Miami Gazette December 12, 1946 - July 17,1947

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~~ ----.,.~--

iliar Fam FairbylyEFFELD EE Of all !;he spec.lal commen ts On NatiO'lla l Newspa per Week which a ppeared, in a recent edl tlon Ed1tor and Publisher. we liked (.hls one best. It was written by Fred W . Hill, presiden t of the NaLiol".a 1 Editoria l Associa tion a nd publish er of Hamburg (la',) Reporte r and was entitled "Challe nge to Countr.y Editor" : "In the early Colon1&l days. John Peter Zellge'r. the secor-d editor in , the colonies . was forced to flgh t for his Weekhis right to conune nt in of the ,goyly Journal upcm the acts I





ESTAB LISHED 1850 - -NO. 4294 WAYNE SVILLE , omo

"Slots Must G. ." w=,nar~ Says Abaecher6


............~ -- -- ~----------~-----



$1.50 PER YEAR -

Ellis Jersey Herd Wins Top HODors In 1945 National Butterfat Awards

(Oootln ued


Earl Evans Wins Prizes at Show

Collector Of Dog Carios~ Has Aliaost 0n O·ISPIaY Two Hun,dredS·

page' 6)


~ of tlbe

play and dance

at the H1sh School·on

saturda y evening , Dec. 21, wt,eh to ~ that all peraona ' wI10 purcbued ·adml.W oo to b !!bow at the rate of 50 cent. w1l1 be alldried to ttle dIulIce -t,9 purchu e '& _ Wbkh followa tbe abow f« 50 oeot.a the uIt.ed price 0( . 76 1DIt.ead. . clmt8 per pelion: ), ' ,




burg stand Walter .B1l18 (left ) and· son. H~r ElUs of near' Barveya helped She JenJlIY. s Ma.rttna cdwa, Jersey pride ~de one of their their herd


wm coveted nationa l producUon award.

EUII Considered one of the best Jersey cattle men In Ohio. Walter and his a<lI1 Heber of near Harvey a. bury recently TeceiWd: nat~l award for top bu~at productfor. in . 1945. ed Jerseys register 18 of herd' 'Ibelr butterf at or pounds 408 a~ ' per cow for last year. 350 pounds on the Mercha nts in WaynesvUle 'Will are nqulred ,to be, l1s.ted ' arecMve an'd roll honor l stay open lr. the evening s starting r.a.ttona Men's Dairy l Nationa e from,th wards conw1U next TUesday Dec. 17 and tlnue on through the week and also 8860Ciation. ar.i on Monday and Tuesday IHard work. registered stock re and welgbUI on Dee. 23 mel 24. 'lbis schectu le lla$ suocea t:he to d ttribuW a are cords nts mercha leading been set up by the and hi and stores {or the conveni er.ce of of ' this hert! by !Mr. Ellis ion those who cannot find time during son. A careful check of product non..,pro the day to attend 10 their Christmas el1m1na.tes C(lWS to remam best the oruy lows the that found be will , It ng. ·shoppl stocks of tbese mercha nt s is very in t he herd.

Merchu ts Annoance

Openl·ng In Evenings

~ .caterUUfh~k

complet e ar-d in some C~ m~ chandlse can be round her e th at Is hard to get in even the largeT cities.

Civic Club Meeting Slated ay ,Eve will For Next MondCivic .-Club

The Waynesville hold Its regwar monthl y meeti ng at Smioth 's Green Rocm on Monday g. Dec. 16 at 7:00 o·clock. This will be dinner meeUnl{ and the speaker for the evening Is Col. Cha.plaln John Linsley of Air Mat:er1a1 Command, Dayton . Reserva tior..s for lihe d1nn~ are request ed on or before Dec. 13 by Maynar d Weltz. secretar y.

E.' V. Barnhart Called Friday

Ephraim V. Barr-b art, aged 74, passed ' away at his home in , WaynesvUle on Friday evening at 7:30 o'~oCk aft er an IPness of abOut six months . More famillar ly known as E. V .. Mr. Barnha rt had operate d a shoe store here for mar-¥ years prior tale 1900's In a location nOW occupKH"


I ,s Brotherh"0od Men Hears ,Dr. Craw.l.ord' ~


by SoUth's Tea Room. He then went to ,Cincin nati "here he was 'Ibe Warren County Men's Bratlhconnect ed with the incmle tax meeting was , held at _ eItlood an as years depa.rtmer-t for several Ohuroh on Monday eveDist Method to g returnin accountant, l8.ter 9. with ,about 70 persoa l Dec. Ing. resided has he where vLlle Waynes to the meetlD i In Prior Pl'eller..t. s1n~. a dJimer was edifice church the Mary's ~ 'Was a membe r of St. baseme nt dindhuroh he t ' In 8elWd c Masoni The . Church EpIscop8l of the weps ladles the by lJodge. and 'C lerk of the Wayne lng room menu con. The . present Ilhoae to Townsh ip School Board. aD the and ch1cla!n baked of a1sted wife, h~ by d Be ,is survive UI ma.lae to go that ries O&.t.ller1ne. a brotiher Lyall of other accesso meals. good usually these of or-e sister. -Orleh' ma. ctty, Okla. and a '!be speaker of the evening wU W1r.ter Pa11t. -Ph~ by Bunt« Photo SerVice Mrs. R. W. Stultz of T. T. Ora.wford of the CJnJeD.. ~r. P'la. Rarest of the lot. 1.s one made tI Oh~ PunenIJ services 'WeTe conduct ed tie~ Oh1o Pr18t MeIl1~18 of Myi'tle w~ ' whtoh is found only 00 addreee t ~XIOellen a.n rave -0 Heme. l in tile 9t&te of ·Oregon and the Holy at the McClure F'unera e6&" "Happtn Rev. with m. P. 2:00 t a ' ~ . . Land. saInUel PliOI' to tbIa a m~ JnII'8m In additio n to tbi dqr oollecU,on, Ralph Parka of De.yoton and e of iW88 preaent ed , ~tb M1aa VirP,lIa Mr. Pumas also baa 80IIDe antique N; KeJa lAy reader- in-ebaq tkll'. ~ Itv.1ni '~wo: ~ aoIos; aDd OIff1da' ~Urcb furnitur e ~ curlos fmn SOutb-~. y. ,lIUtmlI J<108I & tMIIPt • . cemeter ~ in made was 8'uIrial western lImted' states and Mexico.


.·' .pe.T.,.. Post 615 to , ~ ' I1Ven






5c A COl'y

tale freed<m of the ~ establl8hred The Ohio Poultry In6tlt ute cl(l~d According 'to a report Issued from many years bef.ore the OOnatitutkln recent show at the coliseum. in its pT06eCounty of ' the United Stata was mtt.en . the office of-War ren Sunday eveniDi. Decemb er Dayton IWOJ'dlng 'Ibla had Ita bea.1intr in tile .about sixteen hundre d with .9tih. comm~ erU Aba'l!Qb carl 'of the Plrst AmendJner.t. Which pro- cutor relative birds or- exhibiti on . •Loca'l shORn a" vtdedJ for freedm l of speech. the pla1n.ts are being Jiece1ved Corwin WllOlle ,to the widespread U8e . : slot madl- was Earl Evans, of press, re11gton and assembl y. ~n the final pluea hiab' won b!rda varIn ea "No time in hJatmy ~ve the ·Ines and pin, ball madltn Cockblrd Oochlp white ODe . Judging county. the out throuch s editors of the 11.000 weekly, ,eemi- lous location r SUver anothe an'd plaoe and must won ftrst weSly and Mnall dally, DeWlpLper This practice is unlawfu l c:Nmpboth 'War. d Cockbtr t &!brigh the prOlSeCUbeen faced> with 80 great a ftIIPOIl- be t1iscor.tlnued states plo~ in Cham Orand and i~p albWty •. Soc1a(~vala, the reeult tor. apu.nat Iln sequene e of these report.,; the the f1nala after compet iDi at the WBI", ha~ bro\IIb t to the wrCJhe same c'lalj8In blrda pther eleven the to orders lMued has tor Pro5ecu tlIce lDUly 1.-oa. few at 'WblDb rethat. troMayu& of all villages and -towns 1f1caUon. Mr. Evar.s at&tea fleet the Ame11c&n' ftY of life. reoelved and d aJWarde be w1ll phles QUe! their '''Ib combat these wW require the In t he county to InBtruct future. near the In machtn sUch remove to _ted efforta ~ dtora 1r. b of PoUce r they lIDI811er commu.n1t~ of theae Uni- from the preiii'Jaes whereve WAYN E TOWN SHIP comply to PaDure · located. be m.a.y true ted Stat.ea. Here we find the a TRUSTEES CH4N GE fDund&tton,g of our democra cy, '!Where wit h this order will bring about the dtr- MEET ING DATE straJab t thinIdn g and the appl1ca- clean-u p eampa.1 gn ur.der Cowden, Ckratd Sherif.t of tlon at horae-sense a re In every day ectlon The Wayne Townsh ip 'I'1'1llstees states Mr. Abaecherl1. use. have change d the meetlnfi date ''The task of oant lnutr.g the flght this mont h from the ·ngutar time, for the Ame11can ~ of Ufe falls VISITO RS FROM LIMA 15th. wb1ch falls on Sundla.y. to the th Meredi Mr. and Mrs . Harold upon the ao-<:alJIed, 'country ' editor the 17th at the usual time Tuesday . Mr or guests SUnda.y and with h1a oon;unu nity beh1r.d him oS ~, were and place._ er. he can. and w1lt lead this nB't.lln and .Mrs . Walter Whitak .----_________ . . : . . . . . Our . helgtlts ~ter and to new fCll'e-fathen left 'the plow stand In ld' to- fight for !.be the f t enjoy. No sudi' price is asked of US -- Dl"ly tha.t we stand rour peclme~s square in defence of the~ rights", • • • 'l'Ihe story that· needs telling a gain handled now and them W86 well recently by OrvUle E. R.oeed. a !·""r';::'..~~!'x,~~~, Bowell. ·M ich., advertlslng man , He • did it this way : "Did you just happer. to see her on the street. ,v,'8lk up to her. ask her to marry YOU. hold out your anns for her to swoon in. call the ministe r and consum ate the entire deal right there on the spot? Pe.rh\q)8 not. "It probably took a lot of c8lls. many evenlr-gs on tim family davenport, candy, theatre tlclEets. nowers, dotng the nice things over a p riod 01 time. before yOU closed the deal. . ,"Still. away !'rom' the roman-' ttCally ut UVlng room. you elq)eCt to meet a pJPSU~ through the ' mall or in the columr.s 'Of a publica tion, a* fCtr an order and ohanse aD uninter ested prospec t Into an Intereat1r.g customer. TIght on ttie' epert. And if it Idoeen'\t happen Uke t hat you , blame the adver.t1s1ng or . 'the sal~. ~' "'You're one to blame. for not kndwinC better.



Benjam in . Purnaa. IIOIl at Mr. BOd Mn. Robert; JIFnaa or O'NeU Raul, W:~1Ue, staned a hobby of ciOllectbia m1Jla'tIu1.e and f8c.atmue dOl ~ts in 111S5.. At ~ 'time he has 0Ye!' 11M) dJIII!er~t' apeciml nes iD .wood. dlina 118118, pot~. Wonu , . MId



Wedding Vows Exchanged Nov. 30 Miss Marceline P tcrs was united in ma rriage to Mr . Donald MtlKlnney af Bellbrook I ~ a cere mony at the brid . hem. near Wayn svlll!'. Ra _ . I k weIay. N ov. 30 .. a t t h ree 0 0 oc . Rev. Ralph Parks of Dayton read the double rlng service . a t which about forLy relations and friends were guests. Vows were exchanged dn the Hving room where pink ar.d :white cbl'yan'bhemums. palms and ~ tapers In seven branch can'delabra. tormed an a.ttractlve setting. Mr. Mack McKinney, brother of lthe groom, was the best man and the brides' only !IIbtendapt was h er sister, Miss Bonnie Peters. She wore a lovely aqua floor-length model with sa.ti~ brocaded bOcItoe and full net skirt. with whJte aocesSOTies and- corsage of gardenias ~d carnations. 'I1he bride WRll very lovely in whit.'! satin with sweet-heart neck 11ne. long tigh t sleeves. fitted bodJce and gored skirt ·whIch ·fe ll into a full lonun. Her finger tip veil cascadai from a crown of white carna.tions. her only jewelry was a strand of pearis and she can1ed whJte Carnations centered witn a purple orChid. A reception followed the servioe afler which .the couple left fo,r a honer;noon in florIda, The pride was a 'traoUvely'gownea t6r t.1-a.Ve1fD.g

rc. n. Mr . Amy Bailey; AssocJate Patro n Mr. S r.a nley Balley: S ecretary. Mrs. Mary Eal'nhal't; Treasurer. Mrs . Lucile Arm itage: Cond uctress. Mrs. BonelLo S t rouse: AJoclate Oonductress. Mrs. Barbara Sawyer; Ohaplain. Mrs. Edna Early; Marshall. Mrs Bertie Mllis: Organist. Mrs. LucUe Bland; Ada. Mrs. Grace P lfendel'gast: Ruth. Mrs. Florence Hastings: Es th er. Mrs. Smith', M III th a . Mrs. J osephine Eal'llhart ; Electa . Mrs. LeV~nne Waterhouse; Warden, Mrs. Mlnnte Fronun ; Seminal. Mr. Everett Early; Trustee for three years Mrs. Edna Early. Mr. and Mrs. Everett Early were bh~ r etiring Worthy Matron and Wor thy Pa tron,

Happy Hour Club Has . Christmas Program


DEC. 12- The Wa,r ne Townsh ip F armer' Club w11l meet at th e homc of Mr. and Mrs. Roscoe Furnas . • • • DEC. 13- W . C. T . U . Mrs. Truman Wardlo\\'. se<:. • • .. DEC. 16- WaynesvUle Civic Club meeting at Smloh 's T ea Room .

'Miami Chapter InstaUation Held .

THE l\1IAl\D GAZETTE - Pa&'e ! WA'\'NE VILLE. OIUO - NO. 4294 T H UR DAY. DECEl\mER 12. 1946

On December 5. las Thursci."Iy, he Garden Club held thei r meetlng:1 the ho me of Mrs. Ora m Shoup with ele\'en member prcsen t. The progra m consi ted of a talk on til s ubjeot "Eeth lehem" . Dr. Emma 'Holloway spoke Ol~ lhe birds nd nowers of Be~hle hem . An exchange of gifts among Lllc members was held and after this program . re-

G l £ l' . OF 1\10 IIER FAl\IlLY Sunday d itll~er guests or Mr. and Mrs. Harris Mo her n.lld daughter . Virgi nia Lee wcre Mr. and Mrs. F. C. Hartsock of MIlford and l'4r. and Mrs . Ron a ld Hawke. Afternoon callers were Miss Ru th Ani! McGee and MI'. J a mes Saylor of Chllllcothe.

OUT-OF-TOWN GUEST • • ,. freshments \vere served. DEC. 19- W. S. C. S . will have This was the fina l meeltng of the V1 IT HOOK'S, BUNDA Y Sunday guests of MI'. a nd Mrs tileir regular meeting and a lu~ch- current . year and adjournment was Fr d ' Hook were Mr . and Mrs . eon at the Methodist church a,t; 12 :30 made u~tU next March . p . m. Send reservation to Mrs. Alva New officers for the comJng year Everett MUnce of. Orie~t, Ohio a.nd Thompson 01' Mrs. Glenn Borden. were named as follows: Dr. Emma Mrs. Grant Schaffer of Leba.non, Holloway. presiden t; Mrs. Fred lug Program" by Do~ald Lukens; Hook. vice-president : Mrs. Paul GUEST OF COVINGTON Cornet Solo by MUtOll Jones ; " My Maurice. secretal'Y and' treasurer; Mrs. lda Lawson of Covington was Farm Shop Progr8.m " by J oh n Mrs. Elizabeth SmJth. remembrance; a S atw'day guest of Mr~ . Nett1e Henry Hagemeyer. Mfg. George Peberson, publiclt.y. , Tinney . "Four Years ot V,oca.t1onal AgrMrs. Jam~s McClure. Mrs. Bec loulure and F . F . A. Membership" by Peters and Mrs. Oharles Ellts were GUESTS ENTERTAINED Eldwin Michener; Plano Solo by Glen gUest..., of t he Olub. AT GRAY HOl\tE SUNDAY Smith . Mr. and Mrs. OrvUle Gray enterAppreciation for ohe opport.unitles REV . COLEMAN AGAIN tained on Sunday Mr. and Mrs. Ra~ph and el'l'tertalnment given the boys CONFINED TO HOSPITAL Chibwood ar.d daughter of Dayton. Last week. Rev. R. B . Coleman 01 Mr. and Mrs. Ea.rl Reeder and son; was expressed by their instructor, t he Methodlslt ohurch was again Mrs. Lora Wolf of Lebanon ; and Mr. J . B. crabbe: confined to Orar.t hospital In Col- Arthur Bogen of Xenl.a . vunbus. He returned to bls home on _ _ _ _ __ _ _ _--:-_ ___

. The Happy Hour Club me t at the home of Mrs. Loyti Davis on Tuesday. Dec. 10 with all members presem. 'I'he program was In charge of Miss Beoty Oglesbee and Mrs. J ennie Davis and carried the theme Of Ohristmas. An exchange of gifts Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Johns anwas held and tne decorations for nour.ced the marr~e of their the oocasion lr.olltded a ChriStmas daughter. Ruth Anna to Mr. Xenneth Bradley,· son of Mr. and Mrs. tree. At the close of the meetIng re- Oharles Bradley. The marriage cerefreshment.s were served b y the mony was pe1"formed in Ne\VIPOrt. K y. On Nov. 23. Their only a.ttendh ostess. ants were l'4r. and. Mrs. Oharles Price: . . ~ , Mr,' B radley xeceot;ly received ' ~ .. ~ "" ... ,11 I " discharge from the ' Almy. Both Mr. r ".f'it ~d Mrs. Bradley graduates of in a betge gal'bardlne suit with black Waynesville Htgh SChool. accessories oompUmentetd by the orchid from her corsage. . by ROBER:T ORAY Mrs.. McKinney. daughter of Mr. VISTS SISTER LAST SUNDAY Miaml Valley Chapter Future and Mrs. Emery Peters is a gradMr. and Mrs. WUllam TInney ua<te of WQlYnesvUJe Hig'h School. Farmers of America presen ted the ,rfsl.ted Mr . Tinney's sister and husatudle'd at Ox!ord for two years and program at F'anners Grange last bantl., Mr. and ~. Harry Shank, Saturday evening at the Grange bas .been enployed at Wright FeUd. Sunday. Hall. The following program was The groom, l70n of Mr. ar.d Mrs. Carl McKinney Of Bellbrook, is a given: Plano Solo by D Ol'.a1d Henderson; fartner and the newly' wedded pall' "~ulture In High . School" by will' Uve on a farm near Bellbrook. Lee 0'&n10n : "My Farming Program" by DwIght Michener; Plano Solo by Olen Smltn. "Vocational Agriculture As I See It" by Joe Redinger; "A Good Farm-

Bradley·Johns . Wedding Perforlmed

GrOUp G.Ives Program A't Grange' r

Garden Club Names New 1947 ·Officers


Tuesday and Mrs. Ooleml1on reports that his condJUoll' is muCh Improved. Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Andersor- Sr. and Mrs. R . B . Coleman visited Rev. Coleman at· the hospital in Columbus . GUESTS FROM LEESBURG Sunday, Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Cook and sons entertained Mrs~ Cook's Mr. and Mrs. T . J. o,.vla. ~ ,M axine and Noa.deUen Barns aDd. Mr. and Mrs; Richard Waddell. All of the irUests were f rom Leesburg. Ohio.

Get Winter Service that js backed up by a.


SPEND VISIT WITH DAUGHTER · Mrs. Clarence Rye spent Frida.y and Saturday with h er daughter a t the University of Cincinna.ti.

TWIN lheatre

Miami Chapter 107 O. E . S. met in regWlII' se8610n on Monday even_ 'With a large attendance ~f gUests _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _'

tram n~ing chapters. FollowDEC E M B E Ir ... the regular sess1o~ the old offtoera retired for tJh'e lr..stallation 15 18 d officers for oomlng year. Mrs. ~ in Philadelphia! A top-grade JuaoiCa l)efty of IB lB.nchester. Mrs. mus1cal aa &'OOd as the very best-

,, ~






1ob'I• •Huel Gall of Mariemont ftre (Techn1coIOC') Y1s1t1nc ln8t&l1tng ot!1cers. Those In- Jeanne Craine. Comel WMe. Linda

Service'Statlon ,

stalled were Worthy ·M atror.. Mrs. ~ceW:!~Ifrenn9.n and ~4ell Bj.U'*e; Worthy Patron. ADDID: NEWS Mr. JOhn J Burake; Associate M8It-









A laugh-provoking oomeay that ~.tertaUit. .

It Slaealda't HappeD to a Dog


l'or DMeI, I'IaeDe .... w~ JOSLYN. Also: A melodramatic fare 01lI0. ae... 0IIuIII 'DEADLINE roR MURDER' with Paul Kelly. Kent Taylor and Shella Ryan,





Western in color combinlnfr the pound4ng excitement of a ~stem. plus lit touc.h1nll: story or a wild horse.


MONTE Ht\J,.E & .\PRlAN BOO'llH EJrt.~ : Westem Short. . Colored Adve.{lture apd Colored Cartoon.

FAIRLEY Hdwe.'·Stores 8PHONE 2441



Jones Brothers Basketball Team Will Appear On Local floor Thursday bening, December 19, In Opposition To Local' American Legion TopMen





Local basketball fan s will Ir. , opposition to th is top-rate be given a real treat on car? will be the members of our . OIWn Legion Independent Team comTh ursday evemng Dec. 19 at po.setI of t he follC1Wlng players and the Waynesville High School lineup. gym when th~ Jones Bros. Bob Planck. Tommy Florenoe. forAmateur Basketball Team of ward; W11liam SaJwyer. cen~r; Ray Dayton mets the local Wayne Pw'k.s, guard; Ker- BradJey, gua,rd. Township, Veterans Post No. All. of these men with the ell'CePtion of Sarwyer are graduates of 615 Independent TEtam, waynesville HJeh School aM have William D. Jones, mana- had ,ba.sketball through their High ger of the Dayton team, lists School yean;. They are all ex-service his lineup .. of such formid- men and members of the local post of the Amerlccan Legion. able players as Al Tucker. 'Ibis beam hB6 ,m et with succ:ess forward, from Alabama 80 far bh1s season In their games State College and All State' In the ~ty !With a total of three Tunney F1aher. forward. from Flo- wins and one 1068. They are a well id A d M 0011 d all madeup team and 'h ave had enough . an . 6ie an la.rI"W ..........1"... ....-.... to mat Sou1Ihern Oonference .scoring ace. P "uoe ""&,,, e J~ Reynolds. center. from Alabama them a· .f ormldab1e foe to m06t


r a

State College. Earl "Eyes" Stephens guard, formerly Of ,Morgan St&ite Ooll~ Baltimore, Md. Henry TI.l£ker from Alatlama State. Johnny Arnold from . Moms Brown a nd Tommy Hanis from Fisk t:c iverslty, This !,tam has a good reputation of being able 'to play a reel game of buketball. and keep it clean wholesome sport. To see them In action is a ~velat1on In fast pla. s , accurate shootlng .a nd unusual teamw~,



Recent Legion Games And Scorings DEC. 5TH AT WAYNESVILLE 1st Game 2nd Game Independents 34 31 Marshall Bros. 26 !?8 DEC. 8 AT MASON 1st Ga;me Independents .34 ~c


2nd Game 38 M

teams, While tJhe Jones B rothers Independents can score a win , Game time is scheduled for 7 :30 team has a good reputall10n 1,hey, will The two teams will also give· a p, m, sharp, Admission charges have not nul away with the local boys by prellm1nary game prior to .th e main been reduced to l'5c for children and studer. ts and 30c for adults, ar.y means aM it is possible the go,

Fire Chief Warns Of Fire Hazards

The Miami Gazette ESTABLISHED 18 5 0 ?ul>llshed Every T hur day by DAVISSON P RESS FLOYD L. DAVISSON, Editor 3D,tered as Second Class Malter a t the Office

Fr om D . E . Sta ndirord . Fire CWe! of Waynesville. coml~s n message of l3ubscrlp tiGn Rates: S1.50 per Year in Advance safety for nre prevention during Nationa l Advertisi ng Representatives the Holiday Season : Ohio Weekli es, In c., 24 65 W. Broa d Street, "A word to the people of WaynesCol um bu . 4, Ohio , ville and Wayr.e Township. A few - - - - - - -- - -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - simple things to do or not to do for the Holiday Season. Do not build an over-sized fir e In stoves and fu rnaces a nd bhen leave home untll ' y10u are satisfied they are not beyond a safe limit. WAYNE TWP· POST 615 Inspect WOOd Joists or wOOd oeUlngs over furnaces to see if they are

American Legion Show



Saturday, 8:00 De~emb~r 21, 1946 o'clock P. M. TWO ACT COMEDY

"South of W aynesville" .

ACT 1 -


"Spike's" Restaurant adjoining a typical train-

ing camp.

.~a n:l~h=o~~~~:ra':t:rnt~~: ~~:~~~!~v:~~O~:~~

Mr. and MnJ.





Raw FURS of all Kinds

No.1 $2 ·00 16.00 1.7 5 1.7 5

lVI u krat

.76 at High e t


w a t e r . bers Leo Conner; William MoK.eev831 E. 5th St. Dayton, Ohio. Check bose on auto ~dia.tor to see er.


Stage Director - Sam Keys Music - Ed Ramby Ninety percent of the net porfits of this performance and other' forms of entertainment which will be s ponsored by th'e Wayne Township Veterans Post, including the 'Annual Fourth of July Entertainment and various athletic even~' go toward the building fund· It is the intention of the local post to build in Waynesville an American Legion Borne, $econd to none, including an athletic field and an auditorium.' that will b'e available! to all the' community, The. Wayne Township Post extendes its thanks for your . patronage and hopes that their,efforts in producing "South of Waynesville" will please all.


TIlE l\lLUU GAZETTE - Pap C WAYNESVILLE. omo - NO. 4294 TliUR DAY, DEOD[BER 12. 1946

Mink Do not use wOOd ()r 'coal In grate Sku nk where gas is supposect to be used. Inspect fire qawls tor cracks. a nd ~embers o! the Department: wu- W ~ase l see that smoke pipels are safe. Uam Sa wyer; Ca1'l Oook ; Oannen Opposum ' All other F ,Ul'S Keep soot out or pipes and chim- Crane; Wilbur Stansberry ; William neys. Bradley; O. P . Joy ; Ronald carr ; cash Price

A CT 2 - ," Spike' " Re taurant the following day. j List of character in the ord er of appearance: The Stranger Bob Mehaffie "Spike" The Restaurant Pr<u>rietor Lew Robinson Sergeant Bill Sawyer Corporal Charlie' 'McKnight Marine Fred Grauman Captain Lew Thompson ~ailor Bob Planck Messenger Joe James rhe Voice Sam Keys Private Gene Brown Members of the Band Bus Driver . Ed Ramby Lieutenant Colonel Ed Miller "S~uth of Waynesville" written and directed by Lew Robin on .

ILLNESS CONFINES c::&APIIAN TO ROME Mr. J. B. qtu.Pma.n baa been QUite ill at his hOOle tor the put IWo weeD.

that an ti-freeze cannot igrur.e. With the close approach of Ohl' tmas we all for get some of the thi ng about fire pr_even tio~ !.hat may gh~e a lot of seriolls trouble. Oarelessness aboUL Christmas tree al'e y ( Ill('a sl(ce, loose tissue pa per ane! cottAm ; nnd over-loading of tree IIgh t.s with eleo ric cunem. It I not the wish of bhe fire departme nt a want to discourage good Ume. a t he Holiday se aS01~ bu t they wun t to see everyone have a ' safe time and come through the perold Uni n jll~'ed a nd safe. The Fire Dl'partmen t wants to th ank. the Mayor. Oouncil and all the people who have been so falr to ohern durir.g the past year. D. E. S landiford. Chief Ohester Carey, Asst. Chief


Dinner Ware 35 P/~CE


$4:0. 50 .&

EACH Correctly patterned - Properly kiln fired ' for long-lasting service!

spent the tWeekend in Cincinnati visiting friends:-

SMOKERS· '158 to '835

Beautiful · PICI1JRES '248 '


CINCINNATI GUESTS ENTBBT&lNED AT SMITII'S Mr. John Proud and wife of Oinclnoati spent Sund&y witJh his sisMrs. Llc:kUe Ooleman. '!bey had 'I'lnney 'cUnner at ~e Smith Reet&urant.






Roxanna Cannina· Company .

COltWIN and RohNNA . Plants open Mondays, W edn~sdays, and Fridays, PRICE ·


Per .. Tor:,



$119· 50 up ,


Armitage ~&Son

'l'ELU'IIONBS WAYNESvo.ta _1 KOBBOW No.1 LD&"NON Office ''liB. an. IItL








CHAIRS-All kinds md a'll styles including TUt-ba~ks and. Base Rock~r8.



Waynesville , F~mitUre .&App6ance Co. -. GIBB()NS BLa·, NORTH ST., ".rfJONt . 24~2, WAY"'ESVI~; OHIO , . .



- '




Pace 5 of the cor.stellations and Some of for mercy and sympa thize , with the that a bold leader can always get of her large famil y occupied a n e peclal pia e In her affections and for received from her heir fair share or devotlor. , During aeries 0 revival .sel'vices in the evenlr.g now. It Is hard to see makers they only pass laws tha are in the New Bl\Jrlin gto n Metihodist in them tile pictures that the anci- clear and can be enfor ced, that they Church in 1876 conducted by Re v. en who ga\'e them their na.mes' do not cover too many ur.relH.ted J ackson and Rev. Ens man, Ella saw but the groups stand ou t as things and nhat all old laws covering uni ted with the Church and OI~ AugA FARM DIARY ~hey have foI' tilousands of years t he poin t should be repea led , u t 27 of the ame year was a memELLA HURLEY D. J. Fraizer and tho e \\1th imaginations could Contracts and leases Should be clear ber of a large class who w re ba.pDecember 6, 1946. This is Lhe time look a t them and give t.hem modern a nd defi ni te, 'I)'eaties and agreeT he passing' of an aged person, tlzed and received into full memof gorgeous sunrises an d sunsets. names, Our oh1ldren could probably ment.s between nations should, be a life-long reslden of a commur.ity bership. She was fai thful to her The days are growing sh&rter and t hink up names that would suggest t he same and should carry IPro- leads One to pause and consider the VOWs and inspired In her family shorber whl1e the coal plies grow more to us ll1an those from old visions for revision from timE! to Influence which has radiated from le·ve and fidelity to the ohurch, Her time. Poor laws. unfai r agreemEmts, that life. Has our small cornel' of life showed a firm faith and trust smaller and smaller but 'we have mythology, The coal situation drags on getshould not j~t be a.110wed to llillJ)Se the world been better because of his In her Heavenly Pa Uler. been for tur.ate tn having a week of She was eager to be a t rest. ar..d lovely weather, Morning after morn- tlng nO better fas t. Why hasn't more they should be taken off the bclOks. sojourn h&re ? There have been , perhaps. a dozer. she anSwered the swnmons Noving bile sky In the eas~ has been Ii stress been put on the fact Ulat Even parents should be careful not b~ of red and gold, T he sun Lewis broke his contract. He was In to give their ohlldren a lot of rules fam1lies which have taken root and ember 18, 1946 a t the age 85 years \ comes up now south of t.he bam conte~Pt of co~t but the contract they don't enforce, established Ul~mselves h1!re, whose 7 months and 11 days, and: I can enjoy the whole panorama seems more Il11IpoTtant to me . Can The pheasant sensor. Is over and lives have, thru the genera tions held Serenely as she had lived she without moving, First t he sky is anyone decide arbitrarily Ulwt a not one on our place t his year. One a high standard of honor and nelghstepped Into bhe greater silence. dark wit.h brilliant morning star contract has been brolren by Ule was seen tha t Is all. "TIlle boys saw borliness. Among tilese were the And as she walks In slendor the hanging low In the east !.hen it be- other fellow as an excuse tor not a fox one day while hunting and and. the Lemars. val1ent heart of her In younger gins to grow paler and the bright carrying out its provisions? If that · perhaps foxes ' are to ,b lame 1101' These fam1lies were united Aug- , hearts beats on, color begins to appeal' and rtnally Is the case, l.f a conmct · can be the S<Sroity of pheasants. T'here ust 29, 1844 by tJhe maniage of Her love Is in t.beir memory, her tile great golden ball itself olimbs broken at will without penalty, where are very few quail on the place this Samuel Lema~ and Julia Ann faith Uleir boundless heritage. up over bhe 'hill and I flnd that I Is , any stabillty in anything? Who year, PerhapS thooe are right "iWlo Stingley, They established their should bave been up at least half is to decide In case of ' a dispute say that we would 'have more quail home In Ohester Township. CUnton ~ an hour ago l.f I expect. to get the what Ule words of a contract mean? If , tilere was a short open season Coun'ty, Ohio. Here they reared a ma~ things <done tilat are waiting Is'1't that a function of the co\1lltS? and if then tiley were propat"ll.teci family of elgt~t chUdren, All of tilese Lewis says HE is the one to decide as the pheasants are. They have reached tile age of maturity ar.d for me. Every fe.m1ly will cherish the memThe sunset.s are almost as good whether the con tract Is being car- killed a few rabbits but they too lived honorable. industrious lives, ory of a last tribute wu Isn't he takir.g are scarce. Last night when I went Ella S .. the fourth diiughter and ried out but is he ? but Uley come too early. This time dignified and fttt11llg in every of year we , ,~t the full beauty of on himself funatlon of the court in out to look at the chlclren6 I subje<:t of this sketch was born respect. tilem because 1Jhe sun sets now in 'addition to being in contempt of saw an owl flying about. I U1lnk it April 7. 1861 . "Squire" Lemar. as Ule f&;ther was fue gap between ~he hills and with court on other cour.t? Oan we let was too small to lha.m\ tile ch1(~kens anyone do tiUlt? and I hope it was getting rats, and fam1liar1y called. was am'Q,ltious for the leaves gone from 'the trees we his ohildren and they (}btalned the mice. We have plenty of them . can see it from tile kitchen wlndThe courts have upheld tne landOne of the bo~ came up tAl) see best education pass1ble In thf: pubUc aw. Another beauty of this time of lord III ,the case of the lease being me the other day with a sack: and schools of their time. year Is the starry sky at night. broken because of the birth c..f tile said, "Here Is something for you". January 31, 1878, Ella gave h("x When Paul was studing a little sky I felt it gingerly ar.d It WAs hand in marriage to Ernest E. Hurgeography at school we learned most baby. In tha t case we mig'ht a.Ppeal something soft. ,but It didn't wiggle ley. For 59 years untU his deBIth Telephone 2291 so I took It and opend tile sack. May 26, 1937, she was a true helpIt was full of dead rat.s. He 'laid ma~: industrious. patient. and dethem out In a: row and counted them voted. T'was two weeks before Christmas They were the ' parents of eleven ror me, eleven of them. He and And all through the hou e tilie dogs had got tpem from under children , OrJy one, Mrs. Vesta Ma.Not a creature went hop ping, some old lumber. He moved the son has preceded her motiler in Not even t he mouse. boords and the dogs ca.ugh't the death. Their remain: Mrs. J. H. . For You To Feel Well And when Christmas came, U bOIlN avery day 7 day. .very rats, A good days wOl'k. ' ShambaU8'h: Mlr~ WUbur Smibh: "etk. D.ver ltopplDI, the Iddo.YI lilt« Such sadness in the hou e We have been troubled Wittrrats Mrs. Irvin SmJU1: Harry Russell and wute matter (rom tba blood. 'Cau e none h ad a pre ent, II mON people " .... a ...... o( bow tb. and mJ.oe in the house but I can't Edgar Hurley; Mlrs. Raymond. WllIddoe¥. mWlt coDltaoOy removi lurNot even the mou e. ptWl lIuld, u.,... acidl aDd other wute persuade tile cat to come in. The son: Mrs. Roscoe Beal; ·M rs, Robert.. · ma{fir that caooot I t ay ID the blood wltbollt lojllt)' to healtb, there would other night there were about a Furnas; Mrs. La.uretta Winfield. MORAL: Don't be like the mouse ....... . be better und~tao d lol o( ",II, tbe of grapes in a bowl o:n the There rema, l n 'B grar.dwboll Iy.tem I. Upeel .wben kldbey. ran pour.d Shop NOW while OUr .tock to (un.tlOIl properly. , sideboa.rQ but ,when I came Lu the children and 56 great-grandch1idren. Bumiol, e.allty or too (requellt urlna, i ••till complete! tioll eomltl_ wanut tbat eomethln. mom1ng there wasn't a grape . ON'- She is survived also by a sister, 1a wrool. Y OIl may IIl.tror oqclol blek,, lieaduh_. diuln-. thellmatle clUllstantional evidence pointE~ to Mrs. Eva Whitson or /Xenia. pallll, ..ttlD, up at DI,he.. e"eI1lDI. Wh,. Dot try Dou,.', 'Pilla! YOIl will rat.s or mice so I put out some. rat Ohio. be WlIOI .. medlelDe reeommlDded tbe Ella often spoke In appreciation coUDtry over. Dou,.'. etlmulate tbe (11000 bait and r.ow it Is gone too. The MAIN STREET WAYNESVILLE, OHIO tlOD of tbe kldlll)'ll aDd help tbem to label on It said that· they 'would of her fam1ly; ' she said they were RUlh Ollt POl801l0M wute (rom the blood. They _talD DotbID. baraf.... dry up without odor 'but my noee worth a fortune to her. 'nley were Get 000,,', toot..,.. U.. wlUa _ U -.. . . At ~ d~"!Io • ,tells me that they took the 'b ait and devoted to her comfort and h&ppiness nor ever· neglected to rer.der that the label was wrong. 'nle old frat.en-combed broWn bel' loving aervice, 8he ' mer1~ all the' a.ttention abe Legbom rooster Ja .brUttlng ~ in ~t of my window wttlh his eye received. IDICh and "err merDber

WAYNESVILLE, omo - NO. 4291 the star of first magnitude, I can- people to be evicted but ~e el<.a.Ct followers for any cause, THU,RSDAY, DECEl\mER 12. 1946 not r emembel' all the names but letter of vhe cOl~trac t was broken H ow abou t sa \1 ng bor.ds the sky at night is worth looking and tile coun.'5 could do noth'i ng eL'5e. Ch r is mas presen . ? at. 01'1011 Is \,he chief constellation We should demand of 'o ur law-



Kidneys Must "

Work Well-


Bring Your Films to ·Will's ,Jewehy Store for Developing




'UNTE ' K piDUtO




North Street near ,Hfg~ School, -

~ ~.


~mce ' · .

W4~neaYille, Ohio

Ie d



Ie IS )0


., at




i5 Ie Id

Ie ;y )f d )e

on~ ~~ ~ ~ ~ fem~. j~ii~ijiiiiiijiiiiiiiiii~iiiiii~~""iiiiiiii

He Ia the John IJewia of 'the oh6cUn yatd. It was he 4lha.t led the raid. on M1 ga.rden !a8t' 8IIrinI. It iii he w1lO always flnda ohie wa,r JDix, the feed room. ! tried to aet ~ wilen I 80Id aorae ot.hIes' ~ tbis fall but be DeVer' roOifta in c:h1clten houae. He leads • bMJd of' beae hi8h into the 10curt tnItB, I 1014 eome or hla foUowen d he I.s ~t17 tryfnI Ito r&o cru1t lOme of tIbe P',&Uet.a. • wtUte roosters haTe found their 'nil' IDto


The best way to keep these cherished memoriea of JOur children is througli portraits. LET uff HEtP YOU KEEP THESE MEMORm:3· Our modern equipment and 8uperior craftsman8hip assures you of perfection, complete satisfaction, and lasting beauty. . Make ,appointments now for Holiday photographl,

, s


st.Ul squa.tt1nc on the Jl'OI1nd wbeft the brooder bouse wu befo;re it was moved and have to moved eV'eI')' Wgbt In, spite of my effOl."ta

into the hen



I dontknOW' . wbat the lDOI!'&l of

,ttW;t Is. pemap. that PeoPLe and

chJcicens are~ a. rood dea4 aWI~ UIid tha.t even in tile $1Cken ~ ~



1-' t ~e 1-


Any IliaD or meade. Fred' Kahil' Motor Car .Co'. . ./






~ ro~- I~""""IiIi

ben but in aplte a.nd Qf all 1110' fIIpruperly forts lOme of tbIe cra8.Y puUe1a are

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Remgerator & Repairing -


Nit. phoae

Hom. Appliance.Sto..e .

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AlL MAKES ~,.., TYP~ OUR WO~ IS GUARAN"n:ED We al~o do RADIO and PHONO Repair






~. ~ ' _ _ _ "_1_'......._W_A_'_Y_ , N_ , E_S_V_I_L_'L_E_,___ O_H_!~O~ '

Continued. . . . "In comrast. the Baha 'i system of government that now opern t.e.s 1r. more than sixty countries. cannot be identified with any of these four systems. It embodies new principles and establishes a standard unknow in the history of pol1t1caJ or ecclesiastical instltut Ions. The world plan of Baha'u'llah calls for democratic elections a.t. regular intervals without political partie6, willhout any ca.mpagtn promises or lp arty platform. withouL ca.ndldates or,!ona. and pe1'haIJe most important of all, without party

at the school auditoru!m under th '.l tJ1e W . C. T. U. m mbers a t her directicm of Mrs. Lillian S . Carr. home Thursday. Mr. and Mrs. Frederick Volz and Mrs. PauUne Villars and son ~1l­ !lam of X er.ia in company wlbh Mrs, son of N'ew Hollan d were week-end Oharles Gordan. Nlrs. Laura Shid- 'house guests of Mrs. Volz parents, aker and Mrs" A . S . Collett of HaT- Mr. and Mrs. G. M. McDonald. veysburg were Sunday afternoon Mr. and Mrs. Clifford Do6ter were guests of Mrs. Emma Ellis of Wll- Sunday evening guests of Mr. and mington. Mrs,. James Doster of near Dayton . Mr. and Mrs. Charles Wetzel moved to their recently acquired ~ C loca.t1on in NeW Vienna, Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. ~lOI'ge Wall entertalned the members of their "bridge Exipree.slons: That woman is so club" Saturday ew~dng. · light ,t hat when she ~ Jot' a Mrs. Sarah Wrlirbt has removed manicure they have to push her to Harveysburg f.r om Wllm1ngtOn. cut!cle back with a 'crow 'bar'. and is occupying rooms in the I'll beat ber hea.d In unitU she has

9'30 A. M • funds. vnu&vu.u Q'VDIV'orU • The people oh<lI5en are n ot pout... MorniJ18 Pralyer and Sermon • , • kiana, for !:hey do not repl'e8ent any _ • • • • • . • • • • • • 11:00 A. M. party or group intereat. They are chosen for their abU1ty, charaCter, UTICA U. B· CHURCH and past service to Ute oommWlity Bey. Balpb II1Dee rather than for their poUtk:al v1ewa SUNDAY 8OHOOL 9 :30 A, M. or pre80nal lnt.ereeta. Great moral Mrs. JamM Qarrlson, SUpt. ernpbaa1a is laid upon the e1ectlon PREACHlNO 1&t arld 3rd S\mdaIya cit the right incUvJduala. since they each month 10:30 A. M. are calletl upon to function e,a ''the tirustees of the Merciful amons men"

Donald!on Apartments. eye brow8 for mustaobe or I'll pull Mr. anti Mrs. Roy Clark have her eye 11ds down over her IlieW received word that their .son. pte. caps. Eutrene. haa been lmtpped acr<l68. He OVemeard "Mary Ukes to take ba6 ibeen ata.t1oned far some time, long wa4k's (Mary OUi'ht to &tut out with tile Arm;y in Qeorg1a.. on toot to find a car battery) 1Mra. Allee urton, who ~ with · John L. LeMa said "Let there be her nepbft Mr. ~yle Robert.aon and IlPlt" and there was Ught. Won't femUy baa been confined to the bave to wony about the D. P. &lid L . IiousIj owing to a oold. ahuWng down 'fer' lIIWblle beca.uae Mri. Clyde wa.s b06teU to of co coal.


Forms of Government METHODIST CHURCH Jt( B. Coleman, Minister 9 :30 A. M. SUNDAY SCHOOL J . J . Burske. Supt. 10 :30 A. M. WORSHIP SElHVlCE YOUTH FELLOWSHllP. Thursday, '1 :30 P. M.


Wednesday, '1 :30 P. M.

ST. MARY'S EPISCOPAL CHURCH Samuet N. Ki:.,y Reader-in c:iba.rKe , al"tttrw"tir .


.:~:n:'iteIen ~y

The GrowIDc. GolD&', Cbarch Herbert Gnbam. MlDlater BIBLE SOBooL 9:30 A.M.

Rt. 2,



.ADUIJr PRIAYER MEETING " I • '1:00 P. M. Mr. Oharles Thompson ..t;te~ EVENINO EVjALNOELlBTIC SERN- the wedding last SUnday, in WashlOEl 7 :45 P . M.· lngton C. H. which united in mar-

r1a8e li1S neice, Miss Jande Thompsoc and Mr. Thorean Gray. The wedding was solemnized at T. M. Scarff, M.lnlata3:30 P. M. a.t the home ot the bride's SUNDAY SCHOOL 9 :SO A. M. pareJlJt& Mr. and Mrs. Henry ThompE. A. Earnhart, Supt. son of 429 North St. Washington WORS!JIlP SERVIOE 10.:30 A. M. C. H. Mrs. Gray Is In nurses train- . EVENl 10 SERVIOE '1:30 P. M. ing at St. Elizabeth Hospital, Dayton



,.t.hen Krumholts, PrIest. ' MASS ~'tJNDAY 9 :00 A. M.



Robert L. VanZile, Mlnlsur mBLE ' 8OHOOL 9.30 A. M. ·10 :30 A. M. COMJMiUNION SERMON 11:00 A. M . EVENINO'SERVIOE 8:00P. M .


MORE MILK TrIals at the U. S . D ep t. of Agrt-

culture field station. Huntley, Montana. i,n dicate dairy cows produce more milk when kept in a pen barn than Willen confined in stanchions. Pen b8.rns require more bedding than is used witb cows in stammions but less cleaning ~ needed in tJhe pen bam. The milk increase In pen ba.rns was accredit ed to more c»mfort for cows. -----

ConUnued Prom Page


"You've got to W100 prospects just UQ you !WOOed' your wife. "You've got to call on them often (either through the pr1n~ page or 11eah and blood sM!amen) and dIo the nice thlnis over a' period of time. "It's odd that so many Jl1iB.rJ1ed meo 1D bua1nesa Idoc't act as though they knew the , fim prlnclplet; of COUl"tlng euatomes'8." - The Pocketbook.


~=~' P l~i= ~:. ~: JJarve'l6tura



raDh-J-ile r

THE MlA.1\O GAZETTE - Pare 6 WAYNESVILLE. omo - NO. 4294

and Mr. Gray Is stationed at Wright Field in D81y:ton. Mr. & Mrs. Richard Williams and family of near Wllming ton ~n t ertltined a compar.8 of relatives bo dinner Suna&y in compliment to Mrs, Williams mother, Mrs. H. S. Tucker, who was celebrating hex brltihday. Mrs. Williams Doster was a.dmitied to Malml Valley Hospital Sat urday, where she underwent a major operation, Monday. The Junior Class presimte.tlon ~tltled "Too Many Relatives " was given the evening Of December 9th

Christmas ABC's A-is for Anklets and Colorful Socks 8-Is for Books and the Best Building Blocks C-is for Clothing, as Smart as you'll find D-is for Doll , the Lovable kind· £.-i for Everthing Grownups adore


F-is for Famous Na me f04nr in our store· G-is for Girdles and Glove they will fancy H--i for Hankies for Suzy .and Nancy.


I-is for Infant's Wear, cozy and warm J-is for Jewelry to give her new charm. K--is for Kerchiefs' (give lots of them) L--is for Linens for any Sweet Femme M--is for Men's Wear like Slippers and Hose N-is for Notions (you ~an give lots of those ) O--is fOl' Oddles 'of things you can touch P-is for Pictures th ey all like so much

can Your Wardrobe Stand the Strain of the Sea$on DR ESS



Check your family wardrobe Iright now for the many things that need freshening up for the gay round of Holiday gatherings. You'll. find great cq,mfort and good cheer in in clean clothes.

Q--is for Queer Little Gadgets in China R--is for Robes to please Hann'a h and DinahS--is for Sweaters and Skirts she will like. T--is for Toys for that Cute Little tyke . U-is for Undies for Children so bright I

V--is for Variety, a Wonderful Sight. W-is for Women's Wear, so sure to please X-is for the Spot where you Buy. all of these Y--is for You, and your problems-this year. . Z-is for Zip, when you bring them ~ll here!·






BAR Dry·Cleaners N. MAIN





THE ~UAMI G AZETTE - ~ '7 Mrs. Vernon P ursley and Mr. and Mrs Rober t Green e of Dayton WAYNE V1LLE; omo - NO. 4294 Mrs. Roy Smith called on Mr. and called on her mother Mrs. Lue MorTHUR DAY. DECEl\lBER 12, 1946 Mrs. Herbert Smith a t R ed Lion ~ n . Sunday evening. Sunday eve l~ ln g. Mr. and Mrs. EvereLt Bunnell and Mr. a nd Mrs. Everett Clark and famil y were Supper guests Sunday Mr. a nd Mrs. C. W. Younce of Day- evening of Mr. a nd Mrs . Bert Bunton we re Sunday af Lernoon and I~ell . evcl' ing guests of Mr . an d Mrs. WIIMr. B1ll Dodd of Dayton called Mr. nr. d Mrs. Ralph Hammond bur Clark. on Mr. and Mrs. George Brat;ten we-f'e S unday afternoon visitors of Those from Lytle Church who Sunday . the latte rs Uncle and Aunt Mr. and attended t he War ren coun ty 'Meth<Delayed ) Ml' . Samuel Nichols In Clncinodlst Brotherhood meeting and dinMrs. E. A. DeLauey has returned (l at;!. ner Monday evening a,t the M. E. to her home In Madison ville, rufter Mrs. R aze! Eval's 01 L>ay wn sper.t Ohw'Ch a.t WaY1!esvile were: Mr. spendi ng two mor.ths with h er sonSaturday with her parents. Mr. a nd and Mrs. Vernon Pursley. Mr. and in- llllW and daugh ter. Mr. and Mrs. Mrs. P . M. Cornell. Mrs. Henry Saylor. Mr . and Mrs. T . C . R un yon . "'h Mr . an d M rs. Eu gene DeLaolley .. ' e ""I n' enrs hip CI ass 0 f L'''I ,y'. e S un- Roy Winks. Mr. a nd Mrs. J amElil! dRY 8ohool were enter tained Thull's- Wical, MI'. and Mrs. Calvin Long- and sor. of Madisonv1l1ewere day eveni ng a t th e home of Shirley acre. Mr. ar.d Mrs. Oharles Bunnell. Thanksgiving day guests of Mr. and nnd George Brackney. Mr. and Mrs. Donald Baird, Mr. and Mrs. T . C. Runyon . Mrs. ElIzabeLh Smith of Mrs. Walter K enr ick, Margaret Mr. and Mrs. Evel'tt Bunnell ca.lvllle and Mrs. Margaret Johns were Johns, Mrs. Ne ttie Emrick Mr. and let! on their Broth er-ir..- laW! Mr. Sunday dlnner guests of Mrs. Net- MTs. Th'C rle Jones, a'lld Milton Richard Haines at the Miami Valtie Emrick. . Jones. ley HospltaJ Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Harold Wht.taker The Coronet solo played by MUand famUy visited Miss Laura Rosn- ton acoolIlipalned by Miss Virginia agle in CinCinnati on Sunday. Hardin a t th e plano was very much Mr. Clarence Smith. who has been enjoyed. suffering from an Injured foot: is Mr. Charles Lewis and MLss Emma slowly recovering. Lou Lewis were ' dinner guests o n Mrs. R uth COrnell Rue of San Sunday of Dr. and Mrs. F. B . Gregg. Fral' california and MI'. and Mh'\S. Evalliyu Peterson a.nd Dr. Mrs. Charles Oornell of Dayton calErruna Holloway attellded tne GarMr. and Mrs. Earl Lucas and fam- den Club Christmas party at the l ed On Mrs. Nettie EmTtCk Sa.liurday ily spent Monday night with Mr. home of Mrs. Shoup on Thursda.y afternoon. Mrs. Viola Round, Mrs. Lois Leh- a nd Mrs. David ' Lucas and fam- nJght. man and Mr. and Mrs. J . W. Row- ilY. Miss Olive Williams . returned on Mr. and Mrs. HUy Gibsor.. Mr. ley of D a,yton were Sunda~ a!terr.oon guests of. Mr. and Mrs'. Walter and Mrs. RaY'lllond Sm ~t·h ca.lled on Mr. Rl.oha.rd Heiines at the Miami Kenrick. Mr. and Mrs. Harold Steinke at- Valley Hospital Sunday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. Henry Berges and tended the S ilver Anniversary reunion and banquet of the claas of fa.mUy of Bea.ver towl~ were dinner 1931 of S teele HIgh 8oh~1 a t bh e ~ Sunday of Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Cl'aIWrord a.nd famlly. Dayton Art Institute Friday night. Mr. and ·MTs. Ola.r ence Zimmer Mlrs. Mabel · D inwiddie, and daughter Miss Antha. Anna Hornell and son . Mrs . Mattie Zimmer of of Springboro called on Mr. and Mrs. BEavertown were guests Sunday of Mr. and Mrs. Ermersoll Harvey Burnet Sunday afternoon . Mr. and Mrs. A. D. Smith, Mr. and Dlll.

Friday from a visit \\i th relatives in Pendleton , I nd . MLss Ru th Char.dler attended the lu ncheon of Alpha Phi Ohapte r Delta Kappa Gamma at the Van Clevl' hotel in Dayton On Saturday. Mr. and Mr<. _ aro!d :..1eredith and children 0: Lima .called on MFS. Sallie Meredi th Sunday afterr.oon . Mrs. Enlma Harve"J of Lebanon was a guest On Thursday of her Mrs. Lena Hartsock at the home . ' Mrs. Hayes Keever and Mrs. Ray Harrison of Lebanon , Mrs. Leroy

Ellis of near Harveysburg were guests of th eir cousin, Mrs. Lucile Armitage 011 T hursday. MRS. COLEMAN HA UNDAV VI SITOR S Mr. Joh n DuVall. wUe a nd t wo children of HamJlt oll calle<!. on his aunt. Mrs. Llddie Coleman . Sunday afterr.oon. Oth ers callers were Mr. J ohn Klotze a nd Mr . William 'RobInson of CinCinnati.


We Pay~~RSES$5.00 cows

HOURS: 9-12 each morning Accordlnl to Size and 1-5 afternoons except CondItton Wednesday Hoga, Calvea, .Sheep, etc. 7-9 Saturday evening REMOVED PKOMPl'LY Other evenings by Appointment Can TELEPHONE 62-R $3.00


Dr. C. E. Wilkin


454 xmnA,

.. .o. - - - ,-


Optometric Eye Specialist 26 South Detroit Street XENIA,OIDO






s y Ie Ie I-


If Ie 19





~~E /


.,, .'


~cQIlure Jlfuneral ~ome Dial 2111




W aynesvill~, Ohio

,d Ie ty ·:>f ~





JfM we IN ofterIDI tile. N&~ IIaow. QIrI8tmaI I ~ tile. 0CIImDIeD0e ol eM' ' ~. A cWIDIte ~ . . .. . . . week will ....." .. liberal cbeC*t for JOU M 0brlatmII Ume. ,








2ic IIOc 1.00

2.110 &.00

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Executo r to st'll said propert y fol'


cash. Ross H . Hart.sock As Executo r of the W ill of


• • CLASS mED AD RATES • • 25 words or less. one time....... 250 Each addttor.&l word ...•.•.. •••. le SPECIA L BATES by CON'DI ACT



Located 2 miles Sourtlh of Lytle, O. Loan .-· vUle. 1 mile FEDER AL LAND BANK LOANS : 3mires West of Waynes on comer 73. Route State of East For Ref1nal:icllla - Rebu11d1nc 1p Ltr.e Townah and 37 Route of lema wltb wan. Buytna. fC;\ Parm new woe to pa.J. Pa7 part 01' all aDY Road. new 6-·ft. Frigida ire, suite. bedroom walnut ranae. electric tJme. I ON NAn. FABII LOAN old chest Jenny Lind bed 'A~" ....., J LEBAN ...... ,,)'0....- . A88'N·, ElUa H. sturm. 8 e d 7 - , ch1Une 4-piece e. mach1r. &eWing ft8 Pheme Ohio. n, Lebano .. Treu ti, cupboar oor ,lM&-d set. 6t bre&k!8 tIC . ~~t ~ _ ... ,and -.-Ea-ta -t.-F- or-Sa l-.--- ~ol ~er t -R-.. kn,=" e --- .... &....... --chair. IP YOU HAVE A ~TY OR 2-pieee llv1nB room suite, odd ~t unit. IdtA::ben ~, jKOOdt Wl1te PARK TO 8a.L Oall or tab1ea end JDrIiSt4I, • ., plar-o. IJlirrcn , _coffee DclIl Bendenon. Tel. n.wI_ ...._ .... _..... 1..... +...... w ...c tab1eI. 5...pleoe br........... w _., "" ......oJ... Lora1D' Aft. ~, -.-u. doll houae anc1 clolla. sled. W8iOIllot JOOd STOCKUVE _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ak18, bicycle. 2 ~ chairs. tools, l8JWr.. mower. dishes, oooIdng 00Ll..lI E PUPS - POR SALE. BeeJel'll. C. E. Midhen er Waynes - utenslla etc. 3-Pine . ~d1e ~3 , 1212 v111e. Ohio 'Ib1.s is an except100ally nne a.uctIoo sotng to .\r:I2Ion&. FOR SALE - 4 YOWlI Boars ready of the best. OWner Owner 'DT. E. R. eaHMlJ Prank ~b1l1 2 for M!I'Vtce Bell(jO k Be1lbioo of mUee SClUth F. T. Marti n and C. E· 1212 brook and W~esvll1e Rd.

Riesau , Auctio neera


705 ' CoIDIDere1al

Bldc'. '

de~ase d,

Magg1le W . Burnet. Waynesvllle. Ohio.

AD '3iIi,

Notice of Appoi ntmen t Notice is hereby given that Ross H . Hartsoc k Wh06e Post Office address is WaYllesville. Oh~o has been duly appoint ed as Execu~r of the E9ta.te of A. L. King late of Warren County, otUo deoeaaed. Dated t.h1s Jrd . da.y of Decemb er 1946. RaJpb H. Clarey ......ft Co' ur. .Judie of the P!VUGte W&1Ten Oounty , Ohio 12116 Stanley and St.a.n:ley. Attys.

Ellzebe th Ann 'Mitchr. er. Waynes ville. will sin g WitJl the 250- volce univers ity Choral Union. when Hande l's "Messia.h·· is present €d at Miami Univers ity. OXford. Ohio. on Decemb er 15. The perfonna.r.oe. whioh w1ll also feature the 6O-piece univers ity orohestrn . will be direcred by .Prof. Oi!o. ·F. Barron. of the music deparome nt. It will be repeate d in Hamtito n, Ob1lo on Deoem'ber 17. ,. Miss Mitchne r. a third-y ear studth Miami sch001 of ·busi i e ent n ne8& is the dauehte r of Mr. 8Ind Mrs. Vergo Mitdlme r. Route 1.

to June 30. 1951. upon t he star rou~s in lJhe States of Ohio. Indiana. nUnols. Miohiga n. Wiscon sin. Minnes ota. Iowa. Missour i, Arkans as. Lau1s1ana. Texas. and Okla.homa. as specifie d 1r.. pamphl et advertis ements of this date . IP roposaI forma and all neoes68l'Y infonna t1on will be fUl'Jl1shetl upon applicat ion to the local postma ster or the Second Assista nt Po8tma ster W hiDg t or- 26 • D.' C . as General . Robert E. Hannep .n. Postma ster General .



Suffere rs! Tr7 DlNEB 'S UKOL.! oamtort1nI relief from PIADI d _ & neurltW , 1)1iDrbe1r.t lem. &J1bJ1t1 the at received be Proposa1B wUl AIk for ' -__ nta ~.1I7l'. ~ I!IUffer ~1 off·Ace of Ule 8econid' A8e1atar.t Post- - ' " tic ~ 8t«e IllMter Genera l, Pest Otlice Depart- =-e!n~ • ' .

. __ that OllarNotice is hereby lee A AnderaDn !W'hose Post. Office


is 7l~ W1nteP'B Na1.i~al Bank Bldg., Dayton 2. Obio baa been m . al Februar y duly appoint ed 88 Adirnin1 stn.tor of DleDt. until 5:i.l5 p. the Dltate of lAnll.s Pr1ntz late of Warren County. Ohio, deceuec1. ~ this 1Mb. day ,at DeceJnber •





Ralph B . Qarey Jw:tce of the Prob&te Court WaJ:ren County. Ohio 1226 Atty. n. Anderso A. Charles


ithL a Son Sam Sm Phone 902

now in atoct. The Gaze«e .

Leban on, Ohio

FOR SAL! ;.AVON aRRIST MAS OlPl' PACKAGDJ nOW ava1la.b1e. See Ami by DANNY IlABTS OCJt Mason. represe ntative. Harvey sburg. , 01110. SPRING BORO GAME - - DEC. 6 The Springb oro game last Friday of special importar..ce because was EFOR SAL i. waa the first league game ~ ,t he FOB SALE was clO6e SPAYE D FEMAL E TEBRl QB - season. Junior High game on the svUle /Wayne with out HEALT HY - through GOOD PET e Florenc oe J · score. the of end! short . OFFICE TE DAVISS ON, GAZET .bl'9ke thru his guards in the last poir.ta. FOR SALE - NewU?n Coal Brood- quarter to make 1Iwo 'Winning Simpso n' was high sCoring man chick ~ze; Mary M. Sine.r; rt had 6. clair; Waynes ville Rt 1. near with 13 points an'd Everha ville Waynes were resulu; lnal f . The 1226 Roxann a

·Wheq You Give

NICE tHINGS ... Your pleasu re in giving is heiightened. At rio time is this more true than at CHRISTMAS TIME


. 30, Sprir-lboro 28. closealso was game Varsity The FOR SALE - 6 x 8 Wine reversib le quarter first the with played 1y Davis Ruth. Mrs. ChenUie rug.

House hold Good . _

1'~2 showing S~boro ah-ead. lilt the

half ' teams were ,tied: and the final

FOR SALE - Schube rt Ca;blner t Grand Uprigh t Piano; first $25. takes it; Herbert Graham Ferry 1226 Ohurch of Christ. FOR SALE - Storklln e Crib large size and Ka.nit-wet mattres s; Bathlnett; Taylor- tot; BaE6inett; Teter-B8ibe ; Play ·Pen. can be .seen ';'1. H<Jme Applian ce Store, ~ner. Win ar.dl North sts. Phone 2661 1226

___-.:. .___

20, 1941. ror carrying the malls of the United States from July 1 1947,



'Notice of Appoi ntnlen t





showed a 38 . to 32 in favor of Waynes ville. Ra.rteoc k was high man 'With 20 polQta, Bradley. 9. Tbomp son 6, aIld' Rlckey' 3.

• • •

LEBANON GAME DEC. 10 Reserve team 'defeate d Lebar.~ ReseTves 2:2 to 11. Varsity team lIOO j ed 59 to 49 making it a double header win for WaytteevUle. The varalty pme waa reported : to be the ' best Ibha.t ha5 been . pt&yed ·this ·season.

RUBBER STAMPS and NOTICE OF INTIN T TO MARKING DEVIOES SELL REAL ESTA TE . GAZE 'I1'E OFFIC E Wherea s the WUl of Maggie W . . Burnet. decease d. auth~s th~ .E xecutor to sell at public CI'l private sale t he house ar.d .lot OJ] 'I1h1rd Street ·In · W6yrulsvtile. Ohio. which she OW!led . at . the time of her deilJth. And tlhe I\Ulders1gned belna of the <lP1ni<m that the .same should be aold lilt private sale, hereby 1JlIVites all peI'SOr.s lnterest ed in purdla8 1ng . ' said ~y to sbmdt to hJn.l in I r on or Un WIre ...... ...... ... AD __ wrl~ (bbelr bids therefo On. the Noon o'clock :00 12 beifore ~ . ...... .. p ...... ...... 1946. er. Decemb of ds,y 23rd _ _ _ ...... ...... ... -'lilt 'lbe unders tlned n!8m'ee tile I1Iht .. ..... 1 r. . ~ reject ~ or ~ .~ and the s..ic e 11aat Satiaflea of the. ·bidder IIW8t a.occmaddrMs 'I'IJ,lIm '10 ' bid. the PIUl!Y' . . . Dial 1:.'DaJtIIt WBIO It it t;he presect intentJon of said


..... o.r .,., ...... .....

@ TH& .ORD&'" co.

-"Even I 'Cow Can't Make This KiiHI of.Milk!" Elsi~ is talking about Borden's Homogenized Vitamin 0 Milk- the milk with -the cream line all the way downl ' She says happily, . "It looks better , tastes better, and i.s better for you ..• becau se there's cream in every ~rop, and becau se there's 400 units of extra vitamin 0 in every quartl It's mOire easily digested tool" Have this improved milk delivered to your home, or ask for it by name at your favorite store.

710rlells •

Ii .

.. . ~





. Colognes Gillet te Razor Sets with Blades $1.00 to 5·00 $2.~0 to 5.0'0 Tawn Men's S~ts $2.50 Menn en's Men's Sets $2·50 Harw ick Men's Set.s . 'Nylon Brjstl e Hair Brush~s $2·39 to 7.50 3.50 and 2·00 1.50 Pipes $1.00 . $1.0Q to 3.50 Lighte rs Jh lb. and lib Xmas Wrap ped TO'b acco Cigare ttes ali' popula~r Brand s $1.65 . car: 50c to $2.50 Statio nary Christ mas Cards . . All Kinds of wrapp ings




. .,. I




. .

TeJph oa. Wape lville 2552 '01' Da,to D HE12 75

$4.95 to 6.89 $4·00 to 11.00 $1.50 to 5·00 25c to $1.50

3 Piece Dress er Sets Tuya Cosmetic Sets Luxon Cosmetic Sets

Pho~e ~ ~ ~~ ~



iaJllesville .Drug ,Store . ....




.. . . ,






"' .




.......... .


4 •• ,







. .:, Wayne Twp. Post 615 by DON OSBORN I



Celebrating Sixtieth Wedding Anniversary At Centerville Home Sunday, Dec_ 22nd

You know folks. ~ of the AmerIcan Legion have only one, though\, In mind and this Is. 111 plain American words. the make mor.ey. Some of you may think those are pretty , harsh words but when you know the ESTABLISHED 1850 - NO. 4295 $1.50 PER YEAR - 5c A COPY reason why. we t,hlnk you will underTHURSDAY. DECEMBER. 19 1946 WAYNESVILLE. omo stand. The one and only reson is Ir. hopes that, some day we can have - - - - - - - - -- - - All members of the Farmers Junior a home of our own and ·every step · No. ·117 are Invited to reta ken In that direction Is a victory ceive t heir Christmas treat on Satof our own. urday evening. Dec. 21 at the Grange Out of every dOllar that we make , Hall. The program for the evening oU of our dar.ces and basketball w1ll be given by the Juvenile memgall1{!S. etc. ninety per cent Is laid bers. aside for that purpose. So lar. Mrs. Ralph Edeilifield, Matron though I hate to admit It, that sum The Civic Olub anno\1IlCes the keeps 8JWay Instead of plan for hav\r.g a large community

Christmas Tree To Be Placed 00 StreetSaota GI-Vl-ng Treat

growing. Notbing we h a ve tried yet C'luistmas t.ree to be located on has proven very successful except l'd'iami street near Main. at the side the Fourtb of July doings we h8.d of the McClure Funeral ltome. this year. At our dances we ihfWe had practically no and the same ror our basketball games. There Isn't UliIlCh more we can offer untn such a time as we are able to have a place of our own So folk, why not us the boot ycu can? 1 teel safe in saying


The tree will be gaUy decorated to e.x empllfy the Ohrlstma6 sPlrtt in this traditJonal manner. On Monday even1r.g. Dec. 23. the singing Of Christmas Carols will be beld at the tree by members of the various oho1rs Of the churches of the community. This program will be-

Restauraot W.-II Reopen 1-0 January

Mr. and Mrs. Milton Sheehar. of Centerville wtll observe .their sixtieth H<;ppy's Restaurant, owned ~ wedding anniversary on Sunday, Dec. operated by Murray Hopkins for t:be 22. at their home in Centerville. Mr. past several months has been sold to Howard Brown of Dayton, a brot4ler-in-18JW of Bob Workman who Is a partner in the B .51: R Dry

~:te;: =~anls r::lym=~~ :S:!t7 :!~ '~~=te~~a~::,.~ ~~eaners loca~d

on North Main

Club Hears Talk On Philippines

Sheehan Is a brother Of Mr. Ellner Sheeh8Jll or Wayr.esville and they also have a host of friends arid other rel8ltlves here.

Writes, Directs, Acts In Local Legion Play

The re~ of the war-tom Lew Rob1n.son. Oashier of the !Philippines Is go1r.g to be much more Waynesville National Bank. and of a job t!han the average American member of the Local Post of the realizes. Col. John O. W. LInsley, Americall Legion ih96 turned playOhief of Ohapl1a.ns Of Air Ma.ter1a.l . wright and dlreotor for the folltlhOommand. told tbe Wwynesv1Ue com.1ng production "South 0 f Civic Club last Monday night a.t the WaynesvUle" to be staged a.t the EARLY COpy NEXT regular meeting of the club. ' Waynesville High School this COining WEEK; PUBL1SHIN(~ In a brief talk. followtr..g a long Saturday ever.lng, 'D ec. 21. at 8 :00 ~ ON TUESDAY business session of the club. Chap- o'clock.. To afford the publisher and staft llan Linsley drew from his long exThe play Is a two act comedy ~ a full endoymer.t of t he Christmas per1ence as 1m Ep1soop61 m1ss1onary bjlsed OJ) the life arOUll4 a typical pIealIe ~ .•- ~. ..- ~ ... ~. __ boUda¥-. ·b . !.Uami .Qaze~~ will be- in -the 1Philt~e- 181a_ <to point ar~ eamp~ Pl&ye!'It ll1Cludll,.. Bdb We bave' !orrsething new to ,try this RALPH ASBURY'S printed on Tuesday of next week. out th8lt political controversies are' Mehaffle; Lew Robinson; Bill Sa.w-· Saturday. Dec. 21. which Is. as a lot MOTHER DIED ' 1bls -will require earlY' 'copy with not the maJn headaches that face yer; Oharlie McKn1g~t ; Fred GTauof you-know. a play writt.en .by S . L . SUDDENiLY, DEC. 18. a deadline Of MOOOay-flOOoD for all the rebullders of government and man; 'L ew Thonpson; Bob Planck; Robl.neon. one Of our own members. copy. It w1il be apprecla.ted if oar- lnunn .."", in the 1200 inhabited Is- Joe James;. Sam, Keys. Gene Browr.; _ Mrs. Willam T . Asbury of Hamil--~ -;r lti Is a two act play called "South of respondents and otalers contributing lands of the now independa'fit;- ~ . Ramby; and Ed. Miller. this Wayn -''''e'' and takes place In tor. died S1lddenJy at 'the home of cooperateis In I toma.tter. Jot is tion. The stage d1rec1JOr IS Sam Keys 'III1'ha.t """v.... you might call a PX or restau- her son. Mr. Ralph T. Asbury on can11zed ra.n't on an a'l'mY base. a:t is very well' Wedn~day morning at 6 :30 o'clock. rea this ear y r most copy To unify the Islands complerely, and music director 'E d. Ramby. IWTltten am Is probably more truth She had been ill only a short time. to be oompiled but we trust it will the reocmver'ters will have 'Following the shOW at about t.han fiction ar.d no doubt has lIap- Funeral arrangements are l.nooo1- be possible .to have some of it sen~ to con'tend witb many problems that 10:30 . p. m. a dance will Qe held • pened over and over agwn In every,. plete at th Is t Une b ut arrar.g em.ents . In by the deadline. See Page S in the high school gym.

clared and will lor.g be remembered tor helping us reach OUr objective. If any of you somebhIDg In mind that you :think would go over good in ,t his community or a suggestion of (lnY' kind that you wish to expreas just get 1r. touch with Oomm8nder WUllam Sa~er or myself. Don Osborn. In fact nothing 'WOuld suit WI ,b etter than to hnve your opfor we are 8Ill new at t:hls .business and are tryir.g our best to


and will bring with him a treat for all children ur.der 12 years of age. The tree will be erected and left at the location for several days be{ore and after01u1stmas. The public is cor<:Hally invited to attend the program on Monday even4ng.




d'ay service life. You people wUI prob- are being made for the


ably get a g~t laugh out of tlnls. :to be held' in Hamilton. 60 let's see you up there. The play starts at 8 :00 p. m. at EN.O CH GRAY the Waynesville High School Gym with, a dance Immediately following . Price for t he tickets including the . play and ~ce Is $1 .00 whlle separate tickets wlll cost .60 for the ,p lay a.nd .7& 1<11' 1he dance. Child,r en under 12. the price Is .25 each. iNow you baak:et ball <tans. ·1 hOpe most of you &9IW the ~per last· week for those piclures can describe tbe team we are playing a lot better thaDI I can: They are a fast moving team from Da.y!tonr called the Jones Bros. and conslst Of all col<ll'OO men whO ·a.t one 14me or another were all stars <Ill Oolleg,e teams. So. if you like basketball you better come to the gym Thursda.y. evening, Dec. 19. First game gets under way ,a t 8 :00 p. m . 1Adm1ss101l! S,Oc ' for adults and 15<: for school Ohudren.

No definite statement or plans can be had at th1s time otheT 't han the re taurant plaN to open atter New Years. Further details will be forthcoming in future Issues.

Mr. George qray . and Mr. ar.d Mrs. Leslie Gray attended the funeral ot the lormer's brothers Mr. Enoch Gray. Monday ~n at Schllenty and Moore funeral 'home in Day.tor. and:t:he burial in WWow_ view Cemetery.

St_ Mary's Club Holds D.-s"u55.-on

" 'P roblems of dhurch unity, and the .r.eed for . unlven;a.l Ohrlstlan 00operaltlOllJ were dlscu.ssed a't the regular meeting of the st. Mary's club. held in the Eplsoopal rae,t ory last week. ALBERT COOK '!be Rev: ¥r1der1c B. Atkinson, Mr. Albert Cook, age 63 YlCars. As&1.stAlnt to the BlshoJ)' Southren of tbe Terry Road died suddenly Ohio ptooese ~nnati. a'S princi........ J..a.. Wednesday noon at Ly¢Ile Elevator, ....... - 1 "1'""-, reviewed f.or th ' e group where he had tworited several years. the aoUot! .which was taken at the A number of relatives and friends Ep1scopa.! General Con.venUon in from attended ,t.he funeral lilt ~elphia several weeks ago. tbe'8ugv Creek Presbyterian Churoh Recounting tlhe ','ed at Saturday afrer- the ' Oonvention. the 'Rev. A'tlk.1nsor. noon and burial at Bellbrook. stressed the present urgency for federation among all Christian ~. K· HIMES bodies. . C. K. Himes of Centerville passed I'tJ was announced Btt the meeting away at 7:00 a. m. Tuesday at St. ~'t he will be the celebran~ UTICA UB CHURCH · Elizabeth hosilita.l in Dayton. Fun- qotnmunlon servlc:es ( GIVING PROGRAM era1 aervloes will. be conduc~d lilt morning in St. Mary s ~~rc.h. ServThe UtiCa United Brethren Church the ~ ~eral Home'in Dayton ices will be held at 10 0 clock. will hold 1~ ~ p~ on lilt. 1:30 p. m. Prtday. Sunday evening. Dec. 22, at 8:00 He 18 survivied"by a .sister Merle COUNTY AG CLUB o·clock. San~ Claua Iw1ll be !pt'e8ent Bradstn!et; a brother BJTOn mmea; MEETS IN LEBANON and a treat will be liVeD the child- both of ~; and several Dec. 17 Warren Ooulnty Agrl.-en. nJeoes and: n.epbeWS. ClIltural ~ 'bad- a. OblUtmae dInA ebJlcb-en'& pl'OI1'8IIl J.s to 'b e pre-_ lIZ· B1mea was well known in this ner at the ~ 1IaU' 1n Lebe.iIoo. ,aented i aDd special mUllc ' wW be community. .speaker fCll' ,the eftD1ntr .&8 Roy liven. '1'he pub~ Is ~ tilBaIIltles br WL~ Cinc1n-



. ~vted, to



IN OAR 01' ..... DUL _




The Wayne Township Post 615

C•. Uege Head ResiGns Pos.-t.-on V

alU'.oUnces tha.t pracUca.lly all the protlts :received from this play and' dance and oliher activities of t he

American Legion in this community will be used for the construction of . Resl.g.nation of Dr. S . A. Watson a local ,American Legion- h~ a.nd as president of W1lm1ngton Oollege recrealtion center. This Wlit will be bas been accepted by the board of made av~ble to all the commur..1ty tl"UStees of the 0011*. Mr. T. S. and will be a tp'e6t a.-et to ~ Townsley. oha.1rman of the boo,rd, who will receive its benefits. annOunced Monday afternoon. Tbe The people Of this community· ~. resignatiOn of Dr. watson wUl be'-~nate lI?having an orsan17. effective at the end Of the present za'tiCJn in ,t heir midst Wiho are takschool ear Mr. Townsley saJd. ing such decisive steps toward ~e Y , upbuildlrtg of the conununl1ly inIn ma.king the announoement, Mr. terests. Townsley pointed' out that the Board ~epted w1tb reluctance ar.d deep I regret <the declslon Of Dr. Watsbt! CHIOR PRESENTING to relinqu4:lh the presidency 01 the CHRISTMAS CONCERT college. He said that the Board had '!be nationally famous Ohap31 made ' Il very effort to persuade him Ohoir Of capital' University. Collan.' to continue in the position. bus, Ohio. directed by Prof. Ellis Dr. Watson is now completir.g his Emmanuel Snuder. w1U present its seventh year as president of the col- annual Ohristmas· ,C oncert \nJ !.lees lege, having come here In 1940 dter Hall a.t the . unlvennty on December a successful term. 88 De6n Of Whit,.. 16 a.t 2.:46 P. M . ter Oollege. Whittier, California. The arc..nua.i mid-semester tour of ' A successor has not yet been the choir will be from. January 30 named. but Mr. Townsley asserted to ,February 9 and will be largely that the field will ~ carefully sur- in Oh1cago area. Later in the veyed with the hope of obta.1r~ the choir w1ll present an all Bach a man with an outstanding reputa.- Coocert. t10n as an eduetor and reliiious leader caPable of carrying on the high VISIT 1JN~AUNT ' traditions of W'ilDl1nItOO College 80 MlB8 Barbe.r& Walker 8I)ent Gte ~ully a.d!v~ by Dr. Wat- 'Weekend with bel' aunt ,and UDCle. ~



IB'. aDd 'Mrs.

Delbert COnser.

FOLK HERE FOR HOLmA Y Mr. and Mrs. James W. Da,vis and family o! PhUadelph1a. will arrive a t. Vandalia Air PQIIto8I.t urday to sper.d Mr. and Mrs. ~I>e C. Furnas t·he Ohristmas hoUdays with Mr. ent.ertained th e members Of' ~e Davis' father. Mr. OUver Davis. Wayne Township Fanners' Olub at and his sister Miss Raohel b av1s, of their home. Dec. 12. Corwin. After a pleasant social , hour, a aeuc10us dinner was served to the VISIT IN members and the following guests : ILUIILTON Mr. and Mrs. Fred Furnas of JamesMrs. R. C. Moler spent Monday. town; Mr. ar.d Mrs. lEiatTy Smith ; In Ram1lton vlsiLing Mrs. Florence and Mr. Harold O. Risinger. Oramer and her son. James. Ronald M. Hawke. aotlng chairman called t he nteetlng to order. Since ELYRIA VlSrroRS Mrs. L. E . Hocket.tcould not · be HERE TWO WEEKS present. the secretary read her papMr. and Mrs. E . J. Burton of er on "Ohrlstmas Gifts ror Two Dol_ Elyria. Ohio will spend two . weeks h lars or Less." \\1t h Mr. Burton's sister and er ~_ Harold O., husband, Mr. and Mrs. George WatMr. Furnas Ir.troduoed R1singer. Lebanon auworney as gues. erhouse. speaker. Mr. Rlslnger entit.l ed his talk "The FATHER VISITS o.tion of a. POllt 0 ] on. OVER WEEKEND He drew his 1llustJrations f--om Mr. Harley Willson of Dunldrlt. Hampton Roads where! he servedt as father of Mrs. Ralph Edenfield. oUlcer during he v1slted at the Edenfield home over war. He descr1bed tib.e area and the weekend. explained how cargo and men were taken care o! as they passed through VISITORS DEBE the port. He mentioned some of the FROM DAYTON ' interest1r.g people who were there. Mr. and Mrs. K . L. El2ley and He also spoke Of the changes JleCe8- daughter Marjorie of Dayton spent sary when the war was over a.nd SUnday afternoon v1s1t1ng Mr. and the movement of men. and suppUes Mrs. Waater Elzey. was homeward. The meeting of the Olub DA.B. PRESENTAftON will be a.t the home of Mr. and Mrs. OF ORATORIO Olarence Rye. Mrs. T . S. Hardin aIId

Farmers' Club At Roscoe FUrOalS Home

F· B· hd Ive 1ft ays Honored at Dinner


Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Sheehan entC'l'~lned on Sunday even1ng with a buffet In honor of five a nniversaries In their family occurlog during the month of December. ests Bernice Sheehan The honor Mrs gtlElm. er 0lU::"""" . "''"''0. .....M ' rOD McClure and Ellis McClure. Allee y Thoee presen t for t.h.I.s most enI Mr arid Mrs Mr: Ellis lMoOlure a.nd famUy ADd '!'frs. boro. Mrs A1ice Croll an6near chUdren; .,.., lfIJl SpringMr . -.... ... M'1'S . Wa'''-r Sheehan and sons; 'and Richard Bradley.




== ~reda~hters; '-~

WAYNE SEW -SO CLUB The Wayne Sew-So 4-H Club met a.t the home of Mrs. Ruth Davis 00 :Monday evening Of this week. They enjoyOO slngir.·g songs aIId a,t 7:30p.m. all went; itown to sing Ohrlstmas CarOls to people and shutiDs. They returned to the of t.helr hoste66 a.t·9:00 o'clock a.nd were




Mrs. Lawrence Furnas was h05tess to the W . C. T. U. Dec. 13 Mrs. Cora Rldb was in charge of the program Mrs. Rich gave a talk on "How The Old Crusaders Started ptom Hillsboro'.' Mrs. A. O. Tom1150n spoke on an article from the '<Llterary Digest·,. Dr. Emma Holloway spoke on o.n article 1'rom the "Ohio Messenger" and the

"Uruon S1gnal". ATTEND BIRTHDAY DINNER SUNDAY Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Lewis Fires. Mrs. Doris and daughter Mary Lou, and Miss . Irma Pires a.ttended a birthday dinner in hono&' or Mrs. Fires. at the hOme of Mr. and Mrs O. H. Harbeson of Day-




n. HOME FOR 'H OLIDAYS MIss Raylyn orabbe Is coming home from Ohlo State University Thursday >to spend OhrI.stmas idays with ber ·p arents Mr. and Mrs. J .' B . crabbe.


served refreshments of oooIdes and . ~ milk. 'I1wenItY-,s1x members HONOR GUESTS

ing gues~ ro Bobby \partyand. at their Guests were. Judy nome. 8ytJe1 SUNDAY Dr; andGUESTS Mrs. Danford of .Dayton ard. Bobby and Kenny <kay. 8ybel were SUnday ~ qt Rev. .Jo LeMay. OUol a.DC! Sandra. Bh&nk. and Mrs. R. B . Ooleman. Dr. DanJohnny and! 'I'immey and Peggy Jo ford' ls I>J.strldt SupeI1nt~nd.ent b( Miltenberger. 8al1y Workman. Ute Methodl8t Ohurell5. He spoke )JQmer' Suella Kay and at the Methodist Ch\U'Oh here Sun-


Naomi Jane ·Billett of eenf.en1lle. and :the honor gue8t8 .sister Carol IAnne Conner. Ot.ber guests WIer'e Mrs. Riobel't Billett of Centervtlle, Mrs. 'E arl /Woolard, Mrs. ftd)ert; Gmy. Mrs. OlarJes LeMay. MlrB. Harry Shaatk. Mrs. MIlo Milten.1In'ger. Mrs. Her>.ry Watkin's. Mrs. W'atld.ns. and the hOIft and

day mom1rIC. -----GUESTS FOR CIlBl8'1"MA8 Mr. and Mrs. Harold J!Ja.mlla.rt and children Ruth. Hazolln. and' Naam1. and Mrs. Viola Harlin wUl have 0hrl5tmaa dinner with Mr. and Mrs. K. N. Hough and ohUdren, Mary


DorA U1fLoren.


!(ce cn!8.m

aDd oat.e

tresNnents aervM GlJES'M 'F ROM ,

were the re-

~ ~he ~.






1IVeft present and expre&sed Ulem- AT DINND aeJ.ves as having enjoy a. dellgMfu} Mrs. Hartley MlOse was the honor erenlng. guests at a dinner given at the home of Mr. and Mrs. GUbert Frye. FIFTH BIRTHDAY ouests for the dinner were Mr. PARTY CIVEN and Mrs. Hat1l1ey Moss, Ellen and Dec. 17 in honor Of their d&ughter WI.Wam.· Moss. Mrs. Oor<a Rich. Mrs. Janet·s aftth 'b mtbdla, Mr. and lin. &Ibe. Bradaolck. and Lyle Pox, Leo. OoIlner entertained the follow. .



Forms 0f Goveroment

Contlnu . . ' "Under ow' present system the party in power tends to extend its favor to thuse who contribute to the pal.ty fur.d and to those who might volA! for It at the next eleoLion. Such favoritism tn,.. hel'ent i n the system. Is made at the expense of the rest of the oommun1ty. Social justice under suoh patronage is unobtainable. The World Order of Baha'u'll&h rests on tale collective oon.solellce of th~ whole commwl1ty Without whloh social justice. whether local. no.tional of international, is \mposslble. . will. therefore. join a No Baho.'l political party wWch divides a commuruty into parts. It is inoonsiBtent with the Baha'i attitude of life to so.cl1!1ce the whole for the part. No Ba.ha'1 can oonsclentioU8ly subBCrtbe to a poUtical program wWch discr1.m.ina.tes against a class. a. race, or a nation. 'N or ~ a Baha.'! take sides In any economic. poUtioal, or mU1tary conflict blStween nations. He Is first of all a citizen of the world and! in a.DIY dispute between nations be sees the virtues and faUInga o! both. Its it not true tbhart any polltical'party or nation wWch cla1ma to be the soIoe Judge of what Is Just is inevitably doing an InJuat10e to others? . . . to be OOlltinUed. Subm1ted by Helen MoOOY

heard the Ohrtstmas orat.or1.o. 'The Messiah." pregented. a.t MIami Un-

Rt. 2. Waynesville, OWo


Mr. and 'M rs. Seibert Schneider of iversity Sunday evening. Mrs. John Jordan Sunday afternoon. VISIT PA.BENTS FOR

day. .

Texas wheat growers will about 500.000 acres of the new re&1stant Austin wheat next spring. HOLIDAY SEASON Th~ vartety no~ only will lmprove At home for the 0b.r1.stmas Texas Wiheat but will reduce days from 14le Mary A. Burnham prooUction of rust spores School in Northampton. Mass. is be oe.rrie<1 by wind$ to whea.t Mary Dora Houah fields in states north of the Texas of Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth N. H.oug border. Of R. Bo.2, WaynesvtUe. ,

ATTEND BXEBcI888 Mr. and Ml'8. Alva Ludington wUl attend Ute 0hr1StnIaa eurcl8es their grandson, ,D anny Schukte of Dayton. will in TllLurade,y.

VISITORS HERE FBOM DAYTON Mr. and Mrs. ~. Turner ~ of Dayton were visitors of Mr. and Mrs. R . O. Moler this past week.

Dayton visited Mr. and

DAYTON-XENIA GUESTS Mr. and Mrs. Ja.m:ea Burton of nay,ton and Mr. and Mrs. RusaeU Terrell Of Xewa were wuests of 'M r. and Mrs. C1harles LeMay. SaLur-








We P'9y~~RSES " U

$5.00 $3.00

COWS Aooord.IDa CIO _ and . Ooadltloa

Hog., Calve., Sheep, etc.

aalovm I'IU)IIJ'TLY

XENIA FERTIUZER -.............Call


TWIN .~Theatre



4 I 4 0IIaIPI DNU. 0. . II O. iiWiiW¥ lito: .




. .. 8II1d' Mrs. Noah Newina.n enterD me E ' . B E R tIb1ied over the weekend Mr. MId -2-2--------::2::3=-IIns. Robert Young and SOn of MId- Pertonnanoe-Wiae story of a 'wOOlan dlet.own. who loved too well. and 't oo careleeely. OLIVIA DelMVlLLAND' in

' VI~~ ~ James ~ To Each His Own -and cil11dMn .v1sltecl Mr. ~s witIh Jolm Lund. Mary Anderson. .-rent& ,M r. anc;l Mrs. Charles Hatre- Roland CUlver and BlU Goodwil1.



-.0. . ........

DMeI. ............".,me. 0Id0....-

Comp'' ' " nIB "'IitDlIIKI Systam Holiday in Mexico 25

meyer, Sunday.




Our Christmas HQliday Packaee fWed 'With mus1c and star~ galore!

(Tec!hnlcolor') Walter Pidgeon, Joee Iturbl. Roddy MoDowell. Jane Powell. nona Maa8ey, Xavier C\.u1:at and his orchestra and others. f~



A Cecll B. ~lle romantic drama of the West teatur!r-B.51,ltCJl charact.er1!I as Wl:ld BIlll ~ calamitv Jane. Buftalo BUI and General CUster.


FLOORS. Take a tip fn... 0" "0 .. ..,.-1,.••

lDOderD miRol.II,·. Dot oaly • feathe,....ight t..k.type ol"'u, " •• •• tardy .,..i&bt .... boIe

aer-l,.. MtuaII,,. _ ...

Tne Plainsman


PLUS : Colored Oartoon.

PH()NE 2441



9-12 each morniDa

'1-1" afternooDi except

Wednuda, 7-9 Saturdayeveniq Other .venfnp by Appointment TELEPHONE 62-R

Dr.' C. E. 'Wilkin

Optometric: EYe.Speclalilt 26 South Detroit Stre~ XENIA, QHIO "



E ••••






Mrs. Paul ShiPleY and Mrs. Nettie THE MIAMI GAZETTE - Pace 3 WAYNESVILLE.• OHIO - NO. U95 nnaick were enterta.1r.ed to dinner THURSDAY, DE~ER, 19 1~ Wednesday at the home of Mrs Cha.rles Anderson' at Wayne6V1Be. Mrs. Earl M~ and dBughter of Tlpp O1ty sPent - several days last week with her parent& Mr. and Mrs. Guy Routzahn and famAI!nounoement is being made by Uy. M1'. Mendenhall joined tbem for Mr. and Mrs. Donald J. Ba1r<L Gep- the weekend. 'I'tl6y 'returned home hardt Road, Lytle. ot the marrlaie Sunday evening. of their daugbter, Mary catherine. to ~ Fumy. son of J8ICk l"ur6y, PRONE NEWS ITEMS TO of Xenia. 1161 _ _If '!be dOuble-l'ina cermony was performed by Rev. Hugh S. Ora.ham pasta of P1rat lMethcxUat Ohurch Xeirla, December 7th at 8:00 o'cb:k In tbe eveninI. The bridIee caly attendaDte wen her parents. P.or ber 'wedd1ne ·the bride choee a grey WOOl suit ~ black acceesCIdee . . . . . . . . CMMUIe ~. 'IUe . ml4e'. udi:ber wore.a ~ ~ . . . . blebk ~ taDd

APPRECIATION ' Will you, my friends and neighborn, kindly a.coept this evry 1r.foml8l1 way of thanking you for many, many and kindneSs



ext&.nded to me during my husba.nd's 1l1n~:-ana-at the time of his pass-





Sam Smith '& Son

With the loving ar.d Unc:kmltand1ng heart of Eph's, I know thlllt he,

too. 'W88 silently sn1l1ng and moet gratetul.


Phone 902 L Lebanon, Ohio

I s.hall never. never forget you.


(Mrs. Cabberille W. Ban.tlart)


a""'_~. Alta' tile WIe<ldJr-g a small reoep·tion W88 held ..t :the h'ome or the bride!a parents. PW her !Wedding trip ~ bride choee a beige suit with brown ~­

mea and' .. yeUow rose


V'pon their return the couple wW reside In Bellbrook.



A 0hr18tma& en'tlt!rtaUllnent will Bi~ by tbe SUnday Sdlool n~t

e1l8n411r nee. 2a, at ~e ch~" at 7:30. A~nt "Nobodys Ch1lcV' will be presented.


!Mrs. Harold Wb1talter enta1&1ned the Iqtle Card Club at her home Thursday afternoon. Mr. an4 Mrs. Charles Mullen4a atter.ded the funeral of the former's brothe2', W1U1am MuUenix a.t Lockland'. Thursday att.ernoon. Mr. and 1IIrB. Leslie Gray spent Sunday Ultet'no<m with Mr. and Mrs. Dewey . stine M".d famlly In Day-

a Ca'pita~ist 1"

ton. Mr. and Mrs. Walter Cowan and family moved last week from near South LebanOllJ to ¢lhe Ruth-MII'iIuq

farm near here. Mrs. c8.r1 Pickering of Cen~rv1·Ue Mrs. Robert Hicks. Mrs. Donald J. Baird and Mrs. Pete Wlesl were guests of the Wcman'~ ' Society at the hoole of Mm. WUbur Foulks on Thurad.i.y. Mr. and Ml'II. Seth Pumas and Mfa. Haney , Burnet -attended the Wayne 'I1oIWnahlp Farmer's Club on Thur~ &It ·t he 'lulme or Mr. and Mrs. Roecoe Purr..aa near Waynes-

vUJe. Ui's. Charles aert



'number atladila to a StanleJ Brush Demonstra.tIan on ~ at the, ~ at ber parent& Mr. MId lin.

~~" tIr. a,nd lin. Vemen I'urIdey and · !QDoI ~ W~y eWll1M d1nIne!' ~ of Ill". .nd )(no OU1f Bec:IEeit ~ ~banOD. Mr. aM lira. OharJen O. MoJpn and ~ 01 Dayton apenil the WIIIetend wit.h .the latter's J)InIDW, • • and MIa. DoDUd of the Oeb-

TH'! ,







r, . . . -

uvangs accoUDt. worlq clirectl, 'for "OU. When IOU bear 100M ~ about th. capiraHstit



the, clauD

.,sum. r.emember 'OJ

It0V,. -"m.nt. iDdusuy or labol. questio~ the motives of chait Nbc would aubs,::ute socDt other '?Item fOJ OUI American freedom at eoterprise. 1bW cuetuU, ""'1 . ., -NIUictioa 01 ....ellttloft 'J)W' "!ed for 01 che iDdiYidual that "ould rake aWl, frtedolDS thaI beJoog to AlDericaoa u ~ihCl. Let coolfClllDtn and senators. .1IQ. YOW QeWlpapen aDd radio ltaaoos. Imow"bac 70U tbiDk. ,Oil • • •

.. bart &&dI. Mr. and Mm. Wilbur Barnb&rt and dauchter of Leb&noI1 aPeDt SuDdar, evenJDc WSth Mr. and lira. t.Ue ~

Yes, if you own • bond. an insuraoce policy or a sharf o. stoc~ in lOme company-you are a persoo with capital• ., tflpilQu,': if ypu bave • '18VUlP account. if 'OU own • bouse 01 • vanlpc lot. . you are I 'flpiItIlis,. "one wbo baa cap~ral tnveste~." If you 'wn an automobile, roo" or equipment chat belp' you earn • living. you posseu capiral. Sy., ~ tao br • capitalist. If you b8\'e leamed to Ii"e '01) • little leu tbao you lDIke and to put ypw uviDp to work for you, you can become .bolder•.• ..boodJaol. . ..or .• real ....e ewaeI. Caplralism II the American system in w~ money-earged and sav~ by me individual-is coDltandy t'eUlvesteu tOJ profi.. You earn waia. ...., or -p,ofeaiOaaJ fea. When '1OU spend 'dull mooey for groceries. renl and other goods 'OJ serviea. JOW capital goes· back: into plOduang more groceries, IJUildiop. machines. and tools. ;(. 1'he IDOCIC) you ..... eaCh week for boofb. IDIUfaDce Of eninte....t-



&DIl famib.

10'. . . lin. ~ Dett& and II1'II. IId11e Davia of OlnoIDnatt wn 8uDda.y d1Imer . . . . ,. of Mr. &Del lin. OIlvtn l.oIIipcre and ch1l4-


""'1 'NYI0I:I

10'. and Mrs. A. D. amtb and ID'. and 1Il'II. V. . . . PUn1e,p MaDtt.. eel' tuneral II1II. pqd ~ M ......... . ~.~ ....-


10 IPf!&"



CIiIIrrIIM . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

w.- .....


. ugar Wf."n t 0 count·l ies behind the so-called '" Iron Curtain". Although we pray mC6t fe rvently to t..he oon rary. s Ub"Ur and oth er matelial.s Into eount..rles behind t..hat '" Iron Curtiar." could be the same thing as our sen1dlng scrap iron and 011 to Japa n In he days befor e World War 2. Rkllef tor famine is one t..h lng. But ' appeasemen t never succeeds whet·h er the IltppealSed Is frlet-:'d or foe . The total prcduc:tion of sugar in 11147 in those areaa normally sUpplying the Uni ted. S tates will be t remendous-over 9.000.000 tor.s. How much of it will yvu get? And how much wUl our Washi ngton bureaucrats ser.d to .others ~ores. The question before the American people today Is wllether OUr sugar supp\tes should be given out in an openhanded way by a few Government officials to foreign natior.s or whether "''''e should keep American strong. That Is a question that should be decided b y" t he American People and not by a handful of bureacrat.s.

The Miami Gazette ESTABLISHED 1850

?ubllshed Every Thursday by DAVISSON PRESS FLOYD L. DAVISSON. Editor i:nte red as S~o nd Cl~ Matter at t..he Post omce Hubscrlption Rates: $1.50 per Year in Advance

National Advel1:ising Representatives Ohio W ee klies, Inc ., 2465 W. Broad Street. Columbu 4, Ohio TO A.."ER ICAS CIT I ZEN

Ed itors Note: The follCJwing ar Iele was prepared by Lamborn alld Co. I ne . ot New York Ci ty and I>resented tor publtcation by D . R. Smi th of Wa.ynesv1lle. You have sutfered almo L five yea rs of s han rations in sugar . v would you like a sugar shortage five more yea rs ': You may have it!

Why? Your Governmer.t has completely oontrolled every phase of' l.hte sugar btl$lness since Pearl Harbor- production. process.sing. distribution. and rationing. Thl'i Is still true. We are no lor.ger a "free" people tn so far a.s sugar Is OOI'lCe!'ned. Because or heay,y Shipments of sugar to foreign &t.1ons, Americans this year will receive only 73 pounds of refinoo sugar per 'person as OOl1'\pM'ed 'With t heir pl'ewar consumptIon 01 98 pounds. Jugoslavia. whose belligerence towards Amerlcal)s Is . all too well known. secured tens of thousanld.s of tons of sugar through tt1e UNRRA thLs yea.r- with the approval aed aid of our Governm nt. PlMlS are proposed to continue ,t he American people <"in a sugar shortage for years to oome. Howard R. .Tolley. formerly of the U. S . D ~tment of Agriculture, now Director of the Div~ sion or Economics and Statistics of the Food and AgrIcu It ural Crg r.lzatloll of the UN, has just proposed a program fol' sha iing our sugar sUPply with otJh-er nations for years to come. The Tolley program !s not a famIne relief program. It Is a plan to 1'81se the normal consumption of lIgar in other countries at the exper..ce. and through the sacrifice. of the people of the Unl~ States. Specifically. Tolley proposes ~hat


Raw FURS of all Kind.

No. 1 Muskrat $2·00 Mink 16.00 1.7 5 Skunk Wea's el 1.75 Opposum .75 All other Furs at Highe t ca h Prices


831 E. 5th St. Dayton, Ohio.



- - _. . •

A fine Auortment of Living Room Suitea 119.50 to 168·95 .




Roxanna Canning. ,C ompany".

CORWIN and ROXANNA P lants open Mondays, W ed nesdays, and Fridays, Per Ton PRICE










---.--- --------------

ASHMEAD ,Service Station



. :.

agricultural possibilities of t.he Islands hasn't beer. scrwbched. Discussed at this business meeting were proposals for a oommWlity Christmas tree this week. and further arrangements for the Waynesville sesqul-centenrJal celebration. WUllam P . MoOrau. W. S . Mwr- •. shall and Roy Maupin were Intraduced as guests. New members were Roger Greene, Paul Schaeffer and Robert Workman. - - - - - -TURN YO UR . SURPLUS I TEMS USE GAZETTE CLASSIFIED ADS


", ,

The great masse In. American earn I,I,mat they get by sweat and totl. Amelicans should 5 op, acttng llke slAves. J\merlcans must speak their mind and express tlhelr w1l1 to their elect cd Wash ington representatives Including t.he President. The Amelican people, by stating In writing what they think and believe .to bheir elected representa.tlve In Was hingtor. and' the President . can oont rol the amo un t of sugar that Is to be retalned by us a.t home and t be amount that Is to be distributed a broad. Here. plainly . 'we have a s ituation where 140.000.000 people want and need more sugar ar.d have a r igh t to demand m ore sugar. Consequent ly. an outtaged public should demand of 111elr elected representatives that stePs be taken now to put an end to this shameful sligar shortage in 1947. If every Amelilcan will make his desires know to his r epresentat ives In Washington. more sugar will be avaUable for him In 1947 and then In 1948 we sh vWd have a full sugar bowl. The power ur,uler our suga r has been disposed of arbitrarily should be taken back by the people. and away from the small group or men in Washtrigton who. on t4le whole, have done a very poor job for them. Take off that horse coller . Write to your elected representatives .






COFFEE ...... ' END ~ LAMPS and CHAIRSIDE - 5.90 and up








3.50 and 3.95





Furniture . . & Appliance Co.

Gib bons Building.·;' North St reet ' WAYNESVILLE, OHIO Phone 2422

"We know you," cries Elsie. "You can no more hide that face of yours, than you can ~ide · the quality of Borden's mifk and other dairy prod,!ctsl" . And now, time out for the.very best of Christmas wishes from Elsie, Elmer and Beulah • . • from the Borden man who delivers you.r milk • • • and. from the neighborhood grocer who sells you Bord'en products I

TILT BACK CHAIRS 42.00 to 54.90

Armitage ,&Son


5 ates and that whl h It buys be- I'IIB MIAMI GAZETTE - Pap 4 longs to the American people a.nd WAYNESVILLE. OHIO - NO. 4295 r. not to a handful of bureaucrat.s. TKURSDA Y. DECEMBER. 19 1946

by th year 1950 the total America.n supply of sugar (and syrups) should be d pressed by 12 6 ' }O % tmder t h e total pre- war conswnptlon . And t;hJs despite the fact that our populativn in 1950 is expec~ to be 13. 500.000 more than In 1940. ' The Tolley plar. would keep you on a war- time basis years a.fter the pooce. How would you like t hat? Sugar !s 1nk:I1spensat ie for a well balanced Arnerucan diet. Without i t yQu woold not have most of the canned foods and preser ves, a large amount of canr..edl milk. Ice cream. canX:Iy. soft drtnks. cakes and pies. and many other foods. Most cereals and many fresh frui ts are unpalaable wit..hout sugar. Millions of As a result of Ilhe war regimenstaAmerlcar.s today are obliged to use tion W1} 'have fallen into the habit sax:aharlne (a coal tar produot hav- of accepting a.nything put before us· Ing no food valve' In their cof- be it an empty sugar bOwl or an fee >. emp ty meat platu~r. This has preMillions of Idollars worth Cit frui ts sented a perfect opportunity to a in .t ile United States have gone .to few men tn. Washington to tell us waste because 01 sugar shortage. what we shall eat. what we shall PRnn1ng communities have sutfered wear. ar.d how in general we shall not orly the loss of fruit but the conduct every detail of our lives. food values that the canning of pre- As a free people. we should throw served rrutt would have given. off the horse collar sO firmly fixed Housewtves cannot prepare sat- aroun'd, our neck. lsfa.ct.ory meals or do' t heir baking The production of the United without an aJdeq~ e supply . of .~~~~~~PA~~~~~~~~9A~It~~~P.t sugar. Labor in Uhe focd pr~sing 11' d~ haS been thrown out Cit work becausE' of the s ugar horIlge. Sugar has been dished out tiberally by our Government to foreign nations who normally do 1; 0 secure their swWUes In the Western Hem!sphere. In many cases you are pay ing th~ bill ! or the sugar you did not get bUt .w hich went elseWhere. . ...... . . . . . . . .. ~ . .. . : i This year the Unl t~ S ta,es Goven:ment approved the allocation of ~~~ . . hundreds ot thousands of tons CJ! sugar from our sources vf suPPly for movement abroad. S ome of this,





/I, \ Ro r

I"r, '

f , ,I-- t , !, ;-' ,1 I'

been cont roled by he predominant Pate 5 have snow than cold rain and mud. Later in the afternoon a ~~r came CALF FEED WAYNESVILLE, OKlO - NO. 4295 "And was my face red"! I In a hurry and Mr. other.bena.nt got The amount of salable milk re- Christian groups, he reminded. T hese THURSDAY, DECEMBER. 19, 1946 been disgraced. I can r.o IO'Jger hold out all excited . We had ta1lten the qulred to grow out a. caif can be so-called non!Chrlstlttn tribes 'inup m~ head among self respecting wrong OOW, his cow. Old Pe t was' reduced by using skim milk which elude a variety of dtfferer.t peoples. stock traders. How I could · have still iP. the pasture but his, young ha..<; been fortified WiUl energy-ricll rangtng from d warf NegrllOS w the made such a blunder I can never J ersey cow was gone! Oft I rushed feed . The calf hould nur the cow untamed Mol"O t ribesmen of Mlndtell but· lest others be blamed for to find the buyer and tell him of for ~hree days. I t bhen can be fed anon , whose religion Is Mohaom. the mix':up I must mak.e full con- the blunder. still thinking we must kim milk at .he rate of one pour.d m.eda.n1sm. A FARM DIARY fession and clear \lQem of any res- have mixed t hem when we drove of milk for each , 10 pounds S trange family cusoons. a flrmlyponslbll1ty in the matter. of body weight up to an age Of 45 Imbedded system of landholdlr.g and lnto bhe barn. He wasn't home. them D. J. Fralaer It was like this. A nearby cattle He had gone to Wilmington . Wil- to 60 days. Corn meal. ground soy- ancient s uperstitions all will con - . December. 13. 1946. The sun Is shin- dealer came to see if I had any mington and this was sales day beans, oatmeal gruel, or a concen- tribute their bit to the general con_ Lng Ilgll.i n a.fter a day or ,vwo of cows for sale. I showed him some there! I went home and called t h e trate mixture call be added when fusiOIl In the Islands, Chaplain L i.nrain and cloudy wea!lher but It Is springers and priced them. I hate sales barn . Yes, he had been there the calf Is fiVle days old. sley saieL addiP.g that t hey alwaY3 colder and more like December. This to sell sprLngers I alwa~, want to but he had settled up and · gone! have. is the kind of freeze the pond ~own wait and see what the calf looks Wha.t if he had sold that coW' FERTILIZER During his eXperiences as a misby !the old Dayton View bridge In like. Then I never want to sell the • Morning came and I went back. Further tests of fert.lllzer place- sionary for the Episcopal church, D&y:ton and as soon as the rubber ca<l1 and my barns get too full. Prices He was t here this time and praise ment or. corn indicate considemble whlch confines its work to t he nOll_ ice would hold us skating fast one were fairly good so I decided th is be. so was the ouw. Increases In yield if part or all the OhrlSUan tribes, Chapla.1n Linsley in a place we were ·!!here. Some time ' to sell some of the old rows They would bring 'her back at !erti11zer Is placed alongside the found many lr..stAince of pecul1ar we fell through but the water was and keep the heifers. He decided to vnce. They came aiflter while and rows instead of being plowed down . SUperstitions Wihlch he recounted bo shallow and nO one Cared. Later In take Daisy though I hated to part we looked over the young stock and Corn roots di(l not get down to plow emphasize Its present-day Importhe winter it 'there was ice there was with such a good cow. The'n we went ' over .to the other f(~rm but depth- until some weeks after plar.t- tance. generally snOW to spoil It and there we n t over to the other place to look the man who drove the truck began ing lIi me. Regardless of r.h.e troubles in'Volved. was never enough oold wea.ther ai, at Pauline Billd Pet. We walked out to say that ,t his was the cow they t he rebuilding of the Phlllppines will II. time 10 make it worth clearing. In the pasture and look.eQ at Paul- had bought. I looked at her and A class of approxima;tely 430 will I'~ay 'the 'world. he bel1eves, ' He re If any o.n e did thatt it aiLways t.haIwed. ine and they saw another Jersey said, "Oh r.o, that cow hadl a fifth be graduated from Ohio Sta~ Un- minded the group tlia:t a single • ' I am not 0. believer In t'hose cold oow t here and asked If that was teat and this one hasn't" . He didn't iversity at autumn cOnvocatlor. on valley in Luzor. can provide rice to winters that people say we used to the one and I said yes. I looked at seem convinced and we went to get December 19, with President William feed 50,000.000 people, ' that one of have. There were one or two that her and thought I saw that fUth old Pet. F . Wlckenden of Case School of t he world's richest gold fields In On I can. rem ember and there was us- teat that caused Us so much trouble They drove her into the barn. I A.pplled Science as speaker. Last this Island. and thast in addition ua1ly a week or two of skatlng or one year. I was surpr!zed, a little ~k one look ar.d~.~.e a.w:ful truth year 's class for t he same quarter ~ priceless m:lnera.l deposits. the 0083ting once or tWice in a wlntej. ·tha.t they se.emed more interested dalWlled On me. I had sold them tlhe numbered 185. The present gradu8ltes but I loved the sr.ow and can re- in her than PauUne but I was wrong cow and my face was red! Include : . ~ member tlhe disappolnUng warm more Interested In getting what I They were all very nice about It and Wiilliarn L. H a ll, of Waynesville. spells that spoiled the tun whether it wanted for her. Finally 'they made we made t he necessary adjustments bachelor of science in agriculture. was OO&Stlng on the levee or skat- an oUer for the three that divided In price and they ' I)ff wIt h Every famUy will cherish the memlng or hOOking on behind the sleighs as I dlvlded It in my mind ~ the right cow this time. I was more ory of a last <tt1bute that w.and 'Wagons Wt,~ our siects. (I could- Al)out right SO we came to agree- than lucky for when the whole ta.le n·t run fast enough Ito 'catch any- ment, drove the cows up and \oaded Was told, Ith.ey 'had Iput heir up for are centuries oleL he eXiplained. d1gn1l1ed and fitting in evet'J respect. thing faster than a coal wagOl!) . them. I leC.t a note for the tena nt sale a t Wilmlng;ton but had bought These Include t he fact that 48 langNow I · would be just as ha.ppy with not John but the other one, saying hel" In because she brought too low ueges are spoken in' tlhe Islands , this kind of weather all winter that I h ad sold Pet and P aullr.e and a price, My good angel must have and by about twice as many trIbes, though even now I would rather went home . been guiding them for sne might or peoples. Some of these groups have been taker. to t he ot her side have' in a virtual state ot of the state or even Kentucky or war since long before recorded hlsIndiana. I stUl feel sick when I tory. of all the possibliltles. I shall Then, there's t he problem of to put labels on all my cows asslmllatlng t he non-Ohristlan tribes Telepl)one 2291




Civic Club



Do Not Wait!

so I can lderot,lfy them. Now you illll:to ;.:a~go:v:e::r. mm.e :.t;';W~hi:C:h;.:a~IW;a;;y~S~h;a.s :..;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;• •; ; , have the fll'll dreadful tale ()f how I I

didn't recognize my OWn cow and be- . came a cattle rustler. Christmas ' is draw. ili! neili:er , n car until t he last minute to make tho ~e Chri t- enough so th'B.t we can give It our ma ele Qtions. full attention and enjoy It. The ratock are goi ng to be omewhat hOlt dlo car. sound forC.1 with "Safl~a. Cla.Us is oomlng 00 rOWll ' and a again thi J ye~r COME IN TOIJA Y "Whi te Christmas" nnd 'Ill. ch'.lrcn we sing "H e lo; Oomln~. Oh 'my Savior, He Is comins Oh my King" and "Oh. come, Emanu~ r' with OU MAIN STREET • , ' WAYNESVILLE, OHIO . whole hearts ar.d set tilo s t a~e .f or tJle,t r~al Christmas fpd:ing , Somettmes our fee t 'hurt from l', sometimes it seems so silly and frutile ar.d we hate all the ' COITmlercialism. but. we Ignore aU ' that :md set t he stage 'WIth candles and Ohrlstmas greens. If we don't spend too much tlme thinking about what we LhiDk we must do for som~e we a.r e Is going rIO do some1~lng for us, . :~t \1nChristmasllke unwlUill4J exchange of thlnfrs nobody· wanta. and! .t h1pk, more of those to whom the little we can do would seEm much. if we think more of ChristD¥-s .~lf, ,somewher~ tLlpng the • . pel'hap&. · in thlt ' Christmas muslc: perhaps in t he sUent stars or Chrla~ mas candies, perhapS in some unexpeicted remembrance. or in ~e Ohrlstmas service Itself, true ~ wUl happen and we shull knOW Ohrlstmas in our hearts 80 " God rest The best way to keep these cherished memories of you, merry gen.tlemen (and womea) HELP '/ your children is through portraits. LET Joet notlhing you <Usma.y" Perpare j or . : YOU KEEP THESE MEMORIES· Our modern equip;, '; iCIi.hd ~. The real Cll11St.' -ment 'a nd superior craftsmanship you of permas will come.




'Bring Your . ~il~s to Will's Jewelry Store for·. Developing



..' tection, complete satisfaction, and lasting beauty. Make appointments now for Holiday photographs, .


HUNTER Photo Service North Street ,near lIigh' School -

Waynesville, Ohio

-------------------------. RHEUMATIl;IM! .

Sulfennl Tr1 BEIl\IEB'S BlNOLI oamtor:ttnc reUeof trom· p&iDII ' oJ

~~ =.;.u1~~; Reiner'a Rtnol. WIhy Surf«

, w.&Jll~ ~:-~. ;



,I 't>

I)""rdcr l' d Kuilll' v AnIOn. Don:t Negll' u II!


_ Modern IIle .. Ith Ita ~uel'" h~-I - Symptom. 01 d isturbed Iddney IllJlctlon and ""0 Irr.. lar h"bita improper may bo nagging backache, peraiotent beadnUnc a~'drln~, oxPMure: contatrlon ache, dluln_. It ttlDC up nlghtl awellln~ wholnol, keeps d octors busy. pulTl,\_ under t h . 0 eyoe b pitalacrowded The aller a IPOling 01 ner VO u. anxiety e8:cta aro dl.t~rbing to T ilE It EASON DOA- N' and 10"" 01 strength and the kidneya and olte nti m.. ARE .'AMOU on rlY· pthnr S!tiTUI o~ kldpeople autre r without Imo ..'All ... er 'h" coull I,y ney or .bladder n u r anee iDg that d laorde red kidney lI,a,,,ru1 ,..,.,,,1., sometimes ar e burD~nc, action may e.uae th e n'h ...... "DOGn'. hG"" leantyor toolrequeDtu natrouble. h e lp"d m e I I '''conJ,~ llo~ ouch ca... It .. beUer After colda, fover and m " "d .1",", to a ll. I eI n a medicine that aimllar 11110 tbent Ia an !nTha ' I. w h ,. we •• ,., I!.r ~o~ world-wid e aperea.. of body lmpur,ltlee yO"' "".,hb", ! r.roval than on something the ki dD O~ muat Biter rom U tbe blood. If \.be khlne~ ..... lavo rably k,:,own. ae are ove~ud and laU to remove Doo,,', Pill•. They have been w,nn lnK DeW acid and otber bllrmlu.l .... te. there Ia Irionda lor moro thaD forty yen .... Be aure







~.- _


F,O R Any mak~ or model Fred Kahn Motor Car Co. PHONE 326


Refrigerator' & Washer Repairing • Parts ALL MAKES AND TYPES OUR WORK IS GUARA'NTEED We also do RADIO and PHONO Repair

Da~hlone _

Home' App'liance S,t. ore

Nite Pholle Across from the Bank ' 2981 WAY N E S V ILL E , 0 H ! ~, ~

tlrc' ' -_ _ _~_ _~.;..;...~--~......~.


~L'iiI~~L (£i ....\~..-..,JIJI.

Methodist Church,


Morning Dec' 22

10:30 A. M. Sp~ci a l Christmas Music

Rob«t L. VanZile, Mlnlmr BmLE SOHOOL 9.30 A. M. COMMUNION 10 :30 A. M.

~, ~t E~'t\V~


Vocal Duet .- Mr. and Mrs. Harold Earnhart Ladies Chorus - "Sleep Holy Child" CAllED HERE FOR DEATH OF FATHER METHODIST CHURCH SERMON 11 :00 A. M. Solo -- "LiUle Lord Jesus" Emerson Earnhart Mrs. Russel O'Neal of JacksonR. B. Coleman, MInister EVENING SERVICE 8:00 P . M. Chuors, "The Magi'" - Choir 9 90 A M Chri~tmas Sea-mon The Minister ville. Fla., sister or Mrs. Orville Gray, SUNDAY BOHOOL : . . A Christmas program is being Children's Christmas Servic~ 7 :30 p. M. was called here last week on account J . J. B1.U'Ske. supt. • planned for both the Sunday mornH b C t· "J t h WId" WORBHlP SERVICE 10:90 A. M. 1ng and Sunday nights services. We ymn y ongrega Ion oy 0 t e or of the death 01 their father, Mr. Prayer by ~ The· Minister A. C. B<Iwman of Fran:klln. P'uneral YOUTH FELLOWSHIP. welcome everyone to both of these "A Christmas Welcome" _ Diana Dumford .services and burla:l rwere conducted 'lbunday, 1:30 P. M. services. "Christmas Tokens Janet COJ,lner, Bobby Gray, Kenat Franklin on Saturday. OHOIR PRw\CI'ICE neth Gray, Sally Workman, Charles Kersey· Wednesday. 7:30 P. M. "And the a~l said unto them. "A Modlt!8t" TommY Miller .' Mrs. O'Neal is vtalt.in4r IWith fII'r. am ~. Gray tor & few ~ prior _ Be not afraid; for behold. I brine Piano Solo - ' Wade T·urner ST. MAR)"S . you good tkUnp Of anat joy w~ "The ;Chr,istIll.~UJ Story" Paul ThOflJ ·· son' to l\i!r retuminC to h~ home. EPISCOPAL CHURCH shaU be to all people fOl' ~ 1a "A ~~I!l.-a~ nr.eam" Gene iller SamUel N. Ke;. .born tID yOu tbJa day In the ¢ty of ",It" jtl~F&irr, -' Do Frye lay Reader-in tfwIt pt.'4<l & Ef&~, who 18 oiu1at t3le V osa So -:Buth Ea.mhart ~~~j~lY,ES B. S. Sunday, Dec. 22. dburdl l!oboo1 lad." Luke 2:10-11 "The Pro '~r S})irit" .·Raymond T.homas I~¥.~n i . 1:80 ~. M. Alth~ tile ~rld> Sa ~ .~_ So'ii$ anet 'l\l'cMiUen ~ I)&vid .~er, I9t1 .t1 ~. Morntna Prayer and sermon aeW~ and unze~ f~ t¥. ~ "CHristmas <:Jarol" - 'Mal')' ,Sue ,Cr~ll .and ~. o. ~ ~er, ,of W.ynea11:00 A.. II. ~ ~ ~ . . tw ,\If ~ "·M te. Santa 'Claus" - JoailD8 Hisey ville. 0bIg. ~ ~ ,~ B. , ~ c::tu1SImU n..... 110'" OommumoD Son«s - Primary CI888 ~ f~ ~ Qeorp }V~~ ~, .~ ttlbe.-me 8\lid111IIr hope ¢ , . pr ' ''The Night 'before <::briatmas" Mirilm Wtlson Vn,i~. .{......... ~ ~ 1~:00 A. II. of Bethlehem ot.h&t ahiOae over tile Christmas Pa~r,eaDt, -.:- "The eh'iiSbrias Month" by malt ~=-;:ld in ht......r.I. ('l'be Rev. Prederlc ~:tk1Deon) ~ of ~1~ ~ ~n ~eteeo JPE~ 'f' Uy, Rienard Fry.e, 'Denald Wilson ~. --r-~ -centmiea 'ajo. CllJif.~~ Pa:ga.'ent" - The 'ChriStmas Month" by D. c. ',UTICA U. B· CHURCH The 'SaVIor that ~ In 32 pJiUar.en.. ". ' ~ner ~ in p\lJalCS. ..... ..... . . . u..~""h"':' 'Is ' '$.vwr.".alt..; P.s You are c'b;.diiaIly invited to -theae Services. 8tOOlAY 8CIJOOI, 1:80 A. K. ~~~ve oUr The -Christm'al~ treat ~tn, ChiJ.~e, ~UY, ,8~ TMJ)B, ,~"w ~. ~~~ . ~ ' ~ "' ~~~U~_~~~,l_'ll_b~~~~~~_n_'_b_~_d_a_ _t_h~~~~_o~~~~~~~._ _~_ _ _ _D_~~P~'~'_~_H_$P~~~ , f"•




iteJ::;;',' ,

't ;

PftB40HlNG .1aIl 8IId 3rd



j '





YOU"I1B M!IIIIrl'lNoe . 7:00 P. M. ADt1IJl' PRIA¥ER MEI!1I'JNG B1s

-.'B18 HAllIE"

name 18 Wondertul-

T. M. Scadf, MlDJakr SUNDAY fPOHOOL E. A. Earnhart, S~pt.

woRB1JtljP smVIOE I!lW!%Nl ~ SER'WOE



Dis ~ 18 OnunselorA ~ aDd lioving Pneod. A Guide tlhrough all m¥ earthly days. IU to Ule • d

manname ; : ~

God~ dOtb aftOl'd 10:30 A. M. A 'gumpee 01 RIa majestic way8; 7:80 P. M. Jellovah-LOrd. 8:50 A. M.


It's·ToLate For

1:00 P. M. A IOWreign God 18 He. EVENING J!MAfiOIUSTIO 81IRV- In ,w orU, ~d worda. aIId &1.tr1butea. ICE 1:46 P. II. In Jove to me. '



~ ,. ~".Ii.IlllIt1"'.I111."""._~"NId._II~'.·.~ .ve

10:80 A. II. 1Qt . the Of. centur1ea. amat d#n ~ '~ 1!: peace, hot "&8 the, World 8l~ but a ~, ~ God and man that ' , The GrowiDc, 00IDI'. CIlarch d1spela th!J ~pa apd f~ f?l Ule HerlMn G........ IIIDIster world i'f He 18 Biven eDtr&nce Into BIBLB saHOOL 1:80 AM. the heart and ute Or men. MORNING WORBB.IP 10:30 A. M. -

• liMb month _


ST. J. UGUS11NE CHURCH ma. name


eternal Pather is;

Fathet Kl'lImbaU., PrIed 'I1Wt Uttie Ute Of man BJch Maa8 will be ce1ebre;ted at Ia but & &perk in JUs pst day&mldnJaht eYe in ~~A little tII)&n. dm of CbI18tma& The aIDI'tn8 of lUs name. The Prtnce of PeaceObr1stmaa carolS will beI1n at. 11:30 'T18 wonderful to me pm. '!1le publJc Sa coiocIally invfted 'Iba.t & 8boUld make th18 place for to a~ toheIe 'aeMceI. • 8tn. , " MY Saviour be.


FRIENDS . Oh. ~ name-Lord JMU8, FmBr DAY SOBOOL 8:30 A,' M. 'lhe God-Man flQn abo'fe, MJ!IIl'I'DfG for WORSHIP Wbo «*De tile Nherto rewal10:80 A. II. me mine Jaime.

No! A Thousand

NO Literall~

that will

we ..·.D

. jut that for ha•• l~. of ~~ to

-aII." _ 'CI.Ii.htfui a.riIIma. . P. . . .,.:

. cJaooae from

eLdrHUfG May the Christmas Season be filled With. cheer; . May its happiness bless you all tbe year.


, '

E.e" *~eain. ·. .faN





tTc. I.

laWl_ _ Sawmill .




he '. '-.e



~'~_¥IUl 10BlO •



THE l\lIAMI GAZETTE - Pace '1 f,V AYNESVThLE. Omo - NO. 4295 THURSDAY, DECEMBER, 19 1946



-H"arveujbura d




C7 Io.,./et

rap . --.:Tt e "John talks to 'himself. oonstanltly," said one woman. Proba:bly John delives pleasure from talking'. to an inLeIUgen·t person! .. The picture of a group of YOWlg lads of St . Mary's Ohurch. whioh a ppeared In the "Gazette" recently presenred a fam1lar fOlm-master Jlnuny Jordan Jr, one of Harveysburgs old-timers . I saw a skinny woman the othe r day, who as she drank red pop would pass"for a t heromometer stlok I don't reni.~kber where I heard this but 'twas somewhere. '

, prof. H. C.Milllgan was host to the "WaIT.en OoWlty School-Masters" <J!lub, Thursday evening when the group assembled in the Home Elcol1om.lcs rovrn for cI1nner ,at 6:30 P . M. I Mrs. Fred Sherwood entertained t he Civic League' alt her home. Saturday even.lng the event belr.g the annual Christmas :party of ,the sooiety. The ladies aLso participated in t he customary gift exchange. is progressing as well as The Bualness Men's Club enter- expected . tained Wednesday everJng at the - - - - - - - - - - - ' - ~hool auditorum with a dinner honoring 'their families. The CommWllty Helpers met ,. y eVening 1IlI regular session. embers ,p resentpartlc.lpated in the Armual gift exchange. Mr. and Mrs. James Park and daughters Ten-Ie Sue and PenY of Mt. Auburn were weekend house guests of Mrs. Park's ·p arems. Mr. If you're a "..Day befo'l'e and Mrs. H. S. TUcker. Christmas Shopper" .you Mrs. Laura Shldaker was h08tae can select gifts from our . to the W . B. O. B. Thursday arter-.


noon. Guests and members par.t1clpated In the a~ual Ohrtstmas festiv1tes of the society.

The United Ohurch 'Ohristlnaa pro. gram wtll be an event of Sunday evening Dec. 22 at the J~ Run Baptist , Ochurch. . • Mrs. WilHam Doster is report.ed to be recovering S81tlsfactorlly aIt the MIamI Valley Hospttal where she Ul'lderwent a major operation re-



Friends ar..d relatives who v1s1ted Mr. Wllllam "Chip" D1xon a t .at. BI..lIabeth Hoepttal recently ~rt. he

large assortment that will be sure to please. -Then too, if you've overlooked someone on your list let us help you out· Make our store your last 'm inute shopp·ing head· quarters.

Waynesville Drug Store


For Last Ininute·Shoppers

Hard-to-G~t Items

for Immediate Delivery

~) J , . ~~~~





., Electric HEATING PADS -


Large Selection

Supply Limited

Electric HEATEtRS -

Table Models and Radiio -

Phono Combination '


. ,.. ......,



and Strailht Heat Models



Ideal fOr Cbristmas Gift







~tGIlure JJruneral ~nnu Dial 2111

Waynesville, Ohio

.! .

New ' VACUUM CLEANERS, upright and tank type models



," ··'/~~~/: ~ ~y8;d ~ g:..- :~.:




BLUEBIRD, COLUMBIA, VICTOR, SIGNAnJRE, MAJESTIC, DECCA, And Many Others' A few Christmas Selections yet available. We alao have a few Chriatmaa Alb.-1IlS for Children ·

~ J !lIst Received a very complete shipment of

PYREX WABEr Hurry on theM for tbey wOIl't lut lona. A FEW UNUSUAL TOYS STILL AVAILABLE Plutic Pii ture Frames' CaDdy Diebes - Vasea -:- Etc.

Olub 'for the convemeoce of our 1'IIItnDI. ' A deflnltA!l amount -.ved each 'Week will UIUJe allberftl obec:k' , for 10\1 r.t ~ tune, I . 'l'H&




.. .. " .. .. .. ..

per week

TBI8 year we are olferlDC the

a.Uooally 'knOw au1atmaa savinp


1.00 2.00 5.00


\ 19~7

• 12.50 311.00 50.00 100.00 250.00


AerO.. from Bank




£LA95IFIED • • CLASSIFIED AD BATES • • 25 words. or less. one time. ...... 25c additoI!al word ••••••••••• •10 SPECIAL BATES by CONTBACT

Loanaf •

ond qua.rter .;was their final ellal-, THE MLUp ~~ - ,~ ~ 1 nge. Sheehan .made 12 pO\.nt..5 ~e W"YNE8~~ q.JUO - NO. 42_ highest. ~J)"Ar.· p~ER. 19. I", WAYNE~V1L~

by DANNY B}~T800K ". -,.-.;.. Loat and FoundMASON. DEC. 13 LOST _ . The scores were not close but the gh P1rlday r.lght as SATUm>AY NIGHT: Blue ZIpper rlV,alry wSa handbag between McClure's cor- Wa.ynesV11le WOn two games at Maner and the !first road to right S?n. ot state Rt. 42 belo~ Cold · OUT J~lor High f orged ahead of Lake. OontBlned Valuable papers Mason Bit the start and their lead and money. Reward. Re~urn to 'Was never chMleIl4lted. The final soore \Ya.s 29-14 fn ()ur favor. Burna Cr8lwtord. Waynesvllle. Rt . O'B i d ~nh .

an OIl! ar.

:the highest number of points





yreecll Powell






. . 4·,.,n

",GOOD . ~ET 1IML'l1JY ,DA,UssOil. GAZB'i':TB OIl'lOIL . '.

Sheehan Hunter

, art bollh made ~wis

each. Lackey was m.1ss1ng from thp Ilneup because of a cold. WAYNESVILLE PO FT pts PARK TO SELL ca.ll or Write . Simpson 2 1 5 .Don .H~~ersop. ·Tel. KE3448. 6!" ,,!SED CLOTHINGFurnas 0 1 1 J ~ln Ave.. DaYtdn. Ohio. . tto ~ SALE _ '0-"5 3-pleoe O&mel O'Banlon 2 2 6 , ~3 JUnes '0 0 0 ~f.1V~; \STOC"" ! c 'Ha\'r IWinter suit; size 4; , Jeg1pgs 2 0 4 .f.l ~ . " IlIe~r worn; good condition; Mrs. Tinney . 6,FIC , E ,ECil,UIPMlNT":"', EdIWint Ramby. 1226c 1 0 2 , ,. ..,...,. '-"....... ~ 3 0 6 ~ 'l"ft'.EWmTm. am- RADlo~ Davis 0 0 0 bowl fIow in 8~ The .~. Pl!OreDce . 1 2 4 RJ6I SAoLE - !19f2 PhUco Auto ~y 0 0 0 FOR SALE-Radio; PUsh button OOntrol; Ash- Sheehan 0 1 1 . ~ met! Sohio st&t1on. lQ19 FOR~ , Fr: 11 '1 29 SPADp FEMALE TEJbqOB - NOT,CE OF INTENT TO


Smith Lukens


FEDERAL LAND BANK LOANS: For Reflnancllli - Rebutld1n1 Buying. 4% Fartn loana with long Qme to pay. Pay part or all anY tlmA!. 2. 1219 LEBANON NAT'L FABM LOAN _ _ _~_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ASS'N·. Ellls H. sturm. Seo7- LOST - - Breast Pin; dark PUl1Ple Tre.... Lebanon. Ohio. Phone 448 setting; inscription "You're A:l. to way's In MY' H~t ... KeepsaJce; 'Real Eatate For Salelost in Downtawn Waynesville; IF YOU HAVE A, PROPERTY OR ~e at Poetofllce. 1219


Hast~ gs


Fq ~ 2 0 0 9 1 0 3 6 2 1 1 1 0 0



GTaham W1ll1a.mson Coon Kenning Ha.1nes

1 1 0 1 0 '1

.!I?ts WA~ESV1LLB 4


Sheehan 1 Rickey 5 Conrad 3 '


'0 Dakin 25 Florence Bradley Hunter

FT pta 6 0 1 3 2 4 1 3 0 0 0 2 0 0


Fa PI' pta

o l{art.sock


5 0 0 0 1 5 1 1 0 0

5 0




0 0


15: 0 1


1 0 0 0



Fa ll'l' W8.rt!er Graham'


- Peterson 18 ~y

,the subs were UBed in. st.eecle tile second, game, which was a.I8o Grah~ '

FrIday. December 20 "'., ~y Kenney ~.urg in 12le last game betore Ohristma.s vacation.

0 0

.' 2



0 0




Several ot

quiet. High poir.t man JB8 Hart- !B.l ackbum. sock with 15. Dakin followed oloee!y WlUJameon with 12. , Watson

. 0










. )13

PO PI' Pis

o o

O. 0,.

0 0'

102 102 5 0 10 ,0










W1ATNESVILLE PO Fl' Pt.s Huteock





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ST.NI'CHOLAS ~tewart' s Thrifty-E-Market W A rNESVILLE, OHIO


R/5TMAJ ~ Ashmead's Sohio Service WAYNESVILLE, OHIO






Wilbu· . r N. Sears ,

1947 $AT



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w. Ii. IW.eJden T '

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Waynesville Drug Store PHON·E 2121









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1947 l1IM



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WAYNESVILLE, OHIO ~~.~~~~~~~~~~~~



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. 1947





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The Miami Gazette EBTAB .LISHED 1850 ?ubllsht:'d Every Thursday by DAVISSON PRESS FLOYD L. DA VIBSON. Editor 'lntercd as Second CllL58 Matter at the PQ6t OHlcl' Subscrip tion Rates: $1.50 per Year In Advance

National Adv ertising Representatives Ohio Weeklies, Inc ., 2465 W. Broad St reet , Columbus 4, Ohio



TION THERElOF. BE rr ORDAINED by the Council of the V1llag~ of Waynesville. Sta ' . o f Ohio: 1'lR8T: That tile f(JlJowil~g pr.J.vislions shall constitute and be Jmo\\-n ae the Bl,lll<Mng and Sa nl tation Oode 01 the Village of Wa.yn~ville. Part 1. Administra tion. The pro\'1sIOn cA ' tlihls Ordinance shall be ~m.inJstered by the Building and ~ltatlon Oomm1ss1on of l.he VUmgt! of Waynesville. 'Which Commission sbnU constst of ·three memQ_ ers or CouncU. nom1nlllted by the ma.yor each tlWelve mJOnths. A. Requirements for Permlts. RJecords and Inspeot1ons. 1. Before proceeding with the el'('()tton. OO1l6tructkm, aa~f'8;tic," , 01' r epair of. or addition to any ouild!ng or structure included! under the prO\l'lsl'oIls 'Of t1l1s ordtna.nce. a permil therefore ~hall first be obtained b~ -the owrer or his agent. :'l.rchlteot. ootJtractor or bullder from the Bttllding and Sanita tion Commls!don. and it shall be tmIo..wful to conunence or proceed with such wOI1k unless such permit shall have flr6& beeri obtair ed : and <lO s\\eh pt'nnlt $hall be is..c;ued un til after th plans and spectncatlons have !been examined and apprbved by said OommIsston. 'for the purpose of this act. ordinary mainter.ance and l1eiPQIr of existing. structJures is hereby excluded trom the provlsion qulring bu1ldlng pennibs. This clause shall n e- exclude. however. Ilmy SUdh repairs or altera.tions which in am' manner affect or pert~1!!ll ·to conditions controlled by this ordlnance. In all cases wnere doub ~ Dl' y enst. a ,p rmlt must be !ir.:;: .Obtalned pur>suant IiO the provisloT' of this ordinance. . 2. Applications- Applica tions for pernU;13 shall be made OIl! forms 1\ pr<MClibed by' said Oommlsslon and sha.1l be acc:ompanied b~' the workir.g pinns and s pecitlcat,i ons. subamtted In duplicate. one copy of whlch shall !be retained 'b y said oommiss1on ·a.nd- the other for !'or~11 n.l approval and tx> be returned 'WI~ tbhe permlt to the OWnl"r. his a rent" architect. ' contractor. VI' builder. (a) All<ri!. dmwlIl@8, ®ec1Jlca.t1ons. details anet statements shall be da:te(l When received by sa.1d · Corrumssion and examined in ~h!e rOOr:Of theit'recelpt. and no IItPPtte8ltlo~ shall be pll68ed out of ate regular enter unless the bu11dor structures aTe of a complex charaoter which requl.Te prolonged elmmin8lt~nand Inspection. CIb) Fees for PennUs and IMpecti{1'!s: . ( 1) The fees for permits for 1bu1ldings. 1nclud1ng new buildtngs and all!'r tlons or additions to existing iblJlldlngs. shall be at ~he rate of or.e dollatr and fifty centA'S (11.50) per thousand. or .0015 per cent of the entire value of tohe work; except t'hM. no pennit shall be Issued for a fee less than ' one dollar and fttty cents .(tl.5O> . . (2) InspectWns. When a.ny per'lOn, firm or o'OI'poration shall deire an Inspection of any existing 'Ullding or })8I1't ·t hereof, a fee ·t or lIeh 1r.spectl<m 6ha.11 be charged ,:I; the T&te 01 two. dollu's ($2.00) for ! hour. or ,p art thereof. Of time )(msumed 'b y the inspeCtions. No fee Shall be chartJed· tor lnspeCtions CI8AJ.<JeI' b}" OOl.'iJplaints. aca.1.nst exist-


intr buU<BngB.

(c) Ver1ficwtlJan or Value- The Butldtr.g and Sanlbaltton Comm1aslon ahetll have the right to verify or oormot the esUmated value ot any propoeed .tm1ld1ng lOr 9~oture, addittan Of' alteratton.

Cd ) Final l nspeot.lcn and Cenlf.icaLion- Il shall be the duty of the said Commission \..0 make. or cause to be made. a flJ:al inspection of all buUdings a nd structures Included under !.he ,p rovisions Of t.tJs ord!nancebefore any su h bullding or ST.rUOCUl'e Is occupied. a nd If aid structure Is In confonn1ty to this orclinance. 00 Issue a written cert1flCIlIlle t hereof to the .o" Tl1e Oommisslon shall be 1l0tJ!led when said buil di ng or structure Is r l'ady lor inspection. (e) Dut ies of Police : It sh'lLll be the duty of the Marshal to a.scertam wh ether a pennlt has been issued for the construction. alterQtion. or re pair of any buUding or structure that may be In progress or operatIon within l'he Village of Wayn'eSvllle. and if has !been procured to requlrl' a cessnrtlon o! ·w ork thereon and 1mm.ed1a't.ely report ,the fac t to the Bu.1lding CommIsslon ; and If req ui red by said Coll'UJ\1sslon, he shall 1mmed1&tely cause a prosecution to be begur. fo r the violation of ,this Oode .. (f) A Baard of Standards. consiBt.1ng 01 a ,bullder, a local buslne' man. and a third person who shali be an of real property wl ~ltiu the v1llage OOTi>OJ'8Itwn. shall be wppomtied a.nnually by tile Ma~·or. Th ~ d Ll lles of such Board tWill be 00 he \' and determine all appeals from the dec1s10115 of the BullcUr.g Com mission, a1'ld it decl510n to affirm. r everse. Or 'nlOdlfy. shall be final. Any pe.rsvn. fi rm or C0l1pol'atlon deserving to a.ppeal a r uling of ,t he Build.1r.g COmmlssion shall file Witil said ConurUss1~n a written applicatlOll'!Ior a hewrmg' of his case by the Board of S tandard; and 51 a ll depooit ten ($10.00) dollars to bl' nppUEd to the COSt of c n du~tlng a hearing Ol~ such appeal. Nro pan of t his SWll shall be refunded for any Ul~e . &lId BOll'd sh 11 have aut;hority ' oo subpoena \\'Itnesses. comp el a~tenda.nce thereof. administer owtils, punis h for COntempt. compel pl'oduC DiOl~ of docum~nt.ary ev1~noe. and do all t.hlnlgS necessary 101' a pl'opel' h earing. The members shall <SerVe withoUl compensation. except flor actual expenses Incurred. Part IiI. Vi'Olatiotl5 at~d PenalLie.i It shall be unla.wful 1'01' any person or pel'9Ons. firnl or cOl'porntlJOn Ito ovnstJ-ud. 'build. ereot. or cause 00 be COn SLl'Ucr.ed.. built. 0'1' erected. wi ~hou t ma.king sa id hulldl ng comply with ,the requirl'mer. ts and provlsLons relatlngth~reto COl1l1ia111ed In t his ordinance. JJt shall be unlawful fm- any all'Chlt.ect. engjl~ee l·. contl'actor, • builder. sub-oomraotor. foreman, llUIiScn. plumber. eanpel1'ter. electrloian. employee. '01' other pel'son IiO Violate. Or assist in violating. al~y of the provisions of this ord1nance. A. Report on Vlolat lon- When any person represents Ithat a condltio{l or Ith1r~ e~ which Is In v10latkm of this ordinance. or of a.ns law in force in the village appHcable to the same stlbject matter. it shall be rtlhe duty forthwit h of the Building Commission to examine such oo~dition or thing or cause It to !be examined. A .proper record sbaU be kept of all such representa.Uon.s with 1:he naanes of the p el'sons ~ them. B. NotlficatlJon of VlolwtionWhen in ar.y tnspect10n by the BulJ.dtng and Ba.n1ta1t1on Commlss1on. conducted because of the regular !M)rk of 8W1d body. or ·b ecause ot /BJ thing of oonditi.on represented to be -a violation of an~' tp rovision .a f 'Ilhts code or any law or ordinance relating to the same subject matter. 600h violation sbaU !be four.d to . exist. the Oomtnlsslon shall torthwith ~ve notice Qf suCh violation to the owner or owners of such building. structure or object of the OCI1ld1tton ex:lst1ng and shall order such ohansed· repair alteration or addition as it shall deem n.eces&a4'j' to makIe the same oontirm to the provisions of this 00dIe. and all ather l8wa aruIi ordinances relating to ,t he .-me subject matter. It shall be unlawful ~or any owner not tv

confONll 00 such orders of the Com- and written authority has been /te- I'IIB MIAMI GAZE'n'E - Pap • m.1ss1cn wit.h1n the t Une set forth cured t'rom the Buil~ ConurMs- WAYNESVILLE. OHIO - NO. 4296 in such <rders. stan to construct a ce~ pool a.nd C. Servioe or Notice- Such notice there 1s suffldent &rea t er the pw'- THURSDAY. DECEMBER 26. 1946 m.a.y be served by cau& 8i ·t rue poee, a watertight cesspool may b ~ copy thereof to bE! har.ded to such used flo rece1ve sewage or other do- WaYlOOSV1lle. to dradn or in any wa.y owner (lC' left at his or It.s usual mestk wastleS. which may be over- cHsohaqre 1nlto any open gutter or place of bus!ness or res1denoe. in tlowed. to a lea~ oe&; pooL pro- <Alb« surface or sub-surtace drain the village; or 11 . personal serv1ce vldec\l there is no danger of OOIlltami- which enters. cr<)6'8eS. or othel'W'lse OOlUlOt be made 111 the v1llage and ~ng a wa.1ler ElUpply. well. 'or touchee the property l1nes or any the owner bas r.o place of bua1ness sprtng, 1lll1i the soU is of aboot1bent ot.her property Not\.oe shaJl OJ' residence In said village. then by chm'aoter. otherw1se. a tight cess be given and vloJationa COlU'eCted. attaching same to the principal tace pool oniy sha.ll be used or sewage only a1:t.eIr notice and in accordance of such building. structure. plant, tlreatment WOIl'ks shall be construct- Mth the prov1sion of this Oode . deviCe or object. . ed. F. Use of Privy Ve.ulta. D. Righlt to lmter Permlses1. When Permitted Tight or 1. Where Pelml.ttJed- Privy vaults Any person charged with the en- leMh1ng ce&i pools may be used \..0 may be constructed only or. premforceinent of th·i s ord:1naoce, 'Or any receive sewage or other dOll'e~tlc Jses where ,bOIlh village water and law m force In the village applica- wastes only when WTlttel~ permission sewers /ljI'e not a.valla:ble, and aIter ble to the same subject matter. shall to that eff-ect has boon secured from \\'l'lOtlenl penn1ss1on '118S been obte.lnhave othe right ·to enter upon any the Building and Santlt8/Uon Com- ed from the Bul..l&lg and Sar..1t&buUdiir.g site. prenrlses. property. or missiOn. and such pennL"5lon can be ~on OommIssion. grounds. or Into aniY oompletJed gl'ver. only when a publ:c sewerage 2. Where Prohiblted- Privy vaults build1ng. or Into any building under system Is not ava.1lalble. shlall not be oonstrucOOd where 0. construotlon. repa ir. altemt1or.. or 2. When Proh!bited- No cess pool sev;e.rage system Is ava.11able a t·ter removal, ~ into any building alleg- for sewage shall be constructed the Mayor·s . proclamatiOn mentloned tlO be unsaJe. or a menace to life. where a sewer is avallable. nor s hall ed a.!oremld. nor shall any <xd vault 11mb or health. or into ~ bul1ddng any oormection f'r{/ffi such cess pool be cor.nected! w a ~wetr. vaults now alleged to !be damaged or mer.aced be madie 'With any sewer. . eJd.Bting on premlses a.ooesslble to a by fire. at all reasonable hOUrs. upon 3. Tn Exlc;ting · Cess san1taory sewer ad'ter same is openod showdng hJs badge or other creden- pools now existing In premises ae- by MaiYOr' prooI.8.matJon aI01'Q98id tla,1s of office. and any person or cess1ble to a swmtM"y sewer. shall be clea.ned <to ·the bott<lm .and persons iIlJtel'!erlng with him In the same Is opened by Mayor's proc1a- Med with 86he6 or eea'th l.IruDedlperfommnce of such dutIes shall be matlon, and cess pc.ols that m:l.Y 8It.ely, or w1th1n> 1Jhie pe!'old permitguUty ot vic.lating the provtslons of hereafter !become accessible to n ted In the proclamation of Me . this ordinance and liaible to the sanitary sewer shn.ll be dlscontinued. Mayor of the Vil\ openlI~g the penalties provided th-eretor. emptied ot their contents. cleaned sewers as aforeoo.ld . E. Civil Whenever out. and be f1lled with earth or 3 . eon.struct1on- All vault6. pltcs, a.ny <>:Nicer charged wt~ enfQroe- ashtes. a.n.d the house sewer shall be or other open top reservoirs as menment of this ordJlnance Is S81ttsfied · d1scormelcOOd from the old cess pool ~ in Ilhe preoed1ng s~ctions that any proviston with· the en- and be ~ected' with t he pubUc sball be 00II8trUcted of either brick foroement of which he Is charged or oower. . or concrete af a tth1ckr,ess not less any law lr. force In t he v1l1a~ apD. UnlaWful to ooIlIlleCt to un()pell_ 1lhan six (6) 1nche8 Vaults shall be pUcable be the same subject mat- ed Sewers- It Is unlawful and 1\ UI&de Ili&ht and ~ with cement ter. has beent violated or Is about to violation of th1s ordinar.ce for any 1DlOlW'. VaulUl Shall be tlgM and ~ violated. in any respect ; or t hat person or persons, firm. corpomt\oll ,tbetr walls continued tM'elve (12 ) a ny order or direction made in pur- being the ·()Wtler. or having control inches 'above the grround surface 't o . suanoe of this ordt nance has r.9t 'Of any 'building or struoture or.part prevent SW1f'aoe been complied wiU1. or Is being d!;- thereof <to attach sewer draiP.s or G lAundry and Utility Roomsregarded; ·and whenever he Is satis- 8ItliY other . domestic dmlns to the It hi hereby decl8l'ed .to be unlaf\lloful fled th&t civil proceed4ngs wUl Ue sewerage di9posa~ SYStem now under and a viol&t1on of .thIs ord1n8lnce ,tor either for t he en!()roem'etlt of said COtl81.nlction until the proclama.tlon any res1dentia1l 'lItr.UOture to be conordinance or laws, to restrair. or cor- ot the Mayor of the Village of taructed. ereotled. or moved! upor. any root t he violation tlheI1eof, or to pre- Wa:ynesv111e afore$8lld apell'1ng said land within tbe corporate llmits of tent t he oooupa.t1on or use of any 5eWleJ'l\ge dlspoeal system to public the VUlage of WlaynesvUle. whioh bulLcting or other struct ure as tierem use . Ir. no event or under no c1fcum- stl"uoture does not oonmin: (ll 'Provided that is being constructed. stances shall connection be made or either a cellam' or b88ement room altered or malr.1.a1ned in viola.tfon house sewers dJ8Chaqed lnto Slld WUlh a cement tloor and standa4'd of mls ordJb:lance. he shall apply to samt.a.ry sewers except a.t points and drains a.dequ.a.te for the PUJ1P()8e of t he V11lage Solioltor for the pu~ under such <requlTemtmts as <the oaJ-rying laundry water. debris, and cf institll'tl:ng civil J;U'OOOedings In the Bu1ldlng ar.d Sailiitation Commission other usus! waSte l1l8J!;ters; or (2) name of the V~~ ; provided how- shall presarlbe, after ·the Mayor's 1f no ·basemen.t or cellaa' is 1ncluded ever. that notblng' in this sectior. pl'OClamation aIoreeaid. in 1:11.6 propoeedJ atruoture. a sepo.rate and n o actton u~ken thereunder. E . Cess Pools and Valubs- Con- utility room with a cement floor shall be held t,.o exclude such stn.rotion Requ1remeo\'lit6. and &taMard dra.1ns adequate for . crlmintal prooeed1ngs as may be 1. "ngn,t cess Pool&- A water: the pur!p08e or ~ laundry aut:horized by this ordir..anoe or any tight. cess pool for ~ shall Iw8.ter, deIJr1s. and other waste matof the laws or or(tinanees 1n torce not Ibe less tha.n six (6 ) feet in dia- t.ers. Said ceHar or 'basetnent room In he village or ,~o exempt anyone meter by ten (10) fret d ep In the \i olatirig this Ol'CiI:nance or any of clear. or equlvaletllt, built of cast the said laws fr()m ary penalty !.ron. vitrified Ibrick eight (8 ) Inch which may be incurred. thick 141id In P<mtland cement mOT- Sufferersl Try REINER'S RlNOL! F . Penalties for Violation of this tar . or Portlwnd, cement COnCT'ete Ordinance- Any person or per_ e.1gh t ( 8 ) inches .th~ck. and made Comfort.Ulg relief from ~ or sons. rlnn or corporation being ,t he watertight and mQ.intalin.ed so. rheumatism.. arthritla. neurttSa. or having control -or any '(a Loca.tlon- No tlgbt cess pool bago. mEE BOOltLET. A* for bullddng or structure or pa.rt. !:\hereof. shall ,be pla.c ed withinJ two (2) feet Reiner's Rlnol. W'by suffer lo:npr ? who violates any of the provisions df Ml(V lot line. or twtmty (20) feet Waynesville Drug Store. trc of this ord1na.nx:e. or fa.1ls 10 .obey of la.ny bul1dlng . or alstere.. or ,t hlnty ar..y order of a.ny otfJlcer chwrged (30) feet of any well. spring. or 'o1I1 th the ent'oroement of the provi- other source of water supply used sions or this ord1t:~ance in relation for dainking Or cWdnuy ptll'pOSeS . 00 rlle ma.t1Iers and things herein (Ib ) Venta- l11ght cess pools shall contained. shall be guUty of a. mis- be vented with four (4) Inch· vent deme8lIlOl'. and upon oonvictloI~ p~s not less than ten Help T hem Clellose the Blood I,hereof. shall be subject to a penaltty (10) feet a.bove the ground and not of H armful Body W•• te ' of a fine of not less tJhan five ($5.00 less than 1lWenty (20) feet from YoW' kidney. are conlt.aDtty IIlt.rlal dolla4's. nor more ti'l8Jl !lve hurAred any. window. door or other openings WIele matt or frOID tbe blood Ilream. But kldney"olJ) ~t lmH lalln t work-do ($500.00) dollars. 1t:l:1e same to be a t. in buUdinp used ·t or humar. habitnot aet :lS . ,,(ure hitended-fall to rcthe deooret20n of t41Le Court. depend- .atWn. mnve ImpurltJ.,. tbat, If retained, may polaon tbo Iystc m and upset tbo ""bolo ent upon the of the act 2. Leaching Cess Pools. body macbinery. lnvolved. Each a.nd every <ily on (a) OonstIruotlon- A leacl1iJl8 cess Symptom. ma)r be nalll(lnl( backacbe. which any pel'S(lIr. or pereons, tbm. pool eball be not less ·than the d1Jl(lulstcn t he::d ..~ be. aUllcl,s of d luln .... lettl nl up nllbta. l""eUlnl, pulflnUII or oorrporation continues to · violate menslons of the ·wwterrtight cess pool, unde r the "ya.-n feell n: of nen')'l" the proWs1on&s of ,t his ardina.noe l1r!ed ~ brick or stone, without an ::lety ond Iou 01 pep and It ro n ~ t • after having been notified of such mortar. . Utbur lill'" of kldnuy or bb..ld"r .."'nrder are l <lmeUm_ bumlnl. lcanty or violaition shall COl'I8Utute a sepanLte (b) Loca.t1on- No cess too frequent urlnatlou. offense. pool shall !be placed< wit.h1n f4t1ty l ' boru should be no doubt that prompt trell tment .. wlaer tbal1 a'll.ct. U.e Pwnt II. Construction Requirements. (50) feet of ~ dwleWng or wa.ter~ Doan', Pill•. Doa,,'. have been ""Innlnl A. W1a.ter 8upplY'-- In every d'W!en- tight a1st.em, or within tihn!e 'hWldnew frlenda for more than forty y .... _ They have a nation-wide reputatloa. lng 'house, where PlftiliC water ma.1tis red (300) ·teet of the source or a.ny Are recommended by lrateful.peoplo tbe reasonably aoce9S1ble, such bouse W8Iter supply. It Is hereby declared country over. Ali: ,,our ""igllbor I • shall be provided with runn.1r.g water ·t o be 6 public ar.d ttl of the house; and when sucn tion of !this ordlna.nce for am' 01!68 water mains are not aooessible such pooL b011et, or privey vault. now in house shall have ortlber water. suit- use and opefti;t1on within the COrpSible lor all dquesttc use. supplied omtlon lJmits of the Vlllage of eit:her 'W ithin !the house or within r----~---------------------~ twelve (12) feet thereof. B . Water Closets or To4le~ In eWry dwe1l1P~ h'Ollf!le. Where a p~bllc wa11m' ln8'inJ andl/or a sewe~e sysoom are 1'e8.SOI1aIbly accessible. there GLASS INSTALLED IN ALL MAKES OF CARS shall be provided lL water closet or toUet w1!thin the house. A sepa4'ate room must be ·p rovided for this purSee




C. Sewers. Cess

~ and


'I1be date thatt the 118Jnta.ry sewerage ~

Sam Smith & Son

syat.em of the munilcipaUty. now under oonstructlar.. will be open Pflone 902 L ,to the use of the public shall be publlcly announced bY proclamation Lebanon, Ohio of the mayor. unW that date. or ___ _ _...._ _~------------...- -- - .;'...I . wherever a sewer 18 not availabJe, .

THE MIAMI GAZETTE - Pap 5 dependent secWona a.ndi P84'ts of the couple were in attendance durWAYNESVD.LE. omo - NO U96.aectlan& ar.d the 'holding of a.ny sec- Ing the day. . tton or part; tblerEIof to be void and . THURSDAY, DECEMBER 26. 1946 lnefteot4ve f()I' any C8i~. aha.ll not be deemed to 8Iftect any other sec- SPEND VAOATION and/ or uWJ.ty t'OODl shall proVide ¢ion or pari <theIreat. IN VIRGINIA adequate space for turne.ce or heat'I1hlird : All ord:1nanoes. ~tI.ons. Keller Hook and family are '1ng ...In.... . ad--,<>te to healt the resolutllona, wnd a.drn1nJBtrait1ve rul_ . . --.spending the C 'U.."UUl..., .............. Q~ . _ " " " -n 1n 6tlnICture to a tEmipera.lture of not lnp ot the VIlJ:a4Je ell Waynesville less ,than 68 ° F'a.hl'en.heit at all times. 1nconsJ6'tent with this Oode are h~e_ Luray. Va. v1s1't1ng with hJs brother or 00 hea.t the portions or l'OOlll6 ot by ~ed. and 1'amlly. Mr. Hoak is a fOlmer saJd structure iW'b.1m. 6Il'e 't.o be used WAlRREN BRADDOOK Mayor resldlent of Luray. d ' .... """ rtIhe oold. seasons of rt:hA """,,,r . ~ not 1r.cluded. N::;~ Pas;ed : December 2. 1946 shall be ll.ll6d for laundry <lIr other Attest : CHARiLES JAMES Clerk IN FLORIDA utmty '))UIlPOOe8 the sped!tcations FOR TWO WEEKS of whioh do not. comply with <the IN XENIA MONDAY Rhodes Bunnell and daughters left ' prOvisions of t.his <JI'di.nance. Mrs. WUliam Tinney spent Mon- of FlOrida, S&turday of week 1. Basement Rooms used fOIl' COokillg or Sleeping Pul1J)06eS- All base- day in Xer.ia. and will spend the two week va.ment 011' oellar I'OOnls used for cookcatton period there. PUl'p06es, and aU basemellit rooms used tor sleeping or liVilng AT HOME pw-poses. shall have <the walls eatd FROM COLLEGE ST. BERNARD VISITORS floOt·S' of such rooms thorouglhly Miss Marilyn ,B urske 01 BoUng CHRISTMAS DAY wateq)roofed. Top noons Q1' sudh Greer. College will spend her aluislGeorge BUnnell and family alr St. sleeping <rooms shall be of wood 01' oWler compwmble mwrerial. All mas vacation with her parenti;. Mr. Bernard are spend.1ng <Jhrlstmas and spaces below the and Mrs. John Burske. Day with Mrs. Nellie Bunnell a.nd slulll be ventilated purMIss Montmta Bwmell. to the prov1slons of this ordl- CHRISTMAS GUESTS " " ' ..... • ..

H. ArtIfIcla.l IDumina.t1or. Require-

ments- Electrical systems and a.pwith the National shall Eleot.riccomply Code as reootnmended by the Nat.1onal Fire Plrotection Asclociwtion, Natlonnl Boa~d or Fire Underwriters. I . Ro<m Areas. LlgIht Requirements. 1. Dimensioll6 of Rooms : (11) Hel8'ht- Ev~l'Y U\ing or sleeplng room shall a cleall' helght of not less than seven and oue-half (7 ~ ) teet provided' that such rooms in the 8/Iitlc ,n eed he or such specl_ fled height 1r. but one-qua.rter (% ,) of their area. (t!» Area - In every dw:ellin'g house, all 'rooms except water closet. compartments, and bath rooms. shall be of the following ImInimum sizes: In eacll home or apa.l'tmeln. there shall be 81t least one (l) room conta1nlng not less 1:.h'a.n one hll!ldred 120) sqUIIlIe feet In a.rea. All spaces less than seven'ty (70 ) squaore feet in area slulll 'b e oonsldered as olooets



01' aJooVeB.

(c) CUbic contents


No room

sha.ll have less Ith:an five hW1~ed and sUcty ,( 560) CUbic feeL of oonltenta, alooves and closets excluded . 2. Glass Area- rn dwelling houses the 'total glass a.rea for room.


r oom



l·oom. or room oollOO.Wng a.ny slop

slnk or sim.llaa' fixture. shall not be less 1Iha.n Of the moor area of the same; except ,th8lt tbe mlnimwn allowa.ble ~lass area shall

f! ~~~ha~l'\'~r 1~~~

Mr. Carl Smith spent Sunday at on Sunday aiternoon with 8. prothe bome of his sister. Mrs. Goldie gram of soilgs and carols. Besid ,n.. _I ha Bernard and family. es",.ese. seve ...... groups ve The Home family h&s been made ~ung carols for Us on the out8id.e. very happy thJs past week by ,t he The HOOle extends its sincerest. kindneS6 ot many people. First. on thanks to all th83e kind tolks W'hD _._-Tu-.... y evenir.·O' the Oen.-rville have helped to malt . e our """ V......IO""....,. C<>U", .,. Music Club came down am gave ha~py and we extend to each or lIB 8if1 evening of so~ and Ohrist- them our be&t wishes tor a Merry mas carols. AI; 'they were about to ' Christmas and happy prosperous N"'w yAQr leave one .o r their numbers brought .... ~ ... in a delightful 't reat for each· ot II<)"




Friday afternoon Mrs. Ma.ty Terrell came from her home near New Vienna. Ohio and in her happy mannt!r. read for us Every famUy will cherish the mem"The Birds' Christmas Oarol" and 0l'Y of a laat tribute that waa some Chrlstmas poems. dJ8ntf1ed and fi~ in eftr7 On Saturday ai~noon the Girl respect,


Scout Troop whose leader is Mrs. Robert Ohapman. came Itirooping in with pine boughs and lovely decorat ions of bheir own handbook with whiCh thew made testive our d1n1r.g OF: BURNETT STUDENT NURSE room for the holidays. Needless to MIss Ruth Burnett. a student at HERE FOR VACATION say it is sweet. simple and beaut!the Mlam1 VaJley School of Nursln-g Barbara walker, R. R. 1. Waynes- 'rul. -


'T'elephone 2291 + M1ss Minnie Davis. Mr. WlIilter vUle. 'Will vlsM. her home duril1lg a ••Thls;';~S;ame;.;~'t~roo;;p~e~ri;te~r; ta~in~e;d~u~s"iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii_ _, and Mr. aharlie Burnett will be Christmas day guests ot Mr. CW! Burnett . -----PLAN HOLIDNf' A"TON VISIT IN D & /Mr. and Mrs. Lewis Fires. Mrs. Darts Kennedy apd daughter Mary Lou. and Miss Inna FIres are plan-

holiday vaca.tion from her studies a.t the Miami Valley hospital school of IliUl'sing in Dayton. .

IMlss Walker, the niece of Delbert R. Conger. is one of 43 student nurses who entered ' '''e school th'ft lin


fa.lI. She will V1iC8Jtion from Decembel' 30 bo January 5.

~tng to spend Ohri8tmas day with AT FUNERAL OF

PUBLIC AUCTION a s I am leaving Florida, the undersigned will sell all of the household goods by way of public auction at Memorial Hall, Lebanon, Ohio, on , FRIDAY DECEMBER 27th, 1946 Commencing at one o'clock,

Mrs. Fires .$iStJel' and husband. Mr. C. K. HIMES a<nd Mrs. C. H. Harlescm of DayMI'. and Mrs. A. H. Earnhar't. eon Alton a'n d Earl Earnhart attended . the fWleral servioes of C. K. MAINVILLE FOLK Himes at Dayton. and the burial HERE FOR CHRISTMAS at Oenterv1lle on Friday ot last Christ mas guests of Mr. and Mrs. week. Irvin Mulfo:d al~d SOn J :lck , "NUl be Mr. and Mrs. Mulfords daughter One practlca.l method of potlltry and husband MI', MlId Mrs. Donald disease oontrol Is to keep farm visitGilpin of M~ II\·llle . ors alW'ay from the poultry houses and yards. Bacteria which c,'a\JSe ST MARY'S some of the more oommon poI:lltry The boys and girls of St. Mary's diseases can be readily transported Chw'cl1 School gathered at , the on shoes. clothing. or hands of Rectory Surnday evening at 7:00. people. Most persons who are interAfter going cat10Ung they returned est.ed enough bo ir.spect. one poultry

2 pc. wine colored living room suite Kurtzman piano and bench Kneehole- desk and chair Lounge chair and ottoman Maple studio oouch Maple pier cabinet Mli,ple cricket chair 3 pc. M1I!ple bed room suite Poster bed. dresser and che t Antique love .seat Grunow Ete. radio and bench China closet Occasional chaIr Club chair Coffee table Maple cocktail table Drum top table

Wicker rocker 1- 12 x 17 Olsen rug and ~ 1- 12 x 14 Olsen rug and pad 1- 9 x 12 Cong. rug. 1- Norge oil heater. new ,Fr, Ref. 6 k oapaclty Hardwick Oomb. ooal and botItte gas range. same as 'new Be Vac electltc washer Several throw rugs Oak dining room table Oak side bOard Dish cupboard Wash stand Magazine racjc \: . , 12-x-t6 Cong.' floor oovering' MAny oLher articles too numerous .to mention.

t.o t he'ReCoOl'Y and games 'wel'i! play- flock are likely to want to see others NOTE- _ _ You will find this an extra good clean lot toilet room. ed. Boxes of ,Christmas ca.ndy were and a series of such faml visits !may of hou e'h old good a nd anyone looking for good things room, or roam OO!lIta1nil~ any distributed to the group. . be costly to poultrymen along the should attend this a le. slop sink or sl'm1lar flxt\.llre. Wftren vlsltor's route.. Terms CASH. rooms are in oonnectlon with nlooves CHRISTMAS _ _ _ _ __ V. H. Ru sell , Auct. th.aJt are not provld1ed with windows. SUch: rOOIllS and alooves shall be Spe.lding Christmas holidays at '!llle recen t purchase of 18.000 draft ,'fhompson and Irwin , Clerks.. ~neot.ed by a.n opening, wi'thout hOlne from college Is Miss Glady horses in the U. S: for expo:'t to WaYl1e:;ville, Ohio. R. R. 1 doors. of not less Ulan O\\'eIlit), (20 ) Rye. ' Europe completes the UNRRA propercent of the ~ wall and the ;glass area of the IIlOOD1 in oonMLss R ye Is the Univer- curement program ·for h'o rses A f,olal nedUoo tberewlth shall be not !ess sity ofC1ncinnati. of 164.000 head was bought In 19~16 . tha.n one-tenth (1/10) of the com;< bined area of such rootn and aloove. COLLEGE STUDENT VISIT IN When an a.loove has any com, muniC8lt1ng opminiB ' so covered by ON VACATIO~ RAY,OmO dOOrs as not to 'be 101 compliar.ce M1sMargaret Harlan, daug'hter Of Mr. and Mrs. OrvIlle J. PhWps " "1tib 'the aibove ,provisions' for . a.l- Mr. and Mrs. Earne$t Hartan Is and! Mr. David McKeever spent Fri, ~ ~ ~ ~a::-n:~~~ home from ' lntennon,t OoUege. in day with Mr. and Mrs. John one-teuth (1 / 10) of the flooir area. Bristol. Vtrg~a, to spend ber at Ray. Ohio. ICX! . 8ldl ~; except. tha.t the Christmas holidays. -----Inlnlmwn alloWable glass area shall lICIt be less than ten (10) square VISIT IN feet for


Kenneth L. Fox

C 'A SB FiO R~



Any make or model

Fred Kahn Motor Car Co.


This section' ahallibe held 84JPllc- CINC~ATI LEBANON, OHIO PHONE 326 able. in 'a ddition. to 'cellar or baBeMr. a.t1d Mrs. Leonard TUmey Or. anId Mni. F . B. Gregg are ment rooms U8ed. for cooking a.nd lij>ent Sunday in Cincinnati v1stt.- hlllPPY to have their son Prof. , • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • •~ ~~a~lndowB _ All 1ng Mr. and lID's. Nonnan Pink- Robert Onlgg ot carnegie Instttute, j , ,, 'WindOn, a1)8ll open d1rectly upon a ard. IP ittsburg with >them for the holiWE ·PAY FOR street. alley. )Wd or court. days. , (,b ) HeIaIbt- 'Ibe top of a.t least DAYTONIANS ' , Dr. Emma HoUO'IIVaIY lett SUllday one (1) w1ndow in eacll room shall , ot be ~ taan five (5) feet. VISIT MOTHER evening to spend the holidays with ,fJ ~) \ten-Watton _ , required iMr. and Mrs. Joe Yeager of ~- a coust.n. Miss 'L ydia Robinson at 'Window ahal1 be so CiOIDStruOted tthMI ton vistted 'M rs. Yengers mother, Geneva. Dl. one halt of its area may be opened Mrs Robert Werntz Sunday Miss Elizabeth Chalndler a.n:'ived ACOORDING TO SIZE AND CONOITION to the fullest elCtent. . ' . ' . I: J. PoUlldM4011.&...... No dwelling shall Swtunla.y mOml~ from Hampton. , , ' CJ\.LL be oolltllbrooted which is not set. upon ATI'END WEDDING Va. Ito spend t:he holidays wi1lh her ~ 8uppooted by a tull tOWldaltlon. ANNIVERSARY sister. Miss Ruth Ohandler. I, - whetiebeT said' bu11cMng be with or ,..r. ,U ....- A • H • Earnhart, Mr. Mn. Sallie Meredith lett 8uIIlda;y ~ cellai' or baaelneDt l'OOUl. and v,y",...

HORSES ·$5.00 COWS $3.00 ,

SuiOh 1'ouodatim 8haB,be of oement, Alton Earnhart, Mr. ' Lamar Earn1'OCk,' of ~lnIed cement and rock hart and Mrs. 'Alloe Droll aMended cnatet1al, and ahall be const.ructed the sixtleth wedding annlwr8i.rr vr ~(~~!~l:' a~~e= Mr. and Mrs. Milton Sheehan at l'l'Ound Je\Iel. ' Oen~e On Sunday. Mr. Sheehan Seoood: Edch aeouoo. of ,t his QIl'- 16 an uncle of Mrs. A. H . Ea.rnha.t¢. ~. ~~ ~ ~any othe~ relatives d rrten:ds df


110 spend some ·time with her tlOll& Measrs. Ha.tTy and Harold .Mered1th and families of Utna. Ohio. MisS EUmbe1fl C'hand!er ,18 aPmd1ng Monday and 'l\aeIIda¥ with her n1eoe MI8B Oetltrude Oha.ndler a,.t 'Deer PIdt near ~t1.

X E N I A Fertilizer Rever.e Chatae.

·454 E. G. Buch.ieb, Inc. ..

·h Xenia O.

tera class a.t a New Year' Pa.x1y saders Class at a New Year' Party a.t the home of Earnest Woollard. 2901 Whitter Ave.. Dayton. Ohio. Tuesday evening, Dec. SI . All mEmbers of both classes are Invited to attend. A GOOD WlAY TO BEGIN THE NEW YEAR is to attend Midweek pra,yer meeting and church service Wednesday rjglhi. Jan. 1 7:30. Start the New Year right by coming and bringing the family. and if you have compa.nry. bring 'th em too. The follOwing poem expresses some fine New Year'& thoughts:MY PURPOSE

Forms 0f Government

alone expect their sales here to 'f,J'Lple in t:be next few years. "Increased sales of industrial products mean In tum a new level of prosperity for every rocal businessmar. and worker." said D. F. Forst. chairman of the CouncU's Residential Construction Conunittee. The studlY' shows thaJt many fann improvements were made even during t.he war. Since 1940, for example. the nlUmber of fal1J1l homes reportir.g electric llghts here has increased from 1.452 to 1.804~ Heavy demand for such modernizing as installation W' ~unning waJter. Wing of bathrooms and improving kitchen layouts has a·lr~ resulted. according to Forst. , Forst also pointed oUit that farmers in the oounty today have SOO more tractors than In 1940. according to the Bureau of Census, and .that the n'Ulllbe!" of ,t rucks on farms has likewise increased substantially. "These facts not only Indicllite 't he lmportaru:e of ~e farm market but a'l so make it one which no busilJess,man of manufacturer can alford to overlook," he said.


Continued . . . . "The Universal House of Justice. n<rw b eing re8J'ed by the followers of Baha'u'lllllh. is m~Da;~IiI3~~~~~~~ METHODIST CHURCH not to be suppol'ted by a ny vested R. B. Coleman, MInister mterests. or sustained by a political SUNDAY SCHOOL 9:30 A. M. party, but rather it is to be the J. J . Burske. Supt. synthesis of all il1lterests' born out W,O RSHIP SEH,V ICE 10 :30 A. M. of and uphe1<i by thl~ collective conThe prevoiling spirit of good YOUTH FELLOWSHIP, science of mankir.d Thursday. 1:30 P. M. will embroces us oil during Nor can the Baha'i AdIm1n1strative OHOm. PRACTICE Order be OOn!usedl .w ith any ecclesthis joyous seoson. We, too. Wednesday, 7:S0 P. M . iastical or pollt1caJ nutocractes. The wont to extend to you perrIbe Oh1ldren ga,ve a very fine elected Unive1'58l HoOlUiC of Justice so no lly our hearty good and 8JPPl'OP1ate Ohrtstmas service to has the exclusive r~ghtt to legislate a capaclty audience on Sunday wishes for an exceptionally on all matt6rs not conta.1ned in the evening December 22 at Methodist wr1~ of Baba'u'Uah or Aldu'lBaha Church. Furthennore, , any of the1.r Much cr~lt is due to ,those who can 'b e a.brogated by succeeding ddrected the work. and to the chUd- To be a Jibtle klndler with the Houses of Justlce.The need for proren who the pl'ogram. passing of each day; gresslve change In all tr.stituUons The Yout'h FellOWship of bhe To leave but happy memories as I is a basic Baha'I view. For Baha'I . Methodist Church will give a hollgo. aJong my way; legislators recognize · that r&llglous ~ party Monday Evening Dec. To I\lSC poosess1ons that a!"·e mine in truth is relative 8Jnd not absolute. SO 1r. the Ohurch basemeDit a.t 7:S0 serv1ceful and free; that divine revela,tlolrlS are progreso'clock. . To sacrifice the trivial bh1ngs for the sive and not fina!." . . . . to be TlUs paiity is given in honor of larger good to be. oont1r..ued. the Waynesville ~, School SenSUbmlted by Helen McCoy ' . .....,. iol'\S and also College. studants. here . To give of love In lavish way ,that Rt. 2, Waynesville, Ohio on vaC8ltion. I11riendship 1lrUe Dl8LY live, -----------------------------------------------IN CASE OF FIRE DL4L UZZ . To be less quick to critiCize, more COUNTY'S ~tM INCOME ST. MARY'S readly to forgive, SHOW,S LARGE INCREASE 1111i-~'~Mi~Ilt~~~N~Ct«N[!II~N~~N. EPISCOPAL CHURCH To use such ta.JeJ~ts as I that Samuel N. Keys h~pir..ess may grow. More than doubling their annual l.&y Reader-in charge To take ·t he bitter with the sweet. gross income in comparlson with Sunday, Dec. 22. Churoh School I assured ~tis better 1940. as reported by t:he U. S. Bureau 9:30 A. M. To be qulbe free ·f rom self-intent. of Census. Warren Oour..ty farm Morn1ng Prayer and Sermon • The long awaited occasion is whate'er the task I do. faroUias last year produced crop~ 11:00 A. M. To help the world s faith stronger a.nd livestock with the r€OOrd value here-CHR ISTMAS-and with it UTICA U. B, CHURCH grow in all tha.t's good and true; of more than $7,806.000. the opportunity of renewing friendRev. Ralph BiDes To keep m:y faith In God and right This huge increa.soe In farm 1'6ships. We cannot tell you how much SUNDAY SOHOOL 9:S0 A. M. . no matter ~ow thingS rur..; venue has already cr,e ated heavy dethese friendships have meant to u~. Mrs. James Garrison. Supt. To work and play iind 'p ray and mand for general farm Impr.ove!PREACHlNG 1st Il41d Srd Sundays Ibrust until the juurney's done. ments and for home remodellng, We treasure them, everyone. eacll month 10:S0 A. M. God grant to m,e the strength of according to a study released by the Let us celebrate the Yuletide with helU'lt, of motive and of will. Ttl!! Oouncil of America. With .every FERRY rejoicing' and good cheer. Let us To do my part. and falter not. ~h1s industry anticipating greater bus!CHURCH of CHRIST PUllPOSC to fulfill. ness In the state tlhsn before the celebrate it with a gen.uine thankThe Growln" Going, Church -Henrietta Heron. 'W M', floor and wall We manufactures Herbert Graham, Minister


CHRISTMAS The Waynesville National Bank




T. M. Scarff, Minister SUNDAY SCHOOL 9 :50 A. M. E. A. Earnhart, Supt. 10 :S0 A. M. ~9RS~tllP SERVICE fJ\1ENI I1G SERVIOE 7:aO P. M.



¢ ~



'; '-




Fa'the.r Krumholtz, Priest MASS ",UNDAY 9:00 A. M.




9:S0 A.' M. MEETING for WORSHIP 10:S0 A. M.





All young people we1OOme. SENIOR YOUNG PEOPLE will have of the evenirig seJ'IV1ce. Every-


olfe 18 inNlted< '00 attend ·t hese sei"v1oes in wbJch $e )'OUrig people wU1 have a . def1n1te part. 'l'HELOYAL SONs .AiNU DAiOOH-

Gibbons Building, North Street WAYNESVILLE, .OHIO Phone 2422




ing and disctlslons.


Waynesville Furniture &Appliance Co. i


Robert L, VanZile, lWnister BIBLE SCHOOL 9.S0 A. M. COMMUNION 10 :S0 A. M. SERMON 11 :00 A. M. EVENING SERVICE 8:00 P. M. A Christmas program is being planned for bot h ·the sunJay , mornIng and Sunday nights services. We welcome .everyone "to ooth of these services. JUNIOR YOUNG PEOPLE'S MEETing each SundaY' 6:t5 p. m . for all below High School age. You will enjoy the Flannel-Graph PIctures Of - the Life of Christ, the chorus sing-

fulness in our hearts for the ble sings that have been ours to enjoy.

AS the light of Christmas again brightens .~

our faces and lightens our hearts,. we turn our thoughts from ourselves to help others. For this is the spirit that first $aw the light of day in a stable at Bethlehem, two thousand years ago, and which has endured eveI since. May God bless and protect you and your dear ones and bring happiness to y'J'ttr: home this Christmas season. ,



We are quite old-fa shioned over here - old-fashioned enough to know that to merit the confidence of t~e entire community every transaction we make must rest upon the solid foundation of full value givep. ,

May ' good old-fashioned Christmas cheer brighten lor you the hours of this glorious Yuletide season. '"


SROWN"MGR. , . ."


McClure Funeral Home James E McClure & AS$ociat,s' W A YNESVIUE, .OHIO



nXJRNAt.£••T The W.,n.uvl11~ ~ilh Schoo~ V.rdt, IIlIIitetb.ll Teem. finhhed the 1,47 nuon b, .lnllinl· , the W.rr,en Count, Tourn ... nt b~ virttie 01 .in~inl .11 of Lit"~I' I ..... which Includ.d the Sprlnlboro. Morrow. M•• on. &in •• Mill •• Barve,.burl .n,d · C.rli.le ' ,c hool a. III e I • In , the County Tourn •• ent they .et Morro•• M•• on .nd Culhle .",d fro. th ••• they .on by c~( "rlin•• FIRST 801: Le(~ to ' aliht ••BIII Stan.~",. 806 Hunt.r. Dick ' . In the Dhttrlet "Tourn''''nt .t Br.dl.y. Bob ,R~~Unll, Don D.lrin. 'Wilbur I'lorenc •• + Dey ton . they .et J.~k'Qn; SEeam RQtf: Beb C•• pbell. M.n ....... DI~1t ;' Ch"l'" Bu tie r • . W•• t C. r r 0 1 Ito n • Con.rd. 91c:, Th ..... on. Bill Rlc-..". 'Ken 9Iclre, •• D••• Bart • • nd Philllp.buri. jro. the lock. ,Ed P."ne, Co.c:I~. they .~c:.~t.d d.I •• t in thh C1a.~ B "'t"ch b; t.o po in t. .i n , f. do r . 0 f t h. I r oppon.nt. . . , For the •••• on. c:oqfttlnl .11 a .... played. · th. ,Sp.rtein. h.d • totol of 99~ poJntl to th.i r , o·ppon.nte 751 for' an ••• r •• e of 43 for the • • nd ~2 ; '~~ th •• r . oppon'nt, p . r l •••• Bia h .corin, ••'" .for the , .e itr .... D.". with • tot.l ' 0.1 326, or "' 16 point~







" , \





LOCAL HI Qf SCHOOl .,,~u.l

. ••• ti"l of the 'Co.p.ny .The YII••• ille .. t. £' ••• h.ld lIuch ...... A F.~

dinner ••• ·•• r •• d to 275 .toc~hold.r. by the 10c.1" Durinl the bu.i •• i • •• eUnl .hic" foUowed, '·lIr. P ... I 'r_l1n.on ••• 1'.elee: ted ••• dir.ctor for thr •• , •• r • • nd IIr • •on.ld S.11.~ry ••• el.ct.d to ... cc.ed IIr L.ur.nce F .. rn.i .h~ h •• • eryed for ~he p •• t 21 y•• r •• The •• in .p.·. ·k.r. for ttle eYeninl .ere ~. £I. . r Henkl., Y,ie:e . p,eeiden.~ of Stoc:k: Y.rd. Co • • nd IIr ••• H. Bluek, •• cret.r, of Ohio Council of Cooper.tiye •• A f •• ""ullbe,. · fro. fh e hllh " .~ool dep •• t""t __ p1eted the e.enin" prOI''', I" tile pll.t o.r.".... t r I. "' .r • • h ••• ,lie ollic.t. "ond dlrector"ol tile W.yn ••• III. 'Ir •• r • • • 011.·••• Co.iteny. '0 rl.h,:

a"od ••• unn.ll; aonlld W. lIo"Ic., p,r,e Id."t; LI",."c. ,ur..... flU, In, bOl(d .....r; , ·lIartl.y "o~." .,Iee-pr•• ld... ,; ~.II.r Noat; .

""ONT aO',: to r 1,1t;: Cerl A. Plt.tlclc, .,"e,.~; " OIIlld SeU.bury, 1111, y .I,e'ed boerd _.ber; O.llbert 'r,., , , ~,c"'~,y-tr.o.~r.r.

THE GAZETTE~ F'IRST' IN LOCAL FIELD WITH' NEW TRE~D IN ,STYLE Thi. pIctorI a l minature 01 The; Mia.l Ga.ette ia the l i rat I ~ .ue to ' be publiabed 01 the forth c o. i n~ atyle that will t a k e' the plaoe ' 0.'1 th e c,on'" ~ent i ona. new. paper .Iyle ordI n a rily publi.hed weekly. Rea 3 0n. 19r thi. new atyla are va.ied but lor the .o.t , pa i t ii w111 ,ive the re~dera • piotorial edjtlon .ho~in, quite. number 01 picture. 01 locel intereat each week. For the .o.t-, part the •• picture • • i l l be t.kep by Hunter'. P~ot~ Service 01 Club~. Par , t~~~. Grqup. and ~.therin,. ~ . II aa ~/ , Jndividual., lar. acene. and , other ~u'ieot. 01 intere~t. ~eader. or oiher. in ~ th • . oom.un,l ,ty who h."e pioturea or · intere.lin, doeu•• nt. the ,ene,al publIc would 'be In~ tere~ted In .eeln, " pub:l~.'hed oan contaot ' the G•• eUe oillce' 10 r ' d,e i a 1' 1,"•• Readln, .aterial ~ill be cu't to,'an ab . olut'e .in'Jmu. witfi plcture~ and ~apt~on. (akln, i t . place. EdltJn, 01 ~~py ~ill l b~ .or~ .~vere , .l.h ' une •• en~lal detail. ~ut out;in • • • ill b. 4et lor.ard -nCi d'.taU. 01 this ~ iil bj ,i~en .oon . Ad"ert . . i .. ' . i II, lind " hi. , n~ • • tyle an' e"cellent .a; :Ior ' bu.ine •• pro.otion t~ru the' " •• ol.!picto~ i.l ahertiein,. Aai ~bout ~,,1~ a.r"'~ ••




,~ ~ :j ,> ':: ~

I" ,

,.' , '

,~ ."

t«),R~ I,~ . BRO.CK CO~PAW( '~inc' inn.ti Un~ on ., ~t ';ck'


Fairly Familiar b" EFFELDEE Is O rvlll P hillip. manled'l Ac. I'ding lo a pel'sCli) I Item In tl I! Gazette last week their Is evldc EQmething oJ trut h to ~h is or n t~' pogra'Ph l c al elTor. \Vhich~ Accord ing to Mr. P hil li ps, t h e la ~te l' Is the cause of !.he rumor but never-theI Itt. o uld be prophesy. OI~e never kll(J\\'s. In Wle meanti me. our apolig les to MI'. P hillips for changi ng h ' m a11ial status wlWlolH h is consen t 01' k.nowledge.

Th~ ·


NO. 4297


A. K. Day Store Sold As Of Jan. 1

ANNOUNCE BIRTH OF DAUGHTER, DEC, 19 Mr. and Mrs. Dennis Clark of Day tor.. formerly of the Lytle-Ferry communi ty are announcing the birth of a daughter T e resa Sue a t St. Af'ter twenLy-on e Yea4"~ in tl~e EUzwbeth hospital on D ec. 19. .retail dry good,; aud clothmg buslMr. Clark Is a broth r of Mrs. J oe I~ ess In Waynesvi lle. A. K . Day ha~ B oyos of ,t he W a Yll esvlllE.' R epair sold his bus iness to Ollver SmallShop. wood , efifootlve as of January l. Mr. a nd Mrs. Leslie Gatldill <'f Mr. Day states Lh at h e has been Wellman are Lhe grand- in t he m erchandising business for a pal'elllts and Mr. Henry P nI.llngton Lotal of 54 years havi llg began his 1:; bhe ma ternaJ g1'llndfatiwr. Cll'reEr In Wh~c hesteT . K entucky where he lived ,before coming to Ohio RECEIVE CALIFORNIA about twenty- seven year ag.o . . F RUIT FOR CHRISTI\IA No ohange is contemplated in 'the Mr. and Mrl> . Orville Gray received pl''Csent business policy of the A. K . a 'ooau:!.iful box of California fruit. D a¥ store and Mr. bay p lar.s to ref~cm Mr. a nd Ml'S. O . M. Ridge a t main with the new OWner f.or some Olu'lstmas t ime. The Ridges a rc in time to h elp in tl!e promoUon of Lo An'''eles for an ekter.ded stay . the business. " .

$1.50 PER YEAR -


5c A COpy





The Progressive W omens Club scheduled to me t J anuary 1 ha.s been postpor.ed to J anuary 8. They wUl meet at <the h ome of Mrs. A. H. SWbbs .


Regular m eeti llg of the W aynesville W. C. T . U. w11l be held on

Friday evening. J an. 10 wt 7:30 P. M . at the home of Mrs. Raymond Brad -


Methodists Plan Of Meet·Inj[JS erIeS


·~I romp ·eted by B hop Lester Smith' and Supt. Dr. J oohn Dar.I.ord f(», two 'weeks vf Evangeiisim in the Dayton Me~ho ­ mst Onurch. Ministers from differnt paa1ts of the states and o ther st.ates will assist aoco rdir.g to Rev. R. B. Colemanlof tJ1e local Methodist Church . The meeU ng in the W!lynevUle MetJll,dLsL Church w11l begh~ J an . 12 a nd cOIl'Linue unLil the 1nh . The vis iting minister will be R ev . Walter P . Cestoe of Bnoad Street CllUll'ch. Columbus. !lnn~emet,\t 01 ~ PI a n


"'.. uve been


? fn1i,ctt; l8:fbt st


Rev. ColemfiD.

Nurse Weds Former Local Resident

Helen. &J'tba. Sharon, Helibert a nd David Graham

Graham Family Bids Farewell On Leaving For New Charge 'In McLeansboro, Illinois Next Sunday. J an . 5, 1947- will bring to a clGse a four yea r mir.istJ of Mr. u,nd H I'oort G ralha m and fam.ily aL ,the F ElTY ehrlich 01 Christ. The Gra hams came to Ferry from Rushsylva.n.da. Ohio in Novem ber of 1943. Duri ng their minis t ry at F erry. siX'tY -I~ lne l1a'Ve been .dded to U\e cilllroh . Thr·'!e youn g peoplc's groups have been orgahized aud a prayer me:eting of the cht~Qh was also star ted . Today they are Justly proud of the fine 6 rouP of your.g peepl and tHeir lmowl dge Ol Goo's WI:H·O . !'he ha s grown from an average of 75 p el Sund y to 140. . Mr. G radl&m Poter d the Ch r lst.inn Ministry Ir. Oc l.obcr of 1937 having 'oeel ordained 1n the ch urch nt Rush ylvanin. B ·fare ente!'irg rJ'lC minlst.l'Y he spen t &. mun'ber cf year ' OI~ the road as an va elisLi i1:gcr a n he till uses l1i ~ voice to sing th e g o ~ pel !'tory. H has bee n actIve through t·h y n ; In young peop l ~ 's wO'l'k . He servE'cl tile last feul' Y III'S as purch;u,.!r:g a gen t for the Trl- Sl'a e C;h ~isUan Service Camp. He WIll b mi ' ~eo ill a mp t his sea s.oll but st.a·ted h e has a,lready bee n ontnct,,;:1 t() help In a. ~th er cmnp in Illmois th . coming s ummer. Ou t of the church h e has tak :1 an ae vc part in t.h:e life .:If tllle ~ l ' ~y ~I~ ~n bear: g of r igl~tiOl"... a~ Ferry, , vc4ted tbeir c.pln bY' st!\ltti'tg 'thq -h q ., . e '~ .use 31 'wlli~ !.( l1a meant to .the commur.lty , During h e war He' ked for one ,Q'f the local UJlderLaking stabl 1r.'6nts. drc. e a I actor for the fa.rmers whe ll tney n eed d help and throllgh it. all al ,·a.ys had a smile fo r eVelYene. W aynesville and co mmuni ty ' will miss his h rry g r etl.n gs. Mr . Gra ham. wl) cm he met llc:!.1nalTled 1.1'. 1938 has b en :J. cOlls:.a nt help to h im in th eIr laoCil's for Wle LoIrd~le too ha found a place III \11 h enl'ts of all \\'110 11 0\' com t.o kJ10W hm·. Dw· their r. 1I 1l1 ury at .Fe rry he has taugh.t a cia comp:> d c f t h older women of lJ)(; CllUrc.ll. I.e 119 also been tCRch l g : 111 .'ra nee on('~ a month in t. I~ )Jul;) IC sc h co s cl \V I\~ uC's\'l ll e. . In nddltl c.!' ( '1 \hls 51)!' fu mci \ 11 11C to ral ~ th re fin c hil iir ~ n ~';' h() no\\' bl'ss III hem e. DO\'lcl I f \'('n y ~l rS o r ag e and h a.< been. slllden , 1()1 t h e second gra de Of "he local schOOl. S halion is .five years of agc alld E.'1'. l1a I tln·ce . The Graham s will mo\' Mcneiay. J al' . 6. 'to begin n \I w we'k in McLeollSbl)l'O. 111. Mr . G ruha m hill; a(:<:(p~c d a ca ll t.() b ~colJ1e le mi nU ' oi ,the FiI1 l ChTlsLian Church of Ula L cit.y . While Wla YI~csville and ccmnm nhy w1l1 mll;s th m i ' 10 Is th it' ga in . Be:1i wlsd1 s t el' .good luc k. fln d much h nppi ne Ii 1.1" Ih ir new fl Id ('l la bor g.oes with .tJl m .




. Young Farmers Give Dinner Party

Georgie DaNies &l1owp judgi ng a Ohampion White Rock a t t.he SouthGe01~e Davis ' Qf Waynesville. n8ern Oh!.o Poulta"y Institute Show ,tionally 'known powtPy judge will held iI! Dayton recel1't.Iy. be one oif t he officia,l jud·g es a,t Mr. and Mrs. Hwrtley R . Moss tJ)e OO~h Annua~ Bo6tor_ Proul~ are amlounc1r.g tl e m arriage of Show aiL the Boston Garden t his t heir daughrer Ellen to Mil'. Lyle year . Fox. son of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Thwis w111 judge ,t he champion Fox of Dayton forn\erly of W a ynesbil'(\s among Wle entries of m r e ville. In the presence of Ule imth anl 6000 chicken s. one of the lar- m ediate families 'the double rir.g The t wo act comedy "Sou th of gest group ir. the history of Ibhe ceremony was solemnized BIt 4 :30 P . M . Saturoa.y December 21, wt the Wa yr.esvllle'·. Will be s baged at t11f:: n atic.n s oldest show. h omeo! thc bride's parents with Wo.yncsvme High Soh ool WednesMI'. an d Mrs. Davies ooer a<t.e the day J a nuary 8th a t 8 :15 P. M. by na t1onru ly known Olenw1~ Fanns on Rev. H erbert Graham of Ferry ' ofno1 ath~g . the Wa,yn e T or.W1Ship American Le- Lytle rOM near Higway 48. Here The bride WG1'e a powder b lue gion Post . th ey specialize ir. producing sta.ndDespilte the extremely bad wealthcr a.1'd !bred Rhod e Island Reds. W1hi,t e street length dress ItJrirruneid wi th on the night of December 21st. thE.' Leg h orns and Whlte Plymouth gold sequins and carried red roses. Mrs . Fox was graduated from first showing of "Soutlh of W8iY1~e s ­ R<lcks. Waynesville High School a!nd tl!e ville" was a financial success and Tohey operate their OWl) small UIl1versiLy of Cineirmat L College of al.l wh o saw it !Werc well pleased. hatchery, broilcr wnd dressing plant. Nurs ing and Hea1th. She has a posLe\v Robinson. writer and director of tlhe play advises thrut the play has besides handl!r.g well over a 1000 lUon at the Children 's in Ia.ying heroS. Colwnbus. been sUghtJY' revised and almost Chiohens from the Olenwin Fanus Mr. Fox als.o a grn.dulil,te of dwbled in length which will make it well worth while for all who saw have wen many national honors Wa,ynesville High School served tJhe first produotion to come agajn. ar.d at the present several pens three years in th!e armed :service. tA dance will 'be held, following t he of boos are entered in eastern 'l ay- He is COllIt.m\W'.g ;his stuklies at Ohlo s 't ate University, ing conJtests, . tJlow.

American Legion Repeating Show

The Wayn e YOUllig .Fanners a ssooiaticm eJ'lftertarJned their wives and lady h'iends 'a nd celebrated with a dinner and tl!ea ter pai1'ty at Day ton on la$ Frida y everjng . Those in wttendance were; Mr. an d Mrs. Ronald Salisbury. Mr. and Mrs. Henll'Y SatterthIWatte. Mr. and MTS. Edwir. Surface, Mr. and Mrs . George Wical. Mr. and Mrs. BUly Hisey. Mr, Willard Furnas and Miss MHdlNd SaliSlbu.l\Y, Mr. Junior Sherwood and Miss B cttleSatter thwaite, also Messrs . D aJe W atkins. D avid FurnM. William Moss. Phillip Hartman, Robert Wilson. Narti.han Ha.rt.mEU:, Charles . JOTleS and Advs ior J. B. crabbe. FELLOWSHIP MEETING Tale youth Fello wship of t h e MethodiM. Church h eld a holiday party in the church baseme nt on F1rlday evening. About forty were present. Games were played and refreshments served at the close of the meeting.

Golden Wed iog; Birthda~bserved Mr. and Mrs. A. K. Day announced this week they observed their Fift ieth W1edding AnllivCl·sity. and also the B11'1thday Ar.niversity of Mrs. Day on Monday. Dec. 30. A few friends caUed to extend theil' best wishes to the couple . Their son a nd wile .Mr. and Mr . Frank D&y arrived firom Wltn.chestet·, K y. or. Monday evendng to visit with ~em.

The Days are natives df K entuoky having com.c to Ohio .a.boot twent y-seven yerurs ago and to Wayr~svil le in 1926. Mr. D!\IY h a.s operate his <E'Y ~oo ds store herE: since !.halt time. Oongu'atulaLions of Lhe en·Lire community extended \..() Mr. a nd Mlrs. D ay on this mcm c"riable occasion, GRAY'S ENTERTAlN CIIRISTMAS GUESTS Mrs. A. E . Bowman of FraUkllr, and Mr. a nd Mrs . Charles Lupton of Xenia were Ohl.istmas guests of ,MI. and .Mrs. OrvUle Gray. .

may be served by causing a true used bo receive seW8.g'e or other do- THE MIAMJ GAZETTE - Pap I copy thereof to Joe h8J~ded to such me&t.Ic wastes. whlch may be over- WA YNESVILLE. OIUO - NO. 4291 owner or lefrt SI~ his or i~ . usual flowed to a leaching oe\S6 pool. pro- THURSDAY. JANUARY 2. 1941 pla.oe Of busl.ness or residence. ill vided there 18 no danger of OOIlltami?ubllshcd Every Thursday by DAVISSON PRESS the vlllagle; or if personal service rAting a ~r supply. wei!. or FLOYD L. DAVISSON, Editor oo.nnot be made in the v1l1age and spring. anl! the soU is of aboorbenl sanitary sewer. aJ'ter same Is opened 3:nt cred as Second Cla..<:.s MaLter at the Post Office the owner has l~O place of business chalra.cter. otherwise. a tigh t cess ~ Mayor' proalamatdon aJ'oresa!d <'II' re51dence In said village. then by pool only shall be used or S~ge shall be cleaned to t he bottom o.rui Subscription Rates : $1.50 per Year in Advance attaching same tc:) the prtnclpal face treatment works shall be oonstruo - tilled with ashes or ea.rbh 1mmedlof such building, structure. plant, ed. wly, or within the perotd pennitNational Advel-tising Representatives device or object. 1. When Permitted - TIght 01' ted in the proclama,t lon of the D. RIght to Enter Pennlses- leacll1ng ce&s pools may 00 used to Mayor of Wle 0pen1r.g the Oh io Weeklies, 'Inc., 2465 W. Broad Street, Any persor. cha.I1ged with the en- receive seWAge or other don'e~tic sewers as nforesa.ld . Columbus 4, Ohio foroement of th1s ordina.nce, or any wastes only when wrJttel ~ pNmisslon 3. OonstJruc~loll- Ail vauil6, piUi, ORDINANCE NO. 191 said Oomm.lssion to make. or cause law in force in the vlllage a.pplica- to that effect has been secured from or other open top l'eserYoirs as m~nTO ESTABLISH A BUILDINQ to be made. a fir.a1 !nspection of ble bo the same stlbject matter. shall the Building and SaniltaJUon Com- t;1oned lnt the 'Preoeding sectdons CODE RElG'ULATING THE EHEC- all build1l18'S and structures included have the right to enter upon any mission, and such penn l...slon can be shall be OOtl6tructed of eiLher brick nON AND CONSTRUCTION OF. under the provisions or this oroi- bullddr.g site. premjBeSo property. or ,give~ only when a public sewerage or concrete of a thlc1o!ess not less ALTERATIONS IN. AND REPAIR nance before any such ,building or grounds. or into a.m" oornpleted system Is not ava.1lalble. :than six (6) 1ncl1eS. VauiUi shall be OF Btrm:DINGIS AND u'I"HDR structure Is occupied. and if said building. or into SillY buildlllg under 2. When Prohtblted:- No cess pool made tight, and sealed with cenwnt S'PRUOI'UiRES AND THE SAN 1- structure is in confonnity to this ~ruct!on. repair, alteratior.. or for sewage shall be constr ucted ilJIOlItar. Vauia; shall be ~lgJlIt and TARY OONDlTIONS THEREOF ordinance. to Issue a written certi:fi- removal, or iIlIto a ,ny building alleg- where a sewt'r is avaUable. fI.,Or shall tJldr wa.lls continued twelve 112) !"OR THE ENroRCEMENT OF cBlt.e thereof IX> the owner. Tile ed tlO be unsafe. or a mena.oe to life., any ooDll1OOtion f~'(/Jn such cess pool inciles 81bove Wle gyr<nmd surface to SUOH B'UJlLOI!NG CODE AND FOR Oommission shall be notified when 11lnb or health. or into anty buUdJng be made 'With any sewer. prevent surl'a.oe PENALTIES FQR THE VIOLA- sald building or structure Is ready . alleged bo 100' dlllITliaged or mer.aoed 3. In Exlsting 'Bu1ld~gs .- CeliS G Laundry and Utility Room6TJON THEROOF. for iI16peCtlon. by fire. at all reason81ble hours. upon pools now existing in premises ac- It ~ hereby declalOOd to be unlawfui BE rr ORDAINED by the Council te) .Duties ot ~lice : It shall be shov.tng his badge or other creden- cessl.ble to a saaUitary se~e r. a fter and a violation of Wus ordJl'I8IIliCe tor of 'tile VUlage of WaynesvUle, State the duty of the Marshal to a.scer- tlials of oUice. amllCl any person or same is ~ned by Mayor s procla- allY res1denL1wl struoture to be cona! OhJo: tair. whether a pennit has been persons 1nJtel'fering with him ill the matlon, an(1 cess pwls tha~ m. y t61l.Ict.ed. ereore<i, 01' moved UPOl'. any FIRST: That the followilOg pro- Iss~ed for the construction. altera- per1omla.nce of such duties shall be hereafter Ibeoome aooessIble . to a land within the corporate llmd.1t; of vi· Ions hall ' constitute and be tion. Or repair of any building or guilty of viClla.t1ng the provJsiOns of sanitary seftr sharll be discontinued. tJle Village of Waynesvllle. wlUch la:own as the Building and Sanita- stl'tK:ture that may be in progress this ordinance and l1able to the emptied of their contenU>. cleaned structure does not contain : ( 11 tk1n Oode of the of Waynes- 01' cperatJon within ilhe Village of penalties provided therefor. out. and be filled with earth or eith'N a cel1a~ or basement room ville. Wayn;esvllle, and if ~one has ,been E. Civil Whenever ashes. and the house sewer shaU be with 8 oement floor and standud Pa rt 1. Admindstra tior.. The pro- procured to requil1e a cessat ion of a.ny otficer ~~ wi~ enforce- d1.soonm'Iected from the old cess pool dm1ns adequate rOJ' the PU!I1po6e of vt.s1on c4 <tlbls Ordinance shall be wOl'k thereon and inmled1ately re- ment of this ordinance is S8Jt1sfled and be reoonr-ected with the publlc carryir.g lawldry 'I\o'8.t&. debris. and adm1n4.stered by the Building and POrt ,th~ fact to the ~u11d1ng Oom- that any prov1sl.OIIl 'I\o1th· the en- sewer. o1Jher w.1Ull waste ma.<t.ters; or (2) Sanitation Oornmlss1on of !.he VU- mission. and if required !by said forcement of which he Is charged or D . UnlawfUl to COtUlleCt to UMpen- It no basement or ceilail' is included lage of WaynesvUle. which Oom- Commlssl'On, he sha.ll inuned1ately any law ill force in the v111age ap- ed Sewers- It is unlawful and ~ in the proposed structure, a separate mlss1or. sh8ll1 consist of three memb- cause a prosecution to be b~ fo r plicable to the sa;me ubject mnt- violatlon of this oromar.ce for an) uttUty room with a cement floor ers or Councll. nominated by the the violation of ,this Code. tel'. has beeno violated or is about to person or persons. fl.rJn, corporation and stOtndard dr&I.ns adequate tor mayor each twelve mOUths. (!) A Boa.rd of Sta.ndru'Cls. con- be violated In any respect: or that being the owner. or having control the PlWPQ6e at qurrytng Ia.Wldry A. Requirements for Permits. s1sting of a builder, a. lIOcal bus1ne~ any order or direction made in pur- of any building CJr struoture or part ",uter debr1.s and other waste matRIeoords 8IIld Inspections. man. and a third person who shall suance of thls ordinance has r.ot thereof Ito attach sewer dralr.s or ters Srud ce'llar or ba.senWl'!lt room 1. Before . proceeding with the be an of real property within been complied with. or ls being dls- WI\V other dommtic <!mins to the and'lor utility room sh~ll provide erect1cm. construction, !1il~ra.b1vn , or the vlllage OO1'pOl'allion. shall be ap- regarded; ,a.nd whenever he is sa,t ls- sewerage dIsposa,1 sYstem now under adequaLe space for furnace or heaItr pair of. or addltlon to any oul1d- poinbed. annUally by the Mayor. The ned that civll proceedimgs will ltc col16tifUction until ~ proclama.tion iug plaut. adequate to lieast. the ing or structure included ,under the du<ues of such Board <will be to beal' either for the enforcement ot said of the Mayor of the of strucLw'e to a 'temperature ot 1I0t prov1s1'OtlS of t.h1s ordins.nce, a per- and determine all from t.he ordinance or 1aIws. tiD restrnill or cor- Way.nesvllle atoresrud Clpening said less than 68 . F'8.hrem.heit at aU times mit iJhereforc shall fir t be obtalned decisions of the Buildir.g Oomm1s- Teet the viola:t4.on tlhereof. or 't o pre- sewerage dlspoeal system to public or to heat the portions or rooms or by the or his agent. 3.1'chltect. sion, and its dec1si'On to 8Iff1ml. I'e- fent the ocoupatlon. or w;e of any m;e . k~ no event or under no circum- sa.~ silructure which IIII"e 1;0 be Il:led contractor 01' builder from the v<erse. Or modlfy. shall be, f1n&l . iAJl,Y build:lng or other structure as herein stances shall oonnection be made or during the cold seas ns 01' tohe YIl'W'. !Building and Sanitation Commls- person. firm or coIlpOl"auon deserv- provided thalt is being constructed. house sewers disc.haTged into said bedrooms not 1r.cluded N bion. and it .s1)a.11 be UTl!1nwfui to 1ng to appeal f~ a ruling of 't he altered or mn1r.ia1ned In violatton sa.mtary sewers exce-pt a.t polilits and &ha.Jl be uood r~ laundry :: conlmence 01' proceed with such Bu11~g Oommiss1on sha.ll file wiW1 of this orddnance. be shall apply to under such It'equ1rements as the u tU1t\· Ul >OOeS th pec1fi ti S w'OIlk unJess ooh permit shan have said Oomm1ss1on a 'oW'itten appLica- ·the Village SoUCitOlr for the pur.pose Building ur.d Samte.tion Oommisslon of t. e s 1 1 !1r&t been obtalJ~edl ; and 110 stwh tion 1'or a hearing or his case by 'le of instituting o1v11 proceedings in the shall prescribe. after the Mayor's )rOVis!on f ~~ o~p y e I s O ance. PE'rmit shall be Issued untll after Board of S candards; and shall de- name of the VUlage; provided. how- p1'OC1amat1on aloresaid. tt,e plans and speclfications have posit ten ($10.00 dollars to be appli- ever. t hat nothing in this sectior . E , Oess POOls and Valu ts- Con1. Basement Rooms u:;ed for Cook1bE~ examined and approved by ed to th'e cost of conducting a hear - and no aotlon taken tJ1ereunder. structlon RequJremeOJts. Ulg or Sleeping PlU1>Q6eS- All be.<se61I1d Oolll'lJl1ss1lcm. For the pW'pose tog on SUCh appeal. NO part of this shall be held to exclude such 1. 'IlJght Cess Pools- A water- ment, or cellar room~ used tor cooko f this aot. ordinary m<e.interAnce sum shall be refunded f01' any crlm1nal proceedings as may be <tight oas:s pool for dralooge shall iI1g purposes: and all basemellJt find ~Ir of existing strucwres 15' cause. Sa.14 BOO4'd shall have au- authOrized by this O1'd1r.anoe or any not be less than six (6) feet ill dift- room.., used tor sleeping or lIving h ereby exoluded from the provislon thOI'lt)' to subpoena witnesses. COlO- of Ilhe or or,dlinanees In force meter by ten (10) feet deep 1r. the purposes. shall have lh'e wa.l:Is ~ l lequlr1ng ' bu!ild1ng pennits. This pel attendance thereof. Bduunlstet' in the Village or <i:<) exempt anyone clear. or equ1vnleDlt, built of cast f10C1'S of such' rooms thoroUjlhly ola.use Shall n'O~ exclude. however. oalths, pu.n1$h 1'01' oontempt, compel vjolathig this oIXIl1'I8DCe or any of Iron. vitnifted brick eight (8 ) Inches wateq>roo1led . Top floors Of sudh lill Y such repairs or alterations productio~ of documentary evi- the said laws from 8l!Y penalty thick laid in Pont.1and cement mor- sleeping Toom.s shall be of wood which in ar.y manner affect or per- dance. and do aU things necessary I\\' hich' may be incurred. tar. or IPortlalIld cement concrete 01' ollher comparnbl m8Jtertal. All tal'l1l <to cond4tions controlled by this for a proper hearing. The members 'F. Penalties for 'Violation of this eJ.ght ( 8 ) inohes thick. 8l!d llUlde ~ch rooms and spaces below the ordinance. In all Cases where doubt shall 1981'Ve without COlllipensat1on, ordinance- Any pel'SOTl or per- watertight and ma1ntadned so. fIr.>t sLOry shall be ventilated purm ay exist. Ii .p ermit must 'be first except for actual expenses incurred. sons, firm or oorporatjon being t he (a) Loca.tion- No tight cess pool sual1lt t.Q tihe prov1s1ons of Lhis ordiObtained J>Ul'suant tlo the pl'Ovisior. PIIIJ"t liI. Viblations ru~d PeualtJe owner. or having control of MlY shall be placed within two (2) 't eet nance. of this ordinance. . - It shall 'be unlawful for a:ny per- bullding or structurE! or pa.11t thereof. of ~ lot line. or tW61 ty (20) feet H. Artificia:1 Illwn!natllor. Require2. AppliC81tions- Appl1cat loIl5 for son or persons. finn or corporntion who violaotes any at the provisions of &Dy building or cistleIT~ or thirty ments- El'eCtrical srstems and a.ppenntts shall be made ()Itl! 'f otms as to donstruct. bulld erect. or Cl\use of this ~. or faJls to obey (30) ' teet of any well. spring. or pUIlillOOS shall comply with the pr,e sc.ribed by'said Oommlssion and 00 be consl.ructed. built. or erected. any order of any offlcer ohar'ged other source 01. water supply used Na.tional ElectJrlc Oode as recomshall be a.ooampanied 'by the v.wk- without rnaking said 'building 0001- with the en!oroeme:nt of the proVi- for drlnking or ouHnary p\JIlpOSeS · metlded lby tJle 'N at4onal Fire PIr'Oir.g ;plaIl5 and speclficaHonB. sub- ply with <the requirements and pro- stons of this ol' In rela,t ion (b) Vents- 'I'lght cess pools shall tect1an Assoclrution. National ,B oard ml<tted in duplicate one copy of visions relating ,t hereto constained in to the matters and things herein be vented with fOW' (4) inch' vent of Fire Undel'writms. whtch shall !be retained by said this ard1nanoe. Ilt shall be unlawful contained. shall be gul1ty or a m4s- pipes elGter..d1ng not less than ten I . Room Areas. L\tPht Requireoler.,~. w7TU'lU8sl.0nand the other for ror- for any arehitect, englr.eer. contrac- demea;nor. II4ld upon conviction (10) feet above the gII'Ound' and not 1. Dimenslol\s ' of Rooms: ~l1al a.pprovnl and bo ·b e returned tor, builder, sub-OOllIUrao'tor, for~- thereof. shall be subject to ill penality less than 1.wenty (20) feet from (a) Height- Every Uving or sleep'WIth Ibhe permit to the owne-r. his man.. mas<m. ,plumlber. c!lJl)enter. of a tine 0'1 not less than five ($5.00) any 'Window. door or other opening 1ng room sh84l have a cle&ll' he~t agen<tl 8JrChdtec~. oon:tra.ctor. ur electrician. employee. or other per- dollM'S. ~or mOl'e than five hur.dred in buildings used for humar. halbtt- of not less than seven and one-half builder. . son IX> violate. Or assist In violating. ($500.00) dollars. ~e .same to 'be at ation. • (7 31, ) teet provided <that SUCh rooms (a) :All appllmt.1ons. drawings, any of the provisions of this ordi- the deooretion ot th4~ Court. depend2. Leaching Cess Pools. in Itbe 8Itt1c need be of such spec1_ epec1f.1catlons. detialls and state- nance. ent upon the chenoc:ter of the act (a) Oon.stlruotion- A leaching cess tied height in but one-qua.rter <. ~) rot-nts shall be dated when received A. Report on Vlolati'OO- When involved. ~ and. every day on pool shAn be not lea! than the di- of 't helr area. t;>y said CornnUssion at1o(i elC8mined any person represents <that a. oon- wJl<1ch any persor. or persons. finn . mensions of ehe w8itet1tlg:ht cess pool. (b) ~ - In every d~ In the 'O.rder!Of their receipt. and no dition or Ithir.g exists Whle]1 is in or .c01ipol'ation continues to violate llr.ed wlitho br\0k or stone. without house. all rooms elOOept water closet. appllC81tion shall be plUiSed out oC violatl'On of <this orcMna.nce, 01" of any the provdsians of ' this ordinanoe mortar. . oompart,ments, and batb rooms. shall Ate regular order unless t,h e bt11ld- law in force in the vll1.a,ge a.ppli- after havjng been ltlOtHied of such (b) LoC8ition- No leeching cess be of the following IlIlintmum. sizes: ID{rs or structures are- of a complex C81ble to the S8I1D'e sUbject Ins.tter. viol8ltion shall constitute a oopli.rate pool . shall 'b e place<t within fif ty In eaCh home or apa1Unent there dla racter <whiCh prolonged it shall be <the duW forthwith of offense. (50) ~ of ~ dwe1llng or water- shall be at least one (1) room canexnminn.tL'On and inspeotl'on. the Bullding Commimion to eXllllUne Pall1t II. Oonstruotion Requirements. tlg1ht cls~rn. or within three hund- not less tthari one bta'ldred lib) F ees for Penn1ts and Ins pec- such col!dJti'on 'or thing or cause It A. Water Supply- In every d!\Wn- red (300) feet of the SQUJ'OO of any (120) squa,re feet in area.. All spaces tll-r.s: to !be examined. A proper reoord 1ng 'house, where public water mains supply. It ls hereby declared less t.ha.n seven'ty (70) square feet (1) The fee<) fOI' pemliUi for !bulld- shall be kept of all sudl repl'esent- wre reasonably a.ocess1ble. such house t.o tbe a 'public nu1sanoe a~d a viola- ill area shall be OOnsJdered as closets lngs. inc1ud1l1g rrew buildings and at10ns wtth the naanes of the p er - shaU be provided with runnlr-g water tion of 1Ilh1s ord!nance for any oe68 or alcoves. al terat ions or additions to ex1st.\ng sons them. of ·the hoUse; and whJen sucn pooL t;oJlet. or prlvey vnult now in (c) CUbic contents - No room lbulldings. shall be at the rate of B. NoU!Jcation of Viola tJon- water ma.l.ns are not; accessible such use and opefti:tion within the Corp- shall have less !than five hund«'ed lOre dollaa' and fifty cents ($1.50 ) When in any inspeotion by the house shall have ather water. suit- oration. llmlts of t:he Village of and sixty (560) cubic feet of con'I)(>r thousand. or .0015 per cent of BuilcMng and Sanl:t.a.tion Oomml5- Sible f()l' aU d'OIJlestJc use. suppUed Waya:JeSv111e. to drain or In any way ren<tB, alcoves and closeots excluded. th entire value of the 'WOrk; excep t sian. condooted because of the t'egU- eit her within Itbe house or within ddscl' inJto any open gut~r or 2. Area- rn houses t'hnt . no j)el1ltldt shall be IbSued for lar ~'\()rk of SIldd' 'body. or because Of twelve (12) feet th~~reof. vbher' stm'faoe Or' sub-surl'ace drain the 'total glass nrea for each room. e. fee less than one dollar and fifty a thing of oondit!on represeDited B . Water Closets or Toilets- In which 'enters. Cl'066e$. or otheM5e toilet room cotnpM1tment. bath cent:; ($1.60). to ~ a violation of any ,provision every dwell1r.g bouse. where a public otooohe6 the property lines of any room. or room contatnlng any slop (2) Inspect1an.s. When a.tlIY per- of thlls code or any law or ordinance wallea'1'nad:n< and/or a sewerage sys- other property ~er. Notioe shaJI sink or slnular fimure. shall not be son. f.inn or CX)l'JJOration shall de- relating bo 1..he same subject matter. ~ 8Il"e reasO!l8lbly la.ccessible. there be given an(l violatloTlS C011rected l~ <tlhOn one~l'lIth Of the fIloor rire 00 ' In};pootion ot any existing such violation sbaU !be four.d 'to shall be .proiVided a water closet or only after notice 'anki in aocorda.nce area of the same; except IbhaIt the ,ulld!ng or PM't 1..hereof. a fee llor e.x lst. the Oomm1sslon shall forth- f.()Uet within the house. A sepall'ate W\tth the ,prov1ston of this Oode . mlndmum allowable g,l ass a<rea shall ,\I('h 1r.spectlcm shall be charged ,with. g<lve noUce 'Of suCh viola.tlon room must be provided for this purF. Use of Privy Vaults. not be less than tftlve (12) );quare IJt the mite of two dollars ($2.00) tor to the owner or owners of such pose. 1. Where PermtttJed- Privy vaults feet for any room. or three (3) C. Sewers. Ce9I Pools and Va.ult&- may be constructed only or. prem- square feet for any tol1et room. 'I\ch hour. or part thereof. lOt time buHddng, st ruC'tUTe or object of th e ~onsumed '~ bhe inspections. NO' fee ocmd1tlon existing ar.d shall order The dale that the saintary sewerage i6es where rbotlh village water and bath room or room COllt&lnir~ any 5hn.ll be charged for 1nspeettons such changed. repair alteration or dlspooal system of tbe mun!o1pallty. sewers not avnila:ble. and after slop sink ~ slmU8I' f,i xtUre WIlen causer by ~Irnts againSt ex:lst- addition as it shall deem necessary now under construct1or.. will be open w11btelli penn1ssionhas been obtain_ rooms a<re in COll!Ileotlon with' alooves blg bulldlllllp. t<> mak1e the same oonflnn to tJ;le to the use of the publlc shall be ed from ~e Bulldhlg and SerJ,ta- thaIt are not provided with w1ndow'B (c) Verlftcatton of Value- The prov1s1ons of thls 00dIe. and all publicly amlounced. by ,p roclamation Uon ~on. such roc:xrns and a.Icoves sh8ll ~ Bulld1r.g and Santtilltion Oommfsslon Other and ordins.nces rela.tln ll: of the ma.yor. UntU that date. or 2. Where Prohibited- Privy vaults cor.noot.ed by an opening without 8h&ll have the rlght to verify or oor- to the same ~bJeot matter. It shall wherever a sewer L!;, not 8M).iJable. shall not be constructed where a doors, of not less than bWen,ty (20) IleCt the estimated ' value or any be unlawful for any owner not t v and written autho.r1t;y has been se- ~ s:y&.em is ava.lla.ble after peroen,t of the ~ wall and proposed building or struotU1'e. ad.. oonform.. to such orders of the Com- cured tl-om the 'BUiUding Comm4s- the Mayor's proclamation mentfon- the glass area. of 'the mom in con diUon 01' alteratton. missiOn ~h1n the ti.m.e set forth s400 to construct II. cess pool and ed aforesaid. nor shall any old vault nedt10n therewith shall be not; 1~ (d) PInal Inapecttan and ~rtifi- In such orders. there 1s ,sufflc1eot area. for the pur- be cor.rtected ro a sewer. V\luits now tJhan one-tenth (l / 10) 01. th _ C'ation- It shall be the duty of the C. Servloe of Notice- Such notioe pose. a W'atertlght OI~I may b e ex1:>ting on premises a.ooesstble to a bined area at' such room andeal: .

The Miami Gazette ESTABLISHED 1 850



= wi::

Mrs. Ralph Parks near Dayton. Mr. and Mn"s. L . W . Chandler, Mtss Gerrtlrude Char.dIer with Mrs. Mae Ha.rrlsor. of Cincin1l8Jt1 spent Ohiristmas day with Misses Ru th and El1Z1llbebh. Ohandler. Santa ClaIus did not forget the Ft1eods' Hoole for he anived or. Monday evening with bells jlln gling and acoompanied by h.1s choir. We not only er.joye.d the carols but


\ When a.n alcove has any commWl1caUng openings 60 covered by dbors as not to be In complla.r.ce with the a:bove provisions IOf 61~ the glllS8 area required fOl/' 8UCh a.lcove shall be not less than one-ten!..h (111 0) of the floJiT 84"ea 011 suoh al~ve: except thwt. the minlmwn a~owable glass area shall nut be less !..han ten (10) square


This secUor.. shan be h eld applicable. in a.d(!4,tion. to Cellar 01/' basement I'OOIru! used for cooking and for sleeping pu:I1pOee6. (a) LocaItion of W1ndows All windows shall open directly upon a str'eet. alley. ya.rd or court. (,b ) Helghit-- The top of at least oo.e (1) window in each room shall not be less than 'f ive (5) foot. (c) Ventilation - Each required window shall be so oonstructed thMs <me halr of its Q.l'ea l'l1ay 'be opened tx> the fuJest extent. J . F'9undWt101!S- No dlweillng shall be constructed whlch is not set. upon and suppooted by a full fOlmdatlon. whe'teher said building be with or \\1thout cellar or basement room. Such foundat1or.. shall be of cemen t, reck. of combined cement and rock materIal, and &hall be COnstructed tropl !..he bulldlng to at least twelve inChes <12") below the existing groW1d lC'Vel. Second: Each seotlor.. of this ordinance. and every .p art of each section. is h ereby declMed to be Independent secUons and parts of sections. ard the holding of any section or part thereof to be void and ineffective for an\y cause. shall not be deemed to wffect any other section or p&a"t ,thereof. Third : All ord lmmces. regulations, resolutior.s, aald adm1nlst.rSJUve rul1np of the Village of WaynesvUle inconsistent wl!..h this Code are here_ ~ repealed.

Dr. Robert Gregg of PltltSburg. who has been vlsting h.1s parents. Dtr. and Mrs. F . B . Gregg, left Sunda.y moming for l'rls hollU!. Miss Laura MoKinsey Is spending the holldays wt the home of her sist.«, Mrs. Earl Swe.Jn neal' I.e\)anOn . Mrs. Lucd.le Ann1<tage enjoyed ChII'Istl'l1aS day wi!..h her daughter Mrs . Wbodrow OWens aald family In SprIngfield, Ohio. Misses M.1nne DodsOn ar.d Ruth ChandiLer. and Mrs. Evelyn Peterson attended the New Century Olub F1rlday a.fternoor.. wt the hOme of Mrs. Cl"aIbbe. Misses Anne and Marne Brown w€'I'e Ohrlstmas Day guests of Rev .

also the genEroUS tceat 'W~1.c.h he left for each one and we thank them all sin cerely. Mn". and Mrs. Vernon B of East :sa.nk. W . Va. called on Misses Marne and Annie Brown on Swturoay afrerr.oon. Mr. Carl SnUth spent Cru-istrna.s D ay at the h.<1l1le of h1s bIi-other, Mol'. Ben Smith nOO4" Ja.rrulStOwn Where a happy fa.mily gat:hering was held. Mr. and MTs . Allen Bacon. and IPr.. and daughlber of Cleveland v1sit-

ed their aunt Mrs. Evelyn Peterson No ma.c.h1ne yet bullt. will haa"vese Sunday evening. a crop from the Ohio farm lanu - wh.1ch ~as gone down the river.

RHEUMATISM! Sufferersl Tr,. REINER'S RlNOLI Comfort.1ng relief trom pa1nIJ of rheumatlam. arthrit1& neurltJa, lum~ FREE B<X>XLET. Aak tor Relner's Rtnol. Why sutter lancer ? Waynesville Drug store. ttc

!II• • • • • • • • • • • • •


" .

Your k idneys nrc constantly fil t er :n lt WMto mnttN fr o m th" blood strca m. But k illn ) •• eo mc l lmcB la(; In l ht. r work- tlo n ot a ct ns Nnt uro In:ondcd- Cn ll to rc· m ove i mp u rit. ies that, if retn ln d. mny p oioon t~e oyste m lind u pset t h~ w h c ~o b ody mach inery. Symptom. rnn)' b e n"cu ing bncka ·be. p illiatent. hoacJac:hc, lltt-nrlt8 o( d l\S8 . lIe tting up n lllMa. swe lling. pu mn .a. u n d or t be ~)' ''.-a fedi u\: o f Il er vuus /ln xiety /lnd lou of· pe f' nnd .tren~ t h. t b r aign. of kidnoy or hladder d isorde r /lre aomotlmM burnlnll. Icallly or t<>o fr quent u rination . Thoro sbould bo no doubt that prompt treat me nt i. w ieer than neglecl. Uac Doa" ', Pill,. Doan', bnve been ,.,Inn inlt n e w fri end. f or more tban for ty yenrs _ Tbey bave a n ntion-wlde reputatio n. Are recommended by grat fulpeep!ti tbe country Ovor. Ask I/Ollr ne ighbor! •


Live Wire and ~.e. AD orpnlsatlon aecond to nODe. Stricti,. teDera on tbe beM aD IU'01IDd market

In the ClOUDtr:r.

Service That Satiafiea TUNE TO Dayton 1:30 - Dial 1300 WLW Cincinnati 12 :40 D1a.l 700 For OUI' Oan,. Market Report




FO.R Any -make or model Fred Kahn Motor Car Co. PHONE 326


Ofl1 e rut Mary Earnhant 's


CELLOPHANE TAPE in Red and Green 25% OFF


XENIA,----Fertilizer 454 Reverae


Xenia O.

CARTER'S INK Black and Blue 2 for 15c



HORSES $5.00 COWS $3.00




Jlclp Them Clean c the Bloo d of Hnrmful Dody Waste

WARREN BRADIX>CK Mayor Pas&ed: December 2, 19~ Attest: CHARLES JAMES Clerk

Every family wUl cherish the mem o ory ot a last tribute that wa' dJgn1tled and fitting · !r. every

NORRIS BROCK CO. ClnelnDatl Union Stoek Yarcla

E. G. Buchaieb, Inc.

The MIAMI GAZETTE ~-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Telephone 2291

The New Year is lik e a ship coming in, its hold crammed with a precious cargo from ports unknown.



North St.

We take tais opportunity to t hank our fri ends of this community for the good will, patronage and cooperation extended us during ·the past year. We ap.p reciate your understanding of our efforts to serve you. It is our

It is our earnest hope that its arrival .will mean for you much that was unexpected in both material a nd spiritual ble'ssings.



wish t hat each of you enjoy t he fullest measure oft happiness and uccessful achievetnent in the' New Year.


From the joy and happiness of the Yule season we gain strengt~.....and fortitude to meet the problems of tomorrow. Our hope for you is that the New Year will bring no problems you cannot reudil y solve, and thalt all will be smooth sailing. May yo ur, mind be brighter, your heart be lighter, and t he road ahead easier:




W.ynesville, O~, ~holle 2422



Fairley Hardware Store

f-~e 6-LaSalle hotel hotel fire fire in In ChlcUo ChlcUo taka takea 81 11

June June

lo-Two navy bombers IG-Two navy bombera coWde coWde. near· near·MUD' Mun· IOn. IOD. J'la rIa...• 28 28 die. die. . tranaport If-Twe:nty'Hven kIDed In aIJ: 3--Twenty·....n k1lled In .~ tranaport craib craab near near Richmond. Richmond. Va. Va. 2O-Army Itrlk York 2G-Army plane plan• • tr1k.. .. New New York CUY CUY :rcraper. Jdllln, IIx :reraper, 1dWn, .m army arm), pertell' ~n·

May May

7-Tornado 1-Tomado kIDs Idlll four four in In Annillton. Annllton. Ala. Ala. IS-Forty-four __ Forty·four kIDed. killed. 100 100 Injured Injured when when train crashes rear of llrat train crashes rear of !irst ,ectlon .ecUon in 1D Napervtlle. m. Naperville.acort m blowl up while un· »-Destroyer lIO-Dastroyer eacort bloWi u.p while un· toadln, loadln, ammunition ammunltton at at Earle. Earle, N. N. ;r3.••• k11lIIII ItJllIni 7. 7, lnjurln, lnJurina 1611. 165.

April April

aeVeD. 19-Army tranaport tr1Ullport aplodea cxplodea over over Sierra Sierra Nevadal Nevadal in in California. California, kWIn, 1dWn, 26 28 on on board. board.


I-Alrliner hlte Laruna mountain a-~llner hlta La","a mountain in In Cal· Cal· tfOrnla. All board Ilomfa.ld1led AD 27 ~ on oncraah boardofdie. die. lO-Seven In B-29 1O-Seven Idlled In craib of B·29 near near San San Franc:laco. Franc:1lco. 17-Tomadoa IT-TomadOH Iweep .weep Alabama. Alabama. M1Iala· MilaJa· 11pp! · .Ippt and and Georfla Geor!fla with with death death toU toll of 01

March March ,

8-Hol1day &-HolldaJr weekend weekend deatha deatha total total m. 131, mOltly caaualtlel. mOltly traffic traftlc calualttes. • 18-Natural gas explosion In Buzzard'. I&-Natural ga. explosion In Buzzard. . , Bay, k1lls Bay. MaA., IIals.. Idlla 9.9. Injure. Injurel 110. 110. ~Anny olane cra.hes in ltorm neu

July July

11veli. teat dlaalter lIvd. flU rreateat dfu.tar in In U, u. S.s. hotel hotel history. hlstory. hotal c a _ f-Flre in Dubuque. Iowa, botel 8-Flre In Dubuque, Iowa. ca_ 10 10·tteathl. 'deathl. Electrical Electrical atorm .torm in In llauachUMtta ,II....dIlW.tta Idlla 10. kllJa 10. 12-B·. crasbes Into peak near 12-B.211 er .. hes Into peak near GaWn· Gatlin· bur,. .• killin, burg. Tenn Tenn.. klllfnf 12 12 army army person· perlOn· - nel. bo r der nel. 17-Tornado alone I7-Tornado along U. U. SS..canadlan ..canadI an border brinll brinKa death death to to 14. 14.


I-ThIrteen -.-TbIrtean elderly elderly people people bum bum to to death death in In Cleveland Cleveland home home for for .,ed. a,ed. t-Linel' .....Unu Yukon Yukon breaM breaks up up in In atorm atorm of! off SewMd. Seward. Alaska. Alalka. Two Two reported reported dead. dead. 31 millan.. !1 mllslllf. '

Febrvary FeblVary

JurInf lB. In W »-Alrliner ltr1kea Elk lIO-Alrllner .tr1kea Elk mountain mountain in Wyoyomini. An il Oli board mlllf. AD 21 on board die. die.

jur1nf lB.



In In northe..t Tex· Tex· nortllealt IdllII 29. in· al Idlla 29. In· ~ hundredl. hundrecla. many many bomele homeleu. jurea ... ~ExplOGon In in coal coal mine mine near near Welch. Welch. 1I-Jesp1Oeton W. Va .• brIn" death to 14. ~jurl .. W. Va., brlD,1 death to It. b!jun.. to 22. 18-All 1'1. penona aboard airliner die 1&-:U ~.."plane perIODI aboard airliner dia wbeu catch.. .. ftra ftre and and cra,b .. when plan. catch oralhea nur Chahlre. Conn. neat Cheahlre. Conn. 2'1-Ten burn burn to deatb In in apartment apartment boun house 27-Ten to death fire In, I~ Kana City. Mo. Mo. fire Kana. . .. City, Oklahome City. City. _Main . haIl6ar hallfar at at Oklahoma Okla.. in· Olda.. airport airport b\lJ'na. bUl'Dl. Idllln, ld1lIn, 10. 10. In·

'~t-Tornado '(I.r:.~:;:;::.' t-Tornado

January January

Chronology of1946 of 1946

wIn Stanley Stanley cup. cuP. highest hlghesl award award In In wIn professional hockey. profess ional hockey. league baseba ll season opens. At· league bascba U season opens. At· tendance at at aU all gam games hUll 236.730. 236.730. tendance es hUll largest In history history for for opening opening day. day. large st In

December December

O-Army 8-Army and and Notre Notre Dame Dame play play to to acore· Icore· le~s less tle Ue In In blggesl bI ggest football football game game of of year. year. 22-Stan MusJal voted most valuable Na· 22-Stan MusIal voted most valuable Na· tlonal tlonal league league player. player. 2&-Bob 28-Bob Montgomery, Montgomery. lightweight lightwei ght cbam· cham· pion. pion. knocks knocks out out Wesley Wesley Mouzon MoU%On In In Philadelphia. Philadelphia. 28-Anny 28-Army defeats de.Ceats Navy. Navy. 21 21 to to lB. lB.


Dodlers Dodgers In tn three three game pIa playo!! yof'r to to take a gue take Natlonal National le. lea gue pennant. penn ant. 7-San Francl.sco Francisco beats beats Oakland to to win win Pacific •. PacJtlc Coast Coast league leaguc playo" playo.1f serle serfea. 15-Cardlnall »-Cardlnala take take final fi nal game game of of world world serl",obeattl1g senn. beating Red Red Sox Sox 4·3. 4·3. to to capcap· ture ture pennant. pennant.

lI-SL 3-SL Louis Louts CardJnals CardInals defeat Brooklyn


14-Stanley ama'I4-Staruey Bishop takes national naUonal ama· teu. J. teu:rr golf title at Springfield. SprIngfield. N. J. II1-BIR Ill-Big league baseball committee dIs· dis· BOrVeS sorves after setting selting up m inimum salsal· . ary of $5.000 $5 000 and other benefits. ·l8-Joe Louis' knocks out Taml Tamt Mauriello ·1 8-Joe Louis In tlnt flrst round to retam. reta~ heavyweight title. \ tiUe. dsln 5-Natlonal 29-NaUonal league pennant race ends en in • tie for first Ume time In history. htstory. between Brooklyn Dodgers and St. • St. Louls Louis Car· dlnall.


8-Plttsburlh Pirates .ball club lold to &-Plttsburgh Bing Crosby and a nd .three three others for $2.250.000. $2.250.000.


&-Paullne Betz wins women's women'. Interna' internalI-Pauline tional tennIs t.ennll ccrown Wimbledon; tlonal rown at WImbledon; England. . England. -• 'rI ' 28-Herman lakea AIl·Amerlcan 28-He rman Barron takel All·Ame can ,olf tou tournament \ open golf rnament In Chicago. Chlc.a go.


golf ,tou ·tou rnament rnament In Cleveland by golt stroke over over B Byron ssingle ingle stroke yron Nelson. lS-Heavywel llht cha champion 19-Hea vyweleht mpion JJoe oe Louis retains title title by knocking out Bmy BJlly eIghth round In New York. York. Conn In clghth I ndians ball club sold to 23-Cleveland IndIans syndJcale Il]cluding Including Bob Hope and syndicate BUt Veeck. Veeck . . Bill

I~Lloyd Mangrum wins Na National open I~Ll oyd Mangrum ttonal open


~A. ssau1t wins wins Kentucky Kentucky Derby. Derby. pay· pay· t-Assault Ing ,IB.4O. '18.40. Ing h l~Amerlcan Bowling Congresl cam· chamIt-Amen can Bowli ng Congresl pIon of of aU aU eve events Joe Wilman. Wilman. pIon nts isIs Joe 3O-lndJanapolls Speedway Speedway motor motor race race 3O-lodianapolls won by George Robson, won by George Robson. aaverallng vera ging 114.82 m mph 114.82 ph .. ..

May May

l~Blg. g I~Bl





l-U. N. N. lecurlly aecur lty council councO reports repor ts SpaIn Spa ID l-U. ': potential men mena ce to to peace" pea ce" under under aa ':potential ace Franco. Franco. It-Atomic energy commiSSion commission meets meets for for l~Atom l c energy first time. time. Baruch. Boruch . U. U. S. S. delegate. delegate. first laya. "It "It IIla either either world world peace peace or or laYI, world destruction." destruction." world ~Ruula demands demands deatruatlon da.tructton of of aU all 18-RuuIa atomJc bomb. bomb . and and exchanaa exchana. of of dot.. d a ta. atomic . 2lI-Hu.ngary mov m ove. to cbeck c beck terrlfio ~rrJtlc inIn· 2a-Hungary .. to flatton ,plral. .-plraI. <'l. _ flation lIO-Truce InIn Manchuria Manchuria explrea. expires. ftgbting flgbWlg 3O-Truce recommences. recommences.

June June


lI-WUliam lrens of II-WlI1lam Hc He.lrens of Chicago Chicago sen· sentenced tenced to to three three consecutive consecutive Ute Ufe terms terms for murder murder of of three three persons persons:: Suzanne Suzanne for Degnan. Degnan, 6. 6, ,whose ·whose body body he he dismem· dlsmem· '. bbered ered and and hid; hid; MIn Miss Frances Frances Brown Brown.• 33. .... 4:I. 33, and and Mrs. Mrs. Josephine Josephine Ro ROII.43. IG-Chfnese lO-Ge raldIne Farrar. IG--ChJnese Natlona Nationa il lO-Ceraldlne F arrar. screen screen and and opera opera ggovernment o v ern m e n t and and star. star. weds weds Stu St uart a rt Scheftel. SCbeftel. munist Chinese ChJnese Com Communist 17rotesla nt Episcopal 17- PProtes tant Episcopal church churcb House Bouse of of gove rn m en t SlgD government sign Deputies approves approves UberaUzed liberalized ca canonl Deputies nonl truce truce temporarily temporarily halUng halUng cJvll ch'U war. war. on on remarriage remarriage of of divorced divorced ·persons. ·persons. 18-1ran 10-J.ran asks asks U. U . N. N. security security council council to to C:O!lst Coast guard guard seizes seizes gambling shIp shIp Intervene In d Ispu te with Russia . In d ispute with Russi a . anchored olf off Long Long Beach. Beach. Calif.. Caill., to to anchored 27-Newly·elccted rance. 2'1-NeWIy-elccted president of of FFrance, .laws. evade laws. ' Felix binet tor Felix Gouin. Gouin, meets meets with with ca cabinet tor 29-0nc 29-0ne kille\!. killed. many hurt burt In In race race not. riot_ fifirst rs t ttime. lmc. In PPhiladelphia. hiladelphia. .- Act ress Jennife Actress Jenniferr Holt Holt mardes marries BIllY Blily February Blakewell. Bla keweU. . I-Hungary 1-Hungary becomes becomes republic by vote of Na tiona l Assem bly. October National Assembly. 8-U. &-U. N. Ihelves shelves Greek dispute. Involv· Involv. S-lII!couse 9-JIf!couse nobody was killed whlJ.e whUe Ing Great Brita in and Russia. Britain working on Ille the atomic bomb project. II-Stalln f-StaUn announces new five·year five-year plan M a jj.. Gen. Lcslle Ma Leslie Groves, Groves. director. for USSR. wIns Nationa NaUonall Safety council councU award. ll-Jap General Homma. perpetrator of drug, pentaquine. pe.ntaqulne. called caUed cure· cure · New drug. Balaan Bataan "death march." marCh," sentenced to for malaria. revealed. death by U. S, S. milltary m1lltary court. 16-CalUe l&-Cattle prices on Chicago ChIcago market bit hit 22-Argentlne President Peron accuses record high hIgh at ~ . 25 a hundred bundred U. S. emblllisy embassy omcla~ officilla of esplon· pounds. pounds . age. 1717-Labor Labor bureau reports reporll September non· 23-Mutlny among native In NethNeth· 23-MutJny natlve troope trooPi in agricultural employment over 40 mU· mUerlands Indies ssumes erlandl IndJes army aassum .. lerlous serIous lion lion/_ down 1~ per cent from 1M3 ~ proportions. proportlons. peaK. peak. fro 27-Spafn 27-SpaJn closes border on French aide Jewels valued at sao.OOO stolen from m retaliation for slmllnr similar action acUon by In retalJation Duke and Ducheu Ducheas of Wlnd.or in Wlndlor In France. ·Ascol. E England. ·Ascot. ngtand. " 2~Frank 2t-Frank Sinatra anI!. ana wtfe reconciled in In March M~uch Illeatrlcal In miht nfgbt ctub. club. theatrical scene sC'-Ena in Artie Sh-..w 28-Band leader ArtIe ShllW and Kath· ~U. S. state department prolesll protests con. con· 6-U. leen Wlnaor Winsor Herwig. author of "For· RussIa n occ upatlon upation of l.ran Iran tlnued Russian ever e ver Amber," Amber." married In Mexico. Mexlco. seizure of booty In Manchuria Mancburla.. and seIz ure ot 29-Cashler of Mergenthaler Llnotypa LInotype tn ManchurIa Manchuria .."extremely 16-Sltuation In extremely WUlfam Nickel. Nickel, arrested in In Co.. WlI1lam critical." says sa ys General Marshall. critical:' Miami, Mlamt. Fla., Fla .. charged chao rged with wtth embn· em bez· 17-Most of R ussian troops reported wtth · Russ ian reporled with· 0 m ceo zllng $900.000 from Brooklyn office. Ira n.. drawn from Iran 31-Cotton exchanges reopen after havln, 18-Internatlonal monetary conference thlrd time In two been closed for third Savannah. Ga .• .. after ends session at Savannah. weeki. PrlC9 Prices down fOO ~ a bale Ilnce alnce weeks. creating World Bank and FIlDd. Fund. creatlng Oct. 8. B. 27-Russlan Delegate Gromyko walks out meeting tiff over Iranian of U. N. mee. Ung In tiff November matter. . 29-UNRRA epidemics of 5-UNRRA officials report epldemlca atom·.malher I-Most powerful ltom·lm ..her In the bu.bonl.c plague. smaUpox smallpox and menJn· menln· bubonic world. 184;lnch lU;lnch cyclotron. completed world. f1tt. In China. Cblna. litla at U. U. of Caillomla. Calilornla. &-New 8-New operative technique technique disclosed to to five !five normal normal life to to "blue babies" April with defective defective beartl. bearta. . wltb 7-Arrangementa begin begin to place place British· Brltlsh· 7-Arranlementa 12-Soap l2-Soap prices prices rise rise !KI 50 per per cent. . Gen. Gen· mandated TanganyIka Tanganyika,. Togoland 'rogoland and and mandated eral Motors Motors tnereal" lncre8lea pdcea prices '100. '100. eral the Cameroons. and Belglan·man· the Cameroons. and Belglan·manl&-Ralncloud turned turned to to Inow snow by by six IIx I~Rnlncloud dated Ruanda·Urundl under U . N.. dlted Ruanda-UrundJ under U. N pounds of of dry dry Ice Ice peUell pelleta dropped dropped pounds trlDteelhip. trusteeship. from ' from plane. plane. I....... ......All-out. AU-out cJvl1 civil war war rages rages In In Manchuria ManchurIa,. I New brain brain disorder disorder recognized recognized a. New Chinese Communist Communist leneral general say. says Chinese caused by by exPOsure exposure to to sound lOund wavel wavea I5--Cblnese caused J5-Cbt.nese Communists Communists take take over over Har· Har· of of sbells. shells. .. Russian s evacu· evacu· bin. Manchuria ManchurIa.. as as Russians bin, 1717- Robert Robert Scott Scott tn In broadc broadcast ..t over over San San ate. ate. FrancIsco Francisco radio ra dio station station expounds expound. »-Plot lIO-Plot to to assassinate assassinate General General Mac· Mac· athelstlc atheistic views; views; station statton flooded flooded with wtth Arthur uncovered uncovercd In In Japan. Japan. Arthur protests. protests. 29-New York York City City lIcf!nle llc4!n.e commlssloner commissIoner '29-New May May threatens threa tens to to revoke revoke licenle license of of a~ a~ rtlllvie theater theater Ibowln, showin, "TheOutJaw "TbeOutlaw.• .• 18-Flghting mllvle lJI-Fightlng bna breaks ks out out In In Iran. Iran. with with cen· cen' tral government govern me.nt troops troops attacking a ttacking tral December'' December Russlan·backed forc forces es In In Azerbaijan AzerbaIjan Russian-backed province . province. t-La ndlords may may legally legally bar bar cblldren children 20--Secretary ~Landlords 2G-Secrelary Byrnes. Byrnes . reporting repor ting on on PParis arIs from from llvlng living In In their their properties. properties. OhJo Ohio foreIgn ministers' ministers' conference. conference. Indl· Indl· foreign court rules rules In In 8uthorlzln, authorIzing Su preme court Supreme recUy blames Russia for meager rectly blames Russia for meager evlcllon of of veteran eviction veleran and and family. famIlY. accom plishments. accomplishments. ll- Army rocket rocket plane plane tested tHted It at IIlIO 550 mUes miles 2t-All ll-Army Russian troop. trooPI withdrawn withdrawn fro from m RussIan per hour. hour. Eventual Eventual speed speed to to be be 1,700 1.700 2~A11 per Iran. say say Sov Soviet offi cials. Iran. iet officfals. mph. mph. M-Arab lea league gue opposes opposes further furth er Jewish Jewish 3O-Arab immigration Into tnto Palestine. Palest.lne. immigration

September September

2-Pres1dent 2-Preaident announcel announcel 48 U Estonian Estonlan ref· ref· &-Marcel Cerdan.. French French mlddJeweilht middleweight' ugees ., lI-Marcel Cerdan ugees will will not nol be be deported. deported. champion. cham pIon. wins wins decisIon decision over over George George ~Republlcans lI-RepubUcans Iweep Iweep eleetlona. elections. win win concon· Abrams In York. Abrams In New New York. trol ot bOllse and le!\8te. Big city trol oJ house and aenale. Big city 15-ChJcago Bears win Natlonal Football I5-Chlcago Bears wtn Nattonal Football Democratlc Democrattc organlzatlons organizations lose lose huvbeav· league league title. ttUe. , Uy. 1lY. State Stale and and county county offices offices throulbthrough· out 'natlon go to Republicans. out natton go to Republicans. 8-Unlted .. intendl &-Unfted Stat States Intends to to retain retain con· con· tro1 trol of of fonner fonner Japanese Japanese Islands Islands won won by by <\merlcan A,merlcan arma, arma. U. U. N. N'. assembly a ..embly told. told. ~Army r dered to l3-Army and and navy navy o.ordered to dlsmJII dlsrru.. 93.400 93 400 Civilian clvlllan employees employees by by ;ran. .Tan. LL l~Republlcan J&-Republlcan stee:rtng steerfng committees commtttees anan· nOllDce January nounce plans plans for for 80th 80th congress. congress. Main Main points: points: Lower Lower expenditures. expenditures, reduced reduced &-G eo r g e J.J . (Slim) (Slim) ~eorge ·1-Prcs.lden t ssIgns igns .1- P r dent taXeI, ellmJnation of all federal conlaXeI ellmlnation of all federal con· 50, S um merville. !KI. Su.mmervilla, 160 160mfllion mOliondollar dollar trols. new labor trols,'new labor legislation. leg1alat!on. llmIurtion Umfurtton film comedian. vet housing bill. film comedIan. vet housIng bIlL of .. _ of Presidential Presidential term. term. 2&-Harry L . Hopkins, :1:1, advllOr to 29-Harry L . Hopkins. :15. advtsor to 4-Cellings on frcsh c itrus frulls re4-CA.!!IIngs on frcsh citrus rr!'lts reo 21-Natlonwlde ll-Nationwlde atrike strike of of10ft 10ft coal coal mlnel'll mlne~ . Franklln D. D. Roosevelt. Roosevelt. Franklin Imposed r sudden Imposed·to ' to counte counter sudden price price rise. me. beetns. bertos. aIn • __ • 2:!~Na tlona l InleJU gence authority cre_Restrictions Natlona l I ntelligence authority cre· IO-Reatrictions on on un \lie of of rraln cr. termI· ..... uu· 2:!- ated ated toto co·ordJnale. co·ordJnate. all all government government February nate. , nate. intelligence Intelllgence units units overseas. 0," rseas. 3-Edward' • 3-EdwaTciPbUlJps Phfillps Oppenheim. Oppenhelm. 711. 79. not not· 2B Meat·paddng wo rkers return In 134 28 Mcat·pac klng wor kers r ' turn In 134 December ed,flctl.f)n ftcttpn wrl!er..c _wn!e~ ~_ ed December Dt\Vprnmnn t .Cbt'7Prl nl:lntq

November November

I-Marine I-Marine engineers engineers (CIO) (CIO) and and masters. masters. mates mates and and pUots pilots (AFL) (AFL) strike. strike. tying tyIng up aD shipping. up all shipping. ll-Draft ll-Draft canceUed cancelled for for rest rest of of 1946. 1946. • l~Meat It-Meat released released from from all all controls controls by by Presldentlal order. PrHldential order, 17-Army I7-Army announces announces all all 1945 1945 draltees draltees will will be be released released by by Jan. Jan . 1. 1. ll-Air ll-Air Line Line Pilots Pilots association assocJatlon calls calls st:rlke strike. of of 1,400 1.400 TWA TWA pilots. pJJots. first first of of Its its kind; kind ; ask ask top top salary lalary 01 01 $15.000. $15.000, 28-Presldent 28-Presldent names names David David UlJenthal Ulienthal to to bead head atomic atomLc energy energy commlsslon commission of of five five men. men. 5-Masters 29-Masters and and pilots pilots end end strike. strike. 31-OPA 3l-OPA closes closes 1.642 1.642 local local price price boards. boards. al hundreds o. f Item. 81 bundreds of Iteml are are freed f:reed..


III • Ia.. W. W. Averell Averell Hamman. Harriman. ambassaambassa· dor dor to to Great Great Britain. Britain. appointed appointed suc· suc· Cl!llOr. C81lOr. 3O-Secy. 3O-Secy of of Agriculture Agriculture Clinton Clinton AnderAnder· aon refuses to to remove remove' price price ceilings ceilings aon refuses from from meat. meat.





(As I~lul~a I~lul~a by hy _lion's tuIIion's 111eekty weekly (As in PI,bUshed P(~blishers' •,dUors di/ors in AII:dUllry poll,) Au, :d liary poll.) RepubUcIIIJS sweep Slueep into into pow~, pow~r ill i1/ RepublicllIIS sllll, lind lind congressiolll,z congressional eleclions. ~leclions. slil/. T1peltJ~ "'Iop Nazis setJlemea St!tlleru~J 10 10 Tflle/tle op Nazis hllng III III 'tid of of Nuernberg Nllernberg trials trials.. bang IJrII11",e IllUc:e IIsked IIsk~d to to resign resign from' from' ,lib· c"b· nr follou 'ing speech speech 01J 011 lore for~igll i8 11 inel, follou·ing polic:y. policy. pellC:~ pllrley parley m meets, fPilh 21 21 Paris p~lIce Pa,.is eels, wilh 1111tions represented. reprucflted. 11I11iom v~/oes 'JeW flew OPA; OPA; all fill COli· COll· Presitlenl vetoes Presid,nl troIs elld ella liS liS /I1W /qW dies. ai~s, Irols ' Nllvy detollll;es de/ol/aies a/om II/om bomb at al NallY Bikini in in Iwo Iwo tesls; lesls; Ibird ,bird CIII1CIIIIBikin; cell~d. ed/ed. U, $. sends derml1lds dUll/mas 10 /0 y"gosilltl;a YI~gosl"flia U. $. s,nds otJer death aelllh of of jlle jve !liers, oller fliers. NtltiQn-wid~ rail rlli/ slrike strike ends /l,h~n N.tiorMVide ends whe" TN",l4n IIsks /IIWS to TNlf1l4n IISks I"wi to drafl drafl s".;.".s. llri • .,..,. !;:rJ&b ~t B_b tells tells (irst (irst meeting frUiting of of U. U. N. "'om grOIiP group Ihlll world faces p."c, or or d~strtlction. destruction. KUI_/l-murder Kjd""p.murder of SlIz"n"e Suza,me Deg ;u.n, Un, ",,-year-old six-year.old ChiC:lIgo Chicago child

Top Ten spot News 1946 Stories of 1946

plete plete

the ization t he .. organ organization

of of

Ohio Ohio

O hle, We.:klles. W et.-klles. IInc.. nc., isis an an affil aIfiI-Ohio lale of Newspaper Newspaper AAdvertising Servia te of dvertising Service. lnc_ Inc_ and and aall'advertising advertising ice. ll·

ard L 1.... Bush, Bush, Ll':l.derL eader- En!erprtse. Enlerprise. ard MOI1tlJelier; Ra y Miller. R.epui)Ucan Mont]Jelier ; Ra y Miller. Repuollcan .. PaUlding; and and C. C. Carlton Carlton Hanley. Hartley. Paulding; Hilltop Record. Record. Wayne Wa yne Davis. Davis, WilW11· HillLOp loug by. has has been been named named legal legal loughby. c J UI".seJ. an and Raymond ond B B.. H Howard. oward. CJ d Raym Lo~ do n . publisher and president of LoIfdon. publisher and presidf.'nt of Ne\\'spaper Ad Advertisi ng Service. S ervice . Inc Inc.... Newspaper vertising Is adlVisOJ' adlViso r !.O to ~he vhe new new firm firm .. Is Walter D. Sh.·lJ1k . 57 Eldon-~ av. av. Walter D. Sha.l lk . 57 Eldon Columbus O. O . for for m many years assocColumbus a n y yea r~ assocl aUd With with both bot.h lc.caJi2Jed'fd aand ratnd ratlate.1 ii:maJ J nal adveJi1sing advertising in in newspaper. newspaper. n 'llgazine and a nd age.ncy age.ncy fields. fields, h:a5 has magazine o~n .appoillted ,appoill ed genera generall mal~a.ger of of oeen Ohjo Weeklies. W eeklies. Inc:. I n c:. Shank Shank grew grew up up Ohio ill the the nC\\'spaper n \\'spaper advcrtislng aiClvertl ing bus1 busl-ill lIe!;S.. starting star ing at a L 17 17 in in aa W8Jlt want aad /le~ d later became assisassis- '' ueparthlent. anlid d late r became manager of of aa dally. daily. t.ant gellE ra l manager has mmr,GTTe thar 20 20 years years experi. ,.,.periH e has P thnn in ralional advertising. advertising. 15 15 in cha charge rge oof the Kansas Kansa s City City yy[£a ars. in f the Lice of of aa na Ilationally tionally known known pubpub Lice lish r 's representative repr entative and and recentJy l1shH'S I ig r..ed his Iris pOSition pOSition as as advert a d v r tising ising igr..ed director of a lIation al magazine to direcLOr of a "aLional magazine to Lake over his new du ties willh Ohio Lake over his new dutJes Wiuh O hio

Western SUlr. Star. Lebanor; Lebanor ; HowH owsley.' Eley ,' WesLern

Other trus ees are :u-e Gard Gard ner ner TownTownO thel- \J1lstees

Weeklies. Weeklies. Inc Inc.... their their own own nonnon· profit profit corporation created to erve corpora.tio~ created to serve me-mber member "hometown'" "hometown'" publishers l)ublishers as as national national aidvertising advertising represertatlv represertatlves.. HearlHearlquarte-rs quart~rs have have been been established established at at 2465 t. in Hill top 2465 W. W . Broad Broad -. · st. in the the IDlJ Wp ReRecord building Columbus Ohio, cord building Columbus Ohio. Officers of the the new are JJ .. Officers of new firm firm are B. Robinson. president. presidell t. News-H News-Herald. B. Robinson. erald. W illoughby; .Clarence C larence W Griswold ,. Willoughby; W .. Griswold vicepresident. Ledger, Ledger. Oolumbiana: viee·president. Oolumblana: and Rona.ld Ronald T T .. S houp. ;sec:retary;Secl'etaryand Shoup. treasurer. Tri b \Jne. New Lexington. treasurer. Trlbllne. New Lexington.

Walter' Walter' Shank Shank A ~t O hio A group group of of prom1n PromineI!t Oh io weekly weekly rewspaper publishers have just rewspaper publishers have just com com--

.' ,.


March March

d tr t d 3-Televlslon In In full full color color demons~ated 3-Telev1slon emons. a e In New York.


'I-Kidnapping 7-KJdnapplng and and murder of Ilx· slxyear-old Suzann . e Suzanne In Chlca· Chlca. Degnan In ,0 atarts natlonwide nationwide manhunt. H-Contact J4-C0ntact with moon by radar achieved Ichleved bby army army "~r1menters; ~rtmentere; beam beam re. reo ft~ted In i4"'ieconda. • flected In 2.4 lecondl. '




... 13-Presldent signs "stop· "slop·gap" gap" dra draft ft exbill. tension bUt 22-Emergen cy housing but signed. pro· 22-Emergency bill buildvldlng 400 million dollars for build· subsidies. a blillon bllllon dolIng material subsIdIes. prl· lars for home mortgage loans. prloritlel for veterans. . 2S-Rallroad strike ends . whUe President 25-Rallroad strike ends . wIllie PresIdent Is asking congress for power 10 to draft is rall workers. raise of 18~k 18 ~1o 29-Coal strike settled with raIse cents per hour. other bene6ls. beneH ts.

- May


May May

Jul Julyy

12-Sen. John H. Bankhead. 73, 73. memo member ber of of senale senate sInce since 1930 1930. I3-Maj Edward Bowes 72 showman 13-Maj. Edward Bowes, 72. s howman. sponsor sponsor of of amateur amateur hour hour on on radlo. radio. ' Charles Charles Butterworlb Butterworth. 016 46. comedlBll comedian. 22-WUUam 22-Wllllam S, S. Hart. H art. 75. 75. cowboy cowboy flIm film .tar. Itar. 3O-Dr. 3G-Dr. Howard Howard H. H. Russell. Russell, 90, 90. founder founder . of Antl.Saloon league of Anti-Saloon league. .

June June

19-Booth Tarkington Tarkington, 76 76. novelist and playwright ., playwright.. 25--.John 2l>-John E . ErIckson, E ricks on. 83. former senator and governor of Montana. 28-Sen 28-Sen.. Carter Ca rter Gins GllIss. 88 88. long·tlme long-lime member of congress'. congress. once secretary of treasury_ treasury. '

Beery, 62. film film slar. star. I-Noah Beery. 6-Alvln 8-Alvln V. DonaJley. Donahey. 72. 72, former lenaHnaror tor and three Urnes times governor of Ohio. OhIo. 22-Harlan 22-Horlan F . Stone, 73. 73, c:hlef chief justice juslice of U. U. S. S. and former attprney attorney general. general. .


. 9-John Cardlna.l Cardinal Glennon Glennon,, 83, 83, CathOUc Catbollc SL Louis. archbishop of Sl 2l-Vlce 21-Vlce Adm. Adm . Howard L. Vickery, 53, 53, former vice chairman of U. S. marlmar!· time commIssion. ' ttme commission. 3G-WI1lIam J . MacDonald. 7D, former former 3O-~~~~~anM,:;~~~'litg~;. congressm an from Mlchl,an. 31-Martln Davey. 681. .1, former congres.congrHlman and governor of Ohio.


. 3-Edward' PhDlIps PhlDlpa OppenheIm, Oppenheim, 79. 'l9, notnot. 3-Edward ed fiction fiction writer. WTlter. cd t-Adm. Rlcliard H. H. t.etgh, Leigh. 711. 7D, former former ...... Adm. Rlcbard u. U. S. S. fleet commander. lI-Geor,e ArUss. Arllss, 77. 77, ltage and and screen Icreen ~eorge actor. . actor. 21-Vlce Adm Adm.. Theodore S. WUklnlOn, WllkInlOn, 21-Vlce 117, drowned at at Norrolk, Norfolk. Va. Va. 117,

February .

lI-George J. .T. (SUm) (Slim) ~eorge Summerville, 50. 50, SummervIlle. film comedian. film comedIan. 29-HaIry L. Hopkins. Hopkins. :15. :15. adv1sor advisor to to Ha rTY. L. 29Franklin D. Roosevelt. R oosevelt. FrankllnD.






.1. November November ,,-

crimea court 8nds fin ds I-Nuernberg war crimes high Nazis gullty, sentences 19 of 22 hIgh 12 to hang. 7 to prison. to lo-Itallan r aft approved 1~ltallan peace treaty d. draft by Paris peace conference. RussJa RussI a objects to clauses on Trieste. ~Peace conference adjourns. after ap· U-Peace . provtn« provln« treaty drafts for Romania. RomanIa . Hungary all over Rus· RUB' Hun,ary and Finland. allover alan protests. stan 16-Ten of NazJ Nazi war cr ImInals hanged In war criminals NUernberg Nuernberg prison. Hermann Goer· tng commlls commits suicide suIcide by polson. cheatcheat· Ing tng hangman. Ing hangman . Those executed : Von lUbbeJ1trop, KaltenbruruiET'. Rlbbentrop, Keitel. Keltel. Kaltenbrunner. Franck, FrIck. Streicher. ROlenberg, Franck. Strei cher . SauekeI. .Todl. Jodi . Seyss-lnquart. Seyss·Inquart. Sauckel. 2I-Unlted Nations general assembly 21-Unlted CIty. opena sessIon In New York City. 29-Molotov urges general reductton reduction of outlawing of armaments. Including outlawln, atomic bomb.


In favor I-Greece votes 70 per cent in retu.r n of monarchy, monarchy. headed by of return George n. . Delega te Gromyko calls ll-Russlan Delegate U.. S. warsblps warships near presence of U Greece "Insult to Gree.k people." l6-CivlJl war reported In northern 18-C1vl Greece. 24-Stalln spIkes aplkes per persistent rumors of 2ol-StaJin sistent rumora new war threat. •


l-U l-U.. . S. 8. and Britain mer,e merge Garm Germaann zonel zones economically. economIcally. 8-"Blg S-"Blg Four" nationa nations aatt U. N. Igree agree on peace treaties for Italy. ItalY, Romania. RomanIa, Hungarla, Bulgaria and Finland. Hungarla. Bulga ria and FInland. l~vIl 1~v1l war breaks out In Iran as semi· scml· autonomous Azerba ijan province batAzerbaijan Uea tIes government government troops troops.. ll-Flghtlng rages In northern Greece; Greece ; auerrt1la es driven ruerrllla forc forces drIven tnto Into Turkey by regulars .. regulars.. 18-Unlted II-UnIted Nations Nallons assembly adjourns after atter choosing choosIng New New York York 81 as perma perms ·· nent hom e; disarmament recom menhome; men· dations main a chievement. dationl maIn achievement.

n--mber December ~oc •

8-"Ceale-fire!' O'--"Ce....llreo· order Issued In .Tava Java and Sumatra by Dutch. Dutch, British and Indo· neslana. nealana. U--Churchlll cbarges 12-Cburcblll chargel Ruslla Ie is "on war footing." footln,." 19-New Afghanl.tan. ~New members of U. N., Afghanlala n. Sweden, lake take seats. Iceland and Sweden. leats. 2......French Communlste Communists make large 2t-French ,a.l nl In election. election, ,alnl ' a7-General MacArthur freezel freezes all assets .J7-General or .Tapan's Japan's 10 \vealthiest wealthiest famlUes famlUes.. of I9-RuIIII agrees to U. N. Inspection »-Rullia inspection 01 01 armaments. armaments,


" " 12-"Unscheduled Immigration" of of Jews .Tews 12Unscheduled immIgration Into Palestine Pales~e halted halted by by Brltlsb. Brltlsb. Into 13-Turklsh government ~jec:ts ~Jecls Ruslian RUlIIan Ill-Turkish proposal for jOint JOint d~nle deAnle of Black sea straits. f>ea 21-U. S. S. demands 'Yugoslavta Yugoslavia release rele.. e · army fifilers lers forced down. down . and latill' satls· faction for for deaths of flve five others shot down on August 19. Riots In Calcutta . IndIa. India. quIet quiet down , toll of ot 3.000 In HIndu· HIndu · leaving death toU Moslem strife.

August ugust


......Phillpplnes republ1c t-PhWpplnes republic proclaimed. PresJdent Truman Trum an pledies pledges continued continued President U. S. ald. U. S. ald. . ~Pollsh .. mob mob beais beala 38 38 Jews .Tewa to to death death.. ~Polish tnjurH to. 40. Injures 8-PhIl1pplne government battle. battlel HIlk· Huk9-PblUpplne belahaps uprising, uprising, 200 200 .k1lIed. killed. belahaps l~nadlan officIals offiCials find ' huge spy net· l~anadlan operallng from Rusllan Rusllan em· emwork operating busy. busy. ~_ 17~eneral MlkhaUovltch MJkhallovltch executed In 17~eneral alleled Belgrade. Yugoslavia. '.uas alleged traitor who collaborated with NaZi.. NaZiI. traltor 22-Revolt sweeps Bolivia; 280 IdlIed, 22-~~r~~\n:W~:ld~U~:Uarr ~el. killed, including President VUlarroei. 29-Parta peace cnnference opena wllb with 29-Paris tlons represented. 21 na tlora


lIayl, -"It "It is e!lber world peace or lIaYI, destructIon." world destruction." demands destrucUon deatruct10n of of all all demands atomJc bomb. bomb. and and exchani. exchanlla of of dalo. data . atomJc 211--Hungary move. to cbeck terrific In2lI-Hungary move. to cbeck In· Ila lion splral. spiral. ftatlon .< 8O-Truce In In Manchuria Manchuria expires, explrea, IIghang fightIng _Truce recommencel. recommences. ~Rualla 1&-BuaBla


.JJarfletpturg -1Jul"lIelptuI'g


EaJrI Wa.l-



and Terry. i\II.r. and Mrs. EaJrl Wa.l-

Terry. and

B a rbara Walker ar.d ru~d M! Miss Barbara M!1ss Joyce Turner of Miami Valley HosNursing were the pital. School of Nursing gueSLS on o n Monday of last over night guests week of MI'. Mr, and a n d Mrs. Mrs. Delbert D elbert ConCOllwrek ger. ger. Mr. and Mrs. Mrs. Delbert D elbert Conger entertail~ ed with dinner dinne r party on rtair.ed Ch.ri.9~mas Christ mas Eve. and much merriment of the was had with the opening oftbe gifts. The guest guests' were Miss Barbara B arbara Walker. Mr. and Mrs. PPerry erry Benton

Mr. Mr. and a'n d Mrs. ChMles Charles Zimmerman Zirrunennan were guest of their daughter and and family in Columbus. Ohio Oh.lo on o n OhristChristmas day. Mr. rs.. Carl Biggs R or.Mr. and M ~ B iggs and 'Rornie were among the guests. at a. a Chris tmas dinner of her parents Chlristmas paren neal' Waynesville. Miss Carol O<ll'ol Sntith ncir.ll.a.ti Smith of Ci C inc:ir.IU\iti aand nd Miss Joan H ay of Sabina are Hay the tale guests gu sts of their grandmoltler. grandmother. Miss Grace Schuler. MJ·. m Schuler had M4'. and Mrs. Willia William tJlelr Christmas gguests uests at a 5 as tJleir o'clock dinner Mr. and a.nd Mrs, O'clock Mrs. Frank a.z:d family of Cincinnati CinCinnati, M Mr. Smith ar.d r and and Mrs. Charles Oharles H ay and Joan J~ of Salbina. Miss Virginia and Arthw' Sabina. ArthwSchuler. Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Atkin'Atkin~ Burton son Mr. and Mrs. Howard Burton. and Mary Ann of Waynesville. W aynesville. Mrs.. Mwrtha MaJl'tha W a:lker a:l'ker and Thelma Mrs ~pel1L \\1th Mr Mrs.. Wal. pent. several days dayS \\ith sisler. Mrs. M~s. LouLo;e Cunger k er's sister. Ounger and family, family.



take hio Lake over over his his new new duties duties winh Witlh O OhIo W Weeklies eeklies,, In Inc C .. O hio Oh io W W eeklies. klies. II nc. nc .. is i an an ::l.ffilaffil . . la Iate te of of Newspaper Newspaper Adver:tiSing AdvertiSing ServServ. In . ' ... and all all·· advertl.smg advertising ice. Inc Ice. c~~ and OJ'd e 0 · · · · ts 'd orders outside Ilhe state rs originating ngmawng ou 1 e the cf oJ Ohio Ohio and and placed placed through through NAS NAS . for for OhIO Ohio weekly r.ewspapers will be be d' ....." ' b . distributed frem the new Ohio fll'IIl firm ..,.,... uted from under the unde.r the one one orne order, one bill' b1ll~g. one . r, one .l Cg. one Check plan. plan . , A ru.>W Talt.e ra1e book and an d other imA new porta t details portant are In in preparat preparation n details. are ion which will will be be sent sent to agencies agencies SOOl'. SOOT'. which REscllTch Research woz:k wOI:k will Will be started started imeli tel f . . . mediately. Ohio me a y. furnishing Ul'IlishlUg helpful Oh io weekJy newspan<>.r ad 'e tis! I' f \\-eekly newspaper ,,- advertising ~ r ng I~ror­ n orn1t'tion I D1ltion and and • in in . addition addition def" defir:ite 1nI e pplans .' lans of cooper ation to assist advercooperation ' . . Using tising agencies, age ncies. advertIsers advertisers <listdist1b . b • jobbers. d..istrtct distrtct Ilibut<>rs. u tors. .!:>rokers. rokers. jobbers. men mell <and a nd •sal saJ esmen esmen to t<> aSSUre assure the the m aximum effectiven ma.ximwn effectiven ess of of camcamI ' paigns v.ith m m ember pa;per palJJers. pa gns placed WIth s. The Miami G tt h The Miami Gazette recen Ily aze ~ has 3.') recent y 'o . jc lned the organizatl organiza tiOIl ' II.

director of of aa na national tional magazine magazine to to

Mr. ayton. J oyce 'I'urI' 'I'u.n!er - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -- - - =====-========~and - - - - - - - - - - -- - - - ker ker of D ayto n. MissMrs. Joyce Martlnsvtlle, 01110, Mr. and anxi Mrs. MarUnsviUe, Ohio, William Bunce. Mr. and a.nd Mrs. George William W alker. Mrs. Mrs . Martha Walker Walker, J ane Walker. RUSs and Thelma of r.ebano~ r.ebanon, Mr Mr. Russ - Harold Harold O sborn of MaS()l~. Mnsor.. Mr. Mr. and Carl Biggs and Ronnie R onnie of Mrs. Gal'l WaynesvUle. The Benton's and aIld Mr. Mr. WaynesvUJe. Mrs. Eairl Eaa'l Walke Walker stayin.g over o ver and Mrs. r staying Ior Clll'ist.mas Clu-islmas day. for




une JJune

IG-Sldn -9 CIO union I Ileader. d IG-Sidney H11Jman . ey Hill man.. "~9., CIO un on ea er. 24-Arthur GOUld, 89. former U. U. S. sen2t-Artbur ator from MStalnlne. Maine. "2 8-Fred Vinson appoInted appolnled chlj!.r chJ~f justlce 6-Fred justice . rr-J;lortrfrdom. Ib Ith 27-=Gertrude author with . of U. S. . er u e Stein, e , 12. ·f . au or w unique experimental technique. 29-Prellldent Ilgns but bill extending draft unIque experimental technique. 29-Presldent signs to. 19-44_ torr nine months. monlbs. age brackets 19-44. . 3~Navy conducts 30-Navy conduct.! first experiment. experiments at August alom bomb bomh dropped . Bikini lagoon lagoon;: !Hom ' 15-CoJ. Edward aslO. on fleet of 73 old vessels. FIve EdwaTd Bradley. 88. 86. long aSlO· Five ships 15-Col. elated with K entucky Derby. Kentucky sunk. 45 damaged, whole area ck, 66. 00. essayi.t essayilt and cbarged with dangerous radlo.acUve Pollack, charged wtth radIo-active 17-Channlng Polla playwrightrays. playwrIght2~Fleldlng (Hurry Up) Yest, Yost, 'm. 71!. famous 20-F!eldlng footQall foot~all coach. coach, July .Toh n! M . (Rags) Ragland, 41, film John ded. and stage comedIan. l-OPA controls suspen suspended. .nd comedian. January June ' ll-National ll-NaUonal Farmers' F armers' UnIon Unlon preSident. presIdent. 24-.Tames 2~ames C. McReynolds, 114, 84. former 1-" Bowl" footban . l-"Bowl" football 22-J'Ilm U . 8. Supreme court justice. justice . .Tamee a tton . says hIs Jamee P atton his or/fanlzatlon or~a nl zatlon U. IItai Con.tance Constance Benoett Bennett marmer· ICOrel: Alabama St. 34. D-J'Um Itai lcorea; "has broken with Truman. Truman,' riel ftlth hUlband, Col. Theron Co\ll· riea filth Co\ll14: Oklahoma A ... 6: M S. California 1.; I~Brltlsh loon signed. l:1-Brltlsh loan bill sIgned. ptember ter, In Rlveralde, Se Septelllber tar. in Rlverllde. CalU. Cal1f. 33: St. Mary'l 33; Mary' l 13: East All Stan &tara tte U. l8-Draft call. to 19·29 group. 16-Draft calls restricted reslrlcted 10 West All Stars 7 to 7. ll-Mra. Ida S. Eisenhower.", EIsenhower .. If, mother 18-Labor 16-Labor bureau's Index goes up 25.2 ll-Mrl, 23-Bobby Riggi protel- July RIggs retalna retains world profesof General Eisenhower EIsenhower... per cent since llie sell Ilnce July 1. Ca Cattle lell at alonal tennla title by beatln, II-MIles 78, former lanalena. beatlnr Don atonal 11-MIlel POindexter, 78. alI-ttme all·tlme high htgh of $25.75 a hundred hundrad I-Mullcal I-MusIcal Ihow "Oklahoma I" breaks Budge In Los Angeles< .tata. tor from Washington ltate. poWlds, pounds. longest run record with wilb 1,405th per· per- 2S-Presldent 25-Presldent "reluctanUy" "reluctantly" slgnl sIgns new formance In New York. October OPA bU!. February October bUI. calling It II Inadequale. Inadequate. 8-Publlc 9-Publlc health leMce service reporte reports worst Atom bomb exploded under water Atnm expl oded pollo 17-Alf Engen becomes American .ki lid polio epidemic epIdemic since sInce 1918 1916 raging, ragIng, with Bernar Ell EU (Barney) Oldlleld. 68, ...... t-Bemar Oldfield. 88. In navy's tests. tests. sinking 10 batUebaltle5.622 champion 5,622 atrlcken stricken since January, January. and famed pioneer pIoneer auto racer. champIon with jump '· of 259 feet at ships. ubm arines and shlps. carrier. 5 ssubmarines a.n d a 154 s t hit Gifford Steamboat Springs. Colo. Plnchot. twice governor of Plncbot. 81. twIce 1M deaths. dealba. Mlnneapolls Minneapolis barde. hardestblt small smaU craft. damaging others. otbers. Pennsylvania PennsylvanIa.. 22-Lee Oma credited of bl, credIted with knockout bie cltlll. clUes. l2-Gen. 12-Gen. Josepb Joseph W. (Vinegar .Toe) Joe) StuStu· ovel Gus Lesnlvlch. Lesnlvleh, world lkbt· ligbt· August AU gu St WeIl. 83, hero of Burma campaign. . heavyweight non-DUe August well, heavyweIght champion, champIon. In non-DU. fight Goldsborough, 81, former flg ht In New York. I-PreSIdent vetoes bUI blll on on ownershIp ownershl of of 22-Phlllips 22-PhUllps I-Pres tdent 011 vetoes .. nnator and Pen. I I Ids 100Mosa H Hart. t famed f ed playwrIght, bt. weds tideland. fields; signs atomlc senator and governor governo~. of of Marylanct. Maryland. lO-M OSI ar. am p aywr II w tldelandl atomic en'March KJtty ergy con trol aact. ct. November Kitty Carllsle. Carlisle .•Ilnglng lnglng star. Fifty Negroes Injured In race riot Z-Cong resslonal rre. e· organization bID rIot In a-congresslonal bill 17- FrancIICO FrancllCO Segura of Ecuador wtna Athens, Ga. Sixteen persons later Insigned sllflled by President. 2-Thomas ' L. L . Bailey. Batley. 68. 68, governor iovernor of U . S. Indoor tennis title. beattna bea~ Don· DondIcted. 23-Department of grlcullure euea MissIssIppi dlcted. 23-Departm cnt ot ' a grlculture eUII Mississippi. ald ·McNell In New York. York. ~Mlcro·wave communication is demgrain controls. IB-James J ' ( Jlmmy) Walker, 611, forIs 1B----James (.TImmy) 6~. Montreal Canadlens clinch National U-Mlcro-wave onstrated In transmission transmIssIon of facslmlle facsIm Ile 31-Senate 31-5enate war Investlgatlng Investigating committee'. comm lttee'a mer mayor of or New York City. Hockey league Utle title.. Bulfalo Buffalo taka. take. m~sages between New Yor.k York and llIIJIual rreport preparedness for Meek 88. 68 comedian comedIan and charchar. messages . annual eport urges preparednesl Donald Meek. corresponding award In AmerleaD American ac tlon~ actor.' . Boston. quick actlon~ Bolton. qutck acter octor. Hockey league. 20-FBI rise crIme 22+-Edgar ew 76' 2G-FBI reports 13 pel' cent r ise In crime ~22-.-Edgar P ew. 78: 011 Industry executive 26-Oklahoma kes National 26-Oklahoma A&< A '" M M ta lakes National COb. ~ In first hall half of year, compared with wllb September ~nd and POUUcal Uti 1 fIflillre. leg late A. A. A. basketball title. tille, beating /lrst hall of or 1945. 19015. greatest Increase first PO ca .. lr\Ire~• N. N . Carolina 43·40 43·tO In New York. since 1930. I-Armed forCe!! grant terminal leave ember IInce fo r ces gra nt 3O-Bendlx to enUsted 3«}-Bendlx air race won by Pa Mantz, enlisted men. fly ing 2.048 miles mUes between Los An· 22-Henry Wallace rorced forced to reSign reSIgn as ll-Damon 11-Damon Runyon, 82, 62, famous newspanewspa· flying April ot or commerce co mmerce bv PreSident. PresIdent geIes and Cleveland at peed of geles secretary of per ' columnist. 8-M.onlreal fl'a t BOStOD II-Monlreal Canadiens dl' dp(I'ot Boston to 435,6 mph . aftermath spe ech fll fllvorlng Ru.: . Johnson. ~9. noted baleball balebaU 435.6 al afterm ath of speech voring RUI. Walter Johnson, --------------------~------------------------------------_lr_---------------------------------:--~----~p~lt~ c~ . h::er,. ---------------------------------------------------------------t--.----------------------------------~--~ ~P~I~tc=h~ e:r~..


l-Strlke of of 400.000 400.000 soft soft coal coal miners miners 1-5trlke begins. begtns. 22-Army announces an nounces discharge discharge of lIeven seven mUlion men since demobilization b.. bemUllon 12, 1945. . gan May 12. 28-Army-navy munltJons munltlons board planl plans 28-Army·navy natlon' s caverns for under· survey of natlon's A ground Inslallatlons Installations In case of atomic A war. hit hlghcst highest level sthce s thce 29-Farm prices hlt July. 1920. _

Aprd April

7-Presldentlal 7-PresldenUal order order re·opens all public publlc lands to Jloml'.steadlng. .homesteading. excepting exceptlnll those with urani um deposlts. 23-W~s~V~~~1I 23-W. Averell u~aan~l~a~e~:C~Sme!! Harrlma.n becomes am. am· bassador to ,Great Great Britain. Britain . 31- Army superfortress makes 8rst first non· 31-Army fUght (rom (rom.. Honolulu 10 to PhWp· Philip. . stop RJgJlt pines. coverIng covering 5,525 mjlea mllea In 21 pInes, hours. 49 minutes. hours. •9 •


March March

-l -Prttsldent signs signs ~~ \ill:'ti~.:t aD t:::leial ~~. ·1-Pr~'Sldent 160 million dollar trois IGOmflUondoUar trols,'ne new labor labor legislatlon lIm1brtlon vet housing bill. of erm.' .. vet housIng bUL of P~esf';Iential Presidential tterm_ 2l-Natlonwide 4-CeUings 00 on rrcsh frcs h citrus citrus rrults fruits reo re2l-Natlonwlde .tr1ke Itrlke of of 10ft 10ft coal coal miners mJnel'1l '- _CeUlnlls begins. Imposed to counter Imposed·to counter sudden sudden price price rise. rise. be,ins. _Rfttrfctlons on \lie of rrain term!. 22-Natlonal Intelligence authority cre2!!Natlona l Inte1l1gence authority creIO-Rfttricttons on UII of &rein termI· DAte ' ated ated to to co.ordlnate. co·ordlnate all all government government nate. . intelligence uni ts overseas. overseas. Int 1I.gence units Dec be 28 - Meat.packlng workers return In 28 Meat·pa c klng wor kers In 134 134 December . em ~ governmen t.selzedd plants. gO\·e rnment·seJz plants. .&:-W1lson · Wn_- W tt. bousinr expedl':"r ~ Wyatt. housinr expedtter. flo ..- ....... nanJacontrovers with RFe ~~atans after controversy with RPC. February ~y Army extends extendl "draft hoU~' bo1lday" February through '. I3-Harold I3-Harold LL .. Ickes reslgns. reslgns . as as secretary secrelary througb January. .Tanuary. I-ICC ..e or of fntmor Interior.. following following dispute dispute wllb with 8-ICC approves freIght frelgbt rate Incre increale adding President. addtn, billion blWon doUara do\lan to to ablpptng mtppln, P resid ent. eo.ta. 15-Four.weck U . S. steel strike ends. 15-Four-we k U . S. sleel strike COlte. 26-Jullus 2G-Jullus A. A . Krug. Krug. fo nner nner WPB \\IP B chler, chief. appointed secretary of Interior. Interior .

7-Awardl .by ,by ACademy Academy of 01 Motion Motton PIc· P ic· 7-Aw.rds turet: Best picture. pIcture, "The Lo.t Lolt WeekWeek· turea: end"; belt performances, performances. Ray MIl· end": land In "The Lost Weekend" and 8-F1ood waters water. of Neches rIver river recede I-Flood Tex.. extenalve . ~Joan ".Toan Crawford in In "MIldred P ierce." ierce." at Beaumont. Tex .. after extensive damage to rice crop and 11.000 homes. homes . 13-Boller explodes In school In Baroda. Baroda, April 13-BoUer Mich., kIlIlng kUlIng one. injuring 19. MIch., lellmlc wave In in Pacffic PacUlc sweeps sweepi I-Great setamlc atr Uner liner down near near"' Storm forces air coalt of N. America, HawalJan HawaHan isIscoast die. Sunland. Calif.. 11 dle. missing, lands report 200 dead, many missIng, blluard causes caUSH 111 dealba. dealba, Colorado bllzzilrd 10 million mlWon dollars dollara damage. Alaska extensive livestock llvestock los lOll. extenalve •. allo bit. also 8-Oklahoma CIty City first flret community to In· 6-Oklaboma atUute c1t3r cHiY·- wide rapid. rapid - treatment December atltuta disease. drive on venereal dIsease. hotel flre fire In history htatory IdllI lo-American 7-Greatest hoteI I~American Chemlcal Cherillcal society an· tnrorH 100. In Atlanta, AUanta, Ga. 120, Inillres nouneu elementa elemente 43 nouneea t3 and 81 61 Isolated tenement collapse collaPllel, 13-N. Y. fenement •• with death reaearcb on atomlc bomb, during research atomJc bomb. loll of :no completln, perlodlo completing periodic table. Ellhteen men. Including Includlng 14 soldiers. aolc1tare, Eighteen killed 10 In train crash at Manalleld. Manlflald, May Ohio. II-General Motors Molnrs Cdrp. puts In chitm chilm II--General $52,884,000 in In c.rry-back carry-back adjust· ad.j usttor menta ments of Income taxes for first quarter, blaming 10lles 101185 on strikes. Itrlkes. ter. blamlng l2-New record for flJght 12-New rught between BeHawall.ilnd n U. S. set by Lt. Col. Robert GouM :. In B·29, S~~ii~~ju~c~°l':'i makin, .journey In 7 hours, 1. 14 mlnutea: minutes:

s-cruh am! and explosIon explosion of 8-29 bomber a-cralh near Hattle t~ 11. BatUe mOUIltaln. mountain. Nev. Nev'l~ DW ' near 3-0verseaa airliner strlk.. Dlll Stephenville Stephenville, Newfoundland, Newfoundland. 1dD1n, kW~ all 39 perso'ns persons a~ard, a~ard. In woret dis· aster In commercial aviation history. hIstory. 9-AirUner 8-Airllner crashes at Cheyenne. Wyo., kllllng 2; 2. Injuring 10. l7-Alr Transpo. Transport service plane cruh.. crubes 17-Alr r t se~lce near LaramIe, Laramie, Wyo .,.. IdDlng killin, lS. 13.


25-Slx 25-Sbt crewmen crewmen die dte In In exploalon explolton and and fire on tanker Benntngton Bennlnlton outatde outalde WU· Wlllire mtnlton.• .N. N_ C...• harbor. mington Cellf 28-Traln wreck near Vlctorv1lle. Victorville. calif., 28--Traln .• k1l1I e, e, Injures InJuree 60. 00_ kills

September September

. l-Navy bomber falls falIs back atter after taketakeoff Idlllng IdIlInIl 11 11 at San San Dle,o, Ole,o, Cellf. calif. oIf lI-B.25 3-B-25 bomber crashel in In Lonr Lon, Beach, calif.. IdIlInI alx. ItX. Cellf .. kIlIlng ll-Flood 18-Flood In In St. Louis drowna drownl 2. 2, leaves leav.. 2.000 2,000 bomele,.. bomele... 18-Tornadorips througb Mtnneaata,ldll· Mtnnnata,ldllII-Tornado riPS through tng In, 'I7 at Mankato. Mankato, Injuring Injurlnl eo. 00.


I-Hol1day weekend weekend deatha dealba total total 231. 131. I-Holtday mOltly traffic traffic euualUes. CUuaJtiH. mOltly l8-Natural gu gal explosIon explosion in In Buzzard'a Buzzard', ll-Natural . Bay, Bay. Mus M ..... k11ls 9. 9. Injures Injures 110. eo. .• k111s ~Army plane cralhes cralhH In In 1to!Dl ltorm DUI nUl 1&-Army Good1~nd, Kana.. Kana., k1ll1nII k1llInI 13: Goodland 13: , •


l7-Tornado along along U. U. SS.oCanadtan border l7-To;nado ..canadlan border brinlll death death to to 14. 14. .. brini'


people's of lIhe world Is culminated, every majoci ty group will f1r.d itself a minority In sl.lCh 81 world federaYon" . . . . to be continued . Submlted by Helen McCoy Rt. 2. Wa.ynesv11le, Ohio

R. B. Coleman, Minister SUNDAY SCHOOL 9:30 A. M. HAWKE FAMlLY J . J. Burske. S up t. CHRISTMAS DINNER WORSHIP SEl\VICE 10 :30 A. M. The Annua l l-J!a,\\'ke Family YOUTH FELLOWSHIP, . Christmas dj Il['-er was held at. Thursday. 7:30 P. M . Smith·s Green room on SundnlY, Dec. 22 with a turkey dinner being OHOrn PRACTICE served wt the noon hour. Wednesday. 7:30 P. M . Tbooe present, for the occasior. were Mr. J . C . Hawke; Mr. and Mrs. ST. MARY'S lJee Hawlre; ~. and Mrs. Oarl EPISCOPAL CHURCH Samuel N. Keys Lay Reader-in charge Sunday, Dec. 22. Church School 9:30 A. M. Morn1r.g Prayer and Sermon 11:00 A. M.


Hawke ; MJ'. and Mrs. R . S. Ha.wke. daughter; Mr. and Mm's. J. P. Fromm and Clyde; Mr. and Mrs. M. R Banta; Dr. and Mrs . R . H . Vance and son; Mr. and Mrs. Don Hawke; Mrs. Nell Anderson ; and Mn;. M. F. Weltz and ch1ldrer.: .

SPENDS CmllSTMAS EVE WITH MOTHER Mr. ar.d M4's. W I11lam Sawyer w,Ire Ohrlstmas evening gu-ests of tl1 C fonner'S mother. MJ's . J ea notte Saiwyer of MOITow.

MISS COLEMAN SPENDS VACATION AT HOME Mlss Mildred Coleman. student all the University of Illinois is spendir..g the Christmas vacation with her pRa'enrt.s, Rev. and R. B. Coleman. She will return to the universiLy on Sat'llrday.

PENDS CIIRISTl\fAS IN COLtmmUs Mr. Walter Cast and daughtea'. Mrs. Charles Zimmerman and hus- SEASON'S blwnd at' rneajr Waynesville spent GREETINGS To {Jur host of frier.ds and patChrlstmas 1r. OolulJli'bUs with Mr. and Mrs. Haa1ry Hudson. Mrs. Hud- 1'OTls we extend' gi-eetlngs for the SOn is tire of Mr. and Mrs. Holida y Season and wish U1e best.. Zimmennan and a gr841d-daugh ter for t.he coming year, 1947. MJ'. and Mrs. W8Ilter Elzey of M!'. Cast.


Sunday Dec. 30, Mr. and MlrS. Donald Lawson erut.erte.lned to dinner Mr. and MTs. T . O. 'lAWHon, Shirley and Dick. The ddr..ner was in honor of Mr. and Mrs . T. O. Lawson 's 28Ul wedding anniversary.




9:30 A. M.

Mrs. James Ga\'lison. Supt. PREAOHlNG 1st, and 3rd Sunda~s each month 10 :30 A. M.

FERRY CHURCH of CHRIST The Growing, Going, Church JlCI'bert Graham, Minister BmLE SOHOOL 9 :30 A.M. MORNING WORSHIP 10 :30 A. M. YOU'llH MEETINGS 7 :00 P. M. ADULT PRAYER MEETING 7:00 P. M.





T. M. Scarff. lUlJlister . SUNDAY SCHOOL 9:S0 A. M. E. A. Earnhart, Supt. WORS7iIIP SERVICE 10 :30 A. M. EVENI IrG SERVIOE 7:30 •P. M.




Father Krumholtz, Priest 9:00 A. M.




...... r' -


WAYNESVILLE . CHURCH of CHRIST Robert L. VanZile, Mlnillter BIBLE SOHOOL .9.30 A. M. OOMlMUNION 10 :30 A. M. SERMON 11:00 A. M. EVENING SERVICE 8:00 P. M.

The Minority Problem Continued . . • • "Baba'is wID inadver:tenrtay, as they do lWreedy. disar1m1n8lOO amongst nUoorlttes; burt 1lbey tWill ~ .noll ~ but. in tavor of the m1nm1tles, whether raclaJ, soclaJ, or rellgtous; an attitude whdch. sa BaIha.'is have aln!6dy disoovered, nat only work's but solves the m.i!l'lor1tY' problem. A Baoha'i majority wUl never place osbtacles in the way Of asslm11atioo. Should rthe m1no:r1ty desire it. On the it wID welcome and !acWtwte it. the Baha'is it 18 a religious and sociaa. conviction that: all people are of t:he same origin. regardleSs of color or place of birtlh. The Baha'i way of life has agaln and again demOl~stra.ted U1at soclal lnteroourse and genuine compan.Ionship Is attainalble between pevple lldtherOO, considered. ilTeconcllable. With t he shir1nking of U1e world a neiglhborhOOd the minorttry problem can no longer be shelved. M1gra.t1on of large groupS of people

FO RIAR 0-To geth er Progress for you as an individual and for the nation depends .upon mutual confidence and cooperation on the path of free enterprise. The essential hart mony and interdependence of all Amer. · ican groups make possible an .e:ver brighter economic opportunity for all. The Right Road, the way of free enter· prise goes forward. Let the soap box orator froth and rant. The good old American custom of Jetting people "blow oft steam" docs little harm to peopte who do their own thinking. Pree speech permits even the prejudiced and the mistaken to eXiless their views; and it permits hearers to use their own common sense to sift facts from false notions. Pew listeners are gullible enough to be taken in by shouts of "Down witb capitalism!" or other theories tbal mean, "Down with your right to earn and save . . . down with your right to own property .•. down with your right to invest in a business and make jobs

and increase opporrunities tor others." Most people know. if they stop to think about it. that it takes invested capital --sometimes thousands of dol· lars per employe·e- -·to provide the tools that make jobs. the basis of America's enviable standard of living. Some tax·spenders. however. Join with the soap box orator in saying. in ellect. "Down with the American stand· ard of living!" fheir attitude is ex· pressed in legislation that drains oft in unreasonable taxes the business savings thai would normally be used for belu:r tools. for research. invention and engi. n«~ering - the very capital needed to make more jobs and better ./obs. ' \\'hen you notIce trends that threaten to hair progress and destroy economic oJPporLunity. do somethlOg about it. Bring these mallers quickly and force· fully to the attention of your congress. men and senators and make it plain tbat you want steps taken to kcep open the Right Road, the American Way.

has not beett stopped. U the pressure df future oonructB 18 to be relleved, the movement of pop~t1ons will coMiDUe. The tendeney in favor of larger at1IClo larger politioaJ · adminJa-

trUlive un6~ Will increase 1'8Ither .... _ _ m1Da1ty problem. And ",ben Ults federation at III t.he



Y'-~ ~ ~-...r ·' · .. ~ .. "(~.







I \. lIt!·






Pace ., A vocal solo , Ash ford's " My Task" K. N. Hou gh ente rtai n.ed Mr. and WAVNE SVI LLE , omo - NO. spe nt pa.rt of la8t wee k with 42~7 was pres ente d by Ann Weltz. Mrs . Earn est Har lan and dau her THU RSD AY. JAN UAR Y 2. ghte r, pwr ents Mr. and Mrs . Mrs . F . U. LeM ay read the "Sto 1947 L. W. Wh etry Mr. and Mrs . EveretJt. Har lan of the N8It1vity" from the boo k and ston of Xen ia. "Th e fwmily, Mr. and Mrs. Hac old Ear nFou r Mar y's" by Agn es TUlrnbul Mr . and Mrs . ~ond W1l l. har t and chil dren . and Mrs . Viola joye d a fa.m1ly Chr istm sor. enThe Jar.u.a.ry mee ting wil\ lbe with as dinn er Ha.r lan. Mrs . J. H. Sa.ckellt. 'as host ess, at the hom e of tthei r dau ghte The New Cen tury Club held Frir Mrs . Mr. a.nd Mrs . Ca.rl Bab b or Por t Lea.nord Its day tJhe 24th . Ellis and fam ily nea r Kin gDec emb er mee ting at bhe hom WUl 1am ente rtai ned to dinn e of er in man last Mor .day even Jng. Ray lln Cra bbe and Am} Wel tz were Mrs. J . B . Crab be on Frid ay att.e hon or of her ' brot her Mr. ·H r- gues ts of the club. Edn aD:old Mr. and Mrs . Luth er Hal.nes, a Har tsoc k Earn hart . Wed r.esd ay. Oth noon t he 27th . Mr. er gues ts and Mrs . MeM n Hol is pres ident and Hele n Haw ling swo rth and ke is were Mrs . Har old EBa 'nha Twe nty -or.e mem oors resp ond ed rt secr and etar Don y a.ld pro to tem . Hain es were gues ts of Mr. chlld~6!1 Nam ni. Rut roll ca.ll . h and Har - a.r.d Mrs . Cha rley Lair d F1rIday. Ian. Afte r the busi llIes s mea tlng Mr. and Mrs . Ray mon d Wil the son Sun da.y gues ts of Mr. a\1ld Mrs prog ram oommlbtee, Mrs . F . U . spen t Oh~1stmas e've in the . LeWal ter Whl take r wer e Mr. aud hom e May and Mrs . D. C. R1~ M«-s. of Mr. at1.d Mrs . Jack Haw took TUE SDA Y JAN k and Aby Guy er of W1n sWn SaLe UAR Y 7 char ge . A very Inte rest ing prog m, N. C . U~le daug h!te r. ra,m Way nesv ille Lod ge No. 163 F . & A. and Mr. and Mrs . Rob ert Bur W'Q.S ope ned wlbh a plan ns or . The Hai nes fam ily enjo o solo, M. Spec yed thei r C1n clnn ati. 1a.l M. M. 7:00 P . M. Cho pin's "Pol or.a ise·' ' by Ray fa.m ily Chir lstm as get- to-gebh lin er a.t Sun day Dec. 30 Mr. and Mrs . • • • omb be, followed Iby a v.oca C. the hom e of Hom er Hair .es .l solo, TUE and wife Lee Halwke ente rtaln ed to SDA Y JAN UAR Y 14 Gou na's Avi Ma.r1a" <by A1lIn dinn er nea Wel tz. r Sab ina O . Mr. and Mrs . May nerd Wel tz Way nesv ille Lod ge No. 163 F. Mirs. O. C. Ridg e read a portJ and & Dr. and Mrs . ~ck Ma.l .on A. M. fam ily and Mr. Wel tz's siste 't1.n Star t. 7 :00 P . M. of a very inte rest ing sOOlr r and (Nee Elstlber Jea. n Ha.1 nes) y of a are at the ·hus band . Mr. and Mrs . Har old coun·t ry fam Ily of the ea!1'ly Doll hom e wt 308 M.a.J.n St. anm 1870's ~ , oPa.. of Lor elan d, in hor. or of Mr. entl tled "Th e Cou r.try Kitc hen" Wel tz's atte r a sho rt wed ding by birt trip . hda y. Dell a Lut es. RAl.ymond Wils on and wife caU Thu n;da y Mrs . Ken neth Hou ed gh on Mr. and Mrs . Wif uur SoU ~ ~ th of the wUI hav e a ·dln ner part;y for her Elea zer ne~'borhood Sund Ohr istm as Eve gues ts of Mr. !a.y even and dau gh·t er Mar y Dor a. Gue sts of the lng. Mrs . Don ald Law son wer e Mrs . Le.w- part y will !be Mis s Hou gh's oous ins. son' s fam ily, Mr. ar.d Mrs . Cha Mrs . Mar y Bog an Is visi ting rles The y are NM Inl, Rut h a.nd ' a.t Har lan the hom e of her: ;or. Eva Wade, Mr. and Mrs . MilD WQd n Bog an and e, Ea.rnhlU1t, chil dren of Mr. ar.d Mrs .. wife In Day ton. Mr. and Mrs . J . B. Wad e and Mr. H. B, Ear nha rt . and Mar gare t and a.nd Ma's. S . O. H~yle. -------Sus an Harla.n. dau ghte l's or Mr. and Mr. and Mrs . Ray G. Con ner and Mrs. EnTnest Har lan . Judy Con visit ed Mr. and "Th at song ma kes a hit abo ut Chl'i tian Science? Mrs . Mr. and Mrs. Bur ns Mou.nt B M . Kin g of Wes t Milt on. of with millions of mothers Sun - Mid dletown, Ohi o, call ed on Mr. and day. ' MlTs . Earl Eva ns Frid ay afteT • . . all ove r the country One <Xf the best waYll tOj ll!oon. Mr. a.nd Mrs. Ralp h Ede nfie ld JA NU AR Y and Mirs lea,m abo ut Chrl st1a n Scie nce . FlOr a Hen mothers wh o insist derS on n.r.~ sons ch1l dren ente rtain ed to Chr istm as had·Mr . and Mrs .Ral ph Ken is to 0It1Iend one of our auth upo 51wo rthy , dlrJ ler MIT. and Mrs . Oh.a.rles Cha n Borden's milk for 5 rle- of Leba.non, ar.d Mr. and orized ·lectures. 6 M:s. Wes - A susp ence ful two ton and Dol·ls. Mrs . Don ald Wa~ the ir chi ldrenl You see , hQ..urs with you r ldns ley Hen ders on, .of Cinc inna ti, for fa.vorite team plUng surp rise and Rob ert Cha rleto n, on of upo n Plea se a.ocept this cord ial peo ple kno w tho t Borsurp rise . . Kee p the endi rut a secr Mr. Chr istm as dinn er. et! Ilnd Mrs . Fra.n9t Cha rleto n of lnvita.t1on to abt.end. Ker .den 's milk is pur e and Jud ge Dan ' Aul tma n of X . nll~ tucky. and . J. R. Broo elln of Yellow Spri . who lesome . . . per fec tly ngs calMir. and' Mrs. Fr d Hon k A FR EE LE CT UR E had a s led at the Ear l Eva.ns home in in- with HUM PHR EY gues ts Cbr1.sbnas day thei r chil pas teu enti tled rize d . . . Qu alit y BOG ART and dren tere st of pou ltry. Mr. Eva ns plan s a.n ~~FO~~S How ard 0essama.,Il of Oak woo d. "CH RIS TIA N SC IEN CE Con trol led all the wo yt'; Mrs . exh1bltLon ir. PLtt sblE gh Ln the nea r 8 Dav ld Alle n and Mr. and Mrs . Hoo TH E WA Y of FR EE A Bor den milkman will be gra, nd-d IWg hter. Mt·s . Lew is Clin k's futu re. . k DO M Fro m HU MA N e Of Mr. and Mrs . Fra n A.· [Th e Hea rt Thr ob Piot ure vf gla d to add you to his Spri ngfi eld. 0 witb Ten dern ess and Tellors. LOVe . Mia mis burg vtsLted thei r dau DIS CO RD S" route . . . or ask for ghte r and LaU ghte r. Mr. and Mrs . G1lyle Eva ns by Wil l B. Da.v1s. O. S . and and family, Mr. and Mirs. J . R. chH 'Wad dren Bor e, den dai ry pro duc ts at had C1n1 tmns dinner with or. Chri of 0Wcaa0, IllInois, 9tma.s day. Mr, Eva ns pare nts, MT. Ilr:d you r Mem ber of the Boa rd of Lec nei ghb orh ood store. Mrs . / / // DON NA REE J) and TOM DRI t ures hip ot tlle Mot her Ohu rch AKE Ra'Y MUler of Lytl e The Firs t Ohu roh of Ohrlst. ente rtan led Com to edy Ohr lstm as dinn er Mrs , and Sc1entlst. In 'Bos ton Mas sach uRev . Will is H. Ham er B' mem ber Miller's mot her and fMh er, Mr. of 10 setta. and 11 Xen ia mon thly mee tt.n.g ~. WalteI! Whi take r, ar:d Mlrs was our ~ogo~ladand a Hor se. A cinc ll you . gue st speaiker Sun day . 'Mr. and Mrs . Mill er's aun t. Miss Ann a Mer i to see itl Don 't Mis s 12;. FR I,D AY , JAN UA RY 3 idith . D . K . Hem psre ad (Nee Opa l Har ner Las t Mon day and Tue sday iMr. and 8:15 \P. M, IN If d 5 Bor den s of WilI nlng tor. wer e also lnlestS. Mrs. Joh n Bur ske and dau ' . (C1necolor) ghte r Enrol Dean. a stud ent It 5 9"+ to be UOO dl Mar Uyn ente rta,l r.ed Lt. Conun.a of, MA RSH ALL THO MPS ON. ME MO RIA L HA LL .nder F1rs t and St. Cla1r stre ets andl Mrs . RlchOlt'd Bur ske of AsbW WID1am Pen n ())H ege Osk oloo sa, ~~E TOB IAS , BES S and .manY TeJ pho ne Wa 'y Iow a, is spen ding the holi yne svi lle 255 2 days with Plus : 'Ann y Foo tbal Park . N. J. and MT. and Mrs . Sec ond Ch urc h of l Cha mpl ons. Har old his pare nts Eve rett Halr .es and 'Wife . :;;;;;;;;;;;~~~;;;;; Her t of W~ D , C. ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;~~~~~0~r~D~a~y~t~0~n~H~E~1~2 Chr iat, Sci ent ist. Sev eral of our mem bers a.tte nded Mon day Dec 31. Mrs . Ken neth (i ~7;:5~~,"-", .the mar riag e of Emi ly Hain es DA YT ON , OH IO Hou gh ente rtain ilU Ito (iinn el' In and I hOn - Wil mer Oooper at <the WilInlnlJton or of her dW~ter Mar y Dor a, Har - Frie nds mee ting ·bIOus AL L AR E WE LC OM E e 12th mo . 19, OF FE R l~ and Na<Jm1 Ear nha rt ar.d Nor - 1946 at 2 :30 P. M. man and M1IIbe1 Bac hem . SATISFACTORY '-----------Mir. and Mrs . Wel don Wil son or _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ' " On New Year's Mr. and Mrs . nea r Sprlnig -------Vall ey, Mr. and -----~ Wil . SE RV IC ES liam Smi th a.nd dau&1hte r MarMrs ilyn Sue and Mrs . Luc y Com pton AT ALL TIMES of New Bur Ung ton and ¥r. and Mrs . Ra.lE ~lgh Boga.n atlte nded a fam ily Chr istm as wt the ban e of. Mr. and Mrs . Eva n Bog en In Day tor.. Dia12111 Waynesville, Ohio Mrs . Lucy Oom pton is vWtJ,ng a~ the hom e of her dau ghte r Mar laot a ~~~~~~~~~~ Bogen. ~~~~~:;;~~~~~~~;;;~~ FA Mrs . Don ald Hai nes and .9On Ald ' or. ~ " '.,

New Century Club



i1)Qg E

"Sing a Song of

How Much Do .You Know?

Safety •• • a Bottle Full of Milk!" ~. '

TWIN Theatre The 81-g Sleep

th~ year

Fal-thE.u. I-In MyFash-



L~~a,.~ L,.ef.~k ~~~~nn edy




-G al la nt B es s


~cC1Ilure .Jlfuneral ~ome

F o r S al e - E N S IL A G E . SW EE T CO RN

R ox an na C an ni ng C om pa ny CO RW IN

and RO XA N,N A . Pla nts ope n Mo nda ys, We dne sda ys, and Fri day s, PR ICE Per Ton


THI S yea r we are offe r1nl the

Nat1onal1y kno w Ohr1stmas Sav inp

Club tor the conv enie nce of our

htro ns. A defi nite .·am oun t save d each wee k wID isaure a liberal cheC* tor you at ()hr1 .stm aB t.tme.


per Week


1.00 2.00 6.00







·1 9. 4'. 7

$ 12.50 25 .00 50,00 100.00 250.00

9-12 eac h morning 1-5 afte rno ons exc ept We dne sda y 7-9 Sat urd ay evening Oth er evenings by Appointment TELE~HONE 62-R

Armitage &Son


Dr_ C_ E_ Wilkin

Optometric Eye Specialist 26 So.uth De tro lt Str eet XENIA, OHIO

.. F... ..

a • •••• • ••

• .....






FOR SALE Kalama zoo W,ood burnl ng cook stove; \\,j1lte enam~l FEDERAL LAND BANK LOANS: flnsh . Phone 2975 For Refinanclng - nebuUdlng Buying. 4% Farm IQans with long FOR SALE - 3-PIECE BEDROOM t.1me to pay. Pay part or all any Suite; six mon Lhs old; good CO~time. dll i.on; Mr. Finley Brown. 3rd St. LEBANON NAT'L FARM LOAN - 12 ASS'N., Ellls H. Sturm, Sec'yTrea.s~ Lebanon, Ohio. Phone 448




Real Estate For SaleIF YOU HAVE A PROPERTY OR FARM TO SELL Call or Wrlte 1)on Henderson, Tel. KEat46. 617 'Lorain Ave., Dayton, Oh1o. ttc

FOR ~ALE - 2 AORES; SIX ROOM house, out buDdings; $6,000; possessJ.on lMaroh 1st; SheJ1lTlan Hurst. R. 2 Waynesville, Ohio. edge of Lytle. . -24p


FOR SALEFUR SALE -30 Gallon hot wa.ter tank; galvanized; T. S. Hardin. Corwin. -12

Household Goods -

~ " 'I ~~l lj

0 1 0 0 0


0 0 0




0 STANLEY and KOOGLER Farm buyers shCtuld obtain full Deboard 0 BROKERS LICENSB He nd'ersOl~ 0 For Dates, rbone 2894, WaynesvUle, inIormnti II nbout legal righ ts 01 te nnl'Jt$ who are living on the propOh1o. Reverse Chargee €'rt.)' . Tenants and la.ndlords some10 2 22 tim es have oral agreements. In ,w e Varsity game. Bill Rickey ll>nd Dave Hartsock were high SC()I'ing men witJl 14 polnits each. WAYNE SVILLE PO PI' pts Hwrt.suck 6 2 14 Sheehllr. 000 Rickey 5 4 14 COna.rd 011 Thomspon Beeau e of ill health, I will sell at Public Auction my 204 V~ckers 0 0 0 h erd of Dairy Cattle on what is known as the L. MendenDakin 1 1 3 ha ll farm, 10cated '1 mile Southeast of Wayne ville on the Florence 0 0 0 'o nvin-Wellman Road on Hopkins

• • CLASSIFIED AD RATES • • FOR SALE - 32 volt Radio; Iron 25 words or less. one time.....•. 2Sc a~d Sweeper; Robert SWes Rt. 1 Eaoh add1to~aJ word ..•...... .•. lc Waynesv ille; Phone ·Spril1lg Va lley SPECIAL RATES by CONTRACT 37200.



5 0







2 0

8 0

SATURDAY, ,JANUARY 11 Beginning at 1 :00 P. M. Hastings 000 _ ._ • ..'::'__ • 33-DAIRY CATTLE-33 HARVEYSBURG DEC. 20. 17 11 45 1 Holtein cow, 5 yrs. old, calf by ide. Waynesville iWOIl thclr 8th game IIARVEYSBURG 1 Jersey cow, 5 y rs. ~old, giving 6 gal. milk per day. last FrIday a.t Harvesburg. The PO PI' Pts 1 Jersey cow, 6 yr . old, giving 5 gaol. milk per day. coach dec1d~ d thrut th!\lt W8Is a Nce Tal'be<rt 1 0 2 2 Gu rnsey cow, 7 Yl' . old, giving full flow of milk. Ohrlstmas gift. The gym was crowd- Clark, R . o 0 0 1 .black cow, 8 yrs. old, giving 3 gal. of milk per day. ed. but t!.he game was not clooe. Ervin. 4 2 10 1 Jer ey cow, 7 yrs. old, heavy springer . In the first game. Florence a.nd Clwrk, E. o 0 o!. Jersey cow, 7 yr . old, heavy pringers. Simpson were high scoring me~ Fairchild' 2 3 7:~ liuern ey cows, 8 yrs. old, heavy springer . with 12 and 11 points respectl.veMoore 0 0 0 ~ Brown Swis -Guern ey cows, 4 yr . old, s}Yringel' . ly. RJeynolds, T . 0 1 1 1 Hol 'tein-Jer ey ow, 7 yrs. old, to fresh en by date of WAYNESV1LLE Shock 0 0 0 • ale. FO PI' 1 2 4 II. Guernsey cows, 3 Yl'S. old, to fre. hen in January. Simpson 1 pts MoOaITenl 5 11 Reynolds. D. 0 0 0 1 Jersey ,cow, 6 yr . old, to fre hen in February. Furnas 0 0 o 1 Guernsey ow, 3 Yl'S. old, to fre hen in March. James · 0 0 o 8 8 24 1 Gu I'n ey cow 3 Yl' . old, to fre hen in April. Lack<ey 0 2 ~ The nem game is at WD~esville ' Dairy-Ty pe heifers, to fre hen in January and Feb~ Tinney 2 0 7 Jan. 7 with Franklin. rvs a very ruary. Earnhe..rt 1 3 o 1ir!pol'tant game. bUit until then- PLEASE NOTE-Th e e cow. are bred to Regi tered GuerO'Bap4on 0 0 12 ¥-'erry: Ohllistm'llS II!Ild a Ha ppy Ne\v n~ y bull (LANGWATER BREEDING). ~hi ~ an ex el-·. Flore~ce 5 2 o Year. I nt herd of dait'Y cow - very heav mtik produ er Rye 0 0 nd aecl' dit d h rd. a o· Sneehan o 0 .~ CJ'

FOR SIALE - 1046 BOSS Washing Davis Mactllne, slightly used $85. Phone 2743. Mrs. Ha'l'desty - 12 HARVEY BURG FOR SALE - Washing Ma.oh1ne: good conililtion; Kitchen 08lblne t. Hildebrech't ~it.h porcelaw. top; 328 E . Main Volrs ' s t. Lebanon, Ohio. !Rhone 132-R. no,.,-ter







Sale condu.cb~d by "I;he Bailey-Murphy Co., Wilmington, Ohio.

-12 Willl



On Many IteDls NOW































.W~ynesville' Department Store --- Phone 2681 ·

Fairly Familiar . by EFP'ELDEE




Miami Ii AZ ET·TE

Chier c. P. Joy startro the New Yeat" of! wila1! a record. He ~ called at 3' a. ·m. New Ye8I!"s morning rOO ·remove the remains of a 'Itoo-freely" partaker of "celebration juloo" who had mar-aged to calI'ljl on under his own power as far 80S a dOOl'lWay where he col1a.psESTABLISHED 1850 - NO. 4298 $1.50 PER YEAR - 50 Al COpy ----------------------__________________________~ ed. On arr1val in Lebanon with his WAYNESVILLE, omo THURSDAY, JANUARY , 9, 1947 charge the Chtel was infonned he - - - - - - - - - - - - was the first on the docket for 1947. Cor.aiderlng the hour he was caned out, C. P. wasn'rt very enthusJa.stlc about the "hoom'''.

Brannock Receives Life Membership In Local Wayne Township Veterans Post:

wtlek Old. A can now ,w rite ' 1947 on ,' dl'ecIII~~~~ letters. U6Ually it 'is Ijlf.~~.~1b 15th before we all get of doing t his. ~ reaolutior.s are' now breaking point. Many been broken'. A ,few the year.. As a. Whole unaat1sfactor.y an'8.ngement. NeOuiIUor.!4 &ire only In the mind as nile. To be successful they must In the heart. In tlhat ca!;e they " -" ....IU DOt be made On New Year but be started at any tJrne.. R eallzation th&t whatever we have does not belong rOO US but is R:1'.: .IOlmE!d for our span of life h ere on wouljdl dJ4pe1 the necesa4t.y ~ resolutions. When we realUled thiB taot. we would Uve so ~ulnbly that 'OUr acto wo.uld not re'I' . quJre ar.y yearly renewing. They would COnstantly be dhecJ{ed for perfection ,



Dog Licenses can be purchased at t he following Ioca.tior.s on the d8ltes indicated. Licenses purchased Jan . 20 will ' a $1.00 penalty added according to A. M. Parker County Aud1t<>r. '

Sixty -bwo of the sixty-l'lint! Methodist churches In the Da.~ D1strist will paa-ticipe.te actively 111 a two-week "preaching mission'" from Januaa'y 5 through 17 seeldnr t<> win new churoh members ane! Jan~ 11 revive t he Inactive. .Jillever.. Metlhoddst churdles 1111 Wa.ynesv1lle Agency ; LY'tle 10:30-12:30 ~le Dayton and fifty-one churches outside Da.ytan have plans for Hrurd!ware; Springboro 1 :00-3 :30 City special ni~t services during theBu!1ldlng . preaching nUs&I.on.

In the frtst Week of the mlssioo, guest preadhers 'Will speak evey ni~ from Sunday night., Jan. 5 'Ilhl"OlUgh FrIday. Jan. 10, The ~ week of the , mission wUl start, Sunday night. Jar. . 12 and' contln~ required fee : through Fr1d9IY night. Jan 17. Armngements have been made Males-$I.00 Spayed FemaJes-....$I .00 with liWenty guest preachers fl'CD FemIaJ~.oo Kennel-$lO.OO various parts of the na.tton ,t o lea.t $1.00 penalty added aJf.ter Jar.Uaa'Y 20, the ohurches 1r. the mooern sub1947. stitUJte for the older ,type of "revivarmeeting. ,

Licenses may a.lso !be obtained

at the OoU1l'ty ~uditor's office. Lebanon. Ohio. by appllcatior.. either in person or by ma.lllng the description as to age, sex. color. long or short hedr and breed. together the

lire R e Post OII Ice ecelpts e · CIasslefeIcatIon Retalns

Lestet" H. Gordon, Postmaster reports that the 10ca4 'Postoffice again rema.1r.s in the second class position 'With ao totail of $8485.73 listed as total receipts. $8000.00 is ,necessary to kleep the office in this classiflca.t1on. The total receipts according to months for the past ,two ye·a rs are as follows:

AnOi/mt. ' gree<i¥ human , tactics • It 8IW'a.Y' l1k~' sn~ in :l ~ :).April sunshine. 'OooperaiU.:>r.

Methodist Churches Schedule Meetings


.~~"'_~l'" klnclneu would b1Q57

These guest preachers include Dr. Harold Lancaster of . Cleve1aa:ld; Dr_ Lloyd Nixon of PoDt1a.c, Mich. Dr. Walter 088t0e of Oolumbus' Dr F . Bringle MCIntosh. supertnre'ndent -of the Toledo Methcddst distrlct; Dr., William K . Anderson and Dr. 'I1homas Chilcote, both of NaShIville; Rev. ~ndley Je1ifery of Col\lDlOOs; • and Bishop A. P. Sharw of tile Baatlm(8e Methodist· area. other speakers are Dr. Leo!t Moore. 6Uper1r.t;en~nt of the South, district. Ph1la.dlelphia; or. SIdney- 0[ 'l101edo: Rev. iHarold Kiillogg or Athens, Ohio. Rev. Roland G. Carter of ToJedo; Rev Kenneth l:leaIy <C' Van , Wert. ohiQ; GieDa

, and. a membe:r of 't he in f0r8gn aervtce .for' f1fteen Nov. :9. 1944 near lMetz, Germany and ,SUffered


Council m ' t - D U... ,~'II Mond&~ evenUld., in addition

tile lOss 'of l6g2l1 'He Is the son o-f Mrs. F1'8nces Brannock and resides in W"-'YIlesvme. " ,

Boys Club Entered Fire Department In ,Golden ·Gloves "ASks CooperatiolD

The Wayalesv11le Boys Olub, an Owing to the ever increasing use atblet lc OI'ganlZa,tlon initiated last of fuel oU In ~ ~ tw,o years year for the' physical Improvement and the et'ootlr.g or SUPPlw -ti8.nks in of the boys in this couimunlty I is basements. undergiround tmd oUtside announbi~ its entry of several ' at bui1d1ngs; the atat.e of Ohio hae members in <the Golden Gloves had to ch8.nge ~~&i old hLWS and Tou.rr.ament to be held' In Dayt<>n make new gOverctng thle' p18A:etJ1is cOming April. ment of same. The tollowJng mMibers of the in case a.n . Ins~on of this Olub and 'their welghb; are; ~I~d Is ibeing made it Is adlVil;ed that and , Don Pope. !lyweigih,t; Bill MbKe- the proper authorities bl!- oc,ntacted ever, fea.thea'weight; W8Ilter Wilson. in order to gtet full infonna.tJon on Ughtwelg,h t; Don G1ll1a.n, welter- , the proper ·wa.y -t.o make an Installft'" weigh t ; Jlm Hal'tsock. light-heavy ...",On of a fuel 011 tank. weigh t: Vdncenot Wilkerson. heavy As Waynesville ha.s no llliWs asweight. pecia.lly 'd~ed 'to control, bh1s D c'll GUliar. and Jim conddtion It Is aAvisalble to foHow are Bi state (lndiaml...()hio novice state 18twS l'egatl'ding the matter. champions. Gillian has never lost It Is not aslred tha.t cltJzel1.!l of the a ~. Jim HaI'tsock lost when h e Village do the Impossible in placing U:Ied. ~or open cham1onsh1.p. . Tne club has beer. notified thast their members entered in! ,~Tour- 88 nee.r~ 80S possible IWithout work_!~~_~ ,n ametlt · are to prepare to defend 1ng hardship of extra. e)gJ)en5e ~1JItJ"";J~t:' t ihA4. . . ... , -' 1n ... .-I~ 1""'7. to the OIWIler. ... ~ ' ,,"lOla; ""...... ~ IPI help to _ftlrft The support of ,the -community eae . us .......".. ~~ propis urged in behal! of these boys erty salfe from fire bazaTcte in this '4bri 88 they compete 'in ij)e ' Golden respeet by -.mtng how to properly • • 'Ibey Glmee. ~n8tall fuel oJ! t.M1ks. , -g:~~~, 'aNim. ' " Your CIOIlpe1'8Ition wtll be greatly ..__ in Pact. leaflet No. 46 _......... _'" be apprectat.ed. "1'BAfiKB. _ ---.., .-... , .t'ft!_~IJIt, re- obt.aSnecl free rmn county 8IricU1WaYQe8VWe IPlre Dept. a'!lbUII~lnjl ~aDy tua.l ~ wtll help I'e8I1 eetate D . B. ~ ,able.( buyen. Qleet« 0r.Ie,v. .AIBt. Cbie.f


~~ ~ ~':t~ =~~::~'e:teJtta;!


Minimum Fire Loss


According t<> a yearly report 011 Postal fire loss In the Villa-8'e Of Waynes. Orc\Iers Notes ville released this week by FIre ChId: March 14,445.15 3048.65 standiford and Assistant Fire Ohlel . "3460.00 14.663 ,60 June Chester Carey I't Is Indi~a.tro thd Sept. 17,242.39 3112.00 the fire loss was ,h eld to the ~l. • . 2}'()09.62 Dec. 3304.48 imum possible 'With only. reported; for the entiTe year. Na.~ 6'7.3'10.76 12,925.13 no 1066 of life ot ' injuN'es W86 restamps M.O. Fees corded due. f.!> fire . . This Is an eXbreme~ ' lUre recer! March 1770.85 li3.89 June 15599.41 125.32 a,nd the WaynesvUle f11re nepaftSept. 1655.30 164.06 ment d&= to be higohly ' commended 2508.37 · 147.42 fOT their ef,f orts toward prevent.Dec. Ing fires before , t!hey hap.- , pen. , 7533 .93 550.69 In tIDe face . of this good. reconI GaAND TOTAL of all 1ncome the fire depa.r:tmed heads are anx$88,380.51. ious th8!t the ,good work .be OOll_ _ __ __ tinued and requelft, lU"iat 'the ',Pubuc 'a gain be watchful this year. inl the!:' efforts to prever-t· fires. nus excellent ~ of lut ,yeRr sets a goal that Is goine ' to . be difficult to ,b ut wdth the same constant vigilance It )s hoped ap,jD ' Carl A. Jenkins, aged 77. passed that the fire loss for 194'1 away Saturday evening at the home be held to a m1n1murn. of Mrs. Mae Ma.ckelfresh after about tJwo weeks Jilr.ess. He died of a HEAT RECORD FOR ' heart conddtJon. JANUARY BROKEN ThIe only survivor is one brother. A.oconi1ng ' rOO Wymer Dnik.e. 6 S JeDt1nB at Ce teI!Ville . . . n. . WaynesvWe Drug Stare propr1etm Funer&il services ~ oondUcted and weeJther man, Clhe healt lilt Ibbe McCI\U'e Funeral Home on was broken a y..- ago tNs 'Weft: Tueeda.y at 2:00 p. m. with Robert when the thenntllJleter 1'e81atered 6. V8nZUe, minister of the WaYJlE8- 69 de8Ireea on the ,t Jlth and slZ1il Of Ville <hJroh til. 0briBt dUlCiatlng. Jan.uar,y. WIYmer keeps a ~ reBurdal Ina , made in ~ cord ClIl wealt4lel"Cxmdlttons and tealceme!eryI Xena,.. pera.tuns. ' . ' I I.e




Carl Jenkins Dies Here Saturday



WI :

[LA551 ED



R S ALE - 3:! \'oll R. ,ito : IrL'il d !:;11'I ' P ])l'I' : R oix' l ! S t ile: Rl . I \\' :I~ Ii I '~ lllk: Phollt' SPrJ I1g Va ll 'y

25 words or less. on e tim e . . . .. . . 25c EacJ1 a ddl word . .. . . .. . . . .. lc

" I


3j~ u O






LA:'.: D




E ll is



Sec'y -

Tress .. Lebanon, Oll io. P h on e 44 8 tc

Real Estate For Sale- - -- -

IF YOU H AVE A PRO PERTY O R FARM TO SELL C a ll or W rite H:\RVEY Rl RG DEC. 20, D on H en d er so n, T e l. KE3446. &17 W a ~' n('s\'ill e won tJl 11' 8t h ga m e LQrain Ave ., Dayton , Ohio. Ltc laM F I;da y a t H nrwsbu r g . T h e coac h d ecld d t h at h at wa'S a nice F OR. S ALE - 2 ACRES : S IX R O OM Oll J' isl m as g ift . T h <, bryn) was row dhou. r ou t buildi n gs : $6.000 : I s- cd . bu t ~hc g-amc was n ot cl ose . I n t h c firs t ga m e. Flore nc(' a ll d !' ('~. I O ll :\1nreh l si ; Sh erm a n H u/'st. R. 2 W a ~'11 ·,' \·ilk. O ll i . ed{!' f S imp;;oll \\' cn~ hig h 5corill g m I' L ) ti (' . -24p w it h 12 and 11 p oi ll : respec tive ly . W:\YSES VILLE

FO F'T Pt. 1 5 11 0 0 0 0 0 0 2 0 2 " -1 0 3 1 1 0 0 0 5 2 I:! 0 0 0 0 0 0 2 -l 0


TYP E WRITER RIBSimpson bons 1011' in s ock. The O . zette . F u r nas J all1('s


La r k e ~,

FOR SAL E - 30 Ua llo n hot l\ at' l' 1"11111 Y l a n k ; g , l \'!l l1 iztc1; T . S. H ard in . Earn hart Corll'lI1 . - 12 O '13an1 011 F ' 1' 1' ('(' H~' 4'

Household Goods FOR S ALE -


.\! a ~o ll


H e pkl!1s


s li ('h all 1!J.1 6 B O SS W a.'i him: D tll'i,



n 0 0 0

Dl'ooa n!


H nel l·/' ... · I ·






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'..... .

H Ildcbr eh

F~2T P:~40"

S J!cc h11l: R ick l'Y COllard

0 5 0 2

-4 1 0

T ho n! pan Vick e rs Da k i n


0 I


~ o rn n~



Brnd l('Y H lInl<'l'

. 3 0 0

o o

H a."t ings


T a lbert Cl a r k. R .

Ervin C lall' k. E , F lirr hil C! M co re R ey n o ld . . T. S heck

McCalTen R{'yno l d ~.

Voi r ,

Do.-;w r W a ll

IT P fi 0 0 0 0


0 0



Por D ates, ('hOne 2894, Wayn ~v1lle., Re verse Chargea

Page 8 THE :\1I:\:\11 GAZEITE \\' \ Y~ E:-O ' · " . LE . 01110 - SO . ·1'! !)7 2. HI"i ' \'11 l ' J( :-o Jl .\ Y . J :\ !II t . ,\II \' - -------r"a nil uu\ l '\' ~ ",h vll id ob lal ll fu ll IPgll l r i g It I., 01 !i\'i l lg Oil ill<' PI\l PT"ILlI 'I,' and Inll ;ll o ;'(\:-' " OIl1Cl.:\ l l· (i ra I a grl'('lIw n !,;.

U llo l i lld ' l + I I ! 4 1::11 ':. t ;,: ..

II It ll

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A' UCTION' ' . 111 .


J: l'l' a usl' of ill h l'it/th. 1 \\'ill s l' lI at P ub lic Au d io n m y or () ai n ' ( 'al tl l' o n \\' ha l is kll O\\'1l a s I I1\' L. :\I l' nd e n 3 ha ll fa r lll. I () ~' a ( l' d I m il' SU lIt!lI':I SI or \\' a~' lll' s \' i ll ' o n t h ' o t '(' l'\\' II1 - \\ ' l'll lll a ll Hoad O il H SATURD AY,JAN U ARY 11 o lJ ' g illnin g at 1 :ll () 1'. :\ 1. -l

o i1l'rd


33-DAI RY C ATTLE-33 Ji o l,,! ' ill co \\', ;) \')'s. o ld, c all' s id l' , .1 ' r:-:ey co \\' . ;j .\'I:s . 01 l. g- i\' in g G g al. mi lk Pl' l' d a y. PO F'T P t..~ .i l' I'Sl'Y c o \\' , () .\' I'S. ol d, .rj\·jll g ;'). ga l. milk P ' I' da~', o 2 ,) 1 ; lIl' rt1 :-:l'.\ · CO \\' :" 7 ~'I''', o ld , g i\'ill l:! rull flow of mille o o 0 1 hl a c k ro\\'. 8 ,\' 1':-: , o ld , giv in g ; ~ ga l. o r m ilk p e r day . 4 2 10 1 J e rs e y to \\', 7 y rs, 0 1d , h ' a\ ' ~' s pr ill ge r . U o 0 " ,JL' rse.\· c o w s, 7 ,\'rs. o ld, h l' a\·." s pr in ge rs . 2 3 7 :: l; lI CI'I1 :-:.t'.\· co\\'s , 8 ,\' I'S. o ld , h e a \'y s prin ge r:-:. o 0 " 1{l'oW I1 S\\, iss -(;U Cl'n Sl'.Y CO "' :-: , 4 y l'S. o ld. s p r illgL' l's. o o 1 1 /l n ls l l in- .Jl' r:' py vo \\'. 7 yrs. o ld, ( 0 r l'L' Slll'l1 IJY datl' o f o 0 o :-:a Il'. 1 4 ·1 l ; Ul' I'Il SL'." ·lJ \\' S. :~ ~')'S. oi Ll. t o f r l's he ll ill .JanuaI'Y. o o o 1 .h' l' :-: l' ~· CO \\' , () .\'1':-:. o ld , to r r l's lll' lI in F e lll'u al'~' , I l;uL'rll :-:(' \' vo\\' . ;) \' rs . ol d. · t o r l'l's lH' 1I in :\IHrch. 8 8 :!4 ~ l ; U L' rll :-: L:~' VO\\', :3' ~' I ·S. oi l, to fl'l': h l' ll in Apr il. a Wn ~· l'r . \' ill ' ~ Da i r.\·- T,\' I' , Iwir l'I':-: . tn rr es h l' n in ,Ja nu a r y a n d F el! 17




4 :)

T h e 11 X' g. n'E is .l:In . 7 wi til FrankJ.l II , II '.,; a vrl'y m rpol'i-a n gnm e . bu t unti l Lh <'n -M r rry Cllrislma a nd a H .1PPY Nc\\' Y C'nl' .

n i l ry.

PLEASE NOTE-Th l':' L' L' O \\'" ,II" llJ 'e d t o P t'g is t e r l' d ; tll'r I ' l' Y h ull ( LANGWATER BREEDING ). T h i:-: i:' a n e:-;cl' llI'll t hl' rd or d il ' r~' ('O \\, ,, - \' (' r~' Ilt' a\' ~ m ilk p r o d u l' '1'. ,l l : ({ ael'l' t' d it l'd hl'l'l l . TERMS-CASH


PO 0 0




II.\ RVE Y ,·Bl'R G

F OR S ALE - W ashing :'.1ac hl n : good cm U len ; Ki teh r n ~bi n(" \\' 1 h por t lai l' to.p : 328 E . ;\1ain . 1.,('1).'tn on , Oh io. P h onf' 132-R . - 12


[; \ ' Jll' ' V a r ~ ; ~ ga lll e. Bi ll R I(' k\' ~' a nd I ~ ;I I' L' Ha r t., ('k Wl rl' h i gh ~c,)r In g' lIH'n WiWl 14 pai n :-; earl l.



II 0 I

0 0

FOR S!\ LF: '- K ab lll :l'o() W c<x! Wt\YSES\,II.I. E b lll·n l' :': (·(" ,k . tol'l': wn !\(' la ll1 l' l Phonc 29 75 H fll't sc<:k i i n" h .

Fo r R eflll a nc iJ~ g - R eb utld ln g Buyi ng . 4 ~; F a ml l oans with l on g F'OR S ALE -.- :!- PlECE BEDR OOM tune LO p a y . Pay part or all li n )" SlII : f'. ~l X lI1ont11s old : good r Ol~t ime . el l! i' li1 : :\1)'. F in k~' B 1'0\\' 11 . 31'(1 S t. LEBANO:\ :-;AT"L FARl\I LOAN - 12 ASS·N ..



U·, t'.~

Sa le conducte d by Ohio.


~h e

Baile y-M u rphy Co., Wilmington ,


·: l ".l


ff 0 BUY

Many IteDls

























Waynesville Department Store --- Phone 2681 ---

F'airly Familiar b)' EFFELDEE

Pollee Chief C. P . Jo~' . .flrtRd Uw New Venr ff wit.h a rccord . H e was cnJled at 3 a . rn . New Yea.r's morning t.o remove' thr remains of o "too-freely" partaker of "CC'lebra lion juj()(," who had mnl'age<i . to carryon und<'T his o\\'n powf r ru; fllr 0.-; a d oo,rway wh re he d.

On arriva l in Leban on wi t h hI:, charg t.he Chief was illformro he wru 'the first on the dock t for 1947. CO2' idel'iny the hour h e Wa.5 ollled out, C . P . wasn·t very pn Lhu:-.iaAIc about tJ1e "hon 1''' . The N ew par is !I wt-t'k old . A f ew of l IS can now wl1te 1947 on c!leck$ ;, and le t,iers. Usually It is abOut;~h 15th before \\' nJl get n the ha.'bit of dOing this . Mam' ~ New . Ye~s rC'sol u tiOl's!l r now /" strained 'to the br a k ing point. Ma llY • already been brokC'n . A few 'fJIa}" wst tJ1ru the yea r . As a whol e 18 an fRcwry ana ngem n t. Reooultiol",s aae only In the mind. ~ a rule. To be succcl;s ful Lhey must 'b in the hear . In fhR L calx- tJ1 ey need not br made 0 11 New YpaI but car. be staned at ans Lim . R ~ alizatlon

that. wha te\, I' we havo US but i.< or l~' Joan d for our span of IIf Ii re on ~th wolrl,<I ~pel tJ1e n ,~ t y of mnking res:>IUlion. W11en we real lz d th fa ot we would Bvc ';0 lnunbly that. OUl' a c t.s WGuld not Te' qulre ary yearly r newlng . Th y would ns~lly be dh ked for 1'fection .

, does Il:lt belong <I

Arrogant. woul

greedy humBO tac c away like snow in ::I Oaope rn t i:>1'-




Methodist .Churches Schedule Meetings

Dog Uc('nses can be purcha.~ed a Six y- t\\'o o f th s ixty-nin(" the followin g on the dat{:'s Me hOObt t'hureh . in t h Day tor ill(i1ca wd . Lice nses purchased· aft r DISLIi.<; t. \\111 paut lc1paw actively in J, II . 20 will 'ha vC' a S1.00 ))ennIty a t. WO-\\·C'(' k " pr achill g mission" add ed a('('.Qrdin g to .A . M . • P arker ,from Jllll lli\l'~' ;) th r ()lI~ h 11 .<;('('kingo C u n y Audi to r . to \\1n nt'w dlUr(' h mC'mbel':-. and F.STAB LI ~ flED 1850 NO. 4298 S1.50 PER YEAR - 5c A COpy I'E'\1vc t,h(' Innct iv . J a nuary' 11 WAYN ESVILLE, olno ~I W ' Me' h ui J.~ t hurctl<"s in TIIUR DAY, JANUARY 9, 1947 Wa.ynesviUe 8 :00-10 ;0 Fete! Da}'ton and fi fty - on r chlll'c]ws out, Agcncy: Ly t le 10 :30- 12 :30 Lj't-Ie side DaylO n h ave ma de pla ns for Hardwore: Sprin gboro 1:00-3 :30 City s )X'<' ia l ni g-ht ~ rv icf's during h e BWldJng preach ing mission . In t he fri st w('{'k of t h e misslor. Licenses may also be ob ta llJecl pI' aehers will SPl'ak everr at th County Audiwr 's office. Leb- gue. nigh t. fmm SUll d a~' nt!{ht . J an . r. anon . Ohio. by appll atior. either in ----:----person or by mailing tile description t!h rc.ugh Friday . J a n . 10. The second as La age, sex. color. long or s hon we€'k of th C' mission will sta rt Sunhair and breed , togetl I' w1.Ul tJ1e day night. J al' . . 12 a nd conLinm required fee : throug h Friday nig h t. Jan 17 . Males--$1.00 Spayed F emales-SLOO AITIln ge mf'llts have bren m ade ......lo le:~ • ., .OO K with twenty gu est prC'a ch ers fwOrtl F'e """ ,,....--.;>V ennel- Sl0 .00 various parts of tJ1e nation to lea6 S1.00 pe nalty add dafter Ja r.uaJ'j· 20, t.he ohurchel; Ir he m od('1'n sub1947. stituLe for the older type of " revival meetin g. These guest pr eachers include Dr. Harold Lancas t I' of Clevela.nd : Dr, Lloyd Nixon of Pont ia c. Mich . DfWnJLer Castoe f Columbus : Dr, F Bringle Mclnto. h . sup rir.tenden of the Toledo Me t.h cdl st d1scrlcl ~ Lester H . Gordon, Postmamcr reDr. William K. Ander son and Dr, ports t,hat the local P~i.Offlce a gain Thomas Chilcote. h of Nash'Ville: remair.s in he second class posit Ion Rev. Sta ndley J e ffery of Colurnlbus: with a total of ~8485 . 73 listed a and B ishop A. P . Sh aw of t h BIl,1 \tota l receipts. $8000 .00 is necessa r y to lreep tJ1e offi e in t.his class - mC,ore Me t.hodl.~ t area . O Ohl'r speaker s are Dr . Leon ification . Moore. sllpcrir1endcn t of t he South The total receipts according La the past two ye ars are district. Philade lphia ; Dr. Sid ney of 11oledo : R,(ov . H arold K elloltg oS Alh ns. Ohio. Rev . Rol a nd G . Car1945 194~ $2321 .66 $2030.15 ter of Toledo ; Rev Ken neth Leary 01 Wen. Ohio : Rev. Glenll 2058.87 1809.70 Van

Brannock Receives Life Membership In Local Wayne Township Veterans Post

Post Office Receipts Retains Classification

VCp"'Il'I/_~~"-:. 88)..92 R~bflfi of Celir.a; 2762.96 estet' df Cti1c1i~atWDr. Vlvion of Nashvtlle;' ·Rev. Shenefelt c,I. Norwo:>d. Ohio.. Dr. 59821.99 ~.73 William S'teffens an d Rev. Rogel" Wlhile 1946 shows a to WI of over 1\tITell 'b oth of Por tsmouth, Ohio.; M'lIi:.if'o;J:i~ ,.~..: of AInel1ca.. j~~'~~:i1~~en,cck wa a Col1pOral in late ~vorld war. anti a member of t h e a thousand doll ars Ie..c;s tllan 1945' Rev. Thoma. Adshead of WlT~ng­ '.i9l~ ftI"'1I11o ."n. .".,; 4th A1'mored OiVt Ion. He served in foreign service for fifteen it sWI has a sufflclenlt amount t.O wr., Ohio. 'm onths and was irjured on Nov. 9. 1944 neal' Metz. Germany and suffered retalr. the offi ce classificat ion . tile 10 of both I s. Receipts of dlffer-ent CIa.5Siflcat ()()undl m e H e Is Ihe 0 11 Jf M r . FT!lnC " Brannock and re ides in waynesville . ions of buslne s transa ted a t the in regular session <In Mo nday evcnoffice for t.h past yea r nre listed ine of this week a.r.d in a dd ition as follO\\ : According to n yearly ~e por on 'to routine business It I' orga i z.ft Money P ost.n l fire loss In wle Vm a g~ of W ay n e~ ­ ~ .~tiOD of t.he group and a ppOln une n t Orde r ' NoLes \'ill e r eI a~ed th is w('ek b y Fire Chi ef pot'l'lI1lllt~s was h eld aecor ing :\1arch 14.445.15 3048.65 Stanclliord and A. !'ista n t FiJ'E' Chief i to Mayor Warrer. Braddoc k who lu t _ 14.663.60 3460.00 Ch ester Cnr y jot is i nd icated tha.t ed the following changes and n _ June 17.242.39 3112.00 the fire loss was h Jd to the mj r.:The Wayne. vill c Bo~'s Club. a n Owing to the ever increasing usc Sept. 1X>intments, 21.009 .62 3304 .48 imum pot;Sible wi t h only $5 .00 re, Stanley. Bailey was elect.ed by athle ie orgar l,7.!1Llon Illitia eo 1a-'1t of fuel oil in t.he past two years D c. ported for we en Ure y ar. Nat uraJIr Council -to the offlc oJ Pres iden . year f r t h e phy Ical improvem n B.nd the C'rooUr.g of supply ta.nks in 67.370.76 12.925.13 no loss of life of injur i es was ' re'Pro t~. P . L. Reason, L . C: t.. of th b y in I,hls onununiliy, is ba m en . ulldergI und und outside J ohr. apdlRe~ph E. Hastings (a n ewl y announcing It s entry of several af billldings, Ule State of Ohio has S t.amps M .O . Fe - corded due to fire, This is an ex treme ly fine I' ccrd appo1nUld member of Cound l l w re members III t.hE' GoOld n Glov s had to change everal old laws and March 113.89 1770.85 nnd tile W aynesville Fire Departelected to the F1nanc~ Hlcn1tll , S lll1l - Tourl"amcm t.c b e h Id in D ayton make new ones goverrJ ng the place- Jtlne 125.32 15599.41 ~tl.On and PrIson Oc;Jmmlttce. · this coming April . m ent of , ame. ·Sept. 1655.30 164 .06 m nho-is to be hjg~ commended! 2508.37 147.42 fC1' h ir efforts toward pr€'Ver.tEaa'l, Stanley B ail ~' a.nd The fol!owdn g m embers of Wit' In cas e an II1SLa lHllJOn of this D ec. il1g fir :; be fo re t-hey LUally hapMark Rogers ~ved a.ppointmen lS lub and theil' weights Ill' : kind is being mad e It. Is advised t h :lt pen . 7533 .93 550 .69 to ~o Stneet5. Alleys, Fire a nd Don P cpe. f1y,v eiwhlt: Bill McKc- thp proper au!'h oritlcs b e cOl'I't.flctcd Tn J1C' face o f this good record Bulld,lng ComrnJ , btee. ever . featJl eI'WeiglJt: Wal ter Wil ~Oll . in order to gl't full infOlma.t.lon On GRAND TOTAL c f a ll i ncom th e fire departm r.t h eads are anx Russell Bent;)y was nam ed Janitor light \\· ight: Don Gillian . we1 !K r- Lhe proper way tc make an in::;Lnll- 588 .380 .51. ious t ha t t he good work be conlind C . P . Joy Street Oommi l'-5j :l I~ - w('1 ht: Jim H a l' ck. Ii g ht-h el\\'Y M.ton of a fuel oil Lank. tinu ed a!l el I' qu em, ILhat t h e publh; As W a~' nE'S vill e has no laws eser . \\ Clgh t : Vlnce n.t. WilkNSOIl. Ilravy a gain be watch ful Uus year In th er. p ('C i all ~' dC'sig:ned to control tJlis weigllt . t'ffon to prC'vf'r t flrc s . Den CrIJital' an c! Jim H artsock ('ondit ion it is a avisaole La follow TIti. excellent r 'cord of last YC :lr !11'1' BI StoGte /Indiana-Ohio no\'lc(' wt l' Inws rega rdin g the m at.ter . ts a , goal tJ1n t- is going 1'0 be (' hnmpion ~ . Gillian has never los t It, IS no t a 'ked that, ciLiz.ens of thC' diff icult t.o sUI1Jas.- but with he a flg1/1lt. . J im Hart.<;()()k IOfit wh ell h e Village clo Lhe impossible in pla,c ill'! l-a llJC cons tant VigIlanc E' It 1.<; hoped fucl .oil t fln ks but it is desired tJla l tJied for Open chantionship . Carl A. J nkin . flg-pd 77. 'p tlssed that- th e fire 10. s fo r 1947 can agam TIle Club has beel~ not.lfied i h s. they be made La "confonn La staltues away SaLurda y eVE'l1l ng fH W1C hOI11 (, be held Lv a minimum . ·MlOm·s Pa.r.tIl"y opend to the public their members entered In tJ1e T our- as nearly as po.s5lble Wlt.hout. work- of Mrs. Mn.e Mackelfrc h afier a bout ' d cf a on Sat u:('day. Jan. 4 in the locMion nament are w prepare t.o defend iog a n y h a lushlp of extra expens e two wecks ill r.E'SS.. H C d 1e H EAT RECORn FOR to the owner. . heart condition . formerly occupied by HaPPy's Rest- tJ1ei.r tiUes In April 1947. JANUARY BROKEN Plene help us to make yovr propThe support of the conununity IIiUl'8.nt. The new owners. Howard The only survivor Is one broWler. According '\.0 Wymer Drake. ert.y safe from fire hazards in this is urged in behalf of these boys f Browr.. and Mrs. Monta. Workman S . S. J enkins of C€nt,erville. Way n esvllJe Drug Store proprietcr. respect by learning how to properly . are Itea.turtng regular mealls. short as they compete in the Golden Funera,1 services were conducted and we8l~r mar. . the heat reconJ Install fuel oil tanks. O11ders and Home-made pies. They Gloves. alt the M.cC'l ure Funeral Home or. was bro ke n a yea!l" ago thds week Your coopera.tlon will be greattly still serve Oem City lee cream, 'Th.Iesday at 2 :00 p. m. with R<lbert when -the thermometer registered apprecla.ted. TIiANKB. , • iMnJ, Brown, who is hielping in Fact leaIlet No. 45 which car. be S . VanZile, minister of the WayneiS- 69 d~~s on tJ1e nfth and six1lh or Waynesville Fire Dept. 'the ~t1on of the restaurant, re- obtained free from county ~cul­ ville OhlU'l'Ch of Cluist orficiating. January. Wlymer k:eeJ)6 a dally reD. E. Oh1e! ~ porte 'I:.1iat business is except.1onany tual &g!ents will help real e5tate Bunal was made in WPodllliwtl cord on wewther conditionS a.nd tembuyers. pemture6. Chester carey. Asst. Chief cemetery, Xerua, aood'. 2.200.44



: m:

Minimum Fire Loss -

Boys CIUbEt n ered F·Ire Department In uO {' Id en GIoves Asks Cooperation


.New Restaurant Opens Saturday

Carl Jenkins Dies Here Saturday


daughlter, MIss Marjorie, attended the Golden Wedctmg anniversary of Mr. and .Mrs. Charles Davis at Mitunlsburg on StUl~ Dec. 29. Mrs. Charles Charlton, Ir. company with MIss Willa Lelsz of Spl1I.n8'b<a'o, IE'!Jt by qus Monday morning to visit ~;r son, Don Charlton. F l l c of the Navy at San Delgo. caU f'or~la. They expect to be gone a bout a Irnorith. Mr. and Mrs. Everett Kenrick and children nd Mr. and Mrs , Lesber Keruick were dlnr.~r guests Sunda\Y of Mr and Mrs. Lawrence Elliott and son at Oakwood. Friend here a re sorry to learn t hat. Mrs. Rolla Bolton fell In' the balOh room at her home I~ Colwnbus last week nnd fractured her hip.

TUESDAY JANUARY 14 Wa~e6ville UXlge No. 163 F. & On Dec. 30th Mr. Clarence Rye A. M. Stated Meeting 7 :00 P . M. • • • was hostess to the mothers and datJgIhter of the Soullh Wa.yne Ad- JAN. 9-Wayne T wns:h!p Fanners visory OouncU when she gave a Club will meet at Lhe h m of Mr. mlsCellanous sho~r In honor of Mrs. and Mrs, Clarence R)~ . The Woman's Au.'ClJlary, S t. Mary'S Lyle Fox, a recent bride . Mrs. Fox 1s t1be fOJmer Ellen . Moss. daughter Church will hold Its January meetof Mr. and Mrs . Hartley Mo>.s oC Ing on Friday, Ja n. 10bh, a t 2 P . M . at ·t he 'home of Mr . Daisy SI' yder. Oregonia. • • • Guests a.t t.he shower were Mr . S t . Mary's Club will mep! 'So 7:30 R. A. Asbury ; Miss Mary M oss; Mn;. John Burske ; Miss Marylin P . M. on Sunda'y evening. January lBurske; Mrs. Da.vis FlU'nas; Mrs. 12t h at me Rectory . • • • .Jane Payne ; Mrs. J. B. Orabbe; Miss Edna SLnndlforth ; Mrs. Frank WCTU ~IEETING !fIox; Mrs. Jack Mardis; Mrs. Doris CHANGES HOSTESS~ Kennedy ; MJ·s. Lewis Fires; Mrs. The WCTU meeting announced Elsie Ellis; Mrs. Frances Gra.y; Mrs. last week as meeting on Frrlday evenEarl Earn.hart; Mrs . Alvin Earnhart ; ing. Jan. 10 at 7:30 o'clock with Mrs. the honor guest's mother. Mrs. Ha'l't- Raymond Braddock as hostess has h y Moss; 'J1he hostess, Mrs. Clarence been changed to meet at bile home Mr. and Mrs. Hiley Gibson spent R ye' and h er daughter. Gladys R ye. of Mrs . 'J1rwnan Wardlow Instead. Sunday afternoon wtth Mr. and The dn te and time remains the Mrs. Richard, HaiMS or near Xenia, same. Mr. and Mrs. EvE!rebt Bunnell and ENTERTAINS IN .fa.m.Uy were supper guesb. • HONOR OF BI,R THDA Y eViening of Mr; !LI1d Mrs. OmM WSC SEHEDULED TO OFI\IRS,ROGERS Bolden and daughter of Dayton, HOLD POT-LUCK DINNER Mrs. Lydda Coleinan entertained at AT CHUROH. JANUARY 16 Mr. and Mrs. Kelllneth ' Bratiten of dinner for Mrs. Hannah Tbe WSCS of the Meth<>dis~ Da'YtOn called or.. Mr. and Mrs. Rogers at h er home In WaynesvUle, Church will meet ' a t the Ohurch G eorge Bratten Sunday afternoon. !'air and' Mrs, Morris Lewis and Mr. and Mrs . J. O . Cartwright. Mr. basement rooms on Thursday, Jan. and! Mrs. O. R. Ung lesby, Same 16 with a pot-luck dlnner relllturing sons &pent SUnday with Mr. and Smith; Ellis Ivins and sister. Mrs. the meeting. 'Vhe dinner will be Mrs. JOIhn Koester of Utica. W. W. Smith, lr- celebration of Mrs. served at 12 :30 p. m . A program Mr, and Mrs. Jrurnes Bratlten and Roger's elglh!ty-sevent.h brlthday . wUl tollow in charge of Mrs. Oharles cl1ildrerl of Daly ton spent Thursday with · Mr. and Mrs. George Brat.ten. Ellis. Mr. Ernest Hasz and ~ spent. ·STUBB CONDUCTS FUNERAL OF RELATIVE AT EATON ~. and Mrs. 1M. A . Fulkerson and the week-end wJ.tb his wt!e Jear. 'l1he Stubbs Pur..era.l Home con- dalu~hter Z.a ne Mae together with and: Mr. and Mrs. V1ctpr Podersoi dluCted the funeral seI'Viices of a rel- Mr. and Mrs. Fulkerson of Spring of eozaddale. Mrs. Rasz Is taking llItive, Jesse Root ot Ealton, 0h10 on Valley , spent a ·t.wo weekS vaca,tion care of her mOthE!r who fell and broke her l\*p a few weeks ago, Wednesday a t Entel'pI"lse ' Lutheran in .Texas beginning Dec. 18. Mrs. George Bratten and- Mr. Church MJd 1lhe bul'ial at LexingtOn Emerson Dill wet!e Xenia visitors AT MlAMl cemetery. Saturoay afternoon. VALLEY HOSPITAL Mr, RxJbert Earnl~ returned Ito As of 2nd or Jan 1947 Miss Mlnnie B4LPII '~GS Orawtord will be a. r.ew employ of Oolumbus, to resume h1s sbud1es. .APPOINTED A$ iUn; Miami Valley HC6pltai in Day- S\mday and M1'I8 !t~~ine Earn-, ()OUNCILMA'f toc' 0., wOl'ldng in HLsto-Patlhalogy ban!; returned to D~n to. attend . Wa.ynesvUie V1llage OouncU met Dept.. of the Laba:ra:tory for Melvin school, dter spending the holidays here. ln' ~ sesslon on Monday even- <>oeting M . D . Mr. Wallter Calahan and children iDg an'd In addition to conducting reguJa.r bus~ IIIhe appoin~ent of Mrs, W1n1fi'ed Ha.rtsock and son of Oinc1nnatl spent. SUnday with RalPh Hastl.n8s as oouncllman to , DaIvld were Christmas day guests of Mrs. OIllab8u's parents. Mr. and Mrs.

m,. JJott'!

replaoe HaN'J Sherwood. who re- Mr. ,a nd Mrs, Rhna.ld Hawke . sl8'r..ed,



GRABAMs ATTEND FAREWELL DINNER Mr. and ·M rs. 'Herbert. ~ and dilld!ren a41tended a farewell dinner in their honor at the home at Mr. ar.d Mrs. Prank Snider Of M1am1sbw'g, SaWrday,


Mr. and! Mrs. Het.bert Gt'aham calon Mlr, and Mrs. J. R. Wade, Saturday aftemooo before leaving lor Mr. Ora.ham's new pastorate in ~




TMma.s Runyon. Mr. ana Mrs. Henry Berges and

c.h1ldren ot DaytbOJ1L spent SUndIa.y NEW YEAR'S EVE with ~.and Mm. Lue M~ . GUESTS ENTERTAINED Even1n~f oaUers were Mrs. Robert. AT JOONS HOME Mr. and Mrs. Ralph JohnS- enter- Greene and daughter Leona of Dayta.1ned Mr. and Mrs. Lester Kenrtck, ton. Mr. Russell ~ll. Mr. and Mrs. ,Mrs. Alice TromILl! 1& spending watCtt'i Hartsock, Mr, and Mrs. Gene tJhe rest of IIIhe winter with her ThOmPson and Mr. and Mrs. Ken- ~ Mr. and MIrs. JDewey Oomstook and f~y of Beavwtown. neth Bradley on 'New Year's eve.

,{) ./) n ==-=

• • •





fl'om. IA9t week)

Ml's~ ,Prank ~in

Mr.a.nd Mrs.


Mr. Paul Johns returned to C1n- &Mrson !Dll1. ' House guests of Mias Glaidys Rye ,clnnatl Ba.Wrday ~oon to reMr. oUJd Mes, Lewis and 'f or New Year's were Miss Bubara ~ his stludies at the Un1ve1'8lty son Jerry and ,BIUy spent SUnday Wa.iker, Who wa.s on vacation t'rom . there .af:tel' spending .t he MUday& with Mr. a.nd Mrs. John Koester of her dut.ies at Miami ValleY School with home folks. Utica. ' . . of Nursing; and Mias Marilyn B\I&e, Mr, Mid! Mrs. 0hatLe.s Reynard and who was at home from BoWling· of Salt Lake City, Utah Green DoUege. called on !their Uncle and AUnt. Mr. All 'three are graduates of the and Mrs. MIbur OlaTk. Fr1daIy. W'BB class of '46. MIss Rye ret\mled Mrs. Earl Mende1lihal1 and de.ughto her studies at th.e Un4ver81ty of :ter of npp-Oity IJpent several days Cinclnn8lti, MAlnday. last week with her parenta, Mr. . and Mrs. GuY ~ and RusMr. and MJrs. RabeIit Furtla6 were sen. boat and ho8teas at a 6:00 o'clock Mr. and MIrs. Kenrick tdlnner given lor Mr. and Mrs. and James H'Bdnes attended. a 'birbhHemert Oraha.m and dhUdren, day d!lnner SUndiary at the home of 'ThUraday of last week. Mr. ar.d Mrs. Robel1t Haines and Children in Dayton, and Mrs. IK enMrs. Pnink Halwke and son were rick. «UeBtB of MrS. ' Winiford!Bla.r.t8ook Mr. and MJrs. J. II. Jones el1lterBROWN'S' ~Ithe . last week. ta4ned to 6 o'clock dinner, N~W' Year, ' INSURANCE , .On P1tda.y evening II&rtBock MD. MaqJaret Jc1m6. Mr. Paul SERV'~E' otr&ce at M8ry ~'s entel1ta.lned to dJ.nner Mr, a.nd Mrs. Joboa, Mr, MOton JOllIeS and Mr. RjcmIIIld HaIR.e tmd M;Isa Kitty Olb- ILnd. Mlr8. Thede ,Jones. . Pholie 2935 lions and! Mr. Jim Gtbbons. Mk'• ./fmd Mrs. Will Roes atlkl WAYNESVILLE, OHIO



Mlr. and Mrs. Hlly Gl.bson spent THE MIAMI GAZET'J.'E - .... I Monday afternoon with Harold WAYNESVILLE,OmO -- NO. 4298 Rogers and Mlrs. Elnulla Oi1>oon of 'I1BURSDAY, ' JANUARY ' • .9; :- ~ Bellbrook.

Da.vld and Ernestlne are spending Miss Joan Comstock of Bea.ver- a few dn) 's with friends in Jackson , town is spendlrig a few days wl uh Ohio. l;er aunt'Mrs. Allce F'urman. Mr. and Mrs. ThOmas 1Rur.G'o n , Mr. and Mrs. Hiley Gibson, MJ·. spent Ohristanas w~th their dlloU8'hand Mrs. Richard Halnes of r.ea.r tel's. Mr. and Mrs. Walter Callahan Xenia. were dinner guests Christlmas and falnUy of Cincinnati. da.y or Mr. and Mrs. Everett BUnn ell and famUy. TOWNSHIP TRUSTEE Mr. ar.d Mrs. Kenneth Bratten of REORGANIZE NAME Day;ton ca.lled on their paren ts Mon- NEW PRE WENT day afternoon, The Way~e Township Tru!lt.ees Mrs. David Lucas spent a few day at a' meet lug held , Monday evenlast week with her 'son ~' . Earl Ing of th.Ls week reorganized tlheir Lucas and family, group and named Jesse PrenderiMr. ar.d Mrs. Raymond Smith engast as' pre61d1ent; wfn St. Joh n. te!1ta1ned tv dinner on Christmas vice-president; ar.d Robert F'umas, day Mrs. Ruth Smith. Mr, Geol'ge road supel'Vlsor. Smith, Mr. and Mrs. ~ank Sexton This !'eorga,nlzatlon plan is a of Dayton. method emjoyed each January to Mrs. Alice Furman sper:t Christ- aUow all members an opporunity mas day with her neice, Mr. and to s erve 1n the various capaclties Mrs. Dewey C<lmstock of Beaver- o f ,the group, town. Mr, and Mrs. Lue t'\forgan were dinner ~ests Christmas day of Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Morgan altd daughter Betty. Mr. and Mrs. Alt\red Morgan and family spent Ohristmas with Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Crawford and famlly. Mrs. Ernest Eart'Jlart !lIIld son

FISH AND GAME ASSOCIA TION TO ELECT OFFCERS 'J1he W8Im!n Oounty Fish and Game Association will meet in Memorial Hall, Lebanon on Jan'. 9 (toright) at 8:00 o'clock. In addition to lOhe regular meeting an electlon of officers will be held .


























;t It' •


'.~.:."" ~

' t·

.... ',I



TIlE MIAMl.o GAZETTI! ~ --' '''''' '"3 ce4l "swollen proffU"? Then again W:AYWE8V1LL1>,OID~ - NO. 4298 break th8lt into before taxes and TBUR.sDAY, JANUARY 9. 104? a!ter ta.xes:what percent Is that nOW and wtlo gets it? Some seem ' to thi~ thaIt ~t all 8008 to a few mI1llor.a1res, some of it does but lww about the mJ:lUons of 6IIlall ~ers who ha~ put their A FARM DIARY sa1vings -llitb stock& tile inBtfra.nce D. J. Fraiser companies and S8N1ngs compa.n1es and the mUllor.a o! t.h~ who are Janu nry 1. 1947. Ha.ppy New Year. netther poor or rtch. who w1l:l have Are your wl.r-dows clean and brlght 'J no other socla.l. security. CUt divldThey ought to- be. for UWI is a ends and you cut the buying pOwer Ume ~hel} eVeJj'One ought to look of lIS many people as drew wages. ' out 8It the world tbro~gh nice win- and so it goes. Olean up your dows. not. smog and fog. noL smoke windows ar.d look out of one little and soot, not. eve!!. through rose- clean spot. colored glasses, . bUt Ilhrough clear. The war is offio[ally over and windows that show bhings just as railway tralVel shows the difference. they wre. neither better rror worse. 1beTe are still tra.1nloads of people Which wa'Y should we. look, Every going somewhere but in a big &tadirection. Look out in the back yard . tion like Chicago you. can see the it may l!eed cleaning up. Look at difference. The waltinl to 'have ·t.he world. ~ out- in front (Do 1lhet;.reseftV atiOl}S C¥~ are allorYOU see that sewer still runnlng ter. filere are fewer exc~ .people down Main Street?) Look up at the meeting trains. fewer frenziedl good s ky. may be you will get inspiration byes. It Is' are still 'frem the stars. a t least LL may rest men 1n unifonn but not so ' manyymlr e~s ~ter you ~t tired - of of lohem and they take t place looking a.t ttha.~ at - lib. ~ ~ In cl t iWi~u la1 Into yo~H' andoliSk cine q~est1omt, ~vD8ge' . • the nelW year Is a good t.1rne for Chicago t; -aiwaYlt1n.t.erestJng

Miiestolne Car "Sealed in ·Celloph.ane"

2J,'J I<iJ"e

doq tha, ., You ~~ot ~ the~ ~ly. .~ ~ 'OUtOil' a.ny <>ryc:Alr windows 8.lwiijij. Ute to bt~t the f~ sfJp is ito see, the ques- Beton, ~.

'" An .' ' amonK motor can is this milestone model, imposed' upon the industry by current business condithe l!l,OOO~oooth Chevrolet bUilt in the 3S yean of the tionl. Top' ranking executives of Chevrolet who "deliv~ c1eat'ly. . ago that ~ows fUll of toys and divl.ion's history. Production of thil ca,r ea,rly in December ered" this welcome SOuvenir "wrapped in cellophane'" 'lbe papers and magazines are full Senta 0Jauses &eeID$ ~t of date . . hiahtight8 the endeavor of aut<llmotive manufacturers of are ' Nicholas Dreystadt (left), Keneral manager, and A~rk:a to suppl~ a car·hungry nation within the limib T. H. Keating,generaJ salel mapager. of questions and forecasts. The war By now th y 8!"e aill replaced with offielsll, at an end but' haVe we WIute SaJt!III as they .are here in peace? Look at the wO'l'ld? H aw Denver. Next week here. they will _ mUGh. do y«?~ ~t pe'ace ? ' Have . ~ed ,wtbh,. ~~. to attract the ~y -I waaeQ. thr~ our new t.u1ld- word for it <that rhymes wit h think. plant a.nd in getting the product inwe peace:~ tn the nsct~? you ~tQr6.. to the s~ . show. Time, 1ng 0Qde. We h~e . po p1anll for Lets get rid of it. to trade channels,' ,. or (<1<> jus wan Slides aJong • fa.S.t .tl'Ia( even this O1v~ Cel!tera arid parks yet a.u .... to' grab a . lltt.le t>t.t more. 10 yO\lr- ~ew ' ~ng will be out of through i~ oqr gre6Itest need stuck .~u~~ "~ in ei~ht Ohio eelf. and, ~ fanirue ? Look, t' the ' .Yidu get it• .The lovely out lI,k.e a - ~. j.hUIQ", the corner dairy manufactUring oompe..nif6 1n NORRIS dlvqrce recxn'cta. Have , we cJ)e8ce In warm weathe that we 8d ChrISt- stone of ~ ~vemenw. tbe need 1944 averaged 2.33 cents ~ ctnllam.&tl {Jolon Stoell Y.1IISt OUftIel.ves? Answer that one: mas Is go~e and it 15 cold and"snowy.' fQlt. a new, eewenge ~8~ Until butta'. 3.1 _~ta6d oq hedLow~ , prices ~Me '0 ~~re'" ~ begin toJ ~er how ever;thlng. U1a~ ,is f~ nQ Qtber, ~~ ar. .... 1. thiIt e114· at ' 1947. ~lfopi ~-a:lle" they i down on t..h'e ..ta.rm 1)Ut won't' ment ~ . itt __anJ'Whe:re; ~ New 0 ' ~d to '~l J~~ ,Where t e ' lo!,g noW belaTe 1 Will bF theie Ii.nd 'itear'a wish f~ W~ is thart. Those included all expenses 1~ t he. h~ alwaY5'J:>eguiL with fah~' p, 'h nd out. ~ .. tl ~ ~ '• . ', '1947 ~l 'n ~ frOlD .., : •. . Hat; aibout w_ages? Everyo~e is h~" _ The Public J,Jbrary J1ere has two ~att ~1r.ty .trtcle in the suttAlr end ., for higher . y.:a~ bu l;low - a11 .1 ptere tlng dep8.lltments,: A!rt .;-~ ~is ' an old' English FOR SALE so ' long-



pa.te perP

on '.





. haWl . lUgher wa~s ,.8n9- 1~er. M~si~. ~?~ '~~I p,nd 5? Some one su gge ts a surv y .t>h~ngs the Art' deplll'itment abbw1 ~xact y ho ~ fri ' {Of' wrtit otJ ~tlQils In for the , .thln~' nutamo§'le . J~r.e pti1n~ngs ,~~I~ a~ ~ f er · wn~es. \)eg1n- ,a: l1bra'l'y cartt" frla,y hnTTnirl"

~th ' ~l ni:Ol\~.,~. k1 ;t:; =ih :ratm ~ rOY ~,:R19iipt


Musf -





.prho mines,the iron '1l1~

,p l;lle ~11. 1iWe,ry 140 thQJt. .;\n 1a;&l~tJway? ~d . ~~ :c~ thf\.~ ~, J1i; h £t Bes1des>;bookj, ~ mpsio Q.r IIjljlfJlKIS, OIlxllW; and the tl'aJ ns. Then -add lthe~muslC'''d~nt



-:Of ff)' J ' .'J' t, .. r,.So;


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Xenia O.

The Miami Gazette ESTABLISHED 1 8 5 0


Every Thursday by DAVISSON PRESS FLOYD L. DAVISSON, Editor Sntered as Second elMS MaLter at the Post OWce

S1fbs<:rl ptlon Rates: $1.50 per Year in Advance

National Advertising Representatives Ohio W ee klfes, Inc., 2465 W. Broad Street, Columbus 4, Ohio




-'lark \\ . Rhoade vs. Mitch e l Rusc lllury Rhoadcs, u minor, Mal" vin E. Youn g app oi nted guardian ud lit(! llI. RlI s~ ell Lamb Vo· . Al berta B Lamu, dh'ol'ce to plaintitf, defcn dam I'e tored to ma iden na m , plaintiff to pay costs. J o·(.' ph R. Thomp on vs , George Thompson et ai, pa l'tition ordered . Martha Beel, ad ministra t r ix v . Gerald W. Coude n , sheriff et aI, judgment of court in favor of plaintiff.

Wllli!\m T. Long. 23, Plea sant Plain, farmer; Mary Lou H erman, 1 , But lcrv ille, t elcphone o pt'l·ator. John Parlett, 76. Dayto n, car pen ter; ora Parlett, 6 , Franklin. Raymond Burford Ray, 31, Lockland, laborer ; Milch'ed La erne Sims, 29, Lebanon, clerk . Mitchell . R ber ts, 22, Lebanon, u lesman; ha rlotte A. H ick man, PROBATE ' OURT J • Lebanon. In t he matter of t he esta te of Carl A. H ol me, 26, Lebanon, farmer; Ka t hleen J ohnsoll, 26, Leb: Tom A, Wood, dec'd. , Ethel M. Wood, executrix inventorv approvanon, teacher. .. J ohn ny Proctor [ill er, 22, Mor- d. " I n the matte r of the estate of row, laborel'; i ary Isabelle Com pI nez Craig, dec'd., H el chel M. Wil!!;on, 26, Morrow. liams ap pointed admini strator g i\·· ing bond wi t h s ur t ies in urn of NEW CASES $12 ,000 . Alfred E. Wells vs. Pauline Well , divorce, gro s neglect of duty. J. T. Riley, atty. . The Trustees of t he Wilm ingto n Yearly Meting of Frie nd • I nc., v . John St~ddolll et ai, to determine hei r- ship. ..' Donald Dilatu hand C. L. chilling, atty. Ru th R. Land vs. William Ernest Land, di vo rce, exheme cruelty, l1c ~ B. Gray, a tty.

Maple exec uto l' fil ed first and final In the matte r of t he estate of I'I1II: MIAMI GAZETTB - Pap , acco un t. Sigmund P.ia~t, dec'd .• Marvin E . WAYNESVILLE,OIDO - NO: 4%98 In the mu tter of the trust crea t- Young ndm lnl stmtor fil ed first alld THURSDAY JANUARY 9. 1947 ed by t he will of Daniel H. Linc\. final account. ----' -------dec'd., W. hester Maple, t rustee In the ma tte r of the estate of filed fir t and finnl account. Fra nk H off, dec'd., Alma Hoff ad· and ul'uh Richardson 130.19 aCI'es In the mutter of t he estate of mini tl'utrix inventory approved. in TlII:tl cl'eek t wp. Georgia F. Mende nhall. dec:'d., AI In t he matter of the estate of Karl . and Jenn ie H. Cowan to to n F. Browl , cxecutor inven tory Philip S. Gose, dcc'd. , Eli zabeth M. Mon ow und Kati e Sheets 75.95 r Gos e, executrix in ve nto ry approved. an l" in Union twp. a pproved. In the matte r of t he estate of E,lith Bis hop to HlllTy . and Flore nc G. Stokes. dec'd., James REAL E TATE TRAN FERS Rowcna . Gut heil lot in Lebunon. W . Stokes executoO r filed certificate H e l'bcrt H . a nd Angeline Werner Rob' r t M. Blair to Bet t y Lou of transfe r of real estate. to Geo rge Gutzwillet: 194.50 acres Bla il' 0.6U6 al'res in T Ul'tlec l' k I n t he matt'l' of t he estate of in Harlan tw,p. t \l'p. Oc tavia Co lemun , dcc'd., Fl'Ilnk W. Virginia K. Hoffmllil to Wa ltel' Th e \\ UI'I'c n ounly N ews Pu bCole ma n appointed executor giving Duane Maiden 47.70 acre - in Tu!'· li s hing '0 . (0 Clitf I'd J . hack: bond wi t h sUI'ctie!, in s um of $2000. t lecrcck t wp . • fi e ld 0.125 ucrc ' In Lebanon . In the ma tte r of the e ta te of W. H. ant! Mabel Poge t o W. H. Ida B. J ohn on to Bert W. J ohn- · Joseph S. MOITi , dec'd., Julia G. M H enry O. 6 acres in PJ ea!'ant son lot in Lebanon . Morris appointed admin\ t1'8trix Plain. J e!< e Mentz to Elmel' and Hazel giving bond wi t h s ure ties in s um of tan ley C. Will oug hby to K en· $6000. neth L. and Edythe M. Allen lot ill E ve rid g e lo t in Frnnkli n. In the matter of t h estate <>f outh Leba n n. Philip lind La ura B. Wood tv Ear l R. Bowen, dec'd., Nettie Lou CO I'wiu S. F I'ed to Nuncy B. FI'ed Hem'y and L ona M. Kin g lot ill Fl'Illlklin. Bow n. executrix filed certificate of 120.6 1 acrcs in TlI rtJecreek twp. transfer of real estate. Fred Kahn to J ohn and Hele n C. Donald W. and Kathleen MUl'i e I n t he mat ter of the estate of Eltzroth 2.50 acres in Cleu l'cl' > k Selle l' to William and Lucill~ Stephen F e iler, deo'd ., Bertha t"'1> . Bl'at\ e lot in pringbol'o. Swange t· admini s tratrix former Jack Richard and M. Max.ine ' ol'win S. Frcd toO Nancy B. Fr d order of court approved;' personal Schram to Robl'l't and Alma Rlch- 98.50 a\! res in Uni n Twp. property to be old at pri vate ale ; ardsoll 0.78 acr s in Hamilton twp. Ant hony Bainotle to Anilu Petrofi__ I _t_a_n_d__fi_n_a_l_a_~_o_u_n_t_fi_l_e_ d.__·_______J_a_n~1e W. Stokes etal t_o_G __ eo_l_ .g_,!__c_e l_Ii__5_I_o-t~-·-i_ n -D-e e-I· fi-e-ld--t_w_P_.____

I II t he matter of the e ta te f FI'ida EI'd, dec'd., . R. houp, !, xecuto\, filed final and di str ibUI L\' l! account. In t hc matter of t he estat of Sylvan W. Thompson, dec'u .• Euwurd F . Weiderhold, Jr. , admini,, tratol' invent ory hearing et for J an . 17 at 1 Oo'c1ock. In t he matter of t he e ta te of Alice H. Lind, dec'd., 'w. Che tel'

c~ No. ZZ20


Reserve Dlstrtct. N o. 4

!!~th G!~!.t:e!'!~dG~' 3 7~



C"eck One ~,.zlne

o Country Gentleman ...... .5 Yr. 0

o Parau.' Magazinr ......6 Mo. o U. S. Camera............._.... 1 o Americ:aD Clrl ..............1 Yr. Calling AU GIrls. ...........1 Yr. oo True Comia ................. .1 Yr.


ASSETS CAsb, balances with otiler be.nka, Includ1n& reserve balaDce, and caah ltema In process of co11ect.1on ........... .. .. . .. 490,222.89 UnJtec:\ States Government obUgatlons, direct and guaranteed 735,219.82 ODl1gatJona of st8tes and political SUbdlv1liona •••• . •••••.• , .•• 345.392.37 OUler boDds, nota, and, debentures ••••...••••......•.•.. .. .. 104,610.83 COirpomt.e stocks (including $4,500.00 stock of Federal ReIerve Bank) ••••.•••• " ••••••••••.••••••••••••.• . 4,500.00 IAlans and d4sc0unts <1nclu.d!lng $12.54 overdral'ts) ... . ... .. .. . 228.1186.85 Bank ~remlses owned $1500.00, furntt.ure and ~ fl .00 . . 1,501.00 CMlber 88!lete •• .... •. •.....••• • •••••••••••. , •• , •••••. ••• . , • . .• 90.00 TC1l'AL. AS81!7l'8 ,., .••••..••••••••• , ..•••••...•' •.••••• 1.910.223.76

LlABILITUS Demand dePOSits of lndlvldualB, putIlershlPl, and

corporations .. . , ..... ,.................................. TIme deposits of indlviduals. part.nerab1pe, and COllpOre.ttona . . . •••.•. • •••••••• • •••• '•••••••••••••••••• , • • Deposits of United Btatea Government (lDcludlnc . poBtal

.vinca) ......................................... .

1.512,798.93 131,036.86


Depo81r.. of Stabea and polttIicU aubdlv1atorl8 ••• ••••••••••••• 45,090.46 Dep:Jelts of Banb ...•.•......•.. ; •••••••••••.••••.• 1.776.00 OCber depos1te (cerWled and C81ibJer.. cbeck.a. etc.) .••..... U33.73 T<>TAL DEPOBl'rS ••••••••••••••••••••• ,1,743,207.43 GIber l1aIb11ttlea ......... , .. , ...•••..•. .. , •.......•.•.• , • , , . . . 1,500.00 T<>TAL UABILrl'Il!J3 . .................................. 1.744.7111.43


Oommon Stock. total ' par $75,000.00 •••••.••.•.. • .••.... 1BUrp1Ua ••• • ...••• ,.......................................... Vnd1~ profltB . ....... ".......... . .................. . ..

75.000.00 75,000.00 15.516.33

T<>TAIL OAJP1'l1AIL AOOOUNTS ...•••..•...•••.. ,., ...•.• 166.516 :~ T<>TAL LIABJLITIII!S Am> OAPITAL AOOOUNTS .... 1.910.223.76



Assets pled8ed or assigned 't o secure l1a.b1l1t4es and f(j/f other purposes ,............ .... . .. ...... ...... ......


. State of Ohio. Oounty 01. Warren, 88 : I, S. L- Robln8oD, ca&h1er of the above named b6J Jt do IOlemnly near t.tat ~.e above statement Ia tIrue to' beet or ~ knowledge aru! beUer.

. ~)

8. L. ROBIlNBON, OUh1er

Sworn to and subacr1bed ,b efore me 1IIhla 'lUl ~ of Jan .. 1947 . WYMER L. DRAIKiE. Noll!U'Y PtibUc Correct,-..AttaJt:



Any Magazine Listed and Thisi Newspaper. Both for Price Shown LJ 'American I~ rull Growu........ SI.75

o Am.erican Girl ...................... 2050 o American Home .............! ...... 2.60 o ~merlc:an f'oullry JournaL. I.6S o Boy's Life ................................. !I.10 o Child Life ..............._._ ...... 5.4S o Chrillian Hmald .................. !I.•5 o Coroon ................_ ............... 5.SO o Current HUlory .................... 5.otS o Country Gentleman (5 Yn.) 2.50 o Elude Mule MapzinC!.. ......... 5.40 o Farm JrnL Ie Farmer'. WUe US o l10wu Growu ...................... 2.9S o Forum ...................................... 5 ••S o HOUlehoid .............................. 2.00 o Jack and Jill............................ 5,40 o Judy'. (News and Views) ...... 5.00 o Uberty (Weekly) ...... ~........... 5.95 o I\f~em Romances .. _ .......... . 2.75 o Modem Sc:1ftIl ....._ .......... ' 2.75 o Movie:. in Rnlew.................. 5••5 o National Uvatoc:k Producn 1;75 o Nature (10 Iuues, 12 MOL) U5 o Open Road (Bo,.) ................ !.!IO o Outdoon .................................. 2.50 o Pannla' Mlapzine ......1'......... 5.2S o Pathfinder, 26 luun.............. 2.00 o Photoplay .............................~.. 2.SO o Popular Mechania .............. !1M o Popular Sc:l~ce Monthly.... 11M o Poultry Tribune .................... 1.65 o Readu's Digat .................,.... ..25 o Redbook .......... ,..............'.......... 5M o Saeen Romances .................. 2,75 o Sport. Afield .......................... 2M o The HonMmaker ' .................. !U5 o The Wom:an .......................... 5.•5 o True RomllDces .... _................ 2.25 o True Story ........... ~............ . .... 2.!1O o U. S. CarMI'll............... ........ :.... U5 o Wah DOOc:y'. COmia............ 2.55 o Your Life ................................ !I.otS HWIPlPIlI AID UUZ'III 1 YUI, UIUIi TIIII IHOW.

ROBS H. BABTSOOlt 0iD0. J. 'WA'l"BR.BOtJ'SlI: H . A.OO~


Modem Scr«n ... _ ........1Yr.

Sacm Romances ......... .1 Yr.

Open Road (Boys) ........ 1 Yr. oOutdoon .......................... 1 Yr. 0 Ph olOp... ,11'1' y ..... _................ • Ouulian Herald ........6 Mo. 0 st-u Afidd ........... _ ....1 Yr• Modem Roma~ ........ I Yr. 0 True Story ...................... 1 Yr. 1'1'.

Ie the state of Ohio. at Uhe close of business' on Dec. 51, 1946, published III response to ca.u made by Comptroller of OUrrency. under sectioJ:. m 'l. U. S. Rev1IIed Statues.

0 0


Check Th .... M.,ulnes

o Fann Journal aDd Fanner'. Wile ........2 Yr. o Houaehold MapziDe .... 1 Yr. o Romaoca ............. 1 Yr. o True American Fruit Grower I Yr. o American PoalUy Joumal _

0 BI'ftdcr'. GaJ.etle ........... 1 YI'~ 0 Mother's Home Ule...... i Yr.

0 National


.2 Yr. 0


Produ11'· ~. ._.............. •• Path6nder .... __............1 Yr. PoullrT Trlbune ... _ ..2 Yr.


This NeWspaper, I Yr.

-2. 5

AND THRIlIl al8 MAGAZINIIS ", , All Four For O~


D TRVE STORY ..................__..6 Mo.


TRIBUNE _ . 1 Yr.


GROWER .............. _ . 1 Yr.

o AMERICAN POULTRY o F.J~Uj:tf~AL..a;·--..·..1 Yr. FARMER'S WIfE ..... __ 1 Yr. o NATIONAL LIVESTOCK

PRODUCER .......................... 1 Yr.

o MOTHER'S HOME 1BE.........1 Yr. D PATHnNDER (IS ......I M.. o BREEDER'S GAZETI'E _ ....6 Mo. ~)


MAG. _

FILL IN AND MAIL TO TH.. NIIWIPAPIIR TODAY. Checlt ",.,.V" tI~smtl ._ ftldo. rriIII

.. 1 Yr.


Gaatkmm: I eodoIe , ...... _................. PIeue teDCl me dae o«er daeded, with • year'. AlbIcrlpdoo &0 yoar ,-per. NA~ ...._.. _ ........


Pace 5 but the 'resuLt


It is refeshlng to report 'that sOIDe 181001' Leaders have not been cal'lued

away by a "rule or ruin" polley toI'd IndusU'~n.d are not advocLIng programs whose .pu !1pOSe is t get more pay for less 'Work. Ar. excellent case In paint ll; provided III an a.rUcle In Reader's Olge.\ot by walter Cenerazzo. president ot the Amertcan Watch Workers Union . Mr. Oel~erawo's article Is In lohe f<.am of a lellter to union members. He writes: "Sales make w<:\p;es. Produotion make sales, and low-cost. low-price production makes more sales . .. . "Capital ar.d manag men t can nbscrb wages up Ix> a pOint and st ill reduce costs. reduce prices, 11"crease sales and speed prospeli Ly. But now we've raised wages to where managemC1flit ~n't, do it alone. Now comes bhe biggest moment In the hi tory ot American laJbor. Now the uniOns have ,to help capital a ntj mfllnageanent carrry the loo.d3 of more goods, more services ancli more welfare for the American people. . .. AmeriCMl free en terprise now ha;; ito be saved by unions as well as mal~agement. Our foreign compe<t.1tIon is more soclallstlC; .... We Americans are'1'OOI free 'enter prlse almos.t alone . ... You. my fellow unionists. hold In your fr e hands the decision bebweer. Americanism and ,totalJtarlanlsm." Thalt Is the attitude that can make labor great and powerf.ul and ~e pected. Any other attitude is rutOOUs to laibol' as 'Well as to the COUIl'ltry which represeds nothing



o! t.he labor of all the ties. It automact1cally results In new are getting back to perwar av-erwage demar.ds by all classes of w9rk- ages.

ers. who natu:rally feel t.hat th(~ dilbetween p8iy for the sk1l1World stocks sugar are lmprovIt has been said thait t.h main ed and, unskllled should be malntain_ Lng but the , reserves a re depl'e ted cause of price, Inflation Is a Jaa'ge ed. And more inflation .follows. to a potnlt where deflclts car.not volume of spendi\1g power coupled - - - -- - - be made up from stock,s In storage. wlLh a r,elllltively sma ll supply o! Land prices in Ohio during Nov- Experts say consumers would buy desired consumer gIOOds. True as thds may be. It Is obvious tha~ ta1ere ember. 1946, were Uttle more than 5.000.000 tons more sugar than will UTe other exbremely important InIlat- double the a V1emge price per a cr be available In 1947 ; but IIIIl Increas~ ion8lry Influences of which the con- for the same la/1d In 1935-1939. The tillual pressure in' favor of hfgher November level was only 10 per cent Ctf 10 per cent is expected in the amounts 8N1tilable in 1947, as com wages withou.t a compa,rabl~ in- less than he peak reached i{l1920. parl'd with 1946. The current world crease in output and service Is crop ls estimated at 30.000.000 tons one. Oh io manufactuers of dairy pro- of raw sugar, which Is a I:! pt'r Today's prloes cmal!".!y not t he result of hig1her unit proms 'in ducts made Ibigger profits In the CClliL Increase from last year. manufacturing and retailing. Many 1'.'84' years than dU!!'lng prewar years. ot the COUr.tlOY·S principal indus- A government survey of the ean~ings AUCTIONEERING tries have 'been operating at a IOS5 of eight Ohio companies show the y STANLEY and KOOGLER in spite of materially Increased made an average . profit of 7.6 per BBOUBs LICENSE prices. Retailers' ma-rgtns. in generaL cent In 1941 and of 10.1 per cent have not Increased , and in some III 1943. Net wonth of those com- ror Dates, Pbone ZIIM, Waynesv1l1e, Ohio. Reverse Chargee , cases h8ive been volur.tarlly reduced panles nearly doubled In ,w artime. as a prat.ectlon for the consumer. The profits giver. were figured after The price structure Is simply !!he payment ot taxes. lefiecltlon of much higher opel'atillg costs in factories and In stores. of INCOME TAX which wages are the main fac- Shortages of some Insecticides will tor. conUnue lhrouglh 1947. Mate'r lal SERVICE Continual drives to force the ll'gal containing either copper or lead mlrJmun wag upw84'd are a grave probably wlll be Inadequate to meet Call potential danger. A law '00 this end all demands, 'With the exception. <if will 8ippear In .ule· next Congress, copper sulphate. N1cotb~~ supplies and varioUs slmila!r measures wlll will have to be parcelled out wisely C. E. MICHENER be int.roduced in a long Hst of slate to meet demands of fanners for Phone 2926 legislatures. All of these proposals thai 1n.'ie.Ct killer . Rotenon~ wUl be ignore the fact 'r.haJt the mlrJmum shor t. bUL !:here ,wlU lbe adeqU8lte Waynesville, Ohio wage Is a bnslc wage-t:he lowest in - supplies of pyrethrum. All the weed come on w.hioh an , unskilled worker killers except I\IIllffionlun sulfama tt> can live. Once It Is made a 1u.,'UlOY prObably will be shor . wage, no matter how mJO<ier6lte ,the degree. the entire wage stnilature Is endwngered. and price storucPrelimlnwry report,s from 78 Ohio' Lure along with it. cc.untles how a 1946 4-H club enTo raise ,t he m1nlnlum wage be- rollment of 43,317. The same coumyond the basic 'Wage level is to des- les tr- 1945 had' a total enrollment troy /the Incentive to work harder of 37,154. The increase of about 22 and to assume greater responsibUl- per Cer1L Indicates Ohio 4-H duo!'! WAGES AND PRICES


.'. .


!urence •. J. Brown, ~ of Blanchester, 7th Di strict ; Frederick C. Smith, of Marion, 8th Di trlctj Homl'r .. Ramey, of Toledo, 9th Di strict; Thomas A. Jenkin , of Tron t on, 10t h District; W,a lter E. Brehm, of Lo >"un,- 11th Di t ric1; John M. Vorys. of Colum bus, 12th District; Alvin F. Weichel, of Sandusky, 13th District; P . W. Griffith, of Marietta, 15th Distric t; J . Harry McGregor, of West Lafayette, 17th Di strict; Earl R. Lewis, of St. Clairsville, 18th District; l\1t's. Fl'ance P. Bolton, of Cleveland, 22nd District; and George H: Bendel', of Cleveland, Congressman at LnI'ge. Four Democrat House Membel's were reelected from o.hio. They are: Walter B. Huber, of Akron. 14th District; Michael J. Kirwin, of Youngstow n, 19th District; Michael A. Feigh,a n, of Cleveland 20th Di tl'ict, and Robert Crosser, of Cleveland, 21 t District.

• • •

Representative Harold KnutSon, of Minnesota, who will be the new Chairman of the Ways and Means Committee, has introduced a bill to reduce the JPederal individual income tax by twenty per cent. This a ction is in keeping with a recommendation of the Republican Tax Study Committee made toward the end of the last session of Congress, and with the official Republican J?arty pledge made during the recent campaign. '

o.hio will play an important role in legislative affairs on the Senate side of the Capitol, where BOl}As was expected, a whole armful of labor ref'o rm orable Robert A. Taft, the senior Senator from o.hio, is Chairman of the Senate Steering Committee and biUswere introduced in the Bouse on the opening day also Chairman of the Committee on Labor and Ed- of the new Congressional session. The proposed legucation, as well as a member of the powerful Finance islation covers almost every phase of the LaiborCommittee· while o.hio's junior Senator, Hon. John Management field. Some of the new proposals ar'~ W. B'ricker: will ' serve on the Committee on Banking very drastic, while others are very mild. Senator and Currency and on the Federal Expenditures Com- Taft of o.hio, who will be the new Chairman of the mittee. However, on the House side o.hio Repub- Senate Labor Committee, states that new labor leglicans did not fare so well. The o.hio delegation was istation will be presented to the Senate by the first given no chairmanship although the .humble au!hor ' of March. Congressman Hartley, of New Jersey, of this column will probably be nmklng Republican who is expected to be Chairman of the House Commember on the Rules Committee. Neither did any mittee on Labor, states his Committee will start of the elective House positions go to o.hio, despite work on labor legislation promptly and that he exthe fact the o.hio d~legation is one of the larger ones. pects to have a bill ready for House consideration. within sixty days. Besides the new Republican Senator, in the person • • • Those who feared the Legislative Reorganizati on of Bon. John W. Bricker, o.hio has two new Republican Representatives in the Hou~e-~on .. Raymond H. Act would be set aside by the new Cong'l' 55, and Burke of Hamilton and the ThIrd DIStrlct, and Hon. f that the number of committees in the House and SenHend~rson H. Carson , of Canton, representing the ate would not be reduced, can now rest easy. As was Sixteenth District. Carson bad previous service in predicted in this column' before the 79th Congress the House a few years ago, while Burke served as adjourned, the new 80th ,Congress did adopt, without State Senator. The following Republican Represen- change, the provisions of the Legislative Reorganitatives with .previous service were reelected ' from zation Act as the official rules to govern in this8esOhio; Charles H. 'E lston and William E. Hess, of sion of .congress. 'Under the Constitution each new Oongress not only has the authority, but the duty, of C~ncinnati, 1st and 2nd ,Districts; Robert F. Jones, of . Lima 4th District: Chtf Olevenger, of Bryan, 5th adopting its own rules, notwithstanding ' any statuDistrict; E .'o.. McCowen, Portsmouth, 6th District; tory iaw to the contrary.

• • •


YOU'RE SMART when you I'der yOUI' chloks from Hatchery. Because of high breeding, they're fast growing and make splendid egg producers. Order yoU!!' ohioks from us today. our

Dunham White Rocks Waynesville, Ohio


"With it Buckeye in Congress" by Clarence J.

Th Oth ongre s convened on schedule ut high oustinoon on January 31'd, as provided under th tution. T he Hou e wa organized prompt ly with Hon. J oseph W·. Martin, Jr., of Massachuse ,b ing elect d as peakeI'; John Andrews, of Mas acllu ett • a lel'k' William Russell, of Pennsylvania, a ergeant-at:,4.rm ; and M. L. Meletio, of Missouri, as Doorkeeper. Charles A. Halleck, of ' Indiana, had previously boen selected by the Repu,blican Confel'ence to ser ve as Floor Leader, while Sam Rayburn, fo rmer Speaker of t he Hou!!e, was chosen by the Democrat caucus as Minority Floor Leader, for t he coming sessi on. Over on the Senate side the organ ization of that body was delayed by objections to t he seating of Senator Theodore Bilbo of Mi sissippi. against whom various charges have been Ill ude as a result of Senate investigations of his past conduct. Southern Democrat Members started filibusterinCJ' tactics as soon as the seating of Bilbo was objected to, thus holding up the seating of all the new Members of whose names came below that of Bilbo on the alphabetical roll call. The Bilbo episode has done oUr form of government no good in the public mind-:but more of t hat story. wiiI be given in this column next· week.


• • •

I will seU at. public auction on the Dan-Mar Farm (formerly kn.owD n .i Frenc(\-Bauer farm) located' Ilt the or East and New street in Lebanon, Ohio. .qn



Beclnninr at 1% "'clock nooo. tile rollo~ desCribed person~ty:

47-DAIRY CATTLE--47 Holstein cows. 4 years old. giving from 3 to

~Ix 5 galli>r.s milk per . d&y, bred; H !steIn cow, 5 years" old, giving 4 p ,tlons nltlk per day; 4 Holstein cows 6 yeall'S old. ve!y heavy milkers, bred; Holstein cow, 8 years old. giving ~ gallons mllk pel' day. bred; Holstein oow. 4 years old. to fresher. by day of sale ; Holstein CCYW. 5 years old, tv t'reshen by day of sale; Holstein cow. 8 years Old, to ftreshen by .day of sale; Holsbeln cow. 5 yt'8'1'S old. heavy springer; 2 Holstein cows, 7 years old, to freShen by day of sale; Holstein cow, 8 years old 'h eavy springer; 2 Holstein cows. 8 years old. giving gocd flow of milk. bred; Guerr..sey cow. 2 Ye8lrs Old, giVIng 3 gallons rnllk per day, bred; 2 Guernsey odws. 4 years old, giving good flow of milk. W:ed; Guernsey row, 6 yea.l's old. giving 4 gallons milk pel' day. bro:xl; Guernsey c~w, 6 years old, springer; 2 Guernsey CQWs, It years old giving good fiCYW of.m.iJk, bred; 2 Holate1n heifers to freshen by day of sale; Guernsey helter to fre....hen· by sale; 7 Holstein and Guernsey !heifers, bred; 6 Holstein heifers. yearlings and under ; 'reg!1stered HoLste1n bull. 2 years oldl PabSt tbred'; purebred Guro.sey bull. 2 yerurs old; reg1sten!d Gue.rnsey bull. yea11I.lng. This hel'd of caJttlle -is In splend!ld condition in every respecb Bangs tested in September, 19l6.

FARM MACHINERY ETC. Tractors and Related Eqt.Dpment-FEmalt Hom .~ with starter and cultivators; F'anna.ll B on rubber with starter ar..d cultivators; 1iHC 2~ 14 inoh. tractOr breaking 'Plow; lIHO 1~, 16 Inch. tractor breaIt1ng·plow; IIW tractor corn planter; me power mower; traot.or disc; 141-7 gr&i1r.. drill .W1t.h pawe!' lift; com binder with power manure spreader; side delivery hay mite; cWtlpa.cker; Pa.pec and hay cutter. -like new; 2 farm wagons; ih8.rrOw; 2 drags; 30 H. P. electr1c motor; 10 H. P. electric motor; 2 dl1ve belts; 3 gIl'aln and ensilage feed! 1Irudlcs; gasoUne tar-k, 150 gal. ca.p.; 2 hog W8Jterers; 3 Water tanks; sma.U hand tools o! all k1nds; and many other t<tems. Da.1ry, Equipment - Delaval magnetic mUker. complete with motor, pump and 8 single units; milk pump; coll mWt oaoler; bottle lUler: cream sepa.1'8itOr 1W11lh motor, 700 lb. cap., like new; 2 mfrigera.tlor. units; 25 10-gallon milk ..cans; 3 wash vats; sma.ll boUer. 2 H. P .; 80 stanchions; , 144 row stalls, complete; 50 c:lr1.nking 0I.q)S; 600 1ft. l ~-I.ndh plipe; 600 tt. I-inCh pipe. FEEDS- 1500 bushels ear com ir. crib; las tons ensUage; 300 bales ~e d bay; 300 bales stn.w. PORI) V-8 mucK. 1937 model, 1 If.! 'ton capacity. wtth grain bed. and sllOlCk radt.


D. M. COLLElT. OWNER Sale eoa4uded by Tbe a.ue,-MUl"pb1 Co. WUmlqt.on. Ohio.












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Va. wbere Ii\e '!l>'1ll ;.apJ,p',,:assume'riIE ftlJAMi 'G~ ~ -~.~~ . Sixty-two of sixty-nine. Methodist Churches of th~ ~ri~y­ ton DiRtrid will lparticipate in a . two weeki:; p~eachmg her work 4} the edU£a.tiol'l college ~~~E~S\~~!-E,~ .-. ~' .2~8 there. " TBuRSDAY. I-\NVARY 9, 194'7 mission Jan. 5 to 17. . The Waynesville Church will obsel~e Jan.. !2 to 17 Mrs.Olive CUr-I Of. ,Orier-t.- Ohio inc1usive. The services .will be in the evenings at 7 :30 and her br.ath,eoF"Mr. Ratlph MCPher- vtl.C8.t1on with' relatives In "Olarkso'clock. . son at Sabina. Ollio were dinner ville. and ' West · Unkm. IlUHOD'Sl CIJURCH The Rev. Walter P. Cn toe of. Broad Stree!t Methodist gq.uests at the home On Se;turday. a?' B, Cole~. MlftJslF_ Mr. and ~s, H~ S. Vallee of SUNDAY SOBOOL 9:30 A. M. Church of Columbus, Ohio, will preach each evening. Mias Frieda Harvl! of Day,ton DayWr.. ~nt several days· at their wnd Mrs. Lena Ha,rtsock were guestS home h~e last week. .d. _.[. _~urske. Su _ h- . • The foIJowing special music is arranged . for: WORSHIP SEh,V ICE 10 :30 A. M. of Miss Ruth Chandler r~ntly . Mrs George .Waterhouse aJ;ld Mrs. Sunday Evening, Jan. 12. Mu ic by the Choir YOUTH FELLOWSHIP. Nancy Wooley of Waynesv1lle (w~e Thursday. 1:30 P. M. Sunday gu ests of Mrs. Louise Fite, Monday Evening, Jan. ] 3 Solo, "My Task", Ashfor.d OHOIR~ and Jane. Miss Ann Weltz WedneSday, 7:30 P. M . Master Larry Tanner, ''I¥'ho re~ \ ---1 Wednesday Evening, Jan 15, "I Need Jesus", sides a t the home at Mr. and Mrs. ST.. ~RY'S - " Mr. George Mille r Ch4rch . N1g;ht Wa6 held. Thursday Lyle Robertson, sp«mt the holiday EPISC.o~AL CHURCH evenipg at the G~ng6 Hall, under Thursday Evening,' Jan . •16,~ Solo, Mi s Virginia Hardin tJle directJon of Rev. C. L. Wamsley vaCa.tion' ,Vith his mother in ' DllySama.,d. N. l'eys ton. "'-_ : lAy ~ dnarge Fl'idaY Ev~~lng. J~r ' i Duet, "The Lord I My Shepherd" pastor . of the local . Methodist Mr. and Mrs. CQII'I Brown in ComI Ohurch SChool ' . . 9.30 ,fL. M. ,. .' . Mr. and Mrs. Harold Earnhart Church. pa ny with Mrs. Hert>ert DOster



~l" '1

TIle Holy





or. and 's6rmon 11:00 A.-M. (By Ohap1ain. Oolonel John O. W. Linsley)



Mlrs. Le.wrence \HOUgh in company were callers in WUmingtor. You are cordially invited to attend these meeting' . w.ith Mh's. Glenn Oampbell Of man- urday. . . R. B. Co leman Minister chester left Monday Ito visit Mi's. HoughS son, Prc. Hl1.rold Hough whit

(Cc . lie, ()., t


' •• .. th .rbe' Acit y 1n C!fto HOSIPT AL DIRECTOR is . .JC-tioned

A.n~':ia Te';'~ , .,.. ISSlJES CALL FOR . Rev. Balph HiDes .0 I " Miss Mildred Chamber~ wpo has MORE STUDENT NUR~ES SUNDAY SCHOOL 9:30 A. M . . . rris S pt Subm1ted by Helen .McCoy been residing in Dayton. is cow at 0, K. Fi~e. directoT of \ihe Miami Mrs. James G& on. U . Mrs. Glenna' ••Wilsor. called o~ PREACHING 1st and 3m Sundl1~s Mrs .Joe Sh8lJlbQ~;;h and Mrs. "-"""1 Rt. 2, WayIleavUle, Ohio t.he home of Mr. ~dI MrS. Roy VM1ey HOCitPital. D&y.tou, ~ an. ...,....,.,.. , Ola.rke at tlbi.s village: nOtInced that he Is prepared to each monU! 10:30 A. M. Reason ~Bt~!f' ~~ ~ Mr. and Mrs. Ol1ffard Doster and accept a class of 40 Student nurses Mrs. Jrult.n 'lJdi'ries '~ded an ~ I" " FERRY Sharon. Of Springfield were Frid~ be8illr-1ng- On "Feb. 26. CHURCH of GHRIST Executlve ;~~ ~ fueeting at · guest8 of Mr. Dcl6ter parer.t&, ' Mr. .J "We are -ready , to ln~ ' our BIBLElMioOi,. ,r- I I if:30'A.M. W1l.m1ngton las~ r~d~y a.f~oon. Mrs. Kal'l Dakin Bnd thelr litUe wod ' Mrs. Hel1~ Doster. t eaohmg sta.f( ' -and make every 'reMORNING WoRmmP ' 10.80 A. M . SUnday aftetilooo' Callers In ttbe 8'I'8ndson 0$ Lebanon called on her Mr: and' .Mrs. Johr. Anderson. source 'and facility a.vailable ir. order YOtrnH MEETINGS 7:00 P. M. Bogan home were Rlev. and Mrs. mobher Mrs. Oeorg1aI~a Ivins Sun- wnd son in company' 'With Mrs, A. · to tratn a.S. .many n<ur5eS' as posMiT:J'ur !"RlA·Y"amt1fi'NCY:'-=- /l!lbettcts: . antf;.;.MII dlay afternoon. D. Collett were callers W1l.npr.g- sible, "F1ke ~ sa1d. . ' , Mr. and Mrs. !Milton Sheehan tOn, Frlda.y. .... . M the Mi,am! Valley H~ital 7:00 P. M. Bogan. DENIll'!ro EVIAN of Cenllerville, call~ . on Mrs. Alice M1s.s Evalyn Tucker tile Sohool of NUl'61ng. where y'~Ur.g ~ New. yea~ morning. hou.seg.uest ~ast week of her brother- WOOlen have !been tnined. s1n~ 1899, CE \ o~ of f~ Miss Lam:a McKinsey returned in-la.~ and sister, Mr. ~nd Mrs.. a elMS of ~ wa.5: aocepted. in Sept..1£.. HOLLY~ " Mrs.' ~ . Sunday. Ddght to resi:ame her Sfhool RicllMd' Williams. · and lauUly at ember. »y admttIting another sim1,11lr METfiQllJS-t .cHURCH "Boo~__of the Y'ear Olub" at her duties, .l.I4onday. '.,' m!aI" Wllinington. ' group on Feb. 25,) the local situation T: M. Scarff. M1nlst~ Mon ayevening. Miss: El17abeth Chandler teet New Miss Ester Prather retUlted 'h ere wlll be greatlY- .improved, acoOmreg 9.:;;0, A. M. .~ Jane ~ SUsan . ~Yle, Ellis Yilal'S Bay for Hampton Int;tttute. (fay .a fUlr sPending- the lioliday to--PSU. StJNI>.A ~~ E. ,.. Eo..rnhart, SlJptj " ' ~:" ,R!ld • ~t}le . brother spent! ~ . ,.-----I-".~----- -.;..;---..;..-...;;;.-~.;..-;....-.,.......,..,..-,-~~~-WORSm Sm.VIOE 10:30 A. M . att.emoon last 'Week ~ith the~r G.G-".l ~ i I j EVEN1fG SERVIOE ' 7:30 P. M. grar~other . ~. Raymond Wll~ . J. ' -{~/·. T~l . { I Q~ 3 J ,. ' ST. PtJGtJSy.INE· 'eHtJR('H ~"· Ml'!'&1d Mm. 'WmtaM'SMit1f1called e Un oVeqr Bnpp i .. ])a~OR 8ttn



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but the ~tes'ests of tp.e whQle- communiby" . _. . to be cQntlnued.


. J,.,.,en ' .Jlome









~f ,~Ii~: ~'} . ~~.e.r~

';: . ¥ost! _like .t? plan ,their family "meal:in a,dXan!!e ..' , -.By . dQiIUJ: t lii& t,hlery shop mOl:e intelligently, and sav.e .time by .making .... . : purehases for ..8 'whole week all at on time."" ". l.. ' !. ~- _ w.l)S · ~c~'~ ' 'y~li ;, do ,.l~e , s~me ~ and' u{}{e ! ~dvaIi 'ike ~ f Q~Il' .m~y , '< "week-end value " .... values t hat mean gl'eat savings. ~ <' , • . , • ' ." ". i.:', •. "': ~ ...', \ ; . ~>! ~

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TBE MIAMI GAZETTE - Pap 'I Mr. and Mrs. Ra.lph Hammond ar..d WAYNESVILL.E ,omo - NO. 4298 famUy spent ~ a.fternoon and TlluJl.sD~Y, l ~'U\1I.Y. '..8C':>l l!P;l't·;'evtilthg wtth the latters uncle and tt... . , . t'~i 1. 1.~ .. '-; .1 " fl' J.' ;t ",_ d ,.,_ Sa ' I Nichol aun . .••"'. an ..""s. mue s

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in Oincinnatl. Mr. and Mirs. Wilbur Clark had f Jr (1 their dinner guests OhIr1stmas. Mr. (Held OVlel' from Last week) and Mrs. Everebt Cla.rk and oon, The Woman's Society of Lytle Mr. ar..d MI'S. Claude Rl-g'gs and Mr. Ohuroh were entertained <m. Wed- and' Mrs. O. W. Younce and daughnesday a.fbernoon Jan . 8 at the home ters of Dayton. of Ma"s. HeO!l'y Saylor near Five Mr. and Mrs. H8II'oid Whitaker Polt~t. and famlly entertained to Ohristmas Mr. and Mrs. Campbell I.ewis of dinner. Miss Laura Rosl~ agle or Oint.he 100 Acres are announcing t he cl.n.natl. Dr. and Mrs. H. E. Hathbirth of a dau~hiter . Marguerite. at away of Waynesville and Mr. and Miami Valley Hospital S81turday Dec. Mrs. Harvey Burnet. 21. Mr. and Mrs. Wi bteman MI'. and Mr.:;. Tnt-rle Jo nes and of near Springboro and Mr. and son Mllt01~. en.tertained to a family Mrs. F'red Wade of Fra.nklin were dlJl:11er ChrlstJrnas Day. Christmas d.l.n.ner guests of Mr. and Mr. and Mrs. H81'vey BU1'lleit Mrs. William Ross and dauglhter. en t.ertaint'O bhelr Dinner Club a "- Mr. and Mrs. Guy Routmhn and their home Saturday even1l'.g. son. and Mr. and Mrs. William TinLitt le Georgie Custenborder spen t ney and son spent Sunday with Mr. last week with his Blunt Mrs. Albeit anti Mrs. Eal1'l Mendienhall and da-ughter at Tipp Cit y. COOk of the Ferry Road . Rev. J oseph M~rs of Daytton W 8$ . Mr. and Mrs. Ray MUler had fur tJleir Ohrtstmas dinner guests t he elltemined to dl1~ner Sunday at the former's grand ",moUh er. Mrs. Allce home of Mr. and Mrs. Everett Trickey and Mr. and Mrs. Irv1r. Early. Ml:. and ?vIrs. S eth F\lrnas. Miss H.n.1T1s. Mr. and Mrs. Rober t C. Hun t and Mary Brown and Mr. and Mlrs. Walson Wn.tTe11 entel'talned Mr. and Mrs. ter Kenrick at tended the mont.hly OarltlOr. COok. SOIl! and daughter of meet.lng o:f Warren County Historical nea.r Waynesville to dinner on Society in -t heir neW assl"mbly room a.t the Musewn In Leba.non Mocday 0hrIstmas Da~· . Bobby Morgaon of Day.ton" is a holl- evening. Officers of the State H isday guest of Mr. and Ml1's. Everett torical Society 'were host at this meeting. Eady. Mr. and Mrs. Donald Baird and Mr. and Mrs. <Harvey Burnet, with OUler frler.ds were entertained to daughtel'S entertair.ed Lhe following dinner SUnday at the. home of Miss guests at Ohristmas d1nnel' : Mr. and Pearl RtJey and' Mrs. E . C . . Miller Mrs. Chestel' Baird. Mr. and Mrs. Morris Baird and fa.mUy of Dayton near Ridgeville. Mr. and Mrs. Edmond Minser aud and Mr. Hennan Smith. Mr. and Mrs. caavit~ Longacre and children of DaytOr. were Ohrlstmas guest8 of the latter-'s parents. Mr. family had for their Ohrlstma.g dinner guests. Mrs . Louella S"·nn!t. Mr. and Mrs. ·W . C. ~. , Mr. -.nd Mrs. ·Vernon Pursley and and Mrs. Charles Drake, Marjorie IiOll8 were cUnner guests of and J1mm1e SWank of Dayt.on and Mr. and Mt's. Hubert ' Pul'sl.ey Bit Horaoe imd· Err.e:st Foulks. Mr. and Mrs. Clyde Whal'tlon h8d F\'enk11n. Mrs. ~t Johns and Paul as Ohristmas Day g-uestS. ~r. and . JoIms, wtllh other guests enjoyed Mrs. Bernard Melloh and son of au1stmas De,y witall Mr. and Mrs. Lebanon. Mir.'and <Mrs. Loren RoutAmos ,C ook and son WBirfen, nea.r zahn and daughter of Frankl1.n., and Ma'. and . Mrs. Morris Wharton of W&ynesvWe. Mr. aDd Mrs. Evere~ Kenrick and MI.am1 'Shores, Dayton. Mr. an<~ Mrs. A. D. 'S mith of R.oute children evening dinner guests 48. ' entertained to a fa.mlly dinner 0lUW.maa Day of Mr. and MI's. lArIwrence Elllott and son in Day- OhriStmas Day. 'Tbe guest list ineluded. Mr. a'nd Mrs. Amold Oebhalrt ton.

. ewd


aald fa.m1Iy of oantor. Ohio. Mr .. and Mm. Herbert Smirtlh and tamily Mr.

and MIrs. Oh&rles RDber:ts and c.'hildren or Red !Jon Mr. e.nd Mrs. lOOy



an tam.lly and Mr. ~d Mrs. VernOl1' Pursley and sans. Mr. andiMrs. ChArles Mul1~nix and Dick Irons er.tert.ained to six o'clock dlnnel' Tuesday evening the !'ollowIng reltlltlves, Mr. and Mrs. H:aJ.yes Leach, Mr. lind Mrs. Sallie Magruder . MI.s.s Anna. Hornell and ,L ouis Hornell uf SPI1ngtbaro and Mrs. Sarah Fry and SOil Oal1'l Fry of near FrankOI",W1


Miss Floramond Reed, Waynesville. Ohio R. F. D . 3. Is rlghtfully:sent1tnental and proud of the l1te:rary -_.... <- t h 1a; ..uLuevemen ... 0 er te -mot.her, the ~ ..'" La V 'D""" h m uS. Ul1a anleI' ~ W 0 oompUed • volume entitled "Fragments of Songs" severaJ years ago. FL[)ramor..d, has but one copy ot this llttle book. and it has become ra.tltler battered, and pages are mJ.s..<dng. She thought that perhaps IlOnUlIOne of YOU might have a complete <lOpy of · ·~nts pf Bangs" with all pages intact. ~lbly t:hls volume, withstanding il6 l1terwry vsilue. means r-othing to you but to hel' it means that and it also ha~ n settt imental value. Would any ot you care to give up yiOUl' copy contact Miss Reed. I know she'll be very, very grateful, and 1'c,lk~ keep In mJr.d. when you make an6t.her ha.ppy you make yow~self happy too,

!Jght ~ in March 1923.

As a ne'Wly;etecred Vice ~esiden.t. Mr. Stuart will aaswne added remade public by Mr. K . C. Long. sponsibU1ties along with hls present Ptres1dent of The Dayton Power a.nd duties as Manager or ~ Electric LlgJ1t OompanY, Harold E. Deardorff Div1sion . and James M. Stual't have !been elect.ed to Vice Presidencies of the' company . 'Ilhe dual elections will The Fle<:ieral Land Bank ot Louisbecome effective January 1. 1947. vi1l~ today paid a dividend of a.pproximately $465.000 to its stockand are the result of progN!6Sive 'h olders-t he 142 national farm loan steps in their respective positions. associations in Ohio. IncMana.. KenBoth officials will. continue to ad- tuckey and Tennessee. This brings minister their present duties. While to nearly $4.575.000 the amount I)! SIt the same Ume assume Ilheir newly_ dividends paid Ib y the bank since appointed assignments. it was chal\tered in 1917. iMr. Dea.rdorff. M1a.m.l9burg. has Sevel"aJ1 tnOtlIbhs ago. t he balnk paid been assoCiated with The D&ytton a dividJend for 'Ilhe fisca,l year ending Power ar.d Light Company since June 30. 1946. The <:idvldend pah) 1917. today. explained Presidenlt M . S . In 194Q, Mr. Dea.rdol1ff was made Kenr.edy, J,r .. Is for the fiscal year ending June 30. 1947. It Is paid Supervtoor of System Planning Eng _ ead'ly in the f1soa1 yea.r In order to ineering. which position he will give the tulitional farm loan assoc1continue to !hold alor-g with his e..tlons Son opportunity to newly-appointed dUties as Vice dividends so t hey can distribute Prestdent. dividend ~~ to their 32.000 rr.embers at annual meetings mostWayn.esvUIe. has a very channing Iy held between J anuray 15 and new-comer. She is Mlrs. Logan of April 1'5 . Fourth st. I had the pleasure to The amOUl""t of the Land Bank's be introduced and breakfast with dividend thalt each assoc1a.t1on can her Sa:turday morning in uptown pass on its tanner . members will Daytb)n. Mrs. Logan's personality is depf.nd up.>n its financilil condition . as sunny as her nat ive state Gal- and pt'i>g:ress on Its reserve prograw . lforn1a. . Kennedy said. ~;;=~~~~~~~~~~~;;;;;~=~==~==== .

According tD an announcement


TWIN Theatre'

~cQIlure JlfuneraL ~Oll1e


12. .

Yr. stuart, Dayton became asoocta.ted witlh The Da.yton 'P ower and

Dayton Power &~Light Names New Officers


Waynesville. Ohio


An avlatloc sbory all ~'& J[:1rst ~_ _iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii====iiii=~ 'wing contr-oUed flight. Dec1(ljedly worf.h.whUe R~ture. GLENN -PORn and JANET lILAIR TELEPHONES IN WAYNESVRLE 1081.

Gallant Journey Armitage &Son

with Ohar.les Rugdes Also: News and Colored !':bort.



tast-movlng and w18e-cl-ac1dn~


story !of ~ RUns of the und.e nrorld .

Her Kind' of Man

Stan1~ OANE 'O LA:RK.

MNm ~ Zacha.ry Scott ~ .Plan "Plus: "Oolden Hunch" and Diusllca.l .


BOBROW No. S LEBANON 'Ofllee '73& RBS. UtL





Western _'a nd !41J81c~ An esc1tinR

cha8e of swindlers


OIl •

dude ·ranch


. SiDgiog 00 the Trail









1947 ,

with &EN JEP!P DONN1!lI.iL 'BIG ' WJlI..iLIAMS. H.oosler Hot EIrtn: Oolored e».rtoon. comedy and MUsical shan..

----HOURS: 9-12 each morning 1-6 afternoons except Wednesday ' 7-9 'Saturday evening Other evenings by Appointment TELEPHONE 62-R

Dr. C. ' E . ' W iIkin Optometric Eye Specialflt 26 South Detroit Street

XENI~,,~mO .g ........•.... , ..-

. ") ,





"Only the Very B8st Is Good Enough!"

• "When you're serving His Majesty, The Youngest Membe~, nothing can be too good, too. p~re and wholesornel That's why, so many mothers enslst upon Borden's milk for. their children." (

~t1.j .~

. . TeiphODe Wa7Dea';lIe .2551

or ',Dayton HE i 275


_ _ _ _ _ _ _;;",,;0_ _ _.;..._ _...;;;;....;..;._.;.....;;______

• • VLASSIFIBD AD BATKS • • 2i words or less. one dine.. ... ·.. 250 JIlach additonal word ..•••••••••• le SPECIAL RATES by CONTRACT


For Ref1nanc1n8 - RebuUdlDa Buy1ng. 4% Farm 101Ul8 with long UJDe to pay. Pay part ar all any t.1me. LEBANON NA'rL FARM LOAN ASS'N·, Ellis H. BtIU'm. SedyTreas~ Lebanon. Ohio. Phone 448


Real Estate For Sale--

Mr. and Mn;. O. D. Cook enter- of frlends in Columbus. several da.ys 'ftIE MlAMJ GAZE'I'TE ' -

Ohristmas gifts. Evalyn Tucker. of DaytOn. ar.d Mr. . Severnl f rom h ere were II". attend"""',7 • and Mrs. J ames Pwrks arrived In &nee. a_v-_.d_f_amll __y_of_Oo_lum_ ._b_US_ . ____ in_g_._ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __

Harveysburg. Tuesday and remained until Thursday. Miss Frnnces PIOlletlt of Dayton was a guest In the home of Mr. ar.d Mrs. Jesse Pennington and son Danny. Christmas day. Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Doster were dinner guest.s Ohristmas evening of their son and da ugh ter-in-law. Mr. and Mrs. Clifford Doste r. and daughter. Sharon. Mr. and Mrs. W. P . McOl.rren entertained with a dirJler a t their

Mr. and Mrs. E~..est Vulgamore ' from their' home in Oovlngton. Ohio to the apo.rt.ment above t!i1ei'r Cafeteria . The G range Quarterly b~rthd.a.y turkey was an event of Monday. Dec. 23 at !.he Grange Hall on Ma.1n Street. When MT. and Mrs. Harvey Bw-nett of Lytle enterta4ned thetr care clubSa.turday evev.1ng a group from He.r:vey5burg were 1present. They Ineluded Mr. and Mrs. HOW8ll'd Gra-


h8Ne mo ved





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~e~" Me ,


I'M fAl.\.lN~

He\.p! --

,. .' 04,


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Broadway -

Lebanon, Ohio



- --- -




Dilatush Building -

home In the village Christmas daQ'. ham. iMl's. Laura Slhldaker. and 1Mts. In compliment to a group of relat- O . S . Collett. ~ lves. The guest list included. Mrs. Rev. and Mrs. .1. P. 'I'hol'Obury. Laura Sh1daker. Mrs. .pa uline Villars and Mr. a.nd Mrs. Herbert Doster and son walliam. X enia.. Mr. av.d were Friday even11~ dinner ~estB OFFICE EQUIPMENTMrs. Kenneth FiSher and daughter of Mr. and Mlr8. James Doster of BALLMARK TYPElWiRITER RLB- of Coshocton . , 1 , Mr. and Mrs. W . P. McCa.rren bona now in stock. Tbe ~. Mr. andt Mrs. ~!lffOrd D06ter and who were at their Mme here dmSharer. nave vacated their I th.. lid t··- ~ ..... · sd Household Goods For Sale- daughter '"' i .... Th be ng e ,,0 ays re' .... " R:U ....m ay orn nry suite V~ rooms n .....e ._ 1.. 01 k A d to theil' home 1n Walhaunddr.g. !RlR aALE-KerosenG "quldk-meaa" llipar.,...en on ar venue an Mrs M Pi. d M range; rlght hand oven; call 2422 ed to Sin-lid he Mr . aa'y eI'9Dn an son r. mov pl'--e' e . w, re ' . John S},,!red' were ~Jhr1stm1lB dinner or see A. H. Stubbs .t Waym!SV1lle F\un1ture 00. 19 IQster is ~edJ in I".ewspe.per guests at the home General Denver wark • El: of Y .......l . Hobel in walm1ngbcm. Mrs. ta. Montgomery .......,... and Mr. Belt Barel n . of 'l1uckers BUl' Home. Wantedspent the;mas holldays with ne8.II' the ~'1l1age and ~ WIANTED - HOME IN COUNTRY; her son-In-law and daughwr· Mr. Pauline Bo f Oakwood rwill pay one year's rent In ad- and Mrs. Dallas Bel1tor. and sons. wman 0' . t were ..... ~ft _ W I h married SaItAlrday Ilfternoor. a.t 4 ~30 VlWCC; Give full details; L. W. Mr. and M rs. ~'''''.. ...., e c en- , Bal'ker. ·R t . 1, Ha.n1son Oh10. terta.1nedt with a dinner Oh.rlstmas 0 clock at the Onkwood U. B . Chut"Ch in lime t to ......... _ f ~r a honeymoon trip through -116 Y'-AJaY comp n me.. ..."" so · their family . The guest list included. Florida they "Rill ires1d.e. at Tucker Mr d Mrs Cecil LInk df Hllls Farm. fonn.erly owned by Mr. . ar.. ous an am- andl Mrs. C. D. CoOk. Uy Of Lebanon, Mr. and !Mrs. James Thornbury and family of the v1Hage Rev. Clyde WWUIlDS a forme!' In':' Mr. and Mrs. Paul Welch. of Leb- structor in HarveY8butg Sol¥Io18 and . . (Held OVW kom .Ll\Btweek) Mz, and Mrs. H. S. Tooker enter- anon. Mrs. Cba Welch and Mr. E . pastor at the Spr1ngif1eld Friends Ch~ n~ S~lOp8S8ed away ~ a .family group to dinner. B. DaIt1n of the vUlage. Mr. and Mrs. WlIllter Green were 'I1h.Ursda.y evening 8It his b<me in 0bIristmaa Da.y at their hOme. 'l1be guest list lncludedl; Mr .. am M4's. Ohrlst.mas day guests In the home WUm1~. Richard W11l1am8 and fa.m11y of of son and daughter-In-law Mr. and Mrs. Louise Fl1te and Jane were WfimJ.n(rt.on. Mr. and Mrs. BwrLon Mrs. Lopnr Green a~d sons near Cflllers in Dayton P\rld~. Bell' and family of Lakeside. Mls8 Lebanon. .Pro!. H. C. Milligan' was a guest

~ "'

4298 1947

WUand s ister. Mr. and Mn's. Wilford Cossum Mrs; Lewis Welch Thurst'lft .. euen_

IF YOU HAVE A PROPERTY OR FARM TO SELL call or Write ~ Henderson. Tel. KE3446. 617 Loraln Ave. . Dayton, Ohio. tfc


Pate •

ta.1ned the group lbel0l1gir.g to !.he this week. WAYNESVILLE.OHlO - NO. "AdIvlsory Council" at!. bh e~ home in Mr. and Mrs. Cha rles Doster and THURSDAY, .JANUARY 9, Wa.y nesvUle. Frlda.y evening. TIl da.ughiters were weekend houseguests Mr. and Mr . .Tames Ames of members enjoyed an exchange of o f Mr. D:l6ter's brother-In-law and mlngton were guests of Mr.

HOM ;H~ ;r;;I~S~~;'~GS! EAT

"Hard-To-Get" Items 9]1; 12 WOOL RUGS 9]1; 12 FELT BASE RUGS CURTAINS -


LAMPS (Floor and


STUDIO COUCHES (Fully Spring Filled) I'



STOVES "Complete Home Furnishers"




HOME ·FURNITURE" XENIA :' Phone ' CO• OHIO I"" 912R [1;


"Ea.t Main Street 'at Whiteman"



Because of ill health, 1 will sell at Public Auction my herd of Dairy Cattle on wh~t is known as the L. Mendenb,aU f~rm, located ~ mile Southeast of Waynesville on the Corwin-Wellman Road on SATURDAY, JANUARY 11 1:3eginning at 1 :00 P. M. S3-DAIRY CATTLE 33 1 Holstein cow, 5 yrs. old, calf by side. 1 Jersey cow, 5 yrs. old, giving 6 gal. milk per. day. 1 Jersey coW, 6 yrs. old, giving 5 gBil. milk per day'. 2 Guernsey cows, 7 yrs. old, giving full flow of milk . . 1 black cow, 8 yrs. old, giving 3 gal. of milk per day. 1 Jersey cow, 7 yrs. old, heavy springer. ~ J,ersey cows, 7 yrs. old, he~vy springers. ' ~ Guernsey .cows, 8 yrs. old, heavy springers. ~ Brown SWISS, Guernsey cows, 4 yrs. old, springers. 1 Holstein-Jersey cow, 7 yrs. old, to freshen by date of sale. . . 4 Guernsey cows, 3 yrs. old, to freshen in January. 1 Jersey cow, 6 yrs. old, to freshen in February. 1 Guernsey cow, 3 yrs. old, to freshen in March. 1 Guernsey cow,- 8 yrs. old, to freshen in April. 8 Dairy-Type heifers, to freshen in Janll~ry and February. PLEASE NOTE-These cows are bred to Re¥istered Guernsey bull (LANGWATER BREEDING) • .ThIs is an excellent h'e·r d of dairy cows - very heavy milk 'producers-and accredited ·herd. . ' TERMS-CASH

I ~ '. Fairly Familiar b~



PUBLIC The IntereSt and c onvenice of the general public Is the det.enninlng fac tor 1r. tonnulating sales p olicies . Tha t is pa rtlculal' true In r etail

stores. Evidence that the public appredaltes suoh consideration was recently

given in Victoria. Brlt!.sh Columbiaa communlty Which is acoustomed 00 ~tan service similar tv Ulat preva.!llng in the Ur.ited States. and whloh Is served by sevel'al Arnertcan chain sysltems. The last session of the PiJ'Ovlnoial Legislat ure adopted a law ~Ilting any Brttlsh 001wnbta municipality to enact ordir.ances forcibly closlne- all establishments of the !>lime type eaoh Wed-



BELLBROOK HIGH SCHOOL AUDITORIUM Tuesday and Wednesday, JANUARY 21 and 22, 1947

OFFICERS : Presdent ClHford Elllotlt ; Vice-President. P a.ul Thomas; Secretary-Treasure. Mrs. George McHe nry. EXECUTIVE COMMITT'EE - Mrs. Weller Hs>1nes; Mrs. Harry DumfOl'd .' Mrs. Timothy Black ; Lawson Ol'denn; ESTABLISHED 1850 - NO. 4299 '1.50 PER YEAR - 5c A COpy Ha rry S tephens. HOSTESS - Mrs. Lewis Lynds. WAYNEsVILLE, OHIO THURSDAY, JANUARY, 16. 194'7 SPEAKERs - Mrs. O. L. OW'l!n.illwh a m. Germantown.. Ohio. Rev. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _-'--_ Re v. R. Wobus. 10. D .. Sidney. Ohio.

Local Banker Knows Farmers Problems Through Personal Contact With Farm Life


The la.w was applied to retail stores. ood an ant i-ol06ing committee succeeded in getting the question of compulsory clO6ing placed or. t he lb allot in the last general election . The result was a decisive defeat lor' bhe measure. to 141 tune of 4800 to 2700. The chairman ot the oommittee/ which campaigned against the closing . UDdoub tooJy stated !;pe majori ty vieiW- . poin t when he sai.d : "The pe:>ple do not favor the creepir.g paral ~51s of business that is inheren t in 11day clo61ng'·. (OonUnued on Paie 8)

Sallie Meredith it'. . . In Lima" Wed esd~y

Bellbrook Farmers' Institute Offers Many Prizes; Two Day Program; Moving Pictures


9:30 A. M.


1 :00 P. M.


7:45 P. M.

INVOOATION - Rev. T . A. Run nells SONGS - Grades 1-2 RECITATIONS - Grades 1-2 SONG - Grades 3-4 RECITATION - G rade 3 RECITATION - Grade 4 ADDRESS - Hobbles-OhaJk Ta<lkMrs. O . L. CU nning:ham SONG - "The Toboggan Sl1de" - Grades 5-6 Geogra,phy Talks - Grade 5 Quot&tl-ons - Grade 6 ADDRESS - I t ·s All RIgtlt <to Fall Down If You Doc't G et Dirty . . Rev. R. Wobus (Cafeteria dinner servedl by wome n of the PresbY'telian Ohu.reh) VOCAL DUET - .Loulse Turner. J{)a!J)na Dale. ADDRESS - Adjusting Ourselves tv a New Era . Mrs. O. L. Cunc.1ngha.m CLARINET SOLO - Roger Kennedty ADDRESS - The Magic of O1ve and Take ... . .. .. . . Rev, R. >Vobus hlAIRIMBA SOLO - -Mrs. Harold Grtce ADDRESS - Beautifying the Farmstead . ... .. .. Mrs. b . L. OUnningham V09AL SOLO - Roger Turner . ADDRIESS - With Faith in a GreBltel· Tomorrow . .... . Rev. R . WObus M..AalMBIA SOLO - Mrs. Harold' Grice


PIANO SOLO - Jea.c Pene'Wit PIANO SOLO - Joandel Darbyshire ADDRESS -:- Everyone has a Personality Problem



~s. O. L. Cunningham VOCAL SOLO - Raellen S&wtelJ ADDRESS - Any Bats in Your Belfry? . . .. ....... ... ReV. R. Wdbus

~ ar.d milking cow,s

WEDNESDAY _ 1 :00 P. M.


Joanr.a Dale Making the Moot of What ' You Have



' Mrs. saUte Meredith, TeSlden't ot are .an unusual chore for a· Just to show Ula.t conditlons are' not AD.x:mEss _ lWaIYneeville,' passed a.way a t a Lima. presldenlt but Bart.sock. pres1- nonnal in 1940 Were . ·Ohip iJOiIIPItal ODI W~ay inol'tl- ·dent. of " tHe Na't1onal PIANO Dtmr -

IM rs. O. L . CUnningham

Louise TUrner. Harnett steele

~;;.~J::tO~.elOI:_:'.~~,,:~;~~:~=~=;~to~~~~=~~~~~~;~~;;~~~~to:~:.:.~~~ ;:·~~~;;~~.~.;~Bl~~ep;rt~~nt at a Happy Life MethOdlift Qhtirch' in 1>. m.. Friday. Jf.Jl. ,17. " ... . · M'8. Uered1th, Is ' survived b five 8OJl8 and: two daughtet'6. Harry a'Tld , Harold Meredith of Lima; Ban:l B.nd Herbert ,Meredith of near Wa.yne -





farm .

ft "

C.-Vl-C ·Club .As,su·mes Lead 'In Celebration

ha.pp8n '1ri 194'7, but' 0l1e thing is sure. We are not encouraging !fanners to 'bUY land -as prices U'e too high in comparis1>n v.1th rdlr.ary times." Hartsock sa,id. ~It, acoord1ng to Haa:tsock,. is onte Waynesville Civic Olub has not ogoing to ,be as raJ as it was assumed the leadership In pl!iJlning d uring boom war ~s. for the forth-coming Sesquicenten"Fanners, In ~ oplnton. are lb e- nial celebration to be held', in coming more cautions 'l;' their fl- WQ'Yr.esvllle sometime this " year 'in r.anc1al dealings. They are uncer- ·~emora.tion ' 0( Its 150 years tlan a.bOut tJle future alld, ate ob- since originally being plotbed out. No As ip~ ~t ' a. plan to 'a.cqua.1n·t the dema.ndS oJ labat." defiillte .plans have as yet been old' and new lA!IiODa.1nes and ot41er. says Hartsock, ' . adopted but a commlt~ appoin.ted _".Ta,,,. .... ..." .m1,.,... bacqro~d and "They do not like Ilhe strikes and ' to take over ·t hese deta11s are ~Ulg of 'the . Amertca.n other labor methOds · to gain more the ground-wQ1'k for the big event. ·: ,; __'0 II' team of state , 01- wages. · . This committee is compbsed c:4 . . headed by . ' "While ' we do no~ encourage 't he Lew Rob~n. eha.irma'Tl. AI Polinsky Qo!~iaDLIfto _ "-_ r" o_• . Schoeppe 0( buy(r.g of fanus' at the present. 1)00- John TUrner. Rjllp~ Hastings, Sam 10 nii'htly COIl- pIe must have a house to live in. Keys. WUliam Sawyer and Gene dW~li~ pute I ~ Ohio. and a house Is bought rega.rd- ~, less ot it's ht8b value and the loa.n Detalls Of the Pr0gre8s of the, will help finance Ule purchase If pl~ as laid out. by this oommittee the prtce is ~W'bere reasor. ... '\VUl be pubUshed from time t.o time ' 80 the public can bebome acquainted' H - ....--k said. ow....,., . p1MIs to be placed in "All in all, things don't .look too /With Ule eftdct . gloomy for tlh1s CClIDIllAlnity. Wu. ren ~y bontI.s $l'6 rated as well , as ~ m tbe state, and. the W~ CIVIC CLUB TO po6t dJatrict town.sh1p .scflool baa n1> HOLD DINNER-MEET '~lIOlnailres. ~ed: lnde1lednt1S8 iWith 4ile excep,.,.... _ ............" hoc~e_ _ );, " " 80 . t10n of, but baa e~ money '11Ie W~e v ..... """'"'"! " ' ;at~lPil~~~~1~~f.IP.~ l on · band to ~ It on}' bold lta ' 1'EIBUiIar mon~ dinner 1 ~."" ," cJo ·~D'~"~I~.~"'''''''''-Y'' ~ ' me.. banld,.. , aDd meet1nc a.t Smitb's Green Roan 5J full• . Be WOIbd .. fann bud. cr. 4an. at 7:00 ·~lIia§1''i~~ · ·~r'iO; bill aim tann ~,.... o'eb*. . .




1Imda,y. ~,




'R ev. Ralph Parks. former of St. Mary's Church·. now located in Dayton has maxie the "Lines by VlDes" column in ,t he I>a.yton Daily News by virtue of a stolen car. It seems tha.t Raiph left his car in front at the ohurch WiUl Ule keys already to turn the 1fmlUon On a'Tld someone took advantage Of the situation, The result /was a five mile walk home ' for Rev, Parks. Slr.ce the car could not be loca.ted lmmed1&~, . ~otlher ~s pl'(lC\lred. 'Ilhen as in ' Usually the case, t4le stolen one turned up. So in Rev. Pa.rks words. "I'm down to two cars




.~'.s Grange No. 13 will meet

-.............. Jan . 18 at 8 00 ..,... ..... ......, n:lil1t . , , o'clock. Installa.t1on of dfflrers for tihIe ~ year wU1 be beld a.r-d ~~ ILll oyster supper is scheduled 00 be held In. Ule dintng 1'0001.

,Ali new lease be


oU1cers are requCdted




.. ·1 ~ ..

1'. --.

. \. .

Tax Examiner Charles P : Lampe will be statlorred. at the following locations to assist vendors wi,th flUng their sales tax reports for the periOd July '1 to December 31. 1946. Lebanon _ Court House _ J~nuary 21. 22. 28. 29, 30. 31. ' Waynesvlll'e _ Ford Garage _ . January 23. Franklin _ Oity Bldi.;, _ January 24. ~ , .' Morrow _ Mayor's Office _ January 27 . Vendors who w1sh to take adVILlltage at this service sh.o uld .~ a.ll thell' data summ.arlIJedI. They should also bring tlheir VPO~ (.p lnk SUps) and tihe copy of their reporl;' for the receding id P per<> • . 'l'he8e returns muat b(; '"! on or be!()fe January 31. Pa.UUre to 'file before !February 1 subjects the vendor to a penalty of •.00 per day for each day the report; is del1nquent.

,"lea, .

, .


ElLECTED OFFICER OF FmHM.\.N· C~ iIrJi!I ID'B. Beman! 'Da1e7 ar8 At a !IeCent cl8I!I8 eIeotioD &It




....... '




b • .'lllllil'II: . _ ~t"""- · JD lI1I.

. ,

~ Sales

I~Lg;;=:~IIIII~I;;~ 1~ &nci . . . be .... poet.. • IIP'JCi&l ~. ~~ Ken· annoomt"!' tile btI'th ~ a cIauIib'er ~ ;_ -mt/J .De7 ... heIb ct•• pst lei tile ~'D- . . . -.e. 10m JaiL 11 at 'laae =t~iI.,· " .aDd,· ~· " 1M. ~ ~ .... ..... ~ ,,~ . .tal ·•.~ '~~: ';l~rrJ'i~3[~I~~~=~ tsia"'at".~ "" ~:~· Ie_"'to" __" ' ~'_'''''''' . _· .,' ~ " . .• • 1IIfcn ,.Ju. . lin. DIUo" ill 1bI !tcIIIDIir ~



Ing Bartsot:k 1h,~ operatior£ WEDNESDAY 7:45 P. M; . . .\ ' : PIANO · SQIU) " - Llnda' Uou' Haines pOSitors of ~he 'bank . aie f~. or Ule bank are IJe.w .Rd>ln.son. MAQ[CIAN _ Major C. A. Schuerholz, at t he Salvatiop Anny and by dealing with his CU5-~.c88hler: Mary Stansbury. 'assistant VOOAL SOLO _ Mrs. J ear-nie W,lllla,inson t.omerl> ~cl'06S it.he co~~r and help- cashier; and 'En1s Hartsock. 1\4rs. MOVIES Ing them solve problems. Ha~ .M:artila. Hendersor- and Mrs. MarCaliforn1a Picture' BooK' h"" ...... in an Inside view of the Sports Spellb1n<iers -. ..... "" garet Ann Gordon. farmers' troubles. • King's TaUor "No 'One ,knows what is going to AWlARlDING OF DOOR PRIZES ,

Vwe; CIf New .Leb-. . oc; Anna. tMered1t'h. n a oher a \f1throw High School. CineiOn1lJtl; . an<": tMrs. Walter ·W hltaker. Wa,ynes., vllie.


.. .. .... ..

I .. '

, .' :


Maz7 A. BIJrIbm 8aboo1 in NodIl. UDIIClob. ..... UJaa IIarJ Dora BouItJ. dMIIIbter 01 ...... aDd un., DIIMtb.·B. ~ 'f/l a · R. ·J. . . . . , . . .......... ~_ a..n \of::tbt-frII'II'IM ..... . ·

. _

CLJ\ 991 FIE0 .


_ _ _;;;..-;;;;;;;~...;;;..~;.......;;;;;;;....;;;:;....;;;;......;;~.,;;;;;;;;;;;.;;;;;;;;;;.___ • IW "''''S---''' ....... WI ... _ • • Eval Tu k f Dayto d Mr

V~ .......... Ia&I ............ yn e el'. 0 n. ar. . ~ word.s or less. one time.. .... .25<: and Mrs. James Paa'ks arrtved In add1tonal word ••••••.••••• lc Harveysburg. Tuesday and remained 8~ BATES by CONTRACT urttil Thursday . •

LoansMIss Fmnces Pollett of Dayton was FEDERAL LAND BANK LOANS: a guest in the home of Mr. ar.d Mrs. For Rettnandna _ Rebu1ldlna _ Jesse Pennington and' son Danny . Buying. 4% Farm loana with long Christmas day. to pay. Pay part or all any Mr. and Mrs. Herbert were


LEBANON NAT'L FARM LOAN dinner guests Christmas evening of ASS'N., ElUs H. atnum. Sedy_ tileir son and daughter-In-law. Mr. Treaa .. L. ebanon, Ohio. Phone 448 and !Mrs. C1ifford. Doster, and to daughter. Sharon. R-ea - I-E-a-ta - te- F-o-r-S-a-I-e__--- - Mr. and Mrs. W. P . McOarren entertained with a dir.ner at their. IF YOU HAVE A 'P ROPERTY OR home in the village Olu'lstmas da.y. FARM TO BELL O&ll or Wrtte In oompllmcntto a group (lIf relat non Henderson, Tel. KE3'46, 617 Ive:>.· The guest list Included, Mrs. Lorain Ave., Dayton, Ohio. tfc Laura Shidaker. Mrs. Pa.ullne Villars and SOn wall1am. X enia. Mr. ar.d OFFICE EQUIPMENTMrs. Kenneth Fisher and daughter BiALLMARK TYPEWRITER Rm- of Coshocton . bona now In stock. The GazOOte. Mr. and Mrs. Clliford D06'ter and

Household Good. For Sale-!fOR aAlLE-Kerooenc "quick-meal" range; rtght hand oven; oau 2422 01' See A. H . stubbs .t Waynesville F\unlture Co. 19



Main Street. When Mr. and Mrs . Harvey Bul'nett of Lytie entertained their card club Saturday everJog a group CTOtn


IWilI pay one' yea.r's ren.t in advance; Give full det4l.lls; L. W. Barker, ·R t. 1, . Hanison Ohio. -116

. (Held over f>l'om Last week) ~. and! Mrs. H. S. Tucker enter1Ia4r.ed a familY group 00 dinner, . Ob:ristma.s Day at their home. The guest list includedl; Mr. a.nd Mirs. iR10llard Williams andi family of Wilmington. Mr. and Mrs. Bwrton Bell and famUy of Lakeside, Miss

who were BIt their MIne here dUrlog the holidays ret;urnw. Thursday


-----------------------------------------SCHOOL DAYS. K~Tc:" .


Lebanon, Ohio


"Hard-To-Get" Items 9






LAMPS (Floor and Table)




, I-

HOME FU·R NITURE ·,,'i '. XENIA Phone CO. OHIO' 912R . ICE•• t Main Street at Whiteman"

fAU.,NG I ~\.p! -.

,' M


Broadway -


Me !

l GONNA fA\'\.. .J

Dilatush Building -

HOM ;H~ ;r;;I~s~~;.~ G5 !

to their home In Walha.und;}r.g. !\ks. Muy Pierson and son Mr. John SY'fred were Christmas dinner guests at the home General Denver Hobel In ~n. Mrs. Elta. Montgomery of Lockland Mr. Beollt B8l'd'. of '11Uckers I spent the Christmas holidays with Farm ne8ll' the vill....,... aneL MisS her son-In-law and daughter. Mr. .....~ and Mrs. Dallas Ba!Itor. and sons. Pauline Bowman Of Oakwoc.d, were Mr. and Mrs. Th.Om.a.s Welch en - married SeJturday a:fternoor. at 4:30 terta1ne~ wit.h 11 d.lnner Ohrlstm88 o'clock at the 0a.Jt0vr01Od U. B. ChurCh after a. honeymJoolll trip thl'ough Day In compliment to mem!bers· ot Florida they .will resioo at Tucker theia' family. 'Ilhe guest Ust included. Hllis Fann, flOnnerly owned by Mr . Mr. ar.d Mrs. cecil lJ,nkous and famand! Mrs. C. D. C01:lk. Uy of Lebanon, Mr. a.n'd 'Mrs. James Thorn~ and famUy of the vlH9ge Rev. Clyde WUl1a.Jrns a fonner InMr. anq Mrs. Paul Welch, of Leb- structor In Harveysburg Schools Ilind anOn. Mrs. Dba Welch and Mr. E. pastor at ·the SprIlngf1eld Friends B. DaIdn of the village. Churdl neal' BUg.) passed aWay Mr. and Mrs. Waater Green were 'I1h.ursday evening iIIIt his home In Qu1stmas ~ay guests 1n the home WUm1ngtoo. of son and daughter-in-l1l.w Mr. and Mrs. Louise Plte and Jane were Mrs. Lopnl Green and sons ~ear caners ir. Dayton JllJrid~. Lebe.non. "Prot. H . C. Milll8:anl was a guest

Ke~" Me



Harveysburg were present. They 1neluded Mr. and Mlrs. iHoW8l1'd Graham, Mlrs. LeW'a Shidaker. and Mrs.~ ~ ~~;;;;;;~;;;;;;~;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;~'1 O . B. Collett. ;, Rev. and Mrs. J . P. Thornbury. and Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Dooter were FrIday evenir.g dinner 8'\lCSUI of Mr. and MJ's. ~r8ltlles Doster of ~. EAT Mr. . and Mrs. W. P. MoC'a.rren


Homes WantedWIAN'lU) _

daughter Sharar. have vacated t heir suite of rooms In the Thornberry apartment. on Clark Avenue and In-lid ..... _ iU._ moved to S pr"'4!I" e , w..."'re ••~ . ..--...._ is ed' In .....,.."", engag r.ewspaper work.

!Mr. and Mrs. C . ' D . Cook of frtends In COlumbus. several days 'J'BE MJAMJ GAZETTE - Pap • t.a1ned the group Ibelongir.g to thc this week. WAYNE'BVILLE,OHlO - NO. 4298 "Advisory Council" BIt bhdr home In Mr. and Mrs. Cha.rles Doster and THURSDAY, JANUARY 9, 194'7 Waynesville. F'rtdilY evening. The daugMers were weekend houseguests Mr. and Mr. James Ames ot WUmem'bers enjoyed an exchange of of Mr. D06ter's Ibrot:ber-ln-law and mlngton were guests of Mr . and Ohristmas gifts . nn Several from h er le were Ir. attend- sister. Mr. and Mrs. Wilford Cossum Mt·s. Lmvts Welch Thurs"""3.. evenar.d fam.1ly of Oolumbus. 1ng. a nd Mrs. Err-est Vulgamore J'taN'C moved from their home In Covington. Ohio t.o the apartment above the!·r Cafeteria . The Gra.Il@e Quarterly birtildny turkey was un event of Monday, Dec. 23 at tile' GrtU1~ Hall on ACCOUNTING and TAX SERVICE



,. · · ~i..

Because of ill health, I will sell at Public Auction my herd of Dairy Cattle on wha.t is known as the L.' Mendenball farm, located 1 mile' Southeast· of Waynesville on the Corwin-Wellman Road on . SATURDAY,JANUARYt1 Beginning at 1 :QO P. M. 33--DAIRY CATrLE--33 1 Holstein cow, 5 yrs. old, calf by side. 1 Jersey cow, 5 yrs. old, giving 6 gal. milk per day. 1 Jersey cow, 6 yrs. old, giving 5 g8jl,' milk per day. 2 Guernsey cows, 7 Yl'S. old, giving full flow of milk. 1 black. cow, 8 yr . old, giving 3 gal. of milk per day. 1. Jersey COW, 7 yrs. old, heavy sp·r inger. ' 2 J,ersey C~WS, 7 yrs. old, heavy springers. . :} Guernsey .cows',8 yrs. old, heavy springers. ~ Brown .SWISS, Guernsey cows, 4 yrs. old, springers. 1 Holstein-Jersey COW, 7 yrs. old, to freshen by date of sale. ' . If Guernsey cows, 3 yrs. old, to freshen in January. 1 Jers~y cow, 6 yrs. old, to freshen in February. 1 Guernsey cow, 3 yrs. old, to freshen in March. 1 Guernsey COW, 3 yrs. old, to freshen in April. ~ Dairy-Type heifers, to freshen in Jamiary and February. . ' PLEASE NOTE-These cows are bred to Re¥istered Guernsey bull (LANGWATER BREEDING) .. ThIS is an excellent herd of dairy cows - very heavy milk producers-and accredited herd. TERMS-CASH . .-


Sal!S cODducted by The Bailey-Murphy Co.. ,W~.toa, OhiO. . , . ' , •


~ ~

Fairly Familiar



The 'l\1iami GAZETTE

b3' EFFELDEE THE CONVENIENCE OF THE PUBLIC The interest MId convenice of the general public is the dete rminin g factor 1r. formulating sales p olicies. That Is particular true in retail stores. EVidence that the public appreciates suoh consideration was recently

Bellbrook Farmers' Institute Offers Many Prizes; Two Day Program; Moving Pictures BELLBROOK HIGH SCHOOL AUDITORlUM and Wednesday, ,JANUARY 21 and 22, 1947



Prescient Cliffo rd Elliol1t; Vice-President , P a ul Thomas; Secretary-Treasure. Mrs. George McHenry . EXECUTIVE COMMITI'EE - Mrs. Weller Ha1n~; Mrs. Harry Du'mJOI'd .\ Mrs. Timothy Black; Lawson Ordean; E TABLISHED 1850 - NO. 4299 '1.50 PER YEAR - 5c A COpy Harry Stephens. HOSTESS - Mrs. Lewis LY11ds. given In Victoria. British ColumbiaWAYNESVILLE. OHIO . THURSDAY, JANUARY, 16. 1947 SPEAKERs - Mrs. O . L.. Ounlnlngham. Gernmntowl1" Oh10. Rev. a commwuty which is accustomed _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ Rev. R. Wobus. ID . D .. Sidney. Ohio. to retan service similar tv that preTUESDAY - 9:30 A. M. Vailing in the Ur.ited S tates, and INVOOATION - Rev. T . A. Runn'ells wtIich is served by several American SONGS - Qrades 1-2 chain sys'tems. The last session of RECITATIONS - Grades 1-2 t h-c Provincia.l Legislature adopted SONG - Grades 3-4 a law permitting any British ColRECITA'IlION - Grade 3 umbia munlc1pali~ to enact ordlRJEOITATION - 4 l~ ances forcibly clOSing a ll establishADDRESS - Hobbies-Ohalk TalkMrs. O. L. CunnJng>ham SONG - "The Toboggan Sllde" - Grades 5-6 ments of the same type each WedGeogra.phy Talks - Grade 5 nesdll(Y. Quota.t1ons - Grade 6 The law was app~led '00 retail ADDRESS - It's AII 'Rlglht to Fall Down If You Dor. ·t G et Dlrt,y stores. MId an anU-olOlSlng omRev. R. Wobus mi ttee succeeded in getting the (Cafeteria di nner served, ~ women of the Presbyterian Church) question of compulsory closing placTUESDAY - 1:00 P. M. ed on the ballot in' the last genvOCAL DUET - Louise Turner. Joanna Dale. • eral elecUon . The result was a deA Dn J ~ Adjusting Ourselves tv a New Era cisive defeat for bhe measure. to Mrs. O. L. CUlll".1ngha.m. CLARINET SOLO - Roger Kennedty the tune of 4800 to 2700 . The chairP.DDRESS - The Magic of Give and Take .. . .. ..... Rev. R. }Vobus man of the conunitteelwhich ~_ TUESDAY - 7:45 P. M. palgned against the closing . unMAIRIMBA SOLO - Mrs. Harold Grlce doubtedly stated lIPe majority viewADDRESS - Beautuying the Fannstead ........ Mrs. O. L. Ounningham poin t when he said : "The Pe'Ople do VOOAL SOLO - lW8'er Turner . not favor th e creeping parab'Sis ADDRESS - Wi~h Faith in a Grewtel' Tomorrow :... .. Rev. R. ~us of business ,t hat Is inheren t in 11MAlRdMDA SOLO - Mrs. Harold Grice day oIOSing". WEDNESDAY 9:30 A. M. PIANO SOLO - Je~ Penel'\Wt (Oontipued on Pa~e 8 ) PlANO SOLO - Joandel Darbyshire ADDRESS - Everyone has a Personality Problem , Mrs. O. L. OUnnlngham VOCAL SOLO - Raellen Sawtell ADDRESS - Any Bats in Your Belfry? .... .......... ReV. R. ~us Chopping WOOd ~d mllk:1ng COWS -by RICHARD BAMME WEDNESDAY - 1:00 P. M. ACOORDIAN SOLO - Joanr..a Da.le Mrs. Sallie Meredith, resident of Just t'o show tha.t conditions Blre nOt ~ - /Making the Most of What Ypu Have . 19401 were . <Mrs. O. L. CuDJl1n4(ham normal our deposits in . '. Dum - Louise TUmer, Hani.e tt Steele :

Local Banker Knows Farmers Problem1s Through Personal Contact With Farm Life

Sallie Meredith .ies In Lima, Wed!Jesd~y

............__ .~~~~;=;,:=~~~~~=~='~~;~~t6:~33.;:~88'1:.~.bu~t~n~w~.~tb~~:~to=~qn:~'~:mor;:e~~~~~~~~Bl~uapri;~nt~of~a~Ha~PP!.

y Li1e .......... Rev. R. Wobus


Hartsock '



' opE~ratton ' WEDNESDAY 7~45 P.,

PD61t.ors of the 'bank a'l'e fa.rmera. Of the .benk ~e IJe:w ' Robtnson. and by .deaJing with his' farm : CUS· , .caBbIer; Mary Stansbury;- 8SiSlstan t . ' .' . tamers act:<l6S /the counter and help-; a~ EnJs Ha.rt5ock. Mrs. Mrs. ilI4'ered!tb Is survtvC!i by !lye 'Ing them sOlve prob!e.Q1S, Hs.rtsock. .Marbha Henderson and Mrs. Mar1I0tuHU)Q Qwo daughters. Harry a'lld has gained an Inside vlew of the garet Ann Gomon. : Ha4'old Meredith. or Limn; Sam and lanners' t~les. Herbert Meredith of near Waynes~ . "No or.e knows what Is going to vUle; 8Jke. Me~l~ CJf New Leb- ' ha.ppen in' 1947, but one thing is , on; Meredirh, ' aoh~r a sure. We are not encouraging W1throw High SChool. Cincinnati; fanners to buy land as prices are aDo <MTs. Walter Whitaker, Waynes- ~ h.lgh in ~omparison with 'OrvIDe. cWr.ary times." Hartsock said. .' , ~it. according 1lO Hartsock. · is The Wa:ynesville CIvic .Club has not -going to ,be as· as it was assumed the leadershtp in p1!lnning d uring boom war ybu-s. . ' for the fotlth-com1ng ~uicen1len"Farmers, in ~ opini'On. be- nial Celebratlon to be held' in coming more cautions in their fi- WaynesviUe sometime this year in nancial dealings. They are uncer- oommemomtlon of its 150 years tian a.b'Ou t "the future and, are ob- since originally being plotbed out. !No J,edtlng to .,the deD$nds of labor," definite plans haNe 86. y~t been says Hartsock. adClipted' but a. c~ttee a.pp<~inted "They do not Uk~ .bhe strikes and to tAke over the~ .~ ·M e laying other labor metlrodS 00 gain more the jp'Ound-woJlk for 1Jbe big evmt. wages. . nus oommlttee ~ composed Of "While we do not encouragetihe Lew Robinson. c.ha.1Jman. AI Pollinsky buyir.g ·or fanns' at the present, peo- John Turner. Ralph Hastings, Sam ple must Haw a hOuse to live In. Keys. Will~ Sawyer am,1 Gene and often a house is bought regardBrowr. less of it's high va.1ue and the loan DetaJls Of the' Prog1'e8s ai the. will help finance the purchase if plans as laid: out. by 'this committee bhe price is ~where In reasor-," 'W1ll be publ1shed 'from time to time the pubUc beiocne a.cqua.1nted Ha.rtsock said. so can , "All in all, th~ don't look too 1W1~ the plains to ~ placed in gloomy for thJs comnwnlty. W84'- ,e!lec:t. ren couDty bonId8 are rated aa well as 8JlN 1r. the state, and the Wayne CIVIC CLUB TO tUstrict tmm.shlp sdlool baa no HOLD DINNER-MEET lndetlednesa 'With the excep....tII,1 01."-'n ~ 80 tton of but bas e~oui1l JJlOII1ei '!be W"" ........ u.e yll> .........' WMoi :Dci:. . . . . wm tnve' oh· haI!d to p&1I It ott... hold ita ' reeu.18I' montbly d:lnner Bart8oc* tDclwa bank,iq aDd meet1ntr at Smith's <keen Jbm tarminir. Be wubd &8 fUm ~, cr. IrAloda.y eva1nI• .Jan. '~ at, '1:00 ran hIa CIIm' fann 88veNll~. o'ckltk.. . . ~_iI. 1.. ~ wu ~ . apecia.l ~, .~ Ken-

Civic Club Assumes Lead In Celebration'






~o · ~ - ' L1n~' ~

MAQ{[OIAN _ Major C. A. Schluerholz, or the Salvation Army VOOAL SOLO _ Mrs. Jea~nJe WUllil'mson MOVIES California P1cture' Boo~ ' Sports Spellbinde1's King's Tailor AWJMWING OF DOOR PRIZES



Rev. Ralph Parks. fonner of S t. Mary's O~urch" r.ow located In Dayton 'h as mru:le the "Lines by VineS" colwnn in the Da.yton Daily News by virtue Of a stoler. oar. I t seemS that Raiph lett his car in front or the ohureh with the keys already to turn the ignItion' On and Somieone took ' advant.a&e Of the situation'. The result twas a ,five mile walk for Rev. Parks. S1r.ce the car QOUld not be located imanediatelw• • [another ~ procured. '11i.e n 86 In 'U sually the case, tlbe stolen one turned up. So in Rev. Parks words, "I'm down to two cars mJIW".



. Grange No. 13 Will meet ~ nJaht. Jan. 18 at 8~ OO o'clock. Installation Of of.f1cers for tIhIe CXlID1Dg year wID be held ar.d ~ an oyster supper Is lIChedUlled to be h'eld in tht' dining ~'8

room. All



be present please.

are reque.lted to




31. 1946.


Lebanon - Court House - January 21 , 22. 28. 29, 30, 31. . Waynesville - ' FOl'd Garage Jar.uary 23. ~lin City B.U!g. - Ja.nuary 24. Morrow _ Mayor's Office _ January 27 . Vendors who w1sb to tala! &dvan!.age of this service' .should have all their data. summar1-Bed'. ~ should also b~ their VPO's ('p ink slIps) and the copy of their reportt for 'the ~ id P pero . These re'IAlrr.s muat .~ rued, on or bef~ January 31. ~ t6 'file before February 1 su~jects tJhe vendor to a penalty of $1.00 per day for ea.m day the report Is deUnquent.


:At a recent clIu election ~ the Mal7' A. BIJImam 8cbool In NortIl.~IIIII=t~;;~: £.lw..n.e1VUJ18. ... QOUD~ Dey bu beID'. . . . . tar.tbe 8ftD- ~ . , IM'D .JaiL 11· at ifIae AIIII*I\ ..... us. MarJ DaD '1 •. ~ .....o.- .and' ~ . ... 1DIr. DbIIier ' ~ are' n- CJiIkiII · ~ _ _tal ~ BOUIh daUIIrter ~ Mr. aD4 MIa.


.~~~W;!I.I!,~fl~ .~! - 'o . "''Y~ If*~:~~~:J~~~, .r: .•


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.;_ ..J . . . 1....... III ..,..

' Mr. ·MId Mh. BmiIIftI ~ are of a - .

, Sales Tax Examiner Charles p : ' Lampe will be statioJred at the 101lowing locations to assist vendors wiith fllb:ig !.heir sales tax reports for tlhe period July 'l to Dooember

~ tM .blrtb

. ~·_ ......... '1b;UI4.c..




f1I '8: R. . 1.

Ju. . lin. ~ . . .. ~tanDIr ~ ~ ,..... ...... ~_

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toreuuN ~ ~::b

"_ mea 111& .


JAN . 14 - Masonic Lodge Cha rles The W ay ne Township F a rmer's Jame , secretal·Y. flJ.tub me on Jan . 9 wiLh 1\11'. ar.d :UXs. Cla re nce Rye, a t which time JAN . 14 WcTU 1 1'5. T ruman {he new off le 1'5 . Mr. and Mrs. Wardlow. 'ccre ary. iR.<mald Haw ke presided at the meet. All but ~w fa milies of th ,JAN . Hj - WS S Mr . \Val er lIlemb rsh lp we re I'e-pl' sented . Whlt.ak I' srcre Il ry The Presid 1 ga ve an excfiler t foo.ugu ra l address a nd Mr. Ca rl P lt- JAN . 18 - Fa rm CJ's' G range. Mrs. ck was a guest spea k I' of the Roch I Enrll hn I'l Lec l ul'er. day . chOOSing as his subject " T h ~ Operat.lon of a Ma ri ne Corp". J AN. 20 - Ci vic Club. May na rd G u ts were Re v. and Mr . R. B . Weltz.· sccrctll ry. !(}Oleman. Mr. nn d Mrs. Cnrl PI tick. r. ard MI' . J ohn Burske and Mr. J AN 24 - New Century Club Mrs. ..nd Mrs. F r d Elbon of LebanOn. R . A. COnner ar.d Mr . E. F . Earn"rhe me t.lng L5 scheduled to ~ hart will be In cha rge of the progra m iteld on F eb. 13 at the home of a nd the hos e will be MI' . J . H lionls F ulker-on. Sncket t. Tuesday J a n . 7. Mrs. Ea rnest Nix a major operation Mrs. E verett K enrick and chlld. 1 th e Middletown Hospital. Mrs. ren o Mr. a nd Mrs. Ray K inder a n d xo n'S cond ition ls reor lied as fine. daugh ter of neaT ' Frall kli n were .she wi ll ret.urn h ome Sa t urday. S\Jnday a!t ernocm gw ts of Mr. Mr. and Mrs. Alben Oleaver h ad a nd Mr. Harvey Burne t. rs . Cleav, r's fathe r. Mr. Dan iel The Yout.h Group of Lytle Ch l'Uch were en ter tai ned t<> a party a t the Irface for dlnn r, Sunday. home of Mr. and Mrs. Roy Win ks Mr . and M.r . Melvl.r. Mehaff1e. ~dnes da y evening. Sunday evening din n l' guests of !lDtertalned to dinner Sunday Mr . Charles Charleton , his father Mr. Mr. and Mrs . Wa lter K er. rlck. honorCilarJeton. Mr' . Dona:ld Watkins. ing t he bir ~hd ay of Mrs. K enr ick were: Mrs. W. G. Haines. nd Miss Dorls ChaTleton. Mr. a nd Mrs. Fra nk Ackerma n son Dr. Wal ter P. Castoe of the Brood- a nd da ugh ter . Mrs. Viola Rounds tJ!;reet Meth odist Church 1n COlum- a nd son ElwOOd. Mr. a nd MI'S. as is spending t.h e week a.t the Rober t Haines and SOns Mr. JQ&eph i 01 RA!v. and Mrs. R. B . COle- G rassi aU of DaYiton and Mr. Foster ma'll during Dr. Ca stoe's week of Simpson of Maine. Mr. ar.d Mrs. Paul Williams of llennons ' in. the Methodist Church Lebanon were dinner guests on Waynesville. Sunda.y of Mr. and Mrs. Everett Saturday evening guests of Mr. Early. Mrs. John Kruer and Mrs. Harry and Mr. Robert~w were Mr. Paul .Idbns of LyUe ana Mr. and Mrs . Qraham were guests at the Woman '~ Society, at the horne of Mrs. Her-no W<Ml'Cn Cook of Waynesville. Saylor Wednesday afternoon . Mr. and Mrs. Clyde Wharton and SUnday Mr. a nd Mrs. P . L. Reason entertained to 'dinner 1n honor of Mr. Levi Grewthouse a ttended a l'S. 'R easonl's brothers birthdaW. family dinner Sunday a't t·he home GueSts roc dinner were, the honor of Mr. anel Mrs. Morris Wharton, '&QI!6t Mr. Vit:gll ott, Mrs. Virgil at Miami Shores Dayton, in honor ott and Mrs. Reason's sister Mrs. or the birthdays of the host and h06tesg and Clyde Wharton. GIIIrles Fester au of Dayton. Mrs. Harold Steinke was taker. ~. and Mrs. Loren Reson spent to Miami Valley Hospital Sunday ate week-end; In LoiLsiville, Ky. • and UDidel!Went a ma.jor operation on MOnday. Mrs. Walter Whitaker or WaynesSunday. Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Me IIDlan and ohlldren spent the da.y ville spent laat week with her daugh.Ub Mrs. MbMUlan's fa.ther, !Mr. ter, Mrs . Ray Miller and fa.milY, whilet Mr. Whi IJa~r was In the Wymer ~ey of 9regonia. hospital. n underwent

Mr. Benjamin Hisey and Mr. 1lJharles Rye lett Mon'day mOTning _ a motor tr~t> 'bo Flocida.

Wayoesville Famler,s Club held a t ~he county home of Mr. and Mrd. Clarence Rye. T h ursday. Mr. and Mr . Cil ford DOSl r and Sharon of Sprin gfield were Sund(l~' b'llests of MI'. Dc.ste rs paren LS. MI'. u!ld M!·s. Herbert Dos ter. Miss Ma ry Lou Moore was the week-end guest of fri ends 1n WIl 7 m lngoon . Mrs. Geor ge . Ly tle was ca lled to Xer.ia F riday o\\'ing to the dea Wl of he r fa ther. M I'. Ed. Sn ell. Mr . R~)'non (1 Brooks. fo rme r vlllag gara ge owner and mechan ic sus tain d two broke n leg Friday afternoor. while In t he process of cranklrg his truck. Th e vehic.le was In gear. and pinned h1m a gainst. the wall (Yf the garage a t h is hom e 0 11 Cla r ke Aven ue. MI'. Brook was rushed. LO Hale Ho pital, Wilmington. Mr . and Mrs. J am es Oester of Dayton. wel'e Sunday ev'Cning guest ' of Mr. Doster paren t . MI. a1~d Mrs . B erbel·t Dos ter. Severa l f rom h ere attended t;he .basket ba ll glUne, F'rlday evening Il t CarBsle. when OlUr local teR m played t here.

Mr. Robert Green of Dayton. spent Saturday eveI! ing WI Wl MI'. an d Mrs. Lewls Morga n . Mrs. Richard Hanes Of Xen1a, pen t t h e week-e nd wUh h er paren s MI'. a nd MI"S. HUey Gibson . Mr. ar.-d· Mrs. HUey Gibson spent Sunday dinner wi th Mr. and ryIrs. Everett BUnnell and family . 'Mrs. JOOy Shaw and daugll ber spent. Sunday ~i th M I'. an d Mrs. Lewis MOllgan. Mrs. Era l Marlat,t and Mrs. Emerson Dlll spent U~lis morning 1n Xenia. Mr. ~d Mrs. EdmOIO MlU1latt an~ 1'~ly spent Friday ev:enlng with Mr. and Mrs. Morrls ~w1s and family. Mr. and Mrs. George Brat ten' spent the ~,k end with 'h er son Mr. and Mrs. James Bratton 011 Dayton. . Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Earnhart and Mrs. Hes1nger spent Sur-da.y afternOOn in Morrow. IM r. Ernest Hasz and son went to CozaddaJe to see his wife and Mr. and Mrs. Victor Pod.ersoJ. Mrs. Hiley Gibson Mrs. Everett BuooeU and da\lg'hter Sharon raIled on .Mr. and Mrs. ~Dotilstook and Mrs. Allee . Futman or Beavertown, ThW'sday.

TIm MltUD GAZETTE .... Pale ! WA VNE VILLE. OHIO - NO. 4299 TII URSDAY, JAN UARY. 16. 1947

Mrs. G lel~n a WilSOn. Mr . Fra n cis J enkins of Kokomo. I nd .. J chn W i! on and Robert Wi~ on we re guests of Mr. nd Mrs. We lden Wilsor la 'l TuesdllJ)' ni te. Ot her guests \l'ere MI' . and Mrs. Gera ld Wils on m:d s on .ferry of Dayton . Afternoon callers of MI' . Lucy CornptCl: at t he Bogan home Thu ' _ dny aCte r ll 11 ~· el' (' . MI'. a nd Mrs. Homer Ha ines of neal' S abina. M r. a n d Mrs. Roy J ones. Mr. and Mrs. Luther H!\ll1'es. MiI·s. CIBrn Cnl'l'. Mrs. Dor.a ld Jones a nd SOn Rich·a n l. Mrs. Dorot.hy Smi th . nd Ma ril yn Sue . . Li ltl Aldon Haines w ok dinn er with his gl'ft ndpBJ'(' nts MI'. and Mrs. Lut her Ha in es Sur.etay. Mr. a nd Mrs. Albert Wil on n d family of neal' Spring Va lley ancl Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Wilson peN Wednesday VlCnl ng W1Ul J ohn W ilson and Robert. Mrs. Ma ry Sin Inlr ar.d Miss Ohal'lotte were gu sLS of MI'. a nd Mr s. Oha rles S ta nl y a nd da ugh te rs Sun_ day a fter.nuoll. Mr. a nd IMr. Willard Haines of near Sa blra ca lled on hls parent Everett Baine and wi r One afternoon Lhis week. Raleigh Bogan a nd wife and grand da ughter MllrllJT. Sue Smith called on Mr. and Mrs. Eva n Bogan and Mrs. Mary Bogan in Dayton sun da y a fternOon . Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Ellis and family were dinner guest of MI' . and Mrs. Raymond Wilson Sunday . Mr. and Mrs. Donald HaInes and son Aldloll were Sunday evening

g uests Clf Mr. a nd Mrs. L. W . Whitst<> ne of Xe nia . Little Aldol'. StllY over nigh t and returned home on Monday.

Mr. Newton Deal't.h and daugh Le r. Mis I na Deart.h of Fl'ar.kll n cflil d en t heir co Ir. · Dr. and Mr . F . B. Gl'cgg Sunday a l' ternoon . MI·s. Woodrow Owens. her da ughtel' Wi nnie J o. and 'on SLev1 were guests of Mrs. Owen's moth I' Mrs. LucU Armit,age on Sunday. MI' . Amand a Ha r tl'wn sper.t Sunday a t t,he home of h er SOn MI'. AIber t Stubbs. Dr. n l~ et Mrs . F . B . Gregg enjoyed supper Sunday evening with Mr. harlrs Lewis and Mis' Emma Lou Lewts. Mr. and Mrs. Er les Marti n of Da)' ton called On t h eir fr iends at t he Home Sat urday afl,() n~()on .

Field tria ls extending over 32 yea l·· Indica te 01110 sa ndy soil ca r be k P IlL a h igh productivity level eve n under In tens ive vegetable growIng. Nea r Marietta. sandy soil has produced higher yields of vegetables in the 1 t fo ur yea rs than 11". 1lhe first four ~rears of t he 32-yeal' period. Ma nure forti fled wi th some CVtnmercilll fertilizer has been a ll ttle supt"rlor to oommerclaJ fertJllzer alone 101 maintaining soU tertUity.








PRONE NEWS 11.'EM8 TO tlt3 or 29'10


The Civic Lea&!Ue met Saturday evening at the ihome Of Mrs. Osee Harlan. Her co--hostess was Mrs. Mary Tucker. Mr. Bartlett Monee is quite 111 Mr. William OUlIam of near town 11& this time. was adimitted to the Osteopathic Mrs. Nettie Emrlck returned home Hospital Dayton SundQIJ, wthe're he Weqnesday alfter spending some w1U submtt to an eye operation . time at bhe horne t)f her daughter, The Commur.ity Club met in regLeon Salisbury and family at ular sessi{)n, Wednesday evening Waab1ngton. C. H. She is greatly at the High selliClOI gymnaslm. The tIDproved since receiving a fall while n06ta for the eVl81l!ng were Messrs . . her vts1t. Williams Luken and Willard Taytlor, 111'. Paul JOhns of the University Mlri. James Gibbons tonnetly fit Cincinnati spent Saturdary and W'ayr.esvtlle W88 the guest 8pe& amdaIy at his home here. Mrs. Laura ShidaJeer entertained Kl'. and Mrs. Harold Whit9Jker a company of l'Ocal1&dles a t "cards" IJIIId chUdren were Sunday dinner Wednesday evening. ~ at !.n". and Mrs. Marlon Mr. and Mrs. George Denny left 'WIIdtakerand 8011 in Lebanon. Tuesday for Daytona Beach, Florida Kr. and Mrs. Oharles Beeker of where they wID spend the winter JIew!pOl't, !Were Sa.turday evening nrontlls. .-eets or Mr. and Mrs. Oalvln lA>ng- Mr. and Mrs. Louis Snell and IICU! a.nd famil1. ,fam1ly -have vacated their home on Mr. and Mrs. x.R.wrence Elliott Main street and: halVe moved to IIDd 800 Of oaIdwood were SUn~, South Leba.non. ften1ng' cUnner guests of Mr. and . Mrs. A. S , Collett atten'd<ed the



., .fJN'T liKE TfJ ~ . 8fJRRfJW MONEY-

-------.e~ ·WIIY IfJN'T YfHI aT 1fJllt INIIlItANli' MENT 1}NAlltE YfJIIR ,cARl-


~ _ ~f:) SLICED BACON lb.


Ib·3 9c


63 c





You doal with (I friend on a man, to mon bOli •• ..

A.k '.' 'd etail..



'.. Olffoe at UUy ~'8


MUCH·MORE DICf:D PEARS, 2 ~ can ....... ..........49c CORN MEAL, 5 lb. Bag; White 45c, Yellow ......... 3& O'BRIEN'S PURE BUCKWHEAT FLOUR, 5 lb..... 47c KELLOG'S SHREDDED WHEAT .............. :.. ....... 1&


Quality FOOD MARKET ',






~DAMI GAZETTE Pare 3 .w inter 11 you want a gu r-c~ lawn thought. that bile time would come WA1'NESVILLE, omo - NO . 4299 next spring but very little of the wher. a nyone 'wlt2h a few lessons THURSD AY, J ANUARY, 16. 1947 mud, mud, mud that Is every,where and enough flying hours for a lLcense h re·. Especially In a J Lha w. and enough mon!Cy to rent a plane This year I did not stay for the for an hour. could just step out stXlCJc show wh lc'h is gOing on now. to an a4.rp0rt anti ta,ke !.<hell' relatIt is a great show and they expecled Ives for a Su nday afternoon ride. It to be bigger and lJetb!r than But ,that IW'as what we (:lid. The A FARM DIARY ever this year. Lots of ex.hlhlts wrl' a ir was so calm that t he plane D. J . FralHr t urned dow n this year for lack Clf scarcely seemed to 'be moving. Thr .)c1 nuary l~ 1947. Home agaIn . It Is space a.r.d the pape:'s had begun gr.ound beneath us seemed to shUt always h ard to leave after a plba ant their yearly 'campa~1l for nc,'w show an d turn slowly so that we were !a~ visit bu t no matter hCtw Illulldlngs. Tha [' wa.; not thE only now over the bus1r..ess district, then tlhe park, bhen we could pick out pleasar.t It is, thoere comes a time problem Ir. the papers. Denver , It seems. has the same one the houses we knew far below us when aJl bhe tlhings th fl~ there a.r e to do at home begin to h9.unt you and as Way nesville. theIr ~e wa.gc system like pictures on a map and then you know It is t ime to com e hom<:. Is r:CJt all it should be according IbaOk to the a1l1port a nd' down, all The trip home was dull and un - to some. They have one. of COUl':;!' as smooth and calm as a moving even tful. There were lot.; of pmpty which is more tha:l we have, but picture show, and yet It was a thrill seats and r.o Waiting line for d l ~m er 'there are many cJllIplaln ts that too too just think that it could be In thoe dlnlr.g oar. SOme mamas and much un treat)ed se,', age Is going Into done ' and that you had done I.t. papas with babies and smal! cWld- t he Platte River. The other side Denver 'has auctions too. we wen t r en, probably going home from says that is not so. that the poUu - to one regular weekly sale at an grandma's a.1'ter a Christmas vaca- Lion comes In belCIW the city. It Is auctron house. It was very calm a.r.d t lor.. Most of the snow was gone the same troUble Ilha t there is all . We ail! sat In rows of .chairs and everything has that dingy mld- over 'the cour.try. are we gCllng to and the a uctioneer scarcely rlwed winter look. Even here In the allow are streams to be polluted his voice. Th'ere was the usuaJ line cou ntTy . everthlng Is covered With -whellh6l' by! c4Itles or villages or of clothes and turn1ture, kl tchen svot and mud, The chicke ns tho[' factories and Industries outside of things and bric-a -brac. At bhe sale ... _... freigh t the tWngs were should be white look gray. !.he dogs the towns. A river can only purity of ur."·-"'a·,,"1C\.l look rough ar.d dirty. through they Itself from a Umlb!d amount of mostly new but somewhaf damllged. seem to be glad to see me home. sewage so t he only way is to keep That auotioneer surprised mEl by The cows just went past my windo ,v all untreated sewage and fac tory m·tting d..... ~ a nd talking 1n·~1 his ~ .. u "" plodd1ng throltglh the mUd . We are lVo'as tes out of <A1l' stream. What is mi""'''''OOne. "" - .having a J anuary thaw. being dor.e a,bout our sewer? The papers there f ull of · all the Two g.cod marks for the Denver I have had my < first a·lrplanlC ride. same problems we fa.ce here. Hows climate, not SO many gray I. dllYs The d&y I stood up on Main street · and rows of nlCW houses but er.OllgIh· (though Ilhey do have a few just In Da;yton and Iwatched the Wrights places fur the people to live. Prices like this) and not so mue. mud. make the first Righ t bhat had ever are high there too, even than The gro~' dries quickly. The wheat been ma<le over a city while we here It seemed to me. Clothes PNere tloesnn lOOk as green as oUrs and all h eld Gour breath and tbought being marked d<'lW1l but the new ~1mes you have to wa tel' ir how dangerous it was, 1 little things com1r,g in were still high.



Meat prIces wer e . very high. One problem . that we >h ear about someLimes. was a locaU 'problem there ~ the teen - age soldier. There have been large 'numbers of soldters In l Denver ever sInce first dra ft but Every fam..11y wtll c.hertsh the mea-r.ow eit her lbecause there. are more ory of a last tribute that wu. young ones or because the morale dignified and fitting in eveif' is lowel' a nd bhe dicipllne less strict respect. there has been m(Jl'e trouble. It is 'Jur problem too, another question to study In 1947. What kind of tralr.Ing can we give tJhem that wUl ma ke them gGOC\ citizens as well as good · soldiers. We proved that they oould be made good fighting soldiers but there is something lacki ng l~O\V and the reports of tJhem as peacetime soldiers and as occupation troops gives US something to Lhlnk Telephone 2291 about. 1947 bas tots of things tha t we are going to 'h ave to do something about .


Alfa.i!a pastures have been used for the Trum,bull Oounty Experl-


men t Farm dairy herd for S€veral years without any cases of bloat ing. The cows had access to bluegrass

ClnclnDati UnlOD 8&oe1l Yanh

pasture !While on alfalfa but the bluegrass probably did not make blca.tlng more or less probably. Hungry cows will eat enough of sever al rougbages. to cause bloating. The Trumbull herd always had plentty of feed .


Live Wire aD.. 1'roIreeIIve. An .... pntUUOD second to · none. 8td.c01 _Oers OD tile bat aD around marktt

Sufferers I Tr1 REINEB'S JUNOLI In tile CIOaDtl7.

relief from palDb of rheumatism. arthritl& neurJt1a, lumiJ8€O. FREE BOOKLET. Ask Jor Reiner's Rlnol. Why su1ter lonser? Waynesville Drug store. tfc


Service That Satisfies TUNE TO


DaJiOn 1:30 - Dial 1301 WLW Cincinnati 12 :4Q 700 For 0 .... Oall1 l\~ket Report'




' - Modun life wltb It. ceaael_ burry Symp tom. 01 disturbed kid ney IUll er.on and worry, Irre!rulnr b abit., Improper may be nnRRing backache, pen1ist.ent hood · eatin g and d rin king, cxpo~ u re, cont a'g. on aebe, dizzlncu.l:clli ng u p nillht ,swell ing, •• halnol. keeps doetprs buoy, pumncss und er the cy B fceli n.: 01 nervOUH DnltlcLy bospitals ","owdcd. Tho alLer elTeclll are d isturbing to TIfE il EA ON DO N ' ond 10 .. 01 stren gth nil the k idneya .I'd oftentimes AR E .' AI\lOU.5-. enorV'. OUI , siRna of k ld0 0 » I O Bu lTer withou t know· All 0.<'.1 t h e co un try Dey or blndder d lst urbnnco ng tba t d isordered kidney 8 , Il t du l "".. "I" t ,,11 som ti m co n r e Qurn i ll ll. act i on may cau . e tb e oth.". , "')oa"'. '" ,,,., acan t yor t oo freq uent urina· t rouble. . h e il led m e; I,...,omtio n. Alter coldl, fever and m e nd " ... '" yo..... In 8u ch roans It I. bel.Lor T .... t la wh y " 'c a.,.. t o rl'ly on Il medici ne t hat almUar Uia thero is un in· ","CalC 01 . body Im purities A.k y "u, n Cli, I,bo, I II... won world-wide ';lP' tbe kidney. muat filt er from provlll tbnn on 80mcthtng tbe bl ood. If tho kldneYI I""" fav orably known . 80' arc overtaxed a nd rnll to remove excess Doa,,'. Pill•. Th y have bou" .w inning new a cid nnd ot her har mful wute, tbere is Irlends lor morc tha n forLy yelir• . Do lure to get Doan' •. Sold Ilt nil d rug .torCII. p olsoni n.: of the wbl'lo Iystem.







Any make or model Fred Kahn Motor Car Co. PHONE 326 Literature distribution 0 f th e the interesting and scenie spots of Ohio Development and Publicity the lltate; "Facts About Ohio," a Comm ission climbed to a n all.time digest data dealing with Ohio's alJricultural, historical, industrial and high dur ing 1946, indicating g row- recreational advantages; "Ohioing nationa l interest in Ohjo's in· An Empire Within An Empire," a dustrial, agricultural, recreational complete inventory of the state's and historical advantages. physical assets; snd numerous In order to faei1i~te the prompt other books specializing . on agri· a nswering of inquiries each month culture, industry. wildlife. educa· from manufacturers, tourists, stu- tion. research, recreational areas, dents, homemakers, historians, pub· forests, and transportation. lisben, and man, others. averaging These books are sent out only 17,000 pieces, Dann O. Taber, elf8C- upon request and each inquirer ative .ecretary of the eommiuion, receives material that suits his has prepared a .eries of book. and specifie question. Questions that pamphlet. d_Illled to lupply ade: ean not be anawered satillfactorily quat. Informatioa to the questions with printed or ."imeographed molt frequentl, asked. pamphlets are anllwered personally . Amoq the publications shown In b, the . eommlBllion'. staff. ' Individ. pietun abo.. an: "Enjo, ' Your- ual treatment II given ftrms aeekself In Ohio,· • pictorial booklet lac bualne.. locationa within the ................ __ ., ..... Maar'" piaDti baft ,beeD

established in Ohio recently. eit her directly or indirectly, through the etl'or~ of the Ohio Developmen t and Publici ty Commission. The Commission assists ciivic groups in preparing and dist r ibut . ing lit erature a nd other programs for the promotion of their loc~a l ities. One of it s important j,obs Is to stimulate toufist tra \'el in to Ohio. The office at 36 N. Th ird :St., Columbus. also handles illqu iril':r; that are addressed to the GO VCI'Ilf)j' and other state officials. Chart I . bottom shows how I, ,, b· lie intereAt has skyrocketed !!i ncr. the end of the war. The high mur t. in August was due in P.rt to .re · sulta from state's first national I'd,verusin. campaign plus inter('st motivated b, the eommJuion's 4!X· hibit durin. the first poat-war S~ltc'




- - - - - - - - - --- - - - - - - - -




XENIA Fertilizer 454 o. Revene



E. G. Buchaieti,


. f


The Miami Gazette ESTABLISHED 1 85 0 ?ubl1shed Every Thursday by DAVISSON PRESS FLOYD L. DAVISSON, Editor :lntered as Second Class Matter at the Post Office


Subscrlp Ion Rates : $1.50 per Year In, Adva1lce

National Advertising Representatives Ohio W ee k lie , Inc., 2465 W. Broad Street, Columbus 4, Ohio AI'iNUAL REPORT OF I.•ERK OF TIlE \'Il.L.o\GE OF W YN1:S\ 'ILLE. WARREN COUNTY. OHIO For The Fis<!ul Year Elldlllg December 31. 1946 Popula'tlon, 1940 Cen US 836 WaYl~esv ill~.

Ohio. January 13. ltl47 h (ollowing to be correot. Oharle J mes· Village Clerk

I h rebv certffy



RECEIP!f fL~D EXPENDITURES Balance Receipts Expen- Balance JAN. 1 dttures Dec. 31 Gencral Fund . .......... . ,.. .. .. S 3805.95 S 5975.11 S 5912.01 $ :>869.05 Auto L1cen e SU'cet Repair F\Uld .. 1658.01 2263.48 1438.49 , 2483.00 Gl\sollne Tax S reet Repair Fund .. 1997.98 1593.75 1312.99 3t,78.74 Totals Gerteral Village Funds . .. .. . Water Works Fund . .... . .. . ...... . Bond Retiremer.t Fund . ......... . . F.remen's Indemnlty Fund ....... .


9332.34 3922.12 1747.64


1510.69 1148.23

8663.49 7848.24 1685,50 2.00

8630.79 557.59 1572.83 l1oW.23

'tlrnl"d Totals or All Funds {Clerk.

14604.57 15502.10 18199.23 11907.44 Outstanding Warrants (Add. >... . . ... 506.27 Treasurer's Dash Balance .. . . . ....... 12413.71 Total Dash Balance. Pec. S)' 1946 .. 11907.44

UM1\1ARY OF RECEIPT property Taxes-Gen ral Fund ......... , ..... .. ... . Eond Retlr ne nt and Slr~ klng Funds .. , ..... .... ... . TotlLl Properoy Taxes .. .... .... ..... .. . ....... . .. . . Cigarette Tax ....... . ... . .... ......... ..... . .. .... . St.ate Motor Vehicle Ta.x ...... ...... ............. . GflSol1ne Tax . . .............. .... .... . ... .. ..... , .. . Inheritance Tax-Geneml Fund ................... .

3193.94 1747,64 4941,58 oW.29


Tetal Inheritance Tax .. ............... . ... . ... . .. .

318.43 2052.47

Sales Tax ... .. .. ... .. ............. . ..... . . ........ . .

Local L1cel!SeS and

Perml ~

.. ... . .. .... . . ... ... .... . .

Flnes and Costs .. . ...... ... .. ... . .. . ......... .. . . . Water and Lights Funds ..... . .. . .... ...... . . . \ .. .. .

Ban1t81tI~n:~~l' 'viil~~ .~~



I 1

~7 . 50


, COl\ll\IOX PL EA Honol'll L. ewell vs. Inr nce D. '\1' II , h 'al'ing set for January 14 a t 0:30 o'clock. Huzc l 1. Ha tto n \.. Ernest 'R. Halt II, n minor. heuring et fol' Jnnuar ' 14 at 10 o'clock. f arl~ W. Rpoade's vs. Mil 'hel Roscmary Rhode divorce ' . 10 pla intiff. costs paid.' Minnie Woodwal'll \. . Lilly W . l't1 ercd Hal'ding et ai, order of "Ill iS$ucd. Alrr Ii W. hUllluker v e I'ge E . huma\, el' et aI, deed :lIld elitrib'utio n. I\L RRI AGE LICENSE

Mnl'lin Baber, 26, Fmnklin. millw!'ight, Mllry teudmall. 22, Fmnklin. fnctory worker. tanley 'Ve. t, Lebanon, laborer, Della L. Newton, Lebnnoft. Ben _ lfl'ed onOVel'. 21 i\ia " n.



Pap 4

WAYNE VaLE. 01110 - NO. 4299 THUR DAY, JANUARY, 16. 1947 fi ling


atl('ntiunt. Delo r es

Br :t . 1 , Ma ~o n, waitress. Thnlll11 Wa ss Hanly, 22, .Lcb:1Il{)n . gag mak er , Dol'i~ J ean Hel-

sing' r. 16. Lehan n, fac to ry work (' I'.

PROBATE COURT Tn the mattel' of th iitate of Geoqdn Del1 lll!l1l de<:'r\., nu ~~ l'il Denlll an, atll1lini strntor, fil ed fir. t und final account. Tn lhe matter of th' • tat of Augn t Ast. dec'd .. William Vol ken.ling. executo r. filcd firs t. filial Hnd di st ri buti ve account. In th Illntter of the estate of Katharine '" K 'ev('l', dec'd ., Howani A. Keev 1'. atllllinistl'lltor, filed fir~t. fillul and cli lltJ'ibutiv account. I II the matler of 1h state of ~(\U I't B. ilmo r , dec 'd. , . corge W . Bellck nste in. x eutot' dis tl'ihllli (l l\ in kilH\. III th l1\1lttn of the estute of A. L. Kin/!" d c'r!, Ross' H. Hart!<ock. xecut 1', in\' nt I'y app roved. III the m n tter f t he estate of .!tl;;e ph H. l\T'yer. t1 'd., Ruth )IeyCI' Whit!!k I" executrix f iled appliculi 1\ fnr certifica tes r tran ;;f l' of rca I estn leo . tute of In the mlltt l' of th L tluis !lstellfl. c1ec'd., gros vulue of c tn tc i $ ,f) 6. 4. In the malter of t he estate of Lu cil Alexander, d c'd ., Glenn W. Alexander, admini strator filed fil'_t and fina l account.

"With a Buckeye in Congress" by Clarence J. ,Brown

While no actual legislating wa done, Capitol Hill 47~0 153.40 was a very busy place last week. Monda . the Pre ident delivered his Annual Mes ug~ on the tat~ of 3922.12 the 'U nion to a je>int , es ion of the Congress. On Total Rents and Interest ................ :... . . . .. . . . . 3922.12 Wednesday he made hi.s t'eport to the ' Copg'ress on Misc. Fees. sa~es and Cha~es-Hospual, Armlel Mat CO. the , economic sitUistion. On Friday the President's Refund ......... .. .... . ............ ' " . .. ... ..... .58 a-nnual budget was presented to the national leglislaTrustees. Wayne Twp. Fire Protection. .. ... . .... .... . 200.00 tOl'S. In between t:imes both the Houl\e and Senate Robt. Blythe Reimbursement. 3 tons Ta.rv1a . ... . ..... 15.75 were busily engaged in organizing committees and Total Mlscella~ous Fees sates and Oharges ,....... 216.33 in makil}g other pl'eparations to begin consideration of the mass of bills which have already been introTotal Revenue ........ .... .... ........ .. ... ... .... 15502.10 duced. In his annual Message on the State of the Union , SUMMARY OF EXPENDITURE President Truman said much with which everyone General GoveM".tnent-JLeg1slllltive (Council) ' ...... 158.00 could agree, and s.[)me things with which many dis9en~ Executive . . ......... : . .. .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 592.36 agreed. For instance, the Chief Executive came out Total Ueneral Government " .. ..... ..... ...... . . stl:ongly for econ.omy and elf,iciency in govern750.36 ment, a balanced budget, reducing the national debt, Pfoteotion to Person and Property-Pollee .... ... .. . 814.60 a strong ' national defense, a united front on foreign Fu"e .. . ..... .... .. ... .. . ... . .. . .. . ... . .. .. ... .... . . 601.11 policy, ending of strikes and work stoppages, for the elimination of jurisdictional strikes and boycotts, =:;.~t1on to Person and Property .. .. .. ... . . . 1415.61 and against force and violence in labor disputes. 83.74 However, when the President ask~ for the enact.::::::::: ::::::: 1034.27 ment of a number of New Deal measures he had sponsored in the last Congress, such as Socialized SanitatiOn .. ..... . .. .. .. .. ... ..... .. ....... . 1034.27 Medicine, compulsory pe,a ce time military training, w~ys--Oeneral Village Funds . .......... . . .. .. . 4667.96 continuation of tho draft, he received but little rei1~ ~I&'!!.ways . . . .. . .. .... .... ... ..•..... .... . . . . 4.557.96 , sponse from the I~ew Congress. His message Will 96:66 r __ .. otal State Exam1r.ation Compo not go down in history as a great state paper. Publ1c Sel'V1oe Ent.el1:>r1ses-Wat~r Wot1!s .... ... ..... 3637.84 4210.40 In ,his report on e~onomic conditions ·last Wednesday, President Trutman predicted a rosy future for Public ~rvIoe Ente11prtses .... .............. 3637.84 business, industry and labor-with a great big IF VUla8e Fu.nds •. .. ... ... .. . . t13.l3 8pec~a~~1le1'al attached. To sum it all up ~r. Truman promised ~Il.,nt Const. Funds Bldg. & RJent.s .... 311.76 we would have prosperity IF producers and retailers Firemen's Incbnnlty Pund ServIce Charge . . ... . . Total Mi80ell 2.00 would reduce selling prices, workers do not ask for anous . .. . . .... .... . .. .. ...... . .. . .... T.M.5 Bond !Retlrement and Sinking Funds .. ... .... . .... 583.60 higher wages or go out on strike, and another depression does not -come along. Tatall Interest .................................... 583.50 In his Budget Message last Friday the President 'futal ~. & OUtlaiy {L.6, 10, 11. 14.17. 20, 21. 27 31 35'12888 83 requested 37.5 billion dollars ~o run the government outlay-Totail or Column 2 carried to Column 1 .. '.. ~U).4O during the coming fiscal year, which begins on JUly Bond Ret1remeDt and Sinking Funds ... . . ...... . 1100.00 1st. At the same time he estimated the tax revenues for ' the fiscal yea,r 'would be 37.7 billion dollars, TGte.l Bond and Loans Paid ......... ," . . . ... . ... ... . llOO.Otr which would leave a surplus of only two hundred Investments p\&rc.haaed Service Oharge . . .... ,. 2.00 million doUars to be applied on our present 259 bilGrand Tot&l Eltpend1~ (IL . 36, 3'7, 41, 42, 43. 44) 18199.23 lion dollar national debt. At that ,rate it would only BONDED DEBT DEC. 31. IM6 ta}{e 518 years to payoff the national debt. However, the most amnzing thing about the President's SINKIN~ FUND TRUSTEES 01' VILLAGE TREASURER ' budget is that his only proposed reduction in ' naASSETS UABILITIES tional spending was at the expense 'of national deDEBT STATEMENTS OtJTSTANDING GENERAL BONDS fense, international affairs and veterans' services Ba1ance Bond Retlrement and (Payable b7 Geaeral TapUon) and benefits. The President suggested that spendStreet Imp. (V4llatPe Portion) S1DkIng Punda ... ..• ..• 1572.83 •.•.... . ....•. •. .......\ 15.700.00 ing in these three categories be reduced by 6.6 billion dollars in 1~948, 'as compared with 1947. For Total General and Utwty Total Slnk1ng Pund Assets .. 1S'lQ.83 the other peace-time activities the Pre.ident acBonded Debt .• . ...•• 15,700.00 tually asked that appropriations for 1948 be inAocouDta Payable Bal. Opera.ttng and 00n8t. (tJinpu,d ~) .... .. ... 5OU7 creased, ,over those, of 1947, by 1.77 billion dollars. ~ ........•....... el88.38 Totail Ploa.q Debt '... .. ... 506.27 Elimi~ating 'nation:al defense and tax refund costs, Grand Tot. ~, Grand Total Debt. Mr. Truman proposed spending 9.72 billion dollars Dec. 31. 1948 ............ 1&7eUl Dec.31, li48 ........•• 16.206.2'7 more 'in 1948 than in 1946-the last war y.ear. An, Total Lroenses and Perm1t{; ........... . ........ .. ... .


2225.98 1578.00


John R. und Bessie Schweitzcr to Fl yd A. and Lelia B. Ford 5 lot· in Loveland Palk B·II Putmall to Robert L. Pu tnant 2 lots in Mason. :\!nggi W. BUl'rlet, by executo r to Ray W . and Aria Belle Klontz lut in Wa yn sviU . litfonl J. 'har ksfield to Fred Ka hil 0.12 acre in Lebanon. Lau l'a J . Co le to laud e and ada Bowmllll 2 lots in outh Lebanon. Lloyd R. and Ho e Johnson to urti s and Al)eIH~ Barnhul·t 0.05 acres in Lebanon . Rhodabell e ampbell Mullen to Glenn and Elizabeth Wade 2 lots in pringboro. J ess O. and {avery Young to 1. G. ancl · Julia Lain lot in ' Fl'Unklin . FI'ed Kuhn to Dalli Vernon Lumb 0.50 acre ill Washington twp. H alTY Boblitt to Hal'old and Alta . harp I t in Ple~ sant P lain. Elmer heehan to Tolian O. and \ i la B .• Laws n I t in Wayn e . ville. George D. Garrett to l att B. and Mima mith lot in Franklin. Robe rt E. Hopkins to Mattie l\'f. H opkins 55.24 acres in Ma ie twp. arah Jane Harbach to Tom anet Hel n Glos ip 25 acre ' in Fl'Unklin twp. E. R. and Edith Houston to Hen· ry T. ~ander lot in MOITOW. Buford Bcal'! and IYl'tle Susan hoI' to James A . and arah E.

ornctt 0.09 acrcs in Hnnlilton twp . • hal'les E. Mea rs to hades A. Hengel' 12 acres in Fl'llnklin twp. La ul'ence M. and Mabel Fox to Waller R. a nd Ru th E lea nor Bendel' 100 acres in TUltl crock lwp. J. Everett and I dn R. Poncc to al'l and Lena GOl'I'i nn lot in Lcbanon. Donu ld aud Mary Ti ga r to Jo. ep h and Luetta Bogan 1.17 a'l'(' in Hurlan twp. Pearl McMaken and Alic e Welch to Elme l' heehan 2 lots in \\ aynesviII . J. El'Ilcst and Audrey A. Kite to Anna M. Rose ll 2 lots in Lebanon. MIII'Y B. and J. B. hapma n to Bonjamin and Louise Bigger taff Rickey lot in \\ nyncsville.

other amazing feature of t he Pre ident's Budget ' 1\1e age was his proposal to have at the end of the 1948 fiscal year - a year from next June 30th -two million, one hundred t housand civilian employees' on t he Federal payrQll- more than ~wice as many a , in 1939, th~ last pre-war year. Incidentally, the total over all expenditures in 19.39, including national defense, were only slightly more than nine bi11ion dollars, while in the new fiscal year Mr. Truman asks for thirty-seven and one-half billion dollars - more than foul' times as much as in the last peace-time year of the Roo evelt Administration. Republican leaders are sure the President's budget request of thirty-seven and one-half billion dollars can .e cut by anywhere from four to eight billion dollars. . On the House side Representative Francis Case, author of the labor reform measure which was vetoed by President Truman dUring the last Congress, introduced a new bill which goes even farther than the vetoed one. The new Case -Bill not only provides for a cooling-off period, mediation, arbitration, liability for violation of collective bargainiJ1g a&Teements, and outlawing of force and violence, mass picketing, .boycotts and jurisdictional strikes, but would also permit the Attorney General to obtain injunctions against certain types of strikes, prohibit all political activities by union arganizations, such as CIO-P AC, and give each State the authorIty. to outlaw the closed, .hop. Another "Labor Bill" is being prepared by House leaders for introduction within the next ~evJ days, while over on the Senate side of the Capitol, Senator Ball of Minnesota has introduced a measure which is not quite 8S far-reaching as the Case Bill. In the weeks ahead labor legislation w411 be much jp the news. Our Federal government has been growing at an amazing rate in recent decades. In less than thirty years the number of departments, bureaus, and agencies in the Executive Branch have increased from 158 to 1141. In the same' period of time the number of civilian Federal employees had jumped from 438,057 to 2,766,165. Our government is too big, unwieldy, inefficient and wasteful. The Legislative Branch has already been streamlined and reorganized. The time has now come to take 'the first step toward reorganizing and streamlining the Executive Branch. With that thought in mind your humble correspondent last week introduced a bill to create a bipartisan Commission of 12 members to study and investigate the services, activities and functions of the Executive Branch of the Govern~ ~ent for th~ purpose of promoting economy, efficiency and tmproved service in the transaetion of the public business. Under the bill four members of the Commission ' will be appointed by the Speaker of the House, four by the President of the Senate and f9~r by President Truman, lialf of whom would be from private life.



Pap 5 In the mattel' of the estate of In th e matter of the estate of Richard Cl1eno\veth, dec'd., 'Nina LOU " MARLIN'S NO. 4299 Ol·tha Combs, dec'd., Courtney J. Perry Williams, dec'd., Marthu E. G. Kleinhenn, ad mi nistratrix filed C LOS ED SIX WEEKS ombs; administrator inventory ap- Kindred, administratrix inventory first and f in al account. Mr. and MI's. Marlin Summers 16. 1947 proved. hea ring set fo r January 31 at 10 In the matter of the Trust cre- in company with tlhe latter's brother III the matte l' of the eSlate of o'clock, In the matter of the es tntEl of bert O. Hunk ins, executor invcn- Thomas J . Furman, dec'd., Alice tory hearillg s t for Junuary 22 at Furman, admini stratt'ix filed ap10 o'clock. plication for certificate of transfer In the ma tt ' I' of the e tate of of l'eal estate; firs t a.nd final and Inez \ . I'al' g, ·'ec'd. , H"I'st:hel M. distributive account fi led. William, admin uistrator heuring se t In the matter of the •.TI'U~t cre~ roo- J,no"" 2' " 10 ,'oJ"k. .t,d by it,m 3 " ' h. la., WIll and In the mattet· of the estute of testa ment of AnUrew D. Shultz, Anna J. Shook , dec'd., Walter Lee dec·d .! Charles J . Waggoner, Tl!'usnook, e ecutol' inven tory up- lce, f lied 4th accoun t. pl'oved. . lit the matter of the estate of

ated by the will of J . Will Whi te, dec'd ., First National Ba nk of Cincinnati Trustee to sell stock at private' sale. ' of In the mattet·. of the Mabelle K. Rlchar~son, ec., gl'OSS vulue of estate ts $59,683 .36.

and wife. Mr. and Mrs. J ames Floyj of Monticello. Ind . a'I'e leav1I!g SWlday for a in F lorida and obher southern points. They plan to ratuI'll on Feb. 28. Luu & Marllr.'s resta urant loca.ted t Rt 73 nd 48 will be closed during a s.this period. a. In th, matt" " th, W_ a,d M"_ Floyd "" op "",,. Albert E. Cook, dec'd., Dorothy L. of a ummel' resort a t Lake ShafCook, admini stratrix inventory ap- fer in Indiana. proved.

I II the muttel' of the estate of Mabelle K. R ichardson, dec'd., GiI-

Mo lli Fl'ance ' Richard son, dec'd., ha rtet·s D. Mnple, ommissioner, rC]>lll·t appt·oved. J III the matter f th e sta te of ,l hll E. harts, 1'., dec 'd., Emma la \' 'hu r ts , xecul1'ix filed fir t,

fi ,,;, , " "d di -l"""liv


III the mutter of t he estate of Em il ,A . •Jute rback, dec'd., Proviti l'nt aving Bunk und Tru to., {!xeruto l' inventory approved. In t he ma tte r of the estute of William '. Howard, dec'd ., Wesley How/u'd app inted executo l' giving u Olld with suretie in s um of $2025. In the matter of t he guardian... ~. s hi p of John R. l.tUlnor, a Illlnol', Millnie I"er, g uardian fil ed firs t a t:OU llt. In the mu tter of ' the e tute of Mu rtha Lynch, dec'd ., BUd . Lynch , Ilci lllini s t rato r fi led first, finu1 and di tl'ibutivu uccount. In t h mutt I' of the esta te of \ illiam Le oyle, d c'd. , Earl .oyl , admini strator filed first and finu l account. I n t he moltet· of the estute of 'icholas Dresc her, dec'd ., Emma Dl'c c'llel' admini s trator in cntory .ap proved. In lh mutter of the tate of Anna . Thompson, dec 'd., Georg Deh'1 in ex cntol' inventory a pprov d. III the matter ()f the estute of Dani 1 B. oom 1', dec'd., Lelia 0 111 1', adminitl1ltol' inventory approved.

OUR QUALITY CHICKS mean lncreaaed profits tor 70\1. You CUl~ 80 !wrong wben you aeJec~ 1Irom hand oulled fiocks bactec1 by yean of breeding tOl" rut P'OWIth. . beaw produotlon and big eft stille.




Capital Lightens Labor


RIGHT ROAD _. " .1.,~



J'wD&-. ........... w~ OIUO. Revelle 0IIuIeI

INCOME TAX SERVICE' Call C. ~' . M'CH':NER PhoDe 2926 Wayn....Ue,JOhio

_ __ _ _ __ __ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __


Wayne.ville, Ohio .



Dunham White Roeks I

es~te 'd

. ' .;

The Oric~' ntaJ coolie bas no possessioru and DO opportunity to g~r any. He considers himself lucky if he can clothe himself in the Goanest of garments , cast oB by others. He has no future . . . no hope bur fOJ an occasional bowl of rice to postpone starvation. It is diBerent. in America. Here capitalism-investecf savtngs=bas raiSed the stand,ard of living by gready increasing the producu\'e capacity of the indjvid~., ",Illting his Ii",. worth highn rvag.•s. Ca~it~J invested .in tools and ' eqwpmenr ligbtens labor. speeds accomplishment, Increases leisure. It enables each of us to provide for our families according to our individual abilities and efforts. Under private enterpnse ow country bas developed aoo utilized indio vidual initiative to sueb an extent that America, with only 7 per ceor of all the pe!ople in the world enjoy. about ;0 pel cent of all the material income arid wealth ot the 'world-7 times our proportionate share. The part ot olilr tow national income going to workers is about 8S per cent. If vou would preserve and frotect the American system which made this progr~ess possible. be wary 0 an, person or group attempting to weaken or destroy this system. The American caritalistksystem is one th,lt enc<;lurage. ~uruaJ respect, decent o~servation 0 yow property rigbts and the cooperation of all groups for the common good. Talk over cuttenr eoonomic problems. Investigate thorougbly the men wbo seek yow vote. Speak up and let YOUI elt:eted representatives kno.w wbac you expect of them. Onl, through informed citizt'oship working together caD we keep o.w countt)' 00 the Right Road.

, • 1 I. Y, 0 •


_,I. •• , ~



LI • H,

CO. P I :' Y:

as. ...... lJlII ..............


• ~ ....,. ..... IIf-.J II" i





BUREAUCRACY I TAT. depended upon politica l fa voritism center around Christ and His teachThe problem of better public would not look ahead . il"lg. More definite announcement This does not m IU~ chat gov rnnext week. In th e meatlme come heallJ1 Is not a mBlt.ter which can be sim.ply and quickly solve d by he ment should not assist the Indigen t. a nd bring your Biblc. START READING YOUR NEW passage eyf. a law. Lt is a long range to receive better medlcal carl'. A probleml \WIose u1tlmate solution blll sponsored by S enator Taft,. TESTAlMENT METHODIST CHURCH lies largely ir.. the medical 18lbor- '\\\hlch wmtld' achieve tha.t al 0 placcs t.his Sunday. Jan . 19. and if you R. B. Coleman, MinJ ter the responsibility In local hands SUNDAY SCHOOL 9:30 A. M. '\\111 rcad tJhe chOillters suggested atorles. Certainly. no country has made where It seems the best for each day you will complete it J. J. Burske. Supt. WORSHIP BEHVlCE 10:30 A. M. by 'Easter Sunday'. We suggest that mure signlflC8lI1't progress In this a.nswer yet propcred to tha proit be read in n dally family worship dJrection wan ours. Diseases which blern. But government should cot YOUTH FELLOWSHIP. Thursday. 7 :30 P. M. with some m:ember of members of once were frequ ntly fatal. such as domilUllte or regiment the practlce the family reading aloud. ar..dtoliow smallpox. are r..ow treated almost a s of the healing arts. OHOTR PRACTICE Wednesday, 7:30 P. M. the readJng wi th prayer Il'nd perhaps simply 88 the measles. In 40 years a verse 01 a hymn if you care to. the death rate from tuberculosis has HOW LONG WILL THE EGG L",ST? ST. MARY'S This type of reading w111 coun t for been reduced 75 per cent. The disOne of irhe immedlaite questions EPISCOPAL CHURC", all who are present IIno h-ear tlbe covery and applica.t1c:lIIl of n~ healScriptures read. A count w111 be Ing elemenlls, sudho as penlclllin and of the time is just how far lalbor Samuel N. KeyS . I.&y Reader-in charge taken each of aU who have the sulfa. 'g roap. ha:ve almost com- can . go lr.. its program of more Ohurch School 9 :30 A. M. completed the rcadings for tJle we:ek. pletely prevented rthe once-dread money tor l'eSs wprk and stUl leavc MORNING PRAYER a nd SERMON Here are tJhe chwpters for this danger of fa.tal hl'fecUon, and are solvent industry to provide t4lc ~rly totally effecUve In preventing jobs. 11 A. M . week:sept10emla and gangrene when proThe 010 claims ,t hat Industry can Sun. Jan. 19 - Matthew 1-4 UTICA U. B· CHURCH per 'treatment is 81ppl:led In time. boost wages by around $6.000,000 a Mon . Jan. 20 - Matthew 5-7 Rev. Ralph Blnea So it goes, down the long 1151. year wltlhout raising prices. a. stateTu'es. Jan. 21 - Matllhw 8-11) SUNDAY SCHOOL 9:30 A. M. Wed. Jan. 22 - Matthew 11-13 01 past killers which are no l'Onger ment which recer.t wage..-price trends Mrs. James Garrison. Supt. Thurs. Jam . 23 - Matthew 14-16 'lethal. 'I1hese are 1:ew of the a- completely contradict. On top ot PREACHING 1st amd 3rd Sundays Frt. Jan. 24 - Matthew 1'1-19 chi.evemer.ts of free mcdJclne-prec1s_ such demands for increased wages, Each month 10:30 A. M. Sat. Jar! . 25 ~ Matthew 2~ ley as OUT aohrevenu:m~ in the eco- it is estftnated that labor may now The list w111 be published in the nomic sphere are tb.ose of free In- sue indUstry for as much · as $6,000. FERRY bulletin and' the local paper each dustry. 000.000 In pa.y for time spent CHURCH of CHRIST .week 11 you can not 'be at church There are sound grounds for bein ge1ltir..g work. This "portal-to BIBLE SCHOOL 9:30 A.M. . . 11evlng ' thaIt govenmental domina.!.- ,portal" pa.y is an Indirect means of 'rn'~;G WO:D~ 10 30 A M wa.tch YCUr pa;per · f or the. chapters. M O',,",un ~ : " Bible Reading Records wlI1 also be ion of medicine would! slow. and in rals.lng wages with no increase whatYOtrrni MiEEn'INOS '1:00 P . M. given free to all who wish them some cases stop, this fine y>rogress. ever In worker productivity-paying ADU'LT PRAYER MEETING (tf they are aval1a.bleL Get yours Bureaucracy is alW8iys staJtJc. It is men for inactive hours. In olbler 7:00 P. M. alt church. or address a post ClU'd deaden4ng to the ima,glnatlon. to the words. labor costs are again klYEVENING EVANGELISTIC SElRV- to Robert L. VanZile. Waynesv11le, ampitlon. The l dodtor wh06e car~er ~eting. . ICE 7 :45 P. M. Ohio ar.d one will be sent to you. We invite everyOlIle to join In this MT. HOLLY r.eading. METHODIST CHURCH TWELv:E WEEKS WITH CHRIST, . T. 1\1. Scal'ff. Minister 9::;0 A. M. a. Christ honoring Crusade for a. SUNDAY SCHOOL Christ exalt!n church, begins this E. A. Earnhart, Supt. S d J 9 wi ... WORS:'itlP SERVICE 10 30 A M unay. ar. . 1 . and 11 con ·" nue : . . to April 6. "Easter Sunday ·~. Every EVENl IlG SERVIOE 7:30 P . M . service for the next twelve weeks ST. ) UGUSTINE CHURCH will be Ohri t ce ntered . A week ·of Christ exalting Evangelism Mar . 31 Fathe : Krumholtz. Priest .M.ASo .,,'UNDA Y ~:OO A. M. to aprll 6. will close this c:ampa ign, but we shall continue to exalt Christ and His' Church. Let . us show our ~ENDS T DAY SCHOOL 9:30 A. M. laithful!'!ess by put ting into pra ctice !:be things suggested on the back of MEETING for WORSlnP 10:30 A. M. the bulletin. We invite eve :~!(,ne to join with us in exalting our Savior. wmOH CLASS WloLL GFl' TIIE WAYNESVILLE Banner Next S) The Banner CHURCH of CHRIST Class !.or each Sunda.y will be pubRobert L. VanZile, Mlnisur BJBlJE SOHOOL 9.30 A. M. lished in the bulletin the following COMMUNION 10 :30 A. M. Sundaty. Boost ~'Our class anel see If tyou can' t put It over the top. OUr SERMON 11 :00 A. M. goal Is to doubl'e t he attentllmoe. of' EVENING SERVICE 8:00 P. M. each claSs by "Easter Sunday" .


Industry and the consumer lo:>k like a pl~b goose-burt. labor may wake up one monling and f1 r..d Ule goose is nO longer ruble to provide ·the golden that m ean' em ployment. - - -- - Produotlon of farm machinery has reached l evels wh.c re it. is r.1ak lng some headwa,y in reducing the hugc backlog of orders. DollsI' values of machinery manfaotw d In Augus t. SePl.e!rtbel'. and October were over $60.000,000 for each month. Tractors made during August. tJotalcd 28.4211 unit&. Repail' Plll'ts Inanfacture Is Increasing.


Coarst'ly ground llmestone is not avaUable for use by plants as quickly as llm.estor.e ground finely enough so all of It will pass through a 1oo-mesh screen. Only 12 per cent of limestone screenings can be used by plants the ·f irst year the llme is applied, bUit 100 per cent of superfine llmestor.e is bhe first year. Plants can use 55 per cent of agricul tural limestone thc first year. U. S . farmers are cxpected to pay a.bout $600.000,000 In federal InLOme taxes in 11146.

Again In J946

• • •


Natl"onal House' o'f Justl"ce

each Suneay, 6:45 p. m. For aU Y'Oung. peOPle belew High School age. Continued . . . "In selecting the You do not have to be a member Na tional R c.use of Justice, the Baha'i of tJh1s church to attend. You will of eaoh state elect delegates to enjoy sll%!l'..g the choruses and the an annual national convcntion. One Flann:ell-Gmph Pict ures of the Life of the fUnctions 'ot the delegalbes of Christ. 'Com.e and see'. Is ' tlie election of the National Hause EAOH SUNDAY NIGHT SERVICE of Justice. These delegates aTe tor the. nm twelve weeks will be a selected as the most active and capspecial feature service., This Sunda\y able members of the state comnight. Jan . 19. we Iwant every oflflcer mUr!tty; t hey not oommtbtled of the c:hurch, a!'!d their fam1l1es beforehand to the election ~ any too. U JXl6Sible. to be presentt on particular indJvldual to office but t ·i me; We will see which member .wrEl under obligation to vote fcn of the board invites and brings the nine individuals most capable of most to this service. Of course we functtor-1ng 1111 national office. AI'Want others to invite people too, 'Ilbough tml local election is direct a.nd bring them to the aerv1eI. and the natronal eleCtion indirect, SI!IRMONB FOR NEXT SUNDAY, >the b6s1c' criterion is the sameJAN. 26 eliect!oo of the nl!'!e people !WhO A. M. 'The Llgh~ .at the World' seem best qualified to functlon as p. M. ~Th~ Crown of Life' t~ for the community. NEXT stmDAy N!IGHrI' JAN. 26 These nine peq>le when elected. "Your,g Peclp1es ·Nigtl.t;" Let's see who Me, as a body, entrusbed with legis. , will bring the D1D8t young people laUVIe, exective. a.r.d JudJclary pow_ who 8l'e uader 25. and not regular' ers. '!bey choose their midst In attAmdaDce on Sunday evenlntg. a chairmanI who. hoWever, , Ja not Y1es we want t.he older 0De8 too. the leader in the sense 01 a Prlme but apec18l ftICOIIlltion will be riven MIn1ster In a cabinet meetlll8. Aioae,


to the JIOIUIltr people. DO ODe ' ~ mate any dec1llona II. II!IID-IWaK 8111R'WDI!: SAOR Wed-. tect4IItr the Cmvnumty, Toptber, r..eed8,y. '1:10 p . .m. M. the houae u tbe1 bold .1IImoIIIt aboeolute ponr"

lcinc .. a~ can be 1CClIIim-. IDCdMed t.ben• . DlIriIW tile· ~ nelte . - . tbII . . . . wID Il10 '

• to be oonttnueci. eitwneted bJ BtkiD IId:JoJ ..... ~ 0bI0

riur IN


~t IN

rt/zlt IN




at the close of 1946to be able to build more and more of America's need for new these fine products which America is motor aU's and trqcks is most urgent buying so eagerly-the only motor -the Chevrolet Motor Division of car giving BIG-CAR QUALITY AT General Motors leads all other manuLOWEST COST- the only. truck facturers in automotive production. giving BIG-TRUCK QUALITY AT This means that Chevrolet is first in LOWEST COST - the complete passenAer car production-first in Chevrolet tine.which stands out as the truck production-first in como: lowest-priced line in its field! bined JDassenAer car and truck Meanwhile, it stands to reason you'll produMion ... despite the fact that · get biA~er value and quicker all Chevrolet plants were closed comdelivery by purchasing the product pletely during the first three months of America's largest builder of cars of 19461 Naturatly, Che~olet' hopes . trucks-Chevrolet!

.n. when


Remember ... URGEST PRODUCTION means QUICKEST DELIVER' of your new car. Place and keep your order with ua for a new Chevrolet and get biggest value aa well aa earlieat pouible delivery I

Badgley's; Chevrolet Sales & Senice Spri,lg VaHey, 01D0

THE 1\1IAl\O GAZETTE - Pare '7 . ever I were sick, (unless cor-fined to KING ' CONSUMER WI\YNE VILLE, OHIO - NO. 4299 my bed ) I \VIOuldn't miss a day An article in th Wall S ' reet 'Til 'RSDAY , JANUARY, 16. 1947 f or a days E\Jbsence Is n lmos ~ Journa.1 tells of the prepaU'atluns selge of !lIness Itself. groc ry manufactures and db trlbutol'S lire ma il Ing to a I rRc~ ciustomers. "TWELVE WEEKS W1TH CHRIST" Mod I'n !za t lon ahd '!X\HI' .' lc ll r,:.I!1!' whlch 111.: ,.1 .~ be I ) O~ p Once! b('cEtusC' CAMPAIGN by JANE FlTE Some th ing llll us ual III th e way or of rna : ' ri a l S!lo:·t., s es. nre b eing 1 I\'ork In a fac oory . an a Ir does n 'L specia l se n 'ie 's i ' belr.g plann d by revi ved. Sules forces ar belnl; !! .' \ _ ma ked m s ha,mful , sometimes It the Wtl ynesvllle Ollureh of Ch riSt. pa nd d . Ne w prC<l UCl.> a r belr,'g II :t Kes Ill ' prc ud. To be sure I hu ve DUling th e next welve weeks. s tart- I £' ,el: d [ 0 ' mark et. ..' s ~11 C' a lll!'!£: ony " Howdy" to people I don' t Ing Sunday Jamla ry 19. 11 Ohrlsl- pn , IL, "M n Wll U m a ke 'lI H.1 st' ll uk ', but t,hey h ave t;o say "howdy" t,u h onoring crllsa de for a ChrlsL- r xalt - ~ I ()('1'11(~ S or gelti l'C' read y 10 t iL; 111 mt' also. 1 have to it on a metal In g church \\i 11 be In .progress. The ; 0 1' (he h ousewlfc'" hU 3 ' r- ~S " '. T his spin\,. 'which augurs W(~11 fo r chnlr for eight. h ow's that is of a Bibl School Lcssvns. the morning d lS lIl~teftl1 green color, which makes and eveni ng church sel'vices and th e the con5umer's welfare, Is general me ~ppreciat.e, nlY r ose stuffed ones Wedne day even in g mld- Ht k serv- in all retail fields from lood to cloth _ :1: hom e. I g t oil and bakellght ice will b bu ilt a1'ound nhe one il g and furnishin g. DUI'lr.g lhl~ long dU: L on my ga rb anti frame but I Lheme, "Christ". Ea h selmor- dur- wa r years, retail l' had to take wh8.t make l~ ou gh m oney doing It. th a t Ing the crusade will be Christ cent- was offered in bhe wa~ at sLOCk and I C II buy soap to c~ a ,1I up. I hate erro, very service wll! have only struggle along wi th decimated a.r.d ill- train ed sales staIfs. They had to tQ listen to p ople and show Olle purpose - to exalt Ohrist. DaBy Bible Readlng Is to be en- cut dCtwn on services , Now, w1t,h the Lhclr Ignorance. but wJmt's the us e of hnving Ignor nce iI yoU can' t rouraged WIWl u chall nge to each resW'lcUOllS off, and with tpe a vallshow it? Bes ides r.o person Is en- lnem.b l' to rf'nd t.hrough the New able supply 01' goods of all k.lnd~ lIrely ignorant as Will Rogers said. el1lt. In th is pel1od . Lists of s teadily growing, til ya re ret.urn lng " We are all Ign ran t but a;bou t dif - chapters to be rea d dally lr order to prewar sLa~dard as . rapielly as fer Ht things" I have to get up at 00 compl te t h i. w11l b pub lished possible. The trend will be seen in every fi\'e o'clock to ~o to work. but. I 'd III the cJ1Urch announ men ts each part of. Lh coun lry- In!.he vUlage ha ve to get. up s! melime dW'lug th week. day any way. so It mlgtht as well Class u ttendan ce Is to be cha lleng- as weII as t he m etropolls, Ylm. as uc th n . I hav'e to eat grub Lllat ed by a friendly con test betweCl! h e king ~on cr, will get be Ler servdoesn't taste. like mot hers 01' Mrs . Iii s of l,he Bib le . ho&1. 'I~l is ice, a more varied assortme nt of Waterhoust! 01' Mlldr.ed n , r will be b ed on a pel entage of goods-and t he lowest prlces conslstMa Wa,lJens. but t.hat makes me ga~n over a vernge pa t a.ttendance. el~L wilih the times. 'Ilh1s competitive luge is t radiappreciate ~ helrs nll th e m()l' . I ,Recognlti on will be given to t.he ha,\"e to I Len to a whistle tell m e class with the highest pel'cet'..tage t ional 00 the American merc:hant. \I'h I: I m ay en t and I 'm glad because acJl week. HIS whole phUosophy h as been tJ nn so intp rested In, my co-workers Every member of th e Church wlll ell goods ch eaper, Clffer more serv.: an~ wha t. I 'm dOing I for- 'be encouraged to demonsu 'Rt.e his Ice. an d in general do a beliter job !:le t I have La pay my UI~i n dues falWUunles La W1C Clu'i t nnd HiB for the COnsumer. He knows that al that.s all r ight for then I get. La Church by' fai t hful a ttendance and he only good cu. tomer Is a pleased ctlS c m~ l'. Ar.d he was unhaplPY as tease the flnanc.ial secetary. MinnIe , Christ-like' living. ,T his prcgram Is 10 be climaxed a nyone else at 'pat war did 1;0 hls Another time and get to hea.r Oll'e of her brigh t Qulps in return, I with a week 0 ; Christ-exalting estllibllshmen t. must listen 00 Hoorlady Treva tell Evang I1sm March 31 to APlil 6. me what to do once in 11 while, The sermiOr. each night is to be but I 11lce to hear her talk. and brough t by a differen t miniSter of respect her so highly , that .I'm glad c'lle ot the neighboring Churches of 'to gmn li her wish. I get to talk to Christ, Th~ subjects and peakoers J ANUA RY my tntev,,1gent co-workers and that will be announced a)t a later date . Eath Sunday rJght "Sarvl e wf11 be compel~sate6 to/ those who are Te: 19 20 ' pulslve and dumb. I get to see I!. 8pecU\1 feo.tura ervice. ,.a:nong Full of excltinlr incidents Revt~al lng men In. dirty rags then I appr eciate them will be "Bring Yow' Nei~r never bOld secreta. . . t.hose who are r-eat. and clean. I Nigh t,.. 'FamJly Night," 'School ha ve to smell fumes. that are by Night' and "'Trades and Occupations no means Chanel NO.5. but they Night" Watch your church bulletin AlLAN LADD and GEIaALDlNE FTI!ZGERA1...IY." wit h Patrick have r-ever overoome me yet .. and i.t , and local p8lper (or annow. . cements Knowles. Plus: LaJtest Movietone News. bhey get too bad 1 can always have of special ni~h t ervices. 22 23 iOrne smell1ng salts hand,}- . Some Ohio hea'vy soils are becom- A lavish MusicalOOmeds filled With Yes, I 'm 'Proud to work in a facwh.lms.1ca1 hwn<xr. Stars nlOre! tot')'. T h'ere are all t.Y'J>Cs there thtllt I ing 90 packed they are difficult to ~ KEENAN WYNN: EVl!:LYN 'WOrk and to draln. More sod crops enjoy regardless if I lUte them 9r not. Nothing ever gets dull there In 'the rotation w1l1 improve the except the files. drtlis. and ·u heallbh crt' thOSe soils. wilih Ar..n Miller, A¥lD Joslyn. Tito Guiza.r and many OWle1'8 , , Added : Oolored SIlkn't.



TWIN Theat:re


Dann O. Taber The Ohio Development and Publicity Commi ss ion has joined wit h the d velop m ent agencies of 10 other Nort h stern states in an effort to prevent heavily financed promotional groups of the west and so ut h "i:olll gain ing legislation that will take away much of .this sect ion's industr'ial wealth and population. Dann O. T abel', executive secre-



~cQ11ure J'lfuneral. ~ome Dia12111

o. s. s.

Thrill of Brazil

tary of the Ohio Development and Publicity Comm ission, r presents Ohio's interest~ in the grou p that was organized la s t week in lln rtford, Conn ., under t he na llle of the Northeastern States De, ,,l op ml' nt Agenc ies. Taber was one of t he first to raise prot.( , t to the Mc a rren Hesolu ti on Committee's clai m s · that t he northeas te rn secli oll was overpop ulated and over indu strialized and that indu stry should be taken away from here a nd transplanted to .t he sou thern and wes tern states. The M cCa rre~ resolution gave rise to i rei g,h t rate · cas es Which have been in litigation in volving the Interstate Commerce 'C omm iss ion's attempt to favor southern and western r egions. The ~ederal Power Commissi on and other federa l agencies subsequently have thrown their weight into aiding the two regions al so. The last movement was to intraduce legislation in Co ngress providing for a full slate of favo~., a ble legislation to build the soilth and west and take away ma in ly from the northeastern states. Taber claims that the situatior is becoming more serious daily arre that the bat-tie is con stantly mounting in in tensity with the western and ·southern groups employing every possible promotional, pub!icit y force to a ttain their goal of transplant ing factories and people.

Waynesville, Ohio

_ _ _


Armitage &Son





Everyones tnt.erestiD4r entertainment story of the ww]d's famollA melting pot on New York's lower Ea8t Side,








1947 .,


Plus : Western a.nd damedy short.

colored cartoon.








~..~ .~ ~ \ ' ~~


\' ~


9-12 each morning 1-5 afternoons except Wednesday 7-9 Saturday evening Other evenings by Appointment

"Health and Pep' Go Hind in Hand!" "Small boys and girls need lots of energy-gIving . . . lots of body-building proteins , , , lots of mineral's and vitamins ... in other words, lots of milk -nature 's most nearly perfect food! And of course if it's Borden's milk, it's always pure and fresh and wholesomel" f~ods


Dr. C. E. Wilkin,

Optometric Eye Specialist 26 South Detroit Street XENIA,OmO .. •••• ••• sa as

•••• " ,



.J .


I f.'-.


- IT S r;OT 10 BE eOOD'




T81phODe Wayne.ville 2552: '. ~'>',i)" , Dayton HE 1215. . I



dohool in 1942. He then went into tale mlliLary service (Juring the war. and enter d oollege a yea.1' ago \moder t'he prcwislons of the OI Bill of Rights. Seven home contests r emaln on the QWlker cage card this wil1lter. These ar e: Jan. 16. capital; Jan IS, Marl~ ; Jan 21. Centre; Jan 2S, WUberforce; Feb. 10, Earlham ; , and Feb . 26, BIUlffoon. '

• • ClASSIFIED AD RATES • • words or less. one tune. .... ,.25c AUTOMOBILES!Eaob add1tonal word ••• , ••..•••• 1c FOR SALE - 1939 Ford Coach; SPECIAL RATES by CONTBACT good OOndition; radio; heater; Roger Brown. Third St., Phol~ e LoaDS2193 130 FEDERAL LAND BANK LOANS: For Ref1nanc1nS - Rebuilding - ~T - New grey suede glove for Buying. 4% Fa.rm loana with long right hand. somewhere between 1ilDle to pay. Pay part or a.1l any Happy's restaurant and my home; I time. SUnday about 5 :30 p . m. ThJs was , LEBANON NAT'L FARM LOAN ASS'N·. Ellis H. Sturm, 8edya Christmas present. Finder bring Tree.a.. Lebanon, Ohio. Phone 448 to my office and receive reward. tc Wilbur N. Sears, Phone 2651. ~

Rercently published statistics shOW t·hat t here are four students from Waynesville attending Mia.m1 Urlversiby this year. These StrureIlits recently returned to sdl.ool following a 16-day holiday vacation 'Peroid. the Next regular scheduled vacation period Is Spring recess, which will last from March ,29 until April S. Publ1ca.tion or the university directory was later thiln usual this year due to the heavy enrollment


Real Estate For Sale-

IF YOU HAVE A ,P ROPERTY OR (Continued from Page 1) FARM TO SELL oail or Write This election Is Important, fCIT Don Henderson', Tel. KEM46, 617 'the reason thaIt the closing of reLorain Ave., Dayton; Ohio. tfc taU stores on week dayS has been propo5ed for this country. In 11111 OFFICE EQUIPMENTproba.b1llty. the vo'ters of a typical ~ 'l'Y'PEWWTER RIB- AJru!rican community woul,d' oast bona now in stock. The GazeIIte. their ballots much as did the q-esldents of British Oolumbla. 'I1he Household Goods For Sale-- basic Issue Is ~er or' not max!mun service to the public shaD , iFOR SAlLE-Keroseno :'qulck-me8l" continue to be provided: range; right hand oven; oa.u 2422 Tbe public simply , ()I' see A. H. Stubbs "t Waynesv1lle wants stores to be open on week F1urn1t\lre Co. 19 days. followtr.g oormal and traditional business practices that 'Work Homes Wantedno hardsllip on aJl(Yone.

lilt Miami. whioh hit an all-time hlg.h of 4559 students. 8tudeI!.~ from this county who are attending MjlUlli universitY are: Howard Florence. Jane Hartsock. J ean Hartsock, R. Robert Holllster.



unJs. must be that almoot all fires are the result of the human element. A man is careless, a man Is Ignoran t ar.d destru Live fire strikes. The firc which could not b e prevented Is extremely mre. We mu t understand, secondly that the pr ~ntlon of moot lires is the simplest of tasks. A new lamp cord. a clean attic, a minor repair to ' a . hl!ating plant, a fire extinguisher or fire attentions lUI these 'Would have preve<nted a. very large part of last year's terrible loss of life and materials. This comes straight home to the Individual and no One can escape his share of the responslliill ty. Third, there Is obviOUS l'..eed lor education of the Individual in what 'to do if he ~s in a building at,taclred by fire. Ignorance in t1Us f1&ld was the cause of many Of the dea:tlhs in the recer..t hotel disasters. In Atlan ta. men. wcAlen jumped to destruction from window ledges-in the face ot pleas by firemen who were preparing r.ets and ladders. In ·b dth Chicago and AtJanta, people threw open doors and windows thus creating drafts that simply fanned the flames . Au of us should feel shame at 1946's t~ble fire recrord. And all or us should resolve tha i t will be Improved 1r.. 1947.

Mr. Jeyz.ef MoCoy spoke at a public meeting at the Miami Hotel DaYton at three p . m. Sunday afternoon Jan. 12. 1Mr. McOoy's subject "Welf&re, WIANI1ED - HOME IN COUNTRY; Not Warfare" the m eetlng was under 'Will pe.y one year's rent in ad- MOTHER'S CLUB WILL the auspices or -the Dayton Baha'i va.nce; Give tun deta1ls; L. W. HOLD NO MEETING . A regular' on the W1lm1ngton')Col- Assembly. _ The Russians have always beer. Barker, Rt. I, HaaTtson Ohdo. DURING JANUARY lege baaPtball team, thJs season is BmTB vastly impressed with American -ll6 The Wayne Township Mother's Ed Kruer former Spr!n8boro High " know-h<IW. One Ameri.C8IIl mechanic Oloo has postponed their January SdlOOl ace, A SIIAMFUL ,FIRE aWORD who worked In a waooh repair Shop RADIOSmeeting to tare regUlar time In FebWorklng at a Q'Uard ~1t10n. The year which , has ended was in Berlin said a Russian walked FOR SALE - Philoo table model mary. Kruer has been making an ex.ciellent the worst in our history in tale in with a .clock under h1l\ arm and lTBdl.o-phonograpb with slide-in meeting was pos~poned due showing in play and is eepeclaUy matter of 1068 or llfe and property reques~d, "Please take tills apart , ~ ,pl~; used aboUt 6 to 'having two meetings in December. noted for his fast 'scd fanoy ball by fire. Wben the f1nal figur-es are ' and make wt1st watches out. or it." 'mont1hs; in good condition. Call Next meeting will be Feb. 7. 1947. , ~lIng. He 1.6 noVl a. Sophomore at tabulated. ~ ,wtal waste w1Jl pro. ' J. W. strouse. Phone 2741. ,' the neal1by coilep and' is pl8iY1ng babiy touch .600,OOO,OOO~and the des'lbe U. S. ~pt. of A8rlcutture 1160 Iowa agronomists are warning far- b1a aecond eeaaon ~v1th the Quak- truotion of life will approach an'DOIlr-ced December 161nteDtllons of -U-V-E-S-T-OC--K-------- .-"'in .... _......- .. ~ .. - ........ .....~...... ers. ' 11000 buying egg 10,000.000 dried ...,..'" III..... "'-II<: 'IoU """ . . are V~ ~ , • whole Powder pounds during or January _ _ _ _ _ _"--_ _ _ _ _ _ oats whiCh are advert.1sed as 0UnThe son of Mr. and Mrs. Walter There can be so alibis lor this. for export to the United , Kdr.gdom. FOR SALE - HAlMPSHiIRE MALE ton-type or as "sisters" qf tlhe Clin- Kruer, Route 2, waynesville, Ed It is too late for excuses. What....we Manufactures of egg 1)O\\'der will be Hog; B1ll Lee. R. R. 3' ll6 ton variety. was graduateq from SPringboro High can, do is to afflnn that 1947 will required to oeI'tJfy they paid dealg-. teU a different story wthen the year nated prices to etM producers before cl08C6. the govemmetlt will buy the egg pow.~ OUr first realization, as 1nd1v1d- der kom 141e manufacturen..



13y DWIG


'NAATCAA ~~, so",,~ TRAt'\VS

VlAAlctVI l\t\HK..! SST

'FIRE '1b

'Tf(e SCMel ~\lSE (M' N"ttt MO 5"6'5 e\l~"ED C\.eArt 70 7~ £:'),.,•• ,,,,.I~~~


7~E't i'\PlRl)L'I • \S\..IE'Ic IT· ::,o\lI'\OS LI\iE A


'5~07..e.H v,2'~ To \NA~e I)\' Plt\\)

"'l\'Ie tft) SCl\(X)l lilt: ~\)I\.O ANOltU:~


After Inventory


.S ALE ,.

8M\> 11 \HA~ . ~ \')Rel'lt'l

"Of Quality '-



Fairly F~miliar b)' EFFELDEE JOs..DE8~ROYING




Club Sponsors ~Curb School Board ' Names Removal For Safety Music Instructor

The Civic Club met In regUlar At the January meeting of the session a.t Sm1t.h·s Green Room or. Wayne Township Board of EducaMlOnday evening. Jan. 20 with 33 tion Kelrer Hoak was re-elected members and 3 guests present. president. John Gong vice-president, depressei1 industries. don·t provide McKnlght Kenr.y of the American and Mrs. Oathal'ine EQl'nllart cle~ ~ jObs at high w~. Yet some Rollln& Mills. MiddletowIl> spoke or. f or the ensuing year. of labl)T's ,present po11c1es are a d.lrect ESTABLISHED 1850 - NO . . 4300 ,1.50 PER YEAR - 5c A 'COpy the Middletown Peace Plan being At bhe same meeting Mr. Donald threat to industrial soLvency. . J)8JCed In operation , t here a.r.d in 0ahr1s of Uclon City. Ind.. was WAYNESVILLE, omo THURSDAY. JANUARY, 23. 1941 The 8Ults 1nst.1t,ut.ed by' aIO unions various conununit\es throughout. the employed as music, instructor !for to get retroactive "portal to portad" - - - - - - - - - - - - oountry. The plan was orlgl.nally de- the remainder of the school year. vised by Willlam Oulbel'tson , noted Mr. DaMs Is an experienced teacher bridge pllliyer. a'l')d comes h1~hly recommended. He $5.000,000,000 and 'perhaps substa,,The Publlc Affairs Committee of taught two yearS at Deshler. Ohio, tia4ly more. ErYttrely aside from the the Club were Instructed to invesU- before enlisting in the armed servlegal a.spee~ involved. it is clear gllite the possibilities of Improvir.g Ices. While In !the army he organized ' ttiat. if au the deman1l8 are granted the curb on tJ1e east side of MaIn a ~umber of glee clubs and otl'\er tnanIY ccepa.n1es will be driven into street with bhe pl1m in view of music gToups anq toured France and bM'.krurptcy, and many more will be eliminating the hazard of the deep other 'paNs of Europe with tI\em.. seriously. cr1pP1ed-&nd forced to gutter . . He comes to Wayn~le at a h1gb~ drastically curta1l operations. purPmos for t.he Sesquicentennial opportune time fOor there is a ~e chases and expa.nsion plans. That celebratlor. to be held! here tlhls proportIon of the stufIent body that is the surest of all roads to depress1pn summer are being developed by the Is eager to again resume their Inand \UleInIlIoymtlnt. Oivic Olub committee appointed for strument8ll or vocal studies. . it is reported that will that pu1'pOSe. Mr. Gahrls with the asslsta.r.ce of ~ot on the "portal to portal·, pr.oblem some of the boys is conStructing a perhQIPS by J.im1otlng the time tor tempera,.ry music room in the south which the btack pay claimed can be end of the ca.1'eteria. This· change awarde(i. But that necessary as it was necessitated because thoe home Is to be ~ vel'lY ,preservation of our economic depaJ!tment is now 10C8lted industrial structure. does not makie where the music department was the 8!tt1wde of some labor leaders fonnerly. Wor.thy Deputy De.lIas Worley and any less dangerous. These leaders The item of busln~ was the his Installing officers, W'bp were all OOIllStdel'&t1on of the estirnat.ed exare clearly out to milk business of Past . Ma.ste~ of Lebanon Gra.tJge pend!t.ures for blie calef\d6r yearevery possible cent-regardless of . .... LiaJ..:w..;;............1Iiii:II came to Waynesville Saturday ctg'ht, of 1947. 'I1hese totw1led nearly $69.000. the oonaequence.s to the country. PHOTOS BY WOLTZ STUD IOS Jan. 18 and Installed of!1cers at which is in elroeSS of last · year's by Onkle ~ fqrget that a man's ea.rnlilg power must be based solid- TOP ROWr !Le1,t to rtght - William. 4 year old son of Mr. atlid Mrs. Fanners Gra.nge No. 13 for the year ~tely '$8.000. It seems pro_ ly upon his productlve abilities and Bra.nnDck; Bandm, 6 month da.'Uglhter of MI. and MIs. George 1947. ba.bly that an ad.d ltional school revy etl1terpr1se, we are pa;v1ng tJ1e wa.y Edg~n; Carolyn SUe. 20 year oM daughte ot Mr. and Mrs. 'fta.lph The new officers are: Master; Er- .-tx> meet these increased expen<ntures for depreas10ns and economic dislocs- Belcher. nest Oook; Overseer. Harvey Burnet; twill r.eed to be reguested a.t ,iIh:e next tiona on it. ten1ble scale. That is BOTI'6M 'IOC)W - Left to rl~"'t - N'PlCY, 31"2 year old ~ of Mr. Lecturer, Rachel ElamhaI't; stewart. election _. 72 EcIIward GIll11.8.nd; Ohaplaln, EI1za. ther real 1asue underlying theOTO's 8~d Mrs. Lee Lemmon; David. 5 month old 8IO!n of Mr. anId Mn;, K . R. • lncr~e poUicles. F.J11; Jerry. 15 month qld $O~ Of Mr. ar.d Mrs. Ronald Se.Usbury, Rt. 2 beth 8m1t1h; Tree.surer, Everett Early; Secretary, Edna Early; Assistant Uregonla.,.... Steward. Eawin SUrface;' Cerles. . IN CASE OF 'FIRE W~ C~; ~~a..}~ J!-_" It is e~tthM the tert1ble death' bam; Flora.. MargaTe!. Gilliland ; tbll 1r.. the recent hotel fires makes i.ady Assistant St6waitl. Virginia ~~Qn of many municipal building !Hardin; Oho1rster. bora Moler; codes mandatory. atruotu.r a,l chan&es PIanist. Arlene Jones; Trustee for must be e!lfeoted to prevent the Mias Llda D. Oglesbee, aged 78. three years. Lowell Thomas. Local sport fans will have their d.ietl at her home in Wayr.E~llle eprread of ftre from floor to Hcor After the lnsballation ceremonkls arid UU'otIg.h llreIa...:...;wa.ys. In th first look a.t the boxir.g !team. which Tuesday eyening at 11 :30 o'clock, an oyster supper was enjoyed by the meanttnie. the BoaTd rJ! Is to respresent Waynesville in the She Is survived by a brother members and thetr guests. Fire Undel'Wrlters repeats a set of G<tlden Gloves carnival in Dayton. George. and two sisters. Betty and fire safetJy rules 1cr hotel guests before t!he regularly scheduled Nettle, all a.t ·h ome. ·w.hiCh !would JlaVle saved . soores of Leg1o~ besketball games at. bhe high Funeml services ,will ~ conducted lives in Chicago. -At lanta an{\ else- school gym tonight (Thursday). Frida,y, Jan. 24 at 2:00 p. m. a.1t the 'Where had they ibeen follOWEd . Here These bouts will start at 7 p. m. McOlure Funeral Home with Rev. they are: J , P . Thornbury of Haivey.sbut'g • • • 1. Upon reaching y-our room. locate offlclatlr.g. Brenner's Furniture, an aggregaall means of em' exit. An automobUe-truck cra&h below Burial will be mad e in Miami tion which has dropped 'but on~ 2. Do r.ot smoke In bed-'this Is one Cold Springs Ion on State Route 42 cemetery. game tp.ts season and plays in the night about 7 :00 o'olock " of the moot prolific causes of ftre. same lea,.gue with the Jones Brothers 3. If you detect Smoke or .a.ny evJdLOCAL STUDENT claimed the life of Louis J. L&pa.tln, w.ho lost to W®ynesville in an overence of 1il'e. inunediwtely Inform th e RECEIVED INTO 31. of Detroit. Mich. He crashed'. into time game. will oppose the Legion FRATERNITY t~ rear of a trailer truck driver. Gretrhen M. Kinkel. R. N. de&k. ' quir.tet in the fealture basketllall 4. Close Y'OUr transom. a.nd p1an what Dale Mere<Hth, Rl.>ute 1. freshman by F. F. Gentry of SaJvannaJhI, Ga. Mr,s. Gret:chen M. K nkel. R. N. you will do if fire strikes. • ' . ev.e nt.. in the school of arts and .scIence Both veh1cles were badly ~, of bh.e s~f of MIami V~ey hospital TIle reserve, start.lng at 8 'at Miami University was initiated Stubb Home answered 1lbe in D8IyWn. will visit Wa.ynesville. ~ .. In the event ~ fire. do not open your door if it feels <hot to the rouch. p . m.. wtl} bring wgether ROOy's ir.t<> Delta Sigma, Theta, national call for 6n ambulance and! was hl,glt- mool. Thursda.y. Januar.y 23. If. It Is not hot. open It sUghty. Res~urant of Xenia. ~d the · ~on frnternlty for Methodist and ..:J.(eth- standing by ro remove the body wher. to counsel girls it:terested 1n nurs-. bracing it, with yoor foot. Then, if seoond team. ROOY's' hold, a previous odlst preference men. 'I1his initiation Shm,f f Cowden elected to ha'Ve the lng. bhe ~allway Is St\Ife. use the planned three-point v1ot<my over the Waynes- culm1nllited a three monbh pledge . removal made In McClure Fluneral iMrs. Kinkel will discuss the nature ville reserves. exemplified high Ideals. lea<lershlp Home ambula.nce and Issued orders of the nursing profession and the exit. 6. If the ha,llwwy Is not sate. keep AdmJ.ss1on prices are the. same; abilities, 'amlJ initiative. to have a call to that effect. need for gradua1te nurses 1r. tlre the door clooed. and·, stop up open- 150 for children and 300 tor ~dults. He Is ~ an active member of lAlpa.t1n /Was reported to be a f(yr- many new fields. ings a'l'ld crax:ks with wet · towels, the Miamt-Wesley Foundation . He mer ~ Air Forces of!fl~rs. HIs Because of this ' urgent need for sheets. 'qlanlrets, mattresses, etc. was among the honored guest.,; at body! was removed 'to Detroit by Ibhe nwrses, Mlamd. VaUey hospital has 7. opec the wlndolw sUglhtly and 'a Delta Sigma Theta banquet held ' MoOlure Funeral Home . On Tues- announced it ,will accept 40 appllremain near It. Don't get hlysterical. , in the OXford Methodist Chumh. day. cants for a new class starting Feb. Thie tire dep84',tment will rescue you -wait for it, 'I'Jle essent:e of this procedure is to Mrs. PurlJr.a E. Davis, aged 87. A former reslder.t of Waynesvl,lle. of nursing. Fondulac. WIs" Mrs. ' a.void ltJ1e creation of drafts that ! IJ()oyd E. Arthur now a resident of K!l.nkel hold~ .h er B. S . degree from 1'8n fire. People wttW 'followed slmlla'l' fp assed IIIWB~ at the· Mlars Rest UIuverslty of Mlr.nesota. . techniques in the h¢el fWes lIved- Borne DJear Morrow. Frida~ at 12:45 . When the boxholders on R.ural WYloming. Ohio was recently awardRoute Two stm'It out to Ute 1'08.<11 to eId the Silver Ster at the Army re·w hlle people 10 adJoIr..lng rooms who P. m. Bbe is, 6Ul'vived by a dB,ughter. meet tJhe ma4l camer these days crutlng office In Clncl~atl. Arthur ROMONA BRADDOCK let panic rule them died. Remember iMr. and Mrs. RMmond BraA:Jdock : these rules. There Is a very reo.l pos- Mrs. Opal White of Waynesv1l1e ; they may get su.r:prised. It will be was a S /Sgt. In the 359th 'Im'antry sttnllty that ~ they ~l save and talree sons, Oha.Tles ~d Ira an dptlcai illusion they will en- iReg1ment or tlhe Nine~eth Infatlltry are ~nr.ounclng the arrlveJ or • of HBm1l~ and Russell of OlE!forQ .. counter. George will look Uke he is Dlv1sI!,)tli and his aiward Was glven for baby daughter. R<*n~\ /Weight '1 ~~ life, IF\meraIl aerv1cea WIel'e Ql)Dduobed comlng toward ·them when 'h e wm a.ot1an 1r. <i4srnptlng enemy (lODl- poun~ 4 ounces, Ilit MJam1 Valler . ' Ad~ _vee (YOU crea.ter sunday, - Jan.. 19 a.t 2:00 p. m ,. at reelly be ~ a.wa.y. Yes. Geor8e munlc&t1ona in actton Nov. 11. 1944. hospital. Dayrt<lth Saturday. Jan. 18 _ _ By aell1ng more iooda and the RIlter PUneral Home, Re~ · ~. W&terhOU8e is drivtna one of the fOOl' aDd one-half years · in .a.t 6':00 p. m. .. '. , -i a - ' to ....:-..t... it maba Burtal in Reily ~ under the liew ''caD't tell front from back" the Army he was releued in Jjec. Mother aDd' cfia:Ulbter '.... ~ . d&l'ecUoD f1l. . . . . PuIIeIrM B.oIDe• . Stuc:lebUIer8. . 1946. to retum to ~ ~ 'tAJC_;' Labor must realize that' i16 future depends upon prosperous. producing industry. Broke lr..dustries.


=. arTh~=~~i~xa~~~ Representative Community Citizens of 1970

Grange 1947 Officers Installed. Saturday

- _ .-

---- ----

Golnen Groves~ys M,ss Oglesbee Die~; To Give Preview Funeral Service &iday

Detroit Man Accident Victim


Mother Of Local/ Woman PassesAway THERE HE GOES! NO! BERE HE COMES')


more ;;;;., more"";;;;- .


THE MIAMI GAZETTE - Pap I Mr. imd Mrs. George Lyl,le were Dr. and Mrs. F. B. Gregg a.ccom.WAYNESVILLE, omo - ~o. 430t paned by Miss EnUn.a: Lou Lewis and Ir.. Xenia. Wednesday at attend TIIUR DAY, JANUARY, 23. 194'1 funeral rites for Mrs. Iqtle's father Mr. Charles Lewis spent Saturday Mr. Ed. S nell. afternoon with ID. and Mrs. Tom Wm . H . Shawhan Past Deputy. Wm Mr. and Mrs. Oharles Doster were Foster at Fosters. This was . the The Past Councllor's OrgtU~on Burdsall State · Chaplam. Mrs. Fnlnk KUl'!1s spen t severa.! ancestral home of Mrs. GTetrir. calleI' til Was hington Court House. of the Jr. O . U . A. M.' held Its Lebanon Council No. 19 Lebanon. O . days last week with Miss Velma Miss Ruth Ohandler sperut Satur- Thursday. monthly Dteeting in Way~esv1lle on Charles Willlruns. Sml!.h In Dayton. M.r. and Mrs. ~les MacDonald day ill Da.ytor.. and family of CiJr.c1nnatl were Sun- January l Oth with M1&1IU CoWlCU Guidlng star Counclf No. ISS St. Mrs. Cla.ra. S ta.rke entertalned the day gu sts at 'bhe home of Mr. No. 103. Bernal1(i C1ncinna.ti. Ohio Harry lG'ile card club at the home 0 TIlls organJmtJon is made up of Ertel. Mac:Don Jell pal'enu, Mr. and Mrs. Mrs. Stanley Balley at Wayn ilie. the Past OoUl".cllor·s of t.1l1s district G . M . MacDonald. . 'I1hursd y afLeTr.oon. and a meeting In a dUferent oounc11 Ohio producer oooper8.~ves acting Mr. and Mrs. <Clyde Levicy were Mr. and Mrs. Chal'les BUllnell and room each m{)nth oonsis~ of as selling agenl5 for fluid milk have Lebanon oallers Saturday. daughtcr s en Thursday v rung Micl{lletown. been fishing for price bids on nush Mr. Oharles Edwarcls. celebrated HamIlton, . Trenton. with Mr. and Mrs. Lester Gorsur.h Saturda y afternoon a few friends aL Whipp Corn I' em Rou te 48. gathered at the home of David Earn- his 90t h Am~lversary . J anuBl'Y 9th Lebanon. and WaynesvUle. season milk next spring. F1shirig has A~ member of these councils will been 1)001' because manu:tact.ul'e6 Mr. Wa.ITer! Hunt entered B~Ir ' hart bo remin~ him of his 7th blrth- Mr. Edwards spent the day at home be glad to talk wlbl1. who have the opirJ.on -tlhey will be Bible , Bros. Hospital Lebanon\ Sundaiy for day. Game a.I!d ice cream and cake wl bh his son, Raymond Ed Io'a 'r ds. t.reartment. were enjoyed by Barbo.ra and Ronald Mr. Robert Collett was a oaller have been members of the Jr. ~UAM to buy milk !lit lower prices within Morgan. Edna and Sharon Bunnell. in to\vn, SUIldaJ. , fOl' reinstatement Qr to any young the next r1:ew months. Manufactures Mr. and Ml' . E verett . Ellrly en Brenda.. Nruman Jean. Mildired Mr. and Mrs. Sterling Ir!gais and man who would like to join \IS in bid early a. year ago. tertamed the West Wayne DIscussion Nyriok. Junior Hasz. fa.mlly of Greenfield. and Mr. and a good cause for American ideals. Gl'~'~'P L their home Weanesda,y Mrs. Lee Collins of Centerv:llle. were we will be glald to make any Mr. Err.est Lucas is spending a evenJng. There were twentty two few days wi·t h hJs parents Mr. and Sunday g\lcsts of Mr. and Mrs. ar..<i all the boys u.cqua1nted of what members present. Mrs. David uucas. . Howard Colllr.s. we stand for so ~e and see US ar.d ~ Mr. and Mrs. D. E. K eys of DayMiss A. Prances Pollitt of Detzen ' make Amertca strong for Amerlc8.DS. . Mr. and Mrs. Henry Finke Mrs. ton we.J·e Sunday guests of Mr. and Ave. DaYLOn Is nnou ncing her . We list the names below to Show Zimmemlan . spent saturClemtine IMrs. Roy Winks alld family. lday 'Il1'ten!oon with Mr. and Mrs. engagement to Mr. Geol1ge Burg of you the Brothers who were wdth us Every famUy will cbedsh the mealMrs. Betlty Clal'k ar..d son. visited George Bratten. Anbor Ave. Dayton iM1ss ~llltt. and the Council they were from a.n.d ary of a last 't ribute that waa her aunt. M.Fs. Huron S t. John and daughter of Mrs. Adam Qampbell of the capacity U~y hold in the or- d1gn1rted and fitting in eveI'J Mr. and Mrs. Everett BUnnell and fa.mlly, ne8l1' Morrow. Saturday. the village. has not disclosed the ga.nlzatlon. respect. family called on Mr. and Mrs. Dewey \ Chas. Hay Recording Sec'y . Mr. and Mrs. Therie Jones arid Comestock and family also MIrs. date c.f her wedding. P. L. Rea8on. OOUneUor BOn were Sunday aftereoon and Allee Truman afternoon at evening . guests of Mr . and IDs. ~vertown. Alpha Council No. 326 Jr. OUAM Edwin NuU and f18mlly nearr CenterrMl'ddletown. . Mr. anti Mrs. Edmond Marla tt vWe. A. A. Stubbs. Thomas H. Stubbs. Pa.ul and family spent the week end with Mr. Russell Binegal' of H wnillOOr.. E . StUbbs, Tom 0re00h, Robert MilMr. and Mrs. Dale Fn.1r and fnmUy called on Mr. and Mrs. Wa lter KenMr. and M1·s. Raymond WilsOn ·ler. George ShOclcley, Walter Eastof Xer..ia.. rick and James Haines Monday were dlnt!er guest.:s Sund8lY of their erling. Chl~rles A. Genu'd. Oharles Mr. David Lucas spent a few afternoon. . daugllter Mrs. Thepdore McIntire H . Brown Past Dlat. Deputy. F erris Mr. 8llId Mrs. Err.est Arnold and dayS last week with her children a nd family n ear New Bu11ngton. Gutshall. Robert H . Jordan. ' tamUy of IJQytton were Sa.turda.y in W11m1ngton. Mr. and Mrs. LUither Haines spent Butler COUI!cll ·No. 93 HamUton. O. Telephone 2291 'M r. and MrS. Rayiln()nd Smith part ot la Thursday with her pa.r- Howard W-aiker R. B. Gsnett Nat ev~nlng g!Ilests at the home' of Mr. and Mrs. Leslie Gray and children spent ~,y with Mr. ar..d Mrs. ents Cha.rley Laird arA wife. In ional Treasure, HaITy Edwaros V. A . W~. and Mr. George G~Y. !.he afternoon th~~y called on Mr. Councilor, Pete Theobo~d Deputy. The Friendship Class of Lytle Mrs. Emerson Dill spent Saturday G : A. L au'd at Camelstown. - - - - . ; . . - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -....... Slmda.y Boh{)ol met at t he home of afternoon in Xenia. Miss Ruth Wall n ear Xenia spent Miss Marta Jur.e !RIush s~turda.y Mr. anld' Mrs. Keuleth Bratten the week-end with her cousin Mrs. afternoon. C1f Dayton called 'on Mr. and Mrs. Irene- Burden aII'd family . Saturoay Mrs. Pa.ul Wlll1a.mS returned to Geol1ge Bratten Sa.turd:a.y after- evening Mrs. Burden ' entertained ' her horne in Lebanon Sa.turday a.!cter noon. guests celebrating both Miss WRlll's NORTH STREET and . DA YTON RO~D spending the week with ber parents. Mr. James Wildman of Jackson. and 'Mr. Burden birthdays. Mr. and Mrs. Everett Early. Ohio spent the wee\t end with Mr. Rs:leigh Bogan visited his mother ENLARGEMENT Mrs. Ne\ltie Emrick er.>tertAlined and Mrs. Ernest Earnhart and fam- In Da,YIbon . Sunday afternoon. DEVELOPED-PRINTS MADE to dinner ~nesdn¥. Mrs. J . B . Uy. Mr. and Mrs. William Smlth and ANY PLACE; EVENINGS Jones, Mrs. WUbur FOulks and Mrs. f4r. and Mrs. Henry 'Burges and daughter enterta1lw~ to din.n er SUnTHROUGH WEEK; SATURDAY Paul Shipley. family of Beavertown rwere Sunday day Mr. and Mrs. Donaold Haines ~d AND SUNDAY, DAY OR NIGHT. '11h~ members of Fa.nners dinner gbests of Mr. and Mrs. Lue son Aldon. Mr. and Mrs. E1~erett Haines caGrange kom Lytle attended. lnstel- M~n afternoon callers Mrs. ALL POPULAR SIZES. ALSO 1n.t1on a.t W8iYl'.esvU1e Sa.turday enID- ROOert. Green. Mr. Wilbur Stevenson led on Mrs. Ima. HaJwk1ns at the CAMERAS AND OTHER SUPPLIES Probasco ~~st Horne in WUmir-3tOili AS A V AILABLE. inc. • of Dayton. 1Mr. and Mrs. Ray Miller attenfded Mrs. George Bratten Mrs. O. H . Moncta.y afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. Raymond WUson ' b ~eral of the latter's grand_ . K.ers1nger Mrs. Err.est Ea.rnhart were RIGHT ON ALL PHOTOGRAPHIC WORK. mother. Mrs. Samuel Meredith at visit1ng Xenia Friday. were in Xenia On \tfaIy' last week. the Methodist church in Waynesville Mr. ar.d Mrs. Evere\lt Haines called Prlday afternoon and burial at in the Bogan home Saturday evening Mda.m1 Cemetery. Mr. anti' Mrs. Leslie on Mrs. Lucy OompWn. Monda.y ~ also attended. afternoon callers were Mr. and Mrs. . Mrs. Harolki' steinke is JmprovLaJwrence Mitch'IlIer ~ Mrs. Roy in rucely sInce a major oper&ltion Jones. Miss Ruth Wall of nea.r Xenia. The Bridge Club 'W!as entertained a week ago. at Mlam.1 ValleY Haspitill. and will be brought to her NANCY HANKS CHERRIES No. 2 can 40e Saturday evening at thIe ooun~ attenkled church' services here Sunhome the 18ittle ipM't of this· week. . home. of Mr. 8IIld Mrs. Rhodes Bun- day. KENNY'S 'PURPLE PLUMS No. 2% can 28c . • Mi&! M&rtiyn Hammond In comRaleigh BOgar.. and wife called nell. Severatl !':rom here atter.d.ed. pany with Gray lam:Uy attende/d a 0IlI Mrs. Weldon Wilson. Monda.y BROOKEMA'S CHOCOLATE PUDDlNC 20e . 'l1he Hllarlty OlUb, was entertained basketball pme in Dayton Frida,Y SUnday. at the home of Mr. and who had the mlafortune of having . Q. T .P.IE CRUST MIX even1rl8 and' spent the week-end with an Injured> IWrlst and bruises from . MnI. Howard Cl«'abam. Mlss WUma Gray. an a.cc1der.t about Oller work Sunda.y The local O . E. S. met Thursday Mrs. Charles Tulnbleson. Mrs. Vernight in ·the Masonic Temple to in- morning. non ~ey and. other ladleS of the staU officers. Wcman'a 900lety of Lytle Ohureh Alfalfa lew! mea:l oonta1ne " per Mrs. Oharles Doster was hostess. Mtenklied the Dlst. 'OUlcer's Meeting 'I1bursday aftereoon to the members cent more protein' than plain alfalfa . a.t the Y. M. C. A. in Dayton on meal. of the Jonalbs' Run Mlsslonary 'Tuesday of this week. Society. Mrs. Hanirett Smart. .served C'ROUN,D BEEF e as prOQ'nWl 'lea.der· torr the ooca.s1on. The p, T. A. df Harvey~ school. eanvened in regula.r session . CUBED STEAKS WednesdeJy at l1he school auditorulm. Mrs. Edna Oompton . Mrs. F. B. Gregg was a dinner Bogan. music instruotor in the v11SLICED SMOKED HAM e guest Sunday of Mr. and Mrs. lage schoOl. was in chalrge of the program tor the evening. Charles i3ma.rt in Harveysburg. ,M rs. A. S. O>Uett entertained a .Mrs. Karl Da&kln oI1Jebanon vlsltSLICED BACON e e >eel with bel' mother Mrs. Qeorg1a.nna. OOIJlP8.lly of friends to OIlrds at her home, Monday evening. 1v1De 'lbUreday afterr..oon. 'lomB GJenDla Marsh of Dayton M!rs. Mai\r Levicy. Mrs. Lawa BROWN'S &Pent Saturday and Sun~ With bel' Shidaker. and Mrs. A. S. Oollett were INSURANCE In W11m.1ngIton. W~eaday aftercous1n, Mrs. Luelle Arm1t~. SERV;ICE Office &it M8J.'I1 Earnhallt'a Mrs. MUl'l'aN Greene of Lebanon ooon, 88 guests of Mrs. Emma Ellis, C8i1lecl on . hie 'sIster Mrs. .Erelyn Mrs. Id$. Hendlrlck.s. and Mrs. Etta PHONE 2662 VIAYNESV,ILLE, OHIO Phone 2935 A.rnbId at Proba8oo Rest Home. PetenIOD Prlday evening. WAYNESVILLE, OHIO

Junior Lodge Meets With Five Councils






Food Specials .

Quality Meats


:SSe 63 'Sg -6g



.,r,oOK,/NQ JUfEAD GEORGE S. BEN SON Pm"(lII-}{IUllilll (tl/tli Stlffl. Ar1611111

Scrambled Figures


The mid-winieT Instltu e for th e Youth Fellowshlp of the Dayton


Uncle Sam Says

,_ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ __

District will be held In Grace Church, Dayton, Saturday and Sunday, Jan 25 ar.d 26. A nW11ber c{ Mrs. A. T , Polinsky entertalned yo1.l1lg people from the local church her bridge club on Friday evening Iwfll attend. Jan . 17 a t her home , The guests attending were Mrs, Don Hawke; WSCS MEETING Mrs. Johr. Turner; Mrs. K , p , Hill; FEATURES DINNER The Woman's Socieby of Ohirs tlall Mrs. Maynard Weltz; Mrs. Jack Kersey; Mrs. Sam Keys; Mrs. Roy SerWce held , a covered dish cUnner Ellis. Prizes were aWarded to Mrs. last ThUTsda.y at t he church, followed by their regular monthly bus- , Jack Kersey and Mrs. Sam Keys . iness and study meeUng. SUNDAY GUESTS Dr. Castoe made th e aojdress. AT BAUER BOME

The New Century Club will nold their January meeting on Friday the 24th at the home of Mrs. J. H. Se.ckett .


The Mot he r's Club \\, ' 11 h :'ld t heil' F'eImla.ry m eetin g on Friday. Feb. 7.

No January meeting




Plain-logic and clear-thinking are two delegates who should always Sufferersl Tr1 REINER'S BlNOLt register at all management and laComforting relief from painb of , bor conventions. They should be rheumat18DL arthrit.1& neuritla. lumevcr present in all cOl,1Dcils of pabago. FREE BOOKLET. Aak tor triotic groups. Neither our bus1ne.. Reiner's Rlnol. Why suffer l()Dlel'? nor our labor leaders must be reBenjamin FrankUn·. devotion to Waynesville Drug store. Uc Mr. and Mrs. Oha.rres Bauer enterDr. and Mrs. Frank Gregg of t.he sponsible for a lock-out of truth and thrift II a. well known to my nlecel tained to dinner Sunday. Mr . . and !Friends Home' and Dr. Mary L. ()ook of the dignity belonging to facts and and nepbews al bls love of Uber'y. figures. Inasmuch as plain Amer- Mrs. RaJph Mllitthews ar.d children were Sur-day dinner guests of Mr. The two go hand In band because icans can reasoo. just so will they a.nd. Mr. and Mrs. Jack Ewers. botJh . and Mrs. Gba.rles Smart and daugh- with wise savlngl you caD rive your· self the freedom to achieve man1 6ee a,ny inadequacies of thought of Cincinnati; and Mr. and Mrs. 'ter. Gr~ of Harveysburg. persona' goall for yourself and famdemonstrated by any lel\ders. ily. We remember Franklln's adRA:>ber.t Bower a.nd son Mikle of Most 01 American labor was '. And Your StNqtb and Wa.yravllle. Mr. and Mrs. Everett Schwartz of vice tha& a penny saved Is a penny pleased. I belIeve. when ' the CIO earned. Were be alive today, be Enel'87 I. Below P.I' Afternoon guests were Mr. and Lebanon were Sunday afternoon adopted a resolution recently con· would revise this advice to fi' these It m&7 be caUMd by d!tIorder of kidDe)' fUDctiOD tbat permlte polioDoua demning Communist influence in its Mrs. Henry Bowler a.ncl Mr. and MTs. callers at the SmlloJ't home in E[a.r- Urnes by laying that a three dollars waat. to aCCDmulate. For truly 1IWl1 saved in United States Savlngl ranks. I suspect the rank and rue Cerl Bower and children of Fayette- veysburg. peopl. feel tired. weak aDd mlarable Bonds earn an extra dollar In 10 wbeD tb. JddDeya f.U to remove back home gave this action a round ville; Mr. and . Mrs. WUbur W.olter years. aelIU aDd otber waate matter from th. u. S, Tr~arury D'par' ...."' , of genuine applause. And Aside from ar.d family and, Mr, and MTs. Harry blood. Earl Conner who has been ill for You m.,. ~If.r DaplDC b.ckache. the intra-union politics which Metz 8.!1d t~ Of Clnclnna.t1. several months ilS still con!lned t.o I READ THE CLASSIFIED ADS • rbaumatlc pallia. beaclach.eII. dl"ID_. prompted the resolution. regardlell .. ttlllC up nlll:hta. 1"1 paillll. IweUiDI· 8ometim.. frequent aDd Ie&IItT unDa' of the doubtful political tinge 01 the 8I!ld !Mr. and Mrs. Herman Seibel of 016 hOll1e. His oc.nd1tion is r~rted dOD with lmartiol alld burnllli Ie anto be steadily improving. • the men who drafted it. my belief ~ton. otber lien tbat aomethllllY wrolll with the kidney. or bladder. is that the CIO unions 'are taking a There Ihould be DO doubt tbllt prompt step in the right direction. It re- HARVEYSBURG Mr, ar.d Mrs. Ray G. Oonner entreatment I. wiler tbaD Desle.t- U •• Doa,,·. Pill.. It Ie beLtor to rely Oil a mains to be seen what shall tollow BOOK "REVIEW te!'ltain~ to-dinner Sunday Mr. and medicine that b .. woo coun t rywIde apin future councils. prov.1 thaD 00 lamethIDII: 1_ ravornhly Mrs. Oscar SmJth and famUy of CLUB MEETS JANUARY knOWD. DOG ..•• blve t..ft tried alld t estIn Tbe Record ed mallY r..a,.. Are at all dlVC Itorea. Miss Grace Smart 01 Harveysburg Jamestown and' MT. and Mrs. Arthur At any rate. these ' unions have • ':.t DOG .. • today. ' 27 26 put down on the record their resent- ~tertatned the Harveysburg Book Newtor. of Green!leld. A whirll.n41 Merry-go-round of sPiced ment and rejection of efforts of the Review Oirole at her home Tuesda.y, Mrs. Victor Bun1s of Dayton sper.t oam.edy antics and swing band mustt'. Communists and "other political evening. Mrs. Charles Smart ,parties" to interfere with their af- 8. review of "Starling of the White last Thursday with her sister a.nd fairs. Communists. they seem to im· House" by Thomas Sugrue. husband. Mr. and Mrs. ,R ussell Beint- VIVIAN BLAiINE. PERRY COMO. ply. are just another poUtical party. Harry Jame&. Phll Silvers, Carmen During the social hour the h<l6tes~ ley: but let us not forget what ideology M.1rar.da and others. NORRIS BROCK CO. se~ a hot supper course to fifteen Extra: Leon Errol Comedv ar.d NeWS. Is tollowed by the Communist line. Mrs. Glenn Barden Willo bas been ClnelriDaU UnlOD 8t.oek Yards whether in a party by that name or members. seating tlbe entire party at 30 29 in other parties. There's nothing one lol'..g lace-coveredi table which cor.fined a.t Miami Valley' iHospltal A ZOOming Story of the Flying American about their Ideology nor was cente.r ed Witlh an epel'g'UIe of In Dayton is reported to be improvTigers in a fUll measure of suspense ing. their long-range alms. white and yellow faJl tlowers and and Thrtl18. It would leem the time has come yellow candles. for our two major pOlitical parties Mr. and Mrs. Rqrer Brownl and to do more than merely diso\\rn the ~amUy were dinDeJ' guests Sunday. DENNIS MORGAN and RAYMOND Communists who ' have Infiltrated BRIDGE CLUB of Mr. ar.d Mrs. I>a.rrell-.-Knilsley MASSEY with Dane Clark and Alan their own ranks and the ranks of MEETS AT Hale. ' and family of Rldgeville. labor. Moreover. it might be a good BUNINELL HOME . Also: Edgar Keenedy Comedy. \. ~ • time lor the two major parties and Mr. and MTs.Rhodes Bu'n nell enour leaders of labor to say tertal,ned their Bridge Olub on Sat31 . Feb. 1 Dr. WaJtA!Ir P. Ca&toe who preadlled that political action groups have no urda,y n1&'ht ar-d had 8.6 guests Mr. each evening last week returned A 1m' and HiS dog with diVided Uve Wire anti Propeaive. AD 01'IJoyaltles. pubaUOD seeond to ' Done. StrlcU, business interfering with the affairs and Mrs. Cba.rles Doster. Mr. and to his home in Oolumbus Friday _Deb on aD arouncl market ' 01 political parties. 01 Mrs. Wmiam Doster. Mr. "and Mrs. eVening. Greater Tb'r ea' 'IIED DONALDSON. BARBARA III the COIIDlr1. The church ·profited greaUy from WOODDELL and RUSTY The extent to which Communist WU1iam Lukens. Mr. and Mrs. HerServic~ That Sa'tiafie. Ideology has penetrated gradually bert can, Mr. and Mrs. Ba.rkley these meet.1ngg !by these rn1rJst;er6. A Durango Kid Also Westernt. TUNE TO the councils of labor Is no doubt !Hill. Mr. and Mrs. Geo~e wan and Dr. castoe visited with Rev. nnd "GAllOPING THUNDER" WBlO Da;rton 1:30 - Dial 1800 muth greater than labor itself is Mr. ar.d Mrs. Ernest Edgington. Mrs., R. B. Ooleman whUe here. Dr. Charles StarretJt. Adelle Roberts. WLW O1nc1nn.&ti 12 :{() D1al 700 awar.e. A pl10mlnent la bor personalcastoe and Rev. Coleman atJtendoo. SmUey Burnette. ity recently 6et down the profits of Por On.. Oall1 Market Beporl a dinner meeting of ministers of industry for 1946 a s $1 5.000,000.000; A TTE.ND SCHOOL the Dayto~ District in Dayton. Monafter t axes, and added that th is rep- OF INSTRUCTION resents a greater th rea t to the naOn Monday evening. Mr. and Mrs. day Jan . 13. J. J. Burske Mrs. Emerson Earnhat't tion than does Communism. Wha tever industry :s earnings will . and Mrs. Stanley BaUey at.te~ded Mr. and Mrs. M. T. McColm eilld b~ fOr 1946. the figures . will I?ot ~e the School Of Instruction of the wife of Ohicago visited with Rev. high enollgh. The poor showmg m ~ the first nme months of the ye a r. as Order of Eastern Star of the 20th and Mrs: R. 10. ~l~ (TOm Frida.y seen in the stalled output of the District held· at No1'1WOOd. Clnc1n- Wlt U Monday ~oon. automobile industry and in the ·fall. nati. .. Mr. M'£Colirn is a brother of Mm. \.....~ --'ure of maoy industries to make any Ooleman. profit at atl, will not m a ke large Mr. and Mrs. L. V. Branstraool' sums avaUable for hi her wages. has as houseguest.s from M(JJl(iay Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Edenfield la.t.The Profit Motive to Wednesday of last 'Week. Mr. and tended the funeral of the former's Poor industrial ear.nings will not Mrs. LaiWrence Jamieson of C1Im- great-aunt, Mrs. Minerva Edenfield permit management to set aside at New' Holland: MoOJdn,y. ". funds for expansion and for badly ~rne. , Canada. LEBANON, OHIO PHONE 326 needed wor~ing capital. Neither will lagging production bring a prosperity level that will help pay our tremendous war debt. No production brings WE PAY FOR no profits and no wages. Americans dislike to see any groups discredit the profit motive. We like each man's prcrogative to make a profit. whether 'he belongs on the side of m ana gement and ownANNOUNCES THE RETURIN ership. or whether he is a wage ACCORDING TO SIZE AND CONDITION earner. It Is elementary economics that wage earners do not eXPl'!rience CALL increased wages under conditlonl where there is no production. Sure· ly the rank and rue of Americans know this. W. cannot believe that any loyal Americans would like, for Revene indUltr1 to be conatantq in the, reeL to full-time dutiee But we pow that the CommuniN Cha~p.

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Nation ( Ad"erti 'i ng Rep resentatives Oh io W e kJie , Inc., 2465 W. Broad Street, Columbus 4, Ohio

Student Nurse Becomes 'Cover' Gar

Snatched from her duties as a student nUl'!le at the M1am1 Valley Hospita) schoo) of nurslng, Wanda Roll of VersaUlea, will pose as cover girl for the hospital's new pictorial book which will portray in pictures the ille of a typical student nurse. Miss Roll Is shown here as she Is being "made up" for the photographer by Miss Minnetta Schafer, director of nurses. The book will be presented to a1\ nurses at the hospital and to new. prospective students, beginning with the mid-year class which opens on February 25. ,. tt'an fe l' of real estate al so first and final account. In the matter of the e tate 'of Jos ph H. Meyel', dcc'd., ' Ru th M. PROBATE COURT Wh itaker executrix fil ed fil t, fi nal In the matter of t he e t ri te of and di t ributive accoun t. Mqr y Jane Allison, d c'd. , Lewi s I n the matter of t he estate of cwigert executor fir t and final aeylva n W. Thomp on, dec'd., Ed wa rd D. Wi del'hold , Jr. , adminiscou'n t filed. In t h mattel' of t he est nte of hatol' inventory ap roved. Edward Wirsh, a minot· 14 year In the matter of the estate of of age for per onal injuries, SIll- Carl V. Turner, dec'd., Luella M. tlement approved. Turner, administratrix filed first In the matter ot the e tate of and final account. .sarah A. Hill, dec'd., Alma Hoff, ,I n th e matter of the estate of ex cutrix filed first, and final ac- Frank Hoff, dec'd. , Alma Hoff, adcount also certifica te of tran fer ministratl'ix to se1i personal proof real estate. perty at private sale. In the matter of the estate of " William C. Howard. dec'd., Wesley REAL ESTATE TRANSFER Howard executOl' inventory hearA t H d M . t H ing set for February 4 at 10. ugus. an argar~ . In the matter of the t!stute of Oglesby to Lloyd E . and LuCIlle D. Octavia Coleman, dec'd., Frank W . . Buchanon 2.93 acre in Franklin Coleman executor inventory hear- ' tw)>. ing set f~r February 4 at 10 Lula C. and William T. Asbury -o'clock. . to Donald F., William C. and Ralph In the , matter of the estate of J. Asbury 198.99 acres in Wayne Daniel B. Coomer, dec'd., Lelia twp. Coomer, admini stratrix filed fir's t E. R. and Edith Hou sten._ to :and final account. The Ohio Central Telephone Corp., In the matter of the estate of Lima, 0., 0.02 acres in Salem twj,. 1t9ward S. Conover, dec'd., Dean Ada Walker to Stanley F. and E. Stanley, administrator de bonis Bernice ' L. Stouder 2.25 acres in non gross value of estate is $579,- Hamilton twp. 479.71. Emma A. Suttman to Nick and In the matter of the estate of Giusippina Bagnoli, 119.10 acres in Joseph S. Morris, dec'd., Julia G. Hamilton twp. Morris administt'atri" inventol1' · Ethel Mae Clark"to Elton H. and ' hearing set for January 28 at lQ Adeline ' Johnson 3 lots in Mason. o'clock. E. R. Houston' and Edith HousIn the matter of the trust created ton to Don H. and Loretta M. Harby item 3 of will of William H. per 0.20 acres in Morrow. Irwin dee'd., William H, Irwin, Jr., E. R. and Edith Houston to a ointed tl'Ustee. Donald and Loretta Harper lot in "In the matter of the guardian- Morrow, ship of William Addison Carey, a Turman C. LaMar to Adams and m.lnor, Mary Pearl Carey, guardian Mildred Dickson 1.14 acres in Deerfiled second and final account. field twp. In the matter of the estate of Florence Bakel' et al to Dory Daniel Dawson,' dec'd., Albert J . Baker 1 acre in Franklin. Dawson, appointed administratol' J. 'L. M. and Lucretia Hopkins giviJlg bond with sureties in sum to Dory and Viola Baker 1 acre .of $10,000. in Franklin. ' In the matter of the estate of Robert and Bessie Harrison to A. George Veidt, dec'd" Mattie Veidt, J. Baker 1 acre in Franklin twp. administratrix flIed certificate of Robert and Bessie Harrison · to



•. I

"il uur a nd Th elma J effery 1 ac r e in Franklin vp. Winc and J osephine Smith to Lenox a nd Edith M. E hmacl 0.21 ;lcr s in ' It!arC I"ee k t.wp. Ann M. Freela nd to cc il \i . Frcl'IUlHI lot. in Harveys buI·g. teo rgt· \\' . ami Mart ha E. .Ie\"l'ng'e r to Raymond nnd Barbur:1 ' tul'I!;i s I :;J u cn~s in Franklin lWp. We IlnJ 1\1l\ble Mari rnith to MUI'el and Meli.:11 Lewi 0. 14 aCI·t!s in Hal"VI' ysb urg _ Ada Wal kel' to HatTy \Y . alld Ro I' Pruhst .6 tllTes in Hamil " ton l\ql. ha rl ' E. anu us ie all y lo O. clI'r RII !'l nig 0.2 acrt'S in I nl'CI' e k ' twp . LU l' lI a 1\1. TUl'll er a nd l\fa ri(\n F'. Harpel' tp ( ' arlo, IIml ophia Lee pul'lol'k lots ill Roal'hcster. oleman E. ant! OI'U G. Ic ,owan to Frunci:; A. und Luci ll e M, Pl ym it'e :".2 I acr in Wa shi nglo n T. Edwi n and MUI'gu ret lIi!")n to Ch urles C. 2 lob in MorTOW. nob n " . !lnd atherinc 1\1 . Dilli ngham to Ralph E. alltl J uncl\ Gu r lda n :~ lot. im Lebanon . Clifl'ol'rI W. R ehn to Edward and Fl'l\nce McIntos h 10.66 ac re in Hamilton twp. El sie Julia and Harry L. Ruby to Erlward lind France McI ntosh 10.66 acrcs in' Hnm il to n twp.

nidel', dec'd. , \'S . WilJian\ ·E. Tope !rIlE MIAMI GAZETTE - Pap , directed vc rJic t for the def endant. WAYNESVILLE. 0 0 - NO. 4300 J eannette F. ard r v. Frank THURSDAY. JANUARY, 23, 1947 arde l', h al'i ng set f or Ja nuary 24 at 10 :30 o'clock. Th e Wclfar e Financc orp. V:l. Fr nk nnl Muudi' cearce Mo I'C DC e am aY8 . t'lc judgment in favor of plaintiff _ in a mount r $236.09 if n t paid wi t hin 5 day ". chattel pl'Oporty lo be solt! by sheriff upon "xecution. Tht! Board of Education of learcreek Local S hool Distl'i t't., of IcanTl'ek twp , 'Wa tTcn .0., ":'. W . W . I vills et a i, ti t! , qui l',ted. Hll ze l 1. Jl ntton v '. Em !! t R. Hat ton . a minor. defenda nt to pay pl flin titf 20,00 per wee k temp0l'lll')i nli nH'IlY lind $50.00 oWllnl hc !' at torney' exp(' n ~ es. A lii . Powell v. Eliza beth 1'1l W'II. !i l'\'ice uy publication 0\', dured . .

U 1 S



:\L\RHIAGE LICEN E \\-a IT ' n . oa te , 24, Lebanon. pl utel', Eliza J. ollett. 17, L bllm1n Ponder Ules facts, niece and wrapping ul bum::!. nephew. In 1937 many Americans HalTY N. Ki ng, 19, Frunklin, a - bought the Series C Savings Bond, semble .. ; Betty Ja ne Newton, 17, 11m liar In every respect to the pret· eDt Series E bO.Dd which mUlions or Le an n. you are now buying regularly Gl ro nn M . Irwin , 23, Ma son. stu- , through payroll savlnrs or at your d ' nt; J oAnn Wal'wick, 20, Lei anOll bank or po t omc '. During 1947 the Treasury Depart- If. sa le lady. ment wUl band over $4 for every'S these ,wise AmerIcans laid away 10 NEW U1TS yean aro. The total payoll ID interJ ann ttl' F. Ca l'del' vs. Frl\J1k est Is a sta,rerlnr sum-over S100,- • a l'dcl', di orce. gross neglect of 000,000. Nearly 75 per cent of all . , buyers of Series C bonds held on &0 duty, Meryl B. Gray, aU. tbem for the tull 10 yean. You have Mary R !3 Hendel'son, Vs . Ma l- the opportunity now to join your le1low Amer! ans wbo wUl sbare In tbe e: IIlI E. H 'nlierson, divorce, gros n 'glect of duty. Maplc and M a pl~, Treasury Department's 1951 payoff 01 aD extra dollar lor every $3 )'ou atty . Invest now In Savings Bonds.

COM I\IO~, ' PLEAS Til TI'uslees of The Wilmingto n Yearly Meeting 0'£ FI' iend . Inc. v . J oh ll t doo m t al , ervice by publi ' t ion onlc-l'eu. Edyth Hall v . Roy Ha ll , di U. S. Tr~al"ry D,par'm,"' v ree to plaintiff. Flol'a Lelah Snider admi ni tra bUY, SELL. TRADE, BORROW h·i" of Lhe e tate of Donald Rogel' USE GAZETTE CLASSIFIED ADS USE GAZETTE CLASSIFIED ADS

"With a Buckeye in


1,.ast w t'l:' k, we 1ll10V c\ our ongl'e ~ ionn l offices to a lallicl' uite nn hope our f l'iends will ma ke a notation of ou r new office add re - 140 1 N w H ouse ffiee Bldg .. Washingtoll , D. C. Miss Rose Kincaid, Mis Lula Metcalfe lind 1\11' . Maxin e F ster Reynolds will cont inll in service wi th us a ' Congressional ·sec retaries . Come and visit u when ou can, fo r our co nstituent are always welcome. Ot h ongTe ha s finally completed its 01'· 'I'h ganization under the new Legislative Reorganization A't , which reduced the numbel' of' standing committec in the H ouse from 43 to 19, a nd in the ena te fl'om 37 to 15. Your humble reporter will continue to serve on the powel'ful House Rules Committee a ranking Republican member, lind in addition t hcI'e to has Ibeen made a member of the Committee on Expend it ure in the Executive Department. This latter Committee is authol'ized to study and inv~stigate all Government acti vities with a view to determining economy and efficiency, need for ' reorganization, etc. The only other Ohioan to be given two committee assignments is Congressman-at-Large George H. BendE~ r, who is also a member of the Committee on E:~penditures in the Executive Depal·tment, and of the Committee on Public Works.

Other" Ohio House Committee a ssignments are: Cliff Clevenger, of the 5th District on Agriculture; Robel·t F '- Jones, of the 4th District, and P. W. Griffiths pf the . 15th District on Appropriations; Charles H. Elston ,of the 1st District and William E. Hess, of the 2nd District on Armed Services; Frederick C. Smith of the 8th District on Banking and Currency; Edward O. McCowen of the 6th District, and Walter E. Brehm of the 11th District On Education and Labor; John M. "orys of the 12th and Frances P. Bolton of the 22nlil District o'n Foreign Aft'airlfj Henderson H. Carson of the 16th District 0 nInterstate and , Foreign ' Commerce; Earl R. Lewis of the 18th District on Judiciary; Alvin F. Weichel of the 13th Distl'ict and Raymond 'Burke of the 3rd on M"erchant Marine and Fi sheries; J. Harry McGregor of the 17tli Di stric t on Public Works; Homer A. Ramey of the 9th District 011 Veterans Affairs and Thdmas A, J enkins of the 10th District on Ways and Means. Democratic Committee assignments for Ohio Membel'S are: Robert l~. CI'osser of the 21st District on Interstate and Foreign Commerce: Mirhael A. Feighan of the 201;h District on Judiciary, and Michal'l J. Kirwin of the 19th District on Appropriations, Over on the Senate side of the Capitol Senator Robert A. Taft ill Chairman of the Committee on Education and Labor and ranking member of the Financc Committe1e, while Senator Bricker is Ii membel' of the Banking and Currency Oommittee and the Committee 011 Expenditures in the Executive Department. . In addition Senator Taft is Chairman of the Senate Republican Policy Committee, while your

by Clarence J. Brown

reporte r has again Hou se Republican


Heari ngs a re cheduled to sta rt thi s week in both . the House,. and Senate omrnittees 011 Education and Labor 011 the numerous labol' bills which have been ongre s convencd. It introduced since t he new now appears likely that an omnibu labor bill, to in c lu~e all. of the e:hanges the Lebol' Committee wi he' to make in variou , Inbor laws, will be reported ~o the entjre labor problem can bc consider ed at Oil\) t ime this will Illea n s pee~iel' 'enactm nt . of comprehensive labor legisla tiQn. However, it is qui t p~ssible .t he bill proposing to out-law the closed shop Will be p"esented to the Congl"ess a s separate legi lation, if it is to be con sidered nt all. The H?use Committee on Agriculture is 'plannin g a thorough study and investigation of the wh o' sugar supply problem. An effort will be made to determine whether there is really a sugar shortage at the present time, and, if so, why? Also to determine what can be done to furni sh more sugar to A~eri~an housewives promptly; just how soon sugar ratlomng can be ended; and what ~ontrols-if anyover sugar prices should be continued. Especial atr terition will be giVen to seeing to it that Americall sugar users are not continued on short rations i.1 ot.- der to, at United States expens'e, more sugar per capIta to the people of foreign countrie than they used in prewar years. The Congress is going tQ have a careful look at the Administration's new proposal for the merger of the Army and Navy before any legislative approval is given thereto. There is a strong feeling on Capitol Hill that President Truman is more favorably inclined toward the viewpoint of the War Department on national defense matters than he is to that of ~he Navy. This, perhaps, is only human, ' as the PreSIdent is an Army veteran of World War I and has long been interested in Army matters. Uhless all signs fail a House subcommittee will soon be named to make a thorough investigation of the State Department, its organizational ·setup its activities and expenditures . . Alleged Communist in· filtrati,0!l into the State Depllrtment may also be looked mto. RepresentatiVe James W. Wadsworth, of New York, is slated for the Chairmanship of the new subcommittee. At the risk of having this ·column contain entirely too many personal references, we woujd llke to let our readers know we are scheduled to speak on "Government Reorganization" over a nation-wide network of the National Broadcasting Company from 10:45 to 11 :00 P. M, on Friday eVening, January 24th. '.


omo -

Pap 5



WAYNES VILLE. NO. 4300 THVR DAY, JANUARY, 23. 194'1 From HerbeTt Graham. minl First Ohristian Church McLear-sboro. Ill .

Milk Producers Meeting Scheduled

Glen Massman, civic leader and executive secre ry of t he D yton Foreman's Club. will be bhe principal speaker Il't the annuli county meet[or Montgomery Cour..ty members of the Miami Valley Cooperative Milk Producers Association. Wednesday, Jan. 29. 1947, at tJle First United Bl'ethern Church in Dayton at 11 :30 A. M . All of the local groups in the coUllitJy are cooperating in maklng plans tor this meeting. Mr. M man will speak on the subjoot. "Let's Take A Look AJlea'Cl". The meeting will Open' with a serv d by ttl women of the First United Brebhern Ohurch a.nd It iWill be necessary tor t.hose who a.ttend to make reservations In advance. Members of the Association al"'d others who are lntere ted in coming to 'this dinner and meeting t<> follow. should notify the AssocIation office In Dayton . -Be grateful to advertising. By clling goods, It makes your job more secure.


~ DON'T .-~. .(': . ...., ~


.,t . ' -. J . !

"', ~~~{'l :



Fred erick t.f' r


J anuary 17. 1947'. J)eoar Floyd : Well here it Is a week alld 11 half slr.ce ,we left the sta'te of Ohio and HOG CHOLERA VIllUS'" abu t an outbrea~ of cholera in U of susceptible hogs. Ule viUage of Waynesville for ow' MOST POTENT KILLER drove These are some of the reasonfi new home in Dl. We got away from Sometimes Ule question Is asked why hog cholera today remains the "What Is the most powerful, ldll· No. 1 swine killer in 4.merica, Ferry abou 11 :30 A. M . On Monday Ir livestock disease agent known causing losses of $20,000,000 to the 6th, drove over n eat: Mlaln1sbul'g to modern science?" 60,000,000 per year. These losses to Brotner Rank1.n> Llnvllles. aLe Therp Is just one answer- the could be prevented If all farm ers dlm'_er wioh Lhem and Lhen 11 ad d virus of hog cholera. Recent st udies had thei r pigs vaccinated against , \\ t . cholera around weaning time. But, unfortunately, thel'e are alway W arrived In McLeansbor() abo.J ~ some swine raisers who arc Inclined ten tUl eigth t or ten Ull nine Ohio to "take a chance," and It Is these time. we taycd all nigh t WItJl one Wlprotected herds which are the drst victims of cholera every ycar, of the membel of the ohw'ch for and which remain in the communow' van ar.d our goOds dkI not arrive ity a8 centers ot Infection an d unLil the next morning. W e had sources of .cholera danger to othel drove's of swine. it unloaded by 10 :30 TUeSday mornThe common symptoms of hog Ing and began t<> g t t in shape cholera Include a t endency on the so we could begin to live .. At presen t p t of Ute sick animals to re.main we have everything pI' tty well in In the house, to burrow under bed· ding, to pile up, wealmess 01' Its plaICe and lack only a few curpartial paralysis, and persistent talns 00 make thhlgs rcally look scours. Often one or two hogs will nice. die, and ther. it will be s everal dayb before the r emainder of the herd Today has been the only cold day will begin to show symptoms. It A typical case ot hog "holera. we have had . It has been rainy and any of the above symptoms appear. muddy &.rOund here. And I mean show that as little a.: ONE MIL- a prompt veterinary dia gnosj ~ LIONTH of a cubic centimet.~ r of should be obtained, because cholel·!. muddy. They built llS a r.ew concre tc block garage in back and the city' hog cholera virus can easUy Idll a often r esembles other swlrie dj· pig, A fly, flitting from one farm seases, and a correct diagnosis is put a new sewer IlCl'OOS .the frOn t . a nother, can carryon Its legs t:" most Important factor toward an'd' we have had ' mess: But we enough of this pow rfu l virus to proper .:ont ro~ measures. hope to have t.hings in bettE)' sh pe before long as we have ordered !l. CARD OF THANKS anobher victory to their 11'. Hartseck load of ston e to replace som of "he Wle wish to e:tpress our deE~pest ~h SOOring man, with 20 mud.. gra<t~tude to our relatives. frl,e nds points. Our church work ta r-ted or. Wed- and neighbors for the£r acts of WA YNESVILLE FG FT Pts. neSday night 'with our first prayer kin'd ness. messages of sympathy ar.p Simpson 1 0 2 meeting. There were 23 In attend- beautiful floral tributes receIved dur- Tinney 3 1 7 ance 'nnd we h ad a r III !.!'?Od meet- dng bhe ~ of our beloved Lac.k ey 4 o 8 Ing. Then on OUl' firs Sunday there mother, Mrs. Sallie Meredith. a.nd Florence 3 3 8 were 133 out fol' Bible ohoo1. Evel'Y- to Rev. R. B . .Colema.n for his .c on- Earnhart 3 o 4 one was so thrilled tor Uley ha:d SOling word; Mrs. Clarence Ba.rker O'Banlon o o o an average .{)f 102 per Sunday fol' -and Miss VWgtna Hardin for the t he yeax' At t he Sunday evening' lovely music, the Stubbs l~13 3 29 servIce we had 98 present which !Was erll!l Home for Its efficient sern.ce. MAINEVILLF FG FT Pt!!. Quite a record for th~. Everwor.e Mr and Mrs Walter Whitaker ar.d' u.....102 seems to want to wOl'k and havE' ra~ilY . . ~.~... r 4 set our goal at 175 or more as an o J

.s .



average for this year. Final figures on 1946 OhIo 4-H This week has 'been a busy one club ICl".Iol1ment show eo total of 'l\tesday nig>ht we had young people'S 51.466 . members, of which 42.294 • ohoir \pracUce and the small boys finished all work required to comhad a pal'ty in the bast'mer.t o C plete 'their projects. The year's enthe church. Wedne day night :we rollment was agadn of 20.9 per cent had prayer meeting and adult choir from the 1945 .totall, and state ,c lub practice. This time we had 35 at leader W. H. Palmer expects a'n.O'llher ,the 'prayer service. Last nlg>ht we healthy increase in club membel'lshlp II <drove down to West Frankfort. a for the year 1947. Older club memdistance at abQut; thirty tn1les to bers were In serVice durIng war abtend a revival a.t bhe FIrst Christ- years. ian Oh~h. Brother Fred ~dy PROTECT YOUR INVEST. who helped at Ferry a few years ago Llvesto:ck experts predict the MENT Is . d~ preaching. Tonlg!ht one of smaUest lamb crop in 20 yea.r:J to by ordering OUI' btab quaUty. fas'J my deacons and hie talln11y came to ',be produced in 1947. This ;will be the m('Al1.Cy-maJdng ohtclts. · Get set to spend the e~. We could have ~th year that the year's crop ls produce ~ and meat and make gone to bhe basketball game for t he smaller than the preoedill8 one. thaae extre; PrOfits 'With these b~. .principle pve my wife and I comhu.slcy, bebter :bred, high ' produc1r.g pl1men~ tickets but these folk Advel1ttslng p,r0tect6 your ' JIaYCh4cks. order y{lUl'S today. came In SO we didn't get to go. aheck:. By seillng goods It mukea your job more secure.


Dunham White Rocks

. We wish to express our nwst (Cont.lnued trom Page 8) Wayne.ville, Ohio sIncezy thanks and appreclaltton to Worley 13 5. 3 all relatives and friends for their Allen 0 0 o =======~~==~~~~ ~ess and sympathy shown, us AlUson 1 1 3 in the 10M of our mother, Mrs. Crombie 1 ·0 2 AUCTIONEERING Purlina E. J>aiVJS. Especially do we 0ra.Jg 0 0 o STANLEY and KOOGLER thank Rev. Va.nZUe for his words W100ds o 0 0 IIIIOKSU I.ICJIIIIA ot consolation'. Donors for the Ha11pet o 0 o .J'or 0._, !'bODe . . . . w~ beautltul flowers, aJso paillbea.rers 0bI0. Be.- 0bu'teI for their efficient services: , AT!d to ' 8 6 21 Stubbs Puneral Home ot W'alynesvWe Ohio, and RUter ' F1unera~ Home, of MAINEVILLE RUey, Ohio a.nd' theIr a.sslsta.n.<U; for Our Jr. HJgh continued Its vlCltory the1J' kink!' and ef>ficlent ,servIces. march' by dOWJ}1ng und~ea.ted Ma!1ne INCOME TAX ~ Oh1ldren and ville here Tues. n1g·h~. lACkey and SERVICE ~ Ohildxen Florence paced the a.ttack wttlh 8 po1n!ts each. l)jQ you know that the 'people 'L uker.s field goat in the final . Can . Oil the 0. S. spend ·t hree tlme$ as seoonIde of ~e ~e ' prevented an much tor oosmet1cs and Ibwo and one- overtime and WOlll anotber game for E. MICHENER , hall times 88 much t or liquor as bhe Reser.ves here Tues. n1gIht ~nth Phone 2926 Beavercreek. HI1eh acol'Dlg man ~ I!II)end 0';' education? MWtord with 12 points. Wa~ville, Ohio Advert1s1l18, by selling goods. our vara1~ dI'Opped Bea.VereIleeic. t8 to 37,' here 'l\Ie8. ,niglht adding, maIte8 your job ~ &e9Ui-e.•











3 1 2




0 1 0

6 3 4




FG FT Pt .

Lukens Powell .Peters

2 0 0 3 0 3 4 0

4. 0

12 0




FG il'T


Vickers Hastin gs Hur..ter Mulford Longacre

BEAVER RE S lwnkers MilleI' Boyer Man amery sennett Shoup Rln baugh


6 2 0 0 2 1 1

0 2 1 0 0 0 1

12 6 1



FT 2 1 3 0 0 0 0 0

Pis. 20 1 9 0 4




Hartsock Sheehan Rickey Oonaxd Thompson Vickers DalJdn Florence Bl'8idley Hut'-,ter Mulford

9 0 3 0 2 0 2 1 3

5 0 0 4 0

1 0 0 2 0

4 2 3


2 0 0

4 2 8 0 0




FG FT Pis.

BEAVER VAR. Roogler Boyer Burger Long Sk1nn~r Haley Oanoon Cline

Brown's InSllr~e Service

S 0 4 1 0 1 4 1

2 0 2 2 1 0 2 0

8 0 10 4 1 2 10 2






Phone 2935


Real Estate Salesman for

H. D. PenniDcton,



Phone 2935 Wilmington. Ohio SECURITY"

-SI' for calf scours c- ___ SKP) we think, is the finest calf scours , treabnent that's-ever been ma~e. . It's a Dr. Hess product - the,S stands for sulfathiazole, the K for kaolin, and the P for pectin. 'AIl three are used in treating diarThea and other ailments in humans. They've been combined just right to do the job for calves. A pint jar for $1.00 is just the right amount to treat one calf. II a calf worth SI.oo1 We'll be glad to supply you with SKP.





9 :30 A.M. 10:30 A. M . '1 :00 Y.




7:00 P ..... R. B. Coleman, MInister SUNDAY SOHOOL 9:30 A. M. EVENING EVlANGEUISTIO 8ERIVJ. J . Burske, Supt. ICE 7:405 P. M. WORSHlP SEhVICE 10:30 A. M. . -



ThUI'8day, 7:30 P. M. CHOIR PRACTICE T. M. Searlf, Mtnlster Wednesday, 7:30 P. M . SUNDAY SCHOOL 9:30 A. M. E. A. Ela.rnhart, Supt. WORS.-raIiP SERVICE 10:30 A. M. ST. MARY'S EVENl ~G BERVIOE 7:30 P. M.



Samuel N. Keys ST. ) UCUSTINE CHURCH lAy Reader-in Charge Father Kramhollz, Priest Oburch School 9:30 A. M. MASS ...'UNDAY 9 :00 A. M. MORNING PRAYER and SERMON


11 A. 1'4.



9 :30 A. M.



10 :30 A. M.

9:30 A. M . MrS. James Garrison. Supt. PREA9HING lstaald 3rd ~s month 10:30 A. M.

9.30 A. M. SERMONS FOR NEXT SUND~ Y. THE MIAMl GAZE'lTE - Pare 8 10 :30 A. M. PEB . 2 WAYNESVII..IZ, omo - NO. 4300 11 :00 A. M . A. M . 'The Ohrlst of Prophecy' THURSDAY, JANUARY, 23. 1947 SERMON 8 :00 P. M. p, M. 'The Great I Am's of Christ.' EVENING SERVICE these nine people (elected) meet. • • • NEXT SUNDAY NIGHT, FEB. 2, Is 'Bring Your Neighbor Night'. Who t.hey may represen t d1.I!f&ent temJUNIOR cmm.rsTIANI ENDEAVOR will bring the moot 'neighbors' wbo perments. varied economic and each Sunda-y, 6 :45 ' p . m. For all have not beer. regular in attendance cultural baclQrrOUr..ds, and more often young people below High School age. at the Sunday night services? These then not d.U'!erents poin.t6 Of view. In these ~eet1ngs Baha.·Ss are enD6n't t~t this is youug tp ewles may be church members or not. r.1g>bt. your friends and stay HAVE YOU STARTED REAPING OOIl.1'8ged to have dUferlng opinions; with them der church. ' ..... NEW TlESTAMENT? ...... 1n fact, they are a.nxlous ,t alat every TlnS SUNDAY NIGHT Jan. 26, is If you have not, you may still side shcmld have a clear hea.ring. "Young People's Night". Who IW1ll have time to catch up with the "'I"he shln1ng sPO.rlt of truth cometh briIlg the m.'06t young ]people who are rest by reading a little ext1'8. eacH forth". a.dmon18lres Abdu'l ·Daha, under 25 8lId npt regular in attend'· day. A COUnt /Will be taklen each "only after rtbe clilSh of differing anee or. Sbnday even~ng. We want SUnday marnir.g of all who opinions". ¢be older ones too, but sPecial re- completed the rea.d1Dgss up to date . to be oont4.nued . . . . . cognit1on will be given to the young Here are the chapters tor tibls week : Submlted by Helen McO<ly people. Rt. 2, Waynesville, Ohio Sun. Jan. 26 - Mat~ 23-25 Mon . Jan. 2'7 - Ma.tthew 26-28 MIDWEEK SERVIOE each WednesTues. Jan. 28 ~ M8J'Ik 1-3 Wed. Jar. . 29 - Ma:rk 4-6 da.v, 7:30 p. m. at ,t he hoUse. DurThurs. Jan. 30 - Mark 7-4 ing bhe '''Ilwelve ·~1ts With Obrist" Thurs. Jan. 30 - Mark 7-9 we will be at~ "The Journeys Fri. Jan. 31 - Mark 10-12 arA Deeda of Jesus", a h1stQrlcal Bat. Feb. 1 - Mark 13-14 and geog1'8pbioal &kJ(ly of the L11e We ~t YOU read these chapters of Ob.ri&t. You wW enjoy following In a famlly WOrship period. It will the tootprints of our 13aviar tllu'ough 00WlIt tar all who are present and His m1n1st!y. hear these chapters read. Dor.'<\. iforget to pray too. • Did you get your 'Blble Reading Reoard'? It ' not, you may get One at church. or or.e wm be sent to ~one sending in a post card to the m.ln1ster ocr this ohurch request-






THIS IfEWSPAPEB (1 Ye..,) ,IJIJI ,!2~th 1i~~!!pe!!G~ 7,Q



~heck One ~pzln.

D Country Gentleman ...,..5 Yr. 0 Modcm Sc:reeo ... __ ...1 Yr. D Parents' Magazine ._..6 Mo. 0 Screen RCJIIlIUICa •__ .1 Yr.

o U.


Came~..._ _ .. 1 Yr.

0 Open Road (Boy.)._....1 Yr.

D American Girl• ••..._ ._ ..11 Yr. 0 Outdoon ..................... --. I v. v • •• CaIU ng AU G sr...... _...... .1'. D D True Comics :......._ ... 1 Yr. 0 Ph otopIay ...... _ ....... __ ..1 ..,.r. D Quislian Herald _.6 Mo. 0 Sports Afield _ ......._...... 1 Yr.

o Modem Romanc:a .. _ I Yr.

Any Ma9~zine Listed and This Newspaper. Both for Price Shown LJ American Fruit

Grower........ $1.75

o American Girl ........... _._ .. 2.50 o American Home ............... _. 2.60 o American Poullr)' Journal.... L65 o no "s Life ................................ 3.10 o Child Life .................__ ....... 5.45 o Christian Herald .._ ............. 3.45 o Coronct ................ _ .............. 3.50 o C urrent History .................... 3.45 o Country G('nlh:m: n ( ) "t·rs.) 2.!IO DElude Mu. it ~fllbrazintr_ ....... 3.40 o Farm Jml. Be: farmer's WiCc 1.75 o Flower G.rower ......,............... 2.95 o Forum ..·..... -.......... ~ .. 3.45 o Houschold .............................: 2.00 o Jack apt! ' Jllt.:. ...~ ............···.. ··· 3.40 o .'ud y's (News :lnd Views)...... 3.00 o Liherty (Wcekly) .................. 3.95 o Modern Romances ... _ .......... 2.75 o Mndcrn Screen ...... __.......... 2.75 o Movics in R evicw............:..... 3.45 o Nalional Livestock l>rodncer 1.75


o o o


o o o o o o o



. ,






o o o

<. LAlE'



TO THIS NEWSPAPER TODAY. Checlt m•••';.... tlesiretl tlntl .,.clo~ with couP"""


Gentlemen: • encloIe $ .. _ _ • me ~ offer ched.ed, with • ),ear'. IUbIc:rlpdoD to JOUI' JNlper. NAME ____________________________•_____ ~

aw....... lID MAUl'. 1 YUI,' ...... '. . . IIIIWI

plelely in • matter of minute. ••• DO matier how h .. vy the mow. And that'. not all. ' " GARDEN·AU. d08l many other jobe with .peed and efficiency. It plaw., discs, cultivate. and cull qreSl, too. Come in and ... all the fin. feahu. of the

OAMERICAN PQULTRY JOURNAL ............_ _.1 Yr~ FARM JOURNAL Be: FARMER'S WIFE ..._ _ 1 Yr. NATIONAL LIVESTOCK PRODUCER ....................:.... .1 Yr. MOTHER'S HOME LlFIL...... 1 Yr. GPATHFINDER (15 IlIUcs) ......6 MoO BREEDER'S GAZETTE .._ ...6 Mo. HOUSEHOLD MAG. _._ _ , Yr.


2.35 2.55 3.45

loDq, hard houri on the job of

dl. the job thoroughly and cam-

o POULTRY TRIBUNE _ _...1 Yr. o AMERICAN FRUIT GROWER ................... _ _1 Yr.





l'emoriIa9 mowl GARDEN·AU. han·

. D TRUE STORY ............. _._..:. ...6 ~fo.


3.50 1.65 4.25 3.!IO 2.75 2.50 3.45 3.45 2.25



0 Parenls' MIlJ!:,zinc ... .............. 3.25

o o

aIO man• • ..

This lewspaper,1 Yr. AND THREE BIG MAGAZINES , . .5 All Four For Onl,

o j'

Baha'i House of Justice OOr.tlnued . . . . "No one In & Baha.'l community can celebrate & paattsa.n viCtOry, and no one can MI defeated. The Baha'i !House of JUstice Ss ch06en by a united community, by all the people. ar-<l no PIle has reason to · feel dlsa.ffected. '!bose eleot.ed are not ClOIlUlUtted to any party platform, nor can the voters be d18a.~ted by broken prom.lsea. The onl, bond, the only prunlae is that of ·oor.sclence. and on that plan there Ss no di.sag<reement. When


(10 Issu cs, 12 1\Ios.) 3.45 00)1 n Road (Boys) ................ 2.50 Onldoors .......... ........................ 2.50


Check Thr. . M.pzln••

0 Breeder'. Gautte ...._ ... 1 Yr. Farmer'. Wife ........2 Yr. 0 Mother'. Home ,Ln.!...... 1 Yr. Househo,d ~fagaziDe .... I Yr. 0 National L1v~.ock D True Romancrs ............ 1 Yr. Produ. I v. American Fruit GroWIl' I Yr. ..... ._.... _....... • •• American PouIlr)' 0 Pathfinder ...___ .......1 Yr. Journal ... _•• ____ .2 Yr. 0 Poultry Tribune ... ~, __ .2 Yr.

o Nalure

[J Pathfinder, 2(; ..' u..a.............. 0 Phnlnp1 HY ., .............................. [j Popul:lr Mcchanirs ...•.......... Popular Scicnrc Monthly... Poutlry Trihune .................... . 0 Rcader's Digest ...................... D ·Redhook .................................. Srrc:en Romanccs .................. Sports AficJd .......................... The Homemaker .................. The Woman .......................... Tmc Romances ... _ ................ True Story ..................._... ... . 0 U. S. Camera ............................ Walt Disney'. COmics. ..... _ ... Your Ll,(e ......:....................- ..

.1 Yr.

D Fann journal and

r ...... •• .. • .. ..


0 True Story ................._



BANNER OI.IASS. last Sunda.y W86 the 'Junior 01865." ta.ught ~ ~ . VanZlle, wtth 135% atter.da.noo. Wbich cl8B6 w1l1 win next SUnday ? 'I'ELL YOUR FRIENDS '81bOut the 'Twelve Weeks With Christ Crusade' Show your own !a1th1ulnesa by heeding the suaest10ns on tbe back or . the bulletin. Pray far ' the success of -thef;e campeJgr..

OR .....D,_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _-:.._____

POSTOEnCZ __________________________ '.( .







194~ (1'

THE lmAMJ GAZET TE - Pap ., and be dipped out a quart Of milk Ford baa made clever move. we WKYNE SVILLE. omo - NO. 4300 for you. These were family accounts hope it does some good. But are THURS DAY, JANUA RY, 23, 194'7 no matter who wrote them because people golr.g to be ~tlsf1ed to take one ibem Is barbcrin g lor the m.onth lower prices as well II!! pay them'f 5Oc, Irlso horse shoeing $3.87. and oce what Is e. ~ standar d? I can only ton of hay $14.00, a well as clothes ask questions not answer bhem. . and f OOd. The light fOI' the moruth A FARM DIAR Y of FebruU l'Y cost abOu t two doUars ~ ~ and a hal!. 2 pounds of candles a t D. J. Fraiser ' J~ 120 ami two ga.llons of 011 at' 1.10. January 16. 1047. The J anuary thaw They paid a WOOd sawyer $5.75 but by JANE FlTE OOlltir.Ues t hrough it Is coldi!r tOOay it doesc't say how much wood h The date, Ja.nuary 21. has spec1al and It didn't 'rain so thwt some sawed nor IWhere th ey go t the wood. signific ance to me. 'Vh,ree at lIhe mud is drying up. We are years agO, promise d a freeze tonight and tn II We do better on light toda.y . How on Ural. date I began my employ ment wanner weather again . That ougiht much m(')l'e ligh t you ca n get from with K'tIn-K asoh Inc.. DaY'f,oon. It electriCity today for liWO dollars and doosn't seem possible that I have to make the weathe r at the weeka hair. than from two ga llons of had tbe privUege of knowin end good for a fox drive. Th18 is the g all seasor. for them. I see that bile oU a!1d two »OWlds of cancHes . They those lovely people then, that long. sound like a commer cial for bhe ' I have often wonderlfd 00Wl~ oorn1.sS1nners have &ppropriWhy they electric C(lIIIlpaxy but It is true. The have never 'fired' me. Perhap. s they a.ted some ,money for peJYment of a fear I'll get mad a.nd quite. bounty ort foxes . The first 1JWo Sat- food bill has a diilferent sound. Butter 15c. 'pota toes 60e a bu.. urdays In January there were fox Pag1r.g. Nancy "Snowb ound" drives starting from Red IJon and cheese 150. Hain 14c Beef lOe but WOOley! They tell m e you just Idnda for bhe e~ghteenth cine is acht'dul ed It doesn't say what out.) beans 10e 'drifted ' flo your house from m1ne~ to stvt from Orgonia . I wonder if qt., Eggs 18c in Februa ry an~ later two weeJcs agq. Sunday . I 'kn(JJW all they will have ~ in OUr neighbo r- In March 150 and in 'M ay three d<l2en about. it. 1 'snow' do. 'Ioe' to have hood. I hope so for they are stU! for a quarter . Sugar was bought by ~ou. though , Nancy. the hW"..dred pounds a t nine and a ~ng chicker.s. Good hunting. I half cents a pound. Coffee was one say, to all fmt hunten . dollar a pound and so was tea but I h'a'Yle just been listenin g to a hot 8CIl810n of the Town meeting of the the coffee item does not appear ,el'y Air On rent control. 8h.ould rent afIten so it. must <have been a luxury bhnt coold not be bought as often ceI~ ibe <lifted or should all ren t as Wa~esvUle coffee drin rs like oontrol be done a'Wa.y with? There is one for you to think abou t anrl theirs. It was Java Coffee. Memora n_ a.rgu In the cracke r-blrre l clubs dum In May ~s. "First took Ice of but I will not attemp' ; to answer it. BInun'·. Later. ice 20c bu It doe n't All this discussion of prices re- say how big the chunk was. minded me of a Uttlle account boOk , Some of thls sound very, n ice C1! my grandm othes so I hunted it 'Especiall y two chicken s 30e. turkey up and here is a J'e1)Ort of prices 35c (r.ot a pound but a whole rkey In Dayton JanU8lry a.nd Februar y another ,turkey ,p robably larger 72c. 1856. just J'Jnety years ago. ather chtcken s at 25c and 30e. Just I am not IJUre whethe r It was what. people are asking for now kept ,b y my grandm other or my but-Pd . Kate Gibbon for hre'e grandfu .ther though her name was weeks $5.00; Pd. Mrs. H for on the outside, 1Jhe items were not 2 dayS sewing $1.00: Pd . man for only househOld Items. but alsO such liWo days work $2.00; Pd . MI'. Long IlhUlp as 2 bush. oorn ,8Oc. 2 busb . for one days work $1.00. bran 20e. Perhap s they kep a oowIn obher words one dollar a day 0Il'1t might haw beer. for the doc· 'Was the standaT<l wage ror a man tor's horse as there W!1S later 5 and for & W<lIl'lJan less. also less by bush. oats ~.40. The corn and bran the week when board IW'aS p.robabLy Ohio cmirehe s have lahncht.'<l 8 and oats are repeated at tnterval s 1nc.lude d. Wages not the whole apectal drive to obtain shoes for so <they must have been lor the at pI1Ioe but there Is no cweneas TeDef. Althoug h'ln1tlll ted doubt tha.t h.Or8e tlhough one wasn't men't4OT\ed. they are a detenn1 ning (actor. It I by the Ohurch of the Bretblren, :member s of many denomi nations They could haTdly keep a Cf1W fot' Is no doubt true the.t all of Ulem. wU1 bring shoes to their l()cal e would they pasture her on 1ndlI6try, :farmers, nieTcha nts and 1chUl'Cbes on Jan. 19 and 28. B ,eTe, Je«erso n St. in Day.tOn even in labor itself aTe trying Barbara Shumak er of the Church to grlll)) all 1Wotld Service Center in Dayton . those days? ~ & memqn.ndum for they can at <the present mdmen t and cUaplaya the types of sturdy sh.oes January 7. 1856 sayS ''Began to take 't hat Is back of all blgh pl'lc~. No I_tor ever! member of the faulllJ' mUk of mUtma n ~)". Too one can thraw all the blame are most ne;"ded lor ciu.On the tltbuUon libroad. bad it doesn't say how much a other fellow. When everyon e tries cIuart. I suppose the mUle-mar. came to grab. there is trJtble for everyConsumer-~ tpa.cltages of frozen . ItIliong and )'OU took " ptother out one. friuite ar.d ~taIbles take onliy. 14 per cent of the total quantit y 'flroIIen annuall y. nte other GIS per cent fI. trozen-p rooesae d Irulta and ~ table goes into lal1Ie ,oontainet1!1 fot hOtels. restaura n'l8, and lnstitut Jonl.


::hI',! ledge


· rap .--..7I-tt, e


Althoug h many do not realize It, one of the most dreaded dIseases kJ.own to' man- rabies- ltl steadily



Ohi o Chu rche s Collect' Shoea


Advetti sing is a spa.rklplug. selllng goods; it makes your


419 aSES )n the increase In thla country . Tbe latest availabl e figurea allow that In 1944 for the first time, oaaea ot rabies In animals and man pU8ed


the 10,000 mark. In some localltiea , wild foxes and other animals have contrac ted the disease, and have roamed the country side It. Horses, cows. pigs, and other livestoc k have become victims of rabies, along with countle ss human beings. The avetage person may well ask-"W hat can we do about It '" Perhaps the best answer b pro· vlded In a recent report of the U.S. Livestock Sanitar y associat ion which emphasizes "the alarmin g increase of rabies in certain areaa." The report cites the tact that et· tective control In aggress ive pro· grama ha.s centered on large scale vaccinAtion ot dogs. The reaSOM for recomm ending this control program include these facts: Dogs are still the chief apreade rs of rabiea. In commun ities where· all doge have ~en vaccina ted, rabl8.1 haa been virtuall y wiped out. The quality ot rabies vaccine haa been so improve d In recent yeara that It Is extreme ly dependable, thus r emoving the objection formerl y voiced' by per.sona who were opposed to anti-rab ies vaccination. With such a vaCCin-aUon program , authorit ies recomm en . that aU stray doge be ImpoWlded, and that doge being ahIpped from one area to another be requIred to have a rabies-i mmune certltlcate. The saving of the life of a single ch1ld, It t. pointed out, would be worth aU of these precauUoJUl.




JIIcG1lure Jlfuneral' ~ome' Dial 2111 c

Wayn esville , Ohio

._ _

Armitage &,Son





more secure. I





- -HOUR S: " 9-12 eacll morni ng 1-6 aftern oons excep t Wedn esday 7-9 Saturd ay ev,ening Other evenin gs by Appo intme nt TELE PHON E 62-R



"H••lth and Pep Go Hand in




"SmaU boys and girls need lots of energy -giving foods •.. lots of body-building protein s ... lots of , minerals and vitamins ... in other words , lots of milk -natu re's most ,nearly perfec t food I And of course if it's 'Borde n's milk, it's alway s pure and fresh and whole somel" .

Dr. C. E. Wilkin


Optom etric Eye Speci alist 26 South Detro it Stree t XEN lA,Om O . , ~ l •• • ••••• •••



II :)

hllPfiF N 5


5 CUT i() BF

I.~J (,[)'

or Dayto n Hf127 S


• . • CLASSIFIED AD BATES • • Lost and Found:Ii wards or leaS. one tIme. .•.... 200 3 Rat1or.. R~; near Each add1tonal word ••••••.••••• le LOST Harveysburg ; Wilbur l-")orenctl. 8PECIAL BATES by CONTRACT


For Refinanclna - RebuUdtng Buying. 4% Farm loane with long Clme to pay. Pay part or all any



FG FI' Pt.s. CollersW1 8 3 19 Duff o 0 0 Baxter










Hastings Bradley -130 F1lorence - Vickers

~l'I ~~~J I~


WAYNESVILLE HarU;oc.k Sheehan ,R ickey

SPRINGBORO !Hough Dunway

1 1 1 0 0



6 1


9 SllHagheck

1 11 0 2






4 1


FT pts. 4





By . DW.JG \'lO-

A f\eeW"t 'Ic~ t'~ R\lH ci1f' ~ 9UI~,









o o


3 .

7 Furnae


o lA1ckey

419 0' 0' Q

o o

FG FI' Pts. 6 0' 12




- - - - - - Tlr.ney 15 10 40 Davis


James Rye

Sheeha.n Davis


FG FT Fts. Ea.rnha!rt 3 0 6 O'Ba.n1on

Furnas O 'Banlon ' KINGS MILLS Short SUrface I«>oks

Huohtinsor.. Wooll Reynolds


o o o o

o o





o o

0 0

4 3



0 2

o o o


2 1

o o

o o








FT Pts. . 0' 12 . 0 o


4 1 2



Ra!s W'4nstel Ga.rrtaon

2 0'

Demett Hillard



. 0 9 6 WAYNESVILLE Hllrstock

12 FG 6


Gnlders won 16-7. MORROW At Morrow, J~ . 10. another league game waa pla.Ye<! wtrich 'W&8 a.tlIObher ~ for the 8pa.rIlI.ns. OUr Varsity added anotlber VJctory to their record with 8/ f7 to 11 600J'e. II'art.act* waa high SOO1'tlle man 'Wdt.h. 17 points. OuT Jr. IDib 1Was ' challenged, but came out 34 to 27, Simpson was high 8C¥)rtna man with 12 potnts.








17 0 9


30 Sh'eehan Ricloey Last Frida.y albernoon a short Oonard' game 'W86 pl~ between the Grade 'Ilh<Impson School TIgers, coached by M. M. Vickers Knight. and tme Seventh Graders, IDaldn ooaohed by. Mr. 'I'umer. The JI'lorence



o Qof!ey 34 Gregg


o o


1 I'


Allison o Woods

Pta. 124 2 1 5 2 2 6




5 4 14 Florenqe 1 0 2 Rye 1 0 2 Sheeban 5' 0 10 000 o MORROW o o


Earnhart 2 o Lackey

o NAT'L FARM LOAN ' by DANNY HARTSOCK Hause o o o ASS'N., ElIls H. sturm. Seo'y- SPRINGBORO Tre8B~ Lebano~ Ohio. Phone 448 Wa.ynesv11l«! varsity ran up a 28 Rob1nso.Ir o o tc to 17 half time lead on Sprlngboro viars' o o o - - - - - - - - - -- and went on to win, 54 to 37. here Koll 6 o 10 ~eal Estate For Salelast Frlda.y Ja.n. 17 in a non-league l.og9.n o o 0' IF YOU HAVE A PROPERTY OR game. Hartsock ~ high scoring Ma.rtstall 4 1 9 Jl'ARM TO SELL Call or Write man witb 19 points. Newland 2 o t Oon Henderron, Tel. KE3446. 617 OUr undefeated Jr. Higb ·added Hursh o o o Loraln Ave., Dayton. Obio. ttc another victory to there record with a 30-17 win over Spr1ngboro~ Tinney 16 5 ~7 OFFICE EQUIPMENT-led the attack with 11 ,p oints. HAl4..MARK TYPEWRITER RIB- WAYNESVILLE FG FI' Pts. KING Mlu.B 8 King Mills pla.yed another league bons now in stock. The Gazette. Slmpson 3 2 Rlye 0 0 o game ~th 't he Spartoans, Ja'fl. 14. FOR SALE - Walnut fla't top desk; Tl.ncey ~ 1 11 OUr Varsity beKan with· a. score of WUbur N. Sears. -23 Furnas 0 0 o 6 to O. It was a 83 to 40 victory Leckey 0' 0 o for the Spartans. R1ckey was high REAL ESTATE Sheeha.n 0 0 o ~.g man iWtth 18 points. K1Jl8s IF YOU HAVE .ANY PROPERtrY' Earnhart. 3 2 3 dhallell800 our Jr. H1gh In the third to sell call F'raIlds Gene Brown, Davis 0 0 o quarter. but our unldleteated teem Real Estate Salesman, for H. D. Florence 1 1 3 WOn M to 30. Tinney was high scor.Pennington, Wtlm1n8¢on, Ohio. JIUmlS 0 0 o trig ma,n. wtt.h 14 pollrl<ts. iF'anJl Ul6nS 4%. ' Telephone O'Ban1on 0 0 0' WlAYNESVJLLE FG Fr Pts. W&yne6ville 2935. 15 ------------ H~ 7 1 4 12 6 30 Sheehan 2 0 AUTOMOBILESSPRINGBORO Fr Fr Pt.s. Rickey !J o 18 2 0 4 Oor.ard 1 3 1 POR SALE - 1939 JI'ord Coach; Yech 1 0 2 Thompson 0 o o rood oonditlon; radio; beater; Marslll.ll 1 13 Vfckers 1 2 o Roger Brown.. Third st., Phone Mote 1 0 2DaJdn .. 8 2193 130 R066 o Yengel 2 2 (l F'loreInte 0 o o .W ANTED- MISC. Haw.tlhorne o o o Bradley 11 6 1 ,..,n ..,__ 'WIAN'l1l!JD - OhiJdIren to C8.1'e for AlleI! o o o Hunter 1 2 0' o o Hastings o o 0' o in ~ home; Rates by ·t he hOur. Oot1ma.n ' i) o o MkWnJe Cook. Box 300:, Waynesville Morgan o o o 30 OhIo. ..:..26 Muterspan KINGS ¥ILLS FG Fr Pb. Df ~A8E OF ptRE · DJ~L ~ '1 s 17 Buckanan 5 1 11



Hll'lcomb Yc.rk 0 Brotherli>r.. 10

o o



o o


4 1.


o o



' 0'

2 2





Bl'I!!dley Hastings






o o


19 9 47 FG Fr Pas.






Lewis o 1 Benr.ett o o (Continued on Page $)







f$I t'Uft Mff;O

JUST RECEIVED . BUY NOW To assure your Spring

WHILE p'aint~ng needs.


Hann-a-Tone WALL fiNISH A quick drying water paint for i~erior on walls, over wallpaper, wall board, brick, etc. Mix with watler - no sizing - .· no priming - covers with ' o"ne. coat - .no paint odors - easy to wash pastel colors. A QUALI~ PRODUCT AT A ECONOMICAL PRICE

])A'( BY nAl, 11'1 EveR't ..,Itl,. . .', QTTINQ. ~TllR. NtO .


Phone 21,82



0' 1




~ ,



trbe, . ~ .winds' &pelled · ~err weatber &heaId'. A of )' pending &n~ Was in the ~. The ,


:fli'e :,; MI"ami Ii A'l ETTE •



Legion Cagers Take Miss GODS Heads Double Header Local Red Cross

R eesev11:le and 86blna, ~p OUntol'l M1s6 Mice Go~.s of Wa.Ynesv1Ue· county 1n~'ePendent basketball tA!8mS. h86 been appointed as chairman of , 1ana.lly heard aVeMeadI Pasatnr over • • ' '. ,f~ WaynesvUle's ~o Legion clubs bhe Wa~e townsh4p Red Oross unlb , ~ , ~1r V fOl'Dl8lUon tIbe8e swift . . tonieht (Thursday) at bhe high aocord1ng to th~ Board eof Dir ctors w1n8ed game 'b~ ra.rel!Y stop in I • , _L ' sohool gym .. tbelt annual ,trip :to 8iQUthern 011- \ EST~811ED 1~ - NO. WI '1.50 PER YEAR - 5c A COpy These stand tinit and sec- of the Warren Oounty chapter of 'WhJ!cih WiaJllam S)l~ hae belen "tes. One JOOh ,fUght 'fannatton I ' r.amed cha1nne.n, WriNUVILLE, ~)JDO mUB5DAY, JANUARY, It, 19n ond in the~ton county le88Ue ng over Lytle Jie1@lhbotMOd lwas . T , with Reeseville. who will appea!' In 'lbe annual fund drive will begin ~ by &. small sprq-fed Pond the feature :contest of the even4n8. on~1. locatled on the ' of ~t holdlr..g an ea.rly season two-po&nt Qla.1nnen of other ,t.awnab1pe ue '\"'1l8On. Tney c1rclelct. cln:loo spin. Victory over Sab1na.. as follows: steve Dr88'O>' Eaat Deer• It' lOolte~l' ,oad and. l!Ia!e. They landin eo bid for better a.tben~ance f~eld; John J. Ba.rr. West. Deered. ,Clean. W&m1 water. Plenty' at .tbeee 1bursd.fW night games. a field; J. L. Kna.PP. Hmn!lton; Clay00m ~oee by. Not. , a bad p180e to $5.00 door IJ)i1ze will be given ~ ton Ol8l'k, Harlan; HOward Graham. · stay lor a while they ~~1ded. "Bob" night witl\ aD persons ~ymg admis- Massie; ..John Holden. Salem; John l~ the Jdea; too. He loves a.n1mals. slon eUglble 't o win. Paul. Turtlecleek; Ralph Van Meter. , ~allY wild ones. In h1& usual Th'\ll'8da.y the 1410n teams Un1Oll1; ,Mrs. Ola.ra RoM, Washi.n84 lbanne!\, of beJI'.c able tic> make encountered Utt!e difficulty in beat- ton. Mende .easily With man or beast. Ing two Xen!8. qutnJteis. ~e first ~e soon 'W8a able to 6'PP1'08Oh the ' five coasted to an easy 83-24 victm'y l , poad 'Without ,the wtkl birds beq , trlItbtened of him. A Uttle later on - tt>n ouile, clkleer to him. A feeding their pme '!with ROOy's Restaurant of grain aOOt.hed their tear. They by a score 01 s • .to 25. ROby'8 made' by' JOYCE DEAL. ~rter ,1 beI'a.D to follow bitn ~d. 'Ibey a detenninW' bid lor v1ct:or.y in the The Waynesv1lle Gir~ 8coutB were 'Aft+ uarte ..4 th __ organized and .are r.ow under the ~ to the ~ot and min8'led ......~ q r..... Oi game w"""n. with the IOt.her domestic blrds and with fOur minutes to go, they tied direction of Mrs. ROOe1t Oha.'pman , \ ~. NOW' they are .unuSual petB the score. From th&t point Wa.yr..e8- according ,t o reports of their last andi ev~ fo11ow alOng be$ie the ville scored 11 points. whUe holding meeting held Wedne6daIY, Ja:n, 22. ~r. IWin81ng :put and Spea.k1ng the Xenia. team to two counters. They were divi~ 1Dt.o tM:o 'P aa, tflVi 'WOI'd8 inI "duck la.nguap" as Admisslon pri.ce to these games troIs. One paltrol constst1ng of gitls a tIle, '1O by. .A rree.t le680n In man's remain Ifbe 88D1e: 15c tor stude!llts ra!l8'lng in age from 10 to 1'1 ~ a~ to Uve tpeaceably wtth fellow 30c for adulta. 'llhe fl.rSt contest will be called tpe ''Chtclw:lees'' and a.n1mw. .It: abamful example of his will start. at 8 n m ' the other IJ)6trOI lor oJd'er gdrls 'R'. • the "'Ta.l1a.wa.nd8s." lnabIUty to bep peace ~ong those Patrol Leader for the Ohickadees of ~ own race. J:"hotos Pyo Woltz SWdtoa 18 Rlboda. DunneD; Bcr1be. Linda. Lee

Quac1t of ~








Parade of Waynesville Childl'en

~~r :~:e ~ tt ~IRL 'f




Grange Platform , ........ _ ,


I;JulC ~~ :t.he Grange


' JO'; al

~Iibe' atzebuoo



~ by tile the Ellbtieth Annu8.1 of • N8ItJon8.I 9range. iield In PolItland. Oftgon:, . ' 1Ji ,N~. is reoommend illze ed e,s "Stab r for agrloulture as 'Well as f9%' tl?e Naldor. 88 a. whole. l, Ooonaervatlon.. of our basic natura~, wea.ltb ot 80U M1k1 tlmber mUSt be ' P'~ted throueht sound soll-buU(lmg. ,water-conservation Blld fire' ' J)reventton IPrognuns · On self_ .... AI~I_


&... ... _.


0 ' 0


. 'l1le ,' .Warren n h , Methodist ~" Men'. Brotber-hood will hold their ~ meeting &.t ' the Mason. Ohio Methddlst cnurch on Monday eveJuilg the 10th: r,O o u

A ~er wU1 be served at '7:00 o'olock preceedfng the sterv1ces. Th'ft'ft I.... ......... ....... a"",es ""5 , " t for the a.s&OC " -

, 2: Fanit&'s equitable share of th e ;~IOtn and all , tJ'i06e attending are •.•.:....... l income m"-+ be ~""'ured eid' to brint their wives or na ...... .... ~....... la~ f11 ds ,tmi-Oug.h a m odem1zed paritY' anxl y en. d)talned thrQugh fm market p1'k1es '!he ~r for the even1r.g is rather by 8Ub.s1die6. Sup~rt Judge Oscar E . Leiser 01 BUtlet p~ are jU8tJ1ied where r.ecessary countq wh'o will talk on' J,uven1le 00 oOnsumers adequate SU!p- Delinquency. He has the reputation P1JeS a.r\dl lprdctooers '8> fa.1r piice. ': ,of being an eXceUent speaker. AU 3. We ~l C9JlIt1llIUe as in the' past ~e~<ldist mer. of this area are to en'C()ut'age botlh, ma.rket1Dg · and urgoo ·to attend. .purcbasu\g cooPera.tive (~e.r or,.' c~Jo~ ,~ tlhe 'f irst ,r~ . ' 10r ,adjusting' &.;Ild. suwillz1ng marketS . ,lr. the ~e.rlc~ts in the interest, of ,,, both pr~s an~ ()O~.ers, , ' 4. The Grange b1lPPOlts ef.forts (lIf the , OoUllbil of Economic Mviso.r& " ' " ql1ea.teid by Oo~ for develepl'nent Funera.l ~0e8 were co~oted ~ a ':s~ ~ rtpeqiC;S" , for emer- Tuesc!ay. Jan. 28 at 3:00 p. m . at senc:.v · aot:1opa 1p meeting ~nomio the late reaidenoo tor Mrs. 4Isoa.~or.s 8.Jti ~tlOr1ng an COO-, A. GUman, age 69. 'Wh'O passed WwaY noml'I of balanced abunkiance. , at Lytle, sa.~ .. Jan. 25. 5. We urge extenBton of the ,MaretShe 1.s 8Ul'Vivedi by 81 dlW$hter. 1ng ~ ~ to ~~ , pro- ~. ~o ~te1nk~, at home; a d~ or ~t1~ ~" ,,~ s19ter, ~" Oom' ~ee of CaSt1ne:. ~ it to an 8lcWaii~ '1if~~ Oblo; a.Dd seven pa.ndch1ldren. ' tor COIUIumet'II · ~~, '8u.PP.Ues~ ~ Funeral , services ~ ~d ",,~bIe' ~ Wh.iaeoT"'· ~' same by- Rev, ', Meyera of the !qUe Metlh-: ~ , pn*iuoera 8ga.tMt ~ Church and buJia,lJ waa ~t 8I!UClNl ~ ~di3loca.tlons. in the ~tiown cemeteI\V under " 8, We favor 'use of quotU. the WrecU<iI1 of 8Wbb P\mei'al ": /Wt\en ~~. b! ~~ ~ Ule H~, , 1ww!In.>~1 in & ,re(~~ f~ ' ,' ,,' . . • I;*~~ ~ ~ ~ ~, b1' ae111Ds more aooda .~ ' & to u;acn people. ~ JOUr • more




• ,

'I1l. ' e local Unit of the lI41am1 Valley Milk PIroducers Assoc1a.t1on w:t:U bold a meeting in the Waynesville GJUlge Hall on Monday Feb 7 ' t 2:00 ,

m. ,. a p. Those who are interested ill selllng' _'11. into ..... _ dis.....-t ...... find uuuo, ... ..., '........ 'W"'" much of interest at ...... ....... _-=uvuu of talks. An~r\III4vtM and W~'-I~""'~n a-..M'Ps - ... -:,,~~ ~IIU . . . ~~ l1ave 1>een inv1te1d to attend. ' Thlf~incipal speaker Of the afternoon will be .~. &in ' Steger of radio station MIlO, Dayton. Ice cream ar.d cookies will be served after ', the session.



Mrs ,Sar'ah A Gilman Th~l FIT day """'n(lS....." unera ues

". wne.






. - :,




~ ',~.>

~.. ;


<;l<>lden Rule Olass of , the Methodist Ohuroh met at tJl.e. ,hClme of t11eir tea'cber. Mr. R. 0 , MOler. m...-l ' Aft., even .~ ... g. J an'. 29, a,:t 8 :00 p. m. '

Mf' enid Mrs. Jor.ef Mc<i-.y at.. tendeti bhe funeral of the ~tter's fQlther. , Mr. William Sha1n aut l:loye's Funera.J iHome in Dayton, 'l\J:easay afternoon.

f]; l h' ,




"_ft ....- P ._,

_ ... ,8(Jr~ Ihn" ~ ' ~ ~ SchOO ' Billti1q, ~ Rlchard Burritt of Rochester; New ....... ~ y~ wrecked his house tra.i1er!Woben :;~'e I ...

it turneij over iIi! the sIkIe-ditoh.

Jati..··· ...' -~~

' .

w1ll be reported on next


Burritt was enroute from Sa.vannab. Ga.. to Rochester. The acc1d.e n OCCUlTed when he attempted to ' rrvi_ a tra.1ler fM,,., .. AnnUdaitl.on .....'T'-....,. ..... of his bnikes ~ a wluiel to ~1e Rural SchooL H . O. Millock Wrnir,. Ule car and trailer ligan. Super1n1eI:denIt. Harveysbl,U'8'. ~pJetely arounkI and heading Ohio, reports the Honor Roll ror . tliem south. Both veh1cJes were con- perlod ~ Jan. 17. as llo11dws: siderably daInaied. 1St. Grade; verne Roger: ........ Dodds; Bobby D:lUth; Lester F'a4r-. -.... ~ BID' y .n.D.l"",\or ' 0_ _ - ' d ; Paul Ayers; u ..-..; OorotJ1y Voiers; RIosetta. ~enijerson; ~. Fish ",,,y ~r. 2nd Grade: M\lrl'8IY Chapple'; Shdrley Copas; Barbara. ,!Doster; ~nne Eaklns; Floyd Ellis; James WLlUam Dixon. ~e '79. passe.(! Leyes; Rcxie !Medley;. H~~ Milawa.;y at hJs home in 'H arveysburg. lard; William Neace ; Nona., &bq1ns: a.t '7:00 p. m .' eatmday. Jan. 25. Billy Settlemeyer; J ames- Sizemiore; He is survived by one 'daughtsr, M1r1am Tietroeyer. " Mrs. Ada ~ ot !Harveysburg .and 3r<!1-Nom'l& Jane Rich; Earlene a son', l.&wence W, of YeU'ow Perry; Anna Marie hircllllkf; Sprlni6. ' , Deanr.a Oampbell; sherrill HopkinS;. Fluneral services were oomiucted Glenn Oox . ,at the Harveysburg Methodist 4th GJ-ade :Oollln Oh8lJlple; Wan.d a Ohureh on Wedneaday art 2:00 p. m. Fa· i rcllild; Gloria J acobs; Vivian .......... al in ,.. ~...., ~ the Miami cemetery Volel'6; Al~t WaLker, under the direction <lifStubb F1UnE'l'al 5th Grade: Betty Jane ~~ht; Home. Bernadi~e Ha.ckr..ey; Shirley Plymire, ' 6th GrMie: Betty Anne Bogan; Duham White Rocks uShell- Helen >lJartsook; Dasber' ing Out' the eggs at Florida. Robert. Doster; SJUrley Sohoenhen-, • 'nle ~st Fl<>rdia. National ~g 7th Gralde: Roger 'P lwnmer; Fred laying Test. located at Chipley, Wall,. Fla.; reports show Dunham White 81lh Grade: Madgelee S1zemor8" Rooks le~lng: all White Rooks fOT B1lUe Voters. , . , , the 3 mon,t.hs records to Jan. 1st. 9th Grade: Mary Belle B,og8.n; Dunh&.m pen NO. 48. consisting Dorothy Deboa.r~. of 13 pullets ,has la!d 848 eggs for lOth ,Grade: Marilyn Ooruey. the 3 month ,p eroid. 'I'he highest 11th Grade: ' Bejjtyo Cernes; ~ pullet in thts pen had la.1d 90 eggs Belle WllUamson. in :the 92. daf8 ....:.. tlh1s is lQth Grade Waneta. GI'..-; 00Ueen &~. , , W1lUamson; ~ ReynoJds. Du~ Wbite Rocks Farm is , ' Joc&tal 011' R. R. 2W~e. Earl Peed ~ by Qh10 ~ '?'~ owner, bae ,been breed4pg C8IIlr be more ~ ~led in q\aD',,:


L , a.

P , tI , x ;

Resl-dent Qf Harveysburg D-les

, ~ , A son, 'stepben> Scott. wu bbs:n Jan. 21 to Mr. and Mrs. Gene B&ltn&tou. ~t, ~ Dale, ~,~. "~' 18 b t4mJlier ~ lAl. . . ~~ Of Mr. ,aDIl IIW. WIDIIm ~ fJI~; ~~~13J,eU'11. .



Dcr1a Brown.

, Lois Lukens; Secretal'y, Dorothy Another ' aootdent OIOCUl'ed at the W1l9on' Jo- .'D_' N ,D _.._... Aft_.......... ..I ~.A.ft ' ,,-~. ewe .."""""·....r. ~eroua on .... ~"" h1g'h.~ay Meet1n& w1ll be itt;14 every Wed42 aouth of Wa.yPJlesvOie near QPld needa.)' at, 3:00 :i\ ' at. ~

M-Ik - -. I , Assoelatlon Meet-ng ComlDg I ' ,


lsbury; News Reporrer.


Mrs. Ira O. Brown.

Lad-les N-Ight· At deleea.tea :to , Ooslv~ the Botherh' r . .0

period ol ~ tba.t ~, riJle pJ&U'onn, whlcli '




~ 'ean81Wte a P' 8U1de


House TIC rai er, ar Secreta~. ~ene Bamaged'i'~ A -d " CCI ent ~ . .·~era~a:~; . . ~:;;:


TOP ROW; Lef.tto :; years and ~enny. 4 years, SOJlt; of Mr. and M:rB. Rd:lert S. Gray; OaroL 3 years a.nid! Paltsy. '7~ years, d&ughters of Mr. and Mrs. Albt!rt BaJwke. . BOTI'OM ROW; , ~ft to RIght-Gera.ld1ne, 8 }'eaTS. dall,lghter of Mr. a.r.d 'Mrs. Roy Belober; Billy, 5 ~s and George, '7 ~ Year& 8OJll!I of


tlt7. bJ~~~t'ei!~~ ',




. . den. The following men were elected to act on bhe Vestry of the parish dw-tng 'lhe oomlng yeec: DOll Ha.wke. Robert Mehaffie. Maynal'd. Weltz. Ed nlm1stor.. Lewis Roblnson. Vern Simpson. Lewey Thompson and Howard Dalton .

fa mily w110 have oocrupleid the home Mrs. Arlene Jones entertained Mrs . THE t\UAMI GAZt;rTE - Pace I located at the &lttel'WUite 181m the Mary Bunr-ell Mrs. ).'q'ettle EmrIck WAYNESVILLE, omo - NO. 4301 past 'year have moved to their new and Mrs. Ma.rgaret Johns, to din- THURSDAY. JA.NUARY, 30. 19t7 home on FolU'bh S tree! ne84' Route ner Wednesldny. Mrs. William Bergdall Is at bhe passengers. !if anyone killed me I 73. home o r iller 'Cla\lg'hter. Mrs. Edmond r eckon 1'0. just llloout dde" Those Mr. and Mrs. Edwin RAun:by called . Mtnser and trutnUy Ir. Dayton., on klshme~ . aren't they cautiOns? It ~ as If the publlo were' or.. Mr. and Mrs. Milton Thinnes ACCOunt of her little S'f1\n'd-daugh'ter. The N w Century Club held Its given the "bare facts" about Hltlcl'S of MI~dletown\ Sunday. seven months, being In Miami Valier fanuary meeting at tile home of YOUNG PEOPLE f.rom "Eva." in Life Magazine Hospital with pneumoI'Ja ., rs. J. H. Sackett last Friday the OF HARVEYSBUR"C Mr. Francis Brannook left Monday Mrs, Randy Hough of Dayton Is recently. 'Hth. FRIENDS MEET for F'l()rdia, to v1slt. IM r. arid Mrs. visiting at bhe home of her da.ughOne co-worker. who is 'ra.ther The progr m onunl ttee. Mrs. Walter Frasure and family. The Young People's Class of the glamorous wilth her antics was told ter. Mrs. J. L. Ohandler and fam1yn Petersol~ Ilnd Mrs. Emerson Harvey by aJlother burg Frle~'ds Church h eld "Hush"! How do you Ily . • l!arnhllll't arranged a.n e xcellen t featheir Jar.uary Ohms meeting at the Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Brown expect us to "sleep" when you r'e so \U f Jr he afterr.oon 6111tertainment moved to 't heir r.ew home at Dun- blamed noisy?" 1'&00 after a. short nuslness session home of Mr. and Mrs . Maynard. D. Hackn ey Wednesday evening. kensv1lle, near West Union. Adams Whet! the gals and fellers up in lI4rs. Earnh1ltt inbrO'duced Miss EmOfficers for the year were elected. County. 011 'I1Ueso.ay of last week. Payroll department art Kurz-Kasch ma Bl'ownlng of Wilmington . Ohio as Mr. and Mrs. Tom Lolry called Miss Nellie Mary Davis was elected Mr. and Mrs. Will Ross and daugh- Issue checks next week a new name cnest .speaker. on Dr. an'd Mrs. F. B . . Gregg on president ; Anna Reyr.olds, vice preter. Ma.rjorIe. moved WedneSday to w111 have been ad'ded to their list !Miss Browning went to Brazil. SOuth Sunday afternoon Illie Brown property which they re- IlIOt famUar to t he'm but one we'd merica In 1905 aTl'd remah~'ed th ere sident; Jolm Star-r. secretary; aJld Mr. and Mrs. Eart Clark of Day42 years have .t aught in bhe Maynard Hackney. treasurer. Mrs. ton called on their llUI!t Mrs. Alloe cently purchased and Mr. and Mrs. recognize for it will be Josephine W1ll1am Strouse of Waynesville ar Bogan. Warren Cour.ty femlnlne looIs a. Saopaulo. Brazil rdurlng Lawrence Starr al'..d Mrs. RayrnorU:i Clark on' Sunday wftemoon. Conley. Jr. were appointed the Wa.ys moving bhlB week to bhe Erurly prop- Pa~erlskl . ,Jha.t period . She returned to her Miss Laura McKinsey spent the and Means Commlbtee. JIome In Wllmington in 1937. week- end a.t the ,h ome of her sister . erty vacated by the Ross.' Mrs. Sallie Gllman. age 66 years. .Miss BroWl'lng gave an exceptlonTwelve members and to.vo guests Mrs. Earl Swain. I!eaT Lebanon. Uy iDterestlng gI'M)hlc account of were present. Mrs. Lucile Amiltage spent Sun- pesseId wway Saturday morning at ~ the h~ o! her daughter, Mrs. Rnr.h'er work, the people, flowers and During the tpleasant soolal hour. da.y afternoon in C:incinnati. old Steinke in Lytle . She had been l. 1!eIretation, climate and many otber the h06OOss. a isted by MIss Davis, Mrs. Evelyn iPeterscm, Misses Minwtstandtng arll unusu.a.l features served delicious refreshments. nl Dodson and Ruth Chandler 111 for some time with a heart Every famUy will cherish the memt this great country south of bhe atten'ded the New Oentury Club at aUment. Is survived by the daughter ory of a last tribute' thllit waa BqUaItor. Mr. T. B. arannock Is 5per.d.lng the home of MI'. Ha.1TY Sackett and seven gtrwntl-ch1ldren. Funeral service was helct Ilf the residence dignified and fitting in every Members of the Club w re en- a few weeks \\1th. Mr. and Mrs. FrIday afternoon. respect. ~tlc in their rpra.1se of her Ernest Wollard an'd family of DayMisses Ruth Ohandl~ ar.d Laura Tuesday aftemo,or.. OOItducted by 'Rev. Jooeph Myers, pastor of LY,tle , loome 8ld.d.re6s. ton. McKinsey were dinner gUests at the Adjounnent was called and rehome of Mr. and Mrs. Truman Ohurch. IntlermeDlt in Oennantowr. Cemetery. lreshmenits were serve'd by the hostMrs. Doris E. Hoyle underwent WardlOW on Wednesday evening. -. an operation at Miami Valley Boo- 'Mrs. Hen'Cl rSOn. Mrs. Ralph Parks, The F ebruary meeting will be held parabl!! whe-ther he company is mak- MeUss1R and Stephen: Parks of uea,r rat the bome or Mrs. D . O. Ridge pi tal last Wednesdtl>y, Jar. . 22 is Dayton called on Misses Marne aOO tb Mrs. C. T . Ellis and Mrs. J. A . doin g nicley aIt presen . Annie Brown Saturcta aft err.ovn Sacket t as he program committee. an'd on Sunday afterno()n Mrs. !.{. . by JANE nTE . Mrs. T . J. Davis. mother of Mrs. Terry of Dnyton wa!" A caller. Telephone 2291 Earl Talbert, Diy cha.ufteur Is a Lawrence Cook. ~eturned to her "shOlW for" everybody. He said to ~ home in Leesbur.g. Ohio after spem11ng three weeks a.t the home of ~, • her dau ~hter, who has been W1der her care due to an Illness. The memlbers of St. Mary's E9p1sMr. Pa ul Johns, ·Mrs . Margaret Mtr. and Mrs. T . S. Hal'din and Johns. and Mrs. Ne-ttle Emrick at~ Churoh held thelr anr..ual I' $ d1 ~ . an'd meetlr.:g on SUn- fa~Uy spent Sunday 1n Greensboro. tended the wedding of the former's NORTH STREET and DAYTON ROAD ~ evening I!-t the Hall Ky. vislt1r.g with Mr. and Mrs. S. R . sister, Miss Vlyian J'o hns anti Rot 6:30. A deUctous cove red dish COnard. In bIle afternoon they called bert Routsong at the Pre byterlar. ENLARGEMENT IUn~r was ~oughly enjoyed· by all on -Mrs. Hardin's rbl'Other. Riley Church at' Bellbrook Saturday evenDEVELOPED-PRINTS MADE r tih06e presenlt. . Sha-l'p at nhe hospital In CO\·ingtor.., ing a't 7:30 a nd t h,e reception at ANY PLACE; EVENINGS FollO\\ing this the meeting was Ky. 'Hlgh- Vie w Terrace" restauran't. THROUGH WEEK' SATURDAY "C8lled to order by Mr. samuel N . Th.e Womanfs Society of Lytle AND SUNDAY, DAY OR NIGHT. iKeys, La.y 'R eader-in.Jcharge Of the Mrs. Enuna McClure of Franklin Ohurch w111 be entertained by Mrs. parfsh. The yearly reports of the 'WaS the house guest this week.end Therle Jones next Wednesday Feb. ALL POPULAR SIZES. ALSO · MUS OrgarjZIlIt4ons were given and of Mr. anti ·M ns' . Lester Gordon. 5, with ' an> alil day meeting and .CAMERAS AND O'£HER ·SUPPLIES I1heIr plans .for the coming year !Were While here she atteIl(lect the St. covered dish dl.nner . AS A V AILABLE. .-Wned. . Mary's Episc1pal Church dinner held 1Mrs. HaI:old stettike returned home 'lbe eleottanl of officers followed ; at the local Grange Ha.11 Sunday from Miami Valley Hospital 'I1h'\lll'SRIGHT ON ALL PHOTOGRAPHIC WORK. lBr. 'l ater Gordon 'Was elected Sen- evening. day and is slowly !I'E!Coverlng from 't1,r Warden. and Mr. James Baker, a m&jor ape ration of 'tWo week.s B&O. Mr. and Mrs. S. P . Felo and Lebanon. was elected Junior W6l', ·MlO. and MIrs. Everett KeM1dk entertained to cUnner SW':day Mr, I I and Mll's. Edward HQJ:lkins and famtty 'Of Waynesvp.!e. The la.dies of the Lytle Ca.l'd Olub enoortaw.ed their the Smith recrea.tion room in WaynesGROUND BEEF e ville, Sunday even1Dg. Mr. 8Illk1 MlrB. Ead C:lark ~ Day,ton CUBED STEAKS and Mr. an'd: Mrs. 'Milton. SheehI\ln of Oenterv1lle were SUnday dter-' 9 x 12 WOOL-IWGS noon callers at the hIomes of Mr. SLICED BACON lb. 59~6ge and Mrs. WUbur ClArk a.nd Mr. ' 9 x 12 FELT BASE RUGS and Mrs. Walter ~. SLICED FRESH SHOULDERS !Mrs. Margaret J0.Wn6. Mrs. Nettie Ib·43 e CURTAINS - SLIP COVEltS nnrIdt an~ Mr. aIlIIi ~. Walle, Kenrick called on~. and Mira. Ben . LAMPS (Floor and Table) J'aml's in Lebanon llind a.lao called STUDIO COUCHES (Fully Spring Filled) on Mrs. Wa.rren O<lok and baby son. at Bla.1Ir Bro. Hoopltal. LIVING ROOM SUITES Mrs, ~ Early visIted her mother. Mrs. J . W. Ilruston an(l· her BED ROOM SUITES brother at Yellow Sprtngs Satur-

ewCenturyClu b



St Mary'S Dinner; Sunday.







H~ AT:;H~ ;;:l~S;;'~GS! 0

Quality Meats


·lb·3g lb. SSe

"Hard-To-Get" Items


Food Specials

STOVES "Complete





Main Street at Whiteman"

__~_ _ _•_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _~,







Mrs. A'da Ohenow1th at Oenterv1lle. Mr. and MTS. Wa[tE~r Kruer's and sons attAmded the funera.l of Mrs. Kruer's brother, Oha1l1eg Mercer, an'Cl the burial at Lynn. :Il1atar.a W~­ ne.sdlliy of th1& week. !Mr. 8!lId Walter 'K enr.1dt and 'M rs. J. B . Jones at~~naeld Por.ooIla Orange at Waynesville BatUl'day,.




iMr. and Mrs. J. 13. Jones were evening dinner g.uests of ' Mr. and Mrs. Carl P1ck:erlng aDi

2% can. 41e 2% ~.





PHONE. 2662 \,.

. .









.' ' ' ,



. I

Tim MIAMI ' GAZETTE - Pare 3 . W AYNEtiVlLLE, OHIO - NO. 4301 THURSDAY, JA.N1JARY, 30. 1947


B ~ RD


GEORGE S. BENSON Pm/iJ,.'--JIi"IiI" CI1//"t


St"'~' .A flllMllll


antl ~s . Clarer.ce Thompson of 'Midland spent 'the weekend with tJleir sister. Mrs. UaVld Lucas and family. Sunday cal1er~ were Mr. and Mrs. John Lemlan af Kings Mills, Mil'. Ole.rence 'L ucas of near Bellbrook. Mr. and Mrs. Earl LUcas and family, and Mr. and MTs. ~ymor.d Luca.s and fam1l y of neM' . Lumberton. filMs. AlIce ' Wyrick anti family and Mr. and Mrs. Robert Russ enterta~ed to SundBIy dinner and supper Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Booher and children af Northridge and Mr. and Mirs. Kurt Parson and daughter of

and daughter of Centel'Vllle, Mr. Mrs. Kurt Parson of Dayton ant! Mr. and Mrs. J..e,wrence Lir..g af ML. Holly. Fanners in the combelt found thao a supp~ Of running water in thtpouitry yard cut the tlme, requiref to care <for the laying flock , "Y per cent.


Sufferers! Try REINEWS BINOIl Norway has little governmentComforttng rellef from pa1ml ~ managed Industr y. as such. The only rheumatism. a.rthrit1& neuritis •.lumthings wholly owned and operated by ~(), FREE BOOKLET. Aak [(J' the government are the post office, Da.ytoIn. telephone and telegraph, electric Reiner's Rino!. Why suffer lODger! Mrs. R uss a.t!d mother. ~s. Allce power. and railroads. There seems Waynesville Drug Stare. th Wyrl~ entertained Satu.rclay evento be no agitation for extension of Ing to a birthday party for Mrs. government ownership and manageRobert R uss. Those present were Mr. ment. In fact, some leaders feel the trend Is in the eUler direction a nd Mrs . Virgil Moore af Osborne; and that the government has shown Mr. and , Mrs. William 'Douglas of no ability to provide efficient servOsbot;ne Mr. ar.d Mrs. Al Kuhlum ice. JIclp Them Cleanso the BIoo6 However, .cooperatives are numerof Harmful Body Waste ous in Norway. Entirely different Your kidner.. are c:onatftntly ,lIlt riu l from government management, they .... n. le matter rom the blood LTcam . BII: nevertheles's control the buying and kidneys somet ime. Ing In their work-d. n ot act as Nnt uro Intonded-Iall to roselling of almost everything and are move Impurities thnt, II reLAlned, mn, m onopolistic in nature. The efYecp olaon the .ylltc.m and u pact tbe wbo'lot FEBRUARY body machinery. t1ve organizations of the co-ops, Symptom. ma,. b e n a gginK bael<!1ch~ while Individually owned, have been persistent belldnehc, atLA cM 01 db,;' ~~'" 31 . Feb. 1 gett Ing up nlghtD, swc\lillit . plllll0eCl used In some Instances tor extenA boy and His dog with divided under tho oyCll-a foolloll 01 01r \'01ll sion of government control. SubsiIlnx lely nnd 10l1li of pcp a nd .trengt' IJoyaltles. O t her signl 01 "Idn ~y or bladder d i~ die. have been offered to farmen' order nro 80metlmes bl' 711lnll, .ennty or RETURN 01 RUSTY cooperatives In an elIort to please Loa (requent urination. 'J:1ED DONALDSON. BARBARA ')'hore s hould bo no d'o ubtthnt pro m ~ everybody : the producers with highWOODDELL and RUSTY trcr.t mcnt I. wiser thnn no' leet . U~ er prices and the purchasers with r DIlan', Pill •. Doa n'8 hnve becu wlnu (:> :\~iss N a ncy Horne adm ir . th: n. ,,:; Lun han B:.:ntam pu ; t . u Also n ew (rienda l or morc than forty y u = low prices. \'i:.,c win!1er at the oston P oult ·y ~ h "'... The bird is I':ned by A Durango Kid Western. Tbey have a n ..!;ion-wide r spot l1 on. "rank Prestel of Dayton, Ohi ,., . A Rhode Island Red cockerel wa!' "GALLOPING THUNDER" W, U 'Til You're Old lue recommended by grlltelul people t ho country over. Ad: ~Oll' fI ~ ig"6o rt named Krand chamnion of the show and receh'ed a 100 savin)!s bond Oha rles Starrett. Adelle Roberts. The completeness 01 the coopel;aSmiley Burnette. tive monopoly may be seen in the Z 3 association of drug store operators, to which all operatf rs be~~ George Smith of Dayton. 'I1h1~ calRo""'Gn"~ & Music long. To open a new drug ltore a fl . led On Mr. and Mrs. Al WQ4!goner of ' Accent On ...... ""'" man would drS! ttave to become a 0 U Spring Valley i:DI the evening. Many catchy ~es. some Old, some (I Mr. ~ Mrs. Harot'a Kelles and new m ember . of the association a.n d get its approval, after wrlch he would ' Mr. and Mrs. John Hess ar.d Mr. family of near Spr1n8'bor, calI.led on NORRIS BROCK CO. appeal to the government for a 11- ami' Mrs. Peterson and daughta.. Mr. a.nd!Mrs. Olarenoo Cra.wford and cense. The iovernment could never , 1r. 'I1EOHNlOOLOR irant a llcense unlell the applicant Donna Jean 01' Jaclcson. Ohio were family SUndaly ~oon. with June Haver. George Montwere admitted to the association. week er.d guests ot Mr. and Mrs. . 1Mr. a.nd Mrs. AIleI'd' Morgan and ~ry. Vivian Blaine, Vera-Ellen. Drug store operators admit no Ernest Ea.mhart 8alId family. ~ ch1ldr'en and Mrs. Helen Or9lword Celeste Holm, new memben except at their own da,y callers were Mr. and Mrs. JoHn spent M~ everJng with Mr. and pleasure, and then seldom except to McTa4NaJ't a.nd son. Jack of Lewis- Mrs. Ernest Nixon of WaynesviUe. 5 6 ...._ ",, ____ ,..,....,...., , t -..t 'replace a member who has died. I bul'g and Mr. ar.d Mrs. A. O. KerHOmespun humOr ar.d touohes of was told that an aspirant to the drug s11'18er 8IIld children of D&yton. •........ v ..... ~ln""' "'l·d..... • 0l'Q ~n IE'n!amJlYl tragedyl presented with wannindustry can seldom be admitted to day in Spr &'Ole ; , the association and obtain permisMrs. Herny Berges anel chl1dren of h"rted IIIPPeaI B6 your favorite ~. ~d Mrs. George Bratten.spent sion to operate his own store before ~verlown ar.d Mrs. RotleJ1t' Oreene mal'l'1ed couple apPC&l'S in C" - - --..... be I. 45 years old. ' of . Dayton ' spent SWlday at~moon a few dayS last week with th4~1!r sOD. ALSO: Latest News and Bugs Bw:Live Wire and Pn4I_n. AD orMr. James Bratten and familY af Plenty of Frontierl with Mr. and 1MrS. Lewis MOIl'S'an. ney Cartoon. pnlsaUon lecond &0 none. tiki. Dayton. I'dr. a,nd Mrs. Raymor.d Smith A successful business man in Oslo, _Ders on tbl) .1tM aD around .mark. who was a pI:ominent leader of the were dinner ,g uests. Sunday of Mr.. Mrs. Frances Ohenoe'th and son resistance during, the ' war, is In In tile countrY. Starring Dorothy McGuire & ROOerot charge of an old firm with an excelService Thllt Satiafie. YoUDIg with Mary Astor, Jwm Sutlent reputation. Said he: "The reg. TUNE TO ulations have come to interfere with tX>n. Qa,U P8itrick. WBI0 Dayton' l:SO - Dial UOt everything. I am no longer really ALSO : Mus1oa.l. Sports Short and WLW Cincinnati 12:40 Dial 700 doing business. I just sit here and Color cartoon. do what they ell me I can do. In For Our OaUy Market BepoJi my opinion, tile controls are a fa ilure. They make production more expensive and prices higher," Under the right kjnd of econom}c . climate, the Norwegian people could r aise their standard of living. And this ' right climate Comm'unism can never provide. , Norway does not lack, tor ttontiers. Their farms product! all n1illlY bushels of grain per h~lps ~,-=----acre as our farms. The fishing wate.r s 01 Norway are not surpassed. Possibilities tOl' electric power are Dr. Hess & Clark have demonstrated the best in tbe world. Manufacturing and lumberu1! olIer only the orthat 'birds waste feed afte,r they've dinary difficulties. The count.ry is PHONE 326 nol over populated. Yet their standLE~ANON, OHIO consumed it. Pan-a-min birds on the ard ot living is not more than haH - - - - - - - -_._---- - - - - -- - -- - - Research Jrarm have always made 811 high as that In America. There Is a Way Out b~tter use of the feed they ate and When forward looking Norwegians WE PAY FOR try to modernize an industry, t ey laid more eggs. We feel sure Pan-aare met squarely .with the deadenini band of monopoly, either private or min will help you stretch your feed public. ' If one ftshtng company this winter-come around and see us manages .to find a way, to sell its products at a good price, whHe anabout it. other" company exports ts fish to ACCORDING TO SI~E , AND CONDITION Europe for a lower price, the forWAYNESVILLE mer company pays a tax ,which goes CALL DRUG STORE to the second company for the sake Waynesville, Ohio 01 equaUzaU~n. Thll polley invariablY discourage. excellenc,e and tends to mediocrity. A premium II thus placed on inefRevene Adeney and'on failure to make mon- ..

TWIN Theatre

m JJ. t.

Three L.·ttle ·G.·rls In Blue

Claudia and David


poultry use feed



Any make or model Fred Kahn ·Motor Car Co.

HORSES $5.00 COWS $3.00.

"',' But. reallitic ·incentive .,.tem, based upOn honelt, competition throuJhoui, could IOOIl make little Nonva7 one of the mOlt Pl'OlpucMII _aD. III the ~ld. '

XENIA Fertilizer 454· Cha,gea

Xeaia O.

E. G. Buchaieb, Inc.

The 'Miami Gazette ESTA BLIS HED

CARD OF THAN KS We wish to exOOrrd our sincere bhanks fur the s and help of neJghbiOrs, friends and relative s at the t.hne of the last Ulness an~ death of our deu sister. Also to the Flunera l director mlnl.ster, PallbeaNm> a nd doctor. Bettie. Qoorge ar.d Nettie Oglesbee.


Publlshed Every T hursday by. DAVISSON PRESS FLOYD L. DAVISSON, Editor Entered as Second Cla..'>S Matter at the Post Office Subs riptlon Rates: $1.50 per Year in .'&'dvance

Nat iona l Adver tisi ng Repre sentat ives Ohio W ee klie , Inc., 2465 W. Broad Street, Colum bus 4, Ohio

Floyd R. Bolse r \·s. Ruby Bolser, a minor, divorce gross neglect of duty, . Donald Dilatus h, atty. Ri chard I. Hanuue r and Auto Owens Imml'unce o. \'s. ad E . Du erner, act ion for damage , amount claimed Auto Own ers InsUl'al\ce o. $366.00 and costs and Richard I. HanaiJer, the sum of $290.00 and costs and other equitable reli ef. . The Frankli n Nationa l Bank, Frankli n vs. Doris Lane, f l)r money only amount claimed $550 togethe r with interest at 6<r pel' annum ft'om th 10th day of Novem ber

no; MIAMI GA.ZET'l'E - ~ • WAYNE SVILLE , OHIO - NO. 4301 THURSDAY, .JANUARY, 30, 194'7 BL' llj UOl ill . Ea rnhun., dec'd., Doro· l hy EUl"lI hurt appoint ed executr ix. In th mutter or the estate of J esse F . Rosell , d ·c'd., Lucy Rosell uppoim ed lId miniRtr atl'ix giving bond with s ureties in sum of $2025. In t he matter. of t he e tate of Eth I Emns Hatfi eld, dec'd., Evans Hatlie ld CXl'~ u to r invento ry hearing 'et for Fl'lJl'ua ry 11 at 10 o'clock. III l h(' IIln ttl'l' of the state of Elton '1' . ({Ichul'd 'on, dec ·d .. GilUl'l't O. Hunkin ', executo r inventory hpul'ing s(' t f I' F ebt'ual'Y 5 ut 10 o'cl ck. In the maltel' of the c tat oi i ll bell K . Ri ·harelson. dec'u., Gilbelt Hu nk ins ,ex('('ut or inv ntory approve d. In th e malLeI' of the estate of Alva B. Wulker, dec'd., Mabel E. Wnlker appoint ed admini stratrix giving uond with sure ties in sum of $1 00. In th matter of the cstate of Sarah Dl'lma Trainer dec'd., Katherin (' Dl'lmn Trainer ad ministr at rix fil d fil' t Ilnd finnl account.

OPPOR TUNIT Y FOR 1947 whetlber h e desires the union's servBy bhls time. most of our New or r.ot. and the power of unions Year's resolu ie-ns have been broken !Xl levy a tax on their membe rs for OMMON PLEAS a.nd forgotte n ir. the tradttlo nalpoll t1cal and leg1sla.t!ve purpose 1946. s. Daniel T. Bowllllln vs. Eunive Irmanner . But there is one resolution Almyra Wheel l' vs. Robcrt M. The 01 C . B. DeMille versus ene T; Bowma n, di smis ed for wunt tJhat should be constan tly refii'me<l. the American Federat10n of Radio of prosecu tion at cost of plaintit r. Wheele r, di vo rce, gross neglect . Stanley and Stanley , atty. and that Is to do someth ing Positive Artists. which is now making it.s Bessie M. mith \' ' . larence G abou·t our mor..strous fIre lo.s.s, w:taoh way through the courts. ext>mpU Smith, dis l1Ii s,;cd 1'0 1' 'want of proftes reached record totals In destruotion bIoth these abusus. cution at co t of plaintif f. MARR IAGE 'LICEN SES 01 Ufe and propert y last year. ' urI Rufus Bell vs. Bet'tha M. The facts of the case are that Edward Y. Harcou rt, 32, Love'l1h.ere can be no evading of the Mr. DeMille was ~ed in present. Bell dl mi ssed for want of pros('- land, machin ist, Evelyn M. Leever, fact bhat moot fires are the result 1ng a, nationa l radlo program cution at co t of p laintiff. 33 Kings Mills. . Subeorge . Apgar \'s. Odell Apor b\JDl8Jll carelessness alone obhe sequent to Qle oomme noemen Earn st Jackson, 24 , Lebano n , t of gar, dismiss ed for want of PI' e- fal'mer ; Vil'gillUl Mae Ward, statisics prove thalt. In order. t he his program . AF!RA haId. 21 , organiz ed cution at co t of plaintif f. four pr1ma.ry causes of fire are a. closed S4d1> in the professi MOlTow, assemb ler. on. ~ Floyd R. Bol s-er vs. Ruby Bol 'e l', Carl E . . Frisby, 26, Frankli n, matche s ar.d smOking materia ls. Mr. DeM1l:le joined .!lhe union be- a minot', en'ice b,} publica tion or- meat cuttel'; Anna Mni e Gill, 23, defective ele<$ic wiring and a.ppU- cause ollhelW1se he would not have dered. Frankli n, secreta ry. anoos. defective heating and cooking been pel'Jllitted. to work on the eJr. Myra E. \\ eb tel' v. Troy L. Arthur W. HAmmonds, 25, Day· stoves. and care1esst11eS6 with open In 1944, the Board of Directo rs of Web tel'. divorce. to plaintif f, child ton, grinder ; DOl'oth y Louise Lashllglht.s ir.flammalble llquids. AIFRIA. assessed each member one to plaintif f def ndunt to pay plain. REA L E TATE TUANS FERS ley, 24, Franklin, secreta ry. Every one of bhose ' causes comes dollar to a. Joseph A. and Flora E. Kairn to campai gn in tiff sum of $20.00 pC3r w ek fOI' supstralgh t back to the carleSs. ignoran t opposition Earl and Eloi se Michael 1 acr in to antl-olo sedi'ho p port of child , pr op4~ rty settlem nt. PROBA TE COURT and inattentj,ve Indiv1eiual. Ethel Jones vs. Homer Jones, diproposi tion on bbe Californ ia ballot. Was hington twp. In the niatter of t he estate of In the larger field of commu nity Mr. DeMille favored P. A. Kempe r to Lucretid H pthe proposition vorce to plaintifl' •. plai,ntiif I' to red Eugene D. Couden , dec'd., gross kins lot in Frankli n. to maiden name. fire preventdon. it Is ~t we and refused to 'pa.y the assessNeW B. Ba h lIS. Hersch el G. va lue of estate is $12,025. Roy, tanley and Wil bur H. M 1'have la.gged !WoefUlly' behind the ment AFRA then e~ed him, thus Bach divorce to In t hc mutter of ' t he e"tate of ton to Julian H . and Grace pla in tiff. ma.rch of progres s In tmming and tna.ldng It 1mposs1 Bowb1e for him to Minnie W odward vs. Lilly W. Ethel R. Price, dcc'd., Robart M. yer lot in Mason. revising buildin g codes. The recent coIlltJ.nue his his radio work. , Hardin g et aI, confirm ation and Anders on appointed admini strator Ninu Winkle r Lloyd to E va hotel fires of tel' ghastly proof of Mr. DeMUle went to court. giving bond with suretie s in sum France Lewi 0.11 acres The distribu tion. in I.ilabthat. Many commu nities permit the SUperio r Oourt 'of Los f $6000. Angeles anon . . term "firepro of" to be applied to County and, subsequ In the matter of t he estate of Rob t·t Pattet's on, Jr., to William ently. the NEW SUITS public buildings whloh are def1ct-te- District Court ot Appeal Josep h J . Strouth , dec'd., Edna Prior amI J ohn Thoma of Cali!s Pattertate o(Ohio ex I·el. Juani ta J ett trouth appointe.d adminis tratrix l y tire ,t raps. And. alppa.rently. few orna. held in favor son 853.99 acres in Wayne twp. of AFRA. \. . Gilbert mi th. 's tatuto!'y charge giving bond with sureties in s um commu nities 1nstst ~t a.rea.wa.ys The Miami \ alley Aerie No. 1935 Lt h18'her cOUl1ts ag11'ee with the Meryl B. GI'ay and . Donald Dila of $2025. . F. O. 'E. Lebanon to Karl D. Dakin and elevator sha.ft.s. w Ong which lower courts in their i.IlIterpr etat.ion tu h, atty. In the matter of the e tate of lot in Lebanon. fire 'c an travel wibh tlbe furIy of a 01 the quetior...s of lww involvec L typhoon . be closed by -a.pproved Co ust _...... redr . ngress m p,vuue ess. Wha""

Co url


:~=~=~~:1::: =:::nl::~n ~'d:~ wm

it be anothe r chronic le 'or w1despreaId. death and des~ctton. as in IIH6. or iW1ll it be a tale or aohSevement \D flgbtlng or.e or , em! mankin d ,s most persiste nt en . es?

on the ~ of wor\(ers to finance a poUtical campai gn tor or against some measur e? That is precisely what ~ has eione. And what would happen to an industr y if a 1WIOl'1ce~ who tef,U8eId t o pay '!lhe assessm ent was d180harged and blacldls ted In' his trade? Again, that is wbait APR.A has done. Here is dictator ahi destroy ing politJ.ca1 free. p dQlDl.

~'With a Buckeye in Congr~ss" by. Clarence J. Brown

The Sergca nt-at-A rms Office of the House of Representa tives opened agatn .sst 'I;hursa ay for. t he first time since t he new Congre ss convened at noon on Januar y 3rd, at \l~hich time the bankin g facilitie s of the office were closed for an audit which, when cnmplc tcd, revealetl a shortag e of approx~mately $125,00 0.00 in t he a(:cotin.ts of the Democr atic Ser· POUTI OAr. FREED OM AT STAKE geant-a t -.&.nns, Kennet h Romne y. The Sel·gean~~t. . As Congrea a begins work on labor Arms has acted as d:isburs ing officer for the salaries leg1s1a.tlon, it Ia 'Cleat' ~at a' pr1ma.r y and mileage account s of ~Iembers of Congre ss, which dUty mu.$ ~ the elimlnatliOn or wer~ deposit ed to tlheir credit and drawn upon in two Of the worst ex!l.8ttng abuse& the same lUanner as if in · a b~nkiltg account.: The the foreln&' of a man to pay trtbute results of the audit SInd finding s made by the Compto • . union before he can work. USE GAZETTE CLASS IFIED ADS troller Genera l ' have· bee~ turned over to the At· - _ ._ -- ' . torney Genera l and the Depart ment of Justice for c~ Pm1Il lJIABIiL ITY investig ation and pr-osecu tion of tho~e respons ible ~~ A:trro AOOliDENT ~ for the shortag e. FRANC IS 'G ENE IIBOWN , MGR. By the time this column appear s in print the <~ Phone 2935 WAYNESVILLE. OHIO Phone 2935 ~ House have passed a bill extendi ng. present i~ Ileal Estate Salesman for B. D I'ennIDIioD WUmJnrton. Ohio ~ Federa lwill excise taxaso n many service s and commod~ . , ~ ities indefin itely. The present excise taxes were orJ O U R MOTl'O : "SERV ICE SAVIN GS - SECUR ITY" ~ iginally levied only ' for the duratio n of 1iostilit ies, plus six months , and, inasmu ch as Preside nt Truman has officially declare d an end to hostilit ies as of De· cember 31st, they would have automa tically expired OFF ER on June 30th. In continu ing the war-,tim e tax levies indefini tely, the Ways and Means Commi ttee of the SATIS FACT ORY House is giving the right-o f-way to the Knutso n Bill to reduce individ ual income tax rates. It is exSER VIC ES pected that later the Ways and Means Commi ttee AT ALL TIMES will conside r amendm ents to excise taxes so as to reduce or elimina te some of tbose now being levied. ,



' I

' rown s nsuraS nce emce



~cQI1ure Jlfwurai ~~e

Preside nt Truman 's appoin tment of Genera l George C. Marsh ,n to succeed James F. Byrnes as Wayn esville . Ohio Secreta ry of State has met with wide approv al here in Washin gton, Most Membe rs of the Congre ss ~iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii ii~ ' feel that Genera l Marsha ll will prove to be a strong head of the State Depart ment. At the time of the TEI.EP IIONBS announ cement of his appoin tment there was a great deal of comme nt as to his availab ility for the PresiWAYN BSVILt & . .1 denaY, should Preside nt Truman' decide not to be a MOBaO W No.. candida te for reelect:ion. The dought y· Genera l J.BBANON Offlae t1SE SAND. aDd, GRAV EL quickly put an end to .all the politica l conjec tne by R.S. UtI. issuing a stateme nt, upon his arrival in Washin gton, BLAC K.TO P DRIVES . that he would not bea candida te for any politica l TAR· and ROAD OIL office under any circum stances , and that he would' not be drafted for. the Proside ncy. LAWN aDd FILL DIRT

Dial2 111

Armitage &'Son


. Secreta ry of A~icult.ure, Clinton P. Anders on, has called upon the Agricu lture ComJlli ttees of the Hou~e and Senate to fonnuilL te a farm program for tlie .coming year. Under the present law the Go.v~rnment

is obligat ed to maintai n farO! prices at parity during t he calenda r years of 1947 and 1948, thl'ough support buying by the Commo dity Credit Corpora tion and by other means. This year the Govern ment will take a loss of m~re t han eighty million dollars through buying surplus potatoe s as a price suppol· t .move. If farm prices drop, and heavy agricul tural s urpluse s develop, t he Govcl'll ment may be in for far heavier losses during t he next two years. The Secreta ry of Agricu lture wants the Congre ss to develop a p'rogram of product ion control s, 60 as to mainta in far m prices, or to take some ot her action to meet the threat of heavy surpluses and low prices. A 'J ustice of the U. S. Distric t Court here in Washington has declare d thc Govern ment's , system of rationi ng sugar to industr ial users illegal, with the result the whole sugar rationin g program of the Govern ment may co'm e to an end much sooner- than origina lly .expecte d. In the meantim e ra'tionin g officials are predict ing sugar ratio'" allotme nts will be increas ed by at least ten pounds per person -and perhaps fifteen . pounds -durin g 1947, Of course, ' the whole sugar rationin g program automa tically dies on March 31st unless extende d by Congre ss. f

Do you rememb er Andrew J . May and the Gars· son brother s? May, war-tim e Democ ratic Chairm .n of the House Militar y Affairs Commi ttee, has been charged with using his official positon to iUepU y aid the Garsso n brother s, of the "Paper Empire " fame, to get large war contrac ts from which they made huge profits. A Senate investig ation last summer opened up a rather "smelly " scandal . May suf. fered a h~art attack was tinable to testify, and returned to his Kentuc ky home where he was defeate d for re-elect ion. On Thursd ay of l!lst week a Federa l Grand Jur.y sitting in Washin gton indicted May, the Garsso n brother s and Joseph F. Freema n, 'a key figure, on four counts· chargin g eonspir acy, and ' on another count of offering and receivin g compen sation for service s rendere d 'by a Membe r of Congre ss.


One hundred and ten thousan d civilian employ ees

of the Federa l Govern ment will be dismiss ed between

now and July 1st, bringin g the total remain ing employ ees down to two million one hundre d and seventy -six thousan d by that date. The Ian -Congress passed legislat ion orderin g the Gov.ernment payroll cut , to one million, six hundre d and eleven thousan d employ ees by July, but sumcie nt le'p l loopholes were found to permit the spende rs to keep some five . h~dred and sixty-fi ve .thousan d additiona l people on the ' job.

. ' <. •


TIlE MIAMI GAZETTE - Pap 5 WAYNE SVILLE , OHIO - NO. 4301 T HUBSD AY, J ANlJARY. 30, 194'7 Jonas . Ritz to The Charles A. Maish Co., lot in Frankli n. 'urtis and Allen Barnha lt to Lloyd 'R. and Rose Johnson 0.05 aC l'es in Lebanon. J udith C. Robert son et al to eorge Petel'son 6 lots in C;'os 'wick. James W. Stoke at al to Vernon H. and Louise L. Whippl e 0.30 acres in Le banon. The Lovelan d Mutual Buildin g Loan o. to Ruby Keefe 10 lots in Lovelan d park. Mattie Lmg to Lawren ce Lin g 0.09 acres in Mt. Holly. Wad and Loui se Turner to Therle K. and Arlen' Jone lot in Wa ynesv ille. Therlo K. and Adene J ones to Keith M. and Rose M . A hmead lot in Waynes vill e. Ella S. Smart to Fmnk L. and Ednll E. Rey 0.21 acres in Lebanon . Fred Kahn to Bruce and Corneli a Neal lot in Lebanon. May Jackson et: al to Perry W. and Blanche Walker 35.67 acres in Harlan twp . . Ch tel' and Helen G. Campb ell t o W. D. Dyer 2.85 acres in Hamilton twp. hester and Helen G. Campbell to W, D. Dyer, 2.90 acres in Hamilton tWIT. John W. Squier to Virgil K. and Margar et E. Gillen lot in Frankli n. Sall ie A. Gilman and Echo A. Steinke to James Steinke . 0.746 acres in Clearcr eek twp. . 'Charle s 1'>. and Kathlee n M. Beck to Sally Gilman and Echo Ste inke ' 0.746 acres in Clearcr eek twp. Fred Kahn to Ernest R. Miller . 3~ 4 acres in learcree k twp. Fred Kahn to Ernest R. Miller 3.04 aCI'os in C)earcr eek twp. Carl E. and Donna E. Bauer to Oliver and Anna Smallwood lot in Waynes ville. Martha L. Hender son to T. D. and Addie ' Webb 240.50 acres in Wayne twp . Claude E. a nd 'Elizabe th Begley to Arthur and 'Cleo Ward 0.45 acres in South Lebanon. ' Melvin and Opal Duff to Clarence E . Ingram lot in Fra nklin. F red Kahn to E ugene L . a nd Mary L. Ammer 5 acres in Turtlecreek twp. J . E. and Theresa M. Hixon 1.38 acres in Washin gt on tWp. Stella M. Young to Al R. a nd Anna M. Countr yman 2 lots 1n Franklin. Mary Irwin to William H. Irwin, Jr., Trustee 274.91 acres in Deerfield twp. Noah C. and Edna Moore to Henry H. and Bessie Moore lot in Wayne sville.

W ha t's BE IiI ND Jh 'e Light Sw itc h'



When you casually flip on the waH switch and flood an entire room with beautiful eye-saving. light, did you ever stop to thin~ , of what's behind the electric switch to make this magic possible? ,#



Yoti know t~at concealed wires extend from the switch to the fuse panel and from this distribution cabinet to the meter throug h which electrical power enters yout home. . . What" is the ~utce of this ' electric power ? How .is it h~essed and. brough t to your I home for the thousa od uses possible in a home adequately wiied for modern electric living? ' ,

~~---Tracin g back alOr;tg the path of electric powe,r, you would be amaze d at the giant transformers; the, sturdy transmission lines,')the power ful ,g enewo rs produc ing the current distributed to The , Dayto~ Power and Light Company Customers.


,.o.te a. ....... .... w~ QIaIo; . . , . .




Consider the highly trained, experienced engineers, the hundre ds of other skilled workers in ~U departments - the investment required to put If«b employee to work - so that you may have electric light and power service at YOut 6nger tips. ntat's what's behind the light switch! ;

The- ~Osllo ,0ll;S

0,,1, tI' /~ pennies II Ja,. Electric living now cosu less than ever bei~';:'~'th new "

low electric rates. Because you. electric penny buys more, you get more for ,our IDOney and can enjoy the advantages of electric living to a greate r extent than ev~ before. fa 'let, ii. coday, biggesc , batpin , your best value in comfort and convenience for the .whole faDMly .



P~ODe 29"

WayneaviUe; Ohio

,IHE DAYT'ON ' ·OWI-I 11 1':: .. , 111111 CO MP alY \


METHODIST CHURCH . R. B. Coleman, JWnister 9 :30 A. M. SUNDAY SCHOOL J. J. Burske. Supt. WORSHIP S.E h.VICE 10 :30 A. M. YOUTH FELLOWSHIP. Thursday. 7:30 P. M . OHOm PRACTICE . Wedn. 'nay, 7:30 P. M. _

ST. MARY'S EPISCOPAL CHURCH Samuel N. KeyS Lay Reader-in charge . Oburch School 9 :30 A. M. MORNING PRAYER lind SERMON 11 A. M.

UTICA U. 8· CHURCH Rev. Ralph runes

well acquainted, bring them ' to bhe that the whole famlly should a.tJtenki services. It wUI do YOU. good and regulary, Moreover. it is bell'eved help them to get 'b etter acqua.1n'ted that worship ha,s a definite 'p lace boo. . In the home. lIhat religior. must be lived day by day. Several councils ARE YOU UP TO DATE ON YOUR want more religious training lr. the schools. BJlBLE READIN"H If Pot.. si t dvwr. and OeilJ n readIng your New T estament With a little extra reading eac h day yOU ' can SOOn be uP to d., l e too. There weJ'e twe nty-nine last Sur._ day at church wn o ha'd completed fttleIr readIr.g. a nd severnl refj)Orted who were no t a't ohurch. Chapters for this wcek : Sun. Feb. 2 - Mark 15-16 Mon. Feb. 3 - Luke 1-3 Tues. Feb. 4 - Luk 4-6 Wed. Feb.5 - Luke 7-9 Thurs. FGb. 6. - Luke 10-12 FrI. Feb. 7 - Luke 13-15 Sat. Feb 8 - Luke 16-18 Are YOu reading these cha,pters In a family worshllp period? 'IlhaIt would ,be good foe all to do. Lt will count for all who 8lTe present.

"Oouncil members emphasized that the home Is the most important in our SOCiety, the foundationl of democracy. They Ilre convinced that the home is the pla06 where good cit1zeI1Sh1p tarts and that gOO<:! l}omes car. 'do more for the you th of <1W' nllltion than any other organIzation. It is firmly Ibelived that no organization can wilke over the functions of the fa.tntly. However they favor th e school. church and home work1r.g together to make better families" .

nesday afternoon at the A. M. E . Ohuroh. Mr. D1xon returned home from Miami Valley Hospita!l three weeks ago and pa.ssed away at his home. Saturday evening. F1ur.e:ra1 arrangemen t5 were In . cha'I'ge . of A. H . Stubbs. with burial in Miami Cemetery. Mr. WUl1a4n GUbran who underw eDlt an eye opernLion at the Dayton Osteopatll ' !IospUal is recovering a t his home nCllr town. Mr. anti 'M rs. W. Carl Brown visited In Illinois and Ir.'dlana over the week-end. Mr. and Mrs. Oharle"S Doster and family att.en'ded the wedding of Mrs. Doolel" cousin Miss V1v1ar. Jahns to Mr. Robert Itoutzong, an event of Saturda.y. January 25th at the Presbyterian Church ,Bellbrook at 7:30 o·clock. A son, was born to Mr. a.r.d Mrs. Warren Cook lM~nday at Plair H06pltal Lebanon Mrs. Oook is bhe former, Miss Thelma Ross. ' Mr. and Mrs. Richard Bollinger and iMargr!e 1r. company with .Mrs. Helen Robertson anId Mrs. Allee Urton were Sunday afternoon callers

9:30 A. M. SUNDAY SOHOOL Several from he:re atte~ded funMrs. James Garrison. Supt. eral services a.t IlMcOlure Fun!!1"81 PREACHING 1st and 3rd Sundays BAN~ER CLASS last Swtda.y was Home. W6~esv1ll.e, Thursday for each month 10:30 A. M. !tie . Junior Olass" again. with 135 Mrs. Llda Ogles~l. The Rev. J. R. lp er ~nt. or the same as last Sunday . . ThOlT.burY was the officiating in WIilm1r-trton. FERRY WhiCh class will win next '! clergyman and burial \V1IS in Miami CHURCH of CHRIST -Cemetry. 9:30 A.M. BmLE SOHOOL Tell your F1rien<ls about the MORNING WORSHIP 10:30 A. M . "'IlwelVie Weeks With .Ohrlst", a.niCI Members of the loea! Mebhodlst YOUTH MEETINGS 7 :00 P. M. show your'own faithfulness by heed- Churoh met wednesday evening ADULT PRAYER. MEEn'ING ing the suggest~ons on the baok of with Mr. and l\otJ'Is. H. S . Tucker. to discuss plans to re-decorate the 7:00 P. M. the bulletin. church. EVENING EVANGELISTIO SERVThe A~ult Bible Ola:;s of Jonahs ICE 7:45 P. M. CHURCH IMPORTANT Rue Oh·urch met Ia.t me pa.rsonage IN FAMILY LIFE, Tuesday eventng w:lth Rev. and Mrs. MT .. HOLLY COUNCILS AGREE J. P . Thornbury. METHODIST CHURCH The church plays an Important T. M. M.l nlster part in 'h annonious f~ly Ufe. When Dr. and Mrs. Hathaway of SUNDAY SOHOOL 9:50 A. M. nearly 400 Farm Bureau advisory Waynesville entertained a oom})8.I:y E. A. Earnhart, Supt. councUs decided In d1scussIon meet- of friends to cartls Saturd&yevening WORS!iIIP SERVICE 10:30 A. M. Ing over the stAllte lest month. re- Mr. and Mrs. Howard Graham and EVENlIrG SERVIOE 7:30 P. M. ports Hart'Y' OUlbreth. oran1za.tion Mrs. A. S. Collett ot Harveysburg


director of the Ohio Farm Bureau. were among those 1r. 81ttendance. Fathe t Krumholtz, Priesi Opinions. more than 4,000 fanners Mrs; 'Willord C:os&um and Mrs. ~... Harry Kl.lnIe Sr.•uid Geraldine of MASS. ...'UNDAY 9:00 A.!of. were represented in WIC' report. "Wblle coundl members db not CaluIDbus were Fl1k1ay guests 01 Mr. FRIENDS think the church can meet &ll 'SP1r1t- and Mrs. Herbert Doster and dau8h"IM'n""" ll8Il and relJg10us needs in the f~nn ters. &.l~" DAY SOHOOL 9:30 A. M. home," Culbreth sa4'd. " they "-ee of near -. MEETING for WORSlDP _ . .Mr. . ,and . .Mrs. . .K""'""'ler .. .....w" that churches play an important ent.c;rta.tnedt the &(lviaory COUncil a.~ 10 :30 A. M. ~'* in ~ __, , _ _.~ "I:"';' ....oplng the chancter of their horne Frruay ~. oh1lclren. They further agree ,t hat Funeral servic::es for William WAYNESVILLE rurwl churches mOst keep open and "ClUp" Dixon owet'o conktucted Wed-

'l1HIS SUNDAY NIGHT. Feb. 2. is ~ring Your Neighbor Night.' Invite your neighb0iT5 and 'b ring them to this service. '!14ey may be church members or not. young or old. We will 001.I%lIt all who 8Il'e not in r~­ lar a.ttendan06 at the evening serv-

Ice. MID-WEEK SERVICE each Wednesday. 7:30 p. m. at the house nesday. 7:30 p. m. at the house. During the 'Twelve Weeks With Ohr1st' we will be studying 'The Joumey& a.r.d Deeas of Jesus.' an hJstoricaJ and geographical study of the Life of Oh.r1st. Bring :v<mr Bibles and note books if you care

truck. Have y.ou realized how advertisemng more tnJent6 help you? By goods to more people. they ma ke your job more secure. IN CASE OF FIRE D1.4 L 2222




NOTICE! My office will be closed from Monday, F~b. 3 to Monday, March 3 DR. C. E. WILKIN Optometrist Xenia, Ohio

... I

And we can forgive her the pun when we find she's telling us about BORDEN'S CREAMED BUTTERMILK ... so appetizing ..• so refreshing I Tell your Borden milkman to bring you some; or ask for it at the Qrocery.



J'UN[OR OHi&ISTItAN ENDEAVOR 6:45 Ip. m. For all YOUng people below HIgh School age. Come and enjoy the Fl~ell-Gmph pictures and stories of the Life 01 0hr1sIi.

Mr. Will HalrIQlll is much imp"rved from 1ndurles 5U5tained when he was struCk severa'l weeks ago by a

."TIke • Chum for the Better!" Advises Elsie


Boben L. vanZne. Minister BIBLE SCHOOL 9.30 A. M. 10 :30 A. M. • COMMUNION SERMON 11:00 A. M . EVENING SERVICE 8 :00 P. M.


IF 1.1. •




~ORDEN 5 - , IT 5. G.OT TO .. B. ;O~OD ~


Telphone Waynesville 2552




I .'

or Dayton HE1275

A Fine 'S election of


~ IT'S


Now Available At


Prices ·T hat Will


Suiprise' You

to take notes. SERN:ONB POR NEXT ~UND.AY, Feb. 9. A. M. "The auist In Type"

IP. M.

"'!be Promf8ea

of Christ"

Waynesville Furniture & Appliance Co. Gibbol$. Building; North Stre:et WAYNESVILLE, OHIO Phone 2422




TOE ,MI'AMI GAZETTE ~ Pap , 'Cross . well with Jerseys and sell Lebanon some time next mon,t h. be begin to believe bhem just beWAYNESVILLE, OHIO - NO. 4301 better. A good beef bull is going Watah the papers for the da<te for ca.use we have heard It said 90 many THURSDAY, JANUARY, 30, 194'7 to ,cost more because of hJ.gIh prices It will be open to ar.y one who t1mes. Just as in tthe fox drive. we must hold our places and not be by' the pound. wants t.o come. st8ll'llI)eided by every r.oise so bhat To have the well "witched" or r.ot The boys tell me toot Uhere were all the foxes get a.way. 'Was the question. r was told that five foxes killed at the fox drlve Heinie Eve1"hal'dt was One of the from Red LiO!lJ last Saturday. "'We well-wlt.chers hereabouts and that he could have gotten twenty foxes. "lihey A FARM DIARY would pl'Obably be glad to come and said. In disgusted tones. If people 'h1ld ' D. J . Fraizer do It for me bu t the weather was only t.a.yed In lIr.e where they beMr. and Mrs. Everett Hain s calbad and I let 1t go. Also ~ was longed. The first time there was a led on Mr. and Mrs. He'rbel't Carey J a nuary, 24. 19·n. l'Y Is one pretty sure he would say just the sh out, they all s rted running to and family at Greenfield Saturo! th" long months, not only In the same thJng they sal.d when the old see what the other fellow was doing day afternoor.. nWllher of days but is alwa.ys feel~ well was "witched", that where they anti the faxes got away through the Sunda.y aCterncon callers in the Ion r a.lld I Silri always glad. Time drilled gefore was Lhe spot wh re hole ir. the line". There is to be Bogan home !Were. Mr. ami Mrs. goes too lollS!. anywa'Y. I 1 ever have the best vein showed bu I don't 'another one thls week here's hoping Charles Handman . Mr. ar.d Mrs. enough of it to do the things I warut to hit that vein, it. Is sulphur they do better. R. Compton of CIncinnati and Mr. ~'ant to do an'd' fa'rmlng Is one of water so while I waS thinking about Last night there was another , hot and Mrs. Howa~d McKa.y of near .those jobs where your plans are so It. the well driller ca'me an'd got session on the..Town Meeting of the Wilm!r.gton. far ahead of what you are 'doing started so we are putting Ie where Air. On Gan Industry pay Higher Mrs. Luther Haines en tertained that a slow-down is welcome. Ever. It will be most convenient to the Prices? Thursday evening in honor of h er bad weather is not too bad. It gives kitchen and taking a chance. If we Mr. Na than was there defending husbands bll',thday the following you time to sit down and study the have to go more than thrity-flve the Nathan Report anId Mr. Cary guests. ,Ma·. ar.d Mrs. Wlllard Carrol new seed catalogue. The atoll in it feet some people will have a cOOnde of the CIO Wa.5 d fending Mr. of Wllmlngl.on and Mrs. Esper 'is. that chores must go on even If to say I told you so. NatJlan. Mr. Sta.ssen and some McMillan and son Tommy of n ar the Uletmometer is down to zero Sunday the Home Economics Com- one else were on the other side. 'll"wo Chester. and the w1r.d blowing a gale. U bhere mlttee of the Warren CoUnty Orange questions seemeid to come up most is one day In the whole winter that ar.d the chairmen an'd m embers of vfcer.. "Should wages depend on I want to ~o to Dayt.?n t hat is the local Home Ec. Committees met Iproflts? and "Are pI'ofits too hil~? usually the day we have an Ice at the home of Mrs. Dellos Worley Should wages depe.nld upon how • s torm but fortunately on Tuesday. on the Stubbtown ,Pike be plan work much profit ·t he company makes or t he wind kept on blowing but the fOr the conUng year. 'I1he committees should It depend upon the kind of snOW only came with bUzzard fUry are supposed Ix> plan and direct the Work ami sklll required and ,b e co~m­ for a few minutes 'So I was able to women's work of ~he Grange though arable whether the com'pany is truak• go to the annual meeting and lunch- some people se m under the Impres- Ir.g a popular h1ghly proflbable areon of bhe garder. club to which I slon that they are supposed 00 do Ucle or some less spectacular sOO,ple belong, but It was kind of day when It too. They spor.ser cooking and produot or whether- the comtp~my I prefer to stay 0Jt home. I enjoy sewing contests. earn money ! r was a well run profit maker or some a stonn, it malt one 80 conso1ous scholarship fund and join in com- new COncern ,t hat ha:dn't. pulled toot ' red yet. Mr. Nathan k!ept of the blessing or a roo! ar.d a munl ty welfare projects. After the of 8'ood fire. Too often ()Uf comfort is meeting we were served with frui shouting, "Profits are too high." taken so much for granted tlhat juice ar.d mol assess cookie made but failed to answer the questil)os It is just something to .,growl about after the recipe I.<) be use.<l In the ·put to him by the otners eroept If anything goes a little bit wrong. cooking contest this year. The sewIng to say over ar.d over "Profits are Thursday was olle of those days contest thls year is to be the mak- too hlglh. "Each time a llttle louder . • ~en thi~s get done. The plumber Ing of a dress. Q so-called basic Pe1"haps he believes in Mr. Wrigcame Ix> put a new hot water coil dress. the women will know what gley's theory of &dveIltls1ng" if you in the furnace. They brought .the ;r mean. There was a represenatlve say a ,thing often enought, people hay I had ordered an'd tdle well drll- from ' Shl1llto's in Cincinna ti there will believe you:' He did not l'Iay ler canie. The electr1ca.n didn't show to explain their new plan of sendlng how much profit would be allowaible up and I didn!t, ~t the ~\: bull speaker On varlOOs subjects to any nor (admit ilhat 1f profits were too I bid or. at the community sale. I meeting of twenty-five or more free h,lgh bhat it would better to knew afterw8tl'd that I had stopped of charge. It was 1decided to ask lower. priceS. Cfrt.aitllY there was too soon, a few dollars ,more /Wouldn't them to send Us a speaker or. home never a time when we nedeed to have beec too much. I did ndt par- dressmaking and the use ·of ~s- listen more carefully to what ~ple : ticulll!r~ want a Guernsey but they ' orles (or a meeting to· be held in, say and what they mean or iWe ~rllJ

Mr. an'd Mrs. WUliam Smith and Mal'ilyr. Sue were SUnday dinner guests of Ralel81h Boganl1l.nd 'WIfe. Mr. and, Mrs. Luther Haines spent Sunday evening wit.b Mrs. Haines parents at Camden. ,Little Gloria Jean Hawk !s spe.nding several days with her aun t Mrs. Helen HaysUp. Mr. and Mrs. Paul Snuth and son. of neat Fral"..kllll and Mr. and Mrs. Eugene Thompson and tiaug>h'ter Linda or Fl'ul1klin were Sunday atterr.oon callers of Mr. and Mrs. William Smith and Marilyn Sue. Mr. and Mrs. ' Donard Haines entertained to dln'l'lCl' SUl:day Mr. and Mrs. Ernie Freeman of Xenia. Mrs. Phyll!s Hollingsworth and a.nld mother Mrs. Edith attendetl a showe!l' given in honor of 'Mrs. Ollfford H Ol mel Jr. Flrances Haines fonnally, at the home of Thomas Collett near K\r.gman Sunday afternoon. !Mrs. Vlrg1nJa Matthews called On Dorothy Smith Monday evening.





Dunham White Rocks Make Great ·Layers on Warren County .Farms and in National Egg Laying Tests~



F A I R LEY , 5

~Rm~~~~~~ DU~ING



Thirteen rears of better breeding are behind every chick. 13 years 'of specialized trapnest breed-' mg have produced a strain of White Rocks that make your poultry rasingmol'e profitable-for both meat and egg productio~ . . We breed and hatch only White Rocks-all our time and effort is put into giving you the best White Rock chicks possible. ' Listed below are some of the outstanding official egg laying test records made by Dunham . White Rocks: ' , '1940 National Champion' W. R. Hen- 804 eggs 1948 National Champion W. R. Pen (13 birds) 1948 National Champion W.~R: Hen 31:!' eggs 1944 National Champion W. R. Pen- (13 birds) 1945 National Champion W. R. Hen- 323 eggs851.95 points. ' (Above hen has 2nd high ALL-TIME Conest re- . cord for yv. R.) . Buy :chicks of the breeding that has 'produced the outstanding records shown above. Tti'ey will help make your 1947 and 1948 poultryrprogram more profitable. and ,April chicks should be ordered now. Do~'t delay for March and Ap,r il dates are book· ing ',ast. ..




fairleyHdwe. Stores 6-BIG PHONE 2441




, . Started Chick. available order To place your order call or atOp at .. . R. 2 - Wayne.yille.- Ridgeville Road - WaynesvUle '(Phone 2916) .

Dunham White Rocks are bred on a Warren CO'\lnty Farm, let them "make good on your farm".

DunbamWhite,Rocks WAYNESVILLE, omo r

Phone 2916





, .



• • ClASSIFIED AD BATES • • 35 words or lea one 25c !DIdl add1to1!a1 word ••••••••••• • 1c SPECIAL BATES by CONTBAcr

Ufe. ......

Loaaa• P&DERAL LAND BANK LOANS: For Befinanc1ll, - Rebu1ldlnl Buytna. 4% Farm loana with long 1I1me to pay. Ny part or all any =ANON NAT'L FARM LOAN ASS'N•• Ellts H. sturm, 8edyTreu.. Lebanon, Ohio. Phone 448 tc

-----------------------Real Estate For Sale-

good oonditlon; radW; heater; Roger Brown. Third St., Phone 2193 130 IlARVBYSBlJBG



Clarll: R.

WANTED - 0b11d!ren to care tor in my home; Ra.t".e6 by the hour. Minnie Cook. Box 3O:t, Waynesville Ohio. -26

Shock 3 RAtton B?Ob; near McOan'en Harveysburg; WUbur Florence: !~D -130 ..-"."0..... . -

Household Goods For Sale-

. . IJI' YOU HAVE A PROPBRTY OR FOR SA!L.E Maple Baby Bed. PARM TO SELL oau .Qr Write SpringS and Mattress; good. conDon Henderson, Tel KES446. 617 ditton; practically new. Phone Lorain A~.. Dayton, Ohio. tfc 2532. 130 ~ SALE - 30 Acres. 20 good FOR SAI..J!}-.Kerosene "qWck-meai1" tmable ~n~ balance wooded pas.. range. rlBht hand oven. oau 34-22 ture, with 1'UlUl1ng .1ns water, or see A. H. Stubbs at Wa.ynesvtlle , 8UbstantlaJ 6 room bowie. good PUmlture 00. 130 barn. hen house, electJ1cty t6.CIOO


.~j!;v:!rew~/~ ~ft\ t\ /111 8UlldaiYB. Wilbur N. 8e&rs. \l { I\) ,!~ II. ,00


: • Phone 2661 Waynesville. Ohlo-,-_

~ _ ~ -_






C1a.rk E. Pa1rch1Jd Moore Reynolds T.

Loll and Found[.QST




Da~ BMeban O'Ban1on I.iad'ey James

Plorence Rye

BARVBTSB1JBG H1klebrecllt VoJImI


~vely• .

The Jr. Bt8h



IlABVEYSBtJBG # BAl4.MARK TY'PEWRI'I".mR RIBW~1lle dropped Harveysburg. ~ boDs now in atock. The 54 to 15, in a. game h.ere last Prl. Wall whiab is their ta:Urteenth 'ViotorIy 't.hts W1l8on JIOR, 8.AI.iE - W~t nat top desk; 8e&>!ICm. ThomP8Oll and Dakin pla.oed . Ma80n WIlbur N. Sean. ---.23 tthe . ~ with 13 aDd 12 paints Deboard






0 0 1 0 0 0





o (Oont4nu~ from Page 1) TIlE ~ GAZETTB - Pqe • 12 multiple-price system domeStically THURSDA~ JANUARY, 30, 1M7 WAYNESVILLE, omo - NO. 4301 9 for utlllza.t!on of sUi!1pluses. o 7. We fa.vor expes.ns1on or intern&to tOnal trade through c.ornmddlty agre_ POultrymen who int.enld to " o ement .programs and tale use of sUch fran tileN' bustne&S cannot devices as the ElGport DebeDlture afford to 8.8 a gift baby 54 Pla:n and Equalization Fee. for 8.8- oh1dts which will not live a.nd pro23 8 FG F'I' pta. surir.g American fe.rmers a. fair duce vigorous pullets. The items to 1 share of '\\'Orki Jllal1kets. and the ootioe first in an advertJ.eement of 0 1 o adOption or safeguards which will . IJeby chicks for sale are descriptionS 0 0 2 p:rot.eott domestic producers from or precautions taken to reduce 2 0 4 imports in such volume 8.8 to destroy in the hatchery breeding 1 2 5 the Amerlca.n trihrket tor Mler1can ,flocks. The least important part 1 . J 2 producers. of the advertJ.sement is the prioe of 1 0 2 8. We 1 ~av<ir establishmenJt of a. tOhe chicks. 1 0 o health pt'(lgl'8m ' wh1ch ~ . lnclttde 0 0 1 prevention medicines; make adequate High prioes for Alfalf81 and clover '0 1 o hospital and medical flU(1llt1es seeds ,w ill er.ooura,ge atWmpts to ~ll 0 0 o available to aJl areas through coop- southern . or foreign seed in Ohio 0 .0 _ erative efforts; and tJ:m establl8h:' this spring. Legume seelds produced . 15 m~t.s of a Feldeml OlUce of Nutrl- In areaa wbJch have mUd winters 7 FG FT ptII. tton to cooperate w1th st&te, locaJ are likley to be poor 1nv~ent4 for '1 and private agencies m promoting 0hJ0 fanners. 3 1 2 improved diets. 1 0 17 9. We favor ~ and state KUiiAlfalfa hay ' in tbe laying hoose 3 o ance ~ asslstanCe 1Jl! the develop- will supply the hens with part of 0 O. o ment of sound. long J'd.ll8e ~ead~uat- the protein they need. anti the hay 0 0 7 ment J)l'08Il'am8 for 6reB6 IWhere keeps the b~ busy enough so they :a 3 o changes in agrtculbural produetion are leea lilt1ey to staJt feather pkk_ 0 0 o hBd oreeIted 8eJ1ou8 soo1a1 of eco- .lng. 2 2 o r.omic prdlleuus. 0 0 1 10. We urge oonsolid8iUOIli a.nd 000 1 o ord1natior. of Federal 8i'enc1es 0 0 ..l~ in the Akricultliral 40 IResearoh .-nd Market~ I Act. in In loving . m.em.ary or 15 10 PG- rr pta. order to centra.Uze 8Iutborlty, eltBOB.&OE OOMPTON 1 0 2 Dlt~ dupl1c&Uon, a.nd. ob\&ln maxIWbo puaed' 8o'W~ Msb. 6 1943 0 o IJnliP eflfieleooy\ We reoo~end llha.t Frun the dear ~ tthat you love. 0 S 0 6 each ~I' state appoint ed:You never part; 0 0 o ~ committees patterned &f.t« Like a flOwer h1& memory blooms, 2 4 8 tIhe NatlooaJ Adv1sory Oommittee. ~ver ~ oar heQrU;. 6 tolVrort With st8Ite agencies in 11e~-' SaWy ~ by bja . Wl,fe, 2 2 0 0 o oping sound reeea.J'ch progralms. Lucy A. Compwc , -QRjANOE Mootbly and !1aughters~ 0 6 4 0 0 0

remained wheIll 'they






. .emoriam tnbY

'JP YOU HAVB J.'!lY PRoPJ!BTY al80 11'80 over JIarveyIburg. 40 to 23. FrIday. Jan. 31 Waynesv1lle pla,ys .~ sell caJ1 l"raIIIda Gene Brawn. T1nney wae bjgh 8COl!ng man wtth C&rl1sle the ftnd home game Real Estate 8&lMlJ18ll, for B. D. 17 ' points. of '!.he 8e8l!Oll. The last ~ 18 a.t ' ~ WHmlr.eton. Ohio. WAYNESVILLE FG FT pta. H11lsboro Feb. 4. Nm UIan8 4"'.. TeleJ)hone Ha.rteodl: . 4 3 11 ~ 2935. Sheeban o o 0 RUBBER STAMPS and R1tUy 1 1 3 AUTOMOBILESMARKING DEVICES t 00n8I'd o 2 GAZETrE OFFICE 1 13 l'OR ~ - 1939 Pord; ~ 6 , r_ _ _ ~ .




- '. __ ....

(WHITE) . JUST ,RECEIVED BUY NOW' WHILE AVAILABLE To assure your Spring painting needs.


Hann-a'-Tnne WALL fiNISH ' A quick drying water paint for interior on walls, over wallpaper, wall board, brick, etc. Mix with watler - no sizing -- no priming - covers with one coat - no paint odors - . easy to wash - pastel colors. . . ..






Fairly Famil-

b)' EFFELD EE A,lpproximaooly 1000 isport; fa.ns .,.,ere Itreo.ted to a rare treat last ~y n4ght at the loca:l high sChool when a double header basketb alllight ~ staged'.. Pa~ could take their ohot~. stay lnslde and watdh the ba8tet. ball game or step outside a. see tall tight. Waynes ville was vic?~JOU& in 'bo1Itb Bl<!airs.


ESTAB LISOm 1850 -

NO. 430%

$1.50 PER YEAR -

5c A. COpy Rough- house tacll1~ blanked out WAYNE SVILLE , OHIO THURS DAY, ' FEBRU ARY, 6, IM'7 a ~ for the Americ an - - - - - - - - -------------------Legion boys last Thursd ay night when ~le 'OOa.oh pulled his men on ~ floor a.nki refused to let them pla.y under such conditio ns.

Passing Parade of Waynesville Children

Perh® s it's Ume a fight-ca rd Is set UP. in thls ooanmundty for those who wish to ex:press their tlStic ability publicly .. It i.s a shame to waste SUCh elUbitions in an ungentlemanl y fashion . Why dOOSlll't sOme smart 'J)I1OOloter C8/PUallze on these '~6 and make them a pUblic affair? .


The Scouts he;ld their w,1. meeting on Thursd ay January 29. The projedt of 'Ilhe ''Ta.ll8Iwanda.'' 'WlIS dec1ded to be homem akllng and the "Ohlcka ldees' will ~ Health and Se.Rey. 'I1he' "TaJ,la.wnadas" were t!IbIown the proper way to make a bed ,1LDdi set a table. ~e ChJoItad ees are at present n1&k1ng sety ctiapam t; shO\ dangeroUS CI106Slni'8 frOm Ibheir home bo school and . churoh. . '!be next meeIl1ng ,w111 be W~d­ nesd8Iy. F'eb. 6th. at the High

Ll!.PI' TO RlIGHT ; &mdnI.. 3~ year old daught er of Mr. and Ml·s. carl Cook ; Stevie. 3 year {.old son of Mr. anld Mrs. Earl Oonner ; Mary Lou. 1}4 year old daugbte r of MTB. !Doris ~nnedy.

"Quota Force" Club Subject The Rev. S. Huehes Garvin, pa.8fur of ttle Ohurch of <the ~n , Middlet own, w11l be ~r1ncipa.1 speaker at ¢be monthl~ meeting of. the St. Mary.'s QUO. neltt ~ night in the Episoop al rectory 114 G--".. r. w h 0 ~_._....... 'U.... "",,",u a prominmt figure in the l'«m1ng of the

Warren Schools To Ent~r Spelling Bee Warren Oounty Bohool Stl~r1r.­

t.enldent Raymo nd F. Hatfield anllOUIlCes tlUs week the<ooming Wa.ilrer- CouJity and wtHIO MiamI Valley Spelling Bee to take place on March :U. 1947 &It the Lebano n Hlgh· Scbool.

7-13. 1947


j Nearly 2,000,000 Cub Scouts, Boy Scouts and Senior Scouts will observe the 37th annive

rsary of the Boy Scouts Americ a durinr Boy Scout Week, Feb. 7th to 13th. Throug h their01World Friend shi, Fund of volunta ry g ifts the Boy Scouts of Americ a have ,iven ;464.36 to help Boy Scouts oversea s rebuild their or,aniza $110,,Durin, tbe Orst year of their "Shirts- Of1'-Ou r-Backs " projecttioD& than 400 cases- or twen~y tons-o f Scout Uniform s and more. equip- . .ment collecte d from Scouts were contrib uted to Seouts In U (nations . Scoutin g ba.. always been an active force In promot inl better unders tanding and mutual goodwi ll am" " ~ &be oatloDl . Above is the omclal poster markin g the event.

The Boy ScoUits of America . nOW number ing 1.980.000, will observe thf. 37th anniver sary of the O!'gaOilza.tiDD, muoh-d during Boy Scout Week. operon, l8cll8S' ed "Quote. Force" plan 'i1hJ'ee oontesta.n1'6 from Warren SohDol. . Cdii' , world! peace, will explain and county w1U be selected ~ay, Feb. 7 and clO61ng 'Ihursd ay. to repreae nt the coucty at the wmo oon~~ · open a dJ8cutl&lon of the iplan. There wUl be a mee·I"~ in . bhe Feb. 13. . ....,.,., . 't'be ,.Quota... iFWoe" movem ent held at Ito It is the naUon's ~te. aet for- April Leb6.J:lon Method ist Church 111 the >I":'~~.: !J~ .I:~~ ~~~~, iI*!~ . !I!! '. ~, . , 1 't~: 'h~'11he rl!odlo '.iIt&t! "~'!l'c m~ ,h~~\'" oDve e, , teresp , . ,.' , of tto~ . , ~ .. ".., ~'oe1ebrakj • • ~ d~ "_!"lon_~~~~MN~~.f 8! ... ~ meeWig '.aIKl'1V'1 . IJI . IlDMI!I '01 entilea CbtJratie6, P'rlday, Veb. 1 Iitftti 29. ' at 10 :00 A. M. towu. 8POIlSCJ'ed by local reUg1ous . town. village and bamlet. ' • I Mr. A. H. .Stubbs of the: Stubb:;- ~a The theme of the obeervaoce civic ~lfOtlSJ gave it naEntrant s must be ~nm11ed from Devotio ns will .be led ~eral Home is armoun clng t.hh donal publicit y a.rid' by Rev. 'Scouts of the World-B u1ld1ng for IrecU!'ed' the ~ 6, 7 or 8. Words for ~ Lloyd Zeller and 'the aJddress wlll 'I'6morroW~' week P ebrual'Y 11 will ma.I'k. his backillg at &t8itieSmen and nationa l 'Will be taken t~ . a list to be be given by Dr. RocJQwell C. 8m1th t(fteent h anniver sary in ousines s in gt'OUp6. prepare d by a ~ ouudlde of of Garrett Blb1cal Instit --'Dle- anniver sSry theme will col'!K ute. Waynes vJlle. Mr. Garvin. who is proMin ent in the Wan-en OoUnty Schools the organiZ8ltlon's major activitie s . A d1scuss1on on "Strateg y of the Mr. Stubbs slaJlted ID the Funera l adttvltiea err the ~iscop a.l diocese through out 1947 with the Slx!tb A ,f ull' set Of rules regulati ng the ' Method ist Church on Local Fields. bu&iUesa in 1920 and prior to his of Southe rn Ohio. was ,remer bead Spelling Bee haw been Jssued from Otrouits. Parishe s and District s" w1ll WotId Jambor ee as the prime dracoming 00 Waynesv1lle he ' had d;rer- of the depa,rtm e n of religious ,t he of.f1oe of rbhe ' County ~ool be hel'd'. matic event In WO!'ld SOOUting. Th~ ated a business in Lewls",u rg. OhIo. caJt40n of the Ep1Scop e.l diocese of Super1n~ent 'to all school heads WOrld Jambor ee w111 be held ~ , IAt 12:30 ' o 'clock a IWlc\leon will !fIof ttbe past \year or SO M r. s tubbs Kentucky> 8llId' dean of the cathedr a} in the OOUllIty. August 9 to 21 QJ a large estate be served ib¥ the women of .t he has also been a!ftiUatedl with t he in LouisviUe. · 8It Molsson on the River Seine ohurdl. 1tJe discussi on will continu e Wayne lle Fumltl.c re an~ Applian ce I Bot 1:30 o'clock and is dIvide'd ' into about 60 miles from Pa.ris. Co. irr partner ship' with R. O. Mol'er. The observa nce of Boy Scout W eek tJhe followin g subjects : ... His many fIlien'ds who familiar ly througlhoUit !the naJtion qoos 'n ot 1. Program or the local ohW'Ch. oal1 h im "Cap" extendi ng th€lr follow a fixed pattern . Boy S 7 uts. best' wishes for his continu ed wocess 2. Worshi p servtoes church schools, t heir younge r brother s, the OUh evange11snL stewardship. in ttUs, ooanmu nity. 3. R.eJatJn g Method ist churche s to Soou-ts. and the young men in Sen1OI" , IMaqr thanks to those wh,o nl&- other grou'p8. Scoutin g determi ne tlhe1r owii. SPRIN G VALLEY TO IpOnded bo the request for ltIOI'1~ news other v:11:Bl sUbjectS will also Pc mellhod.s of playing hosts to their . SHOW BURNS PICTU RE !tor the Miami Gazette . W~, have d'l8cu8seki. pa.renlts and friends. antl WIllI demThe 8pr1ng Valley Hardwa re Oc*nTeoeiVed I1Ulaly lteme but., io, rrQt '!be followin g persons are the mlStt'at.e some of the tmany userUt ' pany. Johni Deere I<)mn Imp~ t 'caees the sender neglecte d tID give regular delegates expected to be skills 'th <ey acquire throug<h d~e1'6, ~ Ml.noUIlblng the. h awing Soout. his name ar.d adl1l"ess. In th~! cases present : lng. ,:::; of the Bob Burns p loture "The we cannot senil further materia ls The m.1Ddster and wife. Rev. and Windja mmer" to be Shown in COnScout Sunday . Feb. 9 will Sl>e urufor future items. Will you please Mrs. R. B . Colema n; Lay. leader tonnro Boy Scouts attendi ng church. Jtinction with big John Day see that your. name and addl~ is anil alterna te, R. O. Moler . M. A. willh thei own. Troops or Scouts c4 . ~m b eing s~ B,l the Spl1n <;learl\Y listed at the tq> of Iftle sheet Fulkers on. Superlnten'Clent Church 'their own fa-Ith . Those of Jewish Valley High School on Tuesda y on which your Items are w:rJ6t.en. School. J. J . Burske. aeprese ntatives faitlh will hold their observa nce in evening, Feb. 11 lilt 7 : 30~ p . m . Those whO do not r~lve atldition al of Ymith FellOWShip and This show1h g of a great picture ChJldren's synagGtnIes and temples F riday even· supplies can have them by contact - ~en~. . and other events of the day's proing, F eb. 7. The 12th point of t he of lng the GB.lJette of:fioe. 'IbIs meeting is open to any mem- Scout LalW reads: "A Scout is pam are open to the 'Public. Rewho is . "omp\.etA:ing pre"'clin ical ber of the churoh. verent. He Is reV'ernt ttiward. God. ' tr~ , at the .M1a.m1 VaUey ~06P- INFA NT SON EXPIR He is fa,ithlul in his rel!ig1ous duties. ES "MILK PRODUCERS iiail .Mlbool ,'Of , n'W'8lng lin Daylbon , AT HOM E JAN. 27 and respec ts t he convict ions of POST OFFIC E SEEK MEET ING DATE S v.111 bIe "cApped " 1n eic~rr.ises to be TeNy Lee Wiloher . infa.nt son of BIDS FOR LEAS ollher in ma bter s of custom li\no. lolSTED INCORRECT E held at the hoaptt&1 March 20, it Mr. and Mrs. Eugene ' Wilche r Aocordi ng bo L. H. Gordan . post- rellgton ." it \ error was made in the , date was announc edJ. ,today. passed 8IWQ.y lilt his home on Route master. bids are being received 9f: .thI:i • ,of the Wamd VaaJey lJocal Scout "Troop plans 00 'haw , r.or M1sa Walker is 'one of U young 1. Waynes vUle, Jan . 27. Mrs. WlUcher a lease for post o.1lfice qUa.rOOTs in IF'alrIeY Hd1we. store window d~r­ Associa tion in last W<mlen who eJ!Itel'ed the nursing is the Cortner MJss a.a.n.. Gasaolrd . • WayJU?sVilie fur the next ten years. atedt ,With SoOUIt work and will alia) !Which l1sted it a8 acbool Jut Septem ber. She is the I BJds must be filed on or before afltend ohurch in lllli!orm. l't should have been neice at MI', Delbezlt R. Oonser. R; March 5. 1947. The presenit lease exa.' 1. . ~ETHODIST BOARDS pires on A'll8U6t 1. 1947. BROT HERH OOD AT 01 m.ecHcal PLAN FOR FUTU RE Jnfonn a'tion regerd1ng Ilhe require - MASO N, MOND AY for '!be Ohurdl Bcbool Board 'CXf the menta tor a. looe.tton for use by the The Wa.rren County Method.\at. 1Il'8~~)gJ!iilII~~\OJ ~ppa_'t8 MetboId.ISt 0,4Ur0h , met Monday Post Of.fice and dtber specU1c at1ons BrotheMood 'Will meet Mond8IY evento.&art ~ ~ the ,~ ~ ~Tru6tees. tlf the lea8e can be obtaine d ad; It: 'naeeda.v fM!IlUIc to plan for Ito for- loea! oflice, atAIJbee Mr. Gordon the ing. P'eb. 10, BIt Mason, . Dinner is scbfJllu1ec1 to be aerved . -.aM IDONID eIltlln 1be Churob'lI and . . at 7:00 p. m. {oll~ by, an .addrera ' .mce, Df C.aa 01' ..... DUI. · _ by Jud(re U1aer '01 Butler COUDtr.


en Yea'rs-


,·w -


Many .News Items Rece.-ve'd By Gazette




Methodist Cburches Meeting 'Feb. J4 .

Mr. Ml! Mrs . Laurence Jaoobs and Mr. Robert FuNms and san Ben dntlg'hter Gl 10. A'IU1 and Jg,n,et ha ve received word t.hat. Mrs. Grace " uto 't rip hh~ ' ''h The Executive Board of the we.r- Y0 I1n n joyed an .. ~V_ F\.irnaB. Mrs. Fran ces Brannock and rer.. County Woman'S Christian I ndiana. and Illinois Sunday. Ja n. SUSie Evans have arrived in St. 'I1t l/lllpCTalllce Unron met Frtday 26. Tht'y report tiIle weathlfl' was Petersburg. Fla. for a vacation . aiber!noon at the home of Mrs. ,warm and pleasa ll . Pauline B lou in Flranklln. Mr. anlc\ Mrs. carl Wardlow spen Mr. aud Mrs. HI~ nry Murphy r Pla.r.s were ma'de for the County S und ay with J ohn Scott a nd daug hI nstiLu t e 'Which will be held in the por t th y a rc enj oying. U1e flshIlig. ter. Methodist Church at Lebanon on Ill.,o Lhe wu rm sunshine 8, t T)u'pon Springs. Fla . Til tellllperature \Va Frida.y, Feb . 28. 1947. Mr. Dan Surface had I\. new han~e The public Ie ' cordially Invited to 90 degree Jan. 20. put in his potato digge r. gmting a ttend this In Utute. Ml· . Raymond Coon and son . Don ready to 4\g the potatoes he planted Ina C . Dearch . Sec·y. of Uk'bana and BUly DreSell of la t fall Sl> lingrj e l~ called lOll Mr . and Mrs. FARMERS' CLUB J . F . Jacobs. Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. J . H . Shaltlb \.igh MEETING SLATED last Friday eJltertained to dinner . FOR NEXT WEEK Mr. ami Mn;. Rhodes Bun.r.ell aud It.beir son Howard an'd his fllrTllily. The Wn.yne T ownship Farmer's dau ghter. Carol nd Rhoda ; M.Iss 1T0m near WUmington. Club will hold tJleir February meetIng ne"!. ThlU'Sday. ~e 13tJl. a.t Monimia BWl nel a:nd Mrs. Nellie the home of Monis Fulkerson. The Bunnell were dJl:lllier guests or Mrs. Sue Ev'Ilns has gone tQ FlorcommJttee !'or the meeting Is Mr. George Bun nell a nd famlly wt O1n~ ida to v1s1t her daughter Dr. Ertle and Mrs. Harvey R ye. Miss Alice einnatJ. Sunday . A. Smith 1n S t. Pebersburg. also h er Gons an'd' Mrs . West. The special - -. grandaughter Mrs. Mlldred Willis. O$Ic. "Plastics and their Place in Miss Monimla Bunnell wa a lun- ber husbaJ~d. and their daugihte). the W orld of Today" wlll be given aheon g uest of Mrs. Oharles Shaw Martha. near Ocala, Florida . of Ea.s David Roald, Dayton. Wedby Mrs. Omar Holl111gs1....orth . nesday of last weelt. . iMr. Ohal'les Maurice spent last DAVID NEWMAN week. tn Oa.y ton with r elatives. Mr. an Mrs . K . M . Ashmeed a nd BIRTHDAY PARTY ' Mrs. Noo.'h Newman enterta.1ned n baby son mm'ed their reoonUy Mrs. Milo Beal spent Sat urday gr<iUP 01 ch.i1k1ren 'Saturday Feb. 1. purohased home el11 Third street. with lh er f ather. Frank Da.k.Ul who Saturday. from 2 to 4 in honor of her 9On. 18 111 at his home Nol'bh of W aynesDavid 6th blJlthday . ville. . The att.emoon was spent rplayil18 Mi1ss Mildred Colulllan. student In games and with Ifl noo. 'I1h-ose preeent bhe School of Library Science .in WCTe: Evanna aIlid Roberta. Bunn~l1 the U niversity of Il.llno1s. spent the Mrs. Charles Ellls is III at her of Lytle. Wayne and J1mm:y Hause mid-year vacation 'Week with her home here. of Lebanon. Charles· and ~ paren'ts, retuming 1.0 her studies Lacy. Joann1ne and Charles Dat!ter. Monday morning. Mr. and Mrs. Ohester Bogan and Paul 'I1homipBon. George MUler h. li-otle son from DonnelsvUle spent and Tammy Newman all of WaynesMr. an'd MI·S. Roy T . Oreeoh. and the weekend with :bheir father and ville and Jimmy Young of Middlefamily had a s their dinner guests motlher i n wellman. town. Mothers presellit were : Mrs. Sunday. Ml·. and Mrs. Rossey a.nd ~rge Hause. Mrs. Robert 'I1hompdaugh ter of Da)'1ton. Mr. a.nd Mrs. son, Mrs. Hal'I'y Lacy, Mrs. Robert Malion W. Bowers, a nd Mrs. Agnes Young and the hostess Mrs. NOOIh BoWers of Lebanon. Newman. David received many love-


FALLIS PAINE WEDS MISS LUCILLE PARRETT Announceme.n't Is being ma de of !lbe marriage of MiSs LucHl Pnr l . '!laughter of Mr. Bond Mrs . Robc1'1. E . lParrebt or W ·hingttOn. C . H. 1.0 Mr.

Fallis F erree Paine. sen of Mrs. ~usa.n Scanlon . 'I1he ceremony was meld at the home of ttl brlde's p.:J:ren

. Tuesday. Feb . 4 With Rev.

Stl"llley officiating. Miss Joan Ba bb 'Was the brldeslIlaid and Mr. G lenn MOOT best


PROGRESSIVE CLUB DINNER TONIGHT The Progr.essJve W omens ' Club ,dll a Valentine dinner 3Jt Srrrlth's Green Room and a bheatre par by at f1he Twin 'I1l1ellJtre. Thursday evening, .Feb. 6. (t'onight>. JIo}d

COLDEN RULE CLUB ELECT OFFICERS The Golden Rule Class of t h e lIethod1st ChW'Ch met at the home t&f R. C . M oler On last W edllesday. evening J an. 29. with 22 members :presen t. G roup singing was led by .IIl'. Don Goons, Wayne Township :SChools muslc instrucbOr. An election of officers for the ¢<Xn,ing year resul ted as fuUows: Mrs . :Rober t Gray, president; Mrs. Paul Maurice. vioe-president ; M I ·s s Ilarothy Dnunmorjd. secretary ; Mi &a.:nces KJrkpatrtck. treasure!.


Farmers ~ No. 13 met in session Feb.l wi th Ernest Cook 8fI Master. At tibe ~tion of It.he Home ' B:onomtcs ciommtttee Ithere was a ly gifts. "!Jlaroh of Dlme6" to The t1CgUlar



Bat.1onal founda.t1on for Infantile \ 1III.ralys1s.


The Happy Hour Olub will meet conducted by the lecturer : an at .the home of MrIs. Robert Gons .IVUcle on Illhe Life . of Lincoln Tuesda.y. Feb. 11 . 'WIlhelmina Braddock; Pa.iIno SolOiMl'. J. P . Jacobs 18 recovering trom "'t'be Piper of Spring" Wilhelmina Jlralddock; Several stxuies were read an attack d! a~tts . flQD the ' book, "l.4nooWs ~ yams Mrs. Frank .Pa.tr1ck and daughters a.d SIXlries", by IAui'enoe J.IIurnas. SUe and Shlrly. Ann. of PortmnoUth !Porest Dakdn and fam4ly dI Leb- spent a 'ff!!W days last week with limn vtstted hIa mother Mrs. 0s.n1e her parents. MI'. and Mrs. Fred K. DU:ID. SUnday. Fa1roh1lk!8.

W . C. St. John. H. A. Cornell '1IIIld ' v. P : Prendergast attended Ma.soni'o ~lon :l!.t Lebanon. Friday evening, Jan. 31.

The foll'Owing program on Lincoln



AT THE "FrieDdly Store"

. OME . FURNIS.HINGS! "Hard-To-Gef' Items 9 s 12 WOOL RUGS


Mr. and Mrs. llarr:y West are eXl)eOted to return !l'iOUl a month's

vaca<tion at Mt. Dor:Il. Fla. this week. 'I1hey motored to <the south:lalid and. visiteti in New OzIlellns before locating in FUor1d$. and M!rs. J. A. Hartman have relCeivect aIII aIUlOunoement of 'the ibk'th of a daughter to Mr. and Mrs. Hew1bt EmIgh. Jr'. BIt Maynatd haspi~. Seattle. Washlntrton Mrs. EmiIeh was Ohal'lollte Hartman lb efore her ~.



Jones. .hHDee Jones. Phi!

and Natban Hartman &1t.ended Yotmg' Priends Quarterly Con-:3l'eDCe at New BurUngton Priends Ohurch. Jan. 26.


Mr. andl Mrs. 88m Gray of Cincinnalti' lWere Sundar,v guests of Mrs. GraCe ,Llncoln Bmith.

BED ROOM SUITES Julia Hendereon who has been quite 111 was taken ,t o the home of her son D()nalki Hencrerson 08yton on 1\lSt Se.tult'day. . 'MI's.

STOVES "Complete Home Furni.hen"

MIse Marl1yn :ra~te of BelrMnt was the weekend guest of Judy


Phone 912R


"£a.t MaiD Street at Whiteman"

Several famiUes from bile Wellllllnn lIeighbool1ocd I\.btcndcd the 50-50 dU lIce sPilnsOl'C.d by Lqe Aiwn nus of Harveysburg school. at t.l1 Gym. ThuTSday venlng. Jan . 30t.11. Mr. and Mrs. Ol1ver J aoobs and san. J immj a nd Mrs. Charles R . Ellls of W ellm n ~nt Mo nlClay. j an . 27 with Mr. and Mrs. Ed . Dresen and !amlly In Sprl.ngfleld. J ames 0 60n r turned home with Lhem for

a few days visit. Mrs. G len Davis and daughter Nellie a nd Mr. and Mrs. L . caudill were Dayton V'lsltor Sal urday.


l Eves-y famUy will cbedah the memary of a last ·t ribute tha.t waa dignified and t1tttng in eVfJC'1 respect.

STUBBS • Telephone 2291








;:::a===========================_~ GROUND BEEF lb.

3ge ' CUBED STEAKS lb. SSe lb. S9°-6ge




Mr. and Mrs. M4!lvm Stansberry antd son, Roger of New Ca.rli.sle &IIld Mr. and Mea. John. Stansberry. Jr. of centerville spent lJhe :week end witlh their parent.s. Mr. arti John Stansberry.






.FLAKO and Q. T. PIE


Dav18: Mr. and Mrs. R . B. Da.vla and .Judy oalJed· on Mr. 8Illd M':ra. Vincent Sine of ·Be&Vlertown. SUnday





Pare 3 Mr. and Mrs. Jess Rea; of Da.yron a.nid oh1ldren are now ldV'ing in the Mlr's. Allce Turman spent t~e week a ·p astorate, for several months. '1llP visit is JlIlellaraobory to a rnls&101!1 WAYNESVILLE, omo - NO. 430! spent last 'l'ue6day with the la:tJter's seoond story dl the 1$le Hall which end at her home here. THURSDAY, FEBRUARY, 6, IM1 si,sters, MIsses Rena. and J061e Smith they recen'tly puroha.sed. They m o ved Mrs. Ellswonth Smith of ~n in Ohlina W'hJere the Radel'S plan tAl fl'Orn the K~ bouse llOl'th Of spent SUIK1ay !with her motJher Mrs. parLiai!pe.te. ------------------------ ~ NUd~&own . 'I1he 'O ommunity Helper e~ iMl'. andiMrs. 0<mnu1 MB.n1ous. M1r. WWn . MattIe Levi and son. Wellington. and Mrs. Hubert Mainous and IM8Ittie Mr. Heroert Barton's have moved Mr. andl Mts. Leslie Gra.y. In Mr. a.ni1 Mrs. Ernest Earnhart a.nd ed with a bi rtlhoay dinner a.t th.r F1a.nnery all or Hamilton were Sun- from their home in Bellbrook to company with Mr. 8IIld MIt>. A . O . Miss Clan!. Daughrer ca.lled an Mr. GJ'8.nge H.a.lI. Thursday evening. d:a(y d~ callers of Mr. and the Houg>h farm n:ea.r Mt. Holly. The HJoll1lOCl'af1. Guild dem of DoIyton, aLt.ended the and Mrs. Frank Da.klJi on Sunday mae of CNant Oorne ll . · at Pi(~ua. wfternoon, aJso. they called on Mr. ion. presented untloer t,h e auspIces cI: ~ . Ray Mainous. The following rel ~tives. Mm. M&ud Satul'day. 'Ilhe Jonahs Run M1ssio oary Society and Mrs. Thomaa Runyon . Mr. and Mn>. Everett Early atMr. and Mrs. Dewey Comstock we.s an event or Wechlesday aiterPaul Kitmtz moved Sa:turday from SWBllow. Mr. and Mrs . Wm . Keiter Stan)'brook farm No. 2 to ·the 0l8.r- of BelmQot. Mr. and Mrs. Glenn rendoo 1lhe School of . Instnuotion called on Mr. and Mrs. Everett nOOn . Mm. JaCobs and Mr. &nl~ of DayWn ~ p.rogman oonducOOrs.. enoe Rye propel'ty an Newman Hess. Mrs. Gerald Hess and IWnnle. of the Eastern Star. at Mcutins- Bunnell, Sunday evening. Mrs. Carl Wright of BellbrOok, Mr. ville Sa.turo&y, M1Bs Esth.ea' Prather IWIlS the Suncallers Sunday atternoon 8It the Run. and Mrs. W . E . Gibbons. J . W . Mr. anXl 1Ml"s. Harvey Burnet at- Lue Morgan home were Miss Phyllis day evexllng dinner guest of M rs. Mr. and Mrs . Darrell Bogan Of Gibbons. of Mechanicsburg spent ifJle tended Friends QUarterly Meeting Vinanna. Joan Hartm·a.n. Bill Booker. Louise Fite and Jane . da.y recently with Mr. and Mrs. B. at W~ Sunday. The local O. E. S . offioers a.\" Mrs. Robent Greene. Mr. Wl1bw' Cl~lle. spent last Friday I\\'dth M . Sp11Jer of near WaynesvWe. Mrs. o. P. Lew1s of 'C enterville Stevenson. Leona. ThirkilJ. and tended school sessiOIl&5. held a~ the ber father and mother in Wellca.lled on Mrs. Nettie EmTlc:t :lI41d ch1ldren. Delorie a.m:i Eddie. all of Martinsville Masonic Tem1pre Salman. • • Pearl Cornell ThursdB.y a lf1 emvon . Day!OOn ; Mrs. Harold Ke1les of near urday evening. The B . Y. F . club aJ1fUlated w it.b 1Mr. and Mrs. Vemon Pursley en- Sprtngboro; Mr. ~ Mrs. Arthur Sunday visitor at the Oharle6 Eorert&lned ReN . Joseph Myers of DIQ.y- iMbrgaal and da~hIter Betty ; Mrs. the Jonah' Run B8ptl1st Church meL p..n home in Wellman were Mr. a nd ton. and Iflhe la.trer's pa.rents. Mr. All'red Morgan and ah1ldren; Mr. at bhe hJome of AlDert Reynoldl: Mn. Everett" ~an and daughlter. Miami Quarterly Meeting of the and Mrs. A. D. Smith. to din ner and Mm. Henry Bergf!6 and chill:!ren SUll.da¥. Mr. &nd Mrs. Eugene Bag a n a nd 1Mr. and Mrs. ChaiJ'lcs K.oogl~ Soclety of Friem!s oonvened at tlhe' Sunday. of Beavertown; Mrs. Hlly Gtbson and eons. .Mr. and Mi's. Floyd Lynch were l,.ebanon vis1Itors. ·W ednesday. Friends :Mooting House here on SunMr. ankl Mrs. George Davies of Mrs. Cllarenoe Crawford. and Sons. M1r. a nd Mrs. Walrer daly. Mrs. W. P . MoCalTen in oompallJ' b OleDw1n F'Oultry Pann attended Friend &ll of Waynesville. with her grand daugQlte.r little Ml88 • ~ PwltI!Y Show at PI~burg An illfij)1ra.tlanal meeting for worAlso Mr. a.nki Mrs. Rabm W ilson Karren Wallaoe of Walha.und1ne ~tm. lII8t week. &hip W1Ie held in the morning and and faml1yof Dayton. Mr. and Mrs. spent seveml days laSt week at Mm. OMI E . Bauer arui famil y 01 F'ay- in afternoon a session fOr buslMcCarren is home here. ettsv111e. and J . T . Gmy ext Well- nesa at whim tRdchaird EMItn'an Mr Ra.ym:md Sc:.roggy andftienti iMack Collett. studerllt at Ohlil tolId of his work as Field Secretacy man. of Dayton, '9re1'e guests TUesday. State University speJjj; the weelalnll of I.J:)(tiana a.ndI mlnois YOOl'ly Meetevening of Mr. Ml.d Mrs. Lawrence with relatives e.t the Collebtl home..: l.ngs and Ihi& plans for the V8CIIitdon stead "Hole In dlhe WOIOtJB" neaT ~ Mr's. Lowell ThOlJ18fi was In Day - Bible Sohool. one of :which will be Mr. Edward Browne of Beavertown !Hough. 'I1he loc8i1 Ord~ of the Gra!%lge met ton on last Wednesday. held here. An exoellent lunch was called on iMisses Annie and Mnme Monday evening to install officers. . provllded by the luooh oommt.tItee at · Browne. 8&1tm'c:1ay. Mr. a.nkl Mrs. steve Bt;e1n and Mrs. Ed. Hopkins and daugh ter t4Je nOOIl! hour. . Mm. LutoUe Armitage ~ EiIaItOl&ra. anti Mrs. RUS!IeI Bfn1tley were Th<l6e preeent .troln a distance were urdB.y at the D\strIict Eastern Btu family w1li locate in the near future at their recen1ly puroha.sed boole in Da.ytOn 'Friday. Mr: anId Mrs. Walter Boone, . South Meeting in Martinsville. Ohio. on East Main street. 1Mr. IIIIld Mrs. OlW'leston, Mr. ~ 'Mrs. Robe£r1t 'Mi<i8 RAIth CIlandler spent Friday Stein who f04l' several ~6 have FEB R U A R ~ Mrs. Lobtie S1nkes aDldl san Pau BuJ\InaJl!. ~I:d, Mr. II41d Mrs. tn ~. been attWated !With Full 0aJpel '7 8 of ·FnLnk1in visited Mr. a.nd Mrs. RiIDhard EaBtman . Mr. a.nd Mrs. Everett. MoCuJlauglh on Wednes- Ra.lG>h Howell. Mr. Be.rreltJt Hollister. Churoh oiC the v1l1age are moving Action is fast. humor is frequent Ia here from Da)"tOnl. 'IIhey this latest film st&rring ROY day. . Mrs. IAnna lRfd~ll. all of Yellow the prol\)ety throueh. Mr. J. W . ROGERS - DALE EV.AINS and ----'-8pr1np. Mrs. :Mdna Downdng of 0 _ _" Gabby Hayes . Mrs. Ernest But.tenwort.b. Mrs. xenia ~...... JIELI)()R.AJ)Q Robert Thomas a.nId daughtens Kar. Mr. am;ld. Mrs. HarTy Kline and wit h SOns or ~s andi Trlnec. en SUe and! Dee Ann vts'\itEd Matti . Mr. and Mrs. PTank sexton of of Columbus were week- Plus: Sports Short - Western were ~ end guests of end house BWl6te or 1Mrs. 101ne's Musloail - QI.rtoon. H!!IIS Of Sprinc 'Valley, SUndf,loy. a!ternoon. Mr. Bllid 1Mni. Raymond 8m1th. pven1B. Mr. a.tld Mnl. Heroert Dos9 D . Mr. and MIa Charley CraIW:t'Ord tao. YOUr favorite grumpy guy is BIllof CincLnnaltl1 spent 'Friday night Mrs. LIa CUrl entertained a COIDl- dt-hea.rt.eil In' b shOwdawn of Mr. a.ndI MnI. P. E . 'I1h'CnlaS wer Mr. and Mrs. Hennan ArtJ\U!' cA. and ~ 'With MiT. 8iDd... ]\oDB. pa.ny at friends to dinner SUJu1a,y sUnday gueet.& of Mr. and Mrs. Joh n NOBODY LIVES FOR.EVER Robey of DaIyIton. Also, Mr. and Mrs. SW1d1nia' were SUnday afternoon 0la:ren00 onmord and family. noon, atUle Swiss ~. Wil- ~~~=~'~ih~~ gueste of 1!helr da u g,h ter. Mrs. MadolsoIII Earnha.rt of Be!\'\,Ntcwn . "IIho6e on Ilhe 61ck Ust. this past m4ngtbn. Tha!e wbo attended. weR; nan. Faye ,Emerson 6J'ld George Charles Tumble9cn and famJJy. week are Mr. Ratvnlond Smith. Mr. 14.115. A. 8. Collett and son ROOert. Tobias. Mr. and Mrs. A. K . Kl¢e lett Clarence Ol1llW!Cord and Mrs. 'I1h<mlas Mrs. 0Bee HB,rla.n, 1M.r6. I.&ura Shlda.- ADDI!lD : Mov1~ News. Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Rlamby visited Mm. Milton Thinnes (nee Oh,arldte Wedntsda:y fOr Florldaj to spenld R~n. lEer. aondi the iul6te66. In the atter12 IS Ramby) Sit IMldldleoown H'Jsptta l . the remainder of the winter. Mir. and IMrs. George Bmltt.en ~-:n.~ !lIoIon Ule gT'01J}) a1ibendedl a motion Humor and sentimenlt While tile Mrs. Ma.rguJ'et Johns, M rs. oa.lvin the week end with Mr. 'aDd 1I\i0'8. picture at MUJl)hy 'I1he8ite1'. Sunday to see her new d1a u~h ter . .fam1l{y sp1rlIts ~, a ~ hand... IJangacre and Mrs. J. B. Jones spent Raymond Burtlen and family elf !Pamela Ann. ~. and MnI. James Rader and Lt·s a lal\Jg'h riot! Thursday in DaY'tlon . Rox8nna. daugbOOrs a.rr1ved at the home or THE COCKEYED MIRACLE . wl'tJh 1Il.R.A:NK MOROAN KEENAlI Mrs. Guy Rautzaihn spent wedMr. and Mrs. Geo1'lIc R amo y. M r. Mr. B41!d Mrs. Harold KellCt; 1B.Dd Mr. a.ndi Mrs. Clarence Heeler and WYNIN. Audrey Totter. K.e11am Mm. Vincent Rnmby and ~on nesd'a y wi th her da ughtN Mrs. 'W ll- family Of near .~ were d1n- {amUy, ~ay eve,nlng, !rom a.wa.y Carbcon. ShIm Mu.s1ca1. an/d Mrs. VIv1!in Murph y of Da:l .on 11am Tinney' and son in WRynes- ner gueet& Sunday of Mr. a.nki Minl. MIs80urt where Mrs. Rader has held Olarence Cl'8IW!ord and family. OBilled on Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Ramby ville. Mr. Harvey Bumebt attended the _ _ _ _ _ _~-----. SUnday afternoon . QJoope1'8it.lve !Mllk IMIeetlng in Dayton W«i'lleeda,y. Mrs. E . L. Thcm:as was an aU-day Miss Eula. HIJ8k Of IDeal' Wayne8guest of her de hirer Mrs. HlR rry v!l1e .was a. weekend guest Of Mlss BumetJt Wedne8(1ay. F1mnOO6 Whitaker. Mr. and Mrs. Moms Wbarton. of . Mrs. ~Il'et Joh.n$ was bhe guc';t Of her sister ~ . Elk abeth Smit h MdD.mi Shot'e6 Day!ton. were Sunkiay '-- --~ dinner gue5tt; or !Mr. and Mrs. ~de eaturda.Y. Wha.r:ton ami in the atr.t.ernoon allMisses Oha.rlotte and Oarolyn Bur- Ied' on M1r. and Mrs. Walrer Kennett spent the week endwlth their Wilbur M.<mce at grn,ndmother MnI. Thomas. PHONE 326 and ' Mr. nd M.r&. Homer Monee LEBANON. OHIO A cow's digestive system is not and 8On8 or ' D ay.1Jcm sPeDt SUDdB.y 10', and Mrs. Noah Newm&n had very efficient. Dr. Heas 81 Clark have demonstrated thil in their 8tJ week end guests. Mr. and Mrs. wlUl their .parents. Mr. anJd1 Mrs. Stock Tonic experiments. The Robert YoWlg and son JiJt1Jro' of &.rtilett Monee. Stock Tonic cows gave as much Mr. and Mrs. Paul Schneider of WE PAY FOR Mfldcmetown. as }1 lb. more milk per pound Dayton were ' enter.ta.1ned to dinner of grain consumed. In other Mr. and Mrs. Noah Newman 'a nd SUnday at the hmle of Mr. and words, when they got Stock sons. Tommy and ))Qvld spent Sun- Mrs. RaIlph H.ammImJd. and ohildTonic they made better use of

Friends Quarterly Meeting HeId Here Sunday


TWIN Theatre









evening with 1Mm'. and MrB. reno Mr. andIlMnI. Earl Mendenhall and Walter Pfeiffer and dtWg.h:ter Mardaughts or 1'1pp O1ty were weekpret May &;1, Trenton. end guests of Mr. Mld! Mrs. Guy Routmhn a.nki'Ru8Be1l. Bobby O'Banion. ~ti8t child of 1Ml'. aod Mrs. Vemon. P\ll'Sley and Mr. a.n.d M'nI. wm. O'Ba.n4on ()f RoUte 4:2. bas been at Ibhe MJam1 80bII were ea.turda.y evening dinner Valley Hcspitel In ~ton f(,r the gUeate or· Mr. and Mn. H~ Saylor aDd. ab4Jdiml lilt 1111'8 PWrt. ~wd. . Mr. Uld ura. l!MntIt Ola.rk and . Mr. am Uta. 1hd'Mn lIlaI'nhart .ion Dklt. ~ ~ sPent SUndaf atd 'diMJIIIIIer 01 BeaWIItDWD 'ftl'e aftenIIooD wttb ID'. am Mn. WIlbur day

cDnneI' ..... OlID', aDd-1D'a, ,,:. m. 0IIm. 'lbIlIIMIe aD' Pdda.J. ID'. In!! 18'1.


wuuam ~


helps cows use 'f eed

feed. That's just what we think your cows will do if Stock Tonic is added to the ration-make bett~ use of feed.




Any make or· m_o del Fred Kahil Motor Car Co.

HORSES $5.00 COWS $3.00 ! t


X E N I A "Fertilizer :{ Revene Chat:'gea


E. G. Buchueb, Inc.





The Miami Gazette ESTABLISHED 185 0 !abU.hed Every T hur day by DAVISS ON PR,ESS FLOYD L. DAVISSON, Editor inlered as . Second CIa:: Matter at the Post Offic I:' b'Ubscriptlvn Ra tes: $1.50 per Year In Adva nce

Natiollal Ad\'eiti ing Repr sentatives Ohio W e klie , In c., 2465 W. Broad Street , CoJumbu hio








protect COl"..sumer purchas.1n8 power t'ID MIAMI GAZE'rl'E - Pap t so far as he can a.ud to sell ho~est. WAYNESvn.LE, 0100 - NO. 43~ mcrhandlse aL a fair 'Pl"ice. This Is TIIlJRSDAl', FEBRUARY, 6, 1941 true of chain.., and independellts. vali tJy stores ar.d depar t ment stores. du.n~ Alftor EdIson conceived t\n L?~ before OPA. rCltallers volun- inv n Liol~. industl'Y pioneered the tarly held prices down when there wuy in making its use pra.otical and was 10 la w to IJ\'event !.hem from L'C nomlcal for 1;1\ average cit·izen. '!Jl'ofi l ' ring to U1eu' hen rt's conten t. It would be hnlpooslbl to estimate All duril'g the war. reta.ilers op ed the bonefl flOWll lg t.o mOl!kind as ho I'd lUg' and ol.})!'r in!latlonMY In- a resul t of EcUson's Imagination. nuences. And.:line lh Wal' nded , The ralllificnt.lon Of t he use ~r Lhey have led in I'C1'l lo k('ep el cLricity aiter his perfection of prices IrClI1 running Wild. the Incnnlde.scc n lamp In 1879 !II" W nre beginning LO s e Lhc suc- tOO val:Led to nU!1UH;ale. cess of these effor no", s mol'(> The Edi on ntennlal Is a fltLing and better goods flow Into th'C \J'lbute to bhe man who 1T1IIlICle elecstores. No Ol~ k1'lJ()w. What he tric service for the wOI'ld pos lble . "normal price stntc UTe" of uhe fu - By '(;he same to k r. , It r l:'flecLs crewt lurr \\ill 01' what relation It On U1e Bnd com'panies ",ill bear to 1941 01' any other j<-ear. who proplde elect.rlc service at a. But we can fool confident uhat rost \vithin he r ach of every poketAlnelica.n productive metl1.octs, plu bOOk. efficiency and collllPCtttlor. in retaUThe I'l'coo'd of EdIson's a.chi veTOWARD PRICE STABILITY ing, wlU give the COnsumer maxlmul1 menl;s Is a testimonial of what the It would be a K:iatril1g man ir.deed protection n~t exploitation . United Slates staml for opportunity who \\'Quld state C81Legorically that no limit 011 the x rclse of talent me peak Ot l!;he price I\'lse has been THOMAS A.. EDISON nnel in l ttat1v~. reached or that pJrtoea in general are II; is a gOOd thlr.g be remember When you turn all electric sw~tx:h due for an immedIate and substan- that 'tlhe wonderful electl1c develoll- on February 11 , pIny your phonotial dowllitlurr.. But the all-out In- ment which the United S tates has 'g1'wph, see a motio~ piCture. or enlo'le forecast when enjoyed. and where electricity Is joy anyone of the count less uses 'flaJLion Li1at OPA vanished tnto the shadows has ill more uniV'ensaI use than any of electricity. pliUBe a moment and certalnly not occurred and in some place Il! the world. was brought think of Thomas Edison. a. tn>1cal very Importal!t fields. illCluding abOut by t he courage an'd intlatlvc Am lican who made th~ th1ngs fo ds. a degnt oJ prl e stability h3. , ! Inktividuals. • possible. been reached . In recognition of one man ~ho The good sense at most COOSUllllerS did more to provide elect.rlc service U. S . 13 nyona ceI'tU Ie<t seed corn Is In part l'(.'Sj>.:)lls.lble for chis. More for the wor ld than Il.Q' otiher, the retaIns its popularity f or plar.Ung and more of themL turned away ' A, Edison Centennial wUl In Ohio. out of 26 different h,ybrlds from 8l"ticlea wh1cll they considered be celebrated 'thrO\®lout the oounttry cer t!tl d for seed in this stalte in excessively priced. Ani in t he February 11. by electric I)JOwef com- 1946. U. S . 13 provided 16.2 per supply or goods has also helped. panies, proCessional socIebles electric cent of the year's total 01 seed for And. 1'l nally . the aititude of leagues, anti obher bus1.r!ess, civic. 1947 plan.t ings. Other populalr hydistribution LOWa«'d COnsumer pro- and eduea.tJlone.l organlzat.ions. brids are Ohio K 24, Ohio W 36, blems h as been of lnu nensurable It Is no exaggeration to say Ibhat Ohio C 38 and Iowa 4059. value. Thomas Ed1son made J)06Slble more The typical l'etniler works on the appUances to llg.llten work and proBecause adverttslng sells goods IL principle thatt a main duty is to vide amuem.ent than other ' IntUvi~ makes your job more secure.

gemtlon It Is the way soclalized medicine is cond.ucka Lc England. according t.o maJ1Y emment· who have studied Lhe system on its OW11 grolln'CI. TIle doctor Is COL to blnme he is oompe led C J'e for u pl'~scn1>ed number of patienl.s wheW 'fr he las Ll e ti me Lo properly xami.lle a.nd trcaL th m or pDL. 'People msbL 01 g 19 LO the dootor whether t.hey r~a \ly r.eed atlJention OJ' nolo 0 11 elle gr unds that the wrvi e LS 'pal fol' and they wanL Lh 11' money's WOI'l.ll. Al~d the patien t who I~U'y 1I1:ll.>ds care· ful Inwvl'dual arc gel.s t he shon end of t.he SLick. S OO llzed medicine, 01' govel'l~ men't con!lroll d III dicine. would produce the slUU·e UllSfi\'OI'y results here. II we ever the bUl'eaUeraL to domln le Lhe healing al'ts, the health of a.ll wUl uIfer.




patients suffering from colds to rise. Each One woul'd then be given \ tntientlca.! m'ed1clne. He would. then have all with headaches arlse again, the . same med1ca.nlts would be dealt out. Only a few patlents, whooe real 0Jr 1Jnaglned a.Umente fell into no ea.sIly separated categories, ~uldl be given 1nd1v1dual attention and 1Jrea1ment. Even: In their case, the v1s1t wt~ the doctor would be extremely brief aDd a.lm.o!t completely tmperaonal, That description ·18 ~ an aug-

Those who favor socla.llzecl tne'dtt ne would do well to implement <those . !1J,eory with praotlce by visiting a mtnic In England where the dootof on employee of the state. and !WlM; amour.ts to universal conipul.• PrY medtoallnsurance Is Illi effect. YOUT visit would follow a pa1Jtern lDUoh llke tlUs; You 'would wait In anteroom with, fOfty or InOII'e .tCher pe.tlents. At a given time, the 4ootor would arrtve ar.d request all .~ ; ------.------_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _~ , . PIRB lJIABIL1'l'Y !~


"With a Buckeye in Congress" by Clarence J. Brown By ,Febt'u81'y l5 th t he Fiscal ommi ttee of Congress set up the Legislative Reorganization Act, mu st submit a Legislative Budget, fixin g oye r-all am ountl! which cam be spent fO I' val'ious govel'1lment activi Lies in lhe coming fi scal y eul'. As a basis upon wh ich to work. t he ongressionul Commi ttee will .' usc · the budget .;ubmi tted by t he President in his annual Budget Message three weeks ago.

' In order to get a picture of j ust what the Pre ident is proposing in his budget tha t. the Pederal Government spend during t he fiscal year of 1948, which begil)s Jull~ 1st, 1947. I have made a rather careful study of this astounding document. This has taken some ti me, for it con ta ins one thousand AUTO AOOliDENT ~ six hundred and twenty-six ' pages, and weighs six :I FRANCIS GENE . BBOWN. MGR. f) pounds and four ounces, ~r. Truman insists ,that ~ Phone 2935 W A V.NESVILLE. OHIO Phone 2935 (~during the next year he must have thirty-seven and ~ Real 'Estate Sal f B. D PeaDID&1o lVIImJDrtoa,. Ohio one-half billion dolll;lrs for government expenaes. In , esman or • lit ! his Budget Messllge he estimated the Government's la. OUR MOnO: '·SERVICE - SAVINGS - SB01JBlTY" ~ total income from taxes and other revenues would be thirty-aeven billion s~ven hundl·ed· million dollars for the coming year, which· means that only two hundred dollars will be left to meet emergencies, or t o be applied toward r etiring the national debt. In'OFFE ,R cidentally, OUI' national debt · now stands at two hundred and fifty-nine billion dollars; so, at the rate SATISFACTORY of payment by the :president, it would only take 518 SERVICES years to retire it, if no new depressions or wars come along. '

Brown's Insurance Senice



The President's Budget proposes reductions in expenditures in only two of its maior divisions. In the ~ome other twelve it a sks that expenditures lor next year _ Dial2111 Waynesville, Ohio be increased by Slome nit;e billion four hundred mil,\ion dollars over last year. As an example' it is pro\1iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii_t!.' posed the S ta te Department be gi ven twice as much money this year as 'last; the Veterans' Administration twice as much as last year; the REA borrowing TBLEPBONES from RFC be increased by three times over last WAYhsVILLB lOti year; and that th e appropriations for Library servMORROW No.1 ice he tripled. LEBANON Offlee ,.,SK To show how Government spending, in thiR third RE8. UlL • lAND and GRAVEL year of]leace follc)wing the war, compares with costs in peace-time yeslrs before the war, here are a few BLACK-T9P DRIVES interesting figures: It cost one hundred and sixty TAR and ROAD OIL thousand dollars to maintain and run the White LAWN and FILL DIRT House in 1939. ]~or next year Mr. Truman is asking five hundred (111" thousand eight bundred dollars. , READY-MIX CONCRETE In the same yt ar of 1989 the Executive Offices of the EXCAVATING and DUMP TRUCK SERVICE President cost ,0Rle hundred ninety-six thousand dollars to .operate. For next year his budget request

JHcC!llure JlfUlteral

Armitage :& Son

i for one million fOUl' hundred and seventeen thou and. The Budget Bureau, which i directly under the Pre ident, in t he last pace-time yea l' before t ho war cost three hundred nin ty- ix t housand .dollar . It is now requesting th l'ee milli on ·five hundred ami ix t housand. . Bac k in 19.t0 OU t· Foreign ervice cost foul'l en million dollars. For t his coming fi scal year t h ' diplomats ins ist they must have one hundred a nd seventeen million dollars. The Department of Labor, 1939, had total opel'tlting expenses of twenty-foul' million doJlal's. Now it is claimed 'one hundred 'and six million two hundred and lorty-two t housand must be appropriated to "that Department for the next fi scal year. The Departm ent of Commerce was able to get along on twen ty million dollal's in 1939. It is now asking for two hundred and ' "ixty milllon eight hundred and fo ul·teen thousand dollars of public funds for .t he coming year. Back before Pearl Harbor the Interior Depart.ment co t one hundred and fifty million dollarS! a year to operate; n ow the amount requested is three hundred and aixty-three I.n illion. " . The Bureau of Public Roads is seeking appropriations of four hundred and thirty-five million dollars for the new ' year, in comparison with expenditures of one hundred and sixty-nine million in '1940. Public Hou ing is asking for one hundred and seventy-three million dollars for operation - plus authortiy to gt'ant mortgage loans of foul' hundred and fortythree million more. Back in 1940 Public Housing functioned on nineteey! million dollars. If the Government is to operate w ithin its income, balance the budget, make substantial payments on the national debt; and reduce the tax burden on the people, the President's budget request of thirty-seven and one-half billion dollars must be cut to somewhere between thirty and thirty-two billion dollars . A year from now public spending sl1puld be reduced • even more. A twenty-five billion annual . budget to operate the Federal Government is about all the American people can possibly support. Today it is costing twenty-five per cent of the total national income to meet the running expenses of our Federal Government. State and local governments are cost-ing from five to ten pe.r cent more, No wonder ' prices are so high, and it is 110 difficult for the average citizen to layaway a 'few dollars ,for a u·r ainy day". The tax .collector retll too much.


A reduction of 152,800 a.ores In Wi11iams, administrator invent;ory SON BORN MONDAY U. S. 1947 potato goals was an- · approved. TO WILLIS MAURICES In the matter of the estate of A son, Riohard Paul was bam to nounceld in January. Alrl··d Casner Bowman, dec'd, Mr. and Mrs . Willis Maurice of ncta Beutrice Bowman appointed NORRIS BROCK CO. Dayton, Jan. 27. Mr. and Mrs. exccutri x giving bond with sure· Oharles Maurice of Waynesvll1e CUlclnnati Union Stack Yards ties in sum of $2500. the pruternal grandparents. In the matter of the estate of Ha t'dy Bowman, dec'd, J ennie Bow- . mlln administratrix filed applica- SON BORN TO tion for certiiicates of transfer of STILES, SA TURDA Y I'eal estate. A son w s b orn Sa(mday. Fcb. 1 In the matter of the estate of to Mr. a,nd Mrs. George Stiles a t Louise Hamilton, dec'd, gross value M1runi Valley h05p!taJ. Dayton. of estate is $136,226.90. Forrest Freeze, admi'nlstratol' of the estate of Pearl Freeze, dec'd, Dunham White Rocks Leadto sell real estate at private sale. ing ' for Breed at Georgia Live Wire I1n~ f rogresslve. An or-Test. pnlzatlon second to none. Strldly In the matter "of the estate of Perry Williams, dec'd, Martha E. From the 21st Georgia. National .ellers on tbe best all around market Kindred administratrix inventory ~ Laying Test comes the report in the countrY. ap proved. that a pen Of White Rooks Service That Satisfie~ In the matter of the estate of is leading all White Rocks for the TUNE TO Howard C. Reif, dec'd, Ladorah G. first two 4\nonbbs records. This pen wmo Dayton 1:30 - Dial 1300 Reif. ap poin ted ,admini stratrix ~~iv­ of 13 pulleUi lafd 538 eggS during WLW Cincinluiti 12:40 Dial 700 ing bond with sur~ties in sum of are 61 days of Oct. and Nov. For O.. r naily Market Report I·O W. $30,000. Dunham's vWute Rooks have bad Rocln y a l1(1 Loi ' F orkn ' l' to high White Rock pens at the MARRIAGE LICENSES J ohn ulld lara B. Goodin 2.90 NEW MUSIC TEACH~R Georgia test several years. The high Roy Randolph Reynolds, 24, aCl'es in Union twp. White Rock pens for the years 1941; Waynesville, farmer, Gladys Jean GeOl'ge E. Millitzer alld Uly us TO LEAD CHOIR Fairchild, 21, Oregonia. Grant and Nora SheilI' r 5 lots in Mr. Gahris. music teaoher in the 1943,; and 1945 having come from Herbert Beihle, 27, Mason, far- Loveland Park. Waynesville Schools will lea'<! the the Dunham White Rook Farmmer, Henrietta Hollingsworth, 22, John H. Swiger to Lizzi· wigt' l' c.hoir of the MethOdIst Ohurch and R. 2 Waynesville. Leba non. 3 luts in Franklin. Will begin practloe on Wednesday Robert E. Alpaugh, 26, Lebanon, Y <1Ur ltid n ya nre COO l nntl y"rln Evere tt J. and El. ic Bl.ln nell to "'nale rn o t lrom tho bloud ~L rr nm. Du t 'a lesman, Kalhleen Poff, 23, Leb- E lmer R. Raine ' 1.63 acres in evening. Feb. 12. oys 80 m Nim • lOll In f hoi r work- c! k ldn Mr. Gahris sang as a solo at the no t net no ND t.ur~ iut u,. ····d- f-u H l f C' '' anon. Wuyne tW IJ. m ovo im purltio. that. Ii rOI:oJned. ' Y ~:::.,~ornlng services "The Lord's t Louis Wiegand, 25, Dayton, buf· p olson lh o syste m aud upset l ll .. wllol Harry M. and Harriet Rola nd to b ody methint1ry . f er, Marilyn Faye Tolley. 23, 'Julius Darlington 3 lots in Lebanin. Sytn l>toms rnay he n n :~ . ng hac t:lch o. It is requested by the churoh b1 JANE FIR Franklin, secretary. nt lwudachl!. nL Ulr ku 01 dl.:.:;l nl'''''' p orslat Claudia E. Surface to Donald D. g elting up n lch19. 6wullin ll, pu , ness Horace W. Cleaver, 29, ' Clarks· and. Merl Surface 3 lot in Lebanon. leaders that the choir m~s of . "Brownies" baked ha.m'b~s un d er lho oyes-II Icelln 01 norvpua the MethodiSt Church give Mr. meats my approvnl. No. slree they're nu xic,ty and loss of pcp nnd SLr 'uglh _ ville, buffer, Lillie Ballard, 24, Chal'les E. Young to FI'ed Kah" Gahris their 1 eJ O t h r .innB 01 k d uv or bln tld~r d :a' rt. one thing I 'WOn'ti beef QIbiout. I Morrow, iactory worker. . order oro I"metitnt's burn ine, I CAllLy or lot in , Lebanon . or SUPPO Just intend rt.o Pork mysel! outslXie 1.00 frequent ur inaLion. Bernam Bevins, 21, Franklin, T hero should br. no d ? u t thot pro mpe Adda Dum1, by acilllini st l' W I' t her Idt.c.hen, and steak around for trClltmCnt Is wis r tha n neglcct . 010 drill pr s operator, Anna Mary Mary D. Hollon 2 lots in Frnnkli!1 ' BIRTH OF DAUGHTER Doan'. Pill •. Doa n·. hn v" been ",Inoln more. Hilte, 18 Franklin ,'factory worker. n ow ui ends for moro tbon Corty Yellrs _ Wildie B. and Martha . t·] 1- TO MacMILLAN'S They havo a n nL!on-y'ido repu t Blion. Leroy Delzeith, 22, Dayton, Are recommond ed by grat ful p eople tho li.lIg'swol'lh to Th.!! Lebanon Metho- ANNOUNCED HERE In some factories. when the wol'kJoanne Is bel, 21, Franklin, factory dlst Church lot 111 Lebanon. eountry over. Ad: 1I0ur r. ciahbor/ i Drs. Robert. J . and' Jane O. Mac 'era are ftgt.tlmg . ~biout portal to wOl·ker. Alice 'I'emplin to Savyl J . Brown Millan are announcing the a.rrtval portal pay, the managemenrt. should 3 lots in Butledville. Ol\tMON PUlA Sidney and Elvira Johnsin to of a (laughter at Ba;ker Memorial holler about t he <portal to portal play! Nelli A. tone vs Charles M. Seldon and Ethel McIntosh 0.135 h 06pital, Boston. Mass .. Jan. 31. Stone, dIVa .. 00 piamtiff, plain- 'acres in South Lebanon. tiff restored to maiden name, costs Gaylord E. Flora to Henry and paid. Mary DeMalade 0.;,13 M'I'eS in Geneva Thacker, a minor vs Ver- Salem twp. non Thacker, a minor. case disHoward W. alid Hazel G. missed without record at cost of Bradeen to Elwood C. and Ruth L. plaintiff. Killworth 94.95 aCl'e in Wayn The Franklin National Bank vs twp. Robert and Dorothy G. Sebald, Lestcl' J . and ,Ve ma Kenl'ich to judgement for plaintiff fOl' $359.73 Howard R. and Grace E. Williams without costs. 0.50 acres in Clearcreek twp. Christine Landes vs Charles Donald and Mary Tigar to Sam Landes, case dismissed without re- Saylor 2.83 acre in Harlan twp. cord ati cost of plaintiff. Donald and Mary Tigar to James Mary Frazier vs Evert Frazier, and Frances Bogan 1.06 a<;res ill divorce to plaintiff, custody of Harlan twp. minor children to plaintiff, proChar:les M. Stone to Nellie A. perty ·agreement. S~one 3.85 acres in Turtlecreek Mark W. Rhoades vs Mitchel twp. Rosemary . Rhoades former entty Lucy May Bunnell to Dorotha A. modified, plaintiff to pay $12.50 Mullen" 2 acres in Clearcreek twp. per week starting January 25 also Edwal'd B. Hodgan, by ad'm inis~rdered to' pay sum of $26.00 to trator to Myrtle P. Howard, 40 Ilcrelj in Washington twp.

Pap 5 plaintiff attorney and costs herein. WAYNESVILLE. OIno - NO. 4302 , Mary C. Sherwood vs Roger l'RURSDAY. FEBRUARY. 6, 1947 Sherwood hearing set for February 6 at 10 o'clock. Hnzel 1. Hatton vs Ernest R. Hutton, a minot', divurce lo pla i.ntiff. P eg'~y R. 101lCh, a lII ino!' vs ,ViINEW SUITS lurd E. 'Ionch , divo rce lo plaintiff, Gellcva T h a 0 k e I', U minor costs pu id . th rough her n xt of friend and Helen HilldlllUll vs Huiph Hull , 1lI0U1el'. Annu Wilsoll vs Clay 1-lil\(lmun, di vorc ' lO pl ailltiff, proT ila k 1', a minor, di vo!' e, gross pe rly !lg' I'O melll uppruved. negl ct, J . T. Riley. Madeli ne Rolle r vs Robert A. Hea l E. 'late Transfers Heller, 8 1'., divorce, gross neglect, Frlln ie W . he ney to Kenneth Ma xw 11 Finkleman. L. a nd Belt y J . lI ' sne)' 1.07 acrol; Harlin HenRley vs Nettie Henill Masoll . sl y, divorce, ex treme cruelty, J . T. Ralph W . 'Ie\' nger to Gordon Riley . and Maxine Tinch, lot in Frunklin. T he Franklin National Bank vs Sherman 'and Alene C. Cook to a obert. D. tll;d I?OI'ol hy . ._ebaltl hn1'ley and Marie J ones , .13 CbgllOY lt , J . 1. Riley. ac res ill Wa yne Twp. Mary ~ . hel'Wood vs Roger W linton E. Harll I ' e(, al to Lehe l·wood. divorce, gross neglect of Roy anu Edllu onnol' 10 in Morduty, Meryl B. Gray. ' THE MIAMI GAZET1'E -


Q'rap1t::Jete -

t t·

j,~~q{. ,rtl-r.JLV "--- ~ ~~: D

PROBATE COURT [n the matter of the guardianship 'of Barbara Louise Harper. a minor Birdie Lutes, guardian filed first and final account. In the matter of the estate of .... fOR (OUGH\ O UI TO CO lO~ Joseph S. Morris, dec'd, Julia G. _ _ _ _ _......:._ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Morris administratrix inventory approved. AUCTIONEERING In the matter of the estate of STANLEY and KOOGLER Margaret M. Reed, dec'd, Fred and Joseph D. Reed, Jr. executors, in.-GKDII ....cmrn ror o..te.. Ph.... !III. Warn..we. ventory hearing Bet for February 11 at 10 o'clock. 0b10. Re9tI'II CbupI In the matter of the estate of Anna' Ayers, dec'd, Walter E. Ayers ana MIldred Behm executors 'to sell certam stock at pn, vate sale. INCOME TAX In the matter of the estate of Jennie Tribbey dec'd, Oscar W. SERVICE Doughman ex e cut 0 I' inve,ntory hearing set for Febru!lry 18 at 10 Call o'cloCk. I In the matter of the estate of C. E. MICHENER Louella McClure, dec'd, ElUis McClure, administrator inventory 'Phone 2926 hearing set for February 11 at 10 o'clock. Waya_viIle, Ohio In the matter of the estate of ~_ _ _ _ _~....~~_~~':' Inez W. Crai~, dec'd, He~chel M.



,BIG' J0HN 0EER-E 0AY PRO GRAM! Sponsored bj .


Phone 31311

SPRING VAJ·I.EY HIGH SCHOOL' , . FEB. 11, 1947 . -:,7 :30 P. M. .


Modern-Mode Styling lor ChE~vrolet METHODIST CHURCH It. 'D. Coleman, Minister SUNDAY SCHOOL 9 :30 A. M. J . J. Burske. Supt. WORSHIP BEl-. VICE 10:30 A. M. YOUTH FELLQWSlUP. • ThUTsday. 1:30 P. M. CHOIR PRACTIcE

Wednestiay, 7 :30 P. M.


Hornblower" by O. B. ~r; "B. THE MIAMI GAZETTE - . . . . . F .-s Da.ughter·· by J . P . Marqua.nd ; WAYNESVILLE, omo - NO. t30Z THURSDAY, FEBRUARY, 6, IN7 "Pav1l1on or Women" by Pearl Buck : "Footb ridge to .oea'bh· by G61thleen Wesley Holley, Mllbor., West VirKnight : "Red' Clark at Show..iown" ginia.. who prolduoes high yields ot by Gordan Young; "~s1cs mllide Easy" by Louis T . Masson; "Preseilit fine quality tobacco says. "I 'p lowed Laughter" by Noel Coward' "Pick under a crop of soYbeans and 'then yQur Victim" by Pat McOerr; "Tnste SO\red a cover crop of wheat 8.n'd at Vengea.noe" by L. R . DaNis; "Janey vetch whiCh was plowed UJlIder in Jeens" by R . K. Harris; '''Salem tlhe sprtr.g. I manured the ground Frlga:te" by John Jennings: "Great and used one ton of 2-1~ on Horse S tori'es" 'by Page COOper: one and one-half aores 01 grounId. "N~ Orleans Woman" by Harn ett The fa.u cover crop ought to have I&ne: "Monetary Theory" by G eorge 1,000 to 2.000 pounds of phosphate N . ·} {alm; "R.cses and Bucklsh:t" by per acre. James F'l&g1g; "R~fles o(Slngarp:7rc" by Emily HaLm; "Peaoo or Mind" by J . L , Liebman; "Yellow T8Jpers for Pans" by Bruce Marshall : "Green NOTICE! G1'86S of 'Wyoming"by Mary d~; My office will be closed "Happy the Lantl" by Louise D . Rlohl; from ' "Roooevelt I Knew" by Frances Perkins; 'East 'RIver" by Sholem Asch; Monday, Feb. 3 to "Under Red sea sun" by Otmunander Monday, March 3 Elsburg; "Plotters" by John RJoy oa.Nson ; "Dust On ~ Heaa-t" by DR. C. E. WILKIN James Neill. Optometrist


Samuel N. KeyS Lay Reader-1n charge Churoh School 9 ::10 p . m. Holy Qlmm\m1on. Oolonel John Linsley and Selmon. Samuel N. lteyes 11 :00 a . m.

UTICA U. B· CHURCH Bev. Ralph RInes 8UNDAY SCHOOL 9:30 A. M. l4r6. James Garrison. SUpt.


Xenia; Ohio

PREACHING 1st a.nd 3M S~8 each month 10:30 A. M.



The auto industry'. stylist. and designer. have played the major role in tb\ BIBLE sOI:rooL 9 :30 AM. presentation of new modela, since chan&e-over this year baa been gerieral!y confined to reat~linc in the modem mode. Here ia the new Chevrolet. now lJ! MORNING WORSHIP 10:30 A. M . production, diltinguiahed by advaDCed front-end treatmenlt that incorporate. YOU'NI MEErIN06 .,:00 P. ~. • new and more massive radiator &rille, larger parking lumps, and smar~ly .ADULT PR.AYER MEETING redesigned decorative features. , 7:00 P. II. JM!]NING EVANGELlBTIO SERVICE 7:45 P. II. to have an 'Old Pfq>le's Ohoir'. If I you feel old," be eure to come. lit wID help yoo, to feel younger. EveryMT. HOLLY one welcome. METHODIST CHURCH T. M. Scuff. MInister II:SO A. II. ARE YOU aEADING YOUR BIBLE The Wayne TOwnShip Ub~ SUNDAY SCHOOL E. A. Earnhart, Supt. you still have time to read throug'h Board met in its first session for :WORSrDP SERVIOE 10:30 ,A. M . your New Testamtmt by Easter SUn- thJe year on Thun~y atte.l'nOOIl at 'IWENlJO SERVIOE 7:30 .P. II. -dily.' !Read a f~ extra; chapters tlhe l/lIIfice of Dr. Mary Cook. The each weelt and you ~ soon be to~ ~ l\WJl'e elected. Dr. ,ST. ) UGUSTINE CHURC'H up wtbh those WIho have been read- Mary 000It. preslbdent Mias .RuitIh rather kramholh, Prlat iDg each da6'. 0h8pber fQl"4IUa week reOO1tiU. secretary and ' MASE. ","UNDAY D:OO A.:II. are:Mias Allee Gons. c:leJIk-treasure. Sun. Peb. II - Luke 19-21 '!be members of ~ Board beFRIENDS 1Mion. Feb 10 - Luke 3Z--34o s1~ ~ named above ere Mr. FmBT DAY SCHOOL 9:30 A. M.. Tues. Feb. 11 - JOhn 1-3 Albert Polinsky, Ma's. Fred Gmu- 1 MEETING for WORSHIP Wed. Feb. 12 - John ~ man, Mrs. RDnaIld Ha.wk/eI and Mrs. . 10:30 A. M . Thurs. Feb. 13 - John 7-9 RoBooe ·Furnas. I Fri. Feb. 14 - .J ohn 10-12 Very lew tc.iWlr18 >the size of WAYNESVILLE 88It. Pe:b. 1~ - John 1~18 /Waynesville have 9S 1a.tlJe and varied CHURCH of CHRIST SUn. ' Feb. 16 - JiQhnJ 16-18 collectton of books in tihe1r l1bat1es Robert L. VanZile, MlDlswr 'I1he chapters w1l1 be given each OIl' even have Ubraries lilt 8il1. OUr BIBLE SCHOOL 9.30 A. M. !Week for Sunida.) through the next l,bm.ry 'lJ:86 It, good c1rculaltion but. COMMUNION 10:30 A. M . SUIlday 'for the benet1t of tlhIose we feel that it is not ~ as widely 11 :00 A. M. who may be reading the tim ~ 116 tt shoulkl be. There are boob on SERMON 8:00 P.M. In iihe morning. That Is a ftne Way aBmIost '6'IeJry subject one could! wish EVENING SERVICE to start the <l&y. to read. about and eSpecially does JUNIOR 0HRIBTlAN ENDEAIVOR the 11bral'Jan remember the y<lUl'lger 6:45 P. m . each Sunda!y n.1ght. Oome BANNER 0LAS8 l&'Jt Sunday was readers 1n !her choice of books. Each and see how much yOU will enjoy the "Junior Class' a.ga1JD with 135 month IlIeW bookls n·ra purohaseii. t'h ese meet1algs. per cent, for the thint Bunday. The ~ a ~ (lit those pla.bedl in __ Crusalders ~ ran It, cl~ second the Iib~ th.e ,JUt zn!Ont.h would nms SUNDAY NIGHT Feb. 9 is with 133 Qent. WhICh cilass ..Wm be or mtere6t to ifll:le oommundty. ~n.I"~ strangdr Nd!ght'. ' Invite be high JIlalk for DelIlt ~? "PocaIwnta8' by O'Aulaire and ....... 'tS a _ D'Aulatre. "Old. 000 and Patriok" by SOlT\eone wttltll W1bom you Sire l10t "well !Let us a'll vrorIt 8Ind pray tlaat Ruth ~; "Maldel1ne Takes acqua1nited.br1ng them ~ the the 'l'welve Weeks WIth Obrlst pro- Oamma.nd!' by Etihel Brill; ".Angry ices. lit w1ll-help you to get. acqua4rit- .gram anay be a suroe&I. We can P1aoet'! by John K. Cross; Ironed 841d will 'help them to become maare it 80 if we WW. I dot b'-"" ~_... Cleland' ,,~ interested 1n the church. an Y "f!>4f!Y - ,


ons~~~e~ (REA_IER, . r-:q~ RI(HER FLAVOR!

" ..


wr:ti LO~

-",. UUH i fNDSI,

',He_Dee "


nd no wonder •.• for there actually is rich, tasty cream in every single drop of this bett.r milk . . • from the top of the bo"Ie to the very bottom I And it's fortified with 400 units of vitamin D per quart, too. Try Golden Crest HornoDee .•. soonl

71ortlells, Telphone Waynesville 2552

, I

I F IT ~ B0 ROE iI :., ':- IT S G O 7 T (I h t- GOOD



or Dayton HE1275



SERVWE each ,Wed'neSday 7:30 p. m . SIt the house. . During the .:'11welve Wrceks Wtth Chri~'. we v;UI be st~ng "1U1e J<AU'neys and Deeds of Jesus. an hdstorical 841d geugoraph1oal ~tudy 'of the IMe of Cihr1st. A mSip of the JlO'UnleyS of JesUs will be given ro eadl family a1Jbe.n'dlng. MID-~

SERJM:ONB FOR NEXT SUNDAY, Feb. 16. A. M. "!be BUIJlB.Jl:ity of Ohrist' P. M. '~ cit Ohrist'

NEXT SUNDAY NIGHT, Feb. 16. is' 'Old ~'e HIe·hIt:' Invite all

. . old ~e ,100 ~. ,4A large :tftIe 'l'eIIbImeD.t w1I1 be pveo Ito tbe ~ peI8DJl prUeot. We bIOpe

Baha'i Administration .


passion, truth .. It ts & of in'ter-creative tllinkConclusion of ",.. New Teah1nque Ing. 0\lIJ'es the q)in1Oll81ted person





In Consullt&t1on:" ''In Baha'i 0011- wIhooe mlntl' 'is .all made up. suJa.tlon mind giwa 88 well WhUe unan~ of dectsion in 88 ltakes, is constantly to remain Baha'i OCllllsulatt'CllriL is desirable. it OpeD, and to undertand aDd ap-. is not eeeentlBi. In fact. inslst.841Ice predate other .,poln~.of ve!w t.han on It, unanJ.mous vote would be hatmits own. The "ldea& born in such tul for it WOUld compel.the Dl.8Ijforit;y Q ~ are the result of areat- to ~ with the m.I;nority, we Itwbemct1ian wlthother mmds. even if that m1bor1ty consistIed' of Inspired by a common fa:lth aDd' e. one pellIOD. '1be :requ1remebt ,r:it uncommon aim the wel!are of the antmky would untiermine 'bhe Whole whole omunumty.. As ~ res- structure, 88 waa 1~ ease with the pcanbW~ Is 9hJitted. from \ tile in- ~ of' natior:lI!I. Yet. Wttlirut divtdua.t Ito 'the 88IJeQlbly; 1lld!iridual ~, lBaIla'l gnq) decI8iori opinion te~ to become mUle and Ie ·o rten c!ia1'ried.b3' u.naniJricq, ;tobe more ~ .• It g the detadl.,. lie a ' rMuJt OIl c!readV8 cHiicu.Jon". ed atUtudie of .. IIbsoIbed SUbmlted by Belen lIcOoy m _ obJeotbe - - . aDd , . N. .. ~, OhIo







l~94' r .J



THE MIAMI GAZETTE - Pa,.e , Sunday dinner When the family WAYNESVILLE. 08.1 0 - NO. 41102 comes an'CI' we wUI have liver with THURSDAY. FEBRUARY. 6. 1947 an10ns tolu~hlt Or sha\1 we have spare ribs and saurkraut. And we will senti a mess of that sausag to Mrs. Neighbor and send some to 'Soand so who SCI-;lt us some when d they butch ered. Of cour 'e ca A FARM DIARY saUSil~e and making lard Is hOL D. J. Fraier nnld dirtY work bu t t.h re Is a satWa.<:t!on to It. even though some Janurury 31. 1947. Jar.uarY, is gone people don'L like it Ilnd woUld l'aILI!an'd already we begin to reel the er buy their mea.t and IU\\' less pressure'at spring work. The breath- f It thar. m ess \\1th the gr : SLuff ing spell Is over. Now Is the time but I t~link Ulere nre a good many to get that manure spreader work- who wlll feel tha t a h ig h point in Ing and c1ea.n th.e brood~r house . Lhe years work h as been by passed Are you plar..ning . for early Chicks. when the locker plant does all the then get your order in qUickly. Clean work aJ1'd they just take It home your equipment. Insulate your by the pi (l n th ey would from Lhe brooder house If it isn't already stJore. done. See that your stove is in Do labor saving de viocs really working order. !il1at, is most Im- make anyone any happier. Undoub Lportal!t. It you an'e us1ng a drum ediy a few of t.hem ma ke UlingS t,y'pe kerosene brooder be sure that for the over worked ones, it is set uip right, that there runn1r.g walier, Ii washIng maohdrwl't enought a.nd that there are !ne anti electric llght&. yes. we WiOuld no elbows in t.he pipe. That was !hate 00 do Wlthou,t them but a!'e whalt mused our brooder house fire most people any happlru' with more two years ago. Also cheek your In- leisure . Those wh., had tv work surance and see tJlait you have er.- e1ght.een hours a da/)" to get llheir ough to cover the increased cost work done. yes, but Just ordinary of thlneB. TIhi.s is Wl1at I ought to people like most of us. I doubt It. be doing not what I BIIl1 dOing. You But or..ce we have seell an easier m.1ght even get in a little win'ter way of doing a nything the pleasure plowing. Is the groun'd for your Is gKlne from the way. The eru-Iy garden plowed? Mine ·is. man who really liked to plow with The modern way of taking care of horses, plows with a tnwtor even your meat is aimple. All you !do after if he can't smell the ground ' an'd it Is butdhered is to take the car- lIstlen 'to , the birds. I often wonder ~ to the locker plant and you hOw many people really enjoy their will never see it agal.n unW you jobs ,I n a r1l.Ctory. Do they get stais80 down 10 get a p1ece of mee.t. faction out of <the piles of little They .w ill cure the hams and bacon, pieces all .alike to a tnousand to try out the lard. make the sausage •• an inch. Do Ithey like the work itcut it all ~ with a po~ saw. self or just the pay cheek at the W1'84>. frreze and put It in your end of the week '? Wh8lt part ' does J.ocker. AU that work and time that pla.y i.I'lI the restless spirit of saved but somclibne I wonder what the W'Ot'ld today? for. Ia it. really any more fun to Now Is the time to enjOy last gO to a moVile or ~ br1~ than summer's canning. maybe it Isn't it Is Ito have some one you like any better than a can from tbJe 0CllIIe in to belp you take care at grooeIy bUt it ought to be a.nki it the meat. It glvea you such a wewthy ought to be mor.e fun to eat it. I leeUna to see it all lard out on the put up acme d1ll pickels last sumtable. yOu look IIJt 1t and th1nk,.,j mer and the other day I opened Now :we w1l1 have that roast some and did they rtaste good! Even

• I ' :J)1'';1- Ietda!!


Smokey liked 'bhem. They have such a refreshing taste. I eat tham just as we used to eat tlhe penny pickles th rut Oonover' grocery used to keep 1I~ a barrel back in t.he corlI er. I ne I' saw a 'Clog ea.t pickles but Smok y \\111 eat Lhem jll, a fast fI.S I can give them to her bit by biL. She even ate one from her dish on the floor. a. whole one ar.d sh e licked up all ·t he JUlce I spilled on a plate. In fact s h be:gged Ull he go t it. They Ilnall~' fillished drilling the well. 'I'h y began to get water a t thrity-!l ve feet but they didr.·t get enough lU1tl! oocut fonty-fh"e '!J1e n we wen t to forty-eight for luck and t hey say we have a good well. At abouL seven feel tl ey began to strike rock aOO at ter. teet they S1U1.'dstwl.e . IL must been a huge glncler bould r for stand and stone is not a natural fonnation here. It was ten f eet tih.lck e.r.d big enought so thatt. tJhey dr1lled through it wibhout splitting In.. From there down they drilled through lime ston1l. As far as we can tell this /Wa.ter Is not sulphur. Now whalt I WQnt be know is. can a weU-witcher locaIte the vel.c when it is under rock or only when it comes out of the rock? As far as I know the ol~ well was not In the rock ami that was the only place where tJhslt well-wiOOher said they would get water, burt a.t t.hree-ftf.ty a root I hardly bllink I ....1.11 'do any e~enting. SUllsll1nc and snow flurries make today 11,ke a. March da.y bWt it is so n1ce be have even a g~~ Of the s un that. we ~ stand to hav~ the snow nunica and colder wind. The ohiclcadllees seemed glad t.balt I had put out some new suet but I haven't .seen any titmice yet. The red birds a.ntI blue .Jays left when the outdoor com~b iW86 enllPtY but I saw my reid-headed rucker the Other da,y. That bird mus1; be a. tireak for there Isn't a ptcturie or tt ill any at the books. '11he SlOng sparrow has 'b een here all winter and it won't be 1oI!g now be10re it w1ll be s1ng1ng aga.1n wewnI ' . U1at spring is on the W91Y.

at WUmJ.ngt.on

Mr. and Mrs . Luther Haines attended a dil1lier at the General Denve r H otel. Wilmin gton We dnesday everung of thc Clll1'ton Co. Rural P olicy P lanning G roup . Raleigh Bogall c \led on his mot·he r. Mary Boga n in DaybJn . Sunday af'ternOOIl . The New Burli ng on-Ca ~ sar Creek W. P . M. S , mel a.t t.he home of Mrs. I re ne Burden last Wednes day afternoon . Mrs, Charles S tanlry and daughters, Mrs . EdI th Hadnes . Mrs. Phyllis H ollingsworth. Mm. Alic.e Haines an(! son wttended ' from Ceasars Creek Meeting. Mr. and Mrs. Leonard ElI L<; and family of near Kingman were guests of Raymond W1Ison and wife one vening last week . Mrs. Mar16nia Bogan atten"ded 1,1 meeting Of Ithe Evangelistic Committee of Wilmlngltx)n yearly meetIng

Friends Meetinl:' House on FrIday forenoon. iMr. and Mrs. WUlla.m Smith were in Dayton on BaturdalY afternoon. · Miss MauJde Harlan and bmther William called on Mrs. Lucy Compton in the Bogan hom e Sund y afternoon . Mr. a nd Mrs"' Paul R. Mille r of Dayton we re SundRY dinner guests of the ir pa re nt,<;. Mr . and Mrs. C. P . ElllL~.

Mrs.Lllcille White, Mrs. Louis Brown. Miss B et h a Field. an d Mrs. C. P. Ellis atLeIllded th-c funeral of Wm . D ixon at Ha\'cysburg on Wednesday afternoon of last week. Myr On Hag mey r and Eldon Ellis School at the Biltmore Hotel in Dayton. last week . a tended Frigidalr




Dunham White Rocks Make Great Layers, on Warren County Farms and in National Egg Laying Tesl$.







fairleyH'dwe. Stores 6-BIG STORES PHONE 24:41 ! .



Thirteen years of better breeding are behind every Vunham Chick. 13 years of specialized trapnest breeding have produced a strain of White Rocks that make your poultry rasing_more profitable-for both meat and egg production. We breed and hatch only White Rocks-all our time and effort is put into giving you the best White Rock chicks possible. Listed below are some of the outstanding official egg laying test records made by ,Dunham White Rocks: 1940 National Champion W. R. Hen- 804 eggs 1948 National Champion W. R. Pen (18 birds) 1943 National Champion W. R. Hen- 812 _~ggs 1944 National Champion W. R.'-Pen...:.-\13 birds) 1945 National Champion W. R. Hen- 823 eggs351.95 points. (Above hen has 2nd high ALL-TIME Coilest record for W. R.) .Buy chiCks of the breeding that has j)roduced the outstanding records shown abow. Tliey will help make your 1947 and 1948 poultry program more profitable. ~arch and April chicks should be ordered now. Don't delay for March and April dates are bQoking fast. ' Started Chicka available on order To place your order call or atop at R. 2 - Wayneaville - Ridgeville Road - WayneSVille (Phone 2916) . . Dunham White Rocks are bred on a Warren . County Farm, let them "make good on your farm".

Dunham White Rocks WAYNESVW, OHIO 2916


-. O'Ba.nl1on


• • ClASSIFIED AD BATES • • Z words or less. one t1Jne. •••••• 250 Each additoIle.1 word ••••••.•••.• lc SPECIAL BATES by CONTRACT



CARLISLE Gross . Mushmore gcOO oondJtion; HarohaIway pla.oc Orieger on Rt . 122 Extension. Phone 2843 , Fogle -26 Mabey Moore



W AN'lED - Oh1ld!ren to care for in my home; Rates by the hour. WAYNESVILLE Minnie Cook.. Box SOS, Waynesville ' t3me to pay. Pay part or all any ________________________ Ohio. ' - 27 time. LEBANON NArL FARM LOAN Household Goods For Sale- Oonard ASS·N·, Ellis H. sturm, Sedy- ------------------------ Th~n O,ne big oomi<mt; 2 Vickers Trea.s~ Lebanon, Ohio. Phone 44B F'OR SALE tc men's ooo.t.s. size 40. Phone 2554. Dakin -26 Florence


Jl'EDERAL LAND BANK LOANS: For Retinanclng - RebuUding Buying. 4 % Fann loans with long


Real Estale For Sale-

----------------~------ Bm~ey

FOR SALE - 6 x 9 Wine oolor :reversJble rug. like n~w; sa.OO Hunter FARM TO SELL cau or Write Mrs. Ruth Davis. - 26 Don Henderson. Tel. KEM46. &17 Lorain Ave .• Dayton. Ohio. tfc FOR SALE - Used Heating stove. CARLISLE Phone~. - 26c Hamlin FOR SALE - 30 Acres, 20 good Beaclller


tulable 1a.n'd. balance wooded pasture, with runn1ng spr1Dg water.

f_111 1c=;:~.·~:T

~ ~

=~= ~~ec=' :;:: da




Braly lJongma.n

\J i-Mrc


u sold 1f ~ U-' 'next ew ya. N 0 in b1 DANNY BA&T800K fotmation glven or property shown Wi esvUle led 'tale leag.ue w11 on ~. WUbur N. Sears, ~~ last IPrtdaY night ~ Phone 2651 Wa.ynesv1lle, Ohio. I the league cbainplon8h1p by detest_ _ _ _ _-r-_ _ _ _ _ .-aG_ 1ng 08.rllsle ' at Wayne to--:l8.

OFFICE EQUIPMENT------------'' HALLMARK TYPEWRITER RIBbOna now in stock. The GazetIte.

REAL ESTATE lP YOU .BAVE ANY PRQPERTY , . to ael1 call ¥raDc1a Gene Brown, ~ Esta.te Salesman, for H; D. Perin1neto~ . WllmJnet;on, Ohio. Pa.rm UIaD8 4%. Telephone w..p.vUle 2985. .

Dave HarisoCk l ed the aittacIt with 20 points. It was W~e'6 15 IWUl in 16 trtee. '!be ~'s Jr. H1gIh also 'WOO' 34-19; Completing Ithe season e.nd rema1n1ng undetealted. ~ was high soorlng man' rib 12 pointB. . WAYNESVILLE FG Fr 1"tS. 81m 3 0 6 Da~ 0 0 0 Tinney 1 3 5 Sheehan 0 0 0 Lackey 5 2 12


Ja.mfe I __,--_'--_--=-_____ Florence FOR 'SALE - '35 Ford Four Door Rye Sedan; Radio; Heater;P'Our new &u'Dh\UIt ~: ftIbult motor; Black patnt; Funlae





McQueen Fanner SmalLwood HunUiberger




7 2

2 0



34 Has!dngs '

. ' G IT Pts. S . 7 1 0


0 1 1

0 0


0 0

, 9


o o




5 0 4 0 1

:l Zw-k 2 Boaitman 8 Stlowt 0sm8lll



2 WA l'NESVILLE 0 Hartsock


Sheehan Rickey






7 COriard

o Thampsm VlckeTs 40 Dakin

12 '


FG 1 0

IT Pta. Florence 3 5 Bradley 0 U Hunter

1 0 2!

0 1





0 1 0 0

4 day night.




0 3

0 0


0 0

1 ville entra.nt 1ni the Tournament 2 loot by a beohn1cal knock-out In o his first figh t.


FG 5 0 3


1 O&man 0 =Old





4 40 Fr pta. 2



0 0



1 0




8 Vickers

0 0 0

0 Peters 2 a;ongacre 0 iHunter .


1 1

5 0 0 2 '

o o

Bv DwtG

Bot.h ,boys will flghil. In seml{lnaJ.s in M~ Hall . Dayton. Friday night. B1ll MCiKeeve2' the

other WaYll1es-


Mr. EaIlI Dilv~ Is at home. feeling

o fine. follow1Dtr an ~ncy opera6 Uon for ~c1t1s a.t Mlarni Ve.l1ey






HILLSBORO 4 Humphet'y8

Jim HaJ'tsook and , " ~s" Wilkerson moved semi-flnails 01 the '2 o QQlden Gloves Boxing Thumament 5 BIt Dayton by defeating their ()ipen~ o rolUld oppon~nts by ' deolslons Tues-


iHartsock oot.,polallt.ed John Olem33 mens of Linlden 0eDt.e:r Te8m tx> 14 5 Win his fight In tJhe lIght-hoovyFG IT Fts. weight division. 8 2 Wilkerson won a. thrid round de 18 1 0 2 cisJ.on tram We, ter Wenclew1cz of 3 . 0 6 Paifksl'1ie AthlJ tic Olub.


:l 3



0 0 ,


~ ~ 1~ 2 0

Two Local Boys o Win In Bouts



2 0 2



IT 2 0


19 Jones FG IT 1"tS. Smi.tJh 8 20 Scxltt 0 0 Davis R. 5 9

o THE M1AMJ GAZETTB - Pap I 16 llIUR.SDAY. FEBRUARY. 6, 1M7 4 WAYNESVILLE, omo - NO. 4.30%

~ 1 0 1 A:f\ter a long trip 1Ulid: tW\) games, Lyle J '0 1 Waynesville sta.nbed b~k feeling that j.yle D' 14 6 2 'they had! given. Hillsboro a gOOd . game T~ n1gl~t. Wlth I\lheir 48 21 6 heilPbt tllIe\Y' finally got Us in <the 4lu;t quarter 4()..--.48: Hartsook led NOT ICE ! !the atJt8ck WI1tlh 8 plJ!.n(s. The ~ tWo Io&t 31-33. My be.Jt)er Shop will be closed MUlford n&IIe 16 point.<; the highfor 18. days alter Feb. 17. est. C. LEE HAWKE WAYNESVILLE FG Ji'T ~. - - - lJukens o 0 0

0 1 0



1 Gl'aIluU.n


0 POweU



HQsp1taJ, Jan. 25tn.

CARD OF THANKS We desire to eXIPress our hearbrelt gratitude a.nd sincere <thanks to OUr friends. relatives and nelgb'bors. for bheir many e&rds and kin:d JJleSS8ges and fiora-l offerings received during our recent bereavement in the 1066 of OW' Mother &nId OrandIDotlher, Barah A. Oilman. We especla'11y wtsh. to thank Rev. Joseph Meyers and also Rev. oreen Genme.ntown for tbek ,oomt~ \\U'ds ~d ifIbe . Stubba f\meral Home for tbeir


0 Bullerent 'I'r7 ' BmNBB'S IUNOL! ef.flc1'e!lt 5ervWe6. , 7 Oomf~ reUeI from palIIIi of . The Harold ~ family. 2 Jbeume.tIIm. arthr1t!& oeurfttta, lum. .0 tJaio. PR.EE BOOKLET• . Aak for 2 Relner'a R1no1. ~ autter lcqer! Waynesville Drua Btol'e. tic





It's Here! The New 1947 Book of I Set(f \\)\I


l'~ el~

ONe \Ij~ 1'g


VI~I'- fRI"Ge. . jiM .n. DI\) \\)1/



tt\tiPoLS I/ttO~ Tile' ,t>ove.



,HAULe.PICKING Phone 2182

Third Street

Waynesville, Ohio



Quick Service

${1.3S·00 RADIOS -


WaynesVille Furniture & App6aoce Co. Gibbons Building, North S~reet WAYNESVILLE, OHIO

Phone 2422


Development Assured. for Local Community 'I1IE WAYNESVILLE DE~OP- . MENT COMPANY, INC. ELECT OFFICERS



ESTABLISHED 1850 - NO. 4303 '1.50 PER YEAR .....: 5c A COPY At a stlookiholders meeting cd TIle W1aynesvdlle ' DevelQping OonlPany WAYNESVILLE, omo THURSDAY, FEBRUARY, 13, 19017 Inc. Fridlw evening FebJ'&l18.1Iy 7'th. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __

the following 'Offlcea's \\'ere elected S. L. RClbItlson, PresIId~nt; R. c. Moler. Vloe President; C. E . AnderBOIl. Secretary;' A. T ., P{)Unsky. Treasurer ; S . H. Bailey; L . Davis.

Steiger To Address Eastern Star President Milk Group Here Honored At Meet:ing

IMPORTANT MESSAGE TO Samuel O. Steiger, Pann Serrvice iMJami ctlOIJ)ter 107 Order of EastWAYNESVILLE Direobor of Sta.tion WHllO, Da¥ton, ern Star met in regular seS1i;lon On 'nJere Is a fast grOw1~ recogrut- will be the key note ~ !lit the Monday e'Ven1ng ~ a large ation that both smaM and medium annual meeting for Warren 00\.J.Dty tendance of members and vlsitors. size communities offer the sa!est members cd t1he Miami Valley 0> The chapter was especta.Uy honored refuge from ma~ of the worries operative Milk Producers A.ssocJat.. by halving the gT8.Ild Ol'ganlst, Mrs. which are perplexing manufacturers ion !lit We.ynesville at 2:00 P . M. oUn Haines of BI.a.nctlester as a today. ~ce of this faCt is gu.efilii. 'Ille District ofIfioet:; l4rs. 8trengthening the ,trend of ~ntMaa'y L . Earnbart, preside;nt. Mrs. ra.l1za.ttcm ...wuoh has ,b een gathering Louella. Milltpn. Secy. CJ1 Hnrveysmomentum for time. burg and ~s. Laverne Ih1r'ton. Progressive industrial excutlves treasurer · of Ola.rksville. 'WIe1'e abO 64&0 realJze ·thait improved l1viDg present. Miami Oha.pter ga.vegpecla.l oonditions and standards of!1lred by honor to the president. Mrs. Earnsmall communities 1\ot' their worker,; ha.r.t. in a beautiful solo by Mrs. will produoe a far better future for M . A. Fulkemt>n. a. lovely poem bUsiness. &nall ~essive comwrtbten by Mrs. Bern~ POlinsky muniUes ,t41at re9Jlze tlhls fact now and wibh a pit from the chalpter wUl receive an imlpressive boost. pre&ented by 'Mrs. Amy BMley. Statistics ConlpUed by our govern'Ilhree condidat1es were Init.lated menlt show us that seven 'OUt at and dluring the social hour e~l'Y• A Minute for ~y is Better • every ten children bom In · comone reoe1ved valentines. both comic • Than A MonItih for Repairs • ' D1.U!l1t1es· s1mJlu to WaYD~llle /Will and . sent1.mental. I>a.inIiY h~ be OOIll.)leled 00 look to industrY for sha\>eti sandwiches and coffee were . the.1r Uving. Uwe are bo assume Bel'Ve'd! .b y Mr. and Mrs. RogerOBrown. the ~ty at. eduCaItJng these lMnI. M. A. PulkenlOIl imd Mrs. Alva . ohOdIl'en for · industry. we should Monday. FebJ'ual'y 17. .• the Grange Thompson. cream or milk from their famus in Olinton County will hear Glelll on Mond'ay evening. ~. 17th at uaame tile . ~ of pnl- Hall.. . . -....:......--.,...,..... ~ c1vic lElader. as 6P. M. ~ Waynesville. ~vie Olub ~ Ulem IIrltb .~. at , . h'O on' "'~ at ~ h;etr WDIlU&t ~ . - ;}• •~-............,,,,,,,,,,~~ ""Y~b;l~: ' ~ .,.,. . . dfnner infIet1ng e.t tbe Methodist meeting in WOlnlngton on 'l1I.Iesd&y. ., ' • 'b eeverN t.bou8Dd peroons . 9 100 A. M. ~ .e8cb' Fe1Jrta1y 18. '1'm! meet4n will be Mr. Vern E. MiUer, Pti>11e Delat~ livlng .lD the W&yneavllle area, has durlnc tbe 11 M year been tIbe ~ g 1~ Director of Goodwill Industries more thaIIi baU are ABsocJ.a.tion's spokemen In interof Dayton, wrn present a Goodwill depended In whole .Qr part on in- prettng farm and da.1ry news to tUm entltleJd, " Vtclory over Hand'dUBtry. 'l1l1S represents n~ only listeners In the area. Mr. R. C. Moler reported On thJe ~ This fUm. · wl:ll depict Ithe a 8Ubstan~ number Of · pe:t'S9ns As a. result at. the f&rm o11en~le Warren County Me1lhIOdtst Men~s work or Good1WIll Industries Which avaUable for .any in'dustry likely to he has built uP On this progrnm. Brotherhood meetiI\g helti in :MallOn . . Is a non-Profit. non denominational l&ate in Weynesvd11e, but an Mr. Steiger. fWas recently promoted Mc,ndu..y evening lilt the Mason COI1>OJ'&tlon. organized to provide seIt opportun~ty to provide beblier work:' to the cllreotJarshJp of tlre station's M IlhOd1st Church. He stated that help for the ihaldtca.pped. L6st year. lng conditions far 'them and an agrtcultwi11 aetiv1t1es. Previous to Jud~ Leiser of B\riJer OOUnt¥. who 636 physically d1sabled people were ' opprotunlty 00 boost our comnwni- his oorntng to Da.}' ton he W86 on gave a taJk ono "Juven1le DeU,nqueIlserved. receiving $220.000.00 in ~. the stalf of WMOH ..Hamiltton, where cy" proved himself an outstanding wages. Ninety five per rent self Pew small c()!J)mun'ties can offer he entered1 the fiel¢ of radio. a.utlhortty q-n the S\lbject and: made suppoI1tm.,.. GoodIw1ll was able to ,the ma.ny oo'\'Qntages that WaylllesAlso OD' the program 'Will be BIer- his listeners ' to feel .the need of serve IthJs many people throtJg\h the ville can offer indiUS'tr.y. WiIIY1'U!S- man Ress. LebanoDl Warren County the importance 01 thls work in OW' collection of u !IN'niture, clothing. ville not only adJo1nesa trunk. Rail AgrIcultura.l ~t. A report wiB be country today. and other h'ousehol'd nama. Road. but has several h~gihwn.ys g.1vw on ASsc1clatlon aMl.lrs and a In add1t1-on to this speiCiai t ealture , leading directl~ to close-by large- dtscusaion at. a nuttnber Of serious of the prograin the local Ic hurch oenters. ~t11e has an · &bund- ~1ems wb1ch OOnfront local milk also gave a good . program conarlit su/pply of POWCl" and water and 1Uld ~m rpfOducers will be held.. sJstlng of a piano solo. oon:w~t 8010 many adV'80n~ tor future d1!vel~- Members or <tlhe ~JaJtlon will andl a vocal so)o. ment. eld their ' oKtcers andl adviIory A' good dinner .was served Ib y the The J)W1)08t'! CJ1 the Waynesville councilmen. EMerta.tnment has been woplen at the church prior .flO the Development CooIpany. Inc. is to ·-a.rr8.nged, anti refreShments will be program. ~ Industl'lY in conUng ,to se1'lVllld.. . Those 8o't«!tading from herl~ were held in the audioortwn cd the Court. E~ elf Glenwin 'Poubtry F'aTm W&'ynesviU~. It will. w'h~n adIvtsable NeIndn of the Waynesville and Mr, a.nd Mrs. R. · O. Moler; Rev. Hoose ami will start at 7:30 P. ot Wa.ynesvtlle. C8J})tured one second ' and Ito the ·best Interests of W8.yne8- Sprl.n8tiora loc;aJ8 are oooperaitJng and Mrs. R. B. Cod~n; Mr. ~ M. prize ~ competitJon. with monTe thwo wIle. oonstruet sullaible factory in the Pla.n& tor t1hts annual ooooty Davis; a.nd ~. Morris Fltllker6,000 b1Idsfrom 35 states a.nd Oanada IS1tee ,t o be leased or sold! to IndUStry. IIlIeeI!4nl; Haney M. Burnet. son. Mr. MJassman \\oill dJsc.USs ·"Let's wt .tlbe 99tJh Boston Poultry. ShOw To accomIPliSh this flo the f.ullest <f. Take a Look Ahead." and phases Paul IVIeS. show chairman announ~ , Waynesville" js presi~nt of the of the cooperative movement as ed e~ it ril requJre the whQle- Wa.y.nesvWe locam.· and! is also vice- FISH & GAME viewed from 'thie e}"e8 of an indtJ6t,rIaa. ~ ""' __ .........""'1-..... 41,.... blue ...... beatted cooperation 01 every in- president or the As8OIclatton boud of MEETING TONIGHT 'W.~ ~••- "'~ "v, ml d1v!ldual and group in the 00l'D- ~. WUltam H. Null is preslIAn! IlDI)OJ'Itant M'eet1ng cd tIhe exect4ve. and yellow ribbons. symbol1~ of muntty. B8 1here are many obstio1es deDIt cI tbe SprIngtJOro local. W6m!n County ifl1sh and Game In adtiiti'On to the speaker bhe !bop 8'J'8.(I;e poultry. with the grand m overoolne. . 00nservat10n A8soc1ation w1ll be at Prosr&m 1neludes mus1caJ entert.&in- cha~an lbirds going Into the Hall The result dl our combined eKorts DAY'S ENTERTAIN ' MemoriBJ HaD, Lebanon. ()hj(J~ P'eb- ~~nirt and· a ~l't on Association of PaIne. a feature of the A & P WID unquestionablY establish here ft 13 ,................. ....~8 S. Members of -the AssOc1a.tJ.on Food Stores elahlbit. In adWUon Ithe FAKM BUREAU rua.ry . "IAM_"~) ! !lit 8 P. M. m their ...uoL.._ in Wa.ynesvtlle a Uvel1hood for all Election of Direobors a.nd movies Wua.,.,.,.,. UIl,,,,,,rs and advisory . birds shared! $15.000 in In ltWI area. who depend on obher GROUP, FEB. 5 smwn. ' councilmen for the coming year. A premwms including $500 provided for M S\.IIPPfOrt. 'Ibis wm Mr. and Mrs. Lyme.n Day en{.er- Speaker wdll be Don S. Snyder. socla.l hour. dUl'ing wb1c:h refresh- by >tile food oha1n for th'e bluesobootls .'and 1DCDIIJ\.Un1tY, 1Ife. Bebter .talned their Paml Bureau group WHIO Sportsman Forum. menta win be served. will preoode ribbon wilnners . Refrahments and smoker be the program. A Rhode Island Red .Cockerel . atreets. better sanitary oondittons on ~ evenJng. Mr. and bring abOut the glOW'th anki' devel~- Mts. J. ' M. o,reene cd ·LeIJa.m?DI and meeUn8. David Ellis Inlow. R.I . Wllming- ~ by Donald R. 'I1uttle of ru. ~ at. better homes, 'chun:bee. Mr. and Mrs. Luther. Rutaock 'Were ton. Is ~g his third term B8 umbJa. Conn .• was seJected as tbe . and ~ in general, wbkh guests. Mr. Greene announced th~ IPre61Ident of the Ollnton County Ibe6t bJrd' during the 11~-day show. ~ .tate place WIhere da4e c4 .tbe AnDUBl wayne Town- LENTEN SERVICES , AT bBL wbIdh 18 aotlng as host for Top scoring ·honore in the $1.000 ~ payrolls an~ cOmmunity. ab1p ~ to ·be Peb. :N. ST. MARY'S tb1s annual meeting, and he wI:lI NBIWooaI Oock!erel Ola&sic. richest ex1st8. . . Walter will be gueet speaker ·A specla.l propam of weekly Len- presidie at this meeting. Ha.r.vey M. P\ftIe 'in the poultr.y sOOw. were B. L. RdlIDIon. ~, of .tbis meeting. ten 6ervioes lilt St. Mary's W~es- Burnet. Waynesville. represents , t8Iken by WIhfte ~ Cockerels. '!be ~ DlWelopneDt vIDe. Feb. 191b. 'lbe entire 00II1- 0llDt0n County on tJhe A.saoc:iat1On's entries or E. Lea. Malrsh, Jr •• of • ~, lDD, USB GAZB'l'TE 0IA88JII'II:D ADS nwntty· Is weloome 410 tbeee aell'vicea. bou'd c4 cI4recOOrs. Pioneer Pann. Old lqme. Oonn. AN

Ve~ce nnd '\l~() on \\w LAber







Clinton County Mil~ Meeting

Safety Thought For The Week

M:~~ ~:=~a:~

Ladies Night At CiVic Club

f B h'ethOOU , _

0 .' rot

Glenwin Farm Captures' Prize





F INA 'C t AL R EPORT OF THE BOARD OF EDUCT ION Fo r FL a 1 Year Ending Deccmb er 31 -t. 1946. WAYN E RllIt,\ 1. ~C UOOL D1 · ... Rl "f. COUNT Y O F WA R REN r . O. Addr ~ , .. t\"\·!'I: F. ' VI LLE. 0 11 10. J ANUA R Y :U. 194i 1 C l' t ry t·h [ollc, wing rep ort. to be. correct,. Ca 1 rille W . Ba rnh nl·t Cl Tk of the Board of EduC3Jtloll . T r x Vnlu.1. I .lon . . .. . .. . ... . .. .. . ........ .. ... . . . : . , . ...... $3,-173,37 .00 ·1.x '-t" y , ....... ..... ........ ... ... ....... .... ..... ........ ... .... 6,9 ~iloJI 1!:111'Ullm"uL .. .. ........ ..... .... .. ... .. . . .. .. . .. ..... . .. 550 ~.I.dlll".' Iud V:Jges .... .. . ........ .. . ..... . .. .. ...... 45,581.18 :, . .\, \ l.\lt Y 01- CASU UJlL,\!'I: CE'. RECEII ''l' , AN D EXPEN DITUR ES 1..1o;l'H .J allu.ul·Y. bot. W<lti

t ·,


• '1 ;,'1.1




. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .... ••. . ..... . . . . . . . . . .• ...

$14,631 .87

III It tl. '.1 <I:: l"Ul\d ........ . ... .. . ... ... .....•.. ... .. . . .. 3.129.1::!

. . ....... . . .. . . ... .. .. .. . . ..... . . , . . . . . .

1utal 1~ ~ CI · I·L... -

Lolll' I-:11 FUlld . ... 1


1.7 ~3 . 41l

.. , ........ ....... ....... .. .... . . ..... . 19.5;'4 .4 -; . .

. . . '.' ..... . ........ .... .. ....... ... .. . ... 57.302.0 5 . . . . . . . . . ... . . . . . . • . . . . . .. . . . .. • . . . . . ... . "


TuLaI ... .., .... ........ .... ...... ........ ....... ........ . 67,23 '.24 '10'-'1 Itcccipt anti Bala lll'c 86,790.71 fuPI'I u:Hur ' u~ 1'..11 1''Und ... ....... .. ........ . .. ...... .. .... . . .. ..... . . 62 ,332. 21 h _IIQ. (' l'I.;ll1t:n : fu nd . ... . . ! • . . . . . . . . .. .. ... . ... . .. ..• •... . l ,l05.0U LU j (;ll

. .... . . . . . . . .... . . . . . • . .. .. . . . . . . . . . • ... .. . .. . • . . • . . .

i nvenlor y

1.1JYI)Ues lind Mll te li n1s (EsUITUltc<l) . ... .. .... .. .. .. 1,000 .00 TIlE MIAMI GAZET TE - Pap I 'Cos') ( EstimM",d) . .. . ........ ........ . ... . ........ . 2.•500.00 W AYNES VILLE. OIUO - NO . 4303 Du Dding 'C')-) I Eo; imuted) .. .... ....... ........ .... ..... 116.000.00 T H UR D AY, FEBRU ARY, 1.3, 194'7 'q lll Ull1(' II, ICest l 1&.<1 hnllt .l .. ........ .. .. ........ ... ... 10.000.00 'folui I\ SI:';<; ...... '.' ... . ..... .•. . .. .. .. . . ..... . .. . . •..... . 139.533.82 1.1.1 bilitic'- guests we-fie : Mr. und Mrs . Karl BOllcld D :::lJt .......• ........ . .....• . ... ........ . .• . . .. ...... 2.000 00 T. : n1 L.!:~IJl II Ie" .... . ..... ... . ... ..... .. .. . ..... . ........ . . 2.000.00 H!1J'1'ey of Lcbn.nOIl, Mr. and Mrs. E.·c '~~ A.- ~.,'~ '.' ....... ....... .. . . .. .. .. ... ........ .. . 137.533 .B2 Hu.ny Brow", of Dayton . Mr. and Mr'. Stacey BUl'Ile!. of CCn I;(>nrl.lle. SaLurda y evell1.Jlg. Mr. and Mrs. Mr. nnd Mrs. OSCll I' Wnde of near Thomas BW1t.on. Mr. and MN . Spl1ngb ol'o. M·. lI.r- Mrs. Ernest ButH arold Whitak e r Ilnd MI'. and Mrs. terworlh Mrs. Lena Hnrlsoc k of wwn~ s,..il1c, and S LCV n Burnet ('jf Lowell 1110ma s. Mr". :\1 ur lk Ann Senf of Lebano n , .StU1Qay afterno on gu ts or Mr. LrUe . Home Dc m OnSLI1lUOn Agent of War- and Mrs. Leslie amy were: Mr. and n ' n Counly. gave !\ talk on elcctrlc Mrs. 'Russe ll Bume<t t and MI'. and - RE AD T il E CLAS wmo rt ll S • home applia nces at t he Woman 's Mrs. lX'ar~h Sheehan , Mr . and Mrs. Socl ty meeUng o n W edncsda~ of Roy W1n.k,s and f&m1ly . last week. l\.l Ilhe home of Mrs. Mrs. Charles ch arlt<>1l r eturned The rl e J nes . hom e from Callforn irs. th e fore part NOT ICE Mr . and Mr . T herle Jones a nd of last week, after ,. mom h's visit Milton we l'C afterno on and with he r SOn . S lIc Donald My office will be closed Ohnrlto n even in g guests of Mr ~ and Mrs. who I.s now statione from d a.t· Pasade na. Edwin NUtL and famUy of near While there she a ttended the weddMond ay, Feb. 3 to ing of MIss WUla Le1sz of springb Oro Ce n te r vm~. Mrs. MUo MiLtenberger en ter tained and Serunan Charlton on Wednes Mond ay, March 3 a numlber of little f riend s of her ~. Jan. 29. DR. C. E. WILK IN son J onnie On 'I\lesday of l ast week Mr. and ~. Harvey Burnet enOptom etrist celebra ting his fifth birthda y. tertalne d to a basket dinner SunA number of m en and the ir wl~s ,day. cousins of Mr. Burnet' Xenia, Ohio s honorLa nd:

12.775.95 .. . . . ... ... . . ..... .. • . ... .. ...... . . ... ... . • . 76.213.16 U'lcmb cl' :l Is t. 194(j uemm.\ / l-' ulld . .. ... . .. .. . .... .. ... .... ....... . .. .. . . . . .... . 9.601.7l vI U 1" Lu.: m en L l "U IL . .. • . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . • . . . . . . . . . . • • . • •. 2 .~.1 2 LU/H.:h ...... .. .. . ... ...... . ... . . , ... . . . . .. , . ..... . .. . . .. ... - 1.592.01 '1 v.UI , ..... . .. . .... .. . . ... . .. . .. ........ .... .. .. ... . .. ... .. 10.033.8 '1 ~la l ExpelldltLIre,s and Balance . . ..... .. . .. .. .. .... . .. ... 86.246.98 RECEIP 'l'S . UEVEN U Property Taxes - Local Lev)' l-1dSSlfi ed Propertt y Tax .. . : .. .. ... ... . ...... . . . ... ... . . . ... 23.586.10 10LaL ProperL Y l a x .. .... . . .. .... .... ... . . . .. ... . .. ... . . . 23.586.1 0 F I' unda l.ion l'rog-ram attende d th e Method ist Brotherhood ash Received .. ... . ........ .... .. . . ...... . .... . ........ .. . . 27.299.60 d innet 8Il1d mooti n g lilt Mason Mon•J...,. ucL on lor Teache rs Retirem ent ... . .... . ....... .. . ... .. 1.884.56 day evening . J...,. - 'U<itlOn fOr Sohool Employ es R et1reme m. . ... ... ..... .. .. .. 554 16 !Mrs. Susa n Saylor. Mr. a nd Mrs. Deductio n 101' Ooun cy Board of Education . . . . ...... . .. ... , ... 1,107:38 Riley Saylor a.oo fa.mily of Dayton T ot.aJ i-ouutia t1on Program .. ... . ..... .. ........ .. ... .. .... 30,84;).70 spen t th e week end wi th- J:6x. and llLel'CSL from State on Irreduc1 ble Deb~ . ... . .. . . . ........ Edu otion and a,ehabill loo.tion for Dealt, Blind and . . 1,091.61 M rs . Harry G ralhlUll. OnppLed Childre n 11'Om S l8Ite a nd U. S. Govern ment .. ... Mr. and Mrs. Claude Riggs and .. Con l'II>ULlo n LunOO ... . ... . ..... . ... ... . . . . ... . ..•• . .. . .... '. 1.283.62 Mr. and Mrs. C . W . Younce Of 9.934.19 vWler ........ . ... .. . ...... ... .... .. . .. ... \ . '. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 495 02 Dayton were Sun.cta.y evening dinner 'loLa! Rev"uu . ' .' ... .... ...... . . , . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 67,236:24 guests of Mr. I\nd Mrs. Wilbur l'V~al 'lransao llons .. ........ .. . .. . ........ ... . . . .. ~ •... ... . . 67.236.24 Clark . EXPEN DITUR ES A mi n ·tmt.iol lMr. Hennlln Smit h is spendin g A-I 110 14 inc. Salaries and Wages AIdm. Officers and t.h.Is week with h is sister . Miss Velma Ehnpi-oyes .. . ... . . . .... . ... . . . ... . . . . ....... .. . . .... . .. . .. 1.198.80 Smit h in Dayton . I Toca.l Persona l Service .. ...... • .. . ... . . ..... . . ... . . .... . .... 1.198.80 Mrs. , Allee T11iakey celebrat ed her ~~!~e g~~ll~s ... : ........ . ... ........ . _.. . .. .. .. .. .. .. . .. . .. . 97.68 86t.h t e urpooes . .... ... ... . . . . . ...... . ...... . ...... . . . .. 97.68 She birthda y on Tuesda. y Peb. 11 . received a number of birthda y To al AdnlilllsLration . . . ........ .. ...... . . . . . . . ... .. . ... .... . 1.296 48 . I n tr .. clion. cards from lI'elaiUv·e s and trientls. ~-~5 29 lnc.lPersonail service .. . . ..... . ....... . . ..... . .. ... 35.885.38 Mrs. William B ergdail returne d - Text Books . . .. . . . . .. . .. . .. ........ .. .. . ... . . . .... . .. . . 1360.45 home SUnday aIfiIler sPCndin g some- · B-6. OlJher Edu C8lt1ona l Supplie s . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1:082.5'1 time with h er ddl\l8'htel'. Mrs. EdD-4. Replace men t Educatl. onnl 1:',n,"pm ent •• •• •. •••.•• . . •. •• • . .nIO. . ""t'" !>I\O 00 mond M1nser a.nd family in Da.yton E-6. Reprul'S Educa.t iona'l Eq"""'m G-1. Tra.ve1l1 "" assistin g nse VOC~Tr en t .... . . , . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . 23 .... theIm in to their ng ElQpe . , • • . ..• •.•• • •. •.• • • . . . .• • • . .. 224.16 . 'I101Lal other PurpOSes .. .. .. . ... . . .... .... . . .. . .. . . .. ' " . ... .. 2.998.49 nice new home em POre!' Ave. 'I1ota l I nstruction .... . ..... . . .. .... . . ...... .. . . . . ... . . ... . ... . 38.883.87 >Mr. a nd Mrs. E:Vereott Ea.rly. Mrs. Librari eSJ. B. Jones, M1~. Elmer Groves B-5. Sch OOl U bm .ry Books ..... .. . . .. . .. .. .. . . ... . ... .. . . ... 316.77 and Mrs Wilbur Foulks wttende d ~t..aJ O Oller .Purpos es ........ ..... . ........ ........ ...... . party . at the Easbem tal L1bral'les . .. . .. :... ..... .. .. . . ..... . . .. .. . . . ... . .. . ..... 316.77 a vale .. 316.77 n • T ra n sportati on of PupilS Star at W&ynesvtlle. Monday evenA-36. Persona l Service ........ ........ ...... . 3 350 00 lng. ~::: =s~~~~~ ~~:~~ .. .... . . ...... ... . . : : . :: :: : : : ::: 1:207:69 Mr. and Mrs. }lomer Monee and . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. l.574.63 sons of DalYton a.nd Mr. and Mrs. F-6. Garnge Retlit . . .. . .. . . ..... . •. . . .. . . . . .......• ........ Total O~he r P urposes ... .. ... . . . . . .. ... ........ ... .. . . . . ... . .. 225.00 Robeol1t -Monee am.d ·da.ught er of .. 3.007 22 J . Total 11ransp Public Lunche S- ortat1on of Pupils .. .. .. ..... . . ..... .... .. . . ..... 6,357'.22 Waynes ville were sunday gUeSt& of their parents. Mr. and Mrs. BaItlet t A-37. Pe~nal Service .... . . . . . . . . . . . ..... .. .. . . .. .. .... . .. . 2,209 00 Monee. I.Junclh Supplie s .. .. ...... .. .. . . ... . . ..... . . . .. .... . . . .... .. 11 1'84 '35 Mr. and Mrs. Henry Saylor and Total PlUbllc Lunche s ... . . .. .... ... . .. . .. . .. . . . . . . .. . ..•. .. 13'373:35 da' ....bters. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Other Auxilia ry Agenci eS, ~.. Ii'-6 5 'I1e8che rs Reti:rem "~""'....'''b .... t . . ent vuu ~ ," ••011 • ••••••• •• •. •• •••. . .•• 1 , ~ .56 BuIlineLl and 'daugn-t ers were dinner 1F- EmploY!es Retirem ent Oont11but1on . . . ....... . .. .. . . .... . 51>4 16 ~ or Mr. 8IIId Mrs. Vernon PurTo F-8, County BOOiI'd of Educati on Contrib ution . . ... . . .. ... . 1.Un::l8 sley. Tue8da.y evening . . . ta.l Other Purpose s . .. . ... . .. . ... . .. . .. .. . ... .. . . . . ... . .. 3,546.10 Friends and rela.tives of Mrs. MaItTotal Ollher Auxllla.ry Agencie s . . .. .. .. . ... ... . ... .. . .. . . .. 3.546.10 tie Orel8'ht on tendered . her a shOWer Operati on 01 School Plant:_~ to 44 inc. Persona l Service .. ... . • . . . . .. .. . . .... . .•.... 3.050.00 of b1l'tlh.d'a.y carda Monday , Feb. 10. B-1' Fluel ... .. ....... .. ... ... ...... . .... .. ..~ ........ .. ...... 2.192.40 hl honor of her 84 't h tJlIIthda.y• . - O. Janitor s SUpplie s .... . .... . .. • ... . ...... . . . . . .....• • .. . 682.93 Mr. and Mrs. TherIe Jones enter::~3. Otlher SUIiPl1es ..... . ....... ... ..... .. .... . , ........ ..... 97.71 tuned at a buffet luncb and cards. . Water .... . .... ... .... .... • . .. • ..... ... . .... . .•.•.• • ... . 328.97 E-IO. ~rloty ...... 0'0.. ........ ... ... 0 .:.. ........ .. ...... .. 883.93 E-11. Telepho ne ... ... . . .. .. . ... .... •. .... .. ........ ........ . .. 80.23 E-17. AdveJltlstn.g . .... . .... . . . .. . ....... . ..... .. .. . . .. .. . . ; ... . . 23 00 E-18. Hauling . ... . . ...... .... . .. • . . . . • . .. . . .. .. ..... . .. ... .. . . . 30:19 .


.. .... ...






~:~~. =~nt~~. ~~~.~.~ .~~ ..... ':.'..: : : ::: ....:: ~:~ I Totad Other P\wpo6e s . ... .• .. • •. .•.•

. . . ... • ... .... .•.•• .•• .• • 5.709.21 TOtel Operaitt on of School Plant . ... .... .. . ... .. .... .... .. .. 8,759.21 Mainten&1Kle of School PlantEvery fa.m!Jy ~ ohed.ah the mem0-1. MaIter1als for Maint. Blelgs. a.nId Grounda . . .. . .. . .. ... ory of a I&st. tribute that .... ... 480.55 C-2. Materia ls for Malnt. Equip. and F1urn1.ture . .. .. .. . .. . .. . 1.049.60 dJgnltIe d and fitting in ~ D-6. RJ6pla.oement other DlWpm ent ... . ...... . ........ .. .. respect. . E-2. REpaJrs SChool Btnld1ntgs .. . . ..•. . . . .. .. • .•. ••. .••. . ... . . .. 1.57 . . 986.90 'E -8. ~pa.irs Otller Equlpm ent ... .... .. . ..... .. .. ... .. .... .... 66.1>4 Tota'l Dtiher Purpose s .... .. . .. .. .. . . ...... ...... ... .... . . ... . 2,575.16 Total Mainte nance of SOhool Plant . ........ .. .... .. ... . . . ... 2.576.16 Total Operati on a.nId IM:adn'benance . .... . ... . ..... ..... .. .... TOtal ~nt Sohool 006t .... . ..... . .. . ........ ... . ........ 11.334,37 75.108.16 Debt Servi~ .... B-1. Bonds Maturin g . ... .... . .... .. . ..... . .,' .... . .. .. . . ... . . . 1.000.00 1H-2. lnlteres t on Bonds .. • . • .• ... . .. . . ..• . ....••.. ••••• ..• • • ••• 'l;'Otal Debt· Servl.oe . . . . .• •• ...• • •. ••. ••••. • .•.•••.. ..• • •..••• 106.00 1.106.00 'l'Otlal Elq)enld 1tures . ...•.... ..•..• .. ......•• .••. .. .. . ••. • , . 76.213.16 Total 'I'rallSa()tlons . . .... ... ... ... .. . ..... . ; ...... . . . ... . .. 76,213.16 Telep hone 2291 ASSET S &NO LIAliIL ITIES


.. . .. .. . . . . . ... . . ... . . ... . . ...'.. .. ........ ..... ..... . 10.033.82 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ ;


1ng~..::h1s:.~b:ll'th=:da:y:...:a:n:n:j:versa:.::ry:!:._The:.:::..._..:==========_ ... ~

Armitage &.Son











AComplete Food Shopping Center Comp lete line of Meats and a wide variet y of staple grocer ies and canne d foods, Here are a few of our specia ls for ' the week. CUBED STEAKS lb.



Ib·4 5 c .


Ib·3 g e











THE l\'nMn GAZETTE - Page 3 Dr. Emi~ Holla.way retUrned Mario n W. Bowers of Lebanon , SaltWAYNESVILLE, omo - NO. 4303 Thursda.y from a six weeks visit . urday. Feb. 8 at Osteopathic hosTHURSDAY, FEBRUARY, 13, 1947 with friend.s anti relilltlves In Cin- pitaJ, ~n. cago. Ill.. fit . Wa.yne. Ind .. North The young man Is named Kenneth· Man cl1est er. Ind, Riohanond. Ind. Wayne, and we1gh~ 7 Y.J pounds on arrival. a nd ~WladcLphia. Pa.



Joh n Scott and dallglhtel'

guests Sunday evenDonald Charlton ing Mras .. tlhelr al1ld Mrs. Eugene Wllcher, Kent and Miss VOnnie Van Weds Willa Leisz Mr. Na.Lta. had .


Mr. 8J1d Ml·S. Ed Leisz are announcing tJhe malTiage of their Middle Run Baptis t Ohureh holds daughbar. Willa Jan'e to Donai'<:i l.hell· meeting !.his following Sunday. E. Carlton FIfe. son of Mr. amd Feb. 16. Morning Se4'vlces at 10 :30 Mrs. Charles H . Oharlton of o'clock and nJ'terruoon services 1 :00 Waynesville. o'clock J oseph Moore. Minister . The double ring ccremony . took plac~ 11'11 tJhe candle-lit. chwpcl of MJ·. . Dick Ryerson and Mrs. the Grace Luthem Church In San Charll's Stiles visited Mrs. George Diego. Calif. on Wednesda.y ev nSules and baby san a t Miami Va.l1ey ing January 29. 1947 a t. 8 o·clock. hoopltad Wednesday ' afbernoon. The bride wore a gray SUl l with black accessories and a corsage of Charl es Pewtcrbauwh Is s pending white gnr d nlas. 'J1he only a.Ltend~ fow days w~tJh Mr . and Mrs. ents were Mrs. Oharles H. Oharl- Ray mond Morgan before leaving toll . moth I' of tJl'e groom and Rodfor Florida. ney Den lsJIl Fl c of ChIcago. Ill . The young couple will make their Mr. a nd Mrs. Oharles R . Ellis home lilt presen t, a t 1732 Third a nd children spent Sal\JUrday evenstreet, AJpt. 10 San Diego. Cbl. Ing wtLh MJ·. and Mrs. George W1h re D on will ' be stationed until Harvey. his discharge from the U. S. Na vy.


Happy H, ur Club The Happy Hour Club m t n.t the h'O m . of Mrs. Robert Gons on F eb. 11 with ' 15 me~be;'s and 4 guests present. The program committee Alice GODS and D oris Shalffer, furnished a very In t 'estlng prcgrarn In kef-pIng wiLh Valentines Day. The readIngs and conltests were enjoyed by all. Gerry COok sang, "Let 'M e chul Yoq Swebhieart" Bl,ld Bicycle Built for Two." Mrs. John Starr and daugh'te ·. Mrs. Oharles Watkins a.nd Miss Allc Oglesbee were guest. During Ilbe social h our a dain ty salad course was served by the hos-


STROUDS HONOR TWO BIRTHDAY ANNIVERSARIES MTs. W . E. SLrOlW entel1taln d 'fly dil1n'(a' honerln g her htl -

to Sun

b a nd. and sons blrth d. ys whlcll ur o n the . me da y. 1Tnc f-c·llowing guests Mr. and Mrs. H . H. Wal. sworth West ~'olton , Mr. and: Mrs. Geo. Stroud, Ma'. C arl NOlma.n of Dayton. Mr. alld Mrs. George White a.nd .family' Mr. And Mrs. Eugene Wh.lltc and' d1l.ughter of Mason. Mrs. Maude Crane Mr. and· Mrs. R~sel1 Carr anI(! family . Mr. and Mrs. Harold T trOU(\ all of Lelbanon, Mrs. Ir ne Henderson. Cl81ude St,roud. Mrs. Irene Aszllng, Mrs. Grace Vloe Ml of Waynesville. Mr. a.nd· Mrs. RlaLph Hastings and son Robert were supper guests of Mr. and Mrs. W. E. s troud Mon. day.

Mrs. J ohn Kuebler Is expec ted to r e turn bmne sometime rrext week from her six weeks vaca.tion \\ith her son Le Roy in Pensacooo.. F'la.

Miss Nellie V. Orndor:f daughter of Mr. Heiu'y Orndotl of Way.nesville and Mr. IWbeJlti l\!, Ooy 90n of Mr. 8J1d Mrs. JohnI W. Coy Of Dayton were ma.rrled Feb. 5 in Covington, Ky. Their only a.ttend'ants were Mr. and Mrs. Raymond E. Purks of Waynev1lle, Ohio. ST. MARY'S AUX1LIABY The 'WIOn8n'e ~ of st. Mary'8 Churob will meet 1bUI'8da.V, Peb. 13, at 2 P. M. 'at; ' the home of lin. Samuel N. ~ .

County Farm Bureau Holding Meeting Here

Mrs. Chaxles Wade of Sprin gThe Waa'ren Count y Farm Bureau Valley was on the sick list th ~ will hold a covere'd dish supper at first of last week. ~ut is bet:,e!' the waynesville High School buildat t his wr!tlng. Ing. Monday. Feb. 24. at 7 :00 p . m. aCCOrdi ng La J . M . Greene. orga.nMl·s. lJieIrjs HoylE' is trone 1rom iza tio n manager of Lebanon.

looking and had put the contents of bhe chest away, my friend said "1 will !.ell yQU about rm' treasures . I started ye-aTs agO to lay these away in saJ'e keeping. In Matbhew 6th cha.p!.er and 20th verse W~ read 'Lay up for ,Yourselves treasul'es In Heaven. where nelbhcr moth nor !'lIst doth oorrupt. a nd ·w here thieves do not break through nor sbeal. I gave my h eart to JesUs Christ when a small child and been trying to serve Him since In d'O ing to th e ,besl 0If my ability His will and oommands. In so doing we are promised t.C8sures In Heaven . There is m~ "Treasure Ohest".

The event is being sponsored by Miami Valley Hospital much Imthe Advisory of Wayne proved In hea1!.h. Township. Those atbendlng are reMrs. Homer Ramby of Lantana. quested to bring a covered dish Florida, was a week end guest of and service. Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Ramby and famFEBRUAR'I The addreSs of the evening will ily and ,then went 011 to Middlebdwn be made by Walter Bluck. fOI'Uler 14 15 1,0 see hler nCAA' gl'8.nc1cro ~rhter. Clinton County Agent am.d nOW dAAl8'hter oJ Mr. and Mrs. Milton secretary for the Ohio CouIncil of From Handyman to OWner By His Own Imaglnat;lon. A Dude Ranch '1 'hIe ml'CS. F'al1m Coopera.tlves. Columbus. Mr. \\1 th som~ of the old trills staged Bluck is an Interesting and force- f 0Ir TendJe!rfee t. Mr. and Mrs. Lowell Thomas and ful speaker. S tarting KEN CURTIS and JEFF DONNELL daughter were Dayton. visitors. FriAll Farm Bureau mle-mbe3's and COWBOYS BLUES day. aftemoon and In the evening tJhelr friends are corcLia.lly In vite'd with Hoosier Hot Shots, "Big Boy vtslbed Mr. and Mrs. J . A. R obey to attend. Those who do not care WllHams" 8J1d GU(Y Kibbee. on Wayne Ave. to come for the mea.l can a tte nd Also: Sport. Li>ttle Lulu Cclrtoon and Short.. the pr08'il'am at 8 :30. • iMrs. Oliver A. Jacobs and Jimmie Mr and Mrs. Ar t.11m Thomas of 16 17 spen t. Saturday with Mrs. Harold B~lmont were guests of Mr andl Mrs. Lots GJf laughs from start to flnsh Shutts and family. Ftrnnk E. Thomas Sunday luter"TilE TREASURE CHEST" w1Jth a surprise DENNIS MORGAN and JAOK GARSON as noon. by Jennie M. Planck TWO GUYS 1i'ROM MILWAUKEE Mrs. Laure nce ~. J acobs reo~ lv C'j - -- - -- It was a beautiful day in la.te with Joan Leslie. Janis Pa.lge and word of the deaJth ot her uncle. FrIends MId neighbors helped "CUddles" Sakall. October. The birds gathering Added: LakJEst News ana Color Lawn Orhood. Dardy. Ohio. 'Mrs . little Dianne Bacon . celebrat~l h er Ja cobs has lost two uncles a1T1d II third birthday Sun'day afte'rnoon In grouPs making ready for thelr Oartoon. cousin within three months. Feb. 9. An ~ cake and Ice cream flight to the southern climabes for - - - - - - - - -- -- 19 20 was served. the com Winter months ahead. The More Merrilnentt the n murder as bhe trees was arrayed In bright dresses kld<Mes ha.rrass the oops. Mr. and Mrs . .J. F. Rhojes. hav ~ HOME SWEET HOMICIDE Mr. and Mrs. Girdon Bacon made of red and gold, and along the as th eir gruests. their daughter-Infenoes IW8S masses of ootumn Starring -Peggy Ann Gamer. R8J1IfIJW and ohildrenl from Detroit. a business ,t rtp to lJou1sville. Ky • last week an'd were gone several iflClWers 01 inany colors. An elderly d~lph Scobt. Lynn Barl. Dean Stock.Mich. lady and I .were looking a.t some well, James Gleason , Connie Mo.r• d81Y. . in shall . things of great va,lue to me 'Also: SpOrts Short and Color carDonna Rae Jacobs. spenJt the week my treasure chest a.ftel' we finished toon. end witJh M.Is Ma.r:Ilyn Comby. Al'thur Rtgl.e and family oj[ PI·ttsburg, Penn. spent thC week end , Mr. And Mrs. Vance Davis anI(! wit h Mr. and Mrs. Paul Ma.urlce son are moving Into the Amos 8J1d also visited relBltlves in DRyTh'C'm pson prope~ vaca.bed by Mr. ton. and Mrs. Carl Bogan. Mrs. Irene Henderson is yj~ting Mr. aJld Mrs. L. C. OllJlldill have relatives In Dayton this week. ACCOUNTING and TAX SERVICE a their glle o t. !I'elr da ll]Ih ter-hi law. Mrs. Clark. Covington, Mr. an'd Mrs. C. E. Edlgl.ngton Dilatush Building - Broadway Lebanon , Ohio Ky. I'ntertadned .guests . from Dayton OIl! Sunday. TELEPHONE 511 Wal,t;er Tibbals Is improving aI Lc!' being quiJte ill f or two weeks. Ma', Mrs. Dorts Hoy;le is /lit her home

TWIN Theatre




Tibbals was a for · an'd lived at Wel1m8J1 many yeers but went to Ive wit.h his daughter and son-In-I w . Mr. and Mrs. Olarlon Rogal'. Olall'ksvHle. · bh re year s ago. Almoul!\h, Mr. Tibbals is about 84 years old h e still does a few odd jObS around , house just >to keep fi t. .

in Spring after two Valley major CtOIliValsing opera.tions nicely In a week at M1aJn1 Velley HospttaJ . Mrs. Hoyle spent Momiay w:Ibh her paTent.s Mr. and Mrs. J . R. Wade.

Mrs. S . A. Drago of New York Mr. and Mrs. Roy T, Creech of Waynesville are announcing tJle Oily is visiting her parents Mr. birth of a grandson, to their da~­ M1'd Mrs. George Peterson this tel' and 9On-in-Ja,w. ID. and Mrs. week.


= •


Brown's Insurance Service

Phone 2935


Real Estate for

B. D. ~D,



Phone 29:~5 'WIImJ.nricm. 011110 .8EC1JBlTY'"



~~~~~~iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii -:-i':-~-~'~ - '-~-i:::::~ !

'Mrs. Oharles WBJde is 1mp:roving slowly aIt present. but still undtr the doctors care.



Mr. Alton Earnhart and his roomma te. Mr. Richard Fasula of J efferson, Ohio both students a.t Ohio State Un1versl!ty, spent the weekend with tJhe famler's parents. Mr. and Mrs. A. H. ~art.


CASH FOR USED CA Any . m~ke or-model Fr~d

K.a hn Motor Car Co.






XENIA Fertilizer ~tGI(ure ~unera:( ~Olme Dia12111

Waynesville, Ohio

Reverse Charges


. E. G. Buch.ieb; Inc.

Xenia O.

Saturday e~ning of Mr. Md Mrs. Raymond Smit.h. Mr. and Mrs. L ewis Michial spent ?ubltshcd Every T hur day by DAVISSON PRESS Monday v nlng wlt.h Mr. and Mrs . FLOYD L. DAVISSON,,or Ua'Wernce Ling a nd fMIU y. 'i:!1ll' l l' d as Second 1MS Matter at ilia P t Offic e Mr. and Mrs. Eve ret.t Bunnell hav - sold t1l('lr home h ere to Mr. and :I1'·,.'I'i ptlo n Ratcs : S1.foO p' r Yea r In Advanco Mr~ . E1m,' 1' Ra in · of Mlallllsblll"g. MI'. alld Mrs . I';vcrc t. t Bunnl'll and :\ ;t!i ona l Advel1:iRi n:: Rep resentntives f mlly WL' I't' supper gl\ests W dnes()h ;o \ l! 'klics, I nc ., 2·IGb \Y . Broad Street. day evc ll ln g of Mr. and. Mrs. Ber t ' o lu m bus 4, O hio Bunn ell a nd Mr . and Mrs. M1llard Bill :\ l ld f, IlIlly of II !'U!' WaynesEaoh 1111 Lion would be given an /J~ vtIle. e x act quo t.a 0 f a rnts a.rul IIl'11'l1es. Mrs. E rn st Ha.' iZ Is s pending th is includ.lng atomic anmunen t as well week Bt her ho m e hc re as sh e has as other heavy Wil l' quipmen t. Mr. and Mrs . Earl J ohnson of been taking care of h cr mothpr for America, Britian and Russi a each X nla called Oll Mr. li nd M .l 's. Alfred t he past three mon t.h s. would be o.llotted 20 per cen t of Lh t' 'Any plan !'or lastin g world peace world tote,l. Fral1Ce and China 'w ould Mor b"IU1 , lid family 5tulday aftermUSl have a grass-rootB beginning," l'l'<:t!lve 10 per cent. The other 20 n·()on . th e R ev. S . Hug hes Garvin. Middleper cent would represent a World Mrs. Mor ris I.~w l.s and Mrs . Ernest town pastor. told he St . Mal".Y's PQUce Poroe. set up to protect all H z were ill Lebanon. Monday Club In a talk On the Quota F orce small nations, and to police aU na- a.ftenloon. pt'8 plan Su nday nigh t in the PROBATE ti ons Ilhrough inspection. Miss Clara l)Qugh te rs was dinner Episcopal rect,ory . E s of Anna Fritz, uec'd, Th!is anny. recruited from all the guest Sunda,)" of Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Meryl B. Gray, administrator inExplalnIng the Quota Foree plan small nations. and stationed at Earnhart Md fa m ily. ventory hearillg set for February as a device "to put teeth into the Mr . .Raymond Lucas called on his 17 at 10 o'clock . stmtegic poin~ on the globe, woul'd \ rId p eace ma.ohinery of the Unibe first to take actiocn in any pare n ts Sunday a.!ternoon. Estate of William C. Howaru, .ted Nations. SO no nation or crisis between nation. If it feJIed Mr. and Mrs. Al \VaggIOOler of near dec'tI, W esley Howard , executor ingr, ·up of naUons could ever succeed t,o prove strong enough to put down Spring VaHey were Supper guests ve ntory approved. In a ggre~on". Mr. Garvin outlined fi n agg r c or. bhe Security Oauncl1 could :.u,k t.hc seVemJ national annies for help. M r . Garvin sRid t.hat In his oplnIOn tll~~ progl'nll h ad as much chan ' !h um' othe r<force1lI 1' !\!. pi OILsU I. He point d u ~ Ml at no na l Lo;.<;u of t.h c v ~ power or the right of IIlspectlon has been ma;l ' tiS ~ l' by Rl sa r fin)' oLher nation.

The .Miami Gazette E STABLISH E D 185 0



Il I · . .. .J7f () l i Y

Peace Plan Promofon To et Local Support


its ' threefold proposals and gave its b1story 00 date. Th~ plan. whlch skyrocketed lot,o national pI'om1nenoe last swnmer. a:fter a Middletown <town-meeting o.nd radio hookup g61Ve It pubMcity. has been discllS8ed by llUIIny na.tional figures, Mr. Garvin explained.


E. talc of Cliffo rd C. Fr·itz,. dec'd, l\I e ryl H. l;l'lIY u (lm inis tmtor', in\ l ' lllll r'Y heul'i ng' ~e t fot' I~ebt'unry 17 lit 10 I)'clock. Tru ~l of AlJ hic E. Hn z(·ltinc. d 'c'LI , ~l()sl' " B. lI az ·Iti llc . T ru s t!;' · filed h i ~ I ;: th acco un t . E ~ laL \ ' of Octa "ia ole mlln, dec'd, F l'lInk W . Colcm all. exec utor ill \,elltol'~' :lppl·ov(' d . I':,. til t (. o f ,1<):>el' lI . J . . tl' ut h, ' dee'<I, Edlin Stl'l1l1 t h. au m ini!'t l'ntl'ix invPll to ry . hearin g sc t f t· F elil'UIII'Y 1 ' al I (I o'clo k. 1':5 tnl ' of Lilli e Be lll' Spuhler , dcc'u Eve lYll puhlcl' a ppointed e xec utrix . Estutl' of Elton T. Richardson, dcc'd Gilber·t O. Hunkins , execut or inventory IIpproved. Estate of William I. Waggoner, dec'd gross value of estate if $9,- . 649.65. Estate of Sallie Meredith, dec'd,

Harry R. and Harold Meredith appointed executors. Estate of Cha·r les E . , Mears, dec'd, J. 1'. Riley appointed execu-

c;:TIt/ -4 will tAe NEWEST CHEVROLET! merlcO-

Following fthe club's d1.soussion. tile St. Mary's group voted to sponsor the plan locally and to ask other religious and civtc groups to support it. James Baker, president of tthe club. sa4d bhaIt a petition would be {orwa.t'doo to Washington, asking for its tnCOl1POl1Ltton into 1lh.e United Nattoo s progniin . • The plan calls for three principal a m.endments to the United Nations set~up. Through these, the world ~e ongentzatlon co.uld move more swtftly to nip agg.ress1'OD. on the pli.rt of ambitions natioll!. The present UN Security OouncU would be rebuilt into a 'lO-man. boa.rd. oons1sting of two members each ftUlll the three major powers. America. Britain and Russ1a,; a m~mber e~ from Ohima o.nd Fra.nce. and tlWo members representtng aD other small IlI8.tiOD8. ~ boa.rd members would have no veto powers on alllY ID8Itter perta!.n1ng to '~iml. A worM oour.t, in oonstant session. would be ohargtedI with the duty or 1mmedla~ dec1dJDg W'hI.t acte were 6Cts of a&gress1on..

I'BE MIAMI GAZE'l'TB - Pace t WAYNESVILLE, omo - NO. 4303 TItUR DAY, FEBRUARY. 1.3. 1947




.fee II antiyou see BIG'~CAR .aUA.UTY AT


now made eyeR l/gger-/oo/dng, even "elter-/oolang .even .mOF(J !Jeautifol and desirll!Jle ill every way




0bJ0. RntIrIe ~



C. E: MICHENER Phone 2926 W .7D~yjlle, Ohio

Today, we and all other Chevrolet dealers are displaying the newest creation of America's largest producer of automobiles-the new Chevrolet for 1947-offering you an even greater measure of BIG-CAR QUALITY AT LOWEST COST! See it and you will a.gree that it's the biggest-looking and best-looking Chevrolet ever built. It's more beautiful in every way, both inside and out. It's designed to out-style, oNlt-value, out-save all other cars in its tield. And above all, it reveals that sterling Big-Car quality-in every phase and feature, in every part and pound of material-which buyers agree is exclusive to Chevrolet in its price range. Yet here's the lowest-priced line in irs field!

. Make it a point to see this newest Chevrolet at our



Chevrolet Sales & Service Spring VaBey,



Pace 5 Ella Law to J . Raymond and WAYNESVILLE, 0100 - NO. 4303 Howard Law 2 lots in Lebanon. '1'HUR DAY. FEBRUARY. 1,3, 1947 Fred Kahn to William R. David0 1' giving hond with sureties in : UIIl o f $50,000. E s tnte of LOliVillu M . Gri. w id. elec'd l\luud H. John son and Tru. nHln 13. C; r is wold x 'cutors in vento ry hClirili g s' l f or Mu rch 1 al


E s tuil' o f Lilla Stuple also knuwn a s qda Ogles bee, dt'c'd , Net.tie Ogles by n ppoinLcd admini ,tl'Ull'i x I! h' illg' hlJ nd in Rum of $ 20~5 . NEW SLITS Th ulll us I. lI ood VR Loretta 11. lI ood, di\'orc', 'x lr 'm Cl'lI It y, J . 1'. Riley, Atty. Nancy Buddell vs lI uz' l Phillips, fo r mon y, a m ount claimed $35,00 wei co ·t · herem xplmdl'd, Dolll' O'Donncll and 'nsh, IILty . State of Ohio ex rel Detty Ri ch vs a r r ol l Mc alTc n. statutory · charge, Mel'yl B . Gray, • Donald Dilatush, attys. Loveland upply o. an Ohi orpol'alion vs . Ray Kotte, for money amount claim d $:122.40 tog ether with interest thereon at 6 r • from 13th day of November 194{; und costs.

COMMON 11LEAS J eannette l". Carder V8 Frank ardel', defendunt to pay plaintiff : um of $15.00 per week temporary alimony and $50.00 toward her expenses within 6 weeks of entry. Ray Paul Rankin VB Charlotte Rankin, a minor, cause dismissed without record at cost of plaintiff. Roy I saacs vs Rhoda Knoll et ai, defendants granted 30 days to file motion, demurrer or answel'. Burgen Plowman vs .Madge Lee Plowman, divorce to plaintiff, custody of child granted to paternal gl'llnopurents, • hristi no Amon vs Earl Amon, divorce to plaintiff, child to defendant, furniture to plaintiff, real estate to defendant. Joseph R. Thompson vs GeDrge Thompson et ai, confirmation and deed.


>lO ll lot in Lebano n. F l'anc ' 8 DUl'gemeie r t o Samu I J ., J . Willi am, Mu rgaret a nd Frunce!! B 'I'tll a Hu rg~m ei" r 100.43 aC I' s ill 'fllrtlcC'I'eek twp. De lllllla T h ll l'p t u Ed wurd N :l CC :.! IlIl s II I I'ra ll idi ll . Hul,,:,1'l \"' illia nl and \1:: 1' \' (l UIg" I l! ~ lo lil 'v i g"' • •11 .. 11 11.1 ( 'lI('h Con k . 10 1 in 1,' l'u lI ld ill . L\J(·ill ti a 1I l1 pld n:- I't a l In J oh" i! ou!o; l() n lfiU.70 a l' I ' l' ~ ill lIa l'l a ll t wp . .Iohll Co il' tu Nl' lIi l' Ger t ru de ' oI l' ~)::'7:! al'l'e in D tl l'fi 'ld twp. .Juh n". and Mildred Wads wor th to Fred Kahn 0.10 acr es in Le ha non. l~ rt'd Kahn to Elm er t.l1 l1l ey alld LuLulle Begley lot ill Le ballon . ' lyde 11 . o l'erda le t o Dehll 'l' L. a nd Virginia L. h l.! lI ey I L in Ll')anon. William a nd Glady Lail to .Ja mes Baber 60.95 acre 111 H a rl an t w]). Roy Spence l' lo Edward O. and Bc s ie 1ae Mol' 2 acres in Uni II twp.

MARRIAGE LICENSES Eugene H. Thomas, 29, Foster, Press operator, Anna Lucille Smith, 19 Foster, press operator. Virgil Amburgy, 26, Franklin, factory worker, Geneva Blevins, 16, Franklin, Roy L. Maddox, 37, Mason, farming, E sther E. Erb ck, 41, Mason. Howard Edward Ruffn er, 20 South Lebanon, factory worke r, Evelyn Grace Robi n on, ' 16, S uth Lebanon. .chris B"umen sch nk I, 24 , L banon, salesman, Kathryn . oburn, 24, bookkeeper. Riley Herrington , 57, Waynes ville, farmer, ora B. Sheriff, 5 Waynesville. • Perry Murphy, 21 Sout'h Lebanon, factory worker. Omagene Baker, 18, South Lebanon. Truman ·Casson, Jr., Franklin apprentice engineer, Carolyn J. Florea, 20, Fran'k lin, office worke l" Charles C. Gray, 28, Midletown. salesman, . Ruth Leslie. 21, Franklin, secretary.

Roy Hall to Howard C. and Louise R. Weidle, 1 acre in Franklin twp. NORRIS BROCK CO. William and Aleta I. Kinney to Gregor and Edith &ohler 2 acres ClDcbmati Union 8 t .· Yarda in Franklin twp. Charles O. and Lida Thompson to Raney and Solia Williams 90.20 acres in ' Tudtlecl'eek twp. Caroline ' H. Rockhill to Charles H. and Leontine Rogers 1.382 acres in Lebanon, Courtney J. Combs to Charles ~Ievins and Robert D. Byrne lot in South Lebanon . .Lavone W. Calvert·and Josephine u.. WIre and AD _Windross to Louis F. Heisinger lot I800Dcl to DOlle. 8tIWIJ in Lebanon. ....... en ........ aD aNIIII4 . . . . . James Baber to William and Gladys Lail 202 acres in Harlan Senice Tha.t Satiafie~ twp. 'l'IJNB TO George J. and Amelia Weng to WBIO .,.,... 1:. - Dial . . . Harry Wilkie 41.78 acres in Washington twp. WLl' OJnct'MMU 12:40 DIal '100 Ella Law to Howard and J. ..... 0- 0eIIr IIaibt Bepor& Raymond ,L aw 4 lots in Lebanon.



PlIIILIZIIi O. 'IOVID QUALIfY •01 ALL .... INO e.o'.1 'or more than 20 years succeuful farm-

en have depended


BIG M Ferti-

liaen for maximum ' yiel~ of all crops.

They know free-8o"; ... 8IG M brand i ••Iway. manufactured liP to hi,heat ltandardS • • • never flowll to priCe. If.... I11...' Portllla.r CcmiDOinY Ie an Inde. pendent "laml Vallq concern under direct oI,ita owpen.


tives, las t w ek, adopted a resolu tio n SUbmi tt ing I, ll the tate!! a con stitu t ional n mencl m n which would prohibit any Pr s id ent f" om . (" 'I' i ll ~ more th a n tw o ter m " Repuulican Memh 'I's of th e H o u ~e votel\ s olid ly for th e m 'u s urc a nd wel'(' j oi n('d by l1 Umel'ous SOll l hL' l'n Dem ucruts . (' II' n f'al Del11o('I'at's o p · posed the resoluti on a ~ a I'(,n .·('li In IIp OIl Ill' I" lt' Pr('Rici{,lI t I O (1 ~ e l·l' ll. I t is p l'l'ciicl ('d tilt ' I'C "', ! ~l , i(" . whieh l' ' qu ir!'s a tw o-lh il'd s \' ot t' . wi ll a l" o be ~IJl ­ proved hy Ihc :enal . f oll, )w in g- which he :l Ill Pn tiIII III wi ll he S\l" miUI ' " to th e IH r illll !< ~lfl \(' Ic)!is ltl l u re,; . It m ust It!' I'nli li ed hy l h l·l·l' , f (J l1 rth ~ . (II' ;hil'l 1's ix , of t 1( ' ,' t a les, Iw fnl' h(" ' IIIIl :Jfg' a par I 1)1' ' I "~ ol'gall ic law o f Lh e lanel .

The s p e 'ial s ubcommit of th e Hou se. ommi t t· <! on Ag- l'i culture has fil ed a r epMl reco l11melllling th at sugar allotmellts fO I' ind ividual cons um c l's lip imIII diatl'ly inc rl'a s d . fl'om the pr e ' 'nt tw enty -f"iv' pou nd ' p ' r y 0 1' to t hirly- fi\' e 01' forty " o und ~ , and tha t indu li t r ial on s ulll I's iJe give n a n ull otm ' nL of thi rt y -thl' (' a lld 0 11 ' -t hird pe l' ce nl. Th e Ollicl' o f Tc mpo r a r y Cont r ols , Ull dpl' w hit' h sug ar ra t ioning 11 0 11' (;o mC's , pl llllS on ill (' r ca ' ing- in di vi dunl all r>l llwnl ,; hy te n poun ds " I' yeul:. A new ra t ion s lum p, I!'oou fOI' l en pound s of s ugar, w ill iJet:o me I'a lid April Is . InCl' a ('<I all ot m!' n s t o inuu s l ri al u,;e r s al'l' 31 ' 0 . cht'dul ed 0 hecome effectiv . SO OIi.

Th e HOURC Co mmitt ee on UII -/ul1 el'ic:\ n A . 'ivi li e;. la s t we('k, a s ked t he .1 us! icl' Depn I'l lll ' n l to p rus ecutu PI' side n t Trllman is a s lting th e Congres ' to eJ:' Ge rhard Ei ' Ier, Ger man COIllIll Ulli st. I 'ho hus be 'II nd hi s WUI'-! ime rati onin g pnwcrs beyo nd lhe pl'('upc lll y ehargen wilh heing' t he It hino- l he -s(' cll('. die nt expiration da te of March ::l I s t. In stead ongr e s r ecto r of all communi. tie and nl hel' subvcl'fliI' , actiV Iwill probably extend th pOI eJ' to ration s ug ar only ties in t he United tate fl . E is ler, wh o refu sed 0 until later in l he y ear, perha ps un til D ece mb~ r 31 ·t. testify 01' an s we,: qu estion s , wa f; imm ed ia te ly cited It is contended t hat whil e t her e are adequat.e s uppli es for contemp t. H e had previou ~ ly bee n placed und el' of su~ar on ha nd in r etail sto res and i"refiners' arre ·t by the l". B. I., a nd l'l' t UI'll d to Elli T land. wareh ou es, su ch sugal' mus t m eet t he county's needs N ew York, fO I' confin Il1 cnt u ntil a decisio n i I'('ac herl until t he new crop is harvested and refin ed next. Fall. as to wh t h er 01' 110t. he s hould be prosecuted for In the meantime t he Government is appealing a conspi r acy, s uhver si ve activities, and other law vior ece nt Federal Di trict Court deci sion that the govlations in conn ection wi t h hi s alleged work lis .!l ernm ent's present sugar rationing program fOl- ins py. In th e m eantime a rather intensive campaign du strial users is i11egal, while on Capitol Hill tep's i being conducted, beneath the surfa ce, in various al'e being take n to reduce the amoun t of Am r ican govel'llment de partmen ts to get rid of known radis ugat· being sent to foreign counl;ries . cals a nd Communi st s who have been engaging in s ubversive activities whil e employees of the Federal By a vote of 285 to ~21 the House of Re p resen : lI ·__G_o_v_er_n_m ,_ e_n_t._ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ _ __



'.47···193' ·


OF · ·H

• • E




·OnfJ-fuwry I I




With a Buckeye in Congress

Be«er let tbe ....... beIt ~ BIG M.


~ are living today at-Jands of Ameri-

caris who knew Thomas A. EdilOO.. A few had ,me priceless privilege of workiog wim him. But millions yet uabom "mlook bIIdt 10 die "EdilOO Era" wim paUlUde 10 die maa who. iIlftiltift geai.. did 10 mum fex humanity.

ID die 6eld of electrical inftGlioot aIoae, EdiIOn', discoveries gave binh 10 great DeW iadllltties,

created cbousaods upon cbouuods of jobs aDd saft !leW comforu, new ronveoiences IDCI ~ cu.bu;raI opportunities 10 miUioos. AI die whole cmtized world booon cbe IDeIDOfJ of Thoma Aln Edison oa Ithe ceocmnial aoaiwr· . ary 01 bit birth, tbole who knew him and wcded wim him proclaim Editoo ODe of bUcory>. peatett inspiratioos' 10 youth: From early boyhood Ihroughout hi. Ioaa life of 'Ief'¥ice, EdilOO was fuciDautd ." seeaUaaiy iJUOI. able problems. Hi. iDIatiab&e curioIity · .ct ... IhusWm ia fiadin, che led bim 10 ..... • maa, • n c:onsecuUft bou.n wbellllIhIotbecI wicb


.. inveotioa. Hi. utter dnotion to the solving of problems resulted in more daan 'a mousandpalenled ioventioos and me fOUDdatioa work oa many more. Ie wa ' EdilOG who 6rsi~plied ' tbe ~CbOa of io_uoa DOW widel, followed - Organized Ind~ uial Research.

............... ................ . ~

Our Heritage Mr. ·c"..".. ,. I(efferl"", CoOC"......... . . . Mr. , .... M. relt eI Hoe r~ A. fdi_ ....... "'" ... Id . .. !....,. c/li_ I, a. MUC" 0 b.M/Kio" 01 Mr. rdl_ at " . . ,.., . . . ., . . " ~ ,. "" ,,1/1. r .......po.... " ••I, .." ., _ . . . . , .... recel..d "., "" i_ftll_ 10 .... _opIc ". CI ; , _ ,h. ".,loIlc · • ...... /" - ,...". rMd

C_""' c_.



..., ' - - ., fdIeoft', .....~ ..... ,.. .,..,.,_....

., ,.. l/rtf i~' Ia",,, ..I'" • _boa "......... 01".. ......... I_10M . . . ". ,1M 'oll."ln" fWdt, Vor• ........ fladrk S.... Tid... ~ Ore s-rotor, A ...• .... Slato.. S,..,"'lc .ub.....


'011.". roIr•. T.'.""""". _ft. AI.U"'b...... ,..., . . ... , ... _. 'M''''''", ..t, .., . .,.,.. u. . . ""........... re«t.dI. • fdI_' , worlr on ,h. "" .......... orwI oilier .... ... Jed.,. ..- ., rod,. _ ... .,.." ,. ... ..,ada'''' eI -.Ie. ",. f~ic

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• • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • If





21 g reat gl'nn<1ol1lldre n are am o ng t,h e nWTliber . 0 111.' da ugh ter. REMEMBE'R that liquor today is a t ragi c menaCie on t he highways of community, ~tate and nation alik e, Ollie was married bo Wlll G ustin a nd ve n t he liquor ma kers urge t heir patrons no t to drink before driving. Nevertheles the National and she passed a way In 1913. She 'aI ty 'o un Gil stat es t hat on in eYe ry four fatal traffi· a ccidents invol es liquor, causing millions of was the m other of P aul G ustin of Wa ynesville and M lldred Gustin doll a r. in acc id ent co t~. I'hompson 0If Dayton. O lile r surviving relatives are \'wo H8.m.1lton and Ora. a t ' -________________________________________ ----------------------____•____________________________________-'-' sons, hmne:Louis Wrreeord au ~h w ~ . M ~ . MAud IIn'Cl

The Woman's Christian Temperance Union

METHODIST CHURCH R. B. Coleman, Minlsler 9 :30 A. M. SUNDAY SCHOOL J . J . B urske. S upt. 10:30 A. M. WORSHIP SEh VICE YOUTH FELLOWSHIP. Thursday. 1:80 P. M. OHOm PRACTICE Wedn ~rlay , 7 :30 P . M .



oyster stew, CI'J l'ry . pickles. «Ii ves a ll coffel'. The m.e n orde red 100 Kl'w song book~ for the churoh and 'have start;ed an organ f und to buy a Hrumno nd org an . I h ave to go ' to Elc\, abou t owemy miles from here. to ad'Clress a young p eople's bll'nquot tonigh t . H elen will lead W1e prayer meeting here. We h ave b een h a ving real good crOWds ou t to prayer service. There were 32 present last week. Nex t Mond a y rughL I a m to speak at a yout h r a'ily a t Fairfield. Fliday night bh ey are m ,v ing a f ellowship suppe'I' in bhe basemen t of the OhW'Oh and a reoeption for

Lay Reader-in charge Oburoh School 9:30 AM. M orning Prayer and Sermon , Mr. J8IllWS Baker. 4l-Y R eader. 11 :00 AM . ~

UTICA U. B· CHURCH Rev. Ralph Wnes SUNDAY SCHOOL 9 :30 A. M . Mrs. James Garrison. Supt. PREACHING 1st and 3rd Sundays each month 10 :30 A. M .

will ha ve a good m.1,nisLry here . We woui'd love to have you folk drlve out and see Us sometime. Il$ only three h~ lndTed mile s and I unders ta nd t h ere is some pretty good fish ing close by. We ll I guess I I~ n ve given yQU aU the News for this time. Da.vld is home for lunch a nd the girls are b usy riding on a new tricyde ' I bought them this m.orn1ng. I sold tlhe . dog. so boug'hlt tlhem it wi ~h part. of the mOney. I think tJ1ey will l1ke it betJtl(lor than the dOg . It has been raln~' M Id muddy h ere

Ada,lnS. Way nesville; M~ . Wnnie Saumiers, near Waynesville; and Mrs. Roland Kline, Dayiton .

WILL GUSTIl"!. GIVES HISTORICAL NOTES ON CASEY FAMILY The d~th and buria l of Mrs . Elizabeth ~y at B ellbrook last week bring forth an item from Mr. W1ll Gustin or Waynesville stating th e C65eY f'8:ll1Uy came here from Falmout.h , Ky. In 1903 Or 1904 anld settled on a 1'a.rm. Mr. Casey was noted as a tobaoco grower . In 1923 they, moved to their propeIlty in Be Ubrook whe r e th ey have live d s ince.

'I1hree brobhe~. WUliam and James Taylor. Harrison ; and Edward Cyn:tJh1ana K y. ; and t,-o sisters. Mrs. Mattie Denn is an'Cl Mrs . MaWda Dennds, both of lIel'lr Falmoll'th. K y. Egg prices will be supported by

a new gov'ornmenlt pr ogram to purchase frozen eggs. Pm'oh ase o~ dried

eggs for export will be continued.

frozen eggs to the governmen t m U9t certify tJhey too. A large awnbel' of relatives survive p aid . farm ers a t lea t 33 ce nts a Wri te again when you find tim e Mrs. Casey and 1~ grandch1ldren dozen. their and fam11y. We are as we like to heat from Fe1'lrY every looking foward to a great meet- now a nd the n . HopE! t his find s you both well. ing. Love. I a m enclcslng one of our bulletins The Gmhams. tJo show yQu just how busy we are. The ',~lk here are very friendly The ad~rt1sement:.s in this pa.per wnId nice. 1It seems as if we have make your jOb mOIre secure. They know n them for years. We get h omesick for alloW' sell goods, sell servioes. making more !friends lilt Ferry but f eel t hat we jobs for all. ---------------------------Processors selling

------------------------------- --------------------



"You Can STAY hfl Valentine, too!:

.. Abunda'nt health and pep will make your job of being his permanent Valentine a lot easier . . . and plenty of milk, nature's most nearly perfect food, will help keep you peppy and beautiful I Milk at its best is delivered by your Borden milkman . .• or ask for Borden's at your neighborhood store."


T. 1\1. SclU'tf. MinIster • SUNDAY SCH OOL 9::;0 M. E . A. Earnhar t, Supt. . 10 :30 A. M . WORS:!IIP SERVICE 7 :30 P . M . EVENI NG SERVICE



ST. ). UGUSTINE CHURCH Fathe KrumJloltz, Priest MAS5 ...lJNDAY 9:00 A. M.



930 A. 10 :30 A. . 11 :00 A. 8:00 P.

and ~t is the ~haracter in


The Church Is For All

M. M. . M. M.

McLeansboro. Ill. Jan . 29. 1947

The following letter was recently received' from Hel1bert Graham. mindster of Ferry Ohurch, Dear Old Timer and Mrs . IMa urtoe: Just ~ line t his rnarning to let you know that \We received your letter and enjoyed hea.ring from you. iHow are babh of you? We eJl

real well and enjoying our new home very much. -We haId another good day Sunday ~th 131 in Bible School and .around 140 a't ,t he eV!ening service, .OUr ofIterlng for the day was $125.20, We ha\'le beeIlJ here three SUnldays a.nd the oM!dng has beeri over one hundred dIaiW'B each SWlday. Monday n4Iht 'We bad the men 'or Ute Oburch out to an ~ stew. We had lit in tlbe baaement. aDd rthere 'WIE!reH men preamt. We bad

most important factor in building our children, and ple ace of mind In ourselves. It is the most important factor in establishing a lastin~ peace, and without it no civilization can survIve. You may ask yourself, '·'W'h y should I go to church" . The answers are simple and logical: 1. To benefit yourself-no person can be suc· clessful in everyday life without spiritual guidance. 2. To b~nefit your country and your community-without the teachinl;rs of Christ no nation or community can s ~ride progres· sively ahead. . "He made one every natioIl of men" -Acts 17:26 3. To benefit your children.-uTrain Up' a child in the way he should go, and even wh'en he is old he will not depart from it." -Prov.22:6. Never before in history has the world been so desperately in need of Christls teachings"Go ye into all the world". The Church is the Servant of Christ-plan to go next Sunday,

Davisson Press

Phone 2143





.1947 r

, I


THE MIAMI GAZET TE - Pare '7 the floo~ and he was into every~r1d8.Y' lTlJCCrIliug the wind W8lS WAYNE SVILLE , 01(10 - NO, 4303 llilng. The book said. "Orpha n blowing cold. again a.nd ths' snow TIIUR D Y, FEBRU ARY, 1.3, 194'7 lambs can Ix> rasled on a bottle w~s 1dr!.1ltlng. The la ne M'1!.8 too but In a. large conune rcial n ock It dePI) f cl' my Clll'. the cream man 1. s Idom worU1 Lhe t.l'o uble,'· Our.:; didn 't make his usun.l Friday visi t in not a la.rge fl ock, bul I can so I d ldn't try to go out until scc t.h elr point . I gDt sorne 0Dd after they h8ld used the inctor \lver oil today as I t.h Du t;'ht p erhaps :lnd the d rag but even then there a boLtle baby hDuld have i L. I g. vc were places \\'h",re i t A FARM DIARY was tCX) deep bun a fCIW drops in a spoon and for me and lis fast as i t D. J. Fraizer ws-s b roken F 1)ruary 7. 1947. ND ooe ha$ COffi- he .seem d to like iL. SlnJce he out It d lifled in ag ain . S o I ctidn': can't .g et ourt. 1n I.he s unshine I try to go any where exC{ pt to I let ct his fArm education that has t hough t he might need I tho ugh not rasiecl a baby !amb 'On a 1>:>' UI.' ge t the mail . fOr fear It ml!th t be there is some vitamin D In whole tOD deep to get In again. wh en J vlm sa id t hat th There were twin lambs Whose mother had no mllk but the ohlcks we tried I.Q Is plen ty to ewt tor US a U. I bough t mUk for them an d thwt althoug il ralse without it got r ick ts so Quick- more hay so tne COWs have plenty he was feeding them 011 a bottle ly, I w~uldn ' t warut. a lamb wl ~h Lh re Is Ceed In the bin for till! chicken s a nd the pigs and coal in he cU4 not thi nk t hey .would live. riC'kets. Arlid so it goes. a baby in the the ceUer so 'b eing snowed r promll>t ly said. "Bring them to m e In isn't a nd I will take care or t hem . "So house means senne sort of schedule. 100 ba.d. Now I must give Mickey he.r Is the story of the first week I must stay home Wltll I have his SUl\JpeI'. In t1he tire 01' a blliby lBmlb. fed Mickey or I must go h~nre in Sundn,y . 'lWhat 011 eUl1th is tha.t?" time Ito do it.but it is ~ fWl too. I said as Cap came in this even- and in thJs bllzzard y we1.\lcher I /) In bO do ~he chores with a carton can 'L get out much anyway . He under his arm. I bad f. rg\Jl1ten the is such a funny balby, aU legs and lamb convers at ion. I open-ed the box such au a.wkwa.rti thin neek With ~. and Mrs. Willism Smith and and llheI'e itJhey were. poking their the skin ha.ng1ng in wr1nkl!lS atbout Marilyn SUe were ddnner guests of h~ out and locking around. It lit 1I.k.e a CIOllOl'. I cl.on't tJhlnk I Mr. and Mrs. Emr1l11e1t Nevin and SODS wasn't a very la~e box but they could ever like a. lamb or a goat in Dayton , S~ . were .not very large l.a.mbs and fitted. a.<l well as a p uppy or a kitten. Mrs. Everett Haines entert& ined in nicely. One Wll$ gray and the T hey nevel' seem to look at you 1.0 s~· ThundB sy eveniing the other was speckl~ gray a.nd white and Ilheir expr e6S'1on never chllltlg1eS . foUowiilg guests in h nor oJ! her with a black race. The gmy lamb but it is tun to ' wa'toh him pull son. Marvin 's b1rtbJda.y: Mr, and "'''as the st.ronge r and could stand Oll! his batJtle and shake his llttle Mrs. Melvin Ho.1.l1n gswort., Mr. and \lip when it oould g t it feet braced tall and to see him run then give Mrs. Wilmer Cooper of Wllm1I:1 g.ton. against the stde of t.he box. when that fU nny UtI le Cour footed laan!b Mr. and Mrs. W1lllard Halnles of It was on the floor. ~t.s legs spread jwnp. near Salbina. and Mil' and Mrs. DonIt was snowing SO hard on Thurs- ald Haines. out in all dlrectlo ns and it S!>I'SIWled on its nOse. I h~d no n1pp1es da,y tthalt there were very t ew a't Mr. and Mrs. Raymon d Wilson so I had to use my finger and a th e Commu ndty sa:le a.nd not many spent Sunday even:lng Feb. 2nd. spoon. I fed them every once in a cattle tor sale but there was a large 'With M!'. and Mrs. Lawren ce MitwhUe a ll eveQing, then I covered consign ment 'o f horses. I didn't stay chnel'. itJ1em up for the nlglh t a.nd hoped but went and did my errands and Mr. Paul Whetstxm.e of Xen ia a for othe best. hurl'1ed home. s tudent at Ohio s tate tJm vlmdty Monday . Three o'clock thtis mornlng, I heam a plaintiv e A71~ and th~ another and another , then a bump and' anotlher bump. I got up and tound both balbtes ha.Id faillen otlt of bed. and were bungry. 15 F~ FAR M FRE EZE R So I ' fed tlhem agam and went FOR FRUIT S, VEGETABLE, MEAT~t ETC. Ib8ck rio bed'. This time they s1ep untU about seven. The white One stood Up and I fflLd hopes for it but the nex,t t.ime I 1O()ke'd in bhe FRAN KLIN , OHIO box it. was · streOOhed out f181t and PHON E 97 . llmp. I took it away £rom the ray one, wnIiPPed it up W8J\1U and ried to save it but by evening it was gone. But ithe little gray one kept on eating every time it had a chan'Ce an~ grew stro~r wltlh each

::/)P'I JeJlJf2

/? I Cae dal' d CI'eek

called on his sister Mrs . Donald Haines and family Sunday a1Iter-

noon. Mr. onc Mrs. Hom JIai ~('s who have been on a vacatio n trip to Florida re urned to their home near Sabina on Friday. Marlan n!a B ::-I;an. Mrs. Dorothy Smil.h and daughle r were in Xenia 181te Thursd ay aftrrno on. . Mr. and Mrs. LeonArd Ellis and fam Uy were guests of R!lymon d Wil,on nnd wife Sunday evenllU!. Mr. and Mrs. Everett Haines atnded Miami Qua rterly meet ing at Spring Valley Saturda y . Raleigh BDgan 81btend the afternoo n sess Ion. 'Uft-'l mi m ....,u yn Sue S th II.COOI'l1I))a In ed Sup . and Mrs. John Ames and daughte r Sylvia. 'a.t the bask:et ball game at Spring Valley High School Friday night.




one sees a used au tomobil a dvertised AS. " . K .'· meohon lcnllv. should One conclud e O. K. means. 'out of k1lber'? I 11

Clare Bool.h LlI has written ~ n h Is enLi tled . The Rea l R Cl1scli In which sh e xpJolns why she becam R conrvert to Ca hPlhoisln . I think ev ryon ~

m gnit'lc

lestan , J ewish. or Catholic, should read Mrs. Lu 's thesis. now a11pearlnJr In P ebra.ury issue ·of McCa.ll·s magazin e. It gives one an accurat e and full underst and1ng or th e fai th tJUllt has sustaine d m11 lions and ha6 more followe rs than any other single religiou s denomIn8ltlon In t he wDrld. Meeting Susie's 'Often heard of Mr. and M rs. G uy Burraug h.s. frien d. Mrs. D aisy Sruder WII6 an L)<'1\,le were Thursda Y' evening caners anticipa tion I realized trot so long on her sisler. Mrs. Laurenc e A. ago. Mrs. Snider is as Susie says JaocA>s a.nd fa.rnUy. "grand and lovely". _____ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __





KE NN ETT 'S Fur nitu re

meal. 'It


f un ny llttle creature . not at all the traditio nal sot,to white lamb. Its 8hIort wool 'is harsh to the touoh and It is gray, Just the color at a mouse, With a darker faQe and black feet. not even a black sheep, wtllh its pointed nOSe and i'unny UWe ears' it lOOked jU&?t llke an ovcl1grown mouse 'with long . laP 80 I named it ~. Today I got a laqper carton and ~ frien d gave me an old mpple whloh worlced better than new ones I ~t 80 now Mickey is On a bottle, _ Tue8da y, 'lbe baby behaved very we1l last Irl8bt. I fed him about m1dn4g bt and he dlIcJa.t make a sound uniW seven tI1WI rilorn1n(l. He l1:kes hie bottle and ' jwnps up &rkI. down in Ilhe box and wuP and shakes his tunny lilltl.e taU a8&lDBt tile Bide 01' tltle .bOX unt1l it sounds Wre a dnJm. It was cold and ,w lnd(y !today but Mickey was snug and wa.nn and slept most of ItJhe day. He Is on a tour hour schedul e and mites a~t haH a ' c:up of ·milk at a time. ' '11le book says bot ewes mWt baa more pr0tein and! mOire fa.t in ok than cows mMk,I~~~e evapora tedl milk bhat oooId be ,cWuted ' to tbe riabt ati'enI1b but 80 tar he is atw. ODI cows ~. 'lbuiedaY. Wckey Is thrWlnc but he aete reStile8B ~. 'WUltB, ~ pit out for exerc1ae . I ,p ut hbn out on 11





Dunham White R~cks Make Great Layers on. Warren ~ County Farms and in National Egg Laying Tests. Thirte en y~ars of better breedi ng a beh ind every . Uunh am chick. 13 years of specia lized re trapne st breed ing have p·r odtice d a strain of White Rocks t hat makeyour poultr y rasing -more prof it able-f or both meat and egg pr oducti on. W e breed and hatch only White Rocks -all our time and effort is put int o giving you the best White Rock chicks possib le. \ Listed below are some of the 'Outsta nding fficia l egg laying t est records made by Dunh am ,oW hite Rocks : ' ., 1940 Nation al Cham pion W. R. Ren- 304 e.g gs : 'j 1943 Nation al Cham pion W 'nlLP en (1 3 birds') 1943 Nation al Cham pion W. no. Hen- 3 12 eggs . 1944 Nation al Cham p,i on W. R. Pen- (13 bir ds) 1945 Nation al Cham pion W. R. Hen - 323 eggs- 351.95 points . (Abov e hen has 2nd high ALL-T IME Cones t record for W. R.) Buy chicks of the breed ing that has produ ced the outsta nding record s shown above . They will help make your 1947 and 1948 poultry progra m more profit able. March and April chicks should be ordere d now, Don't delay for March and Ap·r il dates are booking fast. Starte d Chick a availa ble Oft order To place your order call or atOp at R. 2 - Wayn eaville - Ridge ville Road - Wayft esville . (Phon e 2916) Dunh am White Rocks are bred on a W arren COU!)t y Farm, let th em "make good on your farm" .



See it now on display FAIRLEY HD WE : stO RE S , Phone 2441

Waynesville, Ohio

Dunham White Rocks WAYN 'Phone 2916



with the Kurz.-- TIlE MIAMI GAZET 'l'E - Pap 8 of bhe EstaW of Sallie Mere<Mth qulr d a posHJ1on WAYNE SVILLE , OHIO - NO. 4303 Dayton. Inc. late Of Warren OO\.tnlt,y, Ohio. dec- Kasch Co. ARY, 13, 194'7 THURS DAY, FEBRU


Dalted this 7th da.y of F'ebra.u ary

1947. Ralph H. OB:Irey Judge of tlhe Probaltle Court WaITen OoWlty. Ohr1o Ha.roJxl J. Meredi th Harry R. MerecU11h Attorne ys

Mans Coming of Age

Dunha m White Rocks Making Fine Recor ds at Connectic ut.

"The BaAha.1 F1aIth In i~ basic principl e bhe oneness of mankin d. The 38th Storrs <Conn.) Egg LayoKers a unique Qlnd ohallen glng Test report for the period ending 108 pattern for tlhe develop ment Of a 31th llit Dunham White Rock Dec. intlWght world. Just as Christ as holding second a.ntl third peIls llah. Baha'u' so e, dllmplln ~ d1v1d~ the breed. These two pens for .place founder of the Baha'i Pa.1rth. is ofea.oh ha% laid 902 end pullets 13 of the ty humani ferlng a matUrin g NOT ICE! the 91 days. during eggs 840 e d1cipUn . ooclal g imposin clooed be for will means My beri>er shop Storrs egg laying the g Wlnr.1n on Il.gelf. The Baha'I FaIbh is Uke for 18 days alter F1eb. 17. RJock breed is Wlhite the for test In past bhe of s the great religion C. LEE IIAlIVRE Whitt bhat ~t upholds a belle! in God and nothing r.ew for Dunham RooJu; WhIte or stra.ln 'I1h1s &leks. stresses eth1<:aJ ocmduc t Inr t.he InStorrs at Rocks White all l~ harv1ng In greatly differs dlv1,dual. but it that I~ ohler concem is othe creation during bOth 1943 and 1944. of a WOl1ld govemmeDJt and a world day . Real Eatate For Sale coma ined 1"he U , S. Dept. Of Agrtcu:lrt\lt'e enteJilta culture based on justice , . Billha 'u'}lah Robert CoBett Mrs. Allee Trtckey bhe is justice ced Jan. 31. there will be ·nO th8lt announ d his 8ft OR declare cards RTY has to PROPE A frien'ds pa.ny Of IF' YOU · HAVE vlrtwes. human 8Cre&@e 'guals /for com in 1947 and foundat ion of all or Write Card of Than ksFARM TO SELL canKE3<i46 home. 'ruIesdIa.y . evening . ls , &17 es5enta ethlc worldt.h8It no marketi ng quotas will be the is Oon Hender son, Tel. 1Mr. and MlrB. H. ::J. Tucker had Justice ' I wish to express my sincere • ... pedple all of Ing well-be placed on this year's corn crop. On 1he fOr c tf o. Obi Dayto n, . 1.0ra In A ve., m'el' bhe week guests. house their as n:w an to dea:Uon han! they . a.ppreci tJhe~e~.C~tonP . ~~ 11hanks and ers. Uttle Baha'is beUeve, andl friendS who relDdOOered me wltb end their g:m.nd d8.uglbt. WOIIld a In y of airtculbure. oert1filed realready It secretarr ted monstra Terylle Park Of gUts and bea.utifU!l cards <furing Misses Peggy ami OFFIC E EQUI PMEN Temnew bhe bhe IJst of scarce cOOttJhat from nlty, moval oommu wide , cincinn ati. is and fe ed produot s oe food all e"perlen s HALLM ARK TYPEW RITER RIB- my recent illness. modit1e Mrs. Oba. Welch was hostess to 'p hasls In human Goldie M. Borden protein meal , elOOelpt usness com bona now in stock. The .Gazette . conscio from the made around d CIeIlItere ee.tthe 0iv1c ~ 8ft her home, ails. and d." a-s, mank.1n sweetene of oneness the <If enrts refeshm urday evening Ligllt NOTIC E OF APPOIN TMENT REAL ESTA TE E9taJte of Lida Sta.plie, also knOW were se1'IVed to bhe guests. ~acco seedbeds which are sterUMr. Thoma s Welch was in OlevelP YOU HAVE ANY PROPE RTY as Lids Og~ Decease d. by bumlr..g often receive too !zed at· to week lust days ! to ,o;ell call Fra.Ilc1a Gene Brown, Notice is hereby given the.t Nettle 'l and, several tire to sterUi7Je .the soU. A Suffere rs! Try REINE R'S RmOL lIt1tle ealers D ' J'e HartllW8 Ohio 'I1he tend Ad<lress Office Post of D. H. WIhose e pe.1ne for an, from Oglesbe Salesm relief ting Estate Real lot of wOOd is requ1ret l to heat the Comfor i'On. neuritis. lum· PennIn gton, W~, Ohio. is W~, Ohio bas been duly OOnvent sufficie ntly. Ohemic al ster- rbeumatlam. arthritl &ET. ground hostess was er Ask tor Mrs. ~ura Shida.1k b8go. FREE BOOXL LOans 4%. Telepho ne u.ppo1nbed Be Adm1n1 stratrix or the JPann " 1 suft Why 1 R1n ReIner' U tory satlc!a.o after· d~ and easy 'I' ~ U. T. C. 1Ze.t101Il W. the Est8ite c.4 Lirla staple. also know to 'WayneavWe 2935. ~~ er store. ~ vru., wayne: applied be must but t!he chemica i lIS Liebl. Oglesbe e late or Warren noon. "~ Kllnch of Detl:01t In 'the fall. Mrs. and Mr. \'. d.eceasec WAN TED- MISC • . Ohio, County" of Mr. and Dated 'bh1s 8t\h day Of Februa ry were ,week end! guests WAN'IIED - Oh1ldren ~ care tor Welch" s 'l1loma Mrs. In qo home; Rates by the hour. 1947. Mrs. Ohades Doster was ' a buslRalph H. ~ . UJ.Dn1e 000k. Box 303, Waynes ville caaJer in Da.Y1IiOIl Thursda .y. ness Judge or bhe ProbaIte Oourt -27 Ohio. Essie ~ is conpne<i to !Mrs. OMo Oounty, Wamm her room, ow1na to illness. . Harold , lUs1nger, Atlty. House hold' Good , For Sale 1Mr. and Mrs. Rlc:ha4'dI wumuns -227 . l'OR SAlLE _ One big coaltort; ~ 8InId cb1ldre n ol Ili~ Wilmin gton, 1Pl'; larp ,PWows ; 2 men's 006/ts. 8eJtllrday evening dinner guests were d Dece6se lh Est&te or Sdlle Mered1t -213 8I!e to. Phone 2564. , Mr. and Notice is hereby glveDI bt Harry of Mrs. WiW'Bnl8 parenlts -26 ~ker. B. H. Mrs. th Meredi J. R. Meredi th and! Harolld acoeptMiss Ploram'Olld Reed is 607 l'\JR 8A1UE - Kefl!lSeDe Coli water whose ' Post Office address Xenia. In .position a ad Ohio h8lve He6Iter; rw1ibh Tank; Kerosen e 2 'ee.'V1ngs Buildin g. Lima Mrs. Mi'l ton Qla/ppe ll ' Jla6 SIC· Exeotibo rs bUrner stove !for ihea.ting or Oook- been duly appol.nited 88 Ing; Saalltar y Couoh; Goelz Oolonla l Lane off l.Jebanon Pike. -13 Da.Y!ton WA. 6822.

• • OLASS IFIED AD BATES • • • words or 1eaa. one tUme. •••••• 25c Eadl add1ton al word ..••••.. ••.• 1c SPECIA L BATES by CONTR ACT FOR SALE - 5 piece Oak Breakfast set; Record player aIttBchLoan amenlt for mdlo: Sohlo Serrv1ce -213 Station . PEDER AL LAND BANK LOANS : For Refinan cing - Rebu.1ldlDg Buying . 4% Farm loana with long Card of Than ksume to pay. Pay part or all any I wish ·to eXJ)reSs my appreci& tton time. Ul LEBAN ON NAT'L FARM LOAN of the lovely gifts and beaut1! ASS'N., ElIJs H. Sturm, Sedy- cards received from n:w fr!ends and Trea.s.. Lebano n, Ohio. Phone 448 relative s Of the Lytle OhUI"al at tc bhe anniver sary of my 86tb birth·




It's Here! The New ]947 Book of







--,_..'" - ,-.. -, Bv DVV'IG


Wayn e.ville , Ohio

Third Street

Bottle Gas Stoves Radio-Phonograph. Combinations '




$ 9.95 to $ 12.95



Waynesville Furniture &'-Appliance Co. Gibbons Building, 'North Street WAYNESVILLE, OHIO F.hone·"2422

Fair ly Farpilhif b3' EFFELD EE .

Frankly . \

have wondere d lately

if people in this commu ni by really



Frank Crew Funeral Services, Monday

Radio Preacher To Conduct Mission At St. Augustine Church

want a nt'wspa per of their own . . Fra nk W. Crew, brot ' . of Robert The lack of Interest shown In Iu; Crow of Wa.ynesville and Dr. Ell Begin ning on Sunday m'orning growbh and promoti on Is quite enR. Crew of Ft. Lauderd ale, Fla. Feibnlar y 23 at 9 A . M. A Week'... ough to wa.rram such through t. Just passed wway at the h ome of his Miss ion I' caLholi r.'viva l a short wme ago we made It so meeting brother Robert on Sou!.h Main S t.. will be held at St. Augusti ne easy fol' folk . of t his area to con ' ESTAB LlSQED 1850 - NO.430 4 $1.50 PER YEAR - 5e A COpy Fri'du'Y Feb . 14 at 1 :00 p . m. at Church . waynesville. There will be tribute toward its news. and in this he age of 63 YlCars. Mr. Crew was praye r s ces And a ermon on respect a verY few have shown any WAYNESVILLE, OHIO THURS DAY, FEBRU ARY. 20. 1947 a retired fanner and ,h lld spent the Car,holi c Doct.rin e an :! m cnulty Intercst whatevt 'r. Uuless the enUre - - - - - - - - ----most of his life in this commu nity. week day a t. 8 :00 P. M. pdpulat.lon of the commu nity Is o,\tilHe 15 survive d by the li\vo broth ers ·The Rev. EdwuTd Kott r . Splr' MASO NIC INSPE CTION ling to add their bit toward the Lua} Funeral services were conduct ed Directo r of Mmmt Saint HERE MARC H 4. neWS column s of the Gazette It then Mary's Montiay of this week at 2:00 p . m. Theolog ical Semina ry. Norwoo beOOmes a one-sid ed nIfalr and d, 'Will Waynes ville Lodge No. 163, F . & at t he Stubbs Funeral Home with en ch week doay at 8:00 P . M . centere d in a. few groups and not A. M. will hold the Annual Insp ~ ct ­ Rev . R. B , Colema n of the Mebhod lst deliver the sermOns. Father th'e whole. Ko~ Ion and dinner a.t the lodge I':roms Church offlcla.ting. has achieve d conside rable fame . . From ·a fin a ncial stan~poin t any in Waynes ville at 6 :30 p. m . TuesWayne ilIe meets Pete and Burial was made In Miaml Ceme- a. popular preache r In many ClnSII1l&ll weekly newspaper is more or Tomm y '~ in Lhe openlng game of day, March 4. 1947. The Inspect ing tery. cinnllti Church es and over . RadIo les.<; a: problem to keep going on a 'the W8II'ren County Indepen de'l1t ollflOOr will be William C. Gc:><>d of S ta t ion W. L . W . A,t present. timt paying basis. This paper is no ex- B a~ ke Lba ll Tourna ment at HaAnon F'l'ankli n . MIAM I CHAP TER he Is conduct ing a service of talk.i TO ception . In the past It ha.s been HAll In Lebano n Tuesday at 8 P. M. .HOLD SALE , MARC H 1. on relig1cn vel' this same staillion urider the dlrecLlo n of those who Pete and Tommy 's finished ~h e at 6.15 P . M. on Sunda.ys. were senUme ntally a,tta.ched to it regula r coun e season Miami Ohapte r Order of East'ern in 11 A cordial invitati on Is extende d and ?rould have continu ed to produce tie fOl' first pla{:e wit.h Ma.rvin Star No. 107 is announ cing bhe 1.~ aJI bhe people of this ·s commu nity forth-co mlng Rumma ge Sa'le .hey it even th ough they would have done MarkEl!.. Waynesville finished tllird. a nd sUIToun tHng t.errltol"lY so Bit a loss. At this time the picplan to hol~ at Memorl a'l Ha ll in of their religlo:l s aHillaregardless,. The t ) lU'na me n t is Ito be played tW ns · or ture has cha nged . No sentime nt is On a double elimina tion Lebano n. March 1. 1947. COllections bellefs to attend bhese sermons basis on B.t The semi-an nual ,L adies' Night of articles to be sold at attache d to its product ion.· Either Tuesday. Wednes day. and Thursd 'taJ1s event St. Augusti ne Ohurch every evenay was observe d at the Februar y dinner are now being made It progre · s on Ihs own . 00-. like nights until finished . and it 'l ex- Ing nex.t week, except on ' Sund~ Two games meeting of t he Wayrresville Civic pect.ed that the sale this any scund buslness mana ent..t will be played each evening . year wlll !WIhen It wUl be held in the m'ornin g w1l1 cease to eXist . The people of Last. yea r when Wayn esv11le 'WoI? Club held a.t the Waynes ville Meth- elreCed the one held last year in aJt 9 o'clock because of the speake rs tlhls commu ruty are to b e the judge t he league Litle, Herb'6 Place, which odtst Church , Monday evening'. Feb. the volum~ of articles sold . radio commit tments. No collect1o ft oJ tnls . T he:v either ",111 wan t .1 Is n';;w Pete and Tommy 'S. WOn vh 17. wlll be takelll up and everyon e is newspa per and will be wl1l1 ng to tournam ent . This year Waynesv!11e get squarely behind it and e t ha i has a chance to r everse' the pro by It progref:.S{'S . or they will su 'mit ceedure by laking the tournam en t and an unusual ly to th'e Inevlta.ble a nd a llow It to fad '~ iaurels. . COUN TY WCTU . away. The latter include d a vocal solo, Anoth er coincide nce which InNames CIt de'Pufy registra rs for INSTI TUTE , FEB. 28 Busines s In general in the com- volves tile t.wo teams thrut are to ''TIle Lord's Prayer" Donald GltIarls. 81 of the gtaIt.e's 88 counties lWere The W'8 IT n County W . C. T. U. munity Is a poor su pporUng In- meet In th e tourne v opener Is that local hlgoh school mus1c instruct or, annO'llnced today by E:lJward T . Institut e wIH be held, Fridaly Feb.. fluence tor t he1r local m~lum (If in the l1Wo years . of the league's acComp anied wt the piano by· Mrs. F~o, Re gistrar of ,the Bureau of 28, at the Lc anon Meth:ad lst Gha.ris. A mOving, ploture of !the Motor Vehicles. The 's news. Many of our busi.nes s firm ale of autn Church CXlmmencing a.t 10 A: M_ . xlsltance It has been necessa'r y bo ~, Will IndustrJ es of DaiYton for license pl8lte s will begin Maroh lO. The pu~l1c is cordjall y Invl bE1dl tall to add their support by u.~ng .dra.w for opponen ts to . tour tim'CS. t wice the benefit Of ' haondlca.pped persons The 11'.\ of deputie s fe>r Wa rren attend this Institut e. the colJUmns of the Gazette for the at the start of eaoh TIhds 'Will 'lie season an~ 8b d desorib ed b MrOou nty are: Jr<m~>tl(m of their bUalness. If they ,bwice ,to detenn1 ne t.ournam ent an tin da. m.eeting an 1ntere8ttl.~ wae own a.n y . -~.~=",.... . ...... to ,....;......:-....em. - sup"ort bplf!'l1et\'t8; On.' ~ . ' cA'the• . '_ ~ ~. ........... 1Dat.ltuU ~ •• '" Ul F.l:e.P~.~ ,~'D .. )~...P~" ~ne p~)IQ.'reqqilfl- .• ·""""~ 5th & Ra1lro8 d; HarveysPPI in times when bhey needed Ii~; thD)' casio!lS teb¥ have dr8IWD' eaiCh burg. Sabin illsh dinner will be enjoyed a.t other MCDonnell ; t'.ebnnon . Mrs. Carrie Bring 81 gueSt and '(.able service. would perhaps rea.llze the impor Admissi on prices for each evening Hill, Cor. Bl'08IdIWR'Y & South S t; ance of keeping a local voice of th e are 3~ for adults and 160 for stu· 1Mason, Mrs. 0111e Marie Sc) t: PE'.:'IPloe at any cost. Th~ Gray famlll es of Wellma n dents. Tickets to cover admissi on to Morrow , Mrs: Thanna . J'effery; el1l~ed an oyster supper aa,ttll'dlllY "!Ie leave tlhis matter squarel y up durlng the tournam ent WaynesvUle, Phebe Mirand a. to the commu nity whleh we huve evening. Fro. 15 a t the home c.I Mototls ts are .warned by iRe- Mr. and Mrs. Charles Volers. tried so diligently to serve. El ther Mrs. Mildred Trumbu ll, age 41. glsterar F ogo that there they get beh1nd us vh!lleh aTtedly will be n o Mr. and Mrs. Gall Gordon\ of died in a. hospi tal in Boston, Mass,. extensio n ·this y~. Li.censes must :. d g1ve 'Us ttl lr " Harveys Mrs. Laurenc e A. Ja.cobg attende d b\U'g' ",n wer S . unday , e suppo~. ea h week evening Frida) ,,- 0;t ta.ched to ehlcl nlgtht. after an 11lness of six """ v as on or b e- the fun'eral of her uncle LaoWD , an d Ile1p us t e> !Jund a local news- oo ller~ Cif Mr. allld Mlrs, J . F . months of rheumatic fever. .flOre Aprll 1. Orh d. D8l1by. Ohio Tuesda.y Feb. paper lihat will carry all I,h e n ews Jacobs. She is u'rvlved by her hUSband For the first time since 1941 Ohio 11. Mrs. J. F . J acobs a:ccomp anled of this CI.."'II1munlt y each issue. or. • a.rety ThOught. for the Week • Harry, 81 SO n DOnald and her m.other motor1st.s wfl use tw.{) plates. h er as 1M. as Springf ield. • 'lYe will be forced 'to submit to tht! • Mrs. Fuy of Mt. Holl,.". A Good ' Henl!Jh Exercise - - - -- - - - - -- -- - - - - - - - - - -Inevitab le. ' - -Mrs. Trumbu H was born In Mt. W ASR H GTON . ~R~ . .. , ExerelMng CMe ,:!? 1732- ~"t 7 Do YQU wanlt a local n ewspape r? • Bv '(' . Holly and gradua.t.ed from Waynes Is 1,& worth y time and effort - vUle High School. to lend your i'ndi~d ual support to partme nt aol&6 has two other rooms Funera l services were held a rt. the Its pr ogr ess? for precessi ng Or meau;. McClur e Funeral Heme today a t 2:00 We'U Q)e glad to hear from some one is a quick ireeze 1tlOm, the p . m . with RlJbert L. Van Zlle, of OUr readers bobh pro and con. otile4' a curtrig rOOOi. ministe r <if he WaYneSVille Church Yes, we 11 publish the letters, if In the poI'k departm ent is found of Ohrist officiat ing. Burial was you care to write one. We waTlit you several departm entS. A storage rocm made in Middle run cemeter y. to sa¥ what YOU feel like saying, for fresh pork. a storage room for because from now on we are, cured meats, a lard room and a whethe r anyone llkes it or not. smoke room, 'whelre real hickory ElMlei' we stant a pl"OOlotional ad- smoke w1l1 be , useO in the ouring yancem ent of t his PtIP8r or "fold- process . A pouJtqr <kess1n: g room up" In bhe attemp t. will be establis hed in the ba6e01ent. The compressoo- units for keeping We visited the Waynes ville Locker zero tempera tures in cold rooms are Dr. Earl C. Wrlglht of DcaytonJ will Plant this week and ~ slmPM d located in· the b¥eme nt and also OIpen an o1Iflce for pl"aCt1ce in Ulis to find the raplid progres s being the 'oil-fire d boiler for heating and commu nity about' April 1st. He made In the IWOrk of comple ting' water 'h eating. plans to ,l ocate In twro first floor the unit realtl for use this spring. .Acordin g to HalJ'VeY Burnet who rooms Of thte Susan Scanlon rcesid'!be last visit was marle about tJwo is In charge of an operatio ns 01 ence on Ma4n Street. in'Onths aglC) and at th8lt time the the plant Includin g constru ction, Dr. Wl1ght W86 a Navy Oorp Ifour waJls and roof were COOlIpleted bulicltng and busines s manage ment. membe r in the late war a.nd has but other bhanl that no work had a state inspeot or recent ly made tils. since been serving his intern8t Up been started on the Interior . stateme nt that Waynesv ill e WOUld at tihe lDayton: Osteopa.thJc Hkl&I:lltal. At th1s .time the looker room have one 01 >the finest lockM' plants He plans to take a. 30 day II06tproper ~ been taUed in a.nki the In the state. when it is cc:mplet ed. gradute course during the DWnth fooTS are being insulate d and' made The sale of preferre d' stock is to of March prior to hts com1Dg bere. ree.dy for the co~te to be poured. be sta.rted BOOn and It is hq)edo that . Dr. ~t is man1ed. and ba8 'l1be InsU~8.ltlon Ill8It.erial is mak:le Ute p!!q)le at t.hts oommun ltl)r. . !Who tIwio chlldren . He and his family frtm beechIWIOOd ftbers and is pl8ICed are seeting a good, souDcs 'iDYe6t- expect 't o maCe tblelr home hen~. under the floor to a depth of 81p- ment wID take adrvantase at tb1s Proximately 12 inches. 'l"be celllnlli ~ to Invest ·.In Mrs. Woodro w· Brande nburg and a camand side ·lWalls are lnIsul~ 'With mUJdtr proj.' or this Jdndo IinU d1a~ Loeetta and BubaraI were tIrla mMAmal. In &ddlUon ., tile Ih'e ., IDlJdl to otibe 0CImIDIJDit:v 8'lJe8ta on Ruth l4'On'a Pl'OsraaI in ~ ~ ·t he de- ute. O1nc1nDatl s.t Pnda.Y. r

Independents League Tournament Slated At Harmon Hall


Will Film Shown At Civic Club

gu~st:o:~ !!~r~n~~:: ~~a= Auto License Deputies




Named for County

~;:s ~;~~:~~~~:~e


Former Res,-den' Dies In Boston

~~I t~!rg~~.


New Physician To Establish Offices


treih _


pulls hard ~t the bottle. He rnces In econom ics of bhe Anned Forces THE MIAMI GAZET TE - Pace .! arounJd the \d b h en fl oor and Is Institu te. As suoh It 'w as a vatlable WAYNE SVILLE , omo - NO . 4304 5 0 und(,'r foot every minute : I never to millions 01 young people seeking THURS DAY, FEBRU AUY . :W. 1947 Publlsh ed Ev ery T hursd!lY by D AVISSO N PRESS knew sheep had so m uch curlosiUy. to educate themselves while serving FLO YD L. DAVISS ON, Ectitor He Is ri gM there to put his libtle their country . Sign1f!c antly, this expropr laled by violence alld revvlS::utl'r d ns Se 'and ' CIa,' Malter at the POSl Olllc!:' black nn~e Into 'veryth.lng. 'TIle dogs text,' aIter much con trover - -- - ---y, h as utlo n .... Many people rea lize, how:5 ubscrlp jCJ n RRtes: $1.50 pe r -Yeil r In .o\ dvnnce tolernte h im as long as h e doesn't been withdra wn fmm the curricul um ever. tlbat u h measure s. wh.lle they p ut i t In ,th II' SUpper and then t.he I ns titute. ml.g>h t bring qulck an'd thorough Na io n u l Advc l1:ising Repre sentat ives he has to move quickly. During the Page af.ter ' page contain s lm- resul ~. are subjc t to grave danO hi o W ee kli , I nc., 2 4 65. W . Broad Street , cold weath er the bam kitteR movc'd plled or dilrc t conctem atlon of prt- gers . They are llkely to repel all who into the house. Por a smaJl cat vate ven ture and private p roperty. o l umbw~ 4, O h io are motivat ed by h WlUlnitaria.n!sm . It has deepest , moot a ggressive It Is SO writte n bhat a gradu al Moreover, to cut d:>wn ruthlessly th 10., Mllly 's former owner may be . :ruw. It Is d ark tor toise-sh ell. and confisca tory expansion of gov- present own rs of land !l.llId capital Intel'est ed to know ,that her presen t that is olack .,,,luh yellow marks as ernmen t aut;hority seems the only would deprive socl.ety of some of t h e owner thinks she Is a wonder ful th ough some one ha.d wiped a pa in t solution to all major pJ'oolem s. The most carpwble executiv es arid adcow a nd her grantida.ug1hter Dolly br ush It. I hoped It W'oul{1 do some- tiob man Is oondem ned time a nd (Oont lnuec1 on Page 5) Is the moth er of our new cal!. ThIs th.l ng .about bile rat s.ltuatio n. Last again . and tax laws are a.dvocabed A FARM DIARY noon I went up to the bam to put n igh t while I wa.s getting supper by the supposedly imparti al au,tlhors D, J. Fraizer Dolly back In the pen wlth her tlhey lined up a nd I had four pa il's Wh1cll would ut terly abolish weal th Februa ry 13, 1947. L!ncoln 1 Blrth - calI but she d.ldnl't want to go In.' of hungI')' eyes fixed on me, Suzey. Ilnd finall y result in s tate owners hip lI81Y yesterda y an d w celebrat ed She would stand NOT ICE a n'd' ca.l1 to ,t he · Smokey, the . caL and M1ckey bile of a ll land and accwnu lated' savwith the fir:;t cakf of t he season . calf to get It out then when 1 lamb Bn~ Bob>an, was scra:tch lng on Ings. Dolly was mir;slng at feeding tdme Iwen t around lb ack of her My office will be closed to dwive tlhe <:boor to let me know he iWas On page 435 of volume two. socWfrom but she ihadnr't gone far and with hler t hrough bhe gate. ,the cal! would there too. Ism and commu nlan are cl1scussed. Mond ay, Feb. 3 to be r we fpund a nice hus.lcy little come out anti I wOuld have to carob . What Is ,w rong with Americ an As to how tlhese politica l thooortes cnlf who was able Co go to th e It and do it all over Mond ay, March 3 again . We marri~s ? was bhe subject of the ·oould a.t tlan suprem acy· the authors bam on own legs. It 'W86 lucky did this ovti\!' and over WlW I Town M.eet1ntt tonight. The speaker s state. "Opln.lo ns differ a.s tJo the DR. C. E. WILK IN that the ley wind of last week finally put an old sack oyer calf's a.ttribu ted much Clf the trCiUble to method by Optom etrist which land a.nd capital was not blowing and tlbe air was head so tlhaot he oouldn' t see which the immatu re alild UllIl'ea.llstio at- would be brough t under tlbe ownermild and the sun shining . 'n1.ere way to go. Dolly waa Xenia , Ohio 90 d18tulbed tltude towaro llfe common in Amer- ship 01 SOCI~. It Is 6omet1mies sugare four more heifers due to be by that tunny look1nlg t.hin4J baddng Jca and fed by too much roma- g;ested. 'the present owners shoWd fresh soon. 'Lena's twins. PaIul1n.e around tlhat she rb:ad bo come ln nt ic unrealistic dJ'eani stuff on the n and Pinkie, and the two cows to see WIhat it was. then I yanked a4.r, in books a.nId movies. Have you Lena. and Dotty. I ,h ave been SCI the salek orr the calf's TELEP HONES head. shut any remJed1es to ~I)ffer? Th8lt would much interest ed il1' these heifers 00- ,the gate and there she WAYNE SVILLE Z09I was on the be a goOd subject for some letters cause they are daughte rs of Bllly same 'a ide of it 88 t2le MORRO W No. S calf. to the ed.ltor. One suggest ed .remedy Papeye. iile Jersey bulL that I Pinkie is .the only one ldt of Is ~tter acquain tance LEBAN ON Office 4731[ before marSAND and GRAV EL bought as a cail! from stegner and the Spot tamiJry. Spot RES. 129L was boss of l"!ge. raised. Now we wlll know whethe r tile barn for a nwnber BLACK-TOP DRIVES or years. A man I knew always said. "Stlr he wa.s worth all the trouble he P1nk1e ' is the d&~r TAR and ROAD OIL of a <ia.ugh- 'em up and get 'em mad anti see caused 1 M . ' tel' of Spot amkl Valenti ne our good what's in 'em" Of course not many LAWN and FILL DIRT Lena. was one 01 three hel!ers Guerns ey bUll, 'Ibe8e pedigre es are or US Uke to folloW that me'tlhod READY -MIX CONCRETE calves that I bouglht In the fall of not register ed but tlbey are part. deUOOrateb' but there 18 lot of .t.ruth !l838. Year before laSt we w1tre of tQe h1stollV of EXCA VATI NG and DUM P TRUCK SERVICE our farm and In it . You never know a persGlli t.hrilled wilen she gave us twtns. each !aIm has one I..8st year sbe ha:d only one but lives are 80 bound llkl! it . Our until you have seen them r.eally ,,,.;:.===================== ===;o::,~ up with bhe 1UlgliY. What do they get mad lilt WIIll it be twins t..b!sye ar? Oould be. creatur es tihat ,we raise tlhat nam- and h o.W' do they act '! Does he Now the twtna will soon ihave their in&' th~ over is like looking at sulk or roar aIlLl poWld on the first calves. Cow .. generat ions are a memory book or bile family al- table? Does she ory 01'\ stalmp bel' not veIlY loni'. tun. feet and throw thtnp? Clan you Dott y ls b daugbt er or Milly. !Mickey tbe lamb is . thrlV'1ng . He t; ,thinlts over or is it NORT H STREET and DAYT ON ROAD just one the beifer I bought at tlbe Hocket t now takes a cup!ul of and more subject to be: avoided the rest ___ ___ __ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___milk ___ or YOUr Ufe. By the rway. a hl.nt. to ENLARGEMENT men. . no WOnianl cnn cook a decent FOR IMME DIAT E DELIVERY DEVE LOPE D-PR INTS MADE meal when she Is mad or upset, j Is why men cooks make bet ter ANY PLAC E; EVENINGS THRO UGH WEEK ; SATU RDAY hotel cooks. Many .I l honeym"OOn has . AND SUNDAY, DAY OR NIGHT. come to an end when the groom ge~ mad for the first time and ALL POPU LAR SIZES. ALSO stcmPs rot of the room becaUSe CAMERAS AND OTHE R SUPP LIES 'lihe bride didn't cook his eggs tlbe AS A V AILABLE. the wa.y mother did or Wlhen he only sn1ffs at the new supper dish RIGH T ON ALL PHOT OGRA PHIC WORK. she spent all afterno on making and won·t even tas te It. he can't see 'Why ;\....====== -~=-==--=-=======--~t! shoe got ma.d.

The Miami Gazette E B TAB LIS H E D ' 1 8.



Armitage & Son










outlwwed'?" Th8lt will be a hot one . I.

"HIGH ER" EDUCA TION One or the DlOElt alarmin g disd<J&Ures ' of the thinkin g Of oulr time Is cont&i1ned I.n a tWIG-volume standar d text on ElConomics in us'e in more , 100 I\OOlversities. Durthe WGr it was tbe official manual

Every famOy W'lll ClberIsh the memory of a last rti'rlbute that ".. dJplfte d and fittSntr in eveI'J respect.


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Acrou from Bank Wayn esville , Ohio



Home Appliance Store

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'!'lIB MIAMI GAZET TE - Pap S noon. Mr. and Mrs. Ada.1res of grandso n, BUly Melloh. celebrSl t1ng WAYNE SVILLE , omo - NO. fSot Oovtngo om Ky. and Mr. and Mrs his 2nd blrthda y at his hun.e at TBUBS DAY, FEBRUARY" 20, 1M' Floyd Iqnch Wayn·esv1lle. Mr. and Merr1tst.own. Mrrs. AdaJres are Mrs .. Clark's parMrs. Nettie Emrick was a. d'\.ooer en18. ~ Sunday 01 Mrs. Ma.rigaret Johns. Mr. · and Mn;. Leon SalIaMr. and Mrs. Donald E1lls have bury and son 01 Washin gton C. H. a. new girl, Pamala Jean. were afterno on callers. Thooe who cnjoyed a Valenti ne Mr. Ai Baker of Miamis burg called Mr. S. H. BurnetJ t attende d. the P~ at tlhe home of Sandra an!1 On F. E. Thomas One d8.f last ftllleral of Mr. Frank crew at S tubbs P9Jtr1cla MCWilliams, F'rlda.y, were week. funeral home in Waynes ville MonGenny and Lonnie Stuoh ert, Stevie day afterno on and the burial at Conner . Sandra Cook. Linda Frazer, Mr. and ~s. laurenc e S tarr, Miami Oetnete ry. a nd Susie and CBII'lene Davis. and oh1ldren near Wilmin gton spent Mr6. Everett E\lrjy attende d a Mrs. Robert Stuohe rt and Sunday witJ'l her parents Mr. and fa.m1y dinner on Wednes day. Feb. da.u~hter, Mrs. ~l 00nner and MIa Mrs. Glenn Davis. Nellie and &0- 12, honorin g the 80th birthay of Marlon Frane Mlre guests. • .bert. h er mobher , Mrs. J. W. Hustvn. After enjoying themese lves a t at Yellow Springs. pla.y the young guests were served Mr. aDa Mrs. A. D . SmIth, Mr. Ice cream and cookies . Mrs. Charles Zinune nnan is 1JJ and Mrs. CUrtIs Shoema ker. and at her home on R. R. 2. Mr. and Mrs Roy Smltal and childMr. and Mrs. Charles Zimmer man Mr. and Mrs. Oh arles Ellis ac - ren were SunTclay evening dinner had as Sunday guests Mr, and Mrs. mpaned by Mr. anu Mrs. Frank guests of Mr ~nd Mrs. Ve:mon Robert ZlImnen nan and sOn Robert Hess of Dayton made a visiting Pursley ad sons. Jr. of Da~'ton . Mr. and Mrs. Harry Mr. _and Mrs. Harvey Burnet and trip to Middlet.own Wednes day . Hudson and ch ildren Chaxles and ·M r. and Mrs. Setlh Furna,s attende d Betty LouIse of Colwnb us, and Mr. and Mrs. Howall1d Gressar nl>n Lh Fa riner's Club. which was enW a lter CBSIt of Waynesville. f DayLon called on Mr. and Mrs. ~e.l' t ai ll ed by Mr. and Mrs. Morris Fulkers on on Thursd ay at Waynes Fred Hook Thursa ay even ing. Mr. a nd Mrs. F . E. 'I1homas enville. ter tained to Sunday dinner Mr. an d Mr. and Mrs. Rx>y Winks enMnI, John Robey of Da'ytJon !Mr. and Qui te a nwnber from here at- tertalne d oMl·. a nd Mrs. Velmon Mrs. Mad1scn Earnha rt and famUy tended the Ray M1Ilnous sale Frtday Pursley and sons to dinner Friday of Beavert own. aft moon. Mr. Maln'o us and family vening. In honor of the sixth bi.r thMr. and Mrs. Lowell Thomas fUld W111 move in a few dnys to the day of th eir son, P etTy. d h r Mr. and Mrs . Rob ert Maurtce ODrnell propert y , Miss V lma SmlLh of Dayton and THomas and dau gh ter and Mr . Mrs. Frank Kurtis lcft by bus FriOrland Holmes and fll.111lly spen t day for Sarasot a. Florida William Rickey. and w1ll me week end wlnh Mr. Holmes accomp any Mr. and Mrs. OJlJl..rles Mr. and Mr. Harold Shu t t-,. and plIrents a t Sabina. Dlls of Dayton , when they re·turn ifam1i.Y, Mr. and Mrs. Mack WIl1'M'. and Mrs . HQward Tll1dalJ a nd horne. son, Mr. and Mrs. Charles R. Ellis son BIc:lbby ddletow n called On Mrs. Calvin Longac re, Mrs. R:alph and I children were the guests of Mr. an Mrs. Oharles Maurice Blm- Barger, Mrs. J. B . Jones a'l1d Mrs. Mr. and Mrs . Oliver A. Jacobs day evening. Charles Tumble son attende d tlhe a nd children Frlday, evening Feb. JOlnit meeting of Dayton and ICln14. H eLping ~s. J a'C obs celebra te !Mr. and Mrs. P lliul M aurice spent cinnat! District s of Meth()d ist her birthday. A deliCi OUS lunch was Sunda~ with Willis Maurice and Church es at Lebano n Friday . The aerved and Louise rece ived several family In Dayton , s peeches were centere d on R,u ral lovely prese~ts. Church es. Mr. and Mrs. Carolto n Cook and Mrs. F. E . 'IUliomas, wiUl Mr . chlldren . John Moristo n and Janet Robert Thoma s and dalugh ter <:! Lee, of n ear Waynesv1l1e were sunin Belmon t last Monda.y an<d al cUled on !Mr. and Mrs. Madiso n <day dinner gues ts of th e laltter's parents Mr. and Mrs. Robert Hunt Earnha rt of B eaven.o wn . Dr. and Mrs . H. H. H ennan re- and brother . Warren . t urned to their home Oil Route 73. Mr_ and Mrs. Delbert P'1sher and 1Mlrs. Edga!l' Mainou s of Vincent Monda~ Biter spendi ng a ~'Uple family of Clarksv ille and Mr. and 'K(y_ Wlls an over nJte g.uest CJIf Mr. of mcntilS at Ver:> Bench . Florida, Mrs. Vernon Pursley and sons, In anld Mrs. Ra~ Ma incus In TImrs- Pur ley and sons. complem en t of their wedding anday. A nwnber of famllle from . h re niversar ires attende d Blttende d the Basketb all ,t ourna- Lyan's mornin g ma.tinee the Ruth In Cindn t Ki Mills 0 W ednesda y na ti SaturdA:Y. and at a nogs n . noon a tte n"e .., d M rs. R obert Thomas .wns a Day- menL and Friday nights. the program at Everybo dy's Farm ton visitor on last T hursday . Ml·s. Clara S tacy has been quite a,t Mason. Mr. and Mrs. Oharles R. Ellis and ill since last Tuesday a week at Mr. and Mrs . Forest Graham and Ca ~'lyn , Mr. and Mn. OUffor d the home of her daughte r. Mrs. daughte r. MiSS Dorothy and Mrs. Gas()!wa y. Kingma n, a ttended a. how Dearth Sheeha n. of RJOUte 48. J . B . Jones attende d a John Deere Mr.' and Mrs. Wilbur ' Clark spent Implem ent entertai nment at Wilmln gton . SatuNf\IY evening . and lunch Wednes day wilth relative s In Day- at t he Spring Va.lJey school h ouse Mr. ana Mrs. Earl Kimber laln CI! ton. ~ on Tuesday evening of last week . . Mrs. MargJl>ret Johns spent the Flmnkli n IW r eo Sunday attcmoo n Mr. A. F . Kite was ltaken seriousl y ca llers at the home of Mr. a~ d Mrs. week end: with Mr. and' Mrs. Amos ill on Monday Feb. 10 WhUe he a nd Oook an<d son, near ' Waynes ville. R&y Mainou s. Mrs, Kite were sojourn ing at Mr. and Mrs. William Bergdal l M1am1 Florida . Mr. Kite was brough t Mr. and Mrs. F . E. 'I1h omas 811.'d will have a sale of propert y and to his home near Iqtle Monday grand d~ughters Karen Sue ~md hOUse hold ~ In the near future momin g accom'PBn~ ~ a ,nurse. Dee Ann '!bOmas were in BeaNe,r- a.nd' a·r e plannin g to move to Day- They came by train : Mr. and 1II1rs. • town last Wednes da.y. ton. Leslie GrlliY left for M!.aml last week Mr. and Mrs . Pera,l Oornell are 'by bus. Win spend several daye th f:'r e Mr. and MTS. Lewis Smith a.nd staying &It the home of Mr. and and SIt Braden ton and drlve Mr. sons. Mr. and rMrs. Laurenc e A. Mrs. Les1Je Gray during their trip Kite's ca.r back returnin g home .t.he Jacobs dauglbte r and neice. spent to Florida. last of this week. \Mrs. Guy Routza hn spent ~<day saturda y evening with Mr. and M rs. with her da.ught er Mrs. William Harold Bogan and Ba.rba~. Tinney and son in Waynes vUle. More Ohio colonies of bees die Mrs. ~ Wharto n Slttende d a from lack of food in March than Mr. and Mrs. Ed Rarnby visited 'b irthday dinner Frlda.y. for her during any other ,m onth. in Mlddlle town FridIliY' evealng ; glUests of ' Mr. and Mrs . Milton r_ . 'I1h1'ennes.


Mr. and Mrs. Woodrow BranJden. ibUl'g and family called on friends 1n Oenoterv1lle s\lJId'ay afternoo n.

Mr. and Mrs. carl Bogan are the proud pa4"eJlts of their second daughte r born 8uJ$y. morn.1n8.

Mr. and Mn. L. C. ~&Hu ' and df.\I8Ilt er-in-lM v, 'Mrs. wm. . ~ bad as their IrueD Bunda.y after·


~ I I -:rr iend 6


Eldw Ellis Mr. anld Mrs. Pa.uI R. Mlller and Mias Bertha FIelds Mrs Esther Bout.hga 1ie and ~ attende d the Du.nbar and Nort.hManha Welch at M.orrow. Ohio ridge basketb ell game In Dayton called on their cous1ns Dr. and ' Mrs. Friday. evening . Frank G«'egg on Tuesda,y. Mrs. C. P. Ellis was a Dayton Dr. Emma. HoJla.way spellit Tues- visitor W dnesd~ . day and Thursd ay in Dayton . Mrs. Ella Burnet of near Waynes -. Mr. and Mrs. Leo Conner and ville spent Wednes day 8Ifternoon family spen t Saturda y evening with with h er aunt Mrs. Allce Clark. Mr. and Mrs. Henry Watkin s. Mr. Banard Walton of PhHadeliphl a with Mr. Richard Eastma n Mr. and Mrs. Russel Hewett spent of Yellow Springs were dinner guests last week witit their parents In at the Home Wednes day. D ayton. Mr. and Mrs. KeJla.r Hook, Mrs. L. M. Hender son and Miss Ruth ~. and Mrs. Wm Ecton lind Mrs . Chandl er .spent Wednes day in Cin~tJe McKnig ht spent Friday cinn.aIt1. Miss Mary Weloh li'nd Mrs. a ftel'nwn wi ~h John McKnig h t a.t Clenden ning at Dayton called on the home of his daugh ter Eth.e l Ellis ()If Route 73. Miss Welch's sister, Mrs. Anna Gel<hart on Sunday . Net income per 100 laying h ellS is likely to be $25 less this year than' it W86 in 1946. Egg prices aTe down a little and feed prl.ces . have risen conside rably in recen t montlhs. Remova l 'of loafer hellS and Mrs. Marie Oomest ock and daugh- careful management in feeding will tel' Jean and Mrs. Allce Funnan be needed to bring the poultry man ()1f Beavel'ltown called On Mr. and a decent profit in his busines s. The Mrs. Hily Gibson. Thursda y. Mr. a.nId Mrs. K ennet..n Bratten of best start for next year is to buy Day ton called on his parents , Mr. high qualIty chicks from r eliable tcheries . and Mrs_ George Bratten Saturda y ha ___ _ . _ a.fternoo n. !Mrs. Ellswor th Smith ot D ayton ia tak1ng care of her mother. Mrs. Levi who has been III for two weeks. F ~ B R U AR Y Mr. and Mr . MUrris Lewis spent 21 22 SatUl'da y in De.yton. , Friends hip of a small bOy atld his Mr. Carl Ridinge r of, near W aynes- rema.r kably intellig ent horse. \'1I1e called on friends here Monday , OUT CALIFO RNIA WAY afternoo n. (M~~Or~th and Mr. Wilbur Stevens on, Mrs. Robert ~= ~~:~. Greene and grandso n Eddie Lee Klel PLUS: An'1 mal Shorts and Lea'll of Dayton called on Mr. and Mrs . Errol. Lue Morgan . -23-----~-----:Z4;::Mr. and Mrs. Bert ~nnell called Lots of Comedy aDd Music on Mr. and Mrs. Everett Bunnel l Sprinkl ed with love. and family Sund~ atternoo n. "NO LEAV& NO LOVE" tarring VAN JOHNS ON. KEENAN Mr. Robert Ea.rnhar t spe nt the S WYNN Pat KIrkwOO Xavier Cugat 'Week end with his parents Mr. and and his Orches tra, d, Guy Lombar do Mrs. Erne.s~ Ea.rnhn.rt. . and -his orchestra. "SUgar Chile" Mr. and Mrs. Morr-I Lewis an<d Robinso n sons J'CTry and Billy swere supper LATES T NEWS guests SUnday evening of Mr. and - 26 - - - - -- - - - - - : 2 =':Mrs. Ernest Hasz and family. . UpS and Downs of 81 prize fi gh ter , Those on the sick list are Mr. Aotion and a dventur e as only Cagney Everett Bunnel l and Mrs. Mattie can give! LevI. CITY FORY CONQU JAMES EST CAGNE and ANN Mr. and Mrs . Elmer Raines of SHERI DAN called on Mr. and Mrs . ALSO : F oo.thal'l th!'llls and Color Everett BUnnel l Sunday afternoo n. Car.toon.


TWIN Theatre



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Any ma ke or mo d·e . Fre d Kahn Mo tor Car Co. PHON E 326





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Rever se Charg es


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rellgton. It is the reve1alt1on of God:'s w1ll for ma.nk1nd. If yOu haven't started rea.d,1ng begin now. You w1ll enjQy it. Here are the Chapters f<ll' tb.1s weekSun. Feb 23 Acts 15 :36 -18:22 METHODIST CHURCH Mon. Feb. 24 Acts 18 :23 - 21 R. B. Coleman, Minister 9 :30 A. M. Tues. Feb. 25 Acts 22-24 SUNDAY BOHOOL Wed . Feb. 26 AOU; 25-28 J . J . Burske. Supt. Thurs. Feb. 27 Romans 1- :;' WORSHIP SEli.vlCE 10 :30 A. M . FrL Feb. 28 Romans 4-6 YOUTH FELLOWSHIP. Romans 7-9 Thursday. 1 :30 P . M. Sat. Mar. 1 Sun . Mar . 2 Romans 10-13 CHOm PRACTICE Wednesnay, 7 :30 P. M .

• • • "iLayman-'s Day" will be observed in all M~thodist Churches this coming Sunday, the world around. Services for the local Meth~dist Church are as follows : Hymn, "ID:lly. Lord God Almighty" No. 1; In vocathm. The Minister; An lIouncements; Responsive Reading and Prayer. Mr. Truman Wardlow; Ohoir. Response ; solo, "The lJord's Prayer " Mr. Don Gharis ; Ten mlnut~ address "The Authority and G uidance of .the Scriptures" ; "The iF'ourlih of the Crusade"; Mr. J . J . Burke; "Our All-over Ohurcl1 Objectives". "Is It true to Methodist Tradition" Mr. M. A. Fulkerson ; "Our AccountabUl ty for PClSSesslons" Mr. R. C. Moler; "Our DedlcaU'On" Mr. Loyd Davis; Hymn. "ruse Up Oh Men of God" No. 267

ST. MARY'S EPISCOPAL CHURCH . Samuel N; Keys Lay Reader-in charge Church School 9:30 A. M . Morning Prayer and Sermon . 11:00 A. M.

UTICA U. B· CHURCH Rev. Ralph BInes 9 :30 A. M. SUNDAY SOHOOL Mrs. James crarrtson. SUpt. PREACHING 1st and 3rd Sundays each month 10:30 A. M.


MT. HOLLY METHODIST CHURCH T. 1\1. Scarff, Minister 9: ;)0 A. M. SUNDA Y SCHOOL E. A. Earnh a r t, Supt. WORS!:JIP SERVICE 10 :30 A. M. EVEN! lIG SERVICE 7 :30 P. M.

ST. " UGUSTINE CHURCH Fathe Krumlu'lliz, PrIest MASS ",1JNDAY 9:00 A. M.


WAYNESVILLE CHURCH of CHRIST Robert L VanZile. MIn.i ster BIBLE SOHOOL 9.30 A. M . COMMUNION 10 :30 A. M . SERMON 11 :00 A. M . EVENING SEr~VICE 8 :00 P. M .


Mr. and Mrs . Lu ther Haln es had as their dinner guests SundaY Mr. and Mrs. Donald 'HaInes and son Aldon. Misses Doris Jane a nd Susan Gayle. and brother. Larry visited their gTandparenlts Mr. and Mrs. 'R aymond Wilson and family on Thursday night. Mr. and Mrs. William Smith, and Marilyn Sue were dinner guests of 'Raleigh Bogan and wife Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Everett Haines atteJ1K:led a blrbh<hw dinner given in honor of Mrs. Haines brother Herbert Carey at the home of Mr. and

Mrs. Howard FishE~r of the Fairfield conmuniLy Saturda.y. 1Mb's. Roy Jones, Mlrs. D()nnld Jones and oh1ldren caJled on Mrs. Lucy Oompton Monday aItemoon . Luther !Ha4nes and wife called Sat~ ura~ afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. Pete Penew1t and sons gpent last Friday evening with Ma'. and Mrs. Donald Haines. Mr. a.nd Mrs. LllIurence Mitchner called on Oha.t1es Sta~ey 's one afternOOn last week. Mr. a.nd Mrs. RuJelgh> B ogan and Mlrs. Lucy Compton were guests of Evan Bogan's In Dayton On last Friday. Mr. a'Tld Mrs: Luther Ha.tnes were in Camden one day last week. Mrs. Theodore McIntire nnd son JI!l'nrny were dinner gues~ of h er mother Mrs . Glenna Wilson last ,Thursday. Mrs. Donald Halnes and SOn AIdon and Mr. a-n d Mrs. Luther Ha1nes a ttended ~ "John Deere DaW" program. In Wilmington Friday.

Mans Coming of Age



"When we enter Into the realm of soolaJ 'relatlons, It is not love for social just~ce .... In a nature age. nor Jww but the comblnat.lon of both. justice. which Is the hl.g'hest which. a.ocording to Baha.·u'Uah. we co fialr nt . Individuals belOnging to are now a.pproaching, a n ew worlda group or nation can expres.s love. ethic is required. Oonfonn~ty to law trutlh ful ness. charit.y, and other as stressed in the Old Tes tament ChrlstJan 'virtues. but not justice .. nnd the slgniIicancc of 110ve as stresIf two people hav!) eaoh other. they seq, In the New T estament fhld tlhe1r solve the ir problems wlLhout re- s}"l1t.hesls in social Justice as excourse to justlc. this Is not t rue pressed In the collective conscience of either to' liwo corporations or t.wo an Illwakened humanity. " naJt1ons ... .'The Revelntt'<m associSubmlted by Helen McCoy ated with the Faith of Jesus Ohrist Rt. 2. Waynesville. Ohio fooused a ttentdon primarilY on the redemptiOn of !.he individual and Donllant sprays on OW" fru.1L the moulding C1C his conduct. and trees should be applled when temstressed, as its central theme. the peratures a·re abOve 40 degrees necessity Of 1nculeatlng a high F'ahrenlhelt. s tandard of mIOrality u.nd discipline i-n to man, as the fUm.arnental unit In 'h uman society. Nowh~ re in the Ohio f8J'lJ1let's grow abOUt 35,000 Gospels do we Und any reference acres of tomatoes for commercial to the uni ty of nattons or the un- canning annually. Ave.r age yields in 1f1eatlon of mankind as a whole . .. . 1946 were about 7.5 ton per acre Baha'Is belleve that 1844 marks the' for the state. The ,t omatoes are b egi nning' of a new spiritual Rie- processed by 53 Ohio canneries Meadows can be used for spring naissance. Wlhlch is awakening In which pack tomatoes or tomabo propasture on farms where plenty of men the social wwareness necessary ducts. hay Is In sight . Moderate. es.rly grazing will delay a week or longer. which sometimes Is a n advantage .

ANNUAL REPORT OF THE CLERK OF THE VILLAGE OF CORWIN COUNTY, OHIO. For The ~al Year Endllng Dec. 31. 1946 Population, '1940 Census 193 Oorwin, Ohio. -F ebruary 4, 1947 I heIi'by certify bhe rollowtng report to b e correct. FLORENCE MORuW Village Cl'e rk SCHEDULE A-I Pl\IMARl' OF FUND BALANOES, RECED'T ,AND I~ENDITUBES Bal. Ja n. 1. Receipt.'i 'E xp. Bal. . . Dec. 31 General Fund ....... .. .. ... ,.. . .. $6.68 $353 .24 302.07 $57.85 Auto License Street Reparir Fund62.52 (ffisoUne Tax Street 'R epair Fund 494.14 385.58 171.08 Totals General Village F'unds . .. . 62.52 494.14 171.08 385.58 Grand Thtals of All Funds Clerk) 69.20 847 .38 687.65 228.93 Treasurer's C8.Sh Balance ... .. .. . . . 228.93' T c,'tal Cash Balance, . Dec. 31 , 1946 ..... . 228.93 SCHEDULE B-1 SUMMARY OF RECEIPTS Property Taxes - General Fund .. . ....... . . . .. , .. '13 .01 Total Propelltiy Taxes ..... ,' .. . . ... . .. . ..... .. ..... . 73.01 CIgarette Tax . .. ........ . .... .. ... , ... ... , . . .. . . . 10.51 State Motor Vehicle Tax ..•.. ....... ............ .... 131.25 Gr.sollne Tax ... , ..... .. . .. .... . . .... .. .. . .. . . . . . 241.41 Soles Tax . .. . ... . .. . .. .. .. ... ...... .... ........ . . 166.65 12-0.82 S poolal Asse sments-General V1l1age Funds ... . .. Tot al SpecIal Assessrmnts ... . ...... .. . ... ... .. . . . 120.82 MISC. F'ees, Wind Ins. Collected . . . . . ..... . .... . .... 1.0'7 OVerpaid bW .......... . ... .. .. . .... .......... ..... .66 '.fttal Miscellaneous Fees SaJes and Oba.rges . .. ... .. .. .. . 1.73 Public Serv1ce Enterprises - Electric Sales. etc. .. . . 102.00 Tvtal Public ~TVlce Entenpnses ... . ... ...... ... .. . . 102.00 Total Revenue ...... . . ... .. ......... . . . . ... . .. .. . . . .. . 847.38 Orand Total Receipts .......... ............. . .. ... ... , 847.38 SCHEDULE B-11 , SmIMARl' OF EXPENDITURES Operation New OOnst. & Malnt. & Equ1p. ef.c. General Government-Legislative (Oounc1l) . . .. . . . . 42.00 General Executive . ............ .. . . ...... . .... . ... 419.73 Bulldings (ToWn Ha:ll, etc,) ... .......... ...... .. .. . 1.65 T vtal Government . . .. . .. .. .... . .. . ... . . .. . . . . .... . . 93.38 PrOitectlon to Person am' ~operty-Pollce .. . . . ... . . 21>.00 Ttial Protectron to Person and Property ... ....... . ... 215.00 Sanltatlon-General VUlage Funds .. . .. ... ... , ..... . 139.13 40.00 Total Sanitation .. .. . ... I . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1.39.13 40.00 Hlghlw ays-Oeneral Village Funds . ...... . . . . . . .. . .380.96 TOtal Hlghwa'Ys . .... ... ... . .. ......... .. . ..... . .... 380.96 Mlscellaneous-Geniral Village Funds ... . ... . ...... . . 9 .19 'I0tal Wstcellaneotls .......... ,. •.••••"••••••••• t •••.••••••'. 1.11 Total Exp. and OUtlay .. .•.... ........ . .............. 647.65 40.00 Outlay TOtal . .. . . . ..... .. .. ..... ...... . ...... . ... .. . .. 40.00 Grand Total 'Expenditures .. ..... ...... . ..... . ... . .. 68'l .65


"lenten dishes sure to pl,ase are easy with our (ottage Cheese I" "Tasl)l, nourishing dishes that will please every member of the family are easy when you use _Borden's Creamed Cottage Cheese. Tell your Borden milkman to leave you some regularly during the Lenten season."

.'7iorliells " IF IT S BORDEN'S '- .


Telphone Waynesville 2552






XENI>A AREA F'ELLOWSIHllP Meeting of bhe churches d! Christ, and Christian Ohurohes a.& the Xenia Church of· Oluist. Columbus and ~111 Sts. Thursday P'e'/:m.IS.l"Y 20, 7 :30 P. iM. Everyone is invited bo a,ttentl this meeting. Let's have a good represerutation from Wa,yneeville.

• • •

BE SURE TO RlEAiD YOUR BIBLE. It is God's way of the Highway of We tlbat · leada one frun the c:radle Itc) -t he New J~• . It ,Is the onlJ autbldty IQ matMn 01

or Dayton HE1275



For more than 20 yean .ucceuful fanner. have depended on BIG M Ferri· . lizen for maximum yield of aU cropll. They know free-80willl BIG M brand i. alway. manufactured up to highest standards . • . never down to price. The Jofiaml Fertiliser Compaft7 Ia lID independent Miami Valle!' concern UDder direct opu.~ of Ita owners.

Bett~r let

the belt ••• belt buy BIG M.


" . PH~E2371

. 1.



1,9,,4 7


Pap 5 NO. 4304 mURSD AY, FEBRU ARY, 20. 1947

Let ter Box You sOlicit

On the same night. Mason (j,owned Kings MIlls. 37 to 18. On the next night, the four top lcat"lle teams pla.yed . In t he first game Carl1s1e and Springboro engaged In a duel and finally Carlisle dropped Springlb oro 35 to 31.

Allen o o o thousa.n ds !at lmmatu re m1nds in R obinson o o o Americ an univers ities. news? What is news? Morgan o o o We fi nd In our files SOrml lines Mubersp an o written years agIO which o o Each laying b en will need e"bout ANNUA L FINANC IAL REPOR T should be newsy 40 pounds ee.oh of nldstl and gTain n ews, good neW s. to the Wayne Townsh ip, Warren County, 10 3 23 during a year. The poultry man also OhJo. for the fiscal Year Ending mlsguld ed rabble extant toda y. T1l e la.<; vnme oC thc night was will have used 25 or 30 Knowin g these " Cacts' can be JXlunds ot Decemb er 31. 1946 a varsity game In which Carlisi f eed w ra knOWn only through t the sc.riptu r ('s each plllle t . The last game of ~he nigM. ran ove'!' Harveys burg. 45 Popula tion 2526. 1940 to 23 . T1lls we have add ed a verse. with npologc s Waynesvllle deteated Mason 37 to gam ToLal Salaries and Wages P aid decided IWho would play tJo the writer. A commit tee frO'.11 the U. S . which 29 . Bradley again led tJ1e attack WaYl1e.s vil lt' In t he fin During the Yeal' 1946 als. Carlis le. has In Ligated lJle h oof and l:ll0uth FACTS with 12 point.';. Elective . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . .. $1893.76 With a h anl(\!ful of dust and disease ou tbr eak in Mexica n liveth WAVNE Other Employ es . . .. . .. . . . $3976.75 SVILLF J· G FT PI Sat. F eb. 15. Res ul ts breath of HLo; mouth . stock he rds has rcoonun ended tlhat T x Valuatio n ..... .. ... $2.616.319 Sheeha n 0 0 0 Afterno onGod 1101111100 the firs t of men : inunedia .te h elp be given Mexico to Hartsoc k Tax Levy ..... . ... . . . .. ... .. . $2.60 A handful oC dust and (\ h aven Harvey sburg 29 - Carlisle 24 tramp out t h e disease before 1 ly wt Rickey Way nesville . 0 .. Februar y. 17. 1947. 7 Morrow 38 - K ings Mills 23 spreads to bhJs oount.ry . Mexico lacks breaLh. o T'hu r• . Feb. 20 Waynes - Harveys Oonard I herdby celtlCy IIhe followin g repon And n living soul w rn<lney a nd trwlnod m en to do theth n. 1 Mas on (winner Harveys -Morrow ) work. • • • to be OOlTeCt . Thomps on Wi t h a Sata nic doubt li nd a will Mulford o Fl'l. F eb . 21 Morrow f win . KlngsMAYNA RD F . WELTZ W kIlow. 4 Mai ne ) Da.k:1n Tea.c.her : "What's the fastest 'I'own8h dp Cterk. Was s polled t.he first of men; o W aytnesV'ille-CflII'll!1e (Finals) growing thing Ill! nature? " Florenc e Genera l Townsh ip Funds Disolh-<uent doubt ana the knowled ge Bradley 12 Sat. Feb. 22 Loser or Finals and Skeptic al pupil : " A fish. from the Recetpl 8 Lree. o winner of Losers Bracket (Second t ime my Daddy lands It till he !tells .Vlcker Genera l Propert y Tax ... . $7,214.31 And a dying soul was t hen . o Plaoe) Hunter about It at our next pa.r~'.' · Sales Tax . .. ....... ... . ... . 749 .02 • • • Flnal5 of Jr. High Bracket . """"" "''V\r r"'''''' '''''''''' '''",,, QasoUne Tax .. . .... : . .. . .. 3.760.96 Wit.h a Betbeh em maid and His U 11 37 Inherita nce Tax ..... . .. ... . 24.23 PUBLIC SALE Splrit·s breath. (Oontln ued from Page 2 MA80I I FG FT Pts Cigaret te Tax ... . .. ........ .. 30.72 I God fOInled bhe ~ man ; of Middlet on 0 4 4 ministo rs. Miscell aneous Receip tsAru:I if reVOlution were W1t>h, a willing maid and t he F ather's Baysore ' HOUS EHOL D GOOD S o R.ent of TWP. Hall . .. .. ... . . 18.00 o Blttempt ed but failed . society nught breath. Ramsey 1 Sat. Feb. 220 1947 3 swing to Tille opposite extreme so Hospita lization Rebates . ... 33.00 And ~e Incama Le Son 'begin. Tracy 1 AT 1 P . M. Total MlsOOllaneous Reooipt s .. 51.00 3 that collectiv ism vrould be im'p06slb1e • • • Spaeth ·0 10 for man,y yea1"s to come . . .. For these Total Recelpt g . ... ........ 11 .830.24 With the wrath of m en and Goo's Colliver o o alld oliher reasons , it seems that In The Gibbo n'. Buildi ng Paymen ts OWn great love, W A YN,ESVILLE, O. Miller 1 7 socialism. if it is to come. should General Executi ve SerV1ces Was Killed the Son of Man: Landme ier o 2 o await the ttme wh~n a suMcle nt round tables. 2 'bOok cases. 1 slide Ocmpen satlon of Trustee s' 1.435.00 So with bell's worst hate and His Berca.n o 2 number of citizens appreci ate ~ts board, lea.ther dalvetipo l't. Ohlna Compen sation of Clerk . . . . 458.76 ' greaste st love Graham o o merits so thalt it can !be voted int9 OlO8et, Morris porch rocker. Expens es of '1hIst.ees God tormed HIs saving plan. existence. But. in any.eve nt, 1! land obheII rockers. stools, flower sta.nd. and Clerks ........ .. . . . . 76.31 • • • 11 7 29 and ca.pitaa are <to be acquire d by floor lamps. lots dishes. some very . Total Genera l Executive Wit.l an empty tomb and His Spirit Fri . Feb. 15society, there will remain the ques- old kHBhes, bird ~ pictures. Service s ... . .... ....... 1.970.07 here Warynesvill~ also played the first tion of whebh.e r oonftsca;tion or pur- bed.d<1ng, clothes hamper , window TO\\'I1 HaU ' M6in~ Ood proves IX> f iUl H is pl an: Jr. High game oC the tournam ent chase Is tbe better method at pro- screens. and many small and Repair ... .... ....... .. 2Ut5 With Ohr.lsts body gone wi,t h Springb oro and remaine d unallid His cedure. In general , purchas e appears articles boo numero us to mention . Total Town Hall . . . ... , ....... 21.25 Spirit come defea~ I~' droopin g Springb oro to be sounder Ilban confisca tion. Fire Prc.tect ion Expense s .. . . 200.00 To abide In me - He can . TERMS CASH 35 to 23. Of course, the ~nsatiOIll of Total Fire Protect ion . ... .. 200.00 • • WAYNE SVILLE FG FT Pta present owners w(Juld perpetu ate. for Health- Taxes 'withhel d' for Julia Hende rson With a subjecte d mind and a faith Simpso n 2 0 4 a time. the great lnequaUt1es In Wilbur N. Sean! Auet. D1st. Board of Health . . . . 384.66 suprem e Rye 0 0 o wealth anti income to which socia.lPoor ~00d forms ~ls sonS alway; Tinney 3 1 7 Ists object sO strenOUBly. · Hbweve r, . Medica l Service s .. .. . ..... 464.00 With the m.inId of Ohrist and bhe · Furnas 1 0 2 . slnk:e the lump sums or annui'tle a. , Tota1 Poor Rellef .. .. . .. . . . 464.00 ·the love of God, NORRIS aROC K CO. Lackey 3 11 whiCh' might be gt'I!.oted to the Hlg!hwa ya-I'm a son of' G«l OOdary. Sheeha n OIJIeIn -tl VaIoD 8&od Yarda 0 0 o present owners. would not be translWaId Mainten ance and Repair 'B y Jooeph Addison Richard s. Ea.r.nha .rt 1 3 5 ferrable to their heirs. Ilbis problem il.eibor and Materia ls ... . 7.470.45 -DaVis 0 0 -o ,would be a temJ)Or' M'Y one". . Total Highwa. yS . . ... . ... . 7.470.46 In bhe witnessed Word wi bh His Florenc e 0 1 At no point Is tile ,f act broU8h t MiBcellaneous (List) Sp1r1t's aid. OrBa~lIon 1 3 5 out th:aIt sweepin g destruc tion' of We fmd th'ese facts tl1el'eln: Genera l S~pplles . . . . .. .. . . 295.27 private ~rship of property , as By HIs SpjTi~ ot Truth hid in t h e MemorJIIIl Day Expense s .... 25.00 12 11 35 envision ed above. would necessarUy livi ng 0hr1st OeductiOlls by Oounty Auditor : PRING BORO FG FT lOts result in ailIolirtton of bhe Americ an We live alway In Him. Por Workm en's Zech 1 0 2 form of governm ent which Is based (M. E. Marsha ll ) Compen sa.tion . . ....... ... . . 39.29 Ma.rsta ll 0 0 0 on the .sa.nctity of certain individu al For Adverti sing Mote S 1 rlehts. Includin g bhe right to the Live Wire and PrcI&'r 7 Delinqu ent Lands . .. .. .. ... 1.05 e.ln. An 01'Ross 0 ownersh 0 0 ip of propert y. Thus, the pnJaUO D MCOnll to DODe. iBureau of Inspect ion .. .. .. 68.56 Btdct17 Zengel 5 2 12 d(.otrine s at commu nism are wt- eeIIerI OD &be ...., aU aroan' Total Misc . .. . .. ... . . .. ...... 4:29.17 ....,.. HSlWth orne 1 0 2 braCtively present ed to hunC:iredS .if In &be C!OaD&r1. , Tot&J1 PaymeIllts .. .... . ,:. 10.929.60 -Servic e That Satiafiell SUMMA RY OF OPERA TIONS b1 DANNY IlABTS OOJ[ TUNE TO BY nJNDS Wa~viUe, after copping the War_ WHlO DaJtOa 1:30 - Dial UOO . Balance . January 1. 1946 (Olerk's) Ten county league trophy. conitin· WLW O1nc1n nati 12:40 DIal 700 ~ FunIds ... .. .. . ... . 9,099,65 ued its pace in the tournam ent and Gen. ' 'Ilw:p. FUnds ... ... 3.070.23 downed MIOrrow; 29 to 23. For 0." 0aII7 Market Report last Wed. Total of All Funds ........ 12,169.88 All of :Wa.ynesvW.e's flirBt team ReceiPt s Dur~ Year scored, ~ being Wgoh soarer Rood Funds .. . ........ . . . 9,032.96 ~th 8 points. Gen. Twp. Funds .. .... . . 2.797.28 WAYN ESVILL E ro- FT Pte Total Of All Funds .... ... . 11.830.24 Bradley • 0 8 Tota~ Receipt s and Balance 8beeba n o 0 o Road Funds . . ..... . ... . 18.132.61 Rlcltey 2 2 6 Qen. 'I1wp. Flund:s ... ..... 5,867.51 Conard o 0 o Total of All Fund,; . .. , . .. 24.000.12 ThanIp son 3 0 6 Paymen ts During Year Ha.rtIJodc 2 2 6 Rood PlundB ... . .. .. .. . . 1.470.45 Mulford o o Q AUCT IONE ERIN G Gen. 'l1wIp. Funds ....... . , 3.• .15 DaJdn 1 1· 3 STAN LEY and KOOG LER Total of AU Fubd'S . .. ... 10,938.60 Florenc e o o o DOB BS UCBN B. Ba~. Dec. 31, 1946 (Clerk's ) Vicker-a o o For Datee, Phone ..... Waynen 1lle, ~ Funds .. ... . . .. . .. 10.662.15 Hunter I ' o 0bJ0.Re.-~ Gen. Twp. FUnds . ••.•. . • 2,398.36 Tot:a.l of All FunidS ...... 13.060.52 12 5 29 Outstan ding warran ts, Dec. ,31. 1946 MO&R OW PO IT Pta ,(Add') . 8cbuoh ter • 2 0 Road Punds . ••... ...... •. . . M.77 BenDS t 0 0 0 INCO ME TAX BalalllCe In ~tory, Dec. 31, liMe Lew1a J. 1 9 flood Funds .. .... . ..... l(),tI88.8a Na~per SERV ICE 0 0 l 0 aen. 'I'wp. PIlnds .. . ..... 2,388.36 Werle,. 1 0 2 Total at A1llllunds •••... 13,• .28 oatn Call 0 0 0 CnJc . 2 2 e .0bI0 ~ tiekls bla.vinc 13.000 to Allen 0 0 0 C. E. MICHENER 16.000 lllante per sore in 1846 Pro- AW80n 21 0 d~ an awrap C1l 11~' mare 'l\Imer Phone 2928 0 0 0 Wayn esville , . Ohio buahela per ~ dlan ~ hMInC " Wa7D_vi~le. Ohio 7,000 to .10,000 pJaDt. per ~ 10 II 23 WAYNESVILL~.

omo -


~ ~ :I~ ~J 19

c:::~ .~~







··· UNIT


See it now on display



R. Mered1tJh and Hlu-old J . Meredith wbose Post Ofllce address is 601 Savings Building. Lima Ohio have been duly appolnOOd as ExecuOOrs of the Estate at Sallie Mered1tJ1 la ~e of Warren CoW1<ty. Ohio. dec-

C[AS51 ~IED • • CLASSIFIED AD RATES • • WANTED DIT'ION 25 words or less. one time. ..... . 250

add1to~ word .. ...... .... 1c 8PECIAL RATES by, CONTRACT



Household Goods For SaleEleotric Reflgerator; Ooldspot; good contiUon; priced tlo sell. Phone 2627


LAND· BANK LOANS: -220 For Reflnancing' - RebuUdJng Buying. 4% Farm loana with long FOR SA1JE Washing Machine; UIne ~ pay. Pay part Or all a~ Norge. NEW. "Dealers Price" tJme. Phone 2272 (Waynesville) LEBANON NAT'L FARM LOAN - 20 ASS'N., ElUs H. sturm, Sec'yTreas .. Lebanon . Ohio. Phone 448 tc Notice of Appointment Notice is hereby given t.bat Catlherine Wlnspear Barnha rt whose Post Real Estate For Sale- ' Is Waynesville, Ohio ~---- Office ad dr e. IF YOU HAVE A PROPERTY OR has been duly appOinted as Executrix FARM TO SELL Call or W rite of the Es tate of E. V. Barnnal1t late Don Henderson, Tel. KE344G. 611 of Warren County. OhIo. deceased , Lorain Ave., Dayton, Ohio. tfc Dated this IS" day of f ebruary 1941. Ralph H . carey, OFFICE EQUIPMENTJudge of the Probate Oourt HALLMARK TYPEWRITER RIBWarren County, Ohi'o bons now In s~ck. The Gazette. Stanley and Stanley REAL ESTATE Attys.




to sell call Fra.nc1s Gene B1'.Own, Notice of Appointment Est8ite of Lida Staple, also know Real Estate Salesman, for H. D. Pennlngton, Wllmh~i.ton, Ohio. as Lida Oglesbee Decea.seld. Notice is hereby given that Nettie Farm Loans 4%. Telephone Oglesbee whose Post O~ice Mld.ress Waynesv11le 2935. is WaYlllesv1Ile. Ohio has been duly appointed as Administratrix of the WANTED- MISC. Estate CJf Li'da Staple, also know WANTED - Children tcf care for as Lid'S Oglesbee late of Warren in my home; Rates· by the hour. County, Ohio, deceased. Wnnle COok. Box 303', Waynesville Dated '1!lh1s 8bh day of February Ohio. -27 1947. Ralph H. Oe.rey PLOWING WlANTED Judge of bile ProbeJte Ootwt . Grou.nd broke; 8ll'Y amount , of



Warren Qounty, Ohio 'Harold! R1s1nger, Atty.

,P HONE 2982

iW!ANTID 1'1mbeT to cut or ~\tenoe post to cut; am equipped 'WIth ohain &8JW. Elmer Sw1a.ce 403

St. Wl1m1n.g1lon Phone 5032




D ted tJ1is 7th <lay of F ubrauary 1947.

Ralph H . Carey . Ju<lge of the Prooo,te




Notice of Appointment Estate of Sallie MeredIth, Deceased iNotloe is hereby givCl1I that Harry



Warren Oounty. Ohio Harold J. Meredith Harry R. Meredith At torneys

-zn WHAT IS ''FIREPROOF?'' 'The public hll6 a. dangerously wrong concept of what. tJ1 e we,r a "fireproof", as applJe<I w hotels and public bulldlngs. means. That was ~h e gist of exopcrt conunent made at Ibhe recent National OonfeTece on Hotel Safety 1n Phlladeph1a.

IA good, many peopl\" seem to think thaIt "fireproof" means a structure whose interior and exterio l are 1mm\.\De to realW serious damage by tire. BUit 86 a National Probection Association member pOinte<! out, "a. fireproof build4ng by defln~tJon is one where the struot;ure will remal.n Intaot after a burnout of Its contents." Vru:ler taIis definitiOn, a sbove or a furnace Is ~ perfect example 01 fireprOOf construetlon. The contents may be dest,r oyed, but the basic structure remains tn'tact. 'Dhe pubUc's iDtereJst lies In a type of construction whlo1:1, whether it Is cslle<l "fireproof" or not. will give maximum protection to occupants against death and Injury by ,fire. And hem 1.s where building COdes bwe lagged WIOefully behind. A recenst lssue of We illustrates safe versus u~e consrtruotlon, come vdvid dr8lwingn. In the sat<e ' l10tel or s1m11ar buU~l1ngs, COIDpal'tments and fire walls limit the area !where fire can ~vel. A blaze might shoot up an air shad't but It ~ld then quickly burn aut for lack , of f.uel. In the UIlS8Ife strueture, on the


other hand, fire roars along natural TIlE l\(JAl\U (;AZETTE -

Pare 6

flues made by open sta4r wells and WAYNESVILLE, OIDO - NO. 4304 elevator shaItts. 0penI doors a.nd THURSDAY, FEBRUARY, 20. 1947

transoms pennJt 1t to enter rooms unchecktld. And deatJ1 by burning. gas and suffocation follows. The Na.tional Board of F! r > Underwriters. 85 John Street, New York City, ofters to oomllllUnlties a model buUdIng code which 15 designed to give the ma.x1mwn possible protection to the' pubUc. CO<les such as this. l'1gorausly enforce<!, aIlid made retroactive In the case of existing public buUdifugs, should become the law In ev.ery city and town in the llIIIlt1on.

its proper place 101 th e econ cmic sun, we are paving the way for monopoly. And monopoly 1 the sur st. r,on<l known to soc1aU m--'IViJU1 its des truction of all tradition I An1erlc'lm freedoms . The tax st.ructure mns l be Tev1Se<I to permit all 'C11~r'Prlzc t o grow, to OOI1'tiJ)ete. and tlO b Ecome big tf It has bile clllPa.blllLles. That Is the way uhls I18ItI!On was built. That Is the way we become the, world's greatest and richest power In 'a cenltAlry and a. hrulf. A 't nx TAXATION AND MONOPOLY systEm which Says, in effec t. "small Wihelll Congress I1l1'lwly gets down business mu.'lt r m lal; small", will to casIe6 on what Is 10 ,be dlOne prove ruin Us to all. about glaVernment eJCpCndJtures. the 1Ila.l.d~nal 'debt, aJ'ld taxatJ.on, ~ shOlIld Ohio beef cattle n 1!ed li Lt! prolook squarely at this grlm fa.c't: teotion from cold but they do enjoy the srna.u and me<I1um-sized enter - a shelter which pro.vldes a wintl 'PI'ize is taking the worst beast1ng break f'Or Ohern. under pm;eM tax policy. The big business. with reserveS of Bl'COd sows sh!luld get on half caJpital' bum up over man'Y, poun<l or pt'OtA!ln supplemellit during is better Bible to look out for ~t.seU. the' gestation perloo. They also But tlhe small business. with its &t;1.oul!d 'h aM! access to a mineral CUM" nL t~x burdens, cannot obtaln mixture. aIDId' ttheYl need exercise an<l keep ,the wherewithal neoes- da.11y. S8J'IY to ra.pld expansion. Mo.llleY tha.t. in past tImes, would have gone for new plants, new developmenlts, new employment. ~ow goes to the tax Sufferers! Try REINER'S RINOLI collootor. ComfOrting rellef from paiDlt, of rheumatism. arthrttia. neurit1.'1, lwn· SmaItor Oordon 01 Oregon put ba. o. FREE BOOKLET. Ask for d tJhat. Reiner's Rinol. Why sufter longer? tile aue well ,wilen he once !We make it bniposSlble for the Waynesville Drug Store. tfc sma4!l con cern to progress anld reach •_



It's Here! The New 1947 Book of ,




PAUL · C. PICKING Phone 2182

Third Street

Wayneaville. Ohio


We Invite Comparison ,

t-k)1H \fnIeti

both in PRICES and QUALITY

i ~'f

-QS _~'f, ~



WALLPAPER. Find aelection of ·patterna, and quick aervice





Waynesville Fni,ve ,-I Appliance , Co~ ",

Gibbons Builaing~ North ' Street W A YriMVII,.A,i,. OHio ' Phone .. , ~, .,,' " , , ,

·. · Th.' ~ M,"Tla'TmEl ::..~-;:~= IJ 1\ ZE

:J)~ ledge A F ARP4


D. J. F ......



P'ebrua~ ~1,

IM7. It 18 today anld ~e U ~ ~ OIJ 'tcold he Il'<lUDd but the 6Un 18 ahiplng and a bird is Whistling gally, there a'l'e three ealvea in lUbe ~arD M1ck1e. the Jamb. lsi rrtst1ng around the Idtchen

__" , '

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Gamma at ne dance Friday 14 at O. a U.Valenti





'!be !PresIde nt of the BOIrordty present ed her db a huge bouque t

Attentio n! All Legiona lres! Fall of Red 'and White carnati ons. OUt! Special Meeting ! Th1a Is one of the I.argest dance6 ~Howh1ghheoan Jump. Spring There will be a specla.l meetlr.g WAYNESVILLE, omo Ie on Ute way. Y, FEBliU ABY '2:7. 1947 given every year at O. U. _ _ _ _ _ _ _TRU~ _ _...:..__ _ _ _ _ __ at the Wayne TwIp. Vetera.Da ,P ost I !find thatl I am not the only one 615. Monde,y lMardl' -3. 1~7. . ' feedh~ lambs. I hav~ heam of quite Plans Will be made for coming MASO NIC INSPE CTION a tluinber slnCle I took M!okie. ~E~1,: TUESDA.Y events namely Parties. Shows. and . M'Jdten er h88 four weU tralned. They many eUler kinds of enterta in<?no¥a.reh .. I¥lltt 'l1uesda.y even~ out of tthe1r pen when 1m door ~g•. ~ Wa.ytle6V1l1e I,.odge No. 163, ment. . , 1'. &It A. M. -wW hold its Annual 18 Opened. run to ·the door of the cow Wlord has been received elf iflhe We will also discuss plans for '\ ......le --'t until It ,_ ed .... • Im;peot1 .. - . in, 'W'" on with Wi11Jam C .. Good ... open ""en dealth Of Dr. Charl"~ _11_, 80 ...I The W&1Ten COunty Pa.nn iBureau Legion Home. TIlls 18 a vety imto ..... 1r .... .,....., v, of FnIinkll n bhe inspecti ng otflrer. lheld a' meetmg lit the W8IY1lesvWe portant meeting run ....e nurse cow and' each ~t. Louis M!O., one of the !flnt . YOUr attenda. noe iRlgh School on ' ~ 1947. tU:e a !treat. i just heard' tha.t they Veterlna .r1a.ns of ........ ,... ..... ~:t c1tv. .. fW 'U'~ ..... ~ is urgently r..eeded. How about It ...... oI, .no:; .. ..., WlIder uv.. ~,ave .. . u'bh on '" bottle but T &paD8Ot'Ship 0 f Wayne fellows, lets all turn· out for .t his barD near Sprln-o. 0"":' dcG\t'" t"'_...... . aU\U 'uv, " .., , .. now ...uot they w1l1 do with, it. ~gest ~lp advisory councU's. Music meeting . And may I also add ,that of seven chUdrep. IHe ~as W'88 1Ium1sb ed by WaYl'..e&Vi1le HIgh I W8.8 tempted 'f.o ~ a coat for a. a member of the tlrst bhe Legion has rnam" plains [()Il' ~ School ~ Dlr8:~ by Prof. Donmama for. ~c~e but While I was cW;s In' veterina ry medicin e«lterta4nment tor the oonunu nlty. e at Ohio d'tJwn iOOldng at the calves ·they sold State Univers ity. Before 'setJt1pg ~ ~ Please watch tile local paper for ald C. Gahrls. her: S1nce the time the goat cllpmed the St. Lou1a Dog Hospita l lil. 1903 The Week's Mlsslor.. or Olatholic At 7:00 P. M. a Basket DInner more I.egJon news. up on the Wp of John's oar and he studied at Dresden and Hanove r Re,Y1val serv10c stUl oonUnIlle tor W86 seI"Yed to , 175 per8OIloS. ohe-wed a hole In the top. goats lhave Oentl8ll'1y. Leglona ires there Is one more . Ibhe [balance of thla week SIt the IErne6t CO<*, D1reo,tor. Wayne thJng I may add not JM!en verY popUlar On our farm. is that; F'lfteen He Is' survive d !by a sor.. and a 10081 St. Augusti ne ChUrch . The Towr.8hlp was the cha1rn1an of the w1l1 be given 8IWay at th18 II 'WOUld have ,to keep it here In my daughte r and a sister Mil' . Hi tb week day meeting s 'are held eai:!h ~t.lne meetinB. . yard so 1)eMa.P8 It was ~ust as well, Ja~ey: ' now or De lAwId ~. ~ evening at 8:00 o'clook with n.eV. IRAlports were given by A. H. th!cugh I have heard thlIIt goa>ts make Comma nder WlWam Sawyer • Edward Kotter,8 p1r1tua l Direct« of ~ ~ J9hn lAne, good mother s tor orphan lamb6. delegat es Adjutan t Rk:hard 0Bmpbe 1l of wa~we for over loft, Saint Ma.:r.y'a TbeologicaJt 8emto the Ste.te. ~l Oooven tlori • .We butcher ed on Monday . i L a s t ' iDary, 1N0I"W00d speakin g on aa.1hol1c Col.u mbus; Kartlba Belle Pb~. )'ear I had the world"s leanest. hog Dr. Ellis is a brother of !.he late ~. ' "'Wha~ .the Youth Oqn!ere ooe Meant and ·tbJs year OJl'e Or the fat-rest for Dr. Tre&le r Ellis and on uncle of Rev. Kotter has recently been con- to me", ~ BJa.nd, deleote ita size. '11bere is So much fat that Sld and Charliey Ellis. to duct1ng radio eervicea over W L W, a.rmual youth Convention. Oqlumll wl; there 18 hardly any room for lean Oincllm atl. 'These meeting s are open ~ the seoretar yls report on the chops. I only had half 'Of this bY' Mrs. ro the public, and a cordina l tn- Harvey Rye. Mr. Walter Ker.rick. justice at the one but .r wUl have more lard than vitalt10n to attend Is exUmdecl by Robert Jeffery. Chatrm an at MemPeace 01 Wayne Townsh ip ot<flc1ated, I ~t from the Whole one. Last year the pastm. P&tber Krumhol~5. the ~e meat WBe barely an inch bership Oommi ttee. s~ briefly ar-d IlIt the weddmg, at his ll J Wa!Jter L . Bluck, speaker of. the Lytle, at six' o'clock, Thursdhome in tbIclt many streaks of lean, 'this year ay evenMJs.5 Lucile Berry of Lebanon will evenmg talked on "Coope ratives in lng. dI M1s& salle J. Miller at It Is alinost (our 1m:hea thick m06tly be bhe Iiw:'st speaker Da.Yat the Wo• Public Relatio ns". lat. l..8Bt year's t)Jg lean pork chops manls Society of lqtie Church bon and Mr. Theodo re Kahn at : when would have been very nice if they ..t will be entlerta1ned at Lima. Mr. am Mrs. Jobn R. Brttthe home NANCY LEE tlngham of Wayr..esvlllie ACc<mpanled hadn'·t been SO touch . .AU the mut otKrs . Ralph ~nd . nex·t CO'N,NER . . . ,hant and c:b)t. I Uke enough~t-a' :wedrIe8 d&'f d~ them . ~ 5th. "Mr. a.b4 Ml'S: LeO OODmr On my meat for it to cook well. but DevoUOr.a will be In of 'Mrs. announ cing the btrth 01 a (laughNEW CENTURY · oot quite 1lhJs m\llClJ. Perhap s nex t Hunt and the Topic by Mrs. ter. Nancy, ·Lee. bol;n Sunday', Feb. .' yea.r we can get one just the righ t Wilbur Pou1kB. The commit CLUB tee as- 23 at 8:30 a. m . at Good Samari tab . slse. New Century Club will meet. FrI · 616t1ng ara.: Mrs. W!ilbur Olajrk. hospita l, Da.l"ton. The Jut two meeting s of our day Februa ry 28. lIIrs. D. It would never do for a win te r to f4rs.G~ Rt.lutzahn and O. R.tdge Mrs. WalWeight 7 pounds and '9 ounces. local Puture Farmer Chapte r have Hootess; Progrnm in charge of Mrs. go by without at least one ' p icture - ter Kenrick . Mother and daughte r are reporte d been ' inter6el y Interest ir.g and In- <r"T. Ellis and Ml'S. J. M. Sackett . bOOk snOw so Iwhoe n we woke up S Into be doing well. strucUv e. , On P'ebTuaJ-y 13 Mr. ' day morning , there It was. a picture LENTEN SERVICES Harold Brant introdu ced Mr. Jesse WAYNESVILLE . r-Ight off bhe ca,lendar. Every twig ,,-.. H .. Coo J AT P' S. T , MARY n who gave a good talk on FARMERS CRAN CE 'S .. mo. . J. n. Mrs. . . C>akma and every branch was outlined in anId H On Tll"_.a ve I Feb 27th Ja.cob&. Mr. af.1d MlnI. Charles R. No. 13 Will meet this Saturda y guns white. When OiI.p went Ito the barn . , their uses. OM.,...y e n ng, . Ellis aCd chUdren P'l0'Ydl and display a large variety ofe had on night March guIl6 a.r.d 1 at 8 p. m. wtth he f cund one cow missing , Lena. and ~e~ w111 be Evenson g at 7:30. carolyn Lee were II1' attende. nce at, ammun ition. a. special music progmm. tresh tracks' in the snow. He >f'ollowed The Rev. Grant Morrill, Rector a surprise party at the h'Ot1tle ,of On last Thursda .y ~. Brant her and fortuna tely was In time to of ,Trlr.lty ,EpIscopal Church ., Ham- Mr. and Mrs. Ray E. 'd oor nea.r togethe r with Mr. Bert Carol. Mr. GARDEN CLUB drive 'h er 'to the barn and shut he r ilton, will speak on "The Church Ul1bana Ohio Saturda .y eveniJ~g In Elben Leaf and Mlr. Richard in bhe nice clean pen we had ready and Her Faith'·. Mr. Morrill The Waynesville Garden Club Will re- honor of Sgt. ThcIna& Ooon. TbomB6 Kruclte~ aU at the game con- m)e!et on ThUrsd ay. IMainlh for her. Before church rtime the cali cently retutte d '('film dlstlngtu 6 at lshed is , rhOOle on furloug h afJter havtng servatlo n departm , ent visited our 7:30 p, m. with Lois as a chapUa n in was here ahd had Its first meal. a service Mauric e as cha. te He hIokl& detJree& from HOOartNa~. Col- been in China. He bas ree~ p r. . hostess. nice lb1ghe1ter caIt but not twins. 1 aDd Vi lni Theol . for another three years. and! w111 They entertai ned the high school \Just as .we were ~ettlng ready to ege rg a. cgical Sem- leave again this week for South, WI1th ~e9 dernteq;bm.tlntr soil FAREWELL PART Y . cut my half d! .t he pork Monday inary. a.nId Is a very outstan ding Carolina. for assignm ent which he and game conserv a.tlon, One or The Home iEJoonoml.c girls of mgnt we found Ithab lPaullne, the speaker . th1r.k8 w111 be . Japan., 6t)eC1a1 interest was a picture taken Waynes ville. ~aclt heifer. was having trouble. I High School planned from ute of a bottle between the a surprise lunohen 1r. tal.ked to the doctor over thl! phone, BIRTJD )AY PARTJ honl()1' of ' Mr. John Scott and daugh<teJr·ha.d Oobra and 'a mongoos. then 'We waited a llttle while for Jane meller . P'ebrut\.l1Y 25 IlIt 1 :30. Mrs. Heward Shutts. Mlss MM- as their guests Sa.turda(Y night in Bob Gray. Reporte r Mter the meal Jane receivOO a nice nature' 1110 take il:8 course and called jorle Shutts. Mr. RAlbert Shubts. honor or Earl WI.1chers bl:lItibday, . . ' him again. Before he got hllre. with Mr. and Mrs. L. J. blouse 'from the class as a farewell ' Burnsid e. Mrs. Mr. Mld ,M rs. Oarl Wood'low of The 01r1 Scouts held' their last gUt. The menu coD&isted of roast a little help bhe was born but Thoma s Be.rger. Miss CUda Dakin. Leba.non" M.r. and Mirs, Eugeqe tJ1eEft4na ~ iWednesday Feb. 19• . chl.ckel)' mashed potatoe s, gravy. · the stl1Uegle lot ute had. been too Mrs. !Howard Drumm ond. M'18s WUcftet and~ son. Mtt'. and .Mrs. AItber the meet~ refresh ments lWere dressing , lettuce salad. lima beans. hard and Jt ~ dead. Dtseem ed ,t o be Dorot~ Drumm ond, Mr. ~h Charlie lI'1sMr and son& Miss MUd- served, wblch were !pineapple pud- Ice cream. oake. ' The llinCheon was & normal tull-tlm e calf' and had not Drumm Ond were the guests of Mr. red' ~ 1MIr. K;ent Ar¥ and ding and clook1es and lWere plBaleci and prEpQa'ed been dead long but 'It' was large and and ~. 'MIl. ADen in as a. clas.~ CmIsw1 clt. MIss E'Vonn ie Van Natta. at Ola.rk&- by the membe rs of the Tallawa rida project. The clase then Wished Jane · she was small. 'I'hilt interrup ted the ~~. evenJng Feb. 20, ' helping Ville. patrol. In t1Ua 'W'a,}'I they passed "lots at lUck" at her 'meat 'OUbtllitf 1wh1ch tiM·to be put oil ·'CektinLf.e the latter's new oohool, birthda y. One of .the tests ~ to receJve stewal' t Higb. OXford. Ohio. unw owmlng . Mr' hUn ·'W86' g~ ' 'Uu~ . and · lfamteS were enjoy~ Mr. Olen 01vens and childre n or a~. lait ~ but' ~ Iw.a.a such a large by all. Mrs. Allen received several West Ca'l'rolltxm · oaJled on Mr. and ------one that I though t I WOUld ·W , ..nice ~. Mao. and Mrs. Corwin My had M'!nI. Elery Brooks and da~ Visttms SIt Ule Charles Bogan as t.helr g>Uest Sunday their hBN1ne it. cured:. U It 1ant as gdod as child, ., SUnda¥ aiternoo n. home in 'Wellm an Sunday were Mr. ren Clarenc e My Of mlne n.ex·t year I w1U cure my Dayton Mr. and Mh. Obester Bogan and , W1lfred ' • and Mrs. 1"1oyd lqncb and sons, Ary &J1dI fainll , <. ~ 1IPln. l"reah pork Is so good. y of Mlaml Shores son OIl ~ne1sv1lle. Oh40 and Mr. W. and Mrs. I.&urenoe Hcl~h. Mr. ~ Mrs. Everett Bopn and Lorena A1iY Marlatt ar..d fam11y of t.,a' spec:taI flavor .t o it that and Mrs. ClJUord W11Bo.r\ and MinI. L. A. Jacobs Gloria. and Janet dlaught er Itmd ,M It. ·and 1Mn. C1l.«ord Waynesv111e. E' Van Natta. of .,. is very quickiy leet though even dll'lJghter of Ly:t.le CIIJled on Mr. attende d a ·ct8.noe at W1lm1ngtml Wilson and . daU8'ht er and Mr. and Cla.1bvWe. , ~I'; tt is 8tH! good. ~=e~ver .. pocan tM 6?,n of FrIday nJiht lin. <»tester Bogan and baby SOn ThUi'sday I went to Ithe ~un. at. ~l8vt11e, Ohio. ........... , t iMlrs. ChJvlefil ~1mmenna.O i s f. , , ~'Y~ o:-oe.• to p VenlOJl ·MuJria e ' and f ......,.• ..I a oaK l'Of, ~. ill lit her home on R. R. 2 abe ~ 'W'el'e Iota or &OOd 0I1~ 4IIere ---.r v. ID'. tad M'nI. Dennis aDc1 dl11d- Darton. Mlr. and :Mrs. Pa.u11O Ur1ce . Doona Rae Jacobs Mld Mary. Jo has been sick for several weeks. ~ IIbe beIJt t bJib ron ol SprmcfIe1d Mr. and! _~. &pent Suoda,. with Yr• . aDd tMnI. R&oh attended the tournam ent at ,. , ' ones wen vtmy' • ~ ~ ~~ 1Iaul'Ioe. K1DI8 101la. 'lbey are cheer leaders. Mrs. Charlie P1IJher and Mrs. , 1'_ ;, . . .w IIIaa . ' (0IIItbIaieIII em .... .. 1) 1I'l«amO Dd Retd is Eulp Wtkll)eJ'. J.e(it. Ptb. :H, lor a __ ' Ai aIIICCIIa.. ".: IN 0A8B OW ...... DIAL

E8.T~8IIED. 1.850 _ NO. 005 '1.50 p\:a nAB _

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Dr. Ellis DI-es


Advisory Councils Sponsor Meeting


Ch at 0i-Ie Meetlo- g Ends Thl-s W-e,.kl



Couple Married At Lytle Thursday

G S uest peaker At L tle Wom'us Socl"ety

I]; t Iu tr




Future Farmers Chapter .Meetln_gs

.m , 'I'liefe

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liter be1D&'

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The Miami Gazette ESTABLISHED 18 5 0 ~bl1 . U ll1 I

~ I.




hcd Every Thursday by DAVISSON PRESS FLOYD L. DAVISSON, Editor ' d os Second 0l116S Malter at the Post Office


'111!!. lOAMI GAZE'I"I'S - Pap I WAYNESVILLE•. OIUO - NO. 4385 THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 21. 1941 •

Mrs. Woodrow Owens and bwo Mrs. Ernest Nixon who had a children, Winnie Jo lind Stevie were major operatlo!! some weeks B80 Is Sunday guest;s 01 Mrs. Owens mother, Mrs. wclle Armltage. able to be out again. Mr . Murray Greene of lJeba1lO11 Milton SlI(yder and family of called on his sister Mrs. Evalyn Peterson F1r1day afternoon. Blueball were callers here Friday

·ll lJsrrlptlc.n Rates: $1.50 per Year In ..&.dvan ce

M Lss Olive

Williams wlLh Miss evening. Bunnell spent Friday 1n Dayton and saw 'Blue Skies" at the Mrs. NelUe Bunnell spent the week Coltll118 1. end with her son George alld family Mrs. Hartley Mioss of n e a I' at CincinnatI. W aynesvUle and MIss Edna Moss of LoU/isville. Ky. called Oili Dr. and Mrs. F1rank Gregg Sat urday atternoon. NOTICEI Mr. and Mrs. Milbon ' Sheehan My office will be closed of Centerville visited with Mrs. Alice from Clark and MiSs Annie Brown Sunday at·ternoon . Monday t Feb. 3 to Dr. Emma HollowaY' and Miss Monday, ft'arch 3 Ruth Cha.nd1er spent Thursday 1n Dayton . DR. C. E. WILKIN ~on1mi1li

Mr. Paul Johns of the U'n !ver- BellbroJk. oalled on several 1..Q':tle I5lty of Clncir.natl spent SatU!rclay frl end,s Wednesday . Mr. and Mrs. Merle i{nelsl.ey of and Sunday. with his grand-m.other. Dayton were Wedne~ evening Margaret Johns. . guest.s of Mlr. aalti Mrs. Robel'\t . Mr. Edwalrd Roberts ar K entucky. Hettinger. who is visiting his daugthter In Mr. ar.d Mrs. Fra.nIc Ackerman. son and daughter of Da.yton were Wed nesda6' evening d1nne:r guests of Mr. and MIrs. Welter Kenrick. Rev. Joseph Myers of Da)'!ton was enterta1r..ed to dinner Sunday at MARCO Optometrist the nome of Mr. and Mrs. Henry Ray Mainous and family moved 28 Mardl 1 Saylor ..t Five Potnt. Xenia, Ohio Several residents of this vicinlty Friday IiO ihe property he purchased Out d oo;r adventure relating the Mrs. C8Jv1n Longacre and Mrs. 6truf g l e and hardship ir.wlved In Margoa.ret Johns were Lebanon v1s1t- attended regulaIr E~ df the of Maurice Cornell. the beg1nn1ng of the Pony Express. Warren county tourr.ament; held PLAJNSMAN and the LADY or~~~~:... J B J last week at Kings M1Us. W1LL1IAIM EIUOTr .............. au". . . ones and TELEPHONES vEA RA.ISIUN Mr and Mrs-:- TherJe Jones 8IDId son MIss iEvalyn Tucker spent the WAYNESVILLE _I Gall, Andy Clyde attended a. surprise pa.rt,y for Mirs. weekend In' Ctnci.n!IlllI.ti as the hOWle MORROW No. I guest of brother -in-law and sister, Added : Oolor cartoon and 3 Stooges. Henry ' Fink Waynesville SMurday LEBANON Office '7SI[ evening, honortr.g her blrthdiLy an- Mr. ar-d Mrs. James Park a.nid SAND and GRAVEL .ES. IJIL 2 3 daughters. While in the city MIss lnto the west carne Clementine! niversary. BLACK-TOP DRIVES 'I\Jcker and a comJPB.lly of !rtends SUper-dlrected by John FWd IWho Mr. 8Illd Mrs. Everett ltenrick TAR and RO.AD OIL made "Jesse Jemes" OUt of the west and ohildiren 'Were SUnday evening attended the st;age produotiOtli of came guests of Mr. aDd. Mrs. ·'OlUahOIna.·· . LAWN and FILL DIRT "MY DARLING l.&wrence Elliott and son inI 08kThe Rev. J . P. Thornberry is UI READY-MIX CONCRETE . CLEMENTINE" wood. at his home on MWlPle Street. and DUMP TRUCK SERVICE EXCAVATING Starring : HENRY PONIDA. LINDA Dr d""t Mr. Frank R.<libert;s Qf DaiyIton was DARNELL. V1ctor MaIture, Walter . an ...... s. Ernes R.osna8le of El1enl1en. London. Ohio spent WednIe8da(y IlRith in the village Sunday to visit a Also: Latest News. Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Burnet. group of friends. 5 I 6 \Mr. and~. RlObert Routsong of Mr. and M!'s. H. S . Tucker ·w ere 'oA. strange tale of wal!ped love and near YelliOw Springs called on the Sunday dinner gues~ of their sontw'sted passiorur-a thriller more latters grand.'-mobher. Mlrs: Margaret In-larN and daughter. Mr. and MrS. weird and fascinating tha.n ar.y ~t Johns S~day. IR1chBrd WUllams aM flUllily of brought to the Screen. Mt. IIJor$.ld .Be.1Td Jr. recently near Wlbn1ngton. NORTH STREET . and DAYTON ROAD "RAGE IN HEAVEN" .recelVied Ms dJscharge from averThe Alumnae (J~f Harveysburg :g~cn=.=e S~T seas duty and is v1sf.t1ng his par- high school Is spol.'ISOring a 50-50 ENLARGEMENT Plus : Musical. Sport and cartoon ents. Mr. and Mrs. Donald Baird of dance which wUl be held at the. . DEVELOPED-PRINTS MADE Short. the Gebhart Road. gymnasium. here Friday. Fleb1'\l8.J'W


TWIN Theatre


,Armitage &Son



_ _ _ _ _-----_~_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _~ 28.

'. FOR




#tJWI8.? ¥

Mr. and Mrs. Olyde Leney have returned to their home ~e ~ter a months absence ' in Florida . . Mr. -and Mrs. Kenneth Fisher and daughter of Ooshoot;on , spent the week end' at the home of Mrs.








Our Special Coffee








Acl'OH from Bank Wayn_ville,. Ohio


Ib~ 71-79c


48c Ib~ 45c



Cor. Main and Nor;th PHON'E 2661 -

19c 49c




Home Appliance Store



F1sbe~s gora.ndmoth.~r, Mrs. LIwI'a Shldaker. Mrs. ~1a Curl was Sunday din - ,", ner guept of Mrs. A. S. Oollett a.nd son Robert, Mr. and Mrs. CUtrard Doster and daughter. of S prtns:t1eld were f'rlday guests of 'Mr. ]~ters parents. Mr. and MTS. Hu~rt Doster. . Mrs. Laura Sblda:ker ~d fdrS. C?see Harlan spenl!; ' the week end with Mrs. Harlans sister. Mrs. Ei,nma Kline of Dayton. 1M!rs. iH. C. 1M1l.ltp.n1 ~tumed ·home Thursday following a visit with friends aoo relalttves in Cleveland. .

Every famU:1 cIIedah tbe memory of a laat trtibute t.bat waa dJIn!fled and t1t1ttD1r in mIIl'7 reapeot.



Telephone 2291


PHONE 2662 .






. J

....... $ . . . - ..... ...................... . . . . ,... . ,... ' . . . . . -.- ."Anms~ OB JO - MO . . . ·bI~. 1'Iw . . 1e1ffirr. abe . . . . . . . . , ·. <1Im TlW B8D AW , I'EB BtJ Aa' f 17. 1M1 ~

• d. I)e&l'~. Her -br!d&l bou q\le ' . . . fash ione d. of Whi tei:'O fJell oent.ered with Whi te orc.h1ds. Mr. Don ald Bra nr.u m. Yell ow Spli ngs, uncl e ext' the brid egro om. s rved os best man . The u hers were M~s. Paul T. J ol1l1 s . Lytl e brot her of the brid e; MI'. RI~h a.Td Tur n-er . Oen ten1J1e. lh e brid e 's cous in, !Uld Mr. Edw in Bea tty, Yellow Spr icgs. uncl e of tile brid e groom.

.Routzong-Johns Wedding Held

te loud IuDeh in DIQItoD bT the ~ Jean . WU3on. Ann 'Weltz, Esth er I.;uk. ena. Dor othy COl lard and Mar gare t S\::.hna.tman. MIss Nei lfer is mov ing to Oxf ord.

Aqu a a.nd yello w were the colo rs Mr. and Mrs . A. H . E.arr.har t employCc\ for the app oint men ts of ente rtai ned SundatY In hon or of the weddin g of M iss Vlvlar. Joh ns. Mr. and Mrs . Milt on She ehan of near Bell brook, and Ml·. Rob ert W. Oen terv ille who rece ntly cele brat ed Rou lzon g, nea r Yellow Spri ngs, thei r birt hda ys. A very a t tra.o tive soi I1mi zed in the Bell broo k Pres ta-ble ' was st with snap drag ons. byterial1 Ohu rch. Satu rday Jan . 25 The host serve<! a delic ious mea l at 7:30 p . m. FoHo<W1ng the serv ice. at whic for 12 addi tion al gues ts. h 200 gues ts were pres ent. Mr. The bride is tile niee e of ' Mr. and !U~d Mrs . Wel ler K Mrs . Stel la E. Ary has just . Hai nes, neal ' Mrs . ·Ha1 nes were h06 t at a rer e· Bell broo k, with Who m she cept ion at turn HIg ed from a 10 day visit wi h View TCIU'BCe. mad e h her ,h{)me . Mr. Rou tzon g is Bell broo k. Mrs . Hain es received rela tive s 1n WU mln gton, Ohi the o. son of Mr. and Mrs . WU fred Rou l- the gue sts in a gownl of blac k cr.epe. with aqu a trim min g, zong. nea r Yellow Spri ngs. a.nd Den r frie nds: We re Bac kI her flowers were whi te rooes. For the service. the chan cel Mrs. Jus t a few line s to let you was IaW w Rou tron g, the brid egro om's mot hban ked with bou ghs of ceda r we are back from Florida. and anx er: wore a gray crep e ~ lWlo ng whic h were arra nge and lous to see all of you, agaI d palm s n. We a cors age of plni t rose s. ar.d thre e larg e vase s of had ~, d:eli8'htfull trip 'b~ White ~ve Aqu a and yellow also Wlere fiaw ers. Can dles in four seve em- miss ed you folk s . My! n- ploy way It's ed as tile color sCheme for the bran ch cand elab ra and thre e .8lOOd to be back, and open.~d four for rece ptio n. The brid e's tabl e bran ch cand elab ra ligh ted the was busi ness . nup . ttlal scene; cent ered with thre e-U ered wed In case yoU hav e for gof;te-n our Prec edin g the dou ble ring serv ding calre, topp ed by a min iatu re regu lar men u in, this - brid e a.nd brid cour se 01' time . egro om. ·ice. read by Rev . S . 'l'Il.reer Rite we sUll are serv ing the tradlltlo nnal our. D&y lion. fcmnerly or Bell Wh en Mr. a.nd Mrs. RIoutzon favo ritle s you alw ays broo k. go for 6uch as g Miss Lou ise Tuniler. oous1n of the left on a /Weddlng trip Sall w'da OoW lltry fried chlcklel1i y and T Bon e brid e. pres ente d a prog ram of or- n1~ht, th-e brid e's trav elin g en- Stea ks Bit $1.50 a. plat e. Por k Oho ps gan music. Mr. Rog er Tur ner, un- sem ble was a brow n gllibardine at $1.00, Ham burg er SteBiks ~~ 85c cle of the bride. sang "I Love You ~t with mac hing ~ooesso,rle6 Lou e.nd MaT lin's spec ial at 500. Tru ly", "0 ' Prom ise Me" , ''Be - MId a brow n !fur coat . She wore a Ha.mbUl"gler sand wic hes. 2Oc, Che esecaus e" and "At D~wnlng ". cors age of orch ids. The y wUl be burg ers at 30e and Pork Bar -Bat hom e aLter Feb. 1 on a farm Que a.t 20e. Oowr-s or! t he brid al atte nda . nts neaor Yell ow Sprl qrs. '\rel'e of aqu a ~ yl!!llow talflf eta Wel l, that Just a.bout all Wle to . Mrs . Rou tron g' is a can grad uate writ e, but we have lots conf orm to the colo r mot if. to tell you, Mis s or Bell broo k Hig h Sch ool and Mr. whe n we see you. so drop LInd a Lou Hai nes. Bell broo In any cous in of. the brid e. was mai d k. lWu tzon g was gra.duat~d from time over a.t the jur.. of Beavercreek ctlon of 48 Hig h Scho ol. a,ld 73 "Lo u 8lld Marlin'~"you Gue sts were pres ent at the' wed know . How ever we w1ll still be dos ed ding from Day ton. Van dala lia. Cen - on Tue sday s, in acco rd with our terville. WayDe6v1lle , Troy , Cin - usua l cust om. c1rJlQU. Ool wnb us, Ly tle aUd BelJCor~, Lou and Mar lin





Br in,s Oul the Full Flavor 01 Your Favo rite Tobu col

SCIENTIFICALLY DESIGNED PRECISION BUILT To the skill of trad itio nal pipe mak ing, CURTIS add s the ach ieve men t of mod ern precisio n eng inee ring . Your CURTIS, PIPE i~ eas y to care for ... eas y to clea n •.. assu r •., you the utm ost in 5moking plea sure at all fimes! • COOLER SMOKING • SWEETE~ SM~KING • DRIER SMOKING • SMARTER SMOKING

Waynesville Drug Store PH ON E 2121

Ca n

C. E. MI CH EN ER Pho ne,'2 926 . Wa yne avi lle, Oh io

4 5 ·4






SE WE R PIP E - 4'! and 6" SE PT IC TA NK S -.- San itar y Pra tica lly . eve rlaa ting . . Th e abo ve and ma ny oth er item s in sto ck rea dy for del ive ry ' . '''SE E US FO R YO UR BUIJ5DING NE ED S"

X E 'N I .A F e rt il iz e r ., E. G., Buc hai eb, Inc.

COMBINATION SCRE STORM WI ND OW S EN and The se wo uld also be sui tab le enclosed por che s or bre eze wa ys.for



Rev era e Ch atl' ea


·P la ce Y ou r O rd er N ow for


w. H . MADDEN .•


Xe nia O. I-





HORSES '$5.00 .COWS $3.00 '1


Have You Been Waiting for Any of.Tltese Items?





An y ..m ak e or ~odel Fr ed Ka hn M ot or ·C ar Co.

PH ON E 326




C 'A S B ·F O II U S E D CARS .~




PH ON E 2281



....? '1be :a],M nllM .. _ lID . . . . . etOIutioa UId . , . . . II .., IIntftl of the ,P rince of FeMe wtlo • natned Baba'u'1lAh. 'l'hIe Word of God haa called the World Oem"RelJg1on .. it .. gmen.Uy pracMETHODIST CHURCH monwealth Into lootng. One World ,tioed now a days cannot hold the R. B. Coleman. MInis ter Religion can bring the collective 9:30 A. M. peace. F10r the most part our age SUNDAY BOHOOL consciousness to maturity..... ..... . is famllJar only with electric and J . J, Bursk . Supt, Ex'cerpts from World Order Mng· 10:30 A. M. sectarla.n forms that otter nO world WORSHIP SEh VICE wide basis for a. new civilization . . YOUTH FELLOWSHIP. Submi tted by Helen McCoy, Thursday, 7:30 P. M. By now are we not all persuaded Rt. 2. Waynesvllle, Oh10' that our SU;t1v1val deper.ds upOn CHOIR PRAOTICE the unity of inanklnd? Any man Wedn~y, '1 :30 P. M . who cpposeg tlhe world oonununlty cuts off the branch on which he ST. MARY'S

. . . ~ . . . ...,~. _


Mr. otis Prame r 'Of 'Xe n ia was day. our guest speaker at church Sunday.

~ureh lorl. Pe~ ThrOBP


~ OlE \ltV ~ ~. World ReligroD

s.1ts. Unity

amuel N. Kof'S Lay Reader-lo dharge Church School 9:30 A. M. Morn.1ng lPra.~ and Sermon 11 :00 A. M .

UTICA U. B· CHURCH 1tev. Ralph Hines SUNDAY SCHOOL 9 :30 A. M . Mrs. James Qarrtson. Supt. I 'REACHlNG 1st 8IDd 3rd ~s eech month 10:30 A. M .


9:30 AM. 10:30 A. M. '1:00 P. M.



MT. HOLLY METHODIST CHURCH T . M. Scarf,. Minister . tsUNDAY SCHOOL E. A. Earnhart, Supt.

9:SO A. M .


10:30 A. M . 7 :30 P. M .


SUrvival value,

And none!lheless. personal op1n1ons

a nd bellets are h eld whiCh threaten the essential unlt1y of all mankind . . Men are beset ,b y fierce predjudlces at religion , class. race and nation, U all mell' were capable of pure intellection, then they might think their way through and out of theee unreasonable predjud1ces. But the human s~ has spent '000 101'.g a past lo the jungle to behave reason8Ibly> over the peace. The natkloa ave sW1 motivated bJ emotions rls1ng out of tribal conSClou8ness .... ~ot we leani one lesson from , In the thlrd and fourth centuries alter Chr1st, the civilized world trled to hold on to the Pax 1Romana. Ola.!B1c civll1zatlon W88 Cl'IIDlbUntr and its upholders }reew 1t. What they did not; perceIve was that more 1mPQ8Ulg culture qd been ealled loto being by the Gospel O&tm~t the twentieth centmy real1Be that God Is tb2 lm'd of h1story and H1s divine Pattern 18 bi8Rel' I!auul we think:





WAYNESVILLE CHURCH of CHRIST Robert L. VanZile. MIDlster • BmLE SCHOOL 9.30 A. "COMMUNION 10 :30 A. 1L SERMON ' 11 :00 A. K . EVENING S ERVICE 8 :00 P.M.


e._ - . ~

WAD8il1lUD, 01110 - 1(0• . " , ouests ru.. cit Mr. an.l 'I1I11B&DAY, FBBBUABY 17. IM'J ~ , and Mrs. Raymond Burden Sa\urda1 evening were ~ MrB. 8a111e progr&m. A fUm W86 ahown from Bennett. Miss M arguerite ' B':.a'l&el. fila be Headquarters, Columbus. Mr. and Mrs. J ohn Bennett of 061!.on. and Mr. a nd Mni. Moses BurOverton Cain and famlly of Olnkett of Beavertown. c.lI'.natl, and 'DOnald, Doyle, Warren, Mr. and Mrs. Weldon Wilson cal- Jolm and Gerard or Dayton spent aDd In tbe

1 d 1n the Bogan Home Friday afternoon . SUllday wi t.h ~. B , Peters aDd fam-

Raleigh Bogan was In WUmlng- Uy.

on buslnes


One afternoon last


Mr. a nd Mrs. Charles Maurice called on relatives In Day!.on F'rt-

Mir. and Mrs. Leviey just returned MnI. Dorothy Smith and daughter home a.fter a ltrlp to Florida. Ma.r11Y'n SUe. Mrs. Irene Burde n and daugh ller& Mrs. Lucy COmpAUCTIONEERING ton, M$.rlanna Bogan, and Mrs.


Haines and son Aldpn. attended the OommunUq Club meeting at the N~ Burlington school hou8e last Tuesday evening. The W. O. T. U. turn1shed most or the



DOU118 LI(!Da


PbODe .... w~ OhiO. Revw. 0bIII'IiI

~------------------------------------------------ ~------------.-------------------------

D&yton, Dor1s and carolyn Dale,

Pa'tr1cla Bales. Pe&'8Y and Barbara Burden of Roxanna. Games were enjoyed and d81n,t y re1!re8lunenta served. Ma'. and Mrs. HAymond WUson spent one evening last week with

"Milk for 'Children Should be EXTRA'

G00dl" •


Fathe J[rambolts, PrIest MASE> ~'UNDAY 9 :00 A. IL


Mrs. Everett R a ines entertained with a m1soell1l:nEloLlS shower Ba.t· urday afternoon ,'or Miss Rebecca Wars whose mnrmlge to Mr. Charles Collett wUl be solemn.12Jed at the New Bu.rllngton Friends M.eeting House Sa.turday evening March 1st. at '1 ;S() P . M. Mr. and Mrs, RIILle!gh Boga.n and Mrs. Lucy CompllOili 'Were dinner gues~ of Charley Mendenhall, New Burl1ngton Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Donald Ha.1nes atbended the wedd.iJllg of a friend at Xenia. F1r!ends Church 8a.turday evening. Mrs. Raymond Burden entemamed In honor of her daughters 9th birthda.y Sunday afternoon tale following guests. Vernon Oeborn of



Spring Valley

"Yes sid" says Elsie. "That's why so many mothers insist upon Borden's milk for their youngsters. They know it is safe - ab, solutely fresh and wholesome'" There's a Borden milkman coming your way . . . or a Borden dealer near you.


Hardware Co.

. . ..


." IF IT 5 BORDEN 5 - , IT 5 GOT ·""t.


"' .

TelpholM Waynesville 2552





.\\ 1'



or Dayton HE1275

, OHAPrERB for t.h1s week:Sun. Mar. 2 -

Mon. Mar. 3 Tues. Mar. ( Wed. Mar. Ii Thurs. MaI'. 6 !FrI. MaIr. 7 - I Sat. Mar. 8 - I Sun. Mar. 9 -

Romans 10-13 , Rom.ans 1(-16 I 00rtn1lh1an& 1-3 I eormthla.ns (-6 I Oorintl$lDs 7-9 OOrtntlhl&JUI 10-13

Corlnth1a'ns 14-16 nCorinth1ans 1-4

:Mr. and Mrs. Dick Ryerson called on Mr. 8JId1 Mrs. George ~ of ,L ebanon ,l ast Sunday.









ClDcbmMl UDlOD Stock Y ....

BESI BUY ... '




For more than 20 yean succeuful farmen have depended on BIG M Fert!lil:crs for maximum yield of all crope. They know free -ftowinc BIG M brand 'it always manufactured up t.o highest .tandards . . . never down to price.

Lift Wire .... Pt........ All - ............ .-mil ~ DOne. 8~ eeUeb .. &be ....... anan. - - -

.. &be.....,;.


Service nat Satiafie. 'l'UNB TO

wmo .,.,.... 1:. - Dial . . . , WLW andnnatt 11:40 DIal '100 ..... 0- ~ IIIarbt BepeIi

The Miami Fertlther Company I. 8" inde· pendent Miami V.lley concern under dire c t operation of it. o~.

Better let the &:at ••• beet buy BIG M.






1947, r

TB lOAMI OAZI!I:T'N - Pap • WAYNESvo..LE, omo - NO. 4305 'THURSDAY, ri:BRu~y 21. 1941 (OOnbtnued from Pa8e

1)'t like it. We bad to.. put the kIckers On her and tie her 00 let the calf , sook ibut she w1ll soon get used to it and take it. Of course tihe best of all the new fann. babies Is Johnny R1chards! tlwo weeks old son. born February 10, D avid wesley Riohards. The dog Just !Went dOWn the hUi Bifter 8J fox. Cap saw it Jump th 1'ence with Buck at-ter it. !bUlt it must have been too quick ,for him ror he Is ocmUng back. '!;hey ought to have a Ifox drive In bh.Is neighborhOOd . Why doesn·t the Lytle Church or the Ridgeville Church sponsor one? SOme plaoes have made qu1lte a. Uttle bit <{,rom ~em. Ham Jlohnson .of Lebanon has organized most of the nearoy on'65. 'I'he Otterbien Home had' one, .laat week and is to have another o~ February~ . Fox hunting waa a more e1esant spoilt in the day of Georve Washington v.:hen they all ' rode to the hounds but they are more than Just aport now tor if there are so many ,foxes 'h ow can we raise ahlcka Jth1s ~ar. I loet over halt of mdne last year.


. Is there all3' WII6' to impreSs people with the f8JCt that HlgbJWay 73 1s a danceroua road? l1tt~ roller-

When you press the butto,? of a ligbt switch . . . there must be

coaster h111a /that cut off the view of the road ahead 80 that you can not

light. When you throw on the st~rting switc~ of an indus[rial

see the oom1ng car are dangerous bUt st11l dJ:1vers gio at full speed in the middle of the roaId. Dt Is a 1W0nder tftat there are nOt more accidents like bhe 'b ad one Saturday nl~t. If people w.ould only stay 'On ·their own side of the road and would n~ try to pass on the hills many acc1dents W'Ould be avoided. The accident rate Ia ~ng up 1ni propol'tion to Ithe number or new cars on , the road. Drive car.ef.ully even it you hiwe a new car. it Wont be much use if it Is ~eoked and you and t he Qther fello-w are dead .

motor ... it must iplmeditately start humming productively: . I

Whatever the occasion . .. whether a household emergency in the middle of

• the night . .. the lighting of the city streets at dusk. or turning the wheels of industry throughour the day or night ... electric service must instantly and steadily carry on. Through the years, the i ndi viduals shaping the policies of our Company have appreciated the responsibilities involved in supplying de,pendable, economical

, el ccci


Behind this service is an activ,e, loyal organization of men ;lnd women, always

Mr. Il!lid Mrs: Alfrea Morgan and !amlly spent Sunday with ~. and Mrs. charley Housholder and famUy of Sprtngt1eld. Mrs. R~th Smith of West CaroU<ton W86 ~k end guest of Mr. aDd ~. Raymond 8m1th. Mr. and !Mrs. R1ly Oibeon spent Sur.dayI !Lf~ with Mr. MnI. Ed8ar Poft and dauglb~r Velda near Oentetv11le. Mnl. El!heet~. Mrs. O . H. . KeJ'81nger spent last Wedneaday in

alert to find better ways of giving bener service to every customer ... large or smali


and, to each alike, render prompt, efficient and ,courteous servIce.

Housed in each community served by the Company are the necessary equip-


ment and ' materials as well as supervisory and operating personnel sufficient to meet its normal ·needs. In case.of extreme emergencies die com.







bined facilities and personnel.of the Company are 'ceadily.available.

Mr. and Mrs. AI Waggoner of near Spring Valley called on Mr. and Mrs. Raymond SmU1h 8a;turday even.kl8.

Mr. 80(1, M'I'B. Ernest Haire a.r.d famtly were dJnner gI.Ie8tjs Sunday or . Mr. and Mrs. Morris ' Lewis and . family. MI'. and Mrs. Henry Berges Uld f~



aaxl ch1l<lren and 141'8. Lue Mor1ran euibday afternoon. Mr. atlld Mrs. mari Lucas and tamily spenti sUnday af,temoon with Mr. and Mrs. David'IAioas and fam11y. . Mr, Dewey Oomestock'and 'daughters J~n. Ba.l'lbaIl'Il and Jean Mrs. Allee Purman :of Be&veffIown called on Mrs. H41y OIb9oln ~ Mr. .00

c8ned. on Mr.

Mrs. Everett Bunnell Monday aJber-


' !


.... ' . ' " ' . In. Ul4 Kta.:s:ve~ BWlDell a1ld dlMJllhtaer ,sbartoo cslled on Mrs. ~ . QN)er '~.

~ IOII -BrneetlDe ~ ,pent 1M week end With her parente Mm-. and - ~. Erne8t Earnhart. '



.. .




PO.W E :R AN ·D LIGHT-COMPA,It'¥ .'IiI ,.. , · n~YTON



,. . . .

- - - - - - - - - - - - ' - awer FOR SALEaw.

CLASSIFIED -. • a..uB1PII:D AD BA'r. • • » WGI'dI - Jell, ODe tImI. ......1Io

-.:ta lIddM.cmAl WG'd RMlIAL BA'I'ICS


...... ......



LoeD- .

Hou_old Good. For SaI_


aM fImtly at ~ TIlE MJAMJ GAD'l"I'B -


JI'OIR SALE - Little Reel Clover Seed. Three bllsbe1; " .00 busMr. and Mrs. 0llar1,. BoHan epent Mr. and MnI. Joe Cheney hel. Northwest oomer. Iqtle RtJad 186t Thursday rwttb theI.r daU(lbter aDd state 1Rt. 48. Qeo. BracIIney. and family ~. D. J. Bo&an at ~ ~ ~ ~~~~~~.~ the heme of Mlr. Oheneya -227 0Iarbv11lIe. near Batavia.

" __ WANTED- MISC. ........ n...-... +11..... -.... -.a... ~. 8__ and Mrs. Vil*1Dl wwnD> _ Tknber to ()Ut. or Oharlea StUe8 .spent la8t Wednesday f1r.1».6O; ImIned1aIte Dellvery: renee poet to cut; un equipped afternoon With Ylre. 0e0rBe Stllet'J Hall'e ~, 0IreI0nia- Ohio. 'With cha4n 1IfI/VI. !!:Imer 9u.I'la.oe 403 anti 80In al Bellbrook. -«n Il.ouIIae St. ~ Ftwme 6032

1BIIJA'IImG S'1'OW!8 Estate; '148'.60; One


-36 For Refhwnctnc - RebuUdlnC oft B~. '''' Pann lclIt.m With !oDs IP YOU HAVE ANY PROPERfI'Y Mrs. El1JJabeth Smith enterta1ned . . to paJ. P8,J part or all aD1 call ~ Gene Brown, severallrlends Wednesdaly af.ternoon tiIpe. , Real DJtat,e SaleemaD. tor B D at her' boule on North Third: st.


LEBANON NAT'L FABII LOAN A88'N., E1Us H. 8tIIIrm, 8ed7'I'reU_ Lebanon, Ohio. Pbone 448










Telephone ftd'.


Real E.t.te For 5&1_ II' YOU HAn A PROPBRTY OR PARK ro S'ELL oau or Wdte Don HeuderaoD.- Tel. BlIlM4I, 61'1 Loratn Ave.. Dayton', 01110. tic

Tempting retreahments· ~e ser-


Mr. ~ 1Mn. Obarlea Bopn spent IaBt ~ with Klr. 8'Dd Oarl



It's Here! The New 19~7 B09k of


NOtice Ia hereby given that oatll'6ine Wln&pear !Barnhart whcee Poet ~ addres.s la' WayneSville. Ohio bIa been <\uly appotnted as Executrix 01 tohe Estate ~ E. V. ~ late 01 Warren County. Ohio. deceued. Dated \his 18" day at P'!Ibrua1'y



Ralph H.

~te Omrt Warren OountJ. OhIo 8tanleJ and stanle,

Judge of bbe



EIItMe al LIda staple. a1ao know ()gk!Ibet DeoeuIlId> Nc;tice Ja hereb)' given tba.t Nettle

ae Ucla

0Ilesbee wboae Pc8b otnce MdreM .. ~. 01110 bae been ~ ~bed

Be Adm1n18tiratr1x al tbe DIMe ~ lA1a ~. alsio know .. LIda Oglesbee ' tate al wamen Oounty, 01110, decea8ed:. DatAld ~ '8till day of F'E:bruary 11M'I. ~ H.



W.rnesYllle~ Ohio

Phone 2441


-:m Notice of Appointment

Estate at BaIllie M.ered1tb Deceased Notice 18 hereby given' 14lat HatTy R. MeNld1th and! Harolid J . Meredith whose Poet Office address Ia 6O'l Savinp Building. I.dma. Ohio been duly> appointed 86 Exeoutms 01 bhe EstMe al Sal11e ~th late or W~ County. Ohio. dec-


Dated bh1a 'l,t h' da.y of IM'I. Ralph B. Oa.rey Judge af the Probaitle Oourt Warren Oount,y. 0100 Harold J. Meredith Harry R. M8I"edml


Desks -Cedar Chests

The Army Ground For~ sol~er ia famed for his ability to carry , out .a~y assignment Wlth resourcefulness and initiative-the quahttea that make leaders in civilian life as well as the Army. Th.e Groun~ Forc~, !lot only t~~ ~u leaderahip - they equip. ¥ou W!th ~e Job trammg to go Wlth It. In peacetime. the Army JS a gtgantic school'goin, organization-with training available in many akill. and tradea. Co~ offered range all the way from automotive mechanics to welding-deai&ned to help you fiqd the work, you like and do best. Increased Army pay scales are now in eff'ect, and you receive 20% additional pay for overseas service. . . Thousands of outatanding yount men, able to meet the new higher stand~rd~ r~uired,. are enlisting in the Regular Army. They are begmrung mteresting, useful careen 'by learning leadership along with apecial skills. Visit your nearest U, S. Army Recruiting Station for details. ..! '


1. o.~ee of any braaeh of' "rvle. which .tll1 h .. quota. to be filled, 'Il~ of ' certala overacaa theat.... whlcb atlll ba", opeaiap, oa 3-, enli.tment,. 2. Enll.tment ap from 18 to a4"..... Indullve (17 wltb parent" eonltnt) except for mea now in Army, who me,.~reenlllt at aa,. a,e ••ad for~.r Itrv!ce, meA depeadla, oa leactJ& of ""Ice. 3. Educational beaefit. und.r , QI Bill of RIEht. for mea .bo tall.t before oliefal termlaation of war ad remala in ..nle. !IO da,.. or mote.

4. lIamll,. aUowanc •• for depeadent. of m.a ."lIltln, or reenUatin, <ontlaae until 6 month, after official termlnatloa of W&r. I., for 1~, 2 or 3 eara. (1-yeu ....lttmenll permitteei' for m.a no. ia the Arllq wltb 6 or more IIIOntha of itrvice.) 6. OptiOll to r.tI" at half pa" for the re.t of )'Our life after 20 ' "",, to three-qu!~-::' pa,. af,. 30 yea" of .ervlce. All prnioUi honorabl. activo federal ml1lt.r,. ••",lca couat. toward I',ttin-t.





Notice of Appointment

Notice Is hereby given that Chal'les iMlderSooi whOse Post Offtce Address Is Wa.ynesvllle. Ohio has been duly appointed as A.dm1n1stmtor or the Estate of Frank W. Crew late af 'Wan'en Cbmby Obio. deoeaaed. IDated th1,s 25 day of FebruaIry '116'1. ~ H . Carey. , JIud8e al Ilhe Pl'ObaIbe Oowt WVren OouDty, Ohio Obarlee A. "ADderBoIl, Mty.



Warren Oounty. Ohio HaroldI 'RIsInger. AttJ.



See' it now on display

Judge al Ilhe PI"ob&'be 00Ult


Third Street


'Notice of Appointment



Phone 2182

Notice of Appointment





WaynesviUe Funiture ,& Appliance Co. Gibbons Building, North Street WAY~ESVILLE, OHIO

Phone 2422


::"~ IN~-:'::~='I

11.-. II FtII. ......... MIl ...... c.. III Addl,lon to Col.,.. Oa. .t tbe Ri,bl: 20", Illcreue for Se",le. 0 ..,. .,a •. 50,," I!'cre...t_up to ISo Maalmum Per .ooth, if Memb.r Plyta. or Ollder Cr.... ISO Per Montb for Pauebutl... (Not la Plylal-pa,. StatuI) while En ....ct upoa Paracbut. DuI:Y. .,," Incr.a.. ID,. Pa,. for BaCh a Yee,. of Service.


, - ' ' ' - An.y

' 'er 20 , . . .r 30 'Hr,' Muter SeriIIaat MHf. Samea . ServIce P' rIt Sel'llel fi16 fi 01' Int rpant ~ '.00 pl0i'.2' _18'.63

Technical ~nt 13'.00 ~--.

s.n.. ". ,......

,.,. M.iW ,'" War ,.,. ,...


IILln 10* .T YO.I IU"" .... lIMY, ITITIOII






Ser • " p u t . . ,115.00 ~- t 100 00 ......._n - • • • • 6'.00 Corporal. • • • 90.00 '8.'0 Private Pint 80•00 '2.00' , ~rivate i"~ ....", oxaq:


129.38 112.'0 101.2' 90.00 84.38

T h M · · ~. :-=:- e laml Ii AZET T E

.Fairly Familiar received




ha.nidllI!4r or the M4am1 the fuw,e. oonsIst.ent

Community Reaches Sesquicentennial Date .On March 8; Plans Form For Celebration

O62Iebte in with the wiIitle3 of IjM reeldlers. ~ Ie quite evident that not boo much concern 18 felt for its l1V'&b1lity. No d1rect . response W86 reoe1Vled and 'V'f1tW uttle ESTABUSIIED l8IIG _ NO. U06 '1.50 PER YEAR _ 5e A COPY improvemem. 1III the volume of news. Perha.p& we are boo lrnp8lttent in WAYNESVILLE, omo muBSDAY, M ABC B 6,. 191'7 ~ an 1m~. Atte1' &11. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - . - - - - - - - - -


a communJty th&It h86 been 150 ~ Ill! the makJ;ng <&r.DOt be


expected to respond quickly to any JJl'OJ)t&tion. even though it may be ~ the mutual ~ of all. When ~ d an old com. munity ~ B6 bhis beccm1e so <keply rooted 1nI ita trad1t1or.s and 0IJ8tclms as they it 1& crlly D81tural tha.t they feel certa.1n meIllulIds and wa.ys of doing It.hSllgs be maUl. ta1ned. U from tmoe of habit. Intraduction OI! ~ew idees 8Jltl new methr;lda · wUJ meet with a oerta4r. amount r4 resistance. Not thaIt anyone Ie neceesarily against the p1a.n or p'l"()JladtJon but becautie they have always ~ accustomed :to havir.g things dOIle a certa.1n way 8ald it 'is too much for them to make a Mldden ohange wit~t deUbemre ami. sincere thought. When confronted wttlh ·a situation of this kind the 'PUblisher can only

NATIONAL FARM LOAN ASSOCIATION PAYS DIVIDEND The dividend checJu; of the Leb- . anon !National P' lJoa.n As9oc:. 1aJt1on. wh.lch serwe Brown, Olei-mor..t. Hamilton and Wa.rren count• . les. will be ready far dJstrtbutJon at the annual &tocltholdel'll Ma.roh 11th. ~ is to be an all <l&y a4!aJr with Rloy BaMJes appee.r1ng on . the ~ in the afternoon and ~ have been ~1eted: far an ~t cUnner to be served by local Gftnge folks.

Coop Milkmen Annual Meetleng l


This Is the 30th Anniversary of the l"etIm'al lAmd Ba.nk. nJ1I1ng this ,time it has acted 86 a. stab. llIzing factor iJl l1eIB.I'd to interest rBites on !ann real estaIte mort. gages. The serv1be extended to ruml communities ha.s beneflJted. dirootly. more than a m111I()l1J farm

Paul L. PIumm!ll Mo. M. M. 3/ e. arrived home Wlednes&y evening from Pearl Hal'bor a1'ter three ye&.rs servtoe with!fbe Uni!led Navy. DuTir.g his term of service he had served 81t B1k1n1 during the Atool

~ held tlhere last year. It is not known .how m8lllY He is the BOn ot Mr. aIIld Mxs. perSOll8 oomprlsedl tlU& party that Ward Pummill d R. R. .2. retitled bere but 8($X)Itiing to a Rev. James Smith who sixlpped here F ALL ON ICE a few months later an eIlitry ir BREAKS LEG his journal m(licated that lourteen Mr. Jack R4ch is resting com- familles were living here at that fort.ably tn M1am1 Valley h06J)itla.l time. where he was taken 1Io1low1ng' a Lots were sold at t6 each and fall at the intersection of Lhe alley it was stlpuated that a house should and ~ stl'eet nev the poroh be built 1W1th1n an Qi7eed time. or the A. H. Earnha:rt. 'residence Establishment of schools and Saturda.y evening, ~ resulted in churches ~n followed the original a f~ of his lett leg just below settlement of the vilJa8e. BUBIness the hip. e6'tablishme~ appeared and the iRe W8t; removed in /the Mc01ure Wcatlon Clwckly became a bustUr.g l'Itmerai Home ambul&noe to the communIty. . McClellan ~ibal in XleD4& but as Plans are now beiJl4f made by a .t bey had no room the trlp was oomm1ttee appointA:d by the Civic ' oont4nued on to Ila6'tt<ln. OIub to properly ~Jze iI:Jl1s. date with IIIPIJl"OPl1&t db6ervamces to be held somet1m.e this summer. No deftni'Ie course to tollow in this has been

AUt0 LeIcenses . 0n Sale March 10

hq:>e that tt 1w1l1 nat 'take boo long fami1les.

for the rea~T'S to awaken from tJh ir traditions anti. bak!e a llttle time for things !lit hand. In th mMn time. ,the best that can be done OJn. r.t wi th mater!. al. rut hand be !orthcomiing each week fie usual.


The Smiths, Harold and Louise that is. haVi? reopened th"flr Rec Re&taura;n~ ~T belDI c1os~. f almofJt threfe week... whUe maldr,g Improvements and lost lling new equipment. New' plaatietlle fioors. clu'lOnle and plaat1c trimmed fountain, modern bMk -b r. leather UJ hol >tered counter s' Is, leather uphou-tered booths. endosur for bhoe kitchen, these al'e 'the major Im p vements that hll ve been made In the equipment. The service and .th e quality of th~ tood hn.s not boon. in the J ast a.nd the repu tation !.n thes hn.s alwa.ys be.e~ excellent. is Indeed hrtunate W 0 so well supplied with ~ restaura.m.s. Mftny small townseo""'"' of ,ihlJ: slzear e n 1arger are hand!capped in not having gOOd plalced to eat.


Farmers EXChange Annual Meeting



Ootmty members of the · M.1ami ~alley Cooperative J\a;OclWtiOD received official lOOtlce tihalt the annual meetThe AnIJ'lUa:1 Stock:holde1'6 meet· lng w11l be held in the ba.l:lroom !.n of the Wa.yr.esvllle Fannens Ex- ~~BUtmore Hote} in ~ ODI chall1!'e Oom.panr w1l1 be beld at y, iMaroh . 11. '~ RIg}) ulldi!!g ' .on . Haney M . Burnet. R. R. 2, ~'rda.v evenUlg ' M.8rch W~ w!un-epresl!'DlttiW6n-en cilnner 'Bt 6:30 p: m. RleseI'V8ltll:ms Cow' y ont the AssooiaJtbn's lBoatd far approximately 3()0 ~ has or Directors. said that preparu.tions been :~ ~g to Carl Pit. " are being made to entertain 1lhe stick. local l118Jtlager. Inrwest rnwnber of m~1 and Ladies of .the Fa:nners Gmnge No their famill!JS ever to abtend the 13 w1lJ serve the dlnn'eT . coooperative's annual conclave. . J h W Col S evemJ. glOOd ~kers have' been 0 n . lins. R. R. 5. XerJa engaged for the evening and Mr. president. ot the Assodation. w1ll Pitstick .proml~ 8II'l evenir. ot be In c~ of tlle busl.ncss ~?ss1on suitable en/te1'talllment. .g Wch follow the lu!OCheon scheduled for 12:00 noon.


C willi



The Rev. S . Hughes Ga.rv1n. Rec· tor of the Qhu:rch of the Ascension (Episcopal). Middletown, w1lJ speak at t.he ~nsong Lemen ServIce here at . St. Ma.ry.'s Ep~ Church on 'J1hJursday Maroh 6th, !lI't 7 :30 P. M. . . The Rev. Mr. QIarvin, DOOeid tor CHILDREN TO GIVE his leadership In the fonma.tton Of CHURCH PROGRAM Childr.en's · Service will be con - th~ MldtUetdwn Peace IPJa.n, Will duoted a.t t h e ' local Mellhodist speak 01 '''I1he Church. and Her . Church on Sunday mo~jjl1g. March HistorY". TIhe pubUc is inrvited. 16 at 10:00 o'clock. The .children's iDeIp!l4'tment wlll altt.end the services in a body and! conduct the opendng services 9! 'WorShip. The Mindsber will give several briet illustrated sermKlfDS for the child· rer.. 'Ilhe watten 00\mtIy l"a.nn Bureau !R Is requested that all the child- Ooope$tlve As9oofalt1on w111 bOld ren of the depa.l'lttJUlDit be pre8ent. <their Anawal Stockholders Meeting ne~ Sunday. March 9, for prac. on TUet!;day evening. MalrCh 11 at ttce. 8:00 o'clOck at the Lebamn Town Hall. a.ooardtr.g to 8.t1I announcement HAPPY HOUR CLUB nlade !by R. E . o,.,\dan. manager AT HOCKETI HOME of the Idla.non Ooop. 'l1be Happy Hour Club wID meet He fiuliIher stated thaIt. since the . on ~, March 11 at the hOOle . lO'rIP'D'zatkm had grmm 80 ~ at Mrs Date Hockett in <the pest ~ it was cons1dereu . ' . tmpraottcU to st~ dinDer and in· stall aD . e~ teMure is otIferecl with J8ICk K'AIrItowBkl and GARDEN CLUB hie X:ylicJpOOoe Band Ie 1ibe featured , MEETS TONIGHT . 'J'he <laImen Cl1j) w1l1 meet ~ No eba.1Ie tar iIdJJ""'*m wm be .. ~y ~eama Kafth 8 wtIb mlIde UId ~ tk:IIIeIIlI lin DfJOe8U'1. Late YaurSce .. ~ 0

County Coop JHolds Annual Meeting

On be Ma.roh" , nextsince Salturday it will 150 8ye8ir Samuel Helghwe.y. a natUve d EnglB.nd a · lone with his patrty. l'e1IChed the Pretter.t site of Wayrnesville 8IIld established a.. settlement. The origina! 'tract comprised' of about 30,000 acres was purchased from JPhn Cleves Symmes.

Henry H. Rathbun. president of ~ Coopel'alt1ve Asroclatton ot New York City, w1l1 n,ppe8ll" 8.8 prln.c4paJ speaker. An .~....... en...,.' .....l.n1ng program fe8lturintf the ~r1s Of The GoMen West. and Late Harkne&; hB6 been BIlTfU".ged through the prcgram of Sbaltion WJLW. Sam steiger AssocmUon "Dairy News reporter,: will be an honor guest, Bfj will Fi-ed fssler. Market Admln1strator, W . M oOstell". Deputy Markiet Ad~ and Glen Ma&Smsl/l, 'executive sec~ 1l'e1nry of the Daytor.. P1:ll"eInan'B Club. who has been chief speaker at JJUl.ny of othe A8SOC1ation's ~)unty ~1np ~ year. Alro included in ·t;he guest list will be managers t1 other dail'Y cooperatives in Ohio. 000DbyI agrt_ cultural extens1OJl1 ageds, and \'008it1onal agr1cu)tul'8l teachers tIl the counties served /by the Aa!IoCIati(lllI. t.he 'D airymen's



Clalled to ~ lasb ThursdB.y .afitern~ to. help exttngulsh a ·blaze a.t the lulme 01 Mlr. ~ M'rs. John RobiersoD. The ~\q !ire en8tne was out of order M1d c:lOl.lld not aontrol the tire. The bmIe was damapd ~1y.

Mr. a.ild Mrs. Maynard Haclmey, Bem&1'dkJe epeDt 8uDda,. wMh Mr. JJ8oIme)'fa ~ ~


', .lo 'O

adopted but ill Is probable the oommi~ will be in a pos1tl.on to report their schedule in the near

Pheile Mirar.da. local dispenser of future. Auto L1cen8es. states tlhat the lieenses 'will go on sale at the Rogers. and Simpson garage on South Ma.1n street on Monday, March 10 at 9:00 bra.ckets as two tags will again be to hunt up a few extra bolt6 and . Sbratgbted up their front lloense b eta l\B t tags' w1l " aga.1n be So ma.ny

Stars Sell SeyentY D0IIars' Of R'umma~e •

obser"~s wondered w~t

in order, the first rtime ~ ~v~l '~ ~ .... '-1M-years. . emp e ,on FrIday even1r-g. when' It is requested tha.t everyone tJ'Y cars and 'tru<*6 weJe bel°i looded to purchase Itheir licenses before ,w ifh bl.llndles. boxes a.nd all sorts .or the last in1rrure rush 'to save time weim objects and upon InqUIry for evc1'\Y1One concerned April 1 is !knmd it to be the Eastern stars tlhe dea.dlin e with. no all owar..ces. ' 01li ~er rum~. AtJtlcs were ex _,, cleaned and clesets w a.m.\ned tensions or special grants to anyere (IX one. ~or afl\Yltftldng thatIl might be sold , Mltl was On Its way . to Lebanon Memm1al Hall fIOr the a.nnual rummage sQle. The weather was very baa

Retired ,F rmer Expi-res Sunda.y

George D. Oglesbee. age 75. died at the County Home Hospttal in Cir.'dnnati a.t 1 :30 . a. m. Sunday the result of a cerebral hemonhage S8Iturday on the street in C1ncln[Jat!. ' \ I .. He is survived by two sisters, BetIty and Nettle. Another sister. l.d.d3. preceded him in death On January 23 •

on Saturday morning but a 'nice Cl'Dwd awai r.ed Ule wen1ng of the sale andk by 1~"'" some PI' ssure sales wor , a n ce ,...,~ sum of seve nty dJJ 11'ars was b r,oug h L back. Miami Ohapter Is very apprectat1ve of t!"Ver Y<ClIles help ar.d far tJrui publi-city given by the Mia'rn l G1\zet~e. ' Miami Chall>ter 107 O . E. S. wUI meet in reguJa.r se$S10D1 o~ MOM Y ev.ening, Maroh· 10lJl, with an entertaining program ·1blldwlng the bus!.ness session.



Local Serviceman Awarded Air Medal

Mr. Oglesbee is a retired fanner 8lIld has Uved: hds e~t1re life in this oommumty. Funeral services were held today at 2:00 p . m. at the Mc01W'e F1\m. A na.tive of Wia.ynesv1lle, M /Sgt . era. Home with 'Riev. R . B. Coleman Robert H . Foskuhl. son of Mr. and Of bile Church of1101811;Mrs. Hemy Fnskuhl, alsO of this 1n8. , I I; , pl8X}e. reooIliUy was 8IW8J'ded the Air Burial was m'ade in M1a.m1 Oem· Medal for his aooomipl1Shment in eteJ7. - 42 fll8'hls over thi? "hump" during two years of service lin the SPECIAL MEETINGS Chlna-Bwm'B -Indla flhea.tre. WITH COUNTY AGENT FosIruhl h8f; bee-n in the serv1ce 8pedal meettnp being sponsored 1Ior seVeDt and one-half years. He by Benn8ID E. Roes, Warren Oounty is roamed to the tiormer Dorothy Agricultural AgerJt include a FlOur· Wright of College Comers. Ohio a.nId H Club Party for 1946 Club mem - II10W Uves IOI1l Rural Roube a berg on March 12 a.t Lebarum High Waynesville. They are the School Auditorium; and Pa.nn and of e.n 11 moDJth old daughter. Home Week in Oolwmus. M'aa'ch Lyonne. 18-21. - Safety TbOU«b& Por The Week • Mn. NeIde ~ CIlled OIl Mr. OUr NatliOnal DJagrace aDd un. a..rles BoPn St.turdI.J. • CdppIecl 0bUdren e

of the " COl'l5Lstency" of little IIl1nds" . ~ Brown-Stil.n:ford Univemt.y


The Miami Gazette ESTABLISHED 185 0 Publl8hed Every Thursday by DAVISSON PRESS FLOYD L. DAVISSON, Editor liitered as Second Class Matter at the Post Office

Submlted lOy Helen McCoy Rt. 2, Waynesville. Ohio

Bub6crlptlon Rates: $1.50 per Year In Advance

National Advertising Representatives Ohio Weeklies, Inc., 2465 W. Broad Street, Columbus 4, Ohio

~U"h. ~. ~ n'E~\\V ~ ~ METHODIST CHURCH

T. M. Searl', MJnlater SUNDAY SCHOOL 9::>0 A. M. E. A. Earnhart, Supt. WORS:"IIIP SERVIOE 10:30 A. M. EVENlIlG SERVIOE 7:80 P . M .


We want a: good deJ.egati.on from FRIENDS <\his Ohurch. . FIRST DAY SOHOOL 9 :30 A. M. • • •' MEETING for WORSHIP 10:30 A. M . The Zone Meeting of bhe WOo'

men's Soc1etr at Ohristlan Service will be held ~ ~y Church on Mairoh 11. MU!t Maxine Coleman. one of our "A rigIId attitU1le of mind ~ only m1&s1opar1es to India, IWill make .the rtIoo appa.relit in the 'w orld txxIay. addI'eS6. She is a fine spea.kter 8Jl'ld Men wbD excla.lm with b<m'or f)ver will have an I.ndiJi:n ·E xhibit.


. ..

A good broadcast for you to hear : W , O . S. U. Dial 82. time 8:25 A. 1M. Dr: Wm. Stidger. of Boston. sponsored by The Board of Lay Activities of bhe Methodist Church.

the treatmelllt meted out to Jesus far Ibr1ng1r.g DeW thought into the world, are wfm1d to meet' discuss th.e fresh ideas that are reo viving .the world of the presen t. Emerson. in denn1ng his great man


as . one whl:> has the self-rel1a.nce

ST. MARY'S · EPISCOPAL CHURCH Samuel N. Keys Lay Reader-In charge Church School 9 :30 A. M : CmEF OF CHAPLAINS TO BE HERE SUNDAY Oha.pJam Colonel John C. W.

Lillsley, Ohief or Chaplains in the Air M a.terial command, will cele· brate the limy OOmroun1cm at, St . Mary's Episoa<pal Chlll'oh on Sunday. Maroh 9th sst 11 A. M.


9 :30 A. M .

Mrs. J ames Garrison. Sup t. PREACHING 1st. and 3rd Sundays each month 10 :30 A. M.


AUCTIONEERING U. STANLEY and KOOGLER 28 lIII00" Llcmf. . In the Lebanon Methodist church. 'I1here was a ~ respreeenta.tJon I'or Data, PbODe ID&, WQ1l~ Oblo. aev- Obarpa ,from all the UniOl'ls in the countY waner. County W. C. T . Institute was held Friday, Feb. The

Rev. C. L. Wamsley delivered his bi' monthly sermon. Sunday at the Method~st Ohuroh. Rev . J . P. Thombury remain's serouLsly ill at his hlome on Maple Street. Severa local members of 't he W. C. T . U. ssttended the County InstitJute Bot the .Lebanon Methodist Church, Friday. !Mr. anki Mrs. G. M. MoDor..ald, en rerte1ned With a bbthday dinner Sund&y in OODlJl11menlt to their dau8'h1ter Ml'8. Fred Va·l z !Of New Holl!a4ld and their son Mr. ' HOwa.rd McDonald! at neatl' the village. The Advisory Cour..cU met Friday even&ng sst the home at Mrs. A. S.

several visisto1'8.


Most of the 24 depe.rtmen>tal dU'ect.ors were present ar.d gave satis-


B. B. Coleman, Mlnlster 9 :30 A. M. SUNDAY BOHOOL J. J. Burske. Supt. ST. J UGUSTINE CHURCH 10:30 A. M. hthe~ Krumholtz, Priest WORSJ;iIP 8Eh VICE MASS ..'UNDAY 9 :00 A. M. YOUTH FELLOWSInP. Thursday, 1:30 P. M. Choir practice will be held on FERRY Frklay nlghit a.t 7:30 o'clock in- CHURCH of CHRIST BIBLE SCHOOL 9:30 A.M. &tead c:A. Tuesday everung. MORNING WORSHliP 10:30 A. M. • • 7:00 P. M . The Warren·BUiUer Coun1ly Meth- YO'troH MEETINGS Odist YoUllh' Fellowship will meet sst ADULT PRAYER MEETING Franklin Methodist 0hIurch. Sun7:00 P. M. day. Mareh 9, a.t 4:00 P. M. EVENING EVIANGELISTIC smviPRC>GlR.AM ; 4 :00-5 :00 p. m . ICE 7:45 P. M. Vesper Service, Organ Recital, Book Review, "East RiYe!"'. WAYNESVILLE 5 :00' 6:00 .p. m. GToup Sing:J.r.g; CHURCH of CHRIST SUpper (A small fee for lunch), Robert L. vauzQe. Minister 9.30 A. M. 6 :00·6 :30 P. m. Brief address, Dr. BIBLE ·sCHooL J . W. oa.ntord., "Youbh's pa.rt in the COMMUNION 10 :30 A. M . stewM'dship Program. SERMON 11 :00 A. M . 6 :30 Folk games and motion pic- EVENING SERVICE 8 :00 P. M.


County W. C. T. U. At Lebanon





factory ~ on their work. among which were ra.d4o progranu;. movies and magazine ads . . Alt the noon hour a d elicious _ ... d' -'" di oove.~ - , nner W9S enjoyed by th ' e g;roup. . Rev. R . W. Coleman at We"ynesville ar.d Rev. Paul Chi~es at Lebsoon gave very instructive addresses. Ina C. Oee.rt,h, Sec'y




'I1he IW8rren. OInmty FIsh and Game As;;oclation announces thBot their next """"""1' meet1ng will be •.- ....... held at IM'dnOr1aJ Hall, l.A!ba.nk>n, Thursd.ay, March 13 Bot 8:00 p. m. The spe6ker will be Herbert. Bradford, presldIeIn'tI M!laml Valley outdoors who' will 5peaIk ()Ill the subject "Wh&~. 115 Needed In the S1xth COD- . servatlOlll DUtrict.?" MlOv1Ilg pictures at the Annie Mrs. Francis Gray and Mrs. Lc»s Oe.kley oa.y will be showp a.ptiI a Maurice spent Saturda.y in O1ncin- smoker with reelf1'e6hmervt will 101-


Q)llett. !Mr. Amos "Mike" Eakin.'s who has bee~ serlo~ ill of pnewoonia is reportled to be steadUy bnprov-

lng. The 50·'50 alumni !benefit dooce heM Friday evening at the high school AuditOrium was well a'bter.ded. Mr. .8Jl'ld Mlrs. W . P . Mk:Can'en returned 'Ix> theh home, Salturday following a two 'Weeks vacation in Fknda 1Mr. Charles Gordan IS oontlnedl to his hmne due 'Ix> lllness. Fire of undel'termlned orgtr. partially destroyed the t wo story hIome of Mr. Ami' Mrs. Jobin Rloberson, ThUl'Sday 1IlOOD. Due of» the incaplo1ty of the local equipment , waynesville sent Itheir truck a.r.d crew and soon . extinguished the blaze, which hB.d gained oonsideralble head-way by that time. Ltl56 whlch was insured, is estimated to be several hundred di:l'l lars.

~I I II -7rienddi -H-o.m e

to chainge his mind to meet the . changing facts of the \WI'ld might have d>f'fined pa.N Of the greatness Mrs. Frank Gregg, Mrs. Evalyn of ' God in tlhe same terms. We Petel'/ionl Misses Minnie Dodson and knJow that the God who spoke to Ruth Chandler, :a .tbended the New Jesus used more advanced: ideas and Cell'tury Olub at Mr. Pearl Ridge'" 'Words than He who spoke ItO MDses. home Friday a.Hemo:vr.. The world had challgled and God Dr.' Frank GJ'egg spent Fr~c:I8.y h ald cha.nge His revelaltions to meet a!temoon with IH. Dudley Keever a. cha.nging need. The ' impiety of in CentervUle. the priests and pha.rLsees of ancient Mrs. Karl Dakin of L flbanon visitJerusalem lay in den¥ing tJhaJt -God Cd wlbhJ her motmer Mrs. Georgicould a: new revela.ttOOl. Out anna !Iv1r.s Wednesday alteMom. of J;>ersia in our <JW!n perLod of Mi1ss Laura. McKinsey a.ttended history 00mes One who speaks ~,th a panty given in honor of Miss t he words of God. and agadn, be- Ebhel Beekm8JII a former 'Ileacher cause God appears inconsist.ent, here sst bhe horne :Of Mrs. Ralph t here are ma~ who refuse tp l1Slten H.a ~tlnzs , , ~turd uy evening. to Him when he speaks. Baha'u'llJah Dr. Emma. Holloway attended a has met the ~ .soorn and! sIxmes district W . C. T. U. meetlr.g In and ridicule th8lt Jeus faced, all LeIba.non on Friday.

Service -Parts FOR


Spring Valley H 'a rdwareCo. PHONE 37371





Cincinnati Union Sloelt Yards





For more than 20 ye~ successful farmen have depended on BIG M Fertilizers for maximum yield of all crops.

Live Wire anu Propeulve. An orraDlaUon second to none.. 8lrteUy _Uer. on tbe bat aU around market In &he COIIDtrJ. ' Service That Satiafie~ . TVNB TO WHlO DaJ&Gu 1:. - Dfal 1-. WLW otndnnatl 11:40 DIal '100

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They know free-ftowinl BIG M brand i, always m.u:tufactured up to highest standards . • . never dc)wll' to price. The Miami Fertlliur Company ia an inde'pendent· Miami Valley concern under direct operation or Ita ownen.

Better let the belt ... belt buy BIG M.






~ MIAMI GAZETrt - Pare 3 KINGS MILLS WAYNESVILLE. omo - NO. 4306 Surfa ce 'l'HUR DAY. MAR C R 6, 1947 Ca"!l,~ OO Hutx:h1nson

FG 4


FT Pts. o 8

o o



More than 600,000 1947 !fIshing 4 licenses . h ave been malled to B uchanan o o o llcense agencies t lU'Oug'h01"t .. t he state ReYThC'lds . 3 2 8 by the lDlv1sion of Oonse~lIw.on 'I1rum~ n o o o Accounting S ecUtln to meet the RJ:>oks o 1 demands of Ohilo's several h undred We1s o o o , hOll and anglers ,whose 1946 lice nses by DANNY HARTSOCK Short o o o expi re a t mid nigh t, F ebruary 28. Wool o 1 Our WaynesvUle J r. High fought. License holde r badges. need:ed to oomply with the la.w wea ring the Ha.rv ysburg Thursd8IY Feb . 20 tiOr 4 9 22 licenSe on an outer garmen t while the prlvtlage of playing in the fin• • • fish ing. are a val1a1ble to ea ch pur' als. We remair.ed unktefea ted afLeT \ T he tl'ophloo a:wa.rdCd at' the tourraisimg bhe scare to 37 to 23. TIn nemem: First Pllu:e Varslby - chaser of the new license ,b ut Ib\lYney led the a,11t&ck Mth 13 points. WaynesvUle; Seooald Place Va.rslty - ers are urged bo use ,their oW bad· WAYNE~V1LLE FG FT P is. Orurllslte; First -Place J r . High - ges whenever possible to help COnTinn Y 6 1 13 Mills; Seoond Pl!a.ce J r. High serve the supply. N10 major changes have 'been R }'!e 0 0 0 - WaYll1esvtlle : Free TIU'OW Contest '-~ Good S ts nshi m de In t h ls j>-ear's fish1ng ~e ' ~key • 0 8 - S pring........ IU; • por ma p g ulatlons, never the less. fishe rman Furnas 0 0 0 - Ha4"Veysbwrg. a re being ,u rged to .ask for the Simpson • 2 10 • • • abbreviated list of r eg-wa tiors Sheeha.n 0 0 0 3a turda.v Maroh 1. Waynesville Florence 3 0 6 played!lOn Township '(Darke Co ava ilable at aU license agencle's . If the digest ls c arried in t he tackle Davie 0 0 0 Champion) in the d lstriot. Mter box or favorite fishing coat t here Ela.rn.hart 0 9 0 a closely p~ swnebeIiW¥1) two need be an y question a:bout legal O'BaIndon 0 0 0 champjonsi1lp ,teams, Wiaynesville lengths. bag lI:mH.c; .or open seaadded the game to their viotory 17 3 37 list wi th a .soore of 39 Ix> 37. Hartsons All. perSOnS 18 years of age or HARVEYSBURG FG FT pts. IIOCk led the With 12 polnts. a re( required to purchase , a Doster 2 1 5 WAYNEbVILLE FG Fl' Pt.!. fishing license and c1lsplay it on HlldeJ1brlck o 0 0 Hal'tsock 5 2 12 I\1WIson outer glU'llllent whUe f ishing. The 2 5 12 OOnard o o an c06t ot a resident 1loense is $1.10. Masan 2 2 6 RltOkey 1 9 DeBoard o o o Sheehan o o Wall o o o Thompeon 3 Hen derSIOn o o o Hu:nrter o o Voiea-s o o o Bradley 1 7 2









16 FG 3

7 FT 2


• • •



23 Dak:ln


TIle next night (Friday. t he 21st) . t he finals of t he Wa.r:ren . OOun'ty BasIDetba11 Tournament was played JACKSON Ibetlweer.. Wa y1l1eSville and Carlisle . Ripp With Rickey guarding F1a4'mer close- Threewitt.c; ly we shot fIa..lrly even among ota' UlBm ; Ha.rU;ook and R4cke¥ leading . with 14 and 13 polnst.s respectively. OUl' 'teem TeOleved thie trophy that








Livin88ton K . . LivingSton J .



o 3


A tanner who had spent h ls Ute in the country, retired and moved to the city. On the f irst morning in their new home. his wife said : "We, Pa.. it's a'bout time you started t he fire." " Nat me l " he replied . nestling down deeper In bed . "We


mighot well start right now getting used! to all the city c nvenlenoes. Call ,the fire d rparLmen t," Ohio farm.e rs in past years h ave annual supply of limestone In the one month of Septembe r. That system pl"eV1ented applications of lime dlJ.l' one of the best times of year . after hay harvest. The

Proper adjustments of the carbU1Lretor and spa rk plugs or. the tract'Ol' can reduce fuel bills by 10 per cent or mor e. T he tractor will wor k bet>.::r and cost less.

1 I I



Dilatush Building t

Broadway -

Lebanon, Ohio




,,~ .


.. ·r.. · ..






•. 9 Tonic for Menus!"

"Looking fo r

. that's extra tasty . . . one that menus? A dish, too, that's extra nutritious and t:l..u nomical? Then it's high time you were trying Borden's

will put sprir.

coming . .

CREAMED COTTAGE CHEESE Delivered to you regularly, or at your grocer's."


J ust how much "social se::urity" can t he ,people alfford ? Thab Iques-' ion inevltatbly rises In connection with propos a ls lor natton wlde compulsory medica l care. O ne study estimates bhat ,com pulsory medical care could be fina nced b y a 4.5 per cent pa.yroll taX-Which in itself is nQ SIll8!Il item to people whose take-home plI.y ls n OlW seriously deleted ,b y va:rious o o o CON'5ERVATION MONTH deductions. And this study is ~ 9 o 6 AND ARBOR DAY on last year's national inOOmle. '9lr~ o o o SET BY GOVERNOR hit the stratospheriC figure' Of 2 1 5 Governor ~ J. Herber t. tJhis $161.000,000.000. A child can< imagine o o o week issued a proclamation naming What would happen in a pieroid Celloh&n 3 o 6 AJprlI a$ Conservation' Mon th In of depression. and Its sharp decUne Srnalwood o o Huntsbelrget' o Ohio. the ·w eek :of Aprll 21 tv 25 In payrolls. as OOnservation Week In Ohio Furthetmore, in every oountry 11 7 29 Schools and' .Friday, April 25, as where oompulsOl'Y medical care has • • • Saturday Peb 22 our \UlIdIete&tted Arbor and Bird' DaQ. been tried, COiS't6 have inevitably J~. Hi81h . cbaInIIed !their title to outrun estimates a.ri.dl Iby a wide once defealbed in a very d4saIppolntOs.ttle feeders report intentions margin. For one thing.' the system: ing game. WMh height on us. Kings ,~ Sh~n fattening periods so cat- ls U5uaU y extended to paY' cash • Mills won 22-~, leaving US 'With tie can be sent to ma.rkJet ea.rlk!rbellefits for wages lOOses l'esuiltlng the 8t'lDOIld place ~ . TIr.ney than nonna.! . MMketmen expect 56 ~rom t.em.po1'8.Jj' d18abi11t y. 1~ /W88 high scoring ID&n with 10 per cent of grain-fed steers to be and more services are demanded pointe. svid before iMBIY 1. and given. People demand med1ca1 WAYNESVILLE FG FT Pta. atJten tiOn whether Uley need it or 'Dnney 4 2 10 O&rdinal po~nts in starting the not. on the grounds that t hey are lRye 0 0 0 olOOk bl"<lOCling season well are ear- .pB(Ying for . it and mig'ht as well QAcby 3 0 6 ,ly Chicks. , brooder house clean ami get something baok tor their m()ney. IPun1ae 0 0 0 stove regula.t.ed.. tour 1Il1ches of llt7ter ~me authorities are convtnced that Simpson 0 0 0 on the floor. keep Utter st-irred. dompUlsory nwd1cal C8!l'e in this fIljeeban 0 0 0 use dim all-nigbt Ught be dis· oountJ!y !Would cost $6.000,000,000 a iPlOftIIOe t 0 2 OOl.U"a8e Cl'OVIId1ng, limit nwnber of year-aud perhaps SUbtltIa.'l'!tl.a IlY Davie 0 0 0 cbIcJre under ODe 'h over to 250 or more. !Elat'I'~ t 0 :I ·leas. pleoty 01 feeder aDd founta1n O'Belnion 0 0 0 space, 'MId have paature ready as • Safety 'Iboul'ht 'For The Week • - soon &e the ch10lcs can be put on • Playing Safe Beats' Playing • 2 20 outdoor range. • .. Harp •

~ gOOd SaturdlllY ar.d Sunday menu for a family of four would Include meals. dairy pr oducts . umd eggs which vn uld be the equivalent of 280 pounds of corn . On person ',; share of those foods for the week end represents 70 pounds of com fed to pcultry arA! livestock .

taken delivery on almost hall their

Heanty Hell-o to Lou and MAulln. again. It seems lik.e old times to 39 see their little .rester a.unt lit up of pts. ev nl ngs wher. I come by from ])Q.y8 ton. ar.d not hing I s incerely enj oy o anlY mOTe than a oforequent stop to 8 visi t g:e neal Lou llind Mar lins. o Nancy Woll ya even get enough '15 manners be oome to my house o whet! ' 1m home ? I knqw it ta int 4 .oause yer ashamed for me' to see . o you in th-e vehicle. wh ich brings o yo u to aDd me .from Harveysburg. o you a.D{i MTS . W . 'h ave got, me so I d on 't know If 1m going or

ndghot. with a small IbaslcetheJl pin Jessup 2 o >tor each member of the team and Livir.,gstlOln F . o o Iflhe ooacll. o Mendenhall o WAYNESVILLE o .0 FG FT Pts. Perkins Sheehan o o o Rickey 4 13 6 5 16 37 2 Oonard o 7 o HartBock 14 FREE PINES AND Thompson 1 11 'SHRUBS AVAILABLE o o o Applications are belr.g accepted IHunter 1 o Dal.dn 1 by Game Protectcr Harold Brant 2 Florence 2· 6 at Morrow and C ounty A .L Bel" Bradley 4 o 8 man E. Ra;s Sit Lebanon from Ifaro o o mers tor pines a rid. fo'\Jd' bear ing Vickers shrubs for spring tplar..ti ng. These 9 55 are avala!ble without oha~e In suf23 FG Fl' Pts. ficient quantities to pla n t up . to a CARUSLE 2 2 6 quarter acre. The deadlh le for a pBr&y o o o pUcatiolli; is March 15. Longmlan 1 4 6 H.aIDIUn

lime can be spreoo Casuy on meadows which are to ,b e plo\1red dOWn the followi ng spring .




. .......:.




Telphone Waynesville 2552


"'.:.... ~ .....t... .

or Dayton HE1275

• AT THE "Friendly Store"



LAM·P S {Floor and Table) STUDIO COUCHES (Fully Spring Filled) LIVING ROOM SUITES BED ROOM SUITES STOVES "Complete HOme Furnisher."

HOME FURNITURE Phone XENIA CO. 912R OHIO "Eaat Main Street at Whiteman"


stake to ever give thought to any act that would be a detri ment to detriment the people who Jove it as their home.

began the growth of a village that has retained much of the pioneering

aggressiveness that was ' planted here by its forefounders 150 years

In the centu~ and a half that has passed by since this memorable

They have cast the die and set the folk lore of the communitYl community. pattern for the building; Dot not especially of beautiful houses; nor of

date many have lived their useful life here 'adding adding their bit to the


homes and their communitv community.,

Todav. Todav . we have onlv"'tn kppn Iln un 'Wh~t "Wh~t

not hesitate to risk their lives if jf necessary in order to maintian their

Those who have gone before, 'and especially the early ''found found er s did

will continue to live in the heart of Waynesville. Too much is at

was originally planned

tbat date and thus community. A handful of settlers reached here on tbat

1797 Waynesville

ville will continue to -to live in the hearts of its people and the people

On March 8,

as a

:150 Years of Community Building




They have cast the die and set the

business establishments;

but rather of



Davisson Press




STUBBS Funeral Home

B&R Dry Cleaners

Gray's Barber Service

Lacy's Quality Market

Waynesville National Bank

Hyman's Dept. Store


deserves to be.


w. H. MADDEN & CO."


Waynesville' 1)rug ))rug Store

Phone 2341

"The Ferguson System"






~.. I ....;y


Appliance Store

Co.~~ Waynesville Fariners E~change Co.!f~


Bunter Photo Service"'

Waynesville Furniture & Appliance Co.

Smith Meat Market -

.i1McC!Clure jfuneral

heritage by making Wa.ynesville the outstanding community it so ricllly


inspiration and g,uide in solving the problems of the future. Waynes-

The spirit that guided our forefathers will always act as an

realization -of the great heritage they possess and to increase thie

for the benefit of all. TheY also urge every citizen to come to the full

gave their all for the place they call home -


. eubscribe their intentions of promoting the welfare of this community

In commemoration of this evenful date the business concerns below

to advance in its deep rooting of the hearts of its residents.

they have builded in order to maintian a community that will continue

not hesitate to risk their Jives if necessary in order to maintian their homes and their community. Today, we have only' to keep up what

and have been steeped in the traditions of the lives of those who

draw them to itself through the influence of the people who live there

once a person has lived or was born, that acts as a m':lgnet to always

great things that go into making a community a home, a place where

churches, kindly hearts, he~rts, brotherly love, companionship, and all other


pattern for the building; not especially of beautiful houses; nor of

folk lore of the community:


WEW CENTURY ;( UB MEETING On Ftiday. F eb . 28 th New Cen · tur.\· Club was d lightfully 11ltJeor \ned at the homE' of Mrs. B . C. 1'R.idl' . Sev('n n In mber~ reo p cnd ltd 10 r oll call . After a brief bu<;lr.ess session the Ling was turned over to Ul i>Jl'ogram conunitiee. Mrs. C. T . Ellis WId Mrs. J . H . Sackett., Mrs. Sackett Introdu d Mis Mln Dodson, who read f·rom Agnes Turnbull's "The Four Mary's ," H er ae leotion was Mary of Capernaum. Mrs. Ellis ther.. gave am in teresting a nd ltv ly acoou1lit of a motor tTip 10 Wash lngoon D. C. Many amusing ;lI1cldents a.nd pictures . made th1s :-ltnl htg>h!ly enterta.linir.g. A poem " Wiho Made Our Fl~"

Mr and Mrs. OllMles R. EllJs family of St. Bernard were week FloJ"(i and Ca rol yn Lee vlstted with end guests of Mrs. Nellie and MIss Mr. alnd Mrs. Sam Ellis. K.1ngma.r. . Monimla Bunnell. SWlday. Dinner gue Is of Mr. aJnd Mrs. W ord was received from Mr. and Rhodes Burnell and da.ughters o n 'Mrs. H l1Ty Murphy of Wellman . S unday were GeOl'ge Bun.nell and tha.t th ey arre enjoying the warm famlly of S t. ' Bernard. Monlnua. Th e mee ing was then properly sunshln aTld good fishing, a t l.\Ind Ne11le Bunnell and Mrs . Sadie adjourn followed by r efTeslunents R lvel"<l Beach. Fla . Reason. Rnd games. • !Mr. arJd Mrs. Joh n R;:>berson. Mr. ara Mr.';. Noah N ewrnnn and BIRT HDAY Hwrvey burg bu,t f Ol'lllally of this SOIls had as Saturday evening din · CELEBRATED 'collunun ity s uffered qui te a loss n cr guests Mr . and M rs. Robel'! Mr. and Mrs . C. L. Alry and scm when their hou!;e caught fire last Thom pson and son P ul. of ,Rural Route 2. Mr. a nd Mrs . Thursdl\Y. Lonnie Fryunar., Grace a.nd \Th'Mr. I\IIld Mrs. Noa.h N wmn.n and glnla Wardlow spent Thtursday evenMrs. Glenn D av1s and Nellie wen SOl'S. David !\Ind 'I1cmmy h ad for Lng with M r . and Mrs. Lesll.e Ward - visiting In WUmlngtor.. Saitw'da)'. d1rmer Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Ralph low a.nd sons tl> remind him of t.heyI vuat.ed LI1 iI cl.a.ughltler and Condy and children. Michael. En\!'his bWthday. ifa.mlly. Mr. and r II' . Laure nce and ba.ra. anld J effery of Dayton a.nd children. Mrs. Emma Lucy Or lJYItle.




Mr. RaymOl'lld Reynoldt:; and Miss 'GI~ JeaI! Fa.1rchlld were married Moriia Feb. 24th Qlt W1Jnington,

!D"", , : the son of Mr. a.nd Mrs. ..."";, Steve Reynolds Wa.ynesvUle, R. R . as re&d by Mrs. Wdge. Durlng the 3 Mrs. Reynolds is. the daughter of aoc1a.l hour the hC6tess served delaoous refeshments to melnbers and Mr. and Mrs. Fred K . FairohUd, abe !.allowing gUeSts; Mrs. Frank Oreg.onia. R . R. 1.

Gregg. Mrs. E. V. Ba.rn.hart alnd Mrs. lRoben CoUett.

c. C. P. CLUB NEWLY FORMED The Wa.ynesville G . C . P . ClUb met I,.ee O'Banions hoUse March 4, lS47. 'I!he meeting was brought to lIfder b~ the president Bill Flsch. I t was d ecided that for future meetings the mD1EIbers would learn :or judge ddflerent livestock. . !New c)fficers were c.'hIo5eru for the QOming yea.t' were;; pres1d.enrt Lee V 'Et,mion , Vice-Rnesident. Dick LaIwaory; Seoreta.ry, Joe Ridinger; News Rep!: ~. Joanne O'Ban1on. Progra.m Dille,c tQr, A:Im n-oth. _ The memberShip has beOOme so irig i1ho.t t he club piar.ned ,to have a. meetilr.g in one of the public build-


GOLDEN RULE CLASS MEETS .Mm. LoIs Maurice erVterta.inect her Suntlay Sohaol Class of th'e Methodist Ohuroh, Wednesday evening. [\fr . . R . D. Moler Is the teacher. There were rjne members present, Light refreshments were served.


.Gray of Woellman.


and Mr6. carl E. Ba.uelr called jQIl her her farther amd mother ClnirlooBogan ar..d wife in Wellman, Sunday. !M)r.


Mr. and iMrS. Hare'rd Lemmons and son Jimmie spent Thursday evetU:ng ·w ith Mr. a.nd M1:s. Eller.y Bl'ook,s and

noon. T. J ; Da.v1s of Leesburg spent Wednesday nighlt Thursday wttlh 'bis daughter . Mrs. LaiWrence


COOk and ' family.






and Mrs. George BUnnell ar.'d

Lacy's Specials, RED 81RD CATSUP




•OUR. SPECIAL COFFEE Every fam!ly w1ll C;bertah tbe memory of a last tribute that waa dJgn1f1ed and fltt1n8 in ever, respect. ~



Acrou from BaDk Waynesville, Ohio '



Cor: ·MaiD ....d North PHON'E ~l

win My of near Ferry .

d&ughlter. Mrs . Lwwrence Cookar.d·son 'I1ommy visited Mrs . Jessie Leasure of WdImingioon last Wetdlnesday after-

Home Appliance Store

Elmea' . Murphy and wife spen t Saturday with h is sister , Ma's. 001' -


of their daughter Mrs. Helen Lewis and \ Perry Wolf of Lew1sburg a.t Visitors a.t the Oh.a.rles Boga~ <the homJe of a relative In IQnn. home U1I Wellman s,ur.d.a.y were Mr. Ind. a.nId. ~. ClWlOI'(l Wllson and Mter the ceremony a buffet <Uri- daugliber a.nd ~. lI~n.d Mrs, Walter ner was &erveti anld Mr. and Mrs, Frtend of Wayrnesville Ohio. Mr. Wolf left to spent a ' few ' days with a.JJd Mrs. Denver Bogan ar-<i famil y lings. C11endS in In'dlar.apol1s, Ind. and Mrs. Darrell Bogan! an'd t wo _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ __ __ __ _ ___. . sons of Clarksville. Also !Mr. J T .


P hil Coon and famUiy of Bellbl'Ook; Gene Alexander and family of D elphos; M isses Neva a nd Onwl\ Pel:Jers of DayLor_ pentt Sunda.y with R . B . Pete rs and famtly.

Mr. a.IlId Mrs. D emus Clark IlJnd Mr. and Mrs. Noah Ne Wln84'1 ar.d INJURES LOCAL MAN baby of Da.yror.. were SWlday even- OilS. David and T ommy spent f?unDav1d L . McKeever suffered muling callElr s on tll(~ir pa.r~ and day e veni ng wUh. Mr. and Mlrs. tiple cu~ and,abraisl.ons on his (ace sister-In- law. Mr. lll.nd Mrs. L. C. Charles Bunnell and daughtet'8 when his oar ooll1ded W1<t1b- tJbe oa.udIll 8Illd Mrs . Wm. Clark 'bridge raWng at otJhie Mill moe RobeNa. ~d Evanna. bridge Saturday nright. Bright Ughts oN'e llle Davis, B er:r..adine Hackney Sglt. Thomas Coon of Ullbana cal - from aln oncoming car caused Mcand Mr. a.ntd Mrs. "Mayr..a.rd Hack- led on his grand parents. Mr. and Keever to misjudge hl.s dIstaonce, . ney, !littended a /; in} ga:therlng of Mrs. H : J . Coon early F.riday morn- The car W'8f> badly dsm!aged . young 1lolks from Friends church. Ing before leaving for S ()uth carol 8It ,the ih<Dle of Mrurgal'et Ann 001'ina for rea.ssignmettt. REMOVED TO ~ llarveY5b~g V~edn~sday evenDAYTON HOSPITAL ir..g Feb. 26th. Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence A. Jacobs. Rev. J . A. Thorr.bury, HarveysGloria and Janet were SUnday Nellie and Robert Davis spent Sun- guests of Mr. and Mrs.' Guy Bur- burg. was removed to 1lhe Veteralns Hlospltal tr.. Dayton !by !:he Stubbs day eveni~g wilth MJr. a.nd Mrs. roughs. of Lytle. Funeral Home on Mo~ a.f\terRaymond Morga.n.. noon. Maroh S. Rev. ~ baa 1Mr. an'Cl Mrs. Walter A. Clark Jr. Mr. a.nd Mrs. Charles Bog6n entJerlalned Mr. a.nId. Mrs. H~ld been III tor about a week. Iaf Wellman ce.llCd 011l ltiheiT daugh- Snapp of the Sn'aPP6 Beauby Parlors ,ter Mrs . Ollfd'or.c1 WUSOr.. Friday at Lebanon lto a 6 o'clock supper BUY, SELL, TRADE, BORROW afternoon they also called at th e las~ Woonesday eV'el1.J.r.g. USE GAZETTE CLASSIFIED ADS . home of thel.r son :MT. Eugene B't>-

Walter Kruer and family of RDute 2 Waynesville atttend~ the weddl1ng gan and. fQIDily.


Orland Hobnes recleved WlI»tI h is brother Everett. a t8l'lner llv1ng ~ Sablna had sUKIdellly p assed away Wedne~'(!ay. H-c a heart dil1ll!'1 l. Punern l services were h eld Sunday artern r. Rt tJ1e LiLtletoll F'wlera l Home in Sabino..

TelephonEl 2291


2 .Ib Package


49c . 39c


7 Ie-SOc 4S·c 4Sc



- .


Pap 1e68 here to make it possible Ito WAYNESVILLE. omo - NO. 4306 sell tJhoem Bit C!nctnnatt later aDd TllUBSDAY, MAR C H 6, IM'1 make something. There ,!Ilfl a good crowd this w~ alld an unusually large n'UDlber inside the ring but

MARCH Mrs. pIwra. Btaoy is &lowly reMrs. Hiley Gibson, Mr. a.nd Mrs. covering from her receIIIt illness, at Everett Bu.t>JIlell wnd family called '1 8 one man round it very e~nsIve. . on Mr. and Mrs. Dick MiOOre of ,S UbstaJlltlal ~ entertainment A bunch of young steers in the home !Of her d!a.ugbter Mlrs. Bee..venowr.. also !Mr. and Mrs. as Roy Rogers tackles the mystery and m.ost of the others s~ up Dearth Sheehan, on Route 48. Dewey Ooolsbook a.nIdI family Mr of a bejeweled ~. A FARM DIARY on t.he bench but he just sat there Mr. a.tld Mrs. HermaIll Heier. of ~_ ... iMIrs K-'-~'" Pot! IIIIld . • UNDER NEVADA SKIES . QoUU • SOn 'With Dale Eva.ns GaIJby Hayes an while they rollled around. Suddenly the SUrface fann on UVtle R.ood DB.n, all of Bee..v~ .Fri~ even- 6Ind ~ of the Pioneers.. D. J. Fral..r a of hQofs went up in the' air n-e'" are annour.clng · the birth o[ a ing. Also: Bugs Bunny CartoIr., TIw8 February 28, 1947. The sugar 'b uck, ' and Iwnded square k! his face. He 1 Mrs. D"""'-... Greene of Da' ...."'n cal- Comedies and Mustca.l short. was cut about the mouth alld a da.ugh1:er, Feb. 1 • ..~" "W ets are out. at lease those on the L Mr. aoo Mrs. Bernard Meloh and led on her- mother SUnday Mrs. 9 10 Lue ~n. orl....... ~ ....~ ....~. about .... '~...........,hle Xenia. PIke. They havel1l't a.ny out couple of teeth broken. It 'AS a i It........ n( tJh son, of Merrittstown spent Thumday-..,...,...>& <>0"''''' -..-• ....,...., at Stor.eybroJ·k .yet.. P erhaps they .:angerous p a.c e a, UClY. a ' os ! MI'. ~_... '' ''_. v.......... 'D..-es .... people with or1minaJ ~es anlli ....... ........ .--" .......... & , v .. ~ .t he law ~t.ud:es. are not going to make syrup t.hls who sit there have oroon been told evening aIt the home ot Mr. and 4Jlat they do so at their own risk. 'M rs. Walt« ~. Bea'Vel'tDwn spent Sund&y aflternnon TIlE STRANGE LOVE year. I rwould like SOOle goold. sYrup The teacher question is talked iMrs. Pelu:1 Flory of Dayton' WI~ a with Mr. 8nd MnI. Loue Morgan. OF MARTHA IVERS tlbJs year. I would make some myever:ywhere just now. ThU1'S<iay the guest SWlday of her parents, Mr. Mr. and Mrs. Arilhm Morga.DI ar:.d ~urtng Barilara. Btanwyck, Vila s elf 11 we had enouglh kees. We dBlughter Betty speNt 'I1htu:rsday ~~s. made a gaJlorlJ t.he year we lived TaWr. Meeting 'Was devoted to It. and Mrs. Wilbur Clam. Mr. and Mrs. Harold Snapp evening with Mr. and M!'s. !Melon Townshlp Road. It takes an How aibout teachers Jl80y in WB.ynes. 12 13 awlul lot of sugar water to make ville? and' In the county. Fewer ~n were Wednesday eVeDmg born SmIth. and fewer people are taking lbeacher <Ulmer ~ of Mr. ar..d: M!l'6. ,Jun~. and Mrs. lIDey Gibson call on ~llsJ~= ~ One gall':m of 6}'1UI'p. We boiled it Mr. and Mrs. Pete Runyon 8eJturday ~. sta.ning Slmja Heine anB down 0111 the kitchen stove afoor training and. manY' teachers are tor Cladt anti son. 1Mr8. George Custenbor<ie1' has morning. Jbhn P&yone. giv1r.g some of it a. pr.ellmlnar¥ leaving tor jobs that pay a lIv~g wage. What are we going to d:J !been quite m the past; week: ,JUt I~. and Mrs. Raymond Sml:tb SUN VALLEY SERENADE boiling out on the hill. People want have moved to Spring Valley. with MUtan Berle and Glmn Miller too high prices for cutting wood about it? But thaJt !.snIt the only Is Improved a.t thds tt4me. MIse Kitty Kueble of Dear Mir. and lMn;. Richa2'd BaIines of a.nd ~'is ~ ()aa"toon and Edgu etc, it mak.eti syrup too .expensive teacher "gJ'ievance. Are YOU one or on relatives here iKennedy 00med!V for most 'Of us. The sugar buckets ,t hase who can't get lOVer your chlld- W~e spect!the week end with near Xenia. ish feeling toward teachers and , __-_ _ _ _ __ 'Were out last week but It was not treat them like hwnaJll bei:ngs? Scho- M1s6 Mal'l~ H&tnInnnd. Sunday 8Ifitemoon. Mr. Wm. A. Ma1sbury of South sugar vrealther. no sap was flowing 01 hours are not SO bng buIt don't '!be box social at Uyitle Chureh iM!'. aIDd Mrs. H1l1ey Gibson were Ohuleston, OlUo spent Friday BIfJterIn t.ha.t ,iCY wind. Sugar weather think that the teachers work Is was er.joyed by a large crowd BIlld supper 8\.Ie6ts Sunda.Y of Mr. 8IIld r.oon at the tiome of Corwin Arr may be snowy but usually ·!lhe sun done when children go home. Alm- IOOtlted the Youth GroUp $25.00, Mrs. HatTy G1tleoo ~d ~I Ervin and fam'1ly. ami the nights are cold but fuls of opapers to grwde, it Is nO iMrs. William TiIlOOy a.pd 50111, of of BeUbrook. this was cold wind with bl.1zzMdy good to the chlld to do written W>8(YIDeSvil1e spent Mlon<Iay with her 1lurrles [ine snow. work or wJrk p.J1oblelllt; unless they pa,rentos, Mr. anld Mrs. Guy EtoutTomorrow March will come In are looked. at to see where the zahn. FRIENID SHIP CLUB , 1 ke a lamb, or llke a lion rn8IYbe, trouble lies. Extra CUlTlcular actMr. A. F. ~ is COIlIVal~9CIIng MEETS MARCH 12 INCOME TAX b t even a lamb might mean vay lvitles, very nice but hard on the at his home nealf here, sinCE! his, The Preindahip Club will meet SERVICE lively weBl~her. It has !been a great teacher. Repo1'ts. It 'WOuld 'do ~he recent illness when ~ 'Mis strilcken at the MIle ot Mrs. W. E. Stroud SU1'Prl3e to me how llvely a. l~ teaoher good to relax and take part whUe in MianU. Florida. Wed!nesday 8.ff.ermoon, Ma.roh, 12, Call cal. be. I . had tIo put chair's up in t.he ....... tal life Of' the COInmUl'..1ty ___ .. at 2:00 P. M. ovv Mr. aa1d Mr.i. Ralph HaUUU'UlJU. In .1' t or the living room door bu IC 6.h e has tlIrie she doesn't son and dBlughtier ·m.obored to HUl.s C. E. MICHENER be _4 'e M1~kJ;e would t.&ke a fUr. - always have e. chance. She Is a 'aDd Dal~s Sunday atttarnOOllJ and Mr. and Ml's. I.Jou Martin. am<i ni g stlwt. give a baa-a. anell go ' teacher and Is at su~ to b e witnessed the coostLng a.ndI skiing baby eon and Mr. and Mrs. Don Phone 2926 OVfr the two foot barricade and like other people. The ba.Ill on max- ' pattOy where there were near two Towson and. baliy daughter were Waynesville; Ohio cl, ~. a.c1'0&S the l1~ng room all In ried teachers hB6 been bI:Oken in thious8nd people ga.theI1ed. Sunday tllll.,s at :the home ~ o uur.Jt of speed. He tries to moot places now but . I knew :l iMr and Mis George CUstenborder CUff Burnett BlDd fam1ly'. en • ay now and licks up a lIttl,:! tim teacher who ':ftoally qui~ aDd ~ vts1~ the's mOOher, ~~~~;;~=~~~;;;;;;;;;;;;;;~~~~~~~~~;;;;==~. U . o;II'n. At lU'st he dldn . teachmg though she liketi it b1!- Mrs. Hallmah RIke aC"1teavertawv. (;-lI. J get a,r..y of the h ay. he ju • cause she had to face so mu~h Sunda afternoon SIlt and chlewed, on any: .old 'Piece talk wl1en she ent. about socially y . . . h .c .ed P b'Ilt ni t he I aves and wenJt to tJhe same PBII'ties t.hwt The Red 0r'a!i5 sol1c.ttars-'Of Ly.tle OFFER QI' , d Ups <begIn to dJsappea4'. rbhe Dwthers andl fathers of h er t his week are: Mr. WUbur Olark, SATISFACTORY " - -H Is bA n g- to have to m,ove to pupils .dld . It was all right for Mrs. Calvin Longacre, Mrs. Charles the ul'o: df r house V4?ry soon and t hem but shocking f(lr her. ' Most Bunnell and Mrs. Ralph Berger. SERVICES co " ';' \4 - to 'Ow up iuto 1 mb chops want fair pay and 'f air play. . Mr. amd Mrs. Walter Kruer atAT ALL TIMES. III ",' not n to iMJ. ry's little lamb. He .It seems to me that som of our tended !the fur.eral of Mr. l~nk hI\. .. n ots of fun u\~ he will t ax money could bebter be palll i n Snyder at FerIw Ohurch, Monday , be a . e. 1) < me oy , a nd I don't more m or.ey to our teachers than af.ternoon. The burial W8e at HlOprL) ~~ lilt ~111l11 WaJlI~ he be fond of him. in unreasonably high support prices Iqnsville on 3-0s Highway. Mr. Dial 2111 Waynesville, Ohl(l. TI1 e has ,bN n nr.olh ~pw· t on eggs and potail;oes ' for example Snyder passed MV8JY at his late









2ffil cQIllt

In hog prices. T'hey are bAglnhn l g l o'_'L , .. . Hi.;h , pr Ice; ave \ 1. coa:''':i n lot of broJd sows onto t he ml l'ket iWhlc h will n d ll (' t' .,e ,:,prlng pi ' crap but tile high 1: 1' c. s will il bring mm I' P Lhrutl were net planned arller lr. tll,e, year. At the PI' sent pricc t he sows lILt l,"arquars sale went at a o nsol1a,ble prleo, big regl tered two yeru" old SOWs du e to farrow in April w.elllt at abOut cm£ h undred rund ten and fifitee n :md' gilts (I; In Mn.rci1 fo r nlnet..v· a nd ninety five. EVeryth in g' else w.ent OUit. or ~~gh t. The trnotol' solld fol' I1WD thousand and something and other machinery In proportion. T11dngs were high at the communl1ty sale. Top grade fa.t cows brought close to ' twenty a hum~dred .. Good calves were fifteen o..nd more a head but there seemed -to be , a d1:fference between the prices quoted in the pa.pers but the paper says top veal twenty-eilfht and nine. Perhaps ,these were roOt top grade. Of course they always pay ellought I

Rond will at a rent late

I raISe chickens too. People eat ..... "" ose surplus eggs tr sol d reason able price !but a t. thlrt~· they won't Ib uy them in the pring. I d o 'ha te to see gOJa food spoil ev r.. . in a gove.l'runent wM'ehous . ~, 1'. Hoov r n.~'S to man the unuse'd Llbel'ty ;Iups with Germans. there m1ght even be German prlsooel'S <till in tlhis coW1ltry for ~e plJl'P.(iSe load theJllJ with those urplus potatoes and 'oth r surplus food and ship them to EUrope. It sounded like to me and ~od nse is usually gOOd P()litw::s in the long ·run.

home atThell\Uamisburg Snyders wereSa'turday fanner residents at 'this oommumty. Miss Mll'flyn Hammond nteT~ed a nUll1'ber of mends to a Pal'ty late Friday eVICning in honor of her 14th 'bwthd~, which occured on Saturdlay, Marcb, 1St. Mr. ar.ld. ,Mrs. James W1ca.1l and 1'<amUy mIOved' iast Flrtda.y to their new'f8l'm Olli the Lytle and Waljlnesvdile road, which they re<:ently .purchased Of Mr. Claude Stroud. Their son 8II'ld wife, Mr. Bind Mrs. George Wical moved Ito the fann nesr Ferry vacrut.ed by the· former Wlcals.



. -. Modem lU. wlth Ita eeue1_ hurry






~;:iiiiiiiiiii:~~iiiiiiiiiiii::~~:~~iii:;;;~ - - - - ____ _ _ _ ___

CASH FO USED 'C Any make or 'm odel Fred Kahn Motor Car Co. PHONE 326


Symptoma of disturbed kidney funetl'3n and worry, Irreaular habit.. Improper may ben":lI:glnll: b.c~Behe, peralatent headeaUng and drinking. expOtlure, eont.rton acbe, dlumcee, gc t~ml: up nlght8/awdllng, who/nol, keepa doctora bUllY, pulJlneae under tne eycehOlplta"crowded Theaftor a feeling of nervou. anlliety eO'ect. are dist~rbln~ to TIlE REASON DOAN'S and 10M of Itrength dnd the kidneys and ort.entlm.. ARE FAMOUS energy. Otber II/lns 01 kidpeoplo luffer wltbout knowAll OYer th .. country ney or bladder dl.turbnnce InK that dllOrdered kidney ..rateru) ,"'0(,10 t.ell somotlmea are burnl,n,K, action may -eau •• the otlt ..n, "Ooon' l ha"" .canlyor toofrcquontufloatrouble. hId I n.. tlon. After eolda, fever anel ,::.!~';, ~';':u. 10 Bucb CUCII It I. better IIImllar II .. there Ie an 10That I. wh" .a" to rely on a medicine that Cf9110 of body Impurltlee All. your ';:~hbor I baa won world-wide ~.pthe kidney. "lilt ftlter from ·'5 proval than on the blood, 'If the lddoeya I... Invorably known. ur. e are o"u~ and faU to remove ...... 1Doa,,'1 PiUa. Tbey have been wloolo& hIlW acid and other harmfal wute. there Ie friend. for moro tban fort~ yoar•• Bo 1~ll'O



O'~I O



·XEN IA Fertilizer Reverie Cha-:ges


4 ,5 4 .E. G. Buchtieb. Inc•




Xenia O •

TIlE MIAMI GAZE'ITE - Pace 8 Notice of Appalintment lr.g cast.: Notice Is hereby given that Obarlea Ellen Holmes - Jea..n.ette SbeeIhan WAYNESVILLE. omo - NO. 006




whoase Post Ot1'1ee

Address 15 Wa.ynesville. Ohio has bee~ duly appointed aa Adm1n1strator of the mMte of Prank W. crew late of warren C'oun~ Ohio. deceased. Dated this 26 clay of February

Elmer Elwood - Oharlea Logan THURSDAY. MAR. C 'U 8, lM7 John S1nclab' - 00Int S1mpalo lAlctlle 'Byron - MB.rtha. Dtm.aUl Mrs. Duckworth Manning -

PhylllB Wood~ Virgil MOJlI!gom.ery QjJ} Na.ncy Hart UM7. Billie WOrtlh1ngton - Ruth Da.viet5 LEGAL NOTICE Ralph H. ()a.rey Geraldine Tha,..- _ Bonrue Cole Bids wU1 be received ~ the B o o r d " - ' of TnIst.ees ot Public Mtairs of the , Judge of Ilbe ProbtJte Oourt. F1.tzroy - PhyWs W8llace PmERAL LAND BANK 'LOANS: V4llage of Wa.ybeSV1De. State <it WarreD OOOnty. Obdo Bill - Gene Dunawa.y For Ret1nancln8 - Bebui1d1ng - 0lU0. at , the office of the Clerk Charles A. AIldersexn, Atty. Adrn1s!don Price: 20c studer.ts; Buytns• .4% Parm loana with long of said Boord of n-ustee& of Public 30c adwts. QIDf) to pay. Pay part or all allY At1a.1rs until Twelve dcloclt -noon Ume. March 25. 1947, tor tUl'lU8bing Three CARD OF 'T HANKS LEBANON NAT'L FARM LOAN Thousand (300()) feet of six (6) A88'N., Ellis H. sturm., Sed'i- inch. Qjst' Iron Pipe. bell a.nd spigot we wish to t.hanIi: the entire vlllI-J'..e Treaa.. Lebanon. Ohio. Phone 448 jo1ll't. witlh a. piI'e6SU:re Ol.paclty of age of Ha.rv~ and vtcintty f o r , ' {;I(.I'"

•• a.A881F1ED AD BAT&.'!I • • » 'ftI'da cr lea one tIme. ......ZC ~ addltaaaJ ~ ..•.....••.• 1c 8P.aAL BATEs by CON'l1l.AOT

FOR SALE - Used Heating Stove; Bargain price; Telephone 2422. -86


------------~ =E:r=~E::(1;: ~~~~~:~ For Sale-Th~.

!___ Ln

REAL ESTATE D' YOU HAVE ANY PROPERTY to aell call Franda Gene Brown, Real Estate Salesman, for H. D. Penn1Dgtoo, , W11m1Jl8'ton. Ohio. ~ Loan8 4%. Telephone ~e 2935.


Notice of Appointment Notl.ce 18 hereby given that Ql..tber1ne W1nspear Ba.rnha.rtJ whoee Poet Office address is Waynesv1lle. Ohio baa been duly appointed as Executrix of the Estate ~ E. V. Barnhart. late of Warren County. Ohio. deoeaaed. , Da.ted this . 8" day of P'ebmary

Trip. · Ie PIays C·Iyen At Spn·ngboro School Fri~ night. Maroh 7. 8 :00 m. the Public Speaking Class of 1Ihe Springboro lfigh School wlll present 3 (]Ile·a.ct 'plaiys. 'I1hey are as follows : "BOBBY SOX" wit,h the following On


C8Bt: Bobby Box _ MIU'Y EuJa, Pot! . W!ANTED Timber to cut or Ralph H. Care)'. 'Mrs. Hanna _ P.hyllis Wallace fence post to cut; am equJpped .Jud~ of the Probate Oourt Norton Brown _ Don Blm}:lSOrwith oha4n saw. Elmer SUrface 403 Warren COunty. OhiO Ma.r1rie Jea.n SlU&'Jer Lou18e St. WllmIngbon Phone 5032 Stanley and stanley . Carl - G~me Dlma.wa.y -36 Attys, Bill - Ohaa-les llOgan 1947.

- - -- --

-----CW!! - n>n Mote .1000. "SOpmE FROM SANDYSVILLE" \B'ed by first IDO%'tpge and with the fo~ cast: In8Ura.noe policy for $1,000. 'MIss Ethel Adelbert _ Barbe.ra Box 225 Waynesv1lle. -36 Sufferersl Try REINER'S BlNOLt Bla.r.d ComtortSng rel1ef from pa1Dt of BonnJe McParlandl _ Bonnie oOle Household Goods For Sale-- rheuma.t1am. a.rthr1tJ& neurUla, hun· LaITy Lemmond __ Don Simpson iFOR SALE Gasol1ne pressure b6go. FREE BOOKLET. Aak for James Madltin _ Don Mote stove. white porcelain top; aut.o- :at;:'~:n~~~ter , 1~! S>ph1e Nancy matte record player with 25 re o Hart oords. Phane 2113. -36 IN CASE OF FIRE DIAL Z2!2 ''MIXED DATES" with the follow-



G<lrulsma.sher _

By D\



I Tt=LL'1P. WAAT LE'S DO. . Le'S SKATe;ClfAR. POV'lN 'TO SE.lleNTt-\ ~R\\)6e. \ DO IT At"



Tille Warren Ooun,t y Fish and

has reoent~. purcha6ed a motion pioture machine for use of the depa.rtment in showIng eduC8lt1onal rums to the general public. It Ie ava.llable ,without 006t

Game Association

schools. lodges, wanen's organlzat1on, chl1l'Cbe& or c:Jther groups in the counot~. Rloha.rd Kruckemeyer In

-11,.Jlljll.-:.: =-.:t!:=~"!.':. 1••

Real E.tate name of every person or Olmp6ny l!a8t We are 'lD'uly grate_____ 1P YOU HAVE A PROPERTY OR ..nterested In the same. Iful In the :Waynesville equ~t The followbla new boob have PARK TO BELL call or Write A oertUtca.te gua.m.nteelng Ule 8IIld sple.n dfd fi8'htJJng crew wm 80 bee laced in the 'WI _ delivery (1 said pipe and a. st&1lea:nent qu1ctly responded to our oall for n p 8(YII1e Town Don Henderson. Tel. KEM46. &11 or the eerll1est date of d e l l v e r y ' ship Llibra.ry this mKm'tlh. LorBln Ave., Dayton, Ohio. tfc must aooompa.ny eetlh lM. help and helped I9aYe our home. Bone Is Painted _ A. W. Upfield; The right 18 reserYIed to reject Mr. and Mrs. John L. ROOeIBOln. OFFICE EQUIPMENTa.ny and all bids. House c::r Da.rlO'..e&; - Allen . Mac

. u.. ardi!r of the Board of Trustees HALLMARK TYPEWRITER RIB- of .....Poolic Mfa4rB. bona now in stock. The Gazebte. 0llARUJ3 JAfMES, Olerk.

Purchase New Movie Equipment

Kinnon, Jack Loodon



a. oonservaJtlon program upon tten days n<Jtjce. In Ma.reh, two con1E8ts ha.~ been booked. on "B1n1's Na.t1ve to Ohi('''

will arrange

tor the FF'A Chapters in Letlaa10n and Waynesville. cash pr1ze6 of one. lIwo and tIlu1ee dollars will be given. On March 10


wUl be

stone; Show IPiec&- Booth 'l'a.rlt' , a mee_~ 1Dgtxm; Amertca.n ,D yxIasty _ John held in F'raAlklin sponsored by sev-

eral Clubs ,t here aIDd. 1I\1ro pictures

Tebbel; Mama. Took up Travel Ker.neotih lIioran; Tl}ureda.y·s Blade - F. C. Davis; PaItty Pa.lnts a Picture:- Ltwn. ~noon; Animal 'Inn - V1rg1n1a May; MQ1'e Ploburea to Grow up With - K . Gibson; Bonny's Bay - F. E. Rechn1tzer; OUr· ~ Betrween - Va.n 811ler; 00-

will be shown. "The Realm of thle WUd" in color IUld sound' and "The. Heritaie We Guard". . The meeting will be held In' the Methodist Church. Franklin a.t 7 :30 p. m. a.ntl' b pubUc 18 InvH.ed to 8Ititend.

Devil - Ma.rguer1te Eyessen; Hang and Rattle A. R. Bo.sewortlh;


Blacit Goaroee - Little and lMitle; lJolllpap Factory - Mary Elting : Mise lUckOl'Y - C. s. BaIley; Ad ventures 1n 'I\m181a. - Da.hrJs Marten; Jeremy PEpper - ~m'B and Beanl; lJa(Jy Ba.ra.h LeDllOX - 'niith R. curtis; Ioer:ne.n Cometh - Eugene O'Neill; lAI.nd of ~ W8Iter Hav1g'hurst; HlsOOry of America.n Poety - Zaturtnska; Information Please Alma.nac - John K1emn; HIstortc ResOOrattooa _ Lewis l3aR"~; Blue Ch1n8. Book - Ada W. Came!hl; Callfornda M1aslons Mrs. ~t Older; American Pioneer Arts an~ Art.1sts - Oarl W . Drepperd . . IN CASE OF FIRE DIAL 2222

Mrs. Wendt'll ROberts IU1d Miss M8.r'8'8ret Ann Gonion entertained the AdUlot Y<nmg Peoples Class of the Harveysburg Friends Ohurch alt the lMrers lume Wednesda.y even· ing.

Miss Nellie Mary Davis. pres1dent . prEII1dea during the bus1neSf; sesstOll.

At the cloee of the meettng Mtss prese.nred Mrs. Roberts. a recent brkle. w1llh a gift trom t he ClQfi8. Mrs. .~ Is Ilh.e fonher Anna Mae ReY;nokl6. 'DWelve members a.r.d three guests were present. , During Ilhe pleo.sent soo1a.1 hour delicious refreshments were served .


Armitage &Son




~I\C.K ~y soweR.. 9 1il"lf ~ 'f(AAT SA."!'








Waynesville Furniture & App6~nce Co. Gibbons 'Building, North Street WAYNESVILLE, OHIO Phone 2422


Th Mlaml ·. · li 'AZETTE

Fairly Familiar


Information On Return Of Dead


tJlUngs in liIe are taken for grantJetl

8II1d . oooorded OO1'l6Iderwt.1bn un¢41 they ceaseS($.r.Jt to funoti.oll'. For Instance. the occupantt:; of a lux' urious Pullman sleeper UUnk Uttle i • albout th e \WJeeLs on wh1ch it rolls. . . The Il1i05t vital things are ger.erodly ESTABLISHED 1850 - NO......5 ....07 II 0 PER YEa"" 5c A COpy ~ the 1east obvious. The cour~try press goes 1nJ t41is caltegory. But there WAYNESVILLE, omO THURSDAY, MAR C H 1.3, 1947 would. be nIO United States Wit.lhout - - - - - - - - - -- - - - - -

Honor Rloll for periOd eOOIing Feb. 28, 1947 tor Massie Rural School H. O. iM1lll8am. Superintendent. Harveysburg. Ohio. 1st. Graklle: Bobby Smith ; Billy 'U'o._..J_ ....... ..,.,.."d; Lester Fa.1rchlld; !.8verne Fox; Roger Dodds; Dorothy Voters; Thelma Maines; Lee will tihebe next fewto the months, lnqu1r1ea direot.ed r~xt of Jdn of rnli1itAry a.nd civillnn per sonel whij loo~ th ir liv es overseas during the period extending from

September 3. 1939. to July 1. 19~. Th.e neJa of kiII1 of Amerlca's faLaIities In Wlorld War n will be asked wheLru?r or not it 15 to have ·t he oounWy press. any more than FORMER RECTOR TO Hlldebrond; Rooetlta Henderson; t he remalr. s returned to tlhiIs ooun try for re-burial in either a private or t.'h re ,would Ib e a Pul1:r. n car wlt'hiPa:tty F11sher. out a wheel. SPEAK AT ST. MARY'S 2nId Grade : Shirley COpas; Bar- a National Oemetery. Appnaprlate No Jl8It1or. In the w,orld is so Un ' LENTEN SERVICE barn. Doster; Suzanne Ealdns; Floyd t:onris and lIli!ormation pamphlets lversally served With tlleJWSPQipers as On 'I'hur::d1!-y evening, March 13, Ellis; RJoxie Medley; B1lly Settle- \\'111 accompan,y each inquiry. is the United States. Mut the a.verage at 7 :30 o'cLock the Rev. Mr. Ralp'h meyer; Miriwn Tlctmeye:r; William The war Departmen t. Of n o€> of citizen doesn~t know thIs; he takes Farm Bureau YOUtJIl gJ"Oll}J.5 held P arks will speak at bhe St. Mary's Neace. t he Quartermaster General, which the newspa.per for granted even In a comerer.oe at W3.1:nMngtoili 001 , L mten Services. His subject Will be 3rd Grade : Oecil Eaki·ns; DeMma w11l have tJhe chief responsibility for l!1he smallest tOlWn. Ar.d yet wHihout lege, Saturday, Maroh 8, 1947. But- "The Churoh and' Her 'Pirayer Book." campibell; Aor.a Marie F1aJrohUd; this procedure. anphe.<;j:z,es ,that I1lO the neWBpllipeT, comrnunn.ty n.fifairs ler. Clinton, Fayeute, Highland, Mr. Parks is well quaUfied to "~k Ronald Montgomery; Glenn Cox; one at all col~cemed should take amy o:lUld noot be conducted as they are. Clel'C1'l'1Ont wnd Warren Oounties on this '!;epic ar.d it '\\111 be very Margaret MQ.ines. acti'J n in this respect until he or n-y :to think of yt1U.r to\\"n Without 'Were represented with over 100 Interesting. Everyone is 1mviterd. 4th GJ'Ilde: Collin CJ1a,pple ; Wan ' she receives <U.r eot from the a.pnew papers. even the smallest week- present. ~o. Fairch4ld; Shirley O.9born; Dickie propl1ate branch of servi the let)y. Where would you get the local Mll ming was taken up with reg 'Rich; Vivian Volers; Albert Walker. ter of Inquiry with the booklet, form, news and the intlmate lr.!lOrmattm !stratlon, inibroduQtiCU1S. Ice break5'th Grode : ArthUr Boyds; Bar· and fold I' attaolled. rn bil'tll . malTiages, Gea."ils and the ers and a talk and demon6tm.tion or. ba1"8. Dodds: BemaJdine Ha.ckr.ey; tenta1Jlve drut.e for the rcaffain; ot the commun1'ty tlhwt at "Square Dance Techniques" by Farmers Grange No. 13 w1:1<1 bold Mary J a,nJ I:.eyes; Shirley PlymdJ'e; t llm ;;1' U1Je first remains of Amersome time or other so important DarWin Bny8ln, Stalte Farm Bureau heir regular meelting S fltul1dny Bebt..y McKnight. loo.·s Worlid, War II dead Is gChedulCd tb every !a.m1ly? Whtn'c 'WiOU1d you Recreation Director. M ,ter lunc h the evenlr.g. Maroh 15 at the Gral ' ~ 6th Grode Bettiy Anne Bogan : for August. 1947. According to ~he reaJd the procce-edingS of the CotUlity following subjects were discussed : H a 11. Janet IJ.Joster; BobEl' L Doster . prelimdnary peratiorAI schedudle courts, the legal nol;ices. 't he pel'solml PI , g1'run ' Sugg sUlons by J . M. A b : x social w1ll be the fca,ture of 7th Grade: Wllma. Elam . prepared by the Wfioe of the columns, 't he r.elY'S ll.':>O'Ut kea l Greene; Tec.hndques in Leelilng the eveniIllg to be cortductf<i of tel' 9th Grade : Mary Belle Bogan: ,QuaTt.erma5tJer General. it is p1'.ochurches. :ldges, 81nd he adVertising Discu ·.Ion b}' Danvin Bryar.; the business sess[Jn. S . S . Ellis will Dorothy 1Jie]3.ooro; Virgil Maines. po~ first to brtng back the re of~: 10:"31 m r';:,han ls ? 11he big .J\InalNmng ,P.rc6sure lnfluen<*; by be th e auoUoneeer. Evreryone is re10th Gra de: Marlly-n COnley. ma4ns of thooo who were k1ll in city dallies carry the world 11ffi\'1. Ca:-l R. HutchInson. state qUES:.eci to attend and bring a !box . 11th Grade : Frieda Be llt W1lJlam- the a'tJtack an Pearl Harbor a nd · ,bu, th "y e1\1l1not C!lrr' 'the day-to - Bureau Director of Educat4on. Mter a'l1 evening of games son. other armed forees personal now da.y; of -th e small'.! l ' l'.'e Olll'ltJm County graup en- llInd d anc ing w1ll be enjoyed . 12th Grade: W ll/Tl'eta Gramt: CoUeen bUrled in tile seven U . S . cemeteries Wllllamson ; Caa-l Talbert, towns and cltJ . ~ l1tamed wl ~h a PlU'W in the evenin the Territol1Y of HawaU. Next R< Massie Rural School I:ln the SClhedule are ,t h e remains '1 ... i h th ccho' l lE'acher, th e Ing. The fol1C1wlng were pr nI~ On the SeniM &holal'ship test. were: of th e local editor is rt'spor.siblc for the from warren County. interred 1n Lhe H"nri Wan ta G n::mt . ThJ J'!l1ilhS ReYlI1lold~ ChapPelle Qlmetery tn, Belgium . c" ." f • e c : mmunl w. A gll O:'! LEARCR'EiEK COUNOIL: 'Mr.I. and Oolleer- WilUamson. edttor comment, on IlctJ vltles. 10~ ' 1 Gle nn Bland, Miss B l ba m Lou 'I'h se burie d 1€ 1 ~.f'f\vh "re will folbaw slate, and na.tiol ua l, th at aHeot Illll" B a, .~ d. An.:!y BUlhartdt, J ohn Zcch. aoooroilng to schedule a nd letters lives of aar citJzens. He ddsc u .?~ Myron Rogers. J :rhll Mlller. H1owaod of inqulry to the ne?Ct kin Will qU ' J f :m. the stand,p nt of Mlller. Reva Melv1n, Olara Lou · 11k;, ,,1 ·be s:ent o ~ .~ a.ccol'tlln g Lo ILh, ' .. ',, '1' or. comrmun:l. ~y wel- H ough, Mlld~ ed <'-"reech. Della DaVl the same order. rare, bave a. gOOd know - and Stella Davis. (Contlnued on Page 6) . .~j~~j~~. .~~~~~~t~. .~~i~~P.F~-~ ~k~ ~l­ r. r dttions, · lndtwbi e;. labor, laoe Clemens, Gl !IDa Radney. Ann MASONS HOLD ANNUAL X " 0" . he things that aIIeC1: th" E lzey, Aud'ry Spear:s. Hllda StegFrank M. ,OaGtin . age 82, passed INSPECTION, MARCH 4 \\, ~ I'I~' .,. m an, the bu ~,ll' .arl. a r: d moUer. Mrs. 'Mo rris Goodman and ,awa.y rut his Jw m e I ear Waynesville Saturdaur evenj'l1g I\!t 7:30 o'c~~ k V tor from 22 Masonlc L e dges ' ,".. The l:)cal :ll.tor a ocepts daughter Phyllis. rufter a l' n nl~SS of uib u~ r. y r O f ..... e.r.e.. pl ": m when Wa) ne , v lJe LEBANON E1GH a real responsib1li ty in publishing SOHOOL : I.l hea c:)-;dili!;m. ,L odge No. 163 F & A M ;·,'.'? Id its even bhe sm alles t, paper: for when Mo8l'lha B . F ) l'ema n . ?:llll Ru nyan. anr ual ills pcct.1on I ' 'I'u ' ia . H Ie ves his \/,'Ue :la: eig h t ... t.hc reader sees :some~hing in prln . Joy'Oe Flanr.ery. J O : l d , Ho\\'alXi. ·Mr. c\'el1 '. g, MarClh 4 . nnd Mr s. J . M . Gr ... n . da.ught ers. 'NIT - . is Mull rd, M rs. h trl'.tr ks it is the trUith. After a n excellent. din n er r ect. : :, ,. , '" " P opl I preclfl,t e t.h es . Those who camc ill Dor t he even · Hazel Nixon. Mrs. O pa l B Eal a m:! by tJ1C ladies of the O rder of t he , . 'i~ . Ma{o;e 8 :1lt's r::,f ay,n svill'e ; fao's tho u pld rllne t h own 3r h ip in sessloll 'W_1'2 J O';,n LaIl1C- Estel Ea 5l~c rn S ta r , t he Fe l ~v'Wcr!tft Degree p ubllca:llon of Lhe 12.000 COU ll- Ban Ia, Norma,n BC'al, MlJ'lTls GoocIMrs. Madeline Annslron~. Mrs. 111\5 cnfelT d b y th rfleers. The try (" ~ "n , ' r~ in til U1, it ed S tates? mnn a r.,j MJ:::: Bop La.. G erald ine Youmg and M rs. Bett,y inspecti ng o f1'Icer wns W1lJjam C. Those papers are tJhe g rest est. safe B rant of J.,ebar on ; Mrs. D . m il y Good of F'rar.k:lin . g t:a,' d r't" OUr II n': l on '~ hl d r.'Pen ~, n C/' . 4-H CLUB PARTY Sa.rgent of Leha non : t·hrc e They are ind lvidtta lly Owr.ed. an d DATE CORRECTED s, HE ,b ert an Da lTel filt. h ome and! Glenn. of leb: non . Flf r . AUXILIARY OF ST. ,Wle I'a.!Jt ma.Y) r-ily of th eir ,itOI'!" All n 'o!' was made in the da~ MARY'S WILL MEET Itf" ''\\ '11 g ' c Iln1:l Ii 11'. th ~ id . als of gra'lldohlldren als(}' urvive. c f :.h e 4-H Club 'panty for 1946 Olub The Wl)m run'l'> Auxilia ry of St. COl stittub10llal gove~mt. amd ar!' Nlltional Commall er Funeral services were con:lud~:l m !T1ib rs 1\..0; tl41l~ ounced in ltihe las Mary ' Church will 1M t on FridllJY, bopposed to tl"e.llJds townrd .so"ialiSIll Tho American Legion 'Iucsdaya.t 2 :00 p ,m. at the MCClure we k's i55\1 c! 'Ine G a.zelite . This Ma h 14 at 2 :00 p .m . f\ tile h ;;n \~uch disegaro. the im.porLance of Co:umc. u,., . aul H. GriffitJl. F1u'nieIraJ /Home Wltih R ev , IMclTcl d a te shou:,j hll' v~ I' ad : Mon day. of Mrs . Edwinl L. Thomfls. the individual. The COllI'Vi'y press March 17. naMonal comllnander of the Affi rt- Scarf:! of Spring Valfey offlclatlr.g. receives. And in U18,t r pect it I ' a,n Legion. will Vi3 i~ five Oh :> cities Burta l wag made In Miami cemetery . The me tlng is belng sponoored by like the wheel IlUldel' R. Pullml8 n Ma,rch 15-17. t.he 8nnlv,ers:ary of car. but with !Lhis 'CIiIference: It B ermanl E. tRoss. W~Ten COunty tJltl bir 1 of , he w,orld's largest Aoutumn honor list of Ohio S tate Agricul'tul'n.1 AgC'rlt. l.t 'will \be h e ld is human .and 'k can a.ppreclate n veberans' orgar.1zaltlon 28 yelll1:S ago. Unlv J' · t·y'S COllege of Arts an d wott! or aot of enCDW'agemcr.'t · wWlc at Lc1; anOl~ High Sch o 1 Auditbri·vm It \vas during t he.>e three d a ys th.a t Sct e n(~. carrying 'Vh e nanne of aiL 8:00 p .m . a,nd in invIbatlon Is also .upholding the rights of oLhers. a cu u u f se rvicem ~IlI formed the stUide nts wltn averages of "B " or l'x tetlded t o ltv!.' parents of 'the Club 1lJP51 iSSl1,('cl tl:l :\111'1'. D. I~ . Slllll,h Leg ': n in Paris in 1919. better, is amr..ounced. 'b y Haw;) I'd L . mf"lllber t o aJttend. T he ILine rnn' !for Commander Hamilton, Secrctary 01 the Jllege . was th e fi r t a ut om obile IIccnlO c s (lld If A SUESCRIDm WIll fum Ish th eir name (Or 01U' fUes wc will be GriIfiLh and his party ilnch:des The list includes RAylyn T . Orabbe in W:l~'ll : vile on M:;nday m ornl glad w pwbllsh their let1t.c r r egard'- LlNO OPERATOR and MlddleOOIWJ1, March dn.ughter of Mr. tlnd Mrs . J . B . March 10 wh 'n Ph cobe Mirnnc a. I I.: local 'D ropty Reglslrar IOClIt!,1 IlL Lli ing c En ain condLt.1Jcns' found in a LEA VES GAZETI"E 15. His Schedule inclUides n public Orabbe of Waynesville. Rbg rs an d Simpson Ga.Nl1.'(' op ~ l' e d named! location here in WaynlCSville ' David Montag of J..ebar.JOn. who IU lllChoo n in Q:<nJC i,nnati at 1 :00 p.m . ':h' off icia l ~a le of liecnscs f ... · the You ask us Ib "sti'ck OUr neck u t" has been mployed at The Miami at bhe Nebherlands Plaza. hotel. He MIDDLERUN BAPTISTS StaJte of Ohllo In Lhls ar a. but you aren'~ wil1lng t o back Us up Gazeble office for lihe past three wl1l motor to Middle1l:>wn for the HOLDING SERVICES AtcOI'i:li llg to Ii re port from her by allowing YOUl' name Ito be plated Il'lIOI1bhs is leaV'illg this week for ' Legion birthday bar.quet that evenMiddle Run B a ptist Ohurch h.olds of1'ice. Lhe sale of l1CeIllres Is pro1m our fil s fOr reference In case we Ca,J:iiornia. 'w here hc plans to spencl ing . g-!vc n by Middletown Post. 218 th <ir mooting thls fcllo\ViJ~g Sun g L ~ iu:.5 vcry a LJt'<fa c tc'l'lly and j f need i t to Pnove Ithe letter ge nulr..e. *me It1me 'b efort: retU!l'nl'ng home . aJt th e Hot.el 'Manchester. day. Marcil 16, 'Morning servicllg beequal progress is m Sl'le <for the llext Wri te w.hat you wa.nt to say atl'¥i gi n a~ III :30 ll31d aif1Jcnloon :;er-vices sign it any way yo~ pleaGe. But. \you at I :00 o'clock. ,tl\VO we II.! a large opa1'lt of tlhe last , !)UE TO THE NUMBER OF MOTORISTS Ulll1t received n: il1Ulc rU,'h wi ll ho \'e becn climl, must p)a(:e your full name IIIl1id: adparking cLtRltiOl15 reoer.tly in regandl to palJ'king, a nd claiming that pated. d!ress ~Jn the sheet WLtD11 ·the letter lihey were r.ot mfom1ed, as to .0 . parklng i()rd1nall~ where angle Many I' Quest.. arc being t 'l so We can file It aWaJ}' til /We rpa.rldng was prohlb1tro t-y the VUlage, promp~ me to pubUc:lse applicants for their last year numr.eed it. $Ul1e. To(; name the most frequent Vlolati1ctns of parki'l1g. they nre as follows: ber 00 lb e duplicated in this Y'far's 1-Anglf! Pwrking. 2--,PaJ'klng on a crOSS-Walk. 3-Parldnc p law. They w111 be required 'to wai L F AYE ANN SMITH • SAFETY THOllOH1' FOR wilthin 10 feet of fire Ih ydraalt. 4-Double oparkin{L. 5-Parklng Borr. to Mr. and Mrs. Wayne UllItll that nu1nlber oomes Ulp as all • THE WEEK • wJ,~hir.. three ·f eet of anot.her vehicle. 6--<Parklng headed oppostte Siniilih, a daug1h,ter. Faye Ann. H er llcenses hllVie t1J 'b e issued ill so, Any Fool Qan Taike A ~ . t he direction of traffl~ quem:e. weight WQs 6~ poundS. • '- & t Willy Be A Pool? WIA!RRlEN BRADDOCK. Mayor

Youth GrOUpS 0f

Farm Bureau Meet

Grange Meeting SatUlrday


Frank Dakin

Called Saturd y

Auto Licens! Sales Started



The Miami Gazette ESTABLISHED 1 850

County Poultrymen To E.lter Contest

?ubl1s n cd

Every Th ur d_ y by DAVISSON PRESS F LOYD L. DAVISSON, Editor '!:m r r pd AS S eco nd CIIl.':iS Matter at the Post 01 flc e

ill tell

nor bhccntr~LI

ph ase of the nationwide Chickcn of-Tomorrow prO@Ta:m with Ilwrc Lhar. 2100 poultry r a.1sers from thJs coun ty eligible tv elliter the 0001 peti tJOll , accord1n~ to D_ D _ Slade, FERRY cluillma.n of t he national OhickenCHURCH of CHRIST of-TOIl'lIOrrow contest oollunittee. BIBLE SCHOOL 9 :30 A.M . "All that is required for Warren MORNING WORSHIP 10:30 A. M . County poultolJ'me'n to becOO1e a pa.rt YOUTH MEETINGS 7 :00 P . M. of t11!is Importal~ t breeding ProgTrun ADULT PRAYER MEETING is a flock of 50 ba.l>y ch1cks hatched EVENING EVANGELIST;~~~~~ beliween April 13 a.nd 19. "Slade said . "PouILQ;IDtltll Iltcring the oonICE 7 :45 P . M. test are urged to COlllt..act C. M. Ferguson of Ohio S tate University. WAYNESVILLE ohairman ,of th e oontest oonunittee CHURCH of CHRIST in this state." Robert L, VanZile, I\lInlster Aimed at d velop1r.g ch1ckens with BIBLE SCHOOL 9.30 A. M. improved meat-t YIJ>e characteristics, COMMUNION 10 :30 A. M the con test ca rrLes a $5.000 grand SERMON 11·:00 A. M. prize in 1948 pr<Jlvidro. by A. & P. EVENING SEUVICE 8 :00 P. M, JI'ood Stores and $5.000 in regional The bop award wul go to FRIENDS the poultTY breeder who dey lops the FIRST DAY SCHOOL 9 :30 A_ M. most imprOVed m at· type ch1ck.en. Slade urged Ohio poult rymen to MEETING fer WORSHIP 10:30 A. M . dOntinue their efiloo'ts to d ve10p ' superior me'lllt - type chickens which . he said, Ill1e paying ir.creased dlvBIBLE CHAPTERS for this week:Sun'. Mal'. 16 Ph1llppians 1-4 Idends to the en Ure state. He pointMkm. Mar. 17 Oolossial"-s 1-4 ed to the Ohicken-of-Tomorrow Tues. Mar. 18 - I Tht'6Salonians 1-5 ocmtest as an .()u tstandi~ example Wed . Mar. 18 II Thessalonians 1-3 of the poultry ind ustry's determinaThurs. Mllr. 20 I Tlmotha' 1-3 tion to provide COl"-swurs with betFrI. Mar. 21 I Timothy 4-6 ter cbdclren dlnners. n Timothy 1-4 The importance of p aultry ! alm S alt. Mar. ~ Sun. Mar: 23 Titus. Philemon ing in Wa:rren O()unt.y, Slade said Je reflected I.n the latest .report from There are Ol".li,y two weeks left ame' the Census Bun~~u which shows this 110 complete the reading of the that 89 per oont of the county's New TestameIlJt tb y April 6. Be sure f~rs received llncome fnom poulIt9 f.~1Sh· it by that ·time. try. 'l1lese produCers, aooord1ng to thie report, have more lthan 314.000 cb4~ and seU nearly 1.100.000 doaert ens.

SU IDAY!?C . OOL J. J . Bu rsk£'. Sup . WORSHIP S Eh VICE

9:30 A. M. 10 :30 A. M .


Thursday. 7:30

• • •

P M . .

The Zone Me ting of the Wpmen'S Society of Cl)ristiIln Service waa he!d in Bethar-y Church, Tuesda~ , March 11. MIss Maxine Oolemam, one of our mlssiOOllldes to In<i1a. made the addr ess. The local church was well represented. Heal' the broadcast W . O. S . U. dIa l 82, 8 :25 A. M. each d ay by Dr. W1lUam Bt!dger . NeXit Stmday morn·lng at 10 :30 we will hold a OhUdreu's al".(i Pa.l'ent's Service The order of Service Is as follows; . Opening H ymn . . . . ChUdren

SortptUl'e . . 'I1hlrd and . Fourth g mdes Tht Lord's Pray l' led by 1)he ch1lctren 9 :>10 •. . . Miss Ruthie Earnhart Primary Class SoOgs Offering Hymn by bhe children Illustrated Semlor-s . . . Ml.n 1ster Closing Hymn Benediotion

~ are requested to . 1IItJtend .thl., se~ witlhl ~ ohUdlren. •


. ..

The Great Age To Come

Mrs. B er L1m G Olldol\ WIIS hostess to t.I:le WCTU Inst.itute a t her hlome Thw" day . A covered d.ish ulnll l' was sen red at ,the 1100n hour. Se\'eral village members of the Wnyccsllle Fia.rmel's Exohun Wl: at tended the yearly Ibanqu t held a t th e Waynesvill High Sc'hool gym . saturday evenlng. Mrs. Laura Shl<takct entertained a oompany i:)f fliends 't o cllJ'd.s 011 Monday evening. Rev. J . P. Thol'ubul'lY hn.s been udmJlllted to Veterans Hospital at ~n for <trea.tment: .He is reported to be ullIPItJving.


:J,.ienJ6 fiome

grnl U


Mir. wnd Mrs. .Oba.'rlea !lave DIiOved Into the Gordan arpart.-



llUOS ~~~e~




"That's right," says Elsie, ' "This improved milk has rich.tasting cream in every single sip . . . from _the top of the bottle to the very bottom. 400 units of vitamin 0 added to every quart, too, Let your Borden milkman leave you Golden Crest HomoOee .. or ask for it at your favorite neighborhood store."


'8oruns ....BORDEN . ~.

;;. .T S GOT TO BE GOOD I '.~" .

Waynesville 2552



. ..... " .~'

••. ",,"---


or Dayton HE1275




ClDelnJlatl UllIoD 8~ YIU'C1a



ror Dates, Pbone zaN. WaJDesvW.e. Lilnd&a.y Obio. Revel'le Ohatiea



S mith· M ItI'Y ElLhal, \\'ere Sunda y f Smi t h' son n:nd g u :;ts dn ug11 r -in-Iuw. MI'. and Mrs . Eldwin Smlt.h a n i :.s of Lebanon . Mr. a nd M r s. H ellb cl't Dost.€'r were Sunday afLer n.oon guests of reIa'tlves in LebanOn . Mr . a nd Mrs .James Park WIll:! daughters of Cincinnati were week n d houscg.uests iO'f Mrs. Park's parents. Mr . al~d Mrs . H . S . Tucker . Mr . and M rs. Lee Collln5 of Oen tlCJ'vllle werc SUinday guests of Mr. Collin's parents. Mrs . Howan:i Oolllns. .


"The ages of infancy and childpeat. 'tIeVer agalr. to reo turn, while the Great Age. 'tile conSamuel N. Keys ~Ion of all ~ whlClh must Miss Louise of Los Lay Reader-in charge SlgnaJ17Je the com1ng of age of the Angeles. Cal. h8s been the guest of Church School. 9 :30 A. M. enJt1re hwnan race. Is yet to ~. her ·uncle IltId a·ur.t. Dr. wnd Mrs. MOllIldng Pi'a.yer and SermlOn 'Ilhe convulsions pf IJhds trnnsit10nal Frank Gregg this /Week. . .. 11:00 A. M. WIld most tUl"bulent period in the Dr. Emma Holloway attended the , annuls of ~wnanUy are the essen- district Garden 0100 in Day;ton on UTICA U. B· CHURCH tial .prereqwlsltes, and herald the WlIldne6day. . IF II~ " S Rev. Ralph Hines 9 :30 A. M. ir.eyjOOible wpproe,ch·, of .that Age of Mrs. Luelle Armitage spent S\linSUNDAY SOHooL ~ "'I1he time of the end", in Telphone Mrs. James Garrison. SUP!: hich the f II DIdJ Itum 1t t str1f day wfternoon 'with relatives in PREACHING 1st and 3rd Sundays Wo . 0 Y 181 U 0 e LebanOJ1l. _A" month 10-30 A M. tha.t has. since ,t ne dawn of history. MrS. Evalyn Pe·t,erson was a guest <:OMioU • • blaJc\tenled the llnnals to! ma.nldnd. at the joint meeting and supper of will 4lave ,b een finally transm1.llOOd the I>1sculision ' Clubs all. Ilhe High MT. HOLLY intb the wisdom a.nd <the tranqu1llty 'Schlool Builicl1ng on Monday l"jght. METHODIST CHURCH of an u.mtsturbeod, a tm1ver!Bl, ' and T. M. Scarff. M.l olster W e are glad to repol'lt tha.t Miss 9::10 A. M . a lasting peace. lin '\\tl4oh We dls- MIU'lle BrOWllJ is slowly improving SUNDAY SCHOOL E. A. Earnhart, Supt. cord and sepanitiOI! of the ch1l<lren from a serious ilrlln4;!ss. WOR.S!:IIP SERVICE 10 :30 A_ M . of .men wdU have gtvenway to spent Miss Ruth CharJdler EVEN! NO SERVICE 7 :30 P. M. world· wide reoonclllwtlon, al1id the Wednesday in Dayton. oomplete unification of the divers Mrs. Evalyn Peterson, Dr. Emma .ST. ,) UGUST.lNE CHURCH elements thaJt . constitute hwnan Hlollowa.y and Miss Olive WUl1ama Fathe'! Krumholtz, Priest society." -8hoghi Effendi abtenlded th~ Oe.rden Club a.t the MAss .,'UND'AY 9:00 A. M. Helen MCCoy, O or. Sec., home of Mrs. Maurice on ThursdaJ . • Rt.2. Waynesville. Ohio. night.



M ain street fOl'mcrly occ up ied by Mr . and Mrs. Elmcr s ta r r.

m er.ts

Mr". ·El.hnl

s la tes ill the 1947

NH t ion a l Ad vertisi ng Representatives Ohio W ee klie , Inc., 2465 W. Broad Street, Columbus 4, Ohio


THE IDAl\U GAZETTE - Pap ! WAYNESVn.LE. omo - NO. 40307 1'1100. DAY . ;\:1 AR C H 13. 1947

wUl eompt\Le \\1 l.h pouHry brocders

-;ubsc rip tiun Rates: $1.50 per Year in ..\ tjvance

·R. B. Coleman. Minister

Mrs. Lizzle BrL-mer and daughter Miss Angela Brbcner. Mrs. Le ttie Wh it head of G 0 .. aHed on It-hel l' frien d, 'Mrs. Anl!\l1.cta HI1II'l rum Sunday afte1'1locrn .

BIG' .



For more than 20 yean successful farm· era have depended on BIG M Fertilizers for maximum yield of all crops.


WIre · ................ AD -to DODe. BtrWIJ • eUera OD ~e .... aD .... IDU'bt In the pnl_tIoD .eooa.d




Service That Satiafie'l"IJNE TO . WBlO ..,.,... 1:. - Dial net • WLW 11:40 D1al 'JOO For Oa.. OaIiy Market Report

The Miami Fertllher Company I, un independent Miami . Volley concern under direct operation of It, owne ....

They know free-flowing BIG M brand is always manufactured I~P to highest . standards . _ . never down to price. Better let the beat ••• beat buy BIG M.






1947 ".

&QoEJ)) Garden Club Hold First Meet Of Year The Waynes ville Oe.rden Club held

the fotrst meeting of the ge'8.'IOll at the borne of Lots Maurtce Thto"Sd ay eve.n.tng. The J10ll call W98 respond ed' by eJeren member s giving their account of "Bee.uW ul H4g}vwa ys'. Dr. I!lnuna Hollowa y the presiden t gave a short ta!k of her visit to a Dlstrtct Garden 0100 Il'le8t1ng Which was held &It tbe Y. M . C. A. in Daytxm . nn, meet1r.g W'86 apotlS(Jred by Elrt'ensI on work of Agmul ture ad ' !bne Eoonom4cs of the 0bJ0 state Univers ity. Jennie ~ read a ~ on "PlanIl4 ng Shr<\Jbs" and "VInes to Feed the Btrds." An exhibit of 8eeCI OiItaiol{beri were ,d18cuS8ed and

studied. ' After the rrieIe't1ng ~ a ~~ lUnch 'W88 8el'Ve'd' by 1he h08W16 assla1led bY JebIl1e Cor..ner. The ne~ mee.t1n4r ~ be held AIPrl1 S, at 2:00 o'clOck with Elizabeth Smith as twstees ,

ANNoUNCEMENT OF ENGAGEMENT Mr. and MIns. Oecar Var- Natta C'huUv ille are ~ng the ' ~nt of tihe1r daughte r, M1ss E'VlODIle Van .to Mr. Kent Ary, 80Il or Mr. 8Z'.d Mrs. 00Av1n My of nee Wa~. MUla Van



~ ,a IP'I"lla te

at, C1arlrsvi1le

Vernon 1JIgh , ~ 8Il1d is n<Wi em~ a.t the ~, ~t 2. dept: 288. Mr. Kent AIry is fanning with his faMler on Socia.l Row eo.d. No date has been set for the weddt.i1g. SWlIday af.terno on callers 'Of Mr. J. C. 'Hawke were Mr. and Mrs. John o , l.kitte- and: daught er. Mr. and lI4'rs. Rli:y Hawke 8IPd d8lU8'hteT. Mr. and Mrs. caN H6IWke, and Mr: and Mrs. OMI IDOrenbusch of ~; !Mr. a r.d Mrs. Ralph Vance a.r.d son or Wilmin gton; and Mr. Qllld Mni. 'Lee



Mr. end Mrs. C. Lee Hawke a.nd. Mr. and iMrB. Don IHaiwIke returne d 'to their !homes !here 8Iflter eo three Ifte"ks vace.'tJ!on in Florkla &It Pailm/ Beach. iMIr. Dan ' SW'iace is slbwly re''COveJ!lng from a fall on bhe ice se~ daY6 ago. The ip88t week. Mrs. Ernestin e

Moore' of Harvey~urg. Mrs. Dolb'tby ElUs of r..ea.r Harveysbur1r IJDd Mr. Don Hender son ofDayt Jon vislted tlhelr parents , Mr. and Mrs. J . H. Shamlb augh. ' ' , Mrs. Grace Hender son and Mr. . ar.d Mrs. Johnny Schlein a.nd ' baby son of D8ytUJn , c!a1le!d on her ~ Sunday adltel'1l.OOD.

Mr. Oeo~ Mills Is muCh 1mproved in hea.lbh. fMUss Alice Oglesbe e of Spring Valley a;ttended the fun~ ~ George Oglesbe e here on TllurSday. Oeorge Bunnell <if at. 'BelT.8lI'd. made a Shl()rt call on his mother, Mlrs. ' NelUe Bunnel l 'l'\1e5d&y evening. He was enroute to WUberf orte aoll* bO re!eree ,a Basketb all

game. '

-Mr. and Mrs. OlifIord WiIlaoo and da~ter and Mr. ~ ,ElJIeDe Bogan called on the!r fa,tItler Ul4 nuother In Wellma n' SUnday a!ter': nooDI.

he price of elect~icity is measured by the cost, per kilowatthour. Its value is measured by the service rend ered . This is


indeed true whe n ,it. is backed .by ~ depe ndab le source o( supply -by 'experienced pers onn el-b y scientific research and capa~ management; all addi~g up tlO' a ,business-'managed, privatelyown ed public utiljty firmly low- cost electric service'.


rendering dependable, '

We are justly proud of our record, over _these many years, of constantly lo~ering the cost of electricity to our ~housands of customers while main taini ng, the high stan dard of our 'service. ., W!! pledge to this community and its citizens , the continuance ,


if this same performance. ,




a.tld chJldnm spent 81m- M& RleInb. and JOI!Ile Smith near day aften'.mn with .Mn. Givena' M1ddleru1L 8ll1:l&y. B~. parents. Mr. and Mk'B. 'l !Iery BrooU !Mr. and Mm. Art;hur Han'e have of Wa.yoesyUle, moved from their farm DeU' Mi$ M:ildrEd Bro<*e and Y1sa MowryfjtoWn. Hlghla.I1d Q)unty, to Nina 80dtt a.n:d: Mr. FlLTI Welcher of Da(ytoo where he Is elll'plOY~ a.t iIihe OenI~rvUle spent Wednesday even- Frigid:a.1re 00. Mr. aDd Mrs. Walter Friend and ing wl.tJh Mr. and Mrs. Earl W'aI'dMr. and Mrs. WBltAlir Smitlh have Mr. IIIIld Mrs. Everett Bogan . ot low of 'Lebainton . returned from their !honeymoon trip 'W'aynesville, Mr. and Mrs. RIobert · Mr. and Mrs. Elery Brooke of to AlabBrna and are residing on Wilsan and family ot Day!ton. Mr ' . &.1ld Mrs Ca.:rl Bauer of Fay!ette~ Waynesv1lle just received' word from the laMer's f8ltlher II fQ:rtm near Mt. i o d ~ n.d'Mrs 01 ter Bog their gm.n"dronl, Olen 9 vens. Jr. Holly. . . a.r. .~ . le6 an who is the U . 8. Navy sta,t ioniMl'. Roy Smdth has movoo from of Dormelsville O. all visited thcir Ed a t 8a.n Diego. Cal. He sperit a, his hlome farnt to ute AOOerson fa.ther IIJTld mother. ChaB. Bogan rccer.¢ Sunda y at Mt. PklIl1na.r where lann and his son. Evlerett 8Ind wife and wife in Wellman Su.nd&y. he saw t h.e largest teleeoope in the have gone to 'lbauselmeplng on It.he Mr. and Mrs. Ohas. Bogan and world. He reported it to be very in- home farm. Mrs. Kalthleen Bogan v1s1ted Mr. t.eI1esting. The!ol:1owing persons were Sun. a nd M rs. Carl Bauer last Friday Mr. 8IIld Mrs. Robert st1les called rd8iy' aft.emoon callcrs in the B . M . fLDd Raymond Lee Ba.uer came on Mr. am Mrs. Wilbur Stiles and Spitler home : 1\11'. and Mrs. Wm' home to stay over the week-end. family of Dayton, Swmll(f attAlrnobn: McMichael aOO Mr. a.nId Mrs. AIMr. and Mrs. Walter Friend have Mr. Johr. ScoI1t and daugh.ter had bert Raga of Dayton ; Mr. Rlobert m o ved from the Plill Young FMm as 1tih.e1r guests, Sunday. Mr. a.nd Lee Payne and daughter. Sandra. of to Waynesv11le. Mrs. Oarl \Val'dlow of LebM10n and Xenia; and Mr. Carl Harris of near Rev. and Mrs. R. B. Ooleman, Mr. 'H emert M~erltlh . Buford . •]oe James. Douglas Henderson and M'rs. Eugene Wilcher and Mrs. Ferry Ohurch Qf Ohrlst nOW has the !.Dage6 Play.e ant Stella Oreech Charlie Fisher have returned from a new l1'Unls~r, Rev. Stinson 'Of 0011'Cpreeent.ed the local Youtll Pellow- their trip at F'lorJda. (Mrs. PI8ber 'WiI!b118 . He will move inItO the parship at the BI.ItIer-W8I'1'eIl County and Mrs. Wllcber are ~ fanner aoD88e in 1he near :future. Reo "" meeting at P'l'ank:lin, 8Wlda.y a.'tter- MIsses G6sserit. a ipl'(Jm\s1ng young mOln nnd ilt is noon 8l'..d evenlog. . Mr. am M!rB. 0JNin lA.ry and hoped he ·will be liked by hl.s oon~ MJJdred .Brooks spent Wied~ 8Cm called an Mr. John Scott and ~tkm . nesdll(f !With Nina Soott of W'a\Yne6 - da\ll'hter one ~ PMt ~ Charles EllIs and wife entertainville, Mr. and Mrs. Jease HellS of Day- ed the Pa:rtnel'S Club. Friday evell!Mr. and IM:rs. Olen Givens of West tan callro on tihe l.a.Uler'a sisters. ing. . r Mr. and Mrs. Oram Shoup. Mr. and iMrB. lPaul Maurice. Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Nimn, IRoay Ma1nous ~· HOTO am .son WIld the Ri'Ok~ famUy attended the ba.skelba:ll games at the TourIll8lnent in Dayt.o1:l last week. NORTH STREET and DAYTON ROAD 0Vert0r. Cain aDd f~' wer~ wee'keQd visitor& or the R. B . Pet~rs







"'--I.. .

everyone . must eee.



Jlohn R. (Jack), fOl'lMrly of \\'a',Vn'esvUle apd a member of the ola&s of 1945 at the W~ Township Hi&'h Sobool. baa been named on the l¥lioor roll of tIhe College of Engineerlng- at Oh!o state Un1versity.



NOLDS. P1UB : i,atest News and 0ILrt00n.



The diMerent k1nti of my8bery

you've been waittng tbo seeCruel c:rmb IIIUIUII!I'&d1ng as He 18 a JwUor at Ohio State. having tran.stemed ~ the untmi8slonartes to ftnd tihe Btb_ versity of M1oh1ga.n Wbere he was . ooot.ining .clues. enrolled tIl Iflhe tJrJbed: states N!UV,al THE WALLS CAME. Reserve Otticers 'Ilra1n1ng Oorps. He Ina trJlttIalta1 Nl. 19, mw Pi Kappa. AlPha f'ratenUiij' at Ohib 9Iate~





dent in LetlaniOn last Fliday when his oar was slde -sw1P1~ by Q:Ili()tiher ca:r. No tnjuries were sU8t.a1ned but !the cars were Ib adly damaged. ILo1s Maurioe was hostess tx> the Oe.rden Club last 'l1h'ulnday evening with ·elewo members ·present. Retreshmenlls were served at the close



Matnbus had 11

TWIN Theatre


falMly. Ray

.& -....

tIart&I.Ded W1W:m Shapberd IWd _ ....... Q' t famJlT of Da"ron. 8~ . WAYNESVILLE. omo - NO,., ·LSttle BormJe eacon hIllS been Ye1')' 'l'llUBSDAY, M A 8. C B 13, 1M" W!IIhe past week UIidI WlUl1e RIoby has the fIlu. I Mr. Ben James of Oolwnbus ave .• LebanI<Jn. Is reported Ito be bec1-fBBt Sllt'teI"lng t.rom. heart trouble. He HARCD was !formerly a resident of tlhts oommuniby. . 14 15 Mrs. J . R. WILde Is at home again ~t moving western and mUB1c. after almost two weeks at her parKilling a scheme of disposing er.Its home, helping in t he stcklness of useless war ma.~r1sls. of her father. STAR MOONLIGHT Ml' and IMn> J R wad ~ ded LONE KEN CURTIS, JOAN BARTON. t.he birthday ~~ ~t ~:om: or IHOOSIIER Rar SHO'ffi wnd Mr. and Mrs. F . C Hoy!le tor their GUY KTlBBF.1E. Plus: SPORII'. .-.. J'r ~ ~._ r """u, ... ,,,,,,,,,,,e. .' on ~l "le ~. 0 WESTERN SHORT, COLOR his cigtlth blrthda . CARTOON. . Y Mr. 8IIld Mrs. Keruretlh Elzey and 1'7 16 da.ug1h.ter Marjorie of D8Iyton spent HilarIously fwmy ' lto its peak Sund'a.y afternoon Mr. 8Illd 8IDd dull kmly long enIOOgh to Mrs. Walter EIre)'. your A oom.edy

of. :tlhe meeting. Mrs. Eki Hopkins and Clara ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 9taa1tey called .on the Hook family nne aJitemoon the .p nst week. Mr. FOR IMMEDIATE DELIVERY and IMrs. Hook ba'Ye both been ill. Orland Holmes 8I0OI Ifamlly spent bile weelrenid .'Wtth his parents and other relBlt!1ves a.t 8ab:Lna. The many frlends of Dr. ·BeIft MoKenBIe 'ot 0aklan.1 were greaJtly Sbockled ·IJO lCll'I1tl of his sudden death Salturday at his Iw1InJter 'home in !Flork!il.. wtllls MaUlice 8.nd tunlly spent 81.Ulday with ChaTles Maurice and family, Lois Maurioe spent Sunday with l'\"a.r..cls Gray. Mr. Frank Dakin died su~l1Ily ot a bea.IIt 81t.back. ,Balturd.a.y. H e leaves beside bis ·wlfe. ten sans and dil.ughitel'6 .of iwIh!ch a.I1e Mrs. Elrne8t Ntxen aomi Mrs. Milo JBeal. One fm1 waa killed in ltaly durlLng the war. 'I1le Chas. Shepherid famUy en ~



"WI .NOW WE'RE IAFI" • • • with our Ohio Farmers 4-way farm protection. It coven our buildings, chattd.. automobile and liability for accideou to othen. • • , We "ow we're we when we're insured ill the Ohio Farmer.1

' Ci8

Karl D~ Dakin Insurance Agency Pho~e , ~5~,. 2?~, _Mulberry, LEBANON, O.






Every tamUy wW tbe memory of a last tribute tb&t waa dJgn1!led and f1tttr1l1g In evel'J

~~... (')~


. No.



















-Home .Appliance Store Cor. Main and North PHON'E 2661 '

Acroaa from Bank Waynesville, Ohio

Telephone :2291






THE MIAMI GAZETTE - Pare 5 my way home from D wyWn I stop- one very p nrUcular h ousekeeper said EXPRESSION OF THANKS WAYNE!;VD..LE, OJtIO - NO. 4.307 ped and ordcred a lnmdred . They 5h never enjoyed ruIloY p ets more We wish to express our si ncere l'irlJR D AY. 1\1 A It C H 13. 1947 wIll not be ready until about the than h er lambs and thalt sh e n ever thanks to al l our fri ends ar.d l~e1gh · 10'Ved any four-fuotoo creature as bars for thclr k1n<.lLnt>ss and sympafirst of April but If I h ave them m uch as oce of t hem !but that on.e FRANK ALLEN SNIDER thy during our recent berea¥ men t ordered I will get th em day she saw n friend coming. Who In bhe loss of lOW' husband nI~rl' p larLed . Year atter year was more t han just p ar ticular. one father, Frank A. Snider. Fmnk Allen, S n1'der wlI,s hom at time has gI:nten away from m e mig'hlt say that she was a nastyWe espeda lly wish ' Ito thank A FARM DIARY without dOing a ny;thlng about bh e nice hi usekeepet. The lamb owner Hlopklnsvllle. Dec. 22. 1868. He wa.~ D . :. Fralie r stra.wbea-ry bed I have wanled for Wuought "What shall I do? 1~t the son of Perry and Fanny Greely Re\·. Herber t G ra·'uull. MoLeans On Nov . 26. 1890 he wa,. bol'.o· Ill. who made a tiring Itrip to March 7. 1947. AccoIXllng to th e One of our 10Cll1 growers woma n would never a.pprove of a SnJder. to Lulu E . S tewar t ar.d brin g . l() Us th comilort of his words m1llrrlttl '!mllllldhog this \\inter wea:ther told me nlryj. to order Michigan Inmb Ln !.he kitchen . so s h e quickly sh ould <tmttn ue tmtll ' ~bou t Uhe plants. not thlllt !.h'Cy were not good pu tit Ir. a barrel that was handy lived halpplly with h er for more than a nd preser.ce. AL<'() to the Churches. Mother's Club;boro, MnUfourtleenllh or mteentlh. six weeks p18.Illls. but that our sol1 was so but it must have beer1 M<J'her than fifty-six yea.I'8 bag Club of Mi n~burg Bind a ll who Ln 1895 they both became mem ,from 'F ebruary second. Of course d1fferent !here.that they seldom gT.em Mickle's box or It wtould have jwnpsenlt bhe b ffi,utiful floral offerings bers of Ithe Ohurch of Chrl.,t at the groundhog Is oI1lly a figure of weU. Maryland J;>1a.nts grow better. ed out. and ca.ros of sympathy. The Geb· sp eech but the old ryhme says the Here's hoping that these will do Cleanliness 15 next to Godliness. Salbilm and later brought their hardt rund 'S chmidt Funeral Home memberships to Ferry . With the e xsan~ .t.hiIlf. "If ·M1chel.Jr4a6 Day well and that r.ext YlCBr I cwn have 0 Si8JYs the lold prov61 b but some and Dr. Martin of Miam1sburg for of'p tion of 'tlhree years In Clinton dBIWns rund clear. Two win - homegrown straWberry shortca.k~ . . times I wonder what th e effect their kind wr..d unt1r1ng services. t.el'S we'll have the self-same year". 'I1he calf crop oonUnues to grow. would be on t h e world if we all County . his entire !tfe was spent Ir. Mrs. Flmnk Snider . Werren County. of the old sayings based One 'of the twins had hers the oth l' spent as much tt1me, and 'effort and Mrs. Ea:rl DuVall He passed .on. March 1. 1947. a ged on oberserv8ltton of tihie common day. I just saw her go by with Illor.ey on Godliness as We do on Ms. J. R. Wade . weather cycles. Whether the cold It. The lIbtle thing must have c1ea.nliness. Fl8'UXe It u p a.nd see 78 years. 2 lllOllIths lind 6 da~'S . He Mr. ElllllO'll t Sn ia:lcr alW'86's last.s six weeks 01' squee2'Ald out past the gate. I . do how much we O\W the Lord. if t;h &<t is survived by his wife, two dsugh tel' . Mr . Fern ' D uVall and Mrs. not lIUly be debatable but if the not see any of the others out. It true. The walls wer<e so smokr woo.ther around the first or second Two more heifer to calve, the other that I was drlven to start house Beulah Wade. lOne son Elmont. ten ot February 16 clear it Is usually tlWin and Rlnk y. ther. Ru th, th e clenning, I . like rOO clean now before graoo-ohild ren ~Id eleven great I ~ld aDd if it is warm it Is damp aWe lame cow and that w111 be It get.'> 1W'al'ltl enough .to g& out grand -children. Mrs. Ethel WaJl of near Chester and cloudy cle&r cold weather often !lill tbr a while. and do obhers things. Lent ifl a God h ath not promised skies al- alt1d Adllim FlaLter. Our Yearly Meetdoes usher In a cold spell alter a Mickie was getting too big for h is g.1OIOd sPiritual housecleaning tlmp Ing Supt. of WilmlnSltoIl! were our wa'Ys blue. warm January. But which ever way box . He knocked. It over when he &nd surely we and Ithe world n.eed Flower-st·rewn pathwayS all our gTUcst speakers Sunday. Leator. WaH It is, we seldom have a wea.tbIer jumped out the ot.her day and nOW it. Even thbugbt we ane not among was present. also. lives thru. 11.11 wa.nn..or all cold but IJl1.s year on its side it makes a very good those who are making headlines for Mr. and Mrs. Donald'CS spent God hath not promised sun withit has been a.lmoot CtmUnuous COld. IItUe house a nd he goes in 8J~d vIl deeds we are r.ot without the weekend wi t h friends Ln, Cmout rain, TIlls morning there Wt18 a red blrd out all1d sleeps th ere con tente<py "We h1lNe left undone those twngs J oy without sorrow. peace without c1:nr.ati . SiIlg\ng In the COld and yesterday He was so h ard to keep out of wh.lch we ought Ito hav done." Mr. ar.d Mr . ~eigh Began and pain. I hea:rd a BOng sparrow SO some the living rooon that I moved him Spl'lng hott:iC cl amng means not Mrs. Lucy CompbOn were dinner God iJlttth not promised we shall mmrJalg we shall $lce up and into the cellar way. He goes OOWlIl on ly gettin g rid of th e dirt but guests of Mr. a nd Mrs. EvaalJ BogaiD not' know find that it is tUne tlo pl8lnt th e Lhe Ul ree teps to the landing all repairing the that 'n eed i t. and M . Ma ry Bogar. last Thurs~ ganlen. In one jump al~ Is up an'<1 t hrough t hrowing wway the WIOJ'Ilout and Toll a nd temptation. Itrouble and day. woe. Oroby's farm has a sign out lhe r.lOOl' befOI'e I goet there my If. liS less. p utting on some fresh PI~n t Mrs. E};th~r J ea.n M8rt.Ln of "S tTawbel'ry Plan t.s for Sale". So on 1 hOO:l' more and more lamb stol'l 'here and some wall pa.per there. He hBiLl1 nIot told us we shall not Emma.ns, Pa. spenJt the weekend of F Ol'tW1ately cleanlineSs BInd godll bear the 2n'<1 with her parents. Ev1eIrett Haines 3illd wife. Their son. r.ess do not oonruot and if we Malny a burden. mar.y a care. a.pplied. the same methx>ds to our But God hat h 'l)rom1.~ strenglth William and wife caUed on lives and tlhe wbrld we might lm· for the day. S~. prove t hings just as notloealbly. RelIt tor the laOOr, light !lor the way. Mr. arnd MlrB. Raymond Wilson In recent yean; so much has been Grace for the trials, help from had as their guests one evenl1ng last . Having decl.jed to qutt farm..\ng and retum to tJhe old trade. w111 offer at sald aibo'Il't using post.t1ve d1reotIlons above, week their daughiter, Mrs~ Theodbre PIlbl1c .outcry, ar. farm. on U. S . Route 42, 2 m11es North of Wayn esville , In .teaching say 'Do th!s' and 'Do Unfailing ~path¥. \lJldydng ]bye. McIntire and faintly· 5 mUes South or Spring Vall~y, a ! 11:00 O'clock, A. M . on that' ln8tea.d at dbr.'t and in ~MlY ways It Is ' better but though the Boy Scout (Law 15 8i fine ItbJng 1 wonder sometimes and when I read OFFER the papers If ~e Ten Oonunand2 READ OF ROR8ES- Bay mare. 8 years old. Bay gelidir.g. 9. Both gOOd metl'!B with their clear cut uT.hou SATISFACTORY workers. shalt nots" were It:> wate1'led dOlw'll


. · m emOrta .


Caejarj Cre~t

Public ' Sale Saturday, March IS, 1947


·the last generat1~ that they entirely neglected to p88S them on .to th18 generation. Oould that. be 1lbe root of much of the 80 called juvl'!ll\le delinquency? That they really do 'n ot kr.ow right from wrong ?

------------------------ m ~7


OF CAT'IJLE- QJw, 6 years old. calf by side. Jersey, 5 giving 4 gals. per day. Red cow. 6 givtng 5 gals. Red cow. 4. givmg 5 gals. BW:k belfer, 2, giV'1ng 4 gals. Red heUer, 20 mos .. to freshen soon. Guernsey bull. 18 mos. old. 19 yearllng Hereford steers. Yearling Hereibrd helfer.



~cQ11ure ~uneral ~llme Dial 2111

Waynesville, Ohio

HEM) OF HOGS- (oouble lnununed)- 7 big type Roland China Sows,' Lent and sPIIl!ng house cleanl11g time ~iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii~~iiiiiiii ' Ito farrow 1r. March. 5 sows. to farrow last of May. 60 shIOO-tS, good. 50 Bl'e ~ times /for thinking. 80 i to 100 1b6. Big type' Poland Chlnaboar, yee.rung.

thinkcleaning . these things over pa.per when you the waal 01'

_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _;. .-_ _ _--:-_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 8II'e

FEED- 1500 bu. Oorn in crill. 50 bu. of 08its;

white-washing the cow stable.


I''ARMALL H TRACTOR- On rubber. with oultlV8ltors. starter, ~, power 11ft U&d ' 2 yoo.~. extra. good. Qliver high-speed Traotor Plow. WiOOd Bros. 1-l1OW Corn Pickel', only plck~ 85 acres of 001'll. Dunham . Traotor Disc. InterlI8ltiOl!a1 6-ft. Mower, gOOd as new.

Fred Kahn Motor Car Co. PHONE 326


HARNESS- 2 sides of BreOOilen ~aI'l'le68. L1ne8. B1'1Icmes. Ebc. TER~S:


W. E. O'BANION JESS STANLEY & EARL KOOGLER, Auctioneers. (Waynesvllle PliOne 84) (DfI,yton Phone KE .86) '. RAYMOND PENEWIT & SONS, 01ed8 Lunch on Grounds.


Any make or model- - ,.


FARMING IMPLEMENT~ Nisco Manme Spreedel'. Oorn Binder. I.nIter. national Steel Hay Rake. 8 -disk Superior Whea.t Drill. 1~'boIrSe Wheat Drill International Corn Planter Mth Obeck W1I.'e. Rubber-t1red W~ Wagon with fillot bed. wagon with b>x bed. Ha.rrow. Wa.lldnl PlDw Oe,lvlllD:1zed Hog Feoooer. Oailvan1zed Hog waterer. O'aIlva.nized WIIo~r Tank. 1400 rt. Lumber. Flive lO-pI. M1lk 0e.Il8. Other Arl.1cles.


Help T hem tho lliood of lIa:.·mful BOlly W;:II; l c


~·ou r 1:ic! :-.c ' ·9 n_ r c con a t.;l~ 1t1y r.t~ c :-I n ~ W ' 10 manor ro m tho blood straum. Uut


HORSES $5.00 COWS $3.00

k ldnoya80metimes InK In I oir ~,o r :.t - d o not nct na Nntu rc intcnded- rall to rem ovo impuriti es that, H rot:\incd . Olay p uison the cy.le m and upscc tho 'Nh,olo b ody mach inery. Sym lltoms may btl n ugr,ing bnckncbe.

p er!"! cn t hcft,ti:lrlt(\, ntt:'l", f::1


or d i:::z W _l·"' .

get- Ling up ui" !-als o 6W ,: l1lU~ t p U .1l ~ nuu» und r tho eyes-a rcell nll of nervous anxiety and 101l!l or pcp nnd ItrcDr- th. Ot her "i" nB or k l dn~y or blndder d 10 order nro .';,metimci burninK •• cnnt)' or too Irequent ur ination . There abould b ~ no d oubt tbnt treatment ia 'Niacr thnn neglect. U•• Doan', Pill• . Doab'" bave been winning nuw (ri onda ror more tban forty ye~rl . 'I' bey have • nlOtion-wide r.cp ulalwn. Are recommended by Irato!ul people the over. Ad, 110'" II. lghrxw I. II




XENIA fertilizer 454 ReYene Charges

Xenia 0.. '

E. G. Buchsieb, Inc.


Mr. acd Mrs. James Arthur and llbme or Mrs. Irene Viee Azl1:ng at children of Oirclrmwti were 6e.tUll'- Wa,y nesville. Mr. ar>~ Mrs. J. B. Jkmes. 1Mr. and daly 8\letss of Mr. SInd Mrs. Charles TumbleSm and !amilly. Mrs. !Forest Graham and Mr and Mr. and Mrs. He:rma.n Nuttlt and Mrs ~ Burnet 81tt.ended' the 90Il ext Dayton called an Mr. and · Fa.J;m Bureau dinner and meeting a FLsh F1ry Is the Speclal Ever.t a t Mrs. '01erle and son SUnday .at (.hoe High &c.h.ool bulldl'l1g at The LonesQrile Pine ·for Friday alternJOOn. ~le. Sa.turoay evenlr.g. eVening. Ma.reh 14. -e.dv Mr. and Mao. Le:m Salisbury of \Mr. and Mrs. Harv~ Bur)lelt. Mr. Wasl'l1Ilgton C. H . .were Sundny 8IIld Mrs. A . D. Smith, Mr . and IMIrs .. evening guests oj' Mrs . Nettle Roy Winks and Mr . and Mrs. anndt.. Vernon lE'!t.l.rsrey the COOpMiss Wa.nda Clark has tbee«1J ill eratlve Milk .A ssn . meeting and dinwith the grip 8Jt the Mia./11,l Valley YlI~or alt '!.he Blll4tOOre Hotel in DayThe your.g married folks and their It.Qn. Tuesday. A large oorwd alttended the March farn1lles 101 Lytle COlllll1IlI!IUIy spent a hooplieJ 'Wdl~ She hlWl> beer. a nurse . meeting of tale Wbmar.'s Society. most enjoyable eV'E'lling at rtlhe Lodge for some at "The WUlows" of Mr. Al J . Grote Mr. llIlldi Mrs. 'Le!Slloe Gmy and ~dnesday 8iftemoon at ,the hQl1le near Hills and DaJes. Dayton. Friday children were a.fternoon of Mrs. Ralph H.anlilnond. Mrs. evening. IMr. and Mrs. VerrJon Pur- gue6t8 of 1M. and Mk's . A. O . W1l11ams Luelle DeNY and Mrs. Va.n.dervol'lt of Lebanon. Mrs. Walrer oowan. and sley. Mlr. '8Jl1d Mrs. Charles Bunnell In DaytOOl. and' Mr. and Mrs. Heniry Saylor were Mr. &lr.d 'Mrs wayne 'F urray of Mrs. Wessley M~nlng were 8Uoests. the comm1tu!e In ohal"gle of a.mmge- Bellbrook were ~ner guests Sun1Mrs.:ser.z,y gave a fine ~ cross ments. A covered d1Sh ICIinIrer was d~ of the latter's paeIllts. Mr a.:nd talk. Lunch ext fnllt salad. not croos served. The decorations 'Were green Mrs. Donalid Baird !Of the Oebhn.rt bUll.'! 8Il1d ooffee was served. Deco8IIld wh:1lte ,i n kE"e plng with St. Pat- Road . rattons 'We'e in keeping with St. ricks. Mr. and -Mrs. Harvey Burnet Mr. Patrlck's day. The Aprll meeting will Seventy-l1ve were present, name- BlI1d Mrs. W~r Kenrlck, Mrs oJ. B. be at the Ibome or Mrs. E dJwurd ly the fa.mllies .of Therle Jones. Jones amdI iMlrS. Nettie Emrlck at- Hlcks. Oalvln I.Jongac~. IR aLph BBrglCr. tended Springtbro Wedneswhell W1loynesville Glenn Roller. Oho.rJes TJnnbleson. day> evening <Continued from Page 1) Rla,lph Hammond. Ed Hicks. Leslie Grange pUJt O!li the program. 'Hiowever, tlhis tenmtJve schedule Gray. Ralph' Henry. Roy Winks. 1M!rs. J . B. Jones was called t tl will deper.d in its executioll upon Everett Savage, James Wicaol. Waynesv111e Sund8\Y lnorrJng by the ooveral ur.oertalln fa dOOrs. such as Charles Oharlton. /Miss Gwinn Har- serious illness of ht~ stster. Mrs. the pr,mnptnesg and alOCurac with lan. Mrs. Ruth Wical and Mlr. Mar- John Z1tnmIemmn 1:1.:; Ithie hi:lme of whiich the neXt of k4n. reply yto the letters of ~nqu1ry. transpor.tation kett and RIev. Joseph Myers 01 Day- her daug.hter, Mrs. B:enI) Finck. facilltles and the albllity of ca.sklfotron. Mrs. WuHam Til1l1ley a.n.u ~~n of !Mr. Evere1lt CIM'k !Of IDsqton vislt- Wayr.esvllle were Surnda'Y guests of ed his pa.rer.ts .Mr. a.r.ti Mrs. Wllbur her !parents. · 'Mr. and Mrs. Guy Ol'ark. S\l.IndB.y aftennoon. Routzahn. Mrs. iM~ Johns spent BatM1rs. Lesli Gray ai,rendoiCI a oom urday with 1Mr. anId Mrs. Amos Cook mlltbee meeting of thl~ 25 'Year class y _'e_v_ e ._ _ _ _ _ _ _ _O_f _Al_WTUlIIl nea.T,._Wt_t8.Yll __esv1ll __ __,_ . _TIl_e5C_a_ e_nirlg _aJ_t_ th ..,e SAND and GRAVEL


• • ClASSIFIED AD BATES • • :15 words or less. one tIme. .•..•• 2&o Each addltonal word ............ lc SPECIAL RATES by CONTRACT

LoanaFEDERAL LAND BANK LOANS : For RetlnanclJla - ~u1l~ Buying. 4% Farm loana with long t3Jne to pay. Pay part or all any time.

LEBANON NAT'L FARM LOAN ASS'N·, Ellis H. Sturm, Seo'YTreM. Lebanon. Ohio. Phone 448


Real Estate For SaleIF YOU HAVE A PROPJ!mT"i' OR FARM TO SELL Call or Write Oon Henderson, Tel. KE34~ . &17 Lorain Ave., Dayton, Ohio, tfc


REAL ESTATE IF YOU HAVE ANY PROPERTY to sell call Franc1.s Gene BrC'WIl, Real Estate Salesm91J, for H. D. Pennington. Ohio. ·Farm Loans 4%. Telephone WaynesvWe 2935.

Household Goods For SaleFOR SALE -=-GaSollne pressure stove. white porcelain top; automa.tlc record player with 25 re · oands. Phone 2173. - 36 .FOR S.A!LE-- DELCO LIGHT P lan t. very gocd, !batteries like new. on TmVnsh1p lir..e l1Jad ,beItlween 42 and 122.CIa!n <be seen on Thursds'Y llI::d \Friday. also Phone S un dE\IY before 3 o~dock. 470K. W. F. SIlle'aId>. R. R. 2. [.eba.r..on. O. -320


Pap • WAYNEISVD..LE, OHIO - NO. 4307 THURSDAY. 1\1 ARC n 13, IM7

makers 1;0 ' suppl~ .:1 necessary r.wnber of caslrets for retUl1Il of the war d'Cad. Gratuit.ou inquiries to the forces also might result In delays. Even if the tentative sdhedule can be nmlntained. it Is


anrtiolpaA.ed tha.t the last of tlle letters of InquiTy to next ~ \dalI will r.ot be dllsp&itched until late in 1948, that Is late neXit year. Letters of Inquiry with the necessary enclosures will 'b e sent out by the Oft,lce of the Qu~ster General tor the War IJieIpa.rt1itent. by the Bureau Of 1Mle1d1c1.f!1e and Stm1rery '11or the NllVy Department; by HoodquMers for the U . S . Marine CoI'pS. arA' Iby !the OffiCe of bhe CommandlU"llt for the U . S . Guard.

S I G N S G t Stanford Bo Ten Right where the On ~ Two-Three meets th C. G. C., Morrow, Ohio,

RHEUMATISM! 8ufferers! Try REINER'S RINOL! COmfort.1ng relle1 from palDlo or rheumatism. arthrltla. neuritis. lumbago. FREE BOOKLET. Ask for Reiner's runol. Why suffer lonser ? Waynesville Drug Store. Uc

Arinitage &Son


Notice of Appointment Notice Is h ereby given t hat Charles A. ·AII!c eram wh ose Poot Office Address Is Waynesville. Ohio has beer. duly appDlnted as AdminiStrator of the Esta t e of Frank W. Crew late of Warren Counby Ohio. deceased. /Dated this 25 day of February 1947. Ralph H. carey Jud ge of bhe Probate COurt Warren County, Ohto Charles A. Anderoon, Atty.


We wish to exter..d our sincere thanks to all those who helped 1 and' 1b r the ir ki'fdness BInG .Sympathy, for the flowers all(i cards rece1ve<t 1n our bereaveme nt. the deaIth of 0111' dear brother George. . Bettie and Nettie Oglesbee.


PHONE 2651




Roofing &Sid·ng lNSTALLRD WITH


Easy Payment Plan Avftilable. 'Thre E:.;timntcs and SUI' ey mad e without

Ye a rs to Pay. bli gation .


Phones-- Lebanon 806 -- Lov lund 4163



We arc exl,endl11g a cordial 1.n. vltaJtLon to all of Ylou to be present 8It the ,L ol,csome Piine Tavern. Friday evening. Marc h 14. We ' Qra"angect for a musrcal perfonnan c by wo fellows \Vj~ .) caJl themselves "The Keilitucky WondJers." Thiey are gal'nlng oonsideralble popularity around here arA .thought you folks 'MOUld enjoy hearing them. Al o. Iwe al r gOll1 g to have especially tor tlh1s occasIKm deiiclous frted fish ndiwldhes.: j)r P8.reU m a 'wa,y SO tempting we know you'll be delighted wWl them. Then ()I.[ course for you 1-.,GI11 -flsh eaters we'll tha.t Lonesome Pine favPl'~te "Baked Hlamburgers" thBit so many of 'You keep asking for. .Aill beer now Is !beIng sold for 15c per bD'ttle at tJbe wnesome Pine. Don~ forget. Speclall Music a.nd



1 2 ~ re P"ood lund: 8 room house; ba rn 40x60: doub.le crib' hO$r hou e j n w gar age i he'n house; ~oncrete block mille hou e; el ctric; won ; cist rn: pring. Owners one-half inter st in 11 Dair y Cows; 1 yearling H eifer; 3 Calves; 7 Brood Sows; J Boar; 55 'Feeding Hogs; Fet'd; 9 a cr s Wh at i Milking Machine; Milk C'ans ; Total inte rest in H a m mel' Mill, belt. $16,000. ' Shown by appoinfme nt. Close d Sun days.

TELEPHONES WA'YNE vnl.E 2091 MORROW ~o. 3 LEBANON 01 fl~e 473K RES. 1291•



Gas Ranges New and Reconditione'd

LAVATORIES TOILETS SOIL PIPE and FITTINGS Weare equipp ed to install bathrooms complete We complete each installation before accepting other work All work fully guaranteed

HALL'S Grocery ~

OREGONIA, OHIO . , __________________________ •____ -,J


BOUDOIR CHAIRS with orrOMAN $28.75 WITHOUT OTTOMAN; $27.40 . Beautiful and Durable mi-Bal'rel 'Back OCCASIONAL CHAIRS, $28.12 NU ENAMEL


Waynesville Furnitnre & Appliance Co. Gibbons Building, North Street WAYNESVILLE, OHIO ______________Phone __ 2422______________ ~




Miami Ii A ZET T E

A FARM DIARY D. J. Fraiaer March 14. 1947. 'I1his Is being written on M8it"CIh fourteenth but you will I1IOt reedl It unltil wbowt. Ma.reh • otwenty-flrst. :the first doIY of spring by- ·tae aJrnanac. Time lW'W to plant p(jtatoes and tJme tiles to p last ~ and Ilhe other ha.rdy vegetalbJes Plant yoUT peas early I! you want a crop here. AnOther calf tills week. PinJt.v - surprised us with a longlegged roon calf on Wedr.esda:v. Of . course it wasnt rea lly a surprise except <thaIt We ihad expected the otIleI' 'tlwir_ to have hens f1irst. This .makes six and tWIO more to O:lme. Mickle !went O\Jjt doors ;the ot.her day tor 1ale first tUne and was SIJl1)rl.sed and a litltle ' d1.stulOed to find the 'Wm'ld SO luge. I was ~ out scrne curtams and he tollowed me. 'I1hen he went round ' and round the house baaing and jwnptng up In IIale air r left 'h!fml out when I went .

in Ithroueh the oellar door and he was aU in a d~~ until he 1!rund b1s way 8lU\md to ~ kitcher. door 9Jnd baaed until I let hdm in. He Is cUte 800. fum'ty but he is not a preIJby lamb. The crootISe6 are in bl'OOm. We ba~ ~ many tb1s year but tIlere are three washed-out look1r.g 1aIvendar ones under 'lhe cedalr Itree. Just enough Itb tell me that it r went to 't he Glen 1ni YeUow Sprlings or up Uld down SOIlIIe of t.41e rocky Umefitor.e gullies in 1lh1s ne1ghft:imtoOO thI30t r would find ~icas unroll. . 1beIr furry stems and that a Dttle SIlnShir.Ie would open their ""'"k ar.d w:hllte and bl.... fi""""rs

Date Named For Softball Meeting

.Civic Club, Legion Basketball Game

The Civic Club mnd .bhe American Ilire .l'::intly Spol1s01ing a sketball 811 m next W dncsja:;. for Ma.roh 28Isatcalling 7 :30 p.m. th<! V.\loyrneSville a mat Rogers a.r.d S1mpson Qa.rnge for thE.' MaIrch 25. at 7 :30 p.m . /lit t.h e High PlU-pose of Ia.ying plan s f(}~ the 1947 Scheel g~-m bctwe: :1 ~ J ms com softball season S.L Wi ync Park. H e posed of Lhe "01:1 T imers" I11cluddesireS all who ace In terest.oo in ing John Th l:'I'le J Ol1E.'S. AI ESTABLISHED 1850 _ NO 4308 $1.50 PER YEAR - 50 A COPY tllis sport 't~ be present as dlscus - Polinsky . RJoy Ellis a:'o othe rs who slons will be held on various s ub- 'hll VE.' . had cCl1SideraJble expetrience WAYNESVILLE, OHIO THURSDAY. MARCil 20, 1947 jects i:ncludir.g nwnber of iteanl S in t.llls field of spol1ts. on Ibhe League; whether teaJruj This is a IbeneHL game a no It CINCINNATI PASTOR shaH 'be fMm Wayne township only; promi.se6 11 full evenir.g of good en · SPEAKS AT ST. MARY'S W'Ork on ball park; new bleachers tema1nment lor the 1f8.'D6 !Of th is Mm1ss:Ikm prices al'e On ThUT5lday. March 20 at 7 :30 to be bu11t; new Ib8ckBtop to be (''OIDIDlunLty. p.m. the Rev. Dr. GiIi . bert pep.nook. ,toilet facilLties; score bOard 350 for ndults arid 20e for s tuden'ts. Rector of The Church Of the b:> be eredted : and Vhe posslblUty of , NSltlv.iJty. ClncinJl8Jti. will speak at obta1r..ling 0. public address system. STORES TO CLOSE The 4~ Olub Pa.r ~y h eld. at Leb- the St"y·s lenten ServKces. Dr. All of these subjects are of vital ON GOOD FRIDAY anonMondaoy evenmg. Mardb. 17. Pennock will talk on The Chureh interesit .to sofitball .pla.~I'6 and fans was a.tter.ded by 's everal memben; a.r.d Her Bible. Everyone Is we) - and Edenfield w1sh\!6 t.o have a Sban1ey Bailey. acting as spokesmn.r.for business concerns In from I!1be Wayne sew-So C1uib a.nd 0001IIl. ~I attendance. Wa.ynesv1lle. states ·thaIt a1-1 stores tthe~~·Club UIQ_ a.walJ'ded a - - - - -and businesses will be cl!:>sed be · . ", CIVIC CLUB HOLDS i.ween tbe hours Iaf 1 to S p.m. on bee.utifui 4-H Belniner, the h4iihest ANNUAL ELECTION Good Fr1~, April 4. for tlhe fPUi'a.ward ·f or being the largest Club and HonPr ClUb of W8.IITen OoImty Alt ,the ~r meeltlng of the pose 01 aDawtng employees a.nd for 1946. The Club scored 179 points Waynesville C1vic Club held Mon- bus1De6s lllIell! 'the prlvilege of a.t ~ at' a J)<l6SIbIe 200 due to mar.y dilly erenlng, the annual elect Ion of t.endir.g the services that. w1ll be aoliiv1tle6 in 4·H Club Work. .." officers was dle h1(rhllghl of the held In 1~ ohurehes at 'tJ:mJt time. Tbe Wayne ToVmshi:p Bdlbol evendr.g. New I:lfiflcers far the com4-H CLUB MEETING Boa.rd met in spec1a.l semon la&t 1sg ~r are A. T. Pallnsky. piresl- LOCAL STUDENT CALLED FOR MAR. 28 ~ evening for the pw~ of deDI.; F1ra.ncis Gene Brown. vice- MEMBER O. F CHOIR ddsou8sIng Itlhe p!"Op(ad buillcii.n8- of rpresIdeoitJ; ~ Weltz. seIcreJack Reynolds of Waynesville bas A rekq8.n1Jatton meetlng of the a new Grade Sohklol An «~ng1r..eer '1:a4'y; Roger Brown. treasurer. been a.k:cept;ed, 88 a member of .bhe Wayne Sew-So 4-H Club rw1ll be from was present. 8lIJd pre_ W~ College AeollalIl Choir Mid at the High School bu1l1cDng. sented 8IlIJle t.ena.the plans M' ,t he 1br 1Ah1s se&$)n. college officials re M~. M.a.roh 28 at 9 :00 am. IIJt proposed stnuctUJ"e. A omun1t1tee of vealed 1his week. As a. member of whiob dme new members will be !three from tile tMbthers Club were thJs 55-wioe nwsIcal organization ~Mrs Ralph Bienf~' present and, Raymbr.. .Hatlleld, the ~ ow111 go on the Obo1r's spring . MIs: Ray KloRtl& Advisors County SUperinter.a:1ent OWU6 also COIlCellt rtbur tJhrough several eastpre6ent . • ern cities. They will by ollarWb1le nodlef1n1te steps have been • t.eTet:l busses. Saturday. March 22. CAPPING EXERCISES taken 1r. repn1 to tIbis JlIrOp(l6eId John ·K oester. age 66 died abou.

Wayne Sew-So Club W-Ins U-IghAd war

Ralph Eldemield. softball czar of


er . ected ;

Plans DI-seussed For New Buildl-n,l,a

Ut-lea Resl-dent Passes Away

U'le ~oon Saturoa.y. Mareh 15 at his intelUt shown that BOIDEth1ng con- h~e near Utica fll::m cdJon&"Y ~ Wa.HQea-. stUident nurse crete wUl be forlthcom.lng in the t.hrombo6Is. 'I1here are none on this place nOT an'Y of the early snow triWums aJt 'Miami VaUey hoopiltal ~ool 01 near fUM ' on this greaJtJ.y needed He is SUI'vivul Iby his wife. Elsie; either. That is I1he p enalty fur DUl'Slng 1r.. Dayton. wW be capped u1l . e m a daughter. Mrs. W1ll1am 0Uf1W of havtr.,g woo:l's 'Ilbat is ,nr.·t f<e ncetl to in ceremonies ThW".;;da.y. March 20.,b d1r.g progra . Chicago; stepoon. MONis lJelWls of IDerp out Itbe stock. marking tbe end of her per100l of near Waynesville; five grandchildOn Satrurdsy they are planning a pre-din1cal training. acoord1ng J ren; iIlwo sisters. Mrs. CatTle blg fox drive from Ridgev1l!e for M1nnetta Scha.fer. direztor of nurnes. of lJebe.non a.nd Mrs. Ll7zIe Re1oh- "Big BW" Sawyer is ~uing a . the Red Cross. I hope they g ~ t .th.. T.he ~ping c;remony wUl be crt of Cassella., Ohio; two brothers. call this week fur all baseball play~ that have been g1,otting my held in Hope Lutberan OhlU'Ch at Joe ()f;er, Ohio and Frank of UlI who are eligible ·tJ.) ·1JIIleleIt fa\81a dlIctene for the Jut few yean;. T o 8 :00 pm. Music w1ll 'be provit®d by Dayton. o~on alIld practice or.. Sun help otbe REd CNb .,wd be at f1M ,tbe ~.. ~iihtenp,le cbklI'UIs. . ¥uneral eerviOll6 rwere dCJnlducted • • MaIrCh 23 at 2:00 pm. at. It.b ; • . cfor ~ ~ ' 1' al80 iIope .~ ~ W~ ..iah_ niece of H.iI!Jt)ert ABeft, 'l3, died .t. at the Kc:lClum ~OD -lti8h Sdloal IbasCball diamond 1 tM.t IIOml! of thls mud w1ll dry U) Delb8rt R. ~. his Ibane JD Mt. HoUy on ~, 'nleOOa.y at 1:30 p.m. with burial in case of inclement. owea.~r, th:! IJeelil'e 4baae ~ (II' thoEe fo7C He is survived by a &Om D:!IIDOD W. MJami oem.ete-JY. Th~ services were m~ti:ng will be held at Gray '.> liunters come talroup here. 'Th1 - APPREN'TICE EMBA'LMER of ·M it. HolliY; a da.ugIlJter;--~. lena UJlId'er the direCtion of Rev. 8meUcer Beriler Shlcp. may be one of ot.hose cas:s wher. WITH STUBBS' HOME Mla.e Mioha.eQs. Xenia; ar..d It.w o bro- of iD&r~ SaJwyer P)inted <JUt t.b.a.t any tile 18 tha th di""'!;"" thers. G'EIOI'ge of Troy 8llI1 ora of ..D].~1JIl!ber of 'Ithe Ameri~ Legion in ~ P'a.:~,as n~ ~ted\': (MIr. iFranK M:;onnal~ of Wilmmg- Waynesville. SURPRISE PARTY Wayne Township Is eligible to pla,y .,; -, tJ:m hOB made arrangements wtth Funeral services willibe oonduDted HELD MARCH 4 ar.d also any gradwrte of WByne . To\wlshiop High Bchtol. H e alSJ a pn~ of<1tng pure b cd ta'le Stubbs- F'1meral Hom-e here In ~ aI~ Mt H 0 lly MJethod.Iat ~. We boug'tt 0Ul1 founda fl or obecome aff1l1ated With them In tlhe ohureh wibh ~al In MiiCIdler:un iM&ry Jb Ifdch was ,p leasantly 6Ul"- sta".ed a goed season is being plan . atJock . :the 100hIer da.y. two regtstel'r:d capacHy of an apprentice. stuc:ly1ng cemet.ery. ~ WIllen ~ scbool friends .ned 'With ~tome good c.>mpetitiO'l"_ ~tted Flodlllud Chlr..a gUts and a ernOO.!mir0i6. opreparal:.otry to hJs col· and neighbors came 4:.0 help her l:.ooked. boo.r. J have never been veroy mUch leg~ work. Mr. M'crel'Tl8.r. Is mallTied' INITIATED INTO celebrMle her 15th. bJrtJhIda.y. Mar.4 . .1n'te're6~ejl :In ~'J:I1'·.t ~tock 86' and .has a 'baby of {OUll" monlLbs. He Delicious lU11'lCih wB.s sen'Ulelt a late ENTERTAIN FOR <long 88 I had goo:!! IlIDd.Irulh but aui ·lIds family wili malce't1t:IeW bOOle NATIONAL SORORITY hoW" to 'tile folbvir.g· Mazy Bop.n Joh~. my tenant, has ibf'er. uteT me temporarily with .othe S~ubb5' UII'liil A .repOrt f~om Ohio Wesleyan J~ Beob;t.t. Mary' Ann TWIN BIRTHDAYS 1I:n- a. long time s;, at last iI joined quartiers can be found. Uni~by state.; ~t Mal)' Et.hel Gentry, Donna. Rae Ja00b6, Mr. ar.d Mrs. Elarl Ohenowe th ar..d .. Andersor. has recently b Een 1nt1at;;v'll., ~( W ollman enteT:t.aLned SWlb1m in buy1!ng ",hese. Every time 'h'~ OES INSPECTIO ' N DATES ' Jimmy WIBeman. Rlta ClaJ1t, Edna . came home from DeaJ"~ Sheehan ;; ed into the Dtelit.a. Deltai DeJ.ta. Brook:;. Rlontie Gene Clark. Orville rilllY in honor of her faJthers blrth.he talked. I1~gistered. hogs. regiSbeni TO BE PUBLISHED nati<Jnal sorority Sit .the U~ivmat.y. W1llia.rru;. Ha'tlSe1 Shklck, !Dan cay. Mr. MorJtie Storer and a:lso hi:; ho~ Ill1d reglsterej' 1108S Ul'lItll r..ow '!be nexlb 1nspeetlohl <fu.te of t he HopIt1ns. Kenneth Wilson. Gene twin blPbher, >Mr. ottJle' Storer, the "''e hIWe some and ~ August we Order of Eastern star in fll1s d~- 15TH BIRTHDAY O6borne. Err.est Davis, Mary Lou following : Mlr. 1Uld Mrs. lMonJtie ... will have our ,first lit-tiers if all goes ~dt will~be ~ ~- CELEBRATED Stine, H'£!lI'lV Gerl!Q-y, Mr. Vance 6t«er and daugb.ter. Elo1.sie, Mr. .well. I have al~s wanibEd .b:> tl"-' ~6OJl Iofflcl& ron. J:l.lMa Rae J~ celebrated ber Davis. . Mr. 8Irld M!rs. mart Da.vts. ~M~. mtle Storer, Mr. and Mrs. 8DITl1e 0l'06S bren1Jng but to do well A I,un l~ing of i:nspectlJon dates 15 tho Ibirlllhda.y Saitu.rda.y t,verJns, MIss, Jean Rittl, Bdltb M&e. RA:Jee Star Mr. dana ~ w1itlh tha.t you . have to have good Will lb e pubU6hcd nem week. March 8th. 'llbe folllciw1ng .1r\IeS'Ui Ilea.nIe and DletJe 'R1dl. Ma.l1Y Jo HOlll~01't.h. and H:::~ stuItI1\!OID ll 1:)tb sides. I may ,try scme . wer.e .pre8el'lIt. Marly Jo Rldt.1I Etbel rece1ved mar~ ntoe prel!iII!t1t.6. Mhtthews. Mrs. Effie Chenoweth. yet. FLU CUTS SCHOOL OenIL1-y, lWnnle, Gene a.ndI Ret. '1Uld MIs. Mabel ....·~a.Jk;er ft!.-.d ....... " . JIW 'Ilhe .laat otwo weeks t.he walls ATTENDANCE Clark, Hansel. Shock. MMilyn FARMERS CLUB MEETS Rlcharo andM.bert~' .... ' ~ •. or the ComrnlUIn.itY Bale halVe been Wa."""- rn......-_.... p 8dh.OO'- reTV'<J'Iteli Oonley, Orville Kenneth AT ELLIS HOME deCorora.ted with scxne new posters. "."" ~"'WI_'" ... ....,. Wilson. Myrna. Ml.racIe, a'tld iEAlest "The IndepeIlldl2mt Llvestock a groo.t mzmber !Of pupils ab6ent Mcbre. . W8IYtle Towriiblp Farmer's Club "DAD" HAWKE HAS Marketing A6SOciatlon. · WiC pay from the cl8B& rooms last week due 01Im0fs and dB.ncl:ng were enjoyed met with Mr. and MIs. Sid Ellis on 87TH BIRTHDAy taxes." 'I1hls is untloubtedly paI1't of '1.0 the flu ep1demlc th8ItJ Is ca~g durtng bhe everlng. A 'dellcious Thu.rsdlaty. iMar. 6. Mr. RIa600e FurIn celebmtion of his 87th birth the fight thaIt Is being carrlfd on so Dl8Uly sdhools tI.o eloise in otiIlPr ltmch of ohicke!lo sa.ndW'tohes. IDa& talked' OT\J "Our NaJtion as Other day 8ll!Dlversary WIhlch oooured on by othte N8ItJonai Tax !lqua.Uty ~~~ ~~~ ~ast~k. pickles. cake. jello nd ca.nd'y. were 'Nations See Utt" Guest ~er March 17. Mr. J. C . Hawke was en.A68OC1aJt1on ar.d the Ohio Tax servedl and reoe1ved marw was Stanley Ruzow of Miami tert.8.ined a,t a pa.riby in his lWnor Equality LeaiUe ap.in8t !Ilhe co- ANNUAL AWARD ntce ~. The ~ departed University ~ Bureau wh06e art; the J . P. Fromm res!.den.oe 01-" -operatives. 'Ibi Fanu Bu.rea.u ans~ IOomIa ~ bePIlIf ~ topic 'W'8.S Lt:tes Most. Fascinating Sunday afternoon. Maroh 16. Those in atltenda.nce at 'IJhIe dinner wered a. ~ew weeks ago with AT MUSIC COLLEGE Dtmna Rae 'WII8 remembered &gam story. Evolutlor.." Guests were iRJev. a folder sent to all .t4Ie rull'8l box Il\UidJitLons tor the . annuail $1 .000 llIunday ' when the follctw- Mld Mr.s. Q)leman. Mr. .Staalley in the evenir.g were Mr. and Mrs . tlt.)lders . .R gives an a:ns- W'LW 8aho1e.rah1p ' 1r. Voice a!W8rd- 1ng oome to ~nd the eV'e'l'l1r.g and RU2I!1W. Mrs. Zoe WOrley and' :the oa.rl Hawke and Mr. and Mrs. Ray' wer to all the a.cousat1ons that have oi ~y the Ooll~ of Music wUl be have supper wtth ber. . four grand children ot MI. and Mrs. Halwke of Da.y.ton; Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Vance am san of Wd.lm1ngbeer. made ega4nst the ' · CO-1Op8. held &l/tUI'day, May 34 In' tbJe Odeon Eilts. vm; Mr. anid' Mrs . Melvin Banta of It4le QaHege of MU61c in ctnc1nThis is its answer to the tax nati. it was 6IIlQOUnoed to da.y by r ,. ECTED TO BOOT of Jamestown: Mr. and Mr's. C. esbI J;.;L Mr . W\l1te1" Kohlhagen of El2in . qu on: Fred Sm1th.maD8tgir~ executive of AND SADDLE CLUB Ill. MU"lved by plane from Chicago Lee Hawke; Mr . and' Mrs . Ma.yoard "COOpemttves do .pay ta.x.e6. They tJhe Q)Uege. Weltz and family; Miss MaI1bha ~ aU iIJhe taxes twhtoh any s1m.1la.r OcmpleOO lDIfarma.t1on reJaJtive to Ma~ret Minerva. 'Haorla41, Who i(l() atOOnd ,t he funeraJ services of Sntvder of Spa1ngfield; MrS. Dc n brganlmd orgam4za.Uon p81Y8. 'I11ey thIe auditJone can !be obta.1n·(d by is attendl1ll8 Vilrginla. IntermOnt Jake KohlluWen·. Blanchester mer- Haowke; alii Mrs. Nell AndersoJ: . __41.1 _ sm4 ' 001 College at ~l, Va. hrus been oha.nlt, on ~. He ~r.t SunCallers during .bhe ~ wue pa.y property $xes. saks talre!. ex- " ..._ Mr. P\"ed . bh at itlle - elected vica preSkient of the BOOt day 84'ld MonId'a~ wNl Mr. and clse !taxes. social securtflY taxes. lege IQ! MusiCt 1228 oentral Park- a.nd Saiid~;{Club of V . I . b . ar.d has Mrs . A . T . FIolinsky 84'ld M.Milyn. Miss Olenm Hawke 8.IDd Mlrs. Florence H81Wke 'Of Dayton. eonpomtlon taxes RInd income taxes. waiY, Cincl.ur.ati 1~, Ohio. alSo been,ted to ri rie in the .,. ..


v.... . . FOR


project it Js qulte evident f1lOOl

BasebaII Praet-Ice A0d PIans Meetl-ng


Marlatt Funeral

At Ml .H0IIJ






J::S' MM.


Some farm cOOpeIm.~WS do not. pa-y 1ncOme !fla.x'es as ~ons. Under 'Ilhetr plan of orpn1za.tIIon, tbe ooopel'aIttves OOI'IPOl'8.tton as suoh hae no equity lni iIbe ea.rnmcs or (Oonttnued on Page 8>


A. H . • ~ Mrs. .Henry Hudson 8II1d Mrs. Edwald truum of LeI:lainon are m Columbus this week a:tter.dmg a Lecture Shiort Oo\ne a.t Neil IBal1 aJt O. 8. U.


Mrs. Joh'DI Zimme:rm&lfl. the mather of Mrs. Henry Plnke Who J'oIr&. AUoe Ina.rk spent Fr1deJY in a former St.ooent of rr.terfflo~1 t and has been very 111 and was taken t.o ~. last ~8 ~ preskier.t sperMt Ia8t Mtam1 V~ Hoepltal MOI'Ii!ay. <week as 8i IUe8t of M'aa"ga.ret a.nId She was able rto oome boola Sat- - ISafety Thoul'ht For TIle Week .• other flrl.endB in Brl8tol. ~, v~ 1WCh lmpmve;d. · • Safety Is Alwayw In SeMora .•

Spring iHon;e Show. Ke.rVt, Orohard


[)a;I1ve Dayton.

delicious de '1.1. 'ow ' e acooUlpaJlied by tea, corr!C tu:d m1r.ts. Guest.s were MI·s . Slldle Reason, the 1)! te . mother. Mrs. Edgillll1toll, ?ubl1shed Every Thursda y by DAVISSON PRESS Mi!;s Alice Ogle \)C{' of Sprillg Va.l· FLOYD L. DAVISSON, Editor ley. Mlos. J ennie Duris, Mrs. WruTCl1 mtcred as Second CllItSS MaLter at th e Post Office Braddock. Mrs . Ra,}unonrl Wilson, Subscription Rates: $1.50 per Year in .~ d va n ce M rs. La.urel ~ce Cook. Mrs. RaJph Shaffer. Mrs . Russel W1Json. Mrs. Nation a l Advertising Representatives Adn, SmiLh, Mrs . A1ulltl Honk. Ml-s . J . A . Ha.l'Lman . Mrs . J cn nl'c BradOhio W ee klie , Inc., 2465 W. Broad Street. dock. M\I':'~ . Nellie Bllul:!1 n, MrS . Columbus 4, Ohio Cnrlet'01l Cook.. Miss MlonImia BunlJ1ell. Mrs . Say. 0 friends I Dli nk your lUI from Bunl'.eli. Mrs. Rhod this crystal stream 'that floweth Opel !Reason. Mrs . H~l'lJ' sa.tterth · Lhrough tJle heave nly grace of Him walt-e. Miss Bet.ty Oglesbee and Wl1IO is the Look! of names. L N Mrs . R'eba Bm.ddiock. o.h ers paI'take of its WIIliters in m y name. ~ha.t t he leadeI1S 'Of men In ever y la nd may fully recognize t h e METHODIST CHURCH 'PUll>OSC fOl' tJle Eternal R. B. Coleman. Minister 9 :30 A. M. Truth halth been revealed. o lld ·t.he SUNDAY SOHOOL reasar- for which Ilhey them.selves J . J . Burske. Supt . have been crea.tJed. -Ba~la' u'llah WORSHIP SEh VICE 10 :30 A. M . SUbmitted 'by Helen McCoy. YOUTH FELLOWSHIP. rre6ponding SecretRl·Y. R L. 2. Wa ynesville. Ohio MI'. ruld MI . Charles Fitts of Tllu.rsday. 1:30 P . M. SpringiOOl J called on Dr. ru~ Mrs. Frank Gregg on Tuesday ST. MARY'S Mrs. Fannie BJantom MIt. Ora.b EP ISCOPAL CHURCH s pent two weeks ....r1Ith hat slst . Mrs. Samuel N. KeTS MI·s. Elsie Hock tt.. S . Mail'll S oree'L Venora Kil'kpa'trl,ck and family . Lay Reader-tn char ge Miss Allee O g lesbee of Spring Church School 9 :30 a.m. \\8.; hOSLeSe at. 'lobe re4JUlal' w.eeUui of Th'f Happy Hour Club. Ma.rch 11. Vall'e')o~ was a lur.cheon gtU.eSt of Ml:,rI'1ng Pralye.r Rlld Bermon. Samuel N . Keys 11 :00 aJIl . Duri ng Its orgM1.l.zaJtion of mbre MorWnla Bunnell or. 'I\le$(]OU.y and than 25 ye8l's t.h e clUb has honored also a ttcndoo ~hE~ soh: er given by UTICA U. B· CHURCH a U c\n.uglhtJeTs of members wit h 1\ ,t h e H appy H o ur Club fol' MIrs. Paul Re\'. Ralpb JUne3 shower. who hn ve become brides. Tomlinooll a.t. t he home of Mrs. S UNDAY SCHOOL 9 :30 A. M. On this bccaslon the ,110nOl' guest Elsie Hockett. Mrs. James Garrison. Supt. was ex tra s pecial as she is not only Ma'. and Mrs . .MRck W:i1son, Mr. PREACHlNG 1st. and 3rd Sundays a regular member of tile club but is and Mln>. Harold Shutts. V man each month 10 :30 A. M. t he .daugh ter f a cl r ter 1ll€'1llber Marion Woal'll'er.. Ella'll .Marie aI'.d also. Malcwn. MI'. Rnd Mrs. J . F . Jacobs. Wi t.h O1l!ly l"CIutille b usiness bhe MI'. 1U1d M'l1S. Ol!velr Jacobs nnd MT. HOLLY 'c lub enJoyed se vera.lcontes ts. The Jimmie . METHODIST CHURCH winners ot which prese nted Ule ir Mr. Sind Mrs. Eel. Oresen ano sons. T. M. Scarfi. Minister prizes Ito ,t.he Ihonor g uest. The Springfield. were guests of Mr. and BUNDA Y SCHOOL 9::)0 A. M . OOJlIlng of t.he roll IOf members ·was Mm. Oharles R. lmJ is. SundlW . E . A. Barnhart, Supt. e:n11vened ,by responses of 'b its of Mr. a.nd Mrs. RI~rt Bra.nde nl>urg WORS.' dIP SERVICE 10 :30 A. M . advice to Alice Dons Tomlt8On. OOt.h have moved to H a.rveysburg. EVENIIIG SERVIOE 7 :30 P. M. 'humorous and pl'aOtical . Mrs. Fred Falrch!ild visited with The bride was assistEd by t.h~ her daugnter and f rum By. Mrs. ST.. ) UGUSTINE CHURCH coountttee of rthe day. Mrs. Satter- Frar.k Patrick . .the past week a,t Fathe' KrumhoUz, PrIes, thwaite 'WIld Mrs. Ralph Sha.tler in Pontsmouth, Ohio. MAS& ",,'UNDAY 9 :00 A. M. opening displayhlg her glfl.s Mrs. William OllWk received a. a~ 'Which the ~ and her phone call from Ih er husband. from daug>hibers. Mirs. • Ernest Eklgi'IJgton Califonnla:. ~: he. was due to FRIENDS and Mrs RItlode\S Bunnell served a leave. for service In AIB6k.a.. FIRST DAY SOHQOL 9 :30 A. M . r~-""';---""'------------------""'"

The Miami Gazette ESTABLISHED 1850

Happy Hour Club

Several tolks from t.he W ellJlUUl vicinity ruoe III wit.h 'bhe fl u. Mrs. Ollie Brooks of Ha milton. O . Rlx! Mr. Rnd Mrs. N ew ton J ohnson tlI'd dM,lghter of OkOO1Ul. O . s p~1ll Tuesday a.f·be~ wit h Mr. li nd Mrs. E1c1"y Brooks !lind d:l.ught eT. M1a~ MlldlX'D Brooks spmt SUlld y WIUl Mrs. Nina SoC)f)t. Wa.,rnesville. Ohio. Mrs. Conrad. Mal now;, son. wtre a nd dal.lglhtel'. Mrs . Imoge ne ShankS and ohHdlren !Of HmnlllXlln . ca lled on Ray and fam1l y one al'bernoon last week. Mr. Frank Hook ruld wife ot W1Jml:ngton spellit Wed!nesda.y roter· r.oon \\'.11.11 his Ibrobhe.r. Mr. I1Imi Mrs . Fred HOOk. The Rickeys. Holmes. Beals an<1 PQI\1l MauriCe have the flu . An Epidemic or the Au Is Il'sg1r.g. some are very ill Wlith it, but OOI!e serious. Mrs: Orsm Shoup entel'tained a; few friends and neighbors Thurs· day evening 1110 a brush'mtion. Rerreshme!ll~ were served b ' 't lht hostess.




Mr . and Mll'5 . J . AlU10 ld BurkIham. nnd fa.mlly or CanItJon WC'ro

weekend gueSts ot >the lwtter's par-

en1& Mlr. and' Mrs . A. D . Sm ~\ o!

Route 48. iMlns. Milo MUbenberger has lb een qulte Ul !the P86t week with an infection or t.he .!hip. She is somev.tul.t iJnpr(M!d at th.Js t1nW. Mrs . St . Jotm or Das¢on Is visit.1ng ,t.hls we>ek her san~ in­ I8IW and daughter. Dr . and M rs. H . H . Hemum of Rloute 73 .




Robert L. VanZile, Minister BmLE SCHOOL 9.30 A. COMMUNION 10 :30 A. SERMON 11 :00 A. EVENING SEHVICE 8:00 P.

• • •




Rear Webb Squires Res . . WAYNESVILLE, 'OHIO or Dayton HE1275



M M. M.

Sur.. Mar. 23 -

Shop -undSave

Titus. Philel1l8l11 Mon. Mar. 24 H~rews 1-4 ......~'--­ ---ONION SE+S-- qt. 'fues. Mar. 25 Hellrews 5-7 'Wed. Mar. 26 Hebrews 8- 10 CINC;Y WALL PAPER CLEANER Thurs. Mar. 27 - Hebrews 11-13 Frl. MaT. 23 James 1·5 Sat. MaT. 29 I Peller 1-5 2 Y.1 can HOMINY Swn . .Mar. 30 II Peter 1· 3 OUr MIssionary ~list1c SNOW FLOSS KRAUT Meeting wtll be IMlaIrch 30 - AJprtl 6. 7:30 p . m . eam 'e vening except saturday. WIe twill have a different speaker eaoh ~ ventng . 'l'h~ offer~ GROUND BEEF to be taken ear.b night wlll go to in'depeildent m.19sblary work, a.rber expenses of the meeting are taken BOILING BEEF lb , cut. We hope to ma:{e !\ detailrd ar.JlllO\lJlCeJll 116m Sunday. !Plan to aIttenId eveJ1Y service if J)<)5Sible.




are/ 1IoItle8ranoe, m'e!'CY. CO/.TlI]'liaB81on









lb .


have been created to

carry forwm an ever-advancing civ1ll2latlon. 'I1he AlmlgbitJy lbea.reth me witness: 'lb act ~1:k.e the ·beastB 01 tftle Ilield ls WllWOnthy of maIl1. '11htl6e virtues rt1ha!t befit his d1gin1ty


No. 21f.J Can

.All men

Pboae . . . W~ 0Id0. ReverIe


Telphone Waynesville 2552


DOuae LIeD"


"And Milk Is Our Most Economical Food, Too!"



"'valuable minerals and vitamins . . . complete proteins and abundant energy elements . . . no wonder they c;all it 'Nature's most nearly perfect food" That's why, too, milk by c~mparison is always an economical food I"




.... I

Mr . wnd Mrs . Blru l Shipley and ch.1lidrer.. sp ent S aturday wttli M r. a11f.1 Mrs . Paul Slagle at Wllm1ng .

'l'IlAJ)K, BORRoW tor UBE OAmrn: CLASSlnED , ADS



10:30 A. M.





PHONE 2662 W A YNESVI:LLE, OHIO and lovlng-ld.ndness toward all the peoples oand' Ictndl"edS or the eILl1th. '-"'_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _- '



THE MIAMI GAZETTE - Pace S Kend(k aAltended: the fuIIlera.l Of WAYNE VILLE. OHIO-NO. 4308 Edga.r WUson of Centerv1lh~ wt tJhe THURSDAY. MARCH 20, 1947 Gebha.tit and Sm.lIth FuneI'lliI Home in M18D'l1sb1q. wedr..esday afternoon amd the bur1a.1 at Cellitervl11c Mlr. ar.d Mrs . Everebt Early , were cemetery. victims of t1he f lu last week. ' Mirs . Earl Mendenhall of '11ipp Cit y is at Itlh e home of !her parents, " Mr . am. Mlrs. G~ RJautzaJhn this week caring fuT ht>r mot!hcr, 'Yho Is (f qufbe ill witJh J lu . ~he Community Chlb met In_~g: Mr . and! Mlrs . Leor.. Salisbury of Ular se.ssion Wednesday ev",,,,,ng Wa.sh1ngt.on. C .H . were Swlday 8Itl ;the Higlh SchaoJ. g:ymnasIUln. atternoon guest6 of Mrs. Nettie 'Host.~ for the lOOCaSior. ·w ere Messrs . Emrick, 'WhIG a.ocompanled !.hem W . carl Brown. CllIVtolll Taylor and home !Jar a few days vis1t. Lav.1IlCl1Ce Hougb. !Miss Wanda Clark retlll'l~e.:l Lo Masonic Inspectian servioos.toher work Monda,y as a .nurse BIt geillher with a. !banquet was held MIami V.alley ihospltM. a.fter belng Mlcmdny ~ aJt tJhe Ma$nic wry Ul witlh: ibhe flu. Temple. Approximwtely 150 guests Mrs. J . B. was a guest Gil were I~ ~y lilt the hune or 1M1rs. 'Ilhe Orange Society met In reg Carl Pickerl.n4f- In Centerville When ulwr session at !the Gra'D~ Hall on the IaJtter ' e noo!1La.ined her Sunday Monday evening. School Mr . ard Mrs . WU1iam Doster enThe ~r1p cJa~ of ~t1e t.el'talnro bhe m~ of the "wel Sohool. with Mrs. Vernon COO1Ie Bible Class aIt their home. Pu.mley' at; 00ra0her, waa enter.tained FrIday evendng. Monday evening all. tJIle home of 'Ilhe M.8$>nic Temple was the M1sges Paullnie Ilind Pwtricia Winks. ~ne of a basket di!n'D'6I' for m'emb1Mr . R<Jbel1t F1riend undeI"Went a em 84'loCII thel~ 1fam1lle$ ~turday maUqr operatian ~y of last nJgilt. . week at M1am1 Valley 'hospital. He The W . S . C. S. met. w~tb . Mrs . 'hall been seriously ill. but U(t'htly H . S . Tucker, Thur~ay aItelnoon. improved aJt tlhls wn1tlr.g . ~ her as hostesses were Mrs. Mr . wa~r Clark. Mtr". and Mrs . Wendell W lUiamson and Mrs . Arch Harvey Bunnet and Mrs. wnIter P ell!noy.

t arllegd ura



ut electricity to work ... ~






it would seem to 'bot41 the OO' 0p8 ar.d the independenu, 00 have e nterprise free from monopolies and to keep 000lls down for the prniuoer and he ccmswncr. Lets haYe some letiern and discussion on tlWs mbjcoct so that we can hear both sides and ha<ve fall" .pIny. Have you g Iver. 'to tJhe Red cross

Mr. and Mrs . George Mlller aI11 son George Jr. .to dinner On la.9t S8ItUl'dllY evening, Mia~h .on SWlday . ihonoring Mrs. Miller's 8. wlvle Ilhe fBll1llly was partakling $Or.. Erwin LewIs" blrthda.y. "I'1booe of the evening meal. the deBitJh presen t. . 'W-ere M rs. Wl1ll Lewis of angle er.terCd tlhe ,h ome of Mr . Fairview, 0 .. Mrs. Daisy Ohaney or Fran k Dakin ') f lleg,r Waynesville. H1llsbo:ro. 0 .. Mr. and Mrs. Bud Ohio. 'l1I11d quJetJIy but very quickly N1l41tker 81m sons. Eugene and yet? removed t'l1()ffi ,the famlliy circle the Soophen of Cinclnr.atl, O . and t.h BOGAN BUYS BIG husband. 'faJthe r a nd grandfather. host . Erwin Lewis Mr. DaJdn. Iv'ho would' have been . LAY OF LAND elgMy-tJ\vo of age 'th e We ne~ kr.ew the world's 3rd ,t'Wel1lty~nd IOf t his monLh. had deaf genius once Uved in tlh1& ,town. been ;in fn.lling health fOr several such Is the claim of Olga Ve lvet monlths wit h n h :!a r t .l ilmr:r.'t. te Verplank In her ctrcula.r spe8lldng On la...«tSwturday morning h l' , , of ataaltGrd Bogen. She 18 dashing 1JUl1'!ered. a severe 8itIta.clc from which Chlcagb radvertlslr.g writer. cla1mhe seemed to recGver wlthm a shGrt (Continued from Page 1) Ing ihls title Is undlsputable . She tlme Ib ut suffered a faltal att ack lt~ hnlds powerful 'papers tJo back him t he evening. pl1Olit..s. Such lb elong to Lhe and he has received letters of SIPMr. Daklni 'was ,b orn In WaY!lles- members and pa.troll6 841d Me pa.y- probation from leading editors and ville. Ohllo. Maroh 22. 1865 where able to them as patrOllAge dividends. one trbm the d'a ugnter of .t he he grew to maIIlhIoodl• The members and P81trons pay the WOIIld's greatest le9.der. Mrs. Anna On Jwnll!la'v 5. 1898 he was united income ,bQxes. RooseveLt Booetlnger. His home is 1n ma.rr1age to Ada. May casperson Any 'busJr..ess could be orga.nized at Morrow. OhlO. right. where Ithe and started Itbeir !home on rtJhe pre · on, such a plan and be sUbject to <me. !I;wo, tlhree m~ ttIIC C.C ,C. sent home fann. Here thl'Y built R similar ,tax provisIons. Jln. fact manty His lovely daughter, AUee recer..tly new qlOUse. Mtr". Dakin tdIotng much busln'E'lSS men do !belong to vB.rilus ·t hr11led ,t he croWldI sit Morrow High of ,the carpmter \\1Ork . clubs, as:;oelatlor.s and OOl1porat1ons Basketball meet as she .f ired her Here they shared. the joyS and which opemte IOn the I1OllI-profit fire shi1t6 inlb .hlle lba6ket. J aines oorrows of l1fe for neaa'ly flfty basis " Bogen. a nepbew of stantord Bogen. ~rs, rearing a !amlly of tlhlrteen ' . ,. known rto 'WOynesvUle older boy dhlldren five boys flI".d eight girls. ThOy Il re lll.!UlU other a.ccusa:tions and girls and widely laWwn in a ll of ~llcm 5Urvlve him but 'IJWO brought against .tAle COOperwtiVC6. lJoveland recffilt,lv boug:ht the . b igsor.s. M e.lv1n gave Ihis ille for h is They were a fa vori·t e child of the gest spread between Route 42 and country in Ithe last world war. H e New Deal all. one time and d~d re - Rouoo 4 on the main line west of 1 elved hlgh: pra<lse from his ce1ve aid and e~t lbut Masor.. On >his walls 8Ire some of officers and felllOlw soldiers 1101' h is Jl,I)W lthey are strong and. lusty and ~rd Bogen's famous paIint1ngs. coum ge and fa.lthfu~ t o duty. A man}' felt thalt they should standi on 9tamfldrd ~ !filed i8. pasbenL rim5t ,bea.utiful tribute was wrt<tten tJheir own. Perhaps Ithey Should, but on a war secret wea:pon. to the family by Ih1s soldler buddy. -;;;;:;;:;;:;;:;;;;:;;:;;:;;;;;;;;;;:;;;;;;;~;:;~~~~~~~~~~ Oarl. 1I!..f<!1er a few short years of ~~ ,happy married life \vlitJh his chasen oomip a nlon , Estlhler K erns Dakin. ~.LE / fought a los1r..g batLle with a maligJill OFFER n ant d1sea . r eceiving from ItJhe whole family every lOving attenJt:lbn SATISFACTORY possible . . Fra n Dakin was of SOIDe1Whait. fl SERVICES retiring d1spoQtlon. bult a rna n of 1r..dustry, honesty and Integrlity. AT ALL TIMES nlways ready It10 lend a lhe1ptng lUiund to neighbor or friend . Thus h e ga.1nOO 1lhe friendship a.nd esteem of ~cQIlure ~onte ~ peopl'e in 1lnd around Dia12111 Waynesville, Ohio WayIOesvil1e. 1115 llWle townt. He loo.ves IX> mourn his loss hds


Ie J,ge ''''1





~ as oompwn1on tollow5: loving

. '\

. ,.......

E lectriC lights in your hen hou5e will , Intreft5e egg production up to ZOo7o' This m.eans added profit~ to ,you especially when eggs command the highest prices. Today's modern methods rake all the guesswork out of poultry house Jightinl! which make, it ea~ier and r.1ore profitable for you, A 40 watt lamp fo r every 200 s qu a rt ( ee l of floo r space is ge.n erally rp.cotO· mended. An a~ltO:l arir rll11e lock enD be used to him lights on ~JIl d oti (0 gl~ IrttinllOu 9 I' r,>du~tivc day oi 12 to 14 h O·.lt•. Po,t1tn :. " '~l' Ilghtinl! p'ty, .tor It-elf. With a fl ock of 3()(I I , , ~ Inh tlf'''S, lhe co<;( 0' ti ll he electricity usee! for lighting and W'lCl l ; n g Wolter is ('~ ~ : y paid for by only ont' or two e~g! It :fay. I

, ',

. Make surf! yo" .tel muilllum r .· ~ul' . 'from your flock when feed becomes plentiful ag<tin. L · ItaU a modern system of poultry house lighting. for additional ioior,uatioQ.. all or write JOur County Agent. yOllr Vocational ."-griculfural Leader. or the ·Parm Representative of Th. ~y(on Power and Light Companylcrvwl your fann.


nnd eleven childMrs. In1s Mulford, Mrs. O !p1ll Beal, Mrs. Hazel 'Nixon. Mrs . Mabel 8t1le8. W81Y'nel9Ville, 0h1k>: Mlrs . Geraldine YOU!lg. Mrs . Madeline Alu:nstrong. Mrs . Betty Bnlnt. Mr . GJenn Dakin, Lebanon, Ohio; Mhi . Dorothy &l~ South iLelJanOll'; DaIrrel and HeIbe11t at hbmIe. Also, !11Iteen gnLndoh11diren ell'..d two brothers, Ernest amd W alter Dralkln of Waynesville, Ohio. All rbbese oWmth ITl8IIlY otlher relatives eilld frie~ are lett to mourn ;Ilhe liOsS of a lovtr.g htlSband. a. kind am! f9J1thful {60tha' anti grandflilther. real nelg!hbor and tt'oo friend .


We smcerely 'Wish to Ulank all om- h'iend8 tfJor lIlhe 00wIers and the1r kind words of $npartlhy in b loss of ~ husbarxl and our !~. .' WIe oopec1a.lly wIsh to t.h8Ink RJev. Scarf! t1ar his .tiomfortlng won:is ; aw Dr . ~ BInd Jim McClure for his OOJ"Vl1ccs. Mr . FranIk oa.ldn anidl Family

Mrs. Evalyc !Peterson WQS t he guest of her brdIlher Mr. MUITaY Greene '8Il1d wife lin Lebanon 'Dn FlrkiaY' and SaJturc1aIY.

ijiiiijiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii~iiiiiiiiii .


FO R · USED~CARS Any make or model Fred Kahn Motor Car Co. PHONE 326 -







- - -- - - - - -- - - -



LAMPS (Floor and Table) . U c lp Them Clean8c thc Blood of Harmful Body Wa.~e Your k idDe)'. are eon.tantly IIlterlng wnl te maLter (rom the blood .tream. But k idney •• omlltimc~ la, In t\leir ..ork- do not act a. Nature intended-;f!LiI to relm ove impur:ties that. 1/ retaIned, m, .y po iaon tbo ayatem !Lnd upaee tb. whoi.• b otly lDach inery. Symptoms may be nagging baclcaehC!, perallLcn t h ca d:l ch ·~· . ntt.[u::(s or dl z.~ l nCJ!' , gotting up n igb .... , eweUinl. pulflbe.1I under the eyel-& feeling of nOrvo"s . a" "i ety and 10.. or pep !Ln d etrcngt;h. Otber aillDa of k idney or bladder dl!lorder arc aometime. b"lfnioll. acanty or too frequent urinatioo . 'l'bere .bould b ~ 00 doubt tbat prompt trolltment Is wi.C'r than Declec~. tJae Doa ..'. Pill •• Doon'. bave been WIUDIDK II W frieflda for more thnn ferty yerml. Tbey bav. a Dation-wide reputatiolll. Are recommended by grate(ul people tbo country over. ' A.k ~O\l' .. oiililbor! ~


HOME 'FURNITURE Phone CO. ~~ 912R "~alt



Main Street at Whiteman"




Ford . Fa.cOOry or Foro Pa.5S'e:n.g(·r 08Ir: Built - Ra' 10 for 194a Fbntlac. Ashmead Soh 10 StalLion, - M1L1n St.reet . WRyme5MAR C H vill'e . - 3-20 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __

• • CLASSIFIED AD RATES • • 2 Lots in WaynesvlUe 50 x 100 • words or less. one tIme. ...... 25c Ideal Loca.tio.n, Excelle'l1lt View E&oh additonal won1 ............ Ie Francis O . BroWtn. Real E9t.&t.e

SPECIAL BATES by CONTRACT Salesman Ph!(me Wa.ynesville 2935 • W1lm.1ngton 2111 Loana-

Household Goods For Sale--

PBDERAL LAND BANK LOANS: _ __ _ _ _ __ For Reflnanc1n, - RebuUdJn, - FUR SAlLE- DELCO LIGHT Buying. 4 % Farm loaJUI with long IPla.nt, ¥eIy ~ 'ba.tter1e6 l~ WIle to pay. Pay part or all any new. on Township llr.e road time. ,b etween 42 and 122. QI.n be seen LEBANON NAT'L FARM LOAN Thl1J'S1da(y ani Friday Iso A88'N·, Ell1B H. sturm, SedJ- . on . a Treu_ Lebanon, Qhio. Phone 448 Sunda;v ·b efore 3 o·clock. Phone to 470K. W. F. Smead> R. R. 2. .- - - - - - - - - - - -

Real Eetate For Sale- 0'


TWIN Theatre

On'o'load spring for - - -- - - -- - - --

- 320


SALE - 20 Ewes ; 10 Lam\)/;: lamlbs to come. 0tId1 2106 Mlt~ 6 p . m . - 3'· 20


!1 Fiery frontier 0.1 early Ariwr.a and renegades who ravaged the ran8' .

"SUNSET PASS" LEGAL NOTICE B ids wtll be recelvted by th e BOfU'd at 'I'rustee6 of PubUc Affairs o.f the Vlllage of Wayttlles'V1lle. State Of Qhlo. at the office of t he Clerk of saki Boa:rd of 'I1rustees of Publlc Mfa.1rs untu Twelve o'clock noon March 25. 1947, for f'l1rrushir~ Three Thousand (3000) feet of six (6) linch. Cast Iron Pipe. bell and spigot. joint. ~t.h . a. pretlstlre oapaclty of not leti6 than one hmldre¢-flfity (150) pounds per Ilnch_ Each bid must oor.tain the full

IP YQU HAVE A PROPERTY QR ~ e~~:. OJ' QlmpaalY PARK TO SELL O&ll or Write W.ANTl!D- SEWING- Call 2611 A ~ gul~tng the Oon Henderson, Tel. KE3446, 617 af.tle:r 11:00 a.m. O!ara Hopkins. delivery ~ said ptpe lmd eo statement Y _ 1 _, A n.. ..."'.. "'..I trIO 1U1_ st --43 ~ the ee,nUellit date of delivery _ ...... 'ge.. - - - - - , ......0. .. .. --.. . . must 8CCOJ11Il&I\Y eedl· bid. WAN'ID> ro BUY- OU>-FASHThe right is re&E1l'Wd to reject OFFICE EQUIPMENTtoned Fumiture, Chtna. and GlasS a.ny &lid all bIda. 1IALLMARiK TYPEWRITER RIBDIIebeIJ, Dolls, Cb1na K'I!I"OIgene By order of the Board of T-rusteea tiona now In stock. The GaIetIte. Lamps. Picture Frames. Vases of Public Mfairs. . er.d 0rnamen01s. Write PaUl~ ~ JAMm. Olerk. 'I1h1el. 508 14th Ave., M1<11let . _ REAL ESTATE 4. <>hl>. 410 Mr. and Yn. l!~elth Ashmead 1P YOU HAVE ANY PROPERTY entertained Mr . anC~ 'M rs. Ohules tID call l"raDda Gene Brown,F __ O_R_S_A_LE_ _ _ _ _ _ _ ~~.Jr.. WedlDe&daIy evening Real lDItUe SalelllDall, for B. D. '!TWO SI!MIPLEX 0l'L BROODER ___ ~ Wllmtn,etw. 0bJ0_ st'ave6, 500 and 1000 ohidt stze6. Mlrs. Margaret Anden;on k1 Day...... LOaniI .". Telephone ~~ Brown. Phone Cen~~ taD spe~ ;the week-end wltlh he!' ,..,...... . . . da\Igbter, Mlrs. Paul Ma.urlce.


with JIU'IleIs W8aTen. Nan Les lie. Laurenz. Also : "The Bamboo Blonde'" witlh Frnn<le6 Langfo.nd. Ralph Ect~vards. A.lro:) Aln.UnaJ . Mtt:4cal

S~. cartoon and Pete &n1th Short.

I'm: MIAMI GAZET"I'E - Pap I WA YNE VILLE. OHIO - NO. 43&8 TIIURSDA\' . MARCil 26, 1947

S I G N S Get Stanford Bogen Right where t h e On e~ Two-Three meets the C, C. C., Morrow, Ohio

RHEUMATISM'• . Sufferers I Try REINER'S RINOLt Ooinforttng relief from pa1IIa. of rheumatism. arthrttl& neuritis. lumbago. FREE BOC>XLET. Ask tor Reiner's Rinol. Why suffer 10llPl'? Waynesville Drug Store. Ve

Sun. 23 Moo. Z4 Tues. 25 A pure erlIbeIr:tal!nrnent pidtwre you'll wa.t.oh 'With a. wann heart ar..d a big smile. Dm't ~ .the hit of the year!




P&Jb, ~lY!n ~ WIill1am Demaftl61t, Btll Goodwin


P!us : Movietone News !6

!7 oom'rdy ~ romance ela,:boraltely gtaged tor generous e-"--'....... "<WlImer.t •



Ever:v funOy cbeI1ab the melDary' of • last tribute that .... cUcn1tted and fitt1Di In ~ respect.


"EARL CARR01 .L SKETCHROOt<" 9ta.n1ne :

00n6ta.n0e MIoore. W111tem Ma.Mlall. BUl Oood<w1n. wfth Vera v-,'-'le, Ed. ~

,::;;..;;====____. .; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; : ; ,;,; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ;,:zrw~·

Telephone 2291



102 acres good land; 8 room house; barn ' 40,,60: double crib; hoj!' house ; new garage; . hen house; concrete block milk house; electric; well; cistern: spring_ Owners one-half interest in 11 Dairy Cows: 1 yearling Heifer; 3 Calves; 7 Brood Sows; 1 Boar; 55 Feeding Hogs; Fet.'d; 9 acrel Wheat; Milking Machine; Milk Cans; ' Total interest in Hammer Mill, belt. $16,000. ~ Shown by appointment. Closed Sundays.

Again in 1946 ~ • '.


Armitage &Son ,. .


FIRST IN CAR SALES-FIRST IN TRUCK SALES' FI"ST IN COMBINED CAR AND TRUCK SALES! The final reaistration fiaures are in, and again in 1946 America purchased more Chevrolet cors-more

Chevrolet trucks-more Chevrolet cors and trau:ks combined-than any other make, despite the fact tha t Chevrolet was out of production entirely durin~ the first three months of the year! A maanificent tribute to Chevrolet production efficiency, as well as to the dollar . value of Chevrolet products! It's the beat proof you can possibly



have that you're wise to choose Chevrolet, the only cars aivina BIG-CAR QUALITY AT LOWEST COST, and the only trucks rating as THRIFT -CARRIERS FOR THE NATION! True, there still aren't enouah new Chevrolets to ~o around, but hiahest popular demand means higher dollar value, just as hiahest production means quicker delivery M )'~ur new car or truck. Place your order-t~~!



. '




Badgley's Chevrolet Sales & Service Spring' VaUey, Ohio






STEEL $18.60






Brighten up with NU-ENAMEL and KEM TONE W ALL PAP E R--: Many Patterns -Low Prices GENERAL ELECTRIC BULBSMore convenient to 'buy them by the carton

Waynesville· Furniture .& Appliance Co. Gibbons Building, North Street WAYNESVILLE, OHIO Phone 2422



Miami Ii l\ ZET TE ¥


Good Friday Services TAP ROOTS At Methodist Church ~~)~~::'M~I~~.


AND LIFE OF Ours is a small town comm unity . 1:00 P . M . It Is ·t~illIIOOd O n I~O la'I'g'e 5tJrea.m or March 21. 1947. Spring !lit last. at UNJON SERVICE r.et1nina l road Inhat m flkes { size or reast ,by ·t,he almanac. Out dOOl's the Flriends. Epi&xJlpa.l Met.hodlst wealidl:' yet the Uie QJI1d even.u; tha.t we8ItheIr is wllaL pesslnrlSL would Churches • ha ve been a.ssocia1e1 wft h 1 have call a t ypical M aroh dll(Y. First it Intlrott, "The Um1 is In H is H oly left '~h' 11' impn - ion. . The lla :nc r Sl1lC7Ws. great f eathery flakes. tnren TemJple" . High School Chorus our viUa gt!. Wa;yau' sville. a nd .wwn it raip-s a. Ifttle. and some t.1me during E t bl' h d 850 N 4309 $ 50 Y Invooation Rev. a. B O )lema n sh )p, Wayne. is t h e name of the the day the 5Un will probably break • S a I S e 1 ,o. 1. per ear-5c ' a Copy Choir Resporu;e . 'Heall' Our Prayer ge nera.l. ArrlItI'lo ny Way ne. Who 111'OUgh tor a few minutes. l it is too WAYNESVILLE. OHIO. Thursday. March 27. 1947 . 0 Lorn' tJhe Ml'llY bh e Indial1s ma king wm t plow. 1It Is too wet to haul Hymn "Alas wd n ~d ~y Savior 1t ~ible for It.h:e eBJ'ly pioneers to manl.ll'l!. It Is toO dark to do 8JlY'thing Bleed" Churoh Hymnal No. 142 settle and establish t.hcir holl'l'f'S. al'.d is tll!e ~.Just wi't.hout l1g11ts and Ohuroh School Songs No. 82 the stream of \ Li ttle M iami l'lvcJ') 'Ci11e has fiJl'lng co~j.~. Mal'ch. . Scripture Lessdn ar.d Pr!liY'£'I' , !Ri ver. the river on wh06ie baaJk.' i W e must be .1Ilh1s one to Sa.m1lt:1 N . Kf:Ys. Wa ynesvill'e is localtJ is the name balanoe last yeall'6 March wher.. we L a.y read!'r-lll ·clHI ~·ge .. of th e MJaml I n'ddnns. \~l1o we re 'lill had the best 'We8It.h! or the whole St . lMaIry's Episcopal Church former owners ,of tile land. sprlng season. wd, so iJt 0-""""S. "rnh_ Pra.ver" OhOir WlhUe 1I.il1e ihO'lT1es or t.hesc 11't:Uans . " \\'br1ld Order ..........,••"'... World TwenotY-!1rst D1s~lot of Ohio ~:.he • .• .., li»'d'" 0 " The last time We put rut a new . " ...... ..,_.. Ordie.T of the Eaa:.ern Star Iinspec- "The SlgnU'lca.nce of O Otti Friooy " were s ituat "d as far r.ol'bh as .tlh~ saiLt Ib lock 1lar the cows we put it Fa.1t.h will.;e I~ !..hEme or a nation· ,t lon dames: Samuel N. Keys of Ithe II:WIo iMlam.\ Rivers. 'h ere In {ron't of tile house so IIlOW a.l public relaitlons 'p rogram d'ireotled. Sol!J "P OUIIIlh WOrd" - .oubo\s 'th e Wa bash a.r.ti Ma.umee. thlEir I call inspect 't.hiem daily from my e.t the people of 1be Unilt.ed Staltle6 IOt7 INSPECTiONS BY WOR'l'lIlY ' Mr . Don Ghaa1s hunting groUllltls eJaten!ded as far w1nd:llW. I el1J,Ioy V!p.tCJhdr.g Itbem a.r.d Ce.ruIda. the NatlltmaJ BeJha'i ~=E ~~~ "Words Fb'om The cross' Soutlh as t<he Ohio 'R iver. This regil:Jtn, ocme along. Cl'OWIdmg and pushing At.aemibJy Wl1illOunoed here toda'Y. MEllY' 28-iDyta.l No. 144. Sablr.a Rev . R . B . C oleman untouched in ~ p1"imitlve 1wcureach other 00 get Ito the chOicest Affectlng more tIhatn 000 looa.l1ties "Oh'mlbim Song" - Bortlns.nsky b!.rule. W1l6 beauL1fui and very femlle lleid!ng spots. :tlhen go IOl1 dOWn ilihe wihiea-e Amer~can and 0aa'IeIcMan June 11- 0l4'y No. 221 . Blanchester Ohoir ~ne hundred 6!nd Uha"ee species of hill to ,tale spring 00 drir..k. F'or some memibers of <the Be.h.a·1 Pa.1tal n,?"" INsPECTION BY DEPUTY 'I'BlkI 'by Mr. Richard Eastman tJrees wnd Ibet1bnceous pla.n1z; have t1me SOO1Al ot them been getting reslde, .tne aim IOf the P11J4P"8m ·i s to GRoAND MATRON Frien~s Church !been C81ta.lbgued as lI8Itive to t his OUit a.Im!OBt ·every day buL .thls mooIl· .~ more powerful spintual BEBNICE JOHNSON H,ymr~ "God Be W1tlh You Till We valley. In its na.'tulMl state t here !Was lng I .found QUL where. Fritzie went a.t101''s tor the era of 1D~- MBIroh 31- Wa.rt1en 204. HarveySburg .Meet Ap.1n" ChoU' ve:ny little erosion, the 'W8Jten; of Ithe by wl'tih tha.c ad.r of k.n:owing just ism no.w definlotely , underway. April 9-LeeSb~ 57, Leesburg Bffiedictlbn UtJtle MIami weI!e ' blue m. its clearwhere 8hIe W88 going. not even ~ to the announoemerut. April I~ No. 494, Maron nCS6 and in it could be 'seer- large Stopping «'or a. l1ck IJIf sadlt.' ~ I put tile theme or "World Order Itbiroog.h April 24- 1N0. 535. Franklin shoals of fISh. While in the b:1ttom.c; on ~ \.'.oOJt and sure enougih before WOI'ld F'" will be expourded in April :16- Miami 107, wa.ynesvilb~ and uplalnds on elitlher Bkile wer.e the 1: douJd even get ,t here, abe W86 a ser1e8 or publJc meetings ~ 26 of May I- No . 363, New Burlingtlon. , 'b uffalo amd elk. in earlier t.1me6. sed ~Vm~ .u p thro~ <the oh1dcer. IIhe lar8U" cities. Du:r1ng the SBme May !)-No. 357. W~ the be6r, deer. vmlf . .pe..rJther, wildyaro headed stnUght. for t41e feed period it will be ~ to bobh May 9- No. 327, New cwt. obber, ibea.ver, PJreupine. wUd room 'Which she hoped to tind open ltJle public a.nd ed4tJ:Jrs by me6A'l6 of Ma(y 14- No. 363. Marrow. MARY ALICE . tur1re,y. ·rartltilesnake. racer. moccasin. 603 she !had Y'eSt.e.nj~ · bItt she was lUIItJonal e.d'VeltJsing, publicity. \l'E.dio May 21- No. 300. ~ohburg PRENDERGAST amd coppeJ1hee.d 'Des1a1e the wild. .,.prCl8il"Bm5 wnd. d1s1rlbut1on 0( a ~ 25-1.eighton 521. Bpe. ~~'_~1_ ..... _... _. ......,101 tU1J.s time, tJle d OCA!' W86 slw t ....... _~kIElt _Un~ with.-.~ f June 6- Nq. 173. MaJltWsville Mr. IIDl MinI. Je9Iie Pren<i.erga&t ............., _ . we now ._~, so t.hat she coWi:lnt g O in tIUld eat .~--- 'WI<: ur. Y 0 are 81UlOu.nclng the ibb1bh or a. sbf otlhen; besides the IndIIW6 cla1med 1AhaIt delerdtablie laying mash. It.hat ;races. cle.s&e& aDd! sedI&. JUDIe 9- NO. oMI, H1llsboro ~ ~. Mary Allee. &It tbelr this region. 'l1le Freno1l. 'Ila'.d Englio;h III1e was enJoying yes1lerdWy Wlh n Iln acwtion Itb local newsp!.per !hune here on Tuesdia.y. Malroh 25. by 1ibe1.r mQl)orers cla1mEd l7WneIl'I lOund her. IIt didr..t 'cake lang to adWl1t1s1ng, IbhIe program calls for _ . abJp. The Eoi'lJah by (tJhe ,·o~ of l!rive her moo 1t41e pasture tll.Onthl.Y imBtions in a muDbel' or idle cabals. It9a. and rbhe by wllere she 1b£1II~ a.r1I{]: I found It.he ed1tx1r1a1 I!lradespapers er.d OXl6Ullle!' t.hJe dlsooverv aDd eJIIplara.tIbnI o.t the hole and ma.c.e emellgency repalrs publiiCa~, 1nc1UKi1ng ElliW,r and 'Ib.e WJom.a.nfs 80cietv or arrtstJan A ' Ohio River a.s.fall" Soutlh as Lou1sv11le. wilL'J a pi 00 of bI!ling 'Wire. Pulbl~, ' Newsweek.. Publl.sher's Sent:We met &It Ibhe MebhlxUst o1lurch 1669, by l.ALS6lJe. Thus It'h1s temtory 'W e .ha'<le \:)eg1.ln fenm building. lAuxhiaIry, BroadC8.!iLing a.nd World 'I\hursdQ.Y. MM"dh 20. 1947. A OE!n " of ate mJddle West l1ecame a pl9.ce The fer.ces t\l'OWlId tile house are the Report. clous oovered lilsh dln'1'leT was SE!I~vMr . and .M!rs . Pred.el'k:It Voltz 8I1ld of conflict with eao1l llRItior. seeking lUst Itlo get it iIalis year. Most of the Expla1.n1ng Itne IPW'J)03e IOif Ule Cd at 12:30 p .m. In the ~ rocxn . SOlD. Howani or New Ho11ar.d were the help of the I:n'dians The French ~ l'A' 't.!he OO1cken y.u 11 1l.l.lCi C&IIlpIUen. t.hIe Na.tlona.l Baiha.'i wi1h Mrs. Stlanl~ Bailey, in obIaqe. 'Weekend ~ of Mrs. VIOlJtz' by their ~rier.dly trwdtog witl'l 1be are in aaJd the J)06t,c;for I!lhe )'w:ld A88emb~ dieilla~: Interr.ait4onal1sm IMber the bU&kle6s meIet1ng. MiI1l. }!d.e. Mr. and Mrs. O. M . In:l1a.ns and establ1ShmeJllt of a lElliCe were cut the other day. Th·:! a.kme. <MitJhout UJld,ty of coll8C1enoe, L. J. .L ang or M1dd.Ietown g81Ve a !McDonald. sertes IOf fOl1!6 were first 1r. posses&fence around {.be barn ya.rd: Is 110 b~ can aou;mpllsh no more Itha.n 'tbe veIIJI IllEII6' on " SIlewailrd Mrs. Laura 8bidaker speot the J!>n. while the EngliSh. by tl'l.e 1:.-~:u~~::~~~~~~~~I&St.;JS~ ~~~~~~~~~!M~~M;:I~~-~ 01. 111£ hold wMb her . . . .law ' 1IInI:It_to Ooeao d8mt by tft!~ 'r#*~~ IT _ east paatUre f r. _::l ~ ~-" ao cHlt5rs. awa. daugffie!', Mr. and! Mrs. W. P . Celbota in 1489, claJn)ed the earll , ~ir<u. 'I11en tbenl So few ·t ile .. ~ 'UIIWUoIU ~ttonal self-inCI'abbe of ~1lJo McOa.JTer. in Walhound1ng. est rlg;bt to I!be larId amd ;had &1~ t.e spots Itilat John .wanbs ·to eu, I\ereSG ¢halt culil~hwt.ed· ,i n the S~e University gave a beautiful PImerel aen10es were oonducted reaCy In Ibbe set1tlement of Vq1nj ot! lraJl bhe pastur.e arujl cu.ltivs:.c 6n8rohy '1lrom "\\'1h1ch ~lety still piano rer.dttlion whiCh was 8'l'e8JItJy &It tlbe IMetJh<Xlst aturch, Tuesfil~ ud IOt.heI" dJilor..1es had given t.hem this OOIr. If our nelgobOOrs would SUJf~ers. The solution provl,;i\Ed by tlhe 8iJJpI'ecla.tledI by all. 8t1ltJemdcm !lor ·Mts. EtJba Grey, 66 land gmnts. also bhtese tWes Wl!re o~ put up proper ti'eD0e3 we could Ea.ha. 'i ~ is express:1Dn r.4 the '!be nem meetitng will be Ihe ld w at Wellmaln WOO died Sur.da.y 'mOnl- stren~ .b y subseq went pur~ ailAlg very well. rel.lg1ous ins~.ct. Italll'OJ8'h 8ocia.1 Ule home of Mrs. A . H . Sbtibbs on ing at her ·hiornIe. "'--chil8eS8II1'd iIlrewties wiUll the Ind.tana 'A frotnt Mrs. CQ.rt DulCie tlrOln order !Cor mainrol'l8.l'..oe of IIhe eIllUxlal Friday, April 18. She Is survived by her rhwiland. 8S eaJ'ly as 1684. Flo.rida recently saY5, "1 er.jlqy your va.!lues dist.1n8u lshing man fnom Stanley. -two daughters. Mrs. Robert To;p06Se68 aD8 'l idld rtlhese claJms ruN es in , ~ 'azJcte so much I beast. . Bra.nder.1burg and Mrs . Jesse Pen- different} oompmies I)lromlolx't:l by lAg'ree eDl:1re1y on t he o ne a);::t;ut nblgoon. B,Ild ODe grandSoo. Danny the colony of VIrgirUa fonned-. wha.t women are savilllg t.helr Um~ BRIDGE CLUB i'dEETS Penr..1ngtOOn . one lOt 'Wh1ch, lIlhe Ohio Compe.ny. for. And 'what a. joy It W8.3 t o can . . AT SMITH TEA ROOM b)' EFFELDEE M18s &RilIe!' . PralIlher was in 'Bent Chrisb() Gist. 1lli 1750, to 0UIl'e and smoke our IJIWn meaJt. Much On 'F r':I after oon. M.aath 21 . Springfield se'Veral dayS this week 'locate Ibhe!.r 200.000 . IaICl'es Ir. tJhe DlOII'e mbu'Esting ·!.nan br:lige to IUhls . 1 ay n We b elieve we had. a good ldee. in visithlg re1altIwe. . M1a.rn1 COWlItJry. The 1irs& settlement o kt ftlml 'WlCm8In. Bota1. as IlSUnl. Oarl Mrs . Ha.r1~,.Dye 'llIIld ·M Ts. Samuel t>he publicartlon of a weekly plctor:la! School sess1om; were d1stn1sstY.l aind fm was eetabl1.<d'led sear the very helpless." 1 &ot my moart M1;xn - Keys enten.~ed a ~uP of nrllen~ edition 116 offered in last 'WIee4!t's last week owtng ,t o lUhe influenza preseJ'lIt ,t own of PIqua. prtor Ito 1752. ,mm tJhe 'Locker .plllJlL I", . e<b- at a desse~" lunchoon a.t 'S mith 8 Gazette. While we !have 'bad but ep1demSc 8IJ1I!~ 'b y severa,l sbu- It 'was 8Ittacke'd nnd destroyo:t by anon w re 1~l.ey were CI.III'ed. I Te8 Room. Among those ~t JliflLle commeDlt from tt 'we feel tt.hi8t dents and .tIeaohers. ,Cla.aees I'1rere /the Flrenoh 81lld IIlIdbns in 1752 M~d haven't cub mto ·tile ham ya,. lit were Mrs. DoIll Hawke. Mrs. Lew1s I.t was genera.1J.y aooeptJed Ill) being 8Cbeduled to be resumed this week. the tra.der8 taken ca.ptlve aI:li S6Itt f:;Dlclls go:xi but I.t ree.By Is more fUn ThiJmJp6OlJ'l. Mlrs. John Kersey. Mrs. sOmeth1l1g wOI'thl\Wille. !Mm. ~ ~ of nea.I':to Canada. This was t1he first bllood U,} 0 my 0 \ n . NoWling has ever IROYEll~ 'Ml'6 . AI ~. ~. Like mBillIY things th8lt seem Ito be town 'W'8B ret!Jumed. to iIihe 'hoE/pfItru sh:edlbetween bhe Frenbha.r.dEngUsh startEd yet but or.e of the tir.>t si8'ns Rhodes BtumeU, Mrs. Ernie Edglng- t.he 8Il6Wer to So reed. 'burt find pro- P'ricIa6' mom1IIlg where she rernatns aIlIeIl really was ~e Ijeg1rmJng of lUbe of l-U'.I.Jlg has beeJlJ IIi1e flowers on IOOr1, Mrs. !Mark ~ ~. Ralph du'Ction dlfficult1es stlaIDdh'lg in ttne in cr1t1caJ 00IDd5:t4Ul. Flrooch and lrdWl 'wrur. endlr,g In 'the l~bh.1a. h :dge along tllle DUke Smith. Mrs. Alfred. Stout. Mr8 . wa~. this idea. .to:> seems 110 be doornMr. 8Ir.d MTs . ~ lWilliams 1763 \\lh1oh Tesulbed In Itlhe OCJmJPlete i'la.I1m ibuL I am ~ 1f It wID ~c ·WUson. Mrs . ITa Brown, Mrs. ed 00 abe.tldooment because of the and of I:e8Ir Wlllnmgt.on were PQSlIeSSlon of a U ~Lhe laard EaSt of bbom 1lbIe spring 88 it blOOD'l.c~. la5t Slar.. BIa4:le)'l ~ . Cad COnaro. seriousness of It1l1e C\.mre'Dt paper SUnday ~ !Of 'Mr. andMirs. H . .the M1ssIssipi 'River 'lind Oe..nada. in oOoober or Navember. NoIlllng 16 out Mre. ~ ~. Mlrs. Mon18 S. TUcIroieIr 8IDd daughter. M1B6 Eva- bhe Ft:l6SessiOI'. of tlhe English. yet taUs ~ but :tale barlc of the FluiIcer.ioD, Mrs. vvade Tul'nIer. Mlr8. Obtla.1I".iIlg Ithe ptq)el' p&lper s1ncIt ~. ThIe Indll9.ITIS were not mtis.fied tIIDd long ;tr,vlgB of the big w:1llJ(1W ~ at Kenneth Rlll, Mrs . B. L;~ on .Which to prim t his tYPe or a Mrs. Blanclle C'e.n' 15' reportedJ to jobTe<t ItJogetltler to~ve aJi of ~ the end' 0( 1lbe lar..e is golden yellow and !MrS" .1MB.ynaro "We~l>m. ftUJeIJ WICe-lcly mage.zlne 'Ie !DOW impcm1blle. be improv1r\g &It her !home. English settlers East of bhe AI~­ a.nd shlnes in the sun - When ,there were awanledl too lin. S . L .. RdI4n- { we found' tJh4s out aiftter we hadl set Mrs. H. 8. Tudrer was a guest ~ mounitail.n6. 'IIhIs stJruggle kDD:wn 1s 8111(';. son, Mrs. AI a.JlIdj Mra . up 00r 'P1aIlS ItIo ,begi<n productwl1l,} ThUJ'Sdlay in 'IJhe Ibome of her son- 88 IPor..tIac's w8a- was btttt 'l' &al.d. c:tl6tThe greaIt RidgevWe Fmc !Drive Ma,yniBIJ'd 'We}Uz. So. tt was nice Wbtle 1t lasted an(2 in-lawarld da.ugbber. Mr . ar..d Mm. Jy in l1ves ibe!ore lit W88 came throu81l here last SaJIJurtlay G~ perhaps ithe memory will r.ot be too James Park and}yters of Mt. ended. 1764 'W1t1'l the . de!eaIt of 'the Out I1lh1s time:ttle 1f0xeB IWeTe smarter dim when are Q.Va.1labl.e 'to AlbIm. lrullillns. During the Revolutl.on'My than ·the men ~ !!hey dtdnt ge~ a aga4n begin prod1uc1ng suCh a. type Mayor and Mrs. W. carl Brown War ~ IDId4a.ns .i n tlhlja J)IU1t of !the tox. so. sad 100 &ay, the Red' cross 'I1be GIrl Scoute belId their last elf peIPeI'. were Sun!(~.y callers 1n Be11brdok. countr.y ur.ited: willi ,tI'le British 'Witlh d:iKln1l get arQ money this 1bImIe. I ClIl. Wledr)eaday. March ~9 In iIihe meQntime. yIi)U will pe1'haii>s Mrs. L1c1a. 0Ur1 is 8IJEIIlI(ting ~ ·f ew t he iI1esWt!that very few settlemen t . dare S8iY tile foxes were In &It ~ Id8lh sohool. '11hey ,h ave plan- !i'nld> your usual pe.rper crowded Ito ~et d&y& in IDa.yt6r.. v1sIi1ng friends . were made. . Ithe1r IhoIes :watohing the pande. go l'l/eId wom of an instIrtJrottve Dature It Into the least nUD'!lber or ;pages Ml1ss ~ and MIss Wood. 6!- 'I1he expediUon or ~neral ~ by aiIlIdJ l.wghing at Itihe Jl:J,oll.;jtJ.1eS8 BUdb. 8& IIbe of fnmed ple- PQSSible ·to save on paper. If some 'I>f fil1a.tes ~ a. religious society are Rogers Olarlt in Ith1s te.tTi1ay In of men. There 1& a biD in rIlbe ~- /tufts, eJBo ~. Jabber ~ the al'Itic1es ~d iItems fa.l1 to 81P1)e8,1". ~ services in the vUlage 1782 reswtCti in securing the North islature to remove quadl .1Ir<m the actnrWes for ¢he SIIDlmIlIr work. A you will kinow we just didID't have t.he for itwb~. 'I1W8 week, Mare'h 25 West 'I1err1Ibory Ito tlhe tUnIited S!alt~s. song bird li.!t. 8I1d puIt it Or. 1lhe game mee!ti!ng 'W86 held! Wedrlmds.y, Mar . room. The ty!pe is being set olIoBer GO- 'Ito 28 It.hey will . be at iIihe FriendS" Thus ifJhIe ownerslUp was handed biniJ list and itlo have Q. shot't !open 26 cit wtUoh, a deba.1lted report wUl getlhJer and pidtlures, ruler, ere. a.rt! ohurcb a.nd ttJ'le last 'WeelIt servIces dOWn to ith.e UniJted States wttn season. 'Ibere i& a4so e. bUl to conti- be .ms.dIe ne~ week. beilllg ~ted! i!nSlIl efront Ito g,~ are to !be held at the MethOdist V.1rg1.nla. and others c4B.lm4ng I!lh1s In.ue the boWlt¥ on ,f oxes. 'I1he itwo go IllI a11 .!.he newS poomble Ir.. tlhe l east church. r.eg1ton . . (;fD be COIlItinued ) together for W11em 1t1here lis SOO1e- DR. PORTER SPEAKS AT a mount of s.~Ce required . iIlh1ng dlOne aibout foxes there ' w.Ul ST. MARY'S TON,I GHT WARREN COUNTIANS STORES TO CLOSE be IrllO quadl eitlher s: mg bird or game 'I1he Rev. Dr. Phil FQtitler, Rector SHOWING OF PLAY ON HONOR ROLL ON GOOD FRIDAY bird. Whm 'W6111lJt came here there of Chr'ist Episcopal Church in Da.y- AT LEBANON IN MAY Four WaIrer. Oounty young people StAln'lley Bailey. acting as spcike 'The Jocal American Legion !Post were on the 110n0r roll list Teleasoo mar.. for business concerns In were tJWo ~ covles ot quall on:the ton 'W1Jtl spee.k at St . M8.ry's Church p1I9..oe for several yei9.t1'S nk)W even on Thu~ evening. March 71 at is 8IMlOI.II1Clng its scheduled d8lte 'lirt by /the dean of W·UmIn~bOn COllege Waynesville. states ,thaIt all stores the pa.i'l' Ibhat.nested ~~ 7:30. Dr. PorIter wID taII:k about ''!be Town Hall. Lebanon. May 6. Jor tllre this wrek. !Mrs. AV&l Com- and busln-e&es will be clh6ed befor senne years! t.ored . Church.a.nd Her SacramentB', &bowing of their "Soutl'lor Wayr.el;- dale. lTf.'ICeivedJ a.l1 "A's." Paul ~k. tween hours Jaf 1 to 3 pm. on Ithe qua4l are Ito be reB tIley are , ville" pnoduoed' here 188t fall, Lebanon. Harold Shiort. Lebanon, Good Friday, April 4. for the goilllg to have to be ~tal and Mr. and 'M rs. OM'1 Hartsock a.nd Ml': Don Obaris. mus1e ~Jr' and iRJchard Vallee, Plaln. pose of adJI04Wing employees ~ ~ :::::::::~~ Mrs. Ed. Keever of .H am11too spent of thIe. local schOols is preparlng a a-eoelved a 8n!tle Of "AU in 'lilt least b~ meDI 'the ,p rivilege ot OVe ....... . 8uDdIa.y iWfjbemoonJ wltIb MII'. end mU81cal score to be made a part ()f one-half of Itlhelr work and no tend1n8 the servioes that W1ll (OoDtlnued on Pace MrB. W. E. 8tatUII. the new pmc1uc:Itkm. ~ below "0: beld in 'lble dlurehe8 a.t tbaIt tIaJe.

D. J. Fraiser


Baba'.- Launch.-ng Nali-onal Program

Inspection CaIen dar



I irlh.1

WSCS MeetIng


Falerly Famlellear'


lr1 Scout News




. 0

. '.1

The Miami Gazette Page 2 Waynesville, Ohio, No. 4309 Thursday. March 27, 1947

The Miami Gazette BSTABLISHED 1860 Publlsned Every Thursday by DAVISSON PREBS FLOYD L. DAVISSON, Editor !mtered as Second Class Matter at Post Office

Mr. am Mrs. WUbur Clark attendeel a b1:nl.b:la.y d'inn"er SUIIld.ay fOr their grand-sor'_ Dickey Olark, lilt - S ubecr1ptioa Rates: $1.50 per Year In Advance the home of Ih% jparents. Mr. 6IIld Mr. R. B. !PeIbers hae ~ ~ Mrs. Everett Clark in Day.ton. sick bhe past week. National Advertising Representatives n..ul ?~"~'- I"~~~ ... e u ·UlYCl.,,,,,y _ t.---I+ .,..... _ ......... - • .,~ . A • 'U"_ ........ ftOl Mr . • <>1 """"'to " .... ...... - il1W4B nAl"'..... ()hio W ee klies, Inc., 2465 W. Broad Street, of C1ncLn!nati spent Illhe 'w.ook-erui sper.t Tue6daIy in C1n.c1nnat1 . Columbus 4, ..;.. Ohio wlbh his grar.d-moth~. Mrs. Mar- daughmrs. Mrs. Frank called her _ _ _ _ _.....;,.;.;.;.;..;. _____ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ga.ret Johns. MmDakint . Nixen ' andonMrs.



Fathe' Krumholt., PrIest

. ". ~ liE ~VlV~ · ·


9 :00 A. M .


of CHRIST BIBLE soHooL 9:30 A.M. B . B. Coleman. Minister ORNING WO·"DO~ 10·3O.& ... S U,'DAY SCHOOL 9:30 A. M. M ~.u. A. - . YOUTH MEE:rIN08 7 :00 P. M . J . J. Burske. Supt. TlITT PRAYER ME""""'NO W O RSHIP SEh VICE 10 :30 A. M. AD vU .:.u . 7':00 P. M. YOUTH FELLOWSHIP. Thursday. 1:30 P. M. EVENING EVANGELISTIC SERV. 'S ICE 7 .45 P. M .




Lay Reader-in db&rge Olurch Scbool 9:30 am. Ml::l'I'1ng PraIyer and SennOIJl. samuel N. Keys 11 :00 am. .

UTICA U. B· CHURCH aey. Ralph HInes





0Wir..g the Ithe preval1lng sickne&i the ·baplilsimal service a.nnounced.-'f'm" . PaJm. Sund'ay wUl be on Ea*r ~ I . mom1ng I&lt 10:30 o'clock. AJny aduits desirtng bapdsm OIl IIlat mom.1I!g. and those dee.tring Mr. Newton Dee.t!tlh' and dau8bUlIel.r chJ:l,d ren baJpllized. please be t.ert. IM1sa Ina Dea.l'Ilh of Pra.nttl1n: present for 1hIa service. were dJoIler RUefIIIB On of 'l1he:re will also be a. reception of . ....~.---.7 new trnemOet'6 Easter morning 811. Dr. a.nd Mrs. F. B . Gregg. , 10'30 ,o'clock At present (be 'DeW iM:J8s Laum McK1nSey. sper.,t the ~ or 'eight fwntUe& In week end &It !the home KXf ,h er sister. all over .taU1ty per8OII8. Mrs. Earl SWam near Lebanon . ,,",0 1r. ......t ~ '"~. Woodrow OWens and two




IU t8llY . our comJllo.uu y ...,.,.." "'" be n!Oelved with this class by~ebter CJI' 0Ibberwise. rplea8e aomnu_1cate . with 4lbe minister. Rev. R . B. Cole-




'!'be 'Y'outh Fel10wshJip wtll CODa d 1lhoe 6:30 a..m. Easter worahlp a!J'Vioe. 'Ilhe progr8ll1l will DfXlt 'week . FlolJ<Jw1ng the UJe ' l!la8b8r Breaikfeat will be ~ 35c. 'I1he publlc Is oordJa.Dy In




~ ,....

of Frar.kMlr. Arley Everhart. a former res1it ...,. __ ~ ......... w1~ ""'_ dent of near Harveysburg p6S!ed

spen! , ...'" ...",...,..... uu ·• ..,.r ipIU'- a.way at his home In Los Ar.geles on eaM~ east;at town. Maroh 15. 1947. Mrs . EI.mioe A1!om of ~t. Holly Mr. <and Mrs. Oa.lcley ~. who called IOn Mrs. RaY' IM ainous one are sperdlng the winter In Lo6 .au

I8!JiternOOl! ~ week. _ Mr. and MIrs. !R. !L. ~wn were dJn~ ,g uests of Mr, arli Mrs. W . E. Stroud. F1rldly evetnr.:g. 'Mr. 8l1d Mlrs. Vel'IllOr- Maurice and Junior at na'- spetlllt S"~"'ft wlith ,,'--_ ....... urt.7 dI fft-'~"""Y """"". •Y&iUI oe <IlIl ........y . 1Mirs. Lois MauriCe spent S8it.urday IWitIh her sister, Mrs . lDgan Ewing in~, Who 'haa been very lll. ~s. <>ram Shoup am Fred H ...... are IWying . to h~p Ithe sugar sit.uatlon .by .ID8iId!rv ma.pIe syrup. Mrs. lIanIJ ~be&u at Ptomona. 011. formerly of H.8lrveysbu;rg WIld IU


Alngelee called on Mlr. Will H . Bonneville at th.Is hiame 't here. Mr. Bonneville Is til fonner !I1eS1de t at w ~"" n ll.yn,;o .....e. , F'8lrmeTs' Week visitors in 001umbus were Oharlee Jones. , Phil HaJltman. James G~>tl8. Lin stm.ebnJner" a.nd N8It.han Ham1tman. Mr. 8nd Mlrs . Ha.rold !Lemmons and eon JI.Dwnle spent 'Wa:iIne8dIay , evening Mr . and Mrs. EIery Brooks and daughlber of VYnIynesville Ruth WickUne lOt West OarroUton and Me . ~kJer Smith of



SUNDAY SCHOOL · 9 :30 A. M . BIBLE OHAPTERB for iVhls week: Mrs. James Garrison. Supt. Sun. Mar. 30. IT Peter 1-3 . PREAOHlNO 1st. and 3rd SllDd&ys MolD. Mar. 31 I John 1-5 eaob month 10 :30 A. M. TU~ April 1. IT John. m John. Jude Wed Apr. 3. Reve1a.tion 1-5 -.,.ThUrs. April 3. Reve1Mtbn 6-9 MT. HOLLY Frl. April 4, Revelat1on' 10-13 METHODIST CHURCH SeIt. Alpr1l5, Revtela.tion 14-1'1 T. M. ~arff, Minister Stun April 6, Reve!altllon 18-22 SUNDAY SCHOOL 9:50 A. M . II ~ kr.ow of some who have E. A. Elnrnhart, Supt. " complet;OO rtlhe reading of the New WORs:'iIIP SERVICE 10 :30 A. M. Te9tameDt !but may ~ be present I W!VEN1 SERVICE 7 '30 P M at tIbe services. be sure to report . . - 'there names 100 your m.1n1stIeT.

I J-riend6




Robert L. VanZile, ~I.ter BIBLE aaHOOL 9.90 A. COMMUNION 10 :30 A. SERMON 11 :00 A. EVENING SERVICE 8 :110 P. • • •

Mr. 8lnd Mrs. Ernest Arnold oh1)dren were Slmda.y ~teTnIoon gueSts of IMr eald Mrs Leslie G~ sorb &rid dau8hter ar.d· Mr . George Gnw. Mrs. J . B . Jones spent Slmda.y night M1d Monday wJth .h er sister. Mrs. John ZimmtemUlrIl. a.t thle ,hOme 8llJdJ Mrs .....-~, F1r.ek SIt '-U ..... . • . . . . ... .7 waynesville. , Mrs. Ther1e Jones enrerta:lned ,the lq'It.1e Cl8nl Club at her h/OIme Thurs: day afternoon. Mrs. Clrura. Stacy. has belen ill for sevemJ .weel<s is slowly 1m'Proving aJt tJle "h orne of ller daughotel'. Ml'B. Dearth Shreham and falmlly on Route 48. Repol1ts f R<llbert Friend attl 1lh&t he Is alOlli nlcely a;to IM1am1 Valley Hospitlal. since a major oppEII'8doo. Sevetal 1a.d1es from /the Woman's Society here Gltllende.cHhe Zane meetIng at Ithe Y. M . C . A. Da'Ytor., Tu'eS-

wayn.esv11le Is In ~ heeJtih at this time. MIr. aDd Mn;. MUton Snyder and J~ at Blueball spent Saturday evenl!ng with Mr . and Mrs. Chas. Maurice. Mr . t8lld Mrs. COlU'8ld Mair,.ous and Mlrs. Robert Bruce of Harn1lton v1slted Ray Malnous and fam11y . Saturday .

~s~' =;e~=1c:U:~ Sundwy :of Mr. a.nd Mrs. Frank W . Acl{eTmM and ch1ldrer. ®t Varw:iaUa'. Mr. alnd: Mrs. Harvey Burnet have been hi!lping care for, Dr. H . 1!. H!aJtha.wa.y. who n1'8li been ~y ill with pneumonia. at 'his home in Wa'YIlesville. Mr. and Mrs. 'I1herle baa for Itheir dlnJller gUE.'s ts· Sunda.y. the ~ parents. Mr. ar.d Mrs . Edlwtn Nutt and gmndSon. Oa.rry Moran at Oeriterville ar.d Mrs. A!ma Moran of IJa,yton.. The Woman's Society of ~le QNrch 'W1ll meet next Wednesday dtemOOD:. Apr. 3. .~ t.he bome of Mrs. Edwaro l&k& norUh or tbwn. , Mrs.1DonU:l Ba.trd ihas 'the tQevOt1ona. and tbe <tDpW will be · giver. by Mrs.


MII'. e.'Ildl Mrs. ElrJulst Mart.i n of rt4l 14. friends elt the Home. ~~ ~oan. Mrs IA Ima Gebhart. spent Th\Jl'Soo ICIa. ~ Da.ytOn . and ' til ~ i'U~ or ber ~. , ; : :~ ~ lilt 'R1lre's <l4n1ng rmn..

our most

Economic I

F00 d I" • ~


pmga.ore. ~Ie 000nm1~1ft


Cbarge laire: IMrs. lI1i'aIok Kurflss, Mrs.

Chester Baird B1Urd . -







ah1l<b'enl. Wlinnie Jo ani: SOOvle of !Mr. nnw Mrs. JClzef McCoy atSpr1n&lf1eld' spent SUOOay with Mrs . Itlen<If'Q. Itlhe telebraltion of Baha'i OWen's m()jjher MIrs IJUcUe Annl- NSlW Ruz (-New 'Y'ea.l') in ~ or. ~. .. Marob 2l. A 1Ull COUl'ge dinner WWI Da.yWn cailled .

"And Remen ber ••• Mik is also

"Considering the many nutrition benefits it gives you, milk i~ olways an economical food I"


servedl. fo1owed ,by a program of music. P1'8IYers and a ~k on the 'aplrltuaJ Mea.ning of 'Springtime' by 'M rs. 'Helen McCoy.

or Dayton HE1275 TYPEWRITER RlB~ TelpbOlle Wayneaville 2552 bona now in stock. The Gazette. - - . - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


Spec1al ~ .IDIl8ic by Ibbe cbolr.






10:30 A. M .










JDver, fun81 wt11 ciMId&b tbe _ _CII'Y of a laat <tr1bute tbM . . . , cUgn1t1ed Uld ftttInI In et'8I'J napeot.






For more than 20yeara succea!lful fann~ en have depended on BIG M FertiIIzen for maximum yield of all crops. They know free -flowing BIG M brand is always manufactured up t,o highest standards . . . never down, to' ·price.

Telephone 2291


"anford Boge'n '"\ere the One, meets the 0rrow,"'Ohio

Th e Mi ami Ftr tllize r Company Is IlJl inde· pendent Miami Valley c on c ern unde r dire c t operation or lta own en.

Better eet the bcat .. _beat buy BIG M.







,P age 3, The Miami Gazette Waynesville. Ohio. No . 4309 Thursday, March 27.1947 Mlam1 Sboree /lI)eIDt Bun.d:ay even~ wi-tb Mr. aD'ld! ,MInI . J!lIery BrooIra.ettt dilwglbter. Miss M!lIdred! Bn>oka Miss Nina Scott. Mr. Jdhn SOO~ of Wayr..e&eWe 8IJldj Mr . PNI WiIChetr, 0e1'1rerville spent Sa.turda.y II!'YIeIIl1ng wi1b M.Ir. and Mrs . Carl W'ar<ilCJW of


Mr . arwj Mrs . J<f.1n Givens and l'lilld!'oo ar.di'Mrs . W1ck:lJ.noe and' son J1mm:ie, all of West Ca4TollWn spent 8~ dtemoan with Mr . and Mrs. EIery BrooIrs and daU8'bter or


Mr . and Mrs . H. H. Wadswol'th at' West Carrollton. Mir . ani 1MnI. Paul Spa1te I&a1k1 1Mir. Oal'l Norman of DaY'IJ:m. a.r.d M!r . a.nd Mrs. W . E . Sta'OUdJ were dinner buests, Sunday of t41e Olaudle Sbroud fam:1ly.


APRIL ' Ra.i.ndl'OPfJ on my window ~e. BlWTS of green aond white · Tree and wac tIIend1ng. '

In eo solemn rite. , B1nj-tWlngs flaahing red and blue. M8Ite calls shrW GIld hJgb; Olouds. dl ~ dnJw a. shade. Love a'lldl Afprll sigh. -Helen MCCby


NQRRIS BROCK COMPANY C1nclnnaJt1 Ur.1on Btook Yards Live Wire a.nd Pirog:ressive. An organlZBJtion seoond to none. Sbr1ctly sellers or. the best all around mIIoI'ket In the coWltry.

Service That SatlaUea Tune To WHIO Dayrton 1:30 Dial 1300, VRJW OlncIInnaU 12:40 Dla4 700 10r OUr Dal.yo Market Repclir't.

RHEUMATISM! Sufferers! 'l'r7 REINEB'S BlNOL!




paiDII of


artbr1t1.1. neurUIa.lumoago. FREE BOOB:LET. AIk for Relner'. Rlool. Why sutter loapl'T WaynemJJe Dnlg i3tclre. Uc


!8 n West8re ·Mth. a dUferent and excltlng slant aboUt horse bU3'ers.



with MONTE RAILE, . ADRI.AN BOaI1H. ~: Music. Two ~ ah.or.te and Oirtloan. 30 . 31 A rtop pldbure brought baCk for )'OUr pel!fect mtJeIlltaimlen't. ~y and



ita beatl


Before you touch your finger to an electric




. . . ' before 'ou plug in



or appliance cord ... before you start an eleC(~ic mOl~r . . , powerful gencra~s ' have produced





the power you need, giant rransformers and miles of transmission lines have brought depend-

VERONIOA 'L AK!E and SONNY TUJITB. Abo: Color cartoon and ,New&.

able .electric power service right into your ' home, store or fanory. ever ready in advance of your


need. There's ~o wait, no standing in linc.


Anot.ber tA:Ip oomeIdy ploture ibroought bact for your peIl!ect enteNa.tnment. 00med!Y am coloI'.

• \

W'hcther you need a liny fraction of a penny's worth for a light in the middle of


Teahn100jDr 8tan1ng DO.RO'I1HY LAMOUR, mom BR.AOKiE:N 8IDd OlL U\MB. PlU8: 00J0r Cartoon.

the night, or continuous power for manuf;lnucing. your service·minded utility company antici.



pates your needs and provides dependable and abundant electric power.


Our whole organization .is ded icated to serve every customer, large or small, and t9

For Datea, Pbone ..... W&J1lenWe.

each alike we provide prompt, efficient and courreous service. We welcome any suggestions that

.aoUBa LlC_B.

Ohlo. Reveree


will enable us to serve you better.




USED CLOT HING FOR SALE I...1gllJt P BoYs S port 000It also Dark Brown Sport, a>o.t. Size 16 Mrs Clinton Clark Phone 2291 . _ _ 4- 10

Th e Mia mi Ga zette. P al!e 4 ,

M once in iIlh1s commu nity ifX> work Wayn esville , Ohio, ,No. 4309 Thurs da y. March 27. 1947 wl\lh our DlsI4iat ger.Mt ist h car and be over 28 ~ or age. CARD OF THAN KS The WIOl'k is in l1ne witlh the program advocat ed bY' the iIJep8J1'tment of I wish to taJoe tJhis opportu nlt)' to Agrioul ture. Pemu\!I1ent ~k. good <t.hoaJk all rthJose who rem me cares 'P8(y foc man who bas lived an farm MId fl: o we rs BIt tJhe 1.1me or m y re write Mr. l.V"le B. PalmIer. oelwein cenIt 1l.lne&s . Chemlca.l C<l., Oelwein . Iowa.. Mrs. MaJbel Zirrune nnan

,_ _ _ ~_ _ _• • CLASS IFIED AD BATES • • DRY RIDGE a W<II'd.!l or leal. one tsme. •••••• • WAN TED- MISC. (Contin ued from Page 1) ii:Adl additon al word .••••••• •••• 10 WANT ED- SEWIN G- Oall 2611 have t he heEu1t to shoot one but It IJPBCIA L BATES by CONm &CT after 11 :00 a .m. Olara Hopkins. has alwa.ys seemedI rtlo me the height Hlgh 8IJ.. -43 of senJt1mental foollshn tll% to put our .,..----------------------~ Loan a- native gamebi rd which is also =:--_ _ _ __ _ _ __ WANTE D TO BUY- ()[D-FA SH- so useful 00 the fanruen ; an ItIhIe song PlIlDERAL LAND BANK LOANS : loned Fu.m1ture. Chlna a.nd Glass bm:llis t wnd then 00 ptropa.g8 lt.e phe&.For Reflnan cina _ RebuUd1ntr _ DISbE6, Dolls, China. K:e!l'O'iIeJle sants whloh souto! ,tJO deStroy Buytng. 4 % Farm loana with lang Lamps. PScture F'rame6 . V8SeSg TaID. f or Itlhe hWllte!l'S Gme to pay. Pay part or all any ar.d Orna.meDts. Write Paul J. cant see ,that it is 1LDlY to Shoot. I Ume. TthJeL 608 14th Ave .• MJddletown. and shOOt one bird worse to hunt than ankYther . LEBAN ON NAT'L FARM LOAN 4. 0hII0. -410 Once tlbJe(y are iprO~"8JOOd SInd shot ASS'N., Ellis H. sturm. 8edJfor f oo:l. hIaw are they a.I'.y difieren t TreaB~ Lebano n, Ohio. Phone 448 FOR SALE -from amy IObher poultry ? Why not tc Ib rOwn leglltxm s ~I turn them for thw1lter5 ? Wh.aIt 'Would be FOR SA!I.E - . USED STOKE R. 10<Ele the differenoe '! As !It is 'n ow or W8B A fire start' in an America n home every twO minutes . TIlere Real E.tate For Sale KalemanlO. PhKme 2171. are ~7 \\'ben there werent ar.q quall. many about 262,000 home fire s each year. Why not determin e now to elimro.bb1t hunters oould nJOt resist ttle U' YOU HAVE A PROPE RTY OR REAL ESTA TE . ioate all liI'e hazards and check your preseot fire insuranc e? rempt.altl.olli ItO 5Iloot quail when they FARM TO SELL 08ll or Write - - - - - - - - --

Why YOU ne.e I FIRE Insu ranc e

Oem Henders on, Tel. KES446, .7 JlI' TOU HAVE ANY PROPE RTY

Lorain Ave., Dayton , Ob1o.


LIVE STOC KFOR SALE- mESH JERSEY OOW wit.h oalf. Waynes vWe Ph. 2982.

~tilem~ ~ueth~y ~~~

to aeU call PraIlda Gene Brown, tlhey d a.redt not. ptck. !them up and Real Estate Salesm an, for B. D. taIre tI1em blme so IUbaIt they did JI'ennlDstoD. W1 JrnS Jl8*nn. Ob1o. ~~venof~~~:x::.of~ i :

IUm LOanlI . ". ~ ...


X E N I A Fe rti liz er 454 Reven e Chl!lrge,

- Xenia O.

E. G. Buch, ieb, Inc.

_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _.-ot

Roofing &Siding

INST ALLED WITH CONF IDEN CE ~asy Paym ent Plan Availa ble. Three Years to Pay. Estim ates and Surve y made witho ut Obliga tion.

P.& C. Hildebrant

qua1l that had been liohIOt a.nd ,l eft,. '1bere is IlIO exoose 101' 8UOh w.nda'Jism but 'WOuldr.'t1 iI:ihe have a batlter ohance 86 a ga.mebu u. My vote wooldJ be Ito kIeep c:Ibwn ,the f0Ja!8 BDi crows. propaga te q[U8.1l8lJld' pbeII8IIoDt tDo U they W1IIlIt thelIb allOw a al¥Jllt open se&801'l Em aboVe all entoroe !the laWs. I beli'~e th&t quatl twbUld b81ve n beIIb!'r ohnnce tihat W8(Y ~ tIheyI do now as SCQlg birds. The folOOS djdnt do ~ :roc Ule mld Ora!IB, i1ave yloo?


1When tlhe h()ly, d!vine m.a.r.:I.1lesta ,U008 iDIr Prophe ts 811'ipeQ.r in the worJm a cycl~ of redia.oo e. 8IIl age

or mercy' dawns. n~ ,


18 re-

lMiinds. ~~ all buman 10r0ee are ref':oI'mul. perfecti ons are qu1cker .ed, 8Cten<:Jes, disoover1e6 and kweSt4ga.ttone are ell1nW3atJeQ elfftlflh ev.eryth :lng human &pper!taworld' to the ..m .1n!ng vtntues of Itbe is revttalia ed.' 'IH1s HolineI!IP Baha'u "Uah came to renew tihte Ute of tbe WIOrld with tbh1s new ar-d divine ~ .'

'Were it oot for Ibhis replenishment 11he li!e of the 'World woula

become IeNaced and' ext1IJ4ru,lshed . . . U IIlO mm falls' all' Ufe a.nd ~ will Jjerlsh. 11 new llI'bt doea not come the darkr..ees of wID envelcp the eartll. I1 a Dew '~dOleS not atU'ive life \JI)Ob

rthis globe will be


-Baha 'i Writdng s Helen ,~, Oor. BecyI. RAi. 2.. ~e. 0h40

Notice ofhereby Appoiglven ntlnen t Ne1itie Notioe is thai\; Oglesbe e whoee lPIoo!:lt 0Uh:e Address ROOF ING A1'4'D SIDIN G DIVIS IOn is Waynet ville, Ohio rule been du:ly ____ _ _es_ _Leban ___ Phon ___ ___ on_ 806 __ - _Lovel _ _ _ _.: appoint and eState d. 4163 D. 0g1e6be ed(]OOrge 115 AIdIm1. of n.1strtWe late lOt bhe I..


Warren County , ()b1o, deCease d. ====~~ 1!rls 2Olbda ykJ( Maorch. 19<17. RalI¥liH . oarey . Judie of !tale PIi'Obarte ~urt WBn'en County. Ohio Harold! O. 'R islngeT, 1At1;y. - ·410




~cQt1ure Jlfuneral ~ome Dia12 111

Wayn eSvill e, Ohio

~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~' i



FO R Any ma ke or mo del Fre d Kah n Motor~Car Co. PHON E 326





for during Telepho ne true :mbbllt season it .._ _"nd. OHIO FARMERS INDEMNITY CO. -"-ie W88 , not sit all tlhe It mlDlmlO D to fkld _ _ _ _...... _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _..;~=;,:;-;;:~:; - ~.


, . ._ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _


Karl D. Dakin Insurance Agency

~ Ph o~e 1 53,. 20__E . ~M u lb erry,



- -'

9-12 each oons morniexcep ng t 1-5 aftern Wedn esday , 7-9 Saturd ay evenin g Other evenin gs by Appo intme nt TELE PHON E 62-R

Dr. C. E: 'Wakin , Optom

etric Eye Speci alist 26 South Detro it Street

XENIA, OHIO ..~..... ..... ..... ..... ..... ..... ...~..... ....; .._3.~.__._._._._. _._.__._ .._...._._._,._._._.





102 acres good land: 8 room house ; barn 40x60 : doubl e crib; hog house ; new garag e; hen house ; concre te block miJk house ; electr ic; w~ll; cister n; spring . Owne rs one-h alf intere st in, 11 Dairy Oows; 1 yearli ng Heife r; 3 Calve s; 7 Brood Sows; 1 Boar ; 55 Feedi ng Hogs; , Feed ; 9 acres Whea t; Milkin g Mach ine; Milk Cans ; Total intere st in Ha mm er Mill, belt. $16,00 0. Shown by appoin tment . Closed Sunda ys.

Wi lbu r N. Se ars WAYN ESVIL

PHON E 2651


Armitage &Son


_1 a




Waynesville Furniture &Appliance Co. Gibbo ns Buildi ng, North Street WAYN ESVIL LE, OHIO Phone 2,,22

TAP .ROOTS In 'tobe r order 1:0 clear



SW!p and be alble to transfer t1Ues

the differ£!nt colonies ceded ·their claims Ito <the Un tited states except.


Illhe StMe of Virginia. 1784. (or the paymerVt; of hler RevoluJtlonl\J'y SOld . 1ers. a.nJd Is known as !Lhe V1rginla Mi1HQJ'Y Laoos. Lt was located bet!Ween 'the LlitJtle MJ.a.mi a.r.d SdOIto Rivers. And!lher lam g:t'Wlt ww; to Jolm Cl«M!6 8.}mmes. finally carried out tor 248.540 acres. wh.1ch was situaJtled between ltJhe ·t wo Miamd RiV'eJ'8 .fmm the Ohio tJo about a mile N~' of Lebalnon. the renuUnder of hts or1gi1nal gram, of 1.000.000 acres WI18 ' - - "'4 n-.~_ ,~...... ....... wu .... """~ • .,.,., ......IU. Th\l8 ilhlEl ~cmtun1hy




.for settler6 to 'b w and wffordedi. The first settlement in the 8~ Purc.haee ~ ~ 60t M1e mlOtibh of the Mioam1 River. known 118 OOlumbla tn. 1788. On a.cooWllt. of l!tJe hootUlt1es of tile Ir.r.Uam.s no other settlemen!t; ooold be rnadlC. Oer.eml Hannar. ·the first oommander of the United States Anny under tile .Al1t;lcles or 9Onleder8ltlon 8iI'1d reBJppolnJted by Pres!dent Wo.shi!liltOn 8.6 00Dll'lUIIldet' In ch1<e1 Of ·the amtyof the Ur.tted states. under thie oonst4tutJlon. W8lI sta'Uoned' inI this telT1tory wtth an army of six .000000ed 8Illd seventy m e!l1>. To proteclt Ulese early settle-



Th e' M·I amI


Ii' AZET T E 'Ch h PI ¥ E S· .





Established 1850-No. 4310 WAYNESVILLE. OHIO,

urc es an aster emces

Ohurches in the commWlit y 8Q1e dbeerving the Easter seasor. 1n the tre.dit1onaJ manner w1tdl speaal sel'Vloes«t for Good FIlUday and a.lso Easter IlB¥. A 0<lI1lb1ned serv1ce of the Methodiet. Ep1sooopeJ a.nd Friends w1ll be hela !lilt the Melt.h.bd1st chUJ'dbl &t 1:00 p.m. Friday with a program des!gll'e.d ,to carry out !the theme of pre-Easter ~. Business est:a.bMshm.enlt. 1r. .the V.iIIlage rwill be olo6ed from 1:00 p.m. to 3 :00 IPm. to allbw employes aa:d store ~ Itale prlv1l~ of a.t-

...&...._"'". . ...,. _.......... \/C......... ......, ......

..~..... ..,.,. __


St. Mary's Church

March of Dimes Nets $2,039.64

Easter Breakfast

D~~' ~~~~~IC~l947e~rt~~ Southern Bi-:~pH;iOhio. ~VEI~:!%IWDi!~~ of W a rren CoWltLy was recel d wlll celebrllitlc Easter '00-

day b)' Ra¥ mon 'F'. Ha.tfl Id. chair' Holy COll'untmlon servloes at. St . man of bh.e drive from Basil O 'Con - Ma~ 's church at II o'clOCk Sunday nor. p resident. of t he Nwtlonal morndng. Foundation for WarAJle Parnlys1s . Easller C011111l1wUlD'n services w111 $1.50 per Year-5c' a Copy Acknowledging r eCeip t of Ule follow Itlhe parish's arnnual Easter f inarnclaJ repo!lt from Ithis coun ty ibreak!fast whidh will 'be held this Thursday, April 3, 1947 Whioh mised $2.039.64 in th e cam ' year Ir. the Gmnge Hall at 8 :45 a .m . .paign. Mr . O'Conr.or said : "Because e of ·t he good work of 1J1e citizens of Bre&k!fast. wWch w1l1 .be servea your oommundlty and the efforts of by Ule men of the St. Mary's Club. millions of people all over the will be prepared for all lallll11les of try . the 11ghJt aga.inst i:nIfW""'-le - -~" the P84"iSh alId thetlr g'UeSts. ]to will OOU11i I is will be served immediartely alter Mormng r=/sWe are c;~:~ueOf o~ e~:n~ ~r services in the church at Twen't'Y-fimt a::>IStlr1ct of Ohio the campaJgn you have conductEd. OUr 8 o·clock. oonduoted by Sauwel N . Order of. llhle 8m I4lf1J)eC- na.t.1ona l headquarters workers 88.- Kleys. lay reader In oha.rge . tion do4leB: lute you for a gI/lIO<! JOiI). well done." At ,tale Oommtm1on sen1ce. Blshot) 1947 INSPECTIONS BY WOR'IHY Ass1st1ng Mr. Hatfield in Ithe local Hobson will administer Cor.£inna'GRAND MATRON Maroh of Dim'e6 were Mrs. Roy tion ,Uo V1rgtnda. Beattie. Columbus; LUCILLE MJ.LlIJEB Y~r. Mr . C. E. Bl's.r.dJenburg• . Ma'fjcrle Starr, Char~s Starr Md Ma1y12.S- ~ No. 144. Sabina 'the sahools of !the county. t.he Ed Edmiston. Waynesville. June 11- QlIry No. 221. B1anohIester ~on ,picture theIIItre managers 'I1hIe St. ~ ·s .Club has asked 1N8PEcTlON BY DEPUTY . and several others. that 11111 perSOns ipla.nn1ng to atteI!d GR..\ND MATBON the EastJer breakfast noti!<y Mr. KeY'S BEBNUJE JOHNSON In wrlt1ng r.ot Iwter thaIn Frida.y so April 9-Leestnq 57. Leesbu~ MOTHER'S CLUB that reservations cam. be made. April 1~ No. 494, M86Qn CHANGES DATE April 24- iNo. 635. Franklin 'I1he MbtIber's Olm has IJ)OOtponed AprI.l ~ M:Iapli10'7, waynesv1Ue tbela' _~.Ift_ t1 date F1rIda: MD_. 1-NIO. 363. New BurJing:tJc1Cl.. ._ ....... mee · ng . y --y . April 4. because of it being Good Ma.y 5---.No. 357. W1lm1ngtar. Frlda'Y and IDrerfer1ng with t he Ma.y 9- No. 327. New Vielma. church services to !be he BIt th8Jt ~ 14- No. • . Morrow. time. May 21- No. 300. lQ,nollbl.q Aroord1ng to Mns M A Pluuah-Fdwin C M1 M8'Y 23- lA!!lgrhjton 521. S1nk:1ng Bps. san. the ~ of 't,be' ClUb will be W&yneSvill~. ~~=a ~ ~ June 6- NO. 173. Mart.1nsville held tIhe 1ollcnvir.g l"rlda$. April 1-1 and ranked in' foum.h place in the JUDIe ~ No. W, HillSboro at the Grade Sdhool buUd1ng oounlty in rthe 8chloa.rsb1p 'IlestIlUlld . . 8 aIt Leba.noc. Margaret L.

I nspect Ion


Michener Places Fourth In Test

ments he oornm1s6Ior.edi Enslin lAJoe Prior to 'the UnIon sevice a seJVice to bu1lr.l a fDrt. This iloIrt. tlWJIt IIJt w11l be held &It at. Mary's Episdopal Losantlv1l1e. "IV88 celled Fort, WaSh- chUl1Ch IIJt 12:00 to 12:45 !p.m. ingtxm. now Cincinn8lt1. In 17~. On Eatiter Day specla.l seMces Gelneral St. Clair was 1nstruoted to will be held art. all churches wlIth the go to Plort Wash.Ingbr_ to Inspect Metnlod1st BInd St. Mary's churches t.he I18ttlement and! ,p roceed to organ- sOOedUling n.mer Ibreakfasts ad!ter We Hamilton Co. of which th.1s vic- !file eazdy ~ eerv1ces. The In1ty was a. p~. ~ break:f~ w11l be held in H8m.1lt[}D Co. was organized urli er 1he ba.semem reanea.tioo, l'OOIm of REPAIRS, PAINTS ' .BclmBJ,1lJnBn II-ecetVOO hooor&ble .the 'p rovisions of the 0 the dhureh and! the Bt. Mary's BUILDING FRONT mention with & . score of 193. R1cha.rdi CIla!'les ymmg. Lebanon 1787. '1'he Or.dilnanoc at 1787. amJlI1~ breakfast w1ll1be held 8It the Onmlge otJher prov1.sloru;. .the· SJp poLrutmenJL Haal Mth iIile men of St. Mary's A new front ami maijor 1nunor The W8~e Sew-So 4-H ClUb I'8IIll«d filst. wW1 at soore of 247. by thle O~ & gover.or and three Club serving repairs &r.rl altera.tkm& are 'be1nJ held & first mleet1ng F'nIda\Y March Oha.rJes 'I'hotnas R/eIy!1olds. Massle judges; and eleotedJ by people. re o 'I!he ~ of ChrIist boltb local made on tlle M'ender.haJl J)OIlIfll'tY 28 8It the High School. tawr.&hilp sChools a.t mw-veySbUrg ~V'e8 to tt.he genera'l a.s.~y . 8lIIj aIt 1I1eny halve pla:Dned for a ~~ the ~ The officers were elected as wSf; in 10th 'Place 'Wiith Q score of 194_ which. &haill oonstllfiulte a terrttcmJ speclal service both morrJng 8IIld e~.. a nC'XJt r follows : Oounty cel'1t1! of recognition ~. It also pro~ded Ifor ipI'o- everu1ng El2ley'6 Shoe store. 'I1le newly diecPresident _ Eileen Brow!n are to be <Issued to the seniors in the perty rights. reJjg10us f1"Cedom. pro' ore,t)ed loca.t1on w1ll t:Je U&ed ft)t' a Vice-President _ Se.n.dra Simpson ooumq who I1'8nked higOllest of 'the 43 b101t1on 01 edDlat1on. hODJOrn'b1 ~ d~ry products store with Borden's Secretaa'y _ Mary ~ Dre1r seniQI5 in !the county Who took Ilhe Ci'eatmen.t of !the Ind:ar.s in ( n 11' ar-d RJed Wing 1Pl'C1diuct6 being tea'l1mI.sure _ Ann RIOB'era test, ILOCOl\:Mr.g Ito RllJymon .F. rights. and thaJt there &l:all neveI t U!I'ed. The store ~ be in oha11l:e or News-Reporter _ Judy Conner HaIti~ield. Comm1tJtee Chailman. be 6laveIy. Tbus by about 1790 t hle Mrs . MendenhalL Recreation Le2.d1!r - Mary SWetz beg.illJl!nga ~ clv1l goveJUlmerut end Mnc!. nHnfield showed! the banner ~ .land ed purd1asses"W ~ I:.OCAI. MAN VISITS \\1Uoh oUr o1"' .had won last yea~ mcde. TIle bIOundries of ·the ~e At the meeti.,a of the WIU"I'en RESEA~CH FARM to the girls, for hQv1ng 'bhe ~)st purdhase under IhJs f1rs~ COIlIj:m.ot ·... Dl/eJlIbers ar.x:\1 being ' an honor club. surveyed in 1789; and otd:ler County Te'acll'£1l\5 AssoclaliJon. On Gabert E. King of WRyne&v1lle Mrs. Sen! W85 there and ' ta.1lo:d land grwnts lOOR<ted 6'JUn a.!.tler . March 27 ,thJe following officer§ were 'Was am!Ong the group of 200 v1s1t.ors to the younger girls who were startIn the so11t 8'lCIW of candlelight rut e1eot.ed for the 1947-48 sohlOJI :year: alt .t he 738 acre Research Farm of ling in c l'llib !Work 11:>r Itlhe flr:t ,';1 l'mrthe Btmllctt home in Lytle. M1s6 Mr. nrr.d Mrs. carl E. Enn s ':-d 'P res'den/to Charles Chamberlain. the Rals t::m . Purtna Company at 'tlWs year. ' Jar.ioc Milna. BumetJt,. eldest. daugh ch l"d ren of Fnyel.tevWe O . vl!.!.:.ed Elementary enoof T and OOlcll a.t Ga'ay SUlTlnUit. Mo .. recently. The meeting was i:41en IWJourned Iter of M.r ,! Mrs. He.rry M . Mr . .a.rd Mil'S. D. J. Bogan 'alld Mr . carlisle. This is one ofl\lh~ llU-gIe.9t priwrtely till Sa;hu'day. April 12. 2 :00 I3It tJhe Bu~nett. al~d R. Ellsworth Winks. 8II1d Mrs. Denver Bogan Sund y. Vice-pl'E51d1er, R. W . BraddOCk. OW'lled liv~stock6nld pouWtrr resea.ron · Gra.n~'1C Hall. sen O!f Mr . and Mrs . Roy Wd.nks. supf . 1 ,C l1<i~nL t W ynes.nI1'oJ We l'IC wed in 8ill1 iniformal cerema-nu , locaJ Surd:a y alltifrnoon cal . rs at 1 l h - e " " ·eots ir. ,the \\'ICIJ'l d. with more .... 1 CLAry Mr d vUle. t h a n 45.000 birds sr.lj 3.000 animals . a,t 8 :30 o'clock 0]: ' Satu.rday. March ~ Smith of ~~ng v~ ; Sooretrury-Trc !rurer . Mrs. Lillian S . ·belng st.ud1ed each yea1·. SCHOOL CLOSES 29. Mr . o.l1d Mr". F'mnk Sexton or Ca'l1r. h 11l h school I ac h ET at H arMI' . King saw the grade-stock DU E TO FLU lUlv . lRa ll)h W . ~al'ks Jr .. f011ner DayWn. Mrs. A;ry has been ill of veysburg. da.1ry h 'd which has d ':mbled 1Jt.<; reotor of S t . . Mary's Episd~pal M.embcr f Ex: LLive ' ,.. IYI'o :iucJtJon under tthe pr~ Due Ii:> he iliness of several Church offlc'~.-" ,...... ..n ,m<wuw nn"'e 1:he' flu Ule pa-st. week. Vb ' " m of uu..,.,. ........ VQlv.-, tJ expire flowers of p~l Mr. an d M-r..·. C1las. B ega n 0 f Term tw ........ I ' 1rn 1948. Bl Rruph 11 W . careful sarnilLaitJion. sound manElge- t.Ea~ h rs amd pupils from Lhe flu in brunked v. th -""ring ..W Ihna,l'! ,s,penlt SUl1day wit,h Mr. a.nd yn..... ver, pr.nclpa aL \Ie Ba. m e n t . good breeding auo good fE!ed - bot Ithe grad and high schools. l ~ colors anidl ligll ted wlLh tapers. Mrs. DalTell B Jgan and artJtended MenrlJers of ~eCU'wve OJrn mi t.tee- ing- wighoGut lberJelfit. of expensive was decided ;to close .beth depa.r1!.Miss Nlonma Longacre. cou,,;ln of tile fun eMl Qf AI1t.hUJ' Bogan 'I'erms 'to expire in 1949, A. R. s1reB. men ts from Tuesdo.y 1Il<Y.:ln. April 1 the brld -e. p rmented a Pl'C{\'l"lUTl of (a rksville Ohio. Emery. looaJ sup erintendent rut to Thursday. April 3 'w hen clas;es blidal music before the -cou ble ring Kl'nt AJ:y spent SattIDda ' with hJs pringboro; Miss Vdrgir.ia H arnddn. MASONIC LODGE DATES were again resumed. ThIs is th-e cere montY. lWmtt.. Mrs. 'W.eldkm ,:3hepoh ~ I:I n e lem n ta.ry teacher 60t W aynesville. second time t.he schools have been The bride $pok Iher .vows In an W~ O t.h'er members of tlfu Executive SJ\TURDJ\Y, APRIL 5 tlO6ed d ue t o bhc prevaler. flu Allce"blue ogOWT'.. It,timan-eel 'on ly In The millll1(Y' fl'lienJds of Dan Vickers C.ommlJbtee Wlhose -terms expire ill waynesvllle lJJlClge No. 163 F&AM oEl¢Uemic. ha411d smocki ng a~ld a Joouch of gold . ar glad to IoIroW hie is gottlng wlr.g l!l~ : Mrs. Sara Kelly. elementar:y Specla.l - M.M. - 7 :00 P . M. Her acoe&sories were of navy blue WELLMAN RESIDENT and her only j ~velry was a double 00 weU. Dan received a bl'Oke n. enkle teacher at MlOO'row; JOSeph F. Bell. ':lt th TUESDJ\ Y. APRlL 8 FR_AM s' "'~Jd "".... ~"' . nw 6~A' .... ""le while worlclng .for Mr. Sci1m.'. e high school teacher IIlIUl ooac.h a t n. ill T.nrl.... N 163 . !.oJ" """ ...." ,,. ... tcck buyer eJt Oen.terv1l1e. Kings MlHIs. .-.68n esv, e ......""6 e to. .... TAKEN MARCH 23 gfOefll. She wcre ~ corsage cd' whU-~ ....... _ >.h._ rn.~ ~ ~"'" h tA. re.."01u~ion 'WIllS adopted by the Stated Meeting - 7 :00 P. M . fin d . ean1ed a. ,Iovnly lace 11ft .... dkerV",.. wl'S art "U'e 'VUUo<> . "",,!; . .n ame ._ .. 1 .... _ . iIi ' th soh 1 The Wellman neighborhood wa~ ,<~. Mr. and Mrs. fassoc....,won en"",n; g ub'-e"bted . ';)0 S"~d'''v evenin"t) ~~rc "'" d-..... "'n bills b saddened by the de8lth of E tta Ma.e chief which h e r .."11l1,mno1lh'e l'. Ml's. Floyd LYIIlch rund 601~S a.nd Mr. and oun alW...... as s u.., y Gray. Mar. 23. Although she hnJd E . L . Thomas carried on h el' wed1MrB. EV'erett Bogan a nd PaJhty 01 Senators lDarniels- and c.ramer 8It1Id i!W!!i ~ been am,ost an InvaMd for sl.xiteen ddr.g day. ~orty-e1ght . yel)-rs ago . Wlil.ynesvi1le Ohlo: opposing the !bill as l!nItrCducej b~ ..A. m1:>r.ths sil'!.' was l\Ilways cheel'llul and" \!'IIotendin g tile bnde . was M'!dS .~v"'''' U·._ .. "'--ble Z·l tnJ~~~a!n .... " 1 rc- 8en8Itlars from Hamilton ooum.y. ~ Wilma Surfnc.e a cousill who w re m.. ........ "'110 Thb a.oove Il15)Xll1t ~ submli tJt1ed a smlle wnd 'a. "HI" grooted friends . Dr. Dudley Keever of Centerville and fiImily as tJley entered her room . a yellow dres6 With Ib rown are sma.l!ns OO!I1!flnlfidi by il1ness aLt h er by It he of!fice of Ra-ymoIl' F . H aMield . Imme ~eM' Waynesville . w~ a dinner guest rut the H~ On Etta Mae was alble !lh.1s winter to sorIes lllIl'd a corsage of 1?lnk. T h MIss Arir.a. Louise Hoak together County Sohools Superl.ctenderut . Sunds.y . sItt a nd piece qu1lits far s eM!ral groI:)m. 'Was llItltended ·by ht.~ · bro~h:c.r. wi rh Monbn1a Md iNelije Bunnell Dr . a nd Mrs. F . B . Gregg were m embers of her familly a.nd 'Was James Winks as IbeSL mM'. . \~'ere- SUlld '.l y caller, 011 th e Oharles FARMERS GRANGE MEETING Sunday evening gu/esU; of MI'. hruppy in doing so as she IW'IlS llI.J1t Mter a small :eceptlo:n for tihC'Il' SMW fam1Jy of East David 1'100id . SJ\TURDAY NIGHT; BASKET Charles iJey.'is and Miss Emma Lou able to do any 1J~g else ItJhait re - immediate fa mil ies. gra;ndparel1 S Da.ytxln. . DINNER HONORS BIR1'H.UAYS Lewis . . qull'ed phys1caG. strer.g>th. The ard a few close f r l n ~<;, t,h e coup) p Miss Lucy Emley, alter M1 abF'a.rtrrers No. 13 will meet Mrs. ' Lucile .A!tm!tage spent 'the peaceful look on n er i n.ce showed left If?r a brief weddingtr~p . F or 'sence of !ten days 1'rom her autles 8altul'day e vt'.iIlmg, A,tpriJ 5 BIt t he we't>Jt er.t:! with her auIlJt, Mrs . that she ICIded as she lived. haq>py !traveling. lUle bride wore a two aiL ·t he POSiL Office on' a.ccour.t of Grange Hall. A dinner will be served Mattie MlaJ'Sh and daughiter iI.1[i&; Mln secure. piece gray 8JI1d' n a vy p.rilllt dress with illness. return>ed I\b W'01'J{ on Thurs- &1, 7 o'clock for members hav1ng Glenna Marsh in Daytonl. navy O:>alt. halt 1ltl-:rl accessories and da'Y . 'b lrllhda,ys in Ja.n'U8Iry. February or Mrs. EvaJyn P eters:m accompanta whif1e oorsage . Mns . Everett spent 'rues- March. It is requested !by ,the com- cd by he niece. Mrs. Ma.ry A.rlIlleloee FIRE DEPARTMENT Mr . and Mrs. Winks !U'C bot J1 day I\V1ftJh her pa.reIli~ Mr. and Mrs . mittee thart a basket. an.d taJble Hagemeyer spent. 'S at urday al(Jer- ANSWERS CALL employed in D~' ton ar.d expect t) 00Itwin' AIry. Her mother. whio has servke!be brougtlst by those attend- r...oon with her sisters, Mrs. Alice res1de in thaJt clJty. had I!lhe !flu is much ~r. Telfair a.nd Miss IHa..nnah GreEme The .Fire De~t respondle<i to Mr . and Mrs. ~les Sha'W ~a: .:n~~= ~dd.1~~ in W~. a call art 1lhe R . O. Bailey fann ,M r. and Mrs. EVC'I'ett Smtth. nea l' East David road. Da.~, called on ,MUi5eg Mialmde Dodson &nd Rullh 110IIth of town- 9It 1:30 pm . Monday Mt. Holly called on Mr . and Ml·s . Miss Monlmia Bunnell OIIIe'day last Cha.n.dle'f a.r.d. Mrs. Ev9Jyn Peter- to ext1nguls.h a gr&.&> fire Itha.t had Albel't Hagge. SuniClJay aJiternoon ut \\'leek. . On Frida.y everung MaIroh 28. lilt ~ atlbended the New OentUl'y Cllub gadned oonslderable ~ 1n a then- former home. Mr. ami Mrs. Charles Doster 8Ild ~e heme of lIlm'. sod Mrs. Kel:la.r 1M; the hoolie of Mm. ~ Rye shkmt time and fthree.teoed to do Mrs. AnruIlbelle Flora of Da.yWn tunM;v at BIa.1WeysIlUqr and ~ float. !hila. Boak &nO JUCIy on PrIdaw' ~. ~ daIna8e unless br<Jugbt under left ~ by plane {or St. Peters0II.d Bunnel:l "IftJIre d:tnner &'UMte of ~ 4lbe ~ aaiI; lCs. AmaInda Hart.rum apent oarvtzol. burg. FJQ.. where She wtll visit wilth .JIbe an. 0IJItAaIe in Wilm1D8tAJD :hOOIOr'1ng Jermle iLea Braddock who ~ at the b;lme ot hel' 8(J!l; f.!ll'. P1:re CIldef 8tandUord ~~ no MnI. F\Imais aIId return OIl SUDdI¥. wae bome for · 8prtqr ftIDMb&. AIJeR 8WiD aDd t~. 10I'III we claJrnaI. ~ the 0WDel' _ wtth her lID a. ftek.



Sew-S,o 4-8 Club

:= f=

COUDty Teachers Heads- Named


Winks,:, Burnett Vows Spoken



:1 -





om,e .

The Miami Gazette · BSTABLISHED 1850

Slu;d8iY dtinner guests of Mr, and Mrs. WaltJer Kenrick. ID. 8IDd Mrs. ll4'elvLIlI Banlta of Ja.mesoown 8Jld Mr, and Mrs. Marlyr. Ba.Iita of Dayton a.tLen'lled a birthday dilwr SUnday llit Ithe home of Mir. 8IIld Mrs. Petex Balnta. hor.or ing oflhe bwthday of Mrs. PeLer Bant!l and lMerlyn Ba.nta.

PUblJ.s.hed Every Thursday by DAVlSSON PRESS FLOYD L. DAVISSON. Editor Sotered as S econd Cla.s8 Matter at the Post Office Subscription. Rates : $1 .50 per . Year In Advance

Nationa l Advertising Representatives Mrs. Calvin Wng.acre. Mrs. Ralph Ba.t1let'. Mn>. Robert Hunt 8i1lId Mrs. Ohio W ee klies, Inc., 2465 W. Broad Street, Charles Twnblesor. llil1telndOO a. Columbus 4, Ohio M1ssI.onary meeting Th.U1l'SdIly a.t t he _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _...;;...:,.;....;;;.;;,;;.;.;;._ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Metihoctlst Church 8It West Carrollt On and heard Rev. John A. Subhad. MethOO1st B1shIoIp of I.nIcIta speak .

:J)'1'';1 J t


r ,


Mr . aJnd Mrs . Olaude Riggs of Dayttor. were Sunday afternoon R. B. Coleman, Minister guests of their pa.renu;, Mr . aald SUNDAY SCHOOL 9 :30 A. M. Mrs. Wilbur Clllil'k . J . J. Burske, Supt. Mr . 8100 Mrs . E . B . Longacre WORSHIP SEh VICE 10 :30 A. M. a.rrived home Saturday after spend YOUTH FELLOWBmP, the wimer at Bradenton. Fln . Thursday. 7:30 P. M. Mrs. Will Rl has been quite ill wilih tAhe fl u but is I.tnprovil1g at ST. MARY'S 't.his!e . EPISCOPAL CHURCH M r . ul'd Ml' . Loon Salliobw-y of Sam uel N. Keys Washina nO . H . ~re SurJ:tay Lay Reader-In charge gUest.B ot Mrs. Nettie Eml'lok . Ml:rming Prayer 800 Mr. and Mrs . HBrolid S te1nke ParISh Easter BreakfMt 8:" a.m'!IIIlid children v1B1ted Mfs· ...ta;tUda The H oly ComnlUllion and :~~~: Steinke and famUy BIt .Bo:ikins llUIItIon 11'00 a. m SuIllday. The R1ght Rev. Hemy W. 'HO~OI; Mr: ar.d Mrs . Mol'lis Wharton o f MIa mi Sh'Ol'cs. Dayton were Sund8iy dinner guests of Mr . 811d Mrs. UTICA U. B· CHURCH Clyd~ w.herton and Mr . Gl"elllti1a.use. Rev. Ralph Hines Mr. ~bel't Friend returned home SUNDAY S OHOOL 9 :30 A. M . from MI81mi Valley hospital. ThUl'S Mrs. J ames Gal'lison. Supt. day an<i 1s s lowly improving s1t~ce a major operwtion. PREACHlNG 1st. and 3rd Sundays Miss Laura of Genera l each month 10 :30 A. M. hospltw}' OInclnnlliLi was a ctillmer guest. Sunday of ' Ml'. ar.d Mrs . MT. HOLLY Harvey BUl'l1let. Mrs. Gertl"llde Oswal'd a.nd Mr. METHODIST CHURCH Lairry " Green 'Were Wednesday T. M. Scarff. l\Unlster gucst.s of 'the HlIil'old S teInke fa mily. SUNDA Y SCHOOL 9 ::;0 A. M. Miss Beverly Bamj spent the E. A. Earnhart, Supt. we k -end with her grand -paren ts. WORS:'iIIP SERVICE 10 :30 A. M . Mr. altd Mrs. Ohe tel' Baird 1I~ EVEN1 NO SERVIOE 7 :30 P . M . Dayton. Mrs. Cha~les Buooe ll and Miss Almetta S OOinke l took the chlldren FRIENDS 10 t.he Shrine CIrcus in Dayrton Wed FIRST DAY SOHOOL 9 :3Q A. M . f11e...' . MEETING fOT WORSHIP . M!r: and Mrs. Ra1!ph Barger and 10'SO A M Mr. wnd Mrs. Free! Rush artltended . . . the 'funeral of theIr b'rother-in la.w ST. J. UGtJSTINE CHURCH Glenn Boots. at Akt.on Sa.turday Fat he- r Krumhoit'Z. PrIest lIIf,ternoor-. MASS ollNDAY 9:00 A. M. SeaIll8l1l. Dona ~d Wla.tkins retW:ned home fram Korea last week and will Il'eceive his dlsaha rge in about FERRY tln1ee weeks. CHURCH of CHRIST Mrs. Everetlt, Early attended th e BIDLE SCHOOL 9:30 A.M. Annual Spri ng lur.c heon of the MORNING WORSHIP 10 :30 A. M . W estern Oollege Alunm1 alt, Hotel 7 :00 P . M. Van Cleve lin Day;ton Salturday YOUTH MEETI.NGS afternoon. ADULT PRAYER MEETING Mr. and Mrs . 11herle and 7 :00 P. M. Mr. a.nd Mrs. J . B. J1;:mes spent Sun EVENING EVANGELISTIC SEIR,v- dwy Illfternoon with Mr. am M.!'''. ICE 7:45 P . M. Jesse Dill all, Llrrua. Mr. a.nId Mrs. Thoma.s Col1fus and Mr. Charles Oollir.s of Dayton were


Robert L. VanZile, Minister BirBLE SCHOOL 9.30 A. M . COMMUNION 10 :30 A. M SERMON . 11 :00 A. M. EVENING SERVICE 8:00P.M.

A FARM DIARY D. J. Fraiser

M'3I1'cb 28. 1947. Winte r Ungers a long tAme this year. Tuesday we had one of th w!Orst storms of ·bhie yeal·. ~t ral.t~ed an d blew all Monda.y night t hen tw-ned to wi11d ar.d snow on Tuesday. lit snowed and it b lew. ~ blew am I t snew, It we could lTlOIk such a word. why r~Ol? It 'bl v off a piece of ban'n roof. It blew down trees. It blew oCf a. couple ol b9.mdoors. lot alnl10st blew the cars off th e 'I . I t is .s tlll cold a.nd miserable and t he coad pUc gets smaller e very d ay. PerhapS Ea.ster will bring us some b uteI' weath~ so ~ha.t we oan w ar our new Easter 11 j • Alltcr all I woul r 8lther have a pleasan't AiPl'll than a pI asa.nt March b ut We likc to grumble WhCl~

The Miami Gazette. Page 2 Waynesville. Ohio. No. 431 0 Thul·sdav. April 3, 1947

. the ,first t.lme stnee we h ave had it. h b t Lt sounds Hke spring ev'en though T e ;)y Who h d been using 1. called it does , not 'l,o ok like It. The h'ens are to h is dllid. "Shall I drain t1he tractor?" His dad, t51Uj. "Wa.llt ullilll shlglng I.t~ tihe hen ihouse 8i1ld'!lll the I see Wlhetlher the truck wUl start. birds were singing this m'orning. I eed 1 . Th' bh bath Song spurows. l'OO bl.t'ds. tlitmlce may n t. . <e n ey , werut 8i1ld SOmIe otAhers I could not ldel'lltlfy off and forgot about it 8Jld SO did I . An'Other d6IY W'asOOd working with but the .poor things m ust hm"e lbeeh lit and going diown Ito get parts for cbld . Last rJght 'there w~ a chorus it. We got the new hou&ing but no I dldnt like so well. two whole trees new '!lherm.ostats avaUable. W1h11e We full of starlings. I 'hope they are Ju&t were In lJeba.n1>n we ~nt In ar.d passing 'bhrougth on their way 8OOIIesigned up SIt iIihe AAA. Last ~ar we where else f.or I OOl'talnJy do not wanlt dldnt cany ou.t aU our plans. I bope them h ere. this year We can get the lime hauled If 11 roos~ crows On your porch wlhlen we \VSlnlt lit and rer.oV'\llte the thwt is a sign tlbat you I8regomg to paStW'CS thalt need it. 'I1hey sho uld COtllIJlMlY SO I just heard. but be dlsked. limed a nd resowed with 'MhUe I 'bh1nk 'there m tg1ht be somefer.tlllzer. I feel Slll'e Lt would pay tJl1r.g to ,plantlne In 't h e moon signs 'eVlm wHhout ir.lCeniUve payunellits. I have no faith Il1Ilthis. No company Their Is al\V9.Ys a quest ton in my came except some more bens bhalt mI.nd a.bout pe.ytcg a farmer to do he c8l11ed to show wOOt a nice place 'bhe tl11ngs hat h e wW bendbt flrom the porch was for lle5ts. 1 do n o t an~'way . lit does help a 1IliUe when ~ with him tor how can you el-bher the ow ner 01' the tenant is not keep a d og from sucking eggs when donserVRll1Cy minded but the pay- he finds them laid right In his bed? ments are tol) snU\!ll to help the small It may be service to have the eggs farmer ve ry much a.lld 'bh.e big pro- broU&'ht vighlt to Ithe dOOr but I wUl duoor doesrtlt nfled them. Is It a be very g illid wher.. we l1ulsh our oow legitimate use tor the tax pe.yere 'Ob:1oken yard fenoo and C8IIl keep moneY? t.h.e chickens away from the house

Do Y our Floors SAG?

Give them a L 1FT with FLOR-LEVL


TWIN I heatre April .. 5 A new type Western t.hat will please all of Hopalong Cassidy fa ns!


Cellar Posts





6 .

we get ·too much bad'er a ll in one piece. They let 'the traotor freeze up for


In keeping w1ith Ew:.oor Sunday we ofter the best at fiDe enbe.tlta-inment in,--


EASY TO INSTALL - Safe and Cheap way to bring your floors back to le\ el.


OTHER ITEMS IN STOCK BARN SASH, White Pine, 4 and 6 light . ASPHALT ROOFING, Rolls. and Shingles.

S9._.n _ Po ful S'-"'ll lAO ... ..... ' 0 wer -- !.OW" ng. s ,,,,.,.,.·-,,.A _ ...' ....' ng. S~\lAul me1""-u..u ... Jla. that will oilton chill you to your sea.t.

w. H. Madden '& Co.


PHONE 2281


w1Ith PAT O'BRnm. OLAIRE TR/EVOR. Also : Color Oal"toon and ... \..~~~~~~~~====~==~======~~~~==~======~ Shol't. -









Every wU1 obertsh the memory of a last tribute tha.t waa dignified and fitting in everJ 1'CIIpeot.






F or more than 20yea~s successful fanners have d epended on BIG M Fertili zers for m aximum yield of all crops. They know free -flowing BIG M brand is a lways manufactured up too highest standards . . . neve r down to price.

Telephone 2291

s. eN S'

Get Stanford Bogen Right where the On eTwo-Three meets the C. C. C., Morrow, Ohio

The Mi n mi Fertl li %e r Company is an il1 d ~ · pc ndenl M iami Va Hey co n ce rn . u n d er cJ'r ~c t oJ)f!ratioll of ita ownera. '


Bett; r &et the beet ... best buy BI G M .







1947 ...

. . ~



Page 3, The Miami Gazet te Wayn esvIlle , OhIO, No. 4310 Thur day, April 3, 1947

in Europe and some of the t1h1ngs bave the help of Oltr abher agEmcie s John M . MWers; RJelUdt ant Ul'; Mr. and Mrs. n1Iward t.hat World Ohurch Service is doing like the Red Cross am the Ohuroh by GoorgetJt;e Heyer; Cl&ud1eWidow . alld Dresen and sor..s. Mr.a.n d Mrs. Ray to help. The other. "8ee<15 of WIorld Service and th'ey mw;t be David by Rooe Franke n; YOUlllg F . D Estiny" MIS a gOV'6rnmelllt film backed by every one of us. HaVle Y'OI1 Claudia. tiy' Rose Framke n; L1ncbln Mr .Coon and daughter. Springf ield; a.r.d garage. My tenant doemt like showing what bas beer. and Mrs . J . F . Jlaoobs ; Mr. happen ing to helped the RedCro M yet? The ElBBter Reader by PaW M . Engllf ; it when they roost in 'bIle gwrage 't he chlldre nof Europe a.nd Mrs. La.uren ce Jacobs. Gloria. ltaiJI:en to make offeri ng aJt st. Marys Will g10 tU~ the Appo~tmel'l!t a.t Nine by D . M . and' J8l'.et; Mr . and right over vhe trnotm and who car. people realiZe whalt we Mrs. Ch.a.rl'€8 wUl be up share of the Episcopa J. Churclh in Disney; Brass blame him? Kle:Ys of Ke lllwick by \\1l1eIJ> those chilWen wre World Ohuroh Serviele Relief and A. H. Seamaln ; Empire BuilidJe:rs by R . Ellis. FUoyd a nd carolyn ; Mr. and Mrs . Oliver A. Jaoobs, Drmna. Su~ rughit <two films were showu growr. if we do not 00 some t.b1ng Il'J1doubtedly ~er MUtl'Ches have Robert O . case; No More WUh Me and Jimmy; Mary JO Rich . a.t st. ~ 0Ilureh thaIt more ILbout them now. How can anytOIle done or Iw1ll dIo their PI1I'\.. Next .by Russell La Due; So1oence Year IpeopLe ~hould hi(\ ~ steen. One. "Nor. look 'lLt such piotures WIld feel Ithalt time you get a big hunk of meat Book-I9 by Brea.d Alone" sh/!lw.CQ condiotlolll5 a.ny~g gocrl can ever come out f.rom your looker think of ~lbose This Is 47 by J . D. Ra:tcl1ff. Ed,ltor; Ibhe Year by Fukema Fe1ke ; of war. Yet Is there any way to re- babies wtlth arms • like broom stl'8lW8 Trial of Boren Qv1&t by Janet Lewis: Suffere rs! Try REINE R'S BlNOL l 51st force except wdrtll 1'oIroe. 'I1lI6 who look!ed out of t hooe pict ures Black Founst.a1ns by 0swaW. Wynd; Comfar Ung relief from iJa,tna. or Oh1nese Wy and bellef thaJt the wlith g hulllmY. eyes 'Wd put Boats or.. the ,b y M.a.rjOl1e ~lteuma.tlsm arthrit1 & eurltla 1 conquer ors wiLl themsel ves be con- as!de their:bl sm.ethdn g to help them . We F'lao1t ; Big Tree Rd.ver by Marv a.OO' Oonquered workled. 'I1bere in the old cam a.otuaIlly share lOW' . n , umfood 86 we rad Buff; Florenc e Nightlng a.lie by oa.go. FREE BOOKL ET. dalys when t he change s were only at WQuld like Ito do but we can Aak tor. give Itle J . C. Nolan ; Don Marsha U, a.n - ReIner's Rinol. Wby tbe Jtop and tJhe oom.ll'IOn people money t:o buy for them. suffer 10lll'eZ'? Buy l!ess and nounce r by Edwa.rd Fond ; Garden Waynesv11le were more or less ur.distur b€1i by g~ve more - th.aJt Is Drug store. tro sodethi ng we to Eastman:l by Harold lAmb; With thleJr rulers and bfe wenlt On much C8Ill do. __ l Ili'ter.t , ItO Dec1ere Iby Ma,n,nJing as usual 110 mabter WIhc WII6 boss. AUCT IONE ERIN G C01e6. But th.1s wholesale destruc tion of .i'.. LITERA RY GUILD BOOKS STAN LEY and KOOG LER t h e pe:>ple i s ,d1!f'ereIJt, flOrae must Lydia. Bailey by Keooebh Roberts ; B&OD B8 LleDS . be u.sed 00 stop ~t . ibefore justice and NORRI S BROCK COMPA NY Walls of JeI100 by iP . J . Wellma n ; ror Dates, Phone 11M. Cinc1TWl1ti Urlon Stock Yards W&1DeevWe. Live Wire and Prog.res stve. A:n Mrs . MikIe !bY.B . and N. Fneedlm an . Ohio. Reveree organ.imt1on seoond to none. to bring IOrde? QU~ of chaos. A r ecect I HONO R BIRTH DAYS artlcloe saYs 't/m't the new constab ul Strtctly sellers OP. the best ~ a.ry Is doing lbe~r work t ha n the all around ma.1'ket in the The follow1r~ new books have OF F AMIL Y, SUND AY country . oocupwt.!on ·1'orces as they were beeIII placed in the Wlayne Town.'3h1p In honor of birtJ1~ of memibens servi ce That Satis fies orga.niz ed. or disoI'gla nizeel, were Library IthIs ~: of their families occurrin g in March ,Tune 'Do wmo DaY't<m 1 ;30 dQlng. It was rt(jt work for lmtraiJl ErnLe Pyle Alb~ by Dial 1300 eel teer.age rs. as mllny of tthe r e- Mlller ; Nearby by Elizabe Lee G . and AIpr1l. Mr . and Mrs . H . J . WfLW Cinclinn aU th Y8Jtes ; Ooon of Harvey Sburg entertain'ed !lot 12 :40 Dial placeme nt t roops were. It was work Valley of Va.n1shiug 700 for Our Men Dally Mar ket Reporl. for t rained me n tihat would be re- Brand; Foxes of Ha41row by MAX Sunday . March 30 the fol by Fr.a nk lowing guests: spooted by the peopl1!. But th ey must Ye1'by; RejX)l't to s t. P eter by Mr . and Mrs . Ray E . Coon and H ndrlck Va r. Loon ; \yUd Yamb, by sons· Ul'bnna ; Mr . James Hese.


ftetuJeen tne

1111al1111'1II 1' "

=~. ~~ha;~~ :a~ ton:;





"WHAT AM I DOING FOR PERMANENT PEACE r What will you do for your country? You can take a full-time job at good pay in the Regular Army. O r, you can join other young men in your commun ity in your local Nationa l Guard unit.

If you are in colleoe, you can get your training and Reserve Officer commission in the R.O.T.C. Or, if you have served in the Army, you can resume your military tra!ning and have your former grade or rank in the Organized


Reserve Corps. '• . If you believe in America, you'll believe in your new Regular ~rmy


Kiti .


and its civilian components. You'll feel a certain tingle of pride-to know that others depend' so much


upon you, and envy you the inspiring fellowship you enjoy.



Avo idl all ele ctri c wir es, . .\: esp e(ia lly hig h vol tag e line s ' . ~~ ..?:; I


!n the Regular Army you can have excellent training in valuable

Kite strings and kite ta.its can cause serious accidents if tliey tangle with high voltag e lines. Wet strin,g is particu larly dange rous because it condu cts electric". ity right down to the kite flyer. " There' s only one sure way to avoid the danger s of shock, burns or ev~n death - keep kite strings and kites a

skills or trades. All your necessary expenses are careif for. You get travel, adventure. And after 20 years you can retire at half pay · for the rest of your life and on up to three-quarters pay after 30 years of service I Get full details about all' the advantages of Regular Army enlistme nt at your U. S. Army Recruiting Station.




. OR


U. S. Arm y CHOu,;E FINE







APRIL 1-12

Your R"ular Army Serv.. the N.llon and Mankind In War and P..OI




· 1 ,

• >


1. Never fty a kite near electric wires of an y kind. Kites wilh metal p.Irt S ~llre especially dangero us if they fall anoss wires. 2. eve r u e wirc 'or twine that h35 wire or tinsel in it for kite trio g


.. •

safe distance from el'ectric wires lind high voltag e lines. Even if you don't get hurt, there's always the dange r of puttin g a whole power line out of commission, cueting off light and power needed by h()s~ pitals, fire pumps and factories. Keep kite {lying safe fll11.


3. Never fl y a kite wilh wet str ing. 4. Ncve r run nun s strcCls nr high. ways while /l ying a kite. S. Ne\'e r d imh r o les or trees to kno k down kites cau ght in or ncar wires. T ake no chan cs.



Clark G ml{! H and son .Ronnie. Mr. Th e Mia mi :a zette. Pa g 4 4-10 !lll'ld Mr '. Carl W r igM all of Bell- Wa yn s \ i1l e, Oh io. No. 4310 - - - ' - - b r ok, Mr. John GlbO;}n of Mec · Thursday . April 3, 1947 han1.icsbul'g'. Mrs. AI] be1't H ngg fI.n<t · - - - -- - - - - REAL ESTATE - -- - -- - - - - - - - - son Warren of Day,ton U t lle Ror.Jlie t 1:r . a r~:IJ Mlrs. N<ql ih N ewman. IF YOU HAVE ANY PROPERTY Hess sa ng Ha.ppy Blr.Lhday . and sons David and Tommy ' had to sell call Francis Gene BrClwll. A delicious dinner was served fOr Stulda ' dlllner b'l.l~tS. Mh' . Bnd Real Estate Salesma.n, tor B. D. I oll ved wilth 8. billthJd Y cake au d Mrs . F'J1€Id Lange al)d s on, StSlnley Pennington. WUmini.ton. Ohio. Ice crea.m. She reoelved ma n,v Cf , Dn:ylLoir; Mr . a nd M1'O. RolJle.rt Palm Loans 4l% Tele hone beaJUtlIul preseonts. Then the,t ThGm pson a.nd s on. Paul of W8.yDeI!W . . P a.tibemOon she had the folb01\ving ville ; Mrs . Emlma LaOY 01 Lytle. ayDeavWe 2935. ~e1art,J;v~ call . Mr. wnd Mrs. William Mlrs . Le.nge. M1m , Ne'WJJl.a n Bald PO MdM1chael e.nd rtwo oh1ldren Gtl.ry N'~s . Th(JIIll,pson are sisU:rs and R SM...E HOUSE. 3rd and Karer. of Da.:yIton. Mr. RoberL Mrs . Emma. lAl.:y their grand and Miami st6t. . GI preference Le '~d mother for 30 days, open fOr inspeotion e yne an daughte~ ~ndm of . Sa.turoa.y 2 to 4 BJ"Jd' 6 to 8 IPm. Xenia a.r.d Mr, and Mni. Albert BIll Lee. Wia.ynesvtlle. Ohio, -43 Hagge ar.t:i son V/Rrren oJ DIi:ylLOJ1J. IN CASl!: ·OF FIRE DVL 2m Size


• • CLASSIFIED AD RATES • • 25 words or less. one Ume. .•..•. 25c W ANTED"T MISC. Each addltonal word ............ 1e WANTED- SEWING- oa.u 2611 SPECIAL RATES by CONTRACT after 11 :00 a.m. Clara Hopkins. H1gh st.. -is

----------------------- WANTED TO BUY~ O~FASH-

ioned Fumiture. China and Glaas DJshe6, Dolls, China K-eroeene Lamps. Picture Frame& Vase& a.r.d Ornaments. Wr1te Paul J .

ame to pay. ' Pay part or all any Ume. LEBANON NAT'L FARM LOAN ASS'N., Ellls H. sturm, 8edy_ Tl'eaa~ Lebanon. Ohio. Phone 448

Mrs. Clinton




FEDERAL LAND BANK LOANS: For Reflnanc1ng - RebuUdlDg Buytng. 4% Farm loana with long


Phone 2291


'!'WeI, 608 14th Ave .. MJdd)etown. 4. 0hII0. --410


sincerely wish to thank aU IOUIr !friends fOr th.~ lovely flowers FOR SALEMlIdI their kind woods sympathy tc _ ___ ~_ in 'the loss of our dear Mother and __________________ 'P OR SAlLE _ STUDIO OOUOH. ~. We e$eCI:ally wish

Real Estate For S.IeIF YOU HAVE A PROPERTY OR PARM TO SELL Call Or Write Oon Henderson. Tel. KE3446. 617 Lorain Ave.. Dayton, Ohio. tfc





good oondition. reasonable. Call Ito Ibha.nk Dr. Stout 1100' his fa.1thfUl 2154. -410 ~ ar.d servioes. _ _ ________________ ~ . and 'M rs. ,Alva. Thompson POR SALE- RD> CLOVER SEEID: a.nd Famnly < Loose mUQ1~. J . lB. OhapJl'l8lll· Card of Thanks-IPl*me 2711 . 43c I wiSh <to th8nIa; a million to aal ' ~ friends. neJghbors and churoh ior flowers and good greelting cards USED CLOTHING-


X E N I A Fertilizer Xenia


E. G. Bucha,i eb, Inc.

,_____....___-----------------'!t .

' f 00. lng


&S-dI Ing

Easy Payment Plan Available, Three Years to Pay. Estimates and Survey made without Obligation.

P. &C. Hildebrant ROOFING AND SIDING DIVISION Phones-806__ _Loveland -:-_ _ _ _ _Lebanon ____ _ _ _ 4163


~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ rr -








Banta Implement Co.

were troubled then alter three daysand the3ragita.teid,; became sq.d-


fast. reaUity began to llll'ldbecame serve-and tthe of a.rise OhrIJ>t res-

PllenJden~elen McOrYy~o::.~ Rt. a.


W8~nesville .

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ' i FOR



make or model Fred Kahn Motor~Car Co. PHONE 326




Phone 555

Open Saturday evenings until 9 :30

Notice of Appointment Notioe is h ereby g1lven. thaJt Nettie Oglesbee whose PIost OffiCe Address is Wa.ynesville, Ohio has been duly a.ppolnted as Adrnin1st.raitlrix lOt the estate of QIeorge D . Oglesbee late of Warren COUnty, Oh.I\o.. deceased.

Da.toj this 20bho day or M':arch, 19~7. Ralph H. C8.:rey .Judge ot 1tihE~ Proba.te · Oourt Wa.rren CoWity. Ohio

Harold O. Risinger.

A~y. '

Armitage &Son





Mm. B . M ,

S~er~t WM~. 29, Ibyglvinghe~hda.y Iher a sUl1Pr1se birth- ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~::::~~~~~ . ~ --::;::-;: day pa.rby. Th:ose pn~nt wer-e Mrs. Maud Swallow of B e,}mont. Mr. and Mrs. Gler.n Hess. !Mr. and Mm.

LaDips FLOOR -



9-12 each morning 1-5 afternoons except Wednesday


7-9 Saturday evening Other evenings by A.ppointment


y/aynesville Furniture &Appliance Co.

Dr. C. E. Wilkin Optometric Specialist

Gibbons Building, North Street WAYNESVillE, OHIO Phone 2422


26 South Detr'oit Street . XENIA, omo .Tn



, ~tcalut:e Jlfuneral ~l1me Waynesville, Ohio


, New and Eaat Ste.










testalt40ns are DOt of ·the body. 'Ibe ... and OHIO FARMERS INDIMNI1Y CO. ~_-rI A~,_ BJble 1.el1s US ,tha/t Jesus said He __________~---------~~;:;;.:;;~:4~~.~"~1::;.,!! came from Heaven- aJbhoUl'h all knew He W8& born of Mary. 'obWously. ''\heaven'' has a splriWal s1gnUiC8n~. Just ltV. ms tHse.ppearTHE NEW JOHN DEERE a.nce Wlder the ealltlJl !or three days has an inner significance. aD1 is not an outward roo't. In /the same W8iy. His resUJ'll'ect1on is also symbolleal ; lit ~ a. sp1r1mJal and dlv1nle fact. ar.d not ma.terlal. Beside the.o;e NOW ON DISPLAY explanatiOll6. h has been established Ibhat the visible 'heaMen is a Um1tles.s area, vo!d andl 1eDIQ!)ty. where inStop in and see this new type one-man baler that DUIIlIerable stars and planets re~ve . ties with wire. ~ullY Automatic. 'IU1e meaning "Albdu''l B alha says. is Itha.t at HIs cruclIildor. HIs cause 'WaS Uke IlL lifeless body; the believers ,



~ Pho~~ lS3~ 2~. E. Mulberry, LEBANON,

~::a:!t ~:l =es~~



Karl 'D. Dakin Insurance .Agency


HORSES $5.00 COWS $3.00


A fire &tarts in an American hoO)e every two minutes. There a~ about 262,000 bome fire each year. Why nO,t determine now to eliminate all fi,-e hazards and check your pnseD' fire insu'raoce?

Robert Friendl


Reverse Charges

FIRE In.ur ....

SALE Light PlaJd Bora Sport. while In the Miami Valley llmpltaJ,

rl1_ve_~Or-dtt'e9; • • •;ed. ...Ph ..... onIe;,;,;...;,;262,;;,;I,;...-43..;;._,;,DoeJt,;;;,;;;.:als>;;,;;.:Da.r;,;;,;k.:B1;:'O;.IWI1;;.:.:.t.::s;:,;;por;:rl;,;,.;Olet~,


. Why YOU n . . ..

••.• • • • • • • • • • •




• TAP ROO TS was dn ngerolLS bus iSurve.~·i ng

r.ess on aoe unt of he I ndians n:ld WM moslJ y d(me In t h l' . winter.

NllIt h.a.lltiel Massie wa a most. ex · J!.eru;1ve s urveyer a nd land speculwtor . H e usually had besid e h.l.rru1elf three surveye rs >A nd six III 11 wit h eaoh surveye r. The paI1tIes mJ:woi wHh ureat ca,u Uon . First, \Venit tthe hunter 'l ooldr. g for game and on tale !for Jndja.ns ; nem th'e surveye r. ~ ohnd nmen and ma,rker ; t hen ,t he -pack-h orSe Jl1J1n w1lth ibag~ ~e. and *·wo Ih undred or t hree hundrtt l yards in th e r ea r , a watolun arJ to guard aga.ins't an artItnck from 'behind. In 1Jhe Spring of 1792. >Massie SIlrv't'Yllfi the boUt.oms of t he Eas ~ sId e of !.he lJttle Miami 86 tQJ!' as thle silte of Xeria. willliout being moleste d' by the ludleins. With aU of It h e:IC relPM"SIt.1ons for · setrtJClmen t ar.d In several instanCes actual purchas es. by Se1ltlers. WIllo I!n sorne instance s were waiLing along thoe Ohio River to mke ipOSSeSlon . w i been made . iHowever no or.e was 'Ilble I!Jo settle within l\.he limits at WIlImm Co. for fealr of Indian atltacks . lnd!1ain ratd5 becomin g more frequenlt It. 'wits evidenlL th.d.t a mlUtary expedl!}n ~ ,the Ir_dJ\.ans ws.s l1OOeS6aJ'y . As the regtda>r Ii~ W88



Esta b lish ed 18 50-No :.:.. . ...:4.=,3..:.1.::.1--=$...:1:..:..'5=-0::....::p:..:e:.:..r_y::...:.. e a:.:..r~----=5:...:c:...:a.:...._C~o~p::..::..-y WAYN ESVIL LE OHIO , Thurs da y. April 10. 1947

tba,t some Ind1~ mIg\hI~ bave }1!Iburned to hir homes he smt 210 men under O DI. HarcUn to '<comb 4he lOami towtl6." They found in feet bhey were

kld""'''' or

001. BaNm . Genua I

T h e MoUler'S Club will mecL a the Grade School bu.1lding a,t . :00 'p.m. Friday , A,p lil 11 . This; va. origina lly S C!1.~(lllJ cd t J meet las t Fr.u a b u t illc e it i m ;{erred wit h the Good F.rlday entices at Lh churche s it was pol Tiponed u ntil Ihis dru , A cording' 1.0 Mrs. Morris F\llker ' son. the Nom inaJtlng Oommitte ma y !,rlve their report Bit \ time. howe ver th ey are not required 1.0 1 port un til the Ma;y meeting . It is an ti Lpaled th at someth'i ng tanglible wHl be dlscuss ed regardi n th e proposed lIew grade school

-NatJonld <Sanday SchOOl week ""til be obftm! d th1!t yeilr C1uth1t April nth to :April 20t1l

bl' Amel'ican youth t~roughout the niBUon. S ' I)ponsore d b y th e La ymen 'salon N t' a I Comml'ttee, Van d erbilt lor t ' l :10 ·e , New York, the sole purpose of the Week is to to regular ly attend the church of their choice.encoura ge boys an'd girls The parents of these children nlust look to the future wit'h misgiving until such time as the youth of our nation reflects the pOlssesaion of .• knowled ge of God. • Today, the world is face to face with mankin d's worst enemy _ HATE. It ill running l'ampan t through out the country . It is manifes ted everyw here we t\1rn. It is being reflected by our being young children in their utter disrega rd for establis hed principl es, law and ·order. · . This situatio n will not right itself, nor will it be remedie d. by the· waving of some magic wand. If we really want to be bon'e st with, ourselv es, we will udmit that it can largely, if not entirely trlbuted to our putting materia l gains over spiritua l values. , be at~ : The establis hment of Nationa l Sunday School Week not a c~ure~ all for what is termed Juvenil e Delinqu ency. It i8 only is a step in that: direction, but it is It right step and a practica l step. .

"lt· • M1


I" U10 \dUll!

Band Boosters List Entertainment Dates

On Monday . AiprU 28. ,me B&nd Booster s Olub will hold a. meetlng e.t 8:00 p.m. at 1!le High School AU(l1tortum wltJh. the feature d entertainm ent being a Chorus or 80 vol.ces under Ilhe direct16n of Mr. Done..ld Ohlaria, director of music 'at the local schools. Everyor.e Is welcorne to attend this a.rwi become acquain ted w1th the nne Work bet~ done In, this fiel<t . On Wednes da" even1r.g. April SO

·· h ' 0 FIms PIan T



Hlwe 'Lhe v tenms pa.ld their 1947

dues ? If no t. contact I!.he Ad jutant in1m ,liately as me 1946 m m:ber-

Vetemrl 6 is being oonslide red by rthe Local Post . The Co11llllld ttee in chuge m the Post's Fourth of JUly celebl'8ltlon be, plalnr.ed agam !this year 1'('queI!b rt.tI8It 1J)er.n"lS IPlennm g iOn &1l!Y out-of-t Dwn actlvit1e& iCor t hat da,y. oonside l' the bigger aM. better ~tertA!lnment here at home. ~ will be given a.wa~. plenty of firework s. dancing and many ottaer f~ bf ~ will be in Pr0gTe6S the whole day . Remem ber IIlhe April 14 meeting at 8 :00 IP.m., fellow membe rs. Dor.'t forget the $25 to be given a.way. AlddutaDit rucha.rd J. ~11

Omera l H!aluna r marohe d from Font ~ Sept. lHml., 1790. folkrw in&' the west bank of the UWe MlwnU Rllver. tradWon I 68I,YS mey CAlUl:!lJrtj one 'Il~ SIt l!.he mouth or C&esalT's Creek. following IItreame Where ever .possible 'lo l\Jhe M1Iam1 lDdWl towns ne8II' Fort. W8(Y1OC. Indianal• No h1d'Ial16 ~ seen during the e1gbteeI ll ~ march. MIa. ~ destl1~ng 300 cabins ard 20.0 0 bushel& of earn he stal1D_d

IiMunalr 8IllO'ired ~ Ito 320 n \l&o I'to go biack ~d stir up another C1gbt." ~ they w.ere atte.ckc d in overwh elmIng IlJ.'Umbers. 180 we-re k11JIed and IJl(l6S)bly 120 Indians a.lso. M ·Ler Ithis defeat an:i lbavl!og lost fWJ.e n per -CCl!t or 'his wlll()l'e force Giellem.l Hannar returne d to F\)r l WaslUmgOOn. ove r the h e h ad come. Pr d e lltl. Wru;jrln.;;ton d id nl()L fe el ll!hat lthe cilestruc tJon of the h om;!s a.rJdi com was .too imlpor ,i lt for h e l'cJ;.laced 1Um WJ~ Go el'nor St. OIa.1r. The 'f act was t hat the l!nd1ams were w~wUllll g ' t/.> a ttack the la.rge terce at first. bUL tJw l~ r and worse isoiplincd force U llOaI'


There 'will be ,a mee'Ll ng of Lhe Wayne Townsh ip Pest No. 615 of Waynes ville. Ohio. April 14 art. ' 8 :00 pm. All vetemns presen all tJhis m tl~g wil l be eligible f Jr the S25 't o be give n away. n Is reql.le ed lJ'la.t nll mem bers be presen t . One will win 'tJl1e $25. Eats are 0 11 lihe ~edule to be served af Tlhe meet.1ng .

If there are ve;,el'!lJ~S In tJIlds area wh{} do noL 'beUJn g '1.0 n Amelica n LefPOIl Posl. the Way ne Townsh1'p Veteran s Post is always open for b1.l1ldl llg. W!hBJt t he r.a.ture of this new member s . isou ' on will be r mains Wl report 'I1he ~ Post has orga.I"J zed a d . basebal l 't.eaJm far ~he colllilng sea The support of en tire COIll son. They gave some excellelllL games m:undty Is n dec! the by the MOthCT ''I last ~ear a nd faced a lot of hard- Olub in t heir work with t h e sC:hools teams. ~ yea r they !lJl'e her e. r h as been a rly re o plann ing on a qot of g!~cd QIl stoj that R. full paalticul attenda n be gameS for the er.tert.e.ll1lJlenlt of I\he preser.'t a t tJUs meeting to h elp In f ans tn /this commu ru t,y . arousmg tJhe intlerest necessa ry for The Local Post will again tak e t he succes" of t he W:lJ'lk of this Club . cha.rge of the iMemlJirlaJ oa.y act1vi· Ities a.t t he local MIam1 cemeter y . A memori a:! for IIhe World War II

N sponied of wh:Jm. Generaq HounnAr saleh. flJt least 200 were good for . r..othlng. Three hUl'lldlr<d and t,we:I1Ity regula·r s were added to ~l.ese ma.king n. f,:n'OO I()f 1453 men. Wl-th tlUs t&Tee

held their ~d. am tWnty- three "",1'8 twed. Two dan laiter. at hlle

LEGION NEWS Mother's Club Will .: .. Wayne Twp. 'Post 615 D· B °ld ISCUSS UI log

hips have run oU't.

000 smaill ,to un.dilr;ta,ke i.t alone. a cadI wa.s IssUftl for milltla fiJ'OOl Ke11Ituc ky etnd Pennsyl w.nJa. 1133


'd" ' !~"1


- ....~

Boy Sooota. 'M embers of Ilhe Execut1ve CoInm)b tee and an¥one Interested In ScouUn g IU'!d its activi-

a.t 8:00 ,po m. the B&ndi Booster s Olub is sponsor bJg an Aocorrlion Band from Music House in [)Q,y¢on . This oor.cert vim be held at the High School Audltordum and prom~ to be one of wollbhwb1lc e~. ·....• May 21 1& iflhe da.te set for th 8la:d Booster s Club SPOIl5Onl<: Minstre l Show to be staged at. the High School AudJtor-j1JDlj wt1lh a cas t of local Went exclusively. Mark this dlil!te or. t he CIlIlenda r 8.& a must see.

ties will meet at <th e a,out' cabin rear I()f the High School building . on Stu:day. Alprll 13 at lO :OO am. for the pu1:p<)Se c5f - - - -.- - - eomplet'ing the Sc:>u t Cabin so It can be used for 80cut work here . l 'I1h1s building has beer. partly completed for some Urne aod only lacks doors. window s ar.d in:tJeTIor 1inlShing to makle it usable. . Those who are willing to donate , their services to t1h1s worth-w hile ......oy James Da' Iron, 9-moll" h 0 ..... project a re requeste d bo brtng their .u '. .'" lurch and canpent er tools. son of Mr. a.ndJ Mrs . Ha.rl:lld D3Ilton or Oregon ia. passed away Sunda,}, II.t FORM ER LOCA L FOLK 6 :30 am . He Is SUil'viveci by his parENJO Y DINN ER AT DUKE,s and pra lernnl and' ma.t.crnal HOM!:' IN FLOR IDA granld parents . Guv. St. ClIPr was ,j feaLcd' wII il 1\ !Funera l servlCC6 were conduct ed. ~ lilst Wednesda.y April 2. two at ~Ie ChurCh I~u!e6OOt 'Victories by the of Gcd in Co11Win on reskieIllt famllles of Wbynesv1l1e. Tuesday . April 8. BIt 10:30 lr.d1a.ns encoura ged them to tlUnk a .m. with Mr. • ar.d a.ndI /Mrs.Mrs L .. ,EV. ~r Bald Mr. ,Y_-,m1n Ister. -:>.' ,fic Ia"",.g. IlhaIt tlhey oould keep Ithe' white ,men lmer Sheeha n. J . P . IU<OIU"',:'. ".~ ,t ogether wiillh Mr . a.nd' Mrs. Iki Burtal was tilarle In at 4lbe Ohil()' RiVl&. ~ ga,ve Miami cemete :y Hathialway. Mr . and Mrs. J o h n : . d1rectdOIlt .of S~ubbs the comma nd to Genera l Wa.yne. Funel al WDl. J. Dupuy 006 been elected Mir. Laiwren ce WbAte, residen t at 8tmwn , Mr. and Mnl. Robert l.&mb, Who was 1.nstlructedl to crush the of the IJebam n the StaIlIley BaUey fe.nn untn three MI'. and Mrs. Pred HJender8or.. reSst.aInce and Jll8ke an er.durin g Pr'odukltlon Oredlt ARloc1a. . tAon a.nd weeks QgIO whe'n he moved to bls and Mlrs. Sam StmIWC. 1Mr. Mr peace with ,t be 11'lId:Ia.n6. M ,ter two auumed h1,s duties 0tlI ad! FISH= J\ND GAME AlprU 1. lonner !home, Richmo nd, 1mb died Mrs . Bam Hinkle. a.ll former yewrs of preparnt1~ he met tile annCJUDDell E. O. auton. resl · MEET ING TONIIGHT Indians 8it Fa.Ben T1Jnbers 8IDd a.t Be suooeeds R. J. MoDerm,p re!lidec t. su~enly :April 1 atter a SbOl'lt 111- dents of Wa.ynesville 'Who are spend'I1he regular meetq of the Warobt. Whl() ness of fiu . DeaItb 'W8& a.ttrtbut.ed to Ing the wtnJter 0Ir,e blow crushed their power. AUS. reoerlItly res1g1ne ~ FUorlrla.. pla.nIned ren OoutVt;y Fish and Game Aa>n. d to return to ounton a cerebal ~hage. en all·day !1sh1ng rtrlp to 2Ol111•• 17M. Followi ng his v1btol'Y he county. Mr. White al8d Uved in this com- Marta t8land ~, a. p1bn1c Anna wtU be held> April 10 (tonigh t) in s11refl8ltlhetled his poslt101lJ by buUdin g mmter Memor ial Hall. Lebano n. a.t 8:00 !pm. The r..ew secmtB I'y-tn!as ure bas mWlttq about three years. or. tbe beach. Ra4n prevent ed the ,D avid O . BradtUlte, tru!mJbe a series ar fortB. One objeob1ve was 12,e&lW ~ in the r of tftle prod4Jct1on Punera l eervu:es were oond!d. ed outing and Mr. and Mrs. Carl yet to be aooompUshed - ,thaIt of cndt fte)d , em m Duke Oomm1asim. Ohio D1v\s1on of Con~ 88 Ollie on Se.turd8 (Y. AIpr1l 5 with bur'!aIl in iImt.ed IlI8i1dIlg an enkluring peace. To Fort of:tlle tJeat qua.UtlE b group CO >the!r home for servMio n and Nawral Reeoure d fa.rm lioain men GoShen oemeterlyl, RU'IIn< nJ. Pl1lo8e a covered es Qreer..v1iliIe he invited the I:ndla4ls In U. four st:atea diSh 'dtmler a.t six o·cl<lck. w11l be the SJ)e8Iker. Motion ~ the tram here vml() attendt tl were, Mr. Mr. and Mlrs. Duke. Mr. and wUl be Shown and lunch. pic1JU'I1es to come 8lnd 'teilk over peace teJmB. ~ Palm Q'ec:Ut Dt8tr1ct refresh. a.n'd Mrs. 'Noo 0UiIkt0l a.nd fNnu,. 1Mt~ UImIb and Mr . and M}n;. ments ar.d 81 smoker It.op the bill . Frendll interpre ters helped! 1n!luen ee Dupu:r m Ill8.1'l'1OO 8DdJ bas , t wo M!r. 84ld Mrs. Ray Fa.rqua r. Heinry SbraWn are pentwl eOt re&1denta of the IDdWls ,to 1Iru&t W~. lm- dM1g1bter& five ar.d e4sht. patientl y the. lIOldiers of wayne move his farn1q to Idlano Be -w. ~. iMr. 8.IlICiJ M:rs. 8t6I.D1ey Bmde1l Wn. M.T. aDd !Mlrs. , Hinkle HARV EYSB URG NEWS n 88 voon Ba.1Jey Bald daughte r. a.nd ObarI:ea lJve m lA!benon: Mr. aM Mrs. WRIT ER W8iLted tor the ~d,iaIIl6 to Ooole. To . :; I' e can loca.te a. REPO RTED ILL to live. I88aCII. ~erson near AkrOn; Mlr. and IIllDeeI or O\Jl' OOJ'l'e8P01'l(It. M 1s's this oootere nce chiefs of all tlhie • 'I1he Y ...... _ _ 8.8l1oolaltplace 1Cln "' __ 1108 trlbes. ~ed by , 8B ma.ny Mrs. J6Jne Rathe.w Fite of a;v Harvey sburg has pre frt>m LIma amd Mr. . -...., b ,. • warrior s as w1alled to ~, were fanner ~" a.nd Mrs. aurtaee fnIm Marlon . vented !the Hexveysburg News 001· membe rs in Brown, Fred Hendem on. Bam SUrface. untn from appeart ng the W!elOOme W&.yinIe sUpul8Ited; they 0lIermD Dt. ~ lIamilto Bubler. DR. EARL C. WRlu Hl Nellie (Duke) Hin1tle. Sam Hinkie ·weeks. IM1ss Fite reports past twO' were to be maIde drunk. dazzled I&nd a.m Warren counties. o. BJsh- OPEN ING OFFIC ES she will Oarl Duke and 1M Hathaw ay wer~ be able to resmn.e her, 1Wl'1t!.ng Mith s1l1tB or ~ or be pUzzled of direotor s is compris Ita board HERE . FRIDA Y . next ed or Mr. Dr. Earl C. Wr18'ht, 0stebpM il1c all in Wa.yrnesvtBe High School 'M!ek. by,legai l forms; ,t hey abouw. be Saxton. Oor.add a.le; stanDey Ha8ler. ~ 'a nd ~ will open iWhen 8 . A. 8t;111wen was superin to in t,erms by would unders taal Hamilton: W. D. WUllaan & Wdlm1n g- af.t1cea at the Suswn Sca.nlon resl- lbendent. Ethel (~) to be l-ree to raise objecUons it tIlhey , : Harvey F'lemir4l Duke. Hattie iMa's . Ruth Shoup • . Mrs . Mytt11e '. New Vienna., !dence on South Main' stt"eet. Fr1da..y. (O'INeal) Surface and Sam Hinkle HObk a.nd Mrs. LoIs wiShed> until &It last evel'Y tribe W8B and RObert Jert~. Maurto e a.tOregon ia. • Aplil 11. lor ,t he ger.eral practice of !Were 8J.l Wa.yne TowInship teacheI'l'l. tended the Oarder- Club meeting &!ooerelLv OODvlooed I1lb&t cess1Qn s his professI On. tM uch ltlme ,was spent of iaOOl was right ,8JXI, just or that 1'CIIlllIUsc- Thur8d ay a.1ltemoon at Eldzabeth MlnI. Ruth 8hoIlp a.nd Mrs. ~s Dr. Wrlgbt. plans to establ1sh ing and lnquirin g or I()ldtnf!r1end6. reeUtan oe iW88 bOpeleas folly. In aD Maurice a.ttlende snutIl's . , d Good Friday I'E61denIce !l"se 1n the near fu.ture. 1130 IncYana came a.nd it IW8B quite service& a,t tbe Method ist lM.rS. Arch Hlldebr ar.,t and da.ughc:huroh . Dr. Wright is mar:r1ed1 and bas Mr . WUlJam 8. sca.n1on arrived 'tle!r ~ of n am Mr. a Ituk for ~ as host to JiI8d Ilir. and Mm. F1red Hook ~nt two ohildren . He iha.s ~ comhome tbem azD 'keep ltihem b&I1IIIY Ib'tqr 8utIday w11h tbeb' daughte M.on~ or tIhJs weec f.rom Lewis Pl84lCk. a.nd dIa.ugbt er Betty r. Mn. pIetled a post graiiUa.t.e eot.trse in 1!IaW,onPla.. w~ he had spent $be were aaer 'dinoeIr oaner. the C01lIfereooe. H.owaid Qeesam nn in~. at tbe ,t raini"8 for his professi on. wimer. home of Mr . and Mrs. Ross Pla.DCk.



New Manager For Lawrence Wh·Ite Dles Sdd oJ Lebanon ASSft.' u e ,Y

10C8lted in tale

Inlant Son Pa,sses

A ' way Sunday

,. . ,

HOM E ;~I;;n;l~ ;r;'~IG:S ! AT

"Hard-To-Get" Items 9 x 12 WOOL RUGS 9 x 12 FELT BASE RUGS CURTAINS -


LAMPS (Floor and Table) STUDIO COUCHES (Fully Spring Filled) LIVING ROOM SUITES BED ROOM SUITES STOVES "Complete HOme Furnishers"



"East Main Street at Whiteman"

of,'I I ~e'



A la rge nsumber of persons f rom h ere a btended G ood F riday scrvices at th e Mot.h jist chul'ch ill Wnyales ' viUe. NIl' . nd M rs. E . J . Carm'O IlY and M r. a nd Mrs. Georg.e Cotty of S pr ing fleld were W1edncsda)' evel' ins guests of Mr . Mid Mrs. W ilbur Cia.rk. Mr. Guy Rou n.r.d his fa ther. MI'. Kerr Rout:1'.a hn aottendcd t.he Miamlsbw·g. Friday ruftcrnoon fUneral o f MI' . George Mille. r Bit MI' . ar.d M n ;. Harold Steinkie and ·son James vlsltA:ld Ml· . a m Mrs .

r t.alned to dinn er Easler Su n· d ay. Mr . a n d Mrs. George Mills a~Y1 Ml· . and Mrs . John J . BUl"Skt! of waynesville 8Jld M1 Mal'ilyn BUl'ske 'Of Bowli ng Ore 11 Un iversity. 11l1clr aftemOOJl and evening guests Wel lE' ML<;s Dorothy Mc~ r of Orrmar.towlI . M iss P a ulinE' Me\' l' of Daybon . Mr . Ray Swar.sOn of R ussell. Pa .. anLi Mr . J ohn Allen of Woootcl'. Ohio . . There was 1\ la·r ge nbten de.nce at !.he Easter servioes at Lyotle church SUnde.y IffiOming lr. dharge o f thE' ;pastor . R~v. J OlSCph Myer s o f Day· ton . Nine new mem'b ers wer e ad ·

nutted into ·th e church a nd two by I tte-r . Severnl ~'1()un g propl weI'.:' baipli zPd. also tJle JIt ~le dallgoil'ter of M I' . llni Mr. . Harold W hitaker a n d ~ .hc smnll sOl' Jf Mr , and M rs .


MJL.<:s Mihd red Brooks 111'.:1 Mr . .Ralph Older ham of Lebanl() n and Mr. and ~s . Carl Wardlow a lso of LeOOOOll sprult Easter Sur.da~· with Mr . J ohn Scotrt ard daugh'ter ..

!!111------------------------1I!! Dr, EARL C. WRIGHT

F rank S hww and family at Germa.n · tow n. Sunday. Mr . a nd Mrs . Ha.rvey Burn.ett attended 't.he Discussion Group or. W~e. jny e vening a t t he hCwne of ,M r . and Mrs. Sid Ellis ar W!J'YIw.>ville . Mr . a nd Mrs. Thel'le J Olles and Mil tOl:' were Swuiay d..lrmer 8'Uests of Mr . al,11 Mr . EldJWin Nutt and famdly ncar Cen t.erv1lle. Mr . and Mrs . E. B . Lollgs(:.l'e were Easter dinner euests of M.r . and Mrs . Oharles Drake end childreI:' in Dwyolon. M rs. Walter K e lU'ick entelltained 0 11 Tuesday evening. Mrs . Morris Oor ni!ll of D yton, Mrs . Harvey B urnet. Mrs. MnrgareL Johns. Mrs . W ilbur Clark. Mrs. Nettle Emick ar.,j M rs. J . B . .Jor.e~ . ,M r. and Mrs . Rlal ph Hrurunolld visited t.hel.r brouher · ln-la.\V. Ml· . E d

evening. I~------------------------~ .Sunday Conley ilIt S~. Ellza,bet.h 'l'h e F riendship Class

Ashmead ~ " Service

The Miami Ga zette. Page 2 Wayne vill e . Ohio .. No . 4° 11 Thur d ay . April 10. 1947


the Opening of hi



offices for general

pract ice of 0 teopathy and Surgery , at Susan Scanlon Residence, South Main Street WAYNESVILLE. OHI FRIDAY, APRIL 11, 1947 QFFl'OE HOl.JJ¥3 BY APPOINTME:NT : 10 to 12 aJn .. 2 to 5 PJll .

itxl ~ p . m. No offioe ho m's Wedr..esd ay aftel1100n a nei eve ning . h ospital. of I,y·t lc .EMERG ENCIES AT ANY TIME SWlday School m et at t1llC hom e 01 D Ie S teinke or.. Tue9j ay eveni ng. Pow·teen memb ers were preseilit. TELEPHONE 21 41 The n ew officers were elected. Mr. Park. and Oinc1nnati Mrs. E. H . Arth ur of • _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Deer Sun-

a nd 7







ACCESSORIES _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _• •


Easy Payment Plan Available. Three Years to Pay. Estimates and Survey made without Obligation.

P. &C. Hildebrant ROOFING AN'D SIDING DIVISION Phones-- Lebanon 806 _ Loveland 4163

- - - - - - - -__~-..;.~--..;;,;.,,;..;..:.:.;:.:;,~.:.;:.;,;;;~--J




X E N I A Fertilizer 454 ReYer.e


Xenia O.

E. G. Buch.ieb, Inc.

diay with Mr. and Mrs. C . R . Tu;nbleson ar.d family . Mr . Ernest Eiaa'~an of Wright FIeld is on a ten·day business trip bo Oklahoma. a ty . Mr. and Mrs . Leslie Zimmerman and daIugtlrter Oif Ce.ntervUle WICre Thursday evening guests Of Mr . and Mrs . Ever4ettt Kenrlclt and ohild.reJ1J. 1tO'. and. Mrs. James Lovely ' 01 Laike Oity. Flao. were week end guests of M'r . a nd Mrs . Ralph Hammond and -f emily. Mr . and. Mrs . Pa.ul Solmelder 01 Dayton were also 5a.t.\ Ul1&y guests. . Chaa'ltxm Mr . and Mrs. Oharles

ihave received WQrd that their son. Pon E. .C ha.rlitoll MM3 and wife have been transfere4 from San De1go :to ,t he Navy Base Sit Bremer·. ron. Washington. . Mr. and Mrs . Ev.erebt Eal"ly a;ttended chUTch a t Yellow Sprin1ll', EasteT, ar.«i · enjoyed dinner with rel.alt\ves at the A ntioch T ea. Room

.t here. Mr. and Mrs. Hobert Shipley and childrenJ of Columbus were ElaSter guests at Mr. an! Mrs . P aul Shlop· ley. son and daugU1lter . 'Mr. and Mrs. lia.m'tey Burnet spent Sund8.y afternoon with !their I._lele and. aunri;, Mr . ar.Jd Mrs . John Hayner Sit westville. . ·Mr. and Mrs. Spetry Bolt.oott of Troy, Mr. and Mrs. Earl .Menden- • Iball and daugnter IPattty of npp City were Easter. g:uest.l; of Mr. and . Mrs. ~ Routzalhnl and Russell . Mr. Paul Johns of . the Undvel'S~ of Cincinnati WIilI leave Friday for a nine day tour of eastren clbles

·with the University Gaee Club . Mr. ar.d Mrs. 013* WhaITton en· tel'tamed 00 6 fam:1J.y dinner. Ea8ter. the following: Mr. and Mrs. lmen Routrahn and .dIali4!lhlter of Pranklln. Mr. and MrS. B4erean:1. MellOh and son Of near Lebanon. and Mr. MId 'MIra. M'orrIls WIItlar.txm of ~ Shares, Da..;'!tcm. Mrs. Angellne :HallllIi!ltor. 01 Pitta. burg. Pa.. is ·t ile guest Of her slster, Mrs. D>naldI Be.irdl a.nd family of tlbe Oebhart. Road. Mrs. Hamilton was 8iIao a lPUest at 'bhe WIoman's Soclety WEdne6da.y at tJle home at Mrs. Ectwa.rd mcks. . Mr. and Mrs. WW Graham and Mr. and ' Mrs. F\nTe6t Gralham SIt· tended the fureJ'lBl of Morris Graham 01 New Lebanon a:t BTad!ord and Routsong funera4 home in Day· lton M6rulay aif'ternoon. Mm. Marg_ aret Johr.s. Mrs. Nettie Emr1ck Bald Mrs. Walter ·K enrick. also Bibtended the burial at Miami cemetery In

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_ . -. - .


Page 3, The Miami Gazette Waynesvill , Ohio, No. 4311 Thursday. April 10, 1947

StiJe6, . Saturday aft..ernJoon. Mr. and ir.g several days at the cou.ntry Mrs. Oharles Stiles a.nd fam1ly home of MI' . and Mrs . Olark Starl' U WCl Mr 'e .~~_dS~;~ds8Jy. Os.:t.e eslte·nOOB oga C!l;llers ' of Osborn. r n Of Mr. and Mrs. Euglenc Wilcher n.-..nnelsvWe" Ohio ~ 'ld MI' . nnd nn d On spent Ea st.e'l' W)Ull '" l\ Mrs. Oharles Bogan caU d on Mr. MiI~n1e Wilcher and famil y of nnd Mrs. DellIVer Bogan of Olarks- Oe!1U'l"ville. ville. Satwuay even1r.g. Mrs. J'em~je Pla nck wloh MI' . and Mr . and Mrs. George BUJ1il1ell MI' . Roy Planck and son Jlnunie Larry and Karen Bunnell of S t. visited Ml"S . Lily Stewllrt. Sw·,jay BernnJ'U were SUipper ·g uests of atIternoon. MOI: ln1,ia and Nellie Bunnell on Mr . nr.d Mrs . Woodrow BrandenSatw'day. burg and ch.i.ldlren were SWlday Mr. alld MI' . Eugcl' e Bogan a.nd dill ner guests of Mr . ard Mrs . Geo. Mr. aa:i Mrs. Wlalt.e'r FrLend of Henderson . . W aynesville callcd on theu' paren ts 'M.r. ar.d Mrs . Olifford G asoway alt Wel1Jn8ln, Sunday evening. were SaLw:da.y evening guest.') of Mr. and Mrs. K. L . Elzey and Mr . an.d Mrs. Charles R. Ellis and cii1'l.1ghter Marjorie of DayLon spent - frumUy . Stn;lay afterIllOon wi th Mr . and Mrs. Walter Elzey. "BUYER'S MARKET" Mr. and Mrs. Charlie Fisher a.od SOllS called' 011 MI'. Simon Gassert RETURNING on SUnday . In a recent issue of Na.t1on,'s BusSUndaly dinner guests of Mr. aed Iness. Vergil 0, Reed writes vividly Mrs. Roos Planck and Robert were on ~he subject of "!Retailers. Get MI'. andofMrs. Roy Planck and SOn On Your Toesl" Mr. Reed's thesis Jimmie Daytxln. lOW .

Mrs. Elizabeth Smith Garden Club Hostess The WaynJesvUlc Gan:len Club met at the home ext Mrs, Ellzwbeth Smith, 'Phun;da.y 'A pril 3. The meeting was called Ito oruer by Ithe pres1denJt, Dr. Enuna Holloway. Members respondied to roll ' all by "PIa.r.ta From Some Special Country." An interesting 8iftlcle. "New Vege· talbles" wru; read by El12lBbeth Sm1Itn. Another iddoousslon. "Varlettes of Iris" W86 given by Alma Peterson. An exhibLt of wild flowers was stud100 by the club. After the meeting adjourned <bile hostess. Mrs. SmIth seorved ice cre'lJl\. 'C3ike coHee, ller assista.nt beJtg Mma wcd Peterson.


The next meeting will be a guest meeting Ito Ib e heW I!lit the Friend's

. . ..... , •




market Is rapidly returning, cus tom.ers are becoming choosier, are 'Ilhlnldr.g In t.erms at mQl'e amd be'te " r goods a.nd service !lor their money. Furthermore, he says. "Mass production is inescapably dePendent on mass distribution and aggTesslve selling of more goods a1t lower prices. The job retallCl's do will det.ermlne la rgely both the degree of f u t ure prosperity we atta1r. and Its stability. Soon pl'oductllon will catch up with accumulated, need for goods. When It does, ·the I' tailer's 'job wlll begin In earnest".

want. Salespeople are being trained once again in tr adit.Lor.a.l standards of courtesy and gOOd service. Manufacturer's lines are being scanned 'crttica.lly, as bUy>Crs search for the best possible Quality at th:e 10\\es'l; possible price. On the basis of the last available figures. s ne('hing like 75 per cent of the l'Ctail buske~ of this oountry is dOI''.e by Independent stol''Cs. 21 Or 22 per cent by chain and th e rest by minor fonns of reta111ng. It is not expected th a,t these propor' tions will show any particular cha n ge. Bu t competition will get The progressive ret;a.llers of this keener In all fields and the mel"0 ntl oh ' d lnrl nd.enlt c ~l 'Y, a: ~ N • ~re bant Who wlUl't.s his share of the we a.ware s . ew n- buslnem must get on his toes and nova.tions In ctisplaylng and market,- 'stay bhere. The conswner is boaII 1r.g goods are being plalnlned and and AmJerIoa.n reta.llmg will spare tried. Stores are expa.nd1ng their n o eftt'oapt to see thaJt hi'! needs and stocks of merohandlse. to make destr t sure tha.t the ma.x1mum number of _ _as me _are __ _._ __ __ _ _


Mr . Ross P lanck h11 been spend - is simple but Impontant the buyer's 'pobential buyers w1l1 find what they


Home May 1st. Il.t 7:30. A fUm"A the Big 'F'loWeI' /?how," will be Ithe miIl l" f eature or the meeting.

'l'r1'P to

:i-riencl 'JJome

Dr . a nd Mrs . Robert G regg of Pi ttsburg. Pa. have been week e nd guests !of rtlhe former 's falh rand motiher. Dr . ar.d Mrs. Frank Gregg. Mrs. Karl Dakin of L baJ1QJ1 call· ed 01~ her mo t.her. Ml'S . Georg-laam a lVin . Sunday a.f.t.ernoon. M~ Lnum McKinsey spent the week end with >her ister and brobh~ · In-lli\.w. Mr . and Mws. Earl Swadn. near LebanOn. Dr . Emma Hollow y. Mrs. Evalyn Peterson and Miss Olive WOliams Olbtel'1.~ed t he mect lng of ,the Garden Olub a.t ,the home of MIl'S . EUzabebh Sm.lth on Thul'sd9.y afternOOn. Mrs, E. C. Orane ~ Centerville a.m Miss ,B ertba Brown of Beaver·town called on Misses Marne a.nd A.J:m1e Brown on TLw!edIly. . Mr . a.r.d Mr . E1T.est MlWbln and Mil' • 8Incl Mrs. MOlTla Roeski4l of Dayttkm were ICIII nner guests on Sunday of Misses Ruth Oba.ndler and Ollve wUUama. MIss Wna' l!Jl1ot a.r.d sister Miss ~the1 Elliot ext Toledo called on Miss Rubh 0h0'ar1Qler. 'lb:U1'!Jda,y a:1ltJemoon and on &lndayatternoon. Mr.. 8IIld Mra . Johr.. Hilt of cedarville, Ohio were callers . .or. 8JlIi Mrs . G regg with <their son, Dr. Robert Gregg a:nd wile 'Wel'il Swlday evening guests of ~, Oh&rles Lewis and Miss Emma Lou lJeW1B. !Miss Anna. Meredith of ti called on her many, friends aJt the Hlome on Satunjay afternoon. 1Mr. and Mrs. Hal1ry Brown of Da.)'I00l'1 Mrs. Oscar WaJdle and Mrs. Rill1e ~urnet of Miamisburg. Mrs. James Baker of Lebanon. MI' . a:nd Mrs. E. O. Orane. Mr . JalCk 8Ind Miss BairUla.ra. Onwe of een.ter· ¥iRe. Rev. and Mrs. Re:1ph Parks of oallcd ICw. Misses Mrune anidl AamIIe Brown on Sunda.y . .M r. IIlI1'lJd. Mrs" Cla.r k of Gelmantpoim called on !Mrs . Amar.da. Hart· r wn, Sunday ~00l1i. I

Mr. 8IIld Mrs. 'l .&WreIlbe A. Jaco~s and da.ughter Gloria, Mrs . J. F . Jacobs and Je.naIt YaJhn ,enjoyed! a motor ,t rip Sunda.y tllrOu8h Ohio, West v.!rgir.ia a.n.d Pen.rJ6Y'lva.nila. . '!'bey stopped 1lIWhJ:le -Mith Mr. and MIrs. Anton (Tony) Davis. fonner res1denIts Of :t he Plait Pork neighborhood. Mr. and Mrs. Davis 1~ bel'e 14 yean 810 8Q1 ~ now liv· ing at a.iopoll&. PL Mlr. a.nd Mrs . Oharles Ma.u!r1ce enterta4ned on Eaeter aunna.y. 1Mr. ar.d Mrs. Vernon Maurlce ana ~ Mr. a.nd Mlrs. WtWs MM1r1oe am tapUly of Oa)1t.on. Mr. eM Mrs. ~ TindaM and family at MiUdletown. Mr. and Mrs. MIlton Bn)'kller M'.d ·f amdly of Blue B&U 'a.!U Mr. and Mrs. Paul Maurice of We.ynesv1lle. vts1tors &It 't he Oarl E. Bauer hmle at Payettevme, Ohio were MIl'. a.nd Mrs'. Robe11t W.1lson and tamtly ext I>a.)1bon. Ohio. Mr. and M:rs. 0baIrles Bogan at Wellman Uld MrB. Darrell Bogan and 8OIl8 and Mr: and Mrs. Waa.ter PIrlend ext~We.

Mr. and Mrs. George stUes and son ca:Hled on Mr . a.nd Mrs . Bob

What do you think railroads make?

What do Y'ou think they should make? • The public thinks 10% would be fair

The public thinks we make 15%




What are the facts? Actually the railroads earned , only 2~% in 1946. To provide the service you want, railroads need to earn at least 6%. But estimates Indicate that lYen with the recent trelaht ratl Increase, tbe retu", for 1947 will bl only about half that requirement



Why it takes 6% to make the grade • • • Impartialreeearch pollsshowthat,onthe average,peoplethinkwemake15%.They also think a fair return would be 10%.

What We Make B':lt for the year 1946~ with the biggest peace-time traffic in history, the railroads earned only . . . 2 ~ %. This is less than one-half the comparable earnings for other industries. The reasons for this low return are not hard to find. Since 1939 railroad wages have increased 526/10 % and the prioee of fuel, materials and suppliee have gone up 618/10%. But freight rates have just recently been increased an average of only 176/10%-ayear after the effective date of the last big wage increase.

What About ThiB Year? It is estimated that the return for 1947, even with the recent freight rate increase, will be only about half the 6% minimum return required to provide the improvements and service needed. 'l'hia will be because of increased costa . of materials and supplies; because certain wage increases granted in 19-46

were ih effect for only part of 1946 but will be in effect for all of 1947; because of increased special payroll taxes on railroads; and because of a decline in passenger business.

What DoeB ThiB Mean To You? The answer is "Plenty!" Yo~ standard of living is the highest in the world because of IIA88 lPRODUCTION. But Dl8M production would not be poasible without MASS TRANSPORTATION, which the railroads provide at low cOst.

Wh,l6% I, Needed The kind of aelrvice your standard of living req~ takes a lot of money for new equipment; and improvements. To carry out the post-war improvement program for better equipment, tracks, terminals and'modem safety devioee, a minimum return of 6% ia needed.





So when the , railroads make oruy 2~ bents on each, $1.00 of their net property investment, it concerns you.· .The funds for future new equipment and improvement'.!J ~t come from tailroad earnings and also from investors. They will furnish money Oh l'ilasonable terms only if they have confidence in the futUre earnings of the railroads.

You Have Another Stake In Thi. Even if you do not own any railroad stocks or bonds, insurance companies and savings'banks do. So you still have e special interest in seeing that the rail- . roads are allowed enough to do a good . job ... for you. We are publishing this and other advertisements to tslk with you at first hand about matters which are important to everybody. ·On total property investment. the raUr0ad8 made o~ 2.19%.



• • CLASSIFIED AD RATES • • :ac; words or less. one time. .• .. . . 250 REAL ESTATE Each additor.a.1 word . .• •.. . .• , . • 1c SPECIAL RATES by CONTRACT IF YOU BAVE ANY PROPERTY to .ell call Pranc1a Gene BrCfWll , Real Estate Salesman, for B. D.


Penn1ngton. . Wilmington. Ohio. BANK LOANS : For Renrianclr.g _ Rebuilding _ Farm Loana 4%. Telephone Buying, 4 % Farm loans With long WaynesvWe 2935. UDle to pay. Pay part or all any time. FOR REN'I' Com Growm aa1d LEBANON NAT'L FARM LOAN Pasture: Clearoreek Da.1ry Farm : ASS'N., Ellis H. S turm, Sec'y- ' Route 73. Also 6 Room Hous&Treas., Lebanon. Ohio. Phone 44B ' Inq.u.ire Chas. Kofmehl. O1&rktc svWe Ohio. -4-10


- - - - - - - - - - - - - Notice of Appointment Real Estate For Sale~otlae is hereby ..... van thaJt e..

N~e ""...

Oglesbee whore ~t Office Address is Wa.ynesvtlle, 0 1110 has been duly appoir-'ted as Aidm1n1straItJr (If the estate of Q/eorge D. 0g1e6bee late of WaITell Q)Unty, Ohio. deceased. I>&tQj 1lh1s 20bh day or Ma.rch. 19-17. Ralpll H. carey USED CLOTHING-Judge of ~ P.robwte Court FOR SALE IJght Pls.I.d Boya WB.n'eD County, Ohio 00e.It also Dark Brown Sport. OOa.t, Harold' O. Ris1nger. AttN. - ·410

lF YOU HAVE A Pli:OPERTY OR PARM TO SELL Call or Write Oon Henderson . Tel. KE3446. 617 Lorain Ave., Dayton, Oblo. tfo




PhIOne 2291







G~d. For s a l e - ..

Inspection Calendar

f'OR SALE _ sTUIi:o·_·OOUaH. good oondiUon. reasmable. can ~154. ---410

FOR SA'LE- 3 P1~ Mohair Living Room Suite; ooca.satonal CJla1r; 9X12 .AXrotn1ster Rug. H. D. !Ny. Route 2 Lowr Sprtngboro Wayr-esv1lle Road. -4-10



iY-firBt rD1StrIot of Ohio Star lIlapec~94'7 INSPwnQNS BY WOR'I!IY GRAND MATIt.OM LUCILLE MILNER . M8(yt 28-- l.oy9l No. 1~. Sabjr.a ~IVE STOCKJune 11- QII'y lNo.,221. BIancllester FOB BALE -Qlolce PalllJarnP;hi.Te Ql8PBCTION ,, __Y DBPUTY Boar ellglhle to ~. ~ame8 GRAND MATRON Sackett 1 Mile South of Bellbroc*. B£BNICB JOHNSON . ---4 -~ AprU 14--!MaaJn No. 4lK, M8.SOI1 ~~_________ Apr11 lNo. 535, FraIllcl1n

,~:me Dlstern



4Pri1 26-

M:Iami 100, ~ I-N/o. 363. New BuN1FOR SAlE- Bar :wA'l'!;R AND ~ 5-No. 357. '_n_~'-'" elect.r1c '-+>+__ brooder, 500 ....... -k 11.180. . . . . . . . . . . ., --~"""01 .... -- .!~ &,- No. 32'7 New VIeDria. s12Je; eJso, ~er blouse. 10x12 . . 1'- No on SId.ds. BW Lee. Orndorf road. ~ 21- N~ 300 ~ -410 ~ 23- ~ ~1 SlnIt1ne . June 6-;- NO. 173, M~ Sps. .FOR SA!IE SHEEP SHJ!:AR.s JuDIe &- No. 441 H11l!bJro ",'Iii..


Stewart Shea.nnaster; only shoor ed 15 sheen>. Fra.nk Be1'l'Yh111 two mJ.les SOuth o f Bellbrook on Bellbrook WB.ynesville ruJad. 410



A mil'r oad 11l84l'S IlUl8t t.nd1.spen& able item of propeJ,Tty is his ANTED"': MISC-~----- Consta.r.tly busy 6re Ibhe iellroads lilt a ll tilmes but no busier than -the WANTED TO BUY-- OLD-FASH- liIl.ilro8d~'s wMbh. 1nd\1Striy COnloned Fumiture, and Glass t inues Jtlu1oog1h ever.y tick of Ulne Disbes, iDoJ.l.s, . 0Q1na Kerosene yeu- in a.nd year \lOt. Lamps. P1cture Frames. Vases A • watch ~ adwa'.t1sed in ar..d Ol'llaments. Write Paul J, his w1>nklbw tbait tbe baIla,noe wheel ~~ 14th Ave., M1ddle~ at a W'BltXlhI swir-lS to and fro 18.000




_--==-=--==--=-=-==---=_____--' times CARD OF THANKS


bour, 157.680.000 Umes a

:~ i!ts~~= ~~


I sincerely wish t;() tha.nJk all my mlOOt 4,000 a ~ Ifrlenlds &nd relwUves for nil" flowers Thus. in six years ~. to-4IInd·fro and kmd words of sYm!JdlLhy In tlw swing 8JPPl'Oxlmates 'a distance aJaoss of row ~usband. moot equalling a trip around the Mrs I..e.wrence White e&Z!th



Pr(li't/m(--j{ardiJl9 Cul/f9( s(Jf(Y. ,ArJ/J/(UI

~cQI1ure ~uneral ~nme

the business mooti ng and 0 program Bunnell . in CJha.rge of Ma:ble Wilson and Opal Reaser.. delicious refreshme nlts were There Is a widely accepted belief S('rved . tha t American workers have been exp I0 ited b y employers. This popu· WOMAN'S AUXILIARY ' lar conception holds that the increases in labor's wages and weI- MEETS TOMORROW fare are only t he direct result ot exrI1be Woma 's A Xiilla. f S erting pressure 010 these employers,' ~'s ~urchn will ~~ ~ ~d~~, Meaning, p~e ssul'e . in the form ot Aprll 11. a.t 2:00 . p.m. lilt the home banding together' mto unions and of Mrs. Lee Halwke . HOURS: armed with strikes and walkouts. To ' a degree, these means have bettered 9-12 each morning Mrs . iR. B . COle:man, ' whb has th.e lot ot Amerh:an workers. Cir· bee n qUite siDlt is 'betJter at I\.hjs time . 1-5 afternoons except Mr. a.nd l\lrs. F .. E . 'I1lliOmas encum stances have torced paths of ac' Wednesday Uon. tertalned to J!laster MJr. and In some cases. Inconsiderate em- M.r5 . Lowell Thomas and daughter. 7-9 Saturday evening "loyers ~ave work:ed ha rdships upon ~; Mr . and· Mlrs. John ROOy .. Other evenings by of Dayton; Mao . and Mrs . Madison employees. In all fields of endeavor Appointment there are persons and groups oblivi- EamOOl't. SOrl6 a.r.d!hJter of ous of anything save their own inter- Beavertown ; Ma' . and Mrs. Robert est.. Often thele tew must be Thoma.<> 8.I1Idi daughters; and Bill TELEPHONE 62-R budged trom thl~ir pOsitioIll. It Rlckley . Mr . a.nd Ma's . Ray Mainbus and would be folly to say that workers' right. never need protection. But son DclinJ a.t:tended the weddir..g of a likewise fooUsh to draw a hard and niece in 'Edwan:1s Memoria.1 MeItbotast dividing line representing em- d1st ohtlrch 1Jl, Liberty. Ind.., Satur- Optometric Eye Specialist day OOOOl'noon and spent the 'n48bt and union. a. with iTelativcs in IHBmIlton v.11ere 26 South Detroit Str~et they 8Itte.nd.ed sunrise services a.t Waae It.ratlos XENIA, OHIO I'bt/ter's Ps.r1t. EasteIr SWlda.y morn One fact which forms the keystone mg. of the "exploitati()n" thought trend i. the huge increases in wages of labor during the past 25 years. Union trOup. point to this as the hard-won booty at a continuoUI war with a p-eeci7 employer 8,rmy. True, wages during thJa period have Ikyrocketed to levels unthought of in 1919. But, lurprislngly ltIlough, there has been no Inorease ln labor' • •hare from the income ()t industry durin, this period. •Actually, the aha re of labor out ot th. inoome of indlllstry has not riaA fire starts in an American home every twO minutes. There ~ en or fallen measurably during that about 262,000 home fires each Year'. Why opt determine IfO'f to dim- . ti It h b t d dl me. as een sea y regar es. ioate all fire hazards and check your present tire iosuraacel of the ups and downs of unionl. 'In 1ft" " amoDg man'u fac turina indus. trles 9% of .the employees were unIonized. In 1945 the total was 45~ , Phone 153,20 E, MulberrY, LEBANON~ However, ~ing this period the wage earners por·tion of the gross value ot manufactured products reo· COMPANY mained almost .tationary - about ' .. an" OHIO fARMERS INDEMNITY CO, Ae~ ~ 16%. ~-~ Production Rel1l1ates Production makes the dillerence. Workers were wretchedly paid a century ago. They were paid, howTELEPHONES ever, In the same proportion to what WAYNESVILLE 2091 they produoed as our workers t~ MORROW No. a day. Production per man hour InLEBANON Office t'7SK creased greatly in ~e last century, 6A~D and GRAVEL RES. 129L The workman's pay jumped. ThJs increase came about throu gh investBLACK·TOP DRIVES ment by American people in those' TAR and ROAD OIL factors which would ralse production. Superior plants and better · LAWN and FILL DIRT tools were set up for a larger pr~ READY-MIX CON,cRETE duction and higher income. Some ot EXCAVATING and DUMP TRUCK SERVICE the most important factors that bettered labor's position were contributed by the employers and investors-the so-called "exploiters." In a free com:petitive market. business survival dependJ upon ef· ficient production 1)y ulin, more and better tools. It IS. lIot hard to recol·· nlz. the high wages of America's workmen today all the logical offspring of a .ociety which encourage. competition and lindividual initiative, By continuing to ·,g iv. bus in••• inltiativ. th. · go-aheM sienal, we're letting the Itage lor greater ,ains and benefits to labor. By permitting

Dr. C. E. Wilkin



Why YOU iI ••• FIRI In.uranc.


, Karl D. Dakin Insurance Agency


Armitage &Son

Waynesville, Ohio


feating our own purposes. Brains, perspiration, and initiative given free rein in a democratic societ;, represent the only real approach to • workable utopia. '

CAS .a


FOR , Any make or model Fred Kahn Moto-r~Ca~ Co. ~




3. '

, The Hoppy HOIlI' Olub' met at t.h _ Guests a t t.he Bunnell home on GI' (oil R ' of Sml Lh' Restaurallll Easler Sunday werl" Mr . on:! Mrs . Tul'S 'ny nJ'tet'tlOO1" wtt.h Mrs . Jennl r Cl nrence Bn rker of Spri ng VoUey. b nvls R,s h06t~. , M.r , l\ nd Mrs . K eller Honk. M TIl meeting opened with t.welv '" Eula Hoa k, Mr . and Mr , Rhodes mcnllix't'5 an.swering roll call. Al tcr BtUll'eJl. MJSSif' Carol flnd Rhoda

The Exploiters?

ot irrespoDlible groups ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~i' .hands too government much powerbUlreauB, to tallweinto the are de-


The Miami GH~ett ,Pag 4 WHyn esv i l) , Oh io, No. 43 11 Thur:tla y , A pri) 10. 1947


Dial 2111






RECEIPT FOR rIlE NEXT 'D EPRESSION A few Ml"eS a.ndi a. cow. A smoke house and an old rkIw, 'I1wenby-four hens ."'00 a roootm. And you'll mve mare .than you




Reduction .


SALE Wayu~sville 'Furniture

& Appliance Co.·

Gibbons Building, Nortlistreet· WAYNUVIUE, OHIO Phone 2412

· · T h I! MI amI Ii A ZET T E ,

" .... -nald

R"~". ~'''o ... ~......... .......

been 81.&tloned aJt Guam for several months reoedved hill dJsoI1al 'ge a.nd teturne d to his home here Bunda,y eve1'l4.n4r. Mrs. aan Stacey 18 lltul lmpl'1OlV - . tng a.ndi was taoken to the home of her ~. Mrll. Wlll Null and funll y near Sprtngb oro, last week. M!.sBe8 Bernice an~ Jeanebr e Establ ished 1850- No. 4312 Sheeha n furndsh ed music >dT.m -- WAYl~~VILLE for dle Class play at !the Harvey sOHIO , burg ht:gh school auditm1 um. P'rtday evenin, ,· Mr. a.r..d Mrs. IDea.rth YELL OW AND BLAC K Sheeha n 84'ldI !Mil's Malvina Null 81"0 FOR NEXt YEAR 'S HACK a~ndedJ the pla.y. Acoord! ng to an e.nnoun cemer.t Mr . and Mrs. Flr8ll'lilc ~n. made by the Ohio ment of SOlll a.nd dau~ at V~dai@lvrere Highwa ys ttJhe Ohio auto l1oen6e SUnday cMnner, guests 01 'Yr. 8II'ld plates {or 1948 w1ll !be lemon yell~ WBa.ter Kenriak . . : ba.t;I;,gr ound tw1t·h !blaok ~ls. 'R ev. Joseph MYers oI"Day~n was ca~e~ ~tl~n~ lao:: a. d1ru1er guest at inle home of Mr. when selectin g the proper car color and W i'. Ca.l,~ lmlgacr e. Sunday . to matcll them. . M r . amd Mrs. Paul Shipley IUld chll.dren were SUnda,y guests Of Mr. end Mrs. Paul Slagle an~ tanuly a.t WnnUn ~



Edwin Michen er. son of Mr. and !Mrs. O . E . M1cher-er of R . R . 2. 'll86 been notI.fled tJhat 'h e hall won a Smitlh- Hughes tour year schola.r -

Band Boosters PIan V - d P' ane


The Wayne Mill5tre ll! 8lI1d Da.ncc . ship eJt OlUo Stare Universi tY' In 1br recent ~ held benefit of will the be In this oounty. liI8'hthe Sch()()l B and. givenv1lle on Mlch.en er i ll a senoir e.t WB(vnes - May 21 a.t the lD8'h School 8IUd1torvIDe Higb School and wtJl gradl.l8it e iurm ~, was 8oI".noun ced yestel1dta,y by

this M&y.

Willis D. Hun ter, preslde nlt of the other studenl.q ranks Waynoes ville Band Booster s O1ub. $1.50 per Year -5c a Copy llli the Smith-H'ugbes I!.e6I6 not TIle show-d ance will be the fl.rst Thurs day, April 17', 1947 ava11able IlJt this il4me. move In 8ll'I e.ll-out drlre ..- build a "" 'Ville. high school band in WQlY'Tle" PLAN S MADE FOR "seoorld to l'» ne in Ohio," PRES ENTA TION OF The club. which now ntltniber SCOU T PINS AND CARD S about 150 member s. IWiilI devote aU The Waynellvtlle G1l-1 Soouts lJ)!'ooeedl! of ttJhe 6how-d anoe 8ll'Id llJooer the directl0 0 of Mrs . Robert future emertad l to equippi ng ChaPJUUl held their 1ast meeUng the iband with! instnum er. ts am ynesvtll On April 9 e.t the HIg'.h School build- mousW l't will sp:mt!Qr 8itW ~ ~ Sc'~ .:lulas~:~ Pla.;' iIl8'. Plans were d1so\lSSEll for the aoLlvlty to promo te music j,n the "EvieI'y . ,F 'amlly Has Or.e." in the ¢~~~ ~~oh e:~to ~ seh~els. annoUIlcemenrt roll~ a school auditor ium On !FrldB(y. AprU lD'l.EUlbeish1p cards. TIle date for 1l'l'l.eet.1ng Tuesda y nJ f.." ht of ,t he Olub'" 18. a:t 8 :00 JP.m. The pJa.y is W'lder UUs ceremo ny is set for Friday. executiv e OOII'lUllittee with Don. O . the directio n of Mrs . K . N . !Hough. May 2:J at 2:30 p.m. at the High GaJuis. SlJ>pervisor of mU6ic for the The cast of oham.ct ers is as fo!- School building. A ,tea. will be hieln sohool. M r. Ga.hrl~ told the BKloooters iows: 8tan. a1it.erwan:ts All are InlVited to at- that We.y ne s vv1lle now Pene), ~ h as e nough Rea.Tdo n. Dorobhy 00n6I'd tend. Mr. and MJni. A. C. Kledel of ialstrum enJtaI Went to rproduce at Laiura Reardon , Ann Well.0 Bradent or., Fla. s pent Monda.y QIIld least a 60 piece mBll'ohi ng band, and Mm. James iPatlker Tuesda y with Mr. and Mrs. Everett that t M pupils lack omy the ~ Mal'gar et Schna.1 tman Early. ment. . j •• Ess1~. iMlldred Boorr..e MI'. and Mrs. Hany Fisk of InMr . and Mrs. WUb\1r F . Olark The Club wUl be~;n Itl! talenlt !Naomi iI!lambart • de~ nderice K y. were Thursda y will observe their Golden Weddin oNana Reardo n. soout ft)or l ~ pet'fotm ers g lVeg1nIa.Jt:l Rea;rdOIl> gue:< t6 of MI'. ani Mrs Le ~I1e Gray a nniversa ry. 8\.lrulI31Y'. April with a recEPtio n a'l'ld entertal nm.ent 27 at Robert Oampbe ll and. .,!!lilly. Their g~d father. 1r. the H1gIh School AudJitnr lum ~ ~e, with open house Marcia Rai.rdoI l> . Estihf!r LukeM Ore':\ ',l!'e G ray rpanl~d them Tue8lCfily nlghtt. ~prU 22. at 7:30. p . WQrnJe Reardo n, rudhard Sheeh8 n h f Islt .· 8&mue1 N. Keys. lay-,rea der-in Mr. ar.d Mm. Cla.rk harye lived J atmes Parku. The receptio n 'Will bIe open to the OI1l.le ,Od' a v in, Edwin MIch ~ charge will be orda.1nied deacon Ma) public and everyon in the Lytle a.nd Way,ne5Ville nelgh- Sherwin . IParker Mrs. Man:ca:r et e interest ed in n l'l er-tertal .ned bo!1h J8dIt A.8IlUry , t 11 if their married Ut . "- -.~ ... 1 I ~~•• 1. W. was announ ced Sunday by the opromotIng ..."'.., OCt S n 0 e Lily iRea.rdol Ul:Lus",e l! show [O _ed to dinner W Betty Jqg m. Rev Henry W Hlob8or. Bishop to eltJt.end. . y, Mrs. Elizabe th with the ex.c eptlon of four years 1n Todd a..~ guest of ~ Boooters Ga4Jowa .y. William Ricke,. 5nUt.h of W of the ~ DI~ of Souther n Qocftee IWill be se"Ved. svUle. Mrs. Ca lvin Qe;kwoo d. . Obi . I.oru:.--acre and Mrs. CB"'sie Hardy. Th Booster l'4 will need I 'I1hey 8Jre the parents of fOlh d ~~op H<Jbson , sa.kt ,t218t he WtOUld M r. and Mrs. Ralph Hammo nd dhd.ld.reru !Everett J . . 01ark. ChOr! stn!t'el'S, ~ty ~~8. Mrs. . Mld children enliel'ta lned OV9't th conduct the ordinati on in St. Marya ent$'lb! 1ners, InSLrumehtalill e Claude R.Igp. Mrs. Ca,ulUg Younce . ts and dluroh. week-en d and SU~lday. MI'. and ?ir". a.nd Mrs. ~ Flory e.l1 actoN!. of [)a,ytton. ae~ar~ Mr. K eys. Who re::ently pasl''fd In James Lovely of lAUte Cit.y. Ft l.rlda. ar.d· <tl'lfte grandch ildren.. "We want everyrth ing the comwalmer Oooper of W1Ilmin gtor. canonic al atior.s ft,.}r· Mr. Qind Mrs. Am.o ld Burkha·r t of' 1Mr . Clark, a tetlNd the de- mur..tty can give." Mr. Hunter 1I81d. er Is 'W66 our ~ speaker . SUnd&y . a~. has tJeen my- readeT in- "NobCl:!'y's barred," If YIOO can shuffle ~ru spent the week-en d wlt.h ~w CO~::ed l~thfife ~. '~'WUson is or. rthe sick list cllargIe of St. Mary's their p8. 1'eI!U!. Mir. aald Mrs. A D ssa.m a iY oce n . bUit is acme better at this writ;1nl; . 18 months . During pa.r1sh for about a UtUe bit. or sJng. or play a.nythin g. W1s time, he has ' lelVen it it·s a Uttle off-key. come amd 8m4Ith of the Dayton Pike. Carey, Lelib ~nes, wQlo spent been employ ed by: America \Ml-. flI,nd Mrs. E B . LongMr C n Roll1ru; j~ u . 6everarl weeks in canou. Iowa. bas M1l1e 00., M1ddl~. vllI1ted t he la.tters -ters. · Mr8. . .And! " yoo'Te a Utmle bit e.fatd returne d to the home d. h1is pa.relllts Soon Mollie Davia in Cl.ncinn ati Sun~y after . his ordinat ion. Mr· of making e. public !!iJ)OOIACle arveu~ ~ your.Mr . and Mira. Everett Ha1nes. ' Keys 18 expect;ed rt.o devote full Ume sell. we'll have 'Plenty efternI:lo on, Mrs. Davis is slOWly ~of burt'.t ()\)l'k (f f1 OaJiel"8 in tbe home of MI'. &Cd fx) the W8,yne&V!1Je pa.rl8h. _ felL , ~eq . '" lau,ra. . ~ as ,po,,-td &!tIr&i ~ 'W'IlSoIll'" IIISt weeK • ~1Ctng or ~~.~..a'cM~~lt'riiSlla ·-Irounltl!l\l,gyd-. m.Ke y IS work in 'Ibe min.sllre l will be produot . . ' at her home. wel'e Mr. am Mr&_ We.rren ~rad- tile dhurch as "a 'ri b were ~ ~ dinner Thurrda ,y aftemoo n. venture in fsJth ':' Mn;; !R&lPhl Hlasting s rund Isw1s dook M,r and Mrs Luther Haines. Bi!ib:lp lIdleon! pra;1sed SUnday at Ibhe home of the fomrer' ·~ both Mr· lRobln St011 , /Well k nownl here M the fIbe .Senior play en.tLtled M rs.' ~ Mrs. Oora Keys and the pe.r1Slb 101' their wor:k (PI1OdJuoer mother ar.d wife. Mr. and Mr!!· "La.ugh Oll:1wn." ~ of the .AJJrer1c8.r. Le:!1:m s presenit ed at 'RIIch. iMl'. and Mrs. EverelJt HaineI5. in suppor1t of the ohurch' s cbsa'- shows. Hubert Pursley &It Fr,a nklin. the ~chool e.udioor1uUl! 'Fl1d a~ even- Mrs . Reb&. Braddo ck ar.d Mrs. fuWle pTo,)ect8. IMT. andl Mrs. Hiwvey Burnet and lng under! bh e dll'ect lor. . The Booster s have p lann ed the of His acnoun cement followed con- nOlJlnced details 'Of the Mr. and ' Mrs. Furnas a~l!lded the Lillian S. Ca.rr. The musical Mrs Feul Rich. da.nce follow selectThe -home talent pJa,y, "Worry - flnnatllo n services {or Farmer s Olub at -Nle beme :o.f Mr. iOns /Were direct I.! e. class of four. 1ng the manstrel. 1lut Mr. lBi:ln.t.eI· by M I·s. IDdna ing W1ll1e" sponsor ed by the New Virgjnl a Beatt ie, Culumb us ; Mary sta~ tthe club ihas and Mrs. Ernest IButterw orth new Bogan' alrearly ~rl::lnQton a:xmmunl~ ClUb . , A!nn 8tAlrr. Charles Wa~es.v1lle. 'I1htJr5de.y. Starr and ~d. made a .d eal w1~, "one :o{ the hottest Mrs. Mary P ier "on was hoo1.ess to given IlJt Kingma n High SChool laBt EdmIsto n, of Wa.ynesvtlle. M!1.s8es Marjor ie Ross ' an d J an the Civic League a.t Jle l ' 0'lltf1~ in Ohio. for !the shlr.dig . home S at- F1rdoo.y night . MemOe rs of the C88t I!BBter ser'Vioes which were c,eleb- The iBoostenr planned Wilson. Wla~nesvllle seniors. we r ' urday evening . one of from here !Were Mrs. Allce He.1nes. rated by Ibhe Bishop among the !h\.ltldl'ed guest" of the vrere QltJt.ended most acttve campaigp.!! ever la.'llr-ehe d The Commun~ ~y Club met in Mrs. Irer..e BlJrden a.nd Rdelgh . by e.bou.t 100 persona . Holy com- in this oommun St\sine6 6 and Profess1.'m1al W.omen ~,. 6eSl!ior. at the llty in behalf ot the Htgh School Bogan. ReJelgh BogQ.n and lDlunion Oloos at their amwoo senior" pal1~y. Audltor u1m. Wednes d1l>Y serv10e 1bllOWt'rl a pa.rlsh IH1Sb School Band. In addlt.1ot n to evenin ~. 'ter Mrs. Dorothy 'S mith furnish ed lbreaJda at. held at the < Ball. its talent-s ooutlng en< at. the l..eIbanon m~ School on Wed- Severa.ll:lca.l members of the W. 8 the musical llII11nbers. wh1ch was ne6da3' evening. served by the men 01 ne:lDt 'IlueRda C. S. attende dl sessions of the state y night. the Baost.erR ,Mr, M~s '11herle Jones. Vernef'. forum .Rot Bowerw ille. Meth<d ist Greenfi and . tMfl5. Dale Miller 01 1ile'St. Mary'll club. are tq)Onsoring a concert by th:e H igh eld were d1nn~r guests of 'nl.e breakfa st was served 1m- School Ohorus . under PuI'Sley, E . B. i.l:m J.:scre and CaLvin Church Tuellda y. the directio n 'Dona~d Haines e.r.d wife. FrJdIi.y medi8lte ly a!ter Lon8' a tte;r.ded the dinner a.nd pratye r of Mr. 0eJhit1& lOr. Monday . April 28. Mr. and Mrs. 'LaIwP.reoce HouS'h even1n.g. ae~ at 8 o·clock. oor.duc ted by at 8 rp. m ·. a.nd a ooncert of meetinlg at the M-eJt.hod ist B ro ther - enrt;erta 1ned the "Weloo the me Bible Mr . and Mrs . Carl Morga.n, of Mr· ,KetVS. hood at M ONlav.' Mor.dalY evenin g. !Hauer School Acoord1oo Band on Cla.."S. " of the Jo~ahs ·R un Church. near Spring Valley ca.lled On Mr. Mr. arui Mi'R. !Ralph H.ammI~>nd Thlursd ay evenling, 8(V nl8tht, April 30. aJt 8 p. m. . and Mrs. Everett Haines Qr..e afterand chlldren aJtte:11I1ed the weddin g In the absence of Rev. Wamsle y, nOOn last week . 01 their nepheW. Mr. !Marlon lPaul 'P8Stor of the Metbcr:i 1l<t Church . Mr . 8Il'ld Mrs. Ohar.les Stanley arm~rs Weller and, M:Iss ·Lela. Kutl'l'l Mrs. W8Im6 ley deliven :d the sermon, am daught ers vrere in Xenia. Se.ta.t the Ftrst Reform ed' Church a.t SUnday' momdn g. ' Ul'da¥. Millm!lI burg. PrldIB'Y evenlr.g; and Mrs. A. S . ~llett had 8t6 a Sunday Mr. ood Mrs. Bosan of e.16o !the receptio n ' at the church. ,a tt.embo '"'_ m F'amle ' n guest, Mrs. Set.h P1u~ Dayton. Mr. and EvarlI Mrs. W1lUau\ Aug"~ ... ..,w~uP lfoUowII lg the 'lUleddlng. rs HarIJ'l Archer Coreell . age '11. of Wa.Y'ne6V1.lle. Smi~ and Mertlyn Sue wel'e dinne!' Club met on ThUI'lldaY' w)th 'Mr'. e.ndJ IMIJ'8. Wailtel' ~enr1ck Mr. puad away> whUe sitting tn hls Mr. and IMr& Kennet h Eakin, IUld guests of Raleigil Bogan'S , SUn~ . arid 1Mrs. Ernest Bubt'erWorllh. elttendedl the funeral of their nephew . tdMJehter halVe moved pe.rked ~oblle. Tuie.8clnty Mr. &r.d Mrs . Ervin Smith of 'rhe William IPOur.ds, at the Blo(yIne into .Ilhe propert y am from Dayton. Ma1r. at. roe- Xenda spent one evening ll~wt vreek a d1scuss1~. top~c ~.. the day WIl.b noon. iDe8o'bh was atll;r1aAlted to a lP'Imeral Home In Da,yttcm. ¥rJda,y. cenItIly vocat.ed 'by Mr. and Mlr~. witJh Mr. and Mrs . Raymo nd WU- tTmonbJ 0~ ShoUld uue Famler be ~ a.ttedt. The bur1ai WQ.8 at Madiso n. Lnd. Walter "BoIJbs " D:>n,ald ed? Morr~ Fu1keT8Oll1l took tHe is survive d by one da.ughte ·. son. son. the aftl.m1a tive s .de and SId Ellis Mrs. We.rren Bra.dcJo !Mr. Pounds. an employ ee of Wrigtlt ck. Miss MI&d~ Chamb ers is now at Wr . a.nd M rs. lJuither Haines Ibhe nesative . 'F ield, 'WIho with three others was the borne IOf her aunt TwIO bl'other s. Wt1,JlJ;am E. Corn 1I inI'l'nwe ll1on. had t86 their dinner truest:!,. &1OOay 1dIlled in an alrpla.nle crash In Teir..ll., Va.. t~ guest J>pea~r for ~mee~- and Mon1s cornell ; a sister Mr '· Mr. and Mrs. Wilmer Cooper of -'is was Mrs. April 5 enrou1:e to Ibhe West~., ~~,.-- w 0 !Louella Miller; a gra;nd d8lUghte Mr. and Mrs. Ma.yna.n1 D:t.on of Wi1lm1n8'ton. Na' . and Mrs. r. Homer oha6e"a s his subject. The !Flag. at Mrs. Beman MJ'. and Mrs. Vermon Pursley e.rtd Daty,banI were !week :! Dailey 8oI"...d' a. H I'H lt end housegu es t'8 Ha.ines and lIOn. R1cha.rd of near Ohio. sons, had 101' their 'l1lured ayeverj ,ng of Mr. Ecton's paJ'ents grand d8fUSlhlter also lIurvire. . Mr. and Seblna and Mr . and Mrs . Melvin ~GiJlJSUs dl.n!neT guests, M1sa Nyrtle Ba.ysore Mlrs. Will Ecton. on Qti.nday were ~~R~~~ ~~n. lla801'ldc servioe s will be conthe two HoHlng Bworth. . and Mrs. and MT. oAtlbert. Grote of DaYtkm. <o:lUIPles were dinner ~ ........ Mrs. ducted on Thursd ay evenJn ~ and ~ of Mr. Mrs. ~ .H Mdman Mrs. naUes Boler Mr. amd Mrs. Oharles Bunnel l and ar..d Mrs. Web S~ af Spring- Eval1na ~ton of Cllndnr .a.tI!Ro bert 'I1lom6 of ~, Mrs. Iftunera.l services will 'b e held at the two daU8'h1el'8, Mr· e.rnd' Mrs. Her.ry 41e1r1. s and chUdre n Method ist Ohureh on Frltlay . a.t called 0I1i Mrs. Lucy OomIPton, SUn.- Miss Joy Whitak er. Saylor e.nd three d6us1llt ers. 2:00 p.m. with Rev. R :s. Colema n 1Mr. a.nd Mrs. Robert stump were day a.ttt.ernoan. Evening callers were offtclatt ing. bUslnel!8 callers In [;ebano ru Friday. iMr . al'.d Mrs . Amos Oom.Ilrtxm and PLED GED TO ' KAPP A BuI1aJ In MiamJ C6I1'III!'tery unde r UT; J. H . Bogan. 'Who bas been 111 80n of nea:r Xen1a,. DELT A SORO RITY the directio n of Stubbs Fun.erl'.l is reported : to be reoover ing· . tMrs. IDorOth y Smith M slsted M8rIlyn Bur&ke. ~ter of Mr· ,Hbme. 1.1. MaM 'Phyllis 8h1dak er ha.s ac · with the pre-scl1ool cl.lnlc at O Spring and Mrs. Jom J . BurBke•. Route 2, .• ....~ -;r cepted a posltJon 88 waLtre1!8 in the VaJIey Hi8b SchoOtl one afterno on /baa ~ rpled8'ed by Kappa Delila AUTO LICEN iMft;. Ola.renc e Dra.wfo ni sPent last "Wjhtte Kitchen SE FEES " Resbaur anlt. locat- last /Week. eoror1ty BIt Bowlin g 0TeenI State DISTR IBUTE D IN 'lbuMld ay with IMIn;. ®rerett Bun- edl 1n eenterv Ule. OHIO Mr . and Mrs. Donald Ha.ines. Mr un1V~:r~~~_~ nell of S r1ng Valley . stateThe m.1t1aJ. d.Ist.rlbutton of $H,42~ . 8Z'-dI Mrs. Ralelg'b Boglm and men .~ ' .. ....., Mr. ~ Mrs. week. 952 in auto lIcell5e feeli bo countle , ,LucB6 spent DATE SET FOR ARBO R lre.mda ughter. Marllyn Sue Sm4tth w~1!8 ~~ a !!~ =,~tet 01 the week end ~ >their parel!te , DAY OBSE RVAN ar.d mUnicip alities 1r. Ohio, aooord · JMt. a.nd MJrs. qaMd Luca.s and '11he ·OhIo 'D1Wslon ofCEQlns~- ebteDIdIed tihe aenlor class plew at . ayne P"-- .. 00. ,. a ing to QJlI announOemell1t made b oo t.ervme. Sa.turde .y eight. I~ ph.vBloal eduoa;tion major. Edlward T. Foogo. tam1l\V . .t1on ha& ·a.tlIDOW1ced the mont21i of . p.~. Mary Boll'9.n regilttra r of mot : r <VIsited !her ~ • \II4nd Mrs. George BraJtten Aprtl to be OoIDIIe.rv vehicles , shows ttbte followln ? IB.tion Mkmth in daumtA !r. MrA . WIeldon Wilson and W. S. C. S. CHAN GE ~t' a feW ~ in Dayton last .1bIa stAUJe. with amoun~ 11'01' nea'rfby oour.t~es: Apr1l 21-25 being hUlltJa.m on SUnday . IWeet DATE OF MEET ING ~ted. at Oonaerv at1on ~ in Greene $67.867.? 0 Mr. e.nd Mrs, LUther Hames The y,. mnereoo IDlll callec1 0Di JInI. 0b1.0 80000111 Clinton ~666.48 aDd 1f'Iida,y. April 25 ~ IJ)8.I't ~ kat week with rela.- OhurchWI. S. C. S . of the MetbDd1st ohange d their ~ ~ lBuBnDell MoIldat1 r.ftemOOD. &8 AmoIr ~. M<m~ t636.423.ot It4ves iDI Ind'..". . InB daIte to ~. AIlt11 24. W8I1Ten f4g,610.88 ~ of

Senlo - r Class PIay Frl-day Evem'eng


Golden Wedd.-ng At Lytle Horne


Samue . IN Keys T0 BO d - ed e rain




t ree


fa.rn: ::;:'rd




CIub Meetomg

WIOth BuHerworths



m JJ. ~~ l



O . e n

Harry Ao Cornell Dies Suddenly; Funeral Friday

The Miami Ga~ette 1 8 5 0


ESTABLISHED ?ubUsiled Eve ry Th ul'sdny by DAVISSO N PRESS F'LO YD L. DAVISSON, Edl t,or ~l ('red as S (olO d Cla.<,s Matter at llle P ost. O H lc Subscription R II es : :51.50 per Yea r In .I\ -:l vllnce


Ad \; etti~i n g

Rep r esentati ves

-- ,

of CHRIST BIBLE S HOOL 9 ' 30 AM . . :\10 RN rNG WORS HIP 10 :30 A. M . YOUTH M"'....ETINGS 7 :00 P. M. ADl: LT p r':AYEH l\1EET I N , 7 :00 P . M. EVE..'.:ING EVANGELISTIC SERV7 :45 P . M .

Ohio W ee ld i R, Inc ., 2465 W. Broad Street. Co lumhu s 4, Ohio


10 :30 A. M . CHURC H of CHRIST 7:30 P . M . Hobert )" VanZile. Minister BIBLE SC HOOL 9.30 A. M. COMIvlUNION 10 .30 A. M ST. MARY'S EVENING SERVICE. 8 :00 P. M. EPISCOPAL CHURCH MET ODIST CHURCH SERi\10N 11 :00 A. M . Sa muel N. K eys . n. B. Colemnn, I\flnister La.y Reade> ln charge 9::;0 A. M . RUNDA Y SCHOOL Church School 9 :30 a .m . .J . J. B ursk (". S npt. Morning PrnYoCr a nd Sennon WORSHIP SEl- VICE 10 :30 A. M . 11 :00 a .m . YOUTH FELLOWSHIP. Thursday, 7:30 P . M. UTICA U. B· CHURCH A FARM DIARY Rev. Ralph IUnes D. J. Fr....r 9 :30 A. M . SUNDAY SCHOOL .MT. HOLL Y M rs. J ames Garrison . Supt. r ETHODrST CHURCH April 11. 1947. April ha lf gone al1ld PREAciIING 1st. and 3rd Sundays no gal'de ll planted yet., It was al 1'. M. Scarff. Minister 9:30 A. M. eac.h month 10 :30 A. M. most dry e nough yest,erday but 111SUNDAy BOHOOL steed of going ft:head a~d dOIng it E. A. Earnhart. Supt. FRIENDS 'We went the Oom munlty Sa·le ana:! FIRST DAY SOHOOL 9 :30 A. M. now i t is raini ng !,'1lln . All work st,ops on D ry Ridge on sale day MEETING f WORSHIP wh etJler we anytWr. g special ~u ff rerst Try REINER'S RINOLt 10 :30 A. M . to take 01' n ot. since J -:>hn w'ned C mlorting rellef from pairut of lirader. Yester day we didn't do 0 -"ei.tmatlsm. arthritis. neurltl". lumoa FREE BOOKLET. Ask for ST. ). UGUSTINE CHURCH well . W. ,took t wo sheep but the Fathe' Krumholt z Priest <bIds w r so 1 1; that we b id th€lm Reiner's Rlnol. Why suffer longer ? c: ' in ourselves. p ld Ollr comm 0110 9 :00 A. M. f e l l i ng to our,;cl ves Rr.d toJ'k Waynesville Drug Store. tfc MAS ... ",lJNDA Y ---------------------;--~-thJem ho P'lc alga.ln . 'I'he wool w s ... __________lIIiilll_________.,.__II!! lWorL h m ore we were !fered !! and if t he meat was ,too ough for us to eat, it would still be ch a p ~og meaL. I hink if t hey are I atlten ed a e they will make good mut ton. 1 like mutton- chops. cu t thIck and broiled , 't he kind they call .English mutto n OOops' in restau · m,m s. Also leg of mubton is good WAYNESVILLE. OHIO roasted and if you do not like that mut lon taste, cut off all t.he fa t and grind !the lew meat with 11 SOHIO GAS and OIL PRODUCTS ol1ttle fat rpork. season well ar.c it !IJl1Iiktes good meat 10ralf or IP8otties. The lMorton salt Ibook says it makes CHROME-PLATED SPOT LIGHTS '«GOd cured meat, a.nd saus~ but I .and FOG LIGHTS r..ever !tried !that . I am ~raJ.d tJh8lt II am going to TIRES and TUBES BAn-ERIES hlwe to buy sOme more corn tor the hogs . 1111e tpresent prioe of wheat andi com is a. bJIt stanertng FAN BELTS RADIATOR HOSE if you haVe to buy and not sell. Someone is go1I1ig wbe left mld1r.g Ithe !bag and I suspect it will be the ACCESSORIES fanners as uswLl thOugh they ._.~---doing well so far. Perhaps it will be tJhe IJ)QClkers wi'th the· storehouses full IOf high ,prllced meat. Prices : - - - - -....-------------~-------~ were not 80 .ttd.g:l1t at the Community


A.. .~ ~nE~\tV$


::Dry ledge


a.coording to t he dia ry Til pond Is f ull of go'dflsh . ycnrlln gs ab~ ut tJlret' ,(0 f1v{' inch s lor.g, nO boabie:; yet. I sa \\' ~he L\yO y ,1' old:; n Iso. t hey mus\, i>e rubo ut len Inces LJI1r: 1l0W . Bogn,1l jllst came tht'ough the gn,tc wit.h nmd 011 h ls 11 c , d igg ln " g l'Olln ct h og'S I suppu,e. T h :::.IX' I,l' go t ot't'. T hey hn\'c d : ,g so ma ny hole:, dowll by "he line r ' Il OC. Cn.p jtt:; l \H I1L by. ro ltl1du tg ul) the OOlWS in l'egulll r co wboy st yle. 1' 011 th mu le . I t Is a good id it a n d ~ ves a lo t of lim If Ill' do e ~ 't hW'l'r t hem too f ast f or m.ilk c" \'S . J ea ne t te l~ good llill llJ mul e. the bayS w 1'e us ing .he"r the e lh er clay t,o h Ind the bl'll::;h u\ey

Ashmead ~~ . Service



19 7

horns. tr. tOC'k longe r to roPe o n and '! Ic 1IlJf' s tring a ro un d t.h e ~ !} f tl t(' hams to lesse n bleCt:llng thaI:

it did 10 : lIp the cutler over tJh e horn a nd lake It <iff WUlh one nip . Th!'i r J1oN\ds w("r sore and still bleed i ng las\' Plgh ! bil l. Uti morn Ing m oot· of them are eaLlng as t1'l1Qu gh ' lIothing had happe n .' Now





TEOPATHIC PRY ICrAN & Announ c s the 0 Re ning of hi

office for general

p·r actice of Osteopathy and Surgery at Susan Scanlon Residence, South Main Street WAYNESVILLE, OHIO

~ HO~

BY APPOINTMENT: 10 .t o 12 a.m .• 2 to 5 p.m.

and 7 100 9·p .m .. No offloe hours Wedhlsday G!temoon, and EMEROENCl!D3 AT ANY TIME

~~e :~t :r~de d~t~,~t !etse~~~

calves, good but not top grade ·w ere _

TELEPHONE 2141 . . . . .- - - - - - -

se1l1ng for 1l00uJt fifteen a.r.d sixIt;een dollars a hundred . Either the prod.ucers lWere skimpIng on milk

or they were sending t.he top

grad '

ers to ~e dty. Our calves are dk>Easy Payment Plan Available. Three Years to Pay. ing . well but t hey are not fat er..ough for market ~et. We .tted a. / lood scare last I\l, ~ ek . we lost One Estimates and Survey made without Obligation. ·w ith scours and some others shOwed 8~ K)f it so Wl~ had DoC' come out I"· 'M:rl give .them each a shot and·some meddcine 8IIld t:.hey ,a re '111],1 riglh.t nJOW. muc'h Ito mtV relief. Wea.ndng them is the r.e'x t problem . I have promised CaIp Qrte of Ithem ,w hen he ~ them all safely weaned. that ·rnetUlS SRJfe ,for t he milk if by ROOFING AND SIDING DIVISION accident they get out witJl the cows . . Phones-- Lebanon 806 - Loveland ' 4163 Last year th1.s time it was cold : - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - . and tWlen sndwoo <but we had hed Warm! wea.ther a.nd the redbud and fruit trees wer.e 1r. bWom. This year nobhing is out yet but the little jOnquils that PEople 'h ereabouts call Easter flowers. Last year I got the WE PAY FOR

P. & C. Hildebrant


·x E N 'I A Charges

, Ohio, No . 43 12

Thul'Rd ay , Al ,"i t

• • • • • • •- ...

eng & SI-dl-ng Roofl


Miami Gaze tt . Page 2

W av n e~wi ll

w ere clea l'ing fl'Om II fie ld ~hl\lt we al goin g to 'plow Ithls y ar. S he L stands w1 houl h lt.chlng tU"J:I ,pulls I am glolng to wht'n s he It t.old. Every family will chertsh the mem1 rn to hi tch her up. ory of a last trtbute that. wall Y ste1'day was a h ,ro dalY for cUgn1f1ed and flttlng in every Mick y. Ith e la,mb. h e lost. h is tail lll'd his bottle a ll on the sam !:' ,day . re pect. I took him out .flOr a walk and h e stop ped fOT a o r in k from me pan under the . pump s o n ow 11e ha to drin k his milk a pan aiso . H e !s just a sh eep nOW but when! h e gets ou t he stU! acts Ukle M ary's li t t.le lamb. . D1\ioa.1mame n l ha.s bt.'C I~ com pl t · cd on Dry Ridge. how n iCe 1-1. would be if it could be aoocmpllshe d as ~ Uy by t he UN. Dr . Frost Telephone 2291 yesterday with h is g lant cUIttCI' a nd 'o ne b y olle [)otty ofIlldDolly and P and the Twins lost their

t. h R'l ~

ii• •_.____

T it

~ ertilizer


. E. G .. Buchsieb, Inc.





first aspa.r8g!US of rtJh.e season from Mrs . HlqpkLns the fifteenlth of April



Get Stanford Bogen Right where the OneTwo-Three meets the C. C. C., Morrow, Ohio




Xenia O.


1947 " ,..

Page 3, The Miam i Ga z tte

f r om Florida O'l" F riday of tills week . l h e Wlll\.t' r there and Mrs . .Polil~s ky h al' bee n v lslLi n ~ wl l h h J' f OI' the past t,....~:> W KS.

Reall'ty One

Way n 'In- ill '. Ohio. No. 4 ~12 Mr. . Hy m a n spen t

Thul'd ay. A pri l 17. 1947

we a re goi ng l!o ha v to ~u.rn to te ll t h.em apart all o v ;r ilgal n for ~r . nnd Mr '. Non.h N wmall a pe! at a. d1s lill1~oe t heir 11or ll8 weI' a sen .. D avid an d T om my lit r t a it'cd in h o.l'lOr o r t he b u·thdav r Ml". di 'llng lli 11l ng ma rk. Frht.zle has Newm a n 's f uth er . W a Ll' r Lac.\'. t n.kl'D ad van tage of th e siluaUon T l10s TJl'CSe n L wer Mrs. Ellll!na Ii .push bhc othe rs a round . She Lac ' M ' d M ' . '" l1CVC1' h a.d 11 r n8 a nd is r.ow r etlll! . ). I . an I S. F'l l . l Lal gc a t1 ng .f01' lellC III ny pusll~s s.J > got -and son , S ta nley r Day On. a nd f r om Lh e JlOrny ones . Wih o will MI' . fi nd M1·S. H . R . rr:hom pso n b gi n Lhe pu. lti ng wh er. t hc big llnd s on. P n ul o f W aY I esnlle. I,owers n~'e d e- h orn d by th e UN? Mr s . N oah Newmll r Il nd SO 113 D a vid and Tommy spnn l Thlll'sd ny vlsi Llng Mrs . N cwnlllll 's s is t 1'. Mrs . Mrs. W ln ill'ed Hartsock a lld son Ral ph Oondy and f amllv of D y<ton. D \':Ij we l'e diJ~ n e r gu ests of Ml·. Mr . ar.d Mrs. Will S . Jo hn were and MIs . R Onal d Hn wke on En.: ter W1.C Sunday guests of MI'S. H . F . S U!ltla y and vis~ted Mrs . Emma Wlhlte of Oakwood. Mr . W hile. a McOlure In U1e aJle rnoon. fo rm r Waynesville resldent is I . Mr H. J se H.Yttnru1 and daugh ter. po l·t~d LO be ill very gocd ·h ealth M rs. A . T . PollnHky will ar rive home a nd fine sph'i ts althou gh h e ha

TWIN Theatre ='alOO~~OO


h ·



Show-off at Twin, 20-21


Ladies And Gentlemen: U you' c 19 ever been tempted to a!'swer t hat $64·00 question or. a q uiz pl'Ogram Mus ical WesoteI1~ ! ExcLternlC nt a-ple~ as regula.rly staged hold · h.e1'e'S your ch ance i(,Q -watch an xpert do it -namely. th a.t kin ~ 01 ups keep everyone baIfled . 18

Over the Santa Fe' Tratl

Sta~1ling K en

Curtis. JeooUer Holt. Boy" WdlHams with Guy Kibbee a nd The HOOsi er Hot Shots. Plus : Color Oal'toon and Shorts. " B ig

com ed y clowns, Red SkelLan. back

,on the w een Ir. a n ew M -(J-M oomedy-dram a. "The how-Off" ... The quiz ipl' o~ ram Is .One of t he 'COmedy Wgllllglrt6 of 8. picture that III januned wllbh laughs f r om begi nni ng

20 21 Th Y ar's l aul\"h riot- A f amily fa rce for all Lh e famUy In Ithls explosive mixtlU'e of romallce al' d com


\\i th Red Skel ton , Ma.rUyn M axwell. M arjorie 'MBln. " Roohef<tel~' . Added : La lest N ews. Q uiz and BuB's Bunny Carroon.

- - - -U


" lna ~ m'llch a li hum RI' in Lt'l')Jr

bl d im~ta Li on ~ d iffe r l'eli!,:i.:Jou:-. . di e and cli.,,tgl cm enl h a ve 1'1. n a m OH;; m a n . kind. Lt- li g ht of Vue I'eliglol' h as been cxUn ..uJ " h d ,un I th un l t~' of Lhe wor ld r h umRln llY clps t.r 'ed . The P roph ls c.r God vol ' d t h e 'pll'it of unity o n d I-I re elllent. T h 'Y hove been th e f ou nd l·.~ o f di v il~c asLio ns. real ity. Thel'eforc if W1P r. a Llon " of H e I'c!ld a.nd eXl>lal llf' d !J1C ea rlie r ,t he world fO I'sake 1miLati ons IUld In- Lrealtles \\'h1C1h. 'the l lIdi!l n .:; had r.o! \' ;lIgate tile real ity u nd rl yin f;' t he ob' ·r v(tj. T hen llowed a ll op 11 , vealed Word of G :ld bh t' v ~,\il1 discussio n 'b y a ll <clUJ illg wh ich on ag r ' and become rcconcU ~ For Ju ly 22l'd . Ll tLl Turtle. t.h c shrew d r ealit y I" one and not mult iple. Th Miam i ch id who had callod W a yn nations a nd religions a,r l! ~ ped hi u a ch1e1' who 11 v r sleeps." a rose In blind RInd bl"-'nted ImH.atlons. A m an 11.1 place a l ruddl' sed W ayn e Is a Jew because h is fath er I" a t iling him th wt U1e i ntend bour.J v. The Muhamms,j 8n f ollo ws d ry CUlLs oIi! f r om m e I ndla n a large imJp llc1 ty ,th e foo tsteps :of his ap ' portio ll of countr y h eld by hIs fore · oestors lr. belief I8Il'Id obscl"ven ce. l'aU1 1'S. WILhoUL m ol>ll Or d The Buddhist I" tl'Ue to h i" heTe - pute. from Lime imm mona! aOO 11e dloty 6'S a Budd hiRt . That I~ t.o say <'onclu d by saying t h81L h e w . t hey prof ess r el igioUs beli E.'! blindlY surpl'i ' d t h at his ;t)roU1er :! cliff e-r ed nr,j wi Lh Cl-ll,t Investlg>atLan . makin g so much fiI10m Ih1ln UUlJt U1eir con u nity and a ~Teemen t ImpoN~l bl . It du t woiLrl lead one to s uppose thai!. i s "'vill~ n't t,q ry!fnr., r.h ll.t t.bJ6 cIOn . the Greart. Spirit a.nd t h eir f orediUon will not be rsned1ed wi th ou t fa.WI rs h~d n ot. giv 11 t hem t he sam a l·eformat1:.on In the wo rld of l'Cli- c.haorge ~ven me but IOI~ tlh e con · lOon." - A!t du '! B~~ha trary, had d.\.rcclled them to sell their l ands to a ny whit ma~1 I~hat wore Submitted b y H elen McCoy. a h l as soon as he wculd ask hem . Ool'I'eSponding S ecreta r y. R t. 2. W a ynesvlll . Oh io IN CA E OF FIRE DIAL 2222





.i ,e l),


end . . . Hear Red glv On J une i6 Lh .. t h e op en:1.n.g day a lecture .on h ow to wash a ba by ! .. him give a d monstration on of 't he can! renee. "Wayne welcomed B ra ves in bhe Jlame of It.h e how r.ot. t o drive 8'11 31U1tomoblle! ... th See him Slta'l'Ve La deal h LI'ylng to " FHte el ~ F ires :" t h at Is UO say Lh Chlnese di nner wlU1 ch.op s Llcks ! nfLe n in II;h e Ameliean ad In pa.nt. "1 ha ve . . ' Ga ze 1n wOlld I' a ll h e does a Onion ." H e pna ppy I'wnba, pic y th e plano. cle n'r d Ll1is gl'Ound of wll bl'u h Elr.d s ln ~R ! . Ii 's h (amous old I'UbblSh n nd op.e!l100 the Toa ds to th e h , t h at Skelton w Lh a n w ba l! of trick ~ East . W t, North an d S . . . lr. t h yeaa-'s ml~t a.musin g p io- nll !'s tU 5 ma y come in safety und C La meet me . 'I1his gl'ouro on ture . .. Don 't miSIi R ed Skelto n as wh ich lih ls council house "The Show-Off"!


He .goes 011 a man'-htU1lt loaded with chlUls a.tSdI !thrills to milke amendtll for sending 8Itl innocent


man to the gallows, with

The Verdict

Sydney Greell6treet. Peter Lorre. J106n Lorr1r.g. Adda:1: Oolor O&rtoon and Oome~·.


. (HAlTE S


"4-WAY FARM INSURANCE" in the Ohio Farmers will give you broad protection against. losses on your farm. It covers your buildings~ your chattels. your automobile and your liability for accidents to othe~s . .Why not see us today? You i.DIII you're safe when you're insured in the Obio Farmert!

Karl D. Da.kin Insurance Agency

~ .


FIREPlACE that actuotly Circulates Heat Fireplace T HEtakesHeatHatot' tbe heat ordinarily wasted up the chimney and circulates it to every corner 0 1 the room and to adjoin ing rooms. And you know hefore YOII blilid tbat your fireplace wilt always work properly-will not smoke. The Heatilator is a double walled form around which tbe masonry is easily built. Cuts heating costs durin~ cool spring and faU weather. Betore you build, ask for complete Heatilator informa .. rion. .



Phone 153,20 E. Mulberry, l.EBANON,



W. H. Madden & CO..


COMPANY 4f~. ()ia~








See these at our Lumber Yard We alao atockFIRE BRICK FLUE RINGS .FLUE LINERS


A Lwo' qeck n est box four to six 1I1lsWned with bl d . and Is as pur eas 't he heart of Qe<or ge W nsh.lngton, f oot long will pr0\1de enoug h n est t,he b"realt clue.! of America. I ha v space f or 100 hens . t,h ls day klridled the COll n' l flre o f Lh e U!'itrd Sa. : we will now co vel' i!t up. , n d keep ilt li \'(~. lI nt ll t.he AUCTIONEERI NG mail~de r of Lhc dl fl c-r IlL t r ibes and KOOCLER STANLEY a sell'Ubl ." BBOKEIJ:8 LlCEN8F. By Jul ~ l :ii.h .. eH ugh Chiefs all d wa nlor Jmd assembl .:\ for W Yl' C. ror Oates, Ilbolle 289t. Waynesville, 1.0 open prncUcal b 'il:el- ' I11LgOL! · Ohlo. Re verse Cl.uL.rRea

'or more than 20 yean lucceuful farmera have depended on BIG M Ferti-· lizers for maximum yield of all erapa. They Imow free ·ftowinc BIG M brand is always manufactured up to highett standards . . . never down to price. The Miami Fortllioer CompanY I. on Inde· pendent MI II",i V nlley

con cern under d ir ec t operation o~ Ita own en.

Better let the beat ... beat buy BIG M.


NORRIS BROCK COMPANY C incinnati Urion Stock Yards Live Wire and Progressive . An organlz8.t1on second to none. SLrictly sel lers oc the best all around maa-k t in the

country. Service That Satillfies WHIO Da ylon 12 :30 E . S . T .• Dial 1300 WLW Cinclnnatl 12 :40 . Dial 700 for OUr Dru lY Mar kett Report .

EXECUTORS' SALE IMMEDIA TE POSSESSION Fine Waynesville Home- th e late r sid n ee of Sa ll ie M redith - located at corner of Third an d North -' tt'ee ls, oppo ite Methodi t hurch . · onsists of finC' mod rn frame hOllS 4 bedrooms and bath up stail , do ub1 livin g room, dining room , kitc hen and laval') down ·ta il' pI nty of cia et space, la rge attic, full · ba ement , eiectric water heater, furnace, garage, ga rd en and beautifu l ya rd. Lot approximately 12·5x 215 feet. Sealed Bids will be received by Executors up to 2 :00 p.m. on ' April 19, 1947 at which tim~ bids will be opened on the premises. 'Highest bid will then be a nnounced and anyone who has' submitted a bid will be afforded the right to increase same. Bids must be accompanied by a check payable to Executors for at least $1000.00. Executors reserve the right to reject any and all bids. Any money deposited with bids not accepted :will be returned. . TERMS: Cash but a reasonable time will be allowed successful bidder to arrange for closing. Poaseaaioll: ImmediatelY u~~ayment. Inapection of premisea may be had at the following times: April 12, 13. 14 and 18 between 2 :00 and 5 :00, April 19 between 9 :00 and 2 :00. Bids may be mailed to Harry R. Meredith and Harold J. Meredith, Executors, % Walter Whitaker, Waynesville, Ohio or delivered to Walter Whitaker, Waynesville, Ohio.


Havir.g !lobd 'm y f anD. I wUI offer at Public Auction, at residence . located!

on' We.yne8lVi1!1e-Bellbrook Road. 3 ·Y., miles of Wayn~vllle ap,d 3 miles South of Bellbl',o ok. at 1 :00 lO'clock, ip. m., Sharp, o n

Saturday, .April19th., 1947 12_ HEAD OF CAT'I1.E - 12 - B rindle Herford. l ~ t C alf by. side. Mlxed Hertol·d . 1. t calf by side. Heifer 'to freshen...ffi A UL"I"<t. MlIik?C<>W. CRl1'Ylng 2nd ca·lf, 00 fresher. in May. 3 Yea;rling Helfel·s . 2 Yea rlln ~ Steers. Regist ered Red· Pk>lled. 'B un, 23J.rnos. .] - HEAD OF HOGS - 3 CHICKENS - 15 Whlbe Rock Hens. FED) - 25 bu· of Oa.ts. 20 bu. of Oom. FARMALL F-12 TRACTOR - 0llI Steel, wioth Cultivators. FARM IMPLEMENTS - Manure Spreader. 2-hol·se. One-l1orse Wagon, W<l)d Drag. Horse CUlttvrutor. Lawn Roller. MISCELLANEOUS - La.wn MJOtwer. Chicken Feeders. Chicken Wj re. Post . Hole Digger. 4 sheets of P~rd. 4 ft. x 8 ft. Milk Pnil Washicg Vats Work Bench. 2new Interior Doors 2 tt. 8 1m x 6 lot. 8 In. 6 Gal'age Doors. 4 ft. ~ 8 fit. 2 Fann ~ . HOUSEHOLD GOODS - 2-p1.ece K rrehler Mohair Living R()()ffi SuiteOa.b1net -otype Free Sew1ng Ma.chine. Magic Chef G as e. Elect ric !Re11r1ge$to r . 6-plece Walnut RQom Su~te. 3-bu l 'ne r Oil S LOve. Maytag Washer. Occaslonad Ohair. Upholstered Ohair. 4 End Tabl es. 2 Quaker CongoleUlO1::1. 9 x 12 an d 1{) x 12. 5 rever sible Throw Rugs. 3 S hagg Rugs . 3 Child's DeSks and Chal ..... Smo-ker. I~'on B ed. Sprt m:~s and Malttre~s. 2 Nif.'1ht Stanlds. mirr.or tops. Vanity. with mil70r toP. . Twin Beds, Spting s Qilld Ma ttresses· 2 V anl les. 2 Ch ~ ts of Dra wel·s. Dresser. 4 x 6 revel'~ ible <R ug. 2 Nigh t Stan ds. D ls h e~ TERMS :- CASH


JES STANLEY & EARL KOOGLER. AucWon eers . ( Wa y>ne vUle Phon e 2894) <Dau,tOIl P ho K E 8986 1 RA YMOND PENEWlT & SO:' S. Cler k ,;.

With othe Clerk of said Village com plete pla.ns a.m specl.f1cations for t.h1! IighUng of the str.eets and publ1c places 01 the v.lllage wlith electr1c1Jty. w.hOOh planu and specl:ficatrons provide fw difierer-t type a.nd nvting of Ughts in different loca.tions I8COOl'd.1ng Ui !!ale local \I'iequ1rements, ifihe ligbts be1ng designated by oandlepawer e.r..d classified 68 here1na.fter set lonb. BE IT ORDAmED BY 'I1HE


• • ClASSIFIED AD BATES • • 25 warda or Ie-. ODe Ume. ...... 25o m:.c.h addtton&l ward •.•••••••••• lc 8~1AL

Inspection Calendar WIAYNESVlUIJE STATE OF OHilO'



LoansFEDERAL LAND BANK LOAK8: For Reflnanctna - Rebu1ldlll8 Buying. 4% Farm loana with long Qme to pay. Pay part or aU any time. LEBANON NAT'L FARM LOAN A88'H., Ellis H. Sturm, 8eo'yTreas.. Lebanon, Ohio. Phone 448 to

Twenty-:f1n5t D1SIr1ct of Ohio the . . ~_ 01 ..... ~ """-.~ ""-- T..-SECTION I . That. for a . , . . , ~""" . . D ..... .... ""Y""'(pertod of !lve (5) ~ars beginning t10n dOOe8: wit.h Itbe effective date of this ordJ....... W<:1["

1!14'7 INSPECrlONS BY lVOB.'IBY GRAND MATBON ~~ ~ 144. Babtra June 11- CaIl'Y No. 221. Bl.anohIJIter INSPECTION BY DEPUTY GRAND MATBON BEB.NICE JOHNSON Aprtl 24- No. 535. Fraalklln Aprll 26- Mlaml 107. 'WaynoMlle May I-No. 363. New BurJ1~ May 5--No. 357. W1lm.1ngttoIr. May 9- No. 327. New Vienna ~ 1<1- No. 363. Marrow. May 21- No. 300. lqrlchburg Ma.y 23- l.eigjhJton 52}, Slnk.lng 9p6. Jtme 6- No. 173. M&rt.t:nsv11le ~ ~ No. 441, HIllSboro

nanoe. .the


price whloh may be

by the 'Da.;y>tOn Power 8Ild

directed rby the LigthUng ~mmlttee of t.he Counc11 of sOI1d VWa8e of WaYJ1esvillc, Ohio. sa.ld I SElO'TION 3. That e 00trio light shall !be furnished by means 01 aerial construction only. and saUt OOmpar.y shadl be pnvileged to and sha.U Install all necessary wires. ,poles. s.nchors. guys and all other equl,pment neceeaary and proper to a.ooompHsh I!IUCh lighting by such mear.s.

SECTION 7. Wlhenever an'Y tree or trees upon any sl<Iewalk of ar.y street. aane. alley or lWe'nue shall seriously lnIter1'ere with CJhe distribution of Ilght f.rom an lamp or group 01 lamps 01 w~ the CoUncu Of the Village shall be the judge, the VW88e w1ll trlml or cause Ibo be rt.rlmmed 8JllY such tne SPX:n'ION 4. That salld liglbt. · or trees in such ma.nner t.l1at SU'Ch ing shaH be acoord1ng to what 18 inter!erenre with the dlstrtbut10n kOOWD 80S the "ALL NIGHT AND ~# lI"""t -"", be - - - ", ' 'EVERY ~ saBiEOULE"; that Ul n:-u""v.,... is. Ibhe ~ shall be WWT\!lna'ted SEO'IlION 8. That <the plans every niglht from approx1mately a.nd speaIf.iC8Jtions here1n lrefen'ed One-hal! hour at~ sunset 01 one to for suah street lighting 8II1d on day to approximately or.e-half bJur flle with the Clerit of add VlllQ8e before sunrise of the neMt d~. in !be and the same ~reby' are adtoptaooordance with vth1ch ' ~ule ed ar..d a.pp~. each lamp shall be IDumtnated for SECTION 9. That Ordina.nce approximately 4000 Ihoors per year . No. 178. JlI8$ed !by tile Oouncil of . SEOTION 5 'I1haIt the l'oca- the V1l1age of WaY\IlesvWe. Ohio. on <tion 01 ev&y ~p sharJI be &.p _ the 6th d8¥ 01 December. 1943. hereproven .b y -the Lighting Oommittee 'by is cancelled as of the e!Sect1ve of t.he Counctl of said Vllboge before date of this on.1inance. SJlJd, all bhe 18 erected. and alter a amoun~ due The Do.ytlt>r.. Power lanlp has been erootedJ in accord- and [.dght Company for electric 84100 wilJl swm ®pproval Jbhe lighit furnIShed under said, Ord!l.nCOmrpany. upon 8 'VorrttteIlJ' order a.r_~ No. 178 Shall be promptly lrom CouncU. shall remove it to an - pa.d. other 10000Lion, -the cost of sUOh re~N '10. 'Iba.t · IUpon moml and relocation 00 be pe.ld by The Dayton Powe r and Li8lht Com VIlla4Ie of Wayr.esville. OlUo. par.y fl.llng 1~ written acceptance SECTION 6. Thlilt the O:>m- at ·t his ordinrunce With tdle Olerk of p&.Ilf shall use ell dll\g)eru:e ar.d care sald V:mage wIDl1n t hirty (30) d~ neoesaa.ry to keep ell the tamJl6 from the cteklng effect herea!. this clean a.nd burning during the hours ordlnaJlJOO Shall be and constltube a called for in thds rund contract !between said Village 8.nd shan agree th8It it any light or 00rr\Jp8.r.:v Ito light the streets, lanes. lights go out. the laImp shaal be alleys, avenues and public grounds. l1epa.lred same nighlt if JXl5S1ble. dn a.ocorcl1noe herewith. fur five (5) and in t.hat eent iIlO deduction for years oommencing 'Wit.h the el!ecoutage will be made' however. if tlve of tJ,1!S ordinance. and in rtbart event no deduOtiOn for SECTION 11. That' ·this or<iistill out or. 'the secone\. night' Itben na.nce shall take effect ar.d be In the V~ will make a deductlJOn Coree ,from and a.flter the earllest equal to bW10 .ntg'ht,s ~or each lamp period allowed by la.w. not on)' !the second night. !Passed this 7th day o! Alpril. 1947 . a.nd a. deduction for each additlor-al ~ BRlADDOCK M night that ~ such lamp Is rrot . ayor and these deductions shall · JATI'EST: Cho.ules James. Clerk . be at the BBilile mtio per night 80S the total mor.th1y!PriCe !bears to the _ andJ MJr.s. Ralph Greegor time tale ~amp or lamps have been and Ml'. and Mrs . Richard ~ \found to be out. The Vil1age, ' of Oolun\bus 'Were Sunday guest8 through Us lMaI'shal. shaU promptly 01 Mrs. Grace Lincoln Smith With ~port to the' oUIce of the COmpany di.nner lilt ,t he Golden 'Lomb Hotel all ~amPs discovered not burning. inJ Lebanon.

lJIght CJompe.r-y IOIT elect.rdc light furnished the 01 Will;Ynesville, ·Ohlo. to light the streelo. lanes. alleys, avenues and public places ·t.heroof in the UlaIUler IIdld by the means set ,forth Ir- the p.\a.ns Real Eltate For Saleend speclficatlons ·t herefor On me IF YOU HAVE A PROPERTY OR twiJtJh 1lhe Clerk of sadd Village. and FARM TO SELL Call or Wrtte 'as ,providEd in this OTd1nanoe. shall Oon Henderson. Tel. KE3446. &17 be as follows: n.. ..ton Obi u ' 100 CandJepower Lamps Lorain Ave " ~ , o. we For li81ht SUPPlied bY' means of or.e hundred (1001 Oandlepower Household Goods For when the number 'thereof Is _ . ~- . 15. 01' less. the pt10e sl:\all be FOR SALE - O . E . REFRIGe,28.00 !Per pel: yea~, 16 to 30. emtor In good condition. J. J , the ,p rice shaU be :$25.00 per lamp Burske. R. R . 2. Waynes~~7 Noti~ of Appointment per Ye6Ir.. 31 to 60. rt.he price shall be Not1oe 18 hereby giVeJll that $23.00 per Gamp. .per year. lor 8:11 LIVE STOCKKenr-ethl N. Hough w.hase iP06t lOver 6(). the price shall be $22.00 per _ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Office Address is IR. R . No. 2. lamp, per ye.a r. FOB BALE --Oho1ce Fall Ha.mpsh1re W~esv1lle. Ohio has been duly 250 Cand1epowel' Lamps. Boc;I.r eligible to register. -James appolnJted as Admlnlstrabor De For llg.h't supplied by means of SackeLt 1 ,Mile South of Bellbrook. Bam.s Non With the WU1 Annexed Itwo 'h undred and ifUty (250) Oan--4-24 01 the Esta.te 01 James W. Ward dlepower Lamps when the .nwnber JiUR SALE GUERN - -SEY--COW 4 I8.te of Warren County, OhJJO. JtherlN!' is Id T Boo ' , ~ deceased . 15, or less. the prtoe &ball be ~tt ' ~ ~ B =V1lle' Dated -~ 10th da.y of AprIl 1947. $36.00 per I~ p el: yea.r. 16 to 30. IP~ 2242 . yn 417 Ralph H . carey. Judge 01 b price sbiall lbe :$33.00 per lamp. the 'Problllte Court. ~- ~ year. 31 to 50, 'the price Shall . Ootmty. Oh1o be $30.00 per .l amp. per year. IFor all FOR SALEStaruey & ata.nley. IAttys. ov r 60. the prl.oe shall :oe $2.9.00 FOR SALE -LOOSE MIXED HAY. - -- - per lamp. per year. ' J. B. Obaprna.n. 'Phone 2711. -51 ORDINANCE NO. 193 400 Candlcpower Lamps AD Onjlnance fixing the prtoe For liglht supplied by means of wl»oli the Dayton Power IU!d four oondroo (40(» Oandlepawer Il'QR SAlLE - HAMMER MILL ~t ~, Us successors Lamps. rtlhe price shall be $4{).00 · per 'With belt. rotary scraper. Wilbur Ia.ndI iusslgns:. may ch&rge for . liaJrnJp. per year, and said Com~ N. Sears, Wa.yID.e8VWe Phone 2861. el~ 'light furn1shed. to the shall at & own ·e xpense flllUsh 417 IPIlblic grounds, streets. lanes. said laarIjps and equipment 8.I!.d REAL ESTATE alleys and avenues 1nJ the ViImaJterta·1 necessary tor said lIg\ht... lage 01 W'a.)"r.esWlle. Ohio. for a lng. and e:rec~ and mainta1& same, JP YOU HAVE ANY PROPERTY period. of five (5) years. oomor where already erected. to aeU call 1I'randa Gene Brown, . mencing with the effective date S8IIll. . ar-d: 8ihall sUIPPly said lamps of ~ onUnance. and det.erm1nwith tale necessary electric CUITel1Jt. Real Eltate Aa1esrnAll, for II. D. ing the IIJl8.lIMT In which sa.ld IIllld tile Com~ ·is to be ; by ~ W tlml ll8«m, Ohio. 1lgbt.lng DlIl'Y be fumdshed. iPr<lS8i1d Village for said llght.lng in l'arm Loan8 f~. Telephone ovided e..nd paid> tor -VWelve (12) equal monthly ln5tall~v1I1e". ~. there is On file meIlits on or before 'the I~th ' day . - - - - -_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _~---------.. of each oaJendar month. subject, hoawever. to the deductions as herein proVided for outages, a.na1 the agrees thJ~ any ad<lli1onal damps of rtlhe .~haracter &.fore102 ACRE FARM. 7 room sa.ldJ for the street UghtIr-g ordered house. electricity, barn 40 x by saild Oou11lCil shalll be erected and operated !by it SIt' Jthe prICe 60, double crib. hog house, per lamp 8B -b t above named. rtlhe garage and hen house, same to be paid !by sa.1d: VUlage in the ma.nner and l.nstellments and weB. cistern. and sprinv.. at Ibhe rt4mes hereiDbefure provid£d Closed Sundays for sadd ~IlIts. SECTION 2. That the minI- ' mum numlber of ~ ~the variPHONE 2651 ous oa.ndlepower if.o be used! for the ligIhtlng of sa4d streets. lanes. 8Illeys. 6IvenUes and puIbl1c pIsces fwnisbed! . I 8haU be foUowsl: 31 100 CU.11dlepower Il£rnps; 250 Oa.r.dilepower Ianps; OFFER " 400 QalliCUepower'ps; sa.1d Il aJqls Ito be located as, shaill be





. .------------.. . ---------.;.._.1


The Miami Gazette Page 4 Waynesville. Oqio.No. 4312 Thursday, April 17, 1947



Armitage &So~



111\1 TI~ linus ~~~eow




, I

~cQIlure Jlfuuerm ~niue Dia12111

Waynesville, ' Ohio ,


FOR Any make or model Fred Kahn MotorSCarCo. PHONE 3 .



"Drink Up! Milk Is an economical food!"


9-12 each m.orning 1-6 a.fternoolDs except Wednesday 7-9 Saturday evening Other evenings by Appointment TELEPHONE 62-8

Dr. C. E," Wilkin Optometric Eye Specialist 26 South Detroit Street XENIA,OmO as •••••••



•• aa ••

"With its precious minerals and vitcimi'ns ... complete proteins •• abundant e,n ergy elements, •. w!-J.,re," . asks Elsie happily, "can you find a better all 'round food value than milk? Yes sir, considering what you get, milk is always on economical food. And of course, too, Borden's milk is always as good as milk can be. Try it ... delivered to you 'regularly .•• or at your neighborhood store."

7JOnltIlS · I F IT 5 El 0 R() FI' J S

IT 5 C· (1 1




' -'t

~ ..

hE C. 0 () n I

TAP ROOTS ' Two days later WRyne r eplied ,t hat

Th M·I·am· Ii AZET T E .


the land had boon paid 1loT two times ar.d Ibbat he was willing to pay for It ~; :ne further pointed out ted .tJh8Jt Ith the IruMa.ns had before now ! thel I ds 4'h·"t pa;r SOll1e o · wnEnglish ~"'I' to 1lhe W Frenoh.1lInd ~ow rthe have them. both of whom WOTe lhats. nlel'l Wayne read from tthe treaty . of Versa.1Jes andi Jay's trea.13' by whicb the English agreed tlo give up the Nol1th West Territory. Even Lllttle. Established 1850-No. 4313 Ttmble was oonV'ir..ced ail1d on July WAYNESVILLE OHIO, 28tlh. /iBid. "I do nIot believe ttle . hatchet was ever be!ore buried so deep. I fancy 1t has always. here-.rt.otore. been cast into shallow running "'elter. wh1c.h has WMhedt up on dry land," A very good wSIy Indeed o! phmsing the lCI!I!ference ootWleen tJhe """"".... o! 01' "flO d . ... ~ een .....e 8J1 IPI'IeIWOUS Mibempte at ptII.ci1'ymg the IrAians. The Treaty was slgnro Aug. 3, 1795 and stJ.pula.trd ir. brief. for peace. f<riendship. return of prisonWill!'; :the cessiOII'! of oerta.I.n lands. a.nd payment 1n gocUs WOl"t.h $20.000. 1Xlgeb~ with a yearly addman of $9.500; the righlt of InJddans to hunt peaoably 1r. oed:d territory; the right of the Americans to cenlAWl roads and river portages; guare.ntees 1 aga.ins t Wl!l~ul S6t.tllemen.t. dis-



$1.50 per Year-5c a Copy Thursday. April 24. 1947

ers of

hor..est tm.d1ng. and acts of violence bY' either s~e. The ceded teNttory took in all SoutheI'n and OenttTal ~ a small PILl'l~ of In<, in a.ddittion to sixOOen isolaJt.ed 1mport8lnt posts. "This t11OO.ty was never broken by it6 authors." Thus passed Itwt.:> thin:is of tlhe State. where now more people live than was in the eJlItire U~lted' states at the It1m.e the rtroo.ty was made. ...."""" a.· ......

I .... ft·l f1W<.w



+- ~t

",0., "''''''... gres.u=

eneD1lY was smallpox


it had so

dcclmrat ~d !their strer.glth t;ha.t it Is doubllful tiJaJt ·the Wami Indllans could have 'Placed more than 3,000 w~:l1as nin hltlb l'':' !1~tltlde' TheTu.. uJ)re.-lin:le '~ef ~. " ...,. ~ •. ..... a.r..ll1quillt.y of his ra:oe. is nl:lted by the following Incident; in 1797. Little 'I\u1Ue, while In ~l1adeiph1a. met tile F\rench Philsopher Volney, who e)Ol)l.a.1r.ed >the liheory Itlm,t the I r:dinn rwce had Idesoonded f110m the dark sldn.n~d Ta.rt6cs and by a map show~ t he ' supJlC)6ed OOInm'Wlica.t.ion be. "tften Ada ar_dr -A2iterlca. Uttle 'I\wtle replied. "Wby Should not these Te..rtMs, lwho resemble :us. Olave d eecer:ded Ifdom the Indla.ns.Now the OP'portlUn1ty had come fOX tile setrt4ers to come ilI'Jt!() this wl!derne6&. where ttlbe .lofty suga.r tree. gra.oe.ful elm. black and white hickOI\Y, beach, dhlerry and nru.IK!l>erI Y. spice wood. with· it6 !J"Il8!ta.Il.Ce pawpa.w. Wild plum l8il'11 rldh cluster.:; of gTalpe8. and beneaJ~ all the wild rye mix£ldl wdtlh prarJe 8llld blllfifal!J grass fonned a ga,~ most enchant1ng to behold. But lOn~y !those who ctrst ole8ll'led these ~JiUgfh\ and: sLerile hltls. erected thIe iil.rst rough ca.'bdris wit h blwnkelt.s al~j' quilts for tiOOr.s and oiled PBlPCr for · w1r.dow gla..c;s. Wiitih cI1iIruneys lbullt laf sUcks and muj. vaJue lPl'operly <the comforts of 0. modern home. Only. those whlo have grubbed the ttJh1ck underfarush and S8jp1Mr..g1f; dUt Wlith the a.x .the leJrge trees; anld been smoked aRmIost. bl1nJd burning loga and brush; then held ltile first ~ as it was pulloo



Rich8l'd Oemp)Jell $100 Motaler'a Club $10 J . F. Penelw1t 'lbe drive !JoT funds and 1nstrulMDts is II1IOW Unde1'way. Those who wish .to opn.trt!bute oaalJ do 80 by _ cantaDt1ng ~ Hunta'· Drwnl

~ t8S po~ble a.foter his ~Ion.

He h at! been engru;ed in personnel wOI'k witll Ithe American R/:>ll1ng Mills eo. Middletown . . . O~OI'! serv1ces. which will ,b egin ipromptly ' SIt 8 pm will be . wtltJended by a. numbem' of Eplsoopal ~~~~n from Southenn Ohio p<W ""'.'-'>ThIe sermon <Will be deli~ by the Rev. FI'ancls J . MIOIore, Rector of the C'huroh of tJhe Advent. Cin c1m!a:t1.

eagne e Up





Samuel N. Mary's K eYR. layOl'dination re?~ In of oha.rA'e (Jrf St· ChUTeh . to .... "He di.aICI:mate of ~ Epi"COpal Chw~h wUl be oelebTStted lilt 8 o'clock Thurooay evondr.g. May 1. in St . Mary's church by t!.he Rt. Rev. Henry W. Hobson. Bishop at 'bhe Southern Ohio diocese. MI'.~. who 'h as served as lay reader of the W1aynegv1lle parish during the past year a II'd a hal! har:. wnnounoed tll1lJt hie will devote full time rto his parish aotivitlee here as


~ H~ iFil()9),~ .

Clark Funeral '

C d eel T sday


OlUb are

nounclng plam.s for a; RllJmmage Se.le to be held at MBnor1aJ. Hall. Leb6non, Mla.y 10; starting art 9:30 a.m. OontributiOll8 will be at a poIr.,t yet 110 be named bIJt every~ one is ul"(PEd to oolleot a.nd save M:r& N\\llie BU1lID8ll epent. Sunday 8l't.ic1ee auoh 68 old . clobh1ng, wibh bel' IICQ <JeoqJe em famBy of 1umiture, or a.ny 8ItIclee tIl&t ClUl at. .BEnI8I'd. be ~sold.



Wayne Twp. Post 615


.ArmIoo M1ddleOOwn a pIainr forCo., el.1iID1naIt1ng ~hepreseckd heard on the DlBt side at Main s.1lr1eet. The plan !Will be IPTesente! to CauncU


Adj. R. J. ee.m.pbell

Legion Play Dated for 1lheir oonsJdere.tiOll> 'I1he Club voted, It o flerd $15 to the Ohio staroe Oha.m.ber of Commeroe flo .a,ffillaite themselves with For Lebanon Stage this Cll"garuza..tion in order to re'I1he Ame11ca.n sponsored oe1ve iIlhe 'b enefits afforded. show "South of Wasynesville" wiU be presenJted SIt iMemorial Ha.ll 111 Leba.n:cln on Tuescla.y everrling. Msq 8 a.t 8 :00 o'olock. This ~ow was preSoftball Sched For BellItr.t:l in Wt8~l.e last (YCa.t" BtIUI 8ince tJha.t ttime some improvements have beeIII made IiIlI tthe sorllpt. r.ew claItiJlg. oha.ra.aters h.aMe 'been added a.nd a Season Lists Teams 1IIIUS1ca.l presentaltion Wiill be gtven Burial. under the d11-ectio~ Qf the • in addition to Ithe BillOW. stubbs was tnade in a. 11.. Robinson. cashier of 1lbe Miami oemeten.Y. Wayne 'P ark or. ~ 5 'the Wayr..esv1.Ue National BaJlIk is the aut.ihJo'·,of lthe play and' lIts d~. FORMER RESIDENT DilES Tlckef..~ of edmisslon ca.n be bad IN LOS ANGELES, CAL. 'compete IfJIUs season Ferguson MetnorI8Il sel'V'l.oes for Bterwy System, Millers Restaurant. Peers frOIll any member of !the ' Alnerloan Leb"ion. Weebemmn. ~at1ve of Denmark a.nd 'Ir.n and iHarveya,urg. a fomler resident of Waynesville, Edlen!ield has plaalned a. riterw '\WlI!I held in Loa Angeles. Cadllornia soor~ no be erectEd BIt once Mr. Q.IDd. Mrs. T . J . DaNis. Maxine on Feb. 26. 1947. tor the oooven1ence of the fans. WllId N08Idellen Barnes of ~sbu:rg NT. Westermaat is SW'Vived by his 'nhIe season's aobedue is set-up were guests from M~ lIMll wife and .two da~. He and his <for an e18'hrteeili weeks period wtta1 Wedne9lay of MrA._~nd MnI. tamUy left bere aboot Wl ye84"s: 8.8'0 the teems being rotaiOOd in 9UCh a I.&wrence Oook ar.d UUlWY. ar..d bave reaidedJ in Los MgeIe8 'm8.nner iIlhaJt they ~ appea.r at a100e th&t time. least 0IlQe each week. IN CASE OF FIRE DIAL · 2ta

on uct ue Jesse Wl Olark, ~ 7a pa.seed a.wa.y 8ft his home ln lHa.rvleyaburg Sarourd83r morning• . April 111J at 10:00 o'clock. . He 18 survived by a son. ~(JY' o! ~rg; two SU'ar..d ohildren a.Ddi two gre8It BnWld children. Flmera.l services were conducted Instruabol'on ~ SIt 2:00 pm. o.t the TrokIeIIie lor tile evening are beir.g Mebhod1l¢ Church in Ha.rvey:;burg sold Ibyi atudenlta 8IQdI local business with Rev. Wemsley. MlnistEI'. omOOJ'-Oerns.



~. Keys will ,be pr'Csenrted as ca.ndidate for oluinartl:or. Ib y I!lbe Sen,-ors Today RJev. Frederic B. Albk.1neon. Diocese.n Missionary. of OLnclnnati· The High SchoOl seniors fl'om mol'e Litwny will be read by the .Rev- S. than 125 Southwestern Ohio schoolH Hughes Gen1n. Rector of the have been invitrd .00 the an1ltuElil Ohruoh of the Ascension. !\fiddle Wilmir4!lbon College High School .W \Vn . O:M. John C. W. Lu1Sley. SellIor Day, Thur~. AprU 24. Dr. Ohlef of Oh8l)llaln B of Air Marteriel S. A. Watson\ president of t he Cornnumdl Wriglhit Field, will reed !the Epistle college, announced toda.y. The ~, RaJiph W. Pa.rk~ , Jr .. The Republican !Pin worn by Rep. Clarence Brown is being Senior Daly has been dcsiglned to Assistant Rector of Chrtst OhIurch. arbn1red by a frlend· ... ni 11.0 ~,., ... "- t .....-d The i'fl<-l~~ was eelec.bed "'y 0 - . Brov.on. cha.1nnaJn of <the ex~ecutiVe Be ors w te'~:"'~l.U. Ja ""'ha" Da.yton. who was formerly ReiOto.r "-e>.' " 'U ""'"I" COlle ge an a.coUI'8l • ..,.w U4 w t t w""' UI """ u~_ f ocmmittee·, of Itlhe Republldaal Cotrumttee; Sell'. StyJes Bridges, they C8.JlI e~ fl10lll an educa.tion ~::.~= e. w 'uo ma~':"'l0 chail"ll'1la.n of the a.ppropria.t1oa'llS QOl1lJl'li~; MId Sen. Kenneth Wlherry, at WlIlm.l.ngton College. Among the ",,!"""W'l"''-O' Republlca.n po.rt:y IWh:!.p in, t!he Senarte. as tlhe standard R.epubltca.r.. pa.rty IIlIB41Y activities scheduled for t he . ,N1)I;et' !h~ jnlvetJt~ MiI1. Kt\Yt> pi.n from hlBlP . reds of desigl1s submitOOd recently m tta'le lIlBItlonwide (lOCu:s t ....-ts <it'ooM~ 'the 1ILf.terr.ron and will read ,t he Gospel arnd will ad! span...<')OII'ec\ lb y The Republican. ll8Itkol'lal ,pa.r~ magazir.e . " ;;-~Ing ..;ul~ a tour of rthe campus miJUsber the Communior. cup n Rep. BI'OWn was one ol 'llbe fll'l3t RlepubliC8lIl!'1l to begin wearing the ibu1ld1ngs and depanmen~ o! in- CoAmJm.l~ond servijces. . ~ted to :tlIlatlonal ~I" emble'Jl'b. <>+- ..... ___ d ~..Iod.... I .... _... reco ~l . is ~"'","V a; . ~"" U"'U""'''' aT. a. 'p"'" UJU!r' ng W,U.... te1'lId! tlle Ordl!nait1!on In )1I'O':\lootILve students niaIY consult addItion Ito tthe memlbers of 11I1e Two New D,-rectors Legl·on Baseball with ooliege fa.culltq m,embers 81bout friends Wsyme ville pa;riR'h, arnd obher 10001 oourses and career ~pportun1t1es. art:i well~lfuers. mBlIlY Other ~hlight8 of ·the d8(Y will relarbives 1Lnd ·f rknds of Mr. Keys For M,-nstrel Show L S t be a concet'it < b y the college's now from other commudtfes have arna.t40r~y l~nown Aeolian Oho1r ra.nged to be here. , . whioh has just completed eo tour in Members of the St. Mary'S vestry An ~~ ~, SR' lest' ~ ~- ~ BlMl!lball- six eutem st8Ila; and' in~- win ~ as ushers for rbbe cereweek's Ostl.ette to the effect tho.(, Lee.Irue tor the Qom1ng Be880n has colleg1arOO basebeJl 8'8me between mOIJ4es. ~. IRalPh Ha5;t~S was to direct been tenatively set,...up acccnUng to WilbeIr.roroe University ar.d WU/the coming Mln6tre1 Show sponsor- Wm. Sruwyer, local ma.nager..:....~ mingtlon; lunch at Itlhe oollege d1n1ng ed by .t.he B6l1d Boo6bers OLub. has inc1ude Spl'lir.g Valley.. Bellbrook. hall. a short. band concert; and a been ohar-8'ed Aooord1ng to Mrs· Qsboln. W1ltnl.n.t;1toru South Leba- three act pla.y by ,the ool1ege pla.~ H.a.atings Ih/er many other duties nl)J1.. Lebemon, Oedarville. Waynes- who w1ll produce George Bemo.rd . . LEGION NEWS 'prevelllts her from .toklmg the re- ville. Shaw's rom8lll1c slllltil'e. "Amus and spoll61bUlty of It his WOI'k.~. The Ql)en4r~ game 18 solu~ the Mam" sbe elQPresse s her wUltr.8ttes 6 00 rto lb e held here on May 11 flit the ----...;...Ther e IWiltl be 81 meet1r.1t of tthe h~lp out in 8alY way she C8Ill. high, school dia.m.o.r.d. A lromie pme Wayne TO\ViI1Shlp Veterans PI:st NO. The Band Boo ters Cliub are ~- is beUlg sc:heduled for eYIeI'\Y' otber CI b 615 on AIprd.l thle 28bh tIIIt 8 :00 p.m. nOW'lCing they have£d the 'lWlek ttl\lpUghout the season. ears Twenty-five dolln,r s will !be given .serVices of :two men expel1enoed in The local lineup included tile f~.. away 8It this meeblmg. Ail memoors U1tls field ()If WIOrk to lbake ovy:r the lomng p~ : !Miller. PIlanc-.k. D. N C R S k are asked Ito Ip lease !be preamt. directorship of the 9how. ThetY are HartoocIc, Sacloett. BOO Osbom. pea er 'P lans will be discus.qrd for ithe Mr- R. L. M1e.rrt1ll8ll ar.t:i Mr. P'h.UUp Price, Ma.yr.ard Sta.!)leY. Dick SQI,n• • Memorial Day serv1ces &It the Miami WOrJanan. ley. James, Dick ~dley. I>urt.Ch '!be Waynesville Civic Club met ceml6bery. The local ipOS~ will aglain The Minlstrel Bbow will be given ~. Bleb ~ 8Illd olbhers. in ~r monthly se.ssklrl at the lhave charge lOt the service this yea:r. BIt the Waynesville h1g>h sdlool :A,' CXlIDlPlete line-up aald list of play- Smith Green Room on Mon<ialy P1wns are ~ be1r.g made for the a'l.1<i:ibarium. 001 Wedn~ ~..8'. Ial"!I will, be given when oomplete, eVElling. Atprll 21 o.t 7:00 o·clock. Fo\u1t.h a[ Jl\lly celebration. iMa6t 21. T1c.ketB for this a.!fa.1r are ~ wID be held a.t the local After ,t he ddnner ar.d a. slhort Don~ forget ibbe twenty-five mlbeCjg BOld by sohool studen.tt6 8Ild ~ en Sunday. Aprll 27. 8a/wye!' bus~8 session ,the lSJ)OOker of t!ihe lars rtobe gdven away. buol!dnes8 pla.oe6 In Waym!lIvllle. ~ ev8I"YOtle who i8 eligdble no evening. Mr. W , 1M. Ootlton of tlbe T.he PIosIt is eJso plalnn1lng tlO preplay to be preeer.t s:> t.he '!JO r1t of Na.tdon8il Cash.. Register 00 .. ~ senIt ,t he !play "South o! Waynes- . fomt4lng aJ 'team. c.&rII be completied. ~e IOn SooIal Problems. ville" aJt rthe Lebano~ toWlO Ihall on Mr. Halrrisoru Engineer of the Ma.y 6 81t 8:00 p.rn. .

epprecla.tJe ·the Iflelds on the An' Aoool1dbl Itlh~ the faams today 8& he Il1ide6 his tractlOr 00\II'Iteay of Harue:r of came 1rom with Mr. !Om IIllmo6t every. 11 not every state in to!" will eIlItlel't.&IIn IllIUSIc lovers OIt the Union. some wWl. mltn'.J6Y. some the local hjgtl school MJ.ditJoriwn on with on~y lCIeterm.1na.tIan, SmIe mth 8:22...~~_.... . _ .....l~_. red ,,,,, hl8'h ldeeJs, some!at only prof~ aIltl ... u..... ..-.. ... '0 ~ sponso UJ with a detenninat1an to beltLeI' tlhelr the loce.l ~ Boosters Club flOr 11ot. To them !We owe nw.oh. "The the benettt of iIIlIe oewly orgwndzed Pioneer." school iba.nd Under the direct1~ of Mr· Dan GaibII1& bBl school nwsic

Band Boosters '!be .Baatd Boooters Club reports

Mr. L.oHic1aJs E. White D . l\f. Votarw. of a.nd tl1e Mr. Churn8'oltj Oo"""'''a' were at • t"'" " Ion· In Cincln", ..... the Waynesville plant of Ule OanIntng Company Friday tlo inspect the new insballBltlons and ImprovemeTl1ts th~ had ordered. Thelle oonslsted of oonsidel'able yard grading. ·t he bullding of an all steel dump. and a 10 inoo well that tests up to 200 gals. per minnJlte. WOI'k is progrest<lng an a moclem lunch room (oo.fetelia. ~) twUtlh. 8\ re81t,i!ng capacity of 100 .pel'sons. Pla.r.s were oompletm to have an expert 00 asparagus growin g' from the CantirrenJte.l Can eo. of Chica$ o. to le84'i 8 1011.n:-,w,;icn fit the Wa.yn~l1e plaID.t ~ FridBlY A.prU 25. a.t 10 :00 A. M. Aspal"ll.lrus growing Il1Ild marketing. along wit.h other timely sulbJects. as related to """'en pro-

College Enterta,-ns



Ordination Service

Improvements Program


by theroots fa.itlhf.ul jeJlk.1ng amid andrOOem ar::d stumps;

Boosters Boost


ducts will be the topic of Interest.


~ ~~~r.n~:.

Local Canning Co_

~ral Home



o~~:r~no::n ~

~~ ~ir~~ ~

J OOlIl t • I·he mule. fOr t he !i;l'st The Miami Gazette. Page 2 time 8l~ d fOlmd h e r easy to handle. ..... • I . Way ne. vill e. Ohio. No. 4313 g ' ruL!' and willing, a nice handy ,'tend:i ome Thursday. April '24. 1947 li lttie' h eLpe'·. I s lwuld have had h er PubJJshed Every Thursday by DAVISSON PRESS 10111;' Ol>{()' Sunquy the boys hitched On Sunday Ithe 13th. MI'. Oharles FLOYD L. DAVISSON, Editor ' her u,jJ t :> t)hc remains of n:n old Lewis nt~ ci Miss Emma L ou Lewl: tntered as S econd Cl ass Malter at the Post Office ~ prlng wagon ~h .l L wa s h ere. but wcrc dinner h'Uest" of D r. a l1li M'·s. tl~ shaft.... look 'LOO weak tor me to F. B Gregg, - Subscription Rates : $1.50 per Year 111 Ad va nce tll'y It. M ,.,·. Anna G bhaJ't o f D ayton who BULLeI' fa t has come dowl~ aga.ln. has been at t.he Home fol' sovel'al National Advertising Representatives dOwn to ' ix ~y-fow' cents today. Thnt monlths W6l11t ·to o.'II'1··S NW'sln is qui te a .~rop In the last f w \\. koS . Homc in Lt>banon on Monda~r. Ohio W eeklies, Inc., 2465 W. Broad Street, It Is nntura l at this tim e O!f year as D,·. nnd Mrs . F . B Gre >:g' left Co lu mbus 4, Ohio tILt:' pe riod of p eak p rod uction titan.. Tuesday for their h ome In W I1in~ ­ but we are still h avin g to feed hay t On. 0 uilLer spend ing th winwr ST. ) UGUSTINE CHURCH rund f d hM 14'onll up. mon t hs h ere. Fa ttle' Krumholtz, . Priest Tlwl'e 1l"C !two bUls bef.ore the Dr. Emma Hollmva:y . pent Thu rs MASS ",WDAY 9 :00 A. M . slUltc leg1sl!liu rc that should be of dII3' in Daytor. a a guest !lit t;he Inl6l'e t locally. S . B. 48 on EduCQ - Hard -of-HearLng Lea·J.,'Ue FERRY 'tton ani H, B: 1'79 on. Rural ZonMr:<. Emly n Pe tel'son lcft Tue~iay Ing. The Civic Club m igh t find ' that aftelnoOl1l to visllt her l<i " ter . Miss METHODIST CHURCH CHURCH of CHRIST zonIng bill In te l'c"Lin g . I \Vic>uld li ke Hannah GI-~ n In Wllmillgtor.. R. B. Coleman, lUlnl tao BmLE S CHOOL 9 :30 AM. to henr f1101II some one how it M iss Rllth Chandler SPCOl1t S atlU'UNDA Y SCHOOL 9 ::;0 A. M . MORNING WORSHIP 10 :30 A. M. woul d aff t U l> lelCSllly . day In D aJyton al1ld atte nded n 7 ' 00 P M TIle s chOJl bUJ p,hould be stu<lied eon of Alpha Phi Ohwpte r . [)elta YOUTH MEETINGS J . J. Burske. Supt. l'e111lly by cvel'YOl1e In tel'ested in K ruppa G Wl1lma alt. ·the Biltmore 10 :30 A. M . ADULT PRAYER ' . . ca WORSHIP SEh VICE MEETING our s 100l!· . A letter from t h e Hotel. YOUTH FELLOWSmp. 7 :00 P. M. M aster of !the O h io Stal e Gl' MJ ~s. Gle nna Mru'Sh or Da)'11on Thursday. 7:30 P . M. EVENING EVANGELISTIC SERV- say.: "One of th " ta.oni purposes ~ n t the week-tmd willl her cousin. Mr. and Mrs . Ohnl'les MaUlrlce "'ICE of S . B. 48 to provide for 'the equal - Mrs. Lucile Al1ln1tage. They were al1li Mr, rund Mrs. Paul Maur1ce t . HOLL ,,{ 7 :45 P . M . izatIOII of ec\ruc.ation aJ . ad vMlitages jol.I~ed on S urday 'b y Mr!<. Al'mltagC'H sperut SWlda 'with WUlIs MaurLce v 1 .THODIST CHURCH throu gh ou t he '<lAte. In ordel' for dau~h tel·. Mrs. Winifred Burnet of al' d famlly in D Y'ton. MI·s. Howal'd Gessnmon of Oak '"l . M. Scarff. Minister WA YNESVILLE the bill to achievo the aims which CenibeTvil\e. CHURCH of CHRIST it proPO!;es to,ompllsh bhe folMIss. Ma.rgarot 'Eciwl\I1Cls returned wood • "pam Saturciay with h er ~;UNDAY SCHOOL 9: 30 A. M . Imving po1n:+ ~ ~ h~ujd bf' consid·el·ed. to t h Home 011 Fl'ida..y after SJxmd - f8lth I'. FI'e(! Hook who has ~n 111. Robert L. VanZile, MlnistfOr .", ,, Some of the ~e poilllts are lI'aise in 1m: the whIter in Florida· Mrs. R. B . P ' OOrs "'pent Saturday E . A . EJa I'll h art, Supt. WORS!d1P SERVICE 10 :30 A. M . BmLE SCHOOL 9.30 A. M. real lAte tn xe s for schools from WiUl Mr!<. J ohn Zlm~n l' lDAn ~\lho h Uli a major operation some time EVEN! \1G SERVICE 7 :30 P . M . COMMUNION 10 :30 A. M 3 nUlls to 4 Y; 11lj}} - In those dh;trlcts ago. EVENING SERVICE 8 :00 P . M . which shall be el',t itled to receive Lawrence Slwphard a nd family SERMON 11 :00 A. M . ad<tiUonal ald . but dOE~ no apply to the <ti8tl'ic IJ1lllt r eceive the of Xe nia call d on th Oharl:es ST. MARY'S flat dif<l rlbutlon of $55.00 for each Sh phero fam11y. Surxlay. EPISCOPAL CHURCH le me nt:p 'y p up il nr. $66.0{) for Mr. Bernie D ill of Zanesvill WR !< Mrs. R ay Mt\Ln.'ous and . Ma"s. R. B • anluel N. K eys roch high sch OOl pupil. This flat n. dinner guest Frlda~ of MI'. Rnd ?croCI'S called On Mi·· s Com Shephard distribu tion ~a ll go to a 1 dlst.rlcts MI·s. J . B . JIOnes. and in 'th e a.fltE1' - Thursday. Lay Read<>: -tn charge re~::trdl('ss of I''f ct. SinCe lUlls bill noon he and Mr:;. J ones 8II:t.c:nd Ii . W I lter H ain s of W llmln ~ton Church School 9 :30 a .m . Is for ('qual i1,ation o f educa,t ional he fu'neral PI! Harr~ Oorncll in called IlIt tihe Sh p'hnl'd hon Sun day. Morning PrayEr and Sermon A FARM DIARY adWl!nlta II It h aR bcel~ sugge. ted W1aynesvllle. Mr· 8Jld MI' . Bel~ Ricky we re 11 :00 a .m. lhat It mi ~ht b It..e l· be .1lstlibuted Mrs. MaJ·ga.ret J ohns spent Friday dinner g uests of Earl Ricky fill D. J. Fraiser !lXXI01'd1ng to ne a.!'noon wit.h hier s illter. MI·s. fam ily S ooda.y. UTICA U. B· CHURCH Mr. and Mrs. 0111 on Bacon had Apr il 18, 194.7. SI" 1 ~ of Spring. AnOU1Cl' th.ins 'tha.t has 'b een 1 f ,t EUzaJbebh Sm1th in W,aynresville. Rev. Ralph HInes dinner Ij\,t the Val~ Cleve Hotel. I ~_ the $6.000,00{) f'Or Mrs 9 :30 A M . F I'eshly sheared Sheep In Wa.t.kfus ouht ofI tl b11!' bllTl M.'r ' smi!dth Mh as ~ q~:e lill. v.I SUNDAY SCHOOL Day"ton Sa urday. pasture. L ittle Pigs eve~~""' ftre. B lll n sc 00 uses. u:) could be tnken . an r!'. ner..ry o ayor 0.1 Mrs. James Ganison. Supt. . "" an old ..., caire 0 f l l l er b I1I but will it 1 daughte r s .wem n"'t d 0 ~.1 Sou~':n.. ~k. M . Ibln:is buildlr.g a ne t.,)' ....iln . ni ILI'JP uu:.-.... PREAOHING 1st and 3rd Sundays stwnp. A felt robin o n the l&wn of Tl1ere I • also Ithe fact that th e E . Ohurch In D a.yton Sunday Rnd each month 10 :30 A. M. the F1riends Home. Tl1ree-1.ittle girls $2.000.00 mini mnull salrury appl1e s . tware dinner' guests oI Mr'S- Susan In brtg,j}!t spr~ .C08Jts walking h and only to teach rs with a 'b achelor de- Say lor 9.IlId Mr. and M rs. Riley in hamd doWlll Ma.!.r. S treet sing ing ,gree ar.d holding <a four-yea I' P''O- Sa~lor a.rd c:hUdren. ~ FRIENDS "Mr. Bluebird on Illl(Y Shoulder." visionaJ teaching oertI.floolte or M r. iPalul JIOlms of Cincinnati is FIRBT DAY SCHOOL 9:30 A. M . Florsythla. in bloom a.long the Duke better. 'I1here a.1!'e various o!J1er spending tws week wibh his grnnd· l ~h ()l'()}'wd ani1 :In ma.II(Y yards !Jtem.s.t!haJt M r . 'F ichtel' feels should tnOtJher, & returning Sunday MEETING for WORSHIP 10:30 A. M. Red maples in !bloom. Yellow jon: be ame nded and it' that is done the from a ilrl4p In 1.he Ee.~ Wiith the qu& in the dool1'8a'ds. IA pond full S . lB. 48 (Danil~-Cr8lmer) can UrJverstty Gble Club. of C~mat1 . JDvery femlly wU1 c:t1eriah tbe memO! 8)QId fit'lh . Green whea1t fields maike possible adeqlUate sa~s for !Mrs. Everett Early spem Prlday ory of a last tribute that ,... .am pastures. A' few freShly ploWed school empl:oyees u.nd Clln provide aalidi Saturid:ay with her mIOtJhe r , Mrs· dJgn1rted and fitt1n8 In eftI7 8u1terehl 'I'r7 REINEWS BlNOLI fields but pot as many as I\.J6Ua.l. for Ijjhe equaJlzat10n of educational J . W . Huston eIt Yellow Sp~s, respect. ComforUnc reHef ' from p&lJW fit Fence buil<llr-fr here 8Illd there. All advar-ta.ges throughOllt the state. w!ho has been Ill- but was able to -'leumatlml. arth11t1& neuritis lum- gnS of spring eIbout a month late IA few d8(Y'S like this Me welcome aa:omparvy /her <laug'hter hoole. , out at least we halVe not bad! 00 in tthe spring because they are good Messre FUI)ll:l Smith and: son ~ Pam BOOKLET. Aak for worry yet 81boot tbe fl'Ult trees fence lbuiM\ng days. It is 8'1;111 too W1lliam of RJdhmkmd Ky. spet1It the Re!ner'a R1nol Why . surfer 10Jllel'1 ,f reezing, not one showing color ~. wet Ito iplow but ~It too wet to dig week-end with the former's brother. Waynesv1l1e Drug Store. tifc yesterday I trioo working w1tth post Ih:oles. n looks as thaugh I Mr. A.. D. Smith er.d f1llDily. m1l':1bt ,h ave a new }'lard fence soon. Ma-. ~ Mt·s. 'E verett EaJrly atThe old one has rea~ed the point tended Ea,.o;1;ern StaIr miOOting lilt Wiest where any cow car~ go through ' al- Milton. Saturday evening. motst anyrwnere s he twanlts 00. We MI·s. Hen<ry Saylor 811"r.l daughter Jtr l.ed to s trelx::h a ·!lllt,le fence the Judy. ood Mm. Vernor. PuriIJey ,a/lld Tel.e pho.n e 2291 othe r diay but 'the ground 'w as tQo Janet Saylor a'btended ·tlhe mnbhe r wet We aJmOHt pulled some of 8IllId cJa,\.Ig' Banquet at Spring 'the posts 001. of the ~ound so we boro High SchooL Fr~rla.y even1tng. ihad to 'l"eset ithem but 00d.Q,y the - - - - - - - - - - - - . . . . . : . . . - - - - - - - - - - - - ground is )ust right !Ol' rpost settlng. INSTALLED WITH \ CONFIDENCE We 9tart.ed to make It !pal1aJlel wlith the f ront of Iihe !h:ClIUSie but 'We soon Easy Payment Plan Available. Three Years to Pay. four-d that was nat, the W'a\Y the old fence wen t and It would take us too Estimates and Survey ma~e without Obligation. flllr out IntJo bile Ipasture rut the end so we laldt it lOul; by ey;e regard~ess of a.n~ thing else. Thea'e isnt e. fence 01' a building on this! plare thalt 9tarr.d,s squa1'e o r pIWllib. So much In building a good :fence depends on good solid comer ,posils. anchored and well braced, ·wihenJ thOse are In the rest is simJple. h thlllt the source ROOFING AND SIDING DIVISION of so much of t he tIrouble of .tala.y? W~ nl'e tl'ying t,o'lnUld a clvlllza.tior. Phones- Lebanon 806 - Loveland 4163 wlbhowt iPUtting dOWn our OOI'II1er post..~ deep enough. wibhout bracing tJhem and anclto'· thetm f1nnly enJough to proved prink:lp1es. Old ,M r· M a r qtUl'l'dt , USE'd I\.lo say. "G<lod fer.ces good neighbors." Ii our WE PAY FOR I· trewtles 8Illd illtenulLtiorm.l laws wm-e bWlt Ukie good fence s perJ:lJaps they would rn~ good netghl:mrs too,

The Miami Gazette ESTABLISH ED 1850

~ \






Roofing &Siding

P..&C. Hildebrant



HORSES $5.00 COWS $3.00


Reverse Charges

ertilizer 454 Xe nia O.

E. G. Buchaieb, Inc.


S. eNS

Get Stanford Bogen Right where the One· Two-Three meets the C. C. C., Morrow, Ohio





1947 r

Page 3, The Miami Gazette Wayn , ill. hio. No. 4313 Tlllil·. day, Am'i l 24, 1947

Faith. teaches: The lWsurrection of It was the aot.ual resurrec Ion of COllege. 'to member. hip In the t.he !Divine Manifestat ions aJ'IE! not of Wle body." The B ible teaches the J esus Ohrl!!t that made the dlsc1- fmtlerllj~y Gamma. J;>hl ~ is rthe s:m. of and M rs. resurl'eclJo~ of the /bed . Jo hn 6 :28- pIes sLeadfam. "T:he reality of OllflSt" and His resurrection was T . S . HaJIdiin ot this conunun1,ty. 29 "Marvel not at this: for the hour the thing' that was needed to make cometh in which all bhat fire ill the llUU'tyrs to dlhe ,tl'u th or, Ckd. SCHOOL STOPPED tollllb.; Rhall heal' his VIOlce 29 and thmn May I add ,t.hl ~ statement conshall come f th; t.hey that.. have oerniJl,g .. Powe I' of th e Holy Spl rll" BY HIGH WATER don e good, unto the re$'Url'ection a ppea l'ing ill April 10, Miami Hign water' over th e I · o f lil e ; and they that have dOne Gazette by rthe !'lame author. The !be wee1~ Wi~yncsv1lle an d Ooo'win evU . WltO h e resurrection of j udg- Holy Splt1 t tJle Spirl L or God. stQpped u'aIflc fOI' two ay~. MonThe Holt . 'Roll for M ssie Rural 11l.e1' L, " It is to be a resUlTectlon f sii,ce G od never citan t: es it Is day and T ue i'd6y Since the school School. H . C. Milligan, Superintell d Dhe body. but It Is to be tl'anSiflOnno:! certain that Goo nevel' left i t 1Jo bUSOl< could. not operwte, school 011L. Harv Yl' bw·g. Oh10. for period into a new body. (See 1 001'. 15 :39- human beings to di5COver or aevelop oo,N01lI5 w re su'lJ)ellded far the ending AollrU 11 , 1947. . ' 40. Ph.1l. 3 :21) . the ,powe l' ot the Holy Spll'lt In tIllH period. being resumed a ~aln on F ll'llt gmde - &wdra. Vanderpool. Not only did J esus say He came Or any obh r age. The only ma.n Wed n s d:ay mom1r$ . DOl' 11fll Lee Hildebra nd, The lm n from h eaven, but God also s poke rtJlat evel' walked on' this earth tl1at fl'O'l11 heaven saying' "This Is my was ~ Dh1ne and humnr. Is Mol nes, Dorothy VOie rs. Roger M,r. aJid Mr $. K. L . Elzey aild Dodd , Lavel'ne P.ox. Lester F airbeloved Son." (oMat. 3 :17. 17:5, Mark Je l;u R Clu-iMt. He is the onty mC<1l- dau!:'hter Marjorie, 01 D ayTton spent hlld, Billy H alTlsfol'd, Robel1L Il'vin 4-R CLUB NEW 1 : 11. Luke 3 :23 ). Also ,the works ator between Qod and man. Sur.I·lny aJ'lJel'll"iOon wi th Mr. 8IIld Bobby Smith. The Waynesville Sew-S:) 4-H Olub ;at J e!>1ls dId demonstl1tl.te thlK May I say Uti in clOsing : Tile M rs. Walter El2Jey. Second gra.<.le - -Miriam Tiet· heW It.s !il'st meeting April 12. fact. It 1>1 tnle fbhat Jesus Christ Bible Is the full and final revela meyer. Murray Chapple Shirley 2 :00, at the GI'a'n ge Hall. was born 01 MaI'Y, 'but nCYt 11". the otlon of God to Il'l1U!. In spite of all . AUCTIONEERING pus. Eakins. Floyd Ellls , In >the ~retary's absence Judy mM 111' " )I.'llIfeJ~ad ill this artide. the attacks Upon It. It has neve l' STANLEY ()()d is HIs F'abher and n t man. J a mel< Sizemore. Bal1bnra Dostel', COnner took t he been prov n false in any way. Every an d KOOGLER The roll 'w as called and 26 of the TIll article alA() llltat.ed. "Obvious- discovery of al'chneology has subBROORS LICENSE EUly Set.t1emeyer. William Neace, R oxie M€dley. 63 girl!! were pre!<.Cnt. Iy . "heaven" has a spiritual s1gnl- . ta.ntia.I.t'd Its cla.ims. It has stood For Da.te8, rhODe 28M. WaynesvWe, 'llhird gl1llde- De8II1n8. CMnpbel1. The meetings are to be held on' fjoaq~." The Bible saYS it is a rthe test of tbne. I accept It as the Ohio. Reverse Obarpe . Ronald Mor.t~omery, Shemi Hop- Sat urdraiY until schQOI 11:1 out. place. Jesus said. in John 14 ::~. "I truth of God.. kln !<. Harley J;>lymlre, Conn!ie BI'}"aoti 1111e next meetln~ wl11 be held gO to prepare a tplaoe for you." Robert L . V nZiJe. Minister MarilYl~ D O'll.aJdson, Norma Jane lI\!prll 26, 2:00. ILt Itbe Gran&'e Hal ae.d . . . . -* ., ReYeJation. Weynesville Church of Christ Rich. MaN ha Fox. An ma Fa.l.rehild, It .was voted that wh t'! school II It .......... In t~ artt:le. " J U.!Jt Glenn Cox. out tile rlleetlngs rwlll be held Oft so, H1a ~ u nde.r t he Fourt:ll grade - Collin Chlllpple. Thul~. ~llr'Lfl ror 'Wlree' on~ na., an lnTller NEW CENTURY CLUB The Ne w ()e,rutury Club wUI rn.ret Wbrrla F'airo1llld. Beatrice Hild Lt was d ecided the duesfol' Lhe slgnificILnce. ~d Is IlIO't an outward brand, Jimmie Llndo;ey. Ronald n )o.i . m ee.tlng w'l:>uld be five )~ts. fact. In Ithe ~e way. His resW'1I'ec- Friday. A1)lil 25 wibh M ·Il. Paul Miracle, Shirley 0 bol'n, Dickie TIle girls thel!. ItJalked abou t ,V:hM tI.on Is also symbolical; It is Sl)irit- Tomlinson as hIostess and Mr". Rich. Vlvla r. Voiel's, Alberot Walk 1'. proJec'\..'i r\;hey would take. /Ual and divine :fact and not H. E . lttrtha.\VILY and M "", Ea.rl Pil1t h grade - Berna,;line H ckno~ . . MI·s. Edenfield then read th "4 -H materlat!." This It; a denia. of t he Hock tt fn charge of the proS'l'8an . B tty J anie McKnigh t. Shl l'ley 01ub Oreed," and al~o abou t (.he facts revealed In t he Scr1Jptu res. !p'IIOjeot books. S11 hod a sample The author of the wbove statement P ly mlre. MaJ'y J ean Leye.. Sixth L:'I'ade - Jrulet DooLeI', Betty scrap ba:l'k which she s hawefi us. cor:tl' h1nlFelf. He says. "His MOTHER'S CLUB NORRIS BROCK COl\IPANY The Mother's Club meeting h a l' BOf<Un . E YOl'e was 111 f0.\'or of having dil-appearance und er t he earth!'Or Cinclnna;tl Ur.lon Stock Yards thnee d a ys . . . i l< not an out.ward ,been dhaJllgE'd from at'! afltenloon v nth grade - Bollby Gen'llry, them. Live Wire and Progressive. An Fred Wall. MaJ'y Ho pklr.s. Wilma Tn meeting was then adjourned Ifabtl, ·, H ere the a.utlhor s\ It &ssLoo1 a s usual to an eveniru; organization seoond to none. Elam . . UllLU A pril 26 2 :00 'P m . at the fact and in t,he same sente.noc says meeting willch will be 'held On FriStriotly sellers Of! the best Eight grade - HowOJ'd, Grunge Hall. • , it Is not a fact. TIll>! certnltily day, Ma,y 2 at 8 :00 p.m .· all around market lD the Billie Vol 1·1l . J 'lLdy Contner. N ws ReiJ>OrLcJ' slhclWS h ili wriltings bear 1'_0 indjca,country. Ninth grade - Mary Beile Bogan, tlon of divine guidance. Also His NAMED MEMBER OF Service That Satisfies Dorothy Deboall:l. Virgil Maines . TOMMY COOK HAS resu rr cti'OJl could not. /be a "spirit- FRAT ORGANIZATION wmo Dayton 12:30 E . S . T . , T nLh grade - Janet HlldebrllIllt. BIRTHDAY PARTY ·ual a nd divine fact amj not m terlA:nlllOuncernent wa' l'eceiVl€d tihi s Dial 1300 WLW O1ncLnnatt Elev th S1'8iCIle - OofPt h'Y Burgcal," for if tihere Is not a material 12 :40 Dial 700 for Our meir. Pdeda. Belle Wdlllam aon. On Saot urday atlternoon, April 10. resureoctii<>n Itbere I!< no res ul'rE!C- week of 'Ilhe t'!aming of Lansln.s' Ha,1'ditL fa-eshIruln at WlilmingWn Dal lY Ma.rk~ RepOl't. . TwelIbh grade - Wane ~a G,rain t, a bll'thday paJ1ty was he! fOI' tlom Opal Lamb. Oarl 'I1albellt, Thomas ~nul~ Oook aL the home The r esu rrectlon of Chrl>! t III one R eynolds , Colleet'! WlIlllamson. of his parents, Mr. a.oo Mr . of Lhe best attested facts of history. Lruwrenoe Oook wit h le f1011owin.g Friends ud enemies aHke admit tihat he was 1P1aca:1 In the t.omb, One half of MOITOW co\mty's an- guesoi6 rpresent: Mrs. La,wrenoe Furnas and Rlch- and ' ad'ter three days the tomb was nual milk produotton 1.s sold for ~~'d; Mrs. F red BrQ.cMock. Diana. empty. 'His deallh 'Was abtested! by manufacture. amd Bobby; Mrs. ·John Gans, Ma.r1- the centurian and rthe soldiers. by lyn 8Illd Julie ; Mr-s. Paul Thomp- rthe trie~ds of J esus amlri HLs b1l/ter- . The tannet's share of the rood sot'!; Mrs. V6M'lbn Sm.Uih and Becky; est enemies. . I t 111 1m.po&sIble that General Repair and, Service Mrs. ~ton Hloak. Wwr.r.1a and the ftrlends stole the !body or Ohrist Complete Motor Overhaul consumers dollar drOppeti from 54 'Lincbll; Mrs. Be6sle OOOk; Mrs. beca.l\.ISe of othe guard. If the body . cents In 1946 to 52 CI'..nta in 1946. QlwI~ Rkxl8,leJ< Mld J eeIl1; Mrs. had ,been/ stolen by HIs fr1e~d t hey Brakes Relined Tested Cal'lton Cook, John and J; would not have ri.sked their Uves Mrs. Rxlbert 'H unt of Ly.tle; Mrs. for a fraud . 'I1he enem1e1l did not J E . C. W1r18'ht. SUSie 8lIltd Judy of steal the body, for if they had t:hoey " " " I?aYiOOn.; Mrs. T . J . Davl !! . Maxine would have producEY.! the bOOtY and ACETYLENE and ARC amd NoOr.1ellen B a!l'l!lleS pf Leesburg ; 'Was not a. vlslot'!. apirltuallstlc ILPthe hOf!ol' ~- t, ih09tess eAld son. 'jJeaI:anoe, or optical lllusion. 00Expert workmanship on all Jerry. . QW.96 noilii' Of othese could hav~ a types of ·welding, brazing lIoe crerun, angle food and gold Ibody. neitiher could they be handlEd cake 8100 coffee 'Wel'e server\ as re- nOr eat fish lwibhthe apostles. There I ~§~!~ \fre~n/t!!. ~ moe g ilts ware Is nO other e Xplanation for the Jra.ct ~ reoe1ved by Tommy. of <the empty tomb ,tha~ .r~!lJUB , Ohrist &rose from the dea.a· Letters To .The 'Editor'I1h&t it was a bodily reS'\lITec1;ion To 'rhe E,U'tor of is oleaTly seen in the fact that Modern Shoe Rebuildin g The lMiami Ge.zette: Ohlist bad a In Luke 24:39-40, I am <herein submitting an a:1- Jesus said' Ito HIs .disciples, "Behold using only the bes,t grade. S'Wer to the article entwoo "Res\lr. lTl3' nands and my foot. t:Jha;t it is I of materia l plus e~pert I"eCtlon" appearing in ithe April 3, myselI: handle me, aI;lt1 see, for a workmanship. 1947 Mlaill\1 G1l0ette. tUlld: su.bmitted spirit hath not flesb 8!lld bones. a s by Mrs . fHelen MpOoy. from Baha'i ye see me have. 40 A~d when he Writings . had thus spoken he shewed I!alem As a ChrIstian, and one who be- his hands and his feet." The fact Letz is a combi-. lIeves the Blble to be WrOrd of rtlhat he also with tll.em Is proof nation roughage God, and othat Jesus .Ohrlst Is the of his bOOlly resurrootion . Luke 24: my !be tt.e SO Of th Llvtn 42-43 "Arut .t hey gave him ' a ~.eoe mill-qrain sepa- God, 0 gO n. sitn idly, by eILnd not g of '," f'~'" n~"'..:s ... ~ ~~', n"V .Jt1 I car.not ...-'100 ",. ..,."........ UIl JOE BOYDS, Pll'Oprietnr rator-hay chop- W11ite an answer to bhe writ~ ap- com/b. 43 And he took it. and did per-silo filler- fPeIL1'ing in Y'OUl' paper of rtlhe Qoove ea't before them." That couJd :nol North Street WAYNESVILLE, OHIO grain grinder- .date and title as stated above . h ve beer. done ' by a spirit. There ALL in ONE. This artlcte c,;tated. "TIle B 81ha'i is a lso ,the fact of rbhe empty tomb. GIRL SCOUTS The Gil'l Soo'Utlis he~t1 their last m eetin g- on April 16. 1947 81L t he High 8ohool. They d.lscussoo plans l'or r: enrt;erta lnment to be given .'ometim in May. They a l··o learnl?<.! to do l:Iome Folks Dances i.h ey plan to do fo1' 'tJhe ntel'Wlinment. T llte' n xt meeting wlll be W dnesday, A'Prll 23 at 3 :00 at the H it.; h School. Joyce B eal. Repr scl".latlv Mr. 811,1 M I . SlIas B. Hodge; MiJ . D Ol'a Hoc.Icrnan of Cincinnati ; Mr. and M rs. A. M . Slckl . M Iva. Ro."~ and Barl'y Hockmaft1 oi Columbu" ; and Albel1ta St.ore of X nia. caJled 01'_ Mr. and Ml's. W Iter Rhoadt! Surnday aft.el'noon.









I 0NEM aCh·'Ine·. • W·th

Shoe Rebuilding


Waynesville Repair Service.


w.. ..,,,


JlLetz'separator ..-____________________________________________________;mill puts up aU' feed crops right from the ·f ieldmues the kind of feed livestockprefer-the kind that stores and keeps. Feed with a scoop shovel this winter-atop hauling hay or fodder. " . . A Letz saves up to 40% labor in handling feeds, 40% coarse feeds, 65% storage space. Learn why Letz is the leading labor-saver and profit-maker for the dairy or stock farm-nothing else like it. ASK



Your John Oeere Dealer New & East Sts., Phone 555 LEBANON, OHIO

. __ . "'==







"4-WAY FARM INSURANCE" in the Ohio Farmers w ill give you broad protection agains t losses on your farm. It covers your buildings, your chattels, your automobile and your liability for accidents 10 ochers. Why not sec us todny ? You knoUi you're safe when you're insured in the Ohio Farmers!

Karl D~ Dakin Insurance Agency


,Banta Implement Co.

r: ::\ "



Ci8 . 4


Pho~~ ~5~~ 2?_~. Mulberry, LEBANON, O.





F or more than 20 years succeasful fann ers have depended on BIG M Fertili zers for maximwn yield af all crop• . T hey know free-flowir\i BIG M brand is a lways manufactured up to hi ghest standards . . . never down to price. The MIami Compnny II an In dependent Miami V Alley conce rn u n der direct operation of itl ownen.

Better &et the best ... best buy BrG M.



• • CLASSIFIED AD BATBS • • to know e.r.d ~ too true 3& words or JeIe, one Ume. ...... 26o Yailue 00 rthIooe around abOut. Eadl additol1al WCII'd •••••••••••• 10 W1e e~ Itll8I1k the Masons a ___ aw Sor (their aervioes emd Mr 1.. F BATES by CONmACl' Eberhal1t who OOIlducred ~ LoaD'tL1sh Rl-oo aervloo; Rev. R. B. Ooleman w Ihd;s kind 'W'OI'da of 8JIJIlpa.thw" ,=-w=m=-AL--LAND---BANK---LQ-ANS-: W!d thOSe !who presen/btd 'Ilbe many For Reflnanc1na _ Rebulldlnr _ 'b eautiful 110rail rtribut:e& BI1Y1nB.• % Farm loana with long A!I1d. so we 98¥, ~. "'I1bam.ks-" ume to pay. Pay part or all any MJr. and Mrs- Warren Bra.dcb:k time. and F'am4ly LEBANON NAT'L FARM LOAN ASS'N., ElUs H. sturm. Sedy_ Treaa.. Lebanon Ohio. Phone 44B • 'tc ____________

__ ..v.......


R ea I E .tate F or Sa Ie--. IF YOU HAVE A PROPERTY OR PARM TO BELL oau or WrHe Don H enderson. Tel. KE3446. 617 Lorain Ave., Dayton, OhIo. tfc


FOB SALE -4lo1ce Fa1l HampshIre Boar el.lgible to ~. ~ames

S6Ckett 1 Mile South of Bellbrook. • --4-24 ____________

FOR SALEFOR SALE -LOOaE MIXED HAY. J. B. Chalpman. 'P hone 2711. -51 FOR SALE MIIxed ha. M E Brooks. y. . . . ~e-Be1Jbrook ~ 2 miles from we.yr~8




IP YOU HAVE ANY PRO~TY to eel1 call Pra.DIcI,s Gene Brown Real Estate Ba.l ' esman, for B. D. FennJng~ W1lm.IDeton. Ohio. Farm UIaIfI 4%. Telephone

'1'IaJDe8v1J1e . . .


Houaebold Good. For Sale-FOR SALE _ S I X 'W A L NUT dining eha4rs; One Oak d1n1ng It&ble; One occasIlOna.l .teble. (J«). Hmderson. Ph_ 2982 --424

WANTED- MISC. Plowing Done. Field Work only. Phone 2982. 48 ------------

I MUST GET A MAN 8It or.oe in I!lhls oomm'Wlilty

to 'W1'k

with our DistrIct Na.nager- MUst ba.~ C8l' and .be over 2B yea.1lI at qe. The work is 10 line with the program ad'V,oca.ted by the ~_ menb of Agriculture. Permaneilt woric, good 1J)8.y; for Qn who baa lIiv~ iOn fill'ffi, WI.-lte o/C this paper.

________ 0____ CARD OF THANKS .

!public 'grow,ds, s reels. lanes. alleys 8iI1d avenues i.nI the Village of Wayr.esville. Ohio. for e. period of !lve (5) years. commencing with the effective 0000 of ~ on11naru~. and detenn1n1ng the manner in Which said llgbtir.g may be fumdShe<L 1pI'Ovlded andJ pe.1d for . WHEREAS. there is on file with 'the Clerk of said Village complete plaos aM sped11caUons for the lighttng of the st~ and pub-

11c :places of the Village ~ elec-



plans and.

tiona provide for d1tferent ~ and rwtlng of tights in di!!erent loca.Uons acoord.1ng Ito Ithe local roequ1J'ements. ttlhe ,l !ght6 being destgnated by ca.ndlepower ar..d c1ass1fied 88 hereinafter set forth. BE rr OR.DAlI!NED BY TIHE OOUNCIiL OP THE VllJl..AGE OF WtAYNESVIl.4.iE STATE OF QH![O:

Inspectl·On Ca1endar !PeriOd

SEXn'ION . I. That. for a of five (II) years beginning with Ithe effective date of tlhls ord1 Twen-ty-d'lrst ~ of Ohio the nanoe. 'the prtcI~ which mQi ~ Ordec' of thIe EaBtem Stu lnIpec- oha~ hu the ~........" ... Po Y __ ... t10n dMIee: , "" ..--'~ wer OWAJ IM7 1N.8 PEOl'IONS BY WOR'DIY ~ ~-YlVil~:re e~~ l1gh~ GRAND MATRON .."'_ 0 i81yne6 LUCILLE MlLNEB Y-UK", Ohio. ·t o .llgiht the IiU'eet& ~ 28-- ~ No. 144. 8ab1r.a I~~ ~~ and publ.1~ June 11- 0Ia'y !No. 2On. Blandle8ter!by e .' manner an INSPECTION BY DEPUTY . a.ndth_ c ! t : t ~ the p~ GRAND MATRON iWitlb rthe Clerk:; saddr e _ ~ BERNICE JOHNSON .prov1d • April '2 4-- 1N0. 535. FraIlW.n : lIS fOll:!s~ this ordinance, shall April 26- MIami 1CY1, ~ • ~ I-NO. 363. New Bw111~ 100 CancUepower .:.amps Ilay !)-,No. 357. W~ For ~t ~d by; cit !Ma.Y 9- No. 327. New Viema or.e hun.dred (1.00) Oandlepower ~ 1'- !No. 363. ~. Lampe when the number thereof is M8;y 21- No. 300. ~dhbuq 15. 01' less. the pride shall be May 23- I.e1gbt.on ~1. SI.nldne ape. $28the'OO lamp. per ye&", 16 to 30. June 6- N1I>, 173. MarItlnsville p oe ~ ble $25.00 per lamp JUDIe &- N1I>. 4i1, .mllIDrro per year, 31 to 60. Jtbe pl"1ce shall be $23.00 per Wnp. per year•. for a.1l over 50. the price shall be $22.00 per Notice of Appointment lamp, per year. ~otIce is .hereby< gi'VenJ that 250 CanG1epower Lampis Kermet2lJ N. 'H~h whose ~ For light suppl:l€d by< means of Office Address is IR. R. No. 2. t wo 'h undred a.nd fifty (250) Canw~esvme. Ohio bas been duly dlepower lAmPs ~lIhen the ntanber appointed 88 At:irn1n1s1lr&tor De thereof is :aoms Non With b W11l Annexed! 15. or less. tl:le prtoe shall be of E9t&te of James W. Ward $36.00;per lamp. per yeu. 16 to 3Q. late of Wanen CoImty, Ohio. ttlhe pice sba.ll Ibe~ $33.00 per lamp. deoee.sed. per year. 31 to 50, rthe price sba1l ·D ated tb1a 10th day of AprU lIK7. be $30.00 per lamp,. IP8Il" yea.'. For all Ralph H. oarey. JWge of over 60. the price shall be $29.00 the Proba.te Oo\wt, . W8n'en per llllJliP. per yea:r'. OoImty. Ohio • 400 CaDdlepo1Rl' LampS Stanley & 9ta.nJey. fAttys. For llg!ht supplied by. me&nB of four hundrEd (400) O&ndlepQWel' Notice of Appointment Lampl. Itlhe price E;haal be $40.00 per Notice is :hereby givenl that Adria lamp. per year, and said 00mp&n6' Bl8ddock wtlXlse PoSt Otfice addinlss 8ball at & own expense fumUh is Waynesville, Ohilo b&!t been duly sa4d laql6 and equlpment a.nd appalnted '88 ExecUtrix of the DtaIte maIteriaIl ~7 for sa6.d lightof H. A. Oornelil l&te of WQI1'retl ing. am erect and maintain same, County. Ohio. deaeII.sId or where 8I1read~ erected. maintain DeIbedl this 21st day or ApriL 1MT. : . : sba1l s~-...~ lamps Ralph II- Ce.rey necee!l8l'37 e~ ... .., curretlIt. Judge of rt4le ~ Q)UIt I8itld the ~ 15 It o be pa.1d by warrer. Oount~ 0lU0. ~ Villa&e for sa.Id l1ght.lng . in stainl& S .... .:,~ A~ -58 <tI9relve (12) equal ~nthJy 1n8taJl~J ......"';"''''v"".. meM6 , on or be(o'r e 'the ter-ifih day

We wish ~ rtake this oppontun1ty of /publicly expressing lOUr hea.rIt.telIt tlha.nk n.....l, . _..... appreciation iIIoI" b kiIIldness and sympaltlhy extended to 'lIB in our reoenIt beree.Vement. M SQdh times IB8 Ibh1s one le8me




SEOTION 2. That t.he lninimum number of 1a.tnip6 of the variOIlS oo.ndlep::rwer to be used for the liglhtlng of said sbreet.s. lanes. alleys. e.venUe.s and public places furnished shall be as follows: 31 100 Ca.l:dlepower !Lamps: 250 Ca.~dlepower Lamps; T - 400 ~power Lamlps ; 1WIJl1l6 ito be located as shBU be directed by the Liglhting Oommittee or the Coundl of saJd VUlage of

We.y.nesvIDe, Ohio. SECn'ION 3. 'IIlulit said electric llglht shall !be furnished by mea.ns of a.er1a.l con.struct1on only. and S8I1d Oompar.:v sha:ll be privileged ito and, sh&fi install a.1l neeessary wires. /poles. anChors. guJY6 a.nd all other equipment necessary and proper to aooompl1sh such Ug1htlng by such me8l'.8. swrION 4. That sa!lti Ught· 1ng shaH be oooording to what is knowD as the "ALL NIGHT AND EVERY iNIGHT saBEDULE'" til t · • a is. Ibhe ~~. shall ,be illwn:1nated every nlght from approximately one-hal! hour after sunset of one day to approximately or.e-half bour before sunrise of the nem d8;y. in aooordance with \I.hdcll schedule each lamp shall be 1l1l.llllWlated; for approximeJtely 4000 hours per year . 81!lC1rtON 6. 'I1haIt the l'OCat10n of every. lamp shall be a.p' proved .b y the Lighting Oommittee of the Council of sa.1d VU~ before bhe . lamp is erected. and attar a lamp has been ereated in 8OOOrda.nce with such 61PProva.l tlhe Company. upon a wrltten;' order from OounclL sha,ll ·remove it to another 1000000on, the coot of suCh removal and relocation to be paid by the Vi1la8e of Wayr.esvllle. Ohlo. SECTION 6. Thart. the Oom~ shall use all dU~ ar.d care neoe&$l'y to keep all the lamps clean and burning during the hours oalled . for in t2liIB ord1nanoe 8d1d shall agree t.haIt. if QinY' JJght or lights go . out. the ~ shaIll be repaired the same nighlt. if possible. and in that eent 00 deduction for outage, will be made; however. if and in rtbat event no deduction for st11l out or. the second nl~t. Ulan ~ VUlagIe will make iI. deduct10n equal to two .nights ifor ea.c.b Jamp not b\I.l' on the second n.1gbt. and a deduction .for ~h

The Miami Gazette. Page 4 Wayne ville. Ohio. No_ 4313 Thursday, April 24. ' 1947 nish t that any such lamp Is not bwnlng. and these deductlons shaD be a;t the srume l18otl0 per IrlJght as the total mor-tiy price to <t.he time the lamp or lamps have been :found to be out . The V ill age, tth.rOUgh Us Malrshal. shaM promptly report to the office of tale Company all lamp.s dlsoovered iIlOt Wrning. SECTION 7. Wlbenever &ny U'ee or trees upon any sidewalk of sr:f street. llane. a.lley or avenue shall sertously mterlere with tale distribution of light if'l'<lOl an)" lamp or group 00 lamps. of whidh Oounoil of the Village shall be the judge. the Village will ttrlmi or tbo be tt.r!mmed: a.ntY such tree or 'trees in such manner that such interference with the dlstrtbUlt40n of llg1lt will be l"C'Il'lOVed" SIDO'I1ION 8. That !the d .......... ·1 ti .... .-..... an ,,~C8I ons ,...,,~ refem:d to for 6UOh street lightin8 8Ild on tue with the Clerk of sMd VWaae !be and the same hereby 8ITe adIopted &MI. a.pprovoo. SEOTION 9. 'I1hat ordinance No. 178. passed by Ithe Oowlcil of the Village of Wayale6v11le. Ohio. on tthe 6th day 'of Deoember. 1943. hereby is cancelled as of the eflective d8lte 'Of this onlltlQlnCe. anJdJ 'all amount.., due The . Da.~ Power and Ugh!; Oompany for electric l1ghlt fum1s11ed under said' Or.d!nar..oe No. 17B &'hall be promptly



• 'a,E<lTION ,10. 'l1hIa-tl (Upon, The ~ Pawler and Com~y filing i'ts written aooop~ of this ordinamce with ttlhe Olel'k of


said;, Vdllage 'WlIUlin t hirty (30) days from the taking effect hereof. this ord1nante Shall be and constitute a contTaet between said Village a.nd

00mIPa.r.:v ito light the streets la.nes. alleys, avenues and public gi-ounds. lin aooordinoe herewith. tlnr five (5) years commencing with the effecUve date of this ordinance.

SEC1I'ION 11. That this ord1nance shan taike effect ard be in' force from and &frtJer the eallij.est period allowed by lam. !Passed tJUs 7th .day lOIf April. 1947. W!AIRiRlEN BRADDOOK. Mayor ATI'mT: Charles James. Clelit.

·Armitage &Son





of. each calendar month. subject, bOwever• .fA) tlM dEidUCtions 88 herein provided lor outages, arod the OOInpLny agrees tbM. any a.dditJon. a:1!lamp; of lUbe cbaracter &foreaa1di for the stree1b Ushtdng ordered by 'SIIl,k l Oouncll sbB1l be erected and operated by U M; ~ same prk)e per . . , U iftiI.tabove named. tile same to ~ ,p aid by satd v;tUage. in tile manner a.nd 1nst8I1lments and

ORDINANCE NO.' 19S An 0rd1naalce fl.o4_- the .......... ...Whiob tIle l)a.yton PoWer Uld <LIgfht~, dts ~ 18.nd . jI.6s1gn& may cllaIrge for el~ Mgbt funrlshed to the

M rthe itmJes here·1r.before pr'OVI..da:l for 88ild~. .


~tcttlure Jlfutteral ~Otue Dia12111

Waynesville, Oblo

i~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~' HOURS: .



7-9 Saturda,r evening Other evenings by Appointment


Any make or model Fred . . Kahn Motor"Car Co. PHONE 326

9-12 ea~h morning 1-5 afternoons except



"Vitamin 0," s.?ys Elsie, "is very important to health and growth, according to scientists. It assists in the p.roper use of calcium by the body, thus . helping proVide strong bones Qnd sound teeth. This is one reason why we put lots of vitamin 0 in Golden Crest HomoOee ..• and a reason, too, why this fine milk is good for children." Ask for Golden Crest HomoDee . ... from your Borden milkman, or at your neighborhood store.

Dr. C. E. Wilkin Optometric Eiy e Specialist , 26 South DE~troit Street

..............................................~ ......~:.~EU?




/r 5

R0 R0 f N 5


/ 1 5 (. (~1

T(") F: [

I. ( ) \ )



WIa;ynes vWe



m.eets"a.t iIlbe lF111ends Home 'I1hur!.lda.y 7 :00 p" m .


Legion Post Staging Play May 6

bllt eaJ'ly ah10b QI1'e lb eginnlng to !ret crowded 1r.. mOOt brooder boUees about ItlUS t ime' if !they oo.n lOOt get out lOll rarure. &lld ,tlhey will belfin to PUbl1sbed Every Thursday by DAVlBSON PRESS look more une ven. l"UnIts begiDJ t o FLPYD L. DAVISSON, Editor show up when Ilhe weasther stn~s II:ntered as Second 01858 Matter at the Po6t Office ba.d 90 lOng" . Ratts we still baNe w1bh 'Us. I haven't I\DrIed Mltu yet. They SubsCrlptLon Rates: $1.50 per Year in Advance say it ~88 no Sl:n!e1l. nIO ¢8I8'te which 'Is good .fol· Idlling r8lte but doesn·t National Advertising Representatives thalt make ~r. more ~s for oats? Of oour'se I never put paison Ohio Weeklies, Inc., 2465 W. Broad Street, wh 116 tile C8lts oa.n ~ lit. but how Columbus 4, Ohio about a mt 1lh11it ha.S dIIed of Antu? wm til ca.t ea.t it? Thf!y' 8QJy iIlhwt a ST. ) UGUSTINE CHURCH ca.t will 'I'm teoIt lPhosphorus polson Fatbttr Knunboltz, PI'IeIi ~ ever e8It a I"8It Ithltt; bas 00Iten MASS ...'UNDAY 8 :00 A.!4. lit. 1 haven't had 1Ul . epidemdc of ~ouP for a aOIl,og time but 'WllmI I was looking at 't he dhiolcens Ito cull FERRY some :the oth'el" nl8'bt I heard a.n METHODIST CHURCH CHURCH of CHRIST ominous lot at <:oughing and sneezR. B. Coleman, MInister BIBLE SCHOOL 9 :30 A.M. 'bur so I am keeping my f1Jlger8 SUNDAY SCHOOL 9:W A. M. MORNING WORBHIiP 10:30 A. 14. crossed aJ')d1 1lt ma~ mea.n thie axe for , some 01 ttlbem. A few of ImgM J. J . Burske. supt. YPtnIH MEETIN06 7:00 P. M. sunshinle would: do wondere tor ell WORSHIP SElt,V ICE 10:30 A. M. ADULT PRAYER MEETING of us. YOPTH FELLOWSHIP. 7:00 P. M. lJena's heifer is [belrur we&r.ed. Thuraday. 7:30 P. M. EVENING EVANGELISTIO SERV- SUch a nice big ~ heUer. She can . drink out of a buoket now and mts IeF,: 7 .45 P . M . her alfalfa hay ,w ith nillsh bub she MT. HOLLr . h!'t an~ lIlame yet. WJlIB1t 18 a ~ l '::THODIST CHURCH WAYNESVILLE 'good n~ ~rung with 01.1 .Len!a·s 'J . M. 8eal'ff. Minister . CHURCH f CHRIST last yean'R ' j1elf,1!!li' is Lilv May. 1 am a UNDAY SOHOOL 9:30 A. M. Robert L V.:zil MiDi te ,tryin:g tOO follow a ayStJeml: Len!l E . A. Elarnl?art, Supt. BmLE SC'HOOL e, I r a.nd L- DoIitiy, Dolly and DaihUa o M 9.30 A. !4. I81Dd a D for <this ~-ea.r ,and Ito no· 'The WOR8!dIP SERVICE 10 :3 A. . COMiMUNlON 10 :30 A. M. fence is up 801'OUOd ttlle ah1clten ya.rd EVENlIJG SERVICE 7 :30 P . M. EVENING SERVIOE 8 '00 P M and as BOOn 86 ,we fix i!Jhe 8'8Jtes we SERMON 11'~ A.' M' 08.n put othe cal¥es in tthere and iPUt . . Mickley the IMl'lb with them. We had ST. MARY'S - - - - - - - - - - - - a. slleep roce rtlhll\lt was rt\dsed' as a EPISCOPAL CHURCH and rtbo ugillts were d:Isoorda.nt a.nd ~ 'w ith orne (:alves a.nd it never .Samuel N. KeY\i oon1J1a,dd.otor;y; Ibhey became would go with .the sheep. it seelJlled Lay ReadE': -ln charge firm and united and: 8It bhe feast to think it W&s ~~ calf. but€lJl h is Church School 9:30 aJll. of PeIlt.eoost gaIbhered t ogether. no a ewe. asnd "ill leave as soon a s Morn1Dg Praye r and Sennon and detached themselves fl'UIl the he Is top gl'8de lamboliO(ps. l't will , 11 :00 a.m . thlngs of this WOI\ld. DJsrega.rd1ng not .mart;ter. ~l'hilloPs Ih e will be uch . ltbemse1ves. b y renounced tlhe1r a ~uisa.nce Ibhat 1 will be glad tOO -have UTlCA U B· 'CHURCH COlnifOllt '8ald wjoJ'dly h8Jpp1Ilie6s. him buoo'llered. rund eat him mysel!. R ev. Iph Hanes sa.eriflc1ng rthe1r- ~ aInd soul t.o I am a. libtlle like Jodly 1n • 'l1he ~ !Beloved. ~ tlbelr Yea.rJlng, ' He Mt too badly ~en 1\ S UNDAY 8OHOOL • 9 :30 A. M. ~ add becoI:JUn4r W8Ilderers a.nd pig 6r '8. oaJ.! Ibh:aJt l:1e ,had tlrelpedl to Mrs. James Garrison, SUpt. ihom.eliess, ~ven f~ng rtheJr OWn ra.lse was 'IX> be 1311ed iIlhat ihe could PREACHING 1st. and 3rd , Sundays ex18bence. 'I'!beo ~ received the ll.eVer w8ltJch till m (1b it but \WlflIl it each month 10'30 A M. ihielp at God, aood ibhe power of rthe was 'Over afnJd. 1hllIe1Y were bung UP to . • Bloly 8plrM; became manifested>; the 0001 Ibbey seemed to become 'somesp11'~by of obrJst tr4um.pbed. 6lld !thing IeIlse and! his moutlh, ~d FRIENDS 1ale love of Ga:l ~ They ~ begin to !water 'Wtler. be t~bt of FIRST DAY SOHOOL 9:30 A. ·M. 1!1l'V!eD!belp eIt ItalaIt t4me. 8IDd dil5pers- the good 'IDe8IIi oeeking In Itlbe pan. MEETING tor WORSHIP ' , ed in .,ennt d1t"eoUoPs, ~ Whalt is Itbe matter tthart it is &0 10':30 A. M. the caUSe of God. &DeL 'living 1ICrr1ih bard to get; '8Iny ,lob well done? For proofs 8Di evidences. example J: .hireld· a man 10 wire a 'So Itlbe dieeceDt of ,fjhe Holy Splr~t ~. al ,good ele!Otrio1Ql. We waitQpan Ibhe ~, me&illS ,bheir ed for ~ fm' him to dOme. Then " , 1IItt.raot101tl1 by rtihe Spirit. 'be came. lib was on old house and OOt tl whereby they e.oqu:lred ~ty and old houses 4a'e ,a n~oe rbo wire. firmness. 'furoU8h ttlhe ~1rit of the He l18a'lt Into brick I8Illd cemoent QueBtlon _ What 1l1' the manneI', liOYe of God iIlhey pined; ~ !DeW' 111e. he only e~pooted 100bh. and plaster. anti WIhtWt is the mea4l4ng. of tho. and rtlbey &8IW 0hr1st living. helping, and abllel .'<!Mficulties bUt he got rdesoervt of the HIOly Spirit uponr the arnQ pnateot.1ng them. Tbery were lUre'! '8inid iflrieijl Ito get thTO~h erpostle/l~ 88 de6crilxd :in the Oo6pel? drOps 8IIld ibhey 'became Sea.s. they ,and wnen ~ a 'lionS' wait ~ the ~!lwer - '!be dellceDt of tibe Ho~ ~re Uke fEeble inBedt6 and Ibhey 1I::specbor finally (:arne it dj(fu it plss Spirit is not tikie t he of air became ma.je9b1c 'eagles, ,they were InSpedtlon. Of OO~B hie will make jlllba mMl,; it i On eJQPreS81on. and !\Ve6Ik <8iIldJ ' becamIe !pOwerful, 'IU1ey it l'ight ,but 8I1il ~lheIt 1IIme ~. a llimile, I18Ibher than QIIl1 exact or JWeI'e wee rmkrors facing the sun: How muoh easier if he ihaJd done a a. literal in1aS'e. No. ml:lher it is like ver~. SOIIlle of rbhe Ught became ~ ~ job otic) b-tal t with. And so >t.h e entrance of ttJh.e 1ma8'e of the ma.n1fest In:1Jhem. it p s willi evertyrbhlng thalt is &ne. sun into iIlhe mi.rror; thart is to say. ~ Ain>tJWered Queetlons somerthlnghas to be drJrnIe over, even its splepd.our ,becomes 1I/pJ)iMlellt iln it. WI1Jtiten by IAlbduU - Baha AtIter the !deat h 01 0br1st t he (:\isSUbmitt.erd> by Helen McCoy. clples were troubled. ani their ideas Qollresponding Secre., Rt. 2. Waynesville. Ohio

The Miami Gazette ESTABLISHED 1850



B , .a


Ths Des"ent Of The Holy SpIli .Upon The ApoS es eDtftnce


mN fence bu1:lder l'iaavt unJder my The Miami Gazette. Page 2 own eye sUpped up. 'Ilhey built a Wayne ville, Ohio, No. 4314 800d qtrong fence wIth aIlChor posts Thur day May 1 1947 set stmaight a.nd saUld a.nd eW!l'}'Ibhing , , just raa shouldi be U!Ilt11 they sot to the post right m front of m& win - Letters To The Editortlow Where I see it every tUne I look out and tbalt 16I\1' Ule east. Now 'PEDDY COAT and GOWN' we will have itlo pull rt:hJe staples 8Il1d A man once oame to !flOWn s.t ra1mten it. With! a peddY 00QIt 8IIld gown SomeUmes we do not check tlhe An' every boc!y'd !bOW wary d!Own pla!ia carefully enough. We tall ked To his peddy OOIIit 841d gIOIWn. e nd ilnlked a~t whel'e fIlhe fence Ohoru.s: !Was to 8'0 and it wasn·t until tb~y he wouldn t tihrow a singm kiss bad 80lJle of Ibhe posU> in tliaIt 1 (Not a single word! 01 bUss reali2Jed 1baJt the WQ.Yl we :held it A g:ree,t lion IOIme made her }a.uS'h would bring (me shb! of the fence :Lt boIwed low 6Jld roBI1ed o'er town stradg\hIt ~ to the gate in front of Sweet petidy 008It allICI gownIt.he 'b am iIlIlId the otaler side up at In dreams ~ saw eJng\els sW8.11I!l' that an angle thalt ~ make an untowInJ. ~C8l effect that I ~.ever .would An'd some one aang Ito me like. F'or¢un&tie1y we C8II.Urht it In Some one's you (UtIle. There was only mt.e post tbha't ' -A star h:l8a"ed 'CI1068 bh8It mJ1ky 'had tbo be moved, Is it 8al'Y lIY'OIIlder "'Y tlhat in iI4le prea6U1'e wnd hurley Ooblg bhroughbwrlley 011'li11tl1an8l a.nd mtema.tJonal World's dear ~ ,~ coat a.nd e«a&i-s dlh8It 1hill88 go wrong and 1!QWn. unsound plans 8II1e ihig,h, ipre88UT'ed -Cqpy\1'181ht 1947 by, Stain!ord Bogen !IlhrougIh too a1Iten.. I em glaJd that Way down 4n this rtlow:n and evIerY GerlIeml Ma.rshall baa ah~ him- town arounkt everybody knows self ,tt> 'b e a ml\In of steady pU1'p06e 8taInIftord Bogen. wriW of this and ,paIt1en'ee. EvenJ tlhOUgh tbhe mt.caw lyric iIlbat he marvelously Malcow meetli'Tlg bas not aooom- turns 1ntbo a tbriHI!lg religious · /pliShed its pUf1P()8e ilt has s~ed etherial song- ~ ~s unless the \that the USA cain. stand lIts g.rounki musl.c world (ASOAP) publll'bes SIt fir.mly and not. be stampeded 1'Ilt¥> least one of h~ 100 be6utiM lyrics . Unsound conoessionll. IPrOtnJses that hewdU d:isbrlbute at lenst a hur.dl'ed shlould never be l1l8kle 'lead! to broken'ld circulars aDdI a laIW suit promiB'ee end bl100am promises leod of naltliOn wide wnath RP.inllt the !Ix> war. Even good iJ>I'om1ses thalt &ore big 3 combine and otbeJls. and he tbrokein ma.y lead to W8ll'1Or law suits. mea.ns 1t. ' 'nle da4ry ,f aml r.ext 00 us gpes up At ~t he 4.<; still Inl ~ sign SIt oootion April 30. Let's hope ~ Rl:ld advel1tlsing bus1ne~s oat Mnrrow • We get fen'ces an'd oot prmnlses from Oh:io. thi.e new owners. (Signe'd,) Stanfol'd Bogen MOlTOW, Ohio


A r.wnber of 1'elaitiVes came Sun-

d'II!Y. AprU 20 !IX> rem1nd Mr. H . J.


COOn tlba.t 'hie had il'eached! 113m age 01 80 ¥ears. A niece brought along a; movie camera IMld! malde piO~9 L. !Of 1Mil\. and Mrs . 000DI as they UnWZ'8Rled the many pl'e$ents they Every fam.Uy WtU cbedab -the memreceived. Mrs. Q)on WB6 76 years ory of a la6t tribute that wu 'old AprU 12. The .fo1owlng rtJook. din- dignlf1ed and f1tttnc 111 fJ'ff!Jr7 IDer with rtlbem: M1r. 6iIIid Mrs. Oliver respect. LltJtler. Donald QIld Olenn:; MiI'. , and ~. Oeor8le LentOx; Nr. and Mn. Gnwt Aira; Mr. 8illd Mrs. Ed Dresen sOd 6OOlIt; IMP. Helen M. , . Oqon $ld BOr.S. all at Spr·lngfileld. Mil'. 00Dd MI'lI. Ra.y Coon a:nd 8Or.6; MI'6. 8Ild Mrs. Ra.y P. Qpon' and ~r !Of Ull'bana. ' . Mr. &:\d il\(,rs. Oliver JaICOoo Iloru)Ia and ~; Mr . 8Il'.d Mrs ~ L. A. J8.OOOII; Janart YIohn 6IIld OIor1a J€lOObs; Mr. and ~8 . J. P. Telephone 2291 Ja00b8; O'hades Ell1& Oarol~ 6IIld ~. . ----7"----:-...,....-:------~...,....-----.,.--.::.......:::.:;.....;..~ ,




.IR"LlZIII O. 'ROVID QUALIfY .OR ALL .,RINO CROPS 'or more than 20 yean lucceUful fumen have depended .o n BIG Ii FortiIi&eri for muimum yielct of aD c:rope. They bow free-8owiDc BIG Ir( braaci II a1w~ manufllCtured up to bllbeet ltandarda , . • • IMmIr do"", toprtce. T ... ·IIl...IJP.rtlU..r

c-peII:f' .II .. iDdoo pmdent ..1uD1 Ve1Jq IC.Dc.rD uDd.r dlr.ct . . . .doD . . . . ~


Better pt tile 1!tIt...... bu:r BIO II.



HORSES $5.00 COWS. $3.00 · ACCORDING NORRIS BlUKZ COMPANY C1nclnnatl tJr.1on 900cIt Yardl Uve Wire and Pro8!eaIlw. AD Ol'8anJaait1on seoood to oone. Sbr1etly . sellers 'on the bIe8t . all around manet in b ocnmtry.

Service That 8aUsfie. WBlIO Da.y,tonr ,:12:30 . E . S. '1'., DIal 1300 wrLW Oinclmlat1 12:40 D1aI1 700 for our DailY ,Market Report.


',X,E N I A Fertilizer ,

ReYerae Cb • .-,es


4 5 4'

E. G. Buch.ieb,






Page 3, The Miam i Gazet te Wayn esville,- Ohio, No. 4314 Thur day, May 1, 1947

of, I ~e U


o .b 6 e r v a i t 1 .o


(f MI'. 8IJ'lIdI (Mirs. Robent RouWo ng 01 near Ye1b()W S!Xl'ings "lVt!'re Sunilby !evening guests or their S'mndmother, Mm. Mlal'g'aret J~s . Mr. 8lIld Mrs, P aul Shipley wnd chUdll"en v1s1<tm relative s alt Washltlglton O. H., SuInId8y. 1Mlr. 8II'lti Mrs. Harvey B ur>net attended ;their ctmner Club Saturda y ever.IDg at the Ihpme 01 Mlr. and Mrs. J{oWInJr!d' Graham ! near Ha.rvey sbur'g. Rev. Joseph ~r8 r1 DaI.Yton \V8.8 II> dd.nner guest or Mtt'. ~ Mrs. E. B.


Miss Vq:1cia Bleicher of Utica were senita.Uon 1M speotaJ music. M)' . .a.nd Mlrs. Fred oPnB. whO MI'. aalXi Mrs. Walter Ola.rk ~ guests SUndiIq of Mr. and . Mr. E B . De4d.I! enter:tatned a have been spenWng 'the winter in a.toonde d iIlhe Golden Mrs. Alfred Ha&nak.e ahd Pl. W:EKid1ng compan y of 1h1ends Ito OM'ds &It his Tuc8cm. ,Arizona arrived home this Anniver 5i.ry of hils bt1ather, W l:lber Mn. caIv1n,cre ....'86 taken h~ Thursd ay evening . week. and wife. SUl1A:lIl(y . They also a1lter,xiIllo Mtaml, Va.llely HbSIpitaiJ. Swmy A pavt,y Ito IPI"Omo~ sales tor ad 'a S1l~ Weddin g Annlvem e.ry tor She will retu·n the StMlley Proiduct6 Inc. was held Mon8u.nid'a;y guests of MonimJ.a or his oous1n. Mr. e.rr.dI Mlt's. F1ralnk" WJb or rtlhe W!eek. <day evening at Ithe 'home of Mirs. and Nelliedinner Burunre1l ~ Mr. and SmJitJh 1at' SpriI:lgboro, "rile ~ SOc1eliy of il(y1tIe Olarenc e price. SUnday MIr's. George Bunnell . Larl-y and ever.q . Ohuroh win be enterta.ined' next Funeral 5e!I'Vices were oor..ductied Karen of St. ~801'd., and Mr. and WaiJnt'6da~a.r1el'noon. M~ 7, alt the Tuesda y a!remOlOn at the M~hod1st Mm. R4*les BUlinell, carol and Elizabe th Marlab t spent Sunday h ome of Mrs. Rilllphi Bal·ger. MI·s . Church fOI' Mr. J esse afiOOrnoan in Dayton with friends . Olareno e Smlth wil l have the de- pt5redi 8Jwa,y sst his homeClalk, who Rhoda ext W &y.nesvUle. 'herl~ SWtvoblor.s. a.nd the topic by Mrs urday at 10:30 a.m. . Butial was in Henry S&ytpr . Ass1 tln!; th'e hootes~ olw'ge of A. H. Stubbs at Miami are : MM. 0e011ge DaVie6. Mrs . Adnm cJe!Illetery. Smith and Mr Ba.rtle~t Monee Mrs. H· S . Tucker aa1Id daughte r



n '


arll eu d ~ A




Mrs .Rlohard W1l1iams, were Dayton callers. F\1~. Mrs. Laura. Shidalk er. Mlrs. Mary LevlCY. MIra. OSee HaIt1lan 8Jtldl Mrs. A. S , Oolle~ were Daytonl visitors. Thursda y.





................ "'........ ,.-uu:


Mrs. Qeol'ge WateJ1h"OUsre and - - - - -<laiI.tgbter-lr..-law. MIra. RObie.nt Allen ot Wa;y!De6vUle were S Ulldaly afotern:;~:~~~.~~and : : rue. of Mrs. Loullie Fibe Qnd Mr. Oharles Oobliins or ~ were Mr. and Mm, 00Wn.s of Cen8Wlday ~ callerl!> at the ,l!eI'vi1Je were S uLee n<iaG' guests Of his Mlrs. Luther HIa1nes spe1llt PII4't 01 ~ 01 Mr. IlII)d 'Mrs. W8lter r ' . lalJt week with iher' pa.rents. Mir. and Kenrlck . iJ)tIlreDts, M . 8rl'~ Mrs. Howul d 001- Mrs. Oballlley Laird o! Camden . Mir!l. 01yde WIhaaton'd the . Mrs. CUff d Oo5te d M1,'. and ;Mim. ~1l1am Smith and funeral 'or MM. RIobeTtt Wadle at tlhe ll~, amd or T an M'Qrib"n Sue were Sunday di!nner GebhQr .t-Smith Flunem l Bome In daug'~ter. s of Sprmgt leld , wer'e ~~ guests Of Raleigh Bogan wUe. Miamisb urg. '11hu~. . ~ :hIOu. eg'Ue6ts of Mr. I?<>ste l ~ Mr. an Mrs. Raymo nda:nd B lll'den Mr . and Mrs . Leslie Gray and ,: ..elllts, ~. W1'lId Mrs. HEa1bel ·t Dos a,ttend~ t e funeral of an uru::le in d,aughJt «, 'WetI'e S11t1Id8~ MiIl6 ~!.ther Pmther s pent the Wllmir.: r., F rida'Y a.fternbO t~, dinner guests Ia! Mr. ood Mre week end with hel' !pWl'ents in Mr. and , Mrs. .EwlretJt Hain~) left Olarenc e iRQWeI' at B rant. C}lal'ksvdlle. last Thu.rsiCI aQ for EmmaUs. PR. t o Mir. atIlId Mrs. Gu.y IRoutm hn 8Il'l! 'MI'. and Mrs. WlaUer v1s1t Ithelr son-in-l aw and dau glhter, Ibhe lJ>!'oudgrend-pairel'llts Iod' 91 dau~ - DonaJd6 0n rund d&ughOO!l', "Babbs" Marilyn or. and Mrs. Frederi ck MNti~l. !tel', 00nal4e Sue, ,b am, to Mr. wn.d Ie!.t Tuesda y MlI\ and' MI'S. IRa.ymond Wilson Mrs . William T1nMy of ~e~vi11 • they w1l1 reside.fOI' Qolorakio Where were lr.. Xenia, sometime last week· M. MJami Valley Hloop~tllJ. Weda1es On Frld nln Mr Edna Marianna Bogen attende d a meetdaJv April 23 Oomptor. ~ eve g ted 8. ir.g of Ibh.e P er<rnrarnent Board of Mir. fL1'l!d Mrs . Merlyn Banta ot 01 her S~~l::' ~usi caf ~I~~ WUmilllrton Yearly Meeting, Sunda'Y Da3;ton. tmd Mr. '8Jnd Mrs. MelvYn High .8011001 A'll' afterno on at Wllmln gton Fr.lends BMlIta IOIf Ja.rnlef:itdwr. were dinner NGi Elda ~mery of Lock- Clluroh . g.u Sunkielv 01 <th Ir iParents , Mr. land was bile w k end Iwuse est U:I'~~~~ spen~'idat~t:~ 'and MI'f! . Peter Ba.nllll. ' Of her son-in- law Illl1d datlghre r, Mir ~ 'd Ma' s. ~crS1h ~ Mr. and Mrs. Ff.M'vey Burnet Mr. a.nd Mrs. Dallae Bfwton a.n:d M'~ MlC:en er. fM:;'~' Allee attended a d~lUler Sunda.y of the sor.s. , ' Ha1ne~ 8IIld son. AlOOn called on B~~r<net 00lI1!1ns elt Itlh \home of Mr. Miss Peggy ~k. da~ber M: .. Mr>s. Lucy Oo~n sometim e last !lJRI MI'S. Han;v ~ in Dayton . e.ndJ M!r6. James tPa.rk of Mt. ~uburn , week. . Mrs . 1M8/I1I'9Ir6t J oh'ns. lMir.. Plaul spent t.h e week end with her ST941d Mrs. Lucy Oon'liPton called on her ~dbns ood Mr. n.nd Mlrs. E. B . pall"enlt. Mr. and Mrs. H. S . T ucker'. neph:ew Roy J ones last ThUl'S<lBy Longaor e were .ThIB'~ evening Rev. ':Uhornbu ry Who ie sub- alfte~n. who has been sick. ' dirner guests 61 Mir. and Mrs. mitJtlngJ .00P. itrca.tme nJt at Vclera:Ill's . Qtlvtll I~umore a'n/dl oMl'dren. Ha;plta l. ~ spout Mr. e.nd Mrs. Seth F'ul'nas. Mr . at home ~Ul his family.·the weekend WIFE OF FORM ER and Mrs. iH&'r\1e;y Burnet 8II\d, IMI:. Mrs. Bllloe Wallace and dang.Mer LOCA UAST OR DIES and Mrs. WQ)ber Kenriclc a.tJt~ of ~toh aJDd Mrs. Ke.ooet h 'MI·S.~' Adams, wifle of obhe ' the WOJI'ren Ootmty H lsOOrieal FiBber and d aughter 01 nd- l8It.e Rev. Blainvey Adam& tonnely of Soolet? meetlng Got 'iJhIe "001k!len uur .pent t he week '8ot theWaJhou Mccarren 'here, ~ a way art; her home in IJpril." LP1:;q;norli. Mbnday even4,"Cl . ~~, Miami F1Jot1d.IU BuI'1&l 'Was QaCIie in Mr. ar..d Mae. a&reno e Smith Funeral l services ~ 'conducted 'Middle Run 0emJet;e ry aD ~l 28. spent SUnda.y , With thelr son edtd last 'DuIescIay at -the Me,t h od1&t; wife. Mr. endI MlrS . ~len SmIth Church for Ma'. J esse O.Joa.rk. Lnrte;rV IUId idaughltere in Da.~. J . ment W8B lin Mlam1 ceme!ler·y. . Ml'. amd Mlrs. Evterobt Ken1'lck fU1d (Delayed! fl'om last week)

MTr6\. Ra~



IJ;i!8rnmbnkl a.nd


ae6 ar6








"4-W AY FARM INSU RAN CE" in th e Ohio Farmers will give )'OU br~ad protection against losses on your farm. It covers your buildings, your chattels, your automob ile and your liability for accidents to others. Why not see us today? You h ow you're safe ,:"beo you're insured in tbe Ohio Fulllrs !

Karl D. Dakin Insurance Agency

Phone 153, 20 E. Mulbe rry, LEBANON, O. 8 OHiO 'FARM ER1IN IUIAN CI COMPANY

<i8 ,




CO. '. ~~~






fiit:alilil·E T". _.. . lUIlI

:.~~ .ro14= essMr~~ ~e~y~:~Oda::~~OS~ Make AlLThase PROmS eon J onalhs RWl> Ohuroh. We&~ Wh0N E'M

ELliott and of Day.ton. in ffooor of IUhe hiJlbhd ayof Mrs. Ell1dtt. A latt'ge crowd allibended.! the 50th 1\\'Iefdrd1n~ emmdveraaaw Ia! Mr.- lind Mrs. WUbUll' Qliaric 0nJ Sun~ 8li1ternoon. In tfIhe ewr. ng Mr. Bntl Mrs. 01. ~ainedlito a famlly dinner . Utltle t.e:nrt.v 'I'1nr.ey; ~ W.8(Y'nesvUle Is spendin g lbhts week w.l.tll' h'!e gra..nk!~, Mr . WIld ' MI'S, Om' Routaahni 'a.nk1I tMr. ~ iR'aJfJOn of ~ 8pftQp ~ SUndBy with his motI11ecr at Itlhe bOOle of Mt'. and Mrs. .Ever$t Ea~. UTe. C1eo amy a.nd Ml1fS. Rea ~ ~ their mobhetr, Ws. , ClaN etBoy. NmdB.y even1ng a.t Itlhe • Q;me or M,.. ,8Ildi ~ . WW Nun near BptiJl8bOro. Mlre . 8t6cy is Blawlyj reoove . I\\ilg I[qm a. ~t


IUaeI!e. • . and ~ . ~

attemoo o. Mr. atnd Mrs. Howard, Ot>llett en:tertaln'e d the Adult B4ble Olass at their /home in Wttlmln gton. Tueso.ay evetUng. The Adams T OWlllol'h ip Gl'I1nge preSI!'llteidJa program I8It Massie Gm.nge. 'MOnd~ eve!ning. 'I1he Annua.l "uniOI--Sen1or Benquet was held S81tJu.rqay, evening. A dell~tf.ul was Served at the Hotel S tmtm. OJncinInB,ti. F'ollow1Cg ;thi8 Itibe tI'l'OUP ~ lthe operett a "Blossom Tlme"; a fealture of Cox 'I1h.eatre, The P. T . A. sponsar ed tIille Annua.l ba.Sketb all barlQuet Wednes day ev,enlng whioh is held in ~l1ment ·to ~ of bobh Iteems. M r. O. E. ~burg. ,coach· or a.t.h1et!Q9 wt • W~ 00llie8e appearteld, 86 Belcher and guest ~ tollowe( l by a P,"e-

· ach-Ina • • •



. .Bi le A ue tlo a


.J\I.IW8 ¢"r



ll ,.-


' II



mill-gr Ain sepa-.


rator-h ay chopper-aU o filler_. 1 d


t '0;''&'

A Lets Hpa,ra.t or IDill put. up all: feed right' &oa tIM Belli-' . . . . the kind ' oIlMd lift8toc~


The under signed will offer at public auctio n on , • SAnJ RDAY , MAY 10, 1947, - at 1:00 P.M_ 'prefer -the kIDd r.. ad. all of , the HOUS EHOL D GOODS bel~nging to the estate 1: ..p8. Feed With' alOOOp .0"e1" 'of Magg ie W . BUl'!'et, dec~ased, at the Oddfell.o"!s Hall thia winte r-atop Jaa"'D 9 hay . over the WaynesVIlle .FurnI ture Comp any, cons18tmg of: or foddet. \ ~ Estate Bottle Gas Range , 4-burn er with oven and broHe r ' A Leta .."'uP to ~Iabo~in 1 Sewin g Mach ine; 1 Bed; 2 Tabes ; 2 Cane Seated h.. rvlli , .i1'VlL INc Rocke rs' 1 Wood en Rocke r; 1· Keros ene r; 1 Sewin g DIJ eecU, "aV'7U OOIUM ii, Table '; '.A lot of Dishe s; 1 Ironin f BoardHeate ; 1 Ladde r; 65" atorage apace. Leun why 1 Old Trunk ; , 1 Elec.tric Carpe Sweep er; Step 1 Da~ BW; x.-.~ ia the leadiD9 labor...ver 1 Hall Tree; 1 Set of. Kitche n Chair s; 1 Clock ; V ~rious ana profit· maker tor the dairy or· ,Small Articl es. :. ,..,• • atooIt Wm"":'~ elM liIte it. Terms : CASH , • , 0 .. _ E M ( '\ \ T A1,0 r~

Ross ,H. Ha rts oc k,



'IBanta Implement Co.

Execu tor of the will of Magg ie W. Burne t, D ~ c ease d . , Your JOhn Deere Deale r WILBUR -N. SEARS. A~ctio~eer; P. ' L. R£AS QN, Clerk New & Ea.t Sts., ,Phone 555 LEBANON', OHIO


Your electrical gift to the bride wishes her "Happ y Homemaking!" and helps that wish come true. Wheth er your choice is an electric toaster, a coffee maker, a waffle iron or an electric mixer; it is sure to please .•. and will recall your good wishes for years to come.


Every bride should begin homemaking with an electric iron and a vacuum cleane r-now that appliances are back on the market in variety and in a range of price for every gift list.

So choose an electrical gift.




CL4951FIED I5o.

The Miami Gazette. Page " Wayn esville, Ohio, No. 4814 Thur day, May I, 1947

ReJa;tlor.s, aIJ'ld 'staJte IJ)J'1sons will be held on Mwy 23 and 24. according to an announOElI\.ellt by 08.1<1 W. Smith. Cha.irnUuL and GeJ'!trudie JOllIeS.



. Member. of the state OlvU Serv1ce addressed to the St&te Civil Service H82Jel GrubeA' en te!'tad2$d COtrunds5iOl'; Oornm1saion. Qolumbus 15. Ohio. of vhne.n /be> 81 Stanley Examinations on ~ 23 'W1ll be





I nspect.Ion aftemooo. Boste88 dem0ll8tl'8lt1on Wednesday:;r ~s!= ~~;;!~~ TOOle presmt we. re Mrs . A8"en1t. base sa.laay $150 to . RiO;

• • CL&88II'IED AD B.&'IWJ • • word.s « lea me *Ime. ...... s.dl add1tGa.&l ward ............ Ie •

~ of nea.r Harve(V'8b\ll'g. Sun~ evenjng. He is· very ill. Ma'I. 84"..d ~ . Girdon Baobn made a bllBl<nesB tr~1a> .t o Ooluinbu s.

oJ. E. M.c:aure. \Ml'al. R. 8. PIeters, Game



,.,....."-0, ' ''p


LEBANON NAn FARM LOAN ~ 2&-- Loyaa No. 144. a.bir.a ASS'N., ElUs H. Sturm, SedJ- June 11":" Qwy No. 221. Bl8..ncbeBter Trcaa. Lebanon, Ohio. Phone," INsPEcTION ,B Y DEPUTY . to GIUND IlATBON - - - - - - - - - - - BEBNIOB JOHNSON Real E.tate For Sal_ IMBy I-No. 363, New Bur&gbl. - - -___- - - - - - = - ~ &--No. 36'1. W1lm1ngItoc IF YOU HAV1t A ,P ROPmRTY OR M.a.Y 9- No. 327. New Viema PARM TO Smu. C8ll or Wl1te Mto- 1~ No. • • Marotr. Don Henderson, Tel. KI!:Mt6. 617 ~ 21- No. lKJO. ~dhbJrg Lorain Ave. ~ Oblo. tie ~ 2S- ~ 621. 8lnldnir 8p6. ,. June 6- No. 173. ~ IfOUSE FOB S4U: - 'lblrd aod JUl1Ie s.- ~ ~. ~ IMJ8mL See Bill Lee. R. R. 3. WB~. --6-1 Notice of Appointment '. FOR SALENabioe is hereby 8iveDI that ~ _ _ _ __ -- - - - - - Bmddock wb:Jse PoSt otnoe addmss roR SME ~I..OO8E MIXED BAY. Ie ~e, Ohto ibiB,8>, been dUlY J. B. Ohai,pma.n. if!hoDe 2711. --61 a~ 8S ~ of ~ Estate roR SALE _ Mlm1 ~""'. M . E. ~..~ A;..,..~.!..~ . or Wa.rreD ~-.. VV\U~ . VI"...... ~ !Brooks. ~-Bellibrook D8Ibedi !faUs 211¢ day of AprIL UK7. mad. 2 miles from W6ynesovWe. Ralph R oa.rey, --68 Judp of ItIbe ~ 000rt ro-R-S-ALE----SIX--21-X-.·-.50-TIRD3--. . ~ Ooun~, Ohio. tubes end WheIels for Model A Stanley & 61aIlley. A~ --68 \Ford •. lA-I OOd4tloD. Pl1Pne 2949. --61i1lfc CARD THANKS - -- - - - - - OUr ilearttelt tbaII.lks Ibo our Ill8Il3' REAL ESTATE net.mbora and If!JieIlds tor their acts JP YOU HAVE ANY PROPERTY of iJdndlnel!6 amd sYDlpalthy shown to eeU call PraDc:Ie Gene Brown dUrIIIg 0Ull recent mnees. 'Real J!lItatle Sal8111D&D, for B. D' Ma'. 8Ilkil Mr8. ~ St&ndJ:b'd • PeDnIDstoD. wU~toeton, Ob1o. Palm UIanI '''. TelepboDe










Plowing Done. Fi;ld Work 'only. Phon~ 2982. 48

aaJa.t!y $150

TWIN Theatre

$183.33' !Boller Inspector. baae salHook.. :who has been very 111 ary $150 1D $200; Elevamor Ir.specis ~ to be sll8lh~~. W. baae ~ $183.33 ' to $233.33; iMlr8. J . B. CJ'8bIbie Is ill at her iFectory and Bulld:1ng Inspector. home here. baBe salw"'Y *150 to 200' Investip.tEad Rk:JteyI 8IIld tomily enotet"tRjn- or (Female) . Di~ of WmleD ed SUnday. M r , OiIldiMrs . !RolfeI' NIt I80d Minors. baBe eaJ.ary $150 00 200. aa'IkJ DiIamle of 801~tltl Solon and Or. M8¥ ~ exam.mertJons wtll be Elbel1t EllJ& a.nd! mtaUbJer of Enon. tleldI :for IMsJe Guards for rtIhe Ohio d :::; ~~::; Penl~"'Y. , t3:le IIDndIm Pt1acm ~ UAIln _ .......__ n~ ' ......._ ..... Fann and the state Rletonnatory at """'--ClUB ...... ~-......, an '...........' W86' IIU Ma.n&f~ SalIU'(V $130 to $170 6 ~c:n~ :!~_ month.. (lI'c'eidI



'bu'rg QPent

SlmIdatv iWlth Milo Bea1

MAY IIM7 2 tt:he JlllO&t thrlIl1n8. aotlor_ ~


ROBOOE A'IDI. 'MIAIRY KENYON with FOR.Rml' . ...... 'vT.n.R 10"""-""" ............"',.,. ... on:u...... 8II1IdI ""....,...,. DJJVV'~ Also: ~, Qlatoon, and Short ~ _ _ _._ __ _ _ _ __ " 5 A bright and shining ~ of .tIle · emba.r fug of Ul raM. ~amCe e hudJar..df& girl friend. ank:lJ EILiEANOR

ofM~Mtr8~~ die ~= secured flC81tdor..s for each PlSltlon may be ·f rom the off1ce of the county WEdilng 'am'.Jverear'Y of Mr . a.od audt\x)r ' ~ local sta~ employment MInI. WUbert Cla.rk at L~le aI'Iil office. 'or >the 9t&te OM1 Service eaJled on Mr. 8I'Id MIr~. Pred! ~. Omlm1861oo, Oolumbus 16, OhioMrs· GeorgIe Pe'temon retu1'nl!id PersOna interested in 8q' of these la8b ~ h&vi«lg sper..t sevenl days emrnmattoris ,must file ' their 8IPl>,w ti} her da.u82lter. Bebtrr in New l1catkr..s on <tbe relNla.r ~m YC::I"8~i.abeua. [l~ ' 8Ild SI.IPJ)Ued tor.1that pIlTp05e not la.ter Mi86e6 iDar<lIIa1(Y'DrumJnUId and Nina th~ five 0 clock on Ib'he a!ten:l;oon Scott cad:led on Ml8II iMlldIIl!d BrOOks of May 12, All a.ppUoations must. be




and {emily at C1r.dnnatL Oleveland. Oolumbus. . __.. ~ 'Ibledo, Manafield. 8lld 'rod ~ and family -"'!Athens. G ,I'8I!dma. 6b1Jul1e ~ SUn_ ~:fQ!m.s 8IDd of~ with Mrs. Boime8' pllft'!llt& Mr. 8IIlij buUet1ns detallq inform8ltkm :reMl'8. Marine am family &It Sabina. lative to dutls I!8larie& and qua,Ji-

end ~ 8\U'1day ~oor.. 4\D". and Mrs. WWbrd' Ary 8md dla.\.I8IIlItlell" 6J)eRt SUl!lday with his ~ ,!Mr. am l\IJ!l's. COTIWin Ary in !I;.he ~' tlhey with there brdtber KEd IIII'ltl wife called .on Itlheir sister; Mr.;. EYIerebt M,a d&tt Ulkl '!lemtly'tP Bee !o!1Ir. Marlabt who bas beIerl WI'y. ~ for .the paSt four


Cowboy ,l dng of !\ale Old Weat in

ExatnmaItiona will be oonductA!d EDDIE' DElAN.

:-ra !!YNN, R



wttb S . Z. ,SAlKALL ~ ~A'I'n B&\DY. MdtOO . News. 7 8 Here's 1iIle ihe6rt-tles.t of sw1hgtime on 1t4le O?,ll,egs 0IlIq)U& Romance BInd R10tln .


Sufferersl 'I'r1 BBIND'S JUlifOLI

COmforUnc nlIet ftom




pa1DI of JEAN IPORmER, WiILLlAM tMJASON. JAN SAiV1I'1"l' 8/Jldl His Orchestm. '

. . "*leumatJsn. artbrttl& neurUla, Ium- IMP: BIdo's ace deteot1~ m hili oe.go. PR.EB BOOKL1!:T. Aak tor most dangerous w:llver.ture. ReIDen Rlnol. Wh7 suffer loaIeI" "CRIME DOCTORlS MAN B1JNT'f w~emue DnIc stcn. tic WlARANER. BAxTER.. ELLEN DR8W

0Ia.reDce !try of: Da.ytdnI tQ:lt Mr. enid Mrs. ~ Jacobs &QPPer with hi6 ~ Mr. 8II1d I'OOIWI tI1IlW~ oammunJty. were in Dayton. ~ 'Ibey ~ Mri. 0lI'winJ ArrI 'lI~ eveninlg, WIIt.%ftr. Pumm1lL Rt.. 2. Wa.:ynes- ClIl MIre. Sarah ,Snell. a forme!' 1'e61- 8S it watI bjs fatlhel's Ibl~ _ vJlle. ' ---51 dent k# ~ 'lbey ~ Mfa . Mr . ~ !&P. RdJert, campbell _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ._ _ _ _ Snell is bale and beuItIy dlespi~ her and dllw&'hiter ca.lJed on. Mr. 8II)di Ml'IJ, Hou.ehold Good. For Sal_ aae of f1l~. . Eve~ M8J1aIbt. 8ul~ ~" MIr. and Mrw. Claude Gray ttloIt _ . 8IliiI MR. Ross HU8ton Of ~ SALE- IOE BOX !iN GOOD witb their ~dren. XeIlia ~ 8E!l'VkieIs at tlbe cond4t»n. large size. bolds '75 b. Ma'. ,8IDd1 M!l'6< Eaa'1 DaVia Dle8r Sou1h ~ OiUt'ii18A1d called on Rev. We. nrst ibouse klIt west or · ~ 6UrIid8¥" addJ i1\t9'&. OoleDl8lll 8UJlda,y mpl'Iling, rali ~.e bulldilng. P!rlce Mr. ami MftI. · ClletVr Bopo &lid MIs8tee Drdthy aiIIdl LoIs Beflr.e of rea801'lIIble. Mrs. AlIma Bunnell. lamBy of DonnelevUle were vi8IImr's ~ 0lU0. IIOOadben In !the Wa.y:nesville, Box 81. -51 eJt IIlhe Cbaries Bogan heme in Well- ~ ~ vi8!tAld wltb Rie'v. man , ~. d R. 8. Oolema.n MldJ MIr8. Ooleman.

= ProteotoT. . .


' .

, -tage &Son


A ' r m


U::. :=:;,.



to t6 a ~. iF1la.x can be _ ... N'- Mlr6 base sala.'lY' .125 to leo. ~ 8ltleaitully on some Ohio Loana-. , .~". ........ 8. - , ...." " . . . . , . . . " DepaiI1l1nent of ·lEJee.B,th: Nurse. 1&""'"", TweIl'ty41r&t D!StrIot of Ohio the ~t. IBunnell ~ daUibter. Mrs. G1'6de m. 'b Me r;aJa.ry $190 m $225; soUs. PBDBRAL ,LAND BAl,Qt LOANS: Order- of 1lhte n.stem etat lnIpeo- Ba.ll. !RUtIlt 8hiOup and Mn. Chal'l2s N'IJI'6e, OI'8de IV. ba.8e iIa.JM'y $150 Por Reflnanc1nc - Rebutld1Dtr - t10n daAlee' MaUrtce. to t185. Supportt prices on 1947 potattoes Btly1ns. 4% Parm loana with lon8 IIM7 INsPEonONS BY WOR'ItIY MR. LoIs iMlaIurice, Mrs.. Ruth DepQrtmeIlJt of Indu5br1al Rd8lt- will be ava.llable only to produaera . .mle to ~. Pay part or all any GRAND MATRON Shoup GIld Mrs. Rullh McClure call- Ions: Emm1ner., Dlv1s1oIlJ of steam boo ~ -....t. Ume. LUCILLE MILNER ed on ~d6 at PhoneIxm!. ~ Engineers. base salarY .150 to w e 8Ol'fJ8P a ' -,

8PJ:0IAL &ATES b1 COlft'BAOf •

~ ~~ ~~~rt

Shortage IOf oil seed crops has caused the iOVernment to offer base support Prices on ·fia.x.seeld Idf fl'om





AUCTIONEERING ~=' SUnIdaW dte~ ar.Ikil eve~1ng. STANLEY and KOOGLER Mrs. Gl"are lqnob end IiCln or aaoDa8 ucaa ~ !POt SUIldoy 'Wtil their For Datee.' Pbone .... W~ J)8.TeDt& Ohariee Bo8'aD eDd wife of IVI I , Wellman.

State C· -I Semce · .

~~O~bt;;;O.=Re=veI'Ie::;;;;;;=ObarI8I;:;;;;;:::;;;;;;~:=:ed~'Mi'g~~-=~.~Mn;~1klIg~~~~8~~~JtJtiber~Bopn~.~J.~oo:~~~ Examinations

Listed :

0ciu.mbu8 - Oompetttlve examinatton.s for positi00.5 ' in tbhe 8taIte

11' .OFFER


There's vitamin D this, mdk too!

Div1slon OonBeI1\'a.t1om 8t8te Depu!!ments of Health and, Industrial ;


~cQ!lure. ~unerm ~nme Dial2111

Waynesville, ,O hio


Any make or model Fred, Kahn Motor C.r Co. PHONE


Borden's Homo.eniz" .Vitamin D Milk



HOURS: .9-12 each morning '1 -5 afternoolls except


"Vitamin 0," sa'ys Elsie, "Is very important in th~' diet. because it helps build strong bones and sound teeth. This is one reason why this improved milk is especially good for children'. Ask for Borden~s Homog~nized Vitamin 0 milk . . . from your Bor.den milkman, or at your neighborhood store."

7-9 SaturdaYlevening Other evenings by Appoint,m ent


Dr..C. E. WiIkiD Optometric Eye Specialist , : 26 South Detroit Street , XENIA, .... .,... .. ,OHIO .. .,.




• • ••

• ••••



0 P[ !





( ,



~~WiUW:: !r~~~ =~~~ building row boU64ng

llnkIee or ecbOOIe


4lhe flrlllt, . Town8hlp


was dedica.~

'I'oda,y, more Ibhen 50 ~& Iaroec. over baJI tbe etuderJt8 of.tb1a school d:IetrSot a.flIeJJd cla&IIes 11ll 'WhaIt .tor

~s ~

praperlY, tleenJ aaIlled tale

Th e ' M i am i ~ijx~iiffott:;S Ii l\ ZE.T E .

Established 1850- No. 4314 $1.50 per Year-5c a COpy WAYNESVILLE.: OHIO, Tliursday, May 8, 1!!47

and sa.fetly f~lI, and U&Ilt lac1UtJea the Old Bulld1ng 18

M0ther's CIub Names

~~. ~ 8nll~~ -.~~!..~.~ ........... ~ ''''IOU _"""'''440

Next Year's O'fi"ers II "

.,<»c! Butld4ng" . iInadlequalt.e in BIze


the rp1ace Wb~e It.he obUQren of tbe_ comm~ <bing the ~


~ae f6Ct8 long been !mOwn Open house ell; .the g.radie sdlool in It1bIe oommumty. ~t. tm· building and e. 8'el'IfftI1 ~18iop. 00 (COni1nued or. Pace 4) the need! of 81 new ,b uUdlng for ~ elernerIItaroy ~ 11'11 ~ Town~.,




eh1p were ~e8Itwes of Itbe fUla.1 . Mother's Olut> meett1:!g of U1e ~,

JENlN~~TEWART ~ ~bf1eld,

Jennie Stlewairt, aced 76, ~ eIW&Y '&It. !her home in Har~, ApI1l 30. Deedl was attrll:lulbed to CIOI'OOaI'Iy thrunbo6ls 101l~ an lJ:lnees o! about three Ill(fths. 'lbe bUiSbMldl ~ and a elsOOr IUl1V1ve. . \Mn.

~ services were


an McntLB.v at 11:00 a..m. at the Zion Bapt19t. c~ In Ha.rveydnrrg with burjQj in M'a.!Jl1 0emIs~1'Y under lUbe dk'ec:t:on cl McC}; re P1:r.:erai HomE'·



~ntendellt. RaymooJd BraddOCk. ~t of WlBtY'ne Twp. sQboo1s. all bUt ODe of 'bbe schaal bo8..rd members, 81 maJor~ty of tbbe /tee.obers 01 .tile aocal schools. a.nIcI! many dt1zens of the OOIJll1lIUDity in akJd1.tIon ItJo members of the Mother's Club, ithe b1"OU8ht Ito !!gat 1I1e I9rodt Wb1db is ~der W8¥ ~ ~.....W = ~~ a IIl6W e ~e••- . J ~'&. The ,MotJher'a Club. Ibbrough a ClIOIJlmHt,ee comp~ of ~



~ ='~~ ~


Raymond Wi BraddIook. 6Upeiin~ 9 at 2:00 p .m. at. ~denrt. of W1I(Yne Tow!nsh1p School>! fIlhe Ibome of Mr6. RACe Snapp on annouooe'd on Wednesday of this Thdrd 1!iP'eeb. wook IIhBt Maton Jones. son of MI'. and Mrs. 'l1berle Jkmes of Lytle has CHAPLAIN LINSLEY received' one of lti1e highest haoors SPEAKER AT CLUB I rtbQJt cae be accorded in ~ accept-

. aIternIOOn.

The st. MaJlYI'e Olub wdll hold its BunIdB.y. May 11 ,BIt Clhe home lOt Rev. and Mrs. S . N. KeyB, &It 7 :30 IPJIn ChapiaJn, 001klDel Jobn C. W . IJinssle(y 'Wtli speak to the group. ~ meeting ~

anionce 1nto()T~~1:ft~t1' aJ ....n


: . A. Band, a nat0."

About five months ago a formal 8Ipp11cat lon was made for JOII1Ie6 by school otf1c1als. 'I'llJs 1ncJ.U'.ded a qu~al l'e regarding his 8bwJty,


t,he type of mus1c he and the training he ha.d acquired. Tbrouglh H&ppy HOUr Olub will meet. .these questJOIl8 <the seleOO1ng board aJt the h<lme of MM. Laurenoa of the or~on' selects tlwo boys Furnas next ~: Ma.y 13 at from each Rtalte In Itb.e U'r uon, ~ 2:00 '!p.m. a toted. of niI!ety.elx ~& in the



BaM. 'IUUs group will play at.1tibe annual The ~ OlUb ·will meet F. F . A. Congress wbtob will meet


::=~~ l~:t~:!i:t ~~ ~~ City, M~.

: Ohuroh. A oovered dish dhlner will be /the featUl'ed part of the meeting. AIlI ~ Me 'reQUeBtedJto bring a OO~I dish. table serv1(:e a.nk1J a BUe6t-


Jones 'W8.8 a.ppolnted to a pO&ldon of First Trumpet 'S olo which 1s tops in that part.lcular di'Visiar.. o! the Band. He wUl /be pr10Videdt with a U!11d!orin, transport8lb1on e.n'd- many OIther gifts lor obis abWf,y Inl iJelng MIAMI CHAPTER 107' named! to such eo honorable MEETING MAY 12 lJ(>8itlor!, Miarn! Ohapter No. 107, Order of Jones, who is a Junior in W synesthe Eastern. stu Will .meet. in reg- ville HJgh. School ba..a been st;udy.1ng ular sell6llon cr.. lMonid6y ,venJng. trumpet for lIevet's'l years IIlJld bas Maw 12 at 8 o'clock. . appeared many rt4mes at ~oCal aM ¥ollowlng the buSiness 8e8B1on nee.r-by points aa trumpet soWU:It.

ReVe SIN)' amue • \eys Ord.·Oat.·OD Sen.·c'les . ~music

OJ&. lter8ey. Ka.thryrIntemsting program of readllngs. Hds many frlends. sOho«mates Pulkereon. IaIldJ Cleta. Elli8 haNe at:fte'd and apeclaJ'ItY num.~ is be- and' the oommuntty M a Whc~e ex~ Jea.l<s ·H . Boga.n, Sf>e 68. po.88ed as oa.t.a.ltvzer8 du~ !bbe put yea! ina plal'..ned. tend Uletr ~n8 for this 8/WUy ~~ bls 'har.e &.lCth of Har- tn ste.ntlng a.at1on ~ Albe new The Rev. samuel N . Keys was . outstood1%lg a.cbleyemerot. ~Tg, 'l'hUll'ada~ nit 11:45 a.m. . bu1l:dtn8. . ~ ne.oan fn tthe Itralltt1lODal ATHLETIC .BANQUET Be is survived iby 1m wlJe~ B :o:ntce. New offdoers of Itbe club who 'will oeI1eIIJldIde8 of Ibbe l!lpi~ ~ AT HIGH SCHOOL twt' <au ~8, M<T's. ,Al!cc DQofd· 88IQm1e q,utfea at the atall'1t. o! tile.nex' last 'DwI'ada.y .ntgM 8It at. Mary's StJ,perlDtendent ~or.d BradeOn. C&nCotl C'j,~, Colo., I!ln:d' EdIth. 8lt Bdhaal year are: Ola. K.enJey, prestd- Oburob. . dock of· the ~~e R1grh School " bo:T. ~ ; f ::t..T 1!tCr.s, .D:wis of ~:a l . U#; VirB1nia Keya. vice-preBident; Holy orders were oc:r.l~ by t!leGnnOODCe\l ItbaJt pla.M Qa'e. being , iP.rcd o! WQ.~llN!, WUlh m l\ 0ecU ShJpIe:y, seoretuy; ami Frances HIt. Rev· HeIDIny W. HkJb8Qn, Bishop ma:de b 8D A.1hJetlc Banquet to be home llS"d Q]rl of WlBimt1n;;ton, Ri~ 3. Gray. treaaurer. of We ~ cHIocese dl Soutlh. held on 'I1lu~ eve!'.1ng. May IS, at , Th!'ee ~b?'1'8 and e. ·broIJhel·, O!lQS. ' ~ in ~ ~ 00 ~ hi8b lICbool tJuUd~. . in- •. , .. of )V~Ue. ejao &urv1ve. ' M~ of M1am1 ~ No~~ ' viaiIzie .' ~r and ClUiHng ~ ~ t~ ~ OIl BatAlrdalY;"'ua;'1d'~t1le P\ineral ~ . were coI1ducted 107 Order of EBstenu stu who a.t- frieads and ItO penna miIDaI~ cr.. and a gooijI6I)Ieelter are Ddt oomple'te ~ 'I1radc ~ Ple~ Meet Will Mon~ at 2:00 p.m. wita:I Rev. tended 1nsJ>eotI0Il at W1JmJlng.ton. on Itbe Fea8t of at. ~ Gad et,. JamII!IS. tit W I! if,line. Mr. BraddbCfc stated da6"s ~~ Wamtley offtclatl'll8' . . BunnI wn~ MQIIldaIy 'ever.1n8', Ma.y 5 were : Mr. Keys. wbo me ~ Ja.y-~ Ilba.t full deta.1ls. wUl 'b e given the eta.Jtt at 9 ' 00 a.m . weatbeT JmitD'18Xle t Miami cetnCi~ under the . . . in-dllal'8e of st. MlaIry s.Jl8l1lSb since. studeDta thds week. The !public ,i s tin8 " pe dJrect.1~ of stubbs Funernl Home· MIl'. eod Mrs. John J. Bwrske, Mr. November. 1945. 'has been en~ tr-vite'd -to a.ttend ith1s a.ffail·. ' . _ . and Mrs., Everett BJ,rly. Mrs. Bertie UIlill rtbis week 1!n the otfice of ' c: C<lIJ'IpettLlon Is open to High . , MillS, Mr& Luelle AntIl11hge, Mrs. Aln:lkIam Rolliq Milllll Co., !Iliddle-:-School and Juniloo' lH im Sdhpol boys HARRY E. DAKIN . John F!r<m!o, Mons. Ra.lph Va.nee. town. He ll86 l'Ie6lgned W S P031.tion 8Ilt1 gdrls. Trophies will be aWllJl'ded HMry E. Dal¢n. c{le 40. if 0 at Mrs. IauI'6 'MoKdnsey MIdi Mrs. E to devote full otlme to parisap a.dt¢he schools amass1!1g t'he 18a'm: S1t ·t<he M:' town . wall 'hn.417.t.a.J Mondia F Ea41nha.n\i. ' (Continued on Pace 2) number of potnts In each of the 'ilvro a fj noon; Del!ltih du to, pneu - . olass1!ic8Jtions. Two COIltestanibs of monia. each school haJ1 be aJI~' 1n eadl M :r Dakin was (l.llf -long I1esident r ' 'I1he W\a(ynes me ~ . ~venlt . for eacb school, 'h owever ~o or W"''''''''''sv1l1e. He is s W'\r1voo b ..~.~..... S tV 7'30 _........ _Olub m e t oon!te tant shall 'P8l'Uolpate. In more . .... .... .., FrIends thad; lIour events h~fI !1'8IIJher, w oater,' a. ~, Olet. Home. 'I1be roll caJl . was Bl'lS'Wel'ed 'C'H...4bl . . by ~ . ~~ e entrle's were "U<I'- ted 0 0 an~1 11\1 ~ W aype. 'T\.IE 0':'10110101 SHOWN BV w.~ members a18m!n g New Mondaw of lIlh!s Week F'uneml s vlces W!lll b _ h eld this OF OUR P~SI01:I\'TS "TO "T~I!II~ Perenn1aJs. The following is 1Jh~ llsit 01 e~ rles . ai'ron 8J 2 o'clock .!lit Mc01U e . MO'T~ER~ AAS SeEH A BRI61tT SPOT Thle iITlaUl f eetUl'e was a film of ~ t~ looal HI h Soh 1 ' iFu 's1 Rome wliial Thev. Mer;): 1\001 OUP. cou~TP,y's ~ISToflY_'"'' flowers o! Western Mountalns. These rom g oo: So tff ofticiaJt,ln"': Burial in Miami pldtums were Qiken by VioOOr Reis High School Boy", ( Grade 10, 11 . Ii ' of Oolmnibus. and 12) McOlure iFlunerel : orne. ' Miter Ibhe bust~ 'SeSll1.oal a Shot p u t (12 lb. ) r 'f n~ <:iJ'cle. DaVe <\614010\15 lunch was servedl by Dr. Han ; Don D akin. J!btm. 'Ho1:low8~ ' Olive W'llMam.~. Pole Voa ull - Blll M e);laffle ' Wilbur Evelyn PeIOOr~, ar-.d RuJ1lh O'hrundler. Florence. ' ' The nt'x t meeting will 00 h eld" wiflh Lena. Hartsook. Jooe 5. B road J ump :- Kenneth Vickers;


Tra"k Meet At Le'banOD Satorday . Wam::n






......... .

n_...........,. J


R looM'd Sheehan.

~ PI ' ~~·J~!h~,;-WJ!:;:~=. ace ~ard:dla&h V~olws; GIadys Rye Recelves 100

On Ue"Dean's Honor



List Don J~~M~~~illl~v~; Henderson: ~ ~ll .

, OINCINNIATI. Obio, May 8-Among 880 yard relll¥ - K'Cnn~ VIckers: 1hose students annOU:nCed hore to- K. LoD8-acre; Jack MUlilord; WllUam day byllDr. Ra.Ym0lDldl Walters. Prest- Rickey. . . dent of the UniversitY of OlIlCiIlA'l&t1. 440 ~ {ja&h - Walbur Florence" 88 Winning places on, tIbie Dean's ' GIMCIlI Bm1t!h. " List of students ra.nkJng achola8880 yard run - Gler.n BnUt h; . tUca3iy in ibbe upper ten per ceIlt of MWtord . their clasII, is Mise GI~s~. 220 y8II\CI dash , - Kennetlb VicloEn's' ~ or Mr. and Mrs. Clarence J8JOk MuMotd. ' E. ~e, R. R. 2. waynesville, Ohio. ~e relay - Glenn 'S mith; Dave MiIl8 R~ .1& e. ,f n!6bmao in tlbe Hantsock; Don Hendiel'SQrl,; ' K . College Of Home m:ooornics and a LoDpcre. 1946 gra'dUiW! of .wa.yr..e. Townwh~ .Junior Bi,h S~bOOI Boys (7.8 and ·H Jgh Scbool. 9. ) .

. '


Bt8h Jump




Floreooe, J .; R4ckey, J .

Mr. 8aKt Mnt. MOo 0 'W ade ci Shot pUt ($ lb.) 1rtm clro1e _ Bpr.l ng Valey are the IlI'CQS, panQa lAIdDey. B.; ~ B of. II!DD; DaNel Nell born Aprii 14, Broad jump ~, W .;

1947. ' Welabt 8 0.., 8 os. . ~, R. ThIe P'~ I~nta..-e PoIie ~ - 1'IclnIule, J.; RIcIDir, J. R. WlMfe ell North J . . . :: MB6n . . . <OontIn\Jedr' OIl PII,e I)

...... aDd".


Pub1Mbecl EverJ Thund.ay bJ DAVIS80N PRIIS8 PLOYD L. DAVISSON, BcDtor Intered .. Second olasa MaUer a~ the Po6t. Office

National Advertising Representatives Ohio Weeklies, Inc .• 2466 W. Broad Street, C 1 b 4 Obi o um US. .0 ST. J. UGUSTINE CHURCH Father Itrumhoua, PrIed



staloo whlMoan f;lll:aiIll:e the DIln.1eI$- II'6OI!1ltion were

I8J11d in a:dIdit.1cm bas e. caM surplus


of CHRIST pook:ets." Dr. Vauance ~l~. BIBLE SOHOOL . 9 :30 AM. SchIOol QPpollbundtles for children SUNDAY SCHOOL 9:50 A. M. MORNlNG WORSHIiP 10:30 A. M, in b ollh l'Ural and. metropol1tac e.reas J, J. Bur*e, 8upt. will be hanned. SWEIltly unless the YOU'I'!H MEETIN08 7:00 p,!4. "needle88ly slashed" provisloll! of WQRBHIP 8Eh VICE 10 :30 A. M. ADULT PRAYER MEETING the school bW are restored, he said. YOUTH FELLOWSHIP, .7:00 P . M. "New '10C8Jl ,mtl6- 1n addition to Thuraday, 1:30 P. II. EVENING EVANGELISTIC SERV- the ooxe. alreaQy levied ur pla.nned IOE 7'45 P M for providing 'MW buildings and . . . other 10C81l SCh.ool improvement sMT. HOLLt" , will have Ito be it "he steJte tv;&THODIST, CHURCH W A YNESVIu.E f a.lls bo m'eet 118 1~1al obligation J, M. Scarff. Mlnta'er CHURCH of CHRIST Ito Ohio's 1,000,00I[) 'SChool dUlcnn." 8ONDAY .e aHOOL 9:30 A. II. Robert L. VanZIl- IrIIaJa&er Dr. Vallamce jplIedllc~ . nhart 8 t .., He Ull"geti' t&xIpa~ Ito lnsillt that E. A. Ear ,up. BIBLE SCHOOL 8.80 A. M. .the DaIl1els -Oramlet' ibiD tbe enacted. WORB:rDP 8J!lRNlOE 10:30 A. M. OClMMUNIOH 10:80 A. M. ~ it We appt1CJVed by the Ohio I!M!INIVG SERVICE 7:80 P. II. EVENING SERVIOE . 8:00 P. M. Senate, .caI'l~ provisiooB iDtaJin&' a ~ a $2,000 mlnl. SERMON 11:00 A. M . $88.000.000 mum "",'n_ for and oo~ g rac10alte B. B. Coleman, Mlnlstel'



~ 8t!CODd aort of pre·ex1s~ teac.her's. Ml.nllller is 'the pre-elOsbence of 't ime, 8IIld Oburdl EtOhQa1 9 :30 a.m. t.hat hae no beginning . . The WOl'd ArIIt.e Oommlir*m 9:30 am. ·of God (1Uhe reaJit;y !Of Obrls.t) i@ 30_'-" saIlCtltledi. from 1taJle. '!be ......... tvit1ee wh.1ch now covel' 8ill Willlrren T1he ~ 00mim....-.... _.... the ooUll/by and SerInnn 11:00 a.m. present. the ruture, 'II1l, In reJa,t1on A !~ resl:de:ot of Blllltbaro. he (ObIlJpllam 1001. John C. W. Lins ley) to God, are equal. Yesterday, to-day. W86 gradiUated fll'C:mt Hillsboro H1gb --:-Ito-Db'I"OW ~ oot elttst in ,the sun. Sdhool and 1I.IbtelC~ Miam4, Purdue ,UTICA U. B· CHURCH In >the IIBOle there is & priol·· aDd Ohl.o Unive.,Slkt!es, elso AbreI:la Rev. Ralph IIlDes lty wiUl rehlldi 110 Iflory: 1haIt is to Trade SCh.ooL 'LoUi1sv1lle, Ky. He bas SUNDAY SOHOOL . 8:30 A. M. say, !the ~ gk)rious tPreOOdes the been .a lJoenBeIdI, ~-ftl8der in /the M:nI. James Garrtson, SUpt. sJol1ous. Tb~are 'the · ~ of ~ ch.UIl"dh during <the pa&t PREACHING lat and 3rd 8undaS'B Christ, v.tlo is iUle WOIXi of Goo, 11 ~ , RalPh W each month 10:80 A. K reprd' ill> eeaence, IIJttribures. Ma.<rty'S: and glory, <8'ta1noly Prec;e<Ies the in clvic 8IfdIadr • be lis a memFRIENDS Before in was of );leI'the or at. IIaleMa.ry' O1V1c (1ub Club, BOd! a oo-lounder , human form itaJe WIard! Of God or8'8ll1Zer £PI=~~







- - - - - - - -- .- -'.- -




Track Meet

to Tibet. Oburoh of


Ohina. at



even'tng. Mt . Morse al80 talked at illbe w..ynt!M11e Ohuroh of Olmst

8unIda.7 ~. WUsOn Shephe-rd

and !em11y of w!tIh .the 0haI'l1e 8bePher'dllCadly and atkent1... II!d illbe .£unena:l of e.ri! ~ J. H. Bonn of Ha~g.

~ fP.'IIlIt ~,~Ul1db,y


by nearly



__ : ... J


ke_ ALLThasa PRO. ms WhO NEM h. ..



.' 111



100 yard dUh - St&in!'e\Y, H., iAvtVson, R. . 440 yardJrelay _ stanley, H ., DaW!!lC1ll. iR.' Earnha.I't,. H. ;. F"lorence,


I'e I


' . 880 yaro ~ _ stal'Jey. II.; LaJwson, R .; . O'IBII.Q!on; 1!hrnllari, H. Gl", . Jr. H . S. 75 y8ll'd dash - Geneya Sm1tb; iWlUhelmma Bmddock. Sr. R S . 75 yardllCiMh - Frances Florence; fAnnabelle anMJh; Jr. K S. 220 yard relay, _ Wilhelmina Braddock; Geneva Bmibh' Vera Sherwood; Beulah

Letz ia a combi., natipll mill-qralD separator-bay chop-


S 220 ya rd ~'" Sr. H . . J Annabelle 8m1t.b; l)(r0ltily Oonard: Normal, GrUber; P$noes F"lorence. Jr. H . 8 . Ba.akJetbaU .throw. New Event _ R~ . ,B owman; B6\llah F"lareooe ,Q H'. 6 . ~ n-a......U____ .... 'l -...... _ ,.. _ g". Anr8lbe1le 8Irutb; ,N orma Gruber. . Jr. H. a. Baaebail tro"ow - Sue Fumas; Jean laokey. Sr. H. 8 . BaeebaH tilt-ow lI!rances Florence: Annabelle 8mJtIh. 'Ilbe oonllldtl!Jee for dhJa event are ,E . S . Bra~ ~a.n, J . Polu'elit Bums and EmeliV' Betihel. !.1M oA Solder Of M1amlsbUl1f sister, ' Ma's. MItI'It4la. DaIwson'" ... Basin , nL1v.. vts1ted the for-


per,.Uo IiIlergrain vrinder-



. ALL In 'ONE. A 'Lets Hparator mill put. up aU: feed cnopa'right

hom the aeld-'

make. tbe kind

oifMdlift.too~ prefer... theldad that .tor.. and keepa. Feed.with alOOOp abovel

tbi. haulin9 bay or fodder• ., ' . ~ ~ s~~ ~~R~. ~ A Leta "v. . up to ~ labor in .wt1~ ~tnd baMUng feeda, ~ OOIU'8e feed8, ~es. th~ U1Io~ 6S~ storane ~oe, team wby .,.,. __ tn.¢4e NlJncittty 8IJlId gIlory. oUhe at 'lBloys' ClUb. foomed mer's dtaughtJer and ,family, ¥r. a.nId Leta tbe leadinCJ l!lbor-aaver' e~ itlIlJ)eIIfeat beauty 8.nd splen- to ~ vocaJt1onal t1'&l1nlhg of /the Mrs. J . R. Wade, SUnday afternoon. AD.d prof\t-maker for the dairy or dour 4n 'Ilhe height , of i kJ magnifi- ~ people of V\I~ O ther guests of 1he a.fiool1DOOn and .toOk fariD-n~tbiD9 ..1I.lilte It. c~nOe. Wlhen ItihrotJi'h tt1hie IWIsdOI11lfO! The ord!llnlaltion sermon was given evening were Mr. 8Ind ~ . \Ben .\H fCO DfMO"j', T.Q A1'ON God <the ,MQSt HitPh It shone frolll by Itlh'e .Rev. Fra~cls .J.lM'OOre, rector ~ amli son of M1anri~rg. Mr.


FIRSl' DAY soaOOL 9:30 4. M. MEETING WQR8BIP 10:30 A, M.


Mr. KeyS was IilLt honor in a reception bel4 in tIhe Acoor'ding to 1.1tl, Ohio Educa.tion Bplecq)al rectory following the A:lroclatlon ~e Ulre&~e:1ed {aUul'e ' orcUnaIt.kln '8eI'Vices. Bl.sIhIqp HobllOn of 'tIbe state le81:;il8ItuTe tQ return to b ordUlaItlon b"Ut6: a looal communities adequ8lbe money ~ book, _ of .the warynellville for school ~ will ~ult !~ pa.rish and Itbree stnles. 81fts of the Corc1ug 8jpeol6il additicr.swl J.ooa:l taXe· . cUooeee. Ohuroh of the Ascension. Or. H. ~. vaua.n.ce, pres1de-nL of ~ IIltid Amerilca.n RoIHr,.g the AssocIa.t1on 9ued 1tlh15 w sr-nlng. Mllls <:n emp1oyeea. "It dIoes not lleelll plqllElr for a IBot.h 0Il'dJnaIt;10n ~ and dle


C.\'8.IDer 9Qhpol Ibtlll , as passed by ·the 200 visi.t1ng clergy and fl'iems. 8:00 A. M. 8en8Ite, out of i.tB opeJ'llit1r..g I·evenue.


Gazette Page 2 Ohio, No. 48'15 May 8. 1947




SUt.crtpt.on Rates: U .50 per Year in Advance


taint, 0hir8t Church, Dayton. and The 'Miami COl. JOhn O. W. LinSley, OIlief of 0hap1a.1ns, Air MIIIledel COmllWld. ·Thursday. W~tFJield.

Urges Passage Of D-C School. Bill

The Mleamle Gazette .8~ABL18HBD



EXPLANATION OF VERSE ·FIVE CHAPTER SEVElN· tlbe. theigohits of glory In t he world of TEEN. OF THE GOSPEL OF ST. JOHN It ~ll ~ ifJle ~~::eOf ifI~:OJeWs


Banta Implement CO

~ '::r' ': .:..... '" '= ~ ~~b "1:,:"!ul~ :::'':'':!.,!:'':;;'' ':;"":!:::: NYou~ JAL Dee ~n suppont remindLa.w~ W8¥Ilesv.il1e. Ea"lln S re of t1he Ohurdh Idf dlhe AdV'lEl[)ot. Cln- amd l\lJ's. Charles W8de and childTen



BIG M o.




~~he~W:: ~~~

or ~ wo~ ~ Jews, who ~ it fibbUlg tOO 8Bt , a crown of tlhoma ~ hJs saoren head. But ~ his a.acensoln Cihe bejewelled







G~ N .-


Get S.t anford Bogen Riarht where ' the OneTwo·Three meets the C. C. C., Morro;w. Ohio

crowna of al!llthe kir. G's were humbled and tbowe!cl! before ithe crown cit.



'D ebold tAbe grory tbaJt ~ WOl'd o f OW aIbtAWledi even In, thl$ worJk:lJI .,." F1rom "Some Anewered Questions" ·W.r1ltten by 'Abdul'-iBaha.. . SUbm1tttA!lCJi Iby Helen McOoy,

~Seoretuy, . ,HIt. 2, Waynesvtlle, OhIo Make your dreams about a new Ihome become 8. I Mr. ell'dl Mrs. 'F\"a.nk Hook . of ()Qme in aTln t&lk It. fly er wltlih us. WHmih.¢tor., spent Fr.lda.y wltQ, Ibh,e ~ al'e preQl8ti"ed Il.:> ma~ loans to iOlUl'rel"s brttiler, !"red' Hook,' ~o new ' ~ owners I\.nd wUl be glad Ihas been on ~ sick list burt Is 1mto atWiae you qc t he nflCes~"y fin ·· ,p!roV,Jng 9lt 'lNs tlIme . . atlcIaJ. 8I"rangeme~ts Ithart will enlllble Mirs. J. B. 'O mIbbe ds .Sitij.l very ill you -to tmIOOe your dream'J oorne true. at her home. .

HORSES $5.00


,WaynesVi . ·11e' N .at'lona I Bank HowR.fd 'WAYN,ESVILLE. OHIO Telephone 2251 . ..

Vemon iM8J.J,rire I8Jl'Vd1 family 8/Tld Tindall' lNld: ! 'Were gue~ of Mr . amd Mrs . Ohe.rlee MeU"lce, Sundny .


NoiulIS BRoCK COMPANY . Ur.Jon 8tooIt YII'CIB Live Wire and Progxeestve. All ' orga.n.tMtton ~1lOnd .to DOlle. striotly sellers on the \ 'beet all around muket · i~ ·tIle OOUJltry. Serv Ie e Thai t Sa tl~tte. Da.ytoIll 12:30 E. S. ·T., Dial 1300 WiLW C1nclm!.att 12:40 Dial 7100 for OUr Dally Market :Repollt.


~'COWS $3~OO


'X E N I A . ,IFertilizer 4 54 .



Reverae' Ch~gea ·


'. ",


G.•.Inc; .

Xenia 1

o. .


of rtlhei.l· 1J)8Sbor. DoIIlI of " AalklI · 0 Falbher glOlify Thou ' ~. ' dng·1mJn of rthe1m' part ,i n ttare church Sevenal £rom ihlea-e aJttendW the ew ex at b., ph one 1IlQW, , and became Ith.e captive lot the "'r bale " " . LEBANON OHIO me with . 'Inine ow.n ~. with the ~ and! \gDlorarvt, IaItld .aJt last a.s~: IB I9hop Hob!;()!l' In taJlk siV1lln by Robe11t MbnIIe, tms . _ , . glooy '\\1l1d1c I !had twillh Thee before W8& 0l'UCIIf1E!d). That Is wbw .he ad- Ibhe ceremonies ';"ere the Rev. the wotlld WlaS." . dressed Goo saying: "Free .me !1I'o m tR.'edelic B. Mi~n, d!ocJe8RIr. '1"1llere 'are two kinds of 1Pl' : ~e bonda of Ifrle wo11.ld of Itlhle body, m18~oma\'Y. who :presented ~. Ke¥S ne de essential. and Is not ,pnect!<l«ii an ltoo:l'8Ite ' ~ frmm 'thia e&ge, so fOr <mldnaltlon; rbhe Rev. S. Hugohes, by a C81l1Se. tbut itS existence is in that I JJ\f\¥ llscenldl 'to Cihe heights GaJrtVtn, rector, Chnl'cb of . the i lillelf. As ,for eXl8mple, !the au hal! of honour a.nd glory, a.nd 8/btaLn unto Al'CelD.8lon, 'M1ddlotowr. : Rev. PhJI Ilgbt tin itself, If.or its Shinilng 15 oot the d'ormer ~ul' 8II1d might Ponter and Rev. Ralph Pa.flks, aeslsdependerVt QUi the ught or obher which existed! before ' ;the tbcI.lJ.y ...fILIZ... .IOVID QUALIfY 61bal'S; Ithls "Is called an essel1ltlal wortm Ibluvt I may re,JoloE! 1tlI (ihe. , . '01 ALL SPIING CIO. . l1gIbt; but <the U&ht lOt the moon is etemnlill wonld and ma.y ascend to receJ.ved Ifl'Om Ithe sun. for bhe moon 1t4le 0Il1IrtnaJ abode, the ple.celess 'or more thaD 20 yean .ucce.lul ,.... . . ba~ depended OD BIG III Perti. is idq)er4mt on tthe SU? for its 'WOI'Ild, /the tnWsibie kln8'dlarn." Iben 'for lDUlmuaa ~eId of *Pl11gb!;; ltlbe~efOre dille sun, with <1'i!,It Is thus 1t.bM IYOU,see ~n in. the T ~ Ito 118bt. :\II !the Quae, and tlle kingdom Of ItaUs world. iIlbat is to ...y 'rb8y bow BIG II brad moon. tlecomes rtlbe efteot. ·'Ihe tor- in Ule l"$ikni Or 80UIa and ~.I'ltl"tes, II a1~ IDUNIIICtUNIt ." tD bicI*t mer .. the 1IIillCoIIem. tIJhe p~ Ithialt b gIort and tlh.e of Itand8rdI ••• , ............ price. , . tlbe antecedIent;. 'tlhe IeJtter is Ohrist appeared, m tth1s after ....:;._ _ _ _::~""''''•• ,''~''Oll. the preoedied >Ulkt the J.aaI;. bb 'WtIen in Clh.e WOI'ld



ACCOUNTING and TAX SERVICE Dilatu sh Buildi ng - Broad way - Leban on, Ohio TELE PHON E 511


AT THE "Frien dly Store"

O-M E FU ,RN ISH INr GS I "Hard-To-G~ltems-~ 9 s 12 WOOL RUGS 9 s 12 FELT BASE RUGS





LAMPS (Floo r and T."le ) STUDIO COUCHES (Fully Sprin8 Filled ) LIVING ROOM SUIT Es '



in the Ohio Farmers will give you broad protection agaiolt 10lles on Y,O)lt far~.' ,,~ covers yO,4r buildiqg s, your <:ballels, your automob ile' and yOW' liability for accidents to otherl. Why Dot see us today ~ You nQUI YO~'re safe , wben you're insured in the Ohio Farmer; '

~ ..8

Karl D. Dakin InsUrance Ageocy Phone 153, 20 E. Mulbe rry, LEBANON,




COMPANY . CO~ . ~~~; ()it6


"Com plete , Home Furni ahen"

,H OM E FU RN IT UR E Pho ne CO XEN IA ' ~12R ' , . OHI O

"East Main Street : at White man"



We Must Vacate Our Present Quarters As They Have Been Purchased By Roger's &Simpson Tractor Sales ,

Dinette Sets

BASE ROCKERS , 29 $26. and $40.34



$58.92 $62.50 $69.75

$3.24 $6.75




with 01TOMAN




~ ,


$1.50 $3.15

SnJDENT DESK with CHAIR $21.90



SOF A BEDS '78.80



WALL RACKS $2.61 " SE,W ING CABI,NETS $3.4'1 P~:RCHr.1IENT LAMP SHADES 35c each D()ORMATS 99c and $1.75 S'fAIR TREADS 28c each ' MAGAZINE RACKS $4.11 and $5.11


J .

Chest Of Drawers Walnut



. $1.58



Utilit, C.••de

S4.28 S7.95 $8.05 S8.28

18.40 S8.85




':58.89 7.89 :510.22

95c and $1.00




$7.01 '

BED SPRIN,GS' $1'3 ,30


Wood,& Metal BHa $9.95' ,.



S15.00 $8.94 $10.50


$135.80 $156.95 :168.95



Living Room







$134.43 '13'5.00


$5,,,1 -


Bed Room Suites,





$39.50 -

· $23·,1~ ',

••39 $9.98 $10.75 $16.45


Absorbi ,Refriprator Odors $2.85

.Waynesville furniture·&Appliance Co.

Gibbons Building- North Street - Phone 2422, Way~esville, O.

AII-Star SoftbaU Team Spoosoreel

Page 8, The Miami Gazette :presi~t of !the

Waynes'iil1~ Ohio, No. 4815 Thursday.

1947 eveoine·



Sprlngbol'o PTA at t4leJz' 1"8g.Ulu meeting ThurHda.y

Rev· JIobn DaonfOl'd, DIBtrIot Superl'1IlAlednllDt and' ftev • .Toeepht M6'el'!I of DaI,Ytooi held the FouI1th QWU'lterly OODlel'CllCe at L)'Ible Ohurch, Wed-

r...eeda¥ eVlen1n8.

M1r. IUl4 M:'s. Glenn Brock 8IId ob1IdmL Miss BebtJyl ·Jarre. Jim and BUI. of k'.dl&napolls. Ind .. were Sundaoy alitJerl'lOOD callers BIt t1he homes or Mrs Alice Brook and Mrs. Mary MarltbaU and Mr. anxi Mlrs. Wladlter Kenrtck. Mr. aM Mrs. Charles Morgan and SObS of ~n and Mr. ar..d Mrs. Wa.ylle ~ ()! Bellbrook spent SUIlday With tbelr ~ret1lts. MI'. and Mu. DlruW:Ii Ba.1nl of 1Jhe ~bharb Rood. . f&'. and Mrs. Loren lRout2alhn. anti 'd a.u3hter. Linda, of Franklin and Mr. 8IIl Mrs. MlorrIs Whllllton of MWili Shoree were SUnd'a& evenling d1r.ner gue ts of Mr. IlIIld Mrs. Olyde

Mr. and: 1Mtlt. Ralph Hammond vtsUOO' Mr. and Mftf. Rebert Meyer IWld daUlhter in ~. Seitllrda.y· Mi&ses Ma.1'".;Jr1e RosH and Betty WUtal ~ ~ ~ Day pro~a.m at Sprtn8bo!'o High School, ~. M!r8. EYIeI'eIIt EaJ1y spent Friday with Iller . ~r. M'r6- J . W. Huston WIw1tm. Il't, Yellow Springs. fMs. Huston IE -lowlY recovenltl8 from a recent UIr.ess. ~ , . • Th~ Womans 80cietY or l(yItJe Ohuroh. aoheduled to meet db1s week Mrs. 0l1~ OUrl Of OOlumbus &1'alt Itihe home of Mm. RaIlph Barger. !'dved ~ 1P be a. pemtanent haa been 'JlOI!tponed unttl next Wed.- member of tile HOO1Ie ~amlly. nesda,y Il1foter noon. May 14. Mr8. BleollY HauemreID ann Mr. 8Ild M)'s- E. B. IA>nncre spent, MIBs MaIr'jIoI1e HBuen!,bekl SUn"'" aJlterOoon - 0 ....... _ _ .. ...... of ctnIC1JmaItj called m Mrs. Haueil-'\J w ..... ~. wuu ....... 8. stem'8 mother Mrs 0ieI0I'gla4ina R&y Brandenburg aIt Mt<ll'llilld Olty. lwas on W~y ~. Mrs. Wilbur Foulks atten:ded Dr\ mrtlmIII Hollowwy. Mm. Evaiyc Eastern atam- lnapectton at Pratlklln, Pebersoc aIldI Mi S OUve WiWams F~ eVening. 'Mft bIItel!I~8 to Itbe QaJI'deD Club 'Mr. and 1Mrs. W1U Roes and at We 'H ome OIl W~y even~' ca.Ued 00 Mr. -.:let Ma-s. mg. 1'IiotUft!8 iOf !!lowers taIke.n!by :0,. Perry ~ and Mr. a.nd MrR. Aaon VwtGr RIes Of Ohio 8taIte UnAvel'1llty ~s at Sprlngt)oro. SdurdaJy even- on a tr.\p ttbrougfb the ~h'west lng. ' /Were very mwh enjoyed. 'Mr. and' .M'!'s. Morris Whar,ton of ~. AmaIoda. ~um spent SWl~ ,BIt ltihie home of her SOP~ Mr. M1amll Shores, Da)'ltoo. were SUn- A. H. 8Wbbe and family. day alfteJ'lllOOn, o.allers of .M·r . 8Ill(1 Mrs. MartY IR8h Rhein of SprtngMrs. Wailter Ke~rfck. tdeld wae iIIhe guest OIl her 8i\Ullt. MI88 Mr. a.nd Mrs. Harvey Burnet aJt- Margaret ~ on. Thursday, tended Quall1ter.l:v f4ee!l1ng a.t Clhe Friends Ohurob BIt W~~, SWl- FISH AND GAME

:J, cl 'JJ, rten . ome


Mr and'Mr




Ralph EdenfJeld; SottbaU inanager tor the W~ AbhJet1c As8ociatlon

II!lIlOI1Me8 the fClll'lD4ntr of a.n IndepeiDder!t AliI-star ifleam, SPOnsored by Ule Recreet.lon tRellllaurant and IDanued by ' Pharfs Davls. ThiB

tiEam Iwi11 ~eet tndependent reams on t.he Pnday IWld. Sun&y nlSbt scbedules. On FrJday nis'ht, May 9 at 8:00 o'clock tbJety w1U lliaw Red LioLl. Sunday ntllht. ~ 11. 8 o'cloc\tl American LegIon from Leb8inOn. A traveling ·taam from W1ash1ngton, :wtJI iPlaly here Sunt1ay even1r.g. May 18. 8 o'clock. ' . .daughter. Mildred of WaynesvWe Rural .mute and Mlr. Oldet1ham of 'Lebanon epent last. 'MlIdnesday with f~ a.nh relattves lilt W1Illams bua1r, otoo. Mr. a.tU 1Mrs. Gootee Stues and BOn of ~lbrook CJLUed on M John &:Jobt and tiiw81Ur, Sunda I!'. aAer . nooIlI. Y -

iIIIr. and Mt'B. En'Ie8t Martin of ~ a..DeIt on the Book family.

S~· ~ . Mr. Del~ Alford of Mt. Hollyo was a cUnner gueSt of 'tile ~ MaIn0U8 ~, ~ MIr. 80kl Mrs. ~ ~ ~e atotemoon ...-n. Mrs. Jeao i,\·lere.ndler andl eon 0hIa.rle\YI DeJpbos ~t last week Wtih bier ~ Mlr. andl MIm. R. B. Peter.. Mr. A3exander a.nd I!OIl BctiltY jo1Ded tIbem 8uIlda.y. . !O'. ~ 1Mb. W)Imm Bull'r of


were weet-Ebd ~ elf 1be IJ)IIP"enta. Mr. aIld. Mk'6. R. B. ~. Mrs. BID.- w1l! ~ ·f or a l.on8er vlett .tb1s 'Week. Mia9 MIaa1y MB.f'8WIBt Ha.ntsock of




Cultivators for John Deere A .a nd B tract.o rs. John Deere 10 inch Hammer Mill. Pick-up attachment for John Deere 12A Combine. Letz Roughage Mills and Silo Finers. Letz Feed Grinders. Fords Airline Milkers. Templeton Hydraulic Loader and Scoop for Farmall Hand M. Lantz and Louden Hay Forks. Hay (Rope. Enarco Motor Oils. Detergept and Regular. In Bulk or Cans. Sacco ,Stock Mineral. . USED Letz No. 230 Roughage Mill and Silo FilI'-er with pipe. John Deere two or three section Spike tooth Harrow. Fords Airliner Milker, like new. I. H. C. 8 inch Feed Grinder. We carry a complete stock of John De'ere and Letz repairs for all equipment. . . Our shop mechanics are trained to give you better . service. Call us for your needs.


New and Eaat She


Phone 555


1ft!Ji'Y IfleIlt ~ wtttl MIllis


~ .

. s_~~~~~~h~_~~~~~~. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _~~~~~,~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~!!ell were Sun'tt\\Y lrueSts kJf Game A890cleJtDan wilil bold aspoolal _ Mr. MIre. Earl MendenbaU a.nd laDes' n8.y meeting on Saturday. daU8lbter at Tlpp City. Msq '10 eIt W1KRo F'ann No. 55.


~ow, erA;re

P1r1ends here are sorry to ·lea rn

'Slanting taIt 2 :30 p .rn. serious lllnes6 of Mr. Ben Tbie ev'mbs of <the day 8Ilrl evenibg Jamee alb his hooIe In ~on. He wW Iindude adcia.l fealtures. a.rohleTy. bait bea'v confined .to his bed fM bait oastI:ng. !hol'ses'hoe p) and several weeks wlibh a. hea.I't aUment '. a Ib uUet upper 'aJ~ 6 :30 /p.rn. foillowMr. and Mrs. Henry Saylor ~ ente!1talrnment an'<:i' motion chtIX!ren spent SUnda.y with rela- IP . ,







Mr. and Mrs: Vlemon, Pursley and sens ~ere enltelltalned to dln~et' on Sundaw at Ibhe home of MI". and MI·s. . Elmo WIlson in il'..emnnro F'rlend:s !here an ar.x1ouH about MI·s. I.JeiOn SaI11!bury of Washington. O. H . who und~ent a ma.jor oper-


8It 'So ih()W~tAI.l

45 membel\s


ing How You (an Use Aii·OifThe' ·farm. . I ... TO PAINT YOUR 3 ... TO PROTECT BUILDINGS IT IN ONE ·DAY


: - - PowelAII. apraya palnl 700 ~~. .~ aquar. f"1 an houl. Palnl 'lela

PowerA!I. ~ compad and parI. able. Can be mounled on I.uck 01 I.Oclo •. Sp.ays Iree •.• hru bs, ond garden. without waalo. Ex· t.nalon mak •• It .a.y 10 reach hi9h .pal•.


In Ithe l8.baenee of tthe secl·etary. FramlCes WIhi~ker ItJook the roln -

m Columbus on u\l$

Sa~urda.y. Mrs. Sa!1sbury Ie tale diBJUgntel" 'Of Mre. Nettie Emrlck of th1s place. . iM1's. IR oy Winks was ,tendered' a su1lJlise BIt her home , FddB.y everIng. bonortng her Iblrthday anmvet'8Ill\l". 'J1haee pret!ent ,..ere Mr. and . Mrs.' '!N. E. Key8er Of ' ~. Mrs. LIlIa Lew'Ia or Troy, Mr. and M'rs. ~l1e G~ end XIl'. anti Mre. ~


Il'.he Wa}lnesvllle Sew-So 4-H Olub 'Called Ithe meet1ng to order April 26, 2:00 0Jt Ithe Gtnmge Hall. fIlhe roll was oailled aJnd 2'1 of the



ln. IIlhe rr.sw Ib~ we talked about where Ibhe giIils 'Would lllre to go tor 'tbeIre rour. AI8() about dietJl.OIl6t;rat1O.n8 wh1cih 'we a l'e .going to baNe more of tJUs year. '11le ~ WQJI postpmed WI 8alInJnlaw iM8yl 1'71 alb b Granite Ha!ll 8lt 2:00. TJ:te 11119t ~ girls brhr mat.etia1 fOr a 1teaItdwe1. 'I1he

$OOOOd )"eM' 1111' apJtaD.

stl118 'bring IIDIa.ter1al 'for .



M'J!. and MIra. B. B. ~, Mrs, J . B . .Jona lin. ~ Sa$Ior and


. Judy COnner


11110 all craclca. Exlenalon handle .,lImlna"a need for scaffolding. Sav.. a lIme, labor and paint No pr.vlous .'perlenceneeded.


Mln. Vel'llbn PUraIelY .~ the .lMrs. Ray MamoUs I1b8 !been vterY DMrtot OOnfel'elllDe 8lb Germantown sick b ~ week and under the kill



N:ra V8ImI1r



. .

'was elected , _ . .and Mrs. Eler.y Brodcs ·amrd . ,

Po .... rAII. ie Ideal lor apraylll9 OIIT, 8romanld• . and oth.r Uctuld

lru...:licid.. alld dllinlectont• . Call 1M! used all IIwHtock and on build. In9 In·I•• lora. U... mat.rlale wilh greal economy.

4 '... TO GET LONGER LIFE FROM , MACHINERy Po ....,A". spraya .nam.1 and olh.r pt04ec:iiv. coalln.,.. 'WiII ...--..;.", apply cI ...nln9 IOlulion In .Iron., j.t to harmful dirt and "OC=_17 grea.. Irom machln.ry. Inllal •• IIr ••.

J'ND . MANY OrHER FARM CHORES The undersigned will offer at public auction on SATURDAY, MAY 10, 1947 1:00 P.M. all of the HOUSEHOLD GOODS belonging to the estate of Maggie W. Burnet, deceased, at the Oddfellows Hall over the Waynesville Furniture Company, consisting of: ' 1 Estate Bottle Gas Range, 4-burner with .oven and bro,iler; 1. Sewing Machine; 1 Bed; 2 rrabes; 2 Cane Seated Rockers; 1 Wooden Rocker; 1 ~erosene Heater; 1 Sewing Table; A lot of Dishes; 1 Ironmg Board; 1 Stet! Ladder; 1 Old Trunk; 1 Elec.tric Carpet Sweeper; 1 Dar Bed; 1 Hall Tree; 1 Set of Kitchen Chairs; 1 Clock; Various Small Articles. Term.s : CASH


Ross H. Hartsock Executo'r of the whl of Maggie W. Burnet, Deceased

W!LBUR N. SEARS'~ Auctioneer; P. L. REASON, Clerk

In, 10•. MAY 12, 1:30 p••• at the Store

Da t e_0 f D. '_m Jl,r,lli 0.. EVE RYON E WE LCOME PowerAire is a compact . portable air 1001 design1especlally for the farm. It connects directly 10

your gasoline Iraclor. Iruck or car engine. Requires no special fillings or ~nglne alterations . .Con be ready for use in a few minules. Tile Iractor or cur can be moved under its ·own power while PowerAire is connecled. Does not harm the engine in any way. Come and see PowerAir e in action . Try it yours~lf . No obli9ation. Thousands now in use.



declaa'ed by this ortlina41.ce to be wWlliwful. shll11 upon oonviction therof be fined in 8.ny ('UIn, r..ot. In exce86 of . Twtmty -l'lve Dollars ($25.00) and 1hre (~t Of ipl106eOl1tlon, for a. !irst offense'; andi <for a second a.n:d sublsequeI1lt offense shall be


• • ClASSII'.IED AD BATES •• warda or Ieee. ooe tIme. ...... 2Io IlIcb addlUmal WW'd •••••••••••• 10





in ' any sum r..ot in excess of tJhe cost InS.pectl"On IOIffinedprosecution not to exceed Nine Calendar Section m.. and Nin~ 0Bnt6 'I1b1s ord4nanre ~P'or1ty Dollll/l'8 '($4!O,OO) and Do1!lwrs

TwenW-f1rst D:IstrIot of Ohio th


For 'Reflnanc1n, _ Rebu11d1ns _ Bay1nf, 4% Parm loana with long UDle to pay. Pay part or all any


LEBANON NAT'L FARM LOAN' ASS'N·, ElUs H. Sturm. 8edyTreu.. Lebanon, Ohio. Phone 448


e ~~bJe EluItem Stu Impec194'7 1N8PEcnONS BY WOR'ftIY GRAND MATRON LUCILLE MILNER ' ~ 28-loy'eJ No. 144. BabIr.a JW1e 11- Ola'y No. ~1, :Blandl.eeter INSPECTION BY DEPUTY GRAND MATRON BERNICE JOHNSON

-R--I-E---F--S-I---ea .tate or a _ = : ~N:~~,N~~

($9.90). is

it could happen - especially in a building oonstructed more thar. a hal! oentury 8.SIO before a majoriLy of It.he salfety and samto.ry 't~ Ionoorpor8lted in modern buildings were known _ a.nd ,i t's ibebter to face f8(lts <bhar.. d1 s 8st;e1". Few .homes, even dluring present hiOll51nS' Blhartages I84'lJd) doobl\ng up p:r'Ode6s ovea- the oounlt,rtv, are confronlted the c rowded oond.1trons t.haIt eXist dn our ~ school

The Miami Gazette, Page 4 Thursday May 8. H)47 Waynesviil Ohio, No. 4315 .

Wlhen we improve, <tJhe salel{y, heaLtJh" and' edilm&ItlonaJ fa.clllttes of ~ owr otilld.reo we stJren SlllbIe!r. the tound81tion of -the oommWlity.

fMre. Thomall RUJWOI1 w:ho ~- • ly ~ 81 major ~ at Mo01ellalo ~, Xenia. has returr..ed itlo her borne at Mt. Holly. Mn;. W. A. 09Jl1aIhan a.nld ohilldoreo. PaIb11ck and Sharon haVe retumJed to tIbedr h~ in Mt. W88hiqt0n. 0i2dn!naItl, Ohlo IB4Iter tlavir..g epeIlt several OO:Y8 iWlot1h her iJ)8I'entll, Mr , a.ndI Mrs. 'I1lom8e~. Uncle B6rt Sheptlerd ·whCl Is on the Bitk list had ~ rwmber off callers

by decl8lred to be 8In emergency buikM:r.g. DlIOOS\U'e r..eoossa.ry for the preservaot1on Of tlhe', pee.oe and B8ifelty Altlh~ t.he ohildren 810 to the of said Village and &ha.l!l1becOme 1nca.feter1a. in 8ilUif1.6,. Itlhere Is st.lll not !uJl force wnd effect lnuned1art.ely room tor all to eat iIlhere aald BOm.S 'W»On & ipOSBage. must cury rtlhe1r IPlaltes b6c,k bel their ~ May 5 Ul147. desks. ~yor, Warren Bradock ,AI!l but two of the grades have Attest: ,Ohfljl'le8 James, Olerk otVerfa~ e oonWtlon Iwhioh requires thaIt some of rtlhe s tud1ent:6 ~, must be placed in lanobher room - - - - - - - - - - - -

TWIN Theatre

Turner _Points

with pupils in another grade. IP YOU HAVE A 'P ROPJmTY OR MB.Y 21- No. 300. I.(y!nchburg One Of Ithe ~s 'Wfher. asked PARM TO SELL cau or Write ~ :as- l.e1gtlIton ~1, Bps. ~to have been requ1r.ed ir.. how mall&' ;pupils were in her room Don Henderson, Tel. KE3446, 617 Jtme 6- No. 173, ~ order lOr ,the bu1ldmg to meet min ' ~ed, "On.l(v 44 a'lOW." Then by MAY lM7 Lol"8in Ave.. Dayton, Ohio. ttc JUDIe 9- No, 441, H1llltJoro lum sa:fety requireanmlft6. wa.y of explain8Jt1on, eddett "There At the present Itmle tIDe school were 48 ea.rJler in the year." 9 10 l'QR SALE 100 ACRE FARIM. Notice of Appointment board and a cotll2Jlittee from Ibhe Andl8lOOt.her t1lling, how 'would! you lit's IWy In Tru-Oolorl rudin' high 6 Il'OOm house, barn 4Ox60, Double Nob1.oe 1s !hereby lriveIll thaIt Adria Mother's Club ~", e working taw8lrd lUae to hlWe 44 chUdTer.. ,~der toot, 'ne&Vh_ a. we!!ltea'n sky as the ac~on cribs, hqr bouse, garage. hen Bmddook vimse Post Office eddre6s Ibhe possibWty Of Ip resenting 8 bOnd motalea', a. ra.i1llY or cold day When . gets Wild. !house, m1lk blouse, electricity, well, is W~le, OlW ball been duly issue foe ap])TOV!a.l at ¢he 'IleXit elect- the wealbher is too ,b ed for them to "APACHE ROSE" c1111tern. spring. Shown ,by appoint- appoln1ed eB Executrix of the DPl&te ~ . If paa.sedJ thds 1s!JUe would re ult Pl86' outstie flit noon or redess ? (TRlUCOLOR) ment. Closed S\ WILBUR of H. A. Oornelil late of W&.TreD in the construO~OOl or a. new grade ThOJt:s the, story at Ibhe Ol~ Butld- ROY ROGEms, DALE EVlANS with N. SEARS, WeQnesv1lle. Ohio. Oounty, Ohio, deoee8et1. school building. . Ing. There II not 8J)8.Ce for an OIud- OLIN HOWILlN TRIGOm M.d • DaIbed this 21st day IOIf ApriL 1947. iIAlst Fricta.Y n1gbt aJt 't he Old it.orium or pl~ room. Sons of iIJhE. PIO~ers. FOR SALE - NEW 6 - ROO M Ralph lL Qa.rey, Bull:dlng ttbe Mobher's Olub held an If tihJe SOh<liOl board /roeS ahead Added : Oomedy and Anbnal Short. modem bouse in wo.ynesville. Jud8e of ibhe PI!Oba.te Court open meebing Ito Villhich every10ne waR wtbh !pl'eSea'lIt pla.ns. and it .seems Popeye CMtoon. . Shown by a.ppoirltment. Olosed Stanl ~~,~!!,,,, Ohio. -58 inlVltJOO. Ar.. l!nI!;pootlon of Ibhe build , oor:ta.In Ithey will, a. big j<lb lies alheeld'. • SUndays. Wl'LBUR. N . SEARS, ey ............1'uvJ... inog preceded' .t he meetlng. The Mlather's Club has ltaken upon U 12 W~nesvWe, Ohio. . The !Place hasn.'t cihanged much itsell to .help acqua1n~ iI41e people 'Ihl6e tlwo zar..y gentlemen {rom ORDINANCE NO~ 194 since we were In school rthet'e IIOOre of rtl).e !lIOhool distrdot wtbh Ithe need Milwaukee all'e back again unloedFOR SALE-IAN ORDlNANOE TO DEOLARE ltihaln 20 ~ 1Il,g'(). AnObhel' fire es- for a 'I'1eW building. We can aU hIelp ing a new carloed! of ~ulths in tlhJs POR SALE _ Mlxa:l bay. II. E. PUNOHiBOAlIDS. SLOT MAOH- cape has been adK1ed just ,inJ case. A by ~g OUN1elve6 tJlkn big DlIl15iC8l1 bit. Broob. ~-BelJbrook INES, PJlNBALL MAOHiIiNilS. ~ .. f~ of the cracks ir.. Ibhe sides BII'ld thoroug.lUy wWh Itlbe rex\st1ng' 00Il- ~'TH~ TIME. THE PLACE ftlad. 2 milea tram waynesyWe. O~G DEVICEB IAIND MAK- wa.1ls have widlened and some new ddt1ocs' , AND THE GIRL" ~8 liNG USE OF SAME UNlIJAWFUiL. 0IIleII baNe a.ppean~~ A 'f.ull perUtion None of us WklIU:ld be willing to 110 (IN TEOHNICOlOR) . FOR SALE- SIX 21xt'50 TIREJ3. Wl'I'Hl!NI 'I1HiE CORPORATE now divides Itlhe count wbere back Ito <the horse and buggy. the mlNNISMORQAN,.rACKCARSON tubes 8IId wbeIels for Model A LtMl'I13 01" THE V1iLJ..AGE OF Waynesville's ,fIrst baSketbaIll teems open crackel' tba.n'el. or Itlhe ~e wibh JANIS PAIGE, MARTHA iFord •• .A-I cxdtton. Pl¥me 2949. WlA YNESVILL'E , WARREN played add two deek-packed rooms e~?why not ret1t1e tbis eUc of VICKERS. 8 . Z. SAKAU. and AlLAN ~Wc <X>UNTY,Omo. flU bhe~. . HALE. Al!ded': La.te8~ News ----~------ SeoUon 1: 'I1la.t it s.hall be unlalWful lA>ng ago. evel,) while we were FOR SALE - Two Screen Doors. b' SlIllV rpJeroon or persDnII. finn st1l1 defec1ng the desks, 't he E;tage • 15 Phone 2131 E W81Wns. ~-8 or corporwt.ior. t o have in his, their was removed Ito make !JlOIre room· 80fferenl 'I'r1 KEINBB'S JUNOLI See bow crime me.'kes tor a perfect or 1te possesbl, or itlo ~bbb to any There 18 U) &pIUle for an a.udttmium. 000if0rttDe relief from pal!IaJ Of oomedy. R's mUTder by mll"tJh. REAL ESTATE person or ipett'8Oll with t4le mrent More ILban 65IJ)e>!'8Ol'l6 Iltrentded tJhe ~u.m. arthritJa. neurttta, "CROSS MY HEART" JP YOU HAVE ANY PROPERTY a.ndI pu!1pQge of invUing or permJit- meetlng. The 00UII'lt,y supertntiendent, oago. m1IlE BOOKLET. AlIt for stamng BETTY HUTON aruJ SONto aell call iI'rulc1a Gene BrDWD, tting suob perSlOO or lpel'SOll6 to our ,0W!1I schooJ 8upeJ"iDtendent. Re1ner'8 RInol, Wby MJtfer l0Dlel'1 NY TUFTS. \Also: "ColleS'e Queen" Real lIstate Salesman, for H. D. operate or use tile same. ar...y pundl- members of the sohbol Ibooro, and Waynesville Drug store. ttc Short. Pennington. WilmJIl8't.on, Ohio. bOSIrd, slot ana.¢llne, piniba.ll mach- ma.ny . of 1.b e lbeachers ~ke . A Palm Loans ' 4$. Telephone me. or deviCe of ~ kind whattso- general discussion followed. wayneavIDe 2935. ever of slmllwr nBJt~e a.Ilid' easily Everyone seemeidl tto be IOIf 'the same TELEPHONES sd~le tJo g ambling, and' suell opinion We.Y1l1e sviUe needs a WAYNESVIf..LE 2091 Household ~oods For Sale- de'Vloes are b el'eby declared be I'~W ,gTsde school b uUdmg. l\fORROW No. S ::--_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ga,mbUng devices and' ,n~8 and 'We learfled rtlhoJt precauUonary LEBANON Office .13K FOR SALE - MAR B L E - TOP may be seized and 'disposed of a6 15 meallUl'eS In tIlbe form tilt regula'!' RES. 129L SAND and GRAVEL Dresser; WOod ,bed complet;e with provided by la.w In suoh cases. fU'e drills are be-tnlg ltaken to 0100.1' ~"lngs rund trUlillLl'ess ; small kit- Sedl:lon n . ~ person, persons. the buUcMng quickly m case- of fire. BLACK-TOP DRIVES dhen table and cha.1rs. Mrs. Walter firm o r co'lPiO'ration dOing 8nYlbhing We were ,told thaI!; Il1t ibhe him dri ll TAR and ROAD OIL Whitaker. 58 evea-:yone was ou l~ in 55 soool)d s. A \ remarkable feat. LAWN and FILL DIRT , 't " FOR SALE- FLORENCE HEATAUCTIONEERING But eve~ dulin,g drILls tJrere were READY-MIX CONCRETE in A' stove; t,wo bedroom 'lutes STANLEY and KOOGLER ,t wo 'Cases a-eporo!d !of ohildren getEXCAVATING and DUMP TRUCK SERVICE including springs anxi maibtl-c:;ses. , BROKEKS LICENR tlng excJ'~ and jumping out of or..e l.11merspring and boxsprin!l". r or Dates, Pbone %894, Waynesville, windows. This IR not ~ven a. ~mpi " ltUlJ)e A.I.l.f1Olrd, M t,. Holly, on Rou e Ohio .. Reverse 0banrM Of Whllit ' 'c ould be expielctetL In ca5e 42. -52~ f a.n oo1i'l1la1 C1onflaln'nltion whe n r-ever. 8 g.rea;t many alduLts seem to momoolta11l ~ lose possession of tth!eir





Armitage &Son


a~d do stl1lll1ge thIngs whl h of.j1e'n lead If:o f,SJtaJl resul.ts. R's not a ploaOOJDlt ,t hou ght, but







~cC!Ilure Jlfuneral ~ome Dia12111

Waynesville, Ohio

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ i

9-12 each morning 1-5 afternc)ons except Wedne8~lay


FO R Any make or model Fred Kahn Motor Car Co~ PHONE SI8



7-9 Saturday evening Oth~r evenings ~y Appointment T~PHONE 62-8

Dr. c. .E.Eye Wilkin SpeclaUat


26 South I)etroit Street ~OBIO

" Drink lots of miik ••• it's economical! " . "Milk," says Elsie, "provides h~rd-to-get minerals and vitamins, complete proteins, and valuable energy elements. Considering whot you get, milk is always on ; economical food I And of course, Borden's is a1ways as good as milk can bel"


TYPE T.ALKS ~ .. by. John S. Turner

get, reaidlY to write nla.s~ oolunm, 8OOleti111ng nice com.~8 up and 'k nocks ,the idee. l.r. the I

Just. when I

eo nl6J

~. 'l1l:1Js Itlme it's tlh;e athlletl1c ~uet soheduletl at the High Sdl100l IbU1Jd1ng tanlistlt. Unque t1orIably. one of Ule ~5t recwdJs oom~ed by Itbe tUgh r;dl.ool he:re. athlet1lcaJly th&t is. has been

T-lle Mla'mi GAZETTE '





SUNDAY EVENING. Ml( ~ 18 . • 8:'()O o'clock

Organ, Virginia Hardin Piano, Donald Gahris duiil.ns tM preeeIIlIt y;ear. '. Some of .you. UlIBIY halVe!a'ler , Processional Pom'p and Circumsta:pce ~. ~ I W8.6, alIld &an. "Tbe Lord Is In His Ho-Iy Temple" Choir CIVIC CLUB .TO HEAlt rs!lhIer proud of a few athletllo Devotions, R~y. R. B.,. Co)eman ~ of a.notlle;'~. but it Is upon egloD OW. ' ,JUDGE HOWE~ SPE.AK "Hear Our 'Prayer 0 Lord" ~t1~ J'OOOIl1a6 tJhaIt II b6se tih1s " Choir i st.e.temeflIt ' J: . 'I'tbe Oivic Club meeting wh:llch is {. Scriptures, Rev. R. B. Coleman In a sciOoI this ~li our maJor rlU-ctY 8c:hedu1ed to be beld..~ ,even-. Blose' sport Is UaBkeItball. Tba.t is 8.11 \ t ' mg. !May 19 at Ule Smith ,:a.e-taurant ~'Lond's Prayer" 2houJi1 " be. pJnmww;, $tbe.r than 'I1he ~ IIbowq of the Amert- <I4DiDg room <w1l1 be . hoxa-ed 'by ,"Qheribum Song" Bortniansky a. lack of material. prd14b1.t proper ~ Le81knt ' /byro aot ~. "'South (having J1JIlge Pl'ederdCk ~ell 0:( . Sermon, Rev. A. Ward Applegate eQuipment (or a '.footllall teem. The of W&.yiIle6Ville," w1ll !be at the Oekwood. Ohio GIl .t t* spea.kE.T for "Upon'. A Bed Of Roses" Wihtol ' Ohoir . olqs1ng Itbne of ,the 1lChoolaSt1c ~ Morrow High Sobool; MoJroW. Ws /tOO e~. . ~ baseball 'Ilo oa mdnor ~t . .F'ldId8(yI ~ !May 16. ~rtmn 'J1Ile Judge 'Will spe6k on the liUb- "Song Of Fare,well" Kountz Choir 'l1r8ck's a good spc;ri but Uttle time 8 P: In. ject of 00mmun1&m. Benediction, ~ev. R. B. Coleman . ~ alppeel. Souto of Wa,ynaMIle appeared a t "God Be With You Til We Meet Agam" . ',\ . Phoh~ So 'be8k8bball 'h~d &;et a &0 8 the lrawn Hall ', Lebanocn. G. P. C. CLUB . 9hal'e of Ithe OOI'lIs:ldera.t1on. ~lell' lQ,.~ week wlrta1 great suc:Joe6S, being 'I1he Wa~ G. P . O. Olub ~ Processional · Pomp and Circumstance' . v.:Ir",~nia Harilin'" Ju'dI/Jing ~ 8tJ()CE5S of a s:ea,aon, . well received by r-~ 600 people. at ItJhe home of B1ll P'I8ahIlec:h an Donald Gahris< . Establisl)ed 1850- No. 4316 $1.50 'Per Year-5c a Copy WAYNESVlLLE_ OlIIO, Thursday, May 15 1947

L · ' Sh

Morrow F'.





~ ~ ol,fectl.oc. for the boske'tball team whJclll'epres&nted, W · H . S . tOt~ year ~n !be ,braced! pa.t1b1ally to rthe l~ of recognition it received in tbe daily \ pa.pers in ' sPite of am

rJlh:Is weeks- ~ow1ng at MarTOW will offer 'the opportunity of all who halve 1a.1led1 to see . ~ of Wa~ vllle.. to enjoy /tIhi8 spa.l'kling entertJa.1nmem. W1h1oh nOW ~cludes impres ve r eeam. Ypu l"e'I'l'ldllJb. severai ~ 8IlId damcing aots a.nd During I~ sensOIJl W~v1lle oomed\V. ItItdnlt lose a ~ me 1n class B 'compeblltilJln.. AndI d~ ,tJha;t tlhe .

se9SJI: ~~ ::r~;~at~: ,being ~el1 but ,fa.Ued .to devobe It.han

8lIllY' ~ obher om, ocoas:1Jlmal box eoore. . . 'mlen atter wJnning !the county &r.1d traveling to !the sectionru to\ll'll18.mert In ~n ItJhlel\" were oonsid "' ~der dogs m all the games h y 'enI~~. llii appear.ed W be ~rib-u.t1V!! justice ' " ~' .JtAir.i.m suooeeldted . in 11.nU~~· ~· ~~ lMont-~eq. .t.eal'JlJl · arl ' forced a n ovel1t1m"

~~ii_~~~~~~~,,~~~1 ~"

WHS Track Team W·IDS COUDtY Meel '



. W~le

Senior ~


~ h~reds ot :fa.ns w1ho ·1l1W I t du.nri'J{ <tQJ,e ~ '\\iU nl ."1'. . .... (onty ·O!be Wa}l'lle&v1.lIc toeam ~ Wept 1~:her in I~ rpament comI ~ ~t was t. 1936 qujr~e t; 'W~ .P1a.yed' 1m tl1e sl Qj' to l"" P y . TJre ¢t18m in 194-5 was al~ n 'fInal1st· in Jth.e _ tJ.on.ql' , " hi'fl9n 0 b&.<-kfll'OOll. 11' W'. ~ !1 '. till ' \\von Ithe oour~,v JeA',;rue 8 d


RECESSI0NAL Devotions. Jack Asbury Piano So.1d· . ~argret Sch~Aitman mass Poem N"aomi Earnbal]t Class Hi tory , Margret Schl!aitman Ann Weltz Class Prophesy Class Will Jean Wilson . . Solo . Ann Weltz Relinquishing of Senior }fey Jack Mulford Burning of Minutes Richaord W'hitaker Richard Bl'ad~ey , Farewell Dorot~y Conard ~ . "



~ar meeting 'Of tJ'le .

~ Township Scbcol Boo.~ on


Teem won !the Watrrer.

Cour.Jty. EM!nt held m Lebanon last SaLurdiW. by- , 'Virtue of .Irts 46 2/ 5 pofn(,"-over MBJ!c1m. Ibhe. cl~t oompebll on with at Score of 43 7 / 10. .•'f!Qe Junior tHigh T.<.a m ~Ol'ed 12 poln,1:Is MlIj, Ipl&oed fifl'h' in tho


Mon.dB(y ereI"-ing t~ r~ltOn 01 M rs. Ml!n.erva. Roo h IW'8S mceivro. effeo~ve a t ~ close of Ith1s sobool teInn. Mtt's. HOIum has taught in the .local sch<t.>l for rbhe 4J111St four years and had also taug-hlt In:t an ewrUc r


~, ~






~H~;:T .-.-

Alfl1ed OhoaJt. one month old son

won by Vic~" and Sheehan r ef:· of u_ tl ~ La. on llt !pelCIbively; Florar.lOO fou rJ'l ruru:l ~V4!1 ' an . wson 01 wal! Sheelhar. 'tUtti in t he high jump; found d ead in hi be11onFrtdB~ Vickers first. R10key second in tlhe morning of 'l ast week. 100 yartl dash; One mile. l'Un, Hal'!He is survied by his pa.rer.ts and sock. soocmd;' 880 YoIli\'d reJt\~· , fjrst a brother and!~. place Lor >ilhe 'team; 440 ya.rd clash. Funeral service. were condructed Flol'lmce, S1tCClIld. Olea Smitlh fou r - at tIlhe St ubbs Funeral Home 010 Satth; 880 yaml run, PoI\,.U. •thi :I ; 220 ua"da,y aJt 2 :00 p .m. a.nd burial was yard clash. Vlck-exa. 1jrll'L; mile rel'ay ~ade in MJamd cemetery. a.n d wor. by ,team· --




In I\Jbe Sedor ClaS loo.tlon. j<b'W~ a ~r.e8lt bMk:6tbadl team and se.oolll'd in the bt'oRd jump was


May 2, 1Wlt.b the p-ell'idbt, lJee O'Eamon preslld4r,c. 8ever6il edumtional reports were 8'1verJ fo~6d by Ilhe bus1lDe1!8 A!ttet· dle meeting Bdljourned N!r6- Plschb8cb . :oerved refreshmec't8. '!be ~~ninc was conc:ludaJ) wJtlh ge..mee.

PROCESSIONAL Invocatjon,. Rev. S. N. Keys Salutatory. "The Spirit"' of A<iventure" Mij,rgre.t SCUUl:Iou.JI a'",u_~ Valedict ory, "He Conquers Wpo c.0nquers Him elf" . Ann · W~ltz, Alumni Greetingl:j, Gilbert Frye Addre 'S, Rev. W. I: Und'erwovd M u ic, 1. "Carmen Ohio," 2. "Buckeye Field

'.t~md ~on.s:l; fl1n~ in' the. set'ltlonol . Ql~5 ftrOU SUSAN STEWART ;ot ~ at ilt> w::m ~ >!'Ity bal!(JooII N '0 TIC E I Mrs. SU!lIUl etewa.rt. age 6(), passed tL~ , ' ~t. ' !All ~nll interested in forming a.w8(Y at her !home at Oregonia, & 1;. . 'i1i~ .a. f itting climax IX> n ,::-ottl a. IOcaI o rchestra for u~ 1.r. future 1, at 9 :15 ,p .In. Tu'eSday. . 3\lh~~ '.~. a olea.n sweep was dalIlool! or 1lor otber sooiaJl functions She ~ ~ by two c:!augbters. mlaQ!) or- I" high sdhool 6POn~ iJ1 of 10081 orga.n.lzations. plea e oon- MrB. Gladys Lamb of ()regonja and · tbe \V~ ihty oo;plrured tile · tadt Richard OIlmpbell. Miss PIIwl1ne 'SOO'Mlrt aJt hom'e. Also ~ and,~ ftUld chamQ1qoship at a 'eorlI, RUey, at Mme. ~min <Siwru~ay. A card . W86 reoeived th1, week l"uneml eer-vtces IwJ.ll beoonkiucted Aild' It's !li~ ~n~ proper that tlliese ' from Oxford, ~ss. stating that~. a.t 3:00 ,p.m. <t.od86' at ~ Olltamb of · boys 9houJd bave a. b9Jnquet- The(y've WllI O. at. Jolin. iW86 enjoying a trip G<*I in Corwin. ~. .Will bE~ lllII;lkie IJrougb't a lot. ~ good reco~it.1on t() ILhroUglh '\lhe South. He saJd .:tile oc. FI'~ djernoon at It.edli~k ~ cnnmuhUy adld jt's ooly t1g'ht ~r there was 'nice aalldl ' warm. oetneitlery 'lltl8t Berea.. Ky. 'lJIlCler the LhAt'we Should Iborlor tiherl'l. dtrectton: ,of. Stubb6 Flu'l'lel'l\J Home·





, '). . Mr. and IM'rs. Walter 1Robert6 of ASBtJR,Y. IRALPH J . ~ Hazel Gruber 8IIld f8m1ly ~. Ind. '\IJlere ~r 8lUests of Rev. Ralph atmson, m1n1&tet'.of the BAOHERrr, NORMAN · ~ ~ Daly With IhIer motbeIr. Mr. atild :Mrs. W!aJter Hauser a.nd Ferry Ch~ of Cbrlst wa.6 making BOURNE. J4'IUlR.ED M.J'I). isel't Bun'nel. tmc! family or femily of l11ear Springboro. on Sat- calls lr.. WayneevUle Friday after- BRlADLEY. H. lblClHAruJ . , .• nklOn. OAMFIBELL. ROBERT L. . . OOl;iARJ). DOR<n'HY . 0REEaB IR.ALPH. E

Presented To Gazette Readers .



Pre entntion of Awards, D. W. Turnei' Pt,-esent ation of ,Diplomas, Keller Ho~ . I' Benediction, Rev. S. N. Keys






Dean Redfern Talks At Farmer:'s Club

The Miami Gazette BSTABLISHED 1850 Rates: $1.50 per Year tn Advance

National Advertising Representatives Ohio Weeklies, Inc., 2465 W. Broad Street, Columbus 4, Ohio




I I ' -.:rriend6


The Miami Gazette Page ' 2 W ay nesville., Ohio, No. 4316 Thursday. May 15 1947

Mr: and MI·s. Milton Sheehan of . oentervllie ami M r . 8IIld (Mil's. W8.l bel' lia;11j; of Spl'lmrfl e Jd a.t S t. Rwpha.el 's Kenrick of Lytle vjsited Mrs. Alice QhJurch in SpringHeld. &~d on Se.t M r: ~nd Mrs . .C. E. st.andf~lLh Clal'k and, Mr~. Mame a nd Ar.nle ut1day at,te nded a Della. Kappa entel tal11ed tile Wayne Town· hip Browl;} On S unday afternoon. Ga ' 1 ch n t WnSh1ngton C.

Publ1ahed Every Thursday by DAVISSON PRESS FLOYD L . DAVISSON. Editor IDtered as Second Olass MaLter at the Post Offlce ~ub6cr1ptl.on




~n memoriam W AtTER DAKIN

Farmer's Olub o~ TJlur~d~ of la "t week. TIle special t opic was given by Mr. L V. B rOl16trator who 'dewrl!bed a "ecent ,trip Ito OUiba. Guest of the d.ta~ was Mr. Redfern. Dean of Men at Wilmlng ' ton Oollege. who spoke On "C8Ipitai G1llin~ in Humar. Li¥.iIng." Guest.s were ~v. 841d Mrs. R.. B. Oolemon. Mr. 8llxi Mrs. Hartlley Moss. .Mr. !Redfern. M I·s. Eli Fumas am Anne. 8IIld MlJrs. Charles LeMay ar..<i' Sybil JIO. The June meeUng of rt.he OIub will be theld at the thorne of Mr. a.nd Mrs. Fred ~.

Mr. Wa.lter Dakin and FamIly METHODI~T CHURCH Once more death entered a home R. B. Coleman, MInIster and removed from tthe famlly circle SUNDAY SCHOOL 9 :SO A. M . a lovedl 8001 end br1otber. Ha.Try J. J. Bunlke. SUpt. EveretJt Daldn. WORSHIP SEKVIOE 10:30 A. M. He W'a8 the son of Mr. Walter aDd YOUTH FEl,tLOWSHIP. MiarJe Maud DaiIruI and! was born 'lblIrIday, 1:30 P. K. 8llkt ,1JWIIIIed tli$r WlayQeaft"1lle, o . TWO BIRTHDAY Born March 71b. 1907 and tUedJ M-.y ~ 1947 at the age of fonby EVENTS HONORED . MT. HOLLY' . He . bAd been a1fUcted with a A very ,pl.ea8aDt, blr,tbdIa.y surprise METHODIST CHURCH unae('n8 dllle88e for aevenIl yean. waa giVen to Mr. Don laiWlIOll. Bun'j'. II. Scarff, IIbaIater A ff!'ll dIllY' before tIieaItlh he . . day'< evening iWb«l a. 8nlUP of reIa· SUNDAY I!JCJHOOL ~:SO A.M.. ,taken wlth ~ ~ crept tives ptlbered. 8It lhis home. Another E. A. l!Jarnhart, SUpt. upon hJm 80 ~ it 'WU not b~ surprise wa.s given durhli WORSJDP SIIR'VlOE 10:30 A. M . reail1IIed at once tIot .. be rapidly the same event ior'Mlra· Pled Hoyle. IiM!IHIlO BlllRVJ:OE 7:30 P . K. grew a _eJc1an 'ft8 1IUIIl- slater of Mrs. IlDn La.w~. Both .• mooed and he W84 t'eIDOVSl Ito the Mrs. Hoylie aDd Mr. lAwaoo received BoIp1ta1 at 'Middletown. bUt lovely gUts alor..8 with Mrs. 'lbUan ST. MARY'S tibtIusb 8ill was doOle a.t lovi.n8 LaIw&clo 8Dd Mrs.. J. R. ~e who EPISCOPAL CHURCH ~ (.ooukI do tbe dPeue bad reoeivekJi several MotIler's Day BUts· N. xe,.. 1IIn.IIle. Dined the 1Jl8.IItery, and /the . .end ' 'l1wo lovely· dieoonIIted C8Ik.eIJ, 0Il6 otu'Cb Ba1:QI1 9:30 un. ~ QU.kliDly. a.nglie food lbOme-made Ice Ante 00ImIIldaIl 9:30 a.m. Wben in iJlealb Harry f t I of a _cream and borne-made sher.bert were ~ !HolY <::JomIJlUDbII 1ov1ng ~ and fUll or the t he retre6hmem., aer.vedI to Mr. atld and Sermon 11:00 a.m. SIJ11IIIhme or U1Je a.nd Uwd best of all Ylr8- Oharlee W~... dlauBbter and (0hepWn. Ool. Jobn O· W. LiDtlliey) to be in dole t.oIJoh 'With oa.ture in fik)n. M r. ar.d ~~ . Fred Hoyle. Ood'a Ireait outdoors. dtAlgIhter a.nId SOIl. of Spring Valley. UTICA U • B• CHURCH ~ auttered a _ . . ol<lss some Mr· . and. Mra. Tollan lAwaoo. BaIJb m.... &~ __ u SUNDAY 8OBOOL , ·.SO A. II Vwenty-llix,.... uo tn b death dauehter ~ lOri, Mr. and Mire. J . . • of a iJov1n&' mother. R- Wade and the ·h ost and ho8tess. lIN. James Garriaon. Supt. HIe 18 survived by . . father. Kr. IIIIld' Mos. Don LaiWlJOn of PREAOHINQ lat. BOd 3rd 8und&p W'alber Da.Idn. ODe IIlster. CleIda and Way.nesville. eecb DlOIlth 10:30 A. II. one bratiler. ~, who wtItb the ----_ ma.n,)' ~riends diMm to 'hUnself by Mr. and Mrs. Walter ROberts and FRIENDS hill sunny. tnen~ ways wW IDW1'Il .~ of Osgood: Ind. were weelteal PIRBl'DAY SOBOOL 9:30 A. II. hia 'bIs With deep l-ecret t.ha.t he sueete of Mr.1BZld1Mrs. ilBrM Tr'ee&lar .' "MEIIlTlNQ for wOftsm:p ,must pass on in dlIe ve1'Y tPl'ime of and da.umts, A:Dna. May· Wbi1e 10:30 A. )1;' 'lifte. here. J1lhe.v'8I1so caned m Mr. C. B.


The Boo/rdlof Trustees?f LIle Home ,held Il. meeting here o n Wedr..esda y ~ were our gueSitH ,art; d4nnell'. Those present were Mr. Seth Fu.rnas. Mr. Raymond Bradtlock. Mrs. Ella COOk. Mrs. Anna. HIoak. of Wayne6ville, Mr. MemtJt Rober.ta or South Oha.rleston. MiI", O'·la.ndo BaItlin and MII.$ Mabel Wdlsan of Mr. &ndl Mrs. AntIhur Jordon and Mt\: aqd: iMlrs. ~lus AIhorens of Pendleton, Ind.. M)rs. Della. Ross U1d \Mr. H84TY' HeMle1d of Ind1aln8jJJOUII spent Sunda~ with Mla!I OUve


Mrs. WoodroW 0WeniI and ahiilc:b'en, Winnie Jo 6illdI stevde spent Sunday wttih Nrs. OWer..s' mother. Mrs. Luelle A:runbge. ' MiaB Ruth Ohandler returned ~ f1'om. a 'f our ~ vilJit 'With frleldt in South ClW'les'tkm. OEIdBr. vtlle and 00l'IJmbus. On ThUl'lllday mor'ninlfr M!Ise <handler d1e wedkI4ng of Mr. JOlt mwinI 'nlGll of OhIarleBton and MI88 Nt.a Marie

mma. un eo a. • H . Club Houge at which lLbe WQ.~ingtor.. C. H. Ohapter was ho tess to G'·oonfield. Sprln!ltfleld and the combined Warren , Clinton and Greene eo. chaPters. MIIss Margaret Ediwar'ds spent ibhe week-'elld in Dayttor.. Ibhe 8'Ilest of Dr. Gale Ruaswn aald fam<ily·

Mr. o.nd Mrs. Harolld Hook spent one ev<ening laSt week 'Wibh biB ~le FIred! Hook and 1W'ife. , Mr. and Mrll. K . L ElIIey and daughter Marjorie of na.y:ton spent 9undIay a~rnoon wtth Mr. 8IDId Mr•• Walter El3ey. ~ Howard! Dalton and Denny were Dayton viei1lors on Fr1da~ Mlr. and Mrs. Fred Gonll tuned Telatl~ from . Colorado over the weelclmd. Mlr. and l\4Irll. Joe White. Sr. were vlalbed bY Ule1r dMJgbter. Oba.rlob UId family. &mday a.nx1 a~ Mlotber'a D&y eel'IYWes BIt the ~ Olul'Ch in Bellbrook.





Better Fann Business 'deG



&'f,'iIJAJsour neants are

~~ WbiIe.

ST. J. UGUSTlNE CHURCH ~er Father ~ 'I'rIeR e . MASS .'uNDAY

... '



~W:a== I~~/~~


ItheIt dIeeJth has ~. Max H01l1Dpwortlb and family and ~ tlUs 101emn meetln8; Mrs. Olara. Woolllaird: of Oregonia.. 9 tOG A. II. Oa.tmly • • "11lIY will be dOne."


'I1l0Ulb !today ,we'I'e filled with ~



CHURCH of CHRIST :~ ~tt; ~_l"_. BIBLB acBOOL . 1:10 A.M. UP ........ ~G. WoRaIw 10:SO A. II. "e can a.-, '''11l)-, wm be doae.y~ wialu.c:.s 7:00 P. II. ,. un": OF ADUIIl' PRAYE. IlEl!:TtNQ UPe~to THANKS "'..,... exprese our stncere . • '1:00 P . M.. bb&nlra and .~ to ali our

for gooel

• • G N.

Get Stanford Bogen Right where the One-

.. ..In., •

Two-Three meet. the C. C. C., M[orrow, Ohio



IIVAt«JJIUB'1'IO 8JlRV- relet1velJ. ne!8'hborll and friend.&, 7:46 P. II. .for /their prany eots of kindness ~ US in OUr recent 1ICcrrow. WAYNESVILLE We a1l!O 1NIIt to thank :tile cblorll CHURCH ., CHRIST o f b ~ floftrs. boCIh in I&oIMd L. v..... II'IaIMer IadI around Wa:vnesvU1e, Ito Rev. 'DiftIR _ Scaritf for 'hils oonaoltng words 8ID4, a...--. aaEIOOL 1.10 A. K. ·to ·M.cC&uree Pu:neral Home for ~ OOYIIUNIOtr 10:30 A. II. 'e U1deot aervdIce•• IM!ImfO SlBVICII: ,1:00 P. a .---~------"""; ~, ll:00A.M.

. I0Il











~ha~::. "

Fertilizer 4 .5 4 E•.G. BuCh.ieb, Inc.

. o.

Euler than cannlog, electric freezing Is the newest aid to good eating and /"o/, It enables you to keep prime quality foocb at their delidous best for weeks, months or evep a year. By electtlc free:dng you extend 'the season of your' family'. favorite' foocb throughout the year. And. . you mak~ it pouible to market meats and poultry when the price 1. most favorable regardless of butch. ering time or Sock-c:Ulliog season. Even though you may use commercial locker IUVice for bulk stonge of meatl and other farm products, you will find it both a convenience arid an economy of time to have freezing equipment right ,trips to the locker plant in on the farm. This busy seasons and 'enables you to freeze and "hold" premium quality fruits and vegetables at th~ peak of their Savor and ripeness. As the new electric freezer equipment is available. choose the size and style that meets your needs, always bearing. in mind that ~e largest capacity you cao use to advantage is the best buy• .



Page -8, The Miami Gazette dTive in. Lt wa ' ,t he electricians to "Heck. DO." he sa.tdJ "~ are get- or AlPha Sigma PhL National Soclal Reason. Mrs. Elsie Hook-ett. MI3!J Waynesvillle, Ohio, No. 4316 iW1re Itlh.e ,barns fl O firs I had to ,t ing beLter servtoe Olllt of LebliLnIOO1 Fraern1ty. Manlm1a Bunnell and' - Mrs. Niellle Th ursday, May 15 .) 947 balk with .them. T hen! tile boys were than we ev-er <tid Ibefore.'· M'I'. and Mr . Therle Mld Bunnell. ----------~- to set a IPOle a.nd I fOW1d 'that Ithe ATe prices coming down or go1r.g son, Milton . entel1tained, Ix> <tinn er. Mr. and MI·s. Conrad Ma.1nous. one tihey ~d ;ready was a poor ml.sel"Q/ble or'ooked; ,bhing YO we had <to ftndJ another. I picked oUit a nlee st.l'al8lht locu>it a Shade . lal'ger tha.n it1II!'Ce ssary but this broug'hJL gl'Oans alTltd sbrh ti fl'Om the boy who was to <tig 1lhe hJole. 1t was much too lallge. He could,. never get a hole big enough for /thaJt one. 'WeH we looked around went down to the wood 8IIld looked 1a1/em all over but it was st1l1 much ,t he !ll1ce8t though bigger than it Medied Ito be, by Ibhis ,t ime he declded 1lhat Iprobably it Iwould be betItar to d1g a big ,hole oooe than 00 have !the pole fall d~ IIOm6 day in a stozm 110 be and his bl'otaler cut it down ~ tttimmed it and I leIIt for town just as tihey had JeaIllette ~ <bo it and I S8JW ~ Bile really could' pull it. When I gOt over to ~ WllJDington IP1ke I found Mrs. Merrick WUtlIl8 for me. I was already an boor ia'teo 110 I ~ped on the ga a l*1e and about mIt W8IY' to Day bon Itibe1le I'W8 a bang aIld ,tile car

up? Tlle wlring for bhe bal'ns oost SwumG'. Mr. '8Jld Mrs. Edwin Nwbt. Mr. and' Mrs. Charles Malrrousand just about foul' times What I oould Mrs. Adma M)ol·a.r. anld son, Garry of Mr. and IMrs. E . L. Quinn nil I}[ have had l't done fOI' in 1Jhdrty-el.glht. ale8J' Centervllle and Mr. Sind M rs. &\milton were Sunday raUers of Corn has come do\\1hJ a. ll tJtle ,b ut not J . B. Jones. Mr. amd Mir& Ray Mainous a.nd son at 1J1e mill j udging from the blll Mrs. Nebtie Emrick aatd Mrs Don. this momir. g ~ some hog- feed· Ralph Hammond visited Mrs. Leon Mr. and Ma"s. James Jordan lIDd The Wi8Iyne Athletic Assoc1a.tlon Some mark downs in the stores. Salisbury at Mt. Curmel hosp~t.Q,1. children of XeI'Aa. and Bell Rl<;key Une-llp got oK to a we~ cold stant One dress I looked BIt in Rlkes ha:d Columbus. Friday afternoon and and wife were Sunday dlnne!" gue.'its this season a.nd e.!ter a. week's play 'b een ma.rked down 1JhIree times 8.'I1d found her doing nicely smce a majol' of Earl Rickey and tamlly . ltihey m;ama8'ed to complebe three was s till too h~h fol' whalt it was· openIItion. Mr. Fred Hook, Mrs. J. :s. crabbe. games of the fOUl' game Bdhedule In 'I1hey better mark doWlIl all their Mr. 8Itld Ml'S. Walter Kenrick call- Mrs. Ray MIallIOUS ar.d Ur.cle EPTt spite of the weather. junk a.n:d get rid of lit quickly tIor ed on Dr. acd Mrs. H. E Ha.thalwa.y. SbC'pho>r \. who ~ave been l.:l the The first PIne wes played on MIl; better tlhlngs are begUming to oome Mrs. Allee Clark a.t the Friends sick list are all improving. We h:ope 5 betWlElMl Pairley's and RoXlBml~ in. Yet wilth tile price of the :feed Home IIWld also oalledJ on Mr. and to see them all out flOOn. with a aoore !Of 2 to 10 'in favor of a.nd amOt\.IllJt our hogs IESIt I am I[mly Mrs. Wtlliam Tinney a:nd ch1l~ ~he ,labber. 'l'uefIda6' even1Ing found hwna.n tealOWlS"h to hope tlhat 'We in Waynesville on Sunday at\ternoon. Fe~ 8yBtem a.nd lMIDer'S Restcan get them big eno1J8lh iX> sell aumnt rubbing <thIe1r IbaaIIdJa .t o keep before the .price breaks. And Willi I A nwnber from here wtt:endted tlhc The . land observed on ,t his tour the f1rl8'68 from 8I8Wne numb wilbh ever get hay enoum Ito pay fOlr aU funeral of Barny Dakln Thursday was east 'Of rthe Little Miami. a.nd aook± and Ilbeir ftnals 1totaled ., 't o 5 that 'h igh iprloodl olorer seed thaA; afternoon a.tJ lMoOlures Funeral Col. !R4cha.Td C. Andersol1 owned or witlh Peqrueon'e ~ the 1IOO1'e. tsr.'t in tbe ground yet. WOO knows ? Home. knew 8b:JIJb laRe options or ta:m he ~ 1l1&bt Peer's Inn and Yeb 'tha.t Is one of It.he cha.rms of Mrs. R P. Godbey 1>1 Cincinnati oodtacbed him at ~ home in 1.JOU1sHarveYI.~urw met for their sec~ farming .. it is such a gamble. spent ~ wNl oller sister, Mrs. ville. Kentucky, ret~ home July of ,t he Ice eam1val and a 12 00 S A. K. Day. . 2'1, 1'198. 600re pIaioed P8er's Inn on .top for Mr. and Nr&'. B. M· Spitler went Very IIIOOn alter .r eturnIng .home ba the 8WlI1IDIr. . to Oood 8amarita.Il1 . boeP/t8tL D8.l/tOn. n_A Dn ....... n' --lly ......... red an _""" ,---.. _4.... too · g, • ..An.~ dtIrnoori Ito _JIUI ~ AO """.. .............. Th .. _y •__ .~ 1W8& mUch for ...-........ .UoI>.- _.... I ......pped "....-.-r ' see !Mrs. . wm. fm' 3110 &crieS of al'ld sitUaIted! ~ the boIP ' due Ito the inclement ~"'IW"'" a....... auUl ....... • a ~l . 'Wbo thaa been a pa.t1enlt weather IIIId Ibbe was poetploed b)owoUI). 'Dle first hOU8e I went to Mr ..viI Mrs lEverett Early t tbeTe 1Iar ~wo 'ftek8. «be Vllla&'e ~ WQ\Y1l.e8\'Ue. eaa.t of· dJdnt .. telephone and no one . a,..... . IJpen the LIbtle M:laml River. 'Ib1a ''W88 the • bebweelll cr.tr1ey'e am. Per8'WlOr\ IIbere to the Ur 80 I went' Sunday. Mother's Day tWitlh the Mrs. Howant .T1niciIIll or ~dltte- mtlttla.ry claim. Of bi. J600b Brown. System. ·to be plafed at a later <Jaw Wok to ODe. the man latter's moCner. Mrs. J . W. HUliton, !town and Mlre. iGIa MAurIce apeot :In SI¢ember or tbatt year O'NeiaH • .J(cmdIIi1 .evenang or ItbP WI8ek pretemd to ~ rthe. garage flit Yellow Springs. sa.turoay .W1Ith M'n. a.a. Maurlbe. and Kell¥ cune to :thb ~ to fouJ141 the weMiler a IiWe better for f to ~ it If and that Lltrole Miss Eva.nInB Bunnell is 110 Mre. 8u1lUl 8t:aDlOIl ~ the lOOk at rtJbJs o1IQm and ~ other ball ~ and ~a Inn VII Rox- or me , mwee vtctim of iIib6 hooping oough weekend witb ber 80IDI and da.u8hter- )and tg.. U1» ~ -aama. wtti .. ecore or 8 tD 11 reapec_ wae alrtaht with me .. ., the second W' • in-law. Mr. -.nd Min. Pa.Us P. Paine io...> 1itt.h . it meetti¥ ly aaw .. !Jew more f8llS a t/uIIte garage be called had SQDleOne Mn. Mal'pret Johns \,jsltM her at ~ . ~ by cloaed or ~ha.t.. \110 come In -oftttJall ~r- ready to IeDd end by the ,t ime I grani-aon, Mr. Paul Johns at Ghe Mrs. Ma.\de 8waJIOw of Belmollt the deal JW1t.h Brown ~ $1100. t.&lnment tor the eeaaon. g~ bulk to It.he ea.r h" 'A'as co~lr..g UniVl8Tslty or 0Incinnatt. 8untda!'y, ~ .. 'Week vtsttIng. iDI the home for 3110 a.ara . _ No prne.!R&in. That .WN Itbe blah. over die tl411. tIt dkm't take lomrto Mr. lA!oD 8allBbury ~lned of her alater ~. . sjgO for ~ 1eMlIUn8. pUt. on Ute eptU'e WIbloh rorwnafJely M"", NetJt1e Emriolt 'to d1nn,er on John and Warren onrct or ~ALL 8TM8 PLAY bad air in jt &nd once more I was Mother's Day at the !Lou and Mar- ton were week-end vlattora Of Uleir On Iut ~ ewmng tbe All on b 'Way. The morning was gone lin'. IOn RotJte 48. ~. Mr'. abdI Un. R. B. ~ Stars met Red Uon !n 't.he f1rat bIJt ilhere was stUl time bo gO to the Mr. and M!r8. EcIwani Bunnell of PetJare. . tr.depeIdent, ame or !the 8eQ.I!(lIl. p.l'II8e ar.d leaVe .1 m car before Wa.yoesville were S~ cHuner Mr, wm.oo SbesDerd and family 8unday • .Mq 11, Lebanon Lec10n lunch. I .took Il. in GoIld ordered a 8'1JeI't8 or :tnelr I!IOJl UId wife. Mr. and BdIeel Clark 8Ild .Wife or Da)'lton , plaIyed the cAll Stars With -.. 5 t.o 10 Il'ea8e job and .brakes tightened and Mrs. Obarles Bu~ a.tid child.. I\ftII'eBunday 'VIitdboInI or the 8bepberd ~ mY: '!O ASSOOIA'ml scOre in 1aVOI' <It tIhe heme boys. and a new tire Uld· tllen s tepped rer.. family. DIGNll'I'!' IN A!LL OUR. S!JIR.Vlto On PrkIay. May ..16, Xenia. ~- 1nta Ute office io see iIWlere I stood 1Mr. and Mrs. Walter KenrSclt IMeesrlJ. ()rvWe Gray. WIHiI:OlJ SHIOuuq BE WI:JOC:'lJ! ants wW play ,t he All 8t&ra &nidi on or. tile aew CQl' list. called &It the IhIome of ·M r. ~ MIra. carey . Uld ·W W!am S&wiyerI ·.pent ED W!I.'NI AU.. I"1NER. S~, ~ 18 .tIbe7lwW meet Camp "Well." said Mr. Granger. '~Id Ben Jamee in ~ SaItur~ SUndaG' 'in C!nclnnatl and . attezded , DlREOTION Wpbir.atcJG. . you odme in 00 get .you r new car? I a.fternoon. Mr, James nmainll quite ,the baaebWl nme at ~ " d. Ma.n_ •.~~ ~ ,1U1tt. .sent you ~ card." poI>l·ly. Mr. 8IlJd MD. !PIWI' ~ bad lIB thel'1l wt1l . . arne ' On lMy new carl I had 81VeIl uP all • Mrs. J!larl M.ecdeDba.ll and (fiwgb- dinoe:r sUei4'oo 8uild8i, Mri, 'Vern .JIIsJJy 23 due ~on exerclees tbou8'bItB or havill8 <me iAh1a sum- ter. Patmy of Tlpp City spent last Oapeey of Spring Valley aDd! her at b b'lU 8obool. mer but I ltodiaed at it a.nd t4ley -week 'Witlh her p!lII'eta. Mr. Uld neice's 1'amt.I,y. . EQUIPMENT AVAIL4BI.B looted at my old one, I counter- Ml'S. Guy- Routahn aod Russell. , _Mr. and i4re. &1 .Roberte Of. ~ He also wWu!a to anr..wnce W all DI8Dded the trTEI88C jcf) a.nd the new Mr- a.nd M!r&. Allen 8mlCIh and Co-op Cream oompany spent Sa.tp1&D&nra <It local t.eam. Ibbiat Itbey tire. and I rode bome rt.hat after- dla.u&hte1'8 t)f Beatvertown were dmr' urday eveJilng With Mr. 8IJldI ~. C80 pIrobue eottball eqUipmeot at DOOD in ~ DeW' black 0CJUI)e. Now gue&t8 or UJelr pareota. iMI', and Mrs. Paul Y&urtoe. SmiIb'a 08Iqe ClIl South Main 1It.. I do not ftJCXlgll!Be . IDN CQl' when I Cl8Irenioe tJm'th. 00 SUndIIw· ~a DB,: eueCs of Rhodes it 18 on ~l&y. • putt it aodl WOe 'to ~ 'i¥W Mrs. Jaetson of ~n IqleM Bunnell and family were ~. B6me ~ mtY teDders. . w1tb Mr. ~ Mrs. Junior \ ~....-" 11$8 a hard diay ,f or Cla.rIt and 8OIl1. . • ~ t.mb, Itoo. Wblle I was Mr, and M!rJI. 'Sperry ~t or 80M ~ IbitWd .. baalDir and a Troy -.nd Mr& EaI!l 'M endenllall MId . 26 GUAGE bleatill8' but couldnlt see W'bere it daUlfbter of Tipp Cityt 'Were SUtliday came mm ,UdlU someOne bappened dinIler rueste 01. 'W · and :MinJ. 'Ckly to iOok into ttbe newb" dug poet hole ~ 8QC\j eon· A F.(aM DIARY Uld UleI'e boIlPlnc up and dovm in !Mr. and Mrs. E. B. lA>ngacle 8tIl.d , D.J.P...... the IIQIdy ·w Mer was dle poor lamb. daugbter, MIl's. Louella SWank of May 9. 1M.,. ~ hog InUIIt 'Ibey t1Ibed hjm out and be fklBlly ~n viBited relatives m 1 bave ovefttone t.b1Dge Ibbia year. 8i1: dried . out bUt. b8 wW never look natt. ~ a.fteImoon. 1NSs and,a a.noIb!r' siX /week- UJd quite the ~ 84J11PD. He eate 8TaIi8 Mrs. l!M!rett Kenrick and da\lghtben .. . lIDd. fit Ie 8W1 winter, now IlOl . . , wttIl :the calf 1n dlie fer. JIIile speot 'rueIIcIrq IIVitb DI... · SOme fl'08t ~ nlmt. IIOOW ~ bouse but be tiUll th1nkB 1!e Le.wrer..ce EllIott in~. 'lburada,y moralD8 .UId freete ie a . . 8IDdI follQw8 me whi8rever 1 Mr. and MI'& BIatMey Burnet a.nd 'lbtr~ oiIbt. JQ$ Il*"'" mucb go. wnw to come in ribe house a.nd, Mr. 8II,dJ Mrs, BliIth P'Ipn&8 MtIeI:ded ltIinaee bas been dmlie to fruit no II ,f ind IbiJn on thIe pordb whenever the 1lIWJDel!'. 0Jub, 'I'lnl11lllla.V &It tlbe . a:JS ~ but ~ ~ tbe · . .at be 1. reet4ng and eaoIt keep b1m home of Mr. and Mrs. Edw1n stIIlZld~ blooms aJ'e ~ Almost mtbe !pasture tl.e 'SihvaY'S finds IIOOle Ionth near We.ynesvtl1e. DO I8Il'dens ~laPted. lbboU81h Q few waY' to Bet ~. .1MIr. Paul JolulB was receDtly ~ IIIOUU wbo ~ out a.nd Someone' askedl 8. local m.allIif the pledged at /Iile Umvert'it.Y' of Cinplainted ~ or weather telephone str1kIe bobhered him . any. c:1nrlIa.t1 Ito the Beta· SJ&ma a-pter bave peaa ea ~ tor more hlgb. It !p&ys bull I ~ do it ;t1h1s year. '1'be ~ loom tleauWul. Red bud and IWUdi lPlum are in blo<*n GIld IIOCDte or U!e' Itreea Il&Ve a 80fIt green 5 V CRIMP, PRIMED WITH fuzz Ibut I can only .~ allWt wturJt I Bee fIlun ~ WJlldow. It Is too mieerable &lid cold! .to go for a ,w alk BUILDINGS CHATTELS AUTOMOBILES · LlABILI,TY ALUMII;<IUM PAINT even to .look fm' 1D\lI!IhrooDUI. We bad ' .. few puny stalks <It aspar'&1JUs bIlle r day but .... H«lI*1D8 ba8nt. bad ( ~ to aell -¥et. I gO by. evet'Y time in the Ohio Farmers will give f.l>U broad protection against lOise, I am 1111 town juet to make sure. A 00 your farm. It rovers your buildings, your chattel., your 'automobil~ leI1ter from Denver fBYS it 18 I bot and your liability for accident. to others. Why not see us today? tlhere 80 IOIne day we ~ wake up You ANw you're we when 'you're insured in the Ohio Parmersl same tnorning anxi' flnrdJ -tlb&t it is

Softball Season Off To Cold, Wet Start



of, t" 'J







.Prlda." .









.'l\Ieeday, _.



Ibhoee days,

know ' 1II1e kdnd Wllient eve1'¥ItIlrl:ng ~ itItl onoe~ I planned to 10 to IlIaiJtoo b tIlbe ~, I , even p)anneidI to iro e8l'ly 8.rld ~ my 'tia.r to tIhe airatre', and meet. some f~ . ' IUDOb. · I had tlniehledl breakfBst iieanL III cat· )'Oq








• • a.&881F1ED AD RATa • • • worda or leIe. alie tIm& •••••• 25o I MUST GET A MAN IDIcb addSton&l wont . J••••• ••••• 10 at onoe In lbh1e oommunlity to wor~ 8PBC.IAL BATES b7 Coln'B.AC'l' with our Dlstrict Ma.nager. Mus , • : have mr 8:ld be aver 28 ~s 01' age· LoaDI., . 'I1le work Is in line wibh 'lJle pro-


gram aavOC8ited by the Depa~erJit PBDJmAL LAND BANK LOANS: ~ of .Ag'1ctUt.ure. PeJ'lD8llleDt WIOrk. ~..'OOd

Por Ret1Danc1nc - Rebu1ld1n& Baytna. ,,, Palm ~ With 1~1. Qme to PII)'. Pay part or all $DY time LEBANON NAT'L FAIl'M LOAN A8S'N., Ellis H. BWrm. Sedy-. Treaa.. Lebanon, Ohio. Phone ~

. : tc - - - - - - - - - - - -.

Real Eltate For Sale--

pay tor man 'Who Iha.s lived on farm. Wrtte % 1lhis perper. '

)' f I nspectl·on "-.


CaIendar '




D1SIrlot of Ohm - - - - - - . . . . ;.:;,.. . ---,.... , - - Order of thIe EMtern star laIpec_ IP YOU HAVE A 'PROPmRTY OR tJon daGe8'


PARM TO SELL oa1l or Write In~1 IN~ONS BY -ORftIY ~ Q& II'JVU .... . Don Henderson, Tel. KE3i48. 617 GRAND HATBON Lorain Ave., Dayton, 0b10. ttc LUCILLE MILNER . May 28- I.oyu.l No. 144. FOR SALEJune 11- C6a'Y No. 221. Blanchester INSPECTION BY DEPUTY FOR SALE - M1xo:I. iba.y. M . E . GRAND MATRON ~. m1lW~esvUl~~~ BERNICE JO~90N nl8d.:it e& from .......J' ........... ---. ~ 14-- No. 363. Morrow. -{is ~ 21- No. 300, lqnohburg . . Mew 23- I.eigQl!ton. 521. Sinking Bps. FOR SALE- SIX 21x4.50 TI'RE8. June 6- No. 173. Ma.rtl:nsville ~ ' ~l = n fO;~~9A JUDe 9- No. 441, mllSbol'O .. . . . _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _---5 __ l!IifC



IF YOU HAVE ANY PROPERTY to aell caJ,l P'ra.nda Gene Brown, Real '~te 8a.lesman, for B. D. Pennlngton, W11mlJl8l00n. Ohio. Parm Lo&na tcx,. Telephone WayneavWe 2935.

PUNCHBOAlIDS. SLOT MACHINES, P1NBALL 1){AaHimES. ETEJ·. G$BLING DEVICES lAND MAltINO '1,1SE OF SAME UNLAWFUL. WITil:iNt.., 'IUiiE CO'RPOR~TE L LIMITS <lFs THE VILLAGE OF su. WlA YNEGV1'LLE . WARREN Miloulehold Goodl For Sale- OOUNTY. OHIO. pREA.CS; 1. 'TIhat It s.h1lJl he unlaoWful I ~ PlORENOE HEAT- fur alOty" IpJel'SOtl or WJ"5OI\s, linn each n.... ~ve ; two bedl100m suites or corporastion to 1DI his. their 'ng prlngs andJ lJUUJtresses. or if6 posses\km . .or to ~h1bLt to a.ny FRIENDS . ,-.~ and boxsprln ~. pm'SOn or I]leIrSOJl with {lIle Intent FIRST DAY SOld!, Mt. on Route a.n~' o! inviUng or permitMEm'JNG !-or Wi -522 ~ Such peraon or !persons to _ SPEED QUEEN oPerate or use ~ same. any punch--,u Machin' good boeJrd slot .ma.ch1ite. 1J)1n'b all maobST ), UGUSTI~:: Bunnell.e 'PhOne 1ne. device of OIly kind whatso• . &r.abolt l' -615 ever of simUar nail.ure a.ndJ easlly FaUler.. a.dapteJble W gambling. and suCJl MASS ..'UNDAY ,{ ARB L E - TOP tlevlces arc hel'eby declared to be __ WlWter Whitaker. gambUng devices Mld nu:1sal'...ces and .- }"ERRY --615 lnay be seized QIld 'disposed of as is CHURCH of c!.providedJ by la.w in suah cases. IDBl.a!: SCEOOL -"XSedtlon II. Any person. persons.




IplORNING WORSIi 18 iMON"IlH OLD linn or COl'lPO'mtion. doing a.nY'bhing ~ . . .. declared by I1Ih1s or.d1na.nce to be Y01J'I1I _A&A'--t:SO!lT. Whl. Luker.s. '_'A_.#•..1 _...~" ... nrnll'lI' PRA'21!lR &... UlII:U'IWUW . ""....... upon con vi"'" " ...on .............. -515c ~rof be tined in Mly sum r-at in BVl!ININO BVANG'




.E- tJNFURANISH1EID -,>antlment we.n~. by

~oeS8 of Twtmlly-five Dollars bid a oerWiedi oh~ in Lhe amount The Miami GazettehPage 4 (~5.00) arid b ooot Of ipl1OSeCut.101l. of $10,000.00. WaynesvilJle, Ohio, .l~O, 4316 :for a first offe.nse ; and for a seoond iPlans amd 8)':)€Cifi.oa'ti0116 are On Thursday, May 15 1!}47 and sub5equerut oftense Ilhall be file In rUle depa rtll1lier.t of highwo.y:; • .fined In any sum r-ot In excess 80d Itile o1'fice of the resdde1'llt depu.ty Mr. and Mrs· Milton 8nJYde ~ and Fol1ty '($40.00) and the cost ddreotor. Jud(y of Blue BaIll were Sunday !Of prosecution na~ ;to eX'CCled' Nine The ddl-eoOOr reserves the right to evening caJlera '01' the ChaB. ~a.urlce. Dollars a.nd Ninety Cente <$9.90) , reject 8Jly <8.Ird a.ll bids. Mr. 8l'.c:L !Mrs. ROOerrt a:rey a.nd Sectton IIi 'I1h1s ,ord4na.nce is hereMUlRJRAY J). SHAIF'FER. Bobble Mld Kenny sp6rir ~ndhy by rdecl81l'f~d to <be an emergency 6tAIIte ~way IXrector with Sid ElUs and wife. ~ of measure necessary !for !the}l1"e6el'VQ. v, ~e. ., 'tioo of the health. pee.oe and ~~eIty Mrs. OI'Ville Glmy and M Wlllof said Village a.nd ~ lJeOOme ~ iaatl SaIWyer apent S\lII'liday full faroe 8IIId effect ~ furmer's JIIdt;beIr, MI's. lB. O. Bow, l\lIPOn M'3 passage , ", man wt Fr8IUk:I1n. .; Pa..'l6t'ti May 5, ·IM7. . .. Mr· and Mrs. ~ J!lw1nll ' and ..,_. 10ft ' ~A-~ JI._ •• of n ..'.....""'" _ ..... ~with . -l'O!'. ' ... arren .DI~ ....... ...,. ........,~~¥ AtOOst : Oh8IT1es Ja.mes. 0ler1c Paul Ma.u.rice ~ wUe. Due Ito otile unueUa.1 amount of Mr. ~~ s;peUt . ~ NOTICE to CONrJ'RACTORS publ1~ty wblctl hall been ~uaed by Da.y with his ~ nO;.t~, of Arn~ SUbstttiute Senate Bill No. ~.~. '. . STATIO' OF QHIO '8. W'Il.idl t8 ItIbe ScIlool F1aund9.tJon . • .., Buppo¢ Bm. the folloMng lnformaDEPARTMENT OF Uon ~ be ~ geDmIil iDtere&t: HIGH'VV A YS The IEducation OOmmitlooe of ~ I; House of Representatives. Mter OolUll'lbus. Ohio. May ~o. UM7 numerous ~eiLriDgl!. reduced Clhe Engineer at 8aJ!eB ~ Copy MAY IM1 No.47-2:M various portione of Itlhe bID by. tbe --l' UNIT PRICE CONTRAOT 8.-45 (I) following a.mountB: 16 ~ 17 _ In !the Kindilq8.r'dteln Group 12.50 lJt·s BERRY .at his beSt 86 tile Sealed p1'oposals wtll be received per fPIJPI.l; in th8 Elenumtary Group mug, . ~tlh a heaat 01 gol(i;! at the office of the state Highwn.y $5.00 per pupU; in Ibhe Hi8h ScboIoI A of h1la.r4lty1 I Dlrecbor or Ohio, art; Oolumbus • Ohio. Group $5.00 per pupil. A'f:bez' these "THE MIGHTY M G~R' until 10 :00 a.m·. 0lU0 Standard dlEt:1n1ct1ons have been. made. t1be WI' .... '.......E ',.,., ....."'''~ _ ....._- Tu~~u J 3 lnA'7 for ' ~ ~& • ......."...,., , .LUJ..,. """';' line . <ra. program t.hen IW11l:1 <tiotal sl18lhU'Y W!ELL wJt.h EDWAIRiO .ARlNbW. lmpr OVEme:nt8 . more than r-eoommended by title AiLlNE . M8.cMABON. ~ Wa.tTeJlo County. Ohio on Seotior. Governor of Qh!o. 'I1be revised pro- PATRICK. . I • • Harveysburg a.r.dJ .paI1t ~~0I\8 Sralm wUL however, provkle 1m PlUS: Oomedyo and ca.rtoqp ~oJ't.S. F & E of the FrallkLm-"lUllllngt..on aV6I1lIge incre8se 10 6'8l8.ry of 1lIP'c Road state Hlgbwll,y No. 251. S~ proximately ~.OO each for each 18 .. ~' mrute No. 73. in ~ Village of teaaber in ;the Btalte of Ohio. The 'l1hey are grim, rough' 881d hal":! , Hanreysburg. Ma.a6je 'I'ownah1.J). by amount of WI1ll V8II'y 00- bJttJen In; 'rt!Us Soltytale lOf the gradir. '. construotiDg ~op cording to I\lhe ~ of distt1ct- Th18 Sa.1.l wibh them in Hi$Ory'S m .t and pav1ns' with rein - o.VC1'BS'e i!llC1' wU1 ewlY to each exol~ voyage! " 1'0~ Por:tland C8lIli8ll!\. OOIlClrebe and additional a1'd ~ in tlhe COllll!ty. "TWO YEARS oonstrooting a. steel iboom bridge . Harold! V. Martz, BEFORE THE MAST! wMlh ooncroete deck ~ substructure RepresentalUve trom wal'l'en County ALAN MOD. BRIAN DON~. (Spa.r.s: 65 feet. 65 feet. 65 feet. a.nd . . . .)VnoIJIAM BENDIX. BARI.W;.fTI'Z,~ ' 6Sfeet; .Ro6IdlW'ay 2111 feEt) Bridge No. Mrt. MardarIlle. Bo8'an a.nd~. ' . '. W\A-73-71 -~ lOVer Owesar Creek. Mrs. I..uo)" a:.n,ptA;)n of lAtest Movl..:tone New$. } \yil.dth : Pa.vement 22 .fret; Road- 0eeSa:rs creek oa.Ued 0IlI ItiIle Shep_ , .. , ~ wa.y 42 fee~. LerurtJll: 6.250.00 feet or ~ SBroultiay ~oon. • 21 . ' 0.994 mll~. . '. Mf\.rIIiage a,t its mertes . . I. . Oontra.ct to be OOInpleted nat later RHEUMATIS~I Lau~hter at its lou!d .t . All tqr. the ~ Augus t 31. 1948. .No asphaltic , . ,LY" , . punpo . of hUrhor. . , concrete or prime coot . hall be Sufferersl Try REINEwS OLI "TAE PERFECT ." placed a.fll.elr QdWber ' ql. 1947 or Comtartlng z;eHef from , ~ . Of · , MARRI~GIf' priol' to May .15, 1948- ex~pt by ~~tttIn. artbrit1l. ne~tla. lwn- LORIE'I"I1!\ YOUNG. D '1'FDj mYElN special permisSlon of the Director oego. FREE BOOXLET. AIk tor with EDDIE ALBERT. vtBafNjA Ohio S t.aJt.e Employment Servlce. Re~a Rlnol. Why sutter 1()D8e!'? ~' .. , '. Count House. LebamGr-. Ohio wi11 Wayneavllle Drug Store. tfc Also: S po t · 8IIld OJ.i1ltY.lor. Shorif.. furnish Ithe sucCe..<'Sful bidder an • emlPloyment list from whioh all qualified unsldlled l'lalbor Q./I is LooaJly TELEPHONES ava.!l8lble. shall be selected tor tills WAYNESVILLE 2091 project. , MORROW No. I The atteI1lb1on of bldXWrs is directed Ito .f!h.e special ~:>v!Islons covering 8AN~ and GRAVEL subletting or assdlomir.g the oontmct. e .use of 'dIomestlc DUllteTi8Ils seleeBLACK-TOP DRIVES ' . . tion at labor. >hourS! of einrployment TAR .and RO~D OIL ~ cond.itIons or eR:lpl~t. LAWN and FILL DIRT The m1nimum WQIge to be padd to aU labor emplwoo '001 1Jh1s contract READY-MIX 'CONCRETE ..... 6ha1l be dr. 8C00r<~ with the EXCAVATING and DUMP TRUCK SERVICE ;'SChedule of ' PrefV8<1llng Haur


MEl artz'- xp aiDS Sda'80I B-III N0 48

TWIN Theatr.e


Armitage &' .Son

t , h

imOKiItS J.ICDD W A YNESVILIed cow>le willi .three CHURCH ,ofrJO n . ROOecorate if IlleC- for Data: Phone '1891, W~f!l!We, W~ ~

A'lOOrtAlinedi a.nd Deterby.Depa.i1ment Ohio, ReverIe 0bu8eiI' " "' .. . mi:neVJ . r: . Of IndUs~. He ,. ' '.!IPP~lp, tp E(ft&te ~Wa$~t ~oveme~ in , . ."rih Seot1res 17-~ , 1'7~nJJ-~~'J -Poand ,17-58. of ~e ~ Of otdo." ' 'lbe ~ 'mUst ~ ~Lh bt.s

Boberi L. V~l be ·<t.har..ldul fo.r a.ny mBLB 8OIfOCj!1'e<h Ploose call 2936. OOMMUNIOfi











~tQIlurt Jlfuueral ~ll~t Dial 2111

Waynesville, Ohio t'





Any ma'k.e or model. .Fred Kahn Motor Car. ,to.

··rKA»~. ~

\. ,

"Milk is a real health ·food ...· smiled Elsie. "dnd considering 'its abundance of 'hard-to-get" nut ritional elements, it's on economical food,too. l.: .: (i f course, Borden's milk is~ c"ways as good as milk CQ" be . .TrY' .t ,t. '·,., - .. I~'I •. • • • soop \ .\ .


J ~hlw








n r





\. - , ( )


f. ,, 'J'" f'l {

~, ~

. . . '"







"Yas, MiBtah' "M1staIh' Bones,InterlooutJor." can you tell me a. 'Chicker. crosses de road?" . "Mistah' Interlooutor t1aIt wasn't no dlt1cloon, IdIa.t Wafi y~r wife. ' yak,



yak. yak."


etJiotly m1rtStJrel, tolks, Strlctl¥ run. and strlotly m~1. ' A cast of more tlhan 8}JttY ba worked for JWeeka to ~ ;W~yntll· . ville »t's first nrtxed mmiJtftl. AiId ~u am!llake it from me, it's godng strictly telrlfiC. IDur1n.g reoen weeks I've wa.tohed pr~ ~ Practice. I 've heard jokes and muBdc go flOur, be re-

. '

' , g T h . Ii AZE'f TE'

by John S, Turner . "MIIJtiadl'

· · 'I am .'1



. . ' '.

', .

• '

er •.sh~~ i~ om wJbn the la.w. The shooting occumed wtille rkiing a hOt'Be eJt 'break-necIt &peed. ar.d the observe!" of tlh.Is partIoU1ar ecer.e eOpy r~ed ith91t ~wenlty-e1&bt t\hots ~f1rellf trom /the BBme sbt shooter 1947 ~thout TeI08d4ng . .How 'Ihe8e movie .-;-- makers do 4ft is a ~?


Established 1850-No. 4319 '$1'.50 per Year-5c a WA YNESVILLE.. "OHIO • Th d":' 5' . • urs, «loy, June, I

b;' repoI1ted EFFELDEB It 1& be~g rilba.rt tIbe looal ®puJoid coliseum poltl'ayed a weStern screen, sensa.tton reoEGUy the t

S'Oelle of "Deai:k\ve Dick" or~e aequtilly ru>rtolioull c:tle.nwt-



Fairly Familiar Warren County .

Raymond DaVIS, - '08 'POSTMASt'ER ' SERIOUSL.Y ILL AT HIS tU>ME HERE,~ PreSI-dent 0f AI'UIDOl_' ~ H. m ~ ~8IWa~' '






The 01no11Ul1aU Enqul.r er .,ubllshPoItm:aeter Oordoo is M.' 80 pioture and C8!PUon ftlattng to ~ ,to be seriou8ly at fils tlhe"lJnIton Hotel in OOrnentkjn ~ I MIne ben! hall. from the ftrat meeUng of otate UWe Miami ' his work ~ iIIU& ;Aocordlng to railrOad" ~n'g held bhes-e on Mb.y More <talan, 250 attellded Itbe s~- , ~nte 'inade, ~, IWill. 'nOt ~ 1r.. 13. '1836. ' , fourth amlWll reunion of ~e oonMt1dn to to his pclst for . , vamped, ,then> S'O sour again. I've W~ High School AI.i tiID" ' '. 'l1he writer Of . 'the uUde W66 In heard oompla.lnts by jealous 1n- .AiII8OoI&tJon &It. Itbe hjg1h school cfl(e- 8QIlle . " " the "right churi!\. , but the wronog divtiVaJs. But , the s/lww's going to .rena 8Inlcliflu.d!ltorlum. SalturdaN ~t." In b18 ' ~' ~ ~}!:m~ pew" 88 the captdon ' waa cotTeCt but be fir..e. !InS 111 ~.,116 FoSliDIIU-. WIol41 MJrs. for or.e minor ~, name of Frqm tale youngest ki:i in tJle . , Nellie B1ifutell aa ~ ~t. ite. loca.tlon was liJJted Wa.ynes''Sh.oil1tal1n' Breedl' chO:Uil to the 'I1ht& program consisted, .Of a ban- , "J' boro. Ohio W'h1ch mUl¢ be • newly old est lad',Y in the alto' seotlon (an' Q~ bus1ne68 sess10n and dance. '. f~nded 't own as lit is llOt ~ on tba.t's m.v mBmnlf! bleBS hel',) ~d ~1V1s of otJhie clas& . ~ any of_the }aIte map;. , they've llv~ south 01 the Mason~ 190;8 'W8 eJecl:£d pl'e61dent of the 'Ibe buildir.g reflrred 110 18 lOOBlted Dhcon line ~r v..-eeks. I,;lved . here as8odaot1on <for tJlle T!elit \Y'C6I'; Ray. Qn ~ ~ corner Of Mladn 60 .tfrlat you car. ~Y 8, , 1911 01' ~ Hatf1e1'dl, 1924. vtoe~res1dlemJt; 'Brut N<mtb stnlElts a.ntl :baa a. hi&OOry '!arolon mm~l wl~ a', ,femin1P,e lDez Jamel Ha.rt8ook. ~933, BEerelong enough to fill a vobJIIe. , twist. • ~; and ~s WIlit'kiinIJ Conner.', • . Perhaps it ~ be well for ~e ~lWly. 1 dor.'t get a ~ut out of· 193'7, t.rea,surer. . Batti :BoIofIters :president. W· D . pres.fdiimt of Ithe local c:'hIc Club to this ftblng. and Lhese c~nts 0ltde8t IJl'9.dualte 11;0 attend is ChaIr- a.nn0UD0e6 IthaIt lin add1.t.lon ser-d a of 1ntroductlon tlO our ruwen't, been pronl¢.ed . Q~ 'anY,1Ih1ng lotte AiIltnim, cl!ass of 1867, to the ~r . m4r.8trel show ~t fair Vlllage 'of We.~vWe to the oth.:r than. merl . . IW!tlO is 70, ~ ~ AIUdIttor1um ~rro sta.te Desk at 4lhe Enquirer. Per_s It.'s' a 'show YOl.\ d~~ould<f{EIe. The mem~ ifJ'Ophy, an an- ~ ~:wnce will fIollow "Wh11 will tbey never hearo Qt Jbbe ~ , The · t.lma place, l¥ld cost folloW: IDWll cuBtom wtUch1s prellented to bie ltee ito all wbd 1IItItend ttIhE: m1n_ _ • " Friday (1 ~Or-row) ' ,June '8. 8 :30 t1he olass wiiIIh tUlle l84'.geJ!..t percentage atm.. We hear the new eIt;r~'~ bave p. m., Hi h SChool A , ()rlQm,f01,lT of gra.<Wate6 ixre8ent, iW8a won by ~eehments . will be aVllwlab1e I'Iirl'tved. :iJt, 'bas been &boot a sr b! .s for your old's and two blots tdle ~ of 1922 'With 60 per cent in during @le 1diI.Me and rtbe , mlins1Dl, since the were ort!er'ed bJt ~rttor ·tudents. ~.ce. ~e startlng tUpe of ~!haS been ~ of ~tea1als pre~, ~em , - • ot.b!I' tbhIan ltIhe graduating olas., ~y set l.8lte, 8.30. so as ~ot ~rom be1r.~ JJUWUfaot.un!dl GIt an -' o ~'~lll., _ let's ask w~ does ~ becOme elilible for to Interfere wilbh ~e OOIJlmuDH..1e's ear~ da~. It 18 bopecl dIJer W1B be .,. QU t:10n. ~tton ,Wltil Ii. year 8~ter lea.v- belated crop prOlmlm. erected at a !!peed bri tibey a the e going 10 be. se.q¢ - • ire ~ool, the oJas8 of 1932 had tlhc , we~ made. , . C( tel'nial ce'lebrettqn , '~ ~~."member& preeeDl~ wdIbh 18. ~- , It ihaa ~ Ibeim l~ oth&it a ~ for tfile reunion atlld taUs st'oup Of ~'exce1:lenlt aondl *active . Vilie otJhls year 8.lI one d' ' Jro ~ so much about'. earllft' ? ~eaI p1cr.ic in ,Ilhe ad'terooon, two s1giis ~tmg ' ~ ~ of all "mt . oommon ~ l t1le. ~ came from F1lorlda and one 01 our ohurobea M'8 ,~ ..Vairiable ~efJ11lotlon. i~ beibg Pel~yel~ ~s"e 1lrcIri: CalUornla.. to be ~ op I!Ile . e sian posts , fa.ilur ,to.find 'l'Y-iQ . • /lP8!t carry 14le ~ ftIgn$ '11lis plan

DID"e ... y'0 F0UOW Minstrel Show


Hartsotk S.Jsters Gradaate, at MiaJIII_


Historical Society Spoosors Pilg~image Warren County w1ll become a center' o! 1lI11erest on Salbuf'rla.y Blld SUnday J~ 7 and 8 wdth the Historic !ponllored by the County m&tori'C8l SocietJy holdins /the spdtlight. Glendawer The Warren County Museum be used as head· quarters. Here one tnaty see tihe I1"eIJtored home of J . MUtxm WU lJam6, B:oigedle r Geru!Jl'al DuIbln \VB11d', ar.d lMlI. Ladora Scoville Owens fUJ'DJsbedi with aubhentic Warren Count y trulJ:.erials. I th Fort n e Ancient Museum one rn8ty 6ee tile relics of tlle M'oUnd Bulldlers, prehistoric 1niUlbitar.ts Of WaJmm Counoty, and etl(joy an Archaeolog;lca] Field Tour oond\.d.eldl by The Ohio Stl!Jte Archaeolopca.l ami H1~loal ~iety on 8?ndaW at 3 p . M. . An -imporrtent evenJt on . the SUnday ProImUn will be tilIe ma.rktng 0 ~e8 of Judge F'remcls ' Dunlevy . ~d ibis wife, MMy Qra.1g


as Re'9olut10na.ry . Heroes • by. 11m TurtJe Oteek lO.bap'ter D · A. R . This oenem~ .wlll ta.lte plaoe a.t 1:30 ip. m . a.; .the O lldl Baptl& BlWying ~nd witb Hon, Pa~l ' M. Rertlel1t 8 1Wng the e~8s. !Mrs. Prank O. lMeMdllen, state ~gent 0b10 8ocie~ D. 'A. R. ,will ' ~ preeeut 8S wen 66 o!Jher ~te 84'ld N6It1onal o!f1oo r R, The ADler-

iean , ~ior. w11l assist wJlt:h ~r, (Continued on Paie 2)



'I1he W'ayr-esvUJe Sew-S.o 4-H Club Thursday May 29, at the Gmnge Hall with M>1'S. Edeofi.elrl ami M!ni. Kl~~ in ~ cha.r8'e and ~Mmd........"~ .meeJ-, • • , .; - I Ir_tb t~ ~ ~sl .,lilUeen .Brown lJ)I'estilWt· -. , c:aJI'liivaJ equ1pm.en~ £~ ' , 1 Annua '-'YU1" . .l.:oce.~ t l ~...nth b 886UJlIIpt1 The officers comerence will be , It'" fo ~W1ate, {or the town tJhat . '. ment o,f Miami University ww be beon . ith8I't U dtur~ 81'e allowed o~ he~d Jur-e 4. Tlle clUb elected 'a _ • ,. hel~ &it OXford. Oh1o, June 8 and 9: 1ng... ' • Itlew seiar'Cl'ary WiNlelmina Brad a. <JelrtAUn £ellOw by the nnme. . ot \. , '. have uol'Ebtlon signs on the street . , • He1!;tJl\'ay <W'n' L in i. t upon, a 0Ili Sunc:ta.y evetilng ~t 6:45 0 clock other oT8'8.niza.>tior..s 80tltli businesses dbc.k>. Mlrs.. ~enifleld rq~td some carndval 8Ittmosphel'e when he cu t in t4le Univers1fiy Stald1um. ~. as wen ~y requeSt a like plain. things which were nO ll'lted in the that first lOS' which was to go into Gaston Foote, pastor of Itlhe Graue It ha alWll8s been our belief tzl1a'~ book. his 179'7 cabin. The, Miami Valley Oha,ultauqua's Me~ t Ohurob in Dayton will ~e church ~lInld state were ellltl'r ely Barba.ra J ,eMl Do!'ter was a guest. Hrty-f4.rst seeson sta.nt.ed on deliver the Bacd:lJaurea.tle sermon. ~rated. To a.s&Ulle 'that any bul'iNeldt meeting will be 'hdd at the M.em.lOrlaJ !Day, H . H. iLa,w rencc, At 10:30 o'clock Monday mQrn'q , ne~ or dtber 0l'g8%1~ would GTange Hall. Thursd~v June 5, aJt · Ha~dl·11 glenCll'8l manager, has announced. Dr. Walter Judl:i Of NiI!ne ala, w111 place .Ulemselves In tile same cllite- 2:00, Oli'JIb members .who will tatke. The As.sembly program will start give Ithe · COmmwcameDlt ad~. gor.y ,a the dburch Is a litltle fiar pa.rt in the program for bhe ~,ex t on June 21, with _ Oharlotte Row Missetl Jean and Jane Hal'tsock, fetched, espedaUy in 6IllI8B com- meeting Me: NaIll~ ' :Baird, Judy ·Ga.mb1e AOOo.rcuoDl Band a !! t.he'hters of !Mr. and Ma'S. Rol!S munlty like ours. To ~ve t.he Davis. Dorl Brown . tewtul'e. 'I1he A sembly program Ithl~ Ra M,l!ock are memJbers of t he church of a~ OPPQl!~ to S' . ~ will Stress programs for tilt> g:raKiuatnng cla . Jal'le Will :rece1ve a Ir~r aiQtendance 15 to ~ the ENTERT AI NS HOME EC S1~"y - fcar College '~tlre funUly, and 1!herte wlll be her .d~gree of Bachelor of Fine Arts p~1;Ie of 1lhese organizaltions. W e COMMITTEE, THURSDAY senior will be gradUa.ted a t tbe sevEl1"8!1 ya,rtety £bow 8 , :p ay ~ anld a.nId Jean 1ihIaot of Bachelor ot Music. ~ .~ ,i n evel'y way we can to MJrs. Allha Furnas el1terta.~ed tlhc annual ccmlll1&ncemen't exercises to m,* en~e:nt- O1aran~ J . tn&we .gr~ aJtt.endanae BlDd ,t hru Home Economics CoapIItU~ of the be held FridaG'. Jur..e 6 a.t 3 p. m ., .Broj'n, member of bonfT(J. s I rGm~e uae of 1tJheae '~ it ill po&II!!b}e SUbordl.\-atie Grn,n ge las t '1U1IUr Sday Dr. S. A. W\8¢.sOn , presidil:lI1>t. the Sevenlbh Ohio District. will spe.ak S· ct, ~ '. 1IhaIt journeyir"g tlPru on &Ln- at.~qmoon. PloalM were made for ibhe anncunOO£i t his week. aJt Oha.utauqua on Acu gust 10. Also daly ' would makIe a vl6it to pIon6o ind iIlhe program for ,the year Tlh1.ntlY-10ur o! Ith~ ,young people of t.nterell,t ~ MIami Valley r el!idents ~ ohkch, Of th'llb' c!boioe. In 8!D¥ W88 . eJso planned. The hos tess life OOIIIlIPleting their work at .t he WUl' ~ 1be 8I)pea~oe of Tom Mct'he foot It!leIIi . 1lhe ~ will ooOk1es durt';l g the . SocilW end of the spring semester, and the ~, popu.lair wx:.RC new&easter. ..the way oto CIle ~ 111 folloWing tb~ meeting. remainir,.g .th1~Y 'Will 1tnlsh 8It Ithe " !the people U1 '-'tIi1s ~_ . end of dle summer <teml.. be 8811~, InfOlnJlla,tion re88.rd1ng re eel vetBeeman·Stitwa.1lt. of ~ ~IS ERHOOD TO speaker for tbe. ' ()(JIIWIl8DoCEIIDA!nt t()lll8 at Ithe oa.b1n O.,-lony, Trailer!i' thi8 to JXl4nt them MO,NDAY exercises WiD be Dr. Joeepb;,P.Jtlng, c::la.IJ!IPor the ~vtew Hotel of ht8'8t«e We ~ ~ County Methodtsb ti Oberlin. Not( ~ ot' ;tbe ebould be sent to Beryl Orr, ~ to a ~~!H1tilCf of Ibhe Mettih~ First caw.rdl 'tJt 'Obedin, Dr. KitlB Ott wtJi &l1!0 be in c.ha.rge of tive JUne 13. " wID meet at 'the local Ohurc~ is well knoWOI'tI'I~oUt the l1r.ited ~eeervaU~ for ~: l'l1Bor.y, con~. new evening. > ' . StalUeB lIS • ~r aIldi autoi'. . .erencell ...."'. convenwun s . S~is ~r 1wU! be 6JelI'IVed at 7:(}(P AmOng those whO wUl reoe1ve .. ~ ~ will be a ''l1ew !.eat-ure pi " HnJe of o'~!trY 'tile- ladies' at tibe church. degrees in Awrust ill Mi86 V1rPn4a ILt ChaUtauqua. Churches ot dUIer- be ~~ a.nd ~" Rev. C . H. MluT,~, pastor of Hardin, (B. S. dn Ed.,)Wa;y:neav1lle. ~ ldenomlnllJtions ~O:1t the alsO: ~ry !re$l' the Walnut Hills Methocbt oburch valley wUl have a special Bur.da¥ rroien., frnjl& 0/ q{ootnDBltt WlllI'ma.k.e t he address. ,. ' for a proeram 8Illd: aU m embers ot md Other f86t / that ~inwtlon will be invited CHILDREN'S DAY AT I to ettend,·alo'og with aU others. METHODIST CHURCH SUZAN'NE LOUISE BROWN Mill8 R.uth Ann' wUl he ' Ohildren's Day ' wm be ~ved . (Ma'. and 'Mrs. Roger Brown be m Cbarie ·of the 1l~rv1sed play 1»' at 'the MetlhIo!:I~ Oburdh. Sunday. annlOWllCe the biJ1bb of a . ~, BIt ~ ~. a new service ' tihe June 8 Bit 10 :00 a ·m· 'Ib.e services suzanne LoUIse On ~l ol,~ ,2. tlhill year: nus 8eIW1Ce will be free a a y l l t u l d J e r lttJe dJreclt.ion of Mrs. M. A. ____ - _ _ ~. Co 1iIe parents of tile ohildren, nlore ~.

'. Sed fj'u'huqua tart 00 MelDOn-al Day







-0 1


Angu'st '

tewat:t, 0 J-ng' To Dot Brand



Dc· l ~ ,,.

6 '.

STfA~ES F~~~~ r:r~'~t



FARMERs', GRANGE . : 'nils MEETING. SATURDAY Bavey prociOOtlJ••• ;<:ItijDi ~ ti'IOU8h t4le 1OUth. "'rmers, ~ ·.N~ ~1~ meet room tor Ilbe ti8i~'l\!a ~~JtiI!lI

week a Ten at.t8s ~ ~

\brOUih on Salturday

with ~ ~ tbI& 'f~, Mr. O'clQck,




~n1,nS; June 7 at 8:30 w1U 'ar.rive

:the ,9mnleHall in val~ are bt;ing ,c#!Cl"~~~,~-


J~ :~: dIat ·~ ~e. ,third and. fourth dIt.toDs SIaUlat to UIioIe" ~ dl!ueee .will lIie C?Onferred as a part Wiitih tbe',except!on"CIf.Imali.pblddn "qt ~ ~ O! Ute eveIIW.g. Arter " CIf ~. ~ _ 'bind t1U8 W>memOl'illl program will - be ~ die ~~ ." .1,' . liVeD, .


clea~ liLle. 'lbe ~re 1'1Qn MondaY.,alilfililiiil/. ~, lor ~ BOOddng.



Historical Society

The Miami Gazette BSTABLISHED 1860 PubUshed Every Thursday by DAVISSON PRESS FLOYD L. DAVISSON, Editor IDtered as Second CI86S Matter at the P<lst Office sub6crtptlon Rates: $1.50 per Year in Advance

National Advertising ' Representatives Ohio Weeklies, Inc., 2465 W. Broad Street, 4, _Ohio _ _ _ _ _ _ Columbus ______ _______________

(Continued from Page 1) gunrd. drum OOllPS a,nj firing squn ;! and ,bhis impret;slve 1I1l1emoriall ocrcmony w.1!11 'b e an outtlta.n'dlng event In commwtity 11lItere:ot. I 'Fmr..cls DU'lllevy enlisted wt 15 ~ears of age &ld scrv,eIQ in edwht Iindlan 0aJnaja1gns. helped erect the string of blockhouses dOWIn th

Ohio foughtrtlhInennm.jor bllitltles of tJheRiver. Revolution 1·e!tlUl'n'eld to

Ithe feeHngs of people who are little '::f .ci 1: 1 ~ f ::1 _ us' We do not eve'n l: ave to 1;0 to Mlexico t o see the same thin g. We U'eser.t It when ·a oar! clld of city peQple come to the com:1try al~ d act as tIhough we were deaf, 'dumb an :! blind and not quIte humsln and yet ,t oo otIten we aet blte &arne way towarld people \\IIlo Qre n'ot Amel'lcar.s. ~ ca.I.1LnJg us A,nCl'lcAiI1>l I have maiie ·theOanadians same en'or a.f CI' all Mexicans. andfOl'.111th.

The Miami Gazette, Page 2 Waynesville, Ohio, No. 4319 Thursday, June 5, 1947_ Suzey was ,IQokir.g 1'0" a safer home fOr bhem, We have about three aerell of corn pla~ · Wedne!l'Ciay !It dried out. enoug1h from Sat.ul·day an'j Sunday'~ four Inches of rain to wcrk In a few spots nn'd do fl little plowlr.g.

- - - - : - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - . . . . - - - - - - - school to complete !his educatior.. ~ are Amel11cans too. J ust :l I , He came 'to Columbt (Oincinl18ltl) polltene..og up and, down the \\"ol'ld FRIENDS witJh !pioneer >!etrtJer.s, I1;a.Ught tlhe woultl helip a lot. FIRST DAY SOHooL 9:30 A. M . fir ll t scllool o.i 'hng,hel' . diucat.lon In We have a il':IE W family c·f pup". MEETING for WORSHIP the NOl"bhw~t , ~rerl'1ltary and be- SU2Jey <has six of wlhat I BU pc t fu 10:30 .\. M. came Ithe .first school !teacher in be hoUllids. wt they look METHODIST CHURCH WIU1ren County. He was Repl'esen- striklr..gly like Buck. whose mothe l' R. B. Colem..n, MInister S UNDAY SCHOOL 9:50 A. M. ~T. ) UGUSTINE CHURCH tative bo the 'I'errltol'la1 Lcgisla- was a Beagle. I tried to have Suzey tUI'e. to Itll1e 00r.1Mtutional Oonven - stay alt home for the event but bhe Father Krumholtz. Priest ' HOURS: J. J . Burske. Supt. WORSHIP SEh,V IOE 10:30 A. M. MASS ...'UNDAY , 9 :00 A. M. 110n IIiIld I\Vrotse much of bhe Con- hole Ito her tavolite retrea,t u del' stit.utiOI1i of ·the ~tJ te of Ohio. H e . the kitchen has been looa.rded u.p so 9-12 each morning YOUTH FELLOWSHIP. was appalnted Ill' t Pre dent /\he went ba.ok to her old IMItemllty . 1-5 afternoons except Thursday. 1:30 P. M. FERRY J U'dg'e of 'the Oir~u~t Count of Ohio. ward. bh.e hole under the kltcllen Wednesday CHURCH of CHRIST Mary Cralg !!i(lrved as Pasbrtot. wt Ilhe tenwnit hou 'e. The l~ew balblt's Mi. HOLLt' Ralph Eo Stlnaon, Mini ter NUr!!e~ wd . Surgeon~ Ass! tant are now in my cellflr and they 7-9 Saturday evening METHODIST CHURCH BmLE eaHOOL 9: 30 A.M. dunn., the Revolutiona1Y War ar.d cau ~e a grea.t deal of dog trouble . Other evenings by "l. M. Scarff. MInister MORNING WORSHIiP 10:30 A. M . was amor..g U e .f!I'>!t lilt Oolumbla. Sme-key is so lntCl'ested In them. She Appointment SUNDAY SCHOOL 9 :30 A. lI. "Our P1ea- The Restora.Uon cf ThE' She IlUlJ'ried FmltlCls Dun]ov.y SInd would love Ito comfollt ~hem when came E. A. Ea.rnhart, Supt. -New Testamerit Ohurch . That All th '~ ~~rre~ c~t~~~~eYJ Bre they cry and wash Ithem and fuss TELEPHONE 62-R WORSmP SERVICE 10:30 A. M. M8lV Believe" .e gl 'n~l'en S . •....... " ane over them but SUzey will r-ot allow EVEN] JG SERVICE 7 'SO P M YOUTH MEETING 7:30 P . M. Rigdon (Mrs. Milbor. wnUams ) any such beluivior IlJllId th t leads . . ADULT PRAYER MEETING fcr whom "GLndower was buUt." '00 fights. I came in ye tertiay and . 7:30 P. M. Th m rkln g ,progl"!UIl will be fauna SUZE'.y wUh a IP~ In h l' EVENING EViAiNGELlSTIO SERV- broadcast ,by WLW. . mouth headed toward the cellfll' ST. MARY'S TU1C In.. 011 .uilngs will be out ste1rs. growling at Smokey. The';\ Optometric Eye Specialist EPISCOPAL CHURCH lOE 8:15 P . M on sevcntl" l'\I intere~ tln g homes and tried 'to tell me about ~t but I coul-d Samuel N. Key.. MIofll'er Ohildreo'a ~ prog"'llm. 26 South Detroit Str4!et Irvited t~ the AnneniC8lll on display IWIill dmw not tell wealliher Smokey ha'd '1:30 am. H.oly Communion ~one is cordially mar.y vls1ltor!!. 'I~ese h'CIUSCS range brougr. : the pup up&talrs and suzey The Rev. S. HUlf.hes Garvin worsbip with USXENIA, OHIO -In .s ,r ohit.ecture 1rrom early taverns. was l11 kln s ;t back or wealther 10:00 am· Morning ~r ,MId fine 01<.11 Oolon lell and ~k Re- , _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ :.:.=:':'~ Sermor... Samuel Keys WAYNESVILLE vlva.l manslor.s with oonn,:i li EII' ~ ,. UTICA O. B· CHURCH CHURCH of 'CHRIST .Wlru C8ipe Oed. NEIW England 001Bey. RalPh ma. BobeR .. VanZIle, IIIDlstn on1a1. and early Amcricar. farm 8UNDAY 8OEIOOL 1J:30 A. M. BlBLB &aIIOOL UO A.IL hOlJlell. lira. James Gan1aon. Supt. OOMMONION 10:30 A. M. Special eldUbits will be shown in many places. Among th£5C will PaEA.OHJNG tat. aDd 3rd 8uDdt.7a EVENING SERVICE 8:00 P. II. be exquisite old silverware from AN Y T I M 'E ANYWHERE ~ month 110:30 A. II. SERMON 11 :00 A. M., RleV'oluttOl1lJ8.T'Y Itlmes. fine collectiona ofLuatre. Obina. Glass, PorONE and ONE·HALF TON TRUCK tre1ts aDdI NDbInge, MBIps of FredflI'lc De WI'tlt, at.ct an Elliot mirror ADnouncin. ~e m!ade in RUladelpItiR., along wtth Telephone Wayne.ville ~ flnte furntt;ure iQ.tid mtereetlng d1eplays of oldL qull:s. ooverl::>ts. ~ W. E. O'BANION and samplers mBide by pioneer women· Hostellses ..wIt greet the v1s1tors Established by God. Announced by men. in b dress oftbell' a.noestors' and Proved here by world events. ch1ldnln will be seen w- groups as Uley Oligbt halVe been a century Public address by LESUE ROGERS a.nId.' a half 880.

Dr. C. E. Wilkin


General Hauling •

,Perfect Government


Representative of the Wa.tchtower Society

Sunday, June 8, 3:00 P.M. GRANCE HALL, WAYNESVILLE, OHIO Admission FREE.

All Wlelcome

.ANNOUNCING • • Standard Qa ~pany's


New Budget· Plan ·on ' ''IRES TVBES' B'A TI'ERIES , For Par,:ticulars See '.'

Ashm~ad Sohi~ . Service

May 30. ,1947. Memoria,l DJ!.~. Alndbher yeai' e<:me 8Illd gone a.nd still peace Is j UlJt a word, OUr annies are sWl abroaJ:L there are strikes and 'dilsSer.tlon &.t home. Every where peciple are still tl1ydng to prove IthaIt force will make pee.k:e 01' are ·f mnkly UIDDg force bo get them v.1haIt ItJhe.v Ithionk they /lPMDt BIIId w.e 80 to Itbe iCEIOleteliY 1liDd' pu~ naw~ On the . 'raW& of <thOee. 'WtlO died hoping 'We I~ ·fir.ldl 'a bebter 'ft.Y'. '.( Not ~ flowerll, l!IaID.e early iris. QQe Itl8il'l6' 1J)eOnie6. 81 few 5'd1ow roees. !the ~ lemon lWA!e but tittle else. :u 111 ~l'B a ~ lOI!8 to the 'peony IfI"O'M8l'8 'WIhe.n Itbey are either ·too litltle, Oir itoo· eul.y tor Memorial ~ . tlib ·nally de &. cwtous C\.I8toIm IbhotJ&b ~nt1y as old as 1Ume. .lbhis 1tAr.y~ Ito show our I\eBpeICt 'IIOd: afflectlon with tIow«s fot ,the dead, .l't 'Je 1,\ help to qur' feelings 'Wtle1l W)I~ atop lor a moment to remember It we do eomeltb4ng ~ it bu~ 1 1t 'IDIgbt /db more gocX:l 8Itld ~ it go farther if we put ,. our ~llnaa to Iwodt Ito do qneth:ing Ito @CIOmpliah 80IDe of :tlhe IthingS 'Wie hq)ed


acoompUab by


We e1tpedt ltlbe 8J1Il6' aod' the IItlaIte depa4'tment to ~Iake C84'e of eve'W'" tthJing but whlen We reBId an at1tlcle "WihtY. Meldcans 'do nqt LIke .. , '"" . ...... . 1 ~Ili a r~n1~ ~ Evening we see ,'I1lul~t all <tha.t they try ·to do C8.IlI be undor.e by ·bIle actions ot a few 'people. tourists or G . I .S or 'C'VCIlI ·those or us' 8!t homie WIllo faU ' to use a llbtie C'OnSMeratti~ri for

, '.



Phone HE1275 - . Local Phone 2552

Page 3, The Miami Gazette Waynesville, Ohio, No. 4319 Thursday, June 5, 1947

plaY!ed and refreshmems \yt!fe en- proUd p joyed ,by all. ~ 29.

I,ll' ordlnally years we would cO:lSildel' the groulld too wet too wonk but this year 'We have Ito Stiok sometlUng .in the b'Tound evel1Y .time we can do ~'t with out getting milled . We r.eed to equlp our tractors with paddle wheels to keep S'olng~ A.11otAh~r rain on ThurSday broug>htt a ,b ig crowd at· 'the Comml1'l1 ~ty Sale. 'Calves by the head old hlS1h but vea.! calves by Ithe pound didnt hit tops. It Is coM 'today. [·rost In &Ollie pla.ces la81t .night but 'the sur. ip slWn1Jlg taald l}lEJo.ple all over the cowltry are reme11libermg the dead and listening Ito speeches. Am a skeptic. when I ask h(}w mar.y who listened have Idon't! (me tittle thlnlo:' to ltake a £l.tep f orward Itoward peace.

Mias M1Jidlren Coleman. ~budent of ~e Univer&ity of ni1nloJ.s is vlsit:in1Z this week witlh.!her rpQl'er..ts, Rev. and Mil·s. R. B . Coleman. She was accompwn1ed home by a ~tutlent frlerJd. Mr. Joo Stone. Miss Ooleman will gra.dJuiaJte from Ilhe Unlversilty Ini June w~th the degree df B S . In Libraly Scl~oe. Rev. ankiJ MI't' . Oolemam. will a.tbetnd 1Ihe Commencenrenlt.

• • •

Of a balby boy. born

OeoI'ge Bur..nell and faundly of St . Ma's. lida. Lalwson asd Mr. a.nd Mlts 1 ~ were ~ g:uests (}f Fl1alIlk Lawson of Covington. Ky. are

jMrs. J . E- McCliure lost heir pet M0n1In1lt and Ni6l.l.le Burmell. ~'Og. ~ure" last week forom a hienrt Mlss Kaiser of R t. 2. ati~. Ohio spent tlhe weekWaynesvtl oe My of Dayton spent erJd' in Ken cl<iY wltJh relQltive . . SUl'llcI&y rw,11th her paren ts. Mr. and 1M! s Baa1bara Walker of MIami


Q)rwtn AIfy.

guelfts tllUs W1rek of Mr. and Mt,::,.



and family.

Mr.s. Eal'nest Nlxer. was in Midctaetown Ho, plbal a cowple 'dla~" laf¢ week for a minor opel'allcn, Is alt hoon'e very saltlsfactory.

Valley Hos)lltal ~n BalbW1day a t M r . J. B. Om.bbe was in Mercy Mr. and ~. Rhodes BUnnell her home heal' and aL~dJed AlumnI. Hospital in Hlamlbton ltil e Ij:a t week · were !'eoont quslness visitors a ~ for observatior., ibut I'et.ul'ned home Il'..depeildence. Ky. Saturday very much, improved E1lzaibetlh ~bt spent bhe weekM:lss Ed!lla Log:cdJOru aid MI'. Stan tmd visllttng - fP,'aM"tPal!'ent:s. Mr. ley Julien of near B u·tlervilJe spent • In ihonor 01 Mrs. E1ery BI'ooks a.n.d Mirs. cmwifl.Atw. Mr. anJd Mrs. Ke ard White an'll Sunlday ad'ternooIlJ IlJt I h e home of , bil'thday. tthJe fio-Uo·wing mitors rwere famlly BInd M lJis " B&rtha F ield s MIss Ma'ry Ka.1 ~ Mr. ~d W s. JdhT. SmUh of or. Route 2. present Ito sunpri"e ther: Mr. and called on J'dhr.. McKrugh.t Sunda.y Mrl:!. Hru'Old Lemons and SOn. Mr. Vel-sailles 8pent ·Monxm.y witlll h er evening . • Mrs. Oharues Maurice was . h cs.tand Mrs. 001'w1n Ary. MI.'. and Mrs. brobher. 00rWtn Ary. ss to tlhe MI sonary :lOl'lN y of :he ~. anJd Mrs. P erl'} B enlton of Kent Ary. Mrs . Howard· Drummond Mir. an'dl Mrs. Howard Gessaman Ferry Church WJednesday af ernoon . QJl! daughiter. Dor~, Miss ' Nlna of DElkwoocl spent Wedtn€Sday with l>aG'Itcn were ,the over nighit wi'tlh eleveru members presen t. guest of MI'. 'Bnd MiNI. D elbert Scott. MJr· and Mrs. Oharles Fisher FI'e(\, Hook ar-d wife. Cong,er. amd family of Sprln!:' VaJley. Mrs. . MI'. and Mrs. ·Ra1'CUe:l BUnnell and Eugen Wiloher rund I'on ar.d Mr. . Lamrence Shepherd and Wife ot daughters. ar.d IJarry Bunnell w~ re Mr. and. Mrs. Oha-rles Mauri e illnner guel!lts of the Charles Do· Olde1iham 'of Lebanon. Xenia, called on Ur.cle Bel't Shel'" and M r. and Mrs. Paul Maurice ~'ere in Harveysburg, 'Rriday evening . • • • herd Sunday a.fte1'llOOl). d1~ner guo ts of relatives in. Da~n, .S\l'l1da.y afternoon gues ts of Mr. Mrs. H . S. Emigh and Pat i ha ve Mr. aIIld Mrs. AtUnur Hare tOf ;M'. Sunday . Mrs. Louise· Wilson. Mrs .. Grace re~UUled to Seattle. WQ.I!<hIn 81ton anid Mrs· Harris Mosher BInd titJtle Zion called 0111 Mr. and Mrs . J . R. Sohulel·. Mrs. ILoul ~ e Conge r amd Mr. and Mrs. Laurence Elliot an after al visi t. with her lPM-eI1ts. W . daug.hltel·. VII' Ini'a Lee wel'e Mrs. Wrude on Deco.mtion Da~. s. MaIr'!.ha. Walker of LeiJlanon on ' Tommy of Fa.ilmont <;pent al~d Mrl<. J . A. Hial11tman. Route 1 Ohal1'1es F . Mosh&r aold Mr. al'd Mrs. iil:t ThW'sda~ at Mllfor\:ll O'llio. Mem~ Day w1itlh Chal'les E l! lll alIld in WUmlng1ton I1Ind Chall'les 'Hartsock and do.~hter. aIDdi Wife. . WJl11s' Maurice and tanlily of oa.ytol~. Mrs. Hru-tman accompani d Karen of Clnctnnati. Mr. and Mrs. Be ' 911t and Vemon Maurice nnd F. C. Harotsock of Milford aiTld M I'. her as fa1' "" Denvel\ Colol'8ldo Mr. and Mrs. Col1Wi!n' Ar>y al~ Mr. fa . of Daytton spent M t'IJ'l.onal where bobh W'e1'e guests of Mr. amd a.nd Mrs. Ronald Hawke. and Mrs. K~t Ary spent T'uesday Day witJl Paul Maurice and wife. Mlrs. O. A . Hartma·n and famlly. evening with John Scotlt and • Mr. and Mrs. Jam~ MilleI' of Mt dauK'hter. M'1'8 . Tl'Uman WaJrdlow and childB1Ule Robbins of nea.r Centerville Holly albter..ded the funeral of !.heir ren. Maa-th~ and Billy we re Sund'!\y Mr. and! Mrs. Everett Malia bt (md enterilalined a small group 'Of hl ~ rousin. MIss Pthyllls Johnson of neal' ~ner gues~ of Mr. BInd Mrs. Earl .friends Salturda)' afiterr.oon at his Xema. 'II "ratillr; after.nootl. The WlE TRY TO ASSOCIATE, T.tIAT doogthtel' spen't Pr1d8IY 8Ifltemoon Trellslar IltIlld daul!t"lter. A1:nc. !v1o.y. 9tb bil1t.h1day ~lliversal'Y. Th05e 'funeral W86 held Sit !the M.ethodast DIGNITY IN ALL OUR sEIR'nCES with ~ end Ml's. FIred Flaulkner of Mr. an'd Mrs. McOallum 8tIld . present were: Douglas W~ e. 0hW'0hl 'Bellbrook, conducted by WHIOH SHOULD BE ASSClCIAT- J&am!6towtIl. Terny Yazell. Jene ,pal!. Jerry Platt, Rev. Runnells. ED Wil"I1H ALL FINF;R FUNERAL !Mr. exd MlN!. Milton 'Shefeihan of dallghrer. Joan of Lebatl.on. formBlly of Detroit. called on o~d! t1'1en<l3. J1mm1e ~x. Kim Howe. Douglas Center'Ville were ca:llers on Mr. and Gol'dolll Bacon and -family. ·SUD'Qa.y • • • D~ON Kaiser. ar..d \be. hos.t. Billie Robbl n . Mk's. Grace Schuler hlQd a s her Mrs. A. H. EartIliha11t 1lndI son on a~oon. G~ were brought. tnUne8 .were 8Uest On DecomJt1on Da6t, Mr. and Miemoria:l ~. Mrs. ChUles ~ ~ Joan of 8aib1r.a. ~. and Mrs. Frank. Sm1~ 'I1he GI.mrti .tWins, Don and Doyle NOTIGE OF MEETING and carol and ¥ra'nk Jr. of Cinclnspent Ithe Mm\or!a.l Day week-end '11le Annual Meebir.g of the Lot na'tl. wttlb Ibhelr gra.r..dP6J'ents. R . B . 'Otmel\s of the Mlami Oemetery Peters and WUe. _ A88OCIa.tion wiil be held at the Mr. and Mrs. B. M. Spitler attend• M!rB. Ethel tEWs vA Judy> SmIth 08mete1'y' otltlce on Mond&y. June g, ed Memorial ser\'1oes a.t MIt. Zion. atIlteIlld!oo) dlurch SCf\·!r.'!S at at 2:00 !p.m. p~ forenoon , nnd services at Harveyttbuq. SUndill.g and spent. the Virginia HardIe, O1erk 6 , 7 Bellbrook' in I!lhe a.tterrdm. Mr. and cia&' 'WMbh rel&tives there. •• ~' and his two eide-ldcIts -65 Telephone 2291 ridUl&' ud lIabt1ng ~ adlWlll- Mr • . 1Atlbe1!t Ha~ge ood son of Dayton altter..ded the Bellbrook service . . Ma.*ber ~ BlirtlOO of Day~ 18 nrBN YOW 8tr8PLU8 ITDI8 !Jure to aid Ibhe C8A1Be of ju8Uce. sperdrc ae~ daWB vnth Mr. aIld . DEVIL'S PLAYGROUND Mlrs. Delbe1¢ OOoger. wlUle tus ~ qUICK, UADY CASH WILLIAM BOYD, ANDY CLYDE. !Mr. BJDd Mrs. Russell Andel"~n pa;mltB ere on wcation. U8E GAZBT'l'E CLASSD'DD ADS a'lld family of Centerburg. Ohio BAND BItOOK'S. BLAINB ,aILEY. c _ _. ALSO: A fQvod~ C&1"toon ohU'aCtler Called on C. -P . Ellis and fa.mUy Frlcomea ito maech.levWue life I:nI this lull day. O ther callers were Mr. and . lenglbho ~. Mrs. Lewis Collins of Lo()kl.nncL Ohio. LlTILE IODINE • \\ith JO ANN MARLOW 8.nId MARC CRAMEB.. Mr. and Mrs. 'I1ol1aal> Larwson. - : : - - - - - - - - - - - - -... dalugtbter 8IIld son. and Mir. and Mrs. 8 9 Donald Lawson spent ~st week-e~ ACTion. thrlBs a.nd rom&nce seJkhlm wsitlng ~ Mr. and MI'6. IJa.wrer.ce fOUnd m e. ~ epic! Exclote- MooI'e of Falmouth. Ky" and ment In Itibe gold, with <lap. uncle of Mn!. Tollaln, La.wson.

• • •

-Pel'"onal note"




TWIN Theatre

•• • •



• ••



• ••

TecbnItOo1or Mr. anidI Mrs. Walter Clark and B4Y MILIAND. B4RB4RA STAN- Mr. and! Mrs. Walter Clairk Jr. 'and Wl'CK aD!) BARRY ~ER4LD. baby. M1oh8el spent DecoraltiOn . AlSO: Ne:wa. Day with the fOlmfll"s dauIllhwr ' 1 1 1 2 and lIOIl-in-laW. Mr. 8IDd Mn. Bee.uWul women aDd poUUca!(l) not BIer.!'rle 8choUlthe!-s of Da(yton, Kyo. miX! tA t2lriWnlJ IIIbIrry or a \WIDaI1 • • • ~Ia.n wbo detl1aIita ~ 0JlP0IIl!MIra. Shoup was a Dayton tioD. MR. ACE caller ~ afternoon.


Mr. ar.d Mrs. Kenlt Ary ~t .... ~ •• AlSO: Sport 0II.I!txI0ID aDd ADiinal Dec:ol'8ltllOn Day BIt B-'ncl1ester.

tea.turuw (JEORGI: B4fT.8YLV14 SIDNEY with 8m SlLVJ188.

00miecV' ~


Mr. and Mrs.


wayne Soott are the



planting late com, we have 95 to 110 day • maturing "YB'RID SEED CORN.


are starting. Place your next winter·s requirements before us.

We Want ·To Sene YOD


WaynesVilie Fumers Exchange Co. PHONE. 2371

STEWA.R'rS THRIFT-£. MARKET ·will be C~Ulled to

'Stewarfs OOTFood Store MEATS

Farnlers ,







Je GOO,D" .



The Store Will Be Cloaecl from

Monday, June 9 to·o.pening .day for redecoration anei restockin, of merchandise:

See' G~1U BIG Sen-out 'Specials For' All of,This W~ek. SAVE.



Mr. and Mrs. TreadwalY spen t SutllB.y with R:Il.y :M1\Ilnous and family and in tlhe o.ftemool1l '00get.heJ' dalled on MI'. and Mrs. R . B. Fellers.


• • ClA8SJlI'IBI) AD RATES • • a warda or lea one tIme.oo .. ooZC

~ ~tan.J ~ •••••••••••• 10



of ga.J1den plar.l!s. lOe per dozen. Chas. C. strouse. 1 y. miles north a! Wa ynesvUle. corner at W8(YIle6vUlt. Ferny and W!ll'e roads- -73

The Miami Gazette, Pago 4 Waynesvill e, Ohio, No. 4319 Thursday, June 5, 1947

Home Comfort

Uncle Sam Says

Mr. and !Mrs. Olarenoe Morford anld Mrs. Mal1tha McGee Qlnd ohUd ren of DaG"ton were rruest,s of "Mr. and Mrs. Loyd Davis on Memorial




USED BRIOK- ~ ,fOR HAUL- . lr.g . Roger Brown, Thlro street. ' PEDERAL LAND BANK LOANS : Phone 2193. -65 Por Ref1nanc1lla - Rebu11dlnl BIQ1ng•• % Farm loaDl with long OLEAN RAGS WANII1ED- MUST HowIatd MclS:ay of near Wilm.lns QIDe to pay. Pay part or all any be free or buttQn5, pint; and hooks. tor. was 'OUI' g'UeIi!t speaker at chureh. t.1me. No curtains s1lk hOlle accepted. Sunda.y. LEBANON NAT'L FARM LOAN Be~ prices. oal1 2143. Mr. and Mrs· l~erett Haines BitASS'N·, Ellis H. Sturm. Sed1tended itJhe wedldImg of ;1tle:ir Ilmce Treu. Lebanon, Ohio. Phone ...8 Miss Pa.ullne F.l&her and Mlo. Thomaa to I MUST GET A MAN at once in tihis oommur.ity to 1W0rk LesUe a1 Fairv1elv Friendtl W1lth our D.lstr.lct 'M anager. Must Howse. SuctiBLV evemtl8. .... Real Estate For Sal_ have car 8IIld lbe over 28 years of Mr. and Mrs. Ra(ymond Wllson IP YOU HAVE A PROPERTY OR age. The work .Is in line with the aAltend£d a bmthday d.Inner tor PARM TO SELL call or Write program adlvocated by tlihe Depwnt- Irv.ln Smitlh. SOllbh Monroe street. Don BeDderson, Tel. JD!:3f48, &17 meM of Agriculture. Permanent Xel1da. SunIday. Lora1n AYe .. Dayton, Oblo. tte: work, ,good pay for ~an WIllo' has !MI'. er.d 'Mrs. WUliam Swbh 8Illd li~ ~ fa.nn. write 7'0 IthiS pe.per. da.ughter. MBa'ilYltl SUe and Mr. and

ae6arj .

I reek



Notice of Appointment Mrs. Ralei8b Bogan Qlbtend6d horne. 00Ill4ng Jday a.t Bethany JP YOU HAVE 4NY PROPERTY Notice .Is ihereby giver.. <Lhai Fay ohurch. SUndaty o4ternoon. to .ell call !'raDc1a Oe.n e Brown. Marlaltt Wlhose Post Office Address Mr. andJ Mrs. lBemard Daley and Real -.tate Sal.uan, 'for B. D. is Rural Route No. 1. Mt. _Holly. dau8l'l.ta. Mrs. Adra Bre.dt!ock aald ~









Houaehold Goods For SaI..-

Wa~. Ohio has

been duly of the Estate at MJl~red M. M8l'latt lQJt.e of W8llTen Oous~, Ohio, deceased. Ralph H. Q\jrey. Jud!<e of the ProbaJte OOUl'lt ~rren COunty. OhIO , Dan M· Aultman, Mty. -619

6lJPP04ud as


FOR SALEFOB SALE- TWO ~,4 h .p. 110 volt.J electric motors, General Elect.lic. 1750 r.p.m.. excellent con<l1tlon. Brice $17.50 each. Phone 2143: '




Mrs. Jennie B raddock of WaY'Desville were guests of Mr. and Mrol. Riaymonki Wilson one evening recently. Mr. Reed who was a s~ dent at Penn College 0skalOO8O lao stopped for a shOllt vis it in the hdme of ~tt Hair!es enroute to his horne in New Je:rsey. Mlr· 'and M/rs. Llibber Hadnes w te;rtamed to .clinnel' Sunda.y. Mr. and Mrs. HoWBl1ci M~cKa~ . of nea.r WUrnir'.81bon ailld M il'. and MIra. Weldon McKlalY of ne84' :New BurUnt¢Qn . AmlOUncementAs IhaNe been received of tale birth of a $ ulllhter. carol Mae <to !Mr. and Mr8. Robel'lt C. Bogan, 3337 Oour.ttand avenue, D&yrton, Obto'. 011 MialY 20. Mr. Bogu,nl is a nephew of Raleigb Bogan and . wife: Mrs. ~s Jlenk.1n s of Kokomo. ~d. , John Wilson and'Robert Wlllson spent Sunda,y evenitllig, May 25 in ItIhe BBlY'JDond Wilson home. O u[' community was sadl;li:ned by the death of Ail>errt C. Wilson, son of ' WilSOD>. Our ympalbh(y is

IGOOD MlI.JK GOAT- Toggen burs.. · . E A. Ea.rn.hart. Mt, Bolly. Call'. Mr· ar.d Mrs. 'ChnTle~!ns t;X , ...ami Mr. "ah $rs. Donal:! Watk\ns Spring Valley 37201. ~5 ...~ ; . e _ W


Garden PlantsFOR SALE _

" . S¢tl~l' oi BellProo:C plan,t;s, 50c pea- hundred. All IdIIlds a;nd Mr. -and Mrs. IAi:~eo.Qce 5pi:.1et e . and loon of Ka nS8& <,alletf t'I1i


. .

¥t .., w.



. nspec Ion

Cale. ndar

Twent.y-first D1strlct of Ohio the Order of thIe ~ Star ln8pec101on dates: . IN? INSPECTIONS BY WOR'ftIY GRAND MATRON LUCILLE MILNER June 11- civy No. 221. Blancbester INSPECTION BY DEPUTY ~ ' -:=:ON June 6- No_ 173, MarUnsville


June 9- No. 441,

.Ift,. .


Mr. . M· Spitllerand ia dEItY :B afternoon.



Ii, TUC8- Mrs. Mr. 0.lIBal1. III4ld Dunn Walker of n"mll" Krietze.r. Lebanon a:ld !Mr. o.r.d Mira. Ohes!er DuJnn


M.lssI Mondmia and MIra. ' Nellie BunneU. togetJher with George Bunnell anId f amlly of St. Bennard were ~ of !Mlr. anti. Mrs- . Cl(vdIe Long of Oer.i.ervdlle on Sunday. _--:_ _ _ _ _ _ ' __


Arm·Itage &Son

One of I\.he bYlPl'odJots of tnle

8Itnn).1c bOOlIb ds a metaldd of a.skiing ipla.r.1ts what th~y Ihave been ealtmg. 'l'racee of radtoaotlive IJl!II.t.erl8I1F ple.icIed . ~ fellttltrers taken up by !plants <ia.n be jlrllCEl.1 a Oelger It t4lIe plad eaJt.c; the·t.r.eated ~ : ~~~m~:.Ji~~


-.oKD8 UcaR

ror Dates, l'bODe .... w~ .0bJG. Revelle


1. 2.

What is it? How does it work? 3. ,What db you gain? INQUIRI~


Waynesville National Bank WAYNESVILLE. OHIO Telephone 2251




THE BOND.,A ·MONTH AUCTIONEERING PLANSTANLEY and KOOGLER NORRIS BROCK COMPANY Clndnnatl Ur.1on Stock Yuda IJve Wire and ProtP'e8s1ve. An orga.rumtton second to 1lOZle. 9trlctJy se1le1'B on the best all around Dlm'ket In the country. . Seryl" e Tha & SaUllle. WHIO Dayton 12:30 E . S. T., D1aJ 1300 WLW O1nciooatl 12:tO DIal , '100 for 0IIt' Da.i17 Market Report.

LEBANON. 0'110


.tile fertJliZer 111 J:tOt USE'd. ~ count.e1 Sufferersl '1'r)' REINER'S RlNOLI wdU reme.inl ~f. oomtorttnc reUef from pUm Of-t ~tJam. arthr1ti& DeUJ1tte,Ium· ~ l"RD BOOlW!:I'. AIk for THREE THINGS YOU Relner'a R1no1. ~ suffer loaprT . . w~emue DnJg store. tic SHOULD KNIOW ABOUT



Any make or model 'Fred Kahn Motor Car Co.

Mol'l!. ~~ iBonn. who 'h.8.s spent and son of Lebaaron ca.lletl in tlhe ,the winter wib !her son. Evan at Bogan home one evening aast week.

Da.yton. btl! ' ~ to the home of 'her son Ralei8tl oni aural RIOute 1. We,.yne6Ville.




. ~s. Mary Bos'&r. who spent a few ' ys with her son Raleigh is tlbe guest of her ~S~UB\h. MI·/i. Lilah WUscm at, itJhlfl writlIu;.

M, niece. aDel nepbews DOw' tba. ten the trath beD the 8&'arel deal witb the resuU. of . , . tematlc savlDp throu,b Ute PayroU S.v.... PlaD. Take a look .t Utll cbart. Circle the O,ure you Deed to acbleve lOme ,oal for ,our· seU or your famiJy. TheD move ,oyer to tbe columD wbicb tell I you bow much you need to save each week In U. S. Savinp Bond. to attain YOUl obJective. The wbole tbln, Is all simple .as addln, one to three, because your Uncle Sam P:'YII you aD extra dollar for every $3 you pal In Series E SavinI'S Bonds wheD you bold the Bouds to maturity 10 yean bence;


Poe't6 sa.y rakldr.."1J1fl ,t ap On window but soil COD/i t l'ValUoni£l!>s claim 1Ihe dro}J6 hUl'Lb ~ !down upoo soil SUl1fa.oes wi t.h farce eDl:lough to knock 100 tans of top sodl of( an acre of U. S- dail'l'Dl6n placed 67.278 h eros lanId lr. a. Unl!llie storm. Oover 546.563 cows in a,r1,1!1clal CI!CpS k~ l 'f rom oedng soU. ir.seminaltions ~ona in 1946. The ft.ote.l number of cows in such Conswnption f flu Id m.Uk In the , J anuary 1. 1947. W!33 !irEt pant of 1946 '~l n Ed but pro1,125.000. duction 1ncreasel:l. Pr:.ices ·<w(,rut lower.

W to <the Sf~Y. lin . F. M. . '0 New Bur gcaesa4"s Creek Frien d.!! m :

~ .:,=~ :~!~~

SWEET POTATO K:ar.saa Pity

Dining-room chairs appear in sUp covers at the k.Itchen breakfast bar Mr. and Mrs. Harold Ford designed for their farm home in Pottawattomle county, Iowa. Betty Lindsay points out in nationally-circulated Capper's Farmer. These red waterproof plastic-coated fabric one. match leather-seat upholstery. Comfort and convenience-promoting ideas ab o un ~ in the Ford home. In each ot the 10 years Mr. and Mrs. Ford },<I\, e been married, they have made some improvements which will make farm work easier and the home . more . comfortable_ A busy homemaker who tend. a large garden-: prepares an abundance of food for freezing and can· ning and raises a large flock of chickens. Mrs. Ford manages to be a 4-H club leader, hold an office in the women's home project board and in a church society. Extra momenta must be allotted for her flower garden, home improvement and ~ .onal care.





X·E N I A Fertilizer Rev......

4 . 54

E.G. Buchei_, Inc.

Xeaia .O.


r;rYPE TALKS ~ ..


by John S. Turn,e r

MINST~ SHOW, TO BE STAGED AT,TOWN HALl:, LEBANON Th Min -trel h , w that wa given at \ a n Town hip High S hoal la t Fri lay nigll't will be stu red at T wn Hall ThGa tre on Tu esdav ni ~ht , J ulv ' . a C Irdi n r t' Ih " C I11niittce in Charge'. Th e , how1I1 i I he spon oreel by th L haTlI 11 Legion. Full details f the arran ge ment viii he publish 3d at future da te .

.. 'Civic Club Host ' To LocaIScouts

, Fnthc: r' Day i Sund,'ay. lrope, Dnd, th at :yo u' ve I arn e j y now ju t what a mall rol Y0t! actually, play in the famil y cirCle. Th fa t was rev al d t , me quite sudd nly Ie ~ th an a y ar ago anct at the time I wrute about .the xp rience. O. -t3 2 Here ' the t ry- , , Never ha v I p ra ted lind r ..:.:..:.:..:....:..:....:.~:...:...::..:~,--=-~~--.---~---the illusion to my arbup th e as h usc, butimpo th rtance total, ne of my unimportan e \\' <1 rev aled quite clearly tl1 . ih er . nigh't. When I walk d into her r-oom, Kaydie was Ir tch d acr . th b d arefull y arrangThe Warre n C unty Meh in th cl th of a fav ri te dist Br th erhood met at the d \1 while h r 111 th r rea j loca l Church, M nday ev ning. al ud from the b ok" r wing June 9. lip", written with the bjt: t If The la(iie_ f the Lilur h eJiminating th t rk fr m joserved a fin e dinner at 7 : m tic ' affair. At the a f o'clock. S ven, up n h r .\Vn in -j-tence, Mr, R. C. M leI', pr si ient. out little ~i rl wa ' learni.n(r t~~ . conduct ed th meetin '. An unfacts of hfe. u llally fin aela re \Va ivell , , • it was tb n th e blow f 11. by R v. C. F. Murphy f Wal"Q4l-~ ~t. sh aid, "thi i the nut Hill Me thodist Church, , first'tim!! t eV'r kn ew y u had Cincinnati. ' 'J anythin r t . do with .me being There wa a good represenODS , here." tation of the Brotherhood at ince th tim f this meeting. The June meeti ' f the fir tr oll Hon I have b en :t Happy Hour Club m t at the part of her IIf , buJ' th i \ as home of Mr . Fr d G ns with the fi r t tim I realized th at my nineteen m m er pre -eot. pr enc had nev r. en, exThe progr;tQl commiUee pr,oplai!1,e . to 'h7r ,f rtlle millet. viti d' the foll'owln g intere lin g Out i e of emg th e 1 n r f pr gram: . her mall aIr wance ea h w ek, the own r of an extra plate a Elsie H ckeH read. "The Softball activities were cur- M t' nforgetta Ie Chara te,r .the ta Ie, and a con tant urce tailed again ' last week with wet I've Met" from Reader s Di'of annoyance when ur bathgrourids and rain cat,lceUng att gest. Rhoda Bunnell gave a tec, r , m re uirements happened t games except the . Friday even- itation "My Mother's Travel, coincide, ' I Qbviqusly bel nged ing, June ~t~ tilt Q~tween ~er: inK ,I' B,e't,ty ' 0glesbe~ re,ad, ' in the same, category with the gus.O!} Sy~tern ~n'p: Harveysburg~. I~~le: Cou.!l r.v inn r/:.~; • dog, dgvenport, and ,r,d'o. ,; , Now thing are 'differen. I . ~ . ~ «'t ria 13rall oc f'ave m fav,9 r ,Of th . Fer~uson boys. a piano ' 010, HLove Song" by can lean ack in my chair and , ~,enjoy -a recog~itlon tn porpor· O~ Suftd~y e.venm~ the All Nevin'. Jerry COok ang t-wo t.ars tat,lgled With Mlddleto~n 'solos, "When Irisb ' Eyes · ar tion to my Importance. But WIth a fmal scort of, 6 to 4- In ,.Smiling" and "Where h~ River their seem to be no awe-inspirfavor of the ,home boys. . '-' Shannon FlOWS." ed glances or other indication of the recognition of the valu The Waynesville Se\v-So Monday evening of this week The .hostess serv.ed '; 't"esb- ' 'of such an important personage '\-H ' Club met T~ursday, :June Fairl,ey's shel1acke~ · Roxanna ments to the Club members and, as I. Funeral servIces were con- 5 at Orange Hall with Mrs. with a 6 to 0 sHut-out game. " tbe f6Uowing gu:est~: .' ' Oh, well· ) guess it's just dueted ' Sattirday, June 7 at Edenfield in charge and Eileen D~1e Heac!' ~rs. Maude 'Stull • AHce ' . . , another one of the burde of '2 :00 p.m. at Sp~ingborb U. B. Brown. presiding. , Fnda~ E~lDg • . Ogle bee, Nettae. C)'g I te so e e, ' D?rl Brown gave a d.!~on .' ThIS Fnday OJ.ght" June 12 Ruth Edgington;, Mrs,. J. Q. ·· falh~rhood. Church for Lawrence Everett stration on \ a slant hemml~(l'. the sch,ed~led FaIrley s vs Fer- Gqn~ " ~rs. Aus.tin Till ckara :' ' • • .• Githens, age nine; ' Sm~e there app~ars to be no Young Githens was a victim Members talked apout makmg guson System game;,has be~n a nd Mrs. Ralph' SmitJi.. Five (jr~aOlzed recreation p~ogr~l!l of drowning. The acciden,t oc- a club tOl:lr through the' ~\cCall cancelled and ,Harveys~urg \~111 chHdren were alSo present. . . '. I thIS summer for the kld~ It 5 curred on Thur day, Jun 5 in plant in D!\j'ton. Ruth Earnhart meet Miller's' Restjlurant 111good to see one local busm~s~ a pond on the 'Kaehtin ' farm reported on officets and advi- stead at 7 :00 p:m. a~d Fergu- FR~DSH1P CLASS OF ' ' son System vs Peer s Inn at ' METHODI~ CHURCH .:,,'.........,.'!:rt .. (loncern . ~ome forward .on Its near the Githens home on Rural sor conference. Jean LaRue was ·a guest qf 8 :30 p.m. SPONSORS (;UILD .' own volitIOn and buy uOlfor"!s 'Route 2, Waynesville. He, with , Future All Stara , •. ' . f .to.. f?Y a group of yo~ngst~rs. It a companion, Albert Brooks, the club. The next meeting is sclhedul- Games Listed The. fn endshlp . Club a ~n~ nice to se~ blJ)'s m ll~lforms, age 9, were wading in t~e pond Other futur.e gam~s with t,he, MethodIst Church. J s~orisormg basebal1 untforms, that IS. when the Githens boy teppcd ed to be l)eld at the home of Mr. Ray , Klontz on June 12, I All Stars are as follows: a Home Craft PUltd program at into deep water. Neither , oy (today) at 2 :00 p.m. Mary Sunday June 15, Xenia Eagles the church bas~ment ~n Th~r~.. .. '. • C~rnival ~qUll'ment. or no was able to swim. The 1,)Qdy was at 2 ;06. p.m., ' arOlval eqUlp,~ent, thl,s col- recovered in 20 mlnut s aft er Frances Hartsock, Judy Friday,' June 20, Dream Bar" day, '-3U!le Franklin Valuable merchandIse pTlzes . ' \,Imn has been. mfo~me~, there the accident by Gord n Don- and Charlen Edenfield witl udday; June '2 2, Xenia Elks will be g,iven away and r.efresh. . will .be a ~esqUl-centen~lal cel~- ovan of Dayton, a carpenter take part in the program. brahon m . WaynesvllI~ thIS who was workin g on a nearby Ruth Earnhart, Acting Reporter Friday, June 27, Moose Lodge ment ~vl.ll b~ served dunng Ui~ No. 73, Dayton entertammg afternoon. ' . year. The time! accordmg to house ' and was summoned by WOMAN.S AUXIUARY An admi sion c1htrge of- ~c " Friday, July t 1, Veteran of present plans· wll1 be tate Sept- Brooks' call for- help. WILL MEET FRIDAY P .. M. Foreign Wars, Xe~i a will be made. The public is,W- ~' ember or October. TJ1e boy is survived by his 'On Friday afternoon, June Sunday, July 13, Storm KtIlg vited to 'attend: .~ "'~h1l.i!I!~~Wi parents, Mr. and Mr. Lester 13 at 2 :00 p.m. the Woman' Githens and fiv brothers and Au'xiliar-9 of St. Mary's Church PUMMILL·DAVIES GARDEN CLUB MEETS , five 'sister. will meet at th e hom of Mr . WEDDING HELD WI11f MRS. HARTSOCK ' Burial wa made in Miami Dorot~y Frazier. Mis l{uth Curtis~, daughter The Garden Cfub met Wit,lt, pemetery und r the direction of Mrs. DaVIes and Mr. Nlr . L na Hart ock, :fihursday ' ". d 3 of McClure Funeral Home. The Warren' Holmes family Albert Pumml.1I, son of Mr. ~nd afternoon. Nine members wefe 'Emerson Perry, age 2, , of SaQina have just recently re- ~rs. W~rd Pummill were un~ted present. Dainty refresbme~~s passed away at a Lima hospjtal.~ FISH AND GAME 'GROUP turned from ~ vacation trip .1I1' marrtage by Walter fS:enrtc~, were served. " Tuesd~y, Ju~e 10.. MEETING TONIGHT through Canada. They found Justice of the Peace, at hIS .. He l~ ~rvlved by hIS mother, , eetin ' of the conditions th'ere much worse home in Lytle, Saturday mo,:nMiss Monimia,' Bunnell atMrs. _Smdla Perry and several nextn mFish :nd Game ' than pir~. The farmers there ing. The young couple are ltv- tended the Fairmont High" ) brot~ers and sl.sters. . ' tyA . i'~tion will in pla~~ ha~e given up putting ing in the p.roperty pf, Mr. and School Commen~emeDt at the ' Funeral serVIces Wltl be .e~nssoc .12, at out· t~e.sp.r!N~ crop and no gar- Mrs. Ray MIl~er. N. C. R. 'auditoHum, Dayton, ' ducted at the home of a SIS er, P Halt dens 'made:Jlp to the tinH! they on iast ThurscLiy evening. ' Mrs,. ' Chester Henderson, neat' .Ie ' ',. ";-;.:" ' Mrs. Cn,arle.s Ell! 5 attended ', Her great ~Pnhew; Janl,es ,I ., Harveysburg on T~u.rsd~y, Jun~ , . ,:, ,'I. church and c~l~dren s day pro;-1;" .: 12 (tod. ay) ~ith ~u{l~lln ~}~ml_ : J.'fis. . B. \Cliabbe , is much gram at DaVl,d S n,ei1f, O!l~top, Shaw was one' of ,t~e' 127~grad- ' ~"", ,,,p"ry under the d~rectJQn of ,., Sunday. . uates. 1b.11JPIJ.!S Funeral HQme. .

Franc·ls Stars This' S , ummer

Brotherhood Held At Local Church

Happy Hour Club At G' Home '


Ball Playing Again Assumes Schedule '·


Sew-So 4-H Club-

Funeral Held For

Drowliing ,VictiDi







Funeral ~f E",erson Perry Held Today







~ :j'


.: ~

Shades Makes



Mr. ram h u~ , M r~ . Pa 11 Maur! ' , \ :' . J . E. \ . lur . and )\\ 1'5 . Ch ari s Ell i ' Piqua callers, Frida y.

METHODIST CHURCH R. B. Colema n. Minister un da)' h OI I 9 : ),() a.m. J . J. Bur_ke, : ul t. W r 'hip ervk 1() : W a. m. Youlh F ' Il u\\' 'hip Thu rsday, 7 : )0 pm.

ra lll i ' expe teJ Juli an I ( n l..' • atllrda fro III reg n f or an ex t ' nd d v i ~ i t with hi pa r __ nl . Mr. and Mrs. Paul Mauri 'e Mrs. 8es i Newland f d li- were Middletow ll caller We j · l II , Mi 'l1 . "pen ~ 'v ' ra da" nl'. day v nin g-. with Mr. Henr Finck, l:i ' l WL'c k.

• • •

Mi Ma rth a y, MLsi nary' t ) Iniia will hegue' t p aka at \ ayne viII ' Meth di 'l Chu r h, unday mornin g, Jun 15 at 10: ) ( ' lu k. Let u ' giVe her a good hea rin r and g t fir thand fa ts about In dia and h r 'political and religiou ituati on.

'" . . *

The Children's rvi e n unday, Jun ~ 8, under th direction of Mr . M. A. Fulker -on were highly appreClatect.

Mr. HOLLY METHODIST T. M. Scarff, Minister : 0 a.m. ,unday ch o ,I E. A. Earnhart, upt. 10: 0 a.m. W r hip erv ice 7: 0 p.m. Evening ervi e


SERVICE -We are avail. abl e

Here are her directions tor giving lamp shades a real soap and water treatment: Remove a parchment or paper .hade from lamp; go over it with a cloth rung quite dry from rich suds. Then go over the shade' with a cloth wrung out of clear wate-r. Finish by' wiping it with a dry cloth. Examine the shade to see 11 bindings are ,lued or sewed on and 11 there ar:e ornaments that might not be wash·

Mr. and Mr . Gi rd n Bac n attended an anti'que sale at Bellbrook, aturday.

ST. MARY'S EPISCOPAL Samuel N. Keys, Minister Morning Prayer 7 :30 a.m. Holy Communion and rmon 10: 0 a.m., Chaplain Col. John C. W. Un I y.



times . . . NIGHT or DAY STUBBS FUNERAL ,. HOME Telephone 2291 Waynesville, Ohio



a,i n't hay!

UTICA UNITED BRETHREN Rev.. Ralph Hines Sunday SC;hool 9 :30 a.m. Mrs. Jame Garri 0.0, Supt. Preaching. 1 t and 3rd unday each month 10: a.m. Mr. and Mrs. Th o mas Holmes, Mr . Irene Holmes and children Ja~" and Ol~ Sue., ,ap" Bud Rutherford of abina were dinner guests, Sunday of rland Holmes lllnd family.

Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Martin FRIENDS First Day School 9 :30 a.m. cal\ed on Mr. and Mr. Fred Hook, unday afternoon •. Meetin fo ... Worship . 10 . 0 a.m. Mr. and Mrs. Hoskin and ST. ' AUGUSTINE father of Middletown and Father Krumhollz, Priest Marien Smith and wife of San Mass, unday 9.: 0 a.m.. Fran i co, Calif. were Friday -- , caller ·of R. B. Peters an FERRY CHURCH of CHRIST family. , Ralph E. Stinson, Minister Bible School 9 :30 a.m. Mornin g Worship 10: n a'.m. "Guardians f the Faith" Youth Meetin g 7 :30 p.m. Adult Prayer Meeting 7 :30 p.m. Evenin Evangeli tic S rvic,:e 8:15 p.m. "H ow long halt y hetween two opinion" Come and let" u wor hip the Lord together. I

Mi s Rayly n Crabb i at home from Ohio State University.

Waynesville farmers Exchange Phone Compant -2371

WAYNESVILLE CHURCH OF CijRIST Robert L. VanZile, Minister Bible School 9 :30 a.m. Communion 10:30 a.m. Sermon 11 :00 a.m. t ... : Evening Servietf:-· e (li.,tf:oo p.m.

feed Scoop firee


100 lbs. MAsTER MIX CALF PELLETS or MEAL George Bunn ell and family of St· Bernard were Sunday callers in Wayn es ville. Miss Carol Bunnell returned home' with them for everal days visit·

c, o A



Shipments on next winter'

quota are st :uting.

W e urge you to fill your hin now while GOOD Mr. and Mrs· Homer Ramhy and grandchildren, Judit~ Ann r COAL is available. A coal strik e will cause a Russell and Ramby Le~ Yunkes of Lantana, Fla· have r,eturned ' to their home in, Lantana after a two weeks visit with Mr· and serious coa l shortage thi s coming winter. M'rs· Edwin Ramby and Mr. and Mrs: Milton Thinnes and daugh- . ._ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _. ._ _ _ _ _.... ter of Middletown. ;.',



Some days dlose beautiful cows put out a whopping pounds of milk. And they average over 4000 pounds every day in the year. Figur~ that against the national average price of nearly 4c a pound and you see that the Leitenvitz income ain't hay, either! . ' How much of it is net profit? This farmer isn't telling. But· he will teU that only five people- his wife, daughter, two 50ns, and sell- tend the cows, do the milking and all the other chores. Five peop.le! Of course, he's got costs. He uses two electric milking machines, electric gra~n elevator, hay hoist, water pump, two dairy water heaters. Counting his ~U-eJectric workshop and his house lighting, refrigerators. radios, and so Ob, he uses about $2.83 worth of electricity a day. Does it sound like I lot? ' . ' , It's very little compared to his daily income. Fact is, 'electricity is costing this farmer 'less thao 20/0 of his gross receipts. And he says that before he put io electricity he was milking fewer cows -,setting less milk - doing nearly everything the hard way. Electricity has helped him increase production the easy way - and make more money. Forward-looking farmers-all ,over Ohio-are using electricity 00 a businesslike, profit-making basis: And this increas~ the obligation of a business-managed electric company like The Dayton Power and Light Company. First, to bring a plentiful s~pply of electricity to the farms - second, to help develop new' labor-saving farm appliances. Bo~ jobs are being done. I The Dayton Power and 'Light Company was one of the pioneers of farm electrification, is constantly extending ita lines - working hand·in·hand with farmers -:- fin~ing way~ to make electricity ,:ut down ,t he hard farm jobs and build up the farmer's bank,account. As in Carl Leitetwitz's case, this .program has proved mighty beneficial all the way,. around. . .,



ZETT E Mellie Bailey, administra.trix inventory hearing set for Ju ne 26 at 10. Estate of Georgia Mendellhall, dec'd.; Alton F. Brown, executor to scI! personal property at private

en ' ew6


sa~: tate of Adda H. Davis, dec'd.,

MARRIAGE LICENSES Everett Runyan appointed adAl b E P '11 24 \'11 milli ·tJ·a tor giving bond with SUl:C. . r t . umml, " y ~ynes. _t.ies in sum of $10,000. vlile, In ~ecto r, Ruth S. CurtIs, 17, E:tat of William S. Long, dcc'd. Wayne vIlle, clerk. Mal'vin Young appointed adminisPaul Lewis Starkey, 22, Edell- trator. to n, Zora Fern Gregory, 19, Mor'E state of Frank W. Crew, dec'd. gross val ue of estate is $3, 884.85. row, stenographer. Mark W. Rhoades, 26, WaynesE state of John W. Coleman, Alcxandcl', 18, dec'd ., Frank Coleman, administraville, Helen Waynesville. tor f iled first and fina l account aLo ce rtificate of t r ansf er of real NEW SUITS estate. Herbert Yeazel \IS. Nancy Yeazel, minor, divorce, gross neglect, LETTE~ OF APPRECIATION H. Z. Gray. W ' wi h t exp re. s our jeepPIOl'ence Mallin vs. Benjamin Thomas Mallin, divorce, extreme e t app recia ti on t al l m eml ers cruelty and gross neglect of du t y, of the a. t, th e :tire to r and t all th e m an wh o_c helping . Donald Dilatush. hand were ('. \vi ll in ~ l y given Ola Morgan vs. O ttis Morgan, u bef re, during' and af ter the divorce, extreme cruelty. C Donald Min t re l f Frida y, JUri e 6 . Dilatu h. W c wi h to thank ur able PROBATE p ublicity ag nt f r a j oh well E state of J ohn Kammerer, dec'd., nL', the m L'l chant'" fnr their C. Donald Dilatush executor, in- m aterial and financia l a sisto ventory appro\'ed. an e and la t I ut not ea t, th e Estate of Pre ton Robinson, publ ic for th eir w tllk r fu l "Up· de·c'd. , Callie Ro hin Qn, adminis- port. tra trix, inventory ap proved. , Estate of Alonz'o McPeek, Mae' Williams, admini tratrix, inventory Mr. J. B. Crab e will att en j ai>pr ov d. . a co nven ti n in C lum bu thi s In the matter of t he Tru st week. cr ated by t he will ,of Leonidas Simonton, dec'd., Cha rles Wag': Mr. and M r . Warren H olme g oner, trustee filed Srd account. and Roger of Sabina were ca llEstate of Clara VanDoren, dec'd ers of the Orland H olme fam· Carl Guttery, executor inventory il y , ~ undilY aftern oon. qeaTing set f or J~ne 28 at 10. E tate of Delbert McClanahan , John Grad y and family of dec'd., Gladys McClanahan, execuO sborn were unday caller of trix inventory hearing lIet for June Earl Rickey and family. 23 at 10. , "'~ 'Estate of Carl J .. )"tiller, dee'd., Miss Alyt:en Mainous . pent Clara Miller appointed , xecutrix. E state of Eva Fran'Cies Lewis., several day s last week with Ray dec'd., Campbell Lewill appointed Mainous and family. She had administrator giving bond with spent th e winter in Florida and s ure~ies in sum of $8000. was on the way t o her home in Estate of Bertha Gray, ' dee'd., Detroit. Edgar Ludlum, adminilltrator proceedings under former. order apMiss Alice Oglesbee of pring proved. Va11 ey' was a guest of th e Fred Estate of Effie Rickher, dee'd., Louis Rickher appoint~d executor. Gons' on Sunday. 'Estate of F. J. Lewis, dec'd., Wire baskets used for gath er ~ Francis Lew, administratoJ: filed f irst, final and distributive account. jng eggs in hot weather permit Estate of BaITY Bailey, dee'd., the eggs to cool ' rapidly. ,




- Under OIlin.Skies

, Uil36i

Watch 'B eauty Cine During Housecleaning forget beauty care during DON'T housecleaning, J ean Gray ad·

' jji&



_ -I - p ' ..; _ -' _ _

- ----------



: _77P1' _ _ _

vises homemakers In an article in nationally - circulated Capper'. Farmer. "Too often good natures as wen as rooms are upset by taking out rugs and moving furniture," Ihe writes. "The family will be happier In the cleaning confusion if YOll remain unruffied and well . groomed. And fe eling neat will keep your spirits high as you attack the grimel

- ~--'

--.-~ ~ 'THIS MAY BE FVN-/!JUT COI./l.D BE ,




/2' n' /4' ~5' ' " I I I I I 1 I 30" 1 1 1 1 2 2. 2. 36" 1 I 2 2. 2. 3 .3 42- 2. 2. 2. 3 3 3 4 , 4B' 2- 2. 5 , 3 44 4 54' 3 3 3 4 4 5 5


~O' -1/'





5 5


17' 18' tI' :Ja"


2. .3 -4 5

2 2 2 .3 3 .3 .3 4 -4

4S 5 S 66 6 6 7 7 6 6 7 7 68


DONO'-r~IlLO~ "Even though it may be old, your cleaning dre ~s can be clean; [leat and mended. Wear an apron or smock that can be whisked of! to reveal a clean dress. "Protect your skin fTom dirt by applying a pow\ier base belrore starting to work. After dusty duties, wash vigoroullly with a tur}dsh washcloth or .complexion brushthis in addition ' to usual mornin, and evening washing. "Benefit from the exerci8e cd cleaning. When dusting and maldnl beds, stretch your middle, keep It tense. This keepi muscles ft.r m. When sweeping or running the vac· uum, keep shoulden back and don't bend In the middle. Carrying your body straight and tan 11 alenderlzing since much wallt thickness 18 slump. If you get tired. Ue down for 15 minutes with your teet OD • couple of pillow ....

)t>LJR ..,-

. ·2....

GalJia county fa rmer who udan gra s i th e be t emeru ed oi l c nservati on practic gen y ummel' pa tu r f or Ohio

Grapefruit De..en 'Bana 'SUgar Blues'

on their farm s in 194 7 had an average annl,lal inco m S725 higher than th e ' incom n farms where thos practic were not" used . The practice paid the farm ers an a vera g f $5.47 an acre.

The Truth About Jehovah's Witnesses Who are they? When did they tart? What do th e. bel ieve? Y ou' ve had th e answer of th e press and r ligion. N ow hear the truth Public address by EDWARD ANDRES Representative of Watchtower Society


raa ., 'Sapr 8 . . .' tbetIe ,oa caa cbaqe thoee blae D. . . .I to

.Ior ..


Sunday, June 1£;, 3:00


b, aenIq papefnH Ute c.aD1r7 ~ &leuU,-e1rCDlated C&pper'1 PanDer teUa boalewl.... DO&ea



O' AUbou.... we all ' jolla IIa tbe elaoo

.a,. desten"

and can be' pl ant d in July . ybean can be u ed as an emergency ha cr p. Both crop . red uce the am unt o f grain require: j by livestock.

All Perso ns of Good-will Are Welcome





HO~ AT ;~ ;;;I~;;.~ E

.SWINE ERYSIPELAS IS NOW IN ALL STATES One' of America'. neweat aw1De dlaeaaell-4lryslpelu-1I rapidly becoming one of it. wont. In 1889 it 'W& reported '., ,II lltatt'JI. Today.

ouler 41Hu". Symptoml

deathB, arched high fever, and unwllllDga... of the hogll to move around. Due to the complexIty of the I)'JIlptOlJUl, & veterinary dlag· nom II senerally neceuary to d. termtne whether eryllpelu or lOme other condlUon la causing the loue.. The dlaeiue occur. in two forma. The quick type cause8 Immediate deaths and moves rapIdly through the drove. The lingerlDg type caus .. enlarged joint. and IOmetim.. sloughing 01- the Fortunately, a very effective vaccine baa been developed - anel thIa II proving extremely valuable in coping with ery.lpelu lD ~&I \I\;bere It ·bu become & problem. The Important feature '" bout us• o . the vaccine II that It should 1M given U lOOn U poaalble after the Pellp are ~ca~. ery!}pU very comm......, .......... yogi whul. they are only few day• . old Oeulent floon from farrowing un. til weaning time bave alIO &ld8cl lL the control oi the cUaeue. Ij hop do .tart dying of ery.lpelu, "e carcaaaea should be dI.8poaed of promptly, because rata and other vermin can act u apnaden, and 011 menace hog production ' In ' &II e.atire community. ' Iuclude baCU,

Note the


Joints, typical

of ehrnnlc typo of l>ioJslpelaa.

eryslpelu \s causing I.ver&! mllHon dolJars h. hog 101liel and exlat. in everY .tate in the UnIon. In . •me areas \\ Ila.II become 10 1mplIlnted in the: 8011 that &uthoritlea lear it will be a POrmo.n~nt menace t.I' .wiiIe proMet~o~ •









G S!

"Nary. ,raID 01 .qar II aaed •• ..... 0-10 ., ..........ndt h.lve.... abe uu" •• - ..... write. In tile ~apaiDe read bJ 1.300,000 f.rm f.mllles. "Topped with Jams, jaUies aDd

preserves. they merrU, Itq lltat 100d e.tlng. 80 .trlke ap a aew

tone by bavlnl Irapelndt for deesert... · ------

Cheese-Hoop Hassock ,;;.

A round cheese box may be mllde

. Into an inexpensive, attractiv~ baB· sock to match a slip·covered ch~lir,' according .to the Rural Home editor of nationally - circulated CapJ1er'e I'd w'th Farmer. Pad the 1; cover ~ material. Cover hassock w~th matcblng labric. The hassock WIth its removable lid can double as II box for children' I toys.

PerhapE the mOlt difftcult problem about cOP~g ' with awtne Mr. and Mrs. Carl Beal and eryslpelaa Sa the 'f act that It often children of Miamishurg w ere rekemble8 Iiog cholera and In lome .)f It. . IUJpeeta It may ~b1e dinner guests of 'Milo Beal and _ _ _~--::-----_ _- - - - : - - - - - - - - _ famiJy.




LAMPS (Floor and Table) STUDIO COUCHES (Fully Spring Filled)



HOME FURNITURE . Phone XENIA CO. . OHIO 912R -" Eaat .Main Street at Whiteman"


t in :t i ate tha t it oul:! '" w I .. Mr. and Mr . Ralph '1', ),1 r f or, v n largel de' tr ,-' Iif Oi1 Franki in \1"" ~ :, : U ' j. y \' nill)! th l ' planet . H \' ~ \' 1', It Il1U t I:r.; dinner gu ,t , f Mr. al I Mr ', PubUshed Every Thursday by DAVISSON PRESS r m ' 011 er :! th ai th l onil I:" ---------~-FLOYD L. DAVISSON. Editor very mu h in it!' infan y. It ha ' ern on, I ur!'le, ' an :! n Mr. :ll1lt Mr . J . B. J \le ' and. i:ntered as Se<:ond Olass Mat.ter at the Po6t OIfice an , xlrcm I, It \ ' etl i i ' \1 y; Mrs. G ~o rge D avie and litt\.... Mr. and Mr . Th erl e: J n w re mu h Ie ' thart ne per ent f Sub6cr1ptlon Rates: $1,50 per Year In Advance lin da. aft erm .on ~ u t f Mr. th ma ' a tuall xpl de , and dall ~ hler left Fri l ay for hi ~J g and fr III th r will a mpan. and Mr . Bernie ill and Mr. National Advertising Representatives all th e rest i hll rmlessly dis ip at t If m an are ever fnull h I' un, h~' :lu tu to 'al ifurni a and Mr: . Char1e Dill at Cla yOhio Weeklies, Inc'" 2465 W. Broad 'Street, whereb 'th entire ma an be for a vi it. t on. ' . ' Columbus 4, Ohio expl ded, th efl' t f a inp:k per cent of th e ' ten iper ent b 1111 may 1 multiplied hunMr. Mar aret J hn and REPORT ON ATOMIC I y radi a tivity an d t ' n p ' r dr d I' th u an 1 f lim . Paul John, ent ertain Mr. an BOMB INDICATES c nt by bla t. Th underwater ~hus, the pre. !nt bomb ' np, Mr . Rob rt R ut nl{ f Yellow GREAT POWERS pring t dinner, Sunday. exp l i n wa JllU 11 more 'Ie- . h t,he f r > runn~r of Su an aylor in Oa t n. thai; m r~ than 6 per cent f. mfmltely m re IP ,w rful lIl . tru.- " Mr. Clara-ta y of n ar th ,al~ill1al peri shed, largel by 111 nt. f ~ b:U1cb n ; I r I ~Iy ' , Mr. an~ Mr . A. F. K."t~ a,n Springb ro i n w vi itin g- a1 rai l,til .n. A ordin g t th U. as the Wnght s cruie to. -Ilk.: Mr:. ~~ II Gray \~ere CIl1CIl1- th h'ome of her daught r, LMr . . N ws, "Many of the died airplane w~ the f rerllnner f nah .VI Itors Wednesday f la t Le lie Gray and famil . from lack f prompt treat- th gr at aIrcraft f. toda y. w ek. ment." lIrviving animal. w re Th re ar at mic ph y ici ts; Mr . J. W.~ n f Y 11 w Mr. a,~,d Mr . Le n Sali bur definitel y aff cted, an wer om of them at the very top pring i vi iting- her . on-in- of Wash1l1gton, C. H. and Mr. re ti e and irritabl (r a week of their prof sslon; wh teli v law and dau~hter, Mr. and and Mr.' Edward Caldwell of or t:vo. Some dev I p :t I u- that, in tim, "atomic p wer may Mrs. Ev I'ett Early. ~Iar~ VIII were ,Sun iay eve~ k mm. ~ tudie rna of ick be develope t I wh r it c uld _ mg dmner gue, ts of Mr . N the militar purp se ' in Hi .. shima ~nimals, it is aid, have r ult d effectiv I eliminate animal and Mr. :tnd Mr . Wa lter K ~ nri k Emrick. and Naga aki, v ~y little was In .an. eff ,ctiv treatm nt for pe rl~ap plant Iif from wh ole attended the Warr n , unt known as 10 it P s ihle effect radIatIOn ~Ickness. sections of the world . But, ap- Hi torical Society pil rimag at Several person united with n human and plant life. This From the information tlnl s parently, it is far from tha~ peak Lebanon aturday afterrlo n. the Lytle Church ,on Sunda , ignoranc \ a partially di i- gained, the stientist hav pI' _ of lethal efti iency now. and al a th e O. A. R. s rvic' at na,mely : Mrs. Henry. Mi Ba"rpated by tudi of the results jected what an at mi attack the Old Baptis" gray yard n hara Barger, Mi Marta' June in Japan ,made after tit war. might do to United State c·lt·le. Sunday afternoon. ' Rush, Mi s Nanc Baird and TIlen came the Bikini te ts, One Nagasaki-type bomb ( a Dale Steinke. Mrs. Marg;et Johns and \ "hich w r design d t clear . m re advanced type than that ew~ Paul John were dinn r !!,ue t Mr. and Mr . Le ter Gilhen lip many a point wh ich till used on Hiroshima) bur ting in ' of Mr. and Mrs. Earl Th oma of th e Dayton Pike have the puzzled the expert . the air WOuld b~ I ~t h a l ov r at Centerville on Tuesday of symp'lthy of this ntire com· Mr. ~nd Mr '., Harvey Burnet last week. munity in th e 10 of their son, . ' Little by little, fact howing som 3.1 mile. Th,nt amount Just what the atomic bomb can to 2 per cent of th¢ area of 0 _ nt rtame th , West W ayne ,. , and cannot do- in it present trait, 4.3 per cent of Wa hin _ Oi u i n \. up at their hom f rm-have been made avail- ton, O. C., a.nd 0 .9 per c nt of Wedne a ev~~nin !!,. able. This information i the New York. It i foreca t that Mi s Lor tta Frazier of Dayresult of the most careful and deaths would be porpo rti onateJ through research, much Iy less than in Japanese cities ton was a w ek nd gu st of ANYWHERE ANYTIME which ' " a made for th~ U. . due, to superior American build~ Mi Geraldine Ch andler. Atomic Energy C mmi sian ing 'c n truction. ' ONE and ONE·HALF TON TRUCK ~vhich is tarting th col al An und erwater bur t in the Mr. Walter Clark, Jr. re- , Job of de eloping some kind harbor of N w York, th for _ turned h. me, Sunday aft rn~on Tel~hone Wayne.vil~e .2976 f a plan for c n tr I and u e cast g es on would cau e f-ew from MIamI all y ho pltal f atomic energy in all possible immediat d 'aths. But radiation wh r~ he und~r:~ent an, operaE. 9'BANION forms. In a recent i sue th e ickness would oon kill people t n f r appen IlClt~ nn Werln , United tate~ N,ew caN:.i~d an in the path of th pray. Street ~ay of last week ..h i recoverexcellent summlll up of th e and building touched bv ihe III llIcely at thIs tim . mat ri al w.hich ha 0 far been ' spray might r main radioacfiv mad~ publtc. f r years, and could b used Mr. and Mrs. Walt er K nrick FIr t of all, the the ry that only for very brief period of and Jam Haine were luesthe bomn could virtually d - tim e. The ize of the area thtl day evening dinner u sts of ~roy reat, center. of paula- made unfit for ordinary use Mr and Mrs. Bernard Melloh b0t:I; or that a sen of stra- would, of course, be det rmin d and son, Billy at Merrit town. t~glc~ lIy-pla.ce~ I ombs c~ u1d by the . extent of the spray of 'M r. and Mrs.. Seth Furna at' f d 'ct th 11' g f th VIrtually eltmmate the UnIt d contammated water ~tates as a str ng ,and functionSumming up' thO ' cI'ent'f' be~ e ,ek ullfve IJn d a 0 Ill g nation- i n t t d ' . ' I IC runze mar ers 0 1' u ge unby the sc' t~ t aD uPt~or t y.b,lew s~ems to b that th e atomic levy and wife at the Old Baptist . . )~n IS . ea s a omb I th mo t terrible weap- graveyard bv the 0 A Rand H:lr~slllma . mostly occurr d on yet d evis~d by man; but that, also the Hrstoric<1I' pil rima e Wltluntha radIUS of 1,000 yards so far at least, there i nothing at Lebanon on Sunday. g g e cent r of the hln t. • •••• ••••••••••••••• • ••••••••••••••• f rOln Practically no deaths occurred outside an ar a of .1 quare mile. And, within that ar a about half of th e pe pIe sur: vived, and virtually all of the e ' have complet ly re overed from injuries and illne ses su tained. However, the bomb' did kill 80,000 people at Hiroshi ma- by blast, I y .radiation, and by fire ant! drowning. Stories to the effect that th e bomb caused p rman ent sterility, fatal rad iation sickne and induced cancer have not een sub~ta!1ti ate.d . In most ca?es , radIatIOn slckf\ess pa sed in .a m atter' of week" and th only ~esult of the bomb now appearmg on Japanese survivors is ' disfiguring but not erious car tissue on faces and boctie . Temporar,y sterility was com mon. but dIsappeared shortly. For Particulars See Plant life in the Him him a blast area shows som igns of abnormality, sllch as white leaves caused ,by radi oactivit v. But the profusion of growth seems about tli , <lme as b fore. At Bikini, nearly 5,000 aniWAYNESVILLE, OHIO mals were exposed on target ships during th e two boml t sts. The ai r burst kill ed some 20 . ~ Dayton Phone HEt275 - Local Phone '2 652 ~ ~ ~.

'The Miami Gazette . ESTABLISHED 1850

of,'I f"e



General Hauling



Standard·on Company's

New·Budget Pay Plan on


AshmeadSohio Service ..

........ ........ -..... .... -..... -..........



with Mi '5 Eizabeth Chandler at Hampton In stilut '. a· · Mi ', Elizabeth Chandler rdurned with' her sist rand \\ il l be·' a gue t at th e HOme during the Llmm r vaca ti n·

ISOLATE THBNRWANIMJlL Larry, 9 ear Id, \\'h o drowned in a pon i 11 ar tll eir h me, Thur day. The fu n ral \\ ,L aturda)~ with hurial in Mi :1 mi c m tLry.

.,ere's Bright Salad F or Dreary Days

Mrs. Camp ell L \\(i, Mr ' . Ralph Hammond and daughter Mi Marlyn, visited in Davt n Qn Tue day f last w ' k. .

ine L ckridge vi -itei untia}' with th ir grandparent, Mr. and ·Mr . O· E. Standiford, with Mi J acqul in Griffith, Mr· J an Ballard, Mr. Albert Mill r and Mr. James Rol is n all fr I1l helbyvill .. In d· Mr. and Mr · Erne t Martin of Oa rt 11 \V r vi it or at th e Hom, unda'y aftern n.

A brlgbt salad for dreary days Is tbls combiDaUoD of orlspy apples

ana cruncby pcaDutl, writes Marjorie Grfmn, Rural Home editor of ·nationally - clroulated Capper'. Farmer. "

Mr. and Mr . Wilbur lark ntt nd d a family dinn r day at th h me f Mr. an i .M r . C. VI. Y un in Dayt 11, in h n r of Mr . Clark' I'irthda .

"The family will enjoy helping ----------~­ themselves to the vitamin·packed treat served from a large bowl," .he tells homemakers. "Or use in-

TWIN Theatre .JUNE



It's Roy ir. Trucolor again I Act~ gets wdld IOn Ibhe Meldcain border 00 quell s.11ver smuggling.

BELLS OF SAN ANGELO 'nIucolor ROY ROGERS. DALE EVANS, ANDY DeVINE with SONS of PIONEERS. ADlDED: Oolor ~ Comedy and Talking ArJ.ma1 Short.





You'll haIte her I yet you'll appla.\Id dividual .alada for a pieasant an o~g · of a twochange. For an appetwn, touch taood cruel woman. Set in a lawless iarnish with peanuta and unpeeled lumber town.

Mr. J hnn B an wh o ha ' been roo ming in Lebanon for me tim e! uHer ct.a tr ke l a t week and I ' no\ belllg cared f r at th hom.e of Mr. and Mr. Frank Kurfls.

Farm l and values still are increa ing in th e eahy months of 1947. Pnces Delng paId in allces of apple •. " some tates are higher than PE.tN'VT WALDORF SALAD th paid in 1920, and the Mr· and Mrs· Howard Ivins I ..........Iu. average U. S. pric f or an acre visited Mr· Ivins' mother, Mrs·' :~:~~I.~1a::::: of farm land i- 92, per cent Georgianna Ivins, Sun day ~~::~ .tael.r USB GAZB'ITE C~81F1ED ADS higher than before the war. afternoon· 111.,. I•••a Jalo. .







· R tl CI dl t d M IS Ul l an er re ulrne Thursday from a week' vi it



Y<*lr 1lad1o ~ . Mr. DiSlJ1ct "p. pepper AtbtlOrney 'Mth stIIII)etl.Se iln every Combine the applel, cel~..,. and soeoe. 0l\VSterY in every moment peanuts: Mix remalnlna inl1'edlenta brougIht rbO 1he I9CI'een in & bhrllling. together thoroly by beating with ha1r-~ al:l!Vell'llture. rotary beater. Blend tbla with flut MR. DISTRICT ATIORNEY mixture. Let stand In the relrlaera- ,DENNIS O'KEEFE, ADOLPHE tor until chilled. Serve on lettuce or' MEN.JOU and MARGUE&lTE Dther salad green. "Mayonnaise ma,. CHAPMAN. . . . be added If desired. Serve. to PLUS: Oolored Musical 8IIld oan+.oon ....._.rlb

Mrs. Mary Miller and Miss Kathl een Hammaker of Fishertown, Pa· were weekend gu t f Misses Mam . and Annie Brown·



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MUIk Mapdoe...... 1.40 0. Poulll1 Tribune ..._ ......... 1.65 0. JOumal .aod D Ileader'. Diaest 4.25 . fumer'• . Wife - - - 1.75 D Redboolt ..... :;...~. 1.50 Flo,," Grower · ..... 1.95 0. Scnen RCIIIIlUJA:n _ _ . 2.75 0. ....t . . Detecti,e._ 2.55 0. Sporn Afield ....... 2.110 0. HoUIdIoId ............._. __ ... 2.00 0. The Homemaker _ _ _ 8.0 0. huicIe Detecti,e .. 2.55 0. The Woman _. . 5.0 Jack aDd JiD...................__ . 11.40 . [) True Romance 2.50 0. Judy's (Newa and Viewa).... 5.00 T S 2.50 0. Modem ROIIIaIIotU ... _....... 2.75 0. rue lory ..._. .' .50 0. Modena Saun .........: .......... 2.75 0. U. So Cam~ ......."7..- - 2 Mother'. Home Ll[e.. _ . 1.65 D Walt J>Uoey'. Coaila..__ 2.55 . Moria lu. RCYiew...... _ _ 5,4!S . 0. Your We _ ..____..,,_ 5.0




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hyd ro- lectric power plants and other important industrial property in northern Italy to the Yugo· : Inn', Fut ure Italian repa l'a tion paymeJ1~ s to Russia will undoubtedly either have to be fm anced by loan s from the World Bank- which is m~inly supported by the United States - or fro~ mon~y advanced to t he Italian Government ~y th IS natton .

On last Wednesday afternoon ongl'e sional m spla('ui UP ( 11 Ill ' Pl', ' .~ I!I nt's dc. I- (he new 0th ol~gl'~ s, for Tax Bill, as enacted by til 'on 'tl l llt!OIl , the his 8PPl' val (It \' to. ' lldCl' th President has ten days, or unti l Moraday mld~llgh~, to either ' Sig'll or veto tht'! m asure. Othen~l se It will become law without his signature. WhIle the Pre ident has announced hI! has IlOt yet re~ched any deci ion on t he ma tter, pre(,\ictions are betng free ly made that he will veto the Tax Bill. If so there is little likelihood that the two to one vote nece~­ sary to enact the measul'U into law over the PreSIdent's veto can be obtained in ongress. In ot~er word.' a Pres idential veto wi ll mean no tax reductIon this year. engeJ'~

Congress has also completed, legis lative ~ction on the Omnibus Labor Reform BIll and sent It to the Whi te House for approval or veto. The President wiII have until Thursday of next week to take action on the measure. Most observer s believe - with a coa l strike threatening for July 1st - the President will either sign t he measure or permit it to become law without his signature. However, if the President does see fit to veto the new Labor Bill it appears that the two to one vote necessary to enact the both the House and Senate. The new Labor Bill, as reported by the Conference Committee, Was approved by the House last Wednesday by a vote of 320 to 79, or by a margin of more than four to one, which indicates the strong legislative support behind t he measure.


Clarence J. Brown

The next foreign loal~ authorizat ion Congress will be asked to ap prove is expected to be for Korea, in the amount of ome seventy-eight million dollars, to help ta ke care of that country's needs for the coming year. In addition another eventy-five million dollar L now being requested for c..x tending help a nd aid to war l'efugees. Othelr requests for t he appropriation of additional fund~1 to carry out the Tr,uman foreign policies are expected to come lit a lat~r date. The report of t he pecial c9mmittee named by President Truman to study the need for universal military training was made public la st week. Very strangely the committee , recommended an almost identical training program to the one proposed by the Truman Administration and the War Depart,ment many months ago. The committ(!e insists, that in order to make America secure, all boys between eighteen and twen ty should be given six month~ ~f "universal "training", under Anny and Navy dISCIpline, with further ervice in National Guard or Reserve units. The general comment in Congress on the report indicates that no consid.eration would be given to any universal military t raining legislation at this session of Congress, and it is a rather safe wager the matter will not be approved by the Congress in 1948 - -, which is an election year - unless world conditions grow worse.

Back in early March, when the President sent his message to Congress askingfor a four hundred million dollar appropriation to furnish relief and military aid to Greece and Turkey, he demanded approval of the mea ~e by March 31st, saying if action was not taken by that time those two countries would be in danger of commupistic aggression from without. The Congress did not approve the GreekTurkish loan . legislation until the middle of May~ , As this is written, more than two months after the dead line fixed by the President for Congressional approval 'o f the Greek-Turkish loan has passed, , t he Administration has not completed arrangements to make the loan effective, or named the officials to be in charge of the aid program. In the meantime the danger of Russian aggression against Greece and Turkey has become no gi'eater, although a Communist group, supported by Russia has taken over the government of Hungary. ' , Incidentally the debate on the Italian peace treaty in the Senate last week developed that tJ:!at famous document which had been approved by :the United states, Gennany, Britain, France and Russia, at the Paris Peace ConferenceJ will require Italy to defortify the border between Italy and Yugoslavia, thu8 leaving her open to an easy attack and conquest by Tito and his Communist armies: The treaty would also provide for turning over all coal mines, -

Congress is expected to soon el1l1ct. legislation providing for a modified merger, or unification, of the Army and Na~, although actua11l~ the proposed legislation ,-"ill result in making the Air Corps a separate sel'vice ranch. Provisions will be written into the legislation to...guarantee the continuation of the Marine Corps as now constituted, to prohibit military control of domestic and foreign policies, and to limit the authority and functions of the Central Intelligence Agency to military and diplomatic activities outside the United States. As this is W1"itten there i!l 'a very well defined tumor floating ' around Washington i~hat rationing of sugar for home and individual use will be brought to an end within a very short tlmtl by order of Secretary of Agriculture Anderson. The Secretary of Agriculture has the authority 'to end sugar rationing whenever he believes the supply situation will permit - and there is no question but there is more sugar available now than the nation can or will consume during the months ahead.

''W..1h You Wouldn'ta' T ' AP ROOTS ,', ' Apply to earent., Too , . ' . At the first elechon, held


l'!arrow openings at the sides sufficient to' receive an 8x,1 0 I : th f- t • I at g ass. Among e irS scnooteachers wereI Rowland RichINCE turn about Is fair play. any the home of Thomas Good "'.1·n, >Y W 'II Ust of "Wish you Wouldn'ts" for June 7, 1803, which effected ard who taug 1t in aynesvl e teen a,era should be accompanied the organizatlon of Wayne and Joel Wright who taught at by ' a few "Don'ts" for parents, too, Twp. onfy the n~me of John the home of Abij<l;h O'Neall in Holly Miller points out in nation· Buckels, one, of the thfee jus- 18 2, 1804 and 1805." aUy·circulated Capper's Farme,r . A ti I . t f that Dlscullinl the teen agerl' view. tic~ authorized to be elect~d par a piC ure 0 point. abe writes: ' be~ldes the other Township early time is shown in th e ex"Seeml •• If 'I wish you wouldn't o,fficers, is known; as' all r~- c~rpts frem a I.etti~r \\ ritten by - ' I. the preface to • 100d many cords of that early day are not amuel Linton t Abel Satterstatements by ,the older leneratlon. available. It appears that' the thwaite of Bucks Co., Pa. · "The way you dress, eat, walk. just.ices' of the peace ,were very ' ''Waynesville the 5 of the 5 talk - .aeboou nothinl seem.. t t ' th .. ff' to plea.e them. ' ., ' Impor ap In e. CI~IC a airs mounth, 1804. , '~ut be(ore you let too buJry and of the 1 wp . Also Justices DaVid Friends Satterthwaite: cast their admonitions to the breeze, Pugh, 1805 and Johnathan I am about to visit you with 10 into a huddle witb yourself. Newman, ,1807 are kJ.1own · another letter and inform you D~wn deep you may find the ,race From the time of the first it is fine , growing weather at !~t=tc th:~o~;::~~ ':~:~r~~:; sett.1 ments until ~ 8~4 ' th~ post date, after a COld. snowy are not calculated to make the pop. office was at Cmclnnatl· Re- winter j and also w.e are 111 good ulace love you. And that just be- sidents relied more for their ' :health and have ~ ? t yet becaule simply everybody acta a cer- letters and news on immigrants come French .Cltlzens; ~h e tam way 111 not .ufficlent reason for than they did on themail.Sam.handbil~announ.cl1llg the cessIOn any~y a. Ipeclal as you to follow uel Heighway Sr. was appoint. of LOUlsana. pnnte~ th 1 of .ul~Onlthe "Don'ts" which Mill ed ' the first postmaster at July at Phll~de.lphla: was r.eMiller say. teen·agerl might lUI' ,waynesville, t\pril 1! ~ 804: printed at CII1Clnna~1 and clrlest to parents are: fhe route was from CInCinnati culated at Waynesville the 20 "Don't laugh at us. We're self- ~h'rough Franklin, ' Dayton to of the same month: and now conacioUi enou,h. Tho our plan. Stanton then through Waynes. ma,. leem a little fantastlo and ville. Deerfield (Now South lome of our actJon••Illy, It'. prollCh (I ably part of beinl young. Don't you Lebanon) arteston, not t le ' remember? 9ame of the tow.n n9 w .) An NUE-OVO literature is free to auf ' "Don't treat u'. 11ke )dcia. Yo~ can early map shows th e return ferers of Arthritis and Rheumatism. help UI grow up by veatin. us 11ke ,through ' Columbia to Cindin- ~~!b~~U::;;:~::::~= Jrown·ups. Trust u. a Uttle more. nati. it bnnll relief, though DoctonJ differ ' "Never" never' say, 'I told ha you 10.' "TIle CI·t·Izens t 00 k an ear Iy as to ita men'•• t .... just ... _. they dl·If"...••• _ It'. too curdling. And we ve 0• I'nterest ,'n educatl' on an d as..... to the -use. Wn'te todl'Y at no cost or • 1 all . leam the bard way to m e . obUption to Reeearcb Laboratori_. aUck.'· neighborh()qds were settled, a IDC., 408 N. W. 9th, Portland 9, Oret


Arthritis and Rheuma tlam

log school house was built with

nit d tate i in pea flb l p s '"i n of th at vi ' t untry (a our Pre i ent phI-a e it) x t n ~ i v an i , 11 f rti le; th ere doesn't at pr e~l!n t <II pear an y· thin g t iilt rupt th pea ' and happi n ' f th et tl em nt · in thi · part of th \\' lrld." "There.! has -un tr y hange:; tak~n place inc> I have b~ ' Jl in thi land, t e 'ides ur t :~ kln g our ra nk amon our 'i ·ter -ome tates: our m eelin~ m nth a.g , was or ranizei int(l a III nthly me ling with full powt:r t pl'acti e th~ iisciI lin ' f th hur 'h. (M ' eting f r w I' hip had l een held sin ' I " 02 at It log h use wn ' d l y EZI:: kiel Cleaver, whi h ha 1 been er' te 1 f r a dw 'l1in g and ~ t oo d ' at th e N rth 'a -t mer of Third and Miami t. Th e da te of the o'rgani za li n of Miami M nthl. Me e tin ~ ~:l S Oct. I, 16 3.) William atterth wa ite f Red ' t n Monthly Meetin g and amuel There are on my Ira C pt: from Corn I'd M nth l)' pring of wa ter, an 1 a Meeting. Ohio, also Ann Taylur hUl1ll re I acre ' ,f that and Chri ti an , Hall were , pre,- land th at but l ittle timl 'r gr w . ent 'at the sec nd me tm /! . t n it what Ii tt! ~ th "All of which. I had th pica. · chi efly w~,lnut an a h. th ~re to entertam .a pa:t f ,the ro.und is mucl1 , vel' run wit h tim th ey we re In th l. .n I ~~' peavin anct picl:w j; u 11 borhood: W e had a Slttm l il land art! t I str nK f r wh at m famIl y' and Ann gav ' d in thei r fir t uiture t ut ... ~ 11. ~ounsel to . my. y un ~ gen ra f· ent for corn, 11 Ill;\ P t: toe , I n. A I hve. In a thl k ttIe·, pumpkin anj t(' hacc . ment of Fnends th Y' ' Jl , _:' I fl found out I under tood how t I hlrd, ,John C. " ; e YI1Tm -:use the pen pretty well, an d ( omm nl. .. I~ Jud e have made use of my pen in the ~ 'mm s) nt! ar ftft een years management of meeting bu· ines I" made clerk of the meet· ing. , "Another change is that we now have good land enough o( our own. I believe I did not answer the question in ply la, t letter respecting . the title 01 lands in thi state. there seems to ' be three descriptions first, HOURS: the greatest part of the land are purchased at oor land of. , 9-12 each mdrniDg , fices, for that purpose. at two 1-6 , afternooDl except dollars pe,r acre, or oth.erwise Wednesday they are put up at publtc sale ,at two dollar~ per ac re, an j 7-9 Saturday evening such as ar.e not bid higher than Other. even,ings by two dollars. during the three , Appointment weeks oJ vendue, are ,purTELEPHONE 62-R chased at two dollars per , acr according to ' the law lately modeled at the sessIon af Congress. Th e purchaser 'may ' pay' at four different annual Optometric Eye Specialist payments ' without interest if punctual with ' the payments. 26 South J;)etroit Str~et When payment is compl te he XENIA, OHIO is by law entitled to a patent ri ht arid his title ri ht is in- • (r

Dr. C. 'E. Wilkin




c:'ficC1tlure Jl[llnerai ~n~e




,W aynesville, .OhiQ

' --



-- -




- -

--. -


FOR Any, make or model Fred. Kahn Motor Car 'Co.


------III..IIIIII.-I11.-----..-... ,


Pd. Adv. . . . .




ago, co ntra ted w ilh th e pow - o wn use an d o m ' t I arc to. er of · go ern m n t for on ' hunger ta rved new co m er. . •

Bert Cullom to Chester Ihrig, 53.90 acres in Harlan Twp David and Lizzie DePew to Eu~ e lle Hamilton, 1 acre in F ranklin Twp. . ' ictor and E sther Ewald to Erma Ru sche!', 1.25 acres in Deerf ield Twp. Erma Marie Ruschel' to Edward L e a nd Esther Elizabeth Senour, 104.71 acres in Deedield Twp. Le lie and Esther McLaughlin to Albert Kelly, 3 lots in Butlerville. Freeman and Daisy Brewer to The Oregonia Bridge Co., 3.48 aCI'es in Lebanon, M~ry Foxbower to Ralph and Mabel Lewi s lot in Lebanon. Allen Huffman to Charles and Gel'tl'ude LeFeber, lot in Lebanon. Clarence and Lena Nels on to The Village of Lebanon, lot in Lebanon.

Wal ter and Alma Morton to Donald and E sther Dwire, 45 acres in Deerfield Twp,

mill io n a re f la n d bet\\ een th e t wo Miami Riv~r, a t t wo TURN YOUR SURPLUS 1TEl'1 th ird d li ar p er a r" aid y lllll1 5 I ta in d a I'a ten t f r INTO QUICK, READY CASH ab ul o n t: thi rd f th e mil lion IN CASE OF FIRE DIAL 2222 acre - I fO;'e t. C lair" 1c f at OM l\ION PLEAS by th e In d ia n ' , hut t. lair' GEORGE S. BENSON arm y bei ng d e tro , ed, a nd t h e J oseph McCray vs. Cannell iantl AUCTIONEERING ",tSllflll-Jl/lri/.IIII Cql/tlt In d ia n ve r ho til '. thin (Y~ J oseph ole, case settled, comproSTANLEY and KOOGLER $,/I,t'f. ,ArA/lIIIII, . .' 'a rri e i a very 10 my rt ppear- mi sed and dismi ssed with prcjudic'e a nc at that tim e, y mm es a v and withou t record. Clear the Decks Vi d n Blai r vs. Floyd Smi th et ror Dstea. Phone 18M. WaynesvWe, u hi unp a te nte land int o During a recent trip to the naUon'1 the ha n f 'ngre , (th e a I., def endant gran ted leave to file Ohio. Reverse Cl1antu fl ' capitol, I found the air filled with ' \I un ;; \Vcl' etc., before June 30, 1047. talk of reducing. the budget. Many I I es 11 5 pa t en te i la n d - are Frank Wil on vs. Elizabeth Wi)legislator. are /lOW becomlni eeon. EoO l.) encral \ aV ll with son, case di missed at cost of ' •••••••••••• _ •••••••• omy conaelou., However, on. ltem .<I n e w . a,r'm y to tally ' ddeat d of the bu(!get-nationlll deten.e-ha. th III :lI1d at th t r at o f plaintiff. Betty Lou Bolser, minol' vs. been iiven a respectable detour by Gree n v il le pur h a ed hun'd rd many Cong-ressmen. Although ita o f mil s o f their la n d as pro - Harry Bolser, Jr., defendant to pay proposed $12.7 bUllons represent. al· I ert y f th e U n ited ta te . a n i plainti ff $2.50 per week and :$50 to her a ttorney toward eXpell!leS, mo.t one·third of the 19.a budget," . ' Harry and Ina Eickenhorst vs. Gladys Smith to The Village of mOlt legislators seem content to Jay tr~a l y c !11Ing fo rw a rd, economize only on the other two- the En g li sh ga m n, (th e r 1 Virgil Robbin s et al partit ion Lebanon, lot in Lebanon. third.. ' of e vil) ret ired to the othe r ordered. Minnie Simpson to Chester and National defet;tse has been given a. s ide o f th e Lake, m atte r h er William DeBlasi vs. The Otter. Virgin.ia Hall, 1.10 acres in Frank"halo!' of untouchabUlty. Current as umed a m o re favorahle a '- bein Home, case compromised Ilnd lin Twp. mme resum d hi thought trends believe that any reo pecL ettled with prejudice and witbout Elliot Hammann to Charles and duction of defense appropriations f . h ( ·tl I . Martha Rudorf, 4 lots in Loveland would cripple our military and naval o rn: er n g t WI l OUt t 1 a u- ,·ecord. Maurice McCabe, mi~or vs. Park. potential. John Q. Public will glad. th on ty f congres ) to th e unMarion and Marte Keltner to l,y pay through the nOle to avoid pa tented . la nd , a th e la nds Joseph McCabe, Jr., dIvorce 'to Use FAIRLEY'S Rods, plaintiff, child to plaint iff, deCharles and Agnes Ewald 6 acres the unpreparedness experienced in would sell fo r tw r thr ' a nt to pay plaintiff $10 a in Deerfield Twp. Reel., Bait and the early .tages of World War n, time " a muc h a they wo ul d fend week, Estimates of defense COlt by the before these late c han lJ'es t o k Robert and Edith Troxefl to Acc:e.sories Allen E~tzler vs. rllLl'lCla Betz- Harold LeRoy and Mabel Leak 2 , mllitaf7 forces are accepted with· 1) lace. and h e actually Ij out qUlltiOn. . .' ., ler, minor, divorce · to plaintiff, lots in Mason. ' Wu&e B&D&'Over qual1l.tu:! of the ullpate nted real estate · to plaintiff. Sam Rosenthal to The Com. How.ver, there 11 every Indica. land before attention wa pai i Hattie Coffey vs. Jack Baker, mercial Realty Co., 58.10 acres in tion that wartime waste and extrava· t o th e def ct in th e titre; a nd Jack Baker adjudged father of Franklin Twp. , lID "ance••tW alat in peacetime oper· tho e that purcha ed ' the un. child, defendant to pay plain1~iff Lola Lackens to Richard and ation of the armed forcel. Durin" patent d land ' o f y mme h a ve $15 within 80 days also sum of $6 Norma Jean Tracy, lot in Franklin. HARDWARE STORES the war the over·all annual co.t for .to pur ha e it ver again at per week until child is 18 years H. D. Martindale to Fred and each ftgbtlni man was t6960. This th I d ff ' ' C" t· . Phone 2441 included everything consumed In e a n o Ice m III II1n a I, of B~~~~ Hawn VS. John Hawn, ~auline WhiQman, lot in Franklin. co.mbat-ihipl, "una, plan.. and a n ge t their m o ney back fro m former decree modified as to WAYNESVILLE, OHIO . 'Shird and Jennie Kirby to Ehr· wood and Pauline Towson, lot in ammunition. The proposed bud"et Symmes as they can. But by custody of children. caUs for 'an annual average of $8790 I o king oV,e r th la \ s f the Russell P. Col ~ vs. Opal Lee Cole Franklin. ....................... . I per map In uniform. ~nly $170 lell late i n I find that Congres divorce, . to plaintiff, child to de· !. . . . .~. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .IIIIII. . .I11111. . .. for th~ peacetime soldier than when ha be n very in d ulgent t o fendant, plaintiff to pay defendant !~r7cta:o~~~~ined in a ro~nd·the· t~ e that ar in the ho bbl e sum of $10 per week. Catherine Sloan and Robert In January 1947-the third year With y mm esi they a re all wed . of peace-the' Army and Navy had until the beginnin ut 18 6 be- Landis, executors va. J. L. Bachert • 1,0!)6,577 c1vWlO employees. Two fore any payme nt wj1\ I e ct - hearing on motion set for Mond.ay, civilianl for every three soldier.. mand d and fh n they ar June 16 at 9:30. Lavenia Thomas vs. Cecil D~lng World War II there were two a11o \ cd ix ) ears t the civilian employees tor every ftfteen remainder in six annu al pay - ThomalJ, case dism'ilfsed without record. " , soldiers - this during the mo.t wasteful ' war in all history. , The m e nts. If they are m d u tn u Gladys Smith VS. Dewey Smith, civilian employees represent a year- and m a nag . well th c:y c an divorce to plaintiff, real estate ly outlay 01 $3 bUllon. There should ll1ake- the ' m o ney off th e ir Ian and f urniture to plaintiff. be no room in an efficient fighting in that time." In the matter of the Mason . , force for a costly "bureaucracy." "The emigration to thi Methodist Church, authority to lieU Exces. Barrare " , real estate granted. No sane admiral or general would c untry I so pro dl O'r u that take his force into battie wi~out ll o twith t and il11) the f rtility f m~ng It as eft\cient as possible un· the soil, ther IS scarce enough RE~L ESTATE TRANSFERS . der ulstlng condition.. Contusion raised, to ,suppl y th e immediat Robert and Vadah McDermott ' and ineiftciency witbin his own ranka want at thi ime (with o ut ur to Alvin and Mildred Harvey lot are mQre deadly than any enel11)'. exporting c pany endin~ it in Lebanon. He must clear bia decks of anything h' I k ' d which will get in the way and keep a~vay} w IC 1 ma e pro uce Riley and Lulu Hillard to the 'IUDI from firm, 8moothly. w. high at the prese nt: Wheat tw Leonard and Leatha Ann Perry, lot mu.t DOW use the same technique thirds of a dollar, Bacon 8 cent in Franklin. ' . in pea eUme to fight fir\ancial' .ui· per pound, corn half a dollar." Forest and Virginia Dakin to cide. Our crops of wheat, oat an:\ John Goddard lot in Lebanon. , • "111 rmecUorc:ea have nerythina I 8 3' ' Walter Fitts to John and R~.w. • a flax ast year, 1 0 ,wer gen· en~ Case 45 acres in Clearcreek to ga~ in pruning away their· erally much damaged 'by b in wood. ' ~ result wW be a more- I d d b h f' Twp. . et!lclent and effectlve defense force. ? ge y a s ow r 0 ral~ a David and Lizzie DePew to Alao, will promote the confidence little before harvest. Crops o f and Susie Sally, 1 acre in Frank. 01 a public: that knowslta tax mooey to.rn we re generatty ood . W e lin Twp. i. being wlaely spent. A future were a owed to plant eight or John and Opal Elam t~ Charles forced cut might come at ~ time nine acres and had , above fOllr and Susie Salley, 1 acre in Frank• to reall7 hundred bushels' plenty______ fo r our Un______________ Twp. , cripple defense operatlODl. ____________



Get The BIG Ones!


Announcing. the opening of


The New DOT Store





It .. not a matter 0( cu~ apo

propriaUOIlI that would result in a weakened Arm:r and Navy. Th. reveneta aetua1l.Y ),Jrat, emelen· cy muat be created within the opo - eration. themae1nl. Tban the path is open for upenditures more in line with .conolD7. Efficiency of O__UOD, publlc con8d.Dce, and s~ie flIlancini aU depend upon each onwr, None can .~d alone. TlU't i. one ot the flr4.~ \ .teps in bnnjini our wayward \ , econol117 back to earth. ~ our &~a1 to .pend recklelll,y for national protection, we should aclmowledie the presence of more 'than one type of enem)'. It is sur. foUy to pOur . an endlels stream of !poney into a wasteful mao chine to I?rotect ourselves from ap outside aggrel.or, only to reault~in. financial chaos within our own borders, A lOad deal of ec!)nomiz· lng C!Ul be don~ within the servieea . . wi~out crippling 01,11' defen... .






. ~--------------------~----------------------

•., .' "'fa " BUILDINGS ,








in the Ohio Parmen will pv. you bmad protection apinst losses on your farm. It ~ your buildinp, your chattel.. ,your automobile and your liabWty for accidentS to others. Why not see us today? You _~ you'" aU. when you're . ioaured in the Ohio Parmenl


Stewart's DeT Food Store • WAYNESVILLE, OHIO '

time th un ier Town hip ut \ itll th flo:t and Ul" \\" \\'~ n 1 i iOn ' , Th e pe pl 3 they isit d wer n, t pl eased t •c y the l ast· 1 h \\(·ater gate wa in • ' . CLASSIFIED AD BATES • • th fen ~ n th eir j ie f th 26 words or leas. one time. .••. •• 250 raj an th y fi x j it I'ut a' Each addStonal word •••••••••••• 10 ' U ual th ey re ~nt having t SPECIAL BATES by CONTBACT 1r . Edith Hain , Mrs. fence a ainst uur t · k' a th y LoaDsRa l. igh Ban, Mr . orotll y ha n n . but .u t 111 pine ~i FEDERAL LAND BANK LOANS: mlth and dau hter Maril n th ga t n th eir ' id ~ til y For RetlDancJn, _ Rebu1ldinl _ uc attende a mise lI ane u fixed it but the man wa n t Buying. 4% Pan:n loana with long -huw r a t th h III o f Mary any t 0 happ about i t. It e m tUne to pay. Pay part or aU any L u 0 nd, honoring Mis's that he i urroun j d t Y' o w ~:ANON NAT'L FARM LOAN Marth a McMillan wh mar- bwner and nO't ~; g d f n s ASS'N., ElUs H. sturm. Sedy_ ri ~lg ' t ~r. Rob rt T lIefs 11 so that.c \ have come in fr III Treaa.. Lebanon. Ohio. Phone 448 \ II I take plac,e June t 3 at the every ' i ~e and he hct'd had ome I to ChI! ter Fri nd ' Me tin Hue. tr uble wh r t! til f n ' s l' Mr • Ra mond Wil n att n- longed to the oth r fell w, 0 Real Eatate For 5al_ ' d th funeral f her aunt, tll e.p or f II w .IS n ~ ar I Y 1IF YOU HAVE A PROPERTY OR Mr . Eva Whit on at Xeni a ne tracted· Th r yt u have an iIPARM TO SELL Call or Write aft ern oon last we k. lu trati n f the ba I all e f lOon Henderson. Tel. KE3~. 617 Mi .A,udrey G iin of war· With m an.y e pie comLorain Ave.. Dayton, Ohio. tfc Jam wn, wh o e, marria YI! t jng to the ~o un~ry t live an i REAL ESTATE Carey L,eigh Hain ' will take ' many n~w J.\nd wn er. , th place in th near future, wa a fence I ~\y and eu tom h uld IF YOU HAVE ANY PROPERTY gue t in the home of Mr. an j be clanfled, the l a~ . stren gthto .u call Pra.IIda Gene Brown, Mr . Ev re lt Hain pa rt of ned an.d armed with t, Real IrIrtate .Saleanan, far B. D. last w ek. an gU .II I~e - If I were t glv PenD1DItoD. W1lm1netoD ' . any a VI e t a nc)" land wne r • Ohio. Mr. ~ nd Mr . ~al I h B gan or , pro pective l anj owner, I Palm Loan8 .". Telepllpne ent rtamed t dmn r un day, would ay tak ar of _our WItJDIIIY1Jle 2t36. . Mr. Mary Bogan, Mrs . . L~cy f n e f ir t, unt the expen. ' Hou.ehold Good. For 5al_ ~o mpt p, Mr. and Mr. WIIl- a- part of your inve tm nt, if _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 1 ~U11 m lth and daughter. After- y u are b rr \ i n~. add en ugh ALE-S Good W ood noon all 'r. 'yere Mr. and Mr. to th e mortgag ' t et g d FOR Frame Extension Window Emmett N vm and on " Mr. fences ri ht a\va , i t will pny Jars ,For and Mrs. Robe rt B ogan and ' you in every wa . Think of the ere n , Gi n f walking it , Can'ning, an'd Coo kin g da ughter, Carol Mae, Mr. and worry and mil Utensils. Mrs. W. E. Stroud, M r . Evan Bogan and Mr. would have saved u if we and our neighbor had done , ut . Main st. Waynesville. 612 Appl e of payton. . ~r. and ~r . WeI on Wi! on then I might never have gott n FOR SAtLE. 1 se~g Mach1ne, vlsli ed th eir son and family, acq uainted with ' my neighb r ~;:!r~~s =an~~; , Mr. and Mr. Gerald Wilon n the other road if it hadn't SUZie Ev~ :Main ~- , and .Jerry, undaY,afternoon. een for f ences· LIttle Aldon Haln ~s wai a We are tiIJ baving trouble FOR SALE-:-- One Used May- weeken~ gu st of hi grand- from the sheep thlat were bitten 'tag Washer, good condition. parents m Xenia. " ,by the dog. Another one died Milo Beal, Phone 2461. Mr.. and Mr:s. l"heodore ye terday, ' this one fran conState . Route 73, Waynes- MClh.hre a!ld sons spent F~iday vulsions· The dog' warden came viJJe. - 6 12 ,evenmg WIth Raymond WIlson out and killed it and sent the and wife. head to the laboratory to be Mr. and Mr. Charle¥ Laird e){amined. W as it rabies? We FOB SAI.tF- TWO ~ h .p. 110 volt spe!1t one day Jast week w!th wilt not know until Saturday, electric mot(xr8. General Elect.rk:, t~e.l~ daughter, Mrs. EdIth if SO an th e rest of the sheep 1'150 T.p.m.. excelJeD!t CClIDdttion. Hames. . wilt be under suspicion. It has Price ,17.110 eadl. Phone 2143. Errol Dean Hames, ' after most unplea,sant possibilities. Carel•• sl?ending a short vacation with , We were shQ*ed anq 'sorry -hIS parents! Mr. and Mrs. to bear of the death , of the ten ;PO!;;;R--;;;SAU:~;-=--;S;W;;;EE;;;;l:-;;POT:::;;~'A!;TO~' Everett ~ames left ' Monday, year old Githens l' by by dro~vn. pIIainta 60c .-1umcftd. AIllIdDia June 2 for Qskaloosa, Iowa .to ing in one of th e neighboring af C&1Iden pladtB. lOe per doIIen. !lttend sUl!lmer schpol· at WII1~ ponds. He and· some other boys Oha.e, o. Strouse. 1~ mileII tlllrth lam Penn College. " were wading when they stepped of ~e. 00tl'DeI' of W8(Y'IlIe8' . t· . d ' tWllt. ___ amP"- 'l't08d8. -73 m 0 eep:v. at e~.' Th e ot hers A._ .•.., ~''could not sWIm eIther and when


AU of aa woald like to pat dad op a pedetltal OD Father'. Da7 to ....w hIm .how we feel aboat him the 7ear roand. I like to tblDk of au Amer-leaD '.Uleta In the role or Min. lien, .....dlq pard over ecarlir 01 th~1r 'amiDe.. CenalDJ7 Use, cOald do DO better thaD to aaue the happlDe.. of themeelve. &lid tbeIJ home. than b7 bQlq UD1&d _ _ Savin,. ·Bond. reralarly. " . Two automaUo boDd buJlq plaDe are avaDable no~. U dad la oa • . payroU, the Payron Savin,. . PlaD .'~ wID ...artl him clt.)'a 01 eaee wbeD he ret. ready to r eUre. II d ad Ie • p..~'etIIlonal man or eelt~mployed, be CaD ale hi. checklD, aocollJlt to b1l7 • boDd a month.

u.e .•

U. s.

.:. ----



WANno-:-. MISC.

!]j /eel.'

th ey got help the,re they CQuld not tell wh~re ,he went down , and it was at leas.t half an hour D. J. F__ before they loca.ted the body. _ Every c~i1d should be, able to June 6, 1947· Rain again , " handl ~ himself .in the water by lJBI!J) BRJOK- J11&EE PO.R HAUL-' The ground is getting water- lhe time he 'is sIX or seven· I ·inlf. Roger Brdwn,' 'IbIrd, street. logged no'w ,so that it dO sn't have seen chHc;llien three and , , \Phone 2193. ," --65 dJ','Y out, sO quickly. It would four 'who ' were ' able to swim 0UI!Wi ' ' ' have b~en~ry enough from ' like Ijttle wateroogS. If a child .. be free ~~::: Monqay ~ ram to do some can even p,addle a little so that No ~ or sui::se aeoeptaI' plantmg If t~el'e hadn't b.een so th.ey not eized with panic . Best ,p rices. 0aU 2143. • ~much water and by today we, 'if the (water, goes over th eir • ' . could have done something heads their C'nances of being Notice of AppolDtmeDt an)'way but this mornin gs saved are better. Wading is so Notice .is hereby given ,bhalt Fay shower fixed that. How ' we Mul8Jbt vM08e ' Post Office Address will be longing fo'r orne of this is aural. Rlou'te No, 1. :Mi. Holly, water sometime next summe~ Wa.ynesville. Ohio has been d'lll,i b t th t '" '. . th . ' 1lfPPOmt.ed' as .A'dmdnlstnl.ltrix of hhe U . a b crossm~ e bndge Esta~ of Mildred M. Marlatt loJ~ of , befor~ , :w~ get to I~' Af~er all, W8IITen CoustJy. 'Ohio. ~sed. w~s It : m~ et~en ~hlrtY7flve or Ralpn H. Ca4rey. Judge thIrtY-SIx - when It rained all of the P1robaJte Coul1t summer like this? W did get 'Warren County. Ohio the corn in but the crows got , 'D~ .M. Aultman, Mty. --619 tbe most of it and th e rest gre'w . sky-high ' and barely ripened. One week ot good ' working ' RUBBER STAMPS and weather would be worth millions now but hot dry weather MARKING DEVICES woul~ ba~e this 'ground in\o ' regular cemenh, The water t able GAZETI'E .OFFICE 'they were worrying' so .much about these 'Iast dry years must , ......... 'TOE ,..a"8"""'" .. na • be back to by now •. ~D More fence trouble· This . WANTED TO RENT- 3 OR , 4 unfurnished rooms. No . child ten. References. Box A, The Miami Gazette. 6 12

--.. v_ . . . . .





Tr.lUIf? D.~.,'~


INVITES YOU TO ASK ABOUTTHE ' A pit iol wifl keep either corry. ~r g~ass i1age in good condItIon. Such silos can be ~)Uilt in most Ohio soils and can ' \;>e made last several years.

BOND-A-MONTH <PLAN 1. 'What ia it? 2. How doe. it work"


The patter o f little feet \Va heard at the head Of the stairs. The party hostess motioned for silence. "Listen," he cooed. '~The ch.ildren are going to deliver their goo(\ n ht meseage." There was a mo nt of hushed expectan \,;~y • en : "Mo m Willi, found another bed I)ug.'~

' t


What d9 you .ain 1-


WIynesville National BlDk WAYNESVILLE. OHIO T.I~hOD. 225~


;:=;::====-~=======i::==== '

Itage &Son

Ai1D~ lAND

'J'ELEPBONE8 WADmS'fII..U _1' ,~ MODOW No. • . LEBANON Offto. . , . aDd ,GRAVEL a.a. IIIL '




TYfE TALKS ~ .. by Jo~n S. 'rurner

This we k we're oin ' to sub-Jet part of the co lumn. The

· .' "I T e h I am M Gl\ Z ,



E beautiful ' ( thin , 9ll' about a news- . " paper pecmlly' one of the h 0111 -tm n vari t) is the privileg of ver one to u e it as the medi um of eXI re i n 'o f opinion. Estabti hed 1850 . N . 432 1 , Th ot her day a meml er f WAY N E S V ILL E, . 0 H I the fire department ca me me '" and t Id f what h f elt \\ a a grav~ injustice that had been perpetrated again t a fell w m ember of th e department. Here's his tory. ' , lnan was rec !ltl v relieved f a hi h P iti on on {h v lun- . The W ayne Town hip Po t tary force and a I t f the memo of the American Legion will er didn' t an d don'Uike it a hit. ponso r a Fourth of July ce le· "The r cord c mpiled bv th e bration again thi yea r . . The department whit t·hi man wa day's activitie will be held at n bo . is out t<\ndin g. Th ~ is a the High School round matter r re drd, n t :I ra h Friday, July 4" f r ' th e aft rtat ment. noon and evening. ' . :'N w I think that " h l~11 v u Baseball, oftball, box ing and c O • • e (l coo VI tI . houlQ other event are ched ul ed for 11 e him f r h;' abi 't , tl !he afte~noon. A band concert k and n t c nd 11m him I _ I als II ted and f r the ev 11au~ he ha~ hal it of Ih :1 ,ch - ing th e main event will e firejog } ~nn i : ,vith tilt' h ' ~ on ' worKS at 9:0 p.m. the , ~r t orn er. ' rt nt' hi Picnic grounds are ava iIall u iness and a l ong as it f or any ,who wish, to u th em. d n't inte 'fe r with hi c. okAdmi ion prices have een ing he ~h til ntinu to c Ilk. redu ed thi y.ear and a full Certainly a man' pri afe lif sche(iule of events IS rami ed in ,thi c untry is hi own. . to ":lake it a really worth-w~le In th f ir t 11!!, it' hard affair. " tn o-et d m en \Vh :lre vi i in '" t h I I th m h lea j for ah ' ~m er""en y both day :lnd ni ht, .like i re uire or'm mlIII5 er \1 til fir depa rtm n1 ~_ f(lr the smaIl alary paid. It vill h"c ' m' i.l rJa ing. hal' . 'r if The Civic Club meeting h Id pnl ic. /)f di ing into priv ate live . for reasons f r di ~ • at th e' Boy ' tout Qabitl on, 0i ) rs p rued. ' 'day nl hi attended ya a u uTh i. is not m lint as :l C fl - 35 members f the ' Clu and (I n:\ti n fM per (In. 'ho brelk th ir uests ' the Boy c ut rawS. That' not the Id a at ·all. Troop. Al PO!insky, pre ident But in th i cas 1 belicv th e of the Club reported an excelinfractiqn wa u"ed a an ex' u ~ lent dinner prepared under th e r~th er th ao a r ason. direction of Bob Mehaffie, ' pro,"Tht! t ry i that thl! man gram. directo,r. Th dinner and whO \Va di missed tudi d fi re ~neehng was held "o)Jt of d~o r, " pr tecH n. H di a~recd time III true cout tyle. After th e . and a ain with what S Ill €. be. ~leal t.h e couts g.ave a pro rani Jiev d~vas adeouate' eQui~'m et·t IIlcludln~ the IndIan ceremoni al H in i kchnoh' ivin ' h' " m ' dance and the lighting of the in Iructi n ift m 1110d I -f ight- council fire. TjlTks were giv n rev nlin fire. Ma _ by th .Scout Commi ioners f iog in be that'si rea~o~ for hi franklin. , the mis at. I'm confident it wa n't . Much progre s ha teen made becau he amb led . in the cleanin g of th gl' und "Thal; k J h · f . I urrounding the cal in an 1 in \ , ! 0 nny, or t le the completing of th cat in itp a~ . I thl~k th e eople. hay,'; self. a rt~lt ~ to k now ~he . thm g . ," T at s the tory tolk, as INDIA MISSIONARY (Oonthiued on . ~age 3~ SPEAKS SUNDAY:

Big Celebrat·.-on FOUrth 0f JUIY

T '


~~~~A~t:NR~:' Standings Given For Datings on the _hawing of the W ayne Minstrel ' at Town Hall. Lehanon, unde r th pon-

Sofltball Players

T E s a Am r erican hip of Legion, Ralph Snoo t, havek Po been definitely set for Tue day evenin,(!·. Ju l t. It \va an nounced last week that the date was to be July 8 but at a meeting of th e comlJ1ittee hel d l a t week, the new date was decided upon.


HOME CRAFT GUILD PROGRAM AT LOCAL METHODIST CHURCH ,A Home Craft Guild pro,gram wIll be held at the basement of the Meth odist Church on Thursday, June 26 at 2 :00 o'clock. It is being sponsored by th e Fri ndship Class of the Church. Refreshments wiU b st!rv d durin y th e aftern n and valuable merchandi e prizes win be award d. An admis ion charge f _5c will be made and tickets are being sold or can b'e purcha ed at the door. The pu lic is invited t,o attend.

Four Teams For " Scool h Age Boys '

. v :t0 f tballer g' t under wa Ka 'l~ tl11' ' pa t wee'k with Fairley ta krn g Roxa nn a to th e t f t une. 0 7 0 n Monda ev.enll! .' ; Fergu on y tern. 5 t MIller ~est a urant 4 ?n Tu 'day evenll1g; and Peer Inn 18 t Harvey burg 6 on W ed nesday . ev nin g. Th e Thursday ev:n ll.' g" game was postponed. ' L rhls week Roxann a rilet Narvey burg n Monday w ith a core f 1 to 4 in favor of the laft'r. Wayne T ow'nship Farmer' Here's How They Stand Club met June 12 witli Mr. and W L Pet. Mrs. Fred Hagemeyer, near Fairle' s 4 ,1 800 Clark viIIe. · Peer' Inn 4 1 800 Th e special topic f or the day Fer u on '4 5 was given I y th Furnas "ReRoxanna 4 564 habilitation W ork Being ' Don e Hvysburg 2 6 _50 by the Friends in Europe." Mr. .Miller's I 5 166 Hagemeyer gave an interestin g With The Ail Stars description of th e Children s In th e unday game b tween Home and th e Warren County the All tars and th e Xenia Infirmary. Eagles the vi it r to k home " A m emorial f or Mr. Miller the bacon with a 0 to 4 cor \\ a r ad by Mr . Omar Hol- in eight innings. Iingsworth. , Future Games Schedule , . .,. Th e pre ent officer and exFri a , June 20, Dream Ba r, ecutive committee were re. Franklin elected for 1948, being R. M. ' ~lInday, June 2~, Xeni a Elks Hawke, president ; Edith Hawke, Friday, June 27, Moose ecretary ; and Miss Perle Riley, ~ de N . 7 ,Dayton Mr. Kli er H ak and Mr. Erne t Fri day July 11, eterans of B~tterworth, executiv com- F rei 11" W ar X,enia mlttee. , unday, J uly 1 , t rm King Guest were Mr. an Mrs. Friday, Jul ,Wrigh t Field M aynard Hageme er. unday, July 20, Bink' ales The CliJb '~'i11 m 7t with Mr. Indianap Ii ~nd Mrs. WhItaker m July. Friday, Jul y _5, Frigidaire

June Meet.-ng Of Farmers' Club

In attempting to find a place f or th younger, oftball pl:aye rs of - the commumty who wi: h t o participate in r gul ar games, Ralph ' Ed nfield , manager, state that arrangem nts have been made to accom date theJll. Plan have been under wa for . m 'time t !Yet this per'atiQn IR effect tit a no spa snrs POSTMASTER NOW. IN coul d Ie , found t ~ack the DAYTON H~SPITAL tdtns-. een lowe up . Le,stet: H. G rdon, W H., n scon iderably. , .vllle .Postma t r ~ til1 remains Under th e ne'}' arrangem nt 'very 'II: He wa . removed to Ho now adopted, M'r. Kier, Third ?r~n{tJl~w d p~tal, i?ayt n .Mr Anna E Hain e ag d st., wilt a ume ma.nagement ~ ' e nes ay,. une, : 1 and ' R • d < ',' he . ' { f all team and play wrtI he at ~I\ s:aYh,th~re I ',od ft~lte sub- he; P~n~s ~v'}?'a~l ~e me ai f 7 :00 p.m . ..cactl evening prior Jec a IS Improv~~len . - urda Jun e '14' af n ~, to regular oftl alI· playing , \0 date no defll11te cau~ of of a6~ut lW mont~ r ~a~ I~I~ ~s schedul~ ' . . hl1 ltlnes- has been dete~mmed. a fall. Y F rt, -eI ght pl~yer Will be . ' . , sel e ted ! o comprise four team . ' . •• he wa th~ WIdow o~ : be of boy Jl1 th e a e group from late \. e ley H a~qes vh n p.l. d 12 to 18 . Edenfield statd th at away III I 1 : . ' y perat d a a meding will be held at ISII _ ~lalll on fectlon ry and , candy Wa ne Park n Friday evenin ", re 1 reo f. r m any yea r, Jun ' 20 at 7 :00. o' clock f r the Herb rt Grah am and fa r:1 i,ly In. addltr.n t the ran d on purpo of electin g ' the of ~cLeans oro, 11l; were VISlt- ~e.1 survIved 11_ . M r. . I au l tea ms: Alt b?y wh o are inter- ors In th e c mmulllt, ove r ·the PI klll g, a dau ,hler, and a. r at e ted Jl1 plaYIll '" softball are re- w~e~-elld. Mr. Graham, former rand on, t vIe ~o nn er. quested t o b pr ent. mmlste~ ?f Ferry Chur h an i . Funeral ervice wer c n. ' '. . now .mll1lster of the ~cLea n - dueted Tu sda at th e McCl ure BAND 80QSTERS , .bor? Church of Chn t ta tes Funeral H m Yat I! ;00 o'clo k ,MEETING MONDAY he IS ,very bu.y ( a . u ~ a l) an.d p, m .•with th ReY. R. B. Col e. ,Willi Hunter pre ident f th at he and hI f amily li ke th II' 'man of, th e Meth od i 't Church tl B d B t' CI b ' t t new hOl11e 'very much. In add- otficlafn . Miss .Martha Coy-, Mis ionary le an, , 00 er ' . U S R es Hion to hi regular church work ; ,....!-.g. 'J ' " . to Jnai~, spok,e in ,the ";" eth od i 'f .there .wII! b a III etmg of the ," Herb" . i also preachin on . cen~~:~:l. was made 111 MI amI Church ,Sunday mornll1g. he rganl.zatron, on Monday,. J~ne every Fnday evenmg t o a smal\ y~'_'....:'_ _ __ returned to Am erica' la t ept- 23 at the HIgh chool ~ul.ldl~ ,Q' church near hi h me. H has '11 I' at 8 :00 p.m. Everyone IS mV it. , UNION SERVICE AT em b. er an d ,-VI 0 ack to ed to attend. \ .a bIg garden, p.ea k at all the UTICA CHURCH, JUNE 29 IndIa the cO~II1.g" falt. Mr. Munter also tate that commu~~ty affaIr; , :v h~re th. . A great Union ervice at ,. Street C<Jmmissioner Joy and Her work '.s III a ' schopl th at anyone Iivin in the Wayne n~d a g?od Sf c.~ker .and 111 7 :45 p.m., June 29 at Utica ing an· his cre\V were 'busy this week was founded 111 1928. 15 aCres township chool district i eiigi- ~ IS ,spare ~Im e, w~ lle he IS rest- E. U. B. Church i erecting the n~etal ,posts f,~r the of lan~ conn ected , with th e ble to become a member of th e mg, h ~ dnve for a .l ocal un,de~- nounced thi s week ' t y Re'v. A. new street Sl os that WIll be scho~1 IS gardened by the tuet- Band Boosters Club. ~~~er; He says he ca~ th.tnk, J. Ferstenber~e r, the minister. placecl · .v~ry. h 0~tlY I ' The ,posts en,ts. She wants to ?btain a, ar· ' . 0 l p , tubbs for tillS latter WING'S MIami Valley uarat,e l ,b~,mg set .10: the gr.oun~ den tractor for use m the sch ool GRANGE PROGRA" TO accomplishment a he lea rn~d tet Will furnish th e musi c and al:iout three fe~( 'deep WIth a ga rdens. ' BE BY CHILDREN the \~ays ?f ~~ de rtakers whIle th e. special address ubject will Th~ local church made a nice Farmers Grange No. 13 wiII ~orkl?-g WIth hIm here. h . ClTI c Calendar of th e . cem ent , Qase .at ~he bott?n~ of meet Saturday Jun e 21, at 8 :30" It IS encounter W eeks." . the ~ole, a dlli fill to wl~hm l donahpn' for this purpose. few mches, of the ·,top ~ and then ' . p,. m. at the Cran ge Halt. rhe such a cheery countenance. and A general invitation to comi more cem.ent to m~ke ·a' c?m- 'W E'RE WRO~G! ! ! Ho'me Economic Committee is t1~e possesor of uch enthuslas,m munities and ch,urche i being ' rab~e ms~allatJO!1' Our apologies to 'Mr. and sponsoring a dres and cookie a . that of H ~ rbert Graham s. extended to attend the meeting. plete and I\b,o ut . posts WIll Mrs. Albert ~.ummj,ll. We print- contest. The program will be TIllS,u!llty always wel- Further notice is to be broadb~ 'set ocate" on two ,ed the headmg to their mar- furnished by the children. comes hIS VISlt.S. .cast. over WING. of each street riage notes as .the . Pummill: ( " In a~dit!op to the Davie~ ·weqding, }vhen it should Mrs. Gharles"Hay and daugh- , ' Miss Jane Walker of LebaMr. and Mrs. Gene Alexander , the slg~s for ~J1 hav: . read .' P4mmill- ClIrtiss te[ Joan of Sabina were: the non spent the ~eekend wit~ her and family of D elphos and ~ \the. vill.age Will Agam w,e ~polqgize . and ~fiter 'gu~sts. ~:)Jl Friday evening of Aunt and Uncle, Mr. and Mrs • • Overton Cain and family of l'!ace.d th~,r proper a . subscnptlon for , o~e year to their mother, Mrs. William Delbert ,Conger. Mr. Harold Cincinnati spent , Sunday' with I'\t\c:'~'t',n the youn'...couple. · ' Schuler. ' ; , O sborn was a Sunaay gue ~t. R. B. Peters and wife.

C.-Vl-e Club ,OUiihll


At .Jtout Cabin ' ,vas


Funeral Held For Anna E.-Haines . i:


Former Ferry MIDlster Returns For ·V..





- 1y FamI ' -1-Iar FaIr bJ Ef'II'BI.D..

phase f fire prev nfion a tivi. The MIA~I GAZ~TTE, Page 2 ty, fro m III dt!rnizati n and t! n· Waynesville, OhIO, No. 4321 forcement of building code to THURSDAY, JUNE 19, 1947 keeping the public informed of the menace, is involved .. It i an ' competitive industry can s urviv~ emerge~cy program, de -I 'n el~ to i~ its o~erating co tare condeal with a rea! . alld gruwlI1g' tll1ually Jacked up. emergency cond ition. The princip~1 cost of mining The e delegate are now coal is labor, and any further' \\ orking at home. orne f til ir wage increases will naturallv work will be of a technical 11:1- find their reflection in the price ture,. SUC~l as a~vi ing on com· charged the con.s~mer. Coal is mU.IlI.ty fire .equlpment and the in direct competition, as a fuel, trall1tng of department per- with other ource of energy sonne!. But, .111 th e l o~g run, the such a ~iI and gas. The iri. succ s achieved Will depend du trial users of the' e fuels, who ~rimarily on 1~e am?unt f puh. absorb the bulk of the t tal pro. IIc .support &,Iven It. A great duction, naturally se k that lllaJ~nt~ .of flre~ ar , the re ult which they can I uy most cheap_ of individual Ignorance an i Iy. If the co t of any fuel ris ' c~reles nes . A gr~at part of the out of proportion to its c m. diS rac~ful t tal IS ma~e up of petitors, its markets will inh me fires, mo t Of which c. uld evitably diminish, and mploybe prevented. M ak, ~g ~mer~ca's ment will diminish with it. hor:n es safe from flr-e IS tnct1 ~ The worker's ze_al for money , a job for every h0!1le.own.el- is understandable . .But higher n6 ~ne el e can do It f?r 111m. wages wil} certainly not I ene. Fire 10 s·· measur d III both fit him if th re are fewer i bs Ii.v and dollars- i at an all- r I'f ,th purcha I'ng po\ve'r of' time peak. We. have the meal~s each dollar in the pay nvelope and the knowled~ to r~du e It continues to go down. No roup to a small frachon. of It pre· of worker has r ceived greater ' ent total. .The Am ncan peop~e gains than the coal miners. And mu ·t d Ide whether that I to continually demand more, worth doing. regardle f the econ mic con- , . equence to the indu try, i ~~~'jAGES hardly the part of wi d m . . . In .the long run, the work r' ieports of new demand by productive power must larg I the United Mine Worker Uni n cfete'rmine hi \Va e. That is tru * '.. '" on th oft coal mine per tor ', in all industry. W an have It seem that(unofficially) invol~in hi her wage, 1119 re I wer pri e \\ hi~h wage' the fire chi f has been di. overtime, and other b nefits, . nly a production per worker appoint d b cau e the efficiency ma kes one won der how I n 'Illcreases. department fe 'ls di appointed in ome f the chief's per onal affairs. Hi almost perfect reo cord' in k~ep in g fires to a minimum don't count when the m ral 'squad tart leanin y up. ' "Let. him who is without sin thr w the fir t tone."

excess of other rising costs and it is still very reasonable consid· ering the safety and health in· surance that a.r given at no extra charge. Wayne Pool is one of the finest in this of the coun· try. It is the best outdoor activi· tie asset we have and it attracts thousands of visitors to our community each yea-r. Undoubtedly th ose who arC grief stricken over the loss of loved one through water acci· dents will glad ly agree that Wayn Pool or any pool that offers afety, clean' water and guarded bathers is worth any price in compari on to un ~ uardd and unh ealthy wimmin g place . In'cidentally, Monday. ar still "swim day" for boy and girls under eighteen and the ad. missi n i only fift~en cent. • '. • . Last week WI b gan printing I G tt· Iff T le Thi aze was111 done a arger acease 0 type. to incr the readahility of the Gazette and t impr lve its ~ppearanc . Little comment ha been reo ceived r gar Hn the change but what little has come in has been favorable, and greatly appreciat d. W! personally feel that thi new type face is a little too large and it. i possible that it wi ll be r duc d omewhat in the near future:.

Scientists have re c e n t 1Y found a way to produce snow· storm, where and when they wish . . . who wants snow! What we need is a method of t<;> pping rain . . . and that's n joke on! • • • How mu h longer d we have to pay Fed' ral taxes n MT. HOLLY METHODIST li g-ht hulbs? C mnlOn en e T. M. Scarff, Minister tell s u that our eyes hould lInday hool 9 : 0 a.m. have proper lights. Govem· E. A. Earnhut, upt. m nt tax force us to buy 10 :30 a.m . mailer izes f bulb~ to con Wor hip ervi e Ev ening ervi e 7 :30 p.m. . rve n risin cost . Our eye pay the penalty. Why .pick on ST. MARY'S EPISCOPAL light bulb when there ar so Samuel N. Keys, Minister many ther thinJ!'s to be taxed? Morning, Pra.fer 7:3 a.m. Cocktail, for instance. Holv C mmunion and Sermon • - • 1'0:3 a.m., Chaplain Col. ·. Acc rdin ~ t a pi torial. I~ow. 109 of UllIted State military JOhlJ C. W. LlI1sJey. tr ngth depicted in the current issue of .Life magazine, we ar.! UTICA E. U. B. CHURCH .' J e mlng y 'In a bad way .111 case Rev. A. J. Furatenberger .trouble starts. 'Are we all wing Sunday Scho I 9 :30 a.m. hi tory to repeat it If a it did Mrs. Jame Garrison, Supt. after World War I ? lour dePreachin . 1 t and :3 rd Sundays sire for peace so great that we each month 10: 0 a.m. are 10 ing sight of the great T. R. Roosevelt's creed, "Tread FRIENDS softl y and carrl a big stick"? 9 :30 a.m. •• First Day Sch 01 It seems the oniy ctiffere~ce Meetipg for Wor hip 10:30 a.m. between the Monr e. Do.ctnne and the Tru~an Do t:1ll I that ST. 'AUGUSTINE the latter cover a little m re Father Krumholtz, Priest , terriory . . . in fact, we I ar Ma 7 :3 0 a,m. and 9 :00 a.m. veryone' ~ burdens, including the Ru sian I•ear. • • FERRY CHURCH of CHRIST . . Ralph E. Stinson, Mini.ter . MOVie-makers se~m una.ble 9 :30 a.m. to m.ak a. mode.rn picture wlthBible School Mornin Worship 10:30 a.m. out .,"cludmg drlnkll~g, ~~nplay "Stewardship, The Master's r vIce. How refre~hmg ,t wou~d Call To Hig her Livin " , ~e to ,s~'St ~m~hl!l " Ilk Will Youth Meetin 7 :30 p.m. oJ!'er a; .al~. It i repar,ted the count.v road Aditlt Pray r Meeting 7 :30 p.m. Evening Evan Ii tic Service at Armitage gravel pit i beinO' * * * 8 :1 5 p.m. . With God" W e see by tl1 "Walking mov d to aII ow grave I un der tl le paper: A friendly Church, with a roadway to be old out. They'll Raylyn Crabbe, daughter of ML Gospel me sag. < not hav far to haul gravel to and Mrs. J. B. Crabbe has been build t.he new right-of-way 0 given the rating of Junio r by it shouldn't CQ t the taxpayers virtue of her excellent schoo WAYNESVIlLE CHURCH ,. too much. lastic record at Ohi o State. She OF CHRIST • • • has spent two years in her work Robert L. VanZile, Minister Our Dry Ridge coluIJ1I1 in last there and has been , chosen to Bible School' 9':30 a.m. 10 :30 , a.m. week s issue overlooked some wor~ in the Department of Communion local Educational research. Sermon 11 :00 a.m. points rega rding th • .1 • Evening Servil:e :00 p.m. Wayne Pool. It was intimated that prices had advanced to the Because of out tanding er· Mrs. Charles Bogan of Well· point where folk would s ek vice in the Rainbow Girls, man was' a Friday caller of the "old swimmin' hole" again. Barbara Lou Bland has been Ch.arles Shepherd and family. On this point, folk have been notified that she has received educated to know that swim- the Grand Cross of Colors in Mr. and Mrs. Paul Maurice ming in creeks, rivers and ponds the Order of Rainbow, to be and Mr. and Mrs. Charles Mau- is not only dangerous but also given July 27 iin Cincinnati. • • • , rice were 'dinner guests of How· unhealthy. Some few still 'fail ard Tindall and family in Mid- to. take advantage of their ' Mr. and M'rs,. K. N. Houg~' s dletoWh. They also. called on knowledg-e. The' cost of using daughter, Ma~y Dora Hough is MI' . .and Mrs. Winner Barkalow a modern, safe and sanitary at home for the summer from at Franklin. Mrs. Barkalow has swimmiqg pool cannot be de· the Mary A. Bu.rnam School for , been an invalid for a long time termined when a life is at stake. girls at North Hampton, Mass. • •• . but is able to be out some and Should fifty, sixty, seventy cents Charles I. Master and Miss hopes to be completely recover- or even one dollar be too much to ask if it _was a question of Louise Hartsock, daughter of ed soon. Mrs. A. Z.\!"Iartsock were mar· saving someone's life? Not only' have admissions of ried in !Springfield ' Friends Mrs. Grace Schuler, Mrs. louise COl}ger and Mrs. Louise s\vimming pools advanced, so Church last Sunday' afternoon. Wilson spent Wednesday in ha ve foods, clothing, corn, soft Dayton; drinks, etc. The local pool THE PEOPLE WIU DECIDE heen remodeled this season. A Within the near future, the Buckwheat can be sown in new system of pumping fresh United States will learn whether Ohio up to July 15 if seed can water constaqtly into the pool or not it is making progress ill be found. Japanese and Silver· has been installed at a cost of the war against fire. The President's Conference hull are the two varieties most over S600. This -system glves likely to be available. Seeding an abundance of fresh moving on Fire Prevention, which took rates are three or four pecks per water and lessens the oppor- place In early May, laid the acre, and the crop matures in. tunity of contagious disease be· groundwork fol' the most inten. 10 to 12 weeks. Yields will be ingi spread, but, the pool is sive and scientific campaign to somewhat lower than for wheat als~ .made doubly, safe by the reduce our staggering losses on the .same ground. B~ckwheat ad~lhon of chemicals as pre· ever under,taken. Some 3,000 matures unevenly so It can be sCrIbed,. by the State Board of delegates representing every . ' part of ' the country, attended. cut · Wit~l a l; and shocked Health. No, the small extra admission An ambitious and all.inclusive· for drYing. or It can be com· bined after frosts stop growth. asked at Wayne Pool is not in program was developed. , Every' METHODIST CHURCH R. B. Coleman. Minister un day chool 9 :30 a.m. J. J. Bur ke, upt. Wor hip ervic 10 : 0 a.m. Y uth F 1I0 w hip . ' Thur 'day,' 7 :30 pm.

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CMd .....d ••


(lOll,.. dIfd"d, ,

Gep&m-r I adoee .$ ........_. __ .... PIeaIe' .... me the ~ willa,. Fa lIIbaaiptioa to ,..~.




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Page3, The MIAMI GAZETTE cinnati with th eir niece, Mr '. kind of a record, and it' hard Orland Holmes spent th eWajnesville, Ohio, No. 4.321 Lester Davi and Ray and Don to believe faulty road didn't weekend with Walter Marine THURSDAY, JUNE 19, 1947 ~ttended the ball game in th e (00nt4nued ~ Pace 1) playa part in ,the collisions. and family at Washington. afternoon. Money is constantly bein g C. H. one man sees it. He might be spent to improve roads ~e s right, he might he wrong. dangerous and it's time some Miss Virginia Robert of DayCome to think of ft, I've Wilson Shepherd and family funds are ' earmarked for thi and Miss Hazel Stephens of The WaynesvilJe Sew-So 4. tofn M~as the SMundaYEdinl nTehr gue t never kn,?wn, the owner of a r. an d , rs. ar , essl ar house which IS aflame to ask section to alleviate dangerou Dayton w.ere Sunday caJlers of H Club met Thursda June 12 0 at Mrs Ra Klo t, y 'th M ' and daughter Anna May. attending firemen for moral road cOflditions. ,the Charles Shepherd family. . y n Z WI rs. f A d th" 't f Edenfield in charge and Sandra re erences. ~ IS In ,SPI e .0 Simpson presiding , Mrs. A. K. Day spent la t the fact that m larger cltie fire COLEMAN'S ATIENI) Ma F a H' 't k week with her sister, Mrs. H. P. houses are often noted for their 'ILLINOIS 'GRADUATION ahr soc gsave Godbey in Cincinnati. pinochle and poker games. Rev. and Mrs. R. B. Coleman a demrYnstrant,ces t 0 ew orion on ow • • • tt on buttons Ch I' Ed f ld a en ded th e Commencemen t 0 f 0 atr etl,n en bl~ 'Mrs. Hazel Gruber and famImmediate action shoulld be the University of Illinois, where gave a dem ns ra Ion on las. , ' d gra dufacing The d 'd d t O h Jly were Sunday dmner guests t aken t 0 Improve some 0 f th e th ere daug ht er 'M'ld 1 re 'efresh'mentY eCI e 'tt avef a of her parents Mr. and Mrs. sections of state and federal ated in the department of AU.. HOME·MADE J or Bert Bunnell of' Utica. h'Ighways In 'th"IS Vlcml . 't y. 'r wo L'b ' every rneefng comml ee I rary Sclence. at I .' , fatalities have occurred alr~ady More than 1700 student Next meetmg Will be held at M d M W It R b t , this year on stretches of TOad were graduated from the differLINGO HARDWA'RE ~~~ 1~a1t ? ~~gntz'm Thursday and f~~~y o/bsgo~d~~nd~ we:re within, tw~. ~i1e~ of Wayne sville ent departments. LEBANON -. p. " weekend guests of Mr. and Mrs. an~ hospl1Jhza1Jon has ~een rePresiden ~ J. W., Sny.der of CI,ub m mbers who Will t ake Earl Tresslar and daughter, Ann 9U1red .for many ,other~ mvolved ~orth Western Umverslty depart I,n the program for t~e next May. Sunday morning they In accidents which might ~ave livered the Commencement meeting are: Lorene Sjlh bury, visited their daughter and fam- been prevented had some of the Addr.ess. , , Barbara Hartsock, Ann Ro~e rs. ily, Mr. and Mrs. Walter Hou er danger,?u~ humps and curv~ MISS qoleman 'YIII ,~ork. thi s SponlOl'ecI by The refreshment committee of Springboro been ellmmated. ' summer m the Umverslty libra· l1I1CA E. U. B. CHURCH for next time will be Jennie Lee .I Last Friday night's wreck in ry in th e Department of Braddock, Marilyn Gon , Doris R. H. Kier and on: Bill) ,~~ich ei~ht or, nine ve,lhicles Natural Science. Brown" Eula Hoak and Mary attended the Cincinn ati Red pJled up m a senes of accidents Frances Hartsock. and New York Giants ball (Tame below town must have set some !YO GAZETTE ClASSIFIED ADS at Cincinnati Saturday.

Type Talks: '

Sew-So 4~H Club

'F ood Sale


Sat. June 28


G. C. P. 4.H CLUB

Th e G. C. P. 4-H Cluh met Mr " R. H. Kier pent aturJun 10 at the Michener home day afternoon with her brother, wit h Mr. C. E. Michener Earl Jone and wife at Cincin in har e. Th meetin g ,wa ' nati. br ught to order ,by th e Pre ident, Lee O'Banion. Proj ect Mr. and Mrs. K. L. Elz y of b k w re dU ributed. Plan Dayton vi ited Mr. and Mr ". f r t e ummer were di us ed. Walte,r Elzey, • unday evening. Th m ~tin g was then properly adj ourned, f oll owed by re freshm nt • , Joanne 0 ' Btlnni n , News Rep orter Th ne ,t ,meeting will be held at'the home of Ann T roth n. June 2 at 8 :00 p.m. B b y Th e warm, dry summ r O'Banion, Ann Troth an month are the best for vacDwi ght Michener wi11 take part cinatin g, the poultry flock againin the ,p rogram. ' t fowl pox, according to A. M. Mowrer of the hatchery diviSURPRISE SHOWER sian of the Farm Bureau CoON FAnfER'S DAY operative Association, ColumThe children and th eir fami- bus. He advises against the use lie of A. O. Griffy surpri ed , of fowl pox vaccine after th e th eir fath~r with a Father' first of August. Day hower Sunday June 15, at Mowrer pointed out that the his home on Third St. The v work should be done when th e presented him with mimy lov~- puJlets are 8 to 14 weeks of I, Igifts. Dinner was served to age and that the flock may Dr. and Mrs. A. B. Shelton and be culled at the same time. He d au~hter of Cihcinnati ; Mr. and said that p.oultrymen who have Mrs. Paul Griffy and . children experjenced the disease should and Mr. and Mrs. Vincent take every precaution pos ible Griffy and daughter of Dayton; against an outbreak which Mr. and Mrs. DilTryl Breakfield might be carried to other flocks and son and Mrs. Veda Noggle in the neighborhood. and children of Sabina; apct Mr. and Mrs. Carl Conard and REGISTERED NURSE ' children of Eldorado. ACCEPTS POSITION , ' Miss Anna Louise Hoak, the RAY CROC~ NAMED daughter of Mr. and Mrs. ~eJler ,TO HONORARY SOCIETY Hoak has accepted a position in . According to Raymond , W. the 'offices of Dr. Ralph Youn g Braddock, Wayne Township in Leba'non. ' " Sc~ools Superinten~ent, Miss Hoak is a graduate of cahon' has been received by him the University of Cincinnati that Ray Crockett, a graduate College of Nur ing. She served of Waynesville High School in with the U. S. Army Nur ing th e Class of 1938 has recently corps in Germany during World been elected to Phi Beta War 11 and has spent the past Kappa, ~he N~tional Honorary year in 'ch<,lrge of the dispensary Schola hc Society. at. Wilmington CoJlege.

:'1¥11N'S anaUURCe ••• I

.Their recent appointment as dealers for ' the mmous and popular line 9f

Vaccinate Chickens . In Dry Weather


PUI 'L-CO \ _-


Console, Table, Portable and Radio-Phono Combination Models ,





Mym a 'D 'S •



Regular and Spinerdry Models

HOT WEATHER PARTY HELD FOR Lrnu: FOLK Mrs. Girdon Bacon gave a hot weather party (or the little folk, Wednesday , afternoon. Those present were Sandra and DeAnn Holmes, Shirley Rickey, Joan, , Barbara and Frankie Gruber, Deanne and Bonnie Bacon. Cold refreshments were served by Mrs. Bacon, assisted by Miss Evonne Stubbs; , ,

and 'Refrigerators ,

DEPT. STORE Phone 2681

Waynesville, Ohio



, Mr. and Mrs. Ray Mainous Phone 2..1 and ~n spent Sunday in Cin~ . \

W.\IYNmVlLLE. ,0 . , ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

- 1Y F'am-IFaIr llar b,.I!PF ELDD

excess of other rising costs an j pha of fire preven activi-, The MIA~I GAZ~TTE, Page 2 it is still very reasonable consid - ty fro m lIlodernizati ti nonand Waynesville, OhIO, No. 4321 ering the safety and health in- fo'rcement of build in code ent THURSDAY, JUNE 19, 1947 Scientists have re c e n t I Y surance 'that are 'given at no keepin g the public informed of METH ODIST CHURCH found a way to produc e now- extra charge. the menac e, is invqlved. It i an compe D industry can sur viveI Min' storm , where and when the. Wayne Pool is one of th e eme rge~cy pr gram, de ' i gn e~ t i~ its otitive R. • Co eman· ~e rating e::o ts are conlater wish , . . who wants now! finest in thi part of the coun- deal with a rea~ . and gro wing' tlnually Jacked up. unday chool 9 :30 a.m. What we need i a method of try. It is the best outdoor activiemerge n Y condltlO ll. The principal cost of mining J. J. Burske, Supt. topping rain . . . and that' tie asset we have and it attract These delega te are n o~v coal is labor, and any further ' War hi p ervice 10:30 a.m. no joke son! thousands of vi itor to uu r workin g at home. me o f th IT wag Youth F Ilowsh ip increases will naturally • • • commu nity each year. work \\ Thur ill b 'day, of a 7 techn :30 pm. iC'll 11:1find their reflection in th e pri e _ How much longer do we ' such as adV.I II1g . on com- charge . Undoubted ly those who are ture, MT. HOLLY METHODIST d the consumer. Coal is have to pay Fed ral taxes on grief stricken over th 10 of,ty fire . e quipme nt and the in. T. M. Scarff Ministe r direct compe tition, as a fuel, light bulbs? Comm on n ' lov d one throug water acci- trallllllg of department per- With t ot h e~ ources of • tell u th at our eyes hould dents wi ll gladlyh agree unday cho I 9 .30 a.m. , have proper lights. .... Govern- Wayne Pool pr any pool th at sonnet. But, .m the I ~g run, the such. a all and gas. The 10that su~ces. E. A. Earnhart, upt. m nt taxes force u to buy offers afety, clean water and ~Tlman achieved Will depend du tn al u er of these fuels, who ly n t1~ e am~unt of y ll~' - abso.rb the bulk of War hip ervice 10 :30 a.m. smaller iz of bulb to can· guarded bathers is w rth to t~1 proany IIc. supp rt ~I ven It. A. reat d u~ho n, naturallythe eeR Ev ning ervice 7 :30 p.m. I've n rising cost. Our eye, price in compari n to unguar th at d- maJ~n t~· .of flre~ ar the rc ult which they can buy rna t che.appay the penalty. Why pick on ed and unh ealthy wimmin. of IIldlvldual I noran e and Iy. If th cost ?f any f.uel TlS'S ST. MARY'S EPISCOPAL light bul b when there ar so places. c~re l s nes . A gr~at part of the out. of pr.oporhon ' to ItS. ~amuel N. Keys, Minist er co ~. many other things to be taxed? Incidentally, Monday are dlsgrac~ ful total IS ma .je up f pe~ltors, ,Morning Pm r ~ts. ~ a rket s Will 7 :3 0 a.m. Cocktail, for in tance. 111still" wim days" for boy and h me flTl~s, mo t } which c. ul,Li eVltabl Ho ly Communion and Serm n y. dUl~m~s ~, a n~ en~ploy • • • girls under eig'hteen and the ad- be prevented. Makl~g ~mer!ca ment 10 :3 a. m., Chaplain Col. W ill dlmml h With It. A c rdin to a pi t rial show- missi n i only fifteen c nt . hor:n es safe from fire 1 stn t1 ~ John C. vy. Linsl y. The worker's zeal f r m ney in of United Stat military • • • . a Job for ev~ry h O ~l e -own.el- i under tandab le. But higher stre ngth depicted in the current La~t week we b gan printing nd ~ n e else can d It f. r him. wage will certainly not ben UTICA E. U. D. CHURCH is ue . of ILife mbagdazin , ~Vt: are The Gazett e in a larger face of I' Fire m a ~red t III b~[~ fit ~fiml I d OSd--ll Rev. A. J.' Furate nberge r if there a~e fewer jObS, seemlll g y III a a way III case type. Thi done to incr as IV' an ars- I a an , - or I t 1 purch asmg power a f trouble starts. Are we allowin g the readahwas ility of the Gazette time peak. We have the meal~s each d li ar in th e pay envelo ~ und ay Scho I 9 :30 a.m. hi tory to repeat it clf a it did and to impr v-e it appear pe ance. and the k.nowled.g to r~dll e It continu e ' to go down. No group Mrs. Jame Garri on, Supt. ,after World War I ? I ur de- Little comm ent ha been re- to a mall fraction of It pre- of w rker ha receive Preaching. 1 st and 3 rd Sundays sire for peace so great th at we ceived d greater r gar 'ling th change ent tota\. .The Am ri an peop~e gains each month than the coal miners . And 10 :30 a.m. are 10 ing sight of the r at but what little has come in has must FRIEN DS T. R. Roos velt' creed, "Tread been favorable, and greatl worth d cld whether th at I to continually demand more, doing .__ regardle of th ec~n mic co~ softly. and c:rrl. ! big stick' ? appreciat d. We personally feel First Day School 5 que nce to the I~ d u try, 15. 9 :30 a.m. . that thi . new type face i a little HIGH ER WAGES hard ly the part f ~I da m. Meetin g for War hip It seems the ani) (1Iffe re l~ce too large and it is possible that FOR WHAT In the Ion run, the work r' 10:30 a.m. between th.e Moor e. Do.ctnne it will be 'r duc d mewha t in ieport s of new demand l'y pr du tive power mu t largely and th Truma n Do t~1I1 I that the near fut ure. ST. AUGUSTINE the United Mine Worker Uni n det rmine hi wa e. That tru the .Iatte r cov e ~ a little more ' II<... '" ' on the soft c al min e perata r, in all in ustry. We an ishave Father Krumholtz. Priest terna ry; . . III fact,. w I. ar It seems that(unofficiall ) involving hi her wage, m re low r pri Mas 7:30a .m. and 9 :00 a.m. ev r o n~ burdens, IIlcludll e with high wage ' 1g th has been d' _ overtime an ' ther benefits only as produc the Ru Ian bear e f'Ir e ch'ec 1 II tion p r worker I , FERR Y CHURCH of CHRIST ' • .'. appoint d bt:cau e the efficiency make~ one wonder how I ng, .In reases. ' M' . t M vie-makers s m un able departm ent f~:el disappointed R a Ip h E • StInIOn, er ' ' . B'bl S h i f tl • I ' ' mlS 9 '30 to mak a modern picture with~ me o. H . c lief' s per so na I MI e. c ~ I ' 1'0 :30 a.m. out including drinkin g gunplay III affam . .HI alma t perfect re~~~tg d lip Th 'M ~.",'. or vice How refre hing it would ,cord k~epin , fire to a minish IP'L' . e" as er s be to 'see omthin n' like Will mum indon't Ca 11 TewHa~ count when the a Ig er lYIng . t. up. Youtn Mee t·mg . 7 .'30 p.m. Roger ' " Sta te FlIir" mora I squa d t,,nr t Ieanll1g • .- .' , "Let him who is withou t in Adul~ Prayer M eetl.n~ 7 :30 P·!1l. It' . t d th t ' d throw th fir Evenmg Evange ll hc Service t tone." IS ~epor e c~ u~ y r~a 8 :15 p.m. at Armita ge gravel pit IS bem.!)' • * '" . "Walking With God" moved to allow gravel under We see by th papers: A friendly Church, with a roadway to be sold out. Theyt~11e Raylyn Crabbe, daughter of Mr. Gospel mess-ag . n 0~ hav far .to ~ a ul gravel to and Mrs~ J. B. Crabbe has been ~Ulld the neW Tlght-of-way so given the r~tin g of Junior by WAYN ESVIl J.E CHURCH , . It shouldn't cost the taxpayers virtue of her excellent schotoo much. ·OF CHRIS T lastic record· at Ohio State. She America's most famous magaiines along with this' • • • R,o bert L. VanZile" Minister has pent two years in her work ,news paper. Make big savings on a whole year's ~ead­ Our Dry Ridge column in last there an~ has been chosen to Bible School 9 :30 a.m. ingl Look over 'this fine list of magazines, and take Communion 10:30 a.m. week's issue overlooked some work in the Department of your choice . Offer good on new or renewalsubscripSermon . 11 :00 a.m. points regarding the local Educational res arch. tions to newspaper and magazines. Subscribe today l Evening: Service 8 :00 p.m. Wayne Pool. It was intimated • •.• that prices had advanced to the Because of out tandin g serAny MAGAZINE Li~ed and This NEWSPAPER Mrs. Charles Bogan of Well- point where folk would seek vice in the Rainbo w Girls, the man was a Friday caller of "old swimmin' hole" again. Bari?ara Lou Bland has been Both for Price Shown ' Charle s Shepherd and family. On this point, folk have been -notified that she has receive • ." - "X" H1- " .....v-. J'OII 1.-' .-I _ , _ ........ .. d educated to know that ,s\vim- the Grand Cross of Colors in o A.maIc:aD Fruit GI'OWa'....$1.75 0 Nat' UftICOdt ProcIucer_ 1.71 o A.maIc:aD Gut Mr. and Mrs. Paul' Maurice ming In creeks, rivers and ponds the Order of Rainbo _.._. uo 0 NaIUft (10 r-a. 11 1Ia) 4.41 w, to be o AaIerJaa Home............. ................ Uo 0 open Road (Boy I)_ UO and Mr. and Mrs. Charles Mau- is not only dangerous but also given July 27 ~n Cincin nati. D AIDerb D Poakry Joumal. . 1.65 D Outdoo n ...., .......rice were ,dinoer guests of How- unhealthy. Some few stitt fait, ' I,!IO 0"'" LIfe ._. • • • . a... 0 I'uaIIa' IbpdD e ....,.-- UI ard Tin~al1 and family in Mid- to take advantage of their D OUd Life _ 1.45 D~. 16 ·1_= Mr. and Mrs. K. N. Hough's 1M D 0uiIdaD Henid dletown. They also called on knowledge. The cost of using daughter, Mary US D Pbotoplay ........... UO Hough is D Cocaaet .....................- ..... I.!IO D Popalar Mr. and Mrs. Winner Barkalow a modern, safe and sanitary at home for theDora lIecbuU a _._ . _ · IJJO summe r from o CoaDIIT Gaatlem aD (5 Yn.) UO D Popular ~ MODIbIy_oo IJIO -,•. at Franklin. Mrs. Barkalow has swimming pool catinot be de- the Mary A. Burnam o EtUde MUc M.-ziae .-_. a.. D Poaltry 'l'ribuDe ___ 1M for been an invalid for a long time ter'mined when a life is at stake. girls at North HamptSchool o Wann JounW 'aod on, 0 Reada'i i DIP& Mass. 4.U but is able to be out some and Should fifty, sixty, seventy cents WU'IIIft'I Wile - _ . 1.75 0 RecIboot 1M • • • o Flower Grower ... _ . , - - U5 05cl'ea l .. ..:;;;;..... hopes to be completely recover- or even one dollar be too much 1.'11 Charles I. Master and o Froat . . . Detectl Ye.-_ l.55 0 sparta Afldd ' ed soon. to ask if it. was a question of Louise Hartsock, . daughterMiss UO of ~ neudhe-' saving someone's life? :: 0 The H...,anek~ - - - 1.45 Mrs. A. Z. Hartsock were marDIad ..... JW......... __ ._..._ ... 5.40 0 ~ Wamaa .Mrs. Grace Schuler, Mrs. Not only have admissions of ried a.• field ' Friends D Judy" (New. uad ViewI)_ . a.oo 0 .. Ilue R~maoc:e LouIse Conger and Mrs. Louise swimming pools advanc ed, so Churchin lastSprililg UO . o Modem R ......nnn _._. 2.71 D TIbe seor, Sunday afternoon. uo Wilson spent Wednesday in foo,ds, clothing, corn, soft . o "odem Icrem ........... _ 1.75 0 U. I. c..n.. . , UO Dayton. o Modaer'a Home Ule_ . 1.65 0 Walt. dnnks, etc. The 10c~i1 pool has· THE PEOPL E WIlJ. DECID E DIIaey" Cam.... U5 0 ..... III Reriew ...... _ _ a.. 0 yOW' Life " a.. been remodeled this season. A Within he near future the Buckwheat can be sown in new syste~ of pumpin g ....... .. In II1II11 " 1 ftII, . . . . , . . . . . . United States will learn wh~ther Ohio 'up to July 15 if see~ can water con~tatUly into the fresh or not it is making progress in be found. Japanese ~n~ Silver- has been mstall.ed at a cos!pool of the war against fire. ~ull are the two vaTlehes most ·over $600. ThiS system glyes The likely to be available. Seeding an abundance of fresh movin g on Fire President's Conference rates a~e three or four pecks per water and lessens the oppor- place Prevention, which took acre, and the croP. n:tatur~sin ~un,ity of contagious dise,ase b~- ground m early May laid the 10 to 12 weeks. Yields Will be mgl spread, but, the pool IS sive work for the r:.ost intenCiNd ti..uwl • • ", ClOfIIH'fJ. and scientific campaign to Calli : I eadoee $...... ___ ...... ~ somewhat lower than for wheat also made doubly safe by the reduce die . . ~ our staggering losses wkb a ,an IIIbKripcloD to ~~. on the,same ground. ->Buckwheat addition of chemicals as pre- ever NAME ' matures unevenly so il can be scribed by the State Board of delegaundertaken. Some 3 000 tes representing e'very OR JUoIJ'"'-_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ cut wit~ .a and shocked Health. A . part of the country, attended. f?r dry!ng, or It can, be comNo, the small extra admission An ·ambitious and all-inclusive bmed afte~ frosts stop growth. asked at Wayne Pool is not in progra ~CI _____ _~----------~------m was developed. Every





Page3, 'The MIAMI GAZETTE cinnati with niece, Mr '. kind of a record, and it' hard Orland Holmes spent the' Wa nesville, Ohio, No. 4321 Lester Davis and Ray and Don to believe faulty road didn't weekend with Walter Marine THURSDAY, JUNE 19, 1947 ~ttended the ball game in the (Oontmued f!un PNe 1) playa part in the collisions. and family at Washington. afternoon. one man sees it. He might be Money is constantly bein g C. H. right, he might he wrong. spent to improve roads Ie s Miss Virginia Roberts of DayCome to think of it, I've dangerous and it's time somt! Wilson Shepherd and family Th W ton was the Sunday dinner gue t never known the owner of a funds are' earmarked for this and Miss Hazel tephens of e aynesville Sew· So 4· of Mr. and Mrs. Earl Thesslar house which is aflame to ask section to alleviate dangerous Dayton were Sunday callers of H Club met Thursday June 12, road cOfld't'ons 'th M and daughter Anna May. attending firemen for moral II • the Charles Shepherd family. at Mr Ra Klo t . y n z WI rs. f A d h" . Edenfield in charge and Sandra re erences. ntIs 10 spIte of . Simpson pr~siding Mrs. A. K. Day spent la t the fact that in larger cities fire COLEMAN'S ATTEND Mary France H'a t k week with her sister, Mrs. H. P. houses are often noted for their ILLINOIS GRADUATION a demonstratio~ o'n ~~~c to gSa;'; Godbey in Cincinnati. pinochle and. p~k~r games. Rev. and Mrs. R. B. Coleman on buttons. Charlein Edenfield " attend~d th~ Comm~nc~ment o( 'Mrs. Hazel Gruber and famImmediate action should be the UnIversIty of IIIm01s, where gave a demonst at' b' facing. They dec~deIJ~o o;av;a: ily were Sunday dinner gue ts tak~n to improve some of the there ~aughter 'Mildred gradurefreshment committee for of her parents, ~r. and Mrs. s~ctlOns o.f st~te .a~~ fe~:ral a,~ed In !he department , of ALL HOME-MADE every meeting Bert Bunnell of UtIca. hlgh~~ys In thiS VIClnJty. Two Library SCience. , at More than 1700 students .. , fatalities have occurred ,alre:ady Next meeting Witt be held at M d M W It R b t · this year o'n stretches of road were graduated from the differUNGO HARDWARE Mr. Ray Klontz, Thursday d fro Cl~1 frOs. ader dO er within two miles of Waynesville ent departments. l n . were LEBANON an ami yguests 0 sgoo, PreSl'd ent ., . W . Sny der 0 f June 19 at 2 .'00 P.m . weekend of Mr and Mrs an d hOSpl't'I' I Iza t'IOn h as been reCl,ub members who will take Earl Tresslar and daughter An~ 9uired .for many ,other~ involved ~orth Western University depart I,n the program for t~e next May. Sunday morning' they In accidents which mIght ~ave livered the Commencement , , meetmg are: Lorene S~ h bury, visited their daughter and fam- been prevented had some of the ~ddr.ess. Barbara Hartsock, Ann Ro~ers. ily Mr. and Mrs. Walter Hou er danger?u~ humps and curves MISS ~oleman \ylll ~ork .. thls SponllOl'ed by The refreshment committee of 'Springboro . been ellmmated. . summer 10 the Umverslty, libral1I1CA E. U. B. CHURCH for next time will be Jennie Lee . Last Friday night's wreck in ry in the Department of Braddock, Marilyn qon ,Doris R. H. Kier and on, Bilh \~hich ei~ht or. nine vehides Natural Science. Brown, Eula Ho ak and Mary attended the Cincinnati Reef piled up 10 a senes of accidents Frances Hartsock. and New York Giants ball game b,elow town must have set some U8E OA.Zl!T'l'E CLA881J1ED ADS at Cincinnati Saturday.

Type Talks

Sew-So 4·8 Club


,Food Sale

Sat. June 28

G. C. P. 4-H CLUB The G. C. P. ~-H Cluh met Jun e 10 at the MIchener home with Mr. C. E. Michener in harge. The , meetin g wa brought to order by th e Pre ident, Le O'BanJon. Proj ect b k were di tributed. Ian ( c r Ih ummer wt' re discu ed. The m etin T wasAhen properl adjourned, followed h refreshment . Joanne 0' Banni n News Reporter The next meetin will be held at the home of Ann Tr th n June . 3 at :00 p.m. Bobby O'Banion, Ann Troth and Dwi ht Michener will take part in the program.


Mrs~ R. H. Kier pent aturday afternoon with her bmther Earl Jones and wife at Cincin: nati.

• ••

Mr. and Mrs. K. L. Elz Y f Dayton vi ited Mr. and Mr_. Walter Elzey, Sunday evening.

,Their recent appointment as dealers for ' the famous and popular line of

Vaccinate Chickens In Dry Weather The warm, dry summ er months are the best for vac· cinating, the poultry flock again. st fowl pox, according to A. M. Mowrer of the hatchery division of the Farm Bureau Co· operative Association, Columbus. He advises against the use of fowl pox vaccine after the first of August. Mowrer pointed out ·that the work should be done when the pullets 'are 8 to 14 weeks of age and that the flock may be culled at the same time. He said that poultrymen who have experienced the disease should take every precaution po sible against an outbreak which might be carried to other flocks in the neighborhood.

The children and their familie of A, O. Griffy surprised their father with a Father' Day hower Sunday June 15, at his home on Third St. Thev . presented him with many t'oveIy Igifts. Dinner was served to Dr. and Mrs. A. B. Shelton and daughter of Cincinnati; Mr. and Mrs. Paul Griffy and . children and Mr. and Mrs. Vincent Griffy and daughter of Dayton; Mr. and Mrs. Darryl Breakfield and 'sot;l an'd Mrs. Veda Noggle and children of Sabina; and Mr. and Mrs. Carl Conard ,and REGI$I'ERED NURSE child~en of Eldorado. ACCEPTS POSITION Miss Anna Louise Hoak, the RAY CROCKE1T NAMED daughter of Mr. and Mr . Keller TO HON!lRARY SOCIETY Hoak has accepted a position in Accordmg to Raymond W. the offices 'of Dr. Ralph Young 'r Braddock, W.ayne Towns~ip in Lebanon. ' Sc~ools Supermten~ent, t:I0tl.fl ~ Miss Hoak is a graduate of cation has been receIved by him the University of Cincinnati that Ray C~ocket~, a gradua~e College of Nursing. She served of WaynesvIl!e High School m with the U. S. Army Nursing the Class of 1938 has recently corps in Germany during World been elected ,to Phi Beta War II and has spent the past ' Kappa, ~he N~tlonal Honorary year in charge of the dispensary Scholastic Society. at Wilmington College.

PHI "L "CO ~Radios

CODsole" Table, Portable and Radio-PhoDo C~mbiDalioD Models

and A


Mr. and M~s. Ray Mainous Phone 2"1 ,and Opn spent Sunday in Cin~ . '







Regular and Spinerdry Models


HOT WEATHER PA~TY HELD FOR LnTL£ FOLK. Mrs. Girdon Bacon g~ve a hot weather party for the tittle folk, Wednesday afternoon. ' Those present were Sandra and DeAnn Holmes, Shirley Rickey, Joan, Barbara and Frankie PAINTS - STOVES Gruber, Deanne and Bonnie ' ROOFING - FENCE Bacon. Gold refreshments were HARNESS -;' PIPE . served by Mrs. Bacon, assisted ' ~1M9-1946by Miss Evonne Stubbs. FAIRLEY HARDWARE'CO.

la nd Refrigerators

"DEPT. "STORE Phone 2681

Waynesville, Ohio






of,U I ,e " ~:~ ~I~e w~yn



~. ~ ' ~r~,



r B' ird of Da vt n The MIAMI GAZ!=TTE, Pag 4 ~nd'tY g"ue ts f Mr ' and w.ayne vill e, OhIO, No. ' 4321 na'ld Baird and d~ugh: THUR DAY, JUNE 19,~947


Officers Named For d:lu~h. Youth Fellowship

if ter. Mr. and Mrs. H:rrvey Burn t M r. ~l n d Mr . !-l.ay , Le:1 ch of d M d M th Fuma " )f'i n,O'bor :1nd th eir guests, • r1 nd:d T owri hh; Mr . /', Ii e \I hit- n an Bub6c .ptlon RatC$: $1,60 per Ye-ar in Advance Farmer' Club Thur day at th ( 'r of J iII et, 111:, were M nday , The Youth Fellow hip f National Advertising Representatives home of Mr. ani ,Mr. F red evening gue t . of Mr. and Mrs. L ytle M th o it Ch urch was n. Ohio W eeklies, Inc., 2465 W. Broad Street, Hag m yer near Harve.y burg:. harte Mull nI x, , , terta in d at Ih cou ntry' hom e Columbus 4, Ohio Mr. Emm a Lacy I. qUite Mr.· an:! M r., Jame: I. vt:1} o f Mr. ':'111c1 M rs, Henry ayl r poorly at this ti me hav ing stepp- and dau).!'hter, calie .\ at n ar Five Poi nt Sunday aft 1'ECONOMICS HIGHLIGHTS f P op le c1 on a nail, a coupl e of week. th e hom' nf M~. and Mr ',Rall'h noon and evening, Game wer Hamm nd Fnday aftel no , n, a diver ion f the aft rn n, , aband ne i ago. plan for bU)'1ll n \V ar . beMr. Ida Cust nborder of upon their return fr m Flon ,a after whi h aw iner I' a twa, cause f th price t ag . Dayt n, re ntIy called n M r . to th ii' new hom e, "H al~ nl~1!: t nj ved . A ve r I' servi e ' wa ' , Pr ably Ihe reat t i e lin e, Matti Crei rht n. T re~," on, R ute 48 n 'tl r Rld~e,- helli' at twilight, followe t 1Y dc ve l pin g. Ev n IX or far a c1 liar-volum e and Mi Gra bell ' f Day ton wn. vii , \\'hlch th ey re entl,Y PUI- sl ea ' 11 by Mr. ' R bert Mann. m nth ' ,ago at,m t j b are concern d, ha occurred a we k- nc1 gue t f Mr. and cha " j . ing and M r. R b rt Palmer, \\' uld fll1d an IInm elil.lte and in r i iential buildin . It ha Mr. Ern e t Lacy. Mr. and Mr. !-l m er M . nee Di t. C mmi ion rs. Electi n profitable, mark t. > )1a klog lowed vt!rywhere, and in Mr. and Mr. Ralph Ham- and n f Dayton, ,Mr. Wilbur of officers were a f 11 w : f r manufactur'd art,l Ie. of ,all me sectio n has com t a mond and chi l dr n att nde i Monc of , Cincinn ati, Mr. <lllc1 Donald Baird, Jr. Pres., Rot rt se m d, virtually 111- virtual tand till. It i holding the boat races at Miami h re ' M r . R bert M , nce and daugh- Gray, ic Pr s., Mi Marll n kind undayafternoo n. ter o f Wayne vII I , anj M:. a,n Hammond, e ' y o and ir iI exhau hbt e. Th at I no I nger lip he t in rllral ar a, wher true. , co t of huil:1ing i - mewh at Mr. and Mrs. CharI TUI11- Mrs. Eld n ,Recker an Lon gac r , Trea ., Miss Norma f N rthnd ge Fat h r. Lon gacre was eh en a sup 1'mall private aircraft ar an I weI' th an in th m ' lr politan bl eson and f amily were unda especially out tand ing .xa mpl dislrict. It is at its wo r t in 'uests f Mr. and Mr . Ru ell Day gue t f til Ir I arent, MI. visor of'the programs f or the: of the change. FollowlI1g the suburb of citie, wh r ex - Hu ton f Whit e. Corner. and . Bartlett M. n e. year ;' Mi P"g Y on \I: ar, a gro up of m anufa tur "r tremel y ambitiou pl an f r Mis ara CO rlne Furna re- Githens-Lacy Wedding for Mis ionS' Jame Winks f r rushed into pro uction: ome home 'developm nts have not turned hom e aturday from Held Lalt Saturday C mmunity , ervice; and Milt n optimi t e mec1 to thll1k that m atur d. Th n ed f r home teaching at t he Fri nd's Select ' Th Wed ing f Mi Mary Jon f r Recrea ti n. The next th personal plane w uld be- i a high and perhap higher chool at Ph il adelphia Lacy and Mr. Everett Githens me ting \\'ill be held at L tL come nearly a abundant as th e th an ever--but pri e, which pend the ummer vacation WIth wa solemnized Saturday, June Chur h, und ay, June 29 at a" tomobile. W hat act "alt y hap- buyers con ide rout f aII rea - h ' r pa rent • Mr. and Mr. Seth 7. at 3:30 at th home of t h, 7: 3 o. A It young peopte of the Furna and h -:r broth er, eth brides mother at Wilmington. community are cordially inVited . pen d was th at th e m arket be- on, t p al . came satura ted in a remarkably Industri al buildin g ha d n jr. , T h e' immediate familie w ere Marilyn H,ammond, Sec'y short time. Wher ,I than a much better. Many compani.. ,A numb r of relatives and present. .. an Mr. G!then a sh wer f r are now hVII1 g' on th ' lt1l en Lightning ,the. year ago, new mall plan s old have had to expan t m et friend at premiums, over tocked ,deal- their committmen t' and to the' newly .wed , Mr. and Mr. farm north f Lytle. point in an area. lhe high pomt ' , may be a tree, a buildin , or a ers are now off ring them at maintain th eir coml ' titive 0 - AI rt Pummill , at th e h me f a discount. At l ea t on mak r ition , but a numb r f imp rt- the former Mr. G ood pa ture ,are k man w orking in th e fi Id. al and ne I pr u ti on f a ant hu in es have ann unce I M'r .. W ard Pummill, .. atu rd,l Ohio milk production at TYPEWRITER RIBnce heavi ly adverti d th at xpan ion plan have be n ventng. ' ,level. Average farm deliver! bona now in stock. The aa.te. Used plane prtces--due in large curtail ed, or have been po tMr. and Mrs. :homas Collin S, the last week in May were. part to the sale of urplu poned in the hope that costs Mr. Charles CollinS, Mr . Norma er than for th e same period III government hips--h ave ag ed. will come down. Pounds and son, Mes rs Jo~eph '1 946 but ,were a little low r AUCTIONEERING Th u ual reason giv n for the AlI in all, production i still Gra i and Elwood Gras I of than in 1945. public's r luctanc to buy at a high level. But the dark Da t n \ ere unday callers at economi ts at rec nt milk price STANLEY and KOOGLER aaooaeUCDD , planes' is the high .operating spot ' i"the pictur are bee m- the home of Mr. and Mrs. I)earing have sugg. sted th at a cost which i far , beyond th ing m ore numerou . The gov- Walter Kenrick . k floor price for mIlk may b For Date.. Ph........ w~ of the av rag' famil y. ern ment economist are frankMr. and Mrs. Ch arles Dra needed to as ur an adequate Oblo. Re9tI'Ie ~ _______ __........:..-:-:._ _ Ma.ny oth er comm oditi .ar Iy worri d. nemployment has and chi ldren, and Mrs. in the . am~ boat. m all radl S, not reached a eriou I vel y t. Swan~ of Day~ n came Wit 1 a _ for in t an~e are a glut on th e but it ha been increasing. A \\ ell fin d ba ket to the home market. Price have b en l a h- drop in the amount of over- of Mr. and Mr,s. E ..B. Longacre ed. Arid wh re , in the recent time WOrk available has hit Sunday evenmg In honor of past, it \ next to impossi?le many working' families hard . Fathers Day. to find a tandard-brand radlO- This is having its obvious effect Mr. and Mr. Th rl e ~ one phonogra h combinatio~, yo u on purchasing and on indu trial and son .entertalned to dmn~r can now take your pIck of produ tion. Millions 'of people und~lY 'm honor of ~ather co res of m odels and tyl in living on fixed or semi-fi ~ed in- Day, Mr. and Mrs. E?WI~, all price brac~et . And ma~~ a com s find th at th e bare ne- and grandson al~d MISS, I11l11e t uyer is sh WIl1~ an una~h IP- ces itie of living ab orb all th ey All en of near Centerville and ate d reluntancc to inve t 111 ex- receive. No one has fun d the Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Jones. D'I pen ive eq uipment. olution to uch problems as Mr. and Mr~. <;::h,a rles l Sd' Thi s condition i not entirel y these. Miss Velm a Smllth and Mr. an restricted to luDry xurygoods and semiluxurl' line. have ...... . ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• .•••••••••••



L ~nnra

el~ht ~~nythlllg






~nd ~ilI











~ hl~h ~ hig~­



Hill mto consum er resi s ta~c el Sheets and other linens, once among ' th e scarce t of items, have tended to move l owl y. Store re~'ort that w men . in increa ing numbers are turnl11g thllmb down on the higherpriced dresses and coats. There 'has been a slackening in the , "soft-good" field. And that, in ' turn m eans reduced employment and worker income. As retail and whol~ale invcntorie build up, order to manufacturers go down. , This is not unive,rsal I y any m eans. The automobile maker, a~cording to Business Week, "haven't even made a dent in th ir mark t as y et." R cent1y car output t ook a drop, due to a .Iack of flat steel. But it is being increased as rapidly as the producer can get the nece sary materials. All car dealers s em t o have sufficient ord I' on their books to last for the rest' Of thi s yea r, and perha ps well into next. Even so, the dealers~ as well as the m aker are seriously concerned over what will happen wh n th e backlog i lIsed up and they have to really ,start ellin g once

LO~ellll "su'~P: . !p: . :l!. y. :n:e: :x:.:.t. :.f:al:.: I.~



ANNOUNCING • • • Standard Oil Compaily's

.New Budget Pay Plan on J





1- '

A~k fOr ~

.· 71or"lIl

BATTERIES For Particula,r s See

~ ... ~

Ashmead Sohio Service , WAYNESVILLE, OHIO




Dayton Phone HE1275 -


Local Phone . 2~52

Pag ,5, The MIAMI GA?E TTE Wayne vi ll e, Ohio, No . 4321 THUR SDAY , J UNE t 9, 1 47

,"Advance-Design" Chevrolet .Trucks Mak e Bow




PrtI!df,,'- -Jilutfilll CII//tlt $tll"" .Arll",.,

A Prese nt Threa t

HI C uglas, soloist on LVI's " : J mily Fair," is also n glass·b lower by profeSSion, :Si ll's been in the latter business since he was a youngster, and now works at a Cin.cinnati plant in his hours aw y from the WLW studios , ,~

/ Americ a today needs thinkers If any nation ever, did. We not only have the responsibility ot the world. but we bave a debt ot $2;000 , tor every man, woman. and chllc;l, This means a debt of ~8.000 tor a family of tour. Just to pay tho interest on that debt takes more federal inPerry Como, NRC •• UJ) er come than the naUon ever raised from taxes in any year before tbe Cluh" singing st:tr. has b :en war. We bave. ~lso. the adde!! costS awarded a Ccrtif cntc of Apr rcof war pensions and expenditure. 'liat'an from Gen. On:ar erne'!":, for veterans. l1e:1(1 of the Veteran Adml 'I' Moreovet:. ,we must keep strong tration. In tecognitiQn of "out- ' armed forces as a bope of not soon standing service to .United State being in another war. Again and war veterans through the mediu nl again we sball be called upon tor of radio." relief and assistance to foreign countries. The $400.000.000 for Greece JACKI E KELK. of atid Turkey is only a beginning. The NBC's "Aldric h FamilyHomer total demand over the next two ting his nt;lsal twang ," is puton ice for I years rna)' run as mucb as $3.000,- the summer , He plans to de000,000 above all prllent obliga. vote himself The trueb that will brina tnle poItwar desi&n to the rugged and durable to strnight dramatic than ever before. Fint unite were tioM. Demand II everywhere, at roles on hi&hwaya of America, Chevrolet'. new "advance-desi& the straw-h at circuit. n" built in Chevrolet'. Janesville ' (Wis.) aaembl y plant, home and abroad. line of commercial vehicles, will be introduced to the and were appropriately bailed. Here the "Queen of trucldna industry June 28 by Cblevrolet dealers across the Amenc: BMenU", to Health. a'. Dairyla nd," Mias Betty Gene Gardner, RidgeJames, Melton will exhibi t 'country. Incorporating a variety of new features that way, Wi." To meet all ot the.. heaV1 dechriaten l the new vehicle a. Gov. Qacar , aasure areaw operating eft1cieDl;:y, load-carrying ability Renneb mandl we must. have a health,. severa,} ancien t cars from his and Wisconsin'. chief executive (right), highway safety, the new tnIItka are said to be more R. W. ohm, econo~: ThIs 11 not optional. It famou s collect ion at the June Podleaak, Janesville plant manaaer, look and on. 11 a mQll President Truman, Mr. 14-15 Atlant ic City meetin gs Bernard Baruch, and others are of the Antiqu e and Vetera n electric al caWng tor .ome ot the ellentl a" co ntracto r fr om in g lecture s and di cussion M to a beal~y econom:y. They have Autom obile g r 0 ups. The Cedarv ille, 1 outb Charle ton, headed by nation ally promisinging star of NBC's "Har- Jam town, recently strelled loq,er bour.. and ' Way n e s viII e nent I aders in agricul ture, rural hip.r productivity on the part of vest of Stars" also will serve pring alley, and Xenia. In so i logy, . and rural hur h labor; lower profits and lower price. as jud,l'(e in the selecti on of th co urse of th evenin g, th e work. AmQng the lectur rare on the p.a rt of ~dustry; and max- Miss Atlant ic City.• 1947. gr up appoin te.i Ern t mith, Dr. J. H. Kolb, depart m nt Imum production on the Part of agof riculture, The.e are good. They are When Fred Allen celebrated his prin g Vall ey a nd Wayne ville; Rural Sociol ogy, Univ rsity \) eSlential, and I endorle all of them. birthday , recently, the cast of Dav Robins n, James t 'wn' H. WLco n in; the Rev. E. R. Butt, But one equally important Item 11 his show brought In a L Pi kering, Cectarvillej Don Lecture r in Rural Church , <1 being overlooked. It Is so Impor- t.opped by 'la-urine! of Allen cake allange r, uth Charle ston ; H. - bury-W estern emin ary 'to Hhe and tant. that I belleve unles. correct- the full cast. with a "Happy E. Eichm an, M. E. Hain s, a nd Church Divinit y chool of th e ed properly It will act 8S a brake on '~!rthday, Fred Allen" me5llag e E. G. Roger , Xenia; as temp o- PaciJic ; Dr. Randa ll, C. Hill, our economy ' and prevent the very from the DeMarco Sisters. and rary represe ntati ve in thei r Professo r of Sociolo gy, KanS:t" prolperi\! we all crave. I refer to his likeness reply)n 'g. "U Isn't a r spe tiv\: ommun itie . taxu on Incomes In the blgh brack. yice-pr csldent tat Co lege ; Dr. J. W. Bu rch, . ets. The coriten~on that we can keep :t il take a cut."kld~les, but let's ----' --....: Co lleg of A ricultu re, Univer the present higb tax rate on bl, ' . ity of Mi o uri ; Dr. W. T. Income. and maintain a healtb;y Spanto n, Chief of Ag ricultu r Fred Waring a.ld his PenneconODl7 I. In m:r opinion fallaEducat ion Service , Washi ngclOUI. sylvani ans and Crosby h D C J GI d b t t ff i The "PIKA Dream" Girl" 'ap- \ d t tl ~on,..; . aye . eeq , yn o n ' u, og~ ·ler on Desire &0 Venture Nation al Pa. t Preside we:: for ' the eame first time: nt They f pears on ·~I,. Pair" ,darla, a ~, A dynamic economy like ours ra- have just recorded "The Whifcollege-theme broadca st. BeUJFuture Farm rs f Am erica. quires that a lot of men each year fenpoof Song'.' and ''Kentucky Brady, rlrhtJ was .osk:'~ to Miss, The Rev. 'Mr. amud Ke~ s, n unday, June 1 S, Mr. 'amela Barry of the t '· "erslt; must not only dr. am dreams of Babe" for . Decca and the platter, re t r f t. Mary' , \' a n - K Y \Va invit d t I r ~ch achieve ment, at of Cincinnati, named drf!Rot IIrI but that they actually is ~xpecte d must venture Into business In an ef- .. . 1 ' • .. ...,mer. to be released 'In ville, is attend in . a til o ffi ~ial CI,l ri 'ts Ch urch, Lexing t ' n., M .. r' Of the fort to aat1atj American consumers. t IchoOl's PlJUT ''''' i\lplua .". rural de legate fr III the dl e ~ Thi •• all 0 bliga.tion 'upon men . • .. h poap er, on a recent tl1 tl '~am, An '"energetic hobbyL..i Is 260. 0 f OU'tl lern 0 1' 11 1 til twen *" , • ,.READ ._ _mE' _ _ CLASS ___ IFIED wbo bave large amounts of capl- po"nd Mike Roy ADS _. . . .,_ · _ Bat"t4a __ . . . ._ _.!. . . .ai _ _JJI:at,.;.;;.;.;.;...:-..;;..;.~ - : . E':I':'I _ • _ _ fifth [\; , II na l tal 'But men In th hi b lis pal C n- , " new ,nnoun cer f . e gb racket. on "the NBC .i t "Abb tt dC' t!1 'er nee t n the T \'11 alh now are being taxed up to 85 per r 111an , ~ e. 0 'Cl cent of their net income. The take , how. " Be fishes,0 hunts, I t P k 'II U swims. lyrC 1 a ar VI , ,,~o . from lqcome II 10 great. al to colleets record8, !lOOks mysterious try Mr. Key is on 'of a gro up , threaten their wiWnIJ\8I. to risk., A. dishes, ,&Oct plays tnampet. sa~. of So rural cler~y de Jegalte man wbo cO\.lld keep only 15 per t~ m~one ,anrl F~f'neb boro. from every section of the . cent of. any addJtionallncome would ., United tates and of 2S ser:i1iANY WH ERE ANY T I M ' E not likely flnd ltadvllable to wider,o nari'ans and women ch ur h the required rllk nece.. ary to Increale' hi. income. worker s who are taking part in . ONE and ONE· HALF ..TON TROCK , poll&tca UId Coarap I;! , til , Co nferen ce which i being . Naturally, It I. ea.,. to so,. that ' Tel~h one Waynesv:i1Ie · Z9' • held thole In the hiat. braQket. are the n the Park Colleg e Campu ,Jun 9-_0. one. mo.t able ·to pay, that. they " ' W. E. "O'BA NION th eme of the Co nferen ce are the last one. to delerve any In an effort to aid rural is "What the Ru drl Church ::a;:~:f toIt~: :aD7~~:aU~: electrification . in the Miami' Lead rs ho uld .Know Abo ut __ ." termblation to keep tues on those Valley , the Dayton Adequ ate "able to pay." But It I. very bad Wiril?g Bureau has announ ced T o ca rry o ut t~li theme th e C nferen ce is bing devote d to for th~future of the na~on. An7 the appoin tment of Robert L. mo rning, afterno on, an~ evenpolicy that keePi competitive capital Pierce as a fi eld represe ntative from ,oln, free),. Into the tools of production to maJce ,oods and pro- who will.,w ork from the,bu reau's vide job. I., In the 'lon, run,' ,olnl' new ,headq uarters in Xenia. In ' to reduc, the national Income; re- provid ing r~siden'tiaJ a d -farmBUILDINGS CHATTElS AUTOMOBILES LIABILITY duce the number of ,ood jobs and stead wiring ad¥ice t9 -citizen s S~RV ICE· ' red~c~ wage.. ,. of Xenia and the surrou ndin "4-W AY FARM INIU RA'NCE" SUl~ed high inveltment of pri, territo ries, especia lly' Wilm j'ng~g We are availin the Ohio Parmen 'w ill give Y9U. broad protecUOD against losses vate capital In the tooll o( produ~· ton and Washi ng'ton C H the tiOil II the orily Rouible road to . u . . ' able at aU OD your farm. It your buildings, your chaud., 'your ,automobil~ talned hilb wa,e. and' ~ employ- n<?n ~profit bure~u ~ope.s• to"COhand your liability for ·accidents to others. Wby DOt lee us today times . . '. i ment May we have the- courage ~nbute toward 1I1wrovrng rural NIGHT or DAY You Mow JOU're safe wben jou'" .insuIed 10 tho Ohio parmers r and the wiidom to correct this dan- electrif ication . Recen,t ly, lhe , ,.roUi threat ·to our future b~ore bure au haq expand ed its service STU BBS It ~ toO ,late, re,a~el' of'lmmedl. from Dayton ' ,to West -Alex- , FUNERAL ate political repercullions. Ma)' andria HOME we 'look to the welfate of the many, ' . " ., . -'l'l"?ep bc!'e 2291 and keep America· ever tlie land of' ' Pierce appom tment the ,free. WaYne~ville, Ohio during- a recent ,dinner at . Geyer 's Restau rant in Xenia, at USE Q".wETTE 'CLASSII'IED ~~ whicn the ' bureau was ,host h?, ",


Dre am bri-l .

Rev_ Keys AHeo ., ' ds • pa\I Meet'·log Eplsco


Aid ..To Roral E'lectri-fic'atl-OB'.




•• coven



gross value of, estate is $18,'762.68. The MIAMI GAZETtE, Page ,6 Estate of Mildred M. Trumbull, Wayne ville, Ohio, No: 4321 . dec'd Fay Marlatt administratrix THURSDAY. JUNE 19, 1947 At 6:00 p. m. on W~dnesday of last week, Dito learn whether A,ttorney GeneJ;'all .Clark. and .hlS inve~to hearin ~et for June 81 Department of Justice were derelict, m thelr duties. t 10 ry g rector of Agriculture Anderson announced th~t sugar Reva Harner vs. Dixie Obio Ex, , There is considerable talk that th4! committee In- . a . rationing for household, restaurant and ho~l u,s e vestigation may result in Clark's J resignation, and Estate of Flo B. Monfort, d~c d, press Co. and James Darrah, fOr would end at midnieht that day. On Monday-three days earlier-he bad advised the Banking and Cur- perhaps even his impeachment-aU of which does Belva a~d Charles She~ts admmis- personal injury, automobile colliPresident Truman no good. trators mventory beanng set for son, amount claimed $5,281 and rency Committee of the HOUSfi that sugar rationing June 26 at 10. costs. could not be lifted at this time. On Wednesday ,a fterEstate of Sue Weil, dec'd, MarIn the matter of the appropianoon, three bours before his ration lifting order was There is 'a strone likelihood legislation now before garet Rosetta Bustle appointed adissued, he had requested tbe Appropriations Commi~ the Congress to give Spanish-American War Vet- ministratrix giving bond with sure- tion of an easement for highway purposes over the lands of Leazor tee to continue funds for the payment of Some eight erans, and their widows, a 20 per eent increase in ties in sum of $6op<). hundred workers in the Suear Rationing D~vision of pension allowances will be enacted at tbis seBlion of Estate of Isadora Ward, dec'd, Simpson et ai., and necellSa~ in his Department. Most members of Congress are wonCongress. Judge Edward Matthias 'of the Obio Su- Kenneth Hough, executor proceed. the construction and improvement dering if the action of the House R,:!les Comm"ttee preme' Court, N.t~oDaI Commander of the ' Spanisl!- ings under former order approved. of State Highway 251 Section F on Wednesday afternoon in repqrtine out a bill to American War Veterans, was in Washington last Estate of Katbryn S. Barnett, (part) Harveysburg and E (part) end su.,ar rationing-which wo':!ld ha~e been paned week and appeared before Congreaslio nal committees Warren Co. Ohio, easement of dec'd, Frank Burnett executor filed h,ighway. in favor of the meuure'. on Thundaj-had anything to do WIth the Secre• • • certificate of transfer of rea) tary's quick change of position. ' In the matter of tbe appropiaestate; gross value of esta'e is The Ways and Means Committee ()f the House bas tion of and easement for highMost informed sources here expect Italy to go reported a bill to freeze Social Security taxell at $l~~:ie ~f Carl J. Miller, dec'd, way purpose over the lands of Eva communistic within four or fiv., months all a result one, per cent on tbe employer and ,one per eent on Clara Miller executrix inventory MacDonald et aI., and necessary on the employee for two more years, beginning January of tbe recent peace treaty which will require Amerithe construction and improvement 1st, next. The bill will undoubtedly be enacted; for hearing set for June 26 at 10. can troops to withdraw from that country by Sep~ of State 261 Section F (part) otlierwise the Social SecUrity tax nltes would au~o~tate of Fra~k Wade Stanton, Harveysburar. and E (part) Warren tember. With Italy communistic, Russia and her communistic alies will control the Mediterranean, and matically jump to two and one-half per eent on the \ dec d, ~lph CalVin Stanton, execu- Co: Ohio, ,Easement of highway. employer and two and one-half per cent on the em- tor assIgn and tnlD~er stocks. , the Truman program of military aid to Greece and In the matter of the appropia~ ployee-or to a total of five per c:e.n t in 1948. Estate of ~da ChrJstoph~r, de~ d, Turkey will mean but little. . ' . Walter Kennck, executor filed fust tion of an easement for highway , • •• • purposes over the lands of Anna and final account. "The Civil Service Commission bas announced there Estate of Anna D. Thompson, K. Madden, et aI, and necessary The House of Representatives ,spent three days last week in hectic debate on the Mundt Bill to autborize are forty-two thousand government workers who dec'd, Geo~e Deierleln, executor in the construction and improvement of State Highway 251 Seccontinuance of the State Department's progaeanda should be given a compiete and thorough loyalty filed first and final account. Estate of Mary K. Bone, dec'd., tion F (part) Harveysburg and E activities in fore.ign countries by radio, books, art, check by the securfty officials, and has requested the etc. This prognm, known aa "The Voice of America," approp~ation ,of funds for that purpose. Just think J. Merrill Bone, executor filed (part) Warren Co. Ohio, easement costing over thirty million dollars a year, has been -forty-two thousand Federal employees whose loyal-, certificate of transfer of real es- of highway. ty to their Government is in question-and we talk , tate. strongly criticized by many members of Congress. The Lebanon Citizens National _ Estate of Eldron C. Wolf, dec'd, Bank, a corp. vs. Ben Werk for The charge has been made that the program is un- about fighting commu~isr: o.ver eas. der the cotitrol of a group of radicals, many of whom Sarah M. Wolf administratrix in· money amount claimed $800 with Meat prices have been jumping h:igher day by day ve.n tory hearing set for July S to are aliens, and cloes not truly represent the American interest at 6,% from Nov. 27, 1946 . way of life. While opposed by a .m ajority of tbe Re- for th~past two or three weeks. While the Depart- 10. to May 27, 1947 and at 80/0 ' from' ment of Agriculture has issued IlJl official denial, ,E state of Lewis Carpenter, dec'd, May 27, 194'7 until paid for forepUblicans in the House, there is' a stJ.:ong possibility a coalition made up of the solid Democratic minority there seems to be plenty of evide.nce tbat the in- Viola Carpenter appointed admin- closure of chattel mortgage, Maple crease in pric,s bas come about :because of heavy istratrix. and 60 or 60 Republicans of international leanings and Maple. meat in tbis country by rflpresentatives of may have sufficient strength to pass the measure. foreign countries. We give you one guess who MARRIAGE LICENSES • Elwood Ault, Jr., 22, Lebanon, A Senate subcommittee is making a rather furnisbed the money these foreign agents are using Factory worker, Alta Shank, 18, thorough investigation of the recent Kansas City to make these meat purchases. Lebanon secretary. . • election scandal. In the Democratic. primaries la~t Eugene Coyan, 23, Dayton"screw Wasbington political circles are 1111 agog over the summer President Truman "nd his friends of the "Pendergast machine" defeated Roger , Slaughter, first of a se.r ies of articles in a national magazine by maker, Wilma Surface, 1'9, Lebanti-Ne'Y Deal Congressman, and nominated Earl jam~ A. Farley, former Democrati,!:. National Com- anon, office worker. mitt e Chairman an'd Postmaster General. Fa.r ley, Robert Rainey, 22, Lebanon, Axtell, the President's choice. Later cbarges of fraud who s known as the man who made Roosevelt Presi- factory worker, Cleo M,allicoat, 19, were made, and the Department. of Justice was asked dent, tells how he ~aa dropped by :F. D. R. 'because Franklin clerical worker. to investigate. The Justice Depart~ent reported no he ref~sed to go along :with the Rooisevelt attempt to -, Warren LeMay, 21, Lebanon, HOURS: . fraud could be found. However, a Kansas City newspurge Democratic Representatives and Senators who mecbanic, Margaret Jane Hardy. paper 'and the local pros~uting attorney quickly 9-1~ each mominl refused to vote for legislation the President wanted, 1'7, Lebanon. turned up all sorts of fraud evidence and 48 indict1-5 afternodna except ments were retqrned. Two weeks ago 'a Courthouse and his fear that Farley might become a candidate safe, was blown and the ballots and other evidence for President, himself. The articles are very much Wedn~day NEW SUITS in tbe case stolen. ~o,w the Senate is endeavoring worth reading. Harold and Frances L. Sorter 7-9 Saturdny evening vs. Bert Edward and Pauline ,Bard, ,Other eveni-ngs h~' J. Frank Gallaher .a ppointed uecu- money and foreclosure of mortpge PROBATE Appointment amount claimed $88,260 with in-, tor , !' ,''' Estate of Anna Belle Roosa, ierest ' . from Sept. 9, i946 at 6%%. , OUI' 'I' 1 ' dec'd, Earle and Herbert. ,1lC)~sa, Estate' of Fr&l1lk W. Coleman, ..TELEEHONE 82. R administrators inventory approved. dec'd, administratclr filed first and Stanley and Stanley. COMMON PLEAS Virginia SUrface vs. Paul. SurEstate of Horce C. Roosa, dec'd, final account. . Nancy 'Buddell vs. Hazel Phillips Estate of Mary K. Bone, dec'd, lace et ai., partition ,of real esEarle and Herbert Roosa adminisease dismissed witbout record and J. JWerrill Bone, exector stocl( dis- tate, Frank C. Anderson. tra, t ors inventory approved. with prejudice at cost of defendAnna Fugett vs: CFawford Fu- Optometric 'Eye Specialist Estate of William S. Long, dec'd, tributed in kind. ' ant. gett, divorce, gross neglect of Estate of Chester Sawyer, dec'd. In the matter of the appropria- M'a rvin Young, administrator in26' ~outh Detroit StT'!et Berenice Baumann, administratrix duty, C. Donald Dilatush. tion of an easement for highway ve'n tory hearing set for June 28 at inventory approved. Violet Nimme vs. Carl Nimme, ' ; ~NIA, OHIO purPoses over the land of Guylda 10. Estate of Mary B. Taylor, dec'd, divorce, gross ne'g lect of duty, exB. DUmford, ~ompensation for land Estate of Flo B. Monfort, dec'd, Walter Taylor aplPointed exe~utor. treme cruelty,: Frank C. AnIIU!Jr'IlOln. taken $282. damages to residue Belva and Charles Sheets appointed Estate of Cbal'1es I. Huffman, $942. total $1224; administrators giving bond with dec'd, Mary Hu1:fman appointed Vivien L. Blair VB. Floyd Smith sureties ' in sum of $10,200. executrix. et at, defendant, M,u tual Feder~l Estate 'of Anna Knapp, dec'd, Estate of Eva Francies Lewis, Saving and Loan Ass'n given leave E. W. and J. L Knapp appointed dec'd, Campbell Lewis, administra-· sATISFACTORY to file., pleadings. administrtors giving bond in ,sum tor inventory hearing set for June Robert Jobnson, a minor vs. of $5000. ' SERVICES 25 at 10. Beulah Johnson a minor ease disEstate of J. J. Gallaher, dec'd, Estate of Octavia Co.1eman, dec'd, AT AIL TIMES missed without record and with out prejudice at cost of plaintiff. " Barbara Lindsey vs. Earl Lindsey ~tQIhue : ~Uneta1 ~qnu answer and cross petition of , defendant dismissed, case to continue Dial2111 'Wayneavllle, ' Ohio• • I.. I J on peti~ion of plaintiff. Lebanon Citizens "National Bank, a corp vs. Ben Werk, judgment against defendant in amount ' of $600.20 with interest at 8% June Amazing but true. The Bible and religion , do conflict. 8, 194'7 to June 12, 194'7. barn of the Bible's making and itl'fight to live Lebanon Citizens National Bank, a corp. vs. Ben and Vivian Werk, Public Address by RANDALL POTO judgment against defendant in amount of $1002.84 with interest Representative of Watclitower Society at 6% from April' 4, 1947 to April 14, '1947 aiid 8% thereafter until ' ~2, 3:0~ ,. Ft~M. paid. , Robert Faustvs. Lolai F"ust, The GRANGE "ALL, WAytf'ESVILLE, OHIO Citizens Bank of Farmera~il1e, Ohio 'Y~ Are InVited To Attend. All weicome ~~o Collection and The Farmers and,' Merchallts Bank of Miamisburg, Obio' Diade parties defendant. .



Clarenc:e J. 'Brown

• • •

. . ., •




'l/.ewu .


,, 1/E


Rellpoa Viersus "The Bible '

Sunday, June

C. E.. WjJkin

, Pa!le I The MIAMI GAZETTE Juanita Conner 2.25 acrea in TurtleW ay ne viII , Ohio, N . 4321 creek twp. THURSDt\Y, JUNE 19, 1947 George and Sarah Richardson to

fun eral of his brother-in-law ing an th war kpart m I1t Roy Buhrman in New Carlisle' sent David Jinkinson, carpenO. on T..,esday. ' ter and Rich'ard Palmer, blackGeorge Harter 1.13 acres in Deermith to re -ide and work wi tb Mr. and Mrs. Howard W ood Etta Mae Allen, a minor vs. field twp. of near Bellbrook were callers th em, a ll f which in c mp-any T?e Peop~e's Building Loan and Herman Allen, divorce, gross negMilk producers in th e Day- on Misses Annie 'and Marne came to my hou e and tayect SavlI\gs Co., Mason to Herbert and lect of duty C. Donald Dilatush. one day to refre h th emselves ton-Springfield market ' ar a Brown on Friday afternoon. and hor "e and th en proceeded Lebanon Citizens National Bank, Edith Richards lot in Mason. have received an other decrease Clayton and Bessie Hager to en th eir way. a corp. vs. Ben Werk, Promissory low r Norman and Genevieve Franken- in income, through note, Maple and ~~ple. pri ~e for milk th ey-sold in May, ,A ,A stein 20 a~es in Clearcreek twp. Lebanon Citizens National Bank, acco rding to a release today by e~ar~ Buford Bearl and Myrtle Susan Leslie C. Mapp, general manaacorp vs. Ben and Vivian Werk, Mr. Everett Haines, Mr. promissory note, Maple and Maple. Short to . Sally Bradley 1 acre in ger of th e Miami Vall v Co - Glenn a Wilson, Mrs. Edith Hamilton twp. operative Milk Producers As- Haines, Mrs. Doroth y m;th Mrs. Ph yllis Hollingsworth . anli REAL ESTATE TRANSFERS Sally Bradley to George Brad- oci ation. Dayton milk dealers co- Mrs. Marianna Bogan attended Dorothy Cook to Norvil Lancas- ley 1 acre in Hamilton twp. ter 8.75 acres in Wayne twp. Fred Kahn to Arthur Young, Sr. operating with the A sociation a miscellaneous shower at th e a rr~ed to pay th e prod ucer h me of Mrs. Homer Hain es Donald and Mary Tigar to Ralph 3.45 acres in Clearcreek twp. and Lillian Applegate 12 acres in E. R. and Edit h Houston to IRhmael elhng milk to th eir plant an nea r Sabina, given' in honor of Toney 0.28 acres in Salem twp. add itional amount of 19 ¥.. ~ nt s Mis Audrey Goodin of Jam esHarlan twp. Maud Stouder to Martin Ballard ~)fin gin g th e price for 4 ~ milk town wh ose marri age to Car~y Dello Welty to Vernon Vinson 6 3 lots in Butlerville. · tn.Dayt n to 4 .00 per cwt. By tLheigh Hain~t S will take (l ace in lots Miami Park. Cecil and Della Lamb to Frank- till S action these D a t d aI r" . eMnear Jeannett e Hays to Fred and Mart y on '1 fu ure. .I lin and Helen Wilson 18.50 acres have demonstrated their awarean yn .ue mIt 1 pen t a ian Mount 6 acres in Deerfield in Massie twp. nes of the problems fac:i n ~ few days WIth er uncle and t wp. Lut her and Jewell :schock to local dairy f arm r, and t h' ~unt, Mr. and Mrs. Evan Bogan Hobart and Ulla Duff to Willa Cabot 16.01 acres in Turtlecreek Lut her Welch 165.70 acres in Wash- eri ous feeding problems wh icll 111 Dayton. ington twp. may ex i t in the fall a a r _ Mr. and Mr. Raymond twp. Robert M. Blair to Robert Ben suit of th e unfavorable weath er Burden and daughters att nded Georgie Louise Stan ton to Harriet Blair lot in Lebanon. conditions. the weddin of a friend at Meeker 2 lots in Franklin. Robert M. Blair to Robert Ben Th e Class I and Clas II Chester Friend's Meetin g Hou e Carrie S'peidel to George BradBlair lot in Lebanon. , prices under the milk ord er unday aftern o n. ley ~ot in Franklin. Robert M. Blair to Robert Ben Some of our members attenddropped in May and crea t d Will O. Gustin to Mildred Thomp- Blair lot in Lebanon. tho I.ow r blend price. Th ~ Rural Church un.d a~ at son lot in Waynesville. Sabina Theiss Byers to Evelyn r Harlan Moore to Nannie Ruth Lake Clinesmith lot in Franklin. MiamI Valley Coope rative Milk Kmgman school audltonum. Prod ucers A oci ation ha re- Rev. Marion Shi Ids delivere 1 Jones lot in Lebanon. quested the United stat · . [)e- the morning message. Eve Arden, one of the screen's I A nabel1a flora 'to Peter Ander· aDd radio's best femiDlDe wits" Mr. and Mr ' , Perry Bento~ son and Anna Belle Runyon 0.11 'Mr. and Mrs. Luther Hain e takes over as DWialer of the l of Dayt n pent ev ral days par t ment of A riculture to pl ace acres in Waynesville. floe r prices , under the Cl as. I and grand on, Al don Hain s WLW-NBC "VllIqe Store" as ' last wee k with Mr. and Mr. J. P. Lamb t o Harri on Ale."'Cand Cla ~s II price fo r th e I cal were guest of Mr. and Mr. or JaI~ 3. Eve welcomes pesta I Delbert C n ~e r . Their n a nder, lot ill Corwin. market. If this request i grant- Charley Laird Sunday. ~ the store Tbunda~s at 8:301 ~1'al'Y' White to Gus a nd Anna Terr , return ed home \\ ith th e ~ ed, producers would b abl e to Mr. and Mrs. Willi am Smith ~ ~~T•. Donahue 3.1{i acres in Franklin a.fter p ndin the I a t ten days plan ah ad, and would be a_- called on Mr. and Mrs. Robe rt - - - - - - - -.- - -- at the Conge r h me. . twp. ' ured of certain pric 'for Smith of Xena, unday afterMary White to Cla rence and JIM: I see where ur han k noon . . month in advance. • REA~ THE CLAS SIFIED ADS • Alta Horn beck 3.\5 acres in Frankhas started a new Bon :I-aI roducti on of milk wa at a Mr, and Mrs. Weldon Wil en, l in twp. Month plan f or ch king hi h lev I in May. Appr xi- Mr. and Mr. Raleigh Boga n, IN OA8E OF FIRE DIAL 2!22 Bernice. Mills · to Austin and account depositors! mat cly 2 6~ more milk was Mrs. Lucy Compton' and Mrs. marketed in May th an in .'W ril Mary Bogan att nded a bir th BILL: Y es,' good i a too, and a larger amount was di- day party at the home f Mr. it's an automatic I nd v rted into manufactured daii rv and Mr. Virg: Mil ehner , in buying servic for th o e f pr ducts. Thi f ore d the bl n-t hon r of LeVI hambau .... h of us who aren't ' incl uded price down a a re ult. Th e Virginia, who is enj oying 'it few und ' r th a 'ro ll saving manufacturin g milk pl ant paid days vacati on with ,relatives.· -----P t<! n ! app rox i~ll a te l y 3.30 per cwt. , pl u me volum premium INQUIRE AT BANK to t!l eir producer . ' In the local mark t 64'% of "Our meeting , hu e is h ~h receipt in May w r utilized mall for our greatly in c r eas~ 111 Class I, 6 ¥.!% iIi Ctas II and ing number. We are ab ut t W A YN,E SVILLE. OHIO 29 , , % wa utilized in CIa 1111. build a new me fin g hou c Telephone 2251 thirty f et quar and that appear to me will be too small before many years. (This' \V a" th e l qg meeting house built M!s. Alice Clark. sp nt Fri- where the I'd brick meeting day m Dayton and Centerville. house now stands.") Miss Glenna Marsh of Dayton "I have many visitors both spen~ the week.-end \~iUi hu foreign and domestic ,among cousm, Mrs. LucIle ArmItage. others Benjamin White and SUNE Mr. and Mrs. Harry Brown ' Benjamin Gilingham,' from 2~ _ ' 21 ) of Centerville called on Missl e s Bucks Quarterly Meeting· Pa ~_!laqe ~=:m with shoot4n~ M d A . B . ' .....~ ..~ 8'IJIl duels. a , arne an nllle, rown, ,Sun- The "matter stands thus: Little framed trial Fji consItieIPa.ble humor. day. . Turtle and other Indians about Mrs. Clarence !'Ielson of Leb- Fort Wayne, sent' a message to ,anon was · the dmner guest of Baltimore Yearly Meeting re' , ' Mrs. Lucile Armitage on Thurs- questing their assistance to in- i-:~:TT c~~ day. • struct them in the arts of civil PJJU8: ~ 8toogie8 domedy, Oolor Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Mac- life and how to use the hus0ut00D ar.dI ~ Short. '. Pherson of Sabina, O. wi th bandry and other tools they had ' ' , 23 their daughter, Mrs. Mildred sent them' upon which the ~2_ love tory maid James of Van Nuys, C~lif. ~nd com~ittee ' for India:n affairs by b ~ of .:=na~, Mr~. Roy Star9uck of Sa~m,a, appomted George Ellico.! Jan- ~y of color· visIted Mrs. Ohve. Curl Sunday ard Hopkins to visit them and afternoon. ' ; , give such counsel, also Philip. Mr. Carl SmIth attended the Thomas to assist them in farm, .' 'l'eobniook.'

Valley Milk 'Sells For Lower Price

t ree




'Store' Wit •




Waynesville National Bank.


TWIN Theatre e 'weld I B·O I ' UICkok


I've', AIways Loyeel Y ' 00

,t! "



Gl\tJNOW., Rehige;rators .


'Parts' -lBd Repalers " ' "; , , Complete Rebuilding Senice

~ at the recent .howlDia~ in P&ija ~. thii IlItt'

::' p~:t.:.:' ~ ,ard.~ ~de help "'U~. ~~t ,~ , ~ Dio...~ the new ~~q eenaation of ' Pa~. and ita

,,:ho; .: " formerl,' . . . a dull'ller for, LuciaD-IA1oq there, made this "lIt wlucn " wU bouc¥, "'J ~~ FJeld 6 . Comp~q)' and bt:O~ght t()' u;,icll,::'o. The till¥ watatline of tb.. jacket" cmched .. in ' tightly while the ' ahoalden .alppe naturaU,. " . , ' . <' • . • , Abo new 'iI the Parisian eolcl je,.-elry of matehlng necklace and' bra~'Wb~ ~t ~e pal~ he~ Of the jack,t. ' ' ..'


, '.










' .

~ OIl ,Itibe U'84l 0( elidJle young men of means, Wl'8Ippeci up 111

a .



2SlJNr!Br MOVIEroNE NEWS26 A tnJe cometd(y of tOur ,lm<JbaInd-seeking

W.,..tiIIe, Olio :


' •




WiT'D ,th .., '

G~~BDVV880~~ ' . ·:~oLAlB .~ . :

OR. Al·.... ..... MBNIOU. BILUE BUBKE, S~ WYA'ft'. ' MBQ: 0010ll'eldl ·. O&.rtoon,1 "J




Joe •

the Villa g' of thai l a_l fro t hit them. The The MIAMI GAZETTE, Pa 0 8 Ohio in full a~d wi l:l berrie have I een be tter Wa ne ville, Oh io, No. 4321 to th com plet ati sfa ti on f th an u ua\. Th e bo ax ed THUR D~Y, JUNE '19, 194 7 the ill a e. The \V rk ' hall in- m e to go with then1 and we clu d al\ pipe, valve ", val ve picked mpre than u ua\. T hey an old b tt mle _ tub and \V h n box es, fir hydrant, c nn 'c t- are mall but they l ook s pretty yo u aw som likely fi h n arly • • CLA8SI1'1BD AD RAftS • • it1~ in t exi t i n~ mai n ' and r '- th at it is a pIca me t pick t hem stranded dr p it over them and RESOLUTION • w~ or Jell, ODe Ume. ...... st rin g t re ts, side'ya lb, etc .. that i most of the time. W ed- pick them out (It y ur lei ure . ~ additomaJ ~ ••••.•..•••• 1c De larin r it nec ary t in- to their ri rinal :ondition. The ne day ni ght ' we went ov r on S m > e pie used piece of wire 8PBOIAL BATES by , CON'I'BAOT stall and c mllete a ne\v wab!r foil win g Ii ted material will b~ th old railroad tra ck, th her- fence to block off a narrow !nain fr, III th e w~te r main ~t f urni ' hed bv th \ illage ree of ries were thi ck there but so wert! hannel. At any rate they ca me mlers ctton of M!ll and Malll sl t th e' c nt ractor. and in- th e mo quito\? and we! I niore h me with tubs of f ish m ost,ly F&DERAL LAND BANK LOAN!> : st r t, f r '~I p p lyrn g \ ~ter It? -talJcd by tlte co ntnl tor : (I) bites than berd ' . I m a ie mine carp with a' few cal s and th e For R.eflnanc1r., - R.ebuUd1D1 - th e C rp rail n and the 1I1I,1~ " I ' , I 080 lin. ft. ~ f -11 in. a ' ( iron illt ja m and it was s 00 0 an d ext ra ne th at were till ali ve Buying. 4 '7p Farm loana with long !ants . t he~co f an 1 a,utho:lzlI1g I ell and pig-ot pipe, f (l r I j Ib. th re wa so l ittle f it that il th ey put in the l onds j he QJDe to pay. Pay part or all any and dlre;ttn , the B, ;u d of rrus- I s 1. in . pes ure, in 18 f1. didnt k eep we ll, j u I abo~t fi hed ut ater. I have heard time. LEBANON NAT'L FARM LOAN tees of ,I ubll c ~ffalr, to expend lengths; (:!) three ( ) ,f ' lI r enough for the breakfa t toa I that 'any f our riv r fi h wh en an ned with a I re ure cooker, A88'N·, Ell1s H. SWrm, Sed7- funds, ,\l1 ei to nt~r Into a c n- in ch (4111.) iron l o:ly va lve for twi e. Treaa~ Lebanon. Ohio. ' Phone "8 tra t ther~f 1', With the I west with bell ertds. It wa a ,(Trea t re.licf t learn are as good as any canned fi h tc and be bldd r. 1:> Each bid mu-t c ntain the that our heep did not have yo u buy. P rocesd e t a f'ft I een Be it res Ived by the COlin it b' E th j d d f n I 0 tIle 110ne full name of every pers n I' ra Ie. ve n e g war en wa p un or 1 ur, Real E.tate For 5.1_ ft 0 u can at them of th Vi ll ag-e of Wayne 'vill , com pany intere t d in, the ~ am : , sure it \Va rat ies, but it mu t get IF' YOU HA VB A PROPJDRTY OR tat e of hi, three-f urths 0 and b accompanied l a bon j have een acute intii Te, ti on or just a y u can ' almon, 11 ne PARM TO BELli call Or Write all, member lect d th reto in the sum of one-hal f f th e co lic that cau ed the onvul - ~nd .all. ome day I wilt ,g' fi hDoD Henderson. Tel. KE.'I4t6. 617 concurrin g: ubmitted bid to tine sati fa ti on ion, a the labora tory te t , \11 ~ 111 my p nd and try It. LoraiD Ave .• Dayton. Ob1o. ttl: I. That it is neces ary t i n- of the Board f T rustee f howed n si gns of rabie • We W e have alrnost no ga rden t all and com plete a n e\~ water Public Affair r a certifie :t have heard rumor of stock that but I have een.. ev ral RO d REAL ESTATE main, from t~1 e water ~ a in at check on o m~ s Ilven t bank, as had. been ,b itten and did d velap e one in ~ayn ville "h ich lP YOU HAVE ' ANY PROPERTY th e, mlersectt n of Mill ~n d a guaranty th at if the id i rabIes ~o It \Va a comfort, w rth shows that If y ~ plant w1: n to .ell call PraDcSa Gene BrCWWD, Mall1 treet for ,~pplytng accepted, a contract w ill be en- the price of the heep, t o kn \V yo u hould even If. ~.c Id wmd Real I:It&te Salesman, for H. D. \\ at ' r. t o t,he Corporatt n and fered into and it perf rman e th~t wa not the .trouble., Po~r cloes blow not wa iting for a PeDD1D(rtoD. Wllm1n,.ton. Ohio. t1~ e ~nh ab lt a ni s there, f an properly secured. hould a.n Mickey got . al1 iled up tn hI ' good day an j , take oo d ar (')(, Pann LoaDI ',~. Telephone dlrectmg. th e Bo~rd of fruste ' bid be reject d ' u h che k will r~~ e I ~ t I1Igh.t a~d I,re ,u ad tl1 m the wil l gr w .~ : w .~ w.,..emJJe 2035. ' f Pu Itc Affa1rs to expend be f rthw ith returned t the him thIS mornll1g Just m tim . l ack th e en rgy ' and fa: h r;: n fund ~ , an to enter int a' n- hidder and sh ould an y iL1 be He is l am from it hut he is n t. ,bl am th e \\ eath r for, Houaehold Goolla For 5&1_ tract th el'efi .f, with th lo,~est accept'd uch che k will be r _ chewing his cud 0 he will pr - .. ,eed ,t,im,e and harvest 5h.- lIl1 l"1 t FOR ALE: - Lar e Porcelain and besl bid el'. turned up n the proper exeCll- bably recover afel . C-c, se.. fh 00 II. That plans, sp ci fications, ti on and , f ! uring,' o f th co nj ti ll no chi k s. I have b en prove th at. Linecl Icebox, 1 QO Ibs. Ice. too l azy to work with th em thi s - - - - -, Rieley Her'rington - Waynes- esti~lates and profiles f th e! tract. d improvement heretoBidders are request cI t us yea r and to ti i co ura ed with BUDGET NOTICE ville, Ohio 6-1 9 prop fore prcpar d by engineers em- the printed form wh i h will le o mu h rain and yet if I am Noti e i 'h r I, g' ell hat FO ~AI,..E-Je veil Coal Rang, pl oyed by the Corporation and furni hed on applicati on. g ing to keep any chicken I a puhli h arin ull the ud ,t with High Warmin g Cl ose . now on file ill th oft1ce f the Th e right is re erv ed to re- hould get som e r placem ents: a I re~ ar d b~ the Board Of Fair Condition, Cheap. Vi llage Cl erk, be and th e sam,e ject an y and' all tid. AII.spring my tenant 'h a v~ een Ed,ucati n f tbe Wayne To\ynBy order of th e Bard f tellin g me that I was gomg hip l. cal chool. 01 tnet, yvalter Kenrick, Ly tl , Ohio. are h reby appro ved. III. That ince th ex enji- Tru te of Pu Ii' Affairs. ha ve to l uy' some more corn Warren . C unty, OhiO, f r th FOR SALE - 1 Se~ing Machine: ture within the water departCharl e J ar~l Clerk and w ek by w~ek I have let ,it fI ca l ,'ar ~nd in~ Jun ~, Plllst Ola s Cond1tIon, 2-WIa4'drobes, ment other th an the c mp ' l1 a- June 17 1947. go by and the prrce ha on up. 1947, WIll h lei tI1 tJ e fflc ='f:~Jl8Bed s.:~-ROC:~;9 lion 'f pers n employed thereI -73 ~ow my crib is empty and corn of, the ~oar~ E.du atio n, of I h 0 dollars a u hel. Th e sad chool ddn t Il1 the HI h in will xc 1 Five Hundred D~l1ars ($500.00), such exchicken will hav e t eat oat ' School Builclin at Way ne vi! _ en ilure:; a will not xceed :Jj and wheat as I have that j but Ohio ' n the eventh 2 '\' (I f FOS SALE- TWO ,~ h ,p. 110 ~oIt $1-,00 .00 are hereby author~_ • we have a l ot of pigs! Th July, 194~, be inni n a~ ' :0 0 electric motors. G eneral Electric. iz u' an d dire ted and the Boar 'I'U ,,, chorus will now sing, "I told , p. m., Ohl Standar ,T Im . 1'150 r i).m,. exoellent condition, of .Trustees of Public Affairs (1 d yo u so.'" C. "'. B:trnhart Nee $1'1,50 eaoh, Phone 2143, ("Water ard') i her by D. J. F .....r Our pond are f ull of large Clerk-Tr Planb-' and direde t? excJ un 1 . 1947. "While 1he fL h but a,l 0 there are carpl,Th Mr. Eliz, beth Harb.e 11 of , ---------~---- cute a Wl'l tt n on tract With th e earth iemaineth see Him and heavy rallls that too k th e fi ver and Mi J oe FOR ~ALE - SWEm' ,P OTATO l owe t. and best bidder, after ha rv est an j c Ict ~'ndl heat and ~ut of, th eir bank t ok a lot f M iam~ Fla . f HRdd n ,H1 I pla.nt& 50c pet" hWldred, All ldslds adverti sement for not l es than day anct night haUl not ce~ e " f ish With them ~nd a the ' water Mictqleton ~~~!~. 1~Oc =~ ~W? ,11 r m ore .thall four con~ Each yea r we - wo rry over the went clown th~y were left, in th Avondal " v re w e,'k-I'nj /l' ll t of W&ynesville. ~ or Wa.~cutlve we k~ III a, newsp~p~r weather. It is t oo hot and drv or e.v ~ r decrea tng poo l, III the of Mr. and / Mr . Charles ,mart 'V1llt, Fetrw and lQble!'oads- -73 f g ,neral CirculatIOn w lth ll1 like thi year it i ' too co ld 'and f lel,ds. Our whol. tnbe. \~ent and daughter, Gra e of Harth e Vill age. wet and till th e promi hold vcr near Franklin and Jomed veysburg. ' LIVE STOCKIV. This resol ution shall take We have had f ur or five w rk~ the crowds. One of the Pd Pu~ar FRYER FOR ALE-On Foo t. effect and be, in for ,e fr m an j ing days in a row and though m eth o,ds was to , wade It1 With IN C?A~E, OF. FIRE DIAL 2222 Ben Furna~ Phone 953 after the earlt sl penod allowed we are not really ca ught up a 26 ' by law. fair amount of corn is planted TELEPHONES _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _-__c ' Passed j une 17, 1947 . and , we m ay ret some m(1r W ~YNE8V1LLE2091 Warren Bracldock, Mayor ground plowed ancf ready. The WAN~ED- MISC. MOBBOW No. I Attesl: Charl~ J arne , Cl erk. foreca ter promi ed rain TlIe _ LEBANON Offt.le t7IK WANTED TO RENT- 3 OR - 2G day but fe rtun ately' it dldnt SAND aDd GRAVEL _ RBS. utJ. 4 unfurni hed rooms. N o come and we hn~ e' that Fridays children. References. Box A. L E G ,A L , NOT ~ C E cool and cloudy weather \ .'1) BLACK.TOP DRIVES The Miami Gaze,Ue. 73 ealed bIds Wi lt be received b.y not bring rain y t though a Ii ht ,T AR' and ROAD OIL , OIEAN R.AGS " W~ MUST the ~oC\.rq of, T ruste s ,of Publl ' show r w ould cia m ore g '.d , LAWN and FILL DIRT ' . . Affairs of VIlla ge Qf Way n s- than harm but a, heavv ram ~ free of buttons. p1D6 and books, vllle State of Ohio at the ,oftlce It! t I. ' d ~ " READY~MIX ' CONCRETE No curtains Or sUk Iho!<e accepte!d '. ' " . W 1I ~ I u e 0 goo . EXCAVATING and DUMP TRUCK SERVICE Best' ,p rices, 08ll 2143, . o! said ,boatd until twelve Sirawberry time. N ot a~ go d , , • • 0 clock ~ o~n .. July Ii, 1947, ~s o~l e , years so they say, but Notace of AppolDtment for f url1lshtl1g .the neces ~ry better than th ey (ea,re I, wh en ~i==a=~=~~:;::===SE;:==:S====~ ,Notice is hereby giver. ,thwt ' Fa.y lab9rand maten als for th e m.. ~ MarIaJtt Wlhose Post OUice Addre!ls stallation and completion 'of a 18 Rural Route No. I , Mot. Holly, new water main from the two WaY'nesville, Ollio has been . du~ exi ting w~lIs to the connectioil llippo!:nJted as A'<Immi5~tr1x or the into existing water m ain at · the , E state of 1Idlldred M , Ma.rlat.t ll1ILe of ' t d M ' WMTen dowty. OhIo, tleceased. m erse~ t'Ion 0.f M'II' ~ an , am , RalIpb H. OIIIrey, Judtre Streets fbr supplymg water to , of the Pr obalte COll-llt the 'Corporation and 'the inhablt-' Wlar ren Oolmty, Ohio ants th ereof in accordance with Da.n M , Aultman, Mty, -619 plans anq specifications' on Jile , _ , ~----------- ' in said office, and' titl ed" '''Pro'NOBBI8 1$BOOK 'cOMPANY posed Water Main for Waynes- Olnct~ U!!4on 8t.OOk YU'da' RUBBER STAMPS and ville; Ohio, Drawing No. ,' ~ . WIie' aod' ~. AD 46083 / 1 and No 46083 2" OIPP'wIuao I80CDd to poae. . ' . ' , - . ~ . IeUen OI~ tile bie8t ' MA~KING DEY~CES '. he .work cov~red by' the .sp.eci- aa 8I'OUIi4 ~ ill ... f lcahons con~lsts of furnIshing' 0iJUDD7; , ' , ,, ' ) " ),,' . GAZETrE OFFI«;:E ' aIJ lab6r, eqUipment, appitances 8enl'ee ', '1'11.,& 8.&"'181 a.nd materials and performing , W!BlIO ~ 1~': Jr. T., ~1I oper~tions necessary for th.e ~ l~ ~ ~~ ~ BEAD THE OIASSIFIED ADS' II1staIJatlOn ' of the new water ~~ R4i~

.CL4S51 FI ED *
















Armitage &.Son




The Miami. GAZ 'ETTE

CHRISTIAN CAMP AT XENIA, JULY FOURTH Union Service At by J obn S. Turner Th Tri· tat · Christian ervi e Ca!1'p " R~I1y of . Ihe Church hurche of Chri ~ t \\ ill b ' held in Xenia at Hi Fair I' un L\s Rev . A. J. Fer t Ilher~er, on Fri1. y. July -t ae r lin o' miniter of the Evang-elical t Hobert L. \ anZile, Mini 'tel' nited Brelhr n Church at of th e I :1.1 hurch. It is to he ti a ann oull e' Ih holdi ng f an all day meeting an 1 a I a k ~ 1 a n ion ervice at Ih ' chur h ,. inner ' wi ll he en':l :I t lh e n unday eveni ng, Ju ne 29 at no n h ur. 7 :45 ,111. The uhje t f th 19 47 The me'lin g i l' 'ing he\. ati jres of Ihe ev ntng will 1,frail th lse \vho hav' -tlten il · "Th l! Calendar of Ill' 'v\ ce k . ' ed amp or \\'h inten d to ,0, , I edal 11111.',C wiJl l' e furn i. IJ· f r their fri n:l and r lalive . eel I v \ I J Miami Huge Crowds alle v Mr. Dan Maye r, Minister t uar{ t. All chur he and coni· the al in a hurch f Chri twill mun ities in Ih arca ' are e, Attend Celebration e the speaker for th ' venin g' tended an invitation to atten acldf s will be ma.. 1 v ":l er dvice . thi meeting. Po ·ters we re j istribul d thi ' 1: 0 p.m. by r. A. D. Chil" ' ----at week ann unci ng the bi 01----' MISS MARGARET BAY ing Fourth of July c lebration c te of ashvill , Te llO " . TAKES COUNTY HOME to be h Id at th e Wayne ville Members f the .loc,11 IHII h AGENT POSITION High ch I 'roun 1 on July ha ve been req uest d I aU 'nd. ' H f I I Mrs. arold en. w 10 las Fourth , sp n ored by the lac, I .. At. '~ : 0 p.m. (he I?a, (.n been County . Home Post No. 6 15 of the m ri an 01 tnct YQuth F 11. ws hl~ \\ III Agent Warren After twenty-nine years of ince eptemb r 19 5 me t at Grac~ CbUl ch, Da)~ton. ha r ' si Tned her po ifion and service in the local Po t Office, hi .. hlight of the a, A banquet WIll e h Id at () :00, 'II" I h b d t P . t Mi Lucy Emley retired as of fire w rks" there wilT . al 0 be 0'1 ck o f II owea .~,uy an atlt ~ '\ . WI J 1I1 ler us an a tn aturday, June 21. he had co re, Plea ant Va ' two ball ames, hoxmg, and by Dr. Chilcote. M' M' , . t B f C been in failing health for orne IS clr . are ay 0 um- time and ince the abc;ence of oth f even t f r the aftern on.' be rland, OhIO, recent a O'radui ~ la ed in the R "er & ate of Ohio tate Uni vcr ity. L ter G ni n, P, tma ter, due Simp on ' Garage wi n ow are New Street S.-gns ha b'e n nam d to succeed her t illnes_. h r elo uhl e duties were several article th at will Ie and ha air ady a umed her Ie: ' n 1 ht:r ahil ity to perform. In her pla ce. Mr. 'a ~ rn, ' 11 given away at : 0 p. m. Cit· juties. to ~ rk for Included ,is a Ft:igidaire, ele tri earlng omp e 101 0 has been employ d and al 0 he w..a em- sweep r and iron, fishin rod C Mr . Le ter ord n i helping the printin and reel and oth r item. Any doubt in the min d. • f urniture ompany with th . w rk. Mr. Nellie' rpri e and th _ A band' concert will be iven the travelin g public as t the I Bunnell till r main in her Miami azette. duri ng the aftern on 'es ion. location of any tre' t in the d f'o ition there. In m.ore than _9 'ea~s 'IS Pi nic grounds, . are av.a j]~ble ilia e will be definitel y diO\'1og on ay Mr. Gord n is rep rted to be I r!{ h has een a cor,npl te and those 'a~endtn a:e IDvlted pel!ed in the future ~s the com· The Waynesville Furniture some better but hIS condition pletlGl1 of th~ ere~tlOn of th e and Appliance Company will remains seriou. He wa c nchang .of per nnet' in the po t ,to use them If the~ wish. f fi 'e and holds the reco rd for Refreshments Will b served new treet sIgns IS e~p~ded move fr m their present loca- fin ed to the Dayton 0 teorathic length of ervice in th 10 al on the ground .by the Legion. on as . treet Comml loner ti n' in the Gihb n I uildi ng on Hospital last week and ha now office. J oy and hIS wor,kmen ar ':rad- North tn:et t th r 0111 on returned to his home here. Lucy' has erved u'nder fiv TOWNSHIP TRUSTEES u~l1y neari~g the end of the outh Main treet formerly who, ' in addition t A'ITEND MEETING thlrt -two sIgns that. are to' be occupied by Will's Jew lry o tmasters P . placed 0!1 !he crQ SIl1 T~ ~1f . all Shop, across the stre t from the OC er an Cummings an~; Ross Hartsock!. Will C. St. John, Ma,ynard. streets wlthlO the. corporlltl4 n. Grange Hall. The change win Frank Fox, Fred 8raddock.. an Weltz and. Robert Furna, Not G{lly trav lIer but also e made on Monday, June 30. Le ter ?ordon. . . . m~mber of the Wayne Town· local residents will find it a ICOnThe sale of the Gibbon II Ice 0 pen The Job of clerk m an offlc ~hlp Trustees attende~ a ,meet· venience as it is doobtful if all building to Rogers and imp, Uli~ size in.volves. a var!ety of !ng of t~e State ,orgamzahon of residents of th e Villagl? ..know son Tractor Sale caused the Announcement was, made to~ duhes. Sortmg mall, makm g out r ownshlP . Trustees held at the names of all the treets and Furniture Company to vacate. day by Harvey Burne!, manat r ~0!1ey orders, keepi~~ books, Cedar . Pomt, near Sandusky, tlieir location. Whil the new quarters will, be , of the local Wayne~vllle Locke: ~ll~ng stamps, handmg out last week. The Civic Club is to b~ con. smaller it is planned to carry ~lant11fat preperattons are I e , mall~ and O1~ny, ma~y others gratulated on this plan 1lhey some of the larger items of !ng rushed to .complete the plant mcluded m the hst Of as- SPRING vALLty . awRCH have promoted to ,completion, m rchandise at the R. C. Mo l ~r m :t. sho~ tIme an~ that the slgnments. HAS N~W MiNIStER however the community can home on North Main Street openmg Will be held m th near "Taday," Lucy says, "There Rev. T. A. RunneUs, recent thank the business concerns and where they can be inspected by ~uture. ' .. is five times more business in pastor of the Spring Valley civic m~nded citizen,S for their prospective purchasers. The plant offIce WIll be open this second class offke than Methodist Church has accepted contributions made the street The Waynesville Furniture next week on Tuesday, Wedand Appliance Company was nesday an~ S ~turday for th , when I started and it was third a special appointment and in signs possible. , 'clas . "But, ' she added, "that's his place Prof. C. R. B'eggs, -'opened for business at the pres,- purpose of Issmng keys to loc~not the reason I'm quitting. It's Crncinnati, of God's Bible Miss Jane Beal of Miamis- ent location in September. er renters and also to rent lockbec~use of poor health ~nd a School has been ,assigned to burg is spending tbis week with 1944 by R. C. ~ol ir and A. H. er space to those who want d~s!re to rest." . the pastorate,. her cousin, Miss Joyce Beal. Stubbs. them. Mr. Burl!et requests that [ all [who hav~ sl~n ed. fo~ locker , After sorting out mail, diciphering the writing qn our I spa~e to call at thl time f r letters, and catering to our post their keys. : . office needs for more fhan 29 . Further mform~tlO n reg~rdI guess we all agree that mg the plant and 'Its operation de~rves a, rest. .It's surI will be published in the near futurOt..., p ng .she can still smile. But ' h~ can, and does. . Bilt she doesn't see it {hat way. .. "Why I ~d do ,the same thing over. I like to be in 'contact with the , public." That's Lucy Emley a~d we're Announcement is being made going to misS her in 'the post this week of a membership office:' ' ,drive bei~g sponsored by committees of the Band Boosters HOf:{OR 'RO.u..l!~[ Club. ' All homt:s and business -CoMMUNITY ~rtflj!IWS establishments in the Wayne On the Monor Roll for the '\ Township School distriot are ' spring seri1est~r at WilQ1h'igtor being contracted to establish , College announced today, were ' , J)1emb~rs~ip and donations to r. Ute names of JosepJlli H,ltema:p, fhis very worth·while , cause. Waynesville; Arthur Hopkins, ' Any persons who do 'not 'receive @regonia; Harold 'Shott" Leb- , a request to join and wish to anon and Richard Vallee, Pleasdo so can place their member,. ant Plain. ( , " I • ship ~~h WiI,lis Hunter, president of the organization. irf~i6lt for th_ tlbnor

E. U. B.


Post Office Employe Retires From Duties


N ·


M· M

L k PI t ' T 0

Band Boosters Drive

.For Memhe~hip

a sib efit muft hJ\te ,bf) .. ' ,. In at"'l~aSl hal' courses ,and no grade be·


··C" . '"


who wlllrbe at Utica ~l1B Left: Stacy ,Abner, 01as.

: Jack Stargel, P,ianist. .

, Lawratce Shepherd of Xenia caUed on his father~ Uncle Bert Shepherd, Sunday.

- Iy FamIl -l-ar. Falr

\ e ar

surpri ej an

a little f interest by EFFELDEE hown in our "Editor for a 11 0 I \\'a s . 'nl tl tile At about Day" a ' prop sed m ' week out thi - year w heard quite :t ag . To date w have n I .had lot of talk rcgardin ran '\\' th plea ure of even h e arin~ - grade seho I luilJin lr • .Th :! fr m an on on an y ubject, mm en t di d dll wn :t nd it ha ither g d r bad . I it po sihle heen so me tim e 'ince any I h 't Furth r talk or a ti n ha ' b' n t la t penJOs in t i communi lack the co mm n educati n noted. Whil no« fli ittl kn wlej • is available a 10 ju -t ne e ary 10 wril a mall artive ar cle for th e paper ? Can it be ' b 'n done \~ hat > I~ ~I , ' _ ' _ " \ Ih Y hav n ubje t on whi h \\ u/l Jcn,ng If, th~ I .Ju t ~n th , r to write ? Are th ey afraid the. f W~)~e~v"le s f ml O U st~l t- might hurt omeone's feelin s ? c:r f rOJe t . , Are th ey a hanled of their - re T more uf pruJt:ct ne w pap r to the extent they !l:lV been brou ht t the f re don't want th eir name to up111 the I a t three ear but only pear in it ? W e know we have one ur two . have a tually reach: many brilliant p rson in thi ed co mpl tl OI.1. F th e good at community. We also know they afety could write . some very conour community, f ~ th and better education of our structiv articles either for or 't" I I d h'ld I re~ I I ,ncere y 1 pe against exi ting c nditions" alhat th.I ' plan I~a not been bout people or thin s. , ince passed 1I1t the discard through many are not prone to lack in th e ina~i1ity of. t!l plan,ner of word of protest or c mment the proJ~ct to fl11lsh the Job ,an.d regarding many ubjects i cang t t~~ Issu.e on the ballot this not be construed that they can !adll. 'fhte fire and bhe~lldt,h haz- be afraid of hurting the f e ling ar s a h e presen t UI II1g are of orne other per on . enough in th emselves to full)' While we kno\v it . i painful

a hamed of the la k



warra~t a new

name appear in print e pe ja ll in th eir"little I old no- aunt home paper" ye t we feel they ' coul,d overlook the di h nor this one time to make available to others some thou!-!,hts worthwhil e reading'. Let u' f r ret the prize ffered and I ok upon this situation a one of a civi 0 e~ entupri e, ne that e v ry citiMETHODIST CHURCH zen should b proud tp take a ivantage of. 'Remember, in R. B. Coleman. Minister unday School . 9 :30 a.m. some countries of this civilized J. J. Burske, Supt. . w?r~d you would not ha~e this 10:30 a.m. P!lVIlege bff~red, and, If you W r hip ervice Y uth Fellowship did, your, \~nhng would be ~en, Thursday, 7 :30 pm. s red. MII1ISters of the vanous , c1iurche , have you n , thing to MT. HOLLY METHODIST ay to this community lhrou h T. M. Scarff, Minister , this medium of thought exunday cho I 9 : 0 a.m. change? Public officials, have E. A. Earnh art, upt. yo u n thought to convey that W rship ervice '10 : 0 a.m. w uld b' of inter sl? Mr. 7: 0 p.m. Citizen, are you content to I t Ev ning ervicl! thili g go as th ey are, j u 't I t the time pas al n with ut ' ST. MARY'S EPISCOPAL Samuel N. Keys, Minister having your little say? 7 :30 a.m. ' Ante Communi n • • • 10:00 a.m. Mornin Prayer " ' and rmon.

Town ley of Wilmington, wh - White Plymouth Rocks, judged at 14 w eks, cap tured hig-he t hQnors. IN CASE OF FIRE DIAL ZU2

SHERWOOD Refrigeration Sales ====;========.and Service =========== PROMPT,






Repre ntative for




Phone 332 M



' n t

UTICA E. U. B. CHURCH Rev. A. J. Furslenberger 9 :30 a.m. Sunday Scho 1 Mrs. James Garri on, Supt. ' Preaching. 1 t and 3rd Sunday each month 10 :30 a.m.

194G, The MIAMI GAZETTE, Pa D' 2 Waynesville, Ohio, No. 4322 TH U H DAY, JUNE 26, 194i

t- _._ - _., _._._._._._. __ ._ - _._,_._,_._ - --_._-- ______J_._U

truct~re. Are for orn e person to have th ir -

we ~01l1g to,try .to get It or a~e we JU. t pa 111 It up a too bl~ a project to ven try to g7 t , WO,uld we c?ndone o ~r cl~lldren.s .ef!.()rt~ If they .falled m ~ proJect. Will Qur chIldren condone ours?

'/ / hUI'ch d

LOCAL POULTRYMEN SEEK STATE, TITLE . Warren C ,unty will I ~ r ' pr' nled hy IEarl Dunham an I Mrs. Bettv ' ew 11 Davies, f Rout 2, W a nesvill , in the 194 7 hi , Chi k n - of T m rr w I ntest, chairman C. M. Fer 1I l n of the po ult r\' d parttlle~lt of hio tate Univer-it, announced toda . • They will comp te for the t at e t'It Ie agamst . t f en rants rOI11 1 b ther ounties at the judging to be hell in ersailles n July 28. Top five winners in Ohio bec me eligibl to enter the north central r.~gto nal m eting at th e Indiiana State Fair in Intlianapolis on Sept mber -, for which A&P Food St res have donated S6LlO 111 pnzes, with a $250 fi'r t prize. Regional and state winners will participat,e in th e national finals to take place in 19 415, Fergusqn stall-d. Grand champion will receive 5, 00 from the food ' chain and runner-up, $1,000. Othl~r substantial awards by the. same donor will bring the total to $10,000. Overall objective of the th b d' ree-year ree II1g program,


-~ matt r how yo u plan to pend the F unh the activities' plann '\ kyrocket '" your family' appetite. So Lart getting prepared now, plan oUr Fourth of Jul meal. Belo \\ are a f \V of the many item holiday pri :e . L ok thern over and th n me in and take advanta \' G ad food will make' the occasi n ev n b Her.

Dianlond Coffee Dot Tea 'Bags

Gr~und, 3 ' 9c

FreSh . lb. 4

d will undoubfedly and l et us help y U available to y u at of our man value .


DOT Golden Com , Cr am tyl


lb. can 19c ".


for jellie


Apricots can


VEL '" 2 . boxe~ 49 Fred's Mushroom ' Soup , PO==R=K=-an~d~B=EA= - ~N~S-----T-ip---T-OP------2-~---3~.-c









Merrit Brand NO.2 .


Merritt Brand No. 2% Can


. Pag 3 Th e MIAMI GAZETTE ent were Mr. and Mr . Leona r I Way nesville, Ohio, N . 432_ Ellis and family, Mr. Jon n Wil THUR DAY, JUNE _6, 1947 son , Mr. and , Mr . Ja me M Intire and Mr. Robe rt Wi! on. O. E. S. LUNCHEON Mr . Lelah Wil so n spent one n- evening last. week with Mr. A lovely luncheon wa joy d at th hom e of Mr. Dorothy SmIth, and 9aughter. Everett Early on Thur day Mr. and Mr . Raleigh B gan when Mr . Lillian herwood of atten~ed the funeral of Paul Ll:ba non, Grand Repre enta ti ve Wysong of Dayton" at t~ e of N w ' Brunswick wa gue t N~eld Funeral Home In Xenia, of hono r. Fnday after,noon.. . In the . ft M'11' j Mrs. LOUi se Jenkms f Day~~~n~l~e te/ l~~~ t~n spent .one ni ght recentl y Gri' \\lald the reci l ient of gift hrl ught "Ylth her Ister, Mr .. Ladonna f r a urpri '(,~ shower. tanley.


G ue t s 0 f M r. E ar I y were


fair and Miss Hannah Green e in Wilmin1!'ton. Mrs. L. W. Chandler spent th e day, Tue day wi th M L es Ruth and Elizabeth Chan(ilIer. . ' Mr. and Mr . Erne t L. Ha rIan, daughters, Margaret and uzanne and M'rs. Viola Harlan returned from th eir trip to Virginia to bring back Ma rgaret for her umm er vacation. The trip was rou ted through th mokie, Appalachian and Blu e Rid ge Mountains and al 0 extended quough th e Cumberland Gap .

Mr. and Mr . Ra lph Ha tin gs Ho kett and M r. . J. A. Hartattended t he weddin g eer mon- mat:1 made up a party thilt sp 'nt ie of Harriett Ell en t dd m Ju ne 19 in Dayt n. who wa m arried t6 Mr. Jame Potter Lee, Jr. at th e Leba n n Mrs. Paul Mauri e spent Presby terian Church on Wed - aturday evenin g with her nesday vening- f thi week at sister, Mrs. L oga n Ewin g in 7 :3 0 'clock. TI~ y al 0 ,at- Dayton. tended the ' recep tlOn held Immed iately afterwards in th e Mr. and Mr . Earl Rick y church parlors. and hirley Ann pent th e week ----end with hi s sister, Mildred Mr. and Mrs. Ray Main ou _ Rick ey in Winchester. and Don were unday dinner gue ts of rel ati ves in Oxf()rd. TURN YOUR SURPLUS ITEMS INTO





UCt Ion

:~i~h~ns~~~~dye:~i~ ~~ ~~e ·~A~~~-'-~~~~~~~S~A~~-L-~-·~E-T an i were from L ban on, abina, Greenfield, WilmingMr . Ella Dak in f Leharon, ton, Blanche ter ' Ma n who ha pent th e pa t- year rr w. 'with her on in C rpu Chri t i Harveyshurg and Texas i now a gue t at th ROBERT HASTINGS Home. HOME FROM HOSPITAL Mj Doro th D akin , f Pul1R hert (B b) Ha lin g- , man, Wa ~ h. is a guest at the . n H m e for a f w days. f \ r. an i Mrs. Ra lph Ha:ltng Mr. and Mr. . Joe ha . ,: turn l; fr m McClelJan Mr. an Mr. T heodore d QI1 rl : - ~ It al ni a! wh re . he and Mrs. Myrtl e Wrennick al1 lI~l1 erw ~t. a ~aJ o r ?pera tlOn. f Indianap Ii , were gu . t f HI onch tl n I r p Ited to be Mi Minnie D d on n Wect very g j, n ~ day. Mi ' liv WilJi am I ft on M nday (r a tw we k Lae~al.j ~ ' atio t~ wi th I' Jati ve and , fnen I 10 . Pend ! ton Ind. an(1 ~ rs. n m ond Wil s rl nlith Bend, Ind. Miss Ruth an d Elieabeth t rtain Hie f 11 win g t dinner Monday June I " Mr . 11'1lldl r pent W ed ne day in L ui Pet rs n of Xenia ; '\ r . On t n. Mar athr n McIntire and Mr. live uri l eft Tu day son' of n ar ew Burlin t n. fO r a \ eek' visit with relativ > Mr_. Charle '. tanle I ent in 'A i1min ton and, a ina . part f one day la t \\ e k in Mrs. Evalyn I tel' on r~Dayton·. turn d Tue day fr III a visit Mr. and Mr . WiJ1iam mitll with hl:r iter, M r . Ali e T land Marilyn u a mpani'd



C,r.eekI '


by hi parent of Xenia al > I ' on rel ative in N w L .I nnCln and vaci nity unday aft Tn n. Mr. an j Mrs. Luther H ain ~ l nt th week- nd \vi th , M r. and Mr. Karver Cook of Erl a n ~er, Ky. , Mr and Mr J ames M Intire . '., p nt un ay ev enmg WIth M r. and Mrs. Raym ond Wit on . Mr. and Mrs. Raleigh 80 an e. (linn r gue t in ~he ~h arl Mend nhall home unday. ' Mrs. Alic , Haine attend d th e '4 H CIIJb tou'r ,t o Coney Island Friday.



Main and North 5 _

See Oer..e Autry rope wild horses

FUt rld1n'. tIbnI Mttin' Wlestem with scores of roaa'dng aoUcs.

fi'OOl a plane.

TraJ·1 10 San Anlone.

GENE t\U'J.1RY,PEGGY S'l€WART. S'J'IERUNG BOLWWtAY. ALSO: OOlored OI41boon, SpoiI1t Quiz, Old Tlme Mustcaa.


Bqrart.'8 blatl With his b8Ilds full

0nM~·;t~~~e~r:. b~~~~~yn~i~~; ~D~E'A~Dlin·e.RIIIIl88hingE~K~suspenseNIND

• at the home of Mr. and Mrs. T heod re EIJis Mcintire and on ; Sunday. Other guests pre'


Across from Bank

IAppliances ,




II Home Appliance Store




1:00 P. M.




Sat., July 5, .947

TWIN Theatre ,


All New ,F arnt EqaiplRent •


. '

' Household Goods Tools Store and Office Fixtures



HOUSEHOLD ' GOODS, APPLIANCES , Coinbinat~on Hlldio & Record Players; Electric irons; Pyrex Ware; Electric: Sweeper~; EIE!tqtric Toasters; Lamps; Metal Tables; Chairs; , Home Freezers; Records and Albums •


2 An

attracti've ' tory 3 sp ~i nkled . with comedy a th e butler dabbles in his bo ses llove life.

' i~~~G.!~v: One More Tomorrow






AI••I ATLAS LATHE complete with motor and bench

PIPE Starring , ()enaj. Morgan, Ann -1~1H&Sheri~ Jack CahOn, Alexis FAIRLEY HARDWARE CO. Smitli and Jane Wyman. HARNESS ,-


ml -


Wk~ O. ,, '

;SIll!lD_n_a- _a_ \__ _ a_ .

Terms of Sale:

_ a_~.~




__ ~~~"""'_De·" ,


Black~op - prlveways <> it


T ~ rAp p Ii e d Resurfacing and Driveway R~~g

R 0 a d'

,F R E E

EST l M " 'T E S , '

"B. 'B~. 'STROED 26 ~ A~, LEBANON, OHIO ' p~ 221-L

......-. _1 _____'.'.__ _____ .~

1... . J .




Added: CQlor Cartoon and Sports Short

.~~I_ ~ ':'d_L_ n _. I '



Sale Conducted by

MILLER'S AUCTION .' . I~d_ ~U~_D_a_u . ~

,o f DAnON,. QHle \ CHARLES CAIN, Clerk .. - .1. •. - - n_~t ""'!'''",,- . -

_'_I_'_._._._ ~ _._.~'_d_l_



! i'

B· C0IIege uSlo ess if •

. The Miami Gazette ESTA BLIS

bnmh 11a ma il! it n ' e ~ , r . ic' r 1an n the wid' t ~'l illie de-

HED 1850 Pub11shed Every Thursd ay by DAVIS SoN PRESS FLOYD L. DAVISS ON, Editor i:ntered as Second Cla.s8 Matter at the Po6t OUlce Subl!cr1ptlon Rates: '1.50 per Year in Advanc e

The MIAMI GAZETTE, Pag 4 Waynesville, Ohio, No. 43 22 THUR DAY, JUNE 26, 1947

ntralieation f aulh rity on city r a dozen itie \V ' re wiped out, the-re would have t b a super c mmand po t r ady An ann oun cement (\ to take over el where. There mence m nt Exer i -e - heldComfor ha b en much s riou di usNation al Adver tising Repre sentat ives bS 0 II egt' a1 N." Miami -Jac i n of puttin g 'ertai n e se ntial R. Auditorium, Dayton Ohio Weekl ies, Inc., 2465 W. Broad Street , C lurnbus, Ohio, Jun 26 -indu trial plants undergro und, Wednesday, June 25, list ' th n Columbus 4, Ohio Ohio' - 88 countie and hun \ither ill natural or c n -truel d foll owing "ractuate ' fr III lhi _ reds of municipalitie within caves. The ost of thi kind vicinit ECONOMIC HIGHLIGHTS outran their own un do Thu, wo uld be incredible, but no one Accouy: Diplomas in lIigher a few days wilt share in th ntancy, Jean imi 'on, . cond di tribution of auto It i an indi ati lln f the tate the xpl osion took place bef r vet e m t hav devised an y Spring Valley; Ruth Wright. license fees amounting to 56, of the wo rld tod ay th at every the mi ilc wa ever heard. other defen, e aga in 't the A- Bellbrook. 048, 800.64 , it was announc d time som ' one makes a ug- What k pt them from becom- bo mb. . ' Exe utiv Se retarial Dip- today by Edward T. Fogo, reg-estion f r world disarmam ent, ing a de isive factor was their ,Perha it is received re pectfully, but jnaccuracy. They could be aim- c, Ivable ps th al~ost mcon- lorna -: hirley Mae Wilson, gistrar of motor vehicle . de tru~tJv e n e s f Waynesville. . with complete pessimi m a to ed to hit a section of a city, but w~ap~n The warrant was forwar I s now bemg develoPed Junior Secretarial Dipl ma : today to the state auditor de the possibility of achieving it. they could not be controlled wIll, for 111 the long run., b . a n Emestin Earnhart Waynes- issuing of the individual warNo sane man can help but be with sufficient accuracy to assuran ce of peace, for the . h appalled by the co ts of the strike a , particular target, such .' L me ran t to the c unty auditors: reason that another war vIlle; Dorot y Jean alTI , world's present military estab- a a power pla~ or an arsenal. simple The amounts to Warr n literally mean the de- Bellbrook. . . Iishments, or by their obvious . Present efforts are directed at might County tructio is $2 6.,262 .00. n of civiliza tion. GenerStenog raphIc 0 I'p 10m a : threat to a prolonged peace. perfecting the guidin r equip- al Eisenh ower touc' h ed on this Marga ret Spahr, Sprmg Valley. But the hope that something ment and giving them the ac- vividly , when he said: "The ta~gible can be done to c~re curacy of artillery. earth -may t'lecome a flowering Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence thIS, a hope that was held hIgh Pilotless aircraft controlled garden or' a sterile desert, and Furnas and four year old on at the end of Wo~ld War !, is by extremely advinced radio we may make the difference." were victims of an automohil almos~ totally lackmg ~ow . .rhe equipment, is another subject accident one mile south of truth IS that t1~e world IS actlv - of intensive research. Planes Lebanon on State Route 42, Iy engaged 111 an armament are infinitely cheaper and more 'lU Tuesday night of last week. race which is of an unprece- abundant than crews at the Their car skidded off the highdented character. end of the last war ~ve were Extend~J way and struck a "tre. Mr. HOUR S: In the last war, there were producing aircraft much more Furnas, who was driving, only two maJ' or new weapons, rahidly than we could train 9-12 each morni n, C t suffere d cuts on his face, and t' . ' Dr. Arch D. Harvey, oun Y head while the atomic bomb and the Ger- emffi~n. tOt madn thel.m · If ~I ttrluly Health his wife was treated 1-5 aftern ooDl excep t ssio~er state for cuncussion and flO e fracman guided missiles. All other clen an re la b1e pI 0 ess the countyC0n:'mi Wedn esday Wide canme quaranTh weap ns ,simply represe'nted air force could be developed, tine n . j with w in effect has been ex' tu~e. e SOd" be deve Iopm ent 0f Ieth a I 1I1S ape. · t ru- the deadl'mess 0f war . th . 7·9 Saturd ay event n, . ' ept- m1l10r cu ts an 'ruses. m e aIr tended 90 davs ending ments which had long been in would be mulitp Other eveni n.. by lied manyfOld. ember 1 . J' existence and involved no reo En~rmous fleets could be sent Appoi ntmen t The Grandma Shingle and Mr. volutionary principles.. Some agamst· enemy targets, and the of ' the step wa.s taken .becaus increas ed numbe Ray r of Mainous called on Mrs. , basic weapo n, such as the rifl , !osses would be in material, not positiv TELEPHONE 62-8 e rabies cases within the R. B. . Peters, Frday. have been essentHtlly unchang- 111 men. _ last two weeks, stated Dr. Harcd in generations. And even a At -intervals there is discus- vey. He urged dog owners to AUCT IONE ERING bl ckbuster is simply an evotu- sion of possibilities of bacte- keep their animals on leash and STANLEY anel KOOGLER tionary advance on the small riological warfare. Even in the on the Optom etric Eye Specla liat premises to help curb 88OD118 UCIDI Ia aerial bombs of the fir t war. first war it was rumored to be the disease and explained that ... DateI, I'll....... . ,,~ Today's armament race does impending, though , nothin the guaran 26 South Detroit Street tine would continue not allow the classic pattern of came f it. The problems ing indefm XENI A,OID O attempting to produce and store the way are normous, fore- subsideitely unless the dis as s. more standard weapons than mo t among them being some bes treatments ar bethe c mpetin ,nation s. Its em- means fIr t cting th user's ingAnti-ra taken by more than 25 pha i i lar rely on new wea- own p ople from r taliation in .county residen t!- as a result of pons. As a n equ nce, much kind. Germs do 'not . respect hites from rabi<;f animals. of the rac i being run in the boundar!e . Again, means of laboratories, rather than in the di tributin g bacteria may be an NAMED TO O:FFICE munitions factories. uns Ived problem. But in these .OF RIDING CLUB This, ' of course, is particular- days, wheI;l science seems to Mi s Margalret Harlan, a Iy true fat mic w apon . Qur be on the verge of outdistancJunior atomic I;lomb plant are still go- ing the ability of man to coo- Colleg at Virg'inia Intermont ing at full capacity, and the trol it, no innovation can be d in e, Bri ·tol, Va. partiCipatthe Annual Hor e Show work- being done' is as com.- ' considered il'\lpossible. And no held May pletely hrouded in secrecy as one can belit!ve that in a war receive 28 at the college. She in ,wartime. The Russi;lI1s are f exte rmination, any belliger- Interm d the Blu Ribbon il1 the ediate etas. Next year known to have put a number ant would let moral scruple she retarns to college she of the leading German nuclear stand in the way of the em- when will hold the office of Vice physicists to work on atomic ' ployment of any killer. . president of the "Boot and researc;h, and to have given if ' A little news has seeped out Saddle Club." number 1 priority among their concerning the U. S. War De-----own scientists. No one outside partment's plans in the event BUY, SELL, TBADE , BOIIBO W of Russia knows just ho\ much of another war. The' atomic USE GAZE'l 'TE CLASS IFIED AD! Plrogress has been made. . ,. • • • • •••• • •••• It would be a gra ve ml st~ke, however, to let the terrible potentialities of atomic , power blind us to other possible in,novations in the bloody art of warfare. Our own Army has been carrying on extensive experiments with guided mi sile , using the seized German eq uipment, and other Armies are unquestionably following suit. This is one of the most ominous weapons yet d~~rsed, and some experts believe that had the European war lasted another All Sizes year or so, German technicians might have been able to deAll Styles velop it to the point where it "(ould have ' crushe.d England. I SJ:RVlCE When the latest ', type of Qomb , appeared, England established a ,strict censorship to keep . knowledge of the dafTlage done from becoming known to the , world. These weapons were particularly terrifying in that North Main S~ WAYNESVILLE, OHIO thei r _speed was so great ' they ••••• ••••• ••••• ••••• ••••• ••••• ••••• ••••• ••••• , •• ! Dayto n Phone H~275 - ' Local Phone >,

Lists Graduates

Counly Receives License Fees.

Rab.·es n..arant.-ne T.-me m


Dr_ C_ E. Wilkin


-Fi re sto ne y 'r ac fo r Ti re s .

Ashmead·Sohio Service "





( -' Askfbr _



Pa 5, The MI MI GAZETTE V'ay nesville, Ohio, N . 4322 THUR DAY, JUNE 26, 1947


Players Suffer Injuries The casualty list in softball circles has rapidl y increased this past week ' with thre~ victims suffering injurie . Fir t on the schedule is Charles Bigg ' who ha a broken ankle received in a slide to econd ba e in a last Sunday afternoon praclice game. On Monday vening Phillip W rkman of the Band R Drv Cleanin&, had the third finger of his right hand broken in two places wh n struck with a ball. He was in the catcher's position

Legion Baseball Gets Under Way The Wayne ville American Le ion Ba eball Team l11et pring \f.all ey on th eir diamond unday aftern oo n, June _2 an I came home with the bacon tn the tune of 13 to 1. A good start for the season. The opening game will be played here Sunday, June 29 providing the local diamomi can he made ready at ,that'time. The visiting te,am i South Lebanon. Other game schedules are Lebanon vs Waynesville, her on July 4; Xenta vs Waynesville ,July 6, a double-head r. Game time is 2 :00 p.m.

~1:1i~fe /~~ i~~i~l?~es:~ur~~~ ~I~~ci'p.~~h


double headers at

Mr. Louella wank and Jimmi wank of Dayton we re unday dinner guc ts of Baird', Re taurant of Mr. an Mr . E, B, Longacr . Mis es Eveanna and Robl rta Bfunnell are sPhend, in a CfOl,Jpl, owe k s a t t e llOme a t 11:Ir uncl e and aunt, Mr. and .Mr ' Robert Youn~ in Dayton and attendin a Bible ehooi at the NCR . Mr.. and . Mrs. Paul Ship ley and children, in company with Mr. and Mr. Ros Roland of Harveysburg, attended the 9 1 I irthday dinner, Sunday of their father, Mr: C. Shipley at the home of Mr. and Mrs, Kirk Timmons at Plain City, -near Columbus. Mrs. Earl Mendenhall and daughter, Patty of Tipp City spent the week-end with her y

k~~t~~n ~~d ;~!el~rs.

Mr, Charles Elli, Mr. Oram Shoup, Mr . Robert Grey and Mr . Paul Maurice att nded the Cent rville Garde n Club J oseph W. Ficht r, Ma 'ter meeting ' Mon iay afterno n at me kOf , MMr, anDd Mkr , ,Edof the hio tate Grange, is the dh°De ched ul ed t peak before the war c e). r, ec er I a Senate Cornmitt e of Labor ' rose gro~ve,r and, has many nd P br W If 'w I' fancy varieties. He I a member a u IC e are 111 a 11l1g- of the Dayton Ro .C1ub and ton, on Thursday, June 26 . had several entries in th e recent I He WI'II d'Iseus ~ b'll I )y rose show on which he won S~nator Taft of OhIO and a many prizes. bIll by ~nato r Murray o,f M?n- -_ __ tana which propose l.eglslatJon Don and Doyl Girard, twin for Health, and MedIcal Car~ grandchildren of , Mr. and Mr. for the n~tlon. " R. B. Peters ha ve left for part Mr. F~chter IS ChaIrman of unknown to , their relatives, th~ Nahonal Grange C~m- They have a lot of friends and nuUee on Health and MedIcal relatives in Kentucky but no Care. . , . one seems to know where they F ~hlle ~n ~ashmgton ~r. are. IC er WIll at ,end a meetmg

Master, Granger Speaks Today,

~~a:~e p~~fe~~t~; th~n~e~~~:: cal~~s. onW~~~nan~ndMr~~i1~~~~

Guy match. • . Mrs. Everett Early entertain- !'Iospltal CounCIl, of whIch he Hook, Monday afternoon. ~-,-,-,- - - - , - ,ed at a luncheon Thursday, the IS a menlber. Bill Pope was also injured fJ, while catching for Miller's Res- eJ,., Deputies of the 21st. District , ew~ aEnd theStPasot Md atrons of 'the LAWN MOWER taurant and his injury comas t ern ar r er. SHARPENING prised a badly mashed hand He I 'th t h ' . 't Mr. and Mrs. C. W. Younce Mrs. Bartlett Monce in com~ra ' a so In e ca c er s POSI ' and Mr. and Mrs. Claude Riggs pany with her daughter, Mrs, The Waynesville Sew-So 4& REPAIR SERVICE Ion. of Dayton were Saturday e.ven- Merrill Wolfe of Lebanon at- H Club met Thursday June 19, RESULTS of RECENT GAMES ing guest of Mr. andMrs. Wil- tended the wedding of her at Mrs. Klontz with Mrs. EdenSICKLE GRINDING Game results for the week at bur Clark. grandson Mr Norman Monce field and Mrs. Klontz in charge Wayne Park are as follows: Mrs. Clara Stacy and Mr. of Denv~r C~lorado at Atlanta and Eileen Brown presiding. June t 7, Ferguson System 7, Leslie Gray visited the former's Ga. on , Wednesday. They reTh~r were 23 of the 30 WELDING Acetylene Miller's Restaurant 9; June 18, br?th~r, Mr. Perry ~arnha':i at turned home Friday evening. meCh:rl~n~res~d~'nfield, Ruth Electric arc Peer's Inn 1, Harveysburg 2; MIamI Valley HospItal, Frtday Mr, and Mrs. Walter Kenrick Earnhart Rhoda Bunnell June 19 Fairley's 2, Ferguson afternoon. and James Haines attended Ithe Donna 'Hadley and · Lorene System 3 j June' 23, double Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Barger baptism of th~ir little niece, Salisbury will be on the refreshAlTfOMOBILE header, Miller s Re taurant 5, and children, Barbara and Coralea Ackerman at the Bel- ment committee n,ext meeting. REPAIR SERVICE Fairley's 7 j Peer's Inn 4, Randall spent the week-end mo'nt U. B; . Church, Sunday Guests present: Shi'rley Ann ~\oxanna 14. with their cousins, Mr. and Mr . morning and were entertained Rickey, Mary Dora Hough, Mr. SHOE REBUILDING CHANGE IN SCHEDULE Frank Friebes in Columbus. to dinner with other relatives Hul~, Mrs. Charlton, Judy Mrs. Harold Whitaker enter- at the home of Mr. and Mrs. WeNIlantd. t' 'II b h Id Changes have been made in ' week ~Ith , t ame ' d th e L YtI ear. C d CI ub at Frank Ac k-erman at V an d" mee Thursday mg WI eJune e 2'6, at th schedule thIS a,lla. Mrs. exKlontz WAYNESVIlLE REPAIR Ferguson ystem playing both lunch and card, fhursday Another land mark ~t L>'t1e at 2 :00. SERVICE W dnesday and l'hur day even- aft~rnoon at Mrs. ,Donald ha been removed. 1 he old Club ' members who will take Joe Boyds, Prop. ing, . against Harveysburg and BaIrd' new restaurant: office at the elevator was t()~n part in t~e program for the H xanna re ·pectiyely. Mr. Walter Kenrick held down last week. It was bUIlt next meetmg are: Joan Gruber, East North Street, Justice of the Peace C urt at by Morri Silyers near 18~4 JudY. Conner, Carol Bunnell. WITH THE ALL-STARS _ , Harveysburg on Tuesday., when the railroad was~rst Waynesville, Ohio All . tar ~esult, for the ~ast Mr. and Mrs. Robert Hettlllg- built thru here. A new concrete • BEAD THE CIASSmED AD.S. ~; _ _ ~~ _ _ _«! \~, ek ,were, Fn~ay evenmg" er have sol,d their farm near block building has been er cted ..._ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _. ._ _ _ _ _ _~---. FI ankhn I?ream ,Bar 7, A~I-Star::. Lytle to a Troy party. Th y in its stead by the Everett Early .. 3; Sunday evenmg ; Xellla Elk had a sale of chattles on Wed- Inc. . 1, A~I- tars 4. , n day and everythinig sold The Woman's Society qf ALL STAR ~M~ SCHEDULE well. They wi\l r main on th Lytle Church win , ntertain tn,eir unday evenm Jul y 6, farm until S ptembe,r. families next Wedne day evendoubl header, ! :00 p. m. Little Kenneth Croll, f ing, July 2, at th home f Mr. Peer's Inn vs FaIrley' , 8 :30 Wayn ville is being cared for and Mr-. Walter Cowan at th e p, m. AU-Star , Colored Team, at the home of Mr. and Mrs, "Ruth - Marian" farm. Th ~ with a reputation of good hall Clarence Smith. meeting will be in charge of GIGANTIC FOURni OF JULY CELEBRATION playi~g v All-Star. Mrs. Margaret Johns and Mrs. Charles Tumbl 0 11, Pres, pon ored/by WAYNE TOWNSHIP POST NO. 615 Fnday, June 27, Moose Paul ,Johns called ' on Mrs. with, devotions by R'v. Joseph Lod e No. 73, Dayton Elizabeth mith. in Wayne - Myers. A prograrll will be folunday, Jun 29 German- ville Sunday ' evening. Mrs. lowed by a weinner roast. The town, Smith is quite poorly at, thi~ committee in charge are : Mr,s. Fr,iday, July 11, Veterans <;>f time and will enter MIamI Ralph Barger, Mrs. Calvll1 ForeIgn Wars Xenta Valley Hospital for treatment Longacre and Mr. Vernon Sunday, july 13, St?rm ~ing this week. ' Pursley. ' Friday, July 18, WrIght FIeld Mr. and Mrs. Henry Saylor --~-Sunday, July 20, Bin.k's Sal~ and daughters, attended the julian ~rabbe and family WAYNESVILLE HIGH SCHOOL GROUNDS Indl~napohs ' wedding of Miss Glenna Trout- of S~att1e, Wash. , spent two Friday, July 25, Frigidaire man and Mr. Corwtn Foust, weeks with his parents, Mr. and ,Saturday evening at the United Mrs. J. B. Crabbe and will re. Milo Beal and, famll~ a~d Brethren Church at Uberty, O. turn to Seattle this week., _ Carl Beal and famIly of ,MlamlsAFTERNOON AND EVENING burg were picnicing Sunday - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

leI:.A '

'I e

near the Great in ' celebration of Miami Joyce River Bear's thirteenth birthday.

• "•

ttiPLETE ,SERVICE • We are available at aU times . . . NIGHT or DAY STUBBS


MI ' ii'' 'CHATTElS



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Karl D.'Dakin Insurance Agency


HOME 'ff!I~h~e 2291 w ••vn.!!SVIIUe. Ohio

Sew So 4H:CIub


~ ,



153, 20 E. Mulber!y.




.- cHuo,,~ INDIMNnY m:_~h ()~



Admilliooa: ADULTS SOc

CHILD (und r 12) 25c

Immec1iately. after the Fireworks


Orch.estras Floors




- I

TTE, Page 6 who u ed to bu y sea on ti ket , The MIAMI GAZE No. 432._ Ohio, sville, Clare nce J. Brown There i an odd luirk in pe - Wayne 26, 1947 , JUNE aI i DAY, im sw e th THUR If mind. pIe al income taxes read paid f r th ey will ~o even individu reduce to e measur ed sponsor as score, As this is , written it appears that the by f rom ten to thirty per cent, beginni ng July 1st. if the l1ay is n.ot perfect and At that, th e ele tri c li ght ha far as v(;toes arc conc rn cd . b twe 11 the P resid en t In the House tbe Preside nt's veto wa13 sustain ed they can tay in half an hour ol1l e far so ner t us than the Presione one, to one and the Congre ss will be tied by just two votes. Inasmu ch as there we:re only two otherwise th ey will wait for it li ~ h( of th at p ace we hav dential veto sustain ed and one over--rid8en, for the Republicans, Anders on of Minnes ota and Bull of J;!'ood day when th ey can -tay igned for i c min.!! t I the Senate is expecte d to follow the action of the house sin, who votedag ainst over-ridjnll~ the veto, all afte rn oon . Wh en I had a w rId. Wh en oh wh en will \V Wiscon in over-rid ing the Preside nt's v to of 'the Omni bus said the Preside nt's position was sustain ed sea on tick et, the pool ~o t g t th at! be it can 'Labor Refonn BlI1. On the other hand the House can votes. On the other band a heavy more of my money, bc:ca use Republi by early last week sustained the Preside nt's veto of t,he Democratic memberslhip of the without it I wouldnt"ha ve, ~o n ..! of y majorit y ·tim e as ' tha t the Tax Reduction Bill. Mr . Paul Mauric e and Mrs. House voted to sustain the Preside ntia'! veto. The even as man have bought Charles Mauric e attended th e • • ld wou et tick would votes two of change A ' 137. vote was 268 to The Preside nt's veto messag e on the Labor Bill; straij!"ht adini sion . Pe pIe ar ' Gaeke-Ga in er wedd in ~ held at have made the tally 270 to 135, or the exact two to funn found words, housand t five than but that i true. For more of ing consist one majorit y needed to over-ride. With tbe Boust> every I erson wh o u s hi the Holy An gels Church J Dayfa ult with every sentence and section of the measvoting to sustain the Preside nt's veto of t he Tax spent half th e co t of the tick t ton, Saturday m o rnin~, Jun e 2 . ur~. It was a purely political messag e; one in which Bill, the Senate, of course, did not get an opportu - on straight admi ions. Thi .L ther was an appare nt appeal for the suppor t of nity to vote on the issue. Howev er, hud a Senate especia lly true in a co I eason. left-win g labor organiz ations and an evident at· Orland Holm e. and famil y general the s, worker vote been taken, that body would undo\llbtedly have season tIcket to th e limit ther' al individu e t empt to convinc the weeke nd with Charl e'~ pent e action. hav nt's his uldnt wo that Preside sustain ed the are th ree who public, and the employ ers, of the nation and famil y at Port mouth to Brant ing men Accord . Li~ht benefit and their for Power Th action was purely there attend d the while relac me in to -et pol es. and Mr. Truman the notion' s Labor-M anagem ent The Labor Bill and t he Tax Bill vetoles will most have iust w eddi n ~. The y ilmore few mith-G past he t tene th during to e lin t ions have been imply lovely certain ly become issues in tbe 1948 Preside ntial for the electric mi ell aneou a d attend also aT tw t ln~ a years, with no work stoppag es or strikes, and by •. hue a,nt gn. White Bouse strateg ists no doubt be. campai Mr. R y bad and big Mr. the for r Bill showe artley It. r Taft-H f he t up fIr t Ij!'ncd t he enactm ent of Heve there are votes to be gained by t h.e Preside nt's 111 e we n. C. H. hingto a W at Marine lin, e th ting Congre ss was attemp ting to disrupt the peacefu l conn in past week; but Republican leaders , dela s the of actions through n an d Mr -. situatio s Mr. of relation and harmon ious Jabor in wirin.l!' and at th e home insist that t he 1946 election victory won for Betwe n de Ja\' who the assured nt Preside the e. While Marin nation. the Walter out time. as a result of the people being it ha , teen a l o n ~ ,I Q n ,~ by



Congre ss and the public he was not guided by political motives , most of the comme nt heard in Wash. lngton, following the reading of the veto messag e, was that it indicate d the Truman admini stration was turning definite ly to the left, prooab ly in Iln attemp t to appease the Henry Wallace , Senato r Pepper faction s of the Democ ratic P arty, and to line up th radical labor vote for the 1948 election.

• • •

The vote in t he House on over-ri ding tbe Presiident's veto of the Labor Bill was 331 to 83, or just one vote short of a four to one majorit y. A t wo to one vote is necessa ry to over-rid e a veto. The President could not ev«;n obtain the yotes of a majorit y of t he membe rs of his own Party in ' the House. As thi s column i being wl;tten t here is ,e,Y ery evidenc that while tbe vote will be close in tne Senate, the veto w ill be over-rid den by anywhere from fo ur to seven votes more than the two to one majorit y needed.

• • •

Howev er, it was a differe nt story on the Presi. dent's veto of the Knudson ' Bill, tbe Republ ican

D. J. F........


their Party came , ~===========~=======~~~~ labor rr:~ "fed up" with the activiti es of domine ering n, are taxatio leaders , heavy public spendin g, and high , certain that in signing the two veto -messag es, Mr. OFF ER Truman also si&-ned his own politica l death warrant. ORY


• • •

Two more "hot pota toes" fresh fro m Congressional ovens, are now on the Preside nt's desk. One is the new Rent Control Bill whicb, while extendi ng r ent control until :March 31st of next year, lifts all controls off of new constru ction and price cenings on newly constructed dwellin g uni ts, and permits an increas e of as much as fifteen percent in rents on old dwellin g units where leases are agreed upon between landlor ds and tenants . The other is the Wool Bill, which raises tariffs and import duties on wool from other countri es in order to prot'e ct Americ an wool produce rs. This policy is contrar y to the provisions of the general admini stration flponsor ed Reci procal Tl'3de Agreem ents program . Both issue. appear to be loaded with politica l dynami te,



JmrdHure ,1~lment l '~otne Dial 2111

Wayn e. ville, ObiO.

: half wa up th ri rol lin ,~ ver a Guern sey and ' th e JeI' e and over t the bItt m of th if an have red t J r S or tep, but·it do 'nt eem to hurt Brown r in 1st H a t r I pref and th eir voi es are ,them to' t re wiss, which is the 'nea a be~f br d that they have. I tronge r than thei r le,Zs. Tlfe" am mter ted to ' ee how it can even ark. It is nic to 'hea.r th at swimworks Out. in the Wa n vil1 po I mers I Th . ed wean are The , pups for the' r better ~erv i ,!{et put th,elr no e and their fe 't will man so ough th ri ev, money milk e th up lap and pans m the i. iov en to able' ' b not will in a hurry and ~vh at a choru' u ed there is when it is time and Man familie I kn ow who hav e week there is lio milk. Their legs to go se veral times awill t le dont quite hold them up yet told me that they ,thisn year. 'and they can barely climb up able to ,!{O so often the" cellar steps, often gettin g- Thi is e ~ p-ecia llv tru e to those

19 47,. Par!l y' ~O, June C1 9.u l I wIt h. mar , ha~d ram . . To ~ ,t,hl a,!{alll ~I ve me ' a bad palll . That was the way th e ,WLW ' announcer gave the weather report the ot~er .day, but we fooled. th em thIs tIme for tha,t hard ra m hasnt come of course it may come yet but we are two days to the good anyway. Today is clear and cold. I even ( ., lighted a little fire in the furnace this mornin g. Our Holste in bull now has a When the 'average per. on thinks of a ne w ' ~ aper plant he " chain. a and nose ring in his u ually. visualiz~ de k co vered with paper . . ne ws Ik m , When we were ,ready to put ' ads, picture , and a hundred ' other thing ; c py bei n ~t ,in John rode the tractor down checked and proofe d; someone sitting at a typewr iter, c liar mto the pasture ' and rounded open, hat ?n of hi head typi~ g with two fingers tryin g up the herd and drove them for en, Th r.' ·to get an Item m before ·the deadhne. The" wheel " hehind The Bible says" "The earth ahid eth forev in the cow stable. Wh o says a look? we do Dr. a newspaper, howev er, ate the "boys in the back room" .. what "new earth" little tractor isnt handy·? Frost was there with plenty of ' the ones who set -the type and run the presses. They're , John nor he r ropes. Neithe the ones whose responsibility is keeping the presses rolling Public Address by BERT POTO ~ere very good ropers but they and getting the paper out on time. You all kn ow wh o \VI! ' Representative of 'Watchtower Society fmally got the lasso over h15 mean .. they're your :neighbors • . ordinar'y folks like the rest head and his head in the stantrs of the community . . of us .. respected membe , 3:00 , Sun day, JU,ne ion. Then they put a clamp in his nose and ' tied three other Abd here's another interes tin~ fact. . You t~o are a member GRAN GE HALL , WAYN ESVIL LE, OIH IO ropes to his head, one pLilling of our ~taff ••You ' r~ a combmation news-maker, reporter, FREE to th e right, one puIting to the Welcome Good- Will Persons FRtt and adVisor. fhe thmgs you do and the places you go inter- ' left, one pulling up' and the est us and the Qther members of the community . . in this ' clamps pulling: down. Then way you are l11aking news. We like to know what other they had him rt~ht where they _.people are doing t~o, and the only way we can "cover the wanted him and in a iiffy the chain the with is to get this inform ation from you. As an 'advisor . rin~ .field" new copper course in it was in his nose. Of your comments and suggestions enable us to give you,exactthe first thin~ he did was to Iy what you want in the way of .a newspaper. step on it but he soon learned Yes, The 'Miami Gazett~ is truety, a community affair to ' walk wifhout doin~ that. I hope he wont learn to g-et it and our effo rts wi11 always point, toward service to and th~ , out. Bi11y Popey e lost 'three ent of our community. This, in turn; wiI1 continuail y betterm chains and finall y ~ot the ringmake it a better place in which to live. Read The Miami out of his nose but we never Gazette regularly .. It's your newspaper .. aQout you. knew how he did it. It is no longer necessary ' to keep a .bull on a small farm. I , had my first cow bred bv artiother the . nation insemi ficial PHONE III day. She is half Jersey and half ..- ..- • • •~~. . .- ; Guernsey so I had her bred' to . .- - -. . . .IIJ!I..JI!I..-

Ne w He ave ns and a Ne w Em h






or· mOci'e l' Fred Kahn Mo tor Car CO'. An~ ma ke






GAZETTE ' 7, The MIAMI GAZETTE sembI, Katherine Pauline Sawyer, Bessie McGuinn 2 loh in S:outh form fewer services fo r th e ~r Ell is a nd so n, C harl ie, a nI Mr. Waynesvill e, Ohio, ND. , 4322 15, Lebanon, factory worker. Lebanon, custom ers, kn ow Ie ' a bo ut Paul Mauric a ttended th e THUR DAY, JUNE 26, 19 47 James P. Lee, Jr., 23, Cleveland, Fred CO,omer to William W. Wi!- their good , and c t nlO re than race at Tr y ve r th w ee ~end. ' :; tudent Harriet Ellen Steddom, 22, son 5 lots in Loveland Park, in prewar day, This i due in Lebanon teacher. WiHiam Fraser to Clifford and part to reduced hour o f work, Mi Rayly n Crab be will coupled with higher pay. It i , spend the summer vacati o n a t Lena Bishop lot in Lebanon. ,COMMON PLEAS Robert and Frances Ward to al so true, howe ver, that to o her ho m e an d will wo rk f r the Geo rge Hendricks vs, Albcrt Maurice Kirk lot in Franklin, m any 'ale ' people la c k drive, Journal-H erald in D ayt o n, PROBATE Hendricks et aI., writ of partition Robert C. Smallwood, by admin- and ten d to I an m o re an:i Estate or Gertrude Gopperton, ordel'cd returned ' t t ' t James and Katherine I e v, 'Da vi d tan fi eld wh o dec'd, J, T. Riley, administrator H B h , R D ' IS K' rab rlx 9 46 0 acre . in Franklin twp III re hea vil y fo r re ult up o n anyhearing oot set vs, forose y . Smallwood to James and ' th e a id f ad vertising, di play recently:co mll inventory hearing set for July 7 at Booth, July ennts 7 at II'Mildred I ' eted tudi ef al d 10. , 10, Katherine Kirby 9,46 acres in an~I' IP ackaging. Nt ' CHOa lr}tlf,' n etOalkll1eanry,up Hpa,rlttoo rra'i Estate of Gilbert Gopperton, ie remedy, Dr. ys rom • Carol Gebhart, a minor, vs. Rob- Franklin twp, k . ll at •C ' C •k Frank LeMay to Fred and ~lfary believes, is lo ng-ran ge trainin g wo r., a ae ar s r~' dec'd, ,J. T. Riley, adminiatrator ert Gebhart, divorce to plaintiff, inventory hearing set for July 7 at plaintiff ,'estored to maiden name. Eva Renz, 30,96 acres in Wayne to build up the knowledg, (Friend.) 10. twp, habit, attitude and cnthu si-----EugeneMalicoat, Mallicoat, a minor vs. Mr. anti Mr. Kenneth El zey Estat~ of Emerson Mason, dec'd, Barbara ' divorce to plainRobert and Bl anc he Curran t 0 a ms w I' llC I1 are nes ary to ucLee Mason appointed executor. tiff. Bernard Bill, 21.20 acres in Hndan' ce sful human co ntact wo rk. and da ught e r of Dayto n, vfsitEstate of Wilda Southard, dec'd, twp. , That trainin r will require years d Mr, and Mrs. Walt"" Elzey, Irene S. Baker appointed adminisBarbara Lindsey vs .Earl Lind Lottie He~ler to, Oral DavIs, in many ca e , and campai ns aturd ay venin g. tl'atrix. sey, divorce to plaintiff, plaintiff 42,72 acres In HamIlton twp. which ar limited t o ' a few da . Estate of John Myers, dec'd, restored to maiden name. Jesse Mentz to F. L. and Ger- o r weeks of the " six easy Mr. a nd Mrs. Ho ward White Le a f'Ie Myers appotn matter of thefor appropriatlesson va'rl'ety," \vl'll not wo /'k-. o f Miamisburg and Mrs. Ro l ert ' ted ad mlntS' , tion In of the an easement highway trude Rose, lot in ' Frankl, in, Lauretta Howerton D~tmer' to Th e "born salesman," who can Whit e o f Dayton, visited Mr. ' tratrix. purposes over the lands of Guylda Estate of Charles G. Miller, B. Dumford and necessary in the ~oy and Edna Imes, lot m Fr'ank- sell anything, is a rare bird, and and Mrs. Elzey Sunday evening . .... dec'd~ 'E arl Ridings e::,ecutor to sell constl'uction and improvement of 1m. there will never be enough of certaIn stocks at prIvate sale. , , State Highway No. 185 'Sectio~ Wade and Pairlee Owens to. AI- him to meet the n eeds o f Estate of Anna Knapp,. , ~ec d, D (part) in Warren Co. judgment bert a?d Ladra Stoner, 2 lots In American business. The a verE. ~. and J. L. Kn~pp, admtnlstra- on verdict. Franklm. , age salesman, who is the backtors Inventory beartng set for July Elsie Marie KableI' vs. Irvin ----b f I ' t' 1 at 10. . . Kabler, defendant to pay to plain- RETAIL' PRICES I one 0 any I t' aI es I orgaolza I dtOn, h Estate of MtnDle DeFosset, tiff temporary alimony of $20 per A lar~e g rocery ch:tiil re- earn s re a Ive y s ow y , an e ~ec'd, Charters D. Maple, executor week toward her expenses. ccntl y IIJ:!n e a ~im~ : l e ,lIIl! en- must be carefully guid ed and Inventory approved." Catherine Sloan and Robert ible ,t.1: ':: 1~ t' 1i· on f. tI \l prj,',. , traineQ. Dr. Nystrom has pointed t , Estat,: of F. C. Dall, dec~, E~- Landis, executors vs. J. L. Bachert at rc ilil. I( l' :' e r vee! th:tt suhshmtial reductions arc illl , one more way in which all lly LoUise Sellers, executrix tn- writ of possession ordered. • ventory approved. , Lebanon-Citizens'National Bank, possible Imn co~t to !h~ .. e- kinds of retail bu ines, chain ~state of Joseph F. McKtnn~y, a corp. vs. Ben Werk, cauSe com- tailer are cut. And it point d and independent" can make d~c d! G~aQe, MC,Kinney executrIX, promised settled and dismissed out that if its system \V cr,! to further achi,· vements in holding .•• wIlen having your car dIstrIbutIon III kInd. '''I'thout reco' rd, costs pal'd. cto ·t h d t E s t a te of Mary K roe~er Scho· •• In the matter of the appropria- operate without a ll Y pl'of l't wn I s over ea co s a a g-rea ed that it is do n enbaum, dec'd, gross value of , . whatsoev r thi "woul t a- means of controlling th e c st properly. If the least little estattl is $11,695.98. tlon of an easement for hlghway mount to a avin of les than of goods to th e consumer. In thing is oyerloo ked, a ncl E 8 t a t e 0 f Allre d Casner B ow- pltlrposes over the lands , t h e days ahead " t re "v' , . of Eva L. four ceo t a d a y o n t II enttre , ltll tile som part i not lubricat_taffs will man, dec'd, Oneta Beatrice Bow- ~acDonald et aI., prehmmary hear- food bill of th 'a verage Ame ri- mo t efficient sal t!d 'e rio u damage may reman, admlni tratrix filed certifi- mg set for Monday. can family.'" , have a substantial competitive :;ult. Make sure that ever cate of transfers of real estate. NEW SUITS What is true f food i true edge over those where sales part of your car i pro"Estate of James ' V. Hankinson Leonard Land vs. Ester Land, I I k k I d~c'd, Warren C. Young appointed a mi?or, divorce, gross neglect, J. of almo t all other commocli- personne ac ' now edge an:l tected wh en you have it T. Rjley. tie . In general, retail p ro fit s drive. administrator lubricat d .... mak e s ur~ E tate of Nelson Jenkins dec'd In the matter of the appropriat- and operating expense are as that fhe j ob is done acForest Jenkins, administrat~r filed tion of and ea ement for highway low a co ildition s permit. C mGrandma Shingle spent the cordin g to factorY' pecfirst and final accowlt, ... r ~urpose over the lands of the Zion petition, the most inex orable weeke nd with h er daughte r, tim ific ations n xt Estate 'o f Robert Brown dec'd, Baptist Church and necessary in of all force, I takin g carte o f Mrs. Walter Marin at Washbrin g y ur cat: h reo an d Grace Brown executrix fil~d first the construction and improvement th e operator whose pro fit are ington, C. H. you'll kn ow that yo u' r and final acc~unt. of State Highway No. 251 Sec'tio,n x.ce ive . That i wh y such ~ettin r the I e ,t. Estate of F~ank Hoff, dec'd, T (part) Harveysburg and E ch e mes as' the Newbury po rt Mr. and Mrs. McCallum and A ma Hoff, administratrix filed (pn\·t) in Warren C o . . . d' d ht f L b fi rst and final account. Robert J. Homan vs. M. J ., Grace ten per cent acros the I o ar aug er 0 e ' an on were , _ E!!tate of James H. Bogan, dec'd, and Howard R. Mitchell for money price cut died suddenly. Onc urday e ve ning dinn r u t , Bernice Bogan appointed executrix. only, amount claimed $831.99, Ba ' t k ' were o ld, tares were Gird oo Bacon and family. SOHIO Service Bstate of John R. Myers, dec'd, den at;td Fiehner. unable to repl eni sh th m at WAYNESVILLE, OHIO Leafie Myel:, admin.istratrix inP arl Haningto!,\ vs. Walter Han- prices which would m ak conMr. Chnrles EIIi, Mr. Roy velltory hearing set for July 3 at ington, Loyeland National Bank, tinuance of th l! 'cuts pos ible. 10. divorce, Clyde E. Vincent and Phil- Tht!y had t return t rd ail Estate of Mary Compto!!, dec'd, lip Colli,ns. pri ' which w uld a ll w o m Pauline Tullis executrix inventory Goldie Snider vs. Norman Snider, p ro fit. hearing set fOl' July 10 at 10. di vorce, gross neglect of duty, C. Th e urc for infl a ti n is not ' ea . It Ita m any pha e, inEstate of James A. Gould, dec'd, Donald Dilatush. Hazel Hollister Gould, executrix d k 1 t' 't in,"entory set for July 3 at 10. REAL ESTATE TRANSFERS crea e wo r 'e r J. pro( uc dlVI Y Estate of J. J. Gallaher, dec'd, Walter Lawrence to William and better and chea pe r J11 ' t l10 S f J. Frank Gallaher, executor Inven- larice Porter 87.42 acres in Tur- pro duction on farm and in fa tory ; an h n t effo rt by all , tory hearing set for July 8 at: tlecreek twp. 10. Frank Frentzel, Edward and workers and producfefTs, to. . dOl Estate of Eva V, Ball, dec'd, Julia Frentzel, John and Clare the best and m o t e IClent JO F-rentzel to 'W. ' P. and Charlotte possible; and finally, ound and' gross value ' ~ estate is $14,000. Estate of ~ry K. Bone, dec'd, naulitherty 105.13 acres in Turtle- con 'er,vative government fiscal ,ross value of estate ill ,7,109.94. cr.eek twp. ' , policy is essential to control of ' Estate of Tom Wood, dec'd, Frank and Car~ie Spencer to inflation. All of us, from the gross value of estate is $13,062,05. Norman and Bermce Hoff lot in Pr sident of the country down Estate of Alba Wiederhold, d~c'd, South Lebanon, to the day laborer will have to Howard Wiederhold .appointed 'adFrank LeMay to Frank and Viv. . .' t b ' From O~r Former L~ion In The Gibbona tninistratrix. ian LeMay 30,96 acres in Wayne do hiS part If pnces are () e Building An North Main Street To . . . Estate of Stephen M. Probasco, twp.' controlled and eventually redec'd Robert M. Blair executor filStanley and Amy Bailey to duced. ed ~pplication for certificate of Charles and' Flora James lot in transfer of real estate. Waynesville. , THE SALESMAN ~cro~s from Grange Hall on • • , . Byrd and 'Ellen Powell ~o Nol~e In the' recent address, Dr. MARRIAGE LICENSES and Grace Powell 8.95 acres m Paul H, Nystrom, Profess,o r of Fred Tllylor, 38, Franklin, elec- Washin~on twp., Marketing " at Colu,rpbia. Unitrtcian, EvelYn Kyker, 39, FrankLida , Branl8tjra~or ~ Na~ and versify, dea,lt with selling prolin, factor~ ~rker" " Elsie Murray l~t in W~ynesvIlle. blems . that confront m.anuWe will still maintain a cOQ'1plete line of Arthur Thurston Hounshell, 22, Ell~ Bowyer to Earl Boyer 0.13 facturers' and ' retailers. Germantown, paper wor~er, Anna acres In Lebanon. d \I' h b ed GOOD QUALITY FU~NITURE Marie Hogan, 18, Franklin, secreCharles and, Nancy Hale and Mo erp se U:,g, e 0 serv, , ELECTRICAL APPLIANCES tary. Ru sell and Pocahontas Hale to makes. ~ore and better ~se of RADIOS Howard Grisham, 30, Mason: Marl in Steelie and Frances Ellen ,adverhsmg and of Qlsplay. KITCHEN RAN.GES foun4ry mechanic, Doris Torm'ento, Salmon 7.18 acres in Franklin Marked advances , have been WALLPAPER 'S8, Muon: ," . ' twp. ,' : made in visualizing and' del11KEMTONE , Wallace Sheley, Jr., 21, West ' Albert and Laura Stoner to Paul onstrating . the. worth, of proNUENAMEL Paints and Varnishes Elkton, ~rpenter, Jackie Irene Harp 2 lots In Franklin. ducts. On the other hand, be . , Ashe~, 22, Carlisle, stenographer. Mary , White to Ed~ard Miles coniinu~dj there has been ' "~ " Corwin T41bert,' 25, .' West C~rpen~~ 3.15 ",~~es)n Franklin ' serious 'decline in efficj'eIT~:y ' ~n Elkton, cont~c~r, ' Patricia Rup- twpM~anf ' ord ,and Essie Brewer to ,,P r~, ,!.~~1 ,_,I,'ng.:,:.BY anq n~Tg~" SOUTH MAIN ACROSS, FRO~I ,GRANCE,H~ '. ' pert 23, Franklin clerk. . al p" n 'n r manllfactufUS ,', William King, Morrow, Ja~e Tid ' Willie end Gladys Vires 0.1'1 acres . ~l '- 't" . I• • • . t", " ; .' Te.leP~ 2441 ! .. . .. . ' , WA'YNESVIt LE, tl~!'O rowl .a; Morrow. · · . in South Lebanon., " ' , ' ~holesale, . ~uses ,"· a~ r;etall Robert Payne, 23, Daytoq asKenneth and Marian Simpson to stores now do less ,sellmg, per..-....-.. I ~~

~.-..~.~ \

It'. l.poJl.t aat ,




Waynesville FutUre &',Appliao~e Co. ST.,

Baseball Fans Ca~ Win Trip



words or lese. one tlme....... 25o FOR I'.aoh additQnal word ' •.•••.. , .... 1e SPEOIAL BATES by CONTRACT F


w .-t- ye le il. )line Ir n H r-e III t r : Larg ro und he vel e 1 ' mirror. Ra Mill r, Phone

Loan.FEDERAL LAND BANK LOANS : For Ref1n&nc1ng - RebuUdlng BuyUlg, 4% Farm loans with long tUne to pay. Pay part or all any time.

\\" k':





LEBANON NAT'L FARM LOAN I ,MUST GET A MAN ASS'N., Ellis 'H. ~turm. Sedy- at n e in .th is c IlUllllllity to . Trea.s~

Lebanon, OWo, P hone 448

\V rk with our Di tri t Manag· er. Mu t have ar and b~ () 'er ear f it Ie. The work i in Real E.tate For Saleline with th e program adv cal· IF YOU BAVE A PROPERTY OR ed b the Departm ' nt of Agri PARM TO SELL Call or Write cullure. Permanent w rk, ood NEW CENTURY CLUB . Don Henderson, Tel, KE3f.t6. 617 pay f r mall Wl1 0 11 a lived on MEETING FRIDAY The ew C nturv (lib will ~1n Ave., Dayton, Ob1o. tfc farm . Write % this pap r. hold it s. June m 'eti 1 r at the h me of Mr' . lel1 n Borden, R~L ESTATE hoste " with Mr . J . B. Crabbe D' YOU RAVE ANY PROPERTY memoriam and Mr '. Ha rvey H e in harge to .u call PraIIda Gene' Brown, of the pro )'ram. ANNA ELIZABETH HAINES Real ~ Sal~ for B. D.




Anna Elizabeth Haine. was Penn LoaDi .". Telephone born to David Allen Brown and Mary Ann Brown on May 16, WQDeIViIJe 2115. 186-7 at there hom ' near Wayne ville, Ohio. he peaceFORSALE- -SALE----volt - fU11 Y departed t h'IS Ii fe at th e FOe TWO 14 h .p,110 electric motors, '01!neral Eleotric, home of her grandson, Earl 1'150 r-ip.m.. excellent condiUpn, Conner on Saturday mornin~ Price '~7,50 ead1. Phone 21fS, June 14, 194 7, at the a~e o~ ____________ 8 ,years and one month. F ' R ALE~ Baby Buggy and ,On .June. 9, 1885 she was Stroller, $5.00 each. Phone ulllted m marriage to Wesley S. ?936 626 Haines who preceeded her in . de.ath on ~anuary 8, 19t 8. To thiS marnage were born two CardeD .PIaDte-~:--:-:;;;_-:==;-;;:;::;;:-;;;: children, Gracie who, departed FOR 8A.LE SWEEI pOTATO this life 'at the age of three p18.nts. 50c pet' h~. An k:IndB years and Laura who survives of &a.ttIen pJami, lOc per dozen. nero a..e. o. StI'ouee. 1Va miles lIiDIlIt.h Surviving 'b e sid e she r of ~e, Qomer of Wa.yDe8- daughter, Laura is her grand'VUlt. l'WzIy 6IIid l.G"tle roads- -73 son, Earl Conner and ' great LIVE STOCKf!;~:ksc;,n, Ear 1St e p hen FRYERS FOR SALE-on Foot. • • • . gone and oh ' we) Ben Furnas Phone 2953. "Mother's miss her,' 6-26c Jeasus called. her to his home. W-}l.=--N-TED----M-I-SC-.---- Where no harm can e'er befall her . _ WANTED TO RENr.:- 3 dR Pain nor death ' shall never ,4 unfurnished rooms. No . come. children'. References. Box' A, Miss h'er~ yes, our hearts are The Miami Gazette. 73 lonely . . , ' For her chair n~w vacant WANTED eTO'11 RENT-House S hID' _ Butstands we know she is with the Jn Wayn SVI e c 00 IS I trict. Reference, R. H. Kier W~i~~~~'re left a broken band. 3 rd. Street. 7-10 Children weep n'ot for your o.u&\N RAGS WANmI!D- ~ , MQther be free of buttone. pilla and bO<*lI. Jeasus did what he thought No curtatna or aUk bose accepte:!. Beat ,price" oa.u 21t8.

John Deere Sweep Rake On wheels, Power lift operated. Fits John Deere A or B Tractor. . Lab R0U8h..~ MilIa


inch size.

Our modern shop is equipped to give you better service on your John ' Deere Equipment


NOTICE OF APPOINTMENT " , N?ttce IS hereby given !hat Berl1lc M. B gan whose P t ~tlice ad i. re ' L R. R.. 3, Wayne VI 11 e, 01110 has tJeen duIy appointed a Executrix of the Esta.te of Jame H. Bogan late of Warren County" Ill, decea ed. Dated this 20th day f Jun , 1947 . . Ralph . H. Car y, Judge of the Probate Court, Warren County, Ohio Maple & Maple, Attys. -710

_ 2

lall d hy the co n ra t Jr: (I) 10 0 lin . ft. f 4 in . :t"t iron b II and -pig t pipe, fN 15 \I . I q. in . pre_ ure in I ft. kngth: ( :?) < ~h're ' (3) ,f ur in h (4il1.) iron 11 dy valve with bell nd. ' Ea h hit! I11U t ont , in the fu ll name )f eery per ' n Or c mpany in tere t '(1 ill the 5a m ~, and I e a mpanied I y a nd in the sum f ne·half f th ubmitted bid to th e sati -fa ti n of t~ e Bard f Tnl tee f Publt Affair, or a ertified ch > k n om Iyent an,k", ' a uaranty that If th,e t let I ' accept~d, a n~ract will ,be entered mto an . Its perform ;~nce properly. e Uted. hould a~y bl j I • reJe t-ed u h che k Will be f rthwith returned to the b'd 1 d h' Id I~'d I l r, an s u any ul a ept ' d uch che k will be r tl-lrned upon the r p r executi n and ecur:i n lT f th co ntract.

_____ L E CAL NOT ICE aled bids will be r'e eived by the Bard f Tru t e f Public Affair f Village of Wayn sville, tate of Ohio, at the ottJ e of said board Until twelv o'clock noon; July 11, 1947, for furnishing ,the n oe ary . . labo r and material f r the inTh e right I rt.:. rve to · r stailation and completion of a ject any and all bids. new water main from the two By order f the Board of ex i ting weils fo the connecti 11 Trustee f Public Affairs. into xisting water main at the Ch ~ rles James Clerk intersection of Mill and Main Jun 17, A94 7. -73 " streets for supplying water to rt I ~LUTI.ON the Corporation and the inhaoitDeclaring it necessary to in- ants thereof in accordance with BUDGET NOTICE stall and complete ~l new water plans: and .specificati.ons on file Notice is ,her by given that main from the wajler main at 111 said office, and htled, "Pro- a public hearing on the bud et intersection of Mill and Main posed Wat~r Main for. Waynes- as prepared by the Board, of streets for supplying water to ville, , OhIO, Drawmg No. Education of the Wayne Townthe Corporation and the inhabi 46083/,1 . and No. 46083-:2." ship Locat . School Di trict, " - The tants. the!,eof and authonzmg . .wor k cov~re d by th e specl-. Warren County, Oh iO, for the and dlrectm~ the B?ard of Trus- flcahons con~lsts of furnishing fi cal year ending June 30, tees of Public Affairs to expend all labor, eqUIpment, appliances 1947, will be held in the office funds, and to enter into a con- and materials and performing of the Board of Education' of tract therefor, with the lowe!\t ~II oper~tions necessary for"the sai~ school diStrict in the High and best bidder. . ms~allatlOn of the new water School Building at W ayne~ville, Be, it r~solved by the ~ollncil mams for the . Village of Ohio on the ' seventh day of of the Village' of 'Waynesville, Waynesville, Ohio, .in full and July, 1947, Q~gipn,in g at 8 :00' State of Ohio three-fourths of to the , complete satisfaction of p. m., Ohio Standard Tim , th e V'lla C. W. Barn har t' all me~bers '.eleclted thereto I ge. ·Th e wor k shaII .mconcurrmg: clude all pipe, valves, valve ' Clerk-Treasurer I. That it is necessary to in', stall and complete a new wate-r ft:I.&I'BoNltS main from the water main at .Anc&8VILI.& _I the intersection o:f Mill and beSt, . . Ma,in Streets for supplying iloaaow !I.. '. Took ol;lr loved one from all water to th e Corporation and IDANON om. su,tfermg t tlhereo f · an d lAND and GRAVEL .... IIIL Unto Heaven and gave her rest. th. e' .!n ha b't I, an s BL:AC . . TOP DRIVES Peaceful loving rest He gave dlre.ctmg. the Board of Trustees her , of Public Affairs to expend TAR, IUIcI 'ROAD alL In tHat home so brilotht and fair; funds, ·and to c.nter inl0 a co~- . r ,lAWN "''''. FI~ DIRT And , her sweet voi'ce now is tract therefor, with the lowest r 'READY-MIX CONCRETE calling ) and best bidder. . Meet rrn; c~ildren, over there. ' II. That plans, specifications, . U~"AttIlG dd bu"j.' SERVICE Yes, we II meet you, dearest estimates and profiles of the I . t heret0Mother, are ' prop.ose d Improyemen When our lives on earth O'er: And we'll all be reunited On th~t bri~ht eternal shore." WEPAYFO~ I

Jolm.Deere HBy Loader I

fore pr" ar d b. nine rs em· pI yed by the or~ oration and n w on fil in 1I1t: )Iri ~ e 0f the \ illag krk, b' an j til 'a rne are hereby :1\ I r ve I. III. ThaI, in 'e the expcn ii· tur within th ' waler ie arlo ment, other than the omp ·' n'a· ti l In f per (In I11 pl ':I ther . in, wi ll 'x ' I Five Hund red D ll~r ' (.. ~ ? .~O), II h. exp ~ htu ~e ,I ~\ III , ~l t ex ced . 1,_' .O.~ ~re hel I y :lllth,l:' IZc i and dll t' ted and ~he B < 1.ld o~, T!'uste s f ,~uh l.l ~ Affalr~ ( W 'I~el I ari.) I her b) a llth o J'lZe~1 an ti lr 'fe:l t.n X ' cute a \ nthl contra t With th e I w t and I e 't \:Ii j :ler, aft ' r adverti"ement for not le"s than two 11 r more than fOllr nn. uti l: w '~ k in a newspaper of " ncra ! circ ulati m within the ill age. IV. This re oluti n hall tak... effect and 1~ in force fr m and after the arliest p riod allow I by law. . , . Passed June 17, 194 7. Warren Braddock, Mayor Attest: Charles Jam s CI rk.


Armitage &Son



EXPRESSION OF THANKS We wish to .express our sin~ cere, th~nks to the friends ahd Ineigllbors whQ, were so killd -to us during ·the sickness and death' of our Mother' and Grandmother ·Anna, E. Haines, al~ to tHe donors . of flowers, Pallbears, Rev. R. B.- Coleman . for his con!Qliog, woids and the . McG1u~e ', E~ner,~1 , .....ome ' for, thete efficIent ,serVices. " ' ,', Mr,atfl[ .' Earl W. COnne· ... · . , ' '. ' '.


Mr. · add"


~f\li ~C. J;lciin~':':

....../...7. ,..


! ; (




..... •


..... ......



~l:.~JM~S ~N



For A GlorI·ous Fourt'h of JulY


the In l eptll dence Oily celeorati n here was tarted 50 e que, ti onect if , ~ugh people would att nd t m1ke ' the thin ~ a pay ing proposition. In pite of this and other probl m, Le 'i6n Po ' t No. 61$ (then nly f ur month old) stuck out it' l1 e k and, oy h1V~stin g all f th e iun(ls in the trea ury and a 'l t f har work, put n It pr ~ r am which practically a sur s sutc II . ((If the cele ration s he i ul 'd I this year. ' Anoth r admirable fact, ' ven though th e fi r w rk di 'pl ay will' 'be m re , l aborate and th e program m ore oml'lete than I~t " year, pric hav e not I en advanced.


: The 1 4 7 F.~ eral lMj ratory W aterfowl , .IlQ o~in g , P tEllts' ( D u ~k Stal11 ps ) l WIIl g n',sal .' abo~t July 1, at loc~l P.ost T III r row, Ju ly 4th i a hi \' C?(flces, .accordtng to th,e ,Wlld- day f or Waynesville wh n til ' ~It. M ~nagen~ent 'I~ sti tute. T,he 10 ,al Wayn T wnShip PO"t t(lm p IS reqUif d of all pe rson No. ID 15 of the Am erican Lever 16 y ars of ~ge wh ~ hun t gion ' ~tag th eir a'.!m ual sh wa terfowl, and thl permit does 'at ~h local Hi gh choo l nt, exempt th hunter from r und , 'fhe ~ festi ~ities are ' scheduled to start , 'a t 12:3 havIn a ta t licen e. 'cl ock w ith a o ftb~ 1I game b tween 'V illa "'e Au-star ' ari I urroundin ':r errit ry All; .fut _ ii::;;':g;:~~,i~;J;!il~":iiJr:Jt In the afternoon' at!trtitie i - included a ;l k race', Basehall gam e be t ween Le an 11 and Lp al Legi n, era ker ea (- . ing cont st, wre 1lin and b xin r mat hes. Ban 1 on rt will he giv n thruug hout th e afternoo n. At :1)0 p, m. th e Firework ' tli ~ la, i • h ' du led an i iJ .med iately roll wing tlli ', a ia n ..:. wi ll be hel l i~1 th e High ~ cho I gym with two han d and tw, flo r ' f r m cle m an 1 qual' dan ing,

0ne of 'the' rllres ," ',obs ~ein g . done by any organizat~on in th e 'clilmmupity IS the Fourth , f , 'July program ' at the , hi ~h School grounqs whiCh , is p nWl'ed by the, loea1 America n , legion Post, , It gi,v~s residents f thi and clQsely.urrou,ndil1g commU",ities an opportunity t njoy a fl~ rate progJ:am with a mlOlmumpf ~ r.iviqgbn h Iidayc(o'wde~ rp~~~. '. Last ye~r , w"!!n

Celebrates ,Af,, HeIgh"SCh00I 'Uroun ~ -ds




; } J.

I. •

l ! :


County,Health Officer Seeks Budget Increase

• • •

Th fo llow,i ng Warr ' n COUIlffi ial ' : Ge . . J hnson, I r as., A. M, Pa rk r, Auditor, an j arL Abae herli, I ro ut r met Friday night to co nsickr n,a req ue t hy th H aith mi i ner D r. A. D . Harvey fr an in rea 'e of appr ximat 7 00.( 0 in th e' HeitltlJ Iy budget f?r 19 48. . . Ellis, Wayn esville, Dr. Arn Id, Leb, nOll, Or, Kn x, Ff!l.11 klin, (Sen.)J ohn H Iden , M orro\ all m mb r of th C un! Board of Health W re r sent, also Al he rt H. Banta, Mrs. H. R. Harri , Mrs. M rri dullan..-J .' M. G r ' ene of L I an n H. W. Bra jctoc k, Al vi n H: arnhart of Wayn viII, M r. and Mr. Milligan f Har-veyshur ", Mr . W. N. Hunt and Mr . R alph Lan of Franklin, ' R 1 '., ML Ruth Ha'thaway and Mr : . L. R binson, County Nurse If th, Health D ept., we re preent. Dr. Harvey p int 1 out th e need for a full time sanitation officer. School service and re, rds, " arba'Y disposa l, careful che k on c ntagi U" ct i east! and many other s rvi s are requir d of I'h Health partment. W~rren County He~tlth Deparlm'Wt ill sp-i te o ( d ilw co ts. . " In everythin ~, Iivin ' , v:' '~e ~ .. supplie~, etc" has had nl,) ' in cre a e 1\1 fund of many year. Our pop ~l a li o n has incr ~s­ ed, cent rall z d ~ hools WIth th eir conge ted co n i iti Ill S and many other thin gs have increa ed th e de mands 0 11 nul' Hea lth Dept. All s o l' ... t' . "IIrr UIH 11l g- ",-, )UIl I ~' have codes and hea lth reguhtinns (or the ir protec ti on, j o ' Wafi' , n C unty ,wi h t he th e ctumplIl g gro und f o,r them? Everyone fav or~ d the increa se if th e money c uld be f un 1. Th e Gran, c, ,chooi,s and Farm Bureau were repre en ted by tho ' e pre nt. . ~~

==::===:====r:==::::::;=======~~~~~~~~~~~!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!'!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!~ •





Passes Away'



William Scanlon Funeral Monday

, (l lll e da, I'm ,!!'Clin g to write c. M. Cartwright f E\ an a bo k , ntitl d HAre Parents ton, 111., a nativ of this c m, Nece ary" or at least a n~c' Willi am tel hen ca nl n, . e ary as the think they ate . . Charl e W. Fr) ~, ag d 7~ , munity, ~''J'adu at e f th e high F r. m tim e til. idea has bec:: n pa ed a~ayat hiS h me III I hOO I, wbhO e fori ear were aged 72, I as d away at hi " afte r- a so mem er f thi ecti n i f amentl' llg I'n nly ml'nd bu't th ..." Wayne f,vIlle on Monday h t t t" tl ' t l h )me in Wayne ' vill e ,on Friday final decision was reached la (l noon roryl a ear a tack r Ifln l iS m n 1 a a memh r f th Boa rd of th e EVan "· :tt 7 ;00 a. 111 . afk r :t ~h·.) rt i::Wedne day and thi s is wh at uffer~d abo~t a w ek ag . t rought it on: ! , ~e IS survlv d by three s ns, toh Pl,Iblic Library. He ha ne , He L urv ivect l y, h~ wif, Kaydie was spendjn a week qllbert and Ca.rl of 'W a 11e ' ervecl'in that unnection fOil' 3 f' her summer - vacation away Ville, ,and , GI~nn of Day ton. year. The III n,l her of th t: lI~an ·. Scanl fl , a stel - on, fro'rtl home. It was the firSt time F?ur grandchlldr n alsQ ur- B~ a rd, are appO\l~~ed b) th Fallis Pain e, and ne si ter j Mr. in her eigh~ years that she has vlve. " i • " MaY?I. Mr. Cart\Vr~g ht ha been Bessie Lenny of New J ersey. , pre Ident of the Library Board F j,ver been away for more thanuneral service were con- for 25 y ears. He is ch airm an f Funeral erv~ce ',:erc. C(l n ~ ' one ni ht so in the middle of the' ducted at th e McClure Fun rOil the (n uran e COl1lmittee f the ducted on Mond (l Y aftern OOn rt t week we called to see just how Home on ! Wednesday at 3; 0 American Library A sociation 2 :00 o'clock at t1~e Stuhb mttch she missed her parents p. 'm. with Rev. R. B. Colem an and is active in th ~ t body as weI! Funeral Home wl~h. Rev. and ' a ked when she wanted to of the Methodist Church offi ci - a th e llIinoi Public librar \' Samuel N. Key, ml~I, t~r of ~ Assn . ' t. M~ry's Church offlclatm g-, come home. ating. . "Come and get me Satur8 urial wa ~ mad in Miami Bunal wa m,jje ill th e' Mi ami da,1 '," was the teply, "T~ere's C metery. GLEAMER CLASS Cemetery. a Gene Autrey picture over , HOLDS MEETING ' NEW OOLD CASE there that night and I want to FURNITURE STORE RENTS see 't " . " \ CORNER LOCATION The 'Gleamer, Class of th e INSTALLED A~ SMITH'S I. Harveysburg. Fnends Chur -h WHITE VILLA The W.aynesvill e Furnitur ' m et at the home of Mr. and Mrs. ' STORE STATE FAIR DATES and Appliance Co. completed Lawerence Starr, near Wil~lin ~The D. , R. mith V.rh it ..' ARE ANNOUNCED moving to t~eir new, location ton, Wednesday evenin g. Vil1~ Grocery , irystalled a new According, to, report receiv' on South Mam St. thIS week. Mis Nellie Davis, presiclent, refrt erator dl pl ~y ca e n ed ' from State Fair Manager, Mr. R. C. Moler and Mr. 'A. pr~ sided during the busine s W ' dne day ~ o rni!l g . This ne\',', Ed Bath, the great Ohio State H. Stubbs are announcing they, mee ting. modem deSIgn WIll give better Fair will be held this year on have rented t~e corner ,'propThirteen members and one cold , storage, for meats, milk I, August 23 to 29. I ' erty recently_ occupied by the guest were present. ' and ~t~er perishable foods, thus The ~Iogan that" has beeh Home Appltance , Store which The winner~ , of the recent, assunng t.he customers of bet, aqbpted I 'is " ".on the Beani!," will . be .sold at aOG,tion ~atur: contest cond~cted by ,the CIa s ter foods ~hrough pro~er ea~e . Mr. ' Many new features and, greater day. ThIS new locatIOn WIll be were entertamed by the losers. \ In addltton to the mcreased were showings are pl'omi~d for the used for 'display purposes and, All . enjoyed delicious home- efficiency of this new unit it guests ' sales. ' made ice cream and cake. ' al~o has a I~rger capacity. Stroud 'big , evept. , I


al~d Mrs. W .. E.' S~roud Frtday evenlllg dll1ner of Mr. ,and Mrs. Harold , of Lebanon" . ',', '

2 re, 5erv :l I, th h t· The MIAMI' GAZETTE, Pa Mr. (t n 'l Mr . Eld n Re cker, on spent und:iy e l!nin ~ with WAY N E; I LL E, HI, and h\ litlle daught rs wer" Mr. and Mr . Davi:1 LlI i1'. THUR DAY, JULY 3, 1947 We ne day venin ' :\ inn er Mr. '111:1 Mr . Ellsw rth \ ilct ,(!'u ' Is nf. Ihe I:lI ter' s parents, man and daughter ' of ColllmMETHODIST CHURCH "'.1'. and Mr '. Bartldt M n 'c . hu ' ilni Mr. JaJlles W ildman of R. B. Coleman. Minister . Griff), Thir I an 1 Mr. A. Mr. and Mr '. Hal' IJ Whit ' Ja k on ' pen t aturda. ev'ning 9 :30 a.m unJay eh I tre t . aker and dallg-hters \\' 're -enter· with Mr. and Mr . E. A. Earn· .J, J. l3ur" kc, ~ upt. t o :30 a.l11. lai n t1 to dinner ~ ullday at th ' hart and fami ly. Wor 'hip , ervi e Mr '. R. B. C leman i vi itMr. and Mrs. ~rthllr M rg-an home of Mr. and Mr ' . Larrv Youth F 'II \V ' hip ing h I' i t.!r, Mr . P. . H 1'' an 1 daught ~ r, Betty, atknd~ 1 Tltur 'day, 7:.1 pm. Brown, near Wa yne vi lle. b rt of Cleveland. Mr. and Mr ' . . D. Smith and th e Drive in Theatre at Xl.:ni a Mis ' hirle y Nea l, Ja k :-lU Il MT. HOLLY METHODIST ern n Pur le y at urday evening. • Mr. and Mrs. ville, Fla. arrived Tue 1a.\ til Ge o r ~ e Bunn ' lI an :l family T. M. Scarff, Minister 'pent Monday in lumhu.' Mr. and Mrs. harl ' Craw ' pend the summer va ' all \'\ 1 If , t. L3e rnar i were calling 0 11 , lInd :l), Sc lt 0 1 ' C) : 0 a.m . Mr. )u y Rout zahn, in c m- ford f Cinci nnati sp tit a few with her unci> and aunt. .\ r, relativL' in . thi vi 'in il v n E. . Earnhart, up!. p:l ny witti hi' br th er-in-l a\ , day with Mr. and Mr '. Clar nc and Mrs. Orvill Gray. aturda \'. Mi _s Rhoda Bllllll ' lI \V r 'hip Servi 'e 10:3 a.m . Mr. perry Boitn ot of Troy, re- Crawf rd and famil y. r ' turn ed with th em fnr an ,,Evening ~ crvi 'e 7: p. m. turn d unt1ay ev nin g, afte r Mr. anti Mr . R b rt Fuma:, tend d visit. spe nding la t w ek fi hin ~ in and rrantldaughter, C ~ lia Mi 'ST. MARY'S EPISCOPAL Canada. ildin ' rent la t Tue day with Samuel N. Keys, Minister Mi M nimia and Mrs. Mr . Charles Charlton and Mr. and Mr. Fred Furna at Nellie Bunnell attend ' d s rvi e 7 :30 a.m. Ante C mmuni n daughter, Doris, in com pan Jamestown. 10 :0 a.m. M rning Prayer with Mr. and Mr . Dale Warrick at Cae ars Cr ek Frien j' Mrs. Ella Dakin pent unand erm n. Church on unday and hard of Lebanon, ar viSiting Mr. :lay \\ ilh h ~ son, Mr. Paul Mr. and Mr . Hubert Juhn ' the Rev. David tanfi Id th and Mrs. Edward Burn at Dak in and wife in Leban n. of Dayt n ' and Mr. Jame new minister in charge ther ' . UTICA E. U. B. CHURCH wan ' e, 111. Mr . live Curl returned BIa kf . ~ 1lO r were . n1 0 f prll1 Rev. A. J. Furstenberger Mr. and Mr. Halph Ham- rridar f~om a vi it with frie,nds unda evening g-u·,t ' f Mr. unday ho I 9 :30 a.m. mond and child ren , Jack and 111 Wllm1l1 gt n., and Cla!'k VIll e., and Mr. James L vd Mr.' and Mr . Ri hard park , Mrs. J ame- Garri on, upt. Janet, vi ited their ullcle and Mrs. Georgl:allna I'vm :. le.ft Ridg ville. Mr. and Mr '. Harry Hi~h ard 'on Preachin g. I t and 3 rd unday aunt, Mr. and Mr . amu I unday for a f ew days VISIt 111 Jr. and dau Mer of Middlet wn, , each month 10 :30 a.m . ichol in Cinci nn ati, unday; Cincinna ti wi th her daughter, Miss Barbara Walk I' i ' were Thursday eve ning gli t · Hallen tein and spending a four wee k va ali n of Mr. an i Mr' . J <~m s .Lov I Mr. and Mr. Therle Jone Mr . H nr FRIENDS and Milton w re unday ven- family. . from her tudies at the Miami and daughter f RIdgeVIlle. First Day Sch 01 9 :30 a.m. ing guest of Mr. :l' nd Mr. Mr ' . Ali 'e Clark spent unValley ho pital school f nur '- - - - - - - - - - -. Mee ting for W or hip 11 , da at th e home of h r nepiog in Dayton, at h r ,h me WHAT' PROMINENT' Edwin Nutt and grands 10:30 a.m. near Cent " rville. hew, Waltl.!r Clark and fami l , h uhday afternoon guc t f near Lytl e. ere. BANKERS SAY ABOut ST. AUGUSTINE Mr. and Mrs. Leslie ray and Dr. Emma H olloway nj Mi I:ar BOND-A-MONTH PLAN: Father Krumholtz, Priest "The Unit d tate' Tr asMa ' 7 :30 a.m. and 9 :00 a.m. family weI' : Mr , Tillie -Gray, ~,'9h a Id'~ ni .itlll tHI ills andb Dal f student at the nul' iog C;h I. Mr. and Mr . Alfre1 ray and ur tlY WI I Ie m m er 0 She ' \\f ill t tu rn to h r duties the Lea ru for th Ha d f 'r " ury' Bonti-a M nth Phn i ' a lter, Mr. and Mr . Erne t .' g e , I' July 27. FERRY CHURCH of CHRIST dAaugIId M d M C1 d He'umg s un d and important iev lopRalph E. StinSon, Miniltet' rn?, r. an r". au e Mr .·W draw w n ' and -----ment f I' ev ry !!lan, and , 9 :30 a.m. Le:-v, , of Dayto~ , Mr. a ~d Mrs. h' l:1 W" J d t ' Mr. and Mrs. A. . Griffy woman in the nati n f r it Bible School Morning Worship 10:30 a.m. WIll Null ~nd MIS M a l v\1~a, of C I t ren, mnle 0 an . eVl of Third street had a unday "Stewa~hip, The Ma ter s near, Spn.ngboro, . an:\ th, of pringh ro were unday guests, Charle and Dorothy pro ides them with a imple~ CaB To Higher Living" latter , fnend, Mr . . Robel t gue ts of Mrs. Owen' mother, C nard, their grandchildren easy way to purchase the 7 '.30 p.m. Montgomery f Prankhn. Mrs. Lucile Annitag . from -Eldorado. Sav in BOil is which wHi m an 'ng Youth Meetl so much to th eir Finan ial Mrs Evalyrl Peterson and I M R t M d L r. an ~. oren o~ ,za 1 1 1 ' ' Adult Praye r Meeting 7 :30 p.m. Evening Eva ngelistic ' S rvice and daughtel of F~ankhn ,and Miss Minnie Dod on aUende 1 Mr. and Mrs. Burri~ Calkin security and per 'nal happin ~ , 8:1 ~ p.m. Mr. ~nd. Mr . Morns Wharton the New Centmy Club at the and Miss uzie Lind~mood f in the year which lie ahead." "W,alking With 'G od " of MIamI Shores were Sunday home of Mrs: Glenn Borden n Bellbrook were, unday after- ' S. loan Colt, P~e id nt d t f M M Friday Banker Trust Compan A friendly Church, with a mner gue s o . r. an rs. .Mis~e ' .Ruth and Elizabe th noon guest, of Mr. and Mrs. New York, New Y rkGospel message. Clyde Wharton, ~n honor ~f James Lovely and daughter of Mrs. Wharton' , birthday anm- Chandler were u st Friday at R'd 'n . ' , WAYNESVIlJ..E CHURCH versary. a luncheon given by Mi s I gevl e. ~atioilal Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Jone . Dorothy Dakin at the Town OF CHRIST Mr. and Mrs. Th erle Jgne and House in Franklin. Mr•. Lee Griffy, Detroit. WAYNESVILLE. OHIO :~~~;o~~nZile, M;~~~e~.m. on, Mitton attended the wed- Mrs. Amanda Hartrum p nt Mich. IS spending a few day T.leDhoDe 2251 din of Miss Sh, irley Compton, Sunday at the. home of her. on, ~ his father and moth er, Mr. • • • - - - - - Communion 10:30 a.m. M d ......Sermon ' 11 :00 a.m. and Mr. Ralph Dill at Sprin, t •. ~. H. Stubb and enJoye Vall y Methodist Church, Sat- a VISIt with , son, Mr, ' TE~ " Evening p.m. _ _ _ _ervite _ _ _ _:00 __ _ un:ay evening" and the re- Sam t ubb · .s an d WI f e 0 f B aIt 1, " ep tion afterward at the hqm m re, OhIO. of the bride's mother" Mr. . Dr. and Mrs. Gale Russum, Lucile Compton in Spring MIS Marga ret Russum, Mr. and Valley. Mr. Din Qf Mt. Holly Mrs. Robert Ker,esey.a!ld chil.dHAVOlJNE and . TEXACO OILS Mi s Norma Longacre spent is a nephew of'Mrs. J. B. Jone . ren all of Day ton VISIted MISS Wedne day with Miss Bonnie Mr. and Mrs. Vernon Pursley Marg-aret Edwards, Sunday AlrrO ACCESSORIES Satterthwaite near Waynes- entertained to dinner on Sun'- afternoon. CHAMPION PLUGS .l.-_ _ __ ville. day,' Mr. and Mrs. Hubert PursMrs. EveJe t~ , Early sp~nt ley, Mr. and Mrs. Richard Purs'TIRE REPAIR and RECAPPING Thursday evenmg at Y ellow ley, Mrs. Sylvia Duncanson Sprin~s and saw "Joan of and daughter of Franklin. Lorrame" presented by the Afternoon callers were, Mr. and Summer Theatre. Mrs. Gerald Pursley and Mr. Mr. Joel Smith suffered it and Mrs. Harry McCandless of stroke ' at his home here last Dayton. The New Century Club held their June meeting at the home ,Monday a week, and remain s very ill since. Mr. Smith is one of Mrs. Glenn Borden on Friof Lytle's oldest residents, havrl II/)/) day, June 27. W"YNESVILLE; OHIO ROBERT SERVIS, Prop. ing passed his 83 rd birthday. t. After a short business meetMrs. Margaret Johns and Mr. ?1 ing, Mrs. 'Carr of Harveysburg, • • , • • • ,.,.-•••••••••••••••• '• • • • • , ••• ";' :a Paul Johns were entertained to Mr. and Mrs. G. H. Kising,e r a guest of the Club gave a v.ery ,. . dinner Sunday 'at the home of and Mr. and Mrs. E. A. Earn- interesting book review of the . Mr. and Mrs. Robert Routsong, hart and family ,and Mr. James rtewest edition "Pavillion 'of near ' Yellow Springs. Wildman, caUed on Mrs. Clara Women" ,by Pearl Buck • . . Mrs. Harvey Rye, of the proMr. jnd Mrs. Everett Early Barber Sunday afternoon at were Sunday guests of Mr. and Kings Milts. gram committlee introduced the Mrs. Robert Greene of Day- speaker. Mrs. J. B. Crabbe, Mrs. William Dewey at Blanchester. ton spent Sunday afternoon w.ho was also a member of the Twenty young people at- with her mother, Mrs. Sue committee was not able to attended the Youth Fellowship Morgan. tend due to illness. PROMPT, ,£F.FICIENT REPAIR At the, close of the session meeting at Lytle Church SunMr. and Mrs. Hiley Gibson ON AU.. .MAKES OF ,EQU~ day evening. called on Mr. and Mrs. Harold Mrs. Ross Hartsock, retiring Mr. an.d Mrs. Paul Flory of Rogers and 'Mrs. Emma Gibson ' president presented the gavel Dayton spent Saturday evening Sunday afternoon at Bellbrook. to Mrs. Glenn Borden, prest.Representative for Mr. and Mrs. Robert Knighter dent for the coming year, with with ,Mr. and Mrs. Wilbur Oark. and son, FreddIe of Springfield, very approprialte remarks, being Dr. and Mrs. F. E. Rosnagle Mr., and Mrs. Earl Crawford -of given by both. ~ HOME .~ and son ,of London, Ohio, were near WayneSVille called on Mr. , In addition to Mrs. carr, ,Saturday afternoon guests of and ·Mrs. Clarence Crawford Mrs. R. B. O))eman and Mrs. Phoae 132 M Mr. and Mrs. H.a,rvey Burnet and ,family Sunday afternoon. Peart 'Rich wer,e .also guests. and family. Mr. and Mrs. Floyd ThompAt the sodal hour refresh-

ChUl'ch noie~











and Lubricating Sennce

fJ ,A oL''J i1e ' ew6



New Ceotury ·Club Hears B~~k Review


SHERWOOD '·Re&igeration Sales .. ' -========- and SerVite = = = •

~.F\I·L S~N " W'4'COOLPs

. ·V.





on six eparat ound stage s. STATE CIVIL SERVICE will be ra t~d ' on th eir tra in,in&, Pag 3, Th e M IAM I GAZ ETTE Village All Stara un and COMMISSION OF OHIO a,nd, ex penen e. 11, al ph a,Waynesvill e, Oh io, N . 4 23 Mana er : Miller, Craig, Mul- ' Amon the on . ' tl n must te on fll at the THURSDAY, .JULY 3; 194 7 f ord. · Id . L' • , M danc"d by the va n u l ar are : ,C lum hu -, Open c m pe t ~ - office of th e Commi i n I Y I n f II.: er. eWIS, ran, " I'M ' R" " "WI \\ I lI ve examinatI on for ph 1, ' Gwinn, K . Bradle y, C. Jame ·. elll Ive r, , .1 a ci an denti ts in tituti ona l Jul)\ 2 1. > Catchers : Kilpat rick, OlmlBon:.... ,,"All th e ~~1J1l.~ Y , L1 nur d, carp ente'r , I ctrici an C mpl Ie. i~~o rin ati n a . ~~ I II, Ada ms. , Are, Yesterd ay , m k firemen paint rs po licem en t~l s~ exa mJn ,~t JO n , th e qu , ~h Outfiel~: Cl ark, Llldll1 gton, Gets in Y our Eye ," "I W( n't \vatchm' n, utility 'men, j a l1ito r~ fI ~h o n , reqUlr d ,and a l a r~ ~ Y o u~ g, MIchael, Dal ey. , D ance," "Can't Help Lov in g and j anit re e f r th e t ate paId be e Ul ed, ~ t ev Iy PItchers: Howari Cartel, J, Th at Man," "M ake Believe," ervice will be held during July tate em~ I OY,l11e~t off! ,e,., every . Three add itiowli ca uait ie' Jarett, Scott. "Till th e Cloud Rol1 By." acco rdin g t o an announc ment c~ unty audItor ,O ~fI C~ a,nd have been added to the W ayn Surrounding Territory All Stars made by tate Civ il ,.erv i fl m !h ~ tate CI vil ServIce. Athl etic A ociation o ftba~ l e r Simp on, chllle r, Mr. and Mr . Robert Dav is Commj ·sion. C mmls lon, Managers: with injuries rep orted t Ji m of Lancaster were. Thllr dav Appli ant for these exam i----Ja r r tt, pitcher fo'r Pee r's Inn B u nce~ Inf ield: E. , Miller, Hop kin s, night and Frida y gue ts of Mr. nati ons wil1 not be required t Th e kin of a yo un g is team, who split thi! th ird finger Pummill, Coo k, Red Price. and Mr . Law renc C k and a em Ie at examinati n hea iy burn ed, by tiir ct sun quickl f his right hand on an electric quarter for a written te t bu t light. Cat hers: mith , Pope, I r- sons. I fan at hi J l a e of empoyment; . ,:.~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~. ~~~.'" and Bob G on , wh o di 10 ated vin, utfi eld: Tl:d \ ilk er on, T m , hi ankle whit liding t thi rd ba c in th Harvt:y burg-F air- Wilk erson, Chic k Y un, am ley game on W edne day even- Huf tm an, D . Hart ock. ing, J une 25. J ohn ackett \\ as Pitchers: Purk . tanfi eld . haken up al}d brui d wh n h CQllid d with Bill .aw er at fir t base in th e Per: Inn and Mill I' Re tauran t (Varn e Tu -

More Casualties Added In·Softball




day venin g. Philip W orkm an an 1 Bill Pope, report ed inj ure j l a t week are till n th e hen h. . Softball Play for the ~eek f n Tue ,d aX even mg, last wee k ram wa s th wlnn r in , th e hed ul e vame be~w een MIP r R t aura nt a,n d Fa lrl e~ . W edn day eVt: nll1 ,I rought ut a ,d ut Ie \\ ith Har v y bur vs Pal~l e a':ld Fergus?n st~m WIth Falrle . t a kll1 ~ tI f Ir t half toto 4 and F rg'llS( n the nightcap 4 to t. Frida.' v nin g'p r e i t I a hut-out for MIlle r' Res t ura nt a R xanna gave th em a 9 to 0 g fn g ver, In th,e e n i g-a me f th vin ing (\ '. :',nna pas d up one t Fergll' on \'I th a _ to -t • reo T I- ' Tue. dav ni ht III e " fun d Pee r Ir1n t o~ ~ ing \ ill er' Re t aurant wi th a 9 t I tall y.





2 4 3 5 9 7

Fai'rle R xann a Peer" Inn F r,!!'us n Harv y I urg Millers

4 5 2

With The All Star~

Auction SALE

Legion Loses Game T0 S00th Lebanon

n F~i da>, night a h\ 0 , an ne-,~ al f mnmg game wa playe WIth Moos Lod e ' Da. t n. Rain ~ t PI ed t he O'~rn and th.: ..: re wa ' 1 t WIth th e vi ~ t or n tOt · A, return m atc~ I pl~nned . , On un,day evenm ra m a am prevented play betwe n ~erm?nto wn and the ,All tar . , ,

Sat., JulyS, .947

V at yne v~ll e d tl ' Ba. clelr ame hall eam ,I r , ~ I'e to uth Le t allon la t unday afterno n at th e 1 al High S ho I diamond \\' ith a . re of 7 to 5. Th e winnin g pit her, Rap p all owed 7 hit an j th e 10 er, Filer ave up hit . Next und ay aft rn n Xeni a will pIa here again t th local Le i 11 team on th Hi h chool diam nd in a double header match with th e arne tim in !r all d at t :3 har. p

1:00 P. M.

Home Appliance Store· Main and North Streets

'Aero .. from



All New FarlD Equipment

A.p pliances Household Goods' Tools Store 'a nd omce Fixtures,

Six Stages Needed For, Giant FilIP ' M-G - M' l avi h new Te hl1iolor musi aI, "Till the Cl oud Roll By,' nex t attraction at th Twin T heatre, come as a t ribute to the ompo~er of some of Am erica' be Hoved music. Based on incid ent in Kern'" life, the production is ,one of th e m t l avi sh, tar-studded pc tac1es ever- devoted to the life and work of one c6mpo er. The picture stars J une Al1 yson, Lucille Br mer, Judy G ar!'and Kathryn Grayson, Van Joh~ so n, I An gel,a Lan bury, Ton y Martin, Virgini a O'B rien, D inah Shore, Frank inntra and Robert Wal ker, th e pi ture was 0 great in it ope th at th e f irst day f ound it , h tin !!,




HOUSEHOLD GOODS, APPLIANCES Combination Radio & Reoord Players; Electric Irona; 'Pyrex , Ware; Ele,c tric Sweepers; Electric Toasters; Lamps; Metal Tables; Chairs; Home , Fre,~zer~ Records and Albums .



$8,000.00 STOCK



Friday, July 11, Veteran of For,eign W ar ; X ni a. Sunday, Jul y 13, St?rm ~i n g . Friday July 1,8, Wright FIel d. . unda ' July' 20, Bink al e . Frida y,! July 2 5, Frigidaire.






AI••a ,ATLAS LATHE complete With motor and bench

For the ' sohbalt gam'e to be ROOFING - FENCE pl ayed as tht! opening feature HARNESs - PIPE of the 'Fourth of ,Jul y celebra-: ""':183-11M6ti on being held at the High Ralph Eden- FAIRLEY HARDWARE CQ. Sc hool groun,ds " ., Phone 2441 - WAYNESVILLE. 0, f iel d reports th followmg, l me, . up for the two teams: . ,

Terms of Sale: CASH

t)-:-'~-- l- ' - ' - ' - '-' -----~-""'l

Black~o,. ,D~iveways Road

O ,it ,and . Tar



Sale Conducted by



Resurfacing and Dri:veway Recoating

,F R E E,


·E S T 1 MAT E



. B. B~ STROIJD QakwOod

• __ il .

Avenue ' L£BANON, OHIO , Phone '221 -L

_ 1• •• a_ I . II .

_ p _ . _ b _ a _ a _ . _ ~· _ D _ a . a



I _~

. .._ _. .



~ ,~_


~_~_ '



_.....; a.....u ___,~ ,_ ~!!P'_.~1IIIIt!!~~-----"------~_iI!'l ,


. . . __

~ CAJN, Clerk ~ _ ~.,~_



her dead -ra n in-

State Grange To Confer De:grees

The Miami Gazette ESTABLISHED 1850 ?ubllshed

Every Thursday by VA VISSON PRESS FLOYD L , DAVISSON, EdItor I:nr.ered as Second CI866 Ma Lter at the Po6t OW.:!


-s ub6crlp - --Ion- Rates: ----$1.50 - -per--Ye:u,--, In- Advance ---' Nationa l Ad vertising Repr~sentati v es Ohio 'w eeklies, Inc., 2465 W. Broad Street, Colum bus 4, Ohio '

GARDEN CLUB TO HAVE PICNIC JULY 10 'I'll- ~jtrllen l:Iub Pi ni will be held at the l :i Fri n Is m eting housl:, July 10 witll a pi ni dinner at n n, t il h one i to bring i\ vere j di;.:h 'Ul i 'andwiche' ,

tra ric h lida .. Ha e you '? \\,i ll you take -it ~a :luring thi! llilliday period? And wi ll you r " . an offi ial dum!, he safet_ -m inlied en ugh t at d outh of town n.:ar wa tch ut f r th 'uy who i l1't rmila.'e Grav 'l Pit. n ther teran ' dl ag d in ha z· i in " Hun "'ry H 110w," Wilh While you ardbu iv il i:1n C' ul :lti on - art: ,th e e tw o h ilitie avail ahk cover ct hy the fu ll am unt f f r th di position f ruhl ish, their G. J. in urance with n tin can - et '., we till have in 'x tra pr~l11iu m harge, ac ordur mid. t p r n who are t ing t \ . ip,', n idl:r:t .. I (J lh ' r t( u e them. Th'ey mu h prefer t ju-t 'p u h th ir rubl i h ff in th ' it\ "-ditch al IF th ' ountry . roads. Tho e who work n 1hl! 'e ra j , espe'ia lly in the , ' mow ing f we d ' are compd lTw nty-ei ht W arr n C uned to r move this makrial 11e- tians are among th . 47 -tuf r the y an amplet th eir dent enr II d at Wil mingt n jo~ . Not only ~ thi prolie e . r ummel' ch 01, ml 'cu , u jl1mpll~g f \ya te . ' ulle ye fiieial ' annulin ed t mat nal , au - I~. I~V ,nl 11 . 1! day. T hi rty-fiv Ohio un i s, t th.e road work I s, It I al a '13 ot her ta tes and 5 f rl!i n a nll,lsan e. to til wJ; ha v ollntr,i s are rep res nt ' d b. prop~rty ,dong the ligh t f th is summer' tUl' t body, wa~ , If ,the?n who ,dump ·they dis 10 ed . th Ir r tuse 111 th 'e pia e . ~ , . ,_ wer to have 'L load placed a. The summer -, I ,m. at 10 11 th 'ir prop rty (i f th ey. mm ton Colle~~ I II Ided II1t he e any ) th w uld be th e !~vo t 7rms f tl ~e w k each. first t I11plain. The kind of I h ,fIr ~ ter'!l Will nct July 12 , persons \Vh will do a thin al~ d reglstratJ n for th e s con :t xlike ~ his are li ke house ke pers ~vl l1 he on M. nday July 14 . who w ep dirt un der the rug. r he coli ge W ill clo ,e for the GALA MUSICAL SHOW AUCTIONEERING T his- is ,a nice co mmunity. It' umm r on Augu t 1 ~ . COMING JUl.Y 5th• . STANLEr and KOOGLER ' Optometric Eye ~pec~alist ha nic p ' p l ~ . 'rhe • en ry in . Student, from. thl C?m!llUEverythin O' I, int to a hi hDODae LlCDfU 26 South Detroit Street the ar a is .as beautiful as can D1ty now att ndmg Wllm1l1g" Iy entertain e I . evenin g f r ror Data. Pboae .... W&JD.Wt1De. be found in allY sp t in the tgn ,College are : Patricia Be~m , -hautauqua on , aturctay, July XENIA, OHIO Oblo. ~v.... 0buIreI country. It is possible that some Russell Thompson, and Hnrnett 5. A big cast, SI ark ed y 3 wellper ons do not consid r these Walk r, all f Mason ; Eug ne, known professional arti ts, and th in s wh en they deliberately Brissey, Jean tt e Th omp on including the entire Youth pill their filth along the roa i- and Nelso n W adsworth, all of Gr up of hiloh C ngregati nat Side wh er th o e wh c m an :l L e ba ~ o n ; Alm a Dar , Elberta Christian Church will pre~ nt go have to 10 k upo n it ? Evi- D avi, Pauline Garri n. ami an ex iting, fa t mavin ', dently there are uch per 'ons O rin Souther, all of Morrow; l augh-packed mu ical review. Directin,g a n~ M. C' ing thi ~ and we are heartily a ham d to ~I(l.j: nce D av ~ , P~ ul. <;Jith ens, .know th yare in our midst. W e r.h oma Harct m, Vlrgll11a Har- c:-x tra p e~la l Chautauqua t r at, h pe th at in the future th ey ' dm, Joseph Hartsock, Jos ph , IS the Wid ely kn own comedy ' will use th e aBated rl ae s f r Hileman, Anna Hoak, Fallis tea m ' f "Iu ui, wil e an the di po ition of their trash. Paine, and Edwyna Stant rth, Mall e." On the! musical . nd of , ••• , .all of Waynesvill e; Glen Frost things, th e sparkling show will In th e c or p 0 r a t Ion 0 f oj r., Harveysb urg; Mary Mo s, feature ' Henry Lang, p o pula~ W aynesv ill we have anoth er Elizabeth Cl ark, Oreg-oni a; composer and pianist. peci e of individual, the gar- Ruth Kadle, Margaret Dean, Thi s profe slanal threeso me bage-burner. The Village has and Beatrice Wilson', all of will be supporfed by many talth e very efficient ga rbage , pick- Franklin; Daniel Heisler, Ava enu:d teen-agel's including Dale up s r,vice for the convenience Conover, and D,onald Taylor, Keighley, b ri11i~nt yqung maof all citizens. They have only all of Cozaddale. , gician, who h ~\ffle even him" self ; Pat Marshall; sen sation~l t place their garbag,e cans out where it can be p iek ~d up , and • BEAD TBB OLA8Smm AD.8 • comediel)ne, whO gets gales Of emptied. Yet our nostrils are ,...__-----.-.--:-~------~__ constantly as ailed with the stench of ~urning garbage, es- . p ecial1y on a wet; damp evening. It smells so sweet.

Fairly Familiar bt EFFELDEE

Many LIN oca ames On 'College Roll


Dr. C. E. Wilkin


Firestone Tractor .

WATCH YOUR STEP, YOUR DRIVING, YOUR SAFETY Another Fou'rth of July is coming. Pun ; e x cit e men t ; thrills galore; and people killed and hurt in a senseless accident spree! Will that be th e story again this year, as it has been i,n various degrees in the past? Will .we again make a mockery of our ~el ebration of our independence ? There are more cars than ever, new ones and old ones, to take to the road and roU up a record mileage. And there is th e contagious c~ refre e feeling of pe~cetim e and relatively pro s p e'r 0 u 3 , timef." B,ut perhaps, says the Ohio ' State 'Safety Council, 'American motorists have learn:ed something from previous



Tir1 es f

All , Sizes All Styles





Ashmead Sohio Service

North Main St.

... ,. ....

• • • • • • jII • • • • •



• h th will l e h ifer . His foreca ts on the matter ar ' fr quently right. If th e pro\" SU ,in thi ' '[1 e, sO l11 el hin ~ will ha " to I'e du ne. W e hav' t~ q wish to ~() int th ' mi klltl-ine and an ywa y th e harn wi ll III Id n t1\ re w: . (Editorial from th " \ all _ treet J ourn al )

2r'J .JeJge D. 'J. Fraiser


• • •

Uncle Bert Shep herd 'is real go d for ,his advan d ago . H will be 9 yea rs Ie) ep teml cr 10 and hi - broth er, Ch:llrl "s with \\ hOm he, li ves will b ~ years old Au g'u t _3. Th e... :1 !" fro m a famil \' noted f r t heL' ad van ed agO -, ' th eir fa lh :' havi ng li v :l t ) 1 near th .: a g-~ of 95 ye ar .


Th mull rrie :t r rip' t1('W

Mr . Charle- Elli an i weI ...· 1 i IU. b ys love them . The hoys go er, Thur day. aruund with th c:i r m uth ·ta :n ' cd deep purple and th e chicken hepherd fa mg-at her in little group undn il y entertain ed rel a tiv ~ fir m D-ayton, und ay. and how th e chi ken ' an i the Paul Mauri

of Dayton sent Saturda aftern o n with their pa rent Mr. and Mr . C. P. Ellis. Mr '. C. P. Elli and Eld n atk nd d funeral servi - , in Xenia,Sun day , p. m. for th ei r cU lI 'in, I.atne.\' J ama on. 01by Burton lI f Ka n a Ci ty i vi : itin ~ hi gran iparent . Mr. and Mr -. Charley \\ atkin ' and th er r lalive' .

Sew-So 4-8 Club

Juni or Gruber of Mi hi an i visiting hi aunt, Mr . Hazel Gruber and famil y.

ne new 111 ' mb ' r, ~ u :til th! Ha rlan. We are I m et at Mr . Klontz, July 2 a l I ;00 f r :t lub tour f th e alumhia ReOr j ingo Every nL! i - t hrillg th~i r wn sa nd wi hI? - and a overe I ish . July 1 H i th C unt.v Cluj I ur. eu ·t- I rc ent: Mary J :li1 L! M Mill an. Next t11~etin g wi ll h' h I I at Mrs . Klont z, 'I~ hu rs ia. July ~ , at 2 ; . Club members who will take part in til pr gram for the nex t 111 ' tin r are ; 'n mi Jane /3lW tnn, Patty Br' wn. make

L e Ame and wi fe f Mar· tinsvill e were unday vLit r of Mr. and Mr . Frc I Hoo k.


Ernest Martin and wife uf Dayton were call r at the Hoo k home un ia)' aft ' rn' , n.



w re

rland have omplet > 'er vic s avail ahl in ever pri c ran RI.' . -

Warren Mr. and Mrs. Holme and R grand Mr., and

STUBBS Funeral


HE IFER URII::.U a In ' time all th

r: ,:: b -

~~~I l~ir~~li O~vathi~fa~n~o~~o~~

ne,.~onaf n' 0le6



Mr' . Ro day callet's f Mr. and Mr. . Orland H Irne a\lct dau ht r . . ~•• _ _ _ ~_J.._--,--c. Mr Mr 'T PhauleRa > tMr iller ,ii, . .


IT'S' . 'j

but i,t. had an ajva,nta e not , - ' a pr lat d .at th ~ time. Mi s Mi ri~ m .I hn n ()f ynless one is tt~ the ca ' Wa ne 'vill M nda bu me ' and eq utpped, WIth v ~in \\ ith Lan ora g -tr ng pen, there I 1l I (l vel ~ 4 Glatnour , and e ite-' tlju lion ao ut what .1 do with . Y ment f th~ W -t in th fron• it Y ung bull. 'you 11 him Mi tanley of ti r day in thl swift movin g, qui kiy ' f re he grows . lars W aynesvill ~ spent unday 'with fa t hootin~ we tern. INSUR~llJCE n ul.I'h to play r ugh. everal M' Lan ra Lovely of Ridge- The Fighting FrontiersmllD1\11 pe pie h av~ told u th at an Charles Starrett and Smiley angr w I much mol" dan- VI . I Burnette. Also : Girdon Bacon and fami l Boston Blackie and the Law gerous han ~n angry bull and th at ~ ,ullflg~t r w_ ut tak and Miss Mary Jean i~ i key are with Cheater Moms, Trudy A r of that 1eaks will, s 'oner r l ater, re ult in c tl th e Itbertte.s WIth a c w th~f p J1 Hn g a m nth a ati n at Marshall ~ repair bi ll. When ' roofin your new building or repairin r he takes With a bull. It may L!e th Bpcon <;abin at the Bra n' th old on ,do th j ob right. If you're din. th -> j b)1 )Ur~ ~ so, . But cows are usually ~lacld ,ford Harbo r beach at New . 6 A feast for your eyes, 7 self, let 'us furnish the roofing. Call tod ay l or an I? ttln at . ~ .while bulls seem chr011lcally Haven Conn. a treat for your car .. and th e I h rt-tempereq. . Mr. I Bacon and Diane 'went kind '. of, heart-warmll1g sto(y W h n t~le , began. to by auto, driving through Tu ' - you'll want t hear. •• ~. PI' d~ce heIfers, It was dec.lde,d day an 1 Wednesday and Mr. Till The Clo,uda Roll By Phone 2281 WAYNESVILLE, OI:UO to raIse and not sell th em. rht Bacon Bonnie and Miss Ri cke (Techl1lcolor) t ~ t wa n th~ theory th at they w nt 'by . airplane Thursday with R~bert Walker, Judy ~-;.===-.-==='=-===-===--=..: c uld be r~lsed -ea Ily and sO,l d from Vandalia airport. Carland and an All Star Cast. o!\ a. ~ows w.tth a profit. But the , . PluS: Late t M,ovietone ~ ews. dlfftculty IS. that when people Chari s Maurice and wtfe en--,- - - raise an am!11 a1 , they ~ecome tertained to a family picnic . 9 He slashes ht way to 1~ attache~ to It and don t want dihner at the Waynesville nche~ and revenge. A wash to sell It. , . • wimming ' and fishing pool on ' buck,l1l1g tal of scape from ,There' is a "elfer that th Sunday. Those , present were DeVIl s Island. . • The Return of Monte Cnll to 'farm manager' nursed through Mr ~Od Mrs. V rnon Mauric an illness in her ~alfhood and and Butch, Mr. ' and Mrs. Willi I with Louis Hayward" Barl~ara . he,does not like fo ' e}l. her. She . Maur ice and Donnie and Dickie Britton, George Macready, Una has a younger half-Sister ~nd and Mr. _and Mr . I?aul Mau- O'Connor. Also; Color Cartoon I tile argument agamst selhng rice. . and Musical ' Short. her is that she has always been so healthy. This makes a cleci-. . , .: sion difficult. • ., . . The animal that ought to be '-.' . '. . / sold is a 'dish-faced, kn ockkn eed Jersey and, she co ul ~ be Now it can be told! The numper of times we have to sold quite easily. But the farm say, f4Sorry, 'We don't have it" is becoming fewer evety manager _ pOints o~t that she BUILDINGS (HUULS AUTOIIOIILES LlAlILITY . day . .Yes, things are ulooking-up." We're getting shipf6110ws him around like a dog ments almost every day of implements and parts that and sometimes looks over hi have been so. hard to get the last few years. So come in shoulder to see what he is doin the Ohio Parmen will lift ~ bro.d pIOCeCtioc;a aphut laue. anytime for parts and repairs .. • in most cases we'll be illg. W e know she .does that OQ JOur lanD. Ie amn buUdiap, JOUr c:batteIJ, JOur automobile' able to take care of your needs. and JOur 'JJabWty for acddeatl to ocben. Wh,' DOC ... UI coda'?, because she has done it to us and it is not at all the .kind of Yoa _ _ J,QU.... ale ...... JOG',, ' iDsured ill .... Ohio P~!






W B Madden .,- Co


JI - ,.




We're Well Stocked ...

"4-WAY .a•••••URaNCI"


lui D. kin'- Insurance AgencJr

Rog~rs& Simpson

we particuB-a' lan artyexperience cherish. that However, th e farm manager likes it and ttiere ' 'is ,' certainly' no good . ~ , " P~on~ l~,. ~O~. ~ulberrY;~B~~ON~ ~reason to 'deny him such simple INlUUNCI CO_Alft' pleasures. , The~e are two calves ,Ciue in ' ,' . .... ~o;-o ~ ~~ PHONE 2341 · WAYNESVILLE C>HIO the not .distant future and the II..,",-!,,"";=~~~~_ _ _~__-.~~~~iiiiiii ~_'" farm . manager predicts . that - - - ,..;.. _ . _.- _._ :_ - ' -~ 'IIIIIP~_~-=>)IIIi· -.


'OHIO "' •• , . '. ,



.AIMIU·._._m . .


Tracter. Sales


• student; Eunice Assum, 19, Morrow, cl rk. Charles Young, Lebanon, acover to t hat country und l' thl:' Roo eVE!lt Lend-LeAse countant. Laura Banta, Lebanon, program. Incidentally, Russia has refused to return hou sekeeper. these Lend-Lease vessels to the United States, or to James A. Wright, 36, Cincinna, make any accounting therefor. ti, 0., enginner; Joan Marie TenkConfidential reports which have reachEld Con- man 25, Ma on, order clerk. gressional committees to the ef&Ct that many milEdward King, 20, Franklin, lions of dollars worth of American automobiles, beaterman; hristina McFarland, trucks and hauling tractors are in the process Of 16, Franklin. Daniel A. Rainey, 20, Lebanon, delivery to Yugoslavia will result in an undercover investigation of the whole matter. Ii the reports farmer; Dorothy F. Hobson , 18, are true, Congressioaal action to stop such ship- Leba non. VAulty qeele, 19, Franklin, facments can be expected, for these cars, trucks and tory worker; Betty Marie Walker, hauling tractors would be of especial benefit to the 18, M iAlllisbufg factory worker. communist armiesof Yugoslavia's Tito whenever it , Junior Willis, 19, Franklin, labis decided to invade Italy or Greece. orer; Mary Hip her, 16 Franklin, pre el'. Delbert Lovelace, 27, MiamisOn Wednesday of last week the House Committee on Expenditures in the Executive Departments lllet bmg, press operator; Lela Mae and favorably reported H. R. 776, 11 bill by your Stultz, 24, Franklin, factory workhumble reporter for the establishment of a bi- er. William F. Kinner, 22, Lebanon, partisan commission of twelve members to make laborer; Nevah Jones, 16, Lebanon. a special study and survey of all of the divisions of Tlieodol'e G. Hall ted, 27, Lebathe Executive Branch of the Government for the non, mechanic; Dorothy Poff, 30, purpose of promoting efficiency, economy and better' Lebanon, nUl' e. public service. On Thursday the bill passed the House by unanimous vote. On Friday it WIlS taken from PROBATE the Calendar of the Senate and passed unanimously. The ' state of Delbert D. McIt is now on the desk of the President, who is exClanahan deceased, inventory,made pected to approve it. and approved.

WITH A BUCKEYE IN CONGRESS Members of Congress generally believe that the Taft-Hat;tley Labor Reform Bill, enacted over the President's veto last week, has sufficient teeth to permit the Government to quickly deal with any nation-wide co'al strike, or any general strike, should either develop. However, if the President and the Attorney G.eneral report legal inability to meet the situation, the ongress will immediately amend the new Labor Law so as to make certain that all needed power and authority are given t he Chief Executive und hi s assistants to take care of any emergency which may arise. Support for Ohio's Senator Robert A. Taft for the Republican Presidential nomination has increased amazingly as a result of the masterful way in which he guided the Labor Reform Bill through tbe Senate, in the Conference Committee meetings between the House and Senate, and the legislative maneuvering le.ading up to the overriding of President Truman's veto of the measure. Political leaders of both parties agree that the new labor reform legislation, and the Pre ident's veto, will be a major issue in tbe 1948 campaign. Taft's devastating radio addr~ss in answer 10 the President's nation-wide broadcast on the Labor Bill, and his great speech on the Flpor of the Senate just. before the vote to override the veto was taken, have proven him to be one of the most effective public speakers and debaters in present day American life. Incidentally, almost every daily neWspaper in the United tates has strongly condemn II President Truman's veto and veto message on the /Labor Bill, while praising the position an-d the statements of Senator Taft. President Trumall lias vetoed another bill passed by the Republican Congress. This time it was a bill to permit higher tariffs and import controls to protect American farmers and wool producerS ~gainst flooding the American mark~t with foreign' wool at prices far below the present cost of wool production here ·in the United States. The President contended the '''Bill would have an adverse effect upon our international relations," but failed to say anything about the adverse effect his veto would have upon the sheep o,!"ers of this country. However, if the Democratic party lines hold in the Congress, it will be impossible to get the two-thirds vote necessary to ove-r ride the veto; , . Gasoline will be .rationed by the refiners . to filling stations, and in tum by the filling stations to tbeir customers, in more than a dozen mid-west States, as a result of the ~owing shortage. The Army and Navy are having difficulty ' in obtaining enougb gasoline and oil for their purposes. At the same time it is reve"led that bundreds of thousands of barrels of gasoline ' and oil are bejng shipped out of this country to Russia in tankers and oth.erships turned


NEW SUITS Elmer Ellenbarger vs . . Flp,..en~e Ellenbarger, divorce, gross neg1ect; Maple and Maple, attorneys. Irene V. Azzlmg vs. Russell Thpmpsori, for money only; amount claimed 'J183.9Q, .Carl W. Norman, attorney. '


Clarence J. Brown

The will of Arch Coleman, dereased, hearing set ~or June 30, H)47 at 10:00 a. m. The estate of John W. Cox, deceas'd, Karl M. Brown appointe~ executor. The estate of oYotlll W. Cox, decea ed, J. W. Goddard, J. A. Schilling and G. F. Brown appointed appraisers. The estate of Anna Ayers , deceased, inheritance tax determined. Th estate of Nancy J. Shurts, deceased, W. W. Shurts, executor fil ed hi First and Final Account. The Trust·created by the will of Anna Ayers, deceased, Mildred Ayers Behm appointecJ tru tee. The estate of Martha A. Hollin gsworth, deceased, hearing on inventory et for 16th day of July. Th will of Clarence Elmer Gaskill, deceased , will admitted to probate. The settlement 0 th state of W. S. Holbrook, decea ed, estate exempt from inheritance tax. The estate of Eva Francis Lewis, deceased, inventory approved. The estate of John R. Myers, deThe estate of Clara B. Van ceased, certificate of Transfer orFormer Congressman and former Governor of Doren, deceased, inventory made dered. , Massachussetts, James M. Curley, who resigned his and approved. The e tate of Effie Rickher, de~ seat in the House to become Mayor of Boston, a position which he had held several times previously, was sentenced in the United States District Gourt here late last week to serve a six to eil~hteen mot:lths OFFER jail sentence on mail fraud charges g~rowing out of SATISFACTORY his connection with wa.r contracts. The sentence clmle after a plea for ~ercy by his attorne,ys, because of SERVICES the declining health of the long time New England AT ALL TIMES Democratic political boss, was flatly I'ejected by the Federal Judge, Justice Proctor. Thus the mighty , has fallen.


~dlI1urr 1JjUUela{ .~ome

Dial 2111 Waynesville, Ohio That the House of Representatives practices what it preaches bas been proven by its siction late last week in bringing in an appropriatioln bill slashing ~:;:::::;::::::=:;;:::::::;:::~J the budget for the Legislative Branch by 28 per cent . I


tio:h!~~~St~ec:~:~~:b!a:~g:o:r !~~~~~a::rt::~;~ of Government.

' .

It has been decided by Congressional lellders of the House and Senate to adjourn this, session of the 80th Congress on July 26th or 26th. The usual legislative jam, which always comes at the end of the session, is now , developing:"'::all of which means harder work and longer sessions fo,r tbe nation's weary legislators. ,

fGh~;';~-DQtc;l -




DIAL 2834



Super-Six Hydraulic Manure Loaders

COMMON PlEAS Donald W. Foulks vs. Eleanor Foulks, hearing set for Monday, THE HANDIEST TOOL FARMER EVER HAD 1uly 14, 1947, e.t 1:30 p. m. Sta'te of Ohio vs. Fred Monds, ' notice to surety ordered. Donald Foulks ' vs. Katherine L. Foulks, plaintiff to pay defendant sum of $7.60 per week. ' Plaintiff . BUY NOW. Don't wait till fall. It may be t04e» late. , granted visitation of' , children. Plaintiff owes defendant $600.00 ' ~~~~~....c"-'''-''~''''~~~.-....-..-....c''''' '''''''''~~''''4.;# back allowance. In the matter of the appropriation of an easement for highway purposes over the lands of Eva L. MacDonald et at etc., trial s~t. ~or Thurs<Jay, July 10th, 1947 at 9:80 o'clock a. m. Goldie L. Snider vs. Norman B. ~ . Snider; ,service by pUblication or- , dered.



Grain and Hay Elevators .








Your new tires take an awful beating . •• belOre you ever use them . . . ·if they are mounted by ,the old-fuhioned m~od of hammerinq. Play safe! Don't take' chances on having your valuable new tires damaged when they are " mounted! We mowd tires the modem way ••• \ltith the Modem Tire Changer ., •• ..w, aDd qutckbr. eam. ill UIci 1M • demoamatkm. "


FOR . Any '~ake or 'J m~d, e'll ]

MARRIAGE 'LICENSES Richard ' Pursley, 22, Franklin, farmer, Hattie Jane ' Deardo.f f, 21, Franklin, nurse. Gerald G. Hopkins, 20, Morrow,


'Fred Kahn ,M,o tor Car. ~o. PHONE all LEB~NQl~, :0810 . '"




.Grpa, ~S.rvice Stores, ' In~. , PHONE 520


LEBANON, 0':110



Page 7, The MIAMI GAZETTE The estate of Paul Kahn, de- drew J. and Lora E. Sabo, 0.20 M r, and Mr. J o~ Haro\\'ski in to wi th \1'. an ! 1'\,,"5, . Jame Wa ne viII " hi, No, 4 2 ceased, gross value of estate is a c r~s in Franklin twp. and Mis Marci a im son f L ve l ' an j jau ht 'r f I{id YcTHUR DAY, JULY 3, 1 -17 $3~12 .93. , . Harry Smith to James H. and Lebanon pent Sa turday ' ven - vi ll e. . , he estate o.f Wilham S. Long,. Margaret May Stiles, 0.30 acres

cel\sed, hearing of inventol'y set for July 9, 1947 at 10:00 a. m. The estate of'. W iI da S outhar, d deceased, hearing of inventory set for July 16, 1947 at 10:00 a. m. The estate of Harry Bailey, deceased, inventory approved. The estate of flo. B. Monfort, deceased, inventory approved. The estate of Carl J. Miller, deceased, inventory, approved. The estate of Mary C. Woodward, deceased, inheritance tax determined. The estate of Marg'a ret M. Reed, deceased, Joseph D. Reed and Fred Reed, executors filed first and final account. The estate of John Knapp, deceased, E. W. Knapp and J. L. Knapp administrators, filed first ' and final account. The estate of William R. Eisele, a minor Arvie Abrams is authorized to pay $500.00 as a settlement ,of a claim for damages for per!lonal injuries sustained by William 'R. Eisele: The estate of John Sheets, deceased, will admitted to probate; My ron Sheets and l ola Wade appointed executors; Ed· Kesling, Charles Fitts and Clinton Gilpin appointed appraisers. "" Th e es tate 0 f EI va ,tl. Runyan, deceased Wi11iam P Stt'tt appoint , •. . ed administrator; D. E. Heywood, Walter E. Chesney and Earl Thompson appointed appraisers. The estate of Edith M. Walker, decen ed, the report of Frank C. Anderson, Commissionet, ordered approved. '1 Th e es t at e 0 f H arry B al ey, deceased, Mellie Bailey, administratrix, ordered to sell certain personat ~~oP~rty. e estate of Isadora War~, deceased, 'Kenneth N. Hough, exec~ !~~:;ee:ut:r:. and attorneys . fees p

~eceased, .Marvm E, Young, admin- in Wayne twp.




distri utive . ,ceou.nt.




I t you kn w we are now .,




H ave' M ove. ' 'd .. - I littJ t,

Thi ' i ju t a remind r It in our new tocati n on

SIL,V ER SHIELD SILOS, All te » , m, IsturL' pl' l f, air- tight, ii r ~ ro f, wlI1dpr If. rl tl' l'oo f, ea:i ly r ct 'd . Wh y pay 111 111' • Get the I t I' 'as JIl


.,~~...........- _ l _~~~'-"-~~..-.c-~~~. . •

IW e



Intosh, 20 acres in Harlan twp. Mi M nimia Bunnell toMyren and Clal'a CI~mons to~ gether with Mrs N G B nn ell mont and Warren Counties. . • • 1LI W'lli Add'I.son, Ch arI es an d of Lehan n, Mrs. Margaret 1 am, B • Amiel P. Shulaw, 127 acres in, Cler- unn ell, Mr. Charles , haw, Lizzie Glasscock to Albert Urton Pet r an I Pe Ygy haw of Ea t 100. acres in Salem twp. 'David R it were luncheon Helen Wood' to Floyd P. and gue ts at h Golden Lamb n Ruth Hale, 81.90 AI 6 called 0111 Mi -'CreeR twp. . ,r J o i Williams at th e Moll Donald and Aulcie Etter to An- Harm on Home. ,


·B: e:fO~'~rl ~ ~l~~SC SJ~~ CB~C~~i~~ i you huy, drop a card to



A/ 'nt i nl' Clayt ull &. Lamllel'! M anu· fa tUJ'in ~ ' ., Mi iii to \'11 , hi I



ACROSS F,ROM THE GRANGE HALL ust 85 the re'reshing b.-eezy eftect ot an ele(:tnc veotilating fao brings comfort and relief from summer heat in the home, 10 it brings cooling relaxation to farm animal. and poultry in their buildings. 10 the poultry house, aD electric ventilating fan protectl the health of the flock by preventing ~xces­ live moisture. OIl Iti11 euIuy days, when every Dying tbiog droope with the heat, an electrle ventilating fao aid. health and powtb and good egg production recoftb by . . . . the hen,t th. eooUng eomfott of



Y u will fin

we can show y u a compl ete lin e of:


Waynesville Furniture & AppUance [ompan ' y South Main St.


Phone 2422



~~.-c~_ D _ I _I_ D _~....,_ a _ U _Q_a_n_._D..-c_n_~~+:

1~~ovIa••. ,


Ivery dalrJman knows that k~g,cows COlli; fortabl. eacou.raps top production of mille. Elec· trie ftOdladoo la the dairy bam uses o01y about / kw per t:OfI per month during the hot weather , '





AD elecafc ftDdlating fao abo prorectl milk f~ ~rblDa .u-borD1 "ofMiavon" by removlag Odon ftocQ. the bam and milk howe along with th. nh'uited hoc ai!,



SatUrday, July 12, ~1947' Look for 'the ' "Sign of The Flying Red Horse"




S OUth M' ' t aln. Stree

Announcing Opening .0~ J

~~~.~~~~ .~ I ~~' ~~~~.•

Istr(ltor, II\ventory approved. , . . The estate of E M El nest and J enme Lacy to Archie merson ason, d I ' deceased, Lee Mason, executor, the an Rose la Bettker, 0,65 aCll'es III 19th day of July, 1947, at 10:00 a, Way ne twp. m" set for hearing on inventory,. William B. and Mattie E, t'eighton to Charles R. a NI 1\1iltil'ed Tumble on, 0.31 acr!! in W a~ Ie REAL ESTATE TR AN SfER twp. Gilbert Smith to Albert S. KinLu thel' lll:cJ Gol di e Welc' h to );olie and Grace Powell, 106 acres ney, 4,54 acres in S. Leqanon. The Basham Realty Co. to in Washington twp, E li zabeth and Claude E. Begley, George Whi taker to Ruth Meyer 75.65 acres in Hamilton twp, Whitacre, 100.44 acres in Union Richard Freeze to James C. t wp. Brewel', 0.39 acres in Washington , Bruce a nd CQrnelia Nel!ll to twp. George M, and Helen C. Phi11ips, Lloyd and Ethel Miller to Fk>yd 1 lot in Lebanon. and Barbara Charlton, 7 lotS. in Ha'rold G. Sabin to Haro,ld K. Loveland. S orter , 1 Iot m ' Leb anon. John and Merle Murphy to WaltJohn L, and Billie Y. Hufford er H. and Florence A. Neufarth, to Della Hufford, 0.342 acres in 2 lots in Deerfield twp. Turtlecreek twp. Mary Elizabeth Adams, Amelia Irma and Reva Stum p to Clhester Gordon, a nd Evelyn Masters to L. and Miriam L. Barton , 1 acre in Blanche Carr, 2 lots in Harveys- Wayne twp. burg. ' Irma and Reva Stump to C'linton Glenn Erwin, BUn, also known W. and Hazel D. Elam, 1 acre in as G. E. Blinn to Frank and MYrtle Wayne twp. Shoemaker, 77.23 acres in ClearGeorge Newbiggin to Anna A creek twp. Snider, 24 lots in Loveland Park. Grace McCune to R. L. and Mattie Hawkins, lot in Waynesville. Bertha Gray by administrator Stella Young to James and Ed- Edgar A. Ludlum, to Champ C. Brown and William T. Hardwick, monda Ware, 1 lot in Franklin. 1 lot in Morrow. Charles D. and Mae Cook to J. Charles Edward Hill by adminisLee and Lorene Talmage, 0.65 tratrix, Beatrice Lane, to lRobert acres in Wayne twp. nnd Louella S. Gheen, 1 lot in . Major J. and Edna Frederick to Maineville .. _ _ _ _ __ Bronson Bailey and John E. ' Mc-

The ' estate of M. Corwin Drake, deceased, Carrie M. Drake appointed executJiix; Bert Holmes, Ernest Evan. and B~rt appointed apprRI"crs, Will admitted to probate. In the: matter of the will of Charles H. Holaday, deceased, will admitted to probate. " The estate of Mary K. Hone, deceased, inheritance tal!; determined. The estate of , Mary Kroener Schoenebaum, dacealed, inheritance tax determinne4. , The esta~ 01 Eva V. Ball, deceased, inheritance tax determined. The es~te of TolnA. Wood, deinberitance tax The estate of Inez W.: Craig, deceased, Herscbel M. Williams, adml~ltrator, filed firat, final and



- 1_._- I .



'or IOWlCI acIM OD th. ate of electdc.eo~. -lana for...,. mmfort .1D JOU home aocI bluer p1'06~ oo ' Joaf Iatm. ' ~ ~ ~ ApII~ Apat. or die ,' um RtptellDcadft of The Da~ ~ , '" UP' Campau1 reniD& JOUI




• • CLASSIFIED AD BATES • • OLEAN RAG8 WANTED-- MUST words or leII& one time. .. .• •• ~ be free or buttons. pins and hock s. Each add1tonal word •••••••••••• 1c No curtains Or sUk hO~e a ccepted . SPECIAL BATES by CON'l'BACT Be. t prices, Oall 2143,


BUDGET NOTICE 'ol ict' i. he r 'by giv en Ih at

LoanaFEDERAL LAND BANK LOANS : For Ref1nanclIlg - Rebu1ldiDg Buying. 4'70 Farm loana with long Qme to pay. Pay part or all any

\.1me. LEBANON NAT'L FARM LO<\N A8S'N·, ElUs H. Sturm. SedyTrelU!.. Lebanon. Ohio. P h one 448 tc

Real Eatate For Sale-IF YOU HAVE ,A PROPERTY OR FARM 'TO SELL CaU or Write Oon He.l lderson. Tel. KE3446, 617 Lora~Ave., Dayton, Ohio. tfc

a publi hea ring on th I,udg ·t of th ' Village of Wa yne -ville, Wa rren Counly. hi , a - I r , pared b_ Ih ' Council will be held at the Coun il Chamhe r at 6: 30 P. M. hio tanda rd Tim on th e f url e 'llth da v of Jul v 19 4 7. - ' W arren Bradj k M:l vor Chari J am ' ' Ie rk - 7-3 t

"A tuly f infant d at hs 'n hi o 5h wei Ih al in th Ii " ye ar pc;riod pre eJin ~ N\a 'h -19 -t 6 m re th all .1 - , 00 0 infalll ' un d 'l' n e y ea r of ag-c dkd. In three citi es f th e late, Ih e inf ant lath ra t ' wa s k s' Ih an 2 0 per 1,< OQ.b irlh ' hut in ;t num ber of ar ' as, 111 0 tl y rural, 111 .. ra te ' xceeded 60. " T he m ' (l i 'al p e rsll nn ~ 1 fa 'ilit ies in rural area - il re very in ad equ ate. A re ·.ent -urve y iiI O hio h th e Ohi o Medical A -:)w ~f t~~ 13 0~,I '?_ f ·I: r u s~ . e:: .. ~J f cia ti n- hrou rhl 10 Ii " I~t Ih e ~ c I. U ?~I_C Af_f/III _; _or ,tl ~~rll.ll ~ ~ fa cl ' : chLL k Ll ll . ' lll {) 1 ~,c..:11 1 I .In,k , (~ ­ it guarani Ihal II l l: e hid 1<lcy ' pt~ j , a c nl raCl will he. 'nt erd mto an i it p~ r f Ur Jl1 ill ICe p,r pc..:r ly . -e ·ured. h uld al~ y 1' 1-\ b ~ r eJ~Lt ' I : uch ( he..: k Will te f orth wllh retu rn ed ILl th e t' i I j 1', • Ild -h ukl :\ 11_ ' ill l " a ' cp t 'd .: uch 'h eck \\' 111 l)e 1'.. : tume i up Jl1 l I t' ~ lu pe r t' xe..:ution and ~ cC ur i l~I '" I( h' CU Il-

co. 1 10 Ih ' nt ra I r, :t n-I in-Iall d h the ' lm tra ch 'r : (I) 1 tio lin-. it. f 4 in. cast iron h 11 anli spi Il il_e, fl I' 1: 0 h . I sq. in. rr e ~ me, in I ft. k ngth s; (:!) IIHe " t ) f our in h ( -t in.) i l\ m t, ,dy V i Iv :: with bell nd ·. Ea h hd l1l U ~ t contain the full name of very I' er ~ n (I I' ompany inl ' resl .: d in th e . am : , and h' :l C oml' anie i hy a bnlhi in th e Ll!11 ( I f one-h alf I ) f III submitted t id to th e s:l l i ~ fa di Ll !1


with rural pI' 'pCI' are a ' . . A me jica l co -t. payment -v tem whi 'h will enahl e all ~ - 'pi e 10 ec ur Ill l j ' rn me I· ical ca re \\'ith III un i ue hu rde n. -t o A ru ral citi ze nry in fon ile,i a - tn \\' l1al co n -titllt es a d ~­ quatc m edical are an d il in\" portan c~ , and a ci ti ze nry iJ nf rmed a t how it call l st e secured for all. 5. Adequ at public h alth ervic e. 6. Increa e j re -ear 11 in Ih..! vari u fiel d f h alth.

PLAY IT SAFE FOR THE GLORIOUS FOURTH Here' a Fourth of July I' hi o , tate mi n er frl)l11 the tif ty COllll il: It co ·t many live twin ur indepen en dia - alHi to keep ur freed m, t o. But lives 10 t by accident li uring holiday celehration are a n ed l -, ir ni , tra ic waste. Have yo ur fun ; ut tak it ea y and b qlr ful , and 'd - til' cO llntry, yo ur famil y an 1 self a fav r.

CARD OF THANKS We wi -h to In ke thi ll l l'orFOR SALE- • v 11 R 0 111 u f facitlti '- f I' f I L1lli~ly __l:~~ re --!I\ : 1rnB~'i -te l' are 1'': lues\l'd t ) lI'~": tunity Hu e ; e m i -m o d ~ rn; \.0 -a( ur , h~a rt f It th tln~ 'lI~ :i_ :l~ th e printe I f I'm whic h \ 'ill he j In Con\ in_ C nta I M rs. ~ rec l a ll o n for t.h km dnL , ,lll d fUflll -hc,j U11 :l1_' ~\ika ti 11. H. B. M ran. - 7- 17L ~y m pa th y ex ten je j 10 U' 111 ur Th e right i 1" 5 r ell III I' _ reent !l er a . 111,ent. . j e t an y an i all bids. REAL ESTATE B orier t the Board At :illl.: h ll mc..: a ,thi S ?Il e 'T ' FORGET T CALL learn to kn ow and apr rec late T r ll tee ' f Publk . ffa ir . us f r In uranc . All ty ~ f Ih e true va lu of th e aroun i Ch arl !? - J 'IITI Cle rk In uran e at a avin s. all ab ut. J 7 194 7 . dUY, SELL, TRft..DE, BORROW W eI' e ia ll v wi 'h t th ank un I , Francis G ene I3 rown, ph ne t -' - 73 . l"'f USE GAZETl'E CLASSIFIED AD-: Wayn ville ' _ 35 or ca ll Rev. amu I N. Key f r hi c ILect, Wilmin gt n _ 1 11. kind \v rd of ympatli _, f r BUDGET NOTICE ,:.-.-----------,~ .,, - ..... th o e who pre.: 'nle j th man FOR SALEfl ral tri h1,l t 5, th e pa.JIbearer , a PUbtlil,cehi .trll·lne ~ebYn tgl i ve e;1lldt ~a t , i and the Stubb Fun ral Hom " I , 'J t, i , FOS SALE- TWO 1 h ,p . 110 volt f tl ' ff" t as prek' rl:ll tl e B nI'l of i electric motors. General Electrio. or 1 Ir e I I n ervlce . Edu ati n f the Iv'ayne T own- ! 1750 I'lp.m.. excellent concl1t1on, , Mr. uzan canl on I11P ' L "II I 01 Distri t, r Pnice $1750 each. Phone 2143. Mr. an j M t . Fallis Paine' W an ,>t: n . Cl.. Ul1t y, 1 h'o f o r th c.. I ,




Garden Plantl-


FOR SALE - - SWEET POTATO plal'llts. 50c ~ hundred. All k:1OOs of gartl.e.rl .pla.t!rts. 10c per dozen. Ohaa. c. StroUf!C. 1 ~ miles nortli of Wi&ynesvllle, corner of W a.ynesviilt. Ferry and L)o1tJ:e roads. -73

WANTED- M ISC. W A TED TO RENTOR -+ unfurnihe'd r 111. N children. Re ference. Box A, The Miami Gazette. ..J' 3 W AN TED TO RENT-Hou, e In Wayn ,ville chool , Distri t. Re fe ren e, . H. Ki r ~ .. treet. 7·10 d. H Quae h 0 Id G 0 0 FOR ALE- General El ectric Refrig rator; Estate Pyr fax ~ a ;: ' tt e tove; Inquir ' Office. - 7- - -- - - - - - - - ... T .. ~ R Igldalre, 111 good condItI on. Lee Lemmon Ht 2 - 73 , ..

NOTICE OF APPOINTMENT fiscal y ear en 'lin g Jun' 3 , 19 47, will b e , h ~'ld in the ffi ' N _ti i - hereby givel~ th at of the B arct a Educa ti n (j OBe,~nl j~ ' B~g~n R\\3h~e P st said ch I di trict in the High • I 'e a '.Ire - I . . , aynes- chool Buildin ' ,11 Waynesvill , vII! e, O lil h~ b e ~ duly ,ap- Ohio ' on the ,cventh day f P mtd a Exe utnx f 'th e Jul , 1 -t 7, b ' innin r at . :00 E, tate f Jame H . Bo"'an l ate p. m .,' Ohi l andaI'd Tim ' ; e('; . W • B of Warren C unt , Ohi o am I lart ceased. Clerk-Treasurer D ate j thi 20 th :lay f JUIlt', 19 -17 . Ralph . H. Carey, Judge of the I) r tate COllf.t, Warren County, O hIO Maple & Maple, Attys. -710

Statement Made At Senate ComODUee

LEG A L NOT ICE A statement before the Uni ale bids will be received by ed States Senate, Comm ittee n the Board of Trustee of Public lal r and public wel fare on Affairs of Village of Waynes- S 545 b J I W F ht . , y osep 1 • I r, VI' lIe, State of Ohl'o, "", t the office Master of the O hio State sa id board until twel ve Grange, Chairman Interim 'of 0 cl ock ~oo.n, July 11, 1947, the Health Committee, Natiollf or f~rnlsh1l1g .th -n ce s~ry al Grange, on ,J une 26, i in l abor and matenal f r the 111- part a fo llow . stall ation and com pl etion qf a "Members ~ f the Grange new water main fro1J1 the two ·t II . 't "ted - m a ur11 th are VI y 111 er,_ , , 111 . ( ~XI 1I1g: \~e s to e cQ,nn ec Ion es designed to improve the rural A~U:'::T::-O::-M::-::-O::-B=IL:-:E=:J--:"----- l.n tO eX I s~ m g wate~ malll at ,tl~ e .o ealth ituation. llltersechon of M~1l and Mam "In 1940 th<: dc!at h rates f FOR SALE~1 93' 9 Pontiac, 2 Streets for s.UpplYlll g w.ater ~o rural in fants, preschool chill1Door Sedan In A- I Conji- the Corporah,on and the mh a~ lt- ren, and youths 15 year o f ion, See Donald La\\' on, ants th reof m .a~cordance wl,th age and o v ~ r we re higher than Waynesvill e, Ohio al J. R. plan s. and .speclflcatt.on on fI le th -e of r ' sident of large cities. Wade' s Re iclen e or Call m saId office, and htled, "Pro254 1 Wayne vi lle I d ore 2 posed Water M ain ' for Wayn esP. M. ~7~3 ville, Ohio, Drawing No. 4 608 31 1 and No. 46083-2 ." HELP -W ANTED. The work ' covered by the speci\ VANTED-3 M·- E- N-F-O- R-P-A. .R-T .. fica lions consist - of furnishing TIME WORK. . all l abor, eq uipment, appliances , Thi is a perm anc11 t j ob re- and materials and performing quiring about four hours work all operations ,necessary. for th e on Sund ay morning, estab) ish- install ation of th e new water in g and ·servicing a mot r r ute m ain s fo r the ViJ1age of 1 NOaalS BROCK COMPANY in your community. If yo u own W aynesville, Ohio, in full and a .car and can use an ex tra il1- to the complete satisfaction of C1ncln.nau Union Stoct YU"dI Live Wire and ' PI'o8l'ted~. A1Il .come of $300 to $500 per year, the Village. The work shall in- , ~on 8800nd to Ddle. act at once, send yo ur n ame and elude a1.1 pipe, valves, valve 8tdctly eelJens em -tbe be8t address to Oliver A. Mundhenk, ~ox~s, fire. h.ydrant~, connect- all around Dl8I'Itet In tile ' 214', t'j iti St.~ Xepia,' Ohio or IT}g .mto eXlstlllg ·.maIHs ,_and re- 00IJDtlr:y. aerylee TlliH S'.U.,. •• Phone Xenia 138R after 5 p. m. storm~ str~e.ts, sldew~I~S, etc., 'WlHitO Daftolli 12:30 S. T., -7-10 to thelT ongmal condltton. Th e WLW OI~ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ foll owing list ed material wilt be ,DIal 1100' 12:40 DIal '100 for ,Our - BEAD THE ClASSIFIED ADS • furnished by the Village -free of .. ·IJailJ' - ~_ , RepoR. '







Wauld You Pour Water , In Your Gas Tank?



For every tank f ga u hurn \ er :t (1Uar t of w ater is f rmed. Thi wa t ' r may v ntu al1 v " bkw I V" the rin'" into til crnnkca e. Ma"ny ar c..: ngine' ;:rc ru:n d h ilw:tter contaminati n. " I Til e olution i , CHANGE OIL MORE ~FTEN! "',

Ashmead Sohio Service •


~~~t~~~~ . . . .~~



_ a _~....-c~_ n _ ~...-..'"


Arniitage &SOn





$9~OO ~ COWS ,$7.00



X E N I A Fertilizer;


5 ' .~ .- .

E. ~ Buchtieb, Inc.



TYPE TALKS,"" by John S. Turner

Th e M.I a' mIl·

Ii}\ ZET T E

,Locker Plant Listed Mrs. RaymOlld E tiM d ct aught ' r, Pe ggy X reme y 0 ern


You can tOP;; rrying about Mr. and th se flyin~ aucer. They're Burden and rally For nothm r to get excited and Barbara, of Rox a~out. ye~nsaucers, along several day in Cin anna inn atispent la ' t Th e Wayne vill e Lo ker Wlt~ other pi eces of domestic wee k. Th ey attended the I lant i rapid ly approaching qUipment I b (I . Churngo ld picnic at Ross Ky, ompleti on. Th e fir 't tr y ut , ' , lave een yll1g n Thursday ' th e ba' eball for th e' c 1111 re ors an ,l Dtller around In hou es and I hav U the fir t time to pIck up the Established t 850 .:':':1 mcs at Cr Isley Fi eld on Fri- d ectri al equipment is schedpaper and have the Ileadlines day and on the Family Fa~ r ul ed for the early part of this 10, 1 ~}-t7 program from WLW on Satur- week. According to Harvey scream, "Man Fatally Hurt By WAYNESVILLE, Flying aucer." day, !Ars. Burden won fir 't Burn t! man a re r in charge ot Don't get the idea they 're pnse m the ong title contest. the operatIOns of L.l he was awarded a Colonial plant, on it isconstruction expected the not saucer. They most defi0 C I t '11 b d nitely are. I'll admit that I ObservanCE~~ prise. ames osmetic kit as her P an WI e rea y to accept do~'t knb5v anything about ' fruits, and vegetables by the en i their oragm but if th e newsof tillS week and beef the first of next week. I tie .pork and poultry will be papers an d radio report these aucers being ~e n in practir handled at a later date not yet announced but probably imcally every state, they exist. ~lediately following the openThere's one thing I'll never t and that was the ' last mg of the beef section. tim I have ever doubted 'anyThe big day i over for Construction work on this thing. another season. The American modern plant began about a It was a couple of years ago ~egiOI.l Fourth of July celebra- year , ago, and ha ' progressed , when 1 came upon a' charcter tlOn IS completed until nex t steadily smce that time COI1who told me of a headless year according to plans of th e sistent with the availability of ~~icken which was still walking Wayne Township Post No. 6 15 scarce material. A great deal .H und and, except for nothing who plan to stage a show of of time and effort has been conthis kind e~ch year. ~ume~ in locating and purchasat all where most chickens wear their heads, was acting The events of the day were mg dIfferent items required to very m ch like ' any ' other headed by a softball game that construct a fire-proof plant ended in a core of 17 to 4 with such as _t~is one. Mr. Burnet r?os!ers. N~edless to say, he dldn t go about pecking people, the Surrounding Territory on dev?ted ~llS fU,1I time to' this top, and the Village Team in project SInce It was started, ,bur he was alive. Well I laughed and scoffed Miami Cbapter 107, Order the low spot. even before, as much groundAmong the other activities of work was nece~ary to get the . at the fellow just like a 1'ot of of Eastern Star held their you are laughing and scoffing annual inspection April 26, ft... _ ' the afternoon, the Sack Race actual con,structlOn underway • . at the, f1yi!lg-saucer idea. Then wit~ Mrs. Ber,nice , Johnson of uc;ftlnles was won by Carolyn ' BradleY" ,The ongmal plan for it I deCIded to go and see this a?ma as In pecting Officer. 75 yard dash, Nolan Stans~ lo.cker ,plant was ,started by the headless creature. ThiS chapter is gaining in The Home Appliance Store berry; Wheel Barrow race !3lmel Construction Company '1'0 this day I'll swear that membership and all ready plans that e d' th ' Dickie Weltz, James Reeves; m ,May 1945. Later it, was What I aw was a headles are being made to observe their o~ ne m e corner room Cracker eating contest, Carolyn deCIded by the local reSidents chicken. fiftieth anniversary in t 949. opposIte the Waynesville N'ati- Bradley; Watermelon contest, to convert to a locally owned , He . lk' Many fine thing~ are being onal Bank on January 24, Tommy Hayden; Wrestling, a plant and on September 1 t, • . was. wa, IO~ around, done, such as helpmg those Ie s 194?, for the selli!1g of home draw between "(:O'P's" Wilker' 1945 a group met and made s~ret~hlOg hiS ,WlOgS, and per" fortunate,' sendIng money for, apphances and kmdred ~ ro- son "Dumpy" D"1'kin and Earl plans for incorporation. Papers , !f;~m~h~tb~you h~~e se~~ .. -4Mlr~ , of - a .. C5iBiSe· ChiJd, .. d!Jct~ ~a.s ;sol~ <!ut,... at , pl,l~blic CoY-Ie. ., were re'Ceived on November 15 chickens do --time 'and ' again giving aid to the Masonic Home auction y Its owner, Mr. S. P. Six bouts of Boxin h Id - ~,~ ..... 'Or ' , . and a ~reat many other' de- Felo .Iast Saturday afternoon. and the baseball g w~s teh 1 • . Later the SPCA. or some serving causes. Officers of The sale was conducted by the game In e , group with initials like that thi year are: Worthy Matron, Miller Auction Co. of Dayton. afternoon wa~ won by Waynesc;laimed the chicken was suffer! Mrs. J. J. BUfske; Worthy Generally speaking the most of ~lJll~ , the ~ard. way, a twel,ve ing (J can swear it wasn't from Patron, Mr. J. J. , Burske' the items offered were solei at , JI1m,ng affair With Lebanon With a headache). and ordered him Associate Matron, Mrs. Stanley very low prices considering the a score of to ,4. killed. A!ld acco~ding to the Bailey; Associate Patron, ' Mr. present trend. of the market A very fme f~re~orks display The deadline for filing semi, papers he ' was killed though Stanley Bailey' Secretary Mrs values on thiS type of mer- ended the evenmg outdoor for the Iif~ pf me I ~an't see' E. F. ,Earnhart; Treasure;, Mrs: chandise. show and two. danCes f?lI~wed annual sales tax returns is July :~ow yo~, would go abo,ut kUI- Lucile Armitage; ,Conductres, The reom occupied by this that lasted ,until after mldmght. 31, Examiner Charles F.' 1I1g ~ chlc~en that has already 'Mrs. J. N. " Strou~e; Associate concern has been acquired by In ,th~ award d~partment an Lampe stated. These returns lost Its head. Conductress, Mrs. William the Waynesville Furpitureand electnc Iron was glv~n .to Geo. he explained, cover the sa\e~ , 0 I believe implicitely in Sawyer;, Chaplain, Mrs. Everett Applia~ce Co. and will be used Tucker, Dayton,; ,Flshmg rod period of Janua)'y 1 to June fJymg saucers. Early; , Marshall, Mrs. Bertie for dIsplay purposes. Their an reel, Reba Phillips, German- 30, 1947. AU persons, ,firms Mills; Organist, Mrs. Glenn main nffice and smaller sales- t0W!1; Apex sweeper, Rufu or corporations' having been . Bland; Ada, Mrs. Jes e Prend- room is on South Main treet Whltescaren, Dayton; Radio- i ued a vendor's license prior ~""J erga~t; Ruth, Mrs. Ralph across from the Grange HaJI. Phono combil1a.t!o~, ~oy Bo~- to June 30, 1,947, must file a "'1' Hastmg ; Esth~r, Mr . Marvin ers, payton ; Fngldalre, Nellie return regardless of whether • mith; Martha, Mrs. Harold B. DaVIS, Rural Route 3. sale~ were made, or prepaid tax II" I' Earnhart; Electa, Mr . Geor e receIpts purchased prior to , • Waterhou ej Ward r, Mr. Wcru MEETING AT June 30. - Harry L. Wood, aged 62, John Fromm; Sentinal, Mr. CHAUTAUQUA, TUESDAY The information necessary pas~ed away ~t ,his. home in Everett Early. ' The Miami Valley WCTU ~,o prepare such a returl\ , Wilmington, Wadnesday mornThe Chapter will meet in meeting will be held Tuesday, mclu~ th e amolmi of gross ing at 5 :00 o'clock. regular session on Monday A head-on collision betwe 11 July 15 at the Frances Willard sale, exempt sales an,d net He is slJrvived by three sis- evening 8 p. m.. July 14, when a Chevrolet sedan and a Cadi- Cottage at Miami Valley Chau- ~a x able sales, together With the ter, Mrs. Hora~e Wharton of p!an~ will be completed for a lIac sedan at the curve ill State tauqua at 10:00 a.m. Dinner IOv~nt~ry of tamp at the Dayton; Mrs. C. F. Vickers of PICI1lC at Chautauqua on July R,oute 42, just South of Waynes- will be serv~d in the dinin be~JI1nmg and close of the Lytle and Mrs. Florence Frost 2 0 , whi h \\ III be for the Ville at 8 :00 p. m, Tuesday room. l e!'lod and th ,amount of preof Harvey~burg. Four flBphews Ma p~s, Ea tern tar and th eir evening r~slllted in injuries to Rev. Moreton F Scrub " 1\ ~al~ tahx rec,elpts purcha'sed and two llIece al 0 survive. , families : Mr . Je se Thoma who was, an ' the add res .' th y I _ J uflng t e penod January 1 to occupant of the Chevrolet be- gIve ( In e a er u~e 30, 1947. ' " Funeral serylces will be 'conducted on aturday at '2 :00 p.m. ID~ HOUR AGAIN ing driven by her daughter, noon. , rile e return ma,Y be. filed Mrs. Edna Mae Russell f A good representation fr om With the state exammer, fn the at the Stubb Funeral Home. OPEN FOR 'BUSINESS Burial .'will be made in the . Lebanon. The Cadillac was oc- eac~, Union m' the County is Pord .,Garage, W~ynesville on Ne,y" Burlington cemerery. The Idle Hour Re taurant cupkd , by four passen gers from anticIpated. July _3, 1947 durmg the hours ha had a change made the pa l Detr it, who e aped injury, 9 a. m. to 4 p. m. SONYA ROZANNE WATSON two week with a new interior~ as did the other two occupants MOTORCYCLE BURNS Sales tax returns not filed AT FERRY SUNDAY new tables, bar and dec r,ation . of the Chevrolet, Mrs. Rus ell ON "s" HILL, FRIDAY n r before July 31 are subSOl}ya ~ozanne Watson, for- Me~l~ are no,~ being s rv d in and Mrs. Harold Stroud, also of Th ject to \ S 1.00 a day penalty e Harveysburg Fire De' for the per i 0 d 0 f th e merly Sadie Rosenthal of Ferry ad,dltlOn to 'Ice cream, ' so ft Lebanon. ' . f dnnks etc ' " partment was .called Friday delinquency . " The DetrOIt car wa dnvel~ afternoon to extmguish a blazott e W ' •now ' DIrector 0 the Apolla Mr. and Mrs. Pat Malone are by ~enry J. ' Nauss. ' ing m~torcycle which had SChed~I~: al r e n County Singers over WHIO on Satur, day afternoon, will b'e at the now associated with Charle Slippery roadway was res- caught fire while ascending the Franklin Ma ors Off' ,ferry Chur,c;h of Christ~' Sunday. Berry. in th,e uperation of the ponsible for the accident as the "S" Hill. The vehicle was com- City Buildi~g JUry 24 ' Ice, morning' and will sing HThe est~bhshm~nt. ~ussel\ car swerved out 9f its pletely' destroyed ' and the cyMorrow 'Ma or ' . , ., rheY,wlll be open each day flght-of-way, triking the other clis,t, a resident of Dayton to-Id July 25' Y s Office" liord's Prayer.',' Eeveryone is corqLally JOVlt- ~nd untt! about 11 :00 o'clock car- head-on. Both vehicles authorities ,he carried no insurLeba~on Treas e JI1 the evening. "were considerably damaged. ance. July 28, 29', 30 , 3ur1.,rs Office; ed'to attend this service.

Ml"aml" Chapter, Eastern Star PlalnS Fiftieth Annl"versary

"F" ourth Celebra' on H La A d

as rge tlen ance

FUmhure ..... Coneem v.... Coraer



Deadl- ' '" ate Set F--Tax -Retoros "or

L Wood

H ural''


Local Woman Hurt In A ' uto', Aecl·denl


M r. and Mrs. Rov EI\i. and The MIAMI GAZETTE, Pag 2 hio, N : 4324 Charlt:::. 'l1lcn:lined wi th "Vay n~ vill e, a picnic ' u~'per in th eir ya r:l on TH UR DAY , J U LY 1 , 1 9-1 7 the "F urth " with Mr. an d Mrs. [saac Holme and Mr . Erwin Ell i:, M r. and Mr::-. ra ue f ~ a­ r 11 , Jack and Rohert L3ell\' and so n, M r. and bina p nt se veral clays I ver T he ~' 1l1 pl( .\ C\.'· lI f til ' M r ' . I.. E. :r h 111 1' :-(11 1, M 1' , and lhe " Fuurth" ". 'l'kc nd with lh e and \\ 'a \'l1 ' viI I.? Hox an na Mr ~ . Ed gar Smilh, Mr. alld r1and Holm fa mil \'. Ara ue can ning fa ttHic. alld th eir Th e fltl\(\ wing persnl1;S ' 1'- Mr. . Vern on Simp , III and fa m- und erwe nt a t o n s ill ~ ·tom \' :It f n, ~ llnd ay th e family gu ....·t · :tll 'n ell' ~ th ' :l1lnu al il\' and Mr, :111.1 Mr ' . Carl C(lllDr. H ardi n g~ r' s ho:-pit ai in pi 'nie oj th e L hurn g-,lld Corp' Mrs. H. H. \\ illi :lI11 'lI ll m et at j o)'t! j a ('(l \'al'd :I i h supp 'r at ai'd:\ gut'sts. Wi hing W ell Inn at CenterMr. 13 . M, : pi ll er th hnmc IIf th ~I rin g \'all.:.\ , Thur:d ay alld fll'a li' lll , h ' 1,1 ,I I ,\ b rtz C re1Ve ill \'ilk I'll ' :t rc uni !1 n dinn 'r . n th ' 4th o f Ju l y : Mr. and has h l'~n rl' clIVl'ra tin ,l!: at th e H " , Ky .. Thu n la, Jul y 3. Mr. and M r' . W ailer ~II\.' ,hiLkcll dilln ' r wa ' 'erved at Thnse p r~ ' e llt w 1" \ 1" , H. H. Mrs. Ja m 's Bourne' of Cen t r- han were din ner ~ U l's t s on ~a l ­ ()rl and(l Il olm e. ho rn '., n on and ha ·t'ball, !:> wi lllrn in ,\.: . William on and d a II ~ h t e r , vil le; Mr. and Nl r , Gen ld Hes, llrda. eve ning of h . all d \ 1':- . r , Glenn M,r. and M r • W illia m \\·i l.! : :;r eed hll at rid in g, and varillu s CraCl" Mr. and Mrs. Ie J . Wil- and- on, R nn ie, ti es. , M r. and M r'. (::lrl v rig ht T , A. ,CP t! ill I. ' h a n !)! I. li amson of I ak wood. O hi n, I'oar (f Ci nci nna ti . 1 (; nt the ga me were nj ly'd th rn ughand SP Il, I t !l1: .. r. r, r. and Mr . " F'lllrlh" at th' home Ilf Mr. ' 1I 1 ihe day. Th . , att 'nding Mr. and Mr '. Ha l' 1,\ Willi amMr. Fra nk Dakin :l Oll hl'r and Mr ' . I, i 'hard I< ai ' I' an i so n an I daught >r, Bett y, )f Will ia m Spill r. :tI l of B ' II were M r. and Mr . . . riff", .Inl 'li n. I.e': Mr' . edna ():lv'i ' Dayt on, Mrs. Eth I Hauk, of broo k ; Mr. and M r ' . Alh rt hildre n and families had a pic- fam ily . f nic supp r at Fort An ient, Friillia m D avton, and Mr. an f Mr ' . Ira Hagge and __ n, Warr n and M lher; M r . ( . '131' \\ n an:! on of Frankand M rs. Paul Da ton ; Mr. da . . Mr. and M r '. Ev r tt '.\c f( ee\ .:r ; Mr. Carl ~c h oo ll­ pitler and son , Jimm V and lin. Th 01a f R che ter, N. Y. ar' o er; Mr. Th m a mith and harle . Call I' in th " afterMi·. an:! Mr . Russel B ' ns n riv ed on aturda V f r a week f MI " ' arah G I hard t all Haym nd . T a~ lor, • wif ' no n were th ir two nieces and of In lianap li an:l Mr, an j here with th forin er' par nt ', W ayn vilk. Mr. Lee Griffy and t wo childr n visi ted hi .. fa miiie of aytOlll and Mr. an :l Mr . J. J. Fritz and ia llKhtur f Mr . . and Mrs. ,Frank T homa. was visi tin g' f rom Detroi t, Mr . Everett , mith, n ar Mt. Oak Rid:re, Tenn. \\' ' re g'u Is and oth er re l ativ . Mr. M i hi ra n. Mr. and Mr. 13. M. bro th r-in -l aw, Walt er G. l3 ur' . Holly of ~ tali n \V ~ ZC\' ill dine of th eir parents, Mr. and Mrs. Th ma ' i ' ll l:o vi: iting rel aM Kay and :laught r, Ma an i Ly tle ,l a 'l Thursda y ~v l: nin ,'. W. P. ali bury lhr ugh th l! tiv s in L hanon. Mr. and Mrs. L "' ) }-=ra ze from hta- Attend Weddirillr In w ekend. Mrs. Ben 'on :In\1 t!W Burlin g-t n ; and Mr. and Mr. T avlor i Dean of Culver, Indiana dau ht er r ' mai ned for a sh rt WHAT PROMINENT Mr . Rav mon I l3urden' an I tw hul a Co ll e~c . Mr. an:! Mr . M. A. Fulk ervi it. da u ~ h ter::; , P ' rgy and 8arbara, BANKERS SAY ABOUT Mi C ra Shepherd , Mrs. s nand 1a ll l!'ht r and Mr. J. from Roxanna. Vol . anPell ' wer in CIuver Hazel Grub ~ r and chil dren Little BobL,y Barry had \\'hat BOND-A.MONTH PLAN: "United tates :tving ' B net., Bi ll MOTClhec:' and f amily f J oan, arhara and Fra nkie an 1 Ind. durin!! the past we~k nne! might have I n a ve ry ri u akw( 1 an d Lawren e Elli t Mr . harl e Mauric \\ n: attended th e w dding of M i ' acciden t wh n he f ' l\ fr m th will build f I' an invc for a fun d and famil y of airmont ' penl evenin g ca llers of Mr. and Mrs. Betty Harp 'I' and Lt . . C I. car a it was moving when th of future pur ha in r pow r. h\\' rth .a t the Mili- door a itientally cam open. Th ey are an in t allm nt purth 4th f .luI with CharI s Fred Hoo k 0 11 th 4th pf Jul. Hoh'rl tary A ad my , and the re cp- He r . iw I llI i 1 ' ellt: ah 'IIt cha e f ec n mic tability, Ellis and wife. Th y -aw the firework at t1i linn at the ttl :ers lub. and cont nhm: 1t. T o e urity chool grounds in the ' venin g. th head . bu v to hav!: and t ) h Id th e Mr.. Eth el Hauk entertain ej Mr. nn j Mr . L. C. t. John Mr. and M rs. Rail h Mill r hoi,d i an . ex re i n f the W illiam on f amily at a had a unda. dinn r gue L, had a Fou rth of July supp r confid ence in th e g v'rn m nl Fourth of July pi nic at he r Mr. and Mr . J ohn. ettI emyr" gll -ts, Mr. and Mr . J hn of th Unit ed tate', in y urhom north f Da ton. Ab ut and hildren and Mr. and Mr . H vel' an METHODIST CHURCH hiIdren of Dayt n,. el f and in ou.r f~ture." . I. 1:1 f l ' Glenn Bl and and dau/-ihter, Mr. and Mr . Ri 'hard Mill r -~ rn nk . " 1 Llthl e, .~re Id nl R. B. Coleman. Minister t mty gat lere r t 11 event, Mi s Barbara L ou. Mi s l3Iand unday ch 01 • I) :30 a.m wh er th day was celebrated and da u ~ht ' r of Woe, t Carr 11_ Ch~ ag Cit. ~a nk & I ru t with a bountiful di nner, fir _ i . tudying at N~~ami Univer it t n, Mi 's 8 arbara Walk r of Chicago , ItI lI1 IS J. J. Bur 'ke, Supt. W r hip ervice 1 :30 a.m. work an:! boating. Mrs. H. H. for th e summ .1 and w~~ th e a. ton and Mr. Jimmy Miller. Willi am on Mis Grac WiI-.w kend gue t of her P,ll ents. Y outh F lI ow hip Thursday, 7 :3 0 pm. Iiamson, and Mr. and Mr . Ira D on Rye i enj yin g th e ·Mr. and Mr . Ri hard Kai er WAYN,ESVILLE. OHIO . Bro wn and so n ~ w re in at- and family sp ~ nt I ~ t unda ' umm er in the Boys' Camp at Teleohon82251 Mr. HOLLY METHODIST n :lance. at the annual Cooper reunion Minocqua, W is, T. M. Scarff, Minister . held this ye ar at Mr. and M>rs. unday Scho I 9 :30 a.m. Logan Ewing and fam il o f J. . Meyt:r f near Monteray. E. A. Earnhart, upt. a t n spent the "Fou-rth' W r 'hip Service 10 :30 a.m. Mr. and Mrs. FI vd Lind v Evening rvi ce 7: 0 p.m. with Paul Mauric and wif . . of Morrow called on Mr. and Mi s Hel en Spitler of nea r Mrs. Richard Kai er, Thursday ST. MARY'S EPISCOPAL Middlerun is spendin g part f evening. Samuel N. Keya, Minister 7 :30 a.m.,. Holy Communion, her vacation visiting her grandTh e Rev. . Hughe Garvin. mother Lane atl'd other relaMr. ~nd Mr '. Conrad MainPROMPT, EFFICIENT REPAIR ou f Piamilton, Mr. and Mr . 10:00 a.m., Morning Prayer tives in Turkey, Texas. Elkammer' Wrnn and Miss and rmon, . ON ALL MAKES OF EQUIPMENT The Rev. Samuel Keys M·r. and Mrs. Th oma Hol- Jewetina Wil on of Boones_ , mes of Sabina were W ednesday vipe, K y . were Sunday after· Repre entative f or UTICA E. U. B. CHURCH callers of the f orm r's son and noon callers of th e Ray MainRev. A. J. Fursteni>f!rger fa mily, Orland Holmes. ous family. unday Scho(il 9:30 a.m. ," 'p_» _____ ;..» _ - '- - _ -...· uai · ...... : Mrs. J ames G arrison, Supt. Preaching. 1st and 3rd Sunday each month 10 :3 0 a.m. LEBANON, OHIO Phone 332 M ... ~S TOLD 8Y~ CONSERVATION D~VISION

Churngold Annual 'Picnic, July 3




Church. nole~

Waynesyille National Bank


SHERWOOD Refrigeration' Sales -===========- and Service ~========


UlU1£r OhiO SIl.~S


9 :3 0 a.m.

Meeting for Worship 10:30 a.m.

ST. AUGUSTINE Father Krumholtz, Priest Mass 7 :30 a.m. and 9 :00 a.m.


j;::::::::::::====~::::===::::::::::::::::~~::::==~, --.- . ,----:-"",~



WAYNESVILLE CHURCH OF CHRIST Robert L VanZile; Miniater Bible School 9 :30 a.m. Communion 10:30 a.m. 11 :00 a.m. Sermon Ev~nirig Service 8 :00 p.m.

• ---, ~,-".,..--,-.-,-


SILOS &CORN CRIBS SILVER SHIELD SILOS, All steel, moisture proof, air-tight, fireproof, windproof, rotproof, easily ,erected. Why pay more, Get the best r eason ~ able.


FERRY CHURCH of CHRIST Ralph E. Stinson, Minister Bible School 9 :30 a.m. Morning Worship 10 :30 a.m. "The Lordship of Christ." youth Meeting 7 :30 p.m. Adult Prayer Meeting 7 :30 p.m. Evening Evangelistic . Service 8:15 p.m. "What's Our Business?" A fri endly Church with a Gospel M essage



Also ALL STEEL BUCKEYE rat and mouse proof Corn Cribs. Before you buy, drop a card to









_1 __ 11_. a.i. ____ I

Agent for Clayton & Lambert Manufacturing Co., Middletown. Ohio

Pagd , Th e MIAMI GAZ ETTE CI av er unde rwent a s ri o u ~ W ayne vill e, Ohio, No. 432 4 operati on at th e W hite Cro TH URSDAY, J ULY I , 1947 Ho pit al. he is no\\' onva le ing at her home wh ere her fri end ' h pI.: f r her r eedy recovery . Mrs. Wright, wid ow f th e late Frank Wright , pa sed away at the home of her son, Carl in Appen dedom y Perfor med Na oimi Jane Burt on, da u ~h­ Bellbro ok. Funeral er vi ce we re held at the Ferry Church ter 'of Mr. and Mr . Th omas of Christ, Tuesda y with Herb- Burton, near Ferry, . unde rw ent ert Graham, Mini ter of the an appendi x opera tion at McLean boro, III. ChUl~c h ot G rand view H pit al, unday. Chri t officiatin g. Burial w as She i report ed to he rec vermade in Middlerun cemetery. ing nicely ..

WITH A BUCKEYE IN CON'GRESS Last week the Republi can hig h command reached a decision to mak e one mor·e attemp t to enact legislat ion to reduce t he income taxes on the people of the Un ited States. It was decided that the Tax Reduct,ion Bill, which was v'etoed by Preside nt Truman , would be passed in ex,a ctly the same form as the vetoed measur e, except that the effectiv e date would be made January list, 1948, instead of July 1st of this year, as provid pd in the origina l bill. Thi s puts the issue of tax reduction for next year squarel y up to the Democ ratic Members of Congre ss and the Preside nt. If the Preside nt is opposed to reducin g the taxes on 1948 incomes he will, of course, again veto the measur e. Whethe r it will be ~nacted into law over his veto will then depend upon the votes of Democ ratic Members of Congre ss, inasmu ch as the Republ icans do not have t he necessa ry two to one majorit y in either the House or the Senate to overrid e. The new tax measur e, which will probabl y have passed the House before this column appears in print, will, like the origina l bill, reduce individ ual income taxes by thirty per cent for those 'in the low income bracket s, by twenty p~r cent for the average citizen, by fifteen per cent for the well-to-do, and by ten per cent for those in the higher income bracket s.

Wright Funeral At Ferry



Postm a ter L. H. Gord on ico nvalescin T at hi s 'hird treet Mr. and Mr . Albert Cleav er home after a term of eri ous from whi ch he is rehav e been in Columbu for the illne pa t se veral day wh en Mr. coverin g ati factori l y. No report has he en made as to when he will rd urn to hi ~v o rk .


Mr; J. C. Haw k e i report ed to be re tin g well afte r a ev ere att ack f i kne earlier in the w ek. \ hil e hi nditinn remain ~e ri o u s, he i not suffer • • ing and still retains hi u uai The Preside nt signed the Rent Control Extension go d pirit s. Act on Monday of last week" altho bitterly de-

-1Ni-1 H&-

Vaccinatibn of anim al, e-peci aJJy cattl e, imme i iately heFAIRL EY HARD WARE CO. Phone 2«1 - WAYNESVILLE. O. fore th ey are shipped is a dangero us practice. '- . ..





























_ a_ a _ _ _ _ a_ I . _ . ___ 0_ 0_ _ .-..a_ a _ _ 0_




Wayn esville , Ohio

Bl ac kto p Dr ive wa ys Road Oil and Tar App lied Resurfacing and Driveway Recoating



H. H. ST llO UD 26 Oakwoosl Avenue ~ANON, OHIO

Phone 221-L


Clare nce J. Brown ·

The Senate has refu sed to pass the Mundt Bill t o authori ze t he establi shment of a propag anda agency wi thin the State Depart ment. Such a division known as Bureau of Inform at ion and Cultura l Relations, under the directio n of William Benton, has been functio ning for some time in the State Depa rtment withou t Congre ssional aut hOrity. It is claimed that this agency has been well fill ed wi th radicals and visiona ries who were attemp ting to sell this country to t he rest of the world through. a "Voice of Americ a" radio program , the seniling out of all sorts of literatu re, and the di splay of some ver y peculia r paintin gs and other art exhibits. The matter has been settled for the time being by giving the State Depart ment a twelve million dollar appropria tion to carry on its foreign r adio program through establis hed. Americ an net works, and under the strict personn el supervi sion of the F.B.I. and ot her security agencie s. The State Depart ment was request ing that Congre ss approp riate some thirtytwo million dollars for this work.

• • •

For the first time in more than fifteen years the Govern ment of the United States closeil its fiscal year (on June 30th) in the black- or witfl a surplus , rather than a deficit. Believe it or not, instead of being in the red the Federal Treasu ry actually had a balance of approx imately 750 million dollars left over at the end of the fi sc.a l year just closed. This surplus will be applied as a paymen t on the nationa l debt. The surplus r esulted from the Congre ss rescindin g and recaptu ring some of the approp riations 'm ade a year ago by the previou s Congre ss for this year's spendin g.

nouncing some section s of the measur e. Had he failed to sign, the Rent Cont rol Law would have expired on midnig ht of that date. The new measure extends rent control s on existing housing until • March of 1948, with the proviso that volunta ry While all the major approp riation bilJs cleared leases, carryin g rent increas es of as much as fifteen the House as of July 1st, only one approp riation precent, can be entered into. Under the bill all rent . bill had left the Senate and reached the Preside nt's ceilings on new housing , and ali control s over new desk before the fiscal year ended June 30th. So, constru ctions -excep t for a.m usemen t and recrea- as has not been unusua l in the 'past, it was necessa ry tion-ha ve been lifted. So now possible to build for Congre ss to pass a "contin uing resoluti on" any size home or any type of busines s or industr ial authori zing Govern ment agencie s to continu e operastructu re desired .withou t obtaini ng permiss ion from tions until the remain ing approp riation bills have any Govern ment agency . The new law is expecte d passed the Cogres s and been approv ed by the Presito bring some increas es in rents and much more dent, which will be not later than July 15th. activity in constru ction of new homes and building s. • • • • Before the fi scal year ended on June 30th the The Paris Confere nce, called to provide for the Congre ss enacted emerge ncy legislat ion to continu e economic reconst ruction of Ewrope, has ended in certain war powers of the Preside nt which will perfailure, just as many Washin gton observe rs feared. mit bim to control certain exports and import s The interna tional situatio n is caxpected to become through fixing quotas and issuing licenses. One of very critical within tbe next ninety days. Seemin gly, .tbe m!)ving reasons for this action as the recent no agreem ent can be reacbed with Russia ana ber expose of hUlfe shipme nts of gasoline and oil to satellite nations on workin g out Europe an problem s. Russia, in ShlPS Americ a \ had loaned that nation China is engage d in alt=uut civil war 6etwee n Naunder Lend-L ease, at the very time when there is tionalis t and Commu nist forces. The~e is a growin g a growin g gasoline and oil shortag e in this country . feeling her e that Genera l George C. Marsha ll is not Continu ation' of sucn- contToi's .wifl also restrict or proving to be a superm an of d1iplomacy, and that prohibi t the shippin g out of this country other he was a much better Chief ' of Staff than he is scarce and strateg ic materia ls, such as certain Secreta ry of State. metals.

• •

~lute J1runeral ~ome

Dial 2111 ~



Lou & Marlin Sa Th k WAYNE GCP 4-H CLUB , i Dar Frien d, : y an s The GCP 4-H Club met





Perh ap all of yo u kn ow hy the home of Ann Troth , June A large crowd pent a very !t ..~~_. __ 1_ _ 1 _a_lI_a_~_a_~:'- tilL: time th at \Ve have "so'id 23 at 8 :00 p.m. ... enj oyable eve nin ~, Wedne day, -, ,out" to T h Im a and Wende ll Meetin g was brough t to r- at th e co untry home nf Mr. ami' Gra ham o f ~ ring-field. der by repeating th e 4-H pledge Mrs. Walter Cowa n, \vhen they \ hen We handed th e keys led by the president, Lee entertained the W man" over to them we were a little O'Banion with Mr. Michen er in Sociefy of Lytl e Church to a a d b aus we we re en dilllg charge. Report s were given . I y weinn er roa t. II ca reer which had enabled U ' G ~o rge jtartsock and B. bl . Mr. William Pennin gton ret meet and erve all of you O 'B anion. Plans were made f r tu rn ed home unday fr m a lovely peopl e. a Club picniC. Th e Club di - few days vi sit with his wife . In the years hence we ca n cu ed plans for the future. Th e and children at the home f h r look back\\ 'ard and recall with meetin g was th en prope rl y ad- pa fents-;-near Hicnm ond Ky. 9 :II: 12 WOO L RUGS Refre hmcnt s and a full mea ure of happin e , j ourned. Mr. and Mr . Cl yde Whart on ((arne foll owed . just what th i cnftrt.t ined tn a. {a mily din ner associa tion meant 9 s 12 FELT BASE RUGS to usJoanne O'Ban!on, . Reporte r un day in h nor of th e birththe develo r ment o f friend_ who were rcally f ri end CURT AINS - SUP COVE RS day an niver. :try of thei r son• • • when we ne d.:d th em mo: t On Thm dal ev ~ nin , JUll e in.,J aw, Mr. Loren Hn utzahn , LAMP S (Floor and Table ) and I opl e wh o act ually added :2 7 at 7 :00 0 cl ock th e GCP of Frankl in. t 1 our Ii vin r enjoym ent. 4-H Cluh met the Maineville Birthd ays Honor ed STUD IO COUC HES (Funy Spring Filled ) Mr. and Mr. Campbell O u r S 1I ceo r s, th e 4-H Club at the ball diamond Le\\ i of " 100 ' Acres" enGraha m'; at th we e Hi believe g-h School for th e , are of LIVIN G ROOM SUITE S :1 ki nd.,. who folk s like all of chedul ed so ft ball game. Thi te rt ained to a ha ket upper yo u will appre iate havi ng ill \l'a th e f irst game for th e GCP Sunday evenin g t~ e fo llowin g BED ROOM SUITE S · ) yo ur midst. 0 plea 'e co me Club. The game' went to the fri q lds: Mr. and Mrs. Ralph STOV ES ve r and get acquain ted wi th visi(o r ' by a sco re of 18 to l-t , Halllm nnd :lnd childre n ; Mr. th em. hut in all every n pre ent en - and Mrs. Paul Schneider ; Mr. and Mr. Lee Lovely and ~'Complete Home Furni .her." And now, from bo th of u ' j oyed it. daught er;' Mr. and Mr. Milo our ince rc t wish e for vO ll r • • • Milt enbcrgc r and chil dren; and' happin es and c nten tm entTh e next mee tin g wi ll he i iJ our deepest 'th ank ' f r yo ur th e form of a picnic at W ayne Mr. Lawc rence Rooney. Th e patronage. Park, July 14 at 11 :00 a.m. party wa in honor of the birthdays of Mr. and 'Mrs. Lewis and Pho ne Sincerel y, Mr. Rooney. Lou and Marlin . 912R ~ v e n out of every nine li vin (( CempbelHWiller Marria ge veteran s of the nation's la t Miss Maxin e Miller of Day"E..t . Main Street at White man" Weanling pigs usually de- five wars serv ed in W orld Wa r ton :J.nd Mr. Hus ell Campbell velop nicotinic acid deficiency II. ~ccor~ing' to Veterans Ad - were marri.ed. W e!. nesday and '. if fed too much corn. ministr ation. are residin g in Lytle.

J_a_u"a_a_ a__


ug,g-esl The MIAMI GAZETTE, Pa ~ 4 h re if not in th Co unt l'\'. All n IIl lur . I re pe !full hi, No'. 4"324 lut h pre\'i4 U' tn 1~ Ci 8 \V a a t hat an 0 tl1~ r t :iil..' Ih ) U' th eir Wayn e vill e, THU~ S DAY, JULY 1 , 1 -17 head and dont park the ca r ' in ca in t m ak er. D a i I uffrin, Publ1&bed Every Thursday by DAVISSON PRESS a hatter from \ irgi nia, w~ - her.: front f th e firew rk. Their FLOYD L. DAVISSON. Editor a arl v a. 180 - ; h ' and hi - I vel\' f1 :u~ cou!.! onl v I'.:: half chicken ya rd and \\' m et the i:Dtered as Second Olat;a Matter at the 'P06t Offl.c e on-in-Iaw, lFreder! , tant n, e ' n . be ' :l ll se (Ii lh ~ pa rked two hen with th e chi k , onTv afl .: rwar.t ' a~ so ciak i with him, C:lrs, If w ha \l1t p.lJ'k I whe r,' thr ' l eft th en, an onl y two Sub6cr1ption Rates: $1.50 per Yea r 1n Advance unti l 1 f\ ~(I , ot mu h i - kn \\'n 'h L\' luld us tL1 I \\' ulln be no\\'. Two hen ' never ca n rai s National Ad ertising Repre sentatives f hoemaker until I 20 ; at -ore f r it w ul d have l' l' ~ 11 hi k n. in pa rtn er hi p. Th > Ohio W ee klies, Inc., 2465 W. Broad Street, that tim e J ame Boden i the m \ () \\' n fa ull hut a i t i:i. I ,1" 11~ pup: .:,~ w th ' chic k " :lnli the Columbus 4, Ohio fi r I kn \\' n, 1'0 in 1 .' 20 L ~vi 'u'pp a e I am th e ( Illy I' ll t: I helH \ 'ent f I' the pup an I u -h and cluck a ' -:k- h \\'1. and 'y~11 - - - - -- - - - - - -- - -- - - -- - - - - J ohn nn wa a tail r. Lk nj ;lI11in f L'l s th at \\'a\'. A fin th 're \\'ere ullti l I I' ' : II 'd th ~ I'ra li on. bllt-' . 10 DaviJ Brown out I t -1 Barnha rt \Va a ooper an I pon r , cared pup y jusl in lime . \~ .: ha 'l visit I' th' I til. I" S200, Ihe . lJua r~ where til Cleme~t MC.iick ~1:I~ie hail" ~ ;f hic: year I houghl iJll ~ "The mi ll h f I' ollr 11 .111' Ila nk i now itu:lk L A part f ai, "Ezra Adam ,\\ h? m ack day. I hope th cy h :t \'t~n t 111 ' 1\' :1 hUll dr ' d, f Ollr \\'~ k Id chi ' k ~ in a I · rmenant I nant ·, I \\' 'I 1 th ' at t ' rth waik farm of , forh Sp!nn,ln, ;"',wel: . I r ' ~I O U . t with all th e fer tile land "c!l un,!:,- n ine re ' wa h twh t I.' . Henr· ' thl,s. tl,lll ' I,: ,' ~. r t . lImJ11 I11 S n~ad.: ut 10 Ih ~ III ' hicken h u - , in I ~ :hl . f t wo hun dred day in ,!!' tn ii, nearly me hun Ire I , eeman for 560 '1'1nl1 l11 " \I' Il~' L J' ,f' III :1So to that we c.1 11 the nin l."f4 uri ' ~ i1 Id . I only ,11;0 t th em ah III I ' il :t(res. (I uPI use Ih e 01.1 . '. , I • _ , In Ihl cll 1l1lllt) nlty \\' 're to -e if th h ' l1 elting there lIa, s ag , we Liidnt hav to ln ter t to thl c mmunlty everal tanvard '. - 0 th er \Va ' had co me off th e Ile 't and I hav a heater in th ' hI' i'r Wrght Mill,) i hou, hi up , hv a wealth ' ()uaker (J hn IS .Mllttary ,urvcy No. 399. n leath I' to' m ak '\ a i les and found in t ad o f t w hcn ' and hou e. W leU hem ut ye ' terH',l ines." ) "I' have a weavin g' thl urv y IS I, at :! th e Ea t- harnes ; in thi bu in wa om e chi k::. f ur . kllnk s ea t- day for th e fir t tim and th y '-hn p and we avin g an ta k\- er~ I~alf f Corw lI1 and th e Bateman and Elijah Bradv from ing th e <.:g-gs an 1 th e t w hens I eha v ' d ver well. They hact 1812 to 1 :2 • Bef re' 1 _0 runnin g' til' und di tra 'te II. ing an j wove a num her of MiamI Cem etery .. It \\'a , pieces ; th e \\'or 't difficult y I vt!, e I by ~athanl~1 Mas I th fi r ' t \\'n ~o n maker kn wn with four chi ks. W ' had a lll uver ru n wi th ust 111" ,17?4 and. II I ,nll1!; - ' ~lt n t! \\' as Th m:1 Durell an :l h- m li ed kunk tl1 ni~ ht 1 efor e Sa mu >1 ton enj oy cI talk - IS lilt re tlllg a It mentllm a tw n 18-r1 an i i , .~ 1 leph n and uzey had t 1;1. out ' i i > in K o v I' with hi ' vi 'HoI' th e ~uga r ca m p at that al' l ~ak ' Owert ", au e ' h' had ev idellth' met man y adv antage . o f thi new i l read thu ' ; Begi nn in ,1!' at t \\' . a kunk but w had 11 ' i I a e untry: good l and , wa l c'r hac kberrie ' an j a buck \., 40 they \ I!re S 1 near and - m any . power etc, and c nclude his pole on a stra i ht lin e' hel \\' Four f them, ne oil on an I tier "thl:fe i a fin e chance th ugar amp, an I lIpp r 01' tl1J'e ~ y oun ne n ' arl y ~T,.w n. f r yo un m Il In thi ountry, ner to Jacob Brown' , urvev We h pe th y hav m v'd gool.! lan:l, and I r It, girl a o. 791. This u rv ~y til' 11 l ut the dog' till tr y to Iii HOURS: D. J. Fralaer plenty; th ere were six fair ne hounty granted unt I aac under th hOu\! and I.' Cap 9-12 each morning passed m y d or thi s,m rn ing in ' Ree? ( a c I. ~el f O,r t,hr'\: Jul -, t 47. Th e g-ra nd a\\ ne. I i ont Iik ' t \i ~ turh 1-5 atternoons except ne tr 'JP. But ' tl in a ide ~ eal ) .e l,vice , P rf .11ll e' 1 and gi rio us Fourt h f J ul is th em hut if anv 11 Gin tell me n ns n , although true, I re- III t~e \ IrgJllla ~m o f th o ver and \ 'lhea t harv st ba how t get r(d of th m wi th· Wednes«1ay que t AI el atterth wait, w h n . nhn '.Ilt al Establl hm ent, an i b gun. Th e w heat I in er \Va ut di :; tu rb il\~ th m I \V til 7-9 Saturday evening he ha ' I' ad thi lett r, t n- In pur uance of an act f C n- out n th e W atkin farm f II a r al I)ut th t: ergs a I Other evenings by vey it to J o ' ' ph and J o ' ph ress of th e . . pa ' ~ jug. earlier in th e w 'ek lut \\ e did chi k . Appointment to m ak the intere tin part 10, 1790. not start until vesterda an i The pup are growin ~ fa t, As I 'aac Reed evidentl, di d now our tin pat h i cut and and into very thin . .public among myoid acquaintnc of TELEPHONE 62-~ ances. for their info rmati on. hefore 1794 thi urvev. wa shocked . W had less than tw them foll ow d me int . th e Samuel Linton made f I' his Ide t son and acre this y 'ar hut it looked Th ere were n patent of heir Clement Reed. In ,Marc~ ver go d. At last we have ha Ian i sued befor 1 7 in 1 , 179 7 ~ d d for thl .ur a week o f gO( ha y ing \. ath r AUCTIONEERING Optometric Eye Specialist Waynesville, as th e l and old vey . wa I sue.d to Clem nt and if will 01~ 1 hold ut. until . STANLEY and KOOGLER hy y mme to Hei hway had Carrrngton, a, I nee f . Clem- ~\' . can put In all that I ' ut BaoJmU LleaN•• 26 South Detroit Street no patents from th e G vern- nt Reed, . Ign d by. J ohn down we CClm c lebrate, an 1 m ent. David Faulkner, w ho A~am~, Pre Ident and T!m othy tho e who combin e will be I'or Data, Pbone .... w~ XENIA, OHIO ve.ry early after hi c m ing t PI~ke rtn g" ee. of t<lte, a~ happy . Th ey haven't start~ \1 ObJo. ~ 'C7hu'8eI W ayne ville moved to Green PhIladelphIa. CI~me.nt Carnn g , y t. ___--:________..:-::====:::~.::.~.=:.:.:.=_. C ., got a patent for 208 ton and Jan e, IllS WIfe, on Aug . Waynesville cel ebrate the of land which took in th m ost 10, 18,05 SO ld. t.h e whol urvey Fourth with the help f tht! of Waynesville. Early transfers t o Gam~, Phlitp,1 and 8urW~1I American L gi n. The fi r ,of land show th following: Goode m Charl otte Co., \ a. works wer l o vel y but I w ul i amu~l Heighway I ought from w ho settled on the land about have enjoyed them m ore if I ' Faulkner cioto an English I 06 . hadnt een all the' sp~rk and Of the early indu tri e the bits of debris fI atin g down quares and four and one half uth we t of following ives orne idea : ont th ar th ai w re parked acres of lane! town, for $368. Latet Faulkner Daniel Wharton was th e fir t where they . told u to park sold to Johnathan Newman to establi sh black smithing in them. If th y had turn d th eir lot in Miami Square,S and 1810 ; John Craft Jr. a carpen - bombs so that they slanted th e 7 Wa h i n ,~ to n Sq uare for S32 . ter 'before that date; al so am- other \\ay there wouldnt I e a Out lot No. 14 (where th uel Rogers in 1812. He return- many pe oP.le as ? re as I am White Brick Meeting House and ' d to New Jer ey and returned ~h o ut It thl 1!10rnl~ g. M.v ca r Friend Home are n w I ca t- in 1816, brin ging with him IS covered WIth tmy bIt o f d ) t o J oel Wri ght ft r S8.16 ' patterns for iron mold-board a he and t her tuff. that i Lots 5 6 7 to Samuel T e for th Peacock plow. He got stuck on tight. It will take two ,$8 7' I~ts '6 and 8 W ashin ton his castings in Highland Co. and or three hours to ~Iean it all qu~re and 3, 4,. 7, 8, Ad am wa the first to manufacture off a~~ in many place I think Square, out lot 7 and pa rt of 8 piows with iron mold oards, the fmlsh may be permenantly to Seth Silver for $122.04; lots 1. and 3, Washington Square to Zadock Street, $2. 04; l ots 2, 3" 4 and 6, Presid' ent quare to Merrick Starr, $2; out lot 13 to Rowland RichardS, $8; out lots 5 and 6 to David Linton, $10; l ot 5 Waba'sh Square, (l,at e home of Emma Heighway) lot 1, Jefferson Square, (in th e early years a house of entertainment) and out lot 12 and 17 for $400. These considerations of prices represent probable aAll Sizes mounts paid to quiet titles and do not reflect true values of All Styles property. -" Tht! following more nearly QUICK DELIVERY SERVICE represent values ; Hammett to Satterthwaite lot 1, Wabash Square, 1811, $80; David Pugh to David Brow, lots 3; 4, 7, 8, Ohio Square, $50; David Holloway to Thomas Swift, North Main St. WAYNESVILLE, OHIO 1814, lots 5 and 7, Washingto n Sq ua re, ~ 1 50; J 0 hn Haines ._.__• __._._._.__._._._._._._._.;..,._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._•.:.'._._._.~ .• Da,toD ,'hone H£1275 - . ~al 'hODe 2552

The Miami Gazette BSTABLISHED 1850




t )






Dr. C. E. Wilkin


........•................ ........ ~




Tractor Til-es

( -' Ask {br .


Ashmead Sohio Service



Page 5, Th e MIAMI G AZET TE Ma ril yn' u mith a ollll' aWayne viII , hio, N . 4 . 24 ni ed upt. and Mr ". J hn Am s THURSDAY, J U LY 'Ill 1947 " and da ughter, yl via, to ~ t. 13 ma r i l a t Friday aftern oon . been in the batt ry a Ion!! th at Mrs. J :lnlle lt e Ell i an ,\ th ey hadnt mu h i ka l f hildren an d Mr . Marv " aUm n J'Ullning ;lroulll or gel li ng ut. 'J'h~ \' learned to KO in and ut M ' Inti r and s n ', were , uPli ~ r f Raymon I \\ il:, 11' , very qui kl y and 111 0 ' t f th 111 gue t Monday eve nin g. tay "d in th lit t! ' t 'lllpo'rar v Mr. Mary 130 ,{!' :l1l, Mr. an d yard we fi x' :! fr th elli . Perlnp · th ey " 'ill b~ th l.: kind Mr . Evan B gan and ~ randn of Dayton and i\" r '. L lI L,\ Ih al lie down by th e f e d ~ r and wait for food ttl Ile h al h~ ' I !lit Co mpton call ed in Ihe l30gan ~ut we ma d be tt er wi th h me Friday aft ' rI1 oI Jll, J ul ,\ th at kind th an with Ihl: gO I i 4. foragers wh o g-et a u ~' h t by Mis Aud l'~Y C mpl HI and l3etty' Comp l on (1r varments of all kind ' . H \1'C v ' r ni 'ec, I am h Idin r my fing rs A hville, N. C. are visi tin ~ Mr. cr ed and kee pin !!: my ~y '$ and Mr. Luth er Hain e and open fo r row , hawk , and oth r re lati ve . Mr. and Mr . Haym nd kunk , y e'v n on pUl . 1 Y the way d an one wan l Wil so n were gue ts f Mr. and l11ith of ncar to buy a pup ? Fi ve of th em ' M rs. Will ur are loo kin for home. El eazer, un day aft erno n . . Mrs. Charl es tanl e and th ug-hters w re in Xeni a" alu rlhy ~eve nin g . M r. and Mr . Homer Hain e (Oont.tnued from Page 1) an i SO il , Hi hard of near -allin :l th at ,ma i e Th e V ';l\' lh,svilk an l '\ r '. H. L. Horn er" ister L cker Plant, In . a' 1I1 ern and hu hand f Port m uth ready for th tart f a I ng and \\ I' \ gu S l ~ at Chu r h un :lay. hari' w rkin g spa n to ge t ~I II the many d tail. ir ncd uut and th pl ant in actual ope ration. T hat goal ha now I ee n aal'veitjbul'a hiev ,d an 1 the plant will hay iI . .iI its f ormal p nin ~ in, th near Mr. and Mrs. H arry . I u kf uture. ~!' and da l! ~hter, MIS Evaly n I II k ' r, spent th e weeken d as I t a f M,r. and M r . Ht U "Uc J ame Park an I.ulught r f Mt. Auburn. . p av i Mr. an j Mr. J L~ba non, for~ler .re letent of Ih! , mmul1l~ y , In compa ny ~Itht Mr '. Da! 11' Ha rt ~c~ /

pare nt , M r. and Mr' . H I"'<1rd Co llin on the "F urth. " Mr. and Mr ' . Eu en ' Au fderheide h:lVe r turn d hom ~ fo l' Illwin,(! a two wee k vacati 'n. M r .. and Mrs, Mavnard L : 11I1l )f Da \I I n \\' 'r ' \' ' ekcnd hl 'll',e ~ u Sls'li f Mr. El'( on' s l'afe nt ~ , M r. an I M 1" . W i II Ecton . M r-, Dha \\'.:h:h, wh " i::- ill ha " Ilw\'e.i int o II e hI me "f Il Lr S' JIl ::tlld dau (!'hll'r-ill-I aw, Mr. and Mr '. Tllll III a ' \\ c'k h. M r ', Sally \\' riKhl w a - ,I Da y l'''l ca lkr, ' atu rday. Mr. Hul1ert Doster left ~ alur i ay 10 j oin his wifc wh, ha ' be: n ' l ayin g at th e h me of th cir on and daughter-in- law, Mr. and Mr ' . Cli fford D st r in 'pri n,\!iield, O hi o. At thi time Mr. D ler i ' c nfin cd t o a ho pita l, th cre f II wing- an ap' pendici tis operati n p 'r fu rml:d earlier in the week. H is rcPQrtd to be in poor conditi n. Band Concerts I3cginnin Frida" July 1 'I a serie of ban len crt - wi ll he presentei n th e High S hu I gr un d- un d r th ~ dirccti < n of '\-\r . E ina Il mpl nn B gan, 'chool mu i in I rll t r. A featu r of thi wee k' - '(lJ1 cer t will he an ice cream ' ial and award of a larg· cake t( th h( IdeI' of th e lu k numher to be drawt1. Th ' puli lk i invited to attend. Birthday Dinner Mr. herma n M nt ~o m ' ry and children ntertain ed wit h a birthday di nn er, un day in omplim ent t Mr. M ont~ome ry . uest included Mr. AIda M ntg m r y, Mr. and Mrs. Walter Frazee and dau ~h-

here, day. .ea IIlg on , ay Fri n .were n elll: everal resldent e f th e illage att net.d th Fourth . of Ju~y c l e bra~lo ll In Wayn 'vlll e,

Mr. . t "rainB of tty,Mom I'\r. c. andMr. Mrand . Alfred Frank G arri on r. and 'on and gran ddaughter, ~y lvi a of Blanche t r, Mr. and Mr . W al-

Fl'l day evenlll g. Mr. and Mrs. Ben Bec.k tt and ,daughter J a~ entertamed ~ ro up" ~ ~ r l ah v s O ~l th e F urth. 1 hey 'Y re MI. ~n d Mr . I nil Co k ani f alml _, Mr. and M~·. Eug l1 e Sn dgra and children and Mr. and Mr . John B:ckett, Sr. ,and n, all of Fra.nklm. . Mr . Lisa C;~rl, \Va " a dll1l1 ' r gu t on the Fourth of Mrs. A. • Collett and son, Robel:t. Mr . J. W. nell entertall1ed the WCTU at her home, Thursday . Mrs: Carl Moo re .and daughtel', MIS Mary Lou, m compan. with Mr. Osee Harlan wer g~ests Of. Mr. nnd ,,:\r . Homer Kmn~~d m cente~vllle. R~pal~ Church HepalJ' work was s~a rted Sat~rday o~ the Meth odl t Church m ,the VIllage. Plan have b~en ~e veloped to re-roo f th .1 Ulldmg and make changes m the interior. Open Restaurant Mr. and Mrs. Ben Beck tt, who have' owned and operated cafes in this area ~t vari ou times ... have acquired a year' lea e from Mr. Charles Thomp· son, upon his recreation and restaurant establishment on Main street. The Becketts. assumed management, Tuesday, July 3. Mrs., Laura Shidaker is the guest of Mrs. Hat~ield in Lebanon. Birth Mrs. Dallas Barton and bab y son returned home Saturday from Blair hospital, Lebanon. The baby, Barton's f ourth son, has been named Carl Eugene. Mr. and Mrs. Lee Collins of Centerville were guests of hi

t r Leffler of Delaware. Mr. ELE , CTARRIC -ACETYLENE and Mrs. J e Beek-man and C daught rs, D arten e and .Maril yn FORGE f Co lum bu , Mr . Mary Keinl~ _ , k le, Mr . Hazel Bri j of J am s- , at WAYNESVILLE ICE HOUSE tnwl1, M r. and Mr. Ha rold PI nty of Hoom; Con v nience; Pl att, rm f r, T rU' k:; Garrison and Judy and Roge r We Welcome back aU of Out old customers, f Jam t 'W'n, Mr. an i Mr.. "Bud" Ruddick and family of Marlin viII , hnd Mrs. D all as Barton and son, D onald, I aul PHONE 2451 WAYNESVILLE, OHIO and J oh nn y of H a rve bu rg. liiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii_iiiiii~f Mr. and Mrs. Richa rd Wil- I Iiams an d famil y of Wilrnin gton were uilda, evening guests f Mrs. Willi am's parents, Mr. and Mr . H. S. Tucker and daughter, Mi Eval yn. Mr. and Mrs. Arn old Barton an i famil y, were unaay afternoon guest of Mr. and Mrs. DaJla Bart n and on. Mr. and Mrs. Donald C oate entertain d in compliment to their "Bridge Cluh" Saturday LEBANON. OHIO , evenin A" at th e attractive "Swiss PHONE 3M Manor" in Wilmin gton. Local memhers were present.

Locker Plant


. th.r , ugl~ th~ vanous processes t ~ I acmg m the lockers.. . . 1 he east half of the b~lldtng , IS devo~ed to the. han~ltng. of pork wI!h, rend~nn , sm km '" anli cun~ g e.qUlpment of th e latest deSIgns mstaHed to assure perfect results.. A cu~ed pork torage room I~ ay.allable to patrons. . " , In a por~l o n of the ba ement, poultry WIll be dressed and made ready for storage. Mr. Elmer BIstro of Dayton, wh o has had four years of experience with th e Dayton Ice and Fuel Co. as a locker man ager has been retained as manager of the local -plant. Future plans for th e formal opening of the locker plant and ~pen-house dates will be announced later, stated Mr. Burnet.

Mr. and Mrs. · 'Raymond Wilson were guests at a birthday dinner last Friday given in honor of Mrs. Goldie Hawk at th eir home in this community. Mr. and Mrs. Luther Haines and daughter. Phyllis, took dinner with Mr. and Mrs. Willard Haines near Sabina Sunday.


Mr. and Mr . Jos'ph Chap man of W ayne vill e wer evening dinner guests of Mr. an:l Mr . Harvey Burnet on th ~ FlI u!'th. Mr. and M r . Low 11 Th ol11'1 ' \I·er.... aturday even ing g u c~ts of Mr. an i Mr. Th ed e Jo ne . Mr. and Mr.. EVl:rc ti Earl \' \\'ere ~ u e , Is (1n Fri by nf M r. and Mr. I ~()~ .: Holand n ar Harveyshurg. Mr. an i Mrs. Ll' (1 1l Sal i 'hur of W ashing-I'ln C. H. wer'c Friday eve nin g' g- u I of M r.. Netti Em rick. Mr . Alma Kirkh am and littl e da ught r, Cherry An n, nf Battl e Cree k, Mich. i p ' ndin g a co uple of week' wi th her parenl , Mr. an i Mr . Ern ' t ' acy. M r. J t:I E. • mith remain seri al! Iy ill. Hi daught ' r: are at his hom e helpin .:.:- care for him. Mr. Chari e- Mull enix i v'r\' ill at t. Elizabeth Hospit al. I-I'I.: t ak n si k W cdne ' la v at th e I. c - W il e'.; Co. where he wa


SERVICE • We are available at all t' lmeS . . . NIGHT or DAY STU B B S FUNERAL HOME Telephone 2291 Waynesville, Ohio

mpl 'y~d . Mr . Mulkni x i:i l him m . t ever day, and re p rts hi c nd ition i . fair. Mr. and M rs. O li ver J ohn ton and on, Freddie, for merly of Ly tl , nm\' of Arizo na, call e j at th e homc. of Mr. a ll I rs. Ralph Garger an 1 Mrs. 1 'ttie Em ri k, ~ Llnday arteJ'lHlon. ,Mrs. ~ ha r le TUl11hlc ' () n is all ' ndin (!' th . . . (hnol ()f the M 'th Id i ~ 1 \\ oman , n i ' ties nf evera l I i Iri t at. , ahina, thi ' week .

TWIN Theatre 11 A tam pede x ite- 12 ment and a lvent urc f Ihis w nL! r hor e. A bo " I lye w n his wild heart. King Of The Wild Horses with Preston Foster, Gail P atrick, Bill Sheffield. ~'Iu - : C )I t'l r arl( un and T~c llnicolor Musical. .


gay j ourney ba k to 14 th e p ri od f th e roaring l w ntks when f lamin g y uth Glu 'ed e e-b row ra ising am n :r the 01i er folk. . MARGIE Technicolor ~ tarring Jeanne Crain, Glenn Langan, Lynn Bari and Ailln Young. Iso : New - , an Carto n. I ve thi lau h 17 fe t . . . An dy Hardy go e to co llege fo r th e biggest laugh hit in town. Love Laughs At Andy Hardy ' . S


JIIIIII;llllr~~n~dhlF~a~y~e~~H~o~ld~:en: ••_E:: x t~r::a~:.~p~:'te.:. Smith Comedy. t ANNOUNCING the Opening of






Any make or model Fred Kahn Mo'tor Cit Co.

Mr. and Mrs. Ch~rJes Rowe of Dayton spent Fnday eyening with Mr. and Mrs. Wilbur Clark. Mrs. Randa Huff, Mr. and Mrs. Albert Huff and Miss Lorene Huff of Dayton were last week guests of Mr. and Mrs. John ' Chandler an j daughters, Geraldine and Judy. Mr. and Mrs. Guy Routzahn and son, Russell, were SlLInday evening dinner guests of Mr. .and Mr . FJ'ank Brown at Tipp City and also call ed on Mr. and Mrs. Earl Mendenhall and daughter.





·'.-WAY FARM INSURANCE" in the Ohio Parmers wi11 pve you broad protection apintt JOSHI OIl your farm. It conn your buildinp, your cbaueb, your automobile aDd your UabWI1 for udcfeou to others. Why Dot see us today 1, You ...., ,0..'" ..,. wbID JOG'n ioaured in the Ohio Parmenl

IKarl D. Dakin Insurance Agency Phon~ l~~_ 20 E.


Mulberry, LEBANON,



co. , ~~ : tMt. ,

State of Ohio vs. Virgil Todd, plea of guilty, sentenced to Ohio State Penitentiary from 1 to 15 year. Paul Todd vs. Gertrude Todd, NEW SUITS divorce to deiendant ,on cross peAlmeda Venable vs. Howard tition; Child to defendant, plaintiff Vena\;lle, divorce, gross neglect to pay costs. Young & Young attorne~. Winifred R. Millard vs. Albert PROBATE Millard, divorce, gross neglect: he estate of Laura A. D. Kibbey Young & Young attorneys. deceased, Ohester Maple, executor COJ\IMON PLEAS First and Final account approved. George HendriCks vs. Albert The estate of Pearl Freeze, deHendricks et aI., survey, appraise- ceased, Forrest Freeze administrament, etc. approved. tor, First and Final account In the matter of the Mason approved. Methodist Church, sale approved. The estate of Joseph J. Strouth, ·· dece ase, d Ed na Str deed ordered . · outh , a d mllllSClara S. Snider vs. Charles Ev- tratrix, First and Final account erett Snider, divorce top laintiH, approved. separation agreement made a part The estate of Sarelda S. Moore, of entry. deceased, Lucille Irwin, ex~utor, Elaine J. Dixon, minor va. Ken- First and Final account approved. neth Dixon, minor, divorce to The estate of H. S. Gunnoe, de plaintiff, plaintiff restored ,to ceased, .Charles J. Waggoner, maiden name. administrator, First, Final and In the matter of the sale by the Distributive account approved. auditor of Warren County, Ohio, The estate of Theodore Ehrenof the real property formerly be. berg, Charters D. Maple, adminlonging to Charles V. Davidson, trator, First, Final and Distribudeceased, which real property has tive account approved. escheated to the State of Ohio, The gual1dianship of Ida B. 'sale of property ordered. Banb, incompeten4,. Clifford T. Geneva Thaclter, a minor ' vs., Hanks, guardian, First and Final Clay Thacker, a minor, divorce to account approved. . plamtiff, child to plaintilf, defendThe estate of Charles H. Holoant to pay plaintiff $10.00 per day, decea&ed, Mabel E. Holoday week. appointed executrix; H. ,0. EhresLeonard R. Land vs. Ester M. man, Clarence Ehresman anti W. T. Land, a minor, case dismissed by Snively appointed appraisers. . The settlement -of the estate of agreement of parties. Billie Y. Hu!!ord vs. John L. Ethel Evans Hatfield, deceased, ~uffQrd, divorce to plaintiff: plain gross value is $15,707.93. ~Iff restored to former name, The will of Arch Coleman, deeparation agreement made a part ceased, admitted to probate; Mary of entry. Coleman appointed executrix: Hen~ivien L. Blair vs. Floyd W. ry Le Feber, George E. Fryburger Sm!th, ~t aI, defendant, Floyd , and W. F. Eltzroth' appointed apSmIth gIven leave to answer or praisel'8. plead, on or before July 30, 1947. The estate of Margaret C-oughRuth Dix Barker vs. Thomas L. lin, decealled, John P. Cummings, Bark~r, divorce to plaintiff, inte1i~ adminilltrator, filed First and Final est m farm and all household account. ~O~dll~.~ plaintiff. . . . 3iUiiiAii The estate of Adda ·R. Davis,


_. _n.a_

_o_a_o_ .. __ 1__


deceased, Everett n. Runyan appointed administrator. The estate of William S. Long, deceased, Marvin lE:o Young appointed administrator. T.he estate of Fl,o. B. Monfort, deceased, Belva L,. SheC!ts and Chas. S. Sheets aplPointed administrators. • Th~ e's tate of J. J. Gallaher, deceased, J. Frank Gallaher appointed executor. The estate of Anna Knapp, deceased, E. W. Knupp and J. L. Knapp appointed a.d ministrators. The estate of Mi:nnie Hagedorn, deceased, William Hagedorn, administrator filed First and Final account. The estate of John H. Cook, deceased, Rhoda Cook, administratrix, inventory filed. The settlement o:f the estate of Minnie Hagedorn, deceased, Wm. Hagedorn administrator, net value of estate $10,055.80. The adoption of Loretta Anne Smith, Elizabeth W. and William H. Smith filed petition to adopt Loretta Ann You n g, and od a change of nSlme to Loretta Anne Smith. The estate of Afl~a Knapp, deceased, E. W. KmlPP ' and J. L. Knapp administrators, inventory approved. The estate of Alfred Casner Bowman, deceased, Oneta Beatrice Bowman, executrix filed final account: estate exempt form inheri. tance tax. , The estate of C~rl Miller~ deceased,. Clara E. Nllller appomte~ executrix. The guardianship of Mary Strout. ,an incom:petent, E. H . ' Hodgson, guardian. authorized to expend from the funds of his ward a reasonabe amount for her board, lodging, and personal care. The ' estate of Asher B. Newby, deceased, George :F . Newby, adminis-trator, authoriized to j.ay cer tain expenses. The e's tate of Charles H. Hola-

day, d ceased. hearing on inventory ' The MIAMI GAZETTE, Page 6 ordered for July 15, 1947 at 10 :00 Waynesville, Ohi , No. 432-l a. m. T H UR DAY, J ULY 10, 19,4 7 The estate of Alice Gilmour, decea ed, gross value of estate is . Joseph E. Zecher to Alice R. $22,824.47. Zecher, 1 lot in Leb anon. The estate of Howard S. Conover, deceased, gross value of esMary Ellen Beachler to Robert tate is $579,479.71. and May L. Olinger, 86.48 acres in The estate of Mary K. Bone, Franklin twp. deceased, J. Merri'll Bone, execuWilliam H. and Lucll1e C. tor, filed First and Final account. Schwepe to Elroy C. and Miriam The estate of Eldron C. Wolf, S. Denton, 203.06 acres in Hamildeceased, Sarah M. Wolfe, admin- ton twp. istratrix, inventory approved. Doris Tormento to Arthur H. The estate of J. J. Gallaher, de- and Grace Sharon, 47.73 acre a in ceased, J. Frank Gallaher, execu- Deerfield twp. tor, inventory approved. Kenneth L. and Lois Neal to The esblte of Mildred M. Trum- Christopher P. and Mina Lee nixbull. . . tdeceased, t' . Fay t Marlatt, addon, 2 lots in Franklin. minIS ra rtx, mven ory approve . The estate of James A Gould, Walber J. and Ruth J. Mathys deceased, Hazel Hollister Gould, to Arder.. G. and Elaine R. Steele, executrix, inventory approved. 1.10 acres in Hamilton twp. The estate of John R. Myers, de. A. W. Gutter to William and ceased, Leafie Myers administra- Marguerite Adkins, 4 lots in Miami trix, inventory approved. ParJ<., Deerfield twp . . The estate of Gilbert Gopperton, Reita Hill to OpaI"Marie Wright, deceased, J. T. Riley appointed 1.05 acres in Wayne twp. administrator; Paul Ruppert, Edmund J. and Laura Jean Oliver Chamberlain and Estel Brown to Earl and Leveda Weber, Wright appointed appraisers. 1 lot in Franklin. Mary Routzahn, Harry C. Mount, George C. Mount, and Ralph L. MARRIAGE LICENSES Mount to Walter R. Fitts, 43.74 Robert J. Dunn, 26" Springboro, acres in Franklin twp. laborer: Ruth C. Fry, 26, Franklin, Leoan Cox to Samual and bookkeeper. Martha Elizabeth Vail, 73 acres in William Yukawa, 29,' Waynes- Harlan twp. ville, route salesman: Kiyo SuzuClara Snider to Charles Everett ki, 25, Waynesville, dressmake. Snider, 8 lots in Union twp. Joseph L. Bantner, 21, Foster, William Kunker to Louis H. welder; Evelyn Barot, 17, Foster, Kunker ~nd Margaret Conover, clerk. 97.11 acres in Warren county: Willard N. and Elizabeth Upton to Edward E. and Mary Laughlin, REAL ESTATE TRANSFERS 1.50 acres in Wayne hyp. Nellie W. McKinsey to Walter Mae E. and Fred W. Wiggerman L. and Mildred D. Sheehan, plot in to Walter Tom Asbury, 5 lots in Waynesville. Deefie1d twp. Irma and Reva Stump to Hubert Earl L. Mendenhall to Kathryn and Maurine Shith, 1.21 acres in A. Mendenhall, 2 lots in WaynesWayne twp. ville. Ida Walte.r s to J. C. Yeary, 22.01 Walter Lee Snoo)c to Payon and acres in Harlan twp. , Sue Ooten, 1 lot in South Lebanon

.."-".' .... __ .______


1 __






I ~"-"-~


~ _D_

. '"






TWO-PIECE BJ~UE ,VELURE LIVING RO~DM SUITE Formerly now only $149,50 $168,~

.and Glass top COFFEE TABLE, with this suite TOTAL FOR BOTH



Sampson & Proctor Automatic

ELECTRIC IRONS $9,95 $1 0.95

$4,75 and $5,75

APEX Washers




. Corey Glass Coffee Makers




Waynesv.ille furniture & Appliance Co. •


Across the Street


Phone 2422





, frc~m


the Grange Hall



_L_~~_ a _a_ ll _n_~~~_~~_ n _u~n_~~_n_




a. 1



" an,( ailed n Misses Mam Annie Brown n aturdayaftern(l n. n Friday eveni ng their callers were Mr. ani M r . Raym nnJ Mon,tg- mery f Ce11lti rville. '1' 1. (' fri,II,1 Hom wi :, h ~ til tha nk till: lih' lI1her Ilt ti ,-' A me rica n I , '(i 1;1 , \I' h(l ,' I ' tho ughtfu lly 1' J'(, vid' d tJ'.l Il "pdrtat ili ll fl l!' tll ' l11 ttl :-e' tl'e fir ' work I II the c' \',' ni ng t f th,-' Fll urlh, . Mrs. Ella Da ki n pent . ' unda} at til .: hlllll c f her son, Mr, I< arl Daki n and famil v in Leban n. ' Mr. and Mr. e rg- ' , ' l3ryant, Mrs. Je ie 'Bryan t and daught ' r, Miss B'rni e ' Bryant from Wa hin gton, C. H . ailed on Mi se - . Ruth and Elizah th Chandler on , un :lay

Pa !l'e 7, The MIAMI GAZETTE Mr. and Mrs. Haym Ih Wa vn -ville, hi, N o. 4 -4 I aa', Mr. and M r -. ir il THUH DAY, JULY 10, 1947 I aacs and Mr. Lawr enc~ Powell r cent ly enjoyed a f~\\" Mr. ,and Mr. CharI ' ElIi ~ days in Riehm nd, Kl:ntll cky . ,ent lInday at the Miam i VaII '" Chaq tauljua with their Earl Rickey, , hi l'ky ;t Ill: diill g-hter, Mr . Eel De ker, wh o J.immy pent Vie 1 n e ~ lay in witl~ her fami ly i sp ' ndin g- a Windle tel'. m onth ' - vacat ion th ee .

you the I t in eatin enjoynt, at th e 1 west c st to yo u. 'v\'e will f ' atu re ham, t ' ak an 1 pork dinners with a (roo d sel e ' ti on daily, of vegetabl :> and fruits. Naturally \\' will ab() offer " -hort orde rs" tog ther w ith 'oft Irink ' and 13 0rde n' iCL' er am . We sincerely h pe you will all drop al'l1und and ,ay us a vi ' it. Thankin g yo u f I' yo ur PI' ' vj J US I'atrllnage ani trusting' we 'll ha ve til e pka ure of ~rvin g y ou again, . \ ery co rdia lly your, Ben and Mom Beck tt 111

and Fran e \Vhitak er are gon the t am for the ing to b demonstrati on c nte t. The luh pi 'n i ' will be July 14 at I I :3 (1 a. m. at \\l ayne P 01. EV'I"\'on will brin r .a c vere i di h an,1 their wn table se rv i 'L'. Gue -t pre ellt \\'t\ Zan a Mal! Fulk rson. The n~xt meeti ng will I ' held at Mr . Kl ont z, TllllI" ja y, July 1 0 at 2: () p.l11. lull memhl'r ' \\'htl will take part in the pr g ram f I' thi - m ~ etin g are andra S i m~ nn. J oa n and Janet M i -hener.

Mr. usie Jam e ' and so n, Mr. and Mr '. 0 n Hadle\' W illiam Franklin ()f In ~ z , 1( \ , had a ,pnday gue ts, Mr. and P pt th e In t wcck ..' nd at IIi .. M r. Wi1lia m Hadl '\' and ~() n h me o f Mr. and Mrs. I ~i hit r.! of I3 lan hest r, and' Mr. :lnd Kai er and famil y. M rs. Clarence Harvey and childr n. M r. and Mr . H v Ellis enkr .... tained a numb I' o f friends tu Mr . Ro a te~n I' and n, a pi nic supp er Friday evenin~. • WANTED. Paul spent th c ."F llrth" at th c DEAD STOCK. Milo Beal and famil y ent erh me f Mr. and Mr-. Richar i Th e Way ne vil'l e ew- 0 We Pay l o r Kai s rand famil . tain e:l hi gran 1mothe r, Mr,;;. 4-H lub met Thllr day, July $9.00 Earnhart f Rld g'vi ll e S ' V ra l 3 at Mrs. K l ontz with Mr. HORSES $,.00 days ver th e "F mth" \V 'k- a~:e.r.~,;:;". Grandparents of Twins Edenfield and M r . KI ntz in Accordln. to SI .. a CondItIon end . Born In Florida Mrs. Bertie Mills \\'a the charge and Eilecn Brow n prcAlso, AU SMALL STOCK Mr. an d Mrs. H ' IH Y Watkin ~ REMOVED PROMPTLY din ner gu t of Mr. Marth a sid ing. , Mr. and Mr . Ben Rick ev I' iVl:d a t legram oil June 2H PHON E at th e Friend . M rs. Edenfield read o,m.: Hend el" on XENIA WILMINGTON that t ley were g-randparcnts wen.' ..j th of Jul y caller nth" Hom ' t n lIndav. , hlOts on th e Oem nstratl on • \ f twin horn to Mr. and Mr . Earl Hi 'key fanl,ily . Mr. G eor,l:'iinna I vin , rc Conte 1. he al read ,th c I7IZ ur Z~6Z K nneth F x in North Miami , turned Sunday evenin g f rlml:t c?re hee t f~ r th nu~bel \~ R EVERSE CHAR GES Mr. and Mr . ram , houl' Florida. , T he twin h O '5 hav e \' i it \\'ith her jau, Q hter, M rs. p __ ol_ n_t_ . __ J_el_ll_ll_i!_L_e_ c:B _ r(I_:l_d_ c k_~ _. _ _ _ _-__"_ - _-_ ___ -_.-_'_-..!I___=.~ n' and famb ' n named Larr v L nn :lnd entertained their H 11r\ Hauenstein , and family ilie of Fri day evenLonny Le . .in Ci·ncinnati. ing. Rev . Paul Be_ h:r o f tl" Mr. W. A. Callahan and Germant wn Luth 'ra n Chur h liltl daughter, har n, of Mt. vi ited Mr. Amanda Hart J'um, Wa hington, Cin inn ati were \t\ ed n sda. aftern oon. r cent vi it r5 f her par ' nt , Mr. and Mr . T . C. Huny n f Mt. H \I . .


ALetter ro Our

Mr. and Mr . E. C. 0 and n f Madi nville, \ ith Mr. and Mr. fr m W edne day until Run y 11 at Mt. Holl The G i rard twih in toe harv

Lane vi. ite~1 T. un day

t f ield

ren of M r. Peter . M r. and Mr -. Haymond Dunham were guests of Mr. and Mr . :tlkr h han and olr on the 4t h of July.

----Mr. and Mr . David Allen of

Dilatush Building -

_~_ a _ lI _ u _~~"""...c

Broadway -

homework and farm account keeping. It means nfer stairways, fewer uips and ~alls, greater enjoyment of the hours after sundown. Eyes' are precious, hut good lighting is cheap.

Lebanon, Ohio







Announcing, Opening Of






Outdoor lighting makes after-dark c~ores easier and saf~. Well-placed reflector UnitS conveniendy placed are a great4relp when 'yeu Want to finish urgent work such as silQ filling after dusk or get the ~ay in before an impending storm. Good lighting protects your borne and your poultry and stock against prowlers and mieves. In bams and other buildings, electric lighting reduces fire huards. and makes safer working conditions the whole year through.

Now is a good time to check up on your lighting arrangements and install modern electric lighting eqUipment. Ask your County Agricultural Agent for advice on me latest wiring and lighting helps. or consult the Farm ,Representative of The Dayton Power and Light Company serving your ne~ghborhood.

Saturday, July 12, 1947 •

Look fo r the ~i g n of The Fly ing Red H orse"



electric lighting indoors means new eyeGood saving comfort for reading, sewing, school






Springfi eld were w ee ke n d guest of M r. and M rs. Fre:l Hook. , .....


fter vera! m onth re 1:, we again have pc:ne:l a r taurant -:1 ne\\' 10 ali n, having aquir d a l ea e fr m Mr. Charley Thom, on upon hL "R creati n" in the cent ,r f Main tre et I u5in s di triet in H arveysburg. , F r yo ur r creation y u will hay acce s to ur pool and card table, daily excep t Sunday, in accord with a village rdinanc . '-four e our u ual tradition f home-coo ked meal is ti ll in effect seven da 5 per \\Ieek. ur aim, a al way, is t ive Mary Pugh of Lehanon

bave be n

M r. and Mr . ,E. F. 'Earn hart f had a Fourth f Jljly and w ek end guest , M r. and Mr . J . 1. R binson and chi! tren, Marth a Jane and Donnie t Mr. and M r . B. Ea rnh art and Charl es daughter, Joan Louise, an d M rs. M :l r:y Patterson 0 f Dayton.

Sew-So 4-H Club




• • • CLA88D'IBD AD BA'lW • • • WCII'da or leIIo CIDe BIdl &ddStoaal wanl •••••••••••• 10 ~ BA'l'B8 bJ COMTBAOT


IAMInl . PIID~ LAND BANE LOANS: Pol' Reo..."., . . - loaDI RebuJldlDc IhUtDIr , .. Parm wltIl kIIla

... cO ~

PaJ paR or

&l1 &Df

time.' LEBANON NAn FABaI LOAN ASS'H., BWa He 8WrJp. SedJ~ Lebanon. Ohio. Pllooe ~

R..I Eatate For Sal. IP YOU BAVB A PROII'IR'n OR


PANI SlIILL 0loI1 or tft1t,e Don Beaderacm, Tel. KBM4I. 617 LIniIr Aft., ~ <*10. ate

FOR SALE·- S· eved n RL0 0 m House; Sem I-rna ern; oca t ed In Corwin. Contact Mrs. H. B. Motan. -7-17c REAL ESTATE DON'T ' FORGET TO CALL us for Insurance. AI} types of Insurance at a sa vmgs. Call Francis Gene Brown, phone Waynesville 2935 or call collect, Wilmington 2111. '

FOR SA' , ' "




FOe SM..E-. TWO ~ b.p. 110 volt eJecktc motma; General J!l1ectrie. 1750 r.p.m.. eyceUen!t cood&t.1on. Plb tl',DO . . . Pboae 21~

Gardea ~



Late. Cabbage FOI( ~ALE plants; 10c per do~en. Chas. C. Strouse, ~ 'Ii miles North of .Way~esvJlle, ~orner of WayneSvJlle~ Ferry and lytle road~. ' -717


: , , WANTED TO RENT-House In WaynesviJIe Scliool Distdct. Reference, R. H: Kier 3rd. Street. · 7-10 HoaieIaoW Goode _ •


' Wooden Porch :FOR. SALE.Glider;,. Used One Sea~n. Op,al I resslar Waynesville, OhIO, After 5 :30 P. M. 7-10 i<E"ROSENE RANGE- Three burner and oven i 10 lb. Grocery scale. WilJis Hunter.

Rc erve Di tri t N Charter No'. 22 _0 REP RT OF C NDITI N OF

The WGlynesville National Bank

f WAYNESVILLE, OHIO F arminlr Implementa-In the ta te of Ihio, at th e 10 e f business n June 3 . n47, FARMING T OL FOR ALE publi hed in respon °e to call made by Comptrolle r f th ' CurWheat d rill; Manure preader; rency, under section 5211, U. S. Revised Statu . Hay rake; Mower ; Cultipacker;' ASSETS Oi e; Hammermill ; 4-wheel ba lance with other banks, including reserve Casn, Wagon n rubber' dump truck balanc , and ca h items in proc f 'c l!ection S 515,759.61 bed ; slOg . Ie-row cu 1ft Iva or. United States Government obligation, direct MI CELLAN EOUS TOOLS & and guaranteed! ............... ...... ...... ... .. 748;76 .8J FIXTURES-- 2 electric pumps 302,995 .71 Obligations of S1tates and political subdivi ions shallow ' well ; 6Q inch stainless 54, 98 1. 25 and debentures .............. .. Other bonds, note, steel ba in ink and cabinet. Bill Lee, R. R. 3, Waynesville. Corporate tacks (including $4,500.00 stock 4,50 .00 of Federal - Reserve bank) .......................... .. NOTICE OF APPOINTMENT Loans an t! di counts (including ~L 7.00 Na t'Ice .IS, hereb ' h overdraft) ............................... ..................... . _8 9,095.1 i y given tat owned 1,000.00, furniture Ben1ice M. Bogan whose Post Bank pren;ti 1,001.00 Oft-iCe addre is R.R.3,Waynes- and fi xture $1 .00 .......................................... .. ville, Ohio has been duly -apTOTAL ASSETS ...................... .. 1, 9 17,1 pointed a Executrix of the Estate of James H. Bogan late LIABILITIES a f Warren Coun t y, Oh'la, de- Demand deposit of individuals, partner hips,. ceased and corporations ......................................... . 1,518,795.93 Dat~d thO "oth da fJ e 1947. IS Y a un, Time dep it of individuals, partnerships, and . corporation ................................................. . 146,275.00 Ralph . H. Carey, Judge Deposits of United States Government (inclUding of ·the Probate Cour!, po tal savings ) ............................................... . 26,46 .48 Warren County, OhIO 48,906.15 Maple & Maple Attys. -7 '10 Deposits of States and political subdivisions .. .. Other deposits (certified and cashi\!r's ' checks, etc. ) .. ............ .................................... .. 2,479.00 LEG A L NOT ICE TOTAL DEPOSITS ........ $1,742,924.56 Sealed bids will be received 1,500. 0 Other liabilities ............................................... . by th e CounCl'1 0 f th,e V'll I ag e of Waynesville, State of Ohio, TOTAL LIABILITIES . . ................. .... ....... 1,744,424.56 at the Council Chambers. until 12 o'clock noon July 18, 1947, CAPITAL ACCOUNTS for furniShing otie (1) 1 'Ii Ton Capital Stock: Standard Dump Short wheel Common stock, total par $75,000.00 .......... .. 75,000.00 base,. dump bed, hydraulic Surplus ....................... ........................ ............. . 75,000.00 hoist, help'er springs, 7.50 x20- Undivided profits ...................................... .. 22,678.02 8 ply tires duel, rear wheels. Each bid must contain the t 72,678.0:1 , TOTAL CAPITAL ACCOYNTS full name of every Person or Company 'interested in same. TOTAL LL~~BILITIES The right i~ reserved to reand CAPITAL ACCOUNTS ..................... 1,917,102.58 ject any and all bids. ' By order of the Council of . MEMORANDUM Ohio. A~set.s .l?ledged ali assigned to seeur Charles James Clerk liabilities and for other purposes .................. .. 149,931.25 .:....:7.17 State of Ohio, County .of Warren, s : , . I, S. L. Robinson, cashier of the. above'n,amed NOTICE OF HEARING bank, do solemnly swear that the above statement 'i ON TOWNSHIP BUDGET true to the best of my knowledge and beller. N'otice 'is pereby given that S. L. ROBINSON, Cashier on the fifteenth day of July, and.. subscribed before me this 8th day of Sworn to '1947, at 8 :00 o'clock p.m., a WYMER L. DRAKE, Notary Public July, '194·7. public hearing will be held on ,'(SEAL) Correelt-Attest: the budget prepared by the ROSS H. HARTSOCK Trustees of the Township of GEO. J. WATERHOUSE Wayne, Warren Coun,ty, o.hio, HOWARD SURFACE for the n.ext suc~eedmg fiscal Direct rs {~'![8. endmg December 31 st, - - - - - - - - - - -

The MIAMI GAZETTE, Page 8 . Wa ne ville, hi, N . 4 24 THURSDAY, J ULY 1 , 1 <1 7

Death Rates Show Increase

The detailed figure n ident death rat s for each of the counties in the state, prent conclusive evidence that more communities must organize for accident prevention, or the toll for 1948 will be terrific . In 1946, 53 counties showed an increase in their accident death rate, 31 decreased and 4' we re exactly the same as in 1945. There were 19 counties with a death rate in excess of 10 death per 100, 0 population. The state rate was 73. 7. 39 counties were better th an the state average and 49 were poorer. . !Acciclental Death · Rate By Counties - 1946. Compiled from data supplied by 'Ohio Department of H~atth Divi ion of Vital Statistics, based on death certificates' coded according to Manual of International Causes of Death. . Death Per 100,000 Population: Figures for counties in this: area are as follows: Warren, 48.4 0/0 ; 1945 Rank 34; 1946 25.0. Clinton, 69.6%; 1945 Rank 20; 1946 23.0. Ham i It 0 n, 72.8%; 1 945 Rank 50; 1946 4.8. Montgomery, 90.1 % i 1945 ' Rank 57; t 946 15.5. Greene, t 02.9%; 1945 Rank 84; 1946 15.5. tiC

TZiDBoICES Such hearing will be held at ~GION tHANKS THE the Township House, Waynes- COMMUNITY WAYH8~.1 Wayne Township Veterans WANTED-3 MEN FOR PARq' '.tille, Ohie. 1II0u0w H .. I 'tIME WORK. MA]YNARD WELTZ, Post No. 615 wish to thank "ANON Offlee .tlK Th:is is . a "permanent job ret Clerk Wayne Township the ·people of this cO'mmunity BAND and GRAVEL Bn.IDL for their splendid support of th ~ (iui/iing :ibbut four hou'rs work BLACK-TOP DRIvES . , on .Sunday ,morning" establishNOTiCE! . July 4th celebr~t:ion. TAIl and ROAl) OIL lng and servicing a motor route We have about three dozen We plan to make this an LAWN ~d FILL DIRT in your community. If yQu own chairs that have been loaned annual affair and' will always READY·MIX CONCR£';fE a car and can use an ex~ra in: and have not yet been returned. el}deavor to continually im~pmet of. $300 to $500 pel yeal, We will be glad to call for them prove the entertainment an I EXCAVATING .nd DUMP TRUCK ' SERVICE act a once, .s~nd your narT\ and if notified of their location. give to the community a good, •. a?dress to Ohver A: Mund~lenk, . McCLURE FUNERAL HOME clean and safe J:iourth of July. ;:;::;:;::::::;:::=:;;=:;:==~::::=:;::;:::;:::;==::: 214 HIli ~t., Xenia, OhIO or Telephone 2111 We appreda~e your help and Phone Xelll~ 138R after -?y._~. trust you will c50ntinue in your WE PAY FOR 7 10 ASSOCIATION GRANTS support of this wortj1-while enH--E-~-P-·:. W-:-A-N""+-E""'D-- --A-t-o-nc-e, NEW MEMBESSHIPS dea vor i)l the yeats to come. e~ perienced brick layers and Dr. W. C. Heinz, Cincinnati, .' experienced carpenter. Bet- who has a farm at Hamilton, is CLUB TOURS P'LANT ter than scale . . . top one of 86 Ohio Holstein breed- AT KINGS MILLS salarie s paid. Eight. to ten ers recently admitted to memThe ' Waynesville Sew-So ACcbRDIMG TO' SIZE AND CONDITION weeks ,excellent workmg con- bership in The Holstein ~ Fries- 4-H Club went on a tour . CALL ditions. Apply to A. P. Eve- ian Association of America by through the Columbia Record. . land, Contractor, Hygienic unanimous vote of the Board ing company at Kings Mills on • Pr?d~dions, Hy.giene Bldg., of Directors. Applications from Wednesday, July ~. They ate Wllmmgton, OhiO. 710 943 were approved. The nat- · 3i picnic lunch at Harmon Park . 0lJEAN M.GB w~· MUST ional Holst~in association is ~he in Lebanon. Ile free' of buttons. P1nis and-Ihooks larges.t . ~alry. cattle recordmg ---, · No cUrtaIns- or aUk !hose accepted' orgamzatlon In the world. Its The crowdin,g of farm . ; Be!"t :ptl1cea. 08ll ·~143. • total membersbip now numbers animals int~ .t inadequate quar" "C ' . ( more ·than 3-7.' 000 cattle br-eed' terS favors the spread· of ,- ~ _ , CL\881FDD ADS • ers. . , disease.


HbRSES.$9.00 COWS $7.00 . I





..X,E.NII ·'A . Fe,rtilize·r

TYPE TALKS,.. by John S. Turner

.Th MI- amI~



Special C -d Meeting B d ITo The Springboro Grange wil! ODSI er on ~ue

This is a story about fish, not a fish story. be guests of the Farmers Latest records of the Wayne Gra~~e No, 13 on Sat,u~day T wnship School Board indi· The oth~r day I sat down . beside Ralph "Doc" Miller and '. e~ent~~, July ! 9, The ,VIsitors cates the following list of " 65 , . :I~~ ~~r~~s~ °t~l~epr~ocg~!~ ~~d faculty and teach rs t~,at have said something about the k , , - been employed for tne year . pound carp that had been ta 'en from the Little Miami River freshment.s Will be served after 194'7-48, acc rding t a statenear Morrow a few week back, E tablished 18~ No, 4325 S1.~O per Year 5c a Copy the mee tmg, Members of the ment made b the Clerk of the WAYNESVILLE;G HI 0, THURSDAY, JULY 7'_,1947 local Gra nge are reque-ted, Doc, himself, is quite a _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _t_ be present to help make thiStoa Board ' C. W. Barnhart. fish erman and is credited with successful m e~tin g Raymond W. Braddock, 'catching one of th large t catOPERATION FOR ' uperintendcnt i DaVIS W. fish around these part, It was APPENDICITIS Turne,r, A istant Principal; J. B. Crabb, ocational a 26 po un 1er wh ich he and Miss Shirlel Lawson was reAg-ri III ture; 0 nald C. Gahris, Roy Mar hall caught several !D0ved to Os eopathic Ho.;pital Music Teacher ; Edwin Payne, years back. N t exact1y a mall fi 'h any way you look it. " m Dayton at 4 :00 a, m, Wed' . cience and Coach ; Ray B,. , , Ilesda,y morning \\ he~e she The' Waynesville Civic Club Harper, cien e i Edith . G. When I inferred that no one ar ulld here woul d catch a fi h All orgalllzat~ ns and groups subl~ltted to an appendlctomy. is ann ouncing its forth-c omin g Luken, H m EconomIcs; much biggu than that 0 c of t1:~ co mm~nlty are ,urg d t She IS th~ daughter of Mr" and me ting cheduled to be held Dorothy M. Day; Virginia Lee wa quick to re ply, parttclp~te III pl anning, th,e Mr~. Toltan Lawson of South on Monday evening, July 21 Hardin; Cha t'le J ames; Laura "I'N bet that I etwe n the cele ratt?n of ~a YI~ esvllle s Mam S t . _ a t the Boy Scout Cabin . .A E, McKinsey ' Thelma B. Elzey';, 150th, birthday which I' cll dsupper will be served at 7 :00 Ola H. K rsey ; Mary M. b fI'd ge t:t R ut e 7 an d. T I e. uled f r this fall. ' d W Ik graph Mill'S there are three or .. " m. with the following mt:nu An erson; Jan e a e ri f ur fi h that wei rh t 00 ,~Ians ~J.e tenlat!ve' t~1IS 100 C 00 set up to take care of the Florence C. Hastings; Mrs. pou lds or more," far, acco,rdmg to LeWIS RO~I~_ wh etted ap p tites : Fatlis Paine. . Sliced Baked Ham; Celery Florence M. · Foxbower; Doc explains his tatement son, ch~lrm~n of t~e CIVIC thu Iy : "In that v'lter there Club sesqUl-cente~l1Ial ' comand Radishes ' Pickle' Fre h' Commercial tea h r has reare ·tretche ·, . me a' half mile mittee, ,where ~h~ Idea o~, the . ., Flaky Buns; ' Baked Beans; signed to accept a secretarial ' long, \\ hi h are pra tically cele~ratlon, ongmat~d, and July 28 , through Augu t - Fresh Green Salad ; Olive; po ition in the Office of the arr n f fi h - alth ugh the nothl!1g WIll .be decIded upon ~rom 8:~ a. m. to 11 :3 0 a. m. Iced Loaf Cake; Coffee. Dean, Wilmington College. C Dl iti ns are ideal f r bass. defi~ltely u~hl a group re~re- IS ,the time ~heduled fOIr the After the meal a short Wilmingt n, hi and Chatles., I think some i r gentleman s~ntlOg all mterested ~;galllza- Fn,ends Vacation, School to, be business sessio~ will , be held R., , ~k Kn ifr!:t , :!ementary swims back and forth ij1 th se bons been formed. held at the Fnen~s MeetlI1g and then the C1vtc Club Horse- Pnnclpal re Igned to accept the ections ooping up all the Robinson points out that House. The school IS open .to shoe Pitching Contest will be po iti 11 f PrinCipal in the , ' smaller fi h, And' in the e same such a group should be created age~ from ~ t? 1,6 y~arbs .'n- held in which team made up Elemc:ntary cho Is, Oxfor~, pot I've had me of my a,t once so the~e will be as much cluslve. An mVlta~lOn IS. em.g of Civic Club members will vie Ohio. . J str ngest lin napped as t,lme as, pOSSible to ' plan the extended to all children 1~1 thl~ for championships. , Passag' of the Daniels. I 1h u '11 they w r c rd n celebration. , age group to attend. It, IS re Members are asked to bnng Cramer Bill has brought about \ stri ng." . The idea has been propo ed quested they be ,dresse~ mpla~ a guest to this affair, Notify substantial increases in pay for · He also points to the inci . that each participating organ- clothes. and.a fee of five cenb th Club Se retary promptly. the teachers, granted on! the dent many years back when ization and group share equally a day IS bemg charged for rebasis of th'eir teaching exFrill1k and Banty Le Mar were in any proceeds that' might fre hment~., peri ence and number of traitt. 'operating TeLegra h Mill and accrue from the celebration and A sp.eclal program Will, be ing credits. ' a big shovelhead catfish ot al 0 work together in it's pre- held on Saturday , evenmg, ' T h e Way neT 0 VI n ship " caught in ~e wheel. When the paration and presentation, August 2 at the ~e~~lI1g 1-louse 1" 2~" School Board met with the fish was extracted oilly the So that formation of the to close the actlVlbes of the "lW, ~ . unty , ' , up e riD ten d]e~~' p rtioo ' the 'positiorr of ' group can get 'un ere way, ~chool for the week. - , Ra 111 n Hatfield in special th e d r al fin forward remain- Robin on suggests that each Members of the Vacation Th e B'a nd B oster Club is sessi n on Thursday everting t!d but this weighed 60 pounds. Interested group or organlza- School wfio are trained in this sponsoring an ice cr am social July ' t o to consider the pre: Doc als~o tells about. one of tion select two representatives type of work will be in charge and band concert to be given iiminary proc dure necessary 'the prettie. t ights h has ever to serve on the council which of the various groups of child- on Saturday evening, July 26, in submiltmg the B nd Issue seen, It was a .Iarg carp which ,will either act as a planning ren and will supervise . their at Main and Miami Streets, for the p.ropo ed new Grade he de cribes as about the size committee or decide how sitch activities. T,hey include Mr. According' to Willis Hunter, Building of 'a cracker arrel which he a .committee is to be chosen, Dick Eastman, Field Supervisor president of th Oub, a great . _ _ _ __ saw roll in the sunlight ju t a- This committee will select its for the Friends Church and his number of ticket have been wife ; Billie Eastman; Nancy 'sold for the occasion and a head of his boat" The variation own officers. of' colors on the sides of the Organizations , and 'groups Bopple; Myrtle Jones and Ruth g od attendanc;e is assured. He fi h, along with the realization, wishing to partiCipate should Hyde of Columbus, anq several states that a radio - phono ' that such 'a ig fish lives right contact Robinson immediately. of the membas of the local ombinati n i listed as a prize in hi. wn ' back yard, really church. ' for the evening. . ' gaY,e him a thril • . Transportation will be furThis will also give th~ local On ' Sunday evening at 7 :00 f That was one that ,,:elghnished on request to Elizabeth reSidents, an opportulllty to o'clock the Waynesville uQI~ , ed' a hupdred and' there s , t10 Furnas at telephone 2874. their band III an out-door Men" will meet the Lytle "Old reason fo~ mf to lie ,beconcert. It is hoped the affair Men" on tqe Softba'1I diam<;>nd cause I did? t h~ve hIm hook- " . '" ~roves to be succes ful as t~e at Wayne Park to cide the ed an~, don t cla~m thjlt he got George. D. MI.lls~ ~6, form~r tuture of ot,her concerts Will winners, of the two rival teams~ aWIlY, ~~c remar~e(1, . ~ural mall camer died a! hIS depend up9.~ Its approval. The losers of this match 'are te ' Well It s somethmg ·to th,mk home at 4:30 a. m. Fnday, treat the winners about and .' imagine some fish- July 11, after a long, confining 0 oj P. ci" :11 ,', '· erman coul4 ' make quite' a illness; , , . vf ,erry , me ~J, ' "th H I I d "," . '1' , . WayneSVille team If I hi f e s' surv ve t:Jy a son, According to Harvey Burnet i P '11 th L tf6. ~ name or mse, a ong W1 , ,saving Dpc's good ~ame, by Llnd.1~ of KalamazoQ, Mich,; the Waynesville Locker whll be rl 0 ttm,:"1 " e Y ,group. · , ';, landing otie of those big fish. one: grand~~ughter and , one in operation by Monday, July " .' Lin~-up for the t~ms Just one word ' of ca"tio~ great ,granddaughter; also, a 21, ,providing all machnnery " Mart~a: E. Crel~htO,n, ,a J!(e ,fC?lI~ws: ,Waynesvdle: ' don't go .after him· with a string step son, William Strouse of and eqUipment us~d in the long reSIdent of thIS commu I!Y D~VIS, Stanley ~D\itClil"pt!: , and bent pin. " ~lytle. , ' rtment of the passed away at her ho,m~ til B~rt~n,~I.Pol But the skeptics are always He was a member of the pi y ";fhls Lytle at 8 :45 p. ,m." ,Fnday, ford, Wilham with us and must be shown. Odd Fellow Lodge of Lebanon ~4t tHis July 11" . at th~ of 84; " ington, Bob After catching his 26 pound and members ,~f that . She " i~ . su~iv,ed .;by her :hus-, ' New~an, cat, Doc· tells 1lbout old Doc zation conducted was ·band" WilhaJ:D ' o-:te ' 'slster, Zeke Isaacs, ' Oglesby 'com~ng to. him· and vices. a~ the . h9me 00 ' c _ Mrs. SUsll! Sayi. ~r 'Qf Dayto~i t Lytl~ ~ . ·.·R~d saying, : "Ralplt, ,you, nttde II evem~g at 8;00 'O'clock, Rev. .. ,Pf a~d §eve~al . nephew..$ and Hammond'; Jim lot ' of honest people out,' of R. B. Colem~~ of the Methodist , " " ,meces., ...:, . " f ~" " "1 p~opJe' l~ thoUI~t ~ere UaJ!S!' ., OU101\ . offJcla~tf ,:It fUn~ral IJ.B1~f" 1Jre~_ • ,_'fUa-;te~~1 '$eryece~ swere herd , ' ,. . ' . , services held at the McClure ~au es .arc; , for MOQI3Y, at 3 :00. p. m. at lytle '. We:' as 'w~lI continue ii\meral. HOl}I'e ~,, ~ond. ~ ilt. ~roc~ssmg . ' at this '·Meth·od'~t ·, Phureh • \yi~b ,Re.v• • . tllklftg , a.' T flsfu At least 2:00 ~ p:) m• ..,I3uf.1al was . m,de bm~: " ". ~os~pl1$ offio!atfc?? 'BurUl~y can't ~ 1: bact. ) In Miami t.emet~r'Y. . ' " I~ is s\lgg~e,d tllat ,collltact :lal, " und~r . tb~ ,' d,r~ctlon of ' The ,t Is n6t a"native 'o'f, · . . ~", ' : 'I " 'be . mad~ With the , 'locker Stubbs Funeral Home ,w4s ' Pcollinb:v but' 'Bii6 . '. , plant ' berore ,6ringing f' o<ls :miifo in Miami ~metery. Boger -to be stored' to . mak~ sOre they , , , I; .' " ,Er...~,"I.. ,o,t can " be ' . This ' and '

PIans Made For Sesqu.e-I'e'oleoo.eal


Vaea' t- ShiP. GI·veo By Fnends


Ice Cream Social Band lIoocert

"Old Men' "PIay SoftbaU Sooday

George D• 'Mills ' F I H' M d ' IDera ere ' on ay

Locker Plant I '0per1tion ·

' L Ie' ReSloent 'Passes,

Away ' F'-day, .Jill 1








Mr. ' and Mrs. John Hilt, The Miami Gazette Page 2 , There I got Cap and the tractor and we filled up a can from Misses , Mary and Florence Waynesville, Ohio, No. 4325 BSTABLISHBD 1150 lour home supply and rode the Williamson called on Misses THURSDAY, JULY 17, 1947 Publ1lbed Every Thursday by DAVIS80N PRoES tractor back tOi the corner. We Ruth and Elizabeth Chandler. PLOYD L. DAVI88ON, l!lctitor had gas now but we were IDtered sa Second OlaEe Matter at the PoIt O1fkle getting hungrier and hungrier. FISH AND GAME GROLP 8Ubecr1ptlon Rates: $1 .50 per Year in AdfttDCe ~? ho!,"e? or try ~ayn esvi1le? HAVE SUMMER VACATION I Ad " we tried Waynesville. As we " · vertlslDg Representatives came by we looked in at Accord1Og to custom of the - Na t lona Ohio Weeklies, Inc., 2465 W. Broad Street, Th elma's but that was closed so past the Warren County Fish Columbus 4, Ohio we- ended up at Moms Pantry and Game Association will --~-----------------_ _ _ eating sausage and sauerkraut ~av e no regular monthl y meetC1\. //1 I in their pasture. One of our It tasted good but it was just ~~s dunng July and t\ugus~. HOURSJ.) readers once called this sort of what we could have had at e next regular meeting IS ,." t a tale, "tripe" and said h home wi~hout all that' travel. sch~du~ed for September 11: 9-12 each morning w 0 And so It goes and why will un ay, Aug u s t 2, . IS 1-6 afternooDl. except D. J. F..u..r on earth want to hear about any one take time to read all sch eduled for the County-Wide Wednesday Jul y 11, 1'947. Skunk are a cow g~tting, out but some about other peoples troubles? Fa~mer's Picoc to be held at the still abroad in the land, I am r~aders Will climb those hills Maybe they can feel superior Fair Grounds in Lebanon, 7-9 Saturday evening refering this time to the four ~~.Ith me Qr ,will think and say, and laugh a little or smile start,ing, at 1 ~ :00 a, m. and Other evenings by I gged kina. There are un- . fhat remmds me of the maybe if so its all right by me cont1Oumg until 4 :00 p. m. Appointment do ubtedly too many of the ttme," and conversation will ' , " other kind in the world but be started for th r evening. Mr. and Mrs, Stanley Bailev TELEPHONE 62-8 they havent been bothering me The . n,ew lo~ker plant is al-.::-r I II had as their guest (or the past recently. There are only three ~ost flntshed, 10 fact, by now ..;:I-ritl d:J ~~ week, Mrs, Lawerence White now that I know of because IBt may be in operation: Mr. M Enll D' ome and little grandson 0.1 Rich. - . ~ J found the fourth dead on my urnet showed me through it , .rs. ,a :ak1O attend~d a, mond, ~ndiana. Mrs. White was 0 to etri Ey S i 1 porch Wednesday morning. It 'the other day a!ld it looks as fanul.y dmnel~ on Fnday a former .resident here and pm · c e pec a Iat was one of the small ones, the though everyth10g was the evening at t~f. ,home of her greatly enjoyed meeting her 26 South Detroit Street one with a white spot on its late~t and best of its kind. The son, ~arl Dakm 10 Leb,anon. friends. XENIA, omo head that gave me such a saucy new manager comes highly Miss Elizabeth Chandler" , look from the hole under the rec0n:tmended and it should M~s. L. W. Chandler and Mrs. tJH OAZB'rl'll: ClASSIFIED ADS ...-----~--._._ ...._ . nine-fourteen. Suzy must have ~ontnbute towar~ better living Ahce Clark attended services r-----------------...;~---~ brought it in for the pups. Last 10 t~e co~muntty but even at the Ferry ,Church of Christ. night she chased something freezmg WIll not make tough Sunday morn1Og., down across th~ pasture and vegetables yo~ng and te~der Mi~s Lucile Harney and Mrs. came back smelhng so strong nor. poor. strmgy mea! mto Tomlinson of Marion, Ind. that I couldnt stand her in the ~holce prIme beef but It will visited Miss Ramey's cousin, house, perhaps she caught eep good meat good and fresh Dr. Emma Holloway on Sunday 'another one. young ~egetables ready for afternoon: , , Mrs. Evalyn Peterson left Just to give me exercise to better wmter meals. PROMPT, EFFICIENT REPAIR keep in trim, I have to do a . To run out of gasoline is ,a Wednesday for a visit with her little stock chasing every once mishap that c'an never be sisters, Mrs. Alice Telfair and ON ALL MAKES OF EQUIPMENT in a while. ' Tuesday afternoon blamed on anyone else and Miss Hannah Greene in WitI came home from Waynesvilte some p~ople are too smart to mington. Representative for by, the Ridgeville and Town- ever ,tet It happen but~ the other Mrs. Martha Henderson is shIp roads to go by my pasture eve!'mg after chasmg cows now a member of the Friends' MILK COOLERS and look at the stock. I counted until I was tired we decided to Hpme famity. them out three were not in go out for supper so we drove Miss Minnie Dodson was a HOME FREEZERS sight. I went on hoping that up to Lytle but the new dinner gu~t \ Wednesday eventhey were just out of sight in restau~ant serves o,nly soup and ing of Mr. and Mrs. Charles Phone'332 LEBANON, OHIO' the woods but as J came up the sandWIches, etc. so we moved Anderson, Sr. , hill I saw something white a- on to try Marlin's and see if Misses Ruth and Elizabeth head and something waving in the ne~ o~ers had started yet Chandler were gue~ts of Dr. the air that looked like a tail. but thIS w~s Tuesday and they Emma ' Holloway and Miss It was" the tail was Blondies are closed on Tuesday so we Olive Williams 'at the Ga'rden and wit,h ,her were the white- s~arte~ on but halfway up the Club picniC Thursday. ' faced heifer and the little white- fust hIll the car gave and cough Mr. and Mrs. ' Vernon faced steer, looking over the and a sneeze and, stopped. The Bannister of East Bank, W. 'fence at Charlie ' Charlton's gauge read empty. We slid Va; were wel,:ome callers of. ,'Cows. At the same time, Mrs. back down the hill but there Misses Annie -and Marne Brown , Charlton and her daughter wa,s no one there to take pity on Friday. ' drove up. They too had seen \()n us an~ open ~p a pump. I Mr. Wilson Edwards with the'cows and thought they were ~as standmg there sadly look· Mr. and Mrs. G. E. Rhein of ther~s. They have fence trouble 109 down the road for a ride , Springfielq, called on their too. They worked to keep their home and who should come aunt, Miss Margaret Edwards stock iri and I worked to keep around t~e ~orner ,but Guy Sunday afternoon. ' mine ,out and moving down the Routzahn 10 pIS gasohne truck, Mrs. Olive. Curl and Dr' road", We did p~etty welt until "~onde~ul," thought , I, asl Emma Holloway spent Satur: we got to the end of their ~alled hIm ~own but he had day at the International Instife~ce and my cows found an Just . sold hIS last drop of tute;it Antioch ColJege. open gate into the part of the gasolme and was going home Miss Olive Wiltiams spent -old Earnhart place that has so .1 c~>uld' only 'get a ride h,ome'. Friday in Dayton . . be~n subdivided. In they, went \' , ' . and back to Charlton's fence. A man and a boy came ,out ,and helped , us bu~ ,stilt they went round and round. Blondie , a~d the steer finally started for , home but not the black whitefaced heifer. She found a hole' .and started for the Watkins 'corner of the field with me .after her. VI . .I~ is a long time since I have been up on 'that hiJI, surprising how much, farther it is to that corrier than it looks .from the , road. I used to think that 1 All Sizes 'would like a house up there. There is s~ch a fin e view. Our All Styles first cow, Betsy Ann used to ,have to be driven down from QUICK SERViCE, DELIVERY , ' there when she had Ii contrary " sp¢1l and ,wouldnt come when • . she w~s called. The maple trees ' hav~ nearly . doubled in size l'I ....:'IIl\;C :the time " tapped them ' syrup. At. last started home them safely .-~~-7~~__~-:'.:;.;.~:__~~--.~-...:J

The Miami Gazette



Dr C E Wilkin-

SHERWOOD Refrigeration Sales -======= and Service ======


Firestone .

Trilctor Tires

. . Ashmead Sohio ·Service· •







Page 3, The Miami Gazette Mrs. Klontz, Thursday July ATrEND SERVICES OF versary during the past week had as Wednesday dinrier Wayne ville, Ohio, No. .J3 25 ,2 4, at 2 :00. WSCS AT SABINA and on Saturday evening her gue ts during the past week, THURSDAY, J ULY 17, 1947 Club members who will take Rev. and Mr. . B. Coleman family a\1 arrived for a party in Mrs, Arvid huberg of Topeka, part in the program for the and Mrs. Glenn Borden at- her 'honor. A delicious lunch Kansas, Mrs. Clyde H. McGee aylor Qf ne~t meeting" are: Miri am tended the Women's Soc:iety was served with a weiner roast and Mrs. James Wilson, Evelyn Luca, Dona of Christian Service Institute at the outdoor furnace. Those Chi ll icothe. Hadley. at abina Camp ro un d last present were Mr, Charles Ellis Judy Co nner-Reporter Thursday. . Sr.. and Mr. and, M~S, Charle - )1r, Rnd Mi' . Mitchell Kart · , , More th an 200 women at. ElliS Jr. of Sabma, Mr. and a lia Hud children, Janet and Miami Chapter 107 O. E, S. tended the en tire week of M~s. Estel ~ age m ~yer an:! !ill\'id of Milwaukee, Wis. are met in regular session on M nlectures and study com es, children of Kll1g Mill; , Mrs, visiting Mrs, Kln r taJin's ' Sister day evening with a very nice M rc than 600 regi tc!red Irm a Drury of ,?~yton , Mr, lind fan:J ly, Mr, a nd Mrs. Walter attendance. During the business during the \\ eek and about that an ~ Mrs. Eldred 1 e lt~eyer and , ' hl'chilll lind on . se sion plans were co mpleted numher heard the address of 'Children of Clarksvill e; the the Na tional Pre ., Mrs. J., D. host, hostess and two sons. Mr. and Mrs. Ray Garringer for the picnic to be held at Chautauqua on unday evenOn Tuesday e~enin g Mr . bra !.'," , 'l'hur_1ay afterno.on. of Bowersville, Ohio, attended Mr, and Mrs. Jesse Prender_ Sunday School and Church i,ng, July 20 . All Ma 'ons of Everett Early ntertained to Waynesvil\e Lodge, with their dinner, Mrs. Bertie Nulls in FROMM-SNYDER gast and daughter, Mary Alice, ervict! at the Methodist ENGAGEMENT Miss Katherine Prendergast and Church Sunday and visited with families are invited to attend. honor of her birthday. !he social.hour · was.very enIn the evenin the officers ANNOUNCED Will Prenderga t were Sund ay Rev . and Mrs, R. B. Coleman •• Joyable With a mUSical pro- of the local gEastern Star ~he Western Star and the dinner guests of Mr, and Mrs, gra~ p'lan~ed by Mrs. Ralph greeted Mrs. Nulls at the home Sprmgfield papers last week Jim ~r~ndergast in Cil)cinnati Mr. and Mr . R. H. Kier and Ha.stmgs. Dick Ross of Tucson, of Mrs. Earl,Y in Lytle as a sur- carried th ann ouncement of and VISited Mr. Byron Prender. son, Billy spent Sunday with Arrzona, wa~ Introduced" and prise, bringmg her gifts and the engagement and appro ~Lch- gast at Deaconess Hospital in Mr. and Mrs. D. M. Kler and' played a plano so~o, The wishing ht'r much happ' eo; ing marriage of Miss Martha the afternoon. Mr; Prenderg:ast daughters, Janice and Phyllis Second Mazurka," MI s Rachel . . In _so Snyder, 305 Bellevue Ave, un~~ent a, maJ~r operation of East Danville. Ann Ross of Lebanon was inLater \11 the evenmg Mrs. Springfield, and Mr. Clyde but IS Improvmg ",cely. troduced and ,played, "Polo- Earl~ 5er·.' e~ refreshme,nts in Fromm, son of Mr. anti Mrs. naise, in A MaJ or;" they then keepmg. With tl; bl~thd.ay John Fromm. Miss Snyder has Mr. and Mrs. Charles EarnMrs. R. B. Coleman visited together played, "R(1I1a Alia celebratl<;>n. Those e. nJoymg been connected with the hart and daughter of Dayton for a week with her sister, Mrs •. the evenmg were: Bert Ie NuII s; Springfield Savings Company were week end guests of Mr. P. G. Herbert of Cleveland. Turka." The:,c yuung pwple. were exceptionally fi ne and Nma St. John; La Vonne and Mr. Fromm is connected and Mrs. Earl Earnhart and " everyone throughly enjoyed ~at~rhouse; Flo~ence Hast- here with his father in the family. Their Sunday evening WHAT PROMINENT this display of (alent. Mrs. 's~gs, Edn Smith; Bonita carpel'try bu iness. The wed- guests were Mr. and Mrs. Karl BANKERS SAY ABOlTI' Hastings, assisted by Miss J rou~j ; ry d II Burske; ding Wi ll be an event of early Babb and son, Dean of Paint- BON~A-MONTH PLANNaomi Earnhart at the piano, WO~IIP me am art; Helen autumn. erville. • conducted a musical contest I lams; Ruth Rowland; GARDEN CLUB MEETS " We will be very glad towhich was amusing and enter- Barbara Sawyer; Grace Pren- AT QUAKER HOliSE Mrs W H Madden was a cooperate with your office as The Garden Club picnic at' Sunday gu~st 'of Mr. and Mrs. well as the. State Director in. taining. A group o~ Eastern dergas,t ; Edna Early. Star brothers served Ice cream the , Old Quaker Meeting Wilbur Hadley of Clarksville the promotion of the Bond-a-· and cookies in the dinning House, Thursday was a suc,cess Mrs. Madden also was a Thurs.: Month P!an. We wi1l get In ro m, despite it rained all day and .a day evening dihner guest of to~ch With the local State' It fire in the old heating stove Mr. and Mrs. Fred Grauman. Director and have him ~nd was very welcome. There was us the . necessa~y material..' OWl about 20 ladies present, memMr. and Mrs. Robert SatterD; r. Moms, A.sst. VIce . bers and guests and all had a thwaite, Mr. Jesse Thomas, PreSIdent ~nd Cas~ler Mrs. S. L. Robmso~ ~nd Mrs. very pleasant time. and Mr. Henry Satterthwaite The Amencan N~ti~nal Bank Ira O. Brown were ~olDt hostvisited Mrs. Thomas, at Christ Cheyenne, Wyommg esses at a dessert.bndge party Mr. and Mrs. F. E. Thoma Hospital on Sunday where Wayne Township Farmer's.on Tuesday at the Town House had as Friday guests, the'ir they found her slightly imCl uh, met July 10 with Mr. and at Franklin. Those invited were children and relatives who proved from her Injuries. WAYNESVIUE. OHIO Mr. Walter ' Whitaker in Mrs. John Turner, Mrs. John came with th eir basket dinners " Tel8Dhoae 2251 Waynesville. A large crowd Kersey, Mrs. Lewis Thompson, to visjt with Mr. and Mrs. Mr. and Mrs. Harris Mosher was present to enjoy the Mrs. Alva Thompson, Mrs. Everett Thomas, of Rochester, . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. chicken dinner and fine pro- Luther Hartsock, Mrs. Ross N. Y., who left for therr home 'ram. . Hartso'ck Mrs. Rhodes on Saturday. • C~·~ r\ ET~ , Mrs. Frank LeMay of Leba- Bunnell, Mrs. E!,"est EdgingThose present for the dinner '\.,J·I V I I " - = non gave the special toP!C,' ton, Mrs. Morns Fulkerson, and evening were Mr. and Mrs • ' .,. v 'e Live With Our Mrs. A. E. Stout, Mrs. Wade Kenneth Thomas of Red Lio n Children or For Them ?/' rhis Turner, Mrs•. p. R. Smith, Mrs. Mr. and Mrs. J: M. Earnhart was an exceptionally fine talk. SRtanley Bailey, Mrs. . Mark 'and children, of Beavertown, K The Rev. Mumma, Metho- ogers, Mrs. H.. F. Dye, Mrs. Mrs. John Robey, of Dayton, dist Minister of Franklin was ~~:r~~ ~ys, Mrs. Kenneth Mr. and Mrs. Everett Th omas. We serve all alike, regardless of pOSition, gue.t peake!', his subject being, D~' rs. aynard Weltz, Mrs. of New York, Mr. and Mrs, 'circumstances, or creed. ' hnili ~ 'A m ~ rh:a Adopt Uni~ Hawke, Mrs. ~. T. Robe rt Thomas and daughters, v~; : 1 Milita ry Training?" Polmsky, .Mrs., Roy. ElliS and Mr. and Mrs. Lowell Thomas , Gue 'ts were ' Rev R B ~rs. ROBbmson s 51.ster, Mrs. and daughter and .Mr. WilHam ' . . M" erry ranch. PrIZes were Rickey TELEPHONE 2291 WAYNESVILLE, 0. , Co Ien~ an " Rev. ,M . umm.a, . ISS given' to Mrs. A. T. Polinsky I • _ _ _ __ Sally Srl1lth, ty\rs. Ray MIller Mrs. Lewis Thompson and M' M s Cha les mId bC\b ciau hter and ,Master Luther Hartsock rs. elebr't d her Billy Whitaker. • c ra e r The next club meeting win be the Union , picnic at the H j h School Building in , . Wayneville, August 21. Each family is urged, to come apd · bring a well filled basket and tall service.

O•' E• S• P·Icmc· At Chaotaoqoa July 20

Surprl·se Party At Early Home

M h

Fdrmers Club To · p.. o moo HId U Icme

Desert-Bridae Held At T House

Waynesville National Bauk




STUBBS 'Funeral Home

Sew-So' 4·H'Club .


Lydia Grey

facial Tissu'es

The Waynesville Sew-So 4I{ ' " H Club met Thursday' July 10, at Mr:.. Klontz with Mrs. Edenfield and Mrs. Klontz ,JQ charge anti Eileen Brown. presiding. Interestin.g events: Mrs. Edenfield read about· the 4-H Club tour. Everyone going should call .. Mrs. Edenfield before Monday noon.:' Bring ' a' nOon lunch 'and be at Lebanon at. 8 :00. ' , ' Ju~y , Co'nner' and Eileen Brown were selected to go for ,the, County Healtlt Cotttest. . ' , ' ~.~ 'Guest pr'esent: Sbirley' Neal ~·~av 0 , VV " "#, from Jacks.onvllle Fla. Ne~t ~eeti~g Wilt be ·,' heldat ~~~~~~~~~~e~~+--..~~~~-~~~-:--~-:-.~*~~~~~~~~~~~~


l for

n'eSY1-Ue',' 'O hi,-








All Linen'.Towellnl


per yard Cotton ' Prints Hope Muslin

43'(; BLEACHED 37 c




~ I



Clearance of All

. wlm SUlls ·' 1off


. ALL $4.95 DRESSES $3.89 . REDUCED TO


ALL $3.p5 DREssES $2.97 REDUCED TO




A _





t oo


Women's Belter Dresses . ALL $5.95 DRESSES


BATH ' TOWELS .. . . ..




Polo Shirts ~ . BOY'S and GIRL'S

73 c

$1.00 VALUES


.Loafer , oats

Tee' Shirts WHITE

Men's Cha~~:~!.l~ork Shirts

. $15.95 and $16.98 VALUES

ON SALE '10.111

. . Handkerchiefs ,

.. . . .. 25c






.~ e






PI'CTURES . COMJIIN.\l1QN ~ Scenic and Paby ~d.urel\Vbite Oxfords $2.00 VALUES

~. 1·00


$6.95 VALUE


5· ~TAnONE~Y





59c formerly $1.00





$1.00 V,uuE

"OYBLS 49c VALUE · 32c 3.~ VALUE' 24c CLOTH '. 3 FOR·· 2·Sc ~.sq


HYMAN'S Dept Store

'. WAYNESVILLE, OHIO . .'. ' .




.Sale ,Prices Inmect For ALimited r.e Only


An unusual EVENT in these times of Scarce Merchandise and High Prices. ' ~ake Advantage of This Opportunity. I




5ge YD. , VALUES

Sport Shoes

'L!I d"les

WHITE AND BROWN "'rhe Shoe That Breathes"

$8.50 VALUE $










: ~3e pair ,

'. I off Original Price










$1.95 VALUE $1.57

Jacket ·.Work Shirts

NIGHTGOWNS ' , ('j ~


$3.95 VALUE $2.86


~1-n .!lPEPPEREL

,Sbeet .~......-.--~



. Napkins-

. .1/

. t



~ _ J,J. ._ 'g ./~ •

,.' S


~UNt 16"

V '

. ~ ~~ 1,31" . .' Wax f.~I" ~25











Ivy 'Bowls ' '1.19VALUES .68~

BOXI '. . TQO~ P~8te










. $~.05




12c eaGh e / ~ ' -



Clearance of . SOc Columbia Records 7Sc King · . " 60c Capitol "



$2.00 NEEDLES ... :............ . ......



$1.00 Nr2DLES ....... .. ..... .... .... .... ..




Page 7, The Miami Gazette parent, Mr. and Mrs. H. S. Mr. and Mrs. Everett Early ally in the upper 10% of thei r Friday evening at her home Wayne. ville, Ohi , N . 4325 Tucker. attended Pomona Gran~~e at class. here, after a few days illness. THURSDAY, J LY 17, 1947 Mr . Herbert Doster return- LeI anon Grange Hal1, SaturDonald Charlton of the She was stricken with apoplexy ed home Sunday after being at day ev ning. Mrs. Early was Navy and his wife arrived by 'on Tuesday evening and never I the home of he r son, Mr. on the Degree Team. motor, Monday from his station regained consciousness. a,.veu~bu,.a Clifford Doster of ~pringfield, Mr. and Mrs. HarI an White in Washington State on a 21 She is survived by her husi1 ~ who has heen confmed to a of Orlando, Fl a. were over day leave to visit his parents, band, I William, a sister, Mrs. Mi s Phyllis Shidake r of hospita! . ~here fo.Howing an night guests, Tu day of their ' Mr. and Mrs. Charles Charlton Susan Saylor, a niece and Centerville, spent the week- appendIcItis operation. co u in, Mrs. Nettie Emrick en- and family and relatives in several nephews. end at th e home of her fath er, Mr. a~d Mrs. Ray Clay, route to Fletcher, O. pringboro. Funeral services were held at Mr. Carl Shidaker. and famil y and Mrs. Cl ays' Mr. and Mr. George CusMr. and Mrs. E. J. Carmony Lytle Church Monday aftermoth er, Mrs. Arch Penny at- tenbord er entertained to six of Springfield, were Sunday noon, with Rev. Joseph Myers Mr . R I1ert HOll,!!" h Ilas re- tended the "Horse Sho\v" held 0 ' cIoc k d'lOner Sun day, M ' gues ts 0 f Mr. and Mrs. in charge. Burial was at Miami r. an d evening turn ed hl' me fr m McCullan Hn pi tal. Xenia, where she at the Warren County Fair Mrs. J acob Heckman and son Wilbur · Clark, enroute home Cemetery. underwent a majo r operation. Grnllnds, Sunday. f Dayton. from an eight weeks auto trip ----Mr. . Roy Brandenberg and Mr. and Mrs. Eugene SnodMr. and Mrs. J. B. Jones ·to Mexico. Texas and the West Mr. and Mrs. Heber l<O!)S daughter of Lebanon w re grass and family. of Fra~k~in, were Sunday dinner guests of Coast. Other evening dinner and son, Dick. of Tucson. house guests this week of Mr called on Mr. and Mrs. VI via n Mr. and Mr . Henry Finck and guests at the Clark home were : Arizona, and Mrs. Glenn Bland and Mrs. and Mrs. "Bud'; Fr e. and ramily, Sunday and Mrs. J ohn Zimmerman. Mr. and Mrs. Claude Riggs, were Monday evening dinner Brandenberg. eventng. near Waynesville. Mr. and Mrs.. C. W. Younce guests of Mr. and Mrs. L. C. Mrs. Arch Penny has reMr". Ben Beckett \\ as called Mrs. Gerald Baird of north and daughters. and Mr. and St. J ohn ... They were joined by turned home following a visit to Cincinnati late Sunday of Dayton is visiting her Mrs. Paul Fl ory of Dayton. Mr. and Mrs. Dave Ross and wi,th her son-jn-Iaw and daugh- evening owing to the eri0u mother, Mrs. Winks and famny Mr. Everett Clark. ~f Dayton daughter of Lebanon. for the ter. Mr. and Mrs. William Ross illness of ·her mother, Mrs. John this week. was an afternoon VISitor. evening. and family ' of Beavertown. Young. Mr. J ohnnie Bean, who is at Mr. and Mrs. Vernon Purs----A band concert was held Mr. and Mr . Edward Collins the home of Mr. and Mrs. Frank ley in company with Mr. and Mr. and Mrs. Walter A. Friday evening at the gym- of Lebanon were Sunday guest Kurfi. remains about,th sam~ Mrs. Gerrald Pursley of Day- Clark, Sr. and Mr. and Mrs. nasium. Mrs. Edna Compton of Mr. Collins parents, Mr. and Another of Lytle's sick. Mr. ton, attended the Charivari Herb~rr Loy of Dayton. spent Bogan. school mu ic instructor, Mrs. Howard Collins. Joel mith , is rep rted to be Party. Wednesday evening at Sunday witli the former's directed. The moth ers, of the ' Mr. John Starr has returned somewhat improved at this the home of Mr. and Mrs. daughter and husband, Mr. and band participants. conducted a home fr om Grnnt Hospital. time. ' ~aymond ~eardoff at Fra~k- Mrs. Bennie Schoulthers. of food sale, during the concert. Columbus, where he was conM r a n d Mr s Wi I I i a m 1m. for theIr bro.ther and WIfe. Dayton. Ky. An interesting feature also of fined for observation. Strous~ and Mr. Wilbur Clark Mr: and Richard Pursley Ralph Mainous and family the event was the award of the Miss Ella Shambough. St. attended the funeral of Mr. (nee. Hath~ Jane Deardoff) .large cake, baked ,by Mr~. Petersbur.J!'. Fla.. is spendin~ George Mills at Waynesville, lately mamed. Mrs. Gerrald of Detroit, spent the week end ' Pursley and Mrs. Vernon with Mr. and Mrs. 'Roy Mainous Henry Murphy. Mr. Gall h ' r vacation at the home of,I\er Monday aftern oon. Gordan. the wmner instructed parents, Mr. and Mrs J oseph M D L Gilt h Pursley also attended a shower and son. Don. that the cake be placed for Shambaugh of Waynesville, r t on th ee U ·fn ~t ~n- Friday evening for ~rs. Pursd auction and proceeds go for the and vi siting friend and other IS e m e 111 e a es ley. at the home of Mrs. Mr. and Mrs. Howard Tinbenefit of the band. who is rel atives in the vill age. pA~~y tfo 6'ears and'd re- Howard Bishop at Carlisle. dall of Middletown and Mitton trying to raise sufficent funds Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Cain of r s a o urn us. TllUrs ay. Mrs~ Mattie Rudd Creighton. Snyder and family of Blu~ball. to purchas~ uniforms. Monroe were Sunday' guests of Mr. and Mrs. Vernon PUlr~tey age 84 years, one of LyUe's were Sunday guests of Mr. and Mrs. Minnia Martin of Day- Mr. and Mrs. Dalla Barton and Mr. and Mrs. Roy Wink oldest residents, passed away Mrs. Chas. Mauri~e. ton. was the house guest this and sons, and Mr. Aida M0nt- attended Pomona Gran~c~ at week of her sister, Mrs. Mary gomery.· Lebanon. Saturday evenmg. Pierson and son, Mr. J ohn Mr. and Mrs. John Stewart Mrs. Margaret J ohns and S,yferd. anci daughte rs have vacated the Mr. Paul Johns visited " the Mrs. Osee Harlan enter- apa rtment they occupied at the former' s sister. Mrs. Elizabeth tained a group of ladies to Ethal Smith property on Main Smith of Waynesville. Saturdinner Sunday. Her guests were 5t. and moved into the resi- day afternoon at Good SaMrs. A. S. Collett Mrs. Sarah dence owned and formerl y maritan Hospital. Dayton. IUILDINGS CHATTElS AUTOIIOIILES lIA1lLlTY Wright. Mrs. Sadie Reason, occupied by Mrs. Stewarts' Mrs. Smith is ve ry slowly re".-way FaR. IN.URaNCI" Mrs. Lisa Curl, Mrs. Laura l':1ft'n t<', Mr. ard Mrs. Ra 'mond covering from a knee operaShidaker. Mrs. Ida Howe and Brooks and famil y. tion of last Wednesday. in die 0bJ0 lumen wlIl am JOU broed ~ apioat 10lla Mrs. Harlans house ~uest, Mrs. The local chapter, of the Sunday afternoon callers 'at OIl JOUr fum. It CIOftft JOUr bui1~ cbaaIeJJ, JOUr .automobile IUd JOQr UabWty lot IICddeaCl co ocbcra. Why DOC Me \II today? Emma Cleve. Dayton. . Masons met at the Masonic the home of Mr. and Mrs. Yoa ".., JOU'n ..,. wbeo poo'n iatund in die Ohio larmenl Mrs. George J. Waterhouse Temple, Saturday evening. A Walter Kenrick were: Miss and Mrs. Lorrin Wooley of dinner wa. presented to the Clara Aman and Mr. Cha'rles Waynesville were Saturday gentleman by the ladies of The Aman of Waynesv.ille. Mr. and guests of Mrs. Louise Fite and Ea tern Star. ' During the Mrs. Thomas Collins and Mr. ' . Phone 153, 20 E. Mulberry. LEBA."ON, O. daughter, Jane. session awards of a fifty year Charles Collins of Dayton and Mrs. Ida Howe of Dayton pin was made to Mr. William Mr. and Mrs. Bernard MeHoh OHiO "IMEISINSUU'" eo..-AIIY has been spending this week as Antrim of Los An,geles, Cal. and son, Billy, of Merrittstown. the house guest of Mrs Laura \\ ho was absent and several The name of Paul Johns . . 01lIO MIMBS . ._1ft co. .4~ tMI. Shidaker. local members received the appears on the Dean's list of New Superintendent twenty year pIns. the University of Cincinnati • _0_ 1_0 According to ' an announce.. This Jist is composed of those ment made recently, 'prof. L. students who rank scholasticDoyle Freshcom. fO,rmerly of f ) , J) Monroe Schools. Butler County. ~as been appoint~das if s4perintendent ·of the Massie Russell Routzahn spent last Township. School system to week with his sister, Mrs. Earl ,. . .' . succeed, Prof. H. G., Milligan M.endenhall and family of Tipp 18 Ad~e~tur~ was in his 19 . ~rs. Lyle Robertson invited CIty. ' 'blood hvmg In the shadoW' of . a group of ladies to her home Mrs. J. B. Jones has been the law he gave up his guns for Tuesday evening to attend a ill the past week, but is on the a ra l• . demonstration of Stanley Pro· ' mend at this time~ Angel And The Badmaa ducts. . ; Bobby_ Kenrick is confined ' with John Wayae, Gail Ruuell; , Mr•. a~d M~s. John pet~rson to his home a. victim of HIU'I'y ' Carey, Bruce Cabot. of Cincinnati, were Sunday ' the mumps. , , Plus: Color Cartoon. guests of Mrs. Petersons Mr. Charles Mullenix rebrother-in-law and sister. Mr. mains quite ill ,at th~ St. 20 Hilarious. humorous,. 21 and Mrs. Ben" Beck,ett and Elizabeth Hospital, Dayton. Hope. and lovely L~mour m t~e . .~ , daughter, Joan. ' A· number of persons from screwIest who-dumt. ever wntP The W. S. C. S. met Thtirs- her visited the wreck of the ten. ~utty as a frUItcake but, e lie . W nows day at the Grange Hall. Host- King .Brothers Bus at the Clear brother what ~rosting. WHO has the most efficient auto service in t~ w,n. esses were Mrs. Raymond Cree~ b,ridge just below R~dge~y Favonte Brunette Brooks and MrS. john Stewart. viJ1e. Fr.iday afternoon. . _ Starnng Bob' Hope, Dorodly WHO will grease your car according to factory methods' The guests of honor were Mrs. Mr. and Mrs. Seth Furna,s I..amow'. Added: News and and specifications-- no gues~-work or halfway jobs. Etta Arn.old. ' Mrs. Emma Ellis' and Mr. and Mrs. 'Harvey <;olor cartoon. WHO can you calt on for car accessorie • tires. ' batteries. , an~ Mrs. Id~ Hendricks. all of Burnet . attended. the, Wayn~ , 23 Marriage at i-ts-'-m-e-rr-ie....s-t.-24and be sure that you're getting, the best. . " W,llml.ngt<!n.. Tc;>wnshlp FlI:rmer s Club enter- laught~r at tts 'loudest as a wise , Mrs. Ahce Urton had',as .sun- tl/.In~d by Mr. and Mrs.. , W:,.lter WAC proved she was the one .day aftemoo.n ,guests. Mr. anp Whlta~~r of WaynesYIlIe. '" in his heart. ' . ) Mrs. Fre~ MIller of'CO~ington, : Mr. , Peter Wlcal has ~een Suddenly It'. Spring . Ky. ' and ,Mr•. and -Mrs' J. ~0h.n quite i1J for the,Pllst two weeks. Starring'. Paulette. Goddard, ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ l.; " Reqf~rn ";_o~ , w,Jlmh:tgtQn. ", ?, ,.. " ~(. '" ~ and ~rs. I Clar,ence Fred MaCMurray with Ari.,- I Mr.~. ~nd'_ Mts,. j~m~s. P,ark: Morford , of , Dayton ,c,alled . on Wliellu:a, Frank Faylen, SOUTH, MAIN ST. WAr~ESytQ.i;., OHIO.) ~n~ fa~~y of , CInCinnati, were, Mr •. and ,Mrs. Walter ,Kenrick, Also: Comedy. ' .' Mon~y g~~so' MrLPa~~Sdu~ay afternoon. ~~.~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~


d' .




Karl D. Dakin Insurance Agency




n ~""""~~_




_ a _~_ a




TWIN Theatre '




Th W· -Old 0 I K


Servis fexaco Service :SlatioD '












•• CLABSIJPDD AD UTa •• • • worda 01' leal. cme tIme. ......15o ~ ~~ ~

••••••..•••• 10


Pieces Of Equipment. Frank Conway, 2 Miles North of Sp ringb ro off tate Rou te 74 1. -7-31




For Ref1nanctna - Rebutld1ni ealed bid will be received Buying. 4% Farm loana with long by the Council of the · Village Qme to pay. Pay part or all any of Wayne ville, Sta te of Ohio, :!:::u,ON NAT'L FARM LOAN at t1~e Co uncil hambers until ASS'N. ElllB H. Sturm, Seo'Y- 120 clock noon July 18,1947, Treaa. 'Lebanon. Ohio. Phone HII for furni shing one (1) 1 ~ Ton

tc Standard Dump Short wheel R-ea-l-Ea-t-a-te-'-F-o-r-S-a-Ie----'- - ba :e, dum p be.d, hydra ulic hOIst, helper spring, 7.50 x20IF YOU HAVE A PROPERTY OR 8 ply tires du~l, rear wheels. PARM TO BELL Call or WrUe Each bid mu ' t contai n the Don Henderson, Tel. K1lM46, 617 full name f every person or LorAln Ave.• Dayton. Ohio. . tic' Company interested in same. The right i~ reserved to reFOR SALE- . eve n Roo III jec;t any and all bids. By order of the Council of House; Sem ~· m d rn; Located In Corwll1. Contact Mr . Ohio. Charles James, Cl erk H. B. Moran. -7-17c -7-17 REAL ESTATE DON'T FORGET TO CALL ----. us for Insurance. All types of CARD .OF THANKS Insurance at a savings. Call Francis Gene Brown, phone We waut to thank every one Waynesv ille 2935 or call who .h 'Iped in ully way during collect, Wilmington 2111. t~e illne>: und d(~ath of our



FOe SALE- TWO . ~ h .p. 110 volt electric motors. General Electric. 1750 r ..p.m~ excellent oondiUon. Price $17.50 each. Phone 2143.

. Garden Planb-fOR SALE _ Late Cabbage plants, 10c per dozen. Cha . C. Strouse, 1lh miles North of Waynesville, corner of 'Waynesville, Ferry and Lytle -717 roads. . WANTED- MISC. WANTED- To Give Away Some Red Bone Pups_ R. I. , Rooks, Rt. 3 Waynesville O. - 7-3 1

Houae"old Good. ___....:-------.,---FOR SALE-.One Da'venport, ( Ex ce II e n t : Condition) Bookca e ~ Desk COq1bination, Some Odd Chair. Calt .before 10 a. m. or after 6 p. m. Phone 2473 -7-31 i<EROSENE RANGE- Three burneJ and ov n ; 10 lb. Grocery scale. Willis Hunter. . .

fa ther, Charlc \\. Frye. The Frye Fomily

Standard Oil Has Raised Ga~; Price The Standard 'Oil Compan y (Ohi o) announces that effective Wednesday, July 9, its statewide service talion price for gasoli ile will be inc rea ed 1 cent a gall n. The tatew id e price to dealers will be in r a 'ed 3/4c ~ gallon and to jobber 1/ 2 " \ gall on. This price increase refl ects postwar in creases in co't and bri ng Soh io gasoline price more in line with those prevailin&: in neighbori ng ·tat ' , WllICh , althou gh nearer th e crude oil suppl y, have had for yea rs a higher gasoline price than Ohio. As of Jun e 'I regular grad gaso lin e price at service stations in Michigan, Indiana, Kentucky, West Virginia and Penn ylvan ia mnged from one to two and one- half cents higher (han Sohio prices. The new price will 'lill be be l w the neighbor- tate av rage. With t day' increase, the price of regular grade gaso line, 1 6~ cent ex ' Ill di n~ tax, is now about 1 /}2C below ~wh a t it was just tw enty yea rs ago.

In addi tion to affecting the crops in genera l th e rain ha ' also put a de nt in the softball schedule that begin to look like one that will be impos ibk to straighten out by the end f th e season. St t' f J I I u y I t le .ar ,~ g as a SCortn~ ~n th e Wa y n ~ Athletic ASSOCiation L.cague I' as follow . J'I ' M·· ' P u y I , ~lIers Rl:sta uran t I, Inn 9, urg, July 2, Roxan na v eersHarveysb core, rain; Jul y 3, Fergu on y. te m 1 I, I e rs Inn 6. Jul y 7, Harvey burg ' 2, MiL lers Restaurant '12; July 8, do uble header, Fairleys 1. . ; . - , - , - - - - -. • • WANTED •

Var~ety ShlOW

At our Chautauqua 17th who


We wi h to thank friend and neighbors helped us in so many ways duri ng th e illness and death of fMr. h~ill . Rev . .R. B. Coleman or IS comforting w?rd, ~he pal1 ~earer for th eIr . k~nd serVIces, MT. and Mrs. Rawlelgh Bogan f r the lovely song and Mr. McClure for th e many helpful act and fine ervice. Mrs. George Mill Mr. and Mr . Lindley Mills Mr. and Mrs. J . W. trou e

On July 17 at 8 p. m., th e Cotton (3)0 om Min trel and Vari ty how will be given b Carli Ie High School anti Junior High ~'ch oo l ~ tud e nt · under the directiion of Mis J an Gaker, mu ic supervisor of the Carlisle schools. This min trel is ' being given unde r ' th e auspice of th e Carlisle ParentTeachers As ociation to ra Le money for the purcha e of new band uniform. .Featured on the program will b~ the hit tunes of today, along WIth several old! time tunes and novelty numbcrs. Vocal solb instrumental dllets, tap dance~ and oth er local talent will make up \the show. The ca t for the Min trel Show will feature Sammy Squier; Eddie Longman, Howard ~hupert, Mary Stevens, Jean11ll1e CHins, G eo r g e Beachl, Florence Eckhart, Barbara Moore, NO'rman McQueen and 130lb Calla:han. A cast of albout 25 will be featured in thl~ Variety Show and ·there will also be a chorus compo~ed of students of the Carlisle school. .. - - - - - -


"H ello, there,'~ This is ThelVla and Wendell Graham to greet you and invite you to our restaurant · located at state routes, 4'8 and 73. that's right, we are the ones who "bought .out "Lou and Marlin Summers. No~ of course, you have to expect a lot in the F R ALE --;- Clel1nont Hea ting .way of hospitality and service stove; Three burnet coal oil at ':Lou and Marlin's" and it is stove_ Car) ' B. Frye, Phone ~",r desire to always please you 2703 . \ ;t"731. ~n , the manner to which you. ~:-::-::-:--..,....:.--:-.- - -.;:...;ar.e. accustomed. HELP WAN....TE __D_ _ _ _..;.. ''!Ie are employi,ng the same I MUST GET A MAN policy of operation as the at once in this community to Summers. Our ~oors will open wo~k with our District Manag- at 9 . a. m. untJ! 8 · p. '!l" The ~ er. Must have car and be over dead!ine : OftdlOnerS III the f l · • 28 years of age. The work is everunf ·, ls 7:30 p. m. We will ranh· · in line with the program advo- be clOsed all · da~ on each . cate,d RY ' the Department of Tuesda~. ,I "Welt now Ire;llly;U It's .·ust Agnculture. Permanent work, . W~I!., ! ypu.. pk,ase ~Onie over like pulliQg tel!riH ·ltO get , ~im, good pay}or man. .w~o J\ves on t~~, g t ~~~~lftl~",~~ }Ne; ar~to go to the' den(~st • .;( ~a(q farm. Write % thiS paper ~ looking forward to ,th; de\r'elop- this while eaVf! di'6pplli~ T, , _ . ment .of ~our frien~shlp· and • •. ~ _ ., '. : '. { ~ RA06 WANTI1ED- 'MtJIi:'I' hope It Will not be too lon~ Re ' f . d It .,.' t ' be ~of, ~t(ooe, pine am'bo<*a. before we m.ay meet· and tnow myce ho ' : w:r~Mrs. : Grib: No ~ or .uk hoae accepteL aU of you. Vi ' •. . BeIIt .prfoeL oan 21ts. . Very Cordially, ce an d M .rs. Irene He.ntterson. . Thelma and Wenden Graham ~ust .as pretty as their tlven FOR RENT





'.9.00 80 RSES $,.00

Accordln. to JI •• • Condition





NORRIS BROCK COMPANY 01nclnna.t1 Urlon stock YaJ'da LtveW1re and Pro8re8S1ve. An Ol1la.nJza.tSon aeoond tQ . none. 8tr1ctly sellera 00 the beat all around IlW'ket In the country.

Seryloe That Sathfle. WHIO D&yton' 12 :30 E. S . T .• DJal .1300 WLW OSncinllatJ 12:40 Dial '100 for Our DallY Market Repol't.

Armitage '&Son





X E N I A Fertilizer 4 54 . Revene Charges

Xenia O.

L G. Buchueb. Inc.



Pee r Inn 4, Fairleys 10, Peers Inn 1. . From Jul y <) until the ' pre_ sent date all game- have been cancel ed due to rain and wet gro unds. On Friday, July lIth e All tars won th eir game wit h' the derans of Foreign Wars, of Xeni a, by a 2 to 1 sco re. Future AU Star Games: Fr·lda· y Jllly 18 WI" '~ll t F',eld " . Sunday, Jul y 20, l3in ' S Sales. Friday, July 25 , Frigidaire. un lay,Aug 3 torm King. , .,




The Miami Gazette Page 8 Wayne ville, Ohio, No. 4325 THURSDAY, JULY '17, 1947

Rain Upsets Softball Sched




.. .. Yg. Need It, Get It Here

.• • '

Two Unfurn!sh. AU~ONEDUNG ':_ .1'. appr«iate alL .the more In wayn~vllle•. ST~~ ... ~Rrt.R -bearing Evelyn, M"acGnJgor,' '~""""~~~"""'_....:.i.'..:.l.._7..i1i;.. ' ..~ . 'llai .1i1Ii- ~ lovely Cdhtrarto .... singer , of ·

r .':;"!~~I!.~;,~~~~;;.;'. ,.:. ~. ~,,'. ., /'~ ''''.m~an "'~ " 'HoUr" ~~""'I~:q,~ "~\ '1'I~" ~' ~~AliJUai ~f . I




.~., . ~ ~. ,.. . .



• "


.\::~ ber P~I_r: ~~,··..~ _~iftI 'l'!!~I~~~~~~~telll~ti!! autograpbed , ~~. ;.:. ." •

: ";";






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X. . . . . ~011


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t.lts~JR.., H. Kier and '. SOn, BiI{y alten(fed" the G:ircus , so;nan;n, ~ tBeIeIi '1I1\4 lolln & 1~1d _ '0 I ' iii--=to Cincinnati, 'Sat9Foay and " Law . ft. til1raJfon 1ltDIbIDI"~o"'~'UtI OUt ' r:F.I_'.' -,-~ seen Roy RQgers 'lD ' MlW fa 1NtdtOIl'.~ .. " • sund1.:$Chbot . 9:3() a.m , "Trigger';' and the Sons of 'Loull 'Cha1tit to· DaDu- . . W~;Sh~ s;r~~ Sup~O.3& a.m. )lioueers. gandson r Charl~ {Jpchlllr.cb 'of RUJ. .TATE rt'Il'N'snas !labe1 Hall 2 Iota. In ILcmlaIld ooth1,l'ellowshtp ayton; Mrs. Henry Berges of Oharl.. G. Muter ,peIr ,truatee to . rrhunchly,' 1 :~o 'pm. Mr. and Mrs. A. H. Earnhart Beavenown; Mrs. Roy Shaw Deede.,. C. 1 .... ia . Charlea and Olive aettlDpr to . ,_ _ ,attemied a Farm 'Buteau dinner and daughters, Bet1y .and JludltoD twp. * Ma)'llUd' and ~ Coppack. 47.'15 Mr' HOLIN MimHODIST muting. the GeneJ:al Denv'e r Jessie, spent Sunday with Mr. D..denmona C. Palmer ' to acres in W~e twp. ~ ScarH",MW.ter . Hoto., Wihlri.ngton, Tuesday and Mrs. Lue 'Morgan. Charles W. Gose t Iiere in 'Hamil. Bdward Earl Younker to BOrmie . ~nd~ School 9 :30 a.m. evening at 7 :30 o'clock. Mr .. and Mrs. Pr'm.k Bra.tten ton twp. ¥oollbr ·lot ,in Avrdon Heirhte. Earnhart, Supt. . ' 'clnd chtfdren of FIord/a, ~lrnved Phoebe L. Campbell to Goldie Ella and Earl Clark t'o lPearI E W ,s hip Service 10,:30 a.m. Mrss Wanda . Propst 'of here Saturday e~enm~ to spend Campbell .1 lot In Turtleereek Clark 8 acres in Deerfield twp~ Evening Service 7 :3() p.m. rrdled.o was the we~k~nd guest. a few weeks with hIs patents, twp. • _ of MIss Mary Jane Anderson , Mr. and Mrs. George Bratten. Marlin J. and Lucille It. Sum- 'BILUiI ALLOWED , Mrs. John Koester is spend- mera to Wendell F. and Tluilma K. The Columbus 'Blank Book iffI'. ST. MARY S ,EPI~AL Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Wright ing a few days with friends in Graham 0.80 acres in Cleerereek Co., S letter openers for Comniil'~_'III, N. MiBUter f D t S d Lebanon twp. Bioners, -.90', Lebanon M·......r Inn, r' ~ 0 ay on were un ay guests . • v .... : a..m., 'y 0'tIli ng, P rayer, of Mr. and Mrs. Charles Hage- . Mr. and Mrs. Dewey ComeF~rrie WattS to Robert and Xatie seat,covers for Commf'ssfoners' eaT. :Ch~rles R. Mehaf~le, Lay Reader stock and family of Beaver- W. Noble 1 lot In South Lebanon. ,2&.fRt; Henry Ludingu,n, Gas and 10 :00' n.m., Mo,~ Praya!:. and meyer. to wn, called on Mrs. A.lice Ida Mae Frankenburg et aI., to on, Sealer, $4.1'7; The Office OutStl"l1non, , ,ames A. Dolrer Furman, Sunday. Thomas Cook, 1 lot in ~orrow. fitters, Inc., 1 doz. erasers, Probate Lay Reader Mr. and Mrs, Orville Gray Mr . . and Mrs, Hiley Gibson Clearcreek Local School District, Judge, ,1:50; Trustees of Put;Uc have as ti1eir house gue'St the were dinner guests, Sunday of Wa17ren County. to Carlisle W. .Mfatrs, Lirht, Coort House . and UTICA E. U. B. CHURCH latters' neice, Mi s Shirley Neal, Mr, and Mrs. Raymond Smith, Green 0.68 acres in Cfearcreek Jan, $190.62; Lebanon-Cithens 'Rev. A. J. Fvrstenberger of Jack,sonvilJe, Flordia. of Spring Valley twp. Natlonl" Bank, rent of office tor Sunday School 9 ':30 a.m. . ' Arnold E. Matthews to Myrtle Board of 'El:Iucatlon, ,86.00; ,Mrs. John Settlemyre and Mapel 1 lot in FrankBn twp. . Mrs. James Garrison, Supt. Preaching. 1 st .and 3rd Sundays children and Mrs. -Glenn I31and . Maggie Eli&abetb Sargent CorAt calving tim e, cow should each month 10 :30 a.m. enjoyed Thursday in Cincinnati nele,formerly Maggie Eliza~th be fed a rati on c ntaining _ as the guests of Mrs. 'Evel yn ' Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Wilson, Sareent, to Troy B. altd Sarah laxative comp nents, such as FRIENDS (Cartwf'!g,ht) McGowan , and John Wif!!on ond Robert Wilson E. Shoemaker, 1 lot In Sooth bran, mdla e and oil meat. First Day School .9 :30 a.m. three childre n. attended a birthday dinner at the Lebanon. 'Meetin.g .lor Worship M L C St J h t home of Mr. ond Mrs" Raymond Elizabeth Mabel A. Turner Fox to William B. and 0.16 a-s In 10:30 a.m. . rs" . . 0 11 . pell Braddock, SundRY ..... several days la t we ek With her Mrs D tI S· t I rl Lebanon. ' da ughte r, Mr , John SettJemyer 1 I~t.· .,~~~ '1lY 's m~ .. 1 on 'lid W. W. and Gtace €alvert to !V.9~Iol~, D-:-a. while Mr. ettlemy r was in ~ Ilug I cr, ullw'l yn .. 11<', 0 - Marion B. Walker 2 lots in Ms... KnIIDD I q ,-11_ Iowa on business Ie H?wko nnd clllldr n nnel Mrs. son. -Mass 7 :30 a.m. and 9 :00 a.m. . RaIOlg.b Bogan u.ttonded n. Stanley Charles Balzer to Ma-ry Ann , . Carl Beal and fa'mily o f Brush nemostration ,at the hom'a Rider 106.66 acrea in Deerfield PAINTS - STOVES I.F&:RRJ .QIURCH CJf CHRIST Miami burg were Sundav after- of Mrs. ~Iel.n Ha.yslip last, Wed~ twp. ROOFING - FENCE day .Ralph:E. Stinson, Minister n on 'caller of th e Miio Beal n M nrugbt. , Br~~s:.11.~5re~resBrcnml·nCletao....rRaeekY HARNESS - PIPE ,Bible School 9 :30 a.m. family. . .' onald ~lUDe8 .all~d on ... '"M'omln~ :Worship 10:30 a.m. ~. ~em'Y Wiltz and. ehildren twP. -1 849-11KrN outh Meeting , 7 :30 p.m. Wilson Shepherd and fami- m Xeola, 8Jturdlly eY'elUDg. Fred O. and l!at;i~t B. Meeker FAIRLEY ;HARDW ARE CO~ Adult Prayer Meeting 7 :30 p.m. Iv Mi s Hazel Stephens Walter IA~I!Y Comp'tm'l, Mt'. ond ~t ~~ ~n~Vllll'Ul18 Kidwep 1 Phone 2441 - ·WAoYNmVILLE. O. Evening Evangelistic Service H~ines of Wilmingto~, were Mrs. RaleIgh Bogon 8lId I Cb~y ~ " '8 ..15 p.m. callers of the Cha. Sh epherd Mendentmll were Su~day .diuA friendly Olurch ·with a family ~eT gue~t of Mr. and Mrs. Wn_Gospel Mes a g e ' hnm IIllth Il!ld daughter. . Mr. Lawe rence Shepherd S~me of our children are ntEVERY FRIDAY NIGHT WA~E CHURCH called on his father, Bert ~din~ Dnily VaOlit ion Bible OP.1etlRM Shepherd, who is ill. r'lchool at the Ne.... Blrrlingto~ Robirt L Van7JIe, Minister Friends Clllll'ch. Mrs. Dorothy I "They're Fresh They're Delicious" Blbft Scllool 9 :}o a.m. Mr. and Mrs. Watter A. Smith is ~si ting with the ·school. ·. CO~h.lUlrfdn 10:30 'a ..m. Clan, Jr . . and son, MJchael, 'Mr. Ill'ld ,Mrs. Foy Coffelt of ,Sermq'l\l. . 11 :00 a.m. spent Sunday at the zoo, Xenill CAlled on Raleigll Bogan's, Even'hi Se 'Gre 8 00 Cincinnati. Thursday evening. . L?t bd rVI : p.m. Mn. Irae Burden caUea on :)!he·Best In Beverages Of All Kinds . Mrs. Grace Lincoln Smith Mrs. Evel'ett Ha.ines, Monday STATE ROtITE ~ ~t 73 visited over the week end ~ ith «vening. er~ona friends, Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Mr. 8lld Mrs. Luther Flaines Osborne at Springfield, O. IlIId dn.ughtcr, Phyllis 'a re vs.csg tio:, Bogan , attended the fun'eml af Gteo~ Mi'ss Donna Hadley was a . ' :Mill's at the McClure Funeral H~e, Monday afternoon. eek,-eA~jSitforlc;! her cousin, . Mr. an~ Mrs. Leo Cr~wford, Our Sunday Scbool is invited aJ9'Y ~~ 0 f ~:mon. Mr. and Mrs. Howard Crawford to picnic with New Burlington . (!)f Brown County, spent Sun- Friends .81lI1day School at ,. )' Mr, and' 'Mrs .. Oonald Hadl.ey day with Mr. and Mrs. i\oanklin next Sunday, July 20. We are prepared to kill all kind' of live stod to go incf D~nna attended a faml~Y Clarence Crawford and famiJly. to Locker Plants. ·dlnfler In honor of .Mr. Morns Mr. and Mrs. Richard Haines, Veterans Administration is lIlacJle)'" Of Oarksville, at ~he Mr. Ralpb HailU!S, M~ss M~Mie caring for more than SI,600 . Our Plant is clea~. and sanitary with all up-to-d ate I h,ome o! Mr. ~en~all Crites Crawford and Mrs. Everett patients in its nine. hospitals in eqUipment, passed and Inspected by State and City '~oard :Old family, .of, Wilmington. Bwmell and ~bildfeA-, ",a'led.on Ohio, Michigan and ' Kentu~ky. of Health. ' -t,. Mr. and Mrs. HlJc& (ji~n, . Se also will have all ki'nds of meal to sell the public \ , . Rev. ' J. H. Weissrock and S(ln(ia even in. . llJUW) TIlE OL\881P.I1D AD.8 • for their Lockers, at any time. . ' family en route te~ ,New :Alliany. Ind., called on Re\l'~ aAd MtS. Our meat Government Grades and City . lnspected~ i ' R. B. Coleman, 'Mon'd ay morn-

M,r. aRd








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Pml 'lonesome :ftrre


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, cif dfe 1 sf. Lufhem Church of u'pper Sandusky, Ohio.

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FOR :AI ' L ,.ny rn_e 'o r RIO- d-tl .:. . heel Kahn Meter :Car Ce•

Mil'. , and '~~~ . HarriS> MO'sher 'd aughter', -VIrginia lL;ee had as Wedllea4ay dinner itJests, Mrs" ,Arv.i~ . Shube!g of , . Topeka, Kansas; Mrs. Clyd;e fl. McGee and Mrs. Jamts , fPHt7ME III .JFMNON. 'GHIO Saylor of chillkQthe. ~_ _ _. ._ . ._ ._ _. . . . ._ ._ _

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PHONE 2322



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live indiYlduJl~ a. ·,~eak __' Of COUl'le"; thel , g, from 10 and on~batf things considered, the United Sta~a is · atill the taxea, In.. the 'Mpe of , ..trongeat mUitary power in the woriclI. We have a , 2el;tfllW~~Iili(lIia'H" l[)eJnO(~raJtlc vote. In the Senate to ' &,reater Navy than all of th, other nationa together. , While we , do not have aa maDY loidlerl under anna as some other natioos, we do have a highly trained • technical Army, backed up by millionls of reaervea Unleslt all signs fail and some emergency arisea which requires the c~ngin&' of preaent plana, Con- who saw service in the last war, and Iby those who gress will adjourn on July 26th. An adjournment are now taking trainin&, in one form or another. In resolution under which Republican leaden of the addition we have the &,reatest productive capacit)' 1I0uae and Senate could call the Con&,ress back into ever known. Behind all of thi. strength the United 8ession in case of emergency is bein&' considered. States also has a neat little collection of' atomic bombs in readiness to meet any emerg,ency. The President, of course, haa the power, under the 'Constitution, to convene the Congre88 in special sesShould anything happen to President Truman, sion at any time. It is being freely predicted here Joseph W. Martin, Jr., Speaker of the Houae of that the President will call a .peeial session for lome Representatives, would become President of the time in Oetober to eonsider the financing of the 10United States. Late last week the Congrels passed called Marshall Plan for the rehabilitation of Euand sent to the White House (wherE! it will unrope. However, at a White Houae press conference doubtedly be approved) a bill changinlg the line of last week, the President announced he had no plans succession to the Presidency so as t~1 make the for a'special session at this time, but would not hesiSpeaker next in line to become President, in ca.e tate to calJ such a session should the necessity arise. there is no Vice-President, instead of the Secreta.r y of ~tate, as was formerly the law. This change in . On Thuraday of last week the Senate Committee the Presidential succession law virtually guarantee. on Commerce unanimously recommended the confirthat any future PreSident will be a person who haa mation of Robert F. Jones, Republican Congressman been elected by the people, whether ori,pnally to the from the Fourth Ohio Distriet for me~ber of th~ office of President, Vice-President or Speaker of the Federal Communications Commission, and the folHouse, rather than IIOme appointive official, auch aa lowin day tl e Se na le voted una nimous confir mation a Cabinet member, although the new law does proof his appointment. Theae two actions were a comvide the Secretary of State followa thlll Speaker of plete answer to the attempt of a Washington "smear the House in the line of Presidential al1lcceaaion. columnist" to blo<!k the Jones appointment. Jones will resign from Congresa within a few days to beIt. was not until last week that the top flight offigin his seven year term on the Federal- Communicacials of the Department of Agriculture, and the tions Commiss iol . It is , expected a specia l election Washington press, seemed to wake up to the realizawill be called to fill the Fourth District Congressiontion that there will be a very short cOl'ln crop In the al vacancy. United States this year, which wlll alllo, of coune, mean a meat shortage next winter. All during Ma, The heavy House redl,lction in appropriations for and June, when Corn Belt farmers were tearing their soil conservation payments to farmers hilS been hair over the corn crop outlook, the Wuhinngton largely restored in the Senate. The bill will now go "experts" were blithely issuing predictions of · a to conference to settle the differences between the bumpel' crop-all of which is just additi,[)nal evidence House and Senate versiolls. In all probability the that the brain-~rusters in Washington do not know measure which is finally approved by Congress will all of the answen.

• •


'. . .

• • •

claimed ' Agnea 'va. Griffee, divorce, &'roll De,lect of duty; Maple and Maple, atom.,. Mary E. Hensley va, Frank E. Upton, Jr., statutory charae. Arthur Hopki~a va. Norma P. Hapkins, divorce, grosa neglect of duty; C. Donald Dilatuab, attomey. Martha G. Cox ... L. WilUam Cox divorce, grosll neglect of duty, C. Donald Dllatush, attorney. · Frank Blagg vs. Mary J. Blagg, change of venue; Wormell and Brown.


to pltdnt:lff




Lol. JCwm l PhderIok ~ Ewel'l, ~ to p~tl#; C)hllcIND

plain~. ; " " ' . William AlP n. ~atlnt' ~:' divorce to p~tltt, ~ paIcL , , U8K GAZInTE , C~DDD ADs


-V.J/ "1E


~cQtlure Jlfunerlll ~ome Dial 2111

Waynesville, Oh,lo

• • •

Blacktop Driveways Road Oil and Tar Applied Relurfacing and Driveway Recoating

• • •


The estate of Gertrude Gopperdeceased, J. T. Riley, administ1'8tor, inventory appraved. , PROBATE The estate of Lydia A. McGuire The estate of J. Walter Barnes deceased, Chap McGuire appointed deceased, Estella M. Barnes, ex administrator; Bud Lynch, William ecutrix, July 1'1, 194'1 10:00 a. m. Shurts, and Conley Brandenburg is date set for hearing on inven- appointed appraisers. tory. The estate of Tom Wood, Ethel The estate of Nathan L, R!'Igers, M. Wood, executrix, filed first and deceased, Donald W. Rogers, ad- final account. ministrator, July 1'1, 194'1 10:00 The will of George Elliaton Oolea. m. )s date set for hearing on man , deceased, will admitted to inventory. probate. . The esta~ of Stephen M. ProThe estate of ,Louis Castella, -deceased, .Mary Castella Horner, basco, deceased, Robet:t M. Blair, executrix; filed final account. executor, filed first, final and disThe estate of Alice Gilmour, tributive account. deceased, Albert Parker, executor, The estate of Albert E. Cook deceased, Dorothy L. Cook, adcertificate of transfer ordered. I nthe guardianship of Patricia. ministratrix, filed, first and final Ann O'Malley, et a1., Vera 0'- account. The estate Adda Davis, deceased, Malley filed application for appointment of a guardian, July 14, Everett B. Runyan, admi,listrator, 1947 at 10:30 a. m. is set as time July 22, 194'1 at 10:00 A. M. set of hearing. for hearing inventory. In the adoption of Patricia Ann In the guardianship of Kay CarO'Malley and Darrell Eugene 0'- men Kollmeyer, hearing aet for Malley, Patrick and Vera O'Malley July 8, 1947 at 10:00 A. M. filed petition for adoption. The estate of Effie Rickher, The settlement of the estate of deceased, Louis Rickher, executor, Paul Kahn, deceased, inheritance inventory appraved. tax determined. The estate of Walter C. Foster, The estate of Eva V. Ban, de- deceased, Nellie M. Foster appointceased, Burt B. Ban ex.ecutor, filed ed administratrix, Carl Rickard, first and final account. Warren Burton, and Hubert PursThe estate of Anna J. Snook, ley appointed appraisers. deceased, Walter Lee Snook, exeThe estate of Alba Wiede'rhold cutor certifieate of transfer order- deceased, Howard Wiederhold, aded. miniatrator, July 23, 1947 at 10:00 The estate of Jesae F. Roaell, A. M. set for hearing an inventory deceased, Lucy Rosen, adminis- sale of certain property at pritratrix certificate of transfer or- vate sale ordered. dered. Gross value of estate ,14,The estate of Carl L. Eisen839.00. menger, deceased, Carl H. Eisen-




menger, administrator, estate exempt from inheritance tax fiest and final account filed. The ~state of John W. Cox, deceased, Karl M. Brown, executor, July 31, 194'1 at '1 0:00 a. m. set for hearing on inventory. The estate of Julia A. Lain, deceased, I. G. Lain, executor, July 31, 104'1 at 10:00 a. m. set for hearing o~ inventory. Estate of Mary E. Ross, dec'd, gross value of estate is ,18,403.31.




26 Oakwood Avenue


Lamps Lamps Lamps




btra special

., Estate of Lucy Ross, dec'd gross , value of estate is $6,:Z50. UP TO THE MINUTE Estate of Frank Braddock, dec'd, gross value of estate is $29,037.20. . Estate of Mary B. Taylor, dec'd, W:alter W. Taylor, 4!Xecutor inventory hearing set for July, 25 THIS WEEK ONLY a t 10. \ Estate of Mary A. Compton, dec'd, Pauline TulJis, executrix inventory approved. Estate of Charles E. Mears, dec'd, J. T. Riley, Dean E. Stanle'y, Estate of Marie Conover, dec'd, Dean E. Stanley, administrator filed second account. ,.. Estate of Horce C. Roosa, dec'd, Herbert and Earle Roosa, adminlsadministrator filed second ~~­ count. trators filed application for certificate of transfer of real estate. Estate of Anna Belle Rooaa, dec'd, Herbert and I~arle Roosa, NEW LOCATION, ' SOUTH MAIN ST. administrators filed application for certificate of transfer of real eACROSS FROM' GRANGE HALL state. TELEPHONE 2422 Estate of Octavia Coleman, dec'd, Frank Coleman, exeCtltor filed ape -_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _.&




G. ·E. ' BULBs

Waynesville Fumifure &Appliance Co.

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