster of Church

The month of JanU8J'\Y, '1945, 'WIl8 the best ' J&.ni\Il\O' moIlillh in ' the hlstol"Y of ,the Waynesville Oburc!b of Ohrlst. In S¢te of the !>ad weath': er the attendance av~ fur l1he manoth 'MIs 106~ per Sunday, and the members of tiIle ~on made 71 calls G!1d wrote 257 ca4'd8 and letters in behalf of the o11urcb., The a.vemge attendanCe for tIll.e month of February is set at 115 per Sunday. The last Sunday of the moDl1lh, February 116, will be special d!aw wWh Mr. R. 'Iltil8 Maxey, president of "The School of The SorlptUTCS" being tlhe spea.ker for the thy. An attendance of 160 15 the goo! for that day. On Sunday, Febl"\l84'Y 4. Mr. Randall win preach on tlhe foUowlng subJoot.5: in 1Jhe IIlOI1ldng, '''I''he B&Tel and The," and in the evening, "Death and Resurrect1an." Both of tlhese semwnB 8.round the l1!e of EI.1jUl the prophet and find tflbe1r texts in tihe 17th oha.pter of II KiJl8B. La&t month Mr. Rendall tTalVelled to Mdddle)lOll1t, Ohio; PIne Grove, and Paden City. W. Va., Where he spoke to !the ohurches of Clutst in tIh.ose clties. 'Ibe week or F'eIlIruaa'Y 19-25, Mr. Randall ..WU be in M.Ln.JlSIlpOlls, iM1nn., where \he I\Vlli apeaik at the ~ rally a.nd mid-winter oon!l'erence 'held oocb yoor at the':Minnesota Bible Qollege in MInneapolis.

st.1l IaU by the

!/he ~ GIld 8b&ll

1IMIoDs: aDd JeniaaeD be trodden, dOWn of b


Episcopal Church Service



'lems, untlll

Fla.., f or the past rtwo years

with the slgnal corp of the AIr Force. He le.lit from Greensboro, N. C.

opRte ttlle1t' farm e.t ' dle ' time Of !Dduoatokm moo the AImed Pon:ea.

edp of







Men'In Armed Forces Receiye Many Decorations





~ t.bey



reoe1ved pa4nrul -injuries

that bIaove ccmtiIIed awn to bt& bOme.

• it

18 IIoOt known 11 .be will be

. -

able to .

f!ll tt.he ~U1IIa ~ SUnodII.y. PBlBND8BIP CLUB MBBTlNG 'l'Iite FnendIhtp Club' ~ W1U be held at the hGme Or Mrs. Adria BradISock,


lAIr. ~ ~•

MnDoirtg 1Ihe obiItoh of

a . , _ _• ter, .JUlie &DII at Mo01eUaD bailie.!

~~ afterDooa.

~ 16.. iIIlIdl IIlaIIbs' II to brIII8 . , ' ~b.. .


.um dona ..,. an-


OIl ~ . . 'J.'iate



Is 0CIIII'c . . . . .


•••••...•.•.•....... ,.


:. ,

l · .i


Nazis ·Pu·t .Homeland to Torch As R:ussia~s Swe~'p '· into Re~ch; Yanks Gain in Drive ·on 'Manila



:,""'ow.,It. ,ar,'. lin..

··•• ··:•• : ·.'

1-_ _ _ _ _ _ Released by We.tern NfwsJ,apf'r UnIon , _ _ _ _ _ _---'


(ED.TOR·I NOTE, "'beD .phllono *r...,re.. d In " ... ...Iama. tbe,. .r. tb ..... W.. lerll N ......p.'er lIaloa'. ae".....1,.10 •• 4 .. 01 ne ••••• rU' .i Ibl. De".p.,or.)

£aeh F .. F Cougb Lclence civu . )'OUl'

Thuriday, . ..ebnery 8, INS


tJuiw.t & 16 minute comCortini;

Iiea~~. Reali, soothing ~cauae ~1\Y'riI ffil/!Y ~dic4ted, Used by

, aiilliona tor coul:tlu, throat irrit&: tiona h08l'llCln~ mulling, from eQlda or lIDokiDg. Ooly lOt bOll,




iI ••••••.•••. COUGH LOZENGES ,

As bu., . AUI~ pincer aqueeses Germ_, irom three clJrectiODa, map IncIJcate. aUpolitioD of Nail troops, witb majority cODceDtrated ill East,


Yell, eooatipatioll caD ltoal your


punch to the Reich border. 111 AIISce to the loutheast, the Germani Reach Reich continued to harass General Patch'. army, extended by the orillnal Having levered the rIch agricul- ?th withdrawal of elements of the :lrd tural province of East Prussia from this sector to relieve the threat Germany, the ned tidal wave 01 from of the enemy'l Bellium breakupwarda of ' 4,000,000 men rolled clear up to the eastern border of through. the Reich itself, with the Nazis des· perately trying to check the drive. Biggest threat to the Reich lay In Sight Bataan the RussIan advance on Silesla, the With mountainous Bataan hover. 'l1tUe RUhr" of southeastern Ger- Ing ahead In the distant haze, U. many, where Red columni closed S, motorized elementa, followed by In on the rich coal, zinc and iron the 40th' division, swarmed onto resourcea and the industrial cen· Clark Field's airdrome, 40 mllel ters bullt around them. Once able above ManUa. to produce about 700,000,000 tons ot Eager to avenge the gallant Yankl coal annuaDy during the !;Ielgbt of who stood their ground so eteadfast. he.r conquests. defeota In both the ly on Bataan In the early weeki 01 west and east, coupled with severe the war, the advancing U. S. troopi aerial bombardment, are said to encountered but Uttle stlff opposition, have reduced Germany', output to but farther' to the nort/), on their arOund 200,000,000 tons. lett 8ank, their comrade. faced Froin Silesla northward, the Ger· strenuous, enemy reslst/lnce. mans feU ' behind the ' ftat, torelted It · wa. here that the Japs contln. bank. of the Oder river In an effort ued to put up 'their .tiftest fight from to check the Russian tide. relying entrenched mountain'posltions, in an on defenses reportedly In the effort to che.c k the Yanks' drive to making al far back ai , two cut off their loreel on the nortbealt7eara ago, when ,the Nazi, foresaw em neck of Luzon. A, the Amer. the probability of bein, forced 10 lcanl creeped forward agaloat the llght alone. Reaching the rtv~, the embattled Jap•• U, S, warlhlpe werJ Rqsalans._~ld1,y exploited their inl· called' upo~ to train their ~I, I\IIlI on tla\ti.e. tnrowlnf armor acron ita the enem)' torWIcationa, Wb .befii, mzen expanse, and bitter lighting heav1l7 pounded b7 ~eld art1Ue1'J', ra,ed al the Germans attempted to contain their bridge'heada.


Natwe'IIBemedY(NB no cbeziUcaIe,lIO ~ derivatiVIIL NB Tablet. are difl'enm'. PIftl1 ;10 Vlll'etaliile Tablets).


ONE WORD SUGGEStION FOIl ACI • • • •. . . , . . . .


Warm,· Pretty Knitted Baby Set

Walu.ce Buohul. When Prcs'd~tRoo~evelt

'eked JelSe .Jonel for h~ls resIgnatIon as " Secretary of Commerce. to ' make Due to an unuiunUt lar,e de,.and ..Del way for the appointment of Henry cun:ent. war Ih c:ondll. lons,orden .Ughtly Ume " Is required Illllng formore a few 01 Wallace, he precipitated , a polltlcal the mosl populllr pattern number., turmoil, whIch law the S8nate first Send YOllr order to : take up consideration -of a proposal to divorce alJ ~f the multl·billion SEWING craCLE NEEDLEWORK dollar ,lending operations from the 530 SoaU. WeU . st.. Cblca,o 1, w: department beto.r e considering ~e Enclosl! 16 cc:ota ror PatterD confirmation . of th,e ex-vice presNo . __ _ _ __ dent. ' Long at the hea,d of. the ReconNam,~e_ _ _ _ _ _~~_ _ struction Finance c~'rporatlon and It. Ajldres"'s_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ many subsldJaties before Its Incor. poratlon lnto ·the commerce department rn 1942, bluff, big-businessman Mr, Jones rna e no bones about the fact that he thought only an experl· enced bUSinessman with traditional American Idew of free enterprile should be entruJt.ed with the handling of billions of cIlollars of government funda avilUablle for credit, and Its huge inveatment:s In factories, ia• . Ea.slly Mixed. Needs No ()ook~. clli ties, etc. Cough medicines usually contain. large Quantity at plain syrup-a good Upon being apprized of hla nomiingredient, but ona which you call nation, lank Mr. Wallace, long the .IL9Uy make at home. Take:l cups of bellwether Of New peal liberalism granulat.ed IlUgar and 1 cup of water, and favorite of thel cm, ' declared: and sUr a tew moments untU dla'. , • The Department of Commerce lIolved. Or use corn syrup or lIQuld honey, Instead or augar syrup, and federal loan agency provide an Then get from any druggist '" opportunity ••• for intelligent work ,:,unces of Plnex, pour It into a pInt in behalf of the producing and conbottle, and add your IIYruP. ThIs gives luming public,' RoughlY, the job is yoU a full pint of wondertul medicine for coughs due to coldB. It makes • to promote a maximum of national real savIng because It gives you about employment by private business. four times aa much tor your money. Government mUlt accept the duty of Knitted Baby Set It never spoils. and tastes One, leelng that aU mell In health have THIS easily made knitted set This III actually a surprlslngly jobl ' , ' ." ' fits any size baby-the ribbed fectlve, Quick-acting cough relief. effect provides plenty of "give" Promptly, you feel It taklng hold. It in the bonnet. The little six-inch loosens the phlegm, IIOOthes the irrimembranes and makes breathFind Fake! mittens are as pre~y as they are tated Ing easy, You've never seen anythlnl' ' warm. Use soft pink, pale blue or better for prompt and pleasIng results. preaking iIlto a west Iide apart- white baby wool for the set. Plnex Is a speclal compound of ment In ChIcago, Ill., early In the _ • _' proven lngredlents, In concentrated mornln" ,overnment agents found To obtaIn complete knl lUng lnslrucUons torin. a most HUable llootblng agent 50,000,000 fake red meat coupon. ror the ribbed bonnet and mittens (Pat· tor thront and bronchial membrane.. worth 500,000,000 polntl, distribution ' tern No. 5820) send 16 cents In Coin, your Money Htunded It It doesn't please of which would have thrown the name, addrellS and the pattern number, 70U In every way. whole raUonin; prClg ram out of kil- - - - - - - - - - - - - - -- - - - -- - - - - ter and neeeSlitated the Inuance of new books. Valued at ~,500,(lOO at the prices It which the,. "were being lold to meat mtlrketa andl restaurants in ChIcago and elIewb,ere, the coupons

This Home-Mixed Cough Syrup Is Most EHective

I I ••••••• , •• ' ••••••••••

,.... ',e••, .,••'a', •• ~ lie ltI......




-=============: : :; • "..... _ ....'.d •

III ....lItld

i"dlUtry .111 Nt .,pl, wi/bout ...t ..

meDt 01 nall.bill"

110m Ib ~jr loed U,,/IN SI.t. &mplo7m."t S.,..I«,

JVNIOR DRAF:l'IKAN- lndul trlnl detail.. Inll 01 leasl2 yr•. expert.lOec. hou rly rote. D II)l6 onl.)I. GOOd postwor ol>portunllY TUE ElJOLID ORANE .. DOIIT CO .. Eue i Id, O. Slenocr.pll .. a, T,YPlaia, ploRsOlnl worklntr condlUon., 48 hour weeK. Postwar ·fulure. Must comply with W,M.C. rellu!atlon •. BROWN BROCKMEYER 1000 I. 8mtthym. R •• d, 0111., HACIIINI8TS AND TOOLMAKERS Wonted; oll·around experienced, Essc.ntlal work


'1°%~~u'rJtW~~~f.~' :I~:~r.. ~~ru:'~::: Must bove VSES Rd•••,,1

Obi .. ,


AGENTS WANTED LADY WANTED In every community, boUi rurn! and city. to ."U line oC houoellold neceNltlc. to ber lIehtbbora, Our Un .. Includes auoh acoree ileitis 01 cheese ond Inundry 800p. Liberal commissIon. GeDeral l',odDoUt Oompean,. IU-I), Albany, O.or....

BABY CHJCKS BABY CIIiCKS - Feldmon super fDrm chick. for IIMS. bred for billb.e" production, 11• .00 0 hundred. Felclmnn commer· rial form chicks are bred lor lo"t dcv e lo~ ment ond lDSI teath!lrlnl broUe[. ond I'Ters. '12.00 .. bundred. In order 10 Ret tho.. mlcks tbe dot. :1'00 wonl tbllm order ~ doy. We are 80leS out for 3 we eo .. heneS. Buy Jour chlclt. trom .. prollre.. lve and dependable R.O.P. bre",eSlnar form ond Ohio U. S. controlled halchery, F.ldm .... 1'.DluJ Farm aa4 11.lober,. Milford, ObI.. MIlford lUlU





CATTLE SIIOltTHORN BULL. RCKlaterf'd. Reo"" for serVice. AIIO bull nnd holfer eDlve.. D. II. MOORE, .w"RAZEY8BVUO, OHIO.

DEALER WANTED Pz~~I"c~~~:. 1IO:..Iff:'e~~1p~lln~~~11~~

mercbandlse. '1'lxelualve1ranohlse for anI•• and ..,rvlee. A belter deol for on,on" now

~iND:. o~r~~~:r~e~~rr~!~l ~~~se~~r~

wore IIlores, Full or port time bnsl., Batter dealer dlscounl•. Old, .elloblf' notloo~.?tr. D~terd!:ed':~, :~tere'1:e~~f:"fo~t; plan In Ihe boby chick \l'eld today. ILLINOII IITATE lIATCHERIEI 8prlo,Deid .llIao....

FARM EQUIPMENT 1100 1I01l8E8 and feeders. Troetor Ure •. tubell, rims ond chains. Bun lIowa, BaUna wire. Pusb raku. etc. HOUNER 8ALES. II". lSI. OeD •••• 0111 ••

FARMS SALE-LARGE DAIRY FARM near Soutb Dayton. N, 'i. BOX UI I,. D.,loll, N. W. FOB

FEATHERS WANTED FEATHERII "'ANTED. NEW OR OLD Snip or write to .TERLQoIO FEATHEa NorUl Bn.4~u. It. lAala, .....

Ce. . .11

lam.. PolIto ... Oa.t.aDo POU&O. were but a part of a total with an elUmated wol1h of 2,000,000,000 polnta In the ~lel8lon of a natlon-wide .r iDI of counterfeiter., OPA olftelall sald. lIeld on $2lI 000 ball apiece were aU~ Q~nP.u1lo aud lab WIfe. In whose apanmetlt .the · fake coupon. were found, .iJld lonl Jamel, 22, and Gaetano Jr'. , 19. both med!cally discbar,ed war veteranl, "CI~1Ulmm' Re&i&tance Twice convicted tor operatln, a liven no quarter durin, "Even . a. eongre.. eon.ldered Itm. the eJder PoUto, who said he of Ruslla, the Ger- "work or ftJht" legislation for 18. wal a cook at a laorth Iide cafe, manl' a.lted none a 800,000 men In the 18 to 44 7e~r bal a mlDor poDce ;record. the Red tidal wave ~,e group, the War Manpower com· swept onto the1r mission tested a new ·voluntal'7 plan ' I own IOU, with the for channeling employeel from un. Emergency ontro .. army puttln, their ealeDtlal to elsenUal Induatrtel In With levere .wlnter weather eon· o~ villa,el and PennQlvanla, New Jen.,. and Dela. t1nuin, In the nOrtheat. With tem.factorle. to the ware. peratures In mlUQ' parts of New torch to del17 the ,l1Dder tbe WBIC'I Dew plan, York and ac!jacent . ltatel down to Redl the ule of an,y tbe Damber or w.rken 32 degreel below zero and bUzzards pWlil , \,lP lDowdrlftl, tem~81'7 facUitles, Ual ~ta oaIl reealD .. rec1uced" ~anwbUe, thouwltII meD released tbea .lrerecl stringent regulatio;qa. were ·ma~. sanda of German I1lltable jebe Ia etaellUaI lad.... talned on rall tratlftc In ~O stat.. refugeel .treamed 117, II tb8J' reIaRI to a_pt, both ea.t and .oultll of the Great back toward the tbe tJDltecl saate. Emp",mflll~ Lakes ill an ~ort , to move war reich from East Prullill and War. Mrvlce wID aot .... tIIem a ~ frel,tlt. . the,au province, which mtlu took renal cud, 1IeCl_1'7 'or e~ AIthouch orl~ permitted to from Poland Ifter th, latter'1 faD ~_I-.aaJIDU""".OIr. elMw1lere, , move Into the COIllelted iarea, Dve 11139, further Itralnlng the alread7 U d th atoek and powtr)', :frelh and frozen burdened transport .,.stem.' Aa the n er e work-ort le,tlllatiOD meat, coal and coke. wer~ later tern. German army feU back, women and shaped by eonar·I., wo~era In lei. pgrari17' barrecl , ~m .hlpment ehUdren were hoisted onto tanka and e..~ntiaI job.. would be aail:ed to alon, with· 'Ie.. euentlal cl~ other milital'7 vehicles and carted Ihift to more; crlttcal em~ent freicht. Pallen,.r Hrvice allo wal to the rear, by their local draft board., ~th the cuftaUed iii the orl~al regulation. ReqUelted by th,e Otllce 6f DeRUlhlng to the eastern lector, latter then orderln, them ~ trans· Home Front Commander Heinrich fer 11 th.,. falled to .act ,volun~. fen Ie 'l'rusportstl,on, and volunHlmmler ",as given lWeeping pow- Physically llt l'I\en violaUn, the or· tartl1 compDed wlith b,. the ran. en to complete the organization of der would be loducted loto the roadl, the re~tric:tiona were ex. the "people'l army" (the vo1k.. whlle the ~llcaUy un1lt woulil pected to aene 'liS a model for lturm) for military as weU al labor HallIe to Ane and Imprilonment future regulatlOD of rall tralfte In ---.".----------1 service. evacuate e1vWanl and Inemergencle. to", provide for the dustrlal facilities. and con1llcate or movement of ,ooda lor' overae.. dlspole Of personal ,property, Shape Control! Ihillment and necea• ..,. material to Hold in West In an effort to Increase the outPut vital industrial plaDta. of more elaentlal apparel 11ke work Despite the ler!oumell of the RUI- e1otf1el, children'S Wear and \mder: lian attack, the Germans continued wear, the War Productlon board re- Full Employmt.ent Goal to resist Allied preSS\lre 'ln the weat veaIed that It would grant PrIority In the first leglalllltlve propolal to In Itrength as they once again ailalstance to manufactureri Pro- provide full employment In the poltfound their backs to the Important ducln' .uch ,oods from cotton, woOl war period, four Ilemoeratic sena. . industrial RhIneland. and rayon. ton Introduced a IbW UDdell whlch A1J the enemy pulled back Into the At the aame Ume, ' the otftce 01 the President would be empowered Siegfried Line. reconnaillance Price Admlniltration announ~ed to furnJsb tun employment lf private Ihowed extensive Nazi troop move- planl for reducing present clothln, Industry faUed in the goal ' menta Inland, with con,ecture that prices from 6 to ., per cent by dxlng Sponsored by Senatorl MurrQ the high command wal len\1lng re- COlta at the avera,e level of the drlt (Mon\.> , Wagner (N. Y.). Thomaa inforeementa to the eaat. But even half ot lila. 111 reportlrig Itt plan., <Utah) and O'Maboney ' (Wyo.), the al the Ihlfts were beln, made. the OPA laid that better than 100 I>'r bW would require the Prelldent to Germans themlelvel exprealed con- cent rise in the natlon'l clothlo, bW elUmate p088lble empl01lDent b,. cern over a new AWed drive In the from 11139 to 1M3 threatened the ,overnment and inClultr)' ~aeb., year, west. with claim. that General £1- whole antl·1n1Iation program. and then lnsUtute nflea.ure. f01' talcI"nhower wa maSllng trooPI above AIthouch the elrect of the WPB'I biI up an,y .lack. Aachen. program wiU eU~atelUXlll'J' doth· According to Pl'O\l~obl . of the bUJ., Meanwhile the Britilh maintained In" medlUm·priced apparel, al011l these measurel ,could IDclude propo. their prellure a,ainlt German Unal with ellentlal ,radel, will continue lalB for encourallri, prtyat. loveltabove AacheD, whU, the. U. !!. lit to be made, It wal I8ld~ QuaUt" of ment, or a lederal apendlo, proa.nd .3rd Irmie., havln, Ironed out chelper ,armenta will be eontroUed cram, primarily coDdatlng of the the Belglum bulle, proceeded eo to »rovld. ~Bldmum lenlc.abWt". construction Of public wortl.




1.154 • • Ia .

' CiaGla_ta, 0,

DOBIE'1' aAJla::..A18o · .ome coocr borMt

ewe•. WIU,_lIl1oek V,'r7 reaeonal!l3r: abOut 24 ew... II, C. lin••• ~U. T, Da,...a, 0111., IBROPSame ... D OHEVIOT EWZ. R.~ .... red. Reaaolloblll prh,... D, II, IIOOILE. Jl'BAZEY8811BO. OUIO.

'* *.

Invest in Liberty Buy War B«;)nds









ON THE FARM: Not All Profit

, ,n: 'r. "'" - r", Irs





Althouch U. S. net farm Incoml lot ,11144 I. otll'1lally eatlmated 'at 'about lU 'bOO on doUari, 1laur.. D••rly doubl, that amount bave apo peared' labele4 a. farm income.. " '. " tarmer'1 real fal'1ll Income u DOt tile, total value of h1a lalU or, eroP aDd animal produc.ta pl111 the ..... or QlJDrI used from ~e farm . . GDb' wbat II left an. ~. . ~~, ,eeoDGDI1atI point aut:.

Dairy Outlook Beeaul. of the absence of leallOu. .a1 ' adJu.~ta In celDnl prlcel, pricd .receIved ~ dairy larme'l for .th. n~ h\y Monthe proba~ wW .deeline 1,.. ·thaD ~~ , But · dalr1 production pa7Dlanta wW conUoue .t ~cord 1eve1a, at lelit 'd lll'lq the &rat quarter: or lIMa, for -wlifch pert. od pa,.menta have heeD aDnouDced. ¥Uk procl¥OU- durin, tile am part ~ INS II GPlCtect to. coaatinue at th. ncorcI nte' or lID bWI.oD pounds Ja Oatober aDC! Nayemlle.


DON'T LIT aclaiDi.aacJes 70D ollhe Job-U SOU'lOI'fIE eaa help. Soretone Liulmeat eoDIaiu. metbJol aalicylate. a 0201& elec:dYo Pllla...elij,Yial a,eDt. SoreloDe',. cold Aea& actloo epeeda bleated, coaaCortlDl rclie£ J. 'Qalelrly Sore•.".. ... to ... IIaee loW elreuladoa. t. CINd, 1nUICIIlar~.... I. Hoi" toe.I .Iraw...



RPCKET BQMBS: ... Du.....,I_~"",.",r.W , ~ D.~veloped in U. s. . ., . . For lalie.- act10110 ,.. .,.. ,.. fa Examination of .1 oerInan iocket bomb, V-I. which !till bito ·the banda GIll"'- na'. onl, . .e SOnItAJae-' c'

of the AlUe. In B.~um. 'diaCloHI .

that W. IUPPO'ecDJ' .,.t.rioul un- ' . .. . , ,eanlle weapon, wlllcll, II, lHWeved ~ hay. been.1red man ~ 110 mIJeI, above Jha earth tq faD ,In Bnlllnd,.

u almll~ to ~keta ~ Ja tbe U...ted Stat,el . beN ..... war, b7 Boba1 B. 00\td~ Ia apertm_ta Ja 1.10. " .





It. 'or ·SO..... n..lfi, ."

5Ot.~.h.. ,' tL

loothes last with


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That Na~~ i n~


Thursday, February 8, 1M5

MIAMI , • ¥ , ¥ •• , 4

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4 • 4f, 4 • U 4 4 U 4 •

''''IIf'O.flt'' . ~ SUNDAY I(athlee·n Norris ·S;ays:. :!;"' :iiofi,,1 II 'SCHOOL Is ,Absent Husband Still the Boss? -:- LESSON ....

Basque F~ock for Two-to-Six Miss

1270 yrt.

By HAROLD L . LUNDQUIs:I'. D . D. 01 The Moody Bible InsUtute of Chlealo. Re leaaed by Weatern N.wspaper UnJOQ.

Bell 8Yndlcat •• -WNU Fea ture •.

SULFA, penlclllJn, quinine, morphia and blood plasma are vital In war medicine, but there', another -,reat healer, too, on the battie front and the home front-the power 0; long. The power of song has made thil a top year for: .Ingers and com· posers, for war with ita demand tor more and more muafc has thrust them Into the foreground of the en. tertainment field, with names ' that were doing well yestereday, like Do)' Sinatra and Dick IlIllYlnel" for Instance, now becom.


Lellon for FebruarY 11 Lesson. SIlbJeeto and Scripture texu 16le cted and cOJ/yrlllhted by Inlerna Uonal Council 01 Rell.rtou. Educa Uon; used b, nennJ aalon.

JESUS AND THE TWELVE LESSON TEXT-Matthew 10 :1. 11-8; 11:

1. 25·30.

GOLDEN TEXT-YII are my friend., I! ye do whalloever I command you.lohn 15 :a.

Service for Christ has not alwaYI been as impressive and effecUve al it should be because It has lacked conviction and spiritual power. God did not Intend It to be the weak and faltering thing that It often is, be· cause of our failure to go God's way. The sending out of the twe1've had .pecial Significance. and yet It brings forth prinCiples which have I bearing on the service of every believer In Christ. The Servants of ChristI. Have a Divine Commission <to:

Here recenUy brought thil home to me. He made me understand that if )'OU were to take the contribution of Hollywood'i longsters to the boys overseas and lay It end to end It 'would reach



1, 5-8).

, Bm. Cro.b)' OIl ,...... farad,. N. a.


-"rT Bataftloy _omlag

11:00 A. M., E. W. T. WHlS WOPJ WKPT

10100 A. M., C. W. T.

..,... ..............................



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World'slarlClIueHer aUot. Bi,lOO tablet lile ollly aat. Get at. J'oeepll AIpiriA.

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PAZO ale' •• nl ,hleCJ

..,te-"s.a _._ T..,.. ,..•••

nadll. . .. . PA.O .1 . . . . . , .....

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Get PAlO No'll' At Your Or uggls tl'

ACTS ON THE KIDNEYS To iKreue ...,.. .. we ud reline .irritaliaa.of the .ladcIer fro. u.cea acWH, ia tlJe an.. Aft Y" • .,,,.........·ee....". .u.tneo. 1Mcbc'•• "'......... , ..lin. . . . .s-.

'ort 'ro.. __••"kIlt:r Ia t •• wiad AI'e er.

".... " ..tur.....,. • froquoat " ••

t. palO . .till') T ... yDU ·...auI ........ ....... t IJoat . _ _ .""tor'• •bcoftr:r-

DR. ItI.LMEIt·S awAMP ROQT - daat oay .ty.. bl..... nU.'. a.... Rae, ... care'lill)' ......... c_"IaaU.. .. II Ia ... b .. nob, y . . . . .bl... hal..... Dr.



KJlceer'. . . nol ........ or .....It.'...... .. . .,. . .y • ..... y _ I . oay Ito - - - ' -

a... ,or ...... pnp&W _pl.

.".", .. II1aI)' ........


TODAY I be ....

.... y-"....... _ .." ......... .. a.... 5_'..;.1. c... Of'. ,,,,teIL SoIMl All ......... NIl a... ltaeto

........................ YDU'I1 ~tD



aI _

from here to the moon and back again. And BIDr Crub)" FrlUlkle, Phil, Dick, DIDab Sbore, 11Id)' PblJ Beran GarlaDd. DeaDDII DarbID. Fruce. ~ord, Belt)' Grable, and all that magDlllcent li~t of entertainer. who.e talent hal livened our fightIng men have patched up many. man: deep wounds of heart and IIIiJ1 . Thutl. a Rea.on Let me teU you lomethlng of what Bin, means to the bO)'I. I've talked to some of them back from the ID· vaslon front who were there whet) 'old BID" steel helnlet on one Iide of hJI head, famillar pipe In the cor. ner of his mouth. stood up In a jeep to ling for a detachment somewbere along the road, off Normandy. Howltzers .were b~rklng to ·hls right, Bnd B dull. perllstent boom from the horizon indicated a l?arrage beIng laid down ahead. But at sight 01 the Old Grouer, boy. who were baIted on their grim forward march for a relt period atralghtened up and grinned. . ''Bille! He,., BID'I How about 'Pennie. from Heaven"" And w.ben BIq piDned ' and nind hla arm to Indicate be wa' ready to begin. cheera and whiaUe. apllt the lIdea. Then a .Uence more profound than Came,ie ball, for they didn't want to mlSI a lingle note. Wben an' enemy plane circled uncomfortably near, 8m. jUit cocked an eye at the aky and IBId, ''Gee what that FraDkJe Billatra wOn't do to ateal a . mowl" aDd went right OIl .m.. In,. He'd live them aU the favorites \inw the order came tbrouab for the column to faU In. Thole bOl'l were marchin, up to the baWe line. but their ltep wa. Ughter. they had new courage with the echo of hla mualc ID their hearta - the courage that comel when dan,er It .hared. • •

- -- - - - - - - - - - - -

A Hit Witla th. G.I..


Once a week Dick puta on a radiO abow caUed "EverythlD, for the Boy.... Tbey .end iD their requeltll, and thn' talk by abort wave telephone from the battle tronta to th~ folkt at home. You .bould reid the maU that poura In from the IOldier.. PbII Bepn, teWn, me· of hla uperl.ences on blt perlonal apo pearance tour. .ald: "Sometime. folk. teU wb)' they make certain rio questa. You lee, the IOnll they want aren't alway. the Imooth onea that are ID the groove. at the moment. that remind ThIl1 are the them . of bome. . .on, the boy. want It "Onward, CbrI.tian Soldiers,.. that flerce marehln, h7mn. one ot the greateat of all time. It'l keen .. a 'lford, that one, and mi,hty a. eter· nJb'. It'. for momenta where 00.. talctc, HJIl1Ii1lcence won't do-momen.. when )'OU want a lift al weU .. .a boOat forward. ' CD U.8.0. tour. BeItJ Grable had ~--'!:..::.-'--..,--;___7_::__::__:_-=-.,....,.- to .m, "Embraceable You" over and over and over a,aln. And AHoe .Fa,.e'. "I'U HiVe 117 Love to Keep Me Warm'~ .eemed to IW the IBme I~ with bomealclt boYI. sO after ta1ldpa with. PMI ....... Dl7 bat'. olr to the ~.era and .ong writer. of the world for what thl!l"ve done and are doiDJ for 8ur boy. and tor the civilian. durm. thl. war. , 8Iq. Oroab, dldn't need wal' to mue binl ,....t, but war haa brouabt .hIm c:Jonr to the mIlllona Of taU w~ ~ blm at 'tbe ~p 'and him . there than UlJ' peace


.~~8!1. ~~. ~.'

. D"VIt.emlllll




.' ••• ,1.. ,B__


By KA.THLEEN NORRIS " H O W much should the wishes and opinions of a man who is overseas influence his wife here at home?" demands Anna Sawyer 01 Seattle. "I am 28, have been married six years and 'have two little boys," her letter goes on. "My husband



.ard·en. .


~ed .w~ :~

.... iD ''Yolanda and _ 'I'blet. eomq out of a _ .stJa . . .c:bItro.n. ._ 'bIcnrIq- 12 teet air .aDd . aD .~. ap~ ~". and Juat tbe ~.IaI . wbo'U ·teD bOw, It ... lDail~ sac;, poor

~ raa.., _1IWImmlq double • wind lDaeIdM Itrapged to 1j!i~~ laack ' wItb .,.,. ID wbicb tbq P.d Iii tbe wbId ~ ... baob ...


. .... wttIi ....... .,.... tau. 1D· ............. tM7M9uae ..



has now been away or a ost two years. We had been making payments on a house when he went away, but it was not a house I had ever especially ·liked. It is too large for us, and stands on too small a lot; it has nevel' seemed homelike to me Tod's father found it f . d h fir or us an made t e s t payment • "About eight months ago 1 hact a IOod offer for It, and 1 sold It, begin· DIn, agaln ·to make payments on a far more "Uractive one·story ~!luse, whl,ch v.:a • not too mucb for me to manage. I ·am a nurse, and do part.utne . duty In the hOllpltaL My boYI, four and three. are 'in school nlne' to fo~. For this I pay flO a month; they love their Ichool, are .ale and happy, and it 11 a chance Ifr me to do my bit of war work. . I "Last mopu(I was offered a band· lOme ~nt for my hOUle, whJch I declded to ~~, mOVIn, In. with m), atepm.other, who f. allO, incidentally, my hUlband'. aunt. We met ID ber hOUle. Tod . loves hll aunt, and 11 lIad we are friend., but be writel me aDJrily that be thlnka I made a terrible mistake combining bousehold.. He lay. it never workt. with two women. He doesn't want the boYI to be In that apen· .ive .chool, he relenta Dl7 .ell!ni the bou.e, ny. he baa no iDter'at at aU In ~e new hOUle, and that a. be feela nOw he'd jUlt .. lOOn not come home; 'wife wo.rklnJ . Instead of c.rID, for ber c:hildren. bome .old. a.OO tallllJy moved In with hit aunt. . DlreeUoa for .var. ''Now what I want to allkyou," the' letter OD, "I. Juat bow much right a man ha. to .end dlrectiona home from the war zonet. Aren·t we wivel entitled to Ule our own fudgme.n t and live In our own wa)', whlle the mea are ,one? WouIdD't It be rldieu10ua for Auntie and m. to write··him obedientq that beCIUle he ell.approved we bad changed aD our plana? We love eacb other; abe It a widow 01 38. bal a boy of III, teachel .chool, and love. me and ~ chUdren. Her home 11 comfo~ble and Ipacloua with plenty of playroom and "A I tte I ed fro b e r rece v m my UI· band today endl with tbla remark; 'pleale write me at once that JOu bave IIbandoned aU idea of com· blnln, hoUlehold. with AunUe. bave ,iven up your nuraln, and taken the boy. out 01 that expenlllve IchooL Othei'wlle I will feel wry cWruentq about this war thlt we are aup· posedlyfllhtln, to p~tect the homea we left behind ~~. What abaD I write In answer? • ~ • My anewer, Anna, II that Tad It ~ a moat· unfortunate ud unjuaUllable ·PoelUon. In plain word., tt'. DOH of blt · blJliDeas what, 1011 declde .to do.hUe he I. awa,. lien are ~ iDc;apabJe of ~.~







The twelve diSCiples had already been called Into the Lord's service. Dress-Up Frock Now they were to be prepared tor N ADORABLE little frock for the service which was ahead. It the two-to-six miss. It bas was a time of commissioning and her favorite swinging skirt and empowerment · for service. Th. day I. not fa; dl11ant when God calls men today to serve HIm. long torso waist. It will be lovely package, of f"'", veg.tobles,olfle, In fact, there is a very reol sense for parties or "dress·up" in dainty food. ond perishable mo..rlal, wPl In which every Christian is called to floral print with lace edging-or b •••aled willi flexlbl. materlall serve. Let no one try to excuse hlIn• for school or play in tiny checks or I" the form of ocqllen, adhesives self from that responsibility and gay plaids with ric·rac trim • . and pladles. A WIFES l»ECISIONS • • • privilege. No. 1270 comes In lizes 2. 3, ... To some comes a special call to II Pattern 'ew M _ I . . aH..ltvte. fo, and 6 years . Sbe 3. ahort aleeves. reo While her hwband i. away leave their accustomed daily work quIres 10/0 ya rds 01 3lI or 39 Incb fabrlo; ...tvral ,....., ...". ...." overlooked Ity U... Kle""'" at war, Anna hl'lI Iwd to man.- and launch out into .. broader serv- plue l\~ y.rOs lac. to trIm. In 1943 _ore thon 2.000 age the home, making her own Ice tor Christ. When that time SEWING CIRCLE PATTERN DEPT. varletle, .. plcitltl were decuioru 01 weill a! Ihe could. comes. we may go forth with the 530 South WeUs 8t. Cblc.,a. ....... for tMlr rt6Ite, of a divine assurance that the power She has two .om, fo'ur ond Enclol e 23 cenll In COIn I for eacb polilltllltl... goes with us. The twelve pattern desired. three yeaT. old. Recently .he- S'aviour disciples had some special powers lubb.r·tired vehlcf.. have been sold the howe 'IIt a good price which we do not have and do not Pattern No................. SIze .... .. maInly respanslbl. far th. d..,el· and 1uu rTWVe(l in with her need. God suits the power to the Name . . ...... . .. . ................... .. opm.nt of Am.rlca', 3,000,000 'lin•• of road. and hlghways- ,the hwband's aunt. The boy. need, and that means that In every Addres . .. ......................... ... . larg.d and fined hlahway tyIMnI Mve been plcc~~d in a private circumstance we may look to Him In the world. IChool. ,This arrangement with assurance, and go on. One of our difficulties · in dealin, Girls Carry on Vendetta seem. quite IIfHis/octory eo everyone euept Anna'. hu.· with such matters as splrltual power Is that we Interpret the things of the When a family living in the bond. Too. realm of the spirit by physical stand· mountains of Albania loses its last Tod. writel . from overse41 ards and measurements. We are 10 man , in a blood feud the eldest tM' he do.n', like it at oil. quick to say. "I caDDot" on the basil. single daughter m~t renounce He didn', wan' 'he howe sold: of our ,logIcal human reasoning, marriage, don trousers and . behe doe.n', want the boys to be when an appreclatIDn ot the power come the head of the house, car· in luch an expensive /Jchool. of God whic~ is operative on our rying on the vendetta and living would make UI say with con· as a man the rest of her lite. lAud)" he fearll thot . hi. wife behalf fidence, "I t;an." But, sadly enougb. and hil aunt IVill eventually ~avlng left God out of our reckonMrs. ~hipp8' Secr~t quarrel-I,"" .~o howehold, is ing. we find that It II lndeed true , "6.& enou&h .fer 'wO toOmen." that we cannot. GROCER-Mrs, Phipps, why do Serving Christ means doing so In you always order Nu-Mald Mar· ms power, and with His grace upon garine? what theBe lonel,y. I. trange war yearl us. Nothing less will do! Nothin, MRS, PHIPPS-Simple. It's the . me~ to wQmen. and conllequenU)' more Is needed I can t Imagine why wom~n do what D. Declare a Divine BeTelatioD I'able-Gnde' Mar~arinel-Adv. they can to make home . condlUons (11:1, 25-27). bearable. The messenger', responsibility Go Itralgbt ahead as you are go- and importance are largel), deter. lng, and don't make any explana. mined by the nature of the mes. tionl or excuses in your letters to sage he h~1I to· convey. Particularly Tod. Continue to write hlm cheerful, Is that true wbere the melia,e mUit ,0lSipy letter. tun. of the chUdren·. pass through hi. personality and thUi alfalrs. newl of hilPold trienclt, with be proclaimeCi. The natlops of the clippings from newspaper. and earth choole their most able men magaz.lnel that af e of interest to to be their ambassadors and grant 8alanced double action ••' e hlm. Don't argue the matter at aU. them full power. . or excuse yourself. The glorious thing about being a for positive ac.t ion. i~ the meslenger for God II that we carl'J' Wisest C:loarae. It leema to me' you are actin, no ordinary communication. What f~r very wllely. You are belplng with we have to present II far above the the great need of nur.el; 10U are moat Important message any e.rth· relults certainly laving mOD"'; you have ly ambassador could possibly hive worked out an excellent solution to , carry. the oven. for the boy•• and have fOWid your- We • .the ch11dren and .servanta of .elf a congenial cloinfortable home God through Je.UI Chrlat; hive and a beloved companion. U ever)' lothethln, dlrect from the throne ot wome In your predicament could ·God. He has revealed ' It (v. 211) • • o1ve her ·p roblem. as .lmply there 'and ' It .• eemed 'In HIs light to would be mych Ieas atralghtenlnl give It to thole who had the childlike out of tanglel to face after the wal', faith to believe Him. . Of course. alway. keep on the note God's revelat.lo~ Is hidden from that when Tod come. back ,.ou will .thole who are wlte In their own eon· be to,ether again with the boyl, celtl, 'who are too proud to come by and with nobody ebe~ for house- ,way of humility ~d faith. Thank mit... Meanwhile conalder JOur God, some of the whe and mighty home probleml •• much JOur own O.f this world have been willing to affair .1 war prQbleml are bli. Ypu ~ecome as litUe chlldren and leam are DOt writln, bin) dlrecUonl .. to at the feet of JelUI. . what hour. to keeP1, what friend. to The encouragln, thing about It It make, wbat food .to eat. .You DOW that the door la open to the .lIn· that the dread machlJie 'of war hal plelt believer \0 trust God, to take gripped him, and that UDtU It leta the revelation of God's truth in ms go he muat do the beat l1e CUl, and Word, and give It out with grace and· like all the reat or. u. get throuIh power. . thele awful ;eat* ~~ay b)' da)' with m. Eldend a Divine InvltatioD whatever phllo.pbJ·· we cu m'Ultel' (11:28-30) . eenalnlJ we WIlDt to write ~ '~me"-what I blessed word for boy. newl, to keep them from the' needy and sinfull They are not wbatever ell.treqe. them, to a.. to be shut out by their sin. Dor to be lure them that wbi~ they are doln, bindered by their wealmelll. The their job .0 ma,nUlcenUy, we are door is open, and the Invitltlon 11 hlndlln. ourl cOurll'BOUll,y too But to come. Why not respond? to auplneJJ take dllrectiona 'aIf~t.lnJ To whom are they to come? To 10ur peraonal life fl:om .a mao 'thou. There are ~lmes when men .&Dill bt mile. awa,.. a man who can help u•• when friends or church naturally h.. no :Idea 01 wbat It omcera or the paltor can give u. an meant b, aboria".. of ,II and uplittlng word of counsel and endomelUc belp, bllitter :and aboe•• coura,ement. But for lalvaHon. for tranaportaUon UVlD, quartara and a real lifting of the burden from the commodltlel ienerallY would be to Ihoulders of those "that labol' and Ibow 10ur.elf too weak a woman to ~re hea\l1 laden," there It no one ~ ~ aD7 Ule In th~ herOIC POstwar like JeaUi. . world we plust 10, ~ conatrilct. We are prlvllelled to invite people And,ou don't .oimcS Uke that 10rt of to JesUl. lmowln, that If the, .a Woman. . ''le_m'' of HIm (v. 29). the.)' . wll1 not DDlJ hIve their 101~1 1lfted and 8lU ., ... ~ Iud real, but ·wm enter Into a bl... . /"'--... . . ed .yoke, teUowahlp wlthHlm in life A .promlnent plumb"" manutac- aM lervice. . Iurel' It aaJdn, the women of AmIJ'l. HIt 11 a ' wboleaome or a IdndI7 n to malte 'lUIPItlOlll for the.1dnd ,oke~ That __ the meaftinl, ~ of IlDk ~ .w.... wbeJ;a the w... II .....,.. iD venelQ. 1\ .It·· ~t alwa~ 'CJ~~. Some at the ~eIt101l1 ........,. to:ntve·Cbrl.t, but belDa,~ ~: 8bouJd faucet.... hand CIPI!I" willi Hlm . iD .. 1dlldJy .. ~ .... or ..... ~teid or be" foal of aervlce mlltft the burd. U-'t. pedal ,. .troI'I b a. UIIaMd IWlnI '!'be world It full of Ured and .... faucet or a pulkal .r ubber bole WWI aoura.... people. w. who bow QIl'Q ~bIa'.. there be • Cbrlat ,bave tile .dllllUqI aUwef 10 ~.ID rubber ~eIro .tbelr Dftd. . S¥l we not 10 Ia BII ... ~ • IIUIkIuI qame to praet tba truth to



mixing bowl ••• Ing In




.... 1IIIiIIaI

nile to .........


mite .... to come to a.tIIU .




.. .. .. .. ..



Phone 2143"



JIn~ ..

8IooiDd ('!ala ,M atter · W~Oh1o



$1.50' Per Y ear

Payable In Mvance

IN MEMORIAM In loving meIW:lry of Horace Compton W110 passed a way Feb. 6. 1943. Today recalls a memory Of a loved Olle gone to rest, Thosc \\-hQ thLllk 01 him today Are those \\iho loved him best. Sadly missed by his wife, Lucy A. Compton and J)a.ughters

Satisfactory , Servi,c es

SUN. 11


D 6~r.<; ,

Pbuoe 2894, "'50 'nes-

ville. Ohio.

: ', '!:,




17 The Boa.rd W6Uc City, 'IlIe A BIG TIME MUSICAL! ENTERTAIN- Greatest Amusement CeJllOOr 14



".1 ' Suspense, MusiC, dpee.- e. High in entert.nJ.nment value I





Bible School ~:30' A. M. Communion , Sermon -

111:00 A.

R~yersc Chari~S


With Paul Whiteman, LouJs Annstrong and their Bands, Jerry Colonn.a, Buck and




~ Western Travtl; Indian CapUvee. Old Phampleta; EarIJ. Newspapers. Old M,,"; EmlgTlUlta' Guides; 1111torlcal papers; Handwrltten~: Early Ohio laws; Ear'" Ohio law books: Early mecUc1ne bOOb. Early CbUdren', bOOb BlgbfBt caab prices paSd wRirrE ,OR PHONE TODAY

~cC1tlure ~ul1erul

~Oltte Wayne.ville




&F.D. S. N~ Carllale, Ohio

Do you luR.r from h.rd of he.rlng and h.;d'-~ ""lId by "t.rrh of t~. h..cI~ ,WRITE US .NOW for~ proof of the 9 * ,.iIIItI __ "mple hOlM tre.tment



B()b's Dairy

Sale .o f

Whole."mf> Pasteurized Dairy Producb

Quality Jlox SpriD•• ,

PaBiJeuriud .Milk For Your Protection Phone 2537

One lady said a lew days ago

Waynesville, Ohio "

-1ile tamJly 1ron1ngwas done with tiIlooe old faaIUoned Ilrons heat.ed on top ' or the cOOk awve? 'I1he handles felt WIlY hot even -It.brc)ugb the hoo.vy padded 'WdeI'. You were lucky to ret 'Ilhe .lOb done wit.hout burn1ng


Remember? STuBBS FUNERAL BOl\1E TeJlephone 2291


Any make or model . Fred Kahn Motor Car Co.


hi. Iccompllshed fo, • , ..I' Mafty people• .M••, pilat' 70 ..port ".rlng f1n1.• nd ....el.o... 90111. Nothlll9 to ner. Send tod.y for proof and 30 dlY' trt.1 off.r. No obligations! e .. D.v.nport, _,~.




Removed Prompt1-,



XENIA FERTILIZER Reverse TeI.e phone







Main 1M, Xenia, O.

ple soon dlftere.l'IIt I all over. So donIt {to em sutlering Get ERBHELi>. Wa,ynesWl!e Du1.I8 store-adv







Bubbles, BeUe Baker and Joe Frtseo Color Cartoon

1lhoIt she used to be a!l'aid to go to bed at nJ4pht. She WlI.S swollen with We eepeclally wl5:h to tba.nk the sbomaoh gas, v.tltCh always got Reverend Vice of the Lytle Metboworse when she WESlt to bed. and dist Ohuroh for ,h ls k1nd and conthe gas wOuld I'1se u lP in iller throe.' soling words; !.he pa,llbee.Ters; . n;t1;er Iibe lay down and would stubbs Funeral Home and the ruiIa')y cboke her. She couldn't lie doIiors of many bea.utiful fiOll'al flat. Had to prop iIlerself up on oftexdD8s <Uld c.a.rds of sympathy. pillows. RecentIly t.lUB lady got Mr. and Mrs. Fro.nk Kurfw ERB-HElJP and now says gas is Mr. wd Mrs. Earl Ea.mha.rt gone, stelmach feels fine, loowels are ~ and she can go to bed and - .. - -. sleep aoundlY_ Dr. W. E. PORTEB m.B-HELP oontalns 12 GreAt Herbs; Ibbey cleansel bowels, clear gas !from Btool&cb. act on sluggish Phone Z587 Wa:rnesvWe, Ohio liver and k:Jdne:ys, MJsenble pea-

~~p~h~o~n~e~Do~DD~eb~YII1~e~~~91~' ~~d;;;;;;;~~~~~~~~~

ADd Mattre....

,Stomach Gas

Mtd ...week prayer eervioe Wednesday n1ght - 7:30 P. iM.




Lady Nearly Choked While Lying In Bed, Due 10

'Chr1st1an Endea.vor - 6:30 P. M. Evening ServIce - 7:30 P.lIL

10:30 A. M.



CARD OF THANKS We wish to express our s1ru:ere thanks a.nd apprecia.tlon to our rela.tlvC8, friends and neighbors far bhelr Idndness and sympa.thy lIhown


In The World I

With Boris Kal'loff, S1I!IaIlDa FOIlte:r and Turhan Bey Added: News and Wood,: peeker Car100n

_ _ Ur:ENSE __ .. BROKERS 1~~~~~~ _~ _ ~~~~~_~' us durtng the d eatb of our dBughter W,ylocUne KUl'!1ss Randall.






Eo G. Buchlieb, .....


una cao,.

.or. th.n .y., ••


fwtftlun.f ..- . d ...1Ity _ .... ........ • f ......... 'IIIen'. _ _

for •• p.rl ....If.llon wi•••" ' . ' oneIIlIett.r yt. . . . . . . produced Ie ..... a tlatlOil at war. Gel ... • ....d '.rtlllaen 0/1 croPI _ _ ... 1M"., r •• ul". Alk you, deal... hr_..... ~ ............ _ _ - . c --:'

T" M'e.' ••rllll'.' c ......Y '1 •• ".tII.·

-....,.,.......--., . --



..... tII

•• t M ••• ' Vell.Y ...tII.....


_ .... It .... ~

.. I(HOW.,.. . . ...

...... .

.. __ you.....,·


Sand &'. Gravel TARVIA~LITHIO





Morrow Phone No. 3




., •


•••••• :




"Friendly Store"

OME FURNISHINGS! "Hard-To-Get" Items

Leban~: Office Phone' ''lilt Rea1dence98M

9 x 12 ,WOOL RUGS 9 x 12' FELT BASE RUGS

CURTAINS - SUP COVERS 1-'---1-+-......,---

-t;AMPS (Floor and :fable)



.. -- -






(Fully SpriDS Filled)




I •••ra.ce


7 -9 Saturday cvening

BOoT FOR' AND! OON81GN your OattJe, bop, ~Ieep t.nd calvfJI to NorrJa-BrOcIt 00.. liVe We &rut progresalve firm ' far ibe hi,but • market prieN .~ 1I)od ' -"toe. l1nion Stock Yar4l, c1Dc1nDa&!, O. ·Tune in on R4410 Ejtatlon WCKY, 12 :25 to 12:30 p~ m. for our. dB1ly ma.rke~ reporta>

h~t .inlrl~d you , out a. .... a:ceptiont Be wi.. and protect YO\lr.elf with gOQd iIIIuraDce .0 that ' no matter what happens, you, your family and your p~perty , will be fully


OffIce. a' Boprw l1li4 Slmpsotn Garap Formerly ,,~e ' lnaw'anl~ ,\Jeney I






obatr and , sUp-oovered.


• Pbme. 21'l2. Mh. W. ~er. 22 ~

W\ANTED ~ . Experienced e1del'ly man (Ill small fann. P~ent , it coapIl1a1. Box L-96, W~es~&,Oblo. 'Sp


. .me

~ ,F\lr

coa.t: nu:coon;

U; aood 'Phone

21M. ' J



FoR. 'aALB-e-room



fUmaA:e: ~B ......; ~; '" clItem; well, ~ lilt: OIl _!lam at.. Odlll ~ ~ 8-p

, aUoao bOule:





IIm7 W_ ' CbI!»


_..modern , !'boDe 3885,


"Complete Home F~rni.hera"

Other Evcn-ings By A,ppointment

GENERAL INSURANCE YOU;RE NO EXCEP, TION,' Calamity doem't pick favorit.. t Mi.fortune







1-5 ailternoons cxccpt


t~ted. '


9-12 each moming

14th .




Buy War Bond. and Stamp. at Our Box Office


At All



RBRl1AaY 11, 1HIS ' ~ . I

'SERMON TO'PICS . • • • "


Stanley and Koogler

Dial 2111 -

Kenneth Hili, ,M ,r.

Subscription Price


We Offer

WllpntSbille . QCbur~b of '~brlst


PLOYD 1.. I>A~N, Editor

•• ••


Dr. V. E. 'Wilkin Optqmetrlc Eye , Sped_Uat 26 S. Detroit St.,



~ · · Plione

. 912R


~ .~~.



C!£a.t Main-5treei: at Whiteman"

.................•........• ........ .. ......




MIAMI CHAPTER O. E. S. MWn1 Ob&pter 10'1 O . E. S. met. in nvuJar 81! lOll !Monday evening wlItIh &. very moe atbe%ldance. Nter Itbe I'E8IUlaa' buIi1nesa 8eIHon much time 1W'8IJ 8Ilven 10 ~ W8I' relief 6Ild Red 0:r06s work U> be dooe d~ the oam1ng fear. Several iEII8tern stu' members bave been 'WOltiDg with the Red Oross unit at Cen~ IIIIld halve txlen lDWted to jem 'With 'tile 'W'Odun ~ in mtllldng ~ : bulJlneas session a V8lent1ne paRy wu en<joyed wttll an ~ p1'08nIm and retreahmenta of heart shaped oooIdes and c:dI!fee.

U. 8. Pvbll. HfCII/A S.....u. F«lnIal B....mll All...., .


U lOU are behn'lm the a~e.. 17 or 18 and 35, tn rood heab)., and • (l'adUal" whh g()(td Icholallic llandlnr t rom an accredited hI,b .cboul • • • APPLY TO


IMlam1 Q)o.pter waa represented at *'he D1stftd. meetlnB in Muon on Wedne&d~. by'Mr. and MIra. Everett Eu'ly, MfiIdames ¥red Rush, J. B. Jones, Jdm Fromm• .D. O. Rklge, RDIII Rowland, 1Roaa, H. Bb.rUook.


~DRY RIDGE~ a. A FARM DIARY!4/:. i j ~~",,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,.,.: by DOROTHY I. ~

StanlEG" Ba1le1, JJam)d B. Eambalt. J. J. auaie, wtWam Btrouae. Bert.le .lWll8. Eo P. EambaI1t AMI.



'aJUe Township Fumers Club H,la Meeting


Substitute Minister At Ltcal Ckurcb, 8••,

omo; THURSnAY.



there were 133 pre-

sect at tlbe Wa.ynesv11le OhU1'Cll of 0h.rtI;t for Bloble Sehool. Tlle goa.l of

lUi per ~ tor the mcinbh Js o.Imaft I\&JU1't'Id. Mr. Tom Bla.ckm.ore. MiddlebaWn. iW1ll pree.ab bobq SUnday 6el'Vices. FebnIILry 16. Mr. Randa.ll wlll be in W1aoon61i1l and Wnneoota over th8It daIY'. iFrIday. ~~ 23 at 7:30 P . M .• tbe FelTy Olurch at 0brJst iWill pre-

aent a <me-nJeht

ev~ /Iel'-

Vice at Ilho WlloyneavWe Church. of CIUist. '11his proenun comes as \l ~etIUlt at Wa)'IJEI8V'1Ue ch.urch 1hav1ng bee.ten tfJhe .Fem,y cburoh m an attendance ClClIJlt8st. last 8IJmIMl'. Mot. GraIham, DlIInister of the Ferry obuntl a.nnouncea ItlbaIt he has e~ed Mr. Burris Bu~. editor of the 0b.riBtlan 8tandaal. weekl¥ perlodIcal at Ibbe Oburohes of Ohrlat the 'WQ!r'ld over. U> apeak tor tbe

[edIJ~WlII" .Mr Transpor.t

BerIn Ltaly-TecbJO/ieJ)h O. Shaw, 1139 ·yoon. ctuo, recently ted to the Board of tlbe M.ed1.~ even1II£ eemoe. 'I1n1lDll" &l!1'V~ce EnlJsted n ot Mr. and Mrs. . 'W-iUb .Ilbe comhlned ~ . Menfs ~\ or tbe two obul'otle8 and these of Jo8eRD D. 8b*w of Da.lwn, Se!'geant Shaw andIahd Miami Jacobs colb O'Wll!I!'JIUlity wOO are ~y inviWld ItO attend, mere ja an aotl~ kp U1ere m' 11141 and is a member ~ iPl. fmtem1ty. ctpa,tIed a.~e of at Ieaat 300, or -tb~ set. 8lmN ~ in !North A:!r1ca 'Weather ~. ~ ~. spec1s.l music . In Deoembar:'iK2 find is clUTently IIIld IIl&.IloY ot.ber .features 6II'e .the &eI'Vine e.a a~ se~t mBjor of out.8taDding- ~tlons of this the M~ea.n Air Transport eemce In His wife. forFebruary ~ meetmIi. 'Februa ry 25 15 the -s>eC1a.l punday mer IAnm q..y Tl~eadway, resides of the n 0DIt1l at Clhe W~e at W~esv1l». Obllo. Ohurcb of CIbr1IJt. .1tjl .a .ttendance &'Oatl of 160 bI6 been set 8Itld Mr. R. T!bba 1MA:z8y. preskSent of title , 8chool of the ~. 'W'1ll be the AC1'IVITIE8 AND PROJECTS apea&er. 'Ibis een1ce Ia open to tlbe ABE MANY AND 'VARIED public alto.



Waynesdle GardeD Club

'lbe WlLi,Y1l8IVU1e cJwden Club baB prepand the#' progI:wn 1ar bbe ooming &eIILIICG and have named the.r of!1icerB . . , ~oUows: iPre6ident. .MIba FUl'DCl.S Vice ~ EiVelyn Peterson

Secr,y.-'1'I'eBs.; J~mn1e Q)XIDU' Rfmembronce Oornmlttee ,




II.d& BIni th. (Ii Ilhe meet4ngs

are given aa lfolWws: MA&CBl

tbrn.. beUIe no dley 'ClieuIId up Itbe IIuIt. ot 1be tdecco IIDIi eel it on the tnadt for a: fclur-o~ at/8oI'It to K'en'IuaII:Y tIIlia mCII'IlIIIW. TbIe 'W8B m¥ ~ ~. 10 I . . . _ _


.~ >to 'h ave 1lb.em brfoIIIir it aut in br&MIa 01' ''OlDda'' ILIIWl 011. tile la.tbI a.nd act ilt 1nix>,the ~..cbt.t wa.y U> be IIllpped otI. ,tbe IIItkD inu> txIateta at tbe 1IloUOtJaDi· 4IIBIIIad of ~ and bolted MIte tbe c:IIIft t.o1:iIIcco we bad. mieed' betcn,

q Ida taa: maQV ~ IUd ..., 1IOUk\ l1IDe 410 . . . ~ ot tDe





lWo SbCluded 'JUdp ~ itII'a. .f. £. ~ 8IId ID'. &DI1 xn. RaIpb ~. 'lb& ClUb

aCiJwmed lID IDIBBt dD IlarCb at b bomI! Of· !Mr. and MnJ. Walt* iWIJIt,.

1Lk«• .


~ ~vorite Gen\en ,~ ;,:~* :flair lIal'CIh atJd <In:JWt.D8' PUW f1Um ~8Iiecl" '~ of \ihe

ExIb4b1t- Ttee Host-.

EIibBbeth Smith AiJ'P1e" Olive Wtlllams ~C

ident1ficaMon. Jennie Cooner

A Veteran


F'EIBR.UARY 15, 1945



This Means He'.


Tractor School Conducted At Local' High Buading.

l S 8Ir~E.1 ~L y


Mrs_ ~a.mes HaJ.'tsock entertalned with a "tarry pull " Wedne5dayevening. honoring bhe ,Lh lI1teenth b!rtJlday of <her dnlughter. Bal'lXlra. D uring the happy celebrlllllfqn. tho guest6 enjoyed games and tlle Wry pulling, a !'ter wh!ch ~e honor guest opened ,t he many love~ gUll;. Refrcslunents with a large birthday cake. were served by Mrs. Hart-

v.v • • • • • _ .




'IUle trector a.n.d farm mooh1nery sohool tlbat ~ been oonduct.ed ( OJ' the Pa&~" Jthree week!; rut the hig!h rehool. uudt'r the direction of J . B. Orabbe. v()CQ.tlonal lteaChe:r, with ,t he ~e of WQ.lTen Braddock, was completed, Mondnu. Fiftecm young men enroi1ed tor sock. The Invited guests were Anne the oourse which included ,t he ropalr Rogers, MIi.ry Ann BUl·ton. a.nd care ol ltJIla.ctors and other !nlID Lou Ralt.1ifi, J o:m Dickensheet6. ma.ch1nery. Eiglht dtlferent makes of PthyUls and JIOOn Kerns. Mary Dom ,tractors 1\1i~ oveIiha.u1ed <md several Houglh. Danis Woolard, Oon Hly e. pieces of .farm. machinery remain to Billy Davis, Danny SImpson. Harlan Ela.rn.ha.rt. J ames 01 earner, Oharles be fJIUshed later. Of Ibhe fifteen enrolled am o.vemge , Isaacs, Jack TInney. Olck Noggle IIIttenidance of nine was mn.inta.!ued and the 'QIIlest oI ,h onor. .!lor ,the OOUl'Se. The purpose of the J\frs. A. T . Polinsky ent.e~ed with II. bridge luncheon rut the tl'll.ln1ng was 00 effect a. greater eMJc!ency In the oore and o peration Sm~lll1 Tea. RIoGm, Thursday a.fJternoon. Following .the 1unoheon four of farm madb1nel'Y and 00 (I,viod madntenance troubles at the peak tables were in play dW"lng the afternoon with .Mrs. -n. F. Dye receiving 00as0n of htwvest. first prize, ~. John '11urner tho traveling prtze and Mrs. Wade TUrner bhe consolation. Guests were ' Mesdames Jalm Turner, K. R. IDII, W ade Turner . D. R_ Smith. Lutlhel' Ha.rtsock. Jolm KerseY, H'. F. DtYe. A. E. stout. H.arold Anderoon. Mark YOUTH FELLOWS HIP; EASTER Rogem, Ernest Edg!ngton, Carl ConCANTATA; .BBOTHEBHOOD ard, M,a.ynard Weltz. Ralph Park!; Sun-c:1ay mOrning, F~ry 18, at and ROy Ellls. 10 :30 q·clock. Dr. John W. Danfoni, PrriWllte Leo COrmer, of camp D!str1lct. Superdntendent, ,viU preacn Fa.nn1n, Texas, e..£ter enjoying tlIw and .spec1a.l musIc wlll be I¢veb by iP6&t week '\\1th relaitlves l1el'e, left

District 'SuperinteDdeDt At Methodist Church

,t.he chDlr.

Mr. and Mrs. Lk>yd DaN1s, Mr. and Mm. R. ' C. Moler and Mrs. R . B. Ooleman a.ttended tlbe Warren oounty Bro4Iberbood meet.1ng Mason, Mo.ndcl.y evening. They exWnded. an Ul!wta.tlon for the AprU meeting Itx> be held a t Wa.yncsville f:.nd the invitatlDn was accepted. '1lbe Youth Fellowship. aJeId their meeting on'llUesday evening at tne home of CUI 00nII6r0. There W88 a large attendo.nce a.nd plana 'Were made tQ eMend tbe IIl6t1tut.e, postporl.ed. to Miw'ch 10-1,1. ~ WeSt O8zirollton. P>lans iWeJ'e 'B!Ieo made !!or Spedal &

IIeJlVioeB to \Se . ccmducted ',by Ibhe

~ ~~ Cbce- lis preJ~ to


Farmers Grange No. 13 Presenting Progra~ SATURDAY EVENING, GRANGE IIALL. PROGRAM FOR PUBLIC The tegula.r 'm eeting of FU.mlerS' Gra.nge ~. 1'3 'WW be w'day tUsht. ~n.11Y 17, ·sta.rt4ng at .8:00 o·el~. After the bu.sixWss meeting aDd oonlfening t!Tst and !Second degrees 00 :five new members, the 'rollamngm<temrt4ng pi'o. gu-om will stBIJIt at 9 :00 P . M , '!be J)ub~ is welcome to Mtend the


0 r. d S\Ulda.y · even.!ng for Font Oalliornia. Mis. COrImIl', with iler daugbWr, a.ocompanied. PVt. COnner oto Ka.nsa.s OJ,tiy. Pvt_ and Mrs. Con- ~ ner and dau&lhters were @\lests of 8IJl1g. IDoN1d and P8Itty Brown: Mr. and Ml's. Harry Mr. and Rec111atlbn, Donna. . Ha<UeY'; ~ "'~ ~ Mr , an d. .. ,_ . tion, Nomi& Burton; iPlaylet, "A Mrs. Henry wa.t.......,. ......... Oha.rles Wa.tkdns,~ ; and Mrs. ®lb- 'Valentine ·BaIt" py JerI'IY C9olt, Mary ert B.1llett. Mr. a.n4 Mm. ~les MoMUlan and IDonaJd Wtl&on; EdWOO'ds and Mr. and Mrs. RayTalk and d1sousLslon, "Children's mond COnner, dUI'lng the week: iDiseaSes," Dr. A. E . .Stout; Songs,. SWf Sargeant Roy K. !Plailck was by ~ end Junior High honor wuest When his paroilits en- sChool girls. The .Juveniles, Under ilI4'llWrOll ·am. W1\lll\ned with a. fGomUy <linner Sunday. S IS Planck. aa'l'ived a.t the home !Bl'addock ' and ~t Matron Kabheryn Whitaker, are mvUllt a 01 Ws wdfe in D&}'iton, on TIlursdaV a.1lter being c.onfined in a hospital in VeJenJt1ne box and a. llttle 8Ul'PJ'lSe England s ince belng wounded on dlor eJ:1 JuvenUes presentt;. 'All mem- . AU8'I;ISt seventh. He had. served as Ibers e;re ullgOO >to be p1'e5ent OIlld



When you sec this gold.plated lapel button - Ihe dexter eagle within II circle, wings extending beyond the eirele's edge - rem(,nl' be", the Disabled Americlln Veter- ' ans points out, thut the wea rer is a n honorably discharged veteran of Wo rld War II, and maybe disab1ed. To fam iliarize the public with the discharge button . that plea has been issued by the DAV, chartered by Congress and recognized by government as one .of the organizatio ns to whic h veterans cnn appl y for fr ee information in filing cla ims. Vivian D. ,Corbly. National DAV Adjuta nt ~ in arinouncing the program. said: "When you see that gold·plated plastic discha rge butt Oil it means the wearer has seen service in World War II. He may even be disabled as a result of his service and deserves every consideration possible."


a ~ gunner ~ J8Il;U8!l~: 1944, ~n Q+~. II bl" ~ B . ~r ' completing 'h'ls tnWllng a.t . . .......". . .., ' . ~~ Cfee'k, ~~ ~ '¢11 reA'dams. '11be Otmtata .1WW iJ;)e gWen"",,,,, f, d t 'b f the nearf uture a,t ' on P8Jm SutJlda.y even1Dg MaIrch 25 1'8...... ,. or 11 y . Pra.ctice, Sunday 8Ifterrl~IlS at 3:00 Mdami, Flbrlda.. for ~t and reand iW~ ~e~ lilt 7:30. . ~nment. . . 'I1he M4n1ster. rea-llzinc bOOt the Mm. Allen D ' 'Hole is linmIoving I 1niClemept IWOOIbher of the past few at bhe !home of her son, ~ey ~' . weeks ihas retuded Cbureb 0Jtten.d- Hlole and fa mily of Dayton, wf<ter an ance. now bas hopes that Itb!s 0011- operation on her eye. Sun~ oallers <iltton improves in both instances. were Mr. and IMrs. James Johns, .' Mr. and iMirB. · Wdlbur 'SeairG 8lld d'n.U~terl MIss LokI. sears, a.ud il'MS.

brlng a. wJ.entine.

render the l!lMter' oa.nt..BItAi • "'rhe



E p..... Zft_ ,,,,, ·n.,,.Ii ,:.;<, to R bQP~'It v ....... S ,~d .wn r: ev•.ra~ :s, . un ay st. Ma.ryll Elplsoopal ?hureh an-.

.nounces tlhe arder1ng Of the Rev. &lpb p¥ks to :the Il'!rie9tlbood of . ,

tIlhe EP1sc0J)Q.l Ohurch on . ~" APRIL 6 'FeImuary 18. at 4:30 iF. M. Roll catl, Aml.Uals you alIouJd 81pw. The 'OrdInation will be per10nned "PlaDn.Ing {or 'SUccessIon of Bloom by ~e Rt. Rev. iHell!ry W. Hobeoh, IWd F1lOWel' J3cli-dem" D . D .• BJslwp of Southern OhIo, with . Mable HatlbalW'ay Lester Ken.riok.. the 8.!lSIst&tlIc:C of v1stting olelWmen FQrlJl Church Entertains Exlbibit - Ea:r~ sh11Ubs and. plants. Mr. and !Mm. G lenn Bland and mm Ibhis DlOlOege. The Rev: 0ilIiert ~ ~i 81le(y a.nd daru8Jb.w were Sun~ evening din- L. pennock, IPb. 'D~ .Q.bUroh 0( 'the ~aynesville Ch.urch Mh. M1J.ler neT gnItlSt6 of the:!1' paJ'ents. Mr. and Nativity, Oinc:!ruw.b1; ~ present tibE! MAY 3 FrIdaY INgIht, Febr~ 23. the Mrs. 1.. O. st. John. Mrs. st. John 00Ill!Ii!d.a0te 't o rtbe BIshop, lIIld' the. Roll Call, iPlIInt!Dg Js;te annuals. Ferry Cburoh of Ohr1st is C1Iite11t&n~ returned on Sa.turcla.y a!ter ~ Rev. F. B. Atldnsori. Dd.OceIiILn "GroMng 'L1lac&" B1anohe Miller illg the Wa.YIIlesv1l1e Ohuroh of in t.lle calI'e of her new gmnddaugb- M.lss1aIuU'y;-'W!1l Preach the ~ ·1RDOt Oilrden&" PUa&t Riley Ohrtst, at Waynesville. Brother: Iter, lNancy Ann Sett1Cl~. near 'Ilhe ass1stlni clergy wlll .Include ~e Exhib1t - Wild FlaweJ'8. BW"iI'1B Butler, editor of the "Ohl1stl.Jebanon. ·,Rev. lRaymondo >It. 'R4eba, ' ~ at H0ste6s ~ Hook . WI S1Bndlard," is 00 be the speaker Pvt. Jack W. ,M ardJg Q[Tived Wed- st: Palul.'s Church, iDIl¥bon; 'Ille Hey. .JUNE ., Picnic Meeting of the evening, Brot.ber Butler is a n~a.y, Pebl'UU'Y 7, to SPend five John Albe11t, St. 'MiiItthew'a. · CInRoll CeJl. MlY' il8IV(lnte rose. graart ~e&' a.s well as a writer daiYs wiWl llUs sISter, Mm. If(U'V'e;y K . oInnati; Tbe Rev. ObUlee ft;b . "New varitlea in a1mb'q Roses and no one Want to mJss hear- Hole (!4l<l 1amily of na,~1ion. He Is Ohrist Oburdll, De,oytoo; and. Mr;. a.nd pest contr.ol· ~ Athai.Furnas ing him. Special mUBle will be in- l>eIlnQI transferred d'rom Lubbock, Kenn~ Orw~er, Oburob of . tile. ~t - Ro&Ee eluded on !bhe program and Plans Texas. to M8Jct0n, N . Ca.ro11na. E}l1pbany, NelstmvUle. . ' ., IHb6teIia Oec~g:Ia Mendenhall a.te tbelng made to b'aIVe a colored Ml's. Jamll6 13a.rkley ruu; returned ~ Holy Commumon IW411 be and Evelyn Peterson choir kom ~ m iller home iii !the oountry with her celebrated by B!8hop Hobson. Members and I!rtends of both con- . dnfoInt !twin dauglblterS, Lois J ean IULY 5 An invitnlt1an . ItiO 'M;tend 1lhJs seiare 1lW1tedoo reserve ~ gftgBlilons Ro1i oa.n. Bet:wCu ~pote 1':tre seen. and L1nda. Jane, who were born at vice end the ~.ecept!on !.JnmeQiQItely' date for I8JI. ev~ of fellowship "New iPerenniaIs uld Sbrubs" . Miami Valley h~tal, Jaml:ll!l.'Y 27. rollawiDg is eX'OOtled to the pubUc. and worship. . ~HooIt Ma". and Mrs. T . O. and . . , ,ExIhlb1t - F'lowa' 8IJ'l'II.!J8eDIi!Dt6. oblldren enteltairted to dlnner on I ' a.nd .ronm1ners SuncJa,y with covers ernmged lor . Jessie JDngaore H~ Mr. ad Mrs. HeJibel1t Mered1th and Willhlan Ooleina.n, age 84. died a.t AUGUST 2 da\lglhters, Dolis Ann Q.II£\ Dorothy bl.s bome in lWoMllt!SvlHe, saturday Roll OBll, Heme 'a nd row to Cora. B. Th(JlllWl. age 7,1, ~ June. and Mr. and Mm. Vance lilt 11 :45 A. M. He is surwWd by bla • UIge t.bem. OIWe.y·.Febl"\ll3.1'lY' 9. She Js survived Dlwis and sons, Earl and Ernest. wile, Liddle and itwo brothers, it\roh "UWe6 ood O~" Je.se1e 'ImIpcre by tour brothel'S, Edwin L., f1%18!Ilk. Dr. and Mrs. A. E . Stout were SWI__-'" a.nd Tom, ,b oth of Loveland, OhIo. ~ - Ga1den l!~ehs. M1bhur and Kenneth. li1Uneral serda(y guest.s of <the fonner 's ,uu;uuer, :F1lIDem1 services /Were CXlIDduoted lbIteflB A.tba Pumas v1ces were conduoted. at itihe Stubbs Mrs. J. J. stout. 'Dayitxm. Tbey at the Stubbs IR uneral Home 0It 2:00 SBPIlEMBEB I . F1uneral Home in Wayn'esv!lle on 'Were <I.CCOmpanied aJame by their p . M •• Wedn~, Fe~ U. Hd1 Odl, 'Waly e. O!lMen Olub. 1lueOOay, February 13. at 2:00 P. M. daugh ter. Winnje Jo. \W10 ihad been BIn'la.l in the M1am1 cemetery. ''IBIirds, Thrua11, l1l:Ilii1ly a.oo 'W1th burialln M1ami cemetery. ~e week end guest of her grand:BlIamm1n8 .~.. Mi's. PeterIiOn. mobher. WOMAN'S AUX1LLIARY EltlcUon of Qfticer.s and dues. O. E. Boyer. LirbaJUl" was Monday HOLDS MEETING ~ EldI»bit - BinI De&ta. Civic Club Monthly Meet ood ~y gul<St IOf his S()lkin-la.w The Woman's Awc11l1a.ry of the st. H0!t8i8 011." WUliams and and dfl.uglhter. Dr. and Mm's. A. E. MW'y's EpIscopal Ohuroh ~d, tbe1r Dr. . 'D Dma B'cIlloway At Methodist Church Stout and daughter, who celebrated T'6(IJ\lla4' monrtlhly meet1ng on F'I'1day OCTOBER' The WBIYI1e5vllle 'Clvic Olull 'I'ld11 her birthda¥ anndveroo.ry on Tues- at the home of ~, May>na.rd Weltz. • Rdl oau. RepaIt oin- my pls.'Ilt bOOby meet in rregulM' session 8(t the Meth- day. Twelve · members were preeeN and ..~ WClI1k. in O&l'l1en" Mr. and Mm's. Lawrence Surface after 0. iengthy buslneas ~. odist Oburoh on evening. • . '\JeIm1e O<mner ~bruBTy 19, 1945. at 7 :30 p. m . and dclJ\.lgIbtel'. Reba. of Wilming- MIss Marga.ret Ed'Waa'ds gave 0. vel')" "Winter can of !HDUae' PJamB" ~ Supper will >be served 'b y the ladies ton, and Elmer Sur.1lace, S l ie. of .t he I4Ia Smith of rbhe allUm. ThiB meeting Js Navy. spent TuesdaY' with ·Howard lnitet'esI\.ing ~nd lnsbrudbive paper OIl • the stt\du. book. "1ndda.ns ere ~. ExlUbit - Plant bobby ,(apecim1nes) ' . L8d1es Nlgtht and aOCOl'dillg to S\mfaoe and famtly. Too." Miss Anne Weltz, very bSu':' H.oIrtas '. Lena. Hortsock Herbert Graham. M1nistier of FeNy Elmer HI. SUri6lC6, S l Ie. Of tlhe t1!ully played, "Rust1Ies of B.IlI'Ine." NOVEMBER 1 Church of Obrist, a speaker of merit NM'Y. Js spendinig a. t our-da.y leave . During the' social ' hoI,lr. dll4Dty "..:. RDl1 ~, WhI&1; 1 un'Itbank!'l1l fur. is being engaged !or . the even1ng. with his p8IJ'eIlits mld friends here. f;reslunenG ' '\Wlre served afItier ~ , ' "Bub tor wmter ,Blooms" 'IUle oc:mmtttee are ~\Jl'84Png He retums >to his IJ1'l6p on ·Thur<tay. Ibhe society acijOU:1'Iled Ito meet ;wtth ., ~ II8rtsock tlbe membership ,00 lIItt:end 100%. To . Mrs. Holly Ha1lhawa.y and tMrs. Me. O. Lee Ha.wke in M8.rcb. "Winter PI~m~~lMIItMo;l tor Perennials" belp with the-plans tar Iilis meetiIlg Bet t y Messmore flew to CI~ela.hd • Imma: Hollaway ' and especially the dl.nnelr1(Js ~ 'Wednesday, ifor a week's . visit wibb PERSONAL 'PROPERTY TAX ~ - AsIlera. tlbo.t a.u ,t he oanJs' denottng planned their son arid brobher, Basil MarcUs. BLANKS MAILED .HOatIBJ ~e . Hath8lW8f Ulttenda.n.ce >be ma.Ued to bhe sec- ' Miss Glenna. !has reiunle9 . Propert.y. 'Tal!: blanlta ~ 1JIld:D8" . DEC:iBMBEB. 8 ,. I\y~. >to the MIne of 'he!' ~t6. Mr. and mailed to IIl1Ol'6 .tihan 3.000 ~ aon 0IIl, ~ cpJIbatloils. Mrs. J. Wade '8!ter tiOO~ a. lD bhe county. ~ 't1Io :A. JL oamen and Natuia QuistsertOUll ope1"a.tion at Blair h~lta1. Parker. AUditor. The aucUa" office , 11188 RN'"'e, " " . Burnett Woun~ed 'Mrs. Flmnces IBmnnock ls spendWIll be read:y to receilve t'etUnla b i.ngIl;leVe11a1 ~ W'ltb daughter, first of nel¢ week. , ,u.c.t.. Smith 'BItiJbIt Mts. Lorodne 6WlliY aDd \:IiWg~ter" A ~~ 'W1U be adll8d Ib:, 1I1Qe '!be rose baa reIpl. in DB1ton. . ' retJurns f iled after MImIh 81. .'lbe dIWty! , Mrs. O. O. Ncbdeaoon at DcIqton and ' son, Oadet ~bent 'Anlbdeaooo, __ VIsited tlhe!r' aUIllt, GJ1aOe L. BmttIb. PJl1day. . ltB IIeCl'eIt :w.O~ ~ was Week eM ' You...,p



Satard.,., FebrV&1'1 10, INS. JUIIt let mm aDQIIIr the Idtdlen otiM!r ~ I heu'd <Po Je1p ~ Ibbe oe4W .....~ Uld ~ . _ ' &ra!IY. with her . bead IIUdIiq out .froin bebwetm Uie atepe. She can .eqUee. ,i n bUt abe C8DlOt . . out. - So I puUect tbe ·.tepa out IWiIIl a · . . OivwtMW UId let her p¢. We ~ . SIa.,y GUt ap.1.n. The

, Some burlap 'tmIr' ifhe tiDIe aDJl nest

-. ~ abe p'\1lI,ed' tbM· ~ UId :1 :t.d. :to tAib' down the St:epa 8III4Dl '1'htI 'ume 'We dIltled 8ODII8 . . . . IImI!IIj and noW Ibe pawed IIboee _ 80 1bere . D · .tJOtiIoc tor tt bUt to IeM!t 1I1e at;epI ' out. JJt; _It !Ume fal' ~ ~. but Ihe _ _ lIo .MDt to:........ · UIie Place • ~ .~. ~ ,. IIbe tiM ~' 01 tbIi ~ 01 ~- .. 0 I 1)1 dMia!a

-.. . ..

DIa . . . tDbe~"""'ClIl , DIY 1IMIe. .... til tIbe - -

01811_ . . . . . , . . . . . . . , . .

. . . . . .. .......emerat. I bid •

"~ ."""''''

. '.Dr:'



B. Thomai







guest. or ¥ias N8DC1lAlU 'l1JeIB, _ -


'1b . . a.. . jIW-....



Thursday, February 15, INS



h------~,WEEKLY NEWS ANALYSIS,- - -......

~iiIii_"'_ due to colds Let a tittle Vicb VapoRub melt cia :::. tongue. "'odes tme,to IIOOthe sore "htue to colds and helps relieve irrita~ ~,upper breathing passages.

·Russians .S'trike for Berlin As Nazis Plan Last-Ditch Defense; New Landings' Aid Manila Drive

' . ,

GEt MUI"PJli IfLlI'·

L-_ _ _ _ _ _ Relealed by Wulem Newapnper UnIon. _ _ _ _ _ __ (ED ITOR'S NOTE ! Wl\en eplnlon. ar. upreaae. ID lb . . . . .Iama •• Ih.,. ar. Ih ... Dr Wt_tern Nt"' lpaper Unloo ·. De". analy.t. aD. Dot aee •••• rll'. • r lbl, be.apap.r.)

IIII&eI ••• soothes the irritation, quiets 1118 of coughing. helps clear head.

RJUIF ONI-R_. f"lr. RELIEF TWO-Inl sldy BOse. RUIU THRU-I.INdy adIts. RUIEF FOUR-Enl ••scl. pain. REUIF fIVE-llSs ••eedache.

l'lRs. RUTII WYETH SPEARS Bedford HlU, New York Drawer 10 Enclose l5 cents lor booklet "Make Your Own CurtaIns,"

GroY,,·. Cold Tablet •• Ilk .. man" a doctor'. PFeKrlptlon. are a mull pie medicine. A comblna.tlon or ~Iaht ac-

Address ............................. ..


When Your"lnnards" are ""ng the Blues

, WBDI COIISTIPAnoN lIIUetI 70U feel JUIIk u til. dlck~ brillll on atomac:ll -PAt. _ lute IUI7 discomfort. tab Dr. CaJ4w;tt\. famous modlclll.

Memberll of FIfth dlVIalOD or Third army warm &hemselve. aboat bonfire ID Laxemboarc comfortably ensconced ID furnlture salvaced 'ro. &be town's debris.

and Luxembourg In bls great December drive. As the Yanks plowed through beavy snowdtifts. they, met to .addJ ~ tile triuet on lazy "111Berlin Goal urda". ed belp JOG feel bricht eel bitter opposition at Nazi .trong Berlln was their goal as the chipper apia. points. Firat White Russian and the 'First • ... cA&.DWnLOS III the won4erfaJ len. . JuaIiT. contail104 in ,004 014 Syru, UkraniaD annles plunged to the PtpIiJi to IDIb it 10 . . . , to Wi:e. winding lce·packed Oder river on a PACIFIC: lIMY DOClOD ..... peplln prepuawide front. with German resistance Strategic Moves fiaDa fA tnaaiptlou to lII&ko the medlflowing stronger as column. of redu __ palatable and qr...ble to Strategist and tactician. Gen. enforcements rushed to the front Douglas MacArthur scored two ..... So lie aur. 7~ lauthe III COAtableclla s,rap Poplin. and took up their position. In the more landini' In Luzon. directly 1_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ -liST «* ..... CALDWEU.'S-tbe faftainIn, baWe line. aiding hill triumphant march on YOd$e oIlD1D1ou for SO ,.ean, and feel With the two Russian annles Manila, wblle far ·to the north, U. S. 6at "belOlOllle ~01 from con~ drawing up to the Oder on an ' al· forces continued to drive .to the east- YOUR look.l!ett8l' ~ecl with tIoa. Bnll 8II1cQ chil4tu Ion it. MonIIaellalr'1'aalo.Keepa most soUd front from above Berlin ward in bitter hand-to-hand I1ghtln" HAIR uDrull' CAU110N I if.. cialJ u dIrac:tecI. bair In IIlace. clear down to the Czechoslovakian whlcb threatened to 'cui the ..la1ld ALWATI~':-'~ ~~ . ~rder, Berlln was Imperilled by a In two. ' powerful outftankln, maneuver by, In one of the landln,., U. S. troops Mantial Zhukov from the nol'th and overran the Sublc Bay area, which Marmal Koney from the 10Uth. opened up a bl, harbor ' for naval The fleat thrust on BerUn prom- WI. and aupply of American force. t.ed to put the Germans' vaunted above Manila. while the other landOder river defense Une, over two -::--:-~~:----;:-------- yeara in the makin,. to the teat,

Re' lele'f' At "La'st ' ugh' :, 'Co Fo'. t~·Your nu... ,

" ,

~ ~ be__ It ~Eto tIie ..u or tbe trouble to I looIeD l1li4 aiIe1 1114 aid DMIIn uid bial raw, _ _• m,.

'iEfr s'~~,:~e;:


.~ Oreom'dl!l'" wlUl tbe 1m-


l. i t


~ " fOr ~ Chest CoIdt.ll'Oftchltit

reenforced bJ tanaticall' to M-year-old home front troops, ltubbornly held theft ,round a,alnIt the powerhouse attacka of the Fir.t Ukranlan army, which ;, ehad been · the 6nt to reach the .. fenIe UJie ,from central polancl "

Finish Figh, " Long the hallowed center of Pro,-

to be "pared the fate of other great Eurppean' capltalli 81 the Nazis made .trong ,polllts of ita publlc bui1dlngs and IJistltution. for a des·



_ _-,-_ __ _ _ _ _ _ __

perate· mad and prep;"ed to 'blow up au factories and lnIta1lationa til the dlatrlct. "Not one .tone atop another. • wD1 be lett • • • when the Russians enter," . proclaimed P'ropaillnda Jrfinlster Goebb~lI. MeinwhJle, as thousands of German refUgees streamed Into the Relcb frOm the east and Hitler called upon aU able-bodied men for ,a last ditch l1ght and all othen tor industry, Nazi leaders threatened ". . . cowardly creatures who try to de.ert the fatherland in its hour of need." Sald they: "We shall not permit them to throw a wrench In the works. • . . Germany will fight on no matter where or under what conditions. . . ."

Fear Ylink Drive

bac:teriia without " , a 1!:~~::~=~ could, .' you bow ~ wen

bad. . ..hen·u one 'sun of effeCtive iDoaiJa. NITRAGIN ...... JOG J"q~ NlTRAGIN . is tti. oJd.t _ _ ....,. ...... ~t. For ..,.. "aD fariDen hay. ueecI it to set biau .i;w.s. ohJfalfa, ~.., eoybeaJu, &ad iolluiW!IOll COItIi oilly dew


daa... . .,.. wap


Attacking in snow Ilnd .Iush In strength along an expanding front below Aachen, Yanks put the enemy's vaunted Siegfried defenses to the test ag,ln even al Berlin feared an all.,out drive to break the deadlock In the west. At the aame time. the Germans began to slowly break ground In Alaace to the south. where ,mixed U. S. and French torces· Increased heaY)' pressure on their huge pocket below Stralbourg and threatened the enemy'. e8cape roads eastward to the ~e. . No leBi than 100.000 U. S. tr.oop, reportedly ' burrowed their way IDto the outer. defenses of the Sle~led Une along the sectol: from wblch Von BunClstedt had bur.t Into, Beltium


'.1 aiIIiI _ .en, b~ f~dy Loo.a The a~y . quarterma.ter corp.. In , ,...~ to 50~ aad more. It p.~ ~ 10M 'placed more than 85 per cent of ialiTCa!ace ·flftrfplaAtiDa of ....-. i~ prime cOJItracta, representin, , ' ~ , ~ f ~~ . IN aa:·_w~ . _y'!.':! yOUl' cent of the dollat value of all - - - - - - 7._... QMC depot contracts, with amaller' .......... -._L ............a. ... baIDeu or,.ntzatlon•• the war d. ", flEE ...... penment . • aJd. He• . I....... 01 lublleteDCI aad •• tI.,........d1.Total pU,c ' 11 . __ .a Writ. t."~. aupP" r.,.... ~7 . ..... L_ ... ... IDWta17 HI'Ylcu by the quarter•. ~N • ,.; maS1el' CIGrPI amounted to ",oa1" ,....., _..... 1'12,l1li.



......... ,..... ""



-Buy War Savings Bond-.-

THE smart plaid curtains shown herewith match the window seat and several slip covers, and the wooden curtain pole, rings and draw cord match the dominant color in the pJaid r epealing the color of small cushions and lamp b ase. The window lets in the maximum of li ght and you would never guess that originally it looked like . a postage stamp in the middle of a blank wall. At first it seemed impossible to curtain it because fixtures could not be screwed to metal casements or the plaster. The built-in book shelves solved that. A space a foot wide was allowed at each side of the window so that the curt~ins could hang over the wall, and the painted wooden pole was then screwed to the sides of the shelves. The diagram shows. this and how the draw cord ' was knotted · so that the curtains . could be pulled back and forth.


.. AlII.

NOTE: These curtains IIrc Izom the 32'page booklet "Make Yo~r Owo Cur·

Ben-Gag tJUlex

• Feel the IIOOthinI warmth ~f Ben-Gay ••• as it goes to work, relieving those cold sytDptoDlLDoctors know about the two famous pain-relieving agents in Ben-Gay-methyl aaJicylate and menthoL Bed-Gay conbrine up to 21j2 timet! more of theae ingiedi~ta than five 9ther widely offered rub-InLFor fast relief, get ~miine quIek-acting~.

In Fifth Column The most subtle at all demon· strations of d~rision staged by the 'people ot Paris during the Nazi occupation was the frequent publication of a photograph of Pierre Laval on the front page' of • certain newspaper-at the head of the fifth column •

~ r'Orr'D,41# ,I












German re,w.ra,

Decla,in, "there is no e.... dence ),et or au)' ro.' in the Ger. man retreat," Navy Seoretar)' Fones"" ..Id: "The, are withdrawinr to the lJue of defense. OD ' the river • • • wIlere • • • tbey ma, flcbt with llIe .ame telllu;lIt)' aDd ferOCllty tIIey Jlave ~own In the we." ••• AD . that wID beat Gerblany ... pewer! peer, orude power."



Meet t"oMcn

and further .train Nazi strenatb. already outnumbered by about three · to tour In the .eut. In early allaulta on the · Oder In the SUell'a n area.

_~I!¥. J'OIl DlUlt like tb8 Wa,J: 1& stanism, BerllD. it appeared, was not

r': ~~ ~ an' ·REOMULSIO ....




.'on t:.!~kc;epVLetcits famoSUS working for I K .



Name: . .•••• I t • • I f •• I t • • • • • • • • • • II • • • •


Ree:!rc.mb VapoRub on


la lns" whIch Mrs. SPea" tlas prepared gll~ a copy send 1~ ceDIa wIth name and addrc8s -cllre<t to : lor readers. To

the medicinal Inllr~ll.n t" .. poelally d"laned ror r. lle' or iiaual cold mlaorl ... on a.nulln ..


va~ that penelr3te to ClDId~-cDi'HI_if!IItJotalod upper breathing pas-

Far Added



tt.ffr ..

"""' ol~ water. Wonderful relief In



"Po. £-.S...... ofCouolna: --!'la ,l.1IDOcI1poonfu) of Vapol<ub in.

:=:r:"breathe the

Making That Problem ' Window-Fit WHY WAIT HOURS FOR ., Perfectly Into the' Roqm Setting A LAXATIVE TO WORK?




. Oeural


. .pa willi ald.. · aa




In, Yanks .tepPed ashore below the PhWppine capital itself. threa~ enID, any enemy eltort to' bring up reenforcements from the 10Uth. All lori, as MacArthur stUl appeared to be holdin, back lOme at hi. strength, Jap .commanders were reluctant to commit Ilzeable forces Into the battle in the ManUa reglon. In one of the most dramatlc episOdes of tbe PhWpplne invasion, plcke4 men of the 6th Ranger battallon and FWpino auerrillas made a .urprlse aftack on a Japanese prl8on compound behind enemy llnes on Luzon, freeing 486 Americans. 23 British.. three Dutchmen and a Norwegian. Although over 100 were .0 weak fr,om malnutrition, disease and old battlewound. that they haci to be carried off aD hUlk)' I\aDpr backs or in carabao carts, 0I.tl7 two failed to survive the 25-mlla journey to IIIfety.

CONGRESS: ·Bu&y Se&&ion With publication of PresIdent Roosevelt'. agreement to the lepa· ration of the Reconstruction FIDance corporation with its vast loanlnl powers from the U. S. department of commerce, the senate passed the George bill authorizing the action by a 74 to 12 vote and thereby paved the way for the conlirmatioD of the department Henry A. Wallace lecretary. ' Although Wallace'. conlirmation wa·. postponed to March I, It wal considered likely at that time, IIDce principal objection to his appointment bad been baled on the fact that he would have controlled the vast resource. of the RFC In the postwar period, with fear of their use on government projects to provide full employment. HaUl. approval of the bill to separate the RFC from the commerce department was expected to meet speedy approval. At the lam. Ume. the hOWle passed, and then sent to a none too lympathetIc lenate, a wbrk or ft,ht bW, under wbleh aU men between 18 and 45 would b. frozen In e.lentia'i 'occupatIol\I or aaked to .take job. deslanated by their local draft boards under penalty of inductIon or be and Imprisonment lD case of r .. tul.l.

The NaVy lmd Merchant Marine BeDd rapid ship-to-aJUp JDeIIIa~ by batterypowered~ flasher signal lights when radio communication might ;iva a ship's .,ootion to the enemYe '

'It'. di1Iicult to lQC8te men drifting in the Bell! Water.tight batterY light. on buoyant :lifesaver lUi... have meant the dift'erence between life and death for:many Melchant seamen, .

For emergency co~unication by voice, tbeMe:rclumt Marineuses ~ port;.. able ~aphone to broadcast ordem and' instructions: Dry ~tt'eriea give DeCCBBBrY power to ~p~.



Two men aDd a b~ka make a winning team! But it takes large quantities of ammunition 8nd dry battery power

.to keep these portable, hard-hitting weapons firing at the ene~y.

~ Signal Corps man With a

Wa1Jd8. Talkie baa freedom of speech as l~ni .. .he has p~ty of dJ'y batteries! Hanw.. ~ also WIe thousands of war bat.teriee to power vital communicatiol& .

When they aJmIll:ome-Bus~ Battedel ~i1l be back ag1Iin, too

.••• ~~B 8uIili.shcs, radios, telephones, iastriunenll and cOOuols for· . .'iDUlfoa,I of hom", .farios lAd "'d~es throughout Amelb. "

On,Nation's Honor Roll , To Pvt. John Hartman of Esetel', Calif" went the Silver ·Star for pllantry in' acdon. 'D urina a fierce enem, cOUD.terattack in lW,.,eeein8 that two maChinI lUll' 200 yards to the frOnt a,..t rlcht front causiq c~"erablt troq)leJ ·)te !poved for· wanllDto ~ 'face 01 these tirirur machlu pna OD Ida own initiative. BdriJt Ida .a, forwent with enem, ' bUlJetS W1din~ withln inc~ of bini. aD4I lit epke of the fact tilat be bad , ncelvecl .a ttdona wOuad III bfa arm. . he. 6ncI tID be bad tIItaceb 'odI ma.

Deadly fia.methroWera are blazing.the .road to Victory! Dry batteries help to meate the, apark ~t sends these efficient weaPODi Into inStant, &min,.ction agamn ., enemy.



" : ,


• •


. : -


cIIiae I11III.

IN tHE ' NArlON',' , SI ,IV.I,C.' .






Thursday, February \5, 1945








........ ,................

~'\'./ - I,.: ,\ . ~.., likeYOV

Tot's Frock for School or Play




r, o ...... ~


ImproJlfJ Uniform

b EPA R 1', MEN T • P,no;"

• 0 e ••••••


UGH.H'· CO _elf opO"f.,


-:- L'E S SON -:-

.Dra •• d 1.. .~... tia'

yO , ...

Jbo RABOLD L. LUNDQUIST, 0 D. 01 Th. Moody Bible In.tltu!. oJ ChlcR,O, , Rel...ell b)l Weltem Newspaper Unl9no

iDdUlltTJI will Dot apply without ftll.m.nt 01 avlli/4bility 1,0m Ib,i, foul

I.e.lOa IUb,ecta and Scrlptur. textl leeted and .coPyrlllbted by international Council of Rellirioua EduClltlon; uled b)l pennl.llon,


THRILL OF VICTORY 0.. yo .... £a"orite N. B.

Betore Henry Wal'd Beecher became a famous city preacher, Jle had a small chargE~ in Lawrenceburg, Ind. The church bad a memo bershlp of about 30 farm families, and young Beecher was do ing his b t to b Ud ·t es . u I up, One day he paid a pastoral call on a farm wife who was a steady contributor. To make conversation, he told her about ho w his sistcr Harriet had won a prize in a musical recital. The farm woman express!!d her delight at thc honor the little girl had acbleved. "I can understand exactly how you fe el," she said to the youthful preacher. "I remember very well bow pleased and bappy I was when my cousin's pig took first prize at the agricultu ral show!"

C. .'aU_

....'7' Saturday mornlng


11:00 A. M., E. W. T.

Really looching b ec ause th ey're Teally medicated. Each F &: F Cough Lozengo gives your throllt II 15 miDute eootbitlg treatment




...,...• ............................... "V ~. . .'+'+

Hidden trea~e!-there Is .omething about It-that catches our ImagtDations and atlrs our expectancy at dJscovering great riches. Men are constantly going on expeditions to lIeek out lost treasure. Others are engaged In study and research to 'brlng out new treasures In nature or In the realm ot learning or art. Why not stir up a little excitement about the unbelievably rich treasures which are hid In Chrillt and In the lite of faith In Him? It II not hidden, except to the eye of unbeUef, but it i. greatly neglected WHAT A MESS FARMS counted him and all but forgotten by many. Play Frock FOlt 8ALE-120 ocr08. amall. f:llr house, among its bright- The Scripture portIonl assigned now barn, 30 ncres good bottom. 100.000 fl. LITTLE daug hter will feel quite for our lesson are not as well adapted elt box office suctlmber poultry and brooder hOU8C, mllll grown-up in he r apron pinato It alone could wish, 'but we ma~ and ac b001 bus route. prIce SI800. cesses. Both Joan Free form Ust. {are to match mother's. The gay WILLARD GUOVER - O,dUpolt., Oblo. and Jimmy hold make good use of them. We learn over·shoulder Tuffi es and sweetlong - term con- here: I, The eolt 01 RedemptiOD (13:Mheart neck are edged in bright Jimm), DwID tracts at TwentlFEATHERS WANTED binding. Ideal for school or play. . eth Century-Fox 46). Undoubtedly the leSion committee • • FEATHERS WANTED. NEW OR OLD since executivell chalked off their exPattern No, 8741 Is designed for sizes BbIp Ol' write 10 STERLING FEATHER had in mind the UIIual interpretation Co., III Nortb a......'. st.. L......... cellent performances, Joan 8S Aunt ot these parable.. which presentl 2. 3, 4. 5 and 6 years, Size 3, with ENGLAND'S Sissy, and Jimmy IS Johnny Nolan. lleeves, requires 2~io ya rds of 35 or 3D·inch BELOVED aUEEN, PERSONIFIED the Ilnner a. the one leeklng the material: 3 yards trlm mlng for ruffles and the famous singing walter at BeH)' FOR SALE neck. treasure and giving up all that he THE VICTORIAN "GE IN Smith'l novel. Due to an unusually large demand and may have Christ. HER STRICT SIMPLICITY RETAIL b.kel')' In Batesvtlle, Ind .• popuJoan Blondell was to a certain currenl war condilions. slightly more time lotion 3,~.i only bakery in Botuvllle. e.. ill true that our redempWblle It AND SEVERE VIRTUE. tabJJahed ... yearl, Solid, tW.I>SlOry brIck extent responsible for her exile ~om IS required In filling orders Cor 8 few of tion is worth more than anything bulldln. on Mllln InstaWa, new the most popular pattern numbers. bllke oven. 011 necuaary ilx'ture. Dnd bak- the screen. She was tired o'f play- else In aU the world and that the j nil eqUipment Included, all In 100d canSend your order \.0: dlilon. Own"r deolr". to retire. Price Ing an endle.. luccelslon of animal. Christian would glacll7 set aside (or TI1E FAMOUS NfJ.MAID 18.000. which Includee two-story brick ad, gum-chewing typists, altern at- would heT> everything for Chrlst'l bulldl". Dl'ld all bllkery equipment. See or GIRL PERSONIFIES A SEWING CIRCLE PATTERN DEPT. write. C .L. JOHNSON, 8al...m., Ind. Ing with wisecracking blonde Ihow- lake, yet that doe. not fuIfUl the Grandpa-Yep, 1 p'u t nigh on to PURl:, SWEET. WHOLE510 Soutb Wells St. Cblcaco girls. Then. too. her husband, Dlclk thouCht of thll parable. After all, 300 men out of action once when I SOlliE SPAE~O IN THE , Enclose 25 cents tn coins for each HAIR WANTED PoweD. WaB trying to get away from whit h.. a linner (whOle o~, right... wal In the army. MINOS OF MILLIONS. paltern desired. w. DlODEST PRICES lor CUT DAIR Ilnglng parts and into real actin, eoume.1 11 de.ctibed in Scripture Soru'ly-I didn't know you were fOR NU·MAID IS Pattern No .. .... ,Size . ..... lAPP'S HAIR STORE ones_ But the prodUcers didn't seem' al ''ftlthy rags"·) to leU in order to • uch a hero. You never showed lIIe THE. ·TABLE -GRADE· 1 ... Mala CtaolaaaU. O. to want hiD;l In either during tblI obtaJD redemption? And i. It for ,.our medalsl Name .............. ,., ............... . MARG~R!NE WITH period. 80 Joan. not wantln, to we? (See Eph. 2:8). . Grandpa-No medals. It 1ust bap- .Addres•.. " ......... CHURNEO-FRESH embarrau him. ~pped takin, partl ObvlOUIly. we here have the ~apened I was camp cook for a week. POULTRY \\ 1 I", FL~VOR. whe~ he couldn t get any. .tour with His all-leeIn, eye and HERE 18 1'OtlB CBANCE to ,et the fa~~ ~-{!: ij:. IDOUt Townltne R. O. P. brudlD, In your .... > Il-r' lovin, heart notln' in faUen humanModern Mlethod. 'Lelborn, Barred .Iid WhIte Rock chlcn at Leat1e 01 ,A6..nee Recognizing Elepha,ltB .. --~ ity the pearl of ,reat price, Hla own ordlnory hatchery prJce.. AIIO IllnorcaJo~ to UAC\& o~ army camps for Church. He then givel up aU the Farm Boy <15 minutes late at LeabOI'll Cro.. with To~nllp, ",,,bom breedln •. Write for Free educational catn- 13 montha-went into remote POltl 1011 Il\ullratialt TOWDllne breedlns. T. . . . glol'7 He tt.d -"th w. the F a th er IchooJ}-I couldn't help being late. Carveth Wells says if an e1e- AI you, lobi., liS. NU·MAID, Ihe Oftl, liDO P ..IU'S...... o.410W. Z•• I••••·MI.b. al far north u Labrador and gave comel to the earth and even ~ because 1 had to brand my three lIIa'1lla,ln. c.rtlhd by ,lis ",ahr 10 bl h h homesick boy. of her rich Ib ..... t . , calvell, It took m.e a little extra p ant as flve toes in front and Ih. "Tobl.·G,ad." .. al'\1 ..,ln.. Use 11 g.n. • v r..... cOmel lin for u. that He may brin, four behind, it comes from Asia', .rollily for SHEEP pe~sonallty. ,She followed thil with UI to God. time to pUe them on top of each ,001O"lng ..,d =D:-::0-R::8=E-:: :: ~~R:-::A;:'iI':':I~AJao J- ~=IO"::me "'"- -,-oocl-'--D-o-r-ae-t an uninterrupted of ."er two Salvation In CbrIat Is no Uttle other. if four in front and three behind, frying. _ea. WUl seU ftocll. weI')' ~a ... nably: about years on Broadway. ~e new Blon- thin, lIot somethin, which was pur_ . Teacher (curious)-But Why do it hails ~rom Africa. An elephant .. ewe., S. C, Br•••• Bt. ,. DaTi.a, Obi.. dell prove. that ahe can be lome- _.. _ ~ with Id U bUt with ,.011 have to pile tbem on top of from ASIa has one tip on the end more thaD a bla.;J]earted ba,I '~~ ~ v~t. W eacb ' other? his 'trunK; an African, two. If ,8'ewilh a bead Of ,old. Director • o~ It highly F . B.-Oh, that'. modem busl- ~ts trunk is s~ooth it is Asiatic; Ella KasaD tells me IIbe givel iom.' OUCht v gbt h ness methods I used carbon paper I if appal'ently In segments, it is Basic English lfadatioDi in ber performance of :~: w~~u~~~ alO::aYI to glO~cao: . . , African. The ears of 'tln Asiatic Basic English is a system 'ot ,1150 Aunt SI88Y that bode well for future (J Cor;. 8:28). HI.ber Mathematlol elephant are about. two lee~ lo~g English words claimed to be sum- dorta. D. The Bean CompasaloD (14: . Teacher (examl~ing new puptn- and rather ra~ged, an . African s cient for, the needs of ordinary Jlrprriy ~unn never actually left 18-18); Do you know anything about alge- are about the sIze of a plano. conversatl9~ ' ~d writing, the !l0reen or the .tage. But for nine The One who wal wllling to dle bra?, ----------------------------~ =====::::;========Iyears-alnce 1931. when be played that men migbt have eternal We Boy-A little. "Bad Girl":-be appeared in minor wal not unmindful of their need 01 Teacber-You u:nderstand then, movies of a tn>e that didn't reach RlI . mercy and grace for their that x plus x eQua]s 2x? audiences that knew him al a star. daily problema. Jell}lll not only cUed Boy-That's the old-fasbloned a And wben casting time for "A that we might have redemption from gebra. The latest versIon shows that Tree Grows in Brooklyn" filled his lin, but He UVed (yel, and Uves Zero plus P-38 equ.alls Zero Zero. ag!!nt with enthusia.tic ambitions, 110Wl) with tender-hearted· com. MorDin. ~:xerclse Jimmy said: "Sk!p It. You're wast- passion toward those In need. Don', ralk-don', 'llrem 'rumOrL DoD'. Youn'g Wife--It 5'2emB to me, darinS your time. 1 used to be a big He who I. ' the . llvlng Bread wal cou,h-doD', IPrem prms. Smith Brot. ltar on that lot-they'd never let me n9t willlng that men should hunger ling. that you don't love me as much Consh Drops. Black or Maathol, are Itill all do it." Daft'J1 Zanack was deter- for their daUy bread. The dlllciple, all you used to. Ya.u always let me IOOtblq IDd deJiclOUl all eftf-iDd dtep get up and make Ule fire now. mined the .~reen Johnny would Uve .aw only one lIolutlon-to lend thetn ,till COlIC 001, a aiCkel. Adoring Husband-Nonsense. my up to the'linging walter of the book. away, 'but Jesua .aid. '''.i'bey need dear, your getting up to make the SO he ordered evety pos"ible appli- not depart." cant tested until the perf!!ct person One 'is feartul that the church bal Are makes me lclve you all. the ILACK 01 M'"'HOL-II abowed up. The perfect person been aU too qUick about lendin, the morel turned out to be Ex-Twentieth Star needy away to lome loelal Blency Modem ReD ........... aNa. James Dunn. or community charib'. when It Mrs. Smith-My chiclcens h ......"·t.l have WOIl their conftdenc. bi' ahould few . . . . . . Dr. Frani Conlenion . itl oompalllion. and thell broucht been laying rlgbt. , Laat week I ...D'I ......o-r-..' tried 'to coax one of therp by put... Few actorl are a. frank as Jim- them to Christ. . "DADDY, my in talkin, of the thingS which Little is much when God II in It, tlng a glalls egg in her neat. fer tift . . . . . ., Mrs, Jones-Did it help any? belped blm to lose out in hls pro- and by the divine touch of JellUl the ,....~ Mrs. Smith-WellJ. it did and It AS 11&0 AS fession. "I began watching the multitude wall fed. Could ' we not money , clausel in my contracts. do far more for Chrllt 11 we would didn't. Instead of eggs Ihe Itarted GRANDPA' TODAY" Hedda, In.tead of reading the scripts only use the Uttle we have, with laying 50-watt bulbs! carefuUy," he laid with commend- IDI blessing, for the help of our Parposefal V,acalloD able frankness. "So I got the dough. fellow men? Customer-WhCI'l; is the cashier? but I began to sUp at the box of- m, The Mlraole of PrOvialOD (14: 1'1·21) . Gone for a rest? ftce," We pray, "Give UI thlI day our Manager-No. to avoid arrest, Jwmy Durante·. comeback in aU the . medlums-nl,ht clubs, radJo, dally bread," and it la only 811 God 'lata Que.tloD mOtioD pictures-notably "Music for provides it that we have it. He gives Do YOI HallOT fUSHES? Teacher-What i8the last Millions," with Margaret O'Brlen, I. Ufe to the .eK. and multiplies it u ,OU llUlrer fnIm bot tIIIb... reel .eak, n,,"OUl, • blt.blu" at Um_ ' one of ,the .b ri,ht .pots of the year In rich harvest, and we eat, we 10 airplanes? all due 110 .the tunc:Uonal ''mItlo1l.. ' trust, with thankful heartll. Bright- Boy-"Jumpl" Just past. age" period pecuUar to women-u, That I. a miracle--Io oft repeated Llllla B. PlnkJIam'. Vecetable Oom, 'This year Joan Crawford, after pound to ·rall... lUob'JDlPtom.. that we have lost a bJt of the wonder lJ'UoD reaulNlJ-PtnklW!l's Com- , E"BA~!L'88Ili'lG MOMENT many heSitations. ruminations and and glory of it. Here JD the ltol'7 pound bef.,. bUIld , up res1ItaDCle, con8ll1tatJonl, ' w ill .8a1 her screen .,a1Dat .uch IUlno7'D8 'J1I1PtoJDa. ot the feeding of the five thousand com,e back in ~'Ml1dred Pierce," a and more (v. 21) with 'five , loav.. PlnI<h&JD·• . OciJrjpoilnd II · madl Mpec1allY tor .omeD-4C ""IPI Mby Jamel M. Cain. red-blooded atOl'7 and two fiahe •• we bave luch a mirafur" and Cllat'. *be Idnd 'Of medicine to b\lJ1 Po~ label tI.lrectIODl. Theile iu-e lIome of the comebacka cle of provision the little and LYDIA PlNOII'S== that enter the mind at the moment. making it enouah for the multitude. Not aU attemptl to resume a .tar The Lord may not work JD exactJ,f , ltatus, lometlmes lightly laid aside, the lame wa,. toda,.. but 'do DOt WNU-E IJ...-45 are luccellful. I'm thinking now God'. lervantl lee Him multiply MANY MEN are peneculea by soothes fasfwith ..:.:.::.:..:~=----------==--= of the many'ttmtl Gloria SwaDSoD their meager ltore al they ,Ive it'· , lumbago or other [loggiog musde Plas IIcheduled for a big tomeback out In R1J name? Tha~ is true pain&-espec:iaUy o{ter exposure 10. which Dever came ol!, Baater Kea- whether the gift be of material or cold or dampJie ... II e..ery lullerer &oil never ,ot back where he once .• pirltual thin... God can, and, doel could only know about SORB1'OIU~ . Liniment I In IIpdilioD ·to methyl ba:n:e:~p~:,n .:.~v-::::~ ble.. those who ~lt .Him. Letting Old ~ady-';~qt why can't I .ee aalicylale- a most elleclive p.iowbat we bav~ pa.. thr9u gb . \hi ,Harry Brown? , B,o'l 10 'your unit, relieving agent. Sorelone aCta like urel. once hla ' luck7 period had ~lDdi ~f Cbrtat ·reaUlb JD ~.~or- and I'm hli. grandJmOtber. · cold heot to apeed relief;. pasied. " . . madon and m,altJpl:!catio~ .,'h7 ItIOfficer-I'm Ion~, ma'am, bllt be Yell. a comeback il a lort of nlInor Men and ., women are , ~..cOD- la away on aftecill11eave 8ttendlnJl 1. Qulckl,. Sorelons ae.. miracle In the"entertainment wor14, ac:loua .m our da,.. ~ , mqn""iI your funeral':" ,.,',. ' "/VIce lOcal eireultdiora. MUSCULAR LuMBAGO plenUfUl, soqda of . real qu.utJ are " bUt It can hap~n. Z. C1lec" mlucuiar cram".. ORBAC~CHE . " T'" • :...,. • Icarea, and .~. m\llt -~t, f~ that 8. Help red_local swelli.... ~ S n"'~"" which,bal durabllitJ Ud.worth; The ' WtiltuJ-Jllemoiy 4. Dilate sur/llee capU"".6food F.nU 'I IIIan ,teUl me, ram or trialUrU "h1Cb Quilt IIICora-Did 7,aU hear the ltol'7 01


Ir ....1... ",1111 _ _

. . . . . . celtl.

Lellon for February 18

TREASURES OF THE ~~D~M. 1Jl~~.SSON TEXT-Mattbew 13 ...·46. 14 . GOLDEN TEXT-Every !tood !tift aJ:ld every perfect liit I. from above, and cometh down from the 'Father of "ghla, with · whom Ia no variableness, neither Ibadow oJ turnlnl.-James 1:17.



00 00 "

00 . . .


thll.treachellallwWCl),doum, .. below the gargle line. Only 1O¢ box .


Low Mood. Ar. Oft... Related Ta. Con.tlpatlon Yee,


















,........,.... ....... ell",..,

... A.'"'_ .....





Kidneys! qu

'0 ....

"!_ ,



aIllne. b.'s ,~~ oVerlen ioenter-· ~ . o~ fel10wa m' ~une; BI ba,. ~~ ,dOWJ;l .everal, P~Cturel that ~ unaul~bl,. , He'l looldnj for aomethtn8 witlr ' human ·lotereat. WbeD I reminded ~ Blill Or.ii7

clur1DS•. ae 1,''' !'La7 ~ for the pUe of lDoW" ~pder Dl)'· .elv~ treuurea In beaven. ' wben window? . oe1tIIll' mota DO~ I'U8t .~!o»tJi c~ Dora:-I'lo, what 11 it? aDd where . Wl!lves 'dO . DOt break Corl\-O~ 7~.II . wouldn~t - ,et tb,1 tbI'oUIb oor:.teal" <Matt: 1110);: drift Of ttl .

_wa. ~ la b.,ean "Going W.,," rep. .,ettiq . . .'Well. • . M7 DOt CIOPJ' BIq aDd IQ' rm aolq hla

feta tempor~. flw,ean ~_.,.' ~ boDonJD. ~ wullb

. BJ COD~ "'the' ~ Ja~ ~

laid" '::'0;.--- _1114 .-........

IDUIt be But tile tNuto." • • • '1Ioar- ..... 01 tile IdDiclom' are treaaune

too! rd'" W.......• ~.. tile Sbuta wbIab God IDteDda tbat dam all WQ'


etates and ClO~pa.o

tionoltenSOJAlget.herlTake Natllre'. Remedy (NR Tablet.t). Coilt.ainll no ebemicals;ftominerala, no phenol derivatiVl!lL NR T.bletaare 1J.iIr1m!Dt(JCf difrerent. PInel, w&Ullble-a oombiDation 10 vegetable iDcredlenta lormulaud over SO 1ears ...,. UDcoated or eand,y coated, their . aptian 11 depen~ t.bcrou~ Jd U millioiaa 01 HR. haft! Get a 21¥ Convincer BOIL 'on: ,Take GIII.1uclirectoed. . N. ~/rO~OIIOW~

, . , ' 00 . . . . . .


Watch Your


, f.r - ...... tit.... InlhrtI_ .......

Uoil.4 Statu ,;mp/oym.", S'':''i.''

T wisecrack about "the hlgber they fly the farther they fall" ItJNioR DIIAFTSMAN- induatrial detnU. in., ot .Iellat 2 yro . experIence. IlOurly rnte, must have been made with moDOY' ~n ly . C .. od pOstwll r opportunIty . TUE E UCLID CRANE A 1I01S1' CO .. Ellcll4, O. t~on picture stars in mind. For It requires a miracle of sorts to bring STENOORAPn.ERS, TYPISTS - Ple!l8llnt back a star wbo bas once slipped 'Worklnll condlllon, . ~8 hour week. postwar fu tute. Must comply with WMC re~ulatlon., at box office. ' OROW)II-BltOCKM E YElt 1000 S. Smllb.. lJ1, Road, Dayton I. Obi., With this in mind, chalk 1945 down as the year of miracles-the year In which more · comebacks will be sucAGENTS WANTED cessfu))y made and attempted than LADY WANTED In every community. both any other in motion picture history. ,"urnl Ilnd city, to sell Hne at household IIccC5slUca to her nelehbors. Our line InThere are Joan BlondeD and ~ludc8 .uch .~arc.e itema 88 cheese nnd laundry soup. LIberal commIssion. GOberal James Dunn In "A Tree Grows in I'r ....1a Comp.1I7 (U-3I. A1b&DY. Ooorll .. Brooklyn,OO to begin with, with Jimmy staging BABY CHICKS that most difficult BABY CIIIOKS - Feldman super larm chluk. for 1946 , bred for hJllb"'lIll produc- of all comebackl, tion; $14.00 n hundred. Feldmull comlller- a star role on the clal larm chick. nrc bred for fa'S t d evelo~ very lot which ment and fost {enlherlng broilers nnd Iryers. $12.00 D hundred. In order \.0 lIet those nine years ago chlokBlhe dole you wnnt thcm order today. We are Bold out for 3 weeki ohend. Buy your chIcks Irom II prollrelSlve und depeadablc 1'l.0 .P. brecdlnl farm and Ohio U S. contrOlled hatchery. . Feldman Poultry "'arm 11114 "alcber7 ObI. Mllfor4 ~ Joan I)UondeD





· :'~~~:~~ . ~l:~~=~r~

ru ~r tha;;:er 0111. CJooD7 Eld

.., must

IIioaId tbal


lor 70'1'

....a,. For fldeet

.......... MUSC~'t~A.lNS.


action, lee dry. ru6 ,.

;,pilL There'l only one SoretODitJnatl& OD .I t for SoreiODa renaJu_ ~ Bla.bottle, only II.


ACTIOI .....,of .'


The /I,.t use of molor trucb - and ' that mlant "'bber Hr.. - by the U. S. Army In active cOlllpOlglll accvrred durfng tha Punitive Expe-

dition Into M.xlco In 1916. About 800 molor

yehlcl •• wont 'n us. on

th~ MI~.kon


•••• Good,lch', ...... ~lIIlal" .. of .h. rubber .1.....1... .how. that .... , the w., ••n. ." ,...".... , ...Ite, ~


.f ...

.1,01'.11 "oilll


Ite 2,100.000 10" ..... !hll I. ..... tWice the • ................, ....... It, •",. entire - W 1• .

1,..', .... \

· reconl ),"'0 wire. cantu_It- . tlon totoled 1,300.000 .... to...




'U' .............,.


~ lllAlII OAUna . \VIAYNlI8VlLLE. omo. JIhaDe 1141 '~

....... CIiII..... WIoiJ_I_




. .vay




a •••


WapntSbille QCburdJ of

hblllllid. by DAVISSON PRESS el .....



IWIiar ~ Pnce

Kenneth Hili, Mar.

flAG PtIr Yeuo Pa,uJe In AdftDel


SUNDAY, FEBRUARY 18. Mr. 'l'Gm BlaclaDore from MJdc1.letown,


Bible SChool

Buy. War Bond. ' and Stamps at Our Box Office

TUES. We wWl to Uike GUa opportunity . of tbanItIIlg our btenda a'hd neigh" bon tor Uhelr 1rlndDe"8 &lid h elp amwn UI!I ~ ~ b lrtb of our W1na, ifdlert Lee ·and Roee MaIlte. Mr. and M:ra. 'IbOIn8a Rooks



AnoUler Hn from ''Chips on &he Old ~.,. Kldl Donald 'O 'Conner aDd PeUJ Ryan In




Pat O'BrleJ) in


with Marla Mente&, J ack Oakle, SUS&DD& "MARINE RAIDERS" FOIIter, Tllrhan Bey, D4maid Cook, Frank 1IrIcHur b. Andy DeVino a.nd d02lenS more. With Robert RJlUl a.nd Ruth -ADD~ CM!tTOONHUSSIl)' QIrtoon News and Cari001l

"The Merry Monahans"



Showing in d etnU the tmbl1ng of a. Marine that him one ot Uwe SIwn's t.oughest fighting men I


IWlth j~ 0akIe aDd ADD

BlJihe. -


Henry Lu~ 110 Bernice MkI.e 'I1hialnas, 3.54 acres In TurtJecreek TWp. Llda M . Sa.wln to Mal'Y B. Ohap , man, 87.23 a.cres In w~ Tw:p..

'7:90 P. Iof. MId-week prayer eerv10e 'Ih~ n18'hIt 7:30 P . M;. Evening" ServIce '-

Belman - lJ1 :00 A. K.








momlnr an4 emdDi.

Endeavor - 6:30 P. M.


A.. M.

10:30 A. 1M.

OoolmUDlm -



J ••


IP'or bW.rB atter every ~,a. !W~ lady used ttn splt up a.


Her food agrees with her. No pa, bloat or 6Plti1blg up after ~. She 1:; also free or b eedlalohe now, and bowels are 1'fIII'Ulu', Cbmb to

enjoya ~ iB due

this Reme.rlmble New 00mp0unc1. ERB,H!EIJP conta4ns ~ orea.t Heltl8; Clbe'y cleanse bowela, clear gas f.rom stomach, a.c:t on sluaUb llver and kidneys. Mtaerable people 5ttm feel dW'erent all over. So don't go on s u!l erdng. Get JilR1B.JR!EI.p Wayneeville Drug Bbore Gdv

adduloua 1~U!d m4xed With pieces 0: m.lf- ~ rood!. She saYB ~ 'IV88 ~ At times she wOuld pea.rq Blzmngle. She bad Btom&dl bloe.t. dailY iheadachee and ~ ~ bowel a.atIan. Toda.y, th1B la~ ee.t8 her mtnls and


And she saw the

to t.aIt1ng ,ER.B-HD..P.


. _... .,...


MelVWe Snyder u) lqJe st.ewa.rt.

80 a.ares in WB.rren Co. IF'red J . Wendt dn the Warren





• . . d . . .auD4111l4 IoIIIro . . . . tMt'Wldltl·..... fraID ... " tcmd!.w '*Do "I\Ina epkl . baIDe;

............... . ......

........ Ud ou

Sale of


Quality BOJI: Sprin,s

!lxc bell,

AT THE "Friendly Store"





LAMPS (Floor and Table) STUDIO COUCHES (Fully Sprine Filled)

Revene TelepboDe Obaqea

And Matb'eaaea

ADI ....,. . . . I» DO<. . . . . III .



MaIn eM,






... 1 .... '

'Rae 'GDo4 ......... 1M W.


..... ·



,d.OO Cotton MaUre. Kec1aced to

eo_mrRk*,...· ...

l .... WblDI . . . . . . . . . b

K G. Buchlleb, ....


, . . ~o.ourboUlDe ~ . •

r •••

OME FURNISHIN.GS! "Hard-To-Gef' Items

For Dead Stock


...... 4Ade .. IDIJViIIC . . . .



1deld 'I1wp. . EI3a South to ·D . C. lD'wire end EstJhel' Dwire, .75 tlCl'ea In DeeJ'lfleld


Local Lady Spit Up Acid LIquid (o~ Hours After Eating


iHlIstor1cd &i1Ci~ . 3.75 acres in Lebanon . ILou1s J. Burt.on to IWlliia.m J . aoo MIartha. EI1zabetih D~.nls, · 4.50 acres 111 F'ranklln 'I1wp. George stugard to !Helen E. Met, ners. 16 e.cres 8iIld 43 late i n Deer-


Sand & Gravel

"Complete Home Fumi.hera"



'HOME FURNITUR'E Phone XENIA CO 912R • OHIO Waynesville ARMITAGE & SON . "East Main Street Whiteman" , Furniture GO .. ... . . . . .. .1 •.•.• . ON O'I'IQ:B GBADES













,0&0/;; iHEN ,

OLD, .80'0 0 WANTED

.. .....,.,..: .. ............,

'Winter it ,took a tell kettle of bmlIng 'MU;eq- ItO .thaJW it .out IiIO the handle would :work. Ic1cles h ung 1rom the ~, and line iceooated platform IW8S an :uru:erta1n standing plW::e R.emember? , 8T11BB8


0 ....



. . . . .; ....., _CWM . . . .; . . . " ~ '


FJP_ ........ 1IMd _ _ ca "PBCJiq 'roDAT RIED BOOK SHOP '

• a.P.D... Jfew ~ 0...... .,.. u' .... _

, AttD



BoUles '

. AT ONCE ...

0ARN0'l' OPDAn WI'I'IIOJJT 1IOI'lUB. WB . . . . . Al'l"UClAft Y<n1a COOI'IiIATlOJtf


. oar'., 1'DIP.8,

~. .~ ~ M,' 2, • . at.

:" , 0 .


. . . c.P_ ' 'II, :V;t'~ . : . , IS


BOME Telepfume 2191

.1ItNJIIo roa .um

c:JOINBlGK J'OUI' OaIUe, blip, ab-.p aD4 ..... Ie N~-IIIac:k co.. l1ve we· .ot Plopllllllve firm '1lI: tile _belt



w.\'Ylr.UVlLLt ' O.

Ofllol ....... ~


. ou.p'

. . Pwmerl1 , . W&1l*" ~ ~

___ ._ ....... _i_._a__ 0_.




took aweek o.Fathers wages

Optometric Eye Sped_U.t

Z8 S. Detroit St. ",._a _._a__ n__ "_,XeDla, ___0 •


ter what happen., y~, YoIII' family .ad . yoar property Will be fully protectecl. .


Dr. C. E. Wilkin


YOU'RE NO EXCEP. TION I Calamity cloe.'t pick fa'Yont_1 MiafortuDe h ...'t .u..led you out ·a. an exceptiODI Be wise and protect YO\l.....lf with eood maurance •• that no mat·

1-6 a£ter noons except Wednesday


-------.. 'Auto.o"'•• : GENERAL INSURANCE

9,12 each m orning

By Appointment

JIIicea yaDd ......... ~ ....ICIOd ,~ .... O. 'lWIe In on llad10 Statton waty. 12:. to 11:10 p. m. for OW' daUl ~ke' repartl. I



. Other Evenings

-BLEASE . '. ' ~ r ' ......... . WASH

_ ' 0' _ ' _ ' _ ' 0

~ ~? In

OM . . . .: ........... ~: .... .

Ia_: . . .

_ .r

-.tale old ~en pump stood. hi. ·title

" . . . . . . . . .; bAa . ~: OK . . . .' .... ; ~ . a,S.S .;' ...., OllIe

,_ . _ . _



Any ~ake or model Fred Kahn Motor Car Co. PHONE 326



.f,,i llnD "QUAiITY . ....~~o,.

But it wasn't so extravagant as it 5eelQed. Hats were bigger then:-and also fewer. Mother's hand-made mallve velour 'was good for several seasons. 'D>day, Mother's hat bills may total as much or more than the price of that quaint old velour. But she. gets many more bats for her money.


It's much the same with electric bills. If yours about the same as ~ey did years ago, ic's becauic you are e~jo)'ing so m~ny more electric conveniences now. And you're getti~g fin ",ore e'e&lneil, lor 10"'. ·t han 'you ever did before-about tw,ice iii "'N&b t01U1 ' as you did .IS. yean ago. . .. '" , ' -


Not only has the price of. electricity ~~e down ~~d. .ily through the years. but it has 'tII,ed down while war sent other costs diQ1b~g. · .. ..

Hard work and .~u1 bllS;'!eIS ~geoieot' ''' JVUf ffiends in will co",;". to-make el~'7

. depe~dable ~d ch~~n~

.' dme."

WlaelM_ P ........... Dair:r Product. PIUN~~ Milk "For Y.our Protection PIa. . 1117

w.nemu., Olaio

'. \


of 'th~ bi8 ; ~ ~_ aQ. '.




..w . ,,50

II,., ~~y' .. ~. i!lcddc Hour.~~• ....,.".", 'Ote6"".. NOW ",., ~ '-II....., . P. ~ "'HIO. lBO .. ,..,..M.I, CBS N".,." ' , : .

, .t

Bob ~B' '. Dairy·





he NINE',I'Y-FIFTH. YEAR-No. 4200



., Fri!ndah.! p Club Me.e,t ing .M'I"s. warren Braddock opened her home on WednOOday ,c0'1' ,the regular 'IIW" meeting" 01 Flll1endshlp Club. PENROD-ARTHUR Mrs. R. B . COleman '\\''88 in chor.gc O. Roy Burge.., MadiaonMias 'Bettie' Arthur of '183 Delta. or ~e deVbtlo.tUi and at,teI' a brief A'Venue and Mr. Edw1n renrod or ville Will Deliver Meaaage . b1.Ia1ne66 sees10n the progra.m a.nd 22f12 Ea&tem A'Venue, Olm:lm'~, social hour were In charge of Mrs. were WUted in marriage, S&turdey, MUSIC B~ GIRL'S TRIO FebrulU'y 10, .1945, dn Newpol1t. Ky., Coleman, Mni. Jenme Conner and O. R. UnglesbY'. A letter was .by J<U9tJce or Peace John WaJ.lace. read from Mrs. <Anna Wllllamson, An Attendanc:e of 300' The bride Is ttle dau9hter or 0t.1s who Is in "Miaml, Fla., {ollowed PY and Oleo Arthur, formerly of Wa.y- coDJtEsts and ~ exchange or val- , la Fully A~tic:ipa~ed nesv11le, and a gnd\18lte or Wa.ynes- en.tines. Refrestlments. of cherry pie Both tlhe W~esville and the ville lHlgh school In May 1942. . with Ice ,cream and coffee · were FeJlry Chw'Ches of CW'lst a,r e ldokserved rto twenty 11h ree memb€ll's Mrs. K. R. H111 ente'i",tained with 1ng !()1'I\I,lard to a. 8'l'eat .tame · of and two visitors. !elloWshlp when the Ferry congre- a. brtdae lUnoheon on F1r~. Three lMr.and Ma-s. Harold B. Earnha ~ t rgailJon w1ll present a specia1 pro-. tobles were ' in p~ dUling ,lIhe and lam1ly were DaYton visitors on gram {or the folks of Waynesv1lle. aftiermon wWl pr\.ze8 ,being gWen to Sa.turday. It Will be ,i n the fonn of, a gree.t Mnl. IWade 'I\tmer, Mm. John 'Ilurone night revioval w1th Brother O. ner a.tld MinI. A. T. PolJnsky. Mr3 Hill's' 8'I1eetB ~ MeedameB Mark R~ BUl'gess, Ml.n.lster 01 ~ Madisonville ChU4'Ch O!Ohrlst, C\.ncin- RA:lgEn. A. T. POI~, Ro,yo Ellis, ;WhitUer Burnet paaed ·a-wa.y a.t 11 naU, 6S the preacher. Bro. Burgess Jmn 'rumer, D. R. Smith, Wade ma#al In SPrhigfleld, Mo.. on Is a. poet aa well 118 !a prea.cher and 'l1urne1o, H. P. ~e, John Kersey, Jan. 30. Luther HariBodt, A. E. Stout, M. A. it j.s expected thart he ,wUl deliver He was born a.nd ra.lsed on a farm F1ulkerson and CUll Conard. a great message. • near Ly,tle, and gradullJted fram the ·Bro. 'B utler who waS first secured Mr: and' ~. K. R.· Hill were W8IYnesvli1e Rlgh Sbhool in the as spooker was called out or tlbe ~ 'ple8ts of tale ~ parents class or '94. He taught sohOols ' In State, so oould not be present. Warren and MOntgomay counties In adcUtion to t'he meeeage there Mr. and Mrs. d. W . •Brown, Marysville, WIlen tbey entertalnec1 with 11 lind In CInclnna.t1. For severo I years IW1ll be plenty of BI;)eCIal music intam1ly ' d1ntlIet'. iMi'. and Mn. Brown he W88 an ~nstructor at Ohio state clUdtng I\. sUI's trio ~rom tlie CInare the pal'eDtJI of IItx children end Uruvera1tY' and )a.~r became a c:1nnatl .Bible' Seminary. 'It1e trio tbJs was the first complete tamUy proteseor 4n an ' Qkla.homa oollege. ollha<t 'Will sing are: Miss DoreI\B He publlsbed a book of poems engatiher1ng ~ey ' heel enjoyed 10'1' six !Reeves, Mias Dlen~'Nlxon and W8B years. . Utled, "A TraIl of ' Song." ·Velma Steed. • • • He lea.vea-,;he wife, the fOl'mer An attend&41ce of · at least 300 Ia ant.101pa,ted for. this sel1Vlce 8.nd it Mrs. R. R. Benbl and IOn, Rloh- Ber.tha. Wor.tbInp>n, a oon.- OWen, ta suggeated ,that "better come ard, halve ntwned ItO lJxtia.na4:QiIs a. dlw8htiel', Mrs. Allan Fulton. four ~ epeJldlDg some tune with the sraodoh.1ldn!n, ,two sisters, Mable 6IIo11ly I.t '110 seat. is expected," '1be, . ... .... _... .. .._ d ....._ W DInwiddie and "' __ ,k Burnet, and date Is February 23, at '1:30 P. 104. ',\~:ho=-"-' 1IIWl. ~:'..:; la· ...- b-.k ate"':::. d <D'_ _ • 't h W __ ..111 - P. ~". R.lA:bard vuu~ h ...v ......,en;, ' 1"...." lI.n ,"""yey a nd th e p lace Ia e ~_y e h1P1 1ICbool , <watt 1D 'Iooftna_ and of LstIe.' 0hW1ch of ~lat. An invitation 18 - _." elGtended to members and klenm baa ~ 't ile NaVal bra.ncb of

for Churches of iris.'











• • •

Whittier Burnet

.- .


or both CongrepUOIlB.

Woman'a Socilety of Chriatian Service . 11he Woman's Soc1ety IOf ChllstIan Service beld their ~r monthly meetl~ on 'J1h.u115day alternoon at .the home of MIll. Warren Braddock OIl '1bIrd St.reet, with t.wenty-four tneIl'lbers preeent. Devotllon'als, !With read1n8a {rom

~. the . ~d ~ ~?nl" ~ 10

obilrae of lift. 1I:Imer.BIt.

ban: Mnt.• D. R. SaslabUlly plYe, an

~nt IN»6l' on ':'The Ame;Ica.n

r.nd!<Ul," d1scuss1ng what ·the 'IndtaIla clio for ' <the wh'te people. Ml'!I. R. B. Coleman a.Iao p.'W'e an ln~ ,tereating • DurUItJ the soclal 'h our rerreahments were Served. by tbe h0Me8s IId81ated by :Mh. <?Jw'IEl6 ' James. Mn!. George Mills, Mrs" fieittle MIlls,

and tMts. O.ha.rles 1DtNIa.


;!~~ •• • •

W1ll1am iRhoads, age 3 trumths, son of Ml:. and Mrs. RGbel't iRhco(is, pasred ~"ft,y at ChUdren~ hOG]>ital, Olnclnnat1, 4:30 P . .M. Monday, February 19, 1945. Funeral sevioes were Ibeld Cll1i Wedmda.y at 2 :00 P. M. under the d1rectl.on of Stubbs F'UJ1~al R'Clm c wtth burial in Mlaml ceJn!ltery.

Mr. end Mrs. Lloyd DaviS have recaved word !rom their 6()n , CecU, Wet he haa received a. promotlon and is' now 'F1rst IJeuten~t Ce=t1 104. DoNJe. He Ia with the signal corp and Ibu been . 1ft military service aim~t four YflU'S. He is stationecI 'l!IOmfllli'llere in Plance. •

,100': ¥d Mra. t;JtanleY, Ba~ I\oIld. ~ ebtertaJned ·' to dlDner 'On 8UDda.yeVentr.r, Ill'. and ¥rI. anil Donald l,{ay EsteS, son o~ Ml·. and Brown 8Dd chHdn!tit of Jameatown, Mrs. Roy Estes, 'Passed Qway at th :: Mr. • 6Dcl Mrs. Eldon ,R etalliclt and Wddletiown hospital. Febl"iUeJ,y 16. IOn anld ~. alld Mri. Irvin 'Mul!ortJ 1945, ,a.t the age of two years . and IOn ancI. da.uabter. FUneral serVlres w~re conducteo • • •. Mrs. John il.emmon or ~ is at · the ChUlCh of God. Cor::IVln, by ~ a.t ~ SGawlritau Rev. James l.amb, Monday, Fcl'jhoIplilaJ., follav.iDB • majoropera.- J"IJ8l'y 19,"t 2:~ p. m, lDterment in tion lOll ·Slabday. Ml'a, IJemmon 18 1Ih~ MIamt cemetery, 'u nder bile cYrthe da.urhter Of tbe We Mr. and ectIon '\If Stubbe Funeral HOOle. MinI. H. E. StoIa!e Uld ClUite well Imown here. • • • SUOOay dlmer guests of Mr. and From Alvin ·c. Brewer of Olifton, 1'drIs. RoIa Pbmck were Mr. Gnd Mrg. Texas, comes '\rord of the death of W'a;ylle PlaD:k and .rfonald and b1s 8l'UXi-fllltber, H'epry QIMiton J4u1et of Day:ton, ' Mr. ~illIam E . Bradstreet: ,~ 9. P,~ of DetI'olt, Mich.. staff Sgt. iRe. was .born Dec. 14, l860, lilt Roy ·K. 'md Mn. Planet and · Ben- RaYBVWe, fWBtnm county, OhiO, the ton 1bIt. 80n of :MUton and M8.ry and a dlreot. decendant and a Mr. *I\d Mrs. HGrold B. Bmlhart grand-sOn /Of John M. Bra.d street, al1id c:Illldftn to &In-

Donald Ray

din_ Mr:




b_-_-_-_!.._-..:-..:---..:-_-_-_-:.."'-:..-d HANDBOOK OF PRACTICAL ENGLISH '_ ' __


Q.-PleaH reslore c~1m to oar flee b:v advlslo. the correct form ., this' .enlence: Tbe:v I,hook ~ other'" (bud? hannt). A.-The phrase "each othtl"a" Ii reciprocal Iri that it obviously refara ; to both Individual•. ' Your lentence can .also be ' worded, ''The, shook handl,..' hence It I. cl.e ..r that the iir,lgwar "hand" woUld not be cor; recto • • • Q.-'-1Ji

the war. "r~aed,..



• •• •

Mr. (Uld Mrs: Milton Sheehan of ~td"V1tle ' were Thursday gueata Co!


M&'. a.nd. Mrs.•A.

. . M1r1am, d&ugobtel' ot Mr. and Mrs. RoU9gel W1lson, is quarantined a.t her 'h ane 'With *let fever.

• •

111'. Uld 'M'ra. W.E. Stroud 'Wen! ~ ~ or the Claude Stroud ~ . ,. ,. . . i • Twin. Theatre Replacea a

'F ilm IWee,i~tiOJl


11m lIAr wor.. endllll la "-ed," A ~~ cI .. ~ · boofed Pl would' tbe. caUet • a:vUa- be IIbo!wD ' Sunday 'and Monday at ble? ..,., ' , ' • -. :,1 ~. . ,.- the bBatieec ~ . A.-In .sucti word., . the "-eel" fa by' ~ . &IoOd . plctm~. Name

'' '''''.:b'e


~9t COnS,ldered ' a syllable ' ~el' ~t fa prono\lllcl!.d, .~.~ the c~le. of· be- '.~ ,,~, 01 the;"~ ~nl can' lo~ed. · ]eanied, aged. Sucbwordaa. be ~ 1n' 4tle ~ of revised, In' which the "-eel" Sa ' DOt .~ 'ItiI&Cft. ~ ~ .t.heIe coIp.~onounc!d; ;are ~Ivlded b)' the di~ .... . . ," ' .'Uonarl•• thus: r.vlled; Dplored; . ' _ ai1·vlled. ,'- ~ '. , . Miand 'C hapler" ln_a*ttiOD' t'

• •

_., e '





Q.-WIU JOG pie... clYe • .• nJ. IIIuil1 ~ ~ lB. III 1bI. MllIeDce: "Plea. . . . if' at ~ 111 . .- - " , OIl 7011 (CaDf aIII~ .........." W. . . . . . ~ by 111'. UIIl un. ·A......ab~loUll1, YOIl are deatroua ~ .a.t ~ fl. ' B. tbtt Ole good. ~ 1hI~ abd JOU ~,. 1M... .Jobn~• .an a~ whether th., can be. '!'be' -.. .. J • • --.....- W B ~ WordII;lIIiI "PJea.e ... - - - , .... _..... ,J. • wMmer JOu em abJp .... .. . . . ." . atroUd, lIerCiIe ~, WUJIIm , ·..............-WllV~, ,... • - - - .. P. . . . . . .





Advisorv CouDcil Meeting

f.iniM of the ,tlhJ.rd stanza. Although .trJley-w;;m't 'h1ttlng the bucket very well, tihe J .unlol' High managed to chop cut a 28-16 deo1s1on over MoJroW Junior HIgh. W80/0esvWe's Don Dakin pactng the attack w!.th 14 poin ts , the SP&l11.ruls stole an early lead al1d held It throughout the game.

Jack Crane Enlista in Navy Jack crone. son of Mr. and Mrs. E. C. Ot', and a sendor at Wayne Township Hi~k S'ChQol, has enlisted 6" in tlhe U. S. }Ila\<a.l Reserve, beinv. . sworn in at .bhe U. S . Navy Re-Cl'Ut1n ~ Station at Clnelnnaltl, on February 9 . He WftS opJaced on In. sct.~ve duty pendlng completion of his high trohcol coU:TSe .


cr.a.n~ successfuUy pBSlilld a · test

on completion of "boot" tlraining. He e~s tJo be, CIilled to aotlve

duty, soon.

Eaatern Star Initiation Miss iBallbara. Lou Bland, dallglhter of Mr. and Mrs. Glenn Bland of Springboro, and grand-daug<hter of 'Mr. and Mrs. L. C. St. John, ,,·as vne of slxty.- three .girls who Spartans Win OIJener I\Ittendedthe m'ltta.tlon of &lstel'n In the openlng contest of ti:l ~ Star daughters Into the Ralnbow Oha.perat Miamisburg on SBiturday County 'tourney last night. Waynes- a.mennoon. Miss Janet ' MOtlltgomery ville Spartans detE.'8ited Mon'OW of Springboro 'Was also initia.ted at Gold,l and Green ,to, the lopslded tlUs meetlng. score of 39 ..24. It was ' Wa~llesvi1le 's ,ba.ll all the = ___. __'7" - -<-_. .__=-=W9Q, 1!be half-time score being 24-12 In f8Nor of the OfllJIllge ruld BlaCk.

Caesars Creek

Ford Traftor School 'Held Here Tuesday At G~rage <A 1"oI'd Tmctor SchOOl, cond'~cten by Fred Kibbey. assll.sted by Mark Hazers, was held 'l'ue8d6y a·flIernoon, February 13, at Rogers & Simpson Garage, ,wlt:h aOout 50 In 'a:~danoe . Aifiter a. v~ 1nteresUng and Instructtve...sesm.on, cbJshnuta .WlI' caffee' were 8eF,VEd. Door prizes were won by M. A. !F1ulkers:m, Keller HC\1& and F. C. Hubbell.


Quota for, Warren County Ie 'Set at $34,500.00 MEETING MONDAY EVE Mra. Everett Early, Lo~al Chairman, Calla S'o licitors Quotas for WelTen OOunty's Red .Cross Wa r Fund Drive . were an · nounced lilt a meeting held in Red i~'OSS hfa.cJquarters, Lebanon . . . Wal1T6n county's Quota is $34,500 and the campa; ' opens on March 1. Township quotas and chalnnen tollow:

I I I!

ent. . . president Ralph 'ks J'equested a' ,m otion be mad~ !t~t. ~he Civic "Compulsory Military Club should apoJlSOll!( the Loool Boy Tr~ining. Subject Scout organlZat1on ' tl.. Eoy Scout The West Wayne Advisory Coun· 'I1roop nrur.ed. at a ell met at t he home of Mr. a nd special ;I1leeting on Tue,day, Feb· Mrs. Har,11d Whltake4' on Thurs· 1IU8n'y 20. day evening with Mr. and Mrs . RlayMrs. JOhn T. S kland of Day· mond Braddock and Mr . and Mrs . ton, was ,the spe~ of the EdWllrd Gilliland as guests . Mrs. Stlrlckland 'Is a j,lnembC!J' of bile "CompulsOl'\Y MiUj:aTY Tl'a1t1i!ng" Lea@ue of Women 'o ters a nd ex - was tohe subject shooen by the leadplained its t:unct'l and actl vllies. er, Mr. LawrenCe Brown. and 0. She also g;a,ve a. number of members engaged in thls discussion on otihe discussion with su me Very, empha.tic propoea,l s on tile arguments. It WlIS found thl\l~ the tlon. . majority of counoll were not J.n fllJVor of the training. During t1he socia1 hOur refreshments were served and thecounc11 adjoumed to meet wHb Mr. a nd Mrs. M . A. FUlkerson In March.

The iWaynesville pal'tans con· tlnued o.ccorcUllg ·-ltAl plan Friday rUght in the MomllW gymn11Sl.UDl when they swamped, Morrow 51-98 in their last game ,cd' Jeague play. The Issue was In doubt f Ol: the Wayne five as tibey led 19-8 art. the end of the flrlit pelio:1 and 1'01. lowed up with silil'II.~lle .,.. r " -:-~ :~ns c r


~l CH ~ R C ~ E s~t~.-c;Oss War Fund Dnve Sf arts March First

met on' Tut'sday Ilfote.m don with Miss Alice ~ ~ Gons as hostess (lit her !home ill the country . S~ ventt'en mem:ben u,n d one METHODIST CHURCH Il'UEtit. Mrs. Ell Furnas, were pres- R. B. Ooleman, Minister ent. . An Interesting program wit h the lite of IJncoln 118 ,t he t heme _ 5 Church school at 9 :30 A. M., Mrs. Raymond l.lOneer, superintendent. Ladie.. Night D~!ner Meeting given by Mtss Betty Oglesbee, tell , Morning Services - 10:30. ing of a lliIlmbel' of facts of his life : Held At Met~q.dist Church 'Youth Fellowship, Tuesday evening Mrs. IDuTy SIIIt!teI;thwaite. reading at 7 :30. , the amticle, "He Loved Me Truly" Choir practice, Wednesday MRS. STRICK. . ~ND TALKS 1irom t he Readers Di<sest, and Mr". 8 :00 P. M. ' Laurence FlUrnas taking a:n excel· lent story r·rom the Coronet mag. , The looaa church Quarterly OonOutlines Dum IIzlne. Everyone also enjoyed h ear- ference will be hel~ Tuesday evenProposala for ing letters read from loieutenant ing, February 27, at 7 :00 o'clock In Anna. Louise Hoak . In Pall"ls. and the ehurdh ,basement. A ]:iOt-Iuck On Mlond86" Mrs. JOSiah IDavis in Florida . Re- SUpper followed by address by DL~ t. 19'5, the Wa !re$ments wer e ~frved dua-Ing the Supt. :Dr. J . W . Danofcrd. BJ1d the held its semi , :reports from ~.1I depa'rbments of socinl aIDur. the church. The entire church Is reo

quested to attend. Tu:tlecrcek. $10,650. 'Sam K&ufOholr practice fur the Easter man; F1I'anklin, Clear: l'eek, $Il.O,G50. Cantata., Sunday, 3 :00 IP. M. and 6 . P. Ma yer ; Wayne, $2,900 , M r.. Wednesday, 7:30 P . M . Everett. Early ; Salem, $1 ,900, John E . Hblden; WEst Deerfie!d, $1,500. Ra,~ Ga111more; East ~Ield . $1,200, Steve ora'goo; Hal!'llton . ST. MARY'S EPISOOPAL $1,300, J. L. Knapp; Harlan. SI,CHURCH 300, Ola.yton Clark; Union, $1 ,100. .Ralph Pal'ks, Minister in Oharp aa).p h Van Meter; Massie. U .I00, Ohurch SchOOl at 9:30 A; M. Herber.t 0sM' and !Washington, Morning prayer and sermOtl, $900. Fred Ha.gemeyer. 11 :00 A. M. An lntet1S~ve ·h ouse to house oanvass' will get uilaer way In the counw 011 March 11 . FERRY CHURCH OF CHRIST A meeting wUl be 'h eld Monday lIerbert GrAham, Minister rilg'ht, F'fbruall'Y 26, at 8:00 P . M . .at Elble school - 9:30 A. M. ·the !I'ownsh1p House in W'aynes~unlon - 10 :46 A. M. vlUe, according to Mrs . Everett Sermon - 11 :00 A. M. .Early, ch'aiNnan, and. it 15 ullIently Preachlng - 7:30 ·r equested. tOOt. a:J.J sollc1t.ors tbat Nex.t [,ord's morning the newly were 8.'Ppointed last year, be preient. elected Deacons ' and Elder3 of the Ferry congregation iwill be a."'Clained. 11here 1Wt1l be a. s~a,l serunon be- spent last week with her parents. fore t1he ordinat ion £el'VIce and a Mil'. Gnd Mrs. Btu'tlett Monee. goal of 150 has been set for Bible h 1 Pe II I i ""Is Mrs. Ralph Belcher rhas been very SC 0 0 . ' rsons v ng 11 "'.1 comunI'" d h vdn Ch 1 h tll with the mUlDpB. m '" an a. g no urc l ' orne are i!wdted to aUend Feny Ohureh Mrs. Charles Anderson of Wa.yof <:lhrtst. Every home In t he C~- nesvil1e and Mrs. Ma.l1J8ret Jpbns muntty ~uld be In wOl'lihip .some- ,were dtnner ,guests. of -Mrs. Nettle where and we Invite you to worship Emrick, F\rida.y. WI1Ilh us next Lortd's day. . ' . • !Mr. am-Mrs..W. A. ~ace moved

,~ , stes ·18~e.t=~,tiar~-~26-=!~~ar~dn1ng:'W~:; !Ihe\b:U!f-tlmll"a;rKI 39-25 a.t the one.'()f . the ~~Iallzed Navy schools PRIENDS

H. C. Bradstreet

• • •


Civic Club ' ~ldopts H::::a:u~H~~~~IUb Sponsorship of Lncal Boy Scout Troop

William Rhoads


Birlhday Surpriae Party Mr. S. S. Ellis very WlexpelCtedly entelltalned a group of aeligilbiors 'WWl IbI9 ch11dren on FrJday evendng when they <Urlved Wun a COVel'ed QIah dinner <to help bJm celebrate aus blrthda¥ a.nn1veJ'1l8Z\Y, 'itiose. 'Who enjOyed t.h1a very detl8btful eveh1J)g with Mr. and Ml'iI. Ellis w,a-e Mr. and ·Mrs. Joe ~ley mel . dauabter IOf Lebanon, ~. 6ntI Mrs. Robm1t G~ e.nd sana. '.Mr. 'and !Mr.. day Ernest Harold Shul.t8 and 'famUy, Mr. and Drhut enel .funUY. of Mt. Holly. M.nI. amu-les 'Ho4!emeyer and 1OIIl, • • Mr. llnd Mm. Mack Wilaoa, Mr. and Pfc. W:aid "Hobba Rec~ivea iMm. BeltIe Mtllll lWas a 'Week end Mrs. GUbert Frye and. sons and New Aaaignment i'ueet of her 8Oll-1n-latw and daughB1lly Hilley. _, Mr. Uld Mrs. OlMIeter OUtler, ,Papa Field, N. 0 .. Feb. 2O-Ptc. "" Wald Hobbe, of lWaynesville, Ohio. r-----=--..,.--~---:..---=----~' of C1ncimlMt. ·has been aasigned to ·thls base o.t' • • III bhe F1Irat 'Ilz'oop ~I'rier ' Command. , , iM'!'. and MrS. Harry Burnr.tJt and His wife, Mrs. Opai ·L ee HObbs, reIt 1 dauihtcl'$ were simciay dinner aldes in waynesville. B FRANK COLBY "guests of Mr. and Y!&. E. L. 'l'!hom-

-Take Mq lDorei





Special Program Planned

--R1chs.lI'd Homer of Spring VeJley was our guest speaket', Sundpq. Mrs. Sallle Bennett Is spending severa:! days with her daughter, Mrs. Raymond Burden.

Dqrls Jane, SUsail Gayle and Larry Ellis were FrIday evening gu-

ests of their grand-parents, Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Wilson. :Maor11yn Sue Smith was a guest of her little friend, Caroly.n Stanley.

after school, FrIday.

1Mr. and Mrs,' Evan Bognn of ca:,Ued on relatives, Sundayaf·t ernoon. Mr. and· Mrs . Everett Haines. Mr. and! Mrs. Lu.bher Haines and Mrs. Ella. Haines attended t1he funero,1!l of Mrs. Millie Terrell at Falrvl<;.w Frlen(!s ~hu l'Ch , Friday afternoon . ~n.

Mr. and! Mrs. lOharles stamey aDd daughters 'C arolyn and Ca.thllYn attended a hmlly dhmer at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Amos Compton In New Burlington, Sunday.

Raymond Wll~on and wlfe :had as ·tJhelr sund,-::~ dinner gtUests Mil' . a.nd MTS. Theocrore Melnit1l'e and. eOns'; Oharies and Jimmy of near New Burllgton.

' ~ '~' fn"~ '.

to. _non, :fl1rst Day scbool - 9 :30 A. M. . YOeman 3/0 l!lall Mendenhall. Meetlng for Worship - 10:30 A. 104. en1ved here Tuesday from Osltfomlu. to some time ~t.h his wife and IJ1ttle dooghter, Pabty, at T. AUGUS'11INE CHURCH the home of <Ilhe ·l atter's parents. · Father Krumholtl, Priest Mr. and Mrs. Guy Routmhn. ' Mass Sunday - 9:00 A, M. >Mr. ~nd ~. J. B. Jones attAlrlded the F1am1er's Exch&ng.e dinner' a.nd meeting \lit Wa.Yl1esvUle, .'I1uesWAYNESVILLE day evenlng. OHURCH OF CBBlST Mr. and Mm. We.Jter Kenrick en-· Max RaDdall, Minister tel1t9lned to a family dinner ButlBible School -8:30 A. M. da.y, the .guestlS being, Mr. 'and M'l'B. Communion - 10:90 A. M. W. G. HaInes, Mr. and Mrs. Ben 8ennoll - }ol:OO A. M. Round . Mrs. 'F'rnT1k Ackemlan and Christian Endeavor .:..- 6:30 P . M. lI~tle son, and Mr. Mld Mrs. Rlobet't Evening Service .- 7:30 P. M. H<Uncs and ohIldt'en of ~n. Mid-week ,w a,y er serVice Wednesday night - 7:30 ,p . 104. Miss P'ra.nols Whitaker enter.ta.lned to a Valentme partY! at ~ home Next Sunday mo~, Mr. R. Saturday evening, 'Feb. ,10J {Ilhe fol'D1bba Maxey, ,president of Jtlhe . Jennie Lee l!!k:ilroo , Braddock, EUeen Brown, Norma the Th1s Is the spee1al Pummell. Jutly OoImer. Betty Dye, Sunda.y tor the ,m onth of February Be(,ty OBmpbell. Enln. H08Jk, ' Phyllts land an at1lendanioe goal of 160 has Martin, PefII8'Y 'IlUmbleson, Betty been set tor' .flle day. Mr. Randall wUl preach on the subject, "After 'Iboma:S. Mo.~a Wardlow tltnd Billy Meha.ft1e, Earl Peters, ~ick Sha.w, ~ 1Ja.ys'· at the evening serv1ce. Keith l..oon8acre, ~ton Jones, ~ne The rlub)J!c is 1nWted. 8~ke. Bobby iHastlngs, 'Bob -HUn.~r, Kenneth Vickers Ilnd Oon W. Hende1;'SOn. 01l~ were enjoyed MT. HOLLY METHODIST . and ref,r eshments served 'lilt a · la.te CHURCH hour. T. M. Scarff, MJhister "" r new •• ome


- - - - . 0_

Sunda.y school E. 'A. Earnhart, Worship Ilervic~ Evening seTVlce -

9:30 A. M. superintendent. 10:30 A. M. :: 30 P. M.

W11I1arn SWti1 and Marilyn SuP-, Sunday e<venlntr· Mrs. Glenni!. WIlSon and Mrs. Alice Hadnes atended the World's Day of Prayer ser·v 1«s 0It the Ro·r · veysburg Method1st church last FTIday alfternoon.


Friends Home Dl·. Emma Holla.way, returned Wednesday, after 0 .four weeks vlsLt with friends and a ccrusin In Rich· mond, indo . Mr. and Mrs. MlltOn Sheehan o[ called on Mrs. Allee ' Olal'k ahld others ·h ere on ThursOen~rvme,


J. M. Oreene of Lebanon, visited his . sister, Mrs. Eve.lyn Peterson, S&~~ evening.

TRtlBSDAY. P,al&l1ABY D. 1"'-

------ -The Miami Gazette



Published Every 'Thursday by Davi on . Floyd L. Davisson, Editor-Publi hel'



The ' Midwinter Problem

b Mn. Bert awnll y

p~t. 1r4» " t_~... , 'fNIJI(It"~ daluam~ tb~ mlID]~I_~ltl,~_III~~m!wi§'iZ~r: ~H' of Leslle U .. Hazel Marie Ool'8l.lCh. Mr. and' Mrs. OorsuoCh. 'who Is 6el'V!ng in ~e WAOB, is enjoY1ng a. 16 day ,f\U'l~h Witih relIltivElti and 1a1endB. 1MI'. 1I.Ild Mrs. MOl'Iis Lewis and sons of ·M t. Holly spent Sllnday with Mr. and Mrs. John Koeeter. Mr. and Mrs. Mwand IBalI spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Ted 1:0.11 and foinlly and Ra)'lllOl1d 'Ball of Kentucky. who iB let\vhl@' to join lIho umed forces. Ma'. and Mrs. Bert BWUlell enterta1ned, Sunday, Mr. 'Il41d Mrs. Wn.1te:r I'felfier and da.urhtt'r of Lebanon, Rev. and Mm. Leroy Smtlker 01 J:'a,yton, Mrs. Hazel Abner and d8lughter, Mrs. Roy Anspadl, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Abner and son all or FmnkUn. and Mr. and Mrs. EVerett BWlnell 'Imd ch!1dren

Within 15 miles, $1.50 p€r year Beyond 15 miles, $2 .00 per y .1l1·

ateNd .. 8econd Claas Matter Wa.yne6V11le. Ob1o


It: ONL'l SOME I';·;·;·;·;·;·;·:.:·;t SCI E N.n~> r WOUL D

Washington's Birthday, F ebruary 22, r ememb er ed and honored . as the beginning of a life dedicated completely and unselfishly .to his and our country. An honest man ant\ an· honored one. While the calendar da t e says Wa hington's birthday, the Gazette come out in its new dre s th is week. being 1\ little premat ur for East er, but joining in the parade. with a new heading. eight pages and new add ed f eatures. :Many more featu1'es request ed by the r eader are to be added as time will permit. While it is impossible to please everyone all of the time, perhaps someOll€ \vill be p.Ieased part of the .t ime, and the efforts involved most of the time, will not be entirely wasted. If only one reader can reoeive total enjoyment from these columns without finding fault, then success will be gained.




Mr. and Mrll. Leslie Gorsuch and daughter spent Sunday wLt.h Mr. and Mrs. Willard Taylor and lIOn in Springboro. Mrs. Rlobent Schneider and son Freddie spent Sundaly In Spr1ng!leld

A NEW ."DEVILuIS BORN · Delmar Berry, 13, Foutth Street, WaynesvilJe, having decided to learn the craft of J>nnting, is now apprenticed to the. Miam'i Gazette in the role of "Printer's Devil,l' From the general appearance of the young genttleman after relieving the newspaper press of an accumulati.oll of ink and grime that had gathered since Roosevelt became president the fbat time, (remember), he ju~ly deserves the name of "devil" for he was just about as black asone. In the "days that wuz" the printing craftsman was looked down upon by one and all, including the editors ODd publishers. The. average individual that followed this trade was n<t only addicted to the liquor habit but also had itching feet and if he remained in one p,l ace more than a month at a time it was a miracle. "The world is his country-he basks in the sunshine of every climate. . The bones of his comrades whiten alike the plains of Mexico, the hil1sides of Crimea. and the barren wastes of the Arabian desert." H€ usually left without notice and in some printing establishments it was fully expected to hire an entirely new crew each Monday morning. Today the' picture has changed. The itinerate printer is as rare as a bustle or mutton chop whiskers, but the profession has grown wi(th such leaps and bounds that today it ranks high in the business world as to ,t he number' of persons employeed and the renumeration received. It is a craft requiring exacting ability and a "yen" to ac~omplish the required results. The best wishes of" the Gazette are extended to this young man wJ'to has so early in life started on a Cat~l' that, can brin~ him untold good fortune. tlow Mucb, W~ Can A Wood-cutter Cut? For' a.everal issues of the Gazette an advertisement appe~red requesting stove wood. With ·the 'coal shortage being what it is, the thought occured that with the addition of' a l~e ' wOQ<l ·t he ' coal-pile could be stretched. The result of that ad was astoundng~ Not one oa11, 'ndt 'one cord. Why' tlle woods 'are still here, fallen timber is rotti.. away in ·some. places, most woods nte'ed undergrowth -- cleaned out. ,T he n~ results o~ bu.min, ·some wood to help . replace coal ,.ould mean savi_og otherwise wast~d timber, c:1. aDiDaout wood8 land of undesirable. un4ergl'Owth ~nd

slck.n.e6s andB death of o\U' .beIOVed 8I8ter. CoM. . Thomll.8. . And (be doners . of the JIlIUly bea.uWul Illowers. We al80 !Wish \.0 tbanit Rev. Paa'.Jcs tor his consoling words, And the Stubbs Funcrn l H eme for othe1r eMlJClent seJlVloo. Her Brothers.



,.... ---~

BUY ",.,.,aD



----_ ..- --


STAMPS and MARKI~G DEVICES Made To Order Good Service. The Miami Gazette

At All


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Wholesmnt" Pasteu.-ized Dairy Product. . Phone 2537

W.~YWe. Ohio

We Offer



Bob's Dairy


Arthur ID. Thomns 1:. L. 'Iboma.t \P. E. Thomas Kenneth R. 'IhlIn1l8

wrun: "

Dr. lV••. POIna

- Pboae 1587

Western Travel: IDc1Iaa Captives: Old Phampleta: Newspaper'll: Old Ma~; EmJerauta' Qulc1es: DIs· tori_I papen: Balldwrlt&eD cUarlee: visiting rel&~vt'6. Eal'1.r Ohio JaWI; Early Ohio Jaw Mr. and Mrs. JametJ Oarrl.son or books: Ear., medJclDe MoD; Barl,y Leba.not~ spent MondIly evening ObJIdreD'a boob with Mr. and Mrs. Wdlla.r~ Ball. Highest cUb pr10ea pe.ld

HAVE yOU A DATE? . In checking the numbers and dates of the Gazette it is readiJy fO\lnd they do not coincide py several numbers or years. From the earliest copy yet brought to light in this office, the date being November 9, 1870. it is found the volumn number is XI No. 18, and the whole number 278. This numbering-does not agree at this ,t ime as Volume numbers are added one for each year of publication arid this would total eleven years and eighteen weeks. The years multiplied by the fifty-two wook of issues per year Ehould total the whole number. If volume numbers were changed bi-yearly, then this calculation would be about correct and the .s tarting date of the Gazette would be July 1865. Prior to this the paper was called the Miami Visitor, and the. earliest copy found he~ to date is October 16, 1861, with a volume number XXII, No.7 and a whole number 605. According to the. previous method of reckoning, the paper actually started abo~t September 1850. During a · peri~d from approximately 1~8S to 1896, the name changed again to the Waynesville News unser the editorship of 'Drew Sweet. After this period ~t again resumed t~e n~me of Mia~i Gazette. . ~n. t~~ baSIS of c~mputmg numbers, the prese?t number. of hiS Issue, 4~OO, IS probably w~ong. Many thmgs could have entered. mt~ the computatIon to hav~ cause~ tb~ ?rror. Fo~gettmg to chang~ the number, m~kmg a mlstake 10 'ch~ngl~g ' and a private Idea of some editor could all be contributing factors. . The point is, th~ number .should be ~ha.~,ged to coincide :with th.e ~ost 1011?al date r.of the begmnmg of the. paper A:ccordmg to the u~formabon at hand th~ paper IS now mnety-four yea~,8L"C mon~h8 old, and thIS would "lIe wb.ole. nUmb,?, 491~. if any reader. has authenbc 1~· f~nnation t~ verlfY · ~hlS. nu~ber as bemg correct, or, If 'Iny ~tber mformat.lOn avallablecan be presented to IIhow It to be otherwlse, let them now speak up, or forever hold their peace, because on the readers .rests the authority for making the numbe.r change. The reasons for t.he change can be recorded m th·e\ge . columns for postertty to have as ~ basis ?f future computat.ons. . .. For the time bemg, Ithe number wIll rernam as It IS, or, until the matter is definitely settled to our mutual satisfaction.

aUve. end ~ tor t~ k::lildIIb1 ~thy iIhOwn U8 durtnll'



Subscription Rates: (Payable in Advance)

We W1IIh ~ thank ou ~,rel-



OlllCllnn&U Unloh StOck Yard!I .



uring in n nea t wint.e r incom e to any.... fRl:"Jner 01' woous r ('wner. Que tion concerning this Rit uaJ!;ion brought the same answers ; lack of labor to do the work: The labor situation is probably the most critica l condition facing the country today. The time is in the not too distant futUl'e when this condition' will clear up. Coal shortages will not exi~t as they do today and many will be cutting stove wood and prac- Live Wire aDd Prop_ve. All ortically giving it to anyone who will bother to burn it. pDIIaUOIl I800nd &0 DOlle. 8&r1ct1y Funny situation! . "~on~e~t~a~d~ Now is the time to get back to earth, back to the land In. the eDIUliry. Service That Sati.fie. with its timber, back to solid foo,ting. It would be better to cut stove wood a'l; $4 a cord and have security for the future ;than to work for $4 11er hour and have to face another depression Too many al~ deselting or 'being drafted away from the farms. Fal"JnB ·u,re t"e bac'k -bone of America and they must not be -al owed to /depreciate, for America with a shortage of foo'a 'a nd oth,el~ .kindred farm p.r oducts would be weaken,e d to a dangeroius point. Help keep 'em down on the farm! A man or boy who can produce an average year's crop of gr~i'ns and live stock is worth mone to this country's war effort than a bomber crew, for without food the crew of the bomber would be useless. . Fqod is the prime essenttal of all effort, civilian or military. and w~ must have plenty of it. . The man-power shortage makes it difficult fol' fann boys to be pas 'ed lip by the draft but if they are to be taken, some method should be rle;ised wh,eTeby they are replaced by some older man or some one unfit for military service. The farms must not be starVled for labor, nor m they be bled to death by labors wages.

LECITIMATE INCOME Prior to this i:,;slIe the Gazette has put forth little effort iu the matber of the 'sales of advertising a.s the crowded four-page issues bal'ely had room for the usu.81 amount. ~~ow, tha)t some additional spaee has be4m made availaUle, naturally the advel'ti. er is being considered. ~\ome advertisers are . broad minded and look upon advertising as an investment. If . properly designed ads aOfl advertising budgets are used, this is B. 'truth. Advel'ti&ng is a good investment just as surely as a neat, clean &to,'e with merchandise app~alingly al'l'aRged, a"nd a sales fOlce equipped to prop.erly meet the buy,er, is a sound Lta.iness asset. 'Jnfortunately, too many busi·nesses '8re spasmodic ad~ veltisers. A big ad this week. Jione for a..month,. ,a l'ittl~ . hel'e, a little tthere. Wasted effolt and ~Ooneyl l'lace an advertisement in a paper one wee'k; a small percentage of the reader's will notice it: Kee!p it i~ .c onsistEntly, each week, and the percentage gro""7S to the point where all readers notice the ad and a large percentage corne to associate the name of the advertiser with the merchandise or produc.t 01' service in which he deals. Consistency is the key ' to successful adve'rtising .. If the advertising budget allows a certain amount to be spent 'per year, ·divide it by fifty-two weeks and purchase space of a siz'6 to fit, but, do it regularly. Ii this method of advertising could be adopted ~y merchants and ' businesses in the area served by. the Gazette, it vlOuid not be necessary to ever consid'er. foreign adyertising to fiJI in the vacant spot.;;. This community is capable of. slIp.porting its own newspaper, eniil'ely. It is for the good of the community that this method be. ado'p ted. If every. .merchant and business ~n this ar~a schedu.1E!d · the~r a~ve~­ tising on. a weekly basls, by the year, an«J c~>Ds~der~d It. an ivestmerit, which it is, then the ntCJwspap,er eQyl~ carry its advertisig in a legitimate ma,nn'er and · cater .stnctly tQ' l ocal bUslDess. If the be$t ~ntel'ests oft'merchants .is conl:iidered, · then (the newspaper serving the , com1D.~lty__ ha& , a right to expect a fw·thel'ing of these interests through ittl ~dvertising. Coml!lunity sp~rit and devotion can. be 'cul~lvatcd thl'o~gh the .communltY ,n

N.w,......••.,..-........., ,, ....... e'.,~, ,....1


......, .... ..,. ftIeN'. lie .....

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,., •• '.',•• wltlllll•••, .

c.,. •• • .... t ...., v.II."

=-...... .... ......... .. ...,......... ---= ......... INOW""' ,.... ' '


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fMtI • IMItlon at _r. Oet II, • a" cr.p• .:..... be"er "lulu. Alk )'lIIIr tI-W

,.. 1111•• ' , ••,."••,







o Amerlc:tn Fruil ~ rol\ c1. ... ~I :I " o American Girl .................... 2.50 o American Home, 2 Yrs..... 2.95 o A,,!criClln Poulcry Journal 1.65 o Avlallon in Rniew .............. 3 ..C5

o Bell" Cootinlll &

Hmkg... Fanner ................ o Child LiCe ............................ o Christian Herald ................ Coronet ................................

o Cap,per'-

TBE BIG 7 IICTOIY SPECIAll ·TBlS·'NEWSPIIPEB II YUIll AID SIX CBUT' MA~ THE BIGGEST VALUE IN YEAR~ rr ~~~T~faY ::::::::::::::::::::: ~~: SILvt;R ....................6 1\10. ~EEN

HOUSEHOLD ............................1 Vr. fOULTRY TRIBUNE ............ 1 Yr. FARM JOURN~L &: FARMER'S WIFE ..................2 Yr.








. .

*Check one oJ theJe in place 0/ True Story iJ ),01' puler! AMERICAN GIRL ......1 Yr. 0 OPEN ROAD (BoYl), . o CHRISTIAN, (12Isaues) ................ 14 Mo. HERALD ......:............. 1 Yr. 0 PARENTS' MAG......... 1 Vr. COUNTRY 0 PROTESTANT GENTLEMAN ........ ..5Yr. VOICE ('~ed41y) ..... ,1 Yr. . 0 S~REENLA~D ............1 Yr. TRUE COMICS ............ I Yr. SPORTS AFIELD ........ l¥r. OCHll.:D t LIF£ ..........~ ..6I\fo. DTHE WOMAN ............ 1 Yr. U. 8. El.(M£RA .............. l Yr. tJ SCIENCE ILLUS. ......6I'fo.

o o

o o



.65 5.45 :l.lI!) 5.50

o o Correa English .................. 5.45 o Country Gmdeman. 5 Yn. 2.00

o Elude Music Magazine , .. 3,50 o }'ann Jrl. ~ 'amler', Wife HiS o Flowrr Grower ................. ... 2.95 o Household ............................ 1.65 ........................ 2.95



o Nature (10 Ip., 12 Mo.).... 8.45 o ~n Road (12 ...... I.. MoJ_2.!iO

o Outdoon (12 Iss..... Mo.) .. 2.50 o Pa~U' l'fagadne ........ ...... 2.'5 o Pathllnder ......... .. ................. 2.00 o Photoplay........... ................. 2.50 o Poullry Tribune ................ US o Readt'r·.

Digrst .................. -U5

.0 Rrdbook .............................. 5.25

o Science tJIu~lratcd .............. 3.045 o Sdenllfic Detecti,e ............ !I."5 o Sctrcnland ........................ .... 2.110 o Sjlver !ic:ftcn .................... .... 2.110 o Sports Afield ............. ......... 2.50 o Succrm'u1 Fanning ............ 1.'5 o The Woman ...................... 2,110 o 'fmc Story ............ .. ..... :...... 2.50 o U. S. o Walt


Camera .......... ............ 2:15 Dlmey" COmia. ....... US Yout Lire .................... _.......~. ~ ."S




EeuoiIY,. ~OnEll "

lids Ifi••rrttl Yr. AND .FOlla " ia . . ·Z.I.N.I 25 ALL "'VI. • .


. " .. Q


. ,0



STORY .......;·,:..........6 Mo. [J ·MOTllER'8 HOME ·UFE.... I Yr. .UURICAN fRUIT · . !;ROWER ..................... _ ....1 Yr. /;] ~MERlcAN PO~TR)'


o ~~~~~NAi:·i;-·..~·~..·1 "'r: .

'ARMU'S 'WIJ'E ............1 Yr• •


. P..l~J~Dl1cEa " ....._ ...._ ..... ~ Yr• . . ofOuLnY .TRlBUNE ..........

"'r. m lUazssrm..ARMING :"1 Yr. S H9U8IROLD MAG.' .._.....I Yr.


.........._ . . r.u~ .ARMER _........1 Yr.

o IIR.UD.ER,. ~AD'I1't' ..,.' MOo



: :CI,ei" mil,4~;Jle. "~';rerJ ·m eridrue ,,;iI. COII~OII" Gentlemen: I' endOle ........r__........ PIeue·.as _ .... elcr·daed&ed, with. a · yea" IUblcrlptiao to !OF. paper. '. NAM




E...:···_ ..·...:-·_··.!".......·., ............ _...••.••f..





. . ~ ' O/~ r'

...............__ ... _....................................-_t

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OR U.D_ .......................u ...............................:..._ _ _ _ ....... ..

. ·PCiS'rQmCE.. .. :............. _ .......... _ ...~ .... _ .•. _.... _..............:.._.:.::..,.........._


e' IDRY RID·GE~I ! I,*" Aby.FARM DIARY#- i I ,D. S. I'BAZJEB, ~





There', a new 'navy rave sweep. Ing through the Jive and Johnson Ict. It'. Ihe good old middy blouse, jus t Iik~ the teen· agers used to wear when Elsie Dins· more was the Or· phan Annie ot her day. In some schools the gals wear white m id· dies tucked into na "y blue skirts , and finIshed off with stone studded I bel~s. In other schools they're buy . , Ing na vy blue middies that look like ., genuine G.I. 'stuff and wearing them over·blouse fashion oyer pleated I navy or plaid skirts. Ot COllrse, ' you'll need a little wh ile gob hat to top off this seaworthy set ·up. Could be you'll be going in 101' hom. i pipes Instend of Lindy! ll nd chanties Instead of jive I



I ,,,


, I







People, s~~;~· In The News)

South Sea Guerrilla



.'lbe Brooklyn coUege basketball matter was only a small part of the plct\tl'e. We all know that the 'average kid-the IIvera,e colle,. stUdent-Is honest. We also know that we have hod crooked iovernofl, crooked senatorl and crooked con. ,relSmen. But polltlC8 Is accepted a. at least a partly crooked game. Sport Isn't.

, Must Be on Guard

IIbrIDeI o. Bo.... lnvlUe laland were ,reaU, a ....ted bJ members ., • uUve rertrDeat bOWD aa ·&be .il'lrhtlq Fijlau." 'l'beae fearlen . .Ie ""lIte, tralDe4 by the Brl~ ..... Id1Ie4 til Sa,. III 66 d.,I, with . . . 01 aJ, ODe mall. Thll youth ; ...... ",'..U........ Wile head· JIeoe tba& Indloatett lila,. he Ia a _helor,

• • •

Febnaary 17, ' 114.5- Snow

IIOO'IV ~ ts'melting

to \lhe 'lb. professional ,ambler. 81 a rule, II amart, .mooth and IntelUlent, a lthOUi h , 'th ere are excep tl Olll. He know. human nature and Itl weakbe ••e.. And he has e8lh to offtlr. Above aU else, the pro ,am· bIer wants the winnln, ed,e, the wlnnln, percenta,e: for hll money. Too many of these would betra, the loull of thelr mothers for a wlnnln, bet. Once a,aln - I honeltly belleve tbfa applil!Jl to the' mlnorlty. But the minority, with the playln, 'mlnorlty In sport, c.n wreck any ,ame, whoBe main lIulwark mUlt be honelt eftort., : VIII. . there II &he atrtote.,.ert 01 control IIhOWIl by.apo"'" lea" en - lncladlllc coaches, ClOne.. pr....... aDd Irell-bearied _made~~~_""".."tbCaaDDI:,:.n::.:-:..m::





tp'OUIId wher& It is 80 badly

needed and off I\ohe ~, !O thclt there W&8 a. . pod meetlng at . _ ....- t the Grarl8e -th1s evenblg......- , ly ,lIhere 'W8S no baItIUt ~ game this At the Jut Wa.vneeV1l1e-~ ~cune lthe WayneavIDe end of the bleachers looked Ulte a. meet1rlC of Fenn'ers Grange No. 13. ~ ,Were enJoYtne it too, tJhough prc6biy tbey Dad uaed the Ume ~ excuse that their had to ~ WIlatgo rto otake 1be fOUOI peop • ewr the e'JIICI,8e it was nJce to see them bIMlne an even4nc of gdod CamUy recrea.tlon. Thfa. ~ was famtly I1'eC!'eatkm too tor tn addlUon rto talk ~ Dr. SbOUt the Juven1le Grance eotertamed their eldera with eo good procnm, • '. • Cold



Sb~~ebr1Iary ~':.lH5an"d·

and - ...~...

SD!JWY.- .

To' ml, It IlI1't enoup to that mOlt 'o f the.e athlete. are hone.l Most people are bon••t. But thlre 18 .tW mall)' a crook ~ who can at least come clOI~ to wrecldllJ the whole works. I notbave be too 1uW~le alaln. WhoLet would be11ev~ In i919 that almolt an entire baU Club could be boUlfht at a cheap price ' to tl1row a world lerr~lDeludlD, two pOtenUal haU.of-fame ItarlT Who could hava believed that 12,000 loldlera In Fr8ll1:e betray their fllhtln. mate. at ...~ .

&D)'One .110 stay home.ofrun dlurdl. St. Mary's ParIsh 'WG8 ~, 8lad f~ 8UCh a love'ly da¥ for ~ ordinaIt1on of Mr. Ralph ~. tn the 'altA!moOn. It was a -_1ft 0CC88I0n 'Witb our BI8bop

au of Brooklyil" pfId~~ hav. lold out to cheap pmblrut The ,ambler' hardl1 count. Tbe1 were ~uel,y duckin, S1DIII~ wQ: But the five Iddi 'are

,haW!' each IDIniNr ave an equal part, we do thinp In Ull8CCUIItcImed


roadI. No exouae lor

::'ONI:!!~~~~r:~~ ~e


~ ~ ~ ~ becomes a _ Of ~brId, nice, but not tme .thing ~ anobb« 110 that ' no one

~ • bome. but on ... lesUval O!108nm N.'h u tb1I when our c~ come MId ~ ~t.tb 'U8 there

a.ft" teela ,

3,000· IIEA'f!-Chccking a nc.w elecll'Onic inslrumer.l that records and conlrol.; manUfacturing tempel'a ttlres of 1110 re than 3.000 degrccs above o r far bclow zero. . Made by Brown Instrument . Compa ny, Philadelphia, thi s ('Iec t ronic potenliom e tel' promises hi g h e l' qualit.,·, lower cost post W(JI' products .

Mm. Leroy EllIs of iWa.ynesvtlle, Roote 3. is repor.ted to be maldq eatlar~ I'eOOVery alter an opera-' tJoo Ia8t 'I'thunJd&y at Blair hosjJ -

nal, tor .................... ,-. ~wo Mr. IJ:nd Mrs. Lowell J!la.rly of New





.... IouDdIT I bow pracUealb' ey. , - . the b1mDUJ' aDd fJnd. · ~. WI ~ ' writer aDd ciIlclal ~ _ .m other'ln .the pilfer ~ ...,. Hew Ycr. ~. tEoIOIIIIiI IiIdra. AIDal; · · " . .- I've ... two· .... IIcIadDt Aad dan" . . . tiDe W.. Bands. wrtten diI&JhO 'aUnb' OIl ilia 01' of tbe tiD I'OIIDds, ad botIa ' . . . --....... Juat witb tile ' .11 . . . . ........ no fa turD ....... IIIAIII GAI&'I'III _ ..... . . ~ wltla GIlt 1IIOtber.



a. ~.

am-HIIl2 ccmt.a.lDs. · '12 o..t mn.;!r cleaaae bowe1a, dmr

... fnm ataDIcb, act an ahaIIh IIWI' erld Wneya. w.e..b1e pee,. .MH ent an ' 80 pie IIOOD feel GiMI ON'. daD't




. ._...

-, ---------~---. - . ---------~. -




"Friendly Store"

O'M E FURNI 'S HINGS! "Hard-To-Get" Items



STUDIO COUCHES (Fully Spring Filled)


9·12 each morning


1-5 afternoons except Wednesd~y


'l-9 Saturday evening Othel; Evenings

"Complete. Home Furni.hers"

By Appointment TE'L~P~ONE . 62·R


. .. ·Dr. C. E. Wilkin .

»n -MonowWl,YD8lriUe PhorIa No. a


o,Io..etric' E,e





"Ealt Main Street at Whiteman" lee..... . . (Jet;'" 1..............aa........11 •. _ ..~~~~ ...,-.......~~~~M. ....JU ...'._.MN.~._._.~.~....-.~.~.~.-.M.".~.~.~.~~.~.~l~.~--~.--.--,----~MM~~..-

dtIrInIl W..,...o1e 1JruI", ... GIi









LAMPS (Floor and Table)

I ii--;;~a~_~~;;~

=-cU.=:~DtI;J ~ ~ ~'to' ~ bUt mbed ... aDd: conet~UOli eUf.terers ~• •r' a'bd the ~ aad Joe. Up' ,.,,tW they would all bIwe to as Brb-HeJp?," '




Sand &.G~avel






and Mrs• .~ ,C%'aiWford and daughter, Minnie. Oth« calleD 'were MEALS TURNED TO GAS MI'. Ola4'ence Lucas and; da.lJpter. • One]a(b', sald ft'Cently ,th!at het Mr. and IMrs. AlCre Morga.n and Rclmad) U8ed to be like. a. "gas obtldiren spent; Monday ~vening wi~h taCtnryl" 'IbIIIt ill, when she ate (l M1' and Mrs Henry IBeTges or St!@.. mal ,~ aeemed ,to tum, right tnto • , . gas.' abe .w as. always b1?Bted, h!ld W!J'towD.



" eng ineers push dirt Aviation

hea.dIIdles cOnstant I" 1Iowel~. Now, bowever, ~ , lady aap 8he Ia FRJZ OF Sl'OMAOH GAS and *e _y• .the cb:ulIe Ii dUe to tUlilg mB~: Her , TARWA.ll4'I'8I.C TAR AND meaI.I acree bert NO III ~ ~ ROAD OIL. EXOAVATINO die 0Iben ~' once . -,.,., not bloat lilt« ~. ~ .and DUMP.. 'TBUOK smVIOli to _ . . our cUf.fereIIIcee )Jut .ese !'Ql!" . . t' .It.I!L\Dy J&JX ~)~~ lOUt beet, DOt to In liWe states INs 1&4lv.. • WW don't '

Bo",Dec .""wm lUll ~ " bI It , that :r-~ to· ~







M T. H 0 L L Y





1!itomacb 8M palM; da.i1y

STUBBS FUNERAL IIOME Telephone 2291 WaynesvWe,o.

I'm Dot at .11 discouraged yet, I'll never ,Ive up' trylDr, While tbere I. life, there'l alwayl hopeAI 1001" al be keep. "BI"-Jn~!

from.: bulldozer illlto a buming B-29 Supel'fortress. Flames sta1't. called to CoIIUmbus, Friday, by L.. ed when Nips pitched a low level attaok against .SuperfOl'ts a t Sai. pan.~The bulldoze.' kept otHel' planes fl'om danger despite' th.·eat 8eledfve Service Board. oC exploding ammunition and gas tanks in the burning, giant. e iMn. Nary Levtc;y of' Hant~s­ btulr, .1W88 a. sUnda.y dinner guest of Mr. and Mrs. Henry 'M urphy In Haines and Mds6 Betty Hwlnes 03.11W~n. Jeasle atamer W1\$ lin ed on MT. <1l1d MI'S. H1ly Gibson, aftemoon calJe1' in tbe1r home, sUnday evening. Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Earnhart and 19mily> and Miss Clara. Vaugh1945 AUTO TAGS tens were Sunday dinner guests of will go on aale 'by Mn, RIIJ Gtbeon Mr. and Mrs. Harold Earn!hart and lfamlly of W~l1e. Mr. and Mnt. Thomas Runyon MARCH 1 at 9 a.m, Mrs. Emerson. DIll and eon Ralph spent Sund&y !With their mobher. at spent 8Unc:k1y 8!ternoon ·wdth Mrs. Mrs. E: A. De1.AICy of OInclnnati. Zknmer of Beavertown. ~. and Mrs. N'otfnan .Kersln8er ROCERS and SIMPSON MI'. and Mrs. OIarence Charlson of ............. .. i_. ",_-' ~ """ ca' lled on ...... ..'K! Mrs.

naedl keen. alert. :"arlU;l, Je.......mcn th ... ' H ,ever ntecled tUm ' ~ Ie a' III*tt '.(if wtMII',Uwl1n For' there II a Udal waveed dt. ~ 8O-C8Ued UIIlOJ\> Ilel'lVAcee. Bow hoD~ 011 lte wa,. no matter what nice it.would be ~ . we could set totlaa ,~ me1 tell7GU. . . ." ___ lor . .t 00CI1km . : . .• . . ea. '0circt~ actmc . 'ho.t,to allY •

-Sunday visitors "dropped in" a.nd mothel' pOpped corn t() eat with polished red apples? Ho-plOOllty was si4Jlple t hcn and "visiting" "".l5 on e of the fine art.s of being n eighborly . Remember?

Be may be with lome other rlrl(Ob, would that I were sbe!) But my heart Ikipi a boogie be." WheD he IIYI "HI!" to mel

tronn Or who could have beHeved ~ we try ~ hM'd 'WMn w.~ to LIKE A GAS FACTORY; that a BrooJdyn ~ I\IIIioO . . .ieee. We Il' " W1IP


The time for chaDrlDr clanes: I bold my breath and pray tbat be Will see me when he passel .

oonduotillg 1lhe aerV1c:e and our of noor WaynesVille, spent Satur- O. H. Kers ln6w, Sur~. pod fdend Mr. ~nllQD as preachelVening wl()h. Mr. and Mr.;. Mr. eN1 1Mn. ' Glel1lIl c'mlIhart or, Vern L. Simpson, er, lota (If V18Itlne l!r6ends and cleI'8¥ ~ Bunnell MId family. . IDdI&ne., Mr. and' lMts. Ai Qapencn Deputy 'R egistrar and Jut bUt not leaat, many of tb! iMIIa PaulIne GitJson. Mr. Rich8l'd of Olnclnnati, Mr. and Mrs. Henry PtlIOPIe 'Or. thIS ~ tbere to BellIes and Wldren ,of Beavertown 10' . '••••• _ _ rejoICe us. BcIIiIeUme& it aeeme _" ..... ..,... "'._...... ......'".. dinner of Mr. ' b&ve LADY'S STOMACH WAS


Ledetr Syndtco te .-WNU F ea tures.


BEECH GROVE by S_le Lee Garner

BUl'1ingtoa, were ~ Callers · at the 'I'en'y,bome. Mrs. Ella. ,Ferns has been quite 111 1'01' the Il88t two weeks but Is reported bet.ter at :th1a tJuie. Everebt LaForge, Albert Lee Tii.lmap and WWIam Brooks, were

Agood mltssage with halt a lemon once· every week kecps the hands free of staIns. Two coat s ot nail polish will give a brjlliolit dept h ot color. Drinking milk does keep nails from becoming brittle. Pointed na its are oot of fashion. Dark nail poli sh makes the skin look whiter by con· lrast. Small hands look pretli ('~ . with rosy shades of polish!

I keep on wallin, for tbe bell-

~.~~ ~~~~tl · ___----~__----____~~


FLOWER ARRANGEI\IENTS When be sends YOU a posy for tbe , bill' dance, What do you do with Itbesides swooo o\'er It? Do yon Just pin U to your ,holJlder where It', sure to be crushed beforc 3' OU cet your flut cut.ln, or do you handle it with oare and Imagloatlon and wear It for Btyle aa well as senU. ment? Wrl.t Twillt-Did he send you two gardenias? Lucky you! Sew or pin them .eparately to a black vclvet ribbon tied around each wrist. On Your Head-Thoae velvet rib" bon bands you're spanning across your smooth brow. are perfect flo\\,. er holden. One gardenia on each Iide or a sinll'le orchId will look lush . ID tbe Ba,-It's old ' Btuff to pin your corsage to your evenIng bag. but Ii', new nonsense to carry It In one ot thcso new transparent plastic box bags-It . YOU're lucky enough to have one. DogrY DecoraUon-So he didn't .end you a corsage? Well, buy your. .elt three or four little Sweetheart rOles (from you to you, with love) and sew them side by side In the center of a narrow black velvet rib. bon. Tie the ribbon around your talr (and .crubbcd) neck with the bow In back and the roses In front, and you ' have the very newe.t in dOl collar necklaces. I





Thul'ldat. Febru&I'Y 15, 1945, Ano~her sample swinlr day, 'W'aml. Uld sunny ,w ith Mild 'b lowing and th.e frost conitng out Of the A few cJa,~ llke :this and we could FTER all wars, morals coUapse plow. A IIIlDlpl& sprtng ~ bl"Olleht and character takes a nose us the tlrst oaJi of the .seuon. It Is dive. For wllrs are destructive In 8. funny little sample ot a calf, Jermore waYs than In the matter of sey a.nd very emall.BW~ PoP;eYe's human life, human flesh and bon., f1rst offspring, a baby bull. lit iooka and man·built cltle •. Just Iolke a lP'8BL!ho~r, all leP6B, It was after the lint world war but it can stand up on them (lnd that the Black Sox scandal devel. hop about and find Its d!1nIler. oped . This was In Ian't 'l t jll8t Jt.he <Wt\¥, 'We want'helter 1919. But the Black caM!e, eepectaJly Jerseys, but when Sox wefe not the 6uzey has ller pups We want dogs. only crooked ol'lend. era. There were Double entry booIclteeping is a. many others _ on wond«'1Ul 8)ll~ . It you put ev~­ other teamB. Ilh1n8 down in jU9t ttle J1gh.t place Everyone has and your f~ 1& correct It will heard recently of all balance With no trouble, the 12,000 soldiers who were AWOL In but one Uttle-lW9tAWte will come ouL France where every dOUbled lIOOlewhere, just the WOiy it man was needed tor does In 11fe. Tbo5e account books his Job. Many of GranllandRioe that ve prepared by ·t he departthese sold cigarettel mam. of RUJ'8l Eoonorl'lks 'and sold and other tront·line needs to the French black market. Only a few have been convicted and sentenced to dea th or long term. ot penl. tentlary lobor. But here I. proof ot thousands wilUni to betray their own Ijghtlna mates for lome form of profit. Thll I. BometblOJ far beyond &browlnr a baseball or a balke&ball pme. Or a football ,ame. It Ia the alUmato In Infamy. 80 It thIa 0811 uppen to our army alon, the a.b~ lnr front, with over 11,000 betra;-. ata, lome far lower tha~ any Beaedlot &mold, you call Re wha' en uppen to .port.

. ,l(i!J.'. Aftl~(J- UpJ,

lAIbaDCID: Offlce PIlOIuI



.. Detroit St.

11__. . . .





.... ..... ...--.. --.- ....... .. WaPlltSbi.llt, C!Cb'~rtb , of ~ ((brist





if' p£

- ...






Ke~neth . HUI, M'r.









42% O~~~~ No.1




58al CREAM No 2 10 OFGRADED •


16'} ;, MORE


Mere],y by delivering their cream • twice a week instead of once; a week and by cooling It with water instead of letting It " set in the oil''' many farmers find it possible to market firlt grade cream even in the hottel t weather. This Is proven in a study of the fscllitles and production methods of 2000 farmers made by the agricultural experiment slaUon of the Un I. of Illinois. The survey showed that of the farmers producing a No. 1 product. 48 per cent marketed their cream at least twice a week and 24 per cent coole.d their cream with water, whereas of those farmers marketina lower grade cream. 711 per cent cooled their cream with air lind 52 per cent delivered it only once a week. The .urvey a180 revealed the ~m. parlance 01 temperature and coolina In relation to the quality of cream. Where.. only 42 per cent of the cream from the farms .urveyed If_de<! No, 1 in mldlummer, tully

same [arms in wintertime graded No. I . The particular chart above takes no account of sanitntion, which un· doubtedly is lhe most Important of , the three tnctors in the production of good cream. Sauitation means simple clea nliness In anything that . touches the milk or cre<lm-clerm surroundings. elenn cows. clean ut.cnsils. Object of all these sanitary precautions Is to make It dJfBcult for bacteria and mold to get into, multiply aud damage the cream. In cream production the utensils are Cew-merely a milk pail, a BeparatQr, and a stornge container, A good bit .of sanitation. therefore. boUs down to doing a thorough job of cleaning these utensils each time they 'a re used. Uncleanliness .tarts milk and cream on the road to ruin. Once milk or cream Is aUowed to apoll nothing can be done to make It any better.

and €,a rah Coleman. was born at 0Wensv1lile, Clearmont COUl1lty, Ohio, FebruMy 12, 1859. His early l1!e was spent ill' ItJhat loca.llty and .he was a butcheT boy by trade. He m&n'led Miss Liddie Pi'oud. cd Owensville. JUly B, 181ft. a nd in D f"11t.n:I' .. ,... U.s, OERTiFIED WHITE 1900 .they moved to Wa.rren c::un ly .,.- to '"l-e · u~,~ ... ,.."..., OHICBiS---Br......"r 'Of Nat- neIU' Leba nOlll, and 1a....,. -.. ~ ~Rock pen ~ ~ty where .y.u'. O.K. Cole· i ..... -' ........... - :...00 White

.,.... ~, bot.b 19t5 and 1944. our 1945 ~ WIlli e~ed 'in f8lrming fmWestenl New York contest pen Js about 40 years. He was very 111leadlng Wbite Rock pen in 141 U. dustrious and 11 gOOd fOlmer. s. tbrough Deocmbe!'. Mr. aDd Mrs. Coleman celebra.ted Buy ~ cit tb1a proVeD lrltIh tbeIr lJOlden wedding annlVeT:;.lry PI'Oduotion ~ for top poultry 8Jt :tbeJ.r home In ,Wa3'11lCSV111e 'four . th da with profits. Every Dunham ch1ck sUed fu"~ poultr,y proHte by lnd1Vid- Yee.r.s qo Qll.d enjoyed e Y uaJq pedJp'eeG R. O. P. mGJe trom a ~ Dumber of rela.t1velt and • . or 200 to 31& !!iI ;recor:cL ~' . ' Place Your 0l'deI' todB.y as the de· !He ia 1iwoVIved' by hla wife, . two 'Iila.nd fa: iibese ' superIor chlcka fQSter daJUghters, Mrs, Dorothy Kel~ eXi:eed the sUPPlY. Don·t 'be ' Us and Mrs. 'l1he,lm& Lllney Qll.d t wo dlappolnted. ,L ebanon, .39 Oolum- brofuers, 'AAm Coleman :and '11b.o mbus Ave., PiJoile 288-R aa Ool~, of Loveland, Ohio. Wa~e, ROute 2. Phone 2916. After an illne6S of several n1'On, DUNHAM El'eedw HATOHER.Y ths Of .6 hea.r.t ailment, he pea.oc- - - - - - -'' - - - - - -- - fully r assed awa~ Saturday\ Feb· I WILL PAY 25c !far hens 1a.t and lU8ry 10, 1946. and 1ac~,& "I~- u,vo . 0VeI' Ii Iba. 'Under 5 1bs. 28c. Will dla.yS or being 86 years of age." Q-uat.In. PboDe 2M2. , 22p ll\meraJ ~ "US held at the HOUSE ' lI'OR RENT-4 l1OOOIS; Stubbs <F'unel'8l1. fbne , Woon day • electl1'Jclty; . well; cl6tern; garden. afternoon, February, 14. 'oonducted ",..;.......l.. ~e. ""p by ... _.. '1'. M. Scarff 'O'! Sp.ring



roa BALE-70 18ttes,

Valley. assisted I;)y Rev. Max Ran50 exbra. glJod dsll of WayneSville. lntel'Dlent in

h.e8r' !

M1am1 cemetery.


land; be:Iance . pu;ture, B \"OOITI · hoole, melBl rocd. Iba.rn 43 x 'B. r;' metal !I'CIOf, crib & .gasrage 30 x 30. metal ofaJr tobao:oahed, n ever .ta1lI.nBroot, LSpriJl8, well. ' c4stem, 18 • a.c:na ~ .w heat. $7,600.00, po_akm in 30 day., Sho'.vn by appoInunent only.

l'OR ~ 8 .I!OOID. completely modem Muse, swage, '6 rooms nmtec1 to $82.00 _ mcmtal. PrOperty ill' ftrat class oond1t4on, prtce only $6,500.00. Shown by Bp Jj01nt.meM only.



Preacher- Poet also G1RL'S TRIO from . Cincinnati Bible Seminary at

v.t&nent here 'It Js. These ue HehIde, P.bone 2,' Lebanon, O. Ie ~



sale cheGl!>. Call

iHeoItle, Phone 2, Lebanon,

'O bio,



7:30 P. M.


LOOKfN(l ,AH£:AJ) 6Y

GEORGE S. DE NSON /'(,,/,(r #I·- }/,/f,{1119 ('.,It.-,;, ~'(a ("!I. ,,/flg""J

The Approach









Abo: Color CartoOn and Shorts

... --

•• __ e • • • • • • • • • • • • •


RECOLLECTIONS do nJiter once inspecting the tina wOl'kmanship 011 ti1C velUcle alJuded ·to.

October 16, 1861 nle Miami Visitor

... ...

Fire in Corwin

Birth McHugh, in Wa.ynesvUle, 'I1hursd1ly ndgh t of last week, or about 3 o'clock Fl1idny morning, thc Nov. 5, U1'70, a son to bhe wife or oJann of fire a.woke the sleeping Rev. E. McHugh. cItizens. Atll tihe bells in ,town tolled Marrl~ - Scott-Oonk:Un, Nov. 3, forth the Intelllg,ence. and the 1870, at ,the residence of the bl1de's frightened cries of men and boys, pa!l'ents,Mr. Prank A . Sc =~t. eldest saHed .out on the Cl)ld and still all'. son of the Rev. Scunue1 Scott. to Lt was soon dlscovere<i \.hat the lurid Mi:ls Me.ry E. Oonklln. youngest flrumes wm-.e burs bing Irom the daughter or J . P . ConkUn. aU 01 dwellJng house oJ: Mrs. M . RIley Da.yoton. llving In Ool'Mn. Tlhe house was wholly conswned by the devouring Kind Word About fontunllLe elemetllt9. It W{;S <9" 'Very Fred Schwartz cirounIStan~e tu18t tllel'e "'IllS no Contributed Wind at tne time, as the flames About bhtrty yenTS ago Ji1red woUld have spee<Wy oommunlcat~d Schwartz ' o wned 'and ~ted .a. to the adjoining dwellings, and the ~.t1on woWld have become phannacy; ~n .d le building In wh1ch is now the Waynesvule Poet Office. general. ••• He a·nd Mrs. Schwart~ with their Big Beels ~ small dh1ldren oocupted the ·resldence on Main street on the Noo.ll MWs or (this pla.ce, sllOWcorner near the Ohri8tlan. Church. ed us two "6f' the l.a.rgest hetes on Mr. Schwlll"tz 'baa on!&ided in Monday-'.lsst, Ibhat ever saw. One Oolumbus fur a number of years, ""We1ihed lr.a I~oun'ds, measured 2 where .he ~83 made mll1\Y' frlends. feet in l~ and 22 inohes In cll'lIB ihe had rht Wa.yn\!8VU1e, which OUIl1ler«lCe. The other weigh ed 8 was evidenced by a 4ltUe circumpounds and was proportionat.ely stance 4l few days ego. A IITouP of large. 'nl~ were raised in hls gardwomen entered 'tlls store on Sullien FoUrth street and, o! dourse. van avenue Rnd prest!nted h :m With thougn they can bt!et a~ body e' f!, a boquet of beautiful rIowers Il.l1d n o . dy nn beet thc,m . They nre 0. ~rote expressing I'l!;'lP"reolation to n~onstel's. ' F.rect ar.a "BUd," his Salk far unusual eour.trsy ~nd f.l1endllness Geo. W. Goode ,Funeral . The ~unel'a.l SEmmon c.C George W . du.rlng the years 'he has served Goode .WQS Preached In the . M : E. them. Ohurch Sunda:y lasb, by Rev. The 8,\'erage fa.rm 1amUl in tile D .. Reed, ,t o 1); uowcled CODI! 'ega~on. world produces 'cnly rood lot itaelf Many pel'S()llS ooulAtl not get 'in the bouse nt all. It WlIS a solemn and lmpreiSLve occasionl, and nIl hearL, felt U.s influence.

• • •

Wllhur N. Sears REAL ESTATE Office: Main Street Phone 2651 Waynesville,



Over 30 Years Experience selllnr Farma. and Town Property Buy Stock Company Insurance Un1Iorm Policies - Sl&ndard Rates Be sure 011' oomplete coverage ond prompt \Settlement ,I n cose nf loss. Information WUhout Obllptlon

CASH FO R U.SED CARS Any 'm ake or model Fred Kahn Motor Car Co. PHONE






Special !.

.. . .

Powderene '



Waynesville furniture ['0.



yOu. your



FERTILIZER ' Main ' t5f. Xrnb, O. Eo G., ,achdeb• ..JDC.


OffJoe at . . . . . . . .. IImpIoD

ders de9lr1nr ~ In ~ line do better tbaII aPJ;ily 'to ,Mr. be DO Dyer. clLmllot. QJright, wtlIctl ' ~ WIll be. sure iCl "eepiDI 'n Ibis Jolntll"

"8fDIIY1II8 ......... APM:r -.__n__u___ ........__ ',.._n__•__•__ _

"Prom DOW OD .lhere'D



and !'\l~ by l~. 10. R. Dlrllrht. saddler, who ~ts tJhe Bell: brook house bere.· 'AnY' of OIUr rea-








I'_I.F D__ .. .. .











,CORN MEAL ':"::=-:. -1.8 ~ 48c KERR JARS fw~=-, ~=-- ,$1.15



ia " - llU _ All Ihe 'lavor of IWj Iw coffe' ' l. ches _uupt .


Remodeling, '. Mr. J . C. 'Hcpid:ns has £llmlshect (a;NERAL · INSURA.NCE UB a sbatement. ~low:ing ·t.he total • arOU'RE NO a.mounlt 01 exoendlture' for remodelIng the H1cksIte Frte~' !Meeting TION I Calamity doe...'... house to have been $3015.89-. This pick favorit~r Miafortune includes ev~ improvement, d1gha.n~t 'aingled you out . ae gd~g well, putting 'In pumP. new an exc:eptionl·Be wi..· and /llJoves. etc. lLlI. of which gives genprotect y,ounelf with "ood eroaa s&Jt1s:faCt. insurance ~o .t hat DO ....tBuggy at" $27&, , ter what happeD., Mr. ~~ ~lIn'Iglht has P1;I1"- your f .... and .'.. ,chased a hia.nd8omle, double s~ prop~y will be fu~br P!'O-, buftY, ~it a. , ~ ef : n76. ir Fwas tecte d" ,' . , '- . made byt ~ner Of BellbrOOk;' .~


II', Hot·Dacecl- ciao

,uI#tI Ia • JIIOUOd



Removed Promptl,f


and enough sw'plU8 to feed one- rarmel's. Very few fnl'Jl'lS which half of an 'Ur.pan family, The a.wr- been bought by speculators age for U. .s lanners is enough' been resold recently. tor home use and a s urplU6 6Uf!1CARD OF mANKS c1ent Cor four city ,!aml11es. I want to thank all of ~ friends hio who have sent me "get well" cards Studies made fo sales or 0 and letters dunng my recent illness. Qa.rms show .Ilhllit. 0. oollslderable percenrtage of the sales were made 'l1hey have been deeply appreciated. Glenna Wade _ . by r etired ranners or widows or









Planned Economy IVU S ad\'ocntcd in Germ<lny by a sm[lll group ot the· orists us long ago as 1800. Thc large mass of politically minded Germ alls considered them harmless cran ks and loyed with their id as nbslractedly tor all of ten yea rs before th ey saw dall ger 111 them. People who were loyal to the old Ge rmany and its ways ' learned suddeuly ' lh'lt Planned Economy wa s gaining pop· ula rl ty. . Serious consideration of Pl anned Economy slarled Dmong e?n scrva· tive thinkers in Germ:1I1Y about hall a century ago. Deliberate, Teutonic minds almost universa lly opposed the thought of manhandling econom· Ic laws which they recognized as natural laws, worthy of respec t in any orderly society. Just the same, they saw in Planned Economy a powerful tool tor roug h work. Sometbhig DiffereDt. Fifteen or 20 years passed wi\huut much ' outward change. Planned Economy was still in the back. ground. Everybody seemed c.on· scious of it. More and more people admitted believing that parliaments had a right to enact written laws agains t tho worltinss of competition as they .understood it. In fac t, every. ti me a GO:'man became dissati~ncd willl conditions he thought about Planned Economy. Fina~ 1014 came, bringi ng World War 1. Germany . quicidy went all. out tor Planned Economy. It was a sht:ewd political move, People reasoneti feebly that open,. coowetl:;. lion must cost sometbihg, and accepted the new order in the name of efficiency; to win the war. All in. du s\ry went hurriedly lIndcr govern. ment conh'ol, and ~e dreams of yes· terday's unpopulal' minority Ilecame • • • tile I·ule. Advertisers Monopolies Thrived. Some cd the local' adiVeI1tlsers in Governme1\t man:lgers el,iminated <the Issue 'Of the ~Lbove date were ; new and growing grew industrial Q:nd Huge monopolies largerplants. still. Mer1'ltt & PrJntz;Oad\W8d1ader Id & It was the easy way for government Fa.imlIld : T. L. AIlPJl: Hop ns beoa use a few big concerns I1I'C less CrIsPin; and the postmaster was trouble to mana ge than a. large A. E. Merntt.. • • number of small ones. Competitors The MIamJ GueUe _ Nov. 9, 1810 ,T he Carpet and Rug entered inlo cartels to hilt!!I prices and hide .Incompetence. T ley di· Fort.y YffiI'S GgO one could buy; a vided markets like pies and traded goodoow for $12; 'nIOW It takes $80. customers as if \hey were sheep. Defeated in Wol'ld War I. burdened Yet larty years a~:o 'f lour 'was but with reparations, la me of manpow. l1ttle che8lper !than In 1870. As II. 110.Cl per cah er, Germany took a still bi ggel' dose tion we make Itoo much, and of gOY rnment control. By 1935 Hit. do Jot raise ~nOU3h stock. leI' was dictating 10 a race o.t con. The Rev. carey, T. Orwn, CJf servativesatwho still rememb'er laughirig th,ecould economic plann~rs H!l.l'Veystiurg-. Is expected to preach and saying, "It can't happen here." In bhe M. E. Chtirch n~~ Sunday Planned Economy had given way to morning, \l:t lOy" o 'clock. Mr. Crurn Nallono l Socialism; in other words, Is a. son of Dr. Cl!Um ¢ Dayton and plain dictatorship, sea{reely 21 yearS o,r age. He I,s said Like a Drug Habit. 00 be (l. :fine speak.~. WI have Planned Economy in Amorica now, a powerful weapon for The Abbott sisters a concert rouib work such as we arc doing. in <the I\all on \t4~esday ev;?mng But 1"lnnned Economy is still a hob· mst. but as bIley e:!ttended no cour- i it·!OItning medicine. If America !s to . . prosperous again, this drug tesies to the i)reeI, ,and even refused mulli be used sparingly. Rationing to pass our dev:U, 'We are un~le to Gibbons Bldg.-North St. is .Ictive if "it's necessary, poison· give an IJ.ccount ~ the r.iCI1fol'Dlance. OUI ; f it's not. Rationing, in its Wayneeville, Ohio • • • onltl late form , Is held to an irreduc- Wedding · . ibll I ninimum-nol taken for elT~c t. An elegant Wedding Itook r~e at All crieo's dcfclldel's and her al· the residence of' ,t he widow Pogue lie. I Ilust be fed. Also must the In Sprln'g , Valley· tlWP., on the 26th ~I_~~~~)~)-~ peoil c at home understand that their govanment is still a power that' s wt. Thos. J. P1'1rlgle, Esq.. ~~­ frierlil ily to them. Returning now to outing Mtorney lOtI Olark County, the ~sy fationing rules of last Sep· was ' the forbtma'te recIplent of the teJ'1i'b«r lind October would yield hand and h~,t of the handsome mora support voluntarily than Hitler and aocompilihed lMtiss 1dargaretta. himself could get with his lhree· Pogue. Rev. Hypes , per:fonned bhe PaOTECT YOUR RIGHT speed machine: (1) Planned Econ. cercnony, and ali wenlt 'merry as a ~ DRIVE WITIfamy, ( 2) Regimenlation. (3) Diehl' ITlarriage bell.' -Xenia Gazette. torship.

J)eDkDUe, 2




~~~ewBtolm:ths~m:: ~~~_-:J ~ ~;Th.g . :....~ .~tle, l!n~ ~~!~: QUICK SERVICE ife'sYFREiDkNeEHE_hat· . apQOii. pu~ For Dea' d 'Sto' ck knives, • pUnt bl'IIIIhea, 1 pair glasses, 2 'water buckets, 1 Cl8n 30C peaches, 2 tTo\ye18. Rease return or tile ~ iW&Il ace you. The keWe !WI tIken week. Will Gustin, JIbGDt . :IMa. 22p


'. WED.

Auto....11e I Illsuraaee

I\'el7 ecaroe. Wt'lite or caJl Geo.





Phone 2651

INVl!B'ml£NT-I can place $1250 at 6~ on !a. good Fl1Tst MiOrtgage !'arm loan :neu' WIIG'De9VUIe. If JOO 'WUlt eo gIOOd sate in-



76 per cent of the cream from these

w'mlam Oolemnn. son c! Michael

v..... .





SUN • .


Sermon topic ,in the evening, ~'After Many Da~s." • Mr. 'Randall preaching'. Attendance goal for B.ble School,I60.' Cbrbtlan Endeavor - 6:30 P. M. · Bible School ~:30 A. M, Evening Service - 7 :30 P. M. . Oommunlon - 10:30 A. iM. Mid-week 'p r&yer eerv10e Thur~ 'nli'ht 7:30 P. M . 8el'mon - 11:00 A. M.


27 28 MAR.l LANA TURNER Returns To The 81)..:.n! A J\luslcal 011 Ice'. S ttdngs are OpUlent, 006twn1ng is stunLAKE PLACID ning. TIle ~y seq\llence near the close featuring Kunan 1Wynn, 18 a. riot. SERENADE LANA TURNER IN ~ . r . tarring Vera }[ruba Ralston Eu(ene Pallette. Vera VJl!1Ie, "MARRIAGE IS A PRIVATE Ray Noble's Orchestra AFFAIR"

J' ....~I--_ _ _-~~J





~uy War DO/nelIS and Stampa at Our Box .Office

CREAM WITH WA""'lT_ER.........,.

:ljlj(J .


Mr. Ti~bs Maxey, pre.'ident ~f,Schoo\ of the apeaker at the moming service. ,




! 24"








NEW B ;· A.G



12'. .

tbe 1' .,.•,"



Be d Cr ess ' Dr ive St art s To da y!

Un tu It Bu rts • •


be Awar ded Lt. Edwin Lacke n. EltrhtJh AiT Force Llbfl'8.t or sta-


En8lcm o-Tlll! Dlstirlg ulshed Flying Cross has been 8IWarded to Goal of $2900 Is Set For F1rst Ueuten ant Edwin B. La!Cke.ns Wayn e Towns hip Quota of Frankli n. Oih.1o, for achieve ment In aerial comba.t. Theo:mnoWlCem ent SOLIC ITORS ARE NAME D was made 'b y Major Genera l WUlJam E. Kepner . Oamrr.anding Genera l of Mrs. Eve.rett Early, Chair ' tlhe Second Air Div1s1on. man, Expec ts Quota Filled Lt. .I..aCIC.enS Is t he oon of Mrs. JI\reda Ba4rer. 213 Locust st., FrankAccordi ng .t o Mirs. Everett Early. lin, Ohio. ch/BI1Jman ()! lIhe local . group at workers connect ed wlU1 the ·R ed Child ren'. Societ y of Cross War Fund drive, the house- Chri.t ian Servic e to-hous e onlWasS wUl begin Mlilrcll' l The Ohllclre n's Soc4'etY of C.lUd!JL1. today. to raise t he quot.a. of $2900 Ian ~lce met on 'l'hur8da.y ~leT­ nlloted ,to W03"Ile Townsh ip. noon a.t the home of Mrs. Walter The Slogrul of this drive Is, "GLve WlUtak er. In the absence of DoroWhere You Live." ~ 'W1i8on. pres1dent., MIiU'Y Dora Some of the accompl1shmen ts of ~ lWU .a.~~'Led vice-pre s 1the Red Croos clJur\ng ,the past yeal' derit. ~ tlbe .:ruslile& session. were coJJll!ortlng home-s ick figh t- a. popcorn sa!e '\I\'a& 'Planned for Ing men in 11U ,J:ull\ts ot the wOl'ld, March 10. MUIr the ~ Mis. helplng C1'.Ippled Bnd ma!.moo 801- s1On&r'Y lessOnS, dainty refresh diers adjust ·themaeJves 00 iaI new m~ were served. Ufe • .b~ Ifood to war prisone rs nna clo.bh1ng to cold and homelee s



lEveryon e sboUld give double th1lI ytl6Z' since the aoldlel'3 and Ifl~ men' 6I'e giving all, 'Ibe soUdtor s lor Wayne TCIWIl-

ship are as .f'Oliows: Mary Eamm rt, Ma'B. Leroy Moron, Eme6t ButterWOJlth. Davls Pumas, Mrs. Mark

Wilson. Mrs. Chas. Sharw, 1Mn. Dena M.oaI, VlrgtrUa. iHa.rd1n. ElI.lllllbeUh Furnas, Mrs. JOhn Bunnell , ROOeJ1l;a' Cook, Allioe Oona. <Amand a Earnha rt. Houg h. Grace Brown, Irene Oabom, Glelma. Frye. D :~ obhy Hawke, Ko.thyrn' !'!ulker6on. Dorothy stout: Mr, SGlLsbu ry\ GecrgSa Menden hall, MJrs. Harvey ~. Ws. Alva 'IboolP son, Ethel .8a.clI:ett, vJ.rQ'Inia. Hardin , and L. O. St. John. In additio n to these 1Q~1'8 will -be appoint ed helpers . -

Clu~. ~. 'Ib& N_ Centur y'Club beld theIr ;regular ~ meetlD& Mn. mll1Y'q R~ 11£ ~ at "OlD~.. 'IlW'en.iW member s e.nswered roll .c all witlh ,ttile llllDie of a f·a mou., l~. '1~ ",oenyn fo:! (111e dtelnoo n was 4n . oharge of Mrs. It iE. lHathaoway land Mh. J. H. 8a.oketIt. 'M rs. H'at1181Wo.y a very exceUent pa.per on "Ohio A.r:tJ.%s and ~." mentton 1ng our 0WJlI loco.l 1II1tiIt. Mr. ,M. A. .Fu1kerso-n. Mrs. SacketJt Il'(ad the 'Ve~ lovelY' s toI1'. "He Loved Me Truly." written by Bernad ine Bailey ilmI DorothY .WQlwooth OIl! the l1fe of Lincoln and his love lor his step-mo ther. DaInty refreshm enta were 5el!Ved to the membe ni and one guest. W. P. Sa,lisb\ll'ly. a~teT wllich the Olub adjourn ed Ito meet with Mn. J . ,&, O1'1l'bbe .as hostesll I.n March.

New Ce.ntu r


Tailored Ensentble Saves for Bonds

Local Pilot in War Area

Sec. Lt. Rober t Oabom Now Locate d in Italy



Di.~inlui.hed Flyin , Cros.


Bo ys Do !

a z e tt e


Red Cross Drive to Get Started Today

• Oa r

MARCH I, 1945

~l CH U R C HE S rl ':;~~~:;~~c~:;:hased Special SerVices ~

SOMra.CI ET Y E. F. Earnba ri




)IETHO DIST CBUBO B R. B. Colema n. MlDIste r Ohurcll lChool at 9 :30 A. M.. Mrs. Raymon d .)Qneer. superin tendent . Momini r 8erv1cea - 10:30. Youth Fellowa hip. Tuesday evenlni at '1:30. Cholr practJoe . WedM6 d&y 8 '00 P ...

• • •

Mn. Oharles LeMay and Miss Rut.h Helen LeMay were in Clnc1Jma,U, FrIday, and attende d ·t he Jose lturbl concert Qt MUsic HaM.

.. .

Mr. and Mm. Harold ClBbOrn have lI'ece1ved ' word from their son. Lt. Roben E. Osborn. thaIt he has arrtved 6bIfely In Italy.

Ma'B. Leo Conner and daUght er. eral dWs with re)ltlve s in IKansas City.

• • •

!Mr. and ~ , iE. F. Ea.1'nha.rt had as Bunda-yo '8'Il5ts Mrs" O~Je8 . B. BI.mhiIo rt of Bpr1ni.tleld, M1'S: Her-

work at ltihe AdZona . State Industn a:! &:11001. •







'Ilbe 8Il%!Vioe 188t


night a.t

the 'Wayneey11le CIlII.m:rIl of Ohmt woe one of the Ifinest aerv1ces t"e clWrch hall e~ In a. long t.1me.




II\1e&t of tile







a re-

IIUlt of an IIIttendB.nce ClOnts wtUnh WIUI beld 1ast BUIIlIller ' aod Which' W8.yneeyWe Church wm.

'Ibe eV'l!llkJ(r bepn with a

Local Talen t From Leban on Schoo l Will Entert ain Group


IIOIlC 8eJIVice lead by Everett Hunter do Oe:Dtez1vWe, Ob1o. <1 mem-

beE' of the Fen')' ~Ion. aDd MIrs, ~ Bamett , mlJllBtersMr. of tile c:bIroh bf 0br1at of ilebano n.


asaoctatIon'lI ann~ stoolGhold- O. Rarf :BurgeIIS or the Madblo nville er'1I announ ces L. J. Lane. CbuJm ct 0hNt of 01ndnn atl. OUr :Sunda¥ Sc:bool and 0Ilur0h ~:treuurer. 0hS0. MallY stattd. alter !\he ~. a~ maIdng IJlArtted gains Tbe meeUng will .be .held at the tba.t h1a mef!IL'IaIge. "Wh&t ~ y~ since 1M ice la tJODe· . Gr&DI& H..u in iLeO&IlIOIl and will or ·The C!u1et? " 'fta ooe ~ the

by and




and mlddle wtst _ ..........

beIIn .t 1:00. P. y, wiih Ra.y W. 'lbe filIDdI,y 0b0Ir ~ 1m the ~ ~. • iIMt4' a.ntat& wID be prcmpt ly a.t ~ wUl be turntah ed 0:00 P,14. by Joeat ~ .tran the Lebanon RDee MarIe Ie dey old RED , ORCeB .ohooIa UId .. apedai t~ ftom • da:ua'h ta or Mi. Mrs. Thomaa C21ntQ l 0cuI0ty. Roob, died noon a.t ~t ''RIIIlle priceS of farm laIId aDd V~ MepltG t ifti'itlaNton-. She Ia ST. MARY'S EPISCO PAL klule to veteruw Ifor 1I1e purohaa e si'a-v1ved bY bel' of If.,.. 'WW be~" an. tt.bree sis- 'CBUB cs Ralph Parka. Minta... Ia CbaQe wa and two ~.nounce d ~TftaaunJr"lat«' Phurch SchOOl at e:so A. N. P\UlenIl Mom\ntr pra.yer and IICDIOIl., ~ at :I 1'1:00 A. M. ~ 1Jtlme'1IfI:lfllUJ161

first prllle in tmle

• ~

Plan. for Anotl1 er Meeti ng in Leban on in Two Month a

J'eIf\IlN' meetiD&. Theeday evening. IIaDI .. spec.Ial mimber aa did Mr. In ~m . . . ifbis meet1ns was '!'be board or dUector a of the ~. BcX.h num.ben I were well .. pclrt3' I« ola crane 'Wbo leaves Ldluo n NaUobal Farin Loan AllIIn. rendere d 8I1d tbe audienc e enj~ mon for aervkle In the Na.~. Jactt; at a recent meel.tllg in LeblU\r.n, them ~y . ba.s been our recrea.tlooa1 Jes4er the aet J.r&rcb 6. 1946. . . the date for 'Ibe .a peak« of 1M . evening wu PMt ,....

Mrs. Emcr:iOn :Earnhart. Mrs Margar et Johns and Ernest Cook IIIt.tended the dimler a.t :t1he Golden ' ~. at LebanO n, on Friday eyening in celebnIIUon of 4he Western ~




FELLO WSHiP The youthF ellowlb lp Iheld bheir

guests of Mlr. and MrIi. UO)"d DItN1a and eons.

Lee Ha.wke mve re-

Sinlln l'Serv ice Prec:eeds Sermo n by O. Roy Burle ss

Electi on of Direc ton of Four CoUnty Conso lidatio n



oelved wont from th.e1r d~ter , Darls. ithaIt abe Is l.ooated at. ~!·t Grant\. lArWona. seoret..a.i1Ill


W86'Ilesville. Ohio. The JEl'Cey C&ttJe ClUb recardB each change of ownerah iP. each product10n recoz'd and e'8dl ;~ class1fJcatlm of Jerseys 1n ItIhe torlyeight sta.tea of .Amerk<1. More thul th' ........s1x thousan d JeI'81!;YS found ...~~%leW bt:lmea laat year.

A:I!l repor.ta 'Were In and these showed excellen t wwk In the varicNa deptUltm ente of . the OburOO .

tlIIJ)eICia1ly of the otfldal membera ' and 1be1r ftIaIWea"

IMls9 MJqa.r et. Ma.ys and Ml:8. Lillian P8.ilner of Do.j'!I:on and Mrs. HBrolcl Anderso n and mU&lhteT were

• • • Mr. and :Mrs.

F-d N- h S Held n ay Ig t, uccess

Golde n

buaIJl.ess eeaa1on'.

There waa fine atendaIliCe at thJa

b GI'8.Y and Mr. and Mrs. J . N. RobInao n 6.nd eon. Of oByton. .

Roger WalWn and ThOOlias HOU!Jton of Sprlng Valley.

s: ~~~ Jersey.

Lebanon Nat'l Farm loan lIeet Tuesday

Dantord . DIst. SUpt.• conductecl the

haNe ·r ebumed e.foter spen<lin 8 sev-

• • •

• -.

CONFE RENCE Tbe lut Church Coofere m:e for .t he ~ IM4-46 :waa held at t.M c.1l.uroh. Tuesda y evenblg . 8. pot lucJt d1nnel'. Dr. John


W. and Mn. W. P. Stmder e1'\~ed on Sunday Misses Janice Pelul6W1t and MGI'Jorie EMlns aoo



Mrs, Melvin Banta lWas the week end guest of her parenUi. Mr. anti Mrs. JOhn Fromm .



- - - : Yillo




qUOted IIOIne of bJ8 poeII'y. He 'Wrl~ aevera.l 'Vdwne s 01 ft'D!!

th&t are now fonD.


BOld 1n ~

Alt.houa'h tale attf'D!dl&nce .for the eYmtng 'WU not quite ill'S 1a1'p aa had been expecttd. there w'(IS a f1lll bcuIe aOO everyon e la1lt took1nc tor'W8!d to the .t ime· ~ an'dtber such I JlMle'tlrllr cau14 be held. And ' anct..1\er aen1ce ' I!uch .. the one en 'Priday ~tll


~ ~Iumed. KI'.

&DIlwa;m-wUIe maIdIiII p~

Bible school - ":30 A. II. JII!8l' and seven monbbl . pasaed ..way Communion: - 10:46 A. M. SW\d&y noon at Ule residence in Sermon - 11:00 A.. M. Huveys burv. She Is j!IUrvtved by the ~-":3O pu"eD'ts . Mr. and MJ11. 0e0rRe 8a.nders, one bro1lher and OM . slBter. PBlEND 8 iP\men l sel1Yice8 were cooclucted . W~ at 2:00 P'. M. at SWbba F1rat Day lIChoo l- e:30 A.. M. . Punera llmlme w.ltal bll11Bll n MIami Keetlng for Worsbl p 10.30 A. M.

SblI'lEIY Jane 'e'onders.

DID&t ~ aenDOIJB.1the\Y had baN in a 1008 time. Mr. BurgellS

~d one

ihla attUr. It wtU prObiab}Jt be

fbr ~11S '

·at T«Imo b in about two months .

,11ft. L. H. Oonicn hu ~ an IInMUIl cement of the b1sU\ of a erand-n1~, 8uaan 'Made, bam to Mr. <1M lin. Earl IbenIo n FU~


In IW~. O. C~ on ~T'y II. 'The ~ .~er ill Mra. UWan rue. of KnI. 00rdaIl .

WILLIAM H. KERN Mr. Kml Ia 8aEJQC.l1te Oblo rea1bn~ BECOO NTmON SERVIC E a1 UIUIa8 ft lor U1e Fedenl Lanct 'l1iere 'Will be a. eervtce' of reeBulk of HJe endless en..t Itbe preadl1 nc 'hour ..t ern' an'll fIIltmlsiallJll for ccopEr& -





CIlur~ lint SUl'lCby mnmUve a meana of lIet.tlnl OocIa.Y·s farm problema &OWed: with tnr, fa' ·the c:tllkIm1 fqr 1lbelr hdp in b "'Cruro de for" csm~ d\epatcl l· tJaa won him mBIl1 tneDdII m fann -drcles. In bls nb\e 1I&I8b. ·REN. V!ce dIIo w18hes to an,... of ~ 'Wtth and IUl:er- IIOUDDII ' othe Quartet'ly CQDferenoe to be beld ~ tIqtle CburCb , ThUl'1l:!&'Y V\s1III' nattona!

fenn loan assoclaUOII& In ObJo, bit bu become f8ln11- evenln8'. Marc:b 8. Rev. J. W. Danfard, DUtrfDt S\Jper'tl IteDden t. 'Will ear 1b farm audienc ~

es u an annual

apeakeI' ,



Q.-I·v . never undento od whJ a bad dream la .pokeD of •• I ' ''nllh~ mar.... What la' ao f1'1,hte ninl about ' a fem.l. horae after dark? . A.-The "mare" ot nlghtm ar. f. 110t a female hone. .1Ihoul h Ule Idea b .0 ftnnlJ rooted th.t many perlona laJ. "I WII rldinl • nllht. mar•• •• problbl 1 becau.. of a faulty Interpret.Uon of Shake.p ear.·.. '" wW rid. thee o' nllhtl Wt. the ·m.r.... . The of nJ,htm .re .nd of 8ha11:upear. b not 'a female horse. II Ie a demon caUed "incubu I:' .who .uaupP c;l.ed to crouch upon the ' of Ile.pen and produc. frightful ~. incubul I. the II .~ . DI\IIll!;J lend- whOI' oUl.r apo Man· ... die aprelli on "., m.".· ..




, II.... (ibe demon) comu from the AnaJo. suon word ...",.. "cJemon;" lIare '(the bone)· cOm.. fro.ID the

An~1IOII' Word _ _.....bon•••• 'R_Cl, . . two WordJ haft no CODo ~ . wII.ten r; til. Ideatlc d ~ b the ruult , of 10m. ?

.. . . JcboJar'. error. '

. • • • ca.-IIieue BOMIC m& . A.-'l'IIe ' em "Dable .. .... ......... •



. JItter aq: lI0II1 1111 lie Int .,lIabIe . . . . . will


• •


The Miami Gazette Published E-,.ery Thul' da.y by Dav-i. on , , ~loyd L. Davis on, Editor-Publishei·

S\lblcrlption I\ates: '(P.)'a~~e

In A4vance)



Within 15 miles, $1,50 per year Beyond 15 roUes, '2,00, per year,

hi~:"'T Hili, M.ri

pencer ~7 OOnl[n, In "30 ' ~, . Over Tokyo"




buy War Bonda and Stamp. at Our 80" Office










JOn Bull - Louise AUbrlttuD In

. ISan Dielro, I Love You' J wUh Edw. Everett Horton, Erlo Blare and Buster Keaton ADDED: CARTOON &-. NEWS

As Ohio makes postwllr plans,

industrial and transportation leaders have joined with farmers of 22 states to urge recognition of the pla'-Ta\ue of foreign trade and to stress necessity for keeping all fast U. S. ships for this trade, While pre-war foreign trade was only five per cent of the national income, that percentage frequently represented the difference between profit and loss. . DROSS The margin, asserts the Mill!!lsOne of tl;le ,processe in the operation of a printing plant sippi Valley Association, is like the profit from the "ganery" of is the remelting and cleaning of metals used in· the type- the old pre-Hollywood ttieater. cH~ting machines. This operation iR accomplished by plac- When the movies stole the gal. , the theaters wen.t out. ing the used pieces of metal type in a pot or cauldron and lery, Government blueprmts double healt ing to the melting point. At this stnge the metal be- postwar foreign trade-an estJmate on which Henry Wallace and ' comes liqUid and by agitation the dirt, impurities and Jesse Jonca agreed, This trade ill dross are forced to float on top to be skimmed off, lenving ut~erlY' dependent on American shIps. : At war's end the U. S. the meta] clean and ready to be poured in moulds to make should possess about seven and a , pigs" for reuse. haH miJ1ion tons of fast, new vesBels-merely enough to carry hal! In watching' the bubbling 'pot with its turmoil of metal of OUr own imports and expol'ts. Yet unwise counsellors would beneath the drOf,sy imrface, ·one is reminded of the wOl'ld'~ have us sacrifice some of , these condition toda y with its turmoil and strife, war and death, ships by lIa1e or charter to foreign POW!!l'I, along with ' more than creating a bubbling bloody dro s. When the -combat is over thirty million tons of 'slow Lib· find the top is skimmed off, ben'OOth will be found the purE! c-rty ahips we now own . •


RETROACTIVE. The "devil" changes his name. Last week we listed one Delmar Berry as our newly' acqt,lired printer's '''devil'' but MIRCHANT MAR[NI $20,11',715 it seems we were a little premature in .our mentioning of 'names ~8 'a ch!l.nge has b~,eJi . made since last week aDd the newcomer now in pOS8e~ioD' 'of the 'job ill Willia~ StansLerry. Perhaps the Berry, "stans" for something' time . All a'ubsidies to ship ~~'J'&tOl'l were cance1\ed by Contrel8 in will !tell. .: .



THE UPRISING Ole Man River went on a rampage last week and overflowed his bank~ the length and ,bread:tl;l>of the Valley. '!'he highway behVie'en Wayne&ville ·and ' CorWin was covered by hi~ "flo.ody ha~d;' and thia week lo.Wlanas its right-of-way still showed w'atery signs of its muddy' :t rack. where deposits of.ric~ top soil gatl}ere'd .farther ,up. stream ar.e added to enrich ~~d nurish the cr.oJ>s that will soon be ~'1'owing in t hese bottom .. ,. . .. lands'. . '

1987 and a atrictly-eontrolled maritime parity was IIUb8~itute-d­ solely for the benefit of U, S. crew.s as the guarantee of thn American llvinlr .tandard at sea. Even this parity, which a"ieraged 8)j~htly more than foul' milJlon dollars yearly from 1938 to 1942, ill lIubject to t'eclaim by the government if the lines earn more than ten per cent on invested cal>i~1. The accompanying chart slioWi the relativ,' cost of this panty. are fla.ttered" seduced, eel by eITOr.




I'm From




The Miami 9altiltta - Maroh I, 1882 work, aud don't expect work txJ come to you, Lock about yQlI and see • Mr. Samuel MCCune ,bas been ap- WJlat kind or men in our communHy poln!ted ass1sta,nt cashier oI .lih'! hlwe succeeded, Did seth Haines, Joel Evru1S, Samuel Wright, Isreal NBJtl.<lno.l Bank. Ha.nis and others Qf cur most sub• • • NUr Brtw,'t1 baa sold aU! his flour stantial business men mu ke themand feed ' store to Rom ee Chandl el', selves such by loitering' 1 t.he who ,r il be pleased to sec I. is old streets IUld waiting fm' something friends and ms~ny new ones. to turn up? We have heard SOJl1~ young men . Our 'Old :time neighbol. Chnl'l;;s wish tlhey were in Whll All n 's r.oH. Remick, nOw Uvtm a f-:w miles sitton. wm .AIIlen did not :yin bls south lOt Harve.~hurg, had m'l de position by wishing, Day a'fter dny J"'" arrangements to sell his p€ omu !or years .be h as 'wended bls WOfj propert¥ and go wes, but before from home to his place of runp:.oythe sale bills ,~ere qu~te rea.dy f d' ment WltU by his fidelity to dut¥ , " . , hlm, ho teCX?IIl&idered t ne matteI , he proved, himself worthy of the and concluded to stay, one yct?-I' posttlon lw now 'holds. This PlU'\ronger 8!t, where he is, and at ticuJar pa;1tWn nliY YJU, the end at rtbat time It Is to be but some other qu1te as usoIul and hoped /he may (:on~lude that Warren honorable may, !Do yoil sny 1Jle places 'lire a.ll rUlOOlUlty ~ 800d enough ' place fol' ed, W'Ork so:U'ce and or.enlnlJll CeJ\V ? him. Then take an humble posltlon and • • • Young men bIte your hands out. work up, Remember "there is aJof your pockets and wlthdrMII from ways roam BIt 1Ihe itop." Don't be ashamed of an humble .the firm. ot "ilDo Nothing," 00 to W/:'#A~l'iII~~~y,~'!,V4IYAra~ position, ' Remember OarIleld comtnen.e ed his splendid career as a mule driVer on a canal. John C,: rrett, Presldent of, the B. & 0, Ry. by Mh. Bert Bunnell got his firs.t money by selUng a ~1fJW~AiNIIIfIM~/$1'A'#'p##Af(W/'~M. of birds, Don It get disoour-' Mr. and iMrII. Shaw of Yel- aged if ,y our sUlTOll11dlngs are unlow Springs ap.eilt SWlday with Mr, pretentious, many a gran d life 'has (lna Mrs, Earl Cl'awfurd and Mrs, commenced In Q. cabin o r a coU·Jge. IWbett Schrlekler anel son, Freddie. ILOOk aboUt you, see how men, MiT. ood MlV. Les1te OOl'lluch nnei nnd women .too, struggling tor daughter, Mall'Ie, spent Tuesday cixls~nce. A 'Uv1!llg don·t come evening with " Mr. ·and Mrs. Bert without an effort, promotion don't Bunn~l and Mr. and Mrs. WlUard caine ' by aretdent. D OI1>'.t, become



Ball. Mr.8Ild Mrs, (walter Pfe1Uer and da.UClhter,, spent SUnday with Mr. end Mrs. 'H enry WeiKer .of SbGI'onvUle. '

.-jerrie'· Kennard and daugbter are o:n 1be sick list. Mr. and Mrs, V.wg:hn Mullen a.nd 9OIl8 of I)a,YiOOn, spent Sunrla.y alternoon and' CWlmpJ 'With Mr, Ilnd MinI. Bert BUnnell. Mr. '8 00 'MnJ:. Le8l1e GorsU()h and darug'hter, Marie, ' 8):ent Sunday [n Bethany wt1ih ~ves. M1'. Ilnd Mrs. MOrns I.swts and' SOlU! of MOuDt BOily spent Sun~ iMIl's.





"Cap" Stubbs and Wilbur S ~ars are. two frequent "passand .often "stopper-illS" at the Gazette Office', for which we are thankful as thli break in the 'daily gl·in.d IS indeed retl'eshing. . , We miss seeing Rev. Coleman a,nd his wee'kly caU at the office. The spring-like weathfJi' should bling him out again liS it is probabie the "ice is aU 'gone" by this time. er-~ys"




: B.




glad we voted fQf Mrs. J(lOPuiadty


Of eDtel'prl8e of 'less value





"'A... I~,.'

1-5 attemoons Wednesda.y


7-9 8abur<la.y evening

Other Evenlnp by Appointment


Dr. ,C. E. Wilkin OptometriO Eye Sl,)8ClaI1st 26 S. Detroit 8t. r_._~I~ '






.. OU'RE NO EXCEP. TIONI Calamity doesn't pick tavoritea l Mi.forlune ha.n' t singled you out a. an exception I Be. wiae and protect yo~raelf with ,ood inlurance .0 that DO matler what happens, you, 'your family and your property will be fully protected.

'Wish Fulfillment'

"I think I found the answer to the puzzler about scoring boxing ,matches the night a friend of mine lost a unanimous decision after a fight In which I thought he won every round. The boy was young, clean·cut, honest, stout·hearted and skillful. I had !l strong personlll In· terest in bIs career. The ma\ch Wal crucial, a big step up if be won. "On the heels 01 the shock admlhIstered by the decision I Indulied I~ a little introspection. It came down to this: how could my eye • have 10 completely deceived me? /'Yet deceived me ilic), bad, and with my own slubbOrD connlvaDce. I 'saw' tbat boy wiD beca~e I waDted him to wiD. It wal a pare ca.e o' wllh.fal81Imeat. .ActoUy I ,bad foacht that ficbt with him,. IdcntllyInr mysell waUl bls dorta, aDd see,Inc It &broach bls eyel. RaveD', you '' '.rhe yoluHll 'fotlewlnr' 'oaly ODe ~ned because you CIllUlllt tbe .llcbten ba Use rIDr aDd - , ~ alllth1ngs in a. day, but In" 'Now ,I'U "'ollow" the ~tber fel, do 'w bat .thlnp you <un each clay. low for a whUeT' '~Wben 'the two meDToucb 011 no Look about you a.nd see wha,t bas been ~ed by oonstaJlt ef- special pre-8ght Interest, It Is usually follt. Tthai .beautiful Ihome of A. J, aome incident durin, the bout thlt Thol1{le's did not spring up by suddenly 'fixes' your preference upon one ot the co,mbatants. A dIs· mlag\c;' year after yea.r, by hands of play or couraee. a .u~den personal. Industry untU it Is the admlmUon Ity appeal, a common , prejudice or oll 'Who eee ·it. Thfuk with pride aroused (or overcome). or our graded schQol; it came from "No rDatter how Impartial we try small beg1n~ and hQS been to be. we do subJeetively ehoose tile made wohat !t is by the enexv mao we wut to emerge vlctorloDS. and peraeveranee of men who ADd we Interpret what we lee In mMle its Interests ,bheir study and tliat,U,ht. Elpeclally 10 close boate. "The bafflement IS ,caUsed by the their w~. ,., Do somebhlng Y01UI8' men. dOn't fact that the choice we make I. 'often a subconscious one. We',r e not be ciphers. Yeu need hot expeCt ·aware that we have Installed one 'Of :to eacape ,t he edlot, "By the swea.t \be m~n as · a 'psychic' favorite,' of Ith3' ;face shalt thou breiut alll the one who somehow squares with he da.ys of rthy life." a lot of preconnelved noUons 10 mucb a part of us we don't even ,M eum HJoblett. f!lJlffi, two realize we have them. "I think this also applies to the mlles south of Bellbrook, on' the Wo.ynesvillel'08d, sold on Thursctay offiCials, who may be as honeat as Lincoln, but who are sUlI sub· !.alt, to Newton l:!erryhW, !or '140 Abe ject to the same psychological per acre. lit W'lS considered, for la ws that govern the rest of us. wrious roosons, (l. desirable Ilttle Maj. Richard Malburn, ifllml (51 ~ ). end the bldding waS SillDal Corps, U. S, army"


9~12 ' eacll mcmins


.&rap .

OftlQe a' 80,.. &lid




Wayne.rille IDBIII'aDC!8 ApDcJ • " __ n _ Il _

I -.c_a_ · t-.._n




ClooinnaU UnioD StOck Yards



• • •



Lin Wire and

~ve. -An or-__ fIUlIDUoo seoond to ..none, stncUy lOners on the beat aU around In the count.rY. ~d B. <Eambal'lt, ~t. 1, Way., o.

Service That Satisfies '


1f'¥Tl, ~


Western TraTel; 'lDdIaD CapU'fte: Old Phamp1eta; Eal'J.F NewipaPers; Old Maps; EmJrraDta' Guida: Db· &orIcai papeJ'I; HaD4wrUkIl 4~r1ea; Earl, Ohio laws; Early OhIO boob ; .Early medIeIDe boOb: ChUdreD'. boob Highest cash price. paJd




REED BOOK SHOP R.F.D. 3, N.ew Car1llle. Oblo Phone DonneIari11i!J 3811


bere I. a true report of at least 1 "art of. the picture, You and I, sit. tI.g together. see two different ac· _ s tak[ng place, , 'I have only one solution to of· ,..," th~ major aay., "'l'b.e ale of omclal. 81lpUld be around .11 years. ~r the .crap the kid. ba aaked-'Wbo ,ot licked?' I think you'd Uluall,y let the true · allawer. The ,kld. haven~t had tlDle to sop up that e,o that make. most ftpt fans ' see what they want to lee, because wbat they want to see t mu.t be ~e way It I•. " This Is a .completely correct .tatement. We]]y lee only what ,w. want to .e.. ' ~'. Bape, ~.,.b ou, wrote"The' world'. ....••tea& Uu .. &he mUl who ._" be OaD bet o~ aDd· ,reot .&Dolbel'." , This Is · ~e . lIlu OaD ataD4 on bIa beajl. IUI4 Ida " eet at Ibe _me ' Ume~ A ooiatertIoDllt eM ,perre'" ..... leat, inat ·.. troll" be ·....... ilia.wUi lie ID • bot.



Pruiel'. Her &tide 01 last week, G erus8de '~.Iace CUrtaIns. reb: 8. 18 the beet she ~las written. We 'Who' have eyes that are not so We ' halve long been i;orry tntat 'so goOd ' know ail too well haw QwCkly ~ bmlee';robbed ,o f' ~~ of they resem .strained' i~t. MlWbe tbe 8IJDI18e and SUD8I!~; not tha.t there are thOse who would rather wttb «.ber 'bl.ndywork," are , do without ~ iha.ri. draPery, CO be · adored, but ' tthat, -they are never,lIhele88 in the triterest' of ' eyes ~tafqI an~ rem1ndera, of 0mhI- tlhey Oug-.nt to · be~. · -" ~ Mliah ~d tlhem',lW1th .\ AF, we, too, look through the "Unt.Iidr ~, ~ the (J'~t c~4ned window we ' do think. We ~ ~ ?;'his .l8 ' news. , titlnlt of a View , lIOOn ~ G" ~o-.1Idpr OUeIt SI\iY&: (, w1nd.ow .recorderd In Prov.' ?, "I lOok· ,'. t b&ftO'It much mooeybutPlently eel. ttru:ough ~, puemem." ,.A, )'OW1g or IQId. men \\V8a seen': 8 'son' whO had 'l1le. ___ .n4 ..... are mine' been .told to CIIIili wisdom an4 undertID bebDid; sta.nd1ng pear ktn, But. vOId if un .. AIIIt ~ kIIIter that never ~, he IWIIB approached , r . . . ... . . . " eOt.k:ed,and ~, aa-,t\'iaIe no' AGd. "we . . . DOted tM· 'rooted and gmWlded' in Gte Truth t

NIIOFA8 I. eo.alned f.n mall ,oe., tlj.1 bulk of the corre.pond· ence WI have' received lately con· cerns the 8corlng In boxing mlltches. Apparently there 18 a nationWide interest In attempting to solve th[s problem, wh[c\l Commls· sloner Eddie Ealan of New York intelligently. He Is has tackled making progress, but there are still many tall barricades along the road: His campaign, however, has started many fans to thIn1dn, along these lines. For example here Is one letter I thick worth recording. It comes to mc from Maj, Richard Malbaum or the U. S, armY signal corps: "Dear Mr, Rice: As chief. cQmbat Hlms branch, signal corps photographic center , onc of my duties is supervis. Ing the review of sevcral hun d r ed tllOusand feet of' film per month shot Grantland Rice ' by army combat cameramen, all over the world, much or It under battle conditions, The exposed negative, unprocessed, Is sent In from the field accompanied by caption sheets -In which the cam· eramen describe the action they have photographed. And I am oftcn amazed at the discrepancy between what actually appears on 1he flIm. and what 1he cameramen in all good faith believe will be found there.


THANKS Still comes the letters from even dis.tant places expressing desire for"the continua.tion .of Dt'y Ridge or of thanks for its reappeafance. T.o be so popularly received by so may readers is indeed an honor. Our heartiest c.ongratulations and Ithanks to. Do' J. F.

Letters To ThellEdito'r

Sunshine Girls. Cortoon, Tra-vel Talk and SpOrts


deSLr.)y- with Mr, 1UJdl .!I.frB. Koesta:-. rxbe Uttlca I£d1es Aid wUI meet OUT THE WINDOW , G d II ' . Again, we tlhlnk of ,the .clal'kened at " Mrs. ' HuVey lat,y's 1W (Jheir ra ua y the front windo\vs are getting, cleaner and wlIidows in OW' CQSemeIJt when we Ma.rc:h meeting. ' cleaner and before long we can take Dorothy Frazier's groW' olel; the ~lonable years I',dvice and start a column on what we see in t~ daily goone, -charaot:er fomLed. When, it IB "hou&e. or 'oou:rae m ttille a.ntltype "passing parade," providing of course, that we find ti'me not oonvenient ~ gfope. tor prod! theIIe t'bbea aTle ~e 'mecllum of t.o look. . '. ' ' of ms exi8tenre, In we halve not exchange UBed ill tbe.'lIystem8'Of t.he h' , '. . ' l'r tmembered IHJm in the days 01 world but kriowledge, . wisdom. and . ne t mg we have noticeh ]8 that Ross Hartsock IS punc- our youth, EoolCll. lCZ, ' ~erstand1ng, ' people porISh tuany regular in his daily post-offce, trip and that .Mrs.. Agujn, when MaJaml tel~ us ,t bl.t for iack of knowl.:" " Elzey is equally punctual in J<eepingher sidewalk .. scru- Windows In heaven wtli ~b:e opened !We may, more· or ies6, be con· pulous)y Clean, even when the snow' and rce . p.ersistenltly to pour out a. blesalng to rtlhose who sc10us of this.,but ~V~ ~Utlon of strQng. covered the ground. . " b1'Ougbt :tithes 1nto the store- It is ever news. 'We




NO with 11m Summerville, EI 'Hour Before the Dawn' Brendel, Iris Adrian, 8I'uoe SHOW with Franobot Tone, Veronica Bennett, the Pled Pipers and l4ke and John Sunon

Keep Ships For Midwest Profits

metal of peace, washed clean by the blood of many nations und the tears of th.ose who still remain. May this purgoe be an everlasting lesson to maintain the purity of our moral and spiritual metal to a degree of the ·..·peace ,beyond understandi~g ; "


Best H111 Billy comedy' sill.CC '\Mk)untlain ~I" u


tho Dawn"


You're III lor an evenina of l8Iughs[

B011U1 Veroutca' Lake In '']four Betore

-JlD. .


ARMITAGE:' SON Phone ,W8fDlllv1lle


MorrOw Phone No. 3 Lebanon: ,OU[ce Phone ,~a It

ReBidenC8 eA y ,


,"ow A·b.oUt· t'Y~8ig~t,? " , t, , Alan, thls liDe I hive jUlt received 'lett. ~mDr. M; T. , anit~ oP.etrllt and eye spec[a,l I'l, lB' !, eonneetlop with boxlIl' 118clsl011& • "&caUie 10U speak 'of the linpor. •taDee Of Q'~sllht .aDd '1 ,am ap opo· tome~ ~_ Iu.aelt tb~t ·bqth J!Jdle. , aDd the r~eree ahoUld bJave their Q'U -examined to determine' their 9IIUa acuity, In plain' wordi ' to de- ' ~nDlne what their dearee or vi.IOll Ia, and their visual .~' 01 rteOI-&tlOil." (An extremely ".~~~~~==~:~~!I 1Ietall, seldom menUODed.) , '"









t'-......' .........~-...':':"...............- ...,:,,-,..." ......~1. Loren V, Rea.on Given

i DRY RIDG'E ~ ~~A F~M, j)IAR~ ~ i ' by D, J, FRAZIER , i

Grade of Sergeant' . M""'uroc, <:;fl.I1f.. ~b.· 21-1ilI'en ' v.. Reason. hU6band of Mn. Ruth ,nea~ 4I~ ~""'~ ~~, ~,,' " ' ..... "to."to.,""'~~ , ~ Bon. ROsa.rit~nd, Oalif., ,luis recently February 22, 1945. WashingtOn's been promoted .to the grade of ser.g~ \vas li11e ~ l\ihat sui.ey geant at' Muroo amtY' airfield neat ~ \II .witlb _ new tam1l¥ here, of 'lint, lQllU' Oeo,\'iC" ancl toUr A am1\l1.~ 0( WaynmUle Hiil\ , Martnat, 10\11' spott.eo. cn'ClIfOW' rUlI~ lOhool, he ,",\\IS employe4 u " '~let. necked. She ~'OtITed <to her choseu num for ,Nle StandIMd 011 com- any rewcat k18t evenini and 'tJhIa mom- or Leban~n, Ohio, prlor 14 entering Ing. we 00U!Id he~ othe puW, Ca.? the ~ allr forces, in Dec, 1942. Formerly stationed at Ha:mmer went In 1IIJ1d ' brouelht them out lind as 1SOOllJ as he put them down SUZP-y field, near Fre!mo, Caillf., he arrived ~ Uhllln back In again, Then he at thIS Fourth a1rlorce i\l.Sltallation brought' ~em a.nd we put In AuguSt 1943, Gnd Is IlSS'igned to M1: old Cll8.te In the hole and ma4e duty 1n lUhe qUaa1termaster section. Q, comfortable plnce for the puPIl , H15 parents reside In Waynesville . oock ot the ' furnace and SUze)' settle<! down to take <lare oI them, SIS Bode in Hospital 'I'<ldG.y Is Pa.ul's !birthd'.lY too, hls Mrs, Rose Bode. wh'O 15 residing eig'hteeneh , <that means Gnoth~r boy here with hCl'l brotiher-ln-lnow and for the e.nn1, slster, Mr, and Mrs. W: P. Strader, • • • ha6 <reee1Ved word from her husband Friday, February 23, 1945. The &U881 Staff Sgt. Bode, <tlmJt he Is now in ,buckets are out. wt icwst I SIIIW one, the hoopUal wt camp CQll"6OlI, Dolo. I wonder how many wlll be able to He has been In Q hbsp1ta1 in Engget help enough t.o mn:lte syrup la.nd for seveml weeks sifter re,this year. We would fIJl be glad Ol oeivlng InJUl'IIes whUe In combat the extra. sweetlnlng, espec1a.lly 6e'I"Vioe in France. £lOOd maple syrup, ' bUt Uln they geJt help, It would be nice 1f some- Volunteer for Victory Group one 'W~o has 'no sugar bush would The Volunteer for Vlotory Group run it co·opemtlvely ,t hls yeaa-. I me¢ and worked wt ~e bOUle of Mrs. .would he glad to 11ire out as helper Jennie (JOnner on Thursdrly evellfor same guod ma.ple &ya;up. I aU! lng. Much work W08 acc:lmplb hed stir and ~ and I could! even and during the social hour dainty emptYl 'bucke\:a. Pel~laps I had bettel' and! dellclous mreshmwt/; were wt tha.t in ,the 'W<Ult ads but 1 served by the 11OSt.ess to Mesdames mJght not hnove any bel.teT luck than OIuI.rles Ellis, Ol1arles Maurice. ~l. he edlt.or did when he t ried ·to get ter Frasure. H. E. Ha.tha.wa.y. Frro someone W ' cut wood. We a Hook, J . E, McClure. WUllwm Ea.wfew trees. We ~h:t bake Ibhem and yer and ru>beJ1t G Ill¥, Mrs. Jame d.o as we did ,bhe fimt ~ we were Conner and her llouse :;uem. Mrs. in the country. boll it down 001 the T'umer were guests of the group. litove In bhe dish pan. We made a gallon tha.t way. The old Aceide.nt Victim. t1men tell about the fun 1lhey used Mr. and Mrs. E. V. Bal'n:lla.rt and to have at sugOJ'1ng-oI! parties. but Mr, and Mm. J. B. Chapm'iln !lore I never had the oIumce 00 f,o to 8ulffering . from rr.any brwlles liS a resWl. 01 a coU1s1on wh1ch occtl\"ed one. The seed catalo&'Uoo hnve been on ~te Route 42 on Saturday here for some t.lme, but '1 i1alven't night. Mr. Oh1lpman also suf,fel\:d tAlIken ,t ime t.o study them. Last, ~r severe cUts when he stiuck the there were a number of new things v..wd-sttie1d. a.nd .MW ~'arietles or old things. Halve a.ny or you tried 8lId ad quiet this Inorn\ng 00 Onr)' put the steps baA:k and na.lled them Oeltux:e They seem bo be I1wo new when he did h1s SUnday mo! nlng lUnda of greens. I h ope Uhls year that we can get the 'garden plowed Chores but w~en. I came home thls '.l!teroon it .seemed stralltge:ry silent tn t1me for It to £reezc asa1n< before and when I looked for the babies we work It down and ,t hat we C8IIl they were gone. I listened and I plant it eacly, 'not laIter bhan tlte oould heu.rthem making collitented last week In March. I em a. great baby nol.se8· from the1r iIlole under believer In early planting. especially the kitchen. SUZE'Y had moved Ulem lIor peas. If they are in th~ ground they can grow durlng that wet ,the minute the' blockade was down. • epell that usually ' comes Just at ~ever U11s time she mana.gOO to pIa.nt.1nc time 1Vhen ~ aumotr 8q\JIIleZe ~ _ as well 88 ~ 80 I let even atep into ~e gaTden much iess her-etaq rtheI'e. As soon as Itheir eyes pkmt &nythlng. Of course it 18 a ve open 1I1ey ,wm rove to move to glamble usrunst ' frost but yuu st.iind the aned ~(1oy, to 8a.ln sOme nice ~, .v.tab1es • • • and BIll you wUl ~e is a few BEooS l\Ion!lay, Februal7 26, 1945. Ra1n, tor you can always replant, pry Ridge dB SOI!kOO with ,ra.ln and More ~an three v.'CErkB yet i ll ~ 'Wlbh mud. A steadY down6prtng by t.he wendai' but tbe poI,lr ~ niglbi. and all ' morning. A robin.'> were here In a. flock the other short breaClhJng spell 8lId more rain day and th15 m'Ol'ning e. Guv young l1Ig&in, it 15 sweet mllslo hear It IJ'ed bln:l was lliJltrlng with three glri tlIl'kle ,tnto lOur newly mendEd cls11'Ien<ls out here in the 'tree, 8lId tern 1Ind patter 0IIl the roof. The the ohorus is growlng da).ly. ~re Is tum1ng ~n ' and ~ • • • is rflowdng or stand1ng every wheJ'i!. &aturday, February 24, INS. We We 'need It but ,I illOpe Iflha.t ·i t will hClI.rd growls IthJs morning .from the not ' go to ' extremes tor itwtruldn't ceIla.r nursery and ' when we WEl1lt ta!te much to make a flood. Snow down we d'ound Smo!cey stretched and COldel' we8lther are t:~om15ed. out 'WIth ,t he pup,<; lettln3" them In fact I just looked out and ~t is nune and Suzey grawMng. We were beg1nnjflg to BrW1IW. mUCh trurtrtsed to find she Gifts to the <Red cross means milk for as lal' as we Iwow, she Is help, to our boyS clear to Ibhe front not going <to haove pups IUld it 15 a Ilne 60 dIon·t just do a. .}lWe, dO all year since she ihad the last ones. you can. ? Pe!"haPB she is like 1Ite cow Jim McDon8Jd ,te~1s about tha.t m1lked three yearra from one freshening. Each year ~t the tIme at Which she first came fresh she would come Into her milk end tbh~ would Mrs. NeIi1e BunneU 'W8S In xenia go right on milking her. We got and WdImI.ng1ton iast week. errokey out and Suzey in oha.rge II4!'8.1Ii and now SJnokeyi 8Carce1y lmJIs WJUiam& and mother of dares put !her head tn the cellar or Cinclnnat1, spent F1lid.IW ervenmg tihere Is a !lght; Smokey -bad to with Mrs. J. W. Ward . eVerJ 'eep at ,t he head of Itbe stAUnI MIs.s 'laura. McKinsey speilit Satin.'>~.:~;; wi on h~ bed -beoause 8UZey Ul'day 8lId SUnda.y with Mr. , Md wouldn't l~ her walk past dl. pups.. MR, !la.rl S\WJn of neu Ridgeville.


Friends Home

• • •

SUllday, February 25, lN5. All seem-


Write! Right Now!

Place,.Your Order lor

SACeO ffRTltllfR No~ Fertilizer will

he very learee, Sc» o ..d... now "ftd beltaP4! otohtaininc

your nead.


Buy Now For Spring Need.

Fairley Hdwe. Stores 6 -



Phone ·2441

Wayne.vil1e, Ohio



.... ture.







Stanley and Koogler For Datf'JI, Phone 289t. WayneavlUe. Ohlo, Reverse



ON THE AIR Confusing Business By Fred Emery Marlin Hurt gets hIs biggest colored, so Marlin picked up aubang out of sidling his six· foot thentic dialects. Hurt started his radio career rrame and 175 pounds up to the microphone with a cheery "'scuse as a singer on a St. Louis statIon, '11e, folksies" and watching the had been in ra~io for 10 .years before he introduced Beulah to ':1 ixed conster· a microphone. It was 1943, ,ation and dewhen Tom of thE! Tom, Dick and :ight of the Harry trio with which he sang studio a u d idied, that Marlin decided to forence on seeing sake singing fOlr acting - and Beulah for the Beulah. Now BI!ulah has a nice, first time. Beu· fat three-year ccmtract. 1ah is Fibber McGee anll A picture talcen recently at Molly's once-aEverybody's Farm, showing week maid on ~. Leo Hoing. chief appraiser of their program the Federal Land Bank of he a-r d 0 v ~ r LoulsvJlle, willI Roy Battles, WLW on Tuesdirector of the WLW farm dedays at 8:30 p. partment, and JI:arl Neal, operm., CWT. Marlin Burt ator af Everybody's Farm, bas Beulah's cre_ been published~ in the Farm ator - instead of being female, Credit BulleUn, which is recolored and man.chasing - Is ceived In approx:imately 100,000 thoroughly male. white' and an 80 mid-west farm homes. golfer. Ever since his kid days backstage ot the theater his fathStatiOD WLW will partipBte ac. er managed in Duquoin, Ill.. he tively in the American Red CroSi has been determined to be an ac- campaign duri ng March with tor. It was natural that "1e 'sp~ cial shows am\ interesting feashould mimic p·eople. A large tures Inte,rated . into regular part of Duquoin's population was programs.


pany with, her son ami 'W ife, Mr. ~. 1Mrs. A. ill. Stubbs, called on l-elllJlllvCII at Fannersvi1le, Sa.turday

New Cape Sleeve

eVenina'. . Mrs. Robert Burnett. of Centerville, spent Se.turday night and Sunda.y with her mobher. MnI. Lucille

Made To Order



You'd be Barprlled a' how many Good Service. boys write In &0 this column aDd complain that they're beln~ ne~lect,. Dr. W. B. PORTER ed. All right, boys, you asked for It. Don't say we didn't warn you. VETERINARIAN The Miami Gazette Dow's your Loar LlleT-It's cata· Phone ~87 Wa1DCI"fIIIe. Ohio clysmic if you're wearing one of those Don O'Connor ir':Iter jacketsund you probably arel How do YOU rc!cl about the way the gall bave stolen lhem right oft your manl1 shoulders? Slic k Slacks-Ot course, you're sti ll blinding us with those violent "cords," but It's your new Glen plaids that make your Able Greble sing. "My Beloved II Rugged." III the KDow About Bowa-They tell UI that you're wearlne your Si. natra bowtlea on ,our belt buckle.. Say it Isn't sol Up Your Sleeves-Loti of boy. are wearing those leather dog coUarl a. bracelets. liB many BI Dve on a wrist. all In dUferent colora I It'. brutal. Sweater Fa"orl~It'. and rrr·~~~~~~~~~~~~~===~~~~~~=~=l\ coming sweater Ityle with the wolves-this button front, sleevele.. job. Watch out, boys, lhe call will steal It trom you, just BI the,'ve Wholell)tnP Pa.teur1zed Dairy Product. . made away with your arole. and reindeers, your V neck. and Jour Paauurized Milk 1107' Your "Protection. Ileeveless pull·onl.


an up

Bob's D'a iry '

Wavne.viJIe, Ohio

ENGLISH IS BROKEN DEBE It'a a new kind or double talk tbat has IU In . , U..y. Hebbe W. the

Inftaence of &hat popular mone, "JaDte," or mebbe It'l aU 10ur 0W1I Idea. You certainly have &be ORt,. , "ders In the ..-elJ-lmOWD .tate of tRtar eonfuloD. Scrambled Letter...n lomtone laYI ''~od GeeveDing" to )'ou, don't report him to the FBI. He'. Ilmp~ laying ' ''Good Evening" 10 the new Icrambled way that put. the Illit letter of a wor!l between the Illit and second Iyllable., See? Shakespearian Sbake-up - Wben you bear a teen·age voice 18y1l1l, "Ha8ten, varlet, with lhat double malted," or. "Yea, verily, it lenda me," It Isn't lomethlnl out of the old Bard of Avon. It'l jUit one or thole new Trendl we're alwaltLlalk· Ing a bo,,!t. ' In 8eve~Have you heard about the Fro, wbo couldn't croak becau.e he bad a Man in his throat 1 Have you beaM about the People Toed Pigeolll? Have you heard about the .Ick dog who said, "It shouldn't bappen to a man" 1 These eags In reverie are good for a ,Iglle an), tlme. Well, .end me and call me SwoOD)' if lhat Isn't the end of our Jabber· wocky lel80n for today I

Amlit&l'e. Mr. <Uld Mnl. Kenneth Thomas. a! Lebanon, MrII. Atugie Hecathome. of M1aIn1sburg, e nd Mrs. PaIUl J o>hru of I.qrIb1e, were Sa.tutda.y callers or MIsses ~ll1ie and Marne Browite. Mrs. A:l1ce ClaIf.Jt dUTlng ,t he ;p ast week were Md5s Wanda 'C lark a! Lytle. Mlr: IBnd Mrs. MUton Bhee!han ~ CentervUle, and Mr. and 'Mrs. Earl Clark of Day¢IJn. GUftlUI oI

Mrs. J. W. Ward ~t Sunda.y at t1\le home of her nephew. K. N. · Hough and fa.m1ly.

The iMl$es Br-owne hOO as t4te1r Sunday dinner g.ue.!\:a. Mrs. Louella ' Browne; her daughters. Mrs. Virginia ~ and ,M rs . Julla. BIowe1'8, a:ll 01 Shllo !Mr. 8lId Mrs. Ma.rt1n B6rt.eIs and two sons. Dick <UlC! Bc<bby, or Wryoming. Ohio, were gue»ts of Miss

Chandler, SUn<hliy. ,

1'be cape sleeve, oa a cIauIc Mrs. Crane IiPent Sunda3' with "alit dre.. .r 'Ufe S . allll her son. E. C. Crane and family. ahOClkln~ pink, hI. b,. Maria Krum In lIer Dew 1Pra. ail Willlam MMkensen In oonduot- resor' coUecUoD. '11ae dretla baa aort RUBBER STAMPS I:ng a series a! discussions on the easy Une. wUb tie, 'lio", a' '&be Deok Mac1e-T9-Order P8.rablE5. here on ' Tureada.y aftEr- aDd IDverted plea"l In the Ikln. . MLUII GAZE'1"1'E - PhOile lID Mrs. ~ ~, in CIOm- ~.

.f 'linD QUALITY ...... lInD CION

......... --,o,'."....I..,...............

N.w........ • ...r...-ed th... ••• r".'.r., ,..n .. ••• e.p.rl.....


with .. I•••• .... ~ ,-.Idl ,. Ito ........... ..... .....Ion ot wor. Oat lie.

,.. ,.,••, •• r''''··· c....,··, ,•••••••• •...' M".'........ ".110" ,.n....

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......d '.rtlll'art 'or all .;op............ ......."., r •• ult., A.k your clDO.



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(Floor and Table)





- BED, ROOM SUITES . STOVES "Corhplet&. ,H .ome Fumiahers"

'l'eeb. 8JtePaaa FOnIbaiD, 11. '8Oa....DiP.!:!llI~. Y.,-",•• ODe or three

IDiancl wben aD EJPtII .... Fone- I'J7UII' Forin.. took • abeU· ID~ oyer Genn.D!'. Tbe _m.... p1aae'lot ....Il fo ED,lalld, bat tbIa B-1'1 ~I' . . . bMW lilt wltII a ahaUered left tbl,b. ~8W be bal. aD estu ,......-~ for aU tile ' people .t home baJ War ~ .. Ileal WOIIIIIIed ...... S. T_r; men



u...,..,., •• • •


Phone '9 12R



,"Eut Maha Slnet at Whiteman" •• •


E •

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-"0 T 11\11 N


Theatre Tickets lIS .





~ftESS I rull atTiOlUlt of






In _he Clolamns on he Gaselle acl~ veribers are placled at i andom the nUllitl anel acldl'euel 01 community realdenu. FIND YOUR NAME i nel brlq ' tt to the GI.ette office.

You ,..11

WayneariUe, Ohio



tax a t that Cinw. Special and lnatnroWons 'hft/Ve -been JI.Ilailed out to all '. l~ans who .filed dewrations iast . 'A dditlonal tlopil:s may 1)1.)talned from the ()t!1ce 01 any 01leot.ct' of Internal Revenue, Fanners who have, not yet rued 'tiheir 1944 ~. 'tax retunl,ll · m~.t do so by March 15.


home ca.n.n1n8

S'dgBr coupons. No ..._;_._ _•__............,.._-_......_............_._._ _._.-.-.....-.....................~.~.•••••_......._ .

raUon stamps In 'war ratIcn bopIt

=):~.':=:t=~rg~~' l»apnt~biUt ~burtb juices. tile" aU.a\\nnOe wiU· ,be ~11 'th.J

~ kandall, Minister basis 01 one pound (01" , 1Wh · f 1I SERMON TOPICS: : QUarts canned. The total '~J. .. ' e M' . must not ' e~ 20 poul'ds pe l' p I·.. . om.l~l · • f!IOJ1. or 180 pound.!I to a fi ll ' l "0 \ . Evenln, Iy, even t.'hoU8Ih the fnmll. ~~!:. . tam more bhan' elg:ht persons. h

We Offer



Ohester F . Freelan vs. Bertha Fl'ee)an. dlvoroe to plalnUC.r, cOSta paid . E . J . Beedle ,,.s. .rohll Foster. et. al. distribution. NEW CASES fired W. Meeker vs. Ida H. Meeker. divo~, w1Uu] I\Jbsence . Arth ur Bry-

Satisfactory Services

ant, att'y.

Alice Slebel'L vs. Carl W . Sieber-t, dIVOt'Ce. gt'OS6 neglect and wlUul a b sence, Robert W . Brown. Q,i 'y. ~ther Aibner vs. Tolbert Abner. divorce. gl"OS8 n eglect of d uty, Arthur Bryan.t, a:tt'y.

At AIl Times


CecU W . Meloy. dec'd . Robel'i E. Mooney, audllary adm.. flied bond tor '32.500. . Ellmbeth Hamilton, dec·d., Inventory approved. W. D . Johnaon. dec·d . lruventory

~cctrlure Jl[unerlll

~ome Dial 2111 -

approved. George H. Hautzahn. dec'd. Inventory approved. tnrank L1JdIneton, dec·d. vahle cl eeta.te is $500.


WendelllA. Brown. dec'd .• Blanche

~=~~~~~~~~=~~I Brown, administn.'trix filed bond for $2100,

ROOm Horner. dec·d. n et v·a,h!p of eata.te is




ROCK OHIOK&-Breeder ot Nat 0Iie.mptan Wblte Rock pen both Ift3 aod 1.944. our 1945 Weatem New York conte8t pen is leadlnl White Roclt pen In all U. S . throuch Dec4'mber. Suy chlcka of tbla proven hlab JlI'OClUOldpD strain for top poultry proflta. Evet'J DImham cluck sired fOl' top P9'i1t.l'f pr a1U. bf individUally I*l*'eed R. 0 : P. mUe 'from dNJ,l 01 300 to 31& eti ' re.;ont. Place your order tod'ay &6 ttle deIpIDd fiIr tbeee 8Uperlor chicks


~~e 1\If4)1Y: Don't odlIIappdntecl. Lebanon, 39 Columbus AVe.. PtlOllle 288-R W"yneavWe, Raut.e 2., Phone 2916. DtJIfHAM Bl'eeder HATOH.ERY

I"RiIJilRB i:Dd BroUers lor Ill\le be&1Dnin&" NondaY. Man:b. 6. Sold dreseed e.nd by ordel' 'OnlY. I .w ill .from .0-50 ohlcltens for .8IIle ~ -wea. 'M ax Randa.ll. Phone 2985. Utc FOR SAlLE--eJlrini cOat. color gold. s1Ie 12 oa: 14, atke new. ~one 2M9

W..yneevUJe. O.

mR ~10


8M!IL 6j) extra good

~, ~~~. 8 room

~, - - I .roof, Iba~ fa It 48, m, TOOt'. crib & ,ganl8e 30 x 30, metal z:oat. lair .tobacco abed; never I&illJW ,aprtng, well. oIst.ern. . 18 ~ growing wheat. $7,600.00,


REAL ESTATE TRANSFERS IJa.n1el and ilaura Routt to Bruce and Viva WUIs. 1 lot In iFnlnkl1n. Belva. end Wlaiter Sheets to \Wl1te end aJlea. Beltz. 106,88 acrell In Union 'Ilwp. . ~ and l~ura Brown ItO the tm8teea of ~he WaynesvUle Ohriatlan OburCh, lot 5 In Waynesv1lle. [.erma. Cox by adm. to B erth a Bl'ln<i'enburg. lot 3 in SOuth Lebanon. . Chester D. and Cartle M. Orockett ,to George R. ,HenlC1le. 43.17 (lCr~s In Olearoreek tw;l. . Russell O. Pems to H. ,r. Dally Co.• lot 13 In. Lebanon. ~JeJ & " Thompson' to Ohe.tJe8 W . . and C)am, B. Wetzel. lots 6. 7 and ~1 in H&fIVeyaburi. Anna. Reed. dec'd.• by Sam Kauf.,' 11; R . and LOttie Luelle Cooper. lots 21. 22. 23 In Salem ~. ' . !Mary IMoUnta ~ ,t o Stanley J . and M'alrtJha. I. WaUt\n.s, .05 acres In

"Last date 'OST OFFICE WILL STARr MEATS. FWfs.-Red stamps Q5, R5. CLOSING AT 5:00 P. M. 85, · March :11 According to Lester Gordon. Post· · '1'5. to X5. • April 28 Y6. ZS, and A2, to D2. June 2 mn.~t er , U1C WQynesvllle Post:lfffc!! New . sba.mps w111 be valldfl.ted wlll be closed Il,t 5: 00 o'clock enoh e\,ening beginning Mond'ay. March b. March 4. . 'IUle lobby wlll be open as usual. The PROCU38EID FOOOS l'CllSOn for tlhls ea:rller cJcslng hour Blue sllamps X5 to Z5 a nd A2 and Is beC8JulSe of a lIew over-time ruling, B2 "March 31 according 'to Postmaster Gordon. ,Blue stamps 02 't o G2 • April 211 'm ue stamPII H2 Ito M2 "June 2 mue s tanJ)lS N2 to 52 • June W Fourteen-year-old Mary FraDCell Desmond baa been a radio SUGAR STAMPS ·1 'actress balf ber .hort We. Sbe" Stamp. 35 "J une :I Jleard in NBC'. "Today'. CblldreIl" oyer StatioD WLW, Mon- , No new stamp wlU be validated lUltil May 2. day. throurb Fridays at 1:15 p. ·m,. CWT. Esbher Cox ·to Ohester T . and Fay Lawson. lot 43 1n Fmnk1in ltobel't BUckensderfcr to M<\.Idred Blickensderfer, 22.67 acres In Ha milton tWp. IP<aUil V. and S84'a iK. Shaffer to Oharles and Ethel P ence. 72 acres In Wia.lI1ren count.y. Charles C. ·n d Goldie 1M. Carroll to Carolyn and LlOYd Bol en der. lot 30 In MolTOW. W. W. Shurts. Sr., to Amos Johnson, 1.80 n.ores In Hamilton twp. Clara BIshop to Geol'ge Hall. lot 568 In Franklin. . Frank and Anna Bevan to Oarl L. and Dorothy Bool. 119.'70 acrfS In Wasillngton twp. eam D. H~le to Zlln lA!mitII< e: 105 acres in Hnmnton twp.


CIVILIAN,S AT WAR The government n ed.! lan.d esk.:> I s c1t1zens 1n this 169th week of t he to: 1. Give all you can·.to t\~ e 1945 Ref Drive: Voluntary cont.I1fuut !OJlll of 1200.000.000 are urgently needed l!.o carry out Its vast program 01 8et'V1ce. 2. Keep on a·. In , urgentlY needed a.ste pap r an d kitchen fats-ail8o t:n cans. I' here they nre lOO3lly .c:>llected. 3. Help save cmogo ~pace 111 trn'· s · 1Y.\l't planes by usmg V -mall when iJdl1nl t o EIoldlers overrseas.

Income Tax hnn.e.1'8





at thaI' Ifl;;on:e

lJEIT'I1ERJH:ElADS- Envelopes, Blotters, Fulders, Malling cards. .l~tlut and design I).y experienced typo.gmj:~er. UJilng urly <types and simple cut designs that do 'not add mater1a1ly to tlhe C06t d produotion. Indiv1duaUt y reUected In (och I~Yout made. Post Office box 96. W~esvll1e, O.



Wayneaville, Ohio

WIIII.r N. Sears REAL ESTATE Office: Main Street

Phone 2651 Wayneaville, Ohio

INSURANCE Over 30 y~ EKpertenee SelllDr FaI'Dll anel To"" Proper', Bu, S&Gek Company Inaar&Dce Uniform PoUolell - Stall...... Rates Be sure ¢ complete cove-~e and prompt IIElttlement In case 01 loss.

Infortnadon ~tboa' OblipUon 't

o Cbristian HmId _._ _... 2.110 ........ _....:_ _ _ .. 8.!1O o Correct EngI.1Ib .................. 8.1S o Country GmtIftIWI,5 Yn. 2.00 o Etu. Music Mapdne...... 8.!1O o Farm JrI. &: PI1"DIa's Wife 1.65 o IIowa' Grower .................... 2.95 o Boaaeholel ............:............... 1.115

o Coronet ;




*TRUE STORY ............... _ _ 1 Yr. \

PATHnNDER, ....:.... :.. __ ._,.. fYr. SILVER SCREEN ....................6 MOo

ALL ~33 _VEN


HOUSEHOLD .................... _ .....1 Yr, '. FOil POULTRY .T RlBUNE ... _ ...... 1 Yr. . FARM JOURNAL &: ONLY URMER'S WI1'E ..................2 Yr,




*Ch~c' one 01 Ih~~ in plac~ of Trll~ Slo'7 ,,0.. 'prefer! o AMERICAN GIRL ......1 Yr. 0 OPEN ROAD (Bo}'l), ,

0 0 0

(12 Jlluea) ................ 14 Mo. PARENTS' MAG ......-.1 fro ' PROTESTANT

.VOICE (Weekly) ..." .1 Y,. SCREENUND .........:.. 1 Yr. SPORTS AFIELD ........ 1 Yr. . THE WOMApf ............1 Yr• OSCIENCE ILLUS. .... ..6 Mo.


D"yteIa .................._.............. 2.95 DMapnDe ~ .................. S.U .. 8.45

o National ~ o Nature (10 I..,


Palftlts' Mapdae .............. Pathfinder ...... ..................... . Photopia, ............................ Poultry TrIbune ..... __ ........ o Readrr'. DIgftl ..................

2t'75 2.00 2.!1O l.II5 ...15

t .!ICP

Road (12

o o o Redbook ........................:..... 8n o Scimu mlUlralrei .............. S.45 o !identific Detective ............ II.U o Screenland ............................ 2.50 o 8th'er Sc:reeu ......\................. 2.!1O o Sporta A&dd ...................... 2.!1O

o SlKttlSCul Fannin{ ............ t.'75 o The Woman ...................... 2.!IO o True Story ............... :;......... I.!IO o U. S. Camera .................... ,'. 1.15 o Walt Disney', Comlca........ '"2.85 .


o Your ute ............................... 11.45 .WlPua . .




APRIL!, 1945 ,


Wa~esYilie' Chure.



if Christ


come '!by operaUng a subecrlptlon OU'Ip'i&n tor. tihe 'Miami Gazette . and ' 1eacllni · ~. lritor._tJon ion. ithJa euy and proflt ~. , ~ . ·t.ha JlnMC'Al ~. of Clu": Churc h cl'pn......., . :., I)e Obtaln-1.leut. R D. Bolt. Frauktol't (rid ell at . . 0Ue* ~ace. . 'mll~. &tier rei cue by I 'Navy' "Cat:




- ----- --,.J

t -


o Better Coollas &: Hmq... 8.U



alina:' ll!O yards from the laps when One paI,r Pilon; "Cteen WI plalie WBI hit. 1Ilnning Wm 40 feet.... _ ~ loa.. UDder water. .War Bonds ,P14lci lor 1 dODr • • a\iw ..."'. on AC7~ the plane that saved his lire . . WIU ~. . I.p u,~ 1'rra.. r, D,porl...,lu ~

furniture .Co.

. 0 Capper', I'~ _ ............ 1.65 [) Chlid LIfe .........--.-'_. S.oU

DU. S. CAME~ ......... -;... I Yr.'


.Three ·W eeks ·· _. EvangelisticM~etiDg .



'I'mit GW.h . . . oo t\m6kan Amman Girl _ .....:..._ ..... 2.!1O o ~ Hoqw, 2 Yn.. ... ,2.95 8~tn"::!w~ ~::

o CHRISTIAN HERA.LD .......... _ .......1 Yr. o COUNTRY GENTLEMAN _. __•.& Yr. TRUE COMICS o ............ 1 Yr. o CIDLD LIFE ' ..............6 Mo.

"We bad the other tub loatilled



KITTY HAWK Distance was annihilated. war rev. olutionized by three years at gilder fli ghts a nd a 59·second motorized aeroplane test by the WrIght broth· ers at Kitty .Hawk, N. C. In 1928 . residents of Kitty Hawk erected a monument to those historic tests: later the Fed('I'Q I Governn', · nt c' r. cated the Wright Memorial Monu· meat and a 350·acre park on Kill Devil Hill "in commemoration 01 t he conquest of air by the brothers Wilbur nnd Orville Wright." Flights today of B·29',. fighter planel. scouts and transports prove how vital were tho se te ~~_s and inspire Americans to buy war Bonds for expans ion of aviation to win complete victory . u. ~. l·.,nll", D.p.r'"".'

rHE:E;;q;:nfNl t



95c per


• • • JUblor 1DI1.&e4 OD a two oceaD

POR 8ALZ- ~ dupUcat_ ....lMM, fttone 2'193.



ford III the pWDa II to the claatc


II-piece 'oalt. 6yee.ra · old . • 1


The Carpet and RUI




Powderene The new tace powders are beautifully tinted with the ' sottest pink tones. It your skin Isn't as fair II you wish. uso first a cream rachel powder, then blend on the pink. Lodger Syndlc.te.-WNU Feature•.

actuaUy need It ·t 01· canning-h as been annoUD()ed by Admini;tm lor Clhester Bowles. O PA. Hi'21hUSh ts 'Of the ~ !pl'(lgr'QI~ are M foll ows: The housewiIe will apply at 'her local War Pl1ee and Rationing Board and Illdtca,t(l the a.moun·t 0 f canning she mtel!d~ to do t his yea ~ . ~1 Borda wm Issue five- rJound



,·--:---·----1 Special !.



TWO ~. sale cheftip. call <leo. Reokle. 'P hone 2.

w~ kous, -01' o~an1~tIon , . desres to earn ·3.n in-


JtUiMl. Alllle.- UpJ

A .tJgtltenlng h'orne eati nlng sugar program for the IP45 saasen- a .program designed to Insure a I ·. II' dilitrlbution cf .sllgG.r to those ",,11:>

and WLW from fanning) are perml~d b de- Bob Bo~.. oyer lay StUng 11946 decla.ratiollil l n tI each at • p .. aa., eWT. january 15, 1946. At t':·a t Uley rr.ay It iUhey desire, tlle tbe1r anllual retUl'll/Sl lnBtead .o f Ithelr declatatl<.ns. l.ebmon. J)eoIaratlons are re~utred fn'm ~ 'and lA:ruls Forkne-- <to Fred farmers 'Who exPect -to ca.rn $500 r; ~ Kaihn, lot 13 !noI.ebIlnon . . more this year. II Ithey po8tp ~ nl' .-nether wrapped .bet Itllllt 'Iron ill Olan ~. to W. H. Mallicoat. ~ bed to keep the !Illng of deole.l'6ttlons IInW J1J Jl- a towel ,llld put lot 1'7 In lIlranklln <twp. " . uary 15, 1946, they mu~ l=fliY Lhe YGur lCElt warm? ~I wo~ld ' see bow Bruce and Viva WtUs to Olules long YOU co.uld ihol:t l l~ reet. again!I<nd Minnie ThompsOn, lots 80 and st the Iron 'w hou iett~ burned. 8~ In !I'rank:tin. ADd then. In the rDing when the Odus Hobbs ~ Hdwa.r d and towel hud come 'unwrap,:ed, a·n d Ol6c1ya lDa~n, 10; 203 In WaynesYW put your !qat '~ Ilhe !YUle. . cold Iron . .. Renien~r ? iMa11y II, ! to Marie Johnson . ~ S ..... UBB'S 1 lot In Lebanon, : 'PUNEBAL JOhn Dean-""t:.O-Oeorcil · Dean. ~ · ~r-Fw:::;g~r-";;";:-__( - ' B()MJ .. and 5 in Deml1l1eld .tJwp. L1llla.n ~ INeUcln to Pred Klahn 1 lot in Lebanon . : riN am B~ and GOl-da --J-.-t-J.--H~!t cOrwin >to RObert ' JOnes and Porothy E. Jones. lots .IZ and 13 Ili Leba.n'Qn.

INVJII3'IUIZNT-I can . place $1260. lit e", on 'II, gOOd F11r6t Mortgage Farm klan tle&4' W8G'Desvllle. If ~ 'WGIlt .. BlOOd ~ sale Inveetmerit h«e It Is. These are !Vel'Y acarce. WiJllte ' or call Oeo. lIenItle, Alone 2. Lebanon, O. 10

. 8AII.oJi)--<Din1~


- --

Canning Sugar




OhrSIUan Endeavor - 6:30 P. M, Evening Serv1ce - 7:30 p, M. Mid-week prayer aervlce 'Th~ ni&'ht - 7:30 P. M.

,...---Bonds Over America

piOI8elI lon In 30 da.ys. Shown by ' appcdntment only. Nett4e E. Trimble and CIM'&. MUr.WILBUR ~. SEARS - Phone 26S1 phy to RoberrtKent and Florence O. Finley. lot 3 In Franklin b·.Vp. INCOME 'TAX work- Pol' aid In ·Etlhel Mc:MW1en to H.arry E. and '~epariDg Il'IICODle !tax ·re~urns call OrIJa. L. KinneI', .50 ':lcres In HarEo II\Ildhener. ~~ne 2p26. Ip ian twp, 9


11 :00 A. M,

Sermon -



. 1"· •"The Conflict On Cume •"Prayer and It.: An·. wer" .

Bible. ~hool --8:30 A, M, Commulllon , _ 10:30 A. M.

••• •

ofTelephone ~bri~t 2gS5


'i, • • • • • •!!IIiiII.................

1 lUI, U!UII Til.











''-... '







Harmony Note 0/ Big Three Meet; Mighty U. S. Aerial 810ws Carry War to Heart 'of Jap Homeland'

.....- -_ _ _""'- Releaaed b1 We8tem Newapape. Union. _ _ _ _ _ _.... (EDITo.R'S NOTE: Wit •••• 1,,10"8 ............. I. UI . . . . .1• •" ..... y.ra UI... of W ..lern Ne •• " •••• V.lo,,·. " ••• _alr.l........, ........ rlty .11111............ )

Busy Session Solons were putting In a busy lies· lion on capitol hill. engrossed in leml.polltlcal, financial and insurance legislation.

Wallace Curb Passed by the lellate. the bill , removing the Reconstruction Finance corporation, with Its vast loaning powers, from the U. S, departm~nt ot commerce and Liberal Henry A. Wallace's reach It appointed secreary of that office, went up before the house. In addition to stripping Wallace ot • uthorlty over RFC funds, which conservatives feared he mlght use tor promotion of plBlll for goverI'!. ment spending to. provide "full em· ployment," , house Republlca!ls 10Ught to remove the secretary of commerce trom the board of the 700 million dollar export·lmpart bank, used to finance fo.relgn busl·

World Finance

Freed by daring U. S, Ranger attack on' Cabanatuan prilOn camp, liberated Yankl joyfuUy make their way back to American linel for transfer to Ivacuation hOlpital in Philippines,




Postwar Pattern

Mig'fr.ty Strike

Their historic conference at Yalta having ended in agreement, the Big Three departed from the balmy Crl· mean watering resort determined to maintain equal harmony on the 1m. 1I1ementation of the new course they .truck for ' trodden Europe, en· vlsaglng the return of democratic goverrun~nt and obliteration of • Nazism and Fascism. Thorniest problem In Allied rela· tionl 'b efore the conference" the Pollah queSUon was met by U. S. and Brltllh reeolnltlon to RUSllan annexation 01 part of eastern Polan!!, and the agreement to In· dUde independeiit democratic lead.

• - em

-IIPOD1IOre4 , ', ylslonal goyernment Until tJle peo~le,

themlelve. cln nlme their own re: lime In a free and open election. In respect to free elections, guar· anteeing the people of aU the Uberated couutriel the right to pick their own lIoveimnents, the Bli Three pledged thelr .upport to a.Ilst any nation In measures de.lgned to bring about such polla. With aireement ·on the vexatioul Po'ush 'problem and rel!toration of democratic government in the new


DeclGrinIf &hoi Bi, Three', for Cermtllly released iU people Irom aU morol ,cruple. 0/ - . lare, /Vui propo,imdu,. laid: "Ep. ert enemy lIIill be m,. by IIJlJCIJicaJ men, women GIld children, ",Ilo It_ "ea,onell' U in dore lor diem, end, &here/ore; wim w ltiU. murder' Q./ld POUoII oil ul&o allemp' W opo UIrmI

Up prominently for copgressional oonslderation was the adminlstratlon.backed Bretton Woods postwar world financial agreement, under which the U. S. would contribute about 6 blllion dollars f9T two funds: (1) to provide countries with for· elgn exchange t par rather than open-market :value to stimulate their purchasing power., and (2Y to guar· antee private loans made to cOun' tries to help build up their economles. In asking , for congressional apo proval o.f the Bretion Wo~ agreementl, President Roosevelt sai~ they were the first step In • broad

To Tokyo's 8,000,000 terrltled resl. h 1 h ost a.f dents, it was as If th e woe demons ' themselves had swooped trom the skies; to American aviators and lIaUors, It offered the supreml program for international economic satilfactlQn of .lapping a vicioul en- cooperation, also including an Allled emy In hll own backyard, and' food and , agriculture organlzaUon, Hons of peopl~ at home, It represent- expaDslon of the reciprocal trade ed the openln. of ~e battle ror Jap~ act of ,1994, reduction of 'trade barrlers and orderly marketing Of. oerItself. taln world surpluses. A. Adm M VI ed Th, UI I h liP ce . arc Mltlcher's mlihty Itrlke aealnst lwurance Tokyo and the home lliland or Bon· shu, with 1,500 Hellcats, HeUdiven Continued state IUpervision of In· and Avenger planel taking olr from surance companlel, but with strict-about 15 to 20 earriers of the 2'1,000:. er control In harmony with federal to " ' . ~ by, a ))Ie, anti·trust ~WI, prOmiaecl In ~!!!~::r::.~ ~~~~~~~~'~'~~_tlMV'al M~lIJ!ltt6n postponing antimonopoJ,y pro.ecutlon alainBt such ' bUlinelsel for three years an.d allowlng states that Urne to let up tighter ~eltWatloDs. Brought to a head by a recent Supreme co.urt 'decision 'deClar- , ing Insurance companies subject to anU·mut laWl, the questio~i o.f fed· . er.l control over the business drew , 1ABd1q darbll liberatiOD of 511 UWe IUpport from congress, with Yana from LUt;lD priaon camp by, leglilatora co.nlendlnl that the Indi· Rangers who overpqwered J.p gouda vidual statel were be.t, quaWled to were (left to rilht) Captain PrInce regulate the matter aeco.rding to o.f Seattle, Walh.1 Lt. Col H. A. their parUcular requirements. Mucd, Bridgeport, Conn.; and Sgt. T. R. RiChardIOn, Dau.., Teua.



WuhlDctoD, D.O., GERMAN UNDERGRoUND SEE'l'BE8 Accordin, to Wlcensored di.. patches now re.ching Washin,lton, active guerrilla w.rfare Is Baring up on • moUnting lCale behind the German linn . First real InfficaUon of an active : Fifth colWIlJl In Germany came rewith accurate reports of Ip",cu.,a battles lnalde Berlin, Bre!,Bremen. Thill new guerrllla W<I"uu:" dlfferl from th.t of parU- ' units Inaide France; Yugoslavl. , Greece In' that tew 01 the guer· troop. are Germans. The bulk are Frenchmen and Russians who , were captured ~a~llef In the war ' and have been. used as slave labor In the relch. AD of these _rurl were carefDlly ....rcled by mm~ IIntU reoeJlUy. MaR Uved bl ble dUes aDd worlled bl I&r,e • dlJltrlal plaut.. ID Berlin 'or example, JnuIdrec11 of Ol~uaands of Ilave laburen have , beeD houled bl fellCed of! temporal'!' barracu ID Ole'hean.f &he cl",. Bat reoeJlt powerful aWed alr ralda bave created such chaotI that 'thO"'IUIU 01 iorelp worker. _peel from their ... cloll1ll'es aDd have hld4eDbl Ule bumb 1'lIIIII. A,t night, the guerrillas prowl the Itreets, capture Nazi sentries, '.teal rood and ammUlliUon, commit 81" , tenslve ,sabotage. They have been , " , ' joined by lome German army de. The .rea~ eJldDeeriDr 'eat ID the annals of the United States .rmy wa.. '&be ClompletiDD of the StoweD lerters, afraid to return to the front, road throu,ll Barma, by Brl,. GeD. Lewis A. Peck, his Amerlc.n, enl1nters a"d Olo....bela of Dalive labor- advlcea laY. en. Not only .a. the road cODltructed, air lIelela "nut, mouutalnl .Dd jIm,les conquered, the mOnSOODS Onoe Berlin Is taken It Is expected defeated, r.etn. rl"ertl brid,ed, but mal.rla was licked In .01viD, the probleni as GeDerai Peck and bls men that the leveral,mQllon Ilavi !-borIIlaved a,.lnst UDU!, nature aDd the Japanese, thousands of mUes from home. ' erl will flare Into lueh revob that ., . ~rmany-exclpt In the mountain·

~ ~, E:J~d~I~s :E,nte~ College.for Post~ar Tralnin~

:-ell.'OUth--~~ :~: ~~" ~ . e~e-

OVEB-,AGB SEBVlCEMBN Greate.t ' ba~p on men In the army probabJ,y Is '.wlth enlisted men over 38, now too old to beeome 0111· ceuJ mt.w.bQ..CJm:.i res len a. omcer. I



' j

Typical calle 01 bow thi. hard· .hip works Is that of Cpl. AlexJDder C. Siorls, age U, who ba. served 'In, the army three year., molt· of the time overseal. Corpo.ral Siorii 11 1l0t only a college graduate. but hold, 'a doctor'a degree. Twice b. was recommended for officerl' tralnmg Ichool, but eac~ time' h1a unit moved overleal and be had to aaU with his unit. Now he I, too o.ld to be commissioned, too old for o.o m. bat, yet WIder prelent army ruUI must be kept on-doing' menlal Jobl. "There .re thousandl 01 .ImDar cale.. Wbat the army need. 11 a good overhaullng of ita manpower. especially older men whO have befit in th'e army a long time. ' ,

Farm Credit Standing Higb

By WALTER A. SREAD .creen of fa.t battleships, cruiserl WNU staa CorresPouent and destroyers. Though meeting WASHINGTON.-Por ev~ opposition, the aircraft shot up enemy planes, c'ratered airdromes lar farmerS borrowed" 'to , 194f, and pulverized other mllltary instal- Oley repAid fa.IIt ' OD lolUl8 'made prJor to ~t J~, redac1D, the lations arolUld the Jap capital preu rlae"., •••WhIle the malor attack roared OD, 'arm mcia1pre debt to the .owtfllt ' . with \he o.nee vaunted. Ilnce bat- point ID II yean, accardln, to' a • • Europe, the Big Three alIo moved terel;l Jap imperial fleet ' 'ailing to report 01 tIae Pederal Land Bault , toward malntenanee 01 luch .n or- h ' torce rl n 'SOO der ,by furtber ,dlscullll1n , of 'I~ milel o.f! of Honshu l)lores, other For UIe ,ear Ua8 'volume .f " ..power , Co1lllnlalloD on a postwar International lecutlty American warahips and army pl.nel farm loaDll O....taD4Jq was Director Paal MoN,." may pat ,. o.rga,nization, with the talkS at, Y81~ hammered the Voleano and Bonin ' daced 1'7 per ceId. ' '!'be total volDew prorr.m IDto elred very, designed to meet Russian objections III d 600 milel to the south. ume of land bank Ud cemml.. lOon ID ali lI,ht labor areal. 'I'bll to ,lthe Dumbarton Oaks plan. lor an s, , woald limit employers In DODIJoner IOIUII maele In ~' prohlbltJDg any nation charged with WAR PRODUCTION: amOUDted to ,105,191,100. D1arbIg eSIleDUal or leJa eneDtIal Inclasaggre.slon from voting on meallOle year a Dniform • per cent tries to a cel1aln perceDtaje of ures to. bring it in line. Schedules Increase . WhIle Indnstry Ila ' .Ull layln, Its carefnl piau for the day wheu swords maJ be beaten Into plowsbares, the Dumber 01 werkers th~y emInterest rate w .. Ntabllabed OD Overwhelming agreement was With emphasis 'on more' bombers most ODtltaD~ 1~D4 banll 10aDI. Ule I'overnme.n& has already put into operation Its machinery of re,converaloD for the men discharged from ployed lut Jear. 'flIla oel1ln.-emreached on treatment for a defeated and engine parts, the government the armed forces. 'l'hoaaaJlcll or -you. men are being dlsch.r,cd monthly, ana mlUlY ' of Ulem, lilte those Farm mortrare loaM ID ,ood ployee prornm baa already beeD Reicb, with, MesllJ's. Roosevelt, Increaled Ita war contracts in reo standlnr reached a Dew hI,h at MaWR above, bave "resumed their .indlcs or are receIving training ror Dew VOC.UODI. tried oat ID OhIcalel aDd prOVeD Cliurc;hl1l and StaUn determined to cent weeks, indicating that the rapid the year'l mel With 9S.8 jIer cent l1I.c ceuhIL ' crush German militarism by . dis· pace of the conflict Is forcing re- of all Feder.. land bault aDd 91.'7 Chlca,o employers In , D9,~ lolutlon of the wehrmacht, break· adjultment of needl, per ce.Dt or comminloDer 101Uls' ellenUal and leu ' essenUal In· up of 'its geperal sta1l, elimination of, Besldel the ooOst In the bomber carreJd oD all pa),meDts ,of pr. dUltrlea will be required to 'cut IU Industry that could be used for and engine parta ' program, It ~al clp.' aDd IDtend. the. number or emplo),eel OD &be war productlop, I!nd complete eradl- revealed, ground troop. were Ichedp~yroiI 1', pe~ CeDt by ... rch II. cation of all Nazi and Junker lnllu· uled to. get 21~9 per ' cent more. amencea In the nation's Ufe. munition, heavy artillery and tanks. NEW INSTRUMENT: ' SECRET RED WEAPONS Further, Gerinany would be made ' To. meet a crlUca'1 emergency 01 . The Russians are way ahead ol to pay for war ' damage, with an engine partain battle zories, thlll go.v· Aids 8-298 both the United States and Great One of the war'. mOlt remarkable Allied commission set up In Moscow , emment ha. undertaken a 50 mil· Britain in the use of rocket lUlls, determlnlng on'the extent of repar!!· Hon dollar expansion or the industry. ,scientific achievements - an "air have employed ' them with deva. tlons, probabJ,y In terms of man· and established special 'panels, or position Indicator" - has been play· tating effeet In the llghtning drlvi power and , g~s. commlttees. In the leven major ing' an Important role in charting through Poland, . and partioularlJ ;n" ,A dvance planta for 1pe~d1ng up 01 output, the long skyroads to Tokyo for navl· All...,., In the offensive against the Nazi• L b R J~ gators o.f America'. B-29 super·form·East Prussia. ' With their hopes of an Allied divl- , 'a qr e~,ons tresses, ' the ;army revealed, One new and very Important Supplementing Its previous policy Developed by englrieers of Bendix ilion ,blasted at 'Yalta, and wJth the weapon whieb Stalin unveiled In th • combined weight of the. U. Sit ~rlt. of plant lelzures to ,back up War Avhit'lon corporation In cooperation new drive II the lO.().ton taJJk named • in and Russia cU'llwD 'up against J::ab'or board·ruUngs designed to set- with the. army and navy, the Indica. after hlmllelf: The Stalin tank J. th~, ~e Gerii!ans mapeuvered in tie industrial , disputes, the U. ·S . tor records conUiiuoully and auto. superior to the German royal tI,eJ both the weat and 'eallt for ' a last- drew ·a new 'weapon to force com· matically the' exact "aIr position" o.f tank, and our own Sherman , hea~ ditCh strullle. .' ,. pUanc'e tfu:ou,b :" cancellation of • a ' hu,e .uper-fo~ In IUght on .a tank. It carries' a U-lqch gun Ii~ In . the east'. so.caUed ~ '~arm Arm's eovemment contracts. .inile dial ilvll1g · the ,navlgatoz: an against the 3·inch gun carried on ow units" ond Ole. "pe.ople'l army;' In follo~ such a course of ac- lnstantaDeoWl reading !If bts loDg1~ 'Sherman. So long all the' groun.d' re.were thrOwn ~tO breachel to b~ld tion agalnJt ~e ' E. A. Laboratorl81 tqde.nd latitude and saviDg hours mains 'haro, the S~Un tank Is capa· .' , open ~venue. of reu'e~~ ,for German of ~roo~ N. ~I ' ,~noprlc '.,Sta- Of .compleX calcUlaUQIllI.; ble of resisting any but the' lar,el1 . b,Ck, frOm, SUesla to , b~tion .Dlrector: Vin!9n, la~ I~t , 'No larger ~~ 'a qu'ut m.lllf force s point-blank, ,German' .heDI. 'On 'pa., ,'SuOI!Y.' the 'RiJllaiana drove ,o b thlI the U. S.'I; Pf9Cedure wa.'le,81, ,Pl' tie; the computing device opt other 'band; themobne lUll 011 the , ' an,lJIiport,ant NatJ Industrial -di .., , 'OI~I" a. tbe coutts bav~~lrequenQy sh,OWI ' ~'a(i! positron Ih 'cll!itretll Stalin tank can ,pll!fCe mOlt· at ~ triCt. a.. the, Redl pushed F'~ ~ tha,t . Do bus.IJIe.. hi. 'an auto- lonJl~e ' and la~~," , secondary lortl!!l.tiona II ~ en~ wJq' .of;' Ws' '01!erlIlve , ~ m.Uc rl~' to' ~~tflnl a government give. the ' D.vI,,~ , c~t1!n,!o\i ~colD1tered by the R,UIII8DI, .11 nOrtbwemQl"d ,towu,d BerlJu. ~ ICODtract; , ' .," reCora of :llr mBa 'IlOWJl .ald. ' " .. preJaeiS b7. f;toDtal ....u1t ~ ' DeaP.~te· tbeU. S.!.~toJD1lu. take-oftpolnt '!lDd 'lndlc!a~1 • • lIulbal ZJQIkO\f.. forCu. J _ . compll,aQ«:* WIth WLB orden not compa.. h'eadlD, of




General Eddy Wins Decoration

Assistant Chaplain



. -~ ~ ::ntbe~Ge=.:-::r :ourA.~~ 'QCl-:: '~ -:::-.~~!t~ u.tor

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BdtIIb ,attempt ~ 'tuna ~ ...... v-v. CI



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.... to lapa . . niana. '

Cl~CLE NEEDLECRAFT • S I,War Bonds Are -Your Sa£ t Investment". 'Newest In Crocheted ChaIr et unu8uril~ Buy NI yon Can, -lfold, lat You Have • •

'Briefed' at Army Air Force School for Raid on Yawata; Follows Course Over Huge, Realistic Map. ByBAUKHAGE IV_ Anal,... and Commenrauw.

Rumors Whispering Of Repudiation Are Vicious Propaganda B1 WALTER A. SBEc\D WNU ataa «orrespoQdeal.

Approximately 85,000,000 American citizens have bought war bonds. That number is almost twice as many as the total of voters in the last national el~ction. And that, it seems to me, is the best answer to tbe subversive propaganda that the government might repudiate payment of war bonds.

WHU 8ervlC)e, lJalOD Trait BaJldlDc, ing, which pointed out on the mlp every buard, ever)' advantage, evWashlD,toa, D. C. How WtlUld' you Uke to bomb thc ery varylnll 'condWon, Special arcal Yawata Iteel worka ill I flYln, for- were blown up In large site: as a lake serving 81 a landmark where trea.' the planes start their ocean jump, I did It wlthou~ moving from my a peculiarly shaped river where It's the best answer from a prac· eJallSl'oom .eat In Orlando, Fla., in they reach land again, Sketc\ies are one of the courslI I attended at the furnished by' meteorologists, .bow- tical standpoint, because repudl· anny all' force school ot applied tiC- Ing just the types of clouds they ation must be voted by the congress tic • .' It I, part of the ''l'Oat gradu- will encounter. lome "lull of rocks" and no congress In its right political ate" instruction of the high offlcer. (covering mountain peaks) which mind would vote to nullify the tl· billion-dollar holdlngll of 85 mUllon of the army and It reall, Is a reaUs· are to be avoided. tic "brieftng," W,hen I had ftnlsbed Americans who bave purchased 750.The known location and number 380.800 Individual and separate war that demonstration. as It Ia caUed, I actually felt a. If I bid been on of enemy O,hter planes Is marked, bonds through January I, 1945. . Add to this 41 blUlon dollars In that bombing mission which started as are the antiaircraft guns, and at an imnamed base In -China and the temperature and wind veloclt7 war bonds approxima tely IS? billion dollars worth lIold In other govern· new Itralght to a targ!-!t, whlcb Ia .. at various levels. clearly pictured In my mind al U I Tarllet'. There, mental bonds and securities over the had made ·the trip. same p~rlod Qf time to banks, corThen Gone IIll try to reqnact it for )'011. porations, Insurance companies a.nd As to ~e target Itself, large other large Investors, and 'you have First, Imagine a ' great map Itretchlng across the room in which scale aerlat pictures were shown another added and compelling rea. yOU are Iitting with two black Une. which looked very much as' the Ion why no congress will' ever vote on It. The lower line runs, with a actual terrain would look to the pllot repudiation of these obligations, These war'bonda and other ,over. few IUght deviations.. straight to and bombardier. Also, a map of the target in Japan. Then there Is a the whole city, Then a map of the ment securlUes have behind them ,hort leg running nc;lrtb and the sec· target area, . then pbotos ot the tar- lhe secnrlty, the 'slth and ibe IDleeond Une, a llttle above the,other, run· get area, token from an angle, as rity of lhe United States covemmeDI nln, back to the base. Thil IJ 'the It will l!lOk when the plane 'aJ)-: ••• eliaeUy the same paranlee of proaches it from a distance. /lnd paymcnt a. a 'dollar blU. c\ud II )'our course we took.. "Now, men," SOYI the otncer anotber as It will look when It I. war bond II .hould become wortbless, .tanding with I pointer in his hand, directly below-the bnportant mo- 't hen your doUar bUi will become equaUy aa worthless. ,And we have "you are going to bomb the steel ment. That last statement "direcUy be- behind war bonds a tradillon and works at 'Yawata. Daylight precision bQmblnll and naturally you'll meet a low" 18 misleading, 811 I tound out. record of the UnJted Statel ,over. little more opposition: But yoU know What you see when you look throuKh ment or never having rcpudlated an 'the Importance of llteel. I don't need the glasll walla of th'e bomber'l o,,".atlon ID the 165 years or UII elE· . to ·talk about that, You have been "hose" and what yc;lU see when you Iatence. And right here let's spike the falleleded tor your record lost time. look througb the bombsight are two quite different pictures. ' What you lacy in the minds of, some people Keep up tha,t record. "As you know this Is 'the drst see when you look through the bomb- that war bonds are being cashed In time for the new atagger formation. sight II the area (far ahead of where at an alllrming rate. They are not You've practiced It. I won't go Into your plane i8) upon which the bo.rob being redeemed in any such that. We have just 45 minutes to win bit If ~eleased at tbat precise amounts. When someone sees a Une cbeck the whole plan. We start at Instllnt. Naturlilly. at the speed at of people at a post'office window or whlo.h a plane travels, the Inertia at a bank counter cashing In war ~O and the first ship goes down of the bombs carries them far ahead bon~s, the story Is Immediately tl;Ie runway at 700." as lbey' fall, Ipread that people are cashing In • (MilIt~ clocks theoretically run Thli Is' dlaconcerting to tbe lay· their bonds at an unprecedented It hOW'I. U the hilmber Is above 12, • ubtract 12. For Instance 1630 Is man. I looked throllgh the glaslI oi fleure . the nose and picked me out a little Only 12 Pcr CeDl Cashed. 4:30 in the' aftemoon-1630 minul Florida lake upon which I dectded When the treasury department U i!ituall 4: so.) . I ·to drop my imaginary bomb. Then P!1bllshes Its IItatements, for in· ·Then came some dlrectlons .about r looked Into 'the sight and tbere was .tance, 81 last October when sales 'Ia'ssembly" (wbere this. £T'OIlP join. no lake there I Too late l H I had totaled $69S,OOQ.000 and redemptions the fOl\Datlon). whJch I wop't IQto released my bomb, then, ' they totaled $400.000,000, the stOry was here IlDce space ·llIo·t adequate, but would have bit for beyond the dis· InlmeiUately broadcast that peQple anyhow the alllembly po!pt la tant shor aI*hough the pl!!ne were cashing In their war bonds at Chen,w. badn't even reached the near sbore, a ratio alinost equalling aales. ,.. yet. a matter of fact, the redemption I Off But ' to retUrn to my synthetic las t Octobe'r were only 1.16 per cent Por Bomb Run rught. I find It lmpoulble to recount of the total bonds outstan'dl.n,. "We must be at CbeniW at 800. It with half ~e realism' with which In October redemptions were un.cum~ at 100 miles an bour to thil It wall prelented to me as my eyes usually heaVy tor the reason that It point .bere Uhe pointer taps .. the followed that lJlQvlDg polnt~r from was the first 'm onth in which banks map) • , . to. 1,1100 feet and level off. base to alllembly point to "bomb were authorized to redeem bonds :JOG' mUes per hour . • . this junco Une" (where the planes cross Into over th.e counter direct, and many 'Uon <another tap) ' 940;' then Iwlng enemy occupied terrain) on to the persons had the mistaken idea thai on courle • _ '. 91 degrees • • • target Itself, with the looping tracka the treasury was inviting th~se re-· (the pointer swlsbes out alonll the that bounded It and then back, north dempti~ns because it was made so black line) to the coast. and west agaill, over water , and COnvement. When this lrnp~esllion , "Here II' your lecond cUmb • , '. land, lake and mowitaln; on the lon, was dispelled, redemptions steadily decUned. November redemption. W2 . • . 190mUel per hour • . . trek home . .. were 1.08 per cent; December, ;08, IJOO teet .a minute . . . to bombln', ' After the brleftng was .. ftnlshe4 and January redemptions weDt down altitude, at check pdlnt of.liland at , ~ (the Pointer toucbes a Utile four men An . uniform took ,seat. on to .89 per cent. ,( blalld :Qff the lap co"'i~S .: , • It wiD the plaUorm. They were men with Total cumulative redemption. of ':DOll like '80 Inverted pyramid • . , .tars on their lerylce ,ribbons and war boDd., that 11 the aeries £, F then Je.uL.otr to the IP." (!lbat ,11 .ome ~-'p'le hel\rts ~too. Men of and 0 bondI, aa of January J, 1MB, the point of entry which must be many mll.lop.1 just IIUC B!I the one amoant to 12,M per ceDt o' the deftnltely estabUsbed, for the rullht delcrlbed, or they would not have total bonda ";Id. chosen .. Instructors In this It meani that out of the 41 billion from there on i. directly to thl tar- beeD st , tet arid carefuL ayncbronlzUilln.. P9 ([aduate \lflJveraltr of the all', dolla1'l ' in w&r~bcndl sold, about 38 And Utey acted out With startlin, bllllon Is IWl In the bands of the with the other planes mUit be conviction the brieftn, of a returned people who bought them. Or III oth· made.) crew. OiIe, hli nerves on razor edge er words about 12 centi out of eacb "Show a yellow-yellow nare 10 from what be hlld ,one through, an· dollar spent for war bonds has been we'U know you've' reache4 the Ip· other a little dazed, 81 If he had bad red·e emed. _ . . U dark,' toggle four-and·a-half Mone), ror Taxel!l Needed. over the bomb run, then to the a tew drinks too mallY. another 1101. emn, wlde·eyed, anotber jumpy, 10Certain monthi ot the year, such rally point, It mUes north of target. controversial, all true-toth tax Ilulng m tbs Iw .'If y~u are crippled going over quaclous, life type. we were told as e P J on, a ays .how a beavier redemption percent· , . the tar,et try to cut short your Carefully and tactfully the opicer age than other months. The treaatiam.... " rll uplain that: you see normal· checked their conflicting statement. iJry policy from the Inception of war ly the planes would north from until ftnally all were molded into bond salel .bas been that the whole financing program IIhould be vol. the tariet and then tUm at a ri,ht a reasonable and . ratIonal report. "How many enemy lighters _ , • anile to the a .. emb1y point. Then another ri,bt an,le back toward' here?" "Oh. 80, easy," laId the jump,. borne, so U ,. plane had been hit and couldn't last lonl, It mUlt try to one. "How many do you lay7" (to the catcb 'up with the others and make la\oWD Its condition. U the plane fellow In the balf·daze), "Well. a lot of 'em, I didn't Ia,. behlDd It may be located by the fl'Oup leader who will make con· count." "Enough anyhow. And you d.ldn't UDuoua l·turnI, looping back, trylnll to locate an), stra,glers. Mean- warn UI about the otherl here," while (al [ torg~t to explain) there lay. the slap-happy one al he jump. .. a ' friendly submarine loaftn, ~p and ,abl the map. Finally it settles down to about 50. IQmewhere within ra!1lo call tor two purposel. Flrllt. to try to . locate This eatlmate ' will be checked a. any plane that hal been forced down other crewl are checked and Into the water; second. to pick up an accurate estimate II obtained. Information concerning ' an1 enemy The nme careM aDd studied analy· ahlp. which the planes mal" have .la of data OD troop concentration. ~ed 10 the .ub clin over and observed, movements along hl,h· waYI, convoy., new landin, strips, take a ·poke at them. . I cWol in thill Ipace give JOu a aa well, a. the damale done to tht fractlem altha detaU of 'lhia brief. ' ~arget. , .'


c,um\l.t1"'; rate of redemption to the amount of. bonds outstanding II 12,04 "ho r 11, you .1.01 . 1: cent. the average redemption emmen' i.t li l~ely to,.. -at tAte o\'~r tAle four-year period. 1941 OlUl doUilT', worth 0 til \hftl\1Jb 1944. amounts to sli,htly bonch. or that ,It .4m~i " It t1)all 10 per cent per ,ear. ~ple are (~$"in~ ria. Ut take ' one year of war bond la.ster 'hOA II" are b 'In · n!<ItAt'l mptiona and compare them to them. i.t ptJ$'inK alonS ~ to urllnce polley laplea. In 1943, for!d ill Ber"" lMt.nce. total redemptions of wu Tokyo! . bond, to amount of bonds outstand· l~ at the end of the year was e.s unta ry and thllt peJ'1lOns lshln& per cnt. In lHO for all legal reto buy war bondls m .ould be able to I rve Ufe lJuurance companies the buy them!y. Hence war doU81' amount of polley surrenderl bOD.ds may be p,u rchaaed at banks. and lapses w.. e per cent of the inpost offices, theaters. retall atore., .urance In f~rce at the end of the year. In 1942 the ratio wal • per and at Icore. o,t ' other places. • ' Then. the tre.aaury reasoned, It u~ Thla tremen401ll volantary proshould be equally convenient to redeem war bond. tor emergency pur- a-ram 01 ",ar tlnanclllc, 10 vast ill poses, 10 all banks who desired, Ita ramlftcatleD.. la not only the were suthorlze<il to redeem the a-reatest flnancla, record In an hi .. bonds over the counter, instead ot tory, It baa broqbt abont the erea&the tormer longeir, more compUcat- eat pool of aaYlnp III lIqaJd aneta ed method ot sending the bond to ID the hlltory of aD1 people. the nearest Fed,aral Reserve bank. The .ix war loan drives In themWho are the w'a r ,ond redeemerl selvel produced more than 109 bU• . . the men and women who cash lions ot dolla1'l from the sale of all in these 12 cents out of th.e dollar? government securltles alTered, ~ Almost invariably they are families blUlons more than the combined whose only savin., ball been the war goals let for these drives. The sixth bonds they bought. and. thus, wben war loan, in itaeIt. exceeded the en· an emer,ency ar,Ole their war bondli tire finance program of World War were their only recourse. The war t_ Four Liberty loan drives and one bond redeemer III in the low Income Victory drive In World War I grossed bracket, haa an !Ilcome probably less $21,432.924.700. There were on esti.than $3,000 per ;year, and a larger mated sa million aubscrlbers but than avef age familY. The cbances most of this lIum was raised by In· are he bUYs his war bonds through a dlvlduals, banks and business firms payroll savings 'Illan at bis piace of able to buy $10,000 and upwards In employment. Chances are, too, that Liberty bonds. In thlJ' war more he over·bought Ilccordlng to hli In· than 21 billion dollars, from 116 mil.






a _ _

• The elWn, on' the publh:i. debt wID '------~------------....;.--------' , ha~e to · be ,raised .,ain, treas~ : '1'bI .'work or ' else" bU!'; bo,ie4 ,Some French b~ ' ~ld the o1ft~lIill .'81, tp. make - rOom for" 40_ JD tb,e' .~te. P~PII ·be,. phoney German "reCcbmlru"· ·a. the .eventh :war loan,,!plll nm bl, . cia. the Hnate .. .a1reacl1 over-, part :Of ~eIr a ..ets. m1Iht dn'l1.e WIll oPen ,in ' May or .tuil~; · Workeel ' help the ·paper Ihortage 8D1how; Csmgrel. Will ~, alk~ to PUS~ up , ., ... . . . • • • , . the lInUt once more. The boolt the , laatlU18, aeneral ' Y~ta The,.' are ta~ of qa1q tteamry want. II from the prelent _ : ").,.... fcn"eft an nalb to m~. ban hearln,slor automoo 280 bllllqD dollan to 300 bllllona. to . . . . . . . eneaQJ with 0D8 .troke bUe.. They OUIht to 10 prett7 weD · The pubUc,.debt outatandinl ~w, MIaJJI .. ehooM to IPd oa ua-." w1th 'IOme -or ~ Iu!1ded youtb It at maturity yabaa, 11 tJU,OluaO,· _ . lIftJIbetI '.... wUIaoQt baDor Iber. . . . anJ.left OVft when the WU' 858, 'lbu there 11 marrJD Of ODJ,J ., Ibe& "'"' coaaU7. 'proaputt;y . . . ,18,98!),1Il1l,14'1 befortl the • bJQIoa . . I "


Rf!m'f!mbn 'lais ...••





~ 1941



Oreomuls1on rellevea promDtlY because it goes right to the seat cit tbt trouble to h91P loosen anel expel germ laden phlegm, and aid Dature to aoothe and heal raw, tender, In. flamed bronchial mucous mem- ; branes. Tell your druggist to eell :roe • bottle of creomulalon with the understanding yoU must Uke the WIU' sa qUickly a1la18 the cough or you are to bave your money baclt. EVERYONE will want to follow suit when they see your chairs beautiBed with this lovely pineapple - crochet basket filled with daisies.

• • •









A 'ple'a slng Oavol that's'somewhat different in candied sweet potatoes may be had by adding the juice 6f one lemon to the molasses (or sweetening), and butter. -eYou ean loosen the soli on white shirt collars ,and cuffs by sc~ub....~.~.. them with_a small stiff vegebrush that has ceen dipped in diluted bleach water and then rubbed on a cake' ~f naPttthB soap. -eIJUJtead of rooting and 4igging among tl)e family's clothes to find the soiled ones for 'Monday's wash, giv~ each member of the family a laundry bag or basket a.n d have him bring his own clothes to the laundry room. ' -eThoroughly and frequently maRsa,e any reddened areas you notice on a sick pel'son whom you are caring for at h~me. Keep pressure off such spots with B slight1 inft t d ' b b ' . all '1 a e ru er rmg or sm soft pillows,

MAY· Die


lion perions were obtained in . the SeCAUSE SHE sixth wor loan drive alOne I PERSONIFIES , People Pa,. 61 Per Ceot o~ War eoat. PURE, SWEET, How ha4 thla voluntary program WHOLESOME of war financing been used towar!l NtrMAID, THE ONI.V payin,the COllt of the war? Here MARGAR.INE C;E~n' are a few figures. _ FlED BY ITS MA"E~ From May I, 1941, the atart TO BE 4. ·TABL.E" the war ftnance proiram, througb GIlAOE- MARGARINE. Decem~r 31, 1044, the ,overnment spent 261 blUlon dollara. Of this amount 21 blUlone was used tor non~ ".. .1141, ntNt, clouMed·f,.,1a ..... .. war expenditures, including the ill· NtJ.MAID Iaaa It , a 'Q\IOtlte . . terest on the public debt, ' leavinll _!L11lg alld _Inti, en ",.u - . . ~ billion spen.t on tl!e COlt of the . 0 IpteCMI GIll war. olh, table Out of thIJi 261 bllllons, 101 blUlon., or 38.7 per cent of the total, hall been raised through net receipts of taxes, so the excess of spending over tax receipts from May I, 1114.1, to JaJiu· ary I, 11145, hall been 160 billions of d.o llara, Durin, this lame period the government hall borrowed 178 blUlona of doUafl through .ale of ,overnmental seCurities. This equals the 41 bUllon aold lu war bond,S and the --~------~--~~~~--~--~----~----, IS? bl11Jon In other . lecuritles. Of tbia 178 bllllon, .75 blllloDl have been borrowed directly or Indirectly from , banks The re 1, 103 bUll 11'1.9 I' . s on. or per cent, has cO.m e from non·banking lourcel, 42 bllllons of It from individual citizens. The Det of aU thIa la that &be Amerlean people are baylq war boDd. aDd &hat almost 80 'per cent of tbe amoDO' borrowed for the war coat baa beeJI paid by IDtUvldaals aDd DODbaDklnr loarce. , •• they are baylllr bonda utl bolcJlq $81 oat of evel'7 ' ,100 they bay, and the record 1DcU' catea tha, OIey 1!'Illlleep OD buylq them ao 10DC aa the)' .re oftered for ••Ie, or .. Ion, .. the Da&loa needa their mon.,. to help flaaDce this war. It 11 a pretty aafe bet that the treasqry department, as a result ot Ita experience with baby bond. before the war, and with war bond. since May I, IOU, wiD continue in the bond bUlille.. after the war i. over. People bave the habit of buylnl IOvernment bpnd. and there la no indication now that there will be any concerted rush to the banks to cash in thelle bond. when the war I. over. The very lIfeat majority of them w1ll be held to maturity: And·today bond bUYIn, Is on a 24-hour baala, DOt only liD the . home front, but on every battle front· where Americana are ft&bt1ng' to maintain the freedom and Integrity of a lovernment and way of llfe of whiCh th~e ' ~ond. are a symbol.


dollar ' ~t 11 re"cbe4. CoD.Ilder· I·~ S, PrelJdent Roosevelt 1 ~ted ab1y' .morl thaD liD ~UlJ~ d~an' ..that a ~er mereale in the 'debt worth of bonda· (maturtt, VaJue) UmJt , would be neceisal'7 before mu~ I:Ie '101~ in ,the Sennth 1081\• .the ,end. of : the , nm fiscal ' ,ear, In' the":'.IJxth . loan, -more dian ZIi which would.,. on June ' 3O,lH1. · bUUon dolllin..wOrth of bonda ·were Flnanc!~ commlli~torj expect that Sold ftlUrlnl *Pin'at m.tUrt~ two boo~ wl11 be requlretI befoN value.. SlDce a lar,e ~rt of thele that date. Itnce Ou, ' Pre.ldent ..... 'were sold on .the "tIine clollan will .' mated that ·thl pubUe debt WoUld let you four III tIeD ,...,." hella, mnd at· 292 bllllaD cIoDaIn ~ .... the IOvemment about 21 mldcpe 'or 11148. At maturlb y.... bllUaD clollar. aUCIID, tb1a ~ m .... ~ ID bII bud,tt more GlID . . WIIi- .....f t a _ ~-



To rewind the spring in the roller of a window shade , insert the Battened end in the lower part of a keyhole.

~2~' ~'~ = ~

Value of &Ddt cashed in is leu t'ban ]12 ~ cent of Bondt IOld .~ Il,lonth.

CREOMULSION fo,(ou,hs, Chest Colds, Broaddtil

Daisy medalllons-easy to memorizefill tbll slmple crocbeted basket In tile lovely pineapple 4ru;lan. Pattern 7408 baa wtrucUons, smebe •.

. ~



How To Relieva Bronchitis

,·.,,:9' '''

'come', since belni: patriotic, he wanted to do Just as much .fIS hl~ fellow•. IDvestl'ailoD . 11110_ that , man), men and womeD Ii these fainUie. roreed to redeem their- war boDd. were, ·1eD ,.ean a,o, 00 WPA or the recipleD1 0', .Om'8 comJDlUllt)' weJfare proa-ram. They were not OD tha' proa-r~ wlUln,ly, and neither are they at ' tite bank Winl'low cubIII, iD their boDtila wOlInrly today. Theil bonda are their oDly UqaJd Hlet wbeD aD emer,eJlOJ comes ,._ • deatll, clltld birth, IIoapltaUaaUoD, and temporuy aDeaiplo:rmeut. The treasury alllo bal.iearn.ed that the redeemer of war bonds doel not necessarilY cash I;n aD 'hls bond., nor does be clole out hli payroU lav· tn,s account .•• b.e keeps on buying. And thill II proved conclusively by the fact that war bonds purChaled ijlrougb 'payroll Ilavingi Iince the first war loan in 1942 have lteadlly increa.ed each ml~nth from 307 mU· Uan dollars In December, 11142, to more than $500,000,000 per month. today. Eilery war loan hal ' been marked by a rlsle ln the regular . allotment of workier. for war bondi, al weD .a s a Iteadily increalllng, ri4e lb the naUonal 1e1lel of payroll .avinll' aa against total payroll. ' , SaVIn.1 Up 116" lD1'ear. During 1944 the wlthdrawa~ of de· posits' In lIavings .accounts in the bankl of the nation by individuals amounted to apPI:oximately 20 per cent and at the sarne time these lav· Ingl accounts ahowed a net gain of approximately 56 per cent. War ~onds, althougb showing an 8 per cent galn, ln redernpUons over 1943, at the lIame time show an 85 per cent Increase in .ales. While the


Ad4re"L-_ _ _ _ _ _ _'--...-_

For" crease spot on wallpaper, try making a p aste' of cornstarch and water. Apply this to the spot and anow to dry, ·Then brush it off, and the spot will be gone. --eReal bed comfort depends largely upon the under sbeet b eing tucked in so' firmly it will remain smooth and tight. Miter each corner, then tuck under the sheet.



No. _ _ _ __

'11,694 l2,S37


Eneloa.. UI ecntl lor Pattcra



Clrc'e Needlecrart

5" W. Randolph 8t. CblollCo


/ , & - . '. '

Due to an tar,t!! demand 'at current war eon~lIlon., sl1l!"Uy more time II requIred In mUng ordera tor a few of the mOlt popular pattern 'numberl.

!!end )'~ur otder "':


' I ,Limi,t on p'ubZ"; Deb, .WilZ8aye to Be Raised ,~gain 'for !lth Loan






:'m~Vt;'= .. 'i 'SiiN'DAY

~~!=iDhal ' ~ SCHOOL


.1 nil ·....i ,Cbll'r•• tltoll

.:. L'E S'S·0 N ;.:~


W,H.V. u,,"vlec

Cl:I(S StF IE[D bE 'p A




BT HAROLD L. LUNDQUIST. D. D. e a_ .,,~.~.d la ...lICld prl$m. on Bethel's good candle- Ql The Mood1 Bible InsUtut. 01 Chlc_lO. .;adrutry ,,1/1 Dot 'lIpl, "jtbout .tar.. Relened bTWeatern N'W.~ P_pal' Union. lticks vibrate in the stilt c'hllly room. ment 01 .nI1~"/litT liom thlr local "el' be~oved lorrel brae ••adoe, II ' &0 II, U..ited St.t.. EmllloTm."f Senic•• . "Twenty minutes," Bethel laid. 8OId, but eaD 110 DOIllla, alloo' I.. Der "Tie up your ball', Lark, and get laUler, Bector Sba.anoD, boWl! U Ule Lealon for March 4 . into decent clothes. Since you Hae~onemodemeuywaytoprompo. "BldlD, Par_," bad come Jonb.w . wouldn't wear mourning for Rcctor. b01ll1l fa Ule POI11 cart. dead, btl bod,. relieve muscUlar IQftI1I!II « Leuoo aublecta and Scrlptllnl texts _ dumped. aralDIt Ule dublloard, Ule llDu you might as Wlell put on your good leeted .Dd copyrJabted by Intemotlonal Council <if ReUlioua EdueaUon: ulld b7 ti-aWaw 00 UI, roaCi. BeUlel Norlll, Dear. blue bombazine with the lace collar parmlaloq. I8ga... Rub VIc:b VapoRubont6rOa.t. eat aelebllor &0 tile 8ba1lD0l1I. bel4 a and cut a great figure." ""IN CONsnPAIION malt.. )'011 ,... chat and ~ at tiedtime. Raulta Dote aralnl' aector ShannOD, au4 tile Iale punk u the dlckeD., bdnp OD ltomacla "I'm not going to scrvlce," Lark JESUS TEACHES FORGIVENESS 8ft 10 good bccalllll VapoRub • • • of Ule borae, Ibe aald, woald etear tIIat opaet!... IOIU taate l P88)' dllcomfon. lald. "I'll stay here." AGENTS WANTED 1I0la. Lark. DO. be,au &0 reallli lIIat lli. taka ur. CalIl"eU a tamoua medicine LESSON TEXT-Matthew IS:21·35. "Very well." Bethel swept from GOLDEN to quicld7 pull tile triu., Ollluy ''iDe hateCi Belbel. Ibe 'll DO" el,bteeo ,.earl TEXT-II ,.. forgive men LADY "ANTED in every community. botb of are all4 Ibe &eU, Betllel l be II. plu. the room. "Shslme can work havoc their trelpasles, your heavenl,y ralhe. rural and ell.)', to sell Une of houac:hold .Uda" auct hotp ),ou teot brl&ht aa4 -.:o;"-J\~n." chl,pper apin. aloe &0 leave EDeland rDr Amerlea. .. on a deceitful spirit. • . . Service in wtll also forgive you. But U ye for,lvr ~1~ccl'::I~~~htol~:;c~·:feh.!:~r!·8 ~~c~~ea~ci DR. CALDWI':LL'S'1a thewoDilerful_ mllrl7 Da,,1d Nortll. BeUlel·. lOll. Be'UI,1 medicinal vapan. Dot men theIr trespasses, neither will laundry loap. Liberal commission. Genoral twenty minutes. Son." lIatoative coDtained in good old 81f11f I._A_lb _.._n_y_,_O_IO_r_'_I&._ your Father [orilive your IrespuseII.- _p_r._d_Q_Dla_c_._m_p_a_a,~(u_._S_ .. D!OC~ llUprl.ed at tJaJa IlJUIOUDcemuaL "Not for me." David spat into the Peplin' &0 make it 10 ea.,. to tat.. Matthew' 8:1', 10. snAl(/~'''' Are again. accurately, with a cerMANY DOCTORS 11M pepsin pnpara. ~~~a'.' chest and back FARMS ti.OOI in prescriptlonl &0 make the mediCHAPTER U tain assured neatness. "I'm clean Forgiveness I. the very essence of ~~ IU1'faca liIre • cine more palatable aud lueuble .. ~~~~ ~~~ as a new·farrowed pig and have no Christianlty. In Christianity only do t" ••,e. atoek, Iratn fa.r lD: brick hou. ., tak.. be lure ),our Jauti.. la conlorga bank bl1m equipped 101' dairy. new tlineil So VapoRub k~ on worldnt for hounI ''You know I wouldn't be afraId. need to- ready or have my sinl we find an adequate and proper deal· concrete in Syrup PepalD. block mUk house Inrfte tobacco to bring welcOme comfort. It invita It·s not that, Jaggers." ",a~ped at service. I'U stay here Ing with sin, leading to forgiveness. Ihed; :I BJlrlnll8. 44 Ilcres 01 timber. eleot., INSIST ON DR. CALDWKLL'S-tlae f. restful sleep and often by II101'11inI water under-pressure, . 'u mmer cottage in "No. No, Lark. 1 been thinking." and talk to Larlt." In Christ Alone do we find that for· woods, never·loUln. springs. Owner In ..ori&e of mIWonl for SO )'ears, IIIId f.eI DID8t of the ~ of the cXlId II gone. that "OOlelOlDe reUef frOIll conlltiJ1loo He 6poke slowly, with great effort Bethel came dOwn, ' bonneted, glveness, cleansing and regenera. lervlce; 1mmed. poss. LoeBled on hllrd·aut'- tlollo Remember. Motlicr. , • Even finicq children love it. ~~ r&fdo~~e~' :e'\~th~~~~:dDi'l~~nB~ci C"unONz U.e only directe4. and thoughttulneas. "I've alway. shawled. She passe4 through the tion. ONLY VAPORUB Gives You thIs felt to you like you be my own litUe buildings In Dnrko county neDr Laura, door. and then turn~d and laid. Since God bas so willingly and Possemon Mnl'ch 1. 1945. L. R. WALKER, Ipt'da] double action. It's time-testecf. daughter. . . . Bethel sets store "Lark. ask David to teD you about wonderfully provided for our for· Ito.ltor. 106 Oambrldre A.,. ... Dn'laa. Obi•• Ilome-proved the best-known homeby you, too. Don't think she don't. Mara Hastings. why don' t you? glveness, it would seem that we - - -- - - - - - -- - - - efJev Bethel is a real upstanding wife to You'll want ' to hear about her, I would need no urging to make us ~~:b~~o~~e~!~ t'::~~in~a1~~:f& dtIkIrm'l coIds. . VAPoRua a man. a good,' just woman. Like make lure." forglvlng in spirit toward one an- ~::':~~h~u~t~ r~I~lte.b~~~:r.l~,8e, m she says, where'd I be without her? She was w.allt:lng down the path other. Free far m li st. then. to the gatE!, waiting impatient- Yet it Is Indeed "a melancholy WILLARD GROVER - GalllpoUl, Obi., And Bethel don't mean the way she CONfAlNtO I~ eaYII a thing. I wouldn't want you ly for Jaggers, who followed, damp. fact that there are few Christian -F-A-R-M -S - P- O -R - S-AL - i!;-.. -1-!Y1-A-C-r-u-e-nn-. to think-" hair sUcked down, looking excited duties so mUe practiced as that of 'rame. 30 acres bottom. rest timber. lOll Lark said. "It's all right. Jaggen, and sprigbtly. c:losing the door be· forgiveness. It Is sad to see how ~:~ge~p~rc'!,m~ lis"o'o~~t~~~ ~ Don' t feel so bad." hind him. mucb bitterness. unmerellulness, :.~!~~n~~ n~rdg:~e~e ':~~9f~'n~.J~'ji:zt: ~ ABour "Is Mara Hastings a lady In IIplte, harshness and unkindness and terms. iii' Acr •• , 20 ocres bottom. rea. "What I want to know." Jagger. America?" La,rk asked David. there ill among men" (J. C. Ryle). Umber, 17 per acre. D~ "-erel, 2 sets bld(l~~~ broke in eagerly. "is just only thl~. well fenced and watered. Price SSOOO, I I""" quickly. "Because it sbe Is-some I. The Exten' of Forcl"cnellll (VV. down. II yrs. at 5'-., Mllay between HIUsDid David, or did he not, ever ask boro and Waverly, Ohio. In the Burley Toyou plain out to come to bim? Just one. you are fond of, David, I am 21, 22) . baeco belt on Pipes with schOOl and mnU Ihappy to hear of it. I wouldn't want "How long do 1 have to stand it?" bus. David Ronl. , Owner. Sabina, Oblo. teU me that, Lark?" you to thlnk' ~-.s he paused mlsera· Is the guestlon of the human heart, "He did not. You and Bethel both bly. and then rullhed on-"I wouldn't espeCially it untouched by the spirit know that. , It was-just a thlllg I OATS Durlns at least tho flut thr •• want you to mlslwdeTstand about the of Christ. The InjustIc es of life. th.e was stung into say~ng. a .tupid. ,.aor. foUowlns tho i"". Df Rnl l Prvvf CerUJlcd Tomo and Boone. OOla fT fooli sh thing," ,ill y itit n g I told Bethel." oenses 0 f ou. fe11 ow men aga Ins t 109.9 pure enrly orders . 1.50 por bu, baftged. tha wor, exp.rt. b.llna thot "Mistress Ma.ra Is a fine lady," U/i, all seem to pile up until the bur- WILLIS THORSEN. R 2, Olln",a , mlnoll. " What I want to say:....... Jaggers 70 mlllloll tire. will b. need. David said slowly. "A smart lady. den Is about to crush us. What III ItoPlled, thinking how beautitul and a" annuall,. In tha U. S. alone. I am friendly t(1 her, and she is to the answer to ITlan's question? lhe p.ok ,, '1 941. lOW • deRr Lark was, how golden her skin. PLANTS me. It is not a p'romise. I am not Thc J ews had an answer. He said prDductlon of 62' million tlr•• freckled ond uncared-for, but clearIn thll country. what you'd say 'a promised man, thrcc times is enough . Forgive once. Write f~~Rt.~~~E~r.~ ~~~~Ts8TnAw_ shining against the red·gold mass Lark." yes. Again, yes . But the third time, DEnny NURSERY, ANNA, ILLINOIS. 01 heT hair, how dark·lashed and Gr.aler us. of medionlcol farm "Ob, no, David. I didn't mean- no. Peter was bighearted enough gray ber eyes were. Her back was Implemenh In polt-wor Y1'0" .. straight, and she was tall and Hnely what I want to Isay Is-I-I lost 'my to more than double y~at allowa~ce REGISTERED CATTLE .~pod.d to mako ogrlculture on. temper at BelbE!1 last night. I told of mercy. He was wllhng to fo rgive made, but WiUl a young awkward· : of Ihe Iqrgell consumers of rubber. her a wicked lie. 1 said I was-was not. just two or three times, but sev- I'OLLED Shorthorn bulls , reglslered. Cood 'COUGH ness, a colUsh deflance. whlcb. un· i blood lines, mOdern type. Reasonably priced. D•• plta the for lost _r, tho der I!etbe}/s steady iron curb wall thinking-weD-ol going to you in en t mes o RA.OOOON ACRES Canfteld, Oblo. LOZENGES foreign Economic ",..",IIII.traAmerica. [wish I had bitten off my Tho spirit of Christ swept aU of turriing gradually to sullen, broodtloll a.pecta that 73,100 tona tongue beforelilald itl" that aside. He said that one should ing listlessness. : MillioDll U!e F &: F LoI4!llpl to SOYBEANS of natural rubb.r will . . "I !raid" h 'd lm 1 forgive 70 times seven. In other : .!pve their throa t ~ 15 oUDute IIOOth. "What I thought to say," he " . was a , e sal s . p y, words, Christian forgiveness is to be EDmLE SOYBEANS.B:lnselva1!let),.Btllb altl"ad to tha U. S. from mg, comforting treatment; that thought out, " was it I could get the that you-weU-had tho~~ht too untiring, unlImited, to know no germination. QunntlUcs up to n carlond. :• ieaohcB C.yloll and Indio during 1944. all me way down. ,For Samples to seed firm s only. money, now-" much about me., Lark. whIle I was weariness and have no boundaries. W. C. MARTlN _ ORltVILLE, 0010.. : . coughs, throatjrritlltioDllorh~ Jaggers said, now, with gentle ur. g~e. From whut the Old Lady ~~lcl, If one really forgives, it Is because : nesllelJUlting fTom COldaorllDlokiDg, gency, "If I was to get the money : IOOthe with F 6: F, Box, onJ.y II¥it seemed like maybe you had. be ha a forgiving spirit and that WANTED TO BUY together. someway, would you take "Oh I dld thmk about you, David. apirit SiS not exhausted b; use. but. _ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ __ _ _ __ ~ •........................•..•....•• : and go to Americy. Lark? Would I thougbt about, you all the time. rather grows by exercise. ' NaUonal .r nemlD,ton ClUb R.,I.ter_ All sixes Dnd modela. We POl' cnsh. you girl? If I could find cash for and missed you very much. But [ A word of caution Is in order at NATIONAL CASH ItEGISTER CO. 124 E. your passage, real nlce?" didn't-" , this pelnt. Let no one suppose that ..~.. II. sa..' Cla.Joaall. Pbvoe Mai:D ozu, Lark shook her head. She said. "That' s tine. " David stood uP. our Lord's instruction means that "You know I wouldn·t, Jaggers." lleadit wODderfaUJ &om lookecl down at her. "U·lI . good to offenses agafnst the law of the land Washing Machin~ Repairs dOctor'. .u.cOyery that "But if David . wa. to take a noknow a man' .. beleJl missed. I've al- or against tlte good order of society Uon be wanted you, why....." way. been over fond of you, Lark. are to be overlooked and condoned, PIX YOUR OWN Woi. hlnl' MIIDblnel New .achelle, nm·down feetu., elM repair fulde with trouble-shooting "David doesn't want mel I just-I But-weU-someUmes a girl does It reJates rather to the cultivll' bome chart makes I eaay. Save up to ISOI Buy 10 neell acidi17 ill the ariDe parla wholesole. Only Sl. PoatJ)llld. ge't a sort of notion, a very young tlon of a personal spirit 01 forgivelust Iled. Bethel'a right." APPLIANCE SERVIOE CO. Poopl. .v• ."...... an . lladlaw _~ I mean-" ness. the laying aside of revenge. (DS), BOil 881~ Clnoland, Obi •• girl, Jaggers made a Uttle cluckin, roU.f from pain lui Iylliploaal d.... "I didn't get Iliny notions." Lark of malice. 01 retaliation which ' do IOwid of .ympathy. "Maybe YOll IrrltatlD. cau.ecI bl. exee.. acidity fa tIae wIDe. DR. KILMER'S SWAMP ROOT. .ald. tiushing. "'Not any notions at not become the ChristIan. lot no date set, nOl'DO special plana; aela 'ut on tbe Idcla.7a to .... dloea ........ but d,o n·t 110 80 far. as to say he all, David. I j!l5t got awfully mad D. Tbe MoUve of For,lvenesl (vv. Untrained U. S. Athletes .y prolDotlaw flow of uriD •• T.... p_ ....bal DI.dld.. o.poclalJ, _Ie_ , don·t want you, Lark, because-weD at Bethel. Sho's sold Madoc. my 23.34). ...... .. .. dd.r Irrltatlo. due ta a .... on 9 of Olympic Events because you can't rIghtlY be ' iure. thOroughbred 1I0rlle. You remem- Two motives are Biven. The first addil, fa ....pon.lbl. for "wottl.. up . . _ _;.-...:;..,,..,..,..:..;;.....:.......:..._ _ _:.........!:._ 8nap ott. if .he do or don·t. He'. - --"1alw ....... A ear.fuUy .. Io••ed eo....laatJoa ber Madoc, don't you, David? Sbe- i. that since -we ourselves are dally la ........ root.. vow.ta.. I••, ..1-1 Dr. fond-" sold him to the livery-stable." and hourly In need of forgiveness at When tile Olympic Game s were at Jrnm.r'. eoalalaa notlo/ft. ....... fa a6o"Please don·t talk like that, DOD·bablt formla •• Jut woocl ... "Poor little Lll,rk." David pulled a the mercitul hand of God, .we should held at Athens in 1896. the 'f irst pleasel" atool to her teet and sat there. In turn be merciful toward those who tLme since they w ere a UUW,!.•t,.& 'I =~r.!:. ~~'!c:t~' people .., ....,. • "He writes you lette.r s." Jagger. "Don~t think I'm not worried. Lark, ,in against us. Compared with our at Rome in 392 A. D .• the ten men S..d for freo, p..pald _pl. TOD"'!' laid doggedly. "And he .ends 10U because 1 am. . Don~t believe that offenses against the law of God. we representing the United' States had ~: ;~:":.i.d~:~ :"~':.iJ:J~ word in letters to us. Just to you, I've forgot the money your lather know that the m:lsdeed. of our no trainer and no time to train. DePartmeat A KJI....r .. Co., IDe., ~ I25S, Slallllo;;l, COila. Offer IIDIIt... SeW and nobody else around here. ex· loaned me-the very money, rna)'· neighbors against us are usuaUy Yet, of the tW,elve events, they won Dt ..... AU dtuulala MU 5 ..... a...i.: cepting Jack, of course. He do send be, that he had t(1 borrow' back from mere trifles. Remember what God nine. a kindly word to old Jack, not knowthe Old Lady latl!r. And if I hl\d It bas done for you, when you, are Incidentally. Harvard's J. B. David "al real. Be waa here. In' poor Jack-" to spare I'd give it to you to buy tempted to be hard and ungracious Connolly won the initial event, ,the Lark broke In desperately. "I'U throuib the door. into- the big dim Madoc, and I'd take you to America. with your brother. hop, step and jump-the only time allow you hil last letter. It came r09m; the front room of the North and Bet you up ~ID a hill-" The Becond motive Is the rerriem- in his life he had eyer tried itmonths ago. Thel'e's no doubt about •house! that was luddenly Itrange and '''1 do~'t want money from you," brance that a day of judgment It to and was crowned first Olympic hll being busy. There', no doubt far-off. 'T be room wa. made lIIIall Lark Baid desperately. "I don't want come. There Is alway. I time at G~es champion in 1.504 years. about the way he (eeis. Can't y4,lu and stufty by the tall man' ItancUng ,you to feel you must burden yoursell reckoning ahead. even as waa the understand that I-I just blurted out there. the strange big man In a with me or my tIroubles. Can·t YOU case with these serv.ants. Remem10lDething thlt I'd dle to cali b~ck?" Beaman'a reefer, smoking pipe. understand, Dav,Id? I dldn't know ber not only what God has done for . laying It aaide carel\i1Jy OD the . l~ you were coming' home. ,I-oh. ~a. you aJtd ~a doing for you. but what "Yoll 'don't love David?" ..Ye.... Lark .aid frantically, cial Spode .aucer Bethel kept there vld I wish you hadn·t· come homel" yOU must yet expect Him to do In ':I'll be going soon enough." Da. that day of judgment. It, will make 10 INO~UlATI WITH "Yes, yes, ye8. • . ." Do you want for nice. The maD bad a thick For the Preservation "me to sbout it from the housetops? black club of hair. big hands and vid said a IiWe .umy. "TonIght, you merciful and gracious In your Don't you t1!lnk J'have any shame?" feet. a . great itrong nOle and a certainly, If I hlld latoWn YO\l,'d act Judgment of others. Of the American 1\' Sbe broke off. sorry for her outburst, wide laughing moUth, Lark looked· like thIs. maybe I wouldn't have tak. Forgiveness has a ftoe quality at hltn. tried .to make a little curtsy. en the time from my buainesa to which commends Itself to other.. lick oyer his face. Way of Life 1\' come here at au,. It· lan't my fawt Note .t he Borrow of the fellow servSbe ,brOUght David's laf t letter tried to apeak hi, name. BUY U. S. WAR BONDSl "Weill" Bethel gave her a push. It you spoke-ha!ltiJ;y about me." ants (v. SU. There t~, then, a IIC)o from the pocket of the cart. • cial value in true forgIveness . • 'Parman repOrt that iaocaIadoa Together they read: "My Dear ''Haven't you th e manner. to greet "Of course it ISD t. . . . Oh. David, m......e ImporlaDce of For,lveI h _...., &L._ I ... wida NlTRAGIN maba bigpr Girl; I am home In Norfolk, Vir- David?" say sue awu.u -::=gs If you ju.t Desll (v. 35) , • aDd aurar crpp.. N1TRAGIN II aood ginia. My New Orleans Trip wal The big man took ·a step toward knew bow I feell . A man dealing with his fellow ~ fmuraD~ (or WHy plandpa 01 ProMtabl.e, I purchaat Intel'est in the her. lilted Lark In his arma, and "The way you, spoke. , Just now, man I. apt to think that It I. merely 00a't1ort_a.w......... ... ~ alfalf.. 1apedeP. IO)'~ Carg6e Riske Company, but laid kissed ber. "My pretty dear," he would make a mla think-you dldn·t a maHer between man and man. We _ _ Jqumea. It CIOItl • few aDII lID Comp!!n)" h~s mu~h BUlineslI around laid. "Lark. it's good to aee you. even like me. Lark. I have alway. are not dealing with a straight line . ..... of ............ Dr, DnoIoe'. 0IeI_ acN, taba' 0Il1, • few mtaur. to mb: Cbesap~ake Bay and the Virginia . It is that." been fond of y,o w If )'ou h~ve between ourselves and our brother ~ wida the aeed. It'a the olclat, moa Coast, 10 Likely. I will Re.m ain •'Yes, " Lark .aid at last, "it I. missed me. wby would you wish I (that was Peter's error). but wiUJ wJdel; ' u.ed iDocuIant. Producecl · W, here. 1 ~~!lt you. Red Raskallllome good to .ee you, too--David." hadn't come home'" a triangle at whose apex la God .traiAccI acieJJtiIcI ill • mocfent Iabcita- ,t ime ago. which I feel Shure wUl \'1 always said." 'David went on. There was a lIOund at the door. HImself. fIIIr1. Gee lt~ in the,.tlow caa"- a d Become you. I lend your Delll' fa- coloring up considerably. "I',d eome ' They both looked up. Jall~rl .• tood If I expect God to forillve me. J NkrqiD, from JOGl' IMd dnJar. titer . Gree~gl and remain Yr,. to back and fetch you. LaPk. dldn'{ I, there. 8millng. He .aid; "I lett Beth. mUllt let my forgivenesl flow out PIlI 11 ~ow, ...... Command. David Korth, Norfolk, Girl? And 10 I wili, and damned e,1 In church. Sh,,'U ,0 '1 0r me about to my brother. If I de!!l with him Hoi DRAKE'S . . 1011 ..,lIdl ... - . w.,.. today. ' . , ' Va.. March 2, 1818." if I won't! You're a pretty dear, It, but .1 had to }mow. t had to be a. though God had nothipg to do -~..-.. "loW, r..... I... 11!o: 'iDoel that , lound like a love tIon toot pI... ......., . ' let- and you will be a fUll-l1'own wom· aure. I heard you .ay you'd talte with the matt~r, then I mUlt not t~I.I."'--" ter'" Lark asked • . an' before many year.," Lark, Son. 81 I knew yOu must. try to count God's (orglvenelll into WNU-E Jaggers· Icratched ' hla thick ~a'1 ''Lark I. eighteen." Bethel .ald. I've prayed ~or It Iln:ee the , atal. the picture whSln I etand indebted - - . - , . . ; - - - - - - - - - - - tha~ch. "Well n'ow/~ he ~ald gen- ''Old enough to get married. and brought you herl!. and maybe be- before HIm. , tly. "David do la1 'YoUrs to com· willing enoueh, It ·you judge by tier fore. David. . I COD let the mODq for God doel not play favorltel. He mand.' Ain't that got a UHle tltoueht talk." Lark'i 'passage-trom Bethel'. Iron It no rellpecter of person., He I. 01 10,,1 to it, Lark, I alk you'!" "I don't want to let lJiarrled.'" box, under her bed. It. Ja ri,bUul .. interested in the other , man al . . . : - - - - - - - - - - - - - - . Lark laughed"and Jaggers went on Lark laid hurriedly. ' "Really, D~- money f,!r Lark; becaua'e her father He II In me. The ~istlan Ihould ~etermlnedly. "Apd be glt. off with. ,v ld. 1 am not ~g of. a ~g helped you, David, wheD you had DO have the lame IIplrit. '~ dear girl.' What else woUld a like getting married. . , way to get help."' . . Here we need a word of explanaperIOD ~? ~Dear;' be' .ay.. In "i'.m not goin. tate' an,y mon~ u~ 'Let no one luppose that our David'.• appre.ciatl~~ and . amu.ep,l!l1n,out wrltinJ, And that glf.t ,. that ment echoed.. 'There II a 8ftl ~ ." L k . ' Id, "J " ", . rectemptlon In Christ It contingent STOCK OWNERS' STAN.,-.YI • Red , RapnIU . h~cher.•. you 'got It .plrit! I 'ah~ay. .ald you were a .:r~al -:ro:: Betti:.~e7>!v~ ~1lJ;l' upon what we , do toward our brethhanglnl oil !lIl;8U 10ndei: 'nowl What girl, of great spirit, Lark. , I notice Smart atoameo ha". ~... tn't-" . , " ha l'I!JJ. "For by grace are ye .aved I '1&7 Ia, ,..hen a pI' keepi a ,man'. you. I~e wea1in1l Ple Red Ra~~, m~, for year. OD aoothlDa. ~ecd.,. . . ~,_~ .. . thrOUgh. faith; and that not of yourgift ·to hand tha~' . " it'l beca\lle It t)e~m.. 7~. sure. '.1 bael thoUght Dr. Porter'l Antiseptic 011. 'It'a . .allen was "T",. "-, up . t¥ ~ve'I"1t I. the gUt of God; not of he .ta,1 In-her mind. t •.,. , u ;'ou to send yOU ~ .Blue Be~y-more lult· , ~1tI:~a~~ lald .: '~~ OIJ Lark'i works' lest any man should bOast·.' !IOOttilna •• , tencia to promoq' to :..l-.ote" D < -"d-'" 'f, _turDlh,eallhaprocu.u ~ wa. ...~'. a;V1 ,.", able ~ • .f~al~; ~~ I. took a no- ' you ' I~:to ~~. (Eph.' 2:8. 8). : . , . It Oft hand alwaya fo, ..... Lark was 1DliUDJ. ." "We've lived tion f~ the red. ... ' ,: "I wO~ like' 10 D.~ but irl Hor doe. the truth of our lellon ,eDc,. ·u .. for .IDor · cut.o herJ ,moe l 'wal 'ten, a!J4 I've ~ever , ':Red , IW~ La~. -Bethel ,va. rIi-, ., to B tllel: ' . mean that we are lomebow lolna . • tlte.. .~Ieht years hea~ )1N ·u, ~-,jaultJ .her a cautlonl:: ." bu~ ..dcU. &au.. ' ., . ~::te a ec~~~mo:"·. : ,~to bargaln with God,traWh. a bit 10 - Dl~' word.... , . . . Ieeh wounda. all .... oDl,. II!Red I de» lUll, our ~kl ,.JaiIUll 'co n1M't think of ' lUCh . 'tblnal" of oU; forglvene .. toward o1hen ~ d1ncted. Aak1QU&' .......... "'It woufdil't be parUcular nec:.. atoad , l1li. too, 'TIllie beD t . • p~. • "' . . .. KIa fol'liYene •• of-U: God It "1 'about It '••• ,... ........ ,JU7 for,ou ..,' 10 ~e cC tier, aplritedu, bettat lid. 11Yta... ~~ , tt~!' you to . Wltreap IDterelted ID lOch. tranaac:tiona. .... it. 'WI'IWII .Jqprl ald _eul- than Lark." , liar" of eoUl'lltt" David laid, But It does mean that, It fOIl cu· ",. . . . ..CIIl .tbat RtilaalkaUbaJIk. , Bethel ,lII11fedt aDd DaVid aald .~ It 1U1 be fOIl are too 'old Dpt or WIll DOt forllve. iou mq eIIer. IMIr. ..... ~ aboat JOUr Lark ••• a WODder, aure. aDd LadE 1ot'!WII to. • cbooL Perhapa lOU well c:ouIder wbelller JOu are a do; 4;!aIU .,.... on · ,.... At..a ~ _"Ued, uateaIIlI to oouId teaall. ~ would 1lDd·..... C)IrIItIaa at aD. for It Ja CbrIatIIIIIe . . . , cd'curi7fftlI(acIoc" .IIIJDJ, tblJ.beIIa tor Hl'9ic. . .t the ~ tIdDI. I feel ;r.mrVEI)I to .lIve. . . Jr . . . . . . . . . .,.. ibelr '*mt1f,u peal maIdDI tile C'l'O 811 I!oP 'l'BE STORY TUUe' 1'0: Lark lbu. fa beartbrollea ..... III, lea~ Ula'



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clal unexpected company today. la, a bit' of company from "erosl the salty. driving up bright and early. on thll Liverpool stage. say, you'd want to look nice." "David Is nerel You met him on the Liverpool .tagel Why dldn't you tell me he was cO",ing? Jaggers, wbat did you tell him?" "He came 81 a clean-out IUr· prise," Jaggers said twice over. "I told him about your father. Lark, but 81 to you I said but UiUe, but very little. . • . He's waltlng over to the house. I told him plain not to come here t11l1 fetched Y\lU there. Lark." "He's with Bethel, There's no teU· ing what she' s .aid to him. Oh. Jaggers, I'll die! I want to dlel Jaggers. I can't go there .and face David North.. not now." ''Loose your hair," Jagger!! laid timidly, "like you used to, and comb It shining. It has a look like tiames that way . . • And don't leek to choke yourself with that hankcher. tie It pretty." L:u-k laughed. Sbe couldn·t help it. · To have Jaggers the lilent. the mild mouse, telling her with judlcious insistence how to pretty up (or his son, David! Sbe snatched a mane·comb from a nail and ran It again and again through her wild locks. She cupped water from the rain barrel and dashed It on her face and 6moothed hei brown homespun over ber sUm hips and long supple waist. She was cold and shaking and weak. . . . David! "I call to memory." Jaggers said wisoly, "that David kissed you farewell when he took leave of UII all five years back." Lark Bnd Jaggers were walking up the path, up the step 'and in



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Kidneys Must Work WeU-




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a' HOLLYWOOD tooldag

s...111"""01 Bi, Sholl: l:!:;!ij~ from


Shirtwaisters Are. Top F'avorites' Buttons and a Bow for ,Accen~ 127g' 2"~

Treated Fence Posta Lalt Twenty Years

TODAY'S SoUd Sams ' and their .1 ;Uck chickll can whistle Cbopln'a ''Valse In A Flat" with almost al ....... ADaD Poe Will a dollar·a· Utt1e trouble al they can "Beat Me. :r.....lJ!in too•. , • 'He spent 10 yean N~w Method Cost Now Daddy, Eight to the Bar." 1VIi~1 anct rewriting "The Raven" You can creclit that victory tor Reduced to Six Cents aDd lot ' 10 buckS tor It. . , , The "good music" to the movies. 'RadJo 9rlJ1na1 manuscrwt sold the last . . C!1aims some of the credit for famU· Ur,Ie fOr ' $10.000. , , " Poe paJ~ chlorinated phenol durildn, larlzing Joe and Man Public with • month rebt tor his honeymoon cot· method of treating fence posta, a classical selections. but it really hal . tate OD Grand Concourse (In the oomparativel1 new wood preserva.· been the sOWld ftlm that has glam. Bl'ODZ) which Is now a New York tlve, can be used at a cost of trom Drized symphonies and grand operaa. ltat. hlltorical Ihrlne. If It badn't 5 to 8 cents per post, 'Testa can· Time waa. and not 80 long ago. been a rrand nelghborbood tor ducted at the University at Idaho klddlea, when any mUBic that wasn't dUldelJons he and his bride would experiment staUon abow that the hot·cha was considered "long·halr." bay. atarved. lJfe of sott wood posts, properl1 One sure way to lose not only your trealed by thI. method, will be trom IhIrt but also 1IarcoDl, aOD an 1'-lIaD tather 15 to 20 years. They fOWld thlt the . your entire ward· aDd lrlllb mother, was 27 wben be robe was to spon· mvented radio. and even then there .or concerts or were ~ple wbo wanted to ldll him. opera. Both had • . • '!be.e cranks .ald electrical to be .ubsldized wavea were passing througb their Wlill the movies bodJe'; destroying their nerves and came along an(J makin, It impossible tor them to demon.tra ted sleep. that by a new .howma n ship Banaam, who aalel "Uaere'a ODe (Jbopln, Tsobal· bem eYer, mlDate," waa ODe, and the Geraldine Farrar hllDRIf. He lost a 'ortnDe OD a other old boy s bear'a peaae hair toalo. w.. could have almost 81 great a mall ~ed oa' '0" aDoUle~ sellblc 11appeal as Jerome KerD, Jrvtur BerMake Your Next Pie With Vegetables lutra&ed ' blblea, trimmed araiD Un and Cole Porter. (See Reeipell Below) Frock tor Tot en a are m~her that Personally, I'd Uke to own a piece FOR a young miss. a dain\y Ion,· waal4D't ext.lDplsb, weDt Into of "A Song to Remember." the ftlm Vegetables De Luxe waisted frock she's sure to lovl!. bllllb1lpto, for haU a mlWoD LyaD Chambe:rs' based on the llfe and music of FredThe Peter Pan collar and cuffs are maklnc alarm olOOks. • •• WIlhPolnt.-SavlDl Men. erlo Chopin-and Columbia can take Of course. ' the famll1 won't eat edged in gay ric rae. and the ~ oat a cUate to hla name be 'fJ'ote me up on that hiDt any time they vegetables that are cooked beyond ice boasts a parade of buttons. One a . lecture OD "Bow to Make want to. This film, which bases Ita recognition with all their delicate ·Vegetable Pie of the prettiest frocks tor a tot MODey," rroulDi- ,1,CHIt a aJ~ht. appeal on classical music. II Qot Cheese Sauce colors washed out. Do you blame 3-M8 y~u'll see. • • • AD4 tIIat'l how &be 'amoul Lettuce with Thousond Island only a treat tor the ear. and eyes, bottom of the post wlll last the lite Vegetables don't bave to look that Smart SbJrtwa1ster Bamamlam "'.. borDo but packing folks Into the thea· DreSSing Pattern 'No. 12'l9 is deslgped for alzea .. of the top. HIRTWAIST frocks have won a 8. t, 15 and e years. S~ 8 reQutrea 116 ters wherever It' I liho;wn. Spinach can be a rich green Bran Muffinl Not only ia It possible to treat ,favored spot in every wardrobe. yards of 35 or 89·lnch material: ~ yard enough of Bread PuddiJrI, When Cornel Wilde Is at the key· for contra.Un, collar; l~ )'ar4a l1cr rae AleUDder Dumal, . one-fourth tence posta. but fence ra11l, .atel~ character left with Custard Sauce board playing any of the dozen se- They're versatile, smart and a to trim. Nl:!gro, whose book. ''The Three bal'JS .ills, bridge timbers. ml.a. boon· to the busy homemaker. This to bold up a Beverage Due to an unuBua!l,y large demall4 8IId Quencell. audiences are 81 thrilled .. Musketeers," w~s·. a best seller for Uon late.. and .lm11ar piece. C&D few of th.e leaves. though they were listenin, to lIelec· button-tront model has a set-in belt clIr1'ent war condiUona, sllghtly 'mom time -ReCipe given. almOlt 100 year•• used to boast that be treated. Is uJred In orders for a f_ ot Peas can be a. Uone trom this week's "Hft Parade." and graceful figure.molding skirt. thereq mOlt Wllular pattern nJUllbers. he. had' more than 500 cbJIdren &Dd ChlOrinated phenolia a UQuld ~ green as when In banding out hosannall, one has to • Send ~our order to: Iwore he would never' marry. . . • oaDtrata, and oan be obtained tun they are first Measure out ~ cup beet liQuld. to be directed toward Charlee VIdor, Pattern No. 1280 is deslllled for alze8 He chaDged his mind when a .mart .trensUi 01' dDuted with 'YariOUI picked. ,cabbage Mix bacon and flour in saucepan; director• . '!bat Villor boy has gone M, . 36. 36. 40. 42. 44. 46 and 411. Size 311. threeoqu81'ter or .s hort .leeves. requires Iweetheart bought up an hll debb amountl of ,oIL B1.I)'1nc In canOeD- almost all crisp as when it was drst add bacon Uquld, vinegar and lea· SEWING CIRCLR PATTBaN DRPT. no 80atll well. SL ~. . . and .ave him a choice between trata to~ .avel ahlppln' and ator- picked and gre.en beans fork·tender lonlngs. Cook WltU mixture thick· place. - "Cover Girl," "Together 31. )lard. of 35 O.r 39-lnch materW; J'~ yard. of M-loch material. . Again." and "A Son, to Remem· En!!lole 25 cen\.a In eoina' tar each marriage and jaU. . . . He wrote ens, stirring constantly. Add ' beeta ber." all in one year I pattern desired. Dovel. on blue paper, poetry on yel- ale; I' can then be dDuted In prc)o and well seasoned. . and beat thoroughly. I take orr my latest chapeau In 'Pattern No••••••••••••••••• SIIe •••• ;. low, article. on red, and DothiD. portiOlll of ODe part of conCeD- Two rules to remember In vegeVegetable pie It i,1 It can be UBed salute to Harry Cohn for preae.ntJng trata to 1. parts of diesel on, .tove table preparation are these: First, else would do..•• ·He wrote more Name .••••••••••••••••• r ••••••••••••• as a main dish becaus.e It contains Chopin music. Harry hal eham· than 1,200 volumel of play., nove18' oU 01" 014 crank ca.. dralDln•• , Not prepare your vegetable just before ~ · for thia 'p\l11lOle but tor apra,- ready to cook. Don't let it ltand an excellent cbolce . olf vegetables ploned good mUllc on the screen beAddress ••••••••••••••••••••••• ; ••••••• and.hIStorle., made bver & mlllion m. purpo.... It 1a UluaU, po••lble In water .to have the' flavor and and IB served with a lov'ely crown of fore and turned It into a box .office dol1ara anll died broke. Uvin, of! the . to crank ca.e dralnlnll at nutrimenb leechect out. . Second, cheese sau~e: N OLD~FAmnONEDcra~-. 1 hit: . . eba'rit;, of bia Ian. ••mce staUons a' UtUe COlt. cook only Wlill tender and then patch quilt aglow with coloI' ·Veaetable Ph!', Daddy 01 Them All at once. and quaint stitchery makes a deco(Sena .) w.....rihata~ .,.. five- - - - -......--.-...:..-----., lerve Ceoll B. De MWe really i. respon· rative slumber throw for the sofa Another complaint that we . fre·.......lme .tores _ a eapttal 01 Ilble for IntroduclDg mu.lo to In today's llvlng room. It piclUi Agriculture hear about vegetablel fa I ere . . . . . . . . IaIa lint ~ faUecJ. 2~ tablespooDa Ioar tlie .creen. It wa. 'way back In the up and. repeats all the room collack flavor. Tbat·. easll1 'l'IaIkJ he ,... able I oup milk · In the News .Ilent da,~l'lll, to be exact-that IreJmeclied. Coax out tho Datural fta· .. ,.7 ,1.,',110,110 oaah for u.e S ca,. diced ve,etablea, eooked C. B. lured GenIc1lDe Farrar awa, W. I, DRUD with cooking In Balted water, nJWq Ilea...............e, PIeD' (corn. oelery, .,e.... o;arrota) ~ the Metropolitan Opera com· ta.te before serving and per· I bard-clooked erre . tIae .01'111'. IalPeft ollce baUdpany to appear In "Carmen." add a bit ;more nit, a dust- l6 tea.poOD eDI0D . . ., MU........ iDI. '!be Blse&' mUlllc pepper and melted butter or 'l'he white alh Is not ani,. Amer"Carmen" when it was shown. dtlpplng If you Uke a Imoky I recipe kra.t pull')' lea'. leadln, hardwood but·ltl moat ~ oap mlIk . Gear,. GeraInrID .0Id hl. 1lrst important .ash. It . the combination was a hit• In your vegetab~e . . ~ poDJU'l oheeae aon, for 15; nine yeare later a 1l'9w1 from lfova When Vltaphone Introduced .0Wld Sometime. a cream sauce will HoUywood studio patd ~,OOO JUit ~ SCoUa we.tward Beat together the egl' and flour. to the Icreen ID 1927, Warners ex· add Interest to the vegetable. or per. "Rhapsody In Blue," whlcb he to MlDnesota aiid baps a cheese sauce will bring out Add rradulIlI1 the 1 c:up of mOk. perimented with good mUllc. GI.. wrote In his spare time. In a sln,le .outbward almost ItI best points. Today'. recipe. wUI Add vegetables. hard·leooked eggl yalUll Marinelli 8ang "Vutt la Glullpl~ture. to the Gulf of ( ' i 3 bl" from ·"PagUaccl." and the New 'you the cUe. to m~ these and onion salt. Mexico. . It ia a ~~~/ York Philharmonic played the "PIl· Ive,gellable. a star attraction on your Season with lalt 811' baaO NewtoD waI eo a., ltat~ tree 75 to and pepper. Place grims' Chorus" from 'Waper'. . .t.-mlDllad be ODce rammed hi. 125 feet hip. . in pastry • lined "Tannhaueler. " CorD a La with 'BaCOD. Th • . wood of shell and cover ... . .. . .....'. IInlen bate Ida pipe•••• In 1930 MGM ~Igned MetropoUtan (Senea I) with pastry. Make 'I'r7ID4 Ie b bbnseU a &hree- the white a.b ia beaY7. barel, .tron, Thrush Grace Moore to play the ors and the hit-and·miss pattern I tablespoon. batter IDbnIte en, be boDed· h1a watob and aWr, 1I.lana well, takes a lood .everal slits In the top to let .team Swedish Nightingale. JeDDJ UIId. harmonizes with . furnishings old I tablespoona 110111' ·e scape. Bake In a hot oven (425 de- one of the great .ingers of the last and new • • 1dIe- ~teblDJ &lie ell•• , • pol1ab an.d ia free from ta.~. or odor. Ita prolnclpal Ulel aro fQr narimE!I./1 I 'CDp mUk 'Irees) 40 minutes or' utltll Crult hal oentury. Grace sang "Casta Diva" WIlen be weal to fetcb iaDJ4bIDI In Victorian days great grapdI ollDDed pimiento, chopped .be .....U, o~me back wltbout coop."a,e, fUrnIture, motor vehlcle browned and filling .~. .et: Servo from "Norma." 81 well as selectlona I teilipooD minced oDlon It, • • • He waa lut III parta. aportla, and athletic ,oodi. each portion which t. made bi add· tram "The Daughter of the Regl· father's cravats were the source tea.poeD oelel')' wt Ing ~ cup mille to cheese"WhJch hal ment." But when the film wal com. of manY a rich piece of silk for ,ilia claa .obool. • ; • He w.. A. weD u .raifroad· tlu. veneer &DeS theBe quilts. Why not look over ~ tealpooD ~It • •0m&D -.ter &Del Dever mal'been melted over bolllilli wa{er. fueL plete!! It was pubUcized wIth DO ac· the old ties that G,I. Joe left? III' Few rrelDa oayeue rled •••• Be aI_y. olalmed be oent on the mu.ic. The picture Lima bean. are another vegetable 1 oa wIIole kernel COrD' ~~.i.~ ' Mlyad maDY of ilia mathematithat take to combinations with other failed. I.trt.,. baoOD NOTE-BOOK 2 of·th. aerles 01 32·pa,. cal ,"lIlem. In hla aleep. vegetahles. Tbey're good when Try, Try Al'ain booklets ofterecl with th••• articles ,I"•• , pleoea 01 toe.. On 'Standard Basis Berved with lauces and fit with al· Mter Columbia hit pay dirt with complete dlrec:Uons for maid", crallYJ)8tch Dr. Samael JohDBoa CODtinuaIl1 In .el~lln, dairy cow oenalD Melt butter In saucepan. add flour most any main dish. "One NigHt of Love". the rush start- quU\.a with dozena of dlal1'aml diltorted hia face by violent rrtm· ddnlte .polntl mUit be looked tor. blend well. Add milk and cook th.o~~~~Hfttl~lcS~~~~~~~~==.~==~~ Tomato.Llma BeaD Ca.serote. ed for musical compositions of aces. . . . When walldn, In the Amon, the mOlt Important u~: " po.tpald u n t II mixture Ity. LUting-voiced Lit,. POD. made Copy of . BOOK 2 will be (Servea I) . Itreet he touched every post be upon receipt of IS ceDta with name. and thickens. stirring I. Ample dlgeltlve cap.aclt;" which "I Dream TOQ Much, ". In which Ihe .ddn:u: Write to: palaed and U he' mJSled one he al- meane goodl~ width and depth -.:::-~:;,~~ constaDUy. Add 8 tablespoona butter oa:' AbSUtata lang "Caro Nome" from "Rlgol'" way. returned. He' always made a of body. pimiento, onion, I oaps caued tomatoels ' to," and "The Bell Song," from the point 'of entering or leav1J)g a d~r oelery salt, .alt. 1% &ablelpooDI oelm:y' leaYea, Icore of "Lakme." NlDo Martini MRS. StlTH WYBTH SPEARS I. A ,ood conltitution aa ab~wn obopped BetUord Bill. Ne. Yora on a certain toot, but ht. ·blograph. cayenne and com. by areat chelt oapaclt;,. Dr••• r 10 I cap. lima beaD., oooked or laDg aria I from "Pagliaccl." "Ma· er, Boswell, wasn't ~ure which one. non," and "Tosca" In "Here' I to RoI. A large udder of 10ft QuaUt;,;· ~___ canned "",..-"';;~~~woo~trl~~a:~ EnClose' 15 cl!nts for BOok No. 2. mance." 1~' table.poone OaJOD, cbopped ;..x~..bacon and lar. Lord ByrOD W88 eo emotional that Name . .•• . •••••••••••••••••••••••••••• Lawrence TlbbeH, who had sung Salt with parsley. If desired. once a theatrical performance put only . seml·popular music In "The Bread crumbs Addr"• •• ••••••••••••• him Into convulsions. '. • • In a ilt Savol')' Beets. Rogue Song." was permUted to do temper he threw his watch Into Add celery leave. to tomatoes. the operatic type of .electlon In (Senea • to 8) the tire and hammered It to plec.. Combine onion and' dra:iDed. cooked wblch he excels In "Metropolitan" caps cooked, cubed beets with the poker, ... He also fired a Wire atripi finely obopped cooked baooD 11ma beans. Into Ii well greased and other films. pLltol In the bedroom of . hls wife, baking dish, place laYlar. of tomatablespooDs flour DeaDna DDrbla . h"s sung arial who left .him after a year of mar· toes and lima beans. Sl~rinkle light· trom many famed opera.. Jean:. oup merar A plathtlUIl wire, now used In ria.e...• So .be went to Venice and ly w~th salt and pepp.~r. Top with aagar DeUe MacDonald, with a Ught opera this country, ·is .drawn so ftne that, bought a' harem. . Bake in a moderately 810w crumbs. ~aspooD salt . voice Bulted to the melodlea at Vlo- although sold at $1.50 B foot, the (350 degree) oven SO minuteB. teaspooD pepper tor Berbert and l'rlml, Interpolated cost of one pound, Bvoirdupc;>is. 8ohD1er liked to keep hiS teet tablelpooD bacoD 'at or 80111' LIma BeaDS with ",alltard Sauce, several grand opera lIelectionl in her would be $217,500,000, A ~ood type daIrY cow, In tee whUe working. . • . He once (Servea 8) pictures with Nel.oD Eddy. Univer· .. Tb~ rump should be long. wide I..._ _ _ _ _ _ _ _~---., wrote a tull and perfect description Z capa lima be..., canned or cooked sal brought Stokowskl to the scree!). of the Swill land and people - al· and level 'and the hlp bones should LYJlD S.ys: . with a full symphony orchestra In 1 te •• pOOD powderell . mustard though he knew neither. . •• Cole· be wide apart. "A Hundred Men and a GirL" durI teaspooD rranalated aurar ridge. who wrote "Kubla Khan" Wl· II. The hide should be thJD. loose ing wblch be com;lucted TlohalkowCleaDlnr Tips: '';1'0 remove Ink ~ teaSPOOD .aU der the in1luence of .an opiate. could and pliable. and the bonel of medi· stains from rugs. pour salt ~ver sky'a Fifth symphony and a LIs.. • tableBpooDI drlpplnlU remember onl;v 54 lines wben be um lize, with the head showing gen· the spot wbUe still wet. Keep "Hungarian ;Rbapsody." I teaspoona lemoD 'jaIce .uftlclentl1. recovered to write. ••. ual reftoement. Metro will Boon release "Mqllie for changing .alt as It absorbs Uik Drain liquor from beane Into RlcheUeu .at Umes imagined himself Milllon •• " In which I&urbl conductl CS. MUBt bave dairy temperament, Wltil Ink spot disappears. ' sauce .pan. BoU downl to ~ cup, to .,e .a horse and neighed. trotted or tendency :and abWty to produco the fourth movelll/Ult of Dvorak'l! To prevent wall from cracking Mix t()gether aD ' citY. .lngredients IUl;d Jumped like one. . ' , ' Beau milk. "New World" symphony. and otl\e~ when 'P\1&ting IUl a ' naU .for pic: and adCl to llquor. .. Add .butter and music in thi. dim Include. worka bJ .B niJilmel. · the fasllion plate (who tures. Heat the nail by holding 'I. Generall1 the larller the dairy lemon juice. Simmer fur three min· taulbt the Prince of Wales bow to with pliers over a Oame• .then· utes WlUl well blenlied; add beans Debaa., and HiUldeL ' drel'), died "In raga In . an lJisane cow the belter. Size and quaUt;,. drive Into the . plaster ~e­ Yes, the movl~1 have made ,ood however, mUat be properly corr .. .nd heat ~orouihb'. .a aylurn. . mUSic a P,Ill of the average citizen. diatel1. lated. A.l!ara.... SaDclwloh. ;Wax wlDdow sills to prevent Beetbe.. ~ .... a' pealeD for Wh ..... .' them from ,ettlng dirty eal1l1. Toast aIlcea of bread on both .Idea Story of'Way ...... aacI .lomeUmea wee . .7To olean white painted sur• WlUl UpUy' brov.'Decl. Place abort DinlnJ with Mra. Tomm7 ........., FARMERS HAVE SMD UON£Y Nat' ,~ twa or Ibree plaoea fa~e." dip a cloth In dr:Y oatmeal asparagus tip. OD' el!c:b, aaadwicb, I learned that lister Blanohe 'IUD, lUlU. OIECIM &eaIlICTS aaucm and . rub vigorously. . . • , .ce, .....oaart, ..... tJIe'd abOut three OD each pll!Cle of bread. W81 the first ·to hite wm ·Be,.". . UMIIS-" ~o clean le!lther furniture, ",e act In' TaxPoUr Over each aIlce of bread 1 She .aw him do hil '.. U; ~vad &DII froaeD; warrp, water .and 1I0aPllUd... tablespoon at cheese wblch has be~ a. and engaged him for' "wan Sfreet ~"~"~Ia ..-nr, -...:. ~,. ~D' on oae. '. .' I , , To remove dog bair. trom \lP:' mettecs, then broU -for 2-3 lDinute~ GirL" He aild iJ.' woWdD'ct · talk. bol.fery, .rub with a p.l ec. of Serve at once. t. Q~ rulht on Itro~ciwa" , be wu _ .,..,.. ,HI OIl tb blaest damp!p'ed ·chamo18. .uch a tilt abe uked it he wouldii' t ~ becauM • • d1cID" . To . dean bathroom walla, let' .ay,....aomethiJil. Be "cUd; be AId. . . . . . . '. cba1i' before .... otre"ll , bot water run In t~b lon, enoulb '"'l'bankal" ••• UDivertal hal • WQDo ..... iii .ID Ilk 'to Bteam w~Ua. theD rub the dertul ator:r It waata ...... .,..,.. ...... Idmiid burled .. walla with a clDth unW th., an to do. It'. a . . . . M . . . . . ~ caDed ".\8 It Wu·Btifora." ·1· .... clean. . ': IIetro oIhnd .,000 for It.




• • •



• •

Silk Patchwork Quilt Colorful and Quaint




,ean Ia"







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• •••

Select DairY Cows

t •••••••••••••••



- .Bac' .




. ... or.


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YEAR- No. 4202

Win' Warrea ·elUhty

Waynesville Lcxige No. 163 ,F. & A. M. wlll lhoU!"'Ule annUIII Inspection at the 'lodge rooms cn Saturday evening, MUch 10. wUh II. banquet slW1t4ng the PJ'OCeed1ngs at 6:30

Basketball Crown •


Masonic Lodge Annu.l Inspection and Banquet

Junior High .Cagers



aze.t te


Defeat Kil1gs MilI~ Juni~rs by One'poipt Score of 2Z-21

Re,ceiv~ First Place Trophy Vanity Five Still in RunninB With Mason Came F~id ..y

CENTS PER cop,},

Reel Cro.. War Fund IAd · ' ciI Wayne' A'ppmn· tS Local Drive Rapidly Progreasing · VISOry Coun R~presentatives for tJl~~~ ~ ctJ=~ll~~~ I.pose Compulsory .Aimual Twp. Meeting :n:~ ::~~U:~~ ::;;r:: ~Mi6tarJ Trainiog

Honor Pupils Of Massie Twp. School


5o.t\sf'nctorlly ~t . she . that no let-up be made In tale Discussions on Topic effllrt5 as the. gaV. set for itI.l.s Mrs. Josef McCoy &\nd Mr. townshJp Is OIllY a guide rmd the R Home Ec Committee . According to a report "Life Insurance" Held more that can be raised for ~ and Mrs. a~p~ ·.AlbUry Announce Card Party from H. C. Mllllgan. sUll€·rintenden t Red Cross War fund. meaIlB Just . Present Tbnely ' To"lci of Massie RU!al School. Harveysthat much more tha.t ca.n be used ' ""'.".,,_~t East Wayne AdvIIiOry Council met .........'" -~ t our' '''8"'-''; ~I.,j).,tI"" ... "" 'iHome """'''''"UC$ conrm i"'"""e Ibu~. <Idle Ifollowing puplis IJlQ de ' ~V1~ ,w.e COm,ort 0 '!he SOuth Wa--'" AdVJsoi,.,. 0000r __ """ ~'"0. 13. will hold a the iHonor Roll for t he 'period en d at the 'h ome of Mr. &nil Mrs. La.w- .orces "elp1{ss pe ep1e "h h '3~ '" o.e Local ...._ ...e ... an d •• v I'OII4r - ell met at bhe hOme oW 'N:r. o:nd Mn. card plUlty lilt the O runge halJ on in Feb 23 l'elXe Cook. Mr. and Mrs. Harry out the 'world. ~ f1roklay evening, Ma.rOh 16.8 o·clOClt. ;irst' O~de : 8a1te~te 'were IlIPpoln,ted to re- The Bl.o8an still ' i'emalrul. "Olve =~ ' ~~~~ A door 'prl2'le wUl be given in ad- ElM'lene Perry; Sylvester Oomb6; present the Ooonctl on the com- Untll it Rul'ots! The Boys Do! d1scuss1un W1UI 4xIaed en Itbe f c;UOW-' dltlon to iJ;41Zes for OOtih men and Cecll Eaklru;; Dena Hosler; Wllbur mittee to a1"l'8nge tor the Gnnual I ' An . ,U_ _ ............._ ...... ~-e will be "'. II............ Farm Bureau Townah"'- meetlna. lug topics: A review 01 BI\J ar.tlclf! wom~, •...., ................. ~.~., VQnley; Glenn Oox; Lark ",_.; ' . ~~ .... wrt.. - b...... Am Id ' 'Ibe topic !'Ol' 'dJecuaslon wall 1 ...."., .'N'D......... Y ..... 0 Road enmade but 6- .free W1l1 drtel'1ng will be Ronlald Montgomery; Anna Milne titled . 11DUI8orl Y Ban . .. the · "We nsurance . ." It ...- - .. Denera'lly .~ ta "....,... The pub"~ ..... ,..." invited . FalrcJ11ld; Deanna Campbell . Ahead" W MIr8 Josef McOoy ' Second Gmde: Vivian Volers; agreed tba.t ute lMurano& provldee . 1 . • , Happy Hour Club Will Meet Jennette Spray', Albert Wa.1ker; pl'Oteotion -.nd snviDflB: ~ every- IIETHODIST CHtJB.CR '-~" zomne;' by Mrs. Ralph &. B. Colemau, MiDIstel' Aetbury, and "The l~t.b 01 p-ainMal'lY Senders; T.homaa Rloh, Marone Iieeds 8OIDle;. of familles i t ime hIo::.h Should be ... The H!aJ:JPY Hour Ci~b will meet and tholie with an In·....... ES- Irnm]'(~ school at 9:30 A. M.. Mrs. !lJ g w.:..,...· .hno_ . ....ven cia. Ann Rader; Da.rrell Plummer; ()I\lJ' 18 at bhe /home of Mrs. Warren BradpeoiaU,y tannere need !Udh protec~nd uoneer. supertnte,ndent. ; year ....... , ..,.,~o bef. ore bein~ dook, Tuesday. MaTCh 13. at 2:00 Shlrlay Os~orn; W<Hlda. Mae Falr~ tlon. 4om1ni Services _ 10:30. I sent IntJO OOflIbat, ' byRaLr.tb Asbury. P . M. child; R1~hard DeBoa!'d. It _._ ft~ t L ..... tim Youth Fellowship, Tuesda.. evening The group 'Went on rc<lDrd a s was _ ....... t_'"'IIi .......,A.. 41s e J ,....___________....... iFour: Be'WY Bogan; Helen t to ...,,' lUe....,.. 1DIUrance whAM at 7;30. . I belfli' . oppoeed to IX$t,-war cornDeBoard; Janet Do8ter; Pat y "....,... ~....., practice. Wednesday ' pul80ry mHlaIry tnlntnr ot our Klnq; Edythe Mae; Shirley young beaWIe ..... tha In the time may oome 8:00 P. M. , "_......... bY Mrs. E. F. Earnhart Volers; ChaorlotA.e Wiseman; Rdiert t one is . ellllble. Part; CJl Fanh A pJeaant 8Ocla1 periOd, followed .. w .... w w - - ... ......... Do6ter. BuJ'eQoU We IIl6U1'aIlCe prenuum ST. MAllY'S EPISCOPAL with retredune1lUl served by the M'rs. Fraoces Bc'annock llas l'eGrode Five: Rober t Gentry; money ' Is lburned into War Bonds CBUBCII !hasteM dter which tile- ~ oeWed word from her !ion, Oorporal Loulse Martin; Robel'lt Dbdds; and part Is Invested in ;projects Ralph Parb, MlnJater In CJh...p atliloumed' iI:o meet-In April wIth Mr. 'l1homae B. Brannock. the.t he is Oharles EllooJ1J; Laurence Hopklru;; ant in the benef~t fa.rm people. <>->. \' nd M'n! ~ ___I ...... _ Some of these """'00} at '9:30 A. M. a . """walU o_u,orth. feeHne fine and can get around in Marion sPray. . 9J'e fa~ hosp~~t1on. youth. a.c- ._orn.lllD pra)"!r and sermon. a. wheel chair 'lmd vtslt fellOW paGnlde SIx: HO>l'ord Dr.Jster; MB.ry 31W11!'d 01 the t)vitles, and fa.rm cooper&tlves. 1'1 :00 A. M. tlen.lB. Also, that he has cards b.n d Martha. Gregg; Betty King; WllJ- same time After .\!he dlsoussion refreshments M.om1ng pray6l" and sennon will or an average of 105 1/9 per Lord'1' letters 'from ~ many lrlends and I.. iam voters. daue-hter of were IlCrved be read in St. MalyI's Episcopal _ . . ............ We •......"..... ~ to },"'ft~ !IO appreciative of <this k.lndn~. He "" •...,.e Beven: B etty '~.... B ogan; Bel'tUU'd of Church on l3Ur1<Uy, March 11. at _ .. '" Oolr aVel'8ie U,l has been oon1ined In a hospHul in ~ry !Belle Bogan; Dorothy De- Nurse III ·td:!e Attend "Capping H:OO A. M. by- Mr. OliM'les Ter:rell. to at lEallt,135 per Lord'a day> dUr1n1 Englllnd for several weekB but Is Board; Ebhel Oentl'y. ron aliflaclled ' llWire&.4:ler. Mr. 'I'errell Is taking the .t he year lH«!. able now. f~. ~me exel'C;1se. Gmde Nine: Betty carnes; W1lma Kreb's 440th GI'OUP, iMl'. and.Mrs. Alva. 'lbomp1K)tl p1are of the ~ bhe Rev. Ralph' Are yw nJltendlng ~ a.d¥' . • • . Hosler: iR'e<Ua Belle WUliamsolt Lt. Bernard co.res k ; ops Mr. and MR. ~ H . Hartsock re- Parks 'WhO wUI celebrate the lJ91y where? Wh)'l not enlist 1ri lit\e aet'BeamG,n 8econd C!aB6 EdlWln OI'flde Ten : Harold Hough; Opal dul'ing f~ ~~ ,the lront lines cently ~n-ded .the "Capping Ex- ~tmIon in' Ihls home parls':l. vICe of our Mlaster and attend worRamby, or Oreat lAkes NalVal lamb; Alvemo. Rawer; Thomas to 'base hospttaJa. erclaes" at Middletown HospLtal '1ibe Ohurdl or the Eplphmy. in ahlp sel1Vlces next Lord's da)'? ~ou 'l'raInlng center. spent the week end Reynolds; dolleen Williamson; Mter gra.duatlailUrDm 'the 'Sprlng~ When Mr. 1Uld Mrs. 'lllcmpson's Nelsonvi,1le. OhIo. \ W1ll find Feny 11:0 be a friendly 8I[Ioj here with his wl:fe. Mrs. E~elYl1 Hayd~. field City HpsPitaA.I;Cboo1 of nurslfli' ~,'M1s8 Mary Jron Thomp• • • proftteble place to~. ~ ~ p.amby and children. He has now Grade Eleven: Mary Lou Moore, in ~Ield, -0Ii10, ~e jo~ned the aori, ~ , h~ cap tollowing 'Itle IIObedUle or 8erV1cea !.or lohe notblrlg but Oh11at and trTy to 'eSa!,t. completA!d traln1~g. h1 the Orade Twelve: Dorot hy Lamt-· Army. NUrse Corps in A'j:ll'll 11143, at- montha 10 the N~'8 n'&ln1Il8lnlUlliu.n':let' 01 Lent .will be 85 tol- Him S!> t'hat men and ~ mI&ht ~ sohool and returned for Ralph NIll. tending the &Ohoo} 11 Air }l:vnc 'atl~ SdIiOOl. lbere were tlwenty-ooe be saved, Jesus H1mIIe)f aaSd, "!And r':"'-i8mKmt . at tm18v1lle, Ky. lM!tore Jalrung her \,DJj~M!!'S in the class and all are I . I:f ' 1 be nt,ted \!p !i1lm toe earth, EaZ1 ~er ~Wa8 entertaln- ' , '8QUI1dron of ~ 1I1~. swtatered for the cadet Nura~ wID draw all men. unto me." Help eO OIl .~ to dinD~r at Mr. and Mrs. Le.wTen.ce Fiutnas 25. ,P a:lmSund1.1. IfolY us tolUt JDmup in ~c:oumwmtJ .;~;;;. ~ta--;,;;~~-'~~~IY~~~~~~·~~~~~ !~~'· ID lIII~~ ....._.,..;~. _-...._......,...._..........;;..,. ~~IOIiIlW1I1l,joj~11.:00 .A.. M; . . 'rllelt.~ dap"'.'tflmclblic ~ by 1Ir. and Mrs. O. Hesselgreb ·Bradcto~ bas o~ E.llut,rn Star Meeting , Apr1l II, I!luUr lDay, ~ly ~- rrt CIhe~, Oburch at autit, and /!lOll. end MIss AUce Gons and mlssion ny,l ng 1n TrcOp at 7;00 and 11 :00 A. M. 8el'vices at 9:30 A. M. and '1:00 P. of na.~ o. O. B_."", .. Jr. is .....- J Q G ts Cap4a1n U the :t19th Engineers in ..- . . . otis as gues . camer all'<lra£t in territory patr('lMiami Ohapter 107, Ordet' of iM. The mlndater will preach on the BelPlm, of ~b1ch. Earl COnner is ' . • • \(,d by enemy planeS. Lt . Bernard D1sbem star. wUl hold their retf\llar T. AUGUS1lINE CBUBCH tollowlDir .themes llIeXt Lord'. day!: F1rst Beqreant. Mrs. Everett Gustin who under- has given emergem,y treatm&nt to meet1ng on Monday evening, ~rch 'iFI,tb'er Kramholt., Priest 'ltfor'nlng - "The Conversion c1 an • • • went an appendicitis oPeJ'a,Uon a.t hundreds of seriously wounded front 'l2. at eight o·clock. FollQiw1ng the M.B66 Sunday _ 9:00 A. K. Inlidel," and In the IMming on. .Mia8 GeneV1ene BUsheY, of Col- Da(ytotl ~tbic HOspital during Ilne troops during ~he lew hours rerJUlar bu8ine;a session t.he In1tia"The 'r 'I'hinlt· Church." umbua, Mr: and Mfa. Charles And- the ' past week expects to return to neCEssary to tlllMPOirt them to spec- tory wotic given for two canWAYNESVILLE FRIENDS enoo, Mrs. Harold Anderson and her home ,t his week end. lal~ ha!'p!tals in <cbe rear &.reM. d1!daIte6. Refreshments will be ser- CBUIWB OF CIIllIST daU8:hte:r and !Mr. charles Ander• • • As part. of ~Jor. Oell~ ~Ul L. ved by Mr. and Mrs. S~ey Bullt y, Max HaDdab, MIDIa&er fI1rat Dt.Y 8Chool - 9:30 A. M~ eon. Jr•• were Sunday d1nnft' guests iMr. and Mrs. OrvUle Oray and WiUiams U. S. Troop camer Forces Mm. Adah CoUl11tney. IDs. BertIe Meeting foe W~p - 10:80 A. II. of Mr. James BeIrne and da'llghter Mrs. WillEam BlI<wyer entel'talned her Air ElvIlcul\ltlonSquadron flies MIlls, Mrs. Luclle AmI1bage and Bible Bc:hool ~:30 A. II. I Communion - 10:30 A. 1M. : liT. BOLLY ' METHODIST in OJnc1miatl. .to SUnday dinner. Mr. and Mrs. In the same aircraft. .u sed in dropping Mrs. Vlola Harlan. Sennon - M:OO A. M. CBlJJWB • • • In\wd Towson. of Mhmusburg. paratroopers and towing gUders in fctlrl81t.1a.n Endeavor - 6:30 P. M. T. M. Searff, MlDlsCer Mira. M~ . HOpkins of Dayton • • • t.he airborne Invas10lls ext NOl'I'ruIndy, Waynesville Carden Club Evening ServIce - 7:30 P. M. . \We a week end eueet of Mr. Mr. and Mrs. ~ Smith and Southern France and, Hol!and. flllllday school - 9:30 A. M. '1lhe ~vlUe G84'den Chtb h eld Mid"'Wtle~ prayer serVSoe Mn. StanlEllY' Bailey. Mrs. Hopkins $ughter were SUnday dlnnoer guests E. IA. Earnhal"t. superintend_to Lt . .Bernard has ,~b.Tee brothers in ita first meeting of. the year a.t the , 'Ih\D'~ night - 7 :30 ·P . M. !s lea.V1ng, durl.nlg the week, to join of Mr. lind Mrs. Rtdha.rd ~lIer flnd sCl1V1ce. Ohsrles W. Bernard and . home of Mm. Jennie Contler On l'N01'8hl;> se, vice - 10:30 A. M. her huaband. OIlmmisl!luy Steward daught£a'. in. Daymn. Evenlug servIce - 7:30 P. M. ElvYO L. Bernard 81~ In .tlhe Navy 'Jlyler street, with the new President. FElUtY CRtmcB OF CBRlST MwTa.)'I HOJiIdns, at Camp Parks. Berberi Graham, ~lnIate .. ~hlle Robert L: Bernam serves in Mrs. A<thn F1urna.B, ' presiding. (bUfomla. Mrs. !'layne IW!ley or Dlv"tton and the Anny. I Mothers' Club A paper was 'l'£oo on the ·planning Bible lChool - 9:30 A. M. • II • Mrs. Lena Hn.rtsock , were SUnday OOOImUDion 10:46 A. M., . The 'Wayne TOWInfIhit~ ~'lenI' and growI~ or plalllts. by E1lZalieth .M\'tI. n. R. SOIUsbury guests of. Mr. 'lnd Mrs. ~ H. Bennon -11:00 A. M. Club heid< thelr .reg Jar t1l«~ 'OtlIe on the history, of 8m1th, also 'at her oJlome on Tuesday afternoon Hartsock. Mr. and MI'B. 'I JaIn Taylor of on Gft.ernoon at the Oi'ade the apple, by OUve Wtlllams. wblch - 7:30 with her brld8e clUb as guests. Two Miam16burg, were tgueste Or wu greOItJ~ enJoyed by aU the memGoal aIt :the Fer.ry Ohurch for next Sobool bundJD4J. In the abaence of tables w~ in play duling the afterMr. and Mns, Fred Hook · eDlter- Lilla Benham, 8~a,. 9,lfternOOn. bers present. . IDrd's day - morning, 150. e'VeniJlo~, 1 t1he .President. the Vlee-pnCdeat, noon &toter Wb1eb daJDty ref:resllFi-«t:1ned to dInner on Fl'ldalY even1ng. • •f • . Mrs. 01lber,t ~e. Ct'nducted the ~ were served by the hostess. Mr. and Mt·s. Hiowru'd ~an or ~. and Mrs. VI/'opdro~ BllIitldeJl- 'IIwo new members were added to 100. Lord's daj'l March {, waa a great business session. A short IJl'OIt'am Oakwood. burg and daUg'hter~ ]Aretta;· Viaited U1e Club. M't8. LucIlle Ann1~ spent the in ~,tl, Bunda-y. 11I1e MlIIt meeting wlll be held on day at t.he Fetty Ohumh r:ir Chrlst. oJ readllngs, redtaUonl and playa B;))) Bernilrd of the Almy Air relllltlves . • • week em in Dayton and Was among April 5. 1ait the FrIenda Home with 11I1ere were 128 In .t he Bible school ,was given by' the J;lilpll8 of Mrs. Corp; Rererves of O. S. U., Oolum· Mr. and Mrs. RAY 1MaUJ:Cin oi EVelyn Peterson and Oeorgla. Men- in <tnle m'Ommg and 80 present for Thelma ElzeY's, IMR. Walter Shtetale guestl!I when her' A'IInt and bus. at ·hc.ane for a week's vac- Pensaoo, la Fla .. C__ ~n Dd on . "',the even1n81 &el'Vice. One of the haon"s and MIBa Day's J'OODUI. Mr. Uld deJmall as hoStesses. Uncle, MIr. and MnI. £ber Hollen- atkln. finest .things I8bo1lt the evening serMrs. Rq Manioos. U'~ . .pWQt'Cil. 'celebratAld their golden • • • , vice was tlhwt 35 of ,th~ f.lI'esent ~ anniversary on Sunday. . ••• I~---------------iI . . I Mr. and Mrs. A. H . . Stubbs wd Mr. and Mrs. Ray MaWou6' and ~s. LllIa: M . Dyer is visiting her were under 20 years oi age. Fer.ry is running ahead in a.ttendohlldren 'Were sunday gueal's of Mr. BOD. Donard, spent.. Suncla~" with brothH. Ha.rold Cook. in WaShingMr. and~. L. C. St,. JOhn .had ton, D. C. I ance tibia last yeai' 81so. The flr6t I, 'lUI Sunday ~, Mr. lUlId ..Mrs. andMol'3. N. R . Allaman In Da.yoton. flrl.en4s in ftankllD, ·Ohio. It nine lm'd's days of IIH4 there was II John Bebtll!m)ft and children of • • • • • • • • • The VolunUtel' for Vtctory group Gille! iM.cOullle. W!bP' has Mn;. J . T. 'D eardoff. of Lebancn . a total of 776 people present or an a, FRANK COLBY' near ; Lebanon aild Mr. 'IIDd MTs, Olen Bland end daughter of Sprlng~ will work on ThuI'Sday even1ng at been very ill, 1a tatq .treatment 'l\l!.S <the guest at Mias 'LIUa. iBenham,. IGlVerage ·4:lf 85 1/9 per ,Lord's day. This L~_=__:.._-_=__-__:r_-..:_..:_~_-_ __G the home or Mrs. J. E. McOlure. at Bl6lr's Hoe~tal. .' . "1;hW'8day. YeIm' there .W88 a total of 9te PeoPle 1Iicn. 8UBPBI8E WORD o'clock. All mem~ a·r e requested to be present .

Ten Cr.. dea Listed With Top RankinB Pupils Named





I .


'1==== ========" 1

('rille W&.ynesville Junio , r , H:gh Basketball teem apln Warrell County Oham 1 r Ith d

_ne_''''ve y' o:.'ft-~I~~e .• ~ ... '& II... KbJp IM41l8 JUJlior Hi8h team a.t K1nga 1IWIs on Feb 26 . . They receive a First Place'lropby tor ;tJheir standing in thiIS tollmQment.. 1b1a makee 'them w1nners for UU'ee yeo.l'& out 'Of loUr. This - , lost. three 1fame6 during ,-~ the aeaeon ext play, two 00 Sprlngboro ~ ODe iI:o K1n8B Mills. fu tournament .t.hey defeated ' the 1t1nga MIlls team 22-21; bobh over..... _.0 ....__ _. • • • 1be wa~nesVdlle Hligh Varsity squad fa!kd to connect on ,t he Oouni\v'ttournament by taking a loss .... .. •• _.... of"'" Uft"ft ........... a..... ................. ·",.e ,~n ........ " ~ 'With a ooore of 31-36. Thls dl4 place dtan in second nmniIlf I\Di1 at UIe distriet game. at. oak~ an DayIton, aa.tuMay, Ma.nih S. IIbe:V defeallld the Darlte ~ champs. Meallurn witi1 II. score ~ t7-S9. In thia «arne BradJe.y< 1l&h:I., tile Jead1JlI' IICOl'e with 19 o!'edits In hJa laVor and 1l1li8 follaftd in tbe <top tronor. by ~ton and ~ WWl.10 each and L'Uddlngton ;nth an e;Iibt.. ' . · .'INa :'WInnI!Ic' advanced them to' tbe 00I1aeum ~ ~ _ere they ...,.--~ ...,.

. ~. C1ubriIle, to the tune of The SpuIIaDa ale. DOW entitled to again,PJar, Muoa, . the ,!Warren 0Nnt)' 0h4Ii\p!. OD ,Karc:h 9, at 8:00 .P. M. in t.he D&Jton Coliseum


F1reman F'lrIIt Cia118 Myron ~meyer oL Grea.t LakeB' Naval Tir61n-

in~ cen<t(!l'. enj~ al ten day

f\ll'1~ here with his ;parents, Mr.


Mn. Charles ~. re-

tIll'nIni 110 IhJa duUes ' on


evm4ilc. He waa an :'honor guest on SundaiY' wbeu ihJ8 brobher and sisteI'-m-la.w. Mr. and Mra. James Hasemeyer e~' witil i,I tamilY dinner at ;their home In , . Kh'lI& MOts. '!bale, wl;lo enjoyed the 'day wIeut..- were F1Mnim F'lrIIt Olau ~. .Mm. ~ .Jecbon, ~ .OlnC1nna.t1, Mr. Uld MrS. ~ and eon', J\lIhn H..,•. Mr. aIl~ Mrs. ·&!tel ~~ and da.Uebter. ,~ host and hoI!Iteea and cb1ldren.



·WODUUl'. Audlliary Mee~ 'l1ie WomaJi:;:A:"wdlliary of st.

Mary'a 0bUntl wni meet With Mrs. Lee Bnke, ~ afternoon, Mal'.


9. ,at ~ 2.:~ 0......,.".

Army' Troop

Ith . 'PIanes



_-t. ._""..





I. I










· ..


j _



··r--------------, II. II

' OVE . BE":E'CH GR ,


I ,



. by' Jea.lo .Lee Gamer . . .

·~a Hannah JIordan and .Au ·JOrdan .. were sum2ay v1a1toni clI ,'Mrs; JAIcY FlMbaugb and ' ~omt1y,

" ~ . ..: ' ..


In MJMletown.

Fltdq '\r18ttcm In Lebanon. Mr. 'and MlW., staoiey Heta1er, or neatXeo1a, were'Iburac1ilY ' eVenIDg · mHera- or JesSie Oe.mer and 'Lee




CUne II r.eooverlng I~· .. ~ured arm w~ · she 81J11tered eome daye qo. •I






PrIeDcIiI 01. Mre," BWa ¥erria are · ptaeed Ito ,~ u.,t' BIi.e .ia rel!'UP-

erat.IJic·at .tb8 bome .of 'M!rB.

~~~. r

.' ur.,·&IId ."


were' ~ , ~. Wlwe

~ ,tbe, . .' .... ~. Mi··the bQme ,'of. · Mr•• am ·1 In. , . . ~ .iu/ vru· intq;an; ;Wb1iID . . , "... obBeI'v1nI . · the ~ . &I!d,aAlf' VI lin. · lilia' lAW. Iti.. Allen.

aWAi; .


.... GD4 lin. 1MIfta)e" Jacobi





,.l.ItIfot •

JAuroN, 1Wd__ ,


. . 1IIIId ·. . . . theN.




In llaUD, a. .econd choIce: brullo DEB. And that Isn·t all. me.dame•. '!'be word I. a. French as the PI.cie d.'I. Concorde, but. In French, it dOllo't me.n • . . or " . . well, what 70\1 ; thlnk it meanl. Th. deftn1t1qn J. eal7 i ''SmID clJJl1Iol. 'for b~dJn, th. b0d7 of Intanta.~' Ah. h•• but th.t .ecOIId onel lOIat4!nl "In the plural; the 'WaPI Of .

ext near ' K1DcT.ue8dIay caUer at tile


1118D,' :waa &. . ~~


LadJet, tor,lve me. but that certain art1ele at ,armenture known··.. ·the BRASSIERE should not 'be called "bruh-ZHEER." The word II Dot In ma.t cl1ctJonarle.; but thOle that 11.t the word, with one excepUon. show thli a. the only pronWlel.tion: bra. .I-AJR, which I. .po proxim.tely •• the French '.Y ' the word. Merriem-Webster·." alone

. ~..,' and' ~. t.eroy E1l1s were


Take Mq Word For 1 OFTBEWEQ




etc... . .

• 1cna1,l1lCk. • . back·balket, .

.-' Bo~~ 'numb - 1brH: ~. I'rencb word fo .......m .. "lara. pro-

War IIeDiI haIc1a ,.... Pro. Joe IIOaIIIa . . . . . . . aotay. .

•.,.. &. .... JIaJa ...,....... DIe

au ANeIe.

'hDa; ....... . .

_...,.... ............ ·W...

...... l ... ratweneU'••


1IOUIlOtd: ....... Doe, the, . . . • familiar 1OUD4? DraM Ia It DOl , . "'uD~tIon or tile Ia4IJ'·WOId ........ IbortIDecl bID 01 ....... .


......., ........



,. .


-The Miami Gazette -


Publi$ hed Every Thur d ~y ,



Davis on Press

'Flqyd ' L . '~Da v i . on , Edit or-Pub lisher

. Subs<lription . Rates : . (Pay'a ble in Ad va nce) ,

\ \ ithin l5 mile, $1.50 pel' y ~al' Beyond 15 miles, $2.00 per yeal'


T111188DAY, II.\IWB .. I .

r- Your 11145 Gar dea-.


I F~.<("1' F'nod ' I. I~' i II Come From .! Honte ~~rdens

Lana E.

lA'lBoy, 30 IICM 111

'I1WIP. 1!Il1zabetJl IPmIt an.d




F1iosIt Ito Oeorte R. aruI T helma

P'oxQoWeT,l0f6 18 ~d 17 in Leba non. Algerno n H . BhUl'tS to Gerbhldc S. SIn11lh, 15.358oCJ'es in Deel1flel d



MA TE LY 19 mlllion A PVicPROXJ tory gardene rs throughout

Kenne th Hili, Mir.


BIe&~ J: iI1rummIOnd to Jamei W. Crowe, lot5 123 an'd 138 lri Lebano n . Cllestel' and Ada Mo.nn1g to .Bel·nice L. -MUls. lot 66 In Lebano n. rFmnk O. Andereo n ·to· EJlohel M. Stewart , 29.3'1 acl'e6 In Turtlec reek

\'." 'Ilu,::, viLLE , OHIO

the nat ion a re. ngRi n called upon thlsl.OOillUDI' Verollica Lake yea r to ro11y behind the coli for '. In ""oUr !letor. Buy War Bond. ' and Stamp s at Our Box~ Office r ore foml product ion as essentia l to the Dawn' the wa f effort and lotllf VIctory. MON. TUES . WED. With Inc reased drain upon man· THUR S. FRI. SAT. 'Dwp • . power lind Increas ed product ion QI 11 13 wa r rupplles demand ed by military 14 15 \A!~ O. (Rader Ito I. G. lAin and 16 17 One df tl)e 1I!I'e8lte5tBr'dw'y lenders. the need for Increas ed supJtilla tJa1n, 10\ 19 lri f'ramlI n. I). peJ'lforan hlta o.nce ever piece !1hned, dlreoted by tor Oln.. A western feature with plies ot food and g el' RJogers ! Wives of service lkliI~ood!s . greates t comedy 0barle6 A. 8Ild ~t. Tabor Zip and Action! .tresh vegetab le. to Men, put this on YOUI' MIIB~ d Irmt."Or, Funk Capra I to Will1am. H. and Luc.llle O. SchNO with Tes Ritter Gnd Rauel\ • • supplem ent the na· See Ust! "Ane nic an, d Old Lace" . wepe, 207.25 a.ore6 In Hamllto n 'Dw}). Hayden . tlon's toad supply Is SHOW .. TEND ER COM RAD" With Cary Grant., Haymo nd William, Jr. n.nd MUmie Lan g· urgent and essen· with Glnrer Rogers, Robert 'Mars hal of Gun Smok e' Massle, Prlc1Ua Lane, Jack ',," lial borst :to 0ecU and Adeline F\lrbee. . Ryan and Ruth Hl198eY Cal'8On and Jean Adair Also: Cartoon , MlnIltu re and • Wa r Food Admin· 94.64 acres in DeefleId Twp. ALSO: LA1'ES 'l' Our Gang Comedy : COLOR OARTO ON '. is trator MarvI n ~ley and Mary Eversol e t o 'D. Jones recogn Izes Zom 'Duke) 2 lots in FI1.U lkIIn Twp. th i.s t a ct, and. 81 Mu'Y SmIth to Walter Fitts, 6.30 sprm g planting llme D.<lJICS In f11'QlIlklln Twp. neal'S, he Issued a statement point· J. K. and Dockle Bolin .to Ernie ing out the Importa nce of the Vic· tory garden In rounding out the nn· and Shirley Bolln. .28 acres. In lion's war elfort. . Turtleo reek 'l1\\1). "Food Is Just as necessa ry al GEO'RGE S. BENSON In ille columna 01 the Guette ad. ViOla and ~ C. Lewis to lUllS, tanks and planes. Home P,il// Oll.-JlI'/' ", t glf", vertlser s are placed at random th~ J<l6eph a.nd Frances Lane, .65 IWrt's rardcnc rs produced over to pef S (4((6 • .A rklMIII ' J1&JIIie8 IUId address es 01 commu nlty 'In Hamilto n Twp. cent of the rresb vegetab lcs last resident a. FIND YOUR NAME Howllird H . and Mildred 'Pldg>' Jn year and we afe a 8klng them to Farm er's F:riend and brln, it to the Gazette oltlee. to IWW1am T. end OleIUJa L. Grueel ual thI s ·record In 1945." Th is 40 per cent of our vege table ham. lots 36, 37 and 38 In Lebano n . Two 80utiler ners sa t near me In Yoo win receive your Wayn eaville , Ohio product ion In 1944 equalled almost a crowded day coach recently· ond FREE TIUlAT RE TICKE T 8 mlllion tons of vegc ta bles pro· carried on a heated and r evenling duced In the 19 million VIc lory gar· convers ation. Both men were fnrm· 'IIC K E1' MUS'I' BE CLAIl\I ED BF.FOR E THURSDAY FOLLO d ens of the nntion. ers. but theIr similari ty ended there. WING The Victory garden progr am Is They were not ' at Rll alike. One 'fllE WEEK OF PUBLIC ATION OF NAI\IE. not only a call to pa triotic cllort tn seemed to be about 70 years old. war time. but It is part of , 8 long He IIPoke with a . lloft " Deep South" range effort on the port 01 the de- Infiection. He had attende d coUege, partmen t ot agricult ure and the waS well dressed .and had lived In slate agricult ural extension service several blS cities. . to encoura ge and advocaie more . The other ' man wa. nearer 30, and better farm gardens . Objectiv es spoke wfth the a(!cent of the delta MOl'l.e,..,:50 acres In Wal'l'en CO. country and was obvIously a pro c· - -I H.arg1s H. and Georgia E. Wa&,on tlcal dirt farmer with very limited Silenc e Is Golde n! COMl\ION PLEAS er Ito P. S . (lnd A1na Belle R.unyon, schooling. The convers ation wa s Ch e~ter F . FTeelnn d vs. B ertha le t 7 In Waynes Rbout rlee. The. o,lder man insis led vllle. Stnee our convers ion to a (-our-page home printed papel' with some n ew that rice WII S not gro wn in Arkansa s. Freelan d. divcroe to plalntU f. costs Irene S. and Wtnlam S. Mnssle added IeatJUres we haven 't had a "peep" {rom JlIalj' 11 rea:dET. The " It would be so fo olish." he snld paid. old a.tklge· to Hollie G oNion ·Balllnger. lot 35 "SlIm ce g1>ves commt" must be applyin g Itself. lOr. no one has scornfully. " So long liS AsiR tic lu· recover ed E. J . Beedle vs. John F<lStet', dls- In Lebano n. bor Is cheap there will be no money trlbutio n . f rom the sho: k sU!.flc le-n~ ~ough Ito make a C9Jllplaint. 'A nnanas <and Mary D . Country · In raiSing rice In. tbls country ." In t he newsp&per busineSs It Is usually true that letters .to .the . Pa Ul J l.~llo l' Allen, minor, vs. lnan ,to HOW8lrd O . and Olenn O. EdiLtol' Youn, Man Was Rlg'bt, nre o nly wrltten when t he wdle,r l'.IolS a pet peeve to get off Thel.m.a M1l.y 'All n. divorce Ul OowitrymlUl, lot 952 In FlIanklln. tll ~ll' cheat. The old genUem an almos t per· \o\'hUa evel'yth mg Is b\Olnt nJong satl.s16obOrily It .18 all 'QUIot Samuel W. Soov1lle-, et al to Cl'Yl.r· suaded the young m an that he had p:'llntlf l. aloJ1€ bhe been calUng somethi ng ri ce lh ut was . Amon Brock vs. EUrsa Brook, ~ S . a nd Falry E. Balrer, lot 227 reacter'6 front . but let just one little bhing 'be prm tt:d t hat does oot exilk:tnot rice nt ' all. I didn't intrude to minor, dIVOl ce to ,plafutLff, 008t.s In Lebano n. Iy .su it. and the EdItor Is deluged wibh repe l' c us ~on s from vnrlo\1s say that I drive through miles of rice paid. po1nts Neva, Fauena teln ~ Netlle Snyder. of the entire malllng list. fields every time I make a trip Irom lot 240 ·In Lebano n. Sea'rcy to Memph is:, although 1 hated NEW CASES to see a man In possess ion of the Geruld and Winlfre d Sherrlt t tb M1ldred Lunsfor d Vir. Jo:mes A. truth so crushed under c:ourteous Lunsfor d, dtvorce, I?InJ6S neglect of He·fOld C. and Olam M. HaMleld , result or a Victory ,ardeD - languug When , Did You Say? e and Ideas thnt have been. bullet of vegetab les, fresh from the d utY and extreme <lllUelty. J. T. lot 9, 10, 11 In 'Lebano n. out of -date for 25 years. Frankly , \!Ie are dlssapo lbted ooncern lng. our request ' for Informa rarden. Oharle6 W. Seul'1oolc to B/ird. tte Ruey, tion Altt·y. Gibbo ns Bld•.-Nor th St• . Worker s in the ArkaQsas rice on ,the alartIng date ot the uazette . We telt sure some 01 you ole' tln~rs of the program not on~ Include the ftelds nre relative ly well paid, all Ber.U'o<l Wllson, mW'Or, VS. Clar- ,ul~ Florenc e C. Kibbey. 6 acres In \ Wayn e.ville , Ohio Ma8Ble TWp. wO~d come fo~ard with some enUghtenlng I.n1'<ll'ma .tloJ). How ab out It? production Q,f food on the farms and farm hands are compen sated. They el~ WlIfIon, d1vor<:e, ex.treme cruelearn more than. cettDn ' In -choppe the 0Ul!tJa small Can we have YOU1' O",lnlona '! rs' and towns Allen J .. T. Riley, ' A1lb\Y. where space per· and Benred a Wade ' '. .to Verna LoUIse DIoz1er. 109.45 acres :o'-~ '--mlts Iar,er' gardena , but It reaches pickers ; draw wages more like a . EIleen Ryan \'s. Flraru:es E. Call10rn RY(ln . ia In 'llurtlec reek TWp. . orange - ,rove I worker. Into the realm at deep inner saUs· faction, healthfu l out·doo r work Just the same, Arkans as rice ' 11 divorce. gI'(lSS neglect. C. Donald SUsue ~ AleXa.ndei' to C8I>),I' ~ow About It? . Which reluxes, and more plentl1ul priced right. Our growers could ship Dilt\Jtush , .Att'y. and 'Bernice oebbtu'd. lot 315 in It to Japan in normal Urnes and sell heulth.g ivlng, Edga4' vitamln Blair ·filled Miller fresh VB. Mildred -Now, another poll Is about fA:> start ! You J'csponded so well to Frankli n. the Dry vegeta bles. The VIctory garden Is It there at a proftt in competi tion MilLer. divorce , extreme ' cruelty. O. RIdge ~ontrovers:Y' ,t hat we are asklng ~ou to inform us raised. as to wha:t yG'..1 your Insuran ce at attaInm ent of to Chinese rice, Coolie Lena. york to Lestn Chlll'ltAl1l, Doaa1d Dllo.Wsh: Mt'y. ,. these objectiv es. t.hlnk of Ithe ,f our page Inserted supp1em ent section Oil' the Gazette Custom ·BaIl'·\ EeOllomy. Paula. E. Thomas vs . . W& C. lot 716 In F:rankll n. . Do , /L Victory garden, small or large '),,<lU rea~ It? Is it int eresting erioUgh ·to be W01'th our It Bounded quite 1'a mlllar when the Thom9S , allmony . gf06S neglect o! John York, dec'd. by adm. to time (lond expense ' In city, town, hamlet or .on the farm cultured gentlem an· farmer ex· duty. Ga.rJ Abaecherll, Att/y. to send out? ?an YOU get along just as w_ell wlthwt It If our read~r& Is one of the finest Illustrat ions of ~~1"lton. lolAl 714 land 715 In how the America n people here at plalned, "The biggest part of the want Ulis sectton, if they read it w,th en~oyment, tihen it will cq:lt1nu ,! home can back up the boys who are cost of anythin g II labor." The MABRI AGE 'LICENSES W&ater A. FUts to WalUam and stateme nt used to be made often and to s,ttay In. OthelWlsp.. out it ('omes! We are just trymg to 'b e ~dait Thomas Wayne Dandel. 28, utUlty Nellie Thomas , 'Iots 284 and lnlJ ' fighting. PartIcu larly In the cltIes used to be almost 285 In true, but Amer· and towns an and give our readers just what they want, tor aofter all, it Is their news· \. In the garden hour or two each day ica's volume produ,ction by machln · man. Floster, Rt. 1; WlUa Helms. Fro!lk}j n. at the end of a busy 33, Inll.Chlne oilereto r, South Leb· paper. E:wh rea\ler contribu tes ~o Its support and each has Everett J . ~nd Elsie L. Bwme1 i W a right tio I day In office, factory. store or other ery has disputed the idea with suc· anon. cess for Ernest nd Eugen1a H8nz. .35 a~cs yea rs: longer than the fl'CelNe the ~d of newspa per t hey want , so, send us a card, occupat ion, has provide d a wonder· younger ma n could pa~ us a Oharles H. Evansl}lne, 25, U. S. In MI.. Holly. rememb er. Rice Iful balance wheel to theae 1slt, or telepho ne, but let us know what you think about 1lhe StJPplCJT ,ent. who have worked day·in and mUl ions In Arkansa s, a new Industry . Is Al'Ir.~, Lebano n; Ruby A. ~ger:ty, Kt!IlIloeth laSOOr to Eugene E. day·out 23, ,u Jephone operaotur, Morrow. at war jobs with UtUe or no vaca· tooled up well. LeSeur, 33.67 acres In ~ ~. That' s exactly why our rice work· C&lvjn tlon or recreati on. Contact with the Estridge. 24, Ja.bort T.Oer ald vi. Co\iden to Ell1B.beth ~tep Rilht Up, Ladies and Gentle men I earth and with ,rowing thIngs II ers are well paId. They produce a Frankli n; Fra-n1lCs Ohambe rlaln, III, W. HuKord , by Any Magazine listed and This ~, 4.65 laCl'es. lot of rice per m~n. An America n F'ranJQlln. 'good 'for every one •.. relax!qg... In The free 1lheanre tlck.e ta giv~ oJIWay each ,we(,k may InclU'de yOur '1\u1tJlec Newspa re.ek Twp. per, Both for Pr ic e Shown name. relea~e for tension and pent·up worker. with mode.'" tools. can pro· IJola I. Henkle .oro Joseph Henry duce WaQ:h for 11.. AmOng t he actvertlsolng col\IDl!1S . of the Gazette 50 times as ,. Q1uch rice emotion as a PROBA TE COURT s brought about by the war Wlhite J 645 each week In W 3 Amerlcan--Fruit GroWft'. ____ $I.'i5 China boy with a heavy hoe. AI· in which we or, engaged . _ ' r., . acres will be placed nnmes of persons picked at ra.ndi:m from the ~Iaillng ayne :1 America n Girl _........... _._._ ....'. 2.50 iln the lr.t\ltter 'Of the e:ta.te of I 1M lowi ng lIbera1Jy fo r machin ery ex· A'" iI' Cl American Homc, 2 \'n.. ..... _ .... 2.9~ and other SOUl'ces . lf Y<lur name alpPf!~ , .'borlng it to the Gazttte Farl L. EberhBlrt, dec'd, value of pense, be can carn ao times.a s milch IRobent Practi L. and cal 'attiee ~ Reasons , S. tomn to ::J American Poultry Journal " as the Chinese, ' 9 d does. At the estate Is less ilth an $500. Maud Esta KIng, lot 8 In .LeI?~U1on . 3 Aviarion in RC!'VIC!w ...... :. .......... 1.65 before Thursda y of 'the week !followi ng Lts pubUC8Jtlon a n(1: ...:........ 8.45 "'YOU I' ;For Home Garde ns sume tIme. the rlce costs less per In .the a:n.a tter · of the estate of Lois I. Henkle to J,:unes A. 3 Calling All Girls............. . tree t.icket. Keep lcok.lng. _ .......:... 235 Here, however, are some practl· bu shel and can pl'ofitably sell for NlCel T. Ba.1Iley. 29.50 FOx, oores dec'd, In ' Wa~ 'Mlue of Twp. 3 CaI)l'cr'H Fanner ................ _ .... 1.6!! esta.te cal reasons why the growlng of a less. That's Americ a. John T. and De.lay Gregg t :> 3 Child Lire ......................... is $455. :. -.... 3.45 Victory garden should be under· . 3 Chri!ltian Herald _"._._ _ ". 2.50 Parent of In the matter of ~le estate of Walter H. 'and Naom1 V. OIIperUy. talten wherev er sufficient space may Brunk, .81 ,J Coronet ........................_. __....... lUO Shorter hours IUld higher wages Linnie Bell lFox, dec'd. value of a'ores In Clea.roreek Tw.p. be obtained : 3 Correct Englbh ..........,................. !I.4!! for people who 'Wo:rk, lower prices esteJte is ,606. i-It will help win th~ war. OliB.rles ~ to Clarenc e R. and ::J Country Gentlem an. 5 yl'l......... 2.00 and better mercha ndIse for people 2-You wlll get more and better In the matter of the estate of Reva 'M. lJal!vey , Jdt8 26 81nd 27 In 3 Elude Music I\I~e ................. 8.50 who buy. are univers ally popular Oro. WhJ,w, vegetab les. . Wa. r ren OoUDJty . dec'd. W. Ohester . 0 Farni Be Fanner' . Wire 1,65 Ideas. The same people want all 3-You will save money. :J FlowerJournal Grower ....... ___ .. _..... 2.95 Maple, ed!n., fUed bond for $2501. -Eva. ~ lPenewlt, by sh'erlff fu :J HOlUChold .............:........ 4-Deap lte bottlene cks In transpo r. four, because workIna people buy :............. 1.6!! In the ma.tter of the esta.te of ~ l'larq~, 95.08 In CI£!!lr. tation and dJstrlbut1on, you will have the biggest part of everyth ina that's LJ Llbertr Magazine .__.. _ ... _.. _..... !I.9!1 peel! W. Mooney creek 'l1wp. , dec'do real Clnd . fresh veletab les when you want laId. It is strangll .. bowever, that ·all '3 Magaun e DIgt:It .............._ ............8.45 four of these benefit. come from the persona l propert y amount ed to . Mathew a.nd Vlktori a Hemlet z to 0 National Digest MOIlthl'............ U!I them. NatIona l U"esloclt Produce r.... 1.75 The departm ent of agricult ure hal same source (Investm ent), which is $117,0'11. 15. ~_-_-----..:.. . __-..__. 0 Natu~ (10 I •.• 12 Mo.) .............. 8.45 estimat ed that even a small larden, not a popular Idea. In the · of thn of It well planned and tended, will yIeld Good equipm ent· costs ·somethlng. O;areIlf.le Rqrers, dec'd. value of Open' Road (12 , 14 Mo.)...... 2.110 , . 0 OUtdoOr. (12 I ..... , •• Mo.) .......... 2.50 , from $25 to $50 worth of ve,etab le. It calla for investm ent. With good estate la less ,t han '500. ' OParen u' Magadn e ~.................... 2.75 . in a season. equipm ent,' worker.! Increas e pro· < • In ~ II16tter Of the ·, eat.ate Of • • Q Path~dcr ..............~_ ............... 2.00 Vegetab les rllht out of the gllrden ductioll -"per man and ,et theIr pay Photoplay . .........._._................... 2.110 have more food value, because for raised, also 1ncreast~ product ion per 00l'a. ·B. Thomas, dec'd. ROsa .H. 'C••IilIt....... .......;...... .,... u Poullry Tribune ._.:............. 1.65 most vegetab les there is a rapid day (or per acre) ' and ' sbow the ~, adm., tfQed bend ror; . ," 0 Reader" Digest .....__ ..............., 4.25 loss of certain vitamin. element s aft- Investor a profit. 'Good equIpm ent ~,~.OO. ". ~ DIll' pIaD that proV1del hoaplt&1 ·: ) R~hOOk. ............................. . :.........: 5.25 er vegetab les are taken from the alao increalC i the uvaUab le lupply In thema. tter of · the est.aJbe of DU'e for eitber lDdlY1cluall 'or eotlre 8 Science Dlualrat ed .....,._;........... !I ,4~ loll. and the average Americ an per custom er and thl~I .loWeh. prIce •. Ida Bozlln;, dee'd. f!u:nWee .baa cbIlItl:et WOP4!I'tY .. "Je&l'.o oIdnow' \been Pettecte d tWO Scientific Detective __ ... _ -::.... 11.41 , needs about 50 per cent more areen What Americ a needs, ~ot to mention , ·JaIUrUloe ~-. :::J, Scr«nJaud ............_ ..___ Is .100. . R'onhe rn' MIl*"a . OIIJUaItt OoDhJ Snver Screm ...... _ _ _ ._..... 2.50 and yellow vegetab les and about Cblna, Is to encour~~e, ........... 2.50, ~y.~~ent. In the matter oif. the eetAl1te Ofpu.J '. ...~I"I ..,w t)se , 20 per cent more ~omatoea and eft.' ~ IOSporta Afield ........_..__..._.. _·.. 2.50 , ~oh:f1 ~ Yodc~ .dec'd. ~t VIOOe 2e]l~~D" _ rus fruita than were avallab le In . ' _\ , _.f. . ~I .. '" for. D.8ucc:eslful Fanning _ ..._._ .......: 1.75 of es~ Is tIIII36.33. ' . '. . ' ~ 'raam; .atd " . tDa;l~'!:: The Hqman 1944, .accordi ng to nutrItio nists. MOP~ Y ._ _ .......... !I.45 ."GlAV' !S· \~ ,In the ma.tter · Home arown fooda are tastier, tor ~:.,.~ ,~. MW , ~ . t*,' m':=.-=~ OTJ.le WQlDBnaker .... -:-.-. .:~-... 2.50 . It oaMl ' ~'4 .. . . v84ue·· D:-"ftoo.. pmou. 'l'bJI ~ ~ FR OM they do have a better flavor when 0 True pmaldl ..... _. _ _ •• U5 • • . '. . ' t1J, . ~ .,.' they are really tresh, and then, gar. ID ' ~ ' II True ·Story . ........~:._::- ............. 2.1l4j of estate 11 $29,61K:r.." .' , • •' &be oa ' denlnl a .fun. 1deD£'O \U, .. Camera ............_ ................. 2.15 . In. the matter oif :tale' E8IliI4e' nL .. _~ ~~OD ~._u •'·0 -,,_. r. ~ _ - _ Many of the Victory gardens will ....... a ... ~~":':"..-'coa 2~.. .,., Walt ..... We . '. ComJa ...--,-.... ... .cecn tw. .Mel~.•}. ~~; ~ ~, ~ of 'Wb~ yoU' 1M".... .JOUr lo.I v....... be operate d on farms. These wp1 .............._ -,,_.-_. .......... Moo~, adm" fUed· ~ boIid ~t=:'~tI,lltl' YOU. Dlcw. save mUlions of dollns for the ·fl\rm' ~., l ....a'.1 aiD '- MIWI " .kfi' '1.~ " era of the country. A well·car ed·for . ;,~ :C'" ! ~ ~A 8. '~ ' , 1 ' yw, 'VIIU" 'mI! IMIWI., In the .miI.tlterr Of, the, ~ of. IliaD' ~ "llelow. garden wlll yield a greater r~turn amCe OurJeSs, d~~d;~~ OP:- ...;.•• ~" ........__..___ ." . " . per acre ·than any 81~I1,ar, area ' 9n USE TH I S COUP ON ! the tarm devoted to. r'Nf ,farm IEfB, adm.,lfj,j~ bori(llo r ~::, . NO.Ti .iN MUTUAL cAsU~ TY Go.·) C'i'cl m"i~il,.e., fln;rN, ,,PiIi ~mJ \ crops. . , J' 'In '~ ~ Of Use of Dt!IIt. OPW"~ U.... ce•• " ...... I co."tnt ~'Q till. ,.,..ijidp Certalo . llrop. <be:' - ' --'-"-'.' ir ,1Id.,r 'I d.'" B '\~-, "'......~: 'Jolin Eo CIiW..... 14. 011." '. : ............". , ....• , • . A· . . . ,. :eiDd 1M ~ , ~ that qen t1enfer&:,'I souther n ' lardene . ~ 'Farmer Owned Cooperative ' . enclose $_ .. :............... Wood1ieY, adIJ4. fDeet bonld ffJj taOOO. l!:nMdII 'hoIptt..l ......., .. year; 1D flct; there art .u. Please'lelld·me the~e check·, . , .:. . - ,~, ' oi souther n ' fatm ,arden . that pro, -.., ~ wl~ a :,year" . :JU~t fon lO ~ML· ~TATE TBAN~ . . your nC"'Pap er, duce aHeaat one or .two fre-sh .ve,.· . 't---:II:cbert arxl ~ ." ' ~ - 'til" ~ •••••,....... ........ ........ ... tables (lvery iiay in the year. Tbe . ~~~ , ~ ~\:=: I K'I .... A ·and · T~ .. .: '''-~''':: t: 'l ' , I .~ "aMi nOrthern Jardenl n, leaaon' may be ~ ~1aI . . . . . .1_ .. ~ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ... . . . . . . . . . .• , .. . , . . '.D"-_ _.--- -..,;.. .~Don . ' . -r.' '_ extende d Ireatly t.y Ute 'of ,botbed& __ _ .. ".,., •••••••• ••••• a; ........ ......,......... John C. -and Pearl R. Helme to... ,.,. ~'_:-;::==::::::::==~ . 1 I1r)tered 8s Second 0 1



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Help The Red Cross War Fund Drive

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FOLLOW the CROWDS to the FERRY CHURCH of CHRIST nexi .LO·RD'S DL\ Y, March 11th

By NANCY PEPPER HOW TO MAKE AN' IMPRINT THERE was a ma\ter of a I FmLUlon dollars at slake and you, as manager, had to pick the grcat· est one·game pitcher for a ' partlcu· lllr contest-what hurler would you select? Years ago I asked Connie Mack this Question and he had a ready I\nswer, His pick was Charles Albert Bender, the Chippewa Chief. the wiry Indian who was not only a great pitcher but always at his beat 'when the blue chips were on the line. "We've had some pretty talr pilchers on the Athletics In our time," Connie laid. "I Inelln Rube Waddell, Lefty Grove, Eddie Plank, Herb Pennock, George Earns haw, and mnny pthera . Some of these undoubted· Iy had more stuff than Chief Bender hod. But Bende'r W05 always at bls peak In a game you had to win. On that GrantlandRlce one day you knew he would be at his best-and the million dollars would only key him up -not let him down. "I know there have been better pitchers over a sea.on or throulilh many years. But in a pinch where the pressure was heavy, where the I take wal high, Bender wae a bard man to beat. And he would be just as cool and as relaxed for a m1UJon as be would be tor a dime." Alter tbls talk, I put . the same problem up to Frank Frisch, one of the smartest men ba.l eball has ever 'produced, one of Its greatelt competitors.

First It was Jabberwocky and au'o8'rapbl you wrole aU 0ger your sUokers and atallon wagon coati, Now Just see what's going on! Paint PawlI-We have It on good authority that boys tlrc dlpplna their lily white hands into color~d . paint lind are sin pplng their handprints on each other', sUc. ers, Thumbprint Sir: liaturo - Inltead of signing their nllmes to letters, the members of one club sign of! with a thumbprint. Each girl has a set of tellow·members' thumbprints on Ille for identification. It's all so mysterlous "that the FBI wID probably be on their trail soon. Lip Prints-We see lots of ials wearing white babuskas decorated with the lipstick Up prints of all of their best friends. Makes an effective design. Wax Works-If you see a girl and a bpy each wearing 'a lob ot wax on B lapel pin, look closer and you'll find the imprint 01 her thumb on his pin nnd the Imprint at his thumb on hers. All you do Is melt down the wax. make tbe imprints while It'a stlll soft, end stick a pin on the back. First, of coune, you find the boy.

"Bender was a little before my day," Frank said. "Under tbe conditions you have named I think my pick would be DLzzy Dean. Dizzy was not only a great pitcher, but he also loved the apoUJght. Also the pressure. His biggest thrID wes In meeting Carl Hubbell. But competIng against any star pitcher delI&hted Dean . . And don't forget that Dizzy had everything a great pitcher need I - blazing speed - a fine curve ball-ehange 01 pace-good control-and above all unbeatable confidence In Dizzy Dean. "Wltb a million dOllaR al atake Db., would line been aDbeatable. at len t al close to aDbeatable lIDdllf such conditions al anyone I ever aaw_ For he would have revelled al lucb a ohance. EveD a bUlioD dollars would never ha"e boUiered Ole DIs. That's wbat I mean b)' narnln, luch a pitcher." Remember this Is not a matter ot naming the game's greatest pitcher through 0 season or through monY years, It Is the matter of naming tbe pitcher you would select Under the heaviest sort of presaure for one ·vltally Important game. Christy Matbewson, In his prime, belongs In thli olass.· Few people today reme.mber the Matty wh. pltohed three l1!.0celilye abutouta against 'be Athletics .In Ule 1901 World Series. 'rhe million dollars would never have botliered Matty. He 108t the Gian t-Cub plaY'Q!T In 1908-probably the . most ImPErtant single game ever played-but now many ,kno..... he tackled this game. with an arm so sore and tired that he ·could barely 11ft it when be began warming up, For that season ',Ma!ty had won 37 games, and saved 12 others.

WORDS AND MUSIC Even U we dldn'l IIslen to the HU Parade we could tcll wblch lunel you trealured most, Just by UstealD, to yoUI' platter cbatter over the lIoda rountaln. In bc'wecn order.ln, y,our white borle wUb red ohlmney (vanUla marsbmallow sundae, with cberrlel) you~d be lalkln, In IOn, tltIel. . Who , Oat Up Oerc'l-Everybody'. quoting trom this ditty made tamous by Woody Herman. II You I. Or III You AiDt?-That's how you ask anythlnll from "Fin· Ished with your c~\ke?" to "Are you going steady witb me or just going?" Kecp Your Powder Dry-It might mean "Take care 01 yourself," or "rion't get yoursell In a tizzy," and It's the song they sang in "Janie." Clan,. Clan,. Clanr!-U's the newest wolf call and It comes from .Your favorite Trolley Song. Don't Fence Me ID-It means "Don't try to date me up." U'a Roy Ro.&ers' 80ng and i t's been on the Bit Parade for weeks. -



it woold have been t~ It that hu1 .beeni the casc, Adlter an e.ny ma.n wIho was there to buy, had the money CWId could batY'e depoe1tA!d' it or .. check tor ,t he ceiling prlce In order to Ibeen allowOO to drs: . <01 oourse eJl the money to be r(ltumeQ to the ]a;ers,) 'I1he wouldbe- buyer would then. have had .perhaps a. ten- :to- one chance in-


. Odd Ring Style, We were talldD. with Dumb Da~ Morgan. who hal oDly been mixed with &be ring game for a tr11le more than GO Y!larl, eb9ut ';8~OUS rlng styles. Dwrib Dan . broupt up' Lee Ome, polsibly the beat heavyweip\ on \h. home front. ',jOm. II an odd oDe to the pres.aneradon." Korlan laid. "wltb blI of droPSiJ:D.. both banda, walldut b, an opponent If ~ • .trqD, 1Ook1nI over one a~oulder as h. goa by, .and then auddeDb' ~ aDd I'.~ _the atta'ak.



ent wa,


Ittead of .. one hundred-bo-one. for oome UlJlo one hundred- Ix> -'ten or twen¢y Cor thooe Wfho had! tall t.heir friends In line. If you drew an ace yW had a chance In the 1f1naJ dra.wIng tor tIbe oh&nce to buy. But lihey 8dl seemed to 'ha",e 9. lot of fun ou~ oJ it - ~t gamblq SPirit again,


Monda" ~ I, lM4. At,t er weeks ,t he '00p of the 01 tiad-oWt) lWe !!eem to start.ed on & cycle CJ! nice bam." It" eo1d about three bunones. Y~ . was a tovely spring dred and' n1ndQ dOllar&, which the crowd secmec1 ,ro oona1der a fair day. The WIIIter W8I &Wl up OIYW the road Ito corwtn but were able price. Next canle the thlnga WUJl. oe111ng pncee, & oem binder, II. ~ to come through. ':Lt waa the kind 106der alld the side delJvery rake. of ~ 'Ix> mate people get out thOle 'lbe auctioneer read ·1Ihe price when g.a.sollne COUPOns 8.lld go sumewbere new and the ce1lJn8 price" then I!61d, Just to be ~. .• All who ~ 'Willing .to buy e.t Ule 'IThe good w£llJUler didn't last long: oe1Ung pr1ce, raw Y(l1\11' tlan.dII. it Is damp Md cloudY. Itoday and About bait the banda tn. the crowd likely Ix> I1Illn but not too bad to westt 'Up aad .. line be&'!t.n w form work oot and the ground Just right for the drawIni. Boon true first rllck of cards Wall uaed up nnd he began on aeoon4. 'l'hJngs bl~ to get AUC1'10NEERING OCiIllfused so the auctioneer took ~ all back 'Ol ~e com crib to 8ka.ley and Kootrler st.nU;rh:ten Ulem out. Thla same l"or o..tes, Phone . . . w.~es­ proctedure wu cone 1JlI'Oul:h for nne, Ohio. Re'm'IIe CbU'les the hay IC1Lder and the line bepn BROUIl8 ~n to form for Ithe bay rake. It waa a ~lar lott.elly, as mlall1}' went In40 it as poosible. After all. you n't want it itor yourself. you could sell It to .tJlenext man, 110 get In line and' try )'0\1%' 1uck. EeemA!d to be Ithe splrtt of the thing. I OO\Iildn·t l\elp bUt wonder IlOW ma:ny of them woukl have been in Une IIf they had had 10 deposit their money ailong with the bid. ,It seemed Ito me tlha.t HOURS:

;..,_..., ..,..,......, ..., ...., ..................:...................., ...............'/. fodder clflar



i~ '*-

A FARM DI AR Y $.' ~

D J FRAZIER ~ ..." '....................:,:.." : ~ Mucb 3, 1945. Government regula.tiana again I Undoubtedly iW1t1hout prtce control there migjh.t be specuIaUon In ·used farm lmpl&moots and prtceB might go 8k)mlgh but prtce control !'~la.tiOllB about stra.nge .reMtlons and cunny s:lI.u-

~ ...:, ...""'~,.....~,.:..."

atlon.8. We went ,to a tlann sale th1a af.ternooIli to tS1.d on e side deli very rake thatt ~ friendS wanted. :Lt was not time for the imJ:lement S2.le yet so we went in Ito get a. pl(lCe oJ pie, which , of course. bas nothing to do with tile s boI'Y 01. '\\1h8;t men do abOut ceIl1ng prl.oea on used nl8Ch1nery. We were laite and rn06t of O\~e plA!s were gone ~t as we stood UI.e re in line tJl\ey brought In a beaul;l:ful lemon pte t4Jla,t made 'Cur mouths !.tray ~ but to OUr d1sm:Ii.y when she stArted to cut 1t <the man j ust. ahead of u.s said. "0iIl1 just c\lit' ~ in quarters. M~ friend and I will ' take the whol'! pie." And we had tlO stand the.-e and watch those .two men ee.t tha~ whole lovelY' lemon pie while . w,~ !lite




fences end PI'OJlEI' 8'&teI!. P . 8 . We dkin't IaIow tha!le men wihe ~ pIe, 8l1l'eb' no Wayneeville mtm would do a t.hlng ~ tIlat, 60 don'lt /lIUC !\be tplper.

9-12 eadl

'/::I.w':l. i iijii__iiiiiiiiiiiiiiliiiiiiii n


Old Pbamp1eta: EarI1 Newspapen; Old 1IaP.I; EmJcranU', GlUiIea; IIJI-




p.,a.: Banlhrd~ c1III'I_;

Earl,. OWO laws ;. Ear~ Ohio ... boob; ID~ boOb: Bar., ObU4ren', boOb


Hlgbest . 9Uh~ pt'ioea - pak1 ., ,


CaU or Write for FREE Es\Ima~





AvllltJ tbe Sprln~ Rush! Your O~er NOWI '


REED BOOK SHOP . R.F.D. " NeW 'OarItaJe, Ohlo Phone :~nD~!I~ 3891 ~ :




Evert Smith .


Phone WO, RA. l. Warnes!DIe o~~~~

IflUeI1I on Use beat aU arowul In the coontrY.

o.f II....D QUALI"

"w, . .e,.,INI,U.'

lInD .caOH t .....

eye, ••f.;.,

~ ...... efUl!lNtl.-I.I ty . . ....

ftIere', .. ....... f., •• p.,I .....t ••lo .. 1It1::., ........, riel. tl IN ,...... ..

.. . . . .f .... ..,.


,.... a nallon at wa,. o.t ai, M

...... ,.,tlll•.". forall ".. op·. -....

. . . It_Her r.aulta • •A... your d . .. .

· ........I ....~n .... l j.......



x . 111~ELT




LAMPS (Floor .nd T.ble) STUDIO ' COUCHES (Fully Spring Filled) LIVING ROQM SUITES




Service Th.t Satiafiea _ 0"

Auto..o..,I I.



H. M.COY:NE VOU'RE . NO EXCEP. TION I C....mity . d.-'t pick favoriteal M.fortuiae haaa't ai••led you out .. .D exceptioat .ae wi.. and protect YO\D'Mlf with ',004 maurance thatl'" matter what hap.,...,; ' y~, your family and YOUI' property will he 'f uilly protected. "



---------------~ or"o. at . ......... . . . . . . Ihlllll ,




Phone 912R

Optometrio EJe 8peela1bt IG 8. DeU'oU 8L




. ..... _._ ... _a ......... <-

_.a . ...... ,.o._ ...... ._._I!_ . I_n_._._I_._._a_._n_._ " ,

~l~& ~l"!lI ~~_r_ ' _l_a .


__ • • • _ • • • •

,~ _~IJIIIa._




Dr. c. E. Wilkin







Good Service.

"Complete Home Fumiahera"

no ceU!ni

House 'pBID , t'Ing


The Miami Gazette



7-9 Saturday even1nC

,{:nce. It we.s old but In mmnIng ordier. In fact tbe OLD BOOKS W '-ANTED owner liifd, "It w1l1 blow ~ d--n . I , Live Wire and PIocr....e. AD 01'Weetel'll Tnlvei: 1ncJIaD . C&pUve.; ~--- . - - , pnJaaUon _nd to. DOllie. 8tdctIy Still


Help t i the Ra'l Qtoss meaII1l! help for prisoners or 'WV tI8 !Well QB the 'Wh'es and lli.bles of &el"Vk:e men 80 give, give, \P1'ei




Made To Order'

1-11 afternoona except Wednesday

OIDalnDaU UnlOD Stocik Yards



II did-Io-------------



for pulling posts. I been si.'lgtng one CJ! tb.o&e oonqs of the dAy In reverre for a 1011& ,time, not "Doutt :F1en.ce Me In" but ''Plcme V'e nce Me lIn" and tcday we bepn. The lane fence has been 90 bad (or & lore time that It was only habIt tha.t lrept the OQWII In. They could see the ~ence and they OOdnlt trted it to .find' out bow rusty 'and robten it was, but with spring In the niT we oouldn't have fooled them mUch lODger. 11le other 0!.1' rt.hey cut 61ny poets end I was able to get l!OClle steel ones &tid the work has begun. We need at ,l eru;t five hundred rods of :rJI!1W /fence. What a. wonderflUl drmm. a farm with all

(j"t for your bloc" Che.ter/feld. Ellery· ... noeicu ehe firs' flower '0 bloom ill people eze." But to go .~ implement the Barden- and euerybody notice; the 10 blo$lom au' in .prill, sale. Fi.t'st they sold a shredder tba.t


Great ,Old Alex I'll ' give you another tough million dollar compeUtor-ln or out cif ~ onctitlon. His name Ie Grover Clcveland Alexander. Here wal al great a combination of heart, head and arm DB I bave ,ever. lIeen. M n rookie In lIlll he won 28 aamea. .\Iex wa. .n.Uler who 'took Dew· Inlplratlon rrom a taua' 'apot, .eyeD In biB fadm, yean when be waa III 110 shape &0 bandle the JOlI. ,lie Btln bandied It, aa :rCdl)' Lanerl or the YankeM rem~mbe'" ID tile' 19%8 World serlel wben AI. faDIIeCI' him with &be' bAllel' rUn. . And there 11 Ed Walah 01 the White Sox- the pitcher Ty Cobb nnmes as the greatest of an time tor a period of five years. Walsh waa a 40 game winner-and at his best in a bot spot. So her~ we hl~e named such blue chip stara as Bend· er, ' Dean, Mathewson. ' ~lexand~ and Wallb. And there II always Carl lIubbell. Thele ' "big dou&h" entries were sure u,f be at their best for one bl& game-one vital. , contest. .' ' . I have another nomination who, belonas In this Ustlng: Walter JohnIon, wiDner of toO g~el with a weak-blttm. Walblnaton club..

COMMUNION and PREAOHING -10:30 A. M. Sermon, "The Conversion or An furklel. tt YOUTH SERVICES - '1:00 P . M. . EVANQ£LIi'f!lC St:RVICES - 1:15 P. M. Sermon, "'Ibe 'I ThInk' Churdl"


TRIXIE TEEN S.4YSvery common PiICe "store-bought" .4dvanu ' prin, flUMon. are the b8l' Cherry. p. We \lEd ro .. cure for anr m~Ualer blue.. Be ~: 'he in yOW' craiN to break ou' in itA Uttle pIa With e CIJa'Iy...... aU prine (tho.elwoony pa.,elbacksrounds 0 ' ...... iUUl .end 'fOu) ; be the fim wi,h a pa. p1nktyI /White and pearlY' pa.le, leI .uj" too (li,hf f,"chla j, your ficke. Ja a veJ'Y' dmerent t.hq by far. if you really wanf to «0 plflce.) ; be .he !JUn the .....ewt bIg pigs serne


-le.tiler drbve liVe horses on the b!nder and :you helped shook the golden gra.InIIlt was quite Go ;brlok to quench your tblr&t from the heawy jug at wwter kept in the shade CJ! one at .the shocks. Those '9kre busy days. but happy ~; your . childhood on the lann, Remember?

BIBLE 'ScHOOL -- 11:30 A. M.



Picks Dizzy Dean.



... __....a. .,.a_a." ......

_ ' _I_ n _ c _ ~ _ a _ U~~H~o4\ _~

Plaee You~ Or" r, lor




Fertilizer will be very acarce, So order DOW and be aure of obt.ining your need.

ffNC~ • Barbed 'Ire ·.GtlVANlhO ROOfiNG Fairley' Hdwe~ .'tc,res IN STOCK -

6 -

Buy Now For Sprin, Needa



Ph~ne ~441

Wayneaville, Ohia ..• 1 __ • _a_u _i_ . · ..... _0_'. ___ •.•.. __ •.•. ___ .• ---.-----__.___ ______ .F ____ j_. __ u.•••.• __ 1._••• _.1 __ W~YiIII! '

- AI-CI1

_1_._~_'~l8iiltMF8llA1ll~"' Ii _1MIi

~ i l.F_._._I_r_.-.._._.,...._n-


..,< ": . . :. ,

~ I"





...•........•...••• Wa!,nt~billt QCbuttb of ~br~~t Mall Randa,lI, Miniater 2985







Mr. John Hisey complainS tlhM a ~t1 ty 01 mullein ls permitted to III'OW In somc 'lJ8l'ts of his nelghborhood, As thla Is a weell very n!6U1IYl propoga.ted, as 3J"e mos t weedB. Jt would be th e CIU'e Of tne bn,d-()Wners ,to prevent its Increase as muoh 80S possible.

Narrow Gauge

' ~~re lc1Jfuneral

Narrow Gauge surveyinl; pany ' pa6Sed ,through here Salturday. 'I1hrough Waynesville, their Harveysburg Friend. Mrs. R. D. Oollett. New Burlington , &bakes were mid ju ~t above FHIal. 'Iihe iHnrveysburg 0 rth 0 dolt street. and on to Bellebrook. Fl'1e.ncls held a. meeting Ba.turday Regiltered Brown Swi.. Sold n1~t. ,whICh mlulted In a decision The

Hatfull of Tomatoea

tIo bUild

a churoo.

A vote VIb8


Mr. ·T. B. MoQmlas sHowed \IE tn deetde es to the plan of .t he buildb. iluUtfUU GC ripe ,tomatoes yesterda.y. lng, WhIch revealed the fact that an One of weighed 1'h pounds. over.whelmlng majority wa§ 0j:\1)08ed to the Antram plan. The latter. Stock' in Wheat Field a.f.t.e-r dec.lal'i'ne to shake the d 'st 01! C8.IJtn1n W. R. Hoel has turned their teet. withdrew their subscriphis stool!: into the wheatlfield. where tion $460. 'lbe Iimoont the 'IWleat stands in shocks. but the thus ~ ·was made up by raJn has spoI1ed the grain. extra. subs:.:r1Ptlon before noon on Mondai)'. The il'OWld is being abaked off today by tne Bu11d1ni OomRev. White The 'Rev. :JohJl! A. W.lUte. of m.lCtee.









LYTLE Mrs. Walter ~enrlek by

APRIL 1, 1945

Dial 2111 . - ' Wayne.ville

Hospital Service Plan Now In Sixth': C:onleCutive Year

'I'he HOIij)f~ &I~e Plan 0 mmJaa10n of -~~ Amer1can Hoop1tal A8IiOOlation. tj,DD0UJ1ced recently that Hosp1ta:l cart..OoJ'POro.tJon ~ ror the sixth .con.eutWe- year been gJven llhe a'P~o~ ;Oerti~te or tb1B organlZa.tJ,on. tp,erantlng the approval. the ~jon COJlIII"QWla.ted the SOtith<weatem Ohio'a Blue eros.; Pian upon I~ incceaa11J& ,~rvdce to 500.000

There il a dlft'erence between appetite and hun~r . Until you stop to think about it, they seem to be Insepar:! ble or the sam e thing. Hun'gel' is an uncomfortable fee1lni' which Is ' probably due to contractions of the stomach when It I. empty. The I e contractlona ltop quickly when anything. even water, II put Into the stomach. Appetite Is an enjoyable desire for food. It 1.8 . very closely related to other Influences. psychic In nature. havln&, largely to do with whether or not previous experlencel with eating of food have been pleasant. Moat of Us k now chUdren or adults who have had lome disagreeable experience with aome food and developed a dislike. Le:J a loIS of appetite for that food. In one cue a child would not eat tomatoea un~II his mother discovered the akin of a tomato bothered him. Be aald he couldn't eat it. probably he had at some tim. experienced difficulty chewing it and It may have choked him. An unpleasant family altuatlon has sometimes been associated with th!! food aerved at the time. Or, urgmg or coaxing, as anyone kn "ws, very quickly destroys the p: )at!ure in. the desire for and thua the appetit for any food. Dou,btless one of t \, ~ reasons children liks aweeta Ia L " use they are allowed on,ly email amounts, Vegetablea might be better liked It they were scarce, We can he I p to associate the ple~sllre of ta \s ing food with the rehe! of hUlll,;er . This doe a not m ~n 'pamperlng" the child's appetite by adding augar to every. thinll h(' eats but it docs mean hav. Ing respect for his ' appetite." He !'lay. for no appare nt reason. lose I li t CI' st. 01' Appetile for hi:: fuod tor several ." :ls His appetite is your guide DII:l 't destroy appetite by urging, Give him time and a c~unce to ellt what he wants :-l the , TI. " 1 leave the' amount . I to him. .



gen1Za,~ emp~i

w.Ma~, and ' ~flqlnt arilleve- vented 'Ibus'the fu reopening we have lost during tile on community 01 school. me-nt. ~' ~'Uded achool ),eal'. , ~ da~ on IUlCOUnt of fc'l' Hoep~ , ~, .....:..~ ....on to ley i'c~ or flooda. ,'Ibia Is in con---:, n ~ """"'.' . tranto LossofllllLdIa..VI U8e the ~ ~ Sll~ , ~ Hon os 8 I l ! a.verqe Jl!.tal AssOe1d,tIod m_previous yean:

• ,

M T. H 0 L L Y

Ul · since Saturda\Y wltb a. heart aIlment. but it somewluit improved ~ <this time. Mr. Seth F\Jmas and ' Mr. and Mrs. Walter KerIrlc!t atended ' the monthl), meetlnc Of the Wa.iren Oounty HJstorIoa.1 Society a.t · the Ool<len IAmb. Lebanon. Monday evening. Mr. and .Mrs. Bernard Melloh ~nd son clf Wayneaville. were Sunday B~ests of Mr. and MS's. Clyde Whar-

~ and idaO' iJglbWty f. 1natlltlona.l .rnelh~p AmerJcan '


c:-. 8Q~:

seruor scholarship testa wUl be offered Saturday morning at Leb~ ,allkln for the sen40rs In tJIe upper

U ,Youn, roland CAina I'tfGl. Ho, •• Bill Lee, Rt. by Mrs. BIl7-,--G lbson 3, Or-tU!orl-Bd•• w.,.ne ••i , . JOINS WAC'S • --;..,.....;=;;;:;;;;;;:;;::=.......__ eompete. FINe or six of ' our senJors roR SALE - ~ ctI8It:' s1ze 18; PVt. M1Jmle Ol'IIIW'Iord; dlliUg'hter are planning to te·ke this test. iWac;. alrnoot new: !Call 2934. 8p of Mr. a!Ilid MrII. Clarence Cnw.tord S" t% FARM ' WANS-Long tenn, Joined tlbe WAO';' ~ ~tel Gut; ~ ~elltB. No e.pp~1sal fee. and 'Will' be ata.tioned at E1 Peso. NnI. G«qI& . YebdeDball and . Also nice ~ and wge fllftllS 1'esa8. She h88' tieen propeI:t..rci~k MIle Olive WllHama speDt ·Thursday Jor M1e. or write Geo. at Pll4-rlleld Alr' TechnIa\l' 8ervJ.ce night and Prtday In xAbanon. 1Henkle. Phone ~. 2. Lebanon. ttc O)mrnNld M Patterson !l!'leJd. She Mrs. Everett Ib'rly of Lytle. call~ Dl1NHAK U.s. CER'lU"1EIJ WHITE a.~ >the We.YDeSVJlJe HiI!'h ~ . on MrII. Allee 0Iadt. 'I\1~y arterROOK OiBICKi8-JBreeder of Nat- EdhOOl. Her brother. SIS ~ A. Mr. and Mrs. O. L.: JOlu\s: n had ~. , lanal Oh8mplon White Rock pen " botb . 1943 and 1944. Our 1945 OIawtord. is IWlth !tile ArtaI Over- as IIWlSts, Sunday afternoon, Mr. Nra. Cl'lme was Ute suppes" glUest Western New York contest pen la 8eIIt. • and Mrs. Rober1t Hapner and <laugh- or Mr.. and Mra. J. B. GoDs and ~ ~te. Rook pen In all U. Mr. 8Ild ~. eert BunDen Spent Ilers, Mrs. sue ~,IMIr. and Mrs. W.' family on lWedDeecb~. 6 . tilrough December. WecblIeeday ~Ih Nr. attd Mta. , S . B~U. Mr. end Mrs. Fred Wrtght. Mlae ~~.. ~~,er was in IJa,yBuy ch1cka of this proven hlSh Evetett ~eU and familY. MnI; Elva PI.tltman' Of Da~, and ' '!-On. on FridaiV'. I poduotio,n Itraln for tAlp poultz'y NlnI. Robert GreeJle of [)a.yIton ~. and Mrs. Walter Kendrick. l' 1Mn. Ge!qta. · ~emSermul. MI!'8. profits. ,~ery Dlmljam ohkit flIred and Mr. and Mm. Henr\V Mr. and ;M rs. J. B. ' Jones enter- J. W. Ward ,and :MIss Ch&ndler ,_tor top poultr;Y profits by 1nd1VSd- ~· onur•.~.lIUeNmpn, tamed , to ' ~ ~ ~II'. ~ ~.,...i1d. Mh. ,E .'llest · tidy pedi8reed R. O. Y.IflGle ftUn MOndl\lY' a.lollemooa. • ' 18'. and Mrs. Tberle Jonee. Mrs, Martin at ~. on " trip to dam of 200 to 315 eQ record. Mrs Harold CaTtet of 'V'"",,'" ~arEt Johns a.nd Mn Nettle Leball'On Sait,,-..·· dtemoon Place your order tocfa.y e.s tile de. . , ~.'~ • .. •, ''''--'' . mand far these superior chlckl! OIilled on her pareMa, Mr: and M'rs. Emr~k. In '~ 'Of the ,bl.rthday . Mrs. IAlcWe >~ spent ' the wW. .elroOOd: the sup!ply~ ,Don.t-1le Davld~. 8tJBda.y-e4ternoo1r.- ' ,0 ( their son. Tlierle. , . ~eek end M1h tt1emda In Da.YU>n. diaapPQlnted. Lebanon. 39 GolumMr. and Mrs. HeJlll',Y !Buries ' lUld ~. RonakS. R~ of 'N~w. Yom . nr. O . E. .RIuIeuaiHwd daUlhter bus Ave .• Phone' 288-R ' ch1ldren or '.Bea.Yel'II.own,,. ilpent SUIl- Clty., spend!hr ' & ~y-d&y fur- MUll, lvalon. UIid J&Ia&. M'a1'g&ret ".' haveD·t aho_ .& .. Renry yet WaynesvUle. ROute 2. Phone 2916. day with Mr. 'Bod Mrs. Lue Morpp . lough' with . his pilroota. Mr. and R~. of Qao)tf!ont. .caUed ,O Il Miss • ' .' .'m _ltID, till be. bay. that DUNHM.I Breeder HATOHEaY ,- Mr. WId Mn. MOn1a l.ewJs and Mrs. Flred R\isli <lnd ohIldmI. Margillret W. Edwards on SUr.daY. 1lablD, outfit .be'. beeD talldq aboul sons spent Bunday with Mr. and MJ'. and Mrs. Everett Kenrick , ~ llsmItitBiO\me"ia OOIlIHned to ,ettIDlr.'· PR4ER6 and Brollers !for sale be- Mrs. John Ka!et of Ut1c&. and ohUdren MlI'e SUn.daf' dinner ,her bed with Ii. ~ (!Old. glnnlng Monmy. March 6. Sold FALL BREAKS ANKLE guests at Mr. and Mrs. lAwrence " - ,. dresaed a.nd by order only. I will Sharon Bwmell. daughter at Mr, Elliot.t and ·San In~: OlADVS PAmi mve :from 40-60 ohlckens for S8I1e and Mrs. Everebt BunneJ.l fell ana 1Mr. and Mm. RIa.Iph- ~1ld , I per week. Max RflndaIll. Phone broke he!' ,right ankle last SUnda.y &.nd f~ were SUnday even1Dg . 2985. lUc eVening. ~ - - - Of tbelr Uncle and .,' HORSES, COWS, HOGS, f'OR SMJE-70 ames; 50 extra ~ MM. Lue Morgan 18 on the s1c, Mmt. Mr. 81ld Mrs. Samuel Nichols CALVES. SHEEP, ETC., Imd. baWlce pasture. 8 room lJat: in 0I.nclnnIItJ. • bJuBe. meta) l'IOiOIf. S)arn 48 x 48, KrB. Da.Vid 'LUCIIII spent.the wee'<{ Pvt. J'amee steinke. 'a~eel Removed Prpmptl, metal !f'OOf. d'ib /!it. 8'&r&IE 30 ,x 30. end wttal her son 'anti family. Mr. by Pvt. Rtdhard Toney of ~; Call metal roof. la1rAoolU'e o ehed. never, 8Zld Mrs. R~ond 'liUcas. of near 0bI0. aDd Pvt. Wa4~ O. 'I1h0mFi'~ laWng 6Pl11l«, well. oLW!,m. 18 W tlmln 8ton. SOD of A8hIabuJa,. Ohio. of the Bbic acres growing ,w heat. $7.500.00. EngIneering 't1n1t of Univemt.y. or planlon In 30 da.ys. Shown by Ka1WcJr:y. spent the weeit end with' · appolnunellt only. the former's pa.reM4, M1r. BOd M'"S. ~ WlLBtJB. \ N. ,SEARS .. Phone 2651 Harold 8teln1re am famllJ'. Mr. and by Mia. Ber& BUJmeU Mrs. 8te1nIce ~ed .them as WAJN'IIED-Some Itl'O\IP 'Ill' Mr. and Mrs. Bent L. Bunnell far lie OI.nctnnatl, ancIln- retum1nr. zation Who deslres to eam'dh in- enterta.1ned Sunday. Mr. ,G.Ild Mrs. called on ReV. and Mrs. O. E. V~ ocme by. opera.tlng e. subscription Ted Ball and tam1ly of near Spring a.t Yuan. . I .. o.~....... campa.1gn for the MJami Gezette "ft'l n ... ey. Mr. aud Mrs. Vaughn Muland all leading magazines. , Infor- len and sons of De..O+"n Mr. and Mns. Ina Balter. w:a'--_""'e, "'... ma.tlon on 'WIlD ....... - _ . p".".,.. 1.- Mrs. !LeVi Bunnell and .p ".... family of' aid Nanker and son.. Mrs. Oona.\" ~J ...· ;fiijiiii~iiii~iiii.liiiiiiiii~~iiiiiiiiiiiiiiii.' iiii~iiii"·i··'Cfii>Y able . method 'at buildlDg the Loveland 'Mr. and Mrs. Harry lAcY '.t 'f1n8ncba . ' reeerve 0( Clubs. church • &rid Mr. and MnI. HellJl' and ~ CltJalIles Bun, . 'can be obt.hl- FRlENDSIIIP Van Hoe 0( Mialmlabu'rg.' nell and., , . - , ' ." . ~t40Jl1J, •.• . ' eel at b ~ amtlce. ' CLASS L&DIBS' AID '. ,, The PrIendap1p 0IaBa of othe Utica· The '[.ad1e8' Aid ·t1l ~ Utka, U ,'"

Mid-week ]lnYer eerv/.Ce

.. -._- ............ . Th~ n1goh,t ~

111 :00 A. M.

Bennon -

7:30 P. M .

All rthe h~ achO;01s in tlhe OOIUlty Q1 MainevUle. were present. Alter J)IUIt.lcipat.e and ItIhose · who ra.te the business ae,wlon. the altair.! and highest In the . counuy are offered problems o1lthe church were studled and d1SC\l6Bed. DlU'lng ~he very pleaBll!1t IIOC1al hour, ' d).1dn~ refreshments were served. The ClUb adjourned to meet wWl Mr. and Mis. E. C. Crnne on Aprll 8.

6Cholarsh11l6 ,by variOUS coll~es. M the same time. Q, t.e6t Is oKercd to senb's who barye had four !years 01 vOO8lttonal a&.ricultru:re.

The 20-30 Club '!be 20-30 Club held tJhe1r regular meeting wlith Mr. and Mrs. Herbert. L. lAngendorf as h06t and hostess at their home in Lebanon on SUndew evemng. Ten members and two guest.<J. !Mr. ond M1"8. Sam Kefee,





Build up your Beauty DefeDiel A Minute here. a Mipute there. add. up to a real Beauty Defense. One Minute, nlght and m,ornlne. for pattin, with astringent, cleara and tones the dullest skin. A Minute tor genUe patting, under the eyes with e)'e cream smoothes out the lines. Ledlfpr

!hndtc~ t e . - WNU

PJlone wa.ynesvllle 21m

MorlOW Phon. No, 3 Lebanon: Office Phone .7Ut Realdence 118 Ii

"'.al ure. ,

B 0 b ' 8 D·' a I r '\J.

Kesler Gl'&ham. , : . 'Ihe HospttGJ ' Blue Cross Plan Sc.hOot dlsm1saed on Tuesda.y The Lytle card Club was ecterIl8OI"ed by. • becaAIse of high water over .the r<l8d

M.ra. Olive Brace ~, Waynesvllle. "Vas 11. dinner guest of !Mr. and~. ~ ~ Harold Stlenke and family. ,Monday OrndorIRd.-Rt.3 &venm,. .' _ Wayne.l1ll1. _"_ _It_ _ _ _ . OAio, ,.... .Ml' . James ~ iba$ been" verr


10:30 A. M.


'W,ELDING', ,, ::at:;:;;,'"=,,":~ ::=~:::'hE::" ~o:.:..~""'~,-:: •

Communion -

Ralph stowe of Pekin. Wel"e dinner q day imowa Ian increase of 16000 .. 0( Mr. and Mrs. DISIIbenI." ' .,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,....,,,,,,,,,,,!

~1lIe&ts. 'I'hu"l!ldaU.

Ohr~ Endeavor - 6:30 P. M. EVeDing Service - 7:30 'P. M.

Bible' School -8:30 A. M.

;r,:~;,-~~ ~E:?w:E ~!1'NSCEHbw~""OsL~1

Wamesville Church of Christ



,2.'. ~l1rm'2

Mrs. Cha.rlet Bunnell and daugh- . esldenta of this 8!1'ea. who aa-e now ters a.ttend"ed ser:vice8 a t the Ut1ca Hoepltal care Ja~j:lel1j. Church. Sunday. JIunes E. ~~lmt, execut1ve ViceMr. Harvey Burnet was in Cleve- pre81d~t Oif .1be Hospital Care Corpland. Wedneeday. in interest Or the OIIltlon; commenting on the recogCOOpe2'at.lve M1lk Allan. nition given aald. "'s~ ~ In A number at tolka fl'Om here 42 stakes. 7 Oanadilan prov1nce, ilnd IlIttended the bflsketball 1!'9 me In PuerW IR.1co III'6I1OW mating Hoepital

Three Weeks - - 'fvangeli~tic Meeting BEGINNJNG

The Brown SWlI!& Association of Beloit, W1&:onsIn. ,8Iinounce the sale 0( a; oBrown Sw1s8 bull, Napol£on Rina'. Elmer 'Bheehanand Son. 01 WaynesvWe, to Art-hur Dare and son. 01 OXford. Ohio. 'lblB ~ w~ made by Fred S. l4t8e. ~ 0( !{;he Brown Swtss Qlttle ~ex'&' As8~la.tlon. '



B1 tilli,," B. 510',"$

At All

dlU'ing tile lleavy r8inst0rm. T.hey got into the swift CUll"en,t ; the harness broke; the Wagon was b'Wept 81way; Glld our heroes had! dJ,({J.cultY in getting out at bhe l118intr watea. LILLIAN B. STORMS They .!1nally succeeded. hOweyer. wlthout damage to , aught but the Starting thi, week and ever, wagon. "'~ek hereafter we are goiriC to bnng you the practical column, Band Conce.r t "Your Babl'c" It will be of real In. The Band wlll give a. full prom- tere ~ t to 1ll0thel"R and mothers to be. becauee it is written by Lillian' enade Ooncert on next Frlda,y even- B. Storms PHD. nallonally known ing. beginning at 7 o'clock. authority on baby's health and care and weltare.




· CJantrail't tor s~ :lIne A Ducking channel of ' Caesar's Oreek. near Ben Downes. lWill. Glenn and BaswQYlllbUll!", was awarded ,to H. Jas. Pendergast a.tltempted to cross Polkick, ~ $328. Newman's aun. last Sunda,y night



We OHer

July 28, 1875 Athens. Ohio. Univ~ , (son 01 Mr, Allen White, !o~ly of <!bil plaoo) ma'tie a brief Visit. here last 11'OD' Bridlre ~ !or Iron jArch Bridge week. Me. WlUte 1$ a Professor 1n OVer iPlr8t creek. l\4OlT01", was 11- tile Athens UnlvCI'IUty; ha.v1rJtr ~y ~ ChlImpfon lroll Bridge CO., hl,s QWtlJ exertiOns arl:len to this of' Wollm1ng!ton. Ohio; 80 !!wt spen, honO$ble position. We wish ~~oot roadway. at $17 per lIneeJ continued sUbce&S. '

'be ~ o.iett.e -

, Whole."lllf' Paateur1zed Dail')' Product.

Pa8Muriud Milk Par Your hotectWn



·W llh.r N •••• REAL ESTATE Sfi'eet

Fnen ' d H' orne

Phone 2851 Wayneeville, Ohio ,


Our 30'1'.... Esperlence &eUlq I'arma aDd Town !'rOpenT IJaJ Stoeil 1ns'lUllinoe=--111 UoirOllD POIidea - Standard BMee Be sure 0( ~ ()OVeftICe and prompt settlement .In C88e at loIiII. , ' lDrormaUon Wlthollt ObUptlon



'f, MoIII - '.

HAMr . ••••• ~ •••••••••• , ...............

II milt••, ••••••••• ',' •.... . .....•.• , .• ..





.. . . . . . . . . . . . . ; ••• • STATE. ..



'. ",··f\jl·""'",l·'·:'·

,.· F·.,O R ~)



' , "






daUihters. Mr: and Mrs" CIeol'- i


~ .~~~-~~~.

~t :1 Pl'lday 1~ -



Produced sain at "15% lowel' cost per pound thail bat previous Master Mix 'ranons.*'


.".,'" o.',O/Ut. hfgr,tUftII prit_. , Come In. Ltt u, show' you






" .:

Any·, mak . e or mode': '* ~ ~ter!ally .,10 . tlle oo¢ of, ~ ~'I Mr. ~ Mra.'W~ wifAl Mr. MInI• ..JGIlb ~ ~~ ~=:.ftJ,=~' ~;;,~;'~F.:;a:!: ~,~~~~=,=, <~. Fred ·Ka'h n·'Motor Car Co. O.

I InCIcM $ .... . .


'~1e, c;~ ' deaIIDI. ~' ~, DOt Mi's.L,er07 .8m6l!ter.Nr.aDdMn·. IIOD8,~~t . BoiIy.;SPIl1tSuiJd:l¥ ~~ te. ~,


New Master Mix Concentrates and Complete Feeds, DOW ford~ fled with M-V (Methio-Vite)._


C .'M'.' ·5 . . B

there ~ meet~




U. B . q.hurcb had .& ' oaveNCi dI.Sh 8. ChUl'd1 'held . dinnel' ·8Ild meet.Soi at :the ~ of, me lilt Ibhe bCb,e . of· IMrI ' Ha1"VPv ' ' "GDd ~ biy eJl)ertemed tIypo- ~r. · tmd MD. Noah Newman abel !iiIcey ' Th~ , ' . , -' .... ,· A~. \IIdn(. ~ : types, ~ IiOM. Sunday. 1:IIlOIIe PresetI$ aDd?'MIns.'Moma Le:w1a and ,

ps..e lind Q one-month t,fal .ublcrlptlon to The h,l:tlan SCIMce Monitor••



L~ Dweiqpes.', Blot· tera, F.Old~. , ~ ~ layout

..•.. ..


QUICK SERVICE · For Dead Stock

MOPSY . .,

ftM·d ......

-=-- - -

"" QINtIoft ~ P~11IIIInD SOcIttr

Ole. ~ 1ttW. B<4tor1


.;'.HON£ 32& ,

· ~~~.~~~~~~.~



.' . Il " " '1'1




",aynesvi e~ ~farmers ',LXC an5e

Telephone 23 ' 7·,1

'Wa_ ...:ui·..III. . Ohio

~~~I ••-~~•••••••~•••~.-.~~·~y•..~•.••.-








azet.t e





WAYN~SVILLE, aRlO, rtI'tJRSDA Y, lI'[AR H 8, 1945

YEAR-No. 4202



Japs Fight to the Last on '/wo; Lend-Lease Aids Russ Assault; 9,000 Pianes Pace Push on Nazis

Weaken Bin

With compulsory work legislation bitterly opposed by labor and In· dustry alike. a weakened labor draft bill received careful senate consl~· eratlon after halty houae pasllalle of • .temer measure. With the .enate discarding the ' - - - -_ _ _ _ Rele8led b7 Wutem NeWll1l8Dt1r VDlOa. _ _ _ _ _ _---' (EDITOR'8 NOTE, Wb ••• lIp...... t. u. .....1. . . . UI., UI••••r house measure Under which local "ule •• N..... p.p .. v ....·• .........1, . . . . . . . .a a .. ';I Ull. D . . . . . . . . . . ) draft boards could order regi.tranta from 18 to t5 Into essential war jobl at the r.lak of induction or fine and imprisonment In case of refusal, It took up a .ublltitute empowering the War Manpower commission to limit employment In establlshmenta and channel excess workers Into war In· dustry. Though milder In form than ·t he bouse measure, even the .ubstitute bill ran into strong oppo.ltlon becauae of the stlft fines and 1m. prlsonment provided for violation Of the WMC rulinlls. In helping draw up the bill for whole senate con· .idetation, Kentucky's Senator "Happy" Chandler said he favored the Incorporation of lltiff punishment " ... so any senator would be :lusti. fled in voting against any manpower bill before the committee ... "





Nurses Face Call

Floated to wherever it i. needed. thia huge drydock lubmerge. to permit entry of vessel, which ia then secured to keel blocks. Upon rising, the dry. dock lifts the ship from wat~r and allows workers to lervice the v~lset


PACIFIC: To the Last IHan

Over 35 Billion

Entrenched in caves, well equipped with light and heavy guns and ordered to 6ght to the last man, Ja. pan's 20.000 defend· ers of tiny lwo Jlma Isla.n d put up a fa· , na tical, though hope. less. fight for this tiny stepping-stone to ToJ(yo In the face of an overpowering marine assault supponed by the thundering bombardment of V. S. naval essels and air· o wo craft. Far to the south U. S. army troops, mopping up remnants of Japanese opposition in Manila, encountered equally tanatical resistance in bitter close'Quarter fighting, typltied by the wild action inside the Manila ho· tel, whe.r e Yanks shot It out up stair· ways, through corridors and In rooms to clean the enemy from the top floors. lwo Jima's airfields. from which the Jops threatened the advance U. S. base in the Marianas-aOO miles away. were the prize objectives 01 the marine assault. whicb carried clear across the southern end of the Is1and in the early fighting. Holed up In the rolling country, and wiped out only after intensive fire, the Japs exacted a beavy toll of the invad· ers, with losses far above those .ut· fered at Tarawa.

With lend·lease renchlng an nll· time high in the first halt of 1944 due to preparations for D-Dny and the great Soviet winter offensive, such aid for the whole year reached al· most 15'f.z billion dollars and a grand total ot over 35 billion dollars sInce going into effect. In recounting lend-lease aid, For· eign EconOmic Administrator Leo Crowley pointed out that the U. S. has shipped 362.000 motor vehicles alone to Russia', and that on Bome parts of the eastern front American b;ucks are carrying more than one· half the supplies for Red troops. 'In

With recent recruitments falling below ' needs, the house moved to draft unmarried nurses from 20 to 44 years of age, with some memo bers seeking to provide sufficient safeguards to maintain essential hospital services at home. Under the burs provisions, drafted nurses would be commissioned sec· ond lieutenants In the army and giv· en comparable rank In other servIces, but they would be subject to duty In whatever kind of nursing most needed. Ot the nation's 240,000 registered nurses, approximately 60,000 are now In the services. There was recent ' need tor an additional 20,000 to help meet needs occasioned by mounting casualty lists.

Late Delivery

Photo .above Sb'OW8 a group of Mexican aviators, who have been tra.lned wltb lend·lease funds and Ilre treUing ready to move to the rront to do theIr part against the Axis' l This wm be tbe first aerial sqUa.drOD trom Mexico &0 enter combat as weD as the fl~t Mexican air unit to finish traiDing In the United Statc~ under lend-lease. Tbey are shown ID the air as well as on the ground, where they studied mechanical ~peraUon.

of Recreation Centers

A~OJI. ~~J&id.~ nlAll'II.II'o .o1~,

recelved 12,000 "Plane• . Comp!lred with Russia. Britain has received 80,000 ve.bleles and 8,500 planes, Crowley revealed, but otber shipments have made the Unit· ed Kingdom the la.rgest recipient ot lend·lease, with 43 per cent of the total. With tlie opening of the naw supply road from India to China, the U. S. expects to materially boost deliveries to the latter, with plans calling for shipment of 15.000 trucks. Mentioning that It took only l~ per cent of cigarette production, and less than 1 per cent of the beef sup· ply, Crowley sald that lend·lease was not a determining factor in clvWan shortages.


Three hundre4 and .evenly·live a/ler conceplion, 25.year-old "',,. Beu· lah of Los Angelu, Cali/., gave birth ro 6 pound. 15 ounce baby daulh. Ie, in one of the moll unwual cmes in medical anrul". The averale period of leslation is 280 day,. Countering ICODe", Dr. Daniel Bell:, rhe alfendWI phy.ician, declared thaI I careful e%amilUllion had fir" indica ,ed bi.rlla by wI November. ". _ • 1 am call> tlim;ed there definilely wcu a .roppo/e 0/ Irowlh .betweeJI rJuJ third !JIId .islh month 0/ prelfUJllCY," he .aid. ~ir Help Closl!Il oPI'roach 10 the clUe in his Massing almost their entire reco,dJ, D,. Belt: .aid. WIP a pre".an, strength, Allied air chieftains threw c:r 0/ 359 days. Japan upwards of 9,000 fighters and bomb· 'LI!J From inside Japan came reports era at Nazi targets on both the west. of a lowering wartime living stand· ern and eastern fronts In support Seek Revision . ard of 'a country noted for frugal of ground troops backing forward As War Mobilization Director accommodations in peace, and of a agaln~t tubblml opposiU J'1l1If!!r F. Byrnes' order cloaln~ rigId civilian discipline. DllIl'UpUon of enemy communi· night clubs, saloons, road ' bouses, With 20 per c.e nt leu food than cations feeding ,their embattled theaters, dance halls and other before the war, each Jap hal been force. in the west and Italy was the places of entertainment to conaerve restricted to monthly allotmenta of objective 01 the 7,000 planes the U. fuel went into effect, operators Shown above, the dlnlnr room of the Parl~ Grand Hotel, wblcli has beeu turned over to the rurlourbecl a half pound 01 ·sugar. four pounds S. and Brltlsh sent out. with the planned a counter-proPQsal Wlder of ve,etabl81 and 20 pounds of rice. heavies cascading tons of explosives which they would shut down on Sun. OrhilDg men enjoyinrtlme out ID Parl~. Manyeonva'escent sailors are belnl' lIenl to Yosemite NalloDal park, Ma~cbel, medicine, gasoline, tuel on rail yards and the figbters .woop· days and keep open to 2 a. m. week. Oallfornla. The Ablfalutee ' Boiel. a &oarllt resort operated by the Interior depariment, bas bcen takeD over and clothing are rationed, and the Ing down out of the lkies to shoot up days. b)' the navy aDd uselll as a convaleseeDt bospltal. natlon's women\ are asked to cut locomotives, freight cars and motor In pushing the proposal, operators \ off their kimona sleeves and wea, vehicles. claimed that it would not only acoveralls to ease the apparel pinch. Fortifications as well as communi· comp1ish the purpose of lavina: 25 All men between .12 and 60, and catiolll were the targets ' of some hours a week 01 fuel use, but also unmarried women between 12 and 2,000 Russian planes In the east, permtt them to keep their doors 40, must register for compulsory la· with much of the bombardment open by appealing to the late theater bor, and employees muat report concentrated allainst the .enemy In crowds and the merry.makers who for work in war plants despite air East Pru, where the Nazi, put start spending money around mldup a .til! tight to hold open the nlg~t. raids. Baltie' port ot Plllau above besieged In anticipation of the shorter hO\1rs Koenigsberg. . and smaller crowds, New York night In abe CroUDd fighting In·the west, clubs released 5,000 of their 50,000 H'e ld U p . the whole 'ront' wa. aftame .. the employees as the order went into ef· Inter • governmental wrangling U. 8. 9tb and part of &be Srd armies feet, and the fam~ Diamond Horsecomplicated recent War Labor drove for the BblaeJuuI wtth It I shoe proprietor, Billy Rose, walled: board decIsions boosting worker in· Important Ind ••tIT. wblle the "The way It stands now, thil will come's within the framework of the part of the Srd ad the 'Jab anDle:11 put Ul! al1ln bankruptcy." stabWzatlon program pelilng lIen~ clamped a tlthtenlDl' vile OD the OIL: eral wage increases to 111 per cent Saar baaID with rlob coal and of January, 194J. levels. . IrOD d~po81". U. S. Reserves In the cases Involving It5,OOO As the Yanks slugged forward While taking over 1\2 billion bar. packlng·house and 50,000 textile In ItIf! fighting, British and Cana. rela of oU out of the ground In .11144, workers, WLB grants were · beld up dian Tomniies continued to make the U. S. discovered reserves of 2 . until settlement ot WLB's dispute slow, but Iteady, progress at the billiob barrels during the year, the with office of Economic Sta~l.Uzer far northern end of : the Siegfried American Petroleum institute reDirector Vinson over ,necessity of line, enveloping the vital road hub ported, to brln~ the country's' Jmown OPA to determine whether any pay ' of Calcar, upon w~cih German de• •urplus 'pools of this vital mineral . boosta would require a markup in fenseil turned for preventln, a sweep to over 20 bUllon barrels. . distrJbutors' c~ts, thus ai!ectlng the to the rear of their whole Rhine, In discussing the reierve sllua'UOlI1,.I. price control ~rop'am. land fiont. . the institute cautioned a,ainst try. In ,passll\g on the' p ~Clrln,.house . In . the ea!,t. Ge~~an women, ing to estimate the period of time worker" ,ea"e, WLB called upon ~e 'fura and plain. cloUie., were put to known lurplus poo).s would ·I iI.t, eX· companies ,to bear the c9st of~. work bWldiDl barricades in BerUn plalning: ". .J . Known ~u can be ployet!s' clothing. tools and ·.uplleep a. Marshal Ivan recovered·.only over a ~od of '. of ' lm'Plementi, and also directed ~am.n ,al'lD7 ~ up manY" y ..... and at ltaduaUy' d~ th'at the guaranteed . work week .outh· on a ,line with ClinIn,' ratei •.. ' ," ' : " . Seabee "Se"eD.-iA;larae Bo,!)l... · ·u ' mUlt ' be · uteDded from ' 52 to " 88 ory ZIiutov'• . !'tnt '!bite Leader jn .l944 productiOl) With 'a n Memben _ of a..."IDe rocket "p-Ia &oIIIl to&e their equ{pment over roIII~ ehoWli In aerial .vlew .r abe attea. of,-the tatlle· for tbe -aJId ult on th _timated '147,'J90,OOO barrell, Tei~ hourL In tbe case" .orca . ...~ e as alsO leacl. In reHrve. wtth '11,- ......1n"lUe teiraJJa ~ ~ 1r~1 lIDes• .D1IriIIr W. campalID. tile IirlIt ated pontoon causeway, spa oaU.y the DaY)'·. Seabeea &0 aid In b.......... WC:!=~ ~_W;:m ,~r;,a~c':; ~.!~I~ =~tha, Bed. 8711,480,000. or ba1f tb~ totaL Hext In "bid ~d ..... rocPta were ued. boab rocket. aDd ~"""le adcIJUoaal sappUes ashore darln.. &be -- .,.-"'YU"'_ ""-_ lID. a. ' ......_aa, ......... ou""" ... IaaIIcItIen "en In mliClll &be lUIIe maDller dIat maclaiu - .~ bour' .... -_.. .-all . ted • 6 oeJda apInat GermaD .-me.. III · ~:=~I 81i,m,ooo barrela and reserve. U& . A''''· ~. recke ... ' aN mllVed Ineo • _ _ ........... ea....e.I ... --. .... Invad.. .f the PldUppbIe ........ 8eabeft allo iallt aIr8eJd.. an boUr booat to .PNHI'ft ~t tile 8aDICI of EoaW. aDd 8....... 811'":1100. . IIaa& ....7 . . aet a aoIId IaMetnm wIdcJa eo be &red. poJrapJdcal aDd job dUhreDtWL vwwo_




D. O.

PLANS FOR PAOIFIO WAR It bas aD been kept very bUlbhush, but top anny offici all have made a vitally tmportant declsion on war production after German:f·' defed. Original war production schedulu called for a 40 per cent cutback after Germany caves In, permittln, a vast reconversion program and the early production of automobUe •• refrigerators, radios and other good •. However, the army plus WPBig. will have now decld.e d to keep the war machine rolllng tull tilt, not cutting back any but a few Items until Japan 11 defeated. Behind lbe "Ital decision II aD Important new plan to . speed vlct.ory In lbe . PaclOc. Oonft. "entlal war department II1Irvey' disclosed that 1& woald take over ,. )'ear &0 retam European veteraDa, &ocelber with their equipmeut, inuch of It reared for winter ralber thaD tropical .O,bUD,. AWed ablpplnr sbo.r tares would make It a 10DI' job to crate, IIOri. repair and r~ ship heavy equipmeut from the Atlantlo to &he Paolflc. In addition, the army survey dis· closed that a lot of European equJ~ ment will be obsolete for Pacific tightlng; would have to be rebuilt, taking valuable time. Instead, the new plan calls for bringing the men back at once, issuIng the,m new equipment specifically designed for Far Eastern combat Later, the army will bring back. overse8ll war gear and use it for Pacltic replace· ments. This sbould speed final biowl agal!lSL Japan, and shorten the Far Eastern war by many months. As a result, 11145 production 'cbedules will probably be . a billion dol· IUgber than those ,of llK4. The ctepittu'n!lit; Wtil tfa'iF i II of telegrams two feet high cancel· ing wa.r cODtracts to be sen~ out the day Germany Is licked, has now culled throu&h them and may only canc~l a few dozen orders. MacABTBUR AND MARINES The boys in the Pacific iong have known about the rivalry between General MacArthur and the V. S. navy. Many are ilie wisecracks about MacArthur and the V. S. marines, land army of the navy. How· ever. In only one case so far as Is known, ha5 MacArthur ever come up against one of these jokes face to tace. It happened on one ot the PhWppIne Islands a few days after it was taken and when MacArthur W81 In· spectlng a battery of marine artll. ,iery. Solemnly, he palle!i from run to gun. making no comment. , ~en suddenly a. be came to one gun, he turned 00 ' the marine lieutenant in command and let loo.e the moat terrific dressing-down that officer ever had riceived. ¥iii~~~aiii~Hwi~th expletive•• . .toad bewildered. The gun was ' carefulbr poUshed. Everything was In place. Then be looked a little closer. Be· side the gun an enlisted man bad placed a sign. It read: "With ,t he help 01 God ad . • few marmes. · MacArllaur retakH the PhIIl~ plnell:' The lleutenant thouaht at tirsUhat he would be busted. But several days passed and nothing happened. He is now back In the United States , and the ItOry can be told. INSURANCE LOBBY The Insurance lobby Is beaded for trouble regarding itl bill to exempt Insurance companies from the Sher· man anti·trust acl If the lobbyists aren't careful they will let a White House vetO. The bill passed the senate In a form which met with all·round approval. But In the house, the In· · surance lobby sharpened Its ax and quJetly tacked on some amendments which will not be acceptable either to the White House or, probably. to a majority 01 the senate. Chief ef· fect of the amendments was to make it impOssible to revive the anti·trust act regarding Insurance companies. without a Ipeclal act of ' congress. ' Fair-minded ' Senator O'MahOney' of Wyoming, who was quite wlUina to gIve the insUrance companies • reasonable compromise, . will tight ' this extra grab to tbe end. So will a great many ot his co!leag,ues. .


Marines Use Lahd Based Rockets






.. ......-&U....



Seven League Boots






• • •




OAPITAL OIJAPF 41. Gener\ll Franco's controlled Span· Isb presa bas , been uslD. 'the , sam, propaganda Une as Hitler re,arct- . the 'rec;ent Big Thre8'lIoriference. «Despite the fact that ,Amertcu diplOmatic relations with Llthu. anla bang by a thread, the Lith... dele,at.1cm celebrafed LltINwan Inclepe1ldance Da7 after • the ~ 'l'IIree conferel\ce.





CIRCLE P.4TTERNS War SurpIUS Property 0 f -103 BI-Il-IOn SEWING B F £ All 0 DoIIars.W-II B.e M d- A' -I hI . P bI- I utton- ront or ccaSlons 1 . a e val a ·.e to .U Ie ~gerie'to Charm Young Miss

1297 6-.4 rn.

Some Goods Earmarked For Farmers, Balance to Enler Trade Chann'els

Assistant Secretary MacLeish .Resolved to Inform People of United Nations Dicker" Ings; Plans to Oevel.op Public Interest.

By WALTER A. SHEAD WNV Wa. bJD~I.D C.. rr~.p.n.enl.

Rel"al ed by Wu tern Ne ws pa per Union.

WASHINGTON, D. ' C.-Approxi. mately a half billion dollars worth of consumer good's from surplus wa.1 By BAUKHAGE be oftered for sale duro Itocks 1Vetll~ Analy'f 4IId Commentator. Ing the coming year through the WN1J Service, Unloa Trait Batldln" There wID be other forms of pub. medium of the procurement divi· llcity through the press and radio sion ot the United States treas· Washln,r ton, D. O. sources I By th e Ume these lines are in .pr I nt and a movi-c picturac projectinll th- ury, according to reliable I tory ot the United Nations lome 20 here. the biggest pubUcity JOQ for the big· ,elt Institution the ' world bas ever years Into the future, showing how Treasury procurement, however, 'planned will probably have been It I. hoped that the organization will la only one of slxgovernmentalagen· launched by the heretofore least Ot Into lbe world ot tomorrow. des involved In the sale of surplus war properUes, so the total may run publicity minded department of C ommunicCltion. to double tHat sum. The other agen· the government- the .tate depart. ment. It is a "build up" tor the Broaden Intere.t cies are Reconstruction Finance cor· meeting of the United Nations to be By the time the San Francisco poratlon and Its subsidiaries, han· beld in San Francisco. April 25. meeting begi~ Its deliberation. dUng capital goods. lands and war I am writing thil a few mlnutN It would be fair to assume that the plants; War Food administration, lifter returJling trom the office of the general public will bave beard lelling food and foodstuffs; the man who II plannin, the program, enough about Its purpose to bave Maritime commission, handllnlJ all t\tc;h1bald MacLelsh. assistant sec. considerable curiosity concerning marine equipment; the army and retary of Itate. what goes on at the negotiations. In navy, of materials abroad The location II tournaUsticaUy fa· other words, It will become "must" and certain small.tutr here at home: blWar to me and It Uea nearby. Only new. and prell and radio wlU bam. aad the Federal Housing admlnlll' one block, then acroll Lafayette mer loudly on any door. that are tration, which w1l1 bandle sale of park, acro.s Pennllylvanla avenue cloud too long. Mr. MacLelsh'. lovernment.owned housing projects. and then alon, almost another theorle. will have an excellent opo Estimates are Uta, the ' total block of to-me very famillar mar· portunlty for a very thorougb teat. po~Ual valae rplns war bJe corridor. I , bave . had 'many U the doora don't open be will be propetUn wtD rllD approdIIltervlews In that ancient, Impre.· decidedly on the spot. mately lOS bUUolIS of ao~lara, or .Ive rococco .tate d,epartment build· The realon he IJulsts on thil bold. more thaD the ...... lalee of lng, but never one In which a memo frontal attack on the "opeD COV. Sean, &oeback ~ company for ber of the .taid and conservative enants" probl~m II becauae be be- a hundred yeara at their prNeDt lnatttutlon ituck bls neck out farther lievea the world la confronted with annual rate of .alea. , and with sucb ab.ndon. MacLelah a condition and not a theory. Dur~s th.e first IIx monthl war b the father of the plan I mentioned "Modern electrical communlca. propertlel have been on sale, only -the plan to ten the counb7, by Uon," be la,1. "hal In fact created $155.184,000 wal reaUzed out of a ~eana of every avaUable pubUclz. the Parliament of Man about which total declared surplus valued at lag medium, what the International TennYlon dreamed" fD88,OOO,OOO. From thll fact It can ptherma on the Paclftc coalt b aU " . readily be seen that lalel must be about. It la posalble to dlilike the Par· Itepped up considerably If the ,ov. AIIlItant Secretary MacLe11b bal ~ment . of maD," he explalnl. amment II to realize a hllb perannounced .. bla creed. ."no for- 'There are thoae who do dilUke It- centage of the appralled value of the ella poUcy can succeed In the,e da1-' :bO would like to return to the old property. Of the amount already unleaa It b.. the full undentandlna Yltem of forelp re1atloDl conduct.- sold, recelpts were approximately 711 and support of 'the people." eel exclullveb' through the cbance1- per cent Of appraised value lerle. lD .ecret codea. But It ·ll 1m. For this rea!;()n treasury ~rocureSet. Sfall. lor pomble to Ipore that the Parlla· ment wblcb win handle about 60 0".,. C017enanf. meat of Man II now convened In per ~ent of the total declared lur. To put hli worda Into deedl be CODUnUOUli lenloD, ~anb ~ pubUo plus I. pla~s increased activity baa planned a prolfam whlcb will channell of communlcationl, without dur~, the coming ftaca) ,ear and Bet the stage at San Francisco for rule. of order, UmitatioDl of de- Is now asking an appropriation of , '''open covenants 0 - -1 - arrived at," bate, or prtvUel" of the boUle and _"" 750 000 to vlrtuall double Its --., , ' tl!ose wbo retuae to take account of'-' • y that, theory, 10 .noble in ttl concep.. Itl proceedlna. may wake and find present perlonnel of about 5.000 em.· ·tton, Wbicll Woodrow WUaon pro- that those proceedln,s bave taken ployees In Its 11 rellon~1 officel claimed but toun!! hlmIelf \mabIe to Doaceount of them." throughout the country. put Into effect wben it came to ·for. ThIs lurplus material will cover • .,. dalta. MacLel.ah baa lone aU Ot courlle, the pr..1 baa been every conceivable Item of goods and the way out on a Tel')' tenuOUli limb Ilibt~1 to achleve jUit auch a klnd of commodities from small hardware aDd he ~e. wliere It will leave free newl sources al MacLelsh II Item I to defense plants 'and 'ab1phim If Ole meetIDIln San Frmclico . ta1k1DI about. They almolt had to y'ard.. It milll be . borne In sn1D.d, crawls Into a cavern of .ecrecy and puah back bayoneti to let ~th1D however, that the government II not pull,i the cavern In afte~ It. d~tance of the internatlon; lD the retail businesl and the gen.· "ForelJll reliltlolll" are tradi. Jl.Oed coilterence at Hot Sprinl. eral public II not eligible to purtlonaJl:J est.bllabed and carried ' on wblch produced UNRRA; the,. have chase this stock direct. by Cllplomati.b wbo are tra fo Ucgbet and occasionally won, tor I Fannera to Oet. Break. 'work lD the dark. LIke mule. bI l ' , of the cenlorship on war . Intent of the law governing salel at ~el, 'they probably would not be Dews, But I attended ,a luncheon lurplus properties Is that farmera :a~le to aee the mOlt perauallve ar· not Ions ago wben MacLeish out. are to get at least an even break In .awnent It it were illaplayed In the lined hil theories and I law more opportunities to buy ' these com. U....t of pita A_A It ,thaD one mouth go down In cynical modltles which are In demand and ' ... eal putiU c 1-.~........ .. doubt of bla po Ibl ~eeJy admitt~ It would be hllblY II e succels. . applicable to tarm usage. In ~ome 1mpractical to carry on aU intema· He Is aware of thil feellng, aware cases farmers are given preference. ttona! relation. In front of a new~ of the pressure 9f tradition, and of For InlltaDce the Defense Plant, cor. reel camera and in earshot of prells, babit, but he Intend. to 10 poratlon. a subsidiary of RFC" baa and radio. One doean't wash one'. And one thin, that givel hlm more held several auctions for the par. Uneo; soUed or otherwtle, In public aid and co~rt ~an anything elae ttcular benelit of farmers, of. com. and the board of directors doem't II the wldelpread and bappy adma- modltlel left over after war plant meet III the preleDce at the . • tock· lion that the report .on the Yalta conltruction. This prop"",ty Included hqtden. . conference wa. 10 mucb more frank hoes, shovels, spades, paint, con. I But MacLeilb believe. there can aod detalled than anybody bad .tructlon hardware afad other Item •. be • compromlJe and he U loin, to dared hope. Treanry procurement, too, rille the unpleasant . reacUoD that Perbapi MacLelsh'1 neck II not bold. IIOme direct aaoUou of mlabt take plAce If It falll, He t. o~t, too <far, dter all. , UTeetocic, ncll as bor... iuaa lOinI to wilt ·that the dignl!ed aDd One of the Ifeatelt cWIlculttea males for beadt of 'armen, bat dbcreet state Cjlepartment Ule up- which any lovernmental 1n.t1tutlon otherwlae ~ commodities are to-the-mlnute pre.. a,ent , method. meets ~decldJDl 011 ,a cour.. of aolll throa.h boU fide deale~ to prepare the people for the San actton whlcb 'donn't bave to be IUb- Ally dealer, including ' farm coopo I'raDcfleo meeting. And then. If the mltted to aD actual vote either of eratlvea, bardware storel, ,en. meetlnJ lOll underground on them the. people or of conlrell, II an ~~'!: I ·:~al .tore., graln .elevators, b eUgl. It Will Just be too lJad, M a l:4lllUllL.f,*HIo-judje pabltc opinion. e to bid on any of the .commodiI8YI. quently, the tendency u "wben III tiel offered fO.r sale In bl. region. The pubUc 1,1 already keenly In· doubt leave out." Twice each week treasury procureterolted. Hundredl ~ organlzationl The armv pursued that pollcv In ment sends out a pubUcatlon called bave be.le,ed the department w i t h . . " I queltiona, demands for material for resard to the acceptance of Nelfq the "Surplus Reporter" from eacb of debate and dllcusslon, explanatiOn, nursea tor a Ion; time. Finally, el.1the 11 regional offices Usting Item. Interpretation. Schoob, churches, ther by toi:ce of necesllty or lood to be up tor lale, method of lale, labor uDIon•• bUIIlne .. assocJationl guessing, It ruled that Negro nurse. 1 etc. Dealers can readily be placed aU' want information on wbat really were eU,ible. A few weekll later ' on the mailing Ust by writing to bappened at Dumbarton OBkl, Te- along came the resulb ot a poll tak· the nearest procurement omce in beran, Yalta-and what'. next. en by the National Oplnl'on Research their territory. Procurement otDcel With a pretty 100d Idea of what Center of the University of Denver- are In the foUowlng cities: the public wants to know the state ia nonpartisan, noncommerc'i al or- Region I-Boston; covering Malne, ~epartment , ls preparln, a set of out. ,antzation whOse reputation Is high Massachusetts, New Hampsblre, llnea on IUcb topics 88: "War: bow among the professlonai poll·takers. Rhode Island and Vermont. can we prevent It?"(the main purIt confirmed the army'. judgment Region 2 - New Yor~, Empire , pos~ ot the , UN) "Prosperity: how by revealing that the majority of State buUdlng; covering Pennsyl. can we attain It?" (that takell In the those white. clvUlan adults, men and vania,. New York and New .Jersey. economic pillDl such as the mone- women, young and old, rich and Region 3 .:.. ~ashlngton, D. C.tary program agreed upon at Bret. poor, In cities, tOWtUI and rural Covering Delaware. Maryland and ton Woods. the function of the pro- areas, Questioned, said "ye." tQ the North CaroUna and Virginia. . polled International economic coun. followin, Question: Region 4-Cinclnnatl: covering In· cll, credit tor reconstruction . ..) "U you were IIlck in a hospital, dla~a, Kentucky. Oblo and West Vir· Aiuither topiC, "Social Progress: would It be all right with you If you glnla. bow can we work tor it1" will ex. had a negro nurse, or WOuldD'l you Region 5-Chlcago, 209 N. LaSalle plaln , the . various programs for like It?" street, covering Illinois. Mlchlgan, bealth · aDd education wblcb have The majority~7 per cent said Minnesota, North Dakota, South been dJacuaaed bere and elsewhere. "yes," 1 per cent wall "undecided." Dakota and Wisconsin. There are other docwnenta Includ. Of the "yessers." S per cent said If , Region 6-Atlanta; covering Ala· ln1r a abort explanation in simple they bad a choice, they would take barna, Florida, Georgia, MlsBiBSlplanguage of eXactly what was agreed a white woman. Only • out ot 10 pi, South CaroUna and Tennessee. uPOn at 'Dumbanon Oakl and II ' to southerners said "yes." Which seems Region 7-Fllrt Worth; covering be dlacUiled at the San Francisco strange since 10 many of them bad Arkansas, Louisiana. Oklahoma and m~tIn'.. · "mammies." Texas. Region 8-Kansas City, Mo.: cov·



0' ••




...,.'*' ......,...,. ...


ering Jowa, Kansa:s, Missouri and Nellraska. Rellon 9-Denver; covering Colorado, New Mexico. Utah and Wyoming. Region IG-San Francisco, SO Van Nea.. avenue. coverlnl Arizona, CaU· fornla and Nevada. Relion U--Seattle. 200:5 Fifth avenue. coverln, Idaho, Oregon, Mon· tana and Washlnaton. Laree AlIOrioaeDt Olven. In advertising the products tor sale treaaury groUPI them under ellbt seneral beadl al follows : furniture, seneral products, macbinery, automaUve, paper and offtce supplle., medical and lIurginl•• textiles and wearinl apparel, and hardware. Furnlture may InC'lude mattresses, bedsprin,., bousehClld furniture, to olnce, Ibop, beauty parlor, barbershop. tablel, .tools and numeroUi other turnlture sup"Uell. General product. ma~ Include aaythlne from Ill,.. anhnata, lam,., water cCHIlen, UlhtID, Ibmarn, phoMpaphle eoods, atorare batteries I&Dd thoUlalltb of other Item.. ' Machinery may Include powered truckl, traeton, agricultural rna· chlnery and implements. farm traDers, tarm service Urea, wagons, dairymen'., poulterers' aM aplar· lilts' luppUes. AutOmotive includes all lorts of motor vehlclell and truck II, automo-

8arphu arm,. li!aUresaea. bUe part, and accessories. tire., motorcycles and olber automotive equipment. . One of the lar,est Itocks II aurll· cal and medical eqllllpment Includ· ing drugs. • TextUel and wenrinl apparel may Include IIhoes, rubber goods, shirts, raincoats, sleepinl bagl, glove., cots, pins, needles and dozeDl of other articles. Other Items Include thousands of hardwille articlea aucli as kitchen suppUes, wire, acreena, nalla, wheelbarrows, pushcarts, saddles, tableware, jewelry, musical Instru· Itlents, smaU arms Ilmmunition and otherl. ' These lists merely give an idea of the thousands of different com· moditlel which will be offered tor iale on bldl - and · Important ' to know-bids under celling prices which have been ftxed by the OPA. On lome occuioDl OPA has not fixed a celling until after the artl· cles have been 80ld, so what happens then the treasll17 doesn't know. Even doC., hlned In warfare, carrier pleeon. and monkey. have been sold a. surplns war property. A larre number ot monkeYII bave beelD .old to aoo. dter they have been used b, the abo corplI .. tea' aUltude In compressloa tanlm. Throueb the.e testl lhe Uvell of ·thousands of oor aviators have been aav,ed. Some of the objectives of the regu.Iatloos governing tine s&:le of thlI tremeadoUi volume of aurplUl war


lIold as surplus.

property as set out by the war properUes board seek to foster wide distribution of surplus commodlUe. to consumers at fair pricell; to achieve prompt and full utilization of the property with due regard tor the protecUon of free markets; to prevent dislocation of prices from uncontrolled dwnplng; to avoid dia· locations of the domeatlc econom1; to encourage and toster postwar emplo)lDlent opportunities; to assure the sale of surplul property in such Quantltltes and on such terms as will discourage disPosal to specula. tori or for lpeculatlve purposel; to prevent Insofar · as possible unusual and excessive proftts and to afford returnln, veterana an opportunity to estabUsh themselves al proprietorl of agricultural buslnellsel. ThIll last objective brinls up the regulations regardinl tha lale of landa by the RFC. AU government owned land whlcb b declared sur· plu. will be offered for sale to the orillnal owner, from whom It WII purchalled by the government at the price paid. U sale Is not then made, It II offered to belrl or .. ligna. Then the property II divided into tamlly lized plots and war vetera.. are ,Iven preterence aa buyers. Thul farmers will have an opportunity to buy back their land aDd It they do not, war veteranl are given preterence. Althougb mucb of thiI land Is farm land" bundreds of acres are Included In lIuburban plots near or adjacent to citie. and towns. Bow Farmen Can Act. Proced.u re for farmerl to obtain a mWtary vehicle, elthe~ truck ' or 'automoblle II as followl.: Make apo pUcatIon to your loeal triple A of· ftce. The farm transportation com·

SUp and PanUe Set, .

HERE is a sUp and pantie set to make sister feel quite grown up. The sUp has built-up shoul~ ders and is slightly fitted for smoothness under dresses. Dainty lace edging Is a pretty touch.


by Baukhage

. ..

Surplus ..Planes .Also ClvWans wbo have! be!,n su1!erlng ;. trom gz:owing pllJllls around the shoUlder blades mllY . liow permit their wings to be,lD .proutln" And i\' I . with the' bllelBml of the United Statel govermment, 'through Ita altmc;y. the OivU Aer.o nautics· ad· min1l1tration. · It. is DC)W In the proc· elll of unloildlDg 'al~proxliJiatel7, a milllOD aurplul aJrPlane. for which 'It II IDdInI clvWau buyen. '!'beae are being Unloaded 1I:arouib auctlou held at ellbt relloaill' deel ev~



12, 14, It1. 18, 20: 40 and 42. Sue U. shorl s leeves, requires 3~~ yards of 39·tDcb rna· terial.


olnces > a re authorized to issue let. terl of certiflcation to essential userll. After the certUlcate of need bu been obtained sales must be negotiated through a dealer who has purchased the vehicles frQm procurement. No truckll. autos or other vehicles will be sold direct to conllumers. Thez:e hall been some complaint from farmerll about the indirect method of purchase, but the procedure outline Is about as direct al possible under the regula~ions. A trlp through the sample room 01 the treallury procurement dlvI· lion In Wasblnrton Is a revelation. It'l the most amazing coUection at commodltlel Imaginable: overalls, khaki IblrtI, fteece-lined .leeplng tents 'and blanket., rubber Uteboatl for live people; rubber and leather oversboes;. nurses' Ihoes; tarpau· Una, all·.teel tool boxes, table ware, kltehen ware of aU descriptions; medical suppUes; Bur,ical and dentallnstruments; Inow shoel, jungle knives, lmltatlan rifles; hardware of aU descriptions, lucb as nuts. bolts, chalna. hooks, and metal gadgets; laddies, lignal llghtll, ftalbllghtl, lpotllghts, ' all••~eel boxes wblch would be suitable tor mailboxes or tor locklng away valuable papera; all·rubber sulb; woolen mlttenl, leather gloves, photograpbers' suppUes, even cameraa. PatenUy, It b 1IP .. the dealen ba the 15,000 amaU to_ ol 5,000 or under popu)atloD tbrouebout the country, It farmen are to be able to buy thlll aurplaa .war property. TIle dealer wbo b alert and watcbel for the aale. dates may be able to lay III a Itock of com· modltles. Farm Cooperatives · partlcularl" wbo deal In mOllt everythlne the farmer aeed., mlehl weD be able &0 atock up OD lIarplua commodltlel ., price. wblcb woald be favorable to their caltomen or membera. In an dort to further Inform these dealerl about prospective lales and commodities for sales, the procurement officell In each reo gion notify newspapers of an 1m· pending sale througb intermittent releases. .

'Avail~le ' to

Button-FrDDt Frock. POISED and charming after· noon frock to wear shopping, church functions, and on all occasi.o ns when you want to your nicest. It will be lovely pastel crepes, alloveP scroll or in striped cottOD for day.

Pattern No. U87 Is des igned tor size.


ibe IUpPI1' of I German ' wines The WPB offerl to help out farm. . bal bMn reduced' 37 per cent. That era wb:o need, lumber for 'emergency IIUl7 be JUit propa,aoda to keep the maintenance and repalf. And they O.L. _'.of the ·countr)<. need It thelle daYI when. all, y!N . out . can let off the old block 15 a chlp. . Tbe N.... · .a, &bet Matlbal Haln, ' DOW ln ~a IOIIthem~ In a llttre over one week In FebrutD1ID, d1apll,. ~'an l!ndimIDI.b~ Br7, 488 .appllcations to ' bold con~ of miDd." but prob.b1)o too veatiODl Were turned down by ·ODT. . 10 l,eap back into J'renCh ~ bow the war haa made &bel ~. ' ' . C01IDir7 Wlconvent!onal.


A taree namber of borses are


Monday. An avera,e of 110 pla~b are dlatrlbuted to eaCh . office and I total 01 tOO a week . are GndJD, their way- .lnto the be,n d. of bappy ownerl thro\llb eomp~l:1ve blddhi,. ' The airplanes thUi .old are, tho~" whlcb have' been u.ed ~ training ~rs and c~vUlan flljht Icbools iii ' wblch arm, llYer. · bave ~ traloed. A llItlDg of the plane. on ,Iale b maUed tel' aD who req~eat to be DOWl~ancl the.. invltationl to bill nit the tnJe of airplane.



Weather strlppinr doors of closets and cupboards will keep out dust, -e-

When Uquld Ilae has hardened so that it is unfit for use, try soft· ening it with some hot vinegar, 'a little at a time, Dampened sandpaper will ra. hair from auto seats. Simply the sandpaper over the and the hair rolls up. . -eUlle bran to cleau your, fur col· lar. Warm the bran and rub it into the fur. After several hours, brush it out and shake fur genily. -e-

Bast. with dark thread on light materials and light thread on dark. The lines will be easier to follow.

.- .

Pattern No. 1291 is designed for IIIzeI " II, 10, 11 and 1. year.. Size 8. .Up. ~ qulrft yard. of 3D or 39·lncb material; psnUel, 1~ yard; .~~ )'ards lie. to trim th••et.


SEWING CIRCLE PATrBRN DBPT. UO lOath Wen. Bt. Cblca,o Enclose 211 cents In colnI for eaell

pattem desired. Pattern No................. Size. : ••••

Name .••••••••••••••••••••••• tl ' 0 ' •• ' AcIclreIa ••••••••••••••••••••• ~ • • • • •• . '

University City in Paris University City, located in Pam, a .unique housing development completed in 1939, 'consists of nearly 30 large dormitories which were built and are operated by foundations in some 20 countries. so that students from these law may live together in a famUiar atmosphere while attending college there, says Collier's. The Maison Internationale, or main building open to all, has a library, gymnasiwn, pool, theater, restaurant, ballroom, post office and even a bank.


Secret Is Out t

It's no secret that Nu-Mald Mallo garine has a finer, churned·fresh flavor I Nu·Maid is the Tabl.. Grade Margarine . _ • made especially for use on the tablel-Adv"




W"ITR!2E~!!! •

Balanced double action. _• for positive action in the mixing bowl ••• for gratify. ing results the oven.





.....,....... ...............•.•••••• ~

~!i:~' '.' 'l'-'swiOAY ~ "HOAERNSS£~





•industry p.,.on.will,,_Dof .",.r.d la euulld Ipp/,. witbout . rlte. ment 01 .nil.blllr,. Itom ·, local Vnited St.te_ Emp/oym.DI S.,ylce.

AD" Mechanic< ElCper. for East Side coro ge: hourly rat£, plenty of; lIood pos tw n r future . .Lrdel"c ·. Sa lol" Service, 14111 E. 70tb, R A 1828. Clevel",,'. Oblo.

AGENTS WANTED WANTED In every community. both rur~ 1 ond cllY, to .eU line of household necesslU .. to her nelghbore. Our Une In.


eludes such seorce ltems o. cheese nnd

laundry loa p. LJbe r n l comm1Bllon. Oenera) Producl. Comp.n)' 4U-31. Alban),. Georda.

8.YCLARK MCMEEKI'N THE STORY TBUS FAR: DOD It beartbrokell wbell . be

Lark Sban. learn. that ftr beloved bone. Hadoc. II to be lold, but can do "olblnC about It. Der rather, Rector Sbannon, bOWD .. the "Rldlol Pauon." bad recenUy come Jolllnl borne 10 a pony earl, dead. Bethel Norlb, nearut nel,bbor to the Sbannool. "eld • note aralnlt Rector 8b.aonoo. and the laic of Ibe bone, sbe ..Id. would clear Ibe alKe. Lark. 1I0W 18. teJla Reibel Ibe II piunllll to leave EDlland for Amer· lea. to marry DavId North, Bethel" .0". " few day. later D.vld arrives from America and Lark roe. to .ee blm, ".,. rer.. Belbel·. .hulbaad. olrers to Iteal .ome money from Belbel'. box Dnder tbe bed. to help Lark. .

BABY CHICKS II'ECIAL SALE lorlte type While LeMhorn cockerels chick. $3.00 for 100. To .. nlln. PODU."



Farm, DOl[ 0,, IUclll,.a..

Lark's heart was thudding in slow. heavy, pounding beats. CATTLE "I'm troubled David frowned. Red Poll Dulla. all alt ••. Championship about taking you on the 10Dg voyage b)oodlineH. TB . Banda leated. Relll.lered. Carroecredlted an' Collins. Worll.llle. IU. over. . . . Norfolk Is a g rea t town for gossiP. and J would not want to CITRUS FRUIT ~::~."YOu In any way not right.


"Oh, you wouldn't! I know that. David." He shook his head impatiently. "You know nothing of loose tongues. bere In this back·water. . . . It A bushcl of delicloul In.. ripened dtrw might be-just might be the best for fruit. contalnintr bolb oran.... and crape· fruit wmtho ramoua MucyFIOrkIa Grov.., you to marry me, Lark. I mWlt direct to you, eapr_ prepaid. for '4.50. think about It." Ma~ orders ,oUciled. Fruit piclled dally and ahippe<l to you by rut ex.,..... "I don't want you to marry me. Deaaipllve booklet and.Pr1ce lilt of van· David. 1-" out Ii ... pack'lfae:klent free. R. fereDa!: Tropical Sl4le ,SebriDl. F1onda. "You will have to leave declslonl Frl .. Co GUIGNAItD MAlleY's QIIOWS · Uke that to me." David said stemly. . .1H1ot.. FIortda "I must judlle what i, right and best." "All right. David." DEALERS WANTED "Don't you want to marry me. DEALERS: Be the first In your community Lark? I thought- But you act-" to eell Tron$-PID8t1c. Ihe miracle liquid "Ob, David. no girl wants a man plaltta ftnll" . Excellent prOfits. Sec aclual aamlllH. Write TRANS·PLASTIC SALES to-to marry her-If be doesn't love CO .•80.1.',. ror S."'lI,a, O. ber very mucb. I couldn't bear a thing Uke that. David." "I have laid I was fond at ;you." FARMS '!'hey could bear Jaggen coming FOR SALE- nO aeres. amnII. fnlr hOll ..... down the ltain. "I think It would new bam . 30 Ber.,. !{ood bottom. 100.000 ft. timber, DOUltry ond brooder houl". mall be natural. even seemly. Lark. for and .cnool bus roule. price '1800. ,.OU to-for me to kill you. Lark. .. " Free form lilt. W1~D GROVER • G.lIIpoU •• 0"10. Warm, quick with love. Lark Utted ber faee to David, ber Up. tremulous against hla, firm Itraigbt She PLANTS opened her arm. to him, drew her· ITRAWIIERRY WrIte for Price Llal. PLANTII ANNA 8TRAW- IeU Into hia arm.. clin'gwg to ... ....... BIlKKY NURSERY, ANNA, ILLINOIS. lovl1lg1y, her eyel luddenly brim· mlng over. ''There, there," David laid. POULTRY '''l'bere. now. Lark." HEBE IS YOUR CHANCE to !lot the faJaggers tiptoed In looking knowing mous Townlloe R. O. P. breeding In your IAlborn. Borred aod White Rock chld.s at and plealed. "Bethel forgot her key· ordlnDIIY botchery prlc".. AIIO Mlnorea· ring," he said. "I baven't seen the Lecborn Cross with Townlln. Lellhom I)reedlnl. Write for Free eduClntlonDI call>· Inllide of that box for years. Shf!', lOll Ulustratlult Townllne breedIng. T..... 1I0t a sight of money. I found my U•• P.allrr Far... 1I01UOW.Z •• IIlad. IIlcb. own old money b~lt. I wore It in /.merlca. ,lill lUIed with my RADIO ·TUBES bounty money. my money. There'l &04.010 JUDES REBUILT-We .upply you no question of takln, from Bethel. any type Radio Tube. Send old tUbe. un· because it Is my own money. Lark. brokenl_~1tb It. BROOKS RADIO !lERV. ICE, 1 _ Norlb •• In. Bo ••'.n 8. 1'...... and I give It to you." David lett on the day of bis arrival. to see to the Cargoe Riske SOYBEANS aftairs. He was to meet Lark on EDIBLE SOYBEANS. Boneel vorlety.Hllh the Tempora at the Liverpool quay. lermlnal1on. QWlJItlUea up to a carlood. Samples 10 .eed III'ma only . It was hard for Lark to belleve In •• C. I!IARTIN - OKI\VJLLE' OBIO. hil ever bavlng been In this 'bouse, to know she wai set to go. even to call up Davld's face,'clearly, In her WANTED TO BU:V mind. No word had come from David Ilnce the Sunday visit. and Lark. pacldn, and repacldn, her thing •• wondered If th.e re was any lIubstance. any possible realJtY to this Three-Octave Voice plan for her going. for her going with David. David North. to marThe most remarkable soprano ry him in the new country. to meet voice ever, known was that of Lu· 'h1I friends the fine Mistres, Hast· creua Agujari (1743-1783), an Ital· In,s. the ;enUemen tPf the Cargae ian operatic star. She had a three- Rlskel perhaPI. • • • Lark wasn't octave range above middle C, or sure whether or not David bad actu· an octave more than the average ally proposed to her. and yet IIhe aoprano. certainly remembered bit ,ayin,. "Maybe' it would be beit for you to marry me. . . ." She held ftiml:v to that, tried not to think. . . . Lark c]ond and Inapped the Uttle l~ather trunk that bad been ber mother·s. She laid; "Bethel, you've been cbaritable to me .. and I want you to haye the thir\gs I'm leaving -my furniture. and-" Lark thought, I really am going. David will be at .the ship• . . • And Bethel. atter 8ayln, she didn't lalow wbat Wle Lark'i oddmentll wouid be to ber. broke Into one at her At. of remorse. "You don;i leave this house .. Lark Shannon. - without bein, married ...... 41" .. nN.. tight and proper to David. A mar· Oatr. fl........ Dr. riage knot is a thing to hold to. DRAQ'S fo _ _ 'O-Y_hI DOW. What's to keep David from .....1.. ,,.,.,... ei,Melolll' forgettin, aU about you. In that aav· fw cltl............Ic._ ..lief ., age America country, He'l ,at • ,., ...; .... At , .., '''' head full of buslnels now, alwaYII hal had. It·s a pellllY here, and a pound there, and that's what he', thinking about." "He gets that ta1r enough," JagWNU.:..:.;:..=..-.:.B=-_________9-45__ gers, nervous as a letting hen these ..: days. lpoke up. "From you. Bethel. You be thrifty." Jaggers Btood sUently by• . during thele tarewell threats and tirades of Bethel's. But be thought about them. Be and Lark had barely started their drive to Llverpbol In the hired trap. '·M.,. Wuu of DllOrdere.l wben he said, "B\!thel dO,bave lome Kidney Action rlgbt to what Iha pointed out. Lark . Modem ur~ wltb I.. buriy and worry, . IIrrec ular hahlte, Improper eatlne ."CI David was ever full at busl1less. He drlnklo,-I .. rllk of.eZpl!lUre and Inf~1I Wal too busy to marry you proper, $loD...,...tbrowa b• •y atialh OD tbe ,.or eI u.e Jdcla.,., They .re .pt to boeom. at ,home. because of that Runny· Oftl'-laud anel , ..l to Illter u _ acid meade ship be wal searching. • , • ,&ad otbet' lmpurit'" r~m the 11fe:c'no, bioocL . • ,what I'm thlnklnll, is-well-" " , YOIl ma, wirer naplnl ba.Doha. "David will take' care of me. Oh, ....claeh.. 4IutD-. pl;ClDI liP nlsbll... '" pain&, ••fIIIbIHeel Jtg,er8. I'm 10 bappy, ,0-" atNd "orvo.......1 wom out; Otber &IIIII' Gf kI:ta.,. or bladd. d'-'reler are 10m.. ' . ''Maybe I ought to at let you. bu:t tim. btimlal, ¥&atr or too 'nQQD' :M8doc back with the boW)t,' mono .noat1o~ , ey," Jailer, 'swerved the trap to 'l'r7 Doo,,·. PIn.. DoG':_ h"poL~ pau a turnip cart ~lta way to mar· ......" to paaa oil hemiful 8 l I _ ....... TIl., """ .... more c\i.aa bait • ket. ''Maybe . )'ou'd oupt to of

2're. BI"...ed CITRUS FRUII

81., ..




•'DRAKE'S .{}lelSCO

That Na~~in~


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atQed ofe hen, UU-"

~ the ~ I couldn't haYe apt 1dII)," Lark . ''With 110

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I 'm set to go with David . . . . You were right. a little. I think, J aggers. David ls-J know be Is fond of me." For a long time Lark just' sot there on the deck at the Tempora, The ship's bells marked the hours. And still David did not come. She sl).lvered In the chill night wind and listlessly fastened ber coat more snugly about her. There was a great lot of running about and shouting of orders . Big Dan, the glapt with the golden beard· woo was 10 charge of the stevedores. rolled the final casks down Into the hold and sealed them with a vast sQUare at tarpaulin. Once or ' twice. In passing Lark. be flung out a joke at her but she turned her head away and dldn't answer hlm~ Presently dawn began to wash O)1t the lantern and the moon. Da· vid hadn·t · come . . . ' not yet . . . but there was sUll time. There was a stir and bustle on the quay below and Lark sprang to the deck·rail with all ber courage and bope renewed. A mlddle.aged man and a stylishly dressed young girl got out of a coach and came on board. They Ita red at Lark curiously as she turned and walked away from them, trying to hide the tears at disappoint. ment In her eyes. The gangway was being drawn up 'now under the direction of the mate. Lark came to him and laid her hand on his arm impulsively. "Couldn't we walt a Uttle longer • . . JUlt a 'few minutes? My friend. Mr. David North. has been delayed,

-:- L E S SON .:-

@ W. N . U.


lounge 'Where Mh~nle ~uxtree slceps with her bound -girls. (wish we'd . something better to after you." "I'll be comfortable there." Lark said easily. "I'd like to wash up belore breakfast." "You look worn out, my dear. It' s been a long ha.[·d night for you." ~link'lI ton.e was sympathetic as he led Lark through '8 passageway and pointed to a door marked "Women', Saloon and LoUnlte. " "You'll have to pass through there," he said. "Your cubicle opens off the big room." In re81?0nse to La rk' s thanks, Clink sold be'd see her at breakfast before long. His tone was cordial and distinctly hopefuL Entering the large salooD. Lark's searching glance took In a strange .cene. A smoke·grimed lamp burned pallidly In the dim morning light, .howing the recumbent figures of the dozen ,ieeplng women In the ham· mocks whlcb liOl~d the walls. Min. nie was Iqueezed In the central ham. mock. Above her a cross·stitcbed motto wall tacked to the wall. Lark paused to read it. .


B,. HAR OLD L. LUNDQUIST. D. D. The Moody BIllie lnstilule Chlellio. lIeleDud by Weltern Ne .....paper Union.



R at vim, vigor, Intrigue, gl1:ls wltb plenty and mls· ED·B~OODED

chlet in their makeup are about to supplant the long cycle at admirable women who have held the tore· ground In motion pictures tor the la st two years. And to Ernst LubUscb. who has created many vogues In tbe 30 years he has been In our business, goes credit for the initial venture In 1945.


ShorUy you will lee Tallulab Bank. bead In the red· blooded role of Cath· erine In Ernst Lubltscb's ' ,A Royal ScandaL" Catherine wall a c:haracter both In history books and the Lubitsch film.



.:1, :1 .:'

~ for COUGHS : due to COLDS o





Lesson for March 11


LeallOn subl.. ta ond Scr.pture toxU"'· leeled ond copyrlgh4ed by Internollonal Council of Religious Education; u.ed by ,,",rml •• lon. TOE COST OF DISCIPLESHIP

: : : :

LESSON TEXT- Matthew 19:16·2G. 19. : GOLDEN TEXT-U any man wUl come : atter me, let him deny hlm5elf. and toke : up hi. cross, and follow me.-Matthew 18 :U,

Gtr beloUi rht ,ar,le line wi th F ok F Cough LoJengea. Each F.t F, Lozenge gives your I.hroat & 15 mioute 6OOtbiDg, comforting treatment all !he way down. Millioll8 U!e them for coughs. throat irrita· tiODS or hoarseness resultin", [rom

: ':


:\ :

.~ •••:o!,!: .~~ :~~~.D.~.. ~~:~~!~ .~~: ..~

What you have Is not your own. In tact. If 10U are a Christian. both you and your possessions belong to God (see I Cor. 6:20; 7:23). To be His dIsciple Involves the recognition of the fact that life Is essentially a stewardship. holding our propert;y and our persona In trust for Him. The cost of discipleship II one which should be candidly faced. It Is far more than the cost at join. Ing a church or subscribing to a ueed. That may and otten does mean IJttle or nothing. but to be a her man. Her follower of Christ calls for thlnkin, "But who is this. what thing of sea tecbnlque ·wa. dI. and Uvlng In accordance with HIs or land.- . rect a. the arch. Itandards. We mustFemale of sex It seemser'. arrow. Her I. Think RIChl About God (vv. UI. That 10 bedeck·d. ornate, and gay. methods fell short 17). Comes this way salling of murder - . t The picture of this rich. Intelli· Like a lltately Ihlp" G ••• 1'1 ....,. least 10 far .. ,ent young marl. a leader In his Lark chuckled. Mlnnie's quota. . her Bcreen uedlt community. coming to Christ with tion wal so extremely apt. Her In thli one goes-although the bo,. hil ea,er quest for eternal life I. a amused eyes cauoitht those of a Just- who wrote the textbookl ,ave her most attractive one. He recognized awakened girl wbo was watcb!ng wider latitude. Jellus as a master In Israel and a her. Th1a girl wall more' refined· "Catherine might be Bald to re~ ,ood man. looking than the others, She mo· relent the wlsb dreams of aU wom. Hi, thlnkln, about our Lord did tloned for Lark to wal\ for ber aa en. especially the very reprelled not 'a far enough. and Jesus cor· she clJmbed down out of her ham· and quiet ones," laid Lubltsch with rected him at once. He pointed out mock and. openlnoil her portmanteau. that merry. nauebty twlnkle whicb that If he recognized Him al ,ood. took out a bit ot Boap and a linen S. AI much a part of hla trademark then He must be God. Far from towel. and pointed to the adjolnlnll AI hla bl, black cigar or bit tri.c k dlsc]alming dlvlnlty. Jesus declared wallhroom. With a nod Lark drew of maIdn, box office hits. bere that everyone who thinks rilht back the curtain be10re her cubi. about Him must agree that Be Ia cle, opened up hell' bag, and got out That BankAead Touch God. ----------ber own toilet alrtleles. Her nose "01 course. Hedda, Bankhead It is of the hlilhest Importance wrinkled faaUdiously In the airleas make. Catherine a Uttle more at- that the follower at Christ be clear .tuffy room. M()st of the bound tractive than IIJl3' other actress could that bls master til God. Otherwiae. IIlrls, she notic~, dldn·t even bave polllbl;y make ber. Because tba bl. attltu~e toward Blm wID refteet on nlgbt·robes but were lying in Bankhead Influence la a hillhly COD- hli defective viewpoint, alld hi. Of coune you remember them-their homespun shifts. half-covered ta,lou. thing, either on the .ta,. or wltnen concerning Him will lead the leeds you planted from a Ferry by the soiled blankets. In 8lms. every woman comea out men a.tray Inlltead, of aright. Cor. packet; the lU8cloua. ripe fruita; But the girl who bad preceded of the theater colored b;y the Bank. reet doctrine III vitally Important a. the mouth·waterini Baver of thOle ber into the washr'Jom was tresh and bead lnftuence." the foundation of real dlsclp]ellhlp. Crab aalada; the invitin& array of clean, and her dressing sacque had Since this III a day of action tor The one who think II rlllht about ama you put up for winter. a breath of country lavender caught women. with more fema]ea active God willFerry'ISeedllnreadyapintobelp in Ita newly Ironed folds. outside the borne than at an;y tim. D. Live RI,bl With Othera (vv. 18make your carden yield a maximum "Ky name'" Cletia." she whla. In American history. I can ••• 20) . ' of IUCC9I and enjoyme.n t. Have a pered. pouring wa ter Into the stone- where the Catherine type Is slniU' The commandments to which better iarden with Ferry'. Seeds• . ware bowl from. the crockery ju, larly timely. and I'll agree with that. Jesus referred were those which On ule at your favorite dealer. which stood on thE! shelf. We've bad a .pate of lalnts and sci· concerned a man's re]atlonship to .111Y.MOIIi SliD CO, "What a pretty name." Lark ,aid entists. from JeDDifer JOD" In "The his fellow man. There il to be no DWelt II and introduced he'r selL Song of Bernadette" to· Greer Gar- violence to another person, no de· "The only .tbUt1l 1 know. much IIOJl In "Madame Curie." We've bad celt or trickery. no cUsl)onorin, of about la sewiD" ". Clella collided. cozy Mrs. M1ntver and noble. stron,. conftdence. but an active Interellt "I'm ,olng, over .BI an apprentice bearted wives Uke Claudetle Oolbert and love for one'. neighbor al well to a mantua maker in Pbiladel· In "Since You Went Away." We've a. one'lI family. phia." had Maria VeroDica In "The Keys of The disciple of Christ cannot e!Lark smiled at her companion· the Kingdom" and Ireue DODDe'. fectlvely serve Him In tbls world ably. She felt as If, a ire ad;y. she two characterizations of admirable without a proper attitude toward had found a friend. She bummed w.o men in ''The White ClIftIl of others. He must not sin against happUy aa she unfastened the UtUe Dover" and "A Guy , Named Joe." them, that Is clear; but what II sUver Scotcb broo(:h from the rum· And as the motion picture I.n dultry more, he must be known as one who pled frill at her neck and laid it seldom stands still sufficiently· ]ong lovel them. aside on the shelf. while sbe fastened to allow mosl to grow on the pave- Note that this young man could a bit of tresh linen about ber throat. ment before the box oMce window. I bonelltly say that he had kept these CleUa said. "'I'bat Isn·t quite can see wbere a radlcal ohange will. commandments. Few of us could make Buch a claim, but he did. And Tryln&' to hide the t.eara of dis- straight. Here. let me help. Lark." be good all the way around. PM nil., 'ro.. Ih. lertur. 0' .1-,1. appointment. Pile•• PAZO .IIII",on' h.. b•• " fa __ as her deft fingers found the lnaide Since Twentieth Century • Fox Ia Jesul did not question It or rebuke f • • ere ... " Ihl"r , ..... H.r.·•••.J: Inapplng up an the belt seUen- blm. In fact. He loved him for 1\ 'lnt. PAZO•• 1"lIamed He isn't here ;yet. but. he'. coming. button at the back of the coUar they now own a Ust of 20 or more (see Mark 10:21). _ •• rell.... pelll ."d II.hI... 8_"., Lark gave a 41lulck IJttle tu, to line. I'm 'quite sure. . . . He promIsed. PAZO .Inlmenl ""b,k.I•• "'", •••d, What a Bne character thill young stralgbten the trill. and the button -and Ilnce the trend of current d,led p.,I_"el,. radll"l and " literature Is toward meatier beroel man bad. what IJmIUeSl ' pDslliblli· _." .... Till",. PAW .1.1 ....1 I."d. In Clellsl's band. popped oft "I'm sorry. Miss." There was gen· '0 r,dace ••• 111 . . . " ........ ble.eII ... ' ..rill. \I'. . . ., Ie .... PAZO el.l· uine concern In the mate's voice. This was enough to send the two 'a nd herolnell. Darryl Zanack will be ties for usefulness, what promise for the Arlit to inaugurate the new the future I But lomethln, WBI lack· m •• ". ,.dorat.d PII. Pip ........ .... "But the Old Man's laid the word. ,lrla Into peals of chllclish laughter. ,lIcat" •• 1",,1 •. Ih.,.aih. You, doeifW vogue on the IIcreen. In,. lometh!ng stood, In ~II way. e .. I.U r ....... , PAZO olnt.eaL . We've got to take advantage ot the In an Instant the curtain wall flun, Jesull went directly to the. heart of tid~. you see." . back and a cros~ and sleepy Mlnnle Little, but 0, My! bit trouble and told him that be Get PAlO How ' AI Your Orugglst si "Maybe that·, David nowl" stood there acoldln" them. OeDe 'I1eraey will draw one of the mustLark'l straining eye. quickly sel.zed "Drat YOll two crowing roosters." outstanding examples of thli new m. Act RI,ht About Money on a figure runnina down the hill she said crossly. "waking a body out type In the role of Ellen In "Leave 21-26). toward them. of a sound sleep." Her to Heaven." Ellen I, a pi Toward personll. ~s We wal Mr. Swalters hesitated and atter a ' "We're terribly sorry, we just with a will of reinforced c'oncrele. rightly related. but toward his PO" momept motioned Big Dan and hi, dIdn't think." ClelJa's voice wal gen- She bal no scruples whatsoever. lesslons-ah. that was another mat. companion to bold the gang·p]ank In ulnelY contrite. even wben It comes to shoving a ter. He was rich and hill money readiness to be 'dropped for the late MinnIe ignored her' and atpod little lad out of a boat when he Itood between him and God. beTboIlllllU ..y famolll dOctor', boarder. watchln, Lark thoulrbtfully. "You're Interferes with her sbare of her hus- tween him and a ille of .ervlce and But it wasn't David. Lark could the lall," she said" "who wal ..kine .OYBry gin, bleued relief from band's time and attention. Make no Iplrltuallty. lee that now. ThIs was a IUghter atter David North, ain't ,.eT Well mistake. irritatiOD of Ibe bladder caued by there are such women. ' When a man has money and uses ftgure. a ragamuffin boy. As he now. I !mow that lad. well as the It "Forever Amber" can be it for God's glory and the good of ace.. acidity ill Ibe ariD. panted on to the wbarf he sbouted com on m,. It'eat toe.' Tried to tell hili feUow man. it Is a blessing to and waved a note blgb above hla you'that last night, but ;you wouldn't scripted In a way to skirt posslb]e him and to others. But when money M, .uff.r .....cII ...I' fro.. lNjebeh••• Hays oMce objections this will be a laYII hold of a man, and It has him run·doWII f••Unl fro .. exe••••cldlty In bead. ' Mr.' Swatterll gave the word Usten." the urln.) Ju.I IrF DR. KILMER'S Lark said. "You know David role to end all roles of the type . Inatead of his having it. spiritual cIiI· SWAMP of command for the gallg to be Utted ROO!J_ the renown'" herb" t I h ddt f ... dlela •. SWAMI" ROOT acta f..t oa the and called out to the boy to toss the North. my David North?" wonder· Practically any star ;you want to name In Hollywood would give her al er II a ea • an no ar away. IlIdn.,.. 10 tromol. Ihe now of .. ria. anel ing if there might be another one. note to him. <- get • c.1 k at It. Hung It la proper to be prudent. thrift,. reU .... trou In om ••".... aelllU,.. 0rIt1· "It·. for you. Miss ·Shannon." be It was not a too-unc:o mmon name. eye teeth "" r ac and ambitious but when the gath ....lbcr.. '.eI.,. a",..le..... said, catching It expertly and read. "Well now, I wouldn·t know wbeth· in the bawdy setting of the court erlng of wealth becomes the upper: :?:iloD ~e~: L·.:b::~~::!~ ~J::ta·b\.~~~: ing the address quickly. er ;you mlgbt rightly call him yqurs of Charles n-an utterly amoral malt thing, even these worthy qual. • ...... Ab.ol.,.f" nofla/n, herab or he"I" Lark tore It open. Her tingers or nDt. Maybe a certain young lady era-Amber flaunts her beauty. can· itles become the enemies at a man', t':::I~~,~D.~ r~;elr:~:t~.:tP~~~:~~ a.t OD lb. kidney. 10 Incr•••• tho lIow of shook. and her heart was ftutterlng. named Mara Hastings might have Ipires tor power. matchell ber wits 10uI. urln. uti e... 'be•• "Quick, Miss." Swalters laid 1m. a word or so to lay on that. Ever with some of England 's belt Note the astonishment at the dis· tom. of "ladcl.r Irrlt.tlon. patiently. "Do you want to dj.sem. . bear your David mention her?" brains. Saving grace tor the ftlm'l clp]el (v. 25). They. too. thougb ' S.DeI for free. prep.ld .ampl. TODAYI tbou..nd. of oth... you'll be alad bark? There', not a second to lose. 'Of course I've beard him men· c h ance Is the fact that the book at th ey had Ilttl e or no th Ing. h ad b een LIJuo tb.t "OU did. Send nam. and addr ••• to No time tor your bag. The anchor's tion Mistress Hastil~gs." Lark laid ftnlsh points a clear moral-you Imitten with the awe for riches. D",artmenl B Kilmer '" Co.• Inc .• Do" Do not miss the glorlou asaur. l2SB, Stamford. Conn. Offer IImllod. Sond aiready weighed. but I could send with spirit. "David said she was a don't get to enjOY wlJat YOll want . I onc•• All drulll.t...II Swamp Root. good friend . of bls and that she'd when you go abou t getUng It in the. ance of verse 26. Nothl1lgS you ashore in a joll;y·boat.'~ 111m· "No." Lark said In a smaU tlght welcome me." wrong way. poulble with God. He can even voice. "No, he says for me to go . MinnIe conslderedl this for a moIt looks as If Greer Garson. too. lave a rich man, and dOes It! ahead. He had to make other ar. ment. "I've beard their two namel wID get ber chsnce at a bad girl Now there II more to dlsclp]eship rangements. He salled last night ,Unked In Norfolk-t<)wn." she said. role. It's the star part in "Drlvln' than lacrlftce. God baa a recom. on another boat." "Ain't often a woman o· thirty cot- Woman" - a character that. mora]· pense for His children. Let us '''I'h8t''1 bard luck. a beastly toni to a young skit from a man's ly irrep~oachable. gives the effect IV. Expect . &lie Rlgbt Reward shame." <;link Swalters didn't quite home town, . . . Where's "our ftne of a ruthless beauty without shred (v. 29). !mow wllat to say. That wal plain David now?" Minnie asked with Ily of Icruple. No one has ever lost anything by enough to Lark. bumor" Come to think at It. moat great lerving the Lord. He gives UberaJbl "It wasn't his fault," she laid "HIs plans Cbanged." Lark said acting . roles center around red- and makes a hundredfold return for PrepalOtJOll6 g.db:ad14 quickly. "His buslnels , plans briefly. 'IHe couldn't sail with me." blooded women. And bad flrls eer· every saerlftce we make. Christian cbanged at the last minute. You "Mayb.e he camel ~ead on the tainly have BOmething. workers can testify that God has lit'see, he was. sent over by hla com· Rupnymelld." MInnie hazarded, ' ~'I o 0 • erally fulfUled this promise to them. pany. the Cargoe Itlske, aD an bn. seen him in town :night 'fare laat Alluring L~"b)'i., But the grea'testreward ' of an portent !DIBslon. ~a~all;y, that had with a budd]e o· heathen gipsles who I don't know any other ~ollywood 'l(alts beyond 'the ·end·'o! tblt earth· to Clome first with him." wal .aUlng on that: ole tub. He was lobbyist in Washington wbo·. bad ly . life. Over yonder there awalta '~ see," Clink S",alter~ latd ~elBi!4 In pagan rag. Uke them an; the Vice President play bla or her U:I the prospect of eternal fellowsbtp , thougbtl\lllY. "So you'll be traveliJi, jabbering their own glbbertah to accompaDlment. . La~eJI BeeaU did; ,'I(lth the Lord we love and ·Ierve. alone. 'l'bat'a not very .pleasant, 'em, I bollered at him, frlencQy· Ai . she walked' to the plano, one and 'with aU thole who share with aometlme•• for a lad;y.!' . Uke. but you'd a thUnk he'd neVer higher up wa, beard to w.hl,per to us the place of ,bel~ disciple.. fal· "I don't mlncl," Lark laid: "And palled the tilJle 0" .ilty with m . . . another, "Why. that ,aI's hip. Wink loweI'l. and lervants 01 ChrlaL now,14r. Swatters, U you'D tell 'm e ID1 toU·gate bouse to see him ltare at youl" ... The lateat Independent .T hls Ute brings many precloua where I'D find my quarters, , , ," me tbroueh. 1 coulcilD't malte It out quartet. ,olng right abe.d rpum. momenta of Joy and latlatac:t101L '''l'bey're not muClb in the 01 (or a caution. What trick' I be up plan •• Is Pa,aleUe Goddard, llarpu Ther. s. friendlhlp and comradelhip quarUlr"" he . .id apoJ/:).eUC!&ll7, ' to DOW' I'd give a mint fo· !alowl" .eredllb. D1Idle~ NI.", and I.... In labor, There are a thouaud '''l11e 0Db' IeCloDd-clau arnuaemat 8M eyed Lark. with IDW. 8eaoir, Paulette bal one outside pie- bleuinll even here, b~ tbe .,..~ ture a year from Paramount. '1'bla at 01 aD II tile proapect ar bIIDa . . laava II a tiD7 ~ed C!Ubb1' .. aad frank oabID cd from . . maID . . . ." em .. OOIitmrumla) wiD DO doubt be do~ at RKO. ...... with tile Imd.

Rememller the tomatoes you grew last year?

.... "-<1_"









'Pineapple' Patt~m Centerpiece



of this pattern will like the lour· inch pineapple motifs. Easy to crochet-its laciness makes a perfect centerpiece. ,.

....equ.t. traction I. ono of .... co.... of , .utomobll. ....o-vp. In wlntor trovol. I",. lnodoq".to t,.ctlon con It. d,uo hi amooth tlr •• th.t _hovl. Ito rocapped, Rubb';' had a .'rong I"fluence fn tho .pendlng or 1714 billion dolla", on .treet ond h1llhwpy constrvc· flon and Malntenanco In the U. S. 'In tho ten yeaI') onded 1942.


t1to m.tor'." v.ed In _1I11tt of cord 'o"rlca for qtlthotlc .. ator _lIlelo


ere tho IOmo •• VaM In ".. _r IIOtural rublt.r t l _ ........ nd ,.yon.

IEGoodrieh Relief At Last

,ForYourCough , Oreomulslon relieves promptly be-

.use lt goes right to the seat ot the

trouble to help loosen anel expel

aerm laden phlegm, and &td nature

to 'lOOtbe and beal raw, tender, tnGamed bronchial mucous' membranes. Tell your druggtst to sell you • botUe of Oreomulaion with tbe un~ . ding you must like the way U ~"'--.r al4\Ys the cough or JQu are , to tia-va your money back.


for Coughs. Chest Colds, Bronchitis




'.11 EDeru at low ebb? Check eonst.ipr.-/ tIoIlPrab Nature', llemedy (NR TabJeia). Containa no chemicals, no ~ 110 phenol derivatives.. NR Tabletlare dilferent-act dilIerent. .

MI, ~_Ic-~ oombinatlon of 10 vegetable Ingrecben'- formulated over60 years 1110. Uncoatedorcaady their action Is dependable. ~b. yet gent.le.t as milliODll of 1m'1 have proved. Uet a 25; Coo~noer B~ today. All druggi.ta.1 CautioD: Take 0DIy as directed. III ""'~GHf~ AUIGIIr



0/ 0 Netv~paper


wou wlIer from bot flub. .

teel weak, n8rVoWi. htllba~, • bit blue at tlmes-due to the tunG-

tlonal "middle-ago" period. women-try thIs

pecuUar to

great medicine-Lydia

.. Pinkham'. Vegetable Compound to ftI1eve .ucb aymptoma. Plnltham·. Compound HELPS NATU.... It'. one or the ~ known medIcines for UIJI parpoee. Pollow label Il1reottOIIII.

Lunche. U'ae Vegetablea, Noodles, Macaroni· •fty

DlII'lnr the ,ecenl ran of the Thea· ter Guild'l "Embezzled Heaven." the Itar, Ethel Barrymore. was rushed to the hospital with pneu· monla. She was placed In an oxy· gen tent. . . . President Roolevelt and Winston Churchill were amon, the many who .ent posies ond telegram., and for a tew weeks every· one despaired 01 her pulling throu,h. .. . FinallY. the worst was over and the star was permitted to lilt up In bed and anlwer the phone. . .. The PotatoH are eaaliy creamed II ftl'llt caller wall the Guild', Therela dae:r are cooked 8,.t, 1C.10ned with Helburn. onion and then blended torether "Hello." IIhe cheerily said, "how'. with Imooth, wt)' aou cream. Jour cold?" When pointe are low and luncheon Itsell, most of UI are In a The other IlIrht a Hungarian play· wright was told an actor had arrived Quandary . . Are from Hungary. . . . "Do you know there foods to lerve that are him?" he was asked. "Know him?" was the retort, point·free and a~ "He's my belt friend. I tiate hlml" petlzlng? Yea, there are, and I'm giving you Our recent paraITaphl about several luggell. mllplaced commas broalht tile tiona today which wllI make lunch· one about tbe London DaUy MaU. eons an easy matter to prepare. which bas a reputation for makI'd suggest that you make use ot Inr fewest errorl. _ • • An sorta all many soups al possible for thIa of editorial sapervlslon was em· mld·day meal Use canned or deployed-bonuses were ollered the hydrated soups, II you're rushed for IItall to maintain the hlgbellt time. It you have bit. of leftover IItlDdards, eto. But the MaU waa vegetables, PlJI'ee or dice them fine .tlll Ie.. than perfect. and add to a thin white sauce. Flnan:r, the editor summoned Hearty lIandwlches go well with the stall aDd announoed: "Here- loupa. You'll like cottage cheese, .fter, the Bral copy wW be prlnl.- liver lausage, eggs and peanut but· ed OD IIpeclal Itock lind lont to ~r combinations. A bit of crunchy tbe King of Enrland." celery will provide vitamins and Editorial blunders dropped 90 minerals or crispy salads will add per cent. texture contrast to the bowl 01 IIOUP and sandwich luncheon. It the men folk come bome for A Texan In London was trying to Impress BOrne Brltlshere with the lunch and expect heartier fare, there sue of his home state. "Do you II the macaroni famUy which you know." be said, "that In Texas you can put to good use. Use fresh or can hop on a raUroad car at 8 In home· canned vegetnbles tor flavor the morning and sUll be In Texas and color wntrast with spaghetll. noodlell and macaroni, add a well· after riding 24 hours?" leasoned ,lauce, and luncheon II all "We," replied a Britlsher. ready to be lIerved. tralnll' )ike that In England, tQQ." This noodle platter wJth vegeta· It happened at the premiere of bles sells Itself as soon as it arrives "One Man Show." . . . The curtain at the table:' was up and a woman was making .a big to·do as sbe got Into her seat. Err Noodles With Baked Oniou huffing and puffing. . .. Seated near and Lima Beana,'. her was George Luddy. the Indian. .(Servea 6) born author. .• . He polished her of! I &-ounce paokage of elr noodlea neatly 'b y audibly remar1tlng: "Don't 8 to 10 amaD oDlonl worry about her. She's so usee! to 1 can condensed tomato aoup the second balcony-that slttirt, In I cups Uma beaus, freN cooke4 or the orchestra tonight has given her canned the shakes." , ~ cap diced or lTated Am~rlcaD cbeese The exclUnr storie, from Ma· a lablelPDOllII drlppiDlS 8alt anjl pepper to taste nDa IDcladed tbe one about aD AmerIcaD radio reporter who PKboU onions until tender, about was freed after three ,ean aa 20 minutes. Arrange In shallow bak· a Jap prllOner. Be was forced . Ing dish and cov· orr the air one day a. tbe Japs er with tomato entered the city. The other soup that bas morulnr. &aId tbe papen, he rebeen diluted. Add lamed broadcaallnr tIlll way: cheese. Bake in a "AI I _I la:riDe wheD I wallo modera tely hot rudely Interrupted-" ov.en until,'loup 11 De Valera of Eire wal arreal.thoroughly heated ed whilelpeaklDr at a Itreet and cheese meltmeetlDl leveral yearl aro. 1911~8~~~ eeL Cook egg nooWhen lie .al rree4 yean later, dles in boUlng bl. BrIt ltate~eDt wal: "AI I salted water until ...1 . . when I _I 10 rud~ tender. Drain; add dripping!, 'and .,. IDterrupfeIJ-" arrange on lIervlng platter. Place baked onions around' the mound of Ma~ral' Gillmore, the aetreas, was anxioul to become a nurse'l noodles aod serve with tomatoaide but found IIhe dldn't have cheese sauce. Buttered litna beanll enough Itamlna for the work-beln, are a colorful. tallty addltlon. Macaroni and mushrooms are the frightened by the IIlght of blood. etc. for this flavorful dlsh: So sh,e compromised by becoming a Grey Lady (olle who readll to the Macaroni and Musbroom-. convalescent servicemen. etc.) . . . (8ervel 6) Margalo was telling Carolyn Burke ~ poond boiled macarolll about her duties .. .. "Just what Is a Grey Lady?" asked Carolyn. . . . I tablespoon buUer or lubs~ltute "A Grey Lady In my case," sold 1 aman OIllOD, cut fIIIe Margalo. "Is a yellow nurse's aide:" ltoalpoon lour 1 cup beef or chicken 1I0ap 1 pint ltoWed tomatoea There was the time the late Alex ..blelpoon drted mushroom., Woollcott was the victim of a typelOaked and heate4 .etter's error. . . , The critic once referred to a famous recitalist as San aDd cayenne pep.,. 1 teaspoon panley, cbopped "a popular dieuse." tableapooDl lTated American or It came out: "Popular disease. " Parmesan cbeese When crltlo Rascoe covered the After macaroni bas boiled in salt· new play. "Hope for the Best," he ed water, place In coll\Jlder and let was no little that the prin· clpal comedy line (used intermit· tently throughout the three acts) was Lynn 8aYI: something he wrote many years ago. It was: "Something no wife can ever Clothel Tlpa: To make clothes understand, no matter It she lIves with the ~an for 25 years. is that easy to iron, make sure the board a writer ls working when he Is star. is well padded with cloth and have the cover stretched tlghtly Ing out of the window." over It. To keep cloth.. from freeZing A group of newspapermen were gabbing about the current college to the Une, dip a cloth in a Itrong ·stories-the basketball scandal and • olution of lalt and water and the race discrimination report on wipe Une with It. Also, add a little dental colleges. One of the .crlbell taIt to the 1allt rinsing water for clothe.. ' laid: "No ' matter what kind of a college yarn I write, I neyer have To remove chewing gum from to worry about my p)lnch·line."' . . . clotpell, place the g,armenta' in the "Howeum?" asked a chronlo·how~ ; refrigerator and chill thoroughly. curner. Tben It IIcrapes oft easily with a "I Just Jnlte," said the firlt neWIIknife. paper man, " 'Nlcholas Murray Bul.To remove grasl stains from ler:, Prelldent elf Columbia Unive.. clothing, llponge with ammonia 81tJ. could not be reaclaf for com. and water before washinl.


WlIEI'38ta52' are,.. ......... .,


ThI., they teU :rou, happened at the Big 3 conference. ... One eve· nlng after dlnner Roosevelt, Church· ill and Stalin .tarted speculating on wliat nationality they'd prefer to be II they couldn't be their own. . . Churchill said: "If I couldn't be British I'd want to be American." . . . Roosevelt said : "If J wasn't American. I'd be British." .. . Stalin said: "If I wasn·t Ru ssian I'd be ashamed of myselll"

menL' ,.

Ladino Clover Aida F arm Production L)'IlD Obamberll' Polnl-SavlDl MenD -Baked Potato Stuf!ed with Shrimp Stewed Tomatoes Grapefruit Salad Hot Biscuits Orange Chift'.on Pie Beverag'. ' 'ReCipe glven. ' cold water run over It. In the mean· time, hea t the butter and brown the onion. Blend In /lour lind soup stock, atirring untll smooth and cook unt11 thickened. Add tomatoes, strained. and let simmer 20 minutes. Add mushrooms. season with Bait and cayenne pepper. Heat throullh, add parsley, place on plaUer and sprin· kle cheese over top. Sparhettl. (Serves 6) ~ POlllld IIparbetu 2 quartl boll~ wa,t er ! teaspoonl PIt 1 ou tomato Uquld, ! oIoves rarUo, cat fiIIe • bay leavea % teaspoon peppercornl SaIt to taste % cup 011 ' % cup grated Pannesan cbeese Boil llpaghettl In w~ter to which lIalt has been added. Drain a can of tomatoes and place aside the liquid with garlic, bay leaves, pe~ percorns and all. E~.;;:~.....=-~QI Cook until well lIealloned, then pour over cooked IIpaghetti wliich has been drained, washed and warmed. Serve sprlnJded with grated cheese. An unusual but delle,lous comblna· tlon is · this one which uses baked potato with IIhrinip8: -Baked Potato 8tu.11ed With Shrimp. (Serves 4,) 1 cap cooked or call1Ded cleaned ! iar.e baked PolatOe.ll I tablelpoon bulter % teaspoon ...l Dash of peppu ~ cup miUt 1 tealpoon mlDced Ollill. 1 teas~on 'fiDeJ)o lDInced panle, Clean shrimp. Cut hot baked patato in halves lengthwlllle' scoop out inSides. Mash' add b~tter lIalt pepper and Bea t wen: Add .onlon, parsley and Rerui shells; bake In a hot oven at 450 degrees 3 ·to 8 minutes ,until lightly browned.

practices. determining the length of time It retain. Us value. Despite , heavy requirementi for tertlUzer and special care in man· agement, resulta frOm the use of LadIno adequately repay the effort. III particular value bas been tound to U the- handling of dairy cattle and poultry where a high· yielding, nutritious, blgh - protein feed Is needed. This versatUe crop II being used increasingly for hay When potatoes are creamed, they and silage, particularly when grown are extraordinarily nutritioull. In with other legurnes and l1'asses, al· this case. sour cream Is used in though It ls primarily for gt'!lzlng. place of white sauce, Sind It'. a cap· Uvating combination: . Sunflowers New Cash QuIck Creamed Potatoel. (Serves 8 to 8) Crop for Farmers I onps Idaho potatoel, alced Sunflowers may loon rival corn 1 email oDion, cal ftne 3 or 4 tablespoous thll~k sour oream and loybeans In food value as wen al • cash crop. With lIunflower oil 8alt and pepper to la.• te lelling at 14.5 cents a pound and an Place diced potatoe:1 and ~nion acre producln, a ton of .eed, the Into a heavy ,klllet. Add enough tarmen around Monticello, m, ex· water to cover the bottom of the pect to produce more than corn or pan. about % Inch deep. 90ver tight. lOybeans. Iy and cook until potatoes are tender but not mushy. Tb.e water should. Sunflowers have long been reco,· be nearly all evaporill ted by this nlzed all an excellent lIource of protein and ~11. America importe,d .120 time. Add the sour cream and stir constantly until well blended. Sea. Ion with lalt and pepper and lerve at once.


Dolly (Pnttern No, 1182., send 16 couls ill coin, your name. address and the pattei'll number. Due to an unusually largo demand and current war con!lIUoru!. slightly more Umo III required In mUng orders for a few or , the mosl popular plltlern numbers. Send your order Ill:

Returns Far Exceed Costs of Handling, NoT so many yearll ago, Ladlno ciover wal Ibnost unknown ex· cept in the Irrigated valleys of the western .tates. Believed to have come originally from Lodl. Italy. the leed was lirst im'p orted into the United States about 1900. Ladino clover i. particularly valu· able for grazlnll. according to U. S. agronomists, due to ita high carry· Ing capacity and large proteln·mln. eral nutritive content, but It ls also adaptable for hay and silage and 11 an excellent cover crop. These characteristics make It especlalb' suitable for the Umited farming are .. of states such al Vermont and New Hampshire, enabUng farmer. to grow most of the protein needed tor their livestock. dairy and poul. try. . The plant Is a rapid _ growing perennial legurne. Ipreading hy creeping /leshy stemll that root at the nodes. The leaves, stems and /lower heads will grow from two to four times as large as those of com. mon white clover. and about .Ix times as large as those of the Eng· Ush wild white clover. The average life of a good Ladlno clo ver and grass planting Is from four to sevcn years. management and fertlUza·

'l'o, obla!n complete crocheting Instructions for the Mrs. Reynolds Plneapplo

SEWING CIRCI.E NEEDLEWORK 530 SGDib Weil l 8t. Chi CliO " 111. Eoclose 16 cents (or Pattern

No., _ _ _ _ __

· Nam~e

_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __


Great Lakes 'High Seas' Although the term "high seas" is understood to refer only to t.'Je open, unenclosed parts of seas and oceans, it has been held,' by the U. S. Supreme court (150 U. S. ' 249), to include the Great Lake.! because they have the general ' characteristics of seas and arlt navigable by large vessels for in'Pineapple' Doily. THIS beaut~ul lacy "pineapple" ternatio nal trade, between Canada doily w as copied from a gift I and the United States. received from Mrs. Charles R e y· PARTS-Plumbing, heating, aU nolds of Akron, Oh io. It is 23 Inches in diame ter and collectors stoves , furnac es, boilers. Magio Products, Royal Oak, Mich.-Adv.

Ireland's Musical Bridge A curious kind of bridge spans

a stream in n orthe rn Ire lnnd. Its parapets are s uri nc (' d w i th marble produced in that section of the country, and 'w he n a piecc of stone is brus hed a lon g, mus ical something lik e those of the are produced . wide arch amplifies the and it can be h eard by a c ons,i derablc distance

NO ASPIRIN FASTER thn genuine. puro St. JOllOph Aspirin. World 's lllrgMt BOUor at lOc. None betLar, n ono suror. Why pay mora? Why ,,,,or a ccept ICII8? DemlUld St. JO!Clpb Aspiriu.


~ ~ ........lI.......... fllbct=............., ClIp _

-'"' .. a pellDJ

poot card Car


lAO ••• _ ...._ - - - - - - - - -

cop)' of 1I1el.cblll aDD" , " ....1)' ~ '''I'M B.-4 . . . .'--__


no- ."...,.

naP" ~~ ~~ d-na.far

B.aDd.IDeorpo •• ted, OraAd c.otrsl ~ lIox




477, N . . YortEU, N. Y. -;;;;:;;:;;;;;;;;;;. . . . . . .. .

An meat 4IIb wi .... New lIun80wer ,picker Ipeedl Ul» noodles aRea ' aa "retablea onlous produoUoD. ud Uma beaus. A tI~mato-cbeese .auce addll Dourlsbmeliit aDd ftavor. mlllion 'pounds of sunflower on between 1932 and 1936, mostly for edJPotatoes are again hlghllgbted, bJe purposes. this time with .abnon in a calserole: One hundred acres of test plant. 8calloped Salmon and Potatoea. Ing yIelded 1,600 pounds of leed. It (Serv81 II) wall harvested by a cllpover -com· ~ pound .almo~, lteamec1 and 8aked blne, self· propelled, formerly used for Boybeans. Tests made at the 3 medlum .. llcd potatot!l University ' of Dlinols showed that ~ teaspoon IU( ed onlo:n the leeds contained 53 per cent pro• tablelpooDl lour tein and were ' easUy dlgested. The 8an and pepper 011 was excellent for lIalada . and % cu,. milk ' Arrange layer of potatoes in cooking. creased casserole. Add haH the sahnon, onion, Bour, aalt aDd pepper. Make another. layer. of pota. To control weeds the followln, toel; add remaining .lalmon, onion. Dour, salt and pepper. Cover With pointl should be remembered: don't remalnlrig potatoea. Pour on milk; let weeds 10 to seed, buy only and bake ,In a moderat.a .oven at 350 ,free ,.eeds and feeds, clean "UI"I~"I pOWD lleed. care!ully. decreel for 1'I. hOuri' . Icreen weed·freed gram, and Gel your IUBClr-"""" recipe. fro;" let machinery apread weed •• Miu Lynn Chambera by Krid,., 10 her Bun-dQWD weedy pasturu Ihould ill c:are 0/ ",ellenl N_".per Union, be l'tIDovaWci and load ro..tiOll and "0 Souda DeaplaiM; SIrieI, Claka,o 6, cultunl pracUoea reI011ed to wi.... ru. Pktue tend • ""-ad IDtenIlve cultlvaUon. It .. poIiJb.. dreI. . envelope If!'- )'IIIIU reply , to eradicate perennia" wltb 80dIum ~1•• i!R b7 W.ltam ............ V ~I ..

"Pays to Fight Weed•




i.NlIII Sen~y 1/#1« • Here'. 'why pntly warmIor. IOOthin& Beo-Gay acta IlUt to relieve mUlCUlar aorenea and pain ...Ben-Gay actually contaiDaupto2'l htimeamoremethylll8licyJateancl menthol-thoae famoua pa~lIeviq apDta known to everY 'doctor,....,than fiVe otlier widely offered rub-ia& So -iDlilt OD BeD-Qq for eoothiDr. quick .rellefl







ta "..4. COMMVN1TY lNST1Tllfl'ION




Wayne Twp Farmers Club Meet At Church •

Paper Prepared by Mrs. L. E. Hock;e-tt, Read; Mias Roae L Played Two Violin Solos

The Woman'~ Auxilliary of St. Mary'a Epl,copal Church The


M1xUllAry of the

at.. MarYs EpIscopal Ohurch met tor tbelr regular MaTch meeting with Mrs. C. Lee Hawke as hostess at her home on Friday afternoon. After a short bu5Lness meeting, Mrs. R. B. ,P arks completed illhe review and study oI the study-book oI the year.

Mrs. Ira Rich was hostess to the wayne TO'W·nsh1p Fanners Olub on Maroh 8, a.t the Methodist Church. Members and guest:; enjoyed a pleasant oortlal hour and a del1clous chicken dinner before they were called Ito order by the pref' :lent, FIred Hagemeyer. The secretary read an intereating Infonnntive paper lihat Mrs. 'L. E. Hockett 'b ad prepo,r ed on, "What Is New III 'The Home?" MIss Margaret Rose, accompa.n1ed by Mrs. R . B. Coleman, plal~ two vtoHn 001011, "lndlan Lament." by Ovorak-Kriesler and "My Wild h"Il;b Rose," by Olicott. Mrs, Welter Whlt.lker introduced liS fillest Epeak«, J . H , fIaldennnn, OhIel Counselor. iilmployee ReIe.Uooo, Plants" 2, 4 and 6, FTtgtdaire Division, O . M. C. Mr, Haldennan told of 6OIl1e of the probletM that' ore brought to him for sOlution. He described the wlI'y In which Oener&!l Motors lll8It.ohes employeeS to jobs fOl' wbich they . are ;physIcally fit and haW ,they try to keep them ll8lPPY on their jobs. He told of the plans of his comPlloy for re-employlr o:: returning veterans. GuesUJ for tl\e meeting 'Were Mr. HOlldermall, Rev. and Mrs. R . B. Coleman, Mr. and Mrs. J B' R.ich, Mr. and Mrs, Ha.rtJey 'Mosa, Mr, and Mm. Gilbert Frye and d:I1Idren, Mrs. Glen Borden and lb!a .8IIIly Smith . " The ApJil meetlnlr WI!l ~ at .me ham.e of Mr. ~n'd 'MnI. 0, E. ·stanforth.


Red Cross Drive Returns Slow In Being Deposited

Loan Association Meeting


Lebanon Grange Hall Tueaday, March 6, 1945

Members of the Lebanon National F'am1 Loan Assoola.tlon eleated five d lroot.crn a t t1helr annual meeting held at Lebanon Grange Hall , on Marcil 6, 1945. It we.<; nece668.ry to elect a complete board, 8ec.retary - Treasurer Lester J . 'L ane exp1a.1ned beoause this Is ,the fir'st annual meeting of the assodatlon since consolldBtlon of the five associa.Uons o;IC4'&Ung Ul Warrell, Clemlont, Brown and !Hamilton Counties IliOOU:t a year ago. Kor'j Oowa.n of Lebanon and J. C. .Mr. and Ml's. John Kersey a.n d Wl!lson of Mason were elected tor son enteI1talned oto dinner, sunrlaoy. tlh~e yro~: Clarence Jordon of I1onoring Frank Swari.zel, A.M.M,F. F~yettevt . lie and FranceS QWLlIen of Third Olaaa and Mrs. Bwartzel, of SIan-chester were elected for 1iW0 Alameda, Collf. tit. delicious phEtIS- years: and WWiam. Lukens of W8I!Iant dinner was enjoyed by tihe honor nesvllle was elected fOr one year. zuest and wife, Mrs. Fiorence Kersw Mr. Wllson and Mr. Lukens are new of Oregonia, Mr. and Mrs. Joe members of the ,b oard. Kersey and da4J8'hter, and Mr. and In his a-eport on oper-llltlO!l6 for Mrs. W~laro Kersey and daughters 1944, Mr. Lane sbowed the assoc!of Leban'on, and Mr. and . Mrs, ':ltton's ·reserves to have grown 00 Hartsock and SOD.

friends were m t'!lllDlbu5, ·Sundo'.. .. March 1l, where ~'.\M:cQ)y WlIS on of tllwo speaken,I presented II the Blue Room. Ft.. Eay : Hotel alt 4 :00 P. The prcgl'om sponsored. by Ea'h a AssembliY, aloo Mn;, Mll' Elmore cd MlUli:l\:~ j CoUl1t. On &IlIldaY i1lte1l'lloan. Ma\ch 18. Mr. Mi:)COy one or lMo speakers to be In the

Greater Efforta of Workers Room

SU0CC6S but Mrs. Edna Early. Ohainr..m of Wayne Township Red

cross, t1he current ,Wa r Fund Drive nO'W in progress Is showl.n g &gTl3 of e. lot of work is yet re-"'-' IlU Ired beeore the t OJ> can ·be rea... LCU . Some returns have been made from Q few solicitors and these are very 68It.lsfact«y . Most of ~ field workers have nGt been helaro trom since t\lhe DrI1Ve stl\.I1ted and It Is dWlcult to 6S6el'tain at thl:! time the exact standing oI the dtrtve.

line. two SCIlll, nesville, aoute 3, Navy at AlamcQa" tn. oMr,;. C-arolY'l1 1Jynn, OhIo, a DGNid, Mrs. Evere~t Wtlaon antj beIng set up in this territory. He Welker of Vallejo" ... . . e .aft __ W.......,...,. orand ..... 'ldren daughter, Jean, MIr, and Mrs, John 'aI5'0 d1s"ussed , ..... .....,u.JI'.~.~ - b -"".. • Neurhar and son, Paul, all of Day- ment wont whJoh is WldeI1Way, ~'lUler·al set"Vices, ton:, tand MIss Addle Mal'tin and y Mia. Jane Hartsock dpa , Thinu~y" Mr. Dan SUllfece,

[ri; ;:~lnsrcUC·luBQ"·'~PJI'unler'al


Mrs. J. E. McOlure was hoste.:s to the VolunteG: <1'01' Vlct.ory w':lrk ~ rs on Thursday ev('nlng and after B busy hour of ~ewln6 on gu rments f or reIug!'e lruants. a ve ry pleasant social time was enjoyed with d ~ l1c1ous refreshments SC'l'Ved by the hostess. Guest6 and members r resent were, Mesdames Charles Ellis , Jmmle Conner, FTed Hook, Orall Shoup. lawrence Brown, Nell!!! Bunnell, K. R. Hill, Walter F'J>13ure, Robent Gray, Lucille Aormitage. Carl Ferguson, Ed . HopkIns and M'sses Kalthryn Gibbons .and Olive WiJllam6 . The group will meet lit the h erne of Mrs. Rl:lbert Grsy in ,t/wo weS.



\VIaJl'lI1c8V'ille, Ohio, was recently in Waynesville on UlJdnE~IY even. ., Inlt!a,ted Into 0 : chesls, modern Ing. dance organtst1.on .G.t Miami Unl versity, "Oxford, Ohio. MIss 'Hart.6ock is Ii sophomore at MlBml, and she Is enrolled In the . - ,- 011 . ' 'school of arts. Members of '0rtft1es1 '-;. ..... _ tri ' . M~ ~ , d,' {l 80 S "'are p .... ~-'tS , passed a.way Wdde.\lly -.t Wle home recital in ~ spring. • at her niece Mrs MAe McElofl"e8h Mia~i Chapter No. 107 in w8\VneSvme. ~~ Mcnday mom-' ing, M8.rch ~Q, O.E.S. in Seaaion Monday In add~tion <\10 tlhe neIce. she Is also llUrvlved., by II nephew, Edward MiamJ Ohapter 107 0 , E. S. met I'n Woollaro cl Dayton. reg:u)aor SCS6ion on Monday with an :WtendalIce of forroy-three members !'Uneral SEa'VlceEI in oharge of IIlId visitOrs. Durlng the short bust- MklOlw:e Fune.J1a.l .Home were held ness eessiOll, ,twmty..five d ollars at the W~esvtne Ohurch of "WI given for Red Cross. Mter t he 10hr1st, Wednesday afternoon a.t 2 :00 lnltlalt!ory M'Ol'tk for otIWo eandldates, o1clock. 'wlt1h lburla!ll in M1arn1 Oema pl'cgmm of readings and .muslc was enjoyed. !Delicious Ice cream and cakes was serv.e d by the committee. B-~6 Maurader GUllller U For Reaaailrnmenl Prendergaat-Byles p

Herberl GrahAm, Mlnlater

~ C H U R C H E~ ='=Il'£~1! Preacb1ni -

Eva Mae

• • •


·. -


• •


Take Clinton County Champs on 34-26 Score ~



Polar Bears Deliver Knock· Out Punch to Orange· Black By virtue oJ its 47-30 vIcto·y over the (;l!nl.on County ilve tlhe Way nesville quintet earned tohe right to com; ete wlLh Mason In tho seml!'ilU1S lIIt the Da.yton Coliseum, Friday, March 9, The spartaJ,s never once relinquished the l'i!tld 9.'hlch tihey gained early In the contest. Although t.he Comet:; had heliht and wM a lal'ger team, they could hardly ~he fast passwOl1k and flrst-I fllte p:ay1ng that the l008i team displayed. Mason's hotshot, Bob (Pete) Mlddleoon, wn.s held s::oreless In 'he first nnd last quarters. He dId mf nage to teas In one Ueld gc.\1 in b::h the IICCond and thlrd quartet'l. hO'Wever. Kenny' Bradley Wa6 high scorer for Wwynesv1lle with 14 ptdnbl. Alth'ough his team ma,tes cUdn·t rack up so many bask~ they were right in thtllre f1g~ting from et4lrt tD flnWl. ' The Dmnge and Black !held II 10pa lllt lead In t·h e beginning ct the fcurth qllfJrter when the . second teltm was put In for WI4'lle. They held their CJY,'n quite well, Ieee,' Ina the Oomets eIght ~ behind un.1J) the shot ended the ~ w1Ith 'WBynesvUle leading 34.28. . On Saburday-, MB~ 10. the S\:CU'tans were the vict1.mII oI a powerful Northrldae f1ve. 'I1he boys were In there ell :the 'WIly, but the hqrht lind ireatness 01 the Polar Bears was a Httle teo much l'or them. . Everywhere one 'looked ·for the boll, N'Umber& "26" anct "18" of Northridge cau\d be seen - th1: ru~ , bro~s. ~ob H1rach, bl;ll roorer lia: 4tIe !tDt ,.,1t1h 19 polnta, Jed.' tihe AnlceneynltD, to a 44-2& vktory . Ray Lowrey and Walt HJraob htld nine apiece 9.1h11e iK enhy Bradify paCed ·t he losers with 10. Dave Hartseck aooept.ed the runners-up trophy -:'or Cept. J\::,h n Ludlnsoton. Q&pt, ~ Lowery oI NOI"tIhrId&e accepted the cihamplonsh1p . trophy. It 'waa a swell !\'ourn.smerY.- and the ~a pla.:·cd ta superb brand (It 0011 all Lhe wa,y. Wlhen, the Waynesvtlle team came on tlle i!l,oor 8.lturday n'l{'ht. Oool.'h Red~ oI MiddlelxJ9m said, "You mean UleJt's rour team? Why every one ~ the fellows on m,y Junior li'iglh team moe qer than tohose boys. I don't see how theYve ma.naged to come 80 far 'in tJhe

7:30 One hWldred and sixty tn a.ttendR. B. Colem&rl, Mlnlater Ohurch school at 9':30 A, M., Mrs, ·;mee at ruble !Chool 18 our goal for next Lord's day. 100 Is our g'Oal :to Raymond -.>oneer, superintendent. the evening servLcc. 40mlnif Berv1c:a - 10:30, We feel that we can eaaUy reach YOuth. Fellowship, ' Tuesda, evenlDi our g<l8i\ since we 'h ad 145 in Bible "i • _ •6 at 7.30. ,~ ..-. llOllooT"luf x..Oro's d&y. ' Mr. 4nd 1IftI. E1<IaD Dickma JliO r prac ee, 'W~a ' Dr. S. J. Wriebt~ Prof~.~r and Mr. and Mrs. O. Eo Zlmrnerman 8:00 P. M. · Seventy-three were present for the Wilberforce Uninraity Will evenJng serviCe wilen Brother T1bbll .)1 New Carlisle, Ohio, wttended Speak ~t Civic 'CI~b. M~t JerV)cea &It the Methodist Church, Our Church Chbir is preparing th e Maxey was present and brvught th3 3u~ay and V181ted tlhc Easter C<lntata, "'J'he Resurrection message. ·B rother Maxey 16 D:artl l~ remaJ.ndeor of ·the da~ iWlth Rev. l!ltiOI'Y.' by came B. Adams, to be B rellgloUB ttra1niIIe mool for our The Wa~ne.'SVlIle Clvlc Olub will :1" B, Colmm.n and lamUy. 1l,l ven on Pelm 'Sun~ Maroh 25. Negro breliheIlll. He brought 0. very hold Its March meeting on Monday, • • • 'I1Ite Oa.ntAllta consists of three Inspiring mCSIIIIge and wa.s given a . MaTCh 19, at "OUr House" with the Mr. and Mrs. R4y Man.\OUs and parts. namely, "The ~tlIItroduot1on," of'f erlng ot $33.00 lor b.Ia work,' lt I ' dinner scheduled 10 be served. ' at son and Mr. 8.nd. Mrs. John Tread"The Traged.y" and "The Victory." to be ,known aa "The 8cIhDoI of The 7:16 P. M. way a.~nded the · golden wedding Th1& ' 1s a very beautiful canta,tp. ~rlpburE6." and Will oprobalbly be Aooordingo 4lo Hemert Gnlbllm, anniversarY dinner given for Mr. lo_sted In Il.oUlBvllle, Ky . Bl'Ot er <lnd a cordial mv1t&tIonI Is elGtende<l prCgram oomml.liteeman, a spealter tmd MInI. WID ~ttre Glt .U1te to the people of the community to Max RWldall, . local Minister of th ~ or merit haa been secured for the Anthony Wayne Hotel in Hamilton Churoh of Chrtsl;, Is Treasurer of worship with '\':; In .thls service. A f'vening, Dr. S. J. Wl'igt.t, professor :m saturday evening. the School . M you care to maIt~ a lull program of the Cantat6 wtll at W11berIoroe UJllverslty, Xenia. • • • for othls worthy C9lUS3. YOII dc·nation be publl:!hed next week . 'Mrs. Flrank LeMay, Jr., of Dayton .It Is s~ted t.ha.t members who can give It itQ Brother Ra.ntdall. • • !. desire to attend 'this in t.erest1ng was a 81Ulday guetlt of Nr. and Mrs. RE-member this I You wlll a1wa.YII Charl~ LeMay ahd chUdren, Mrs. A da~s wiU be received into t he find a friendly weloome II!t l\Ihe Fel'1'J' meet.1ng, loae no time in sending In MWnl, ~,.- S/8g.t. ,R oy K . ~ , haS lett to join ber husbtmd, Former resl.dcnts oI Waynesville. their roescrvati'olUl. Fllmclc, 20, at 'W~eavwe,' Ohto: Church Ion Palm Sunday momlnz. Ohurch Gf Christ. Not only tha.t, tourni!Iment." ~• . LeMay at. 'Font RQsemrans, Mr. and Mrs. Byron C. Prendergast, h a6 ar Ived at AmI~ .Air Forces Re- Manlb 25, at 10:30. The Sacrement '( 00 will ljear the g.oapel preached After the game gd under W6'1 San !DIego, Oalif. are 'IUlllOUncfng the marriage of d!&bributlon Statlol:L No. :I in M.l.aml of B&pblsrn will IWso be administer- In Its power. You out!lt to be In a th1n2s began to happ.en, cleBplte the Draft Board Order. Men for ~helr dau~h ter, A'lma, to Selogeant BEach for reass1gIment processlna ed both for ohUdfen land adult.,. worship se'l'Vl.ce somewhere everv ract bhat Waynesville ·!lad a litt10 Mr. and Mrs. Wilbur N. Seara Melvllle L.· Byles of D ~, OhiO, Induction and Examination a/tier compIet1ng 1110 tour or. dut,y Those des !iring rOO receiVe baJpt1~m , Lord's -day. Why not make obhe F team., he eeemed ,to ' ohanged BoJld daughter. ~Ii, attended the Saturd:l~, March 10. outside the CODitlnEntal 'U ulted or have (Ih elr ch1ldren bapt4sed, or Church of 0hriBt your ohurch his mind, 'fC6 ,he remarked . "Bay, 14th anntve1'88~ or ·t he Chase Ave. be r~voo into ;the Ohm' A00011ding to a re, ort rece1¥ed ChlJl'Ctrl)~r18t In ctn'Clmlll....,-+J.~u-;- T. Florence Now StaltH. orne those 'llttle' fellows have. sp~t, . from the W<UTen Ooooty Selectlve A gunner on a 13-28 Ma.urader. see the minister. Help ~ reach our .goo:} of 160 next dNl't they? They're r~ all r1gIh.t .• Sunday. Ready for Overseas Service S ellvlce Board, !the following men Sergeant Planck bolds the Purple 80 never let it be seld ,that the l1ttle • • • . Lard's day by your IIItJtendance. • • have been ordered (to report for inChoir pracb1Oe, Sunday, pl'Omp1;ly SeI'vices tJhls coming iLord 's da.y. t:'1W·n .hall-way bebWCPn Lebar.on Mr. and Mrs. HardeIi Peters and lA. 8I\d Mrs. H, T . Florence, of HeB.nt a.nd ,the AIr ,M edal wLth elight ducUon IllS of Marcb 21: dau~ter · of F'mnklln were Sunday Mlcnmt6in Home, Ida'h o, been loak Leat OlllBtera. He was wound- a.t 2 :30 P. M . and Wednesda.y even- at 9:30 A. M. and 7:30 p, M. 'Morn- nnd Xenia doesn·t p ~'C"duce basketIng .sermon, "If Jesus Were Not ball 'tealM. Small, mc- ~ Ium ICT larce William Downey, iAlbanlon: Ch&.r- 8'lletlta of :Mr, and Mrs. ,J,f.. B. 'P eters, the guesUi of iIlhelr parents, Mr. and ed in a ratd on P'nI.nce, Alii. 7, 11M4, Ing at 7:30. Mrs. How\lrd l'llorence and Mr. B!l1d when h1& plane 'WU , bit by. antI• • • God 's Son ," Evening sennon, "The t hey "bring home the ba.con." l~ BopIl' , Harveyd>u1'i: W1lI1am Mrs. Enna carver of 0Inclnnet1 Youth FellowshIp, T.uesday, 7:30 '1 Tlllnk' Church." 'MnI' Oleve Conner. Mr. and Mr". a ;~t flr~ . .Seql~t iP..lJlck 1185 Congn.tu1aJtI'OllS boys, and t·h"nka J'OI'Oon. LebanOn; ond ~an Amsrent t:pe 'W~ end 'With be&' parent:;, F10rence entertained to dinner on a total of forty- eight mls&iona over P.M. for giving a'i tne citizens ot Wa;yLebaMn. Mr. end MrB. Wilbur N. Seal'S. Sunday, ,h onoring their son and enEIJI(Y Jten1tory. FRIENDS nesville iii. g;i'anll' besk't<tbaM season. Those repaII1t1ng .for preIod\lCtkm • • • He is ,Iihe son of Mr. anId Mn, ST. MARY'S EPISCOPAL MIss Jea.nett.e DeVoe of Dayton $ughter-m-:tIIW, Covers were a "f11rst Day Ichool - 9:10 A. M. WAYNESVIiLLE O. F. T examinations on N:aroh 9, were: CHURCH Keet1ng fOl' Worship - 10:30 A,!ttI. Ludington 2 3 7 Rlul WlUtaue, Yorrow, Ohlo, and spent tthe week em in w.,.ynesvUle ranged at tIhe ,m ole l'or, and a de- Ross Planck, ~esvUle, Ohio. His l1clous dinner W86 enjoyed by, Lt. wUe, ,E leanor, res~_ et 1630 Pell Ralph Pal'k8, Minister ID Cha..,. V'1.fiIt1ng ¥ranc4ia KJRpatJ1ck . . Wtllialn :Poe, Morrow, 01Uo. . Sackett 2 1. 5 MT. HOLLY METHODIST and Mrs. ~nee, . Mr. and Mra. ~e, DayWn, OhIo, " Oburch SchOO) at 9:39 A. M. • • Charleton 3 0 4 CHURCH Kornine prayer and sermon, MaWda Rllea tuId Evelyn Boeh· Wilbur Florence end ta.ml1y, Mr. H~k 1 2 • Roy S. Clary Promoted T. M. Scarff, M1nlater . 1'1 :00 A, M, mler of ~ sPent tale 'week end and MnI. PGul Kuntz a.nd ch1Idren, Apprentice Seaman Bradley, K . 7 0 14 To Rank of Sereeant Mr. aDd Mra. Oleve Oonner and the ,James Hartsock Vi.ita Here The sohecWle of services for the Sunday school - 9:30 A. M. INlth 'nancea .KI1itlXltriok, MASON host 8I\d hoeteae, .. ~der of Lent will be as tolEo A. ilarDhart, aupermtandeat, 1 • • !Mrs Bl U. i'1IorenI:e has completed :hJs Walker 0 2 Sgt. Roy s, Oq, 31 ye8rs old, • andIe. Blker of Olnclnnatl ·Mr, &nil Mrs. Jamee &.rtaock iowa: Worahip service - 10:30 A. N, Melllah 4 bas been ,p romoted koIn the gn.d.e ;flU ~ 'Week end truest Mr. and training end Is ~ .'ready for over- have had B8. their euest, tJhe1r lIOn, Mardl 18, lPassion Sunda~, Morn- Evening service - 7:30 P. Wolfe .: : oI PIrlvate FIrat Olaaa tID Sergel.nt· MrIi. ac. iH. HIl'tIoelI:. seas service, He enlJated in ,t he Air James S. HazIt:sock, Ap;4'fJntice See- Ing Praya' and sermon, 11 :00 A. M. ~ 0 ~ • OOrpe alter ,l eavq h1B etudtes at of ....._~~_ N Ma.rdl 25, PoJrn SUndiolY, Holy Silver Star Awarded Middleton, B. :1 .. 'IIOOOI'dlng to a. ~ lssued by ' the rM.ra ~. and ftIn!ng 1JI8iD, .......~., ew~. James Middleton D :1 2 6 Publl.c ReJe.tlollB section of the tT. .t.... _..:.- .... _........ _"_,..,v- In Sidney OX1ord and has been ~ ot enterEd se1'Woe on peceullbe1' 19, OoInomundon, 11:00 A. M. ' . r u .... . , . . . _ ... '" several dWerent echools com;t!etlng 1944 and has n!t.wned ~ Sampson April 11 , East£l' Day, Holy ComTech. ,F1frbh Grade Junior L, Tow- Waynesville 10 17 :n 34 S • nMU'J. , _,:",,-, over ,t he 'Week end. his work at MOunta4Jl Home, Idaho. of R R 1 to of M Maron 4 11 17 ~ Sit. Olary. pe.l'tlclpated in ...,....... • • • He rellUl'nesl to To""&'''', KGal8a8, for for further tra.ln1na• .Mr. end !Mrs. lDWl10n a.t 7:00 and 11:00 A. M. son . . 1 , Day n, son ==:==~'==-=======~==;:;==== in the Nonnan'dy 0ampa18n. NorthMn. Obrence Osborn of S p r i n g - HIB·rtaoclt have also beard from Etihellol. 'H arOln, has been aw...."ed WAYNESVILLE 0 F- -T ........ _ Qe....... n.~ and ..... ..i\llll. fl-" . ............. _ ..... of . &Ii8lgnIment, . and MnI. Florence, Is tibetr son, Pv.t. JotlllRb B. Hartaock, T. AUGUS'I1INE COUROH lIhe Silver stu lilt his I~ baae LudlnRton 2 0 • ern ... ~-, ·-ov· A,OO;... . ..... W&I ......11...., gil.,.,. Mrs. at pre&enit, with her· parents. . wIoth th 67th -~. .... at His' ~tIoo in ,1Ihe ArmrI has been 'ONCe L. Bmltlh. !.bat he Is eomewhere in BeJpJm. Father Kr1UDhol&a. Prteat . e al1l1lored ........~ l!Ia.ctett 0 0 0 .' baivlng left for O\'Iet'IIeU aervl.ce in ..__ d 900 A M the FIrst army. TO'Wson, who holds · Oharleton 1 1 11 a Squad Leader. SlSd. ROn Bode Returns ~IB'Y. . - SWl ay - : " the EUr.opean-Mr1ca Mt~ East- Hart.IIoDIt :1 1 8 me wife, AudreY . Madeline 0Juy, Birthday Aniuveraary Af 18 M th 0 ern ribbon the Good. Oonduct rib Uv ......<Jn RUl81 RoUte 1. Wa.ytIl!SvWe; ter on s . verseas. WAYNESVILLE ' ' - Bradley, K. 3 e 10 ..... ~ Receive Word from . CIIIWI bon, illhe Bronze StAr·and the 'Purple _ _ _...~,..--,/ . ' IPJ1ends ,~~ receWed word Mr. anId N'rB. W. !P. strader b&ve CBUIWII OF T Heart, was MW.rded otIl1& 'hSSb- rank- NOO'I1HRliDOE 0 P T Graduate'S ~t ~-' IlIIbm Mr. aDd Mrs. ·Cad lDuke of had 88 ibheLr &'I1eststbe Wter's boo- Pvt, Horace Bu~ett lias BaD~1, Mlnlster Ing honor for exx:e~ (Ill.u antry Hlnlch, W. 4 1 8 ,a"':'b I BradentOn. ~" Ulat 1BIn. buke t;her-in..lIuW ond alster, 'S/Sit. ami Bltlle School ","",,:30 A, !ttl, in actiOn on Oct. 5, 1944, In lim at- lKJWrey • 4 I 2. TorpMoman . ta~ e ~ ~ eOtert.1ned. -mz:tng the past. week. 'Mrs, RaI8 Bode, s isSt, ·B9de attlved 1Mr. and ~" ~ Bumett have ooinmunJpn -10:30 A. N. tack aQ'&inat etrong ~ 'tnatal- H1rIIch, R, 7 5 ,18 ..:......,..... b02IariDIr Uhe' blirtlhd6y annlversa.IY fmn oamp ~, Nevada, aliter recel\1~ word tnJal U)e1r son, Pvt: BennDn - : 101:00 A, M: . aatlons on the southern outskli'ta of Scrafield . a 1 'I >Ptubl1c Relat.kltDe otaOe. ~tb of Mr. Dub 'With Mr. and Mrs, 8&m an abeeJJCe of. ,18 numths ov~ Bora.ce 'B \Imett, Ibt.t he baa amved au1atJan. Brideavor ..:.. 6:30 P. M. 'Ubach,~. ~ 0 0 0 Mwa1 Dl8tlAct .~. Qrea,t D. Ber!t'le Of ' LeIlanon. aa wrvJQe, ill'S. Stnde!l1l and from overalll8 , 8el'1~ ehct' 18 noW Evening Ben10e - 7:30 P. M. .;:..._--waynesville ~ .13 :11 .. lalr.ea, ro.':'" ADIb1r t.hIaBe snMi- 'Ibetr _ Paul &Del ' RDbert are stater IIr and 111'1 A D IADham At cazDp ~. Hew Jeraey, Pv-t, Yld-'1Veek ~ aervtce Jack Crane G.Ma Hi.' Great NO'I'thT1dge 10 28 85 " ...t1DIr 'Mm ~ve courae_of baIh in .~ Iier!vtce; ~ in 8Ild ~• .:...;- _ le.Dentered ..... in thla -- 1~ niibt - 7:30 p, N , Lake! UBoot-Trainini'~ ~ tr&iDIDIr _ ... reOeot ~ CIIIIl Paul iWjtll the Oout bam. 01 Salem, wtlt''Vltiima, wee ,o ountl7, ClClIJICIIeted aaiDIIIC in IAIdy There Were 134 out .tar Bible r. vll'.c his "boot-tr:Un1nt," Prior eoeeiwvtoe 8cboo1a b4;re 'WU ~ at New 0IGeuB. AiIo, their alIo oneIt met ~. Mr. ~ M1's mil . . . in tile IIWUkm Or.authem SOhoot ~ at othe WayneeJacIt Oraoe, .. member 01 ·tIbe eDtel1InIr RadIo-'1'I!cbDttcIaDI 8DbooL J\IINtn William BiImb1, 18, Mllll.Dd idIUII:bWl .......... III ata.tkia~ at- ~ MIl cia....... ~Itd ft'aIIICe. He lIb1'apuel vUle Oh. at ChrIst. We are 1\V211 aen10r cJaai of IW~ 'l'ownIbip lUll addnles is: John fUobIM aU.. or .... ~ L. Runb.V.1'oIir4b St.,. eome poIIa ' 1ft ·D!IIand In Radar by S/$It. IIbl UN. Bode. retumed 1IIOUDda in the ID4 __ been ' on our 'Wa)' tDW'Brda nnlldnc our High' School, Is now· statAooed at 8 lIc lR;T,) UBMA ao. -. W~ 0bI0. . wen. oW ..... on 81uIdIIf a . .Med ~ a.rt. . coal Gf 120 p~r SUnday .verQfle for Great LUes, m., wIleN be ..- re- V,S.N.T.O., ONIIt lMeI, m.




Spartans Win Trophy In Toornament Finals


the month. ThIs 'L ord·':; Day we are a:lmlng a.t 150 for BIble SchOO) ond belleve we can do It. Mnrch 25t<h Is the Special Sunday for the manU! of March, A mixed quartet from Clnclnna.t.1 B ible Semlntu'Y wll1 \) ~ here and we are hoping to bwe at least 160 present !or thaot special OOCIIS\on. 'I1wo weeks from Sunctay Is Easter. A special program of songs and an Easter message ' Is being pbnned by the m:1nister, We are hoping to have 250 for Bible School on that day. On the Monday night following Easter otIle church 'WIll begin a ,three weeks evaongellsttc meetJng with Mr. Randall doing fue prei.chlng and Mr. OUn Atwood from Indiana lending ,t he singing and fu.mdahing speclnl music.

donations and that it Is jmperatlv~ no let-<up In 11he effolUl be allowed. M\)Ch WOJik Is yet to be done 11 th e over-1lhe-top Is g1a.ined. ~y person, club or orsunization in Wayne Townshlp wishing ,t o i'ive to the Red 0r0s.<J w\hIo may h ave been mIss!d by 0. soll.cttor, may depooIt their contribution. ~ o the Amutcan Red Gross War Fund at Lhe First Nat ional Bank. WaynesvUle. It Is hoped thalt l Our name will ~r as a contributor t.o thtf ~eat . humanitarian ' organization before ~he fnd of this drive, states Mlni. brly. FERRY CHUBCR OP CHRIST

In the a.b6eooe oI William Kern, ll. ~ spe lker for the meetinr, DG.vld ~eIl\IB.1ned with a family dinner on Bailey. Comity lIgent of War.rep .3unday ond had 88 ,their guests, Mr. ColUlty, st·essed the Importance 01 3nd Mrs. RiobeI't Olt:aver and son, Ilhe egg mlll'keting progTam which 1B


Any Milled By Solicitors Can Contribute At Bank


'M r. and Mrs. Albert Cleaver en-

M,:be:~-:~, Roo~


Hotel In Day.ton, sorshlp of the sembly: Th.e ,> alP'.' by John S : ~Viana l tary of the LA.1.I!« Mr_ Moore will SP ~'i:4k pETience.s and Mr. on (he the Baih'al'isnow bi\-orojlJ·f)S.'l th ruMrs, Early wishes '1.0 emr.:~aslze out tile world. Clhe' impol1tBn.ce !of contInutng the work 01. maJdng collections and


Mr. end ·M rs. 0r>I1l1e Gra~, Mrs. Willlam Sa.wyer and SoIlllJl Miller were SUIlday dlnner i'\1ests of Mr. ~ lin. Il'WOOd Towson in Mlamlsburg. Mr. and Ml1I. 'IUwson entertained with .. famUy. dinDer honor:ng IIIhe birthday e.nmversal')' of Mrs. Ol'8(Y. • • •

Meets With Mrs.

Chairman Early Asks For

Jozef McCoy

Five Directors Elected; David Bail~, Speaker

·_. .

Volunteer for Victory Group

Van Cleve

In ArIzona, sent by Miss DorIs Hawke, 'Were examined and found to be Ver}' Interesting. Mrs. .SuSan Scanlon also read an IWtlcle on IndIan rue. Nine members were present and during illhe social hOW' . . enjoyed the dell.cfous refreshml!1lJts 6eIWed by ltihe h08Ulss.

• • •


, MARCH 15, 1945

Lehanon National Farm . .

,J. H. HALDERMAN, Speaks Severnl OO.okson' tihe native Indians April Meetine Scheduled to Be Held with C. E. Stanforth











. 1







IIU"'CfGV. ~our

The Miami Gazette Published Every Thu r day by Davi son Press :::;. Floyd L. Davisson, Editoi'-Publisher

I"bleriptloll Rate.: Within 16 mile., '1.50 per year (P.'"10 In Advance ) Beyond lG mUee,. ,2.00 per )'ear




Gardel1-ers Urged To Purchase Needs ' Wit1t~ut Delay

A ·WELCOME AWAITS YOU at · t~e Ferry Church of Christ OOl\Ul1]NION ond "R&4ORJl(Q -It''O A, M. Sermon, "" lOSIi W.... Not Ood'. 'OD,"

pile. this year I. Hood, accordlol' to a recent lurvey. Wit h the. bumper crop lallt yeat, seeds will be especially plentitul, but due to manpower shortages. gardeners ore ndv;sed to get their seed orders In ImmeciJa tely. The help shortage will make It Impossible to ftll orderl on time If all walt until just • • before planting Urne I to plac. order. for leed. Aa a matter at • fact, moat ,arden. ,. 'e n buy their leed ' DO supply from their local stores, 10 thll warning wID apply only to those who lend In to the various seed houses tor their seed needs. It is advisable, however, for all ga rdeners to lay in their sc ed supplies early. Thll can be done immedi ately alter the garden has been mapped out and planned, or just os soon as local .torel receive thei r spring ahipmenta of seeds. In many sectiona of the country these .upplie. are already on dis play. Farm gardeners IIJld experienced growers in the smaller tOwnl know pretty well their need. in the way of garden tools.' But for the smaU backyard or vacant lot garden very few toola are actually necessary. It II Qette.r to buy a few simple, hlgbgrade, lubstantlal tools that will lerve well for many yean, than equipment which II poorly deslaned or made of cheap or low-grade materlall that will not lilt. In most inatancel a lOod apade or Ipadin, fork, a Iteel bow rake, a 7-lnch common hoe, a Itron, cord for layIng of! roWI and enough garden hose to reach aU parts of the lIar-. den with water are all that Is essential . A trowel II useful In tranl' plllntin" but Is not essential. If the IOU I. properly prepared, plants can ba let more eallily with the hand. thin with a trowel The 'ertlllier .ltuaUOD relleraUy I, not .a ,ood, due to nitroreD aIIona,e, aa It waa a year a,o. but VlotOl'J ,ardenen are Dot RPCoted to bave much &rOilble In obtalalDr lumcluu to IUPply their ueedll. The same Victory ,arden srades used in 1944 will ~ In ef!ect thil year. This means that tor the At-

YOtml SlaVICES - '7:00 p, M. E\'enin, , EvangeUstlq Services. - 8: 15 Sermon, ''The 'I .Thlnk' Church"

Wlo; iam C. ~I'. tor fuur yeai'll branch manager of the Kroger Gro ce ry and ~aking Company at Atlantn, has bllen appointe d' manlI'~ e r of the company's branch in Cincinnati. IIIccording to a nno u;:cement uy Pres ident C. M. ~ . e:·tso'i. ' He replaces Wilbur :·cngel. 'Who is promoted to the i,ranch olHce at Chicago. Bcll returns to Cincinnati wh ere he jOined the Kroger orga:li ~ atlon 14 years ago in the produce IlcJlartment. SucceedJ ng promotions took him to Chica go and Cleveland oftices of the cO-:1pany. Be was merchan(lise manager at Cleveland before his promotion to Atlanta in 1941. In Ills new capae.lty he will be in charge of Kroger's 151 stores in Cincinnati area, including 24 In Kentuckv land 8 in Indiana.





by Mrs' . Bert Bunnell Mr. a nd Mrs. Walter PIeltfer and dlwglhter, Mr ._Gnd Mrs . Bel't BUtU1cll and Mr. a.nd Mrs. MIllard Ball spent S ;'Bhy with M 'l'S. Hazel Abner and d8JUghte1'6 of Franklin . !Mr. and ~. Leslie Gorsuch ellt.el'talned rela~'ftS, Sunday. Mr. and ~l. · JOhn Koester enleJ>balmd, SUN:mY. Mr. and Mrs, Moms Lew1s amd sons 01 Mt . Holly. Mr. and Mhil. White of Lebanon "pent. Sunday tMtel'lloon and evffi1ng w1th Mr. and~. Bann er StewIll't.

. By Lilli.." B. Storm,


Sprtng somewhat blends into Summer; Summer eases 1nt.o FWl unnotlced; anld Fo.ll just na.turally leads t o Winter. blJlt Spr1na' seems to start Cllew, not· a blending wltal any ooas~n bUt a. reb1s',th all of its o?·ri. Wit.h 6prln8 comes tile glorioUl EafJter SEilSOD. 'I1hl8 too ls sYmbollc of Q. new'ness"a re.blrth It Is a It4m'.e when tale heal'lt e.nd soUl at Jr4n 1& rejuvenated, when a definite feeling Ito t·b row aU the old and wom self alll~ 'ta&e on 11 l,fIW ~on of ate Is predominate In all 'b elnp. ~ys ·tohink or the woods and tllw river; a little aw1mm1ng; - a game at marbles or ~I; ·h ookey 1Irom '!the long grln(! ()f school; n rlshlng pole and the .thrUl of tmt vigorous t\l8' on the llne. Men begin 00 clean the golf olubs; plan for Lhe 'garden; practice for softball; stay a.wey lrom bhe house whenever convenient beoauseWomen ue contemplCJtlng spring cleunlns; p!IjlJC'f hanging; palntlng;'1i n w 1Ihis err a new that. Yesl def1n1te signs of Sprhlg are 1~ the air.



• •

Evan elistic Meetin At Waynesville Churcb of Cbfist April 2, , 8:00 ·



Soul Stirring . MeaNcn Each Night by MAX W. RANDALL Mingte., '

• • •

Reusing 'Sonr SerVces Each Evening lAtd by MR~ OLIN ATWOOD

.- ------ _.._,. ----


- --


P. M.


Mr. &tid Mrs. Fred Braddock aM son accompa.n1ed Major and fMs. Arthur J . Wilde land son to lW'r1ght and Patterson Fields on SWlIda.y a.nd Mrs. Ebhel 'Weill, the YearlY'Mee t- enjoyed dinner at Ithe Officers Club. 1ng Supt.. W8.'l ,bhe speaker, Suntbl.y. Mrs. Ella Haines is visiting her 60n CI!!l<I da'Ui:hter-in-lww, Mr. a.nd MJ'S. Homer !Haines, nOO4' sabina. Sunday dlnn~r guests of Mr. and M..t'S. IWtlllwn Smibh and Mal'UVD were: Mr. and Mrs. Evan Bogan, Mr. and Mrs. Emmet Ne-vln and SOI1lI, Denny- and Jimmy, of lDayton, Mrs. Lucy Compton and Mr. and Mrs. Raleigh Bogan. Mr. and Mrs. Melvin Holllnp.worLh anxi Mr. and Mrs. DonaJd HalnfS I1 nd 5On , Aldon, were d1nner ~ l1est..s, tiunda.y. of Mrs. Luther Haines ClOd Mr. and Mrs. Cht!.rles Laird 01 Camden. Word ~ ,been receivEd IklQIt Opl. n<>bert c. ~nn. SOil of Mr. and Mrs. Evan Bog'ln, hlld been stat:oned 1n F'rance. DOl'li J ane. Susan Gayle land Larry. children of Mr. and Mrs. Leonard EllIs, spellt Satru~ night wlt.h ·t helr g,ra nd- .~ents, Mr. and Ftrurel oarved In Ice are popular Mm. Raymond WilBon. ~I centerpieces at Eallt coaat ban· Charles Stanley and f(W)lly, vlstt- Quet. and partie.. Min MadellDe cd t·he 10rmer's sister, Mrs. Wen- Stone haa beeD acalptarlnr IUeb dell )\IWtes!de and <ihUdren, Sunday. thlnp a. IWIUlII, batUeahipa. bornl of pleDty and cupids for lbe laa& Mrs . . Whiteside 'lind c hildren three yearl. Rer atudlo II • room leaving In a. ffJW days t o live 8It New In • BfttoD Ice oompanl wbere aile Orlea.ns, where Mr. ~1teB1de Is chllell ber Itatuettel from blocks 01 st9ItIoned. Her slster, Miss , MilLry &rUBelal lee. She maat work In • Stanley, will accompany h er. temperawre 0' 18 decreet!. H abe Mr. a.nd Mrs. Lawrence ~exander wean aD oyercoat and mltteDa, residents or this neighborhood, moved tJo their home recently purchased In Xen1a .


======-==== ===

DeHnlte signs abound ln ~ Nature .t!l8t t he lone /Wi n ter sleep Is abOut ended and Spring with its '\\vmtb anid shbWers, Ibhundiel' and lightning, buds end bees, ta a.b?,u t to make her gala. entrance. Birds have been around! forDl8llY' ~, the gTeSS 1$ 8l"eenlD8'-up and yoang, ·t ender, ~ shoots of flowers IIftl stlcking thelr pointed ,t ongues


'Wt.lm ~

nblmMf, .'TwII flJien4ly b t 0l111mp. ~cntItr or STUBBS FUNERAL

Caesars Creek '


A new growth Is beg1nnlng. Be.f{)l'e our .vel'j' eyes Nature is 8glain reborll. Each !;Elasan ,bhe same proctlfduTe, :,·et eoob one a little di!!erent, eaCh one looked eagerly iWWard teo. Many who ! Witnessed fifty, sllity, ~ or more Sprtnga Jr.(llte their debut, Would think ~t a tlres()me thing If told at e. tenldar age that such W8iS 'to be their lot, and yet, eaeh time it ls aU new \lgain, all

Wlzlter one could

OWl tJba

Help The. Red Cross War Fund Drive



lamp flickered ~ ll&bt ttor you iIJo oUmb .the stairs to bed? 'ree &ha.4owe ckmced aroWl:l iIeiIdIIB " JJIaeo to h1de, a.n'd In th6

Telephone 2291 Waynesville Ohio


An opportunlly for every American to write a practical peace treaty whJchcan be applied to th e world at the end of the w ar has ,ust been announced by Joseph W. Frazer, chai rn lan of th e board at the Graham-Paige Motors Corporation and chairman of a committee of distinguished judges of the National Peace Trea ty Cnntest. Prizes totaling $10,000 In war bonds will be awarded winners of the contest, Mr. Frazer said, with a first pri 7.E' of $2,500 in war bonds, second prize a $1,500 wa r bond, third prize a $1.000 war bond. and 97 other prizes ranging from $500 down to $25 in war bonds. ''Every American," Mr. Frazer declared. "should take advantage at this opportunity to express his views on peace and by doing so help guide our statesmen at the coming peace conferences." The contest opens on March 1'7 and was inspired by the bestBarrr 8 TrIlDWl selling book written by William • B. Zift-"The GenUemen Talk of Peace," Mr. Frazer explained; "It is open to any legal resident of the United States or Its possessions and to members of our armed torcel. Entries must be limited to 1.000 worda in length and sent to the National Peace Treaty Contest Headquar- WWJam B. ZUI Uri, 350 Fifth Avenue, New York 1. N. Y. po.tmarked not later than midniih~ . ~prU 15. 1945." . 14embez:~ of the judgea' eommittee in addition to Mr. Frazer are: Viee·PreaiQent Harry S. Truman; Fannie Hurst. novelist· William Green, prea1dent, American Federation of Labor; Clinton Golden, executive vice-president, United Steel Workers of America CIO ' SeDator Owen Brewster, Republican of Maine; Ray Rand. forme; an:ay private wounded at Salerno; Mrs. Cain, Los Angele. Cathollc clubwoman and blue star mother; Dr. Rockwell D. Hunt, Dean of the Gradllate School. University of Southern California; Hey. Ralph W .•Soclonan, minister at Christ Church. Methodist, New York City. Ln . Mr. Zi1!. .



. B.IBLE SCHOOL - 9:10 A. M.

ITH certain Cxgcption.. U!e W outlook tor Viator)' larden ,up.


r/;;~ft;;;; iHENI


1945 Gatden - ,

MGrcla 11, 114' .

Implemutl are lmlno'·ii~ii: are eueDUal oilel.


lanUc seaboard, the formula will be 5- i O-5; for the cutral part of the country. Including the corn belt, It twill be 4-12-4, and for the western .tates It wlU b. 6-10-4. The Victory ,ardener who wllely supplied himself with a compost pile lut faU or who wal able to obtain mhnure, I. .not whoUy dependent upon commercial fertillzer., butJoI' the most part Victory gardens will rely upon commercial fertilizers to pro\lldc the necesaary sol1 chemical. for a successful crop.

Buy Early to Secure the Best The latest word on insecticides tl that supplies will be about the same 08 last year. Rotenone, one of the malt popular garden insecticide In· gredlents, will be available In approximately the aame quantities a. last year. Rot.none may be purch.ased separately, In powder form. or as part of a prepared Insecticide .~ta ble for the part1!)ular vegetable or, Inlect with which the gardener must deal. The ingenuity of the American people generally, I. manifest In so,oe of the homemade practicel which Victory gardener. have developed. For Instance, when there wa. H shortage in Insecticide dusters, a homely but dectlve method was de. veloped by using a common cloth bag for dusting plantl. Other equal. ly . ef!ectlve devices have been used altkough there does not appear to be !I~ apparent ahortage this year In the commercial Imall dusters and Iiltayen. Extreme care ' should be used In lIandlin, poisons .0 that they will not be mistaken for ftour, or for fOOd for livestock, or left where children or pet. can be injured 'b y coming In contact with them. . When using materials which are , known to be lethal to bee., livelltock . or other property. one should ex. crol.e every rrrecautlon to p~otect all pr,operty trom damage and. a's • meana thereto, u.e 0\,11 sucb metlr. odlof application and under IU@ climatic conditions al to prevent damage to bees. 'anlmals or oth .. property. --;

Rccently a phy s iciu~ remnrked that "When one of my bnby pa· tients comes d.own with a cold. J suspect someo'n(> hn ~ b ~ (' n cnl'e· less." If you h nvf Il "old, It IE a nuisll nc(> but well worth wh ilc durinl!' the times when you nn' ('ar ing for th ... baby t(' weill a clot h II1Ask oV('r yo ur mou t h lind nost'. S(o that you do not b)'c~lthe dil·I!l·tly !ntCl th e bllb~" ~ fact' No onl' wit h M I Y <\Ii · gestlOlI of having /J ,'old or WhCl i$ afrllid of co ming- down with a ('Clld shCluld g et clos,e to a baby /llld n')' tllillly h a~ n Q rlj!'hl to kl !l~ ... \·\'n the· 111011 ' adorllble bab'y In th .. \\'o rlLl The fir",t ~tll gc.~ of II \'old . Itt: very co ntagious . Ylour baby ha~ the l'ij!'hl tCl expect you tc· ,i t'ote," him from n II Ill) r I n'l! relatlv(> ~ and f,·iends. A <:olrl IS s,erlllu~ l'nough lind espt·ciall .v Sll ror a buby \,,' ,..,lIng eh ild. to justify e\'ery precaution. :n.e cold Il1ny lor may, not dl'v E'lop Into an h o n e!' t-to-goodne s~ old fashionl'l' ""Id. but it may In t:lat C II~t' It inll'l ft' ro~s with appt'tite and with crl'W~ " tlllri de velopment 'a nd \riO! ~1t'I'J I Hlld your child can be n;ost ul1t.'mfort:able . The common cold 0(> a f orerunner of anum· brr ...r !Jther i I nes!4es, none ot. ": i.. -.ould Y'ou willingly ' g ive }, i:a . ~.cil her can you afford to be ~r \ ; , .: .. nbout l!xp08ing him either to /I rold you may be deve loping or olle thnt so me ,)llI cl' person has. In other words, you might far bettt't tun the risk " I' 'hurting the fl·elings of others til :" ~ \lbmlttlng yuul' baby to the jJt)s,'" ilitv of un· 11 f'~ltry illness. ~ . Often one of the Ii "s t s igns of a cl)ld Ie a leSSEned Kppcl ite. SOl

Frozen Beauty

WARDROBES With Plate Gl ••• Walnut Fini.h

Mirrors or Maple

Waynesville furniture Co. Gibbon. Bldg.-North St.

Wayne.ville, Ohio

'Mr. and Mrs. Donald JonES and cJa.uJhter movoo, Saturday. to the farm <!!ley pW'dhased lrom Mr. AJaxander. Mrs. Maly .Bogan and Mr. and Mrs. Weldon WiL"On are m ov. ing to tJhe fonner's Wm vacated b} Donald Jones. Mrs. &1lJy EennCltt, who 8pen~ several 'Weeks with her daughter, Mrs. Irene ,B urdell and family, hn ; retumed to Day.toft. Mr. and Mrs. RaleIgh :&:gail nnd ~ La I1l1l' n Sue Smith were dinner gUE-sts of Mrs. Ella Halnes a week .l~o SUI.c:,.:.y. We WeI'e sorry l'O lose membe~ of t l:e Young' Iamlly Who recently lJl();ed to a fftl'm neat· Mt. Holly. Glenna Wilson spent an alterIf your haa' tangles easUy; here'. noon last ",:,eek with Dorothy Smith. a .tar beauty lecret. Rub the yolk. of two elllli Into the .calp. Then ' . Mr. Lloyd Da.vts, who has been 1:11 illve your hair a lukewarm shamlilt hls home 1m' Ille s;oot fey daoys, poo, no .oap. A few tiropi of vinegar was rtken on SUnday, to the or the JuIce of II whole lemon In the Mia ,. rlnain, wat.r II the perf.ct dnllh. m1 Valley Hospital for obserLedaet bndlcatI • . -WNU .. _ _ • • .F.aturu, _ vatLn /I.l:d treatment.



·H OURS: 9-12 Each mcm1ng

. 1-5 a1'temOOIlII except Wednesday


SatJurctay cyenUl&'

Other lilVen1nas by -r-Appointment TELEPHONE ••R

Dr. C. E. Wilkin Optometrlo Eye Sped&Usi 28 8. Detroit 8t.

XENIA, 0. '

iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii A. UCTION&ERIJIIG


St. nley and Koo.....


Far DkLt:l>, PhuDe 28M, WaytlOlvIDe, Ohio. Reverse Qbal,es

.. .. ........... ,.... ..... ,...... . ~

.............. --....-..01.". N.w, ...r. tho" ••• r

- --' RUBBER


......f .... . , . .......•. . . ..... f.r ••••'I••••• with II•••.,




...... natl_ at . . . . . . . . . ., .

..... .................

, •• MI•• I , •• ,lll•• ' c.... "¥ I ••• I" •• • •••• ". MI •• I V.U• ., :-.,......, .....Hd


......... .,



...... '.rtlllo.,.



"-.HOW.,.. .......... ...... you .......•

Good Service.

'0' _II cro...- - "

... beN••••• ult•• A.1r Yell. . . . . . , ~

................. -

.. . . . It ....

Made To Order

80LD by !&\DING DRU_ In yon ()0MJItJMD'J'

The Miami' Gazette

@ _.a""".. • •• ,_a.,., •••.• ,.,.a •.•.• ,••. _,_ ;~::::~:::.~~~.~::::::::~::~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ .• .' •• II-'-Cl_'_L __

Don' t force notUk c as more tnuch than fooa ... _ _ • hc ,.111 take wl' Jlln~ly, ' He know. • _ . bet ter than you that leBs food, and Inore water Ilnd fruit julcell. are the best things for him. Feed him the 1I10re Bimpll! foods wHich have · been nppeal'ing on his menu. two different cereals with plent), ot milk migh t ' be" given more than once a day. . •




AS 11;;,181. baby may

RT. )

J . 1"1 . JONES

'"C.~_.o:.-t1-: . ~ _,. , • •


·:J ,....-.lIIry _ .-.;...... _. _ • - __ ~ ...,... 2 • '~'-1-



Place Your Order ler . . .


Quick Service


ffNC~ ..:BBrbed Wire' • GAtY,ANI~f&· R88fING





~ o.

I~ Sl'OC.K -

XBNlA, 0; <"


B~y' N'O~ For 'Sprina N~,

Fairley Hdwe. Stores

MAIN " 5 4



Fertilizer will .be.~ .carce. So ord.~ DOW and b ••U~ ofobtamin, J.'OU~ need.

Horaee, Co:tn, Hoc. Calve., Sheep, etc.



Phone 2441'


• -




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6 ·-


__ .rEt_ ~

_. ~


____ '... _i_a" ,•.•a_r_.• n_ ·.u_I..... '. '. i. _

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•• _

. _ . _ _ -'.



7'J1 ..".dlJrV.

Marcia Is, 1'4'




Neckline Flattery



Prtt"t'I-){II/II., Colf,,1 J;t"" . .A ,IUIII

Mental Huard



I' - flYE


Drl Yin, I ,oU blaU over • pond




~qrQ1l1trl\ ,]jlU1ern! ~lH\lP

qulru • type Olr ' IklU altoaether dillereht from 1llUnit it ~crO&6 1\ like$Ize pflich of green grass. t don·t

to SO ,per week C~.cke~ ~r From 11 Weelu Old . and froJll 2" to 3 Pound. '.' /. .

.JOIN the

know go1.( l)lit tnen who play we: I have made me I.l1Ilderstllhd ill!! llir. ference . The), calll it a inl!htlll hatIlrd, and 111e Is full ot them. Amell. tal hazard ~eem9 to be something thnt olters a thrent but presents no actual hindrance. Observation ml)kes me believe tha t the maUflllude of many world' problems, currently discussed in print Ilnd on the all', croates a men· tal hazard. Utter .bigness cause 5 people to turn their thoughts away from facts that concern them vltn i. Iy. Postwar planning is Il good 11· lustra tion. It Is something thnt neetj); the serious attention ot millions or thinking Americans. Like Seein, Ghosts I have heard several· intelligent people recently t alk as if postwar planning might be something outside of their ·world: a Job for aome mys. terlous committee of mental giants or supernatural Ibelngs . Actually, only a small part ot postwar plan· nlng needs to be central planninlt. It is. a job for us all lind the sooner we start It the mo,re promptly pros· perity will follow peace. People who Imagine they see ghosts are harmed as much by them as If they really cxlstcd. People who lIet alarmed at a, big undertaking and run away troln theIr pa rt of are in much the lame class . Plan. nlng Is for everybody with 8 job. every firm with I) business. every famlly with a farm. Things are going to ' be different Boon, and we will need to be ready. MIUJoDs UI1employed Spectres of pnennplayment shaped in the smoke of war are scary enough to frighten even t.he wizard statisticians who lc:now hbw to tam e wild figures. 'rhat: IItreet corner es· tlmate: "20 million without jobs, ". is probably 25% bigh. America has 40 mUllon people wOl:king now at jobs they can keep afiE!r the war. ArIel' the war, however, 55 million w11l have to work if the nation prospers. The difference ill 15 million. This many will come from our armed forces and trom war baby Industries; too many to be idle. Fewer job hunter. than that made 1932 a very bad year. But (not counting the Job. that will die with the war) our Industries are using 40 million 'peaple now and should Ulle 511 mU. lion in peacetime. It does not di· vide exactly even, but call it a gain of one man in four . . in'cUlleD" Gael.In, Men who won the war, men from unl!orm and men from munItion plnnts, are returnllng to peacetime pursuits and we must have work for them. Anybody cnn plan on a one· man scale. The 1lrst step Is for each of us In bls own shop or ot· tlce to figure out about three things that might happen to hi. business when peace comes. Then line up these "could be" poltwar changes In 1·2·3 order, the most likely one first. Step No.2: Plan what'. best to do In' each of the three eases. 'rry to make plans :It!.~ tour work.ers where three wc,rk now. Nobody can plan for you, Nobody knows your business like you .do. When war ends, every man Ihould have quick access to bls own deliberate· thinking, and be ready to welcome peace. It Is an Idea for 1m all buslneilS, but small 6rma normally em· ploy 85% of Amerloca'a workel'l.

ONLY Phone 2986




l~[~C=O=U=R=T=S~~'I' ~ a:::b~fi:~n~ .

Elugene Case, dec·d. e6ta.te valued

at $500.

COMMON PLEAS l"nld Barnes vs. Viola Batnea, dJvorce to platn tiff , children to pla!JlJt1ff, coot. paid. Gl'orge E. Jefr~y VS . Amllda Jef. fCry, dlvolec} t.o plaintiff, child to . delendant.. pla'lntiff to pay defendant sum of $15 tor next five weeks {rem this date and $" per week there&nLer. costs paid. Frances T. 'I\1IYJor VII. George C. Tay'lcr, 66I'Vlce by publlca.tlon order. ed.


In 'Ilhe matter of tAle estate of Groce T . Shurtz. dec'd. value of

estate is $500. 'In .the matter of the estate of

Jc.seph L. Greene, dec·d . Kate Greene Wed ··lpplk::ntlon to be appointed execut41x. In -the ITltlItter of the estate of Duke B. EdWards, dec'd. Emma J. Edwards filed bond with sureties in 6UJll crt $4000. Un tJhe ma.tter of tJhe e&tate of MartJuI. N. H.oudl, deC'd. personal Plbpeirly awnaJsed at $161.

NEW CASES M~ Qra,..~ VII. 1JaB1l Gray, divorce. SEAL ESIJIATE TRANSFERS extreme crue~; Young & Young I1'ma, and Err.l'st H8lItsock to ablya. Rd>ert and FloreN:e M. Mooce. lot 1 in. Weynesvtlle. MARRIAGE LICENSES Cassie J, Brln1nge.· to Roy and Oharlell Hell2'Y Bohl. Jr. 20, U. Rachel Ro~rs. 2 acres III Franklin B . N&~. ~ . ONW , Ohlo; ~ 'Dwp. Oswald. 19, student, LeblnOill. (lla.dye C. Venable to OW'tts and . John pe:os1. 24. !ectolV wo:tcec-. Berneda Wade, loti! 28 and 29 ·Jr. Ple·s.sant Plain; Et.1iIL Waneta Oren, Lel:lanon. 18. laoto.ry WIOl>lter. Morrow. i.eJwJ'ence D . &nta to Wilbur Eldon Pm'}'SayJor, 19; U. B. Na.~ . Glenn Banta, 81.82 acTe6 In TIlrtleGenI:~ rvl1le; Bonnie Ha.tneld, 20 creek Twp. FmnkUn. Clarec1ce V. DuMam, et al to PROBATE COURT ~len N. Hudson and Goldie M. IIn the matter of the estate of qonner, 87.62 aerea, in Turtlecreek Harry H . B4i.ysore, dec·1i. Dellv. Eay- Twp. sore, adm1n·stratrlx.. tiled bond fol" Cecil W. MeLoy. ·.dec'd. by ·R obert $2025. E. Mooney to ROOert, 189.71 an ,the Dl1lItter of the estate of A{;re8 in Turtlecreek Twp. Oharles H . stewart. dec'd . Lyle Lionel R. OampbelL and Preda N.



CamiptJeU to RaIy and BessIe Drum· mond, 0.31 acres in Harveysburg. !HAm' C. KIng to hul Bolrron and Edna Mae BURlIIS, 57.77 a.crea In Clearcreek 'l1wp. orvllie S. and Elsie 1M. WilSon to MM1lord L. and Vir.ginia M. Hend ricks. 9 lols 1n Deerlleld 'l1wp. Earl C. a nd CsbherJrie F. Wilson to RailPh and Nellie F. Guthrie, 1 8CI'e in Clearereek Twp. Olive Allen Brace to C. Edwaru and Floienoe G. S~anrol't.h. lot 1~ In W'ayneev1:Ue. I..aAJi6e M. Ewl,ng. et al to George W. Flt.zpa.tdck, 63.2'1 acres in !Frank.. lin 'llwp. Ben H. end Mary Forman fA> L. C. and Ellzabeth Leichty. to aores in P'rG.qkl1n TWp. George LyOOh ito Roland K. and NEMJe Johnson. lot 65 In South Leb. anon. BeI}ojamln.e ,F. and Letta M. Jameo to 'Wdlliam Henry and Golda J . Oonwln, lot 3 In Lebnnon. Loulse M . .I!lWmg aou itobert C. Mitchell to Enna. B. Mitohell lot 3 In Franklin Tw,p. ' ' Olayton and lWldl'ed Russell to Albin and Mlae Oomba, 68.28 acre.; 1n Turtlecreek 'I1wp. W. S. and Verne Hogg 00 Mathew and VlktOl:1a Hermetz, 36.65 acree !n Frn.nklln Twp. Eve Poo.rl 0ill1ns tlo I1'ene BlIIme6, 1 acre in Deerfield 'Ilwp. lPaullne Rxlgcra .Balon to Florence Powell, .08 acre in F\'llnltlin: Clarabeth HeIs I(X) Cl8Iude A. and Irene Eli2la.beth INeUs, 60.03 acres in Clnuweek Twp.

1 4"




10 to Wei ali - Each.

SQLD M ,BX W. Randall .



~ ..,.....;

. . ,-- - -

l:~~~,.9,~~~ ~~1:~,.'", By NINey PEPPER STICK YOUIt NECl\ OUT




LAMPS (,Ioor an" Table) STuDIO COUCHES IpriD. Filled) -(Fully . . L1VING ROOM SUITES BED ROOl!l .SUITES

STOVES "Compl.te. Hom. FurDi....r."





- "Eat MaiD Stnet at WIt;...-.."

And be aure to wear a necklace of aome ktad around It. Long, tumm), IeDcth ~bl are out of at)'le thll!' ),ear. Bere'a what the aUcker chICH are wcarta': . 8weet aad Lovely-l"or your mel· low moment. when YOII want to melt that certain boy, tie " . velvet rib· bon around your neck with a bow In tront. Very Victorian with your date V.llel and your formall, One fa· mou. teen.alte dellgner add. velvet bOWl for your wrllitl too. . Dlvtael, DeaDre-You'll loon be .eelnll heart-maped locketl or ' pearl bowknots at· lached to tubular vllvet ribbon Decklacel. One locket 11 a IIU,ree ,Ut' ba~l. atuffed with cot· ton. You drop Of your fa· vorite perfume OD It aDd he .woona evel')' time he dancel with )'ou. Doable 11,."Don·& break up your old t~l,-Ier111h pearl neclflace. JUit wear It doubled around your neck and tie In back with a velvet bow. CIudIIe ClaUe-Tb. new wa" to weer ,our leather do. co1l'r II UJl. del 1OW' dlcke)' or blouH coDar with the buckle In front. Match It with two more do. coDan. lamDed



IDto • belt.

- - BinI 21 ] 1

WaYllesviHe. Ohio

'FREE Theatre Tickets To The T WIN I,


WayneBville, Ohio

In tile columns of the GazeUe I' d · vertiserl are placed at random t h I! namn and addressell (If couirnunlly resideniJ. nND YOUR NAME and bring It to the Gazette office. You will reeeive your FREE THEATRE TICKET


- - - - - - -- - - - - -- - - -- - -

Patronize Your Own Association In thll black blolllJe. worn with a black dirndl-type Iklrt. two outstandtal Ityle features are accented. These are the low round Deckllne wreathed with daisIes. and the vcr, brief alceves. .





Way~esville Farmers Exchange ,

A Farmer Own rd Cuuperative

"I lot outa .bed lbe Unt time caned. Mom!"

Phone 2371


, ,',

o Amakan Fruit Growd....~I :I :, o ~ Gilt ............- ...... 2.l1O Cl ~ertcan 1IGaae.


:t Yn..... 2.95

Poalllf Joumal 1.65 Aviation Ia Rmew.............. 1.45 CJ Better CookIDg " 1I.mkg,.. S.G


-TRUE npRY .................~ ......1 Yr. .PATHFINDER ..........._ ......... 1 y..,.-t-Kr1.---SILVER SCREEN ....................6 Mo. HOUSEHOLD ............................ 1 Yr. POULTRY 'TRIBUNE ............ 1 Yr. FARM JOURNAL &: FARMER'S WIFE ..................2 Yr•.

. ......

o o Capper'1 rUIDK _ .. 1.65 o a.lfd Ute .......... S.G o CJriIdaD Herald •_ _• 1.50 o Coroaet ........... • • SJIO o CoIRd EoiIbh ...._ ......,.... 1.45 o CowItry Gentleman, & Yn. 2.00 ' o E~e Millie Map,zlDe...... S.50 o Fum JrI. &: Fumer'. Wife 1.65 o riOwei' GnlWer ........".......... 2.95 o lio1Uehold ............................ 1.65

0:.... . . . . . . . . . 2. 95



e DIgec .................. 5.45

o /ilIOn.. Dlgelt Monthly.... !U5 o Nature (10 ••., 12 Mo.).... 1.45 o Opm Road (12 r.... 14 Mo.) 2.50 o ot'mtoors (It I•.• 14 MO.) .. 2050 o Parmts' Maguine ;.......: .....


o Pathfindrr ............................ 2.00 o Photoplay ............................ 2.l1O o Poultry Tribune ................ 1.65


.Ch,d on, 01 tll'H in ",,,~, 01 Tr", Story il '10" "rlltlr!

o AMERICAN GIRL ...... 1 Yr. 0 OPEN ROAD (BoY'), o CHRISTIAN (12 baurs) ................ 14 Mo. HERALD .............." .."1 Yr. 0 PAJ\ENTS' MAG ......... 1 Yr.. o COUNTRY 0 PROTESTANT GENTLE~IAN .... "....i Yr. VOICE (Weekly) ......1 Yr. o SCREENLAND ............1 Yr. o TRUE COMICS ............ 1 Yr, BSPORTS AFIELD ........ 1 Yr. o CHILD un ..............6 Mo. THE WOMAN ............ 1 Yr. o U. S. CAMERA.............. I Yr.. 0 SCIENCE ILLUS.......6 Mo.

"'~a der's D~ .................. 4.t5 .............................. !l.25 Sdence 11IUl1traled .............. !1.45

o Redbo9k

o o Scientific Detective ............ 5.45 o Sc:remland .......... .. ................ 2.50 o Silver Scrern .............:.......... 2.l1O

o Spo.u Afield ...................... 2.50 o Successful Fanning ........... : 1.'75

o The

Woman .................... .. .......................... o U. S. Camera ...................... o Wah Dlmey'. ComICl. ....... o Your Ule ..............................

o True Story


2.50 2.15. 2.!5 S.•5


THE SUPER ECOIOMY OmB .ThIs I.wapaper,I Yr. .ltD POUR .10 MAO A Z I N a. Z5 ALL FlY.



f t u& STORY ....................6Mo. , KOTIDR'S HOME UlE.. "I ·Yr. (iJ .Ul&lUCAN 'RUIT GIlOWER ................" ...... _.1 Yr. • AIORICAN POULTRY ,~::rttJRNAi. ·~"·_ ·1 Y~. 'ARMER'S WIFE _ .........1 Yr. (iiNATlONAL UVESToql PRODUCER ....._. __ ._....1 )'r• • POULTRY TRIBUNE ........ 1 Yr. , . 'U(lCE58I'UL F~G .. I Yr, HOUSEHOLD MAG...........2 Yr• PATHFINDER ...... ,........ J.aa ' I:] CAPPER'S FARMER ...",_.1 Yr. [J ~ER'S GAZETTE ..... MO: .

8 o



... . .


(:litlclt '4.~,;:'~tI tIfUI ~cI_ willa Chllci". . GeDtlemeD: I ~ $ ...... _._ ..• PI_ ICDCImc Cbe oIu cbdcd. with a

,~ ..

IUbIcrlptioa to , . paper.

NAME.._... _....-_..._ .._ _ .. " •._ ."...•.;"'··..·,·-- - _ .

snDT OR ILF.D..., ..........::......-M_.M__.M."_.M_..,_--.--..."

P05TOma.._........_..._M_.......:. ."............................_.__·......-

Thur.dtay, March IS, 1145



Kenneth Hili, M,r.

And she s peer)e sly beautiful-and do you know- it's hi!! answer to "I Dream ed I Dwe'lt in Marble Hall "-but you should hear him sing it. He ha a voice that is way out on the .main spear-head lin e in th is life-H e say you . ing eaell 'word - dr eam ed - with (3 ) three increa iug tone:( in powerful advances, The Miami Gazette is the fir t authorized to print it.


MON •.




.. Loat In A




Borrowed stars for M-G-M In one KJt bheir funniest oomedi!!S




A bit 1ar p :roducer- d~I'tctor , Mark 8andrlch J Bonny Taite and Paulette

ALSO: "Wlbllt'!I


R E COL L E 'C T ION S ~llaml

Gnzette -March 17, 1875 for oheap ,boots and shocs. Prices correspond w~tlh the Jollowln g: April Election Women's Se~e SI:lOO. . $1.75 ACC01'ding to an arUcle on April Women's Serge Slippers .75 Chorus : El ccU-OI1S, ·the following c.arulldaltes Women ', Kid Shoes $2.50 Your t he hea r t - in the centel'. of the heart were Usted: Women's Kid Slippers $1.10 R epresentative, Hon. T . 1M. Wales; Men's Creole Ga4ters $1.75 of a ll I ch erish Proba.t e Judge, John W. Keys; CaLl li nd examine st..ook and prtces. Your lifes w (' ct glory - that begi ns Clcr:k of Court, wm. H . RookhIll: This montJh only. In Jonathan at th e end o'my lifes last story. TowruhJp C>lerk, C. D. WO:JUIJY; Haines' buildln8', Up;il'r 'Mrun StreeL, My heart idolizes - you JusLice of It he Peace, W nl1am Man- Waynecvll1e. I dreamed - sweet dreams II'Jgton; COnstable and Assessor, William 'H8rtsc>ck tor re-election Public Salea Whose dreams - told me Mr. Obarles lW11l:on, !lear Mt. B.rld Harry D . Side, I dreamed - in castled walls H.1011y, ·will halve h1a ~aJe on t,he 20th • • • Dreaming only of you :\ Instant. A!ll kinds of mook and fa r mSpring Valley Grange COPYr~ht, 1945, by StAlll!!ord B~en, Wllfn1nt1Jton, OhIo We ·have a very BOOd Grnnge here, Ing Implements, To begin at 10. Mrs. Jane M. Ad eln will sell h er Note : ~ published song ent1tl~d "When You called Me Honey Denr, numbertng a.boUt 100 members, and ho~old goods n ext Tuesday o.t the best of .reeUng prevails among You Clllled My Heart Awo.;y," Is al80 an exx:eptionally bealut1ful song. them. It Is offlcered as follows : 1 o 'clock. Mr. C8ilvln Zell, on Saturday of MBeter, S . carey; OVerseer, Jolm Coll1ns; Lecturer, oM. A. WaLton;- this week, will oIler ttt publtc sale I.~'''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''~~ Steward, L . 0: Peterson; AsilstAmt t he Renley prope-rt}', MRln S Lree·t .



F A ~ M.




Steward. T. S. Houston; ChapbWl,



., ..,,"""',.,,""""',....,""'-"""",.~

• C - L\88- IFlBD---&&: - TES- - -Thre--e-nn-. 25cl. Eaeh additJoual line Sc. (nYe wordl to a liDe) Three or more In.eruo~· 1J3 ofl. . WAN'I'm-'-T:ricycle tor about f mlr \YC8r old c.lUld. iPbone 2595. 15 IFOR SALE-4 boy'S smts, size 18.

'L ike

new. Phone 2633.


FOR SALE - Olotbes baIDper; 5shelf metal utllit<Y cablnat; metal tul» lin rolllll'8: C8ne-seated ab&irs; tlDt.Sque walnut mlrror; :a rotbre; inetal drape rods; • pr, drapeB; ~. !CIl'n. 1Ml's. Harvey LR\ve. ,~ .at&1~~_ 15p , W Mn'm 'nl) RENIr'7' 4 or 6 ,noom hcQe. , 0CIDtaCb Thomas iRooltB. .Water ~, 'Wa)'lne8V11le, o. a9p

~ 30 x 31h tire and tube. ~

l"indt. Rtt.. 2,


4 % PA!RM ' LOANS-Lmg term, ~ pa(f'ments. No 8IPpraisaJ fee. Also mce small and aarBe famtS for we, Oall' or Write Cleo. Henkle. !Phone No.2. Lebanon. tf.c

Monday, Much 12, 1845. S!ins of Spring: .A .-tIny lamb with a. bladt tete and .four black feet. jwnplng stW-Iegrgea Into tJbe air and then I'Ock1ng like a The ~.-tng sunahlne tJl8k.inIr a. blueb1rd's bright new COSIt- twice as liuc as ever. t urning the weeping wi11o.w at the end of Duke's lane Into ~ great golden twIaleand a. Utter of iUny Duroc pi@s into burnished copper. A' basket-fuU .of eggs and a cll.lllldne beIJ. Brlglht .red combs on the Brown I..egiholIns. A Brown Leg_ horn r<108ter chaldng a WbJ,te Rook rooster .!lWiioe Ibla size. Sugar bucketa but I10ne on atcney. Brook tabls year. 000 patch of spring plowlng, tile .first 1 have seen, the field op;: te . s use on 'l\1UCkS 'plled hJ4rh With c:iIuWtles. March Is InIOV1ng time on the !arm.. Ul.ter 1Rinaet8 and earller sunr1Bee, 'I1hIe sun oom.ea up nOrth or tlbe banl now and sblnes In the Idtchen window. Pointed trreen tips in the 1'IIower ,b ed rtaJat will be hy8cIDths and na.reissu8, Easter tlowere they cap. ,them 6J'()und here, some day IJOOJl. Snow drops in bl'oom and one OOne.some croous.

DU1NlIAM U.s. 0EBfrIFIED WW'l'E ROOK OHIOKS--6reeder of NatSnowdrops and cro:>uses in t he lOOlil Champion White Rock pen snow trWium Gnd byboth 1943 and 1944. OUr 1945 l-~ Weeitem New York c:onteet pen Is 1l8ItIca.s 'In tile 'WO".Als, The Glen at lea4lnc Wblte Rock pen in aU U. Yellow Spriilgs Is -full of them. Long B.. through J:)ecPmber. 11&'0 on dnys 11lte this we used 00 take Buy chJcka of this proven W&1h old,· 1lhe v;h1te horse, and the lJI'O(luotlon Itraln for top poultl'y 0Ugg;y and drive either up tale river proQtIJ. EVery Dunbam obidt ~ (or top poultl'y prouts by 1nd1v1d- from Dayton to rbhe narrows or ually pediglreed R. O. P. IDBle from 8ClUth alroog lIhe PJnades and f 'm d dam of 200 to 315 en recortL. --lJlYlIlIW.caa 'With their soft tlllzv. Place. yOur ordeT today ~ tile <\e- buds and ~ .ooJ1ca,te ster-like mand 10r ·t hese supertor chick.s flowers, pink, ~ltUte or 'blue, in will exceed the supply. Don't be Il~ little Hmestone gully and diaappolnted. Lebanon, 39 Colum- around old stumps. 11heTe must be bUa Ave., Phone 288-B Iota o.f .them aroWl(i FOrt Ancient Wa.ynesv1lle, RJoute 2, Flhone 2916. and OVeT beyond Oregonia, but we DUNHAM Ba'eeder HATOHEaY haven't QIly here.


J wonder what kind c·r l.lowers there are In the ~ of France and along the Rhine? Are tihey a:ll ,t rampled under the heel of war? F.our Georges and four M'lrthas 1l'1'e now JllI8idng 'a terrible row. They bark with such IUJUllf: baby bM'ks. They their eyes open and sI:AIaa' around on unat.ea.dy legs. Smokey flOO trtes to steal them and whenever she can get. to thE>m and Suzey Ia not around we tlnd her stretched out .t.ak1ng care of them. The COWB baNe spent tlhe a.ftecllIOIOn just outside iIlhe fenee in of ~ WindoW li8tenig to mY'



wrt.ter, A loop of bulbed Wire b:lfl laJlen ~ just neck higlh and it 1I1II1kes a wondeMUI neck scratche.r. WQUte DI.lBy and Belwty have been standing iIIhere IIO!'8ItcllIng their ~ In

1lnIson,. iF!uD, tum, sliretch,









Ga.te-Keeper, S. L . C rI:1.1g; Mrs. Mattie Ho. pl~; t1hs t for gen.Ue Bprtng? Pamolla, Mrs. J ennie CorneU; Flo a , • • .. MU:s Mary Thomns i Lady Assistant. Swap Md's. Hannah €OhlOOker. Mr. E. R . Printz Ibas traded h is prvp :'l'ty adjoining the Gazette ofr'ce foar Mr. S. M<,Cwles cottage, Death of A Pion(>.er Mrs. Ann W. Thompson died on on NOl'tIh street. ~l4' . McOUne Is FrIday morning of last week, at her fi,tlLl ng Ill.' tQle fOl'l11er for Q millinery hell11e, nea. Oor.wln, after a very BtC'e and reSidence, lin gocd syle. s~ort 1l1ness. Mrs. Thompson IWIl.6 c omrlderat le over eighty years of It's Still Coodl .~r. James B. Nickerson , of Dunage, aJthougb rent1U'kably bl'lsk for one SQ old .. Indeed, she h ad only kirk, Ind:, &ending l or the M:larni re ~~d, bhe .fIrst of ,t ile we e-k, fJ'';;. 1 Gnuibte, says, "I am .taking tJhUIteen C1ncinnaltl. \I\'lhere lObe went to Il.t- other pe.rfud1~, b:u~ can11; lteep tend the tuneral of ,t he Illite Mr. house wJ.tholit the Gazette. The children , my wife and m,yoelf are Bramble. We believe Mrs. 1fhompson had no always eager to ~t Ite tLra~ glance lTe~t1ves-living In I1Jh1s neJghbor- !I.t the news Irom owr old ne1~berh'ood; . iller (-nly relaUvUl Iivln'g in hood."


Pensa.cala, F1a. She was one of our early settIIera, and !her memory' re'tal ned ~ incidents COIUlected _........... - ",-, ......w,." 'W..,.1p&UlLeer UQIJ" of th e country.

Mm. Thompson was "a member


the Baptist Church, and It is no'.. long since we. .recorded ,h er magniflce-nt dOnBItlon of a. silver communion service to ' 1lhe ohurch of that fa.loth In this pll1l·e. -M1'II. 'IIlicmpson's rernain8 Wt Te ~Qnveyed on !Monda~ 1\0 their flr.1.i1 rest in S~.Q'1ng Grove OerI\et.(my, nea~' C1nc~tl. _ _ .•



Sermon -


f Sh


would prcb3bly ~. Aan'ong he talks about his farm In Maine and< he comments on Ir••lny of the same things ttlha.t I ihllve commented Otlf In the Dtary. DurlnB the ~unUlh conference he re-shlnjpled his bam end thougM .ebout It or ratber tried not to, while lilt some other p O'lI1lt In the war I repaired mll" chicken boose rOClf and wondereel how there oould be a W.lf in the world when. it was so .p eaceful here. He finds ,the 'WnYB a.f .live stock and chickens absorolngly lnterestlnB. All 't he . little thJnp tha.t are so common-pace tQ the B-and-B fatmet fl a.n o ·00 new and IbhrlWng .to the beginners. Sometimea the old-timers are 8 little s~Ornl,u) 01 ~ur ignorance : und some of them we pity just a little because they 1aM to see the beauty In the oommon-p]a()C things I1bout them and ceue .to enjoy the small advent~, rbhoUi'h we admire the msc and e!flclenoy with \Wlloh rthey do things tha.t 8eeJll hard and aw1cwvd to us. 'Ihe nec1a;Qm.OOhers fdhlshed their ~ and were ' lyin8 }:,cace!Wly not even ~Jl8 and Blliy PqJeye came 'alonB nr.d prodded them with his 110ms u·n·~ll they got up and then Ihe lay down where they had <been iying, HOw was Ifor masculine B2'J'Og8.tlce? The Red 'Cross', Drtve Is still g'o1ng ·on and before long Ibhe Blood Bank ",,111 ,b e In. Leronon aga.ln. The ' USII of blood ~ns ~d b~cod plnsma. has .been . one' of ·t he life



' ~_II_ 1



...... -...----


. "GOIN' TO TOWN" . Tra.'felorue,


. Canoon,


NOTICE OF APPOINTMENT Administrator ~ of COra. B. Thomas, decUl~d. NoUce 115 hereby given tha ~ R.()1)8 H. Hnrtsock whooe rtJSto!11ce address is Wlaynesv1lle, OhIo. hall been duJar appoint.ed as .A.dmlnii tmtor or the esta I.e oI Cora B. Thomas late of Waro-en County, OhiO, dccensed. Dnlted thIB 1st dIllY of March. 1945. Rnlph H . Qarey JUdge 01 the PlobaJte Court Mnple & Maple. ALLys. NOTICE OF APPOINTMENT Executor Estate of James W. Ward dtcea.~ed. Notice Is hereb,}l given toot Isadora. Ward whose post office address is Wa.ynesville, O h iO, has been duJ.y appointed as exeou~rlx of 1Iht: fIS1Iate oI James W . ward late 01 Warren county, Ohio, deceased. Dated this 9th day oJ Maroh, 1945. Ralph H. C.:Irey, Judge of the 1Pr0ba.1.e Court Warren County, Ohio Stanley & StIanley, Attys. . 29

Mr. and Mrs. ,R oy Sbaw and 50n , Harry, of X enia. alld Mrs. Henry Burges and .children 01 BeaNertown were SWlday dinner guests of Mr. and! Mm. Lue Morgan. Afternoon and even.1n41: callel'S 'Were Mr. 8nd Mrs. Olarenee Newman and children of X enia, Mrs. Edward Morris, Miss 6anh IKe.therlne Rldtnger, Mrs. EtJta Blair oI Xenia, 'Mrs. Frank Da.kJn, QIld Rev. T. M. Scarff or Volley. Mr. and Mrs. Morris Lewis and sons were Sunday dinner guests or Mr. and Mrs. John Koester, Utica. Mrs. Mall'gal'et Morgan spent Snturda.Y' with Mr. and Mrs. Lue Morgan.

. Those on the fllok list tt1is week 8re Mrs, Lue Margan and Mrs. HLly Gibson. Mr. and Mrs. All'red MOJ(ln and children called on Mr. and Mrs. Bui JoIuI6on of Xenila, Sunday ~n .

Include. 5 I c ...... , Accld.nt, Chlldblrth-Informatlo. Fr•• A ~ew plan that proVides hoeplte1 care for either IndJvlduala or enUre tamUles baa now been perfected bJ • 38-year-old InsU1'aI1ce oompanyNorthern Mutual OuualtJ Company. Accorc1lnS to the provlaloaa of Ita policy you are nlmbutlled lor hospItalization expenses, incluc1lns hospital room, extra chargee, and 1Urgeons tees-total maximum beneC~ flllO pel' person. Th1s protection 18 unUmlted. · in that the money is ptid. whatever the cause-slckneaa, accldent Dr chlldblI1h. The protectIon conUnu. re.ardlesa of whether you leave 10'&1' present job or whether you move to ~ other home In the U. S ., Oanada or Ala8ka. Por complete lntormaUoD mall coupon below.




NORTH.RN MUTUAL CAIU~LTY CO. Dept. OCW.I. U.I •• Co....... II.,.. CI.velald 14. 01110 Send me complete informatlOQ that provides hospItal care for ~lf and

lamll)'. tiam8 .•••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• &ddl"ea " ',••••••••••••• ; ••••••••••••

, Md'. and Mrs>. Jolin Slla.W and son, Tommy, of near XenIa, ~pent· Sun- atty . day wtt1h ~B . Mary Lue StU\IW Bnd




state ••••••••••



Sand &Gravel

ClncinnMl Union Stoclt 'Y arn

'=-=-:.== Ml's. Frank Creswell and daughte:, sally Kay. of Cedarv1lle. were (,tueGta 'Of Miss Ruth Ch:.ndler C,J,\


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1MnI. NelUe !BunnelJ spent 'I1hUrs-

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d&y in XenSa.

Mrs. Evalyn ~n Is visiting relatives In WilmIng\on . lIrf1sI Malllaret Edwards WolS In Live Wire _d PwcrewJve. An orpulsation second to nonl!. Stricti,. Lebanon on buBin-es&, Thursday. seUerw on the belt all around market Miss OhimdleT and Mrs. Dorn In the eountrY. W8Ird were Da.Y'tlOn visitors en So.tS~rvic:e That Sat~afie • urday, Mrs. Bunnell spent &!funday with her 8On. G~ and famUy 0.111olnnati. .


-Armitage &Son WaynesvWe 2911 Monow No. S Phones Lebanon: Ofllce ..17K

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10:30 A. M.

If you're " Oping to Town" gEl to \.he "'IlWln" <Uld see Ithe two best know.n st.orekeerlelll in '


OARD OF 'I'llA!NK8 We wish Ito Jthari1I, 1Mr. and Mrs. Pat Mailone, MIss .Judy Oh&rlton an/d'Mr. Ernest 8mttlh !!or the floral gUts in memory Of tl)Ul' lwte da.ugthter. Rose iMBrIe. Thomas HIooka and famJliY. WatEr Sbreet

Christian Endeavor - 6:30 P. M. Evening Servlce - 'I :30 P. M. Mid-week pr~er servlce Thursdcy nJs1ht ...., 7:30 P. M.

II :00 A. M.


"'-'..a'1ng1IeId, called on Mrs. RIheln's <Wnt, MIss . Maa'gW'et W. Edwards, Monday even:lnig. ., Miss RJuth <-'handler and Mrs . Birtha Geor.gla Mer.denhuJ.l e.llten.ded the Prater, Marob 8, 1875, • son to the annual blllnQuet oI ;!!he ' \Warren wife of Job Pl'8Iter. OowlIt y ;Farm E lureRU 8BSOClat1on In Grubb, March 10. 1875. a son to Leba.nbn. 'Mo~day night. t he wife of .HArveyN. Grubb. Nd~ ' Olive Williams ami Dr. Emely, March 13, 1875, a Eon to ~ Holla.wa iY were Lebanbn tbe wife of John Emely, vl&ltco1'8 , Mon~ morning.

0 oe., and Cheapl - Go to the g;reat closing out saL ~l-Q~




Topic.: Morninr' - "Abel-Meholah" Evenipg- i'Naboth'a Vineyard;'

Communion -

Friends Home

above zero, .\lhis morning . How Is

OU'RE NO EXCEPTION! Calamity doesn't pIck fa· vorltes! Misfortune hun't ~Inlled you out as an exception! Be wIse and pro*: youl'sdf with rood Insurance so thd no matUr " what happens, you, your laml., and your proper'r wilt be fuU, protected.



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StREET •••••••••


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• CI'I'V . .................. STATE.........

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Avlod the Spriq Rashl PIaee Your o.,!!er NOWI

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Snow, and ·m ercury 12 d egree:;

R . . F. Shld-

turn, pull and back Ilpin. F1J'8t noses out aWf1¥ (rom eech othel', then noses 'in toIwIanI! each otheI'. Pull, tum, Iitret:dl in perfect' UI!le QIld> with such & lOOk a.t contented 88Jtlsfaction. 'k1nslUp ~n.g city . ~ Erwel~ BI* . There Is terI!, Folders, MaWnc dILrda, 'laybUt fMmere even thoUfrh some' ·boIrit~ think tis a. lit.tle ilnd design ~ ~ tn»- and-bred ~. Uidn8' 0I1Iy 1fpes and datto I have been enjoyule "One e&Ving: rnil'ICles 1n! 1lhi8 ~. It Isn't eImple cut deeIcu. tb&t dO ' DOt Man's ;Meat" by E. B. ~te, It Is Dl.1J(1h to do but Jt can ."I.e a lite, .s4 materially to b COlt of ~ a cblumn tilat ·h e writes for peMa.p.s the lite Of one of your 1O'Im, • . I . seldom s ee So plan when tIhe call iiOmes. tx'OdIMItbl. ~ renecti- Blill'perS eel 'In NOb i8)'Iout .1Mde. Post JIaJ'pem 8Jl&' more 80 thJs was the oWe your doUaJ'8 now aDd )'mil fiJ' t.Ime I bad met '''He , Ibkod tben, nl-terall there iIm'tmum CGiDe box lie. ~, O.


• •




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• I





NINETY-I. 11' r,llH YEAR- No. 4203



r---WEEKLY NEWS ANAL YSIS---. MEAT: Scarcity Felt

Germans Figh,t to Hold Vital Industrial Districts in West; F. D. R. Draws Pattern lor Peace

Rel~ao~d by Welrtem NewIPop.r Unlon . _ _ _ _ _ _--' (EDITOR'!! NOTE, WII.n opInion or •••• r •••• eI 10 I .......lama. Ib.1 are lb ... ., W".lcrn New.paper Union'. ne •• and aot nee.'.ArU, .f tbl. n • ..,.~.p.r.l


Recent tightening up 01 meat ,!'IUonlng refiected frequent warning of government officials in recent week. that short supplies could be expected until late summer or faU when livestock marketings should Increase. With the present meat situation aggravated by the sharp drop In hog alaughterlng In the face of heavy mil· Itary requirements, March alloca, tions to civilians will fall about 6 per cent below February .and 14 pel cent below January. In an dort to spread the civilian supply of all rneat, point 'values weu raised on a wide range of cheaper beef and pork cuts, with reductions for choice beefsteaks and roasts fall· Ing to 01lset the ll'\creases because of the relative IIcarclty of such items Mected by the latest point revi· slon were a wide variety of sausages and canned meats previously uncon· trolled.


COAL MINERS: Start Bargaining

Able to perform the work of 12 coolin, thia elephant loada gas drums on American transport command plane flying suppliea to troops in Bu.rma. '

EuROPE: Vital Ar~as With AllIed arm.1es poised against both the vital Ruh.r and Saar valleys. the Germans fought with their backs against the wall fn a desperate effort to hold on to these industrial districts so important to their ability to continue the war. Already heavily battered by aerial bombardment, the Ruhr and Saar faced the prospect of destructive artillery drum-fire, destined to lay their smoke-blackened cities and coal and lron·mJning districts in gaunt ruins. Offering . only Iporadlc resistance to the rolling columnl' of U. S. and BrlUlh troops west of the Rhine, the Germans beat a steady retreat back to the river, evidently intendinl to put up a stron. stand behind the 1,300 to 3.270 too, 'wide watervlay r-aJher 'Uian'lD th ~r »"11bfr1il:" fore it. where luperior Allied armor could chew up their dlminlsbing -strength. During the Nazis' withdrawal. fleets of Allied bombers roared' over rear areas, nllt only smashing at road and rail lines in an effort to hamper troop movements, but also hitting at armored formations concentrated behind the Rhine for a last ditch defense of the Ruhr. Full extent of the magnitude of the Allied aerial bombardment can be gathered from reports that British· based U. S. planes alone dropped 51,000 tons on Germany in Fehruary. WhUe faWne back to the Rhine 00 the U. S. 9th and lst and the British 2Dd army fronts In the north, the Germans uUlIled the raeeed Eifel and Bunlbrock mountain country at the northern rim of 'be Saar In an effort to slow up thc U: S. 3rd army'l amasb to the south. In every way, tbe Germani, lamlllar from A to Z with the country, were maklnc every attempt to ul!le the lerratn to meet &be Allied threat with a mlolmum of manpower. SlIghUy larger than the state of Delaware, the besieged Ruhr cradled '15 per cent of the enemy's war industry in 1942, with Its great coal deposits, estimated at 90 per cent, of Germany's reserves and half of continental Europe's, forming the basis for Its manufactories. Besldel armaments, the Ruhr's 5,000,000 peopIe produced steel, chemicals, pig iron, textiles" synthetic oll, high oc· tane gas, raYOD, drugs, plastics, dyes, bricks, glass and pottery. - Smaller than Rhode Island, the Saar also relled upon massive coal beds and iron deposits for the basis of Its thriving Industry. whIch produced steel, machinery, eement, plate glass, shoes, paper and textilel besides war goo!is. Pocketed before by the Ocrmans durine the latter·. creal _eeps ·tbroDeb Russia earUer in the war, wHy Red CeDera" were laklne DO ohancea OD belDe DIPPed oft aD ever ae aln OD the eastern fl'ont. Although their forces had reached the Oder and Nelsse rivers due ealt of Berlin on a broad front, the Red generals sought to minimize the POIslbilltics of a German atta~k pn their 1I8nkl far to the rear of the forward positions. . Holding up their lire on the central front until sellurIng :thelr flanks, the Reds exerted atroDg preslure agalnlt the Germans .truni out alooi the BalUc cOBst lmmedlately above tbe right wing of Zbukov'.,Ut 'W hite BUI· .Ian arinJ. To the lOuth on the left win, of Konev'a lit Ukrainlan aim;,. the Redl iUarded alaiDlt the dan,er of a Nul· thru8t from U.,. snella,

PACIFIC: Share Spotlight Carrier pilots, marines ·a nd army men all shared the apoWght In the developing attacks aimed at smash· ing Jap outposts of the home la· lands to smoothen the road to Tokyo. Unc,hallenged by the once-vaunted Nipponese imperial fleet, Vice Admiral Ma.r c Mitscher'8 famed Task Force 58 continued to roam In the enemy' s home waterl, with his carrier planes. following. up darinl attacks on Tokyo, smashing at the Ryukyu Islandll flanking the sea route to the ealt. Having overrun the louthern half of Iwo Jima. batUe·hardened ma; rines pressed the remnants of 20,000

Having previously filed a 30-day notice of the intent to .trike in case of a snag in negotiations for a new contract, United Mine Workers ChIef· tain John L. Lewil sat down with coal operators to bargatn tor a new pact as government officials warned of an impending coalllhortage even without a walkout. Although he did not ask for a basic wage increase, Lewis demanded a royalty of 10 cents for every ton of coal to build up a $515,000,000 medical and rehabilitation fund; time and a half beyond a seven-hour day and S!5 hours a week, and a 10 cent differential for the second shift and 15 cents for the third. With requirements continuing peak levels and the mines' manpower problema becoming more acute with the loss of an estimated 80,000 Loaded wltb L(~themeck flehtlne men, acorel of AmUacl churD tbe water Into wblte foam aa they speed men from an , already ahrunken to the beacbel of 1"0 Jlma, tbe JapaDeae "Gibraltar," oDI, 150 mlles from Tokyo. In left backcround are force, a 5O,OOO,OOO-ton shortage of 80me of the ships of the bl, navy armada tbat covered tbe InvasloD. Thill pboto la from a c;:oa.t pard moUea colll 11 in prospect unless the Euro- plctare flown to WallblJlrton, pean war endl this year, it wal 1B1d. Induatrial relerves were below .tandard lD many reglons, with New ~lancl electric UUlltlel, for er~an pie. po.aelling onb' an 811 da_y.:I! .·;. .....:...;. __••.__........ pq compareawttJi 102 lait ....


AmerlCanS · R t From G e urn

Pnson · Camps'

Find Shell in Seaman Wilil f.eo '0.0Ie8 ... orellllr Ie UII •• r· .hJp ral.a, lap pd.oner reeeb' ......... fro ... V. I ....rbi •• oa I" • .lIma.

defenders into the northern pari of the Island, uslni fiame throMtra along with light · arma to root the enemy from well-designed natural entrenchments. In the Philippines, army ' men, having cleared Manila, fanned out to the north, east and south to clear resistance from the rest of Luzon, with heavy fighting still. abead.

WORLD PEACE: Pattern for U. S.

COnvalelCing at the naval bOIpital in San Franc:ilco, Calif., from a compound fracture of the leg and cbeat injuriu incurred on a battleahip of( Leyte, Seaman Dewey Dupree, 20, of Poelousal, La., told doctora that he felt there wu lomething inaide of him. Thinking they bad milsed a piece of shrapnel, doctorl ordered an X-ray, found a highly sensitive unexploded 20·mm. .hell embedded in Seaman Dupree'l body. In operating to remove the projectile, the doctora had to ellercise the greatelt care, since the Ihell could have exploded on contact evm with a lurgiCal inltrUmmt.

BOW IlALSEY BOMBED FILIPINOS Adm. Wllllam F. "Bull" Halsey tells th is dramatic stOry about the Invasion of Luzon. "Just before we went In~ Luzon, I called all the Filipino stewards and messboys on my fiagship f.c).. gether. I showed them a map of Luzon and pointed out the Japanese positions that MacArthur had told me not to shell for fear of hurting 80me Filipino clviHans. "I told them that the only way to get the J,aps out would be to shell these key points. "One of the messboys stepped forward and said that the marked·out positions included his home. I asked him If he thought we should shell It. " 'Is that the only way to get the Japs out?' he asked me. I replied that it was. "'Then If you don't mind, sir: the messboy told me, 'shoot the 10an-so's out to hell. "We shelled those defenses, we killed a few Filipinos. but we got all the Japs."

• • •

ARMY SPEED up . Senators studying the military picture have learned that the army ground forces comma.nd has been quletly cutting down on the training given to infantrymen before goinl Into front·line action. . lnfankymeD are now lomeUmes beiD, Iblpped overseas without aD, aduDced tralnlnc. Some DOW 8nd themselves In &be troDI line oDly alit meDtbs alter bavlnc dODDed uniform. It II sUD lu,u ' thaD the avera,e In the "st war, bewever. Me.... While, men are belnC yanked oat 01 the air corps and services 01 aappl, &ad uanllured to &be a.:lantry. AlreadJ sapposed te be welkeaaoned, the,. ,et an ad... UODaI seva _ ..' Ira~ and ~_Yel ~ COD, "Uy"""'a-.- r ePlaoema".One new departure from practice in the last war II that few dlvI· lions bave been withdrawn from action in their entirety for a thor· ough~rest:-in.stead, once a division Is In the line, it receives replacements, but no real vacation, for months. Congressmen returninl from the war front have criticIzed this policy to army hJgher,ul?s, General Bradley has tried to move green divisions ' into relatively quiet sectors for seasoning, but hjs intelligence hasn't always been able to gauge what the enemy considers a quiet sector.

• • •

LABOR MANAGEMENT The scene Is the lobby WashIngton'. fasllloDable Ma~owcr bolel. A modesl. bUlliDelaUke, cray-balred maa walb over to tbe bouse pbone, plokl It up. "Room 633," he lIaYl, and &hen after a brief pause. "Eric, thl.


Once quoted as saying that schol- JET PLANES: arly Woodrow Wilson fruled to se- U. S. Development cure u. S. entrance into the League Using an engine based on the deof Nations because he Was not a sign of Commodore Frank WhltUe of politician, Master Politician Frank· the RAF, two American aircraft lin D. Roosevelt fired the first ompanies have produced a jet proIn the campaign to obtain:-a'::p:":p;:r""'o2:v:::a'l-t-Cp·elled fighter capable of fiying over for this country's participation In a 500 miles per hour. pqstwar organization to preserve Called the "Shooting Star." the peace In an address to the nation and congress on the historic Yalta new plane Is supposed to be much more mane\1verable than German conference. jets because of the development of U. R081 B. LebmaD of Pottsville. Pa .• left, was ooe of tbc American heroes who came back on tbe Swede To assure the effectiveness of a Ipecial devices for controlling wind Ilh exchange liner Grlpsholm recently. Ccnter, wounded heroes, many with limbs gone, get theIr first vIew postwar peace program. the Presl. resistance. Sleek in appearance, in many months 01 tbe New York City skyline. Lowcr ,right shows some of the repatriated American civilians, dent said U. S. collaboration must with the cockpit set before the wings, most of whom were womeD and cbildren. Thc ship carried 1,209 repatrlatcs, of whom 463 were lick and be two.fold: the new jet can carry heavy loadl wounded American soldlerl. ' First, this eountry must join In a of ammunition, photographic equJp' world organization to suppress agment and bombs and fuel. gresslon, If necessary, by force. Principle of the new Jet engine la Second, the U. S. must provide 'rellef to allevlat~ sufterlng in the IIlmple: Wing ducts permit passage li~erated states, and furnish credits of air into a combustion chamber, for the reconstruction of their econ- where kerosene flame causes it to omy so that they might be able to expand. Because of this expansion, resume full production and stand on the gases beat against one side of the chamber, forcing a forward their own. "There can be no middle ground," motion. declared the President. "We ahall ALLIED ARSENAL: have to take the responslblllty for world collaboration or we shall have U. S. Earns Title to bear the responslblllty for another Possessed of almost unlimited reo world coDfilct.. " sources, a vast pool of sk1lIed and unskilled labor and emclent mana IeAid French ment, America bas well earned the In .an agreement that might set title of the arsenal of, democracy the pattern for futUre arrangements, dqring World War II. In supplying the U. S. granted the French a 2~ U. ' S. and Allied Jorees !fince 1940, billion dollar lend-iease credit to be U. S. Industrial production Includ· paid within 80 yeara; eel: ' Under the agreement providing for 246,845 airplanes; 56,697 naval ves· .~ipment of over 1~ billion doUat. aels; ~631 merchant ahiplj 75,204 of raw materials, food, petroleum tanksj 14, 7m armored cara; 110,945 products and lliht manufacturini trucks over 2~ toru, arid 658,523 equIpment. repayment ' would be' In truck8 under 2~ tona. 30 amua] initapmenta at 2~ per 2,422,099 machine IUU; 5,IH2,885 cent Inter.est, wb11e deliveriel of ale rifles; 5,163,826 carbinea;.· 180,017 molt 1 biJ1Jon dollara jot locomotives, tank and aeu'prqpelled IUDI" 48,952, freleht. earl, machinery for mthl. army and anti-aircraft .runt: 55,262 indultrial ~ulpment, shiPI an~ pieces ot aU typea of .ftekl arUUer-y; bargel wOuld be made~ with a 20 4,130,000 ton. of. aircraft ~ba; 50,. \ per cent down PB1JI1ent and 3O-year 'M8,OOO grenadea, aDd 1'1,_0lI0,0lI0 amortIZation of the .rmpalndv. roUDdl of IJDall arma ammUDlUOD. '1'0 maln~ tbe present Frencb · B8caun U. S. alrmim and ~ OIl &lie Mftlltli -tile 17. ~8. pari'. headquarters, WaD Pfo. .atib. . . . BoeIua........ al'JDJ' and double Ita atreDltb of ellbt trQopa In EutOpe will "'va to ,~ ........ D.O..... at Mrs. Plaeea are lleepJq bouse. 'l'be;, buDt a . . . ..mere the la~ ba~ let up iItro6i ~"ODI, the U. S, greed to con- eompletel7 reequipped for tbe 8Ibt . . . 'WMdea ........ atop. ilia, cablaet. Wben It II time for IIr. 11110 N. Y" aU.abed to tbe Mtia iIledlinn to defend the lDcluatrial cIIatrIat I tlnue lead-l..~1nt 1nDIt&r7 auppU... aaaIQIt lapaD, war pnduattoD WIll' . . . . . to reIIen . . ;.... III tile .... be rap. o. the wbl40w 1JIdII be leal air eneaatloD batt.U.., .. • D4 approacbel to CncboIlOYllda'. lID mum. 1M I'nDch promIIed fD. bavato OCIIlUDue at a bIP l.v.l lie ................ m .... leava for IIer .... , ...rlte willa 1IuQ, . . . . . . . ___ froID IceIaDI1. . ~,"*ed war pJaDIL ernMd ~»roea1 ald.. GcIIwI1'~ fall. It wauu.. . . ...... . •

Everybody Works at This House


cee• .,

aa. ..... ..........



Husky Life Saver

la between the represeotallves of two onetime bitter foes, AFL BlU Green and the U. 8. Chamber of Commerce Eric Johnston, prepariD. to spend an evenlne togelber dillcusslne the mutual problema 01 labol' and maDagement. Wheo JOhnstOD flrlt became prelldeD' of the U. S. cbamber, be immediately called on Green and PbQ Murray, luegeltlng closer co'Operation In the publio Interest. They bave been eood friends ever siDce. FRANCE AND THE BIG THREE Those who sat at Roosevelt'l elbow during the Yalta conference give a new slant to the reasons 'why sensitive General De Gaulle .was not invited to join the big three. They . say that neither the President nor Prime MlnJster Churchill had an;, objection to De Gaulle's presence, but (elt rather neutral about it. Stalln was the man who oPPoled it. Stalin, according to those returning from Yalta. pointed out that thil was to be primarily a military conterence and Fracce was onJy playIng a minor role in the war. Since the Big Three were bearing the (. main ' brunt of the war, Stalin laid he saw no point In having De Gaulle lit In .on a conference concerned largely with military atrategy. The Russian war chief was ' Quite definite and repeated the point' that if the Yalta conference were concemed primar.1ly wi~ · pollUcal anel'" economic ' postwar p~obleml. it would be dlJferent. But when ~ tary matter. were beiDI dUcUII~, he juat dldn't want De Gaulle around. . to cllnc:b bla view., StalbL-recaDed &hat France surrendered to GermaD1 ear~ III \be ,.,.ar, aDd no fUled to tum oyer tbeJ'reach a... to tile ~Uab al pel' ,"a~.



Better Fal·m Travrel Promise.d in Huge, Fe'd eral-State Postwar Road Program

Yanks Fight' Way Down Fairy-Like Moselle Valley


CoopeI:ation of Local Agencies Needed to Assure Share in Projects.

Patton's Troops Push Along Old Roman Pathways in Land of Forest, lake And Ancient Turret ~d Castles.

By WALTER SHEAD WND Washington Correspondent

WASHINGTON, D, C.-Township trustees and highway supervisors, county highway superintendents, board~ of county commissioners and other officials of local governmental units interested in secondary and feeder road construction and improvement have an unprecedented opportunity to take advantage of the largest grant-in-aid of federal funds in the history of the Public Roads administration. This grant of federal aid for highway and road construction, to be matched by the states on a 50-50 basis, totals $1,500,000,000 and provides for a $500,000,000 expenditure of federal funds annually for the first three postwar fiscal years. That means, if the several states take advantage of all the funds, an expenditurE~ of three billion dollars on highways will be made in the three-year period. .

ByBAUKHAGE NewJ AnolyJl and Commenlaror.




..,yow toble,usa only lIIo'go,lntlhal', plolnly labeled .. Tobl.·G'ad.... Tho'" NU-MAID. famous for II. sweel, chu,nedfresh ftavor.

Secluded Villages Sprinkle Countryside

TAME GIve It that "Veil groomed look.. Add lustre. Keep your UIRUL Y hair lying llat. Always usc


Morollno Halr


WN1J Service, Dnlon Trust Bulldlnl, WasblngtOn, D. C. American history. I belleve. has begun to repea t Hselt as the Allies start to write the last chapter of the European war. By the time this is in print I hope General Patton's boys <the Third army), pushing down the winding valley at the Moselle river, have captured or at least Invested Trier. key city at the defenses of the Eitel. As they progress across those ancient highways or down the deep valley of the twisting Moselle river where Roman legions, eQuaUy as homesick, once marched in the opposite , direction. they will be reenacting the Iteps of the victorious American army which moved eastward to the Rhine In the last war. Then as now, It was the American Third army whJch occupied the ancient city of Trier at the close ot 1918. It left In 1923. I may be wroll$ in my premonition. but I believe tha t thi~ approach to the Rhine, wh ich onl,y an American army ever used to enter Germa ny as victors, will be the thoroughfare of Ule victors of 1945, This country of the "Eitel," north at the Moselle a nd west of the Rhine, Is of particula r Interest to me for 1 have Invades! It twice. peacelully to be sure; bolh times before World War I.

The Eifel Is a stretch of terrain at volcanle origin, at some bare and bleak hills and some tiny, secluded villages. It Is also a country of towns on beautiful lakes and rivers, in valleys with the terraced "mornIngside" (where the sun toucbes first) on wblch vineyards have ,rown since the Romans first planted them In the early centuries belore Christ.


botUe !l5c. Sold everywhere.

Part of the Eitel .was "remote" even When I visited it. On the modern highways, many at which Callow the old Roman routes, there were t esorts favored by tourists. But t!lere were lonely' villages which breathed an age forgotten by the " modem" Germany of 1912 when 1 first saw There were tall crags crowned by the ruins of medieval monasteJ;le. and casUes, there were quaint and comfortable inns, there were meandering mountain paths, wailed by thick fir trees benej\th which I Ilept in my "lodenfabrik" cape, resting on a thousand year old mttre81 of pine-needles, dreaming of lobllna 'and kobolds. In a moment I'U take you up to lee an enchanted castle that might have eonie Itralght out of a Maxtleld Parrish painting or an illustration fr.o m Grimm or Anderson. But now, let'. get back to March,

flMOIS DISCOVEI' .l act, la" on the kidneys - to eue paiDfaI bladder.ilJilatioa cuIIII ., uceu acidi~ iD the ariae

1945. As thlll I. written the Bghtlng haa

been along the western rim of the Ei!el, which II really the weltem rim 01 the German frontier from • outh ot the River Roer to the city 01 Trier. Trier il 89 milel from

and towns where each house was a fOl·t. On the fiat plain t1ie use of armor Is an advantage, but in hilly country, once possession of the heights Is gained, artillery can domInate the objectives below toward which the foot· soldiers are moving. There are plallll in the Eitel, too, but it would seem that the cblef arteries ot advance would be along the valleys and the roads the Romans once used in their advance In the opposite direction. It was westward, the course of Caesar moved when he conquered the Treverl, the tribe from which Trier (Treves . 1n French) gets It,S name. Tbe Roman legions marched In 56 B. C, By 14 B. C. they were fortifying Trier. Today the famous, blackened height at the Porta Negri, the city's Roman gateway, has been bastioned with modern fortifications. The ancient brick basilica In the town and the renaissance fountain (Petersbrunnen) will be remembered by thous ands of Am~rican veterans at the last war. 'rrler. sea t at the electorate, became a center of monastic learni ng in the Middle ages. Let us hope som e of the landmarks will be preserved and when our bombers smosh the bridge across the Moselie, the ancient buttresses remain intact as they have these two -thousand years. Perhaps they won't have to be bombed, but rather the destruction of buttresses than one American life. Remember what Bismarck (of all people) once said of a piece of foreign soil? A square foot at it was not worth the bones 01 a Single Pomeranian Grenadier. In the hope that our men can march the rest at the valley unmolested as their tathers did, let's tum up the valley where the Eltz river pours into the Moselle not far from the Rhine. a quote from my diary. April 2, 1912'>

"We started out on toot, the only means of locomotion .. . Ute old village , with its pl/lster hQuses, the crooked, cobbled street, the old trees and the church, older than the trees . . . along the meadows, past the mill and across the slTeam and fue huddle of houses which cluster about It, up the enchanting valley wooded with beech and bircb, the burrylng Eltz below, and the green meadows, undertoot . the brown leaves that fell last fall and will lie like those beneath them undisturbed' -until the ones ltill fP'een cover thelWl Down a dJp In the path and across a stream until the Bomber ruinl of ~rotz Eltz' appear. (Trotz meana alalnal.) It 18 the relic of a fruitlesl effort to destroy fue real castle of Eltz below. Moat, tower and buttresl were built with the lole purpose of destroying a rival, (just a. the modern artlllerist leekS to take the height to destroy thole below). ' ''Then up the path until luddenl)r, al i! the BIIcent were planned by the architect who built the poem in Itone below, the faLry castle ot Burl Eltz, turret and tower, pinnacle, portal and drawbridle appear."

the quote, al it be the ~~i~~§~~~~~~~i~tC~Ob~l~e~nz~o~n~th~e~R~h1n:e~.~~~=~~:;+~;:.That.ay Ison the end of May the~radlo.

Beware Coug~s frOIt

common cold.

That Hang On

Creomuls1oo reUeves promptly becaDle it goes right to the seat ot the trouble to help loosen and expel prm laden phlegm, and aLd nature to lOathe and hea\ raw; tender, inSlamed broncbJal mucous membrane&. Tell your druggist to sell you • bottle ot Oreomulslon with the understanding you must like the way it QUlc:kly aIIaya the cough or you are , fo have 'your money back.


for Coulhs, Chest Colds, Bronchitlt

parallel advance of column. along' a 5O-mile wide front. Patrols flrlt move into the hills overlooldnl the valley villagel. They secure the higb point. so their artlllery can dominate vaney', up which the Infantry advances on the villages whicb are its objectives, protected by the artillery in the hiUs. It mUlt be remembered that all along the German frontier stretches the Sleg!rled line. Therefore, the Americans have to advance against its torUlI.caticns and will have to do so perhaps haltway to the Rhine. This means that pillboxes and other tortl1lcations have to be taken as the Americans advance. Tanks cannot be used In thls rough country'. It Is the old·fashioned, eatch·as-ca tch-can fighting, with rifles, grenades, dynamite, flamethrowers and hand grenadel.

RUBBed Terrain Call. For Clo.e-Up Battle

In these early stages of the American push the lighting has been in Iharp contrast to the First arinY'1 - move along the Roer river toward and into the Cologne plain. Once the Roer W81 bridged and tank I could cross" armor could come to the aid of the doughboys who were Icrapping it out in the villagel

BARBS. • •

..... Into Action .... 'uU V'cfoIyI

beginning 01 new dreams 01 a more glorious world, of whIch 80me dl7 the valley at the MoseUe will be a part.

• • •

The deaths at many semi-prominent NazIs, notices at which are appearing in the German paper. (one man died at two different place I on two dlfterent dates) are taken to mean that the alleged late and unlamented gentlemen have either escaped to neutral countries with a new identity or have become some· one else at bome. However, it is also pointed out by persons tamillar with conditions In Germany that It Is highly probable that a number at real deaths which are unreported are likewise taktng place. In the first place. the concentrated Allied bombing on localities where high officials congregate (Berehtesgaden and Nuernburg) II bound to catch somebody some time. In add1tion, various "Inside jobs" are probably getting rid of a number of persons.

• • •

Negroes constituted almost onetenth ot all the employees on the tederal payroll as of March I, 1944. However, they were disproportionately concentrated in the lower grades.

by Baukhage

This expenditure Is to be divided $225.000,000 annually for the regular federal aid highways; $125,000,000

annually for urban projects on the federal aid hlghwa, system and $150,000.000 for se(:ondary and feeder roads. And It Is this latter appropriation with which we are particularly can· cerned, for i! all slllbdlvlslons of the state 'governments, take advantage of this congressional appropriation for the three·yea r period it will mean an expenditure 01 $900.000.000 on these all-important larm·to·market roads which cansli tute 88.8 per cent at all our public highway mile· age. The importance of participation by local governmenta l officials Is painted out for the reason thnt in most of ' the states it will be necessary to enact enablling legislation In order that iocal r,olld officials and atate hi ghway depa rtments may get togetber on a compreh ensive plan which will take in the ~ e tarm-to· market roads. The fedcral bureau of public roads d.e ols only with state highway departments, BO thEI cO\lperatlon of state and local highway depa rtments is essenti al if this money is to go to local road construction, L,eglslaturc:s !\Ieel. In every state in the union with I the exception of Kentucky. Louisi· anD, Mississippi a,nd Virginia the state legislatures are, or have been, In session this year. The chances are that where necessary this en· abling legislation I:s already before the state leglslatulres. In some states, for instance in North Carolina, West Virginia. Virginia, Delaware and Maryland, all county roads have ,been taken over by the state highway departments. In other states, such, as the New England atates, th~:re Is a working agreement that the state highway departments build the county roads. The point la, however, that Wa is not a paternalistic gift to the local communities; the 1~ederal aid La elk tended on the basb! of need and the extent 'of the cool~eration between local road officilal. and their atate highway departments. In a good many states a system of lecondary road I: bas never been dellgnated by full atate hishway departments, and t1ills designation II one of the requirement. .0 that the money spent can btl under the supervision ot the higbway departments ot the states. Insofar as the larm·to-market roada ' are conceme!i th~ $450,000,000 of federal fundi felr the three-year period will be apportioned to the atatel, one-third on the ball. 'of area, one-third on the buls of rural population, and ' one-third on f:be basis of rural post ·road mileage. The importance ot the development of these secondary and feeder roads to the basic economy of the mral districts 01 the nation Is immediately leen when it Is pointed out that there are 2,9a6,OOO miles of these roads and clDly about 5 per cent at that mileagle il paved. About 38 per cept Is sW'faced with luch material as topsoil, shale, untreated gravel and cmshed rock and the remaining 57 per cent bas no surfacing at any kind. In other words the mlllionsi. at farmers livIng on this 57 per cent of the mileage of tarm-to·market roads , are still In the mud. Benefits Widespread, While there are no clearly defined boundaries 4ll the areas of population groups lespeclally served by anyone of the three classes of roads, that Is federal-aid highways, urban roads and Itreets and the tarm-to-market roads, all areas and all populatiolns derive some benefit from the three groupi of highways. It Is apparent, however, that people living outside of any municipality and people Uvlng in municipalities of less thlln 10,000 population are especlaly ilnterested In these


A 'b roadeast from Tokyo laid that ExplosIve Ben Marsh, secretary of the J.apane.e fleet would be only too ' the radJcal People'. lobby, C,a lll the glad to grapple with the Arrleriean Yalta conference "a ' compromise navy. Soundl like grapple-sauce to with . Intelligence" and saYI that "only liDoramUies of the New Deal UI. • • • and the Old Deal can lee .much but You will be glad to learn that a a threat ot World 'War III in Its en-' children'" mUlde achool hal been cyclical.~' Conservative David-LawojleDed iD Nov,orocl. RUIIla, with rence also dislikes the Yalta, deetc1uaa III plaDo, violin aDd aceor- .10111. Which leaves the mlddJe-ofthe-roader. talrl1 happy.. d1oD.

Widened, drained and graded. 'bese county feedcr road II In Maryland are uow providing farmers with faster and smootber service to marketing centers. or secondary roads. And here are some population figures on that basis, There are approximately 21,000.000 people living in towns of less than 10.000 and about 48.000.000 people, mostly farmers, living outside of municipalities or a total at 69,000,000 people. So that 52.4 per cent of the total population of the country are I'n areal where the ' secondary and feeder roads are located and would receive a large measure of benefit tram their Improvement. But to be more specific, 44,000.000 people live on these secondary roads and they constitute the life. tine for 92 per cent at the 6,100,000 farms in the nation. Travel studies for the year 1941 showed that of the total of 310,800,000,000 vehicle miles traveled In the United States, 107,180,000,000 wu on the farm-te-market roads, or 34.5 per cent of the total vehicle miles traveled. ot course the funds to be available for the Improvement of these leeondary road. are not expected to improve all at them and It Is the respolUliblllty of local road official. and the .tate highway departments to determine what proportion can best be improved to provide the ,rea test good for the greatest 'number at people• FuDda Limited. According to estimates whieb bave been received from many ltates it II doubUul that funds provided in the three-year period 'will provide improvement tor as much a. one-third at the entire secondary road Iystem, And It II likely that thousandl of miles of these secondary roads will never be improved. For Instance, F. R. White. chief enllneer of the Iowa State highway Iystem, in testifying before the house of representatives road committee, said that studies in his state IndJcated that improvement of about 83 per cent of the rural secondary road mileage would provide a surfaced road to each tarmhouse in the state. ' "A goodly portion of the remalnlng 17 per cent of the mileage is so little used as to be nothing more than land-use trails, which could well be abandoned as public ' hlghwaYI and the hind turned back to com production," Mr. White said. In some states the need is much greater than in others, as was 'evidenced In some of the testimony be. fore this committee. In Indiana, for Instance, a large per cent of rural roads have some sort of surfacing like bituminous, crushed rock or gravel, while In Alabama the testimony showed that Bome 60,000 miles at the country road sY,stem iI

W,y-SeVeD per eent of America's val' network of rural secondary: roadi relliain GD.urlaeN, wlUI the result that many farmen .tID IDd tbemeelves frequenDy stack ID the mDd .11 W. plohln lDelleaau.





largely without permanent surfac,lng and v.a rles greatly with the differ ent counties. While cost of fuese farm·to·market roads varies In different sections of the country, indications are that the county and township officials want as much mileage surfaced as possible tram the funds available at costs running ' trom approximately $3,500 to $6,000 per mile. Inter~e­ ,dlate types at surfacing would run upward to approxImately $12,000 per mile with the higher type pavements costing upwards of $20,000 per mile. State Funds Available. Due to the fact that there has been lItUe road b\Jildlng during the war, state highway construction fundi have swelled into fantastic proportions despite the fact that revenues from automobile licenses and gasoUne taxes have been reduced due to curtailment lit auto travel. The Public' Roads administration estimates that unexpended balances In state road funds by the end of this year will total around $418,000,000. To this will be added current rec~lpts from levies upon the auto owner so that the PRA estimates the states will have approximately $475,000,000 to $500,000.000 available for new highway construction. It they match the authorized appropriation as set up In the new lederal aid highway act their total must reach at least $500,000,000 annuaUy. Of the federa l funds, $100,000,000 Is already avaiJable tor surveys, plans and construction, but the remainder of the program must walt until the first postwar fiscal year which ends June 30 tollowing proclamation by Ule President ot the end at the existing emergency, or a concurrent resolution by the congress that emergency has becn sufficiently eased to permit higbway work. It Is pointed out that there bave been lederal aid appropriations for secondary and feeder roads in tbe past, but unfortunately there has never b~en full and complete advantage taken at the' money appropriated, and, as a result, In a number at sta tes the Intent of the appropria tion has not been fuily realized. For this reason, federal offlcials along with those Interested in road construction, both public and in private Industry, stress the Importance of close cooperation between looal and state officials In selecting a secondary road system which will qualify Wifu the PRA, care being exercised not to include roads of minor importance. Some important features of tile 1944 act include costs of rlghts-ofway In construction costs .ll[.ovided the tederal share shall not exceed one-third; 10 per cent of total authorization may be used unmatched by the states for elimination of bazards In highway - rail grade crossings with the govern. ment paying 90 per cent and the raUroads 10 per 'cent of the cost; 1~ per cent of the total authorization may be used for long-range highway plans. Federal Share. Acconslng to officials . of the American Association of State Highway officials, the Ita tea feel' that the federal government haa an obligation in makinl these grants for struetion, that conthe use by theThey atatesalso in feel highway 10verruneJit Ihould pay a higher percentage of the costs than the "50-110" basil! which il now and has been in eftecl Samuel C. Hadden of Indillna, president of the American association, pointed .thls out In his telUmany before the house committee. He said that in 1942, for Instance, the federal govemment conected taxes on motor vehicles and parts and on motor tuels In excess at $677,000,000, while in the same year it returned to the states In the form of federal highway aid lei. than one-fourth of that amount. "For some years," Mr. Hadden said, "It has been the declared policy at the federal government that the state gevernments should not practice diversion of moLar vehicle tax revenues from highway to other purposes, "This disparity between precept and example has not escaped the attention of our citizens generally, or of our state and local public officials. Frankly, It Is the belief of the great majority of our citizens that the federal government should take ita own prescription In this matter. especially since the precept Is can. sidered sound and the example unsound," As a matter of fact, 14 states have within recent years amended their constitutiolUl to prohibit dJversian of taxes collected from gasoline and automobile licenses to other than highway construction and maintenance. At any rate, If local and .tate otficials cooperate properly there La a good chance thll! during the three years following the war several mi¥l0ns of our farmers will ."'iet out ~ the mud" t1u'ough the medium of the availabllltY at' ·these federal funds. These farm-to-market ' road. are our "bread and butter". roaell; they carry our tood to market; they 9rrJ thl! eount.g cblldr~ to scbool and back home agaiD in the evenin" the,. carry the mail -to a third of our popwation; they carry, thI. third to and from their cburCbel, and the,. reach iIlto remote comer•.



F Ii: F



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000'. wk-dOll'C Ipread tnlDIon. DOD'C glad. We must walk together whencoush -dOD'C IPread I'Ct'1IlI. Smltb BrOl. 2-6 vn. ever I "c,a n get owa!~ from my duCous h Drops, Black ~ Mutbol, are ItiLI u ties. Your friend whl' put you IOOthlOI &lid dc11clOUl .. nu-aod Ihcy ·aboard. Mr. Jaggers North. was that ItiLI COlt 0Al, a a./ckel. hIs name, asked me to keep an eye out for you. you know." What a nice younl: man he was, aLACK 0 '. MIH'HOL-~ Lark thought; of coul:s e he had none of David's charm or good looks. but h aving someone like him take an In· terest would help. quite a lot. One day. the third Sunday 01 the voyage. Captain Walt!sby announced at breakfast that he would conduct church services on deck. There was great confusion in the women's saloon as all the g lris unpacked their Sabbath finery. Lark dug down deep CHAPTER IV Into her portmanteau se arching for her good blue bomba'line dress. She In those last hurried days of prep· couldn't find It. It jus t wasn't there. aratlon a t home J aggers had said It was Immediately after the aerv· 110 'often. "You feel strange with the Ice that Busby waylaid Lark. He boy now. Lark. but by the end of the trip you'll have grown close to one had a worried and anxious look another. There'll be moonlight on about him. the voyage and long sunny days to"I don·t like to trouble you. Miss." gether. David' s got a wise head on he said soberly, "but the horse Is sick ; really sick. It aln·t lust colle. his shoulders. It's a good plan. that like the master says. I've changed one he talked of. to have the Cap· the blanket over arid over again and taln m arry you towa rd the end of the cross ing. It·s better than rushIt's sweated through In no time . It's lung inflammation. and th at·s a fa ct. Ing the marriage now. You'll grow Miss. It·s serious. I've seen it often more close together and more unParty Dress for Tot. ders ta ndi ng this way. and It'll be a enough afore to lmow that." "Lancer's sick?" Lark asked FOR a mite of two to six, a dainty sweeter. sounder thing. like crossing a brook from stepping·stone to s tepsharply, "Oh, no, n~'t my Red Ras· little frock with the swinging kall!" . Iklrt and ruffle edging little girls ping's tone instead of in a leap." "No. -ma'am, It alll't Lance r. It'. love. She'll look as sweet as her Presently a lillie cabin boy came our mare, Penelope. Squire Terralne amile In this adorable party dress. out of the door which led to the gal· ley a nd blew what was evidently a and me have been la·working over It'. nice for school too in brightly repetition of the m es s·call, tor her the live·long night. Maybe you'd checked cottons. Lark's special benefit and tor that come down to the s talls with me • Pattern No. 8740 I. desIgned for sizes 2. of the young couple who stood to· and give me a word of advice. lay ' . t. 1\ Bnd 6 yean. S ize 3 requJres 2 gether on U,e forward deck. what you'd do If It was your own yard, or 35 or 3!l·lnch materIal. The cou ple went below. and after Madoc, you've spoke of so often ." SEWING CIRCLE PATTERN DEPT, R momcnt Lark fo llowed them. " Indeed I will." Lark said with 1.10 South WeUs St. Chicllgo warm sym pathy. and following the Wllen shc reached the dining· room Enclose 25 cents In coins 'or each groom past the neat lltUe temporary thc nvo who had entered just ahead pattern d esired. of her were sea ting themselves with tackroom and the d8lrk cornered en· Pattern No .... , ........... . Size .... .. the shi p's officers and other first closure where the b ales of hay were class passe nge rs at the main table stacked shoulder. hi gh. Minnie. Name ... ............................ .. under the portrait ot KIng George 6tanding back In the shadow. Address . . .. . . ............ .... . .. .... .. the Third. The gentlemen at the grinned at them and ,s aid. "Seen my main table rose courteously to ac· Dan anywhe.r e? " cept the apologies which the two Busby shook his head and led young people made for their tlll"dl· Lark through the wicket Into the fenced-of! stall whti!J'e the mare ness. In the confusion Lark hesitnted stood, ~ weat-d ren ched and bloody. tor a moment In the door wa y. her Lark laid a gentIt! hand on the eyes making quick note of the group drooping neck. "Poor Penelope." at the table of honor. There was a she said softly. "Sbe's as sick a florid mi~dle·a ged m a n. obviously horse as ever I've seem. She'll have the fa ther of the girl. a youngish to be bled, won't she!?" m a n in cleri cal black with a listless· "Indeed she will. young lady. " looking wife beside him. a comfort· Plascutt Dawes had entered the stall able. stoutish British c ouple. two lit· and stood there behind Lark with tle old ladies, and a fopp ish little his shrewd little eyell fixed on her. man in blue broadcloth who stared "This BaskaU's the prize of the She frowned a Uttle and said anxat her with admiring patronage un· strlnr." lously, "Can't we do something? til the Captain said stiffly. "Pray be Does the Sguire kno'w how sick a seated. Mr. Dawes." Would you like to have a glimpse at mare he's got?" Big Dan spoke loudly to his com· the way I've got our beasts bedded ".Tarrod Terraine's a nincompanions. "An uncoll;lmon good·look- down?" he asked shyly. pooP." Mr. Dawe. ,slld with asperer, that last wench. I seen her by Lark nodded and followed Busby Ity. "He', trying to keep up the lIer lonesome on deck ' most the down the long twisting passage that pretense that hi. beast has nought ni ght. Now If I dldn't have no led at last lo a steep ladder which the matter with It but collc. when strings tied to me. . . . " He winked 'descended to the hold. Here th'e the' fact that It', lung fever ia clear in Minnie's direction as Lark stails bad been set uP. slatted over- as light. I've known Terraine. boy blushed With embarrassment and bead and with neat divisions of and man. for fortY years and he' • . Captain Walesby rapped sharply for braided netting to separate the never. yet acknowlE!dged himseU silence. . wron,. Take this bet of Ourll, now; beasts. "Ain't my Dan a caution now"" The other groom, a Moroccan. was fttty pounds on our Imported atal· Minnie laughed and grinned with watering the eray 14arUndale and lions. Why, this Th.under Boy of appreciation of the blond Ilant's wit. the roan yearling which Lark had mine, he', a wonder horse . . . " With Ireat IUsto she swabbed her noticed last night. "Our Raskall will beat him, Mr. plate clean with a crust and forked Theae two. Busby explained, be· Dawes," Busby InternLlpted with sur16% extra pull at the drawbal'. IARS of time and uperieoce • hunk of pork onto it. longed to Mr. PIa scutt Dawel. prlsln, spirit. "Give me a couple of MInnie, having gobbled up her The patented Ground Grip tread By' mld-day dinner Minnie seemed week. to work him out wben we prove that Firestone GtoUDd meat by now. looked around for the in hIgh ,Dod humor. She joked with land and that'. all I ask." " has up to 215 extra inches of . , Grip tractor tire. outpull an, platter, but the steward had passed ' BI' Dan at the adjoining table and "Pooh, slrrah. you overeltimate . tractioo bar leogth per tractor. other tractor tires ill 101 IOU it to the men'. table to be emp- Ignored Captain Walesby·. reprovlnr your nagl" Pla.cutt,. who, at an· No wonder it pulls better. It baa condition any ' time. eoywheze. tied. With. phUosop.hlc'al glances. ' She even made an un.uc- other tiple, would have scofDed to no broken center tread barl. .he reached over and forked an cesstul attempt to brinl Lark Into enter Into discullion With a croom, Obviously. would like to That meeoa no traction leaks. It unBnlshed piece oft one of .her glrlJ' the general badinage. was 'now feeling expalwve and talkduplicate the Firestone Ground has 00 trIlIh-catchiDg bar ltubl. plate•• "Cheer up," CleUa whl.pered, ative under the .U:mulua 01 bia Grip design but they CIUl ooly Of course. it deaos better• "I'm buyinl It offen you," .he "she's just tealln, you; 'mile, neighbor'. bad luck. imitate it ••• because the Ground uld caauslly and !lIpped a tarthlng Larkl" "Tattersall'. .tand" behind my Be lure you get across the' table. '!be coin roUed Grip desigo it patented. Lark tried. hard 81 Ihe could, but ,ray Martindale, and your horae is firestone Ground Grip tractor on the floor and the Ilrl dived for it .be lelt like a fish out of water. only a pick-up at a county fair. It Put your uactor on Pireltooe tires. Doo', compromise with a. the othera lauahed. On!)' Lark She W81 feeling blue and dispirited wouldn't surprise me a mite 11 hi. imitatioDl. Ground Grip tim and pc up to wasn't amused. . over David'. .eemlnglY casual de- blood·line paper. were forged. . • • "Maybe .he wanted the meat her· .erUon of her. She mined Jalgers Why I'd raise my bet to a hunleU." she said Impublvely. "She's and the friendly everyday chatter dred pounds. to Ive hundr,ed. I'd hardly eaten a bite." of the neighbor. about the pariah do- bet my ' whole plantalt;ion, even my "Don't take ill much to noUrish Ings. It was a relief when, the .laves, and the thorougbbred horse. her al me." Minnie' . tone wac com- me,a l lInally over, Mr. Swaltera ap- in my racing stable." pletely composed. "I need more pro ached her conildenUy; and' asked "You WOUld, would lrou, sir?" BI" victuals than most folks to keep my if sbe. would care to promenade the lumbering Jarrod had come in quiet. weight up. Beln' a circus tat Isdy's deck with him. lY. tiptoeing 81 U he were in a IIlcka job like any other. That toU· He was a pleaaant. friend1,y yoWlJ room. "Well, 1 woul!dn't take you gate I run don,' t do more'n bring 'in man, Lark thought, and her uaual up on any .uch bet. I'd wager lIiy pln·money. 1 got my perklsets an' iood spirits loon returned as she lands and even my bouse on this use 'em when I want to." Very de- listened to hI' gossip of ship.board race between Lancer and Thimder liberately she leaned across the ta- life. Boy, but I'd no more bet my Ilaves ble and speared the uneaten pork oft "Minnle' s crossed with us be~ore," and horse. than I'd bet my daughLark's own plate. he told her. "Every now and then ter. Dana . . Live fleah ain't a rightLark's temper ftared suddenly. ' she comes over for the Irish fair ful thing to gamble with. against "No. you don't! That's' inlne and 1 circuit and takes back a group of the Ten Commandments. like bowmean to eat ItI" Quickly she forked bound girls with her to add to her Ing down to graven Images. or some the meat back and began cutting It earnings. She'. a great tease, but such. I'll bet Greatways, by Capriher heart'. a. big as her body." com. but neither my horse. nor Neup. Minnie threw back her head and " I doc·t beUeve IU" Lark remOD- groes against your Dawes Ferry. laughed delightedly. "Spirit, and strated. "Why, 1 think she'. dread- Your place'll make II nice enough plenty of It! The filly'. not broke to luI; outrageously common and vul. house for my overseer Barnes or one or the tenants: . . . You can't bluft harness yet. We've ' got Mistress garl" · . Holghty Toighty among us, glrlJ. "Most circus people are." Clink me, sir! Want to have It writ down, The Duchess of Horse, I'll be bound. said knowin,ly. "You've lived a lawyer-wise'" . Aln't that a belly·laugh. now?" She very sheltered life I Imagine. Miss "I never bluft," Plascutt sald pushed back her chair, rose. and Shannon. I'm worried about what haughtily. "Such a thing would .be that',. glylS' " $Op.rior,' • f • slapped Lark on the back with Ie- you're going to do, 11 you land be- beneath my dign1ty. Ar~d gentlemen's( nlnl familiarity. fore Mr. North does. Minnie told sporting wager. are never reduced , u III nil' Outside the saloon doorway a lit- . me ahe thought he' d aalled on ' the to writing. My word, lit; III lutI!.to f 11>\(1.1.0'. E tIe man stood waiting. Lark law at Runnymeade, but that's a Ilower clent." Plascutt turned a~rupUy , and once that It was the groom who. had ship than ours. . • . Pleasa don·t left them. " "O-UND _[II P been in charge of the horse. last think me curious or Impertinent." J arrod threw back hIs · head and "I th1nk It'a kind of you to take bawled with laughter. "Well, youn, night. She smiled at hIm. TiAClOI "My name's Busby, Miss," he an interest. I've the addre.. of a lady. I lUelS you heard me call that nid humbly. "and I've been hoping friend Of Mr. North;s. She'U let ·m e' little popinjay'. bluff, didn't YOU'" for the chance of a word with you. teacb at her- school. though I'm Dot He ' eyed Lark . with lI'eat trleaCW.' I wanted to thank you again. It'. very well educated. You ~e. m1 ne ••, a .. 11 Ilie ahai-edI the jolte 'a nd due to you that we got' our bl, .tal- only Teal talent .. for ridin,. · Per- entered into hIs ,ame. , WheD ahl sm.Iled at him .Wig, ampaement, he Uon 'salely aboard. He's a handful hap. I could ~ a jockey." ClInk laul)'led poUtel)-, lookln, a, continued, "I'll bet a ,ollieD l\1ine. and no mistake." · He chuckled little .hocked. "You're a pluck7 1ou're the ~I mI,Il' my croom'. prpudly. . "I love hotHs," Lark laid. "I':ve girl," he Baid."'ThaVI a ,ood joke, been babblln, 10 muoh abo\Jt. He ' nyl Y\N're alirlt cIaa.liol'lewomu . handled them au my We. Tliere' I b1 ,J ovel'· j...rk ,mOed at hIm. ''1 feel ~.elf and that, of the fact no mIlchlef lD that bealL It w that ,ou're a rou ,Just that be ' wU panickecL He let I)etter than I did. You'v. ch Imow aD tilt tulf.1l me eatoh bII halter .trap right at me up a JoL" 'Tm . 4 of that. molt 'awAIIIJ t'l'O D CDJmllt7J1:DI ~ If. pJaJa ~t he'l a YI17 be THE STORY THUS FAR: Lark Shu· non Is h .... rtbroke .... ben . be learntl Iba. ber borae, Ma'oc, I. to be .ald. Her ' a lber, Rector Sba nooD. ba d died receat· 17, leavlar the place In debt. BeUlel North. D.lrbbor to Ibe Sbannon •• b eld a note ac ..tnat Rector ShnDon, ..lid Ibe ..Ie 01 Ule bone. ahe aald. ...oll1d elear the note. David NorUl. Bethel'l Ion. and Lark'. chlldbood .... ar· rlvel In EnrlaDd 'rom AmerIca. aDd u kl La.rk If . be ... ould Uke to co to AmerIca &I his ... lfe, but expresses aD love lor her. merely .aylJlr b. I. "fond 01 be,." J anen, BeUltl'. bUl band. drive. Lark to Ibe dock and Ibe boa rd. tbe . hlp. Tern· pora, e.xpectinr David to lola her. Lark recelvu a note ..ylnl b. had saUed.

horse. What are hIs blood-linea?" ,"I've not had a look at hIs papers yet." Bus by' atood twirling hIs cap In his gnarled hand.. " Master Jarrod Terralne just bought liim trom Mr. Galphine yesterday. His rightful name's Lancer. but I've took a notion to call him Red Raskall, like you did. A pet name's good luck in r acing stables, you . know." Lark said. "That'. fine. Busby. He's a horse to be proull of." "Mistress Dana. the master's daughter. took a rare fancy to blm at the fair yesterday and eggeci her po Into the deaL" "He looks much like a hOrle my father owned," Lark commented. "Our Madoc had Spanker blood in him and this horse has much the same confonnatlon." "This Raskall's the prize of the string my folks are taking back to Virgin ia. " 'Busby said. "They've a grand racing stable there. Greatways. I understand its name Is. . . .


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per cent of all private American dwellings have no insurance against burglary. . . . When you hear anyone say that a man is n member of the RCF it m eans "Rocking Cha ir Fleet." . .. The big lau gh tbese days is walking through York lIJe and .eelng all the Italian spaghetti places whicb replaced the beer halls where the Bund boys plotted their putsches. Some Americans are urging a world-wide free press. It's a good Idea . But there nre sUU many ob. stacles to be overcome before the American press can be as free al the Constitution says It should be. ... Sudden Thawl: The American war optimists aren't among the Americaos takln'g part 10 the bitter struggle at Iwo. The end of the ciggie Ihortage wID be a relief. Not because " will give us smokcs-bat because 1& wID stop the ePldemlo of unfunny ca,s. Those quips aro harder lo bear thaa the Ihortace. . . • Of all thines. The .ther day a lolon aUacked tbose wbo censor newspapermen. Be was ODe wbo attempted lo musale usl ••• Law and order caD Itop rabble-rousers. About. year a,o Boslon b.te spreaderl were runnln. wild. A Dew poDce oblef was appointed, be cracked down OD the troublemaker.-aDd they scurried back &0 their boles. . • . The Bed Crou report. that 0111' meD (beld prilOner III Germuy) are beill. De,lected terribly moe Ge~aD • mclaldom b.. brokeD deW1l. 'l1Iat our meD are fr_IIl, becaase 01 laok of proper apparel. • • • Onr bere, Instead put. tID, Na.1 prlllOnera In the N.... , (la Wbrtertlme) _ b1Uloh .aOJ la Florlt1a &0 trim palm lnetit That·. dambecraoyt .





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IJ Lint From


e ., •••

l,!,prowJ , u"ijo,.", Inl""",;o;'41



0 $ 4

Leason for March 18

Hybrid Com Raises National Acre Yield

Q IIUPPIei while' Ian. T_ card•• po.lpol ,11_.00_._ _ __



BABY PANTS! ~~~r'~~rJ:i

10 centl for Pattern No _ _ _ _ __ ________________

pairs, paefpald,


Ease of Harvesting Proves Advantageous

Silk or human hair. ReJrUla r 2:10 qualnete, poetpnld. ~.OO.


8owl,,( Circle Neecll,ecraJt Dept. . IN W. Ranclolpll 8t. Chlealo 80, m.



aO'BBY PINSI :''cY.!'• •1~:I?lJ~ 1\:7.

Lesson .ubl"cte end Scripture lem _ I"cted and copyrighted by Inlernatlonal C" un cll of Rell.lou. Educ.tlon; u.ed by

LESSON TEXT-Matthew 25:31-48. GOLDEN TEXT- Thou ahalt love the Lard thy God with aU thy beart. and with IU thy IOu! •• nc! with aU thy mind. This I. the firlt .nd great commandment. And the second I. like unto It. Thou .h.1t love thy nelllhbor .1 thYlelf.-Matthew 22 :37·39.

"ttroettv..-lla.. .ar.iker ..



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molher·. prol'or. I50c qua llt)'.

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ortIor or cwrmq; •• dooda /.,


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• ..,. ca.

HE production of Jrecord com T crops during the war yean hBi

been strongly Influenced by the use ot hybrid seed eorn in Important srowlng areas. Hybrid varieties, along with good growing weather, It Is pointed out by the department of agriculture. Our lesson presents a great jud&:- have been major tactoll'8 In raising ment scene-maJestic, solE!!Iln, sUr- the naUonal acre yield of corn from ring. Many confuse It with the judg. an average of ~ . 8 bUI!hels to 32.:5 ment of the Great White Throne In Revelation 20. But Matthew 25 I. obviously the judgment of nations (v. 32) for their treatment of Christ'. brethren (v. 40>, ' I word referring primarily to Jews, but alllo spoken or In Matthew 12 :48·50. The lesson needs broader appllca. tlon, however, so we suggest that we allow the mo're general princl. pIes of judgment occupy our at· teotion. We note that I • .Judgment Divides (vv. 31-33). The nations. coming before Christ when He shall have appeared In all His glory, shall Ond themselves separated Into two groups 00 the basis of their treatment of the brethren of Christ. , The fact that God has drawn a bushels. Ntoarly 52 pe:r cent ot the line of division down through Bll corn acreag.: was planted to hybrid humanity and that each one of us Is varieties, on one side or the other Is not a doctrine which finds ready acceptVery few &Jarren plants are found ance with modem thinking. but It 18 In a 0 eId 0 f hy b r Id COI'JII, an d a mue h nonetheless a fact. ' Imaller per eent of nubbin.. HyNo man established that division brid corn bearS; ears a·t a more unl-God Himself did It, and did It In torm height than open-pollinated love. To lome It may seem to' be corn, and the plants stand up better a hard laying. but It Is not. for it UDder huskins operations, comes from the lips of the g!!ntle, Agronomists empba ~ lze that hybrld seed corn will not produce loving Jesus. It Is because He loved us enough yields in spite of poor soU and poor to give Himself for us that any of culture. Where ferWity or moisture us find ourselves on the side of that I. avaUable lor an acre yield of no dividing line which assures us of more than 20 bushels of com this coneternal joy and blessedness. dJtlon I. a limiting factor for both They who stand on the other side b"pe.. of the line do so because they have Some hybrid. show decided resistnot accepted God'. proffered .alva- ance to disease, and several tend tlon In Christ. Reader, where do toward immunity to chinch bugl and you .tand? . corn root worm. Reslstanee to the D. JlIclrment Declaretl (vv. 34-45). European corn borer and to the corn Our attitude toward God apresses ear worm hal abo beeill found. It.elf iii our aWtude toward our lel- \ low man. That wblch we do toward those about UI II not a mltter of Agrt'culture IndJJference. but. II the basil for '• God'. judgment of our llvn. Eaeh In the News of UI mu.t answer tor the deeds done W. ~. DRYDEN ID the flesh whether they be good or ev Uever (n Cor. 5:i~), whose aalva-


so quickly memorized, 80 and so effective in cloths, scarfs or pillows, crocheted m edallion. The

• • •

beginner's delight, the expert'. pride

-Star of the Eas t madalllon . Pattern 7240 contnln. dlreoUons for medaWon. IUtehes. .

A biscuit cutter or cookie cu~ ter is bandy for scaling fish. --e-Cut the (lover for the ironing board on the bias and there will be no trouble....::'~th wrinkles. After w3shinr your window sills, wax them. They can then be kept clean for a long time by just dus~ ing them with a cloth. --e-To air. bedelothes indoors, hang them over the radiator; The heat will air them very quickly. -e-Keep empty spools and aa scraps of embroidery floss • string, tape, etc., accwnulate. wind on separate spools. It helps keep the sewing basltet orderly_ -e- ' 1Cover Icratches on ~ark -ture by touching WIth iodme. When dry, polish. -eTo clean your coffee percolator,

.....Sen-Gag qqHK • When children feet lOre ana acliey with a cold, rub In Ben-Gay. Watdl the amU.... Ben.o.y brinp comfortl ContaiM up to 2 timn more methyl lII1icyiate and mentbol-famoUi pain-relievin, qtDta that every doctor kDowa-tban five other ~ly C)1f~ rub-iDI. MUd BeD-Ga.Y. WIll apedally dne1gpecl forddJdreo. .




'Unit)' literary Dep't: history. Sumner-Two WeUee making of b1s tomes are among ·the Orst ten beltsellers . . . . Memo to those who be- lion haa alreadY been determined by lIeve war workers ean be recruited , his faith In Chr IIt. . trial color. Since . Here In our lesson, however, the via voluntary methods: A rellable teUure to do that which IhOWI forth the time of Ceres, (I) TIley are the safest place In all the daily reported that the voluntary G d' 1 of 1 ve Is made the goddess of grain . world (or your savings. . methods were tried In one Massa- a s aw 0 and allegedly the (2) They are a written promise from . chusetts town two weeks ago-and ground of eternal Judgment. Tbis Is first to cut wheat, the United Stateso( America to pay they fiopped. .. So dld the drive not because an act of kindness its main purpose . !tseU can be regarded aa the ground you 'back every penny you put in. for war workers In PhUa. of division, but because the failure ~~ b~:n to (3) ' They 1);11 you back $4 for every $3 you put in, at the end of ten years to give it or do It reflects an attitude f d You think our radio 80ap oper•• of heart toward our God and HIs o~~w uses are . . . pay you interest at the rate of 2.90/0tug at the heart? You should hear (4) You may turn them In and get ' the show called "The Robinson Christ, which Is in reality a rejec· developlillt daily. Italy years ago your cash back at any time after 60 Family," a tear-duct dilly which tlon of His way of salvation. Judgment Is thus a revelation of developed cloth for women's clothe. dayS. The longer you hold them. BBC shortwaves to our shores. . . . the more they're worth. "Jodie Mann" Is a name said to ~e attitude of the ~eart, wblch from straw. Butadilme, the prlncl(S) They are never worth less than the a man or woman as being al Ingredient In the synthetic rubhave been coined by LouiS Arm· marks elther saved or lost. It may be pos· p money you invested in them. They It is sprea\ling among GIs. strong. sible to so becloud the thinking of ber process, can be clbt1llne~ from a can't go down In price. That's a promi!e from·the financ:iaUystrong- It refers to a guy who thetts your our frlendi and neighbors that we wheat by-product. est institution In the world : TIle girl while y.ou're In uniform ...• A may gO'~through life looking IOme.- - Wheat II-used In the !":~~~;~~-IIUnited States of America. cop ' on a ' coast movie lot. now thing .. like , Christian, but when of industrial alcohol, II over 70, has been sitting at the gate Christ Judges, it will all tie revealed the manufacture (If ltarc~ BUY WAR BONDS REGUlARLY for years complaining of the Inactiv- to us Itarch syrup. Tbia ad~sement contributed in c0- Ity. He recenUy had a heart attack. For years wheat hilS been use for Notice the Importance of a proper operation with the Drug. Cosmetic and The doc recommended: "Complete attitude toward thoSIl who need our paper, paperboards and wood comAlIled Industries, by the makers of rest." . .. Of aU things I . A dep't kindness and help. All too often the positions. store on Wilshire Ave., Los Angeles, only concern of men and women I. Pound for pound! wheat Ie equal oilers women' s kerchiefs for $125 to look out for "number one" and let to corn In hog, dairy cow, cattle. eachl the rest of the world shift for Itself. sheep and poultry feeding. SENNA LAXATIVE Observe also that the Lord Iden~ GONTAINED IN SYRUP PEPSIN Next to ratlonlne Sinatra has be- titles Himself with . His brethren- Extension Service come the pet subject for radio what Is done to and for them II cis wheezes. One recent week four suc- counted as done to Bnd for Him. Receives lJ. S, Fun eesslve NBC shows twitted him . .. , Compare the experience of Samuel WASHINGTON, D. C.-Flnancln, Those jabbing blue pencils at news- (I Sam. 8:7) and of Palll (Acts 9:5>' of the U,. S. Extens.lon service procasters who express opinions sbould Touch God's people and you touch gram for 1945 on practically the same remember Oscar Wild's common Him. FaU them and you fall Him. baals as In 1944 Will allured here sense: "One can give a really un- Serve them and you serve HIm. when the 78th congres. In one of Ita biased opinion only a hout things that OJ. Judpneat Determine. (v. 46) . last acta , appropriated $28,000,000 {lo not Interest one, which Is no Yes, God'l jud,ment determines for thla purpose. doubt the reason an unbiased opln· eternal destiny. Life eternal, or The amount was Ic ontained ID the Ion is always valueless." , . . Are everlasting punishment, which shall Deficiency Appropriation bill which drama critics losing their power? A It be? That Is determined by God'. provides that not less ' than 7 mO· play that opened a few days ago tlnal word of judgment, but rem em· lion and not more than 11 million rated raves from two aisle-sltters- ber that He Judges In accordance dollar. of the new fun'd s are to be and it shuttered after two perform- with the attitude of heart and action speclftcally earmarked for the use ances. of the Extension se:rvlc·e. of ille on this side of the gra ve. The bureau of the bud,et had Now, for that matter, Is a part The Newspaper Story of the Week: of eternity. and it is consequently ori,inally submitted a prelimlDary A Chicago ' newspaper considered a of great Importance that we are right estimate calling for continuation of campaign to name the clty'S new with both God and man now lf we the unspent funds letft over from the airport after Amerlca'a b1ghest expect to' be right throughout eter. 1 calendar year of 1944, amounUne to rankine General. . . . The publlsh- n1ty. about 8 million doUars, to be avaU· We need to face this truth 01 judg. able only "untU the end of the ftJcal er, one ot the New Deal's bitterest toes, was pleased with the idea and ment with complete eandor and hon. year JUDe 3D, 1945. Proponent. or started to promote the plan. . . . est heart·searchlng. We agree with the program,' however, declared tbIa Until someone pOinted out that the Dr. Douglass that "we must .tand proposal unsatisfactorY, asserting airdrome would then also be with · awful concern before this sol It would not provide adequate uIS YOUR BARN AHOSPITAL ., new named alter the 'New Deal', best emn truth. Do not hesitate to teact .urance to farmer. that· facllJti .. Chlca,o booster-"Marshall Fleld"I ' thle because It I, contrary 'to th. would be available .to obtain neca.. It'e only 'air to your livestock to keep tlme-teated D(.Porler', eurrent 01 modern thlnldng or: shock saIT farm labor through the ),ear. ADtI __ prlc olr on hand allllay. ---r-The Maca.IDel: One of th~ newer IDe to confront. It needs to be faCed In ')'Our bar:n, for .emel1lency midget magI frames a nifty pen- 1il a brave spirit of reaUsm. (111 ..... Remember, even minor Inportrait of an Ame,r lcan who baa ef- • teacher) you will do your pupils • ·Ju..ea can become aerioul Infectively battled Nazi propaganda great disservice If you try to sbJelo 'ectlon, lIOurcea I' nealected. YwlTAVWOI buZz-bombl aimed. at your mailtiox. them tram the grim implications 01 Sooth.. , aid, narunal heellne. 1935-1939 He Is Henry Boke, author of, "Black this trIIh." , Chancea .... your yeterlnarlan Yes, and also If you keep from MaU." : , . Harold Ickes leaves betl. Nothln& tlke It for ml_ {){)()()t){)~ littlen punch·line drunk vIa a digest them the ,lorloUi prospect of eternal __ bum., bnll_, cut•• aaddle .... colIu _ _• etc. V.onb' 1.-1-* ••••• that unieaahes a wallop ID ev- j~ fD the presenCe of God. "'l1Ie lAw . . .Iiected ery paragraph. Mr. Ickel certaliiiy or life II the law of Icwe-Iove for t){){){){)1)6c ha. the ilbW,," to make wOrcU ebo" Qod, ud tor Jeaua Cbri.t Whom Be their mUicle.. • . . Mags are now bath .ent to be our Redeemer, and !Nt j\. 1~IW\'r 1,\RnRATI)Rlr~ INC loaded with fiction baaed OD MaiD .love for m. brethren. 'lbat law 01 A pj A JC\ A A A A . Stem cbaract"n. MOlt ot them are loVe ru1u -even ID the .iBJ 01 jud.. I V .., ~ ~ V V V V . , . . . . at Damon llunyon's cla.sta.

'--'-- -






I L~~=~=~=.I

Army Medical Corpsmen run the risks of front line warfare slde-by-slde

with the hard-hitting Infantry. Using battery-powered flashlights to help save time-save lives, gallant "medics" give .quick, efficient attention to wounded ni~n,. Ceuntless war batteries are needed for weapons and IIghts-thafs why supplies are limited on the home.front. Use .your batteries carefully-make them last lonaer. Bu~aess' Battery Company. Freepor~' lIlInois.



.-.r.:;: ~mlY C'OMPANY, .UEPOH, ~WNoIl -:








Future Farmers of America and H,me EConomics Banquet Eigthth Grade Girl. Serve DinnR; School Dining Room

.Rev. Ralph Park8; Raymond Hatfield Principal Speaker. The annual


F. F. A. and was held last 'I1uesctay evening in the High &:'hool dlning room. The parente of t he boYS and g!rJs ' and honorary members of' <the two clubs were guestB of ,t he students: , 'Vcrnon Bhl.ij.ts, pree.1dent. of The FuIiUre F'amlera of America acted 116 Iloastmaster, with Mr. oarl Fereuson .giving l\lhe invoootlon and Mrs. /WIlUiarn Lukens, hnme economJcs teacher, tJle wel.iCome. IFoUowlng .t he cordlal welcome, the elg1bth grade girls served d1nner Wlbh the ,folloWinc menu : tomato ooclGta1l. eeca1loped obicken. gravy, Homa EdonooUcs banquet

mashed pota.OOes, t>eaI1a and corn, vegetable sUld, rolls and. butter, Ice cream, cake and coffee.

Rut h W1ca.l epoke on, "Wh9 I Chose Rune ~," after whioh, :MWi M.argaret Roee gave a Vel')' lovely violin solo. Irma Hildebrecht ~en told of the organ4ZaMon ot M. H. A. and Nonna Longacre IBn e.ppropr1aite talk' on '\Home, SWeet Home." Music was ·tUrniahed during ~ ~m by the boya' orobesba. The J)l'inclpa1 taJka of I\lhe even· Ing were given by Rev. Ralph Pa&1aI and Mr. 'Raymond 11', Hatf1eld Both ,talks were very interest.ln8 and gave 1lbe young people mUCh tttoU&ht for Mrioua ~n. The Mothera -were repreaen1led by Mrs. F. U. LeMay and tlh,e l'Ia,t4lelll by Mr. R . E. Asbury 'With aplendid ranGtIb. Mr. ~n BtWfa'Oe, ylce-(Ire8l-


Birthday .Anniverlary Celebrated By J. C.

The Woman's Society of OhdstService met on Thursday nlternoon wl.tlIl Mrs. R. B. Coleman as hoot.esa at t.he ,pa.rsbnage. About thlxty-Ilve membelll 8nd gucsta were pre6ent. DevotlOD6 for the alternoon were in char'ge of Mrs. D. R. Sa.l1sbury, Mrs. A. K. Day pve a short review of the Uves 01 tm-ee nurses and Mrs. GleilO Borden g&ve a splendid review or Ithe very Interestlngbook. "Burma SUrgeon," ~ter whlcll, Mni. H, B. Earnhart sang a. very lovely solo. I~n

Dainty re!reshmeJ1ts were served dlwing the social hour by the hostess assisted by Mrs. M. A. Oornell, Mre. J. P . i'r(Dlm, ~. Tnlman Wardlow and Mns. Mark RIoger.s. The Club adjourned to moot in April with <Mesd6JneS IJoyd Davis, OrvWe Gmy. Charles Anderson, OlintoD Olark and Miss Emily Jacobs as h08taaea.


Srt. WlUls E. Maurice, Ground Crew Kipalnna:n the NiDth Air Force, bas been stationed in France and returned home On January 18. lie lett apln on Manlh 11. 'or Miami Beaeh. Fla., for retaalmment. Srt. . Maurice Is married and II. the son 01 Mr. and Mrs. Cbarln MaUr!oe of W a 1DesviUe.



Mr. end Mrs. F1mnIt Thornaa

Sunday School Cla.aa Hold. were St. Patrick'. pay Party

among the guests OIl Sunday when

Mr. Tnuman Woardlow's sundey SChool Cla.s6 of seventh and dghth gtl'lide boYs enterla!noo with a S t. Rltrick's !Day party on Wednesday evening and had as their guests t he seventh and elghth gra de girls of Mrs. Jack6on's CWls, Mrs Ralph Hastings was in charge of the games • • • Bald alter a. very pleasant everutlg, . Mr. and Mm. H. R. Mo6.s enter- popcorn; candy 'a nd potato chips ta1ned to dinner on 6unda~ evening were ejol ed, honoring .the blrthdBy ' of .the iatters motber;Mls. cora. RU:h. Tbo6e wbo' enJjoyed dinner with the honor guest were :Mrs. HAlba Braddock, Mr. and Mrs. Lowell Thomas em.erIalned with a family dinner honorioe the biJ'tIhday anniversary of the h08teas. Other guests were Mr, and Mrs. ~. M. Earnhart and Iiona of BeaVl'rtoWn, Mr. and Mrs. John Robey ot Dayll.on and Mr. Arthur 'I1homCl8.

Boy Scout News

WSIS Muy Moss

at M1ddletown,

qn Fr1d86' evening, MRll"ch 16, al Mr. and Mra. GUber.t Frye and sons, 1 and the host and h<IIt.eQ. 8:00 ock, ,t he SCOUt or the Waynesftlle Cl'VicCOtnm1ttee Club meL • • • with Mr. PaUlO. Dutch er. SCout Mr. and Mm. VVVren iBraddock execu.tive at thl!l area, at .the home




• ••

Thomas hving Way

• • •

Mrs. Mlar&w'et OUell, a mIsslonBl"Y recently returned from ~t, and Mr, and Mrs. Neft of Columbus were recent guests 01 Mrs. Ray

.. ..

~. cnd MnI Elmer Sheehan entertained to SWlday dinner Mr. TUlSa, witlh IWrum be made. h!.a Imd Mn: Dearth 8heehan 8nd bome 'aJnce ret;1rement two ~ of near oentez.vwe. agb. ,Flunerel Sfll'Vice8 Were conduct• ,. I ed 10 011'1dri.nMl1, Wec1nfJIIda,y, W1tb Mrs. IAo;yd IDavts and sons spent interment in the MWn4 cemetelW'. S~ a.t.t.emoon with Mr. Davis Who Ie slowly improving at the o.born-rrhiebeau MJam1 vall~ boepUGJ. d H 0;;;;;cit Mr and Dona.!. , son. • • • . Mrs. H8I'Old 06b0rn. of wayneavi1le, Mr. Joel E. stotee. 'Who baa been and MIB8 Irene ThlebelW, daIuab- m. a.t Itlla home COl' some time, has of 'M r. and MrI. :William r.rhlebeau, been ,t&tDen to the ~Iella.n . hoopof Nol1WOOd. OlUo, were manied ll1a,1 for treatment. SaIt~; 'M arch 11'1" ,by! Fat1ler - • • ....... ..;., Ell r I Kennedy at the st, Ptrt« <ln4 J;l'&ul MrI. D . . C. IRkII!Ie ._ ........ ........ Rectory 'ln Norwood. Hoetet.t Itave i-ewmed o!ter enjoy.......... Wet"e 1IUended by Helen 1ng!the _ inIDrItIh at !BoOne Ttl.vern U-J

...........: of West.Milton, OhIo, a oouain In Berea, Ky. .. v....


,the brtde, Qnd


JoIiD IJHy of the

, . .• • . BUnker mn, !nIdlaIla" iN~ Bue. . .Mr. ~d NnI. ·H . M . Sears.: of Relatlves and fnenda · w~ GreenvWe were ...~ of Jlr: ~d the eeremOny and ' a: . dinner, 8nt~ 11ft. W. N. Beat'8. over SUnday and reCeptiOn' W88 !held at ~ Hotel~. . .' • .Mnia 'm ctriclnDUl.. . Mr and Ml w' Ie; 8CI'oUcl'< ere ~ brJde a..~teDdect ~ • II.. W ~'0bI0 t.nd '. B\mda.y &'UfiItIl of Mr. 'and Mrs. :: Ralph HWJnca and aqq; -..Sa - .-Aua.te cl ~ • • • ~ the ·. . ~ . . . lAdu ~ of anc1nna.t1 1M3 add baa' _ _ .the ~ 18 4b . . end auest of ~ mon1ba,.tIl 1M U. S, If..". ~· Ida a.n.

~.t =~ N~.'







Friends Home

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~p,~Y:~li:=E.~~~ and MnI. R. E.




bacl"' U

A ....


IEnd 0f 0rtve~ · Near :for Wayne Township Red Cross War Fund

Mr, J. C. (HaW1te celeblu.ted · his eight,,th blnthday anniversary On SatW'dayo and on Sunday evening his Children cnme with 'I\, del!cio~8 Mr8. Early Anxiou8 That covered dish din net· to help him W orker8 Keep On ,Job celebrate ,this great ocoas1on. The ta,bles were beautUully arranged I Time For Collections Short Mt1ll Ilhe man)' Jovely florol gUts and St. Patrtclt's [}aty1 fll.VOlII. Many Recalll On IN on-Contributor. beautl!f,ul g1tts were received by Mr. tJrgecl AI Pouible Source Hawke and those whO enojoyed th1s observed at very ' delightful' evenlng' with him I ll1he local Red Cross Wal' Fund Me'thotHat. ,~lJIn:m with Sunday were Dr. Wld Mrs. IRBlph Vance or i Drive compr1slng the whole of with Mrs. RaIYWllm1ngton, Mrs. Melvin Banta of i W\lyne Townahlp. Is pro(!'J'e38lng s\lperinte~. Loveland, lk. alX! Mrs . Carl Hawke i in a manner ,t .hat meets bile &flI'hl..... n and adults at IUld Mr. and Mrs. Ray Ha.wke \Dd PIoval or otlhe Oha.inna.n\ Mrs. follOWed by tlbe Cpt Vernon MaurICe, GTound daUgb.ter or Dayton, Mr. anld ·Mrs. Everett Early. However, she warns reception of nell'itneJll be:rs into the Crew Repairman, located at an C. Lee lIaIwke. Mrs. James HaJwke tJhat the end of 't he drive Is rapldl~ Churoll. apprOl\.Oll1ng' and With the lew readvance f1yt." field ,at DourIa8, and M!.as Glenn'll. H-awke of Springfield, M1'. and Mrs. John Fromm, malnln!g ~8 len in Me.roh to mlake Arllona. is the Bon 01 Mr. and I'll'll. Mr . .and Mrs. Don Hawke, Misses a complet ion ot the collection of Anne Weltz anld Phyllis Badley and Iunds for ·tbIB great cause, no letCharles Maurice 'o f Wa1DftvUle. up in eHOl1t.s of the workers can be voices. 1b1a . Cpl. Maurice Is a paduate of the Jimmy Weltz. . tolera.ted, The last minute puncl1 into three pa~: Cententtle Ilich School In the class Inlt.rOltlUCil.ll~. The Tro.gedy, III oftten the one 1lbat counts tor of 1938. He is married and his wife' the most in a drive of this Iclnd, U is with him at the Arizona Base, anyone Jailed to 8'1ve on the first br Mrs. Walter Kenrick oont6ct, (!o not fail to call back , Ilnd yet again. Som.8t1mfll INTRODUCTION <Mr. H1U'Vey Burnet a.ttended bile the ha.rdest ones to collect ft'lllll. will Itt:JOIl'E, IS RISEN .... . .. . . , . ... . . (Ohorus lly the Chair) tlUl6l'a1 of Mr. Stanaey Sellars at bhe i give the most when you can finally The Tra&'edy Oswakl FlUnera1 Home In Lebanon, get them tIO ~ the ·lJ8'ht. K~ 80lng l '4i}11D:N HaL . .. ... .... . .. .. . . . . (Solo for Medium Volc'!S) satUJ'da.y eltemoon. . , . . . . tC~s by the Oholr and SOlo) Movinf to Tipp Cit,. ' ================~==== ClI~IS ~AS MARY WEEPING Oont4'8ltlo Solo and Choir) Mr. and Mrs. Earl Mendenhall, LATE ON Tllrli:i &ABBATH DAy .... .. . . '<Quartet. Tenor, E8rltone and who are moVini to TIpp City, spent So!prall~~I105 and OhOl'U6 by the Oho!r i Ule week. ead with the la~'s ....lItESSED " "" "" " (Oontmlto and Tenor Solos cnd 'r,arenta, Mr. snd Mrs , Guy ROutMrs. Allee Clark spent Wednes0hI1)l:W. the Ohair) .zahn. Mr. Ment1enha11 bias employ- day In Lebanon, the guest ,of her I'ABT U The Vietory nt ..t· ·1lhe Aero-Products at niece .. Mrs, Sue ~bIu'ger. I'll .'" III 11U'\r!1 AWAKE ... . .. .. (Trio tor SOprano, A}to and BassI VandaJla. Miss RAlth Ohan'dler le!lt Ia4t IS RIS'N AGAIN . . . .. . . , (Sopl'ano or Tenor Solo) Mr. Shemum Hurst has joined thll 'Iblu6day f~ HaUtpton; Va. where R(J.8l!~'11: HUES . . . ... . , ..... . (Chorus [or Women'S .-.nned Forces. Mm. Hurst haa clos- she w11l spend two vreek& 'With her W1ffOSOEVEB ,!JIia.IE'V ETH SHALL LIVE . . .. . .. .'(Tenor and Alto Solos ed ~heir home, 'here and 1a &ta\Y'1ng sister, Ellinbet!:t, atealCher at Hampby the Choir) wtth her paren'ttJ, Mr. and Mrs, ton Instrtute. Mrs'. Nellie lBulmell ~ . . . " . . . ... . . . ... . .. ... , .... tOhorus for Menls Volces) Cleve Hur&t at IBlanchester. .ftlclentiy 8UblJtlt~ting as ' matron• . (&prano, TenOt', and Oontralto Solos, Women's Mr. e.ncl 'Mrs. set,h Furnas, Mi'. Miss ~llve W1l118ma ~~ relby the Cblir) atives in XeUa, ~" Har\'e}' Mrs. - -'T'" -~ and HaroldMrs. IWbltabr andBurnet, Mra. w..tter MIBa MIiu.1Icet W. Ectwa.!'ds spent Pvt. William E. Albury kenr1ck ~ 4Ibe fuDel'&l eer- ~y In Dayton. • Writel ' Intereltiq Letter .

ew;-v ":~8Dd=a:~'*ot~=M~=~~;:I~~~~~~!!!!~!!!!~.-jl~~

~ aooeJIDlt of the act.lv1~ of , Mr. and MJa. Karrt ~ and eon; told of ,the opemtlon of a troop oDd the yOUlllf farmen. Mr. RarIJjond ffienn, Mr. ~. Glenn Borden, how' /WbYnesville could have troop ...,_ .......... , u. u_ of success. ' ,Also, Joe James told t1he Braddock, A~ . inteDdent. KaYe a MIS. .........." .... unger. --, ...... -..S. ~.... fine t~lk loll~ by remarks Walter Benge, MIsB Belva. M.cOand- comm1bree ·bhwt his <boys bad been 'OJ ~I i n th e 00llectlon 0 t trem Mr. S. S . ElUs. preaideat of lese IUld Mr. H. A. O:>mell. approodmately $140 dUlling the roec.he County' BCXW'd of __ ..........011. • • • Mr. K. N. Hough, p~dent of the Mrs. Alvf. Thompson, MIss Mart- cent !March of Dimes drive. A<t the )ocal School Boa4'd, -Mr. David Iyn Wlhitaker o.nd Mn. Ronald meeting the followtng commlttee a.ppllcaotlons were accepted: Bailey, Cmlnty Agrloultural Agent. SaMabury w~ in Pleasant lUdie · Ralph HastingS, ~as Snyder, and Mr. Joe Kersey, adVtsor of I"eb- on Wedneeda.y afternoon. at the >_ Roger Brown , W. P . S"'I\der, oR. C. anOn Obapter, who introduoeci the borne of Mrs. Ruth Hensley, when Moler and Stanley Batley. oUlcers of ,t he Cedar City Ohapter Mrs. salisbUry -was the hooor' guest Rev. Ralph Parks, President of P. P. A. 0It a stork Shower. 'the Civic Club a nd President pro_ tern, led ,t he elecbion in "NJlich Ralph 'I1he 'Ptoeram was concluded by Mrs. •RobeJ't Britain and SOn, Hastings was elected chadrtnan of all Joining 10 singing "Amertoa." Peter Leon, 1Q.nd ' Mfa. Walter the committee and Joe James was Blite1n, A1Ioe am 0ra1Ce. spent a ppointed Assistant ScQutmaster SUnday with ·M rs. Carrie UpplncoU with others to be named. Definite and da.1Jilhter. Eva. action 'as to ·bIle selectton of a of Dr. T. I. Way in To. ., • • • ScvUbmaster was not taken. 0ItIa.. Ie.&. week ftIl\OYed one or Mrs. Walter lVWlitaker and daughWIIYneaWlle'a d1sttngul8hecl lI0II8. He ter, Anna Marilyn, spent SWJclay Air Medal, Battle Start, was bam JltG,f the VlJIap in 18lK, a dtemoon IWtth Ml'. Whltek~, who Diltin8'llilhed Flying ' Croal, son of Dr. samuel J. WGiY, Who rema4nS ·VeJ1Y III at Christ hospital practiced d.entlatry m ·Wa.ynesvme Worn by Capt. Fox in OlnCinnatl. for IIlADY years. He adop~ his 1'a !lher'& protMlion and in 'h!a earlier y~1US waa )ooa.ted in HutIchlnaon. Kari. About ~-live years RIO he opeDed an oUlce in Oinclnnatl. He -was one oJ the older member8 of the local M8IJOnIc lodge. He as sUr.vived by an older brother, S81muel 11'., of Montana. and a slSte1', M'n. Frances IPr1tchard of


Mrl. R. B. Coleman Hoate.. To Woman' I Society of Chriltian Setvic~

dent of .1Ihe Y. M •.. .,. A. nepooded ~~


MARCH 22, 1945

METHODIST .bBUlWII R. B. Coleman~' MIJlWer . ' . OIlI!~li school at 9, 30 A. M,. 'M.\'S. ~~ v(>lIleer. IUperintendent. 4om.1ng Services - 10:00. . Youth Fell-'shlp, TUesdav evenlD a un..

at 7:30. )holr practice, Wedneeday 8 '00 P M . • ,

* * •

Palm SwuJar,



Sunday School, 8 :30 A. M. Baptisimal sen/ice and recept40n of . members Into the ChW'Ch, 10 :30 Special Music, "The Palma" by thP. Ohoir. Cantata, "The Re&urreotibn story" by ........... e B. ," ...... ~. 7:90 P . M. 'V!u"


a very interesting letter l'mm thelt' son, Pvt. William E. Asbury. from somewhere 4n Germany, in Which he .~._ »-At th ---Ie In nI..'land ~.1':" .:.:.~ e ::::''' nu<, .. .- and "" ....... e t,..,... verythey com.ortable happy when were there and In GeJmany they are OOCIW'ing the deserted homes and are real oomCor.table. He atates that the civilians back home are surely experiencing a ver:y d1t~lcult time with ntlon1ng at' f ood aud i8s0l4ne and the new CU11few ruii~. Pvt. .AJJbUl'y ,Is connected with tlhe RecQnnafssance Thnk Bato.ll1ono or th~ 88th Calvary as an asalstant tank o lain8, with great d.r iver -nd exp ~..!wOa, that he Is wm""~~ on new ......... -.u>& t~.




ed quarte~ will be at IJle church from t he OinClInnatl BJble 8eminBI:IY to sing, The B1bleSchool II'OlI has bf!en set at '160. Mr. Randall YilU ,p reach on <the 8ubject, "F\ F1rom Heaven" In the morning and "Tile Ascension" in the even1n4r. We 'M'e lookdng fer a crowd of 200 or more for Easter SUnday. A speclai prqp-am. of music snd 8OIl6J !.a bang planned ifor, and Mr. Randall wl\l preach on the subject; "The Mount Of Transfiguration." On Mbnda.y ~, the 2nd ot April, tI. three 'Yt'eekB evangeUstic meetdng beglna a.t .t he Churoh. Mr. Randall wID do ,1Jle preaching and Wnl center ~ preaching around the l~e of the Apostle Paul. Mr. OlIn Atwood, talented young .rone evangeUst and preacher will lead the slnglng an~ funiliJh the special I'MIIIIc each msllt. The public !.a InvJted to a.ttend each c! these serv1ces &it the Waync.>v!JIe Church ot ChrISt.

' ST. MARY'S IlPISCOPAL CRU&CB Ralph Parka, Beewr Ohurch SobOOl at 8:80 A. M. Morning praye;r and aermon. 1-1:00 A. M,


""'~"'b""""' ave-l1t1. ' CIIiftIl Woe'B.of !(r. .. at

Oregonia, ThursILi

day, and alao the burbl at MIami cemetery. Sold Farm .

Mr. and Mns. John Merrill have IiOld their farm East at- iown ,t o Mr. Bnd ,.... ••-0..--. "'.'ph H - 0 4 near _....', CenrervJUe. Mr. and Mrs. Merrill are haying & sale 'a nd w.1ll move W'............. near uuuuum. Mr. cnd Mrs. 'l1hOIn8a White 01 Oay.t.on .and Mr. and Mrs. Leon 8al.l2lbury of Waablngton C. H. were 8UDdBy atternoon guests of M1'&. Nettle Emrick. Mrs. John Z1inmerman of Wayne.sville was a Saturday ", ..",ung dlnner gu~ of ·h er sl.ster, Mrs, J, B. Jones and huaband. _ _,


lira.' 'lIftnk. 'nv-w. aOt: MaIdieon Ea-rnhartt called On ' Ml8ae8 Annie and ~e ~e on Prma.y• . Mrs. AIltce Olark a dinner 81ueI5t of Mrs. Ramo Riggs on 8a.t~ urda.y. MJss Msl'tg'aret W. Edw8l'ds was notified by wire. Saturday, of . the dl!llith of Dr. T. kVlng way, whtcb ocoured FrtdBy at the home of h1s sister, Mrs. Fenny way PriOOhcu'd . in 'I1u18ll., Okla. ~eral servlicea were held Wednesday, Karch 21, at !.he W. Mack Jolmac;n tunenll home in Oincinnati, illhe. ~. ReV. Hen.ryo Wdse Hobson aUJclatlnS. Burial ~s In the MWn1 cemetery. Mrs. Vemon Bannister of Eut Bcnlt, W , ~. , Mr. and Mrs.WithIngton and scm, John, of Lebanon, were caUers of . the MJsses. Brown.


Elected Superintendent on SaWrday. Mr. and Mn. O. 'W. Rbleu and 1MrB. OBlvtn Lortgacre has beeu elected 8\.IIpe'r1ntendent or lJyItle small ~n sons" Billy lind Bobby, of SUffiIiy 8obool end took charge Sprlllf!'!le1d, <:'8Illed on Mi8a MargSUnday. aret W. PldwWrds, Sunday. Miss !Belt of MoClellan hoapilJ!ll Mr. and Mrs. Therle Jones ' and .. stGltf, Xenia, 3!ld her cousin, Miss 6On: Milton, entertained to dinner Captain Mnrvln L. Fox l'QPOrted Palm S1Ilnday Semce 8unda,y, Mr. and Mill. D:lM>in Nutt, Weller, visited 'M rs. J. W. Ward, to ' Miami Beach, Fla., this week Holy eomm'Wllon will be celeMJ'I!I. Alma. Moran and son, Garry, Sunday a.fternoOn. after (1. .•~l-<lay lUl'lough spent with brated in st,. MtuW"s J!IpJac:opilI of oenlterV1He, a-nd Mr. and Mrs, IM rs. Oarrle White, of BeUeColUlthis wife land diWghter ' and other Churdl at. J.l:OO A. M. on sunday, aine,was othe guest of M1:;$ Olive relatives. J. B. Jmea. . March ~ . The sermon by Ule Rector Will1am8, Sunday. Based on Sa.l>pan for tihe past year \Mr. cmd Mrs. walter Kenrick and will be . ~n blle sub~ "'!1hie PellowMTs. W&rd was the SUnday IUpper he was squadron navigator on James Hames, in company with ship of Tbe Holy Ooinmunlon." All guest of Mr. snd Mrs. K . N. Houah a B-25 Llbera.tor iBolJ)ber, with the Mrs. Ben Round and Mrs. Eva members and :friends are urged to lind family, Seventh AU Force, he was recently HaInu!, were SlUlday evening dinner a.t tend this Palm s~~. Mrs. Henl1y tHa.uensteln and son, promoted to the rank of OlptALln iL*ta of Mr. and Mrs. Wiliam '. 1 • • CorP' : Henry HauensteJn, Of Oinclnfrom ,bhat of first lieutenant. Pow1iIs and llttle son, to JJay.ton. April II, East«. Day. HDly Oemnatl, Visited the former's mother, Jln the 8I!temoon , t he Kenrtck's captain Fox wears the Air Meda.l munJon a.t 7 :04) 'and 1-1:00 :A. M. called e;t tJhe home of Mr. and Mrs. Mrs . Geol'I¢a. IVln8, Monday .afterwltih lour Oa.k Leaf Cluaters, two nOOn. Thomas OoWns. bronze Battie Stars and t he Dis- T. AUGUS'11Ilq 0II1JBCII Mrs. C. M. 'P ritchard, of Tulsn. <Mr. and: Mrs. Lowell 'l1h0lDlS and tfngulsh~ Flylng Cross. Father ~&a, Patei& '. daughter, Betty. entert.a1neti to .a Ok;]a" and MnI. F. Ta.yaor Gurney He Is the liOn of Mr. and Mrs. N8lI& S\IrIda)' ..- 8:00 A. II. of Washington, D. C.. are st..ylng famUy dinner,SUnday, .\lhe followFrank M. Fox of ' Ferry and !.a a _ at the Hom~ tor &. ffIW daY8; the Frank gUeIIt&: Mr. _ ... ~ of Miss Ma~t W. EdgTaQuate of WQ¥nesV6lle Wlrh WAYNESVJU.B 'lbomu, Mr. Arlthur Thomas 01 'F DBY CIIURCII OF CllRJI!IT School and an alumnua of the. CRUBCB OF ClllrlST warda •. near WBynesvllle, Mr. 'I.Ild ~8 . Berben GrahAIu, MIQier University of Cindnnati. Max ~daII, ~ ~ John RobeY of Da~n o.nc1 Mr. and ~ BlbIe achool - 9:30 A. M. Bible School ·~:ao.A. Y. • Motorists obtaWlill!l new 194~' Mrs, MAIddtson l!lII.rilIhart. and ions, Tenth' Birthday 'A nniverlary Oommunloli _. 10:80 A. II. Oommwikm - 10:46 A. Ii; ,~ ta8 numbers whJch 'muSt· Jadt1e and. Tammy, of Beavertown. Bennon - 11:00 A. M. Sermon - 1'1:'00 A. K ; 'be disp~ on aU ca.ra AprU 1.' "HaaThe Old Ooepel Pla:y«i Out." ht. SUenlut Enterlalna Mr. end Mrs. H . lB. Ea.rnl1art en- Chr1aUan En&eavor .:.... ,8:10 p, M• . ' -were reminded by OPA Wday to· terta.1ned to dinner on . SaWrda:v. Evening ServiI)e - '1:io P. II. Prea.ch1nc' - 7:30 Pv.t. James Btlenke enterta4ned "make sure that the tee number- ' . . '••'d-"""'"" ...._ _"""""" "What Does It Mean To Be A nmeteen of h1a cla.aa ~ tlie Buie "OO11eapotnda to the numtHIr on' . honar1ing tllie tenth blr.thday sn- au -,.""..... _ - - , nivenary of ,t heir daUihber, Ruth. 'l'twrada.y mBbt - 'l:SO P . M. om1atJan 1" Er\ilneer1n8 t1~ of t.lle .UNyer8lty ·their 8'8801ine llltton .biook. Here'.', ' The honor 8UI!8t recetved many, • . ,. _ at Kf.. at .. farewell party at l.ytle ~ it is oone: Draw .. line'lovely (lUG aDd ruesta were There ft1'e 138 present lot' Bible FJUENDS . Hall, ea.turd&y evendni. The ilrla of o,throughthe old Ucense number. on· II£Qotecl at the dln1ng table wb1ch School Wit 8undq zianInc at the i/lnt Day lChool _ 1:10 A. M. Waynesville Hi8h SchOol were also ",the back of your muOn ~. was y~ iloVely with St•.. Patdck's W:8oynesville CIlurch ~ Cbriat and VeeUng ,f« W~P - 10:30 A. M. euesta, ~ntr 'WU .tlhe cUvendon of -and 'WritAl In -ove the Dew ..... Day ~ts and a.. b1lthdaJ $2 preeent tOJ~ ~ .I~ eervlce. ' tile evelUnlr. '!be ao'kIler boYI were "nwnber. Do ,tale I aune on caIte wtIlh green ~. oovera OUr ' aUendanlC8 ill I"OWbct ' 'l'be NT. HOLLY METHODIST enJt.erta!ned at 4tfes-enHlClmM, then °mUfcae nWon · iecord, Do .... w.n ~ tor 'tIle boaOr guest, average thus far for Uut' month CB1JBCII " .. aU pal'took of a c1tnIler' OIl.$UndaY "oh&1l8'e the llcenee ' JJUmber ~. Mr. BDd Un. K. N,' IbIgh.· lira. per' 8iJ)le ',.. M. a.'t the blame of Mr. and ¥raJ Barokl 'have' ~ eDidoJ'I!Ie4. 'Wilep JUl" Viola 1Dloo ..1a.. 'Mafy Dora: UOUl11. BchOOl. lJunday aabcio1 - 1:81 ,.. II. -~-...:::. 'IIbo ft'!'e..--aJIlIIteIi by ' Iii'• ".~ -.nth new your ClOUPoDI; new lkleaIe ... Ulren ~;, NaanJ lIilmhart, . 'lbJa eu~· . . . ill b E , A. 1lU'DhaZ't. l\JP!Il'iD*dent. ar.cIWP. apd ICe. IWph Hanwnond and "et&te . 'Of ~ . • Raztan F.amhal'lt aDd the holt ana apectallLorcl'lt Dt.)' , . . . . mabt.b ot Wol'IIIdp aemee ...... 10:30 A. M. Mr. UId..Kra. Obara amAen. ~ bo.te.. " Kald!. Aa U1 Evenln, ..-vtce ·-..!I:SO P. II•




--..I '_D. ''-


~' 121

~ for


acI!ded,.... am-


~rtl. ~

t:=iI!I!!!!!!!!IE~R!~==~~~~~~~~~==I!:I!!~~==-=~ Bonda" Mareb 19, INS. Sefore CIbJe pe.per It out 8prlDi IW'W be Mn 'l' ~mfo oU~ '" . . . . ., . , \he

The Miami, Gazette bUUtd Bvo1'f ThurlCiaJ i

'lo,d L, i


'1 Pew· Waitil)g 'or-y." t The. Fe.., ",,1\ t Chdlt - . Hext Lord'. Day . A

:Oa9leeoa Pro..


lvi_on, 1II4ttorrfubUah'f



0. ......... . . , " ' .... I, "'dint III 1_ _ Our TraNI 8JItM Bobtar , . ,


Within 15 miles, $1.60 per yeat' lubICription Rates: (Payable' in Advance) Beyond 15 miles. $2.00 per year


FeaturiJl, BSJteK ~ of ean of All ,Make.. Bodly and .C omplete Re-





Move Onl

pexlect tIm1ng sUlCI ~nchron12:a.1l1on, alld . here, Ibhey tare prepared .to tune up your motor flO that all pants will wol1t in perfect co-ordln811.1011 and yoW' car will _\re flawless and more economJal.l per1bnl1llJICe. They are expert bcxb' surgeons and feature the repa4r of tops nnd bod1e6, metal s>a& and fenders . U you havebee'ii'unfor¢lWlate a.nd been in 0. 6IIl8dl-up, ~;bey are prepared to repa.h' or rebu4Id the body, straighten the fenders o.nd your oa.r, When tn.lrned over to ~ou : wUI be reedy for service and ibh.erte W1l1 be no equealtl nor mWee, ~lhere.

of wfld turkey Ute Ia

conOlrued. GraDtIaDII Bloe I'll II1vI you one example. The wild ,turkey ran,es from 16 to 2<6 pounds. COmilll towerd you, be lookl a trifle lar,er than a B·29. But try to lee blm wharever be 11ibts. I happened to 'be IUided by a noted and expert wlld-turkey hunter, and we .aw a bl, robbler IIy Into the Iwamp lUI than 20 away trom wbere we .tood. Yet he auddenly cUIappeared trom ltaht, althou,h be wal .tW in the .pot that he had ,eleoted· h1I landinll fte1d" For Over 10 minutes. trom our clol' obaervaUon point, the IUide and ~ tried to .pot thl. bu,e Ipeclmen. W. collld never 'lee him. after he lit in tbe .wamp,. un4erb~. A trl1l~ later on, another big ,obbier , wel,bin, over 20 pounda. Ut In a taU Georala pine. Spot. the keeneyed ,ulele, then lave me ana· tul'o lellon. M you mayor may not know, a taU p1ne runl up to a leafy clUiter at the top.




Attention Farmers! McDowell-Torrence Lumber Co. C ... Tblrd " S. Detrctlt In Xenia Are Now Ready With An ExceDeDt SaplIb' lIlII.d 8enIee In Lumber and Bullllinr Materlab For JUpalrt on Farm .R llldenees aDd Bulldlnp . • • New Rooma Can Be Added If There I i A Deflnlte Need • • • '!'bey WlIl ·.Mab AppUcaUona 'For PrlorlUei FOf ~Clu WiUl . .t .Oharp . . , Prloriilel can Be Ob~ed In From Ona 1'0 'h'o Weeb • • • Their ' QaaUty, Materla.l. and Accomodatlna' 8er-

Yice Are " T",US.

Grea& Belp In COuervaUon and Uoualnr ProblelDll .

1ll'Dl!well-'nftence Lumber 0,. at XenI& are lencUnr the.1r vakable ex- You meet these ConcUt1ons by mak:1ng perIeDoe, sa well sa. thedr ~ent appik:atlorul for Pl"i'orI.ties which are IIeI'Vlce to Imnbel' and buildUlg bdng apeedecl up to get the wwk m&IterJala to tile tanners for msl- dcne wlllhout deJ8,y. ~ ~ land tor neceaJuy iWmber, INUder'., auppUee, roat.lng adtlons. 'Dlf/1 are, ~ matmals and rnalteria18 ~ qusMty .. mw ~ reIeaaed for tbe8e are 1WW available and tibey b, tM!r ...". ~t ne«is, ma.Idns &vatl- Jbne gperieDOe GttId lalII8 bu8IDeas able to the people of aU the 8U'l'- are able ro fIIJmtsh a Ee1'Vice wtUch rouDdilIg CIOUDtrys141e tlbeir assJst- is a QTe'Ilit accomodaWon to fanners IobCe in oonaerv'8t1on and replare- BlId tboIse who do :Ihe\.r own bulldilli mei. for mater1a1s now ra.pld!ly wileIl anaImng select1ana MB1'1Il8. out UDder war'e doubled Many deta1Ia have been 'I¥orIu!d load and d1tfJcult weather concU- out VIIh1cl>. tPve added protecUon,

c:omtort aDd ~ to fann rest·


Evtll DeW rooma OWl be added, deru:e6 and buDdlnp and they will wbare tt • shown then! fa .. deHnI.te be pleased to have you atop in the need end ,ottley are prepared to help next time foo are In tlown.

Xenia A~to Wre,c king Co. 4t lI6-ll'1 B. CoDIer St.. in Xenia, Are BIelplnc to Keep Our can &nd Traeka In Service by Fe.turba, New aDel Uaecl Parte for All Mode"; • • . BUr Vaed Can ADd Wreeb and Pay-the VeI'J 111M Prlees tor Bave An lmmeDie ,S tock ot Good 11aed Parle and~, WhJdt You Can 15111 '" a GI'eII& s&YIq • , , Can BoaiIh' In Any CondiUcm • • • ~. BeadIiIlUieb tor .atterIM and G.... • • ; QalCk lu.l8UaUon. Tel. MaIn 815. .

Them :..


,, 1'bepnerai trend of bu81DI!IIIoI dUrthg 'IIfIOl' rtlfues i8 for a em~ 'polley and to blep our tnIsport.a.tlm SYIIUm 1n service for th.e . ~ 'lbe Xenia. .A.uto :wreddne Qt. aat!sf¥ these cond1UOos, Be here, they buy old care and trucic8, wreck them. s&vtns the valuabJe parte tor .further Wle in replacements. and at the liIIllle t1me, remov1na the old cora from the ~bWll¥8, where tbef 84'e a mell'aCe. it. car dOea not grow old BIt the aame ra.te all lOVer and frequently

fll)eCtecl to make lUre they are aood 8Ild usable, are gOOd replaoemen.t/.l and Q2'e offered at rmter1aUy l~er Pricea than new parts. :It 18 often we tiIat they halve parte for very old or unuwal modela for wlW:h new parta would be Ve£IY hard to set. It w1ll pa.y.' everyone to come here before giving up in despair or before ordering new par.I8.



i i

Real Camouflage 'Td Uke to .how )'011," Spot .aiel, "the areate.t camoufla,e in nature. Iu you Imow, a quaU Is .maU anel alway. bard to lee in tblc1t la,e or IUl1 form of eover. But the quail Is a .mall bird. The turk., Is bla and black. I'd Uke to take you to a place rf,bt underneath tbat pine and .ee 11 you teU m. where tba, bl, turkey f • •" We aUpped Q1lletIJ to the tnmk 01 the tree. I.looked lor Jea" 11 ........ ate. &lid co~ lee DOthlal-tlOUdq except the top 01 • pine tree. Yet I bad wakbed tilat Ucht ~ I ~ _ abold ..... be wu. At thlI po1nt I turned to Spot who bal the ..,.. of foUr hawb. "Where Ia I aaked. "I haven't fO\qld blm yet," tbe aulde la.ld. "Yet I know within. feet of where ha Ut. It F1na1l,y Spot .ald-''Ther. he 1.... ~ po1nted clJnCt1y. I .un couldn't .ee him, althOUllh more than 20 pouncla of bird were in my direct vlslon. . Spot lauabed. "Dont worry about that," he laid, "I'v., Uved 1n thn. wood. and IWIlDlPI mOlt of rrty l1fe. Ther. ~Ive been .man,. 'time. ""hen I've Hen a wlld turke,. llaht 1n the tQp of a pine and marked hli lanes. 1111 apot wlthln 2 or I feet. Yet I'. . Often ltood WIder that tree- for over 20 Dllnut,~ and then cSlt~tecll1 walked awa,.. I JUlt couldn't loe... tb. bird. It .doem" l~cJ .rllbt, but that'l the wa,-It I.. '!bert II lome 80rt of a bleDcJ thlt a wild turk.,. hal witb nature ·that keeps hln\ allve. -There are tboUlBl1cla of wild turk"l down th1s wa1 and If '1\ waan" tor tblI color proteotloa there wouldn't be any left... ---I

a__ u_u_u_u_.. o_u_ . . _"_a_a_c. _




.. The Waynesville National Bank has · endeavored to serve the banking interests · of the pe'O,ple of' ·the commun~ty . c~~i$ently ' and faithfully.

National Bank W")'II~.


0 1-

'Keen.HeaTing, Too I allo dllaovered that the wUd tur. key'. hearin, Is an incredible


moye tilrolllb


&be a..:




~': ~


&nd be c . . _ _


by D: J. FItAZJEB " .."""""'''''''_''',...""--.,'',,...,''''''''''',,......... March 15, 190. I3pr1nr time Is ch1ck tlIme, but for me so far. I fJaveo't even ~ecl at the brooder house yet to flnd. out. il'liba.t must be done. Perhaps I abe1l try staned c:blckS t.hla Ye8l' U Itbe Im*xIer stx>ve doesn'~ \'fOrte well. I hacl llQOle trou!)le Willh last year, in ~ it burned 6. cleaa- throu8h~ brooder bO\Bl and lt wea oalJ fool'a luck !llha.t vented ·the whole t.hing from up in flames, cticka and 6lIl. aboVe went 0IJt but the lterosene kept on flow1n, I\IDin ," eeeped under the stove onto ~ Coor. ~ l1ghted it _____________



PASTEURIZED MILK D~RY PRODUCTS for Your Protiection Phone 2&31 Waynesville, Ohio



We were Italking a ' dock of 20 tur· keys, about 200 yor41s away. Eleven of the •• were teedln,. The 12th \val on auard. "One of the older brood They are per!arm1ng Vi uaeNl, turkeys," Spot sald. "They keep watch over Vie ftock." publlc serv1ce in helping our etbnA tew · .eeonda later, when W' amy program end enCOU1'q1ng. were cIo.e to 180 yardl away, I safety on our lUgh~ by' bu~ing up bappened to ItlP on a aman ' twla. etl81ne parts are as,8OOd as new or <the old ca.ra,iLs.lng I!.lbe gOOd partS In a IpUt .ec~ the lead or auard· even better fran ileine broken lD by and Wrn1ng the b&lance in to tlhe In, turke)' w.. on bI. way and tbe otb~ toDowe4. we: ~ old. pU1!8, ce.re1!uD,y In· CIOUntl?'8 valuable serap pUe. A wod turbJ 8y or rail . . ~"' G ___ U _ lI __ l _ g _,...~f~~~~J~_.•_~J _ a _,.. can I'1ID almOI' .1 la" .. a 'a..



The most p'erf'ect baby someday will lose his previously -hearty aJlpetite. He may have eaten 'with relish every meal he has ever had but there will come 8 day when h: doesn't want" any food set before ' him. It may b4~ the fil'st indication that the cold other membel's of the family have been passin!,! around has gained a foothold in Jour baby's s~'stem . It may be jUst boredom . On the' chance that It is a legit!mate loss \)1 appetite, don't \!rge hIm to enl. If his appetit(! isn't any better at the . next meBIl, call the doctor pr have him examine the baby. Never .force food on your baby. Do not glye extra meals at shorter Intervals. It ia b~ltter to walt long. .r between meals so that it there IS $omething thE! matter ' he will have .t ime to get Itrai,htened out and an opportunity Jet ~eallyhave hungry. The aJxlve to advice Include~ the one not to give be. tween - meal snacks to a baby or a child who hal a poor appetite. An extra amount of fresh air '!lay be all that is .neetnary. Too httle ·fresh all', either ail' in ' th, house or outdQol'I. may ' slfeet the whole family's aJ>petiw. , While we do not believe that tables under six months of age have much sense IOf taate, a ,,"rlnge ' In .food may be all that i. cs. lary, It you have been feed. Ulle cereal conlinuousUy, add a st:cond one to the baby's menu. It you have led Itraln,ed carrotl and Itralned Iplnaell on alternate daYI, It may b. tim.",;! to ~ I"troduce a .tralned Llv.r Soup · to. a little more va1iety. (llf COli,.., don'~ Itart Introc!ucln, . · num· 0 nlw t'0O:d11l do It. padually I.vlral wHk. tllD' Ilvin, baby tlme ' (o get wlJI ' aeqiWnted with any new 1004 Wore .. another one. .



Q.UIPk "S • .iervlPe'

• •• Blllebalr. Prospects

H .... It a ltatement trom a well· moWJl lPOrts oftlclll who I. close to th. WashInaton picture: "I'm Convinced tbat 'no one III authority: at WUhln,tOD is to order ba.e~al1 .topped. hope tbat lia••baD CID 110 ·0Il. cln teU ,.ou ·the man·l'Owtr travti reltrlct1OJl1 will be harder than tbey bave ever b.en before. Bueban JJl87 1UI'V1.,. , ,the Itorm. BUt I believe It will be roup. er aoln, tban many COMected


the ,ame dUnk.

Horsee,. C~•• ,Hoa. Calve., :sh~p, ~c• . REMOVED 1PBOJdi?i"'i




'1:00 P. M.

Services - 8: 15 P. M. It Mean To B. A Vbrllt .....1"

ap.ln, it flllmed up and I tboUSbt I had ex~ it MloroIJ8h~, even poured walter all around it but lt ~ed under Ithe boord on whJch

the stlOve reeted and smouldered 1111 night. It 0. wind had sprung up it would have ,blazecl but sa it WIIa 1t just burned a. neo.t hole In the floor ..

• • ••

If you ~ve €Ive to the ~d Cross It ·1I; time to buy anotlter bOnd .

~ WId hardboiled esrgs and Red Crou Sewing TIme aome extra aauce. If there 18 anY left 'lbe BAld Q01I9 Sewing groop it makes eJlitro. good ClOd1Ish caltes boldIs Ule'1r l'C\Itl&r sewlng tAme at II 1L IB all rrwtled togebher, moIaben· it.he H1gI.b Sdlooll bullding every ed with mute, made into cakes and Tb.UredIa.y f!rOm 10:00 A. M . to 3 :00 trtec1. We used to 1th:1nk or it sa an P. N. ooonOllliOOl spring d.Iah but 1 had 6. ~~~~~~~~~;:;;;;;::;;~ &hock the othet' dB6'. I sa.w IIOQle and aald I would take 0. pacltage, usually .twenty-live or at the moot thirty cents. Slxty cents e. POUl1d dt Is nowl

The joke 011 m e 'WB8 that mnev« tlhought or repoJ1!4ng it to the Insurance ocmpany and -he.'ViIlg them mend the floor. untU the other daY, But no poInta. Ibhen [[ ~t It was 6.littJe Jate to Lena. has tIWln calvee. I thoUiht say a.nyt.hJng about !.t. I never had cap had made a. ~ta.ite in U1e d&re my oh.Jcks stm-ted for the baby one6 WId W8B foolins me but they ·were Ql'e so cute and I never had ~. 88 IIa twopea.a. Two Uttle Jersey trouble With :them . My trouble hel!ers, 88 prettYI 6.Jld l1vely as anY aJiways aune alter I let ~hem out. you ever 9floYi. Pure bred Jeraey, Lena There 811'e there that ~ t.ha.t a my best Jersey «JW and !B1I1y ~peye crow' wUI not bother dh1c1teru! rut in D\V pure bred Jersey bUll. Now 11 rWe t he Fa.nn JOW'nal tor Ma.rc.h there can only radse them salely t.nto the is 'Iln UUcle on "T.hat Rascal the Idnd of COW8 they ought -t o bIl. Orow" whlich pn1n~ him just sa The <l8ilam1ty of the 'Week tWU two black /l8 tie Is. They not o~ sten.l flat ,t ires on the aame day. One of c.h1ckB but they gang up on hens to tile big tnII:tor - ttres and my last do it . One crow wiil walk o.roundnma1n1na old 1!Iire {or my CIlr. I t the chJclts unt1l the hen forgets' went fia.t com1~ bClme !from Da.y1oo to WQooh him then he wW grab 8(, where I.bad the t ractxll' tire repaired. chJok and while the poor dlatracted Wh'at would we do witIhout truck hen 18 chasing him, the IOtJher crow drivera when ,we are in trouble. that has been \WI.IUng In .. tree near- 1bankB ro them I didn't have to by swoops down and I!e'ta another. WIIlII:., They challged ~ tires and I 'I'his IB only one of hie His came bJme lIBlely on my ancient preferred d1et 1s. flrat, eggs-, meal spare Wh.\ch 18 e ll I now until and tJsh. then frult.s, tb1rd, wheat' I CIln a-et a new one. and rom in -the mlIky stege, next oot.B, hard corn, barley, peanutB and soyberuu. U they cant f1Qd any of theee th.e y will eat wonns and insect.s. OUr woods are lull C1l oro\V8 so !that may be where fU~ p ercent .....tIle "Proressol''' came to 1JOWn to of D1&' clUcks went last year. ";rn the 8IlftDg when the crows lay, make a balloon a.cension and pamanY kind of a hen will Ja¥" II&.Ys an Mute drop? Olad in fa.noy t4g!bta oothonty on oullIng hen.s 110 that Ie be made a berolc piot.ure &w1nging why the groceIy floor 18 piled hd8h on :the b8l' 68 the gaa bag climbed with boxes and IJaaIteta and cratea of tIoWarel tale clOUdB. ~ a young taB. '!bere ill a support plice th1a bd decided on a career tthllit day. year but not sa hIsh aa Jaet year Remember? w,hlch 15' only rlibt B8 it is STQBBS ~ !air to 'die I tax ~ to bu:s FUNERAL expenalve eaa call not. be used

So SIortII.



it COUld l>e bhAt ~6 WOW~ It k11Ung ~ but l amholWnr my l lDiers aroesed boping tiha.t the , {J'Ult 'WW not COOle out too teft bUt, the woods have ,that oor·t Cuzzy look. tlU! lea.ves are out on the lilaC ~llBIU!1I and the 'Weeping willows. The el.mll 011d me-pies al'6 in blossom and there is One 'yellow jonquU out oml more


Help The 'Red Cross War Fud ·Drive

Ba' above caa ... aDd bea; aIId be CaD laiN IdmtieJI aIId hII II p o - lD I I ... ., ,...., ~.... . He II. to Ift¥ mind, our &reate" ,arne bird. He I. arnart, aam., cun. nJn, IU,ld to~,h. .Qne wUd turke, 1iiiiiiiiiiiiiiii~iiiiiiiiiiiiiji. down thli Y""- f9~d ' ~'e~ 1n " III nelt ot dYe tllDlI tuikl11 and ItIUtd or maimed"~eDl Here wal tuil , th~ proof that' while olvlllzat1011" " ·b .. Ita cert~ points, It leada , to ~~aII4 not .to the 8urvival ~! for DEAD STOCK




BAB~ w,,.,.. jJ-,


Bermon: "!What


cale the resulta are IIIU&Ib" the ame, .. lar al aDY depleUoa

t :110 A. M,

.0 0000UNION a nd PREAOHING -10:10 A. M. BermOD~ "Hal The Old Gospel Played Out."

baudtn, 8ervIeI, • • • Parts 8uppl1.,. See ~ aealnl t the fQlC, tbe rat. the Inake. They Wlll Help You To Ileep Your tbe wUdcat and the bunter'1 run. to Van and la ServIce • • • mendon orily a t.w of hi. eneD'lle.. Dependable W~~rk • • • ReasonBut for wUdne.. and II.rtne .., tor certain WlCalUl3' methoclt of delen •• able Prioe. • • • N . 3-'7092. "nle Ba481e:v Oh.evrole t BILles & and .elt-protectlon, not even the elUilv. QUlIU c.n match the wild Ber1V1ce in Spr\Di ValJ.toy offer a eerturkey; ~ ~t • aid1n8 In keePilllr the ~J)Ot1eItion Il,YIItem of ttih1s paJt Wltb .. m.., aporta tither Itrlctec1 or ID temporarr lIoub., JOur of the state oontlDually ~ on correspoadent ... and one that III emc1ell1t, prompt cided to mUe a nnd dependable. closer atady 01 ODe In ClnY field of endeavor, co-ordl01 'he world'a areatn&tdOn and t1mb:Itr are t Wo most elt ,ame bird.. III 1mpo~t iflMltws and whether it be the role 01 aD alJlllo 1'a.~wet,JIC ~ ~Lnn1ee or motor teur natDraUat, De' a hUDtel'. ID elthu 6l1C01!S8 cannot be achleved without quall I. Iman and cunnln,. T HE He hu to be to defend hlm.elf

j()800L -

. . . ~ tl1III'o ~, MQI'I ftnQ IbmI'I 1la1l ' Wo\JI!lt IlI11P W\ WiUla ruaI\. 'fhlI'Uan un_ ·vear


for ~ but " !at eggs" ahould be tale alo8an now. • O!:!e of our famUy favontes 18 an old 'faBhltotned New England cOdUsh d1nner. Ii used to be p1a.1n boiled cod.flah in ~ pieces, plain boUecl ~ and hard ~ ens, wIda1 butter or cream saUce. You took Ii piece of tlsh on your PlaitAl, broke lt up 1n sne.ll 'pleces, masbed . your eu and with a !Ol'~ mixed it all qether and sinobhered lt with aa.uoo. Now days poople are so lazy <tbat .t hey want everyth1ng fixed in the Idtchen 80 I cream the tlsh end .'lQl"Ve it 'WWl


a Piece

Tapestry Living ,Room Suite ·~~~9·oO


furniture Co. Gibbona Blda.-Norih St. W.YDesville. Ohio






7-9 Saturday evening ~~


otber 1iIfttnlnis by Appobltment



Dr. C. E. Wilkin OptomeUto Eye SpeclaUst

Z8 S. Detro" St.



AUCTIONEERING . Stanley ud Kooaler

For Dates, PboDe JIH. W&)'III8-


Y11le, Obto. Renne Chartes BBOJB&8 UCBN . U


".WI ..,. ~ .......f .... .....


t ••


- -_e_ ..e--_ RUBBER




'''' .,•• , ,••• 11." .'' ,... ,_••

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Made To Order G~od


. . . . . .11..... • . .



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BOu) ~ Uc&D1N~ OllAr • • _


The 'Miami Gazette



~oar .~~rder




fUNC,f · IlBrbed:'ire ~. GAL¥A'NIZfD ":ROOfIN6


.1N ··STOCK ,

Buy N'o w J:or SpriDa Need_ "

' ~FERnUBR :~nr4 DNiA. o.


w.ii~-=i:::~::~~:. 11 :::=:::::;:::::::::::::~==::::::::::::::~~:.:;:;:;:;:::::::::::::::::;

c -


.--Your 1945 Garden--




1i, •


tamWee baa DOW beIb ~c!iit.iitl bI ' EVERY Victory ,lIrden should be a ~yearooOl4 ~- ~&taU-""


T--'-.- -..,. . .. - ;-


~ Good PrOceices Produte Beeter '~ISa..c:r.3::itCr=, Payins Yields &artA t11i~ II~ tbat ~,tct. tIiIplW for eitblr tncUYlduaJi bi IDtirt

~e. DAV 01=P~IN6 I~ ONe THIN6


.. I.,..,.'111.fir,,.,1... Y_, 1.,...1 . •



taUored Individually to the 1am- Northe~~~:;'l ~ COtil. Dy It Is expected to feed and to the~; ' • __ prey\IlonI apace available for gudenlng. of lta DO~ toll are hlmburled fOl' In plannlni the 1945 sarden every bOlpl~Uoli upeDMI" l&1udlna gardener will do well 11 he looks over bOlPi~~tra cb:arpI, Uld IIUthe experience of the past year or "'~ perIOD. orbT:==~""" two and tries to m~et more nearly ' UmltecI, In tbat b ~ II II '10. the appetites and food preference. trbaCeYu the AUII-elctne. aoc: of his own famUy. U ~lny crop went III' obDdb&rUL ~ ·protecUOD ~tln.... to WIlSie becauae ~- ot whether you leave , . . the fa mlly did not ~, Job or wbftbll' you more to IIDJ • • care for the prod. other home in the U. 8., ~'OI' uct. It Is good gar. ~ JW complete IDfonDaUoa dening' to omit It en. upon below. • • • • • • • •_ . - - _ . tirely In this year', - - P • planting or to cut It NORTH.IN MUTUAL CASUALTY co. •. down to what the D.,.. OCW.I. UII•• C........ INt. Cl.w....4 14. ow. '01 famDy wlll use. ,Use rid the space laved to Be me complete ~c:qaaUon that proVld.. bOlPlta1 GIN tOff IDFMlf and grow ,omethlng /1ID1l1. that is In demand. ~ame ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• First or all In pllannlnr &he ..arden, a plot of land suitable for lddrea ............................. . C)tt:r ............. '.... 8&&te........ ,. a town, or even a country lar-





COURTS I~IJ :~:n~:~:er:s::~ ~aUer,

JI ~

.20 A. in Turtle-


BbeItOOn and Vernona 1M. IRIobert.'l . COMMON PLEAS to DelIOII H. and .Raobel E . WOI'l(W. P&Ul8. E. 'I1hoo1as VB. Wanen O. 2.10 A. in 'I\mtliecreelc'l1wp. ThUnaa. minor ch1ld Ito be given to custc<ly of plaintiff 'durJnl pendOhester and Ivwy Goodwin to A. ency or case, defendant to pay tbt~ Elsie Baker, lot 68 In Franltp1ajDtUt sum of $1'1.50 per week allrDol1.Y pendente 11 d alill Oharles E. Beam, et al to t.O'MI1'd ber expenses. toe an T- l M. ArbaUgh. lot 8'16 in Ff'8J1k1In. 1W0mJrth H. /Webb VB. lAIIWton B. ElIde Morsle to Glendon and

Webb, dlvorce to plo.in1411, chJldren Treva Powell, 75 A. in Wll6'hlngton

~='.:~=': ::::~ ~~ R. Henkle to WUlJam B . tDr rent a1' their home. oosta paN. RAm&'an, 15.6(1 A. In Olco.rereek Twp.

Olive <Allen Brace vs. Mnl. EHza- Sadie BuUner to StanlelY H. Martxollh Newland, et 811. wm 00Il8t..""ed'. key. 46 A. in ~ 'Dwp. Della 'OlUlt.on vs W1lUam S. OhllClarence E. and NeUie M. Stepp ton, bea.r1ng set 101" Pr1day, March to George H. Henkle, 3 A. 1n Turlile23, UK5 at. '10:00 A. M. creek 'Ilwp. . DorOthy B. IMtROOerts vs. 'lbomBB Walter p. F1tt1t to Lillard and o ....,_'D.-...-~ ~ aJ .u_.AA ..... Bertha. 8!a.tarl, lot 399 in Franklin . • ~~- ,CXl8e """'........,.,. LWard SJaton Q) 1L1~ Olemmons ~tihOlit preJudice. Qlata paid. lot ~ VII. Ma.ur1ce Whitin l"nIllclln rI1wp. acre. divorce Ito plalDttfl, oh1Id:ren Ruth I. flahtu· to Fred Kahn, lot to 'P IaUntdU• d etendant to pay. plUn- . ,Pred in I.ebe.non. Kabn I1n WUlIom. H. and w:r IIUInJ at $20 pet" week for support Gladys O. Venable, lot :wlin TUrtle04 8IUd cll1kIz'eo. creek 'DWp. NEW CASES Jeasle Il. ami Ol,yde C. Colltll8 to G'arnet Mo~ VB. Samuel B. Fred 2.D A. An [.ebanOill. Mc~. dlvorce, &'l'OII8 neglect Precl KAhn tn In1n+ S. Ne~ 01 duty. l4ap1e & Maple, M~~. lind Yaa\y M. NeJbert, 2.48 A. In


Marc.18I Rowe, miDor va. John T. I..ea.non.

Rowe aDd J. 1M. Rowe, to annul B1lef and Riasle Gl.bson to ~, O. Donald DUatl1!lh, att'y. Everett J . and ElaIe :Bunnell, 1.63 JtlllL'Jle SChne1der va. 08CaIr Sell- A. 1n Wayne 'Jlwp. neider, d1vorce. il'OSS neslect of duty, (;ee W. and Ma.We MoOoIm1ck to

.,.n...... ,.... H • "'. ....• ..." a .... 01' MAlUtlAOE LICENSES James H. Smlth 23, fann-er, Spr'! ng Vaney; ,I rene B. Jobnaon 25, bouse~ork, Pr'anklln. William S. Hawker. 70. carpenter. Dawtoo, Rt. 2; Eva. Blanche strom, 58, ~-tianeysblU'1f.

Nklmlaa O. Strohmenger. M.08 A. 1n Warren 00. Anno. ' 0J:m1t0n ,to Rney A. ' and Marte G. Burlte, 4.32 A. in Lebanon. Clyde O. and JesaIe E. Collins to Fred Kaihn. 1.M A. in Turtlecreek

REAL B&'MTE,'n,lANSFEBs Fred ,Kahn ·-t4' autb ·I. and! Paul E. FJaher, lot. H anII('25 in Lebanon. G. ' and "beth Haas ·'f.9 Geol'le Henry and m1 zabetlh 'g ; Zen. Bel, 2'1' ~" T(!!1 and Sarah Ha1lati!'ad to EmeiIt R. 8nides:. et ai, lot in. Ldlo.nul. Olm and Ethel Pe:raley to Ancel ami ~ ~, lot. '88 in Mabi-

IBIIntbe HUnter to ~ and Vazwt.naa· M. iftaher, llCI.25 A. In WaiTen 0). HeriJerIt aDd Nable J6Imson to HW'oId ll. rWIley, 50 A. in






George E. and DBdsy M:. Hall to ~ ;EJ4Da. Hurst, lot 271 In

Twp. .



~ JohnsOn, et,. 81' to Harold M. WlIley>, 108 'A; In·HlK1im 'Dwp. Oaa'l · and Wbitie to ~an GJiIt) .~ 0Ibrecl.1ot 13 In l"r6nklin ~; Dalsyi M. Hall to Dory: and · Viola


0ecJrse W. and W. D. Carder to Baker, lot 5M in Pranklin. Harold Galhl'el.tb C&rder, 4.50 A. HenJiY iB. IIIld RubY V'1rI1n!a in W8Bbiniton 'I1wp. walther to Edv.oanll and Fr1ances Geol:ie :W. Ce.rder, et · ai, to E. George, 6UO A. in Maaale Twp. .

AT THE "Friend I), Store"

"Hard;.To-Get" Items 9 x 12 WOOL RUGS


LA,..P5 (Floor and Table)



STOVES ~'Complet~

Home, Fu.,ai.hen" . ,

·HOM'E . FURNITURE ~O . DNIA Phone ' ~ . olDa '. alaR--


teo. JOhn and Helen Mer1'1l1 ·t o Ralph E. WId COMJeryn L. H.enry. 108.50 A. In WII4Tell 00. 1A>l6 I. Henkle toChar1e6 and AIbertIla. Elkins. 10.85 A. In Turtlecreek Twp. W. W. SIlurtB. Sr. to James and Wlola. Hiatt. lot 6 In South Lebanon.


"Eut . . .·1trMt al. Wlllwp-n"

::-===========~, HOUSEHOLD GOODS and ANTIQUES AT AUCTION in Waynenllle, Ohio on Route 73, 2nd bOuse E. 01 Main St. Ben~ on Account. of My Husband s Death.


Saturday, March 31, 1945 SALE TO START AT 1:00 P. M. 12 ft. Table; 6 CbDJrs; Buffet ; Glaas Door BOOkx:ase; 11 Iran Bed; Wood Bed, Ma~tre88 and Spl'ingj;; Good oak Rocker; 5 Ra:kns; 1 light Oak DrEtiser~

1 iDfI.rk Dl'eli>er ; 1 Wash

Stand; Kitchen Olblnet; Kitchen Range; 2 StAlnds; 50 cup Coffee


FREE Theatre Tlekets T The T WIN .......... O


Terma: CASH

F. T. Manln " C. Eo BI_D, Auc," , 70'5 Vommerelal 81d,., 'D aytoll, O.


CeDt.eniUe 7OZI ' 1& Is Irs' Important &hat definite AD 3661 At. 315 S. Whiteman In Xenia Are plallS be laid OU' for the' rarden. NOTICE OF APPOINTMENT An Important Fact.or In Our Vlct.ory Albnln1atrator ProJl'lUD ler Increaain« Food Prod- be supposed. It should be 81 clOI' ,a ute of Cora. B. Thomas, de· ucUon tbroulb Thel, Exctllen~ Ser- to the home 88 8 s.uitalble plate can be found because the aarden needl vice in Feeds, GrOwinl' an4 ~in, lome at\entlon ' almQst ever)' d.y. cew;ed. Not.loe 11 bereby given that ROllI H. Hartsock whoee ~e Huhta Are 'l'horourhly Even wilen it II too Wj!t to plant or addreall is WIaoyDesv1lle, Ohio. hBll Vened In the PoUltrymen's ProbIeIDll cultivate, the lardener .hould lee It been dUlY appointed as 1AdminJ.sand Oller Product. ,W hich Will every day or two 10 .1. to foUow .n trator 01 bile estate of Cora B. Solve Them • "Food FI,bts developmentl and mow iD advance ~ ,) ate' of Warren CountY. deceased. DIIIted this 1st day For Freedom" . •• Tel. MaIn what work needl to be done. Time- Ohio, of March, 4945. liness Is a IUl'pril.1l)llJ Barle ele!63• . Ralph H . Oarey ment In a succeslflU ,arden. General Mills, Inc. have lilt Xenia JucIp 01 <the. Probate COurt There Is no ene ·'tlght" way to Mlaple & IMaple. Attys. a 6CfVice which 18 right in line Moth arr8Dle or plan a home ,arden. The Uncle Eam's Victory Progrllm for lardener Is urged to consld.r hls NOTICE OF APPOINTMENT 1ilcreas1ng food prodUDtlon and are o~ needs. the cl1ma1le of hlI loEseca&or a verttable beadqual1l.ers for fanners cality and his own particular ,ar- Estate 01 Jamea W. Ward cleeea.ecI. Not4ce 1a bereb)'l given ilJha,t and poultry nUset9 t or teeds for den spot In plann1ni aJIld arranglni stock and poubtry. Their servJce Is so his larden. CondJtloDlI and detaill Isadlora. We.rd wnc:.e poat office ad- . dress I.s ·Wa.ynesytUe, Ohio, !has been complete that it brings much trade of methods ot Irowln; plantl cWfer dulr a.ppol.nted. aa eXeoutTI.x of the I 10 widely over the country that It a.ot1viby 1.0 them ,from lOVer a wide Is Impossible to alv, aUDUorm plan estate of James W. Ward. late of Wanen Oolmty, Ohio, decea.IIed. \ territory. of ,rowin, vegetablel that would fit Dated 1lhIa IMh day of Ma.rch, l8.S. I 'rhelr fel'ds n<re m1x-ed ·f resh and all sections of the countr)'. Ralph H. QIfty, ' f are composed c4 the best ingrediA garden much lonl,e r than- It Is Judie of .t he lProba.te Court t\ ents that are possible to buy. They wide is generallJ mor,. convenient WIIft'eD Oounty. Ohio have made a sbudy of all ~e test...~ to work. It mattera UWe whether StBnle\Y & Stanley, Attye. 29 made on poultl'ly by the government the rowl run north or south. ealt and noted poultr\Y m1aers and. teel or west, but on a 'llopliDi area It II sure that their leeds ;Vm give good important that the roWI rua auoll results and ·t.tutt poultry ted them the slope. Dot up end clown, 10 that reintall mey be held on ,or In the IOU, • will develop filSter, beheaU.hler and Instead of nmnln, down the llopiDI become more P1Wuot1ve la.;,'el'S. row., carrYinI away the lolL oAsk for 'the General MIlls chick nust~ pqram as it will belp you Plan Garden let. faSt, un1faml growth at low cost. To Suit Needs You will get dlhe most tor your feed The moat .uc~elsfllll ,ardener dollar and tWill be getting e!of1clent plans his larden w.ll 111 advenc •• A feeds for WIUltltme needs. 1004 aized sketch or map of the plot _ It Is yw.r patrtotlc dUlly 1.0 do your should b. drawn, .preterab17 to utmost In belpUlg ·t o keq> up the Icale, ao th~t th~ Urn'a and lpaC. I'ood SUpply fot· mr country and each crop ~ occupy caD be let down. Partlculal' attenUon should aWed na.t!ol18. Every Chlclt you raise be made to repiutlq. 1'01' fnltane. Is a v~tal contribution to the war atter herveatln, beaDi. turniPI, elioTt. beets, carrots should be .own. Th. idea Is to keep the ITOW11! constanu, producinl unW .frolt. Weat Wayne Advaory MOlt ,ardUllf' are prone to plant Council Entertained at . too mUGh of ..rO'. crC'PI with the Fulker.on Home . result that lOme are waited. A IUcc.I.lon of Varl.UH 01' of plantThe west wayne Mvlaory Ooun- ln,l wID alve a much JoDier pedod oil met tor their regulaT meetlntr at of harvelt from the .un. total the home of 'Mr. and urs. M. A. amount plllited. ParUcular eaN *ould be taka Fulkersm on Frtda¥ evening. Aft« a very Jnterestinlg eve'n1nr spent in that tan ,rowlnl oro,. 1lU oom or tomatoel wID DOt lhalle tile .unall.r dJ8cusslngvuloue toPlca a soc4al cropl, ,such ~ta ~ raclllhu. was enjoyed With delicious 'hour Then pereDhlal pllnt., lUCIa al a .. l'efreahments aened by 1Ibe holt ,paraJlll, rhubarb' aDd ~10ul ... ,VOr)".berbl, Ihoul4 be 1cePt ~ and hostess. at one .lde of the .. . . . ,wbe... they can be CODVenleldlr ~ NGRRIS· BROOK,.CO. withoUt iDWferinc wltla '" porU9D ClDdlUl&U Vnl.D ,Stock YU'CII to b. plowed or ' ~ each 1.U. Wh.n there II . , ifea' varia· UoD In ·the c:,ompGIIUon ~ til, lou in cWferent puts of ·the carden. it . - . 1!e acSvlJabJe ~ fllke tblJ IDtq: caiulderat1oD. ", U • pal1 0If UIe land II low aDd moll" Rch ~ropa u 0Dt0Dl, an41ate cucumbera placed th-., U part. 0If tile 1011 II blP. warm and dr1, th.ere 1i lie 'proper tIaoR Uft WIN ... ~,~ _ ... .1oc.UoD tor tba, MId callick. waJDl.... . . . ......... I80IDCI &0 ~ 8VIoUJ maneD' oro,., lUCIa

''''17 ......


u.. -tI7.


SwYIce That Satbfl..

ahouI4 be.loc•.~


Pat'r eilize Toar . OWD AssoclalleD OIlDEa

'F. ertllzer -IFROM



Fa'r mers Exchange 'A Farmer Owned Cooperative

Phone 23'1 Son, Eva..,~iu, Mr. Atwood is a young man with an eJ(· ceptionally fine voice and a pl.easinl' personality, You will enjoy singing undel' his direction .and will thrill at the special songs he Will sing each night.


Ev....eli.t MAX W. ·.RANDALL I .' The Eva~gelistic sermol) .each night wlll be developed around some phase of the life of the a~stle Paul. Each sermon will be 80ul stirring and inspirational

You Are InvitedJ"fo!!T he


......... u.e ...................

In 'be eolamu of &be GueUe ad1 are plaeecl at .......... the ...... _d ..clreuee Of ~ ·reslden... nND YOUR NAMB and brIDI " to tbe Duette office.,

Waynenille, Ohio Urn; COokin8 U,tens1lI;; DIshes 6lld Antique DIshes; C&rpet6; A Lot 01 QU8,l 't Jars; Garden Plow; Scales; Lawn ·-Mower; Raltes; ' Mattock; TICKET MUST BE CLAIMED BU'O.~ TBUJUiDAY FOLLOWING mE WEBK 0" PUBLICATION OF NAMB. Digger; A 'LDt of Sm&Il Tools. Saw:; and ~ SriWl Artdclee Too Numerous To MAmt1on·; library Table; Oherry Drop Leal Table, 150 years old; ' &wIng Mllchine; Elecitrlc l Olock ; Kd.trhen Clock; Canned I Good Aluminum Ware. I

Mr.. Wm. Coleman, Owner :


STUDIO COUCHES (F,ja11), sprin, Filled)



den, mast In the Isopen wbere It can retbedirect unll,bt a& lealt Bill, hours a day with no obatrucUnl' treel or buUdln,l. The plot must b. well drained. A rich. deep sandy loam free from debris Is the best Ill·purpole garden Boll. but such an idl!al i. rarely found. Unle.. a BOU Is of such char. acter' that It can be spaded In the Badle B . Ruffner to Earl Holman, aprlng Into a loose crumbly condition, It wW be difficult to work, if 66.75 A. in Tultdecreek Twp. SOOie B. Ruffner to Philip and not delln1tely unsuited, to vegetable Ruby Stahley. 34.50 A. In Turtle- Irowing. Land that hi nearly level II best because it Is euler to work cl'eek ~. OI'ias. R. and Oliver N. HetL1nger end III less likely to be damaged to Ray. camel'. 15 A. in Wayne Twp. through washing by heavY rains. Convenience of the garden lOCI· JdIm 'E . and H.elen McFeeters to Floyd R.· and AUce L. Edgington. Uon is more Important than might lot 749 1n Pmnkl1n. t10 ~ 0n1er. 15 A. in ~ne Twp. Fred Kahn, lot 1 in Lebanan. . W1lllam H. Lewis to Guy lewis. lots M. 22. and 23 1n ROOhester. W4ll1arni H. , Lewis to Clem R. Lewis. lots 21. 22, and 23 In Roche!>- wllb ...Id ai _1ft. UoII.

~:tJ'aYDesviIlM:bDrGhoUbriSt•• ki April 2nd-' at 8 'o.-'cloCkSenlce. Each ",-ht .....t


••••• •


IS • • • • •


Wapntltrille (burcb of (brtst

Mu Rand..II" Mlnl.tor



Sermon Topicil

TWIN' THEATER Kenneth Hili, Mlr.-:-

MORNING - "Fire' From Heaven" EVENING - "The A cension"


VeronIca Lake

OhrIstlan Ende8.vor - 6:30 P. M·. EVening Berv1ce - 7 ;30 P. M. Mid-week prayer service Thursday nl8'ht - 7 :30 p , M,

in ' "Hour Before ~ Bible School

Buy War Bonda and Stampa at Our Box office



the Dawn"

------.-----~----------SAT. FRi. THURS.


-" :30 A. M. Cmlmunlon - 10:30 A. M. Beimon -

101:00 A. M.

______ _ _ . . e .. . . . . . . I

26 IROMANOE and AOTIONI Ray Milland-Barbara BrlttoD

31 28 , 30 29 You're all in,~ited to lee Deanna Action wlbh horsee, band1ts 27

Durbin"a beat picture of all time!

and siX-iUI1


'l1he music of J~:n'OIJIe KemB, ass1steld by ifl-ea.t camemmen, d1reictore, ma!te-up "Th.e Larami~. Trail" rtlsts. muslcam aoo daru:e men. Destined wlt.b Bob Uvlnpton, Smiley We Meet Again'" Cor a top place 1n MUsIca:l Hlms,




CL&S$IPIBD B&.TEB- Three nne. lie. Bacb adclWonal Ime Se. (Five worc1Jto .. ]f. .) 'I'Iliee or more .IneertIou, tiS oft.

"CAN'T HELP SINGING'; (TEOHNICOWRI with Deanna I'ubln, Rob't hl&'e and David Bruce

Burnette and Unda Brent Also: Cartoon, Pete Smith and Novelty


Carroll-Binder Co. E. Mab, St., Xenia, Through Their Excellent Service Direct To The F.arm· en Are An Important Factor in The PrbmoUon of Industry and Increasin, Our Food Production As Weh As Keeping Our Transportation System

Itunnln, . • . orcering Prompt Dellverlfs of Trnctor OUs, Greases. KerOllllle, Gasoline, Motor 01ls, Household Oils • • . lIave A Largr At the end of one hour the can which was stirred at intervals ol Stock 01 Q~lIty ProdUch • • • Abo Distributors or u. S. Tires. Bat· five minutes \Vas down to 411 de· terles, Accessories, Tire Recapplnr and Repalrinr • • • 'rei. Maln 15, grees, the can stirred lit Intervals of ten minutes was down to 46 degrees. The Carroll-Binder 00., at Xenia, . Action Is I). OWl).toh word wLLh them OFFER the one ' stirred contlnuously was are 181m ,to the need 01 .the il'a.:rmers and fanners have every confidence down to 39 degrees. while the temto produce for Vtcoory and an- that UU'ough Ulem taley Call secure SATISFACTORY perature ol the one that was not Wash1ng1.on St.. in Xenia, are Great- t1c1pated Ule ce.ll for Bn adequate the proper lubricants with prompt stirred at aU was still 61 degrees. ly AlcUnr OUr VlctGry Procram For service In t4"8.0tOlr oils and other and regular delh.erles to keep their SERVICES Slow cooling Is favorable to the Better FOOd ProducUon Tbrourh petroleum products w keep their equ(pment opera·tlng a.t their old growth of bacteria. It no stirring Is AT ALL TIM ES Their EsceUent Service In Quality equipment In good cond)ltjon and Mme efficiency, done, the milk or crellm ncar walls All Breed- operating ~y tor 1'ull capacity. Baby Chicks of the can will become cool. while "Food iF'1ibts For Freedom" is n j~ Rilidly Culled and Blood Testthat in the center of the Cl\.n will for ~c(fll"re ~ome To keep :yow' tra.ctor or fann popular slogan these days and IUl a long time maintain a high tern· ed . • • ~, Purina SaJiltation Dial 2111 Way:nesville, Ohio perature favorable to the growth 01 Products, Purina ChOWs, PurinA implements 111 good condition, so Ule govemment ho.s given an nJi thM. they Will last for the dumtlon out 0011 to >the food producers at tlhe bacteria. The colder the water. the \.1 .================ ======= ====--=' Concentrates and Feeds For Chicks, and ~er, it ls necesrory to use country ,t o do ithelr beat ro Incroose lesa stirrIng required. and Calves Purina Pigs QuIte a few farmers still cool 21st Diatlr ict Inlpections Custom l\llxIng Service Will Enlist tale best or lubricating oils Illld s" the supplY', the oa.rroJl-~t: Co. theIr cream by letting It stand out are to be commended ,for their Order of the Ea.tern Star Yo. ur Grain Cor Capacity Err Prod- ~u call Mnln 16 <tlhe<y will see In the air. Here 18 a Iclentific e~­ ucUon • • • Tel. 524. you will get yoU!' supplies wtlbout ass1fitonce to get ,the utmost from planation why thll practlce Is not aood for , the cream. There Is a ROBERlI'A MIiNDLINO The Beam FlUm Supply & Ha.tch: deJay. \ every acre of kmd. areat dlfferenc:e In density between WOl'~' Orand Mntron cry at Xenia have ma.ter1a:l:ly aided air and mllk or cream, and this II feed for every p\Ul>06e Ill1d tlhe leed GEORGE BENSON in the development 01 thls section con~tionB iet a. goodsta.N, thus the reason cream or milk coolS very MILDRIEID HARlMOlJ,N'l< Pm"tMI--R"Iilii (111r,t OM have, ~QlJy. been instru- uclng posstble loss to a. mmtm~ th8It every poultry ralser needs. the Ilowly in air even though the tem· Srlf'l. A/11IM11I1 'DeputIY Grand Matron men.tal in promoting the progress They nre kllown tor fast growt\"Jt use of which WIlli bring yOU, plenty perature of the air Is rather low. of modem poultry ra1s~g . They t'lU'ly leatnertnlr and high Uvo.bllityj of quallty eggs. They he~ YKlU to Mar. 23-D,O~M. (327) New Vienna 'l1he1r Purina feed and cult<Jm tw'Il'l your grain into .6g1!'S ami furRussia Apr. _2-W.GUM. (t97) Greenfield fw-nish '!he people wW1 the very Since th& beginnIng of 1945 I saw Apr. 9- ·D.OJM:. (224) W~rren best oWckB. all blood-tested, Ill1d mlx1ng 5erV'lce is complete for nish a IIt"rv1ce ,00 tbalance feeds with OFFICE HOURS! • mld·Vlctorian rig, a horse lind bugtherefore, opet'ate all' ln8tM.ut1on of poultry and live stock. They have a. ~r1na co~t.rates. Apr. U- 'D.OM. (4!H) Mason DEADLINES I ~, pass an automobile on a graded great econbmical value to ilhe pu bile. ~;;;;:;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;~;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;~;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; road. It was not a raCe. The car' Apr, ,16- D.OM. 1(2m) Cary EQuipped with ~ la.test, rmdem f , - wal not running. ' The motorist was Apr. 24- D.OM. (363) New eJeot.rU: Incubators t.hey prodUce FIRST CHURCH OF CHRIST, SClENTlST, DAYTON. OHIO out chan,ing a tire. The driver 01 lBurUnigton ch1cks of VIle !highest quality an'<l CordJaUy Invites The Public To Attllnd A the rig sat up straight and pressed grea.t care is Itaken In ,bile m81tter of his horse for a bit of extra speed Apr. 27- D.O.M : (57) Leeflburg FREE LECTURE on CHRISTIAN SCIENCE going by, which was funny. The car May 2- D.OM. (357) WUm4ngton seeing that all ohicks are In Ohe best , EnUtled: CHRISTIAN SCIENCE: THE RELIGION 'OF owner made the chllnge and drove Mu.y 3- D.OK. (343) ldmnon or oonditllon before they are sent ENLIGHTENMENT AND GLOBIOUS 'U BERTY Into town tar ahead of the bug~. May 16- D.O,M, (127) Vernon out. Their flecks nre r!g:Idly and by Osc:ar Graham PePke, C. S. B. of KaDue Cit)', MJasourl, Meml)er Between 1928 and 1938 the United May 4- D.G.Y. (lG"i) MIami regula.rly cu1led for vigor' and 100% or .the ~ of Lectureship of the Mlother church, The iFIn;t States, the world's outstanding inChurch of Christ. ~entlst, in Boston, Ma:&s1I.chU&etts dustrial natIon of aU time, h~d an May 18-- D.QM. (173) MaI1tinsvllle live de}i,veTIY is assured. Chicks produced WIder Chese Ideal IN THE CHUlWH EDmCE, Sawmill aDd RUbicon Road!l Industrial depression. Meanwhile the May 26- D.G..M. (621) l.e!glhton Three Blocks South on N. C. B. . Union of Soviet Soclallst Republics May 23- D.G,oM. (441) HIllsboro was moving forward; not rapidly. June '12- a;>.G.M. (144) Loyal TueadJ'Y Evening, March 27th, 1945 but at an increasing rate. In those June 20- D.CJ•.M. (330) Lynchburg Alton ~arnhart Arrive. at 8:15 o'cJock-Lou,d Speaker and Ample Seatinr Space Provided yearl it was being transformed from At Pacific Deatination an agricultural to an industrial naAlton A. Ea.rnhIUIt, secunan section, a stage through which America Happy Hour Club Meeting bad palled, half a century before. With Mn. Warren Braddock ond b8s. an1Ved at his A Wball-Broken Na, destfuation . IJOIDcwhere iDI tile Mrs, Warren &1Iddook opened her ~ullia wall driving a hor,s e "Central PI.nnlng." The ri, D14lde home on Thlni skeet on ~ PhlliPPlnea .to I\\U"d recan lntereltlng dallh for improve- atfterDlOOn an<ll hal;! 88 ' Iher • eived, fnm blm by illla parents Mr, lll ment; not very fast however, Dor the ' mumbers-:- or the IHappy H r ai1d M'rs. Alv1n ~Ea.1'rIhal't-.- -H-e-+l - - Over 30 Yean Expertence very spectacular. . Claims made for 1JeJlint' FarJ. and Town Property Office: Main S,treet the animal's .peed were fIuln)': cer- Olub and OW~ ' euest, Mrs. Glenn entered Naval Berv!ce In July 1944 tainly not all true. Living condl· Barden. 8evelllUlen members an- nnd received Ihls ,training at Oroo.t ~ay Stock CompNIy bisaraDee tlons in RUisia were not all blah ,s swered roU cali by! ~ 8. quota.llolform Pollelel - Standanl Phone 2651 those in Amenc:a in the pit· of our tion on the Inonth of March. M1'6. lJak:es Na.val Tmin1ng Center untU Be sure of OOOlplete cove'1'1119 and deprel.ion: never havo been before ,t ransfewed t'! San FraclaCo for a prompt settlement In cUe of 10IIII. nor since, It wall a splurge, better LaiWrenoe Fun.ia8 gave e. reading on Waynesville, Ohio than RUllia had before, but far be- "oF'amDus iPeople iBom ' in March," few weeks. He has been aboard ship 1nf0000000000n Without Ob1lp.t1on M1sa Allee OQD8 on !the "Life of for some time but is Il'OW stAIotloned low American achievement. There ii nothing new about Cen· lJuther BulIbank" 'I'i'ho was born In tral Planning. It'l al old a. hone- March, Mrs. Nellie Bunnell on "Life on an Island as an EleIctr1ctan's drawn equipment. KIngs, tyrants Mate 'S triker ' wtbh bhe Small, Boats and dictators have always used the of st. ~trlck.' \ and Mrs. 'RIaG'mond MalIl1teDiance Crew, Idea. Some have dol1e better with Braddnck (m "MaIrch:' h.1W the It than others, depet1din, on the name was Biven and different ruler. Russia'. r.e cent' rulers have stJoriCs about 't he month . 'Ilhese been anything but stupid. Their readings m.a.dle : 8.n .emellent proDr. W. E: PORTER military leaderahip ha. the world agog. RUlli. has made a marvel· groin whlch was greatly enjoyed. VETERINARIAN ous fight, usinll AIQerican equipment An exchange of Elster 8i1fts was exten.lvely. made by the "Secret Sisters." Phone 258'7 WaYllesvWe, O. _ For National 8alely Da.inty refreshmrnUi were served You would think that Russia, llv· by the hostess. ln, next door to an armed desperQU~ Frye, Route ado tor 25 years could have ade· quately prepared for war. No; Cen· Triple Annivenare. tral Planning couldn't do It. It took Mr, and Mrs. , A, ill. Btub.,b6 and a raid on Pearl Harbor to wake America from a sweet dream of dhlldren entelr.tained to dlnneor on trlol ~rlptlon to peace, but Amerlcli went Into action Sunday, Mr. and Mrs. N. R , h,lstlol'l SCIefIee MoIIlt , for which 1 _ ,kIIe $ . .•..• CIW. , •••••• , ••••• ,. . ~Aft* •. wIth Prlvate EnterprIse and, In four Allaman and dauihter, ' SUe Ann, Protect Your Right 'years, armed the United Nations for victory. This demonstrates whIch end M'1'8. Emma Geal"hart oi DayTo Drive withIystem I. better for national safety, ton. and 1Mrs. £Va Stmanons 01 ~____rFREDNEHEn-__- J But war Is never America's main Clnkllnna.t1. The blrlhday anniverobjective. We are a peace·lovlng SM'ies of Sue Ann A1laman; Mrs. people and want to work and pros- Gearhart, and Billy Stubbs w:erc: General .n.urance per and live weU. Some say that ~elebreted wtth a ~ loyely America, in view of Russia's achievement., ought to junk Free dinner. OU'RE NO EXCEPI'ION! Enterpn.e and adopt Central Plan· Calamity doesn't pick faning. Knowlrig that RUBsia's achieve· voritesl Misfortune hun't e ments have never compared to our 5m,1ec) YOIl out as an excepown, the luggestion Is preposteroul, I tion! Be wile and protecl! Let'. examine the figures of an' ex· . yourself with pod w\ll'8.Dee pert for a moment: so that no mMter what Development Compared EXPERT WOBKMANSIDP • happens, ,,0., your famJly and New Master Mia Coqcenuates YODJ' properly wlb be lully Leopold Sehwarzchlld, In hla reo NOMINAL MTES protected. celit book called "Primer 01 the and Complete Feeds now fortiCau or WrHe for FREE Coming World," Ihow. lome index fied with )t.V (Mechio-Vite). flgurel to make a talr comparison ~te Offk!e at of IndustrIal -gains in slmUor perl· Avlod tile Sprlq R4Jah1 rroduced sain at 1'% lower "I Dew U'II come to w. U the ods7'Ru88la, while at her best In Rorers and SiDJpson Garace Place Yc_ Order' NOW~ cost per pOund than the bett Formerly c1nf1 bpI OD ,takJq mea."' 11128-38, and America In a slmller Waynesville lnaurance -Areruly previous 'Muter .Mix ratiOos.period. ,Here are three fo~ a lample: V.S.S.R. V.S.A, Phone 2M,,, .... 2, Wa,a.v1Ue -&II1tI 0" 104tlT, 1"8wll,1II Coal ~~il 599 1,332 Come In. "Ltt u', show you Railroad Building 38 918 II.l 1211 2,068 A)Jtomobllea PlOOF. The RUilieD government il an TARVIA-LITHIC T~ autocracy. On~ political party conand ROAD 'O IL, tNIs everything, lnclucl1pg new.paEXCAVATING J)(JMP pers and radio, but not more than TRUCK SERv,ICE , 2% . of the people beJong to it . . , upper claSII. Klck up a ·rump\l.l Ready Mis Concrete ,about It If you' want to go to tlie , .~t· minel and ie~e your country for in,lIufticient board and" clothes" The Iystem overcomes ment, but w.s.&.el are only onl~s1xthI1 WaYMIvUle 2911 of waies .in- AmerIca and the stand'Pho... l'lorrow No, S erei of livIng only ODe"11xth •• blah. ~banon: OInce t3'7K PHQNE 326 , T~lephone 2371. WayneevUle, LEBANON. OHIO I am in favor of keePiDa Private Enterprise here.

ThlI chart ahould answer thole lourth was not stirred at all. tarmen who are lUll skepUcal 01 , the' value of sUrrinll warm cream to Q)Md uP the cooling process. The data ts baaed on experiments conducted at Kansas State alldcul· tural coUege. In view of the. smnll difference in temperature in cooled cream when stirred by hand and when mechanically stirred, the avo erage farmer will probably not want to &0 to the expense of acquiring a mechanical Itlrrer. · : Frequency of rUrrlng i8 an impor. tant consideration In brIDging down the temperature of milk and cream. In teats almilar to those of Kansas made at Cornell UniverSity, some extremely InterestiD, resuita were obtained. Thele Cornell experiments were made with milk, but for aU practical purpoael they have been made with cream. Four cml 01 mUk of 911-degree temperature were placed in a tank otice water. One can wal stJrred at intervall of flve minutes, another at intervall of ten minutes. the third w'; ItIrred eontlnuoully, whUe the

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FOR SA!JE-70 ab'EIl, W extra ,good !aDd, baWlce ~ure, 8 room 1biDuse, metal roar, b6rn 48 x 48, metal roof, crib & gwage 30 x 30, metal roof, (ail' ,tobacco &hed, never ~ IIPrinIr, well, cdstern. 18 ~ f!1'OW1bg Wheat. $7,600.00, pc.ess'OID in SO days. Shown bY a.P~t only.

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lOt' organl...~ Who to earn <m Income by> ~ a. sub6cr1ption aunpa1gn tor the Mlam1 Gazette and all leadln(r n.gaz!nes. Inior. ~ ; 00. iIbta easy SlId , proflt~ ,*bod of. bundtng tho


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tiJpee and dmpJe ClUt ~ that' do not add mat.erialIy to .the.--oo8t o( ~ ~ ref!ecteel In eodl ~ made. Post

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House.Paln· tIng'



EV81rt Smith


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fanners fxchange
















A ii ie sSt 0 rm RLV er Bar rie rs o:e~:u~~at To Mount TwtOn. Dr'tOves' on RetOch,o Thousands Homeless From Floods

nation's increasing

air·conllclousness, and civil the prospect. for greaUy expanded aviation after the war, no less than 51,000

.tudent pilotItS certificates during 1944 comparedwere with Issued 35,000 the year previously, the Civil Aero· • Releaa"d by Western NewopBper Unton . _ _ _ _ _ _ _..1 (E DITOIl 8 NOTE : Whe • • plalo... are ."pr .... d I .........I.mDO I... a.e til.' • nautics board revealed. We • • ern New.paper Vllloo'. m••• an • a04 .. 0' aeue ••• rll, of llll! D.w.p ••:r~) Interested in aviation because of lIome relation's service In the air forces or because increased Income has permitted training, women rep· resent 15 to 35 per cent of the new students, the CAA said. Most youth. from 16 to 21 years at age Intend to enter the air forces later whlle the majority of men over 30 plan to use their planes for business travel. As a further indication of the fu· ture employment of the airplane in American life, CAA sold, country doctors and priests have become In· terested in aviation as a means of .erving larger areas and thus over· coming the limits of vehicular travel.


CLOTHING: More lor Kiddies

Flood w.ters splUlD~ over tile baDka of tile Oblo river aad U. trlb. &arIes .,aID made tIIOUlIIDda bomeless and thre.felled war p~odUCtiOD. Aerial view show. NewtoD, Ohio, wUb a populaUOD of IMot. Isolated .by &lie IDand.tloD.



Span Barriers

Stubborn Foe

From the west and from the east the great battle for Germany waa begun, with a sorely pressed Nazi command, which once marshalled its leglone in triumph, de.perately attempUng to stem the Allied tide. Most signi1lcant of the AHied moves WllS the U. S. cro.sin, of the Rhine In pursuit of a disorganized enemy, who bad broken oft the battle to the west of the river and at· tempted to flee to IUppo.ed .ecurity ~ind its broad span, previously uncrossed aince Napoleon's time. Smashing quickly throu£h enemy rear-i!uard., wlio tried' to slow up the U. S. and Britilh a~vaDC:~ and glve the main body of their troops a chance to escape acr6s. the Rhine, Allied spearheads not only reached the historic river In short time but also .panned it with the intention of affordin, the disorganized enemy no opportunity to reform hi. ranks for a .tlft defi!Dse 01 the waterway. To Ll Gen. Courtney Hodge.' 1st American army went the honor of being the fir.t Allied up.It to jump the Rhine below Cologne. .Crossing where the river measured' a quar-

Despite the loss of over 225,000 men ID the Philippine and Iwo Jlma caJ;Jlp&Jgns, the Japi continued to ofter aM re.i.tanc:e to American clean-ups In these lec· tors'. Indicative of the tenacity of the enemy was hil ·withdrawal to the hulks 01 battered ship. In ManUa Bay to c:ontlnue tile light with Imall armB lire after having ' been driven out of Manila It.elf. Although they already had lost over 212,000 men on both Leyte and Luzon. an estimated 60,000 Jape fouIht on from natural stroDIPoints a,aiDlt YanlE attempts to compre.1 them In the mountain. lying to the ea.t of Manila. With more than 12,000 Japi already Idiled on Iwo Jpna, marines eWl were forc:ed to Inch forward on the northern part of the tiny island to flush enemy remnants from the rocky hill positions. Because the Jape . could retire to underground .helter. duriDg heaV)' aerial or artillery bombardment, the Leathernecks were compelled to root them out in close-in IlghUng.

From 81811. Thomas J. Defllbaurh Clf Cumberland, Md.. came the I.test .tory of Lt_ Gen. Geor,t! S. PattoD'S persoDal ID- ' eplr.tloD .f hi. trolP!l anl'ler tire. Dnrlq the AIIlel'l comeback apIDit VOD RUDd.tedt·. offeAllv.! In January. Yank. reacJaed the lwift .nd Icy Sare river, and faced the Gen. Patton task of cro.slD, 1& to reacb the str.te~o tOWD of Bettendorf. commandln, the coantryside. WheD P.ttoD ..w th.t bo.te olrered a perfect t.r~et for Germ.D ~ers while It would be dUllcuU to draw a be.d OD • maD swlmmm, acr_. be Jumped Into the .wtrllDc ""ter alld sw.m over to prove to hi. troops " could be dODe. 1D1Jl1rec1, they followed. c.ptarlD~ BeUeDdort.

FLOODS: Tlwwands

In addition to cotton fabric pre· viously allotted for low and medium.priced children's clothing, addl· tional yardage bas been allocated for 1I1e manufacture' of about 8~ million more kiddie.' garmenta, the War Production board reveall!d. Outing flannel. print cloths. broadcloth., poplins, lawns and . cham· brays will be amon, the material allotted for the extra chUdren'1, overall., coveran-, toddler.• ' dreasea; jacket type pajamas. one piece pajamas, two piece button-on pajamas, Infanta' gertrude •• Infanta' kimono., Infanta' 'OWDI. creepers. rompers and crawler•• WPB'. allocation of the cotton fabric was part of tts program to Increase th!J output of cheaper cloth· belqTwIDa ae~ to fa'vor the U. S. guard. Upper left. James, left••Dd Robert He.ter of Brons N Y In, and thus help cut rlsln, apparel _orD . to the coaat J1Illrd. Lower left, Robert. left, and Orlean M.rlatt tWlnll of Rlnpood Okl~' cost•• which OPAdmiDiltrator Chll- ~per ceJlter. James••bove. and Jack. who enlisted Irom Attica, K.D .. and .r~ no" aervlnc In mld.P.olfic: ter Bowles called one of the most wer CeJlter. the IdenUcal SUllivan twins, Lamond. left, aDd LaVerne of WalhIDr&oD, D. C., who .re on antidangerou. . wartime in1lationary submarine patrol duty. Upper right. Thomas J., left, .Dd Edward F. Hurley of Northfield M ••s abown threats. wiD th ~~~k Dem~y. I~ coast ruard comm.nder. Lower rlrht, Mike, left, .nd John ColUna 17-y~ar-old "wlns of orc....D&er.


Familiar but tragic .cene. were reenacted again as the Ohio river and tributaries rose over their banks to flood surrounding lowlanda and .end thousanl1a of homeless refu· gees .currylng to lIafety. Operations of war lDdustrles ID the rivers' paths were seriously affected al the waters rose. and residents of the great cIties of Pittsburgh, cincinnati, Portsmouth and Louisville anxioully viewed the broadening cre.ts, . which threatened to spill over and flood their environs. Of all the big ' cltie., Portsmouth. with Its 40,000 people, was mOlt aerlously endangered, with rising waters lappin, at the 83-foot flood wall while state troopere and volunteers .truggled to reinforce It with a .andbag levee. With raln-.wollen river. flooding acres of 10w-lyInJ farm land in Tenneuee, and Mississippi, ter mile in width and its bank. flat- thousand. of residenta of these areas _tened out, Hodges' men steadily ex· also were forced to move to the uppanded thelr bridgehead for a thrust lands. across the rolling hill country bini just below the vital Ruhr valley. AI Hodge.' troop. poured acroll Showdown Near the Rhine In the wake of Germani stragglin, inland, the enemy tr1ed to With the .enate .till strongly op· chop up the American beacbhead posed to compUlsory labor, "work with mortar and artillery ' fire, lind or ftght" legislation headed for 'a armored. elements launched limited Ihowdown In conference. with the counterattacks in an attempt to trim houlle, with .entiment stron, for the expanding foothold. the iJ'ant of additional power to the While Hodges' famous lBt attained .War Manpower commission to con· .the sln,ular honor of becomln, the tinue to exe~pre..ure toward the Br.t military force ' to CrolS the channeling of workers into Deeded Rhine sin~e 1813, the U. S. 9th 'and indu.try. British and Canadian armies to the At the time. con~ess north and the U. S. 3rd army to the moved to 'd raft unmarrled~urle. to 10Uth also drew up to the river in provide tile 20,000 needGd to attend record Urne, -poised.for the leap after the iJ'owipg battle casualtiel. Under having cleared hu,e pocketa of :en. ~glslation con.~dered. nurses would emy trooPI ·to their rear. ' , be 'liveD the right to appeal IDducMeanwhile. the RUlSlanl1aunched Uon. would be otrered commisslona a broad all-out ..sault on Berlin, with eVen .If.dfafted, and would be eliglRed'!nfatltr7men. paced by armored ble 10r beAdti under the G.L bW colu!nlll•• maibin, IDto the en. of rilhta. ' eDIt ·deleDH.· Welt of the Ocler. V1Joro~ op~ed to' the hOUle·. 'l'bus -did' the ADiea breach tae "wOrk ~ ~' mellsure provl~ GermanI' nro river ..,arrien paid. fQr al'lDJ lDducUon or ftne and 'jall _ both ada or the Ile1ch to IIarrJ lor faJlure of 'II to 41 , . .r-old mm the ~ttJe lido tile latlaDda ~ be- to accept war eIImtial emplo)tmeld. . ,ond. . . . . the ~tI" level-. the ..... - ~-=-a wbltltute Dell . . . . . . . . U'IIIIII'iId.rimme wIdab tile WIIC ~ ~"'.ftb'dMrD_4I!IIIQ1o ~ cd .....




* ___ ....

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.. ~ tD _ _ _ _ . . . . . . .



. . bIrIq fIl'






These Gifts Are Different! ,


Ii"." .,.

pr-"" ala.




rue. .he rold ~.",.n, a .......l SpeaIciq, 0/ dI. ,old aown. IIIhich

aile recei"ed /rom an ..4frican polenla,. lollowin, che ClUllblanca con/erenee,

M;.. Roo.IW.I, declMed: "If. rhe mo•• rerri{ic chin, you eIIer _ . Nobody eould \Dear it. If. roo heavy."

FARM DEBT: Cut Sharply At Its peak In 1923 when It totaled over 10~ .bUllon . dollars. the nation's .farm debt dropped to !IV, bWlon dollar. by January, 1945, with • 20 per ce.n t reduction taking place within the last II years. AI a result of the war-stimulated economy. tarmers have enjoyed high income, as reflected In the big Increase of both realty and plant value. Since 1940, worth of livestock W8I nearly doublcd, machinery and equipment was up onethird, and land value. ro.e about 25 per cent. In ·addition. farmers' holdIngs of currency, bank depoaita and war bond. increased nearly 8 billion dollars d~ing that time. In reviewing the farm mortgage picture, the Federal Reserve bank showed that federal land banks and other agencies 8ubstantlally ' in· crea.ed their Investments duriDg the 1930. while tho.e of Jndlviduals decllned. The proportion at farm mortgagel held by We Insurance companle. ha. risen llighlly while commercial banks have experieneed only a slight drop.




H ld'

0 lng3 Am.e rican Inve.s tments in toreten countrIes totalled over 13 bUlloD dollars In 19U while foreign holdlnp ID the U. 8. approxililated 8¥.& bUlioD doUus. the. National ForejgD Trade council reported In an exbau.tlve ima!7...· ba.ed upon trea.ury department testimony at recent congrellional hearlDgi. ' Of the Ainerican Inve.tmenb, almo.t two-tblrdl were divided' between· Europe aQd Canada. Of the 'bWlon.lniEurope. 1'4 bUlloo' were In QermIlD)'. and .over 1 bUllon ID

• • •

FARM BLOC PUNCTIONS Sometimes the congressional tarm bloc teels its oats to such an extent that It ,demonstrates it. power Ju.t for the fun of it That was what happened when the house pasled the Flannagan resolution-which doe. nothing more than say that congres. considers a law it palSed two yeafl earlier IItill sboilld be obllerved. This law II the Tydinrs, amendment to the Selective Service act w~ch provides for the deferment of farm workers. . The house spent several hour. trying to decide whether It IIhould pass the new resolution, even though everyone knew it would gO through. Hard·hittlng congressmen like Ed Izac of Callfornla, ' Gene Worley of Texas, and Ewing Thomason of Texall pointed out that all the resolution did was remind the nation that 340,000 men from 18 to 25-lbe age group the army wants most for fighting-are being denied the army. El Paso' II Thomason declared his support for the Tydings amendment, r p.~oto. Ju~t recelv,e d. abowiD&' that out of the rap In, moutba of coasl-ru.rd-maaned aad DaV)' I.DdlDr craft but said he saw no reneon to pan further legislation on the .ubject. !~e~t fflO~Lof IDV.llloD suppIle. to the black.e ned lIands of Iwo JIma. a few bours after the marlDes h.d San Diego's Izac, a wounded and wre ,.,e roo_old OD the vital illl.nd In the front yard of Tokyo. decorated lieutenant commander in the last war, came out against the Tydings amendment. I "U we turn thl. resolution down, maybe the senate will have back- · bODe enough to throw out aU lIigl.iatlon that interferes with the winning of the war," bac continued. "The 340,000 boys on the farm are no more precious to their fathers and mothers than are the other boys who have heen taken away and are now serving ID the army and the naV)'." After several ·hOUfS of debate, however. the houle p.ssed the resolutioD by a voice vole but not before ~ .,,&har of &b~ res- . olation. John FI.nnag.n of Vir,IDI.. w.s caned upon to ciefbie wha& be meaD& by a.. ".II'IcuJ. tur.1 occupatiou." RepubUcaD CODrresaman Clason of Sprlnr8e1d. MaliS" was afraid &be words ml,ht be Interpreted 8!1 referrIDg only to meD powIDr ·.r ~dllDc croPI. FIaDD.~aa .....,ed. him It bichided .... ....Ul&ry farmers and Uves...e.: farmer ••


Young Inventor Shows Officers

Reports on Yalta

• • •

CAPITAL CIIAFI' Col. Harry Vaughan. now milltary . to Vice President.. w•• 1orm.... lecretely• . Va",han 18 bOW l1-vllrW~ 1i"ack on tile oJIlee .taft-iD

Br1~1n. Belldes the 4 blllkm doDan ' m Canacla and NewfouncIland. U. S. la-

velton)JUt more tbaD 1~ blDloD m South ~ea and IlION tban blDlon In MIL Of the amomit m AlIa.1fO milUOIl dcIIlan wve III the

~ l.mWlonID-CblD"!'.:;::l~~~ ~ ad 110 mDI1aD Ia •

It ... rew..led.


·_.,.- t-.........


110' ,..

.,.itA lIN Pruid.m PI""'ell miu4td ro rec:ei". lift. from forei,1&1!rI tilichou, congr...ioMl approl/al. Mr,. Roo,evel, hu bean th. recipient 0/ II 1IIi4. "a· riety 01 lUCIa prue"". IIae recipient 01 II jeuIel_ud ,old erotI1II .nd • har.m eo. , rum" Mr,. ROOIIWel, lare. ly IDGI '8.000 mink eOlll lrom lIN Quebec FII1' ·B reeder. auociofiClfl-lla. only one 01 the

COMING COAL CRISIS President Roosevelt got back from his notable achievements at Yalta to lind serious . problems awaitine him at home, particularly on the labor front. Some of his advisers felt, however, that these problems, especlaUy the coal crisis, could . have been averted by beginning to pre· pare for it earlier and by appointing a new secretary of labor. The President left for Yalta al· most immediately after his Inauguration. And. up until a day or two before his Inauguration, be had not made up his mind what to do about appointing a new secretary of labor. In the end, be did nothing and Miss Perkins continued. despite her very firm desire to resign. Meanwhile, various moves could have been made to head of! the coal crisis. One of them. discussed in the background but never brought forward, i. an annual wage for min· ers. U the miners knew they would be able to work all the year around, especially In pea!le tlmes when they bave been laid off for about onethird of the time. they might fore,o wage Increases now. Another move, proposed back.tage, was to appoint coal mine representatives on local OPA boards' to glake sure the cost of llvIng did not go uP. or if so. under circiun· .tances they understood. But the mod Important move w•• . to have .JPOlDted a ne... .eeretar)' of labor. wltII • De.... fresh ouUook. 1IIItarnished pr. wilD could have tacllled &be Job firsthand. and. U neces....,.. poe out to the mlDlD, area. to meet wltII the minen tIleIIl.elves. No ODe .. Ieoklq lor tIalI Uaanldeu jOb. But aenate ClOIIe..... ..y the oDe maa .... J&.,JI ~~. ferlbrl,bt, laINDJD4ed 8enII.... B.rley KJJpre, ...ho comea from &he pe.t coal .tate of Wen VIr. ~., Is mown .Dd tnsW by labor but aIao would Dot besltate &0 oppose labor wIIeDJt Is wrOD,.




TIlls sound tWo ....,.. ~ lIooanell dllrlq bIa addreaa....... «There are' abou& 175 bUebaD iU7peaa ,n the Yalta co.,.......... er. in the Am....c.n lealUe. or wbIeb . .1IIIeI1an_ AIteeu. .... lICIaooIhy, IDalIa, .. ..Ill ... bNadout ............ 11.......;r•. BaaebaD mQlQla - . : ~.............,.... Ida ......dc Ida&er for UI.. fnm .......... npre............ .·11 ~ ...... an barred frIJIa ..... baD. tile 181M wm bava to ... pJareI dIoen.

I., -]IS" '.



br old meu."



-~~~~~~,'e~(~I~O~~f~f~,~~~~~~~S~EW~I~NG~.C~'R~C~LE~P~AT~T~ER~N~S~~~~~ But War Demand' ,Will Limit ,the ~;upply Becoming Frock for Daytime , ~ . Protect Dress With Thi~ Apron ' Sig Increase in ..,.., Caole Snm lost 10,580 BOI....., .aUors aad m arines in 191'"'·11), lap or Nasi bull ets, but by accIdeat. In the C. S . . •• That wIleD .oldlen and sailors acluan, take beed' of thclr l!Iupcrlors' acel· . . ., 'WaraiDrs. the accldClit rate In OIIID}tII drop. 60% •••• This column ~ .edlcated to Sllovlng lhe life of MIlle .oldler. sailor, marine or worker in the war eIJort-aud the . . . .tlc. prove that It probably will. • •• Every life lost to tbls countr, Is one less fighter aplnst Bitler. Yoar country needs yonr me-to , ...tect Its own. . . . Thll Is the breakdoWII of your chances of IIv· la, "'Is year:

The farmers of America a re continuing, as u sual, to d 'o a mag nificent job of producing foodstuffs . In 1944, for the eighth successive year, t hey produced a record. food total ' despite a steadily dwindling manpow er s upply that rea c h ed its lowest poin't in 35 years. Ag ricultural tools IIrc no longer r ationed, but tha t doesn't m ean that the farmer, though he has the money. is goi ng to be a~le to get that new tractor or combine he wishes so he can improve on the production m iracle he has already accomplished . It' s the sam e old trouble we've bad since Pea rl Harbor. There's a war ani Manufacture of farm machinery. although recognized as an essential civilian "must" program. has to be bala.nced in relation to dlrect Wll r production. Bere III the way tbe government sum. up the situation: Dnring the 1945 crop year it Ia expected tbat American farmer. wlU obtala apprOximately the same amount of new farm rna-

That 30,000,000 AmerlcaDs have been injured In home-front accidents since the ' wa r sta rted. Work accidents last yenr caused the loss of 900,000 man·years of labor. and more workers were killed OFF the job than on · the job-25.000 to 18,000. That drinking Oil tbe part 01 either the driver or the pedestrian is volved in onc out of every flve traffic aCCidents, and that, wartime, one or both drivers in accidents violate a law in two of every three cases. That about 7.000 persons were drowned in the United States last

year. . .. Smokers cause nearly a 1iffh of all fires In the U. S. A. ..• Accidents klll one out of three school-age children who die. . . • Thl'ee out of five fatal ' traffic acci· dents occur at night_ . . . \ Nearly 2.000 persons were , killed in grade crossing accidents last year. (So, Look, Listen and LiveD That tholiaaDds of hunte,r . will be

.W ind Strip-Cr.opping Halta Blowing of 'Soil

Parts, However, Will Be Available

,.....8'. I NetJer Knelu 'Til Now:

Time at Hand to Plan For Future Protection FARMERS are making more and more use ot wind strip-cropping to help protect the soil and Increase food productJon in areas where bare. dry soils are subject to blowin, by constant winds of high velocity. according to the War Food administration . When the tertile topsoil I. lMANK \sOODNESS

A Potato Dleger That Baadles Two Bows a& ing supplied 20 per cent at the lood eaten by American troops stationed there. Australia has supplied nearly all the tood for American troops in the South Pacific. 194t-t5


Schedule B . (Planned)

Actual Production 7-1-44-6-30-45 ITEl\1 1~0: 7·1-4S-7-31-«155.128 TrlJCtors . . , .. ... .. ....... . ............ . 222,009 188,890 27,5U Vorn pickers ........................... 11,.36 20.936Q) 99,695 Mowers . . .. ... ....... ......... , . ....... 1I0,U3 116,865 38,952 Rakes (side delivery) ........ _......... 2l!.053 37,309 22.936 8ay loailcrs .... , .. .. ................... 122.977 21.338 10.792 ' Plck·np balers . , ' , . .. . .. , .. ... . . ..••.•., 2,047 1t,3111 42.951 Grain drlUs (plain I1nd fertilizer) ...... 33,248 37,8%6 SO,940 Manure spreaders .. ... . . .. . . .......... 49.425 49,731 107.146 Diso harrows . ..... , ... , ................ 113.830 107.637 4,710 IrrlraUoa pamps. turbine:.......... ; ... 4,900 15.333 Moldbof\rd plows. tractor: • ODe to three bottom .. .•••••••••••.. 112.472 '71,85Z 95.221 3,859 Four aad five boltom . .. • • • .. .. .. •.. 2,S09 2.066 Tractor mlluated: Two bottom . \ . .. . ..... ...... ....... 2lI.2S9 35,9Of 16.15311 Oa&wa,. dl.c plows ......... . l ..••• _... 14,214 9,668 ~.2lI! Deep aad shaDow well systeml!l ........ 253.105 240.m !a8,Ut Combines . ............... . .....•••••••• ta,S11 4!,US 45.'763 Mttkin, machines . .. -" ................ 31,112 65,I!83 117.W Cream .eparators ...................... 82.1135 150,6112 70.448 Tractor-mounted culUvators ... .. . ..... 1t8.381 17S,022 209.338 One row. horae-drawn oultlvator....... 36,Z32 29.433 S%,885 Planters. horae aad traotor-draWD .... 81,320 6',058 '13.038 Plaaters. traotor mounted • _.......••.. 14.166 9,lS! 11.111 Plliuten, potato. . . .. .. .. .... .. .. ..••... 4.142 S,U9 4.580 • Includes prodaotlou carried over from WPB UmltaUon Order L-I'IO. pllll aD produotloa from appeals IUUl .uppleme.atal authorisations. (i) ProdUCUOD Ihrourh September at. 19M;



as cast iron. rubber, zinc, copper, that had gone into farm machines in pre-war days, bad tQ be diverted to make tanks, millta ry trucks. landing craft. guns and other war goods. In 1939 American farmers were able to buy 161.000 new trac· tors. But that was a year when this country made only 2,141 planes. In the (Ialendar year of 1943, whea Am,erlcan farmers were able to bU;, a mere 85.000 Dew tractors. the Unltcd states manufactured III ore lbaD 85.000 plane_mainly liar war_ The critical shortage of raw mao terla that put a celling on manufaoture of, n~w f;arm maohines in 1942 has' been lupeifseded by' a snortage of ma.n power 8lId components. During the first Quuteif at the 194.5 ' farm machinery production ,year. manufacture of new machlnery-ex.elusive of wheel tractors. repaiJ' parts and attachments-was approx. imately 25 per clmt behind 8chedule. This lag in.prodillotion was caused by manpoweI' shol~a,es and the difficulty in obtalJlling components. chiefly malleable and gray iron castin,s. In the MJddle Weilt. where most of American farm machinery ls made. the laba:r .upply is inadequate. a condition that will not change whUe war gOods a.r e stlll ur· gently needed. One concern, that before the war mllde approximately 55 per cent of, Amerlcl\Il farm mao,

maimed this year-and nearly 1,000 wlll be killed in hunting accidents unless the hunter Is extra carefuL • •• 17.000 people In farm f&mUles wen tilled accidents .. st aDd enJ7 mlnla,. po...."oa and pubDo utlOUes more daqerou ludutrles &haD I ul "l)llpU:a11 r c ture•••. About 80,000 u, beds are occupied today who have sufferedb roUghly 10')1, of all beds, pity of It is tbst accident ally require the immediate of leveral doctors and well as the use 01 al,lestbesla tua. operatlni rooms and hoipl~l beds. And this at a time when claJDer'J' aDd attacl&meata a. &be:r A!nerican farmerl!l wID be able to theY're 'talking about draNn, . did ID 19M. '!bere wlll be, hoW·obtain no more new tractors ••Ide ::;,r-i'":-'::";--Di~II""'1l ever. aearl, $%0.000.100 more ID delivery rakes. combines, ,or other repalr part.. haying and harvestln~ machinery In other words, there Is still not That 8eDJamlll Praald1n WBI one enough new farm machinery to of the first safety advocatel America. Remember? He .aid: around. Farmers, in many cases, "Haste makes waste" and ''Care- are loing to have to conserve and lessness does more harm than want repair and get along the best they can with what they have. rather of knowledge." than buy new replacements. Approximately 90 per. cent 01 the That the ChlcalV fire ., 18'J1, new farm macbiDes (except tracolmatowa lood 01 1_, tile Galves$oa Udal wave of 1900, .... 'tori) that will be made in the United States durin, I, the 1945 production San ,l'raacllOO eartbqaake of year July 1. 1944. to June 30. IIM5. 11108. &be -lDItlnc of the Titaalo will be avallable to American fann, In 1911, tile Bostoa alpl clab fire ers. ·About 10 per cent will 'Q' In ' 1~, aaa aU the other major abroad-approximately 7 per cent in disaster. IlDce 1865 have Idllea commercial exports and 3 ,per cent Ieaa ~ 15.100 Amerlcans. through Lend-Lease. according to the (And ,.et da,..b1-da,. aocldeats Foreign Economic adminIstration. III 19M aloae!) kWed Lend-leas~ farm machines (that I totaled only 2.5 per cent ot , the en· That accldeJd lrares prove the tire production of U. S. farm mao safest people In the U. S. Bre chinery from the start 01 the Le,IId,ir~tWeen the ,ages of 5 and It. lease program trom March, llMl. to • .. There is an accidental death in June, 1944), had to b'e lent abroad the U. S. every 5~ minutes-and aD to step up tood production tor our injury evory 3 seconds I • • • Accl· boys fI,htlng overseas. Thl. farm C~tivatlllc Co~. FoUr BoWs at a Time, 'San. Labor. dentl are the ftfth cause of deaths machinery export not only helped .In the U. S- . • . And cost $141 per to feed our boys, but laved ur- during the 1945 crop year than duro chines. reported in October. 19M. , Jear per tamiJy in , America. gently needed shlpplng spaoe for ing ~e 1944 crop' year. that by March, 1~945, it would prob· munition. instead of thousands of Conslderlng the tYllBs of machinCl ably 'be short 6,000 workers needed That the seaford N,.loD plant of tons of food grown on the wrong in use on American farms, the reo to keep prodUction up to .cbedule. E. I. duPont de Nemours &I Com· side of the ocean.1 The chief recipi- pl,!-cements .requlred and the 'c rop In elleet, darin, the war thls pany bas the best no-injury reeord ents of Lenti-Ieased farm machines shltts necessitated by war, WFA's country bas asked Ita rarmer. to in American Industry. having ,one have been Australia. New Zealand cUrrent farm machinery program raIse more crops with leu mea Dearly 17,000,000 man·hours without and the Brltish Isles, the latter hav. continues to emphasize the manu· to do the ' worlt, to keep &heir a single lost time Injury to one of farm eQnipmeal in worJd.q' or. facture 01 such labor-saving machin'Ita employees. (And at the last reery as com pickers, side deUvery der somehow wi&hoDt clluntlnc port, the record was still running.) 'too heavUy 011 replacemeats. rakes and pickup bay balers. WFA, and to .hare thl,lr machines with however, has requested the -manu· That evea U ' more than 700,OO() facture for the 1945 crop year of other farmers whenever aud wherover possible. 'Women drIvers were involved in more planting. fertilizing and tlllage traffic accidents in 1941, there 18 no equipment than for 1944. Included To help farme,rs keep their mao are such items of farm equipment chines going, manUfacture of repalr conclusive evidence that women are a. corn and cotton planters, listers, parts and attachment. has been in· more reckless than men when 'It potato planters, beet and bean drills. creased considerably. In 1944 th. comes to driving automoblIes. • • . end gate seeders, fertilizer distribu- scheduled production of repair pam A Ipeed violation is a factor in about tors, tractor plows and cultivatOrs, and attachments amounted ' to ap~ of all fatal traffic accidents. ' disc barrows. walking cultivators proximately 28,3 'per cent at 'the ta• . . Approximately 4% of driver. and rotary hoes. involved in latal accidents are hit tal tarm machinery' outPut. as com· and run drivers! (The rats/) . During the war, manufacture of pared with 14 per cent in, ~~. farm machinery, although recog· per cent more farm That communloatlons .. the nized as an essential civilian "must.. commodities weI'!! p~oduced ,in ,lINe • afe.. , bidanry aud mlnlna' the program, has had to be balanced in than in 194() witlil 6 per c,e nt fewer moll1 daDJ'eroDl. • • • One perworkers. ' relation to direct war productJon. SOD In It wOI have aa acoldeat When the United States entered The annual employment on Amer· In &he Calted States III INS. If the war, production of farm machin- ican farms , decroeased frOm 10.585. ~ &lie 19M patteI'D ,prevaU.. • • • ery was ,s harply curtailed because OOO in 1940 to 10.(m.000 111 1944. Ap,Nearly 11.000 pedeltrlaDa are munitions production had become an prOximately 4,00I~.000 workers bave klUeclln vame accident. 1earl¥. exacting demand on this country', l"tt agriculture for wa... industries (Alld ~lklat II' 10 easy.) supply of" steel. , 'l'lie steel, as weD" or the armed forces. Ha)' 'Baler Savo Labor. ApproJdmately 1.'1...... fann mea ~, pe..... ce..... medal., marhad eDte~d "'e mW&ar7 servloe DlI TBAC'l'Oa PaoDCC'1'ION llle. and· .uch .imple thinl. can be to January 1. 190. For "'e Perlod-Jaly I. 1943. to JuI,. 11. 1M' UId are ldllers. More than eoo Amerlcan rannera have beeD • , No~ ebUdreIl under five year. oi a,e p&tla, more IlIIe oat of ,lIldlYlt1WFA 'Canada FlilA Army. NaY)' F,arm Total aal fum 'lI~acbIDM ......, , .... kl11ed every ,e~ because lDlaD Special parpOie aDder 30 la. p...... 1.811 iebJecta llke the.e are 10 ea~ t.m .,lK 1,'10 ' 281 615 U,I569 tile war. The exclaaDp ....' C4Iopet~Uve aae I~r ••me ~.... ..,. ~ad, into the lunIa ...• ralls 1!,ere ' 8peelal purpose aa traatera .... GOIftti.... 1.061 IU ' III . . ".teIt ain,le caUl~ of acCf· al .... oYer . . . .... '.NS nob 6.ha. Increaaec1 marbdlT. . Oae . .tal daatha ~ IINI, the last:rau AU parpe8C e 1.... 1'78.... corn picker. for eDmple......ld 1St IDr ..... IlIuru ate ava11ahle. Tbe •• • 157,m U.III IdIW b7 falls III - er •• p .... . be DIed to ha~ . . mach aa AIId • • of.n ~~ AU• .,aDd. ..pI.e . I • • acres ., con ID a year. 1. II __ evel' ..•.... II." '1'.., _ an • ::rears of,a,. or ovw; U1 Combbaes- have beeD halllecl a 11,111 III II U'" It .... penDDl 0arc1_ tractors ...• 1t, , 1b01llall4 mIIe8 to han. . OIl farms III after • 7ft" or older. NI It• • ••AI



-u.e ..

... .. ...• .' .. .-....









Apron That Covers. IFingYOU like a cove red-up feelwhile you work. this pretty

Plant Windbreaks Now. removed. productivity of the affected la rid is immediately lowered, and will continue to decrease from year to year unless some D'\eans of s\opping the depletion Is employed. Wind strip-cropping is the use of alternate strips placed at right angles to prevailing winds. or' ln a continuous "S." so that the winds cannot blow paraUel to the rows. Closegrowing c",:ops such as legumes. grasses and small gra ins are planted in alternate bands with cultivated crops. and when turned under as green manure replace nitrogen. organic matter and other plant food essential to fertJJity. If tbe strips Bre laid out on the contour, the wa· ter conservation that results will 01fer additional help in preventing the l!Ioil trom blowing. Alternate strips of summer fallow and grain shorten the distance that loose soil can move during "rest pelIiods." When fallow and wheat are 'stripped together, tor example. the stUbble lelt after the wheat bas been harvested will prote,~ the fallowed ,land while it renews Its fertility In preparation for the n.lw grain crop. ~e old wheat atrJp , will then into fallow. in progreasive rotation. In many areBl where it i. especial· ly .ultable, wind strlp'· croppln, h~. replaced the earlier method of alternatin, entire fields of faUow and crop.. Tbe movement of lOll exposed durin I winter and , IPrinl lIlontha Ia &featly reduced wben the land Is planted in alternate banda rather' than in fields whlcb would be open to the wind. The dan,er and severil) of the winds must be taken Into consideration in plannln, the width of the strips. The stronger the blowln" the narrower the strips required to coUnteract its elleet. Many barren wastes In America could be completely salvaged b7 proper wind .trlp-croppinl.


, 3404&"

apron wlll be a welcome addition to your apron wardrobe. Use gay polka dots or bright checked cottons. and for the cherry applique, left-over scraps of material.

Daytime Frock

A SOFT altemoon frock for the inore mature figure. A curved yoke with button loped closing are tails'. Designed to where with charm


Pnttern No. 1298 fs l csigned for It. 18. 19. 20; 40, 012 lind 44. Size 18 re-

Quires 2% yards of 32 Dr :IS·inch materi· al: '1 yards ric rae to trim .

trim and scaldistinctive detake you every- . and confidence.

SEWING CIRCLE PATTERN DEPT_ 530 South Well. St. Cbfca,. Enclose 25 cents In coins for each

pattern desired. Pattern No... ............. .Size ..... .

• • •

Pattrn No. 1301 t. designed for sizes at. 36. 38, 40. 012. ". 46 and 46. Size 36. Ihort sleeves. requ1r9 3~ yam ol 39IIIch matel'lal.

Name ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• Addresl."""" ••••• """"""""" •• ,,""""""",, .



_lID". Jr.-



Agriculture In the NJws By W. 3. 'DrydeD

WILLI In sptte of all UJe IbortapI, your meaJa seem to taste jlll& . . load I I everl How do)'Ou do ~t

lUI. There's notb1q lib fresh.

hot rolla to perk uP a meal. Winl ADd OX have a wbole book of e..,. recJpea to _ with Plr1lcbma nn .. IlellotD label yeast ••• UJe "III; with extn. vltamlnal


,_.IS_ , •• • 1"";

'01 .,


. . . . . ....., •• ",. "0.


::-":'~f"'" 1Durr ItoW,-·-'T--." :ri~~~bee ~b", ~ c::lll~ct.ld B;::r.


.17.1(e.. ~II~. ~

, Cork oak tree cultivation ls UmJt~ _____Ol'k17.lf.l". • And an thOle ntam1na 110 r1ght ed in the United Statea by two fac· into your baking with no great Ibs8 tors. drouth and in the oven. So, always cet Pleltchmann·. JI/l1lOtD .evere winter label Yeut. A weet·.auppIJ kee~ in th.1ce-box. temperature •• - _~::::::::::::::::::::::::::~~~~~~~~~::::::~~~ The tree has with· .toad a minimum temperature of five degree. be' low zero ' alonl the Atlantic! .ea· board. ' It Ia beHeved to have , survived even P,e ellDl, Vork lower' temperatures In the mountaina of Spain. Poor drainale or rainfall below 20 Inches per year are Dot conducive to proper erowtnl c'onditions. ' , The federal government'. fore.t .emce II!I encouraging the plantin, of cork tree•. Not only do they serve a 'nlitional need. but prove valuable addltions to pastures and ,eneral Illade. for the farmstead. . The present most critical Ole for cork Is the making of enline i--'kets. Other use. for cork· are inm• BeD-Gay ac:a lat to reU... , lation. 800r and wall covertni•• bottle .toppers. corn caps. haDdIe. for miJ.cular ache and liIhinl rods, shoj! insole., Unoleum. CAu.e It COiDt:a1n8 two famou frictioo pads and life pre.erver. &Del paill-reUevinl Jnaredie~t. raftl. '


henna to. eVery ~. Yee.

Pre-Calving Care'

'J'1rat calf heifer. need ~ore lfaID than COW'. because they mult eCDo ~ue to IF01V atter ~e7 bellD ..-. The quantltt 01 gralD to feacl lUob heifers beJinnina about Qlne mODtbi before treaben1n1 IIiouJ4 d. aomewhat upoo.. tIM aar.cier of th. Two po\lDdl a dq b 'enoup at am. 'l'bla IbouJd ... cnc1uat17 1ncre~ ~ ..... ... pounds an"teD. DIe .... . . . be to ..... tbelDlmall fa IOCIII .... IIIut -* fat.



~ cootaiNl up to 2~ .

uine. more of th..e teItecf m.

~-metb,t~ IIDd _~ol-tIIan av. otb.wi~ ~ . .iaI. No ,WODderit~..o,.~'.ootblatII

a.t . . . ~. "


Origin of 'Taps' Unknown;,' Ancient Gr:eeks Used' It


W . N.U.

TilE STORY TllUS FAR : Luk Sbu. non II bellrtbroken wben Ibe learnl tha t ber horae, M"doe. 11 to be lold. Her la· ther. Rector Sbannon, bad died recenUy, leavln, the plllee In debt. Bethel North, near nelcbbor to the Sbannons, h eld a note a,alnlt Rector Sbllnnon, an d tbe IIlle of the borse, she IlIld, WOlild clear the 'note. DavId North , Bethel'. Ion, and Lark'i cblldhood nnetheart, arrlv •• In Enlland and asks Luk If . be would like to &'0 to America .. hII wife, but ex· pre ssel no love lor ber. Lark board s tbe IbJp Temporll, tl<pecUnr David to Join her. but Just as they n il re •• I",.. word that be had IAlled the ol,bt belo re. On the WilY across a ,room by the name 01 Busby askl r,nrk to In a lIck horse.

Popular belief is that taps was tlrst used in the U. S. army when Gen. Danie l Butterfield of the B3rd Regular Pennsylvania Volunteers taught the tune to his bugle r. O.liver N?rton, by whistling it to him, This occurred at Harrison's Landing, Va., in July or 1862, afte r leven days of fighting b efore Rich- - - -- - -- - - - -- mond. CHAPTER V

the men attempte4 to bandage his knees. He was hObbled, trussed up like a towl In the market. Lark thought. I can't bear it, I can·t! It was as If she, herself. was pinioned. Why dldn't they cut him loosc ? They must do that. She tried to tell them so. She trled to speak. but she could not call out. There was an Iron band around ber' throat. A wave of black nausea passed over ber; snd she retched miserably. Afler a time her sigh and her senses came back to her. She opened her eyes and peered beyond the horses into lhe further hold. There were men worldng therc at the pumps. Her clearing vision picked out Clink Swalters' figure among them. The black ally water swirled abQut thell' waists and encroached faster than the feeble pumps could suck It up, much faster; terrifyingly, fan· tastically, faster. Clink Swaiters was worldng with the strcngth at ten men, cool and in comm and of the situation. Like an untiring pIston. his arms bent and straightened, bent and straightened again. The unerring and pre·

"I've rid del) a lo't ." Lark admit· led. "I used to race my own horse, Madoc, at the county fairs when I was a child." . "You 've good hands." J arrod glanced at them knowingly, "Arid I understand you've -friendlJed our Lancer here. What's your unprejudiced opinion about the mare?" He glanced anxJously at Penelope. "'I think." Lark said with grea t conviction, "that she should be bled as soon as possible. l.f you hope to save her." "By the Great Horn Spoon, you're -spoils Sleep .....I .....,£. right," Jarrod said. "Lung fever it lrou'll like the Is, and no mistake, that·s just what iVa-tro-nol worta I've been trying to tell Busby." Wbere troublo Is 1lP noae-relleYo "Red Raskall, that'll a good name , tranalent confor the old feller!" Jarrod chuckled. n.(AlIograntHor "Now run along, child. I don't want renevtnc ~y.,llleeIY. atutty dldrell of you around while thll bleeding's head cold I.) Follow done. It·s a nasty business but as dIrect10ns In folder. loon as Galphine comes wc'll get It over with." Busby stepped forward eagerly and open cd the wicket for Lark. ."Best go take a lie-dOwn, Mlu," he laid respectfully. '''You're pale as a banshee. It's close and smelly down here and the, boat·s beginning to roll a bit." After lurich Clelia, who had missed 'I Lark at the meal, came down again to see about her_ "My dear," she exclaimed. "yOU look really ill. ' you're positively green I I'm going to lend the ship' I doctor to take a look at you. Maybe he can give you , lome medlclne·that·ll make you feel better." She pulled the blanket up about Lark's shoulders and hurried quickly away, ' Soon both the doctor and Clink Swalters came down and were most Iympathetlc, The doctor gave Lark a draft, and Clink suggelted a bowl of cinnamon gruel, but Lark Ihook her bead qult~ firmly and shuddered at the very tliought. "It there' I anything. an:ytbin. at an. I can do to help. just send me word," Clink laid with luch sinBUY U. S. WAR BONDS! cerity that Lark ·wal toucbed. She opened her eye. aDd peere4 I For two daYI and a night the beyond Ute borRl, .•••........ ~ .......•...........••• ~ Tempora Itrea.k ed ahead under c.lae rhythm hypnotized Lark'l un· ~ II : saU. By late afternoon of the third blinking ltare. It wal only when day land ' W8I in liltht. Over the Virginia coaltal Islandl and the PI- Big Dan Itralghtened ·up Ind said. nlnaula bung a curioul lIaftron light. "My' blasted pump' II broke: Sbe Fog was banked up behind it and don't pUlh out no water at aU." • fingered through the golden veil that the spell was broken_ AU hope was I!.nally gone. They (OUGHS A IItrange uneasiness became apcut the horses loose now. .0 that parent among those on board, and due to (OlDS word went round that the glasl had they would have thelr one chance falien astonishingly. The air wal In a thousand, and not be drowned ': breathless and muggy. Toward eve- Uke kittens In a tlght·tled sack. Lancer was free at last, Lancer ning a southeast wind sprang up and sang in the Ihroudlng. A IIpatter of that big Red Raskall. who. in this ': rain ~oon turned into • downpour hour ot his aimost .certain death. and sent the passengers below deck. wal ItrODg and beaullful and wUd, LOBNGU A cold supper was served in the sa- urgent and quick with the wish for : Get h,/ow til, ,Clra/e with , loon and after It the pa8sengen life. The men tried to coax him to: F'" F Couah LoaeIlPl, Each F 4: I' gathered in worMed and fearful lit- wareJ,iI the ramp but he Ihook them : ' LoIeIlP lives your throat a IS • . ol!. refusing its sharp Incline. whirl· : ' miDUto IOOthiDg. oomlorUDg treat- .: tle groups. From hour to anxiOUI ing dangerously In the narrow space. : IIleDt 411 the WeI, down. MWlol1l : hour the tension Il'ew, all the lalhed The gray Dawel horae, Thunder '. _ them ror coughs. throat \rril&- : furniture broke IODle and careened Boy. took the ramp In a powerful 1= IioDI DC hOAl'leDeea reeulti~ rrom .: terrifyingly back and forth. ': c:aIcIa or Imam,. Box-ooly lOt!. .: Lark fo.rced berself to remain scramble and plunged ahead Into ~ •••••.•.•..•......................••. calm 81 she heard; above the rlsln, the raging sea. Lark heard a plerc· ItO~, the thin litt}.e song of the ing .cream then, al the delicate boatswaln's ,plpe. giving its ordered mare, Penelope, shattered her knee II in a crashing faU. beard the dull commands. Acroas the room Minnie was down blow of the ax that. merCifully, WOIb Ub tIlutOJBlmpb' l!OOP In \b11 PO!'· "'-OD.... l'roloDD lifo or lOur DO!' or 014 on ber knees. praying loudly. In ended her agony. ,,11\0 ~17 b,. _ IIIObtU. enn 110..... Captain Waleslly was very calm. ~.~o. 011 eon4!UOIL !I'ee1ln,c Labo ...... one hand she clutcbed her embrol· !!'l.!~LU ..n. "bWIllOU", "'111100.. t. -.uaU .... • lei..... Nol dered motto and In the other a bulky a desperately calm and agonized bJlllfa Or IIOW _I$OrlOI-1:II&UI "III carpet bag. Her hYsterical girls clus· man. "ThlI way." he said, "slow\00 Ion". Q"&",,",,e4. 1Ic!1I4 ~ w. Wll II1II11 pootpahl. tered about her, weeping copiously. ly now. No pushing. please.',' Be aLrllAT1IIY . . 1211C1.. . aa...... II.CIL Only Clella sat quietly reading her spoke to them as If they were chllBible. She smiled at Lark reassur- dren. amall. ,tupld , deaf cbUdren. "Larkl" kThat ingly. h was Clelia's shrUl , Why. they were ' alreD"y within voice. Lar, erel" Lark edged over to stand beside light at land. AlmOlt, one might lay. they bad one foot on the islands. CleUa In the line. ' They took hold That wal what ' the palSengers of of one another's banda aDd grIpped the Tempora kept repeating over Ughtly. That moment of camp an. ions hip, that human touch was a and over to ooe another. Because Lark acknowledged to little beacon to light the great loneherself now the full extent of dan· liness that lay ahead. ,er. The Tempora WBI linking., It BUBby pusbed the tWo girls ahead wal a fact that could no longer be of him Into the readying life·boat doubted. That weakened timber had ·that was swung now on a level with not been able to hold against the the deck. Clink Swaltera thrust a mighty pushing pressure 'o f the heav;)' oar into 'Busby' I hand and rami. However, for a mom,ent. llfted him bodily into the boat. Tho could any' ot them bave thought It Moroccan groom beside him dived would: Lark wondered, Into the open sea. She prelsed on to the hold ladder. . There was not nearly enough room She peered down the opening and In the three b,o ats for all, but Caplaw a great dark pool of water. tain Waleaby wal giving the pusen· Someb~ bad let a lantern on a gerl precedence over the crew, p~, ' c8,lIe down there. and. to~ whicb Itood waiting iD lull en IUence BODle mlraculoUi realon. It had el· beside him. T. lacreue 80. caped . the calcadel of water thlt Th. boat the two glrll were' lD .....'iniIaIin If tIat ...... gushed tbiough the tom pla~'g of swarmed with people. It was heavbull. ' , il;y over-loaded. Lark thought, I'm _aceu~~"."" theWith cllnlin. banda and ,cauUoua going to die. It dOeln't matter much. feet Lark climbed alolVq down the There Im't any ·use of my addin8 ladder. Her feet fOunCt the uncertain extra weight. She tried to ,et out. la1etJ of the liDOl: at la·at. 'The wa· Jlut the davit. whined querulo~q a., the captain ,ham, liven the .I'~ the rowboat ~ free of the the Iwlrled moment, roleher ' DOkneel b1,het:. about but. for nal, ODe lIcIe of her wai the·cub." Wbe,e puDey ADd began Ita perilous deBuabJ'1 u4 tile MOor" bammocb 1CeDt. . . . IlaDa. fteH.,.... . 1wa;yIq After a lon, moment It ..Wed lD a van - beDOW lib precarIoaa blrd'a DIItII ... IIIre a wounded .....1 tweeD two D1OUDtalDoua ....... It ,'_ • wIDd-nrept tree. , I.uotr WU 4IowD DDW. bIa balta' NIte4 .... for a mom8Dt. AD W fut to tIte ' ~ u ott. aD beaft.bHta . . . . . . . . . ."

1,.,,1iI1s :i





~' ~






''.. f COUGH





p' ....

A,... _loci.


if........ ,

~1~~~i~~~§i~ '


pl'drive YOU c a n saw . straight and a ,nail you can make .this


Need tbee rio? "All is weU lIalten all to your rest."


Unl~ Book Shelves DE PAR T M' E NT

The original words and music of "Taps" are of unknown origin and aro older than history. The ancient Greeks used them and they themselves did not Know from whenco they came. The words Ill'e: Love, good night Must thou IrO When the dny anti the night

T~at Matches



5 r.R.VICE



useful desk. Combined wilh curved end units it becomes an impor· al the wave held Its pinnacle above • P".OIJ. IJOW' .ltrI6.4 lit <lu.aUIl iIJ41Uf17 wllJ not .ppl, ",/!JIout nl'" tant piece of furniture to fill a wide the fraU craft for one awful frozen mut 01 ,vln.bil"7 f,om th.i, IIICIl second before it plummeted like an Released by Western Newspaper Unlon. wall space. or it may be used with (flt/"" St.t.. Emplo7m.It' S.,v/c .. avalancbe on the tiny speck of the By VIRGINI/\ VALE . We-boat which was sucked undcr in OPENING IN SALES OFFICE for steno.RSON WELLES is always r apher; "xperlence not necessa ry . Apply III Its gargantuan ,g asp. person or by m a O. Buckeye TOOl. Car. news. Right now, vaca· Prelcntly Lark found a thin thrcad . . ratloD. !II W. Apple S\ .• Da,toa, Oblo. of brea th in her body. The walls of tioning from the movies and her chest wer,e like iron bands. the stage, he's radio's first Electric Appliances busting, one by one. as she gulpcd "head man." 'The title's un· ELECTRIC BOT PLATE Sto ve. Slx·ln ell ravenously for air. Burner, steel base. Hent coffee, water. official, but it exactly deetc. 53 postpaill. Bou .. hold P.odnet., After a while she reached out for scribes his new radio stardom Dept. A , 'Ie Dorr St.. Toledo Z. Obi,. help. But there was no help. The on "This Is My Best," Tuesday boat was gone. CleUa was gone, Ev. nights on CBS , He servcs a s host. OATS erybody was gone. , narratol', and plays leading man op· VJOLAND OATS The glare of the distress rockets posite Hollywood's top-notch stars R u.t r eslst ont. Beil.tered. flared and diee!. Lark's hope re- when he's not bein g starred him self. LOWMILLER nltos. • Olall, ceded. For, a ti me she battled The hall-haul' offerings ore b ascd on against the raging anger of the sea . the best stories published by PLANTS Then something washed aga inst her. American writers. as you know it other matching units as shown_ Its AT LAST We R ave Boeoe.tled In ,rowla. Something hard and slick and buoyIleek mode rn lines also make it ~~~r~n!'I~~e.~o5'l:~t~~~ln~~ ~;:i:''i)l'3ba:T ant. A spar. Her hands took hold perfect for a boy 's or gIrl' s room, GARDENS, lA, BOll 174. rrooto .. "Ule. V.. at It_ Realized it. Clutched It and Those nicely pla nned compartheld on for dear life . ments are as easy to make as a R' h P nk T . d box slipped in pl ace and secured Ie ra ster fie to 'S'he woke to fee l saUd earth under her b.ody. The swing and sway from the b a ck. The pattern also Win Prize With $11 Nag shows how to make shelve!! and of the sea no longer hammocked her. Her eyes opened. turned first compartments underneath for Probably no American ever Itoring files a nd r ecords. towards the stretch of breaking s pent as much ,t ime and money' waves on the shingled sho re, and • • playing pranks as did Brian G. then swung towards the bcach that NOTE-Pattern 272 gl"e. 14rge dla· Hugh es, a wealthy New Yorker lTama and IIJustraled step·by·step ~ec­ lay under her. thc clumps of marsh Uons for this deak. A list 01 all materlall who died in 1924. Of his scores of grass. the rocks beyond. the rising required Is Included. Unit E In the upper practical jokes, all succeeded but hillocks topped by t rees ~ aketch I. olso made wltb this pattern. one: an attempt to win a prize at Trees. land. life! Lurk closed her Unit. A and B with Pattern 270. Unit c a Madison Square Garden horse With Pattern 271 . PatterM are 15 centlt eyes again ,and let the blessedness Nch postpaid. Addresl requests for pat· show in the 1900s with a nag he of sleep wash out the pain of death. had bought for $11. Noticing that terps to: ' Slowly. inch by inch. she edged the animal would not move untU her frozen. a(:bing body up the • MRS. RUTH WYETJI SPEARS its :rider ,jingled a little bell In ita Bedford HWI New ~ork Ihelving slope. The sand was warm· ear. the judges became suspicious Drawer 10 er here. warm as a bake-oven, deand questioned Hughes. and he ORSON WELLES Enclasa 15 centlt for eacb pattern liciousl She m anaged to scrape out confessed trying to fool them with ardered. a shallow nest. Sbe peeled her wet you' ve heard the program. and this horse which he had purchased Name •• ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••. clothes off. garment by garment, Welles pl ays anything from a stal' from a streetcar company and Address ............................................. . and spread them to dry. She role to a cha l'actel' part. Network named Orphan Puldeca (often stretched. and let the hot, bright sun officials couldn't decide how to de· pulled a car). caress her b a,ck, her arms. the scribe his job, so lhey fin a lly de· length and curve of her legs. She cided just to c ull him "head m an." burrowed down deep into the sand. It was a sound that woke her. a "With Abboh and Co stello" Is the sound when the sun stood hi gh at title of a forthcom ing film for Bud ABOUT noon ; a most curious sound, not and Lou. heard- Thursday nights on very far of! from her. But IIhe NBC. In it they' U introduce Bob could see nothing. Nothing but the Haymes as iuvenile lead; he's the miles of waste sand and scrub with brother of Dick Haymes, and has occasional flnl,ers of tall marsh ,ust ' been discharged from the grass reaching down here and there army. Uke pointers te) the sea. :1: Over'oaclln, ha. ...... NBob Hope will soon be represented Now a shrill unearthly scream .ponllb'. for much lod tl~ broke the silence, and Lark bung -In Madame Tussaud's famous LonMlle. I. •• cemmerelal .1Id Remember how proud you were 01 back for a moment, territled and don wax museum. The star ot "The far... motor track.. ....dl. . the beans you I'M' last year-tO trembling. In Ian Instant fresh cour· Princess and the Pirate" recently plentiful, 10 taaty, 10 full cf nutri· of • truck ar trailer .. tile age came to lIer and ahe plunged received word that ho')\ 'oln the 1m. tion and aoodneaa? Of coune they wel,ht I, ... nly clilftllt",... history whose effigies forward. .tumbling over the shells mortals were wonderfuU There's nothlnl to all load",arrylnl wheels and ld riftwood which littered the have been seen by millions. But Bob finer than frah ngctable, crown will prow• • " Importa ... ..... from Ferry', Seeds In your own won·t be homesick , for a friend of beach. She topped the rise and IIer can....".lloll ....._ It prden. bls. Bing Crosby, now working in peered beyond her. PO}'l to cflock load.. Verry', Seeds are readily available She could sel! what It was at last. ''The Bells ot St. Mary's," will be at your favorite dealer to help you If th. av.rage rvbw 0DIIIIIIIipA horse, a red horse stained al· Ilmilarly honored. Itart riaht .pIn thla year. Have tIon In China, Ru"la and India . malt black by the sea. Hecked and a betta, prden with Ferry', SeedI. brought up to Amarlcan rubber conAmerican Daval oWeers rescaed ringed with white ruffles where the IUmpllOn Ifandardl, th.y _Id .... • lln.MOI . . . IID co. by RaDgers lD the raid on the Iweat and salt had dried on him. qulr. ",500,000 toni of-rubb.r a .,...11 Lancer, the Red Raskall, why It Caban.ruD prlllOn camp 011, Luzon year, noarly••1 much a. the waB hel It I~lrely was: He wal wtll be !leeD In BKO', "The Invlllible antldpateCi world .upply of nalwal caught In the qlulcksand and the tow Army." ArrlvlDe at San Pedro b, and .ynlhelle rubb.r after the war, I. P. GoodrIch official. declare. of the outgoinllt tide I He wal lunk DavY PBY boat from San Frallo cisco. Utey 'Were taken to tbe Itudlo, above hil fetlo(:kJI, above hili kneel, to hill belly almost. ml eyel were wbere motioD pictures of the.m were wild and terror·.trlcken. his head mal1e . berore they departed for Hung up In an agony ot frustration home. One of tbe rum's hl,hU,hts ai, wIth every conwlslve move· wtll be • re-enactmeDt ot tbe raid OD the ment. he sank lower and lower. :I~ Lark tried the wet sand under her "'Truth or Consequen'tes." the ra. teet. It was ,firm and lafe here. dIo show. ,has bee!, sIgned by, RKO Step by anxiOWI step sbe crept out to for "Radio Stars on Parade." muslhim. calling hil name softly. hold· cal with Wally Brown, Alan Carney Ing out her hllnd lovingly. trying, and Frances Langford. Ralph Ed. lllowly and caul~ously. to creep near wardll and company alSo appear ertough to catcll!. the dangling halter in "Seven Days Leave". ' --;.or.-rope. Then it was that Ihe remembered rus Majesty's Canadian Grena. the spar on which Ihe herllelf had diers, tamous mLUtu ry band, will Hoated to land. With the la.t strength represent the Dominion of Cana da in her body. she found i~ and man· In Andrew Stone's musical, "Pan aged to drag it to the borle, to force American Sensations of 1946." It·s It in the small space left under hil Icheduled for early fall productJon. . . .... - .... ~ ..... HIr .... t t--1:Ii!'2!!'! heaving. exhausting body. and to and will combine thcatrical talent .................. Dr.....·.___ steady it, as. with almost human ot both North and South America, inte1Jlgence. hie leemed to under· ftlmed against authentic back. ~ ~_. eM ...Io! 1 ...11.... .,... . . stand It. possible help, and, after a grounds. _ " _ .. ..-.oIIA.k.. moment of stJIUness •. made a last ;:: tremendous thll'UBt. teeling the moThat new GIDDY Slmml IIhow I. melltary purchase under him. mak· 1101De a lot for dlschareed veterans DR. DRAKE'S CD1:l PDlIIJlOUou .. db.Ja4 ing use of It and jerking himself 'Who 'Were proresslonai eDtertalnera berore they went Into Ute ,ervfree . With 8 rush and a scramble, he Ice and are DOW trylD, to pIck ap .. . . t. nll... IOITILY tound a footing OD the pebbly shelv· the threads or their pre-Pearl Bar. . ._ _ _- - - - - - - - -.... ing shore and staggered toward bor careers. They're beard by a Yo., w. ba"elt! Gener· latety. IItanding there. trembling c:oast-to-c:oast radIo audience, aDd. PEPPER! • 0111 Ilud box include. .ttractlv. 110•• ahoker .. premium. and panting. with Lark's arm ftung 'rlve I, made to lDtere,t proPOItpald. '1.00. ' I around his nct'.k. ber sobbing face .ucers. agencies. etc., and let COIlo buried iD hll mane. IraoUi for Ihe veleraDS appearln, on c.... fill Slllllldtlc rellcl) BOBBY PINS! ~~f:,8tr:,~l~~~ Be knew the, s!f111d ot her voice, the 'p rogram. ' • auppl)' while Ihlt)' lnato Ten cards. I.7dIa B. I'tnkham•• Vegetable Com- ' ,poetpa. l d, 00_. _ _ _ _ the passionate, tenderness of the pound S. lamOUl to .nUeve Dot om, mtJZl~ palD bu' aIIO accom~ 8UIt or human hair. wordll she spoke to him. He turned "Amerlca's Town Meeting" will IlBnpua. t1red, IUghatrung tee11DpHAIR Nml BelrUlar 2IIe qualhis head and nuzzled her Ihoulder. extend Its spring tour to Include San 1I2u!D due to fUnctional ' per1odlo dbo ItT; four neta. pOltpald. ,1 .00. turhatu:M. Taken 1"eS\1lU'11-1t btlPa whinnying sof1Uy. leemlng to I!.nd Francisco, originating its April 26th build. Up wah dbo comfort In her famillar presence. broadcast there, while the United VlIII. PInkham'. Oompount1 he/1M _ BABY PANTSI ~:~:s' mother'. )lrarer. DOc quaUtF; two hr" PolIowlabel dlrectIona. TTJI IC1 After a time, the horae raised his Nations peace confercnce is In SCIpair.. ponpald, '1.00. head and neighed challengingly. He lion. Originally California was in. Jo. had evidently beard some sound that eluded in the summer tour. wall too far off, too high and keen ,)I: 11-41 for the glrl'lI ears. There WBI a Jimmy Durante, starred with CII8AL PIODIICTS co. ......'.IL long moment o:f silence. Then there' Garry Moore on CBS Friday nlghts, came an' BOIwer. won't go overseas till be has his She stood startled, listening with summer vacation. but his tamous ~very Itralned, nerve In ber body. voice Is heard on recordings' at the It came from 't he beach. Her eyes battlefl'onts. Portraying the role of sharpened ill {ha~ dJrecUOJ;!. ''The Mole." notorio!!s gangster. Why they w'ere ponlel. Poniell Durante recorded an hour·long adIn another mln,ute they bad reacbed venture ot "Dick Tracy." with an the shallow water and found a foot- all·star cast; thl! records will be ~g In the land, were com~g up the lhipped overseas. I.lope, directl3' . tOW~rda ber. They ~fdido:t He her. The;y were comiDI ODDS AND ENDS-.4 10. 0/ peopr. towardl Red RaRaU. approach1n, drcw a lon, breath 0/ relief when iI him with joy ai1d welcome. ' Their ICHIJ onnounced..thal, alter aU, "Ii ,Pay, whinnying OIled the IUJ! and mad. a Cf',.pe I,noron' IuId been ,enft(led, by confusloD of aI)rill and eerie BOund. III lpomor, and IC/Ould ,ilh. on' to-' b ' _. . . lGme .how. ,ame casl......!q11141 1lw,1U• ••• , L ark I t. m ...ted from ber at O.60rne, who appears _lely u. their approacll. The~ were Uk. eluuacIeT 'parll lor "iJfY"er:r T,..,.,.t frlencla lI'eetlnll ber, th... ~ Ibl,- U~aIeI "'al he', apPII/U'ed on ..,.,. ra be~lta, IC8lrcel7 BD7 big,er than proP. oll--th• • ,,; ~ .,. dOli. 'l11e lu', . . were 0Dl1 wallt powble. • " • RoIIel1 Sully AU 101_ bJIh, the colt:a barel7 above her ihe rMc.H4I ",oIIr.m em the pel' . 1m.... 0CNId pick ODe .... Aou;e /te's 6UiU1in, on Il~ property u. B""""""'" He', o/_liunber "''''' ~ 6_ lD IJer uma . ad cuddJe It _ .... • nr""""""" • ..., II De1t-IMa .w., ell 1M ..,.,. 1aiIraMJI- Be'. a




Weren't Those Beans Wonderful?



............ ... ................................. ""

"", ...

.............................. (jleJJco

0'-D .

u.. 666 .





.... _.,..,..,_11144 ,.-..,............

~e.~== ,

When Your

Back Hurts-





,.,... ........




Washington Digest;

j, U U U U



·Personalities .Still Affect Relationships of Nations

I.eokIDg aC'




m ••; .; Make Gay New Slip


• •••••


Covers for Spring


.................... .. -

I~ Flavor

tIr CORN ..........


Of The Moody Bible Inamute of Chlu,o. Rel.ned b, Wutem Newllpaper Unloa.

"T ET'S . go in and watch him

Millions! . ' \


L work." That's what Incrld Lea.on for March 2S Bergman said to me one day outside ,Stra1n Between FDR and De Gaulle Comthe sound stage at Selmlck'. studio Le.lon subJect. and Scrl'plure te"U M· while Altted Hitchcock was filming lecled and cop,rllhted by· International plicates Postwar Understanding KeUou" Com Flakes briDe 10'1 aeuJy aD CouncU of Relict au. EduclIUon; u..,d b)l "Spellbound ... ~ _ the protectivo rood clementi of the ""bolo p.rmlilion. . . &rain declucd euentlal to bumao Dutritioo. Between Two Great Powers. The actors in his pictures will alTHE LAST Wf:EK ways tell you that Hitch gives the best performance ot anyone on the ByBAUKHAGE set, just like Lubitsch. And the "Hitch- LESSON TEXT-Matthew 21 :11·15. GOLDEN TEXT-BlelSed u he thai cock louch" Neu'J A,IO/Yj l and Commentator. cometh ID the of the Lord: Ra-. or the "Lubitsch lanna In the bllhelt.-Matthew 21 :11. WNU Service, Union Trust Building, to say. My own impression gar· touch" has made nered trom conversations with their pictures a The official presentation 01 Him· Washington. D. C. lIelt to the Jewish people as their ' Some years ago that highly seien- per sons thoroughly famili a r with the "must see" with King, their rejection ()t Him and, ti1lc organization, the Smithsoni an French attitude is that "difficulties" millions. Hitchle what was even more sol,emn!y mean· ln~tltut1on, dlscussed the possibility were expected to arise in Franco· quips and drolingful, His rejection ot the Hebrew of a relationship betwe.en sun spots American relations the moment it leriesmakesmart nation because of theJlr unbcliefand wars. It was carefully explained became clear tha t France was not dinner conversa· such are the lltirrlng E!Vents which that sun spots, which are really invited to participate in the coun- tion for Holly. face us as we go with our Lord Into Balanced double action ••• great explosions on the sun's sur· sds of the Big Three. It was not wood's duller the last week of His earthly minis· face: affected the weather on the expected that the role her armies souls. for positive 'action in the And yet he told AUred Hltcheock try. earth and frequently bad weather in are able to play would make her The first event in that sequcnce turn atIected the dispositions of hu· ellglblc to join thc military councils me the other day mixing bowl ••• for gratify. man beings and might conceiva- at Yalta but thc Frencjl were ardent· there was nothing extraordinary Is the one we study In our lesson bly render nati6nal leaders less Jy desirous of havinc 0 place at the about the suspense·packed pictures for today, namely, the coming of the ing results amenable to reason and more like· general nego\iations which made UP ' he makes. What passed for Inspira- King to Jerusalem. LIP covers ' are pure magic In I. Preparation u4 Presentlltlon ly to get their countries into trouble. the second part of the parleys. Gen- tion with hIm was observat!onbrightening up your living the oven. At first glance that seems rather era 1 De Gaulle was In no mood, watching what actually happenll, (vv. 6, '1). room. You can make them your· when he received the President's IDmlng only what eould happen. The King cornea, but even In His f~r-fetched but the fact that a clash self for your davenport with time ot personalities caD Invitation, to brook what he consid· We were In the living room ot hour of royal triumph He gives to and a little patience. You'll need aIYect the coUrse of ered a further slight. hlB Bel-Air borne, looking through His followers the unexl~lalnable but 22 yards of 35-ioch material or 16 It was clear, on the other hnnd, the window at golters passing on the inestimable joy of meet!lng His need . yards of 50·inch material for a nations today, almost as much as It that the President feIt he had sound, course a hundred yards distant. I'd 1. "The Dlsciplell Did As Jesus Bofa with three cushions_ did . when people practical reasons for omitting any gone up to welcome hIm back from Appointed" (v. 6). Be had need of • • • fought at the whim visit to Paris before the San Fran- England. I wanted to hear how the disciples who would do His bidding To obtain complete cutUnl, sewlDl and flnlsblng instructions for Davenport Slipof a king, has been cisco meeting. He also telt there Hitchcock technique had been ap- without question or heflltation. How covers (Pattern No. ft83ll) Bt!Ild 111 cenu brought out striking- were sound, practical reason~ tor a plied to· propaganda pictures he dI. precious Is such obedience! Let us In coin, your name .. address and the pat· also go and do what He commands. tern number. ly in Franco-Ameri- conversation with De Gaulle. He rected over there. can relations. said there were a number of points He IItarted right off by saying that He needed the colt and the ass. There isn't much that had to be cleared up which rOo one of these pictures wasn't pr'opa- How simple and lowly was that need, SEWING CIRCLE NEEDLEWORE 530 80uUl WeIll at. Chlealo 1. DL question that the quired French actl0t? before the aanda at all "'Bon Voyage,''' he and yet how glorious tllat man wu common Interests of United Nations meeting could be explained "was just a way of say- ready to meet Itt Preslden' Enclose 18 cenu for Pattern Roosevelt France and the held. Indeed, I imagine, he felt ing thanks to the French people God's plans are worked out in the No._ _ _ _ __ United States would that he was showing especial regard and the WldergroWld tor all they'd little things a. well as the great to France when he offered to review risked lo helping 110 many of our Prophecy wall bein, j~ed here lName.e_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ be better served If AddresL'_ _ _..:-._ _ _ _ __ one Franklin Roosethe accomplishments at Yalta per· boys escape durLrig the occupation. (see v. IS) by a little tbing. III God velt could "get It'. a three-reel feature that tells walting to carry out 1I0n~e great pur· sonally for De Gaulle. along" better with FDR Comment. the true IItOry of the elcape ot an pose through ' lome little thing whicb ConstipatioD ma, mu.- dIeD.. over one Charles De · D ' Engllsb flier and assistance given you are withholdln, from Him? Wh,. Noted Painter Didn't Sign On Prima onna. IIIJYOIIII a Mr_ or Mrs. Glum. ,ears ago. Unooated or hitn." binder Him any l~nlerr Gaulle. 'l'abNature'sRemecly (NR I!aIldy -ted, ~ actionil That is supposed to account for .. 'Bon Voya'e,' .. he laid pride- 2. "And He Sat Thereon" (v. n. Of course, It Is Or Remember His Works 'l'ableta). Cootaina no chem- dependable, ~h. yet the extemporaneous remarks he in- fully, "was well reeelved." Though He did not come with the only talr to say that Icals, no mlDenUs, no phenol aentle, as mDlIoaa 01 NtI,'. serted in hill report to congress The Englisb government did a pomp and trap~ls of an -earthly The famous Anglo - American there are others clerivatiVeL NR'l'abfetu.. ha.,.. proncL Get a 2Iij painter, John Singer Sargent, who "prima donnas." mighty inteillgent thin, geHlng thllI potentate, the King of Glory came about who don't "get different-act dilerent. Coavinoer Ba todayl All PuRl, w_le-a oomhi- clruWet.. esuuon: Tab Those remarks, which were unl- "master of suspenle" over to direct to His people to offer ,lthem tor the died in 1925, neglected to sign .along" with the tall. versally Interpreted as applying to It. last time the opporiunU,. to receive some of his works and even forgot, utionollO vepabIe iII&re- only as dlreot.ecL band some and arisDe Gaulle, came as a distinct shock J C't M' HIm, years later. ever having painted tocratic French gen1ft . He asks you to yield your lite to them. . But he could easily ideneral It is no' secret Qen. De Gaulle and Immediately afterward Senator IUf an Brewster publicly labeled them "in. Hitch's new picture is the much. HIs k1nglhip. What will. your anlwer tity these pictures in a unique way, that 0 n e '· Josef talked-of "Spellbound," with Gre,- be? . If a painting was his. a microStalin, although he arranged a judh;loulI." highly advantageous treaty with . I was following the text of the om- Ory Peck making love to Inrrld D. AcceptaBce &D4 ReJection (w. scope would reveal a fine red III JO.IIIGHrI J'OAlOUOII AUIGNr or green line painted around the France, including lome even more cial release in the house radio gal- &eremaD, mystery, suspense, psy· 8-11, III, 16). advantageous private Wlderstandln& lery as the President spoke and chiatry, tantastic lets by Salvador 1. "The Multitude ••• Cried , , , white objects because. owing to an with De Gaulle, had no desire to lo- had noted the many departures DaU. and mUllc by the symphony HOlanna" (w. 8-11). The tact that .ye defect, he saw tbe~ bordered which be ' tossed off as tamUlar composer and conductor MlklOi before the week was over ~me of In one of these colors. vlte him to Yalta. . the same voice. cried, "Crucify But the Roosevelt-De Gaulle dlfter· alides and which helped to give his Hitch has hlI o~ theory about blml" IIhould not obscure the fact encea seem to be recurrent and just talk the intimate note he desu:ed, Table Reminder when everybody thought, after the But I was !tarUed at what be said music, He lell a celebrated com· that there were ehildllke believers owin, -the t-et .a !Heal write music-lo~ ' . tt>-who--reaUy- bad-fa1th-iD l4AN'-wny- does a tab1e mike - .......~k-; latter's v[ilittowashin on w en e . me think of margarine? was und.e rstood to have' given his an agreement with Yugoslavia. Be so he can stop It, But just why, ,Ir, Christ. WOMAN-Because it rerriinds colleagues in .France the impression read the sentence, "We hope that do you get all that expensive music - There IlIlomethlna In:splrlJ:lg about . " that picture of enthus~asm and de- 70u of Nu-Maid • • • the Tablethat the visit was highly satisfac. It is in the process of fulfillment" 'u~~ to, atop It? You ve se~ people in danger? Yotion, ileal faith in Chrllt ought Oracle margarine _ •• made espetory to him, came the answer "I and then he looked up and with just regret" to Roosevelt·s "respondez- a touch of what verged on sarcasm aakl Hiteh. People at some hiab to rellult in a fervor ot~ spirit whieh elally for use on the table.-Adv. vous, s'U vous pia Is" and the meet- in his voice, remarked "But it ill not point 01 tension? Let's do a scene: will lltir our hearts and our ciUel. Are we not altolether too dead and Ing on the President's cruiser oft only that, but In lome other places We're lIitting in this room we have to remember there are a when bang! just like that a blB'- fonnal in much of our worahip toAlgIers did not take plac .. grent number of prima donnas In' lIar enters and points a gun at us. day? Do we not need more holy Etiquette Poae. the world, all who wish to be heard. "We freeze, We don't move or enthullasm for Christ and for His Dillicalt Problem Before anything wul be done, we breathe. Certainly we don't talk. At Church? In diplomatic circles it hns been may have a litUe delay, while we an,. dramatft: moment like this 2. "The Chlef Priests and Scribes earefu1ly explaine'd that De Gaulie listen to more prima donnas." there cornea a husb. When the danger ••. Were Sore Disple8ls~d" (w. lIS, That startled me 811 I said but 1 S. over everybody starts jabberinl. 18). Small wonder, for not only had could Dot accept ~n invitation from a peregrinating president to call must SaY I did not at first think he It·s a release to talk. They talk the children put th.,m to open ~rOMO"OW'5 HOM' WilL II A '''1;11 HOM I . shame by recogni%1nlr tI;le Christ upon him iil French territory, which could men·n De Gaulle. That louder. laugh louder. , _II '"U"',D WITH 10UNO 0101' ,10Duers'! It was explained was a sort of seemed Impossible. However, as oth· "So In a psychological mystery whom they had Ignorell, bat He had "come down an~ have a pfcnlc with tlrs mentioned It, I began to take It there are appropriate intervals at also ruined their paiUte rellefou, me in your backyard, I'm too busy for granted, for I knew that WltU which I want the music dram at- "rack.e t" whicb produced for them to call on you in your parlor." . the procedure of voting as agreed Ically stopped-with a hush! luch a lovely profit. To which American diplomatic upon at Yalta was approved by "Only 'Spellbound' isn't ju a Marktlili-when anyone ts disclreles explained: it wasn't an In- France the agreement eould not be mystery IItOry. U's a love story; pleased with Jesus or with HIli cbOvUation to De Gaulle to come to Al- announced. There were either things There's nothing unusual about It. It', dren or with His work on earth, you giers, wh~ch 15 French territory, but upon which France bad to be cQn- based on truth, psychiatric truth." can be sure that there Is a reuon, an Invitation to call on the Presi- sulted in advance of the meeting, as "What about 'Foreign Correspond- and not a holy, uprlaht or rea· dent aboard a U. S. warship, whlch well. ent' and 'LUeboat'?" I asked. Ion either! is American territory. "Same thing. In 'Foreign Corre- m. JudJrlDent and Compaaion The French ambassador who was Peut·etre, was the reply, but the seated in the diplomatt'c gallery IPondent' it wa, a man hammering (vv. 12-1'). chief of a great power, , Indeed an showed no sign whatever that he away at events, and the woman What a remarkable picturel In empire, cannot be expected to be was al!ected by the words and later I thin Th I the midst Of Oa I g j dgm t nd he p gs. ere sn't anYmn u en a treated any better than the rulers h e Is eaid to have told a friend that didn't thing in there that couldn't happen. destrucUon we find Hili lovin, com. of such minor domains as Arabia, it was hardly likely that the prima 'LUeboat' ill the lame way." passion upon the blind ,s nd the lame. Egypt or Ethiopia, royal-blooded donna reference could have been Folk who think that <-'hr!at has no though they be. (Rooseve!t enter- meant to apply to France since the Some More Plan. message but love need to look on tained the gentlemen earlier.) . Presldent had completed his com"After 'Spellbound: what?" I HIm 811 He cleanses the temple. On There the discussion bogged ment on what disposition of French wanted to know. the other hand, those who think that down in mutual ehagrln with all but interests h.a d been mnde and had " 'Notorious,' " he said. "Just fIn- He has no word but judgment need A 10UNO OAre 'U.NACW two of the leading French newspa· moved on to another topic. Yugo- Ished working on the script with to behold Him BI Be IItanda In the A .OUNO 0101' .ANG. pers (one conservative and one slavia. BeD Hecht," midst of the overturned table. and Be fussy wbea telecdJ1g JOur po... communist) insisting that De Gaulle That, . of course, is a good alibi. Then he went on to tell what a debris and heals the nleed;y. Clooae &om die sttiJdog new Wu heatlag system. DeawId :aoWIII was right and the apologists for And It Is necessary that there be great guy Ben Is. SaYII they collab- 1. "Jesus Cast Out .. , and Over. lID. of Ro1Ul~ Oak BaD.... Roosevelt explainLng that the Presi- an alibi for I am convinced that orate 10 well that dialog becomes threw" (vv. 12, 13) He knew where Oak-either. modem wiater air dent could not Wldertake what prob- bnd there been even unofficial sd.. a kind of verbal shorthand, almost le begin to deanse the city. He IDdudiq gas, elec:ulc, p i CIODdldooiDg ayatem (gas, 011, or coal ably would have amounted to a mls~lon that the President was mental telepathy. atarted In the temple,. AbloJute)y comblnadollo electdc comb!6red) or a reliable pavity furnacevlslt ot state and a triumphal hitting. at De Gaulle a really d1ffiHiteh feels his pictures are Iin- right Is the man who s:uggested that aatloa, or coa1811d wood. .All tour ot France, when he had a war cult Situation would arise. It Is Ished the lIay shooting begins. He the place to start to dean up a city aod be I1U8 of cold westh.,. comfoR, to win, It was also recalled that one known that although many people ,ays from then on it'll a matter of Is not In the IIlums but in the besudfuJ. efficient. depenclabla. thing Mr. Roosevelt prides b1msel1 consider th~, gener~~ what the Interpreting wbat has been created, churcheB. on avoiding Is making the mis- French callll D ~c:, ~he F~~h and that It'll possible to get Into the You will not be ready to clean out takes Wilson did. Wilson received a d~ not ca e a e at an s finished fUin only about 75 per cent the tavern or that other low place wild ovation in France and Italy BE- fnends and admirers are warm of what the mind haa pictured. where the gang hangs out in your A .aUND OAre WAr,. H,An. . FORE the peace confercnce, and In their loyalty and would InstantI resent any unfavorable comment In a world wbere 6 foot invisible lewn Wltn you have eleaned out the su.l!ered the results of a most pain· Have aU the hot water you need. when you Y h'19 con duc t . rabbits can star on . In Broadway shows cburch If sin is be:i ng. harbored . ful reaction afterwa rd. Deed Jt-with a new Round Oak Hot Waw No serious difficulties are ex- and in which the true story of an there, How grea~ a ]lart Roosevelt's failarise between the United English filer's escape trom occupied The lame Is true of the individual. ected to Heater; el~eJ' ga, electric, or oD. Auracdft Ifld ure to pay a visit to De Gaulle In heart will bring a . Pari. played In motivating the gen- Pst a t es and F ranee b u t some 0 t th eIr France furnishes material for a A regenerated ~mpact-easily fitted In tma11 tpace of buemenc eral's refusal, or. U it were the' chief common troubles In' the past show Hitchcock chiller I can Ilelieve .that reformed life, not vic4e YerSa, YOll or uiWty room. Disdacdve new' IeatDrel cause, how much was personal that there Is much difference be- there 1s nothing unusual lo a Hltch- can live only after y10u have been tween foreign relations bolster eock picture-nothing, that is, exborn. . auun remarkable operacing economy. pique On the part of De Gaulle and cept the Oalr of the man .who makes 2. "He Healed Them" (v. It). The how mucb a feeUng that his nation th em with pr,ot oco I as . you'will ,an. d 'em. . very hand, which had jUlt overhad been 'slighted, It 111 impossible personal relations, after aU. • • • thrown the tables and ..cast out the 10' IrAI 'IONDS NOW-fO ,I'NG v,ero." .OON'I'. _----------~--------------__. No, Fan. Don't Forllet mone;y-cbangerll now gently toUched Help JOaneIf. coo. Sec aaleJ. die boDda JOU ~ need to buy a Boben Cummmp. who's doin& the lame and the blind ~th bealin,. by B auk h a 8 e "You Came Along" for Hal waWa. The eyes which had blazi!4 with holy Iloancl Oak ~ or W&tIIr and be UIlOaa'the fitse . , ...;._ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _- ' says actors who are lo the' serviee Indignation now ahone with love and








B AR B S • • •


A' armer In ' Indiana awapJ)CCi a Celling prices on strawberries two-),eaMld horae for 15 cartOJUl of will pe the lame ail last year.· WhIch ciP~" ~RParentif-- he would means, we hope, that ahort eake n&bel' bum .u p the carpet than the 'will be no IIborter. • road. '" One of the c'ausel of ' loereaie in • • • Wness amODI workers is desorlbed .. dUe 10 m~tal strain of new wwbrt who baven't been emplo7t4 , . a loa, time, Work ha. alwl;yl billa the cune of the 1~I.ure c....... <.

• •


don' t need to worry about keeping. companion. The scen.e of J~d~ent their fanB. Says his fan, mail aetual- ud. chaos became :the ~OUI. of Iy increased whlle he was out .of plc- prlyer lind of anllwere!d prayer, On, tures for about .two years. . • . the very IIP.Ot wbere one min bad leanne Crain gets the goog pa~ received condemnaUol1Ie another reo with Gene Tleraey playing the bad calved healln,: . girl Iri "Leave Her to Heaven." . ... Each ODe rfteived aat wblch Be Darryl Zauuck's next wiU be "Ra. louaht." hi, OWD Ittltude and actlOlL meet Eor's Edge" with the BR""e IItaff Bow WIll 1ou, he had for "WIIIl)n." Lamarr Trotti J8IUI-as,.our . . J'VUt Iaw01 write the sc"ecn \lillY. Yi~? Yau mult tile 6ciIce. ~. CIaIIIt todaI.


~.iaaft .... fanaaat flO'" WII_ JIain avaDaJ,Je. · '

IA'Nell • 'UlNAe" •

WA". •........H,A'.IS .,..a....r.

UInoIIk. _ _



la " .4. COMMUNITY


no.u.n.Y, MARCH 29, 1945,

Band Mothe~s Club Sponsoring Dance

East Wayne Advisory Council Meets Friday Eve

Last Round-up For Red Cross Drive Ch~irman Early 'Says "We Must Go Over The Top"

Clul)s and Organizations Expected To Swell Fund

A dance spo~ by the Bl1ld Mothers Club will be held at th o High School building In <WaynesVille. Frld'BJy even1ng, Apri1 6, frolll 8 to 11 :30. 'INs dance is glven in h onor of ,the ,b asketball teams. An admission cha.rge of 25c wiU be ma de.

Eust !Wa.yne AdN isory Council met at Ule home of Mr. J . O. and MJss Alire Oons on March 23. The posslble appointment of Mr. Dalvid Bishop .for StOlte Hlg:hws.y Director in Warren County was cijs:mssed. The -sec:rctn.i-y WM directed to write .~ GOII. Lausohe objecting to thc appolntmt'nt. The question of profits in coop busl.ness was d1scus...oo. l!f ·th e extra income aside <fr01l1 salin .les for managers and runnlng expense; Is paid .to p!lJtrons. Uhe patrons pay <l.ta.x on the income: therefore the coop Ilfcd not pay again .' The developments In the estabH&hment 01 Uhe egg llillctlon wel'e eXlPla.lned. It is p lanned to be In operation by mid-summer. Each member Will be asked $5.00 cerU!Ica.te membership ,t he first year and $1 :00 per year ·thereafter.

'I1hese last few uays of the Red croos War Fund Drive wUI "tell the t.:lle" aocording ~o Mrs. E verett En!l'ly, ohal.t'l'llan of Wayn e Township in ,tJhis ClliT'reJlt drive for funds. The quota Ifor t11~ township can be made II all workei-& wlU continvf' to d ~ve hard ~ the very end. . A ecordlng W Mrs. Early . some d01l8tiOllB n13,y come in laLe, espeoiu.lly from Ol'ganlza.LlolIs and clubs tl at will not hold meetin b'l'i wldl in ApriL WOdTCll county as a. wnole is t ar behind It.s $34,5{J() quota liJld It is lOr Wayne Townslup to go "ovel'• the- 1.op" and do its pa.l1t in thiS 11ETIIODIST CIIURen greo.test of nll humanllAU'ian P10R. B. Coleman, Minister jccLB. Our boys ~KI girls in service benei'lL <111 ectly Jrom <.ur gifts La EASTER SUNDAY them thl'Ough the ROO Cros:s. "Oive Sunrl.&e Service, 6 : 30 in ollM"ge of lI111til 1t h urts. they do I The Youth Fellowship. J oe Davis. Methodist Church Meeting Pl'C6., pl'esldlng. .Prelude Place of Woman'. Society Oall to ' Wor8h1p of Christian Service ~ __ Prayer of InvocatIon " The District Meeting 01 the HYmn, "The Old RUlmed CI'06S" • Woman 's SOCIe~y of Chrlst1a.n SerSCripture Lesson vice W\il.S hLid a,t lJhe Methodist Prayer, Patsy Ba.Ird Church on 'I1huwlay wIth luncheon Anthem, "Youth FeUowship se.!·ved in the dinIng room to <IIbout Chorus" one hwldred · members and gu'ests 6emlOll. "OhI1st Is Risen," /dTS. E. B. Lupinske, President, pre, Joe J ames 6ided ove r .the mooting Q.lld many Hymn, "Chlist The~.cs Risen" reportt> and ,truKS were OhDnas given by the various secretaries and Bened1ct1on workers, WiUl Mrs. J. E. Lollg. past ~tlude pr~dent, of Middletown, glvlng the Elaster breaJdOBt 7: 15 You IIJ'C oordtaJlV inv~ted to the&;;· princ1pa.l address. M'I's J. W. Denford, rioe-prealdent and Mrs. J. E. services. Oompbell. Il:reasurer, of D ayt.>Il, were Church school at 9 :30 A. M .• Mrs. aJso present. Mrs. R. B. COleman Raymond -.}Qneer. superintendent. opened <the meeUng wLth a. lovely 4om1ng Services - 10 :30. pllUlb solo and Mrs. LaaI4ar EarnSj)eCIaJ. mUSIc by the ChOir and bait , aoompa.n1ed by her mother, Eo.6tler sermon. Mrs. Jooe4 ' McCoY. veP,; beautUully Youth FellOWship, Tuesday evening sang ~ 'tire Y, "fWalk," .at 7'30. .:1io practlOO, w~y . Haindel. OUest8 were present from 8:00 P. M. ~n, Oenterville. londdletown. • • .. MWniSbU'l'g, Red iLI~)ll, Mason, l;ytle l!f there are <bhose who deslre a,l Id Lebanon. baptism or to be received lnto the Church. DIstler Sunday, such wUl have Ule oppontunlty. ,. •



Bible School -6:30 A. M. Conununion - 10:30 A. M. Sermon - H:oo A. M. Chrlstian Endeavor - 6:30 P. M. Evenins Service - 7:30 P. M. Mld-week prayer service 'Ibursday w~t - 7:30 P . M. • • • There were 143 present for Bible :;chool last Lord's Day morning malting our average a titendance per Sunmy for !;he mon,!;h 126 ~ or 6'12 per O'unda.y more than ·t he goal we ll1ld set. The \first three months of this year have been t!1e b 25t. in way of IIittend.l!nce of any pel'iod at Mne in the history of the church. . The ~ '&eI'YU:e w U



consist of specla!1 ,nrusa: and a sermon by 'Mr. Ria.l.dall, "'llile' Slgnificaru;e of The R _SUlTeCtJOO of Christ," In wbJch be Will .attempt to bring out Lhe absolL. te necESSity of the .resurrection of ChrISt to Ood's plan of salvation.

Our spring t!V'!loIl~llstlc meeting begins Sunda,y n ight wtlen Mr. Randall will begln his series of remlons on life of ·t he Apostle PaUl With the sermon entJtled, "Saul and Stephen," On Monday night hL-; subject will be. "lQle cOnversion of Su.ul," aald on Tuesday night. "Saul In Damascus." Mr. Olln Atwood. song evangeMst, wol.Il be 'wdth Mr. Randall begirJnIDg Monday nJgh\ • We request all our members and and each ng"t 1lhe ea.fter. constituency ,t o atltend the Easter The a:ttendaiu:e average for the A .sunrlse service will be held at servi~. Vl.s1tors are always welfive Sl.lIldays in Aprl:l has be.n set Sugar Cl'eek OIu$t1a.n Church on come. tUgh. IWe hope ·to avel'age ISO per &18ler morning aot 6 :00 o'clock. • Sunday. A goal ot 200 bas been set The chlldren and young people Everyone welcome, tor Easter and ngaln Ifor the kl.,t will please bring their coin ca rds .ElBb'ter ~ are belng planned lor bhe "cru.sade for Christ," Easter Sun.da,y of t he mon<th, the 29th. BIt. Ferry Church or Ollrht. also. Sundaoy. when Mr. ~ !Poil, one of the lian'y R. F'or<lY.Ce. retul'ned from foremoot minlst.ers of !.he Churches FIt. · Lauderdale, Fln, S ~nda.y evenST. MARY'S EPISCOPAL oC Christ in America, will speak for iDe. He spent tale willter there. CHVRCH us. Sundew dnmer guestl! of Mr. and Ralph Parka. Rector , On F!iday mght of ,this week the Mrs. Perry J. 'I1homas and son were Ohurch SchOOl at 9:30 A. M. W8/Ynesville and Ferry Cl,urches of Mr. and Mm. John Reeder, Center- Morning prayer and sermon, Christ are inv\lted to a·t Und the ville a.nd a.nd Mrs. Lawrence 111:00 A. M. Church of Christ lilt 'L ebanon for a ThOll'lQ8 of !Lebanon fellOWShip meeting Ifor ·the three Mrs. Ma4-Jorie Trost bas received The following Holy Week services 'WOI'd recently 'bha.t her lWaband. WUl be held In st. Mary's E)lIscopal churches. Mr. Burris Butler, editor of the ChrlstLan Standard weekly Forrest TraIt, was kllled in a.ctlon Ohw'oh:I eUgloUs Journa.l of the Churches of rrhursday, Ma.roh 29, cxmdlellght m Germany. Mrs. LeIgh Engle and Mr. a.nd celebl'8ltlon or the Institution of The Christ, will be the speaker. Lord's Suwer, 7:30 P. M. . Mrs. William Urscllell placed Good Frl~ BervJce. Ma.roh SO . FERRY CHURCB OF CHRIST J>\embership 'W1tIh ,!;he Sugar Creek beiinn1ng lilt 1:00 P . M . Herbert Graham, MInIster 0h:r1stlan Church. Sunday morn1ng. , ~ter ,D ay, SUIlIday, April 1. two Bible school .-: 9 :30 A. M. 'Mw the ~ they were Cltt,endsenvices of Hol;y Communion wlll Communion - 10 :46 A. M. ed Uhe dght hand of fellowship. be. celebrated - '1 :00 A . M . and Sennon - 11:00 A. M. Mr. Clarence BocIroven 1& .quite 11:00 A. M. (spectal muslc) ."Has The Old Gospel Played c;>ut." lllBJt his home 'on Spring Valley The Parisb Easter Breakfast wlll Prea.ch1ng - 7 :30 road. He was in MIamI Valley hosp- be at 8:00 Easter m01'll1nlg. Members "Wha.t· Does It Mean To Be A of the Pariah w!ho plan to 81ttend ital last week for obeerV'aotton. Christian ?" Mrs. Nathan Smith hOB &old her are asked to lnGke reservat10ns in Jll'Ope1't;y in Ferry to the Charles adwnce. "OloriOUs Easter" 18 the title of the program .t o be gtven Qt the Ferry ~ of Lebanon. . T. AUGUS'llINE CIIUBCII 'rod&y is a. l~IY clay in~. Father Krlllllhol&s, PrieM Church of Christ next 'Lord's Day . . 'I1le sun Ia Sllindng. there js e 1l101'tl!IlI8'. We halve set ou«' goa.l at ba&lmU summer breeze. and the bUds' Mass SUnday - 8:00 A. )4. , 1'1~ 8lid teel dtl&t it can easUy be' and the hens compete wlth eactI reached. 'I)he1'e were 140 In attendotnet' . for singing honors. ·Fanners an<:e at Bible school .last Lord's all ~ are plowing ' and the IF1lrat Day BChool .- 9:30 A. 1M. ha,ppy faml11ar roar of the trIIdiors .Keetlng for Worahip - 10:30 A.. M. day morrUll8 and 71 at the evening service. 1& everywhere: 6eveM1 JD tbJs MT. BOLLY .;;;oDI8T In the even lll8 ~ Mlnlster '\flU IIeJjri-bJrbciixl.. · are !laVIng hedge CBUIicB ., . p1'e'lu:h on the subject, ''TIle Glorious teDlife lJUl¥ out by ·t he COIIllty T. M. Boarff, ~ Re5UNOOtlOU." A hearty lrivitatton aatlpIDa.r tractor. NO\II if tile ,bc!!vB IJuDda,y 8Ohool _ 9:30 A. !4.


• •





were b9me ~ lWOuld tie all rII:bt 8caIn, ADd <Joel ilia. them w~ UIe,y arel


10:30 A. !4.

1& extended to all . those w.bO :want a Church tlome to came and worahlp

'1:30 P. K.

wWt us.

Eo.A. Barnhart, aupertQteDdent. Worablp

aemce -

Demo, ~ -

Soft Ball Main. Activity

Sgt. Maurice in Florida

Other Communities Are Contacted for Information

Sgt. Willis E .Maurice. 28, of n ear WaY'llesville. is in Miami. Beach, FIn ., redistribution station No. 2 Cor l'eass4,'11ment according to a repen ~ved from -th'a t point. S gt. M.a.ur1ce is the son of Mr. nod Mrs. Oh.a.rles A. Mliourice, and his wlf '. Naomi, resides 1ll Day,ton.

TenaUve plans are· in the maki ng for a s upervised program of playgroLU1d act.1v'l ty for the yo n.g people of J unior h igh r...ndHigh sohool ng es. and for Lhe church a nd civic gnl •• ps of .Lhe COl IJ1lun~ty for the com i 11 .'


On PB:iJn SIlndaoy the 50Cremellt of Baptism wns administered for seven o~ and four adults. 'I1wenty-.four were reooIved lnto the fellowship or the Ohul'ch. • • • In the evening at 7:30 the Ohoir gave a flne rendition of the Easter Qanta.ta. "The R esurrection Story,' --======~~========= by carrie B. Adams. The Church 'NUS filled tor both &el'Vlces.

Committee Appointed to Investigate Various Plans

"(' ! .



A spec.lai sel'Vi.e ot Holy CommWl.kln will be. held in St. M.a.ry·s OI1uroh on Thursday evening, Much 29, Bit 7:30 P. M. Thls .C841dle1tght service-will be a sacrement ot Holy communion by Our Lord on the before Ris ITlc morJal of the [n"lti'iiUtion of bhe cruciflx1on. The ·public is invltr: d.

L 'Y T L E

Organized Playground Activities Planned

==============- sUlllm l' momhs. Nothing dcfb ul.C has be<:n ,.e rmined yet, bu t the plinoiple activity will p rooably b Personal Notes soft-ba ll ' oh f ailles severnJ ntg.JPtli-

News of Churchs

.Maundy Thursday Observance



out ot each ~C('k. Th ese games fill ,( •. iii , ;" Mr. and Mrs. !Luther lia.r,l.s{;ck l>e so planned thaL each te entertained to dinner on &l.turday I un o PpoMounjty w pi eveh.!n.g Mr. a.nd Mrs. &a,ymond La lCM t one game each weeok • Rue, MI. 8J1d Mrs. Fred Braddock, The CIVic Club has shown ~'>'r: MI. and Mrs. WIll1am DosLer .ano lnlcrest Lu this pl'oj~t a nd has ,..,,~ta Mr. a.nd Mrs. B . 1. Hili. Mr. and chosen three men f the comml.l11!!ty. Mrs. Ha.rt6ock also had as guests to Mr . James, Mr. JOI n Turncl' EIJ1ld dinner on Sundnt' evel?J~ Miss Alice Mr. Max Ralldall ~ look lnto the Oons, Mr. and Mrs. Raymond' Bradmattel' with Lhe obJe t. ill view of dock and da.ughters, Mr. and Mrs . EU Furnas, son and da.ughtel' and such a p rogram lUldel' way. l UIe comJlll ~tee has m et once 50 fur Mr. Paul Tomlinson. a.nd has decided ,to conoo.ct vrurdous Mr. and Mrs. Jdhn Turner and Eighteenth Birthday daughter 'Were among the guests on othOl' cOlllmwllties tha.t do have Sunday when Mrs. Tluners ' parents. supervised activ lty of 't his sort to An~iveraary Obsuved Mr. and Mrs. Lee McClaln enter- lind out h ow 't1he p :u n has bct n !Honoring the eIg1l.t.eenth birlhda.y tained with a. tamily dinner a.t their cRJ'ried out ill o~her places. A.l5o, of .hnice Burnett, a canplete 6'\11'- nome near Red Lxln. T1us famiiy leLLers' h ave been wr.tten to various Under .5p·.,laor'lhiip p~ Willi planned and enjoyed on KIIlW.el'in8 was in honor of tjnc UllLiverslty Athletic d epal·t.ments Saturday n\.gIht 80t her home ~ MilClol1n's son-In-law. Sgt. P. E. about the s t.a.te wlbh the pW1JOOe of Mcbride. recently retW'lJ1ed nItel' Lytle. At a late hour Mrs. Burnett Hutq1i,inson, Speaker assIsted by Phyll:is Bailey, Nanna w·dI1ty mon:1Ihs Ol oven>oos rervice. getJng an y sl4,rgestlons they might Louella. and Ea.rl Deall Luginbuhl have. to oHel' LoDgllCl'C. and Phyllis Burnett serfor Wayne ved del:lcIous refreshments. and Henry Reynolds. all stludents 01 The above rnenMoned comrruttee Eighty.six Invited oW and remember OlllClnnDoti Bible Setn.inary spen:. is open f-or any s UdgesLiollS that any• Wayne T'JWllShip the pleasures ot ·!.he evening were: Sa.W.rda.y night and Swlday at the one of oommu.nlLy might have !neetiIlIr sponsored by Ru~ Anna Johns, EldiWYJUl Stan - IlIOIlle of MI. and Mrs. Herbert. Om- to make AdVIsory Counc11s, fOll'tlh. I..arma. Hlldebrec:ht, Dorothy ham. The Lug1nbuhls brought sevIHlgh Bc.hool oo1e- Oratulm, BonnJe Peters, Ruth, ero.I spoo1a.l muslceJ seleotiol13 at the even1ng, March 27 . lnaOruber, Ruth Helen LeMay, wOJ'6hlp services or the FeNy Church was. opened by a Hazel Vint, WtIlma Stll1Ca.ce, Raylyn s pper followed by Crabbe, Mar.tha Eaa'ly, DaJe WQ.t- .uld Brother Reynolds brought. the meet.lJlg presidoo Oller kJns. Don Charleton. Charles evening message. Mr. and Mrs. LoUIs FIres had as Mr. a nd Mrs. ,Donald Haines ell".: Pre.II!1't, . <Harold Whit- I..ao1cey, Ronaldl 'R ush, VIrgIIl Long'.ICl!I'J011l l'e6Ulted in the acre. RiSha.rd \VIh1taker, Joe Da.~. theJ.1' week end gu~t bhelr aaugh- tertalned the .folloWing guests, 'I1ues~.ltlCli·1IQI1 Mr. WhItaker for John IlAIdington and Kenneth ter. M.iss Irma ~, of tl1e Muum dn,y evening 1n 110nor of bhelir son, V8lUey NUl'IIe8' 'l'ra1nmg School. Mrs. Aldon's b1r.thda.y: Mr. and Ml·s . L. w...~ Bradl~ . ~,~p . ~ ~~-~~.~~~~~~~ Bole· Filres and . MIas 'Ji'lorllPe Fires W. Whetstone and ~, Ellen, son, state Diucatlona1 Direotor <t were also .g<I.lEISts tor Sunda.y dinller ot, ~. ' and Mrs. Luther ' tJile Fann Bureau., stressed tne need 8Itter all had witnessed the ooptlsm Raines, Mrs. Ella Ha.ln~ and 141'. of work.1ng ~ther In COI.lllC1l meetat Mrs. DorIs KC1'U1ed&'s 1nfoot ings, .townshiP. COUIlIty, state and daughter. ,M al}t Lou, the Fires' 011l~ and Mrs. MeLvin Ho1llngswart.h_- , ns.tlona.! orgaruza.tions. Elaoh contact gronddaugihter. Mr. and Mrs. ~h Bogan had makes us broader and increases our Pe.lmSunday was observed With ir41uence. Thuel we can have grEater Mrs. 'L Ioyd DaV1s 8Ild SOI13 were lIS ovel'l1~ht gue&Ul. FriC\O:1.Y. Marylin power in betJt.e:rlng the community a very Int.erest1ng program at· the Sunday dinner I'Ucsts of MIss Mar- Sue Smitlh and frie~d, J o Coe. Methodist Church w~th a very large and country in WhIcll we live. garet M8G'8 in Do.Yton and spent Mrs. Ella Halnes took dinner With Mr. J . M. Green, County Organt- att.en<i<:nce at tile Sunday lI. hool 'lille aJotemoOln 'with Mr. Da.VlS, who zwUons M~, I>'tated <the number followed by regJ\Jlar WOrship sem:e lS oont!lned at ·t ale Miami Valley hOl' sister. Mrs'. Lu Y C{)fllpton, of ¥ann Burealu members In Wayne with baptisma.l service and reception hospital. bu.t ls.improV'lng and hopes Sunda.y. . TownshJp as 86 and expI'eL'iSed the of members. A number f inIan~ to reliUm to his horne very soon. Mrs. Mary BCgan Is spendlng a hope that it be 1IlIcreased to 100 were baptised, also several adults Paul M. St. John, honaraobly ills!Cow days ' Wllh her son, R a.le1gl1 before Ittle close of <the year. and a targe cla&; of young people ·Mr. Ralph .H obson, Manager of were QdmItted as members. Special charged Ifrom the U. S. Navy. where Bogan and wl!e. . Warren courJly Farm Bureau C0- music was rel.dered 'b y the choir. he has served. a6 Instructor in the Mr. and Mrs. MeMn Hollingsop and Mr. 'R" W. Braddiock, PresAt 7:30 P. M. the Cantata, "The En@;ineering O1v1s1on of :Areonau t.i::s , worth were enter-talned ill the home bureau, made · ~ emarks and tJi'e Idelllt ot the I\~ Oount,y Fann R.eslwrect1on SWIY," ~lIS gtven by VIs.tEJd here laBt. week with hls ot Mr. and Mrs. Charles Vandormeting wa.s ad~ourned to ~ next the choir and several ~ests, dlrect- parents. MT. IIIIld Mrs. w. C. St. voort and Mrs. Jooephine VanderCd by the pestor, Rev. oR. B. COleyear. . voo.ut, Ma.rch 18. man wL11h MIss Hardin and John. ·M r. and M7'B. Charles Hagemeyer Mr. and Mrs. 'R. COmpton and -Mrs. R. lB. CoIem.a.n as aooompanists. 'I1he Progiram was opmed bY' 3. have received wol'd from their son, dnuglhter. Mrs, Marga,ret RichardY'lolln solo by Miss Mildred Coleman ~ W. Haaem.eyer, F .. 2/c, that he will rema.ln. at GreIlJt Lakes for son, and Mr. and Ml·s. Charles .Anna . Al1Jhllr, ~ed 78, passed followed by a plano and org&ll duet further t1'eJnlng-: He receJlltly re- Handman of Olnclnnabi. called on wway at ~le1' b.ome on <Rou.te 48. six -by MIss HiLrdin and Mrs. Coleman. telVed hls present ra.tlng. relatives, Sunday ad"Lernoon. Those t.aklng solo par,ts In the miles West 0[ Wa.yn~vlllf. Satur • Mrs. Oha.rles Edwards and gra.nd Mrs. Lou PlUmer of Yellow ca.ntaJte. were Mrs. John Turner, day, March 24. at D~40 A. M. son and Mrs. M.a.rgQret Ranalli IUld Sprillgs, Mr. and Mrs. Otis pramer Mrs, M. A. Fulkerson, Mrs. Oilbert She Is survl.ved by her husband. Fl'ye, A«ss Virginia. Hardin. Miss children ar ,D ayton were Sunday and Mr. Walkins of Xenia were ow' Leander; two SOIUI, Kelsey of NEW Ethel .BeekmB.n, !Miss Ruth Anna. eJ,temoon and evening guest.:; 01 guests a.t Chw'ch, Sunday. carlJs,le, OhJ.o, and Otl.s of Johns, MIss Ra,ylyn Crabbe, 'Mil'. Ma'. and M4's. Raymond Conner. Mrs. carl )"eTglllSOn, who has boou Mr. nnn Mrs. Theodore Mclnt.ll'e yUle; a.nd 'tw..o broUhers, Samuel and John Turner,Mr, Wade 'I1urner, Mr. Albert Malady, of neo.r Mt. OJab. Oeorge 'Miller. OI1hers taJdng part ill 10r bhe past lew ~, was J el11ov- UJId sons cru1ed on RaY!ITlOnd Wilson F'unem.i serv1ce8 were conduct€d were Mrs. Ea.rl COnner, MTs. K. R. ed to .the MIam1 Va.lley ih05pital on .last FrIday evening. Frickw, where her llUUly friends Mr. and Mrs. E verett Hllln. ~ and at 2:00 P . M, on TUesday. :March ~, Hill, Mrs. oR. L. Rye, MiIss Flrancls hope for her speedy recovery . Kwkpatrick, Mrs. Sherman TInney, Mrs. Ella Haines visIted Ml'S. Anna. at lJhe Stubbs FuneraJ. Home in Mrs. Wbodrow Brandenburg, Mrs. ,M rs. Herbert Gmhem and daughJacks in Wllm1ngton. Sunday aI,t.CrWlIIJ,YDesvllle. -with interment 1n the Mva Thompson, Mrs. R. B. Coletes', Bertha, left Monday moming Fmnklln OEIrIeterly. rnan.Mrs. J. H. 8aclcett, Miss Mu- for Biu1:f1ton. OlUo, to spend a te\\I noon. March 18. gwret Rose;Miss Mildred Coleman. Mrs. Glenna Wilson called on her days wj,th her parents, Mr. and Mr. E. F: 1Ea:rn!hart. Mr. Lou Prmt2, sister, MI's. Bertha Shambaugh and Mr. Heber Jl1clcson, Rev. Ralph Mrs. D . D. WIll1amson. Mrs. J,enme Braddock, Monclny Parks, Mr. C6r1 Abaecherll. Mr. Joe !MIss Aanel1a Wilcox of Mt. Vernon, Mr. ChaNes, Terrell, Waynesv11le. James, Mr. D . H. Stone, Mr. OhaJ'les New YOI1k, 1& It.he guesot ot her bro- afternoon: was 10' mally a dmitted ea a. licensed Mrs. Ed:lbh Haines attended a. thel'-1n-bw and sister, Mr. and Layreader In .t1he Episcopal OhW'ch Terrell. The Church was bea,ubiInll;y Bl'- MIs. A. W. MerrIc.k. and Rev. and oommittee meethlg in Wi11n1ngton, on PBIl!Ill SUnday. . In St. Mary's ranged Wltlh jonquils, forsythia and Mrs. R.o.lPh !Parks. Sun< a.ftemoon. Ohuroh. Mr. and Mrs. IWill Venable of The reolot' of the Ohurch. The purple cinerariM Q41.d was filled Rev. Ralph W. Parlts. Jr., read the with a. large, a.ppreclatlve aud1ence. Lebanon and Mrs. .F'lo.<i&e Carey and 'MIss LUCy Emley :spt:b(; Sunda.y George Woatel'house were Da.y<ton service of ild:m1sslon end dellvered ~bh Ma' Mrs. Harry ' ErnleJ vlsi:tors on TursdlliY. the l1CeMe IP'BoIlited by 'the Bishop Bridge Club Entertained nEal' !DOdds. of the DIocese. The at. Rev. Henry and Mrs. AlVin H. Earnh-rt Mr. WaLter Whitaker has return".. ed to hlo home acter belnlli con!lned W. HalJeon, D. 'D. 'Ihe celebration Mrs. Mark Rogers opened her and Mr. and Mrs. a.&Ma4' EamhaTt at Christ hosp.tal in Cincinnati fot or ,t he Holy Communion, With Mr. hODle on Flttih st.i-eet on FlrId av and Te%Tell eervmc as 8Ub-deecon, Col- very dellghbfiu lly enterta.lned ..... ber were SUnday dlnrler guestlS of Mr. several weeks. lowed tlhe service of ~. Bridge Club <v;Uh bwo guests, Mrs. : : MrB. ®.lrl Earnhart and ch1ldW. and Mrs. Russell Wilson nod Mr. '11enell III vel1Y ~ve In St. A. T. Polinsky and Mrs. La. Hilt . chikiren ila.d as Sunday dinner Mary'S Churob. He lB a. IDembeI' 'o f 'I tab! ,-, 1 Mr. and Mn. Earl K1t!Werln1n of guests. Mr. and Mrs. Arbhur Wll&on J the V-..... 8l .t.eadher in ~"e Church rwo es ",ere ... p flY, dUl'lng tJhe .....- . . . . . . . evening w.l th prizes won by Mrs. FranIcl1:n and Mn. Dora. ' IW1!son of of D3.yton. school and President of ,t he 'Iwenty- .A. T. Po........ ,,--,. y and Mrs. J OM K ersey. Berea. Ky., 'Were &mday ~ternoon' Mrs. .Harry Schenk and children 'lll.Ir.ty Club. ' RetreShment3 ,'wlth Easter appoint.- call~ or Mr. and Mrs. Ra,y MaInous. were Saturday evening s upper guestl! ' '. ments, were servtid by .the hostess. Mr. and Mrs. Rhoades Bu~ell and of Mrs. Leo Calmer 8lld ~ugnt.ers. .P ledged tel ·Delta Omicron _....J... ( ----daUS·h1ierll had aa g,UeSts on Sundaoy M'I's. Ch&rJes B. Earnhart · of !09'. ' 8nc1 Mrs. Obea. ·Doster Springfield was a ·weelt end guest ,Jean BaJt.aock. da.lchter of Mr. NOTICE I GRA,N GERS! evenln8. and cIaUIIbtel'a of lJa.r!Vey&tM.arg. of ,., " , and Mrs. __• B. 1Hartsock. has been . M'IIII"Pes1rY M.c<lt'egory and sister Mr. and Mrs • .c.. F. Earnharlt. Mr. and Mrs. H'arvey Rye inc! am pledpd .to De&. OmIcron. WOmans The warren oounty · AImona P&tt(y of lAal10ll iIpent 8a.turde.y are now occupying t heir new N1lIt1onaJ MIIIc IHOIarary 8oIW1tY. Grange that was w be held thJa with ~. friend, LoreI1ll:l. l;Iranden- on North street. 1KIaa ~~ Is • . aopbQmore in Sa~ JUeht. March 31, a.t lIar- burg. at W~l11e. Mls6 &Ira COlmer was a SUndar the Oollep . 01 PIDe Arts at KJam1 veysbm'g. has been po8topooed until Mrs. iLeIta' Oordtm., Mrs. CIla.rles dinner g>UlsL or W8B Ruth Belen UnlvenlCY. 0bJ0. April 14. TerreU. Mrs. Da.IeJ Snl'der aDd i1rB. LeIth.,y.

Caesars Creek

Methodist Church Observance of Palm Sunday Memorable E,eDt



Terrell AppoiDted Layreader'




The Miami Gazette






C'baJ1er No. 2220

Reeerve District. No. t grew &reasy a.ud the \\heela spun he had pa.rkied. his caz by the side accompanied by Miss Raylyn crabbe, 'round and 'round 'b ut tlhey ftn1ahed of the road he came back and he1p- very beaAlWully sang "Mol21er MaOOree" and ''The iLord irs My It. now it needs a freeze before it Is ed drlive them in~ ~ lane. Wh!oh ·Bhoepberd." worked down but a Shower or two of t:hese ,now, .thin.kest tlhou, .w s Dainty refreslunen1.s were eerved WAYNESVILLE, OHIO wUl do almost as well. 200 of the neighbor unto him whose oows dWlln4r ,t he social hour and the Club • OO1'ner post holes far a new lence were out on the blglhwny? adjourned to meet with Mrs. J . R. in the State of Ohlo; at the close of business on ~ 20, 1945, published III rcspon.~e .to call mntle. by Comptroller of ,the OWTency, under, section caDle just where :tllere was an old • • • I Updlke as hoste& a t me ·'W.ahlug !Happy to you all and to Well" In oen\.el'\'\lle, in April. clull).p of as~ . so they dug It :':211, U. S. Revised Statues. out and I am div1d1ng ~ and plant · /thoSe who won 't get Uheir pel'p er Volunteer. for Victory . ASSET8 Ing it along t4uI fence. If I cw get until aI·teI· FAster, Hn.ppy DlSter too, The . Volunteer (or Vic tory Oroop Loans and D1soounts Cdnduding $49.16 overdrwf'ls) .. •. ... •. . $ 150,140.68 it started and get some good clumps we were Ilhbrldllf! of Y?U. of War ' 'ReUer work.erS met at the United StAtes Government. obl\g&tlons. d:lrect and gwlJ'lUllteed . . 661.684.37 at l1hubaalb and 0. s tJ'lIowberTy bed home or Mrs. ROOert Gray on ThursObaga,tions at St.a.te9 ~d POUtJc:al s~viskm5. . . . . . • .. .... . .. 194,089.77 I 'WOuld < a good permanent New Century Club Other bonds, notEs, and debentUres .•. ... . ..... ... ....... . . . . 53,784.78 g1W'den The New CcnIlUry Club met wit.h day evening. DuriJ14!' the social hour COIporate stooka (dncllXllng $3760.00 IrtOOk of ~eral . Mrs. J . B. Crabbe r36 hostess. a.t her da4nty ref'reshmenl8 were served R~e Bank) .. . . . . .. . . . . ,. ... . .. ......... .... .. .. . .. .... 3,750.00 The pups are outside now and I home, on Friday afternoon. Twenty b ~.. ~ lostess to Miss Ka.bll~n cash, balances <WIth other banks, 1nicrud1ng n!serve bI1.lance, am teach1ng t2lem to run when I members 8ll8wered roll call with Y '... "'" 1 and cash items In process of collection . . .. ... .... . . ... , .. . .11~"'il6.11 start the car. I maike lIB much nome merIlOl'y gems. 'I1he program was ip Gibbons and iMesdames Charles Bank premJsea. owned $6000.00. furniture :wd .f.lx.turea $1.00 . . .. 6.001.00 as possible and they run and hide charge or Mrs, E, iL. Thomas and MaUl'lce, Paul Maurice, ~\lm Other Assets . . .............. ... .......... ... .. ...... . ... .. ... 41.80 on ~ poroh then tlley all raise Mrs. W. E. Cornell wiUh Mni. Shoup, LoNrence BJ'own, , J. E. Me TOTAL ASSETS . ..... .... ............ .......... . ....... 1,480,878.41 up Ilhetr hOOds and iook ' out. I hIId Thomas gW1ng a paper on "OUstorns Clure Charles Ellls, Walter Fmsure, a.n.d Legends or Ireland," and MI'5. I Ch.arl~ Elzey, Fred Hook and LIABILITIE8 to steal some mtlk from the twins OorneU one on "The Little Miami J ennie Conner. Demand de~ts of incllvtiualB, partnerships, wnd tJh.Is maming lor ~e Mlairtthas a.nd V6Il.1ey." Both Plpel'S were very The group will met WIth Mrs. c:o.rpora.Itons ... .. ............ .. ..... ... .. ........ .. ..... 1,098.119.87 the Georges. They have to terest1n8 and entert.aln1ng. . Obarles ElZey as hOStess ' in liwo Time deposita of 1nd1viduaJs, partnerships and eat and now we mUllt !Ind homes MiBBet; Janice and Phyllis Burnett, weeks. corporations .... .... . ........ . ... .... ................... 116,410.16 far tJlenl. Deposits or United States Government llnclucUng post&l S&vingR) ... . .. ... . .. . ..... . .. .. ... . .. .. ....... .• 36.132.40 Showers and other I.noorruptions Depo&tta of Sta.teS and POl1Ucal subdivisions .. . ..... .. ..... . 68,909.66 felll)e bUilding slow' wOt"k. My Other depos1~ (certified and cashier's checks, etc.> .. .. .. ... . 241.77 farm with all good fences Is still n TOTAL DEP06ITS ... . ... . . .. ... . . . . . .. . $1 ,3>19,813.86 dream but ~ it were t;ue even l!O TOTAL LI.ABliLI'I1I]B . ... . ..... . .. .. ... ....... .'......... $1 ,319,813.66 tile stock would stJ111 get out someREPORT OF OONDITIOPif OF

Published Every Thursday by Davison Press

The Waynesville National Bank ,.

. Floyd L. Davisson, Editor-P),lblisher SublCriptio~



Rates: Advance)


W'i thin 15 miles, $1.50 per year Beyond 15 miles, $2.00 per year

Jj:Dtered 83 Second Class MllItter at !.he Post QIIf1ce, WaynesvUle, Oh1o

Easter Morning ,


in- I

~ft~~1J;!~":; :; S:; :; pe; ; ; ;c~ia~l ~

CAPITAL ACCOUNT Stock: COmmon Stock, total par $'75.000.00 ... . . •...••.•.••.•.•. .. .


times. ThIs epIsOde might be J)(l11ed mO<ienl parable of tile Good 8a.mf1.n1,tan. A cert&in man (my tenant John) was drtving tlhe cows up the lane to past\.U'e. When they came to the open gate they fa4led to see it IIIIld continued up the Jane, out onto the ~1ghwa!y 841Id on as though -bhey were golng ,t o ~. The me.n pursued.them 't.Il he was IlIred and out of breath but he could not ca.t.cll up to otIhem. M he a

75,000.00 50,000.00 Undivtded profits .... . .. .. .. .. . .. .. .. .. . .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. . .. 36,064.51> ' TOTM.. CAPITAL IACOOUNTS .... . ............... ... , . . 161 ,064.55 TOTAL LIA!B1'L1TlEJ3 ANDCAPI'Th\L ACCOU\NT.S ... .. $1,480,878.41 MEMORANDA !Pledged assets (and securities Joaned) (book value): 'ta) United States OOverrunimt Obligations, direct and guar&nteed, pledged to 5eCW'e deposits and other liabiUties ......... ........ ..... ........... . .149,931.25

Surplus . . .... .. , . . . . . ... .. ... . .. . ..... .. ... .. ....... .. .. ...

other assets pledged to secure deposits 841d other llab1l1tles (including notes and b1lls redlolilcount4ed o.nd securities sold Wlder repurchase aireement) . ... . (e) 'I'()l'AL . ... ....... .. ... . ......•. . ..•.. . • •.. .... ~ . . . .

In the early dawn. There was always a paT'llde just i:lefare noon. Then, maybe, you got In !nle for ca.rry1ng wa.Ulr to 1lhe elephants. An ele-

phanlt's thirllt 18 hard to queooh, but it W1l.S woot:h ,to Remember?


eon The Spotl We have very

pUlff'ed up the .road a man in a car 6,000.00 came &long MId, Wre ofJhe priest. of 154.931.25 old, he passed 'him by on the other side. A man came o.long in a m1Ik Secured IJa.bllitles : trook and 11kewtoo. like the Lev1te «(1,) Deposlts secured by pledged assets PUl'SWUlt to 97,345 .40 of old, he pa8Sf:ld him by on the requireIneW of Il:Lw . .......,.... ... . . .. ........... .. ,('<1) TOTAL . .... ... . ...... . ..... . .................. . ... $ 97,345.40 other slOe. But aooUler man 'in another mllk truck came ,t o where be State of 01140, COunty o! W orren, 8S: I, Ross H. HIIII1.sodt, !Piesldent. of tlJhe above-named bank, do was and had campaa!ilon on him solell'lnly swear that the above staoI.em.ent is true, to It lbe 1bel.1. of my and stopped. 't ook him down the road unbU he WIlB past the cows knowledge and belief. ' ROSS H. HAlVll:3OIOK, Pm;ld.ent o.nd oOU1d ,t um them Ixlck and when

tll:1ni8 that. concern per8OJls. With m.Ia- this OOllIdWon exlst1ng we are aslUng take.. A ,~t ~ot be rec- t!1at all our subscribers check up on t1t1e1d Jt.hrough ,t he usual chBnnela the name In which taleI.r pa.per is at "We are 8CJftIY." It fa one at tho6e being malled and 11 it is l.lBOOd under thinp tbat come up every 80 often the name of a deceased pemon, that 8IlEIIW1g~ caWt be -helped, but pIe a s e, have it o'hanged to the never-tale-kas it placee ODe in a oarreot name at once. It wlll save made '"


moat ~ position. ~t 8Iet'.Ola that In ttI11a 1nstance we 1nAd~ Ineerted in these columna .tile nome .af a. person -tha.'t hBII ~ since gone to their final rest. Th1a IOIf ClOI1I'8e caUSElll close rel\Itives concem and in our case deep l"E!8II'6t. In the final analysm of tlbIa putIcular case we find tha~ ,t ile name at1ll beln8 c:an1ed on t.he ma1llng Ust 'WII8 naturo.ny lUlI!l\IIled to be in order amoe we lire yet ~ 4n a. triendlY OObUX\.UIIlty. In time learn to know aU at the people In our OODUJlUD1ty. We IWW &lao leam more about them. 10 a. manner that IW111 enable ~ to OOmotly spell their names, ~ ~ 'they 11ve, 'WDl8t thetY' do, and


more or lea! tJbe1r




iUnt41 such a. period has had t1me to develop, we are golne to be at a klI8 in many cases as ItO the proper orQer at ~ thing8, e.spec1ally

us possible embarrassmenlt In the ruture and wW abaw due respect \() the 0ne8 that have passed on.

B. Hal1t6ock Prealdent




eNumberitil 1 rlgQlt answer

to the question of the

lIIuthEln.Uclty at ,t he proper Whole Number tor the Miaan1 Oezette. We are told the first edition of tlbe M1am1 V1&1tor WIIB publlsbed on FebnJaay 2, 1850. Now, all we have to do is count ,the weeks beli\ften tihat date and otIhls and we w1ll have it ~ly right. Haa tI.JlY(me a. good perpetual c8lendar they can loan 'US tor a tew monb untU we get tb1s thing .figured aut, or, better still, some of ithe readers with 8. naturftl ~t.t.tude tor figUres . might taU on the job. Remember, leap N8II'8 could ffiIIlke a,. diUerence ~ the 00WlIt.

A Thimbleful of ~




WaynesvlUe, Ohio

~~=====~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ' :!.• - - - ~~~~~~~~~~~~.-.u~._I...







by D. l. FRAZIER


Much U, IN5. • Porsyt.h1a. everywbeIre. 'IbJ8 year the bu8bee are a 80Ud m&8s of gokieo yelltJW: The hedge &I<1n6' Duke's peach orchard 1& so ,t wl tIlaJt you can .not see the trees wide and 80 .tJh1clt that you B, LiII;'" B. awnot ~ where one blilih . ends It wasn't so many years ago that OIIlQ the next be8tnB. J.t. 1& a golden constipation a fairly common Wall. The pastuNS look green but difficulty withwasbottle·fed babies. ,the gTa.S8 ja stIR pre". t)' ~ tor Since orange juic'e and other foods a cow «) book her t.ogOO ~'OU.I1Kl. are now started a,fter the first few weeks, babies do not · have much Three more da6"8 of rain th1a week. trouble of this kind. At thia'.ra.te we should soon make up Even if boiled milk is used in the formula, orange juice generally Eome af last yE6l"8 defk:1ency.

clam-up day. The OO:Ys came over and now ,t he raspbel'ries been cleaned out and the feed room swept a.nd the yard raKiedI Last but not least DlN Barden baa a good . layer 'o f manure on it. . Now to get it plowed and plan.ed before t.he first of Apnl. 'IlhjIn to flit Bmld WOlTY all of April far fear. we 'Will have' a Id:lling fI'06t, but planted or not, we w1l1 dO thM. TIlt! garden dioesn't matJtel we can replant thlllt but the fruit I Will M; or wont it kill Ule peaches? 1942 we had a Il'rut that kllled the fruit the nineteenth of April. 1943, snow W'IlS

Aprtl 15. 1942 snow very cold, below 25, March Mar b 31. 24 liMO, and 25. So you see j,t could be almost. anytblng, it II1lI&tlt even be pleasant.

years oeo. Today's pa.ra1lel would hlNe found h1ln rtdtng in an old Ford. No, Ghat 'WOUldn't do for the colt af an BB8 on whlob he sat WIlB young and had never been ridden upon, 80 perilapll. )t woulc1 be a new jeep but tbe ~d& wouJd be DWdl tile same kind of people. 'there wou1dI be 110 p8JmB but in a c1ty tha'e ~ bave- been a shower of

to operate a CASH CREAM Buyinlf Station and will ~eive Cream .tartin&,

Saturday, April 7, 1945. ('O;Pen daily thereafter )

:'Brin&' your next can of cream to me on trial

- --- --.

_ I


~y .blank

. . •




AerO Hdwe. . ' .. from ' Fairley . M

tom-up ,t elephone books and ticker .t.ape end n~ doubt He would have run o.1oul at ,t he IWlIlorl.t1es before lo~ pe~ · it rnAgbt' have been as tlhe poet iKenD.edy p1clW'ed ~ in '''QlU18t in 1.AIodDO':- "They only P88Sed HUn by," rio shouting

muJt1tude, no


EvanJeUatlc 8ertlce .. ,." .•. "... 8:15 P. M. Sermoa, 'The Olol'loUa 'BesarrecUon"

.... _ _ ....--.....,

• .

• -e-


Monday, March N, IHS. They plOw... ed ~ . PRIeD. othJII ~g . . J'UBt u Ul~ were IWIOl1dDI' a ~ ~ but they finiabed · it.-

takes care of any tendency toward constiPation. If that is not enough, one ot' the specinl baby cereals may be added earlier 1~ban 'would other, wise be done. With a baby too young to be given semi-llolid foods- although the commercially prepared strained foods and the special baby cereals can safely be given after the first month - changing the form of I!ugar used in the formula may be all that is necessary. If the milk ie thin and has little cream in it, you might add about an ounce more of milk and decrease the waler in the form"la by the saine amount. .. A little more orange juice, or oran,:re juice In the morning and a little prune jUice or strained prunes at another meal, may do the trick. It is seldom that real constipation is troublesome after the semi. solid foo~s, I.e., the baby cereals and strained (oods, have been added to the menu. And remember, unless it III renlly constipation, which is rare, don't , worry. If there Is cause fOl~ worry, your doctor should be told. On the other hand, any signs of diarrhea 8hould i>ereported to t111e baby's doctor and his advice followed. It is not ·safe to delay or to experiment when a baby is ill at al1 and diarrhea is an indi(~ation of illness. But if he's ill-give him two cerealR at alternate feedings. The two-cereal idea makes meals more interestinl1:.






. other Even1nas by ApP01nltment

_ _ _ _ u_ . .


Dr. C. E. Wilkin Optometric Eye Speclau., Z8 8. Detroit Bt.

Por Datell, Phone 2894, Wayn..v1Ue, Ohio. Reverse Charles




Now, "".r ••h.... v.r ••f.r.,

fwtI' ....... f

---_.- .. RUBBER



.,-.d ""1Iy _

........f .... deyl

1'hore'. fl.



.'".r ..., ..... ,. I e'. foo4 • w.... 0.. I', • '.r .....rl ......... ,." with


to ... , ....cotl to lICIt'on a. ..." ••• rtllla ... 'or .11 cro,I-1IfI4II

r ... .. ,•• , ,.,.",••,


c...... p




II ••' .'••' ".".P ::;:::... .., ....., ..........,..".... .-r:: ...... .



, .. It.".r r •• u'I •• A.k your

."HIt ...........


Made To. Order

. . . . . . , ...IU&on ...........

. . .IIOW " - ' " ....

Good Service,


...... you .....•

The Miami Gazette

------_11_0_"_ ..--- _____ 6_1.II_a_1 _11 __ u_.-. t


... a_JL_ -



_.. __

__ E _0 __ .u •••• '.'_11_'., ••• __ ••





'I!II ________

U_' •.• ,

Place Your' Order lor .




Fertilizer will be very scarce, So order noW' and be lure of ~btaining your need.

.ff N.CE '. Barbed Wire · 'GALVAN'IIfO ROOfiNG





Buy Now For Sprinlf Needs

f!airley Helwe. ~ SIQres-





1-~ ~moona except

AUCTIONEERING Stanley and KOOlfler

Honel. Cow., Hog. Calvel, Sheep, etc.


Phone 2441


.~e ~ Im.;~~~~~~~~~~;.J1


7-9 Saturday even1nc



HEVERSE Telephone Claar...


WHOLESOME ~ PASTEURIZED PASTEUIUZED . MILK DAIRY PRODUCTS for Your Protection Phone 2537 Waynesville, Ohio

Quick Service , . R£MOVED

9-12 each

Help The Red 'Cross .War Fund Drive


throng 'WhiCh went out to meet Jesus outside at Jerusalem so many

Beatrice Creamery Co.

an. _


. EYenm.

I.,..,,'"~....,..,.'''''''''''''''''''''''''''' ~

,~, a WQl'm sunny P8IIm Sunday. !o.t SUJ'ldeQ Bcbool we tr1~d to picture o~ aa part of that


Easter Procram ...... . 10:30 A. M. Youth Meetlnp ..•...... . 'J:30 P. M.



to CREAM Producers

Waynelville, Ohio

Communion and Spedal


• • • Sunday, Mareb 25, IHS. It W1l.S truly

e e e

Gibbonl Bldg.-North St.

BIble School ...... ..... . 9:30 A. M.


Waynesville National Bank

Waynesville ftirnHure Co.

Worship The Lord- at the Ferry Chu~ch of Christ next Lord's Day

I.ft.1Ift."""""''''''''. . . .~''''''''~,~


• ONE DAY we overhsrd somebody r,ay ",I t 'W88 suoh a !IlD&Il miIJtter, I didn't want to bother tlhe bank. about it." • Bother us? Man alive lta no bother. That·s W'hM we are here fur-to be nelptul whenever we can -in evel'Y way we can. • So whelher you want a -bhimbleful of service or a heaping moosure, we. cord1al1y 1nvdte you to drop in and see us often.

Telepbone 2251


Do this, please, without delay.

Our number is upl Again! 'l11WI time it is poIISible we the

.Tapestry Living Room Suite

SWorn to and subscribed before meL./lhls ~ dial)' of March. 1945. ~=====================~==~;'\ H. GORDON, Notal'y P llblic I , (SEAL)



Telepbonco ZZ91 WaynftvtUe Ohio



•• -

- . -- - --

_- •-• -

• ..-. -. _

-~ -




- -. -- -_- . -

8 - _ - ~ - _ - _ - _ .... -_ - _ - _ - ta • -_ _ a- •-• ,,..

5· •• • ..








)1 C.Mellala C. COnover, dec'd. Frank Ande.aan, admJ. mea bond fOl'



OUve BNCe and ·Ka~ 'Anan FI8her 10 suan rw. BcanJUl and Joeeph M . Hatfield: 30, paper mtll, Nlia Femle f'aUle.Iota 3 and 4 1n · . F'TanItlln; Edna. C. C!I\I18ma.n, sa, W~~. FUlOkiln. WflIi.Des Kable 1.. Sm1th to FM11n and W1lbu1' Lewis, lot '7 10 ~­ REAL ESTATE T~SFE~ burtr. Charles R. and Olive N . HettingDenzIe 11. Stone and Fr&rilr C. er to, George and Eldwarc1 01llIlanc1. BrlidbUl'l', lot. 1 in Lebanon. 26.95 IICTe6 in W~ Twp. Qla.rle8 E. 0ib0me to ,H e.rrelfanaGeorge R. anc1 Lois I. Henkle to stanley> IH. W'ld El1za.beth H, Mal'key, Della. A4.1nWda, Iota 46, 47, 48, 411, " 50 in Salem 'I'wp. lot 246 in Lebanon. Charlotte I..ou1Be Nunlist to Ddon I&utherford O. and Oor& B. Moler 1\.0 Ralph E. East.Ings, lot 7 and Sbu~ta. lot :H7 in ~. 8 in W41YnesvUlle. Melvin E . .and Elaretta Balter to Charles A. and Blanche E. Wade Leo 1... KlIItt. 8.18 lWJ'es in Washt.o Odus and BessIe Hoblee, lot. 6 '" 7 ingWn Twp. m Waynesville. Freet Kahn to Leroy J . and Joan Oharlee I&ye to FnInIt BIld lAwra Ann Wolfe, lot 1 in Lebanon. Hobbs, lot 3 In Waynesville_ 0lMle Bl'iJJlqer to Ira 'nIldl, 1 Oharles R. Sellers to Helen E. Sellers. 134.34 acrES in Turtlecrlek acre in PraaWJIn Twp. Mary Creigbton to Everet.t BenTwp. St.lnley H. MaTkey to DeUos M. net.t, lot 76 in Morrow. EttA B. t&n1cIt and John PhiWp and Rachel E. Worley, 48 acrea 10 I.e.rrick to CiIWdIA B. Surface, lo~ 'l1Urtlecree1t TWp. . Ja.ckBon DlUe to Desdamona. Reo- 710 in lAIbanoa. sluI.w, lots 66, 67, 80, 81, 214. 21~, 226, CARD OF THANKS 227 in Ha.m11ton 'IlWp. Stella M. Hunt. ana ElI2Il,be«.h H . I wish to thank all the QII1I'aIliIaBa.Joer t.o Jluna Thcmpson sn&Whan, tiona, fTIendI IUlIC1 neJiphborw tor lot 500 10 Franklin. the1r lovely CU'd&, floweni -.ncIlett.era Ernest R. smder to ~ett Sn1det" sent me whUe conflDed bl OluUt and MIs. Laura. CU'tlter, )at. '" 10 HOBpltllll, Cinclnnatl. Lebanon. walter H, Whltater




H1llu'c:\ aDd AmMcIa Ambuqy to Olay 1UpIer', 2 ' acreI In JI'rankU.ri


J. O. DeF'<i.sset va. OS-a.r C. De · Fooset, et aI, Federal Land Eat Ie or Lou4sv1lle, Ky, dlsmlased 86 party defendant, leave of 30 dcl.ys granted to J. G. DeF'<lsaet to We AMII'e. und Cross-Petltl n. Roealle Me.steJl!J vs. WIll1am Masters, di voree to platn.tlff, l.h1 drt.n ID plamtitf, defendant flo pay plaint1!f sum of ~O per mc.nth, C06t.s paJd. 'IboIna.s J, Whitacre va. Hazel WIh1tacre, divoroe to pla.1nt.lff, deCendent. restored to former r.arne. oost8 pa1a by plaJ.ntut, Eunice Wilmot va. K.eJmetb C. Wilmot, dlvorce to p :aintlCf, chilc1 to pl.aJntiff, defendant to pay pl'aintWo $10 per week, defendant to pay

couragement. "This is true even in the big Southwest costs. -tram the Ozarkl Lena C6.1n va. Walter ca1o. divorce to Texas-the Cot,t.o plamtill, cb.ldren ,bO pl<l intl1f, tonwood ·trail that GMUltlandRice defendant to pay plaintiff $15 per gave basebaU such week, defenda11tt to pay C06ts. men as Trls Speaker, Rogers HornltHelen Louise AbSilear VB. Herbert by, Dizzy and Paul Dean, Carl Hub- 'Ab6hear, divorce to Pla.1n·t iff, childbell. Pepper Martin. I could name ren to plll.inW1. defendant t.o pay a hundred others. Including Bill pla1nt.1ff sum of $15 per week, also Dickey from Arkansas and .Lonnle $50 for expenses and C06ts. Warneke, the toba cco chewing champion tram Mt. Ida . PROBATE CoURT o! the of: "SOU baU, lootb.IU and other In t8le Elsie Min.tkenbaugh, dec'd. net llporla have started Ireplaclne baserrbl.lI as a recreation for the younl'- V'QIlue of estate II 12995.55. George Thorp. dec d . personal sters. They like base~ball and would rather play It If the:v only had the property ·t o sell lilt pl'Iivnte sale tor chance. Tbla wID be· the ble job ot Dot. less 1lI»n the 81ppralsed va.lue. lorida Erd. dec'd. Executor [dIed any new com mills loner we ml,ht name. He mUst olrelr and work oat OOnd for 1120.000. !.are IVl1ns, dec'd. Ell.i s tvlns apa plan that wm ,Ive YOWl&lIierll all pointed executor of tJhe estate. over tbe country thlll chance." Harry IA. Jones, Elvalols J . Horne, We have been hammering with adm.• net value df estate is .185.23. ~hat punches we bad left .Iong these same lines, rel:elvlng no sup· port except trom Pittsburgh and De- HOUSEHOI,.D GOODS and troit lind a few individuals like Jack ANTIQUES AT AUCTION Waynesville MethOdIst Church Coombs, the old Colby Carbine. will observe Easter SunClI.Y with a Loeated In Wayne.vlUe, Ohio on ' program beginning with Sunrise baseball coach at Dulke. Serv10e at s:lx-thir.ty A. M. 'I'h!s will Neglect Schoolb1oY5 Route '73. 2nd bouse Eo of Main St. SeUine on AC)Cloun~ of My Husband s ' " be a. devotional service with special Baseball. ye.a r after year, haa Deatb. mWiI.c 10 Ilharge of the Youth Fel.lowship followed by Easter gone to sleep in this important de· BrOOikfast seven-fl!teen. Everyone velopment-and this in.e ludes base· Saturday, March 31, 1945 baU's Big Three. These three have SALE TO START AT 1:00 p, M. Is 10vited to this and the breaJdMt. A.t nine-thirty, Sundaiy run the game ably in other respects. 12 ft. Table; 0 Chalrs; Buffet; Glass school will 'op: n with Mrs. Raymond But . they have all f'a llen down on ' Door BOokcase' 11 Iron Bed ' Wood bullc1ing up and bringing basebaU n..... Ma.ttresa' il<l S ......... : 000d CoMer as supel'intendent, a.t which to the kic1s tram the~ ages of 12 to ......... a p.-... , tlme the youtlh of the church wUl 16, many. many thousands 01 who/ll Oek Rocker; 5 Rockers; 1 light Oll'l, bl'ing t4le1r coin; CII.l'ds for the would rather play ba:seball than anl' Dresser; 1 IDa.rIt Dresser; 1 W~h "Crusade for Chnst," followed by. other game, but rarely get the stand; Kitchen aibinet; Kitchen worship servl.ce at 10:30 A. M.. wibh chance. - Range; 2 SWids; 50 cup COffee special Easter music and Easter C~owded cltles-Iack of space- Urn; CIoOi1c1n8 UtensI.IB; DJshea end &elmon by the .pastor, Rev. R. B. lack of any help or cooperation on Antique Dishes' Ce.rpets· A Lot of Coleman. Anyone Wish10g to unite the part of baseball leaders-these , . with the ohur.h ,w ill be admttted have all ftgured In t1:le decay of the Qua.r-t; 0Uden Plow; Scales; game', ,o-called "grass root.... LlalWn MOwer; Rakes; Ma.ttock; during this serv1ce. They have' either fornotten all about DI&8«; A Lot of 8rn&l1 Toola, Saw:; the kid., or elae theY' have been too and 0t2le:r 8moll .Ar1Jclee Too Nwnebortsillhted to face the major prot>- eroua 'Ib M.entlon; UbralY, Table ; Cherory Drop ilaf T6ble, 150 years Route %, Lebanon, 3 Mile. 'Eas& Leb- lem of the game. The new commissioner must be old; sewing YbdUne; Electr4c an6n on Oreronla ReI .. Is Proct'f'JI8one who can rebuild baseball tor the Clock; Kdttdlec Clock; canned Service. FeMurina' Jobn Deere klds-anc1 that will be hi. mo.t 1m. (]()ods; Tractor and Jmpkment Par18 and porlant job. It will be ·. job' no on. Ooocl AlumJnum Ware. Repairs •• , Is A Veritable Farmers' in baseball has eve,n approachecl, Tenns: CASH Headquarters, As They Offer A Fine barring the few pIacl!a I have men. Mrs. Wm. Coleman, Owner Service • • • Keep In' Touch With tloned. There are millIon!! of kids who F. T. MartIn a c. E. Rlesau. Aact. Them As Tbey Have Tb. woulc1 like to play baseball-who '705 001DlD.erc1a1 Bid,.. Daytoa. O. hnplementa As Faat As They Are never have the challice, And any.tD 3661 Cen&enlBe 7021 Releaeed • • • Are Helping ~uc\e one with. hall l1'ain ot intelligenc~ Sam In His Propam to Increaae knows that It • kid from 12 to 111 NonCE OF APPOINTMENT yean old doe.n·t have the chimea EDoutor Food ProdUction ••• Tel. 4'76·X. to play baseball, he will never lei Estate of Jame. W. Ward cItceued. The !Banta Implement 8erv1.ce at anywhere in the g.nrle, NotI.ce 18 hereb)' given dlo.t. Lebanon Is . \l promoter of modernFootball III different:. You can ta/ie Isadora Ward whate poet offl.ce adIsm in agri(lulture and Is· head- a haskJ YOUDI tellO'll' .round 18 or dre<;& Is Waynesville, Ohio, !has been quarters for the John Deere line 19 who never law .'olo&baD aDd tara d~ appo1nted aa executrix of 1m es1Bte of James W. WBJ'd late of ·tl18.Ctlor a.nd implement ~ts. him IDto a lI'ea& tackle or • creat W~n COunty, Ohio, dec:eaaec1. p.rd. EtpeclaUJ U be Ia hi, aDd As soon 88 the implement6 are 't his 9th day or MArdl, 1946. You can't do that with a b.... Dated Ralph H. Qlrey, released will have them and b.D pla,er_r· a ,ollrer. The l1'ea& .Judge of the Probate Oourt tfney are planning la.rger head- baseball pla,er. com.e Dp •• ideiiWa.n-en Oounty, OhIo qua.rters iri !Lebanon for wes BIld wbo pla,ed &be I.lllie. TIle rrea& S1anley & eaa.nley; .Altt}'ll. 29 service. J.t will be well worth your ,oHen ap .. Cladclle_Ba.... Barnen. Ouimet. Jlire_D, Ho~ to keep In touch with HarQld Chick EVaDIJ, Goodmaa. MeSpah • A. and Estel O. Banta to get your Jolum, FarreD. Ban.,. Coo~. order In for lmproved labor sa vlng





------II?-_____•___ • DINNERWARE AT KROGER'S ~il!I:'! .•~ ••

SOLD DRESSED ONLY No orders lakeD afler Saturday BOOD of each week

Methodist Church Easter Services


~_~:;:::::;::;:~~~~::~~~~;:;:;;:~~~~~;;:;:;~ -



' Enr,Ched3"'" CLOCK-Sliced LY~

CAIE -=,; gg:q


I ..







Orange JUICE


.... :1 c:. ...





TEA . 'AGS~ · . ,







__ a M ' "

AT THE "Friendly Store"

OME FURNISHINGS!' "Hud-To-Get" Items






LAMPS (Floor &lui


STUDIO COUCHES (Fully Sprinc Fill... )


STOVES "Complete Home Furniahe..."



Must Start Early


• •• ~'::~ •• KARD SYRUP •• ....... • • 5 .C. C. FLOUR •• :::-.:. •• 25 ~ $1.09 II..


".! a.t Main S.....t at Whiteman"


[ ~rape Fruit Juice_ .. ,. ~ARGARINE






Max W. Randall - Phone 2985

Banta Implement Service

COFFEE ~;:I;: 3:!i S9c 2'ge B·READ",ot.


IACARO.I c..;t;!.c,.. 1 ,':•. 110 RAISI.S ~L~'" ...... 140 BEVERAGES ~~~,r 14.::;. QUICI .oATS Ccj:t" 'f:r. 14e IOToR OiL,!:,~~~,o 10g!;'S1.95 LAYER CAlES eJc=:.r 1e·30c S.IDERS BEETS i:'~:'.. 1,'1;; 1~e POP COR. H... ~.~. 10 ~. 15e EGG DYE ...... ....10c . FERRY SlEDS s:::.:y~.. o.::;~ 1Oe PORK I ' BEA.SJ.....·• Her.! 100 IAV' iEAIS .= :.5':' .50 DillED PRU.ES ~ I~ 15c CRACIERS t -r.. lie


They are aleTt 00 the needs of t1he fa.nners to produce for Victory and are reil< an excellent serv1ce to 'k eep equipment in good condition for !Jbe GW'6.tJon, They have a large line or ~G.r.ts and supplies and repadrs.

When you ,take your tractor or lmplement to 1lhem you wi 1 know t.hIloi you will get the genuine part bhat a.ll ':Nork will be IICOW'1l.telY done and . you caD. !have the contidence tlJa,t .the ms.chinery will operate w1tJh ~t6 old tlIme eff1ciem!y. ''Food n~ For Freedom" .is the Importo,nt .slogQn .t.he6e daY!! ~d .the government is the

call tor an "a.ll-out" for 1ooreIIe1oa.. the 8IlPply of food lor our coi.Jrvtry and BDies, So it behoo.•'e s every t'aI1mer to do b1s best anu pot a.ttempt .t o operate a faulty tractor " nor a. pa;r.tIa.lly eKJclent implement vmen ~ good lIe'l"\'loct. In p..uts and ·r epairs are 80 oooven161ltly a.t



Baseball and ,011 lire gamel' 10U mUlt learn in early y,o uth, Football 'can be picked up later on. Gall b.. .been given a big break. Baleball basn't. I don't care whethe:r the new com.· missioner I. Jim FarJ.ey, Edlar Hoover or Ford Frlck.-oz· aome on. elle who bal the relpect pf the ban'play. en and the .pectatoz~.. All I know I. that hi. ftnt Job will be- to or,anlze a new youth movement for baseball, which (outlalde of Pitta· . bUl'gh. Detroit .nd IJ~ .certain ' Ioca· tion. where the Amlerlcan Lalion haa been an active '",)Dlor) h .. been almo.t completely Qlverlooke4, al. thol,lib tIla two bl' ,leaaue. have each contributed $2UIOO to this fund. Certainly there ha. been no help from the two major I.e.aue. qulalde of thl s contrib ution land Utna belp from any of the mlnelfl. III many ... clUe.. It be admlttecl Oiere is Btu. hom kft where tile C&III pIaJ~,t PD, cobbl....... direet. or ..... haunted b, a.toaa,bll_ Bat..,. . Is .U~ ' ap&oe eMIII'b left ID tile 11:1.1~ ed lltates .. .... be,, . fiolD 11 .. '18 a ~. . . play l'-eebaU. I ... lUll • aU'" OMI. Uaat oU . ., 1...... 18-year-old ~l'. . .Oed te .... . draft. oYer ..... are . . . . . baCk •• plaplcaDJ DIIt. But .. clIfBc:ult matter to let anyone intere.ted' ID thls problem. . Arm:! .nd na.". .ay· they are too bUIf tr)'in, to a war to bother . • bout the lituation. ,~thl••roup II too YOUDI for aport p",moten to' use .. mODe,.-maketl•. ·Beslde. :BreadoD, 0/117 wrry MacPball and · Horace Sltoneh8m Hem to think ~a1 part of'1th~ dulJ ~ . the new commll.loner mould be th., Of' tr)'ln, to febuJld the wanlq athu.lIam for the ,&mll In the hlp achools and the con.~I'" and ·..eII the, C8!1't aene I to bow the lbouId 'be worked __ ~



MAX W. RANDALL Evanplia. The · Evangelistic sermon each night will be developed around some phase of the life of the apostle Paul. Each sermon will be soul stirring and inspirational.


'*' In &be eoaa...,. Service n.t S.tOfi..



You Are .liivited To The


IJft Wire .... ~"",e. All or~UoD neeon4 .. 'DOIle. SCdeIIJ lIIIIpIIon tile aD .,.... ........

MR. OUN- ATWOOD - Son. Mr. Atwood is a young man with an exceptionally fine voice and a pleasina personality. You wi11 enjoy singing under his direction and will thrill at the a·p eel.·. songs he will sing eaeh night.




Waynesvjlle C~Urdl8f Christ~

April '2nd ·a t .8

0 .' dock


Senjeea Each Nilht Except Satunla, ,



' Shoe Store.\ n S Garso

• APR.l lL

are not g>1 Ing the proper 6upport. wlLU 1ille lt wses

~ecome n~vtlted.

, _ _ _ _ • • • w • • • • _ _ _ ~_. _ _ _ _ • • •




2§, -


• • -~-- .~.~

Wa!'nt£Sbille <!Cburcb of ' ({brist

TIred feet, PIUns In the . , etc., directly attribl ted to lmproper ' ~ .:;.;.w.w",.w.w.w.w.w..w,:," Max' Randall, Minister Telephone 2985 Shoe Htung. Here. ilaOll i.adivldua.1 l1ttUlg Is nlade w11Jh the a.lleviab1ol1 Sermon TopiclI: of the troUble in view and your Morning, "The Significance of the Rellsurection of Christ' shoes will have tlhe proper supPort Evening, "Saut and Stephen" !lind in 0. lIttJe tdme you will 'notlce Kenneth Hili, Mgr. -:- WAYNESVILLE, OHIO mUOll unprovemenrt. In wo.lklng a.nd Christian Enaeal'or - 6:30 P. M. Bible School - l ) :30 A. M. general relle! from th(l trouble. Evening Service - 7:30 P. M. Buy War Bonds and Stamps at Our Box Office Communion - 10:30 A. M. A ~Ide from tlhooo who know ohe y Mid-week prayer service .n<> PAUL HENREIO BING CROSBY lire at present suffering from poor- ~-;;;;;.,;,;,;;.;;,;,,;,;;;,;;~====1F====T====:=========j;===~~~~~~~~= Sennon - 11 :00 A. M. Thursday nIght - 7:30 P. M. ly t1tted shoes o.ll persons who rure TUES MON WED THURS FRI SAT SUN aooustomed to be OIl their foot 111 3 4 5 2 6 7 1 tlle dally routlne 01 llle should give FUN If or the YOUNO FOLKS ! attention to this before -their n.rches O 'A.r<tega and Ills all-girl or- Western? Yes! Laugh.s Galore · IJI\ve way and serlous COImpHcations NO chestra m&te this deUghtrul But on a hi gh bUdgot ! ~ set in. "A Stll.oh 111 Time saves LA UREL & H,ARDY in John WaY1le--8telJa RI\.Ines In SHOW enOOl1ta.1runent. \ 'You Can't Ration Love' "GREAT GUNS" Nine." \ "Tall In The Saddle" \.~, .. w:1t.h Betty :Rlhodes & J ohn n" Oorrective root\\'~r not nat Alae: ea.rtoon \Iond News Johnston. GOOD SHOW Also : T coh . Muslcnl fJarade inside like ol·dinn.ry shoes, \)u t tU II shaped to fit bile curved oI .lJll C -==-=-- -==- =- = -boLtom o! your t ecto-t.hc EWl6wer to r permanent foot comfort. OFFER They have made n sclim,tifIc .s tudy HUzeCM4irle -Gol'Such - spent : o! !.he bwnan foot and nre Sible to the week end wiUl her plla'ents, Mr. SA TIS'F ACTORY cxplrUn ea.c.n fitting 111 det.a.1l as they and Mrs. Leslie Got'Sudh. p lan "he proper shoo Cal' yOll, SERVICES Mr. and Ml'S. Bert BunneLl and Mr. and 'M rs. MillRrd E~'lI 1 5pent AT ALL TIMES ANNUAL FtN~"IlCIAL REPORT SLU1CIay wUJl Mr. and Mrs. Clyde WAYNE TOWNSHIP BllrulelJ and family of Dayton. WARREN COUNTY, 01110 ~car(ure ~onte Mr. and Mrs. WaJter PCeUlea- n.nd For The FIHcal Year Endllllf DECEMllER 91, 1914 d ughter, Jane, spent Sunday afterDial2111 Waynesville, Ohio PopulaUon 2526-1940 noon with Mr. and Mrs. Oarl Pfeiffer ~======================: _ =and family of ,M iddletown. • -C-LA8-~SIFIE --D-BA -TES---'l'-h -r-ee -Iln-e-s TotaJ Se.Jaries and Wa.gCS ===-========= - - _. 21st Di.trict · In.specti01U:i , Mr. Ililld Mrs. R oy BUlUlell (lnd .. 25e. i:ae~ adc1lUonal· line 5c• .( Five !Pa.1d 1J'I1ring the Yoor worda to .a l1ne) .Three or more In1944 ...... .. ..•. .. .. .... $5,429.96 Order . of the Ellstern Star 4'mn1ly "'MId Mrs. Mary senio 1/3 If Tax ' Valuation . , .... . , $3.261 .645.00 " of M1ddietown, spent Sunday even ~._ _DII--.:...,_ _0_ •.-,:._ _ _ _ _ _ Tax 'L eVy ••••...••.. . •••. . .•• '2.50 ~BERlI'A MiENDLINO lrg with Mr. and Mrs. Bert Bunnell. by M.I'Il. Walter Kennell · WANTED TO 4 or 5 room houae. Oontaot Thomas IWokll. Waynesv1l1e, 0h10 W~~ ' ~rand Matron Mr. and Mrs. AustJn Conner tUld Wata' Street, Waynea'vllle, O. 29p MarCh 28, 1945 MiILDRlEo HA:fjJMOUl'l'l' daughter entert:nilned 0. group of ![ Glereby certify the !following Mr. Robert Hunt reoe1ved word IJ'lends and relatives. Sunday. 4% FARM WANS - Long te-l'ln, report. to be correct. Sa.lrurdny. of the de8lth of his slater, 'Deputy Grnnd ~tron easy pawmentl!. No Ilppralsa.l fee. MAYNARD F . WELTZ, Ma'. and Mrs. Morris Lewis of M t . Also nJce &mall and large farms Townsh1p Clerk Mrs. Lids Hunt Tll\l!\X ; R"t Kalmat.h HIolly spent sunday wlLh Mr. rutd Apr. 2-W.G.M.. (497) Greenficld for &ale. caJl or . write Goo. Falls, Ore. TIle burind W!l8 there. Mrs. John Kooster. \H.enkle. Phone ~. 2, Lebanon. tfc GENERAL TOWNsmp FUNDS ilI4nI. ·R obert Siney ot ([)Qy.ton spen t Apr. 9- D.O.M. (224) Warrell ." t the week end with her pa.rents. Mr. Apr. 13- D.G.M. (494) Mason Apr. l6- D.G.M. ·(22:1) Cary 7,235.07 a.nd Mrs. Kesler Gnllham. 50.00 Mrs. Nett4e Emriok was a dinner Alpr. 24- D.GM. (003) New 1,950.00 iBl.IrUngtoJt ~ M;S.- c. - If.- Brace ~it F1rlda.y - fO: 817.51 guest of Mr. o.nd Mrs. J. B. Jones, Apr. 27"': D·.O.M, (67) Leesburg • 25 .24 Sunday, Los Angeles, caJlf., where she w111 Those hright, sparkling eyes of childhood! Help them keep 747.96 spend several months with relatives. Mlrs. Elmer Groves entertained May 2- D .O.M. (3f17) WUmdngton May 8-D .G.N. (343) Lebanon Mrs. Allce Cla.r k and Dr. Emma their sparkle-their clear, perfect vision. One school child the ~Ie Oard Club at 'h er home in HoUlllway were In Day·Lon Friday. May 1~ D.GM. U2'/) Vernon Centerville, Thursday amtemoon. in five has lost part' of that sparkle because of defective Re tun.lJing. Mrs. C}a.rk stopped in Mr. and Mrs, CliUarQ Archdeacon May 4- D.G.M. UO'~) MIami . Oenterv111e and sp!?nt the rught nnd vision. More than half the people over 35 have eyesight Total &lceIpts .... . .. ... $10,8"3.78 and daAJg.hter of .D6y.ton spen.i, Sun- May 16- D.O.M. (173) Mal1tinsvUle Saturday e.t l!he !home of Mr. rum May 2ftD.G.M, (621) ~ghton troubles . .Why not conserve that precious eyesighl by foldaoy witlh Mr. Frank Miltenberger MTs. Mhlton Sheehan. , 'P.A!YMElNTS . Ma)' 26- D.O.M. (441) Hillsboro MnI. Evelyn ' P eterson returned and Mr. and Mrs. Milo MUtenlowiflg these four common·sense rules I General Executive SerV1cesJUne 12- !D,O.M. tl4'U Loy~l Friday from W1lm.Ing.ton. where she oampe1'l6Btion or ~ and ohlldren. June 2~ D .O.M, (330) Lynchburg had been visiting her s1sters. 'l'l'ustees ....... .. ... .. $ ~,48'l.50 Mrs. Everett. Ea.rly was 0. 8'llest BJt, Mrs. Ra."mond 'Monll!,'Ol1ery Or Compensation of Clerk 440.72 Avoid 6!lare tme·s Hmne In Sp.lnglleld., 'Do all readinl!. Centerville, called on' the Misses EXpensesot'l1rusteell studying. ~ewin&. or from bare bulb,. Draft Board Orders 125.89 Monday.... and OlerokS •••••... .. Browne one day last week. game-playing dos. Don't sit ,.&inS the Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Burnet a.t- ' Men For Preinduction Mrs. Ama.nda Hartrwn spent Sunto a good light Ill!ht. Glare strains source, preferably a eyes. day at ·the home of her son, A. H . tended tlhe D1scU8Slon Group at the 2,0~.10 modern rcadinll Looa.l Boru'd No: :J of the selective SWbbe, and tWJt'~y. Her elder son, home o.t Mr. and Mrs. Sid EllIa near lamp. Service SyBtom, WaTreIl County, hIIoII Sa.muel ' stubbs. &00 f roily, ot 3l.7C Waoynesville, l\Vedn.e8day evenirl8, rcleaaed the following reglslr nUl Baltbnore, Oh1o, were nlso gues a • Mlr. and !Mrs. Will -Ra;a and and ~ a pleasant fa.mily reunion. I Avoid shadows. i. 31.75 daoughter 5J)8nt 'SUnday afternoon as lbavq bElen order~ed;;:r.;;;;to,-t----"'-=.I'!.,-""""",· attendec:t '!'. Mak.e sure you bave incd rCI!Ular h'.. '~ . " ~'.~ with pte former's ,p e.reJlJts, Mr. and report tor Pl'elnduc)tlon p h.ys Eastern Star .lnspectJ.on aot Gel1nan~ooo li~ht directly eyes are defective, .. ... ~ _ on your book or Yisioll(ahbe~reall)' . " eXJ8llJl.inllitlon, Maroh :U, 1045: bown, Fr1c1oq night. 200.00 Mrs. Alton R<lss aot Sprlll3bOro. _~ • W 0 r k. S h a ,I 0 w.,--helped-with-pTO!K' MTS. Georgl'o.. Me denMJI was Ly!tle Sund~ School will an WiA YNES'VILLE rlr!l;" stluss SHOES lIQR SALE-I.OO1es size 4 ~ Total FIre P rotection ... . Carl .l!Jdwvd Bauer, WWo.rd Bow- hOllored on sa.t.urday, the 24th, the' 200.00 Easter service at 9:00 o'clQCk llext C- 1 pro ea.:. '~d Cross" Black Healbh- Taxes withheld for Sunday precedlni the Sunday man Taylor, Robert samuel Grey, occasion bel~g her birth annlverSUe<le, $2.50; Black Cmberd1ne When the war I. over we are all going to bave Beller Licht 394.38 SIIl1Y. Dist. Ed. of Hea.1tih .••• School Sit 9:30 and preaching ser- George Francia ' Edliington,. Dale PumpI, '1.50; Brown Suede IP.:Il1PG Poor RelletMrs. Nellie Bunnell was Ln Dayton for Beuer Sigbt. [0 the meantime, let's ron~rve both eye· $2.00: All Rubber Goloshes, 11.50; 118.75 Viiee at 10:30. Rev O. E. Vice will 1111 Jru;per Dumford, Ewerett Ollarles on Monday. Medical Sel'V1ces ••..•• ligbt and' IiAht. Take care of your eyes, but doo't w.Jie light. White & Brown ~ps. $1.00. 411 pulpit. Mdl1cr, Walter ' Greene . Burdine, J, W, Edwards or Springfield, or the8e are In good condition. Total Poor Relie! ....... . 118.75 tile!r...... _, ..... - 'Do-~'" ",-_" .. Is ;>-~e ". ~~ •• • .r~. o~t W . Ed 06ll :.uta. "'.",,",,"," , ....... rVWN> 10VA11 Olifford Oren RlhOBds, John Vernpn ~~II"" ~ on IV"","" .....·11 .... ~ • e t }Jjghways, on a 'f urlough from Eagle PallS, 6'talU', Walter Edgar ,Smith, Stanley . w~ards~~,;M;o~n~d~ay~.==~==~~ 'H E Rood Mai1DtenIInce and ; EAS'IER. HAcTS- L1mi1ed number Texas and with ills wile aoo Paul !Freelan, Glen l1W'an Bachert, vll Trivett, Wilmington; • on 8e at my bom.e on Third st., Repadr-.Lalbor aoo 6,910.85 llttle daAlgbter of Dayton spent MORIROW Oraoe 1.; . $D.lth. 29 IMa.terlals ......... .. Byrl Crabbe, RIcIhlaud, WaSh.; severa.l OOY6 last week With h15 Oha.rlea Mengle Thldncr, Robert Airbhur Lee StceckLn, Eva.:nsvllle, FOR SALE- Baled Olover HG>Y. Toml Higlhways ...• , .. , 6,910.85 parensts, Mr. and Mrs. Wilbur Dodds '¥eddook, Ral]ph Loyd Arol- Ind. J. B. aba.pman. PhOne 2711. 29c M.i8oella n eousGenera.l Supplies . ..... 165.93 ·FoulkB. strong, ClIJltord 1LeW'1EI, l.e8ley Callos . ~ W~e group or orge.n1MemoriaJ Da.y Expenses 25.00 Mr. and Mrs. HaNey Burnet Bot· MlUroy, Homer Oonner. lAlther King. zatjon who desires to earn <!.Il in- . Eleot1on ExipeI1Se .. .. 169.61 tended theI:r Ql.n.ruir card club. Sat- DAYTON ' . Dr. W. E. PORTER come by opera4Jng a subscription WOl'Jmnens compensatlo_n__2_l_ .63_ urday evening a.t 1.1le 'n ome ot Mr. Lewds WllCred Ary, Harvey C. Cook, oampaJgn for the MJa.mi Gazette 372.17 a.nd Mrs. Joe Ohapma,n <lit WayVETERINARIAN Donald C. Berry. and all' leading magazines. Wor- Total Miscellaneous ..... . nesville. FOSTERS Over 30 me.t1on on !lhIs easy JUld profit\\'a.yllesvlll~, O. Phone Z587 TotAll p~en.ts ........... $10,082.01 Mr. and ~~t Ea.rly ......"'-1-Office: Main Stree,tt- 's"'eOTulI.;n"'r;;--,==--;;:;;:r.......~::-1m;;:==;ry=-<;!IL-able methodJ of building the j terta.tned to dinner, sunday, Dr. lHenrY CooK-UIllen, Albert ~c. Buy SUNlk Company Insurance flnancW reserve of Olubs, Church -SUMlMARY OF ONlRA'lUONS and 1Mrs. 'I1he::dore Holfes of C1nJIlIIIIe5 MllCord Montjoy, CinclnBY FUNDS 011ran1za.llIons, etc., can be obtainUnUorm Policies - Standard Rates Phone 2651 cmnatJ. and Mr. and Mrs. Homer natl; Demer TeJ.madge Manary, Balanoe, JanUlU'Y rJ., 1945 ed a.t 4lbe Oazette ot!lce. . Be sure of oomplete coverage lind Cozaddale; Lewis ~Wles Campbell, (Clerks) .. . .... .... .. ... $12,139.74 Remley of Bwtlavla, O. prompt settlement ill case of loss. 'Mr.!. Margaret Johns was Q Sun- Harveysburg; JamelS LeeHage~ Envelopes, Blot- RecelptS Du1\ing Yea.r , . .. 10,843.78 Waynellville, Ohio Total Receipts' QIld . Information Without ObJigntlon da.y guest of Mr. and l'4rs. Earl meyer, Kings Mills; :~lon Fm.ncls ters, Folders, Mlllling ca.rds, layout . \ I A' II &. M~fY Se.., Lebanon,. S o.Ialuc Patrona(e RApidlY Ince ",labUshment •• , Feature Good ...... for Your Sb~e Coupocu, c.nton and QuaUty Lilies .• • EsCItIIl~ Stock ' of Corrective F.oo"wear . • ~Luse Cushionlzed Flexible 8b-" --. Fashionable Shoes for the ICDUre Family ••• Ol'tllOpe(lie Sh~ W>A.F • In~ B ler .,- Children, ea.ur~... us BroWD, Aerobat Shoes, So Oomlortable, Lon&' WcarblK ••• Promoting ~ Comfort For Busy Workers ••• tInder the Able DirllC Uon of Mr. G&rwon, Who \Vas for 16 Years the ~ and Buyer for Lindner Shoe Corp. of Cleveland ••• Tel 6-L. Gar:son's Shoo Store 111 Lebanon is bl;Ing1I!g rellet bo many wllo hll.Ve suru'ered from in~l'1'ect mtUlg or from over-work on <tJhe toot. Many do not roollze for some time what is t.he When t he shOes













WHAT PRICE()Ite 'Pave 01 E~. 7


Friends Home


, J¢

BaJQru:e ..... ...... . ..

22 983.52

=---=:-:---_ _ _-:-_ _ _ _-..;. Meet. Monday Evening

lew Plan Provides Hospitll 'Mw;sl~ Twp .Grange met Monday ~r~ lor Your Familr e v _ In regWar session wllth . , I.clude. Sic Ir n.... Accld.nt. Worthy Master' LaiWrence Hough In Chlldblrth-lnformatlon Fre. the cha.1r. A birthday supper pre-

Thomas a.t Celllterville. MesQames CalViin umga.cre, Ralph Barger, Wilbur Cia:l1k, Nettie Elmridk, J. B. Jones. WUbur Fo~kIl, Cha.rles 'Ilwnbleson and Walter Kenrick at-

tended ·t he zone meetl~ and I Ulll'!heon 'of It.he Woman's Societies ot Ch.ristian Service ot .!lhe Dayton district a.t the Mebhodlst chur..h at WlJJynesv1lle, Thursday. The Woman's Soclety of Lytle Churdh w1l1 be enter:tAllned neXL Wednesday afternoon, April 4. at the -,'home of Mrs. Ralph Johns. Devotions <b.y Mrs. !WUbur Foulks. DlscuasllOn of American IndIan by Mrs. Calvin ~e. 'l1he com~~ttee asal&Ung are: Mrs. Allen Hole,

A Dew plan that provides hospital ceded Ithe business sess10n alter care for el\her individuals or · entire v.1hloh l.eoturer Alice Hough pretamJllee baa now been perfected by a 38-year-old 1DIIurance company _ SCOoted ·the entel1ta.iner of .the e~enNorthern Mutual Oaaualty Corn'- lng, MW; ora.oe Smnrt, who wId of · pr..ny. AcconUDg to the provisions her trilp to Mexico of Ita polley you are reimbursed tor . 'I ~ hospitallzatioo expenses, Includlnlf Mr. 8.Ild Mrs. Dellos Worley we~e ~. Leslie Oray and Mrs. James hospital I'OODII' utl'a chlU'pl, and sur- ...1s~tol'S from [;ebanon Oronge. . Johns.

aeonaper fes-total maximum beneftt" ..,110 pemon. Th1a protection 1.1 un- --i~jijiil;Jii~.iiii~iiii;,;;r.;r;rji!~~~ii.Ilmlaett. ' JD t.tiA&, U1e monq Sa paid. th. ca~ckD_; aceldent • or CIIllldW11b. The protection pontlnues recarcUeu 'CIt whether you leave your pr'aent J~ or Whether you move to any other. bome In the 0. S., Canada or Aluk&. For COIDP~ intormat1on mr..D coupon be~ow.

.f1rruler. Lebo.n~m; Emery Raymond Todd, 'M1amIsburg; D. ianb, Oregonia.; John Carlton Deatherage, PlW6ant PIa.ln; Hersohel n.tgene Toney, South Lebanon; Amos Gnm-




me complete lntonnaUon that ~~~ ~ ~or ~U and


Ready Mix. Concrete

Armitage! SOD WBynelJ!De. 2911 Morrow·}<io.3 Phones Lebanon: Olllee .437K·


FOR The Ch,l1tlOll Science Publishing SocItt1 One, Norwey Street. IkIaton IS, Mall. .

MAIM ••••.•••••••••••••••••••••••••••

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AUTOMOBILE INSURANCE Protect Your Right To Drive with-



l evoluti,nar, I

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OU'RE NO EXCEPTION! Calamity doesn't pick fa• vorUes! Misfortune hasn't "ineled you out as an eltceptionl Be wise and pro~! you.:self wlt.h rood Insurance 80 that no matter what happens, yon, your family and your property wilt be fuJly protected. .


Office at Bogen and Simpson Garage Formerly Waynesville Insurance Arep.ey





The grea.e .. feeding development In years. Com. In. Ask about i ••

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Aliy :m@ke 'OJ.model Fred Kahn Motor Car Co. PHONE

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General Insurance


· IIOITHIIII .MUTuAL CASUALTY CO. ...... OCW.I~ ..... C•••_ ...... CIiIi..... 14. Oftl. ,.





WId design by experienced typoPaymen~ During Year .• 10,082.01 graphea-, 'using only types and Balance, Diooember 31, 1944 simple cut designs that do' not (CleI1ks) . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 12,901.&1 Met materially to the 006t of BaJance In DepOS~tory December 31 , 1944 •• .... $12,901.51 p.roc).uo'tton. Indivlduality reflected In ~lCh lM'Out made. Post Massie Township Grange Office box 96, Wa.ynesville, O.


4 H.veeYI!I~sam.




Waynesville Farmers EX~. .. Telt!!phone 2371 Wa)'ll-=-ville, Ohio .










Report German Peace Bids as Allies Press Attacks on Reich; Act to Assure Civilian Supply

Test Agreement

L-_ _ _ _ _ _ _ Releoeed by Western New-s>aper UnJon. _ _ _ _ _ _---1

(EDITOR'S NOTE : Wbon oplnlonl are .""rund In tb... oll.mlll, &bo,. .re &b. . . . . We s te rn News paper Ualon'. ne •• aDaly.La aD. DO' D.c .... rU' .t tbl. De •• pa•• r.)

Firat put to the test in Poland, the Big Three'. Vslta agreement to act jointly In the Bettlement of trou· bled political aftalrs of countries was tabbed for a second trial In the cale of Romania, where the Rades· cu government reportedly had been forced out by Moscow and replaced by a communist-dominated regime. At the time the Radescu govern· ment left office, with Radescu him· selt seeking sanctuary In the British embasly In Buchareat because of fear of commun1st assallBlnation, the RIIIBlans contended that the regime had failed to take proper action against pro·fascist elements stiD present In the country and threatening the Red army's supply lines. CaUed at the Instance of the U. S., the Big Three parley on Romania could look to Its settlement of the Poliah problem as a precedent, with democratic elements being brought Into a new regime along with the communista to furnish a more r epresentative pattern of gov· ernment.


lDdlcaUnc the modern network of roads over wblch the Germans hive beeD moving mtutary luppUes east of the Rhine, th1a aerial pholo ahow. tbe AdoU Hitler superhlgbway near U. S. 1st army brldgebead. Map outlinea extenBlve road Bys&em In territory.


RebuO Nazis

FOOD: Probe Supply

Amid a flurry 01 talk that high German groups had sounded the U. S. and BritaIn out on peace pos· slbllltles, Allied armies ma1ntalned their. heavy pressure ' ag ainst Nazi lines In both the east and west. According to one report, Gen. Dwight Elsenbower rebufted Field Marshal von Rundltedt's approach for an armistice, under which the latter , offered to pull Gennan armies beyond the Rhine, where they have been torced, and disarm

Following hard upon War Mobilizer Byrnes' formation of a special group to re ;riew all demands for non· military exports to protect essential clvillan supplies In this country, senate war investigating committee announced the conduct of an inquiry Into the food situation

Pub abe In SwedeD" Svenska Dagbladet. the other report dealt with. German ov.ertures to a British official for an srmistice for preserve Ing the Reich as n bulwark Dialnst the "Bolshevlk menace." To Include the reteDUon of the Nazis In office and the evacuation of occupied territory. the ofter also was flatly reo jected, It was said. Even all the reports came through, Germany rocked under the ,t.remor ot continued heavy aerial as.aults. aimed at Nazi industrial installations, communication lines 'eeding

'Town Buster' Latest 80mb To BrUaln's famed "" and "earthquake" bombs bas bc!en added anothcr, the l1-1on "town buster," developed to penetrate 10 the undervound laotorle. the Germans establlsbed to avoid bombardmen'Carried by Britain's loar-en~lned LaDcastel'll, tbe "town buster" measures 25% feet in lcugth and almost lour feet ID dl· ameter. Upon releaslD, the heavy load, the buge planes have bounced ap as bl,h as 500 leet from rellel 01 Ole weicht. Packin, a tremendous wallop In Itself, the "Iown" luppJementl the Blx-lon "earthquake" bomb, which Bank the German baUleshlp, Thoplts, and penetrated ll1-1oot-thlck concrete roof. of U·boat pen•• their armies and troop concentra· tlons maased to meet Allied attacks in both east and wesl , In the east. Russia gro1.Wed the bulk of her manpower for the grand assault on Berlin. heavily defended by an extended network of pill. boxes. tank traps and Infantry ob· .taeles, whiCh could be fiooded. As the Russians built up their forcel beyond the Oder for the smash on the German capital, other Red torces were on the move In both Upper Sllesia and Hungary, in an effort to pry open the roads to the rlcb Industrial districts ot Czecholovakla and Austria, teedln, the Nazi wehrmacht. In the west, German war produc· tlon wal aerlouslY threatened al U. S, and British armies eloled on both the Ruhr apd Saar valleys. Not only wal the Ruhr menaced bJ the U. S. 9th and Britllb 2nd anme.' from the welt, but Lt. Qen. C0Urtney Hodgel' U. S. l.t moved up ..-om its Rema,en brid,ehead to threaten 'it from the louth. '; . 'l'be V. S. '8n1 ~ 7th Inniel alIo, were 'PPI7lDl ,a YiH on the Bali' vaU~, with tbo InI preft1n, In from tbe north IDct ealt, aad, the 7th lIIueUlal . .ad , from tba ..... TatiDI filii ......... af tbeIr . . teIIIM roacl .,... IDCl abort


With total farm employment esti· mated at 8,400,000 persons, farm operators will start the important sprlne planting sea son with the low· est seasonal level ot workers In 21 years, the U. S.· depa rtment of agri· culture reported. Of the 8,400,000 persons. USDA reported, 6,894,000 are family members, of whom a great number are women or elder folk. Because of the presence of the latter. It was said, total operating efficiency has been cut somewhat since the advancing years have impalred the efforts ot many of the older people. As the spring planting season approached, with excessive moisture retarding work In many sections, farmers were promised some man· power relief by the employment of 30,000 German war prisoners during the year. Despite the worker shortage, farmers are being alked to match 1944'1 record producti!)n.

PLOT ON HITLER Those wh05e bUlinelll it I. to atudy the intricate problem of Ger· man politics bave now come to the conclUllon that If It hadn't been-tor the July 20 putsch against HiUer, we might have been laved .1x months or so of fighting . The attempt OD Hitler'1 life ,ave him the excu.e to clean out every mllitary man not in sympathy with the war, and his mllitary leaden stitce then have lacked the coura,e to luggest an annlstice - even though they knew the war W81 hopeless. '. Here Is the inside story of w11*& happened. . 'lbe Bitler plot hac1 been clev· erly arropd b, the BriUsh. They had ReD workID, lor months with a .maU secret ment of anti-BlUer omcen IDIide the German army. ActulIy, theJr plpeUnea into GermaD7 bad been laid eVeD belore the war star&ed. Weeks and weeki of the malt mlnu&e plaDDln, bad cone Inlo the plot. However, a. in anytb1n, .. dan,eroul as an allempt 10 a. Balllinate the world's ohlel mad· man, aumethln, went wron, at the last minute. A hI,h.up Ger· man omcer on the Ceneral ataft bad aveed to place a brIef- ' case contalnin, a time-bomb ."onplde mUe.r '. chair c1arln, a meeUn,. 01 the ,eneral statr. .Be did au. But either 'Hitler moved away or else did not lilt wIlere expectec1. At any rate when the bomb went oft, H Once-proud Joins U!e ciUOI of the dead, wracked and CUlled by battle and the ,. pUeful demoll· ldUed several omcer., bat Hitler t1on. 01 the Japs. 'The stately buildings which formerly housed government and Industry are now lar,e,y hal· wa. only wounded in the banc1 low ueU.. The llliarts of trade echo only to the crash of laUinc Umbers. Reins 01 the clvllll'ovcrnment returD by a bomb lfarmeDt. to the Philippine ~mmonwealth, aDd tbe battered capital binds U. wounds and looks forward to a rebirth. That Incident, however, touched oft the bloodle.t blood purge in his· tory. Neutral lource. estimate that 100,000 German omcerl aDd


~ostwar S~eeping Cars to . S~ow 'Ra~cal Changes

marked .

6,. the gro wln, , ...... " 8~rn ••

scarcity of meat. ' Revelation of the senate committ ee' s prob e f 0 Uowed demaD d I 0 f midwestern senators for rectification 01 government food poUcles, which, they declared, discouraged fattenIn, of catUe because of failUre to bring prices and feed costa In line with production, and falled to place agriculture on a par with war til. duslry.

AZ,ead:r llllielen. be/or. ianuory 3" IMIMn race trade. were doled, there 1uu I been a decided rue in the .ale 0/ dreued ho". CaTC4UU a.s the mea• • ltuolioll VOUl~ increasinsl:r cri.ical, packe" reveoled. AWaoush .old lor human conswnp. lion in MilWIIUkee, JJ'ia.: 80"011, Ma.s•• : Cletlflland, Ohio: DetToil, Mich.. and 10rrwr New Jer.ey eiai&, d i. no. permiuible in Chicago, ilL, where, oddly enouBh, saZe. rerailers have doubled Just before the cOllgr'eslliollal l .inee 'he beelfamine. storm broke, Byrnes proclaimed In uplaininB the phenomenon 0/ halll oraanization 01 a special group sales 10 reUlil~. could oouble if th ~ determine that Europe'. loiter could nol reseU the produel to tor relief and rehabilltatton co/Uume", olle pooke,,' repraellUltivl! not Interfere with U. s. declared that bUk:h~., didn'l kllaw needs. and even to review whether 'he bu:rerJ w~e Boing 10 eol commitments In the same the horae meal rhenuelvl!I or /eeel il to 'heir pels. Following Byrnes' action. circles buzzed with talk that the SHOES: War Food administration, tor one, had approached him for help In al- To Cut Output locating the shrinking food supply With most at the cattle hide sehea. during 1945, with prospects of from uled to meet greatly Increased army 20 to 211 per cent less mea t, 10 to 111 demands, allocation of leather for per cent less shoes during fa ts, and 10 per cent less sugar. • April. May , and Jun.e may be Meanwhlle, it was revealed, lend- trimmed down to about 10 to 15 per lease purchases in recent weeki cent of present aUotments, further have been severely reduced be- affecting the future supply of men's cause of the grOwing meat shortage. and children's footwear. Although the government has been In an effort to meet the overall receiving larger allocations than for- civilian requirement of 850,000,000 merly, It was pointed out, still the shoes for the year, It was said. govdrop In slauchterlng has reduced the ernment officials are hoping to involume available over last 'year, and crease the production of fabric footpractically, only military demands wear, despite the tight situation in are being satisfied. worsted material. needed. Against As a result, lend·lease meat ton- the 100,000,000 fabric shoes manuna,e has been slashed almost 80 factured last year, 50,000,000 more per cent in the last two months. with may be produced In 1945. pork purchales In one week down Beyond the postponement of the about 84 per cent from last year, validation of the next Ihoe ltamp canned meats 86 per cent, and until sometime next Bummer Instead other products from 93 to 97 per of May 1 as originally scheduled, cent. no change In footwear rationing ia contemplated as a result of the new PACIFIC: cattle hide allocatloll, OPA lIald.

Air Lashings With lon, range U. S. bomberl baaed within ftylnl distance of Japan as a result of the recent canquelt of ,outlying Illandl In bloody but valuable ftpUng, the enemy's ,reat industrial cities have more IDd more been feeling the lash of heavy bombardment. . Carried on even al General Mac. Arthur'. torcel In the Pbtitpplne, ti,btened their grip on the sprawl. Ib, archIpeJa,o lUardin, the inner ChlDa sea lane, IDd a. begrimed 'marines ftnIshed oft a ltubborn foe on Iwo Jima, the B·29 ralda on IUch lap centen a. ToIqa, Nl101a and Oi~ an deajped to cut ~ tactoll' production IDd impair tba I!ow 01 1Uppbo. to .tbe 1!Ilem1'~ armt... IIeaInrhlle, General llaeArthur', .foreea moved '!Oward the clliDactlc baW. ,wi. tbIi buIkaf the -...,

man leader who had 1P'0wn coel" relarding the war or was sUghUy critical of Hiller was Included. In the last ' war, It was the German general sta1f who dema\lded of the Kaiser that he sue for peae~ as early al September 29, 1018. The German civillan government 1'eslsted. In this war It was expected that the professional military Calte would see the fuWlty of further, fightIng and also sue for peace after the Normandy invasion last June. But as a result of the July purge the military leaders who survived dared not brave Hitler's wrath. -POSTWAR CONSCRIPTION Althougb no final decision haa been made by FDR personally, Undersecretary of War Bob Patter" son and leveral other WhIte House ·adldsers are urging him to preu for Immedlate congressional ·a ction on a postwat; compulsory mlUtary training law covering aU men 18


Patterson and some of the armY' brass hots want Roosevelt to jam the conscription btU througb eon· gress before the war Is over. TheY' are using the line with FDR that passa ge of a peacetlme 'conlcrlptioD bill by congress now will be further The new Pullmall three-tier sleeper, to be used In postwar period, II, shown in upper left. Lower left, evidence to the United Nations that the duplex-roomette railroad ear Is one of several new design! bein~ presented to railroad offielal! by this country will maintain a aizable the Pullman companlr. Upper rl,bt, the tradlUoDal rectangular table arranll'ements give way to a modernised military force ' to help keep ' the acheme iD the Dew dmer. Lower rI,M, a redcap captain eXamines revolutionary method 01 haodllng luggage OD peace. .,j , the aew coach modl!l. Congressional leader. so far are . against immedJate conslderaUon. feel they'U have their hands full in the next few months ,etting more urgent postwar measures ,through capitol hill, such as jobs, without .tartlng up a terr11lc controveray over conscription. Note: The white BODse Is beIn, deluged wlOl maO ' aplast polltwar conscrlpUon. MDIIt 01 the publlo Beem. to be aptDBt

. American Farmer in Germany


HOLLYWoon STRIKE: Complex Scenario



G.I.s Nearer Japan


Closure of American movie bouse, was threatened a. the International AWlnce ot Theatrical Sta,e Em:. ploieel, AFL, considered exertion of pressure on, picture prodUcen In ita fight to obtain recognition al bariainlna agent tor lome 70 studio .et decoraton In Ho1lTwood. In V71n, tor cODtroi of the 70 workers, the JATSE bucked another AFL amuate, ' the painten' un1on, which bad been acceptecl a. the em. plOy eel' bar,alninI l,eDt bJ the War Llbor board. ' ' StaDdini 'in the middle of the entaJ\llement wen the J!lctuie pro. themaelvel, will. with the DOt 0DJ:1 tbn.teD!DI to puB I worbn out af tile BoU,wood ItudlU but alIo to ItDp tbo IbowlDt Even Ia eoDliaereli Germ. . terrllory, Pvt. Harolc1 lV. BanIa of CeD~ .. DDrfIIuatena ~ of movl. tbrouahoat the eouatrJ, tedtar" 0Il10. 81IIIa J1It bato practice .... bowled. . ' aclJ.1IIred ~ Amerlc.a UId the rtvaI paJJden' IIDICIIl abud7 _. fanD .t Be . . . rl", a& 110m. wIleD lie f.1IIII1 tile . . . IUIIPIt ..... ,... ~ IDQIat ~.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . OD 1trDIe .....~ atblll!ltUre pro. ........ tID .t • II........ ·.... 1bIdorf. GenII..." ... IIelpecJ .. ~ to IIciId IIatIl ~,..... . . . , ...... tile ............ 10 bllltaDq ID ......... , _ _ a..p . 1m ..,. ............. ...,.,.U'" nIe. .

........ .


,1m... ceatedIUr,.




AIIlerfcua uVJ', aarl1le8 ....

'Pb7. .....rte4 II,. , taU MrJII.


ooatIDae . . . . . . . . l ..... II' ...... toward IIap ...... ~.... ....... .... lite AIDerIaaa ,..".. . . . . .. ... ..... ..........

'. . .

CAPITAL CHAFF C. The German people have been ordered to km aU chickens In order to save feed. C. A secret report has been cir· culated among top WPB oftIclali showing that, al of February I, ~e manpower situation was excellent. Manpower Commi.sloner McNutt haa told the senate military atrain committee privately 1he same thinI., • . • Senator Chandler of KeDtucky Quoting Vice Chairman William Batt of the WPB !'That ,we haVe alreacb' out-produced our enemle'!! 'aDd our AWes." .. Reprelentatlve Charles 14 1'01lette. Uben) Indiana Re'publleaD and a dOle friend' of We~eD ' L. WlllJde, never bad met. btl lOB. Phlilp WlDIde, unW hi. receJIt ~ to London where Ueutenant WIJIl. Ide wa. ata~~ A few dQl law ~ J'oDette bumped Into PbDlp ..... dflDtalq til If.., York. and • ..., , dan ~ tbat WtIIId. arrtwd .. Waahlqtoa 8IIIl ......... at a..



Me~chant Marine Ac:~demy

Develops Fighting ()fficers

WO'rld Monefary Plans' . Seen as' Boon to Trade


Sailor Togs for Brother -Sister . Wear This for 'SP?rts 'o r Street

Comhat Trai~ing Is Part of Extensive Cadet Requirement


Funds Would Help Restore Production and ' Stimulate Exch,ange of Goods in Po~twar Era, Treasury Says.






HE no tion' s newest service T academy sends Its undergradu-

ates to sea as part of thelr normal course ot .t ra lnlng. Durtng war, they go to sea just the same, consequent. By BAUKHAGE Iy, they're participants in sea warNew. ~"aly.' and CommenUJtlN. fare. They've withstood torpedoes, .I • bombin gs. strafing, coast artillery, WNtJ Service, UnIOD Trust Bullcl1n, on how the money or credit I. to and' fire trom enemy raiders. They've Wuhlnrtoll, D. C. be handled. performed heroic acts under ftre t bave ju.t come from a luncheon Reliel lor U. S. which Mluld do credit to battle· o! creamed chicken and rice, green Bankera' Ri,k. rlenced veterans. Upper: Gradll8ttnr rerimeDta. oommauder, WIUard B. Kliche~ and .alad and trimmings. The food Wall One of the chief argument. 81 to Cadet-midshipmen tn the United other oadei oM,cerll salute as tape II bloW'll III bonor of lormer oade ... DOt, however, the Interesting part of States merchant marm ' e cadet corps the direct value of the program tor . midshipmen 10lit or mi.slng In acUon. LeU: Tralnl!l&' veBSel, Emel'7 the affair. The "food tor thought" the United States Is this: It is esti- have participated in e ve ry 1an ding . Rice, under fulll sall. Rlgbt: Cadet-midshipmen \aldor obllervaUoDs lor that went with it, was. And 110 was mated that In the postwar pe- and tnvaslon operation ' of the war laD,ltude durin.: irainlne cruise. . the I~ttinl. We were served from a rlod, the United States bankers will and have reRected creditably upon Jar"e oval table in the conference the cadet corps whl'le serving .from easy in order to live up to the our vicinity. One had our number • of the United States treas- have to do the bulk of the world aboard merchant room lending. Estimated on the amount v es se I s, Se v en creed. .. . , . Got to make sure on It and struck the ship squarel,. W'7. The hosts were Secretary of we did alter the last war, perhapi have won disUnguislied service that no boy's ghollt will ever say, in No. five hold, killing seven sol. the'Treasury He""" Morgenthau and as much as 90 per cent. R a t tmedals' ._" i e r ' more than 600 b ave been 'U your tratnlng program had only diers of the stevedore crew and a • squad of hls ft!cal experts. than have the lenders risk the lOll forced to abandon ship as a result done Its job.' .... " merchant seaman," The .subject of the conversation as they did last time. It would be bet. of enemy action; more than 150 Because ot the . lea duty requireSteedley was busy helping to was the same one which ·was dJs- tel' to have the government and the have been. killed in ac tl. on; m a ny ments, every udel - mldsbipman man an antiaircraft gun on the tuned at 'many 01 the more than governments of the rest of the na- have been credited with saving at Kings Point actually is a vet. bridge, and Wood was aS91sttng to 200 conferences which took place tlon. bear two-thirds of the riak. lives at shipmates and others have eran of sea warfare and many wear extinguish a fire on deck, When the around that lame table and which spent as many as ..'0 da y 8 In life- war-zone rlbbonl. indicating service flre was out, Wood went below to led up to the Bretton Woods morie- 'I'hia they would do under the inter. boats, around the worlld. help remove the dead men from the tary conference last July, ' Today national bank. It Is potnted out by The United States merchant maAmong .everal cadet-midshipmen hold. that same subject II betore Con- treasury offlelals that not only will i d t 10 I S most of the money be borrowed r ne ca e corps c udel . the U. . who participatec!1 in the ihvaslon of "The concussion had ripped large ....ell In the form of leglala. trom pr vate bankers in thlll coun· merchant martne academy , King. France Louie B, Wood Jr., of hoies in both sides and the bottom •• . tion -""cb would authorize Ameri· Point L I ' a basic ch I t San ww try tor the next five or ten year. '. . . " ., S 00 a Atlanta. Ga., and John F. Steed. of the ship. and sbe settled fast, can participation in an international <since we have most of the money to Mateo, CaJil.; one at Pass CbrlB· ley Jr. of TaU.ahassee, Fla., who the stern resting on the bottom In bank of reconstruction and develop- loan) but most of It will likewise be tlan, Miss.; and a revolving group witnessed aU the fire and action of seven fathoms at water," he rement and an international moneta..... OJ spent here lIin~e we have most of t hof e2' 600 to 3, 000 cadet-midshipmen American warships and planes and counts. 1-6 yra. fUnd. things torelgn countries need. lierving at sed at all times. UpOn ad· The order to abandon ship was Jaunty Sailor Suits. Upon the passage of thI. legtsla. There are two chlef reasons why mission to the cadet corps, a cadetg!ven after as much gear 8S pos· FOR that pair of cherubs, gay tion and the creation of the bank such an international financial pro: midshipman Is assigned to one of ~~;:el~ad been removed to nearby litUe outfits with a nautical air. .nd fund, the , master-minds on gram will be to the disadvantage of the basic IIchools for training of money matters tell me, depends the private banker although by no about four months, after whIch he Next' day, It was tnought that Br.oth~r's out~t is ,just .lik~ a r~al the success of any world security means aU bankers oppose It. One goes to sea for a minimum of six there might be a chance to save saIlor s, and sIster s s~gmg skIrt organization whlc.h may come out of la that the governments of natiON months. This sometimel last~ as . the ship, and an emergency . volun. butto~s on the , pert mIddy blouse. 1I1e :United Nations meetlng at SaD will control the world fiscal poliC7 long as 12 mon~hs. because the ca· teer crew was sought to go aboard. The d~ckey and collar on each can Francisco. and not the lead.i ng private inter. det:midshlpman s ship may be in the Both Wood and Steedley vOlun- 1be white or monotone_ Aim to Stop Datlonal bankers who had the con. lndJOn ocean when his six montbs is teered, but after a few hours all . • • • Pattern No. 130~ I~ d"slgned for II~s hope of saving the vessel was abanEconomic War/are trol before. The second Is that in completed. and be: 01 course, must ., 2, 3, •• Ii and 6 years . Size 2, boy. d one. d Th e t wo ca d e·m t Id s hi pmen luit. short sleeves , requIre. 2\~ yards of 'nle reason for tIlat statement, 1he long run. aa sponsors of the plan ser~ until his ship returns to the were returned to England and were 39·lneh material; girl's dreGS, short bolled down to itl elsence is thls: admit, it will lower interest ratCi. Uni d States. back in New York on July 7, one .Ieevea, 21. yards; If, yard 10 face collar '. at I te ti 1 rf Those two reasons are not Itressed Baa Sea Training First. you can. op D rna ana wa are Alter sea duty, a cadet-midship. month after participating In the and dickey In contrasUng material; 'If, unlesl you stop eeonomlc war· by the vocal opponents of the greatest invasion In history. Their yucla, braid to trim. fare. ' measure before membera of con· man .is assigned to Kings Point for ship .had been lost, but the precious For Play or Street Economlc warfare in thll senile gresl. Many, other objeotions, some advanced training during which he cargo of soldiers, ' jeeps and guns IDEAL warm weather enmeans tnternatlonal trade practlcel highly techl\ical, are aet forth. The asslmUates knowledge acquIred In had been put ashore in France. semble - ihe sunback dress • ,- th od main suggestion 10 the report ·of a classrooms and laboratories with no.... e common iO -spe,that which results from sea trainThey're at .Kings Point now. will l}elp you acquire a nice tan. citlcally sbme of the praotlces in committee of the American Bankers . Ing to quaUfy himself to become a Dudley Example of Sea Heroes. For street wear, toss on the trim du'~ed j by nations competing for association Is that because of un'6 n . deck or engtne officer'ln America's Almost, two years earlier, on the bolero edged in ric, rac to match torelin trade before and atter the settled political conditlons through. ever-expanding mercha.n t fleet. other ' side of the WOl'ld another I the dress. If you like, make the cranit ltIlaah cif '29. out the world, any action ought to ' Upon graduation a cadet-mldcadet-midshipman had pla;ed a dra- dress in a bold flower print and Bow fa thls warfare to be re- be postponed unW these conditions shipman i. licensed as third ma'te maUc part 10 .a landing operation. have ~e bol e ro in . a plain harmained? stabilize. They Bay that the natlons or third assista,n t engineer an'd III He Is Robert H. Dudley of Yonkers, mOl'lizm shad;. quid pro . quo, of course. In the should aitee to cerlain change a in appointed an ensign in the U. S. N. Y., who was assigned to a trans· ---~-......".--.-------­ 91c1oUl arbt for trade after the the program before it 11 pre.ented maritime service and in the U. S, ...... larle Dumber of naUoltI wllI to the congre8ll. .. al pert in the task force which took bave three .trDr:e. CD them to alert. Some of the chBDies suggelted are nav reserve, ,M a07 of the fI,OOO the fir;t contingent of U: S. marines '1'be7 are wrecked, some ·phy.lcally prompted by honelt coovlctlon, graduates to date have gone into to Guadalcanal. Dudley was placed 1 _..... t a_ lal .om"e are due, according to treasury ' active duty yntb the navy. in charge ,of landing bOats from EVEN tne plainest of straight net .... • grea maD1 more w.anc • The U. S. merchant marine cadet his vessel, aru;l the disembarking I or scrim curtains will take on . b', politicaIq, econOmically. Thole offlcial •• to a misinterpretation of the corps, authorized by the merchant Cadet-mldllhlp~maD laym, aloft waa proceeding IUcassruny when an all' of elegance without being which 'wf:ll emerg era1S- a group in the marine act of 1936, Is to be a per. . the JDjlm" malli, 23 Japanese torpedo planes at- too ·formal if you add a simple ~e war scourge, "Uke the United United States whlch laYI that the manent institution. sel'Vtng the Da. ....... be I e'qua"a1fected •• United States will come out of the tipn iust as do West Point, Annapo- German E·boats and coast artillery tacked the shlps. State ' draped valance. , ' . ,,,,,u& /o V'" - with mone7 or, little end of the horn under the ar· lis and the coast guard academy. the7 have Dob..... Antiaircraft gunners on merchant Festoon rings at the upper corduring the ftrst ,t hree' or tour days """"3 credit enoulh to buY their ,oods. rangement and that the Brltllh solel 'l'he academy at Kings Point Is of the historic landings. vessels and :warships alike went ners of the window frame are all -..1herefore in , exchan,e .or aD UI a bill of iO~I. There ia a aroup lituated on Long Island Sound, "Our ship. mJoved into the Eng· into actioD immediately, and a1dp.treetnent to abide b7 certain fair m Enaland whlch lays that Brit- two mUes from Great Neck hat lish channel ott D·Day, carryini pers o' the various vessels ordered . Ilu "'t ca11 them, .of.... ain will hcome out of tthethlitUe w prac ti. ce. a. we m d th U-_ 1end t d was previously the site of' on several trucks, jeeps, small arms and about maneuver. to dodge the torpedoes 'and contributions In cash or Its ~e orn an a e ru e lWanky elltates. There are 30-odd 400 soldiers, and we, of course, trom the enem7 planes. The accu· equivalent, under the BrettoD Wood.. State••old- their repre.entativel • new and modem buildings on the were exposed to the German bomb- racy of the fire from American guns . .~ment a nation would recelv~ bill of aoods.. 65-acre campul whlch also includes ers. E-boats and coast artillery. We excelled that of the Jap aviators, membershlp in an international That 11 one thin,i which, qulte parade grounds; an athletic field and didn't worry about the Nazi. too . however, and every one of thi! 23 bank which would pBrantee prl- aside from the argument. pro and an obstacle course which 11 qulte much, though, when we looked ' up plane. wal shot down. vate Joan_make lOme dlrect-for con on the various disputed Ram of tough. At the academy'. private an~ law our O'Ml · fUel', in action One ship in the landing' force the purpole of reconstruction aDd the program, demonstrates that It dock, there are half a doz'e n vessels and watcbed American and British' wall lost-when a flaming Jap plane develoPment 10 they can buDd faa. mu.t be' pretty lood. ' stru~ on its deck and set it ~ftre. Thi.. was Dudley's vellel from torI.e . and do other thingl Decessary . • • • to create 'cooda to sell and earD Some week. ago In this column J whlch all marines and 'cargo had moneY to buY. These loans would tried to ' expiain "why Germany been dJsembarked. be loans in ,whlch the risk la too came back" after its defeats m Dudley was alligned to another areat for a private institutIon to 'France. '.. ship loaded with provI.loN bound take, . and whlch if they were mad. Ma7 I be permitted to explam for TulagJ, and a few days after that you need in the way of draand bond. oft~red to the public the why' the Nazlll couldn't come back the Guadalcanal episode, Dudley pery fixtures. The diagrams show lIubUc wouldn't touch. But lIlaran- for the second time? again heard the order, "Abandon bow to cut and line the valance teed by the international bank over ODce again we have to con.ider, .hlpl," as thls vesael was torpedoed which is pulled through . these riJ)gs. You can avoid piecings by , and , sunk on August 21 . • lona term, private bankers would not the milltary orgairlzation ot Ger· lend the money and the publlc, with maD7 alone, but the clvillan or-' Dudle1 and 12 members of the using 36-inch-wide material cut the wqrd of 44. nations behind the lanization as well. Nazi discipline, crew apeDt the ensuing 14 day. lengthwise, A hall width makes bond., would hardJy be llkittl.h. becaule it wal built on an entlrel7 in a lifeboat with the most meager the depth of the valanoe. The monetary fund would be antl·human foundation, floalJy col· supplies of food and water. • NOTE-TI)t. curtain Idea t. from tile created tor the purpose of ·.tablllz. lapsed. It was a dlscipllne of (1) de"On the 14th day, we sighted land. 32·page booklet MAKE YOUR OWN CURlIIi exchange, and facUltating the celt, (2) force. Both were bound to and naturally exerted every ounce of TAINS by Ruth Wyeth Spears. :nus booleerowth at international trsde. The fall In the end becaulle it failed our last-waning energy to pull let .hoWI you the newest and moat IPPromembers would . agree to tie their to take into consideration ODe thiDa ashore," Dudley reported. "We prlate curtain and drapery .tyles for landed on a coral reef, and every aU type. of windows with cutting and ucbange to the gold standard and whlch the Nazis refu.e to admit methods fully llIustrate4. To ,et man fell , face forward, exhausted. making Dot change it unless the governors exists-the human soul. • copy encIose 111 centa wIth name and and - directors of the fund apa Naziism with threats, brute force, The sharp edges of the coral inlllct- address dlr,ect to: ed severe Icuts about the body of ·prove. This would stop, among other aDd an organization whlch could every one of us, but we just didn't tblDgs, what amounts ·to tmpes- carry out the threats and exercise MRS. RUTH WYETH SPEARS Bedforll 8W. New York Ina hldden tarUfs aD foreign loads the force, was effective up to a cera seem to have the strength to move Dra"ClI 10 again, so we lay there on the recta, bJ Changing the rates of exchange tain pOint. Then it failed. Enclose 15 cents tor booklet "Mak. Or a country'. currency in term. of Its strength was in' '!bendlng the almost unconscious, for several Your Own Curtain.... Namee_____________________ other nation'. currenC7. In their twi,g," as I tried to point out in my hours. The natives found us and brought us watet." mad efforts" to export goods at any earlier analysis. 'Youth wqrshipped ____________________ ,price and iet credit. abroad, the the false god of Nazilsm aa long 81 D)JdJey spe"'t the next two months Germans bad all 10rts of dJfferent its , clay feet could be concealed. in army and navy hospital before kinds of marks that had one value Youth knew no other god. But the returning to Kings Point, where he MaD overboard reacue practice ai Pasa ChrlsUau, Misl. bere and another there. moment the clay filet crumbled in graduated on Februal'1 3, 1943, reAa to the administration of the the defeat of its armiell (i.e, force whicli afford the best possible meanll warships taking care of the co nat ceived hls license as third mate, and bank and fund, a very careful failed) youth deserted. of learnJng that multitude of aub- emplacements," Wood relates. went back to sea as an offlcer helpl7.tem has been worked out regu: Even the older people. despite the jects and details embraced in the "A day or so after the InlUal ing deliver the goods. ' latin, the amount of flnanclal numbing fear of the espionage of the term" "seamanship." Laboratories landings, we were ordered to an: Saved Shipmate's Ule. reaponslblllty each country would gauleiter, the tear of the concen· are equipped with actual Liberty chor a ' 9uarter mile off Normandy An example of valor and dJlIbave. The figure would be baaed CD tratIon camp, fear of the firin, ship engines and boilers, Diesels, and discharge our cargo into LS'J's, regard of his own saiety was Ihown the trade of • nation over a certain ,quad, began passive resisfance. radio and other signal equipment, This job took a,bout 12 hours," he by cadet·mldshlpman William ·M. pI.t 'period with some other modi- The Volkssturm (the ' milltary unftt refrigeration units, and machinery said, "and the ship pulled away and' Thomas Jr. of Alameda, Calif., who acations, F.or . instance. the United drafted by , ~Immler) refused to and equipment of all types en. anchored to await formation of a Will' awarded ,the Distinguished State. would aBsume roughly one- fight, refused to allsemble when or- countered aboard ship. Admtnls. · convoy 'to retw~ to England. , Service medal by PresIdent 'Roosethird 01 the , floaDclal ' responsl- dered, hld, Regulations were evaded. trattve offlcers of the cadet corps ~'On D-Day plus tout, ME ' l09s velt for hls heroism in dramatlcalJy make the training thorough and far were droppmg' roO-pound bombs 'in saving the life of a shlpmate. blUty and bave one·third of the votes Taxes went unpaid.


Pattern No.


I. designed



12. 14, 18, 18, 20; 40 and 42. Size., dress, requires 3 yards of 3Ij·Jnch rna· terlal; bolero, 1 yard; II yards ric rae for

trimming, Due to aft unusually large demand BD4 current WDr condition •.•lIghtly more Um. Is required in 6Ulng orders for • few 01 the most popular pattern numbers. SEWING CIRCLE PATTERN DEPT, :530 Sout.b WeUI St. Cblea,. Enclose 25 cents In coins for eaell

pattern desired . Pattern No ................ .Slze .... ..

Name . .• •••••••••• •.• ••••••••.••••••• Address .............................................. '1" ... ..




Plain Draped Valance W·th Sheer Curtalna •






n! ••1I0w.,..., fl • .,., ..

HlJ-MAID ' It pra'",," 'or IabIe . . ,1Iy .lIlio". of hOIl....IY... · It'l a r--.

• •

'Of '!IV.


cooll.. .......




8 ARB S ••• by Bauk hage


....-~-------------------------... In spite of the ahortage of nufse., One rea.on why Stalin can't leave BUill. to meet eveD the 'WOrld'. doctors, dentists, the health of the , blawfa. wa. revealed at the ~a.1ta nation, accordin, to OWl, 'shOWI no CODference-he makea all the mill- ·,eriou, dei:llne. Probab17 - Just a tu.r decialoDl bimlaIt. . cue ot aupp17 and demand. ' • • • General De GaUlle say. that ~ ,ovenunent tai. takID aU the .irplane fauto1'lea, J'ranee Deed. 12 m\llloD "aue ..~ the lap ~llIt8 who babies" in the Dext 10 yean. He .... peace another reminder that may not Jet 12 m\lllon but they wIll aD· be "be"-alk their mnthera: . . . lID't 'much p1'Oftt III war.

. ..




O'Hara, Distinguished Service Medal Hero

No name Is regarded with ' more respect in ' the U. S. merchant marine . cadet corps ~an that 'of Edwin J. O'Hara of Lindsay, Calif., who was posthumously awarded the Dla· tin.g uished Sewice , med,al. One morriln. late In the fall 01 1942, just at daWn, two enemy ' .urface raiders appeared through the milt and star;ted flrina on O'Hara's lhip. The crew tmmediately relponded. The en8JD7 I1re was effective, however, "aDd all


the pers,oonel man.nlni. one attar gun installatic;m wer~! ,Idlled or"-wound,e d bY 'one e;q;]osion. . . .0';Hara ,took over ' thia g~, by himself, and managed to are 'it ave 'ttmes, With eyerj .bell Itr~ · the enemy ve8l4;tl at the water l1ne. O'Hara was' credited in .the D.S.I!. Citation with alngt.baDdedJy s~ this raider. ' The cadet·mid~Pman wa. mora taIb' wounded In the actiOll. bow· ever, aDd went dowD with bla ablp.


oa IiuN'HOL-II


, • • • • • • ' . ' • • • • • • • • • • • • • • Pi



Farm Machinery Wanted

AT LAST We Dave S .... utlell In Jrowlns

Potatoes and Tomatoes on .Qme stalk. Compl. hurtru ... 50c Icolnl. VERDMONT QARDENS. lA, II.,. 174. ProowrnUle, V&.

But suddenly the ponies seemed to sense the allen human presence lind shied back In fright, Itamping their Uny hoofs in a very ecstasy of PUMPS Aulomatlc.eleClrl. sump pumps keep base· fear. On the Instant they wheeled ments ·dry. Work While you 8leep. Proted and galloped. with fiying manes and property. health . Prompt s hip .• frgbt . pre. paid. Armltronr'., Baull Ble. Murle, 1011.11, high-tossed heads, across the narrow spit of land. Red Raskall, who, a moment ago, SHOPPING SERVICE BHOPPING for 70a II oor bas in .... "You had been apparently as bewildered nome It. we bu,y It." For detail s writ. as Lark, neighed and quivered now PERSONAL SHOPPING SF- RVleE with equine understanding. He flung 8taru Dldr. Loulavlll •• up his bead lind his clarion call ehallenged the mares. Racing ahead of them, he led them straight across the point of the narrow Island and into the dashing surf. In a scrambling mass they were after him, ruShing, pell-mell, whinnying onc~ more with delirious delight. She stood there at last. alone and forlorn. After a Ume she wandered aimlessly along the beach. It w~s mldafternoon now, and the shore would ' seem less lonely, less terrilylng. Even the noise ot the breakers. loud and rhythmic and compelling, would be belter than their far·ofJ booming here in the interlor, where their fa Int thunder seemcd but an acccnt to the sl· lence. The outcropping ridge of rock ex· tcnded clcar through the island and ended at last in a sort of shelvIn, ta bleland of stone, perhaps some fifteen tcet in clrcumlerence, just above the beach. From here she could see the water and be able to attempt to flag any passing ship or approaching' flshlng boat. She noted at once that to one sIde the rocks were piled up tn a kind of pyramid. Carefully the stones had been placed to make a shelter. Why it was ·a house, B little' play· houlie, almost! Eagerly she bent to examine it. Branches o.t scrub pine had been crisscrossed to form a back waU, and the land was banked protectingly against it: The lide wan. were of rock, and the roof was a slate-like slab that only a strong man could have raised. It was . , WIIIN CONmPAnON mOM ,Oil leel Icarcely waist higb .and, at first pUnk u the dlckelll, brillp on stomacll glance, more like a'n animal's lair IlPMt ... IOIU tute, ...., discomfort. than a human habitation. lake ur. Caldwell'. fllllOUl medicine Itt IlwcIIJ.J pull the triller 011. W, ''In- . Bending low and peering into the IW'IlJtI, aD!! help JOII feel brl&ht 1114 shadows .at the back, Lark .aw a cldJperapln.., pile of things, stores and treasures ... CALDWIU.'SII the wolld.rfuI lellin a neat·stacked heap. A pony skin aal.uatift contained ID loud old S1f1lP PeJIIiR ~ make It 10 . . , Co take. had been Itretched as a cover but IWIY DOCTORS ~ pepsin prepara_ flad slipped oft. She crawled inside tiOIlIla prescriptioll' Co mOe tho medl- and gathered up the thing., .'bringmore · ~table ud acre_bl. Co ing them out with her. So be nre 'Ollf luatl•• II COIltained Ia 8J1'11P P,epliD. She IBt down then and spread • .,IT Oil D" CALDWnLOS-th. fathem out in tront of her. Here YOrite of IIIilIJOIII for so ,eart, ud leel were a .mall curving knife, flint and tItIt wllol'lOm. nU.. from con.tI~ tinder, land .. wooden box of hard · CioIL BYtIl 8IlldIJ dliJdreD 10Yl It. ship-biscuits, They were a Uttle CAuTIoIl. U.. 0111, u dlnctld. moldy and damp, but Lark ate them with ravenoUs deligbt. A while ago .he liad found some bitter red berrie" but these had not half satis. fled her hUnger. ' The box was full of biscuits. There would be enough cO.n-o ... to last her for leveral days, .he thought. She held them in ber band., longing to eat them all now, but knowing how foolish that would be. With an effort of will power, she ~e~ned most of them to the box. She found next a ship's spy·glass, a neat little folding contraption, which could be pulled ,out and fo· cused. She went down to the edge of the water then and adjusted It carefully to her vision, 'hoping that, in the fading light of the late aft· emoon, Ihe might be able to catch sight of a sall on the horizon. JUlt beyond the incoming break· ers, there lloated a bale of hay, which seemed to'be drl!tIng steadily toward the shore. Lark watched it for a while and then turned aw8,)' \ with a sigh. It was growIn, dark now, and Ihe was beginning to be frightened by the loneuDes. and by . her returning himger. . At last she acknowledged defeat and utter discouragement and crept back to the litUe roclt shelter where, .:WNU:.:.::.::...-:..E__________._l~ _·_ after b~eaklng one 'of the remaining biscuits in tiny pieces and eating it, bit by bit, Ihe finally curled up to sleep. Sbe tried to mound the sand over ' her body and still keep her face free. , 'The fog had come in faaioaicLktor·.diIc:!tYeI'JadJOII~ once more, 'tlnd Its c1l1mmilless was kidaeJiIo UaueUe ariII'lII~relie'" like the touch of a cold, dead hand, , aiDfui bladder.irlt&tiou 'c..uecI tpce the ~and of the Moor. tit ' Like. an antlnal, Lark burrowed . , UC~ aciditr ill . • deep into the sand. Again and again TIiin a.... iaow to alllf~.1lDaec • .....,. ab. woke dutin, the e.rldless .n icht. ......... ' ..~ tiae_fort ,..... .. bec"'e~ ....... ~tatlon; an. rua.~_ ', ..Un. Vloke to eale' lIer. cramped -body . . . . _ a UJdJt,. Ia·....... lirlalli - . b!U " from the ' suflocatin, weicht that ~'lalt».u;p'aR~~~Y~!l'~ overwhelmed her: ,'. . . . . .eta fut oil 1100 III.....,... ~ . '. Wh~ Ihe wa~ened .he ~. steam. ·~urr~u.c -:e=ll:~ 1M hot, and /her ariD I and lace were ·I .. a c8refuIIF p~~ wlmbUl'ned. . . ~ ~:v..~. She' walked . inland to tile lbade ""'.Ol ~It-'=-:J: aDd .a' tor a~ . e. In .U. ~Ier :.-,: "L....J:fJ.-=-~.. lhadow. of ~ ve,L She challk at "'~~~~::J the ~ diaDk deep aDd Joq, JttUq Uut, water tdck1e 8Io:trb doWn u..r .. -. parcb8d Uaroat. &be walked In


Bug Wa,. BOllch

.AndJ<eep :lhem



WONDERFUL R~LI£F from 'Bladder Irritationsl

an. ..


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.....-.:t::..- ..1 J.\...

~ . . : ' . =-:::......... =: m ~ -I....... ... · ·... ....... -


Iow ftIIq,






. D. D. . By HAR't>LD L. LUNDQUIST. 01 Tbe Mnodf. Bible Ins titute Of ehlea,D. Relea led by W!!stero t:lewaPIiPer Union.

30 .~

. out. 'Twas a grE!at wonder anybody come out of it. aUve." Lark thought of those life·boats, those little boats.. Lellon for April 1 She said, "I wall in a boat and it went down. It didn't even get a Lesson subjec" and Scripture texts . . start. I guess all of the others in lected a od eonyrlllbted by International CouneU of ReUslou8 Education; uHd by that boat drown(~d." permi ssIon. "Doubtless•... A girl, 'bout your age, was in ' thl! boat that got in safe. Her and her father, Squlre Terralne. Complained they lost six fine horses, Halll wild, those folks, postln' rewards Ifor horses no doubt drowned, becausie one fellow's big gray horse swam all the way to shore, safe 8S a muskrat-horse owned by a aq.ueaky-volced man, name of Plascutl: Dawes." Lark IIhuddelred, remembering those horses in the ship's hold. ''There wall a powerful big wom· an, Minnie Bwc1tree," he said. "A couple of bound wenches. . • . a preaching man and I baby . . . those Terraines and that Mr. Plas· cutt Dawes, I me'ntloned to you, • . . I disremember any Clelia. There was but a few. "' Lark was cryinlg quletly agnln the weeping of release ot JOY at' the filling of her telrrib'le need for' human companionship. To know her loneliness was broken was unuUerably gratltying. H 1 e g anced I t the sky ,S t 00d up, stretching his arms, a slim and beautifully muscUlar figure . in the pOle light. He blew out the horn lantern.






Se"lnr Circle Needlecrut ' Chicago 10,II1.

564 W. Randolph St.

Enclo.e 16 cents for Pattern

\) ,..









Namlee_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ ~





THE AUTHOR AND .PERFECTEB OF OVB ,F AITH LESSON TEXT-Matthew 27 :62·28:9. GOLDEN TEXT-Let UI run with pa. tlence tbe race that Is set · berore u,. looking unto Jesus the author and perfecter of our falth .-Hebrews 12:1. 2.

Christianity is a resurrection falthl How good It Is to recall that. In this troubled year of 1945, even 81 we share once more the spiritual in. splration of Easter Sunday. Today we recall that the loving hands of His friends and followers had given themselves In what they thought was to be their final act of devotion to their Lord, His body had been tenderly laid in Joseph'l tomb and the great stone rolled in place at its door. OLD-FASHIONED garden, But even 81 some were kind and quaint and charming, blyoms loving, there were others who were in natural colors on sheet and pil. so relentless In their blltred that low cases. Worked mainly in lazythey pursued Otlrlst even beyond the daisy stitch. .01 grave. I. :I'he Hatred 01 Chrlsl'l Eaemlea You can ba"e " story book" bed llnenl.



We sometimes wonder at the bit. ternes! of the enemies of Christian.

Pattern 7102 bas transfer of one 6q~ by 20~~. two 5~. by 15·lnch motifs; ed ging Instruction.


arlin, Are 8rut FoodI"


KeI1OC1'. Ccwn Flak.. briu 7aa nearly.11 the protective roaii demm~ of th ••hol. sraIn declared . CMcDtial to blllllUl DUlritloa.

ity in our day. Had we given more earnest heed to the Bible story we He said, "Sun bet up in a minute." should have known that It wallO "II this island far from the main· from the very beginning. land?" Lark asked. The wicked men who brought "You could se/e it if It wasn't for Ibout the cruclftxlon of Jesus were the September Itog. It's ten miles, not content to let mm rest In ms maybe, maybe II little better . . • grave. They hlld lusted after ml The Peninsula. Some call it Vir· life and they had taken that. ' but For those stubborn mud stains ginia, some Maryland. Lot 0' is- even as He lay silent In the tomb, so common in spring, try this lands hereaboutll. See them, easy, the priests and the Pharisees came method of removal: Let it dry, on a clear day. This is Ghost Is- to PUate and called wm "that de- then brush as much off as possible. land. There'l HUll'ricane Island, and ceiver" (v. 63) and dema.n ded a ,ape- Wash as u sual and if the stain Pony Island, and. a lot of litUe name- clill guard. persists, sponge the spot with lemless bitches of marsh grass and sand. They feared that Ws disciples on juice, rub on 'salt and place in Chincoteague, of)~¥onder, Is big, with would perpetrate .a fraud, and after the sunshine, then wash as usmll. people on her. Assateague, too. Not steallng the body declare that He -amany people come to this place. was risen. Wicked and deceitful A leftover scrap of linoleum PEPPER! !~:. ::e:rt~!tlln~t!'::; That's why I keep my things here, hearts clln imagIne all sorts of makes a good filler for the de~k attractive ~Iasa shaker aa premium. what things I got. Guineas on the treachery on the port of others. blotter. It gives a good surface Postpaid, , _.0 0_ . _ __ shore . hate alld fear this islapd, The hatred of unbelievers toward on which to write and also wears proper.... Christ and toward ' ms followers weU. . . BOBBY PINS! :'~fD'; at'!~~Y~ a ,upply whUe they lost. Ten eardti, "Guineas?" knows no stopping place. In' clvU· -epostpaid, 11.00. '" i%ed lands and 'among cultured pea. To make stroDg flat seams in a ' SUkorhumanhalr. Oysterln p~Ctple, along the Pe· pIe it operates under a cloak of re- dress you are s.ewing at home, HAIR Nm • RellUlar ZIG qllDl. nlnsula. I ben t Guinea, but I reck. spectablllty, but It Ie nonethelesl stitch them twice-once the width flY: four neta, postpaId, SI.OO, ~n I lOok, 1lk~, .one, all rleht. I-I bitter and relentless in its pursuit of· you want . and again along the BABY PANTSI ~~~i~rrt-live with em. Him and of Ws cburch. . edge, This makes seams lie ftat, motber'. prayer. SOc quaUt7: "~')'e never IE!j!D any." D. The Victory of Christ (28: 1-8). and they seldom pull out. pair., postpnld •. 11.00. . "You'U Bee 'eln. • , • Smell 'em Victory and praise 8.h ould be the -e. Seo4 _ .r.h, 0'..."..,..,.: MIl 100 before you .ee 'em. • • • SmeliB keynote of Christianity.· Why should Don't have smaU rugs near the 'D c:II..b JM adj.aft,.. like 'the 'bottom i>1 an old boat, doel we be doleful and sad? Our Lord head or front of the stairs where CIIJIERAI. PRCIIIUCIS co. • . , . ... Gumea folk. -. -ilate them, aD~ th~ hall cOme back viotorioul from the people might slip on them, way through ID7 body and soul • • • crave I We may be glad and .ing I'm bound to Coo!)" fOur !nOre years. even in the midst' of earth'l lor. FOjlr more yem. • • . My folk. died rows Ind distresses. Let praise be oft when I wal twelve, and Sheri1r the employ of our Ups constanUy bound me out. I've served pretty as we worship Him and work for ALL near six years. I've got tour more. Him. I'm nearly nineteen, and I've lot The picture that greeted the surfour years-" prised eyes of the two women al "You change f'rom one minute to they came to the grave, al It began the next, Galt. At first I .could to dawn 011 ~e first day of the week, hardly understan,d a word you aald. was one relplendent with the gloI')' But now you aOwl1d..,.... . Ind majesty of God. The elrth " ' quaked as the Ughtning t1ashed. The 1 reckon I Jllicked up I lot of ng 1 of the Lord broke through the Guinea talk. My father'd break me :Up;'.edly unbreakable seal of of It if he W81 aUve. He had a scorn Rom and rolled back the stone 'f or Guineas, thoUlgh he doctored 'em WhiC~ WBI to have .permanently when they had a need." clOled the door to the tomb .. "Your father · 'wal a doctor?" Thil was done, not to release "Doctor and Ipreacher and poll. Christ-for He had Ilready gone, no ticker," Galt saLIl with a clear nota grave could hold Wm-but that men at pride. '!He Will ever a great one might see the empty grave and kilqw for books, too. I can read. Can that Be was risen, Other relIglonl you?" He colored up, watching her k~ep the .g raves of theil' foundeu. closely. Christianity pOinte to an empty ' .L~rk said cra'\lrely that she could, tomb. 43,000 experienced lea' ,and he said qulclldy, defensively, "I To the loes of Christ represented men now workinein ahore knowed un could; LikW un took me by the keeperl, the cornIn, of the arc for a fool to II"': un that. Why do Ingel 'and the revelation of the pow. back on ahips - if our ' un have to queSIUon me 10 close?" er of God brought absolute discom. fighting men are to get "I won't question you." · Lart flture. That is still true. Mea wl1l IIUpPUes to finish the jobl smiled at him. "'And you don't have argue with theOlogy, church methto talk G\!olnea t<lt me. I understood ods, even Christian profesllion, but you beUer 'a whllie ago." when they see the power of God reHe went to the dinghy and brougb' vealed, they can only be "81 dead back a slap 01 bread lind some men." stron, cheese. "'You' must be hun. To the friends 01 Christ, the angel gry, lady. Have bread." brought comfort and assurance. '" Thetr fears were assuaged by his "My name • Lark. Lark accept- word of comfort, and then their faith ed some bread lind broke oft Bome as revived by the assurance that cheese. "Thank y~U, Galt. I am ~rlst wal risen, The resurrection Me. Now at Sial hungry. If It haldn t been for your declares that He il the Son of God What are your chances biscuits I don't k:now what I'd have with power, the Saviour of the done." . . for advancement iD • . "I I h I'd ed" h id world. IIhore job when the war ... o~ wAlUit,. Captain at 27, 1113'S: "I w ~, . IJUel8, e la m. The loy of Ohrl.l'. Dlsclplea ends? Read what this came up from ThIrd Mate to Ship Muter simply, th,~t yo'U were out here. I (28:7-9). . leaman says and you'1l ill three yean because of the bil oppor. w1eh I had. . The followers of Christ had their nDW In the Merchant MariDe. I get a hint of what the tunlty He wa. spealWig with a alow share of fear and unbelief but It know I'd neve( have made that ';Ite of Merchant Marine offersl IJIO&Ra in a Ihore job." pridelul care, watching her, waiting was quickly overcome by JOY and for her every wOlrd. They lay in the assurance as they knew that thelr sand in the Ibadl. of the fog bushel Lord was risen. and the stone wllll and scrub pine. The note of great joy i. hi&hly A delightful senst. of peace and feat appropriate on Easter Sunday, . but stole over Lark. She closed her JUlt as proper on every Sundayeyes. • • • ,es, every day of the Christian' a When she awo~~e, startled, reelin, ll!a. He 11 risen from the deadl the catcb of the, lonellness again, .T hat settles all questions about WI say call1ng out for blm, Galt· laJd gen· deity, His power, Ws lalvatIon. It I.tIt1., L_tl.., Uy;. "I watched WIl' asleep, there, and meets the problems of our Uvea willi , I couldn't think to waken un. Un an unfailing word ot COnfidence and Govenunentheads,~e looked 10 happy like, . and-and 10 joy. . lhipping compa,nies and · pretty, Lark. • . • But we'd better '. Be lure to note that such good union leaden alfCC that RANK". 'AnOII. Preo., AmcricaD Merthink what to. dc" where'. the belt 'news must nbt be kept to ounelvea. the postwar prospects for dlaDt Marine In.titute: "With neu1.9 place to make' t.J,r." . We should emulate the zeal of the the Merchant Marine. ; : : l~ :a~ :':i~th~ "You'ILtalte me to the inn,';. Lark dilclples, who "departed quickly" to exceed any thins ever . chant MariDe will move intD a put en said ' astonished; "won't you? When' make It known to their lamWe. and before Jmown. er, iii~ after tho war."I ~ • .. you 'go. . • , Wl~, Galt---Gal~'" frlendl. :The stOry of the' "tctorioUl An ber arcum·leDts, all her plead- Saviour I. ltill un\mOw,l to man, -To Il'n' up YrlUa 'he Morolallb' If!arlne, ,.porl to YOIU ....,.., in,1 and r~uoninls wer~ lost on· tIlousanda-pos.ibiy ~e Ibould S81 War Sl#Ppin, ' AdbtJill'traHon Ollioe, 70IU maritime u~ V.' S. Bmplo,ymen' :;""1011. (W . " " . ool/eo' to ZWetchul' lIa1lM, him. He ~ald, limply . an4 ltubborn-, milliona. Let lom~ne depart qui~. '. W.8laIn,ton, D~ c. . . l.J "I don't ·aIm to take you to the 1, to tell them of JeSUl. ~d don. ~ Iillrk." He I~peated It dOlled. forget ·to ask yourHlf. "Should ~at ly maddenlnll.J · lomeone be me'" . atm to Ita JeSUI met them on the WB7 WlUs 1 eerta_ '7 a greetln' of peace. He lov.. to here I" ~e blm; furio\W7' ba 'fellowship with IIle people .. th.y hie own · balf·,eJ1U., half. on BlI errancb. You wID 8Dd HIm ' GuiD.. wB7. . '"nl..mmrlllni then awaltln, fOUl' CICIIIl!q. _ ('1'0 all '"






cia. talre..

.... L E S SON .-.


How Sluggish Folks

a" Hap




Due to an unusually large demand Ind current war COJ1dltl()ns . 8l1ghtly more time Is required In ' OlUnli orders for a .~ . , the most popular pattern numbe.n. ,



KUklnr Sborlbora Dulli . Two 12 mo.: old, Buns'S. T.B. uccredJlcd. True duol purposo type. Wendell Hilburn, n. 0, Dllilboro. 0,

crush the sweet greel} grass under. foot. Once she saw lIigns of the ponies w~lh marks of th.e ir tiny hoofs, but no print big enough .for I.a,ncer was . here. The Uny circles looked old and weathered, the edges were gray and powdery and the spoor WBS halt· erased. It was .just before dawn the next morning that" Llrk awoke to hear the splash . at oars and to discern the dim outliDl~ of an approaching dinghy. After a time the awkward dinghy pulled up from the tide and was beached not far from her. . A man, a boy, in rough dungarees and with uhkempt hail' streaming to his shoul· ders, was coming up the sand, com· lng straight toward her. She stirred and he stood for I second listening, hardiy more of a human figure than the pOnies had been. He was tall amJ gaunt, but there was a narrow straightness about him that spoke of youth and of unreached and unrealized male strength. Lark's urgency roughened her voice and coarsened it. "Here," ahe cried out. "Here I I'm by the rock shelter!" "I see un! You leave my things bel" The figure came runnIn, toward Lark, 'catcbIng up a short.







£ B d Le

G d


WANTED Farmt\ll troctor, new or used, on rubber. r. n. HILLER. So. OIl.rlOlloa, Ohl.,

LICENSED ENGINEERS. pos twar aeeu'





'l'8E STORY FAR: Larll Sllaneon, wllol. beloved houet Madoc, was .old to clear a lIebt when ber father, Bec. tor Shannon, died, I.UI for Amenta Irom EDrland at the 1n"ltation of Da,,14 North, ber childhood sweetheart, wbo .... JUlt returned to Eneland from America. DaVid, hOWlver, dllll.ppoint. Larllb,. ullInr the nllbt before, aad Ihe Is .orce4 to make the trip aloae. Wbea In Ilrllt of the VJrrinia eoa.. the sblp eacounlere a YloleDt ltorm and It II neceuar,. to cut the borael loose to II". them ' their ehance.. Larll mana rei to ret Into a life· boat but It Is Iwamped. Sbe rrabl a IPar and wben Ihe a wakes feels lolld rround beneath ber. She lave I Lancer; a prize borse, from qulckaand.

..Ity. lAlaA' MAna'a.&arln_J Dlvlalon, General Malar. Corporation, Co1emaA Avonse, Da,toa, 01110, "Mus t bo"e USES referraJ,'


f:t!=itmll' ~ SCHOOL , armIng ar en or e

HELP WANTED • P,rlou a_ , la ••• at/.1 laduatr., .ilI ao! ,.ppl., witbout .tit.. ....nt 01 ....Uabillt.,. Irom tbeir loca/ Uait.., St.,.. Emp/o7m,at S.nic••




'.'1 waa ahlpwreoked."

heavy oar from the beached dinghy, waving it threateningly, holdin, the flarin, la~tern forward in the .other hand. "I'm not hurting your thtngs!" Lark Icreamed at him. "You be a girl, ben'! you? What you doin' here?" He wal quite near her now, a taU, unkempt youn, man, staring at her with deep-set uilwel· coming eyes. . "I was .hipwrecked. I wa's hed up here day. ago. • . . I-I thought nobody would ever find me. rve been here-daYIl and nighta-such a long ~e." She ' tried to steady her. self a,ainst the trembl~gl.. sick relief flooding through ber at the blessed ,hock of another human prelence. "That Tempora lhip, I reckon." Ws .peech wal Itrange to Lark. He had a curioul way of making the words, halt·formed· flat worda. WI wild brown halr hung almost to lill shoulders. He looked lean and strong and Ingry, standing there in hie dlsreputabie dungafeeS and short torn and uttered jacket. "Yea," Lark said, "Yes, the Tern. pora." She knew s~e was ,0Ing to cry, could feel the sob tearing i~ self out of her. She lat down, bleak. ly, in the sand and put her bead In her arms, giving over to the thick, punishing lobI. "I'm sorry you-had to get washed In here. Pity you coUldn't have been in that lite-boat that come in. • • . This is a mighty lonesome place for a lone. girl by herself." Wa voice was gentle now, kindly. WS speech was eaSier, . with less of the thick softness, the guttural pronouns. Lark said again, childishly, "I didn't hlU't your things. I did eat some of your biscults. I luppose they were yours." "Un was ' hungry." He sat down in the sand, opposite her, starin, at her Intently. "I'm glad un found 'em.... I never saw you, a while back, just somethtn' movln', an' 1 W81 afraid Cony_'" He broke oft, 'then "went on. "My tewthings ain't ,much. I take shame for. yeWn' at un, Uke I did ..., . ''That'l all right." Lat:k could con. elf ' uld t _ t il trol ' berl now, eo -11 o ' .m e at this taU, ,enUe yoim, man' wi~ the tragic eyes and the half.genUe, half-almo.t'. lava,e way of lpeak. in,. . .... "I'm 'Galt W.ithe. I'm bound serv. \ alit to Mag and Cony Vurney that runI tb.e. inn over to the. Peninlula." He ae~ of! toward tIM! eloudJ weat. ''W.~edto :beJpthatliDkfD' 1Ihlp. You eCluld. lee .the rockete plaID. But It Wa. a eoalt·wiM! bur· her bare tilt riome. CouldD~"DO .maU ~t maU



"Up-Grading is Fast,"


"Th, Futur. is Bright," ·









- ~ ®f111t ~t~


looking at


1. 'What two brothers signed, the 'Declaration of Itidependence? 2. Ilow old was .Toan of Arc when she led the French army to the relief of Orleans? 3. 'Who started construe1&00 of 'the P~ama canal in 18791 4. Who, according to legend. he1ped the Swiss gain thea independ~nce by killing Gessler,


, the tyrant?


15. How many sins are named.s t'deadly ' sins"? 8. What does the abbreviatiOD ''Jan'~ mean? 'I. From what" source. do we iet the Quotati?n, . Goodnight, goodnlll.ttl" parbn,g lS such sweet Bor-

11' What IS the Aurora Austra s

row-;-, , 8.

The An,wer8

1. ~chard and Francis Lee of Vlrlinia. 2. Seve nteen ye ars. I. The French started the conatructlon of the canal in 1879. t. William Tell. IS. Seven - pride, cove tousness, IwIt, anger, gluttony, envy and • 1oth. , 8. Unknown (ignotus). , .,. Romeo and Juliet. . B.· The "norther:n lights", of the .outhern hemisphere.




Little K'nown S.oriu About Well-Known People: HI. contemporarle. thought Ted: dy Roosevelt was conceited. Tbey told this one on him. That Teddy died and went to heaven ""here be discovered the tamed choir had bcen disbanded. He , told St. Peter It should be reorganized and that be., Teddy, would conduct. " Very well .. aaid The Old Fellow. "How many t~nora should we have'" Teddy sunested ten million tenora, as many baritones, etc. , "How many bass singers?" asked 8t Peter pencil poised. ;'Oh," ~ald Teddy, "l'llslng bass." FDR'II guestlnr at the former Czarist Palace in YaltA brings to mind the yam told about Teddy Roosevelt's world tour.... WhUe In Stockholm he llved at the royal palBce. When "Mr. Blg-8Uck" was asked by a newsman how he liked the .ensatlon of llvlng In a palace, Teddy snapped: "I don't like them . You can't ring ·a bell and complain about the room!" One of the .tall ollend his reslcnatlon to the executive editor of the old New York World. He explained that he wa. rolnl' to I&art his own IUUe country newa-".per. ',)'d Dke some advice from you," said the reporter, "on how fOU 'JlIDk I oarht to run It." "You've come to the wronr '" person." .ald the exec. "Ask one of oar lodlrnant 5ubllcrlberl." When PresldeDt Roosevelt was Governor of N\!w York a film salesman named Moe Schenck (he worked out of Alba ny) was introduced to him. . . . The other day Moe was In the White House to see one ot the secretaries about a film. . . . As he came out of the office FDR came along. "Weill" weird Mr. , Roosevelt. "How are you, Moe, you old sunuvagun-what are you doing in WashIngton?" , Moe explained bis mission briefly and Itarted to go, FOR !laid: "Good luck. Moe. Don't be such a strangu . Come see me sometime." "Mr. President." Moe intoned, "I'm a very busy man."


At a aoolal event which Thoma. EdISCID atieDded reluctantly at bb wUe'. arrmr-UIe- IIIveDtor &DaDy etcapeel · hili admIrera to .., ID a COrDer. A frlen. Wli"BOW noUced &bat be kept 100kiDr al bb watch aDd, drawlllr cloler, he heard EdlaoD Ill'h deeply and .~!:1~-I--DlIur.I!DUI~!II-.&hei"""_lre onJ7- a dol' here."

JaaJ. ~ ad . ~ •• Uaocufat. with N1TRAGIN. Gift '. Doa't rUk l'oqr

eoybeam IDOre vigor to fisht weeda .nd c&ouabt. Get bigger, aurer cropa aud _ lOa fertility. N1TRAGIN ia pod crop inaurance for every ' plane. !aJ of Iquma. It'. the oldat ~ IaDt. uJed by fumen for .., yean. COIla about 12 eeoc. an ure, taka • few miD..... to - . Produced 1ry trained .a-. . . . in. modern ~.tory. Get it, ha .... ~ c:an,.at .ed dulert. nn-Wrile foda)' "" ,,.. ..,bea.., e/lollo, .." 01'- _ _ 100<*/01.. Ioddnu b.low.

The home of Beethoven in Bonn has tieen converted Into a memorial museum. In one of the rooms, roped off from curiou.s hands, Is the plano upon which Beethoven compcsed most of his famous music. A very Inooty girl visited the shrine with a party ot American tourists. She looked at the plano with awe and asked the guard If she might play just a few notes on it. She 8at down and played a few bars of the MoonUght Sonata. As she lett she reo marked to the attendant: "I suppose all the great pianists who ha,ve eome here at one Urne or another have played cn It." The guard replied: "No, mlss" not at all. paderewski was hel'e several years ago, but said he wasn't worthy to touch It." At a dlnner pa~y Bea LWJe (Lady Peel in private life) was wearing the family pearls. A feline meowed: "What lovely pearls, Bea. Are they genuine? Of course. you can alwaya tell ' by biting them. Here. let ma lee." "Gladly," said Lady Peel, proffering her jewels. "But remember, Duchess, you can't tell real pearls with false teeth." One of the Important Washlnl'ton -newspapers once reported (on Its front page) a mUd IndisposItion of President Roosevelt . with: "Prellident Kepi to ma Room. by Coed." FDR heard ot It and requested leveral copies, which be .bows ao Visiting diplomatic blewlr. ID their moments of relaxation.

LIVESTOCK lA~GHS AI Cufs and Bruls.s ••• II you're a lood, klod owner and keep Dr. Por:rer'a AntlMpde 011 on hand tn the bam alwa)'8 'for eme;,ency UN_ AU. your ftterinari'an about It " •. he'U teU you what an elfecU9., woOdetfuJ ...Ip It la In promotlill _rural bea\tnl p _ _ for minor cut., bum., Baddle ow CIDIIar ..... br.ia.. ay aiaIIeab wOUJlda. U.. oaly .. 'dlncted.OD ... ..,~..rdru....t.

This I. how one of the world's clas· slclI was written: Nathaniel Hawthorne worked as a bookkeeper. One day he was fired and came bome depressed. But his wife wasn't, She told bim that she had secreUy saved money from household expensee so that he could one day a1tord to write the book he W81 planning. . That I. how Hawtborne wrote ''The Scarlet Letter."

SHE'S A SHE-DEVIL to lome Hal. lywood people; to othen she's an angel. Joan FODtaloe Is one of those peraons who never could be .ccused being wilhy-washy. She's elecgiving oft with dynamic Impulses, sometime. a IPakllnrkling poslHve, sometime. a crac g negaJoan Fontaine Is never neutral When she's angry she's lightning in • summer .torm, and jUit 88 deadly; wben sbe'. ,ay she's aver· Itable pinwheel on wheels. Exploded Into the ranks at the .creen's first la· dies back in 1939 with a hauntlng pe.rformance In ''The Women," Joan bal frequently been a storm center, and 'most alwaya tOWD'S gossip C{)nver!Btion piece. Joan, when she wants to be, can be a witcb right out of "Macbeth." She once said: "I express my feelIngs by action. I have a frlghttul temper, and I can 6.y , Into rages about almost anyth.lng that gets on my nerves at any time of day or night,"

Surpri,e. Surpri.el The big news ot the moment Is that she went through one whole plcture without once losing her temper. That was "The AlTatrs of Susan," for Hal Wallis at Paramount. , Producer Wallis, a wise man (he must be-anyway he won 2:1 Oscars during a IO·year period), provided Joan with everything an actress could set her heart upon. She had not one but four leading menGeorce Bren&. DcDDJs O'Keefe, DOD De Fore, a.nd Walter Abel. In the picture each of these men falls In love with her and wants to marry her. In "The Alfalrs of Susan" Joan played her first eomedy role, and that scared her, she confided to me. SaYI I to her: "You've got one ot the lInest comedy directors in tbe business-Bill Seiter. He knows more than many at our Bupposed big shots, whom be's taught all they know. but can't remember because thetr hate are now too high for them to balance the hat and the brain underneath 'em. So with Bill just let yourself go. He'll carry the ball over the goal line. and you'll get the credit."She did, and now Bays. "I preter comedy to those droopy roles I've been playlog."

It'. Contagiou.

Don't You Believe It The Fon&allle-De HavlJJand' "feud" rumors, for Instance, are a part of the legion of legends about ber. Joan contends there Isn't any feud, never has been one. "Why," say8 ahe, "U Llvvy ever needed help I'd be tlfe first one she came to, and vice versa." No. there is no feud, but the fact that she took the name Fontaine, and not Llvvy's made talk, as Joan knew It would. She wanted no one to write a story, about Llvvy'a baby sister, said she. "If I can't win on my own, being tied to Livvy·. apron strings won't belp me. So what the beck! Just call me Joan Fontaineor don't call me." Regard1ng the reports that ahe has trouble with her directors sbe answers: "Ho.w'! anyone going to undermine a Hitchcock or a Cukor or a BIU Selterf It's rid1culous!" . Joan Is a determined person with a wili of iron. If something comes up sbe dliiagrees with she just plants herself In the position she Intends to maintain-and ahe maintains It. Ask David O. Selmlck. He knows. "I was sick at being the sad sack of the screen," Bald she. "I wanted to play comCldy, and now that I've done It, rm happier than I've ever been lo Hollywood."

• • •

Unknown Become. Known


LJDD Chambers'



·Spaghettl with Chicken Liven Slivered Green Beans and Carrots Grapetruit-Orange Salad French Bread Butter Cottage Puddln, with Chocolate Sauce ·Reclpe liven.


Chicken III precious 'but a Ume lonr way wben It'. served with ,las sed mixed vegetablel aDd a border of rice.

roe. •

The phrase. "there'. something new under the sun," CElD always be applied to cooklng, muses many a homemaker. There'. never a dull moment in foodl, tor countIe.. new combinationB and methods are con~ .tantly being de- I!~~::::::~~~ veloped. Today's column 11 billng devoted to thoae of you who want' to accent the "d16'erent" in rel:lpes. Some are old recipes with just a touch ot newness that .pella an entirely di6'erent flavor or appe8.raDCe In the Iinlshed food. Bearing ratlonin, In mind. the.e recipes will make It easy OIl those precious polllts. There's nothing tricky about makin, them, and they are bound to whip up ration-worn appetites to new and interelting heights. A few piece. of leftover meat take On new interest wb..n they are dipped In a 'iauce and bread crumbs, then fried. Ther e's nothing to smack at leftover ta.te in theBe: Meat SU,ce •• ~ cupBarbecued oU a table.pOona mustar4 S tablespOODl WorcesierShlre .. uce ~-1 tea.poon .alt Cold meal, alIeed Bread or cracker crumb. Fat or drlpp..... Combine oll, mustard, sauce and lalt with rotary beater, Dip meat IIIto this mixture. then in bread crumbs and brown In hot fat. Serve garnished with greenll lind cucumber pickle. ,D ressed Sparerlb. (Serve. 8) 1~ pound. aparerlb. " teaspoon ..U ' . I cupa ma.hed .wee' potatoes ,I oup cooked rice Z table.poon. builer or IIl1baUiute Make a dressing by comblnln,

But It wasn't always sweetness and light with Joan. On her last picture, the $4,000,000 "Frenchman'l Creek," there was more than a little trouble between her ,and Arturo De Cordova, the technicolor pirate. Joan was very unhappy on that one. and when Joa.n 's unhappy every one within shouting and sbootlng range Is apt to be unhappy, too. All due to a misunderstanding of the .language. He apologized. she apologized, and they were friends again. Many of the reports ctrculated about Joan pure malice. Joan just never bothers to answer back. "But I don't let those thingS ~other me any more," she told me. After all. by this time th,el've said everything and written everything that Could be said or written about me. the spareribs. rice, salt and butter. BroWn the sparefteah¥ so why. explain anything?" aide or the

U's supposed to ~ve happened at A new IIU1 named Tommy Trout, President Roosevelt'. Inaugur:al six footer, 185 poimd.. appeared at ceptJon. A niJdwe.t plumbin, man· the .tudlo, alkinl for a job. The)' ufacturer who had supported u.. thought he wanted· to work a. a ' laDemo campaign fund ~~ught hla borer. Sald he. "I wat to act." M teen-age daughter to the .luncheon. • joke. he ~81 .ent to I.UU&D BIU'IUI, The young lady had been c9acbed Metro'l coach. After lye minutes for weeks OD correct etlq'iette III with him she pbOD~ th. bo••, and company at .0 these bl, people. JIIv. "'d."If we don't IIID him we Ouahl erythln, went weD until she ""a. ID-' 10 our hoad. ellamJnecl." They traduced to FOR. Sh,e cur1Iled alight- slllled.. He'. finished h1a fIr.t, "MaiD q - and they .ald with defer. Street After Dark. ',' The,. .wear ac., "Tbis 1. a Ireat honor. lit. from au performance he'. been actPruIdeDl 11';. heard fath.r .~.. JnI aM hi. Wit, 01 7011 maQ7 times."


Serve Novel IF'oods To Tempt Palate During Rationing

Pasteurization of Eggs .--------.,1 Improves Quality

riba . . ICov.e r h~ at sp81l'erlbl witti dreSlin,. the D piace other half On toP at them. Add ~ cup wator, cover well and bake In II moderate oven for 1~-2 hours. Dlnne....lo....Dlsll. (Serve. 8) 1 pound veal Ihoulder % CliP ral or 4rlpplop 1 te ..poon Worceslel'lhlre sallce ~ cup celery Z CliPS ImaD onlo88 :& cups broad nooelles 1 oup diced carro" 1 rreen pepper, dloed 1 cup r een peal I eup••oup .tock Cut veal Into ono lIIeh cube., brown In tat. When brpwD, add the Worceaterabire lauc. la nd soup .tock. Add th, whole onion., carrots, pepper. celery and peili. ·Wh1le steaming, arrange noo~e. on top of veletabl... molstenlnl them with

LJDD Sa".:

Make It Good! When m.klng scalloped tomatoe., add a bit at celery and okra for added flavo~. Sauerkr.ut 11 wh«iJl served fried III bacon clrlPPIniII. Add . , du.tlnI of peppel' before ..nlll,. , Green peppen 1tUfte4" Ground bam mmded with ne. 11 a natural combination. Bake In lo'mato lauce for color. 'Com and blta at b.COD are lood, but will be eva b.tter wben bite at ,reen Pel~per aro added. Beeta take to oraDI. lIavor. After beatinl.dd a bit' 01 oranp Juic. and Ifated rlD4.." 'arocoou 11 It for tha be" whm aerved with bits of ItheItDutI cooked, peeled and ~_"ICI.


the soup stock. Cook tor 30-40 min· ute. over low heat. Now we have several recipes that lit not only Into tho "dilTerent" fla· vored foods but also in ·the point· easy category:, Erg Cakel In Tomato Sauce. (Serve. ') " cup cracker meal I tablespoonll lTated cheese ~ teaspoon ..1& ~ teaspoon pepper " teaspoon baklll&' powder • well beateD egp 1 tablespoon milk • tablelpoons fat or COOkiDg oD Combine cracker meal. cheese, seasonings and ba.k ing powder. Add to eggs, mix well ~ and .tir In mille ~ j Heat tat In frying . 6~ pan and drop in -, tableapoons of egg mixture. Fry until the edges are brown. Turn and brown on other side. Add more fat as needed. Drop cakes Into simmering tomato sa\lce and cook tor 20 minutes. Tomato Sauce. I .mall canll tomato lauce Z IImail caDI water Z teaspoona salad 011 " CDP lu,ar " Iealpoon ..It " teaspoon pepper 'I Iealpoon minced onion Combine Ingredients In order given. Bring to boiling snd 81mmer over low heat 4!1 minutes, 1tIrring occasionally. Of course. spaghetti dlshe. are nothing new to most of you. but when yoU combine It with the dell·· clous seasonings given in the following recipe, the d1sh will rate three eheers and a "hurrah." The tomatoes may be home-canned ones from last summer'. produce, 8Jld the Uvers may be calves' or lamb U chicken is not available. To saute the llveri. try them very ,entl;r in hot tat with '- bit ot arated or minced onion for seaaoDin,. It will take only about two or three mlnutes to brown and cook them. Sprinkle with salt and pepper bef()re .ervlng. SparhetU with ChIcken Liverll. (Serves 8) ~ pOUlld IpacheHI I tablespoons Ihortealar 1 onion . I cup. oaDDed tomatoes teaspoon pepper " pOund rraled cbeese ~ pound freu mushroom. 1 poUDCl chicken Uvera 1 teaspoon ..It Cook the spaghetti lo boUlng salted water until tender. Drain and rinse In cold water. Heat the' fat Bnd brown the finely cut onion In It. Add the spaghetti and cook genUy. Add the tomatoes, cheese, lalt and pepper. Cook. slowlY until weD blended. Serve In a casserole or platter garnished with whole mushrooms and sauteed chicken Uven.


New Method an Aid ro Egg Storage ot egg. as dePASTEURIZATION veloped at the 'University of MI.lOuri. or the ftasb heat treatment of Cornell university, promise. to prove ot considerable value to the poultry and farm Industrie •. The pasteurizing ot shell eggs not only destroya bacteria but causea .hell eggs to retain their deslrabl. physical properties much lonll:er than do untreated eggs. In the Cornell ftash heat treatment at eggl, a ftve-second exposure of f.resh egg. to bolling water torml a thin protective fUm at coagulated album en. adherent to the shell membrane. This treatment of el'g. at temperature. above the coagulatioD point at albumen proved to b. an emcJent method for the preser. vatlon at table eggs. The appUcatlon ot the pa.teuriza. tion process to shell eggs may provo of ,reat value to the poultry in.

Molt yotmI mothem tile ~~ ,..y to reIieYe IIIIIeI't. of "'...... aa. corda. At bedtime they rub Vlcb V.poRub on throat, chest ~ bact. Crimd relIeI.wu .. V.poRub , ••


to upper


tuba withits.pedalmedldnal vaparI, STIMULATES cheat and back lUI'" 6wes like a WIlI1l1fna pouItJoe.

Often by morn1n, most of the mfseryoftheoold Is gone IRemanberONLY VAHRUB CiYes You thla~ clal double action. It'. time-t.atiId. home-proved .• _the best-known, hamI

remedy forrelJev-

Ing miseries of chlldren·. colds.

V Ie M'. V


A. U


~ RUBBER There are two bill -unImow",-11I trying to anlldpole the ey.nlval "balanc. af paw.r" b.,w.... nalvral and iyn"'ellc rvbber.ln "'eoplllIon of John L Collyer. P,.sld.nt of Th. 8. F. Goodrich Co. Th ... - . Icnowns ar. {.spectiye productlorl COlli and "'e ,.Iotlye yalue of th ... type. of rvbber In different klncls of products .enrol y.on hence.

DurIng tho manufactur. of on. varl.", of s.,nth.tlc rubb.r, moterlal. mu.1 be kepi at a temp.rotur. of 100 do. IIr•••· b.low zera. U•• of ,oyon hOi Improved III. performance of syn"'etic IIVek as mum as 375 per cent compared wllh IIr•• made of colton cord,_. Industry authorities repart.



dustry when applied to egg. al they pas8 througb the regular markeUn, channela. The treatment 1. Ilmple and rOo qulrell only average kitchen equipment. The egg. a.r e plunged loto boiling water for five lIeconda, cooled and placed In cold storage or a refrlgerator. wbere they wlll fresb for 12 months. Without refrlgeration they should remain fre8h for about three months.



Bam-Curing Hay Safe ' And bnproves Quality Making hay while the sun doean't shine has -been .lmpllfle~r hundred. of tarmen who have ' bullt electrically operated hay drier., UBIng forced ventilation to cure hay III the mow. Tbe Inatallatll!n conSist, of wood· en ducts, built on the mow floor,

' ......n........... ..-y . . . . . . ,' . C........I... Yes, constipation ean stealyoar


energy. TakeNature'.Bemed1 (Nit

Tableta). Cont.aina no chemicaJa. no miJlerala, pbonol derivative&. NIt Tableta are dilierent-act differen\. Purely w~le-a ootnbinatiOJl 01 10 vegetable ingredienta formulated cver 50 yearaago. UncoatAldoreaud7 ' _tAld, their action Is depenclable. thorough, yet gentle, 88 milliOn..of , NR'. ha"" proved. Get a 2Iii! bo& today ••• or Jarpi' ecODOIDY __ Caution: Tilb caJ.r as direcied. ".IDoNIGHr, IOMOI.OW AU,."


All·YEGlTABlE wanVl Air Circulation In Mow. througb which .Ir 11 forced Into ad upward througb the hay by a blower powered with an electric motor, or when electricity Is not available by • gasoline motor. Tha use of the forced ventilation .ystem enables farmer. to move their fora Ie crop. Into the mow two to tour hour. after cuttlnl, beforo the leave. beglD to shed. '

Farm Windbreaks ' Pay Dividends ,Annually Pl.nUn, whleh will turo I. • ment that

evergreen windbrew pay dividendi ID the fu· wartime farm ' Improveshould be undertakeD at

A crisp head of lettuce ne.tles. In OfI4:e. thII ro.,. & asplo rlllr to make Not only will th. windbreak b. a a deDgh&ral sprlo~ ..lad. protection tor the home, cutting To top 01T our round-up of deU- down the cold winter wind •• It wID cloualy d1lTerent recipes, there'. a nve heating costa as a result. In manY localiUes It I. po.slble 8alad which you will enjoy havin, when you want to perk up winter- to '8C\1l'e planUn, stoek whlcb would have lODlo commercial value-fruit, we.ry appetites: ' nuts or for the wood contained. RIDr Aroud Rose 8alad. M , materlaa for many other Im(Serves .) provementa aro not avaUable, DOW % Clap COld. wster Is tho· time when conalderatil. lmI oap. caDDed tomatoes , provement caD be made b" pllUltlll. 1 tablespoon &Del, rrated onion dUirable tree., Not only wID tho ~ ba)' leat, II desired value of the land be Improved. but ~ teaspoon ..U mOf at the tr... could produc. aD ~ teaspoon celel'J' ..., aDDual pa,. ~ to the larmer. Few rralDl c.YlDlle or JflPper ' 1 tableQOeli ~elalln ' , 1 tabletpoo.- lemon J1IIee Mix tomatoft, bat leaf, Alt, celery, cayenne or pepper. In .aucepan 2WAR~ and boll for ' 10 minute.. Soak pIa. tID 'In cold water 5 mlnuJe., add to hot mixtUl'e and stir until dluolvld. Add lemon Juice and on1on. Tum Into a rm, mold ' that baa .... rInHd In cold water aDd ahW. W.... lettuce \horoUlhl1, remov. . . . bat do DOt s.,.rate Wbe




Uamold- tOmato rinI CIa cbop ~. . Place be.d at lettuee iii center 01 rIq and nalIe.

.ery. '

with real

IDa,.. ,

. .~.Wah~.~v~ 'I



. . . . . . . . . coIcI..

Oar,. few .... "

Dr. DIAICI'I .......OOW...... ......,,..,.... ',., dlUII,.., Ilwt ..._ ...... ., '.... -..w.At ...... ~

D~iKE'S (}1es1Cfl'


tarot lor












Bronze Star Awarded Red Cross War Fund S,t. ,Jarne. A. Hopkin. Goal Almost Assured

The oftJ.ce 'a t ~e Oomrnandtng General, Headquarters of. the 301lh llIlfa.n~ DlWslon bas GlWarded Sale At Lebanon Will Help the Bronze Star Medaa 0It.a~ to Increaae The Total Amount Sgt. James A. HopkJn& at tlhe 631st Anti-A1rcralft ArWJery Ba.ttery at Donation. from Wayne Twp. the U. B. Army, for meritorious Credited To Ita Collection. achievements and een1ce' trom JUne 16, 1Mt Ibo November 30, 1944. in 1M'n. Everett Earley; cha1nnBn of France, l3eIgI1um, 1H01lalJ4 and Gertile W8i}'Ile 'l'ownehtl Red 0r08s War many. F.und D11ve. 61eItea thaIt the goal The Cit&.Uon 11 slsned by Major for. Uh1s ~ Is prect4ca.lly oasured 'With :tlhe COIJling aale to be Gene1'&l L.. S. ~obbs, '0. S . Anny. Bg.t. HopJdns' wite Gnd child, A.mJ held in VOaroOn, f!8Iturdaiy, April 7, Margaret, reskle tn Waynesville. at tbe Ommunl.ty ()enter there. belDg cwta.In to swell ,t he fund to • Eilhtieth Aniveraary point where It wili &0 over <tale top. l!kich Jtem dcmaUd to the we trom l'4lIL"lIent.s 01 W&.yne ToWnshlp will be crecDOOd ao tlhe local fl\bL ItJnIy item tthat. baa a Il&leable value will be &OOI!pted, 80 now 11 tlhe time to dlapoee of all ' <those odds IUld ends tiat :twn up abolJt tlh!8 time at tale wea.r tWhen the Ulual spr1ng boo8ecleanln8 \ P1'OQrGm geta Wlder ~.

l"erMma havJnir items ·to doIIMe to tnIa ade can thereby help out

Red Cl"08II War at the same t.Ime the

l'IUncS and dl8poee of Wi-

wa.nt.ed 1temB. thereby making a dona.tJon wtUlout any aacrifSce on their part. 'lbla lit about Ule .a.noJ opportun. ity Co pve 110 U. ~ <:&USe and Cbere iII 'oo ~ why everyone e&nIt donate eomeIIlh1ng.

LYTLE &pent Prlday with

. . . . . . ,_,. . _Uld '


M:nI •. D. L. Crane, whoee eightieth bkt.h amUvel'IIU1 occured Aprll 1. W&II tendet'ed: &. delightful surprise ~ even1ng !When Iller I\JeCe, MnI. Dan ~, of Lebanon, arriv, ed 0Jld asmotmoed dlat she had oome ao irupper. Mrs. had PI"eY1oual¥ a.rrantred wIDl Mrs. NeWe Bunnell, actlD8 matron, to include the entire Houae ta~ in tht e«a1r. Mte supper a gorgeous bI:J1ahd&y cake was bJ'OU8!ht 1n, then laitB ~ to 4Irie IOtchen ttIo be cut and BerlVeG with Joe Cln!UD and strawberries, all t·urn1ahed by MnI. Walter. Mrs. Creme'a a.nm...ema.ry and 'bhe a1xteenth a.nnI.versary, April 6, of het' ~ter. Ba.rbanl Orane, were jointly celebra.ted on SUnday at 4be home of Mr. !Uld Mra. E. C. Cr&ne.


Mr. and Mn. Walter ~ 84ld

dwJCbter, Wonda,

Of Birth Obaerved By Mn. D. L. Crane


..-..- 8DIl-...._ -~, and Mh. Ben Bc:IloUlthel.s in Dayton,

~. Mn. Nettie Dw1ct, MR. J. B. Jooee, NnI. calvin ~ ADd Ibn ~ lID. B,a,I,ph Barpr were ,


METHODIST CRlJROII B.. B. ColfllD&D, M1niaCer . Church school at 9 :30 A. M., .Mrs. Raymond ..lOneer, 'SUperintendent, 4om1na 8ervIees - 10:30. . Youth Fellowahlp, Tuesday evening at 7:30. lholr pract.lce, Wedne6day 8:00 P. M. OVer one bU1ldJ'ed attended early servJce and brEIaklaat a.t the churdh on Ea8ter morn· ing. The Bund&y sebool classes were well Wl.ed and in ,t he assembly a quartet of youJlg people, na.mely: PaitSy Ba1r<l. P~ 1M&rIt1n, Robert H88Ungs a.nd carl oan&I'd. SBllg ''IHea.r The Easter Bells...•• 1MnI. .John 'Iumer sang a number hun JUhe Easter ca.ntam, "There fa II. Green Hill Fair Alway." 'Ibe oo1n ca.rds brought 1n by the ch1ldren amd youth amounkd to aver $60. The report on U1.e amOtmt raised to dIIJte tor the Crusade for Chr18t 18 '2016.38.

About 300 OJttended the



.Leqr a 1IU1'prise ,p&it). ~ evenln8. Clhe 00c:u1oo W88 4n hooor of bel' birth·



', The WOUBD'B . Sac1~ netted t2l~ dollai-a at the Memll'a aile,

8&tu1'dayt. Mr. ~ Mra.. I!ldmaDd I41D8er, IlQI1 and cbUllbter, 01 Dayton, spent lWSIiIl 'ibe'a pu'ent.. Mr. and MD. ~' ~l. Mr. and )(n. WAlt« Oladt and dMII'btl8r, WIIIDda., \'Ia1ted the Mania JIUnen.} Home In Dqton, ~ ~, ~en, b body of a fIiSeDd, Mr. DeJmo Rob1neClt, ~. Mr. &nd Mrs. WWt« K~fiI; att.ended flbe lUDeral at 10'. 'Oeorie Se1:IAn at .tlbe 'UIl8leebee Punenl In Sprqboro, 'I'lieacta.y att«-




Some of \Is a.tar &t tlM! . S<me of \18 at the ~, Quklkened and rataed toeetber '9Ilth 0hrSet, Yet 11n8erID8 8tI1 fD tile eloom: Some or \IS bide at tbe Pauowr t..8t WIth &Ii uatDDwn, 'l'be triuInpI1e Of p-.ce in the beM'enly place 'lbat our .tad baa made ~ . ~


. If 0bIU& Wbo died had IItqIped at the ms 1nft h.d __ iJJOOmpw.e:

orcee. "

It tale CIu1It Who .... buried ba4 aiayed at the tomb, Be b84 0DIr imown def_: " But dwt Wa,y of the a... D8Nl" IICqJB at ,tbe .oro.; .ADd the !Way d tbe ~ IeadI GIl •


" To' 'VIatlartou8 '''~''ID beMeDlJ' place , Wbere CIae .~ x.lnt baa IPOD8 •

. ,

So Jet , . . , with oar LoI\t . To Cbe ae- of Ood Be .... ~, 1JnIeU'CbIbJe dabf!a Cit a1~ ~ 800d . . JIIIxleedtDI our UCIIIertrat tbouaht: !At ,. ~ up IDeo a.s.t. . ~ IDa JIIe u.s b powwe'Ibe ~ d ..... 111 . . . . . . . pIMe 'lllat oar ~lGft,I 11M ...... GUllI.

Spring Cdncert Slated For Deb~ April 19


-ADDIe \fduwcm JIIIDt.

w";......". q _• ., arid .~....

Friends Home




The dbureh W88 be&ut.1!ully decareIted 'With Easter flo~ 8I!1d a. llghted cross was pl8Cedl before the alter.







f'raDcea ~er in Kalaa' CitiY,

8eren&de ." 10:30 A. IL on '!be ac.d


193 people attended. There was ,.n

Ports AngeIJc\18

-Ca.eIl&r PraaIck Serenade -PdmlI.aotha.rt MArch: On '!be Mall...,...l!l F . 001dman ~


RIchard LeIw18. BAlly 8bockey, Joe 'nnoney, .J1n.un4e KWlta. DoraJd Lynch and the 110l1I01' guest, Wadel

WlIkerson. Many lovely I'I!ta were received by Muter Watle an~ retnshmenta of Ice creun. cake and fruit punch wete served by the hoeteaa.

Stella Whetsel Mrs. Stella Whetae,I, &led 70 years, widow of U. G. Wbetae1 cI&ecl at ber home here at &bout ~ht, Prlday; MBrdl so, aft.eI~ a brief Wnesa. She is IIU1'ViVecl bJ' two da.U8htera. Mrs. AUen .~ and Mrs. Robeat, bct41 of .C olumbus, 0., nine ~ and erie granCt-dlild. f\lnera1 'eervtoeawere oooductA!d at the ~e rPulDlll'a1 Home at 2:00 P. Y. ~\ AprU a. With interment in wamIl oemetiery. .

Next lord's ClUJ' goal wt11 be 225 10 Ilooor of our soldier botYs. 11hey are going over the top for 118, let u8 go over the top f« Jthem. It yoU do not heve a chureh home we Invite you to womup w1tb \18. At the mooning 6prV!Ce the mlnJster 'w1l1 prMCh on the' aubJect, "You cannot Get Aloo4r Without God." In Ule evening on, "What It Meallfl 'n) Be A Chrlstsan." • ~iami



Chapter '0. E. :S. Meetin., April t~, 8:00 P. ·M•

WA'YNESVILI.B CHURCB OF CllB.l8T : IIu IlADdaII. ItIIDIater Bible Bcbool ...... :30 A. II• . 00InmUnkm - 10:30 A. IlL Sermml - 1(1:00 A. II. 0hrIItla.n, l!lnde&VCl!l' -:- 8: 30 P. II. Even1q aemoe - '1:30 P • .II.


'IbuncIa1 DIIbt - '1:30 P. M.

€pl. Brannock Arrive. At

M1amJ CIIaptAIr 0 .. £.' S. ,wtIl meet In regular eeea10n OIl IIcladaf M'lIIllng, AprU 9. ~ eieht o·cloet. A Vel'1 import&nt l;!Iia.... aeBon will be beld dUl'1nlr w;bIc:b ttme 'plana , tor the nJIIIIllBi'e 8aIe &l1d'tor ~ will be dlacuesed.

Birth ·

RIabt Otflcer '&!11d YI"Ii. Robert 'IbcimIa are UlD(NDcq ~ tIkt.h ~ BI8IlDOCIr: baa reo- at their eecoI1II dIM...... Dee A.'lD, eMd word flUn lfer 8IIJ2. ORL 'r. B. at MJamt ~ GIl MarCh ~ . tbK baa arrived Iat a •• 1H6. lI!!Ib' ortIeer '1bomU. IOD .......1 .tD ibe . . . . . . 01 Kl'I. P. B. 'niDIDM. III . . . .id ccdined to a ~I iOiDWbae In wttIl 4Ile AIr ,.. tbe PI" ,.. ....... I. . • .. _ :_.-1

HoapitaJ .. The State.




tD..,..."" oa.p.


a. 1834 bu become tbe'

~~"uP. ~

. Ah 1 SWeet Myatery of LIte -Herbert

even 200 people present tor the MClrnID8 worsh1p service when the choir and c.h1ldren of the Bible school gAve an nut.e:r program entltJed, "Glorious iI!laSter." 'nIere were s1JGty present at ,t he evening eemce and one &dcUtlon by conIeaalon to the church. The regular church oHering amounted to $116.61. .A tree will ICNe ntler1ng vms also recaved for our m1ssIana.r1es in the PhllipplDea wlUch amounted ,t o 185.25.


., on U D e ,

- flii$.u.

T. M. 8auf1. Min..... 8uDday aabool _ 8:30 A. K. E. ,A. Eamhart. auperlntende-. WoraIUp service - 10:30 A. M. I:venlnr IIeI'Vk:e - 7:30 P. II.


ReIdeemer L1ves." The sermon theme waa "The EInmeua Road." Thel'e was a. b&pUsimal ~ and receptkm of the members.






trom ft. ~elIuId, Ail.. He w1ll. FERIlY ~ OF CIlJUST B'O Jtio O&mp Mead, M'd.. next. Week. Herbert Grabam, M1aIaCer Wade WilkerlOll ' Ha. Mr. and Mrs. I.eUIe Ora,y, IIQIl BJble achool - . 9:30 A.. M. Birth Annivenary Party BIld ~, 1V~ Easter 4iDIIa' Communlon _ 10:46 A. M. rueD pt tbeIr Uncle AUnt, Mr.Semion - 11:00 A. M. A pa.rty in hOlllJOir Of hel' am'a IUld Mrs. A. O. WWJama, in ~. "Rae '!be Old ~ p~ Out." seventh binJh~ iWII!!; atven ~y In ·the ewmJnc .they c:&lIed &.t. the Preecll1ng - 7:30 , evening bY' MnI. VJl'IJ1l WUlr.ereon. home of Mit. and Mrs. FIndley Gnl, "What Does It Mean To Be A '!be guests enJoyUIg the occuion and tamHy, ~. in Da.jtoo. 0brJ.It.Ian 7" were, M1Mee Toney MOrand, BIlly !I\a'. and MD. Walter~· Last Lard's ~y ~ .. glorloua one Lou, L1IJIe 'D aut.ermoot, and J~ BUne8 were ~ far 1he hrry ChlX'dl ot ctu1at. A Loretta Bmnderburi', Harleoe Jot,: to a fa.Imly dklner, Easter Sunday, !!oal .of 175 for Bible schOOl had dan, E11zabeClh M8dll~ and Oen!ece lIt.the home ofMI'. and lIIn. W. G. been set and was sUl1>aMed When W'lIker8oD.

Ha1ne8 -.nd' MD. iFraDk AdtemIan and lltUe BOIl in DaIyIton. A very lu-ae croWd attended IQtle SPlendid Ea:ater procnIIIl, wbJch preceded the BundIIQ ·SChool hour. Rev. O. Eo VIce co~uoted tile runmnnion eel'Yice at tIbe ~ blur. M:I8a Norma. LoD8acre, MIss Ptoaw 'l1uIm1~n and VirCIl ~ were a.dm1tted -to ,tile churdh lUI new 1MIDbeI's. The loIlow1ng were Jbne bapUJed, Mja lI.arta June Ruatl, bJOCD. RandaU .B&rger, SGndra. Lee Folks MIr. &nO Mn. Guy ~ and aod ShelIa June Vice..

......' IN",

"'I1he Holy Olty" and the choir the antr.em "I <Know 1b&t My




Ralpb Parlla. Rector BOD, RU8IIeD, apeDt IlIBter Sunday Ohureh 8chooj at 9:30 A. M. wtttl their am~-la.w GIld daugh· Morn1ntr prayer and aerman, 1 8, Mr. aod Mrs. ,~ . ,Tinney 1:00 A. M. and IJWe son, Leona.rc1 ~, at 00v1n8too. Ky T. AUGU8nNE CBUBCB • hiller KramhoIb, ~ Mrs. Al'tIbw WIlk.e p! COlumbua Ma88 Sunday _ 9 :00 A. M. was an l! trUest of Mr. &lid Mrs. , _ Keeler' ONham. FBIEND~ Mr. and Mrs. ,W ilbur CIartt were Day lChool - 9:30 A. M.

and JIImee Hamaa ~ .~. YaJIlCe '&tid ~ in ~, L1dcHe ~.. ale In ~IMI'. and lars. l!la.d 'YbI.m8 entervIDe, ~. • tabled to .. fam1ly .c:UnDer, &md&y. Mh. ll.arp.ret Jtima epeot last in hooor Of tIbe1r lOll, Pvt. &ben wtiek at the heme of Mr. and Ml'I. YIDwlIr, who ta home on .. turJousb

t$dered Ml'a.


stTV10e at 10:30. Mr. GeoTge MIller BIIllg

WaJ"!en Counly Mens' Brotherhood Meeting

The J'e8lUW- meetlng c4. the FannMr. and Mn. ClaIk Starr and en Gra,nse wtll be held at 8:00 P. M. ~ d1nner euest4 c::A. Mr. 8&tAJrda¥, .AIlrdl 7. At Loc:al Methodist Church and Mrs. Rc88 Planck,. SUnday . .. Dw1rlg the program, to whllch Monday Evening. April 9th the pubUc ,18 Invited, Loren Hadley . Mr. GeJortIie Treadway at Patnt \WII give a talk. Mr. Hadley is we.U Dinner. Served By Ladie. of L1olt, XU., vSs1ted reIat1vea In and kuown ~0IIt thUs ocmmuntty The Church; Seven o'clock ~ We.ynesvUle Jaat wet*. and an interesting time 18 anticl. , psUd. The IW'&rrm ColJ ~ Methodiat Mr. and Mrs, W. Eo Stroud bad as ~ PI1lgrlUn! wUl be in charge Brothemood IW.Ill meet a.t rthe WayS~ dinner guaiUl, MlI!is Gladys of Mise Ma.rgaret Ro6e, nesvWe Mebhod1st Ohurch on ManRye and Mr. Jack Pre5ton. _ evening, AprIl 9. • • fl1he lacUes of the local cburoh will Mr. Lloyd De.vls, who has been oonflnecl. at MIam1 Valley poepita.1 8el'lVe the dinner: the price will be h8B returned to his bome. 85c. • '!be man are to br1l'l8 tlheIr wlves M1aI!I Jean Baker of ~ spent to IIhis Mrs. GeorgIa MendentJall at.tendMaIM lie V1rrtl L4ee Faul, lIOn of Eastel' wL1tl her 1)&l'6nta, Mr. and After t<he dI1mler there 'Iftll be a ed a meetJng ot Wa.yne Townshlp 1tIn. "EUJel Faul, Wayn~vlJle, re- MrII. ~. R. iBe.ker. aerv1ce In 14le sanctuary wttb apecIaI Advdsor1. Ooundls ail the Hjgth • ceived 'be award of a COOd eondud Mrs. Leo Conner and da.~ School Du11dins an 'IUesda)'I night.. musIC &nd &n adctreee by Pmrel80r medal ..eceDU1. ,H e !Ie stationed In Joseph E. HoUday., De&n of tale were Friday niC'ht gueste of MrII. iM:II8 OlIve W1lllam6 was in Leb- Oollese at L1beral .ArtB of Ute the So1ltb an* of opraUoOs. Hany smeM. anon, flrdday. Univera1ty c::A. C1nc1nnaltt. 'HIs 8Ilb• •• Mr. a.nd Mrs. George Bunnell and jed. wUl be "The F<lI'gottcn 8amar1MJaa Helen M!lDer 01 ~ was a end gu_ ar Mrs. OWen two ohlldftn at OincI.nnat.l, were ta.n ... sueeta of Mrs. NeI11e Blmllell on 'I1he men of the church are reHaztsock. nicby. quested to eJttend CIh18 meetlne and • • M'l1I. Bulb P1nIey and daughter to ~ing their 'Wives lIB tlWI promdaea Rev. R. B. Coleman V1a1ted reJa... of CoIIl1nbua, aaDi!d on tne1r IWIlt, to be a vert:ly unusual ~. 'lbe Uvea In Dayton dUrln8 the pa&t Waynesville Hi.h School MnI. AlIce Ola.rk, Sunday a.ttemoon. ~l chureh should tete advantale week. Band and Girl.' • Mia !oI&aa BroIme, who baa been 01 thJa opportunlty to benefit. by Ute . .' Chorua Wa6es Beulah and Gn.ce Brltatn III for several weeU. Ja not imProv- W'OIII4lwl:ille presentation JtIhat wUl be at lDayton 8peI1t 8atunllay and Bun- Ing sa fut lIS her 1riends wh. Under Di,..tion of Mi •• artered at this meet1n8. Margaret~, Superviaor da¥ with Mrs. came LLppencott 1Mn. AlIce Clark lIIIItmden Suna.nd daughter, IM.. _ 8r.hoo1 and Ohllml lIeI"\1cea at of Springfield and P\¢. Rd>ert L .. A spr1ng ,, ~ will be given • Ferry on 8und&y and 'W88 tile din- Beman1 of O. S. U. at ~umb\l8. at ' Wa.ynesville ' High School on Mr. and Mrs. Wa.yne PJa.nck and ner 8UfIIt or Hr. and Mrl. Romo Obto, 'Were recent ruesta of their April 19, by the SdbOOl Biwd arid Janet and Don of lJ8.yWn were Rt8P. p8ftJltB. Girls' 0h<lI:UI. ''!be. CO~, under 1IU(lper ~ of Mr. and Mrs. RAl68 MrII. lV1ns spent the • • • the dIrect10n ot iIoII8a Ma4'ilaret Rose, Planck, ~. Mr. and Mrs. w. E. 9tZoud, Mr. • • • mlldla.Y. at the home of her will be8in at 8:00 P. M. and Ml'B. Ralph HBattnp and 1IOIl, M1s8 Ruth GuuaI6 tPeM 1IOll-m-la.w and d&tIibter, Mr. and The ~ 'Will be as follows : Mr. and NrI. J . J. BursIte, jMW ~ ~ WlU1 101* ~ ,~. Kad DaIt1n, in Lebanon. '!be Ba.nOMa.rtJyn Burake and MrII. WIlHam Apple and M.1sa Ma.ry Lwlae KarMrs. LouIe SetUemyer, of LebTwo 0b0ra15-:8t.1'oose bea:rd ~ Easter muaIoI.l atead in .mon, wu (be dinner 8uest or l4ra. (a) Grant To JDo W1th Ze&l program at. Ohrlst Ohurch ~ Nor~~ ~================= .1. W. 1V8nl on SUodaN. other SUn- wood, 01\ 8md&y evening. day dJnner 1'Uest. &.t the HaDe were - (b) 0 LIrl&.of We • • • Dr. anc;l Mrs. Dudley Keever, of Mr. and lXiB. H. R. NOI8 and Mr. ! ,. -D.B. ~ Centerville, and Mrs. Woodrow WIDioin MOlIII with tileir Euter OVer:tA.lre: KaDtUIa PaUl Yoder Ih JflIII8 ,tban two YflBl'll time a C)wena aIJd t.wo ch1ldren at 8pr1ns- guest, Mja Muy Ma!I5 of JoI1ddleMa.roh: AIneI1M.n '~Ltrol -Meac.bam posn. "CQnven1on," wrM.t.en by M.I.u field. !laWn, were amonc the ~ an Girls' ~

;-~ __

~ fcIr Wi 'l'hunIIIr. . Kra. ,Rwl ftII7 aDd ~ dinner -Mr. abd 10'1. WGlter ~ iueete ot Mr. aDd' M'ra.. , p. W. MT~Y IIBTIIODI8T

Earl 'l'bomaa in 0eI\t«'YWe. 10". 8I.1d ~. J. B .. .Jonea were 8w1dly dIPner lUesCa at lI:a. NeWe DDndt. A Dl1Id)er of re1atlft18 and frIeoda

Personal Notes

News of Churchs

Fannera CranIa Relular Meeting, Saturday April 7

'heanl 'IrouDd tbe WCJI!Id.' IIOCCII'dJDr to an &I'tIcIe In &. recent edft.lan ~ The ~' AuxJ1la.r)'. It aeeme Ulat boya til 8en'lce in all pane at .tile ~ld b&ve carded coptea 'of Ulja poem and H. hBa ~ tound on 0l8Qf .mo haft imide tile supreme eacdtIce. SoIdJera at other r4tiona 1nclId.In8, NUl ~, lave been tmud ,w ttb a copy of tJhJa poem on tNiir penJOn. C0NVBB810N

Look, God, I have neYeI' apcUn tIoYw-

But oow---\l want to IIIoY "how do too do." YOU tee. God, they wld me , You east. And Wre .. t\:)ol---\l be~ all of tbia. a.t n6t1bt .1frun a Ibell bole I 1IIIW Your akyI fJeured r.l8bt then ~ had' Jtold me &. lie. Had I taRn Ume to ~ the t.IlJiIlI8 You made,


I'd blown they 'hreI1'it calUne .. spade G. apade, I wonder, God. t.r You'd Bbake


that You will

1.InIdt:r8tand. Punn)'-I Qad to come to t.hia hellllb place, Before I had .!ibe Ume ·to lee

YOID' face. Well, I . . . 4bere iIn't muoh more to -.y,

MrI. NeWe Bunnell .... In Leb-

aoon, rr.u.dIrq af1tlemooD.

9uI:ita.7 when !ok. and lID.. Bet.b GneJr ~ . ~ enterteaDe4

~~~~~~'~~~~~~~~""'1In • • •

Mr. GIld Mn. K.ennaIi) EI2le;y and !4!r. &tid MnI. winbm Bemard daughter, M&rjorSe. c::A. D8yt(m, v1a1it.have received word tthat blr lOa, ed Mr. aDd lin. Walter Elley, SunOhariee W., or bet.teI' lmo\Im Be B1Il d&y altemoon. by h1a fr1eod8, hU been ~ Mr. ancl MM. IADdre'W Brontden- from S .1/e to ndaftnan 3/c. BIt bUl'l of Dayton, O. called on Wood.- has now 8e1'Ved three yeam on the row BiuJdenbWV and 'fa~.' Sun- SoIaI:m."eet Paclll.c.

• • •

• •


• • •

!4r. aDd iMh. P. L. Reuon eoJo.vell a lamlJ.y Eaater ~ . at the hoine of Jtbe latter'a aleter fl4ld brother-kl-IMr, Mr. . ADd Mrs. awrlea Pester .in Dayton.

• •

Mr. &ad 1MlI. B8l'OId 0IIb0rn ent.enIUned OIl l!lIIateI' Prtr. (14;) 3/e Dooald R. Oeborn and wife of Navy Ali- JIUe, BllDker $ll, kid. and Mrs. Robett Oebom. • • • Mr, and. Un. rwalt« Wdaeman and ch1Idren had aa Blatter gueata Mlr. and MR. Mont W'ICe. Mrs. Pa.Ui.lne Lange and Mrs. Miles 'I'bompeon c::A. Hamllton.

MI'. and Mrs. F. IE . 'Ibomu edet'te4ned with &. famllf d1DDer an Bunda" with to1l~ pJesta: Mr. and Mrs. John Robey at ~ Mr. and Mrs. ~. M. E8.mIIaR UId of Be&veTtown, Mr. and IIl'I!. Lowell ThOO1&S and ~bter of l6'tJe, Karan SCfe 'l11omaa and Mr. A1tbur .1:boma8, • 4! • Mr. and Mm. SIBnley Moore of TJoIlwoud., 0 .• Mrs. Moore's JDOItbeI..



Mm. 0wPtIn Gebtier, Mr. and Un. Roll Bo1a.n.d a.n<I MnI. Mildred GuaUn, of Da.)"ton, Mr. and Mrs. Dewey' ClIu;ey and ,family of Hamilton, <ind Mr. and Kn. Paul · CkMIn at Wa..vneavUle brought an • • W.• A. ~ d1nrIer 8Jtld apen.t the de.)' ~ Mr. 4nd Mrs. and d&ut!bber entert.amed on Bun- Mr. WW .GWJt.1n. day Mr. &.nd Mrs. Donald Mr. and MinI. liIIWreDDe Brawn entert.&Ined to d1Jmer Uld and aon, <IIWiIIIhiter and motcher, Mrs, ~ &II their gDe!Ita Mn. R.Ialard Pa1nter, of ~. • • • Tatum of LI:DeY1lle, Ala., Mr. and 1Mb. lAntl ~ of Leb- Mrs. l!lmest Buttmvortth and 1011 anon, K1D ICIo!ee AndrewB 01:Ma1tJa, at LebmcD. Mr. and MD. Guy A.., and 14ra. ~1l Martin ami M.oOoy emil lIOn, !Mba BaWe 8mW1, Pbyll.u were viAtoi'a of Mrs. Jennie Mrs. Fred Spear Uld! Mrs. Kenrw)Ul Planck, . Wednead&y. BIaI'ber of Xenia and Mr. ,rean

• • • Brown. stall - . H8n'y IL 'I\JnleI', who • • • ~ raumed from 0V'eI'IIe88 Mr. 8Ild Mn. L. V. duIt.,y.,!hIIa been ~ IIQeIrt. of . ~ ' arrived home OIl Thurad&y after 80QD be beIre. grandsjaRnts., lao and MJw. .1. H. apend1nc the 'WIinter ,In Braden.too. But I am DOt afraid 8lnce I[ Sactett. ••• na. 'Ibey now have lie Clbe1r I\II!IIt . Glow ·You're . near. Mr. &nId 1Ita. IlL P. mUnbut and t.betr am, stIt. ~ph ~. 'Ibe maaatl - WeD, God - I'D 14", NaomA Ilambazt I~ the who bM been,In lcelalld tor tile pU& '. 'Ie to 10. !'AIMr 1JUIk) . at the Bretbem fUtam month&.. 'Ibe1r Easter I'W'IU I bite YOU Jot.a.-.t.h» I want Church m ~ GIl' 8uDday emIl- also 1III!I'e ,t heir ohlldren, Mr. and • You to iGDoWiII8. Mn. Donald Green and _U8Ibter . Loot. bow......... w1ll be • bar• • • ot a.blna and Mr. and Mn. Ell J1bIe fillbt...: .nd lin. Rca Bart.iock l'II&rnU Uld chUdreri. Who come to '. e~ GIl , l!IUIieIr ~.... • • • Your .bcMIe ~ Jean ADd .1. . . Ba.ItIocK OIl ~, lin. ~e nora. 'nil boIiIIieei Tbouab I 1I'UD't ~ 1Dui ~ ' Joau IoIiu'klb 'Brown and III8a to. number 01' ~vee' ClD ~ ~ before, • MIII'tba DeI~ of ~ ADd and . had 88 her gueete, Juper , at Your dobr-. ' Mra. o,ren ~ .. UJdr .~. Blake.~""" PInt au.. ~ . • •• '' "'-- J -...__.. _ I wonder, Ood-U You'd wait ~ afteIaoon CUJera ~ . Mr. __ . '. ,..-.-. 0 ; 0 _ o,es au lAdt-I'm ~I Uel~- aDd Un. RQ ".-e ~ ~. ' ~ and ' Ml'iI; Lewta , dIqr ', ~ y ~." Belteridt Of Q1tIlb, 0aJIf., PIO. 0driIe -~. o - ..-... I ·w IIIl I'd ~ . YClU ~ lin. ~ ".,...,w all ~ lIamUa Wac 01 n ~ -

But I'm IIUftl elad, God, I ~ You ~. I 8'IIeII the ".00 hOUl'" WIll

mow.-I ....

.,.1' .

m.ay ,.,.... Well, I will .... to ..,...... God 10 0 8t4'a.DI8 III\"- I met You- I'm ... iim.Id flo die.


.u ... • ._ . ____ . . . "' ..... --- -- - ,-,--, . . . "--==_or. ' - aDII MIa. bd. JDd.



ycaq or Bed-


Tau. lin. , . . . oJ.

da.ll1Iht«a. - 1I.iaaes

Bbb'Je:F. Mel

w.a aa4



~.,.,.... ..........

J. ",......., (~ of aartnnatt. aDd . . . a.IIIb I. ~ lad '11_ dIUIbta'. sue. ...... of DIIrtOD.


.: The Miami Gazette

with her

Published Every Thursday by Davisson Press Floyd L. Davisson, Editor-Publisher Within 15 miles, $1.50 per year Beyond 15 !Diles, $2.00 per year

Subscription Rates: (P~y&'ble in Advance)



black hc¥l

but t.he bldd1ng left 'l ler behind and it went ,to more tJhajJJ; ed&;h1\Y-a.wen

Entered as Second Class Mnltter at the Office, Wa,ynesvL1le, Ohio

Army Day April Sixth


dollaJs. ' Mrs. M~ ~ her stock peta and eo it IW\l8 aa ,h84'd lqr her to sell "HOIle!)''' and "Lasses I ' as for me .to sell Milly and BurUf!. Thlit Is where raising da.Iry stock' hurts. TIle M'ul'thM were glven a ~de to' ~ tQ :find new homes bUt the four OoorgUI are sUlI here and l!ettlng outer every ~. One n1ght last week just as I had! ~l('d down comfortably 10 bed I heard the most plteous llttae wa1\s from tihe ,pe.sture. .George ~pe third, or pemaps t.he tourtlh ,h ad followEd us down Into the pMture to find Ruth and had loot us. Should I cover UP my head a.nd stop ll1G' erus and let Suzey do 800lething about it or get up 8I.'ld tJhen sleep poorefully. I wa.\ted but &1zey cUdn"t do any<thiIl€ about It so II had to go to bhe rescue It' I W8JJted any sleep. Sw.ey came from the Mloheners when she was a pup so we always odnpare notes. They a pup Caan1ly now too.

• • • Monday. April :!. 1945. More raln today and the clouds still hamg low. No fence building today 80 I borroWed a cnw oha.1n and t ied Pet out. Perhaps now I w111 not have to go up and ~ her ouit of Mrs. ~oweIl's yard. Their gI'IlSl is so th1dt and green .that 1t w1:II ,t ake a new !eOOe to keep a cow m once she has tasted It. Another shoWer. quick and hani enough to send the COIV6 uJi from the lower field to the bam. -They hurry along then :;top to grab a bite or two. (l see this fI'om my aoutlh windoW)

f\\ A




A.,rD I, 1945. Easter Da.y. An ~ly EaateIr &s Mid to bring an early sprtng and thJs year lot Ia true in Spite or ·the ground bog's shadow. The cherI1ea 8lld peadlee and the wild plums are 10 bloom and the mve; ccming out. so last. 'I1h1:; IIlO!IIl1n8 the sun rose bright and cle[&r for titie many suru1ae aervioes and DIs~ breU.taat& and they were well a.ttended. st. MlII'Y's churdl kx*ed loYely. With 111165 and CIUlClIIea on tile a4t8r ~ glEQ.t tnmchea or plDk and 1W'hit.e snapdJ'8iU18 at the chaDlel &tepa. "wel~ come Happy Morning" aeemed ' a awrigI carol bo sing. ''Ea4tth bel' joy conlesses, clothing Iller for 8pl"Jng, All fresh glf,tB retumed With her tetAlming King ; Bloom in ev~ meadow, le81W8 OlD evelW' bough, SpeaJt ms sorrow ended, hail His trdumph now. Hell todia~ is vanquished, bea,ven 18 won ·~I"

But war is st1l1 ragmg, When will tha.t be vanquJshed too? Thls yefU' Easter Day :was also AprU Fool's Day and no one thought of it and no one ,lI1ed to fool me by telling me thait my tire 'W'BS fiat. N!Y garden Is planted, lilt least enougb of it ,lettuce, spinach, four rows of peas and just a gamble, one row Of beans. I am S01'l'Y ttlat I didn't get a4l ,the pei16 in for It m.tned agUn 8IDd was ,too wet to tiOOJlfIllO!'e the next morning. 'I1here are bWo hens and a rooster that must go to Ilhe sale If I can find where .they roost. I beNe chased several out but that brown Leghorn rooster rwtth the frozen comb comes right back everytlme Wlth a co. pie of hf1ll6: & 18 a. Leehom eo no fence woold be high enough to keep h1m out if he wanted bo come in. Bat~ th.eI'e were five sales. ~ went ;to <two. A Cherry drop leal ~ble one hundred and f ifty years old brought mll6t of the w0men in lt own to look at ~t but 88 it looked just about Illte I have. I lett the othS:s bo f1~,hi over it and 'IIt'eTlt to the Men1ll saJe. 'I1here t met Mrs. ,Mktlener. She 'W~ looIdng a.t the registered O. I . C. gilt and canalder1ng going into compet.ltion






A Thimbleful of Service

• • •

. ·ONE DAY we overheard somebody 6ay "It was suc.h a. small ma.tter, I dldnIt waot to botlher the bank about it." • Bother us1 Man allve lota no bother. 'Ibat's whOlt we are here t.or-to Ix> helpful wh~er we can -in. every way we can. • So whether you want a ,bWmblefUl 01 service or . a heaping measure, we oordlally in- ' VIlte you to drop in and see WI often.

&as H. Hart.socit President

MaoT1Y' E. stansberry Ass',t. oaahJer

The Waynesville National Bank WaynesvlUe, Ohio

Telephone 2Zli1



Notice .. • to CREAM Producers I ' H~VE CON~CTED WITH

Beatrice .Creamery Co., Sa~day,

M·RS. 'G RAC'E SCHULER Acrou frOm Fairley Hdwe., WAYNESVlLLE!. OHIO' ,tr




ASstructlon IMPOR~r ANT as In the can.. of a home or building II the foundation of a Victory iar· den. And the' foundatlon of a succeasful gardelrl liel In the propel' preparation of the soil During late winter or early spring. before the garden plot is spaded or plowed, all coarse plant remains Ihould be removed. Remains of any badly diseased plants from a pre-, • • vlous crop should be burned. Residues or crop remains that can be worked * Into the soil should be spaded under. •, 'DOl There Is a great temptation when the days get warmer to plow or spade! the garden while It is still too wet, In order to eet an early Itart. 'I1lIs will do more harm than good. T~I determine If the soil is dry enough to work, squeeze a handful tightly Into a ball and then break apart with the tlngers. U the mass crumblels, it Is safe to work, but 11 the soU clings together and cannot readl1y be broken up It 1. too wet. U the soU I. worked wh en too wet It will become hard and cloddy for weeks or m~nths after. ward •. U manure is not too expensive, It I. the best organic matter to work Into your .011, )particularly 11 the loll i. very landy or heavy with clay. Compolt, peat, leavel or some oth· er luch platerlal Is especially valu· able for imprclvlng the workability and productlveneaa of the soiL This organic matter should be spread evenly and Ipa,ded under. Decayed sawdust 1. benleftclal, but 11 not well decayed wlU retard plant ' erowtb by Ulln, up the a"ailable soil nitrogen. During periods of fertlUzer shortage, uwdust 'houlel not be used. In heavy clay s01l, If'organlc matter is not avaUllble. some advantage will be found In uslJle ashes trom Don.Ugnite coal After removal ot cinders and IcUnkerl, the ashes should be spaded In thorougllly and quantltles up 'to two tOI1l can be worked Into an area 30 by 110 feet. C~ ashe. bav~e DO fertillzlng value, but improve workablUty ot heavy IOU •. Ashel from lignite coal .hould never be used" Wood ashes have lome fertlllzln,: value, II to 7 per cent ,potash, but Ihould be Uled Iparing. ly. Not over 110 poundl ot wood ashel Ihould be u.ed on • plot 30 by 110 feet. ·


. '





Baby" bonnet. or caps may be dried 10 ahape over a small bowl, ' preferably padded. EVEN the most experienced home laundress approaches with misgivings the washing of baby's tiny garments which look so . fragile, according to the Home Editor 0' Capper" Farmer. ' "But most baby things are more sturdy and serlliceable than they appear and will give long·tlme usage un· der repeated washings II correctly handled," she writes in the Rural Home Department of the naHonally·clrcu· lated farm magazine. "Baby'. clothes should be washcd all soon as they show the least sign of soil. Use lukewarm water and plenly of suds: HaRdie gently without twisting, pulling or rubbing. "Stains should be taken care of· before the garments are put Into the suds. Sponge cod·liver 011 and washnble ,s tains with carbon telrachlorlde. Milk, egg and meat.Julce spots on linen, lawn or cotton should be soaked In cold water. Stains from orange Juice or prune julce may be treated by stretching the doth tightly over a bowl and pouring on boiling water. Ordinary laundering method. usually will remove Iodine ' stain. 11 the earment is washed while stains are fresh." •

AUCTIONEERING Stanley and Koogler For Dates, Phone 28M, WaYl'\eevUle, Ohio. Reverse Chargee

of IllnD QUALI" INIUU urnl ClOPS


Now, ",or. 'ho" evor, ...tlllon"

.. -----




,c••• ,.'" ,.r""··' .......,. •••"


p... .................. . .


, .. b."e, r ... ult •. A.k ye u r deal.

~o.' . ,•• , Volloy


4 .. ecI

-m quality an "'-

......r of ,he tkryl Ttt.r.'. "0 ....'" fo, •• p.,I",.",otlo" with 101"., 11M ......r yt.1cb .. Ito produced .. . . . . . 0 natlDn at wo,. O.t ..g I( lrond ' • .tllb.,.. for all .rop.-o"d

_............. ....

tor I . M .....1IIMr••l1li .......

rot ... ." .. - ..-


Made To Order

It ....


: ...ow.,- .... .....


. . _ yOU .......

Good Service.


The' Miami Gazette




Any Mag;llI ne listed and


Myra's Beauty Shop

Ncw sp.1pel, Both for PI ice Shown

On North St.. iSprlncbOro, Is A ProlJ'ftlllve , Beauty Shop, Featur.... I&~ Ideal In Beauty Culture '. • .' SpeclaUdn, In Hair StyUnr, Helen CunIa Cold Waye. MachJnleas Pennanen~, Shampoo.

Americ:au Fruit GroWC!l'...~I.I ~ oo American Gid ... ___ ......... UO o AmericaD Home. 2 Yo..... 2.95 OAmerican Pooltty JoumaJ 1.65 o AvlatJon In Rmew........ _ ... IU5 o Better Cookm, Ie Hmkg_ 8.045


o Capper'. Farmer

and . Fln&'er Waves ••• Her Cold Waves Are So Beautiful, ·Practical Gardea .01111 require a larce an~ ~atural-Llke •.. Stop In and amount 01 pro:per orpnlo maUer. Get a Wave Whioh Will Compliment "Trencb" method baa proveD aau.Your II&t and Frocks • • • Good laolol'7. Groondn. F.I8en~ ~ Your Pan Generally, sotil should be spaded or Tow~ Victory ••• 'UDder The Able plowed to a depth of 8 to lQ Inch e •. Direction of Myra, Webflter . . , The best method of spading, 81 genTel. Franlilln 17S-W-:!. erally accepted, 11 to Ipade acroll Myra,'s Beauty ShoP in Spring- the garden, th,rowing out the lint ,borO, B1noe its recent opening. ba.8 row of soU. Thil provide. a trench already become known 88 up-to- Into whlc,h l\icceedJn, Ipadefulll should be thr09m, coverln, well all date, as It Is offemn.r t :~ Ia.teet organic mat't er In the trench. U dry ideas in . ~llng and per:ma': leaves are usedl, It III well to sprln· nent waling It js meeting With kle them thoroughly with cammer· SU<lOEE8 and ~ becoming the mecca cla1 'ertlllzer In the bottom of the trench. This will aid In their decay. for -well-gil"OOmled ladles and is aldJllvlng them thE! necessary nitrogen. ln8 IDII4lU" in their quest for bl!auty. Tbe beginaer I. IIlcllDed 10 take too blC • ~'bHe" of 1011 at Mlas Webster 'has made a. deep one .trolle willb tile reluU that It stu!fy of pennament waving and II Dot brollen IIIP properly. 8maU. fea.tures 'Wave9 Which are beo.utlful er IIpadefuil wW aid III &haUerand 1?DIr laabini. A pa.r.t of her IDa' the loll,leavlll, It Ia a loose, servijle,wIhlch Ia 8IMng 60 muCh crumbled ma,n . satllsfactlon is her cold wave It Trench Method gives suoh a naturaJ-lllte wave, so cloee to 't he scalp, easy to manage Proves Beneficial Too much streSl, cannot be placed and 80 oomtartable ,to' receive. Get upon the use ot barnyard or .table in touch with her po one and YOU manures. Cost of obtaining the Ma· wlH be glad :YOU cHd. nure In towns lind cltlel, however. MtlmtJon . to beauty is ft!ISentJa.l II expensive and therefore the use of commercial fertlllzerll I. espec:lal. \ to Vtctory, for good 8l'OQIIJling aida ly advisable. On aman. intensively one's poMe and aelt-eateem. planted garden., fertillzeu may be .own broadcaut and thoroughly raked Into the upper 3 or 4 inches of soil. It shoulld be well mixed before the .e~dl are planted. Some "ardener. apply ferUlizer two inches to each .Ide of the seed . rows and a little deeper than the seed, Apply for DEAD STOCK about one' poun:d per ~ to 30 feel 'o f row, 11 they are two feet apart 1:I0rae., HoI'. The, method of compostlng 'CatV", Sheep, ~tc. manure II to plaoe the required quantity In a low. flat plle and It once every week or ten daYI un· ttl It ha. been t.urDed three or four time.. After Ithe third .or fourth tumin" the maIlure can be allowed to remain In a flat pile untU wanted , for .preadln, 0111 the ,arden, It the manure 11 dry, ,water mould .MAIN. be added to prevent bumln,. Where 414 lat"e quantltle. of manure are,.Ysed XENIA. o. It la poeilble to .aye the flner ma· , tedal for 'peclal aeetloDa of the ,a~r. , E. G. BOOR81D, INC. . den. Some may be \lied fOi cold tram" Of bot


Brinl' your next can of cr~am ,to me 01;1 trial

- _0 _____ a_

between elgthteen and sixty> who can be accepted shoold glve.;U Is 80 l1~tlle to do to save a l~ than half a <l&y of your tbne, only a p ;m prick of pa.ln and for scme boy It 1$ the dltI'erence betJWeen ltfe ami doot:h. And how abOut another "",ar It will ta4c;e mooey ;to brl!18 the boys pe%8On

Woolenll and Hannels are tbe m dlfllcult 10 wnsh becaulle 01 Ihr~ Ing. Much can be done to prevent ,hrlnkage by Ip!lowlng the rulea of lukewarm water lor wnshlnc rinsing. with no wring In, or hvl Ing. Do not bani them OD the llMU on a cold day. , ' I

turn '

, (open ,ctaily thereafter)



Soil Preparation And Fertilization Pay Dividends


April "1, 1948

_1- __ _

Wn.r reJ)Q1lte sound hopeful but even ,t t the war should 'end before the blood ' b!.nk get{J to LEbIIoo-n, don't torset- bhat fuey will &tlU need blood and piastn<l. for a long time.

Baby's Wash Needs Lukewarm Water, Plenty of Suds


Quick Service

to operate a CASH CREAM Buying Station and will receive Cream atarting

I 1lhoug;ht I WM going to ruwe to re-seed tJhe lespede-. becaUlle last (Qll I oouldn',t .fWd '8. seed tNt It is coming 8.'1 tJhIck as halr on a dog's back. However I am jp01ng to t4'y BOrne of the new ElBl1lyi G.lant Korean. luso brome grass and Rubam sweet clover.

r---Your IN5

l.65 8.045 0lriII1an Heiald 2./10 o Coronet ..- .._ _ S.!IO Cornet Euglbh ,._ ......... 5.45 CouDtry Gentleman, S Yo. 2.00 o Etude Mwlc Magazine.. ,... S./IO FimD JrI. &: Farmen Wife 1.65 Flower Grower _. _ _..... 2.95 Howehold .._ _ _ .. _ .. 1,65 Hmta ..............,._ _ ...... 2,95 Mapzlne DIgeIt .................. 8.045 National Dlgat Monthly..... 8.45 ,0 Nature (10 I.., 12 Mo.) ..,. 8.045 Open Road (12 I .., 104 ,MO.) 2.110 OUtdoon (12,1"" HMo.).. 2.!1O Parmt.. Mapdne ........ _.... 2.75 D Pathfinder _............. __ ..._... 2.00 ,D Photoplay ........... __ .......... 2./10 D Poult." Tribune : _ _ ._ 1.65 D Readen Digat ......___ ... .f.B Redbook ...................._........ S.tII Science IIIu'traled _............ S.4!! D Sdcntlflc Dc:tcdlve _.._....:. 1US Screenland ............. _._.. _.. 2.l1O SUver Screen ........___.. 2.l1O Sporta Afitld .........._ _.. 2.!1O SutUtldul' Fanning _ ..... 1.75 D Tht Woman _.... _....._ .... 2.50 DTrue Story.. _.. _..... _... _ _ 1.50, D U. s. Camera .......J .............. I.IS Walt Dlmey'a ComII1 ....... 2.55 D Your Ufe,.............................. ~.4S

D OlUd

o o o







*TRUE STORY _ _ _ _ .I PATHFINDER .__. ' ...1 Yr. AU. SILVER SCREEN __._ ' __ ' ..6 MOo _ SEVEN HOUSEHOLD .........., ....._ _ .. 1 Yr. FOR POULTRY TRIBUNE ___.1 Yr. FARM JOURNAL Ie ONLY lARMER'S WIfE ......,___ .2Yr.

o o


o o


0/ ,1"1e in pillce of Slory if ,,011 p'III'~J o AMERlCAN GI~ _._.1 Yr. D OPEN ROAD (Boya). CHRISTIAN (12 Il5ue.) _........... ".104 Mo. Ht:.R.u.o 1 Yr. 0 PARENTS' MAG. _.1 Yr.

·. Clt«" _


oo o


D PROTESTANT VOICE (Weekly) __1 Yr. . 0 SCREENUND _..__.1 Yr. o TRUE COMICS '_ _I Yr, 0 SPORTS AfIELD _......1 Yr. o ClDLD un __._.8 MOo 0 THE WOMAN .......,... .1 Yr. GENTLEMAN ---5 Y~

o U. 8. CAMERA.__ .......I Yr. 0 SCIENCE

LIfe ... _ .



ILLUS. .. ....6 Mo.

O""U.I .1. IIlWIOI , n ••, UlLlIl TID SHIWI


I£. '2Z5

.BD POUR ••• M A • AZ •N


POR oay TIl"" noRY ...._ ..... _....6 MOo 1IOTRJ.R'8 ROME Lll'L..I Yr. Q.utalUCAN nlUIT '" 'GROWER ':.._ ... _ _1 Yr. ,.AIlUuCAN POVLTIlY JOURNAL 1 Yr.


o •.tIUl. JOURNAL • ' I'AIlMD'8 . WIn ,..-_ _.1 Yr. GI NATIONAL LJVII'I'OCK





1 Yr.

'I'&IIn1NE I_ I Yr.

lValI8SPVL PAIlMJNG _I Yr. HouOBOI.D MAG. ....,.....I Yr.

_ 8o PATBrINDD BRUDE,IL" c.unn ..::t 110.


CAPPD'8 I'AIlMER _____ I Yr.




n'REET ,0 00UJ),-.::.. I _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ ~












-. --' 1



Lebanon Parts Co.


8bloe The.l r &tallllabmeat at lU


M1IlberrJ In ·LebaDoa. An Gain. tnr An ~er Inereulnr Pavenap







The C. T. JOHNSON FUNERAL HOME Al 1.15 N. BIOadwa,., LebaDoa, .. A borne tn the past, otoda¥ a ' wellComfCll1.abIe. Bome-Ulle Ea&ablllh- equipped fuDenIIl dlreotor Is prement ••• Featwinr Modern Methods p~ to cxmduat funerals within a ••• Up-&O-da&e Equlpmeat wUIl A J'8d1us of m&IIf mme.. Wide Prfooe Ranp Meet. Every '!be JCIIbnaaD Funeral Home Ie FamDy'. ·P roblem. • • Modern perfectly appointed and tastefully Invalid Car •• , Sen1ee AY&Ilable decal'ated MId ita ~e at ADr Hoar, Da,. ... Nlfb&, !tDy- beepeab quiet and dillll*tY'. where ••• Tel. 10. 'l1bey offer an excellent ambulThe O. T. Jdm80n ~ Home &nee, aerrioe wtOOh 2a a,t ·t he call or at Lebanon Js lIUI:lCeMful the COIl- tbe public day and nSgbt. duct of their busine9s by reason or Tbelr eervlce aa t;1n(gy and symthe fact -they offer .. DlOIJt COIDDlete pa.ttIetk: and no matter Where YtlU aen10e and keep oIIhe place r1gbt up live, it • a.vailable to you at all to .tIbe m 1 n u t e . U m e I I . lIt Ie .. COIl'ImeInda.ble semce Oond1tlooa ·In the prdfeallon have and Is keeptng ~ wU.h ' .the ever 1 rapidly c:'han8ed 1n ollie peat tfffl ~ tima. ~. The J.ntroduot.Ion ot auto -----eQ\~ and IrOOd roads bas B. .d Mothen Club Widened b ecope 01. the a.ct.lv1tlt!l! Spon.orin.. Dance . at the Mly~ fUneIUl dI{A dance aponsored by the Band





8 to 11 :30. 'Ihla dance

evening, April 6, from

u being given

in honor

at .the be.sketbe.ll teams. An 8dm1s&ion cha.r8e of 26c.will be ' made.

Stone &Bradbury 111-113 E. Mulberry, Lebanon Ne .. Kite"en Cabinet•• Decoratin" Inlaid Linoleum. £. Mulberry, ~banon, Are Well Equipped witb Becounes and Experieoced Men &0 Handle EKtenslve B1IIbMu aDC1 &0 Give Quick Service • • ' . AldInC In 801vIn, Bousilll Problems, Modernldnr and RepaIrIn, Homes and Buslnesa BUiJdlnp • • • 'Thelr bpert Deslpler II a' Your Service ••• nave Maurials to

8t.ream-llne Your Ki&chen Make Valuable ' AddlUons Tel. G8-&.


In ·the modemiZaUon and malneot4ne esta.bllllrbmeDt, aDd, Where MotJhere Ol\j) wru be held at ~e t.ena.Doe of homes and bUlilneiill one onb' went a fflfr m.Uea ftom matl Scbool "'dldlng 1n iWaynea- bu1Jd1ng8 1n .1lbIs part. of the country, there is DO l1rm -which has aldec1 rome ~ Stone & Bradbury 1n LebanIon. Their aatIafied ou::Aomenl are tbelr



They spec:Ioll.ze In homes and are able bo bUlld any building yW ~ desire. rIl you (in ~ot know ~t you want Ithey can ~ ~ Icteas ~d a1d in maldng up eve:ry dWID. They use' modem. 'metmds of

oonatruottoo find .baNe equipment at band fOt' the expedWous handl1ng of the work. They! are in touch w~ the act. roes a.! m&.tel1a1s. They made ' a stud¥ of

modem128Uon pl'(f)lems iuld ' will fUl'll\\Sh you


cabinets fIX" an ultra-modern kitic.hen ~ as coneervative 1mprovmtenta u ~ may 'Wlb. Kany detatla rwhicb, WW add com!ort and ~llc1enCy 00 homes and ~ts baVI! been


out a.nd no ma.tter w1hether )'OUI' place Is In \)he ~ ClC' town, W1ll be WOl1tlh your while to ·get In touch 'IV1tb tIlhem to make valuable Impnnunen.ts to 'yoUr pJWerty.




One school. child 'out· of five on the avenge hu defective . e),esight, And the percentage mounts to." OUI: of 10 at col· lege agel No parent can &Sord to Even in these critical, ~ days &Dyone can ~e these four simple precautions against eyestrain. Read them carefull)' and teach them 1:0 your children. Eyesi8ht is too precious to risk,

"'g'''' .,";gh,. .

I Do aU readlD" 2 Ayold .Iare hom bare bulbI.

.tud~iri8, ..."iQIlo 01

pIIIe-pla)ID" dOl' co • lood lI,h, . DoD', sit ,,,"", the liahc. Glare .uaI... IOU1'Ce, prefenbl, I moderD' r.adio, lamp.

· .W_. At .. au.'"

.,& .





3Awld Malt..", bave


IDed r.,ulara,. If pJd U!Ih' dI~, ~ eyet .... defeCtIve. 00 Jour book or ftslciD can be pady wor • . • .", btlped wleb DIG,_ _ ,~

..... 1M _


'~ 4

"". . ..... _


...-. .


for Beuer·Slpt. la the iMIIltiaiIt aad upa. C?I



The Greates' Race

to bPe ~ LIabt ..... CDII*N bocb .,..

your.,... bat . . ., .............

with .tt1e ~.







"Oleo-coia." be1ni boI1h a th1rst



Phone 1A'7,

hu become a very adjunot bo «We1'Y cafe, Beca... of FIDe 8en'loe ID Bl,h QuaOi,.,'cl ....... l4alpment, bar, fountAUn ·and store, ea In tlhIa' ACceDD...... ana 8upp1les ror Aato, com~Ina.t.loD, they f!1V'eT'J ~­ ma.nd 111' the public. Traek, Bbe and Trador ••• Expert Carter's BeveraCes are giv1ni an Macbtne Sbop Sentce For IDStaJIaUOJl, Valve GriDd1oc, Brake excellent aervlce IlJld by .oftl'ing a DruaI8. Eie. • . • An Important "FJavw for Every Taste" are doing Fac&or In Keep1nl Oar ' Valuable a ilreat &el'Vloo In ref.reshment for TrauportatloD and Bleh Food our b~ 6Y workel'll. ProducUoa ProI1'1UD Movlil, AIoDC to Victory ••• Under Tbe Popular Dlftetlon 01 Oman KImmel • • •

_a_n_'_'. ..

d __

,_ +

• •

IHEiEM;; ;nEN1 ------t...J _

box soclal "'B6


sOciety event?

Each ~diY 'WllII expected 00 eat &Upper 'With the g«litlema.n who bid hl8ihe8t for the lunch abe bad 80 loYlngly pn!Il8.I'ed. eo.net1me8 the wrong man !n&lsted on bJdttiIIe the

hi8he6t. Remember ?

'hI. 179.

Lebanon Auto P&rt6 Co. a1nce t.he opening of ·t heIr IIWI"e at Lebanon,



are se.~ 0MleI"II and 8~ much

-time and 1llOIleY an<1 are pl&ymg .a grt'l8lt pari 111 keepinlr our transportation system woJttlng by thelr complete and a.ooocnmOdating service Ion quaUt,y parta, equipment, a.ocessories

Telephone U91 WaynavUle ObJo

an<1 wppl.Iea lor can, trudts and

traotors. They have a lul1 stock or bearings, gears and ~a !or replacement on ~ model. No mat.ter what. Ie needed, luet call at their plaat III over the telephone, 1livln8' the number '!f deecription and you will find that Uley have in stock. or can get it for you, u they Bntlcipa.te iJIe needs ot the JIlIOI)1e and are well 6UppUed .


'Ibeir atoclt tnc1udee pJston rl.ngs pisOCm pine, ax1ea, ttmIns chaine Q'IUIteta, k1n8 bolta, bu8h1nga, lIennec:t.Iqr rods, IPr1n8B. fan belta, batterdes and body IlUpPiee. These are not made up 01 ~rate p&rta or beariI¥I, but the r~ bea.r1niJa t.h'at tit, are ~ standard dee1pl and. 8ClIIle or the beet f.ested ou.tpuIA or leading lllGIlUfaetunn.


To me the mile h.. alwaYI been the ere.telt of all racel. It com· 1800 GermaD&owD Bel., Middletown, biDel more In tha WI,. of speed Ind Are The BoUIerI and Dlatrlbators Itamlna than an:, other dlltanee. of "CLEO-C0u," The DrlDlt That The 100 .yarde-the 2»-even the Quarter-a,. lar,e:l,. lpeed t ..... J.l. Is BoUt A Tblnt Q1IIeDebft and A tbou,h It mUlt be admitted that the Miser Aa4 Oft.,. A ComblDatlOIl 440 yard d ..b, o·r the 'I4Irt.r. Ia TbM Takee Tbe Plam or Han,. ... also a 1dDln, diatanc., callin, lor 6ft.,. I!lr.eeIlent DeUftrJ 8erYlee extended 'Peed. But th. mn. Ia. OYer The Svroan41nr Territory, •• lomethin, ill between the Iprlnts and th. ]oilier dlltanc. racel, Cleo-Cola Is Rapldly o.Iftlnc In leadin, up to the marathon. hpDlarti,. .AD Oyer Tha. Part of The averl," normll humID be- 'I'be CoaDtry. 'l'beJ "ve A navor ln, from. clt7 .qd farm, uIuallJ F.. Eftr7 TaRe" • • • TeL Mldt1letalk. ancl, tbIDb ' Sa terDll of the tow1l 1-1111. . mUe. It II a mtl. to lome place-or OuUrs u . . - _ are one' of"'e II mUea-or 10 ·milel. You IcDow Just _ .... _ .... about what that mlean.. fOftmClllt dIst:lbutom 01 beveraees The mUe today II the ideAl com- beca~ tbeir popular "CUJo-OQIa" blnaUon of lpeed and ltamlna_ 8Il8\1VeI1I, practbllJ, all the demaDda race that dra... and keepi tha of the da.Y; uid brIDiB ia:ver trGde crowdl lnterelt. Tlbe 100 and the:ao to fOU'l.te4n8, aen1Ice atatIona. atores Ir. over ln too mueh 01 a bWTJ whUe the I and :a mile racel are and barB handline tbem. They tIMe 6 modem ~ where too lona to watch. In th1. country mOlt of our beat aZl the w.e equlpme1}t for runnlna has been turned In from \be bottI1ni of Cleo-Q)la Is Ci!an'1ed an 100 ,.atd dub to the mo.. We All IDIld8m adeDttnc ckMcee ~ have bad few rUJUliere with the paU· b e e n ' . . 4rl8tMJecl for the cc:mplete enee to train for len,.r 4lltancu. w. have bHn bet·ter It the abM1er IIterill2Ia.tIo or fJW1rY battle, ae well diltanc .. with Padldock, W,.lIo11, To- aa, tIbe jlateaat in ~ equipment. laD, J .... Owln.. and many othar•. '!be ~ents an Wholeeclme and Here It wei lar,e:. , a mltter of a pure, Uld,thUa WIlen ~ ..

P,ASTEURIZED MILK DAIRY PRODUCTS for Your Protection PhOn" 2537 Wayneaville, Ohio

. -.1.

- - - - - _s__




-- --- -•.--.



OME "Hard-To-Get" Items










fta~r haH • .w~ Bat &be ma. . . . . . . . . . . .


UComplete Home Fumiahera"


UEa.t Main Street at Whiteman"



tracll ra r DC ................. .... mOo ' Sa loar mID.... tat. ..... .. aomethJnc &hat demaDlh .,.... .,... aa4 stamina .. Ibe IIHbaate limit. 'lbe Ume maJ come' wMlleome .... will beat foar mIIla_ .......t ..

MR. OLIN . ATWOOD - Son.. Eva.....ii.t Mr:"Atwood is 2l young man with an cepti.onally fine voice and a pl-easina personality. You will enjoy singing under . his direction and will thrill at the apeCial songs he will sing each night.


Ute .... tar. . II.". Arne' Anderilon b.. brouaht tha mUa to jUlt a trUl. more tIlan a .eeond from the t,our ftlInuti mark, Four mlnUtel ."WI be reached and beaten, but har417 throuJb the .Ir period. For Wttb lID the IbWty on. mIT hav•• there 18 ItUl the matter of . c:oadlUon and hard wainlnt thro~


.U·M·LUCKY ().et


MANY yean ago Elhworth Vlnel, the star tennll pllyer, and not a bad ,Olfer. made thll remark"It'l lIurprlslng bow long It takel a fellow to get Intol bard .competitive cond.lUon-and whitt a ahort tim. It takes to get out I,aln." And Vlnel was a hard tralne·r. Thll happeDII to be completel,. true. It II one alnawer to Gunder Hllell' a .howlnl In the recent IC fA ,a.mell at MadllOD S III u are Garden where he practical. Iy collapsed In the m:lle run. Hae'l. thl! Ireat Swedllh fta Itt, oudoore and In .hape, bal run th'e mile In 4.02. He Will timed around Gunder Bae" 4.:11 over an Indoor track with no chance to train, loon after hI landed. Thls means a lost or mlnlna mar· gin c10ae to 29 seconds-or lome· thlna more than 150 yards. In the best mile that Hllegg ever ran he would have beaten Rafferty'l 4: 111.4 mile by over 9() :vardll. For a 4. 111 mile II barely more .than a pllop. Looking as far balck al Jole Ra,., a 4.16 mUe would baVl! been a com· mon canter tor th.e old·tlmer. Raffe"" haa alvllaYI been a ~aht· inK mller. Then we had Nurml'l 4: 10.4. And Nurmi wal ODe 01 the great runnere of aU Urn •• From th. mUe to 10,000 meten. Fr:om that point on down to Arne AnderelOn'. record mUe ln 4~U' we bav. leen the recorda tall...,..vla Glen Cunnln,· ham, Lovelock, and othefl who hlmmered tbe ftgurea down, IpUt lecond b,. IpUt leeond. But ln In thll fliitural IblUt,. hal needed the hard lIlt lort of work. plul able tralnera and able coac:hel who have yet to :recelv. the credit they dellerved.

ready lor the t.rade It Is a bottle 0 - - - - t.ha.t ptfers not only [pod looIcs Dr~ W. E. but ... content that Sa veo' pop~Gr


Evan.aliat MAX W. RANDALL · The Evangelistic sermon each night be ffeyeloped around some phase of th6 fife of the apostle Paul. Each sermon will be soul stirring and inspirational.


For example, GUDdiar Bae.. Ie IUD tile .....ttat 411taDee ruDD.r ID . the world. oyer lbe ..OM, two and thr~mo. telta. Ilia ncold Ia one of tha mo~ amaltbll III aD aport. Vet. out of eoadiUIDII. ·bJa .l an uow· lot at·tha mlle aDl!I bl. beat abowlnc at tha mtle, are dOH to • HCODda apart. We have' alWl1' ·belteved an no "11enDeII In aport. Reeordl Ire 0lIl1 ma4e to be brok.n. Wb8t the, aD wlD& Ie tbe lar,et. Iooner 01' later ~ bowt th11 tar,.t over. It h.. bien aald-'''nIere U DO' IUbatltuts ·for walk·.. ~,~ II DO lubiUtute lor apen.c.." 0."'What d. JOII me... • • • jali II' taln11' ill I mUe Nil thai. 18 no tub..... 1dJD! tot' IUtuti tor a lmII, ' hard tnlDlDa pe. rlod that brIDI. 11be .... and · tile wind wortID. _lither a. I tam. NORRIS BROCK CO. And that ,OM lor II ~erCUJ'7. CI..eI~nN' ValDa l!itoek YNda

Top. in Traimn, Whlla .".'ra epeUiD,


You Are Invited.To The

Of eondl-

Uon. If ln10ill cu..' to Iaiow about .the all·tim. top ID pbJ.a ical tra~, . It wouldll't be a bad Id.. 10 \'Ialt tile four U'Y1 pnofIJpt IICbooIa at

Noa1b CaroUna. Ot~~"a, II. III..,.. . and Jon.. Tli... lola maJOI' .,... flJpt bea4lfU~nl ."ere 8nt Nt GIl b7 Comdr. tolD IlamlltGDi oanl..s !be WIre ........ _ ... All _. . 011 by Comdr; J'rallk WlUbor.. ud ....................... ....., . are DOW .under CaaIdI'. ''K1Da't ..... _ ..............- W J[aaa. In add1b to tile , ........... .. &be «*IIIt!r7, . aocf mWtal711da . . , be. . . . . . . hnice That Salis"" . IacndlbIa Job of ~'"anSa.!.

. . .:t. Waynesville.Cburch·of Christ .


Comel Bring YO~I Friend8l ~ ~.



.. - , "."., -

~ --<7- .:=

~ CaI.n w.

N ews Court =--__ -=== ====== -



Tttl MIAMi GAZET'1'i •



to plalnt!«, ~l to plalnWf, defendant. <to pa',ylMlntllf

,15 ..per ~ defendant &0 P86'


r . . .... ,._-



ma!,nt~bllit ~bur[b '

Max Randall, Mini.ter





Telephone 2985

00_01( .... AI Helen Louise A!l8bear va. Herbert DelJa 0b1ltcln vs, WlIlWn S. ChU- AllIIbear, divorce ttl , ~, childSermOll Topic.: d.efmtlllM. to pay pWl)t1U .., ~ to ~, det~ to pa.y . all.mooll)' peQdeslte 11te, IWIl at f1 ~ plaJndff, B\lni pi fill per week aleu Monain,: "Confirmin, Th.. Church••". per WeeL $50 for ~ and caet.s. E"• •, •. "The Council of Rub.r WbStaCft ft. YItoUr1oe ~ ~ Rhc..dee, ,minor VI. K.nneth Hili, M.r. -I- WAYNESVILLE, OHIO dtfU'ce to pia1nUU, c.b1ldrCm L6v.'ftnCe L. Rboac1ee. dMroe 110 CIu1atlaD JlD.deavcr - 1:10 p, K. UJle I!Ioboo1 -e:1O A. M. to plamUff, ~ CIO 1'&1 ~- pli&1ntiff, c:h1Id 110 Pla.lnt1ff, dofend, , EylnlDg ServicI - 1:30 P . M. tiff aum ot _ per w for &\lPporc. ant to PBG' p):a.1nWf per week, Bu, War Bondi and StaJrnpl at Our BOll Offa oammUDl.Ob 10:30 A. y, MSd-week ~er aervIce at laid cbUdreIl. a.nIWer a.n4 croll petduon 'N1t.hc1ra~ , PAUL HENR&:ID ~ nleht - 1;30 P. M. aoI..ue ~ IW\llWn Mast- ~ It.hoUt recttd. Sermco - 11:00 A. 'K. ,FRt SUN WED THURS SAT MON era, dtYorce to ~, cl»ldftn tD Harold V, Shortt VB. Minnie p lalnotlU, cleftI1dII!¢ ItO' pay p}aJn- Hazel snort, cUvorce to p la1ntlfl , ' 10 12 Wf awn ClIf $50 per month, costa C'CStS are paid. 14 8 , 9 11 13 CABO OF TIIANKB The 'n!abniIooklr In Thb Pan· oNOt "A ;Pret.ty PIot.ure," bUt Story at a. little strl and b\i I wlm to I\lllIIIalk all my friends , pUd.. , rROMTE COURT 'IIDnI.s J . 'WIl1tac:re vs. Hazel WBY BhameiII NBiture'jI Own for the cards, 1IowerB Pnd fmit one we 8hoold a.ll know abc.ut l doIr- .. very nkle little elrl 'V\~ dtvcn:le to pJo1n.dfi, de- !lin the mallter of the estaIt.e 01 : Speommll To See SometNng 6lld a W!r1 nne _ I wtOOh I :rece1ved clurlne' tn¥ reoent fendant ~ to fOIlDer name, Ele:ry Shaffer, dec'd. Clara M'a1e Nlice Is To See 'Ib!81 WNe. uThe Ma.ter Race" 8tIN'l'n NoKe~ ( 8'lrl> NO coets pald. Bh8Iff er, adin., filed appl1ca.tlon for Ba.meevWe R1Ih ecbOOl, Errol Dee.n Ha4Des, a as>eM student of atJa.rr4llg Oeors'e CoulOlU1eOrey Shadow (u wolf) In . "KISMET" Eunice WUmot vs. Kauleth C. bond of '1,000. SHOW Wilmot. dh'OQ:e 00 plainUff, chlld Oncy YeG2Iel, dec'd. Robt. Yeazel, 'W1tb ~ O>lfmen, stanley ~ 'Massen "MY PAL WOLF" tel' witIh bI8 parenta, Mr. and 141'1. Marl.ene 'D ~ to p kWlWl1. detendarlt 100 pay plain., ftled bond for 12100. Also I~ Everebt Haine8. tu:t , , 10 per 'Week, delend8Dt to pay Jennie JIUlI8I, dee'd , Ma.ry E. Hugh B'eIoeJt !4m. Lelah Wilam. MAr1' Bo(ran, ooet ===~a========== Bone, adm. filed bond tor $2100. lAr;yI 00nIpta). DorotbY &n1th, ROOt. O. ltQtloMll. cIec'd. net value 01 este.te l& $7715.63. Eta &JMe and JIMlaDDa Bot!&n SaJl1e Wtdlell, dec·ct net VIll~ a.tit«Ided a ~ IIIJII)rdae on of estate 18 13668.76. OFFER M:ra. :EMIon Bo8&D 111 iIlIIG"tOn laet Willlam T . &liter, dec'd. Mable E. BOUB8: 'l'ueIdI;r. Mn. Bopn'a dauabter. SATISFACTORY RItz, necutrlx, ordered to .ell Ai Lebanon Ba'fe Become Au In-' MD. DnInI!U Nevm and ecma and ~ at private aale. SERVICES 9·12 eed1 ~ .U&aUoD lD tbe 01 &be PeepIe Mm. RobeJt 80pm were also pre01 oar VOaniT ••• Are A I'M ..... In aeat. AT ALL TIMES 1-5 aItemooDa except Oar V1ctol1 Propam by Fea&1II'lDI M'. GOO Un: Raymond W1lson WedDesd8.y , BuppUea and 8e",ice &0 Keep OUr entert&IDed to dlJule Easter. day 1-9 SatlUniay even1nc Home. IUUl I'anu W..rkinc Bftl. w . and MrII. 'I'beodore MJcInt1re Dial 2111 Waynesville, Ohio oIeDUT • • • II You Need .. B&DIe. and IlOO8 &lid w.her Wilson. ot.her Evenlnp by Bee Tbem • • • The,- wm AaW Mr. IWd lOa. ~ Burden Appomtment Wl&b cerunca.. and (AI" You and ~ PEa:J and BBlrbara. 2lat Di.trict llnapectiom Good Value.... .AIIo, Feat.ure were diDiu!I' I'IJ&ta of, Mr. and Mrs. TELEPHONE 8I.B Order of the Eutem Star PalDta, House hnIJIhIup, 8eecb, ft'ed Y'erriInaD or OY«1ooIt Bomee. aoBERITA )j~ Milk CocJe.... Farm 1m1~lfDtenlt1Do.1tOO,:EUter de.)r. Wart.I'ItY· Orand Matron Par.. and ·Flervlce. BoDders' Hard· Mh. ~U!a. Bollinisworth spent A$ III'cIa4waT &Del Ha.lberrT. LebLMlILDRiED ~m'4'1' ware and 8peclaJU,. ••• TeL . . the week end &It <limp Atter'bu:IV, _on, Are Greatly Aldl~ In Keep[)epul4Y Orand ~tron Wltil the ~ at EIipl'lnc the Ind.. Where her hUllbaod wae etalq OUr BuT People OIl Their Feet Apr. 9- D.OM. (224) Warren store or J. W. LmiO Hardware CO. tJoned. XENIA, O. It 8. DetroIt 8'BT Tbetr 8er'flce Iu oa.:recU, FIt- Apr. 13- D.O.:aL (494) Muon takes On 'In added actlvlty, U ~ 0II.re1 Lel8b' Hamee ret.umed to








Caesars Creek =================== .0__•__....,__..._____•______ _ ~-





~cQI1ure ~unera1 ~l1me

Ivins-Jameson Drug Store.

tIq TnIIIMs• .aarPeal lieU. ADd A.1IIloml.a 8~11a...AJaIoD ~ '01,e The IMee& Impro'fl!meafa IUId Comfort Ai No F.stra 0.& • • • Auth.... Bsclllltfe AkroD Tra. FI(ter · . • • Completi! Prae .&enloe, _PreIClrtpUoal • • • Tel. Ut: .' In the hlg,bly spee1ellMd wOl'ld of thiIII &eatiIDn . of 1lbe a1ate, <there 18 no one whO ~ bliber nor are bettel' known ' lIhaal the IVln.s-Jomeaon ~ 00.,

Dr. C. E. Wilkio

Apr. I&- D.OM. (2Z) CWy Apr. 2t- D'o.M. ( 963) New ~

Apr. 2'7- D.OM. (51r> !Lee8burg May 2- D.OM. (~'1) WUmington ~ &- D.OlM. (~I) LebanOn ~ 16- D.OM. (1:r1) Ven:dl May 4- D.G.M. (Urn Mlom4 May I&- D.o.14. (1'73) Ma.ttinavWe May 21)- D.G.M. (iii.) Ioe!&htoil ~ 28- D.O.K. (W) HIllsboro June 12- O'o.!L (l~K) Loyal JUDe 20- D,O.JoI. (:330) ~urg

'n1e1 oerq. a c:qnplete line of tru8IIee mel IlUPPoula from tIbe ve1W baM; 8\U1PCaol bou!Iee at .tile country aDd are &lao in .. poaltlon to malt. ======:====== ~ 80 · that · ,t be . eemce II :Yr•.tuld, MR. Joe ~. Pller reWm· wq ~ and OOIJIpl8te. ed home rnm or~. \PIa.. )alit 'IbeIY baw been respoadble for SMurday ~. SliPdlq they ~ ~ Sm~ tbaIt have been U ~ dInDeIr IIOIIIta Mn. ~


BWden and farm IRlPPUta of &11 Ir.IDda. 'lbla year they have & larger stock b n UIIWW sa there la to Oe All tncreued aCtiVity. In gardenIns on aa:ount or t.h.e ~ Of b2gb prices and IC8l'Ce food auppUea Wh1fe the war cont.lnepecJaa1Ile 1n Ia.wn,


W\tIb . , mWlona t1 men 111\del' &ml8 and all 00D8UDIII!n not be.

now. 00IJ11Dg 00. ¢be da¥ til feat approach1Ds wbeD food8 'W1Il be in great demand. r£t, therelClC'e. be· boOY'eI tmJty owner or eYen .. small &Vden to aet bUlly MId Aid 1n IIOlvling of at leut a put Or hla own problem of food f« 1IIe com1nI ,..,.. " . . , '!be J . W. Ltnso B.antnre 00, aecured & large stocIt or t~ e laat In 8ILJ'(len implements, aeeda,

lent ~


culUyaUon and pro-


ts!~~g: ~&nBW~~: fOl'1DMlon as tMy are famWa.r with 6llpel1enceB of local people and ~e btest t4lml.lng developments. IVINS tbp.k Jbdn

WELDING! AUTOMOBILE INSURANCE Protect Your Ri,ht To Dr.ive with-

H.M.COYNE General Inluranc.








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,,","UN III"'" cAsUALTy _. ' .... ocw............... .... _ ..I ... I . . . . . ~· 8Iad ... ...,1 II ~ IbM

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...... to ,...

1TIRT•••• t . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . t o • n~ ~j CiTY•.•••••••••••••••••. rrAft. •••••••• . I




'\wa;ne.YlIDe .11 no ... Morrow No.. s . . LebaDOD: Offtcle ta'IK ..


~::"~':.,~"':: fam.1l&'. D.titer

Brighten Up


. with




The Miracle Wall Finish

Hi&h School Bldg.

Waynesville furniture Co:

Spon.ored by

Gibbona Bldir.-North SL

.Apri~ 6'

8 to. 11:30



Wa)"De.ville, Ohio

I '----' ~~~~;;;~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ • Let's Go (h'er The Topl Adrniuion .26


In Honor of Our SoIdi. Do,.., Nellt LonI'. Da,... April 8th The,. Are Goin, Owr The Top For You. 226 II Our Goal For Bible School and We Can Reach It With YOUR ' HELP I I


": ':31 A. 111. HOJI.NING W0II8II1P 1.:10' A. II. IWENI!fG .BVWIIB • '1:11 .. . . . Youn ID <lbrIII. M .H. HUNTER, Bibl. School' Supt.



Miaiater ·

Ferry ChUrch of Christ

'DII',e feIDnll!Jl,·

it'l new tlnti ,ev.I/lltiln"yI I neve, StlW tlnytllilll Pllt . ,'flllds II! tit IlIe" /IW tlSt


Armitlg~& Son '


RIQmmd ~ and wife called ,......._~ b on MrB. Ell& BUr~ at 1be home of ....... - - -... U1ere Is bound to e 8. dntt from a to a 8Ca!'clI4Y Mr. &Del Mn. EdIIu' Burley. XeI:IJa. In time and with 1.1le new II8I8OIl one ~ Jut

Dl!IOeI81t!es In the puttlDjr the 8I&l'dm aM lawn under an ex.."el-


~-~~-~;;;~;-~_;;;-;;; . -~-;. ~

with iOOme tolb. J4l'a. Samuel ~ Is on the Bldt )lat ap1n. "


~er~~~ 8P~m::;;

Sand &.Gravel

BIg Plata O.IP. 8. aunp, N. Y., laat Wed'W'!""AY n1~ a.ftes' a ebart vl.s1t

New. 'Revolutionary' Come ill.

ten u' you abOut )fJster Mix GroWtaS Mash M·V (Methio-Vi~) •• :ao impomnt aew diIcovery fa {eecIin,...













Allies CLose on Ruhr VaLLey; J aps Gird for U. S. Invasion; Forec9-st Cut in Grain Acreage

.r. ,......

Overseas Demands The food situation continue\! to occupy the country's attention, wllh the conviction growing that Ameri· cans will have to gIve th!,!ir belts a pull Inward to help feed d1s· itrless:ed clvlllans in liberated coun-

_ _ _ Released by We.tern New.paper Unlon. _ _ _ _ _ _.... (EDITOR'S NOTE. Wh.a oplalDD •• r . . . pr...ed la , .......laDla •• ,b., 1 We.tern Ne •• pap'r ValoD'. a ........ nd aol D • • • • • • rll' 01 Ibl. D••••• per.)



indicative of hI,h coa' of \a1dJl, 111'0 Jlma Is Ws marlDe ,raveyard oa the lalaDd, wUIl row upon row of IltUe whUe cfOnea. Approldmately • ,000 AmerlcSAI were klUed ID \he strunle.



Ruhr Target

Fear Invasion

To 60-year-old Field Marshal 'AIbert Kesselring went the hapless job ot a8sumln, ' supreme comm-aDd of German armJes In the west as U. S. and British torces closed on the vltal "Rubr valley after having conquered the coal and iron rich Saar basin to the southwesL

Making no bones about their fear of an invasion of their homeland. the Japanese government moved feverIsbly to prepare tl!e country for the eventuality, while at the same time pushing efforts to organize occupied China a,ainsl a thrust from U. S. forces. Her predicament underlined by the U. B.'8 Ifadual advance toward the. homeland, 1i1d th'e destnictive aerial raids on ber Ileat \lI'ban cen· ters. Jap.n's leaderl called tor the In picking Kessel- establishment of virtual martial law KeslelriD, ting to try to hold in the country, permitting exproprlthe saggln, German ation of land and demolition of front In the west, HiUer chose buildings for defense purposes. i.D ardent Nazi, who gained noUce

But If the food situation took the lpoWght In the U.S., It also aroused Interest In Britain, where Prime MinJster Churchlll told the house of commons that the country only had less than II million tons of food in reserve Instead of the '100 million sug· gested by some quarters. in America. Some of it was being used to feed needy Europeans, he said. Following President RooseveJt'l statement that It was only decent for Americana to share some of their food suppUes with hungry Europeans, and reports that the army's share of meat would be increased 4 per' cent during the next three months to help feed people in the war zone. while U. S. civilians' would be slashed 12 per cent. It was announced that the United Nattons Relief and RebablUtatton adminlstration (UNRRA) would require lbout 800 mlUIon pounds of food from this country during April. May Ind June. . Food other than meat composel UNRRA's largest claim on U. B. Itocks, with calla for meat amounting to 1 out of every 350 pounds of the nation's civilian .uPPlY. It was said. DeUveries of cain, fiour aDd other cereal products top the Ust. with meat and fat and then beans and peas, milk and sugar in order. Of UNRRA's total requirements of 1,876,000,000 pounds of food for the next three months, the U. S. Is ex· pected to furnish 42 per cent, with Canada IUppJyin, 38 per cent and other United Nations the rest.

May Cut Draft Calls With the lervices expected to be built up to full strength b;, July, 1945, monthly draft can. th ft be t fr th erea er may cu om I. present 135,000 to 93,000 to fur..

~~~~~::::~~~~~~~of~~::DI~~~~0~U~84h:bl~gb~::l!~~::~~~.Jn~·ls~b~.~"~p~la~c~em~en.ts~,~p__re_.~ld_en~~~ the Nazll to stand fast In the face III be same time, a COI\V·eathe overwhelming Allied onslaught, because of the Ilonal committee wa. told' that · Kesselring succeeded FIeld Marshal her industry, U. S. attacks bave although diaft calla would be red cut Into some of . the enemy'l produced after Germany's defeat, "'oung men will. continue to be Von Rundstedt, who WBI reli.e veta ductlve capacity, besides causln, .. of his comman d f 0 II0wing repor di inducted during the Japanese that he had failed to negotiate an serious civilian slocatlons. AI· armJstice with General Eisenhower. ready, almost hiilIlirTokyo's civil· war to replace discharged vets. Ian population has been evacuated, Previously, eelective service As Kesselring took over ' the Ger- it was said. announced that some 145,000 man command,. his hard.pressed men from 18 to 29 years of age forces faced ' the Canadian ht. Brit· Besides impalmr the home in the steel, transportation, min. Ish 2nd and U. S . 9th armies on eftort, such raids as the recent ing ' and synthetic rubber IndUsthe wea1ern border of the Ruhr, carrier plane at\aCD on the try would be deferred as essenwhile the U. S. 1st army built up Japs' ITeat IIIner naval baee ' lII tial workers, breaking the for. strength for a drive to the south of &be Inland oea bounded by the mer policy of exempting only the vital Industrial valley from its home Islands 01 Honshu, Kyuhu about 30 per cent in any field. As Remagen bridgehead. . IlD4 Shikoku serve not onl, to a result, older men in the 30 to Following a tremendous concerted cripple the enemy 'lIeet bat also 37 age group will have to be aerial bombardment aimed at loftdamare Important repair and Inducted to make up the differ. anchorage facilities. ence, it was said. erung up the enemy's rear areBS, these four Allied armies stood ready to strike to the east of the Rhine Although the Japs feel th~t any and break into the open German direct assault on the homeJand POLIO: plains on ' the high road to Berlin. 'would give them the advantage at Kenny's Problem Farther to the south. the U. S. 3rd short supply lines and land bases Unable to enlist thesuppprt of the and 7th armies, baving cleaned out from which to develop counter-mea a- nltton's medical leaders for her the Saar, drew up against the for· ures, they' are looking worriedly to treatment of infantile paralysis, ested mountai.n cQuntry to the east the Chinese coast. where they be· Australis's SIster Elizabeth Kenny 'of the Rhine In this sector. lieve the U. S. might drive ashore annoUXlced; her declalon 'to leave this to set up lDvasion bases. _. . country if congress failed to loole Double Trouble Thus, high military authorities pre- into' the dlfftcultles that have bes!!t . Thus, wblle Kesselring bad his sume. the enemy will continue to her since her arrival here. hands full trying to hold the AllIed play for time in such outlying bat· Although Sister Kenny's decIsion armies off trom the open northern tie zones as the Philippines and to leave the country came upon the plains. German comlllanders In the Burma to permit further deveJo~ heels of the National Foundation for east experienced ' equal di1l\culty ment of Chinese resources and Infantile Paralysis' refusal of a remeeting the Russian onslaJl,ht o\(er additions to the 500,000 Chinese quest for $804,000 for the Kenny ·Inthe other end of the level northern troops reportedly fighting for them stitute In 'Minneapolis, Minn., she country In the east. .F rom Stettln so as to be better able to meet an said that money was no object, since louthward, the Reds menaced the invasl~n of that country. the people of the latter city already .errled defenses ' of Berlin while had raised $400.000 for her work the Nazis still talked about a last Cl.{OP ACREA.GE: and undoubtedly could double the ditch fight behind concrete pillboxes, fl~e. To Drop .! bunkers, tank' trap. and irri,ated . Rather, she said, her declslo,D tp flat land. Because of • decrease in hoC leave was prompted by the medical Though.- massed In the Ifeatest numbers in their own lots, an ex· profession's failure to provIde as· strength before Berlln, the Reds also pected drop in demand for feed slstance for further research into her exerted considerable pressure to the grains and a swltchover to crops theory of treatment. W~thout such south. seeking to batter their' way With · lower labOr requirements, research, she declared, her presence through the mountain masses In U~ farmers will put fewer acres to 1m. here was no longer necessary BIDce per Silesla to enter Czechoslovakia, portant grain in 11145, the U. S. de- others have been trained in her pr~8· and smashing at German defenses partmentof ag:rlculture reported. ent methods. In western Hungary In an effort to Basing its report on farmers' dec· MIDNIGHT CURFEW'. reach Austria. lara tiona of intentioDs, the USDA IBid ~at com acreage would be New York in Line down 3 per cent under 1944, barley U. S. SAVINGS: 14 per cent. · and soybean. 2~ per Savini enjoyed an extra hour of In Billions cent. As exception., wheat acrea,e nlJht frolicking for a few days, New With a wartime economY 'restrlct- was expected. to hlcreaae .~ per York's.. mIlllng merrymaker. found themselves out on the streets at mid· Ing the suppj,y of clvWaD gooell, and cent 'and oats 8 per cent. . In addition, th~ USDA~ s . reports again, following the amuseIncome at peak levels. Americana owners' decisIon not to' taie contiriued to ,pour biWo.ns of dollars on acrellges' for other ' crops showed advanta,e of Mayor La GUardia'.' Into savings, the Securities and Ex- general decreases from last ,ear, one hour. extension of ~e govern. change commi.sloJi reported. with increase8 forecBlt' onli for ment's 12 I: 'm. curfew, imposed to beet.. ftaxseed, ,tobacco and With Americans puttln, away sugar . conserve lUel ~. manpower. nearly 25 per cent of their' incomes rice. FIrst Iccepting J,a Guardil'S on. in cash, bank deposits 'and ,ove!DWltlJ the we'ath~ ,enerall;, favor. bour reprieve lh the r.ce at wide'ment securities within the lallt two Ible, Ana'ncesample and ~ aDd spread ·crl",clml. the 'amusement .nd one-liaU iears, total holl;linis of feed plentlfUl, ohief obltaolea to lie owners' , own haIida ' W~ forced these alletS 'Nached 148 blDfon ploductlon lie in manpower 'a nd ma- when botb the U1D7 and nlY)' dollar. at the end ~ , 1~. chlnel7 shortale.. the . USDA de- dmld their pertoimel to le.v. th. mldDjlbt In obedience In .avinl . fO ~lll1~ dollara lalit, clared. Indic.ted .crellea In dec., nlpteJ1ea 7t!ar, 10 tunes as mllch •• in INCI, l.rations of , Intentions ml,bt to the ~ ~1UlaUGa. AmericaDI amlned III e,ddltloD- be . notab~ d;llDled throuib lb. Befo,. tlie New y~ decided 110 lIoblUlatJoD al17 bW1~ in c~ and. bDk de- yell', the . USDA said. ill aClf:!m'I!i... 1 clDH tbalr.dOOl'l; ".-Pula: 15 bIUIcmr In ~ aaee wltb 1dueD. .. In • •tbll', Dh"ecrtOr J!Jl'DN 'saId It wu 1mpoe, maD(IOWW'. alb1e for tile pemn.t to eaboi boDda; I~. bDIloDI In.....JnsaraD" prlc:.and _ mtDkma . til .. . . . . ad UDCeI . . . tile ~~ tba.npqt the mldDIIbt ~. IIDCe It IaeW ltN1f 011 faiIMn" JIIuI. tile poll.. DlO ••• ...,. IHIII . . . .uoaa.


A REPORT ON GERMANY Hard-boiled Leon Henderson did scme tough tallting to PresIdent Roosevelt when he arrived back from his economic survey of occu· pied Germany. Henderson was sent by the White House to consult with General !!=isenhower regarding the economic setup in Germany after the Arml· stice. But, while the former OPA adminIstrator has kept very mum about it, he was quite critical In his verbal report to the President regardJng negligence on the part of the army, the state department and the Anglo-Amerlcan-Russian com,mJSS:Lon in London regarding pla.DI for runnIng Germany. . Henderson told FDR &bat neither the U. B. military nor \he l\ate department ha4 done anythiDr except the sloppiest Ion of plaDJ1in6 about rUDJl1nc the dUHcuU German clvlUan economy after the armistice. U_ S. Amb....dor John WIDaat III Londou, HenderSOD Indicated, had beeD ..ttiDr on his haunches .. a member of \he tripartite commlaalon supposed to look into thIs, but doin~ notblnr_ Henderson reported that the plan for cutting Germany up Into three dlfTerent sections under the British, American and RUllslan armie. simply would not work economically. He pointed Ol<lt that the Gel'· man rallroads were set up to work as • unit, not in three dlfTerent sec· tlons. Likewise with German industries. Henderson proposed, thereTroop traDllporill now conslde.r the nursery as a "must." Thousands of refurees, repatriates and babies fore, that German c1vWan econolD)' of U. S. !lervlceme.' are being brou,hi to the United States .board the U. 8. coast-ruard-mauned ' troop be run by a cIvilian commission UlUlSports, moville east from tbe Orient and wcst from Europe. Most of the children are bcwUdered but lOon represcnting· the Allies which would receive reassurance from Red Cross workers and members of the ships' crew. have charge of the entire country. He also proposed that the military take orders from the c1vllian hlgb commission. What tbe President wlll do' about

Navajo 'Dust Bowl' Brings Disaster to Indians

.~.~~~~~~~~~~~ denon go back to Germany, the hard-bolled ex-OPA admJnistrator refused. He said It 'was Impossible to work under the present setup. Instead he wili go to China to make a study of. price controls for Chiang Kal-shek. INote - What aome WhIte House advisers fear Is that the same chaos and Inflation wblch killed democratic government III Germany after the last war once agaiD will become so ruinous that tbe German pcople wtO flU back on another Hltler or Kaiser.)

• • •

G.I. JOE AT PEACE TABLE More and more state legislaturell and members of congress are urg· ing that a G.I. Joe sit at the peace table; also that he begin by sitting In at the important San Francisco United Nations conference. Some further propose that Sumner Welles, former. undersecretary of state and the man who .orlgln8Uy planned for machInery, attend the SaD Francisco conference, perhaps as ad· viser to the soldier delegate or .as an unbIased observer with no ax to grind either for or against anyone Economic dluster lor 55,000 indians II rapidly taking form In the rugged mesas of the Navajo country political party. iD Arizona and New Mexico. A mllllon or more sheep are the direct caWie 01 the potential bUght. The real The Maryland and Rhode Island problem of the Indla,n Office Is the overpopulation 01 indians npon comparatively nnproducUve, deteriorated legislatures are the latest to push lands. the Idea of a G.I. Joe at the peace table. resolutions beIng introduced by Charles M. See of Cumberland, Md., and Joseph MUla of War· wick, R. I. The Texa.s and South Carollna legislatures have already passed resolutions, while Senator Johnston of South Carolina and Representative Jackson of Washington have introduced resolutions in the U. S . .congress urging that the G.I. Joe attend the San Francisco con· ference 81 a starter to the tlnal peace session. Tbey propose that he be no hJgher than .the rank of ser· geant. N,ote - The Iowa poll, conducted by the Des MolDel Sun· day Register, found that an overwhelmln, m.Jorlty of Iowans, 83 per cent, favored bavin, a member 01 the armed lorcel It tl!e peace table.

Man-Eating Tigers in Burma

Beethoven Standing

• • •






. DEMOCRATIC JOE STILWELL Gen. JOe S~lwell has ' .lway. rated hJgh with his m.en. Now that he's stationed In Washington a. chief of the army ground forces, hi stili has the reputation lookina out for them. The' other day. Washington rellltoJ CoL Gu. Ring. who Is used to get, tlng phone calls froln all sorts of fm· portant aPartment hunters, W8l · ~rlsed to ftnd, .General . Stllweit walk in bla oft\ce and ask for III apartment. · SUlwell. aldn.'t want tbI !~r himself,' but- had trav· e1ed ~ the wI.)' lero. ,WIJhlDItoI to trJ to ,et an 'Bpartment for . . widow of oDe of Stilwell's juDICII' . . leers who 11M bteD klJIed ta ...... Kete-ae . . . . . . . . . . . .

After the IJDIphouJ 01' war ha4

thimderect tlaroa," bIa home


til1rD 01

CpL G. A..JIGa'alI'f, (leDtraU-. m.,:!!IJDba~ mIU~ pollee. t.IIIJ'Carol IIoDD. GermuY......., of me cit, wu ~ ' Kauu 41'_. . . . . . . . troa wooer, all!!'D wltb the !SO- left .. raIDs. IIat tile stataie bODOriDC :-.... m ............ kIlW " the CIOQIe Ia Bana.. Bel'Yleemoa IIIlcl 'Latlwlc Vag Deetho.... C!JUI" the _posen• Ia tile ........ the field baft orrulaed MftnInoeeaat.l:1l-" Inada . . . . ...-n. II .... war . .IIIe .



.un .t.acls


Washington, Digest; American l-ife Insurance Celebrates I,ts 100th New Com'mittee Controls Anniversary by Adopting a New.Actuarial Table Clamor for Food Stocks Which.Reflects Longer life of Modern Citizen 8y ELMO SCOtT WATSON Relealed by West e rn Newlpaper Union.

Directs Allocation of LimUed Supplies; Heavy Demands Made on Army to Feed Civilians in the ' Fighting Zones. ByBAUKBAGE lVew. AnarYII and Commentator. WNU Senloe, UnlOD Tnasl BaIldlD" lack ot shlps. Sh ips have to be used Waahlnrton, D. C. The fight for food Is on lind a lot . at people who "don't know there', a war going on" are going to learn .bout It at the brealdast table. The first shot was fired in the battle of tlie bureaus In Wash.lng· ton by Food Administrator Marvin Jones early this month. Slnoe then the President was moved to express hlmseU on the sullIed at a White House press and radio conference. When he casually tosses all some comment like that It means a lot at memoranda liave been written on the lubject. We wm have to take at least one hitch In our belts. Bowever, the situation Is not quite .1 black a. painted but unless It is painted as black as possible It will be blacker. I choose the word black advisedly for that Is the color of the marketl that arise to thwart the war eJl'ort everywhere. It was a realizatloo of this fact that caused the quiet, modest. loffspoken Marvin Jones to shout a loud· spokeD "Bait" to thi. food-orderin. spree. begun In ' the last months by the various agencies whose job It is to get food but Dot to grow it. America was doing pretty well, that i. the American farmer wal doing pretty -well making two and someUrnes four blades of thll and that grow where only one grew before and by teaching the COWl and the chlcke.n s how to multiply. We were feedin, ourselves pretty well a\ home, we were turnID, out a G.L ra r:>n the like of which fighting men never put their teeth into (in such quanUty and quality) before. Also considerable food-though not neady as much as was asked lorwal going out to countries in the 1mInediate vicinity of the war zonel and under the lend·lease arrangement. UNRRA was 'making lome . lhipmenls but not many.

to carry war suppUes. Until January such supplies as UNRRA could send had to be sand· wlched In In "broken lots" between guns and shells and wha t have you. In January two full shi pments went over. And they got a hurry call to distr ibute food to some ot the "left behind" areas which the army had been taking. care ot. These are the things which swelled the fiood of demands on Marvin Jones' boys. These and many oth•. ers like them.

INETEEN forty-five finds American life insurance N observing its 100th anniversary and by way of celebration it's beginning to operate under a new set of actuarial tables. Until this year insurance companies have been "booking" life and death chances on the same basis as they were figured when the first American "life" policies were written away back in 1845. But this year they are discarding the old "odds table" and putting into effect a new one and that's a matter of prime importance to more than 70,000,000 Americans who own more than 125 billion dollars worth of life insurance.

Europe'. Diatribation S,..fem Collap.e.

.... a matter of fact, the adoption of the new actuarial tables in American ille insurance'l centennial There are two potential factors year Is accidental and coincidental, which will bring even heavier de- rather than purpolely planned. Nine mands from the hungry world. One yean ago state Insurance commla· Is the ,radulll restoration of tranl' sloners and mathematical wizardl of -portation media within the devaa· the insurance companies recognized tated areal and the other Is the the fact that the tremendous imeventual release of more sbipplng. provement, in medical Iclence had The latter cannot be expected 'OOD the old "odds table" obsolete. for even when the organized re- In the light of moderD methods of sistance In Europe ends-as It might prolon,ing human existence, a new before these lines reacb you-many iet of life expectancy standards was shlplI must be diverted for use in needed. traDsportln, men and suppliel from But figuring out these standards Europe to the Pacillc. Of course and fitting them to rates--or ftt· such empty bottoms as move from ting rates to them-wasn't a simple America to Europe can carry food matter. For Insta.nce, they knew that but many will be in service between you~it you are SO years old-have a Europe and Asiatic waters. far better chance of living beyond At present the transportation IY'- that age than you did two decades tem in France alld the occupied ago. It was only a few decades ago areas of France II one of .the that eight out of every thousand 8reatest deterrents to shipping food people died at that age. Today, to Europe which exist. There II no thanks to more public enlightenment use of having food pUe up ID ports OD medical matters and improvewaiting to be transshipped to the ments in diet (includlng more Interior. , knowledge of vitamin requirements) One American who fiew from !-Ano only two or three persons per thou· don to Paris laid that he did. not land are dead at the age of 30. lee one single bridge on the way. Of course there are lome left or the Ratel About the Same. army could not be supplied, but But even though the Improvethanks to one side or the other no ment In our lI!e chances seemed to bridges remain In the pathway .of Indicate much redu ed rates, this a retlrin, army if It can be helped. was offset over the years by the deWe have seen what happened at terloration of our interest rates and Jone. f.oclt. Remagen when the Germans tailed the increased cost of doing business. Cupboard DfHJr. to smash the Ludendorf .pan before The problem of adjustment was Food MmJnlstrator JonM knew the Yanks could vall i~ .nd l,IIe U. threefold: (1) rates according to about what cou1~ actu~ be ehlpp~ A vivid example ot how this de- improved life probability; (2) com· abroad · aM how much WH' 'Deeded .tructlon of tranlportatlon has at· pany income accorcUng to lowered .t home and he was able. with the rected France II revealed in the sto- return on investments; and (3) comhelp of the sweating tillers of the ry of the potato lamps. Normandy pany expenses a. compared to ''the .on. ·to conjure it out of terra ftrma. Is a rIch farming country and there good old daYI" when breakfast cost 'lben all of a sudden thin,1 began Is enough grain and potatoes to help a nickel and the company president to happeD, and th.e demands on Un· feed the impoverlslied Frencb cltiel drew a .alary of $30 per week. cle Sam'. larder began to swell in of the interior if they could get It. The insurance commlllioners had such propOrtioD.l that Jones said It But there Is no fuel or light in Nor· a major mathematical problem bewould be bare a. Mother Bubbard'i mandy. The Norman peasants caD fore them. For the latter two points eupboard if an the hUJ1gr')' fout ,ot afford to hollo'f out potatoes. au -lowered earnings on invested 1here before he locked the ,door. them with melted butter and attach ~d. and sharply rising costa of . ''There Put ian't that much food a wick to them. That i. their only doln' business - more than cov· in the world." ,one of JonM' Ueu~ means ot lI8ht. Yet if the transpor- ered the sUght break they showed tenanta told the newlmen. . tatlon Unel were goln, they could on their books because the docto" r There 11 .omethlne about the bu.i- get some 011 from other places and were keeping us alive longer. ness of 1I0Win, and reaping. of breed· they could ship their butter and po- Nevertheless they went ahead. ~ing and feecUng, of plowing. harrow- tatoes to people who 10reIy need N. GuertiD of New Jerley.. wa. Ing and thruhin, that ,ust caD't them: chaIrman of a commlsslor)· be burried. Jonel Jaiows that. 'lbe At preqent food demands are en group to recommend the new Prelident know. Jones knOWI it and heavy and unW now the allocation "life" tablel. FIve other ltate com.0 he liltened to JonM. of luppUes hal not been coerdlnat- Imiuioners sat with him. John S. I The edict went out. nO more food ed. Government a,endel which 1'l110nIlPl~0D, msthematlcian and vice lhipped to anybody anywhere, a· didn·t have to produce the food, orof the Mutual Benefit Life cept for the army and navy and the dered It. And their orderl frequent.. InaUrance company of Newark, N.J. alreacly·agreed-upon lend·leaee ship- ly overlapped. Now.n demandl was a committee member reprelentments, until it la' approved b7 a c!lm- will be .~reened tbrou,h Crowley'. the Actuarial SoCiety of mittee compOsed of th,e agenclel committee and the food adminlstr.- IA1nerica. who take the food and the 'one which tion will not be asked the impossible. Sixteen Itate. enact~ the soproduces It. ThJa,'committee is prePurpolely 'the lame man II never caDed "Guertin law," which mean. aided over by Leo Crowley, the Prel' glveD the Job. of making up quota. that the insurance companlea doing Ident'l No. 1 trouble shooter. The of desired war luppllel and also of business in those state. can In lIK5 army, the navy. the shipping admin· actually producin, them. It has been adopt the recommendation of the latration and the food administrator found this Is dangerous. There would Guertin committee into their future are members of that committee. be too much temptation to cut lbe poUcles. The law became efrecUve Besides feeding Its own mouths quota t~ fit the available supplies. JaDuary 1 of this year OD an opUonal the army has to feed the people in NGW a certain amount of rivalry ex- basis but it becomes mandatory the battle areas in which It lives. Ists which Corees each party to try after three years, in Decembel'. 1948. You bave to maintain the economy to get a little more than he thinks How It AU Began. of those areas if you Uve and 6ght be ·can. But there has to be some· Centuries before Messrs. Gue tin in them. The Germans. bad to do one to act as final arbiter to bring and associates took on their her. It and that Is why when they depart- reach Bnd grasp together with as culean job, a Roman named Ulpl. ed (taking everything movable with little spillage as possible. anus devised an "odds table" for a ~m) . the liberated areas were of bls friends. Ulpianus was a • • • worse of! as far as eating went than The number of civilians employed lawyer with a ·fiair for 6gures. A. a they were before. As our army In the United States declined to 50,· matter of tact, his lite expectancy moves forward more and more 120,000 In January, or to the lowest charts were so good that they reareas must be fed. . . figure since the record high peak of mained unchallenged from 220 A. D. Also as they move ahead and lose 54,750,000 WIIB reached In July, 1945, for almost 15 centuries. Even as interest in the economy of the areas according to the Alexander Hamil· latc as 1814, the T\jscan government farther back, or as countries be· ton institute. Nevertheless, practical- used his ligures. come completely liberated as ly the largest possible percentage Not content with Lawyer Ulpianus' France, Belgium. and most ot the of the total labor force was em· findings, however, Edmund Halley. Balkans bave been, food is essen· ployed in January. known as the English astronomer tial to keep the peace. The decline In employment was who discovered the tamous Bailey's There is nothing so conducive to thus not due to B lack of jobs but to comet, undertook the job of com. revolution and civil strife generally a reduction In the available supply putlng ."modern" mortality tables in as an empty stomach. The funcUon ot labor. The reduction In the lao 1693. His method was the basis for of aDevlating the distress In these bor supply was caused partly by present-day computations; namely countries faDs to UNRRA which so persons w1thdrawmg themselvel that of using accurate vital statls. far has not been able to do much. from the labor force aDd partly by tlCI. Bailey selected the city of Bres~ One reason tor this, which applies persona entering the armed forcel. lau (you've been reading about it in alao to countries which don't need No ,Jlleviatlon of the labor sbortage the war news from Silesla) for his borrowed food, but can buy it. ill the la ID prospect unW after the war. euinea pi, · from 1687.92-0bservin,

BAR B S •••

by Bau kha S8

, "In many pieces," a Berlin b.r oad· . The- Finnish premier hal caUed ior cut .ald" "th'e Volkaturm hal volun· eltal1ilahlng a basi, of understand. ~ ,h'en '-P 8ihtini." Tbe cloc· In, and friendly relatioDi Wlth RusUiDe ~ of tree-wiU tuml up in ·the sla. I'll '~et hi. face was reci. . ' Ib-an.ut pl8c,e l. • • • The curlew shaD not ring tonfaht The .Federal CommunicatioDi for reltaUrants whicb .erve mew ~..lon reports a ~a-p broadcut to war ·workers-whlch may eDcour-wtdSl ~of lmporturtODItruCtion _ate lOme people who dOD't Uke to 10 proJect. iii' .DebUT.. CaD Jt be home before 'mldDi~t tG jolD ....n. . ~r ~thlnldnl of moviDl' tial IndUltl'fel.



Start Day Rig4t in ~his Frocl, Matching Dress and Hat for Tot

A view on Broad ·Itree. ID front of the Stock hehaDrc aDd SubTl'eallll'1 (then . lb.e CUltoml Houae) in New York (lity in 1845 "beD We IDluraDce bad Ita be,lmdnp. births and deaths for a five-year pe. rlod. HII tables were the precursor for many others-sucb 81 the EDglIlh tables of 1762. But all .uch 1m· proved tables over the last two cen· turies failed to ket!p pace with medical science. . Our first actuar:lal brainchild was called the American Experience tao ble, which was brought Into u.age right after the CivU war. With minor changes it has conti.nued to be the accepted base for computing life and death chances up the present time. Meanwhile the M. D.s were busily engaged In making our American Experience figurell look sick. Their success In keeplllg the lower·age groups alive long.e r 18 direcUy reo sponslble for tb..Is major effort to reframe the basic structure o.f aU life insurance in the United States. Just by way of proving the point. In 1900 the U. S. average age was 49.24. A couple of years ago it stood at 64.82. When It all began back in 1845, this wal a husky young nation. But many of its huskil~st young citizens fell victims -to one disease or an· other, cUptheria and tuberculosis be· ing the most active. Many Hazards. Even as late as 1.900, more than 40 out pt every 100',000 people suc· cumbed to dlptherta. Today it's only only one per 100,000. Europe's black plague of the early 17th century wasn't much wors·e a scourge than the horrors of pulmonary tubercu· losis over the last century. Statls· tic. tor 1900 sbow that this killer took 173 out of every 100,000. Today less than 40 per 100,000 die of the disease each year. For these reasonll, coupled with aD the other baza.r d. of llvlng a cen· tury a,o, the old boYI Icratched their heads twice before· Insuring their fellow men. promiscuously. When Ben Miller bought the first life policy Issued by Mutual Benefit Life Inaurance In Newark In 1114l1, there were many "don'ts" tied to the poUcy. Ben bought '1.500 worth of Insurance on his life at a premium of $51 a year Wi·th the provillon that: (1.) Be didn't cUe on the a~al; (2.) he dldn't leave the country; (3.) he didn't 80 south In the sum· mertlme; (4,) he didn't (without consent) ·j oln the army; (5.) he didn't cut hi. own throat to im· prove his wife's flnancel; (6,) he didn't expole his illlSured and valu· able carca.. by cllueWn,; (7.) be religiously avoided the gailowl or guillotine. . . . andl so OD for qulte lome distance in sUghtly more tech· nlcal verbiage: Ben, It might be remarked, was one of the hardier 110ft, for he lived to collect his own insurance at the age of tl6! While the early directors ot Insur· ance companies had no worries about clients being kl1led in an automobile or airpilme, the 1845 cltl· zens lif Pres. Jamell Polk's nation of 'n states were liable to find them· sewes witbout a sc:alp U they took the "covered·wagon" traIl west. Life insurance compaDies also could discount the probability of the "insured" dying from beart failure because of the then modest 15 mil· lion dollar public delbt. Perhaps It Is worth noting that over the years the Increase In heart disease (and it has increased conlsiderably) 1\1 In . ratio to the government's debt to the people - now' at the qulte immodest figure of almost 300 bil· lion, a very large hunk of which 11 held by the same insurance com· panies. U as you read tlus, you'~e been boplng to find thllt now insurance ratea will be lower because the doc-

Ula yard. 01 ~ or !I9·lnch material: pe.aties, ~~ yard; bonnet, incluc1lnllelf Unlnl', ,. yard.

tors are keepine us alive longer, you'd better read on. SEWING CntCLB PATl'EBN DEPT. At 'first glance it would seem that 130 80aUl Weill 8t. Cblcalo under the new mortality table. lI!e Enclole 2S cenla In coIN for each Insurance rates will be cheaper, but pattern des~. that is not true. John S. Thompson, • 36-:12 Pattern No................. Slzt! . .. .. vice presldeDt ' and mathema· . . ................. , .. . ..••••••••• tlcian (actuary) of the Mutual Bene· Address . ............................. . 6t Life InsuraDce company, speak· ing for all We insurance companies, tells why. He says: Pretty Bouse Frock "Policies now in force will not be YOU'll look pretty and very aft'ected, nor Is It expected that poll· efficient in this smoothly fitting cles lold In the future will be. That house frock with scalloped front is because the amount of interest closing. Use gay floral prints, pink Fram Too Frequent UriRition, life insurance companies can earn I and white or blue and white on their invested funds bas dropped checked ginghams, or crisp polka Backache, Run·Down Feeling sharply In the last few years, and ' dots. Trim with bright jumbo ric their operating expenses, wages and rac. -clae to irritatioD of the bladder taxes. have increased. eaaaecl bJ UCUI acidity in the ariD. Fewer InvestmeDt Chancea. Pattern No. 8763 Is designed for size. 36. "octor'o "IU.llor)! eel. on ,t.. "The coat of liCe Insurance de- 36. to, 42, it, til. t8, 60 and 52. Size 36 reo 1rJ4no71 .,." t..lp. "'p ".. Ire .. • .ttiq quires t\~ yards of 35 or :J9·lnch material: pends upon three points: m the 3 yards rle rae for trimming. .,. IIl,ltto' A .. ,.011 ."ffariq u.aoc ••....,. number of claims paid OD policy· foTt . . 01 dJ.ln •• fro ... bIo.....b •• baral. . holders who cUe in a given year; Dress and Hat tor Tot arlae. freqllut ........ t. pal. wal ...? a, oftaa at III,bt7 n ....,.,,(2) the . yield or earnings from In· ADORABLE warm weather Gattlal tOlll. . .ay b. cau •• d loy Irrihtloa vestments of reserve funds; and (3) ensemble for a sweet young da. to nc••a .cld la tb. uri... T .... trF tJaat f ....ou. doct"..·a dt.c:aYUY - DR. the cost of operating the company. mlss. She'll be sure to like the KILMER'S SWAMP ROOT. The war has sharply decreased swinging skirt and the bodice lacFamou. for ......, " ...... Swam, R_t .. • cerlfullr, b....d ... co.. billatl•• 01 ........ the field for profitable inves~ments, ing on the dress. Tne little hat is rooto, ba H" ..... otb.r . .tural ....... he points out. War inclusirles are easy to make-it opens out fiat to "IODta. Tb...•• •"'at.". Dotlt'n, ..... ... or ... blt·formID, la tblo oclnatlflc pn~­ flna.n ced by the government; and the launder. . tloa. Ju.t ....... 1a....cll.ala tbat quickly building industry, once a big field eet oa tb. blda.,.a to lau.... tb. lIow of for loans, is now dormant. Thus 11,· Pattern No. 8768 Is ·designed (or sizes 2, wiae . . 01 r"lJ.n blaclolar InltatioD . . . suraDce companies which formerly 3. t. 5 and 6 yean. Size 3 dre •• requires It. UDeOlllforiabl •• ...., t _ YOIl'U M,. Ita - - - ' _ .....wI . earned from 4 to 6 per cent on their Ilea.. for free. ~ TODAY' " fUndi, now earn 'only ~lIghtly more Ub. tIJoa..... Of ....... , . ... lie .w than 3 per cent. From 40 to 50 per World Peace Jubilee Held ...t ,.. . clJcI. 80.. ...........~ .. FI KiI_r • Co., IDe. 8a cent of Insurance . comparty funds Stam'''r_, Coall. Off... limit", a... are invested in war bonds at an In 1872 Stupendous Event IUS, at _ ; ~I dnalillta ..u Reel. average yield of about 2*~n - . And many companies have guaran. The most stupe~dous f!1usical teed a 3 per cent return to their event to take place m ~merlca was policyholders, That is why insurance the World Peace Jubilee, held in rates cannot be reduced. Boston from June 17 to July: 4, It was a dead cinch to earn the I 1872, to cele~rate the end of the good old 6 per cent back In, I845 and ~ra,nco.PrusSlan war. says Cola .lot more. too, even though Mutual lier s. Supplemented by a ch~rus Benefit'l record ••how that Robert of 20,000, the orch~stra compnsed L. Patterson, founder and first 2,000 lQstrumeI?ts, ~c]uding a bass president, and his directors, scorned drum 25 fee~ m diameter. the possibility of paying big dlvl. 1 To le~~ thiS va~t aggregatl?n in dend, by "grubstaking" a few of a rendition of one song, 'The the gold·seeklng ·4gen. Sound, can. Beautiful Blue Danube," the com. se.r vatlve investments were made poser, Johann Strauss, was to protect widowl and orphaDi. But. brought from Vienna at a COBt of conservative as the investments $20,000. were then, they paid handsome}Y a. ------compared with today. The Talk of the Table! MODey Eanu Leu 'Iban Z~. For a finer, churned-fresh Bavor. Shortly after th! turn of the cen· always use Nu.Maid margarine. tury, returns on Invelted money Nu-Mald is the Table Grade Martlahtened up consIderably. AD this I garine ••• made especially for use' is readJl,y rellected in overall returns i on the table, Grand for cooking to policyholders. Between 1914·1928 and baking too.-Adv. Mutual Benefit policyholders were ' . getting about 2.1 per cent OD their - -- - - - -- - .- - - - - -- - - -- - - -- -- - ....:. dollars paid in. The 1929-1943 pic· ture was stm treDding downward to about 1.7 per cent per annum. It was vastly difterent in 1845. In those days the company president drew '1,500 per year-just about the price of a fair cook or housekeeper on today's market. The top insurance salesman wasn·t allowed to earn more than $3.000, all other earnings going back to the company tWo The rent bill was $25 per month. One of the ranking "assist· ants" drew the good (In those days) salary of $300 per year. : "TIll 8ntIna An ~ Foods" - JIi~ Today the taxes. alone. on Ii building occupied by one large in· EeUou'. Com Flakes brin" )'ou nearly all the protectlvo food elemmta of the whole surance company exceeds 10 millIon p-ahi declared eueotial to humaa DUtritioll. dollars per annum. And the char· women on the 31st 11001' would laugh at an ofter of $300 a year. Even the elevator boy would sneer at the s'a me salary Robert PattersoD was paid. in 1845. Now you know why insurance is goIng to continue to cost just about the same as It has in the past. .... a group, we're living a lot longer and there is less riak in insurmg us. But, as a group we cost a whale cif a lot to bancUe and 8alqncerl double action ••• the days of fancy interest retUJ'DI are over.



• • •





I '


"'ftIt .. _









UYI$ m,mI i


••• •••••••••••••••••••••••

for positive action In the mixing bQwl ••• for gratify': ing results In the oY.n~



(JYCLARK MCMEEKIN Low Mood. Are Often ·R.lated 10 Constipation Yee, ~ lltatee and oonstiPlo-

tionolten go toptber ITake Nature'. ~y (NR 'I;ableta). Cont.&W no ....~caIs, no D11Deral8, flO phenol d&Jivali vea.:N R Tableta are dillerenb4ICC different. Purel, wgetable-. eombination of 10 vegetable inpedJ. lilt. formulated over 60 yearw aao. Un_ted or candy coated. their so. lion iI dependable, thon:u~ )'W aent.le, U lIIillloDi cI NR I haft povea. Get a ~ Convincer DoL Caution: Tab 0IIl.r AI directed. II. fO.NlOHf, rOMO ••OW AutGHr



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Witl ·RUBBER 0... .......1'

.."era.... pa..., epa,..... ., iyllthetl.

...... ' . OeoIIrkh Co., III 1. ...."'. protillCetl I ••pt...... nlt"'r th....uly.rlllt Ie th. ......... ,I.ltl of .pproxl",o'" mllll.. .......... ...... "uri•• t ... _ _ pe..lotI.

I, 1.

fourluMb.rCOlllpanl •••ubscrlb.d

to the _t of bundlng a 50. mil. prlva'. rood tot hauling log. fram an O,.gan fo, .... Th. rood I. entlreI, on prlvat. ground and fr•• from all.tat. and loea I r.gulallons. and trvcb can b. operated th ..... an licenH"'H. ShOll. _lie with IIIW lIan_rill", apt...... . 1'. . . ... 101.. ore . . . . . th. ... It_I I. the rult"'r footwea .. fI.I••

BF.Goodrich ..••.......................

'·.·: ···



I~ ..! "'OW ,It. ,.". II,..

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~ •••••••••••••••••• : •••••••••••••••• I

tough short mane where It begao. He grinned lit Lark. He looked He s Idled away frbm her. ears ba ck. her over, cur iously. shaking his head. atamplng out furi"Well." he so ld. his voice th Ick, ously now. with his nervous hoofs. muddy. "un be a sweet-meat. propLa rk. her hand hard and flrm 00 er l Gawd, that popinjay. Goltl That his neck. made a springing leap buck. that fop, a·soapln' hlsse!' for tram the ground. scrambling for a who laid the raill White shir tin' his. seat on his back. for a kneehold sel' an' a·tellin' be woO s sa ilin' out about that slim quick red-brown bar- fer oyschersl" rel It was her skirts that ham· "Un Cony!" Galt said furiously, pered her: her awkward billowing and the squat man laid a hond on stiffish skirts. Almost, she was lie· the butt of the pistol hanging from cure, gripping with knees that were hi. belt. cramped from the crawling and "What be un's name, .weetwaiting. Red Raskall reared before meaU" Cony wa lked towa rd Lark. she was ready, reared and came He was sbort llnd powerfully made, down like a catapult. head low now, astonishingly hairy, even hill long legs stlft for the Jarring Impact. and arml covered by a thatch of sun. CRAPTER VB Lark knew she'd lost him, knew her burned hair thllt grew from flngerl "You be alone." he said. "You seat wasn't firm and rlgbt. knew It, to .houlders. ll[e bad broad flat feat told me that fella North ain't tbll and went rolling headlong Into the turel and ruddy. stubbled skin. that aide the water, and the Hastings sand rlffie of the ridge base. gathered in folds under bulgtng woman Ukely don't know you're But even as she knew it, even as black eyes. He wore only OIthy comlng. Who's going to look for you she sobbed In the sickening disap- trousera and a filthier cap . If you -can't get aWay from tbe InnT pointment of the fall, she saw Galt Over his head Lark's eyes met Won't it be taken for a fact you spring for the horse, spring from Galt'. despairing ones. He was try. dro~ded on the Tempora?" the ridge where he'd lalo hidden, Ing hard to tell her something, some "Why in the world would they want spring and throw a long, sure sin- wordleu warning. to keep me at the Inn?" ewy leg over the plunging horse's '" sa,.. '1 lash hell out 0 ' un. Galt. "I could tell you." Galt saId un· .boulders. bend close along the bappily. "Lot 0' rough uns coming neck. lace strong bare arms around a-keepin' secrels from me.' " Cony to tbe Jnn, time to time . I-just Red Raskall's .neck. and tften the laughed enormously. winking at don't aim to take you there. That's rider 'and horse were out of sight ·Lark. "Where un come tram, sweet. meat! I ain·t [lever seed un Horn. an end to It. I aim to go now. and over the ridge top, and she heard town way." come back: for you and make for the slither of hoofs in the down'" was shipwrecked 'on the Tem· Horntown aller dark. tonight." ward rusb for the beach. heard the pon." Lark said coldly. "I'm Lark "Suppose you don't get to the splash and echo of a heavy bod)' Shannon•• mil:llster's dau ghter. on mainland. now?" striking water. . . . my way to Mi stress Mara Hasting.' Galt looked at the placid sky and Lark raced for the ridge' top and Dame School In Norfolk, . Virginia. dancing water. "Why?" saw Galt. still on the Raskall's back, And If you dare to lash Galt I'll reo "It could ltorm - you could far out In the water now. He was port you to thE~ authorities there." drown." trying to \lrge the hors e ba~k to"Blast ine for a blow·toad. now!" "That be foolish." He turned back Cony grinned. "How un figure to to the dinghy. "I can tell you this. glt to Norfolk. sweetmeat?" I will come back for you. And If "Stage or carl~ ia g e. Howe ver peo. I'd been your fine David Nor th. I pie usually go ." wouldn't on no account mIssed that "Stage or cal·rlage. now! Has un Tempora barkentine. I wouldn't of money for stage or c arriage? " lent a note. I'd have been there ...· Lark said scorntuUy, raglngly. "Not here. 01 c'ourse not! I told ''You-you . . . you're not fit to pol. you I was shipwrecked. I'll send Ish the boots of a man like David word to Mr. David Nor th. of the North, You're-" Cargoe Riske Compa ny In Norfolk. "I ain' t .tudying 'bout ~lIshlng He'll be coming trom Engla nd. He'lI hli boots." Galt pushed the dinghy send money. or come for me." loose from the wet cUnging beacb. "Un be warm spi.rlted." Cony said "I just said truth. I'd have been gravely. "Un say un got Cargoa there. I'll be here too1ght." Riske money to call on, sweet"Poo1ei." Galt dropped down at meaU" once. out of sight agalnlt the aide of Lark hesltat,ed, saying ' finally. the boat. "Lie fiat. Lark." "Mr. David North ot that company "They land at the point." Lark Is-a friend. He will certainly aee laid indifferently. "I've leen them I let to Norfoll!~" do it time and again. since I've "Galt can write the Cargoe tieen here . . There's some soft grass Riske." Cony said. chuckling. "He In the valley they like." Galt nod· be a great hand for letters. Galt. ded. watching, . How come he ihave the handsome And then the , Indifference, the luck to ~d un, sweetmeaU" hopelessness wal washed from Lark '" aeed her b,ere," G~t sal4, .ul· because she l aw the lead horse, the lenl),. "I aeed her an' PUt In.'' ·blg red·brown Ita Won. rlllnl from Cony morted, lOOking Interestedly the water, Andln, hfa fo_o tlng on the at the dinghy mllrks and Galt·. bare rocky point, Itandlng there In the footprints in the ,s and. Th~ hi. eyes marsh grass, wet, gleaming, mag. followed Galt'. and Lark'. prints nificent, dwarfing the ponies that toward the ridge break, beyond Iwarmed up about him. which lay the Uttle secret cache of "That'l Red Raskalll" She bareGalt· I. and Red Raskall. grazing In IT made the words. "Look, Galtl the valley. Lark'l breath shortened That'l the horse I told YOU about. a. If she had been running. He'. come back. • . • If we could "Sure," Cony said. ''Then whyn't only-Don't you mover I think he come to land with Galt thi. dawn? un .ee. uil" My notion, Is. he told un ugly talea. "If he was but the stalllon named Icarln' un. like. How I .ee it. be Lancer," Galt .ald exeitedlT, "and Bed Rasbll rearecl before she wa. thI.. Galt had him some good rea • we could but snare him, .Squire Ter- ready. Ion to come hel:e, first of!. Tain't ralne would give a hundred pound reward for hIm, So I heard him say, warda the ' shore, turnlnl him with nature to come ·thin fi' mile 0' old and that'l what hli POlted reward Imee-prasute; talking to him. hll Gholt. Quicksand here. an' a horde 0' dead bones. an' a stlnkJn' ·under. often. I read it. A .peelal re- arml hugllng the .taWon'. neck. • • . And then Red RukaU wal tow lecond to none. Now why'd he ward." , He brought a coil of ,tarred rope. floundering, turnlnl. cominl back come?" "He wal fishilrl,." The bl, hooffrom ander the prow .eat of the now, .Upplnl on the Ibells and peb- prlnta of Red Raskall were clear, blel, coming uP. quivering, a hundlDlb7, and-handed it to Lark. "See along here. Lark: noticed. She tried can 70U f&lhlon a halter, whOe I . dred yard. up-Island In an out- to hurry. cr.ep to the ridge top. U _ could growth of thick marlh reedl. "What un's baste, .weelmeat'?" "Galt-how did YOU do It? Galtlet, • hand on. we'd have to have a Cony reached OUlt, pinched ber arm ."., to hold him. and I don't llke to that was-unbeUevablel" Lark watched the dinghy with her gently. "Un ben't weak nor undue boose hlnI. Too much chance he'U choke himself. rve leen many a ill-made lall.rag, let her back to thin, bJdin' • full week here alone. JIOD7 do that. The1 be wilder than the breeze and Icud for the western Maybe un got other friendl wBlhed land ,mudge. After a whOe It took up with un. Ma:)'be un'. Mr. David loon. ... North be round about, fendln' for He looked back and beckoned and on grace and a certain beauty. The ~ ." .. Itranle wild-haired young fellow .he followed, consclou. of the rus· "You don't belleve any castaway laWng her was 8tralght 'and beautl. tling nol.e of her lalt·.c ruated skirts, would hide out when a relcue boat afraid Ibe might cough or meeze, ful too, now. Distance was kind to his dlsreputa. came. do you? Why don't you search tense with hope and exc:1tement. Red Raskall was grazing a lltUe ble clothes, the old white Bcars, his the 1I1and?" WB eyel were thoughtful. shrewd. beyond the herd, and Galt and Lark matted hair, and tragic eyes. It • Upped back down the ridge to the pointed up the long clean llnes of "That ben't a ba,d Idea. Yet I think beach and ran along quietlT. swift. him, his ease and surene8s a., the un tell It true th:at un be alone. Yet dinghy bobbed and shivered. dissolv- who feed un?" "A tin of biSCuits washed up." Ing finally in a dancing aha dow, a Lark said. " I ate them." point. nothingness. , ' . . hadn't moved too much. Ws ,runt wal skeptical. "Un lay With the sudden tear that Red "Does he get back In the midst of 'em," he aald breathlessly. "we'll Raskall was gone. Lark hurried Galt found un only today?" "Do you really think I'd have through the ridge break and saw that never let near him." stayed here all Ume 11 I'd been They eased back up the ridge. and be was there, hitching hi.. head up tound by Galt 01" anybody else? Do Lark. raiSing her cautioUi head to and down. trying to shake off the you?' . look over Its top, wa. electrified to hobble and halter. "Now. now." Cony gestured her It was almost twilight when Ihe aee him jUit beyond them. just a bare few feet away, there. . . . iaw a boat coming from the direc- toward the yawL " Us 1)e getUn' home. Sought tC) fool lI)e, did un. "Galt-let me tryl" Lark laid the tion ot the mainland. It was big. Galt? Push off ne'wl" ger than the dinghy of the morning. rope balter down. "I'.m lure he'U Lark climbed Into the boat, .ItIt looked like the 1m all lIBhlng boata know me. I believe I can-" tlng as far from Cony as She could. Lark had seen of! the Cornish She crept from the Ihelter of the She was, thankful that the failing Icrub growth. down the ' Iteep and coast, one summer' . trip" It was a light, and the fac:t that Red Rukall Uttle yawl with mast, mainsail and aBndy ridge Ilde, on her knees: The had come back to land in the thJc:k hOrle was facing \APwlncL ••• With JI~. and a tiny jigger mast stepped marsh reeds, had kept COD7 from far astern. It was manned by two enormoUi care and caution Lark beguesslnl the whole truth, but Ibe gan to Itand up. She could aJmost atranle men. Ll\rk realized now. A wal Ihaken andl frightened. The reach out and touch him .... Sottl,y, thick·a~t heavy ·man. with a 'cap night wind moaned over the all bUt 10undleaBb', Ibe whlltled, pulled low qver hll, tended behind them. .oothlnlly. coaXlnglT. She lpoke bta the mainsail and Jib. A taller "Un be thlnkin·." Cony ,aid, .. name • . "Whoa. !,.ancer. whoa, bo" younger·looldJi, leure.. with neai what the Cargoe Riske'll pay tor un. clubbed hair and a whJte lhirt, . wal ..." Red Ralkall. ; , ," Bide un keep clear 0' )'on Galt. . ~t the tiller P1 the ,awl'••tem. Lancer wheeled. ltopped, ltood N,It~er cit them relpOnded to Cony be un's frl~d. Un look to for poiaed inltant, watching· Lark. Lark'. wavlnl. but when the)' came Con, I " HlI lip curled tlack aDd be stamped.. De~er, abe law that tile JOung. All the way In, the sick .urenell 10GItInt toward tile .tai11acf ponJ. . er one, the man JD the fre.h white that· It had been her hy.tartc.1 out.. npw, hI. ,ta" lUc~ Uke a IDIIPPIn8 Ihlrt IU)ci clean · ,faded la1lor' I bur.t at Galt that had done tbe dam.wbJp. Lark walked towatd blm. b1:JecIhu, wal Gatt. ag. haunted Lark. She had called 8be cloud th. l1tt18 .pace with her ''I tbought you'd MY. eomel" hJm cUrtJ, stupid • . . and he had leJIureJ.J' .tepa, talIdDI to blm. He 'Lark called. "Ob, Galt, I am .0 cleanecI uP, In a pathetic dort -to ba~ etllilT, maklDl Ilad to lee,ou. Youloolr 1P1eDdld,. pJeue har, and 10 COny bad become tile wblmpedq IOUDd alala, bII Qlli-" plc:Jous. Lark looked at Galt. .,.. ~ .... 1IIId uanre. SlIt buabed ~ tbe loot 011 bIa eurIT, deapairlnl, handllnl tht'Ian . . . . . . . . . . . IdruIeaIr. . .. tau, .... ~r«ea; 1UlleD-ioot. '!'be mecbaIaJOalJ.1, and lb........lck wlUl ..... ~Ids bla1ltlDt .....OWD . . . . squat heaVT man JUIIII*I ......


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........... ... . . 1aIDttIDI lilt ........ Ja . . u ... boat touched. I

-:- L E·S SON -:-

@ _W.14.U. SCR.VIC!

THE STORY THUS PAR: Lark Sb.a. noD. ",bo.e boue. M. doc. • __ .old 10 dear a debt wbea bll' fatller died. ..U. 'rom EOlland for America, D.vld Nortll. "'bam . be 10.... • •• ' 10 make tile trip .ltII ber, but dl. appolnt. ber b, •• 11101 tbe Ill,b& before. When In .J, bl of tbe Vlr, lllla co.1t the .ltIp eocouateu • via. leot .Iorm. Lark m.... ,e. 10 ,et Inlo • Ulebo. t. but It I •• " ampeCl. Bbe cr.b. a • par .nd "beD . be ."akeo. 'eell .olld ,roond beneatll ber. Alter "cove rio, Lancer. tile Red ber dreoltll, Ibe R• •kall. a ane born "bo tlc. ped from tile .bIP• • lakln, In quJck.. od, WltII tbe .par tIIat .aved her Ihe . aVei hlm. The ant a.,. G.1l WltIII. a boua .ernal. al. cover. ber on tile 1I1.lId.




Of The Mood y BIble InsUtute of Chlu.o. lIeloaaed by We. lern New.paper UnIon.






I.. __..

laduftry wl/l eot _ppl, witbout fta'" meat 01 naIl.billt, Irom t".ir 10.:"

Uaite4 St.r.. Emp/orm•• i S.rric••



RESTON FOSTER has . 20th Century - Fox over' a barrel regarding his motorcycle. A clause in his contract sars he mustn't ride it while he s working in a picture-but from the first days of "Thunderhead-Son of Flicka" he rode it into the studio and nobody said a word. He hadn' t enough gas to drive his car from Newhall every day. 50 the ban on the motor· cycle was lifted. He took Rita John· son on a death·defy ing ride around the studio to celebrate-Rita 'i one 01 the leads In the picture-and aft. erward she commented "No wonder the studio doesn't wa nt him to ride that thing. With him I motorcycle Isn't a means of transportatiQnIt'. a lethal weapon." )1: John Conte. who's back at his post as master of ceremonlell of the F r ank Morgan ra dio progra m. aCt compllshed a lot during hia IIx· monthl absence. He had hJI first

JOHN CONTE fe atured r ole in a picture-"Lost In a Harem," with Abbott and Cos· tello-in which he played opposite a handsome gal named Marilyn Maxwell ; and they were married a short time a.f ter the picture was finished . >...

Barbara Brown gave up the role of Robert Hutton's mother In War· n er s' "To Young to Know" becaus e of illness; when she recovered they cast her In the same picture, this time as the woman who adopts Hut· ton's baby. . -

A _ddlne performed on September %8, 19%%• .wal reenacted down to the la.t detail for "Vaptaln Eddie." On &he aoreen It daplicate. the De_ plctare. of the orlelDal ceremony al· most exactly. Even the I lanl on the 'b ack of the car the bride and l'I'oom drive away In are the same. Fred MacMurray and Lynn Barl are the acton; the original participants were Adelaide Frolt aod Capt. Ed. die EUckenbacke... . )1: Like a lot of us. Frank Ross II tired of those Hollywood searchell for "unknowns" that end with a Hollywood personality getting the role. He's really searcbing for an unknown beauty for the role of "Salome" in "The Robe"; he gets mall by the ton. but looks at every photograph himself. Attractive g~ls be· ·tween the agell of 16 and 26 still have a chance .


Audiences gasp and laugh at a .cene in "It' s a Pleasure" In which Sonja Heo1e goes up to Michae~ O'Shea's aparhnent in an elevator, because the elevator operator lookl much like Frank Sinatra. Hia name ill Dave Willock, and he ,ay. he'a lost. good many movie parts beca'Jse of his resemblance to "The VoIce"; resemblances like that have wrecked more than one Hollywood career. ". .


- -- , , - -

Florence Lake, who bas practically made a career of playlne Edgar Kennedy's wife In hla RKO com~ dlea, bas been cast for a comedy role In "George White's Scandal1l of 19f5." Just for a change. thlll time abe piaYI a mother-Dot Kennedy'. eltber. Ingrid Bergman has a "glsmo"marine lingo for an "oscar." The bronze statuette of a marine WBI awarded to her by Leatherneck. the official publlcation of the corps, aa the top actress of 1944, and it'. a trophy to be proud of. ~~

Dick Long, Hollywood blgh school Itudent, not oo1y landed the role of Claudette Colbert' I .on In "Tomorrow Is Forever," but his screen telt wa. so good that he was given a term contract with - International Pictures. instead _ at a one·pleture contract. ODDS AND'ENDS •

The IVarner 8ro••' picfure blUed 011 '1OIy 01 'S,t. Al Schmid, blinded

marine hero 01 Guadakorial, 1uu a /leW Iid_ilu~ "Thil LotI. 01 Our.." " dU 6. celled 'Prith 01 iIa. Morill..... • • • lltwMu' Balop, N1tlio 00lJ'''' cur.rentl,. .PPeGl'm, in. "DGliid HfiNlita,...:.. Co/lllJD.",." u the .ilw 018iU. BaWJI, 0,.. .0/. Dead 811c1 Killl, _ willa IhfI PI FrIlllCe•••• .rc.i/&. leell NOf'riI Iter bow ... ,,,",-, ./ ,.dlo . , . . . .-riaL: the PiilB


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.".".,.. "8,;,h. B:iao,.,,·

LICEN8ED ENGINEERS, ~ twu ' Mevrlty. laJ.n. M"nura .turlnJ DI",.lon. 0 ... LeSIOO .object. nnd Scripture texta .... ... 1 Motoro Corp__ raUoD. 0.1.... . A" ..._" lected and copyrl,hted b,. International D.,.,on. Oblo. "Must hove USES referral. Council 01 Rell.lou. EducoUon; used by oermJu loo. AIBLINE IlTEWARDE8S: Opportunlty_ .In,11 women 2t to 26 years. I..a- to S·O-. not over 1:15 IbS' 2 Y<s. college. Addre.. THE BOOK AND THE FAITH Inqulrlee 10 UN i TED Am LINE." . . . lIo"Ib CI •• Annae. CbI •• U . Dllnol.. LESSON TEXT- Psalm 1&5 :10-17. GOLDEN TEXT- The word of the ALMANAC$ Lord enduretb lorever.-l Peter 1 :25. IIAO DONALD'S FARMERII ALIIILNAC8 11l4ll. Tell when to plant your' VIetor)' Christians are the people of one ,lor arden when the moon Is In the proper fta,e. 2!lc a copy b)' mall, po' tnae ~ book-the Bible. They read and use AU • • , 'Prlcl PrIDtiD. Co.. BID I'll..., •• , X. w. other books, but the book Is God', Word, and every thine else must be FARMS in accord with Its teaching. In this blessed Book they lind the PABMI FOR SALE: 10' Acrea, 0 1111" 30 ocre. bottom, reat timber. 1" only revelation of God'l saving frome, Ao •••. 6 rm. frDme. 30 aerea bottom. re.e timber. Price 12!100, 12:10 down ana S3IIO grace. Other attributes of God may hill aemJ·anouallY. Thea. two fDrmll ,oln. .. be found in the book of nature. A,,,., no bId, •., 20 acrea bottom, tuII9_ term •. U7 Acres. 20 acres bottDm,.r.!'~ There we find tbat God is powerful, and Umber. I'fjer Dcra. 115 Aoreo, 2 aeta bJ~ orderly. wise. etc .• but nowhere In weU fenoe alld watered, Price S5OOO.:Hii'i'; nature II It written tha God can :OO;:.~I~a~:r~~ ·o~.I:: l1...t'1!~~e,. To. belt on Pipe. with school and maJI' lave a man from his lin. We find becco bua. D."ld 1I0rrl., Owner. that only In the Bible. God' i written Word as it reveal. Jesus Christ the FOR SALE Saviour who Is the Living Word. DUE TO DEATO OF OWNER, aeUm. ..,,:. I. Tbe EternAl Glol')' of God'a en comple'" IIre.ohousee, new boIJ.r ID4 Kingdom (vv. 10·13). stolter, twelve acr... of land, barn•• The kinedom of God refers to W. rf:a;~F~~i&~:r~~l. '=::te_~: reiill over aU thlnga and beings. but ONE AlB aE-'TI:B ' with .pecial reference to those who 0 . . IIr•• , .url••• lomba.llon. Priced low. II. 1 . . 1. Comp •• 7, CIDolllJUlU •• 0 .... are wllllnily subject to Him snd ea,er to lIve tor. HII glory. Everything In God's creation II to PUMPS be lifted up in praise of that Idng· -A-.-to-...... -tl-.... -I.-.-tr-I.- .- u-m-p- p- um-lpa-.... -,-pl)-_dom. All Ws works shall praise meDta dry. Work whUe you aleep. Protecrt Him. They reveal Him In part. but paid. property. Prompt IlhiP"" f.,hl. preA.....heDlth. '.OOI·•• S •• 1l 8&e•••rle, .1.... even that limited revelation Js glorl· ou.. The man who cannot see God RADIO TUBES in nature Is indeed a dull clod. The RADIO TUBEI MADE TO OBDEB heavens declare His glory and the Selld old tube and 25e colo I.or elltlma... RADIO TUBE SERVICE CO. eartp showl torth W, handiwork leu Weet 4'. Street. D.".npo.&, Ie_ (Pa. 19 : 1). Greater and more precioul in God'l light II the praise of His SALESMEN WANTED sainla. Dumb adoration Is accept- SALESMEN - U YOU contact enlllneera. men, or bulldln. mana.era. able only from a dumb creation. We. maIntenance make you. coil weU worth your Urn... TIll His saints. are to Ipeak H la praise. lInest IIue cleo ner for ft.e tube boller.. OOEDERT FLVE SHAVER CO. to "bless" Him (v. 10). We are to 1.tO. aou.,. Co"n 0 .... Par •• m. spread abroad among all Clen (v. 12) the newl of God'. greatness and SHOPPING SERVICE goodnells. "HJI kingdom fa an everlastinl kingdom,' ! and thus It at opce .taket Its place 811 80 superior to what men call kingdoms as hardly to be men· STAMPS . tioned 1n the same breath. There is 00 limit to God's kingdom either In ltam, Colleolere-Glonl paCke\-rettn4! dealer' •• tock inel. appro. meets .nth olel ill extent or Its duration. u. 8 . and forel,n. Eve .41 II.. How stupid then that 80me. yea ....,•• 11M W ••'brook. so.~rtl••i, .... . ; many, foolish men and women set themselves up in rebellion against WANTED TO BUY God. That Is the height of all folly w. Pay C .... for old boWel, lndhm and leads only to disaater. How wise antique•. ete., etc. Write 10 ma tocIay u;. what you have. I. a ••• ny or••" are those who yield their Uves to .crlb]n" aelDb. •••• Olll.. (A po,teaM wi1l do. His control that their UWe -span of life ma)' And rich' meaninl In the ================~ l One who endures forever. D. The Abundant Provl"on 01 God'. Mercy (vv. 14-16). We are all completely depe.ndent -MONEY CAN'T BUY on the mercie. of God tor everything upIrfar more depeadabie that we need for lIft!-lohJ'Bi(~.l::-m,en"+-UIlp!..u.r al~ph~ tal. and IpIritual. tablet aiIO ~ Consider the tood for the body. God open His bountiful ' hand and every Uvlng creature ia , provl.d ed Those Beets and CaIl'OIIwith the food necelsary tor its SUB' Remembe,,? tenance. How WI I. accomplished Ia a mYltel')' and a marvel to us, but God ill able to do It. Centurlel ago men were fearful or c:oune they were pod-tbOll that the earth could not produce criJp, wty carrot. and dellclou enough food to keep the increasing beeu. So ,DOd, In fact, that,,.. canhardly_lttoplanhomemore. population of mankind alive, but God But be aunt you plant Ferry'aBeede seel to that even when He hal to do ..aiD 10 you'll obtain that ezcep. It In .pit. of man', waste and detiona! tate and flavor you enjoyed .truction. 10 mUch Iaat srear. However, life I. not juat materiaL Your favorite dealer baa a wide There mUllt be a latilfyln, at man', ranve of Ferry'l Flovts aDd V.., apJrltual nature. He need. lIomeone table SeeciII Have a '-'t.r ..... to .ave him from hi. own IIntul den with Ferry'. Secda. weaknell, to deUver him from hi. ..IU·MOI.I IIID CO. .orrOw and' alDlction. Who can do O....IUl ........... t.hiI b~ And He doel It 'nt.-+-'-Ia".......---.rnn.--..... v. 14). How does He do It? Through the mlo1stry of His Roly Word, ThereIn man find. lalvation and laUsfac· tlon. The Bible ia the lItht that Ihlnes upon his way. It is hi. com· fort in sorrow and hi. Itrenlth In temptation. It exhorts and encour· ages. convicts and cures. How endlell and how overftowlng I. the mercy of our God. Let u • . .,.. L n .... ., "walt upon" Him, knOwing that He II not only mindful ot our need, but eager to do for UI more than we can ask or ·thlnk. m. The Savini Power of God'a Grace (vv. 17·19). I IIW lU1rer from hot auza-. feel weak, nen01ll. hlahI~ The Lord. who "i. o1gh unto all • btt 1)1ua a' Umea-due to the tuJaO,; them that call upon him" (v. 18). UoDa! "mlddJe.age" pIriod PeouUar tit womlD-t17 thle great me<UcIne--LYdIa Is able to save because He fa "right1'IilkJwn'. Vegetable CODlpoun4 tit eous In all his ways and holy In .. l'Illeve auoh 8JUlPtorna. l'tDkham.. all his works" (v. 17>' Only a just Compound 1IJUII .ATVD. rt'. OIW at the '"-ti Imown med1olnt. tor &WI and holT God can deal with lin. and ~. Po1low label d1leotSoaa.. yet only a merciful God would pro~ vide redemption; but In our God 13-415 mercy and truth meet (PI: 118: 1; WNU-E Ps, 103) . He II both "just and the justifier of him that belJeveth In Jesus" (Rom. 3:20>' He It fa wbo II near to all that "call upon him In truth.. (v. 18) , and surely it il such a ealllnl on the Lord which II In mind in Romans 10: 13, where we read that i"whoIO' ever lhall caU upon' tile name'" the Lord shall be saved." Be IBvei us by W. grace when we call on Him in truth. . . ' Notice that God'. nearnen H1a salvation, aild W. fulfillment ' ~f tb'e de.ire. of mlln are for tboae Who call OIl HIm and who ''fear Him" (v. 18). -TbJa Ii nof a matter 01 magical use of a name, or an outward -prole'llon of faith. It Diust come from tile heart, aDd when It dOH. God re.ponell. 80 we IDd God'a word to ' be the source cd our fnltrUeUon COIICeminJ thou Iblnl. which can IDUe 111 wile



1."_. 0111'





They Were Goodl

101EI'31 tl:52' HOI'FlASHES?

Kidneys Must

Work Wel'-

.n.l ...m.., 1_ .4laader eruI unto Ialvatloa (U TIm. 1:11), • II

Dfe. lCoUttt.. 011 CBS,


LellOn for April 8

... BooIl cd o-.r faltbI



Potholder8~ Welcome Shower GiftS

looking .,

Due to a/l. unU9uaUy larlle demand aDd current war condItions, sllghlly more tlme I. required In filling orders for a few 01 the most popular pattern numbers. Sent your order to:


Yor" Pictu:rc P08tca:rd.:

. Crowd. raahlnC away from· the Main Stem. after curfew as If It were a PIll who could no longer do any favors . . . . An aU·nlght beanery'l electric eye peering into the early aYeq1 darkness-showing that one part of the town !:las insomnia . . . . A b!illet· ot spring breezes dancing througb the streets .. .. The parks' trees sprouting tiny buds clenched Uke a baby's fist. . .. Tips of sky. acrapers providing exclamation polDts for the city's exciting scenic .atory. . . . Torch·carriers suffering from hl,h·blonde pressure. attempt. mg to kill a heartache with a hangCIvet• ••. The sign in a bar: "Time TellJ on a Man-EspeciallY a Good Time." . . . The warm poetry of Broadway friendship which can tum loto the cold prose ot enmity over· night. An Interesting and dlsheart· ening phenomeno.n .. .. Dawn com· ing out into the sky to put the starl to sleep. ,&moq Ole Iown's UUle lIeroel: Civilian detense workers who are still carrying on their duties. . . . Gigantic fingers of sUence gripping the city at daWn. So quiet you can hear the cUck ot traffic Ughts as they switch colors. . .. The touch. Ing goodbyes between soldiers and their loved ones at depots. "I'll write you every day, honeyl" . . . Sabbath mornlngchur ch.belloquence whJch le8mS to fit th.e silence rather than break It. . . . A scoop of after1l00n sun being served on a platter of whipped cream clouds. • . . Broadwayltes clogging aU-night cafeterias-sipping· coffce whUe nibbUng on a slde~lsh of conversation. • . . Rockefeller Center gal gulde~ who are more arresHng than anJ ot the slghis they point out. Repl FIfth Ave. ahopwtndowa crOWDed with haurie-. StUDe trlbate lor UIe Queea of Sic ToWD streets •••• 'lbe hanil wile are waJIdD, no.cases for UleJr OWl! penooaUU"•••. GarmeDta arrayed on 10th Ave. clothes Unes ~ytnl to the tuue of IIreesea lIammbJa' .,y.• : . The aky coated with ClowiDC twW,bt, exhfblUDe a vI...1 wink wbfch IIrIDJa oal the IIIOUe In aDYboc1y'. ap.rU. • • • The 'eDame1eel aelIUII1IraDCe 01 lIaID Stem movie aabera ,wbo have an the cUeat.,01 ceDen"•• , • BaaJaed CODyeriaUoal widell caablOD the veJ.. a_OQIIere" tile _pta... lI_e Ban 1000ce. , • '. ,& PJ wbI4 boldiai' _ up, &e Ute dreaa chorbae u It ,pea BrOauel ber carvea.

NoT so long ago some ramou. Hollywood s~rl pushed the war news off the front pages with ac· counts of their unsavory romantics and knlfe·and-botue parties. while .0Ud. high-minded actors went unnoticed. This Is not why I'm telling you lome thing! about Frcd MacMurray today. I'm writing sbout Fred because I thQlk this pleasant, selfeffacing young American actor, who stands as high in the good opinIon of his employers, his coworkers, and his trlends a s any marl In the indus· try, Is a tar more interesting char· acter than the stars who are takInl: an untair ad· vantage ot their fame and money. Fred MacMurray Is the very Fred MacMUrray core at everything that Is simple, IItralghtforward, and American. He'. as down·to-earth as applesauce or the boy next door. He's the sort of fellow every man and woman wantl a Ion to be. He's got integrity-and try and beat that word when you're ,roping for a tag to give the measure of a man.· A r"eord of 40 top pictures since 1935, when Fred came Inlo motion pictures 'trom the New York Itage, I. proof to doubters that you can be all these thingll and roll up big. ger box omce than the glamour playboys any day. LeIS than a year ago Twentieth Century .llJled Fred MacMurray to a long:term contract. They knew they had lIecured one ot the mOlt valuable .tar propertlu this indultry ever produced. The clear, tresh baritone whJch won him a nod trom Hollywood when he Wal playln, In "Roberta" on Broadway and hla lUck way with a saxophone are capltaUzed In "Where Do We Go From Here," his tirlt for Twentieth. "Double Indemnity," wal the last big release in whJoh be won pubUc approvaL


Aima Plecue On the heell of thil linging part, Fred, with tJplcal MacMurray ver..Wty, embarked on the role he ltI now IhootinS, "Captain Eddie," the story at the famou. racing driver, Ec1elle Rlckenbacker. 'lb.I1 II the tale of an all·American-a typical product of this democracy, Uke Fred himself. HltI third will be "PardOn My Put,.. which Fred w11l produce and Itar In .. well He II deeply concerned with the "custom era" when It comes 10 making a picture. Other atars reter Comely TraveJera' Aiel lacllea w'no to the ubUc as "my audience" or ;r:~~atraftlPt"-wi1:1J-;r1tmtJqlllet"'ottTI'rm;;;;y~ta~na~.'~'~To ~d they'll alway I bright smiles..•• The Hudson Riv· be .. th~ customers," and he's ot the er cob-webbed with streaks of moon· lirm bellef the customer la Ii1waYI lIght-a view that tattoos itself Into right. yo~ memory . . . . Sunrise tinting Hi t 1, hi t d hi the Iky With a Paradise of colors a. ' s emperamen s ar , an s . Income never ltand between him ,the world hands people Ita most and humanity. The very names that pricelell gift: A new day. . • . The build the framework of his blog. theater's best-dressed man: The rapby are down to earth and all. ticket collector-garbed In a tux. . ... American: Kankakee. Ill., where he A rustle of silk heralding the ap- was born. and Beaver Dam. Will.• proach ot flrst-nlgh(erl coming down where he grew up, and Carroll colthe aisle and leaving a trail ot per- lege at Waukeslia, Wis.. wbere he fume . . . . The Empire State Buildt the IlnI hi t h hi d s n, ouc ea on s e uIng at noon-cellophaned with sun. :tion. Ihlne... . Midtown dawn 1Uled to the .brlm with hush. . . . No Silver Platter The· .mell-binding aroma of roastLIke most successful men, Fred Ing coffee tiCkling nostrils as you helped earn that education. He won the American Legion award for the , ride over the Brooklyn BrIdge. bighest scholastic and athletic recMountalill 01 cl~ud. cruising over ord at college. ~e bought, a laxthe city and making mammoth played It, too. in the American Lebuildings insIgnlficant. . .' . Head. glon band. When orchestra jobs were . lines on' newsstands gleaming , with thin Fred was a house-Io·house brIght war news whJch lights up the aaresman of ilectrlcal appliances. II dimout. . • . The Flying Fortresl ltore clerk-any thinS to keep him whizzing over the Statue of Liberty and his mother going. and dipping Its wings 'In a salute "I dread interviewers, Hedda," he 10 the grand lady whO carries a l<?ld me, "because I'm bad copy. I'm torch tor Uncle Sam. Just a plain guy. My wife and I and I ' the Ray MUland. have lots ot tun , TralD UlDODDcera' vOiel" yawning together Just doing the things all the out their remarks as It they wished millions of other taxpayers are dothey were elsewhere. . . . Workerl ing around these United.States. Noth· &wping a quick breakfast ot oran. ing whimsical, nothing fancy." juice, coffee and doughnuts-like bitFrj!d and Lillian have two chil· ter medicine they dIdn't want to dren-S!ls an . four. and Robert. one taste. . . . Broadwayltes straining year, both adopted. They want tour talk through their cigars al they more and recently bought the LelatlcJ ltand on street corners tossing away Bayward home In Brentwood to precious minutes they can never make room for the kids. lIope to retrieve. . . . Movie stars Down to Earfh J'Ushing around town convoyed by a "I don't Uke to hold forth about ftee~ of preas agents. my notion of things. Why Iihould my opinions ot lite, love, death, and The alanty penmanship of rain taxes be any more interesting than .cribbUng Its unruly signature on those of any man in the street?" window panes . .. . Darkened skyBut there's plenty going on In that Icraperl putting shadow. on ItUts head of his. He'll a solid Investor. 811 they s~nd guard over the streets Believell' in property, in the land. all through the night. Owns a ranch near Santa Roaa with purebred stock. He buys good pic. Cool, clear Dlrhls when you can turelior his Brentwood home, etch. even see baby Btars staying out all ings Bnd canvases he likes to look Dlght. . • . Agonized crIes of tog. at and live with; not meaningless horns ' along the waterfront IIlIndpa- things of vast value to .erve as pe~in, the 'hulh ot the night. . publicity items.


0' •


The lady ,ube;' In a Bowing white Unfair the Fair Sex 10WD who Itrolls along Sixth Ave. The New York theater has two di.: dltItrlbutint religious pamphlets. A tinllulshed 'women producers-Mardeeade' alo .he was a well-known caret Web.ler and AnIoIDrite Perl')'. actrell••. ' , Mob. rushing to storel Par~ount hal a distinguished «where clggiel are beln, sold) al U . woman - or did b&ve - Pbyms it we,. ,a gold rush . . . . Femlnuis- Laach&oa. Mitch Lelsen refused to abeea chin deep In mink 10Wng ir! make pictures without her. Pametle ~ eaterie. where, they tum the Goddarcl won't do one without Mill private Uvea of friendl inside out. Laughion's help. Paramount admits • . ' . The backrobatlc. ~t cabbie. abe'l , wonderful The only realon ieepJna their Way throqh tramc. they won't make her a full fledged , • .-f'ablMlttln, OI'1ltora 111 eat.. dlreelor ltI, 10 I'm told, they'r,e trJtq to ."..tbe th.e life CIt an I~ afraid the men won't ·t ake orderl lllto.1DCIIriIIfuI of dead word.. from a la~. S.i nce when,. feDowI'




Homemade Electric' Pig Brooder of Value

130 South Wen. St. Cillealo T, W. Enclose 16 cent. for Pattern

No._ _ _ _ __

Simple to Construct And Easy to Operate


_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ____

AddresL'_ _ _ _ _. 4 -_ _ __

iJf MOROllNE ;m

THE electric pig brooder II flit becoming popular .and profttable


on tarm. where pig. are tarrowed in late wlnt.e r or early .prlng. The brooder prevent. chlUlng and keep. 10WI from Iyin, on pigs-the com. mon caule. of louel. Death 10lles of early Ipring plgl were reduced from 34.S to 16.9 per


Mother says:



Relieves pain and soreness

re._ ••,

The,.'. '0001 PAZO 01"" ",eal h•• bee ....ed b, _ ",on, ",1111....


.ull'..... from .1 ..,1. PII... , .. ...

PAZO .lnl ..""lao ••• e.lnn.....d ..... ,.la' ... 01 Itch I.... Be..... PAZO .lnl"'I\1 hlb,It.... d".01 , ••_ •• Ip. prnul aedll .., e" ..'e ...... PAZO t ..... to redll ••••• III.i ..d c~ .... bI.edl ... r ..,th. II'. ee., t• •M. PAlO ..... t·. perfonted PII. Plfe ...... .".


Morale Builder ••• Juicy, Colorful Pie <See Recipes Below> .

Dessert Appeal There are some foods that just naturally make for .. good, homey feeling. There' s pie tor one. The tamlly likes to lee the preparation and then smell the good, and fi· nally, taste the Juicy . sweetness of berries or f r uit neltling agninsl a tender, flaky crust. ',J Fondness tor pie goes back a long way and has not abated even during rationing and shortages ot lugar and fruit. It's a good dessert with which to top oft the meal which haa been light or a lIttle shy ot appetite appeal Then. too, there are cakes that 1Ul the need for sweetness and cater a bit to the appetite. Fortunately there have been developed recipes which are low' In lugar and easy to make. A good pie or cake, baked once a week, will give the family a sonse ' of well being and hominess that ltI IP important In these daYI Qf rush and activity. Select one of the fol· lowinJ recipel elpecl'ally deslped for wartime eating: (lberr,-lUIabarb Pie. t packa,e frolen red tart cherrlea or 1 cup cumed \ t pacbCe frueD rhubarb or Z capa cUlDed or frem I cap juloe I cap l1I&'ar 3 tableapoons qalck-eoollln, taploc. Combine all ingredients and place in an unbaked pie shell Top with full crust, crisscross . or cutout crust. Bake at 400 degree. F . tor 15 minutes. then reduce heat to mod· erate (350 degrees) and bake 30 to 4,0 minutes. Meringue topping may be used on the pie It desired. It should be piled on after the pie has baked, then baked for 15 minutes longer in a moderate oven. Chifton Pie. 1\4 capa larar cup Boar % tealPoon lal& 1% caps bolUng water 1 lemon loRace I eus I unbakeel pie sb~ MIx the flour and lugar together in a saucepan. Stir in bolUng water and cook, ltirrinl constantly untu thickened. Add .lIghtly beaten egg yolks, the 1uice and gra~ rinds of both lem-1II!!i1il1lJ ' on and orange. Cook unW thick, then cooL Pour IUlinS Into the crust and pile high with meringue made by beating the egg whites with ~ cup granulateCi sugar and 1 tea· spoon lemon' juice. Bake in a slow oven lor 15 minutes. Pecan pie add, a rich, hearty lin· tahing note to the meal. Parl of It.


Lynn Says:

Sagar-Easy Sweets: When you want a good Icing for a cake, sprlnkie chocolate .bits over 'top of warm cake and allow to' melt in broiler an.d nm over the sides. Beat two egg whites untu stiff and Sully and whip In 1 cup of jelly. Colorful Icing. Powdered augar can't be beat for angel lood or aponge cake •. 51ft it on the cake through a cut-out dolly to get a pretty pat. tern. . Beat egg whites .tift and add honey gradually to them. One-half cup of honey for 1 egg white ltI the correct. proportion. . i'or 'plain yellow, cak.. there's little better 'than ·c reamlng 2 tao ble.poona of butter with 8 table'POOns of brown IIl8.!l- and cup of chopped nut.. Spread OIl wltrm cake and broD for II mJnute •.•'

. Lynn Chambera' Polnt.Savln, Menus. Baked Trout with Tomato Sauce Seven·Minute Cabbage Mashed Potatoe. Waldort Salad TO!lste.d English lMuJ'llns ·Cherry-Rhubarb Pie ·Reclpe given.

cent by the ule ot electric brood. era In Indiana tests. Electric brooderl saved an average of 1~ more pigs per litter. An electric pig brooder Is Inexpen. live and easy to make. On many a farm there are enough plecel of lumber to make one or more brooderl. The IIketch .how. how to make an electric brooder to put in on. corner ot the farrowing pen. . For the first few days ulle a ll1Go watt ,lamp If the weather il ex. tremely cold. At the end of a week. a GO·watt bulb may supply enough beat. When pigs are 10 daYI or two week. old,. heat can be discontinued. It ltI important to use a rubbercovered shop extension cord complete with rubber-covered locket.. Standard bra I I .hell socket. are not luited to thil type of use. It .. aao Important to protect the brooder with a plank nailed across the cora nervous lOW cannot dener, Itroy It.

Iweetening Is com syrup, so little sugar is required. To prevent cru.t from becoming soggy, let the un. baked crust chill thoroughly in refrigerator before baking. Spray Cattle .Kill Pecan Pie. % cap batter or .absUtate Destructive Grubs % cap 11II'ar Cattle grub. which are responsible I cap lla'bt cora IYrup tor Sloo.OOO,OOO annual lOll in meat, 3 erc. milk and leather in the U. s., can 1 cap shelled pec&M be controlled by apraying cattl~ 1 lea.poon vaDlUa Cream butter, add sugar, syrup and beaten ~ggs. Mix ,,~ell, add pecans and vaDlUa and pour into aD unbaked pie shell. . Bake 45 minutes In a moderate ove:n. A pie that ltI becoming increalin~. l,y popular is thJ'a cottagll cheese pie because It uses inexpensive Ingredi. ents for both crust and 11lWn,. . The Ipicy, leq10ny llavor II deUclous and the texture of the oheelle Illlin, fa Ught and line-grained: Cheese Pie.



Crast: U to 111 vlDl1Ja watera, roneel fine " cap lU,ar 3 tableapoolll batler or aabaU&u&e





.. " •• U......,1......." ••. y.",oIod.. • ... t.1I , •••b .., PAZO .lft'lIlIft"

THESE cheery potholders are almost too pretty to usel

Gel PAlO Todayl At Orugstores '

They're 6lk inches, have two bluebirds swaying on a cherry tree bough with two cherry blossoms in shaded pink. A pair of these will make a most welcome gift.

• • •

To obtain complete crocheUng instruo· tfona for the two bluebird potholders (Pattern No. 58.t) ond color chnrt for em· broidering. send 16 cents In coin. your Ilame, addresl and the pattern number.



. The mo,.e thoroalhly plates and dishes are scraped, the easier the washing job will be. -0-

To protect the ends of a large

linoleum rug that has to be stored tor a time, place galvanized pails on the ends. Tie the pails together to keep them on. -0-

Plant Irass in a flower pot tor your cat, ' and set the pot where the cat can help himself, as grass Is essential to his health. -0-

Always Wle a shoe horn when putting on yo.ut shoes. Ease the toot into your shoe and you won't break the back or strain the seams. They'~ look well longer. Put shoe trees into the shoes the minute youtrke them-01f;=Wrinkles are ironed out then, while the shoe is still moist and warm . · -o~

Try makin, work aprons out


old or used feather ticking. Use • shop apron as a pattern. Make I cup cot&a,e elleeae, mevod them with plain hems or trim with 1 &ablespooa batler bias binding or ric rac braid. 1 &ableapoon eorllltarcil These aprons need no starch, rePower 8pray Vied. cnp milk quire little ironing and are ideal Z eres • bacb with insecticide under prel' for wear in the milk house, laun% cup IUlar dry room or when canning. sure. Rind of ~ lemon the Insecticide II Iprayed When 1 &ablellpoon lemon JuIce Into the grub holes, the grubl fall ~ teaspoon saU . out and are kWed by the inJeoti. Cinnamon Press the cheese ~, and PU\ clde betore they can tall of! and Ilethrough a sieve. Add the melted produce heel Wes which in turn atbutter to It. Dissolve· comltarch In tack cattle. laying e"s which turn The power Iprayer Inllk. Beat eggs. add su'g ar. Com- Into grubs. bine the mixtures, then add rind and Ihown fa a product of Food Machinjuice, salt and dash of cinnamon. ery corporation. To make crust nUx crumbs, butter and lugar. Press on Inottom and U. S. Farm Leaders sides of pie' plate or spring form. keeping ~ cup mixture I~or the top. Bake the pie in a modleraw oven ARBOR DAY FATHER tor 35 to 40 minutes. Boaey Nat Cake. J. Sterllng.Morton, While governor % cap batter or of Nebraska, due to his passion tor ~ cap la,ar tree plan tin" founded Arbor day. cnp boney When Cleveland returne!! to % cap water presidency In 1892, be appointed 2% cape alfted calel floar Morton .ecretaI7 , teaspooas baklnc po"er of agriculture. J. % lealpoon saU Sterling MortoD .1 cap chopped D1ita was born in New ., ere white. York and enjoyed Cream butter, sugar, honey. Add the distinction of alternately the sifted dry locredienta having beeD ex· arid .wate.r . Fold \ . ~I pelled ·from the In IWHy beaten \ ........... 7/ University e" whJtes last. ~!"',.:.. MichIgan tor his Bake 111 two nine· , • independence. B. Inch layer pans In '" had located In a moderate oven . ~ I. 8, Morton Nebraska' City. for SO to 35 minutel. . where he entered The nicest kind of Icing for th1a politici and 'became editor of the cake combines the texture of Nebraska City Newt. creamed sugar and butter (or IUbWhile .ecretary of agriculture, lie ltitute> tlnd the flavor 'Gf mocha, reor,anized the dlvialon of .latilUel whicb may be left over cold coffee: and .et up the dlvlaion of agroatol· 00 to .tudy tora,e plants. 'He es,.ocha loiac. a tablespoonl baUer or subaUtate tabUlhed the cUvlaloD of pubUea· Uons, the omce of road InQU1l7 and 1 en yolk organized a dairy diVision. Z caps powel,e red ncar Arbor day 'Is held 10 Nebraska 011 Z &ableapoolll left over clDffee . AprU 22, the birthday of J. Sterlln. 1~ tablespoolll cocoa Mortoo, "the Father of Arbor Dq." 1 teaspoon vaDllla Cream butte~ thoroughly, add ell yolk. Sift lugar and cocoa tosether DDT Unavailable Now and add alternatelY. wI't h coffee. Spread between layers and on top of Although DDT, the liew ma"ellDlecUclde, . haa Pl'oved effecti•• cake. .' . praventln, dam a,. to fruita, ca'" Cak~. made with honey tBlte bet. ter If .t hey are allowed to mellow tor ba,., potato and other ' crop&. : It probabq will be reJened for bouIeo I,veral daYI before lerviDl. · Store, bold and b~ us. lona before It .. covered with waxed paper, UDder ••anable tor crop aprayInJ. a cake cover, or In a lartre Iized coolde. tin' 10 that it doel Dot dr7 New expertmental wort fI¥UOaout. . · . tIlat It .. decU". wIleD UHd . . . When baklni-honeJ cakel, it II anaIII ' palnta for 11' CIOIItn1 .. belt to grean the pan, eOVii' with bal'Jll, bOUlH and ~er hqIIcItii'p. waxed paper whICh II p-eaaecl a.~ble data for . . . . . tore pourlnr in the . II UDCertam. -.







BeIaued b7.Weatem


_ _ _ _ _ _-lzr.__ lle.-.






Township Trustees Change Coming Meeting Date

Personal NQtes

News of Churches


IMrs. Jdul HUH. Mrs. Luther Huff and MnI, D. D. Wl.\llsmBOn' Me spendln.g a few ~ in the home of Mr: and Mrs, Herbert. Gl'IlIhBm and tamUy. 'I1le Mesc1ame6 Huff Me flUll! Modesto, Callf. and are &Unts

Banquet For Waynesville High School Ball Team

' quest!.onnaire to obtdJn 6U!\,&,est!ons

~by' ~.

Waynesville ~n!or !Hlgb School baskeLbnll team and their ooacll will be guests at a. banquet given in their hOllOI', Frlda.y evening, at "OW' House." The ba,nQ'u et is scheduled to staIt aJt 7:00 p. m. Arrangements !for the evcnlng are in bhe handS of a group of followers of the <teaan.

U w1l\ be recalled by basketball The neJOt ~ulM' meeting w111 be at .the bome of 'Mr. and Mrs. fans tihat WUY'llCl>ville, after a mediocre OOII:;on . suddenly came to Clarence Rae, May 24: llie during touI'Iuunent pLay and 11n!shed second In t.he county and seconQ in sectional toul'naments, losing in the 'finals of the sect!onal to Northside,. the team tlhat was to Staff Sgt. Roy S. Cleary go on to tile Class"B" state cbampReceive. Thi. Honor lonship. The PubUc Relations SeoUon 01 L!mIed sea:tl~ fadlit.1e6 mI!.tes it the 'Unlted States Army announces n ECeS5aIIY .to coniin.e reservations the awarding of the Purple Hoom. the oonquet to those Who f(SO ~nllids ' receiVed In adlon upplications before the tables against iIlbe enemy in Be1l!'lum. to filled. Persons lnterested In abtend-

Purple Heart Awarded



inaane whl.oh was cont1n-

ed ill

.~ and Europe and direotly inlil uenced the E6ill.bllsb-

Awarded Air Medal

ment of over ~~~ ~t.Utions.

Cpl. John Michael Cited

• • •

Mrs. R. ·B. OOlema.n is V1sitlng for a week 1\V!.th bea' 816ter, Mrs. Amy HeJ'Ibert, in OleVeland.

H1a w11'e, Audrey ·M. Clary, resides


on Route 1, WttynesvWe.

Miami Chapter Eastern Star

• • •

Mr. Blld Mrs. 'Willard Botner and. three ah1Jdren, Oera.Id, Jlldde and ,h)hn, of NOl'WOOd. were Bunda.y dlnller guests or Ml's. iaay Man!oua.

• •

Mt. and Mrs. Erne&t Edgington entertained to SUnday d'!nner and bad Il8 g'Uellte. Mm. Earl Hookett, Mrs. SadJe Reason, Mr. and Mrl. Rhodes Bunnell ~nd daught.enl., Mr. and Mrs. P. L. Ree.&on add Mr. and Ml'II. J. B. Web. • • •


~~-t-""""S~"'-C-"H~"'-O""''''''''O'''''''L'''fJjI! II! ~



~~~~ V '''So f8l' the

M!s8 RUbh Conner bad aa her week end guestfi iMrB. Gene E1llngton and M1s8 Lom& LIW,; of C1nc\JlJl&tl.

• • •


- ~

• • •

German pla.nee I've aeen .11IiWe been iMnI. J. N. RobIIDeoti and SOIl at a 1ff1f' Jet propeUed ' ones.'oJ 801d D&yton were ~day 8\W!IIt6 of title " I , ...................., ......._ ..................................,/...................,......... on Monday eVenJng .with a good • • • Mlcbael. "i iPIJe8& the WIIWlted Oer- l<nner'& parente. Mr. and M·r s. E. P. The 81;. Rev. Henry W. Hob6on, man fon:e ttlat I read ~t Ee.nIhiLI't. A GOod Pnda,y II8Smlbly was pre- alitenda.nce. During the business • • e !\be Bible O\ UDder the sesslcn plans were completed for D. D., Bishop of SoutJhem Ohio will doesl:t eXist anymore b~ I'll lID on Mr. and Mrs. EdP.r Smith enterQ!recItjoQ of Mr. 1I"al1ks, rector of holding a. ~ sale in Lebanon ·malte hIa annual EpUioopal visLtafteOrd that 4lhe1r &CIt-liCk ~EI" .talned to d1mler on P'ridau evening st. Mary'8 ~ Church. The on ' April 211. The proceeds .01 t.hIs tiOri ,'to St. Ma.ry's Ohurab. on 'Wed- are ItenUic. IIi know b)W a clle.,y plpe aDd bad as llhe!r pests Mr. and Mrs. Pl'<lIIl'Ilin W\18 aa tollows: saae w1l1 help provide IJlat1erials for ~ evening, AprB 18. 'Ilhe RAte in tI. shootq geJlelY, must feel." W. P. st.rader and eon, Mr. ~ Mrs. Opening the work done by <the blind and of Oonfirmat!on wlll be a.dm1n4sterA gmkIua-te of Bellbrook High .John 'I1Ia'ner and daughter and! ~Ud&- Rayiyn orobbe orippled In the Mason1e home in ed bY' the Bishop who will also School, Michael ~ employed aa a u.~ and........ a~~ El1Ia a.nd BOn. iH(ymn Sprin8!leld. ' . prEillCh the sermon. All members ~t by Genera.!. Motors unt.11 ...... .--D.:",,: • ~n.. mvoe&tJon. and Lord's i'1"Q.YeI'. Also,a Specl&l meeting was ar- a.nd tl11ends of the Parish ate urged IUD . . . . . .UC tion In p..... "",ruary 1&'"". 'U_ and"--' J H an_...... t and 80D ......... DlPD............,.. Ahn.... _. Good Fridav_ to attend tnls whlch la open OVer&eas sUlce January, he baa 14 .... dinner on ~-,r ... ..., ra.nged for iMond~ evening, April en.tertained ~ G _~--•....., Joe I)o,Vis to the publlc. mJas;Ions to hIa credit. HIs wife, Mra.. S'-,..,,~ hoIrlor1ng 8t8U BI!'t Harry Scripture- st. Jobn 18:25 _ 19:31 23, at whlch time the iilitIatory work ........... • Hazel Van Wey wxmael re&1dA!a In M. 1\lmer, Jr., who receIltly mumKennellh Bradley will be given Ifor three candlda.tes. T. AUGUSTJNE <JHtJROB W&ymesville. ed {rom overaeaa aernce. Their Spec1a.l ~ RutJl Anna. Joluls All oUloera are requested be pre- FaUler Krumhol\l, Prteat guesI8 w1th 8 /8 Turner were Mr. iRUttl Helen LeIMe.y sent I for pmo!Jce on lWednesdaY! M.ass SUDclay - 9 :00 A. K. 8Ild Mn. HaIT.Y TUrner af ~n, 8ermoll'- Mr Randall , of the . evemng, A~ 18. . . Mr. ami Mrs. John Tumer IIIIlId FRIENDS Church of Ohrlst Vi.ita Cpl. Brannoc~ daUibter', CGrol KaY, and Mr. and Fl1rst Day aObool - 9:30 A. M. _. ;s,mn "'M eeting for wOrship _ 10:30 A. M. tLew A:tkiIl8OI1, aged 83, 'CIted in a Mrs. Wade '1lumer end 8CDI, Wade &ermon- Rev. Coleman of the Mrs. F1rances Brannock aond Mrs. 'Dayton 00sp~t&l. FrIday. April 6, am .Kent. Metb.odist ChUrch Juanl~ WooJ.ard. of Day.ron lElft MT. HOLLY METHODIST a.fter lin ilJneap of aevenl 1IIbDt.hs. • e • Monclar for Atlru'ltlc City, N. J. to CIlUBCH ' ~ He Is 5Ul"V1ved by three sisters. Mr. and Mrs. John Kersey had 38 CDiImlSSaIl and Po&tiude. visit Opt Thomas BnlI1ll.OOk who Is T. M. Scarff, MInlataMrs. !Della. Venable IIInd Mrs. Mary dinner guests on ~ evening. hospil:.allzed lilt the England hospital J)unday sobool - 9:30 A. M. • of '~e6V1lle, and Mn. 1AIbY Mr and Mrs. Sliaoley Marltey 01 The ilIollowhlg students baNe re- lIhere. Cpl. Bre.nnook has just reil. oA. EarDhart, IUper.J.ntencllllt. Lebanon and MI'. and Mn;.• A. T. DineS at Hamilton. cently :rece1ved. a.wards from the turned from overseas. Worship service - 10 :30 A. 114. ' iFlwI.eral services w, e re conducted Polinsky. oregg eom~ in NeW York.: Evening &eI'V1oe - 7:30 p, K. a.t tihe MoOlure F.unernl Home, MonIna OJ.uber- 6O-worQ shOl1tho.nd NOTICEl POMONAl day a.t 2:00 ' P. M. with int.ment in Birthday Anniver.ary tranIiIol'iption cert1!Jcate. WAYNESVILLE Miami cem~. All mlmlbers of Pomon~ ' orange CHURCH OF OIIRIST Competent Tylpjst 0ert1f1cat.e: are requested to bring tihelr own Malt BaDdaU, MlDlater Ann .weltz.- '32 words per ~te. WldJ'oa BoU1n&- 37 wo1'd& per tab\.e service for the supper aa.t- Bible School ~ :30 A. M. ReIItOI'&tI.on Her6Jd ea apecl8l apeakOommunlon - 10 :30 A. M. urdaoy nlgiht to be held a.t Harveys- Sermon _ 1'1:00 A. M. ~. A gOOIl 0( 200 ·hiIla ·been let for the ~. Christian .Endeavor - 6:30 P. M. Under the direction of MIsIp Mar- burg. Fmternally Evening Bervkle - 7:30 P. M. garet .Ro6e, the band and 'chQl'\l8 , MassIe Ol'CUltie Mid-week pro.ver oorv1ce Will . gdve a. ooncert to be hcld on Thur8da.y n48iht - 7:30 P. M. April 30 Qt >the ,tqh school. Every-



.... n



Lew Atkinson





spent In dancl~. The music was Our moot9 for ,th!& Sunday Is A.olft~'~ 'lb,_An .., lurnl$hed ' by the high school "'O_~ - . , in Attendance" For the On """,.... ........, "~'l'wIaters" ~ ~ • ........ ,r • .AprtJ: 2 .• 3, the entire student body • • e' • last Ibwo ~ the Ferry Ch:urdl took. ¢.he Every !PUpil Toots. The reA report from the state depart- or ChlrJst has been in t:.he le6d over suIts ~ .tbf5e ~ deteml4ne ment of EQucation 1a&t week showed .the W~esville Church of Christ in will .~e the st&te Soholamh1p ·tllia.t three of our ~enlors had rated numbers present. nus Sunday the tests to be given AprH:n. . . among the first nine in 1lhe county WaYnesville ' .C hurch of Christ is • • • In the 'recent &'. 1ICh0~ gOing to endet!.vor to tum the 1»J)les. A dance sponsored by the Band te$. Raylyn T. Cl1Ibbe p~ AWhou.a'h Ferry bas been ahead Mothers was held in the h1Ith second in .tlhe omml;y>; · M8.r.Ilha~, th~ ~ abtenda4lice of t.tle ~o school 1WfIlSl&S1~ on April 6. Thls fMtlih; Ed.~ Stanforth, e18btJi. chui'tbee .tor 4lbe last bwo Sun~s · dance !bIOnol'ed Ibhe Warren county 'In lndlvtdual sutijeCta, ' Ra.;Nn baa beeD. 3'l2 and 312. It la hcped JUDi,!" iH4gh CbBmpJons, the VlIIl'Stty Crabbe ratecl it,rst in ~lJah and by ~ Kl'. Gnham ~ Mr. Ranrunn~-up ' in both , ooun~ and Sclence, th1rd.. in readln&" and lang- da1l that . the at~nce Will con~ tO~, C~eel'-leaders, ~~. M&14Itlha marly rate«l ftrst Sh tUl.ue:tO lie wel1.abOYe the 3cio mark ·a nd DlUlB&EI'8. The ,g;ymnaa!um was reading and ~. . COD ·iIbte two ~0D6 kom deco~ ''With ~e and l>laclt Those in ,Ube ~ fIW~ty-five t~ ~~ f<I:'IWa.nL . · atnl8mera. IBa.nne1l; were bung ~t:rom, ~ in the o06hty were: 'nle Wa:.vnesv:We· <Iw.rch Is, be' . ..~, atreamer with, Ithe names ~ Bolm~, K1rl8B M4lla:-:J03 6JQes 1iI'Yltl8. to . bea~ f'en7, out to . : of the boy., coach, manacers ~ Ra.V1yn Ora.lj)e, WayneavUle -195; am.p UiO C1'f ~ per 8uDday In · ~ . . aer.ld OOWver. ¥ason -187; ,J.ClbD ~ for 1be IIIIIDIb ,aI'"lp1I. 'Qurq the ~ t:ell'f8h- BUmII" -1M; Uaitba So ' far tbe chUrch aVlll'lll'8 1. per IDeDIB or' bot dOP 'GzId cotes were Early, Wa,yn.ll1e -177; Helen onw, ~ fCll';Jbe ~ . eold ' lD <tbe OIfeterla. The honorec1 r ....non -lOll: Patrtc»~. OlearOIl WlMt ~ aI tbe DbIdl, were aerved iCe ·c:nam. cab, creek ~UIB~ ~ StadGit.b. U1e 21Mb, tbi W~ Qwroh bat 4aD Uld colt. by, the Ballet ~ 0:168: J&c* Bu..:beD'OD. III ~ apecW . , ~ '!'be ret of tile ~ -at. WIll 1IIaIiaIe. .... " tile one iII ·oordlally invited to attend.





ume . .



er and she gave talk

Ia tB,OOO.OO per


it Is poulble

Ulat t.bIa ra.tlng Will be gre.noteQ to !be ,Wil.ynesvUle otfice about July

first at tlUa year. Receipts by qllllrt.en;


most intereet1nc

an her trip t.o Mexico a.nd 1Ibow-


bee.utuul Wbtoh abe


F'Ire D ReII.1ICe '.J_ 4)f amages E. V. Barnhart, Saturday

F' Sa W ' urruture ved; ater • .2161": Damaare Was Considerable

Quarter end1n

a2.13 PIre of undetmn1neQ ot'lsln CUII~.63 Ed OOIl8!derable "d.alno&e to the . 10395.7~ ree!dence p~ af E. V. ~ ..J 30 943 1969.'15 Olertt of the Board of Wle 1 lWl.62 In.the south end 01 ~e, at . Sept 30. :l881.99 10:30 'S&tl.ll'dil;y 'DlDl'niIIC, Apiu 7. Dec. 31 :MG.06 Practically all Ule .fUm1tQn!o • MaI'. 31, 1944 9285,t1 sa.Ved bUt a lar8'4i port1oD aI tb8 rooI Total · _ _~ _ _ _ GDd 1ntedor waa bun:-ed . . . &lid waw dBmfICe "'W ttle EI'lt.Ire . baUIIe ITe~ wae great. • , 11 Mr. Bambat atAIlted that 1MUr_ BOOe ~ the b!L' Be a1ao It&tGives Dear_ Work eel IiIlIIt OO!'!ft!dfnble • . . loA Atl-SpriD......., April ... ~ .~.,..m tU are" depGlItment becauae of t.elepbme The Juvenile ~ team of the service. local G2'aD&e No. Ie. put on the Jmldentalq, it WIl8 poJot.ed out Juvenile degree W011k at Springboro, ~ m .. .Iarp cJaas of by ~. D. C. Ridle tha.t tbJB Ore Juveniles IIIld 8IlborcIlnate membefti, on the laDe date aod laA WedIleIId8.Y eveWne. Apr1l 4. Ibhe aame da6" Uld .tlbe IIImII bOUr aa the diBIlteroua .tke of 1900. The cieIP'ee team all looked splendid in W'hU.e ~tal pink ClOJ'lIIg8S. The tololowUlg girla pUt on the 1W0l1t \Klder 1ile leaQershlp of Mrs.


Juy;'-:'e euu Degree


Carl E~lenbarger

H8.r0ld ~ and Mm. Ruaaell

.~. J M1aoD: EIleen ·. DIVWIl, enn1e Lue Braddock, Rlylll& MartIn, l!lUUa, ~ Satte:tbwaite, Ma4'Ula WjI.rdlow. DOrollhY. W~ ~ BUIlII.e1l, lWth Wardlow, SUe I\Irha.s a.nd W41hf'hnine. BraddDclt.

Ed&aZ . ....-...-.... linl_ _ _.., el8bt , died n" ...... _1 --&'"' .... --"'~ital, ,n ...-, Wem.......

1QUll .

"'._ - . . -'

Va ...... -



8t 10'30


114 . •



He Ia &W"V1vedI biY>.Ilbe panmta awl '. ma.tanaI .~~ Mr. aad MI'Il.. Oeor&e ~er. PlulIcee \' ~ the l'\mentJ!Iel"VklIs w11l ' be held at muoh and Bob Halt.lni8 1!&118 t«. the Stubtle ~ mme. set.urdA¥ the deeree work. at 3:00 P. M. witn buria.l in MJun1 Thla teGm soes ,t o Mason in May¥.

==========",. Mother. Club Meets

Friends Home


iMrB. Mary 'McV~ 'WIl8 by the prsIden.t aa tile gueat speak-

previous QUarter, JnaiIclng an in- E84"iy plante a.nd IIhrtutle Waa aboWD. .A1iteI" a very ~ aftemooll crease of ~ . 110.33. Sialce tIhe required rece1pt& entlM- the ClUb ad,IourDed ~ DII!et With IIli' an affloe to a second olaaa nU;tng Mrs. FreQ Hook ClIIl ' MIIy third.

JWle 30, 1944 lMr. and Mm. James Har.t8ock mve Sept. 30 word fromtbeir 8OD, James. Jr., that Mar. 3.1, 1945 he Is now Seaman Second ClBas, of Total



badt With her. BlatEe 1ihBt QIJ: increaae in Mrs. H. E. Ha.tha.Wa.y read. an tor the ql.Bl"ter el'ld1ne AprU 6, 1945. shows postal receipts !rom June 30, excellent papaer on ''I.Pliaml1ng COl' lMi to M8.roh 31. 1946, t.otaUng S1!~ af ~ GIld Piower .10,395.'1~, ap.1n&t $9.285.fl In the Borders." A ' beauWUl ~it aI

the enemy. . ~er bed with a broken anllle. ~y MJchael. top turret. cunner OIl Ii aIao called on Mrs. A.nn& Mae - l~ NiF Libera1br, baa flown over com 'ft'bO is conflned a.t BlGb"a such high ~, t~ as the boaP.ital following _ an e.ppen'C1lcWll


roll call wtbh ,t4le name of an annual flower. Mrs. Mary B. McVa)" and Mrs. Allee Tel!a.1r at Wllm1ngton, Mrs. Nellie Bunnel1 a.nci I!ooDaa Maymie Brown were guests of ·t he a.fter-

revenu~ ~

'Ilhe Y'outh Fellowship beld a For Aerial Combat Duty

Special Meetibg April 23; CHURCH Initiatia& Three Can~idate. OtlUNh Ralp~ fark4. __ Bcboot~ at 9:30 A. M. · Chnpter un, Order of Morning pra.}1ll' and aennon. DlBtern star, met In rCf,'Ular sesslon 1!l:00 A. M.

e.s6es. Thirteen memDera It.n&wered



P. M.

The W6.j"1lesv!Ue Garden Club met at the F'llellds Home on Thursday aUernoon with Evelyn PeterBon a.n4 MrB. GeorgJa Mendenhall Il8 hast-

Amount Sufficient To W arrant ~ODd CIa••

• • •

Rummage Sale Planned by

Mr. Ma~ McVey, GUHt Speaker from Wilmingtob _ _

Post Office Receipts Show Large Gain in Past Year

NewIPOrt, R. t. • • • Tuesday evening a.t the 15th AAlF iIN I'l1AQt,Y-cpl. John Mrs. LeO 00IUle" and ~ten staU Sergeant Roy S. Clary, SqUold Ing the banquet should cont.a(:t Vern Ch.u roo; over 30 were present. J. Mkbael, .2'1, Waynesville, Ohio, and Mr. ilIIId Mrs. HeIlI1Y Watldns ~. Simpson, lBill Stroud or John baa been BIW82'ded ·the Air Medal a.nd daughter called on Mrs. Lillian Ilal addition to his service in Bel- 'I1umer. .T'he Womens' Society of Chrlstlan for meritorious ecllievement 'IVh1le crane IUId eon In Cinclnn&t1 OIl gtwn he also particlpated in camService will meet wlbh Mrs. Lloyd pa.Igns In Northern France and DaviS, ThursooW, Apl11l .19th' at 2:00 I·PQol'W1~PII~lJl~ in W&eriaJ1fl1g!ht against ~. Mrs. orane Ia confined to Oermaoy.

Garden Club Meeting Held At Friends Home


The pl'Og1'aID consiste<'i of hymn , TECH. 5/e ROBERT W. BERRY singing. two ' violin numbers by M156 Tech. 'SIC ~'VIr. BerIIY, !kln or Mildred Colema.n accompanied by Mr. and M'tB. OhatlE.' Berr.y. Fourth Mrs. R. B . Q)leman, ~ an address st., W&ynesvWe, ObJo, Ims been by Pl'of .J. H . Holland, Dean of VIle llJWIll'<ied 8. 0ita.t10 of Merit for his COllege of Liberal Art.6 01. fue Uni- merltorious and o 'utstanding achievement OIl NJM!mber 3J; 1944 Vel'5Lty of Cincinnati.. The subject or In opemtl.ona aga,IIist. tlhe en~ in Ws addrefi6 lWas "The Forgotten Germany. The Oif.Mon credits him" 'Ilhe principal part .of with distlll@' himself wlille tdle address was about .tihe We and driving into a tJe'iv pOSition in tJeeNUy shelled ~ lmined fOTWarQ work of Dorothea. Dix Cory In al'l"Qll. Mn.lne, but whose 'bome Ia.ter was in The Citation wei signed by M68S. She volunteered when a young CnfJrla J. Blake. Jr., Lt. Clolonel or WOlD8tIl to teach Sunda.y 228tal P. A . Bn. or wJUcb wUt BerTY CbBS In 0. jali and found many 01 ~ a.ttached, ....... His w .... e. Jenne ti.CS!I Berry, ood btle oocupont:G Insane. She then began' a work In the interest of the son, Rbbert 'Wm. Jr.., live in Dayton. ued throughout her life. She tra.vel-

W oma-n. SOciety of Chri.tian Service

The Wbmans Soclety of Christian Service will hold t.he~, regWa.r meeting on l1hm'Sday afternoon., Aprll 19, at "OUr Hou&e" w1tih Mrs. Charles oAnderson, Mi'6. Lloyd De.v!s, MnI. Orville Gmy, MIas Emily Jacobs ' and Mrs. Clinton · Clark as 01 Mrs. OrahBm. Mrs. WWiamson ill ~. The top!.c for .the a.f.terthe motha!' of Mrs. 0ni4lam. noon wU1 be "The CIluroh 111 • Europe," whIoh w.!ll be reviewed by Mr. and Mrs. D. D. W1ll..Ia.II1$l, Mrs, J.B.~. Mr. and Mrs. Wade M'lLrahaJI or Blu!!.wn, Ohio and }.!esdame8 JohD and LUther Hulf of ModeIIto, calif., were Saturda.y dinner guests of ~. and Ml'II. Herbert GnlIho.m and

'Ilhe Towruililp Trusil.'€S, whose regular moo~!ng time Is on ' the Iirst ~IETHODlBT CHURCH Meeting Date Changed From and fUbeeu'tlh of the month, are R. B. Ooleman, M1niII&er ht to 4th Thursday of Month meeting this month 011 Tuesday Ohurc.h school at 9:30 A.M., Mrs. even1ng the 17Wl to M10d conflict . Raymond vone:er •. super1ntendent. ~. and Mrs Edwa.rd St.a.nforth wiUl title Civic CJ.ub meeting on bhe .lomlng Services - 10 :00 •. were. 1:rost and hostess to the SOuth 16tih. accor<Ling to a st.aJtement mMC Youth FcllowshlP. Tuesday evening at 7:30. Wa.yne Advisory Council Thursday by W. C. St. JOrul. president. ; hoir practice, Wednesday evendng, April 5. The re~lar da.te POSTOF'FlOE 8 :00 P. M. of meeting was c.hanged. from the • e • first. 'l1hW'SdII\Y to tIlhe fourth Thurs)be Warren County Brotberhood day of each m~nLh . It waa a.lso demet lilt !.he loca.l Church, MJoruiB.y alded to hold a. soclal meeting w1th evening. The Woma,!l8' Society of a pot luck supper the evenlng of Ch<MsUan Service served Q splendid April 26 at the Stanforth home. dinner. About 100 were present. The Durin-g the discuss10n period. most At "Our House" Friday w~ves of members .,vel'e Inoluded in of tihe ~ was taken up wi t h a Evening, April Thirteenth ~is

for improving the sta.te voca.t.lonal 84P'icultura.l program. The dJ5cus6lon hour wus fQllowed by . a aooIal perJod ",h1ch deUcloua refreahments were served to tIhe I1lfIlIbers .and three guests, MnI. LIda Spetbem, iMJr. Rorucld! Hawke and iMrB. Dor1s Kenn~y and




- South Wayne Advisory Council at Stanforth's






attar spend1ns a tbree weeks vaca.tioIlI w1t.b her ai8ter at Hampton lJlst,tWte. V1rg101a.


MJas iMB.J'pI:et ow. Edward8 visitlost week were 1I4l'. and Mrs. J. W. niWanI. of Spr1ngfleld and Mrs. QaJe E. RAIs6um. MIa& ~aret RUIlSlXn, MnI. Robert Kereeey and Misa lIvWon Rlaum or' ~ 0Il'8

FIbe Mot/be1'a ClUb beld t.b.eir Api1l meeting lilt the Orade buJIdUIs' OIl F1r~ altternoon with Rev. R. B. Oolema.n in chIIa'ie of tbe dievotIoaI. A spleOOid review of 4Ihe book. "Mother" oy Ki.tihleen N<II'IV, was given by Dr. Emma. 1H0~ af the Ft1enda Home. The Club wu tbeD favored Witb piaDo .. . . . p1a.yed by Jennie Bradd.Ocir. a.nd Praocea W'lUtaJte&o. aDIl .. clUe" by Jennl.e L8e and 'WIIlhelm1na, Braddock





DRHEIN CO. Your-lN5Garde'!a----t ' Nu- W;' y-F.pds

NOTI::A~ ~~B8

The Miami Gazette


Published Every Tliursday by Davisson PreSl


00bIIIIba, Ohio. April 'I. IM1 .


EDIfiDMI' 01

Floyd L. Davisson, ' Editor-Pu~lisher


. iublCription Ratea: Within 15 miles. $1.60 per year (Payable in Advance). Beyond 16 milel, ...~2.0. 0 per year



Planti~g Early



8ealecI. propca.III iWlll 'be recdved at the otlflc6'c('.tbe 8tate-lDlbw.r D1rect.oI' or QbfO, at OolumbLIII. ~ unW 10:00 A. K., Ohio 8CIIDdard T2me. 'I\1eed11.Y. May 1, IN. tor smprovement an: Butler BDd W&t'I"eD aountlee. Ohio. an seouoaa 4,. 0-.1. aDd LeOlnon 0 or the Oolumbua01ndnnat.1 Road, State lDghwa.v No. 6. U. S. Rout.e No. Co in Deerfield, OiWoD &lid rrunJe Creek 'I'own8hipe &Dd ot:be of M'B8oIn and LebIIIoD.ClIDo by ~1n8 with 1IISph&lt.dcl ~ of tar CODICl'tltA Wkitlb: Al.wmem 20 feet . CD t1 teet; Roa.ctMI.y 3e teet to ~ r-. Leqtih: 61.5~UO If~ or g.'1&8 mlleI. Eitlmated COBt ••• • •• ~ .$l61,IMO.OO. 00n4tmct 1.0 be completed IIlOt. later than AU8'U8t 31, IIH.5. The nUnlmum VI'lIp to be paid to all labor employed on this contract Ihall be in aoconIa.nce With the "SChedule of Pre\tI.lllng Hourly iW~ Rates AaceI1Iained. a.nd Determined by '!be Depa.rtme.nt; or rdi1J8trial ReJa.tloIla a.ppllcable to


HlgbW'a,}l Department 1mprovemecta dn 8O()()C'd&Doe witll Beettiooa 17-3, 17-., 17-48. 1'1-11 JUld 17-5iI. of the 0enEml Oode or ObJo." The bJdder must. IIIDmt ~ hill bid a. cert1tledi check in Bon IUDOIIIlt equal to 1'1ve per cent or the eetlmated COIIt, but in no event more t.ha.n t.en Clbous&nd doUariJ, ' !Plana &lid ~ are m f1le in 1ile <kpu1mnt of hli'hWB;Y1 and the afiftce of ·t he reeIdenIt cUIItrJct~~r. The direct« 'r eeen'eII rejeot ~ or bJds.

the rlght to


PERRY T. POHD, State B18hW8¥ DIrector ,thel'e 18 il8IJP;IiliJ; :tn a place ,.,u have laIown Uld you f1Dd rdureelf how'~ these !!i=~i~~;i;;::~~~~~i!=1 wond.er1rIc in t!leee l&tA!r ' 88 people tlmuihfBftd tMy were reaa· PeoPle. The V1enna at tlbe


=========== war.a. the war to dhaIl8~ deleat, opcne brousbt and DRY RIDGE ~ ator ~ A F" R M 'D I A R Y 'bJ D.' I. I'BAZIE&

wtorld bow hB4 ed tl'OOl glordou8 pbl.ic bow the end' tbe IWIIr tile 1be old Cll'dIerj the returned eold1ere ft8tltlll aDd di&. heartened. Itbe "M!.l' epeoIIJatma l1li4 WBZ' prof1teer8, tlbe ~

Exact Prac'tices

Davisson Press

PLO'l(D L. OJ\WS8ON, '];lypOp'apher

Dial 2f4S'



'bOOk 'WIle NPef.8:

~, by


Wbite. It 1a me '¢ ',tbiae blI' boob I!bout' nitber ~ 'pIi:Jpie Who DYe lM!II tmt are not ~ in~ "or ~, Ula& recordIJ f/IVf'Jr181Ct, wwd '&t!d ~ tbouaIht Of the hero but ' in of aU tale


aar~ the dleappotntmentlt lind and '"" de8IftIcUon ere petty IlJOe lIllel'8.nd not'very G:w'18

bard to tbtnk of at tile . . . , time. OW!' the radio 12Ie atber eventng 'came the ~ of IIbe battle ragIIlg 1.n V1elma. - tile tiDal ~ ~ bot· 0bC0' beeUt4ful dtiy. 0Ui'10UIiIy eIDOUih, I IWU at t.ha.t IJ)()IJ)I!Jlt readUlg 6< ~ of V1enna UId. the other




pleaauree recorded in auch Cietaa'; you ~ m. 1'eIIId1q . . . end UU1 ftnd tbat iTOU ere left with an un~ p1ctW'e of the people and the tImea 4bK am- 'DIlI'II ......,..tna tlo tihe 'War DeWIt of 1Ioda7 and makeI. jau feel iI2JM wbat 18 blppeIIIiDg

- - -. .

, ,

.A ThimblefUl ofI

crepe pi . . oar.,.'. nan .. ,.. e1b1eo .. -tllat, tbeJ maJ be weD

. . . . . .1&eIl .r&rID er bet wea&b-

• er _


The hardy p1:ante ~or .ar17 IIIrln. plantinJ and ,,'bleb ma,. .,. planted from four to lltil Weeks before the 1roat.-free cla.. 1Dclude broecoU, eabba,e,' lettuce, ODIOIU, pe.l, potatoH, aplnaeb and tumlPI. It the .ardener JI'OWI bla CWD broeeoU and eabba.e plante, the lead lIhoulcl be IOWD lilt to eiJht weeka before tral1lplant.IDe time. It wui hardb' pay the avera.e amaU .ardaer to ralll hli OWD plante, however. atnee h. caa

serVice'.... '

<leoIrpe :left,


a Ilea.JJInI.~"we, ~ 'J,R- . Vllte you to drop lin and lee U8 otten.

The Waynesville National Bank wajDemUe. Ohio





The Miami Ga21ette


".-, .. .

«*i' your~. A





o1l1f ~' ,'g;17"lP Ilstpd ;tlld Tim Newsl,aper. Both 101 PrICe 51 ·0 .... 11

'mom '. ' Ord1aastIer, v1cborJ than cMm. 'in thfeie the dap of Tiue ~er v.pirecl by love a.ncl


fa4th wtll 1Ddeed and comrort.




I diwbt ttI&t .any

lnsPIred by fear or 8Il¥ 8UCh tmeat would. II8ceIld! to God. If you send s1xteen li!tterB and tbey e8ch sead axteen and so on, and l!IO on. what 'Will ~ of aU lettera ,to OW' bo)'8 in such CI'OWIded c1U1ltered ma11s. Jesus sa4d to and wW (Q' ll"aIther Who .. PratV' in aecret in aecret ooawer \18. voodoo



law and ~



tlbe6e are aga!nat.

oerCn1nJ6r do more hBml



plll(V e&I1'IeIItIy

but don't wr1t.e dlabt l~ about U. Pray and yotn' Pl'II6'er8 'WlI.Ul 'lIV bonda and a ,p int of ~ blood tor the blOod ba.nk.

CARD OF TBANKS- ' I We wish Co tab th1a opporrtuD!ty CO tbanit dl our lWd'hcn 1iIiIid' t.r1en<iaI for UJetr-1dlIdD-, and he1p

dUJ'ins our V\


~ ftlIIIldIelIIoe Ike, '



V. BaI'Dha.rt




Quiet .Servi£e for 'DEAD STOCK


Senic:ea Eacb Ni,ht Escept SatUrda,.

Good Berviet.


Cal••; Sh~p, eta.



Made To Order

'* ..,

Ho...... Cow., Hore

~me' Brn19j Your




Lettera IJUCh

Evan ellstic .Services

sot nm

, There 1e no cIoi'at& '~ we need


Last Week' for


tUld me bind a new hoole. 8lDle;pl1a feel1De beIHr . . . I ,lu!it S'W her 10 a.croea the ~ WkIDg at ClOWII 10' ahe muat be, She bad a Caah undeIr bel' ohin tint bled ~ and IIIbe wouldn't eat 01' cmJe Sn "tlbe bOWIe but Iait nl&bt and thJe mom1ng 8be UWe tlnel¥ cut meat and DOW &be 18 CbaaIns c:rowa lID all 1e 'ftll. Tae.daJ,1Ap1110, lH5. 'lbe touowIns >jU8t came til b mail: "OIl I unto G1I. aiw!' \mto aJIl our naaiJo th1s prayer DWIIt be 8IDt'all Orer '~Id. If ~.'faIl Dd8rorWne ' will enter your bome. CopY tlbM ~ Iio4 'eend it -to atxteEa people aM

DO pr-.,er


Telephone 2211 .




about 1t," • BoUler _, alive . . no bobber. 'I"!lM'. What we are ben! lOr-t.o be helpful wheMVEi 19'8 ClaD -In ~ way we ClUl. • 80 you want a tbimbletill of eer.v1ce or


---_....--STAMPS and


~ IIi8dii am'of tIlJiJ !n 13' ~ abe' ~ bJ4Dd."DoDot lilt tlUI' . die in ;our hOaie!' ThiS WU all,

. " , ... ' • .ONE DAY W O98I'heIr6d IOIDebod7 Say "It W88 BUOb a IIDIIU ~• ., .' d1dD'.t not ,t o boIIb« tbe JlaDk.

Waynesville. O.

muntUel, . Generally the frolt·free da~ II two to three weeka later than the aveJlo age da .. 01 the Jallt freeze In a locality. or approldmatel1 thl 411.. that oak leavel turn out. It .. Imp.rtaat Iha* 801M


MonI4ne in vsem., •


~M ANY ye.", of etudy and practice devoted to the art of printing are n~e8ary Ito be able to produce quality ~nd design that distinguishes the plain printing from the Buperior. Our "Typo-Designed' class of printing is of a quality that invites close inspection.




boob. at waJtaee bIld ICUeIcI ~en. betw~ ~ Na.zI.s the w~t IW8a lett 11 iIlOW-or bee the 'ROU:IId Just beeo CIIAlter1Bed 80 . Ilhat eometh1ng


wild ptum. and l\;be first fa1Pt. ~ sreen at 1I1e wooda. '!be redbud Sa ev«1iWbere Uke. .. deep plnlt balle, J3e(cn It !a C!Ilt4NI1J ~ tale doI~ 'WIll be - . . • . lIIIDCe_OII at epriJJg be&ut.leI5 aDd .. aa .. on at sood ~, AIJPle bJoeeccna, UlO, are here., I IWOOder tf there are any apple ' b1olsilome tbIa apiiDS to NOt'-



80UIId 8Dd beII.Jtby can 81'OW'I MODda,.. AprIl .. lM5..The PEU are .-, Bod b letltuce ahould be I un balf~ people, . fl\JIWe aInI¥l th&t l'OO9ter 80t it for I Bee revolutlob, the ~ of ~ Do 118M at it yet IUlid Mrs, 'I'en&nt'1 old eyetAm of appreutlCee 18 au 'up. Old Spot failed to ltve up with oll M8 1&ul1lt bad , to ber reputat40n ~, A1'tM 1IIIdll(u1. well <tra4ne¢ ~. ~ Ave ' better calves ahe tOUDd polit1ca1 88itaton, the aliao8 that bull iIIda tim ,- ...-...._ _~_ _ __" NlICl DOW 0V'eI' the ... ClUDII! \II a e..~ .... ~-.- we .,.came fI'OIn. We ttJQ redbU~ -.ocl cio8- " much. That makee s1X e&lves, !WOOd ~t juet now it Sa ~ and tbtJ atory of .the deetnIoIdoo of the three hei!en .three bW1e. Only

, API1l S. 19f6. anDY, "Um-Q1.1 J'~ take .. ~, breathand fill ywr lunp w1th ot!JlI.t." sa1d a. amall boy, "I IIDel.l sometbtng good. What Sa it?" The air W88 Navy wWb the .fraemm'.e of the w1ld plum 80 he waan'lt laDg in f11ndtIlg out ~ it


Crops Calls for



. .



Cail i

. ..


- ~

Telephoae ' 4 5 4 ~ . ~o. .. G.

Bii6II!JI!8, Dlc,

Amount of Seed Used Important , For 1mall .eedl ttle 100 mud be worked untU fine, Imooth and free 01 elods, tram or ItoneL III mllldne row. about clJ1e-fO\lJ1b' to aiiit4lalf' Inch deep for plantln, aman .. ttl, end of ttl., · rak. 01" bee bucIIe rna,. b·e · Ute!!; drawo aloia, til. Itrln, ttlat Ililarki ttle row. I'or lar,er Medl wlalch' ar. to .,. planted an Inch or deeper; the row 1a belt opened with the cornft\ of themon hoe, Car. lhould,be>talteD that aU nedl In the row are covered to an even depth and that the _rtb II flrm.5, but not patked over them. ID eoU wIllcJI .. IDc..... .. . pacII or erillU ' IDterfertq with &be eeedl .... oomlD"tlIroiqIa.' .... ",er" ro..r "'01114 be mlllcJIet


U,hllJ .1&111 maell,



m«lld er IbnU.r IDe m ........ "ordlll,' lilateriaL III I.ttin, elUt eabba" plante or aD)' ottlet plallt which II tranipJjnto ecJ. ear~·.lhou:ld .,. taba not ... 'm. terrupt th. 1J'0wthl Under lOuthem eoadlUonl praet1. eall1 .an ",etable pl.ate ma, .,. ltaned In apeelall,. prepared be'dJ 1D the opeD with l1ttl. or Do ~ lnI. In the mlddl. 'HeUOD aDd ' tbrouahout ttl'a North ad Welt" U an earl1 .arda II deliredo I, 1a •• .entIal that Ct.rta1D eropt IUOb ." tomaton; PII~~, egp1ant, ~a" 8I\d eaulUlower tIIIt IoCca'IODe aDi lettuce, ogD1OD1f 1tHta,.-fteum. ben, lQU. .bt!ll ~ melona .,. Itart.. eel lDdoorr or 1D cold~... '!'be IImplett methol of II'OWIDI --17 plante II to provId. • lat trQ bolr, ' lDect lDto ..utIl'








III LebaDoD b, ComprebenalYe ..BeDJce- &0 cais aDd Trueu Are GreaUy AJdInc In Keeplne Our


Transporta.UoD SlIIt.em BoWne ••• F~turtlll MotAII' TunI!.Up. Wheel AUrnment and BalaniCln&'. Brake.

Sboclb\bsorbel' • •Servlce,. • Sealed Beam H~ht Adl~pWa. For .Lilrbta, LabrltAtlon, Sunooo Products • • • Tire InapecUon aIld Repa.lrln, . • , , Tire BeeaPP.... In Their Own P\a.nt , , • Distriba&on For U. S• • Finstone Tirea •• , Official A. A. A. SiaUon ••• I4bt Boad Service ••• Efficient and ConaclenUoUl Sel'vlce. '!be Amerioo.o ,h ab.t (If dlscardillg the .old au- every Ye&I' a.nd gettlllg a new one Is not. in accord wit1h t.he National de!enae ilrogfBm a.nd people halve learned tru~t they have to cake tar better ()(1I'e at ,t heir cars than tJbey had been fn the habit of

Warren County T:ru~k Sales With SenIce at %0 E. Sliver 8t.. Lebanon, Are Now Offerl.... New G. M. C. Tnleb WhIeb Are Now Available to· Tbote Who Can QaaUI,. • • • Glad &0 Give JnformaUon and AIab' . with Appu.uoo , • • Are -BeI~ In-Our Protram to Carry On &0 Victory • • • G. M. C. Trucks Haft Payed & Grea~ Pw\ In ~­ Iq the Be&vy TraDspor1aUon Problema of the Day •• , UDder The Able DIreoUon 01 Chu. Shaw. Pruprletor

quarters tor trIU owners and drivers 'When 1n town 9B t:ley offer a complete &erVfce.

~ problems tUld in-

areued . demands



ex~ heavy duUes 'on truc1as 6Ild lbauUng equlpnlbIlt and owners or Edooatdon or Clea.rcree K"unu • are now welcomlng tale oppor~untt.y School DII81lriot. etc., inJlUlOUon not dsmaged can be recap~ and to buy new ones to help t.b meet the denied, de.tendant to po.y C05t8. their except.blal. IIIt1ll& w1ll give you

deInanda to ca.rJ'IY on our Vlotory

prognun <Wd to meet the needs tor reoonven>lbn Wben V-E 'DII6' &nives. ••• ~ 217 and 2Z1-8. To tbOCle who e&n quallty, O. M . C. The Wa.rre&li County Truck Sales TrlIcka are now avallable and Mr. in Lebanon nre tIhe popular bead- 8ha.w iWUl aesI&t In inaIdng out , . . . - - -_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _~



a c:eItltkate.

at new truck IBnd all 1lhrou8'h ~

BefOl'e the


• Wanted

doing. For th1II ree.aon thoughtlul motorlst& are the exoelIent serv¥:e whlch 18 !being offered by the Gro6s Sales and Bervlce BtatJona 1ni Lebanoo. The automa.Uc &lllgnment 01 wheels savee rubber. wa.ndertng. Ernest G. Pope vs. Hazel Pope. weaving, lhard steer1nl~ end acctdlv{)tce <to pla.1nit4ff, PropeIitJy to plalnt1l1t, pl8WUff to pay 006tB. dents. It Is best·to have them align~n Lamtl, m1nIor \'6. MIlle LBm]), ed occasionally CIa see thM everymlDor, C8rl A:bBecllerll appoiDt.ed th1ni 16 O. K . in ·this ~y of dWlcult Guud18,n Ad Litenr. . Ella. K.a.raola vs. Aleck Karc1a., tranBporto,t1on problema. The1r divorce <to pla1ntltt. pla1nW1 res- balalIcIng equipment :will give you <tor«1 to malden nome of Lamb. the malt aa:w&te service. Costs paid. They ace equipped. wI~ molds lor Wilbur Nutt, I\J8Jgp8yer vs. ~ ru:applng. 'l'lmI where the W4lls are


The extra mUeaie. Their tAre experts ... _, will cec&p your Ute. Individually verdeot In faNor bf de!- handled end precIsioo 1bQUed, using QU81l1ty ma.tedaJ8 aDd metboc!:J to NEW CASES give yoU ~ roUes of safe driv1na'. Miam1e iWUJ.iaaru; vs. CllUord WUl1ams, divorce, YOUII6r & Young, &tit'y. George S. A·p gui vs. Odell Apgar.



MoOI1.rthy of

T_ ........... _ .• " " , - 1 _ 1 ........... : " " " ..,.............IIVU



~. -

'VU'U, JV'3




Brown;' att'y.

neglect. Robert W.

war times, O. M. O. 'I'rucb halve been speotacular In per1'omIIIlICe, bIJt MAItRL\GE LICENSES Kenineth O. Strobel. 20, truck now tale new 0IIJe8 are clram&Uc. so. driver, Plesaa.nt Pl81n; Ruth · Ann be sure U> see iIbem, as they are a WhitAIIcre ~, cle1'lt. Ple88BlDt Plam. 'II1lU8.ble e.lJs! to racrJicu1ture and indWUUam 1BortXm, 31, U. S. Anny, Houslm.!, TeloJB ; Shirley J. Fogle,20, ustry IUId 8!1"6 a 800d bweetment. tmtf~ clerk, LebaIIiOn.. ~ H. Rodgen. 48, macllIn!at, Da7tOn; Goldie 'B laCkford, 31. bowIeWOItt, WaynesvWe.

Poultry &Rabbits





The Chicken House GREENE BROS. Xenia,


Phone 411

CoUrt, News


PROBATE COURT Ne\lte Wise. Exec. Of the estate EII2abetlh Keever, dec'd. real estate


{lOMMON PLEAS mimood H. INtlroa VIS. iBetJty lDu ~ at t2100. Nbxlo. Lt. Cbl. · ~ Wheeler EItate at Lenoo. OOX, !dec'd. net appolnted comm'ee1mer to take dill- value 'of estIiI.te Is $1910.6l. poeiUon. aDII ,tOl'WWd aame to 0l«1c 'E lltate or· Ellen Bums, O. T. John-

~~~~~~~~~~~~of:..:thIa=:..:oourt.=::..______ son. Adm. IK. 1IIledIngham, .b ond for dec'd. $700. -;; (l>boebe


'*' Ferry Church -of Christ News ..

W. SeUera appointed executm. Stella ,Whetsel. dec'd. Roas H. B&rtaoclt,. Adm. 1Ued boDd for

Well. We Didn't Quite Reach Our Goal - We Had 173 "5,000. Present At B.ible School - But. We Believe In The Old A-dage - "If At First You Don't Succe~d, Try. Try Again I"

So Our Goal Next Lord'. Day. April 15th i. 200 or More.



net of estate as $2M.63. Oeorp 'M. Sellers,'d. Donald




On Dayton-WDmln&1oJll Pille, Two BIocJu North el Dorotb1 Laue, Dayton. Ia ConvenlenU:y Leeaud For People All Over Th1a SectioD ••• Are QreM17 AldIq In Keeplnr 0... TranspoI'taUoD S,.tem. AaTIcultural ImplemeDta 8IIel O&her ....panent ..aT To Go • _ • 8peo1A1'lIn, In Welilblc TaDb, BoUen. Farm IIDpIeIi..a.., Mo&or BJ4Cb .... Ileada lOr 0In, 'I'raclb and Tnctorw. Under tbe Direction of Jam. II. Wort. A Mlliter Welk. Tel. 1W&In1l& 1C65. The 'Wolf's Weldilng Shop ta considered an ecbl'lm1ical factor in the IDIt'JIOhanJcaI We 'of tIhis section at the 8IIaIOO. as they af.fer .. eervioe tIha~ wm enable Us to -CCIIlIIene ID&DIf or the thlnp we have and to Ireep the government program movmg o.t full steam &bead.

Yours in Christ, M. H: Hunter, Bible School Supt, Herbert Graham. Minister



ONLY a few ;,ean a.o, almolt the enttre aount1'7 .tarted pullln, tor the Brooklyn Dod,era. The Dodgen were the people'l choice, or chere.. But thta .ellon a. a lone byatander or .p.ctator, I'm puum. tor Connie Mlek'i Athletic •. Which mean. Connie Maell. With the i-elpeot aD which Comlle Mack II laela ID tha ooWl&rJ.· aU the pubUclt,. be hal drawn, I ..m doubt &ha. the UIIU• . .4 Statal qaUe apo precla&ell wha~ <>ODnle Mack b .. meant &0 the Intepl",. &e the cleanne.. , &0 the all-ou& llportamaoIhlp of baaeball; virtue. which Ihould belone &0 aU eamel. I don't believe the majority of the pec- OoDDle Mack pIe know or under. .tand the Kreat lob Connie hll done through more than 60 yean In promoting theae Ideala, whlcb are tar above the nine pennant. and the man1 World Serlel hi. telml have won. There have been man,. amllrt manaKer. and many .mart ownera. But no one else who could inatch what Connie Mack ha. contributed to baaeball and to .port in ,eneral. a. player, mana,er and owner-()r one who could .IY with Victor Hu,o: "The lIlowe of winter be on my heaeS, but the .UJlIh!ne 01 eternal aprln, I. In ~ heart."




MRS, R. L BROWN, Owner and Prop. Telephone Waflleavill~ aMI

M7 commonllIace querJ': "1.... teD a tella

How to pronounce oorrectly "um· brella." . The .tre.. upon ''UM'' briDle umbra.e to me, So, ~ear otjmololli.t, lilt to pte •. Oft have I been an umbreUa lo~er, ADd rarely have they Clome back to their owner. But m,. "loan" to YO\1 &tV" me DO concern, For I'm hoplnr to have a linIulaUc return.


...... ...........,-.....-,_ .,.,....... ....... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .r .......,

............. -....... cr.. ...... '

........HI.................... ....... yw. ..... ,.. . . . . ' ..........11..... ,....tI .......... re..It~ a.Ir' your .....

,. . . . . . . . . . . IM .......... -!

80m ~ YADDIG "..'nlIa 'I'OW co.II1JMiil

that'S 'Mhat he wa.s; a man with hip pocketa. lAIId to be In style he roU-

ed the cutts an extra twn to show hill 1ti.ncy soclcs. Remember?



etaala the Ju,.', wnbreu.r.




Correct pronunciation: am· BBEJ.L.aJL !'rom M.D.L., Akron: In a cur· rent "whodunIt. .. · I found th1I deUeloVl example ot 100111 lo,ia: ''He worked with. rubber ,Iov.. on lata baDd. which be Dfl'er &0011 .11... A

robot, perhap.? An.wer: Ye., and M.J.R.P.. ot Waahlnllon, hi. dl.covered hi••11ter In a want ad: "Gli'I. colored. wl.h.. lob al elevator Qperator or ' aoda 'outalDl" . _w..!v..i;J~:. ••u Syndlca• •-WHU r ..tu"..

taD. ..., .......... lea.. .. ·.., .. ...... Georrta pIDe. '!'be 1&1&

Urne I taW 111m ".. the 1* World Serl. . . St. ~tw. . tile Car-' tlInala aDd B~ lie looked &0 be the keeued 01 all file locll &hat lollowl 811, Wor" Serte. . . . We taike4 of the daYI when he dUJ

up the greaten bunch 01 left-hand· en that ever worlted for al11 baU club. CODI1Ie wa. elwaya plrtlel to HUthpaw. - Rube Waddell. Herb 'Pennock (rated II,. Bm BaDna al the ereatelt of them aID, Edcl1e Plank (th. Gett1.bur, Gulde). and Left7 Grovo--<:ertaln11 on. ot the beat. Jt wa. allO ConDle Mack who elu, up one 01 the ereat In.fteleS. 01 b .... ban_ven 1110\1 have torlot~ their namet-Stuft, McInDt.. Edell. lInI. .rack ~arrJ' and Hom..RIDl FraU 'Baker. r 1tInd17 name me a INater In.fteld'



Place Your Order for

SACCO ·'1· F~ ertl.lzer· •

.Fertilizer wi'" be vet;>'

~~~~e...-,~.m:gr..1!!mlt.AruI~LJI _ __ _-'--


of obtainin. your need••

FENC·: E Barbed ,W ire ' .Galv. :Roofinq ' IN STOCK -

Buy Now . F.or


N..... .


In the.e Ialt 40 yean I have never nan or met Connie when h. walD't kind and con.lderata ci1 aU concerned - ballplayera. baaeball writer. and the pubUc at larle, He meret, happened to be a ereat aportunan. And we cln ule a lot Dlor. ' ",at IPOrtlmtD than wa have today. He h•• ncithllll to cover Up-Ilothln, to uplaln. For til :y..r. he hal atood tour Iqulre .,.!nit aU th, wino that blow III _port, Ind maJl7 of theM a ... adv.r.. wlndl. 'DIe...





.' Fair.ley. ,B dwe; :Stor~~ W,a yn,.ville, ()bio'

Phone 2441




abo" CoDDle. Be had a caublt ..Die II bumor. D.' toqb breau ........&ben4 ..... "1& aD' beIoJlp ...... pme." be aeetI ....,. "Tn ... $be ,oot .....

1......... _ ,e',......... .

ODel. It


Some Urne a,o I w.. Idddln, T1 Co~ a. to wheth.r he or Babe Ruth WI. tbf .....talt baDpla,.er. '1\'bl pick on Ruth or me." Cobb ..14- . "\Vh7 DDt turD to Connie . Ka.7 Mr. Mack hal doue mora for beatb,au a¥..J,SlOrt..emlnlbiR lD. etal tbaa U7 tWo m_ . \ evil' Uv~ Be .1I ~~blelt DWI ,u4 tb~



eYer )mown-

u4 • warktD. ,ear. aou!dD't knock • .• . ' • 'r( nat'. . ... 1h.. ~fjo..puUma tor ' ~ aDd IdI Ath~~1MI. . . . ..





'l'btaJa 1;.1O\1M. ooun~....." ..~..... ttioul4 be the c:ountl7. at :youth. .... the on.. Wbo 1bouI4· ~, ~e -aot Uw older me who nnl7 ~ a abot Arecl ~t '" Mecl Ja . a IPOrtinI pro. "am for ' theM 10,000.000 or ........ ,•., 000 war ..rvicemea. whlcb . aDd DaV1 aN ~ arr~ to tab· up the pbJalca1 aDel mental ala. Temda. oU. bueban aDd ' be.., baD wDldo more to "rehabWt&W' ehlN battte·weafJ heroe. thaD 1117· lhIQIelae.

1Il.neu. .

x 12 WOOL RUGS .


9 x 11· FELT. BASE RUGS .



. .LAMPS (Floor ....cI ,T.ble)



" " ,· lIn.aON

-it 'WM a thr1ll tar .. boY to put on

tili! first lOllff pe.nts? Grawn up,

"lbe rain tan. allke on the ,uat and unjuat teller. But le.1 01ten on the unlUlt, tor h.

CornJD( up 1rom the tOuth, t flrst met Connle In the WorteS Serie. 01 lU05. That wa. the year when Chrlety Mathew,lon wrecked the Athletici with three .ucceaelve abut· outs. Connie Mack wal then well over 40 1eara old. He wal auppond to be put hi. prime, over four decadea aao. But after that 11105 Serlel I found that Mr. , Ma,c:,k ba4 no IUbl at an1 lort to olrer. He had only pral18 tor the ereat pitching of Matty. who held hi. hard-hiUInI team to IS .lnglea In I ,ame•• "What a pitcher." Connie .ald then. "What a pitCher." He had nothJnt to la,. · about the ablenee 01 hI' Ireat pitcher. Rube Waddell. whO' hael been InJured betore the Mriea and couldn't "'Ill throw a ball It may be the younger ,enera· tlon dOUD" know 10 much about Mr. Mack. Well, .t . . . . . ., II or II. er wba&eYer h .. (wile botllera abollt Ibe,...... ..,.,..,.). CoIIIIIe ... k8ll.

hbDr down.!' ..r .



AnlWIl': Remind. me 01 the an· cteDt . dOllerel:

F011y Year" Ago

.q~ 1lioOt.r



PhODe J58'I

I'rGm O. It., 1ewlGkleJ'1






- - . ' .+,

:.of Great Sportunan

We Believe W ~ Can I











Take MlJ, Word . For.ttl

(Formerly Qrbwold'l) BROADWAY IJ MJLB()AD


201 {llnelDna&l Awe. -





.. Page Three

r .

. STUDIO .COUCHES (Full), Sprin. FiJI",)

. uv.INp,, ~QQM SUm;s . .ED' RQOtI SUITES ,

"Compl... Hcnile Furm.hen"


........ .

Cotton S,a~ks Make Sm~rt Clothes' for Family

.... ..

• a •

Wa!,nt~~illt (burcb of tCbrist Telep

CQTTO NlIl\eQ . are doma double

MaK Randa ll. Mini. ter

,1uty In these days of fabric ,m ortaael , tile HQme Editor ot na, 'tlonaUy -circula ted Capper ', .Farme r · point. out. With. little Ingenui ty and various .tzu ot bag., one can make In· uiguln l . thing. tor the h9me and mnai;-t pie 88 01 clothlng ·tor the tam ··

Sermo n Topic u Morni ng ,- .. Findin g And Bring ing" . Eveni ng - U Fisher s of Men"


Kenne th Hili, Mlr.


"AppUq ued cherrie s and fed em· I;Iroidered rlckrac ks give accent to these chic mother-d~ughter outfits," t.l)ls CaPllor 's Farme r expert writes. "Rough - weave, bleache d cotton · aacks were ulcd. When prepari ng the aacks for sewing, rip the sUtch. ing and remove ony printing by soaking them overnig ht In thick aoapsud s. In tho morning wash them In warm, soapy water, rubbing printed parts between the hands. II this does not r emove all marks, boll









Big S08le Musical done all 1n the BMuW or Techn1c oIor

"Gree nwich Villag e" 'With Oarmen M1rnnoo. - Don Amecihe V1~n

Blantle) lor 10 minutes In soapy water. Rinse well, dry and press, It you wish,

Wm. Bendix mane (The Oherry




Buy War Bond. and Stalnp . at Our BOK Office



Bible SchoOl -8:30 A. M.





Anothe r Big HLL ShoW I


Roy Roge'rs ·in "UTA H"



PaUl Hen.reld


with ''06bby '' Haym - Dale EvanII - Sons the Pioneer s

or -Mth Sidney GreeIl3 treet Oartoon AlBo: MUs1ca1 an oa.rtoan

~ter Lon.e. .

OBl'UOOn e.nd N ews

dye plain matel'in l to a pl'c!erre d lng. We should ~ll, I don',t bh1nk. color. Would apprecl ate some pros Blld "Pa jamas for ~ 1 5 ~lx.year·old boy cons at to whethe r you would like were mode from two lOO.pound OFF ER this oolwnn continu ed. socks. The facings a re print. SATIS FACT ORY "Twin jumpers mode from catIon Bridg e Club Entert ained sacks arc another budget· savlng cos· SER VIC ES tume tor mothers and daughte rs. Mrs. Ernest EdgIng ton veri)' deThey con be dyed B bright blue AT ALL TIME S . liglh'tJul ly ent.erblUned a. group 01 and smartly decorat ed with red felt Irl.ends on ~. After a. vm'Y apples. Other basic spring and sum· mer outfits may be made from del1clous Wm:ileon, two tables o! ~corlure ~UlUral ~ome thrifty cotton lacks." bridge were In play during the alterDia12 111 Wayn esville , Ohio In addition to useful Informa tion noon wlotlh 'p rize6 being g:1ven to on styles, wardrob e replenis hment Mrs. A. T. PWlnsk y, Mrs. RiIlph and sewing, women readers of Cap- ~===========~======= ===================:========~~ ~and Mrs. ~~ per's Farmer regularl y Hod inter· Tom R.~on ·w ere Xenta. . The Shoppin g, tor Ilhree weeks; this week I b&ve to gue9t8 were Mesdam es A. T . Polesting feature s in the magazi ne on Tuetldl!Q. a.t work a.t 4:00 A. M ., wb.!ch 1nIikY, :Ralph Pariu!., John Kersey, cooking, child care, beauty, garden. Chic FrooD for 'Warm We&the r. 1M!l'.. 8:Jld Mrs. imey GJb90n BIld mea1lS gett1ng up a.t 3:00 A. M., ing and other topiCS. and Rhodes Bunnell , H . F. ~, D . Mr. and 'Ml'a. Raymond . Smith or, I -worit 'tw 12:40 elwept this week I ihave to ~ on '.uU 6:30. By tilen SnUth, Wade 'JIurner. M. A. F1ulkeI'Ilo(yitan caJ.led on Mr. and Mrs. I'm 80 tired · I bII.rolY know what son and Jmn Turner. Geolll'e Marlatt Bit the Miami Valley Harold Rogers and Mrs. nnma to do. The other WeE!ks 1 don·t start hospll1ll , ~ afItemo on. Obon of Bellbroo k, S~ after- unt1l 6:115 A. M. fP that's not so bOd, by Mrs. HUy QjbeOn Th.e M1ss1oDal'\Y 8oo1ety will meet one week 'Wl 6:00 P . M. and bhe ~~~~~~~~~~~~ noon. - - - - - - - - - - - - - in the Ohurclaoroom next Wednes day ~. HelU'Y' Burgett and family or ollher 'till 3:00 P. M. I drive the !Pbs. Robe1't Greene and gm,nd- AprU 18, at an all-~ mall meeting. [)a,y.ton spent 6un~ with Mr. and other. V8D one week ankl cycle the c.h.11dren, Andrew Charles Up~t'8 not such a bad job in Mr. and Mrs. ClaJ'er\( le .Crawfo rd Mrs. Lewis Morgan . churoh of Da~, ' called on Mr, and enterta4 ned to dlnnt!r, !\:he swnme r but wh.e n it's wea.tlher sund&y , Mr. Sa.turda6' guests at ·the parsonage Mr. and Mrs. Edmond ~t and l1ke we had two weekB ago, deep Mrs. lAle Morgan. and Mrs. Leroy Slu!-w of near were Mr. and Mrs. D. D. 1WUl1atnsnows IIIld hard frosts, it's not 110 son san, Jaclde, and Mr. Bent Marlatt 1Mr. e.nd Ml'6. Ela.m:hart. and SPr1n&11eId, MiaII Dorotby and Mr. and Mrs. Wade Margood." o Ft.lorye of spent 6un~ with Mr. and Mn. &ball of Blutfton , and !MnI. Mbert ..Mr. Bert Mall8lti C8»ed on Mr. Spn1ngfleld, Mr. and M!rs. iIn another letter she BIIG'8, "The HuU and M:rs, Ellza Earl ElVis Ml.chge l of HlUff or ModXenia.. ~ looka good tllesn't. it? Surely esta, Cmwto rd and Mn. !Robert SnI8'hter 0alU. MnI. WUllam80n and Mr. and Mrs. Morris Lewis it l'.U}'t and last so very mm:h longer Mrs. AlbErt.a Hurt 01 near Way~e6V1lle . and Mrs. Eliza. 601l8 spent Sunday with Mr. and now, the way .it's progres sing on H'IJIf.1, wbo are sisters, ata.yed over Mr. and Mrs. Evertbt Bimnel l 4Dd all frtmtB. One' ;1bJnig, It can't end and are viQtLng 'blle Mrs John Koester of Oraham e. Mra. family called on the Ben Oruber a ~ tn> soon tor 6IlllY of us. We're William son lB tIhe OlPther o! Mrs. I taanlly, Monday ~veniDg. gebL1n8 moe we'aUlel- here 1lO'W, it Gralam . s.ems like the. wJntell' In behin4 us AfT. J<.:wIq Sowars 0: Xenia. spent The Bereab Class mee~ will be once again. 'I'tllnt!Is never seem Sunday a.1lternoon with . Mr. and quite 80 bad 'WIben the sun ShInes, held m the FelT')' Ohuroh social Mrs. Emerso n Dill. at'least thBlt lB the W&~y it wttects me. rooms <tbJ.s Thurcda.v evening . Mr. Rex Wtllla.mllOo o! C1nclnn atl Mrs. De.vid Lucas lB ependln g Il (l corresp ond wWl thls EngUsb I never llke .the winter very muob, W8S v1s~tlng former 1liends an~l girl especJs. reg.ukl.r ly. Bhe lives neB«' lqmlly IiaW that I to gilt Lew days with 'bEll" sister, Mrs. ne~1"II 6e.tunlta.y. He wll.s the I.ngton, end I though t pemaps tIlat up 80 eariy in the 1IDOtll1ng." CL&8S InED BATES - Three Hnes Clarenc e Thomps on and family of overnig ht guest or Mr. Kennet h ~ . you 0: my U.ttle Vl'Cll'ld might Again like she to wrttes at t1ielr ratlon25c. Eaeh addJ&.IOnal Une 5c. (Five Dear W1lrn1ngton. Mr. and Mr&. Robert Hett1ngEl' bear f1 how tbey in her little world won1a to & tine) Three or more 111Ih~) • • • Iea1IoDa, 1/S off. (Delaye d) She wt', "I work: a<t the post SE<lOND O~H OF OBBIS T, SClENT lST, DAYTO N, oUk:e, IUJDir the mail around . I 've OBIO Mr. Fred Jlarnac d f1 Norwoo d, done it now for tmee and one-bal f fQR 8AiLE - KltOhen sate in 'good OOKDIALLY INVITES YOU TO ATTEND A Mr. C&.rol Barnar d cjf BeIlbrook, ~ IYEfIIJ's but I 'll be very glad oontUtI.on, also jarge ice refrigwhen ~REe )..ECT URE on CHRI STIAN SCIEN CE emtor su1ta.bie · for grocery or Mrs. HJl~ Glbeon, IM~ · 1~ S ~ S :~+1ih. 18~~wa: ' ~ r~ 1 s~ ' ov~er ~.~~~ ~~~~t tt;;; S"es~hTeI. Wo;y. 2644. -i!:: ~. Chttstian .Sclence: Ood'. Word of .Eternal LIfe 12 Daughte rs, Mr. and J by BARRY C. naOWN E. C. S. 01 New York City, Membe r of Ute Marlabt and son, Jackie, and Mrs. DliNING ROOM S lTE- Duncan Board of LectareallJJp or the Mot.ber Oburch , The FIrat Chureh Emerso of n om oalled on Mrs. Mor.rls ~e mah98QllY; table; 6 chairs; . Cbriat, Scientis t, In Boeton, Mau&c bueette ' buf.fet; ohlDa. closet; pre~war Lewis and SODS, Tuesday evening . In M~orial Hall' oonstlu :tlon. Tel. 2910 'Mrs. DQnald L\.IiCM spent the week l~ FIRST and ST, (JIAIR STUET S AT 1% O'JJL(>CK EST. end with her son a nd Mr. Raymon d SE:Vm.M.. RA>om Lots of wall' paper Thun day Noon. April 19. 1945 Lucas and foamUy of near ' W 86'lleson haru:ls Bit bart'ain p dces. 01111 at bane. D. E. Sbllnd1ford. -2d ~. lIB. and Mrs. Everett BunneB a.ntl IWANTEJ);hand; married ; family called on Mra. Hs.zel Owber bowie and electric ity funllah ed; ",00.00 monOi - Phone Bellbro ok o.nd la.m1ly, Monday evening . Mr, and Mrs. George BrrutteIi at . 141096- Oharlee Kable. -Ill

M T. H 0 L LY



ChrIstia n Endee.vor - 6:30 P . M. Evening Service - 1 :30 P . Mid-we ek pre,yer serv10e 'lburs~ nJatlt 7:30 P. M.


BUnllar in 'SCope to Hedy I.aMtan ' -

hone 2985

.... ............. .

Sermon -

11:00 A. M.

• •••••• s . •••••••

attende d t.he fW1eral or the tanner' . Wlele, at Greenfi eld, Mon~. Mr. 'and Mra. Perry Thoma s and son were supper guE8t5 or the 'l\Jm ~ wt West OSrrolt on, Sunday evenJng. 1M1'. a.nd Mlrs. Low !Noble have pUtthas edl the Oherry f-arm south



2ht Di.tri ct Inapec tiona Order of the E...tern Star




Warbllw" Grand Me.trm 1MiILDR.ED HARMO~'l' !Depulq' Orand lIY.tron


Apr. 13-- 'D.O.M. (494) Nason Apr . .16- D.O.M. 1(22l) cary &pro 24- D.OM. (003) New



Apr. 2:1- D.GM. (57) Lee6bur g l'4&y 2- D .GM. (357) Wi!rn4n gton MIB,y 8- D.OM.. (343) LebanO n Ma¥ 16- D.OM. (127) Vernon May 4- D.O.M. ml'T) MlQm4 May 18- D,GM. (173) MaI1t1n8ville .l4ay 21>- nOM. (621) Lel8ft1ton ~

28- D.G.M. (441) HillSbo ro JUne 12- D .OM. (144) Loyal

Waynesville .furniture Co, Gibbo nl Blda. -Nort b St. Wayn e. ville. 'Ohio




Along The Wa y


DaytoD. OaUeci on f,r fends !here FOR SALE- Reg!ste re!ti P<llo.nd Friday. Live W.... Ad Procn..he. All or0h1na Hog, 1 :fear old. MD. Clarenc e Cra.wford a.nd Mxs. pnisaU on ICClODd .to Emmetr t .Beltz. Route 2. none. 8tiio&l, 26 on 'be beat all II'OIIJU lIIiIIbt RANO ®- for sne,Oo ol or wood, iD the coantrJ'. good 8$ new, S2 qt. resevoif , Mont~ .

8Ollle:!'Y ;Wa.rd make- ¥1'8. Pmnk

Braddock, Barveor

ftye laldenc e. ,,],2 8


, FOR ~e heatroJ a.-coal. , 2-<wlieel b1cycle (small size) also Ce.nnlng J8J&-1Phon:e 2742- Mrs. Walter Wisema n, W. MWn st.. 19 ', % FAIRM LO~S-Long term. easy .p qmentE . l'io 8IPPra1sal fee. AlIlo Wee small and large fanns for sale. call .o r - write Oeo. Henkle. Phone (NO.2, Le)le..non. tfc DumlA M U.s. CERJl'1l''lED WlnTE {( ROOK aHIOKo5--'BreedeJ' of NatbIal Champ ion White Rock pen . both 1943 and 1914. OUr 1945 Weatem N~ York oonte6t pen lB ~ White Rock pen in iill U. 8. tibrough Decem.btir. ~ Chicks 0: UlIa proven !Ugh prodUOldoll. stra.1n far top poultry ptatlta. Ever, Dun haID ohick sired tor top poultl1y profil1B by tndlvid..Dy ~ .R. O. P . rooae '! rom dun of 200 to 316 Eft record. ~ PJace your arde!' <txictaIY 8B tile dea.Dd ~ . tflliese sUperio r chlcks eXlleed the Jupply. -D on't be '6~'!!~~nQnttd. Lebano n, 39 Oolum-


.=-,-.--=-'-=-1.-.-,-- .,J--.--I"-l Servic e That Sati.f ie. .... for '1IIiIr 10 _._ ••• _. _ _ ,_ ._ • _


'11'. Y., " II,

IHlud .. Sic ••• I I . Ac.ld.... Chlld blrth- h,form atl.. Fr.. tamWes hal IIOW been periecf4 d .., J8-,ear- olct lDIUranoe GOmPlU lJ''''; Northe rn Mutua l Ouual~, CompaDJ. AIloon11ns to the pro'flalolla 01 ttl polle)' you are reJmbur aed few

hoapltaU latloQ

1XJ)en8e I,

1nc1udi nc

hoepltal room, extra ch&rpl , Ad lUI'leona feu-to tal maximu m beneGt rrao.PM' perIOD. ThJa protecti on Ie unUID1ted, in uutt the money Ie pa1d, "hateve r the ca\lle-8 lckn8ll, acc1dent 01' QhUdb1rth. The Protecti on eontln u. regardleae of wbether YOU l ...n ,our Job or whether lOU move to ~ other boma in &M U. 8 ., Oanada or lUab. For complet e lDtormaUoD IDIoIl coupon below.


HOUR i: 9-12 eadl moriUn g

7-9 saturda y e:ven1na


Da,t. OCW·I. UII .. c........ 114. Clanla H '4, O.'e Send me oorqp1ft e lDtormaUOD tba& proY1dee hOlpttal . . . few


..,..u ADd

~1IDe •••••••• •••••••• •••••••• •••••••




Dr. c. E.' ,Wilkin ~E7e8~ ,

:t8 8. Detroit 'S"

XENIA. 0. '

FOR SALE- ladies size 4¥!

' pr. ea., "Oold Cross" Black ,~= =~, ta.50; <, -'Ctolterdine ;~ '1.50; Brown Suede lPlI1IlPG

' Rub8er OolO&hea, ,1.60 ; 'BrOwn Pumps, $1.00. All ,QJ'e in good cOndition . .

. Erweiop es, BIoiJlblder&, !oofaWng ca:rds, la.yoot deBlp by ~ typo" ' ~~r " . ~ ~ ~ , ~. ~ • __ cnat ~ that ~ no~ to- the Cost of IDiUVl4Ual1ty




~ made. Post N, We.vneavwe, O.

Po ul try Feed -

Wayn eaville Egg' Mash Wayn eaville Be.t Starti ng Ma." Econo my Starte r Jild Grow er Ma.h Maate r





FO·R .--A n'y ma ke or mo del Fre d Kah il 'M oto r Car Co.

CLOOK BREAD' '!:~M~ 3 t=:. 21. COFFEE ~ ~.r~~~ 3 ~ 59. PEANUT BUTTER ........, 2 ~ 37e 'GREEN PEAS ~J Go w., . KROGER TEA




ldklrlll •••••••• ••••• , •••••••• ••••••• ,1W'I1oo)Desv.We, ROOte 2. Pohone 2916. Ott,. ........ . .. ...... ...M•••••••• ••

.r'....,... --""' . -





C A S, B

A . n.w plan that provIde I boIp1W aare lor either indlviduala .or enUre


.Stali't inl Ma.h Ma.te r Mix Grow inl- Malh Ma.te r MiK E,g Ma.h Chick Bed - Poultr y Litter

cwt. $3.40

., 3.60

KARO SYRUP "SA~rs \':tAR" 3 ~35c PROTEX TISSUE 0.:: 3·..1·160 LIMA BEANS T=:d 2' ~ 30c GRAPEFlIUIT JUICE c~o:::, ~~o.. 2ge ENRIOHED FLOUR c;::, 25::.1.09 . NAVY B~ANS H.::;c':'e4 5 ~ 45.

" "




" 3.50 bag 1.90


Pru ne s. SO-bO l '4c

lowa .939 • U. S 1,3

bu. 6.50 BUCK EYE " 7.50 FUNK S Haier -Croa t 'S uper Quali ty Hfbri d. " .. 9.00 These Are ' All Hiehe lt Quali ty, ,Certif ied Ne~ Seed I~ Flat Grade . '

MUSTARD ' .......... ........ . CHoCOLATE-PUjOING .,. .. RAISINS ~-=.:I" ' TABLE ,SALT




"" ~ ~ PubliIIIIIIO

~ Oiw, ~ . . , . hitoft ~.t.!'.!!!


... ··,... ..........-' ...t!....... . r.r: . ...... "sm.

~········· ~ STRIIT••• \ , ••••••••,. •••• •••••••• ••• " . • ' C',9U ......... ......... ... "S1"Aft .••• ·•••••

tIftd a ~one_"'OiIlftII"," trial ...,.,tlo n to 11iI IItiort 5eiIrIat MoNfw, which . . . . . . . ... .








a z e tt e



r--W EEK L'( NEWS ANA LYSI :l--- ....., IRA TIONING':

Allies in "Big Heave" Seal Off RUhr Va ILey ProductL"on Center; CLay to Rule OccupL"ed ReL"ch

...._ _ _ _ _ _ Released by Westem Newlpnp er UnJon.

(EDITOR'S NOTE: Wbe. opl.I ......r•• llpr ..... In a .... olamno. Nowlp.per Val... •....... .D..I,........ D.' Doo ..... II' .,

W •• lo,n

S,::!!:; :a~~::/~~Sa

12 per cent reductio n in meat for the ne,," three

~~::~~ ~~~a~:lt;O~~.r ~e fI:~~~~1

Quarter with the aDnoun cemento f an Increase in the point values of pork. sau~ages and canned meat product s . lb.,. lb... 01 While news ot the tighteni ng of Ibl. D.W.P.'.... these and other controls over fats and oils occupie d the home front, it was announc ed that all babies' leather shoes would be rationed after April In raising the point values on pork, sausage s and canned meat product s, OPA said that there would be tI per ceDt less meat availab le during April, but the decreas e In supplJes would hit civilian s harder ; in May and June. Coincident with the new controls over the aforeme ntioned meats, It was announced that point values also would be boosted on lard, along with shorteni ng, mar· gerlne, and salad and cooking oils.


MacARTHUBrKIBK DUEL WASW NGTON .-In a highly Ie. cret session before the senate mill· tary affairs commit tee last Thurs· day, Gen. George Marsha ll, army chlef of staff, refused to guess when the end ot the war with German y will come. Accordi ng to all logiC, he said, the German resistan ce should be a~ an end now, but there is no sign that the army Is collaps· ing. The Gestapo still retains ita hold of terror OD German y. Marsha ll pointed out that German gasoline stocks are practica lly dried up, and that the Nazis do not have enough fuel to move their supplies , let alone their armore d vehlcles and Hit Shortage artil1ery. On the other hand, he Discuss ing the meat shortag e, sold, their supply problem is far the natlona l livestoc k commit tee simpler than ours because they are of the Americ an Farm bureau fighting at home. Their repair and charged that low price cellings rereplace ment job for tanks and other tarded lncrease d product ion of beef, vehicles is also c;omparatlvely slm· and said assuran ces of minImu m repIe. When Allied armor Is knocked turns would lead to greater pork outout, it means that it is lost If the put. damage Is too much tor the field reo The commit tee's report came even pair bases, whUe a Nazi tank which German dead lUter road .s British Tommle s drive toward BerUn lP as congre'Ss conduct ed hearini s on has suffered far more serious dam. rout or enemy forces aD 211t .rlD), front. the tight meat situatio n, with repage can be taken right into a tank resenta tives of all branche s of the factory not ' so many mUes from lndustry calling tor an upward reEUROPE: DEMOBll..IZATION : where it was hit. This Is a tremeJao vision In ceiling prices. dous advanta ge, he sald. Last Great Small Scale In establis hing ceilings on grade The chief of atafr also told &be The last great source of Ger· Though some combat ·troops In AA and A 'beef, the commit tee said, ·sena&on II Is a to many's supply of war materie l had the Europe an theater of war will be OPA assume d that ~e last 200 °i~ firma that ilIe ,.,Ill fold ap been sealed off as tanks of Lieu· demobi llied after German y's fall all pounds a steer gamed in the qulokly .once German y la out of tenant Genera l Hodges ' U. S. 1st service, air torce and naval per~on. lot was mostly lot later wasted in· the WIIr. Although tis 10_ army swept before them aU resist- nel will be retained to contl.n ue the the kitchen. On the other hand, the been heav,. J.panat lll haa ance in their spectac ular dash to- fight agalnst the Japanes e, commit tee declare d, tat of a steer a formld. ble arm,. IUIcl vast wards Berlin. The British 2nd army, indicate d. Is distribu ted through Ita meat. a&ores of aappUes. Be woald Dot poundin g aeross the north German Demob llhatlon of lIome combat Speakin g of pork, the cOa:'ml ttee estlm.t e Ule leDetb at time Deet~ plain, had steadily drawn closer and troops will result from lnabilit) ' to stated that farmers c~t ho, produc· . ed to defe.t the laland empire. The result of the Allled bombar dment of Colope . German ),. closer to tile 1st army. Ruhr valley make full use of them In the Pacllic tion at the governm ent I request, Is Ibown b,. pho&Oll'aph at rl,bt. BODD, Ule and birthpla ce of Beethllven. Bnt he IDalsted 1& woald be ex~ war product ion centers had been ef· for geograp hic reasona , It was said; would raise it again if also meetS tbe fate of oUier Germ.n cities, as shown at leU. al AmerlcaD troops guarant eea advanc e througb tremely tou,h rolD,. fectivel y seall!d of!. Ule city. but the Inset exact shows extent tbe bOlDbed Adoll mU~r of release will were forward ed against market . Marsha ll laid nothlng during this man),. Reports indicate tbat all cities in path of .dvancl ne Allies brldee across tbe RhIne at Uerdine en. GerTypical of the magnitu de of the depend upon conditions in Europe. breaks. arc in comple te ruins, session about hi, plan to take over Americ an forces was the one-da)' All membe r. of the serVIce branche s ARGENTINA: as luprem e comma nder in the Pa· bal of 14,000 Na:d prisone rs taken will be needed for the constru ction clfic once Germ!lllY falls, but memo by Genera l Patton' s Srd army In Its of staging areas and bases in the On Band- Wago n bers of the commit tee now take that aensaUo nal drive ea.tward. PaclAc, and the air force Intends With Genp~'s coUapse immt. for granted . City after 'City h.d fallen Into' Al- brlDg ,Its full_I pt to bear .....I1D. . . nent, Ar'entl n' wal quick to 'ump . EQlaD. UOD' lied bands under Eisenho wer's steam the Japanes e. . . Genera l MicArt hur'1 Inny, frleadl on the Allied bandwa gon a dec· rolle!:. Among the ricb prizes were Because ·all approac hes to the Pa· laration of war against with ili Washington liave • unique explan· the Axis, Franktu rt • on • the • Main (Ma,' clftc theater of war afe over water, ' dolo h atlon for his refusal to let Msj. Gen. crull I t (00). ranldng ninth In the German and ht!cause lhipi will have to bear b ut In so g, s e car y po n • Norman Kirk, surgeon general ot ed out that her 'polJcy Belch, Mannhe lm (283,000). which the bulk of supplies was govefne d , all naval per- by the desire to coopera te with the army, visit Manila on his recent fell to Lieuten ant Genera l Patch's sonnel will be required to brlnll other lnter.Am erlcan countrie s and inspection tour. They say private ' 7th army, and Essen wh,ich led 'all about the Japanes e's taU as quickly partiCip ate in the United Nations ' ly that no suitable housing waa Europe 'i n the product ion of muni- as possible. Fleet Admira l King de- peace parley in San FranCisco. availabl e for General Kirk. One tions, . clued. MacArt hur support er, who Is familBy taking this ac\ion, Argenti na ClearlY the final doom of Nazi powiar with the Kirk incident, added, ended six years of h?misph erlc Iso· er was sounding. Prime Ministe r MANPOWER: "When you are a IIve·star general . latIon, during which time the coun· Churchi ll of Great Britain declare d you don't have' to give an explana . "lie believed the "hour of lucce4s " Buck Controls tion for what you do." . Though the Preside nt made • was at hand: Still some military Ruin, in Britain', ho.,.s 0/ comFurther details of General Mac· authorit ies pointed out that a final strong appeal for passage of the mo.... LGllori,. Il10r Thoma fUkeeI Arthur' s refusal to let General Kirk Nazi stand might be made In moun~ compro mise manpow er control btn. Forei«n Seererary Ifruhoray . Eden: touch foot even on the Island of talnous souther n · German y but· under which plants would be limited ""'ould i' lis the duly of a BritUh Luzon in order to Inspect army hos· tressed by defense s in norther n Italy In the number of persons they could soldier who see'" Hider 10 .000, pltals there have now leaked out. and the industri al resourc es of emplo)' and workers and farmer. him or fry 10 IIrin, him back alive?" Kirk, as head of the army medica l Replied . Eden: '" am conten' to alike would be frozen to present C.z echoalo vakla. lealle IMI 10 r1uJ jud,menr 0/ any corps, arrived In Ley!e with a staff Spring rains and fog had kept the jobs, the measur e encount ered rough BritUh soU;.,.... of· medica l experts ready to place naUan tront quiet. but observe rs gOing In the senate. Ulem In strategi c positions in LuZOD had' expecte d Gen. Mark Clark's Despite the fact that the 1eglsla. try profess ed ' a wllllneneaa to cawhere fighting was heaVy at Ulat armiel to begin maS8lv~ smashe s tion feU short of military leaders' operate In Inter.Am erican affairS, time. northwa rd. demand s for a labor draft, the Presl· but maintai ned an Indepen dent As • conries J to MacArt hur, dent said, ita terms allured contln- course in foreign relation s. Relen(less Reds KIrk· radioed him from ued high product ion for the knockou t fUll Ia1aDd tlJat he wu oolllin6. Be In ~ East, Ruulan armlea had blQW againlt. Germ~ny, and provid. Final detepn1naUoD to pla1 a. w4I'kera on the-iohl -':::;: im~rtant . part beflttln l her poreply a lDesI&re kept up their relentle ll prellur e 0": ed for k~ftfft" in Inter·A merican "),in, that his presenc e WIIa Dot led Berlin and mewha re, with ar· after the" Nads' falL to the decision to declareaftairl hostillU el needed. . . morecl divislon a lweepin g over the Senator s pointed up the creat war· agalnat the AxIs, Scarcel, . beUevlD, his eyea, Austria n border from weatem Hun· time product ion record of the U. S. tionalla ta and somewith ardent na. . army leaderl , General Kirk pve MacAri bar • ,ar7,. ~nd c1oalD. ever clolOr on ~ oppaliD , legislat ion U&hten iq howeve r, rellstln g the move to the chance to chaqe hi. mind b,. control The over .J!'b both Vienna. of employ protectin erl &' Ule cUlzens or their commD aUI" aeems to be aD evcr-ex pandlDr Ind em· last. . one for membe rs send bar aDother telecram which .. Ule police force Marsha ll RokOlSOVUy'1 2nd White ployeel , and O'Maho ney (Wyo.) hit Nass.u county. New York, who have been indoctri nated as obstetrl olans by the pabUc said lD nbnanc e: "DOD" anderbealth nuraea. Now lihe1 know Jut wJJen .nd bow &0 drop tbe Russlao army battered deeper into ar~enta that pall.,e of the bill .r"roll Dto &be new·bo m's eyes, how to keep stand yoar menac e. De ,oa would convinc e G.I.I that the hom. LABOR·MANAGEMENT : the laIant from atraDJrulaUoD. bow to lur,ndIe the amlJUlc Danzig. ai cord problem . . meaD b, tele,ram Dumber Once uncondi tional lurrend er . was front waa behJnd .them. Rather, he Postwar Charter 1O-&II........ .t my ...IRaMe la achieve d, civil affair. in Germ~ny said, defeat of the measur e. would RecolD iltini mana,e ment'l control aot welcom e'" would be under directio n of ~j. allur:e them of retentio n at bome of over ita own busines OeDeral MacAri b...•• rop~ Gen. LUcius D. Clay. w~ b.d had the treedpm l for which they .re rlgbt to organiz e and s and labor's barcaln , Presi.... brtef aDd to &be ·poin&. It char,. of materie l p~ment toI: Ilgbtlnl . dents Eric Johnsto n of the U. S. read: "No. repeat DO." the arm,. lervice forces wbfD War Chamb er of Comme rce, Wllliam KIrk thea ,ot. In his plaDe. MobUbaUOD Directo r BymN bor- TARIFF: G~ of the AFL, and Phillp Mur' l bolllDr lDad, and came .bo_. rowed him last Decemb er as hli dep. Fight Renew ray ot the CIO .llgned an agreem ent ed uty m charge of the war progl;'am~ . Note-T he war departm ent for looking towa~ good relaUons beThe apllOlntment, the White House . Call1ng for authorit y to slash tar- tween. employ some time hal been spUt Into the er and employe e in the said, was made by Gen. GeQ~ge uri, tIO per cent under JadU.ry , lllU, postwar world pro·Mac Al1hur and the anti·Ma cArwhen lower producMarlha ll. army chIef of staft. Clay · I.e vels In an stenlto n ot the recipro- tion thur schools. Many of the general 's mllht lea.d to unrest. was .appoint ed deputy to Genera l cal trade agreem enta act for three own contem porarie s don't like him, In effect, the agreem ent propose l year., Preside nt Rooseve lt touched teel that he hall never alven sut· Eisenbo'l'(er. off . a renew!ll of the historic tariff the eatablis hment of volunta ry mao Bcient credit to mell; who bore the ftlht in conare. . brunt of the Paclftc BehtIng such WhUe the Prea1dellt aaJd tbat as Genera l Kruege r, Elcbelb erger, W o~st to Come hinber larUr oats W01Ild ' olrer Kenney, Arnold and others. They also Already feeling the ItIp, at beaV)' etIJei. coatrl " &be OPportanlt1 relent the fact that news dispatch es U. S. aerial bombar dment, Japanes e to ebtaID faDlb ' for .,...cIwI ea from the Paclftc must bear the date. found no comfort In Gen. H. H. here. Ibe BepabU oa. .rC1ie4 line "Gener al MacArt hur's head· ("Hap" ) Arnold' s announce~ent UI.a a low obeap ,oocla lDto quarter s," and point out that in conthat Americ a would brin, the run We oopntry, weIIl4 tllreat a trast Eisenho wer require s no such weight of ita tremend ous aIr power Aatea:lcaa prodaoe rl. AIIIl date line and hal given mucb credit to bear 'upon the Nipponese once the Ua8 Prea"!e nt. a· &bat IraWDUam Orea o.ft), BrIo lolluton to Genera ls Patton, Hodges, Simp. war in Europe ended .. aeaIIOd Imports. woald . . . to (eatei> .... I'IIIJIp lIanq'. CCIIIf8l' lID son, patoh, and Devers, aU of whom . As Anlold spoke, tho Itrateli o emp1eJ1JlOllt In tile pr~ Iabor·II lUa,eJII '" cibrter. are well known to the publJc, wherellyulgu lsl.nds Itretchl ng between ana dIatrIlnd al few know the names of the ,enChine17 tOr the peacetUJ, settlem ent the .lap homela nd and Formo u be- ..... ",,'UO IDr blllinft lel hen, IUlI preill .. tile erals comman ding . MacArt hur's of "dispute s and Continuance of procame the latest target for Amerlc lD propam weald dele.t Ibe"';" ducUon m' the postwa r perlodo to armies. aSla~t.. with carrier plane. teaDi~ . aollliOeil pal , eI ••108....' ~ , taka &be' pkce at prelent ·•• . ing wtib WBl'Ihlps lp blaatfn . the aGOwar jolJa. . . Here Is one atory as to how Amer'. . IOvernmen~ ~Iltrola rel!Jlat lnl ., mile-loD i chain ' pr8JNlFatory to Pa..... of the. Proalde nrl 'p~pOJ. latlolla: . Toward W. end;' creation Ican troops manage d to capture Ute &1a would anow . . much .al a '18 per (ioubd ImportaDt' Ludendorf bridle. • uou .pecl.l, ubltra,t ion ' board ap. In decladD a UI.t the U. SI planned cent tariJr the Rhine. A (rOup at aDU·Na . _ n under the peared lJ!tel7. to .use ev.r, il~ln~ the Jap. Sm~t-~w1~reducUo delita aie reported to bav. been rI.'O f 1930 OIl some In reaehlD a the .P'IOII1ent. ane"· after Gerin~'1 f.n to hal- Item.. , It wal JlOlnted quleui or.anII tnI in tho Rhin. wal· out. U~(Il' pujl_ teadId to nUn.. map.~ . ten 'tbeIl' .weat, Genar~ Arnold th~ o~'In~ Aitol'lHly BraIe ........ ... ., . ley. and. lecret11 joiDed IIlUer'I reclJlro e ~ meat'. - fear aaat aq ~ of Itarp_ .be .... beea MIIItId . . cIaIeI JIll1~ guard. Ule salel tbat ' DOt ool1 wOuld Am~ - . NducU~ of 110cal-tAd ..... __ 1 ·IJ....- IIIowa .. _A'~_pb per cent were work. . miIbt be led IDto I Y10IIat demoU .bea ''8Obuta ataf!ll" ID It - .. a_v ICaD .... penNI' smash the enem7' I , - - -_.. 00U8eI and alDee thue cuta al. lb. . . . . .' ooaiJDI Uee oil 1M2 where' Ule, ha.,. bOlD boriIII wu ., mcm&IleDt .a.r tbe wu', . 'el &be U. B~ army l~ air dace tile ~. . . It would . . . IIbD. ~ . ..,. __ "made CD _ _ laps captare d Barma -.laie rIou &CIt1w1..... labor'l ap~ ....& __ Na4l111i lMI. ~ IIdtp Is er~ .. &be AlBea oIrenalve Dearl &be ~ anoUoea law .. N_ Be f ...... from- wlthiD evil' 1iDce. It wu ..... I!.r .."rrm ilal'I" '" _ .to ..... ..... . . . . . . . . . ceal dar. . . . . . . . . . . . ........ ..., ...... . bF.Ia ,...... Yuk atJ. ~ tbat 18 reported to b • .,. tiDI*I ..., ........ .... Lewer~ aboWi tracb cr.... . .·m... wm ...... ...... . ...... 011 tile AmedcI ..... ..... tI! _.... ...... . .. D commaad ....... ~ IUIIIIe



Policemen Attend School to Become Stork's Aides




Army 'BJidges Around the World

New Dies' Counsel




. ..







... _I .............


Ute.... .. rlwer.


. .mill...... ...... .... ......

. . . . . . brJd«e woaJd be ......



Bretton Woods Conferente Laid.GroundworkFor a~Stable International Monetary System U. S. Postwar Exports Depend on Soundness Of Foreign Finances




'jaunty jacket makes an attractive outfit for street wear•

• • •

Pattern No. 1306 Is deslaned for aile' 12. It, UI, 18. 20: 40 Bnd' U. Siz e 14. dress. reQu1r~s 2~ ~ yards of 39.lnch fabric : ,acket. .hort sleeve •• 1~ yard.: 3111 yardl ric rae to trim. Duo to an unusually larlfe demand and current war condltlona •• Ughtly more ~me I, required In flUlng orders for a few of tllli mOlt popular pattern nwnben.

0/ an Innocent Bystander: Wben LoweU Mellctt, former aide to FDR. was asked wby the Presl· dent Is a grea t exc cutlve, Mellett said: " Bccause be Is never tco busy to work!" . , . Add towns YOU should be glad you didn't; name: Rising Sun, Ind, . , , J ohn B. Kennedy, the news commentator, say. now that the Nazi prisoners of war cver ber e got their own newspaper-the next thing they'll pr obably demand will be pensions I Noles

B1 WALTER A. SREAD WNl1 I'a. Con•• poaaoat.

Stripped of all technical verbiage" the proposals agreed upon by 44 United Nations at the Bretton Woods conference and which are considered an essential part of the world peace plan to be approved at Sf;in li'rancisco April 25, are designed to-

for Sports, Street

IE WING CIRCLE PATTERN DEPT. 130 Soatll Well. Bt. Enclose 25 cenla In




coin. tor each

Pattern No... .............. Size .. . .. Na.m e . • •• ••••••••• • •••• • •••••••••••••

Addrrs ................ .. ........... ..

Sudden Tbawt: Say! Conl4 tbe war department's reqnes& lor Mr. Byrnes' curfew be a move to orrset th'e war'. Interference with tbe birth rate! • . • When one :allbt clubman cr1ped about "bla IDvestments" a newspaperman JS8111: "Thill 111 a total war-mea~ulnr total for everyone and every&hIDr. Thl. Is your part In the war-to .acrlflce more than oth,ers. For some people the war means to r. bIlnl1. For otbers--to go broke. Which would you r atber'"

Strange Partnership

l.-8et up au InternatloDal mODelil.l'1lud wUh a worklnr capUal subOne of the strangest partneracrlbed by ct , nations In rold aud ships was that of Gilbert and SullilIlember currencies totallnr 8.8 btlvan who, between 1871 and 1896, Doa dollar. of which the UnJted collaborated as librettist and comStates Ia to subscribe 2.16 bWlons. poser respectively in producing 14 '!'IlIa 'lIDd .. ex)H!(lted to stabUlae of the most popular and profitable ud wepard the nlue of forell'D operas in musical history, Owing currencies In terms 01 cold, remove Dar~ a lull In the proceedlnp the Bretten Wood. conference, to their low regard and intense dis.rade barriers ID 'avor open or U. S. Secreta..,. of tbe Treasury Benry Moreentbau (center) rot Into like for each other, these men reciprocal trade aveemenb to pr~ Wormal conversation with the Bon. J. L. Daey, minister of finance for rarely met, preferring to "work u •• "de Iree and open trade amonr Canada and cbalrman of that utlon'l deleratlon (len), and M. S. Stepatogether" through the maU. member uUOnl. an, clIalrman 01 the Russian deleeatlon. Tbese chat. belped to Iron out ERSATILE and a well-loved Three times, in fits of anger, Cold PalXllOUOIY tD tlU.ca4 Convessman DlclUtelD aimed a style is the jumper-jacket. For they broke oft their partnership l.-orpnl8e an lDternaUonai bank many of the lIDaUer problems. weD·deserved blast at Rankin. ' .un-tanning, gardening and sports, and tried collaborating with new IlIlEIIEP hi place. 'l'aIIIe that 1IIIInIF ror recenstrvctlon and development One of the most Important group. chip on Congressman wear ~e slim princess dress-the associates, only to find that neither look. AdcS lustre. K-. with a sabacrlbed capital 0' 9.1 hll- world price of wheat or other comshoulderIs a cinder In the lOUR haIr well groomed yU. DODe 01 doBar. 01 which &he UDited modity in terms of our own dollars, to give approval to Bretten Woods .could produce a successful work lIorolllllll HaIr ToDlo. Lam State. Ia to I1Il"Illlh · 3.1'75 bllllonl. wiD not be seriously disturbed by proposals Is the Committee for Eco- eye. . . • The Allied War Crimes without the other. HAl R bottl . . . 80ld 1IftI7Whera. Purpose ,01 the bank Ia prlmarUy to large tluctuations in the principal ex- nomic Development, headed by Paul commission announced that Hitler Quite Obviously That • , G. Hoffman, prelldent of the Stude- and ccmpany would be tried for facWtate 1I0taUon of loreJcn loau ID porting and Importinl countries. baker corporation. This group, made their war crimes. It II about tlrnel Was the Wrong QuestUJn private capital market. by providlDr stablUaed Currenclel. up of banker., economists and bUIII- To repeat a query : But wbat I. ; . ; . . . ; . . - - - - - - - - - - - - laternatlo"" .....ranteetl and to So the purpose of the IDternational Two G.I.II on a day off were mae lone-term capital loan. direct monetary fund I. to atablUze and nell leaderl would even give the In· holding up the trial of Hess? --.trolling along a suburban road 10 member natioDe lor apeclJlc proJ- promote a balanced growth ' of later- tel"llational bank turther power to ect. 01 recctDltrnction anl1 develop- national trade by Btablllrlng the make loanl for lons·term and Ihort- Sec'y 01 Commer'c e B, WaDaee outside London when they saw on term stabilization purposes, claim- will be named "Man of tbe Ycar" • hillside a building which said ment. value of aD currencies in. terms of Ing that under the present regula- by the Churchman a1; Its annual ban- over ita archway "Hall of ReWhy the need for these safe- eacb other; plIOgresslvely remove quet. Winkle and Baruch were 10 membrance"-the British phrase guards? FoDowing World War I barriers alalnst making payments tions, the bank doe. not have that boc oced. for crematorium. With usual G.I. American Inveltors took a beating, acrosl boundary lines, luch, as hlBh clear-cut power. There have been lome suggestion. --curiosity, one of them went in to and ib the late 19:;)s were caught In tariffs or other trade restriction.; What we'd appreciate learning lee what it was. an epidemic at defaults by foreign and to provide a supplementary. favoring the establishment 01 the from Justice Oymes II what be Moments later, he came out In debtors. Under the Bretton Woods lource of foreign exchange to Which bank, but suggesting that letting up has done about the defiant Wash- IUch a hurry as to give a distinct proposals, these foreign loans would a member country may apply for and operation of the monetary fund ID~D, D, C., Itay·up-late JoInt he had been assisted be investigated by the bank and then the anlstance necessary to enable be delayed until conditions abroad To the other's question . . guaranteed as to principal and in- It to maintain stable and unrestrict- lehle down to normality. It III polnt- whlcb (at lalt reptBrtl) remains opeD aU m.htT • ; • That Toledo to why the haste, the investigating terest by the foreign government ed exchange relationships with oth- e~ out, however, that the bank and theatre maDaeer "rbo kept open U the fund are clolely related, both In and the bank, Risks then, of inter- er member countries. an Diehl, too, what about him, 0.1. rep ed: concept and organization and that NEED THIS UGHTNING-MIT. national loans, would not faU on in· "Darned if I know, I walked Ja For lrultance, In some countries membership In the bank Is open oul7 Can't he be drafteel to belp pick vestors themselves, nor even on up the woun~ed anl1 dead' there were a lot of people in "HEAT TREATMENT". any one country,. but upon all of Importer. are not permitted to pur- to those wbo are members of the black atanding around a pit from , 00111 I., .ulCulor ach., and poln~ chase dollars required to buy goods lund. It is also pointed out that the the ct member countries. Obvious,p,oIn, ond strain, get you down. Juet pflI General PattoD, so the story goes, which flames seemed to be In the United States. ' In other coun· bank Is, to a considerable extent, ly the objective of this guarantee of 'on Sloan', Llnl",.nt and fee' thl' Ilghtnlnoof which Germany was an ex- dependent upon the fund for the ~ea­ was holding a me!~tlng with his ooming. Some of them were weeploans Is to encourage a IUbstantial tries, ample before the war, foreign trade Ion that the fund must first estab- .taff officers when the telepbone !Dg. All I said before I got thrown fast "".ot",.nt" "",."01. volume of private international inrang . • .. ThInking It was a friend, out was : lnIIanIIy to INfng you glorlau, wal disrupted by use 01 lo·called lisb values of the money. to be vestment which Is essential to our multiple currencies, or barter ar: flO",ron oncl rellefl loaned by the bank If there Is to the voice at the oUler end , of the .. 'HI, folks, what's cooking!' " own economic wen being, rangementB, and during the war be a smooth long-range planning and wire Inquired, "Hello, Is that youGreat Need for RebuUl1lne. you old sonovabee?" ' many new restrictions have been Investment program. Round-Trip.Pigeon France, Italy, ' Norway, Poland, devised because of military necesWhile most sound economists Undisturbed, Patton looked around l'1n1and, Czechoslovakia, a large sity. agree there must be some system of the room and then spoke Into the The U. S. army pigeon service "Which sdnclvabee do you area of Russia, the Balkan nations, The ope-ratioD of tbe monetary land Intemational control or agreement phone. has trained many homers to fly want?" he inquired. large sections of England, China, ,. IDtended to remove aU these re- after the war, th!! only alternative at night as well as to return to much of India and Burma, plus th.e Itrlctlon. and set up a standard and oftered hus been ' a system of bloc base 10ft when it has been AxIs . nations of Germany and Ja· uniform practice, cnrrency value agreements, These are regarded by Stranee Bedf!ill0w,,: John L, Lew- their moved from 12 to 15 miles during pan. have been laid waste by · the and exchanre rates 10 that Amer- many as dangerous, since such bloc Is, Sewell Avery and Fiorello La their absence. But the men have war, their productive facUities pros· Ican bnllnellS may have tbe rreatelt agreements likely would lead to a Guardia - Americans wbo defied 10 far succeeded in training only trate, their currencies depreciated, possible freedom In international world divided politically and eco- their government during the war. one pigeon to carry a message and many year s wiD be requi~ed for trade In the postwar era. The same nomically. Eventual conflict bethem to rebuild their export indus- freedom ,. Intended to be provided tween these groups would be likely. ."Now that the war de·p't!las stepped point and return. . Into the curfew controversy, the tries. They wiD require foreign cap- for business In the other countries, . Chance lor Leaderlhlp. , Lillie Flower of New' York hasn't a Ital to get under way. for Ireedom of blllllne.. wonld be Pointing" to the leadership the pot to bloom in." ... Telegram from In our own country we bave a tre- mean~lesl unle.s these other COUll- United States has malntl\lned during Miami Beach: "Wha t those magamendously enlarged productive in- tries accorded an equal mea.are 01 the war, 'fiscal experts bere declare zincs (which rapped Miami Beach) dustrial plant. Our agricultural pro- freedom to tbelr own people. that never before has this nation oc- neglected to add wal that since Deduction bas reached a new high of There bas been ' criticism aimed cupled such a key position or had cember 7, 1941. Miami Beacb graceefficiency. After the war our eco- at these proposals from 80me bank- such an opportunity to take over tully cooperated with a mldnl,ht nomic policy will be aimed at tuU ers On the grounds that they are world leadership in tbe economic curfew. But It was your mayor who employment and full utilization of contrary to .ound and estabUshed field. ,Governmental leaders, Includ- was first to violate It. Have you any Our agricultural and industrial facil- banldng practices. There has been Ing Secretary 0' the Treasury Henry comment to make about than" Ities, To realize these alms ne)'/' praise and approval from other Morgenthau, look upon the Bretton Taldng the words out of our mayoutlets for the products of farm and bankers. Woods agreements as just as essen- or's mouth, he once confessed: factory must be found and these tlal to world lleace and security as "When I make a mistake-it'. a As a matter of record, criticism prostrate foreign countries provide the Dumbarton Oaks agreements. beauU" a ready market providing that from bankers, at lellst some bank- Secretary Morgenthau maintains Ing group., has been directed at any American exports take the form of they are Inseparable. Hence bls urWhen General Els:eabower \'IiiAmerican Investments abroad- good departure fro", established custom, gent appeal to the congress for legisthat Is, custom and practice establted Parla after III IlberaUoD, he American dollars-for II these nalation which wiD Insure this natlon'l Uons are to buy' a large volume of lished by the bankers themselves. participation prior to the world par- anl1 several otllcen's Inlpected the' Emel Tower•••• At the For Instance, some banklng groups our productive machinery, our inley at San Francisco April 25. top, Elaenbower ieaned over the dustrl!!1 and agrIcultural products In criticized bank deposit Insurance. Acceptance by the congress of , the Immediate postwar period , Criticism was aimed at government these agreements before convening raO and viewed the city. • . • After a aUence 01 Several miDAmerican investors wl11 have to lend guaranteed loans on homes and of the delegates of United Nations utes an aide said: "A penny part of the purchase money. Under farms; at 20-year loans on homes at San Francisco, these leaden say, the tun.ctlons of the International , when the custom had been 8 to 1\ would'be taken as a happy augury of for your tIIourhts; ,eneral." ••• Elaenhower, visibly Impreued, bank, these investors will bave the years; at 4 and 5 per cent Interest this nation's sincerIty. It would give turned anl1 .ald: "Isn't thll a assurance that these Investments rates, when the practice had been notice to aD that the United Statell, wonl1erlul place to hang Adolf?" 6 to 8 per cent and higher. The~e are .ound and remunerative. practices today, however, are an ac· Instead of cbooslng economic IsolaUnder the operation of the mODe- cepted part of our domestic econ- tion, which would inevitably lead to The stol'1 In the rallettes that new pollticallsolatlon, Is already on rec· lary faIld, as dJstlnl'Dlllbe~ from the omy. motor cars may be nameless (after bank, for the protection of our III'ord with a determination 'to do our V-E Day) appeared here on July 10, Criticism from the larger Lntema- part toward the ahainment of world ye.tors, earreneles In aU these coun1944, Mr. Krug Is ,quoted al laylDg tional bankers has been directed at peace and security. tries mllllt be .tablllzed ID term. 01 "it Is very possible." . .' . Draft the Bretton Woods proposals, no .-old and at equitable rates of exIn a ' special message to the conchanre. The UDited States holds 80 doubt because governments ~m con- gress February 20, President Roose- boards have been Instructed to .order ,cent 01 the world's gold aupply. trol ftst:al and monetary policies on velt, relerring to the Bretton Wood. all "swishes" (now clBSsl1led 4-F) Economlstl paID. ont there mnst be . an international scale, and also be- proposals, said: "It Is time lor the IDto defense factories as ·IDe derp, Scme Broadway muslcaI'shoWI eUmlnatlon 01 exchange fluctuations, cause Interest rates under these pro- United States to take the lead In etc. will suffer most. ., discriminatory exchange prac- posals wW be lower, establishing the principle of economU_ S. Benefits Most. Uce., of compelltlve carrency depreic cooperation a8 the foundation for Before his death A. Woolcott aeciation., If the A.m erlcsn doUar Is Another criticism has been direct- expanded world trade. We propose .Igned hi, royalties 1rom the lalel to be protected. ed at the bank and the fund because to do this, not by setting up a of hli book, "As You Were," to care ,For instance, hoW can the Amer· the United States Is the largest sub- supergovernment, but by interna- for Beamen througboUlt the world. To Ican farmer be protected in the scriber. It II argued here, however, tional negotiation and agreement, di- date United Seamen' . service re'world market if a sizable wheat pro· that from any fair' standard, this rected to the improvement of the ceived $10,778 kom the late author's duclng country such as Russia ,and country should be the largest sub- monetary institutions of the world royalties , . • . Lt. Roland Hill (he Argentina can resort to monetary scriber because we have more to and the laws tbat govern trade • • . was Archbishop Spellman' ••ee'y In action which pla~es the wheat pro- gain than any otber country. We the International fund and bank to- Algiers) Is the tlrst CU. to run for .ducer. of those countries in a pre- have the money to lend, we have gether represent one of the most public office. Has a good chance to ferred position ~th respect to Amer- • large part of the world's gold and sound .and useful proposal. for in- be elected mayor or Minneapolis, Beyond the front lines ~i8h-explosive land mines lie hidden in the earthIcan wheat exporters? If the Amer- we have the facilities no other 'na- ternational collaboration now before pals report. He went overseas al a waiting for the unwary foot soldier! Portable, 'batterY-powered Mine DetecIcan farmer Is to continue to export tion bas to provide export goods In us," and General Eisenbower And that Is what the Bretton prlvllte, wheat 'or any other commodity, and the immediate postwar period. Lastpromoted him with bUlrs made from tors locate danaer and help clear the way" for tanks and Infantry. War-win. to receive a fair price in good Amer- ly, we have been untouched by the Woods proposals are designed to do Spam canl because no lieutenant ... a product of the best minds of nina weapons and Instruments use thousands of dry. Ican dollars fQr the product he sella ravages of war Insofar , as our mabars 1!Vere available In the fteld. the 44 United Nations of the world. at home, he must know that the terial wealth ~I concerned. batteries every day-that's why we're short of them on











Dr. B~ B, Kune, Dllnlster of BnanCe 'or ChlDa and cbalrman of tbe ChlDese deleeaUon, talkl over International financc " with Lora Keynel 01 England, famed econ~ mlat anl1 monetary Bl;Itborlty, who beadl the Brltllh croap of deleeatea. Chinese curreDc1 has been de..... ued by IDflaUoa, a renU of til. IODr war with ~apan. BrlUab bankers are cODcerned allout CIIJDeH IiDaDclal .labW&1, not only as ·part of the worlel' Dlonelary, .ltDatioa. but because of the estenllve BrlUall basIDea Interests In ChIna.

RecenUy we meDtlonel1 that the war manpower drive tn Newark was a big ftop. . . " W", Bot our data from the war department, a prett» good source, don't you think, • • . But Newark offici ilLs , and new •• papers (and the mayor there) spanked our wrists le)r the report. • .• So wot? So notblJig! New York papers contlrmed it' (many weeU later) al uaual. . . . You ,prob,ably heard of the Bo.ton bluebloocl who .aw "A Tree Grow. In Brook. 110" and then told fri81I1U that it . . . • ato17 "abOut peuaaW'l

the homefront. BuriUs Battery COmpany, Freeport, ill 'ood I. A. Wor Wecrpon - U.e If Wltelyl









Fish With Bifocal Eyes Easily See Up and Down



A strange litije fish with the scl-

~tift~ .name- of anableps dowel, lrihabltlllg streams in €entral America, hos tw eyes divi~ed in halves, two which look up when Iwfmming "On the surface and two which remain submerged, watchrut for e nemies in the water. The fish, r a nging in size from' liz Inches to a foot long, swims like an eel. Its upper eyes are adapted for s eeing long dlstances, while the lower halves are shortlighted.

---.." ,

MGd,. from "


THE STORY .THUS PAR: Lark Sball· non, wllole boue, Madoe, w.. laid to clear a debt wben ber fatller died••alll rrom En,land lor America. Davld North, wbom Ille lovol. "'a. to make tile trip wltll her but dl.appolnte ber by ,amae Ule nl,bl before. Lark', Ihlp ,0411 dowll but .h. reacbel land. &ad Galt WIUle, a bound IUVIlllt to Innkeeper COllY, IIndl ber 00 an Illand and brllle' ber fOOd. The two manaee to let a baiter on Lane· er. a lin. hone. wbo had elcaped rro~ tile ,'aklne Ihlp. Galt leave. for tile malnl.nd III bll boat, but rdule. to take Lark alonl, whlcb causel ber mucb WOIl' der aDd concern. In Ule evelllne he reo turn. wllh Con,. wbo question. Lark elalel.Y about everytbln,.

Premium GrtJins! :

CHAPTER VID U Cony should beat him . . . U She had only listened to Galt. had trusted him, when he tried to tell her In his lnar\lculate way that she mustn't come alone to the Inn. . . . She thought of Red RaskaLl out on the island, alone. hobbled . . . . He could get food and water, of course. But suppose the ponies came back and be tried to follow them into the ocean and drowned. . . . Galt tied up the yawl and Cony scrambled out, picking up a conch .hell and blowing a long Hutterlng walling note. The figure of • wom· an appeared In the Inn doorway, and Cony called : "Un. Magi Bide an' see Galt·, ftshl Galt he hooked up a wench for unl" He reached for Lark', hand, pulling her to the fiat. Mag said nothing, made no greeting, but simply stared at Lark while Cony told hJs story. They were walking up the beach now, past great mountains of oyster shells, gleaming In the last of the safTron sunlight. When Cony mentioned Lark'. lhreat to appeal to David North. Mag grunted. Mag iadled out a bowl 'Ot chowder for Lark and gestured her to a .huck·bottomed chal.r. As she sipped a little of the bot. strong .oup. Lark heard a scuffling whining sound In the back of the cooking quar· lers. Cony stepped to a slatted door, near the chimney, opened it. and let two gaunt black and brown hounds in. They came at once to Lark. noses twitchJng, great jaws slock, panting In the warmth. Like Mag. they stared at 'Lark, stared .olemnly and with a foolish sullen wonder, and then one hound dropped his big bulging head to his pawl and began a long. remote thread of sound. a heaving. sighing, wavering moan that ro.e, trembled, broke, rose again, getting stronger. roWng in from all the walls of the room Uke the purring of a wildcat. a throt· Wng, hurting. miserable howl Lark dropped her wooden spoon and clapped her bands over her ears unti! the sound shJvered and died at



I fi}




Pro,.. I. a "''''' fer _....... II,. . . .Ice, ..... _ • •e have ,.pol1. of •• 1".111. ., ........r ...... whiCh, ...,..... a ..rl.. .f II,hI. •• .... car or tndc .........nI, .111 .era .... ................. pra. . . . ,. allY tI,. II ....., what It

-....14 ....

"Ducb," .... amphibious 2"-I0Il truc:b now us.d by th. Army, ha.,. tlret that originally were designed by 8. F. Goodrich fat des.rt ute. Th. tlr.1 have broad tread and are '"wpllanaUy "ellibl. and light In weight•. Th... d ..ert tires which weM to 1.0 ore rend.rlng heiolc 1 .... le. In Ih. South PadRe and 011 the EuropeaD battl.fronts.

"Did Old Dog ,care un, sweet-" Cony broke off. glancing uneasily at Mag. "Old Dog don't like un's ' smell. Lark." Mag's eyes were flxed on Lark with clear hostWty. "She be ill luck. Let her get on to Norfolk, I say. Put. her out." Cony snapped his ftngerl and the two hounds buddled back In the cor· ners of the hearth. "Us keep 'em chained . at times," Cony said, "an, letl 'em free at others. . . . Old Dog whiff 0' Galt about Lark, Mag. Old Dog never cared for Galt. She ben't bad luck. Mag. The Car· ,oe Riske'll pay dear for her." Mag came to Lark and Ilngered the stufr of ber drels. "It·. none so fine." she .ald brief· ly. "An' IUPPOS!.t us glts the Car· goe Riske on our necks, an~ no mono ey for the wench?" "Ma tson. then, " Cony whined. "Matson'd pay nice for a Cargoe Riske man', woman. Be un North', ~ fOR QUIC1lI1K111' woman. Lark?" Mag and Cony talked q~te as freely as lf Lark had been deaf. Matson wafi' clearly a man they ~_ 117 thoaslJl4l wltIi ..tJ.r~ NO obeyed and feared. Lark gathered ea1ta lor 40 ,..a,....lI: .alaabla ~ that be had a rendezvous here. that ...... Get Carboll at dna _II or wm. he was due in from a sea trip at 'pvlock·Heal Co.. HuI1YW., Tea. any time, that neither Mag nor Cony knew David North except by name and bis connection with the Cargoe Riske Company. Mag, BU' perstltious and plainly jealous of Cc>IIY. was in favor of Itarting Lark CO... for Horntown, ' and not holding her for ransom. Old Dog wal a sureout slgn.glver. Ma'g held. But in the end, Cony over·rode her. Cony's argument and her ,own unconcealed ,reed. .T he next few days were ftUed with the very 'fee~ and pull of active, anxlota waiting. Lark, doing the rough duties Mag and Cony gave her. had no idea what they expected to do with her. Both of them were busy. preoccupied, watching the sky.line from time to time, smelling the wind, when it rose, Uke animaI.. "SmeUin' for .the Runnymeade." Cony explained to Lark', one clear morning. licking hil tInger, boldin, It up, anlfting It, then. "She', ,ot. .tlnk ilke a de~d whale, sweetmeat." ·Never,' in these six dais, had Lark had a chance to talk to 'Galt. alone.' She was half wild with anxiety for him, for Red Raskall out on lbe Ia· land, for herself. She waln't aura Galt had been beaten that ftrat night. ~t there walt-no hint al:lgut ~Ia aur17. hanadog creature, cd the QUick, brave , 10ung man who had . . ACID 11"'....1'I0Il emer.ed for a UtUe ~e, frOm the Quln.a-dlell cd Galt, that abort time ~~ " 1M. bad IPfJ't with him OD the ... ~1\ = : g~

.,;':I·J1 I


Which of his two. wives will hi


... -


-; -



toward the shore:. AUaa l'rlOIID~ Co.." N. W. The capta in's boa t. flng fl ying, was coming now. A slim and rather FOR-S-ALE elegant-looking man In a block cape ONE AIR lIEATER stood In the stEtrn, and when the Oaa tired . • urf...... mbuoUon . Prleed low. II. ."014 C.mpaD,. Cln.IDD." :II. 0 ..... ship's officers in the small-boat addressed him obsequiously as "Dr. Matson, sir." La rk peered at him INSTRUCTIONS with Interested clUrios lty and uneasl· Tap D"D.ln~ E.11I7_ A • •• mpl/. laed. :run-ness. exercise- reduce. Excep. off•.r: Booklet cont. belinne r· •. couraa. 2 prof. routine.. A small·boat of glpsies. losing Its 25a. (Wa r StD mp "cce pted.1 LImIt aup. course. careened across the path ot cr.... Studlo.lDt 71 8lrw.od, DeLroll.lllea. the captaln's bo a t and was heartily cursed. A gipsy man laughed impu· SOYBEANS dently and bent his head over a ftd· .4Iblo/lo,lIo"o.. B.nlel·I.UI,Ja,erml.aU. . die, sending a scrap of melody 1 to 20 lba .. ~po.t o lte paid .... lIBo p.r 110" 20 to 100 lb . .. F . O. B. Orrville . . 150 per 110" acrosl the water', tenuous, passion' 100# 10 100 bu. F. O . B. Orrville. 100 per 110" ate . . . . C08h with order or C. O. D. C . O . D. b y Parcel Pos t Only. No enmple.. And then Lark noticed the big glp. W. C. IIARTIN _ . ORRVILLE. 081" sy with the oarll. the black·haired gipsy behind the fiddler. the laugh. Ing gipsy with thEl Red RaskaU hand· kerchJet twisted about hill throat, and she called once, "Davidl" She rushed from the shack, then, following the course of the boat, but the big gipsy gave her no look of recognition, and Lark knew that she mustn't call again, prayed that nobody had heard her call his name. a moment ago. Because It was Da· vid, and he must have made the trip with the glpsies in an effort to get the proof that he needed. of Matson'S cblcanery. "See anybody you knowed, un Homemade Breads Stimulate Appetites (See Recipe. Below) . Lark?" Mag asked. " Did un call out, just now?" Let's Bake Breads "No," Lark said. consc1ou. of LJDD Chamber.' Galt'. reproachfllll back al he took Point-8avinr Menall. U you want to fill your home with the yawl back on Its last lap. "I wa. just thinking bClw-beauUful the" delectable aroma, there's nothing Beef Tongue with Raisin Sauce like freshly baked are. gipsles. That young girl and Rlced Potatoes breads with boy-there, with the old woman with o Cabbage Au Gratin which to do it. the white hair. They are twin.. -Homemade Bread WIIIM CONmPATION mat .. ," f", Saturday baking aren't they?" pIlIllI u the dickens. bf!,n.p OD atomadl Carrot-Orange Salad is somethIng Mag looked at Lark quletly for a apaet, 'Oar tatle PII1 dIacomfoI«. Rhubarb Betty whJch the present take Dr. Csldwenls famoaa med1c:1ae long moment. Then she laid. "I Beverage eo qtd~ pull the trluer 011 q "lao generation knows don·t know. I don't care, and neiiWU" ud IleI» fOIl feel bdIId ... -Recipe Given little or nothing ther does un, IW4!etmeatl" cbipper qa1n. It was early th4! next morning be- about, because it's so easy to buy DR. CALDWELL" I. til. WOIIIIedaI_ DB Iuatlwe conlll.aediD road old s,n, fore Lark got the chance for a word 1I0od bread. Bake in a moderately hot oven (400 ~ eo mat. '110 NIJ eo tab. Breads should be light and tender, with Galt. The .c ourtyard wal d.e14' 425 degrees) 40 to 45 minutes. IIANY DOC'IOIt. DIe pepaiA preJItnserted. and he crossed cautious17 tender crusted and flavor-packed. U you like rolls often. partIcularly lIollIiD prelCriptiOD. to mat, Ch. mea. Hard to do? No, easy If you follow for break1ast. may I suegest you from his hut to talk with her. dn. more pAlatable ud eo tab. 80 be lilt. yoar Jualift is _ HI. eyes were reproachful. Ihe instructions. Many are the cooks keep this recipe for sweet dough tliDe4iD SJlUP PepalD. thought. "I'm Ilorry. Galt." Ihe who have baked perfect bread tbe conveniently at hand? It will make INIiIT ON DR. CALDWELL'S-a.,.. looked up at hJm. "I just couldn't first time they've tried. enough dough for 2 coffee cake. or yodte of mllUOIlI for SO Jean, ud f", Kneading is Important. but this is 3'h dozen sweet roUs. keep from caUin,~ out when I saw that wholeaom. nJlef from _1tIpe. not difficult. This is done by push· David." IIoL BnnllllldIJ chDdreD Ion ,.. Foundation 8_et Doucb. "Be you sure it 1was North, dressed Ing the heeillart of the palm down Z cakes yeast CMITIONt u.. olllJ u 4Irecte&. into the dough and folding over, then in them gipsy rags?" -% cup lukewarm water repeating the process over and over She nodded. " ,I couldn't be mt.. 1 cap milk taken. It was David, right enough." agaln. Once you establish the rou· % cap butter or substuute "Did he see you? Did he give Une. there's a kind of fascinating % ~up sUltar rhythm to It. The dough should be heed to your cam" 1 teaspoon saU kneaded until satiny and smooth. "No," Lark admitted with relucZ errs ' Don't try to hurry up the rising .CONrAINIO 1M tance. "He didn't speak, but he 5 oaps enriched flour had good reason not to. I know process. It takes just so long. ~nd Soften yeast In lukewarm water. that 1 should Illa ve waited for a ,ood bread can't be hurried along. Scald milk. Add butter, sugar, syrup The temperature should be fairly and salt. Cool to Ilgn from hJm btlfore 1 called." "I would have spoke, Lark." Galt warm, arpund 80 to 85 degrees Fah· lukewarm. Add 2 said with quiet 88liurance. "I would renheit for bread raising. cups flour and It you want to avoid the dark beat well. : .......,," .OWI .... have spoke you lure. had I been Add streaks in bread, add all the flour softened David North." yeast. Lark said, "You don't understand, at the time of mixing. If added lat- Beat eggs and er, flour gives a coarse texture and add. Mix thorGalt. D'avid knO}'iS what', best." Mag came bustling Into the court· makes unattractive streaks in the oughly. Add reo t..,::::........l-~--l.-,,-I yard then and said, "Galt, I told un bread. molDing flour to Two processes are used in mak· Tum out on lightly floured board and .take the pony·beast and tumble·cart ing bread. U the sponge method Is and go haul the morning's catch of knead until satiny. Place In greased employed: the yeast Is allowed to bowl, cover and let rise until dou· rock·flsh up from the cove." Cony had been watching them. work in a batter-iike mixture be- bled In bulk. Punch down. Shape He was squatting at the fllr side of fore other ingredients are combined Into tea rings. rolls or coffee cakes. the courtyard opening the morning'. with it. In the straJght method, all Place on greased baking sheets or haul of oysters wl11b his little cobby- Ingredients are combined at once. in greased pans. Cover and let rise Lark thallked him aDd pa' them on. knife, dumping the plump bodiea U you are trying to save on sug· until doubled in bulk. Bake In a watching, waiting for the excitement into a dirty buckEtt and tossing the ar, here Is a good recipe to follow moderate oven (375 degrees) 25 to 30 minutes for coffee cakes. 15 to 20 of the landing. It was then that empty shells onto the huge mound for making bread: minutes tor rolls. -EnrIched Bread. Galt managed to get Lark unseen, whJch extended al:ros. the back of the court, walllng it in, almost. Honey.()ranre Rolls. (Makes 4 1-pound loaves) into his shack. The remainder o:f the morning wal 1 recipe FoundaUon Sweet Doach 1 cups milk "Bide un here." He was alert, ea% cap boney % cup IICh' corn syrup or' honey ger, now. "I'll cargo in a load and spent in a busUe and confusion of preparation for the .. night's feast. Z \ablespooDS grated orange rlnd 41 teasPOODS .. It pick un up from thl. 'window hole. The only interruption was when the When dough Is I1ght, puncb down. 1 tablespoons shortenlDC Bide now. quletl" Let rest 10 minutes. Roll out to I · cups water He gave her his Uttle spy-glan, gip,y · fiddler and the white-haired rectangular inch 1 cake yeast fetched lately from his treasure gip,y with her twin bo" and 'irl 9 inches wide. with cup water (lukewarm) cache and hidden here. "I lend It whom Lark had noted last night and sprinkle with orange rind even· 12 cups .Ilted eurlched Bour to un." he said, and Lark smiled and came down from the camp on the hill to ask if they could buy a supply said sbe would be careful. Scald milk. Add syruP. aalt, lY 'over honey. Roll up jelly roll ot fish for the noon·pot. .hortenlng or water. Cool to luke· fashion. sealing edges. Cut into Lydia B. P1Dklwn'. Vegetable Calllo Coloring. he reached into hi. pock. Lark loved to question them about I-Inch alices. Pla41e cut side ct.own pound 11 Illmoua not onl,. to reUeve et and brought out the string of blue David but got no chance to do so. warm. Add yeast In well greased muffin pans. Cover perlodlo pain but ALSO accoms-nJ1q which has been beadl. "nus be, yourn." he said AI Mag took a amall silver coin tlred hlgbltrwlg feeU.llpand let rise until doubled in bulk. nervoua, when due to runcUonal monUll)t ctIIhesitantly. "I give thl. to un-to from the woman. bit it. and dropped loftened in If. cup Bake In a moderate oven 20 to 25 turbauOCll. Talten regu]ar1Y-lt heJ,pa you. 1 want you should have thl', It Into the leather pouch that hung lukewarm water. bulld up realiltance Bia1Dat such symp. minutes. Add flour gradutoms. Pinkham'. Compound he'~ noLark." at her lide, bidding them ftU their Variations for Sweet Dough: Add tv.1 J'oUow label dlreotlolll. Trfltl Lark thanked him and put them kettle from the load of rock·dsh Galt ally: mixing it 2 cups raisins to Foundation Sweet ''-.J~~ ~ /110 __ 0 __ .~ mET'" on. He left the shack and soon the had brought in, It.ark studied the thoroughly. When dough Is stifJ. place on lighUy Boured Dough and bake In two loaves for ~~~ callJaYI. yawl slid out of her berth. The Run· .aroup. raisin bread. board and knead until satiny and ny was still, now. Lark could see Quick Coffee 'Cake, As they Icoopedl the shining Ilth the saUors hurrying about on her into their copper katue, the ftddler smooth. Shape Into smooth ball. (Malle, 1 8 by 8 mob cake) . reddish aged decks, could see the leaned lazily agaln,st the wall of the Place In greased bowl Cover and 1% cnps .lfted flour anchors take water, hear the shout. inn. In a moment hil languishing let rise In a warm place unW dou· I tellpoons bakln, powder and excitement of coming to land. In eyes fastened on :Lark and he be- bled in bulk. Punch down. Let rise ~ teaapooD ..U again. When llght, divide Into 4 the dying light she could see the gan ·to .ing: 1 e.c equal portions. Round up each por· casks ' and baskets lowered Into the % cup IIch& corD syrup or boney "Agur, Bettlrt, tion Into a smooth ball. Cover and waiting boats, Into Cony's and % cup mUk ' Ongi ethorrl, let rise 10 to 15 minutes. Mold Into Galt's, and onto a great awkward 3 tablespoons mortem, Bizi zlradeya oraino? loaves. Place into greased pans barge, poled by Negroes who ' had Sift together flour. baking powder Bal, Blzi nalz eta blzl gogo and let rise until doubled In bulk . . come down the hill path from the and salt. Beat egg. add syrup, milk Hartzekoak bil arieralno." mysterious gray .tructure among and shortening. Blend thorough~v. "I .peak every language." the the lilgher trees. Add to flour mixture, sUrring only Lynn Bays: W,ild Negro slaves. Lark could man boasted to Lark. "I am Glnko, enough to moisten flour. Pour over WNU-E If-45 . a great musician and singer. 1 lee them, chained, herded 011 the apricot or prune layer In greased the love songs of every nation know 8wee' Toppings: The founda.hlp to the waiting small boats . . . . square pan or top with cinnamon tion recipe for rolls may · be Several boatloads of glpsl.e s. chat- and of every tribe. In what speech crumble mixture. Bake in a modvaried many times to give vari· tering. arguing, gesticulating, would you have. me aing for you, erate]y hot oven (400 degrees) 25 my little dove?" ety to rolls and coffee cakes. swarmed' over 'the shJp's sides. The minutes. . The gipsy woman spoke to hel' Here are several good toppIng ·sailors • . every color, every nation. Apricot or Prune Layer. suggestions: ality. it · leemed to Lark. looking children with great dignity: "Chal, Ma, WIU'D of DI..,rdered .(For (Joffee Cake) MiX ~ cup sugar, 2 tablespoollB through Galt'. little giaSI now, were DOlta. it Is enough. We will have Kidney Aotion ,% cup ~oppecJ cooked apricots or putting their aea·sacks over, hurry. Ilth a·plenty tor the ~Irrla." She nod· grated orange peel and 2 tableKodenl uta wltb Ie. hul'f7 and WOI'f7. " prunes , '"-alar habit., lniproper _t~_,.. ing the landing. It was a scene of ded Uke an empress to the inn· spoons orange juice on top of cof· '1 ..blespoon baUer or .ubstitute driIildD~e. rllk of upooun and ...._ fee cake during the last 10 mincolor, of contrast, of quick Uving keeper and hi, wUe. The boy and tloa-tlirowa hoaV7 .twn 011 doe " • • 1 \ablespOoDl bone" or U,bt corn 01 ebe Iddo8f8, Thily .re apt to ~1118 beauty, but with it was the itench of girl smiled· with 1111 frlendllnell at utes of baking., O\'tMUed and .all to lllter u _ .... 8)'r1Ip , aad other tmparltlee Irom tbe 1u.cI~ ruth and misery. the moans of the Lark and slung thl! dUeCl ketUe beOr: cream 't ogether 2 tableBleqd ingredients thoroughly and tween them on a stout stave. Ginko, blood. ' '. manacled ilavea. spoons of butter with 4 tablespread over bottom ot greased pan YOQ JIIQ~ lUllar unlal ~ . 'A lain and again the boats made with an exaggerately low bow, blew ,poo.n s brown lugar, ~ cup nut1aeaduII .. cIlalneoa, ptt/nl gp DIP.. before pouring In batter. lee p.l.... l1felll~~'" ~ . ~' , the trip to shore and back. Each a kisi in Lark's direc~o~ and fell in meats, chopped, and cup cocoCbinamoD enlmble ToppiIJ,. tired. D""OIII, all wore ollt. v _ time. Galt eased the yawl' .a littie line behind them, lIi1dllngal be·went. nut. Spread on colfee cake jtat oIlddoay or bladder Z "blel)lOODI batter or sabetta. tI_ bliralq. eaAlJ' « .. Lark felt that lf Oinly she could fol· a few minutes before It tlnisbe. nearer the river Ihack, ancI Lark :& tablespoona .urar . felt; now: thla time, be'll beckon me low them for a little way alon, the 'l'I7 Dod.· P-iUa. Doer/. WP. ..,. baking a.o d bn>'!I'JI under broiler. % cap Boar . _ ~ to 'a m_""~iI . and-we'll try to ,et awa:r-If. near· wooded pa~e might be able to _~~ Mix 2 tablespoons butter with ~ cap dI7 bread cramba lead them bito talk ilnd perhap. have , V& cup lugar, 3 table.poons dour, 11 dark, Jiear11. .. . . ~ at pabUo _appronL Are"C % teaapoea oIDnamOD . Tbe huge. bar,.. poled .., tile lome word of Davhl. WbJ, perhap, ....... ~m..... - · ' . , · ~ teaspoon each cinna~im anll Mis all' to.ether with a fork untU four Negroes. pad tbe aback It bad been for thi. very reason the" ~"''''''' '. IWtmel and \1 cup ch9Pped nutmixtUre 11 or the coDllltency of where Lark waited. It wa. loaded bad come to the Inn. The sudden meats. SpmrOOe on top at quick cOa1'1le crumbt. SpriDkJ.e ovw bat,. with IiPI, wa,ODa and a number tbouiht came to her now a. tbeJ cotree cake batter. ter befon baklD•• of their .hOrl.. U moved poDder- . .e leavin•• ~ __ bir 1'. . .1'11 1f_lIIaper v.... ('1'0 81: CONTINUED) 0\1111, preearloully and un~

too carefully watched. ·And always . there .were the two great hounds, chained when Mag and Cony were at leisure freed when they were , busy with their chores. It was on this seventh day. September twelfth. according to her reckoning. that a sail was sighted. Immediately a feel of hurry and excitement caught the place. Cony took a cart and drove to market for fresh meat. Mag changed the ' filthy brown calico for a pink one. set Lark and Galt to .anding the. tables, swabbing benches. watering the dusty earthen 1I00r. It was then that Lark and Galt bad a cbance to talk, just I littlescant words wben Mag left the room. It was the Runnymeade, all right, Galt said. Matson and one of hi. ruthy blackbirders. . . . Maybe. just barely maybe, he and Lark might get away during tbe contu· slon of the landing. . . . Red Ras. kall was safe. Galt had been to the island twice to see to him. . . . U the yawl was left unchained he would contrive to let Lark know. and they could try again to ,et away, try to go for the horse, and sail on down the COlllt with him. . . . Galt had been baH·crazed with worry over Lark'i latety. He refused to answer when she asked about the lashing. but he was frantic to get her away before Matson saw her, he Baid al much. The Runny would weigh anchor about dusk. he thought. That would be better than broad day. He watcbed the sky.. . . Cony had gone out to meet her in a dory. Galt was to follow in the "awl. Mag was at the river point,



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United Nations' Parley Holds Hope of World ,


-:- L E S SON .:By HAROLD L. LUNDQUIST. D, D . Of The Moody Blbl. Inltltule a1 CblC81O. Rel.n.d by Wutern NewlPaper Union.

Russia Important Factor in Outcome of Peace Conference; U. S. Delegation Working for Successful Formula.

New Chemical Aid. Farm Productioln Many Weed .C ontrol Problems Answered

By BAUKHAGE N_. Analyu and CommentatOl'.

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... .

.:• ...• ·· : COUGH LOZ.G. . :


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: Rtall, looth'n, becaule they're : yccaU, mtd'(4Eed. Each F ci F : Couab LoIeDp givea your throat ' -: a 16 minute eoothiDC tlutiDeaL , tb~ reaches /11/ eM way down ••• be: low the ,ar,le line. Only II¥ box.

: : : :


: •••..•.................•••.......••:

FLUSH KIDNEY URINE Be.e6t wnderfaII, &.. ......

. . . . . .tisConr1 that nIiens ....b .........-don feeliq ... .. ~cett aciditJ ill ... .me

Fear 01 RuPia Slaael•• Future It la clear that suoh doubt and suspicion as may have arilen a. to the poulblUty of tallur. of achtevement of world cooperaUon arise. cble8y from on. thing: 'ear of RUllla. Next II the t.elln, In lOme quartera that Churchill'. Inabtltty alwa;. to get alon, with Stalin bode. III tor triparty barmony ~d feel that the United Statu Instead of tryln, to bring the two togeth.r mould Identify Am.rican Intere.u more closely with Britain a. opposed to tho •• of Ruslla. Then there II atill the unhealed aore which President RoolI.velt· a personal emilllary. Edward F~ h81 been trying to beal. the friction between the Vatican and the Krem·



lafecdOaa work fut ••• on Uweatodl .. "eli u h,UIDIUl belnae. K.eep JOur e,. ~ for aWlor burna. ..ddl. or collar . ..Ua. bl'u'l _ and fleSh wouiul.. Smart .toduneia ha". reUee! 'or


,.uS on .,othlna

tlm.-t_tei! .

Dr~..·.AntlaeptlClOlJ.lteep II _lwad f . aa~d~ IUld

... ODI1u directed ••• don't '..,.a.r,ctloaaclwlce,Mt ),our _ . . . . .t·L · ~ - ..

Lastly and perhaps more disturbIng II what appears to be unllateral actlon toward small countri.. on the part of Ruaala In spite of the Yalta agreement. Now those persons Uke Vic. Presl· dent Truman. who take the more posittve and more hopeful view. feel that Borne of these factors have been built Into bogey·men, that granted they exisl as facta. that ChurchiU and Stalin don't always see eye to eye and that even less sympathy ex· i,tl between the Cathollc church and the head of the Communlst party. none of these situations need ailect the creaUon 0' an International organization. . As to tear of Russia. Well, frankly. ~ cannot understand the workin,s



The cherl)' blossoms In Washlnllton ~at sPrina by 2~ bo¥l'~wblch show. that even the good old .plrit of competition and 'free ent.rp'Jiae ia lavored by Nature hera~

• • •

About the onl1long·horn cattle left are the 011•• ID the Wa.hln.wn 100, the .tuJ!ed ciDe at the HOUI\OD airpod and the photo'rapha of th.m 'ID the Teza.'. oale... '

Bible history II a story of men of faith called and used of God to C8 rry out His purpose' in the world. These thrilling accounts of worthwhile lives are to be our special concern during the three montbs we study the history of Israel and of the Church. I. A CaU and a Covenant (Gen, 12: 1. 2). God was now ready to make known His choice ot a man to be NDULGE in a riot of color 10 the father of His chosen people. He these "South of the Border" tea went down into Ur ot the Chaldeea towels. Make gay caballeros and hl the midst of heathen worship. BD.d senoritas in cross-stitch. called out a man who had faith In the true God, Brighten your kitchen with cross·IUtch Abram. "when he was called to 110 toweIL Pettern 1159 contalnl a transfer out Into a place which be should pattern or &even 'motifl averalinl II~~ b,after receive for an Inl)eritance, 'I Inchel. Due 10 an unusually lar,e demand and obeyed; and he went out. not know· eurrent war condJUona, IUghtly more time Ing whlthcr he went" (Heb, 11 : 8). Ia required In filling orders for a few vi The Lord called him out from his the mo.t popular pattern numbers. Senel your order 10: own land and kIndred. to get him away from his heathen forebears and their worship; God wants sep8ewID, Clrele NeedJecraft Dept. au W. Bndolpll St. Cll.lcalo 10, m. arated believers in our day. too Enclole 16 cents for Pattern (read and ponder n Cor. 6: 17. 18) . No . _ _ _ _ __ That call comes to every believer. ___________________ To those who are to serve Him, 8pray &0 KID WeedJl. there ' is a definite call much Uke Adclrel;L'___________________ DOZloua planta that cam. up later Abram's (see Matt. 10:37·39), With the call came a grellt cov· from weed leeda that were not LOVELY INDIAN enant, a seven·fold promise given In caught by the lint spra,.. PRINCESS, SAVED CAPTAIN JOHN Spon.or. Prol1i.ion. Other weecla reacUly IdllE!d by the Genesis 12:2, 3. That covenant God SMITH BY fliNGING HruELJ For Adjustment. compound, accordin, to a lIovern· repeatedly renewed witb Abraham UPON HIM AS HER fATHER. Though It Is generally agreed that ment report, Included cllllckweed. and his ' descendants, It has been WAS ~»OUT TO BEHEA~ HIM. the support of the American people plaweed, woodsorreJ. knotweed and partially fultUled. and God has put Himself on record that every bit of 01 any international organlzaUon ot broadleat dock. which Russia il a part depends on Well •• tablilhed blue It'ass wa. It shall be completed: He keeps His FAMOUS A$ A the conduct of the Kremlln between Dot Injured by the potent n.w herbl~ promises. Why did God c~oose Israel? It If )'00 thumb-tack waxed paper SYMBOL Of PllMV · now and the end of the San Fran· c1de. Th. creepm, bent It'alse. cllco conterenc., Senator Vanden· were found much Ie.. realstant was an acl of His sovereIgn grace. to the pastry board before rolling ANn SWEET, WHOLEberg gael farther than· that. He I8YI to It but reslatant enoullb to permit not based on their merit or lIood- out the pastry, the dough won·t SOME GOODNESS, THE NU-MAID that ~e support 01 the neceasal)' the ~ of IUIceptible weeds nesl. He had a threefold purpose: stick. -eGIRl. l'ERSONIFlES two-thirds of the United Statel .ea- without beln, d ••troyed themaelve•. (l) That they should be the repolI· tOl)' for HI. truth (the Old Testa· Macblne stitch the dra. . OIl THE Q!iJ.Y ate tor any organization which reeThe I+D acld'a effect on .usceptl. ment) iii the earth; (2) that they pop'. and junior's pajamas ftrmly MA'RGARIN! ognlzea lnternatlonal organization hie w.ecla and cJQver la much dltIhould be the channel for the com· at center back. Then it'sless Ukely depend. upon In.erUng lnto the went from that of other chmlical Ing of the personal Redeemer to the to become detached and get caught CElmflED BY document which deflne. it, what h. herbicide.. In.tead of producln, a MAKER. lOBE earth: (3) that they Ihould be ana· in the washer. calla an "escape clause." That e.. local bumln, effect. and de.troyina -TABLrGRADE! tional witness to the on. true God --e-cape el.ause would permit the reo onl.1 a part of the ~t, it .pread. amid the naUons of the earth. ildJus~ ot certain condlUons now and kIJl.t the enUre Plant, flOOti and Reinforce Jour heaVJ bath towThey accompUlbed two 'of these. el8 along each side with a bind- t«I.MA!O . . . . . .1eI, chIIcaIII . . . . eD.Un,. certain sore .potl which he aD. but '~ned In the la.t, and are now ing of one-inch tape. Strengthens . . .1IIoN ef ....... feel. Th. e.. .._'_ _ under God', judament for that .In them tor the hard pulling men cape may clausbecome .• would cancers. permit the .d Nations to .scape from any reand fallUM. 'ryln,. and bOYI give them rubbtng-hard otIIer ~ striction which prevented what they Agricult,ure D. ObedleDc. IUId OpportuDlty after shower baths. feel il the rigbUng 01 wroDlI. (Acta '1:,.7). --eIn the News Abram went out at God'. com"1njuatice," aay. Vandenberg. "II A bit 01 elastic will eaae the By W. J. Dryden mand. even though be knew that it strain on sUp straps. Salvage bits a strait ,acket and you can't keep meant Bullering and trial, being obe· the world in a strait jacket." dient without question or hesitation. from discarded garments. and sew Of course. there are a lot of Pollsh 'COW OF CHINA' Bible history reveals that God de- to the strap just where it f~steDS vote. In Vandenberg's constituency at back. Straps that give easily Recorded In hi.tol'J' alnce . 2838 B. light. to do mlahty thingl for- thOle are less likely to pull holes in the and a member of congreas II .uch by virtue of. and the powers he ell· C.. eoybean. have com. into th.1r who give HIm unquestionlnll obedi- lace at the top at the slip. erts are delegated by, the people own al a leading Am~ricaD fum ence. --eGod did great things for Abra· WAil'•• '0 BUr who put him in office. Nevertheless. crop. For centurle. the Buddhift When eonvalescClnt chlldren are bam. and yet he did not live to lee monks have lived Ism WIPIIIU.~S. tllWI he Is not IpeskJng merely for hli _ I . NIl &CCIIIIIU chiefly Gn lOy- the tulIlllment of the promise. He able to sit up in bed they need a Pollsh constltuenta when he talkl about Including In the jurisdiction of bean ch'eeae-to- knew It WRI to be so. reallzinll that place upon which to draw or colOur fi&hlins DIeD oveneu and st homa want and need the band in· day w. are llter- God',' plan was to be carried out III or. By opening only two legs of a the United Nations. the administer. atrume'llli IpnS idle and forsot. all7 A,bUn, a the cblldren which be did not yet folding card table. it may be ing of justice. That is the trade· placed over the side of the bed and len in AlDeracan homes. Sell tliana mark he wanta to put on any orwar with '07- have (•••. Heb. 11:9·11). to UI. Thoy be reconditioned Here la a leSion for u.. Our falth will take the place of a bed tray. beBDI. ganization which comes out 01 San --e- ' and resold tor _ by .h. ·mea or So;pbeana are toda,. and the measure ~ which we Francllco. Uad. Sam· .. · Armed Forces-w. U smaD bits 01 leftover fooc1J one of the f.w apprehepd u,. It'ace ot God for lit. Other member' of the dele,atlon 8Uuanlee itt Write rull informafqod productl ID and aervice, will bless not onI,. w,- are placidJii small jars for the ' have trademarka of their own. But .lioa. indlldilll akin, prico 10: but Qqr children (PI. 103:17). For refrigerator. sev.eral at them wblch the proteiD aI nearly al I can judge all ar. ,.... • .."rll.'•. rll. CODteDt ia ' im- their lakes we ought to leek to In· m~y be placed in one pan of wawilling to make considerable .acri· . . . , .......... AW-. '"-1.P our ter and reheated tor servink This proved b)' cook· creRle the aplritu.l heriteae lice ot their perlonal viewi. rather _to ......., .1IOIdpI1I.~Y" fa"miliOi. Certalllly we mould do ma)tes one pan do the trick mstead than Ihake the world'. morale with iDa. nothin, to bU,bt their live. (Exocl. of having several small onea ~ failure to produce. anythlna Amona th. food ~. of &07b.ana wuh. and soybean 011 are morten1lIl'. mar- M:'lJ. • On. may not be able to boalt cd _____________________________....:....__________ The latety record of the raU- prine. .alad drellina. bUU7 roacla In the present war II much ,ood.. le. cream" macaronI. lIour. the ' greatnel' and linene.1 of one', milk, bean curd, 10,. Illuce, dl. anceatol1l. but one can b. deterbett.r' than that In the Fir.t World _betic tood., ~usaie Illler. cand1 mined by the lTac. of GOd to be a war. the Interltate Commerc. com· ,ood anceltor_ and .UbsUtuteL million , report,. Oblerv. that Abraham'. obedlThe industrial UI•• Include palntl. Thla ia true. the commission point. enc. opened up the whote hilltol)' 01 out, despite the fact that there hal Varnishel. enam.... Unoleum. on- blellln, and uaefulne.. to the entire been a lubatantial increaa. In the cloth. tabrlcs. protective coatlnl rna· nation of Israel. a hiltory not yet lalt 'ew yean in the number 01 accl- terial, lecithin for mineral 01l, IOAIII. concluded by any meana. ThInk dentl arillng from the operation of etc.. rubb.r lubltltute. Prlntln~ lnk, what opportunity he might have detraina and the number of casualU•• adh.sive.. plaIUC.. leather tanner. medicine. Iynthetie wool, bee food. .troyed by disobedience. reaultlna therefrom. m. A FamUy lUll! Ita Faith (Acta "It appears," the commission beer element and .. food for U.,e'1: 12-1'1). • atock and poultry. say.. ''that for each claaa of perStephen, a portion of whose ad.on the fatallUe. were much It'eatdrell ot detena. before the councD er In World War I than they were In II her. betor. us, reviews the hlaDistillers t GraiDs World , War n. the total for all tal)' of G,?d·. deaUn,s with larael. classea belnll 10,087 In 191'1 and High In vltamln B complex. cHI- Traclng the Une down througb Abra9,286 In 1818. compared with un tillere' . dried lII'aIna. avallabl. In In 1942 and 5.051 In 1943. iii the two mo.t 10caliUes. can be prolit:ably ID- bam. Isaac. Jacob and JOieph, he recalls how God provided a haven decades prior to our entry tnto the eluded iD the wartime poultry raof plenty for th.m iD EJnlt unW present war. notable progreBl wa. tion. they were r.ady to b. brought up mad. in reducing raUway accl· Recent experimentl at Purdu. dent., and especlaUy those r.sulUng have proved that the cHsWer-.· drIed Into the possession of their InheritlAC'" She talIte4 about It aD tbe UANa WlU'. It.. fUn to maD tbeID In casualties to passengera and em- aolublea ar. capable of enUrelJ reo ance-th. land of Paleltine. Lack · of spac. forbid. the review ..,. to t.he ItaUon ••• lIJd Ihe ployes. In 1932 and again in 11135 but placlna milk In the ration of IP'owina • • • ucl .,.. nalJJ .." with '. tblnlt JOUDI wi. . would tab the doulI~ · recipe Bllel PleIIcba single paasenger waa reported as chick.. Six poundl of the lIolublu of the Uves cit theBe pione,er. of faith. Um8 to maD hot rolla tbeIe dQll ~", "Uoto IcIlMI Y . I killed in train accident. although wW take the place of live pound. of The study would be nfOlt W~.t. 18 .nd 24 respectively In tho.. year. dried milk, WPlle they wW not fur· Ing. for It repeatedly throw. mto were killed In the train.serVice acci- nlIh aU the animal nutrition Deed. .harp contra.t the awN1 failure. 01 denta, BI In aetting On and .off ed, the,. are an ezcellent IlddlUon th.,. men when they tor,ot God. and the mighty victories 'the)' ,aIDed I cars." to the chick'. ration. wben 'they belIe~ed EnnL In Iplte of their faUurea the)' were I euentlall;y men of fsith, tor God ba~ ) by Baukhage counted them worthy of a pla. to that remarkable Ust 01 heroee 01 I SHOUlD FARM OWNaS ~ANIZI' faith to~ In HebreWi 11' (I.. n. \ What i. a Brahmin? All lncllan 1'1-22). prieatf M!lybe, but for many a The day. In which we Uve are DOt, louthwestern farmer It i. halt 01 an pioneer da,.1 iD the ulU~1 bl:Jt American caito they are day, 'when God II eaWDa . • • • for Dew pioneers 01 faith to serve Vic. Prelldent Truman ia an ez. HIm In a befuddled BIId IIru1ncI captain of artiill!lJ (World War 1>. I world. are ItlrrIDa a,alll ao ez-lieutenant ID th. aame ahead for the Churcll of Clarilt 11 brBllcb of ..mce. 'rile other dQ. we a. CbrlltiaDI willi Jib Ab......... We rellllnl.ced 011 dOdJlJi. the lut h~r the caD of God ~ to _ ~... thea aDd DOW. obedleDee to BJID.




• • • HOTE-The door pocla!t ilhown here Ia

went.-Hebrewa II :8.


yards of bias binding, 6 bone or plastic dngs and half a dozen cup books for hanging. First, cut a strip 8 inches wide from one side of, the entire length of fabric: then cut this crosswise in three equal parts to make the shoe pockets. Now, cut the foundation piece 24 10ches wide and M inches long. Cut the laundry pocket 18 inches deep and 28 inches Wide. The diagram shows how these pieces are put together.

l; Aeta

GOLDEN TEXT-By faith Abraham. when he was called. obeyed . . , and he went out. not knowlllll whither be



ridor of the lena Ie office building and out Into the warm spring lun. As I crossed the threshold, the Ught 011 the brlgbt white marble step bllnded me and for ' a .econd I IIroped downward bllndly. As J stood a moment recovering my equilibrium the thought fta.hed through my mind that this experl· ence was very much like \he longer one which preceded it. 1 bad been talking with Vice President Truman. Senators ConnaUy, Vandenbe.rg and others about the forthcoming meet· Ing in San Francisco of the United NaU0II8. J recaUed Truman'. nervous~ energetic speecb .. he assured me that he WBI givlng his time to just one thlna: acting as llalson between the President and the senate to keep the chief execullve and lhe leglslaUve leaders as nearlY in step as po.· .ible. I recalled Senator Va,ndenberg', expression as I left him plunged deep In the thousand estra tasks and worriel which his function as Republican member of the delegation bad plunged him. He had said: "U San Francisco doesn't succeed It will be the greatest moral blow the world hal ever experienced." I thought of Connally's careful polIcy of wlthholdinll public comment or quotation concerning the comina conterence. except carefully thought out statements or speeches such as the one he wID make in the lenat. before the conterence. His is the dellcate task as senior administration representative on the delegation of maintaining a balance between the views of the Republlcan members represented on the delega. tlon, the adminlstration's viewpoint, and his own and other per:sonal views. After all, as senate major· Ity leader be il relponslble for helpIng to carry out a policy whIch not only a maJority. but two·third. of the .enate will accept I aUo thought of the wid. variIUlce of views expressed b,. members of both howe. not directly connected with the negotlationa and of the great reticence of many who hesitate to ~reu any vi.w at thia time. . And I thought of the out-and-out lsolaUonlslll; a very few who admit thet-posltlon-and othen whoae, ' doubtl and IUlpicions battle with what they feel has been the Itronll trend for wholehearted cooperation whioh the various polls and other media 01 publlc expressIon appear to register. Thes. kJnetic thoughts mavin II now In harmony. now in frlcUon, aeemed suddenly to have generated a blinding. Ught that burst Into the shadows of the complacent allurance which had enveloped me and left me a lIttl. dizzy. What a tr.· mendous opportunity seeml to be offered to a war·weal)' world: what a fatal polslbillty it the effort taUs.

LESSON· TEXT-Gene.1a U:1. 7 :4·7. 12·17.







EPORTS of excellent results in k.1lling weed. In Ir81'. plots. lawns and pastures. without dllm· agln, the grasseS. promlloea Important new use, of a compound called 2-4 dlchlorophenoxyacetio ,acid (2+ . D for short,) Water sprays containing this com· pound In specified lolutlons killed heavy stands of dandelion and nar· row-leaf plantain without lnjury to the lII'ass. Experiment. with lawn pennywort in areas ot turf that heavily Inf.sted with the weed, relsulted In destruction by 2-f.D acid of heavy atancla of turf pest without accompanying injury to the establlshed arall. New 1t'811 leedlln,s coming from leed planted leyeral weeki after the cbemical treatment were not affected. Repeated apJpllcallona were found necesaary to kill out

LeSlon ' subJectl and 8<:rlpture te xts _ locted ond copyrlllhted by InternqUonal Court\'11 of Rellllioul Education ; uae4 b7 porml..lon.




of the official Russian mind. 1 cannot understand the hysterical attacks In the Russian press on Walter Uppman. for instance. who has been In the first ranks of those who urge ' Ruaso-Amerlcan unity; attack. on Senator Vandenberg against whom they yu-ow their whole book 01 anti. fascist vocabulal)' when be Is on record as .upporting a three· power treaty for disarming \h. axis which would be the buis 01 the chief thing Stalin W8nu-an agreement of the only two great powers besldee hi' own country, which would lUarantee Russian aecurity. I do not und.rstand all thla. I do not accept the propaaanda which tries to say that communist govern· ment Is democracy. But there la one thing which lold me on playln, ball with Rusala. That Is the pa· tlent. eartlest and convincing argu· ment of former Secretal)' of ~late Cord.eU Hull. who certainly haa no more love for communism than be bas for fascism. wbo was never accused of wandering with hla head in the clouds or of trying to reform the world; or square the circle. and although he haa faith a·plenty h. wouldn't try to move a mountain without a bulldozer, His argument bolla down to this: Russia and America need each other. Russia knows this. There are fewer obstacles to a practical understanding between the countriea than there are reasons why we Ihould work together for m}1tual benefit.

Le•• on for April 15


WNl1 Service. Union TrllIt BuJldln,. WaahlqioD. D. C. I wa1ll:ed down the cool. twillt cor·



place for shoes. whisk broom, hat brus h and other odds and ends including laundry. All you Deed to make this door' pocket is 11,2 yards of 36-inch-wide chintz. 8




'South of Border' SUNDAY T' ea Towel Motifs ' L SeH 00

• • • • . . ; ; 0 0 • • • ... .. .


HERE II extra closet space-a



How to Cut and 'Make Door Pocket












T £ ', E ' .A C T

;)111111 ="lif

= '11&11








News of Churches Red Cross Blood Bank Personal' Notes Boy Scout Troop Holding Scrap Paper'

Waynesville Summer ' Recreational Activities Directed by Civic Club

The waynesville Civic Club held their reg:uJa.r monthly meetilll,i on Monday evening, Aprll 16. wIth a. dinner at the Cold Springs Inn, located about Q. mile south of town. Af.ter a. bounteous stealk, dinner, to wtl1cih the Club members did full jus4ce, 'Ralph Parks, presid en t, oo.llcd the business session to order am1 the committee headed Iby Silas Snyder to Inyestlgute the condition of the Boy Scout 03b1n was reported on by Mr. Snyder who stAted that the cabin 'MIS found to be in good condition. ,A ~y is to be built, windows and doors added and some roOt alter8it1ons. It . \1l8.s sugf,"CSted that the Soouta themselves do their ~ Or the w~k wlder the supervls10n of members oftbe 0WIe Club. RalPh Hastings. cha.l.rman of the Boy Scout Executive . Committe. reported t1hoat ,the ~ work was OOOlIPleted for the !Ol'Ol8Ition of a troop here and the appolutment of

Charles Andersm\ as Scoutmaster hs.a been approve<1. The pre&1dent of the c{V1c ClUJ) signed the required papera for obUaJning tlhe. gt"Bnt of a. lOOad troop chapter. When that is

reoeivoo (\. drive lor m,embe1'ship w1l1 be mAde. Pa.renta of boys who are w1th1n the eligible age group, twelve to elihteen years. should be vitally ~ With the valuable o.1d scouting giVtl6 the boy in this adoleecent s_e of Ufe. lmII8ination. 1n8plra.tlon, clean .th1nk1ng, body building, htliW th, tihe6e <U'e only 1\ fffW of the advanmges tha,t soouting gives. It bUilds dharncter bha.t will

laet throuhout IJbe lltetime Of tfie




Activities for All Ages Fullest Cooperation Asked i




Plana Include Soft Ball; Swimming and Playground



Coming T 'Lebanon

WWlaail s. SOOnlon. who spent alETIIODlST CHURCH the w1Iiter in wain!, FIo.., ~etum.ed R. B. Coleman, Minister to his nome here last Fbiday. Church school a.t 9 :30 A. M., Mm. Requests Beillg Made For • • • Everyonei' Opportunity To Raymond veneer, superintendent. Mrs. Annabel Flora entertained to Mrs Ralph Parks Hoatess Blood Done... From Here 40rnIng Services - 10 :30. Help In The War Effort Sunday dinner Mr. and Mrs. Albert To Womans' Auxiliary st.lll ,working to perfect and make Youth Fellowship, Tuesday everiirl.g +-. Drenclohalhn of Da.yton. operative the pla n ,t;hrough the a.pRed Cross War Fund Quota at 7:30. The Local Bo}" Scout Troop under The Woman s AUXi1'1aa'y of t he St. po1ntment nnd plo.clng or su.lta~l e Jholr practice, W~y of $2900 frJ.r a~rne Reached ,~. and Mrs. J. B.• Chapn$.D. en- Matry'a Church ~eld tihelr regular the direction of Joe James. 8S111ste.nt supervisors over the varIous groups. 8 :00 P . M, . jOyed StIJ:l.dau' dinner with friends in meeting at the rectory'. on PTlday Sooutmaster, w1ll conduct a scrap This ls deflnJtely a conunun11y pro• • • The R¢ Wyoming. O. af·t ernoon W1th Mrs. Ralph Parks as paper drive in waynesville <lIl satjoct and Ule entire populatlof'should 'I n the morning servioe last Sun- be 1n Lebe.n xt week and Mrs. h<l6tess. The brlef busin'e ss meeting urday, April 21. Since blUB Is Go war lend any aid possible 00 ma.k.e the day. special prayer was made. tor 'E verett lilIIIi"l1;/IiIIIPoll''ffiII1.ll o! the local Mr. and Mrs. Maynard Weltz ansi was followed \vith an excellent :time measure and scrap paper is III pian a success. the fa.mily of Pres. Ro06e!dt .....~· ••' ~4 ~' 1s «Mr. and Mrs. Don HtIlWke were on t1he wW'k and purpose of the most vital part of our we.r eUort. It . In the matter of flnanclug the the sorrowing nat1on. In 1!rom tlhill e their ammge- Sunday evening guests at the AuxlllaIy given by Mrs. Ralph Hol- is (the public duty of everyc1t1Zell1 in ball clubs and any other -3Ctivit1es of the sennon the m.In1stEir - ment& now to iPte ~~ pInt of blood. "W1.shlng Well' in OCnt.erv1Ue. lenbeck. !)a}·ton Regional chairman tlhis' oommunity to get behbld thia t.haot requ4;e flnanc~ aid. the Civic sized the necetiSity of good :Lt IOOIY be ' ,' ed1cated to some • • • of Womans' Auxilliary. of Spring- drtye 100 % and help the Sbout.6 have Club members made a donation the . ba&s for e7,ldlll'ing peace. Mr. and Mrs. JOhn Kersey and rela~.r or frj In the senvlce if a I)'lost successful campaign. nmount1ng to $34.50 to be used for son .had as Sunday afternoon guests Held. A dedegate of .this society will Waste paper of all ldnds, such as The best way \.() JXl.y trlbute t.o 1iO ·~ by donor. a.ttend t;he con ven tion in CinCinnati the recreational activities fund . Mr. Pres. Roosevelt is to ltve and work 'l1)e unit v1s1 • Lebanon on April Mr. and Mrs. George Ogg and newspa.pers. lll84JIaZines, booka, Cl8I'd during Ma,y. Turner sugge5ted lihat the four SOft- for a. .suocessful conclusion of tile 21; J5 and 26, . . . headqoort.ers at daughter of Middletown. board; ;wUllopping paper, bogs, eOO. ls • • • ~ty refreshments were 5el'V'Cd ball be sponsored by local war and a. just and laBtJing peace, tD t,be ~t ~utch . ATI'8Jlgements ru;;cept:able. To Cacilltate tIhe SIandlMr. IIIIld Mni. Woodrow Branden- durlng the social h OUT. busluess houses. This would create W1hidh he gave h.IInsel'f ' in !~ to Sive blood CIIIii I be IllaA;\e by calling Of tlhe large am.oont of p&pe1" burg and daughter were guests ot an l8itmosphere or rivalry nnd also measure of devotion. lne headQuarLel'll In Lebanon. bhaot .moo be h8ndled, eadl. and rela1l1ves in KenWclty during the rna.k.q t1he play interesting to ev cry• • • In the recent ~ (~ wa.r Ftmd every c1tize!11, can {!o their part'ln ~ The delegation from the local Drive the quot& WaY1J1e'l'OWDShJp. past week. one. Attenda.nCe of the people of the collecblon by seeing that .the buDdies chW'Oh to the Day;t.on DIsIirdct COn• • community at the bail games and $;.6900.00 has beellTeached and much are ti~ seourely and tlhat tlbey. are Mrs. D. C. RIdge was the guest of ot.her sports activities in all groups ference at Fa4rI1eld-OSborn, Mondaty credit Is due ~, SOllcitors who so<la.t the curb or in laDe COIlher nephew and wife. Mr. and Mr8. will make It more 1nteresting for the were the following: M2'6. Ro(y ~nner, generollllly ~m pf theLr time and vend.ent place whef.e fa minlmum or Wounded November 9; Elllrl DaNis. in J?ayton for tbe week Mrs. ·M ark Rogers, Wm. st. Jdhn boys and girls. t1Jne I.s reqUired to gather th«n UP, e!fol1ts in bebalt· ~ tlh1& greatest oJ: end. Hospitalized' in England IUld Rev. R. B. COleman. The Dib-tBoJl play1ng cqUlpmenit can be obe.ll .humanlttulaQ.i ..organizations so U ea.cb. home and buames. house • • • l'dc~ SUpe!U1.wndent reported .bethat it nlaYO con . ue in its a cts of . Mr. and Mnl. W. P. Strader willh Retumed To Mitchel lnined , such as ' .balls~ masks, bases. in Weyneaville oontrlbutes an averetc., but the matter of obtaining tween tJhirteen and taurt.een hWldrecl mercy the war-torn Mr. 'I1loma8 Houston of Spring ~ ex! ClIIl~ . two bundles of waIIte , Field Hoapital Recently received the churches ot the ball bats 18 .ses1ous. Even the big world. paper it can be rendUy seen that the VaJley, . were 8&turday even1ngI league.s h.a.ving trouble keeping Dlsnriot. Easte.r 8unda.y and over Those wOO w~e responsible for guests of Mr. and Mrs. R. P. Inwe 800uIB have a full daIys work ~t; Mitchel Field, N . Y. Aprll 13$82 .000 pledged to the OlIUsade Cor supplied. Mr. Turner s~ that out for tihem. ma.k.Ing this a. 8UCCe8S are : In D6y.t on • . Cpt. ''I'!hocmas Bmmloclt 01. W~es­ a drive be made tor tiIle oollect1on of Ohrist. Mesdames La\ Brown; Mary Remember, tie bundles secur~ or • • • ~e, Ohio, flown lOOme trom Scotsurplus ball bata t;ba,t probably are to Mn . ~ Sat.tJerthwalte and land by hospltat plane, resdhed place I.n ceniboaI'd boxtl6, baskets, On Sunday, April 29th The Holy Rye; RhodCllt : f.Lllell ; Amanda be found In many homes. in the Communion wUl be Mm'nlstered. EBrnha.l't; 'Maf,Y Ea.rnha.rt.; Al1ce Mrs. Ra.lPh Se.ttel1b~ite, left. dur- Mit.cl1el Field ooaP~ last week. He or ~. M06t important of a.u, keep ; Lelle. !Wilson; 1ng the plUit week tQ v1sit. Pvt. Ralph attic, the bam or basement. Anyone There will be a perIod. . of special Oons; Glenna ' in mind tha.t 1Ihe puper' contributed was hit by German s lUla.p nel on • Sha.w; Roberta. Sattert.trwad.te of Font Riley, Kan. November 9 in the fieroe fighting in th1s drive mo.y b8 ~le tor bav1n a. ball bat tibey would care to mUSiC prooed1ng t he commUlUo.ll Den&. ,M068; ~ll " &Uisbury ; . Alva Mrs. Ralph Sattert.hoWa1te wlll ' redorulte to the cause can bring it to slll"Vice. A cOldlal invitation la ex- Cook; the wrapping' 01 some commodity of a.round M~. Stout; Irene main ' for an ' 1iu!efinite sta:y. willll the Gazette office and due oredlt tendOO to any 'WIho may .dl!ti1re I to Thompson; war bluLt w1ll be lnstrumeoIal in the lB:n!..nnock, a member or the f-amed Of:tbom; Ita Flulkerson; Daisy her husband. will be f;iven. It can even be mark- worsbl p willll us. SIINing of a Ute, pm!hapI one of our 4th Aml«ed Div1&on, now I'8cing own lOOOlI boys. ed tor ident.i!ica.tion and returned Snyder; Vutl Donald • • '. tICl'068 Gennany 68 a pa.rt of GenMr. ' ana Mrs. John Ker&elY, Mrs. a.t the end or the seawn tt desired. ST. MARY'S EPISCOPAL Hawke; Georgia. 'nrlenhall; EtJheI eml Patton's 3rd Amly. f'I!IIl£hed B8ckett; Dale " Dlimford; liaITy J . J. Burl!ke, Mrs. )'/llllam Strouse, home just 15 months and wo ()e,ys cAB this meeting the Civic Club CHURCH • was the time of the annual election Ralph Parks, Bee&or Satterth;w8lite; l.onga.cre; Ralph MllI. D : C. Rl~. Miss Mart~ e.!ter lee.vlng. Bu!sice, M1is' San Conner and M1ss He first went into <1Ction at the of Offlcer8, .this rna.tter of bus1ne6s Ohurch SchOO} at 9 :30 A. M. Barger. was t.8iken of with the final t&b- Mo~ prayer and sermon; ¥essrs. D6v18 Furnas; 'R . ' H. MaJrjor1e 000k ~ Lebanon enjoyed BU. I..o sector in F'ranC)C early in Mrs. Claude Barnett ChairH:OO A. M. ulaition of votes showing hhe f~llow­ Hawke; Bel'ry Fumas; Ernest tile ''Hour of Obarm" concert til July, took part in the 3rd Arm~s man) of Program Committee ~ on Saturdlw eVehing. Lng of!1cers and direCtol'S ek>cted for ButterwoJ'th; KeIU1eth Hough. h1&torIc breaklllu'oug'h through there T. AUGVS'11I.NE CDl1ROH the oom1ng YOOl·: The n1endship Club met on and In i-t6 subsequent do:sh IIicr<l65 Father KrWDh...... PrI_ eo. and Mrs. l.aWTerme 0e.v1s and President SilIl8 Snyder F1ra.nce. He wu..s wounded on the very Wedneada.y I'Nith Ml'B. A. H. stubbe MQ.!iS Sunday - 9 :00 A. 14. cb1:ldr~1l were 'gu,esta or .their pe.reats Vloe-pree1dent lin'. Bar R. C. Moler 4th Dlv1&ion lIB .l \ostaa G8SIstled

Tutner, Max RancIa.ll and Oharles Ja.mee, for the pur:poee of making 'the ~. suggestions in tihe tonn:1ng of. a Waynesville RecreatIonal: OI'gtan1zatlon, d1d & vel'Y credible job and Mr. Turner set torlh their tJnd.lngs and suggestions in a ma.nner 1ha.t made lihe. plan feasible. ·Throuh correspondence with ot1her ooin:mun1ties <llld with colleges and 'urUversltlesthey ~ece1ved many valuable &UIM$Jans o.nd along their own idees they deVlsed a plan <thllit will undoubtedly give the recreational a.ct1v1tles needed for this

• •

.. . .








Friendship Club Meeting


. ....

FBlENDS .•• F1irst Day school -

Wll11am P. Strader John Fromm Irwin Mulford The

put weeIt. Mr. .00 Mrs.

SlWlfer 6Dd son alsO were silW1aY

9:30 A. M.

Meeting tor Worship -

,10:30 A. M.

new o.ftJcers will be insl¥lJ.1ed l\lT, HOLLY MEmODIST

a.t the MD.y meeting of the Club. A CHURCH vote of W88 extended to the T. M. 8ClarIf, Minister

past-president, Ralph Parlai, for his Sunday 's chool - 9:30 A. M. excellent work in the' Club, E.:A. Earnhart, superintendent . . and also to all other retlrtng off1cers Worship servlce - 10:30 A. M . for Uleir credible efforts. Evening service - 7:30 P. 11<1.

The Fanners Olul:, members 00Aprll. meoting on '1b\l1"8dB/)' and were guests of Mr. aOO

joy~ thelr

Mrs. C. E. Sta.!ortoh <lit 1ltM\tr ~e. 1n the oountry. A debclouII steak dinner

--"-- -_A

Banquet For Basketball Team At "Our House"

. Secon d H onore d f or PI aCing or I n County and T oumament Yoong ohUdren fmn three to six to be superv18ed by a ma.tron Bot the The mrr" ............... _ Senior 'U.~" AUC ...u.. . . ·"

..... u . . . .

Sohool basket ball'

teruii IB.nd



were guests at a ban~ Bt given In their Ihonor at "Our House" on FrtdaY evening. About foJ1ty-five guests were seated at .tables which were very attractive with orange oo.lendulBa on black centerpieces. This balnquet honored ·t he team ~ won second p~ in the oounty. 8llI!1 second 1n the sectional tourna.ment. ShOlt talks were gl.VCll by Mrs. Hamtsock. and Mrs. KeUa.n Hook representing the parenta, by Kenneth Bradley, Don Charlton II4ld John LudJngton. the tam, and by Mr. Carl Ferguson. Mr. B.a;ymond BnI.ddock and Will E. Stroud. Mr. John Turner aoted 68 toas~ during tile aSterdinIler prqj'l'IUn. Those of the team present were: Kenneth Bra.drey, John lAtdington, D6v1d HIIIltsoc.!;,. Dick Bradley, Don Obat1'lton, John Perry S6ckett, Ron<1ld Clark, Seth Hook and Donala Brown and ·t he tlwo Oheerlea.ders, Miss RoIIermary Mel!ford and ~ Phyllis Be.lley.





man position &It Metz. He Ia!;t bOth puenJ!8, .Mi-: an~ legs as lao resuit of ·a. direct hit by MrB. Dav:1s. Mr. IAIIwrence DIwLs en- GemlQJl ert.Wery fire. teored m1l1~ ae,rvJce on Mbndai.y Brannock spent & .month at h06pand was sent to OGmp AtterbUrY. 11Ials in l'1mInoo and was ~Ilted to Itlhe lJlOth General hospital In Ind. EnglaaJld tibe day before Christmas. BKhly wounded 68 he ill, be &Ill, I'epOr.tms OIl. Mitchell F'leld ~ he badn"t been slck .at all and was never in too much po.1n. "'''Oft alive WI'U--and · "'~.....,., LIAU.IQ ....... After ~ JlIDDths lu the 110th Nell1e Bunnell were in ~, General. Brannock waS beginning W~. to .think he'd get home. "Bult 1Mrs. Will Tate, of Bellbrook, and things happened pretty' fast in the Mn. P. A. Runyon co.lled o.n Mrs. last four days," he sald. "I was To.te's aunt, MJrs. AII4ce Clark. 'lburs- moved from Englland 00 8cotlll4ld , .... eveD1ng. and !lawn home. all in four d~


Mr. Mas Randalll Guul Speaker At The Event'

was seroved at

'I't1e plartprovUiell for the grouping boys and girls into Die olruaJes.

Too' Many . Ba~:uja8

Cpl. Thomas Brannock Suffers LoSs of Both Legs



Grade School gl'Ollllds, perbaps one d&y per weeit. Anopher group from sIx t.o .bwelve composed of boys and also girls t.rom six up to have supervised recre8Itlon at the Waynesville sw1mln.1ng pool tWo daoys per week: The older boys, twelve and through flle'h .!IChooI. age, w1ll .be organized in a BOf.tball leaeue, lOUr .teGms. and will. Pllw, competltive games 1lh1'OU8Jlout the summer wfbh J)OIIIiIbIY a tournament With othea' oommun1ties to end UJa season. FlrOm fih1S b6sla the committee 18

Drive Here; Curb Pick-up .


FERRY OHURCH OF QimlsT m""'..,.,.D __ guea_. '......ft ........ was f 0 I Herbert Graham. lowoo by the \ISUlIJ bl.lll1neas meeting Bible School 9: 3Q A. M. Illtel' rwhidh Mr. Max Rlandall. Communion and Mklm1ng MinIster of the Way~ Ohurdh Wor&h1p 10:30 A. M. of Christ, 'MIS illtrodUced as the "Give Us Q. Fighting Fa.1..tih." guest speaker and he 8QNe a. vtJrY Youth Services 7 :30 P. M. fine ~ on "The ftace Problems." Evening EV&llgeJ1stiC ~ ___H'"



Friends Home


....:....... u.. __ • ...r no-. _~ Mr. Olin lA.twood. tillel fIOIIlg " , . _ _ _ iM1s& .....,... £ . . . . . . . . . .3 " • .,.,..v.... "" ...., services 8:,15 P. M. from the · Church ('Af Christ, Called 'o n frlenidS here Sundaoyi 'a.1ter"Wben Men Nre lJo&t." • • '. two very lovely selE:lCtiona. He was noon,. OO ..... IA l1y '-vite yon to hear acoompanJ.ed on the pmno by- MIss IMlsa Ruth 0hIi..ndler visited We ............. .. • _# Ray}yn Crabbe. Mr. R<lecoe ~ !rtends In Ceda1'V'l.lIe. SWlda.y <uterthese two sermons next Lord's day . very ably d:isc~ ,the spec1a.l topic noon. Lord's day we fell down on tille ·:Wha.t I.s NffW 1n" IM4ss Mugaret Edw84'd8 Was bhe job and left tiIle WaynesvUle 'chlll'Ch Guesta of the day were M : S . guest of reJa.t.ives in Dayton. Sunday win in the oon.test and tala.t must not happen n~ Lord's day. They only Ohllll'les LeMay and children, Mrs. J. nJght and Mozlda,y, E . McClw-e, Mr. and Mrs. Max Mrs. AIllce Clade spent FlrIda.y In won by one point howeVer. Randall, Mr. Olin AtIwood, M1sB Oayton. We are happy to note that the IIot- Rayilyn Crabbe and M1s8 Ruth Mrs. Nell1e Bunnell was 1n Lebtende.nce at both the Waynesville . Helen LeMBy. anon on Monday.

and Fen,!), churchm is n.uurlng fBr a41ead of last yea.r. Our 1lIVer&ge at Ferry !or the first tifteen Lords' dayS or 1945 18 123 9/.15 over 91 6/ 15 for the same period or time in 19(4. We are a.1ming on having an average or 135 or more for the entire year and have faith to believe it can' easily be ~e. If you halve no regu.lar churoh home, come out to Ferry. A weloonie 81wa1ta you.

-T ... • WA~S"""" A.'" .. ~


Mas BaDdaU. · MioIa.

The Olul)

1Idjourn4~ to meet With

w. and Mrs. S . S. Ellis for tt.he




MIss r..a.ura.

McKinsey IIottended

the annual joint meeting of 'Wtlrren 00unty BoardR of Education and


next T....... •S Da.y Is ][00, and 'f or the ....... '" f01loWdng is 200. .' On the 1iast ~ of ~e\ month the 29th. Mr. R. E. ~lmore, the dtor of 'tJhe RAlStors.tion Benski, wW M the church lilt 1~ tImA! the atterulo.nce goal hoii'been set at 200 for Bible Scl100t f II the Cburch of cemst Last a .




Dr. and MllI. ·A. E. Stout ,and daughter ~terta.ined . with SUDday

<ltnner honortng the bir.thdll,y anJ J• ~~ of their mothe J4nJ. r,. of n.. ...~ Cov Stout ....... '~~ era 'Wen! ~_ .......... at tale a~ve dinner table




alnrost four years ago. Like all patiimts arriving here by daughter, • QI/llbulance plane, Brannock has Mrs. AnnB~1 Flora was lrUest of been tmnsferred to 8JOOther hoophonor when Mrs. carl Bmndt of ltal for Ifurther treatment. Daylton ente11La.lned a i1'OUP of friends on Wedneedc.y. A very dellciOUB lunc.heon, w1t.h ell aJ?POlntmenta 'honoring Mm. Flora's blrtbday annivefS!lol'Y, was 'enjoyed by the ,

• •

Hour CIub Meets


Program of Special Readings


Enjoyed By Membership

Cute but 'Costly

\Dr: .

are '


IDa5 Scbool cl1.n1IJ8 her Pte8hman la pI8.nnJnc tD averaae 1&0 per Sun- BIble School c1uM!B .m \lie Ube breakla", dlnDer aDd al,lpper &0 ClUre and Sophomore de.1 for the , IIIOIlth fil Apztl. .ID the booM ~ ~ it! la' OOI1ftdeutly a rllre ~S1I'" aliment. suu,. . ~ t<hree ~ or fbi IIIICIDt.h bopecl tbat; bY use df the bouIIe wlto Uv. ID .S ""le, wotdcl IIU t= n..'t.......... Tbe.1klrap ...,. DItYe tbe avenap J:I8a been 151 ala per the ett.elldInce on the ClbaD.... lAlDoUalD, elM, , . Sa&ard&1, AprOlL DO YOVB P4BT SUlldal'. '!be MWv'ance IID&1 fer tbc up IP'ade tbe ,....

Birthday Anniveraariea

The Happy Hour Club held thelt April meeting at the bome of Mrs. Rn~,Jjh Sha.Mer on Tuesday, April' 10, with all attendance of bwenty members answft.... n~ roll call. FoUow..,.~'tS 1ng the ~ business session a. most excellent and enterta1n1ne program of .readings was 8Il1joyed. Mrs. ~ . .' - La,urence Rtrnas ree.d1ng "A Prayer MJ..,ru ~ order of Ee.stern an' d New "------'-ent· .. Mrs StN' wUl hold a. specW meeting on """uouow.......,. Mondrt.t ~. Apttl 23, for the &r.tmantlb.e "Government of Clet"or 1n1tla.tion 'All member'S many. by bhe AlMes;" Mni~ R<hodes . ~ . ! ed" to Bunnell the "Wa.sh1llg the Ya.nIk; " ~ting mtmberS \ll'8' Mrs. Glenna. WSSOO "CGItch.lng \ be ~t. , History on tJhe F1y>' and Mrs. Earl "," , ,~ . I' n' du"c' t~d Hockett, "New 'lb1nP In ' the World Larry F. DaYle .... ,. To OOme." .


~::r:a~~~ ~':ti,:~::::~~dU=-:


iBramlock, 36 old, is the son for the hoi1m' guest and Mrs• .Jamea and elf T1o.a"'_ Dr o.f F1ram:es Brannock. He was a IIBI\yQler SOlIS ~ """, • . and Mm. Clare E . Stout and dUIdren fanner before he entered the Army of West Mil1nn, the 'h ost, hoBtoe88 and

Teachers held Monday evening at Lebanon ~ Sohool. The many fd;;(i;"d Mrs. OllffOrd ' J!lmmO,. Holla.W8¥ and Miss Bi'ace leased to hear from ~t EdiWa.rdS were Lebanon WIibors, ~ altel'llOOn. her thil.t she arrived in CB.l1«ornla \ and after a, pleaaa.tllt trip to San Special Meeting Called; Diego Is now 10C8t11ed in Los Angeles. Initiation by Miami Chllpter

Mrs. C. H Brace in Califomi,a

Blble .Scbool ' -8:-80 A. M. Communion _ 10:30 A. 1M. Sermon _ 11;00 A. M. Chr1at.1&n Endfla.vor - 6:30 P. M. Evening Service - '1:30 P. M. MiN' Hadley Honored Mid-Week prayer service Tburacla)'. n4&!ht - '1 :30 P. M. • 'liI.n-y ... • ~ . aenevleve Bladley, da.ughter elf Dr. P • .Davlll, .Xerlia, fanner and MIre. ~ Ha,idley, he.s been • • • purobased the ~_ on ~e COIl'- dnWer of~ bI)e , LeIlIBnOD-XeoIa bonoi'ed by member8htp, at Ohio 'I1he W~esvwe ObU4'Ch Of Christ Del' next to the dIl1lU'Cb. About. tlIie ~ MoOd~ ~, Aprtl ' 16, tor state 'Unwersity, Columbus, ' 0., 'MIS able 110 ~t the FeI:Ty Oburdl firSt of June the bOOse will be camp At~, 'IDd~ 'Wberebe wu PI I4IXlbcta 'l1het& Sororlty, OOItion&l of Christ 13'l to ~ In at¥ndance vel!ted 1nto clas8 rooms f~ the BIble p-l8ned eiW lnduolion 1nt.o b educational soaiety, ~iuab. oorre&- , bat SUndaY. and plana are DOW we~ SChool. TWo more cliIBae8 bIWe been Amled ~ ,' . . ..• • P.OIlds 00 Phi BetAL Kappa of the Arta ~'. way tQ ~o tibe ~ ~ cre8.te4. IUld the enllre ~le ~ am ~~ (~). Da'vtJ Dana"!!s are a treat to mOIl' uWe oOuege. ' . ~ week , b~ adDptAlCi tale B1~ ~ . of 8. ·C. 1/C-~ " 8. o1a. ~ the ,Irlll, I... 10 t:lu.;.an Darmod1! IK _'M1I!S IHadley attended ~ _ The w~ aWrch of.. OhrIat cIus ~t. ' 'Ibree of ' the ~ ~~ 'm ~~.:


'I1wentl'l-tour membEn were present lind enjoyed a. program of readings, music and conlle8ts wblcb bad been plamled by a committee at v.1lLch Mrs Claude B6rDett. 'II/U ~ IDur1ng the 80Ctal bIu dainty. 1'e1restun.ent.s were lJeI1Ved 'by the b06te8Ii 9.Jld a.ssist.nt.a after w'hioh the Club adjourned to mee~ at "Our House" In May.

~ 80Iia or U:;. and' Kadt. Da.Vla .or w~ .

. This. 1ntetest1ng .hoW'



ed by an e~ of 'g Jtts '"BriIong

the Happy Hour Secret

~ .

~ ~ta V{~

eerved and the .Cl~ 8(ij00rned to ~ with MIa. Glentlla. W~ as ho&te.u In· ~. " . ' ." '

.J... .~

...... _


~ Sgt. ~ :M. TUrner, W!w • ~81 01 Loa ~pl..... ~ ..



:ea::::n~ ~ ~--pa.reola,

!:i":i.!:. ':re-=

fIrOIn ovet~ : : epent Iiome Ume here &lie .... pair esIdldlet ..... Ca1I,'; Mr. and fenda CbIDClUlJa ......... . . . . Don't I'iII'pi The 8clnp ..... DIIft M1'a. J. H. ~ . baa lett far lit. ., 'l'IIe Btdo ........... ... Sat'arda)'J ApdIIl. DO YO~ P~T Misml, ~ for . ~ee1&nrnent. CroII1KIed from BoatII a--.

p1nea. TbeJ' are JIrL






Paae Two


• '

The Miami Gizette Published Every


by Davisson Press






~~~=====::::~::::::::~=::::::~~~ I

I, •~-----....- -BOMB - - - - AWAY - - - - -__-~~~~ •


,Miami Valley Tomatq Gr(Jwing Conservatory 1mpartane Projed of Music In Victory 'Garden .u 405.... w. 1D4, 8L. Daytoa's ~ 8clh... 01 Mllllo ••• l)caU,. 01 TraIued UId ElEperienced Teacb. ers III AlIl1raDebea ••• lnatru.menta FanaIIbed With Coarse. ••• Electrt., Pipe 0ra'aIl A..uabIe 101' PnIG&.Ioe

BYunivenal ALL odd. the tomato ' I. the favorite of tiome Vic.

tor)' ,ardener. becau.e they will JI'O. moat an7Wber., ar. produc~ to: Butler aDd WaIftD ltv•• a ple..ur. to Il'()W and to eat. Oou"''' 0bI0,. em A. 0-1. A_'" ... rt b 1.0 it In ;; Ia,

a' B-a,re....

_ v ....---.

'!be diI'ectcIr In_ _.... _ tbe rtp$ to l'eJeai' ear <lI' an ~ . . . .y ~T.K. fORQ , G 8&&tr ~ DIrfc;tor ........... TIle . . . . . . . . DrIft

112. _ _ A_II. DO yotJa paT , ~-

ioo Envelopes

• • • 150 sheela 7~xlOYa 100 Envelopes

• • •

• • •

The M1am1 V8.lIey Ooneervo.t.ory of MluaSc fOlm8 a. . center for devotees at the art. and Is a great aid In the PIUnot1on of 4l00d mWl1c and ita a.ppreclatl<ln a.tnO!I8 peoW.e aM aver thla pu-t of the COUIUry. , Inetruot!on here Is or the very ~est twe, Whetbel' you WIIb to spec1a11re in VOice. plano. O!'IIBD or &IW WCheatral lnat.rumeilt, theory or 'bannoo,y, they can develop your talent. in .. shortt time. Their dancmg, taP. ballet and toe



150 sheets 6d 0

• • '. Under Tbe Able DlrecUon 01 Mr. aQd Mn. Vernon Eo Fri." ••• TeL ADama 8631.



(PRINTED) • • •


in VoIee, PIaD., Orran. SaDpIIoae, CIartDet. VIaIlD, Gattar. A .......... I*Jctnt. Drama&Jc An &Del to IIeoome Teaehera, 01 M1II10 • • • An EveI'hU PIaoe to Deftlop You TaleaCia 101' BadJo and 8ta,e

W1dIil: Fa'MDeD& 30 teet Cb '1~. * Union. feet; RaAdWa:y Sf feet to t1 ,-.. Tomato.. do not Le.rl8th: 1I1,528.<tO feet 01' USI mSleI. 11k. Ihade and they ~ CdiIIt ••••••••• !lUNO.OO. do not Uke too much 00IJtract to be ccmpleted not Jater • nltros'c nous fertillzthan AlII'UIt 31. ItH6. •. u. With tilese con· The 1Jl1Wm\lDl WIICe to be paid to ,.. dittons, the plant. all labor ~ (JQ tb1.I oootract ottet. ,row .very ahell be ln a.coorda.nce wW1 the rank, but the blol"Schedule of ~ Boul'l1 10m. drop oft Imtnd of formln, 'W .,p aa.te. A.8cerUJDed GIld Deter- fruit. m1necl by 1be ~ of It,ood tomato are avaUIndUItrial appbcabJe to able tor tl'8lllPiantlnll: from dealer •• 8t&te ~ DepartmeDt Im- the amaD ,ud.ner .1I0uld purchale ~ta in ~ w1tb Sec. them rather than grow the few ~ 1'1-3. 1'1-4. 1'1-4a, 1'1-6 Imd needed In the avera . . .maD ,u· 1'1'" 01 Cbe <JeDenIl 01 ()JUQ," dID. Tbe, are not cUmcwt to pro'!be bJdder IDUIit MIIIaUt wtt.b hIa due •• bowever. bid a cert.Wed cbeIlIt in aD UIIIIUlt (hod , . . .. . .bo.. el,llt lDohea equal to ftve per ~ of tbe flItl. taD that are _D rre- .... p1&t.etl 00IIt, but In. DO ereJl& more ......... r... traaaplaDUq. t.1lUl teD ....... -nd do1lua, TtaIIapIaa"" IlteIIN BOt tab

I"laIl8 and IS*4t't!oM41Da1i

.' . .


"'17IUD, areon 8JI1 c rl,a.onab17 v am rood con· TrabUnr tun

e. u. 8. Route' No. • III Deerfield. 1011 .ith a medium liE) ,004 lupp17 tboD &Del TUIIUe ON* 'l'oWmb1I» cd ota...and the VlJ,Jqe. r4 ~ aDd lAbm .......... tomato.. ~an be Ifown Ia.Don, b1 ~ wMIl upbAHtc at 101m. • ...oa In ooucrete at tar ()(JQCOlWi. aveJ'7 atate of the

f 1le in tbe deiIutmiIt crt hI8tlwap riot ~~ NIId.ebt - -





~~~~·I.-=:mtGr ~ ,

eeouoa. lind Ida""" 0 SCIMe of tile~ (0)"",. ~o_ ... C!ndD:nMl1bd,





'l'BURBDA'I'. APBIL 11. lNS t


01lI0, DR or BlOIIWAD (Wp....... 0Jde, ApIA I. INI ~. 1.. ~0eJ,

Floyd L. Davisson, Editor.Publisher UNIT PlUC. OON'I'&AC'I' ........................~............----....,- ---....----........------- ~ ~ wW ~-~~,~~ Subscription' Rates: Within 15 miles. $1.50 per year at tbe oUlille or the 8tIU ~J (Payable in Advance) Beyond 15 miles 112 00 per. ___ year Dlrec.t.or of Obto. a' Ool~ 0bl0. _ ....___________________________'__ "_._____ until 11:00 A. M.. Obio 8taDdIlId Entered .. SeDoDd au. Matter at the l"IJ5t OOioe. WWoyoeevtne.



dallclne are abl;y auperviaed and

,.... tile Ir..wne daM .. ,.•• .,...a1tr..

daIcb iDdMdlal IIIIIldent Ia given 00W'Ie8, 1IbiOO will tit them. for t.iwJ1r ~ IIUlted attallllnenta.

Davisson Press

FLOYD II... IDAVIseoN. Typographer

Waynesville, O.

Dial 2143

_J +.Ferry Church of Christ News +

If barnyard manure II applied to where telmatoe'. art to be ~ H ahoUla 00 IUPplementec1 'lbeJr 00UIIe in dlamatic an. too, 18 NO! We're not dcwnhearted-Just a little disappointed witb . . to IYi pound. of IUper- 1Iborou8I1 and 81Vea .....,eUeDt t.ralnthaJt we did not reach our goal last Lord's day.' But we pbotppt. for .ach 100 pounc1J of _ tor t.he atace. radio, public ~ tiJl have faith to believe that we can rea!ch it. Don't You manure. TwIce that amount lhouJd be added to ah..p or poultr, rna, ~ ()(' f<r the dev'eIopnent of thmk we can? If you do--you will be one of the 200 in

til. lardeD

poIee aDd ClOIlftICt cUct.1ao.

tt It IlIIeran, unwtl. to work


. Into the bolel Into which In plNmtnc )'OUr chDci'. ed1b.- Bible school next Lord's day. April 22nd. t.amato planta aN ,be let, but a tIIOD dul1Il8 1be ccmitJe eeuon or b8DdtIa1 Of commuclal tert111zer WIIdatiaIr, the rout.1ne of 8dhool.t ... WE ARE COUNTING ON YOU! IbouJd be weD mixed witb tbe equiv· alnt of a bucketful of IOU wbere wortt or PIa¥ C&1l be brlabtene4 by Yours in Christ, addlns tohe DIUIIIcal ekment. Mally plant, ll to be let. M. H. Hunter. Bible School Supt. III moat ,arden. It It deBtrable to OIl t.be1r JJI.IPiIa ~ proHerbert G;raham. Minister prune the plant. to a .In,le Item f~ UICl ..-e a crecUt to tbe1r 01' 10 two ateml' and U. tliem to Itaba. 'I'M ltake .bouJ4 be about abiHt)" to develop 8l't.I8t.Itaal1y aill that . . in 4t1tm. IT' ellbt 'fHt loq. driven Into the about two feet aDd at leaat 1". Inch.. AUCTIONEERING 1Mr. Fr.IaI aod bIB PDelIent oorpa '. bl dlametet. Aa the plant develop.. of teacbera taU an 1Iare8t in the '. Stanle~ and Koo.ler lid. moot. 01' bnndl.. appear at &lIM, tUeDt8 &ad ~ or each For Dakle. Pboue . . . wa.vneatile polata .ben til. leavea are to tile milln Item. The.. v1l1e, Ob1o, Ketene 0barIaboota are .a.sq b.rol[eD out. tbUi .... BRODBI UmNB. ' atdcUq tile plant tell a at.ocle Item. .boJeeooJe malodlr aida ln reta1n1na AU. ~ - ANY AMOUNT f t . IP'OWtJI It' ,a;Ild It II nece. the ok1 ~ apIrt" I8J7 10 to the planta IVUY two CIt' thr.. da78 'to femov. the n•• TOP MAR&BT PAID 1Id~ .. tb. ariM. Care mUit RUBBER STAMPS and be taken that tilt,rrowinc tip at the maiD Item .. DOt; InadvertalltJ,J pIDeheII ouL MARKING DEVICES


W ant e d



~ ;;





---..,.-_._ ...---

10hn O'Donnell

Lice_ 'Real 'Estate BrWr

EJJ;. Thompaon At

.,...,..,te ~b

AIdia.. PeopIi 'to Halle ChaaIeI 'I'Iuo9Ib TIIetr

Made T9 Order

GREENE BROS. 101 ChMQneu AYe. -

a. .. .qpR 1Ilri._LOU4I11o-Arl4U_

, ~



The Chicken House _


Xenia, O.

Good Service.

Phone 411

The Miami Gazette

~ ~ ~~ ~~;~~~;;;;;~;;;;;;;;;~......;;;~;-••.- ....~~ ~~~

. . El'e'M...m 01 Town , If.eDIq0UICl

.... eo.&rr aca... I'arDIa. ...... ~ ADd m, PNperUe.. ~_ WJIent ••• Ba.e 8eme Panna on ,btl lle& Type on TheIr LIlt ••• Can ArrIIDP ...... to C10M DeaII •••

Sewn.. Club Meet.


'D1e .JoU:y DoIeIl sewtne atm wu entertained at the tlome or Yn. Louta Brown uld lira. Ell BImpJon on AprU. :bL PolIb.w'Ins the b1.JslneE meetll!S in 'the afternoon .. ,ftl1Y ~ 0CIIteIt waa held in WbIcb lire. Ala:ri. BctoIl won 1be prize. BeIntr favored wt~h a. duet by Mrs. lAJu1a Brown and Mrs. Oenew. Wblte. we ad,Joumed to meet witb !In. O. P. EIll8. on April 9tb,

Valuable Overseas Packases Inaured Alfain~t



b~ ' Any ' Cau..


~ pleuaD~


II Norua






LebII.aD. Ohio



N.w, ••r . . . . . . .y.;


fertn'-t of .............., . . ill.

---_ .... ...,... ....... -...........

r ••• ,•• , 'o,""~·, 'c •• , •• ' ,•••••40. , ••" ••, .,•• , Ve"!"

Ways to Grow Tomato Plant.


y.-'" ' ................

onIw.f .... ~ .......•. . . . . . . . f.r • . ,.........t ••• Itl".r ... !letter yte....... "..COII .. hod • IMIjIott at war. Get ........ 'ortlll. e •• for all c.op.--.... bo"or ro.uh •• A.k ,our d .....


r:: .................. ..,...




....... "OU......•

New Poatmuter

II, . '

Gall Gordon baa been appointed ~ at man~. HIs C<lIJlm1sBJoD dB.tiee inm Aprllllst, but he takes obatw:e ~. '!'be cilance in poat.maatera '9IU CJIOOIl8loned by the ckIBItlh of Albert MeIribI;, 'lIVbo wee pret' in ~ for I4M!IlW.l yean.

Per'aODals W88 pven a a IP'01.IP of ber

iMIIlI YIIdred Bole

bIAJ1 eurprW


A Thimbleful of Senice . •

Quick ServiCe •

, ;. OR DAY ", ~ 8CQIebod)' 5a.Y "R WII IUOb .. -.u ma.tter, I didD't WIlDt to ~ 'Cjbe bank about 1t,'; . . . . . . . . ., Man 'allve SDO 1:JoIber. '11Iat'8 __ ... are bere ~ be belpful wtIIne¥er we 0Ul;.,.. .. CID. ............


a ~ r4~ ..a ...... ~ ... .~ ~In­ ,... JW to ,drop ID IDd '. . \18 artea.. ' 70U " . .

The ••vill. National s.,t...Wa7ft _

Bank OllIe

• .,

.... -.aD .TOCK 1i~~.,Jio.. ,'. Cai~~p,~ iiWbi& :d6iiFi£'

_ li~w 90ntracting -f~~

,S \vEET eO'RN . ACR,E AGE'" .



\ I

THE MIAMI GAZETTE JilD:IaIIe\ H&rrIII to DaLly Banis. lot 410 In 1'.ruIkl1n. illiteI' J. Wl1Ibt tIO Oho.rJea R. and Nancy J. !Bale, Jot 348 and. 717 In Pranklin. John O. COllIer to W. C. nnd- Lula Soran. 1 A. 111 Tourtlecreek 'l1wp. 0be8ter A. Ho.rper . tIO HaZel L. ~. 101:8 8. II. 10, n. 12 In HamleI. 1 -+~1I""'" O. Hecker to Harry C. EldrI~. Sr. Jot 421 in Fran.k lin. ll8.ny O. Eldridge to PI~u:l and Ma11lbl. Lopn. lot 69 in Fre.nkl1n. A110e W. YOWlIIf to Nannie Collett, 1 A. in 'I'w'tlecreek 'Dwp.



PEEVE SMOOTH AS _I 1It7!?""....



Treva. Powell to ELs1e MmBle. lot 14 in orecmm. JamesW. 8Ild Lucinda J. SWeney to HOW6l'd Eo and Barel B. SWeney. 30 A. in Twp. of Olearereek. Ohester A. and Hazel L . HIliI1pe1' to Harry Lendy, .50 A. In WashJngton

'l1WP. PIhWp and Rug)" stabley to


and L. M1lbum, 6.4:J A. in

C1ean:reek 'I'Wp. V1rg1l and M'.o.rBILret L. Collins to Dltel Dlrl and HUe1 M. Leonard, 17.47 II\. In Franklln 'IIwp. Joh.n E. and Ebta K . Kidwell, to Muy E. Wil8oo, Jot 378 in Riobelt a.nd QJa.d6IB L.Yruih to Davtd R. and L12&Ie Depew, 1 A. in Fnwklin Twp. Maunce and Bett,y Kirk 1;0 QUver and Elizabeth Bowman, '4.12 A. In


Court News

Sears, Roebuck & Co.

F$nkl1n 'I1wp. NIdl.oIaa I>reldler to· NIUtaut.h R . and Eleanor Wheat Cha.vre, 10 A. COMMON PLEASIn Ibm1ltoo 'llwp. At 25 8. MaIn 8t., MlcIdleWwn, VOn- cit)' on acootUlt of their progressive LulU M. 8emop VB. Marlon V. LlO)'ld E. and Leone. iF. Hall to dacw One of the MOlt Modern pol1clea. . Keltner, defenmnt gl'anted leave to Ea.rl W. and Roealee M1h&UIe. 113.88 De)llll1amlt St.ore. In Tbia Pari of 'l1h1a store 18 WUly 0. department file. motlona, 1IJlIIWe1'. etx:. before M&y A. in Wa.)'IDe 11wp. ObJo aud Offeft A Pami1y Sboppin, store. Its vast .selection of stock 1, 1945. 'Albel': t C. IIIld Mary SWIINz1.rau1\.00. <_ ....... IlI1Ilp IJUIIl)" items of hanl·tn...nnd "",D~ . . . .................. . _ _ .... A 00mp.-..John JI'lInspadh VB. HllImLl!lIJ!IlSPIWIlLl..oer W Ramer E. an«l Leona. E., alve 8Cock of Well SeIectecI Mer- ~,which baa been seliectminor, dlvoroe tx> defendant 7~.39 A. In ~ TWp. (lband ' . to Belp Our BII81 PtIople ed "Rith need8 of 1Ihe community restJored to ma.1den name. costs paid. Herman Vaeel to·t FIsher. &e carr, On I'lfIClIeDtq ••• Clothln" in IJIin4. All. 18 ~Y' 81'Eldon lAmb. minor. va. Stella Mae fit al •.75 A. In Haru2ltal Twp. Fumkb'..... Sapp1lell. Too" and l'IIIl8'd tIllder tile vvloua depart- lAImb, divorce fx) p1.a.I.nti1t. Geo. E. Hall to lDdIward Sammons l4a1pmeai ••• 'l"be1 In,ite You to menU. and Go liIloppllli tour ol the VJoIa. 1!!.1nDr.'Jennin8B and W8m!Il N. loIUwell, lot 454 and . 8tep fJI When In Mld4JetcnrD • • • stare w111 prove theG" ofd'er1ni tIhe


• ..,. PuohNe Backed By Sean, bJa'eet wJuee. bile newest Ideu and Koebalk GwlnDtee • • • Cataloc the latest styles Orden AIIo Becel.e4 ••• TremeadThelr stock ce.rrles ~ ' 0_ 8&.tDp Are Offered, Locally, by (rem A to .Z. In a.didltlon. they have TbIa GreM Stare ••• TeL 245'5. a QIt.aJo(r order Department and . _ the alx:cmodia.t1oD ot & perscmaa After a perSocl or sUCCllllSlulaer- j 8bopper'. Now. ~ may buy anyvice. tbe people of 1Il1a part 01 Ohio ' tIl1ntr wt:al1ng $10 or more on the bave ~ decJded, Seo.ra, SeanJ .Pasment Plan and t!lere are RDebIdt '" 00.'. store in Middle- 0Yet' 120.000 items ·f rom which to tmm h,p..i6tiuta Ute ~ latest word maJre a aelection. Be 8UI'e to see thl.s ID ~ ~ and III neW catalog. B8 well ali tile new atook brInI:Iqr much tnde IlCUvtty to the 8I'Z1\'1nK da.Qv.

dlvoroe to pllWlt1f1t. p~ restored to malden name, oost.s paid. ~ Stampe!' VB. Gl~ Stemheuing aet tor AprIl 7 at 2:00 p.m. The Lebanon ProducUon Credlt AIifi'n. vs. 0T8ce E. and W. F. AIsander. Jud8ment In fa'VOl' of plaintiff In amoont 0( ,n61.a. and coste. Raqmood P. LeRoy VB. Co.rl S. Biu:I@'ham. judgment a.warded fx) pla.1rlW!. leaae caDCe1lec1 eadl to ~


• Chanae of Picturee--

}:las a


change ,of program for this Saturday night :from "Utah"


IT MUST be underltood 1D advanc. thlt It II the minor leaaue. and the collea.. thli make the ma· jor lea,uel what they are. And ybu can Include the .and loti, who tqr· nlsh their full IUPPly of atar.. Tbe bll lealuel ltand and walt. But. It I. the cue of Lou Novlkoft, recently turned back by the Chi· cago Cub I. that prove. again t b e number of brilliant minor league who can Ihine In their own domain. but are only dim candlelights · In the wind w beD they move Into faster company. Lou Novlkolr I. no outstanding excep- Lou NoTlkoJr tion. He II merely one of many. For example, I recall from my earlier yelr. the CUll ot Three·Flnger Jack Hulleman of Shreveport, who could hJt .SIIO In the Southern league. lead thlt circuit more than once. and yet linl.hed around .190 In the majora. And Hulseman wa. a ,reat hitter-but only 1D the minora. A day or two a,o_ I hid a fan .eaalon with Lt. Bill DIcker. late of . the . Yankee.. and Dulter MaU •• one of the belt pltcben of hi. day -20 .omll odd yeara 1,0. "I coald Damll .,ou st. Of th. Dlllter I&ld. "Do you recall Paal ~, Paal hit IYer .400 wltII Sa1& Lau. What a hitter. Paa1_e a .... mlDor Ie ..... bltter. But a .JOe bl,leape hitter. "I'll ,Ive you another. Do )'OU remember Ike Boone, the Alabam. football and baseball atar? There wal a areat football and ba.eball player. Ike cam. to the Mliliona on the Wlllt cout In a tough league with a bad right arm. H. really hid only one arm he could un.

W in Fl'aaIdtn. Carl 8d1 LuIa to .feMe M. aDd Ma.frey Lani. 1.23 A. i11 Franklin TWp. A8hley Q . and PloreI1ce M. sto.rItey to Marlin J. and LU:We E. S~wnmera, & A. bi Cle&ra'eEk 'Dwp. Lester G. an4...Ed1th L. I!{aUSle to J! N. Wb1taka', 1011 -A.. 111 f.iaIn1lt(m

Base Rockers

up ebead ~ )U1. Tbe pupiIa ~ near tile top were COIJIIdeNd 11M ~ but at receea acme ... frun the foot at ttJe due ~ won all your 1II&lbJea. RfineimbeIo?



....Ie. . . . . . . . w~



furniture Co. Gibbon. Bid a.-North St• Wayne.ville, Ohio

., __ ~ _ __L ___ _

-BQB'S DAIIl"y 'j I







DAIRY PRODUCTS for Your P~tiaD PhODe 2537 Wayae,.tU.. otilo

A Flop in Big Time

Place Your Order for











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KEM·TONE the Miracle Wall Finish Iu All Colors


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ling? lWhen 100 mIaeed • ward, the tim pupU to apellit ~

FENCE . ,.

Barbed Wire Galv. Roofing IN STOCK -


I ' H'


-(lbe entire cJue lInect up tor _ -

27.5. 54.00 S7.50 59.50


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DaVIe O'Brien - Jim Newell.





to "Outlaw Roundup" with

"But 1D bl. dr.t Z7 ,.mn that ••••on. Ike batted .410. H. WII tero ri!c. We .11 .ald thlt with two arm. he'd hit .Il00. He WII bl,. Per, aam., .tron,. a natural athlete and a natural hitter. But In the bla 1eaaue. with at lea.t on. or two club. h. W81 a .teldy .240 hitter. "ADd theN Bmeecl I.De-, witll &he Bed Su'-' feet I-tSS TWp. Eltel1e Pruer to l.(vnn G.Dd Sylna po1lll4l, OIle of the rreateet mlaor . . . . . IllUeN I liver ea•• lie Iaa4I C. Powers. 1.39 A. in Prankl1n Twp. ...,w..,. ID tIM " .. lea..... be &ltel J. fWrI8ht to RIath B. Becker• .... ID&,be .... own coats. Jot III in ~ 'I1Wp. . " WII Bevo LeBourveau of Geo. ~I!I.&ad'1!lillle Mt......" 1tIb:wlJ1- -tb. Phf1ll.. and Olanta-terrHlC 1D . JOI!ieph M . aevene VI:' iAaNuna Stevens, divorce to p1a1nttll m&t.t2r tam B. Uld '1laId* II'NDCaI, Jot JOe the mlnoi'l-but a !lop In the bl, ' I could Dame 10 freat at custody or child retalned by! oourt. 111 F'ranld1n. minor l.ap. bitten who couldn't bit Aehley Q. and PJoninoe l~. Star; Kothryn DDtaon w. Robert T. the Ilzo of th.1r hata 1D the majora. Dotson. cU'V01'Ce to plaInWf. key to AlIa L aoclll&ble K . 1IU/ISClI:, And th!. include. the lI'eat Rut o A110e Mab80ffey Alttall VB. LeWis 15 A. in ~ Twp• • IIan-Nov1koff-wbo can blt everyP8Jtt0n. dMrce to plB1nttU. real esJ. AIJert oowa.n ro .-llU'l 8 . U1d thin, In the minor. and nothlD, In the maJora.~' tate tx> plalntiK. pl&lntiff restored Jennie H. lOO.ll8 A. III TUrtle"On. trouble with the minora." to 10I1neS' name 0( Mabalfey. oreeIt Twp• Dicke), .a14, ''lI tIla-the pitch• Margaret L. 16J11Ql to Oa.rl E. .r. or the 'catch.ra oftm taU 'to dl.cov.r th. batte-.' wea1me... W.'ll Qera.ldine . Root vs. D:lnalCi W . and IAluIBe !MarIe Berinm, 318.13 take Lou Novlkoff. He can murder Root, divorce, extreme cruelty. J. T. A. In 0leanneIt 'llwp• . a certa1D tJpa of pitcb. H. cln't att'y. J. Albert Cowan to Karll s. and ..en toul a fa.t one In.ld•. But don't In tb€"-mo.tter at ~l1catJon of Jennie H. COWan, 130.381 A. In ,Ive Jitm a fait on. outlld•• H.·ll murder it. At le8lt tbat'. wbat Councta at V11lsge tit lManon. war- Turtlecreek 'DIrp. I hear. All I 1mow II that after baren 00.• Ohio. tor IWt:borlty to tnInB~ L. ~ to Ot.rl E. 1D, with the Yankee.· In the Amerifer f~ tlUIl the ~ lI\wd to &Ild LouIse M8I1e Bertmm. a..N A. can leap••0 mlJ)1 I know Jutt about wbat every lellow like. bhe Sewer. Ma.1nteJlaDoe and Oper_ in S&lem nv. o.tkm P\Ind 0( the Sewage I>lapoM.l &It.el J. Wdlbt to BId ODd lAlla to IWinI at-and a"o what be 'DOESN'T 11k. to awlnlat. And what plant 0( II84d Vil1a4le. fx) tmnIIfer .lama, lot 511 in l'hDklhl. a difference that mike.... f.unIdIs, W. CItestel' Maple.'y. Roy L. and Muttlla S.Jddl to e4a .Ide remark, I'd lIk. to add Verna Dean Allen. mlnol', VB. Pred Rldbard and An& K&e WorTel1. lOt that Bill Dicke,.. knew more about .______~~~~~~dW~~~~~~~in~. . American l.aaue bltter. than IIDY' at duty and extreme Cl"Uel~y, Oad OWen Gross fA) NU7' CUlertne cltcher 1D the hlltol'1 of ba.ebill. He 1mew' .verythin, they liked-and Rev' l8'eJ'. .85 A. in PmDkli!1l 'l'i2' AbIIA!dlerll, BU'y. . evtr)'thinI the,.. dldn't llke). W111Iam LuI:aa tx> Jamal P. and lDuJa O. Lakes VB. Ida M. lakee, cU\'Ql'Ce, groIl6 neglect, ArIIbur Bry- MUy El1aalletb Reed, .25 It_ In Ii&- Greatest Hitter eon. ''There ·wa. ODe exceptIon. H.I. ant, atty. Oeo. )A'BJnneJ' to ~ and nam. II Ted W11lIam. of the Red PROBATE COUB.T' GeaIlre Wolf. dec'd L. O. Wolle, Verna LoWae J:)osIer. 2 A. in Turt.le- Sox. . '''lbere I. the createit hitter I creek 'l1wp. adm. tiled bODd tor $3.000. . ever ..w." DIckey went on. He'd WUIIun W • .JobDe to LeaUe J. and never .wln, at a ball two !nchel off John W. lJOWe, deO'd. executor, the plate. ' WWlam. could walt for ~ fx) aell atoc;* a.t pl'1~ eale R,*" RIobIn8ao••.U A. in ~ c.te*~. a ta.t tiaU or a talt curve unW It tor • . wa. .lmon 1D m:r 110\". Tben If Henry P. eM Lenora III. Jttnw to 80muel W. Keever, dec·d. groU Hazel B. Brun, 10m A. \.J11 ~e h. liked it b.·d IVtD hook It to lett. ~ue 0( esI:AI.te js tlO.l46.M. "'led ba. ' tile awIftest reacUon 'I1Wp. I'v. . .er .... lie 001l1d .at. ap MAlLlUAGE LICENSESPra.ncee LouIae SaI1tIer flO Ebhel B. .... mid wha& .. do III .t lea.t Olaford E. W1throw. 36. po.Inter. Ra!encrulB • ..31 A. In LebalIllOD. • . teatll .f • NOelld. I vied .. Franklin; Mary J. Paulin, 30, beauty H&iTy L. 8Ild Ethel B. Ikaocnwa crou 111m ev..., way 1ItDew, but I P.ECI~UI I'D .., &bat 'led WUopera.Wr, F'raIlkUn. tx> Fr&neeIt LoWae 8oIIter, oM A. 111 Dever IIaJDII Sa ,tile ,..ea&elt blUer I IIIaac McGeorie. 32. ~er. ~tIl JdlaMn. _w ID baMbaU, ud I l1li0. lao. 1AbaIlDn; Pranoes SmIU1. 21. Booth RQdolph and LIDle H&yee to E. R. ~ Babe ~ Lea Gebrl,. IAltIaDoD. BOd Edith . HWIIIm. 9.79 A. In Mer- loa Dl Ma,II. were. But WUlia. . . . . 110............ of &hi........ Joseph Ruffner, 20. powder WOl'Iter. row. SOUIil t.eba.nioo: Zella RdWlsOn. 17. Arthur and Alb1Da. l'Ireir.e to H we ~'t na Ja.. UIIa war I beSoulll t.ebanon. Eleanor J. 8.50 A. in :Ram11toD u... WDUaaaa ....... U,.. lDIabed u UIa p ............. &0 Um••H B.EAL B8TATI!: 'ftIAN8FEB8Twp. Dm1Jbt be .cl4td bera that Lt. .JJciIobbrI M'IIe iPkIIIImI11 to James Oufisie 0.. DnIb! ID fh~ B. BID Dick.,.. the ArltlU1la. quaD WhUetbel, bodlci. are growing. Ind cbeir .Igbt I. ah~ .v.. mIDi 1117 wIJ4 .tate. and Mary '1J!ItzaAw!e\ Reed, 1~3.30 A. loDarkey, lot 307 in ~l. meDii. -•• .0Db' alii tbem .. .uengthcoln80 lee chat they bave good Ught to read by•. ID Salem UldI HuntkoD Twps. ... thai. KotIdq " 'aowdI necl KaIm ID PI'eeaIaD W. .ad .. h1m. Don't let ~em mda their eyes II they ait down to read . De:JaY N. Brewer •.4.86 A. In ~. JoonS. and. M1Idred WIl~ to their favorit;e boob ••• ' lisllt for reaclina Ibould be wdl WtieD It .om.... tIM mod Na.t.ban IIDd. IIDlla 8mMih, 1.12 ·A. 111 ·inI prIa ftibt. I .1WQ'. TARVIA-LlTH.JC TAR Ce dlffuIed, dear and DO~·8larin8. ~e I check on the lish 'I'W'tlecreek Twp. DempM)' - J.'lrpo volcuk .-upUaa aDd ROAD OI'L R. N. l'bllUpa to _ _ PbIWIII. that lutad ~ · a ,1riIa . . . tbIII . DCAVATlNo . DmlP lallo your rooml. Jteep Uahdns equipment dcaa. Jot~in~ ( • f012 ~ ·W hen I)empMJ T&tJCZ a_VlCle . b.m....... to tba floor .. at l.ut to WWe ZuIIIbI to PraIIk ..... .A.Ima Reacl~ Mia CaeC1rete bIa IaIIeI with J'Irpo'. ant ftIht. .Hoff, .48 A. 10 1lMaO.' .'.... baII~ DIalPl., kept I'tr;O . DeMel H. 8IxJDe, to ~ II. OIl UIa 8aor cd 1M IOIIIIdaDd I&Ddred W~ Jot · ~" · 1n " D A 1.0 . wbere I'Irpo he... Deal,..,

Pie Diy


The Twin



H.I •

Armitage &Sou .-.-1=......... .... ....._IIi[IIIIII!-......

&Ill ~ to KeI'DeJ ~ 1.11 A. In 1IWI*l1D 'Dwp. Jr-., DNIre flo . .1 IIDd 1M ..... 1.31 A.ID ftIddIII, - .


: GIllIe tint

Fairley Bdwe. Stores; PhoDe 2441


AT THE "Frieadl7 Sto...;'




tbI'ouIb .... l'OII.. ...,. ...lI7CblDJ.1 h&IIPIJ*l ID IUCb • bU1T7 DII . . aouI4 faDDw tba awUtb IbIfttDI IOeurIo -or



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"Hard-To-Get" Items

9 s 12 WOOl. RUGS


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COUCHES (Full, Spaiq .Fi~)

t.lYING.'ROOM suiTEs BED 800M SUrR.s


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Buy Now For Spl'iq'N

HOME . .Ft1RN'I TBBE' UN'A ~ Phon. 9lD



"Eut Mala SINet at ...........


We w1sh to 1ake ttUs opportunltl'


of ~ our , he&rto!elt toonks

.., D. J. IL\ZIEB

..... . .. ... .. WapntSbillt C!Cburtb ofTelephone C!brist Max Minister 2985

Card of Thanlu-


'I'IIt1aIlD"Y, AI'Im. I., lH1




to the Volunteer FIre Department,


sOd to the men, women and obJldren

.t.n.IL U, 1NL '!be PresJ,dent Ia of

WQyn~, who ~ generously ~rmon Topica: dIIMt mel Qennany has ooll&pscd. and untlril'lgly gjlwe of 1Ihe1r time Morning, "Walking On The Waters" TbM ... the !WaY ~ news came to and etitort in helping to ext1ngu1sh me. pUtly true and pa.rtLy only Evening, uThe First Confession." the,flre Which threnbelned our home. Kenneth Hili, Mar. -:- WAYNESVILLE, OHIO l'IUIIIDI'. Ute ~, who WOoS onJy .And to bhose Who returned to B1ble School ~:30 A. M. Olu1stlan Endeavor '- 6:30 P. M. .uuwed to look at dle ~ assist in IIIAIdng the house np.ln Buy War Bonds and Stampi at Our Bolt OffiCe ' Even1ng Service - '1 :30 P. M. '-Id trun & high Irlounta1n and habitable, we are indeed gratefUl. Communion ~ ' 1 0:30 A. M. BING CROSBY PAUL HENR e: I 0 MJd-week prayer service L1DcOln 'WIbIIeo 'WOrk WIIB left hal1 ' We regret lbhG.t we C6JlIlot thank Sermon - 11:00 A. M. Thursday n1g1ht - 7 :30 P. M . flnSebed and bhcuI&.ndB or lesser MON each ood overyone of you per8OIllUl,y, TUES WED THURS FRI SAT SUN qJen, 'be had. to leaNe h1s mret but we know you will understan,d ohtll1ahocl. dream tor others to work 24 23 25 26 28 27 22 that our IIPprec1llltlon Is none the le68 Crom his son, Radio Tedh. Vernon out. ~ . 88IlIJ» to be a. oatural la.w 21st District Inspectionl 6tortY' or Dooll,tLle Bombing THE BIO<N!lST THING liN a1noere. D. Fol'dJOO. that he Is "Somewhere U:IIIt DO cae IDOIl can see the v1s1on Order of the Eutem Star Spencer 1'raeJ, Van Johnson, Robt. Walker Mr. and Mrs. E. V. Bernhart Gene Autry in RADIO. Direct <to Our Screenl In Belgium" with ,the 8. 8. D. Hq. &Dd alao mab it come true it it "Thirty~ondl. Over Tokyo" SG't. Fordyce h86 been overseas nea.r- Apr. 24- D.OM. (003) New in'YOlwa aocW p:t'Oil'ftISII. At ~ "Ride Ranger Ride" ' ~National Bam Dance" NOTE: Due to I~L of t his fea.t.ure, ·we BW'JJJlgttoh Iy three years. having spenlt 18 monbe dkl DOt hatve ,tu 11e helpless and Card of Thanka-To the mtIl'ly fnends ' and ttL!! witlh Jean HOlII.hCl'. Lulu 'Mill l'IUl one Show only for th throe nigh t:s with all the Gang ths In lcelnnd and ten mon ths in Apr. 2'1- D .OM. (57) 'Leesburg see it wrecked and torn to pieces bY chW'ch organlmt1oru; who so -in dly Belle & Scotty, The Dinning EnqlnJld, \.hen to Paris o.nd now to May 2- D .GM. (357) W1lm4ngton SI.a.rt8 at 8:00 P. 1\1•. - Out 10 :35 I'. M. political spite, greed und sel11Slmess. AddC'd : Pluto 'cartoon (lIld g:BIVe oa.rds, flowers and tM t:: food; SIsters and. Othexa. May 3- D,GM. (343) Lebanon Belbrium. Leon EiTOI Comedy a:; ~ d1d. Added: Cnrtoon during my recent Uln~ , I II'~;' I " Little Mlss Jan~ Trost and EVelyn Mfiy 1!)"- D.OM. (127) Vernon G reed find sel!isIlJle68 still exist extend my heart-felt t1 k. . Schilling are entertaining the chick- May 4- D.G.M. (l(m Mlamd in all degTees from the thoughtless O. R. Unylcsby I May 13- D.GM. (173) Mlultinsv1lle en pox. kind reported some weeks ago in the May 2f>- D .G.M. (621) Leig1hton Mr. and Mrs . P. L, Thomas and mon pie epiBode to the rutblesmess by Mrs. ,l illy Gibson May 28- D.G.M. (441) Hillsboro , OFFER son and H. R. Fordyce were aD1o~ o Bltler and Ooer1ng. R.etnember a sare investment. SomeLim s! is Nlr. a.nd Mrs. Monis Lewis and a.ll day guest.'> or !;he carl Whltu;' JUne 12- D.OM. (144) Loyal IEml'On ~e? 'JIbe scene, tlbe lunch and sometimes it isn't. I doubt thM SATISFACTORY June 20-- D.G.M. (330) LytlCb:bure SOilS, J e rry Lee and Kenllclih Wil- fll.Qlfiy In Da~ SUnday. oounter 8lt Q, farm SIIIle. the last Standard Stat1stl.cs Investmc.nt SerSERVICES lemon pie, one that would have vioo would list it thGt way. The old llam, Mrs. HJ.iey Gibson and Miss served Ilix people, the row of PeoPle 1dee. tho.t Ja.nd u a. salfe inves t.ment . AT ALL TIMES wta.1t1llg wlth ~ eyes on tIbat pie, Iihat here you haove t:a.n the <two men who botJ8ht the whole gl\lle tlhat won't get a.way from you of pie, dlvidedit betWeen them and 48 disproved by, tale hundreds of ~ccnlur~ 'lhiom~ Mrs. Hai11ry Berges and ahildren or ate it ail', thoua'hlt really waa more iullled, wom-out fenna that we see Beavertown spent Sunday W11t1h Mr. Dial 2111 Waynesville, Ohio bI.n they waotA!Cl, Just a tboUgh- t.h.rcJui;bout the ~tr'Y. If the land and Mrs. Lue Morgan. less. aDt ' of' eelf~ 'l'hI8 story 18 p11ced nght ao tIh&t you boNe some ~==========================/ Mr. and Mrs. Ra~ond Smith of could be mare than JUBt a ~t worIdnc capital left, it you have II. chew their cuds. a ~cture of oon- fully fla&h1oned we give three cou- DaytOn spent Sunday With Mr. and on lUnIloD- nature, It miIIbt' be " good teDant wtth a tNr lease, it you tenwd cows. pons, a sh1rt 1s 5, Q, blouse is 5, a Mrs, HileY' Gibson. parable. 'lbe aaJ.e, the Ban F'ralIIc1IIco bave eDIOUIIb farm. knowledge to Oonten1ment and securil.ty, Is t.he.t oomp1ete suit 12, a. ooat is 18, and Mr. Russell ,:RoberllOn of near New ciaor~; toe pie, dle world; the knoW wtlIIt abould be done, and ~ Wba.t we want? It never has been. shoes are seven. and the!l wld.erwe84" Bur11nwton ~ed on Mr. a.nd Mrs. waWDr ~ tlbe big t.bree and the see tbat it 18 dooe, & :tann W1ll give the American ideal. Adventure, op- as well. It is all ()()uponed, you can Emerson Dill. SllIlda¥ a.f,ternoon. 8ID&1la" natioDe. Will Ibere be 1IOOle- )'OU a fm retuIn on your money. portunlty, work, res):!Onslbi11ty and see it ls quite a job trying to Mr. and Mrs. ned Morpn and OM bEbind u)e-COllDter to aa.y nmily. A goyerDIIIeIIt ixmd only' ~ ~t progress, the Amer1can way, which them out. This time it wasn 't !8IIIl1ly called on Mr. Ilnd Mrs. Har"No, )'OU cannot. have ~ more t.ban two and .. bel[ perceDt but it doesnt do you want for America's future? beclwse I didn·t hll.Te to give up old Kelles and fa.mily of near 8pfOUr ~ Of the. pie, no matter it eat ~, it doesnt need a new 'IIhe Blood Bank will be , in Leb- ~ for ~ unift:J1'lll. 'l1wo Winters rtngboro. ~ got ~ IDGDeY to pay :to(' roCt, it doemt Dee<t new fences, It anon next week. ·a you sent in before WIben we \JSed to hoNe only Mr. .and Mr... Eart Lucas and itl" '!be aph.u. 01 JuaUoe pc!r.baps? wont die 11 you d<lDt itlt up in the your name? TronsporUlLlon can be twenty oouPOIl6 every seven months, fnmtlY of OInc1Imatl spent the week Il 80, t.ben tlha.L.18 wl'at F. D. R. died nlaht to keep It 'MmJ'l.i t ~nt be nr1'llJ1ged If you need It. The flght- I used to have to give up 16 to the with Mr. o.nd Mrs. Do.vld Luoas. ear. . G . P. O. Cor un!101'm. So t.h.o6e times Mr. and Mrs. Thomaa Runyon WIIIIbed fuU of gullies U it isnt ing isn't over y~. • •• 0 Mum and Dad would help me out," called on the Harold Filer's Of near fenMd rtght. Here are subjects for ..,....,. 4)ro l3. lMi. ' We planted eome good lettel'l to tbe ediro;. Is "It's Good Friday WdaJ and 1t's a. Xenia." StlIlda.y afternoon. pOcailJoe& Ulday. For four yean, we a !ann a good Investment? What lovely 8W.16hiny d,e,y, ~ut With, a. oold Ws.s Palullnc Gibson Is spending bIlwe p180tecl talem, some yeara we makes & good farm 1eIIae? What 111 by Harriette F. Thomas wind. Do you kOOli» it as a hol1.dlw·! tJll1s week with ber pwrenUi, Mr. and . . (IUr ~"badt and some y~ (be farm laDdloI'd'a re.sponalbWty? SOme tInns are c!106ed t.oQay O1lhers Mrs. mley> Olbson.. From England a.p1n we henr- are wOrkln4r ,bodElY <lIld wllt cl06e we dkIn't. Now once 8p1n we hcwe Wlla.t make8 a good tenant ?' Mrs. David Lucas spent Sa1iUrday biou8ht seed potW)es aM planted Saturday. AprU 1f, 19f5. MuBbroom .. We todk: to keeping a pig tben tomorrow. We've done ow'mornlng 6ve~ with her son, Mr. and Mrs. having it killed.and made into baoon them. '!be pound 1& good time. '!be other da.Y Paul found one tlhDusb we 'h ad to fOrfeit our b800n delivel')' but no lDJOI'e. I was at work ~nd Lucas and famlly e>l near ~d, at lauIt good.~ pota~ bave hundred and ninety-flve. Who can at 4 :00 a. m . 110 8IIL very glad to ~ve W1lmi1ngton. beeo IZOWD there, tbe aeec:l _ cer- ~ that 1'8CID1'd? ,HOwever, I am a mtton of 4 om. per J)!!J'OOn a week. finished. earb'. I IlJ10ught it a. good M1's. Audrey Crew of Lebanon tWed and kloIted lJke,pJOd 8flIi;d. the ~, [ like tale :taJI ' mushrOoms We won't get any from the shops oppo.rot.unity to ca.t~ up on my \X)r- spent Ilbe week end with Mr. and date wu .a 8ooc1 ptaDt.lzle' dote ac-- betiter t4lan the sp~ ones. PerhAps for twenty _weeks now, sttn we teel re5pOIldence, ~~ Monday w1l1 be Mrs. Ed. crew. we're on the best tilde beca.u8e ours ClOl"d1DI to the alIIIa.nadt. but lite ali I do.n.'It ooot them rlgIht but. they 18 ea.txlbJe. Yes it's quRe wue, lwse Ube sme, , . talie one delivery. I I faIm yeut,uri,a, DOtb.1ns' Is sure until aeem tDst.elesa to me. I hBd mUBllhope the wewtaler keeps nice for all ~ boI4 it ill J'ClUl' band. 'lb&t 18 J'OIlIII& ~ a piece or ~ed turtle are Very scaroe oV,er h~e and comes over _ 'Dlster b[)ltda.y." . ' ~ ~ t1!» abJDk ,~ when 1« lunch. It 'Wall qu1te good"a little lIIto our clotlh1ng l'8It1On. Yoo _see. ObI to be 1p !logla.nd now that .am. ODe trieI"<to 1111 "!U a fum. JUte rabbit yet willi i UWe cUtlerent ' we have a ~ With :H. ooupona In April'. herei Or would yw? Some- Mrs. W8.nda Sm1tb of Spring Val'80 ~ IMm. are ab8II8'ID8 fla.WIr f1 11'4 own. ODe or tJbe boys and tIOO!e have ~ last us 'I months. bOw I tbJIik, after reading the above, ley WM a WedneGday aJtemoon IaDda, 8DIDe to 1boae Wbo expect to foUnd it 8.nd they aen.t me over a For a pair of UDIfaah1oned. bose we that tate good old USA With all ber· caller of Mrs. Ed Gl.ll1kl.nd. tlhey call faults Is Ilbe best country · in the WOIIr.1Ibem, IJI&QY to other6 Who have piece toMrs. Perry'IlhOlDl.lUi &penit,Wec1neabeeD ~ that 'fum land 111 Monda,.. Aprp 16, INS. Flrom my world, e.nd t.bM 11m proud that I day aJitemoon with Miss Ruth LIghtI, .80IUth window. Four Jemey calves was born an AmeriOlll ~ God er IIIi F1ve Point& NORRIS BROCK CO. ' Just went racq BiCl'068 the puture bleea ~ and H~ own I H. R . Fordyce has received word lJDlon 8&odE Yardl loot4nIr for their mo.mae. Now the wtioJe pazade Is baclc, rows, cal'reS , and BII.lly Popeye. One calf a rn4atab and got tile wroil4r ~ wtlo, wu IIU!l'pI18ed when she found he had babJea and abe 8taztWHAT A ed to run with both of them after bert Now 1IbeJ baNe each found . the " . STARr.NG proper mama Uld lundl III beIna A CO.p .. lrl serwd. 'l'1ley are all aat1lJfJecl and one Lift Wlte and An orb:v ODe tbe7 lJe dO'WD. to ralt aDd ,iamsauOD aecond to DODe. SVloUJ








-Get That Scrap Paper Saturday!


Along The Way


You·'. Do·n ated' a Pint!




;:=::;:;:::===:;=.:::==::;::=-: leDera Clir the beIIt aU UOUl") mane'

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~ W.

RImdaiIl , . , _


Phone 2985.






r.,. 'Car. for ,.,

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Any make or model Fred Kahn Motor Car Co.

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"ch.cI.. Sic II •• Aceidant. Chllclblrth-lnformation ""'""---t----




PHONE '326

OAK BARlRELS- 50 gal. Mola.ssesi A Dew plan that prQvld ho.~pltal gOOd ~tJon- Ohas. Ben"y, care tor either ind1v1duals or {luire F'OWIt~I>~& ~, " ' . " , .' -3. '~ baa DO" been perft'C(;e d bJ , .: ' • -18-,..-oId lnaUrance company -

s~ Room

NortberD Kutu ..l Oasualty


Lata of wall paper paD1. AcooI'd1na to the provisions on hlll1ds lilt bargain prices. Oall ~ ita pol1cJ' JOu are reimbursed toe .&.t home. D. E. St4.nd1!ord -00 boIpltalU1&t1oa. apenael. lricludlng HOURS: bo8pil&l room, atr& chargea, and lurFUR RENT - '1-room hoU.5e and pons fees-total 'maximum j)enellt8-12 each mcm1ng large glU'd.en,. Three m1les soubh of ~ . per penon. '1'b1t protection 11 unUmlted. 1D tIuI& &be money 11 paid, , l-5 alwmoons except Wa.vnesville on Oregonm. and ..batner the cau.e.-ickuess. accident Wednescfa,y ; 'Wa.yneaville road. . See Emiery III' cbJ1db1rth. 'ftIe protection oontinu. PeterS. . '1 -3 reprdleaa of Wbether you leave 10ur preleDt Job or whether you mM. to ~ FUR BALE- ~ Poland Ittb,e r ~ 1D ~ U. 8., 0&Dada CII' ' China Male Hog, 1 year old. Aluk&. l'br compl.te 1DformatIGD . , CCJUpOIl ••_ _ _ _ _• _ _ _•• F E!nJnett l!eltz. RDute 2. 26 .IDAII beloW.

Poultry "feed

NOIIH.IN MUTUAL CASUALty CO. JQR ~ heatro1a--coal. D..... OCW.I. U.... C ........ lid. 2-wheel bk:ycle (8DJBll siZe) also 1:I......d 14. 0111. ~ ~ 2'142- Mrs. send oompw. IDtCll'lDa&;loa ~ Walter Wiseman. W. Main St. 18 boep1t&l ClaN tCll' ...,..., ~

Mastel' Mix


p~ LOANS-~ tenn,




easy PB6'UleDtti. No appra1saJ. :fee. MAIDI ••••••••••••.•• - ••••••••••••••~



BEIlkle. Phone NO.2, Lebanon. tfc 01t)' ................. ~te ......... .

c. ~,. ' , Wilkin

~meUiQ E)'~, Specialist

, !8 Is. Detr04 ,8t. ' XENIA. O.

DONHA.M: U.s. CERTIFIED WHITE ROOK cmO:KiS---lk~ Of Nat100al Oh&mpion WhIte Rock pen both ~ and 19f4. Oui ,1945 : WeBtem New York COIlteBt pen 111 . ~ Wb1te Roc:Jt pen in all U. ; S. tilrough December. . , l3Uy chioka of th1.s\ proven llleh ~ atram ,b q, poultry ~ta.



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3.90 3.65



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bu. 6.50 "


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All THESE PIECES AVAILABLE . Olnn., plat., . ' PI. plat., • Meat pia II... • VetII.tabl. bowh • CUpl. and ICIUC. . . Con. unl" • c.recti bowll Souc. dllh" • Sh.rbets • Sligar bowl • Salt ani! p.ppers unlll • e,"", IOUps • Tllmbl....


C,"""", •


luy any Kroger Brand lIem, , Llk. II as well os or b."" Ilran any olh.,. or r.tum unu..d portion II! original will ,,.. contalne" and plac. II, 'REf, wIth Ih. 10m. It_ In brand we ..II. reeartll"s of prlc ••





O. P. moJe tram

cIJJIm 01 300 to 316 , ea record. " .,.. ~ mter tad'a.1 &a tale de-, :DIMd - tbe8e 1UPer1or . cbic:U , tIlIIOeIId .apply. Don't be _Aft.. ~_-R ~ IbItIe 2, Pbone 21118. DOMIL\I( ~ JlATamaY

Waynelville. Best

cwt. $3.40 t, 3.60

These A~ All Highest Quality,· Certified New Seed In Flat Gradea '

Dunham objd[ 8\l'ed tw,top poulWy proHta by U!ic11v1d-

"'1C"l1aAaod: tf'ba'lOD, 311 Oolum- '




\d,y, ~ R.

Waynesville ~ Egg


to==",~,~ :-w.,=-ers:,


NAItC ................. , •••••••••••••• "

mm....•.•...• ,.~ ... ,............•.

C1T't:•• •• •••••• •••.. STATS. • • • • • • • •

n f -~ - a _ -nth ~ =~Jan~ a..-.-






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'- PHONIE 237.-




0,.. ., . (aM. . ROl. • C.mtl._ '1" . , MI. or mate" you, colo,..



,h e ~..4










Russ Break With Japs Changes Entire 'War Picture in Pacific; Ike Predicts Guerrilla Warfare

Postwar Freedom

J . A. Kru'g. War Production board chairman, tempered a warning that "while Japan fights we will not enjoy anything like a tree economy" with the promise that the government would not attempt to shape country's postwar business .....- - -_ _ _ Re leased by Western Newapaper UnJon, _ _ _ _ _ _--1 the structure. ~ E DITOR ' S NOTE : Wb ••• pl.I~ .. are n,Noo., la , .......Ia"",o. 'boy are tbe. . .r W e.tern New.p a pe r Union' . Dew •••• I, dl and DD' D.e • • • • db •• lbtl aew. pap.r.) ' The WPB chairman m a de these I tui~''''Ja u....: ~ in a statement ouillnipg TREATY: government's reconversion proOKINAWA: gram. Russ Break With Japs Timetable's Ahead "Our plans do not contemplate When Foreign Commissar Vyache. As military observers had expect- any long.range programming of this slav Molotov curtly handed the Jap ed. Japane.e reslatance on OkIna· country', indultrial atructure:' he ambassador a note denouncing Rus- wa had atlffened alter U, S, army declared. ''The wartime cantrall , sia's neutrality pact with Japan, the troops bad cut the island in two. were developed with the advice and question of the Soviet government' , With the .trate,lc airfields of the counsel of management and labor future course with Nippon became a capital city of Naba as the prize, the in the various industries affected, matter of blgh Importance in United 24th army corps and the 7th divi· and thla same advice and counsel b Nations' chancelleries. sian fought fiercely a,alnat well-or- being 10Ught in considering the Speculation about Marshal Stalin'. ganized ' Jap units defendln, the timing of their relaxation and with· IntenUons was heightened in view of southern areas of Okinawa, Marine drawaL" the close imminence of the world 3rd amphibious forcel continued ex• ecurlty conlerence In San Fran- tension of their northern lines . ARGENTINA: Observers were ot the belief that 'Probation' Ends bitter batOes would have to be Argentina' s probation period as tought and won before the southern portions of the island could be won. the bad boy of the western berni· In this area it was estimated th.a t Iphere drew toward a close 81 the between 60,000 and 80,000 enemy ata te department ~nnounced it waa troops were concentrated. Never- removing Its special economic retheless, Maj, Gen. Roy S. Geiger. Itrlctlons against the South Amerimarine commander, said the time- can nation. The new United States pollcy will table W88 well ahead of schedule. put Argentina on an equal footing with the rest of Latin America WORLD TRADE: when It asks to buy commodities in A War Preventive this country, ,A significant prelude to the world The IItate department'll move wal .ecurlty conference in San Fran- regarded as a reward for good concl ~ co was Secretary of State Stet. duct. Argentina had followed Ita ret1nIus' address in Chlcaio ouillnlnl cent declaration ot war agalDllt the plaJUI for wider world markets in Axia by lIignin, the Act of Chapulwhich the industrial output of the tepec pledging nonaggreaslon in this 'United States would matcb other na- bemlsphere and bad likewi.e begun tiona' needs, an energetic purge of Nazi apl". Addressing the council on foreign relations, gray - thatch~ Stettlniua DEBT LIMIT: declared the United Statea would MAURAL STALIN exert Ita full power to call a world Upped 40 Billion Mer. frOuble far Japan. M Americans began a ••ayln, conference 01 leadlnl trading councllco. Two facta; ' however. were tries to stimulate international eco- their fami1Y l'ankrolla in prepara· clear for the record. The treaty or· nomic well.bein;;{ The lecretary of Uon for the torthcomina Seventh War Loan drive, the WhIte Boun dlna.rIJ:y would bave run until AprU, ltate said: "Our objeetlve in all our rela- announced that Pruldent Rooleve1t lllU. yet RUDla decided to void it lUDlDJarlJ:y. Marabal Stalin publlcb tiona with otbel' natiou la to prevent had approved le,bbtion ~reaalnl ."crIbecl .Japan a. all "a,gret.or aggrellion abroad from aialn ella- the pUbUc debt Umlt from

Washln&1on. O. 0: ARMY DISCHARGE OREDITS Here Is how the army will deter, m ine what men are to be discharged alter the war in Europe Is over. Spe· clal forms have been quietly sent to comm anding officers in aD theatrea. They are to be distributed to the G.I.s who will fill them out, try to llgure out the number of credits they have earned ' to give them a quick return home. The one thing still undecided by the army Is the number of eredlta necessary for immediate re1eaae. ThIs columnist is able to reveal. hoWever. that: I. AU credits will be determined a. or &be dale &he war In Europe Is over, I. Special credits will be riven for ovenea. Mrnce. aIld o1'e.... Mas service will meall IUIY service outside the continental the' U. S.,' incla4ln. lImUs AJaIb, Do1lSallcla men who served .. Alaska wm receive overaea. credit.. OverMas Mrt'Ice will be determined from &he clay a mall leave. a port .f embarkaUo... S. Combat credit will be riven ollly for those I'ecelvinc tile medal of honor. d1stlncuJshed &ert'Ice or088. lerlon of merl&, silver &tar. dlaUDculahed lI"ine cr.... ..ldlen· medal, IIroue s&lll', 'air medal. purple heart or broMe Mrvlce star. for lIattle parUclpaUo... No other awal'da or ribbou wiD be Included. t. CrecU& wiD be riVeD ror children who are ander 18 yean of ap on &be day tile war .. Europe enda, bat 'or .ome m,.. wloDB reuGn Gae army wm no' aUow, credit. '01' more thaD Uaree cllU4reD.



000;000 to



I'Iacal Qperta beUeve th1J


Nuls are tau..

f1OO.- a Germ.. clvwU








Call by Radio for Surrender


Flag Over Geruma



...... ..,..... oJ...

.. '...u ..




in, lenlus behind tile recenu, a1ped

InvaSlon · Gigantlc · M'iIi,.tary 0 perat=io=n::--j~pe~ac~e~j~r:~~u:'~~~U1~y u~r~~



,IlAIBEB CONCJLLlTES , It, it, but be wal ,t ile

"GermaDY," the note recalled. "attacked the U.S.S.a. JapaD-Germany'a all1-ba. helped the latter in her war alainst the U.S.S.R." Obierv~ were a,reed that RUIi.ia's action meant a closer work1n& cooperation between Russia and ber aWel. How .oon that meant an open declaration of war by the Reda op Japan, time would tell. ' PACIFIC BASES: Even a. tile bad DeWi came U. S. Must Hold ' from Rusala 't he laps .ot •• other rude reminder Uaat tbe Control ot Paciftc bases "paid tor payoff of a • .,euloD was apo with American blood" and the main· proachin, wben It was aD' tenance of a large postwar navy Doanced from WaablDctoD &bat were urged by Fleet Admiral General .,. the Army Oou.ia. Ernest J . King, commander of the MacArthur had been cbosen to U. S. Seet. Failure to ke!lJ) these bases now lead aU AmericlUl army ' 'orces SECRETABY STETl'lNlU8 In the' Paella IUId Fleet Admiral will mean that thI. country will ..4 Formulo lor peace. have to light for them another day, Chester W. Nlmlta bad beeD &elected to lead Uae naval '01'088 turbing the peace of the United he declared in an address before the In the ftnal drive on the lap... States and to develop those cond!- Academy of Political Science In New Dese homelaDd. ' 110na of International life that will York City. make It possible to maintain hlp "Rich as we are, we do not have GeDeral of the Al1DY Benry B. levels of prodlictive -employment th~TIIlcal r"ources to Arnold wiD command tbe 10th and farm income and steadily rIalng , (8apedorta) Air force and wW .tandards of Hving for all the be In ciuwle aU oUler aulal American people." acUoD In the aeclol'. TIle ohIef. vi afaIr wW conUnue to cUrec& GUERRILLA WAR: ,. Uae .veraU drateO' ancJ wW Some the shIp!! which comprised tbe &i.anUc fleet 'that participated In the invasion Okinawa are 'r ive &pec180 responsIlIWty to Forecast in Europe loaded with thouiands tons equipment aad supplies at an advanced Pa.c1f1c basc. Boldest Amed oper ... Mac.trlbur or Nlmlta lor .-rUoThe statement to President RooseUon In this theatre. a.Jl armada of some l.toO IblplI took pa.r' hI tile amphibious attack on this key Island alar operaUona in Uae PaaUic. velt trom General Elsenbower foreIn the stepping-stone ch.ln be'w~en Formol a and .J\lpan proper. ThIa extenaiOD 01 operaUoual casting extensive guerrilla warfare &enltol')' lor the two leaden who in Europe was being borne out as ave been carrylD. the war .. AIlled armlel ground their way laplUl', doonlep IDcUcatecJ &bat through Germany and ber van· Uae "Walld boppiD," pbase" qulshed sa teWtes, Uae campalp waa over aacl a Unable to form a strong unified , DeW ,trateB ' ..volv..... direct line to combat the Allied smashes alADlI OD Uae lap homeland wa. toward Berlin, the Nazis command Imminent. ' depended on a aeries ot "last man" .lands to delay extinction. Undenl· lAP CABINET: ably General Ei.enhower's Allied armie. on the welt were cutting More Woe Ahead A steadily heavier burden of ~ermahy to pieces. Yet lPOts 01. trouble was to be the fate of the re.lstance remaiDed and each posed new Suzu1d cabiriet in Japan. That a ' cleanup problem to the AWe •• was unm1staItably forecaat in the The trap In the Ruhr was an "Keep our bues.· fall of Its predece88or-the Kobo pIe of thli trend. " , Over battle1leld. once reddened by dissipate our patrimony generation cabinet. the blood of aoldie .... who fell ,iii the Two major events hi!! contributed Napoleonic wan. American and after ,eneration," be declared in to the Japlnes. ,overnment crl,II, ,Britl.b dl~lona smalhed ' 'IQ theJr emphasizing that we ~~nnot atrord was the luccelsful pro"... ot drive ealt to meet the RilIllan. ' and to continue a c)'c1e ot fighting and the American m1Utaty advance on to bl.eet Germany Far .orw-~ bulldlng and winning and • • A anA away" Okinawa laIand. only 380 the vaneuard of the race to IJer. ' trom the .lap ma1nland. The ' other ' were armored unlta of Gen.eral POSTWAR JOBS: was Soviet RUllla·. action in dePatton', 3rd 1ll'ID7. Preaalnl toWard B hS . nouncln, the nautrallty treat,- with the' .tratealc North sea POrta of aruc eel Plenty Japan that .UD bad a year to run. Bremen and Bambui'" were the ' Po.twar America a. a land 'where Ullheted In as a ,rallyln, force ' Brltlab torcea 01 ~Qlit,omery; ' Job. will b. plentiful·waa envi.ioned against the AIlled , march toward Meanwhile. ~t;. Gail. Jam~1 R ~y '15,yl!at-old Beriiai-d~.ruch. adTokyo. after the Infam~ ToJo ,ov- Doollttle was lowin, deswcUon via viler to Presldet Roo.evelt, In all 'e mmat had taDed. the cabinet 'of wuPlIUl- on the aJd~ raO yarda Interview ' publiahed In ,the arDI7 Prem1e1' Gen. J[UDlaId XoIao had en- IUld auPPb dumps In, .~ Munich newapaper 'Stan aDd Stripes. counterecl cUnater after dlJuter in area of loutbera GermaD7 when It , CD a mIIIkID' to where : ita elpt ~d a haH monthl of UlJt. 'f t . reported BlUer was ptannlDI be ·ooDforncl wlQa Prime M1Dbter. Troops 01 the Dew lOUa arm,'. TJUa ence. btl Ialt 'Itand. at Gnet BrltahI. dlvialon are &boa a. Gae, ralae that HrVlOemea wVuJd Bow , kID. 'the ..... cabiDet at' '1'1. • In the eut. BUlllan forn, had the colon 'er ae 11'1& lime OD tilly 7ear-oJd,Adm. BUaD J[antaro SuIu)d ecmtlnued Ibelr' pnuure oil Berlin have a.otblq &0 WOI17 aIIaut __ Gerala BIdma, aDd tbat ''tIaen wlD would Jut. . . . OSIID to 1P8C\Ilatka. . . to the IOIitb tbe7 cIeand BuD- ...., lot lila. ,....... die 1Ilva.... ., ... But Amerleau prr 01 'eD11117 fcIraa. eaptarlq be more ...-IE In tbe VDlW Ita_ Isle ., ......... fteJla'wu ....... lID. . . . tIdDI- eer&aID. 'JlIe Iul Bratlalava In 8Ionlda aDd pourIq . . til. . wlD be IIaDda willi ..... iii tile ...... ..... .... DMuIIe .. va-.. to do It," ~


•• •

"1Iea~ Inalde German),. . . weU a. on Uae w.r froat. TbIa ItrIp of pboles ailows be pla),. 't he Ullhappy role 01 "Wermaold." Two Kaaal.... ,fol!Jlller ....

DIet $lie Nul a. tiler were MarohlD. for American "Oi.pia,c ed Peraons about '.June INa, ' , 'l'be preaent debt In termI of "maturit7 value"-the bam on whleh the .tatutory limit la aet-la abOut f243,OOO,OOO,OOO. 'lbJs means the old limit of $260,000.000,000 would have been reached lome time during the Seventh War Loan drive. if that drive 'producel anything like the , $21.000,000,000 l ales of the slxtb War loan. I


d.... ... .......






of commerce, CIO Pre•. Phil Murra;,. and AFL Pres. Blll Green. -i Kalll~ figured out the Icheme last after .eeln, the terrifte bitterof the election campaign, B. approached Bill Green. tolel him that if Green sincere about believing in • 6O,OOO,OOO-job pro,l'am. management needed assuranc" of lallor peace. Green was agreeable. Johnston agreed to caD the fir.t meeting, Invited Kaiser, Murray and Green to 'a bush-hush dinner in hi. Mayflower hotel .ulte, debated' the entire proposal up, down and sideways. Not ccm.'_J!!th a bare_~ ment 01 anlty aad pleda'e o..... bor-lDlUlagement peace, KaIaer has DOW qDleU, proposed Uaat the U. 8. chamber 01




new, weU • fiDaIlced or...DI.... tlon which CIUl acUvely about the buaIDeu 0' conuctiDe local labor leaders aIlci local "usiDes. men, preaehID, the ...pel of cooperation OD that leveL

• • •

PETRILLO CRACKDOWN Congre81 is so .teamed up about the rambunctious practicn of borntooter Jame. ' Caesar Petrillo, head ot the American FederatiOn of Musi. cians, and bushy-browed John L. Lewis, mine workers' chief, that relpons lble labor leaders are greau, worried that it ma)' pass the Balley bill. , TbI. woald "vaUdale the a,reement PetriDo won a'ter d~ Iyin. the record mauulacturen IUId Uae IOvernment for two yeara. IUld whlcb provides tIIa& the manufacturers pay hi. union a royaUy ,oD ever, record made. It woDld aIao , raIe out Uae IIcent-per-ton coal royalty Lewf. asked after be saw Petrillo ret his, Even though many of them hav. , Uttle .ympathy for the PetrilloLewi. methods, labor leaders lee In the Bailey 'bill far more da~er thaD appears on the surface. FOr if the bili becomes law, It Wjll knock out not only Petrillo royalty setup., bui also numerous negotiated agreements wbereby agree tel pay, a IIDlW portion of their payroD Into health tunda · JoiDU1 admlnlJ. tered by the union and the employer. , 'ibeae are used to 'P87 and a~cldlllt beDeftta. medlcal ,coats and death, bend.. tor emplo,... and ) mo" and more employen an ......... to Include eontrIbatiClal to thae lunda In their OCIDtraota wltb the aDJow. ften ba".""'110 .... pJaI1dI about ..... ~ but ..." wID ,- BIep1 jf tilt BaIIQ' l1li ...





Entire Nation ~lourns Death Of Franklin D. Roose-velt; . Vast Tasks Face Tnlman I

American Engineer Plans

President's Life .Was Chara terized By Vigorous Action


For Little Girls of Two to Four


(Pattern No. 1IIliO) .end 111 cent. In c _ your name. sddresa and the pattern 1I\111l'

JIet'. Unlike the "log, cabin" presidents, Due ~ all unuiuatly targe demand II1II Pranklln Delano Roosevelt was not current war CIOndJtJona, .Ughtly more tina. born Into ' poverty. When Franklin &. requJr¢ In f1llliJlf order. for stew .. the most IIOpular pattern number.. avlved at Hyde park," N. Y., on January 30, 1882, he came Into a family that .had po~sessed wealth IIEWINO CIRCLE NBEDLEWORK Dr. Savage of U. S. Dept. of Interior Proposes for many generations. The RooseS30 SOul/a WeU. Ie. Chlea,.. velts had been thrilty land-owners ~Iol. 10 cenl' for Pattern. Extensive F,lood Control and Irrigation in the Hudson valley since the first No. _ _ _ _ __ o.f the family aame over from Hol_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ Systems for China, India, Palestine. land. On his mother's side also _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ____ there was a substantial fortune. Among hls ancestors were many ByBAUKHAGE men who had served the state in New. Analyst and COmtrWltalor. varloull capacities. WNU ServIce, Union Tnult BuUdlJIc, storage that will IrrIgate a hundred Young Franklin attended the ver, mllllon acres and make It possible WalhlDdon, D. C. fashionable Groton school, where Recently I ;at with. group of mY to double the present production of he prepared for Harvard unlversit,.. After completing the liberal arts colleatues at a table and Ustened to ricc. I will not deluge you with turther a 1h7, elderly man, who might have course he entered Columbia U. law been a .professor 01 Greek, talk about figures tor I cannot produce them school, from which he was gradu~aml. Just a moment betore I had with such a navor of enthusIasm ated in 1007. Two years earlier, been in the newsroom readIng of the and admlxture of personal delJght however, he married his distant ~rrlble destruction whlch had lev- as Dr. Savage does, bl.\t I may add cousin, Anna Eleanor RooSevelt. eUed the cities of Europe. 1 couldn't that he spent four months In India Eleanor was a niece of Theodore belp thinking of the paradox of clv- discovering and planning similar Low ........ Roosevelt, at that time In the White IlInUon as this quiet man. who Is projccts In the Punjab. along the AIId ..... Are Ofte. 1,. ., _ House. the designing engineer for the great- Ganges, and In Afghanistan, on thl. ot Ceutlpetlon I After two years 01 'leglll prace.t dams. In the world, Grande Cou- and other trips. Dr. Savage, I might For constipation take Nature'. tice. Franklin entered politics, Remedy (NR Tablets). ContaiDI no lee, Boulder, Shasta, the Norris dam observe, Is typical of a kind of govrannlDr on the Democratic chemicals, no minerals, nophellol. In the Tennessee valley and Icorel ernment servant of whlch the world Uoket for the New York slate rivaUVtlL NR Tablets are of all over the world, outlined know. very little. He Is one of the seDllte. He unexpectedly defeat,.. --era dilJerent, Purely wguab/eDainty Frock construction projects for Asia. His highly trained experts who prefer a oombiDatiOQ of 10 vegetable fa. ed a Itronl' Repnbllcan candl. program Is the exact a.ntlthesls of publJc service to financial reward •. girls of two, three and pedJents ronnulated over 50 yean date, From the berlnnlng 01 hll four years will adore this Tbese men turn down highly rewhat Is going on In Europe. · qo. Unooated or candy coated thair clreer he Identified himself with dainty trock with ·the gay four-inch John ~uclan Savage Is chief de- munerative often trom business oractJon Is depelldabl~"';;"--y;t reform movements, opposing duck applique. Pretty and very patll!. ~ a ~ uonviilcerB"OL Ilgning engineer of the bureau of ganlzation&. the powerful Tammany orClnl· Caution: Take ool,y u direoted. practical-it opens out flat for ironreclamation of the department of the . Aa.tralia A.h. lor .IUon in the statehouse. He was iIig. Pattern includes sizes 2, 3. NI fO-IIIGHf, fOMOIIOW AUIdHf interior. He has just returned from re-elected III 1912, by whioh and .. years . Pieces trom your 14 months In the Far East where he Dr. Sauage'. Help time he had beoome a leader of scrap bag can fashion the aphOI conferred with .Generallsslmo Back In 1940 a cable came from the anU-Tammany faction. pl1que, Chiang Kal·shek ·of China and with London aSking the United Statn Woodrow Wilson appOinted Roose. omclals In India and Palestine on government for Savage's assistance • To obtain complete pattern . finIshIng tn· velt assistant secretary of th. con.tructlon projectl which dwarf In conjunction with the Burrlnjuck ItrucUoIII tor the Frllled·Sleeve Froek I navy. When World War I broke out the world's greate~t e1foru In this dam In AustralJa. Before the depart, Roosevelt proved himself an em· ' direction. ment ot Interior replied, ·Dr. Sav. Dr. Savage discussed these under- age was reminded of what be al· clent administrator, handling bUtakings as 11 they were lome beauti- .ready knew; namely, that United lions of dollars' worth of contract. FRANKLIN DELANO ROOSEVELT for ships and supplies. He served iIa ful little works of art which had, per- States offtclals may not receive ,JANUARY 30, 188Z-APR~ 12, 1945. ACID IND..........haps, a utilitarian value, but which , emoluments of any kind from forthis post throughout the war. after all were creations of the imagi- eign govcrnments. Our founding fa· Ran for Vloe President. nation, important In themselves. In thers were quite sensitive on that A S THE guns of Americ·a 's fighting forces sounded ever 'In 1920 the Democratic l1ationa~ cl~ser the doom of Nazi Germany and Imperial Japan. the course of a bour or so he point conventiori chose him a's run~ ~ranklm Delano Roosevelt died in Warm Springs, Georgia. outlined projects which would at· ". . . n.o person," says the Con· mate for James Cox. While camNever crowd the rinse tab, fect the lite of UteralQr mUllonl of lltitution, "1toldlng any omce of prof- where he had been resting for 10 days. paigning for the vice presidency Clothes must have room to move people for untold generations and It or trust under (the United States) Dea~h resulted from a cerebral hemorrhage at 4: 35 p. m. Roosevelt made many acquaint· about freely to get soap out. . mlgbt well change the courle, not shall, wlthout the consent of Con- on Apnl 12. Mr. Roosevelt was 63, He had been President ances valuable In later political only of their history, but the world' •. gress, accept any present, emolu· for 12 years, one month and nine days. The White House was life. Cox being defeated, F.D.R. He went to .the Far Ealt repre- ment, Office, or title of any kind· announced as the site of the funeral, with interment at the Remove the broUer pan at the returned . to legal practice. lenting the U. ~. government, loaned whatever, from any king, prince or same time you remove the food. family estate at Hyde Park, N. Y. The foliowlllr year the creat by the d!!partment of the Interior to foreign state." U you let it stand. the heat which . , futou docbr. Less than four months had elapsed since he held taken his traced,. of his Ufe struck blmthe state depu.tment al a speclaUst ls retained will burn the grease on. And 10 Savage, rather than delay historic oath of office for a fourth term. Only a few weeks lnfantlle paralysJs, The blC, cliacoftl'1 rives WesaecI relief &. under itl cultural program. Much strong youn. man bccame a has bee.n laid (with eyebrows sllght- .t he project while congress decided before, he had returned from the Yalta oonferen(~e where in irritalioa of tU bladder caued .,. luch emolument be permitwhether Wipe up aD1 food spilled on the bedridden IIIvllid. ·For months lY raised) about Uncle Sam's effort ted, wired the then dommlSlloner of company with Marshal Stalin of Russia and Prime Minister uc:eu acidity ia tlte stove at once with a dry cloth or he Isy with'o nt ambUlon, almost to Ipread American culture and belp Churchill of Great Britain he had labored to build an endurthe bureau of reclamation: "Any alpaper toweling. Never use a damp without hope. SloWly bJs pow~ auff..,. from t..cbcIIee. Import lome of that product from ing peace: ' cloth-it may ruin the porcelain naa-oI._ , ..lID. from ...... achlltF .. ' erfnl win took command, howother nations. Most people do not Iistance &lven to New South Wale. tl. url.d JUlt trr DR. KILMER'. ~!lte d~nied Franklin R0!lsevelt the chance to enjoy the finish. But if you let these spots SWAMP liver, and by persistence he Roorl_ tl. ............. ...... realJze that cultural matters Include will be gratis and I iliaD not accept ••dlela • . SWA_ ROOT acta faat _ ... any fee or other form of compensa- frwts of victory over the Axis. Yet history seemed destined dry on, th~y will be dlfficult ,to repartlilly regained &be ule of 10,Il00,000 - kilowatt • waterpower Id....,.. t. p .....t. tl. 0_ Df .......... . tion Or any reimbursement... move, to enshrine him as one of the immortal American Presidents. hIa museles. It was durllll' 1111 nil... troo...._ a _ adoUtJo. o..qI. plantl. AI a government .ervant, Dr. And every citizen who piourned the untimely passing of the eonvaleacence at Warm Sprln&'s, aalI~='" a p ...~ ,., . , "W. went down the (Yanctze) rlv· Dr. • u a caMfalI, ........ -. .. .II yeaetlall blbuJa ue · wased ...... ., •• ~ ........uw... .... Oa" that he determlaec1 .&0 do from QnmgIdnJ," .ald Dr_ Sav- Sava,e, althoU&b he ClDDOt accept ~Qm~ander-in..chief felt that he was a casualty of .t he war -......"".,JO~,.,.. ..... or ....... what he conld to eradicate Ule when first installed or within " . .,e .s If he were describing a moon- tIUeI and award. from prince" Just as surely as every G. ·I., Marine and Sailor who had flll'Jlllq . . tWa , ....., .~tUlc lcourl'e that bad a1mOlt nlfnec1 11 bl tim th ft ..... T.t .... laanoU••ta tUt Dlbt ride on th. Potomac, "by )dng. or foreign commoneu. ha. fallen in battle. . , him, The "March of D"'lm ,they act . . tM 1iIdae1>. t. ID....... tM _ .. lteamboat and' laUnch to within 15 garnered plenty of honor, from - ~!<!S!..."_-I-Cr:.aeulD-0~a~~eaP1:-c~eeaEl---e-llreROareer,easily. Ittla . . . . . . . tile ••• Never before had an American can instltutlOtli. The, lIruiiiIe JdJometers . a u e s 0 campaign wal the res alt. The .painted surfac.e s -wHt-be given t _ of ..lad... InitatJOa. Sead ~ JUang." (Later It WOl explained hi. doctorate In science from the President died in wartime. Abra~· At the Democratic conventions of an added protection and the life LIIce t1aau...... .f adair. ,....'11 t.. . _ that be had to stop because It hap- University of Wisconsin and the ham Lincoln fell under Assassin 1924 and 1928, he aligned himself of the blind prolonged. /Uly furni- tlaat ,.. . did. SU. . . . . . . . . .11 D e p _ t B. lW8Ier .. eo.. Iu., . . pened that 'a war WOl going on In American Society of Civil Englneert' Booth's bullet just five days after with the group supporting Alfred ture wax is suitable for this pur- lZS$, Sta.., .... CoDa. 0'....'" . . . that vicinity.) "I had with me all medal. AlIo be haa that ·molt cov- the'llurrender of General Lee's army at _A11 ........ta HllS-.- ~ E. Smith, New York's governor. pose. 1he topographical data 1 could ftnd eted award, the Gold medal for out. at Appomattox In 1865. Woodrow When Smlth was nominated In 1928, .ud I had IJIOtted three possible dam standlng engineering service, a Joint Wil80n lived to see victory over \ Roosel"elt ran for governor of his altel from these map.. t" stayed award of the leadlDl organlzationl of Germany in World War I, but he state and was electe.d. At the end fought a losing baltle for the with General (name omitted for his profession. of his two-year term he was again It culture can be served by dam· League of Nations and died eaTly aecurity reasons). I asked him it elected , this time by the greatest mlng rivers, and capltal can b. , i n 1924, a defeated leader. Many he had . any topograpl}.lc maps that majority ever given to a New York found to pay the bill, they'll be historians believe Lincoln's great- \ mllbt be helpful to me. He replied governor. . ness might have been dimmed In that he had captured an aerial ,m ap , dammed-b,. Savage. As governor he continued the re~e conflicts over reconstruction : • • ,f rom ~e Japanese." , form and improvement pOlicfes of that followed the War Between the ·1 The war will wipe out I lot at his predecessor Smith. His achievenorant Ineers which .o-called "prac. States, just as WUson' 8 prestige ~tadie, Map, Select. ments attracted nationwide attentical" men often direct at "Ion,· was lost · In the conf\lct over the Fi"e Sit•• lor Dam. tion. As the depression that began haired 'professors." ' Perbaps the Ici· league that followed World War I. [ I The map proved to be excellent ence of pllycholoi)' getl the most Thus Franklin Roosevelt, dying at late In 1929 deepened, his efforts and one could almost see the engi- wallopi from the uninitiated. Sara the height of his career just 88 vlc- l to control the .mounting business neer'. mouth water tI. he examined General Arnold in his 14jCond report tory was to be achieved over Ger- ' fallures, unemployment and disit, picking out light. limply crying tress In his state revealed his abilion the army air force: ''The RAJ' many, seemed likely to Uve in hlsto be dammed. Then, still a. it It ties as a vigorous leader In grave paid the AAF a compl1ment In ·tNt tory as a great man. were aD a great lark, he !laid that by adopting out sYltem of air crew timel. the American people from As be went on down the river to within lelec;tion and classlAcation. Our· paySwept In as Prellident. Main Street to Riverside Drive I three ·miles of the battle line. (permourned the death of Franklin may be maintained in helping win procedures were chological tesUng When the national convention bap. the genial general-host had Roosevelt, their prayers went up ' the peace. He face~ 1lhe long-range called of! the war for the atternoon). also adopted by. the Free French." for his successor, Harry S. Truman. jO.b of guiding the natllon to postwar met In Chicago In 1932 Roosevelt There are 20 p.ycholog!cal teltl was quickly chosen. ~He was swept AnYbow, Dr. Savage said, smlUn" that h, had selected five possible administered which bave proved vai- For on the shoulders of this slight, economic prosperity once Nazi Ger- Into omce by a plurality of seven id In predicting a cadet's chance to graY, 6O.year-old Missourian had' many and Japan are fu~aIJy defeated. mUlion votes, carrying 42 states. dam sites'. Known as a pl"ln, modest Both houses went Democratic. Tbe dam In the Yangtze gorge, win his wings and' his chance for been laid a responsibility such as no American President had ever man wbo has not dramatiled he told us, will probably be about combat succe~s. Belore 1M, could take omce himself personally, President "The aviation psychology program borne. '150 feet high and there will be 20 • wave of bank fanure. threat,.. Truman never,t.belem hal demtunnel. of about 50 feet diameter to has paid off In time, l.1ves and What the consequcnces 01 the enea the whole ' economic struconstrated on many occasions cllvert the rIver flow. Boulder dam money saved," says General Arnold, President's death would be to ture. The lamous "bank morathat he can be a leader of force on the Colorado, he ,told us for com· "at a total cost of less ·than $5 per the United States and the torlnm" order~ one Rqoseand determination, .Bls work as parlson, was 730 feet high and had candidate." world, time II one would teU. veJl's first omclal ' acts, closea cihalrman of the Truman com· only four .uch tunnels. • But as Americans recovered all banks unto they could be remlttee in the U. S" .enate InThere will be 24 generating plants, The Soviet information bulletin from tbelr Orlt shock at the organized on a lounder baills. tbe CODldud of the vestlga&lJJg each ,enerating 110,000 kUowatts of published In Russia caUs attention news, they qulckly determllle4 thus preventing disastrous runs. war Is cited as an example of electrIcity. Tbey will equal ftve' to the fact that the Russian guards two thlncs. The war must be III the sprl~ o. 1932 came the tbls. And his conduct of the timel the Jlltimate ,capacity of the created by Peter I. In 1700, were the prosecuted to as speedy and repeal of the 18th, or prohiblViae Presidency hall shown that Grande Coulee dam and ten times first to enter Berlin In the Seven vlct,orlous • ftnlsh as possible, tiOD amendment. Then came be can work lIucce,ssfuUy with itl present development of 10,560,000 Years war. LastIng peace must be eatabthe National industrial BeCOY·· leaders of both parties pollUcal ldlowatts. Tbe average total output It further states that the tradiUshed. elT Act, or "NRA.;" under in reillng needed measures of electrical energy for one year on tions of the Soviet guards, created which extenllve emergency powAnd so, regardless of party or of ' pissed and In reconclllnl' op. the Yangtze will be 71,300,000,000 when the German armies were near- past political differences, the peoera were cranted to the PrillIposlllg points of view. ldlowatt-hours. est Moscow, In the autumn of 1941, ple have rallied behind Mr. Truman. dent. A lerles o' pubUo works WithIn the present range of distri- were Inspired by the ancient Russian The 33rd President was born In were authorised to comblt UD'nle new President faces the 1m. Lamar, Mo., May 8, 1884, although bution Uve more Chlne.e than the en- guards and "are preserved to this employment, ·'orether with melliate task of directing American ttr. population of the United States day." the home of the family for four bure approprlltlons for direct -140 mIlllona. This II one of the many Indici. participation In the United Nations' generations had been on a ' farm reUel, blueprints for. a permanent world Dr. Savage went Into Ilmflar cfe- tlons of how the Soviet government near Independence, Mo. The numerous executive and leg· tall regarding more dam. on trlbu- II continually looking back on RUI- organization. He likewise faces the Served in Worl~1 War I, Islative acta of this first term were rcsponsibillty of estahlishing work· brin to the Yangtze. The fatal reo sian history and increasing national approved In general as necessary When World War I b,r oke lIut. 1Ult, be,lde reJUlating the rlver,ftow consclousnes. among the people, by· Ing relation_ with other members Tl"IUIlan beoame calltain 01 BatIn the face of widespread suJrerof ' the Big Three, so that the per., 'Pat navigation can be Improved passing the Ideoloi)' of communism ter)' D In the Oeld artWer)' 01 ing. A phrase from one of the and ocean"olne ahip. broUlht rllbt Ind the landmarkl .et up b,. the lonal cooperation which existed be&be 35th Division IDa ow aoPresldent's speechel, "a new deal," tween Franklln D. Roosevelt, Josei up to ~1Di~, would mean water revolution. Uon at St, · Mihlel and in &be developed Into a tlUe for the whole Stalin and Winston Churchill 1ft lIeuse-ArroDne ollcmlve. Roosevelt program. leading the Allies toward viQtory Back in Independence, Truman In usa &be cOnYeJlUOD In PhIlC'.alOK ,... crea..J by a deadle b I*" and a war buddy opened a haber- . adelphia IHImlDated : Booaevelt ~ whowut1lUllOlt hrJllIance~ dashery business. 'He married his by accla~UoD on the flnt ballIlC.widt IItIDO« sendeile& boyhood· sweetheart, Bess Wallace, .The. population cd Berlin ., becomThroughout his career as Presl.lo~ Be carried t8 ...~ In tht' AIlpanntly General Arnolcl of the 1. Saupalout rI-ndn. :you ......... .. a1t fore. and .aot Secreta" cd the In4I ''radlCII, almoat red," .a,. re- dent; Franklin D. Roosevelt was and they have one dllughter. Mary eleotlOlll, ThIs aecond term mlportl .cd Swecn.h refugee., What known al the "precedent breaker:" . • ~f~ 1eela&er1lliqCak& Margaret. '1'n~ 'M ol'lenthau .. d1ctatiol would ),ou !=aU that? An attempt ' at That tiUe was first conferred in 1932 ' Truman ,l ater tuml!d to politics ' odt, 1'U Iio ove",b~1mm. that wUt .. to be' dpne. With German aD· protective . 2. CaJa pat1)o .. .... .,..,. . . . . . colorfnl? ' v.:hen he ' flew out to Chicago ti'Om . for a car~er, which sta.ned with his maDJ" . New Dealeta llepa to , duItr7. '. . " . • 1IIliDI.·1ooeeu maCIa ~ • • • Albany, N. Y .• to address the Demo- ·election 1\1 County atldg, of JaCk-I call It a ..m....te from the • peeple." DarbIa'. ..... acc.nd Obltua.r1e1 cd prominent tfUII..are cratic convention that had Ilomth· son county, "MQ. In 11128 he became L Mad• ., IIcKeNoD a Ilob" term ,; peat Il1IJIIber 'of , mea~Iin grea, awnberllD..Qer. ated him . . It continued after h1I the . prelldln, judge cd .faclta~ ~. Bd4ppor(C................., . . . l . . . . - were JII{Iaetl to IDcrale DIU paperl!. Th. "deceaMcl" · are election ai a result of his lnfO'rmal county, with ' the endorsement of .... 100.,.. ..." Of . . . . . . . . tile eoanCllDlc MCUllJ o. Inta1d to bav. 1011.. "under~"l methods of . transa9ting bU8mes•• Tom Pendergast, political boIS of \. "dnIp.. but DOt oeme&er7-1t11L But It reached a cUmax In h1I de- Kanlal City. He studlecL law at cIhId....., partlcaJarl,. the 'work. . ol.I.on to I~ a third term in IM.O nlIht aDd lUperv1aed the construcen, rumen ... IID&II inialand • a fourth term in INt. tion of • ,reat hilhway I)'stem.

Great Dams for Asia


Ad~c ,~" L_


d,.... dift"_'
















_'_lle .,...

for ...... ,n,". _'-






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Adentist's dentifrice- .



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RUJlBER 1I0a, wllo. e laone, M&doe, wa. .old to clear a debt WbeD laer .lalber died, '• ..u. from EDelaad fOI Ame rIca. David Nortll, wbom .be love., waa to malle Ibe trip wllb ber but ..n. Ibe IlICb& brlore. Larll'. IbIp 10el dO", but .110 reaclle. 1&.ud aDd Gall Wllbe, a bOllud Ie"ut, IIDd • .ber OD aD Illaad alld lIelpl lIer but rerase. to brIDe ber to Ibo malalalld. TIle two maaace to 1I0bblo LaDen, a IDe hone ,,110 bad eeeaped from tile .IIlIdIl, Ihlp aDd all "blell a price o. 100 poUnd I haa beell olrered. After .ome time Galt retulDI to Ibe lalud "lib Con)" ,,110 pl...a ta IIold her 'or raD. om to Davld Nortll'. IItm. TIle, reach Ibe InD and Lark Ind. heraeU be In, earefull7 "atcbed.

Reco.t .ove",,,,e'" t ••ta do.. DUtrat" that .ynth.tlc truck tlr•• allow ".w.r woar aad 10.. troad-cracklnll _ .h on .,.ratlnll at nlllht than durInll tlayel.. 1O",lc.. Atm... pherlc teftlpe... tur.. w.... Ilv.. a. tho realOn f.r thll la 1O"lc•• Like oth.r ",bber commodltl.s, ' footwear abould b. ma ..d prop.r· Iy to •• 'end ••",Iceabllily. Avoid tearing by putting on and r.movlng

.,.bbor footwear carefully, wash outar aurfac •• after oach w.arlng, dry out IIningaln roans '.mp.rolllr., .tor. In cool, dry, dark ploc. and ,"ok••ur. to keep footwear free from foldt 01' wrlnldes.


BF.60oc1rich l········;··························:



y',. r • .., ........


!:,. COUGH LOZmGU ,0


• -: : •

...,... 1_'iI' Da.... 10••1...... ____•

Wi,.MOur -

lIIIag had gone indOOH now and Cony returned to his oyster IIhuck· ing. He was. for the moment, on the tar side ot the mound. raking the shells with his long wooden tork. Surely she could slip away tor a few minutes, Lark thought. SureJ,y she could I Slowly she edged toward the cor· ner of the Inn and stood there In Its shelter for a moment, watching. holdln, her breath. Nothing happened; nothing at aU. With cau· tious deliberation she slid past the outhouses and, ' still slowly. saun· tered toward the bridge. She gained the bridge and crossed It, wal in the woods now and started to run after the four who were In sight just ahead, ' their bright garments glow~ inl llke exotic tropical lIowers among the Ibadowed undergrowth. Lark had time to call out and the latlsfactlon 01 leelng the ,Ipsles turn and Itand waltin, expectantlY before the sound came to her. The baying of Old Dog, the rush of hll padding feet on the swinging bridge, the InJffing rustle of hIB paws In the dry l1'ass behind her; It frlgh~ ened her terribly. She Icreamed and drew back Into the bushel. It wal, leas than a minute tUi he found her and tastened hll teeth In the fabric of her skirt. She .tood prisoner tbe,r e un COll7 came up on the lope. "I leed un," he panted, "I aet Old Dog loole to le~ni un not ro ,0 an eakin' off. Never ICed no Roms afore. did un? I Ieee! that boyan' gal smUe at un." He nodded sagely. '1 ww: a·. .py1n' on un from 'hind the OYlter.lope aU the while." He threw back W. hu,e yellow head and laughed uproariously. '1 didn't teU Mag. Iweetmeat, but she'U hear Old Do, bay an' know what·for." Lark ,lanced In the direction of the ,Ipsles and called out ro them. They ahrugged their shoulderl with real . or feigned fndltlerence and, wben 001\)' made threatenln, ,elture. toward them, continued on tlielr way. 'Cony broke a awltch off a near· by bush and .polnted toward the Inn. When Lark started back ~thout-­ comment. he ordered Old Dog to releale. her dresl and followed alon, behind, IIlcking the lwitch vaguelY In her direction. Ma,was waiting for them In ' the courtyard. "Go up-attio," abe or. dered. "No dinner for un this day,

• Doa't rWt ~ 1aDcI, b&or aacl..s ••• laocuIate wiIh NlTRAGIN. Give ." - - yiaor 10 '&ht Wftda and IirU" tIroqht. Get IIiau'. crosn and She came behind Lark up the eo-rv. lOil fertility, NITRAGIN ia steep and narrow stepi and ahut the aoocI crop iDluraace for overy plut. · heavy' door quickly. turning the key ... of ~ It'. th. oldeat inoco. In the ock on the outside and Itamplam, UIId by farmen for 4' yean. Com Ing do,!" wlthou\ any more wordl. about 12 ceDla a - . taka • f_ min· It was then that .be reallzed her 1II1II10 __ Producecl &y traiDecllCim. luck In bavln, Galt'. apy·,lasl hid· dIIa in a modem laboratory. Get It, III den under her straw pillow. It wal the )'elJo.. ~ at --S duIen. It11l there. She was thankful Ma, IIf!-W,". fvJo.. for ,,.. -"eon, o'follo, hadn't thou,bt to rummage round. ... ..... ' ....- t.oat,.", ~ ..,_. Lark tocused the glan eastward , toward Gbost Island. How Ibe wished she could lee Red Rask81l hidden In the dip wher e grasl wallo green and the rock·basin ~eld the water Uke a .cup. She could imagine him there 10 clearly, awaiting, llke hersell. hi. ho.ur of freedom. She turned the spy·glass then toward the castle. She could. dllItIn· guish the ,Unt of Ita red roof amon, the lrees. She could see the gipsy camp below it, spread out on the plateau; the tents, bright patches atrlong the trees, the ftgures of the . men and women moving about In 'the open Ipace where the cookln, firel smoldered Uke duskY jewels. DavId was there somewhere among them. Lark thought. It was a thin, loarcely to be believed, that, almost, ihe could reach out her arma and touch him. It was nearly- dark when Ma, ltumped up the stalrt and unlocked Lark's door, teWna her In I eurJ,y voice that Ibe bad need of ber down below. . Followin, lIlIa, down the ltep., Ibe law now that the 10Dl tresUe tao blu bad already been· let up, and that wine CaW had been l'911ed In and lIned the leniUl of. the Cony called to ' Lark. "Here, UD, come glv. me a han4 ' with -thu. platten." He Itood In the tar corner It 4oun'I fHIY to I.t ·bra..... 01 the bl, room bel1de the wide cuta or burna to unteaded ••• ,open·faced Dutch ~elaer wboa. .yen minor 011... Pia, oaf•••• Irlth abelve. were ,tacked with deanao ar OIIca, ad d,... wltb Dr .1'OlUW'. ADdeapdcOU.TIlle trenc:hen and platter, and bowll of oW nllebl. ltaDel·." ••• tIM avel'7 dlilcriptlim. ' formula of· a I9Da-apadeaClcl Ccm7'1 e;-el fell OIl ber and lit uP nuro.d wrtaoD ..... wODderW,lth aatonlabmeot and pleasure. fuU, lOO,hln,. teoda to ~te _tate'. la_lID. pro''By ~.. be lafd .0ftJ7. ''bu~ . . . . . It.... It OIl, baad . for a beauty·bript it evell I .eed 011•• .........~ . . ID taIdD& car. . Un looks Uke that Sbeba.queen Palo., lIlIDor "u~ abralOll Withe pr.acheCs abo.u t pact In tile ••oal. cbaflD" 'iUnb~ DOll~oua 1DeICt .. -.U.. oal7 brick church a* the Crolli'oadf,. UD;1i .......... TIirw durw-t a ~ peach, for IUI',I" . .....rJVUl':............ D YOice ... 10ft. but DOt too 10ft for lIa. to hear. uShebaoquee, r~, , C I< I) VF I i\ h n f( f\ T0 fill ~ INC 18dead; .TeIQ'l!J1. IDOI'e 1Ib1" She ., ume at Lark wltb aD . . . . .








-:- L E S SON -:-

W.N,U. 5 tllv I Cl THE STORY THUS FAR : Lark 811aDo



...... .

Lark drew back, her eyes blazing in fury. Ma,'s ha!ld tell ro her side. "Go back up·attlc," alte or· dered, "an' see to It that un stays there. I'll l oon up an' lock un in. Un'. more hindet than help, conen· Ing up to every inale·crlttur In Bight." Lark was afraid that If she made a scene It would be Galt and not sbe. berself. who would sutrer from It. 10, under Ma g'l sharp ur,lng. IIhe went up to her room again. It was not long till Lark heard the crowd , ather ing in the room below. Snatches of song and rough loud talk came up to her. She strained her eara to hear Davld'i voice amonl the other.. Finally. Ihe crept from her room and stood at the top ot the darkened stairway, bendlnr down. flying to peer into the big room. She couldn't see the entire group from where she crouched and 10. after a moment. edged lower. Itep by cautious step. Here, from the Ihadowed corner of the landing .he had a good view. The bright scarfs of the group of gipsy folk splashed color In the for corner of the dlm·lIt room. Ther stood a litUe apart trom the saUor_, Lark saw. The white haired woman was there, and Dosta and Chal and Glnko. The men's arms were woveJ\ around the women's waists and they were swaying and twisting to the tune which Glnko was playing on bl, ftddle . Their feet moved in an intricate, hypnotic cadence. It was impossible to tell wbether or. not David was among the group. Several had their backs to Lark and a few were hidden by the dark Ibad· ow ot the Dutch dresser. It was at this moment that some quick dispute lIared by the oak set·

'Tbe laDor crumpled In • the dirt door.

Il~p OB

tie which banked the dreplace. Lark's eyel Ihlfted to the ludden movement there and discovered Matson, still, wrapped In hit long black cape. Lark .aw at once why Mag had spoken Of blm al the Span. Ish Cat. 'lbe illckname W81 an apt one, lhe realized, al he stepped from the da ened comer. ~e Itood f1ow, electric with an· ger, staring baughtiJ,y at the black· bearded .ailor who hasl knocked the tray from Galt'l' hands a few moments ago. PresumabJ,y the man had taken some liberty with bim which he resented deeply: 'Almost more qulckJ,y than Lark'i eye could foUow the swift motion, a rapier was gleaming Uke a IUver streak In the 'illr; ,learning one moment and burled deep out of sight the next, .., with a lI'Oan, the sailor crumpled In a heap on the dirt Iloor. Matson drew a IIlk handkerchIef neatly down the rapier's blood· stained length as he stood. smUlJig a lItUe, Uke a dancer. poised bllauU· tully on the balls of hll slim feet. "Pick him uP." he said 100t1y, "throw blm out into the courtyard, The dog'1 ready for the dung.pUe." HIs lummonlng ,ellture broug'ht two ,Ipalel from the group. With utter unconcern they tOiled the d7iDI man Into the yard. Galt WII bending over the man, holcUng a cup of water to hi. Ups. Lark'· whllpered his name 10 10fUy that wben be turned It was as it 'he had lensed her presence, rather than beard ~er. He followed her qulck1y to the .badowl of the treel. ''Gaftl'' Lark', cold banda clun, to hIL "Ob, Galt, rpl ,oln, to the church. rm lOin, to tr7 to ,et there, to the croll-roedl. U fOU could with me, Gal~" He Ihook hiI head, llanc1Da haqk feai'fulb. "Tbey'd~, me," be laldo hll' volce leu than aouncL "BUD, lArkl OIIq_ . 1011 let ·awa, from 100 caD ftDd help. Jr; bet.ter 'for ~Without' me. Put the


cburCh 1011'l1-~' He Itopped, darted a'"1 frcIm ..... ItoOd ItUl u COQ1 opeaed ~ daor.

peUIq out. t.ark dlpJed awa, UIIGIII the treH ancr~

~ DOW, maJdq"

till .....

and the direction of the church, run· nlng ta ster than she had ever run In her life. After a time the ter rified be ntine of Lark's heart quieted a little. The very etrort It took tt() walk through the loose sand calmE:d her. She was out ot breath now and gratefully lucked the cool. d;amp night air down deep inro her lungs . . Present. ly a new Btrength se emed to enter Into her. Thougb she was still deeply per· plexed and fr ightened. that last glimpse ot Galt had been 0 comfort to her, She felt it had tak:en a certain courage which she had not known him to possess to be aiding the dying man. A craven would not have done that thinlg. Galt would know he r wherea bouts at the parson'. and would get word to her somehow. Thel.r two fntes were linked together. La rk knew that and It renewed her own cour· age. . Lark pushed fo r war d. It wa s good ro thrust ber feet deep Into the sand and let It seep through the rough sandals. She oould feel It under her toes. damp and firm . packing hard under the arches of b er feet. She was atrong and young. The tug of the sand was, as yet. no 1m· pediment to her. Walking fast and free like this. she fellt tbe n.ight wind behind her. urging h,!r on. Not far ahead of her Lark could lee the church, tour·square and whlte·steepled. The p arsona ge must Ue behind it, just out ot her present vision. Lark wondered If the man 01 God would be angry. being wake ened In the middle ot the night. May· be he was deaf, sleeping on bls good ear 81 her tath.e r us:ed to do to try and give himseU a gllod. nlght'll rest. Sbe tried the door of the church •but found It lockl!d. Sbe crept through the litUe cemetE\ry where the rombstones stood all awry until she came ro the par'sonage beyond. Lark Itood for a moment. look· Ing. Then, as the moon came out from behind the clouds. a feeUng of desolation' and tear came over her. The paling fence was broken and faUlng away. The window. of the house were gaplrJg wide, and the doorway was a holliow open shell. Behind Lark there was a sound. a Itep~ qulck. pursuing'. She s~, round and called ou~ ,"Who's there? GaIt, 1s It you?" The anlwer came·, not In Galt's voIce, but In David'lI. "Lark, chlld, what In the world are you doing bere? " In an inltsnt Ihe 110'81 In bJs arml, cllngln, to him. lobbln, out all. ber frilht and dlamay, She Imew onlY that David wlli fioldlD, her: DaVid, whom .be had loved. ever .lnce Ibe ·wal a Uttle girL . He was holding her close now, all IIlbe were 'ItIll that little girl, need. Ina the c:omtort of hli protecting care. "Don't cry that way, Lark," he said !lently, "it mak,e s me feel real bad. There Im't ' 'lilY thing to be Icared of. I'm here with you." "But. DaVid, you wouldn't Ipeak to me last nJght. I kept thInkin, aU day you'd come to me and you dldn·t." "I couldn't sPeak tc) you lallt night. You shouldn't have called out to


Th~ Moody Bible Ins titute or Chlcaro. Rele n.ed by Weltem Ne w_paper UnJ.....


Proper Hog H4;)uling Inlure. Fair Profit Poor House Will Not Produce Quality Hogs ADEQUATE housln' I~ one 01 the fundamentals of lIuccessful hog ralalng. Th.Is Is especially true where the house Is used for weanllng , Not generally recolllized, ex· tremes of cold and heat are harder on hogs than any other farm animal WhIle a portable sbelter Is usually advisable, It, may not always be possible or practical. A portable hog

HELP, WANTED • P",o". aow la, . , .-I ia .u.tJtJlI1

It>drutl7 w/ll aor appl, wirllollt mu",.ar oJ ... II. bility I,,,,,, rb.i, 1«111 UIlire4




leSIon for April 22 RAILROAD JOBS

Lelaon aubJects and S cripture len. . .. lec led and copy.-Ighted by Inlematlona' Penn.ylvonla R. R . Met ha ni c., Elelpen, Co II r Ril l Ed U II by Labore r a ond other t;o P ~ I . Appl .. ~ OG 01 . . .• pe~f.alg". e II ou. ueo on : UR land Ave .. Coraer Bu . "lnfh a m 8i.. Cola_ '.~. O. (M OIL ba ve RUDES r.'.rrale.").



LESSON TEXT- Exodu. 111 :19-24; 10:

Ir a lDln~ orr"" " tuture In variou. ty pes of rood worlt or servIce. Good

~:::r~ w~~k~rX~DI~n~fl~~:·r·.N~m:::.~'::::.

om •• , 1316 Eaclld Ave .• Clonla. " Olllo. COLDEN TEXT- RI,htooul neli ell' alteth a nation: but aln I. • reproach METAI,LURGICAL CHEMIST-TIl. El... Jr'. Aalo, Lllo . Comp a n,.. Toled •• Obi •• haD to 'II)' people.-Prover ba U :34. an Immedla le openlnl for a mela lluril'!c:al chemla t. R equi re m ents Include eIthe r c:oJ,. lege or un iversIty degree In Chem.IJIlr7 __ God hal a purpose for the Uvel .pecla llzed tra lnln ll e xpe rIence.

ot men and ot nations. H appy are those who seek His guidance so th.a t INSTRUCTIONS their lives may be directed In right TAP DANCING E a ln,. A••• mpll ••••• J'ua . and useful channels. -Exe rcIse-Reduce . Bookle t conta lnlne God' s threefold purpOse for Israel. bell Inn er', .,Our... nnd :I profell1on nJ '0'" t inea 2:lc. (Wa r ala mp a c c epte d .) C.RAVB. which we noted In our le850n of last iTUDIOS. Ilnl Blr ••• eI . Detroll. lI'ok. week, could only be worked out In a nation wblch was s eparated unto Him, following holiness in It I life and service. Moses. one ot the greatest Bnd most able figures' ot all history, was God'lI appointed lea,de.r, His succeSl Is explained by his willingness to fol· HOW TO ''KNOW" ASPIBIN low God' s leading. He sought: Ian be II!II"e to ..k for Bt. loeapli .t.pirill. Thero', Iloue faster, 1l0U. I. God'lI COUDsel (18: 19>Jethro, the father·in-law of Moses, at:roDpr. Wh,y pa.y more' WorlcS'l ~ IeIIer atlot. Demand Bt. Joeeph A8piriD. having observed how he 'was bur· dened constantly by the affairs of Good Bu.U41nc Esseutlal. the people. came to offer him ad· hOUie should be easy to move, dry, vice. He 'started in the right place, admit plenty ot sunllght, well ven· by urging Moses to continue to leek Wated, economical, cool In lummer God, yes. to spend even more time and warm and dry In winter. easy In the Lord's presence, asklna: HI, to clean, Iturdy and of lultable Ilze. wisdom and guIdance. No man can lead a people In the A colony house seven by elgbt teet II large enougb to ahelter four right way If he does not have hi, or ftve pigs that avera,e 200 poundl, own lIle In constant touch with the it they have acceas to pasture or throne of God. Much of the fallure outdoor lot. A safer rule would be ot our day centers right there. We to allow two square feet for each talk much to other men about our pig. national and international problems. Pasture for portable hog house. There are multiplied meetings and II advisable. but wbere the buUd· eonfer/!1lces. They do have value, InIII stationary. It ts recommended but very little, unless there II a that the run immediately around the leeking of God' s will. A day of national repentance and house be- of concrete. The trouCh be 01 hard Wood - or of con· prayer would do more tor us than erete. The fence Ibould be of woven- many weeks of discussion and dewire. 01' a suitable board tence. Ap- b ate. We need to seek God's coun· . proved types of electric · fencea are ,el. Note that the coming of Mosel to inexpensive and suitable. Housing space should Dot be God concerned the daily affaire of wasted on weanllnr pili. unle .. they bla people. . That reminds UI that not 10Dl·bodied and carry their only the life of our nation. but thlt width un1tormJ,y, have Ihort necks, of our own homes-and our perlonal neat and compact Ibouldera and beings-all need God'lI counseL To aid Moses In admlnJaterlng the plump hams and have Imooth aldel. lIIIolt attention .lhould be pald ro the affalrl of the nation. Jethro recom· development of the relion. of blgh. mended the appointment of men who aat priced cuts, luch al baDll and were to se.r ve all: aldu, leal attention to lenltb of D. God'. Co_Ion (18: 20-24). head, color or other minor conaJdThere has been not a lIttle crltl· eratioDl. clsm of Moses tor accepting this ad· vice. It Is pointed out that when God .. puts beavY burdens on us, the New Soil Tiller8 to way out is not to Iblft the load on Be Available Soon .omeone else. but to Beek God'i spe· A farm machlDe whlcb In one op- clal Il'ace to bear It .al1ld-ro --do-tt-1--'~_'...I .........~A.......#--II:!----'---~~".II ANTISIPTIC eration preparel the Jround for acceptably. lit thousand, wltli ..traractOl7 .... There Is value In such an interpre- Vaed planting, and utlUzel Its own dt,gInJ .ulll for 40 ,.ear_bI yaluabl. JncrodI' tation; but when one considers the eaa. O.t Cuboll at dru, .tores or devout and careful approach of Jeth· Spurlock.Neal Co.. Naabrill., Temr. ro to the matter (vv. 9-12) and bls evident desire to glori.ty God In It all. No DouhtNowl there III ground tor believing that be was giving Moses good advice. There's no doubt ~bout itl NuThe great unorganized host of pOSe Maid' Margarine has a finer, freshalbly two million people were going churned flavor. It·s the Table through a very difficult experience. Grade margarine ..• made espeme," The result was dissension and strife, c1ally for use on the table.-Adv, "I'm lorry. David. But I . W81 10 often over trivIal things, whicb need· ilad to lIee ;you." Lalrk tried to calm ed to be settled. For all this to come heraelf now. to take lSome assurance to Moses seemed undesirable; therefroin David'l reaaonable rone. H1a fore other men were chosen to be arm was still about her, bolding ber counselors to the people. Interpret· ahlverln, boil,y a,ainst W. own. He Ing for them the law and the will of was 10 warm, 10 80 Itron,. God. "David, you knew about the Tem· While each of UI should carry actlon for propulsion will be pora?" every God·glven responsibIlIty w1th ' ''No~ un after 1 saw you yester. able after the war. gladneu, that. doJI!lLZlOJLJl:win...;tha1.\---Ll,.u.~~1IIkhal~~~abLl-:-'~~--:---~~. Instead of turning over IOU .. clay, Latk. Then somebody rold me plow does, the Swisl·lnvented Rotol· we are ro assume that only we are ="~ =o~t -:~;.=~ o.f the shipwreck." able to do things. There Is no more DenOWl, ttred. hlgha~ "It waf horrible. 1 still wake up ler churns and crumblel the soU b7 tragic ftgure than the pastor 01' whim due to funotlonal pertodlc means of ed,e tools, c1aw·llke tines. In the night dreamlilg about It." tmbanceo. Taken resularly-I' bolII8 m h0 tri ea t 0 d0 every· er h h c urc 0 c w buUtS up 1U1atanco -web die·rotating in paddle wbeel fashion aDd "But .you're sate now. You were treu. P1n.klwn'. Compoua4 hd,. _ mJxln, I.Ji cover crops and fertlllzer thIng. Why not put othcrs to work? one of the fortunat!l ones." How can our young people and new wrfll .0JJow label clIJ'ootIolII. 2'11/ "I "When I was out there on that un1torm1,y. Graham·Palge lIIIotoH converts ever find a place of service _J',J.._ e.~' dreadful Island I dl.dn·t feel tortu· it older Christians hold on to every ~ nate. When ClInk Swatters, the job In the church ? Let us traln mate, dIed and lett me, I almOllt them ; then trust them with real reo wanted to go with him. I would , " llponslblllty. Counsel. encourage. I " bave wanted to it it hadn·t been for pray, dlrect If need be. but do not the thought of you, the hope I ItIll try ro do It all yourseU! held onto that we mJlght be together Now we come to the solemn and a,aln, be . . . be . . ." crucial moment when God was ready "Be married, Larlt1 ' Wall that Itt to establish His people and they We will be married Ilome day, after were ready to accept : a bit, when I've gOlt this bl,llinel. m. God's Covenant (19:3·8). with Matlon stralgbtened out. I'U In the sacred and awe· Inspiring be ricb then, and .ate. Now U'. too meeting place before Mount Sinai, rllky a thh)g." where the Lord was to give them "What i8 It, David? Tell me about His law (Exod. 20), they made a 101· It. I don't understand the least little emn covenant with God. Another New SOU TIller. bit. I was so unhappy and contused In preparaUon for It He reminded PagtUGUou". db"" when 1 got your note." aorporation haa ••cured Ucenae "I tried to lend )'OU a melBage by n.hts In the UnJted State.. SOma them of what He had done for them Mother Egypt this morning," be 8.000 are now In operation, the num· In lbe past. God Is the unchangin, WNU-E 1~ .ald, ''but she had no chance to de- ber will be materially Increased u One. U He was tender and gracious toward them In the past, they could Uver It. Chal and :Dosta said you attempted to follo\ll, them. That soon III materials and manpower ara enter the future conJ1dent of ru. avallable. bleuln,. And 10 may wei wasn't wise, Lark." Another type 01 tiller I. the TUl· ' Note versea :; and 6, for ihey ,Ive "But I had to know. DavId. 1 wanted to taUt to yo'U, and now you master, whlcb will be under opera· UI God'i great purpose tor IsraeL UOD loon by the ClImax company. All they had to do wal to obey rul Help 11iem Cleuue the BI'" won't teU me anythlJlg'" of HlU'lllfal Body Wute "Darlin,. I'm ready to tell )'ou ev. Telted In the Pacltlc No~wut; It, voioe by iteepln, rus coven,"t. !1b1I erythlng. What was It tpeClally?" wal found auJtable for VariOUI condi· they ID solemn alsembJ,y al1'eed to 8). How different tl!eJr hil· "Why dldn't you come with me, UODI, provIna a real labor nvar. tory-and that of the world-would David? Why didn't you keep your promise?" bave been had they kept their prom· lie. "BUllne..,',~ Davlel laid, "I told 'l'beH are lIVeral factor. which' 'We lament their ·fallure. but what you that, hon~y. lI/ lent m. over to catch llIatson who ,ha• aause the 1!Utterbt teat or mllk to .bout us who are 10 hilhlY favored been blacI(·blrdln, slavel In lor VU1. 'l'h. mUle of a cow ' recenU;:v that we hava Cbr.lJt In our midst? ~abened may t"lt ,hiibl TIiII con· Are we obedl~t7 yean, lhlUl'lnl them fOr a rOUDd lum and thtm c1almiq be dlUon ...a tempol'ar7 one, and after FollOwln, ~. makiDl of the cov. IORI nearI1 hajf ,OIl . ...-y trip. He It dIIappean the mUle II likely- too nant (whicb God will one day 1ul1lI1 lDew In thON be milk.. the f .... tell lowut; durln, til. ant ta.., In spite of their fallure), we have claim GO after btl ahlp baa beaD IDCIIltha f0U01rlnl freah~. AI &be til. e1viD1 of the Teo Commud· c1aand and hldel them' awQ at ..~tIoa advancu, the tilt teDdI to mei:lts. aDd the eltabUahment of Is,bIa IWtle up the bill Wl be ,.. dII- tncrea.. and beeomu hfIh nHr the rael', CeIlter of worahip In til. &abo • of ..ctAtkIa. . TaIte or mDk are ernade. It wu the dwe1lliiI . IMII' " them." ~ II1J)leIt dunu. th. coldM of God amODI l1li people. (TD . . CQJIIDfuaD) . . . . . and Jowut JD I\IIIIIDer. pwoIoUIl












Watch Your


do lv.

Milk Teat Change



American Agriculture Owes Debt to Jefferson

A Complete .Wardrobe .for Baby


Its Fertility and .Other Modern Farm Methods By ELMO SCOTl' WATSON Jleleaae4 by Wl!stem New811011,,r UnJon.

. A' LA~Y . horsem an rode steadily through t he Virginia ' hills und e r a bl ea k March sky, his , le a n face brightening as he recognized familiar landmarks. He wa s muscular and vigorous despite his 66 years, with tanned skin, clear hazel eyes, a kindly expression a nd abundant gray hair tha t still showed. traces of its original brick-red. The rider urged his sorrel faster up the slopes of a treecrowned hill that towered over the rolling countryside. Spurring to the top, he threw the reins to a colored groom, dismounted lightly and greeted a family group waiting for him near a stately house. Thomas Jefferson had come home tcYMonticello, The year was 1809. But a few days before he had bid farewell to the White House , wished his friend James Madison Godspeed in the Presidency and rode out of Washington as a private citizen.

MonticeDo, VlrJlDla Dome of Tbf ma.

Maellson, John Adams, the Marquls de LaFayette and Arthur Young, the flimoul British agricultural lelen· Ust. When he learned something new about agriculture, !1e recorded It In a "Farm Book" he kepi In his own . handwrlUng. One account teUs how to layout experimental plota to test the effects of fertilizer. In these tests, his plant fooers were manure and ,g ypsum. Unfortunately for him, Since hIs birth, April 13, 1'143, Jet- fertlllzers 81 we know them today fer.on had traveled an eventful were not In existence. route_ Be had eXPerienced some de. LIke a modern Icientiflc farmer. feats and many triumphs. Virtually .Tellerson learned that clover a.nd every high omce within the ,1ft of other legumes would help heal the hls feUo" citizens had been hi.. He wounds of hi. soU and give his land haa '~ s~te legllllator and con· a breathing spell. He discovered gressman; governor and mlnlster; that legumes had a valuable '011aecretary of .tate, vice pre.ldent enriching power, but did not under· and Pxesldent for two terms. He stand that thll lay in their ability 'bad . doubled the territory ot the to impart nitrogen to the land. Crop rotation was another practiUnited State. and built a powerful political parl¥. His Ideals of lib- cal measure be championed. Thus erl¥ were engraved In the law of the he divided some of bl s lands under cultivation Into tour lar ge farms. land. And now In the tunness of his These were In turn l ubdivided into honors he was to .pend the next 1'1 six fields of 40 acres each. ThIs peryears In serene retirement a. the mUted a .Ix·year period of rotation. ''Sage of Monticello," busy amidst For example. the first field would be planted to wbeat, the second to corn, hi. farms. the third to rye or wheat, the fourth A Famoaa EplC.pll. Vlll~r. to Monticello always and 1lfth to clover and the .Ixth to pause to *ludy the epitaph chiseled buckwheat. Rotation and legumes ~ tile tray l1'anlte theft over Jet- helped eave hi. land from exhaUIIfave. Wrl~ by the great tlon and wastage. atateaman bimaelf before hi. death· Pleaeerecl ID Contour Plowiq. OD JUb" .. 1828. It readJ: "Here In .till another modern me\hod ot . . . burled '!'bomas JderlOD, Au· Wage, Jefferson IIloneered. That thor f!I. the Declaration of Independ· WaR contour plow, which II 10 at. eDCe; of tbe Statute of Vlrllnla for tective tocIa, In 'avIn, 1011 and wa. 8 ..111_ 1'rHdom: aDd ..aUW of the UDivenli7 of Vlrlinla." • lion Americana are fBDiWar with tben aahle.emeDta of the ~­ aided' Jefferson: Felf ,clUzens; per· haPl, are aware of another Of hi. tcntrlbutiona-hia work for the development of modern, .clentiflc fahn1Dg. So. on the birthday of this great farmer-mWman. It Is approprl. ate to tell the Itory of hIs encouragement' of agriculture. For , farming was one of the cohsUmlng interests of Jeffer.on'. life. Hia roots were bedded In the. earth. In many ways he was ,eneration' ahead of his time. He clearly .aw the future po••ibWtie. of American Bl1'lculture Ilnd strove to make them a reaUty. Jefferson lnherlted an estate of 1~900 acrel. He added constip1tly to . Tbom.. lelfersou, the farmer that farm and by the Ulne hll mar· rled 21.year-old Martha Wayles Skelton on New Ydr'. Day, 1'1'12. ter from C08tly run-offs. Jelle~80n, hJI holdlni. exceeded 10,000 acres. aided by ,his lon-in-Iaw, Thoma. A year later, the death of hIs filther· Mann Randolph, the brilliant and In-law brought the family an addl· bigh-te.m pered husband of Martha tlonal CO,OOO acres ' situated In welt- Jefferson, introduced the system 01 plowing horizontally around hills. ern Virginia. , A further phase of Je!terson'i . "A8 a practical farmer, Jefferson was tcnltalltly on 1I1e alert for new farm improvement program conIdeal. He made Monticello loto a cerned experlnients In livestock progressive experimental farm breeding which he carried out In cowhere new Il}achinery. new meth- operation with his friend and neighocIa, b'nproved stock breeding. new bor. James Madison. The "Sage of MontlceUo" brought crop. and testa lo restorin, .0U fertility were tried out. Over a period 8ystem into management lind Inven· of year. he ,rewa. many al 32 tion into work. Each farm was an dlfferent vegetables on his farm. independent unit. eIlrected by a stewAnd he attempted to adapt and do- ard and worked by four male .laves, mesticate acrell of' plants. 8hrubs four female slaves, tour oxen and four horses. Jefferson hated the and trees from distant countries. Institution of slavery and did everym. Llolld Impoverlalled, The "Sage of Monticello" had Uting he could to raise the physical much to contend with. During his and moral level of his slaves, The absence on public buslne8ll, over- considerate treatment of the colored who farmed the land ravaged folk on the plantation surprised It.. he laid, "to a degree of degra- many a visitor. To stimUlate the dation far beyond what I had ex- slaves' initiative, Jefferson praised pected." No attempts at diverslftca- them wben they did something weU ti6n had been made. Unlike the and rewarded them when they tarmer of today who can get advice achieved something out of the ordifrom 'hil county agents, agriculturaJ nary. The slaves responded to their college agronomists or experiment kind master with grea t devotion. An All-Metal Plow. atation. on whether his 8011 ' 18 deBut slaves aDd oxen were not the flcient In nitrogen, phosphorus ,a nd ,potash and then obtain the correct only means used 'to cultivate Jefanaly.l. of mixed fertilizer, Jeller- ferson'l lands. With a lively sense . BOn h.d to Clepend on ta,lks with his of inventiveness, he was one of the Delihbor. and hil reaelln, of farm first Americans to use farm mao , papers, and books published In Eng- chlnery. HaH a century before the steel plow was lovented, Jefferson land. So he corresponded frequently designed all all-metal plow with II with George Washington. Jame. moldboard that turned the 8011 ef-




Due to an unUI UlI1ly lal'lfe demand a nd current war c:ondltlon•• slightly more time I. requlred In flilln. order. for a few ot the moll popular p a ttern Dumbe ra. ~nd your order 'to:

Notes of a Nell) York Newsboy:

po.terltJ U4 had

many thlngl Martha Wales Skelton, the young wldo.w WbO was to become hi. bride, , h .. largel.r overlooked bl. assocl.- two other .ultora, coming to· call, '. tIob ,nUl &be' vioUn; nt that wal paused before knocking to 'peep In 'a t ODe Ute outatandlng Intere.t. of the . window and .ee what ~e~ hW JOUtb. About tile old Vlrglhla thanCI!I were. ; They cau&1lt light of capital of ,1 JlW..mbur" Whete he the wid~w Skelton, Rated before the attended the ~e of WlWam and harplicborcl. Towering above her 1Ial7. a.. ,r.cJ.,jwadilcl. raw--boIled " •• their rival with hls ftddle under IIlcI wttll • IddIe .... tuekH under hIs chin and h1a bow ~u.u, .. ~ .......... a "mOl•• Ipn. the air, 'l'be rlvala .1lenlb'_ aluDk '1M ..., ....... dIa' . . eftD1II, awq. , . --1*JbI* ICIUrt to III later years, long after Martha 10



SBWING CIRCLE PATTERN DEPT. 530 SouUl Well. Bt. Chlca~o Enclose 25 cents In COInI for eaah

All exclUn, bloc ot II ftne can. "Eleenhower" (W inston) T. Miller, contains thIs paragraph: "General Eis: enl~o\ller l was arous~ to outbunts of In,,''''''''''' tlon at the . ubver8IvE~ gr oups were giving 'aid and comfort to enemy' at a ti me of our nation'. perU. Ike's scathlng rema rks would .corch this paper. He had no toler· ance for the 'damned deaf. dumb and blind fools' who could not see what was sure to happen it we failed to heed the warnings. The Axis was out to conquer the world and enslave.humanity. Nadiism and Fas. clsm mu st be crushed U human free· dom was to be saved . . . . Eisenhower had become knovm as 'AIarm1st Ike' because of his constant preeIlctions." Move over, Walter- and make room for E hieDhowerl

pattern desired. Pattern No................ .51z". .... . Name.. ... .. .. ..... _..... . .... _..... . Addre. . ....................... . : ... ..

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The I18mll lome also offerl a derectively. Shaped according to m athematical computations, the llllhtful anecdote about General 6moa.J yn. moldboard met the leas t possible Eisenhower'. mother. . . . When· relll,s tance from the earth. Je1'fer· ever soldiers pass ber home at Abl. FOUR-PIECE wardrobe for Ion also devised a seed drill and a lene, Kilns., ahe prouclily remark. to neighbors: "I have II son in the the favorite in every family. hemp bra,ke. Tiny first clothes are such fun to On the J efferson plantatton there army. too I" make, and baby will look adorable wa s a threshing .machine which wal Whe.n be we. liyen the Peabod, these dainty little garments. ca rried on a wagon and weighed about a tOD. It wa s capable of award for "prelenUnU outstanellng The dr~ss and sunsuit are edged threshing as much as 150 bushels of radio humor over a period ot 12 in ric rac-the slip and panties in grain a day. There was also a drlll- years," Fred Allen was introduced narrow lace. • • • ing machine. invented by one of let· on the air thill way: "Three great ferson's neighbors. The Instrument men of American !1umor." said the Pattern No. l!9II U d~llgned for .12CI s "-are Mark Twain, Will mOllths. 1, S and :I years. 5J1e 1. dre.l, had a sharp iron that opened the announcer, Rogers and Fred AUeIll" requlrel lV, yards of :IlI·lnch material: furrows and a small trough contain"Fine state humor Is ,m," AUen ad. ~~d.BDd pantle, l'~ yards; I Unsuit. 1~ ing the sowing grain behlnd It. libbed. "Two of them are dead and _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ "Jefferson's enlightened efforts at one Is out of workl" ,.._ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _---, soil conservation and the bettering of farming m ethods entitle him to Radio Via Wire Storie. about aell'lIplapermen are foremost rank among great Amer; lean agriculturists." said an official all arrestin, as the yariDs they write. 1._ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _.. of the Middle West Soil lmprove- Horace Greeley inspired 80me 01 Millions of Americans do not ment committee. "He had an in- the best bits of newspaperman stut!. realize that many radio programs sUnctive teelln, that man' should be He was once parked In a hotel lobby they hear travel greater distances a careful custoellan of the soil en- reading hi. Tribune when a .tran- over telephone linea than through trusted to his care. His work In soil ger informed him : "I never read the air. improvement. however primitive It that sheet. I teed It t.o my .. . •.••• For example, a network pro-' was, helped pave the way for mod- goat •. " .. • Greeley merely Iiltoned: l1'am that originates in New York ern .011 science. Were he alive to- "It you continue readin, other pa- and 1a heard in San Francisco day, he would be a crusader for .oil pers and feed your, ,oa,t l thele Trib- through a local station fa transcooservjltion, for sounder farmln, unell, one fine day )'cu'D wake up mitted some 3,000 miles by wire methods, for playing fair with the and find that your god. know more but less than 30 mUes by radio land by returnin, to It ferUllzer ele- than you do'" waves. ments removed by ,rowin, crop. and the ellect. of the elementl." WheD JHepb PaIIhtll' reUted, he Artlfl ud ArchICeet. .ent bl. Italr a mesll,e "«blch deIn hIs own words, the bu.inell ~ serve. to be framed in fiery new_rllrminl kept Jellerson ''busy a. a boy'. omce. 'lb«i Pulitzer prize ad· bee In a barrel" He wa. vice Is Dow • part 01 IIhe masthead often either drawing or de.llDing 01' of a St. LouI. neWapaJiM!r: "I' ~w Iketehinl. Now it wu a plow, DOW that In)' rettrellaeuf ~ mllke 110 • eama,e, now a buildlDl, now • dlftellftc' ID Ita ftfdIna1 prmdPle.: rence alld now a garden. A Joyer that It WID always ~t. rot proll'etl. of flowers, he laid out a ,arden and and reform, nne!' tOle,rate' lnjiutlee planted rare An archl- or corruption, alway! f11b' dama· art by inde- logue.. never belOng Ito Bn7 ,pan" pendent ltudY, he drew blueprlnta alway. oppo.e pHvlle,ed Cla.les ana for many buildings, many of which public plundereu, ilev,e r lack IJ'm· still stand" a. a monument to the patby for the poor, alway. ramaln ' many·slded genius of their creator. devoted to the-public welfare, never In addition to Monticello, the best be .atillfled with merely prlntln, the examplel ot'hl. architecture are the new . ... capitol at Rlchmohd ahe! the University of Virginia. Add Oood Ne".: One of the Aside from his agrlculturill inVtlD- Bund camp. in New Je.rsey haa been tivenesl, Jefterson designed a turned Into a boys' v81dtlon camp. unique mulU-wrltin, machlne to Happy to learn that I. part ot the produce stereotyped letters .ome- U. S. once , a,ain belongs to Amerl· what after the fashion of the mod- ca ... • The legit staliie take. bows ern mimeograph. He designed an as a haven for intell4!ctual I.sues. I"'J"'HB SOIL fa the very t'oundadon ingeJiloUi dumbwaiter ahd bullt him. Yet the seaaoq bas plrOduced only .J.. of American prolpetity and self a handy weather-vane. ohe expert play on a . ierlous theme : Because of the fact that hi. farm "A Bell for Adano." . '. . Ttend of proareaa. Our independence and anel those of his neighbor. were the Times: We used to hear a great our opportunities are deeply rooted located far from bl, cities, .Te1'fer.on deal about Nazi supermen-now we in it. . built a number of Industrial estab- bear more about American .uper· llshments tcrmake hlmseH and his fortresses. friends reasonably seU· suftlclent. For yean, people thouaht our His most ambitious projects were a eoll wu 'inuhaUltible. New land Boop-la I.n'l eVI!r7~: A. J. flour min and a nail tactory. Cronin'. "The Green Years" haa wu plentifuL New farms could be - HI. 0,", Flour Mm. topped the fiction best-seller.llit long. The flour mill was a stone build- er than "Forever Amber.i , dClplte carved, out of the wUderne •• ing four .torle. high. A canal three- the latter's publicity barrage. • • • 'cheaper imd euier than old farma fourUts Of a mile long led to the The house foreign allallr. committee could be maintained. So when a dam above the mill and cost several II now probing Americll' s war crimi· thousand dollars. The nail , factory farm loat h. fertility, the farmer nal policies. We ho~ tbey will .pat· employed ten workers, who drew $2 and hia family aimply, moved to a light , the peculiar activities Of the a day. It supplied nearby stores .. IItate dep't boy. dealing with that new piece of land. weD as neighbors, loeluding Jameil problem. . • _ Joseph Conrad ance Monroe. with naUs. It closed in 1812 laid: " Gossip is what 1110 one elalms when It was unable to obtain rods. to like-but everybody 'e njoys It.'· . • _ Today, it fa a dUferent storv. There' was also a small cotton mill MOlt of the sood land baa been which m'anutactured homespun from Our Sherlock Do-Bobnes .Dept'.: A cleared and it beins fUmed. When cotton obtained in Richmond. Three a farm loses ita productive Capacity, spinning macl1ines wove cloUt tor UP dl.patch .iates: "RWe shot. all Jefferson's slaves. Wagonloads were fired loto the ofllce of Marlo there may not be' anyplace to · of homespun were abo sold to mer· Berlinguer, high commlBSlqner In move. And the DJltlon'. lupply of, the punishment of Fascl.t Rome, for chants. Like other plantations of , food and' fiber it reduced. That is the time, Monticello had a smithy crimes. The official was wounded b1 where wrought iron work for the flying ,las8. Police believe the why lOil conservation baa become shootine was an attempt to as.88sl· plantatioD was made. 10 vilally Important.. nate Signor Berlinguer." Although debt acquired durin, hi. Awgwanl public lile and a depression in farm prices following the Napoleonic wars ' More than one hundred million brought financial crisis to hlll Jaier Two .oldler. and • .&I,or on acrea of land have been 'tedously years. Jefferson was eminently sat- Broadway, reporla Jan Murray, damaged by wind, water erosion, Isfled with farming as a career and were discussing their plana after a way of IUe. curfew time. The ilrst serviceman Incorrect farmin" practicel and "Cultivators of the earth... be once laid: "Gee, It'. midnight. Let'. have other eaulet. ~cli year mUlioru of wrote to John Jay, "lire' the most lome tun riding throu~:b tile park lo acrea more are belDI damased, valuable citizens. They are the most ·a hansom kebl" .•• "Naw," lIaw'd vigorous, the most independent, the the aecond. "Let's caU:up Mabel and bey~d re4emption. most virtuous-and they are tied to Jeanl" • - . "Oh. nu't sl" said the their country and wedded to It. In. third. "Let's do sometblng really uSoll coruervation methode ate terests and liberty' by the most last- ciUngl Let'. to ' lOme re.taurant In, ties.'" and w!ltch the clvlllans eat!" efficient, effecdve and ••'1'- to


lteUon'. Cora P'lakaI bin. you nearl". aD the protective food d"""",tIl of the wbole cra1n declared euentlal to blllDAD




8alanced double action ••• for positive action in the mixing bowl ••• for gratifying results the oven.





Playing, 'His Violin Was Solace to Jefferson in . His Old Age 'to remember abOut Jefferson that It

Why Inot speculate' in vilal commodity?

Skelton Jellerson bad died and th'e viollnist ahe U8~to ac~ompany wa. presBed by fami1)' carel and affair. of ltate, he conUnued to play hi, beloved eremona. The I,Qrt of thin, he played ~I revealed now In the old music book.. which have been tru.. ureet by hi. tamtq ~h aU ,the Intwvenlng ;'ars and wblch were recently pre.ented to - the Tbom.. J'efferlOn Memorial foundaUOIi b)' bla great-treat·trandclauchteJ\ lllu Fannfe II. Burke of_Alaan...... Va.


th:m:::e brushoff mOlt new.paPln bave given, ,to the tlghtlng b~ ~uhna. Re· portl of the battle. til that sector ate· burled, on biaide or ' nored. Man)' Amerll:'lhi' will ::rl1tl::=~~~':~~~~c. then, w.b1ch bas rel\ilted ID 'lm.-rfaDt AI-




vietoriel. .. . . ~ ~ battlea are C!OotiDUln,..•• ~ tbs IUt )'ear tile &mod ell .r:a..,.ldued III the Burma theatre equlils tile lUll· bar era\ttctted ID tb,e N\lIBcI

, ~ Cotltoul' farmIns, terIv, inIt lItri~ppInr, lertl1ldq and

crop rotation an the ,principal methode uMd. EftrY &!mer can 8et 'Complete infona.don a~d aped6c feCb!DD!iendIitiOft. from ~

local Soli


Repraentative, hla CoUntv Apicultural Agent or hla Vocational Alriculture Teacher. The land that each farmer cultivatea Is a national heritage. 11 thould be paucd On to the next Icn~ration better than it came to him. That fa .. trwt which each man Ulumea when he maltea hit livin, from the eoiL Pirestone believes that eoil con. aervation fa fundamental to tIui welfare of our country and Itl people. We believe eoll ConJerva, tion is neryb6dy'. buainaa. That fa-why wi'are c:pnductlng extenaive ap'erUnenti On the 141.yearoOld Plratone Homestead Parm near' Columbiana, Ohio, where our founder, Harvey S. FIrestone, wu born. That it ':Vhy we are sponaorins .oil coniervadon conte at. through the +H Cluba, coopera~ Ins ~th the Future Parmen of America, and promotins the 'exchange of Idea. throulh the Fireatone Champion Farmera' Association.

We have also recendy publiahed a new booklet on eoll conservation entided, "Our Natln Land, a Truac to' Keep," which yOu may obtain Without COlt. Simpl, aenc;l ~ requelt to the Fireltone Parm ServIce Bureau, Akron, Ohio. I feel .~ that you will find tht. booklet lntereatini and lnatrw:d~

. ~" ,rp.~ CJtCrinMft The FittItone T_ " ·Rubber' Co.' '

-e .



Will Conform With Other Communi tie. and Cities New Fire Fighting Nozzle Purchased By Vma'ge


Three Candidates . Initiated At The Eastern Star Special Meeting Monday Evening .

Miami Chapter 107. Order of the t.el'1l Star met in special session Monday evenblg for .the pW').106e of 1nIItiaLing tlhree candidates. Bowlll of sweet peas, tulips and pansies were used in t.he chapter room and all the lady ai'ficel's were ill fOl'IllClls . The CIlnd1dates were presented with belliutlful boquet.'i and Mrs. ~. C. St. Fifty Men Listed For Pre-T John, who was the velJ' ca.pable Induction Physicals And chairman of tile rUllUlUlge sale, wruI PI'C5ented with a beautiful potted Iqduction on April 30 plant. Plans for the CI:o.pter In'L ocal Board No.2. of the Wan'en spcctioll' to be held Frida.y evelling. Ooun1Jy Selective Service System MflY 4. were di'>Cussed. ruIDOunces the follOWing men h M'e been ordered to repor t for preinduction ph.yslcal e>.:o.m1118 tlon 011 April 27, 1945:

Draft Board Calls More. Men To Service

Visited Roosevel Family Library; -Scene Many Fireside Chalta;

News of Churches

METHODIST CHURCH R. B. Coleman, Minister Ohurch school a.t 9 :30 A. M ., Mrs. Raymond -Joneer. s uperintendent. 4.orning 5ervices - 10 :30. Youth Fellowship, Tuesday evelling a.t 'I :30. )hoir practloe, Wedne5day 8 :00 P. M.

• • •

Services will be an Eastern WOr TIme (Fast Time). Sunday SchOOl 9 :30 Mrs. Raymond Conn er. Supt. Spooial Worshlp Service 10 :25 as

Violn SOlo, "Ad agio Pat.betlque"The following men have been Qrreduce the Godard. MIss Miliired Oolem$oll. ~ eau.sed by wat.eI" in ordinarY der~ to repoct for induction OLl Played by ,t he New York Symphony April 90, 19t5: meIIhoda by & (JreeJt deal. The DJ!fW

Engineer and Top Turret Gunner ot;a. B-24 Liberator :.-.........

15th AJI.P in. John J. Michael, 2'1, 'WaynesvWe, Oh1o, has been prom oted to tile &l'ade of sergeant. As engineer and top tuTret KUJ1IU!I' on a. B-~, ~l has pa.rt4c1pa.teQ in ,the 16t11 AAfF I1titack.s OIl Oennan lnatallat.lona in aouthem and central Europe. Pormerly employed by General Motma, be tmtered tile a.rmy in Febn.ary 1M4 and arrived in tbI,s tbea.tre last J~. With 30 Jll.\SB101l!I to h1a credit he holds the Air, Medal. HIs wUe, Mirs. Ha&el Van Wey Mlcbael, realPea in ~vUle.


tn\,rold Bauer; Charles Free!and; Glendon Morgan; Harley WI!l1ams; Wtlll/lm YUka.wa; ,Robert Sattertbwa1Le; [)ale Dumlord; Clifford Rhoods; Raymond Conley. J r.; Joseph 'Llwnb; AU2lWood Mal'Un. MOI'RRqW,. Lesley Murro.y: ,P aul Whitacre: LUther Kfiburn; Luther King; Bert OOnner; Ralph Armstrong: Jolm L. Bills; Wllliam Poe. John rie&tl1eraee; CoIUerltill O\dbereon, Clarksv1l1e; Holly Kennard. lA!tJanon; ROOert Pennfn8iton. Har-

veysburg; Robert Weng. C>regoojl;\: WUllam Keller, Pleasant Plain.

ill memory of Pres. Roosevelt. Solo- "Bea.uWUl ~en of Prayer" Mr. George Miller Men's Choo.'US. "The lJIght of The Oross." . Anthem, "1 Walked Toda.y Where J esus W.alked." -O'Hnru. -ohoir •

The iHoly ComDl'Imlon. 'W e espec1alJy" ..request· tlhe ' new}f retelved> ulembers ,receive the oormmmlon.

• • • Old Clot:hing for the Red Cross now in progress c.a.n be brought to tthe chW'Ch basement 81jllday morning. Aml.ngemertts have been made to handle clothing brought in by members 01 this co~ree'&tlon. dl'~ve



Herbert Graham, M1Dlater Bible School 9:30 A. M. communion o.nd Mbrrung Worship 10:30 1.,. M. "Second Fronrt.s Now Needed"

Youth Services

Carl L Cook Receives ,WoDods In Soulli PacifIC Area Adioo In Action In The South Pacific Battle Area Mrs. EB.r1 Cook has been ' notified that Iller husb8.nd: 0811'1 L. COOk, MilMlnist 3m Clas, baa been woUndtid while in action IiOIDeWbere 1h 1Ibe SOOtll ~Ic and is now in a ' $val hoepital. Ql.rl CXIIJlI)leted hils ~ at Norlolk, Va., &Dd Wok part In ~ . NOl1II801ldy inva,aloo. .1Ifte!:'\Wol'd 80Ina t:o the SoutohWeBt J"8ciItIiC where he ·has been for · the









da.y lilt Ferry this LO~d'S day, We knoW you will eJl!!Oy ann profit from hearing these t.wo Gospel. sermom;. come and near just wba.t !rootB are needed today. Decide for yourself to which city . yO}! are going. also. We 'l,Xe all traveling, but where


Robi. S: Thomas Reported Missing In Aerial' Action

Betty Cook, cla.uihwr, SaDdr&, and ,parenta, Mr. and Mm. CbII'lee Oook, are res.ld«lnta of Mrs. Thomas Notified by H4a wUe,

7:30 P . M.

EVening E~c services 8:015 P. M. "The 'Tale of Two Cl.ties"

• • • We are lookllllr forwaro to 6

Government, Saturday

The Miamd. ChQIPt.eI· No. 107, Order of the ~tern Bini', held a. RLUTImage Sale in Lebanon on sa turday. April 21, for the Red 0r06s and Occupa.tlonal Ther8lpy Work Pund . A sum at over $100 was turned ill

--- I

Th1s will

John 1 Michael Promoted To Ranking Of S~rgeant


Eastern Star Rummage Member Honor Guard Sale Held At Leba~on Saturday, Succellful 'at Roosevelt Burial

follows: dering 01 a "Fog-ruxuJe" lor use on PaUl EVerett, ClarksVIlle; Forest Organ Prelude ord1na.ry fires. This type of nozzle Dakin, Leba.non; Allred Brunk, iHymn- "Eternal Fa.ther Strong bbnketa a. fire wit.b a water .fog and Loveland; Charles Wade. BW'fI1s to &Wtl." lour pl'lllyer for those ill gre.d~ smothers it out with an Sooth, Sprin4t Valley . Service ). exlleptlioooUy small amount of ' V,'IIIter

nazr.le will be 1nstalled shorotIy.



WAYNESVILLE, OHIO, THURSDAY, APRIL 26.• 1945 to M!a.yor Warren iBraddoat, Wiaynesvlale aneL 00Il11 m'llnity 'Wdll go on Eastern War Tlme e!lfeotlve Sunday nJ81ht, AprU 29, at ~t. Th1a proceedure has been decided on to oonlforru. iW1tlh aU other b"UlTOUll<Ung communltlC6 and the hu"er eWes. While it ma.y not contonn to the ide6.1s of tile people in ienerol, tt is one of th06e t1:I.lngs dlat requires getting W A YNESVII1LEto ¥) . a gradual ma.nner. Lewis Smi'th; oecu D . Lamb; The poot office IIo1iI1 traina will OIl slow time. 'Lester Qonion, Harold Shrout; Kelmeth Brodlcy; Albert Brannock. postmaster, st.a.ted tha.t because of the tram sdhedules and mall de- MOmwWliveries rema.lnirlg on the old time, John Down:lng; Altbert South; it was of no advantage to make any Charles Oliver; Gerald Mengle; ehIulge in the poIlt o£fice hours. iP<wl Hit.esman; Henry Redmon; !"red Coomer; Herbert. Brunk. MallYOl" Braddock recently 0011lJ8Iwrence WalTen; Hugh Burlerred with Fire Ob1e! OJarCDCfl Dunham, of Lebanon, and a.mong nett. Day~; An-a PoWell. Clifford other ·ma.tters the great daJDa,ge by Caum, Oregonia; Harry Henderson, Pleilsant Plain; Everett Johru;on, water caused in 1'18h~ Ures was Gerald Hopklns, Blanchester. dlscUBBed. Thill resulted in tne or-

be1ni uaed.




ChaDge To Fast Time Effective Here Sunday; Set Time Ahead One Hour

• .

Hear th.Is selmon on t he tale of two C1ties, Sunda.y evening and then make your decision. ' ' We had 144 present last Lord's day or 1 more than ·the Waynesville Church of ~t. Next Lord's day we must d9 much better thanJ tha.~ so come on now, let us show them we can hold. bhe lead. OUr a.veragc a.ttendallcc thUS far for 1945 is 124 7/8. Why not drive out to Ferry and worship with us. A welcome aiwo.1l6 you.

Tells Of Buriial; ~ocation Of Cemetery; Pr.:.ceuion

by IIlle oh:allman and in a.ddltlon

several articles of clothing not sold


Red Cross ·Old Clothing Donation Drive Under Way April 30 - May 3 Automobiles Collide Street Intersection

Churche.. Cooperating' In Urging Ful1~st Efforts

--- ~

will be given to the ourrent used Ronald Clark Suffers member of clothing dI;l,ve. Broken Shoulder the 716Vh MllJttaJ\y ~. stationed Members of t.he orgo.n1?Jlt!ort ar(' in New York, MIS ho¥,red by belllg veTyl grat.ef.uj to donors 01 old clothAn automobile a.ccldent at the ane at the spec.iIi!J gu*ds IliPpointed 1ng used In the 8a le. comel' of FUWl und Tyler Streets to attend t'lle la.te Roosevelt's lost 'I1rw'SCiay af,ternoon about 3:30 funeraJ and bW'1aJ a.t le Hyde Park rew! Led In conslderllible dan1l1ge to home on Apl'U 15t.h. the machines and a broken shDuider Pvt. U\mb is of Mr. and of one or the occupants. Mrs. SU lAImb, l1XlUte 8. Waynesville. Ronald CM suffered t.he injury. He has been in t.he"a:~orces for He was rldillg Witil Kenne~h Bradley live YEarS and I;pent ' 6 months ill driver of one O:U- Which collided with Ule South PBclflc, re uruing to W1e the car driven by Robet;.t FIsher. Pvt. O.

Great Need For Clothin. Among European People

RJu~l1 ~,


Lhe.*; In Octobe:r 1944

In a. letter to his parents Pvt.

l..GImb told of the f~, ~t1ng lI'ULt the wsket w1t.b ~ of the laite President. WI1S p on a. caisoon dra wn by f(1Ur tlJW. hollieS aud led by a. fifth. Fo awing beb1nd WlaS the Presldent's ytI:auIJI8 draped In blaCk. ~ . the boots and 5'wQl'd his master hung from the saddl and pomtl.l'lg btwk;wa.rds. The bod • was lowered into the grave at 11: A. M. thef'am11y BUlial was made oemetary located a from the house. It is mIIi~ 100 yards sq and surl'OUDded by a. hedge Ba,out · illt.een feet tall. While !there Pvt. 6Jlso visited Serving With 15th Air Force the Roosevelt ram1lJt ' llbrary and Heavy Bomber Group found there many obJkt,s of art and !F1ifteenth· AAF in Italy- Second numerous relics. It ".. . from this U1eutellailiL Robert E . OSbOO"ll, 21. llbr&ry'that tihe 181te ~ent spoke son of Mr. aAd Mrs. Harold E. OS·00 the nation on his flreslde born of Waynesville. Ohio. a co-pilot cha.tB. I on 110 B-24 Llberator, serving with a Pvt. Lomb' is cIne at the very few 15t.h Air Force heavy bomber group, men in thJs country bt has had hus recently been 8li¥a.rded the Air the honor of betng a;P.rd on thIa Meclar, "lor merdtorious aohlevement ~

Air Medal Awarded To Lt. Robert E. Osborn






_ .w,;::..;aedal =::-: 1li8Iht w.bl1e ~lcipe.otlng in ~ed opera.tIonal activities

School Robbery Wednesday Night Between $2i5 and $30 wa, talren from Superintendent Raymond Braddo'clr'~ office. Two door, were broken to ,ain entrance. Money taken wa, cafeteria .r eceipta.

against tlhe enemy." Lt. Osborn is a graduwte of Wayl1JeSV Ule HtI\1h SChool clnss of 1941. Prior .to IllS entry moo sel"Vice. February 2, 1943. he W88 an employee of

Raymond G. Isaacs Wounded 10 Germany Action Apri.l4th Parents Receive Letter From Him; Wound Not Serious ' M~.

The Red 01'006 Old Clothing Drive will begill Man.da.y, April 30, Uld close saturday, Ma,y 5. Clothing collected in this drive is to be shipped act'055 the waters to Ule n~ 1a.m1lles 01 war tom Europe. All Ohurches in the community are w-ged to announce the need at this d:I'I1ve and emphasize It8 importance. Every fomUy in Waynesville and the sul'roundlng commWl1ty are urged to I:aoke pail't in this worthwhile ca.use. Any article of clbthLng ~ be BCceptable such as bed . clotJrlnlr, dresses, children's and baby's clotIbIng. old shoes of &nlV Idze, coa.tII mittens, gloves, etc. . This clothing to b4> deHwred at TOll1n~hiplHo"'" Main St .. W.",n ••• ,II.

wh1eh w1ll be open all during the and Mrs. V,1rg1l Isaaas have week to a.oooJUDdate thoee who wish

been nOL!!itld that their son. PIc. to donate. Ra:y;Illond G. lsaacs. was wOWlded on April 4t.h , somewllere 1110 Germany. They IlllNe later received a letter from him &ttlLillg bhat h1s wound .w us not of a too tieIlous nature and that he Is in a hospital in Landon, Eng. Firat Summer Meetin. At Pfc. I.s'a.Ilc.s Is in the MedIcal COrp Edwin Surface Home and aJter completing his . training at InlB&na.polis. left for overseas The Wa.yne Tawrurh1p Younc duty in June 1944. Mens Farmers Association met: OIl Moncla.y evening, April 23" at 8:00 P. M.. for the last Winter meeUilll and for the purpoee of electml officers for the ytV. Mr. Seth Thomas of Minneapolis, Results of the e lection were: Milm. spe.nt the past week with his Pl'e8ldent. ~ ~: II=04'CllJUi, ~'. and Mrs. E. L. ThoIllM. Vice-president, OBrlton SbeMrOod. Mr. TnOOl8S, wllO been Quite W, .fr.; 8ecretnry, ErDeet Ooclk; Publ1c' ia slaW1;v 1mp.I'O~ Mr. ~ RA!latlona 0ftJcer" JIIItiIrln SUrfMe. nloma.s of DiiyWli. '1I1ii. ~, BUr':: 1nle ~ sUim1ier ~ 'iiJnMi nebt 01 Lytle and Mr. WUllam held on ~ 7 a.t 8 :30 P. M. E. W. T. 'fhomM of LeI1anon. have also been at the horne 01 EdWin SUI'faCe. nssistillg in the care at their fabher.

Young Mens Farmers' Association Election

Personal Notes

• • •

Anna S. Randall


Mr. Herbent Graham will conMrs. Anna. S . Randall, aged 77, duct the singing S\.Ulday atternoon lXlSSed 8IW9.y lot .t.hc home of hel' at ,t he Montgomery Oounty Ohrlst.Advisory Cou'n cil No. 2 Met cla.ugllter in Harveysburg. Sunda.y Ian EndeaNor Oonvention wlUCb At Fumas Ho.m e April 18. mom.lng after lID illne6s of about will be held. in the MetnoriB.l bWO weeks. She W9Ji Ilhe widow of the IaIte Dr. C. G. Ra.nda.ll Who Pteabytel1an ChUl'Ch, Do.yIton Advisor:y Councu Number ·2 met jll'IWtJoed rneItYclne in HaItveysbul'g Miss, Heley HIsey and Miss MarIllt the home of WTeDCe and Atha lor ma.ny celine PeLers, s1lUden1B at MIa.m1 FlUrnas, Wednesdlay evening, April Two oh1ldren survive, MIs. :Barclay Un.lversi~y, OXiford, spent the week 18. W1Jth all wt two faml1ie6 preserut. Hill. Harveysburg, where she end with tlhelr parents. Ml'. and Most of the dlslCUllSlon pertod was her home, <Uld '.Eldwin Randall, or Mrs. ourt Hisey a.nd Mr. and Mrs. taken up with tbhe topic, "A8riculture Ctlattanooga.. Tenn. Six grand- EnleI\Y Peters. afld the N&tlonaJ, WeUcire." ctUldren also suMve. .. During the social perdod refreshMr. and Mrs. L. C. St. John BCments of ice cream, cake and coflfee . ~eral selTV'ices were conducted "i.·as sewed to the members and two by The MsOlure Funeral Home OOlIlUJa.nJed theil' son-Ln-lam and glUests. Mr. and lWU. iH&rry Satter- lOt the residence Wedne5dB.y a.t 10 :00 d a.ughwr. Mr. and Mrs. Glenn tbrft4Le. A. M .• ill cha.rge of Rev. J. P. Thorn- Bland and daughter. to Jamestown on Sunday a.!·tel'lloon ·and called on 'I1he' MaY meetdng W1ll be he ld at be1'IJ'. Bw1a.l in MJami Cemeter:y • friends. the home of Mr. a.ll.d 1Mrs. Verne



Bra.nBtrator. the Bible school a.veI'B&e has been a.pproXt1msiteJy 124 per B~. .

Edward Martin

!Mrs. A. C. Bowman of F1ranklin was the guest of 11er son-1Jl-kuw and Edward MartJn. 68, dled M t;4e Nat1ona.l Olsh Re3ister 00 .. Dayton, OhLo. His wife. the 100mC1·. daugbter, MI. and Mrs. OrvU1e Gray hJs home sooth of W~ at Miss Lois E. Puls, .now makes her dw'ing the past week. Mrs. Bowman, 6 :00 P . M . SUnday a.1lter .. abcrt wMrs. ~ and da\l&lhter, Mrs. WID:' .ness. home &ot Farmersville. ~hio. 10m SQ.wyer att.eDded the funeral He is sw:v1ved by three dilldren, service of a. relaUve in BlanchCsLer Russell of Wo.ynesvWe; MIl'8. ~ on F1r1daY. Southard of Mtam1sburg; and

"Our House" Scene .f April . Meeting of Womans Society Mra. Baird Conducts The . D.evotional Services

Mr. Randa.1l will prea.<:h on the subject. "SUcIl a One IU!. Paul" on The Womans Society of Ohrlstla.n SWlday evening. '!be OIlIJU1lWl1ty is Service held their April meeting a.t sincerely invited 00 a.ttend these "our House" on Thursday afterservices. noOn with Mrs. C'hIlrles Alldefson a.S hosW6B, a.sa1ated by M!t·s. Lloyd Da.vis, Miss Emily Jacobs, Mrs. Or'ST. MARY'S EPI8(lOPAL ' ville G~, Mrs. R. E. Asbury and CHUBCB Mm. Olinton ~ Devot1onal services were oonduct· ed by. Mrs. Mert Ba4rd w~tli ' the t heme, " We AoU!OW1edge Thee to Be· LoI'd." A bu81neisa lI6681em waa held end Mrs. J. B. Orabbe pve .. very interest1ng revJew .of the topio, "Ohuroh in EurOpe," oompa.rIng the different reld8i0n8 and bel1i!1fs. MM. 0ha.rles ElUa also ~ve a iIbort talk. DI\dl1ty ref~nts were sel1Ved by the boeteu. and her U6lstante.

Ben Hisey Now Air-Cadet BenJl'-.J'd*Y' il8 ~ old IImuf

Mr• .aDCl l4ni. qurt HIseY, aucoeaa-

tuJl1< pueed

tbe required aaminatlODl, ADd .. DOW an Air Oaclet. statioDed lit 8beppIA1 Fjeld, Texaa.

Oharles of DlWtOI1l. FIunera.l services were COIlduoted the ~lure IrunerIIl Hom8 at 2:30 P. M. Wednesday with burle.l1n tbe' M1am1 Cemetery.

Celebrat-e-s-E:=-:"'ig"': · h-ty--th~ircl Birthday Annivenary Ma'. Orange Rapes' oelebrotled h1a e1gbty-thlrd birthday anni~ 00 '5un~ and on Fri.da.yo ~ was honor guest when Mr. and lira. A. H. Stubtl6 enterta.lned to dUmer.

COVers were 1IlITa.nged l or Mr. Uld Mrs. Raper. Mr. and MrB~ W. B: Sq~. t4le hast, boete5a ~ chil<ken. Ml'. and Mn. Raper GlIo enteI1ta1ned to dinner on '8undiay wWh Mr. and! Mrs. Morna Raper ond Miss Hazel lIeeter of Dt.yton • Mr. a,ud Mrs. J. M. EarnlUll't and and Mr. IWld Mrs. otto sebal'ct 0( sons of Beaver town and Mr. and Cinl:lnna:ti, as gU.esta. ' Mrs. Lowell Thomas ' and daughter and Mr. Arthur Thomas spent Bun- Volunteer for Victory Group dny wlth Mr. and Mrs. F . E . Thomas. Meeting at Maurice Home

Mrs. I.e&'teI' (jordan \\Wi the week end glUest ·o1 ~. Emma McClure ill l'TBIDklln and WWl jol.ned an Sunday by Mr. Gordon and Mr. and Mrs. RonlI.ld Ha.wke.

• • •


Volunteer 10r VIotorT IfOUP

met and worked at the home of un. PaUl Ma.\lJ'Ice em 'Itl~ evcmlDl'. During the 60Cial boor dalIl.ty refreshments were ~ed to one

guest, Mrs.·Willis Maurice of Dayton and the !ollow1ng memben!: Meedames Charles MM1rlre, 0hM_ , Ellis. Robert Gray. J , E. KaOlure, Jennie Conner. Charles Eize7. Pled overseas Hook, ami ora.n ,Shoup. TbO IftlUP • • 'Lola. Sears and- ErIna. Oan'.er are Ildjourned to meet with Mrs. Qbar~ 1tleir brother, John Bee.n lee Ellis in two wileb. ta.nd .vAte. of Beiiuey, Mdioh., th!B ters of {..ebanOn Weft) pJlBta of iIO', week. Jalm is m! of the Ohuroh and MrB. John KenleY 1« .. , . of 0lu1at thete. days this week.

1Mr. and Mlll. P8lIl Maourlce 'h ad as TbUl'llday cl.lnner gU£6ts, Oorp. and Mrs. Willis Maurice of Dayton . Cpl. Maurice recentJ,y returned from



The Mitlmi Gazette

: .~o=~~::

- - - - - - - - - - . . . : . . . - - . - - - - - - - - - - - Altl'ecl KCqaD and lOll. Rooald. Publiahed Jvery Thursday by Daviaaon PreY IqI. a.r~ SI6l. and d&U¥llter. ~ " ..- lfwmel1. Dl.vtd EanlJoan. Sharon Floyd L. Davisson, Editor-Publisher bart, Fra.ncea Swartz. MGI'y E1len -~------...,...----------------- SlmMr. Mrs .. Bertbe. POlls etUe. the Sublcrlption Rates: Within III miles, $1.50 per year Qra.1ldmotlhers• .MnI. JolUl Ko8eter. (Pay!';le in, Advance). Beyond 15 miles, $2.00 per year lMS. HUey ulb60ll. L1t.Ue Jerry is looky. he hlI8 tour grandmot.hers. <M1&s Betty Sue lAlca.s or Wihnington is spending a fe1W days w,.h her grandparents, Mr. acd Mrs. oo.v1d Lucas. If11rst SR't. and Mrs. Flayd McCOy and dcWg' of Dayton, Mr. and Mrs. 1.. C. cnYB. Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Of,iboi'n of Xenia and Mrs. ~ Heitt of Spling VallE!\Y were ca.llers a.t the home or Mr. and Mrs. Emerson Dill. Sunday a.!ternoon. Evening callers at the Dill hom~ were Mr. nnd Mni. Mon1& Marlat t (\ud children of Sp~ Va.I.lAl'y, Mr. and Mrs. Earl Johnson of

·Court News '

_-YOUI' IMS G81'den--.. ~~0IIiIIII;;a;;;a-=="""==;;;;

''Weed ContT'olls

Robert T. Dodson to Katbrynl E.

oot.on, iot 1'10 In





AndreW L. To8h1e to Alfred Maran and Clyde McAluUch, lo~ 133 In

Best In surUllce of Better Gardens

THE primary objee.Uve of hoeing or cultivating the, Victory gor.

Sand &Gravel

ftIu* 1.. and Jennie L. Wllaon to MUtoo and! Non:ua &l1, 43 .~ A- In


Maron. Oc~trude Oope. Adm .. etc


et 61, deIemian,t. Erby Worley, grnnted 30 d&ya to rue turt.lla'

l:,n ' '''J,''.V .

t>a.ul E. and Anna J.



to li\lbezlt iW. a.nd Ruth M. Kolb, 39.82


Ready Mix Concrete

~. in Clca.roreett Twp. Albert W. and Ruth M. Kolb to den is weed control. The beat time tor thl. weed eradlcaltlon Is a8 loon ploo.d1ngs. Leon E. and SGd1e A. Miller. 39.82 Aatter 'a rain or waterlng as the P8-Ul S . Robe1"tS vs. Vel(ia P. Rob· m Clearcreek 'Ilwp. wayneIYuae Hit eround can be propell'ly worked. arts, ,diVorce to pla.intlff, ohlldren Morrow· No. " William H . Robdenburg to Leo J. The Victory prdeiller hal three to defendant, pla.l.ntlff to 'pay dePhones Lebanon: 011106 4.3'IK and EmIly WesteJilalmn. 104.45 A. \ enemies. all 'ever-zealous to cause Ien<lD.n~ $30 'pel' month tor support &ea.98M the work and time spent' in prepor· In DeeI'l1e1d Twp. Ing. plantlna and ; growIng the gar. of ohild. $42 per month lor e.lImony. den to eome to PROBATE COURTnaught. These eneEsta.te of Bernard W. Beel, dec'd. . '. * mles ,are weeds, dis· ne t va.lue ()! estate. $2528.86, ea ses and Insecta. We~!ds rob the culEBt.a:te of Mary E. Burs k, dec·d. tlvated plants of value a! property. $1990. WHOLESOME PASTEURIZED * water'. nutr ients and Este.t.e W. D. COl1Wiil, dec'd, net PASTEURIZED MILK " even space and value of estate is $17,901 .02. DAIRY PRODUCTS for Your- Protection '0. . ' light that they reEstGte ()! Com M. Apgar, dec·d. Xenia. called on Mr. and ~. Alfred PhOne 2537 Waynesville, Ohio Morgun and lamily, SUnda.y alterRhodabelle A)lb"W' Ouanpbell,Acim., nOOll. cate weeds, the sur fa ce ot the gar- filed · bond for $2025 . den should be lett in II loose, friab1e £State of George Veldt, .. dec'd. ,'j---=-condition 80 that the soil can absorb Mabtie Veldt, adm. IUed bond lor later' rai nfall. Ca re must be taken that cultlva- $3000. tlon be shollow go ,as to avoid Injur. Estate or George Grassman. dec·d. PVt. Hazel K.U'ie Gorsuch ~ Ing the vogetable plont roots that lie Thelma Wlecla, adm. filed bond lor Wri8bt tleld lIP6Ilt the week end near the surface. And contrary to $14,000. with her parents, Mr. a.nd Mrs, lome opinions. there is Uttle to be MARRIAGE LICENSE~ gained by hoeing or cultivating the Leslie Gorwcll. Delbert B, Goad. 23, Army, DayMr. o.nd Mrs. V8Ulrhn Mullen and garden oftener tha n necessary to keep the weeds out. It appea rs that tou; Grace Oorsueb, 22. clerk, SOIlS of De.l'OO, Mr. and Ml'6. Walter a former beUel that fr,equcnt sh allow Miarnlsburg. Pfelfler and da.u~ a! Utica cultivation during pef'lods of drouth Jllllnes R. Boud. 26, pUot, West called on Mr. and Mrs. Bert Bwmel was necessary to conserve or bring call'oUton ; Mary Lou lacltens, 22. (PRINTED) and Mr. and Mrs. Mlllard Ball, Sun- moIsture up to the roots of the plants, was a fallacy. At least the USDA ste nogTopher, Franklin. day. . • • • Mr. and Mrs. Earl crotwlord, Mrs. Is not advocating that kind ot culti· REAL ESTATE TRANSFERSJeanette Hays to LUlu Hawes, 13.27 150 .heets 6xl 0 RDbert Schneider -and son spent vation. Mulohlnl', ..bleh bas been A . In DeCl1ield Twp. SUndBJy with relaUves. • mentioned In thcse articles as a 100 Envelopes Harrell and Della iM1nanda to eOllscrver of moist'u re, Is also 1Mr. end MIra. , MIorrI8 Lewls of helpful In keepln, weeds down. Clyde and E);Ina Whltaere, lot 14 In •• Mount Holly spent Sunday. '~ lth .MulchiDI Is lIecessary only In Morrow. Mr. and Mrs. John Koester. &i'tbl8 In almost any part of the 150 sheets 7 ~ xl O!h Adda A. Zimmerman to Fred nonlrrlgated areas, In periods 0.1 long drouth where .water il not l<a.lm, lots 23 and 24 In Leba.nDn. 'WOI'ld. To tlhOIe who de81re to be 100 Envelopea NOTICE TO CONTRACTORS available. IIoViators of fIrt.Une and for th~ York. and Clara BLshop to Straw, dried leaves. dried lown Roy STATE OF muo who ,de81re to enter canmerelal DEPAlLTMJll.N'1' OF WGHWAl:S clippings should be applied between Eddie Rooe and Thelma Jee.nette Unea. tbere w1l1 be the fast developColumbus, Ohio. AprU ZI, UM5 the roWI and around the plants ear· La.ln. lot 131 m JI1ra.nkl1n. Enalneer of Sales Lepl Copy 1nI pII88I!rlIer. ~ and freight New·ton L. !Dearth and lm8 C. No. til-fa l1nee and the abort connecting Itnes Dea.rth to Elmer L. Sickles, 16'1.50 FLOYD II... DAVIS8QN, Typ<igraPher UNIT PRICE CONTRACT a.11 over tile ·coontry. A. III Warr en Co. On Dem1Ie14 Rd., Lebuea, Is Offersealed will De received Dial 2143 Waynesville, O. Olarence and E3bher Seeman to , _ BQea1 'rraIaIq M Ilea aDd 'lben, too, .there In deVelopmg tile at Ule oU~ af the state ~hway NWl D earth. lot 156 ~ Fran1d1n. WaDeIl UId Chan. 8enIDe to An, ~ to own a plane for priV'8lte nirect.or at Ohio, a.t Colwnbus, OlliO. Georgtl hlenbrack to Nan Dearth. .....t bl ~ VnUed S.... , •• AIIo. 'aying. 'lbere w11l be so Dlbny op- ,u ntU 9:00 A. M., OhiO St....nda.ra TUne, (.10 :00 it\.. .1'.1., E. W. T.). Tueslots 157, 158. 159 and 160 in Frank......... FIll""; ...... About poriAmttlea in thJa ~ buslne68 ~, ~ 15, 1945, lor iIJIIprovements lin. ..... 8peclIaI ~ OD I. Bear 'W~_ o«ers (\ ~ ~~. 1111: (Propo6als NIJ6. 1. to 3 iD.cius1ve James ':Uld Mildred. Stanifer to BIoHa ••• Pay As You LearD • •• '!bey can ~ you to 8010 their are OUered a.s one project and will UDder: The Direc~ 01. £4. 8bIa, or :y~ In ~ 'hounl and orfer be BlW81ded a.s ODe contract.) I"rOpcIeaI No.1 PNp., Well KIlo_ lD Ana&loa CIr- SIJDb ree.IOIl8ble rates 8.8: Plane OIEnnont uowwy. 01110, on Sec· ei. of ~ Pan 'or Tbe e o . rentals, 48·00 per lioor; student In- tklIIa A-~ B and 0 of Blanc:besLer: •• Tel, struct1nns, •.00 per hour; Cha.rteI' wm\ayw!t>~I\iorbll6rn Road, L:llti.t.e . . tr1Pe. 10 centa per mile; Passenger ~ l'40. 603, I:ltate Route No. 'lbere u Do fWd fIl endeeNor ,fUebtB, <as min.) $100. 133, in WB,yne and .nwJcsoIl T (;wn" ~ ~en .a.i woIlidel'IUl ~ os:»- I Vtalt the ,Leba.oon ~rt soon ahipa, by applyq 110 bltwn1nb~ CulUvaUoD Is primalrny to cODtrol ~ .. a~ It cert.unJy 'and 'reoe1ve tohelr 1.IIformr.uon ra-. treanment. ltAm T-31. Pavement: Width 18 feet. Leng~h weecls, euenU" to a weU-paylDc hu to the ll'ODt ~ur1ng these their WhiCh wiil 53~ !teet or 10.10 miles. larden. " Jut IAIv. yean a.nd Ita value as preptU'8:YOU f~ tlbe c:ooW18 air a~. PropGlal No. Z CIeI1nobt 00un1ly Ohio on Bee- ' 11, belore the soU dries out. Such a power ai.l IDIideI d traMportatton tlODa J-l, J-2 J-3'and (p&iI'"t) mulch 11 valu~ble too. around non· bus become to 'be tully apprecl&ted. a! ,abe OInCin~8t1-oh11lk:othe lWad. sta~ed tomatoes, cucumber and A~ wtll be 4Il~ to ieeure poStatAl BJebwa.y 1110. 8, Slate &ute bush squash pl~nts to keep the fruits o AmerIcaD I'ruk Grower....~ .. j ,; • sa _ ._ No. 28 in Ooehen Townahip by ap- from contact Willi the soil; thus keep• Ameohp Girt _ _..:.. 2JIO !Mil' Bmerson Dl1l the Se.t _ plyq' a biWmlnouB Q-~, Item Ing the fruits. clean and reduclne AJMrtca Rome, 1 Y...._ 1.95 ' : W88 ur T. lOll Jrorn certain rot o·r ganisms th~t .-..-. Poalay Joamal lA5 cia, even1rV supper guest of Mr. Wklth 20 feet, Length are carried In the soU. Addloo 1ft Rm-__ ....._ 11.4& and Mrs. mverett iBunnel1 a.nd , ,20.OM teet. W~tb 18 .feet. Length When the plant material haa beeD 8etta"~. JImq_ U& f8m11y. 6,26(1 feet.. wJdtli 111 feet I..I!n&th decayed so thllt It can be easily cut 1M •CIppeI'. ~ , Mr aDd !41'8. H1ly 'G..oo, t :a,113 teet. TotIal letlilbh :ri.456 leet through with a spade, the whole pUe ailfd LIfe 11.4& I • speD ex' 6.- mAtee. should be cut by vertical slices D CIIbdao IIaaId 2.50 Sunda,y, ~ 'WitJ.l Mr. and Mrs. . about an Inch thick down through all CoroDet . 1.50 Harold ~ ~ Bellbroolt. Propo8lll No.3 the layers. As the slices tau, they D Corftd P.asIIIb 11.45 ; iM:r and ' MrI ElvM I.fIobael and. iWanen Coon~ ~~:~ are mixed and should be thrown Into 00aDtry GeDt1emm, 5 Yn. 1.00 B01JBl: D!.bIde Mu.le MIIpIIDe...... 1.50,· l8l1Yld~. Beverly ~. of , !'n~~~ &le4, ~tate -HJgh_ ~~~~er pile for furthl!r decompo.i. Drum JIl. Farma's Wife 1.6& Xenia spent tlbe week end with WOIY No. 64. State ilWute No. 48 in S!-12 e8fb.1DIftIIl8 D flcmt Gr-a-" u& 1l\4J'. ~ MrI. Eddie Turtle "~ 'Oman ami Hamlloon Decomposition Will D H_bold 1.6& 1-5~~ Townships. by applytng a blttunl· HFa .... U& , , M r. and Mrs. MorrlB LeW1B and Pay Good Divid!mds nous ?treo.tmeot. Item T-Sl. W~ OMapJlne Dtrea - _ _' 8OIl8 &pent sunday with Mr. and Two or three turnh\gs. as this 'PIWement: Width 118 feet. Length D NadoDal DiIlut Monthly._ U& '1-i SBWrdayeven1ne process Is commonly cnlled, will 29,001 teet or 5.50 mnes. . Mis.' JOlIn Kcester of UIt1ca.. D Nature (10 I..~ 12 Mo.).... a.4& Total estlmlllted coot $49,685.114. usulllly give a compollt of satlsfac· D Open Roed (12 Ia. 14 1.110 MI'. and Mh. EVerett Bunnell --raVE STORY ' I Yr. ~ . ot.ber 1!lwrlinp by PATHFlNQER ' . .1 Yr. ALL Pl'oJ)06als Nos. J to 3 InXilusive of tory tlneness and composition. Com· D Ouldoon (12 .....· 14;-==-Tiii1ircalled on Mr. Ben Gruber who is ill SILVER SCREEN _ _ _.61\(0. IEVEN this project to be compll<ted not post ma y a id In growing plants, Appo1Dtment D~---.In Ohrdst hospital, Clnclnnatl. HOUSEHOLD, ............._ _ .. 1 Yr. FOR but it should not be considered as 'n CJ Path&nder .... 2.00 later than Stptember I, 1945. POULTRY TRIBUNE __,_ 1 Yr. D Photoplay ...._. 1.110 Mrs. ~ Runyon ool.l~ on The mJnlmum wage to be paid to fertilizer. It is most valuable 'for TELEPBONEt!2-B FARM JOURNAL &c , ONLY Ttlbime 1.6& Mm. Lue Morgan, Sunda.y evening. a.11 labor emploYed on tbiB contract improving the phYSical condition of F~'S WIfE _ _ _.2 Yr. Reader"I DI&at 4.15 mat· the soil, ' I ming It with organic shall Oe In oocorda.nce with the Mr. and Mrs. Arnold CIuk and OR~ .a.15 "SChedule a! PremJllng Hourly ter. It Is helpful for I~rowlng seed· .Ch«1t _ 01 ilt... in pltlce 01 ·r .... SIOry iI ,,,. "./erl ~ of Da.y.ton caJled OIl! Mr. and D!kJmce mllllnmi _ _ . S.45 W~ Rates Ascerta.lned o.nd Deter- lings. for transplanting, for cover. . 0 AMERI~ GIRL _1 Yr. 0 OPEN ROAD (BoyI), , D Sdmtlftc DeIectIft _ _ a.G' \Mrs. H1ly Oibson, Sunday alfternoon. mined by '!be ~tmEmt of Ing rows 'of small aeedll. for working o CHRISTIAN (12 llluea) _ ....._ .._14 Mo. . D 8c:reeDIaad ....... ' IJliO ImIu8trlal Relations .applicable to Into the soil that Is beslVY with clay, 'BIRTIIDAY HERALD 1 Yr. 0 PARENTS' MAG. _lY,. , D SUm' krem . 1.110 state HIghway Depal'timent Imor unusually sandy. and It Is desir· Mrs. !MdrrI8 LaMs enterta1ned OCOUNTllY .. DPROTESTANT tti Sports Aljeld .... _ _ _ 1.110 ~~. el In bo f th provement8 In 8OOOl'dance with Sec- able to apply more of It 88 a top GENTLEMAN ----S Yr. VOICE ~ee1Jy) _1 Yr. D SaCltlellful F_m, _ J.75 XENIA. o. 18 8. DetroI& Bt.. ......,.y temoon ' nor 0 e!tiona 1'7-3, 1'1-4. 1'1-4a, 1'1-5 JUld dressing Immediately lifter seedings . OSCREENUND _ _ 1 Yr. .D The Woman .... . tJiO, TRUE COMICS _ _ 1 Yr. 0 SPORTS AfIELD _ . . 1 Yr. to prevent crust formation and to D True. Story, ._. 1.110. •~ tlbe Qenero.l Oode of Ohio," - - _._ _ . . 1'1-!iII. TbefIl bidder must su.bJJUt with bls CRILD un __.IMo. 0 THE WOMAN _ ._.1 Yr. help keep the soil moist and spongy. D u. s. Camera ...._....._ _ 1.15 U. 8. c.tMERA-_l Yr. 08CDNCE BLUS.. ......6 Mo. bid a certlfleci check In BIll amount The compost pile 1s weD worth the :0 Walt' Dboey'i Comka.._ U5 equal to five per cent of !/!he e6U. effort of any gardener, who expects D Year LIte ... _ ..._........_ .........45 ' ms.ted coal;, Ibut In no event more to till the same plot of ground tor ..........D OFFER tha.n teo 4lIlou8uld dolJara. several seasons. 1 ft4I, ......' ._~. ,_")II~ IPlIiN and spedficat10ns are on Much haa been said and W1'HSATISFACTORY file in the dep8ll'tnmt af Wghwa.ys ten abollt scientific llUIIIlng and the dtfice of the resident distaclentlfio cardenln,. Farmln, S E R V,I C E S rlct deputy dlrector. and gardenln, arc essentlall, The d1reotor reaervee the I'lght to arts, not solence.. Mucb can' be AT ALL TIMES reJeot 6IllY or 8l:l bids. learned about ,.rdenin, and PERRY T. fIORD. larmlll,. t.Qo, b, &be lact. state B1gh~ ~ brought, to 'light In the researches cif aclentlsts aU over Dial 2111 Wayn~8ville, Ohio the cowltry. Atter reading aU ~liIat haa been written, gardening mUlst be learned as other arts are learned':"b1. prac. tice and experleJ\ce. preferably un· der the guidance of Jlomeone who for ·DEAD STOCK • • • has already acquired the 'necessary skill and judgment. Hones, Cows, HOla • ONE DAY we overh5!'d lMlmebodf In tl)e war againSt I)()xlous weed I , Sh~p,' etc .. 6&1 ."It waa such a smari lIIIIItter, I F,' , ~hemlstry offers II new weapon .that didn't walt ,00 botlher bank opens an entirely new approacb to REMOVED PROMPTLY about it." • ~er ~t Man allve it. env~ronmental pest control ' In and " around orchards and ftillds. The no ~. ~" wtlGt 'we " bere Can new· material, the acUve Ingredient ..., 1' be helpfUl whenever we can of which II! a~~hliJ[n lullamafer . CINJi ....~I. . .(. . '..... ..."".- - . . 1 . --Jo e~ ~ we c:ao. • 80 whether has'" been founW to ' be exceptional. .Gea... iWII' ,I _ _ $ ., " ......... '_ _ . .. ..., _' .' ,oil want .. ~let\ll 01 8I!Il'-Vtce' or 'ly efficient' In tile destruction of un· ' ..... ~' ,esn-«rll ..... ~~ , . : deslrable weed.: .. bea.pIns meuure, we ooriHaUy"ln• , ..... ...1 ('a: J"" ~J . .. MADr REVDSB It hal allo bee~ used, 8ucce81ful}y NAMI! . ' . , .' wtt you 'to drop in and . , 111 otteD. Te~bODe 464 In recent experiments ~t the }\jew C...,..e. D:iNIA, o. Hampsblre yperlmel1t ataUoD to ITIlDT .o. \ t ~. co~mon barberry. the ~Irernate' B. ,' O. ,BOOIISIEB. IN. C . IiOI1'OUJIX '1' 0bIIt • or overwh!~rina bOlt If blllck stem ..... rult. __

Armitage &Son

Raring to Go





VICTORY ~~~~ati::t~~ e;:~






Learn To Fly ..'. LEB~<?N

· ...

Davisson Press






M, T. H 0 'L LY



a a











o Pool.., o

Dr.·C. E. Wilkin

o o o

;~~.~~~~-~-~~_~-~-~-~-~6~~blrth~~da~·~y~a.nn1~~versary~~ , ~~of~her~~IIO~n.~



~~91~re ~~~m ~nme

. A, Thinl.b.l.l.c>f ,S ervice

Quick Service calve"


me n. t

Wa~•• ville National -Ban·1t






oa· ...










,Par' Thre. Kenrick

Mr. and 'Mrs. AlbeN awutztre.ubar have 101e the1r,-farm, title Hardin 'Phi.ce. to Mr. and Mn. Homer OW, Mr. and Mrs. E. B. Lon~re are illljOyIDg being back. home spending bh.e winter In Florida . . 'Mr. and Mrs. Walter Kenrtck a.ttended Lbe April meetll1g of the Wl\:n'ell CoImty Historlca.l Society a.t Museum In Lebanon, l\I~onday evening. MIIss Laura. lW6nagle, of the School of Nursing of Ha<rtford hoosplta.1, Ha.r-tfor<1, Conn.. was !til

~ B.


HOMe '


ClIlCInnati on b\1!i1Mss laat ~eek and spent the week end with Mr. and Mrs. Harve.y Burnet and Mr. Il11d ~. Ha.rold Whl~lok.el' and OOildren.

Mr. and Mrs. Everett Early, Mrs. Fred Rrush, Mrs. Roos Rolland and Mrs. J. B. Jones attended Inspec-

tion of New Burlington Eastern SIBr '1'ue6d&y evening. and Mrs. K esler GrlLham Sunday with S. Sgt. and Mrs. aol>ert Slne.y in OakwOOd. SgL. Siney left Suncta.y evenUlg . lor FL. Meade, M.d. a.nd overaea.s- duty a 15 day furloll&1h with home folks. F1nerlds here are sorry to loo.rn of the serious Illness of Mr. Rolla Bolton, of CoLumbus, a. fonner rt:S1dent of tAhls conununlty. Mrs. Bolton haa wrltLen Mr. and Mrs. Walter Clurl!; t.hat Mr. Borton su:fdo but n-'W ,tliu>.t It hD.$ become a ttll'ed a heart 1l.1itaclt week and fashionable hobby we are hearlD& IS now 'in W!nite Cr0/i5 hospital. about It In many magazines. SundiI¥. afternoon callel1S of Mr. The writer of Along the Wa.y, once and M1's. W. C . BergOaI1 were Mr. asked Ifor recipes and household hints, perhaps some one has some and! Ma·s. Irvm Hardman of Frankherb recipes they could send her. lin, MI. and Mrs. Edmond Mmser and chIIldren. Mrs. A. O. Williams Monday. Stlll cold IU1d rainy here. Of ·D ayton and Mrs. Le6l1e Gl'o.y. F1Ig'hblng In the stl·eel.8 of Berlln . and Mrs. E. B. Long'II.Cre and and by tJle time you ge the daughter. Mis. Louella S.wank o[ San Fra.nclsoo conference w1JI be on Da,y,t on v1sited Mr. and Mrs. John its way. World cooperation? SomeF'ite and MnI. and Mrs. George times coopemtlon for war Is easier De-vU in C1nclnnaIti, SUnday. Ilhrul cooperation for peace. We all Mr. and Mrs. A. O. Williams of know little brothers who are always lighting other only When Dayton' were SUnday dlnner iruests one Is atl4lX:ked by the boy next 01 Mr. lind Mrs. LesUe Gray arul door then they unlte- to t!ght him. clllkU'en. On the other halld hOIW about the WOMAN S SOCIETY man who can coopera.te with everyThe May meeting 01. the Woman's one e)(ccpt his wife. But whetlhex' Society of Lytle Ohurcb will ruwe we want to cooperate or not thls aU day meet.l.n4r and . covered a.n war should ta1lg'ht US tbsIt It dish dinner .next Wednead!ay, May must be coopera.tIon SOOller or later or' the death of all clvlUzatdon, J[ 2 , at the houie of Mrs. Everett Kenthey can only make50me kind of a r:lck. 'I'he devotions are by Mrs. p, working a.greement perhaps we can N. cornell, Mrs" Obules Ollarlton in charge of tIhe prqrram: 1:'he comtaIke the "bugs' out of lit la.ter. INobtee aaslstlng the bo6teISII l14"e: ~ Mary Prether, Mrs. Clyde Whar~ and Mrs. Ollver Johnston. iMr.


lFridau. Cool but such


a pretty day

DRY RIDGE Itha.t was gl:a.d to F ,A R M D i A 'R Y tWorleys on the by D. J. FRAZIER

April 19, 1945. Thursday. Frost last morn1ntr there was B. . akIm of Ice ()Ill the water trough, but how tlWcll damage has been dOlle Ls bard to tell yet. "Dog wood wlnter" 80IIlD one ca.lled it 'bilt tI~ Was Q new name to me. Another saying 1& tha.t when the dog wood Ls Il1I bloom it 1& time to plant com. This year we not even plowed for corn y t. BellWeen the cold wea..ther and the chickens, my garden dDe6 not. look. very good. There are severIII gal-dens Ant WayllCSVll1e 'tha.t >are better than mine, one down on the BOUth end of town ihaa peas &Ix inches high. Oommwilty aJle today. I went for 'the first time in several weelts. I took a few chJckens, six 01 them. one WOIiter and five hens, good layinG heruI. I know beca.use <there were four ERB in the coop this morn1llg but we . are m~ a Campaign ~a.l116t all chicken.s thI,I.t do n ot live 111 the chlIcken house and lay e8IlB Wlere. Tb.ese llve in ~e bam and are a!WIIG'B ill< the way. When the teed goes Into the ma.naers the chickens go right in after It bjlfore the row lms <time to put her .head through the stantlon. All ohic.kens w:bo live in the barn mU8t go. Then the dlJckena Who rooot in the. gIl.rage and _ their 6iIPI on the tractor seat 8.QO also the hen who la.ys In the corner of the porch by the door, I believe she WOUld. JlI1ght, in · fact tIhI8

I only too ~ve to go to Stlubbtown Pike to get 0. new a.1r washer for' tJle trac1m. Ulen to make one trip do 88 muoii as possible we d rove around by MnI. Downing's hel1b gaJ'(ien on HIgIbwa.y 48 between Lebanon and South Lebanon. Mrs. Downing Is the wife of a. well knoWn dootot- who has made thl! growing a.pd using of herbo her hobby for a nwnber of years. I heard her speak a.t the garden club to which I belong and _ever sIbee then t have planned to ViBt her garden. We flnnJly found place with Its modemLstic hOU8e. The square p.rden 1& beauWUlly la1d out with walkB and beds and Is surrounded with a trimly cut .hedge. Some of the beds were ed8ed with chives, those l1ttle green oniOns tha.t niany people like chopped up in salad or cobtage cheese. OUlers were edgM with vartow; low growing evergreen herbs such as thyme, leinon thyme and w1nter 88IVOl'\Y. ' 'l1he varlous 5hndes of 'green 1P)d ' oantraBtlng ty;pea Of follage 'made a charmtng bade grOWld for tull,ps ' and h~ I bought some sage. chiVes, lemon th.Yme, common t:byrne; tarogon and WI11tcr SGNory. Mrs. Downlng-ia an authority on the uSe of hel'bs as well as their culture. My ~her alwa.ys used summer SIIIVOl'Y! wlt4l 'S8ie in turkey dressing. W1nter savory oan be used the same and Is a perenruaI. A little tlhyme is del1cioUB In lamb stew 01' crushed and rubbed on t.he outa1de of a Famb 1'06Bt. She U5eS



t.u LYTL .E

Mrs. Kenneth Hough and mother;- r'r...r----.:---:..----~-:..-::r.&.r"--:..'l Mrs. Viola Harlan of ' Waynesvtlle. were Sunday arfternoon g uests of . ,'

Mrs. Nettle EmriICk-:--

CARD CLUB . The Ly,tle card club their Ap11l' meeting Wednesda.y . a.t Waynesville with ltmoh at the Smith rest&urant.


II Take M1) Won! 'III 'I 'For Itl I' I'Ll:.:-_-_-.:-_-_-_-_-_-...::L-.:.:r..-_-=-'-' s, FRANE COLBY 'I THEM'S FlGHTIN' WO&DSI

Q.-My employer Insists on pro; nouncm. MARITAL al "martiaL' lay in tJle ~ basket if ota~raaOh in soups and omelets as Mtt'. and! Mrs. !Walter Kenriclt Two cl1ctlonaries and a Ilawyer'. she coUld. OhlCken prices Were high well 88 salada. It Is DlOIIt commonly vLsited Mrs. Gula at St. word bave failed to convince 1Wn. but v&ll calves did not bring top used 88 tArr.a8Oll vinegar. According El17J8Jbeth ll06pital and a.l&o cailed Give him your verdict. A.-It Is true that some marital ma.rket prices, true they were not to Fannie Farmer. ~ 6a.uce at the home of Mr. and Mrs. ROOert . ' . uall ed Wiith fish 5hoUld be Hames and chlJdren .!nJ Dayton, relationl have a decided martial top 81'ade.ca1ves, but even so the us 'Y serv , (warlike) atmosphere, but tbe words price seemed low. Calves by the made trom oil mayonna1se season- F I'idil.y a4'ternoon. have no kinship either In origin .o r hea.d were better. A pony brooaht. ed with .tTliiOn vinega.T or chopped Mr. and Mrs. Robert Hurut and pronunciation. Marital (pertllinlng to almost ODe hU11dred and fifty dollars tan-a8'on vn,th ~ plck:le, ca- Mrs. Nettle Emrl<* were DaY'LOn marriage) has three Iyllabllel, and but' ~ dnlift horses went for ftfty 1>ers, oUves and pa.rsley stirred in visltol'll' Wednesdaw. the first has the flat "a" u In "c.r'ust bet '"~ bu,t hat we j~e~t~1MIr:-tllld-M:lrs:-"1!:I:twltlr"N1ltttllmtt:~~~g.nt;! ..UnI8i-MAB-I"'1. The and a1XW dollars. ODe young abOrt. • ore. ~ word martial II pronounced. exacUy barn bull enlivened by at 'most eating place6 1& canned son, Gany, were Sunday dinner Uke the word marshal. thus:' MAIIBl'IlmlIln& the traders over· ,lihe fence. maYOIll1&1IIe with .a. llttle plckle 8'Ilests of Mr. and Mra. Therle Ib'L rellsh lno it. To hem- it called t.arta.r Jones and son. • • • sauoe is one 01. ~. pet peeves. Q.-Who I. rl,bt, my bc:i. 01' It . ; ADotber one la oalllng a.n,yo k1nd or Mr. and Mrs. Everett Early, Mrs. Be oya "dhlln&erel&ed fa lbll aar~ chIclten with pDn , ento cut J. B. Johes, Mr-s. WilbUl' Foulks and ...andln,.... I m.lnt.1n that "lIDDr. W. E. PORTER Mrs. W. C. Bergdall attended the bltereaie4" II the rI,b' .ord. up In It Ohl.cken a la K1n8. Those Wa}'ne&ville Ea.stenl S....... ..... _ runun8lge A.-You .re correct WbDe thoe .V~TERINARI,AN 'n.&qlC8 sHould be. used. only for the sule at Lebanon, Saturcny. words are lomewbat .yuonymoUl, Phoae %58'1 ~emue, o. real tb1ni. OUr i1'8I1dmofilers used beat u.age preserves thI. dl.tlncmore · beriJ8 lor ~ng than .we \Mr. WWiIa~ Peru:e returned to tion: ;'._:;;;;;n;_;.~_~_:;;_==';_=_;;;;_~'~_~--c.~~.~~;;~;;;;~~;::~;::;::= SpringbOro IBst ,week after spend- Disinterested: Not blued or In• Jng several days at the home of Mr. ftuenced by .el1llb . Inte"!It, a .. and Mrs. Walter Kent1lck. triendl,y .nd cl1slnterelted advice. Uninterested: Apathetio toward; . Mr. Ralph Belcher has been quite lacking in Interest, ai, he III unlnE' ADVANCINGI. . POOl'ly for aevereJ Weeks. He went to welted In .port•. ••• GLORIOUS ~! .~ , .' Daq.ton, Mon.dny, for Qn X-ray. From C. S. Haverhill: Will Coke 'mB GOAL STILL LIES A.lmADt Mr. and Mrs. J . :8. Jones were Stevenson, governor <!f Tex ••, '" ' " ." Sunday d1nl1er guests of Mr. and named for the 80ft drink br the ENUBT TOD,,""!' 1M 'DDt ·. . .VWB Mrs. Henry Finke and Mrs. John fuel? OF YOUR JUNG ~. WJU,.J.MD Answer : Neither. He wal named Zknmernnal1' at WaynesvUle, tor -a tormer governor ~ Texa., YOU' ON CEBTAIN .vICTbB~1 Mr. and Ml'a. La.wtence El110tt Richard Coke. .. 0 A' B ' D CllBJ8TI!AN and Son were SUnday ifUl!6U1 'o f Mr. BeU lIyncllcate.-WNU rutuna. 80LDUB8! . 0tJB·- GOAL o"t • NBT IbBD'8 DAY. APRIL 29Ut. IS WE DABs NOTIFm . . . . . f t ... _


.........A..... come and


90------,--,--... •

Ferry Church of Christ News .,w .






\ .

sTIu. __


.f nlnD


•.•. ..r. .h.. ~

IIinIl ClO" .yer ...f.,..,



.............. tIeyf """"'. . . ~

f.r . . . .r ••••••• I•• w ••h ...... , , fII. MI•• I/...I: : c_~." I . . .

....... .... . .. .-...-.,.......... 114'" M'."I ".New :....., , ~.,





~ '



r • I Licensed Real Estate1roker HENEN8ER WHEN


David . H. Wing


....... ye.w.""'p"""'''

~ ..........." at ·wor. 0 .. I"M InIItd 'et1I11 ~.rI for "II ~.op,--eW ............ r.sul, •.

~ .... )'our. d . . . .

, ..........1'1.... ...., .....



J&U)INO D~ ---.,1.8'" ,. iii YOft COlllltJMili


NGM. .

With Offices 201 Ludlow Bid,., 186 S. Ludlow, Opp. Colonial Tbeaue, -Iron statuary deooxUed Yarcfa DaYWD. In tbe Buying, of .the town's clldzoma? Sellinl and Excb&nlirig of Farms. SOmetimes a deer w1tal head held Fann Lands, Estates . and Suburbail high. Or I>18.n8I With dreIwn bow, 01' properlies ••. Well and Favord;bl,y R huge dog. on the curb stood the nJH the bluebird chirping KI\OWD in MonLgomery, Preble, War- Clgure of a n.;gro .boy holcllng & rinK YVagaln and the "red red robin ren, Greene ~nd Adjoinin, Oounlies to whlcll -t1e-,-th~ now bob bob bobbin' around,': base- • • • lias ' a Lal\ge Listing • • • Places places those yad'ds were. Remember? ball with all Its future troubles la still In a far better way than it Whicl; Will I\lake Good In vestments . • • HOliest bl Appcalsals . • • HelpSTUBBS looked to be some weeki aio. FUNERAL Many teams have lost many good in, People to MIlke Desirable men, but they still have some Inter- Changes • • • Can Arrallge Loa·DB to HOME . Telephone 22111 esting talent left. Close Deals ••• New Phone 11£1191. Wayneavlbe Tbe main point Is that we Ohio had too many gonf.lonJo ,.110.,. In David H. lWilng conducts one or the tbe last few . lealepresentatlve real eSllO.te Offices of sons where either thll; scotlon. He Is'a man of experi~ Yankees or Cardl. cnce 111 the rea.! estalte field and Is nalll were so tar in COllVersa.nt with true values. By front by Augu!lt tbat notbing remained of reason of his years of seJ'fVlce, he 18 the ra cell except a familiar with farm condiLions a.nd cloud ot Indlro dust gives a rella.ble service whether you tar down on tbe coll5iderlllg a pW'chase or sale stretcb. ' of property_ This new season there Is a Itrong , Mr. Wing has acqualn~ hlmseU possibility tor two of w ~bh locations and WiJues in fa.rm.s the closest mces In Grantl.nd Rice and suburbaon homes In this and adman}, ycars, where jOining cou.ntles a.nd Is well po6ted almost anything can happen. We put this .polnt up to Larry Mac- on IilllS branch of the real estate Phail and the always astute colonel field. He gi.ves an In telllgen t and a. coyly confessed that such might ooru;clemlous service. easily be the case. People I If you findlng i~ to "We no longer bave the maHer of your advantage to buy, sell or expicking one or possibly two teams from the two leagues and tag ging chang-e your home r fw-m, you them on top In Aprll. For one should get In touch with him as he ALL KINDS - ANY AMOUNT example no manager knows today ma.y have a rea.! opportunity for you. -,ust what ball players he will lose He haa COlmectlolls whereby he next week or next month. TOP MARKET PAID can -:lrra.nge for loans. which the closing of deals, a.nd Is A Big Question Mark "What leam could you pick on top pointing tho way to happy homes in the American league at thll to many. point? Or the National league? And STAMPS and if YOIl happened to have one or two RUBBER GREENE ' BROS. favor ites, how do you know how 201 CincJnnati Ave. - Xenia, O. MARKING DEVICES they'd look around the middle of Madil To Order Mayor the middle of June? Phone 411 "Take Detroit. -The Tlren .t11l The Miami Gazette Trout .nd Newhouler. Two fine pltcbers-two bl, 1944 wlnnerll. But WakeJIeld II rODe .nd 80 II Pinky Dlnlnl, a.nd who hi left to give these two pltcbers .ny run. to work on' You know where the Tlgen were Jalt lummer until Wakefield returned. "Tha Browns look as good as any other baseball team, but this I. AprU-not June or July. Even Joe McCarthy doesn't know how the Yankees will .tack up two monthl from now. '''But that Isn't the Important point The main Idea II that each league might easily have five or sLx club. well-bunched through the summer-'-all with a chance to win-and thar. what makel baseball. Natural· Iy each home city like. to see Ita team with at leut a chance-somewhere up with the bunch-not 20 games or even more away. You saw .Fertilizer will be very scarce, So order now what happened last tall when the aur~ your ntlc.aa. Browns, Tigers and Yankees were all bunched up. No one ever accused them of being great ball clubs. But still you couldn't get neat; their parks, with thousand. turned away In St. Loul....


• Wanted

Poultry & ;Rabbits

The Chicken HODse

Place Your Order for




Race Counts Most We have had • few ball players who could draw out the popUlace, no matter how far out their club• were. Babe Ruth was the top party In thil llit I recall one leason when the played in Boston and PbJiadelphla before overftow crowds, although Boston .nd Philadelphia, far out of the race, had been playing to tewer than a thousand morbid .o'ula dally. In later year. Bob Feller wa. a big attraction on the dayi he worked. So wal Ted WlWaml. But In the main It hal been the ball club that drew ~e crowdsthe ball club up In the rae •. I have alw.y. believed that a tew seBlonl • •0 the Dodgers, playing In the Yankee .tacl1um, would have paued .-: the 2,000,000 mark. I .tm r.te Detroit eel Brooklya •• ..... two belt b.n tOWDI In the COIIJIWy, .Del th.t liD" b.rrln. Ne • Yer~ or (JbioalO. There w•• a time wIIea Bolton belolllee! In thI. prererree! U.t. Ba' .beD you ret rl,.. down to the blr oheok-ap mOlt of them Deed. team ID the r.ce. For lome odd realon, although their ball player. come from all over the . map, from the unknown halntets .nd the farml, from .pota more than 2,000 mDea aw.y, hometown pride i. alway. concerned. Thf~ h.1 alway. been a deep my8tel')' to me-but ~re It II. For lOme ye.r. the National league had two or three teaml neck .nd lI~k down the .tretch-cuch .. the CarclInal. and the Dodger.. When that W.I happenin" tho Yailkael!q had . their r.~e p.cked .w.:v ·on t~e b:v_ la~,+J:~ ot. .arly AUIUIl Then. last taD, tb8{ American - I,\Id4eIIJ1 'iwUcbe4 ,lhto • hot ~ .~ .... tht 'CardlJlata were~;the N.~ · .. TbIa .~ ~> '.... o'om~ bOiaea&:v of "-JtaD. wldcll 'llIeIIne to4a'J .11 ~. . fer ~ b7, nery Don ,r-.l. bil ta . . . . . .. . . . IDteteiI. 1 al1'" with La~ Mac:Pbail that tht 1~ ....OIl .ai.:v ' ••1Iq livt ~ · Ave or alX clubl from t"ch of the. two b'- ".I',lea which m1Jht be UDder a blanket from tim. to time durtDa tM comIn, montbL . " It ' la In1 Up that ba.eb.n .. on · ~~'" to on. of· tile molt latere.&InI ...10111 Sa m.nJ l,e.1'I ,unl... It la 10 bacU:r ~ tbat It lIn't liven

Barbed'Wire Galv. Roofing IN STOCK -

Fai~ley 6 -

Buy Now For Spring Need. ·

Bdwe. Store. BIG STORES -

6 Wayneaville,

Phone 2441

... ---

.eI, .............


• chanc..



THE "Friendly Store" AT

OME FURNISHINGS~! v "Hard-To-Get" Items


9 .x J 2 WOOL RUGS




LAMPS (Floor and Table) StuDIO 'COUCHES (Fully Spring Filled)



STOVES "Complet~ Home Fumiaherl"


-~~ ~~

CO. .




·"£at ~ain street .~t~













.Buy War Bond. and Stamp. at' Our Box Office





May 1


THURS 3 great singer

Popular !Ier1al Baclt I Bet;, TOan Ever! Wm. Powell anc! Loy in

with " Asia'

" U, T A H '"

Also; ClU'loon and COmedy

Slarltl 8:00 p, M.


Sua Taa Flals. OAit


In response t.o numerous requests The News Reel Sunday and Monday. Apr. 29-30. at The TWIN THEATRE will be devoted entirely t.o the life of the IaLe PresIdent, FrankUn D$no RooSeveU,

tools located on lowCl' Srd st. WeyueevWe, O.

Saturday, May 5, 1945

pete.nt woman in her, forties; es-

AJ3 I am moving 00 a. Will oKer by> ~ Auction the toilowing 1Jat; of houeehold iood6 and

mi·TONE the Miracle Wall F"mish Iu All Colors

furniture Co,

M 1:00 P. M.

<Jha.h.s; .



all1 getting illto dlf!lculties.


~~~~~~~=~===:~ L. C. MorrIS, Clerk , b12 all-wool Bipiow H. Eo BanIIn,&1IC&loneer. XeaJa, O. lUi; Ookmlal CIall :11924.-28 2ht Di.met Inspections

FoR' 8Al£-



Rat100 ,Book. -J. D . 'I1n!adway, Waynesvme. O. -28 FOR BALE--% a.cre. 5-room hoose, , e1ect.ricilly, fUrDaoe. l-car .~e, IlI!IIlent side dt1I/Ve. cement walks, lIqe atmde trees. pcvwaIon in 30


Apr. 2'1- D.G.M. (57) ILee6burg



... ...,UNO-' ~ owner have same by. identMyq and pay q tor thI8 ad. Bam Meredith, , Rt..l. -36

RDn'AiCa&iNII' ~ OoIlIectlaoerw• 0ftU equipped, cheap rent. prJce 1'f8W\D!Ib1e, ~ on 8CCOUDt of

bea.ltb. Ben Beckett, BlaalVe,yablll"i. ~


I H/AVE 'a lJm4ted. pumber of fryers !for ~ /Week. Only 'tihale who order eal'ly can be BUPPUed- MIax 'W. Randall - Phone 2986, -19


-Edwyna StanfOl' Betsy Erwul. Spud's YOUllger sister. She is a. ~ve type of girl


I,. ....



I.clad•• 51 ....... Accld••t. CI"'dbl~atlo. .....




I wls,h to extend our slJlcere 1Jha.nks ' to thoee who sent c8r0s, flowers and me&'&ge5 durlilg our stay at bospltoJ and sJ.nce we ~ve returned home. , MlIS. ,Halrr1s Mosber




NORRIS BROCK CO. ClncInnNi Union Stoek Yards



An or-

Service 'That Satisfies





lines showing up? Do lome o ..IrIH~"". Work I Spread on a generous laYer ot vanishing cream. Stroke and pat it w,e ll loto the Ilnes and furrow. of the skin. Relax lor a minute, Then remove the cream with tlasue., leaving on I light., fUm 811 a baae 'f or JOur powder. This Mlnute Mask will do wonden for your skin-and quick tool

Insured A,ainst Loss


Any Cau.e

=~ hoap1&Q .... b



IIAIIIe •••••••••••••••••••••• ~ •••• ~ •••

!'or Dates, Pilone /84. Wayne.-

' PHONE 412


Mastel' Mix Egg ' Mash

, ~aa 1.90

Poultry LiUer



Iowa 939 , U. S 13

bu. 6.60 "


FUNKS Hosier-C:rost Super Quality Hybrids "


Are' All Hieh~st Quality. Certified New Seed In Flat Grades


~.~......................... -;Y".... ..

CITY••••••••••••••••••. UA'ft •••••••••

14 : . 20c


.... 2

e. &19.

' fer


PHONE 2371


= .=

MOTTS APPLE SAUCE l.e:lr ~ FRUIT COCKTAIL .... Nec.~/. PEANUT BUTTER • J'!- 25e TOMATO JUICE .' Ar;;:r·. 48 ~ 21. SODA CRACKERS •• 1::1:': BEVERAGES •••• I




. _ --- ,,- -

-- - -----:---- ...

New Cab~ag. FANCY HUD RICE. ,I":: 2' ZOo .. ,Se. ALURE FACIAL SOAP • CORN F~K~S ,. '.:••• ' ~ I;.- lZ.· LAUNDR~ 8~CH •• :.... ,.. . 110' :SEEDLESS RAISIN~ • ~ 15 ·~ 1Z. MOTOR OI,L • ,..,,=--=..10"1:a $lJ5 I






WAYNESVILLE FarDl~ers E'x ·c b'••ge m.ur................. ~ .......••••..•. ' [Jll~:.;;!.!~~~jl;

• c~:~"'::.



" 3.60 " , 3.90 " 3.65 ,' " 3.50

Master Mix Star1tina Mash ' Master Mix Growing Ma~h




..... 10e ..... ..... Ilc 3 290

Lebanon, Oblo

cwt. $3.40 ., 3.60

Waynesvill,e Egg Mash Waynesville Best Starting Mash Economy Starter and Grower Math



Scratch Feed

Poultry ·Feed






AUC1:IONEERING Stanle, and' Kooaler



Chick Bed ,-


lAd,er !I71ldIcate,-WNU " •• turn.

V.luable Overseas Packages



FLOUR •• c:..c: •• 25 ~ $1 ' PORK &BEAlS ........ 2Nec.!.Va 33e Rockwood

2G North Meebanlc Street


MUSTARD ••• ......... ...... SWEET PEAS. • ,.u..,• SOAP ~LAIES •





COFFEE,CAKE =~-::' sa. 25e LAYER CAKE ~erfR~ ... 52e

Card, of Thank":'"

-H.uth Anna John& canbaUon ~nd W non~ SUioU, Officer Simmons (OQ,ppy) a small aeUelll on the beat aU iaroand IIUII1tet town poliCe offk:er Who has on In the COUDtr1.


DIM( •

A dellclou. new ICroger Baiery Creat/onl

,1(,,1•• UJId


stools. Some of 1Jhe classl!S are now llI81kdll8' .i>p9k8 consisting of color schemes with each glrw' hair. ,


OOll61dels litlliSelf a cut aboVe the rest. Don Charleton U:~~e.or~~ Th1s p11l¥ ,ls under the di!ectlon of OAK ~ 60 gal. lIoIolasses; ~ ~': IOOd oondit.ion-- 0haB. Berry, famJlllw bY DOW been perfected bJ Mr. Ralph ParkB. FourtIh at. ' -3 • J8-year-old ln8uranoa oomi1aD7 --Northern KutuaJ 0uualt7 Oom- Spring Concert S.,..""",.... Room wall paDJ. Acoo~ to .... provlIlOoa '" w'~ Lots of paper I)f 1111 policy )IOU aN ' relmburled tor On April 19. a. concert WIlS OIl haOOs , at ba.rga1n prkles. Call boepltallatlon GPIDIU, Inclwllna presented to the publlo by the Wayat bane. D. E. St&ld1ford. -36 boIpltal room. atra charBeI. and sur. nesvUle School Band and t4le Girls' POOl teet--total maximum benlfltFOR .RENT - 7-room hoUse and ttee per p8ncn TbIa protection" an- Chorus UDder the d?'ection of Miss large 8arden. '!brae m4le8 soutil Of Umltecl, In tb&t tile money II paid, Ma.rpret Ra;e.. The proceeds ' {'r om W&.YnesVUle 00 ~ and II'bateYer th. O&UIe--fIlclcn8ll, accIdent .tbis program will be used 00 help or obIldblrtb. Tbe protection oont,lnuell 'Waynesville road. see nnery ,!'tPI'cUa.. of "hether you Jour provide new uniforms. IPetens. ·3 pl'eMJlt Job or whether you IlION to Ul7 Dther hOlM In &be U. S •• 0anAd& or Redec:Qration JIQR &i.E- RlegI&terEd Poland AJuka. J'or oomplete IDI~ ' , Clb1nl\. Male 1Hqr, 1 :year old. mall ooupon below_ The project 01 the Home Ec ~ Beltz. Rout.e 2. 26 _ . - - - - . _ . . . . . cla&ses, to redecoraIte 1Jhe school NOITHIIN MUTUAL CASUALTY ce. music room. Is naw completed. New PORI SAUl: - 3 used Hot Wa.ter D..... OCW.I. U.I .. c. ....... II.., ~; G~; Edgar 1:.......4 14. Ollie BDt1Il, l'bOIle 21MB. -10 Bend me comp1et.e lDIormaUo1l tbat


has been covered and nn,\] kegs have been painted and coverE:d to use as-

Martba W11lard, a Crisp, humo1'()U,s yOWlg woman In' her early tJh1rtiea, She has been on a newspaper, but has, recent1.Y' r~~. to t.e8cll Uve Wire and

school athlete. 0. trifle dumb. BeC6U11e .his famUy has money, he



droJperles hlWe been hu:ng. a divlUl




- ------ -_.-. ---

...:...._....:...::=_ pital8'Weet and braWess.-W1lma. Surface Preston Hughes. a g09d-looldng





-&lnnie Peters

the 80hool beat lor two years. He 1& lnit011lIl8l GIld f,riendiy . June 20- D.O.M. (330) LyncHn1rg -WWlam. Woolard ' HeIwy QUlnn, the y~t high CORN PLANTER- Black lIChool. principal m tale ste.te. He Hawke; Claeck ROlli. takes his work serioualy, bu.t, is llked Warrera Braddock, Phone by puplls. -Joe D&vls 2692. .10 LueyOe1le LOO. a. typlaLl soutbern ::-_-=-::_ _ _ _ belle in the ma.k1p8. She 1& pretty,

IN THE lEAN COfRE retains its frci/a flavor and fragrant oils. why Kroger Hot,Pates Spotlight i" Ih~ b~II" .. . grinds it only to your oId~! YOM .U the fresh flavor. fragran~, and sati ying richness of fine coffee in Hot·Dated- Spotlight-coffee .t its freshest best!


:!:eu~; :ee~:~i::!w~

Order o.f the ,E.ltem- StaJl+-- -

May 2- D.OM. (3&7) W1imm~ ~ 8- D.O.M.. (343) Leba.non May I&-- D.O.M.. (127) Vernon May ~ D.O.M. (lem Mioml days, ~.OO. ~ by! 'appoint- May 18- D.OM. (173) ~vWe IDIIIDt only anyUme ex.ecpt SUn. Wilbur N. ~ Phone Z65L May 25- D.O.M. (521 ) ~36 May 28- D.O.M. ' (441) Hillsboro - _ . . . - - - - - - - - - - - - June 12- D.OM. (114) Loyal

ill?F~ ~N


the __

sentlslly domestic but not oJ; all old !u.shioned. She regards the Good 2..p1ece Living Roon Suite : .....odd and her ramily with sooret 'rI;t.ble Top ,Gas Range; Indirect amusement. -&yl~n Crabbe. StllOd I.emp, f1100r Ianp, 4 Antique Cha1rB. Metal Bed, 8p1tng and MatJolulny Clover. seventeen. II tress' walnut dreisser' 2 Kitchen sbudioWl boy who 'tnkes life more Antique Oh;Ur; Stand;' seriously than ' most of his classRocker; Antique Walnut Bed, Sprlng mates. -John LudIngton, and Mattress; , Cc:mblootion Bookcase; Victrola; I»y. Bed; Olock; Mr. Clover (,WilliIim ) a gentle. "~Lb Bid North S Irondng Board; Bed, Spring, Mat- absent m1.nded man in bls late UIU ons t. tress,' Cot.' Bed Sprl""'.· .... Ironln~ ....... forties. He Is bile owner of a. Pl'06B<la.rd; 6 Red Lanter'ns tor TruCk ; peroua book. Store. ~Vemon Shutts, Waynesville, Ohio Bee Hive Supen;; .Dry TobMt,,) Sprayer; Flowei' Box; Shovels; Bp~ Irwln, jO»?, round faced iForks; PoIato SCOOp; Post , Role boy woo takes every.tlblng in his ~~~~~======~ D1INer; . Mbmow Trap; F1shIng st.ride. Has II theory tha.t he is frTBckle; 3 Rifles; 2-piece WIcker res1atible where girls are concerned .. Set; 3-burner OIl Raa18'e; OVen; Some Rugs; Kitchen ClIblnet; Wash ~KenJl.Y iBradley StlWd; Table; Pictures; Books; 2 Su.san Blake, she is onlY' !1.fteen I 8:lusage Grinders; CUrtain Stretch- but lxls caught up with young people era;' cream Bw:Itets; Lot Of DIshes two or lliree years older. She is a and M1scellanoous Items. child in many ways, She is OOlltinu-


NotIIce 111 hereby KiWll tIbBIt ROllI! lL Hartaock whcl8e post offtoe address la WB.YllIIB'I1lle, 0hlD. baa been duly appolnted 118 Admini&t1"8Itin' of the estm.te of Stella

Wbetlrel Ja,te of WWTen oounty. OIbJO, c:l.eOeaaed Date1111Ua 'rIh . . ~ IApr1l, 1'*. RalpH" lB. CWeyo . J\.ldi'e o! the Probate COUr.t Wan-en Q()w)ty. Ohio Bta.n1ey '" stanley, Atty. -26

Cia.. Play , The Senior Cklss is beg1nn1ng work on t.he1r cla&& llla-Y, "Ever Since EVe." It ill a. comedy in three act..'!_written by Florence Ryerson and Colin Clements. The date hIlS been set 1 Mn. 17t.h hI .." sell I or y a.t 00 'gym. 'J1he cast has beeIIJ chosen lind are IlS follows : Mrs. Clover (Ellen) II brisk oom-


Bri,htera up witla


F.. . . . . . . . . .. .

News Reel of Pres. Roosevelt

Twin Theatre. Waynesville




run one show n\gh1Jy for the three

Plus: QuItoon & News


with "Gabby" Ha-yes - Dale Evans - SOM 01 Pion~1'II

111:00 A. M.

Sermon -

. _. . .. .. . . . . . . . .. . .. . . .. ..

Best ~ers pict.ure to date.


"The Thin Man Goes Home"


0ht1Btlan Endeavor - 6:30 P. M. Evening Service - '1:30 P. M. Mid-week pra.yer aerv1co 'l1l~ ni8'ht 'l :30 P. M .

10:30 A. M.

Omununioo -


wIth Barry Fltqerald, Frank McHurb, HI e Stevens and Jean Heather. Also: Color Cartoon. NOTE: Due to length or fea ture, we will

Sermon Topic, ,"SUCH A ONE AS 'PAUL'/

Bible School -6:30 A. M.


A Greet Pictw"e - with a and actor. Especially selected cast. BING CROSBY in



~BERT E. ELMORE, EdItor of ~ a.tora&lClll ut!raJa will .peak Sunday -ruq. Bible ' School MfencJance GcIal ZOO.

TWI'N · THEATER Kenneth Hili, Mer.


ofTelephone ttbrist 2985

Wa~ntsbillt ~burtb Max RandaD, MiDiater






Fanners Grange wU1 meet at "the Orange Hall, WQ.ynesvUle, at 8:30 p. m. Wa,yne9V1lle tmle (slow tune). tDean Stanley of Lebanon will ·be bile apea.ker 1IJld mualc will be lurn1shed by Doug ~enderson. The public 11; invited to attend.



Progreaaive Women'a Glub Meeting Scheduled May 7

Mrs. Dena Thomas 'has received word from her husband, FHght4 OfIflcer Robert S. 'lbOmas. previously reported mJssing, that. he Is sate after 'be1ni held prlisoner or the GerDlAIl8 . for ndne days. The enlllre crew bad been repoJ1ted missing but were ll.ber&ted by the advancing AllIed 'trOOps on April 14.

'M daml Clhapter 107 Order of t/he

Eastern Star Will hold their



Ta1e ProglressI V"& Women 's Olub will meet at "Our House" on Monday eveniJlg. MBw 7, aot 6 :30 p. m. 'I1hls Is a. cUruler meetLng- o.nd a.ll uiembers urged to be present and Ito make r eser.vations with Mrs. Anderson not later than Saturday.

Massie ~ural School Services May 20-23

Inspectkln on Friday evening at II o'clock EWT (fast Ume). 'Dhe Ohapter 'Will ,be l.n6pected by Mrs. Mildred , Averale Subaidy for Year HBmlOunt of GreenvLUe, tlhe D.e puty Olrand Mo.t.ron of the ,bwenty-~~ Will Amount to 12c Pound Pfc. Milo O. Wade New Cent1p'Y Club April , dlstrlot. In Hawaiian bland a Announcement made by tlhe Wllr Meetin, :' ."Wiabing Well" Refreshmentf; will be serrved In thc ~--Food Adm1n1.stm.tton 1lhM a feed Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Wade dl.ndn.g room ronowlng ~tt.he meeting. . ·Mildred,J. Nill Graduatea tury Club held the 8U~ O! 17 cent6 0. ~d will be have received word trom t heir son , All members of MIami Obapttr From Naval Traning School Rrc. M1Ho O. WBde, thaIt he 'h as arnwewlC41t the "W'isll!ng Well' pa.1d to !fl.fIlW"S lor tbe... bu'ttertat are request.ed to bril1g IilUldwiches . n F'Iliday with Mrs. they produce in April 11; good news and a 1IJIad. iMIldred J. NIll, dlWgbter of Mr. rived sa.felY' at his overs686 deatiCo area.zn prod1J(.'tll"S 01 Wanen J. R. Updike.;H Dayton a.s h05tess. and MIll. George L. N1l1, Route 3, nat\QIl, wh1cb Is somew>here in the County, A sumldy of 10 cents a A delicious l1i<moon "WB6 enjoyt!d TIME REVERTS BACK· TO Wttynesvl}le, & recent gra,duate of Hawh1J:a.n Islanas. PIlc. Wade bad pound " M\6 pa.ld lor bubt.erlalt pro- at one O'Clock. 'l1he progrom WWI the Naval TraJ.nlng School for yoe- one yea.r of braining in va.rlous SAME BASIS AS USUAL QuoeQ 1ni the first three mon~hs Of Ill'ranged by Mrs. John Fromm and men on the Okla:h<lma A & M Un!- oamJp.S In Texas, where lids wife, Mrs. Mm. D. C. Radge, each reo.ding extibJa yea.r. At a spedo.,l co.Ued meeting of ver&lltY' campus. stlllwa,!.er. Okla..• Juanita Wade, hn.d spent the past The pa.yment of bhe April subsidy oellent papers on "Post War" plans 00Uncil, Sa.tAJrfAf night, it was has r~rted for duty «) the Com- (our moths with llim. She Is now r eJs In aecordanoe with the prov1s1ons &nd 'WOI'k. voted five to ·' one not to chaJ1&e OI'f1cer, Naval Air St&- slding In Spring Valley. ot an amendment to Senate 001 NO: Mrs. Harold B. Ea.rnhart. accom- Wa.ynesvllle c10clal to !nBt tlme and t1on, pensaco1&, Fla. 298, elrt.end1nc t:be lI:fe 01. the 0J01- paiUed by MIll. M. A. Ferguson. remain in line with Lebanon · o.nd . selection ,to the' spec'laIty school mod1tyOr~ OorPomuon lor ,bwo IJIlII8 two lovely seloot1ons. "April 01nclnnat.1. ThIs decJ.slon was DlBde was made on !the bas1l; or the w.we's yap.~ .' . Eyes" and "All I , SWeet Mystery of lIOiIIaar·~ 14r. and Mrs. past clvillan experience and her ,bW, wblCh intends to stirn- We." by resolution, according to Ma)'Or RoLI~1l W.aynesvWe. Of recruit ~ 8OOl'CS. 'l1he uJeite ~a.t produotiXln. was the The Olub adjourned to met with walTen Braddock. ,lias been in the complete COWIIe 01 8tudy. whJch laat one sJsned by President Roose- Mrs S. S. EUJs in MlY. 'I'hIs action was also 10 oooord o.rmed forces, 21111ifJ1I1JIlu mues her eligible to earn the petty veIl. and was subecr1bed by hlm a witlb ~ request6 from rura.l res!- in the SOUth _ _.., officer rate at yoeman th4Td cla.s8, Scoutmuter and Aaaiatanh ,,"'-. .~ ,,-, b died denta stat ing that it woIlked 8 hamt<he States lI1noil~IIOI~~ included sho1't.hand, tYPln4r, ruing Ready With Information ~~~: ,;;e~ ol' . the ship on them·to attempt to come to IWld general NaYa.1 olfice procedures. Pvt. Lamb Te~porary Meeting Place amendment, tlbe lIU1bmdy il&ld to W8.ynesVWe and Shop under tlhe filst producers of butter/at w;W now be . time setup 68 It caused "hem to Methodiat Church Basement fJeaed on the weighted o.ve11li'e .. leave their homes at a t:bne when J18It1onal subsidy on whole milk for much work could sWl be done. Appointment of Cbaa-le.s A. Ander!Ben R. Gruber, aged", died ·at son, olr., to the po&t 01 ' Scoutmaster ~ 11;, -tlhe ~d sub- Grading and Marketing 'Ilt}e minor dlsruptlon caused by his home on Route I, W~eavtHe, tor the newly formed troop 10 W8JY~ on butterla.1. pQJd to cream Increaaea Ell Quality thls rUme change bas made aome FrIday at 9:30 p. In. a.fter a serious nesvllle, shows good judgment on N&ltRsiN SAW producers will be one-fourth or!.be · . Inwnvenlence but with the Vli1lage IUness ot two the pa!It of the executivp board and produotJon pa.yments on. 100 poun<la 4900 Layera Aaaured rema1n1ng' on the same time as usual He is survived ,b y hJs wife, Hazel. tale Civic Club sponsors. Having ot .whole milk pr0du0e4 in the WIil'- With Present Membership it will not be too difficult td get back REltf<l'rFJ) rto a. son, in ItIhe Army in Ger10ua restooa thlO\ll1lout the nation. to normal. INJURY mIWIY, a 8OIl!. Frarude, at lxule, oru:l been a. scout hims~, Anderson 16 The Ohio Vhlley Eig Coo~ve. ,officlals ol the N&t1onal Cream 10ur d6uehtera &t bome, Ina. Mae. Pr08nIm ~ tha.1. the .we: age Milford, Ohio, 1& branchiDi out 1nto NormIa, Joan and BalbIn. ' tile various communities which it mOot.hly sWsLdy .to be peJd to cream His mother. Mrs. Anna Gruber, serves, Includ.lnii Vwayne Township producera in 1945 will llivera(e about. and a brother, WdillIaIm Gruber re12 cents per pound on .the butterfat and bordering 'I'ownshlps 10 Warren· &ide in Di&}"tml and.a brotlher, county. tha.t they prodWe. lis 10 the 'U . S. ArInY" "'l1he way to get people 1;0 eat A !lister, Mrs. Nellle Kina, resIdea more .1!8iS, and pay more for eggs, a.t West Alexandria, 0bJ0. IS to 8ive them good eaa:' '~bls BerviIcea were conducted TUe6do.y, lllISOclaIUon .bOB IHcn formed to do ~ I, et 2':00 p. m. at ,the' lokOlure just t.hat--"aiv~ them good ens." . f1imena HIlme with Rev; Kettell l4embershlp in. th~ '~tIori

Rev. Ralph Parka Giving Baccalaureate Sermon Dr. Shank of U of C . Will Speak May 23

Boy Scoul Troop Aecepting Members


J:.. Co • N 141 operative ow

In 0peration · L0caDy

Ben R. Gruber

month. -nat


According to 0. reporl received from H. O. MIlligan. super1ntendent

ol the lvnIssle Rural School, Harveysburg. 'the Ba.ccalaureate servtces will be held on SUnda.Y, May 20th, at 8:30 p. In. in the SchOol Gymnaslwn wU.h Rev. Ralph Pa41m of the st. Mary's EplsoopjU Olwrch. Wayn~U1e, delivering 't he sermon. Oommencement Exercises will be

held on May 23. at 8:30 p. m. 10 tlbe School Gymnasium. Dr. Spencei' Shank, UnLversity or ctnclnn8.Ul III Ilhe


oMuQc for each program will be In charge <Sf Barbara "nlornbury.

Celebrate Colden Wedding Anniversary On April 30


The J.u n1or-8enlor Banquet


It is traaarerabl.e 0DlY JY)OQ the death of ' the member to the iSta.te

or IIleIDber 'at 'the lmmed1ate family: held .. .the Cold 8pa1lnp Ihn on' 'l'be IiUnds collected l.rom bh1s m.em~ e.vell1ng Wltal b 8enIors as ber.stUp tees are' used lor capital .hoDQr i\UlIIt8. A delIc10ua dlDner 'was IAn amwEll aeMGe chal'ie or $1.00 8eJ'Ved wit.h the guests seated at is made to be lIIIed for curren,t extab_ e;,ee,utUuilY IU'I1IJl8lld with penaea. It liS JIIl.)1Ib1e in cash or by green and gold o.ppolntmen.t8 and ,deduCtion fr<m ~ eheCk at the

Baturd&y aPIl. ~ are ~ The East. Wayne Adylsory CoWlCIl pMce4 in Uhe Townablp House 'ou met at .tihe home ~ and Mm'. N~rtb MaIn Street, Waynesville. Roscoe FlUl1l1ll8 on FrIda.y evening, OORBllCTION8 April 27.

beginning ol flhe tl8cal year, EDWARD J. RAUSCH I, followUlg .t.haIt in membership applIcatlon is aocepted. . ®dward J. Ra\I8Ch. PranoklIn. bas A sel'V1De cllarie of 2c per, dozen been e..ppoLn.ted clerit and timetor ban<ll1n8 and grading 11; made. ke~per of 1lhe Wa.rren COunty Hlgllcerw:lca.tee Of . lDvest.meDot are waq ~t by Ol1a.rlcs Bonfield, avdlable Bit $10.00 each, Issued lor enjpneer til charge or Division 8 01



Da.\'ld ~ey, Oounty Agent, sta.t'l1he annueJ mee"'ftn' O! the Way~ eel.tba.t on Jut Friday &Lx:IEen mem.... '" ~ps were tmned in a~ thlrliY- nesville :HIgh School All.anm AIlBooJl!e or investment. A clattJOll wm be held aa.t~ toI8l .of 2560 l&~ hens Me now even1ng, ~, 26, at tile local Hi8'h aV&llab18 <Ul4 on october I, with SOhool building.

lAUit. week In

thea, colUDllla It

was stated that ,the drive would &tart April 30 aDd ezld May 3. It should have rSd Maot 6. Alao, <the Red QroE, here and In other ~Otnlltlea 18 ha~'log ' d1mcult.}1 owjdb ~ ciot4Jes ~r delivered to their beo.dquart.ens. ~ error is caused by Sta4A'meDts itbat Ilbe Red I . Cross Is aponaoriDs the old c:loIblnc drlve. Mnl. Evel'8tlt Dl.;rly, Chairman of the Red Oroaa W~e TOwn-


ah:Ip, stated tha.t ,t he doth1n& dl'iVtl Is sponsored by • NatloDal organimuon espediI.lly .rOl1Jled fox: that PW1po6e o.nd ·t .hat the Red Cl'OIIII III not carl')'ing on tOO.t work.






Gov. Lauche and from the qualUled to · give boys tthat belong to the ~ troop hls tUst b&nd In!onnation on the basic prt~lples or . Scouting, lnl:ludlng W<>Odcl-a1:t, games. !I'IV4ounblg, organiz8ltloo, anq best or all tile example. he' ~litraY6 Alber.t L. Da.nieIa in 1'tI(Ial'4 to keep- 10 Ihaving once practICed the good ing olllOlJlBl'g8.l'ine under the present and la8t.lng fundamentals taught COIitrol. Mr. Daniele supported the bY 8S!IOC1at10n with the BCOU1lLng motlion tto lruWeo1tdy postpone any Ideals a.s given.1o scout tr&ln.ini'. ~ to amenc1 'the control. , It 'W88 doeIc.lded fo ch'culate a pc- ASSISTANT SCOUTMASTERS ' tIton to be presented to toe VUlage IPlaicement of Joe James and Max Council or ~esv1lle llhat W3l:l- Hartsock B6 assistant scoutmasters. nesv1lle remain on s10w tlme. an orga.nlmtlon Is wen In the. l1lr3IkRoscoe lI\Jmaa lect discussion blg that will g~ve scoUi18 in this comtlq)la.Lnlne ~ or the pt'Op06eJls ' munlty a group thalt they may well

Director of the StBte ~ay Dept. were 1'fXld, acknowledging our recent reoommenda.t1ona. Alao sevex:al replies were ndled !rom t21e persona.l CODllDUOice.tiOll8 the Honorable



be proud to- join. . ' , Memberships are now being acMr. Green Of the Farm Bureau ceptec:t 8IIId contact with the scout'l1wo lit. Bolb' it'OIltha, 4I4reel 16 St&ft at LEIJeIlon was present and master ot' his assiBt&nts will ' give and 17 were a&IPl'eb~mdeci by t.he gave some very belpfullnfolmauon. aJl6' boY in tile eligible age group.




Dur1ns the bU&lne&s Ile6810n lettters

VI,LLAGE TRUCK STOLEN ~~ our staIte !LegJala.ture ~ parBY MT. HOLLY BOYS ~ular Interest to farmers.

Lebanon POlice 1qroe last Sunda.)' n.leht appros.lma.teSy an bour and a half aLw they ~ stOlen the tzuck belong~ -to ,the V'lllat~ 01. Wayneeville. The theft WUI ~....""" .to ..."......,.. Marsbaill Joy by Qn1ll1e,Pluwps Imd the pullets beIDa bouOOd fOr pnid- A reception Js . being p1o.nn«:d for he immedla.teb' DOtIIfttld the 8berW. uotion, the total will lncreaae to 6:30 and 1iUB year 1& dinner will be . Gerald Oonden. o.t 7:00 o'clock. 4900, 'the truce was reco , rvered WltboUt UO)'d MUllett, !onnerly Gf ver- SpediB.l tribute ,will be pc;!d to 1lhe ~e. sa.Illeis, Ohio, and 88IIOOia..tAldwtth men and women graduates DoW in ElK . O9cJpeIrat1ve , Wodt .. there, will the 1ICl1V1ce. . ' Birthday ~elebralted .. 'Ibe !fif,ty \lind ,b wmty..rtve year . _ . U8IIDle ~ ol the Mruord plant' next week. . classes will receive 1honol'5 liii&0. 'lUle Mary, Ann, . ~. or Mr, and " m~ 01. .the ' fit.t y yeeII' clasa Mrs. H. P. 'B urton. oelebra~ bel' Bridle-Luncheon ...."""'... a IlIlN I ' , ' is 88 foUow&: K&y Everly (Mrs. C. H , thirteenth b............ , er8U'J on , 'Nra. c&rl 00nQ-;;;t. . the 'l'adle); Oarl Duke; :I!lli Crew; Phdle Sa.1n11'dBy and ~ bo;nlOl' ~ ~ to a rrouJ)' o'r .rrteDq. .00 Prsday . Hertiert ',Corron; MBmie iher ~ent.a eDtert.&ln,eQ ·a ~ . ~ , . . , . ' when - lIb8,., del~ enter- ~, deceuect; sam Beokie; Lucy her friends. aDd ~teB durOlS ,Atop of .CoXcomb ther .A Itor 4UDed'to ltlDdheon ",.,.,...,., B. P o' lqen (~. Allen Ha.lnes); }]d- the even1ni. Tbe ptcturt; sbow was =o~!~:. 'r:r~: Il~:::mac~= MAdt Rosel'll; It. ft.' B1ll, Wade wa.rd ~, -decea.1ed. , . 'first , enjoyed after Wbioh' deUc10ua le~uement in Ci)relon. Captain Rqb-l ~eIf John '1\Irner . D. R Bmltb, ~ of: ttihe ~flve year' b1Ith,d&y caIk.e UlId k:e cream were GraT on a tradIn, ~Dd · -.. ...1..: Md.' A. ' 'I!l. Clau ~192S). are ... f~: " , ' IJerved. 1p ~ " ~l ~'! wij.b


they now reside tar '" ~ Mr. L18titer ja ,78 ye&ra 'or ap aDd MrB. ~ter is !IV, They 'Were married in Da.11Xln, ObJo, April 30, 1885 by Rev. Hale '1'he Lighters haIre three ohlldreh,' Harry, Olw'les and Ruth.


was glVen' by Seth Hoak

---Bonds-, -----, Over America


paIIIitoU1arly on the 8ubj~t of the evening, '!The Postwar Agricultural Polley." R was felt agriculture's welfare d....... ,hft .t lull epen..,.. somew.- more upon Induatdal employment t.han on any feam pfovram of government, and


that ~ture !thould take aome ...... t -~. ..... ""'" wttIb labor and 10dustrY •. to provide full employment. A,~ the ck.e ol 1ibe ' evening the ~ 8el'Ved cWnty retres~tll. _---._ __


twewe to elgillteen, the W1l Inlor-

mation needed to eooble join the troop. ....... ~ t""""' -" l1ter will .L """""'" WJQ sllOlrtly and that will gllVe an ofof1c1al rating wlith the Organ1za.t1on. ft

Wm 'to be ~..~.. ....... he' troop



00mm:6~ .• --"e by .... e ,....... ........ ... . 8la3ter o.nd Obarlea James who had ft

cb8.rge of collectJoncs 1n<:ikla.ted that the .paper drive <held Saturda.y, AprH

:ill, was very successful. ol tl1leDdll and nellJhbors MEETING PLACE ~ at the home ol Mr. and ~ meeting ClUM)ters . for. 'Mrs. Glenn , BO.rckm. on SaturdaY ~e Scout ~ III tJhe ' basement eveniDc and celebrol.ed the. b1rt.h- rooma·O!tiIe.MethodlsI; Phuroh and c:I86' ~veriu1ea or . Mrs. ' Borden, meetl:llIB ai-e 'held there ~ ThurSMR. YUmIe~, t4n. J. B. Rlcb cbyeveniDlr. When ;the scout cabln 8lIId Mrs. Oar& ,RIch. The even1nl ,fa cc.;npleted, uieetipgs will be held 'W88 'p1C118Ultly apent b1 oOnrver.tion there. WCIl1t on tale cab10 will sw,t ..tid '8amee after wblCh damty rt!- in the ne&!' future. . .'

Triple Annivenariea .A


btl crew were , the· lut white men .............". -J! ' . O"'...! ...... ___ ( to 1I'Ifit Astoria at the mouth Of ,the A. T. PiDIInIIIl7 Luther Bar~ au.. A'wu~~u Z~): ' Clara. 'PeIIII ,¥ fI!.:",ors. Games were freabmebt.8 were eDIJOYed. COlumbia Ri,:,e~: They came Ih 1712 800k ' ~ AI... ~. BeaybUl ' (lib. lind ~); then in ~ ~ the Burton home ' .. . .,' - ' 21st Diatrict Inapectiona aDd ID 1Il0l, lAw and Clark paned Three talJlea 01 t,.......:. PJ'&DQeB .JaDney, <Barden) • Rut2l and eYe1'y(D8 jo&Qed 111' admirInI the Charles E. PnCle Oft Orde~ of the .Eaatern Star the lPOt, lettinl up winter quartera . '-'" were ....,........ . . '. ..j.-' ' . " . ' , (" ....) LebanOn . aeven mIlta 'lOilthwelt. Tbe cl~l , pBy ch!rinI tJhe a.ftemoon With MnL ",:",._UIDaIi ~DuIln), Ha8el BIIIabury honor .~. DIaD)" ""'.• ~ &U~. IBIbr 2/0 ~ B. Prk:e Is en- May &-D.GJM;.-. . .. blc!a\fon '• .name :were p~ed by It. ~ B.Ul, Mhl. A.' or• .~ 'and (Ma. J, J. ~): V~ iW;altWr. 'lbe IUtIIItB wlt<h Yary ADD_:wwe ~,. ~ _ leave with Mr. May It- D.OM. ~I~)· :vem~ membera of a fur tradin, exp'8d1Uon Kre. Luiber u.. _ _ ~_ 'l1be flrat claai to ,be Ii'ad'-.ct Ann ~ ~ , Cp.De. WlIma GnllIII'L ~ LeI(&y after bell'II. Mai!" 4:- D.G.M. <urn ~ MDt out bJi the famoua Jolm Jacob - - ............ bUD _---<I..;. _ _ _ _ n-w V_lvn" ~~ ' In --...... ----'-" t' h _... 18- DGM. ('1'13) ~vWe









~r Coml!.~. War Banda pay for prIIee. _ ".. _ _ ...... ..,..a& ~ , . . . - _ . --==-~-. ""~ 1IOIn"_ £01' e -- -. muDltl~, Pllilel-=aDd warlhipi that in 111'12 UI(Cl .l9t'l W1Ii be Cbe 'Jab ~ RIIMU\ ButIBI'a 1 _ • ~ aDiiotha. Pt60e lB a pact- MaY »-- D.G.M. (621) .Lelabt<m =~ tIP ar,. 10 ~ture ,en· 'DIe tp'eIt' ~0I. lIIlen.tIure and at III baped flat a,rd ~ BUl IlAJj, JlaQ UIt.e~: W8ID!IIWWe IDIh 8cboo1 In MaT - - D.a.K. (W) HillSboro . . m87 enj01 opportunltlea ' .. , . ' . . " .A' lDYal , tiWl utouchecl tIIere. - • to .purity and _4,,.. f1 • •. a ..,ecw ,~ beI1llUDc . , -,"",,"BIll. ~ IWen UJd.. tbe .' . 01 'ft..-8Dd reoelWl1 bAs ~n.e 12--0.0.14. (~-. V. $. Tr,.,." D't.jJr'~"" -BlAIr ClfoCUioD cui be ~ .tra1D1.n8 -' Grea& .JUne ~ D,o.M. (330) ~~ .. ~ ... -- -~. .. '


sa .. able.



Ute, 'ha;vtng live( OIl the ~ ~t

IMPORTANT The aid ~ drl1~ 8t&r:ted on DISCUSSES POSTWAR PROBLEMS MondaiY' ,w ill continue thl'oIIBn

10 years, renewable aDd callable, the Stalte BiigbWaY department, &Cwith 1hterest a.t 3 per cent annually. cordlni .'to an QnnoWlCement IJlIide with a response by Maltha Early. They are GI1'Pl'Oved by the Ohio by Mr. Bonfield. The inVOC8ltlon. was given by ' Mr. Div1alon of BecurltSe6. · This 18 the first appointment by O&irl P'er&\.I8OIi, 1n&tructor at Junlor The Waries as outlined above Bonfield since he 1-ook. ~e of. 0l&M aIld a. ,toast wa.a given by Cbe are. subject to Oba.nge by action of Division 8. . SUpt•. Re.vmond Braddock. the amrd at Dltectol s. Rausch returned recently , from Mter the banquet the guests went OouuIUtteemen in tbJs district Pearl H8l1bor. where be bad spent a to ~ where they 88:W the movie, who agpUcat10ll blaDb and "God .Is My oo-Pllot" at the Vlctory full lDfonnation on the QN 00- year ' in the Na.vy. He received,. & .~ . , medical d;lscllarge. opera)i1ve are: 'Nr&. Eli Fu:mas, &.1; He Is the lIOn at Mr. and Mm. J. Harold Lemmons. Iemmons Ha1dl- ~. Rlauscb III Fra.nklln. cry; o.nl1 tml DUnbaIIn, Dunham ~. Alao, Estel Banta. &. :I AN,N UAL ALUMNI. WILL . and H. D. Jonte, Mi. 3, both of l£bIA. welcome

MlddleRln 0bw0t1 cemetery,



bowls ot tullps. . ' 'lbOse boys who have already lelt far YI.lltuy 8ervJce were given speciGl h<mbr. 'lbeyI are Jadt Crane Jkt) BerpIW'd. ' Bill Dunlap, John Ph1U1ps, Paul PWnmIll, Bob ' ~utts and carl stanley.

Mr. and Mr.s 6im.on P, celebrated their flCtleth , .~, ~vel1l8l'Y' on A1Jril 30 -' J • home nea.r Flve Point, IkIute 1. Waynesvllle, CYhlo. They enjoyed I{ • fa.mlly. dinner on SI.lnda¥, April 21-. and t.hey received seven.! bea.utlful gifts and many lovely C&Tda. Mr. Llgbtec III a !onner ~­ kinder, comlJle to 0b10 ye&l'I 1&0. the . .Mrs. !b ,,* '~~IIr.

~- 1I'ftia-.Y · ~ lD ~

w~ . ~~jQ~,

C;:olon Greea and Gold


Simon and Mary Li,hter' Observe Occaaion at ·Home


Junior-Senior BaDquel al Cold Springs lOB, .Friday.

spea ker.

Gradua.t.lng Seniors to receive diplomas are : Ralph Nlll; Dorot.ib1 leimb; Johnnie Carr; wUUam Brooks; Omar H1teman; Elberta R*m; Helen Gillam; Everett Le Forge; Oharles LIndsey; Albert Lee


.seiilon Htiftor Gbelta;



SDAY, MAY S, 1945


n Staniey, Lebanon, Feed Subsidy Paid to J?ea' Farmer. Grange Speaker Butteri'at Producers ,

aze't te




Bill Laat One.Silned By Late Preaident Roosevelt




1M.. .'

Sarah· C. Heston 88.r8ih OI!-therlne HesbDn, aCed 71, tUed. suddenly at tile hOOlC of DanIel Undel1WOOd, Harv~, Sun-


She Js- 8Ul'vlVed by one ~r,




Hal'tllodt. 'Wa.ynesvllle, at 'fiome, azld OIle

800, Ed!W1U'd,


P'1.inen\Il serW:es were. condl~ Tuesday at 10:00 a. m. at Jonu Run BB.ptlSt...ollill'Ch 'W'lth RAW. J. P. Thornbenty oCtflCl&tql4r. · ~ 1Ji Miami cemetery.

WAR BONDS #di(&#4Jj

41S4. Ai




The Miami Gazette

'lberp i. tobe uaal CW"II~ to P~Ua.~d Ever7- Tl!l1rsday by :~OD Press 1IO~ pIaIl fIQu. . . . Of tIDe' who i;;._~2:;;;2::::""'=-':::'----:::"'_--='_":"'~=-~~----- have ~ ...aN1.llD8 ega ~Ilt U

Floydl 1:... Davisson, Edi~or-Publisher

--You 1945 ;ardeDI-_

Pest and 13~ease Control Require Daily Supervision

Ulere aren't eoou&b ctIP ~ ~ --------;:.....:.:..:.-.----~---""':":"-_=_:_:=__::_-_:_- producers it will probably be Just as Sub.criptlon Rates: Within 16 miles, $1.60 per year cheap lor IP"OO6I" to· buy graded (fayabl,e in Advance) Beyond 16 mile;s. $2.00 per year and cand1ed egp fl'OD\ the coopera.tWe, /II, LyUe one jp'OCel' told me HO'S going to eat your garden. tlha:t 'Week tbe.Y bad to &en tbe you or the bugs? Of course, ens t.bey ll!ad taJten in for the same the anlwer II Obvious, but you must prlce the1 bad paAd for them. Tbey do lomethlng about it 11 you are to sell very few I!IIP retail beawIe do the ' eatlnl. Having 'ln mind .the importance of t.bejr CUI't.omer8 aU keep C~eIlB, food pro<lucUon in Victory gardenl 4prY 30, 1915. MODda,-... as essenUal in the war effort, Mr. stlJl cloudy a1ld cold, When I took Victory Gardener must regard In· the cowa up to the pa.sture 1't aeun- lect peats and plant diseases In the ed lonll8OOle without the Spot famsame category al the Nazis and the ily, but SaWfday I let them go to • • Japs - uncondltlon· a new home. Old Spot 'MlS o~ at al surrender must the first heifers I bought v.tlen we be the terms. re-stocked in '39 and iher two But regardless of daught.ers, Bee.uty and Spotty, were • the care and skill ,. shOVlIn in splectlng fr<m Valentine, our Cine Gurnsey ' ,.. the garden site. in bull They were good cows, just In the cultiv ation and their prime. and I hated to let them fertili zation of the go. Cows that you have ra1sed mean soli and in the seledion and plant.more t.han Just tIrad1ng stock. they ing, all such efforl/I- Illvolving the are a part. of your llfe. rem.nders use of critical and Bcarce supplies of 01. your ups and dOWIl5 and 01 all seeds, fertilizers and tools - may be nullified, or pa rtly 60, by the the peop1e who heJped with t.hem. depredations of insects and diseases J~ alWaya proteated When B.1lY unless steps are tllken to control one offered to buy Spot &0 she stay- them. information rega r ding the pured an 'Wb:I.le o!.her 00WlI came and vreni. She b8d five beUer calVes chase of insecticides and (ungicide mat!!ria). may be obtained through aDd now we .baNe t'WO of her Brandexperienced local gardencrs. local dau8bters. It Qoe8n't tKe a caw long dealen In .grlcultu:ral supplies, 10' to be .. ere.nd-mot.her. Spotty's calf cal leedlmen. general or drug bod DO~ arrived when '!'C made the Itorel or through th4~ county agents, Be but. betlween that. ttme and the the It~te department of agriculture lervlce, or your local tlme be got ~ W1'1lh tJhe ,truck, she extension Itate afl'icultural college. Or you dropped be prettiest little belfer may write the United Statu departcalf. I !Wanted fA) q,ep ~ &0 badly ment of apiculture. but. ~ lWLd fA) BO. Pel'haps I can buy




it back. I kept Be6uty's heifer calf, Care in Applying Pinky. (1 just beard that Beauty Dust Essential Particular care should be taken in eot 8fW&Y and 'WCUI hal! way home Pinky before they . ~ her.> applying poiSODOUS ilnsecUcldes and fungicides in excessive quantitle8. ThJa is the B&d akle UI l '!Wlng CtYWS. Also care should bt! taken that all People, Wbo ra1se beer at.oat and poison spray or dUllt i6 thoroughly baIve bunches ~ thEm all 80 much and carefully remov,ed from the foliIILIke t.ha.t you can't tell them a.part., age of any vegetable before it II don ~ h&ve tIb1s ,trouI?le, It is JUIIt. so prepared tor fOO<L Every rardeDer uould bave IIIIIDY pounds of IM!Cf on !.he boot avalIable, eVeD before be atart. With no more persona1jty than so hIa pIaDUDI', ' a duster 01' apraymany potatoes. However time flies er for applJlDc lDsec&lcldea aDd and IIOOll Pinky and the twins will lunrlcldea. For aDI.aU rardena, a be the grand-mothers, If we haVo dilateI''' probably preferable be1," oauae uae of dUlt iii ealier thaD &be preparaUoD aIIld baDclUDr of apra,..


~ H&In~





'0,. C. E. Wilkin ~.

_ _ a_l _ _ _ _ _


The ~ ~ ot 1ea.rn1n8' Js ~ o!. ftI8Y ~; but a. ilreat book that comes from. a sreat tlb1nkfa iL Ihip fA. thO\Vbt, deep ,freliht-


. er



~cGIlun ~1Ulef~ ~ame Di.l 21.11 ' W~y.n~vi!le. Ohio

ect with t.Ntb and bea.!1~Y.



,Quick' Service ••• It the 8OUcItor ~ ,),pu, ~ in ~ or call us GP.· ,




Boods are ' mooey on deiatereat accumUlateJ," on

tbsD.. t.18.'l& . . ·.you

a.taraziteed W meDt'.



In 10. 78fU'8i .

own . rovem-'

Calves. Sheep, etc. REMOVED





,. FJERTIJ,lZER' BEVBIt,B ~helle .-

Natipi\al Bank


for .DEAD STOCK Ho~, ' ~OW!, Ho••

aaa...- .



4 5' 4


B1J(lB. . . . .



There are the gelleral feederl on ants, cutworms, plant life luch grasshoppers, Japanese beetles, millipedes, mole crickets, IlulI and Ina11I, sowbul&, V~I~~~le weevils, white grubs and wireworms. Most 01 these can be ' con1tiolled with Ion bait composed a mixture 10' dium 'fiuosWcate or pari, green (~ pound). dry, AUT ~v~eat ~ran, five poundl, and three, o:r tour quarts of water. Prepare' lD the mornlna and apply late in the day. . Vegetable troubltls are due to nu· meroul causes, lDcludJn, unfavorable IOU condition_too wet or too dry, too rich or toO I)00I', lacJc of humus or Ume, weath"r unauited to lome crops: carei..i ule of ferUlizen, or attackl 'of 'f un" or other paralltel. ' , ' Tbe ~ol)trol 01 dJI,I!UU ca.~sed by 1wlIJ, bacteria, and other eJ)emlel requiru lpecial a45dlUonal , treatment, al does the da:ma,e caused by Insectl. The use of d~n:fr.. leed aM planta II fundamental to all elIa-, ease _c.ontroL '1be1 can be purchued thJa year.


Christ 'News


Word. We trud 1011 wtU be ~ our namber nest Lord'il . Da,. The Cburch needl you, but .aboye aU. .,.ou need the Clhurch • •

:YOU 04&D81 Wh,. do we keep an ad in the paper. eIWlh weeU Simply jleeause we beline it pays to a4",,tJ!Ie and we you to beeome


In lila Name, H. ,K. Hunter, Bible Sclhool 8Up~

better acquaba\.ed wlib ibe Churc,b of Jesus Christ. But, m1&'ht. sa" "I go "every .Lord's Day." Well fIDe, but t.hlnk of UI~ woo do not at. tend. This card sbould remind us aU to be more loyal to God .and


HeriJeri Graham, MinIster P. S. Mee' wlib as OD Ule evenlDr 01 V·E Da,. fOl' and prayer.


Ro~ ~~~~~~~~~.~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ -:~"""'~


on MOD~. Marylln Sue SmiUh spent Mondfl,y night wit h her grand-parents, Mr. and Mrs. Ralelgh Boge..n . ~ . and Mrs. Wilbur Smith coJled on Mrs. Sm1t.h's slster, Mrs. Glenna Wilson, sUnday aIt.ernoon. Mrs. Wilson a.oo<mpanied them to call on Ml's. Bel1tha S~h in Waynesv1lle. the same af,t .ernoon. Mr. and Mrs. Wl1l1am 6mWl and ckwghter hud as tlheir guests ~e evening last week, Mr. 'and Mrs.




...-~.....-u_._._ n _a

__ ..




WHOLESOME ~ PASTEURIZED PASTEURIZE'D MILK DAIRY PRODUCTS fQr Your Pr.otectioo ' Phone 2537 Wayne.ville, Ohio I"'~"'-"~--"~~~"'--"------------.--'---O


Donald HaJnes. Ml'S. Marianna. BoiJan called on her lOOt.her, MnI. Lucy OOmpton. Sunday e..!t.ernoon, She Js better at t Ws writing. Mr. and Mrs. Everett Halnes were in wumtngton, SUnda.y afternoon. Mrs. Glenna wUson W88 a week end inIest. Aprll 21, of Mrs. Jennie Broddook of waynesville. Mr. e.nd Mrs. Donald HaInes and son, Aldon, call1ld on Mr. and Mn, Don~ld Jones and Mr. and Mrs. Pete

Penn.ew!t, SWlday evening. Mrs. Wllllam Smith ws8 In Dayton on Frtda3'. Mrs. LaIrd Js a guest In the home or her daughter. Mrs. Luther Hnlncs.



iMrB. Edibh Ha.1nes and Mrs, Alice Eaines IlJttended the Reformed Ohuroh In Xenia last Frlday.Mr. Walter Wilson and brother, John Wilson. were In Wllming1.on


• •

150 aheet. 6dO 1~ Ep,eigpea

• •• 150

.heeu" 7~dOYa

1be) Enyelope~

• • •

Davisson Press


Dial 2143



Waynesville. O.

'Ilhere are many times and circnmstances In llfe WIlen "Our strengith is, to , sit stW." -TyroD Edwards

==~==~======= ===============~



Insects and Pests Among Vegetables


VeJ.'Iey h06»ltal.




especially atter trul:t has b4!gun, to form. for Mexican bean beetle. spotted cucwnber beetle, fiea beetles on becls and other lplants; cabbage caterpillars. strlp ,e d cucumber beetles, melon and pickle worms, lettuce loopers, pen , weevila, Jap. anese beeUes aneS European com borers. . , Anotller necess~n' ~ectlc~~~. to have on band Is cryollte, wblch may be used for essentlaUy the same inaectl before the trult baa formed on the plantl. Bordeaux mixture is also otten effecUve agaiI1lt aU eEIUng insects and Bome funiJII ,rowths. Nicotine dust or nicotine lulphatE~ al a spray il ,enerally ulea for laphlds, or plant Uce.


at faU and ~ Iltld tJbeEtta misfortune to break her blp. She is in M1anl1.

. A cbeesecloth dUlte .. ma,. be Died to dust plan" for cODtrol .f leafhoppert.

W~ '

the~ f~RRY--~hurch , of

Mn. 15 on list. Little SUse.n Gayle EUIs e.nd. bl'oother, Larry, were guests of !.heir grond-motlher, Mrs. Glenna WUson, Wedn~. Mr. and .Mrs. Ronald Haines attended ~e ' Bw'ean Young MB.rrled Oouple's party at (}merel Denver Hotel. Wi1m1ngton, Monday evening, Aprll 23. Mrs. RaleJgh Bogan spent part or la8t week in Doywn.

Important, .. to be ready for the bugl when the,. anive. Of course, we cannot Rt down hero the proper prevenUve or cure for· all disease and insect peats. But start I1ght; ing at the Arlt .Ign of damage to the crop. . Rotenone-contained insecticide .. elRnUal to have on bnd, It .. Uled,

1-5 aftemoon8 esoept


Caesars ·Creek




2 Yr.

t"_ ;"






.Chrdr _ 01 ",.U ql T,... SIOI'7 II 70" ~/~/ ' o 4MERJCAN' GIRL _ I Yr. d OPEN ROAD (~).



1 YI: •


GENT~ ---IYr.

o TRUE CO¥lCS _ I Yr.

CJ CHILD J.qE _41 MOo o V. 8. CAMiaA_~: 1 Yr.


(II ' - - ) _._..!-14I1Oo pARENTs' MAG. _ I Yr. PROTESTANT . _. vOla '(WeelIy) _I 'Yr. D 'ICRDNLAND _ 1'Yr. JPOaTS .uD!LD _ I Yr. TIU WQ~N _ _ I Yr. .OKDNCE ,JLLUs. __ ..dIlOo


. TIE SDPEB ECOIOIJ OFfEll TIlls .eillJlPlr,1 1,1 AIID ·... OUR ••• M A. A Z I II a .• , ALL FlY. " 1!Jf



FOII ....Y


TRW ft'OR.Y L'J,(~. MOl B&it'l BOMa un..i Yr, . AlDlUE:AN murr . ..



.. .dbIUtAN POVLTliy '

'Yr. ,

iw.motfuw. • o---I,•,I'. " r. .....IQII.. ~


. . ftOOVClll '


·1 Yr.

'!l'O1Ifcx:usruL vLTRrY TaDImf& -a r~.


• ROVIUIOLD lUG. P"'J1DiNI)D ' . •

----I' , r: • .....

c.vnil'l PAII*D --:itr. ·

OBUlDD.'S ~ ........


.. ...-..,




Personal Notes Un.

R4y. of IndiulapoUa, been the I1J,eSI.II of tale former's parenUI, Mr. and MD. W. P.~Ul'ly duriIl6 the


Friends Home


Be))!·hAl of Weab. past' week. Dr, &nma HoUowa.y ,aDd Mn. the' gueat 01 • ••• GeorgIa Mendenhall spent Thuraher father, Mr. R4ce Snapp UId Mr. Arrthur 'l1homas haa l'etumed day in Day;t:ol}. Ml'Ii. Snapp for tlhe , past Beveml to hi8 home alter W1dergoiQg n. MiSs Olive WUl1nms was the sup. diQ'B. Mrs. I3clulaIbel WG6 guest of minor opers,tlol1 at the M1ami Val· oper' gtICSt of Mr. ' and Mrs. Charles bonor WIllen M!m. Oharlee Ahdersoll ley bosplta.l d1lI'1n4r tlhe po<>'t week. MU:.henei·, Thursdnoy, and with them eI)t.erta1DIed no luncboon _ on Tues• • • IIItI10ended e musical at 1II1e Dayton day. otner guests were Mrs. Rice Sgt. l'r~ler HlU"din or Gunter Art Inst.l~te. Snaipp, Mrs. Dalsy BnyUer, Mrs. Fleld, Ala. Is spen.din€ 'a two weeks Miss RuUh O'handler, Mrs. J. W. Lester Gord~ and Mrs. Winifred 11irlougih with his parents, Mr. and Ward and Mrs. Georgia !Mendenhall Mrs. F. S. Hardln and fa.mlJy. Hut8OCk. ~. Gordon waa 00stess 'attended the New oellltury . Olub to this group on Thursday when m~ng held at the "Wishing Well" aile ent.el'ta4ned wiWl a very dellght1Mr. aml Mrs. Walter Wiseman 111 Cent.ervlUe, FrIday, with Mrs. UpfUll lU1llCheo.n at the McClure Tea and cbIldren movrd to Dayton dyke 01 Da,yton as hostess. Room In flrwlkl1n. Mrs. Schnabel and are occupying their newlY purMrs. Nellie Bwmcll was a LeIxl.was h~ to Mrs. 'Snapp, Mrs. chued home on Nor.tJh Main st. • • • non visltor on Friday. Gordon and Mrs. Snyder a.t Rlkee in DaYton. on 'l1huniday, Mr. and Mrs. Glenn Boroen n.nd J. W. EOwaJrds of Sprlngfle~ , Mrs. Minnie Munger were Sunday ca.lled on Mlss Marga.ret W. EdMl's. An.naI)el Flora. entertained guests 01 Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Eyer In wards on Monday. Mr. and Ml-s. J. M. Greene and to dinner on SUnd8JY, ~or1n8 R . E. SprinlQboro. • • • gT4l.nd-da.ughter, of Lebanon, cal.led Elmore, M'tnlster, who was tille SJ)e8&er Gt file Church or Christ for 'I1he Flrve Hundred Club were on Mr. Greene's sister, Mrs. Evalyn the mornlne service. Mr. Elmore dinner guebt..s of MnI. Cassie COllett Peterson, l&i. ,w eek. is EcUtor of 1II1e Rmtomt.lon Herald, In HMveysburg on Saturday evenMiss Mamie Pugh. of Uba.non, Cincinnat1, and WI\B fOl'llleNY bhe lng. oa.lled on the ~ Browne and mindster or the Church of Cht1st • • • Mrs. Georgia lviIl3, Saturday aifterin C&rllsle, 'K 3. where Mr. Flora waa Mr. and Mrs. Wolter Andrewii of noon a. member. Otaler' guest6 were Mr. Oe.k.WOOd were Sunday guCSUl of Mr. Miss SWrwh Hountridge, of Wela.nc1 Mrs. Ma.x Randall and ch1ld- and Mrs. Fred Hook. ling'ton, Ohio, arriVed Friday from ren, MlsS JA.:y &niey, Mrs. FlOllllie Berea, Ky. where ~ had spent the carey and Mrs. Grace Lynch. Wlnl\ier and will be a guest in tihe Home lor a montih. !Mrs. H. L. and 8OD, who halVe Mr. and Ml·s. Ernest Martin, of been <tile i'UflSt.II o.r Mr. and ~. DJ..yton. were guests or Mrs. MenR. B. st.ewan in FJ.oridB, returned METHODIST CIIURCII denhaJl, Saturday a.fternoon. to ~eir home on Wedneeda:y, ac- & B. Ooleman, Minister ....-.... n'ed b Mr d Mr Stewart Ohuroh school at 9:30 A. M., Mrs. ~--~ y . an s. Raymond uoneer, BUperintendent. Christian Endeavor - 6:30 P. M. woo rwtl1 II&'Wl occuPY their hmle 4om1.nir Services _ 10:30. Evenlng Service - 7:90 P. M. in Centerville. Mrs. Stev.ort. rema4n- Youth Fellowship Tuesday evening Mid-week prayer 6ervk.e eel here to tor her mother, Mrs: at 7:30. ' , Thursday night - 7 :30 P. M. B4'e, 'Who hall beeil Quite w stnce ;holr practu<e, Wedne6day ~ to her home. 8:00 P. M. ST. MARY'S EPISCOPAL Mr. and Mrs. WUllam P. Strader FERRY CIIUB.CB OF CIIBlST CHURCH enter1o.J.ned SulJday dinner Mr. Huben Graham, MJDister Ralph ParlL8, Rector 9:30 A. M. &Ild MtB. G. A. BMer and OO1ldren, Bible SChool Church SchOO} at 9:30 A. M. Mr. and IDs. R. F. LaM!Ii and Mr. commWllon o.nd 1Mlom1Dg Morning prayer and sermon, WOI'8h1p 10:30 A. M. and Mm. R. G. Matlt.ern and chGd111:00 A. M. reD at l)I('ytOil. They al80 now have "What Jesus ExJ)eCta of His Church I" aa it.befr hoU8e-plest, Mrs. Rasa Bode 'I. AUGUS'IlINE CIltJRCR or SIIltm. W. Va. 7 :80 P. M. FaUler Krumbolu. PrieM

fnItGD. D.O. ball been

. '.

.Pare Three

IPOl~~!-Kitche.!!-Remo~eling Wit] Save I-Iome-P~ak~;-:S;;~


• • •

News of Churches

• • •

.. .


• • •

1Ml'. and un, J. B. CbapmM en8:015 P . M. telrt&lned .to dIb:m8r on .S\lIIda.y with ''(]od's Answer To Man's Sin." Mr. ~ Mrs. Harvey Burnett, 'Ml's: • L. K. Hender8an and Mrs. Marla Do you kUiOW what God elliPOOta of Jmbon &8 ruest& Mr, and ¥no Chap... Hla Ohun:h ? Somee1mee we won4er man willl tbe1r sue-t.a visited about It, when we aee the EIDP~ ~ ~~ Muaeum during the pews in our Ohurcb. ~ OD afternoon. Hia da),. We expect our soldler boy, • • • on the job all tlbe time th1'o\llllb 8tatt f3&t. Robert Sha.w and wife, an kI.ndB of ·wea.llher, yet we cannot. of DeDver 0010 bave been "ttJ,e. __ ,,_ ... _ ......:;.~_...... ... __ n_ to , . ~ w ....... IMA ~ or ..... ...8\IEI8ta of the'a · pe.renota, Mr. ChUftlb. And if there Is ~ne cloud aDd Mm. J. B. SIlikett, t:be past few In the rJf.;y or one drop of rain talls da.Va. Mr. &Del M1'II. W~e Turner It Js erlIoU&tl to dampen our entlhuand 80DII and Mr. &Dd. .Mr&. Harl'y steam and keep us at home. Turner were also Sunday dtnner JeeWJ does expeCt you" as a pro-

, gueet4.

MnI. Anna


fRE'M/;;; ;ilENl - a. phono~h and a few records, Ideas adaptable 1.0 many postwar homes are shown In above Stury County, Iowa. farm kitchen. Mrs. John some of Lhem'd, would be the Holst pops a pan of bread Into electrlo rance oven, while daughter, Mrs. Alvin Bowker, works comfortably at Cam1J,YI's sole ente~eDt an lone link. The Doists remodeled their kitchen just before tho war. winter evenings? The ~ had to be eranked by hand anICl the N REMODELING 8 farm kHcben tor emelency and step·saving, there are three work centers to be placedstorage, preparation Imd cleaning, cooking and serving, according to Marjorie Griffin, Home Editor ot Cap- needJles were scratchy. People were per's Farmer. satisfied w:lth simple amusements "Sometimes a tourth- planning-Is included," she writes In the Rural Home department ot the uationally. bhen. Remember? circulated tarm magnzlne. "The Ideal working order Is lett to right. "The refrigerator, 'with adjacent cabinet, Is the pivot ot the storage center. This Is advised ly placed near STUBBS the back ~oor In order that perishable toods can be put away as brought in, without crOSSing the room sev· FUNERAL eral times. The sink should be about middle way between the refrigerator and range. It Is used while preparing food as well as when washing dishes. The range has advantages locnted nenr the eating nook or Telephone 2281 dining room..... . Wa;neniUe kitchen plan can meet the needs of all farm families, Miss Grlmn point. out. The type ot farming. No Ohio · lize of famUy, extra hl!lp, climate, personal habits, likes and dislikes make It necessary to vary the ar· rangements. In remodeling, size ot rooms, structure of house, thickness of walls, 'number ot opcnlngs and' Ught· IDa 111 also cause variations, Basic kitchen arrangements for farm homes are In three palterns: U·shaped, irehapeu and corridor type. The U·shaped type often is seen In a medium or Imall room : the L·shaped plan is lI'acUoal in a large kitchcn; corridor arrangement fits Into narrow. larger space, she says.




BOOST G. I. MORALE WITH GOOD LETTERS, GIRLS ARE URGED the kind of letters that W RITE wlll make yOUl' G.I. Joe, serv-

Ice broth en, listers,' cousins, friends lay "That lounds just like Jeaniel," II the advice Holly Miller gives 'teen aile airl readera ot her column In' Capper'. Farmer. "You'U .be wting morille and at M8.SB Sunday - 9 :00 A. M. the same time having yourself a time, " - Ihe declare. In the naFRIENDS tlonally·circulated farm magazine. "The trick Is to write as i! you FIrst Day school - 9:30 A. M. t.ieet.lrlg for Worship _ 10:30 A. M. were talkin, to the person. 11 he or .he were there, you'd probably ~ll how you thought you'd die try·


MT. HOLLY METHODIST CHUROH 7. M. Scarff. Mlnbter l3u.nda.y soh.oo1 - 9 :30 A. M. E. A. Eambar~ Buperlntendent. W0rahiP' .seI'VlCe _ 10:30 A. M. Evening service _ 7:30 P. M.

cinnati and ~ied her bro-

br,.Juper make, of tohe 1(1. S. Nav.y, and. her niece, Mrs. .Jean Morehead. h<lme with them lor the ~ ~

• • •

;MZ. and Mrs. Wade IlOna entertained to

11urner and dinner on Thursday eveIlling, st&f.t Sgt.. and Mrs. ~ . Sb&w or ileIWel', ·Colo. IUlid Mr. and Mrs. J. H. 8a.ckett BDd IOD.

• • •

1Mrs. R. R. BeMOn and son, Rob


S~pplies e e

CaJ.:bo~ Paper

Paper Clip.

·e ' ~ubber Stamp ~ad8


Writing InkS ·

:. ~a~heavy ,Waz.d Paper

Paper Cupa ' ,Paper P~te. . '






""1OC1.ted N...sp.per...... WNU Futur..


Since the world was. men not hea.rd with the ear, n6lillher the eye seen, what God h'!lith pared for. them .that walt upon and work righteousness

At teen fashion shows, as at radio quizzes, It's the audlcDce that often .teals lhc sbow. While the lucky gaJs who were selected for modelIng are .trutUn, .their std down the runway, lhe commentator (lhat's where we come ID) hall a cbance to see bow the other halt Uvell-and dresses. He re are lome new tricks we DoUced Uie 'other day wblle we were eonductlDr a rasblon show for a bl, sl.ore (maybe It was rlcbt in your town-and, maybe you were therel) Hean Alt&ch-One slick chJck hal



Flora and Mrs.

FloaIle O&rey .ipelit F'l1daq in Cin-



cut lltUe heart •. out of red felt and appliqued one to

NOTICE TO OONTRACTORS STATE OF OHIO DEPAR'I'MEN'1' OF WGHWAYS r~ follower of Rls to be on tlI'le ColumbuB, OhiO, April 21, 19&5 jm at all times. ED,fineer of Sales Lc,a~ Copy !From Il11l and 'plcWl No. 4.5-43 ing not to laugh backstage 'when the UNIT PRICE CONTRA(''T There cxmes the 81gna.l at.raJ.n villain's beard dropped off just as Sea.lecI. pi'opoanJa w11l ~ received he raised his gun In the llecond act 'Tl8 lOy&lty, loyalty, 10)'alty at the afl1ce of Wle sta.te Highway to 0hrIBt1 of the Junior Class play. And how Director or Ohio, at Columbus, Ohlo, 0hrIat1an Soldierl We ~ you untll 9:00 A. M., Oh1o Stand.a.rd be covered It by saying 'That wal a.t dl8 worship aerW.CC8 next L:>rd's Time, (10:00 IA. M., E. W. T'>, Tue6- ,the quickest shave I eve had.' "Put in a UtUe spice. Give your day You will find a welcome at tA1e daY', Ma.Y 15, .1946. for improvements correspondent the low-down on the ~ Cburch Off ,1110: (Proposals Nus. 1 to a 1nC1USl.Vt; latest gossip, It you will, but keep are oUered as one project and wlll .a llght unmalicious touch. For .a be 8IWal'ded as one OOllY'8.Ct.) WAYNESVILLE "ood wID bonus. tuck in snapshots, . Proposal No, 1 ()IIUBCB 0 .. CBBlST clipping., cartoons. " Olel'mont CoUDlty, Obio, on SecII&. RandaD, MJnI8t."AI to the actual lettelr, rememtions A-2, B and 0 of .wa~esloer­ ber It·s the onlY tangible evidence Bible 8ohool -8 :80 A. M. W1l.I1amsburg-L'lorWl&n Road, State the receiver has of you. You'll waht Oommun.\OD. - 10:30 A. 1M. ~, No. 603, State Route No. It to look neat and legible: Use nice Semwn - 111:00 A. M. 1:S3, in We.yw, 8lld Jackaon 'J,' "wn- paper, V-mall If it's to go overseas. Bh1ps, by & Bo bituminous Your special G.I. Joe will probably trC8lllllem, Item T-31 . . like the faint scent ob'talned by --IJ..l--~l.1/mwnt: Width 16 feet. Length sprlrikllng bath powder or' .achet In 63,328 1eet or 10.10 miles. the bottom ot your stationery box." Proposal No•. 2 C1emlonIt Counlly, Ohio, on SectiODa J-l, J-2, J-3 and K~1 (pa4't) of oIlhe Cinclnnat1.QblllicOOhe Road, Sta.te . ~y No.8, SIlBite &ute f1io. 28, in Gashen Tow:n8hip, by ape pl~ Bo blWrn1noas ,treatment, item T-3L P&vement: Width 20 feet, 20,064 .teet. WldWl 18 teet, Length '" 5,280 feet. Widtih 16 feet, l.en@!th 2,112 teet. TatInJ. leJlglbh 27,456 leet or 6.20 m4les. Propopl No.3 iWanen Oauntly, Ohio, on Sections F (part) and G or the Da.yton- Lebanon- Loveland Road, State Hi&hWOIY NQ. 64, State IRqute N.o. 48 In 'I'u:rtle Creek, Undon n.nd Hnm11ton Townships, by a.pplyilng a bitumi· nous rt.rea.tJInent, Item T-31. 'p&~ent: Width 1 18 t .e et. Lens1;h 29,040 teet or 51iO Dines. Total eat1mlM.ed coet 149,685.64. ProposaI.s' NO&.;1 to S 1ndus1ve Of "So I atn't a lady ••• bul I Ihoula bve .ome their prlv'Ue,etll" ~ p!J'OjeCtto be 0<XJIIPl ted net late!.: thaD.. Stptember' 1, 1945. The m1n1mum waP to be paid to


-- _)~~i~

trom her bobby • pin. too. From where we stood we couldn't read the Initials on /'" them. Pln-UiKial-From one end ot her black velvet head band to the other, one girl bad pinned all kinds of ll~ tle club emblems: tnllltary insignia and stufT. How many hearts had ,she broken? . Rlnrll Around Rosy-Well, maybe her name wasn't ~'Rosy," but she certainly was wearing more than a halt dozen silver friendship rings on a chain around her neck. The one friendship ring she was wearing on THAT finger must have been trom her particular , Heart Murmer. FRONTIER FAD-SHIONS Here's our Hrlt roundup of the Wild Welt rashlons that are beeomIn, 'adl on bl,b sohool campuses. Tbey'U , brln, out the old Boone pioneer .plrlt In every boy who _ )'ou In them-WI! hope! Suede Weskit_Have you seen those weskit. made of suede In front and knitted wool In back? Well. call me cowboy and lake me home on · the range. 11 they aren't neat, rulled and brutal. wild West Jacket-The . last word in separate jackets II • suede job with selt fringed trimming. Yes, air -the Lone Ranger rides agalnl ODe for the Book-It you have a fringed leather bookmark, stlc)t a pin on it In back and wear It as a Iweater gadget or on your bla;o;er. Or, better yet, wear It as a fob on yOUl' belt. ' Weslem Waistlines - Girls are wearing those iooled lea ther belts from the tlOYI" department with sweaten and sklrti. They also drool for those stone-studded cowboy beltl with bracelets to match. Or they buy , boYI' 1eather belts and have their friends bum their autograpbl or initials In them.


Ba.'ker Eddy

Place Youi' Order foJ'

SACCO f t .·I. . .


"e r l.lzer·

.Fertilizer will b every lcaree, S 0 ord er now an d b e lure. of obtaining your need••

FENCE Barbed Wire Galv. Roofing IN STOCK -

Buy Now For 'Spring Need.'

Fairley Hdwe. Stores 6 -




6 Wayneaville, Ohio

Phone 2441


"Friendly Store"

OME FURN·ISHIN.G·S ! "Hard-To-Get" Items




. LAMPS (Floor and Table) STUDIO COUCHES (Fully Sprinr Filled)

Remember! Old ClotbiogDrive!



miDed . by RelatklDa '!be Departmlmt Jn~ appBcable·'of to ~ State H!atJwa.~ ~ :Im-

provements in ~ wi1h Bee,. ttiODa ' 17-3, 1'1;.:4 17-4a, 1'Z~ ~ l'l-liil. 01 tile ~ .'00de ot 'Obio." b~ ~ Ulmit ~. his bid a ~ ~ m lID .1IIIIOuDi eqUllJ,to av, ~ of. h ' fIIIt.tmat:eId ooet, .lJut. .in DO eveDt . men hath preHIm

STOVES "Complete" Home Fumiahera"



thaA teo ~. dollanI• . Plana and sped~. 8I'e O!l f~ in the deparimDt 01 hJih'ftP a.ncl 4:be otftoe of the realdeDt cUlt. riot deputJ direQtor. 'I,'he dJftoct.or l'tlItfft6 the risbt ~


Any make iII(HIel Fred ' ~ah.. Motor C'a t ~o.

Phone 912R "Eaat-Main Street. at Whitemaa" ~

~~~~~III.P.HO ..N.E..~ ...............".~.EB ..A.N.O.N.,.O.H~I.9. . I,t __--------------------------~--~~'


• T ••

Court News


OOMMON I'LEA8ael'tih& W1leon, m.1n<lI' w, 01areD0e W. wUaon, divorce to pla.1 ntltf, plalnt1ff restored to maiden name, costa

uuuanon •

a ••



-IWAYNESVILLE, OHIO ..M'r. ....••.... .•. a.a. Hili,


Buy War Bo~d. and Stamp. at ~ Box Office-

.. SUN. .. .

•• p




...TUES. .




AnD ' Shertllan "


•••••••••••• _






• • 'r • • • • • •

'I1here 14 not _ dull moment lD th1a wbOle &low. BOB ROPE 1n

'IbM Ja a lauIb ~ from be-


SAT. •••••



11 Allotbet'

eWen A.ctJon


Costello 111

"The Princeu and The Pirate"

Here Come. the Co-Ed.

Robert YOUIlf and RallcJolpb Scott 1n

with Vir(inJa Mayo, Walter Brennan Q:lld Walter Siesak. Done 1n gorgeoWl

"We.tem Union"


Bud A»o" •

wlth Pbll SpI&a1D1 a.n d AllGid Orcbe.tra.

AIao: Laks$ News


Also: Color Cartoon and

Also: GaDd, Goose 1n

a canoon







s,,",. -",..",



WELSH FOLDING BABY CARRIAGE , $15~05 KEM • TONE iD all . popular colon.


furniture Co. GibboDa Bld,_North SL Wa)'De.ville, Ohio

~~~:~~~~~~~~~/ ~ ~




llmited J)umberr at

t.hIa weet. only tblae who order' ~ly OBD be sUpPlied- Mjuc

cfor _

W. ~ -

Phone aiM.


OAK' ~ 60 pJ. ~la8sea; rood ~j,t!on- Obaa. l3e1n'. FouIrtlh at. -3 R)R

amNT --' 'I-room

holl8e a.ncl

larie 1B!,'deD. 'lbree mtle8 aout4l of 'WayDesvWe 00 Oresoniao and 'WaYDf!8Vllle






caRiN PLANTm- .uUllCk Ha.wke: Ob:edt row. ftODe~.


P""'IM/--Jl",tll., C,III"



8po1'ta Reel

"GaucJ.TII Dream Girl"

Braddock, -10

lIP YOU 1IMIlIt t.o Bell your tannOLU or write Dan Bender$n, Realtor. 81'1 Loraln Ave. ))a.yton, -17 Ohio. KiE M48.

tJfiIED WiDdowa Cor ale. Pboce 2743

'The Iverl,e Amerlcan'l most vivid impre ..ion of the Orient was acquired in Ie.. than ID hour and came to him free with • bowl of chicken chow·meln. Tht. la no dlacredlt to the Ivera,e American. He can't help It If AaJa la m)'.terloUi. It II 0Dl7 aD accident thlt we know I arelt deal more about Europe. Our ance.torl came from tbat way, .0 .e heard about It. It la hJlh Urne now, however. for ev8J'7 .oul .in the UDiled Statu. who love. hb hiPPY home and peacefUl • urroundinp, to learn more of the character of our maw-colored alUel be)'oo4 the Pael1ic. We owe our natlonal Idety to them. U It were not for their nltive integrity we would be held in a nut,cl'acker be. tween GermllD3' and Japan at this hour, U we were :yet able to DaM , at ell. w. AcImlre Brttafa American. are ~ tender.he~rted folk. We l)'JlIplthlze with other people I and half·way try to under. • tand them, but we don't usually aid· mire them very much. We felt lor· ry for the Pole. wben the Nazi took th.m .in 18 day.. .0Ur beart. went out to the J'lorweilian. becaUie tb.e y clIdn't la.t three weeki. We wept with.our Bntilh relative. over DunkIrk, . but we did more. We ad· m1fe4 the British. Late In 1113'1 the elt7 of NanldD" OWl.. ~ to ~ .J.,,~.. Far aW17 over the Ha attate,iatI thouiht that wa. lbout the end. If QIfu had folded up tile DIXt day few people would bave blamed her. WI AmerlQIDI would have t1,Irned the . Iplaot in our Iympathy tank .pin and drawn out a ,eneroUi Iprlnldln, of tear. for dear old Ch.ina, &nd ' then tried to tor,et It. But for,ettlni It would have been ImpoI.lble. . . . . MaaIre CIIlDa If Cblna hid fallen lD 183'7, four ,ean before tile Pearl Harbor raid, BD,1 child can lIlIe.1 wJl7 we AmerJean. would .till be rem.mber.inllt. But China did not falL it would not be alni.. for devo':lt people to ,Ive thanlu at the table three Urnel I da7 that China did not fall If China bad fallen Jlpan could' blve lmUed RUllla on the UDII\Iarded .lde, daht throUlh Manchuria: .ure~ would bave done Blck in tho •• ear~ monthl of the pre.ent war when the Germana were ~ but. tmockJnll at the doorl of MOICOW, our big old alobe, .1 DOW .arran,ed" was comlni unglued. If Japan could have drawn close eno\1ib to Ittack RUlsia from behind, the Germani would have mlrobed Into MOICOW, Then. with DO to annoy hlm. Hitler would bave parched London t& a cin· der. 'I'JwW to ChlDa Chinl stayed in and fought, 10 London remainl. ltood the iaft, .0 106 .un bave San Francllco. China could take privation and pun· lahment; her ahare and our. too. A. a cODHquence no bomb haa .truck an American eltJ. MoreoVer, ChIna'. younll men have made their ftaht I' near~ bar..ftsted ' .. BD,1 1rrD7 tak.inI Plrt lD thla war on either lide, lar•• or Imlll . In recent weeki there have been frequent orlUcllma ·of China; of Chlne.e fortitude, of Chinafl dil' unity, of ChiIUli Kal·Shek'. ,eneral. lhip. ~ m. clOie with thiI admoDiUon: Crltlcllm o.f Chinl In America today, true or falle, ba. one purpo.a and one only. It II to break up Unity amoDi our alliel. Our anemlel can hope to IUrVlve bl no ether mean8. Don't lilteD to it.



Card of Thanka-- . We wish to extend our slncel'e ,t ho.nks to ~ donors of tIhe many be&ut.liful ifloral offertngs, a.Lso to the triend6 tor Ilhelr kind ~1"e65I.ona of sympaithy du.t'lng the deattl of our t8lther, EdW9lrd Martin. Especially do we wish to thank Mr. Max Ran4all. MinJs.ter, for his kind and ooll8Oling words and sym~ and , the McClure Funeral Home for the4r e!lJc1ent ser<V1ces. !Mr: QIld M ts. RWISell ~tin. 1M. a.nc1 Mrs. Cbarles Mrart1n. Mr. a.nd Mrs. OJ}"de SOUthea.rd.

As I

PUBUC SALE am IJIOV1nB to a arilaller hoUse

wID ofter by, PIJb1lc Auction the following l!.Bt of household goods and tools located on lower 3rd St. Wo.yt1e6Ville, O .

Saturday, May 5, 1945 at 1:00 P. M. Ooocl 2-pJ~ Llving Room SUIte; Table 'l~p G6.a Range; Inclirec. s~ Lamp, Roor Lamp, 4 Antique CJJa1nl, IMet&l Bed, Sp111ng and, Mattress; WBlnut dresser; 2 Kitcl1en Cha.lrs; Antique Ohair; Stan4; Rocker; Antique Walnut Bed, Spring and Mattress; Qomi)lr.o:t1 n Booltcaae; Victrola; Deq Bed; Olock; tress; Oct; Bed Sprlll8; lrolllll8 ~ Boa.n1; Bed>, spring, Mat:&..rd; 6 Red Lanterns for Truclt ; Bee Btve Supen; Dry Tobacco ~; ¥lower Box; Shovels; Pwko; Potato 1:iOOOP: Post Bole DIa8er; Wnnow 'Imp; F1sh1nI Tec1de; 8 .runes: 2-piece W1cIW' Set: S-burner OIl ~: oven; B me R\IP; Kitchen oablnet; Waab stand; iable; ' 'PiCtur I, Booka: 2 Sousage Grindera: 0Urtal.n Stretcher&i cream BucJtete; Lot 01 Dlahe3

ITpostwar IS generally under.tood that the boom In aport will be on

• •• • • ••• ••

T •

Another Type of Boom

The lPO\'t boom tbat will toUow this war will be another type. Whlle It may not give the lpel~tators auch big namel a. we bave mentioned. .0 maD)' outltandln, s1tarl, it wiU accomplisb something much .more important. It wm lift the general avo ' erl.e of pllY Ik1ll far bl,her than It eve; wal befOre. 'lbe Flrlt 'World WB/:l contributed to' ilie headUne mast...,. 01 nothlnll ILDd itrfmelhmenus tteuJa. the Golden age. The aport stars of that era had practically no connecEARNEST HARTSOCK tion with the war in any way. You OWNER. can in Grover Cleveland AlexL. C. MorrI!J, Cleft an4er, Ilnce Old Pete was a .tar B. E. HanUu,Aaetlopeer, Xenia, O. pitcher back around 1911. But It wiU be dltfereDlt 8.tter thI. war: Army and navy now have PUBUC SALE from 12,000,000 to 14,000,000 men In the .ervlce. And army and ' navy Sat. May 12, 1945 have outlined one of the 'Oiliest proAT ONE P. M. "am. tor 'port ever 'known. lion, Corwin, Ohio the nna of coachln" u'a1nln, and competitlva play. , Owinl to th~ death of my nil ba. I1rIq Ia the ,Illrecllon or huaband, will MIl all my lpon Is a ....tal aeoeaalty.. Ann)' an4 ~ bow thII. WIleD the. In houaehold l0od., ,arden ... ElII'ope II over, there will lie rnWlonl tool., etc. who clD't be '1'IIIbed heme or OD to A... and die ~ at a 4ay'l TERMS CASH Dotlce. They will neejt a .... lponIa. proll'am to keep them Inter-' MRS E. T. EDWARDS el&ed In 11Ie , while waltlD~ for boata and planel to brine tbetrn . bilek, or carry diem to other thea ten of IOtloD. The big weaknes, of aport In the AUCTIONEERING United State. II that we have be'en too much of a spectator lIation-lnd Stanley and Kooller not enouah at a play In, nation. Thli For Dates, Phone ai, wa.vneaapplies to our youngsten and to oldYille, Ohio, Reverse Oharles er men. When 211,000' out of 100,000 lS-yelr·old. are rejected b)" the BROKEBS LICENSE draft, somethln, il obvlotll~ wronll. Arm7 and naV)' now plan to alv, aU thela millions a chance to pia" NORRIS BROCK CO. the ,ames they like with "eater Olnobmaii Union Stock Yaro skill, even U few of them ever become champions. There (!an only be one champion, at a tima, after ell. But there_ can })e • vast improvement In our avera,e aldlL




Minnie Fuilm' vs. Ollten Fuller. dlverce, gross negloot of duty, Young and Young, BItt·y. Evelyn C, Hudson VI>. Charles J . Hu<!son, divorce, extreme cruelty and habitual drunkeneQ, Maple and Maple, att'y. Louise Johrulon V8. Geo~e Johnson, divorce, blawnY, Young and Young, att'y.


WaplJtSbllle '€burtb ofT....,hoD. (brill ~' _ Max Randall. Mbdater · 2981 e:ao

Bible Scbool -1:10 ~ K.

-au18Uan BDdI&wr p. K. Everung Berv1ce - '1:90 P. M. MIcl-~ ~ Ienb 'lbunda,y nl&'ht - ' 1 :30 P. M.

OommunioQ -10:30 A. 1M.

... ...... ... Ji.

sermon -

111:00 A.

WllbW' N. Sears VB. 'F indley and LaW'a ,Brown. money only amount Rosella M. B&ile:v, et &1 to Jennie the Imazlnll .lde. But it 'will be an claimed $215. Maple 4nd Maple, L. Phillips, 42.12 A. in FTe.llklIn 'I1Wp. entirely different matter tram the"a: ' John and Mildred H'Ur&t ,to WlIsport boom after Wllrld War t. May De 80M Brandenburg VB. J. and ~ M. Fox, lot 6, It will appeal to I far iTeater num· ber of actual playerl but I doubt Herman OlJ.ver lMlldldenburg, dj,- 8 and 10 in Springboro. very much that it will ~en approach vorce, g:ro6II DE8leot of duty, extreme Sam 'RAl6entibiIJ (0 LUC\Y Wtl1Ww, Ihe so·called Golden o,e that fol· cruel1,)' and lOdult.el'Y. !JI'rank C. 1.61 A.. in F'rankl1n Twp. lowed the First Worl~1 war-those AndellilOn, Att/y. Gladys M . Hardesty <to Oearie and years that brought iBeJ't William JCJlUlBOn VB. Helen El1mbeth 8 . DaMes, 3.60 A. in ClearliS Babe Ruth, Jack Louise Johnaon, divorce: extreme CJ'eek 'l1Wp. Dempsey. B ob b y cruelty, C. Donald D1la.tush, Mit·y. Jones . BUl Tilden. Fred 'K oihn to Olyde O. OollJ.ns, lot Dorothy Jane FilaoetB vs. Nick Bill Johnston. Red 12 1n LebIIinon. Grange. Charlie F11aoeto., dlvorce, extreme cwelty. Oha.rlee W1ll1am iBUrWe to RoY Paddock, Ear I Young and Young, at'y. Neece, 26.34 A. 1n ~ Twp, ' S 0 1'1 d e. R 0 g e r I J06ePhlne O!lrotlbers vs. Bert F. oma.r Holl1ngsworth to Herbert J. Hornsby and many Carothers, Jr" divorce. g1'063 neglect more in almost ev· and Llllin S. oarr, 18.10 A. in aI4fL6s1e oJ duty, J. T. Riley. at'y, cry line of sport.

Babe Ruth had been a slar pitcher be· tore. But'lt was nol Gl'antland Rice until a fter the war that he unwrapped his big m ace and began hitting home runs. I can't see any such Sitars In sight tor some time to come. For this has been • longer and fa r more punish. Ing war as far as our a thletes are concerned. It has arrested the play· Ing 'careers of far more young stars, such as Bob Feller, Tc!d William" Billy Conn, and 10 many others who were stlll short of their prime and peak when called to service. Here and Utere amonl' the ,.oanrer servicemen we'U ha've a certain number of .tan who ma)' come el_ to the old·t.lme mluk-boxers, ban playera and footban pllyen. Bat anyone who expeeb to tlee a Ruth - Dempsey - Jon,el - Tilden· Grnee - Sande and Romsby parade I. Ukely to bel 41I1ppolnte4. It could happen. of course. Since almost anything can happen In sport. But it Isn't a good bel:. The odds are allalnst It. There will be too many 01 OUT greatest s't ars around Pearl Harbor daY8 back In 1941. who will be over the tun physically betore they have the chance to return to competItlve aport. Tbtey wID stili be good. many of them, but too many of them will have lost their best years.

•• ••

Rezln and Juanita. M'dLoy to Lester 8. and Bla.nche W. BmltIh, 111.48 A , In 'I'Ul'tlecreek 'l1wIp. Lester L. .a nd Edna M. Punston to Guy and Flavia Smibh, 92.39 A. in 'l\IrUecreek TlWp. E. L. Pertdne ~er to CIla.s. Lewis and liYnnette Shupel't, 92,39 A. jD FralIKl1n. 'Benj8min Bur8e, et al to Ohaa. Lewis and I..vnnette Shupert, 92,39 A. in F'raInklin. Sar8;h B1D1re to Ohaa. L. and Iqnnette Shupert, 92.39 A. 1n JI'rank-

lin'VWp. Lloyd B. and Leona H&ll to Eal'l W. and RoElee McHaIUie, 113.88 A. in l'wp. W. S. Parson. et aI, 82.50 A. in wayne 'I1Wp. Ni:Ug1I.ret JWse ore1mann to Ra.y HamUton Twp. LIz2j~ M • Grandle " Robert J. D . and Mattie Sneed, late 51 and 52 and Vadah H. McDemlobt, lot 6 in in DeerfIeld Twp. Ab!rt. E. and . Opal E. Reece to Lehman. James B. and BessIe Forsythe to Willlam and MYTtJe Harvey, lot ~1, ,Cho.rlton L. Diers, 25.50 A. in Cle6ll'- 62, 50, 53, a.nd M In Dee11tleld Twp, Ruth. Kolb to Samuel M. Oo1well, creek TWIp. Lola S . 'Ib00\8ll to Maur1.ce J. l.ot 2811 1n Pn.nklln. Bulah Hulewood to, ~ OaJdwell, and Leona G. Wells, 1 A. 1n Frankl1n .'13 A. tn·Red Lion. Twp. Della Jane Chamberlin to Leo and IRobert Lee and Cleo Hawthorn to David O. Murray, lot .'1 in FranoItl1n. Helen Ward. 96.50 A. in Olea.rcreek Rusaell Bower1mI1Iter to DecIl and Twp. 1"rank and O&roUne M. Burger to harriollt Bowermaster, lot 380 in Fred Kahn, .20 , A. .in Tul'tleareeIt Franklln. W. cH. Me.lllcoa.t .t o Arnold Uld 'I1WJ). I..vdia J0De6, l,I~ lot 11 1n Fra.nlt.Un

PROBATE COURTIn the matter of the estates of: IWdlbur Smith, deed., gro&& value of estate Is $5676.51. !Harold E. McKay, deed" net value of estate Is $4<K6.12 • Ida Holzlin, deed., gross value of eelate is $103.65. lLl7zie ShWll8ker, deCd., gross value 'Ilwp. of estate Is $i,<r,M,4b. W. H. Mal1looa,t to EI1ner &nil Ba.tt1e Ma.y Jones, 'II Jot 11 1n 'IlWp. MARRIAGE LICENSESDelbert E. ' Ooad, 23, U. S. Anrly. Albert T . and Jeaale A. Oberry to Dayton; Oro.ce Oo1'8uc'h, 22, clerk, Louis O. Nobie and Betty J. Noble, MllllD.lsburg. 23.80 A. 1n Wayne Twp. James R. Bond, 26, pilot, West Ema B. Mitchell to Louise M. and Carrollton; Ma.ry Lou lladtens, 22, and Perry W. Ewin& lot 31n FrankstenograPher, Franklln. lin 'DIVp. R1oha.rd E. Upd1ke, 23, 8Okl1er, . James p. GOd Ma.r7 EIJIIIbet.h Frankl1ri; LIllIan A. Pk*ertng, 21, Reed to Lou1a F. Runyan, lot 3 1n ottice /Worker, SPriD8boro. Mason. Robert Jr. Knott, 21 laborer, 0allIe P. at.ra.wn to G. J. Mench, Franacl1n; MBnan Florenice. Rook, 21• .56 A. In Salem 'Dwp. ' Fnmltlln. Re)'IlOld and Harold SChI1ver, 1.08 Fred C. Thomas, Jr., 24, a1rcralt A.' .Ion Salim 'llwp. _ mechanic,8a.n Prt.ncisoo; Vivian B. J. Milton lfiit.mbart to John F. and Mtmphy, 29, CllBhIer, Lebanon. Helen E. !d'aC1n, Iota I, 2, 3, and i in Lebanon.



Made To Order The Miami Gazette



Ready Mix Concrete

Armitage &Son


Oola L. Keraey to Oo.r HolUnla~ E. DoIIpon, to Clareru:e and Estaler Seaman, lot 1'10 in wOllibh, ~41.30 A. 1n vO-amm oOuut,y. W.~lIll Monow No.. Fra.nklln. Samuel M. ImweU to Albert W. Phones LebanOD: Oftlee 4.nK bynlODd L. stone to Fred ~, and RUth M. Kolb, ,118.81 A. in Bee. IIDI lot 8 in Lebanon. Clea.rcredt 'I1wp. !Fred KJ.ns 10 OWen H. HIw'd.iDtf, 126M A. in Union '1lwIp. Zephron BDd Olara \ ~ncer to 0Urt4s ~ LW:Ie Bishop, .66 A. 1n Union Twp. , William. A. Bul'I'el'tto ourtia and Wayne.aville, Ohio MaiD Street Phone 2651

WII.,... N. S .....


LUlie BIshop, .65 A. 1n Unlon n.p. George R. PoaDbower to Joseph B. and AHIoe Mllia, ' lot 120 1n TIirtJe.. ereeit '11Wp. Dorsle &nd Nell Arnold to Joseph B. and AlEe Mills, lots 124 IIDcl 125 in Tldec.reek Twp. IElmer and B~ Burler to AlOert a.nd 'I da B. Bradley, 61.90 A. 1,D

and 68 1n Deerf1eld Twp. Fred Kaohn <to LouJa aond RAlby Heffner, lot 196 1n LebaDOn. HaaTy O. Hutdlena to ValeDtme and Edna. B. Y08t, lot ~ in Malon.. Ethan and Oec11 D. W:1Jaon to Henry and LeonA ~, ~ A. in Sprlngtloro.

Walter ~ <to Walter P. Patrick., lot in f1rBDk1Ul. ostwar. Football 'Wm. ' Franda OhamberllUo to There Is one knotty, thorny prob- B.owa:d ·D. Van ~. lot iO 1n lem that the pro-footballl lealllle or 'l'aJi:kl1n Twp. league. will loon have to meet, TbII Boward 00llkl8 to 'ld& OOWiIs, .90 Un Wire and Prorreadve. An 01'- Involve. retumln. HrYlcemen who may have a year or twl) "eara of A. in Harvey8burg. rantaa'JoD Ml!COnc! to Done. Strictly RI3I1ph and ~ N. Broob to coUeae football left, but who may aeUe~ on &he bell, aU around ~t W!lot to play pro-~oo.tbllU. rather Kelly, 3.56 A. in Barv_urr, lD the ooantl'J'. than return to campUi Ute. Bettw Black to Edwanl ~, Service That Satiafie. .A. the pro rule now worb no play_"'M_ er can be taken ltlto pro nnlt. until lot 530 in Flra......... hla 'cIa •• hu ,,1i!Ulted. Thli reiUflred and Oladya VlDao.u to Joe a. latton hal worked well .110 tar Ind and laum B. Payne, ,.12 A. 1n MIa.h~s drawn the full a.,pro,v ll of th. son. colle,ea and ~e coUe,e coachei. '0Wal1a a. Palmez' to John and . Tile ~ h , almost eer..... to lie 1b$na O. dibbB, 2.06 A. 1n TUrtleover Ia Europe tiefore aut taU. creS .,--.;; , Tba& 40eID'& mean Utat .0 laoibaD • ..., pla)'en Ia Irmy or aa~ 'will be r.. John sOd ~. 0 CHbbe to Ie_a: Bat mauy1t'1U be, lncIacI.Iq a Allce :.YOUDC, · lot oK 'a nd , raw trom' tbe ~UIo. ' 46 in LebanoIi~ , SOme of th••• ebiIep playerl win J. ~ 'l'heba O.8IibDieea want ~ retunl anlllnJab their col· to ~1ce O. Dalton, 2.'l~70 ~-in: Hamle,e courae. otben won't. Onlt p» ' . , . football arial. II tIlll--OIIf theae men .UtoD. ICI!IICIIt CODIII don't wlnt· to ,o .back to coDe,., . P'r«l ~ to 01ISIde O. IlilUe, lot ~ fIf TtIe CtwIIttan Ie.... MonII!Ir 1M11ld11lD _CWV' " ~bJ ahouldn-'!, we u.e them '" ,Others 250 1n ~DOn. ..::.---\w ...... ~ ....... . . . .-.-a.........·•••• , ••••-••• , .....·•• , . ... ~ beUe" the preleJ1t rule tbat call. 0lareDIle , Eo and AmIIttOW*!n to for waltlnl unW tIleir o~ne,e Urne Uuam and lIinDle-r~ a - to-"" marr...............................e. . trial III tMd ... crIptIon TIll I. over Ibould be kept iii. It '.. _D", ., ScIIrice MonIter. c.......................... ITAR..... •••• fer whIcft ,' ~ •..•••• wal before the war. M, 811', 88, aDd 8'1 In Deerfield ~




In.ured A,aiDat Lou b. Any Cauae




MaSon. ~11an MaoNellan .to Le'ti1a 1M. and Ben James, lot 1165 1n Lebanon.' Addie Stark HlaiM to F.rsd Kahn. lot 250 in !Lebanon. M&ttle M. Decker to Wll,Uam EdWB.Td Blair, iot iO 1n Lebanon. . lFredB. and MiU'tba KatJu!yn Shepherd ,t o Warren 'P rice, 10ta ,51.

Valuable Overseas

SBlElll Twp. Mwrtle iMae' 00ld1r0n to ~ O. and Rose E. Knapp, lot '1 , in

• • •

25 NorUa Mechanic 8treM

LebaaOll, Ohio



Poultry Feed cwt. $3.40 t, 3.80

Wayne•.ville E" . ~a.h Wayneaville Beat StaMI Mub Economy Starter and Grower Ma.h



Mix StartiDa Maah Ma.ter Mix GrowiDl Maah


Ma.ter Mix Ell Ma.h Chick Bed - Poultry Litter




Iowa 939


hUe 6.10 .. 7.50

U. $ t3 FUNKS HOlier-Croat Quality . Super ... . . . . H,brid, .· " The.. Are All Hiaheat Quality, Certified , , New S~ In Flat ,

era.... _



. . CU!-

3.50 3.90 3.85

3." bal t.90


, '0 .... ""'



PHONE 237 ,. ,







No, 4211





azet.t e




Co...umer Declarationl Distinguished Flying Coal Muat Be Placed With Dealer Cross for Lt~ Hartsock On Or' Before May 15, 1945

Wit" The 32nd I~fantry Divilion in Pangaainlln ' Province, Luzon, P. I.

Failure of tlbe coal consuan1ng

Decorated For .C ourage pUbUc to lile properly signed ConAnd Superior Flying Ability' surner Declarations with dealers In ,

Weara DFC; EAME Ribbon, One Star; 3 Overaeu Bara

First Lt. Wilton H. HIl.rtl;ock (right) of W~esv1lle, received the DlstlnguJsbed Flylng Or065 Ifrom COlonel O. P. West, oam~ officer:

oroer to a&sUl'e delivery of next wihter's coal, ~s causing concern, It \WI6 sald today by Ralph H. SFOne, director or the Ohlo S bate Councll ol Defense, ' Polntlng out that COlli consumer:. will to be content with only 80 pe1' . cent of the1r n ormal coal requirements, D1recror stone warned th&t unless the declarll!tions and advance orders were submltt.ed to cool deale·r s. many hOUSEholds would find tbenuie1ves witihout fuel next W1Mer, slnce It will be lmpoosible for dealers to obtain "'spot" deliveries from Ilhe mines. Shol1t.nge of mBnpower to deliveries was .c.1ied by the d1t'cctor B8 anoVher reason for placing ooa.l

or Spence FIeld

• •officer •


was dec-

omted tor "elCtnllOl'dinary achieve-

meDt·· wblle serv1ng overseas' lIB a medium bomber pilot. . As .t.he IIIwwd 1W8S ,presented to Lt. HJar1*XlCk ,b y Colonel O. p, West, the aooompany1n8 cltation was rea3 to the ,t l'OOp6 Q.&8embled on parade (!itounds:


,"For ex~y aehievement while partlclpa.t lnc 1n aerial flight aa a pilot of a B-25 type alrcraft. On April 25. 1944, Lt. Hartsock flew m. an a.bt6ck upon a: mtlroad brl~ e near Fiou1le. Italy. Upon t.Ile com· mencement.of ~b 1Iun, a direCt - l!tt-' f~' iDIieDse ,.a.nti-a1rcraft tire Ul6abled one englne on bIa a1rp~. Displaying great COUl'1Io8e and superior .tlydng abilit.y, Lt. Haftsook malntalned his c.t1ppled plane 10 · pert<lCt form:u.lon, thereby enablil\g hJ8 bomtlardler to release his bombs wlth devastating effect upon th1s vii&! On more tlhaJi 50 oom'" bat miasiOna, bje outst.ancUng prof1clency and sieodtast devotion to dutY have re!leoted gre&t cred1t. upon oh1m&elf 'and t.he Armed Forces or the United Bt.a.'tes ... · . . U. HaJ1Book. Whose wife is Mr&. Evelyn Johns Hl1ortsolck, attended Mdami Undvers.lty. In addillilon to bhe Dro, ·h e wears the EAiME ribbon with one sair for Ita·l lan oampaign, and three over~ bars for 20 moo'tlhe' duty In Italy .and Cor-



ptc. Wade is the SOD of Mr. and Mrs. J. R-. 'Wade of Waynes- ' ville, and word was recently reoe1:ved Ifrom l:iIm sta.~ he ~d arrived sa!ely In the HaIwailan traJands. He reoelved one year of tra1n1ng at Ctunps Bowie, Howze and Swift of Texae. , 'HIs wife, .Juanita i.s llIOW ma.ItI.Jtg her home in ~ Valley i.tte1' spen~ lfuur months writh him In Texas.

Locker. Storage Plant B.eing. Planned Here '

The Bimd Co.~ of Cincinnati Soliciting Applications Now

Local Bank .Named As Trult pepoaitory For Funds


Women's Club Meeting At "Our H.oose", Vote .To Continue Meetinga ThrouKh Summer Months -

The PI""":eaaiVe· !Women' s .......


beld 4ta Ma.y m~-..t "Our Houae" on ;"'ft~..M •• eve~.~n, U~ .. 7. A deli-.~ - c~ dinner 'Preceded 11tte bull1ne6a

meet1Jlig. DIlr1ne the b~ess """'-.~n members res ...........ed to

, JJ1Ptave~

ihe Lone and the sinew, the heart and mother, I thcmk you. I thank you ~'I "'''.nA.Il in my veins, for my speech, for I am is from you who bore me. unmeasured from the beginning, my "'a.r_- tlbe hand that led me, the voice that arm that shielded me, the lap that nursed me. For your smile in trromllruzlilll*lyoILq)4.....SSat night, my mother, I thank me, the BOngs you, sung to me, you. I th3Ilk you and ministerings. All that the prayers that y~u I am is by you, who rea~..Jl14~ For the faith you 1UJAr.&.ur.mle, 1oI-.I.vII"" for me, for your trust and your pride, my mother, 1 ;~iiiU.~l.JU'U\t.UI& your praise and your ' chiding, for the justice .' mine.-All that I am you taught me. For the sore travail that and despai~ my mother, forgive me. Forgive me the, you to, the sobs and m03ll5 I wrung from you, and for the strength from you, mother, forgive me. For ,he fears 1 gave you, for the alarms and the dreads, my mother, forgive ,ne. Forgive me the joys I depriveCI you, the toils I made for you, .for the hoors,the days and the years I claimed from you, mother, forgive me. For ,h~ limes that 1 hurt,you, the times I had' no sniile for you, the earessea I did not gi* you, my mother, forgive me. Forgive me for my angers and my revolts, (or my deceits and evasions, 101: all the pangs and sorrows I brought to you. my mother, forgive me. For your lessons 1 did not wam for yiQur wishes I did not heed, for the . counsels I did not obey, my mother, forgive me. Forgive me my pride in my youth and my glory in my strength that forgot the holinesa of your yean and the yeneration of your weakness, for my nteglect, for my selfishness, for all the great debts of your love that I have not paid. mother, sweet mother, forgiv~ me. And may the peace .ami the joy that pUsetb all undentanding·be youn, my mother, fo,:ever and .ever. Amen. . t7f) t



to M. E , Stewart, distriCt supervisor of The 'Blmel Co., Oinclnnatl, Wa.ynesvllle will soon ....---------'------------~---------------



a:=~ Engagement



. '




allow the mata1l'atioo, then the moll18C-"pald in .wm retumeci 110 "... tlb8eDt.. a Jo1Jl crowd met and !!he auIIIcribel'8. ~ alb attemoon. Oarl' " ~. s~ IItated that t.bti~



· Jcoa aod U.ta. Do;:ald jones' ·oft.!"8 iB&hk wu aJIo actlJIc as 8If!Ilf, for suat& After .. fiDe pi~nun. d:1- tbe BImel 00. in IIDCIiIjAb. '&IIPllcI.· c10ua rell ........ were .-vecL tIoba tor looker .....

PIc. John W: Strouse wlll partIcipate In festivities marldng start of Donald Lukens, Waynesville t he lUurl1h year overseas for Ilhe Student, In First P.lace famed 32nd "Red Anow" Division . His wife, Bonelta M, Strouse, lives Nine Othe... Students In In Waynesv1lle. Upper Grade Bracketl Ptc, strouse has been with thp The returns rroilithe State Elahth FI11gldalre division 01 Gen e:al Motors In Dayton. He entered t he Anny the Year Testgiyen an April 13, revealed 18bh of J an'll'a ry. 1943 and arrived tJha t a Waynesville student, Donald overseas the 15th of May, 1943. He Is Lukens, son of Mr. and Mrs, Wilnow with the 321ld Signa l Co" oommunlcatlcns center of l he 18Jll1ed 32nd. He 'Norks aa a center clerk and ru nner. His work ha!l Ilaken ~llm throug h m1ll1a r y operutlons In N ew GuJnea. LeJte and now LU2JOn. St rouse's pa rents, Mr. and Mrs, George D . Mills, also live in Waynesville'. Strouse I.s n member of t he Fu'ture Farmers of America .

Waynesville Garden Club Mrs. Miller Reads Paper "Crowing of Lilacs" Mrs. Fred Hook opened her home on Thw'lSda y Mternoon liM had as her guests the members or otohe We;ynesville Gareen Club and bwo guests'. Mrs, Earl Rickey and Mrs. Oharles Ellls. Mrs,' Evelyn Peterson, vicepresident, preslded over the meelJ1lng. Mrs. Blanche Miller read an interesting . pa.per on, "Growlng of Wacs" and Miss Perle Riley gaNe an eXlCellen't discussion on RoCk Gardens whiC1h was also greatly en-

lng SdlOoI. .

PetIt Of(lcer Price bllB juat re;..

aged of b1~


Mrs. William McKeev&, Wayneavllle.


l 'th -WA--l LON A MIY. '1'"•Jone,30 ~ EraI-: - .





wm IMt over the to miMe p.dlDi over bI4Ib ewb III eM}' DIIIitfIeI'. --BDbertK1Dl. of

eOyerinC '.


of a posslble 200. The compeUtWD

This interesting meetlng ~JOurn­ Those who were in the upper 26 ed to meet with Mes. Blnndle and percent In ·tate oOUn,ty are. u folMills Perle Riley oil June' j"at t4lelr lows : . Donald ~e~ . first. 1.; ' home n-es.r Rldgev:Jlle.. . E\IIem Brown, fourth •. ,160; • BaDeit

Hwter, t~ 1118' ~ ~ ~ - , ~~~~J,'i doc*, eeve~j lia: Bett1' 1IIrIe~.. ~ 151; . Bett)" Je8n, ~, 148: Kenneth Vidrera, 137; Peay 'l\JmblflllOn. 1M; JenLld Wa.ltAm, lAS; and JuOy conner, 125. iMl'. J6me& is to be ()(JI)8mWlated for acllJevements 0: th1a claII.

Miami Chapter Inspection . One Hundred Guests and i

Miami Ohapter J07 Order of 1Ihe ' Eastern .Star, held t.hel.r annual lnspect10n on eve~, with Mrs. Mlldred Ho.rmount of, Greenv.UJe as Inspecting ot.tlcer. Dinnecwas enjoyed lilt six o'clock by 'a number of ~ and guesta at tile "~n ·RooIn."


Ml3c CARL L COOK Recently wmmded In aotlon

somewhere In the South PBclt1c, Oo.rl 1.. Oodk. son of Mr. Utd Mrs. Oharles 'Cook, is now 10 II. ne.val hosplto.l. HJs wife, BetW III.nd daug>hter Sandra reside in waynesville.


Birthday Anniverlari,e l ~ Mr. II.IIG Mrs. K . N. HOIIgb enter-


t.hel.r dall801ter, 'MaIr.y DoJ'a,


covers were arranged lor

About one hWl(lred sueeta · and members were present tor tbie " 6pecia,l meeting. The chapteI' room, decorated wi1lh large llBaketl of i snapdragons. iris and m~. made II- lovely setthts for tile 1n1t1aitory wont WhiIfl ViQ8 arranaed lor lour candlda.tee by the ~ cx1'f;1cers, aJIln vaned ooloml form&la, with lovelyo ~s, and the men In da.rk suits wl'th WIhlte buttonaires.

Wayneaville Drug Store on SUn~, alter a. slIiht illness. Mr. end Ma's. Harold B , Ea.r~t't Now Offici.l Bua Station ~Ivtne are four other daughtelll MI'. ,and !Mrs. Du'l IJttl~n 0( and ohllclren, Naomi. RU'bh and Street Marked Off., Posted MinI, lawrence F'aley and Mrs, (Fred Harkm, Mra. Viola tHarlan. the host Yellow' 6pringa furn15hed a mUldcal Knowlton of Waynesville; MnI,.L. C. nwnber. Mrs. Harokt B. F,)amttal't -:or ReKular Bua St,o ps Walker of 0aIdand. near W'1lm!nig- alld hostess ana VhelT son Rnd and Mrs. M. A. FltUkenlOtlllllng lo~ daAlg'h ter. ~ a resolution of Oouncll and ton, and Mrs. William Albertson of 00106 several voaLl numben

Malyor Warren Braddool,~ proceed- Lebanon, cently returned. from overseas duty , Ings are now under way to estabt\ son, Wa lter CO,l11ns, Harveysburg. in itbe Southwest P9£1!1c. Bot;\} are graduates or waynesville High lIah permanent bull 1I~ for the 16 g:nand~..nd 5 great 1J'8ll(i~ Brothers bus opeMtlne from oh1ldren also Sohool. :Kenda to O1n'clnn:atl. Funeral ser:vicea were oontiuoted Com Sa' lea Over OPA Prior to · this tlm,e the bus hBe Wednesday a!ternoon lilt 2 o'clocll; been making s~ on the comer of , at the McClure Funeral Bome, We;yPricea Are Settled the square with no an~ngements nesvWe. with bur.lal in Mlaml for passenger oonvenience in the Cemetery, Edward Brink, Jr., Ohlef Food fonn of a waIt·ih8 room. . ---...._--EnlOl'Q!ment Attorney of OIncln!Under tile resoiutloll adopted. tIWO Young Me... Farmera Aaan. ~~ OPA Dta:triCt has announced bus s~, are being provided. 'fhe Hold Firat $prinK ~eetinl bile 8ef;t1~t of 005es lnvolvlng £.p&Ce 1n front·of the Harrla Moaher ' , sale at com over .OP.A"ce1Upg prices propellty Is be1ite marke4 of'( and The YOUIIi Mena Pa.nner5 AMto=~ 11). P~bel 6n4 posted .cor North bound buses I¥ld clAiUon m8t at.the ~o: ~ . ._ . the " apace ·ui ft'onlI; at the Gazette 8ur.t~ OIl MoodaY' eveni.n8 f~ Lebanon Parm , eTII Coop(lra.t1v,,", oU'- '8 .....-.- Qllote" fOr tile their nMt- ~ meetinC. Beven00The1'->-_ ' """ .......0 . .""'" " . , . . j ~"'~_llon! • paid $314.22 for South boUnd- baU:es. The We;ynes- teen . membeni were · ~t witlh tile ~ . of ear cSI)rn above cell- vUle I>nJg store 'bas ~l made the BWY . ' ~. ' ~ pr1cea and baa ~ted to an oUldal buiI statjon wttn ~ull a.uthor- Refreebment;a were -sel'Ved I;»y the lnJuuct~ ~ tOed in the U. B. Ity to sell t.lcket:a ~d tli'Ve htifur- host. iron4 JoIt&• .How.rd SUlfaee. The D~ Court a~ ~ preve~-' matson. . .. neXt ~ is 'to ~ ,!n' ~ When 1n8 tur1lber vlo~. . . . . At. !.be Nortb .boUnd bus ~. all 'Will enjOy .. ~ fr'y 'at-SaUtb's ;lIaior Braddodt ~ .... wooden Park. _. . '


lIam Lukens, rauked tJrst In w.:ri.m County o.mong 1Ihe 301 students who took t:he test. HJs I500re 'WU 1M aut

for this hanOI' is keen and Donald Is to be congre.tulated rot" thJa achievement. 'I'he re&ulte 4lso indijOyed. Elg1'rteen v4U'ietles of WII1d nowen; cate that four Wa.ynesv1Ue etudenta were on display and descrtbed by l'!I>1ied a.m.o~ tAle t1rst 10 in ·~e County. Dr. Emma Halloway.

tamed to dlnner on Sunday, honor: Bus Station and Stops Messe~ger Collins Ing the birthday aruliversa1'1es . -Assoreel b'C ·1 8IRfJ.y Meaaenger Colllna, 68, JXl8Sed and of Mr. Mrs. AlYJi Thompson are y ounci at the home daU(!'hter. annOUItCing the eIJ804Jement O! the1r the latt&'s sister, Mrs. Harold B.

tiona can be &eeured. to waniult its a.n4 ,I_~ ..ot6l11i1.tlon. MI'. S't.eWIIn stated that bet.ween d&.ughter, Cadet Mary Jean Thomp700 and 1000 lOOkars were plaltned son to . Charles E. ,P rice, 2/c Petit and bhe planit would be ~lete with robeaIling and ~ Offdcer at the U. S : Navy. Miss p TOOQ1 - Thompson ts a cadet Nurse in tlbe enced procesaors In attendance.- or the n'UDlber at lookers signed for. Middletown iHosptcal Nurses Train-

..... ~ ••" " " . . . . . . . . ---11 cnll. The nomfu&tIng committee 60 ,per cent must, be farmers or have I~ dIr names of the followin8 ect oonnectJOIl$ Mth frums. 'llh1s pr'esented .._ "'__ will -"'-,no off1oers for the doDllln<> n.......... eXlOeed Ilh.e people . . . . . year: , ' requ1rEmen~ in t.h16 particular lccal,pres!dentt, Ka~ CRbborl8: 'Vdce Ity B1nce it is largely made up of larm to'i.':. ' President, Florence Foxbawer; .Bee..... retarY, Betty Braddock; Treasurer, A 100000tl~ .~ Itbe pl8.nt hB8 Mt Anna. M. Whttalter. yet been, deoIded Upon a1thoU({h It 'MI8 decided by a .majority vote ~e , l00atlo~ ' !U'tl betng contemof the Club, to oonli1Due the meet- plIIIted. ' .. ~~~-.~ "'~··e"~ lois duriIIg ·the. SumIller. ~" ......-......... ..... ...,.,n , -~--~ After .the busln- meeting,' willl 'I11e W~lle, ~' tollowinlr 'lnteJ:estlne . proram was .BBalk to act as, tryat 8i'8JlCY ,f or the deposits ool1ected mGdvanee-(or the ~~uet, Ethel ~ aDd looter ,~, ~ for. If the V~ }fa.rdlD; · Readlng, :norezic~ _~pt.Ion for lookers is a~ , HaatJ,nga' Violin solo, Margaret tul In obtaining suU1Cle~t looker t.o _"'-'-........ t bhe inate.llatloo Rose' Talk "Wiaor ".~-la .....u · gee· an"" holders . ., WOrkms , w~.. Rev R. B . Cole- 'of the ~er. pIant., .~be Bank. will · man. ' , _ . . .. tr8In.sm1t <the tuDc;tI ,dEposl~ with' TIhe ClUb was glad ·to "a .themto the ;~~ ~ aDd , ember M1ldred Coleman~ the ple.n.t be lnataJled at om:e. new m • , , . , II ,in eVeat, tile aeemindY BOUB CL~ '. iin'poeiatble lihould ~n. tiat DOt Mrs. c:'IlI!On& ~. entertained ' ~. ~ are boOked tlI)

the Happy .~ Ollt) ~ll4ter, ~. ..Mtbcqb 'iIeveNl ~


orders lmme<tB.tely. • F1111 out. si-gn and tile d ~claratlon with dealer before May 15, 1! coal Is to be puroll85Cd for coming seaSOil . Consult dtaleltl l or detalls.

. Georgla, durl.nfr fo~ review ceremonies ' held 't here' recently The

ElJ lRother-

W. H. S. Students Top ~th Year Tests


00.: met M .... time tibia ....

...... tbeaa.:




7tb Wa .UID' n' r L'uu


QDO. t'aS14' , .B'III'Ion.


Legion of Merit Award . Signal Officer' Of The V i?iaihter Comma~d

were given by MC68res. J. J. Bunlke. Charles TCJ1reI, Emen;on F. EImhal1t and Haro1d B. Earnhart; Dainty re!reShrmente were aened in the dining room VlhC1'e dle IUIIItI were see.ted at tables which' were

Major Arthur J . Wilde, Route 3, beautMUlly arranged with iIloWen WQlYne&ville, vet.eran of 27 months and oondles. and four Il¥1>jor campaiIgna in the The WOl'tIlW Paotron and Woothy Sout'h 'C"_IUc , ""'med ""e T_' of U" ._lon Matron, Mr. and Mrs. Everett EarlY. Merit Be a result 0: his work as ~ maI1iY f.rlends and i'1JI!Bte ~ ,ortl~ at .~e ~th durlng 'bhe evening. 81gna.l 00l'p6 Aircraft Wa.mlng


Battalion; during ' -wh1ch tlIme he was ~le for ~bl1shlng and ma.1nta4IJ1og B9Dle 20 radar slaitlons and alx ... 'IN. n hter Seotorsover a. 2.000 .'6 front from ~ n'ortJh as .far. as Ilee, New ·G'Ulnea. The Boward was made lilt a, cereinIon,y' In' bile \I\1rcraft Radio LabOl'8itorles h~U&l'tera, Wright ~d, Dayton. PreseJl'tat101l was made , by Bl1Ie. aen: F. O. carron. chief of


Volunteer for Victory GroUp Meets ~ith' Mr.. £Ili. . . Tbe

V~ Vidtor1.

at WI:ll'kerIS enjoyed t.be1r _

CJa)Qp 'I'bUI'I.,

even1~ of ~ ~ at tlh~ bome Or Mn. ObaIrls :a:wa 4Ur-


Ing the

po8t . wes.


IIJ1e 8OCIa1

hoUr, dellciolls ·~Mlbmeut.e 01 boaie made ice ereem aDd cUe were - ~ bY' ti1e .' ~ to. 1 ( " " ' "


J. Eo M8Clure. Walter ftUI . IMa.Jor Wilde, IOI'l or Mis. J. E. M"llurtoe. Orarl ,Jenme RobertsOn Q\nsdta, Fla., 1,s a grad- nero LucIlle ~.D1 ~uate 0( ~ WJlmlntrton'lJigh 8c!bool. Freel Boot, ~ ~ lid IIbe Eng1neering ,.D1vlsloD.




and of O. s. U. He weans in Gdditlon Carl .lI'eqfUBon. 'l'IIe IIGUP to til" neW medal. .... preIDden1aI ed.., meet WiUl ..... J. JI. , Uni~ cltatJOI1 anel four battle Itan. in 1Mo .....

.... 'l'wo


w. 'B:a Haines

Mi~i Gazette Every. Th~~d"f by Davisson

The Publiahed




Surplus ~!getables Should Saved ' Freezilll EqlipmeDt ror Fumers 'By P,re:servation 24 HOOR SERVICE per ye~

Food Machines

P rey

1 t ~

Floyd ~. Davissort, Ed~tor-PubliBher



, •



. Blibacription Ratel:, . Within 15 miles, '$1.50 (Payable In Advance). Beyond 15 miles, $2.00 per year

TIME of deepe.!t IatilfacUon for the Victory ,slIdener I. when he




. .. .. .


r " .,

' /.4'; Jo-.

v~ .;-







e,ln. to harvest his crpp. For B, ~iIl;an D. ~lor".. week. he baa bet!n tending theae "\;I \~. ,'lttll< n .\lll' '1·lIt. crop. with care and watching with 111011'1' ST ,\lIT IS 1 .lt·~; " . ~tefest a. the youn, p14nts ,rew and developed. Nowadays babll!s an, glvell other "We had trem 1~e,etablel out ot foods than milk far sooner than our own garden," I. a Itatemerit of was done only a f(Ow years ago. prideful accompllsl!lIDent. But even Whet her youI' buby is breast·fed Qr as It took care In bottle·fed, about (he third week he wiil be gi~ ,, ' , hi s lir ~ t ndditiofl. He the. preparation and will get n ' lC:lspoonful of orunge . • • culltlvatlon of the juice dillii',<i with a litth, boiled galrden, equal care water. ' 'l' juire servcs t he would be taken in samc PU I i)O~e only it I'c1lulres ha:rvestlng the crop. twice a 3 much as of ornnge j uice. Give it at a time when it will not • ~roo many garden· •. .rll, in attempts to interferc . wlt h his appetite for a ,.,. "elt larger growth reg ulur !,neal. The amount IS grad· ually increased until when he is six anld yle.ld, d.elay months old he will be receiving ha:rvest beyond the about IouI' t ablespoons daily. stage of best quaUty. No vegetable Cod liver oil, 01' some other form would be allowed to become tougti, of vita min D, is usually started at coarse. oVe rgrown and unpalatable the same time. The amount de· before being harve,sted. . pends on the rate of ATowt h of Quantity III important, but 110 Is your baby and on' whether he is quality. Which bri:ngs UI back to the receiving a milk with vitanlin D it. time when the 'plants break through in Many babies are started un the the ground and start growing next addition at six weeks of age, straight and strong: and evenly down The special baby cere Ills and the rowa-the question or thinnln, strained foods arl: prepared so that the plantll. they are suitable for tin y babies. DOD" lie afraJd to UllD out This early s tart eellls to make them grow better, not necessarily ,our rowa. Give, the root planta ,faster' but a bettc!' type o f ' .,wth. room to rrow. Bee.... · carrot.. It nlso helps them to es t:! ' :ood parantps. turaJPlI. radl,bll, 0 ... eating habits lind preven ,. >w llsti· 10011, rotaba,as, Il&la1Iy. kohlrabi pation. If babies are not sturted aDd ,other reot pJaatll Ihoold be on semi ·so lid foods until late in thJnoed to about one to three the fi{s t yeur,' they often resent Inchel apart. depeDdln, 00 the changin g Ironi liquid to more solid .Ite 01 the rooL Top. 01 ro.... food. They learn early that food comes in a spoon 01' cUp and not ba,a., tamlps aDd beets whJch always from a bottle. Just when ~UP THIS CI.·.· FUTlJIf£ REFEP."~·IfCI are palled oat Dlla,. be ea'eD a. these addi t ional fo ods are added to pee.... ADd d~il ,.ou ever eat YOllr baby's menu is Ii matter for Mra. Stout Gives Luncheoo We mould JlOt oek who 1& tile fID,erUn" carrot.1 or marble alae , Y04r physicilln to decide depend· IIlICa leu'ned, but woo t2w best beela' TIley aria deUcloaa. 80 ing upon th e typc of growth he is At The "Green Room" the ~lnnfnr oUt :proeen will not Ifllol'lled. ~1gJ'\b making. • aU be waIte. It is important that these first Mrs. A. a 8toIIt enteI't&lned to The loaner ve,et:ablel can be used semi·solid food s be especially pre· after harve.' the :better their qual· pared for easy digestion and in luniDheon on 'l1lunIcl8(J at h "Green LOST - Mana' Wriat Watch stich a w.ay as to l·etain the vita. Room" V . . . . . . Mark Rosen. 1[. Aviator Style, Luminoue Dial min and mineral values to the R. HW, Ccl 0Jpard. John Turner. . REWARD g l'entest degl'ec. This pl'oblem has een grea tly s implified for )' t1U now H. 'P. 1D)Ie, D : R. SIJdtb, Roy JllHa, -h:lt "oCld manufat' turers, spet'iallz· 14. IA. ~ .Jdm KerleY, A. T. "hODe Wa,n.vili. 2910 IIIg in baby foods, have put on ~, Ba.rokl IoDdenoD end the mark C!t· u v~II'i e ty of pl'eplll'ed Ralph. W. IWb. )auy t' I'cals and strnin(:t1 f oods. ~ the luncbeon, bee tBblea ~ bridce were in pla.y at the stout ~ with srIfJeI arWa.rded to Mrs. 'lWne1'; Mr8. EWs. and It'll• .ANSW"IKD iv ·THe






,·. Wanted Poultry ,& Rabhits


valeE {paaPHEtY





Lt. BowaM T. Florence returned QuMtlow.-Do you believe In the lrom ~ duriIlc' pUt week . verba.I Inlplratlon of the Bibler Answer-If the words of tbe orl,. and spervt & few daIYB 'WIth hJa par\i & barrel ceDar pro... ~UIIacterJ Inal manWlcrlpta were not to- enta, M2'. a.nd NN. Hm.Vd FIorelice, ror the .tor... "I~tatoel aaa ,Dther .plree!. what 1\'&1? The Blble Is com- and WiIb h.Ia "*e, Mrs. Rl1a PlorGREENE BROS. root erope. , poled or wor4ll. In Hebrew. 1 . tor 01ncbmaU Aye; _ XenIa. O. the whole arrument tuJ'lll 011 three ence. who baa now ~1ed Sty. Vegetable •• of them. lose word.. "yet onoe more"; In o.J... her ~UI!Ixmd to Topeka., mm. Lt. Phd.. 411" food value In vitBlmJn. shortly after U&IUI' 4:9. on the ])al.lve rather fllorence 1& now with the A. T. o. the,. are taken troln the IOU. It the,. than the actin .olc. of the verb: . Corp. - - --- . mUlt be kept awhile 'they mou14 be In John 1):118, on the prellnt Instead kept In a cool !Pl)iat place. of the P88t tense; In Galatlana 8: 16 No ,ardener 11'1110 can produce I on the .Ingular number of a noun, The ' F.o llowin. , Telephone lurplUl ot tresh veietable. mould overlook the pos.lbWtlei of prelerv- rather than the plural. Takilll these ~umben have been chan. . · lnI or storin, that lUl'Plu. tor later four tena together, we fine! that ,. to change & phrase, the wlce or , Note Chan. . . in Your u.e. Thole rowl ot canned ve,eta. b1e. on the fruit a!belve. In the baa.. tense of & verb. or the number or .Telepho~ Book ment or pantry . ,re certainly lecU' ,. D~un would deatroy the teaeblnl of the Scripturel. Ien't thIa o1oH Vernoe Slmpeon .... .. ........ . . . rity durin; winter month. when tresh ve,etable. a,r e hleb In eost and to verbal Insplration r OIaMIeI ~ •••.. . .••• 1903 Q_'I the,. any hope for ...... In many wtance. UDObtalnable. J F. ~ .....~ .............. 109'1 Moat basement .. or cellan ~e drunkard? .A.-There ' ttl hope for ~ there Is I hea.t1n~ l1atem Ire too BertMIrt MMDIan •••••••.•••. IOII wsrm for storl,e at 'root ve,.table., who win really ' tum to God for ZaD~ ArmItace q,a"' PI". ~ ••• 1091 luch as potatoe., tlirniP', parllnipi bel,. IsaJah 69:1. 3: "Bebold. the and carroll. And •• ' a matter ot Lord'l band I. not Ihorten,d. that fact except in th.e . c:olde.t lectlonl It cannot · eave: neither Hie ear of the countl')' palranip., turniPII and heavy. tl!-at 'It cannot hear: but ;;:::;: I ca.r rot. may r.emain In the ,round your tnlqu1t1el haTe leparJted .,8throughout the winter months: ' tween ),ou and your God; your ~alnl have hid HII face from you. ~ Save the Suq>lus that He will not hear." And 1 John By Preservation 1:9 Is atul In the Bible. Chrllt nowr . One method of preserving root · Q.,-Where crops through thle winter. Inexpen. ' .A.-·'LooJdng unto Jelul the WHOLESOME PASTEURIZED " live and easy to I~on.truct. I. called author and ' tJnlaber of our fafth:, P ASTEURI%ED I MILK. · the barrel cellar.. Obtain a clean who for the joy that wu aet before DAIRY PRODUCTS for. Y:our ·p..o*tioa · barrel. Cut a h~,le ~ one side for Him endured the croSI, de.plBlq ventilation. Dig a hole bl, enoueb the shame. and la let down at the Phone 2637 , Wa,...mlle, Ohio to cover the barr:el well Place the right hand of the throne of GcML"barr611n the hole', cover with Itr,aw Hebrews 12:2. Q..-Doel the Bible lay anythln, shaped into a tellee ~ver $e venti· latlng hole. Cover the Itraw with about- eomeone'e tl')'lng to ohange earth about three, Inch.. deep. LIne the time' the bottom of the barrel with .traw .A.-The prophec;. II In Daniel a~d place your 1'04)t ve,etablealn the 7 :25. "And he Ih&U lpeak areat barrel. Then the Ud. on one end wiD wordl Nainst the mo.t BSch. and be set In place and covered with ehall ' wear out the I~nt.. of the earth. Two bRindles on the lid project above thlll iround to mark malt Hlch, and thIn1t ·to chance . the place to .tad dl,aInI for the tim.. and law.: :and .theJ(.lhall be • stored ve,etablell• liven Into Ilil band untO & tlJDe A slnillar root Icellar may be con. and tlJDes apd th.. dh14t1ll or atructed without ·t he barrel, mereJ,y time." . Q.-I. It true that thl two Iron by digging a helle, ·lln1nC It with (PRINTED) straw and c:overila, with earth. 'egl Of. the Image In Dan,el. 2 Nfer I The well·planned, well~tended veg. to Hitler and MUMollnl? • • etable ,arden can easily tumt.h a A.-No. The great prophetlo lurplu. harvest 1~or Itotlng or can· Image had fOUf main parte: heacl 1$0 ·all... 6dO 00 l nIn,. And the w·ell·handled iarden of gold, breast of Illver, BIdes of I will cooslstently· yield produce hav. brasl. lega of Iron, rep~len~1 100 EDweiopea, InI a money '\I'a!ue conllderabJ,y four succeedlncworld ldnldolll8o l1'eeter than the. c:o~ of aeedt. fer. T 11 e s e were 'Babylon, Perala, tllI&er. Om•• ma~lure• .chemicait for Greece, and Rome. Read, the wbol. 110 ah..tI '7"al~ '2~ in.eet and diJease control qhap.t er. JUld It wlU be cl8&f. The home atora,e"Of vegetable. It, .. . . ' . 100 EDMI""'.I perhapI, ot ,reatler Importance than Ed. NOle: Address r~ur ~stldlJl ,. , canning becailBe ,ot Itl adaptation 'to ' ,Ae BIBLE QUESTION COLUMN. rlle aU that porUOlI1 of ' the count!') Yoic, of Pr~'pheo/. Bo*.55, Wi • . where ti'eezln, temperatures prevl\lI BeJe, 53, CaM,. Bible qllU~1JI 01 ~ 'during the Wir1ter month. There ar ual {ntet/llt Wilt b, tI1IItIIfrtil P. IAIi . . • . e column '" .pace oermiU. at lent 10 lmportan~ ve,etablel ~al . ' JI'LCm) I. DA.vmEiCIlf, ~ can be stored. . Dial 2148 . 'W~ynejVille, Certain ve;etalblea. Uk. c.t;ba,e• ~P., beets, earrota aDd ceil!l7, C~ .' . __ ma)' be .tored in pita I..D the open .c/o PaeWf,fIlDe, :WayneeVUle. 0IU0. lweet P9tatoe. alld IlnIcJosed 18 Itl(yI COIliribution of around; onion. I to be.t ad,(anta,e • .._ -.,. ___. .. ........ '.... _ - . 'ed . In e ellIU'J de. Iill .tor· a,e house. ape other facti can ~eea ..••......,•.........•...••.

The' .I'hiCk'en H: oose



.. --- ---

Friends Home

CllBlSTJAN .!SERVICE The WOOlILII8 SOdeby do' 0bl1a1*n

Ss'Vice 1Itl1 meet' wltib Mra. :Raymonel 00Ilns' .. . . ber boine Mr. aDd ~. B. ~ on ~ stnet OIl 'lburIIda¥ &.ft«~ frcIm ftIridr. to fibC 'bame ~OOD, ~ 1'1.. • • ~ UIIIoD. Obto. ciUled M tbe IIGme MIAMI O~ 107 0. E. S. ' TledneIicIa.y UIt.ernOao. • j Kiam1 a.pter 10'1 Order at. the I 'lbe c;cuuterJ;v meet<t~ of the EI8tem star ~ meet in ' fiame bOK4 'of dJrectQra .... held CD MOr\4ay evenmg.u&y 14. Mre OIl ;W~, _ I. ~ ei8tit ' O'dodt. I • . Dr. , aDd' II1W. Gale .. BIJUUIn. • .. ." ao. MartIU'et ~ aDd Mrs. 0IVIC:CLtJB 1 . Bd)erl Kene:r. of DIIV\OD. Called on ' The , ft8'\llar W.~e Clv:tc. ~ ~ BIft'aZdII, WedDeedaY Club meet.Ins will be ~eId on Mon~ , ' .. day ew!nIng, May! 21. &t the Methot Mrs M'Bude .ar Lebulm c:U& Ohwm With ' Olaplldn oar· cal1ed OIl Mrs. GeortJJ& Ivtna. Sa.t- 1nIchae1 at. Wmgbt Field llB guest ~ ~' . apeaIIa' and Sgt Hubert Head wW ,




9-12 eac::b


1-1 aRenIIDoD8 ~ W ........ . ~


aatmcir.y eveDiJItr

Other I2I'aUnIII by AppnAntment

IMn. - Mary WaUdna of ctn.cJ.nDatl wu the week end guest at. MrB.

~ . OIl North etre8t. !In. J. W.IW&nl &pent T.uesda.)' In ~.,.. Sped ',..


It B. . ~ 8t.




soJl8B. 'nlla meet1ngwlll aIBo inclUde t~e ~Ion of the newly elected p1'<lgnIm of

LucUe Arm1~e. , Mrs. Nellie Bunnell left Monday to oftloets. take up her .rfIIII6moe in her DfIft

TElDBONB 81 ...




XDIU, . ' O.

Jac)t Crane On Furloulh

XtaaL Jack Crane, S lie (RT) U.s.N.R., ~ Dr. Dnina ~ and MJaa returned. to Ckeat Le.Ices Naval Olive WWIaala were, m IAbaZIIOn 'l'ra1n1tlC Station. Tuea~ ntgbt 'l\IesdIacr a.ftemOOO. after Ilpe1:1(1lDg IlIIne daya with btl parenta,Mr. and 1MrB. E. C. Crane. ,Be NCel1.'tIY oompleted . hlB boot ~

aa a member of a company for n4lo teobJljclan




Da.vtd W. W3llte, nee Janet Ctutwrleht. lin New YOltt C1~, May 3. He hu been 2lBmed John 'W.1tIhe. DR~' R1DOE Ir


Birth A 80Il 'WU I)Qrn

~tGIlure ~~ ~Ilme Dial 2~11 ' Wayneatille, Ohio

~~. ~·th . ~OllcJ :~~v,. ' ~8 q~ .... .

It the IDUaItDr ~ 1011, come

or DIll ¥II dp.



S8ds II: BoDda '1DQDe\f. On -.; ~tt Uxs ~ on tIbeIQ.

• 1t.'l6

.. •

aeta you


:, ... _mea&. .'



io ,...., ,GUr own. aovei'nIn

to Mr. and Mrs.

Quick Servi~e

I.o r · ~EAD $TOCK

Honea, CCfwa, HOle CalveS, Sheep, etc. BEMOVED PBo)JP.TLY,

. Call "



.' 4 S 4 XBNIA. 0.


Telephone Numbers Change~


The Ohio Central'Telephone Corp.

~~~~~ I ~'~\ ~'5~2~ Y' B' OB~'S ' DAIIB Y








• ••




Da~is.s. on


o. _;

•• I

................. ,

CItJ' ••••••••• ••~•••••

••• ,


I ••••••••••••••


Personal Notes



.Pa,. Three

~. W. A. Smith who is enrouk MOTHERS CLUB HOLDS


Flardda to

his Come in

Tole<lo is <ttl(! hOU8e cuest of hJs aI8ter, Mrs.

rlldrl;n 1n Warren Oounty, on .,."


ATTEND. CONCERT . Ohailes An<lerson, !Qt III 'fevi days • .. New Officers Are N~ed .Mm'. and NrB. Rosa H. Hartsock • . " Mk.ended the SpriI:Ie ConCet1 gtyen The MD1lhers ICIUD '! leld their last Mr. and Mrs. Ray Manious and at OlII1'or<l on ~y.' evendni' by the son were ca.lled ·to Kentucky last m eeting of the ye;w- on Frlc1B;y alter'V1rela1 Soc1etw of CIle School of Pine week on 6COOWlt at the death 01 noon at the G.ade Building. DeArte. Theil' dlw(rhter, Mias J ean votlona.J.s were ~ Cha.rge of Mrs . Mr. Ma.n10\IB' mother. HiaI1tSock. is one of the members of M. ·A. Fulkemort and the this ulIUlIlcaJ society who took pa.rt Mr. and Mrs, J. J. Burske and buslness sessliOn ,the nomilla-t.Ing in LIle conoort. da,l1g'htel' had as l6unda.Y aJ'ternoon commlttee reporte<l ~ of'1lcen; (or guesta Mr. and Mrs. O . L. Hea1'lldon the cmrlng y~T: !President, MTB. Mm. A. H . stubbs enterba1ned to oJ: Dayton. Ollbert ,F rye; Vlce-~resl dent, Mrs. }unchtlOll on w~ honol'Iue Ed~ Smith; Secretary, Mrs. Ina • • Ml1i. lWiIilllIIm Schnabel of WashingMr. 8.l1d Mrs. C'ilarles Ell.I.s were Longacre; Treasurer, Mrs. OllIulee ton, D. C. 'lbose woo enjoyed the S\W~ evening dlnner g'lleSt.a of Tenell. lUncheon and delJi!h-t.fu.l a.rtemoon Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Ell10bt In The prO!,'1'wm 'consisted oi two W1Lh the honor gtlftIt were Mrs. RIce C>ak.wood. readings Siyel1 thy Mrs. Ralph HBstSnaipp, Mrs. E1mer Slloobo.n, Mrs, Ings a.n.d two Vilolln solos by Miss L. IH. Oordon. Mrs. DlUBy Snyder Be sW'e ,t o attend t he bang-out Mlwga.ret. Rose. accompanied on t.he and Mrs. Cbarles Anderson. penformance of "Ever Since Eve" piano by Mrs. 1M A. Flulkerson. at the H. S . AUditorium -at 8:00 p. m. 20-30 Club Hold on to your husbands when May 18. 1Mr. and Mm . .l<1hn Bolin enwyou see Lucybelle go Into action In "Ever l61noe Eve" :talned 16 members of the 20-30 Club Mrs. Eva Burnet'!. and Pvt. Hora.w Sunday evening. Mr. and Mrs. RayBurnett were dinner guE&t8 of Mr. Mm. iW1Il1om Schnabel, who has <Uld Mm. Ja.mea Ha.l1oodk., Tuesd.ll6' mKlnd K. Relbs of St. !Paul's EpIscopal Ohurch, OaJtowoocl. were guests. been the house guest of her even1ng. Mr. Reibs an interesting talk Mr. ruoo Snapp. ana Mrs. Snapp. • lor rIlbe past few 'w eeks, returned to Mr. and Mrs. Harold Borden of on the activities of youngStel'll at her -home m WWihington, 10. C., on Miamisburg were Swulay IIIfl.ernoon Club K-0. 08!kwood, and ClUb Co~. Mre. L. H. Gordon aooom- guest.s or Mr. and Mre. Glenn Bor- Ed in Da)'lton. . pa,n1OOd her and -'WI1ll vl.s1t relatives den. in Waahington for /lCveral ~s . . Mrs. WW1am Hensley and daughMr. and Mrs. S. R. 'Conrad and Ler. Sandra ,L ee, ()f CInc1nlUliti, art! .......~h,._ ".I~~ ...--.~- ~- . . Mrs. guests of .Mir. and Mrs. Alva TIlOmp- Methodist Church It. B. Coleman. MiniII&er Robert MoOGrt.hy, Crecent SPl'iniS. son. Church school at 9:30 A. M., Mrs. Ky .• and Mrs. James of • • • Raymond .)Oneer, superintendent. DayWn. apent SUDda.y with Mr. and Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Sheehan and 40mlng Services - 10:30. MR. T . S. Hardin and f~. Mrs. Bent1e M:Illa II/I.tended a cattle Youth FdIowshlP. Tuesda.y trVening • • • sale In DellIIwllre. Ohio. Monday. at '1:30. . Mrs. Rell& Braddock, iM.nI. Cora • • ~'lloir practice. Wedne8da,y iRlch, lI4I'8. Elmer &let!han, Mrs. O. Pvt. Horace Burnett h&.s returned 8 :00 P. M. fR. Unglesby ana WSB &We Smdth to Kennedy Oenernl 'hooplta.1 alter A meeting 01 prayer and thanksenjOyed lUDCbeon in Lebanon on a. t.h1rty-day , eave. (!'ivins was h eld In tl'1e MethoWst SundBy and W>1ted the Museum • • • Church, Tuesday evening There WBa durUJe ,t he afternoon. Dr. and Mrs. A. E. Stout and. 0. good a.ttendance • • • daughter were Olnc1nna't1 v~s Rev. R. B. Coleman and Rev. Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Sheehan en- on ~. Ralph IPMuJ occupJed the pulpit and ~ to dinner on 'I1hUJ'Sday directed LIle services. In aooordllnCtl ~, 1YJ's. Roy Crockett of 001Mrs. Charles Anderaon was a week with President Truman's proclamaumbus, Mr. -and 1Mm. EvereLt C1ld guESt of M4s& Minnie Davis in tJon. the Church wlll observe next KcOullouab, Mr. and Mrs. Wal ter Dayton. SUnday as a d8y of prayer in conBheeilan Wld BODB.. nect10rt wlth Mother's Day serv1ce. • - . • Mr. ~Ies Anderson, Sr., is You'll l&uah undl you cry at !.be !.pendlng a lew daYs in lMllAllen. Ferry Church of Christ • ~ of Oappy. the poll.ceman, in Texas. Berbert Graham, MInUter ''EVer Since BYe," -----------CB1JBCH SERVICES NOW ON • • SLOW TIME Mr. and Mrs. T. S. Ha.rd1n, VirBible Scbool 9:30 A. M. a1nia and Sgt.. Tre&ler iHud1n enC<lmmunion e.nd MOrning t.ert.a.1ned Mr. IIlld Mrs. Earl EarnWOInibip 10 :30 A. M. bart and cb1I4ren Gnd Mi&8 Betty - e l l ' small boy went barefooted ''Our Mothers." . lBra.ddoc& -to dinner. Tu~ even- from early spiI'UIg Wlt11 la.te fall? Youth Servlces '1 :30 P. M. Well, nea.rly every one. 'lbose who Snc. Efen1ng EvangellstJc dtdn·, t were OOIl81dered ~es. It WalS • • Services 8:15 P. M. custom and 88IVed .. lot of !&sea Jean and Jane iHortBoclt a "Same Ila.n&erous Substitutes." "I411h ,t heir wuestB, M1saes Allee Ha<l- sboe leaaher. And, ob those stubbed iNext Lord's day is 8. special day dell and 'J ean. Beschner of OXfor<l, toes! Remeber? In the lives at all of us, tor it is 011 were week end guesta of their parfJb1.s da.y that we IP8Y special tribute STUBBS ents, Mr.•and Mm. RaI8 HaJtsock. to dear mothers. whether llv1n'g FUNERAL

3 a.nd "-

Over two Iwndred wa~ students 'from the seyenth to twelfth grades --went to Leb&noo in 8ChOol


by Jimmy WeHz A specla.l 8SS£mbly was held at

the WII3'1lesv1lle ai'll achool. Ma.y 7. t.o commemorate the surrender of Germany to the All1e6. While mnrchillg into the gym_ nasium, MIss Rose. the music teacher. played. , "Ood of Our Fathers." Then Mr. Braddock gave a talk in 'he stressed the hlstorJcal 1mport.a.noe of. this ~. The Invocation W8& then said by the Rev. RaJ,J:~ W. P arks. minister of the Epl.scopal Church. Two poems of peace were ree.d by Edwyoo attd Wanda 'Pl'OJ)I>-t. Mr. !Parks then gave B. talk on America. democracy. A was read by !Wilma Surface . F1v~ oongs were sung throughout. the service. The closing sentences were read by Mr. Pa.rks. 'r:hJs 'proram was a.rranged by Edlth Lukens and Rev. Ralph P8.rits.

• • •

• • •


• • •


• •

• • •


News of Churches


Howard L. Bevis


Telephone 2291 Wa1JMlQiUe

• • •

18'. e.ndI Mrs. 10. iR. salisbury bad 88 S~ euests, Mr. ' and Mrti. George Winner and da.~w of. lAlbanon and Mr. &.lid 1\41'11. J!ldia.r Smith and ~~.


The prjze-winning essayi sts from each Ohio county will receive, In adilitioll to the fil'llt county prize of a $2G War Bond, a tr ip to Colum bus. to lenrn from the StolLe Board of .Cunnery Essay Judges, the State winn ers.



1. ~


~t "








reoogntt;Ion. On Tueada.y n.1ght of t4Us week a spec1al &erVioe , <WaS held a.t the chu.rob to ~emora.te V -E day. Mr. R&y Klontz kIId tthe aer.vice lIB Mr. Ranmll was · IIIIIWLy 1n Cbklago 0Il~. .

BAIph ....... Bedor ~ Scboot at 0:30 ~ M.

~~azu1~ . 111:00 A. 11. ' ' .

St. AUIU.tiae, Church I'a&ber KnaaboIk, ~ MIIM 8UDda;y - 8:00 A.' II.

. Friend• .' ftr8t DIIIChool- 8:~ A. II. UeetIDIlot waiwp - 10:10~ II. '

.. .A. JIat'Dbaft, auperiDteDden& WcnbIp . . . . . - 10:10 A.. II. ••. , . . . . . . . - '1:10 P ....



Place Your Order for

SACCO Fertili~er ·F .ENCE Barbed ,W ire Galv. Roofing

Waynelville Church 9f Christ

8uDda7 IObooI - 1:30 A. K.


In Hia Name, M. H. Hunter, Blble 8ehool SIIpt.. Herbert Graham, M.lDlllter

.Fertilizer wiu be very scarce, So order now and h. lure of obtainina your neecli.


St. Mary'l Epiacopal Church

Dial 2143·


you to o.ttend the aerv1cea a.t Ferry whe~ the men are giv1ng A special

.or. II. Iauft. MI,,' , .


J t1fl~p~ .

FOR Any make or model Fred Kahn Motor Car Co.

I know of ru> finer wo.y to honor them 1oha.n by being In the house of the Lor<l 1n worship . We invite




C ·A SR·

or dead.

ML 'Holly Metbocliat Chur:eh



J c·hn I.; Crnig. Ohio Director of the Wllr Mllnpower Commission. today thnt Go\·ernor Frank J . Lnu s:·hc. Chief Justice Carl V. .' .;·:t. II nri -Prcsid ent H nwnrd L. Bevis of Ohio State University


Carbon Paper

R\lh.ber Bands.


.. . I ' ... . . . ' r ... . ,,. • ..... . •• . ... T" nr. . . . . . . . !II__________________ .

Office Supplies e:Paper Clips

May 18- D.OM. (173) Mal1tlnav1lle May 25- D.OM. (521) Lei.gbt<ln

• ." o\'I1 ~ c cl

Max BaocJaU. MlnIater Bible School -41:30 A. M. • • • Ocmmun\on - 10:30 A. M. Just like Oleopatra, Ju-lJet and Sermon - 1'1:00 A. M. PoooIhonteB, SUIia.n gets ~ man In ~ CIu1.at1an EndeAvor 6:30 P. M. ,"Ever B1noe live." Evening Service - '1:30 P. )L ,:;;;;;:;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;i;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;::::;;::::;:;;;;;;::::;;::::;:;;;;;~~~~~~~~~ MId-wee1t ~ service 'lbUtSdAy Dl8tit~ P. M. There weze 135 present tor Bible Bdbool last Sunda.y a.t the iWllynEflv1lle Ohurdl of 0hriSt. Our aVel'Gge . attend&ooe per Sunday for the year Is stm ~ up eaoh week. At the present bhe IWeJ'8ge stands a.t 125 6{9th. Mr. Randall <Will pfeach on the subject. "Continuing Steadfastly" on Sunday momin8, and <Iihe subject. "1'lle Dlv1De Body" 1n the even1ng. . 'Ih1s COIll.l.n@ Sunda-y is Mother's ~. A port1on of the IiflrlViDe w1ll be. set aside tor lwnor1ne lJU)thers present, &Ldh motIller present will reoe1'Ve a rooe and both, the youngest and' the oldest maIIher wUI receive


May II).- D.GM. (127) Vemcm


Judge C. V. Weygandt


• • •

21 at Diltrict Inspection. Order of the Eutern Star


IREi;;;; .tHENI

MedYnea J. J. Burske. Wllllam Strou.le. Stanley B6Uey, Dert1e 1Wlla, iAlva 'lbompaon and E . P. Earnhart attended EIrttem 8tm' In.sPect\OD. 1n C1nctnnatt OIl '1'UeIda6' evening.

8:00 p. m.


• • •

.Be sure to oome Friday the 18th . to the Senior Olaas pla.y, "1M$' Since Eve." U> be given &it the WIb sChool gymnasium. It will begin a.t




FERRY Church of Christ NEWS

---""'''. - ' ....... wou......


. .



The Wa.rren Country Tuberculosis MlllY .23:- D.O.M, (W) H.iJW)oro 8.l1d Health Association made group June 12- D.O.M. (1M) i.o:Yal X-re.YB -whICh W86 avaUable to al1 June 20- D.O.M. (330) ~uri

• • •


buBe6. on 'Ib~, MG.y a. The X-ra.ya were 81VeD At the Ieh,aMo hI&h 8dhool UDder·tlhe auperv1akJo of Mrs Myron Balter. The of tJhe cb1ldren wu hlUldled throU8h the ·acbOOis. It IWU Cree or c.he.rge 'becAuse or the treQerous purchase or ·Chrlstmaa aeaJa ' for the paat few years.



Buy Now For Sprin. Need.

Fairley Bdwe. Stores 6 _ BIC STORES , -

.- - ''--41---

Doni'. Fly Kit •• N•• r IElectrlc Wlresl . . Say, Fellas, did you ever happen. to you if


to think what might

that kite String of youn ~ou1d tangle'

with one of those high voltage lines?


whole line out of ~commissiOD-a line that wries light 10 . hospitals and sick rooms-city fire pumps and factories. So . watch where you

AT THE "Friendly Store"


"Hard-To-Get" ·.I tems


Well, some of you might get killed-and it might put.

81 kites and keep away from power lines.



A Safe "Ite, Flyer Ola.ervei f •• Follow'•• a.'e.:



* hip_,.







2. He IICYef . . . wire « twiDe . . ~ wire « ~ ia Idee ,~ \Vee lCriaa. ill ~ ~ kClOMaca ~ck7 • . ' I. He DeVer. IUDI Kl'Cl. ~ wbIle~1JiDI bIa Ida. 4..lit Mftt·cUmbI poi~« ~to bock dowa "'aapiiD wira


LAMPS (Floor and Table)


1. He MYeI' .fIies his. tile aesr ~ecttk. UJIdacL Dee wida meW puts are daDpouI if fall ,1ttOII ~ wira.


Wayneaville, Ohio

Phone 2441


. - Home .Fu~i.hera" . I~Complete




Phone .,' ,91aR . "£&at MaiD Street at \VIaItIiiua"

.. .



• ••



.. .

TII1JB8DAY, MAY 1" lMI poogram at. tJhe S\Ind~ school hour at 9 :30 slow 1Jn:IIe. Persons are _ed



unu acea -' II A Y ·· . , •... .... . .... . ,


to bl'1n8 aboque t of flowen iii bonor at .the!f'-m otber,.1 f abe haa paaaed

bJ IlO'l. Walt.e.. Itearlck


.. ' €burtb of- QCbrist. Ma. Randa ll, Mini. ter ' Telep hone 2985 . •

Mre. J. W. HUlton or Yellow lllWay. $prlnrs 1.5 v!a~Llng Iile~ :,on-in- law . Mr. and Mrs. Ra,l ph Hammo nd. " ~ ' and dalllhte r. Mr. and Mrs. Evert!tt children MorD~ SeftDon. "CONT INUING STEAD FASTL Y." and 'Uleir i'Uest.: Mrs. W1lEu'ly. !Jam Strwuka mp of Dayton . vl.s!ted EvealD , 8ermOD , "THE DIVINE BO BY," Mr. apd Mrs. IUggs of tile lonner' s motJher. Mrs. Lonn ie Kenne th Hili, Mlr. -1- WAYNESVILLE, OHIO · BJble Scbool ~:30 A. M. payton . were e,atul'da Y evening Hammo amaisan En<*.v or - 8:SO P. M. nd. at Mercy hospital, Hamdinner guests or the:lr parenl2l, Mr. EVening Service - 'l:SO P. 14. 1lton, Sunday a.f1ernoon. where she OoIwnu niw - 10:30 A. 1M. and Mrs. IWUbur Ola:rk ' Mid-wtiek pn,yer eemce ,B uy Viar BODda and Stamp a at OUr BOK Office undenw ent . a major opel'll:t1on , 8ermw - U:OO A.. 14. , 'lbUraday n1eht - 7 :30 P. M. . Mr and !Mrs Guy .Ro1.l't2lllhn and Mr ana ~~;; . !::'.. ~:'!:t~ Early. Mrs . ••••• ~ • , son visited U!.e lol1JUlr'8 · If\ther. Mr. • SUN. WE"D. J. B, Jones. Mr. o.nd Mrs. PTe<! Rush MON. TUES. THUR S. FRI. SAT. Kerr Routza hn. ne&T HArveysburg. _ and MI'. Wlq Mrs , Ros5 Roland at- r...- - - - - - - - • • Sunday arterno on. - - - - - - - . ; . . , , - - -....- - -.. tended the 8lmual Inspection of the 13 15 18 14 Mr. and Mrs. W~te.r Kenrick . Mrs', 17 18 19 Eastern star at We.ynesv1lle. Friday Fred Rush, Mrs. Ralph Belcher and evening . • Way .An myat.erf for all above 1Ile' for !Babies and comedy - - and Cooper tool mother and Mrs. Allred Rasnak e , thla.typ e at ploeurel m.ovie-ll'Qer8. and son were LebanlOn vlaJtors on "CAS ANOV A BROW N" PUBLIC SALE 0eDe TIerney (aa lA\1fII.) and "The Big BOnaDza" Saitul'day. IMD& Andrew s In St.&rr1ne Gary Cooper, Teresa Wrlcht Sat. May 12, 1945 iMrII. Louella. Swanik and J immie wUlh IUchard Arlen, "Gabby " Hayes a.nd .Jane Fruee. AT ONE P. M. Swank ot Da.~n were week end wit h Frank Morpn . "LAURA" ~ Mr. and Corwi Mrs. iE. n, Ohio B. Long'P lus : Cartoon , Orches tra and Added: "Mlptty M _ At The CIrcus" acre. Also: Cartoon and News IS NOW Novel&y . Owing to the death of my !Mr. o.nd Mrs. IL eslIe Gray. son and daUghte r. and Mr. Gcol';:e Gray husba nd, will sell all my, THE AUTH ORIZ ED BUS STAT ION Harry W. and Maud B. Cline to were Sunda.y guests 01' Mr. and Mra. house hold goods, garde n AND TICK ET AGEN CY FOR Le6Ue and ~ancy C. Caudill . 11.41 Fred FiSk nee.:- CLndependcnce. Ky. tool., etc. 'I1he latter M«'. C ,r ay remaine d for a A. In Maas1e Twp. KIN G BRO S. BUS ES Davenp ort; couch ; 2 dressers; 3 COMM ON PLEAS visit with his daughtt~ 1' and fam ily, •Ohaa:" H. aye to Oeo. and Ethel Iron beds; Round ,stlllnd; '4 rookers; lBuses Leave for Clncinn atl - 8:38 - 10:38 a. m. - 2:38 - 6:38 Mr. and Mrs. Lester Deitz and John Conley V5. Robert L. Conley. P. 8chm1tlt. 80 A . In Warren Co" p. m • 12 kitchen ohall's; Sideboa rd ; Dd.n'ng lnmlly at C!ncInn a,U were dinner BAlLY 8:53 Po m. SVNDA Y andllO LmAY S ONLY 25 minor, pa.rt1tlw ontered . Harvey Clary to Roy S. Clary. 1 A . table; 2 kitchen tables; Kitchen guests, Sunday . of Mr. and Mrs. Eda.r BiaSr Mlller 'VI. Mildred Mil- in ~e '1'\74). Buses Leave for Xenia 9:03 a. m. - U:003 - ..38 - 1:18 p • .,.. DAILY cablnet ; 3 kitchen oupboar ds (one Oe.lvln ~pgacre and ell!1dren. and ler. cUvorce to pla.1nWf, 006fa paid. oorner cupboa rd); cabinet hoo.ter; 10:03 p. m. SUNDA YS uul HOLID AYS ONLY IWm. Poe to iFnulk Poe • .34 A. In Mrs. W1Wam Tinney and little son. Esther Abner v.. Tolbert Abner. MorroW . . 50 COOk st;ove; 2-bU'ne r 011 stove; 4 ' m OovInglton. Ky•• spendIn g this congoleum PURCH ASE TICKE TS BEFOR E BOARD ING BVSES divorce to pla1nW f, custodY of childrugs; moan rugs; CUt'\RalPh E. KnOIIl to Beulah Raxel- week W'ifu 'her perents. < M r. and Mrs. taIns; Bed clothes; COoking utenslls ; reo reserve d for order or court. For Further In1onna tion (}all WAYNB8VILJ.E 2111 wood. .63 A. in' Clee.rereek Twp. Guy Rout2Jalhn. WE!.5 H FOJ,.DING Dishes (some antique s ) ; Oarden f1ra.noee T. ~ va. George C. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Hum. and MarlY and F.rancla S. stepp , to tools; C!wpenters toola; Oil tank ; BABY CARR IACE THE KINC BROS. CO. Talyor. divorce of pla4nt1f.f. C06ts Woodrow and Cleo Brande nburg. son. Wa.rren. were entertA Ined to TobaXloo sprayer ; Vegetab le sprayer ; paid. $11.05 lata 32. 33. 34. 36 in Union Twp dinMa' o SUDds.Y. at the home of and many ot her artlcJes. A11IDe S1ebert 'VI. Oatl W. 81ebert. M1S6es Rutil. Eva and Ethel. Reeder George R. and Lola I. Henkle to In Spr!Jl'gtlloro. and also KEM - TON E iD an divorce to pl&lnttt l. rt61 estate to a.ttende d the TERMS CASH John zettle, Sr.• lot 6 in Lebano n. pkWltlf f, coste· paid. servlces at the Metlbodlst Church popul ar colon . Be6s!e May LaCras& e. et al to there. MRs E. T. EDWA RDS NEW CASES Jamee and Ora lAunb. 63.26 A. in l Mr. a.nd Ml's. Alfred Jones of Arthur K. MOl'8&n va. M.arpr et Waah.ID&ton 'l1wp. Souther n HIlls were Sunday a.fterMarean. divorce. srosa neelect. Ralph W. Oliphan t to_Cbaa. Swan. noon gue5t6 25 LB. BAG of Mr. and Mrs. J. B Maple and Maple. atflYB. 62.60 A. jn 'I1Urtlec reek 'l1wp. RUBB ER ST AMPS Jones. and !l.Jnnte Burna 'VI. W1Illam Earl Oh&8. Swan to Ratmy WUl!arn.s. MARK ING DEVICES MrB.W1ll1am BeJ'8da1l is spenffin g Burna. divorce. fI!'068 n(:8I00t. Maple 62.50 IA. in 'rurtlec reek 'llWp. tJlia week with .her daughte r. Mrs, Made To Order and Maple att.Ya. Edmond 1WnaeI' and ta.m1ly In Dayned K1Iohn to Arthur Sr.• The M'i ami Gazet te ton. PROBA TE OOUB T- ' lot 43 In Lebano n. Gibbo aa ' Bldg. -Nort h Mn. Mary Marabal1 suf·f ered n ILucJOU8 C. Mounts . to Sy.lvanl a DIlate of Edward Smith. deed, WaJDeaYiUe; Ohio Cad AbaeoherlJi appo1nt ed _~dm.. Shelton and Ba.nmuel Collet. lot 1 broken, nght. ann in a. f a.ll at her home here on ~y ,of laSt week. In Lebanon. 111ed bood tor a2():15. cert!f1e d Da4ry LYTLE F'anruI. CIIUBC B 'SERVI CES Inc. to Dan';~ ~~~~~~~~'~;' EslGte J. . deed. Iel aDd' Mat'tJUertte Collette. ~.77 M.oI;·8 Day will be observe d at '.!! net va.lueatofFrank estate· isSpuhler SIl617.90. I Lytle (lhUi'cll nest But\da)'l with a ,Eatate at Daisy Mar&u'et Bercaw . A. In 'l1\Ult:.lecree 'Dwp. I Edna Nandby SkInner to 'Mala G. clecd. net varue of estate Ia $4500. TARV IA-Li THIC ,TAR , Ettate of ADIla N. Cheney. deed. Dundre n. 1.83 A. In F'ranklI n 'Ilwp. ATHL ETES FOOT ITCH and ROAD OIL Chaa. R. Orou to P1Dclle:Y' and " Howard 1.. Cheney , adm.. filed bond EXCAV ATING DUMP I Made TbIa 5 MlDate T", Wna JoluuIon , lot 1(4 1n ~n. "It ST.lINOe. !tAl STRON TRVCK SERVIC E lor • •000. G. It PENiEottla Turner. et a.l to M5nerv a A. T&A'I1J!S. It. maAO Sm Ready ~ at PraIlit Kramer. deed. net MiK Concr ete MORE GERIM8. 8uooeIIIdul' treatme nts Turner• .80 A. in HamiJto n Twp. value 'of E8t&be 1.1 .,376.61 . MU9l' be 1IIObIie_ ' M'tJST PENM1nerva. A. nuner to HUbert lIn'HlATE.lAloohOlla vtErW MoBILE. Wren. ~ A. in lbm.1lto n 'Ilwp. Te-ol contabl e 90%. 1I'ee} it take wilbur Cole. 42, ' truck driver. WUlIlllom C. Revena Ught to Andrew ilol<l." "Bjp8t seller in yeara" liay lOR; 'W'E- All-wool AxmJni 8ter Lovelaad; Elw. ,Wlilyna ville un Taylor; M. factory P. and J~ 1M. 'MI.1r. lot 2 1n LOO- ~ ~ere. Test; It for RQs. ~ wJth IJBCI. CIa11 Waynes - worker. Foeter. , 1t.cby, awea.ty'J)I' anelly feet. Get 350 anon. Phones f.3'7K vWe 88H;- ,----' 10e John Taylor, 33. mee.t ~. B. O. Taykll', et a.l to I..ambeJ t S. worth tocIaJ at Wa~ Druc Res. 88M 8t4!re. ' -31 Q ndnnat1; La.ura cadwal lader, 38, 000b. 221.38 A. in Turt.lecreek 'l1wp. lOR BALB-% Gae. Ii-~ noose, Bl8Daheeter. ' Albert 0I.r<l0 to Oladys Oaron. . ~. fUrnaIle , l-caI' 1Pf8Ce. nwmaa J ..._ _ _ n. _,.....,. Jot. 61S in cement side dnIve. cement wa1ka. i"ranIdl n. • _ .............. -. iBIve IbIde treee. J)Cl8Se&t:on In 30 jorce. K:1ns Powder 00•• Lebulo n; Mary E. Lulie to Samuel Walter daya. M6OO.GO. 8boWDI by> appoint - F'lQlll, Jean OritfLn, 11, Leb&oo n, ~ B11de. !U StuU. lot 49 1n PrankDIIIDt cm.q 8Il)'Um e ezecpt Sun- Rt. S. liD. dayJ. Wilbur N. Plio. . 1651. Main Street Phone 2651 Wayn esville , Ohio <iaJv1n Y. QuInby to Robel't K. . _~ REAL E8TA'I B 'DUN8 FEB8~

TW IN TH EA TR E .... .... ....


......... .


. ... .. . .

. .... ..... ..... ... .... .

. ... .

...... .•... .....• ..••. .•..• •••• •..•.

..... •....


Waynesville Drug Store


Cou rt New s

!iR$73!P. s!! $124.

Waynesville furniture Co.

$1- C)9




Sand &Gravel


Armitage &SOD I~~~ OI~1ce


W&lter and May H"*'Jv! n . to Charle& Ivan IIDC1 Qraee 14. Alder._ nuona b. aeUq w acoouut ot tQn, 88 A. ... UDiDo Twp. Ibeallb. iBacUtAi, ~. ~ &MIhry n P&tl1I:k to 0bI0. -IDe Walter R. Pitta. Jot aUI in PraDkllD. . Robert Q IQld II&r&'aiet :& 00nw1n 1 HAVil a 1IaIMecl ~ or frYers to WUaon and lilvelyn Nil:holwl. tor sale t.bJa week. 0D.l7 Ubaae wbo 850M ·A. in Wamm 00. 0Il'dfa0 early aan ~ ~p1led- JIiax,-I.-~_ L. and Helm 14. Burkhe ad W. RaDdaIIl - Phooe 2886. -19 to ' Ob.J1at1ne B. &aebUn, 9.02 IA. 1n --. ~-, - - - ' - - - C~ 'Dwp. MOWm - 0bI0 2-apee<t; boi'se Elmer Davia, adm. of ~te

RiS'l'A~ ~ OOoIfII'It,InnerJ, IW1l ~ oru.p reD$, pr1k:e.



dra.wn; :iI8'li


a,lmqIt DeW.

mlN1' -

RdWlBon, to Ruth WrJaht. lot 8 111n -24 •

'l-~ hou8e


l&rp aaroen. 'lbl'ee miJee aoutn

W~vllIB w




i'eten. ~



and Emery



:as1lliCk Hawke; Obedt row.. W&1'l'en , Braddock, I'booe am. -10

lIP YOU wad; tIlo .ell fOUl' fann0eJl or wr.1te Dan BeodenIIDn. . ~tAlI'. 81'1 LoraIn Avo. Da.yton. 0bJ0. D 3M8. -17

'. lOR &AU: Bad. . . .; ~

3 u.ed Hot Water


Il'IMIDe :IM8.

FAillar -10


PARK LOAN S-Loq r term. ...., ~

No apprai8a.l fee. .AlIo aIDe 1ID&l1 8Dd ~i,fanDII tar .... Call or wnte Oeo. . . . . . Pbooe !NO. 2, In"OO . t.rc

. .

00ImA u us: 0ERtrIi PIED


Fraoklt n. Pearl Andereo n to Dorothy . ~ ... AUCT IONE ERING ahner, 62.85 A.1n Frankl1n'l1wp. Stanl .y and Koogl er et.anle) ' J. and Ma.rtba }. WatklnB I'or Dates, Pbone 28M, W&ynM to J. K. and DocIde Bolin, .05 A. 1n Yille. Ohio, Reveree Obaraee LebcKJon. H. ThoaIU to Ernest q Elau. BBOItB B8 LICENS E ria Ellen M.WeI'. ~ A. 1n Clearcreek 'Ilwp. NORRIS BROC K CO. Oharle.s J. Waaon er to W. J. and • ClndnD MI UDiOD 'SiOcIl Yarda Pauline L. ' Koch. .92 A; 1n umon Twp. Joe 1.. NeucalIt, et a.l f.o B. F. arid NeWe ~orr1s, J14.9'l A. In M'aasle 1'wp. Wm. and OIa4:Ys 1AU to 0haB. N. and Ann BuckerheLde. 73.l1Q A. In 'W66h1n&:ton 'l'wp. . Helen E. Bh~er to Mred and Btella 9h1.llDilker. 3.86 A. in HamUton nup:' LI" Wire &lUI I'ftIIreIalve. AD orWIn. Groome to Wa.lter EwIng. .04 pDliaUO D HClOIId to DODe. Strictly ..ner. on &be beat aU _ d madrd A. in ~tAIn Twp. ' QlacbB F1nIkeJman to Norm84feaD In the ooaatrJ'. Senic: e That Siltiafiea NeI!f, 1 A. Ln Frankli n Twp.

WBiil!l ROCK 0BICKS-JBreeder of NatIaMl QI1eqJ 4m WIUte RocIt pen ' botb !HI aDd 1~ OUr 1HII WtIItem New Yon ~te8t pen 1.1 . . . '\'Vl.Ib RocIt peo in aU u. , 8.- tIlIouIh Deoemb er. . But obiaka of tbla proND 'h iIh 'JII'OCIUI*OD . . . b> tap pou1tI:J , praGt.I. 'BY..,. DIftNm 'obIdt ~ ,... . . ~ jao11CIa '" 1nid1vJd_ _ ...... .. R. O. P. male from dial GI . . to III . . ncard. . . . . JOUr anIIr'-lDda,, ' .. b de.... fcIr . . . ~ chicb . ;... wtII ...... ~. 1IIOlPI1. DDD'i be




"'**'4 . tWDnn , • ODIum-


...... .... JItIIWe .. !baae ••1..

Maeoo. and Marle SOUth, lot8 49 and 50 10 Lela Y. and 'lbelm& F. , Ell!a to B. E.' Oline. 9 A. 1n Wanen 00. WIlHam Po IHaJ1)er to Dona.ld W. and laverne E. Plunk_ . 39.68 A. In Balm 'I'wp. lm'etta Bkadan to Laura Joe iBalter: Iota 107, 1(18. 109 and 1110 In Dee'r.tteld Twp. ' , . Ruth Helen M8~"ibaI7. et eJ to John A. .6 A. In Turtlecreek" T.wp.



Val uab le Ove rse ,s Pac kag es'




25 North MecbaD lc

S'DIAR .... ...


3 ...... 5ge '5 33e &a1M

" ,."






Lebanon, Ohio

Wayn eaville Egg Ma.h W ayneav ille Bea~ Starti ng M..h , Economy Starte r and Grow er Maah


Maate r Mis. Starti ng M.ah Maate r -Mix Growi ng Ma.h Maste r Mix Egg Maah Chick Bed - Poultr y Litter

cwt. $3.40 ., 3.60 " 3.50

",. "

3.90 3.65 3.&0

bag 1.90 ~

HY BR ID SEED CORN VERY-BEST Iowa 939 bu. 8.&0 BUCKEYE U. S 13 " 7.&0 FUNK S Hoaie r-Croa t Super Quali ty Hybr id. " 9.00 . These Are ·All Hiarlieat Qualit y, Certif ied New Seed In Flat Grade . ~





PHON E 2371

Tpm ato J~iee 46oz.


Po ul try ' Feed

, _.


HOT....... II'O'ft.-H T


Fa rm er s ,-Ex~hang.e

O.fII_ . .~""_~n[lll'" 1ItiII- ~ to "" IItIfIIII "1CIerice Jt\OnIIIt • for . . . I . . . . I ....••



Inaure d AgaiDat Loaa b,. Any C..!lq..e

W .AY·N ES ·,V IL L ·E

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'CAlVO GLOVES ,•. 17e


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. i a Qt. PAILS :':. 1A·2ge Se ed Po tat oes

WI I"u r N. Se....·




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STOLLEN TO.... ~••

2ge IA.





14=· 20e



--= -- -




14..( COMMUN1~






FIVE CENTS PER COPY Nephew of Mrs. Conger Spending 30-Day Leave

Notice Of Fanners Grange No. 13 Meeting, Saturday

Civic Club Meeting Monday Eve, May 21

. Opl. George E. Walker o! Leba-

FamleI'S Grange No. 13 w11l meet in regular SC66lon on Saturday night at 8:'0 0 p . IJL This meeting serves n doUble ,p urpose In honoring both Motlher's and Memortal Days. The Rev. R. B. Coleman will be the spea.ker at the evening. The public Is oordiaUy lnvlted to attend.

Installation of Officera; Busineas Seuion Planned Many Urgent Mattera For Discuuion; Rapid Action According to Silas Snyder, newly elected pre&ldent ot tlhe Wa~esvl1lo C1vLc Club, who wlll .~ume ortl.c1Dl1y the duties or the office on Monday night, Mn.y! 01, tile sche<luled speaker for the evening haa been C8.Ill:eled so tihQt the Club will have the enblre even1ng to devote to business. <Mr. Snyder states that mlUl)' matters of lmportance to tale Club and to the entire conununlty are ur(ently In need 01 1mmed1nte attention. Since the dinner reservations are already ~e for mub members and their guests, It will not be possible at thla late date to tih1s an opea house meeq, but . Mr. Snyder wlhes to extend to all clt.1ze1lll of the oommunlty who have the desire to see their town an!I township prosper, an Invita.t1on to attend t.hls hn· pol1tant bus1ntl68 session of the Civic Chili whlch wlll ,s tart at 8 :00 ' p. m. The present and future Interests or lihe commWllty Is at sUlke and the do someth~ about it is now. . !Mi. Snyder amlounces .the appolntment of a. Memol1al ~ commlttee as ololtows: R . C. !Moler, cha!'1'-. rM.n. Maynard Weltz, Herbert Gra'ham, Rev. R. B. Coleman and W9.J'J'en Braddock.

• 1

non, nephew of Mrs. Delbert Congel·. is spending a thirty-daly furlougll wi th home tolks aILer spending 30 months in the South Pacific. H e wew wounded on Iwo Jlma. and at the completion of his furlougth he will be a.t Earl. New Jersey. fol' further treatment.

Clothing Collection Report Indicates Successful Drive

Memorial Day

Plans Arranged

Definite Amounta Not Yet Known; Eatimate 9000 Iba,

Dr. Cotterman, Engaged As Speaker of The Day

The old olotJh1n, drive 'Which was e&rried 00: here in Waynesv1l1e two weelts ago 'Was a complete success 1lIOOOrd1n8 to Ma« Randall. chamnan ot the drive 'here and Rev. M. G. Mltte~t, chainnan or the drlVll In Lebanon. No ol'othlng waa sorted or paclted for &hJpmerit here In W~nesville. but It was boJred to be ha.uled by truck to Lebanon where' a group of volUJllteer workers .have been serlng for over a week now ·to sort and pack in proper COl~taJ.llers, the cloth~glven by the people of Lebanon llnd lWayne.w1lle ' Rev. Nittelstedt, who is supervising stated that ,there were over 200 cartons w~ tram 21) to 200 lbs . each, which haNe weady been prc,pared for shipment. He also said that he fe~t . .vna.t in comparison to other communities that t'he drlvt: here had been more than Buccessful, ~ tlhat, althoog1l the clobh.1rig bas not been Weighed as yet tha.t tie .'f elt there was at least. 9.000 100.

Full Program Wil~ Be . Published Next Week


Woman's AuxilJary Meet Miss Prendergast Reviews Interesting Study ~ook

Methodiat R. B. Coleman, MI....ter (;)hurch school at Raymond ""'j~""lrl' 40mlng Servlces Youth FellowshiP. at 7:30. )holr practJoo, W411d1l1ilSC:lay 8:00 P. M.

The Woman'S Au.x llliary of thl! St. Mary's Ohurch met for their regu.!at. May meeting with Mrs. Rice SnllJPP as hostess at her home on Thi~ street. Nine ~embers were present and dunng the bUSiness Memorial be held May seSalo:n deiega,t es were appointed 27. at 10 :30. The ~oir will furnish for the COnvo.:o.Lion in Olnclnnatl. t e music ,for the scrvice. Miss Kathryn Prendergast gave an nppropria, . . ~ ,. interest.lng review of oJ. 'l>a t of t: .e The Youth b1p will give a new ' sbudy book for bhls year. , tOsemen t for Dnlnty refreshmenbl were served I Olass, 'J1uesby t he hostess and the society adak. 8:00 o'olook. journed to meet with Miss Prender.onary Society gast as hostess. Ih June. for t1le OIvlc , May 21. This


Friendship Club Meeting Mr• .Chu. Anderaon Hoaleaa June Meet with Mra. Bunke The Friend~p Ci'ub enjoyed their May ,m eeUng at House" on Wednesday wlldl Mrs. Oharles



Anderson hostel!s. · ilnteresting rmdlll~ were given by ·Mrs. J . J . Burske, !Mrs. Jolm Fronun and Mrs. WoodroW Brmdenburg n.nd were greatly enjoyed. During the scolal hour dainty refreshmen'ts were served by Idle bostess and assistants. 'lhe Olub adjourned to hold an evening meetin4t in June With Mrs. J . J . !Burske as bostess nt Ih er home. Announce Birth of Son

According to the committee compoeedof R . C. Moler, chn1l'man. Maynard Weltz. Herbert Graha m. Rev. R. B. Coleman lind Wwren Braddock. appropriate Memori I Services will be h eld a.t Mia~·.' · oem.etel'Y. Ma,y 30. at 2 :00 p. m. Special emphasis Is plllCed on the announcement of this time as in previous years the time of t he service has usually been 2:30. Thi~ year thc time will be 2:00 o'clock, sharp as ItJhe SpeaJkCl' for th e occasion hM another engagement la r In the a.fternoon that makes It very necessary tha,t the startlng time be prompt. Or. H. R. Cotterman of' the Depal'ltJnent of Edullllotion of Capital Unlve.rs1ty, Colwnbus. w11l be the speaker. A comple!te program and t urther annO\1J1Cements will IliPPea.r in tlt!)SC columns next week.

Class Of'45 WiD Graduate May 25th Twenty-Seven Membeti Complete High School .

t .

Burritt Hiatt,. Wilmington Commencement Speaker ' A class of twenty-seven Senlors graduated Friday evenlng, at 8:00 'O'cloc) >the high school (l.udltorlwn of bbe iWaYinjvilie wU\ b e MnIY 25,




lor the OCCllIjlon wiJl .H1a.t\ of WUmington.

Pf\th, ~nerlcan . elJ'.01C!e Wt l ~ . In ~"them tIrn~ bile r~bn was. the Gtfman .A:rmy In . taken to B~n-Baden to ¥t~ca on the

MI\ ~e

Oharlton. Donald ·Crane. Jack Davis, Jf'l't D1ckensheets. Muriel Eal'~,

M'a.l'Uha ,

Fisher. Robert Grnlmm, D9rothy Gruber. Ina Na.e . HJldebreoht, Lenna

Mr. and M!'S. Ronald Salisbury Hayride and Picnic Supper are announc~ the birth of a SOp. M1ss Bonnle satterthwaite en t.erI8aa.cs, Margaret we1iht . seven poWlds fOlLr ounces. ~. and Ml'II. Ralph Panes and Mr. and Mrs. LlOfd Davis and ta.lned a group of friends and classJohru;, Rlut.h Anna at lihe Middletown hospital on Sunson were week end aDd M:ot.ber'a $y sons were SUnday guests Of Mr. and LeMay, ruIth !Helen Burl1I)gton wnen they entertained Mrs. Peter Wilk1e of Oregon1e. was day evening. M8(y 13. 1945. This nfIW mates to a lll\yrlde and picrnc supper on Frida.y evening. iller t;uests wC'r e Ludlng<ton. John with a Mobher's Day dinner honoring t.he ~ner ~ 01 Misses AnnIe guests or relGt1vC8 in Nelsonville. , b aby son has lor his name. Jel'ry F err)' Church£;h";.1 Patsy Bal.Fd, Phyllis Burnett, Phyllis Mitchell, Elnora • • • their motiler. Mrs. Jos1lih Oavis. and Marne Browne on Thursday. ' Ronald Sollsbury, 8l1d his maternal Herbert Grabalil, later Mrs. \WentZel Harr18 ~ Waynes• • • Mn. Harry Burnett O'f Ly!tle called BaUey. !Mary Ellen ruhcr. Norma. Peters.~e groiidparents are Mr. and Mrs. Alva CHURCH S~ ES NOW ON v,Ule ~t sunday ' With Mr. aod ,...<_ . de on the Misses Browne, 'I'hursday ~u'tts, Vernon ___ J oanne 0' Bani'on very . Thompson, and prate.rnal gra.nd- Gruber, Janet Lakes. Shliley Lawson . Sr»w, IE Mrs. E1IaWOltb ~ of O<mwin, 11 ..........11,.. ._ft'_~ ~ ft~ afternoon and Mr. 4Ind Mrs. Ray. - ~.~ ~ ... Soott. BIIirah ' Jean 9:30 A. K. parents, Mr. and Mrs. D. R. Salis- Yvonne Stubbs. ~ttY TllOmas. . _ ~. r-U6>AUJ 00"""_____ ..., a "'.......... ~~ ••__ .~ . Stanrorth, niwyna • Joanne O'Bnn1on. Nonna. LongllCre. bury. MrI. t.. st. the ~ partq 8a.~ and had 'D1m1U lVWffi4IVlUeFY'" Oenter\IWe Communion and Mbnil1ng Oharles COlUlrd. Do.nald iDnkln, Don Vlnt, Hazel end iue&t ' of her daughter, Mrs. gu~1& MisseS !PatsY' Baird. were guests of the MlIlses Browne Worship 10:30 A. M . and DoYile Gerard, Richard GraJhrun. Surface. WllmR. Morn1ng SC'RDon, "Jesus Says, M.y Ralph D. Shipp Guest Glenn Bland e.nd family In Spring.' Betj,y ThOOl88, Yvonne Stubbs, on FlrkIay. . . 'Victor Thompson, Oris Sma,ILwood. Watklna, DaJe bolo. Pbyll:1s BaIley and sblriey lAwson. Mrs. Amanda Hartmun called 011 Church." Speaker at Wayne Townahip • • • • • .. t\'ll.ends In Germantown Frlc'.a.y after- Youth Services oarl RYe. RObert Sherwood and WU:a.l, Ruth 7:30 P. M. Farmer·. Club Meeting Dona ld Gillen. Woolla.rd\ WUllam oome and watch the Onsanavo or !Mr. and Mrs. Milo Miltenberger noon. Everling Evangell.stic C8.aaruJVa·s, Pres IHUghes. malte all and cl1lldren, Mr. ADd Mrs. Henry Sunday guests of Mrs. EVaiyn services 8:·15 P. M. June Meeting Scheduled KROGER BUYING BONDS the IlriB swoon. In "Ever S1nce EVe." WBotklns and daughter. Mr. and Mrs. Pete.tson were her sister. Miss Hanna. .Even1ng Sennon, "Jesus Opens At Riley-Miller Home TO TUNE OF $3,000,000 • • • . Obarles Watk1n8 84ld Mrs. Leo Greene and Mr. and Mrs. Burrltt . God's 'Door To l:>ardon." matt of Wlim1ngton. flbe Wa;yne Townsh1p Farmers ~. and Mh. 1101. A. Fulkerson had Conner and obidren spent Mother's • • Cincinnati. MQy 15--0Kroger Gro-· MTS. Georgia Ivins spent Swlday We had. a. glorious service last ClUb met at the bome at Mr. and Q8 SundaY' guests the former's par- daf with Mrs. 'Lt1l1a.n cmne and son CC1Y and BnJdng Compa.ny will subLord's da.y with 207 in :Bib1e sohOOl Bit the home of 'her son-in-laW and Mrs. S. S. Ellts, May ~O. Mter a entB, Mr. UlCI Mrs. J. ,N. F1ulkerson in Clnclnnat4. scr1be in Idle Seventh War Loan daughter, 1Mr. and' Mrs . Karl DaIkln and we h8lve faith to 'believe we can pleasant soc1al hour and a delicious Varied Program Shows ' of Spring V~. · • • • $3,000,000 In war bonda fur county ~ First Olass MYron W . In Lebanon. rove anobber like It next Sunday. fish dinner, Fred Hagemeyer, presl- Entertainment Value allocation on the tiIsis of $1.000 a Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth L. Elzey Hagemeyer or Great Lakes was the Mrs. Georgia. MendenlWl was the We invite yoU ,w ho mlg:ht read these dent, callect the meeting to order. Jose! and Helen M".cCoy will prestore. !'N. C. Bell. branch ma.nacer and daughter, Marjorie, of Day'ton. Saturday Ilfl!.t S~ ~ of his week end guest; of Mr. and Mrs. Church notes, If you ' no church Mrs. Gross, 01 LOOanon, prooldent sent a group of plano students In visited MI'. ~ Mrs. Walter Elzey, parents, Mr. and Mrs. 0tW1!lS Hage- Ernest Martln in Da.yton. harile . to Itry the Ferry Cburch of of the America.n Legion Auxilllary, recital at 8: I) p. m. Satw"da.y even- here. lUlIlOWlced today. "Kroger's policy In bUY4nr war meyeJ:. Mr. and Mrs. jameS HageSWlday altenioon, Mr. md Mrs . Lawrence P eterson Christ and see and feell the friendly told of 'the work t1le orga.n1mtlon lng, May 19. boods is being continued in the meyer and ch1ldren of Kings Mills 01 Indianapolis. Ind., and Mr. .and atm~ere that preva.1ls every has done and is doll% to !help reThe program wlll be given In the Mrs. Bertie Mills ent.erta.lned to Seventh War Loan 011 'the basls or also were ~ guests. Mrs. Milton Sheehan of Cente~e Lord's day. Not amy thllt. 'b ut we tI:y habUlli8ite veterans in the Dayton McCoy home and Is as follows: Sunday dJnnel' M!'. and Mrs. Cbe6te1' local oommutilty participation as tt called on Mrs. AlIce Clark on Sun- in our we8lk WOIY, to pfta:c.b tile Soldiers' Home. Duet. Day [),ream. Bilbro-Dprothy was in 1944. iln 18 midwest and CUtler of Olnclnnatt. Mra. Lewis Mrs. Viola Harlan wns Sundny da¥. . ,g~ of our Lord. Jelll18 Christ in Mr. Ellis lntroduced ·R aIph D. and MilJ'inim Wilson southeln slJaltes tJhe COInPBnY' baa 'I1IKmpaon and Mrs: Erwin lOlls. gu65t of bm. .son-ln-law and daughMrs. Lucllle Aml1t.age Spent the buch a. manner that folia w1ll accept &hipp, of the !Warren County ConLeap Frog, Stilus; March of the appr ox.l mately 3.000 stores for each -ber, Mr. and iMrs. Barold B. Earn- weeke~d 8Jt :the home' of her daugh- Him and serve min. For without servation Dlistl'lct. as guest speaker . Nre, LoUise Conger with her Drums, BUbro: David B.rown of 'WhIch Kroger ,wlll subscribe tl,OOO, 1l8rt. and ohUdren. Afternoon callers • .tel' in ·S prll1g(Ie1d. Her llttle grandwe no hope or eternal Mr. Shipp described the work that Wooden Shoe Dance, Wrlgh,t,. a' toW of $3.000.000. In the C1nclnoowiin, Mm. Altce Hin ol Yellow were Mr. and ws. K. N. Houg.h daughter. Wiruue Jo Owens. 8.C- Jife. the employees of bbe Dlstrlct are Spr1np, spent the past week with 5a1avlc Dance; Ruth· Wardlow nnti Branch. IJhere are 155 IjtOres, and ohllQren and ~. and Mrs. canpanied her home f or .a. few-aays 'S o Why not drop in on our Service ~lng to help Interested farmers their a.unt, SU81e Phlthouser of Chinese Dance. Moo l.oo, Anthony; and the total sUbscription ~ be Ernest Hal'lan MId QaUtrhters. ~t. next Lord's da.y and hea.r God's word preserve the ferttllty of their soil Mlrillm Wilson $11)5,000. In addition Kro8'er emLou1sv1lle, Ky. • • . i iDe prepared for a tornado when Miss Ollve Williams v1s1ted a preached and enjoy Jd1s : blessings and to restore fertlllby to land that. Crescendo. Lasson. Playera. Gmnployees w11l buy bonds lndivldua.Jb:," 1Mlr. and Mrs. iAlMar Earnhart, Betsy breezes onto the st.li4te in .friend in Bell10untalne a few days with \18? A hearty welcome awaits has lost it. ados; Anne Weltz Bell said. - . t.hds week. all who will oome Mr. and Mrs. A. H. Ea.miha-rt and "EVer S1nJCe EVe." . A. D. RobUlscln, engineer with :t'he Brooklet. Lemont. Serenade by grandBon, Lama.r ElwOod ~, • • • Miss Margaret Ediwards' visltoros Wo.rren Oounby Conservation DlsliMoon\l.ght, Parodon; Judy Davis were m La Rue, Oblo on a ,b usiness Mr. a.nd M4'S. A. H. E!U-nhart. had on Sunday were J. W. Edwards. Mrs. Waynesville . riot, expla.1ned tile need for COllSUr [.a. dillce a' Sweet Briar, CrawtriP durln8 the peat weet. till Sunda.y d1nn~ guests Mr. and . G. W. Rhein and children, Billie. Church of Christ senvatlon. He Showed that It ls only . ford. The Olown. Kcl't1: W11llam Medley, ~ 14, was Mrs. :Earl Ea.r.niha:rt and childrcn Bobby and Dorum. · Elizabeth of Max Randall. MJm.ter from nch ~ that we can secure • Jinun y Dye 1If you tJhlnlt your 1am1ly has probfound dead alonghlghwaq 73 abeu' and Mr. and Mrs. ~ar Earnbart. Springfield, Dr. o.nd Mrs. Gale E. Bible School ~ : 30 A.. M. food dch in vitJarnins and m1rlenIls Capl'!ce or the Gnomes. Eckstein. lema. come and see Mr: a.nd Mrs. 2 miles from WUm.ln8Wn, ~y Mr. and A. K. Day had as Ruscswn • .Misses Margaret a.nd Iva- Oommunlon - 10:30 A. 1M. essent1a.l to our well being. Blossoms in May, Johnson ; Clover solve Obeirs in "Ever s1rice morning at 2:30 o·clock. waa Th~ overnight guest, th.elr son, lon Russwn and Mr. and M1"s. Robert Sermon - 11:00 A. !L Guests ,f or bbe meeting were: Mes. Doris Brown Eve." presumllibly caused by a hit-skip • • • ft'&n!t Da)'l-ar Winchester. Ky. Keresey of Da~ton. Christian Endeavor - 6:30 P. M. Gons. Mr. Shipp and Mr. Roblnson In Poppy Land. Kussncr . Poem ca.r. 'I1helma ____ and Mary Miokal of • • • Among the callers at the Home. EVening 8erv1oe - 7:30 P. !L of Lebanon. ReV. and' Mrs. R . B. Moonlight Madonna, Flbich; -.iMra D . . _~ W.. '--t d ~Wl "" day, were Mrs. Emma PIerce Wld Mid-week prayer servtce Surviving is his mother, Mrs. Maud ur-v at hnon.. ' . ~l --.n woo re urne Ooleman. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Ellis. AnneJOOgers Olnc·....~ft AnAnt ..... U' -;r"'II' - - y - to' her h .N._ _ I~ ---"in !1so f ...,-- Dr Thursday mght - 7 :30 P. M. Medley 01 Harveysburg. two brot hers, wUh Mr. and 1MrII. Ellswor:th .Biggs . ome ~ \iUl1Il ed at Miss Mable W no....,.,...... . Mrs. Glenp. BoNien, Mrs .. Mlnnii! J...a, - }.!nzurkn, Bohn. Au Orville and CaeU. boIlh overseas hl of CorIwln. MtJernoon caller. WOB the ~ Valley 'h ospital for several .Gnd 'Mrs: Dudley Keever of CenterThere were 1152 pre.ll€~t for Bible Monger, M1"s. Robert Gra~'.. BObby Matln. Godard; Judy Conners the Armed Forces, and six sisters, """' ..... er Kroniboltz of Olnc1nnati. dan for obaerve.tfon and treatment. "me, Mrs. Margaret Johns of Lytle ~l last SUnday. 'l'he program and Kenneth, and Mrs. Joe Worley Dance of t ile Sunbeams. C«dman.; Mr. and MI'8. Philip Z6Ph 01 O1n- and IM iss AIlIUl. Louise ShImer of for the morning !Service centered . Mrs. J'ames Ross and Mrs. Edwa,r d 'Dorothy Wilson . I\round Motiher's Day with anTn'O_ and Jamoe. Younker of Route I, SpriDg Valley. Sgt. WWa.rd R. ~ of FaIr~ clnnatl were Sunday guests of the C1nc1hn.n.t l. .....". The June ~ will be at tihe Hungaria.n W<l:r Da.n.ce. Reinhold. baiW, a':.. .... 18 Cme '--t oor hla latter's ·fat.ber, Mr. George Smlth. ______ pItate hymns, spec1a.l nwnbers and Mrs. Merr11l Lew1& of HIa.rV~g. ........-. ..-sLl...on by ~kft m:Inlster.. '. ·Rlley-M11ler home nea.r· ftIdgev111e. Russian Djmce, En8lema.n; Mrs. BMold DeBoard. of wumlngparents, Mr. and iMnI. Lawrence •. • • ~.......'" F'.ra.IWes Wlhittaker PUmaa. He .w1ll reWrn to Wllm1ngMm'. and 1Mrs. ·Delbert Conger and M\'. Randa.ll wUi preach on the Don't miss the Ben10J Class Play, lOuet- _ Message of the Violet, ton , and Roma. and Betty at ·home. bon, Del., where he . bile been re- family had lIB tbeir Mother's Day bubJect, "Conac1ence" bh1s Lord's "Ever Blnce Eve" on ~'l'1da¥ evenFuneral serVices were conducted Bilbro; Oorollll¥ and Miriam Thursday (todaY) &t 2:00 p. IJL at . ':'''6 guests, Mrs. M6J'tb'llo Walker and . The W. C. T .· U. met at the home Day morning. and theI'C wlll Oe no 'n~, May 18. : .. asatgnect to ...... A. T • C • ~... i= WlliIon the Ohurch at. Goo In Harveysburg • • • children of lAlbanon. Mise Edna Mae. bJ oFlOrelll:e 'Frost. Thl.1l'Sda.y after- servi.CeS In tlbe evening (~t the church SUppOrt the lfJ&tlty 7th Wev Loan. Mnt. IAlcWe w8a Mother's Ryan or Wutru~ and Cpt George' noon. . because of the b8ccalaurea.te ser- ====~f======== Be sure to see prllCtlcial Supt. with lntClVl1ent In MIami cemetery IDII6'SU- of her 1OD-lD-laIW 8iDCI E. Walker.. Attemoon tialleI'8 were Mi-B. Charles Smart was a OInSIt· the h1&h school.. A .J.tin Ch h Quinn melt under the 1n.f1uenoo of under.the · dlreCtion of the McClure MI'. &:n4. Mn; !WoOdrow Mr. &nd :Mrs:. 'nldd Bunce and. Mr. clhnBlti visitor on iFrlday. One. !tom Sunday is' the St, urc Martha "Ever Since Eve." . Funeral Home. Owena' aDd children in apnx.rfield. aod lIIn. Sbennan WtlaoO. . The Men's Club met at· the School special aunda~ of iIlhe Dlont~. A pro- FaUl~rtal~ ~':':~lI. abe waa ~ home by het: : . . . ., . , ' . hOU8e, IW~ even1rl8. gram sUitable for the ~ is be1n8 ~ 1. . ' ~ter for a aboR watt.. Mi.,erld-Mra. ~ Sattex¢hWalte Fred . ~ Is ' ~ b1s wlife plafned and· special erfort 1s going Friend. ~' -A....TH·O UGHT FOR TO-DAY .• • • . . enter.taiDed, to c1Umer en , ~ . and famuy here.He. 1s statlOned, ln to be ~ade to ~ . new: ~Ie FIrat Day ~. _ 9:S0 A. 14. ,,-;-' The mercy of th~ LOl'd i~ fropt ev,erlasting ' t.o Mr. Ul!d. Mrs. wamm :8ri.ddock ev~ ~ ' W1u.i.ra Ulali ' . into tJhe semce that day and on the Meeting fOl'lWuahlp. -10 :30 A. M. . everlasting upon' them t hat fear HIm. and H1S aD!l' dIqbter, Betty. ~ ~ Siln-. NnIu. Oo¥~ ~ at l'pl8eci"for the. , ~Woods a!l'd ~ Ellls 8un~ followlng. . .. \~ _ _ . righ~oU8ne8S unto children'S cllildren; to kee.p day ~ aueate. Un; Pn.oJt honor trUMt, Yr. and MlrB. Ell P\u:n88 spent T~ , In Xenla. . . his covenant, and to th0,ge that· remlember HIS doaIt, and Ai evetmJ4r guesta, aDd·ohOdreD.Mr.·aodMrf.'1&wrence oiJbert. WelCh of :'D et.rott Jii Vlalt- St. Mary'. Episcopal Church t. Holl,. Methodiat Church commandments to do them. The Lord h~th pre88t. . ~ -H&rdID, ..., Mr. ~, ~-.s ioG, Mr,' and Mrs. HenrY Intr hiS motber , • Mr\, Oba Weloh: ' . D.'-h Beetor '1'. M.~ ... r ., 8UDda.y -..: 9:80 'A. II. pared His throne in the heaven~, an.d His kinglin. lIarllllll'nhart. Mel cbDdren. R. • . ,JOUea Boonte aDd Mrs. McmDD~ died a.t the ~ome ~urch ScbooJ at 9:30 A. II. lIL A. ~lnteDdant. dom ruleth' over all, . , ~watte &lid the bolt of her daU8'hter, ~ DeboaI'd, ilornlns pr&)'U and ..ermoa. Worabtpl ·~ - 10:3~.A. II. -Psalms 103:17-19 8I4CJi&'t tMlIIIib~.,&I1 ~ 'l'burada1 maftIIlDI. 14:00 .. 11. lIIreDlDtr ~ -- 'l:ao j.1I.. .

Personal Note§


. t.'.. ' C. Jdm'"

Friends Home

Wi.... .. _ .. ni&ht


as ner



McCoy's Holding Recital For Class Piano Students

·.. • ••

• • •



• ••

William Medley




_uta" ......

_ _ _A


• ••














P . arIIa,

war Loan.: r'



The address " given on SUpdaJ ~, at 8~ ' p. m. by Rev . R .B. l~an in:the :. h igh school auditor! ~ PubJ~t :'., w11l 'b e. "Supr~ Vi~" I I \ The flnal activlity fOJ'O!b.e~.wm be tile banquet p resented",t h . by bhe Alumni Assocla.tion 00 sa.turda.y, May 26. - '. ~ Th05e gradil.tating In the Seruor . Class of '41) are as follows: Burnett. JanIce Bernard. Robert Bradley, Kenneth ~. Rayl,yn





The Miami Gazette

B....." M.Uoh Awarded


Published Every Thursday by Davisson Press


, Floyd L. Davisson. Editor-Publisher

May 8. 19t15. ~y. VE Dft,y. A oeJeb'ra..tlon . with bhe fla€ at hall DUlSt. ' After listenfug over the radlQ to celebration In T1nles Square, New York. and Fountam Squ Oln are. c1nnatl, I WI1!l drivtng to Da.yiton wit.h the cheers stlll rintini In my eal'8.:At Fa1nnont High SchOOl the ~ was a.t ha.lI! mast, of course. Next the Natioool cash g..m"ter I a.d all -1"'''- h tiheu- iJaas out, big ones a.t the comers of the bullding.s nnd rows of smaJler ones all 8Jt half mast. 'Olen tlbe Itill force of It st:l'UCk me. ,the pert1'ect symbol of tlbe day, a ce!ebra,t!on with t11e

SubaCt1ption Ra~s: (Payable in Adyance)

'---""",Your lIM5 Garden--

Within '15 miles. $1.50 per year Beyond 15 miles. $2.00 per year

nUghW seventh, TO f&1l now in the THE WAR IS OVER? matter of tlnanclng thl8 war woul4 We haIV'e'hee.rd from divers places be like our boY!! ~ng down their during tbe lUt ~ th!IJt the war o.rrns and reftL'iine to fight. Wba.t 11 over. TO IIOIDe Ifolka ~hls Is perhaps woUld we think of tjhem? '!then the a more or lea true statement. Tllose same can be true 16 what. they think with boys or girls in service In the area of Oenn&.D3 are perhaps very of us l In sl>enkJIlg of bile war being over glad it has aU encred over there and let us not Jorget that tOr many 1t ~ them ~ war 18 over in one lienee of the phrase. To a lew mU- will never be' over- and for the ion other mother6, fathers. Wives, children of the com1ng generations for many, many years. this war w1l1 sweettleart8 and children ~o have s tili be golng Oil. Let us not be hasty love ones in the Jap held territorie5. in de<:.Iamlg the war over, to do so the phrase, the war 18 over, Is not Is only to lengtheN It out. a WIT true one. Many long bard da.ys Rather tll8l1 about It being and weeks. yes, pumps montlls and OVtl!r ,or. nearly over. let US get 101.0 years of hard, enel, bloodY and the fight 'and p1tch In with 88 large ~ tJshtlns' Ues ahead fOpI t.he a War Bond as we can. po65ibl<Y .tn. men ln thI.s &rea. To my the 'W8!' 15 over 18 only to vest In. Yes, lJWest 18 the right word, DIMe it b&rder for thOse who still We ate not ' aakOO eo give a,nythlng , are actJvely engaeed In the canbat. Just Invest. On title other hand. our 'IGlk at tb1a kind leeds people to boys do not have BUOh a choJce. they let down Just When tbey should be can OWy give, give, and give. buc&llns doWn to bUl!ln.e6s all the more, IllBkine sure that no Ufe Is Card of Thanka-klIIt t.l1rooih tbe tanure of anyone I 'W18h to eJtpr8Sll ~ 6'lncert> over here keepl.ns up their end of t.Ila.DU to all my ~ends tor the the Job. many 'c:ard&, letters, flowers jUld Now tile goven&llIImt 111 a*1nr 'the gifts I recelved 4U11n8 Itl¥ recent people ot ~ country to d1g dawn hOflpltWzatllon; the)" trul)'I mean ~ tim ever to eupport the more than worda can tell. Mrs. RUssell Wl18on. enatellt ot e:1J Wu- Bond Drives. tile =======================J,r===-=~ '

Watering Practices

na.g at

h3ll mast. Joy that pant of Ule Iig:.l~ 15 over but t he flag ~t half mast to remind us of the price we hlWe pn1d. a reminder of the man who would haV~ rejoiced mo5t to see this da.y. 0. reminder or all of the

men who wUl not come baek, a remlnder that the job is onl~ half done. A celebro.tlon iWlth the ~ a.t Ihalt mast. Do.y:ton \V&a If/W'Y quiet, A few p&Iper

streamers, a





people lo<*.1ng lor some excltement b ut no crowds no bands, no parades, open churches. closed stores. the usual groups of women maklng dressings fOr the Red Cross. a de. tenn1ne.t1on eV'eI'IY' where to carry throUgh until it 'VoW! over above it all the tlag at i h a J f ',



May 11, IMII. Friday. Last Ng,bt ealam1ty hit us. At ten o'clock all 'W88 well in the brooder houae. Two bundred. more or less. baby chloks and .wenty baby tlli1tey!l JUIIt two weeks old ch1rped content.edly at bedtime I.nspeetiOI:l. Be-

fore mldnl8ht there was nothing left but the lIIJIOIllderlng ashes. Just wOOt ~ we never will know but kerosene .stoves have ways o! their own. They w11l burn safely tor montha then some~ wlil go wrong, the fire gves out. the keroWe print the first picture sene stU1 drlps, a sooty ,spark I.s sUll ever published of this great alive 'a nd there 18 a fire. Just 69Itle masrer of both brush and 8l1gt!'e6tlona or warn!nea to others. Is your st.ove burning with a clear pen. Undoubtedly he is one blue tlIBme? Have yOu en0U3h insurof the world's most astound- ance on yoUr house to repair ing lyric writers of the hour. or re-bu1ld? Have ha4 your Two of h~ lyncs have c:1Urcks lnBured? U you have turkey cleared the discriminating poults or other birds in with ,t hem are tbey 1n8I1red. separately 80 that editorial staff of "The they will be covered too? We bad ' Pa~nt of Poetry" for lnBurance aD the obioks but bhe world distribution His turks lIVe put in later 8Illd bhey were "Tribute to Roosevelt" was not covered. No lnsUnlnce - would one. it is a lyric hymn- aD(~ reallYi ~ for all the care -that goes bhem and the lo6t tlnwl but it very worthy of a national leto Qoes help aga.ln. prize. Below is his latest More rain and more fl'Olit and beautiful Bong lyric. another freese, wW Ulere be anyt.h1nI le£t? Yet early gtLrden plantInc does ~ 88 the rowa of peas and I'M TAKING YOU lettuce and even ppta,toes In Way-FAR FARnesville I!IIJ'dens prove. Haa your _ at cat sot tile manae 01' Otber BIdn trouble? Try tb1S, rub If Ohe atlected pa.rta wit.h tomatoes, preferobly a little fennented. My I lingered on a shore-line, tenan.t told me that ~ I tried U Of a far off. far-away. foreign on SlJu*ey and abe .Is better. Now While some one crossed my life-line; , I will 8A)ly our old rerned¥, equal parts C1! coal-oU and lanl, and tlh.e With far way; foreign. sweet words to me. hair will begin to grow aga.ln. In

Stanford Bogen



FAR AwAil". '



And Cultural Rules 1mpOT tan t' WHO wlll be the rookie of the ,year for 1945. a year when rooldes are about as scarce as wild turkeYI that Jleed out of your hand? Sam Bread,on. the Irish • panned o:.vner of thel St, Louis Cardinals, knows more ,about rookies and blis had m ore goc:ld begln~efl than any. one e1se In baseb a I J. Yea raft e r year, the Cardinals have eome up with rccrults who proved , to be better than many well • known vetcran stars. Breadon kel!ps his eyes on the Idds. Their lalarle,s are never too hig:h, but St. Louh 18 tar from being t1:,e hot. Grantland Rice test baseball town in the country. 80 far as attendance figures Bhow, You can ullderstand Sam Bread· on'a enthnslum whea hc flcor" that he has not ooly the best roolde 01 1945, but I~ae of the best 01 .U Ume. _ All of the aforementioned - Is by way ot leadilllg up to a recent ramark made by Breadon as he watched Billy Southworth ready hla CatdlnalJ tOlr another NaUonal league campsllgn. The experts were sayw. that the Cardl w.ere a cinch and that the IIll·Ume record 01 four straight l09-a·year victories wat; as good aa In AI Munro Ellas', ItatiS' tICI. but Brf!alf:on wasn't thinking about the Cud. in general but of a freckled·faceClldd playin, left field.



recent studies in curative 84fents derived from molds and studies of vitoollns there may be some cura,t ive power in the tomo.toes. Many a.nlm81 skin troubles Come lrom faulty. diet perhaps they tick off tomatoes and are cured by the Yitainlll8. or perhaps It Is akin to penecIlI.ln or rpeM8IJlS sh!) would have been better anyway.

CHORUSI'm taking you far; far. far-away. I love your touch-o. in such-oJ much-oJ touching way.

I'm taking you far; - far-away. Your Ugering fingers', near my heart. 'Tell me such-o, much-o. different, sweet words to say. Want you - always, near to my heart. 'rhat's why - I'm calling to say. I'm taking you far far far away -~

May 17, ~9tII. Tueeday. RaIn aga1n. Not three daoys In swcesslon all month and st1ll no new roofs. We C84l flilltY ap}1roo1&te of bh in Int.. (lOpyricht IM5 II), Stanford ~n - Mjaml G....ue. l\III.J 1'1. 1945' the d awl'" e man Ar.Jw.nsaB ::;;;:;;;;;:;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;:;;;;;;;;;~~~~~~;:;;~~;;;;;;;:~::;:;;;;':,":I who cooldn't get hJs root tlxed be[, --C&U8e When It rained he coul<;ln't f.1x it and iWlhen it dldn't be 4!dn·t need J.t. When it 'Wall dry lor so long 1 ddd not know they lroJced and now It OFFER ra1ns aU the time so that we can't




get tihem fixed. . The best planUngdatea 111 the crops and it 111 too wet. to do anything. Last year we planted our lamous PIUIIPdna UDder t.hls sign but no oorn PIaDt4ng todG.y 80 no pumpidJ:l& ~er, z.t wonld be infm-

~cGI1ure ~Unetal ~llme Dial 2111

Waynesville. .ohio


eetiID& II those who plant by the

~~~~~;;;;;;;;;;~~~~~;;;;;;~~;;;~;;;;;;;;~;;;;;~ ~ would repor,t special 6\JClCa!6eS J. - - - - -- --or ta.Uures. Of , ~ to be solen-

The 7th Bond Drive Is On ,



tUJc tItlere should be test , rows or pa.rta of l'OWB planted ~th the same



U the IIOlJcltor miaIea JOU. come ln' ~ C# calil ~ op, _

Berte8 E BoodB are money on dePQIIt, Gad In'tee8t ~ula;tes on "fIbem. t18.'16 - . you t25',cIlHn 10' ~. 8uara.nteed Of yOUl" own rovemmeDt.

· a-n •• vI"II. N _tional ' I · Bank W The '1'1 ItI •• _ w. . ---anOhIo



_ _ _ _IIiIi;a;iiOiiiiiOiiiiOlililliiiil. .__;;;;;;I. . ._________ -~-__ y ._ . ._ .. ;..~_ _ •

__ .... Wlder oIIher a,lsnB for ~ doubt.er6 always say. " -Oh, you only remember the tiJnes it, 'Worts." SO It the 1ncrea&e your potatoes planted 0: the moon all go to ~ 'a nd ,th06e plaOt.«s 'm 't he dec.reai,ie ~ ' good , , , e pot&~ , ~ll \III about it. complete wUoh ~ IWh~ , ~ MaIW old I.deaa, 1lha.t were l.IiI.1I!Ibed a.t are be- , ln8 proyed to-be at1Iut ~IY' t~ 80 let us -all do kIIle iac1enil'tlc r _ BeIL1'Ch and 1ve e prove that ,a re more · open m10ded 'a.od up td date than the 1IOOMera. -



~ tbe-~ '1111

w.r Loa.o. Mwiaf

"He's a bet.ter prospect r1ght now than was Stan Musln) when he reo ported to u .... remarked Breadonand a half dozen reporters' pencUs dug Into note pads almost betore Sam's wordi were dry in the hot St. Low air, "Better than Musial? Say, wasn't that taking 111 a lot of terrltory?" ''WeU,,' Breadon haateDed to remark, "1 mle_ be can do more UWIp. Be'. a, gOocIlnflelder: he CaD pl.,. '!Ie oatIlielel aa you now aee. We could _ him at !Iecond, ,bort, tIllrd, left.' center or rlcht .nel ,top worrrlDc .bold .ny posiUon he took over. Be'. 1111 . . . . . . they come .nd thOle IDlnor batUn, .ver..... are DO Bullea. W.tch him. Be'. the roOkie 01 the year." And who WBI the target of aD thI. taU praise? WeD. you'U Ilear a Jot about him thl, year-Albert (R4!d) Schoendlenst, · . typesetter'l head· ache but a m IIDager', dream, Here's a player who has been headline batt ever since he walked intO a ball pElrk. Well; almoat ,ince that H!at da,-. The weight of num· bera obscurlld h1I firllt trek to Sportsmen's Park for .lie was one of sao or 400 kid; Invited til 1942 for a tryout :lIchool As a matter 01 fact. Schoendlenlt just walked In with a pal trom Germantown. m.. and told the Cardinal Icoub he would like u) be • ball player. He , wa. put tbro,u gh a lerles of testsraces, throvllina contests. battin, drills-and. a.fter the Icoutl had pre· pared • few note. on him he Wa, excused and told he ,could Itay for the ball gam.~ that afternoon of June 18, 1942. He returned home not know· ing when he would be called again,

Quickly Si""'ed Up

co. HII didn't have to wait long. The Cardinals' Union City, Tenn. team In the Kitty league · sent an 50S to the parent baU club. and the St. LouIs boa rd of strategy: , after a hurrlcd meJ)ting, decided to sign ull the kid redhead. AI I IBid. 8choendlenlt was heael· lIae·happy from the lltart. De w.a battin, .407 whC1l the Ie....e 41.. banded and f1nlahed Ute .... on with Albaay, Ga" where be hlt .269. The spring of '43 found him .t Po.... mouth (Piedmont bat wben he opened the ae.aoa with elcht

NATURE II not alway" kind to the farmer or t9 the . Victory gardener. Drouths, 60od., excel' sitre rain. Insects and other pesta oftentimes set at naught all 'the work and patience and care which 'have gone Into the garden. Moles and rabbits, too. often do mu ch da mage to gardens. and it 11 not a ,blld idea to have II mole trap on hand. The rabbit problem partlcu· . ' .. 1arly on form gar· dens and In town gardens near the , edges ot town or in II open spaces il one ,, hard to solve. One ' 00 gardener writes that he has partially solved the problem with the scarecrow Idea. that Is. he ,drives a sta ke or several stakel about his ga rden and attachel by a string, a paper bag wh1ch hes been innated . The breeze wave. the ba, around and SCBI'es Brer Rabbit away. Of course a tight tence I, the best insurance against rabbitl.




The Victory cardener, however, should provide .,alDa' droutha by !IeJectin, • ,arden s)lot as near to water ailpply •• possible. And the waterln, of • rarden hi Important for tt, a_ cess. In mOlt locallU.-, ibe ...... den wiD require • molAare a.po ply equivalent to .bout aD lDeb 01 ralntaU • week durlq the growln, ae.BOn for the beat plaat ,rowth. So In periods of dry weather It wni require roughly that amount of wa· terln, per week, An inch of rain I. equ1valent to about 28,000 gaDons per acre or about 900 gallons on a SO·by·50 foot rarden. It Is much better to give the garden a good ,oaklng about once a week than to It sparingly more often. Light Iprlnklings at frequent intervalJ do little. It any good. The best way to apply water 1a to nm It the length of furrow. between the rows until the soil Is weU .oaked. U the soU Is very landy or the surface too Irregular for the turrow method. sprinklerll or poro\l& irrigating hose may be Ulled, It requires years of ItUdy and ex· perience to become an expert gar· dener, but a reasonable amount Of Itudy and careful attention to Ilmple instructiOllJ will enable a beginner to avoid dlsaatroua or humor· oua errora and to obtain lome gratl· fying resultl. To help the inexperi· IUced gardener keep out 01 lome 01

so by

becoml~ a lwiteh hitter. Now will tell you he packl

more punch u a southpaw Iwatter than he doel as a rJg!lt·handed rap1Iti', h1I original .tance at the plate.

Gordon 'or Doerr?

, One of the Inaln ar".-.. ..... enta amoDg war hosp~tal parUllnl, i, the choice between Joe GordoD of the Yllnkees and Bobby Doerr, of the, Red. Sox. Bere', par' of Ole aDlWer-Go~ don'. 8ve-yeJ~ b,"lq ayenre"" ,!M, - Qoen~'a ' aeY , en year w. . .round,. •,2 8S;Gordoa In bIa live ',ea... beitel! , old US bom,e whlle ~rr In . hla aeven ye.,... hl~ onl1' 87 ,'oar..b."er~ Gord... Idle ba4 a roe4 lead .. tile ...tter.. run..baHed.... Tbl, leaves prett, weI m.tebed ofteualvel1..





&IDOIlIr 17 ctY1lSaD empl~ 01 the P'a.trlield .Air Technical aemce -it came your tum to the a.t ht.tenon F1eId to win t.breebe1'8 when ~ lived on t,Qe 8. tptal ~ ~ in eaab .warda in fann? 'Ibe nelebbor wpolen oeme 111 th1a :week'. ' '8UgeatlODa (or VictOr,y·· conk8t a.t tobe Held, it 'MIa a.nnouDCed to help mother with Clhe ' cooldng. yesterday. EnOU8'h iOOd fOOd waa COIlBUtJW!d Mel1Ob. wbo f.t! •employed In the that ~ to rum t.he ~ ot every 1J\j)- aasembly branch of ' the t!Ili1ne movie It&r in Hollywood. Bemeuiber? repa.1r aect1on, PATSe maintenance div1lo1on, received hJa a.'MU'd tor augSTtlBBS FUNERAL 8ICStlDe • flJttUre tor 8tor1n1 and HOME haullng oU PlOP easemblIes. It 'WU Telephone Uti hl5 third ~-wtnn1ng idea In the Wa~ IFATBO weekly cotIII.e>t for empIDyees. 0bJ0

Quick _Service for DEAD STOCK Ho...., Cow., Hop Calves, Sheep, etc. BEMO:vp) PJl,QMP'I"LY ,



... _.-





It .'Wanted Poultry & Rabhits

9-12 eedl


1-0~"" W~

'1-9 Sat.urda.y eventnc

<*Ie IIftIDilI8I .. ~


The Chickea House



Dr. C. & WiIkiD

GREENE BROS. 201 CIDCI.n.U Aft. -: XenIa, O.

Phone 411




'In Dia Name. IL B. U.Dter. BIble 8choif1Japt. ~ Graham, 1!IIlDIater '

808'-S IDAI-IlY


It Is • of willewater ,.rdener plenty ror who hi. ~:;;:;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;~;;;;;;;;~;;~;;~~~~~~;;~, ;;

the commonest troubles, several 1m. 'p ortant "don'ts" are listed: Don't try to grow vegetablel on ground that Is too poor to make a gcod gTowtQ of weeds or grass; made up mostly of rubble or un· weathered subsoil 611; contaml. nated with coal. chemical or oU. product wastes; so wet that It growl weed. common to marlh,. 'Potl: likely to be flooded by atream over. flow: located 10 ~at it receive. much storm drainage or lurface wa. ter or Ihaded by large tree. or bulldlng. more than a few 'hour. per day,

planb. ' Don't culUvate deep17 en~ to Injure the shallow rootl of v .... table.. ' ' Don't let the weeda .... bl. you try to destroy them. Don't .W\y water numerou" light IPrlnkllnc,. but Inwater thor·' ou,hJ:y: 'a,bout .once • week .. raIn~ fall Is deficient. · . Don't forget' to obtain -the nec~ 181'1 dUltln, or Ipr81lDa 'Iq\llp. ment and ma~rlala ear17 In -the .pr..... ,,,,,,.ore· 10. "ou need them. . . DoD't Jet tht ve,~b1. becoD)jl ~ old be(Grit ha..rvuting - DIem, 'thereby losln, hlah' qua11~. , DOD't let all1 ve,etabla to waste. Don't leave the, IOIldn ,lOch .eont dltton thot It will waab or blow a . .'1 dUrin~ the winter. •



• •• 1&0 alaeela 8dO 100 Ea••lop..

Elementary Rules for Successful Gardemn'g

straight bit. w"ere he was nshed up to Rochester Pepper M.rUu found him •• enJoyable . . .D oIe1 Don't spade, plow or cultivate 100 Western "cef!4ah." Sclioendlenat re- that I, too wet, IDDled his bllaatln, in hla Dew anJ. , Don't apply too 'Much 11me. form, flnlsbed the aeaaon wlDl aD Don't nm the roWI up and down • averace of .337, .nd ".. declared .lope. " Don't plant .eeda, rooU cv:- tuber. the leacoe'a 'moat valuable playeran nnusual honor for • roelde. too deeplY. Alter 25 pm.- in INt, In whleb Don't BOW Seedl too thickly .nd he hit .373, he waa. called Into &he don't faU to thin out planb to army. proper distance. An old eye InjUry caused him to ,Don't gueu - .t the amountl Id be discharged. Iil fact hil left eye fertWzer or .tro~ manure to .po is practicaUy blind. But this II an ply per unit are. of Ia~ era when mE~n overcome handlcaps DOD't let ferUlizer or maDure 'Buch as thes.! and Schoendienlt did . come In contact with the .eeda of' experts

~ R. Mellob


• •• 1&0,,,,",-- 7,~dO~ 100 Env~lope.


• ••

,PLOY!) D av·L.'DAVltaBoN. i s·s'on Pres!s ~

Dial 21,43

W~yriesville; O.






LEBANON, 01t10


.Page Thr88

Marsh II, I i g. ITru~ or false Pledg~ Victory au"en to 'Bond Front'

Infantry Units Tour Nation

Trade-your folding money

Three members of a force of :tt lnIanl1'f teams whlcb will be senl Oil &oar by tbe Army Ground Force. on beball 01 the MI"bty Seventh War Loan drive. Tbe learns. appearln&' In 600 oltle., wlU prelent tbe colorfal aDd excltln, show "Bere's Your lnIantry." The show will serve to better acqaaiD& the publlo with tbe life beID" le4 by our soldIers and will provide a .raph)o poru-ayal 01 the terrWo coat 01 war and why It must be paid lor In War Bondi. u. S. Trta,. " D,p.rlm,"'

• Piou p Baby Given WUl' nanos


Test your kaowled..., of yoW Govllmme.n t'l War Bond PIn~ Inr procram, Tbe &0 &hese questlonS,lPven a.t &he ead, should be \mown by , everr American. Bow good are ,ou? 1. 85 mlUion Am ericans hllve purWASHINGTON. D. C.-The Army has overcome what In the past chased Series E War Bonds. 2. 84 % of 111\ the money ever inwould have seemed to have been in· vested In E Bonds is still Invested lurmounta ble obstacle s ari'd the in ' them, . ' Navy has prom3. U a Bond i.s lost. stolen or d.,. ised full unconditlonal surrender, strayed. I~ is j)Jst the same as it the Chief of Stall owner had lost the money he In. . General George vested: 4. E Bonds may be cashed at any C. Marshall and F l eet Admir a l qualified ba nk for their full cost any Ernest J . King time atter 60 days trom dateot\ssue. 5. The U . S. Government's promsaid tad ay. in commenting 0 n ise to r edeem W ~ r Bonds any time the Mighty Scv- oHe r 60 d nys . rrom date of issue Is enth War Loan. j us t as strong as its promise to G enera l Ma r- sta nd ba ck at a dollar bill. 6. You have to hold a Bond the shall said : "W e i n the full ten yea rs to ge t any Interest. 7. The lowest·prlced War Bond Army ha ve over· costs $25. come what in the 8. Wa r Bonds are better thaneash. past would have seemed to have 9. Two persons cannot own a War been insurmountable obstacles. So ond joinlly. have you. Tha t is ·where the enemy B10. The only reason we should buy miscalculated - for to Americans. nothing has ever been im possi ble . Wa r Bonds is to help pay for food. Yours is a ha rd task-a heavy re- ammunition. etc., for the armed IPonsibility. But we of the Army forces. ANSWERS bave confidence that yOU will again 1. True. achieve the Impossible ," 2. True. Admiral Kin g sold: 3. False. War Bonds are regis"We have had ~~;;;;;;;~~~ tered In the nllmes of the ir owners. two war. to F-! and losl Bonds can be replaced. wa g e . One of 4. Truc. those wars is just .. ....,'''",.:. 5. True. Com pa re wording on I beginning, That B ond and a bill. means that your 6. 'False. Your Bond Increas el In own labors. far v alue after one yea r. See the values from over. arc on the back of the Bond. But you also just begin. get a greater increase in value the ning. The Navy, longer you hold a Bond. up to $1 like the Army, . ,"""'a t lhe end of 10 years for every $3 has one obj ee· you poid . tive. The uncon7. Folse. A $25 Bond costs $18.75. ditional surren· 8. True. They eRn be replaced U der of the' enemy. los t, they increllse in value lind they We will attRin can be converted into cash In c8le that objective of need. because of peoKING O. False. War Bonds can be owned pie of good faith. . by ·two people a s co·owners or 81 People who have dem'o nstrated thelJ;' owner and beneficia ry. patriotism and their willingness to 10. False. Your l a vlngs invested in underta ke the most gigantic finan- War Bonds will also help to stabilize cIal ta sk ever un\lertakcn by a tree prices now and to provide for your people." own security in the future.

for FIGHTING MONEY! Dig down deep-back up the men wh(1 are fighting the enemy (Bee-to-_.a ee! Let your farm dollars h"lp send them the iupplies they need t . Up to this time last Yl;ar there had been two war loans. This t.ime, the mighty 7th must do the job of both I10Bns. ThBt's why Uncle Sam asks you:


Place Your Order for


The Way..~sville National




Fertilizer .Fertilizer will be very Icarce, So order now and b. sure of obtaining your need ••

TBf: WINNEB-LJttle 15-month-old Harolyn Cberyl Meyer of 'l'ren&on, N_ leney, .melal pinup ,lrI 01 the USS New Jersey, wa!!! made $3,.

riobel' In War Bondi &hrough donations b, the orew ., &he USS New Jersey 'or '11M In obtalDlDr her luture eduoatlon. Gover~or Walter "E. Ed..., made

FENCE Barbed Wire

the lJreaebtaUolI. The child's father, ~ Arm,. Air ()orpa pilot, la a prlMner war In German,.. He hal never leen hIlI·BlUe beaul, qaeen. She la held ~~.DI~th~r, M,a. Barry~:.: !eyer. _ _ __ ._,. _ _ __


Galv. Roofing

Farmers Buy War Bondl for Future Expansion



.... .

..1 . "



Buy Now For Spring Need.

Fairley ·Bdwe. Stores _ __________~~~L~TORES Phone 2441

6 Waynesville, Ohio

-, •

ON FARMS &h;ouP•• ib~ NatI... 1bIs MIellO h bela, repeated d.n,b anticipation _I the MJ,btF Seventh War Loan . . 'arm en bu, War 'Do'" with lUI e,e to future eleotrlcaillevelopmeata plamu!d In the pon.war !.f:rlod. VJe&ory V.IUDteer EII.rd ScIu'oer, rltbt. of Cole <l.uty, .Iooarl, lelh .. War Donll to Vernon Wade, o&ier, .wblle ~UDt:r ~DlloD. A~ea&1 myde Brown OM&. lUI apP,r&lmw oJe on WlUle'l ~ Sl'!'D 01 arI ......

on the mi~hty 7th ... it's two big·War LQans in one!


Need Tfa'e set



WRITlir4G INKS CELLOPHANE TIAPE . 200 ft. :RolIl htra Heavy,' 'Waxed 3~ . If

'.per. . . . .:,. . . :PFeSS'

Wayneavllle, Ohio


~en.~i~~res ~f Am~rican so~di~r.s


h·. v. fellling wearily •. holel, too tIred to C\!VeD dodge tile 'hells ralDlO' all arqund them • . Did it make you fighting mad P .\ • , ., " - ~. "vo· 1.,.0 pictu~1 of Am~rica!1 bomb~rs. hit by enemy . plummeting 'downward lQ~o ene~y t~rrltory. Did ,It ~ake you ~lIhtlng madP , ', , -r Then pitch. in • • • tum your folcfing money into fightin, money • • • buyJUlic. a. mimy bO~I,,. you.bought J•• t time t '. , The mii&htY. 7tbWat"LLoU mu~t do th. jOb that tv\to war loan.. yftr. lea the biUelt, ~o.h1rient ~r I~n ~£' .U•. Back:~'ut.wi,.. ~very dollar·Xou can lay your hand. on. I , . . '/ ' <;-.('.. _

' - ')




9 x 12 'f "'\ -.






. r ~ ._""I , , ~ .n""~ r RU~S0"":~ ~" ., .




n '


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~lY Spring -







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STOVES : .: .... ,:. ,....... •..",- ,,' '-," ..I. ' . ~.#'"'

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Home ..F......~l.b,.....' ,..,,,.· ~""~ . .•" , ... '. . . . ,. " f"'I' . ... '7~ ""/"t"'''.

'''' ' '' /I'W''



HOM~U '...~ ..~_.

J.&one .

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_Robert t.wiI, 21. lIlIIt.bI8 . . .'flier. ~: UWul ~, 1•• clert, ~ . . . . . . . . . . . ~ all:, IOldier, . . Sf.; .ro.esUilit IL Paorker, 20,

•• it ' . , ••• & .

aM ~ ~• .Y1 A. '1'wp.


WAYNESVILLE, OHIO .............. Bu), W Bond. ADd Stamp. at, C?W' Bos..Office .. . ............ . .FRI. ... ....... WED. • THURS. 'ruES. MON. ........ ....- ... ..... ·1-




IUN~ •

6 ·






OUt to tlU1ll yOu .. ODly ·the

Due to DO 'UIU or oun, tbe "tare, ''MUnlw M1 Swee'" 'or Ma7 !2-U baa been canceled. In Ita place wW be "Enc:tWlted Cottap>' with Doroth7 McGulre aDd BDbert' Youn~, the stan of "C1aadJa."

.....,0_: ~~bow laland .. ('l'EIo1:lDtDOm) wttlll ~ lAmour and Eddie Bracken


'SAT.' •• • • 26




You'Ve' 'II'ILtttd • Ionf time for th1a but worth It.

~: IAr.c.e.t News


• a ••••

Rangers caDI

"SPOO"'TOWN" .,. wit.h Dave O'Brten. Jim

Newill GaId Guy Wilkerson Added: Cartoon and MIIIIcai



WII••• 'N . S.a•• REAL ESTATE M.iD Street


Phon. 2851

W.yn_ville, Ohio


Court News



GeWtan 1IMd, 1 mOe aortb ot L:rUe COMMON PLEAS(~

Gamet McWhorter VII. Samuel B. McWhorter, divorce to plaintiff. Iof.tIlIe Hvtnc roam aulte; de!It; pJalnWf re6t<lred to znaSden DlUne of breUfut lilt; .\eaA:ber cl»Jr Uld PlUlUpI. ~; 12 lE 12 1'UIf, t x 10 1118, 3 emaJl l'\1li. all pracIIIcaUy DeW, all !DorIa Btewe.l't VB. WlWam stewart, wool; S!nvmtr machine; Lawnmower; a\llnmOlla issued Jan. 18, 194Ii, vacatWbeeJlI&rrow; Idea! heat.1n&', hot eel. and set 8Il1de. water, boUer suitable tor 6 rooms: Mar1 l'aulln VB. RIch J, Pwlin, Metal ~; Locuat poet8; 2 cow,,; he&l1Dr OIl a.pp1ica.t1on set tor Ma.y 2 calves; 20 ob1ckerla; and mJsc. 11 at 10:00 a. m. R.usIIell BhePlerd VB. Etbel 8bepFRANK L ' WALTER . beIU. d1vorce to plaInucr, costa pa4<l. Claude Scearce VB. Evelyn Scearce,

iD aad Cet a KEM-TONE Color Card


Waynesville furniture Co, ctbbou Blda_NOI'th St. Wa,....YiUe, Ohio

&lUI evemu. oDly)

- - - - - - - - - - . divorce to plalntltf, costa paid.

RUBBER ' STAMPS and NEW CASE&' MARKING DEVICES Jamea B. WetBon va. CUUord Lee TUdt. tor mone,y 'OIll1 amount clalm Made To Order $32O.M togethel' wi1!b intereat and cost. AubreY' Folkll, atty, ~u1a. N. 'lbunas va. WatI'en C. - . . - - - - - - - - - - - Thoolaa, d1v~ II'OII8 nesleot of ...__!lli_______• Qa.N A1Jaerl1erlI,

The Miami Gazette


Sand &Gravel TARVIA-Ul1UC TAR aad ROAD OIL UOAVATlJlfG BUIll' ~ Pur , reGt -by tile bead

of 8tIock. iDIIIII'7 ~. , IOUUl of ~

mUCK _VIa.

R..d), Mis Coac:reta

S DIU. .31

ArmitadelSOD 6

~i FOR 6-~ 2moo.m:. flU'8Ie under ....., ........... 101.,.......... acaped;, lmOledlate p.lIItt!lAlIL'Wade 'nImer, Pilooe aaG. t.fc

~R SAI.E- Bras ClarInet; Walnut ~ eI8Dd; , calle eeMed WlWnut

~. JIl'IS II. L. RJ~ Pbooe 3Ul. .6IN'IlIQDi: IDI!SK- Very old;

cxaI1UoD; DOlI




...... Ma-nw .


_ _ a.'I"lI


Allred W. 8b~ va. Gecqe E. SlnneMr, et al, parit1tk:ln, Stanley & sta.DletV, attY •.

' " - - - wNl PId. Clall Wa)'DeiI100

Mrs. Robert

~ He. . . . Obarpl




Bb!*'; a1Ze 8-3.\; &lao atorm ,boot.s to ftt: .A.1Dlost new.

WhIte; 1 pro

OhIo 2-apeed; hone


cIrtowD; IIiIDIIcat



Lon Allfor<l,


go YOU ftDt Ito I8I.l 1O\ll' fI.rm,call or write Don ~ Realtor. LaraIn Daryton,



0lU0. D ,~






I.oaa8 t.enn,

No 8IIpra,IatJ fee. , .AlIo Wee im&ll &lid lIt.r"e tIu:uI8 tar .... 0&11 ,' or wnw Oeo. BmII:18; PboDe 9:1. 2., let.DOII ttc

IJtIIfIIAil US. 0ilIVliJili'UI) WBilTB ROCZ CMtIClD9-8leeder 01 N&t-

bIal C'bmc*D WbIIte Ra* pen ,baCh 110 &lid 1'"- OUr lJKII ~ Netr ~ ~ pen ... ...... 'MIMe ~ peD in aD 11. 8. tIInJuib ~.i""

. , obII!U

~ .~


.... ~a.O.P.D.Ie '~ ~ _ . to 111 . . ftJDCII'd. .'


. . . . ,... CIftIIr . . . . . . . tile . .

. . . . Iar ,_

. . . . . abtaU

. . . . . . . Mae eIIIW.


be 0DIUm-

-Rl"'" I......... """V,......... ...... a ...... ... Aft. . . . . . .....



............... 1'01' Clap PCJU11I7 pNIt&·1IrIIt Dt""'am aI** *'eel tGr top ~ , _ _ by 1DdMs-




son 'L beir in dauahter and littleacoompa.n1ed son to her bome Oovmaton. Ky" 8unda.y, at~' lIP8Jldlntr several


fQR SALE- Women's Shoes; 1 pro


Mrs. Ra!pb Hammond and mother, Mra. W11llam BtnIIVUmp, &tteodecl IIflI'\'Joea at Ule &. AQauItIDe c:IlUnlb.

Mr. and Mrs., <q- ~ and

125 acres level black land- 800d . bU1ld1Dp and 'onoes. £lectrJdty. Call Geo. Heolkle. PbODe 3. ldlaDOll, 0bJ0. -ate

.MrI. A. K Da)'I


and Mra, Acnes 'Mn. S WU!Il and 'cblIdren their Loue1Ia 9n.nk In ~

.Sp...... ~ _ ......_. ...oe- .............- ..

LebaDoa, Oblo


da)'e, ftIiOO.oo. Sbo1mexecpt .", appointDIiIIat cmly IIG1Urne SWl- :: ~ Wilbur N. Phoile Ja6l.



Mr. ~ lin. B. 'B. lMpcre were ~' ~ 81111dQ, of

telded tbe tun. .~ of tbetr 0IlQdn, W1Wam O. ~ iIot the t7'DsIeIbee Punera! Home 10 ~ SuDdAi.V a4temoon aDd ~ burW in

COMPLETB INSUJlANC. SDvwa II North Meoba.Dlc Stree&


IIDd Mr. Belman

In W<l)'t1MV1Ue, 81~, 1IIIOI'DSnC. Mr. UId lira. Walt.. KearicIl at,:.


BA.'1\Biid .1L ' -....~___..._ _ _ _~_ _~_ _ _"'!"""_ _~.....

I ••••

. ....

._-- ........... ----

creek TIVp. .Loulaa C8iltler1ne RIder to Benjamin Rush 1B1l1, 48.3'1 A. in HlIIrlan '11wp. Allen 8Ild Katherine La)'cooh to MYron Wbfttmer, lot 813 in PranId1n. Walter P. and AUdrey N. Deardotf to 'Rlomu J. and Beaulab AdBm8, lot 838 in Pronklln. Qla.r1elJ EdWard and Bub)' E . Mullen .to Kenneth O. and Waunita B. IWIo11Wic:lr.. 10 A. in TurtJecreek 'l'q),


Mr. and lira. Har11ey Burnet and Mr. UId !ire. Setih Pumaa attended tile PaImer'1f Club, 'I1hursdalY at t.he bmne (If Mr. and Mrs. S. S. Dl.Ia, Dea1' W~llle. un. INet14e lbrIcIt &ClCIiDp&nled IS NOW Mr. and MIa. caldwell of ~ to W&IIb1ncton, o. B.. SatTHE AUTHORIZED BUS STATION urday, ' to &peDd JIother's Day wtth AND TICKET AGENCY FOR MI'. and Mra. Lean BalJabury. ,M rs, Dnridt retw'Ded, 'I\~. KING BROS. BUSES Mr. and MIa. Ever$ Keru1ct, W1lbelmJna U~ to Arthur IJOll and daueht«. were entertained J. and Dale UndeAYoocl WUde, 25.06 \8UeeII Leave for CincInnati - 8:38 - 10:38 •. m. - 2:38 - 6:38 p. m. to d1nner ElInday IIIl bmoIr or t.he A. in Wamm ·oo. DAlLY 8:53 p. m. SUNDAY and HOLIDAYS ONL~ bJrtihday at the fenner. WUbUr anct Doroth&' Blllwu to MM. R. a ~, Mn. ~~ Buae. Leave for Xenia 9:01 a. m. - U:o.:J - '.SS - '7:18 p. PI- DAD.Y Myron ~. 23.73 A. in Clee.rBunnell Uld Mra. l!4&rpret JabnB , 10:03 p. m. SUNDAYS and HOLIDAYS ONLY creek Twp. spent WedneId:ay In ' D&ytAm. PURCHASE TICKETS BEFORE BOARDING BUSES WUllam and HaIel ~nhBAJer Mr. and lib. Haz:¥e)' Burnet and to Ida. L. KDoohenhAuer. U9.10 A. Un, MI.1'tIaret Jom." a.tteDdecl the , For' InfonnaUon Call WAYNESVILLE 2121 meetln8 01 the Prleoda In Hamlltca 'l1wp. NCII'IDA and Ernest Plora. to Ida at W<t.)'neIIV11Jo, sun• • THE KING BROS. CO. Mr, and Mra. Tberle JonES and eon Knocb«ihauer, 119.10 HalnMton entert.amed to • MA:lther'1 ~ cUnner, SUDdaY, .Mr. 'BIl4 Mrs. mdwtn ~~----------~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~, Nutt, BIn. Ali:nia Moran and · lIOn of <JentervUle a.nd i~. and Mre. J. B, JODf8. Mrs. Joe Brawq of W8IIblDIton, c. !II.. Ia apendlDf, W. Week .nth her da\l8bter, lin. J~ BII1IW and

. . .,...,--- _"_1'11-... YIU.,



=::dE==I~ ' :d~.~B1De:r .~~~~:


6-room boule, ~, 1UmIile, l-c:ar IJ&11Iie. CleIIIeXIt IkIe dn,\'e, cement ~ . . . . Ibide trees. pi sLon in 30



aao..... LlODS.






MAll&lAG£ UCEN8E8~ Baralc! YulleDa. :IO.lIborer. fGInlW. I • Fru1It1iD; SaIIIY Mae OtIlBon, 21, ftIMr. aDd Iofr8. QW'1eI ~eecD iatrGr 1nldt, FtabtIliD and cbJldren IIIPIIlLt the ~ end with tIbe lMts. puea.ta at. BUdIDa. Ml'. and Mra. KeuiJer Ohb&m bad

lnaured A,.iDat Loea b'l An)' Cau..

~ aN.

, lOR 8A.L'&-'I,

~~ 43'rK


ijiii~iiiiiiiiiiiiii~!~iiii!~~ii!~~ V• I"abl• 0 verse.. Pack ages

A11100l 'A-i naner













>Pen':Y> Eo IIld ~ lola Wide to I.Mmmce &Del JuImlta 'lbomaI, "Wi' A. In CIe&hlreek Twp. ~. NOIIb ,aad 0Uba P. Power. to AUI- ' .IIOIl.N1NQ UBMON TOPlO, '·'OONSCIENCE." UIt' aDd 8ara.h Sdlmltt, ." A. In 'EVJ:N1NG, Sen. . 4 ..... ,.ell because 01 bacealaure.Ce at. schoo1. , Rhoda EIaJ.e CIeannek Twp. ~ Clevena~. d~'d, Gecqe and WIlIlI.e Anderson ~ ,Btie 8Dbool ~:'" A. M. ChrIaUan EDcIavor - 6:30 P. M. M. Clevenger, appointed executrllt. Evening 8erv1ce - 7:30 P. M. In the ~ ~ !.he estate 01 Dw1&bt L. R1tch1e, 16.70 A. In Harlan OoInmunloo _ 10:30 A. M. W<l-week prayer service Andrew BJahop. dec'd. ~ 'I'wp. ' Thursday nia'ht -:- '1:30 P. M. '" Obarlel aDd LUlie werner to' l!ld- 8enDoo ...,. 111:00 A. Mo' w.1u. Of 4*10 eltate' ll tl000. , ~ aDd Ella 0Y'el'Wa.ter lola 2064 Estate of Anna S '- Randall, dec'd, 2065, 2066 end 206'l1n ~Ield Geor&e Knochenhauer to Ida. L. NORRIS BROCK CO. R. Hm, adm..\ flied bond for AlbeIV. BJanehe IR4na to DalBy EKn.ochlobauer, 119.10 A. in RrunIlClnclnDatl Union StOck Yard, D~te ,01 Anna V Rel} dec'd wrilbt, Iota 1m, 1798, 1'799. 1800, too TwP. , " Y. " 1801 and 1800 in Deerl1ek1 'I'Wp, 1Aluia P. Runyan to Andrew L. grOBll value 01 ~ 18 G.96UO. Amella G1ehle, et al to ElIte ~ ToIbie. lOta 306. s(h, 308 and 309 ln REAL ESTATE TRANSFEItSGlancy, Iota 1.19 and 30 in Morrow. MallOn. oourtney J . and Ortha 00mb6, to carne Speidel to OeoI'8e 14, BradCANCER Fran& C . Anderson, lot ~ and 1.191 ley, lot 75 in !'rulk11n. ln Lebaoon. Anna B. Cramer ,to Jiwnee CrIIme!', 0/ 0 P<lIrOO«Ice. WayneevUl~, Ohio iEncloIIed Is ~ oontributlon 01 John F. Malin to Helen E. Mailn. lot 5eIS aDd 567 in f1mnIdln. lots 1, 2 and 3 in iLebanon. ~ G. aod Nora M. Lucas to ...... ... .. to figlht cancer. Ernest Ewt,na to Robel1t L. and Edwin!P. and Erma.l W. MattbelWll, Nune ••••••..•• ... •. . .. • ,. ........ Uve Wlre and ProI~ve. An orAInna. B. 00J'IW1n. lot '19 in Lebanon, 611.09 At In Clearcreek pnlzatlon second to DOne. 8trlct17 Thamaa 00mv1n to Herbert. and ~ Keever. by Admx. to A. Address .......'.................... Hue.. on the beat all al'OUlld 1IIl\l'b& Albert ~ Oorwln, 31 A. In B. Kinne(V, .2ri A. in Union Twp. \'YVren Co. !IarIe ~er 't o Quincy A. and City ••..•. "., •••••• ,.... . .. .. .... . In tbe countr7· Service That Sati.fiel Eme8t and Jennie :Lac>: to Archie Virginia E. Morrla, .74 A. in Hamil&IiJIlOrt t.he Mi8hW 7th War Loon. ton Twp. Albert. L. and lAvera it. Ballln8er to Opal Geneva mxoo, 5 A. In Clear-


Kenneth Hili, Mar.


.... , . ... ... • ••• sn W~. • • WapneSb. tlle (burtb of (brilt . Mu Raadall. MlDieter . . Telephone 2985 •


NrB. Halph BII.rpr and diauehter, ~a, Mrs. iI&.rpret J~a and Mrs. Mary ManIbaIl were Lebanon vWtorII. Bllturday. :Mr. and 14m. 'IV, G. Ba4neI, Ilra. PranIIl Adterman and BWe eon &Del Mr. and Mn. Alva Scott of Dayton were 8\lnda.y eveniDtr . . . 01 14'r. and Mrs. Walter Rennet. Mr. B. R. Burnet, Mr. and Nn. Forest QratWn attended the' f~ of AWson ~lor" 87 ~ Go former reaident of thIa ClOIDIDUDity, at the

GeIltlaI't ~eral home In 1oIJImIIburr. ~ 1m the bw1al at MJaml cemetery. !MD. Ola.ude RIal of ~ entert.alned , bEl' motbel', Kra. WIlbur Cladt, to & Motber'a Da.Y lUocheon at iRIlte's Tea. l'OOIJ1, P.rIdr.y

Waynesville Drug Store

Their "Quota" may be DEATH Your Quota is Bigger Bond~ ,.

ASereuee THE tempo of the war III..... the linea of eom· manJeatlon lP'0w·10Iller ..... the . need for new pD!, new tanka, new pbinee FOWl 1D0re llI'IeDt • •• the eoet of !he war Ie at an aU·time hIP, That Ie I'tlUOn Number 1 wlty f1ft1rf true AlDeriean mull back thIa MIGHTY 7m War Loan Drive . . yond alllbnl.. of,what he thlllke he eanaftord. . RealOn' Number 2 Ie that this drive Ie really''''' drives In one. By thle time lut ,year, you had IUbeeribed to two War LoaDS. Yea, the need ia greater t1ian ever before. And YOU ••• everybody • •• mlUt, invest a Feeter portion of your Ineome • • • of y6ur euh nee"ee • • • In War Bonda NotIIl S.udy the ehart on thla pap. PIsare oul yoar penonal qUela-and


BUY lORE. AND BIICER .IDS , You alread1lmow that War Bonda are the beet aDd weet investment -' in the 'world ••• that 10U let baek .. auiturlty " for every p , you haYeel • • • that they ..repard lOur future 8ee1Irfl)' • • • and you an ..... tlaem in on a lDoment'. notiee in ease of emerpney. So let'. ~ AIDerIeane I Let'l "ek thOle pliant boys who are fipt!q and dying for 1U on f .....4u... 'battle&elde the world over. Let'. all hDJ ""fer bonda and InOr~ of them,


,.",., riotel


*Peopl~'s ' Quota:' Seven B~lli'on DoUars

,.'IW~If(.'~AI(J81.1 ROGERS' ~ SIMPSON ~G:iUmGE , Ford·FergUSon Tractor Dealers ) PHONE 2341 'WAYNESV:D-T-E~ OHIO



Assurance Given On Locker Consbuction


Representative of Bimel Company Give. Guarantee



They M,ust Not , «JIve Died In Vain!

to a, report from the

KIn, Bros. BuB LInee, the ahanre of

time· in Dayton baa made it necin the time 8Chedule of the l'8IlBJI1' !or them tIlo UBlke two sllgh t buses opet'8it1ng tJU'U We.,ynesv1lle. 'l"heee cJuID8t!B lndlca.ted ln tile advertJaement ~ m 11he6e columna,



"Plant Will Be Place In Operation" SaY' Stewart 81nce there seemB to be some mlBundenlt&rldlngs regardlng tihe intents anQ plans · of the Blmel Company,

rerar<lln4f bile building 01 .the Froren Foods !Locker Plant in Waynesville, Mr, StewoJ1t, representative of the Oompany &tetes thIIIt contrary to some lnftlJmation that IUs Company are merely sellers of looker equipment and not builders and opera.\.()rs of .!.be plant, he "NiSI1e8 to 80 on record to correct any mls.sta.tement6 of UU8 nature by explaining the polley. of h1s Com~, The looker plant G8 propoeed for this community will actuallY' be blIUt an<l placed in operatt'on. J)l"OIYtded of counie, the requlre<l number of looker aubecrlbera are ootame<l ,to ~t the bul1d1n8 of tile plaDt. The DIJOIlJe6 collect.ecl for the yeo.rly rentAl on the lockeJ'B is placed I,n trust deposit throUlh the W8i,VJle8ville Natloo&l Bank. and wUl be held in ,th1s trost fund until such tJme as t'he locker plant Is to be constructed. In case suttlclent aubac:rIle1'8 are noL obtained w warra.nt ita COJl8truction. Ube funds will be returne<l to the auIla:riber8.. 'I'h~ main Iasue rega.rcl1ng tile plant

aeema to be, will it 8IOtu&lly be pJace(l


Graduation Exercises For class or Twenty-Seven


Program Indicate. A Very Intere.~. Commencement The 8eventy4ourlt.h Annual Commencement of ·t he We.,yneevUle HIgh 8chooI will be held on FrIday eveping, lOt.y ~. for a graduo.ting cllWI crt seventeen girls anii ten boys, lilt the High 8Dhool aud4tortum. The progmm Will begm a.t eight o'clock With the ProcesBlonal. The following 18 the order of the service: Invoca.tlon, Rev. RiIlph W. Pam; Se.llit8Jtory, Raylyn T. ,Crabbe ValedWtory Martha J . Early Music Band Alumni cneetlin8B RtUe DinIw1'dd1e Address Burri>lit Hiatt Olarlnet Bolo Dorothy Graham Presentation of Alwerdll. !Haymon 11', Hatfleid. County Supt. Presentation of DIplomas Kenneth W. Hougoh, Boord Pres: Benediction. MemebeJ'B of the class of '45 are: Ja.n1ce Bun:u,lt Rd)ert Bernard Ktm.neIlh Brodley

WOman"s Society Christian Service May Meeting With Mr•• Raymond Conner The Woman's Boc.Iety of Christ-

..r.. 'MID this ~ Sa to be

or 'Where tile

pJaat will be 1<ica.1M Sa J¥)t yet deckIsd upclIl but ~. 8tewaIt af.altea that~ . . h the erperiencp

Haymond Conner as



Open Seaspn.May 28

hostess at her Playing 24-Game Schedule

on Fourth Street. About bwenty members were present, Devotions were conducted by Mrs. Reba BroddDck IlE6lsted by Mrs. R. B. COleman at ,t he plano I!lld by Mrs. Harold Il;l. Elarnhall't singing a short 'selection. ''(Homes of 'the Nations" was the subject for the afternoon ancl'after a few Mort selections, re4(l by tile program leader, Q\4rs. oolemcm. MnI. E. F: Earnhart a h<me

_ _et IIMIW

home and the bOrne :round In AfrJi:a.. 0h11l'II. and Brazil. During the busirieea Be86lon it waa decide<l upon thM. the day 01 meeting would be temporarUy changed from Thurs-

Ruth Anna Joima Ruth Belen LeMil.y

John I.udlneton Elnora M1tcheD.

Boonte Peeera of their Ooalpan¥ It tlU been round Vemm stuJltta that 6UOh ma.tters wiU readUy tUe care of t'heGIfJelvea when the proper . 8arab Jean ScOOt. l'EdIwWl& Stanforth time arrives. . • ___________ BARIV~

Pro.reui've Women'. Club Will Ha.e Meetin. At "Roadside Park" June 4

'c"IVIC sO.tu~liJ II League

.......Lta.n 8en1re held their May meeting on Thursday a.fternoon With Mrs. Four Sponao~ Teams



FIVE CENTS ;PER COpy MASSIE VICTORY CLUB HOLDS FIRST MEETING The Massie Victory Club held Its Hrst m eetJ1ng on F riday, Mny 11, at the home of Mn.rthn. and Lois R. Lukens. Ea.rl Davis. Ha.rveysbw-g, was elected president; J ack C. Reynolds. Hnrveysburg, vice-president; Martha J. Lukens, Harveysburg, secretary; and Donald E. Lukens, Harveysburg, news reporter. Twenty members have joined the Club ito date. The next meeting will be held at t.he home of Ernest Moore on May 24. TIne new , leader of rihe Club Is Mr, William A. Lukens, Ha.rveySburg.

Memorial Service Plans Starl Promptly ~:OO .P. M. Program Listed Here Shows Evidence of Much Planning

in operati1on after. fully subacl1I:led to? '1bJ8 queetlon 11 IUl8wered by Mr. Ray~n~ Btawart . In: bIa atGt.ement that the Donald OJW'lton plant will be bUIlt and p)a0e4, in Jack CJule operatiOn. He fUl'tlher 8't&tee Cbat . Joe Davis actilally ~ ~ lA not pluming to q)l!ft\lte CbiB plant lndeflnite~, Murtel Dicltenaheeta Marilla. Early B~ !for such plantS are on the RDbert PIBher Wait1ng Ust or CODCel'I1 aod it is Dorot;by< 0T8ham ~ a DIb.tter or time' UDtll thts ilia Mae Gnaber plant wl1l be. ao1d to an ~ IMn& BUdebreioht

in tbo


day to Wednesds(y as it had fonnerly been. Da1nty refreshments were served by the h~~ and her assistant6, Mrs. Leo Conner, Mrs. EdR.1n Ramby and Miss Sara.h Smitll.

WilmI. SW1face QIle WGtJdns Ruth Wlcal Wlll1am Woollard MembeJ'B of the Parulty: J . B. crabbe'; Minerva. H. Hough; carl B. JI'er8;uson; P10rence Follbower; Oha.rles James; Marga1"et A, Rose; Ecl1t1l G. LUkens; !Mana. S .

Mrs. Annabel Flora accompanied by her sISters, Mrs. Ralph Scherer. dBoughter of Daytml, and Mrs. Mary J.! of C1nclntWll, vl&ted relrutives in Carlisle, Ky .• on Wednesday . .

The l'ro8Te8s1ve Women's Olllb will meet at "'!be Roadside Park" on Monda.y evenillB. June 4, at 6:30 p. m. 'I1hJa 18 to be a pot luck aftalr and membel'B are requeatecl to brU1i t.lble service. Tboee who do not hINe Elbon; Ra.lpb W. iAu'ka. Jr, tmnaportatlon can call the president ~ W. Bnl.ddock, S~. IBoanl '01 Ed.ucM1oo: · ' or aecreta.ry of dle Club. K. N. Hough, pres.; D. R. Ba.l1sbury, Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Stl'OUde were vice-pres,; Eo V. Ba.rn,haIt. clerk; ThUJ'Bday evenin'g guests of the R. H. Hartsoe*, KeUer iHoalr. and Claude St'loode fam1ly, Gilbert Frye,

Public Asked To Attend In Intere~t of Players





80!~ league lA 4IcJheduled \.() swing into action, 'I'ueI!b.~y evening. May

29, at .the B1gl). scbool diamond when teams represe~ !I6b's DaWy and Rogers & " take the field at 6:15. The OI1IMtIilltl~1 the.av1c SdI nesville IDtUg Slnre land the W~es­ ville F'a.rmers ~Ulfre in addition to the two who meet in _the opening game. The league Ss under the direction of t.he /W1/IIynesv1lle CIvic Club and will pla.y a .241'81t11e schedule in Which. aU teams wUl meet eadh of the other teems four times. Oa.mes will be plilyed on Tuesday and FrIdIllY evening6 a.n<l will st.8.rt promptly &it 6:115. The schedule Will conbinue through August 17. More than e1gnl~ players have been assigned to tA~ams. This gives eooh manager mOlre than ·t wenty boyS trom whom. to select a starting line-up and secure an ample' supply of 'reserve strength. These facta, a long :with the pnl-season enthusiasn alreildy being diBpla.yed by bh~ pla.yers, managers ellld fans 8l'e expected to con~ la.rgely to a strong, highlyo competitive league. The teams, as du,y wUl be known. and their In(l,nanlgeJ'B. are: Bob's DeiJly -Cha.rles Itofmehl; Rogers a.nd Simpson -·Vern Simpson;'s Drugs -1Wymer Dtake; and -Carl Oona.rd. Boys subject to ellgibUity in the league are those who at the swt of the 1945-'.j,6 school Yecu' MIl be enrolled In tJ:re Wa.yne Township schools In tile seventh to the twelfth gr&ides inclusive. or, boyS Uvlng in wayne Township ~Iho do not llittend lIohool nnd who etUllI reached the age of twelve, or. wID not yet be eighteen, on July 1. 1945. PlayerS are ass!I~ed to teams by ~e CIvic ' Club SportS Committee and any person, not yet assigned to a team who Is subject to ellg1bUlty should coninot one· Of -the three


Wayne Advisory Council Meeting With Mr. and Mrs. "keller Hoak, Laat Thuraday 'Phe

~ Wayne Advl:;ory Council

met fl.t the home. of Mr. and Mrs. Kleller HosK, May 11. The d.l.scU$lon leader. Roscoe F1urnas, repom.ed on some recent leglsla.ti.on having <to do with the COl1stnwtiOil of line 'fences; ,tlhe control of BLng's disease; mon.ey lor pubLic schools; GIld peace time conscription, • The diacussion was concerned with a<ljustments in agricultw-al produotlon. MoSt of bile members felt tIlat a simple. clear cut decl8lon on t.b.e questions propcsed waa not poa-

The OOIl' compOsed of R. C. Moler. chalnnan, Maynard Weltz, .Herbert Graham, Rev. R. B . ooleman and WQrren Bradock, have arranged the MemoriaJ Day ser vices according to ,t he program that. follows: The Wa.yne Township Memorial Day Service will be held in Miami cemetery at 2:00 p. m., Wednesd'3Y, May O30. 1945. Invocation, Max Randall, Minister of the Waynes,rjlle ~urch of

Civic Club Projects Planned For Year President Snyder Appoints Committees For Much Work Wide Scope Of Activities F or Community Benefit.

The newly elected president of the Waynesville Clvlc Club, Mr S11aa Snyder. ouWned a very comprehensive p rogram of work ' and proposed projects for t,he Club to consider an<l work on during the coming year lilt bile dillne), meeting IJf the Club held at the Methodist Church, M'ond.a.y eve ning, May 21. ' After a boWl,teoUS repast served bJ the ladles Of the Ohuroh to about loIty members and guest.s. Mr Snyder brought the meeting to order and ' m the cow'se of 'his outline of civic ad'fllJlrs for the Club to taXe as B part of their work. for community bettlerment, he included matt.eJ'B of • in.terest in respect to highway improvements fOr wayne Township, the revival of the burled treasure commonly known as <the sewer project. a.nd many other 1ntel'eat1ng projects tha.t w11l be given the time IlJld effort neceesa.ry to <llttempt to bring lIibout a OOOIPletion of plam that will ultIma.tely give IIhe desired rsulta in obtlUning Ule features the community 18 entitled to lDtscussiona were held on these topl.cs and through ,~em It waa very eVidEnt that the membeJ'B are Interested. in t.he proposa1s aa outlined by Mr. Snyder. Committee,s appointed IX> bile vanous projects Gre .. I "S. Spangled Banner ", Wn,y ne Township HIgh School Band. Address. Dr . H . R. CottermAn. Dept. Education, Capitol University, Colwnbus, Ohio . . Lincoln's Gettysburg Ad.dress, Mlss . !Martha EkiTly. .... Salute To The Flag. Led by Troop follows: No. 40. Boy Scouts of iAmerica. F1na.nce ConmUttee: ~ Two addlttona.l numbers wUl be played by the band and tlhe SCl'V'ice Weltz, Don Harwke. LeBter H. G0rwUi end with the benediction and don; ' ExecuUW OOmmittee: 8llaa BnNder, R. C. Moler. F. O. t~. ,I n case of nun the services will' be W. P. Strader; ApIoultural Oom./ held ill. <the WaynesvLUe MetJ\o<llst m11ltee: O. Eo' Mfcibener, 8t«nle7 H. Church, B&Uey, Lowell 'I1boma8; J!leIonoalIc Special at~on is ca.lled to 'tItle Pla.nn11)f: ft'ed. araua.n, ~


III ~ time d~OO an: .. In 1D-1Iif'1"--~, ~' . . ~"~.""....~~~. The poll taken e.t the end ~ the Y$l'II 'the staIting time has always Bmtth, Walter 8heeban; Meellns dt8cusslon period showed that tihere been at 2 :30. This year it Is nee- a.nd Prognuns OoImn1ttee: Ralph was disagreement among the mem- essary to set the time up to 2:00 as P&.ncs. C. E. Anderson. Dr. H. Ebers of the group as to the best polley the speaker, Mr. ootterman; has Ha,11haway; Recreational commtttee: for a.gricUiture in ~e POSt wa.r Motber engagement · follOWing his John Turner, MJa.x Randilll, Oharlell period. IA majority of the group felt nddrese here and In· order to make James; Scout ciunmtttee: .Rallh that the law of suppb'! and demand pr~ connections this sCrviI'-e at Hastings, R. C. MOLer, SIlas S~deor. should be allowed to operate and Waynesv1lle must stlU't promutly at W. ,P . Stroder, Stanley Bailey, ~er that t here 'W8B a need for trade 2:00 p. m. Brown; Publ1c Mtalrs and PUbl1dty agreements among the nations, Most CommIttee : F. L, DaviBllon, C. Lee


of bile membera felt that farmers should be supplied Crop and market

Intonna.tion so they could adjust their prodUCtion quotas up or down M an individual basis. They agreed llhat Iannelli should be e!l(:o~ed to sta¥ on ·the land rather t han to be encouraged to seek other types OI employment, \William. 'MlIXlkensen YI\1S a guest for the meeting. The June mectintt will be rut tfie home or Mr. and Mrs. Eli Furnas.

Friends Quarterly Meeting Held Here On April 13

Burritt Hiatt, Speaker From Wilmington, Gives Addreaa

HlIIWke, RobeIt Crew; Mem.berahlp and AJttendan.oe Committee: R. C. Moler, Walter Frasure, John Fromm; Ret,Jeption and V1si:tation~: R, B. C'oleman. Lew Printz. Rusaell W1l8on. . The Comtiuuee on Recref8ltioool ,. Activities repol1ted thrOl.l8h t.he cluLlrman, John Turner, that the soft ball leaaue has defln1tely been formed and wa.s due to start · play nem Tuesday evening. The other ft-atures of the summer &cuvit1es In recreatlon8.l actlvltls tor Yoontlef boys and girls of all qes was not tuL~ orgaMzed but several pIG.rUi were being considere<l to give this group a well rounde<l plan Aiha.t w1ll keep them occupied for ~e three month vlW8lbion period.

. __ . The May Quallterly Meeting was held on SUnday the 13th. A Da.y SChool preceded the Meeting for Worship, at whlcn there were a number of speakers. A QuTy-dn lunch of usU8.l generous proportiOns Mr, and Mrs. John Fromm had as W36 followed by the business meetSunday <llnner guests, Mr. and Mrs. Illig In the wfterpoon. Advi.ory Coun<:il No.2 Charles Chambers of lbyton. ·B urritt Hiatt of Wllmlngton, gave Hold. May Meeting a very Interesting address on lJhe The May meeting of Advisory present world sltootlon, of W!h1ch he Council No.2 was held at the home really knows a great deal. He went of !Mr. and Mrs. Verne Bra.nstrator. to EUrope In 1941 \.() study conditions All members were present except for the American Friends' Service Janet Lakes. Betty Thomas, A vooeJ sermon by Rev. Colema.n was apF. F. A. Electa two famiLies. Mr. and Mrs. GTeerle commJ.t:.tee, and landed in a German Induction Of Men Ordered The F. P. A. hG8 0h06en Its officera IIQIO. "All. Sweet ~ of Life." prec1a,t ed by all. of Lell&.11On were guests a.t the meet- OOncen.tra.t1on oa,mp foor eighteen By Lqcal Draft Board No.2 · tor next year and thoee elected QI'e by Betty Mend1th aooampa.n1ed by Monday waa designated !If; a day ing. Mr. Greene read and expla.ined months. 88 follows: NortnIa.lAnllacre, Phyllis Bailey of rest for ,t he Seniors, but they forThe next Qur. rterly Meeting Ls due The Warren County Dralt Board some of .tlhe bills now up before the Presfdent. &twin Michener; VIce- a shoot taUt on Why we will miss the got this in their preparations for 1eg1slwture and an interesting dJs- the middle of August. a!t~ r t he Yea~ - hB.s ordered the !follow1nc men to represldent, J&ck Allbury; Reporter, Benior 1ir18." Betty 'I'hoouI6 and Senior Day. TUeaday, The assembly ly Meeting. which .tzhis year meets at port for induotlon on May 30. accUS8ion foHowed. Glen SmIth; aecret&1V. ~ ora.y: Bonnie satterthwa!te sang a duet. was held at U:15 and 't he senior cording to a llst Issued by UDcal DUl'lng the SOCial hour dellclow. Pendl~ , Ind., -August 9-12. Treaaurer, Dale iRedIDKer: WaIlCh "Tea for Two," Edition of the W8.yce'hnn came out Those in attendance at the QuarBOB.rd No, 2: refreshments of fruit salad, nut, Iloi, Riqhard Wbltater; Advlior. lilt noon. The future of the class 'Was Award. foretold at the assembly and the bread' and coffee were served by terly Meeting from a distance were: 'WlA~ J. B. Craijje, The Gren ~ in New York .rumors were left JnalI,f UBeful articles CarllBa.uer; Charles LeMay; Kenthe ho&tess to the members and Mr. and Mrs. Burritt Hiatt of Wil'I'bree or four 01 the members are baa . iaM&ed the fol1Owtn8 awards to in the class wUl. .F riday, May 25, the mlngton and Miss Hannah Green, nelth BradieY; John Ise.a.c8, transfer. contemPla.tin8 a.ttendini the ,., P. A. guests. Elbert Rose, .F r8.nk.lin; Ward LeII.The meeting Is to be held a.t who vlslted her sister. Mrs. PetelllCD, Camp in mutem Ob1o, aomet1me in studeDta in the 00Inmer0Ia1 Dept.: Seniors will receive diplomas. ~l'8tI4p in OJ.'der of Greg The final event of the week will the home of Mr. and Mrs. Morris at <the Home, as she was Ull8ible to man, Henry Redmon, Charles Oliver. July. 'AJ:tIetB- Betty Bart, a.ttend the meeting; WUliam Maclt- and Robert O'Brten, Morrow; Everet.t Oomen. Reai.tratio.D Junior MemoerahJp In Order of be the Alumnl banquet! &l.tul'day ell8en of Waslhlngton. D. C.; MT. and LeForge. Oregollla.; Harvey· Cook. All the high sOhoOl at.udentB bIwe Artistic TYPiaw-,. Maril&'n BIlJ'Bte. night, membelll of this IP'Oupe. Sgt. Robert L. Britain Mrs. /Walter -Boone. Mrs. Emrnn DaIy.ton; LeMs Qampbell, Harveyaor wUl repster for achOOl next 1~' . - - h.. 0 - - - Hazel Certificates Members of ~~ commlttee who Pierce, and Mable and Walter WiLson burg; Harry Henderson, Plt:iwIG ,o ........ " ~_ ... _-- "to enGble ~e ' ""'......."". . _ "..... . 0ertit1cates of a.ward were received Receive. Unit Citation· ,....... • ""'... ......... CI_'_ .... ft in n . . . t _ have planned the lCQ8UC and will of Selma; Mr. and Mrs. Ralph How- Pla1n; Alfred Brunk, Lov~; ' ~ • __......;.. . - n _ _ -0'" for --Ir ~. - - - ...,.....,.. . of lost week for tboe:e studenta who .,.,..,..... D WI ... . , . . . - - .. . . . W.., ....... a h _ direct it are: John Turner. ohalrA ....TI_ ..h AIr '""'--'- Thunde'rbolt ell, Mill. Anno. Riddell and Mr. and Herschel Toney. South Lebanon; ' . tt\1'It18lic "\J~ Betby 1HIIIIt. Mll- rated high In the qstrtot-4SUllte ",..... ... ... ..., Ordered: to report tor pre1ndUDtkm cluIee. dred Bourne. Ann Weltz. . 8cholaralUp ~ given Aprtl 22. man, Charles Ja.m(!8. and Max Ran- Base. Ciennp.ny~ 18 mon6hs, Mrs. Waldo Howell, Yellow Springs; physical examination on May 31: . i='q..l Ex'. ~ Protrrese OelUk:aIie. _ 'Of thlrty-four Waynesville stu- dn-U, Se:rgeant Robert L Britain, 23, son Mr. and Mrs. Robert EastmM. "..._ .:.. ....... _ of Mh. Marte Britain, 201 stlUwa.ter Sprin8'fielcl. Mike WhItAamore; ~: The final exuninatloDa are ached. W\Ima guo:&IIIOe, 43 wo~ per ~ute; den... ....... Ibook tihe ~ nine reMr. and ,Mrs. Il'h.omBa Mccann Frank Steffy, 0reg0nIa.; James &.1". ~lecl to be liven May ~ a.z¥:l ~. Wan ... ita ~ 39 wO,rdt ~r mlDuJ.e; celved cUatr.Iot 8IW'al'dB and thre.e Ave.; Dayton', Ohio, now wears the • • • WlllIam M81ckensen of Washing- per. Morro~; Carlos Frauenkneoh~ - SobooI wUl cloe8 at noon Prid&y Kay . and Mr, &nd Mm.. C8Mn ~tcber coveted .Presidential Unit C1ta,tlon, . • .' . Martha 37 wordiI per minute. rece:lved State 1IIWaI'da. ,They are as ..... lied on a"ft ....... Flora on 'Batur. 2&, and J'eIPI,1n claM!d until Tuea- . ' . fOllowB,' .In · the MiIml u, DistrIct, ..... ...."~I a. blue. gold-framed ribbon, over biB ton, D. C.. Is at the Friends Home Lebanon; Marton WhitMer, DaPcD: .. tude"will Seni W k dfl.y evening. They were enroute from ~.- -"'~fttio h prepa.rtn'g Ifor ~ Blible TbomaB Oarwln. Jr.• 0IarbvWe; ,daY. ~ 28. w....n s . n.... . . ... ot:. ee ., ~Jyn crabbe~ 11; ... _..~.." Ind., to -Ken.......... , I1gb.t cheat. DOD or6-"'- n. t e ~ for repcmt carda tbUII endlDr" 'l'!he. aany acttv1t1te1 of seNor Betby ThomU, Al8ebra I, 12. Gladys crack 382nd ',F\g'hter Gl'<JUp" known 8c.bool and mailing out the quarterly ~d HatredOm. P!~ ' PlUn. publ1caUon crt Indiana and Illinois the year. Week beiIan Pr1d11.y DAabt. ~y 18, ~, ~ I, 4. 'I'hoee rece1 , • ving, "._. f t _ ...... , ... "'-IJab'''''' and infant 88 ''Th~ Ma.ulegi ... · and com~rUmded ..... ~ CIbe 8UCCMBfUl ~ClI'DWIICe of honbmble mentiOn in the DUD n.u<--.. ....~." bY.. COlonet J~ph L. I,Gughl1n cif Yearly Meetinp, ~, !R8l1l1\ BraDe~. , ~ • . . .;..., . ~ ,BiDI:e .... '. . . DIBtr1c~ ' BOIl have ·returned frOm the ~e- oInaba, Neb--- was awai-ded the, " ' . ~ .. torty-JllVe d8¥ fUrlO!oJ8l)., ' . ~ . ~ iIaJ 1.,. the fteebmBn ... Ia. . were: ·Martha J!lady, 'JIlntr. JQit, 1Q; town hoIIpttaJ and. are at ~ bome . ) .Camp ru-loo-O Is to be held J:uly ~ A<ttel'bU1W dUl1n8 't he ~ the t1'adIt1on. pve ~ -~ ~ ClO.....the att'iI.IDII or ~ ~0I'Ul. lIlnI XI; -W~da of MrB. S8I1Iibur.y'lI ~1'41; Mr. and cttatlon \for · "extreme heroism In 2B to·'1\ugus't. 4, ~~ ~ 'IGke. Il!d.,. ~ expeet\nlf .aDOClb.. .,,;" ••'.. Bemor a ~ '!'be mua1c rocm of'!tl& ~ ~,..., satunIaIY Propst• . 1!Qr•. XI: .J:dWIJ1 Mlclbener, JIra...M\'ll. ThOmpeon for a 'few·days. &c;uon ~ the .enetn)"." ' ' for, It he yo~ folks. . a8a1enment. Inatad he . .~ .....~ ~ in yell''''' evt!AntIr til tbe Santor Prom. World mat.: NalY Jane B'ender8oa.' -, Sergeant Brl~ IiJ an ai11Plane aDd ....: Pat&J .BIa!l'd ~ f' 1. 1 i I. At· Baoaclaurtlate ~. SUnda¥, .U. S. mast.; In dle S.tate teat. the Little Donald &lbJnaon of DrWtoD ,mecbarItc in a. P-'7 Thunderbolt Mr. and Mrs, carllHaRe ot DIIIY~ oBUmett pN8lded at ~ 'te' I ' bl·. tl1e 8abIoN lJ!Ipped up b aisle, forOboDonIble meotton... liven 00 .... tIle ·1Ii'.unday and ~ ,1rQe8t aqUIdroin. iRe ~GJ'II thfte ba'btle ton ~ Dr. and Mi'I, Ralph vance AD - . - . - . prOlrun, :! ;It:- . the fInt time to ttie f ....."V tiUDe" Ra7Jyn a.IIbe• . , . ~ of hill' pW.Ddparenta. Mr. &nil lira, ~ stars for. JilDii- of 'Wllmin8ton were sunday alter- his paJ'eDU, Mr. aDd lIN. L. Y. ~ L. _ _ .~ aDd 0enIIaDy. zmon I(11e!ItB 1:41Mr. J. O. BIMr . te~ _ ........ ..... WbIcb .....: TIp 801 0<1 b1 "Pamp and "1R'_tauce." Tbe 1Dd ' BeU:J 'lbaaiu. " _ _ &'<0""'"


Mr. and Mrs. OrvIlle Gray ~lad as guests OIl Sundfl.y. Mr. and Mrs. A. C. Bowman of Fr'ankl1n a.n<l Mr. and Mrs. lI!Wood TOW9On and children of M.\J8m1sburg.

High ·School Notes of Activities






ErJir. XXii '






o:!.: r.:=-



.: :


-r::: ... . ,4 ~.



-.4 •

they will conaen:e _

The Miami Gazette ~

~-PU-bl""':'llh~·.d~Ev~ery-Th-U~-d-ay-b-y-D-aV1-·8S-on-.p-re-8S- 'Floyd L. Davisso'n,

Bob', super-seMce station waa carefully designed 'for the convenl~one who Ia conteJDlllating ·the· ence c,r the mo~ring pUblic. The ~efurn1sh1ng or restyl1ng tb.eir ,P1UnP8 are placed. in such a ~ner se5taura:nt or " store hr going into t.3UIIt It Is easy· to drive. up to thlm bus1neat should get in touch wit.h and the attenclants 8l'e alW'l\lYs 50 them tor with their long experience wllllilg to check the mooor oU , rul in the la,ying out of plans for n¥re the wat4tt tank, clean . ~e winde1';flclent f1ll!tUres and eqUipment shield and Wormatlon too Is oheer~ money will be saved 86 well as t.une ful.1y ,Biven. by the' armngement '. , TIlel)" feature Mobl1oll a.nd Mobll. To ~ who find .It to bheir ad- glIB the quallty prodools (or rationed vantnge to sell, YOU wUl find , they driving and noted for b8lnru~ w1l1 offer '/I. l adr price lIB ohey are p·erformance. Also they offer cer Llknown tor their friendly servloe lied Mobllubrt\)&tlOn and readY and square dealing In all trans- ,to glNe a most complete Rlld axx:ura.te actions sm'Vlce. They understand Illl features '!1 Ilh1s .service lUlU ,follow the charm of 'bile Il'Idlllufacburers of C&rs. Their crankcase service is a.1d1ng in keepIng the engines ih 1ine condlt4on. By thIa exrellent and prompt ~r­ Ohio, with a mlarked acceleration ment spec ialist, Ohio State Univ6f- . Vioe ,they are helping to keep Ameriin the downward trend since the sity; others in the picture are: start of the war.. R. P. Dixon, Cit;:'e).8 Bnnk, St. ca's cars and t.r\tm[s r ol1Jng with "The banks under the program Bernard nnd chairman ot Group I, . tbe stuff for Vlct;oTy and adding d eveloped by Ray M. Gidney, presi- Ohio Bankers Assoc.iation; A. miles to essential war . tJme tronadent of the Fed(!ral Reserve Bank, Hamilton and C. J. Waggoner, Le· are cooperating with the farmers banon Citizens Natio/lal Bank, port;&.Uon. a plan to fe's tore this Berious Lebanon; R. H. Hartsock, Wayncs· , . 1088 of 1I0il productivity through vme National Bank, Waynesville; ConvenlenUy I..oea.&ed ., 2700 Fa.r Daughter Bom.rotation of crOlls and proper ap· C. H. Murrell, CUnt~n County NaHills Ave" Oakwood. Dayton, Is plicationll of fertilizers and lime tional Bank, Wilmington; H. G. Mr. and Mrs. Everett MIller ar~ Popular With Mot.ol'lsts •• • OffenD, to the soil." , . Williamson, First National Bank, announcing the bIrt.h of a baby an ExQe11en~ Service In Gasoline, 'P ictured at the Middletown Wilmington; County Agricultural da.ughter on Saturday. MaY' 19. 'I1hIs meeting are: • A~enl.3 Norman C. Arnold, Butler Oil, Lubrlcatlo.n and Wa.sbinf ••• Seated, faci nl~ camera, left to County, Hamilton and W. H. Brun- Stop In For They Feature MoblloD Is their S8COn'd da.U8'hter nnd tblrd child. 'rI,ht! James I:l. Andersun, Bank er, Preble County, Eaton; Soil Conand MobU,as, tbe Quality Products Relations Department, }'ecl 'ral ~e­ servationists R. C. Barre, HillsWhich Are Proven Safe-Guards for Berve Bank; E. P. Reed, extensIon boro; H. B. Hiuidns, Hamilton; R. agronomist, Ohio State U niver- D. Shipp, Lebanon; H. G. GibVital TranIlPOl't4UOD , • • AppUed lIity; ' B. J. Lazar, vice president, boney, Hamilton; Frank Cox, West .B y Men. Wbo "Know pow" • • • Cincinnati Office, Federal Reserve Midilletown, and Henry Harris, Let ' Tbem Summerproof Your Bank; Lyle '"Jarnes, ~arm mSIUlge- Lebanon; and Mr. Eckert. Eni1ne, QeuI. ChasaIs, Radiator, -the .fringed hammock hUn& from Upper eyUnden and Battery • • • two hooks in .the posts oI the porch? ehaken down be! ore bhey oould get Sanitary Rea, Booms • • • FrieJld17 It weB a first-class a.k1 to lOVers, for' it. 1t WIUI ODe ~r the biggest ones I Service ••• Undet The Able Dlree- bWo people could n~t belp 81ttlng ever They are a nUl8a.nce dlgdon ot.Bob AbeI'J1atbj. Tel. W~ 0193. close "together in one. Long summer g1nig tJOIea aU 41M!'i' .tRie plaoe.

Banken and' Fanners SWinllnlo Action' On Soil Front


Within 15 mUes, $1.50 per year Beyond 'Ui mile8, $2.00 per year

Subacriptio'n Rates: (Payable in Advanc.e)

In The Beginning

experience. lM.eny ~e aa1d tha.t experience ill ,the best tesUler. This DUlY be trUe In one sense of the expression. but It certoJnlY Is the most

'nile WeeL, May 25, Will mark the of ·t.ile tenn of scboo.\lng for t'W'enty-seven at our yolUlg men Rlld )'(IIUng women. The· ending, yet bile beginning or commmtcement. After ex:pens1ve way. twelve years of ach'oo11ng they nQW It these · young men and women sbep forth to go their various ways, 'have gained 1Jhe1r ~Iedge in the lOme to college a.nd a rurtlwra.ncc or school that will enable them to think their educa.t1on, some to bustness or cleauly and conclllely In Illl mo.tterl! trades, others to ute- but 8.ll of 1ihe1r every-day comings and g0into a strange world tilled with thc IngS, then they have gained mUlCh to grim !a.ot8 of 'I1be proteolJon of be proud oI and can be tha.n~Ul home and achool w111 somehow not be theY do not have to go out to flgt$. aa com!OI¢1ng as it once ~'8.s now tb.e 'baltt\e of lUe una.rmed. CihaIt the reepons1bllit1o of lite are With them goes the beet w1Shes of placed more Squarely up to the Intitle oommwuty, their teachers, the d1vWual. The one corolortlng thing parente and tnendS. ThlB will be t.b8.t will grow more 60 aa the years go on is tihe fact ~ they have stimuJBtlng to have when the going a.eqU1red an education, the one great geta rough, but the basic knowlqe 8&'let that we can 8.ll have U v.1IJ they have acquired for themselves work for 1t. Many receive it in the throUgh Ul1e1racboo!\ng will be the scboolil, otherS ~t until t.hey are gre&'teet asset tbey can ever hope to out' into the world, then gain it by have. (WitIdIlm J.s power. =========================-~~~.


Bob's SuperService Station

Bunkers and fllflller8 of Warren nnd Clinton Counties met recently at the Manchester Hotel, Middletown, to launch in this nrea the program for financing restoration of the lIoil sponsored by the Federal Reserve Bank of Cleveland. The program, is beine developed throughout the Fourth Federal RelIerve Di.trlct to aid In the rejuvenation of farm lands, let10usly depletecl by the demands of war through ad~uate fertilization and liming, rotatIon of crops and combatting of lion erosion. "For at leaat 16 years," -declared Phil S. Eckert, agricultural economist of the Federal Reserve Bank who is conducting the aeries of meetingsl .rthere hn been a con· tinuoUi aedJne of IOU ,re~llucea Ja


"That Great Scioto Stream"



Chorue-- _ . . Where the Olentaugy RiVer Meet& that Great Scioto Stream. You'd ever live a life in hunger 'For that girl; sweet eSt of , that 1Jollege Castlteld, line. 01 Dear Sweetheart; of you I dream. aocordtnr to lIOmeone. No com ......:..:.... !Yet and "'" 0 1 Dear Sweet Co-ed' Clandestine. p.........,.. · very .. uvwe corn Wbe:re .Olentangy River P'OUD<t pI Meets that Great Scioto Stream. T~ 6UJlow~ out and every 1yrlc ~ "A TrlJ:IUt.e to BooeeVelt· one came to An/hur Thomas sa.\e. It



~~~tl'~ =~ their

brood before I put the Porch screeIl8 up becau8e wrens Gl'e n1ce little birds, not. , peate Uk~ aparrowe. Before the porch W8B screened we .t bem nee' there in bn old cupboard aeveral years. . Mr.y In, INa. ~~~ No aOOWen ~~ bta tt. IooIra a UWe re.I.Ie


aia~ 10. INa..8aIIIIr-





Anot.ber da¥ or IUDAhlne, tbOUIrh tbe paper pred.Icta Ioboftra t.cnrht aDdiAlmorrow aDd ap\n on WedntfJdq. A week ~ IIIUDIIhiDe would Qo a world of . eoocl and we woWd then' aU be bOplni tor ~




apiD. Wellave .some' &lf~~cut and I !qJe it. doesD't ,et a .......... on. It J& ao Ilbidt IioDCl beaYy tbat it WOUld.

~cGIlure ~uiural ~ome .,

. ~~~~;;;;:;;:~~~;;;~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Dial 2111 . Wa1JleBville, bhio ' " .




. \.



' 'r::... On The 7th Bo· nd ~n""e UJ .Y . . . . ~ the

eoUc1b od8IIee a.nflllOw c:Jr caD us dp.


you. oome in .

for III. blower, it the bam was wired tor electiidty. EIeotrtc1tG' meeus more 1Wl~ more to the .farmer ev~ year. TbIs year we are having trouble gett.Ing someone to ~ our sheep. The man who uaed to do it bald a motor in tile boOt of IbJa oo.r and used tlha.t but now be haa boU8ht eleotrlc cbppers e.nd aa the on (ih.e Towrusihip RD8d farm we thought it

$18.76 aete you $2&.00 in 10 yean, 8U&nUlteed by your own rrovern-


The Waynesville National Bank ~b_~l W~Oblo


' W ·tmmlDg.Tickets' ~ S eas«tn for tlds year are 00 sale at

vroWd be eas1er obi get someone who


could clip them there of them over here but ao fin we bave had no tudt. 'lbere 18 a man \\1lo baa been hlghl;yt recODli!I1Cnded to \8 but it W1ll be two weeka before we can get him. Poor llbeep if we

have -t.o ~t for him and 1t tuma bot. Weather I Ev8frt,h.tDg a.lWa.ya b1DIes

__ .I t.L..:.a 11:: these' tic. kell will be gUUII lor aUllIIllHCe to tft pool 00 'I'L.


. .If





DOl ~



on rt.he 'Weather durin on &be fe.nn. We have,,, DeW nwmbel- of our

farm~, Joe, a. fine, red~polled yea.1'lIDtf bUll 'Who ~ to John. I can bIm Joe a.fter Joe staUn, chief oUbe Red 81_ 8 118, ([ do not. know v.'b&t Jctm ca1Ia hkn.) Billy Popeye must.. find a. new lKme before long.


• PeMS purchlsing tiCkets ~r ,the faUy plan :: ~~ .. lUST BE MEMBERS of -THE SAiE 'FAMILY loneer.He 18 the nandllODle8t thins on trbe farm, a h&ndIJome brute, • J


'iDCIINiII 10, are: ~



per.... ' ,.0. .



sleek IIIo1ld ~erful With all the marta at Jeraey~. I ~ ed' ~ .the o~ day and ~w aome or hjjs reJa,t.1ves. beau'lea &11

•••~.... • .4 .9Z ,some ~ I .. at .tIhe1r


..5 4_

" "




... 9111!.



.table Cue&. AU SIas, Ileat Bloeb aDd ease., DI'7.()hUJ BoUIe ~xee,


Honea, Co......~ HOI. Calves, Sheep, etc.

8maU and Larre Farm l(Id~ratlon £qulpmeb&. Walk-In COOlers, Com.preao1'I, Met.ora, SapJ)i1 Pans and B.epUr Sen1ce • • • All A....lable No,.- ••• fJtore Equipment BuUt to S~_ ••• 11ncler Able Dir-

8~, ~_ wm tbey _ ttJe roOt on? Will I~ set. tmt bay in ?



ec&IoD 01 a..,mond 1.. Beueekfll' and



waa proud ,to have b1ooc1 in u.v bard. I And tIhe tIrM8 wm ~



.Wa~te·d P~Dltry

to look )lite them•



D1d l'OU Me a boIr cUmb Gr tree? I cUdn't auppoee·t.bBj" oouJd tut cap ClUDe in with oa tile o'tber Dilbt t.b&t tile doll bad CIMMeel lntro a tree. and tba; 11M to be'

9-12 each m rnlhg

i -5 afternoona except WedneSda.y




7-9 Saturday even1na


Other Evenlnaa by


more exped1t101lB . tlaudling and incr~g and COnserving our food supp~. The eost is moderate and should ))e considered lIB an in. ror thBj" will pay for theinselves several times over in th.e new , trade t.h.ey will attract, man-pawa' they will save and the food wb1ch




Chicken -Hoose CREENE. BROS. 201 ClnelnnaU, Ave. -



Dr. C•.E. WiIkiD


Phone 411

~~ ~e sj.edaUa...··'=I'Z6 S. DetroI& St.


. _ _ u_a_u _ _

Place ·Your Order f~r FERRY Church of Christ NEWS

SAeco Fertilizer .Fertilizer wHI be very searce, So order now and b. .ur4!l of obt.inin8 your 'needs.

FE N "'CE Barbed Wire .Galv _,Roofing

Buy Now ~ FOr Sprinl Need.

:Flljlrley Hilwe. $tores . 8 ~ BIG STOREs

We . . . you to Iuww that YOU are NEaDED every. Lord'. _ ana tbat YOU are MJued If Dot .present.


us AT


MAY 21, 1945•.

In BIa Name, . M. B. ~aDter, ~ · 8choolS.Pt. Herbert Graham. ~ter

_ . ._I_F __ ." _

B .O B'S DAIB'Y · I'


DAIRY PRODUCTS for Your P~tlec:ticid Phobe 2&37 . W.~e.fille, t,*(o





bhem and







-'"It 5 4


tban usual. to BdJU&t t.hemselves to ch&nglng BrIng the bI:IYfS h<ee by buying condl.Uona 'tbI'ouih their 'fair dealWar Bonds. . .tn& metboda ~d good service in bUYing, ae1l.1nc IUld exc.banglng ot all Carl L Cook Spendinl IWlda of atore Uxtures and equip.. ment tor grocer1es. mewt stores,l Here; Holder Purple Heart hotels, reStaurants and taverns. oari L. 000It 14. M. spending They are carrying a large and a ,t wenty-five daY ieIIove w1Ch lUll modern IIt.OCk of fixtures since wife, MI'II. Bet.ty Oook, and da.ugb- are 0e1ng released and are. also.

He WIIB woUDded in the baWe of OIc1nawa In title eouth Paicltlc for which be W8& ~ the Purple He9.l't. He also has &eVen suMs for combat d~ in :tile PbWpp!Jles;South Obina Sea. ~d New ·Ouinea. He will report J:I!3dt to San FranoIsoo, Ca11f., ci,n .June 6, for further hospital treatment.



Ec1wa"rd Bowman. TeL MA4JIoa 7%11.

1tIlOW87 !J'bey a1~ ay ttla\ farInlna Ia ~tIni on the weather_ The Nd&'hI>orbood Applla.rEe and thla' y\W !1eeIIl8 ~ Uncertain ~e grea.tJy a.1diJlg business WOO

here bas fixed t.he1r .ter, Sandra lA16•. ud with bill pa;r- featur1rle eooUng a.nd freez1ng' eqUip~ ell't8, Mr. and :lI4ns. 0barle8...0. Cook. ment tor producers, which 16 help-


V~~·------~~~ =

P.-r ~ EIiatun1ar.

.Quick Service

bl, Beacfl-ID Coliunerdal. Befrla'..eraton from ZO CD. Ft. ap, Vep-

mo9Ia wltb a.1rabatta tor the mow curm. oi hay w1\lh an electric blow-

er? .Acoord1ni to the fl!olUl paper, it Ia tale la.te8t ~. It 8OUIIoda good .~ . it you can put. your allaUa in berore it geta too dry ,t he leaves will not fllll ofl. '!be air 8hafta look easy -enoU&ib to build fWd wouId/ prdJably aave enollglh ha.y ~

• • •

SerIes E Booda are JDOIlII1 OIl de,J)OIl' GIl4 1niteftBt accumulates OIl

QeO J. Wat.erboU81

be bani to drty. It . waa tak:\nIf a c.bance but ba.Y JIl8k1na ~ alWllfs taIdns a chance. I ~nder it alllYone

. Ohio

sm . ooch

lIChedUled to begin at .ten o'~ltock and to eVen'QDe'a aat.onJ.sbmerit 1t cUd. Wben .I got bhere aI>oUt eleVen ,a.l1 ~e pota and were sold IU)d tbey 'Were beglnn1ng on .the cbina. ~ bl'ouIht ~. prtces, ~e .e njoyed ~ them&elves and it dIdn'~ see anyone eat c~ 'lbree

my. beoom'"



<iUId. two ~ ~ InaIned in. CUUed wa.ll8," and hIa 1IIImo\."Roney Dea.r"- 'WbeD,au called me Hooey Deal' ;you ~ IDlY heart B . eMIr to eee ~ be .. fut. 'IbM be&IIIaIUl'l7ric Will lie ~ ODe of tile' .,m'ld'. DMl8t. m 1bi l~ ~ ot "'Ib., ~ beMItJRal -tDDIIt lIOWezfu!.- &Dd ~ 1'Oet17..- .tbta ed.WOD cbQIe)lll ~ brio wrlt8'.


DJsceming 'motorls~s are more and evenings passed quickly in tWle to A' 2034 Wayne Ave.. Dayton, Are more .g etting Itbe ,h abit of stopping the comfortable slow swIng1ng aI the GftaUy AldlD, People to Mee' Wlh6ll in Oalcwood at Bob's SUper- bammock. 'Remember ? STUBBS Cban&'in&' Conditions Throach Tbeir Service Station 86 they ~ how FUNERAL well and economicany their car r:unS beePent Benke to PlaDDinc, De·HOME When fueld w~th MobUS'lIB and are ,IJpinC. BuJIDa'. Bellina', and Ex....Iepbone !291 too; appreciative of their pleaalng Wa)'llesvDle cbancl,n, of Store Ilstaree. Equip-

In. 8be W88 buay on ~e 1Da1de or ment 01' ~ Beataurant • bv-. the neet ing it here a.r)d there ....... Ban and Founlalna _ •• WaIk-


by SAaDlord Bopn . ~ l808eo wr1tlS: '1'hM GreM 8ciot.o Stream. 'RIe '00Uep IDII¥ be , any in United 8t&tea but &be ..!!de18tiDe ia OoIlIrniq Ohio.

Appliance Co.

The otIIer cay we found a new neat ataJted on the .top aI one aI the .p on:h poBtls rdght outSde the idtcllen wlndow. It ... made of IIUOb bit lItIdta Ibh&t we 'WOndered what kind at b1JId it was. It didn~ look like & ap&lTOWa nest. Tod&y I fOWld out. Mr. and MinI. Wl-en had gloved

May 19. IH5. ·8aWnJa1Bunsb1ne alter , ra1n, ra.In an th1a week 8tDCI most of last. The weather ---..b __ ,,_.. .0&._ _ , , _ . .__ r~.......... .......,.. "'..,... ............. D but 80me of ,bhem Wel'!- more like cloudbUJ'Bta. The riVer waa up over the ldghway apin Ctll' the aeventb time





Mobiloil & Mobilgas



A brilliant Moon, long ago; . in late December. . O'er a Diamond Snow; long a College Castled,.llDe_ Thru a 'life-time you'd remember; The deare8t, of the Bwee,test Co-ed's clandeatiD'e.

.spread1n8 the

SUIl>IUae6 throughuut the yee.r.



W.,....viDe, Ohio



============~~======.~e~~ . ====~====~==~T;g;,~M~IA~M;I~G~~~~'~n;==~~~====_~=-======~~c~_ === _. _.~ ~_~====~.P=a=ge=T=hr=ee

Can ~ou Look Them In The Ey:e; Then Refuse To By .... ~OUR SR~RE 9 f , . 7th War oan the Warren County .·. .; 1 , .. , . . .. QUOTA

'$1;, 400 000



/Willis E.


dllI_lIIl1lell.? We'll tell the world we can I that figure sound big, neighbor? Welt, those Superforts that are plastering Japan are big D OES -and cost plentj,. Battleships are big- and cost mil/ions. The job our fight ing men are doing . is big- and the the cost is staggering. So, of c~urse, ou,..· job is big~ But we can do it if you and every other patriotic American in this city buy a BIGGER bond than before •.• or invest a BIGGER portion o( income in'War BondI! n6wl Study the char~ on 'the.. right. 'See what your country expects ~ou FIND YOUI! QUOrA ••• ~ ~ '!.! to do in .the 7th war Loan. Remember, yo" are part of AmericaMAlUI," YOUI ".SONAL If YOUI AVlIADI VALUE Of WUIOND WACII a part of America's might! QUOrA II . 7nI WAI LOAN "'~II.

sno 12'·210

!;~ \(

........ ~

210.221 _210 "0.200 1eG-l 10 100.140 ....... 100

(CASH VALUII $117.50 ISO.OO 111.25 112.50 \ 93.75 75.00

IOND5 IOUDHT U50 200 17S

ISO US 100

n .to




Thi, is ." offici.l U. S. Tn.sury .d."er.tisem~t-prep~red u"der the auspices oj Treasury Department and War Advertising COlmcit

. . : ' . This Page Sponsored

'Waynesville Furnitnre .Co.


Waynesville farmers Exchangt.


D. Ralph Smith - White Villa Grocer

Waynesville Drug Store

'The RecreatiOD"Eat

'Waynesville National Bank



The Miami Gazette





McClure· Funeral Home A.It.DAT

." $~~~f:un~ral Home T:








BOB'S DAIRY, Charles Kofmehl


Waynesville Floral Co.

Coyle's Meat Market

John PhillIps

.. . ,


M.... McCIUN EateJ'taiD• VO,aD...... for Victol7

a. . .

• • • • ••

a •••

. ....

t t




Hili, Mlr. · .:.

EYeninl'- "Christ ~I! Piophet."

o1u1aUan EndMvar - 8:30 P. M.


BUT W.r Bond. and Stamp. at

EVening ServIce - 'l:30 P. M. MJc1:'week pra.yer eervice . 'lbursda¥ n!a'llt - 'l :30 P. M •

oUr Box Office

.... .. ...... .....THURS. ....... . FRI. .... ..TUES. WED. MON. .. ... _. _... ....... .-...







Your eyes w1ll be glued to !the eci'eerl tor 113 m1mltes when you see

Here's Old P'e.tty and SItlnney 8.l!a.In-SCan .Laurel a:nd


"None But The Lonely Heart"

OU"" Hardy in

"The Big NoiSe"

With Carey Grant, Ethel Barrymore, Jane Wyatt, June Dapres, Ba.rry Fits,erald and. Geor,e CoUlourta.


Extra: "Porky PII'. Cartoon and News.


"Red River V .lley"

Also: cartoon

Mr. and Mrs. Walter ~teiter and daughter. Mr. and. Mrs, Berit L.


.W I•••• N. Sear.




Phone 2851

W.yneeville, Ohio

BUnnell end Mr. and Mrs. WIlII.rd Ball spent SWlda,y wttll Mr. and Ml'I. orner Boldrey and daUghter 01' Da6'-



Mr. and Mrs. JaM Koester




enjoyinB a vlatt rih tihe1r <aughter, Ml'a. Willlam'DuFOe or lUlnoIa. iMl'. o.nd iM.ra. Vaughn Mullen md 'l:30 P. M. sana at I)ay.ton 8pI!llot Saturday 8:16 P. M. even.InB WM.h Ml'. and MJ'" Bert


News of Churches Evm1n&'

Youth 8ervlct'fl





Methodist Church


B. Volemab,




Mr. and Mre

Ohurch &ehool at 9:30 A. K., Mrs. Church of Chrlat R&.Jmood ~, auperlnteDdent. ~ 10:30. ara. Randall, MIDIater Yoll'tb lI'ellowah1p, TUeedi.y eveDing Bible School -8:30 A.M. at 7:30. Oommunlon - 10:30 A. 1M.. ,,'holr practIce,Wed~ Sermon - It:80 A. !L 8:00 P. M. 0lu1at1a.n EIl4e&var - 8:30 P. M. 81IDda7. Ifa1 nUl, 10:30 .. m. Even1nl service - 'l:30. P. K. Memorial Service _ 8pecJaI llUaie Mid-we'et pra,yer eervtce 1- ''lHeroee iIilIalted" Ta.1lor -choir 'lbur~ ~t. - ::30 P. M.

&l'v1m _

Come in and Get a KEM-TQNE Color Card,

Waynesville ,


i8all apent

CA&D CLUBMI'II. Lowell Thana& entertained the CIa.rd Club a .. bel' bCme DlUl'lSday ffIW

S6turqllLy everuna with Mra. Ba&el

OrOOer and lam1I.Y cit ~e.

:a.rai'IIba.u spent a dll)'8 in Middletown viaitklC relativee. a£tetnoon. iMnI. WOnJr

lin. Baney Burnet eervtid on a Mr. and JoL.... flGnner Bt.ewut apeoW JurJo. 00 .1ih1 murder tt1al at s~ with Mrs. BJmer Lebanon Jut week. ~es of Mkt1J~ Mr. and lin. AWlttn Conner enMr. IIIld lira. 'IberJe .Janel and tainect tnend8, BUn.da¥. . eon M1lton, 'Were dinner sueata,_SunMrs. Bomer Kenllard and chUd-- , day even1D8. at the heme of:Mr. and ren entellta1ne<l MN.' RUby St.ump lin. Edwin NUtt Deal' OentervWe. over the week end. Mr. and Mh. ~ 00WDa and LT'YLE OIhilJ1 Qwrles of ~ were Sunclay afteI'ooaD lUeata of Mr. and I4lB. WaItfI' KernrII*. MTJ'On W. H.pmeTer Mr. aDd MrI. E. B. Loo&Mre spent Gr.du.t_ From. TraiDinc __ Sunday aLtemoon with relaUv.ea In 1Am0t18 those recelllllly rradlatlnQ Olbclnnatl. fIUDt an lntenB1ve 00U1'IIe of Beak: A ~ of peraon& from here Enalneer1na tra1n1I1S at Service a~ the BacetJaureate aeI'V1ct'fl SchooJa at Great l'.MIJII, m, owaa at W~ 8UDdeIr evenmr. ~ W.&cem8J1!I', 20, eon 0( Mr. MIL NeWe &mJcII: ~ and Mrs. Cbarlea E. UaaCIDL,),er. Mr. 8Dd 1olD. <::bart. Ander&on to ~ SaturdII.y, a.Ilid w... alIo & Route 13, Wa.ynemule, ~ Thla . mueJajcUt "lit. . IIelected for 'at IIbe1r home 1n W~esvUle his apec1al1zed tra.1n1118 o~ the . . . . OV«'~.


• • •



TUrner, Phone Qm2.


d , '~ G ' '1 ' dan I' rave



I'ORBAl.i:-BrIIIaCbrlnet; Walnut

'. ~ 8t&Dd; I ~ted walnut .

Clba.1la.1ln B. L. RTe. Ph




'&""""'0.-.- ""--_ ~'A_U~"""""'"

V-" rtftIWII' _" ft'''., ___ . _

......" ..V ATINO DUMP - _......

oacd1ttoD; Box .88'1, ~e.


2ht Diatriet lnapection. this their oburcb bome. Order of the Eut~rn St.r St. M.ry'. Ep_opal Church


Ready Mix Concrete


FOR SAIlJE - BreakfGBt set; ' Bolly. WOOd bed; 3-pc: living room suite; dr~; lamp. Louls FIres, Phone 2973. • 6-'lc

Armitage t. Son I . \wa .me

F'OR s.MlE- A combined book Ca&! and desk., quite ,.."...,v, ·T ..... uJre a.t



FriendS Home,.Waynesville, O. -24 • - - - - , , -"'C FOR SAlLE=- SWeet plants, 50c per hundred. All k1nd8 0( gar_ den plants lOe per doz. 0b3I!. C, strouse, 1'l2 miles North 01 Wayn-nlle, 01 W.. ."........,.l1'--'-.. .......6-28 ....." ..'fIerI')' and [Qttle l'08dB.







:t: =::;1 ~ap~~ tor .... cau · or wnw 000.

1Ieol1e. Pboae iM). 2, Idlamn. tic I>UNBAiM u.s. 0ERtrliPIED WHlTiI R.OC:& OBICES--Breedeir Of Nat-

·kibU ~

Wblte Root pen . both 1M3 and IH4,' OUr 1H1 WtIIItenl NeIr Ybik 00IKeet pen II '-A'~ ~ ~-a..

~ .. . ' s. Itlrou8b

- - .peD ~.


'. ' ~ ~.,.. Dow.m· ~ ,sered

b' tIop ~ profita by IndlVkl~ ,PedJSreed R. o. P. aU from dim at ~ to 110 en reoarcL PJIIce.JOUI' onIer ~ _ tbe cSeIDIIId b' tbate supertor cbIcU WIll eII*Id ~ aullPlY. Don't be

..... .aCed. bobanon, 38 oDium. IIuI Aft., Pbone __a DOJaIAK BnedIr ' BA1tDDlR.T ........ . . . I. ,JIbODe



AUCTIONEERING Stanley and Koo.ler I'or Dates, PhUDO 3894, wayneavIDe,Ohlo, Reverse Chaqes

Para. 1Iec.....



Lebanon, Ohio

-- = ~-~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ r



KING BROS. BUSES \B1I8f8 Leave lor Clnelnlll!oU - ·8:38 - 10:38 a,' m. - !:38 - 8:31 p. m. DAILY 9:'53 p. m. SUNDAY aDd HOLIDAYS' .ONLY BaIet Bye for Xenia 8:03 •• m. - 12:03 - 4:03 _ 7:1. p. '. . D4ILY • . 10:03 Po m. SUNDAY8 and BOLlDA~S ONLY . '


Ji'aI1her ' Int~uoD




_u.,,_ ..... ._ .. cauera.

Ilr. and I4ra. Barr7 PSIIIt a.nd



Lede 0lV0' &n4 famUy. 1Ir. Oecqe Qray retmned home wttb Uhem

.rwr a two weeIuI * t tIJen!. PVT. STEINKE BO~ Pv.t. .J~ea steinke spent Batur-


=:~:::: ;:~



fob. Be returned W Unlftmty of ~ toB ;a:l;e 10:30 A. M. ~ A . . . . .•

FIrat Day school- SI:tO A.IL

T. ·M. Searlt, Sunday school - 8::50 A. I(. E. A. Earnhart, superlnten... WOl'lllUp service - 11):30 A. II. Ev..... ln~ .. &erV1ce - '1:30 P.....

C.rd of Th.nke--

InC. apeoIeUzlntr in electrioaJ entr1neer· !Mn. Ma.l'1IW'et Jobns entertained to dinner. BUDdaoY, Mr. and 14rIl. Aug Ooot, ' Mrs. D1zabeth Smith and Mr. Ernest COok at 'WaynesvWe.


W ' , .............. u.., oman. Ohurdl netted near at.





T ... ,

u. _ ·..e


Y'cOo1 wiIh to ThOmU' .le, Slalturda.y,1I8l'\1nI the expreas their appreciation to thetr lunCh. stUCScnts for ~e lovelY gUt. pre. MI'. and lin. Chv and sented Ito them at.fbe conclUllon at eon, ~1.I8Se1l, were BundIa6' even.1nr the rec!.tal saturday evenlnc. '!bey dI.nner i'U-'II of Mr. and lira: PIoyd a:Iso wish to thank .the parente for Routmhn and famlb' neu !'a.rmersredtaJ coq>emtion a 8l1OCe88. in DUIiIWIg ·tlhelr

tile \'dlle. PIn . BBOOIIBB , B&I"fflmSeco !Pte. OIlIarlea BeIdler al1l1l1'18ed bIa . nd Lt. Robt,:. L PI.nck parent., Mr. and lIn.1IenI':f BeJ.oher, Liber.ted From Germany h1s broIlber.1WPh and


Mr. and Mrs. R(8 !I~ received hle sI.Iter, lira. Raana&e and fam1ly, a telegram from the War Depart_ helre8unday, when he cune 'ftIdnC

ment. ~, /JtatjlnC tha.\ their eon, Second Lieut.enrult L. Planck, 'WU libented. and ret.umed 'to 1M1l1'11a4'y control, L't. IPl&nclt was pUot fit ,. p~



18 NOW


Mr. IIIJd lD'i. Baney ~ en·

teramed _ dinner, ~, Dr•. and lira. B. I:. ~ of Wa.ynesvWe apl .Ilr. aDd Ilra. . ~ WbItabr, 80ft ~ d&UCbter, In honor at the b1rtbdt.lI Of 'M rI, HUhaw.a, .J6& Pl'aIIcee Whttalcer aDd 1:1'_ _' " ~...... ........-..... au ....... Mrs. Edpu- wu.on of 0ent«v1lle aftemoClo

MustlUllandW"Uhot;doWDsD~......".nd _en p . _ ' ''J ..... ...-...... "nO.

"'--- -

-- "'-

m&DIII, AprU IS, 1Mf.

had ~

relelYed. alter ' In StaJoc 2 In ~ tar mooIIba. KIll 0ItJlerIne ~ of DIftoD 18 al80

In. He



Inc at the


~. baIne.


VIal,· '

NODDIS aROCK CO• ·CI......n·&1 tJDIan 8",* '1'.... -


"lit ~08. lltAJ S'mICIR~. !tt,P,.DfB-

It· ~ IIORB ~, treatmeD~ Uusr be lJd)ile. Fii4l11'ifiA.. 'l1JI:. Alcobol is'VIIlri' K£81U!. Te-ol 'lRATIB.




> •


Ute ' .... ~ 1'nIr....... An . "BfIIe8~ .eMer til ~ . , cIrUI-- ................ to ~ 8Ide&I7 pte ~here. Talt 1l fCll' ~ ...... ___ lied aD ..... - ' * ~ or emelJir feet. <Jet, sac worth .. aM ~• ~ 8& W.,.mue . 8tIOn. . ~ioe ......t Sa.....

'aom&a.lnIi 90%. Peei It



WORTH 7ge T__• tasty. . . . . . .

o _ n ma'1"llDAy'8-

JOfIel aond Helen




St. Augustine Church

Meet1ng for Worshtp -

H• M • C0 YN'E

a.u u.

Buy chJoU .~ 1bla ·1IlVMl h . '. ~ atrUo for ~ .poultry


Insured A •• inat· Lou bAny C.u.... ' --

'-'IW or write Don BeDdel'liDD, Realtor. 81'l Im'a.In Ave. L\l.yton. Ohio. KiB ~. -17



~ 28- D.GM. (fU) HlliBboro Oburch 8choot at I :ao A. II. J. une . ...... DO ' Mornintr prayer uut eenooo. . .!(. (It<6) Loyal 11:00 A.M. J\me ' 2O-D.G.l4. (330) LJDdhburr

V . .'uable Overseas p. ackaaes lit

25 North MeohaaJc 8treet


T:a.-. tul ~.

non: OffIce 4.'J'7K

FOR SAl...&- Women's Bboee; 1 pro 'Whlte: 1 pro BlBdt; size 8-M; also atonn boots to f1t; A1moet new. t4rB. A. It. Day -1'l

IF YOU ~ Ito Iell )'OW'!ann--

~ D.O.M~(U1)

, il.Hli""'~&N~i8i.iiii~+Mt. Holly Methodist Church ~~iiii~~iiiiiiii~~~~~~~~=~i~-----=-=-=-=-


MOWliIR. - Ohio 2-8peed; horse , .drtIiwn; IIimaat new. Lon Allford. , ..,. -24




I1- 'IlJe Waa NlY 00IIuede" B8Jt)eI!t Mr. Randall will preach on the I4ale QU&l"tet tollowlng subject. thJ.s Sun"In '!be SWeetA!St at the Year" ~. In the morn:Ine the church( -B'ertIeJt -oholr aervice will cenw arowtd the theme, Glbboa. Bld•.-Nortb St. l4emortal Senpon. by The WnJster ."alr1st, '!be IfOundaUOn." There It\ OOIl'dIa1invUaUOn Je extended to w111 be apedal mus!o; Mr. Ray Klont. &n7 'Wllo IDII\Y deIdre .to keep Memo- wru give a abort sennonette on the W.)'De.ville, Ohio r1a1 J:lIa6r 'WiUl ua. above subject, and Mr" Randall will give t.he III011lini HlIMn on the 'lbe 0Ibi0 Oanterenoe 18 now In IIBme aub,tect.. 1lUa Sunde.y. is tile 01 the ipOnth of May aeulan at KIng Avenue QlUS'Ch, speclal OolumbUa, !&\f 23 to 28. at the Ollurcb or 0h11&t. A ~ of ,. 150 baa been ae£ for Bible IIChool tor UhJ8 da.y. The exua talent used for I Ferry Church of Chrilt the IDIDI'n1nI aervk.e Is expected to H...... O ........ M . . Bible SciJool 8:30 A. K. In1n8 our o.ttflVIIa.nCe up above the 160 IIiark 1'or the dB¥ or bla recn&1t &l'aSD1nc aptitude t.t Comnumkla 8Dd Mbmins • • 8OOI'M. Ohldu• .,.!·~ the ten ape, Wonblp . 10:ao ' A. II. NI'.. ~ ~ :~ op ~e Cia1Iseit COIhe8' '-1Ilt .here M tbe subject. "Cbrist, '!be , Prophet" at Bemce 8cIiooJa are .mt :to Ilea, In PAST'ORE- For rent bJ .the head RUBBER STAMPS and tile evenlni ev&n&eUsUc aervU:e at shore 8ta~ fit to advaDoe 8Cboo1a of IIUIcIL IDnerf NIn, 3 mU.,. MARKING DEVICES '1:30 o'clock. for turCber clWiV. ~ Is ~ eoutb-OIC Wll.YD8IYIller-- . -31 Ma er Blble 8tlbool eervlces. Lord's Day HOUSE ' FOR 8A1&- 6-room. 2'The Miami Gazette -+Ul~ were 138 preeeDt, br1rI8Ul8 our 'l1he clt1zeDa at the ~ ..' ... ''--01; m adern; IPf'8i8 under average for the ye8I' up to aroUnd cunmun1ty are slriOierel:V 'inVited to ~U6C; larse corner lot; well land12'1 per ~. attend the aervice8 ~ the WaiPDeIt8CilPed; jmmeQla-te poeaea1on. Wade , . -_ _. ._~._ _ _. . =v1lIe Ohurdl of OIl!1llt .... DIKe

furniture Co,



f ••ffI.r. according to a C.lltury old prll, ......... IJ .99 r.c:lpe.


Creamery . BUTTER

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