ESTABLI HED 1850- No. 42.58
,Ohio Conservation Week to Obse"y~d On 'Everybody's Farm IIou .~I~o(.!..~nl _ lLts. ..
Additional Proof Presented By Seekers Of €urriculum Ch'ariges
,'istt last summer.
. .& an analyst with the Uni~d States S t rageblc Bombing survey, he
spent ets'ht weekft tn WuppertAll ILncl Esst'n, the heal't of the ~uhr d15tr1ct. The Pl1l'])05e of this SUrvey, created by secretary or War St1m.. .son, was .to d1scover ' the etre.d1ver.ess or bcmblngs.'lt studied not only the Qjlmage . done to Industry and tra.nspol'lAltJon. bUt the effect on people. "I tlitnll: btlat we con learn a grea.t deal lrom, what ~ed 'i n ~~. 'ba~~ ~~ frigbet.en1ngconsequenses of the kind 01 Education the Nazts sponsored. If we aTe 'Wise, we will do well to remember th1a as we re-examine our own education .......,.,...,.... ......... _.. Continued On Page 4 )
U ..
The Legion Post ls also SPOl1SOTing a JWlior Legion Bnseball ClUb for boys under 1'1 years. ThJs Club Is Ln bhe organtza.tton process a.nd further details of it.s formulatlor. will be given tn futtll'e news Items.
Wayne High Senlor · SIT cores Top n est
BY WARREN· COUNTY LEGION Arter long a n<l deliberate dlsal j very careful oonsideraLion t he VCLerons or W8JTen ooun&y tet'J LllAt now ls the tlme to build a War Memorial Buildi ng In memory oC all Lhe VeLeraIls 'O.f all wars and also something lihs.L wil l be of service to everybooy· m tAbe OOUllty . Especially do Lhe Veterarur think of the yout hs oC the county and they teel lh at a War Memorial Building will be of great help to combat the Ju ve mle delinquency as many ootlvILles for the youth suc h as Boy Scouts CourLy meetings. roller skatIng. Ice skarJng. s~imm1ng pool. bas ketball totll'lllunents, Hlll h SChool Ba.nd concer ts, etc .. can be held. For ~he VetDl'ans. actJvit lea such as boxl n:g . wresUlrg, bll.\'k tbaJl and oche r sJlorts acUvHles oould be held and In addJtlon a ll Fra ternal and Civic organJl.allons In t he oounty. Including F'a.rm Bureau. Grange. Re llg l o\L~ and Musical orgQ.lllza14ons e could have Jl,()C1!s.s to t.he buUdlr..g tor Lhe purpose ,of C01m ~y-wide or <listrlct I11ceLings. 01', a t any tlme 1\ • ,bUlldJng large ene-ug h t.o accomodate ~ uPPI'Oximntely 300 penso ns at a. ban• Mrs. Elmer DUl'Tell or Ma.son. que t was n.eeded, this War Memorial WIll head a county-wide committee Bullding would be 'availa ble for ,the wpiah will endeavor to secure PRS- I)u!,()().;(!. I t could a lso be used for an S84!'e of more adequa.te tuber culo. ls Indoor ell' 'tIS for b enefit of orphans. , cor.trol leglsla Uon for Oh{o In ~h e <l L',~ 4J I f'd and cri ppled chi!drl!l'!.. nnd 1947 session of Lhe General Assem- 51ck and tilsll-bled v t erans of the oly. The committee ls a. countel']>art county. of, Iihe slate-wide Joint Commltl.ce Acoon:\1ng to la w It 15 compulsory 0 11 Tuberculosis CO!1 trol in Ohio of l.haL Lh Coun Ly Commissioners be which Dr. Carl A. WUzbach . Cin - pe~i L'ion 'd to place a olle mill levy cinnati Healbh Oommmissi lieI', is uefore the voters of the county , at , che.lnnar.. 1lhe n ext election for t:he purpose or' The . fll'St meeting of the Warren collecting funds CQI' the bulld~g. Cotujty Joint OommJttee on Tuber- These petiU01~ wlll bepla.ced In c~os1s Oonlrol In Ollio was held various 100000lolls In Lhe oounty and March 21. 1946. Mr. B. H . Knepper Wle committee o! Lh1s project will be of the OhIO' Public liealt:/l Assn. very gTIIJtetul for s1gnabures 0Ill ~em . pre8ented' a.nd explained to 't he It Is requested ,that caretu1 concpmmltt.ee the suggested four· s1t1eratJon be giver. thls mat ter and .JJRIn~ R..1'QB~ ~Ill 1W0,!!de t.h&t every citizen qf_\<lle county Jlelp qh~o with' facJlities to fJght tuber- put bhls War Memorial Bu1l~ cplosis which are lacking Ilt the program "over the top' so a suitable presenlt · tlme. war Memorial will be placed In this : Dr. Edward" Blair, Warren 'COUll'ty county in memory of all Veterans Health COmrnJssloner. WBB .present who:.so _Mbly served their country. at , th'i s meettll4l' and highly recomTolle 'War Memorial Bullding Oom-, mecded the s uggested program , mlttee Is comPO/ied of Paul W. Holthaus, C hairman.. Albert Knudson nnd Jess Oekman.
"Food For Relief" Topic West Wayne
Legion Baseball Club Sponsoring Juniors
the grerut Germar. traditions. and hl1>V1ng seen the country at thLs perioo ' or trans.llJon. he ,was greatly inter ed In seeing the Germany or today. and observLng !be effects of Nazi teacb~g. Hls Knowledge ot the language opened the way for "
$1.1)0 pe t· Y.
• The followlnS aJ'ltIcle Is a reprint published at tohe request of a group of Wayne Township residents who reel that. t.he present State School requ1rements faJl to meet the need of present day ed u 'Il/LIonal stand · ards. -Edlt4'JI' • The ,W~e ToWnshiP Veterar.s Baseball Club played Thompson's (The Collowing ls taken Crom The Leba.nOIl' team last Sunday aIl0 lost Ohio. Wesleyan Magazine, Jan . 1946. to I/hem wlbh a sooi'e of 9 to 3, Thls lrom an arlicle written by Dr. T . was the rtrst game the newly fonn_ Chadbourne Dunham. .P rofessor oC ed Club had played In competit{)lI. The probable line-up for t,he 'ga me German). scheduled for Sur.d&Y ls : !DIck Stanley. 1st; Jim Miller 2nd : • In 111'J2. C'tu1d Dunham. heOd of tile German department a.t Ohio Maynard Stanley. short; "Truck" Wesleyan, went t.o Ge~ for a Collett. 3rd; Bm Hal"Vey. If; Rayyear's study at t.he University or mond IPurks. c ; Hamid Rlltheford. Munich. Hitler was Just bh en coming rf; Bob Planck a.nd DIck OSborne, Into power, and Proressor Dunham pitchers'; Carl Stelluey. catcher. had the oPPOl'tllonity of ma.ldr.8 ma.n y Otiher pta.yers of the Club are Bob Interest4 1l41' obserVations, He saw Uw O:ilborne. rJ1res6Iel' Hardin, . Roscoe burntng of tile bookB whiCh helped Whlt.temore. Thomas Whlttemore. usher In the new regime. Having Willard F1lreas and M,W'my Hopknown, through his Ye6Ili of -fitudy, kJll8.
In connect ion with Conservation W ek in Ohio. which begins Api'll 22. Station WLW will f eatu re t hn:e special Wllks dUl'lng April on t he S a t urday hroadca sts of "Everybod y's Farm· Hou r" by ieaders in thl' Bu ckc ye slUte in th e fi eld of conscrvation. Qn A pril 6 C. V. YOll ng€Juisl. Ch ief oC Stl1ff of the Ohio W.llcr R esou r c"::1 Board. Will dISC USS "W a te r ir, ' C o n s~ rv at l o n . " On "Ever i'bod,y's !!'"rm Rour.'· Ap ril 20 H , A.. " B uck" Rider , Conser va tion Cvmmlssionci lOr
th e State of " Wild Life ;" Ohio Sta te " Fores Lry .. On A;:i'i) State Conser Con sel'vation pa l'tment. ot :lrcsent the ser va tion ," The on the tne above d :l en ted w ith the Ohlc lion.
Tom Kennard. oni sl of the Soil I vicll U. S. Deri culture, will SOI l and Conwhich will be pm., EST on are being prl'coopera tion of of Conserva-
Do You .Have l ,~ CIVIC -~"."'J'" COLUMN lBaseball Unl·~olr'mC). · "
;.-The incom1hg nnd outgOing - _.....- '" _# .~L_ l execu uve group oC 11..,.....,.., the W:"'~_''''A . C1 Ubill ....,............. VlC w . h 0 ld II. meeting at t.hJ home. of the presldent. R. 0. ' er. F'rlday evening AprU 6. a~ '7:30 'clook, for t he .pur}Xl6e or esteb 11Ig plar.5 for the
~:E:EC~TWyA=~~L:" ~~: ~
or~~t: w~~
e n:: 1.he1r ·duties. PrE81dent _ler was vice-president In 19U4 anr:l held the oftice 01 presl4ent ", a.PP<l,Ir.tme.nt to fill the vllAllUlCl' < by Silas SniYdel' when ller. . At ~he recent el~ Mr. 'iLer was formally eleoted to tba· of president. The other OUiC(lft ,of thl~ Club for the year an¢tng' are : G . Brown, Secy; W. P . 6tZ1IIcIer, ' New officers that w If asSUme~r - ts at Aprl l meeti~, 'In 'addlt.lon to the prcaIdent are : Albert. 'P olinsky. vicepresident; MaYnard- Weltz. SecretBJ'Y!: S. L . RoblnE:on, Treasurer; Dlrec.tors for a 2 y~m' term. Robt. Orew a.nd Fred Grauman. a.nd those With a year yet to \liel'Ve are John Fromm and Ilwir. Mulford.
• Mlarnl Chapter No. 10'1 Order of Lhe Elastern Star wUl meet in regUl&r sessiOn on Mond~ evening. April 8. at 8 :00 o·c1ock. Durll18 the business session plar..s ,will be made fa' the ann-wlllnspec.Uon which will • The West Wayr.e Advisory Oounbe .held on SlLtul"day evening. April ell membeTs were the gUCS18 oC Mr. and M rs. H . R. Moss on Wed21. n esday. evening Cor Lhe regular • • ~. 4..11. March meeting. MOTHERS' CLUB· NAMES Fifteen members were present NOMINATING GROUP ' and after the usual business session much tlme was given to • The Mother's Club Will hDld Qlscussing the topic, "Food For their 1'eg.uJar meet.lr..g on FrIday Reller" with Mr. J , B. Crabbe u.s afternoon at the Grade Bulld4ng dlscu.ss1on leader, with a.no 1nteJ"C8tlng program to- be A plee.sanL social hour w~ engiven by the I1fth and slxtlh grades. joyed with Ii deliCiOUS dessert course All lmpol\l,am feallure of t he tlus1served by t.he h oot nn(\ hostess, ness sesslor.. will be \!he appolntlng Guests of Lhe evening were Mr. oJ a nOlTlinating commJ~tee who wlll and Mrs. Raymond BraddOCk and select Ihe orrtcers for the coming Mr. and Mrs. J . M , Gr ne. year.
LAWRENCE FUR'NAS HAS BIRTHDA Y SURPRISE PARTY SUNDAY EVE Mr .. Laurence Furnas celebrated his birthday a.nn1versary or. Sunday and dur~ the even~ he suddenly rOWld himself as host to ' a group of frien& and relatives. Mrs . Furnas had pla[!ned a very c1ellght{ul eve.!\lr1ff Ilnd served a dellcious lunch. The Invited guests were: Mr. and MIs. Fij1rry Se.tterthwwte and daughte1'8 j Mr. and Mrs. Henr:Y SatterthwaLte and twins; Mr. and, Mrs. Ell Furnas \.net children; Mr. .anr:I Mrs. Roy FlinspaCn lU'.d daughter; Mr. IIIld Mrs. Albel1t Bchna1tman a.nd. children ; Mr. aIld Mrs. Lyman Oa,y; Mr. and M1'1l. Seth f'I.U1UI8; Mr. and Mrs. A. C. Tomllson; ,Mr. and MTS. Luthe.r Ransock 1U'.d chUdren.
tommlHee . · Seeklog
tontr I' LegiS~ 'Iat·Ion .
• . A report. t'eCEIlved Jirom the SlAlte • A request is belr.g made by the Deputment or Educablono regarding mem'bers of Ilhc Vet.erans . Bnsebnll ·the Senior 8chollU'Bhip Test held Club fur the baseball suJ.ls· used by March 9, 1946, tbe leadl.ni Senior \!he Waynesvlll(' team tn 1941 , SOm~ of the enUre county was Donald of the equipment has been made Brown of Waynesvllle High School, 81va.llable but none of the suits have WOO had a total score of 227. been lOcated to date. Donald Is the son or Mr. and Mrs. BiU Se.wyer. manager oC the Club, L. E. Browu.ar¥l ~ beeD. a student states that it ls almost impossible s J!l the W~ Scboola :bioi en- 100 purchase' baseball uniIOI'nl6 at tire school' e. Ire· . ' , 'tUne iild ' hi is ,*,itlcularly top gTades and was OO!l81dem:l a ar.xlous that Lhe players have the Bbove..a.ve1"llP Student. Brown was uniforms of the 10"11er WaynesvtIJ e the ce~ em: the W~~Ue High team sl.llce It improves the QppeQrSChool Varsity Ba.sketblllli Team this anre of a team and adds to lts MrI. Milo 'M1ltenberrH '-retUl1led put season'. ability to /lCCUre games wi\)h oliher h~ from MlamJ Valley" hospltaJ otIher county studenl<;who ranked t.eama In other towns if the general on Tuesda,y of last week. She Us h~,b In the te&a! were aa follows: appearance of bhe terun is Ir. keep· slowly recovering mm a recent op2nd. Harry IGbbey, Morrow. 211 Jng with t helr ability to pla.y ·a good era.tton. I 3m, Paul Clark, M9I'row. 206 game 01 ~. Mr. and Mrs. wnUam Pounds aDd 4tlh. Mary 'L ou Moore. MaBSle . 194 If anyone' hWi one of Ilhese suits son of Dayton 'Were dlJmer guestc, 5th. RlchaJ;d Vllllee, Morrow 193 or kOOW's where ~ey can be found . evenlng. at the home or . 6th. 0IIr0lyr. Talbott, 'LebanOI\. 190 plea.se g et in touch with Bill SllJWyer Mr. and MnI. WaH.er Kennck. ' , • Don't lorge, t t;he Warren oou.nty 7th. Willard Nixon, LebQnon, ..- BhennaD H urst aDeI Uttlp Son, CHARLES ALLEN LYNCH 189 at once. MellOdistzi Men's Brothemood at. tne 8th. William Meiliah. Mason. 188 - - - -accompanied by ber pa.renot.s of New- • Mr. anU Mrs. !Floyd Lynch arc 60utal Lebanon Me!la;Ust Ohurc'h on 8I.h, Martha. ~cClure, Lebanon, 189 ,t0n8vllle. spent. several days last a.nnounclng tJhe birth of a baby Mo.nday evenilltf. Aprtl 8, with dJnA Harveysburg student of the C I The Annual Fer8'lJSOn OWner's week at the ·Burst horne here: oor.. 0har1e6 Allen. on March 20. • ,A meetir.g of the YOUllg People's I,~ pl'GJ1lptly at '7 :00. M~e Towr.ship School. Mary Wit ~ome Meetlr.g' will be held Monday, April Mr. anel Mrs. Bernard MeUob and . Clnss of the Methodist Church was lIB .this is t9 O:e Father and SGUMoore. placed 4th m thIa ,test. · 8, at 8:00 p. m. at !:he iWgers & son ere now ·st.ay1ngwtth, tile la~t6r'5 LT. HOAK HONOR GUEST held a t w..e home of their ·tea.eher, nJgt\t It is requested that exerY man OoWlty 0ertlflcate8 of R.ecognL Mrs. Amanda Hartrum spent Sun· Simpson Tractor sales Ln Waynes- ~nt'B, Mr. and Mrs . Clyde Whar- AT" DINN£R GIv:.EN BY Mr. R. C. Moler. on MOnday even. bring ht8 son or aomebodyl else's tlon .wlll be ~oo ,to, these Benior da.y ·with her son, Mr. Albert Stubbs vllle. . ton. ' _ PARENTS' ON SUNDAY Ing. April 1. for ibhe put'p()6e of re,vlt.h hlm for 1h1.s meetlni. If a boy ftlr their outatandlng work. and fllllll1ly. 'I'his meeting is be~ held especiA number 01 ladiflli lrom bt!l'e' &1orga.n.izatJon and the dlscll&Sion Ott can',t lle found to brdng. along,' oome . v Mrs. DOI'tl Ward Is vpry III and has ally ror owners oC ForD-Ferguson tawed the Zone· meettr.gf ' of the • Lt . .Anna fL , Hoak, who recently various class acLtylLtes. Ir.. a.ny case. f r J •• ~ been taker. to McCle llan hospital tn Tractol\S a.nd F'ereu:9OIl Implementa WSCS at. Lebanon . Friday. returned after servlr.g with ,t he The bus1ne.ss seSS11m Included .tAte The speaker will ' be Bill YOWlg. Xenia. in thls oorrununlty. The _primary Mr. and Mrs, Ralph Ibmon ' er.__Jr<"""'II1l'll..+.eJ~12Il.~.!lJllC('l'S wit.h Leo Oonner • . Bo . W k Sec""'" '''' f tn n.. ..to Mrs. Woodrow Owen and twu. pll:l'])06e of the me€!t.ir.g is to 'h elp children, ,Mrs. Wlll1am Stra.ukamp tor tJle past s1x.teen montbs. was Frances GI'&Y, Vtcey 8 or, r.,.;... ... 0 e~.,.... n • ~·tN. D~I"'" Ed-#l-ld, ,.....'''. ''-r of children. Wtnnle Jo and Stevie. owners get 'the mOist out of their and Mr. and Mrs. Paul Schneider honored .with a family di1ner when Preslden "" """,,[I C!~_ .h Conner, Secreta.ry; ~ Y. M. O. A. .thA "'''=e A..... letlc ~..... ".~~_'-'ion , spent Sundll\Y' with, tJhel If'olm~'s equipment. Up-Lo-the-Ininute l.Il!or- sper.t Se.tun:1ay afternoon and even- her paorents, Mr. and Mrs. Kellar and Ruby Cla~k .... '" " ...~.. WI ~. T l'Ca8UI'el'. ..,h e A request is made ·to notify by Is e'v ... 1.Ilg notice VI "" a meetl~ to b moIlher, Mrs, Lucile Amutage. Cl [ISS voted Lo h'Old' regular meetlntrs. maLton that will show how to keep Ing In O1ncinna.tJ and called on Mr. Hook. entertained Ol! Sunday. mall Robel',t Whl~r. S. Lebanon. held at ..... ~"'e '""""~-""'p H'"u,,, ""'Id 9~' . Misses Rutb and Elllllbeth Chan- power costs to a Inin1mwn and also and Mrs. Samuel NlcOOla there. •• ''VYO''OIU v ........ " 'I The home was IliltTactively ar- O!1. tlle last Fr'" ..ay evellllllg a r eac h Ohio. or Phone Mrs. Oco. L. S acker. eve..,,' .. n A rll 5 t" 3 h . .... ; p • AI . : 0 o:clock. dler spent Tuesday in Dayton. bow t.o U&e Ferguson eqUipment In Th .. FOUrth Quarter.,. Conterml:e ranged 'wilih yellow lilies. carna- monL . No. 00lX. LOOanon, ~hio, t1he numThe purg.ose of th'" _...-, ls to A socla.l ,h our t 0 II owe d th e business 10 .. ..,....ng Mrs. Raymond Montcomell1 of many' r.ew and better ways will be was •neld n.t I..ytIe Church. Sunday tJOIlI5 and snapdrago. ns. bel' ccmlng Crom , ' eac'h church. d'-'".~ """,",g ~.- """ "'-'~ , called on her oousins, given. 'II _____ p'--....... ~.#or '''''''' '~- 'I' Centerville aftereoon. iii d1arge or Rev. Chiles Cov~s were arranged at. the love- peliod a t WI"'M u • ne games were Two rec:&lltJy released factory- of Lebanon. in bhe absence of Rev. Iy dinner table for the hor.or guest played and I'efrc.. hments WeI'e serball season. ~ng of teams, Ught- MJaIee Maune and Mll~te Brown on ~ng the field for night pla.y1ng. ap- Wednesday. prepared soVnd' motion plctUl'e6 wlll Da.n!ord. - w1tlh Mr. and Mrs. Benton Hook, ved by the host and hostess, Mr. ~llItment of commJttees aIld the Mr. and Mrs. ErneSt MarUn camp be a major feature of the meeting. Mr. and Mn. Earl Mendenhall and Mr. and Mrs. Clurles Shaw anc! MId Mrs. R. C. Moler. 8i1nU)g of contracts, from Daiyton Sunday afternoon to They explaln t.he Ferguson System daughter of Tipp Clby and Mr. and chlldreol1 and Mrs . Margaret Bun-l ," Ededfle~ requeeta tha.t 1111 per_ V18lt tOe1r aunt, Mrs. Ge\>1'gtn. Men: In a practlca.l and 1nterestLng way Mrs. William 11r.ney and son of nell of Daytor.; Mr. and Mrs. Her, 8OD8 'who are Interested In softball denhall and acoompnnied by Mrs. n.nd show the very lat.est develop- Corwin were SU·JIIda,y dinner guests shel N. Bunnell and daughters of • R. .E. AUgtlpU~ of FrJ!.nJdJ,n t() be ~ as Ol8olly ma.tters (If Memenhall and MIss Olive Wlllianis ments in tne appllcaUon and use 01 Mr. ILnr:I Mrs. O.uy Routzaihn in Lebanon; M'r . and Mrs. G.eorge was reelec~ ~ sen;e tor ar.other importance will be 'bl oUgilt up and they droVe 't o Xenia too see Mrs. Dora of Ferguson System equlpment. honor of Mr. Routahn's birthday. Bwmell ILnd children, !Larry ard Ylllld" as president of the Warren discussed. :wBtrd. · . Ln addition. care and maintenace Mr. and Mrs. Walter KeDrlck and Karen of Cindnna.tI; Mr. ar.d Mrs. CoWlty Thberculosis and lJealt.h KROG~R STORE CLOSES Sunday afternoon Mrs. Amanda of. Pord-F'eIll\JSOn Tractors a.nd Fer- James Halnea were Sunday even4ng Rhodes BUl'llYlell and daughtP.rs. Miss • At l ea.~t t.wo Wa rren county stuAssociation at· ·the annual meeting Han rum . enjoyed visits from her g<uson SyStem lmIitlernen·t s will be <Unner guests of Mr. a.nd M1's. Mon1mla Bunnell, Mrs. Nellie BUll- o.il'nts nre enrolled at Ohio Univerheld at the Golden Lamb. Aprtl 1. THURSDAY EVENI,NCS friends, Mr. and Mrs. Harlan ,B ecker covered In special pre8entatlons. ThCOWi Oollins In Day tat. r.eU. the nost aoo hoo1A!ss alld child- slty In ALhens this sem ester, accord'I1he bUS1IlCSS mcct~ was preceded ' - .- ' and tlhe1r a.UDIt, Mrs. Blanche Becker Also. there'lI be diltcusslom and an Mr. aDd Mrs. Geor,e Davie. or reno Ing to word rl'Celvect rrom o"""'-"rar ~-, , carl iLoulso, manager of the local b)' a dir.ner. . of ~n. also M1sses BJar.ohe and opportur.1ty to IISk questions. Glenwln Poultry Farm e~F . B. Dilley , Orie from Wayr.esville. Kroger ,G~ry, ' ann . our.oed . today f . Other officers eJecta:!. were Ralph Bessie Schaffer 0 Oenna.ntown. Door prizes will be awarded and tamed ·the Southern Ohio Poultry !.he other from Mason . ~eot1ve ,&he store Mr. and Mrs. W•.. H. Ke,JUeY 01 rer~es. hments will be e""oyed at the Assoc1atton, SUM ay arternoon. ' H 8J'O. ld S Andelson. Box 95. Mills, S prI Il4tbo1'0. V1ce'- presIden.t ; that 'Will dOle eachlmmed1a.tely Thul'Sda¥ evening M •.., MnI. Lois Baker, LebanOn. secretal'Y; 6:00 o'clocIt unt111W'ther notice. He St. Petersburg. Fla .• Robert K8"e6ey c~ of Iihe meeting! Mr. and Mrs. Everett Kenrick and j WlI.ynesvtlJe. Is a veteran. He 'is a Carlisle. trea&BJIId Dr. and Mrs. Gale E. Russum This meeting iB being jointly ahill1ren'were &Wurday evenina dinJl.011lor transfer from 0,0.'0 S'-te M-,~. Mae Sh!llpert . . , stated tlhat they will remain open U1'CS'; Mrs. W. E. 5to.nton. ;Spring- ~n ~ .~ aa.turday evenings of Dayton <;ailed :on M1ss Margare~ spo~ by ~ilCf6 & iS1mpeon ner'guests of Mr. a.nd Mrs. Law~ce U~ vers1ty, boro. repreSentte,tlve d1rector. G. , R. as u8Ua.t ' EdWlUda. SI1Jl<hLy afternoon.· Tractor Sales 9f ' Wa)me6v1Ue and Elliott and son Ln Day;ton and af~r- SIDNEY W. POPE Perce W. Bohmer. Mason. gradMattson, .Leb8inon, C'narles James. Bar.ghamo . Tractor Sa!es (if Frank- walll all attended ·the Shrine ·CircUs • .Sidlley W. Pope, a.ge 73. a re- uated Crom Kings Mills High SChool ' Lebar.on, and Mrs. ~ .HoUln8'sDON HAWKE ' MARTHA HE·NDERSON ~. at t.he FalrgroWids. t.ImI fanner who had resided In qnd ls a Cresh:man. worth, Oregqn.la, ~ure . elected to ENTE~TAINS . CLUQ' RESUMES DUTIES t ._COMING EVENTStbIB ooOununity for the· past nrt~· 01110 Universi~y's enrollment '1a • the Executive ~. , _.{ AT LO.C AL BANK , SENIOR Gnu.s GUESTS The Woman'. S~y of Ule Lytle years. diElt suddenJy at his home In 2802. a gain of 772 students over. )'dr. Paul E. ~1s of the 8ta.t.e. ~ Mrs .. DOn, Hil.wtewaa 006teaa' to • oUter belr..g aWll\Y,from lJler dUtIes OF PROGRESSIVE CLUB Ohurcb 'W1ll meet ' a.t the home of Waynesville on Tuesday, ~rll Z. last sem ester's total of 2030. but 1a Department of Education spoIte am ber B~ Oltj) on ~. even1na for several months ~ue to fractUl'es _ Mrs. Melvlr.. Meha.U1e on Route '73, at 6:30 a. m, still short of t.he 'p eak enrollrtieD~ ~'E6Sed , tihe f~low1ng pointe for a at her heme on Firth ~. Two .o f t!te fore-anns, Ma~ ,He~ I. '1!he ProgrelSlve Womens Club O. A. CUUer- or D6yton will be 1Ihe He is 'S1,1l'Vived bY' his · Wife, 'Lily ; of 350Lin 1941. The preSent, freld1- ' eound achool health .~ pr:o- tables in play and prtzea. 'ret.umed to Th'e W~e Na- entertaLned bhe SIln10r Girls 'ot ape8ker' , , JlWO sons,. Ernest · of Lebjlnon ar.d man cl~ o1s tihe largeat ~ Ohio ' irtam to inBUre better community wan by lira. A. T : PoUnelfy and Mrs. d<Dll , Bank on Monqa.y of ~ W..,...,me~ScIIoaI.... Mr. and . ~ • .Ray .MWer were Kennel41 of Way.nesv1lle ;. and one Un1v~s 'hlstor:J1, however, llUm- ; healtb. ~ EllIa. . ' week. ' While ~ arms. ~ still ~ Tea RoIm, MoDda.3r evenina. April 1. Sunday d.Inner cueeta ~ Mr. and~, Mrs. ~retJ Ennis . ot betlng 1302. 1. " llob1l111e COIJlIDWll~y.JllIIOUt'Ce&~ < . ~ _~~ reoovet8d IIhe 'Is ~ 'diIa Is a o~ with ~e Mn. ~ lIan1I--and Mrs. "' Alice Mjam·etwI. Ret.urniroi vete~ are ~2. Oond~ phyBlca.L .examln&- BlUY HlJBB8 BlBTBDAY- . ab~ :to preform her work ~ ber Club. ApproxlDiatelY forty were Tl'ialteY. , TheIr aftemoon callens Puneral services were- conducted bla for Ule present . Jump in II&~tonii 'VM1l a ioocl roIloW'-'!P proSIIDdaJ dblIIer . . . . or Mr. &lid .tiInIal efficiency. present to enjoy the dinner. Afw were ~. IUld Mn: GeorBe TUton '1buI8day (~) 8It 2:00' p. 11\. at.~maIlce. 'Ibere ~re 1111 at tIIIDa. IftIlL Mrs. A. B. 8Wbba uw:i cl1Udren were . __ -dIJI,ner 1i1e IJ'OUP the peetS Uld Mr. aa4 Mrs. WUijam i?hiIrht Tohe 8t1.M1a f'pneral Home with Rev. aDd for the ,fil'llt otIme ai1)Ce f21e.r 8, ~ ~t;ter. uae of scbool" aDd ...... IIaria BIbcID aD4 l\Im. Amanda . . . IIIIdted VoIeDWI retaraed to Mal. IreDe aDd a pl"CIg1'8m of ~; 14ft. oarl Duke at Bra- R. ~. Ool~D or the MeLhodl..-t stuta1, the DUIIlber Of meD , _mMr !aaUSUIII 'tar .ia. . ~ ~ Of ¥JaiDl UblVenIW. Tul!ldl¥, after- .. at, pven for the deI*JD. Pla.,.oo Mr. and ~urdl CIfflcSaoU~. 'B urIal W&II made der.ta, 1388. la ~ eIl'IIil to ~ ~ IODt _ . fftri dQa vUatIoD at 'bailie. ~. at aIL Duke at T1pp ~. in MJaml cemeterr. women'. totAl at 14U.
County Brodier~ood Meeting April 'Stli
Tractor .Owners Will Meet Here Md·· on ay ....·
I -Triel1d:J
Sunday School ciass Elects New Officers
. . ..
Edenfield Calls--Meeting .,....., .._....
. R I ted qspurger ee ec A Pres·ldenl Associalio'li
Veteran Enrolled At Ohio, University
::heaI It
. . . . . U ...
auao .... u.ear
Mra: P.ul
P ••e 1'wo
The Miami Gazette
dJS8IIIUsfled wlt.h It. We can't . even bUlld_ fenee becauae the ground 1B so 110ft tJhat any attempt. to atreI.ch II. fence pulls the post.s s ideways .
Establ ished 1860 Publis hed Every Thurs day !,!y DA VlSSO N PRESS ,,'loyd L . Daviss on, Editor Enter ed aa Secon d Class spr.tng:~m06t be&utlfUi. ~e Dl()8L uncoml ortable ar.d the most _worrl- • Matte r ' at the Post Office , Wayn esvil!e , Ohio r , onoe knew a. v'S'Y' atJtract.lvc SOUle season or trJe yee.rl lady 'IVbo was nc)l()nou.s tor a vi'" COnununlt.y Sale '1lhIs alterno on:' tAlmper, but 8he had 1\ ~nae Subsc ription Rates : $1.50 per ,Year in Ad"an ee of
~ H, SchnUd t. 31, and Mni . Oorot.hy Ruhl. 37. both of Mason. Elton H . .JohnsOn , 33. Willinm abu~. and Adclln Moore . 34 , LovelaneS. Robert D . Zac!Jlnlt ln. 26. Murton . Mn. William Zeh of near Clneln~ IIJld Lydia. RcloZlolf. 2(1. MrllIOll . na.tl 1B s penc\1ng III tew days ~th her Cla ud C1n.rk., 1 B. foud Lor I' a Lan.~ parents , Mr. and Mrs. Clarenc e dale, 17. both or Frauklh l. Cra.wfon:l a.od brobber . Lewis. Ell1s Bro~h W4 1 . ~1, lIa.l Edna Mr. and Mn. Everet& BanaeD , Mrs. Lawson, 18. both of Fmnklll l. IDly Olbson called on Mr. and l\4l&. Thomas )1'urma n. SWltlay a.ftem.oan, REAL ESTA TE at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Dewey ,...'~1. ~- ... !~_11 VOAUS... ..... ,....." ........ y In Beaver- TRAN SFER S town. Harry SmiUl 10 Dnvld L. Mr!I. Robert Greene 01 Dayton McKeever, .30 A. 1n Way ne twp. ~.:.... ... ~_... u~ Olive Aller. Brace to Alrr d and cw ........ . . . .... __ ,s. Henry Burges nnd children -' 'D~ Dorothy Sl,OuL. t wo )A"lJ'Ccls In ' . .... ~v~ .......,,, Weft supper IUC6U1 on Sunday evening or WayIlA$VWe. . Mr ~-.... , - L Olen W. Fealy to Wiley Howe. U. .....JLC . .... ..,~ ue M organ. Mr. WUbur Doods and mo(her, pa.rcel In Harveys burg. Mrs. LW.y Oooda or Da.yton called Mary a:nd Robert SheeLer ,to on Mr ~" ......- n - _ B t ......... ,... " . ....,... ge ra tenon Georgia Femeau . Interest. In pe.rcel Su ....... ~y a.ftemoo In Wa.yal €6ville and 125 A. It! MJIl;Ble ...... n. M!. Carl 1Uden, er cal~ OD Mrs.. t wp. M~""'·T-... ~ M cia R&ymond and Pa uline KrI er to .,. .... ~w"'. on . y evening . Mr. anc1 Mn. Porter B1y&be and R. B .• E. KeUIs ant:! Kel1l1.et. h P eters. son. ·R 1ohard. and Mr. Everett Biy- 2.04 A. In: Wayne (,wp. the of C1nelnn M.1 callEd OIl Mr. and Mrs OM........... BIn1'.h Su.-"'Mr. and Mrs. K. L. Elzey of Day~.. oUlUGy morn1q . • -......... .. 10I1, spent SUnday n.!t.ernoon with • Mr d "- Wal' - Elze
MILK COSTS UP • Increuse e In feed prloes c06t.5 or labor jumped milk I.lon 006ti! In Oblo from all of $2.38 In 1941 .to $4.19 in
nOO In producaverage 1945.
RY Feeders high IU¥l calves low ¢OdaY " humor 'IJ1a.t WU ofl;(;r. unique. One Good white face calves were h1eh d8.y she W11B 1U1:U1ng Printe d, Engra ved, Many with a man Th re appea l;s to be' a willin gne II in this countr y, a1 as usuaJ but d&JrY calves were Wl_ n.nd suddenl y shl! burst forth with I a t on the part of the people , to sacr ific ~ soine soverStyles ' and Piices. Miami usually low. I bouglht a. Wee \ooklng a series of oa.t.h8. The I1UWJ m erely eignty and r:tl ake other substa ntial conses sions on trade, . YOlUlg Gazet te. Phone 2143. \ red. bull. H e was Sf;) sleek and .sa.t:d, "Do you tlI~ t woUld call tert"ito riiil and politic a I que 'tions, . if it will help establ ish shlr.ey tJla,t I boUgllt h1m but 1 you a lady tor U811~ auch lat:J8U&ge ?" . Perman ent peace. Th ere is no q u'e.st ion w . hatsoe ver but t hat Ul.l.n:k: 11e may be a little older than " No. and do You bbInIt I'd call you size Indicate s. He Isn 't quite as one, e1bber ?". re.plled Ule iRolationi 'm' d ied with t he daw n of the atomic age, excep t l1Js ShaJl 1 big as I t.ilought he WIIJI, I heard say 'ladyf~ ill th e mind ' .f H f w wishfu l thiil king escapi sts. afterwa rd U1Alt I bOught him fol' • I asked 0. OO-W01'.Jter If b er mothThe rea lly big q u tiort i how to apply ,t he new Am r- just wh&t. h.ls owner pald lor him er ever had ar...y, Cllilldrcn. ~thout a Optom etrist ican attit ud e to world affai rs. And even this tough nu t two Wl!eks ~o so did 1 get sbtlrlg. or mament.'3 bee.1tatJlon she repUed., Comp l ete Visual Analy sis must be tracke d or the hope of peac'e will give way to not? At. any ra.te 1! I do not 11k.e . WQly sure, she had my brother s... him 1 can Lake him bIlCk again next • A ClIBhlon note Le~ ~rescribed says, "Form a noUl'er denllly al'mam ent race which , as Cha ncello r Robt. week. should fill out new Easter 11'OOk.... M. Hutchins of the U nivers ity of Chicag o, warns, "will end RUS6ia. Office Hours : js st.lll keeplng the WU'1d Men I Oct you cu.n figure a lot. 18 a ll hope for civiliz ation. " 9 :00 a. m. to 5:00 p. m. guesaJ,ng Bnd a blL worried . U there g~ into tJioee Easter duQs In • Profe !'or Hutr hin te Jl ~ what a n atomic armam ent race wa.s only (Close d Wedn esday p. m.) some way t.hat we · could Idle way too. would mea n: " One a irplan e can d est roy a city, even if 99 get acqua.lnt.ed and' break down • I sa.w01amoney, gal wearlr~ jodphur s Eveni ngs by Appoi ntmen t or the suspicio n on 'both sides. l'ec6!\ltly tlha.t mad.e h er look 11k.e a a re shot down ... The atomic bomb ca n' be smugg led into some lr.. a convers ation on IJ1a.t subjeot. tax1 cab w1th, the <I00rs stan<i1nr a countr y by age nts in peacet ime, plante d in a conve nient ticcordI.n 111 South Mulbe rry 't3treet g to Drew PearSC!ll1n Friday open. When did I see Ithe gW '! locatio n, and deton ated at a conve nient time ... Since the night's WILM INGT ON, OHIO M erry-OQ -Round, F. D. R. Why. In Wle IWInw, Where else ,'tgent wh o plants it w ill not leave his call in. g card, we may said ... When' the rtgbt time comes, could 1 _ me? Telep hone 2433 be unab le to tell who e agent he was tIlere 1B just one booIt ~b1aIl wUl • 0I'ch1<18 ito t.he Harveys bll1'1l . . win over the people - The Fertillz er Compa ny. Betty the .. ... An a rmam ent l'ace in atomic weapo Misa Francea Cbenow etll !pen, the ,y. .~.~a;~n~ ns is one every- Sears-lW ebucltRlUS61an , .~ yU "~'~~...,~r~:y~.:::::~~:_ cat.alotrUe". Instead ~ tloor 1nI;pect or t.e1ls meKurz~~_~_.~;;;=;;;=~:::;;;;~ tblB weeken d with Mr. and Mrs. David f~ --body must lose. To start · uc h a race is madne ss ... The of a -- - - - - --_. - - . . -. t.omlc bombs we mlght. fly over one. She and her mot.her were out TOOmp son were Sundll.y d1nner altern ative before us now are suicid e or peace . Those who nr.d drop them .. few tlboU6&Ild JOY-rld lnr a.nd finnlly 8Wpped below gueeta. now indulg e in loose ta lk abo\ljt ettling intern ationa l "Wlah-b OoU". the "S" IWl 8It Erarveyd )lU'g. They differ e nces by fOl'ce must realize that force means war. Ea.ch new !l'egulat lon.seem s to hoJe. got <JUt 01 the1r "lRoUs" and walk.ed. War mean atomic bombs . And atomic bombs mean sui- back prod.u.otlon o! the very th1ll1J down a lane to admJre the scenery . it was' de"'''ne d to help. OUr y""" .n a e.s Betity wOlWied cide." It. ... 18 100k1nIi tor a pJa.oe - - DIOClher, Alma. ' an Betty's jovIa.l ve teran ~ho aJl-t.lIne KurzA new nation al wagte..price policy has been forma lly to house bJa wUe 8lld baby went up Kaeche r. ask wtlat the odor was Let Us Do It Mode rn to Daytoc a nnoun ced. It is to ' provid e quick er settlem ent of wage portable to 'buy one 01 tboee ama11 they .smelled gmIlg up the lane. Easy Way With Our Power ESTAB LISHED 1816 housea Which some cOrnproble ms, give price increa ses where hards hip 'eOCists, and ps.n.y has been 1ll8Ik1n8 8lld selling'. Betty 88,Ys she repUcd. "Why, mother ;1 Ilh1nk its thoee wild tlowers." encou rage all-ou t produ ction. espec1a.lly to veteran s. only to find 'I1len she oont~ued "We came to To the person who is payin g higher prices and wages that they were no lollier able to a building and ~_ animal car- See Tfolephu ne WI Waflleu llJe, Ohio today than ever before , and who is either nart gettin g goods nwee them bece.uae materia ls were cesses and I knew th8It odor wasn·t l'rOllAm - to make houses for vet- wild flowers a.t aU. It mU8tha which have been forced off the marke t by prohib itively .ve Route 3, Wayn esville , Ohio eransl Where is Amer1ca's bOaated been ttto&e ~: . So orc:h1da to low prices , or who is gettin g an inferio r qualit y of goods busines • l s abill~f
Dr. Robt. C. Brown
Tree SawTheing
Waynesville National Bank
Ch al.. Saw
Bi ll 'Lee
which have been manuf acture d down to an artific ial price stande rd, the talk about "pold ing the line" while annou ncemen t is made of n~w plans for adjus.ting wag'.es and prices upwar d, sound s like a pIal.' on words and an insult . to public intelli gence . Why not tell the truth and admit that we have inflati on ~nd that i he only way to contro l it is to stop Feder al deficits, reduc e Fed eral eXIH!ditures, and encou rage produ ction, with wages to be increa sed as outpu t per man rises! All the fine-s pun th'eoriep in the world will never circumve nt these fac ~ any more than it will ever be possib le to raise yourse lf by your bootst raps.
CO&l stdkea next. Anothe r dOlJll;no
goes down. 'I11l1&
IS ,t.be "House that Jack BUIlt". \ M1Der, miner. mine coal. Ooal, coal movea Itra.I.na. Trair.&
trains carry wheat. Whea.t, wheat feeds people! People, people plow land. La.nd. la.nd reJ.se wbe8.t- and so on. this world and the n ext. • Monday . April I , 1946. More mlr. In ~he air unle611 Lt fools us. The suoject of Dey-llg ht saving time has rome up agtIIln. Som.eone In Co\'ltITeS6 has brolJiht .it up and WSAI is caW.na for oplr.J.ona tor Cinc1nnat1. Ny post card is au ready Cor the ma11., I do NOT like dayNEW and RENE WAL light sav1ntr time. . 'I'lie only good SUBS CRIPT IONS TO THE feature I ever found In it was W'hen we had Eastern Standar Ume and MIAM I GAZE TTE CAN BE A FAR M DIA RY the rest of the counuy dbad Warb, D. I. ftAZIE It time. ,the ra.d1o p~ I liked PAID AT WAY NESV Iu:"E • Ma.rch 28, 1946. "April showers came on ea.rl1er by my time and I could 118ten to tile eleven o'clock DRUG STOR E OR AT THE brtng May tlowers" but <these 'have news at ten O'clock &no' then go to been Aprll tlbower s in March and bed. GAZE TrE OFFIC E the flowers are here already . 11he 1Wb0 _18 ben& llave no 8eI\8C ./ ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;~ woods are carpete d wltb them. rIbe !~ MI&e along t.be pea.ch SclmAlone lett a step ladder age1nst. <JI'Qhardl 18 ' a solid wall or yellow lihe tree where ~ suet for the flowers. The peaQh trees- a.re In birds is tied. An 014 bee came along a.nd so a.re the pJ\m18 and ,we went up tlle ladder, Chased the All Typea are all holding 0Qr lIDier& crossed. chJckadee.s lllWay and enjoyed 11.. bl L Hou.. Wirin a (Just what good that. does I do not or suet <herself. I aaw her from the know wt it helpS our re~) Motora' - Applia neell window . w~ out, ch&sed her away Just as the sround drte8 out aJ- Iwd · moved the 1adOer. So much I' ~t enoui:h ito get Into · the fields simpler than cba.s1na the Russian • \I. with a wacon it ralne 1Ii&m and we soldiers out o! 11'&.'1 and Iettlng the Telep hone 2949 are DOt t.he onlY, onea with corn in lr8.n:i1lil18 ~ their own oil !4e1d5. W .~.iU.,: Ohio ttbe field. Two men a~ the mJll were Mr. and Mn. A. B. Stabbs aad
,::/),." I<iJge
Electrical Contracting
swappIn g storie& about gett.ing BtAlCk ohildren 'Were sunday evenme dlnin the mud. Ma.rvelo ualy bea.utUu l ner guests 01 Mr. Mrs. Lester lWeathe l' but we poor hum.ans are Archer in :· ~ton.
• We endeavOl1' to render lU1derSCII.nd1ni' pro1es.W lnaJ servlioes. t1bt.lngly ~ 1n SAlCOI'd.ance With the w1Sbea or . the family
have DO he61t&nc1' reconun endlng them far poultry profit.'>. After all, praftta Wbat you are a.fter in ' !Nl .poul1.ry bus1l:letlB . .Buy your b&l>y CS1iCU here and you'll be well·.oIl the · ~ to ~ profIts. OUlcJa.lly PULLO RUM
QUAL ITY PAINT S the P~ int for your house with an e1y e to quaJit y and dura.bility. Exam ine our lin~ .today ! Ch oose
DU NH AM PA UL C PI CK IN G Wh ite Rocks , '~ib Picking ,You: Paint Pick Picking's" , WAYN ESV.L LE, OHIO Third Street Telep hone 2916
We 'Have In Stock "Pen~ona1ity"
by Johnn y Merce r "Full Moon and Emp,t y Arms" by Frank Sinatr a "Bilve r Spurs " by Gene Autre y "Twil ight Time" by 'fhe Three Sons . "I"l'im I<'ram Sauce " by Ella Fitger alds "Sioux ~ity Sue" by Zeke Mann ers and Band "Bym phony " by Bing Crosb y .. Day By Day" by Bing Crosby "Person~lity" by Bing Crosb y "Migh ty Lak'a Rose" by Bing Crosb y "Pati,ence and For,tit ude" by Andre ws SisterS "But I Did" by Dinah Shore
"All Throu gh The Day" by Dick Haym es "In The Moon Mist" by Jack Leona rd '(Oh, What' It Seems To Be" Of Frank ie Carle "It Might AS ,Well Be Spring " by Ray Noble "Shoo Fly Pie" by Stan Kento n "One- zy Two-z y" by Kay Kyser ."Song of The Island s" by Wayn e King "Symp hony" by Guy Lomb ardo "Dop: t Be A Baby, Baby" by Mills Broth ers "I Fall In Love With You Every Day" by Conni e Boswe ll "Let It Snow, Let It Snow" by Danny O'Nea l ANU MANY OTHE RS TO CHOO SE FROM
Clas sical Popu lar .
Sem i·Cla ssica l .. Reli giou s Hill. Billy Chil dren 's Reco rds Folk Song s Briag the Children in t. hear their faYorite Radio and Movie Star on Record SNOW WHIT E and THE SEVE N DWA RFS PINOC CIO THE SELFISH GIAN T THE KING WHO COUL DN'T DAJIlCE R UMELSTIJ..,TSKIN
· .
We Repair Radios, Phonographs,' Washers, Refrigerators, Sweepers, etc. .• Parts in'stock ror ~I makes' ,
. QHIo-tJ. S . ·C.E RTIFlE D .WlllTE'"
th e Latest Pieces & Best Bands
Jooe line o! 8tW'dy produce rs, we
We Ha ve A Large Stock of ALBUMS:
Telep hone 2291
we aerve.
• BecalIM
Teiep hon.e 2182
'. ~ORTH
STS. Across From Bank
Nite Plio.
April 4, 1946
Page Three
~~~~~~~~~==~~~==~=~-~~~====~==~==~~~~=- ~
'l'be (;rowlnl, Oolne, ChlU'Clh
. ;411&. m. Pret.dl1niJ 11:00 a. m. YOWlS Peoples Sl:rviocs 1Il'..cI AdUlt Prayer Meet.Jng 7 :00 p . m . Evenint! EVlUlgelist1c SerVlce .. I: 'I :.... p. m·
CoLUMBUS, O.-5lx oorn by
a. m..
"The Test of True DiolpIe8h!p" Clu.!at.lan EDdeavor 6:30 p. m. ". :30 p. m. Eveh1ni ServJce 'The Be~ 6ra1 'I'r18.1s or J esus' (lllw·..>..... WI~h .... slIde plctllrea) "... .....,.,.
• • • . METHODIST CHURCH Junior Chrlsthm Endeavor each B. Colemao, MiDIIIa.er . SUNDAY SCHOOL 9 :30 A . M. Sunday a.t 6 :30 p. m. !OTal1"undel' ~. Raymond Colwer. Supt. Ril!'h School age. You 'wi ll onJoy WORaHIP BERNICE 10:30 A. M . W1C ohorus sUlglng. the stories a.bO~ ¥UUTH FELLOWSHIP. the missionarIes ill China. ar. d India. Thursda.Y, 7 :30 p. m. 1\m.J t.he Flannel-~·,ro,ph pioLures ilCHOIR PRACTICE . lustrat1ng events til t.he l1re of
7 :30 P. M. Chrlst.
• • •
• On Palm SU,llday. April 14, In tIle 10 :30 a. m. worS.hip hour bhertwill be a t:a.pt.lsmal service for boUl oh1ldrcn WIld Ildult.s. alld a recapUou or a clru;s ill'Lo Ohw'cb mem-
• • •
Senior ChrtsUan Endeavor each Sunday lilt 0 :30 p. m. for all of High School age and al>Ove. come and cnjoy the fellowship a.nd devotional m ec Llngs. l\4.iB8 Laura Mlller Is lead-
er (or
·.11bose who may desire to have their ch11d:ren ba'p Llzoo. or adults
n18'ht. Come so we
aJ~ ~ on time.
MT. HOLLY METHODIST CHURCH 2'. M. Seartf, ~ I'Jlmda.J iIClbooI - - • :30' A. II. . &. A. lilU'DbaI't, auper1n~ Worablp eenice - 10:30 A. 'I I. E:ven1na IeI"fb - '1:80 P. Il. FRIENDS
Bible Study CIa&8 at the house
l'Ue&daY evening at 7 :30. EverUlOugh you have .not been 81ttend!ng Lhe prevlbu& cla.s6es. you are welcome ' to attend any of tJ1esc c.lassc6 from 'I :30 to 8 :30 p . m. Credit ~ be given for II.tteDdance ca.ch
I1t c1aBses, ar.d l! you can p&S6 bile
a "Teacher Tra.1n1.ng CerW1oate" Will be given to those
oomple.t1ng the
The LesslO11
Firat D&J lCDool - ';30 A. M. Cor neXL TI.IeOOai' evening Is: "Where Mee~ for Wonb1p lO:1lI .~ . 14.
How Dld We Get OUr Bible".
• • •
Prayer Meelln&' at the house each WedneEiday evenln8 a.t 7:30. Brtng your Bible With you each n1ght. U you can'tt c~, don't 10~ 110 pray and read: your Bible M. home., It w11l give you strength and spiritual food.
A 8peeiaI OffenII&' Will be tait~ for t.he "OoDege or' the Scrlpturcs"
HOURS: 9-12 each morning
a t. Lou.lsvllle, Ky .• on Sunda.y . .April ]-t.
1-5 afternoons except Wednesday 7-9 Saturday eV'cning Otner evenings by Appointment ,
payment on theD' property. etc.
• • •
Dr. C. E. Wilkin Optometric Eye
26 South Detroit Street
...... .... ~
This 16 a wor t.11Y school fOT the
t1ra.l1l:i.ng ' ot preachers to work nmong our ooloredbrethern. They [Ire wo1'tllY of your support, and I\.I'C In need of (unds for m.a.ldr.g
The LoYal SOns a.nd n&ughtel'S Class will meet at ~ home of Ro@er Brown' on FTI<1a,y, April 12. at. 7:30 .p. m· Everyone of the members and frtel'.d!! of the Class are
d to Blttetld •
e . •
The neJa; · meeting or the "Ct\1&adeni' 0Ja.ss will ~t at the Ned CUllom ,home. 11he tlme IU'\d date
brids, two of 80ybeaJl8 and three of clover have been ellmlnated from the pla nting recommend. atlons for 1946 which have been announced by the Ohio Agrlcu!· tural Experiment Station and the Agricultural Extension Ser vice of Ohio State University. The lists of appro"ed Ohio Certifled varieties a re based up. on .contlnuing farm tests tn all' purts of the state under super ylslon of experiment station and extension experts and upon reo suits a nd acceptance of Ohio ' farmers . Practical results, based 1:-on yield . dis ease resistance and erectness of plants (or hal vest· I ing, are factors m making reo commendations. . The hybrid com varieties nt· longer listed are: Illinois 384. U.S. 396 and Ohio C28, C4B. C~ and W54. In addition. the dgr on omlsts warn against plantinp, Iowa 939 and Iowa 4059 In area ~ where corn borer is a seriou. hazard.
New .Work A
Prefer to use my own PAINT but will u.e p~int furnished by cuatom,er if de.ired
Telephone Z8ZZ
' .1 ,.,.., ...,
..... ......-::::, - ...,..... --.....-... ~
!.h l!
Mr. and Mrs. James Thornbury of Main street are receiving ~ngr ntu laUoIlB upon ~he birtb of a sevel , pound dnughter, Pamela Jean. ' a t St. Ann hospital . Dayton. Tuesday 'I'lle matenlal grandpa.rents are Mr . and Mrs. Thoma,." We Ich. I\.nd l..hl! plliterna.l grandparents are the Rev. and Mrs. J. P . Thornbury . Mr, and Mrs. Carl Horan are anJIOWlCq the blrlih of a dn uC'h tel', Allegra America. T he maternal I=f&ndparent.!i are Mr. and Mr~. MOIn1a 'Mike' Osborn· and the pa. ternal grandparents are Mr. and
Art F.:\ ,\n .'\ PTF.J) H\,Blun ":OHN (Ohio 1\1 ;14. Ohln ~I 20. Ohio M IS. ) (Ohio K24. Ohio K23. Ohio K35.) &. 3 .
Ohio Iowa
~l ;H. 01110 ~I:!II . Uhlo M '5.) . (Ohio K31i . .ohio K24 . K2:l.) !Oh io \\, :IIi, "hlo \\'46. Plon,·e,· :111 !\ . Ohio W 17 9311, Ohlp W :ICl. tlhln \\'HI. )
(l)hlo K24. Ohl .. ICla. (lhl .. 1\2:1.1 <Ohio W30. Ohio \\' 10 1)1110 \\':&Il. OhIo \\' 17. 1' 1"" "" 1' :HIA. OhIo \\'411 low8 oaD.) 10hio CaR. Ohio CI\~ : 10\\':0 111:;9. 1 :; (Ohio WIO. Hl! 14, \ ·:lfi. Clhlo W30. Ohio \\117 . t'loIII' 4'r :lIIA Iowa !l:lll.) (Ohio ( ·:lR. (lh ,u C I Z. lo\\'a <1(159) (Ohio LIffi U . ~ 13.) I
(: (Ohio WIO' ol o\\'n j
!/:I!I. Ohl" wall. ) 4059.) n '.s. 13. Old .. l.P.ti.) (l' .FI. . :\. ) (t ·. ,"" :!1!I. I H, ll:1 h :I 150. ky 203. II whltl' ...,0111'111. )
(01110 C aR. Olliu 1,; 12. Iowa
whhe bybrld .)
~c1oto .
tree thJe adaptadoD clwtrt i\ J)AI''I'F.O O.-\TB ad reeommeDClaUoDII wheD I . !, !, 4. & 5. Vlclllnd . \\'II ) ' IU ·. Miami . Uopber. 7" purchase ,oU' seed. Ohio 6 Colum 111a. "ieland. UoIIIU' I·. Certified ..iuietlea rile 0 m 7 Columbia, GO(lhel·. aeDded for ),0U' area b.V~' beeD tlIO!'C with tile best test reeords In extensive trials. 2, 3. 4. & 5. Vall (i'()~ S I' II, l\I iii I" 1111.
White Le g horns Bre.d for High Egg Production Pullorum Controlled
H ., Bogan. Mr. aDd MrS. Charles Wetzel were in Dayton, ThurBday to meet theil' son, Earl. who arrived f ran Camp At......... "",•.,w-y T_'" 4.1..... followtng ,h is honorabl ' e sep&ratlon .from Lhe Arme d
Lemmons' Hatchery
Forces. He returned to Ha.rveysbuI'~ to rema.ln With h18 parents. MIfi. NdUe Oq-ood and daulbter Ja.ok.le, were W1lm.1ngton callers on
Phone 2988
'11hUl1!lday. Mrs. Sadie Reasoo of Waynesvlle was the weekend g uest of Ml's. l£ura Shi<1aIker.
The Pomona O..allre was lll"d bece Sa.tWldIllY' evening In the gym Mr'I. Laura Shldaker entertaint'tl With a luncheon Wednesday in compliment. to Mrs. Emma. KUne. COveI'.' were .laW for Mrs. Llssa. CUrl, Mr ~ . A. S . COllebt. Mrs. HnrllU' and Mrs Kline. . The Oranee Birthday dtnner w as held Monday even1ne a.t the Gl'an ~e Hall. Mr, E. . B. Dakin entertained wit.. a '500' ca.r<I party a t his home OT'. Thul1lda,y evening. 'Ibree tOOle.s were In play durtng the evening. .Mra. MMy LevIClJ Willi hostess 1.0 a group or friends for "Cards" on Wednesday eVenlqr. MrS. Bertha Gordon en&erta.lned with "500" cant P8J'~ . Saturday even1ne In compllment to Mrs.
lIo ll~r
IUghl IIf Rl. 7:t
CO'-t WI N, 01110
Dnma CUne.
Sixth Baha'i Principle
.Britain &Berry
Waynesville Repair Shop
Homogenized Milk
Stewart's Thrift-E Market
Jof this Clean, Fami
.-- Any m.ke. O.~ model .' ----
Fred \Kahn Motor Car Co. PHONE 328
MARKET UP-TURN 'Phe unll Gnn price for FebI1.l8J·Y tlelJ vertes of "'k Cla.~ 1 mJlk in Col wubu.s was $3.42 . T his wos an Lncrease of l~ ee, t.s a hw~dred wc1g'llL. LIlI! ILcsL upLw 'n in tha t m a rket .,ince Augu st 1, 1943 . !\Ir. and Mrs. J ames Lovely a.nd dn u~l1 Le r mo vul Wednesday to their new home in SUtton. Ohio.
Waynesville Furniture & Appliance Company
fnen EL
INNER SPRING MATTRESSES WITH MIq Mary ElllUlbelh Pennlnal.oll MATCHING ·BOX SPRINGS who has been the house guest of her ...- - - - - - -_ _ _ _ _ _--1 6 . &7. C ulllbl~ ... a"d . Ke lllUcI, y 215. brotiher and sister-in-law for severn l WeeKa retur.ned to her ' home In w11l be an.nounced a.t C~ Sunday; V!vifldllltloo and S\8ten&nce, _n Mr. and Mrs. MayllU'd' Welts and Kent.uc&y·, Wednesday. 50 plan to be there so yoU willno L would be an lI.nimal; na.y, rather. chlldren were Sunday ~ dlnMr. aDd Mrs. iW. P. l\leCarren this lU'.nouncement. dead. -Alildu'l Be:ba t,er guesl6 of Mr. a.nd Mrs . Howard arrived at their .'home 'here, S atul' North St. Dalton. day end 'will remaLn durq the pre - Gibbontl Bldg. Mr. and' !In. R. L. aye- enter&alDWayne8ville, ' 0., Phone 2422 sent !Week . ed to sur.day dinner .1\11'. am Mrs. Mr. r.nd Mrs. W. P. 8t.radft' and Mrs. Blanche Carr has been at J . K . PreBOOn and sons of Cincin- sons Me now occupylD8 ,U1elr r.ew • The world of 'hwnanlty 18 In need hane 'on Guncltle Ave., In Dayton. of the oonflnnat1on ot the Holy nat1. . Sptr1t. True dIst1ncUon among mankind Is through divine bestowals a.nd AUCTIONEERING rcoe1v1ng the lr...,UliUtllons of the Holy STANLEY aDd K(H)GLER Splrlt. If man does not beCome tbe IIIIODIIa ..CD. . rec1pient of the heavenly be.stowa Ls For Data, ........... · W~We, and . splrlvua.l bount.le.s. he remains Ohio. Rev.,... In the plane ar.d kingd<:m,91 the a.nimal. For the distinction between North Street ,JOE BOYDS, Prop. Carey's Garage the a.n1ma.l and man is tha.t man Is el~owed with !.he potentallty of di_ vin1ty In his .nature whereas the anlmtll Is entirely berelt of that gut nnd atteJnment. Therefore II a. ma.n is bereft of the IntUit! ve breat.h.1ngs of the Holy Spirit , d eprived oC d&PAPER HANGING Vi.ne bestowaJa, out of touch with bhe heaven!)' world and negligent of t.l\e PAINTING ctemaJ In'\.lIth8, though In d.ma.ge and lUmess he 18 humar., In rea.llty be TRY OUR W a~r St., Wayne.avil.le !8 An animal; even as Hls Holiness WHOLE MILK PASTEURIZED MILK - CREAM Ohrlst declared "That which Is born of flesh Is llesh. and t:nrut which Is CHOCOLATE MILK - ORANGE DRINK bOM?- of tbe spl1it Is spirit". This WHIPPING CREAM BUTTERMILK means that if IlUU! be n captive ot COTTAGE CHEESE physical susccpt.1bllHles and . be LEBANON 'minus Ule quickening of spiritual PHONE emotiOO'l8, he Is merely an animal. TEXACO But every soW who possesses epJrltual SU8CeptlbWtlt'6 and has ftItta1r.ed SOLD AT a g~ly portion ()of the bestowals GAS.O l l GREASE WAYNESVIU.E of the Holy. Splrlt Is allve with the FURNITURE AND div1ne me of the 111gher Jdn&dom. Quick BaHery Char • • The soul <tIla.t IS portlorucss and APPLIANCE COMPANY . Hydraulic Car Lift ~eft 18 as dead. Therefore he aa.ys Gibbona Bldg. North St. "Let the dead bury 'the dea,dr'. .Just IISERVICE by SERVIS" lIS the physlcaJ bOOy of ma.n Is In WaY.De.vill~, 0., Phoille 2422 ~ ,need of lIB force of life, even 80 the ~ Iy bumiul soul Is In need of the diVIDe animus and ' viv1f1cat!on Cl'lUUl8.tlr.g SCIENCE trem U1e Holy ~plrlt. · Without tht~ . ... *- au.. uchi....doaal Dews , • • Free from political .......... 6oa"'lpeda1 :io~" coDuol._.. Free to tell yQQ . , . , tile . . . . . . . ,..Ja neGts, Its OWII world·wide stall of corn" .1 11 ...... JVII 0Il~ neWt and h' me.nina CO JqR -_,-rIuBiJf, IIda illtae 6Uecl.itb uDique "f~e1p ·f...,...
h e l'
w l1ek .
'rbis lIlill', l 11 el,""'I'd. by tbe Oblo Ag l'l('ultural £xpl'l'I",I'III IiItlltion and Ohio S Ial 1!' lnh·..·I·s lty Agl'\('nl!uru l \o:xlt'll,itlll S,·I',·lee. I Ih .. guide to v[II'il'llies of Ohio ('t'I'IUI",1 ,cl'd bl's l 114111\11"\1 If! yonr farm. :\H e r rl ll ,lin~ ., ·our III·NI . CUIl~UIt l'I'conllllc'lldaliull!o helow . l;)ju 'ly ,'ul·lt·IIt·~ aI'e II Nl e d fh·!'t wllh parly IIIld '''(,II"OIl a Dd full-sea 011 ::: 1'oull ~ dc·s l/.:'Ilat .. d III Ihal .lI'dpr by .,al·I'olhc·SI·".
soll-Ln-Iaw and a nd MI'S. R.a.ymond Corwin dlll'lng the p 85L of
hO ll1('
Ada ms
d n l1 ~ h t.er . Mr.
A IJ I\I"I' IiJD RO\'8EANB 1 E[II·I),allll. Hichlallll, ~ & 3. \0:111'1)' 01113. H it- It!.!I1"'. Lincoln, ~lIngo. Dunflt'lrt _ _ _ _..., 4 & 5. Eat !.\' : l : iI . l! i. ,!, Iii IHI. I.lIwoln. '1In l ~ () . nuDflcitJ 6 Rlchlalll'\, ' ·1,III('ulo , ;\liu t:n . Uunflt·ld . Sels-to. . CLIP AND 'SA VB 'i Richland, Llncolu.
--- ~
C ·A ·SB
. . .., Ie . . 1•••• c••~.,.., y.n .. ..-4••~ .... .,..
Dial 2111
ConstaDt TestiDg
Extensive tests In aU parts ot the Slate are made each year ' to det ermine whIch hybrid!' arE' most productive unde r the vary· ther Ing soil. moistUre and conditions. These tests are suo pervl sed a nd cheCked by IIgron· omists of the Experiment Sta· tlon and OhIo State Universi ty • Since lDvas lon of the co rn iJorer. pa rticular attention has IJeen given to hybrids whIch ;;how greatest resIstance. ~pec· iul attention also has been g t ven to root sy s t e ms and ' talk :ltl'ength which keep corn erect for mechanical h a r v est . n g . ,I The adaptation recommen .... a· tions are divided Into E'arly . medium and la te groupings for each area of the state. These maturity classiflcatlons are deElgned to at dfarmers ill plan· ning rotations which mvolve rall plantlngs. Other Seed Recommendation ... Wisconsin 600 aod I111nl soy· beans no longer are recomme n1 ed for Ohio planting. Clover .va· rieties eliminated this yea. are Kirch, Kentucky 101 and Knoll· man. Vicland oats continue to hold top place in northern Ohio, but Columbia is recommended for southern counties.
' ~cQIlun' Jlj'ttnerul ~OlUe
a..ea .
House Painting
The Sermon for Sunday night a.rw.I who mo.y desirc to be ba.pLl.zed and Lile next ,two SWJ4a.Y evenings wUl rccelved leto tbc Churoh. please be prellClllt. at Lhls service. ' be llIust.mted wllb StereopUca!l sllde pic4An'es. The SUbJeot. for toThe mJ.nlster will II.ppreciate your nigh'!. (SWlday night) Is ''The BenotlIying him of your dllSll'e8 prlo~ Lrayal and Tl1s..lB" . Nielct ~ to Pnllh Sunda.y. 11.rht.. "Tbe C'J'ucH1xloo IIJl4 DeaiJl " .ReBwTectlon and Appea.rance.s·. Of ST. MARY'S urse ,these plcture& are t)ut 8.I1tl6t.s EPISCOPAL CHURCH cancept.l&is of the events, but <Ilb.ey Samuel N . Key. lllust~ate the Scripture story which La,. Beadu-ln-charee will be rC6d as the slides are shown. 9:"5 a. m. The Brotherhood at You will enjoy tnem. Everyone inSt. Andrew. vited to a.t4.end. 9:-t5 a.. m.. .Junior Church 11 :00 0.. m. Mornlng Pra.yer IU'd Sennon, SQrnuel N. KeYIl.
Jlobert L. VanZile, Minlllt.er IIEMERT GRAlIAM, Minister Bible Scbool 11:30 a · m. Bible School 11:30 L m. 00mmun10D 10:10 L m. C<mmUn1on 10
« .cIIp.......
r;-·=-~i:::;;-;;i:L;-;---D--,;;;·:==-=} R!; ....................--....... • ..-III __________ ............. ______0 ,!'1',,.,,.=_ .. --• ......;..,.
.L. . .· · · · · · ·. · ·'.· · · · · · · · · · · --.
~" ..............: ......... ••• ••••••••••••••
01 Tb. CtdolUlt, S " -
IrW 'it'.~
April 4, 1946
rled over Into ~ areu of human' ..._ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ experience, SImJlar1y>, tiI.e 'study of the ll8ituraJ ooJences gjvea one ULlllUl-· . I _ Iarlty with the 3C1entUlc mel!bod . In the labora.tory the student learns • how to observe, h<roV to move from Lo~a====the par.ticular to ~he geneml. how • F ARM LOANS - Long t.erlll ·to ~ the facie &.llCl Interpret tibem. IIWIY pay ments. No ll PPI' I.:;al fee. KENNETH HILL, Manager ."The second a1m. the abUlty to Al:.o n1ce 6ll1all and la.t I:e farllls tor Ii&le. Call or wri te Oeo. communica.te effectively. nfee.n8 ' acHe nkle. Phone No.2. Lebe.pon . tr quirlCg a mastery or ,!lhe EnglISh JUDY G.O\RLAND Life _ Hospitalization - Health and Accident FEDERAL LAND BANK LOANS : ~~1N~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~S~H~E~I~LA~R~Y;AN~ lan~. boUl spoken a.nd written. (Also Grange Inaura~ce Service) Fur Refill8.11c1r.e - RcbuUdlng SUN. MON. TU~ WED THUR. In answer Lo tibe objectJon tihat the _ _ .4 % ~ ~~ ~ ~~===~=~~~~~==~~·~~~~~·~~~~~~~~~F~R~I.~~~==~S~A~T~.~ s~ of English is ·1mpraotlca.l'. I Urn La pay. Pn.y part or all any II'or Information would call attention to ,t he fact that Lime. 7. 8 9 10 11 12 13 Wr it e or Cull L EBANON NA'f'L F~f LOAN • B W of "Mr. Chlos" In • A Special AcUon Musical ! there are plenty of secretaries who • Not only the most d ~usse d plcturr> AS8· N., Ellis H . S~UtIll, 8e(iy another of hJ.s oharacterl~ 3 STOOGES. ROOsler Hot are mechar.lcalI¥ eU~lenli. Those, of the year. It also mnde Rav MlUlinil Shot.. Ca1lDl' B3rra Bon. T ...~ .• Lebanon. Ohio. Phone 44 6 the A dl£Iemy Award Winner. lions. Rob t. Donat In r:-o'ire.Bwrbetl ,& SDBde Coolev however. who ca.n spell. puctu8lte. ~p~h~0:n;e:.1~7~1~~~:;-iii..Ob-i;0. . tc RAY MD.LAND III and correct the dictation of the boss "V ACAlJ'ION FROM "ROC'KI~' THE "THE LOST WEEK END" are re.re. Thtlf get the good jobs. llbernl arts educ8I).Ion: an undel·· A'M'END MASONIC INSPECTION MARRIAGE" Real E.tate For SaleMr. L. C. lit. John, l\lr. Rorer The ~ engineer, for example. standing of tile world , I came back !'I:OTE: Reeommended bv Se&ln'amil and W1Lh Deborah Kerr J ROCKIES" Brown, Mr. Paul Shipley RIM MI'. EuroPe th is past SWlUl1er fum who acqufres a nne command of oral U ' YOU HaV!:: A I~KUPIilltTY OR ~~~w~.~C~.~T~.~U~ · ~~~~~~~~~ -A ~ bo~:~C~~~t~~~n~~&~S~n~a~M~h~0~U~ · ~~~~O~;~Sh~~~D~R!~0~~ga~~~8~:noo~m~ed~~~ Jow. Sileeha n a.~tended MaS(>n1c ly convinced tlla t the Inl11,T\.I.IIgC barand wr1tten· ~Ush may SOOI! F ARM '1'0 SELL Un,}l or WilLe J.ru.-pecUon III Mon'Ow on SaLur<lay rier Is or..e of Uw most .serloWi an from !!he drafting boo.rd or shop ROOFTOPS Doll Henderwll. Tel: K&l446. 61'1 shouJd try to glvet stuaer.ts: first, everullg. t,hrea.ts to pe8<le and Intel'naLlon&1 to l'e6Cal'Ch. public relllltioru; or ad_ LOlUllI Ave .. Dayton . Ohio. Lfc 'the ablllty to thlnk Clearly 8.1ld by Carol Smith unrersta.nrllng. To promote such mJnistrMion. A s 1 ga7Al out the window In English erlUqal1y; secondi. ,!!he abUl1y to Mrs. K. R. 11m ano' lnla.nt son F a.rminC Implemenb-ullderstamlng we need more ard communicate eUec!ively; thin! . an "Ourloua though It m&y seem. one class. hllIve roturned from M1amJ Valley more people who klWW something understand1.ng of the, world; and at the wafS of getting a mastery of S ElE your J oh n Deel'e dealer for I can see over some of the town. hospital 81M a.re at theJr home In COl I ~Lellt. reHllible servICe on YOUl' f0W't11. the abll1ty to dlscrtmlna.te English is through the study of for- of the languages of foreign counTree.<l. and sky. and roofrops. the countrY. Joim Deere eqwpmell L. Our ' mech e1~ \a.niuage. Insight Into.gram- t4ies," And today rain Is tumblLng aown. · ::IIJlOflg val ues, IUllcs are facLOry U1WIt!O Lo gl ve MUSIC AT OXFORD ..:.;-~-;.-~-~--;';;~~;:~i-j-=o'~J:':.~5=~.:'i:i~;:"""=: "To toooh student/l to think clear- mar and the structure ot ]allgU1lge I ;;.;;;;;;-;-~ I wonder while I watch you dependi1.ble .serviOt wil.h ~ minimwu of expeI!S(l. Only GEN_ • The Ohio Music Auditlon spon- (~ I should be st;Utdy1.ne, too) ly and cr1tlcally \a; the opposite of Is of<ten, much more eosily acquired II UINE J oiln: Deere par ~ are used. what the Na.zl rducators wanted to th~h the study 01 Latin and sored by the 01110 MUsic Education ~bout the people beneath tnese VUll us lor an aPPoult1l1Cllt. accom~lI&h. They were intent on Greek or one of the mooern fore18n r0c4s. As6Ocla.tlon Is to be held at Oxford. BANTA Il\lPLEMENl' SEB.VICII: on AprU 13. 1946. Representing the Haw they live. and what they do. d~ Independent thou~ht. la~ !.ban lh .t.tu~ Eilgi1sh class. Your John Deere Dealer N . East St. lkbanou. O. Phone &&5 WBynesville Sdhool w1Ube &th If I could take the toP6. unknown. 'I1hey knew that 1f people began to Our rudlmentary skllllq Engllsh Is 44c Hook- pla.no solo; Eula Hoak- From the ·houses. and tnto them thir.k clearly and critically they picked up palnleasly through imitaw~ld understand tme f1lJlacloll,5 and tion. In tJhe study of a foreign lan10<*, cornet solo; Jack Mulford:- sax.oWANTED- MISC. pernlc10us aspee!.4 of Na.tlonal SO~ ~e, hawever, lotrtcal analysJs Is OUt of the ,thousands of thlf14!S I PARTY COOKING and-sm - -v-m - o. ph07'.e solo. 0 0 . clallam. And jw;t . as d1&tatorshlp necessary. More t ha.n that. we come • ae.w .Amelia' MdKnlgn l, Ha.Tveysburll. I \t.now I oouid write many a book . does not dare allow its people to to see tt\e relaUoIl!ihlp between Ohio. 4.11 HEALTH LECTURE But I am no more than a. mortai th~nk clearly and critlca.lly .so in u English and fore\&ri woms. We thus • Mr. ~in. from the State De~ 'beIng; democracy •we must ha v~ citizens broaden our ~lsh vocabulary and o EN ERA 'L HOUSEOLEANING lI'\IIJlella M~ht.. Harveysburg. PfU1ttnent of ~on ! ~d And there!or.e can only look down who car. do prects.~ly that thing. As deepen our inBIght . tnto the fine Ob1O. 4.11 with 'the puplls of the Wa.ynesville From my window In class Ill< a third soon <O.s the ma.jol1.ty or ,the people shades of meaning that dlstlngulsh While F e rtiliz e r i!'l cla ssed as a ..YER~ SC AltCE stop thln<klng clearly and crlUcally olle word from another, NOTIOE All debts d1Je James schools. questlol18 about "Healthy floor room . "obviously !!hls Is bOt !.he only rol'i1Cone else wlll begin to do the Lovely not paid on or before Ma'y Livln'g". He 'had tWQ sesr;lons at the OVer the rool's of the town. ITEM, w e ca n s till s upply SACCO FERTILIZER, but thinking f(Jl" them, and they might reason tor the study of foreign · la.nI, 1946. wtll be tuma:1 over to tl p rade buJldl.ng ·and 'one a.t I.he High sugg'e st that ord e r s be placed immediately ,to ins ure just as well say. I~-bye to their guage. One aI' the other reasor.s professional oollootor. Jas. Lovely. Sdhool, Mor.da,y. Mardh 25. 1946. l~ds on to the thiI1i general aim 01 democracy. 225 W. Someis st., ' Eaton. O . 418 delivery. TOP PLACE WON .. Almost any I subject In the cur(Oontlnued .Prom Page 1) SALE BILLS- The MIami Gazette "'I1he Germans were not the only rciulum 1f ~u cna'efll\J' and • Donald Brown. who competed In bas made arrancements tor the State Senior Scholarship Test:; ones who developed an etflclent stYs- 1mag<lnat!vely can give training In prinUng of sale bll)li. Van pve t.ein of technical training. 'OUr Suc- critical thought. There are. howS-da)' service on both larre and given March 9. has won first place cess 1n tills field helped make pos- ever, certam subjects which ,by their In Warren 00UDt\Y. sinaD sises. Phone 2143. , sible the conversion 01 peaceful narure n.f1ord the best opportumty JOINT BANQUET for dJclpllne in thlnkJl1g. I refer to America into ·!.he arsenal of demOur 0W1\ Formula Hou.. hold Goods OCI'6,Cy.' lwe net'll. moreover. to con- ~ ematlcs sad na~ural sol&lCe. I $3.80 hilliCl~ l~s. FOR SAlLE-- One small dark ooJt The F. H. ~ F . F. A. jolm tinue to tra4n techn1c1a.ns. But I\t Mathematica should serve the prI$75.00 . Ton . buflet. or server Q.Ild one la.l ge banquet Is to be held Thursday the 68llIe time we should take ca.re ma.ry Pul"po6e or' giving student3 ll8ht oak buffet. Both modem even1ng. AprilS In the High School not ,t o repeait Uhe nustekes of Na ?! tnun.1ng In preciJSlon ar.d' logical Telephone 2441 WAYNESVILLE, OHIO style 8.11d ID, good comUtlon. PrIc- cafeteria. The ~rogram. Is under t he Germany. We have learned. 'I hope. step-<by-step reasoning. If properly , ' ed reasonable. Mrs. Harold Earn- direction of F;dw1n Michener, toBat- !.ha t a country of tl'llJr-ed experts Is Phone_ taught. the habits acQuired In the hart. Phone 26lt. 411 master. a.n4 wID oonslst of an t.nnot necessarlly a country of rea.eon- study or maUlematics may be Car- • vocation by Mrs. Hough: Oroup . FOR SAIL&- or ,t rade for pigs or ""-'~ Sr Ho .." I able and humane pmsom .• trr.J'V"., . me Ec Glr'-' .AD, 'He come. If calves, Round Oe.k coal r ange. Ruth Alnburgy ; Duet. Flora and If we are to have an~ hope for a white enamel with ,blacit top. used Leah Th~an; Skit, Miss America' peaceful world.--; or lor any world <me year. Call Waynesville 2651. Enter,ta!ne. Home Ec Girls; Closing at aJI- In the 81t-am1C age, our !ll)e1 - Letz No. . 340"Roughace Mill. fills silo, chopg .ha)', . 45 ~. Olen SmJdJh ; and Group :au:=t be human belnes. not 70S Commerciial Bldg., DAYTON, Phon~ ~D 3661 .- - - - - - - - - - -Singing. 1Wbe1't Ea.r.nIhart. ec men. As Dl8:tly of our gl'inds and miX'es feed, elevates small grains . .Ideal Centerville, Ohio, Phone 702i NEW and RENEWAL The Menu oons~ of Oreamed lee.d,ing educators are now insisting. f or beef anu dairy production. , I SUBSC,R IPTIONS TO THE Chl.cken. Mashed Pota.toee. Pella. we mUllt DOt only t.raln people. we . If you have real estate to' sell see u s . We get the 1' - John Deere No. 114 Rouchace Mill ana Feed MIAMI GAZETTE CAN BE Slaw, Relish !Plate, IR olle. M1lk. and must educate them. Speclallzoj highest cash price, have buyers for items you wish to Grinder. Chops and grinds roughages and grains. PAID AT W A YNESVlLLE Pie' a la Mode. tralnir~ muBt be accompanied b.v • • .. ed~t1<ln In .the Yberal artlI. , s ell. Our terms are more reasonabl<e . ~han others. Fills s ilo. Lessens costs of producing beef, milk and DRUG STORE OR AT TH E "There is rather general agyee_ pork. Utilize your hom e/grown grains to ba l. nee ' A·pprai ~als Free. Can Centerville 7021 GAZETfE OFFICE merltamong educatorS' as to what your rations. IJ • 0 a Uberall 8lItS education ' ouglit to Dayton, Ohio, ADams 3661 ,1 - Reliance Low-Wheel Wagon a sturdy lowaccomplish. or at least what" It CARD OF THANKS • carol Smith was barn In POrtswheel wagon. • I wish to tha;r!k rel:alt1ves and mouth. Oh10. July 5. 1930, She should aim at. My fonnulatlon of the goals Is not, \.iheretore. orighUll t L.. , ., - - - . Limited quant~ty of Ford's "Airliner" Milking Mach· friends for the lovely cards, flowers starta:1 to school there ibut went to with me. A liberal arts education and gUts I received dUl't1l8 my re- vlsit & oauain in ~erton. Ind. at ines. No pipe lines, simple a~d easy to clean, no cent stay Ln Mla.rn1 Va.lley h06pltal. the Christmas v8CllitJon and decided intricatJe. gad,gets to get out 9f order. Fewer ~ear Mi's. M.llo Mlltent)erg~r. to f1nlsh title flrBt grade schoollrtg ing parts, easy to install, unconditionally guarapthere. . teed The most economical and durable milker on Bhe then returnoo to Portsmouth 'A'lTEND EASTERN STARwork until she mova:1 to Waynesthe mar ket. Mrs. Stanle, BaDe" Mrs. D. C. ville. Feb: 4.. 1946. 'RJ4i'e, Mrs. .1. P. Fromm. Mrs. QUICK .nd DEPENDABLE SE~VlCE MIss Smith bas an A ·a.verage all Bertie M1l1& and Mrs. E. F. Earn- through her school Vr'ork. Whlle In hart attended an Eastem Stat the F\fJtJh Grade she wrote a History meeting sit Ma.sonlc Temple In Day- play a·TId It was chosen ,to be given YOur John Deere-'pealer . to. on Sat.urday evenmg. lIB a pan of a Sdlool program. She Phone 555 East Str_ LEBANON, OHIO N, . "PORK' ALl.EY HARVEYSBURG, OHIO has already st.a.J1.,t.fl writing and IN CASE- OF FIRE DIAL 2m conslderes It as a career. She has I
personal Is Vital to Every Family Insurance IS YOURS PROTECTED?
:Jwin .: Jheafre
WAY N E S V ILL E , 0' H J'O
Marion Snyder 1._______.__
..lJig~ Sc~oof nOlej
SACCO --IF:.e't ti lZer <
Additional Proof
8 'd we •. St6·t -e
2988 ::
e F. T..MA,RTIN &C. E: RitSAU; Aucti~rs .
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ l
Automobile"and Tractor Repaillng ·
Hovtt£Ll. GARAGE
RaYHf;;RSES $5.00 COWS $3.00 Aalordlng <to Size and Oond1t1on Hogs, Calves, Sheep, etc. B.EMOVED PROMPI'LY
several unpubllshed short
stories but at thJs time she has a song sh~ submitted to the publishers which shows favorable signs of beI
1n4r accepted. She also writes poetry but has never submJt.ted any of hp.r work ID thJs 1I.ne for publication. At this time her school work tn IWIHS Includes the Oommerclal Course in HIgh School. Algebra and Science are quite all right but she r eally likes HlsLory aoo Languages.
Can .
~!!!!!!!!!!~!!~~~~~ NORRIS BROCK CO. CbMU.U UDIoD 8..,. .TanIa
Mr. and Mrs. Loren Beason
now comfortably located In' their new a.pa.rtmetlJt a t I.he home of Mr. !,-nd Mrs. P. L . Reason. Mr. Loren Reason has resumed -his pooition wlUh I.he Sta.ndard 011 Company at Leba.noo.
I'and . Mr.daughter and Mn. M. A. - FuDtenon entertained " to dinner a.na
on FrJrlay evening. Mr. ~ Mrs. W. P. Slnder alld Mr. and Mrs.
C . E:
s . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . IhrtcU, _ _ _ . . . . . aII.".• ....aet
c',. '
S.w'" That Satisfie.
sell th'e' followinW property and Ho'i:lI~~hQld . Goods at tbe H~ A. Cornell h~i.se on
Clearcreek Dairy Formerly Bob's Dairy
~hird,St~:~~'~~AYNESVIU.E, OH~O
.. Under New Manacement .. HOUSE
'. Ernest! l ' Hixson BAR,LOW and GRIMES Di.tri~utors
LOT on"Main St.
HOUSEJ:lOLD ~OODS Buffe.t. Dining 'fable (will 'seat .1 8). 3 Dining Chairs, ' 1 Davis Sewing Machine [walnut cabinet compiete set 'of attachments]. . 'Davis Sewin~ Machine,; drop~head. dak Hall Rack. ' Desk. 1 Axminisrell' Rug llx12. . . 1 Axminister Rug 9x12. . 2 ~ron Beds with Sp·rinkS". 1 ~tudio Couch. . Oak Stand. 2 Oak Chiffoniers • . ', Oak Dresser. . Library Table. ' 2 Can,e d ' 'Wing:'back Chairs, . 1 Heating Stove\. .i ,Home-comfort Range; l' Dome~~tic ~a,l1ge'. . Dishes. ~o~king Utensils', 1'o01s. · '. .
- '-
~f 'SEVE'N .R OOMS on 54 ft.
Courtesy of Patrons Appreciated
a~;, _ April
<.::om'm encilig at 1 :00 ·P. M.
Owned and Operated by
6AN~ and GRAVEL ~
l'hit uln(te'rSign~d ' will
Uft .......... ~... All ...-
The BANIA 'Implement
ANTIQU~ 2 WalnJ.1t Stands • . 1 Ojd Seth Thomas weight ~lo'ck. Terms:' CASH
Katflerlne SmNLt• •" -
LAMPS • ,'1'
' .... '
(F1oor··.....d Table)
The ESTABLISHED 1850- No. 4259
iamiGazet·te ,
Childrens' Society Christian Service Sponsoring Radio Show April 22nd • A "Brelllklast In Hollywood ,. will be held at the Mc-1Jhod1st. Ohurch
on Momay, April 22, at. '1 :00 p, m . 'I1hIB well knuwn radio fealture IB , beh18 staged under the personal direction of J ack Wymer as Toastmaster. direct from StaUon WING. Da,yiton, The paI1ty is under the s ponsorship or t.he OhUdl'e~'8 Soclety of Ohr1stl1an Service of the local Me hodist Ohw-ch. . One of bhe p rincipal features of the show is the GOOd-Good Nei&'hbor letters. These letA.ers are wrtbten
llloout oome .nelghbor Of. oulBta.ndlng ment aJldi can be s ubmitted by anyone. Wl'ltt.er. lcbtel's are to be llubmltte<1 Lo Wle MlamJ Gazenw am WId t.Il ill be J ......d b y e . ey w a competen~ commlt,t.ee to detenn1ne the best letter b'UbmJt Le<l. Al:lo. men can. compete for prizes by wt.'arlllg Lhe1r wire'S hats. Every mJll!l present should wear a IIl.j I: ' hal. and Uley wUl be judged f t.J' t'n e wtlW,1ng prize. The OOOl'lruttee Chairman (!OJ' this gala Ilflalr is Mr.... Sherman T inney: Re!reshmenl\. CormnJlltee chairman is Mrs. 8aJlsbul'y; Table Committee. Mrs, Wade 'I1urner; Prize commlttee Mrs. Oharles Ellis and Mrs. Ray Conner. 'fhe' prize Ilbt Ino'l u ~ es the fo llow lr.g : Orch.id. to t.he Oldest Person present;. WI&hlng Ring. t{l Lhe ho!..lcr of a Lucky .number. Prizes awarded fo\' lJ\le Ooo<I-Oood N Igbbor LeLtet s; Bri<k: most r ecent.ly m a:l'ried; UU1y wltll ~he largest IlUnilY.; LnQy with the J1Ul6t sons iii service. Four prizes for I ts: Man wiLh silliest hat; ,l.e.dy w:1tll s illiest "gag" ha.t; Lady 'w ith hat purchased at any store; Ln~ with pretUeBt "home made" ha.l. m add.tion to these prizes, door priZes will alsO be {!liver.. Refreshmenta 01 ice cream, cuke and coffee w1l1 be served. Ticket6at 50c ~ person wUl be sold at au loC8l .... . I Uilafile to plll'd1!l8e tickets send reserva~ions to Box 254, waynesville, Ohio.
• 'Lester Gomonl local PosLmallter. Ind1cwted th1s week that the r~lpta for the quarter endll'.g In March wece !below t.rle 1945 period over $4000. The reoelpb! for ~e March quarter 1M6 were $36,6'76.3'1 ar.d for t he same p!!1'iod In 1945 they were $22.554.84. Revenue Stamps for Real Estate ~JVlimct1ons /!Old dUl"1n8 the perJod o.mounted to a < total of real eS1at.e 1 aaJo d. ..... 164 Th 'ft~~ ,va u n . . . . .. . e s .....''¥'' are based aD ,1.10 per thoUlland. RA!celpta fer the Derember 1945 Quarter ere t25 616 29 w, ' .
Tractor Owners' Meeting Attended By Large Group
Abo"., left, Mra. L. T. BrooldDp, a Abrabamaoll ...erl, look throqll . . . . . .b tIIq
was conducted by , Mr. Kibbey and Mr. HAled. reJ)nlSe'r.'taUves of The TruCk-Tra.ctor 'EqUiprnan.t Co.. and \\-'WI sponsored' Jointly Iby t.be Rogers and Simpson !l1raCtor Saks and the BQngham Tractor 'sa.ies of FrankUn. ' Two motion plctures were s hown, "Taldr.g Sides Wtth Na.ture" ftIld "Fre~~'~~ Mth Pe~ Syetem". . 'I'1ckelB for the door prizes were drawn by Little Janice Werle.» and the follOW1ng waa 8IWaJ'ded : Tra.obor owners: David MoKeewr, MiddleIDwn, Bet or Step Plates; O~e Bauae, I.ebanon, .5 CQl.Ioo 0( on~''JOe ~,-~~ 'BoX. F'la8h.Hgbts were ailao..-nled to C. W. PI)lIeI'. Dayton'; ORrIm· Sher~ wood. Frank 'lbomu and CbarltJI Bauer, Wayneeville. ReC1'CShIneIX8 or OOuRiImulB and corl ee ·were served at ttJe c:.\OIe of
• Mr. ana Mr8. Al vo 'I1homp:;on celebrated Ulell' 25Lh Weddlllg All:Ill .. vel'sary Ol~ Sunda,y , Aprll 7. A iru'Ye group of friends and relUitl yes werc PI' ~IU Iln&i IIU1o!ly luvely gifts of silver were r ~ivl;(i by Mr. and Mrs. ·I1hompson. The !ollowll18 gu~ were present.: MI , h. r' , PI'lLOhard, Mr. alld Mm. W. H. WetLig aJld ohJldl'en, Mr. ar.d Mrs. '1', F . Browning <Iond uaugnter. MI'. Il.l1o.l Mrs, Urbll.ll Aldll.lllSOll. Mr. B.!W MJ'~. Wllllalll e WIll'lnghll.lll. MI'. W. R, Looke, and MI'. lind Mrs . .F'. W. PI'ILClI8.I'd . all of Norwood. Ohio. Mr. and W I!, E. A. ,Prilchard lI.l~d son .of Oakley; MI'" . G. E. P rit.Clw·d a1lltl SOIl. Mr. lind Mrs. Ohe..rlee DWlIl. and Miss Shirley Zeigler of lkllevue. Ky. ; Mrs, F rll.lllt l::IUX!.O!l. Mrs. C . E. l!:1lel' IllIU s<'1l. Mi::..; GeliU'Ude 'HlOlllp.!)Ol!. Mrs. Victor Thompson, and Mrs. Guy MaLtox , and da.ugJltel' of Pleasant Rlo:Ige. acallll abelvea .. bookmobile; Wa,.... aD4 8&mOll Cmcl.nnaU. borrowed from bookmobile below. ~. n.nd Mrs. Albel1t Frick a.na
SIt. VlooeDt OrUly, son of Mr,
lin: A. O.
Mra. Everett' Early. ohalrma.n ot abe Wayne Township Red Cro.o;s
her appn!C18Itlon to her loyal warlters ' 1hi& week for their very able elfoIts 1n the recent Rl!fl Oroas drive tor fw.:lB throug'llout t.be country. Wa.yne Township was the first ~ the County to reach ·t helr coal of $1200 IUld Mrs. Ea.rly willihes ,to make It laoown that this feat 'WaS ' made P<l6SIble largely by ,\be untlrtng etfOl'ts of her helpeis wbo flO lt1nidly donated their services In helping to bUIld UI~ the fundi! for 'bh1s iJ'e8It !hwnanltarlan cause. 'Ibose who ~1ctPa.ted lr~ the !leId wo-k for tlUs Red Cross Drive were: Er:ne.st Cook; CharllJtOn COOle If. C. Moler; Sid Ellis; Ben Smith' Ronald Hawke, WUtmr Sea<l'S; C. H~ EdwlVds; Ralph Johns; Raymoml Braddodc; and Harold LemmOns. were ,t he men on the· t.ea.rn allt:1 the I~s were Mesdames H1lTry Satterthwaite; Reba Bralidodt; Marthe Hender8c:Jn; R. C. Moler; P . L. ~n; Ellen Conner; .E. A, Ea.n~ han.; Obas. Olmrleton; Jean Bunnell; Dorothy SLout; Ethel Sackett ; Mary EarJ'llha.rt ; Oha.s Shaw; Mrs. TUmbleson; Miss Day; MI ~ Ruth ChaI'.dler.
Mr. and Mrs. O. B . Marlatt. had 8:fI ~r ' and ~y guests Mrs. Jeasle ndlltzer and MlIII Maude Heune of DB.Y'tOr.. On Sunday Mr. Marla.tt celebra.ted hid sevent y-tit,tIl ~1rllhday antve"-, .......1'V" and they also had as IrUCflts Mr. and Mrs. Oharles Marla~. Mr. and Mrs. Albert 1V.a.rlatt. Mr. a nd Mrs. L&wrenee Marlatt and son of OOyot.oo aoo. Mr. Frank Hla,t L of Sprlng Valley.
• The Garden Club enJoyed t.helr April meeting wibh Mrs. Georgia MemellihaJl as hOIStess at 'the Friends Home. , In t.h.e a03ence of the ·presidenll. Mrs. Evely·n Petersor. . who Is Ln Florida, the ' meeting was In chuge of the V1oe-p~ldent. Roll call was answered by twelve members, ooch ~1'1'i.ng Ule I1IU1'le of a colonJal Hower. Four guests. MnI . oram Shoup, Mrs, Lucile Armitage. M1ss Minnie 1)oc.SQ."l and MJs8 RIItlh Ohandier were also preser.t. Mrs. Blanche Miller told of annuaJ flowers t1ha.t Ca.ll be SUCOCflSfully grown among shrubbery . Mil!8 Pearl Riley gave tl most. enterta1nJ.ng report of her recent viliit Lo the National Flower Show In New York arlI. of the be6ut1t'u1 scenery on the Hudson RJver. She also told of seeing Winston Churchill, who was In New York &'t thatUme. A ~autlfUl E'xh~blt of Narclssus, WOMA'N'S AUXILIARY Jo.nqUils . HyaclnLhs and MI'Ica.n MEETING • TIle AprU me~ of the Wayne ~ The Woplan's 'Auxi11fU)1' of St. Violets was or_ display, After a most del1t!lhtlf'Ul afternoon Townahlp Mother'a Club was held MaryI'1l OhW'Ch will meet willi Mrs. 1r. MI8s ~'& roexn at t.he GTade ~ Snyder. Friday afternoor., the Club adjourned to meet with Mrs. Je nnie Conner In May. ' Buildtnl. A...... ftl1-~.t .....' III ,lilt 2 : 00 0 'cl0Ck. A very esc......... prcl8l'IUD 'Was prepwed biV' MIsa Da1'1J flttal and MnI. MRS. RIDGE ENTERTAINS EIZey'a Ilzfb irade pupUs. 'I1h1s 'WIllI AUXILIARY FOOD SALE FUTURE BRIDE AND thor'ouirhly by • larae at- • 'Ibe Woman's Aux1llacy of St. tend"'". ' Mary'. Ohuroh ~ill hold a .market. I.n GROOM ON SUNDAY Rev. Ve.nZUe d. the toc.J Oburch (.he vacant room n~xt to Hawke's of Quilt 00DIdudted t.he devot1<J!lS BIf.l1)er Shop. SaturoelY, April 13, at and spoke 00 the tqJic "The Great; 1:00 O'clOck. . Caker:l; pies, sala'ds. • Mrs. D. C . Ridge ~ntertalned to dilll1er 0lIi Suolay erenina honorRIiapo,.anuiy 01 ~. Ilia ~es. ete, Ing MiSs Pllyll15 Htll of Cel\tervUle ~ ~ coota&ned much WSCS ME-ETING and Mr. Ted Parsons. whose ma.rrlfOoQ tor thoorbt and a challenee age will 'be an event 01 April 26 ' at to mIOdem, '~ , • 'I'be Woman's SOC1iety of ChristMl'a. ElIy'a l'OOIIl recelvfd Ule, boOk 11111 Service will hold the Aprll meet- Lhe 0er..terville Oh.urcb. The altMacd ve dinner table was awan:! wUti .. repl'eeeDlaUOn of US. 1ntr at tile hoole or Mrs. R. O. Moler ' Pone Srilat.b ~ .. ,very C9IDPli- on' 'IllunIday, April 118. As<l1$Wt II.I-ra:nged w4.11h covers lor M1ss 1D8Jlt.U'Y . leUier from t.l)e. state hoet~. will be Mrs. Frail Hook Phyma HID; MnI. Lou1se lIm. Mrs, Mary Lou 001Uns a.nd Mr. Sidney BeaUib "Nutrtticllllllt COIlcern1Ds the MrII. -!enn1e Connler, Mrs. M.' D. Hill of Centerville; Mr. Ted Parsonil aobOOl lunobel. She Uao , rep:Jrt.ed B&inI aDd Mrs. George WaterhoUlll!. of Seattle, Wash,; Mr. and Ml'J. &be &DIOUDt of food CCXlSWDed by ~. ~ee EU1s will be devotional Earl Dav1s. and the bo8te6s. 300 dIOd:reD a ~ . , l~ leeder ani ~ t4P'c. ~or the pro, 'lbe Club , ~ to ~ve .. 110.00 8r.Ml.. ,'~ PolM1datlona In La.t~ cIoDatm to t& ~ ca.. , A.aIe'J'IOa • will be die!~ussed by Mrs. RETuRNS FROM HOSPITAL Mr. A. H . Qunhatt hal; returned 'Ibe Dqntrwt.IDI oauaI~ ap- GeCIrI'e Bender.... toh1& borne alter spend1r.g the past. ~ flO oame tile offJcen tcr Cbe . lin. Dan Bawke, lIIn. Ar T. Mer- week Bit. MlamJ Valley hoep1W for
Typical of the development ot the.e mobil. the .xperleno. of Nebraska. nve yean ago an active county lJbrary dldn' t exi.t In th. ltate. are three-in Adams, Grant and Phelps countl el . And in other Ita tel rural Ubrary auvlce II a1lo Five yean ago an active count)' library the Itat., acc:ordiJig to Mn. Alt.red L. Andenon. counti8l. And in other Itatea rural library .ervlce I. Now there are three-in Adam •• Grant and expandu1I, , In 1940. Pheipi county ,ot a bookmobile. The Library board and the librarian In Holdrege, the county .eat. were c:o-operatlve. the Capper'a Fanner . out. Sub.equently th • . joint Holdrege CarnegiePhelp. County Library Will formed with !n the c1ty lJbrary bUilding. The bookmobile Is a complete Ubrary built a truck chanls, It larvel more than half· the countY'1 popul!l llon . It holds about 1.000 booIu and makea every two weeks at 39 «lations . Tea cherl find better teachln, m.thoda are with the library. Farm youth I have more chanae to wisely chosen books for the joy ¢ It. Many (he library too. Examples of how the rural travellnJ librariea In other ltate. are cited by the magaa1ne. '__________________________________~~----------------------------------
~ eel • Mr. Truman~O\V entertaI.nof Mrs. Ohllrles Charlton. ibis SlInday Sltlool Clasa of tlhe ...Mrs. Cora Ferree lUld' faD,lil1 01 sever.tt1 ~ elBbth grade bOJa on On.."ft1ne visited her sister. Mn- 8aJly FrildaY' eventnr in the Metbodi8t <.mman. 8ua1dily. Church dln1nB roOm. 'S 1meen boy!! MI'II. ·GIenDa I_wiler and Mr. were IJlI'CSeDt aql the even6DC Wall IIJld Mrs. Hemry ~ of IDayton ePent. in eamea ~d contests . ' . De11s pent Stmday with Mr. and Mrs· cIo1l8 ice cream and: cake were servErnest Brown. . fd by Mr. W&ntlow a.wl8tedI by Mrs. Mr. Therle Jones an~ BOn. MU&oD, W'ardlowI and dalWbten.. who ,h ave been ata,y1ng wUb ~. &ad MJrs. J . B. .Jones, acoompanted by 1M:rs. Jones, who bas been COJWaleBc- tucItY., MOnday, sJte!' a tlruc:t!Dad I n i 6t bhe Dome 01 h&r ~nte. Mr. of lumber which be dellven in tbU Bl'.d Mira. EdIwU1 Nutt near CeIIter- section. Mr. Eftre&t .ned on the .vUle rebW'IWd i!.() ,their !home 10 W..YneeV11le. ~ ev~. ~ 0raIlid Jury '. OIr..c1nDatt, Rev. Joeepb M,ers 01 Darton aaa MOOdiIJ. . . Mrs. Naqaret JoJum and IPaUl Johnll 'lIIIr. and Mn. BaIrd aDd ~. entel'itaUled 14 dhmer, SUnday, cla.utrt«a. Nancy aDd Dewity. bad at tJh4e bome or Mr. a.ti:t Mrs. Bobert Icr tbek', SUnday dinner ~ .title HWlIt. " . , f~ . paI'eQbs; Mr; and ' aba. MIla 'Betty Campbell uiaderwellt Ohester BIWwI 'o f Da.:ytGn. , an opeMUoP-foi:' &IJPS'd'd"" at the Mr. Hllllier Moaoe ~ n.,toa . . . M1aDl1 v..uey, hoIplt.al. TIlesdil.y or operata , a ~ ~ tiua to last week. She waa brouCht home aDctnlll.t1, speIlt lIle ,ftelr:eDd wI&h S~ . af1a'llOOn a.Iid 1& ciOIil:S ~ paNnt& ' Mr, aDd 11ft. iBUt.1e'ft ~dy. . ' , ' Monee. ~ ' . '" ..... and ' Mn. WIII'I'eIl PIimmIlI ,.0... el'... and . . . 'da.Ugbter moved to 1Ih1l. bear of tile dea:Ilb f:II Kra..JuDea lonneI' bome of ' Mis. Pwnm1lI at Jobna, ace 'Jl ~ after tWo.,a 8ohebIifIy, I6d.o (jhe flrBt at ~ lit 'beI' bcime ben, Saaday eDBWI:!C yell' 1ftft: Ola ·Eer." --.::. week. Mr. Pummlll baa been em- ~ .lPuneral . . . . . G~ .Jean IlunDeU; Pra:._rfl'ldf· Mrs. DIII.iIy o~'der and Mm· obeervatlAon alid treatment. plo,ped - &~ t i Lytle' elevator !IIIDd beJ4 M Use I#tle ~ " . . . . 00aDer. Welt! ' O1nc1I'.Jlatl »i'& 'P\8IImW tIM beeIi .....inc In . , afterDooIt, 00IIdu0tied bJ tIbe Mr. and' lin. J. IL PreSton aDd the PIdmlJl Qraoery obere.· Revl R. .B. 00. . . CIt . . . . . . B. 'IIoCIIIre 'til .......... ob11dre1l of ClDcinDaU are enJoyjr.1 .......... Be. .1 MU. . . .'- DMi............ III tile IIIaml lID . . . . . 8UI1dIIr Mr. an~ · were SllAiW'c1ay Iue.t.a of the weekebda at tlhelr farm IIeM' ~ ~ KIIl-OIIDI"', , . . . . . . . IDi. DII~~... IID Dey&on. ~ be ente1'talnfd at ,the COWltry
.....,.I&J ........
.,.,11""'4 ...,....
travelin, llbrariel are brlnalJll eclucaUOIl recreation to !ann f~11u living In rural areas lurrounct. ~;:-te~~ '~ls.Shlel.ds 01 H OW Ing Imall townl II delcribed In an artic1a In .. a~~"UCll'l circulated Capper'a Farmer. , ege r.aU. Mr.
0rlKy, recen'tly re~ ~ arid wu bonDr guellt on SUr.day when Mr. am MrB. Oarl 00Dard. 50n BIlU de.JJCN,er en~ed with a familY dinner. 'IboIIe W\bo ~ the famlly reunion were srt. 'aD! Mrs. Vincent !be meet1rie. (kUry aDd da.ughter. Mr. and Mrs. PaUl Orlffy ot Da.~n. Mr, anf. Mrs. Dan'el BraJteneId. MnI. ~ Mr. and Mr. Ray I\llIIer s pent FROMMS HAVE DINNER NOnie aDd cb1)dren of sabina, Dr. the wt:ekC'lld with rel .. ~ives at I.Jma. FOR THREE REC~n.y aIld MlW. A. B. 8beItm. 01 Olncln_ Mr. and Mrs. EvereU Early and' RETURNED VETERANS r ...t1, Mr. UI4 Mrs. A. O. Ortffy. the Mrs. J . B . Jones fllt6nded a.n EaSter,D star meeting at Blanchester. • Mr. and Mrs . .Mln Fromm enter- bOat, bostellJ and obJldlen. T.hursday evening. t.a1ntd at their home an Sunday MFs.. Erne 't Brown ,bas eharre of evenq witib a covered dish Oinner Ule c:a.k.ter1a at the ~~ llEIWllie hor..OI1ng I\O'. M.elvln Be.nta, Mr. oohool r.ow, . · Ralph Vance. Jr .• and Mr. Clyde Mrs. Cad Dulle of Bradenton, Fla. Fromm. all of whom had served • The iJJIloInitlI and outgolmg amd Mrs. Paill Duke or Troy caUed overseas a.nd recently receivEd thei r ofnce1'll of the Waynesville Clv1e on t r iel..-is here Wed~sday after- honerable d~ , Club met at the home of the pJ'e.'Il11OOn> The ",ensng 'olWt spent m games dent. R. O. Mole«', on lFr1da.y n1ghL Mr. and Ml'II. Claude lUllS of and social enjoyment. Those who and ~ tIhe dut1ea of the 11' Doy,~m s~t W~ evening er.JpyEd ~ lovely familY' ga,tbering reapect1ve otUce& and t.he plBl'.B tOI' IWI~h the la.tter's pa:reDt6, Mr. IIIIUd were: Dr. 4I1d MnI. Railph Va.nce the c:<1011nr year .. l' is and Mr. R&lpt), Vance, Jr., of WilM rs. Wllbul' CIBlit. The on ril&bt, April 15, the slowly improvlne lr.~]), b er recen~ ~; Mr. ami Mrs. RAy Hawke CNb 'WUl meet Ln regular sesa10n at 1Unes.~ . and Mr.• am Mm. Carl Hawtre of Oold Spr1np -Inn for a d1nner and Mr• •11d M.... Leonard Sliver of Day,t on ;· Mr. and Mm. Melvin Banta o\.l81nea whJoh will inClude t.he InDayton were ,guestll, Monday. at Mr. ot Lovela.nd; Mr. J. O. Hawke. 'M r. Btallatbl of the new o1tlcenl. lI.l~d Ml's. H. A. Steinke and tnmllY. and Mrs. C. Lee Hawke. Mr. and 'lbe ' ipIl'Il81dent, Mr. Moler. states Mr. and MrS. Ev~ Early In Mra. Maynam Weltz and famlly. Ilhat .. speaker may be securfd fo:compaalY wi1.h M!'. and Mrs. RoBs Mr. and Mrs. Don Hawke, ··Mr. CI~e Ilhe Roland, attendW the :'HoUywoood Fromm, the host and hOflltlea. nuu an ernr 1lbe canbl announcBreakfast", lilt . Centerville 'Hjgb ' 1n8 the April meet.ing of the Civic schOOl. IF'l1dnY . evelung, sponeIGI'ed SUNDAY SCHOOL CLASS 0100 were datIed Apr1l1~ and should hy the PTA. , " ', , mwe been April 15. Pleeae note «Ie There wOI be no meeUnt of &be ENTERTAI'N£D BY correctIIOo. 'Woma.n·s Soc1ety of ~le Oburch W ARDLOWS AT CHURCH 't.h1s mooth. The May, meet1ngwill .
Traveling Ubraries Enrich Rural Community Life ,
• The Amr.ual Ferg\l&on Owner 'l! meeting held at Rogers & Simpson Cle.ra€'e on M~ ev61line. AprU 8. \Vas largely aItit.ended with approxt~tely 150 present. 'lb.e meetlng
me. ......... J-...... ,
o.nd Mrs. C. L. J,on two 0I111dren a nd Mrs. Sam Jones of Hlmill ton; Mr. Ilo.'ld Ml's. ' Melvin BrowlI-
h!g IUld son Of Columbus, Ollio; MI'. and. Mrs. Gi!""" lI.l\d Mr. - . e Lan"'hOl'st ., and Mrs. R. W. Murphy of SlIl', rton. Ohlo; Mr, aud Mrs. Rona.ld 8alisbury and 1lQ1l a nd MI'. and Mrs. Al va ThuJll1X>01l ar. d d augll l.l:l· and son.
Y'ear, 5c p er Copy
School Boards Cited As Responsible For School Conditions (Th e follow1 l~g 8l'tlcle .was taken from Capper . PubJ1ca.L1ons. Inc" of Topeka. Kansas, and was written b y It 18 Nelson Antrim Orawtrord. tilled "A VOU! on Education" . T hlB artlcle was subm..1t-Led to the Gazette for pubUcatlo.n by a. group of pel'OOns Ir, Wa yne Township who feel thatthe present 50110001 cunlculum does ' not contorm to ~:ta.ndards ,t;ha.t will promoU! a rating saLl.sfactory Cor college CIlll'llnce. -Editor) "In
arlyaJI sl.ate5. April is the of Lhe cleotloJl most immediately vital to the welfare oC Americar. child ren- Wle school election a~ which U1C lo(.'8J boal'd of t'<l ucaUon Is dlOsen . 'I'.he school board IB responsl:ble for your schools being ~ood or bad. In a surprl.-;ill(! nwnber of places the mools are bad. In very few places Me WleY' as g~ as Liley ought Lo be. The eqUipment Is pool'ly selected. Muoh more Ill1portant. Wle superintendent IUld Ule ~eQohers lU'e inferior. AdmitLe<lly, some of t.hls IB due to sllol'Lilges of materials and shor,tage of personnel L!lC idel)t to bhe war. Yet I e ncountered IUnazlJl~ly poor eq Uipment, a.~ Id ulIlll:Glngly poo I' tcraohlng when p lenty of everyLhLl1g was available. Belore long t.lu;re won't be any r,xcuse for I'qt impruving the schools They wou·t. 'be irnp ro vetl, however, unless we .slal1t right now electillg boards with ccnunOn :.ense. up...todate Idel!.S. n.nd under slandl ug of vlUl,l schools can do. 'I Uere are lr.te11igellL reLured WUl' veterans who woultl make Cine school bo84'Cl llIem'bers. 'l1hey are yoUllg. open-m1! ;d ed, and Wley know the acoomplishments f l'he army In education. ;n
• A foomer :resident or WlIQ'nesvl\le. The people bel k eep oIf school school boords are people who have Semh Ja.ne Taylor. ag«l 82 yC6l'8. fixed ]Ott 1 llo died At bel' hoane Ur~Hi1laboro. Ohio, I OIlS, poop e VI . pa.y heavy ~ ;A:pnrr. .. -~ . !iO CCl1'lIS1der MI.., 'IIbGUId She 18 ~ViVed by a sister Kath- dlotate, and people WllO want office nine Brown of Kentucky; a daugh. because lAhey tJllnk 1& giVes . t.hem tar Monnett&. Frazee a.t bOrne ; low' distinction. &aIlS, WOODell a:nid' Ohester of Hil1stA member at Lhe oup promotbore, Oharles of Spr1ng1leld and Raymond ~ ~n . Six grea~ 1ll€ llhe publ1cation of these repr1nt~ gl'8.lllddllldren b-urv1ve and Blso ll ubmJtted the following to be lII!Ied lr. ConjWlCtion willi tlrls a.rtlcl_ /levem! tIIl1Wldchildrel'_ Funeral services . were COnductecI Editor.) at the MoChu-e Funeral. Home on • In the We~esv1lle High School. Mo~. April 8, at 2 :00 p. m. ill cha.rge of Rev. R. O . VanOow-t 01 It was SLa..tie(i, there are el8'ht In Hillaboro. Interment was ma de In Wle Sen Ior ClaBs who are quallfla:1 to e!llter college and 3 in the JUluor Mianu cemtltery. class. A. quoLation from the 'L Incoln Libl'tuy l~dJcates t hat. 01110 !l.ow is DOROTHY MAE GUY 8th in Educu.tional OJB.SSU'Ica.tl.o n tn • Dorobhy Mae Guy. 'llge 21 years , ;,o mparison to a raq of Ilhlrd died M. St. Elizabeth hoopltBJ In a few YeaJ'S ago, Dayoor.. on saturday, April 6. She is burvlv~ by her parent. Mr. and Mrs. Wa.lter OIly; a t.wi,ll s1lit.er OOrja, at l1.ome; and t WO ot.llel· alst.er8. Mrs. Wlll1am 1''\11.-;. Dayton. IUld Mrs. Ed.wln Strong of Joplin, Mo. Misses Minnie Dodson and Olive She Was a gl1ldua:te at Wasnes- WI1I1arull spent Wednesday In Day- , vllle H1&'h School III the Olass of ton. 11M3. Mr. and Mrs. Emest Mar"n of Funeral services were conduoted Dayton were dll'!ller g uest!; of theIr at t he McClure Funeral HoI'nc ~~ aU!lt. 'Mr~. Ueorg la Mendenha.ll 011 WaynesvlUe, Tuesday . April 9 al Sunday. 2:00 p. m . ,by Rev. Eldwin S t.rone of I\lr~. Lell... lIart.sock . and MI'lI. Joplln. Me. Interme nt wa.s made in MIll'Y Shldakel' were .guests a.t bhe Mi8,mJ Cemetery. Home lOr din.ne r IOn Sur..:ltl,y. __ . Mrs. Georgia MendenhalL Mn. : BERTHA FOX Alice 'ClarK a nd M iss M1llI~ te 5011 visited l'vIrs. Dora Ward at the • MlsB Bert.ha F'ox. age 40 years. McClellan 'h ospital. Sunday u.ftel'passed IB'Wa.v. lilt the home ot her 1I00D. parenb!. Mr, a.nd Mrs . Oeorge Fox, Mr. lIerbert Edwards of Denver, 9OU'lb or OregOIlIIa on Mol1Klay. Aprl1 Colo" visiloo 1l1s a unt. Miss Mu'g_ 6 Bit 6:46 a. m . lI.l't!t Edwa rdl:i. this 'week. 8be 18 survlved .by her pal'tnts ~lhis Ruth Chandler sPent Friday IUld several brotllels aIJd sisters at ill Dayton. home. Mrs. Emma l\lcClure or Franklin Funeral servloas were held Wed- Mrs. Lester Gord'on WaynesVll~ nesday marnlna at 9 :30 o'clock at 8IIld Mr. o.nd Mrs. K enneth Thomas the Holy Pentecostal Ohw'oh In of l ! ~r Lebanon called on Misses oorwln. MlUne BInd Anollie Bt·own. Sunday Bur1al will be 1r.. Foxtown. Ky . on afternoon. Tnuraday ('(.toda.y) under the dir-------ect10n of Lbe stubbs Funera.l Home. HARDIN RECEIVES
• Sg:t. Ronald J . Haroln received • Funeral services were col1Klucte.l 1~ls honorable .d1scha~ from camp Wedlle8day, April 10. at 2:00 p. m . Atterbury. Ind .• April 1. afoter aervfor Mn. Oora Johns, aged 'l0. who' uJg S IX~l months In the European . died at ~er ,h ome in Lytle at 2:30 theatre .of Will' with, the Nicth ~f. p. Ul. a~. RJev. OOlellWl of th,e W&i)'~JeSV1lle Met:tlodlst church was iU dlIaree of the Bemces. 8urviv~ are ,the husbam, James; a 8IlIl'. RalpQ of Wayoesville; Uu-ee The Miami Oawtte bakes tIllSIT"'1"Ioblldren; tiwo . SlsteJ'6. Mrs.. opportUnity, of . aDnouOOk'!lfthe Ada .Kenrlc* aDd Mra. Elizabeth servioea. of RllJpQ Creech . . 8In Hole, bobb 'of and a. brother. Jeese 'I'homaa of Wayne.wlUe. apprentice prIn~. lit ill ~ lDterment WU made in M':iIi.mI to, give a.dcUtiona.l better aervIce ~ UDder the ~ of the In the near future, both in tIbe 81QIQ~&me. , neW8lfa,per and prioUni deput..
MrI; A. T. IIerrIdl 01 Dear Darton 'NaIl a auest or l1li'. and MI'II.
DaD Hawu cIUrlI!8 ... put .....
t.brouib robe In&l' If ...
volume of wortt a.de .,...... !)yNa . . . . .
'I,. ~d
Al'rf111, 194G
\~----.----------~--~------, Wire Rural Home With Roo';to'Grow
The Miami Gazette Established 1850
""-:::PUblished Every Thursday by DAVISSON PRESS .~Ioyd L. Davisson, Editor Entered Second Class • Thursday, A.prll 2, 1946. - Red Matter at the Post Office, Waynesville, Ohio bIrd' !\.DfJ wild plum. The colors deepen and brighten as the season ad Subscription Rates: ,1.60 per Year in Advance Yar.ocs. Peach trees are ' almost Ulrough bloomJ.ng and apple blossoms are just openi and eve~y WILL THEY EVER LEARN? breath of air Is swee~ tha.t's 81mosL every breath, In some placecj The coal s trike has got the workers as well as the proseasonable chores are In prot!'1'C6S ducers, worried. and tJhe 50eIlt Is d1!ferent. All my There was a tim e wh e n th e r e WRS no substitute for coal B prlP~ bulbs an~ In full bloom a.nd heJ'e and Wlere along <the road t he exce pt fire w ood. Hut t hat d ay has pas ed ~nd as the pri ct' ground Is blue wit.h violets. so o f coa l rise., co m pe t~tors ~ uc h as fuel oil, ga s and e lec- boou tlful- but the ground has been tri ci ty tak e ov l' a n ill c l'~a ing proportion of the heating SO water-logged tlhat It doesn·t disk well and Lhere Is a question as to load. wh!!ther oo,ts planted thJs late will Th e more Ih i ~ p r occ s if; . pee d e d up , th'e f e wer jobs do well~. yesterday we drove down to see th e re will IJ in ('o al min e • . Th e le aders of labor in t he Lhe Rice-8napps on their river c oal industry a ll, fr o m now on, v ery 'easily create un- bottom farm 'below town. We found empJoym e nt ins t ea d of more em p loyment. MI'. Snapp using his car with a This is not th e ory , but hard, cold fnct which any person tral.l.er to mailiure the garden and Mrs. Snapp rakl.ng the yard. There can figure out for him s elf. No matte r how powerful a Is an example of whait a. man can labor union m a y b e, he cannot force the consuming public to pay more for a product than it has to p·ay for a substiPlaytxl by the trumpeter on the tute. 'Hour of Charm' program. It WIIB The way. to get higher wages in coal mining, as in any so beautiful. No doubt you he.ve had other industry, is to help increase production per man, Gabriel play 'Home On The Range' ror you on hls hom. thereby increasing e~rnings fom which the h.ighest wages O! course the !War Is over down here a.nd we are preparing for unJcan be paid . If onion officials wi h to render their members real s{'r- versal peace aIIlO/li all. I'm sure we shall be able to do Uhls with tile vice, let It hem cOQperate with producers along {best! lines, whole-hearted cooperation of everyinstead of causing much suffering and loss in wages as one. Did YOU know your llttJe dog Fala the nation has witnessed in the General Motors strike. ha.s fourA him a new glrl-frl~? Many workers ~iJl never recover the losses forced on lier name Is Frannie and she Uves up aJ. Hyde Park wllIh your ~am1.Iy . them by .that example of forced work stoppa.ge. . from what I 've Jle8J'd. Fra.n.nJe Is a very wee and attractive young lad!),. FROM A KANSAS EDITOR All oI us certalrJy hope YOU are "No sound business can continue to go in debt year after feellng well and are not over-taxyear and continue to operate, and we feel that way about I.ni yourself up Iihere n~ all . your fl1", the governmen.t. The sooner the government ceases regl-, llme f!'lends plea.se '"happy. ve ourShould J'e~"'" you to Abe . d f ... Ii-"" menta,tion of people, and quits dabbling in every km 0 L1nooln, Colin Kelly, Gell. PaLtoll, busiD'ess, the better off our nation will be. Dictatorship ~ all tJhe other fellows wllo haVIJ . . . d give!'! ua not 60 much. has, rumed other coun tri es all d 1't seems It 0 us th a t rlgl 1 wW ask Cor "..", ~ answer h J~U goverment dictation in this country h~s gone far enoug . this letter ~use I '~ow your tlme The country needs more sta.tesmen, and not politicians Is too well OOOllpled e:; lIhere are . to mak'el a name .for · t hemse'Ives. 'fh e more peop I e IIhousands you meet are to keepI trying happry. So where until . we ...... in.
took to and lean on the gOTernment for help and to work beg lo remain 'oi'te 01 your most out their simple problems, the more helpJess tgey ~ecome, devote<! ad.nl1rers !\.DfJ friends. and tess self respecting. If the nation keeps going like it • • .M1BB Jane File has, our boys who fought and died in World War II, will have fought and died in vain. We believe supply and demand, and good c Iean compe t 1·t·Ion WI·11 t a k. e care 0 f 'mfl~tion." -Lowell C. Smith, Editor, The Logan, K ansas, R ePU bl lean. '
Carl Er..och or cente1'V11le we:; a "real guy". Somehow during tlle t.rIal8 experieooed Bind. ' tr1bula~ merohants have sinceall,the war. he neve.r faltered in bel.ng kind and ClOW'teoI.IB ·to pa.trona in ih1B popular ·'White . Kitchen"" Oa.te at OeDterville. Ott
Harv~, Ohlo AprIl 9, i946
'I11le H~le GAZETrE bFFICE Franf11n D. Roosevelt, -;;;;.;;;;;;~;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;~ c/o St. 1Pet«, • Heaven. My Dea:r F. D. R.: I W8B just looll.1ns a.t m~ calen, Ele~bical dar, aq1 I noticed 'l!ha.t almOl!it a year baa paaeeci since you started All Tn»out on your 'heavenly JOIl11IleY. AlHoUM Wiriaa though we ~ven't heard fl'om Y91l It 18 certain y~ an1ved sate and Applia" 80UJld ,and are very 'happy with your many fJ1e.tl1:1a uptbe!'e In
Moton '-
H~veDi.· You. WUl never k:now how muoh you are m1s6ed doW%! here. We think
TelephoDe 2949 Wa~~.. Obio
or you 80 frequently and of the many kind thinSS You did for ,U8. Not. very long 114!0, I heard your' foll'Vorite song. 'Home On The Range'
while wortiDa the
tlbere lor a. mid-night snack. Usualseoooo crew .taIk1ns WOUld stop lY, Carlshift, was our present, our orden! a.nd caaIl.lng. OW' dhecb. He W&ll a.lw~ very kind a.n'd 80 con.sc.Ieotious. Bla dea.tb last week. made all wno k.new h1Dl very sad but oarl Enoch wID be remembered for years to come 88 .. "re&l iuy".· • • • I WIsh all of you readers and friends could meet my f~r-lady. Mrs. Treva. Huston, a K~Kascher for nearly twenty years. She Is 80 s1ncere and sweet and lovely a.t all t1me6.1 just know you couldn't 'help really a.dtnirtng Treva, the SlUDe way I and a.11 my co-workers do. Somet1.me& I ·bhlnk 1 have g&.Inet: a right 00 Heaven just for merely knOWing Mrs. Treva. Townseoo. Huston. • • • . Maurice Collett of New York City Is Indeed an outBta.ndlng artist.. Recently 1 SIIIW some lovely sketches he made 01 the Collett homestead, "Hole In the Woods" and, of the Harriett Collett home. Both estates are slt.ua.ted near the village.
COLD WAVE TIME! To 1J 0 mod e m i n h ai r stylill g it fs s mart t o hav e your p e rman e nt in th e ·RAY e t te (Radio Adver ' ti se d) Cold W a v e ! H 's th e ultimate in permallt!uL p c rf d io n .. . IJringillg out in YOUI' hail'
hidden uea uty y ou n e v e r beror
Mak' yo uI' ap poilll.m nt t o d ay fo r . an EUHVeI'
Jl e rm an ' nL A II :lppointm nts a ccurllte ly tim ed . • . 11 0 WHi ti n g.
• Y.,
prtcea are hi8h not to have
f.1J, •
" i.
ARM folk. slhould con.ldu eleelrlclty that "extra hired band"
necessary to do a job, accordln, to an article In nationally circulated Capper'. Farmer by E. II. SmIth of Kansas State Colle,•• "Elec:lrlc:ty I. a.n eIDdent worm . that operate. mUkIn, maeh1n... run. veil tila tlng fan., hee tI hotbed., • upplies power Itor electric cUppera, dries the womeJlI'. hair, delivera WI· ter to the Italnchlon OUPl, water tanks. link. and bathtub. and run. the com sheller and drill pre Ie-aU et an .mulnlllJ" low co'lo" .• the article In the magazlne read b, l,~,OOO tarm t.mill... "Th. future hl)ld. a hundred other UI•• tor electricity on the farm. So the amart owner, when he pu" In el.ctrlc .ervlce, will Inal.t OD a w1JI.
he wa.n.tI> 00 and knows how. Every,t hlng arolUrd tJhe place ar, 1'8.nged to lll8ik.e the work eetsler. Hee.d-wor,k and 'We11 arrn.nged '""rns ~ lighten many of the feeding chores and Mr. snapp knows how to J'Il.QIte every move count. No ca~", ~ of heavy buclc.ets of corn, ".T8~ It Is all llxed 60 1Jhat it can be throWIl11n1o the pen trolD the upper floor. Not mAn.v at. tille CommUl1..·.t y SaJ e t.oday and not as m&rlY C&1ves lIB lost week. We toolta few chickens but did not stI!l.Y (or the sale as' (.he!'e were qu1tE~ 8i lot of horses to be sold tiTst. Las~ week I got my nuraery rhymes 1'8Ibher mixed : I said "The House lIha.t Jack Bu1lt" a.nd Ilhen pa,raphrazed bhe story of "'!'he Old Woman and her Pig" ther.. 1lhe edttor -ft"'ded ..... "s'· or two whicl1 changed the 1mjpera.tlve. "Dog, dog, bite' pig, (perhaps 'I lett out Q comma) or ruller my paraphl'a2-:J "MIner. miner, mine ooaI. Oval, coal, move tralIl6, etc:. Into a simple 111 dica.t1ve, but It didn't really lIla.tter. Perhaps -that c:orJUBed jwnble 01 words earr1ed the 1de& of 't he 0011fu6ed state of the world ' today as well as any othEn'. It Is a Jumble of orders and . regulations, some of which ca.use even more ~uslon when they try to carry tI.lem out. The.new LocJrer .Plailt has run in to trouble 'Wibh some of them because. so they sOy, the' pa£kers nrc fl!l'ht~ I.ng lock~rs beclilU8C meat Is being diverted from ,the tenn1oo.l marke~ IntlO 'the lockers and being sold fel' high pr1ces In t.h,e ~1fck mnl'ke1t. w~ hope It . will all 'be stra.igllt ened out In ,time to freeze our 11ma bea.r.s ar..d late vegetables. Som day, pel'haps the rope wUl begl.n ,to haI18 do If
l&yera 111 yexw !locit a6 you pla.nn«i
RooKs 1
In, job that wW not only
taka care 01 pruent need. but will aarve equipment and appliance. he 1a llk. 1.1 to have II or 10 year. trom now. "Nowhere In the house la the need tor convenIence outlet. .0 veat a In th. kitchen. Shown above 1a a double convenience outlet at coun· ter or working height-an lmportant Item from the .tandpolnt ·of u.e. Locate the outlet. in the work areae and have plenty 10 It will not be necelsary to take the electric alock plu, to Ule the electrIc mixer, CKlf. tM maker or wam. Irona, Some homlUlakera llke an outlet near the braaldaat or dInIn, tabla for the co..tar. Conveniently located outla.. Ihould be provided for the home frHHI' and rlfrillerator." t'he butcher. tJhe butcher ' to ItIll tlhe ox. The dog will bite bhe pJi. The pitr will go over the stile and we .-'~h'" ~ wIII all get h~A "' .... '''''IIOS' " ' - .......... t1mli maybe: Maybe Cooperation w1l1 take the place of balJc1ng and grabblna, someday. maybe. 'No one W8Jlt6 to see our returnlog veterans have every ohance more tha.rr I do but I sometimes WCinder if UriemploYplent ~ is ~Il'" do'~ft • .... em """d or ham! • ."", J "~"""~ There are plenty f)f good jobs as BOOd and beCter tlhan LhOfie ltIey left and yet too many are drawing that pay unnecessarily and spendIng reckltlS8ly. Where does the.t ~ oome from? From the po~k!,t.:; of tile ,La.xp&yers for yea..n; to come. Who are tboee ta.xpay~rs? You Q,n d I and all '!lhe ve.tera ~ with a.:IY 111come a.t all. Is it asIt1.i:Jg \.00 much for ·the veterar.s to pJa.y fair with' us and theJr ex-buddJes? • • ••• ••••• • • • •
• •••••••
Dr. Robl. C. BrAwn, ., Optometrist Complete Visul;ll nalysis Le~. Prescribed Office Hours: 9:00 a. m. to 5:00 p. m. (Closed Wednesday p. m.) Evenings ~y AppoiptlJl.eJ;lt
111 South Mulberry Street WILMINGTON,
Telephone 2133
Rep.. blic~n Candidate F
Seelcing My. Firat Term fOf Co~nty Office ~AINT YOR BARN
If yoU have a good barn and want .t o k'~ep it that . way- paint it, Pai~t protects the wood from ravages
of rain, snow, ,heat and insects. Select your barn paint here. •
. ~
"In Picking ~our Paint Pick Picking's"
Tbird Street·
Telephone 2182
. ..
outh Main St.
' Next Door
01'. Stout's Office ____________ ~
";;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;~;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;~ ~
'A nd thel't' go Illy pigs joyfuU: rooting up my II\.\\' n alld !lowcrbedN. Look out. llt.l.Ie p igs 0 1' w wW shu L you up in, th e hog hOllse ogaln u~lU1 <th e fence Is finIshed and we get U1 ' rh~ gs In your noses. I don't Crtl'C how much g = ond clover you eut bu t I don' t wo..T1It illY flowers dug up and my Ia.WiI1l full of holes. • 5aturda;y. At 11\51 m y brooder hO\l6e has been Illoved nnd when It g-ets a new roof covering and some r.ew Windows I can get Ill ) ' 1946 chiCks. For the In&. few yea rs I have lost so many chicks LIIM I wanted to locate I t so Lh at they will run In Wle pasture south oC the house where I en n see tJhem i ns t ead Of wandering a way to the woods wh-ere the foxes get them . It wa.s supposedly bunt to move but t.hey had 'to use old telepllonc l)()les for rollers. Pry It u~ slip Lhe pole under, pull and Lhep.. do It all over
Ub'1lLn. bu t hhey d&d It untU I t l'd its new locaUoll.
• Mondoy. Rain £I<!."fl.1n . but not enough to prevent their lMt load of my next winter's coa.I. John Lewis cn.n l lOW do his worst lind I won ·t rreeze bu t It Is oppnll ll1lt Will t ony aile STOU p CIU! lie liP t.he lives of ev ryone else t.he wn.y' Uley can when a llY b'TOUP slllikes. Sowing ools I\nd clover ,todl1Y a.nd hoptng for Wle b L. Is UlIll'C anyOne l.J~ trllis region who grows brome gl'tu;s? 1 wou ld like to see some. We planted SOillC once but did not ge t o st.and but I -wondered II lillY 01 It t,:rew a t all. 11 :someone lUI;' some I would like to come and look bt lI'.. If the OWillel' wou ld tell m p where to (,O Il1 C.
The Waynesville National Bank
Connty Commissioner
to have. Perbaps 't he dlfflculty Is 1n title eelectiOO Of your baby cll1ck8. Proper Cb1ck &eleottOIli 18 mlghty 'lnlllQIIt&n1I. Let U6 help you · in the maI*eI'. Come in and talk It over tod8.Y. ' OHlo-U~
Leslie ~arnhart
Ca lJ Wa y n es vill e 2492
Vote fQf A D~ SElNBE OF ~_
ul'e a m e d of.
TelepbODe _1
WaYDe..~, Ohio.
~=~~iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii1iiii-iiiiiiiiiiiiii~ ii!!
Telephone 2794
'A1.Jto RADIO ,Repair and Sales Your Radio will be given a compl'ete Laboratory check-up, plus vibratiol1 c h e ck which a ssimilates operating conditions in car.
Aprlt 11, 1948
Pa,' TbrH
ST. ~ARY'S EPISCOPAL CHURCH S'!Pluel N. Key. ~ 'lLe&der-Lo " Qbar,e
9:45 a. m. The Brotherhood of . St. Andrew. 9:45 ... en. Junior Cll-urcll 11 :00 a . m. Morning Praiyer and Sennon, Samuel N. Keys.
Tbe Growln" Golnc, Church HERBERT GRAHAM, Mlnll~ Bible School 8:30 a. m.
~cQIlut'f Jlf'uneral ~llm.e
10:46 a. m. 11 :00 a. m.
YOWli Peoples ,ServloclI ar..d PaUler KrtIIIIho... I'rteI& Adult Prayer Meeting 7:00 p. m. .M8III 8'IIDdaJ - _':00 _ A. M. Ev~ run8 EvlUlgelillt.1c Serv1ce
Dial 2111
7:45 p.
B . B. Voleman, MJDII&er SUNDAY SCHOOL 9 :30 Mrs. Raymond Conner, WORSHIP SERVICE 10:30 YOUTH FELLOWSHIP. Thursday, 7 :30 CHOIR PRACTICE Wednesday, 7:30
MT. HOLLY METHODIST CHURCH !I'. M. 8earft, MlJlII&er 'lunda)' SabooI - - 1:30 A. M. E. A. I!larDbart, IUperlD~deDL WOJ'IIblp II8l'Ylce - 10:80 A. M. i:'. en1na eervice - 7 :30 P. M.
• • •
Senior Christian Endeavor each Sunday at 6:30 p . m. tor all or High FRIENDS School age and above. Come and f'1rat DaJ lCDooi - 11:10 A. M. ketlDlr foe' Wonb1p - 10:10 /I . K. enjoy <theBe meetings. Your 11li1n1ster will lead 'the mooting LhJ.s SWl~ay nlglbt.
• •
'fbe Sermon for tJh1s Sunday nigh t will again be Ulustrated with the Sterloptlcan SU~ Pfctures. Tl)e s ubject Is ~The Cruc1f1x1on' and Death of OJulst". The complete ~rlpt<W'e 8CCOlmt of th1s ever.t wUl be read as the slid are being shoWn. tt. w111 8'1ve you a more viVid p icture of the sui! rlllfI' 01 our Lord alnd Savior. Everyone Invited.
HOURS: 9-12 each morning
• • •
Bible Study ClaM at bhe house each T \I ~ay evenlntf at 7 :30. You are welcome to attend any or these classes. SUbject for !'..ext Tuesday evening Js ··Oon11r.mation by ArchaeologistB·,.
1-5 afternoons except Wednesd ay 7-9 Saturday evening Other evenings by Appointment
Prayer MeeUul' a.t the house each W~nesday evon1ng at 7:30. Br ing YOW' Bible with you each night. EveryOllll!> of us r.eoo to "pray that ye enter not into temptllltllon." .. ~hearsal Sunda.y afternoon · a.l 2:00 p. m. for nil who ere to take pfirt !..'1 th e special pragra.m for Resu;rrectlOn Day next Stw..day. Please be sure to be there II at all
-. .
Dr.· C. E. Wilkin· Optometric Eye Specialist 26 South Detroit Street
Sidney W. ~WI!.'! born near
· ItY ew -W ork A S peci. Al.,f:. W9RK
Prefer to use my own PAINT b .. t wi~1 u,. p.aint furnished by epstomer if desired
sass .
Lawrence White0 ..
0enterv1l1e. Ohio, August 9, 1872. and passed a,way at his home all FAIRLEY HARDWARE CO. Tuesday mocr.lng, AiprU 2. 1946, age Phone 2W - WA~ 0. 73 years, elgiht moruths alld two days.
S kl.ney Wall lIhe son oJ Elisha and Elizabeth Pope, a fllllrUly of 14 ohlldren , Only one :Jster, Marga ret still liVing. Two gramlch1ldren, William and Oonald SUl'Vtve. He was marrted to Mary Etta Jones. May 3. Evt!I'Y I )/U'(,11 t owes his child knowledg4~ oC ,Go~, WhOle Light alway. thine. 1900, and to this union were bonn two SOIlll, Kenneth vf WaynesvUle for those who teek It! and F.frnest of Lebar.on, Ohio. He then married 'LUly Pratt of Waynes"Train up a child in the way he .hould gOf and when vtlle, ~O, on February 1. 1930. " , j, ( I ff. he will nol depart from Prpt1. 22:6. HJa IC1l.spq6ltlon Wall bright IUld ehee2'tul, sOcial and enltel·lIaln1ng. ChOir Rehereal a fter Church SUll ~ He never meta stra.J~er anId Dever day night. All who will sQ~ 'In the h,a.d an enemy. He was I!- ~rue and ohoir IleJIlt S\Uldaq' 6JlI wed to be falth1ul husband an<a devoted present. Cather. His lond attecUon for members of his Cam1ly wlll a lways be A Special Oflerlnc will be taken MARRIAGE UCENSES Misa lonlma Bunnell, MI'!!. NeWe remembered, especially In tlle for the "Oollege of the Scriptures". BwmeJl IU1d Mrs. Lucy Oompton 8prlngtime a.s he del1ghtedJ 'to plow Louisville. Ky., thls Sur..da.y mornMelvin Ray DeGrraIf, 26, Bryan. were guests IJI.t. Church, Su.rldtay. and help all neighbors ma ke Wlclr Ing . This sch'lOl Is In need ol fund,; and Aldeen L . Sarles, 24. Lebanon. Nellie Bunnell had cha.rge of the ger~. anti i8 worthy of our support. Don· t Alvin B . BteWal't, 22, Pleasant devotional exercl8e6. He leavell to mourn their 10& 11 ["Orget to come prepared to h lp Plain, and Ada Mlae Fisher, 21. Mr. and Mrs. LuUler Baines vl'lllt- w)fe a.DIi two IlOna, DlmIerOva tr1eod with th is special orferl.Ilg. Morrow. cd hI!!' parents. Mr. IL1Id Mrs. ~. aDd rel8it1ves. • • • Mare Wcha.rdson ~ 21, m d Audrey Laird of C&mIden. Sunday 8If,beTnoan. No one hears the door t.hat opens , Here is lUlother Ohan«e of Ad- AbraJnS . . ,17, boeh of Franklin. Mr. IUId Mrs. BaymODd WlJI!c!D at- ,W hen we ~beyalld recall. dres of one or tbe Service men: Pfc . Orville J. HilWI'. 35988545, W1ll1am K. Kinney, Jr .• 30. o.nd teDded the weddq ot thel.r nephew Soft, as lOO6e!1cd leaves of roses 162nd Genem! Hosplto.J, Alma W. Co.lmes, 2:1, both of Fra.nk- Robert Hurley a.nd M1sa Dorothy Oce by one OW' loved ones fa ll .
White Leghorns Bred for High Egg Production Pullorum Controlled
Lemmons' Hatchery
lin. ' % PM, Now York. N.· Y. Quentin W. Col(, 37, an:! Mrs. • • • B1a.ck, 36, both of FranklJn. IL Is reported that MIlo Wade, Gera.ld Hudson. 23, New .Vlenna, Richa rd CMllpbeli alw Ray ' Mar- and Juamte, Jean lFlrye, 16, MOI'J'Ow. gan are nil on their way home or !lOOn wUl be. It you know of Bony REAL ESTATE change or akldresa of any of our service men, please report it to TRANSFERS your mil'.1ster &~ once. TImothy and EIJa Smith to Ohas. e p neb!rdl 1m1ty oucaw"olC1tyendol S . St.l1e& 54 A. in Wa.yne tiwp. HoWard McKay, et ai, to(}harles L . 'Lovell, 260 A. dn Ma.ss1e ~WP. A. p. O. 437, C&mp Gn.te 10,
House Painting ~:I:"U:a·~ ~::e,", I~SIQE
• • •
Junlora dXln't lnias your ChristwD Endeavor meet.Inis each SWlday a.t 0 :30 p. m. You will enjoy the choru ~ sir.giQg, bhe helpIul lessons , and the ' Fla.m:Iel-Ga'ad/l platurc.; 1llus~ events in the llfe ()( Chrl.lt.
Mrs. Irene Bur den a.lld daughters called on· the Bogrut's. Monday night.
Roberl L. VanZile, Minister Bible Scbool 9:30 a· m. Oommunloo 10:80 •. m. A. M. Sermon 11 :00 a . m. Supt, "Slns Tbat Crucified Christ" A. M . Christian Endeavor 6:30 p . m. EYen1D8 Ser\1ce 7 :30 p. m. p. m . "T he Cruc1tlxion n.nd Death of Ohr1st" (IUWltrated with Slide P. M.
Waynesville, Ohio
foro to do tb.1s OWIng to lack of means, Ithe bOOy-pol1Uc mUst maA<e DleCessary provision tor , Its acoompUsluner.t. Through the broadening sp1rtt of educs.t1on, 1l11temcy will disappear a nd miaWlderstQ.ndlng due to Ignorance pass a.wa.y. Educa.tIOn 18 essential and all standards of tmln1r.g and tea.chlng thro\.lgll1out bile world of ID8inklnd should be brought into oonfonnlty and agreement ; a universal curriculum shOuld lb e establ1shec1 an:! the oosls of eth.l~ be the same. . -Abdu'l .Balla Submitted by. Heier. McCo Rot. 2, WayrJesv11le , Ohlo
LAMB'S GROCERY Fifth HOIl 8 Right ot Rt. 73
Gilmer, Sunday. iMIs. Omlptml stayed lor a. vlstt wltdl her sW.er. , ; , Mrs. Kutla Balnea' ~ a A,UCTIONEERING meet.lng of the devotlonal committee STANLEY and KOOGLER of the Qua.r:terly meet4D8 " tIie lIII0-.''' LlVDfU HarveysOW'g Frt.ends Obureh, SUn- ~ J;la.... ~~...... Wa,yneavWe, tlay eJtI!l'JlOQl}. ' . 0bI0. Rever'll 0bupI
A Fine Selec!tio~ of LIVING 'ROOM SUITES and SOFA BEDS
PHILCO PORTABLE ~!!!!I!'!!!I~~!!!!!!!!!!! '!! •
Matthews in Xe.Jtl8, Saturday evenCARD OF THANKS Ing. I WIsh to thank the re)a,tlvel! a.nd Mrs. Lucy Comp&on, Mr. aod Mn. frlel1lds Jfor the bea.utiful flOll'al oJRaleigh Bogan, Mrs. Dorolihy SmU.ll fenoas presented at the funeral of and Marilyn SUe 'Were c:UnneI' gueSts my husbe.nd. of Mrs- Ella Haines ¥Ill Velma Mrs. L1lly Pope
Robert C. Bocan, who recea&ly returned from OVer&e8,S ,service, wife, Mr. and Mra. Evan.BCJpn grandson, Denny , Nevin, of ~ call1t:1 on rela.t1ves last Wedn~ evening. Robert received his honorable dilic.harge from the sel"V1oe and Wlth hI8 'WIfe, w1l1 make their nome
all mankind Is evident. Ohlldrer. especlally must be trained and taU8lht. If Ilhe pe.rent ca.nonot at-
Phone 2988
This Z5 cent way -Sy,-
Waynesville Furniture &
1\1r. and Mn. Barry KILoe and U you from • Ilugglsh baby dlIiugbtel' Of Colwnous were In Da.yton. Mr. aod Mrs. Raymond Wilson tIP' tbtn ~ry renU., yet thorougb weeJcer..d h.OU8e BUEIIN of 1be1r parents, Mir. and Mrs. Herbert. Doster. and IWalter wIlSon atUended a actlnr' MarcUi Tablets. Truly &Tand ·B lrthday dinner gtVeIIJ in honor of nu.r from conlUpation and , .Co· Gibbons Bldg. North St. Mr. and' Mn. Rubert Carr enter- their grandson, Larry' EWB, at the nomlcal In price. Full size package 0., Phone 2422 Waynesville, Of 41 tablet. coats :uI centl at all tained ' the member'S' 'of ttheir "500" card Club' to a turkey <linner, Sat~ lilllis home near Dliman, SWlday. dt:Ur ~or!•. Oet Marcus Tablets Mr. Jobn ~n,. Bo~rt ,WlIIon, ancf,- •• illr cted. • urday evenmg. ----~--~~--~----------------------------~ Mr. and Mrs. {:eell Kirk, MltId Mwrt~ ~ and Cleo Jefferies and so.n , Kirk, were WlliIim a.nd wife ~r¥ tlle gue6tS of frterudB here, Sunda.y. f>tmeral ol ~les D~ Mr. and Mn. Ralph ClJlrk amt Neeld PuneJ'%l HcDIoe In Xenia of MiamI Shorell lWere week- 'l'hurlliay 8I!!IeIuIoo. Mn. Sidney ~mlUl ~ In WUend guests of fnends and relaU-.:es. lni.ntrton on, ~y ttJte~ of BIRTBMr. and Mn. Wlll1iam "Billy" Carr last week. Wi~ SmJtb ~Ue.d~ perG re al\:nouIl(:I~ t!h4~ birth or a. son, ' David: The paterr141 gran dparel't~ ents Ir. Dayton, ·.SUllIIay. Nor~ Street JOE B<?YDS, Pr~p. Carey's Garale are Mr. and Mrs. Herbe11t carr of - . . : . . - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Appjiance COmpi'ny
Repair Shop
nEIlIII' tX1Wn.
Mr. and Mrs. Fired' Irvin, Jr; of W1lm1ngton. were MbDday evening ~eet.s or Mr. ar.d Mrs. ,F red Irvin. Sr. and famlly. Mr. and Mn. Lawrence Jaeobs and da\l8lhter, Olcxu, Anne, were guests of Ilhe Ruth IqoIlS Morning Maatlnee over WLW. saturday mornIng 8Ild paIticlJBtc~ in ,the broad-
CLfAR'CRffK DAIRY Pasteurized M ,.LK
Mr. and Mrs. William Wetsel were buBiness Callers In :Da.Y'fU1, Monday. Mr. Donald Behr. husband of Mrs. 0iIJl Behr, has beeD bODOrably discharged . fram the Anny. He, h1s wile and daluehter. Bonr.Ie. have removed to Dayton. Frlendll 01 Mrs. Dora' Ward of the F.rleni2B 'H ome, WaymesvUle, are sorry ~ lea.m t.hat she Is 1U and 'her ~ speecly reoovery. Mft. Dorfe He..er who haa V1sItln!8 relatives ' 1n W'aIIhlngtOn, C. H ., returned home Sunday. . .... and ~ Clarence Resler al1d family ~tertamedMr. 8JlId> Mrs. ~uoh« and sons and Miss Ma.x1De BrY6Jl, SUnday. . Mn. ,Jamell RacIer was a Dayton ca.ller, ~y.
Britain &Berry PAPER
Hom9genized Milk
Water St., Wayneav.ille
Stewart's Tbrift-E Market ·
Quick Battery Char,. Hydraulic Car Lift "SERVICE by SERVIS"
"",,-.~-. . ..Jof,this Clean, Family Newspaper THE CHRISnAN SCIENCE MONITOR ~.6.!Pa ~ aod ~ a., ..' . Flee from poUdCd
........... tro. "Ipedd ~" coauol . .. Free to tell JGl
An.y m'a ke or model Fred Kahn,'Motor Car Co. .
............. worlel ~II. III owa world·wlde sal! of carr. .' '. . 'F • . 1II,tq Joa oa~ aews and ill mcaoia,c to .' " __.,.. ~. lid! ilAae ~ ",ilb UDique te1f-beJp r...u.'
. ,r;;.:;.;:;;';;:\~;;---O--':'-:-==:;'-= .
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . II,
,..... ••;;...........,..........................
0'MoeIfor· TIl. 0riII_,... -- .
,~. ,.."".. ... _.
L!-------..----------,-- " I ..........." ........... ~.~,...............
_.................... ...... .•. .. ..........
",..., ..... , ~ I _
..... ..
P.r' 1"0'" '
4% PARM LOANS-Long wnn: euy ·paf1lIenta. No I1 ppraL.c;aJ f ee. AIao nice mlall &lld ' lal ge !al'lIlB Cor U. Call or write Geo. Henkle. Phone No. 2. Leban n. tf FEDERAL LAND BANK LOANS : For Reflnanclrg - RebuUdlo8 , Buy4ns. 4% Fa.nn 10QIl8 with long Ume to pay. Pay part. or all Rny 1Jme. LEBANON NAT'L FARM LOAN ASS·N·, EIl.Is H . Sturm, Soo'y'I're&. Lebanon, Ohio. P hone 441l
[)on Henderson, :reI. K.E:l44ti. 617 LonUn Ave., DG.l'ton, Ohio. Uc
goat wltb kid by side. Reasonable. Walter A. I..J.ng. C lyo Rd. & Social IlWw Rd., 2 mi. N . of Lytle. 411
W ANTED-- MISC. PARTY DOOKING a.nd Sl!lIWIlNd . ~:~ McKnIgh1, HMveYSb~i
HOUSEOLEANlNO Mc.Knl3ht. Hal'veysbl.ll'g. 411
tAmel1a Obio.
NanaE - All debts due James Lovely not paid on or beCore MJly .1, 1946. wlll be tumoo over to a professional oolled.or. Jas. Lovely. 22S W. Somers st., Eaton, O . ,US
____- - - - -- -
SALE BIU;S- The Miami Gazet&e hAIl made arran,ementa for the prlntlnr sale billS. (:an (lve S-da, service on botb wre aDd IIIIII'U allies. Phone 21t3. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ _
Comedy, ·I n Canova Fashlonl JUDY CANOVA In
WED. 17
COmedy of Complications I EddIe STacken - VeronIca . Lake In
FOR &u.E -
Two l1Ie.W Electric
iPOonogmphs; caJ1 be attached to l'1IId1o. Walter Burdine. Authorlzed R8di0triclan, Phone 2104. 411
Houaehold Good. F or SaI~ lIQR SA!LE- Estate Coal Range & DJta.te Beatrola. Mthur Abkinson. . Bank Bldg. Apt., ~ville. 4Uc
~ own MA~
Br()\\'~ oDonald. Wayr.leSVWe. TaJbott. Carolyn J ., Letl6non. M~illsh. WUUam E, Mason, Mavhematlcs: T.uoker, Walter N o' Mason, Brown. Donald. Wa;ynesV1lle. Kibbey. Ha.rry S .. MOI'row.
I I. I ("} I .....H-igh
St.arr1ng Ted! Donaldson. 'o;.ACE" AIso:Pe&e SmUll Comedv,
GENUINE JOHN DEERE REPAIR PARTS Competent Repair Servic:e on Trac:tor. ADd Implemenb by Experienced Mechanics
The BANTA Implement Service Your John Deere Dealer No. Ea.t Stretet LEBANON, OHIO
Armitage &Son
Phone 555 .
LADDERS· a full stock of extention &step
Telephone 2441
A ppraisais Free. Call Centerville 702-1 Dayton, Ohio, ADam. 3661
We Pay'
Hr;;RSES COWS $3.00
Acoord.Ing <to S1ze and
. HoC., Calve.. Sheep. etc. OoDdit.lon
".....e Cbarte.
454 o.
Any MAGAZINE Listed and This NEWSPAPER Both for Price Shown o AmerlalD Fruit Grower....._.$1.75 0 Open Road (Boys)................ l!.50 o American Girl........................ 2.!iO 0 Outdoors ...... .... ...................... 2.50 o A.lDerlcan Poultry Journal.... 1.65 OPart'llts' Magazine .. __....... 2.7!! o Aviation in Review ................ 1I.4!! 0 Pathfinder ....... ....................... 2.00 o Calling AU Girll.................... 2.55 0 Photoplay .........................:...... 2.50
o Capper's Fanner ___ _' 1.65 o Child Lile ................__..... S.45 '0 Christian Herald _ _ _ , 2.!iO o Coronel ...................._ _..... 11.50 o Correct Eugl.ish .. .................. 1I.4!1 o Country Gentleman (5 ,"n.) 2.00 o Etude Music Mag-.uine ........ 11.40 o Fann JmJ. &: Fanner'. Wlfe 1.65 o Flower Grower ...................... 2.95 o lIygcia ....................... _ .. _ ..... 2.9!1
o Liberty (Weekly) .................. 1I.9!1
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Popular Mrc:hanlCll ........ ...... Popular Science Monthly .... Ponltry Tri.bullt' .................. Reader's Digest .................... Redbook .................. --_.... Scientific Detecclve .... _ ........ Screenlalld ............... ,..--......
!I.25 !I.!iO I.M 4.2!1
0 0 0
Sporu Afield ....; ......._-_ ... Fannmg .............. The Homemaker .... _:..~...... The Womiw .... .................... True Story .. ...._.......................
2.50 1.75
!I.45 2.50 2.50 0 U. S. camera ............. :........... 2.25
o Maganne Digest .................. !I.45 o Movie Show ...... .............. ........ 2.50 o National DIg~'St Monthly...... !I.4!! o Nat'l Livestock Producer.... 1.7!1 0 Walt o Nature (\0 ISIIues, 12 MOl.) .. 8.45 o ,"our
Disney's (AHuics........... 2.3!1 Life ... ........ ..................... !I.45
"HClLrd-To-Get" Items
STUDIO COUCHES (F'u U, Sprinc Fined)
THIS NEWSPAPER AND 6 GREAT MAGAZINES TRUE STORY ..... _ ........ _ ..........._.................... 1 Yr. PATHFlND~R .. ~ .............................................. .1 Yr.
I. dee That Sati.fi••
N AME .. :................................. .':'....... _ ......:-::............................................................. sTREET OR a.r.D~ ..._ .. _.. ___ ... _ ..__ ..._.. _ .... ....:..........._..,...................... ' POSTOmCZ .... _...... _.._____ ._ _._ .._._..__ ;__ ............................ .
~ CQ.
FRUIT COMPOTE A)~~,p~::" ,,.~. 25C,
PURE PRESERVE!Apr\cot, .HERSHEY COCOA White Meat Grapefruit Pink Meat " IcebErg Lettuce .Pascal Celery
'J!!'·28c V~' 10c
10 lor ~ge 10 for SSe
each 110e giant
·IATIOIAL CHOCOLATE SYRUP I~~. 24c 8ARRIIGTOI HALL COFFEE. • • • 2'/~.?" age 12 0 •. VAl CAMP BEANS Ie ca. ., 01. 22e BRER RABBIT MOLASSES Gold Label c. ~ PEflll RAD MOTOR OIL • • • • • 2 g:~ SI.99 IIPPERED SNACKS .. 1'/c.~'· 13e IRAFT YElYEETA CHEESE .' • • • • I/h~~ 20c IROGER ICED TEA • Vh~b. 3 ", ~ . CONYOY CAIIDY SUC~ERS • • • • EAch 5c J.ACI FROST SALT. • I'~.!~. 3e PARLOR BROOMS •• • • • • • • Eoch a c LIBBY CATSUP • I • • .- • • . ' -• .'4.,?:I. 16c 'REIUZIT ClEAN.ER .. • • • • • 2 ~:~. ' SI.IO SPIC ' I SPAll. • • • ' , ' • • • • I,.~~. · 23c HORMEl'S SPAM ,~~. 34e MOOS~ LIMBURGER • • • • • '~:. 49c CAMERA FILMS . G·20 G.620 .. , .. loU Dc ..27 23e G·" 6-616 ....... 011 lZc .011 0"0 DUTCH CLEANSER,. • • • • • ~ 1V2! OHIO BLUE TIP MATCHES .6 IdlES 34c I
STOVES "CollDplete
Chrclt ""'611{ine. Je.irtttl 11,,1 e~cloJr "'.;11. COUpOll • . Galilemeo: I endoR $........................ PJeue KDd me the offer ch ccketJ , With Ii year'. 'lIbKriP.tiun to yo'!" paper.
9:1t 12 WOOL RUGS
lA>e¥•• 5Ioed ,
LAMPS (Floor and Table)
l\IOVIE SHO'" ...:............ _................................ 6 Mo. FARl\f JOURNA,L Ie FARMER'S WIFE ..... ,I Yr. POULTRY TRIBUNE .................................... 1 Yr. . MOTHER'S HOME LIFE.................. _ ........... I yr.
..... ..... ~ ....... -.tre. An •• psg .. Ii. ..ae. Stdetl, - - - ................11 .....1 III ....1• ..,.
8. G. 1l00IISDB, INC.
CI~DnNl. UaJon
11.45 2.50
8Silver Screen .......................... 2.50 Succes.~ful
• AT
2 fo'1ge CLOCK IR EA D~ APPLE BUTTER ~'. 14-~' 13c ~ODA CRACKERS ~~~ 'e~'16c CIGARETTES ...., .... c.... l$l'SO ~9COANUT FUDGE~C* ... 38c FLOUR 'E;;;'UI, a.It 25 ~ SlJ15 NOODLES ~ .... ww.~"",,17c ....., Z~~· 21C WHITE RICE "c.. 2dc ORANGE JQICE
h!ghest cash price, have buyers for items you wish to se ll. O ur terms are -more reasonablte· than others.
e F. T. MAR'TIN & C. E. RIESAU, Auctioneers · 70~
Hot-Dated • Store-Ground
II ~ :::::::~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Iiiiiiiiiiiiiii:iiii~iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii;~
Lebanon Ohio
Co ••"
Bdwe. St'o re
Marion Snyder
While Fertilizer is classed as a VERY SCARCE ITEM, we caIll still s up·ply SACCO .FERTILIZER, but Buggest that ord ers be placed immediately to insul't! delivery.
For Information Write or Ca ll
42~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 39 .=
=t.u.: l~e:n:ts:'W':I:lo:OOI=n~pe~t;;:.ed;:l.n;;;t.h;e:test.s=~:~~~::::=:::;;
If you have real estate tq sell see us. We get the
•• 1
Hospitalization - Health and Accident (Alao Grange Inauranc:e Servic:e)
Lemmons' Hatchery
48 4'1
Life -
Commercial Bldg., DAYTON, Phone AD 3661 CenteryiJIe. Ohio. Phone 7021
Is Vital to ~very Family IS YOURS PROTECTED?
Phone 171
Clal'k, PaUl E .• Morrow. NlXon. WIll9nI. M. . Lebanon
,!II-----------I11!11---------_ Personal ' Insurance
!leen a.t. Gazetlte office. Na me youl Two, 'am
Brown, DonaJd. Wa.yneSVUle: 37 Rooding-lADguage: I'Ilm Vodvtl C-~-~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~'!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!I!!!~~~~~!!!!!!!!~;-;;; .....;;n~and~~N~O~v~el~tv~!!!!!! AI~ersoo, Mary J .. Waynesville. si "'" . I tI Pro~ , WUnda M., Waynesvllle. 51 1 c lUlUren n 1e clinic. Later the 0 rtlR Shortha.nd SpeOO Oertifl- Ta lboltt, carolyn J .• Leba.r..oo. 50 cln&e6 went to the auctit.oriwn ca:te. 60 words a minute, Ann Weltz ~choo where one of the Clmnty Nurses and Mrs, Mary Cornwell. the dist, TEST RESULTS,PERSONAL STATIONERY rlct Nutrltlo.n1st. IAIlked 't o the group ot the advantages and pur- • 'Ilhe Gena-a! SIi::holal'ship 'l)I;t Printed, Engraved, Many' for Hig h School flendors held at 0 e~ poses 01 such a. cllnlc III the schools. Lebanon. Ohlo, MarCh 9. 1946 reStyles and Prices. Miami CHANGE COOK$SUIted m t.he follo~lng lRbulatians: MORE TEST$Gazette. Phone 2143. I The totals shown are the number MIS. Grace B rown of Lytle &00 of ques tions answerl!<i correctly out I The Ohio Preliminary DistrlctS tf.\.te Scholarshlp . TestB will lx' Mrs. Fred HOOk are replacing Mrs . of 285 1Pven . 9.f.ld Mrs. Shoup as cooks at . given F1r1'da.y AprU 11 at the lilgh Cook the 'Hl#I School. Brown. Donald. W~lynesvllle 227 SChool. Tb~ tests ~1I1 select the K.lbbey. He.rry S .• Morrow. 211 stude!1Jts to represent Wayn esville SENIOR PLA Y_ Clark, PaUl E .• Morrow, 206 in the SLate ScholarsllJp tests 00 be Moore. Mary 'I »u. l4assle, '1 94 The Seniors are work:l.ng on their Va.lee. Richucd E .. Morrow. lD3 glv'en a.t Mlami UniversIty . Oxford. Our Own Fonnula 190 on May 4, Only one studer..t tor enoh clast plBiY "Anne of Oreen Ga.Oles ··. Tab>tt. Carolyn J .• Leba.non, 189 subject wLU be sent. a l hhoug'h one wJ1ich Is to be given Iby special ar- Nixon. Willard M.. Leba.nOI1 $3.80 hundred Iba. person may take two subjects. l'lUlgemeint wHlh ~el Fl$nCf.\. MCClure. Martha M .• Leba.r.~n. 188 $75.00 Ton April 24. Mthe HIgh School Audl- Me.l lIsh. William E., MMOn. 188 VISIT XENIAtorlwn. The a.bove wlU receive certlflcates - upper 2fY~ of the COOnty. I The two Home Nurs LLg Classes. boys and girls. visited ilihe McKinley CERTIFI.C ATESPhone 2988 The foUowl~ are U1e Wayn esvllle Elementary School at Xenia. Apr il I 'Ibree certificates . have been 5, 1946. The McKinley School PDA awal'ded In the commercial d'Cpart- : operated by the Greene County matt: ~ Heal~ Department. The classes Order of AnlsL1c Typists. Sr. I Nell-Ie Hemmer observed t he system uSed by tJle MeniliersbJp Competent Typist Certificate. 63 Health D epa.ntment In the mt't:llcal and dental CIlJ'e of bhe pre-SMool words Ilo minute Ar.l1 Weltz
Also: Crow Crazy &
FOR /:3AL&- One small dark oak
with Albert Dekker
~~~~~~ - ~~~ -~ ~ - ~~~ - ~~~
POIR. ~a<* Raspberry plan~ OUmberlaOd variety. WUI C. St. ~ Phone 2705. tl1
In .warren County: Engllsb : Prop..o,1.. W~ M . WaYfll.'svlUe. 50 Talbott. Carolyn J .. Lebanon. 49 Bl'OWIIl, Donald,' Wa.yoesvllle 47
Every kid In tA:>wn should see t.his tine d~ plct1,lre'
WIth Ross lIunter. Addtd Atlr:wUOn: 3 TOOGES COI\IEDY. Cartoon &; New~
HOIlIehold GOOd. buffet or server IIJld one J&,rge Ll8bt. ~ twfet. Both modern st.yle aDd 10 good oocdiUon. Priced reuonable. Mrs. Harold Earnbart., Phone ~14 . 411
Anderson. MaryMay Jane 182 Propst. Wanda 173 Rye. GlaClys M8ri~ l'Ill The upper Iilhree In Mch subJOOL
Real Eatate For Sale-
April 11, 1946
UEast Main Street at Whi......"
. '
he ESTABLISHED 1850 - No. 4260
Mr. a.nd Mrs. Seth E . Furnas en~ the member s of thfl Wayne Townsll1p F'a.l:mers' Club, on AprU 11. at CJhetr home on Socin l Row Rood . Rev. and Mrs. R. B . Oolema n. Mr. and Mrs. V. D. Brown wnd Audera. Miss ~ry Brown. Mo1T1s Brawn, Jolm Hawke, Olayton Terrell 01 New VlcnI'.a. and Berman Ral.~ of Lebano n were gIlC6ts . f(;r t he meeting . Mm. Oarl Duke of Bra.dtm Wn, F ta. , nn honorar y mem ber of Ine Club WIlS present. Mter a. pleasan t social hour ard a del1c1OW1 dinner the meeting wa.s cailed to order, with Keller Hook pre6ldin g. Mrs. Walter WhI~er gave a ma;t lnLerestmg d1sou.ss1on an "State Parks of Ohio". Mnny of these parks are wlthlte easy drivlng d1.Stnnce or W8IYne3 vUle· and ere well worth a vlslt beca.U6e 01 their beauty or t helr 'h istorica l Interest . Mr. Furons Int·redu ced Qtayton Terrell 1115 guest spea.ker . Mr. Terrell tlpok~ on \.he subJoot "The RelaUo.'1 . or My Ble.'i6lngs to MY Obllgat1Ol'S: ' He enurnem ted the blessing s thn , we enjoy In our ·tlme and pointed out the ways In which we must pay for thClie ,l;)Iesst.ngs. We In AmeriCa have comfort able homes. abur.da nt food, good roads. and easy modern method s 01 c:kltng our work . For these ,ble.'ISII1gB !We must pay by a wise U.!IC of our land. by Increl1Blng our knowled ge. by broMle,nlng our
our stA-ess
J ......
THUR SD. AY, .p APRIL 18. 1946
East el' to be Obs erve d on 'IChnr~h by tile· Sidf 0 :.' ~ ~ i" Roa d' With rSpe cial ~r9graDJ of Seas on;s Tradition~iiO Jo/lusic
I Mm. Jesse Hyl1ll1r.. who recent1.v returned from Miami Beach, Fla .• a.tter a: whliter vacaUon ~h ere , sLates that word has t>een l'ecelved from her son. Robert, locil.ted ~n France. and that he Is now listEd as Oapt.a.in Robert Hyman, the promotJon havInv just recently 'been received . He stated that he may be furlough ed to come home In the not too d.1sLant future. .
servioe of the Metbod i6t will be given on: :M.onda.y AlprU 22, at. 't he MetbDd I8t
baseme nt wttIl JaoIt Wymer from radio staItlon WING, Dayton , as the
toastma ster•.
ManY prize MWI.t'ds are being
given Il'W&Y &lid everyon e present will h&'t'e an opportl ftty ltD compete In tlhe rvwtous prize ~ plam 11cketa are on sale M. all leading bus1ness 1lII'ba. lJllahm .
·Good· Friday Services At St. Mary's Church
Miami ;Chapter OES
Inspectieon Apnel 25
Waynesville during ·the Good Friday
ae~ ltD be
M1am1 cpapte r No. 107 O:&S been complet ed for Sa~urdaY', Aprl1
The Frlencls hlp Olub en10yed a covered dish dinner meet.Ing on Wedr.esdaY at the home of Mrs. R. O. MX>ler with M1"s. H. E. Hathaw~ n.ne Mrs. Jenrue Conner as I
3:00 p. m., met wlt.h part.lal suoce;s and tOt the mosL put tile ouslnes s bou8ee Will ob&erve the worship penod by! claIIne. 'lllJS 8ei-v1ce is open to 't he public and w1ll be In clwLrge of Mr. Se.mtrel Keys. uy ~er-hH)h&l'ge of Si. Mary/a Cilurob , a&a.Isted by Rev. R. B. COlema.n' 01 !.he Method ist Ohurch . '!be theme of t.he h'Crvlce is "'llle Seven l.&st Words On The CroGs.'·
27. MnI. Juanita. Dewey. Deputy Grand Matron o f . 21st Diatrlct Ml! be the Jml!pectd1~ Offlcer.
be served- prompt ly tilt abt o'clocIt and all reservations m\.l6t. be In by Thursda y, AprIl:l a, The meetll'-8 wUJ 0I)en at e1g)'lt 'o'clock wi tl1 the in4t1ato ry .w ut: <t.d be given for abc' ~ candida tes.
WOMANS' AUXILIARY The Woman a' AWtilla.ry· of St. Mary'a Oburob met ~ Prlday a!otemoon IWltb M'rs' Daisy Snyder as hostes& 'at <!be 'h ome" of Mrs. Wlrt1!re d Ha.rt8oclt. Much time ""''-'-__ given to p1llw.nlntr the market So.turday. Alter a Ithol't reacI1n@ the lesson topic, a 80CIal 'hour was r An all-mul lcal enjoyed Wi!.h refreslu nebts served Side of the Road" Neely (rlrbt), Its rqur., by the hoeteas.
of, _1_e
assistant h08tesse s. ~ 'I1went y-slx membe rs and __ _. _' " guests. Mrs. Ha1'Qld B. Blrnha rt, ,, ew~ were ~nt... __, _. The USlUI1 buslne&: session wns A number of Mason and Eastern held fOllow11lg the 1u.;J.eht'Ol~ aftt l' Star member s aota1ded \be Lyotte whloh Mni . R. B. Coleman In Ohurch f!eZ'V1,ce Sunday moming . charge or khe proeomm. Mr. Mrs. E. B. 'L oJ1pcre reMrs. Harold Eamha rt. ftceompal1l- l.W'llOO and home lo.st week hom BmI'd lilt t;he pla n o <by Mrs. Oolcmn n , denton , Fla... Wihere 1Al.ey had .sper.t 9111'« bWo 80106. Mr6. Oolelmtlo~ l gnv(' the wtnt.er. '!'bey are .now staY1ng a n interesting .talk on her "lipcrl- wltl11 tJhe latter's brotJlCl·S. HOI'dtO I' ll es flS 1\ injnls r ':; da ugh tl!r a nd [Lltd Ernest Foulks. then 116 a mtr~ter'li' wife. Mrs. Nettle The Club adjourn ed to meet with &U<!61. Sunda.YEmrick was a dtnMr oJ 'M rs. Margar et Ml'S. J. J. Bur~lto AS hOllt~ at a _...J ",,,!II. nlg'ht meeting In May. Mr. Elwood Gl'Ulli or »ay&On aDd S l i e W1illa.m H~ or PiqUa KERSEY -ELLI~ HOSTESS were "'l1lursda.y> lI'Ilests 01 Mr. auq. Mrs. Walter Keru1ck. TO BRIDGE CLUB . AT
obsene d at St. Mary's
Ohufoh bebween 12:00 noon n.nd
Grangers Will Meet .At Le~on ·lonight
The Olub wUl meet in May at the • home of J. Q . 00118.
Attemp ts of a comm1t tee 01 Ilhe
We.yne&Vllie C1'V1c Club to <lrgru1Jze a closln8 time for all busines ses In
. • Plans for the Annual Ir':;;pei:t1'<Irn
Dlnner, by reserva tion only,
$150 . ..per
• The "Breek; last lIl> Hollywo od" radio $bow belng spon.s>r ed by the Cil1!d1'en's Soclety of Ohr1stla n
a z e tt e
Clayton Terrell Guest Speaker Farmers' Club
:i a m i
~ . . . Sunday , will lie
21, at 9 a. m., EST, under WIUl ~ accomp animen t by Arthur Obllndl er'. cbolr wtll alnr "Cbrist tbe is RI~eD ......:,": the Negro Iplrltua l "Were You Th,...... • ""nrel l Roll the Rock ~.ay"; HI ~ow That My ~mer Liveth," 50prallo soIl' ' by Kresup ErlOD; ' the "Balleluj~ Cbor..."; ' 'Now Than" W ~II Our God," wltb aq~ "God Be With · 1l01L" ....
• Waynes ville Grange No. 13 will vla1t Lebano n Grange on Tbm'Sd ay ~.'lbe meeting will be in ~ 01 the Waynes v1l1e oIflOCl'l; , aI80 U1ey are prepari ng' an lr..terest log program .
v. ~re-ar,
5c per C0PY
School Report Cards Often Cause Crisis . I RePl'lIlt from 'btle Dayton Dauy /l:ews presenrted by group in f ...vOl' of reform In the !C'hool curricu lum)
New York, March 20--A report cant Is often Ule forerun ner 01 crlsla In children 's dayts. PareMs too o1ten expe<:t btlelr clUldre n to be top graders without pay1ng the le8llt attentlon to the process or getting them t.here. School Is going to work a mag Ic QJlJ them and if that Ill8@1c does not ·work the 00100 is to blame and Is pur.ishe d. When I v,:ns a youmg teacher beginning to teach In my first school. I 'handed out my report C8.l"d8 and gave the maMer no more thought after rt.hat. I guessed at the measure of n.chJeve mtmt of each a.n.d marked down A for eltcellesnt. B for good, 0 for fail:, F for failure. aa directed . Wha t 'h appened Il-t home when the cnr-ds arrived W1Ul t.eyond my h.orIzon . Acconil ngly I was surpr1sed the next day whel1! notes came In. when mothers called and even a few fathe rs came to ' see me abou t the m8l'ks. All who came seemed ' t.o 'bh1nk thllt t he pupll should have been marked higher and ~hat either I or the child was \Itt fa ult. After lllla t d ay I bega n to study report cards as a major ' subj ect. S1r.ce then I have always t ried to keep ' close to the pupil's work, to know how he felL about tt. ....'hat spll'~t it roused in h im, how f ast ()Il' slow h e learned : 1l~J.d how much, and under wha t conditio ns. ArId the n 1 Insisted upor. having tJhe rat hers a.nd mother"> knlOW all I knew or guessed BIbout the chlM, so that the report cM1d was no surprtse to anyone conoernQd but II record 01 eJ(perlel~ees with which tJhey were lamilia r. Wher- t;I:lat m ethod of reporl;1ng home Is fol1owed there 1s no grief Ql'l promoti on dia3'. Wha.-~ver Joy
· F·Irnal A,saOCla. Ie Has DIIry spread L..aHe'r Fr'om Sani'' ' n·an over.g'li!Alliee! school aroused by day MId the ();l'
WII8 ~ telm, da,y ! 1. " , 'f< '. pupils as we)}. as t'helr famWeII .Ic:Iew "\!t'Wi I Davtd Barlow, a membe r of !.he Just where they stood. and. what they needed to Ido. The report cards . engaged , m the dJliLrltllltlOtli of mJlk fo.r bile we re not news· ThIrd street ill Waynes ville. havlr.g Cl~ ~1ry, ' present s bhe folThe present d ay repmt cards do I In 1619 Samuel Lincoln was born lived here for miuly yearl5 a.pd wa.'I lowtnr- letter as evidenc e or the not thrtll me a.t all, They ~ttempt In Dlglanld . At the see ,or 17 yearn fOlmerl y erigaced In the m1l1lne~ ,aanlta.g ' c~p1tl9D8 and excellen tie' came to Salem, MruIs.. and thus business , having her first place pl 6eryloe ~!8 newly Connre ·gtl·oup · is~ to ar..alyze a child 's m1n<t and charact er. as well as his ' 8Cboo1 be8v. tile ~ .of 'tbe Lineol'l . oHerlne" bhe1r cu6tool ers Ir.. this progJl'es s. That shnp1y Cllinnot be BASEBA~ TEAM famlly In. America .. and silrronu nrlinj territori es. done 'i).Y' amrbod y, much ,leliB a. busy WI.~$ .,,"NiJ>Ar .(aAME other ~ns down bhru tall' • teacher. • yean tliat G~EEJIIiE OOUNT I'Y-XEN IA OITY from the tap I "B1ll" Sawyer, mllJlIIlger of the roots of thissta.tteo Wihnt good does It do Ito check famous family I t r"'" I Leg! _. , , HiEALm DIB'ml CTS OCR a. long list of cha n w ter atwtbut es ? on ~ll team reports were MmIUla t 0'1 M9Ssac husetts "" _..• XENIA. OHIO the game 'played with So. l£bInOo .1 me.nied- ~ Jonla Ohl ldren have certain marked BIIld to , . April I, 1946 there last s~~ a.ttemo on resulted UD40D wu bam Iaaac, characte ristics, tl'oots that they Sarah Eliza'·jfo WbUn . u M1lf COncern : In 110 7 to 3 ~ III fMOr of· ~e beth, JOOob, Momlca l nand wm carry to their graves; arid they Ablil't Waynesville team. Thi8 Is ~hetr h Mr. David Ji;. Barlow has b eell have cer~in Lendenc ies th,t . SMITH'S GREEN ROOM Mr. JamCII Jobns Is .&a,iOC first WI f appe&l' th MIl· llis- aon, RalPh J~ and familY, connect ed .wlT.ta the ml1k bu,,>1r.e s IWd vlllIllsh 1n days, or \ . n or e &eII8IOIl. ldor<Uc; al 11 bad I!Ir. eldel;!. weekB, or nd u •• and Mrs. 8eUl FurllM enter. fOr nearly- 20 yea.rs, during ' which mOlu.hs. The stl» ng ones 8.1,'e' wen iPltcl1er8 for Waytnesvtlle were John. who went to Vlrglnla I Mrs. Johp Kersey a Mrs. Rot ._:::.. ~ ... _ Wayne Tow-..... p -.. __ PIar. to llve Oils were OO<'hoot.es.'le& ._oIt .. .. Oolle,tt aDd , 8tan1e~; time ,to a largp. ........... 'Ul"'" for he has s , establls ls hed his repuw- known to !!heir parents . 'Dhe chang. ...." .........- LebiJlo' PbIlpot t d W an<t h SOIl, Abrllba m, went to group of frier.da on Thursda y . A ere' ClUb at Iilelr tlon for honeety and good work. country home OIl ' lug ones are unimpo rtant. Why use ~, t an ass. tucity aDd -u.erll was kllled by deJ101O\lB lundleo n was endoyed at 8oc1e.l Row on Thunda . BY y ~ fetter ~e attelit to lh~ a ~l1er 's st1'ell3'th . HOOle nJIl8 'Weft lIOOI'ed by Planet( Indian In ~ pruene e 01 'his preclOUil young bhe BlmUl Tea Room and the niter1Ir• • and Mrs. Frauk ' AcUrm an ar.d Stantey . • • • faCt tlUit ~e 'h ave known MIn for tlme. a. parent'li nervousand energy Uld son 'I1bomas , fataer of our la te a.nd noon was spent In playlr.g bridge and, son; 'wtli6 have Juat retUTIleU tlbe past six years. a.r:d we believe po!SC, to m8lke WILMINGTON PLAYS cl100k ma.rks ~t beloved Plreldd'ent, Abl'a 'h am, Ll at tihe home of Mrs. Kersey. At the ft;an Callfarn la., are spendin that , ~feftr he operate s a dairy' such . items of 61tt~tude? c ,",vHERE SUNDAY Every Bmnch lng .out from.!. h , family conc1U81on of the Interest~n8 games eral days this Week at ~. a- mlli route 'b~ win <10 'his t.be hiome or hOle6Ol."!1 e pUl'poIie Is served by <two tree Ia found IDe ~ Isaac Ll1'.... the pri2lCl'l were giver. Mrs. Salisbu ry. Mr. and 'Mrs. Walter Kem1oI to Illde h1a pr0dAJct8 a.r.d bl8 bust- marks - satisfac tory, .u nsa.tlsIa ct. 'I1he Le€lon team will meet (;he ooln, who was marl' led Mrs. Edglngt Dn and MnI. SwllJ'!tZel. Mr. aDd ..... Bo,*, to ness a credlt to ,t he m11k Industry . tmy- and close contact BanIIer WllrnU>.gton Le8ionm en on the local RobIIl8Or.. who, with of bome The ,gUeSIB ~ Mn- MAynard ld:lar~ wen d1hner f\1lI8ta his brothel" .8unday diammd , SUnday aftemOon, April .AbrabB m came. and school. 'Blncerely yours. to this viclntty and bus1nCIII esta.bllhed at the locaUor Weltz, Mrs. Frank Swartmel, ?frs. of Ml'...;.,&nd Mrs: ~ D. Smith. 21. Game time 18 paUed for 2:30. If there is no suoh contact no resettled on farm In !.he eastern part now occupie d by the Dr Don HaWke, Mrs. A. T. PoUnsk y, Wm. C. Marsha ll. Sa.nit.nr lllil Mrs. lIIJIqar et .MbDa aDd Paul . A. I:' stout . •• , port card is golng to help. oflWQym e 'I'tl'9nlI:h I1p lr. Jt:he late '90's. l1om.e OIl Sou~h; 'M ain treet, and 'later Greene Oounty .-Xenia . City Mrs. Edgar Smith. 'Ml'II. Jchn Tur- J0bn8 8p!Dt S&turda y eveo1ng with PLAN,N ING FO,RMATION 'ID the union of l8aac W. Lincoln st. ,the 10000000n now Dtstr1ct Health r.er, Mm.. ~ R. 8nUbh, Mrs. J. O&rl Mr. and llnI. Dcpartm em occupied! by the J<mee and eon, BASEBA'LL LEAGUE wu botD Oonard. Mrs. 0. .R! Salisbu ry. Mrs. MU~ In' W~. Joon R. Lincolu, Hunter Hobby Shop on MaIn atreet. EIGH TIETH BIRTH DAY woo in later life married Harriet At the pres.er.t time Lewis 'Dbompipn. Ml'II. ' Rot!e H. Mr. Allen IIcIle 114&eoded tbe hIshe 1& enpged p~ are underwa,y for the fonn- ZeU. To thill l1..'}ion OBSERVED BY MRs. was born three In !.he buslne611 In a srmUl way /iii. HartIIOCk, Mrs. MaiIk ROtrers, Mrs. nel'al of his twlD I)rotber at h1s atlan ot a Lea&ue to CCMr 1IW'I'OUlld- Cihtldren, Dln1ce. Luther BartaooII:. Mr&. S . N. Keys, late res1denoe <Ill LowES Grace A. and her home. NANCY ELLEN POPE MnI. Rhodes Bunnel l Mrs. C. Ernest MondaiY dte:rno on ~ 8t., ~ ir-8 ,towns wMtlln tlh18 uea. U thls Iaeac, woo were born on tJhe farm 'I1hroug h' bhe direct t.n\Clr.ga of ~ bWUt plan 18 ~ed ,t he pl&y lor ortplaJ ly 6ebtled b.v thetr Ed8ln.gton n.nd Mrs. GUbert Frye. at Old cemete ry, 0entA!l'V grandher lamUy tree she can proudly Il1Ii. the eeII80D • Mrs. Nn.nCY Ellen Pope at Suga r be lUlIIUl'ed' with the tather IU!d uncle. The @Ughte r clalm 'blood relatlOO18hip to \!he Mr. aDd .... _ Wal'er ..--t.... other teamswU1 ~I'to -tbe T .... e EunIce Oreek (Owen 's Churoh) reac.Iu!d ma.rr1ed Frank _.. MUtenb erger • ........ Lincoln _ family 0: whlah BASKETBALL TEAM PrE8lde -nt Mn. Evelyn. Petenon '" James HAiDe8 and th.e lr lueata, Iibc UId return- eighty years 01 age, Monday. April y a series wlll be beld aDd On.ce, A. WlIS married to ed to ... . Home a.tt.er ha5 . CUES'TS AT STEA K a 'p loosn.nt 15 Sh John &bmfuLm Unooln is an nnces tor1a I . AclIel'Jnana. attende d ram1ly <tin- at theprotiIIbl I...... clOle' o1 the sea&On. . • e was l06tess to her four HenI'y~. She now resides on manlier . wtntp, spent ,at ~ Wales, Fla. rs, MTs. Lwwrence ThOllUl£ ER, A. ', PRIL 8 M'n, Bertha ~enrlck Collins 01 daughte ner, 8Ul1dq - ' ·t.he 'nome ot tbelr of Lebano n, Mrs. JC66 Rola.nd of DINN ne~ U\4 nIeCe, -Mr. II!ICl 'Mra. oa.~n palled I~ MIas Mlnn\e Dod-' Mlddler un. Mrs. Waldo Elliott, with "", CA~D CLUB MEMBERS • Ql MoodaY Aprtl8, ihe =~~ .m dalli'h~ near son, SUnday ~rtemoon. whom she makes her home and GUESTS AT DINNER Ba.t*etbIll t.eam cJl file Vandty. squad Mn.: Phillip TWoi'd and IIOD .' L ~ 'I"~tJ. ~~;,l ~ ~ , ~ t'1lm spent . SUnMrs . Ray Shaw Mlam18bWV; of w~e ' ID8!h SMool 'W!!rfl MnI Nettie &naick day at ..tll.e .hUne ciI. her son, Mr. also .two granddaofuGhters - \INI'e ' cUnner I 'M r. a.nd Mrs. J. J. BurIIIre en- I 'I1he Waynes ville Civic . Mrs. entertai ned to ' a !!teak dJIlner · It I\IIIIt8, TUeedla.y . of ~ Olub mat Aiherl Stubbs and famIlY . Ql&rles Lowell F. Prtngle a.nd Mrs. , Perry .1. terta.lne d Willh a 'ooVered dish dinner in l'eIl'Ula.r &eIJBloD at ""-, ,,~ 0014 8prInp , . . . ..Yeoaa:.,lUINPl&ker of Sprin,- Thomns . the ....."""n .........., ....-:-. ___ .........u nuuco -. _ ' BURTON a.nd an everJ.n4r 0: Cards on SMur- Inn on ·Mond&y. 8ven1nl JDJIIher 16" ~a,ynes. LEWI S .f". __ A ~ bOlts , April 16. f1eld stopped !bere on her wa:y home ....,,_ • ,. lUlU . . ;, ...... . . , , - . . . _._ She hns twelve llvtng "randOh ild_ . ...... day . ' W M!h tbelr Card Club _ _____ I member :; with an a1.tenda ll£e of bhIrty·s ix from Florida to vlalt her aunt. Mrs. ... ......,ral serv10ee _ . __ '" COIlducted .. ren and' ten .,.,....,t '""'nOO _. _ lira. BYerd& EarIJ enter- WedIne8cIla3' aRemo on at 2:00 o'clock . . _ _. a. 1boee ......esen.t were Mr. member s and. several guests. ,..,.....,.D.n nD n - . bildren. Ivl ., . _ ,..-~ "'..-~ ---.STUDENTS ARRI VE .... Mrs Pop tabled 110 dbIDe:r; SuIMIa¥,un. J. W. at tale ~ Ohw'cll of as bOl~ N~ ' ''~ mI' . iwu Eli.abd h Chandl er of OSU attlat tOr and Mrs. DlWld Kaupp and cnud. e IV .. "" ... y "",en HOME FOR lUST ER A <I1nne2' W8S enjoyed by tile IP'OUP HUiIPl' of, Yellow ~ and Mr. LewIB J .••~.: ~ "", ' Who vreekAmd he d Potteng er in Iowa and ren came of , t o Deer OhIo Pairk; .Mr. and Mrs. Don and after the shoot buslnetl t eealon apeot the VACA TION PERIO D at t Kra. .J"aW··,lWWiam8 ot Harne an In a c.ov'l'red wagon when quito died. at his 'resldence mornMoore . . , ar..d son ·of ' H artwell, Mr. and tha.t followe d the guest lin. SIUa 1IIIiI',z M Due Ing. Be was a promin ent stock de&!- MR. Bert. Gall fUr : : young. n.nel. daugh~ of the evening , .Mr. :Hennan Rolla, ,\be . aadeillB ; Bmm& ~ Of ~n er in, Ute Mlam1 ' Mia Esther FlU'fluhar of IndfanValley, Her room . where she has been • Mar1eI mnt and Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Warrell County Agent, deI.tvete DASYrtoN, Ohlo-- Flve aWdent . at 1NN ~. r.ftJemIoclo d art &Polis WB& an ovemJg'ht g'IM!St. of her bedfast (01' nhe past loW" of !He 18 IIUl'Vlvedi by hIa Widow ~. years, WILS , interest ing a.ddIress. the romvera 1ty 01 from Ml': .&Dd MrIIi; ' uDt ' Mn Evel Peterso CIUt. Fr1 r1l1ed with nowel\l. lce CfCam and GUES TS ENTE RTAIN ED Wa,.vnEisv11le and . ~~~ ar.rtTed '·Mr. WeIIIJeU 8aIIIiINr1, The new ofl1cers fm: the who re- ~y of near Wa}'lllC8V111e IU!d Mrs. he; cake was -&erved. boine ~y tor BaMer vaca- oetved . . ~ Ye8ll' were In charge of the ~ cfI8abarWe from DoroIlhy TerrelJ of XenIa; " .' to. :$1 , 1rn1tla1nn. /3IIJtUrdeq mornin g three ~T BUTT - - --ERWO RTHS . tion: 'l'Ihey ere 1..aIiw". to ls1t ltb I&Uv f the IimIiI 0IimP tlh 1DI1., I0Il8, 'WHIT EY' STUEVE 'OPEN S of DaytJon; of. . RESIDENTS OF ALASKA ~ Bell] aww N~, . ~ s.t~, ~ ....'.CIIl·. e re- NEW 'CLUB 8Pr'ine Valley; and GeorIe be 'Ken- • Mr. and Mrs.. Ernest Butter- ON VACA ON ' No1aIi aDd ~ YU'k&wa. TION .HERE at.' W~ aIotber O.'IH.;"; " Mr. ~ Mn. 1. Wilson E4.w ards VALLEY PiKE, SUND <Ill b1a 1118 Oity,. Yo.,.. a.nd a. ·alster, Mill. WCII"tb emertatr Mld <to .d1Jmer on AY: , " .' ~ , • ~ .~ 1IIDirIck, Allee HIJ,I of '8prlDaif1eld. aDd ·MI'. and MnI. P . D . Smith of ., • . . BuodAQr and had &It ,their guestB a I Mr. ar..d Mrs: L. P. Mrs. IADT carter fII Alh9ll1e. 1t1.. stmclaF~. Be ... LarrIcIt at- '~prlD8fleld' vI8lted ttlelr &\F.)t. Miss • Lou)8 "Whitey ~_ .'!be furuih.l ' ~ ~ coo- ITOUP of " st.ueve, fOl'lDer' JIelait.ival and t,helr familles . rtved at their llome here durlDl Mr. and Mrs. (l)a.rJe8 ~ey, and ed by .~ .Paftnt8. .Mr'. tbe I(U'fa.re li . bards. .sunday a:tter, IlDd Mn. duoted bY' BeIbert i ~ ~ The vel1' attl'll.ctlve cU.nl'el' taA)le past weeC aliter an abIIImCe dII!o~ter of ~: MIla Boae LeoD "'W1r J. of three nOcr. . ' . 01 b 'PenT C»Nrdl."a.nd ~ ,... ~ witb . opera.~ C;; 'W'h1tey's ~ on MAID COVeJ'8' fer Mr. y~ spetrt, in ADCbOraIe. Aluka. OOIID of?*- Pa& ro,. were 8UDdiIf . .;: ..... ' ... noa,1as . . aar" was and made lit. In , the ~ 0e0terv1 lIe oeme....."1. e.DQ Mrs. etaoeY Burnet t 01 Oent.er- t«r: IIlld Mrs. l:.atT1ck are ID the Ulltle -dIlUIIite attemool1 .1 QeIta ot If,t... ao4 10'1. Mr. . . lin. ........ ae. ., oa,.- tetY UIfaar tbe '-4ItrectI r. MarIlla Jane, of OIl oD of the tWe: Mr. ancl MJrs,' Bulan Baney employ of title a.., MalDOUL . iOvemm el1t apd ex- Dayton , called an MaIne-a nd Stubbe II'Imeral Home. on ey .. . _~ . __ ot leaner .; l\4r. and Mrs. 0ecBd' peat to return after a few weeU t aueats W, Mr. aDd .' ' . ___ ~ .AJmJe BroWn, . SUDd&Y Wade att.erooo 0: n. Mr. and m1Je fuopl tbe Drlftiol n Mrs. vacation . Mr....... ... E. F. IICanahart ...... '.' 'r., " . J) ~. 'Ibe DeW ,q\IU'fAIra S. k» 1Ir. UIII ..... rw. E. ....... ea..... BIft7 BIwn .' l'IIbNd Ir . , . . . ..... CIIl· Mr. 1Ir. UIII . . . . . . . . . . 1Ir. A. B. 8&11b.... bad be kDOWIl at "Club ortcIuIt." . . at- tamed in dbmer on JI'l1dq eftI'Jag , ~ .aM ..... ~ MI'L lames 8toopa or VaaW ert" SUDdaJ' dInDer aueets, ~ ~~ ,...... .(if IftIattve lU Mrs. ObIckeo lind . . . diD:DIn. ·-.rI!JI .ad IKrL 3. It. ·IMrIek aDd 111'. 111'. 8tIeft hfIIIIw. la _ _ , 1Ier!!iM;D ClD """I __ ,.... a Wa.y.neavllle VIIltor OIl lion- Amar.da BartIum aDd . . . RiIIIIb . . . . . .... .... • linMarla lobe -'4*lI&ity. •• EIJOG. made til PUlkIG
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pre ent greater -inflat ion, are .illustrated by Editor Ross- boWe and the daU of hI& Ln'Ventb\ DlstrtbutJon of certall' n ets be- A settlement or'. $300 ordt.' roo aeman of the ' a n Francisco, alii ., babor HElrald, who said waa 1882. 10lDgl.rjg- to the !!state o.f Mamh W. c pted In tbe matter ~ rbl)e estaL Established 1850 . 'c ' . • • • Balmer, Leb&non. ord~r~. _ of 1H. C. bope., Franklin, In p a rt: :.ontrO'ls 0 he right ort :m curb inflation and • Ocmlments on dre8sea : "You can The ooW't set April 24 00 h(!o.r bile The court. ordered he est-l\te oI 'Published E';;~y ThursdCay by DAVISSON PRESS hard ship without 'rigid governm ent dictatic)n' ov er the in- bake the hoots oft dreIIIIIs !but not Inverlt.Ory of . nile t/)lte of Ohester J !IJl1 . E. Ooudcn r lle ved from ad li'loyd L. Davisson, Editor Entered as Se~ond Cla~ dividua J, as such. It is pr'ecisel'y infl ation and resul tant the eyes". "!A dr~ that hoids 00 A. HaITper; April 25 Wl of !.he minlstra.Uon and F . J . s t. Jolu~, Matter at the Post Office, Waynesville, Ohio rt . ' h' h Id d . A' . ~ IIOIni III'OWld the CUl'Ve&" esllalt.es of Ella '~Unge r and Albert Doy,txm , nam ed to tra.nster aS8ets. epl esslOn w IC cou un el'nune merlean representa-. I Someone told aomecme that C. Vail. The eelBte of Oharles Lefever, Subscription Rates: $1.50 per Year in Advance tive demo racy and set this na.tion on the road trav.eled by 8OIDeOlle had .. mtwori dollar IIh&pe The oourt approved !.he l[\ven- MO!row, WQ8 detennmed to h ave a ......:=s:====================-== .. ==.~ ~ermany Rnd Italy, not wise and effective government and eomeone 9&14 tllat ttlAt. was tortes of the eetates of mes Haley. net value of , $:1.400 a nd suocesslOI'S ON YOUR OWN DOORSTEP control. " quite a p1ie. . Jesse 01"00& and Olndys Rhoades. of h u-s glven . There is more to fire prevention than reporting the gory details of death and d estruction that result from carelessTh e 90 per cent of the editors wh9 favored tak'ing their .... oecu Smith ~ hls new USrI!d ness and neglect .. 'Fire prevention can only be brought Chancl'es bwitdh tihnf~atdion ·. ~ather than dictatorial controls, !~t1y~as givlng h1m th~ WWys large Y. ase elr eClsJOns on the belief that continued • • • about lJy the individuals responsible for fire hazards. So bureaucratic controls were not a guarant e ngainst in • Not being OODll\lerclal but hlwe this brings the question of fire prevention right down to . . e - ·you lo1k8 read about the bath tl\Il) the home a nd place of business of every person: flatl?n, whereas they ~vel'e almost a sure guarantee of murder? LlfetnwY IdlledI B. O. A furnace , for instance, wh\en properly installed, is .m a k.lng th.e people de~end e nt ?n .g~vernment, a n~ des- I Words of the wise: Someone 'told A DEEP SENS)!: OF R ESPONSI BILITY IS F ELT BY US ,WHEN ' S U Ia t lOn ' t 0 e I"Imina t e over h ea t'Ing In . fl am- troymg private enterpl'lse and mdlvldual OPPOl'tUOltv ~~.--. ...... - .~ .a0 - ... ''''ft provl'd e d W I t h IIl . as ~............. w ...,.., ....... ....... . . ' . we have known it in the United States !IOJXlebody told tJhait SOOl "I'll THE CARE OF YOUR LOVED mabIe surroundin gs. Th e sa me a pplIes to the electriC or ' . _ ._ __. . , =_ _ dJe nrat." eone ONE IS PLACED IN 0 R HANDS gas wa Ver heate r. Ev en the electric i1'on has safety devices, .. or Ilhe war would lind us. 1 t.hlnk (; C7' but indivi'dua ls are responsible for their use. Electric wire he 'VIPutrd be a bit ashamed 01 the I ~I Telephone 2291 i made as neurl y fool proof and fireproof as possible, but scmmble for nour and the food ravlt--.::I"'i e ourl ewj again the human elem~nt can render its safeguard value- hoarders. If each w.e ooUi'ht h18 ,nonnal sluI.re a.nd no ~ wouldn't b- JAlq nn PROBATE COURT ',---.-- -~--- -less by carel essn ess or neglect. In building new homes and a. lot of .... "....., ... -~? ' ....e sh...... "' ..... w ....-..pear I BelIeve it or not my po.1 Flhyll1s Net value 0: , U le estate of Isaac factory buildings, countl ess provisions are made for fire people who. seldom balte at hOme Shldaker ca.m.! to5.l18 rhome forty safety which countera ct human carelessne s to the great- wtth sack aSter sack spo111I\i on the muahlooms she gat.hcred ~ one CObb. abe.non, waa set at 12,815.~. 1be w11l 0: M1nD1e Ct'eager, est possible extent. :~beg1n.ny~~la:::- afternoon I • • • Fra.ntlin, was admitted to Probate. The aale of real eetate belOlllklg A guest in a hotel f eels much safer sleeping in n room if ve,;t with pler.ty of transportat ion I DIdn't. you en'Joy r eadjng tthe to the' estate or Leroy Marshall IW8.S he knOW8 a sprinkler system is ready for instant use in the :::~~::! ~th~~~~~ MUcle about Dr. Mary In the Apr1l approved and cJ.1Btr1buUon of proevent of fire. Recently a large Chicago hotel had three on lihe ""round for lack of ~e 7t1h edition Of ·the Day.ton D81ly N CW!l? I thouehlt It e. very f1tt1ng ceeds ordered. 'lbe sle Of ,PeTIIODal property fires within a week 's time, anyone of which could have will not be reported? tnbute to one wtlO has so generously ESTABLISHED 1875 belonging to the estate of W1l11e.m taken lives if it had failed in providing proper fire pre- Cold, <wind. raIn 11l'.d SII' ·W. just been a benefactor to ma.nJt1nd. D . Haft, Lebanon, was ordered. vention mleasures beforehand. Every 'h ome and building 0. little Mareh weathet' in April or • • • pel'MPS it 18 just ordinary April • No doubt most of you reeders cannot afford a s prinkler system, but the occul?ants· of weatlher The diary says April 14, own a. them:ws bottle but dJd you Wa,DenlOe, ObJo Telephone WI sueh places can refrain from using pennies or other metal 1943. snow a.n.d 'COld . AprU 19, 1942. ever take time to learn Who W8JI A ....U 22 1941 frost J m t the lnventor? In case you haven't f f fuses. The occupants of such places reeze. ... objects in place 0' ' u . ,,'"' . Th beard SiIr Ja.- o rO ""'e . . plam every-year Apr weauuet'. e , ...-... ....., .." - .... Optometrist ' can see th.at all Wiring and heatmg systems hav e needed apple blossoms were gTe&t bunches lelia who made the first thermos attention and they can cliean up :t rash, dirty rags, paint of snow tballs and the fields were - - - - - - - - - - - - Complete Visual Analysis cans , paint brushes, oil , etc. , which are all potential fire has white but so far 1'.0 serious damage Len8etS Prescribed been reported in thlll region. hazards. . A shivering crowd followed the Office Hours: The same rule goes for fire prevention as for health- auct Ioneer at. Mis!; KIIitlherine'/I sale TE)(AC'O 9 :00 ·a. m. to 5 :00 p. m. "an ounce-of prevention is womh a pound of cure." And but ,t hey bid an evrything just the .(Closed Wednesday p. m.) nobody but the individual whose life, property and health samet 'or a • ___ ~~t,_is. never too cold or stormy Evenings by Appo~ntment Telephone 2794 WAYNESVILLE, OHIO are at stake, can, in most cases, provide the "prevention" • Stlu.urd8.Y. Even sll8'lll' .shor~e.i GAS-' OIL- GREASE thSlt 'wiJI forestaJl calamity, didn',t prevent tbe ladles of St. 111 South Mulberry Street Quick Battery Char._ Mary 's WOlTl8Jl 's AI1lIi1Ualy from Specializing in bringing \ in a. good supply of ples Wll..MINGTON, OHIO Hydraulic Car Lift COUNTRY PRESS ' AND INFLATION a.nd cakes fcc' a Food Market. The Telephone 2483 'fhe Industrial News Review recently ent a question- UIIe or ~ vacant store' I'oom was "SERVICE by SERVIS" naire to the editors of the country weekly, smaller city given by Mr. Polinsky of ~man'~ . . . sWI'e and It was greatly appreelar~ YOUI' Radio wiII be given a 'ompl te Labora tory daily, and suburban and neIghborhood papers In larger' 11here IS a ·rule tbat. members may check-up, plus vibration h -k which ass imilates ci,ties' throughout the 48 states, asking their opinion on r.ot <buy a.ny.t;hJ.ng until t.he publ1c operatin g conditions in car. the following statements and inviting comment: . has bBd a c.hance. There was 1\ . ' . lusoioUli lookJil~ lemon ple t1ULt 1 1. 1 do not beheve we can contmue or expand present had my eye on but ~t was gone long government 'ecoomic controls and rCltain personal 'freedom be!ore I could buy' ~. The ;. J . _ ;; • .; and our representative form of government. reason for lJhe rule was a. sale we . llad when Ule !Dod wect out JusL 2. I believe we can ('ontmue or even expand present as !lI.6t 11.6 It. was br-ought In and government economic controls and retain our personal \be ,next ,t ime not so many people . freedom and represetative form of government. Cli4ne W buy. 3. I would rather risk inflation and hardship than sub- anotlbet' • MondaY'. R81n ap1n alter INSIDE and OUTSIDE WORK lovely S~. POOl' Bogall . mit to rigid-goverUluent dictation over myself and family. is leellng very sad a.nd sWIt today. BRUSH .and SPRAY 4, I would rather submit to rigid government dictation Last ll1sht Smokey WB6 sOut m rtile LEBANON, OHIO
The Miami Gazette
A ....
Waynesville National Bank
Dr. Rohl.
" , - .ft.
C. Brown
Auto .R ADIO Repair and Sales
~O R
Any make or model
House. Painting
Fred Kahn' Motor Car Co. ~-
over myself and family than risk inflation • and hardship. Uut of the first 500 replies, approxnnately 90 per cent marked items one and three. Nearly all :the editors answering made highly illuminating remarks as. to why they preferred to risk inflation rather than submIt to governmen,t dictation, In ge,neral, their opinions can be summed up by the !:!tatement ,of Editor Welty, Bartlesville, Okla., Examiner-Enterprise. He sai<;l: "There can be no half-way measures. 'Either we shall go farther down the road to state socialis.m or ~urn back. The natural forces of nature, of sup-ply and demand and all tlle other ho~ely two-andtwo-make-four fudamentals must return or else we shall simp.l¥-Consume our~lves with regimentation, failure, and fI'nally c.o llapse. We must work as individuals, save as individuals and recognize our personal responsibilities· as individuals or else become mere monkeys on the end of a I 'hn'stmas toy." . v A very small percentage of the rep-lies which thoughL that controls might be maintained for a limited period to
:J),.g /edge A FARM DIARY ..., D. J, Jl'BlliZJER April 12. 1946. The Item in the ddary tar just one year ago ~ s.ays, "PresIdent ·Roooevett died this afternoon:' JUBt one year ago a.nd ~et 1t seems ten or twenty or five yean 810. not one. lust, something tihs.t happened l()lf'~ ~o In andent history. I wonder U he bad' a vlslon of tlhe confusion in whlcn ·the end I
cell~ the ... ~u'BoganSbe ls&lmbed herupthrOU4J on my I~!iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii.iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii w
w ......... w.
oaaJ and barkad a.t h1m through the w1ntctow.
~w:t ';'ba~ ~=~: ~e:u~~
my bed
wben I heard a craah of tbe
e F. T. MARTIN &C. E. RIESAU, Auctioneers'
o~ sl&sa aDd this IIIOR1ing : ,~: : ::'::
705 Commercial Bldg., DAYTON, Phone AD 3661 Centerville, Ohio, Phone 7021 paW. It l8D\t a week since 1 had· t.tJa.~ If you ha~e real estate to sell 8IeIe us/ We get the window fixed. JWouJd it help if I highest cash price, have buyers for items you wish to =~:tp~~~ ~ut up blLl's to sell. Our tE!rIDS are more reasonable than others.
The pigs are prisoners t..o. Thel' were so sociable ·t.b&t they woold have liked 1X> sleep on bbe' ,p orch and eat. with the fa.m1ly but th~y lnalde their worst mJ811ake wheo they looted up the newlY planted garden
A ppraisals Free. Call Centerville 7021 Dayton, Ohio, AD'\D'I 3661
ana ate up \be beans ·tlhat were stW ,1.0 be Ip lantedl They over lltepped the Um11.11 and now their freedam wlll h&ve to be Ulnlted. Theh" freedom left oIl where the garden began. SOIne!.hq IS also gOing to happen t.o 'lil106e hens woo 1a.y '1lhelr ens on th~ tractor se6L a.nd rto that !rozenr-combed ~lOm rooster who leads his llt.tle band of hem into Ill¥ garden, marauders. 8ill of them whose cases will not have 00 be brOOgiht
but can be judeed on ,the spot and pU:llllshment dealt out. Just oatcl1 them, tha.t hi not alWlll8s 00 ellBY . but. Is easier than rtryiilg 1.0 settle the 1nItA!nlational marauders Who are after 011 OOTlJCessions, not bea.rb but poUtlcal power. From the henyard up it hi the same old swry. peck or be pedted.
Vo'te for , •• • •
Leslie Earnhart Republican
County Commissioner
,p retty girl", everyone She baa a "peaches and
emUe. &be
Seeking My Fir~t Term -for County Office ,
cream" ClOIllPlexlon 8IlC1 pearly wlUte ~ I6J fMf'Dtial 00 her daZZling
-.va bel' bea.U~ eecret III open
~ pl. It's in a botltle of milk. abe lIIknply dr1nJuI 6 gl&ss of our
QOOCl rtm mWt a.t every meal and
plenWO at · ~ product.s 'lblIi beauty aecret wUl work for
you tool 1\'y it.
Cl~~~N.~!! PHONE 2537 BARLOW and GRIMES DiltribatOl'l
CHARM FOR EACH ROOM A careful I'fedection :of the wallpaper for your' home is necessary to bring out the real charm of each room . Choo e from our complete new stock
PAULC. PICKING "In Picking Your Paint Pick P'i cking's" Third Street
Telephone 2182
ALL WORK GUARAN'FEED Prefer to aase my own PAINT but will u.e paint furnilh~d by cuatomel' if de. ired
Lawrence ·White.
Her BeaUIIJ SecretA Bottle of MILK
New Work A Specialty
- ..-
- -.-- .. - ----• -
- - ", .
• The Good Friday 8eniCe iWUl ~ ST. AUGUSTINE CHURCH ~wa1te, to ~ member or Mrs. WllI TicbmlK' fa COIItIDec1 &0 F=====-========-.....:::==-=.......;..;:=== -~ a t. ~he Episcopal Ohuroh, 12 :00 \0 . . . . . IU"D'b .... Prill& ibe boIml (11" \0 )'OUr' m.lnister. J.Dun1 V.alley h08plal. :1 ;00 p. m~ A~ I'. . . . 8,Wlc&ar _ ':1rI A. II. • • • James TbornblUJ ha! sold' his • • • 8lItIe SUidy aa. -at, the boWIe bolIDe on lIlIBt ~ st. and £91'..-OFFER • • The alPPUee for the E:ulter eadl ~ evenlni. 11:80. c.hased the SUnsOn property on BTeaklBllt' sbould Ix' brought t.o the WAYNESVILLE , • • • Oluk SATISFACTORY FERRY Oh urch, S&turday afternoon or on CHURCH of CHRIST Prayer Meeu.. at the boWie eadl Mr. :uv;n;:.. Willlams 'of AmeUa ' CHURCH of CHRIST Easter mom1ni ,before tlbe aervlce. 1toJ»en L. VaaZUe, Mlatit.. >W~ even1ni. '1:00. were ~ gueet.6 at tbe H. B. S E R V ICE S The G~, Golnr, Ob1ll'eb Bible SCl¥IOl .:10 .. Ill. • • • Tucker helme. HEUBaT GRAHAM. MlnJ.., AT ALL TIMES OmynemlCID 10:10..... Here Ja Cbe latest aodree. of one Mr, aDd MIa. Joe Davia 01 Leba. JIII)le 8ObOQ1 8:80 ~ In. MT. HOLLY METHODIST CHURCH SPECIAL MSTER PBOGBAM of our men t.n the Servw: nOll oa1led on fr1ends here SMurCom""Jl)\on 10:M .. m , T. M. ......... ' til Pte. Melvin S. B~lTry, 986&10. dII6'. . Scrlp{,W'e Re6ctlng Matt. 28:1-8. ~ l1 :00a.' m. 8UDdaJ aabooI - .:JI A. II. Hdq. 00., ~ BD., 3nd Marines. MIa. Ben Becke" aDel claurbter by KtiIlneth Roeelle Dial 2111 Waynesville, Ohio YOUl1C Peoples 'BetyIOO8 IlllId itA. J'arDbu'tt. ~4ent %F1PO. Sen FrancisCo, ~Dalll. Mias Jo Ann were in Lexmrton, "Welcome" by 8aDdra Oook Adult Prayer Meetln g 7 :00 p . m, Wonbip.emc. - 10:. A.IL Little '!be ' add:reaIIea W111 UiO be posted Ky., ~ weekend to llit.tend tbe . _ _-" ExercI8e "Chl1IIt.Arose" Evenlong Evancells t.lc service EveDlDc ....,. - '1:10 P ..... Begtnners 0laa8 on , . '1:46 p. m. of the ~ along wlUl .the otherl> . Bey. C. L. Warmley rUled the pul. 1br WIh1ch proclamation He wa~ - - - - - .-._._._._.-.-._. Read1nr, 'S ylvla Woollard ST. MARY'S Pleue intonn us of any chaIl6e. Pit. at. the Metbodlst Church, Bun- mar.tyTed In TBibrtz. followed at a Spec1aJ. Number. Ulitle Messencet8 EPISCOPAL CHURCH METHODIST CHURCH • • • day mornlng QJld invited the con- later date by 20,000 other souls 'w ho CJaa Samuel N. Ke,• • nJe Tr1~ Ohrtstian . Service Ea6te gregat10n to attend Sunrise SerV1Ces gave up their lives Ir. the h ope of .. 8 . .,.......·,·..... . 8010, Da.v1d Brown IA:r a.der-lJnbal'ce SUNDAY SOHOOL 9:30 A. M. Oamp banqUet 1& 81.IPJ)(l6t.'Cl to be 'h eld r Sunday morn1n4f e.t. 7:00 to tlhe rulflllment of IUs promise. Rlead1nc, J8illles OIdtervtheeta 9 :45 & . m. The Brotherhood of Kn, RA.YmoDd CollDer, Supt. at ~, Ohio, PrId6.y n1ght., Ix' held at ·the SIlaran Church. in 'IbJa p1'(lOl1se 'WaS fulfUied in tne Read1ng, Doris 'B rown St. Andrew. WORSHIP SERVIOE 10:30 A. M. r18e of Baha'U·Da.h. or T1hran , Wh o ~,Cboir. "1 Know That My A4Jr1l 36. No def1n1t.e word has been K.Inaman. 9 :45 a. en. Junlor Church bee.l'd fl"ODl there, but 11 you are Mrs. Laura Shl~ waa bOjIte. proclB1med HImself to be llhe _ YOUTH FlllLLOWBHIP, PAINTS - . STOVES Redeemer Liveth" mterfBted in iOlDI please keep In. ~g~ 500 Card Club, Friday even- Prorn18ed One" Ln Baghdad 1863. 11 :00 a. In. Momintr ~ 6Ild '!buraday, '1:30 p. In. t3enDOD 11:00 a. In. ROOFING - FENCE AInd thus there 8l1ses once more . SeImott, Samuel N. Keys. CHOIR PRACTICE "Ble881np of the ReeurreotJon'" con~ 'With YOW' mLn4ater so errar-i~ can be IIl&dle. I Mrs. Kenneth Flaher, Walho1lDd'- a divine EckIoa.tlor, a God-Setllt mesHARNESS - PIPE Obrlltlul. BDdeavw 6:30 p. In. Wednes4Ay, 7:30 P. M. • • • yr:' was a bU&1ness caller in the 6ell€er who brings mankind a ne w • • • EASTER DAY, April 21, 1918 -1_ _ EYeoiDI 'ServIoe '1:30 p. In. !.age, Friday. des1gn fOl' UViIl€, II4'ld a guldal11ce Easter Morning- 6 :30 : W'Orsh!.p 8 :00 a . m . Morn1r.a Pra~, ''The ~n 00 tne out or 0ha06 1nJto Peace. Servk1e in oharge 01 !.he Youth . eamuel N. 'Keys FAIRLEY HARDWARE CO. A8cenII1on1' 'I1he writings of Be.ha 'U'llah , al- Phone 2441 - . WA YNE8VILLII. 0 , FellOW8h1p. 8:45 a. m. Easter BreeJt1Ia8t (<DIUBt.nl.ted with allde picturea) ~eady ,transla.ted into torty-thrcP Cal:l to ~ smtth's Green Room tongueaeI!joins ,the penna..'len t ~~~~~~~~~~~~ Songs, "Chrl&t Arooc" "Ohrist y" 11:00 a. m. The Holy Communion, R1IIen Toda.V." Conl1nnat1on, and Bapt18m JuniOr Christian En4••or at 6:30 b, lANa PlTE • Uni~rsa.J Peace wUl ,be est&b- ab01Won 01 war. the perma.ne n L SOl~ M1s& Naolni Eannh a rt The Rt. ~. HeJlI')' W. BoI8>n p. m. Mable Brl1Wtl. leader, Don't IIshed anlooe Ule natloll6 of t.be foundation of world peace and Ilhe ScrtpllUre Lessons-- Matt. 28 :1-10: (There will be DO meetinr or Junior miss iIhls meet1ntr. Mrs. Mar:r PIenoa WII8 hOBtea to world ,by Lnt.ernatlonal agreement. reoogr.it1on of a federated world. 'S uilm1tted by Helen McCoy John 20 :11-18. Church or 'I!he Brotherhood of St. • • " tl1e Ctvlc t.eaeue. Satunda.y evening. The b'1't.fltes~ ~ In Ithe LUke 24 :13-32 ; Rrt.. 2, Way,nesv1lle, Ohio R1oha.rd Sheehar., Robert Hastings. Andrew on Elastet' Day) senior CbrlaUan EDd_VCIr at 8:80 Mr. and Mrs- Cui ~Ioore enter- world of humanIty today 18 war. Talk:- Joe James. . • • • p. m. Nellie Qrndorf, leader. Let'. te1ned their 500 C&r<1 (~lubt ThW'S- Implementa or war and death 6ft White leghorns Vocal Duet, Douglll8 He nderson Mil 8t. 1.fa.T!y'8 ~opal Ohurcb 1a begin on time. day evenillC, mu1tiplled and Inoreased 00 an inJ8clt Mulford. havlmg two serv)Ces on EaBt.er Day. , ••• Mn. A. S. VeUett andilOn, Bobert conceivable degree and the blll"den NEW and RENEWAL Bred for High Egg Read1ni-- Ma.ry Jane Ande1'SOn. Mr. Samuel ~, Lay REader-inThe sermon for this Bunday nJabt WfII'e ~ d1nne.r ~lJE8t8 In tne' of mllitary maintenance Is t&x1n1l Production Olo51ne Hymn- "Coronatlon" charge wI.ll hold Momlng lPrayer at. will Include the IIelW of Skrlop&l- home 01 iHlOWard Ooll~ of wu- the vwrlollS cour.t.rtes 'b eyond !the SUBSC,R IPTIONS TO THE Pullorum Controlled Benedlc~on 8 :00 a. m. Alw tblB earlY eerviCe can SUcle Picture&. '!be subject ta. IJliIIitOG. point of endurance. Annles a.nd . Easter BreU108t. Your presen I eVe!'Yone in tIhe 'P'al1IitI. &a inVited "From the Resurrection \0 the Mr. aad MIa. Bo:r ElliII aDd Mrs. navies devour the aubs~ and MIAMI GAZETTE CAN BE will be 'a ppreciated. I co lihe Easter BreaktBllt at Ba11th'. Aacenalon". 1be Scr1ptUre will be Laura Shldaker 'W't'ft SWlday lI'Ileata )106I!eSS101lB of the people, t'he tOIl-· Green Room, the price iB Me pet' read 108 tlhe pIctUrea are shOWn. JUIlt of Mn. tda Howe &tid Mr. aIlII I~ poor, t.be Imr.ucent a nd helpiess PAID AT WAYNESVILLE Phone 2988 • ~ Youth F ellowship will m eet p e rson and ~ ~ be preced1n4J the aermon wUl be a Mr Han-y HoWe Da.ytOIl. are fon-.ed by taxat10n '00 provide In tile Sanctuary, Thursday evening called m to .t.he RIx:tory, 22'73. . Pantomime of tile ~ .. ~rlst s. • munltJons a.nd annamenta !Dr gov- DRUG STORE OR AT THE at '1:30. ' '!be at. Rev. Henry W. Hobeon, AroIIe." Don't m.III8 tI.h&s p1'08I'am. Mr. aDd lin. WlUlam Wetsel ban emment.s bent upon owquest of . • • • BIShop of Southern Ohio. wUl be at • • • purcbaeed the Amal lilOU@Ih prop- terr,itory and deIense against powerGAZETTE OFFICE • The Oholr wiU meet Wedresd a y St. Ma.ry's for !be 11 :00 a. m . BfftA Speelal Oflerm. for the CoUere arty on MBm at. tul 'I'1val nations. 'There is no gree.teventng lilt. 7:30. vice, BIShOp Hobsoo wID celebrate 01 the 8ulptlll1!l at Lou1svUle. ~ . Mr. aDd Mn.1'red Sberwood visit· er or more woefUl ordeal w Ilht • • • 'l1he HolY 00mmUnl0n, oontlnnatlon Wall t&ken lu~ Sunday nllbt, Tbe ed fl1erld8 a.nd relatives in Oolum- world of hllDW'Jty todIa.y thAn imAUCTIONEERING • The Ohlldren's Society of Chrl8t- a.nd Holy ~m, olfmna 18 be1n8 held over untll b~ thla ~. pendin& war. 'I1ber6tore internatlon- STANLEY and KOOGLER F iflh lIo ..se Right of Rt. 73 ian Servkle will sponsor a "Break·titter this Su.ndaY ·80 tlboee thaL Dr. &DIl Mrs. Gordon MlUIIIOn 01 al peace i!I a crucial neoessity. All BIIOK&B8 LlOENSB COftWIN , omo fllSt In Hollywood" In the Ohurch . FRIENDS llave not cor.'b1butec1 may have an ~ WEI'e SUDday iues1B of . Mrs. arbitral court of just.lce ahall be blUSemeJlt Monda.y evenll~, &prll 22, ~ M*II _ A."~ oppootunity to do 80. You may 8iv~ MUr.aoD'a ~enta Mr, aac\ Mrs. established by wh1cb intematlonal For D&&eI, PbOlUl 18M, W&.11le&'iWe, MEAT GIlOCEIUES a~ 7:00 o'c.Joclt, IeeUDa fell' Wonblp _ 11:10 !I.. II. your oontribut1~ to Mrt!. Ma~ John S1Iil..,a a1spute6 are IA> be aet.tJed. 'IbrouIIb Obio. ReVille Cbarpa LtIIs mee.r.s uJl J)OIl6lbWty 01 discord !!!!!!!!!!~~!!!!!!!!~~!II and war beClWeen the will _ _._._._._._._._._._____ ._.________ _ ICE CREAn1 be oOV1atecl." -.AWu·l Balla (Ex<Jel1)t- Dlacource <1eUvered in Montreal. Sept. 5, 11112, at at. James Ohurch.) Subm1tUd by Belen McOuy = Rt. 2, Wa.ynesv1lle, 0Jl10 ~v.
- '
~carlure ~LUtern1 ~1Jnte
~ ~Un ~ 1" ~ ~ ho~ ~.
Eighth Bah'a'i Principle
• • •
Lemmons' Hatchery
A Fine Selection of
• • •
Background of Faith I • A little aver-; hundred years 880, Per6la, now Imown 108 Iran. l1t.tJe known to ohe wesWm world. Such plBcea aa SJUraz, T1hran, Ta.b11Z, Adl1~ Weft lltUe more Ilh&n prlntect names on the map .of the world. 'I'hat land, now the focal oent.er ul Interest for the entire world, be· comes the first teat \0 the stren&th or weak.nesl of the United Nation's
Harold D. 'Jim' Bailey
COUNTY .COMMISSIONER RepublicaD Primary . :
- MAY'1,1948 ,
"JIM'S'':' PAST RECORD On January I, 1935, thle tionded debt of Warren County was $202,900.00. By December ' 31, H)45, this debt has been reduced to $27,000. "Jim" Bailey has had a yoice ,in ~he reduction of this debt without any increase in taxes·
No additional taxes for the operation of County Government has been added to the taxpayers of Warren County since "Jim" Bailey ' has been County, Commissioner. The.. record shows that on December 31st of each year the County Genera. Fund and County Road and Bridge }-'und have shown a balance.
Th!e '~ecord shows that without a"ditional . taxes dU1:ing "Jhn" ·Bailey~s ad~iriistration, the . basement of Warren County Court Hou~e haa been .mod~'rnized and a new addition added ~ 'AIl important County records alt!t.on . microfiltrl . also .a modern photo-static machine has bee~' in~talled the Recorder~s office.
_political Adv.
"Jim" B~iley is interested in Agriculture. He has always supported the work of the County Agricultural and Home Demonstration , Agents. He has lent·his assistance to thle. Cou.nty J"air Board that has given W ~rren County o:ne · of the best equipped Fair Grounds in Ohio with it.~ new concrete Grand Stand, Ho.rse Barl!.s, Exhibit Hall, and 4H Club Building· These projects· were financed without. any increase in taxes; Warren County has good roads. During the administration of "Jim" Bail~ as COUI1\ty Commissioner he has. advocated better roads, and the records' show ,that Warren. County has more than 200 miles of County maintainedha,rd surfaced high:ways. In addition "Jim" has lent . his support and assistanC!e to all villages and ~ownships to better their s~reets and higbways, Go to the polls on May 7th and ask fOlr a RepublicaD Ballot and vo.te for Harold D: "Jim" Bail'e r for re~election . as County Commissioner:
BAILEY for CouD~ C~mi ..iOD_ Coimaittee Fraak C· Vail, ~..tl.."
HOURS: 9-12 each morning
1-5 afternoons except Wednesday 7-9 Saturday e\llening Other evenings by Appointment TELEPHONE 62-R
.Dr. c. E. Wilkin
Waynesville Furniture & Appliance Company
CoUllCll. In t:he etliI'lY n&11eteenttl century, IJle people or PersIa were conaldecOptometric Eye Specialist ed tihe most decadent raoe In tJte world, Ignorant, _V1I4re. cruel, steep26 South Detroit Street Gibbona Bldg. ed In p~ce, servile in tJteir Waynesville. 0., XENIA, OHIO prie&tlhood, oomparab1e to tJle abuement of tile IsraeUte& in -tihe time of , Moses, In the fanaticiSm I~·====:·:-=-=·:·=-:-=.:--=~ 01 !be Jews In tbe ·t ime of 'Jf6US and the .9IIlJbborneliS of the lclol-
North St. Phone 2422
BOOrs of Arabia in the a.ya of Muhammed . - 1m. such an environment of III&terial, moral and spiritual deeadence. opposed ~y a corrupt Sb1ab prleathood, who enjoyed unllm:1te<t sway ClVer lbe masses, 1I81l1nst ali liberal Ideas and fearful of tihelr power, ~he BU)a'1 Era had lts be&innUIg. ·May 23, 1844 marked the beilnnine of t.he moet turiJulen.t pefiod 11 the Baha'i Ere. an4 the open1na of 't.he mD6t i1oriOO8 ep(Xm in the greatest cycle which Iha& been wltnessed in Lhe spBitual 'h 1awry of manJdnd.
Waynesville Repair Shop North Street
Carer'. Garal(e
At that time t.he Dab aroae an«lOWldng the cunlnig or a "man1te!ltatlon 01 God" Baha'u'Uaih;
Homogenized Milk
I SOLD AT Stewart's lltrift-E Market · mE WHOLE P.ouLY Ia interested In baby chtcks. Tbe ctlUl1ren love the flutfy soft.nes8 of the new bam blrdli. But Mother and Dad are interested in ,t hem for thelr potential profit opporwnitie8. TtIat Ie why. ao many Mothers and ·Dads In bbla community aelect their baby chlcka here.
... ., ROO . ~
Off'A,n'''' pUT .• " , D n u -
-"'-...~_ .Jof this Clean, Family Newspaper THE CfIIUSTWl.· SCIENCE MONITOR . . . " - en.. ~ ......oaal IIewI , . . Ptee from poUdc:al .
MIl ....... inial ".ped.riDarat" contrOl . , • Free .1O cell yoa. . . . . . . . . . . world ...... I .. OWD world·wide . .II of QJtNo
.••• ' . .. . . . ~.~ ~am aad i ..
..: '• .Jr.'::' IIada . . . QIId
meaa.iq to ,.,.
ani~ue Jtlf-belp ~.
DUN H A--M - :==.~';:;~;;.--:-~-D--,;:.-;.~::;;=l c.trww,.... 1_.........•...•......................i...... "MI•. -Whit e ROC&ll ............ - ....~............................ 0 . WAYNESVILLE, OHIO =............................. ........... ':1:'.. ;1........ I Telephone 2916 -----~--..-------'!!!"--- --1 .
. . __ ..........
PI_,.,J • -
-I -
PAlRM LOANB....,~ terDl, tUIV ~enta. No appra.1sal fee. Also. olce amall and la.rge farms lor a1e. Call or write 000. HenJtle. Phone NO.2. Lebano n. t!
Life 21
A swell OOmed.v adaoted from the Oeol'ge Albbott stage
. wlt.h Bob't. BeneblY . Vera
Real Estate For Sale -
V&true and Conrad Jank
~:~~ . ~.•~' ~~ . II.
-H- iah Jch ool (I
Live White carl (Whitey ) Bauer.
with Dale Evans. Gabbv and Rona of PloDeen . Hayes
Mr. and Mrs. AlbU& KreDlo , and
FOR RIENT - l'&sture lor stock, • 'l1he Ben10il" 01ass play. "~n!e Emery Peters. Rt. 3. WayneJIvl.l~ of Green Gables" . w1ll ,be glwn 'oy special ~~t .'with Samuel NOTrC ll - All debta due Jamee Fr~ch. m <the R\g'b School a.OOlLavelY not pa.1d on or 'Defore May tortum, April 24, 1~. 1 1~ will be tumen over to a. TIll.!! play l.s a. 6tOry of an 11ll&i1~eaa1onal ooUector. Jaa. Lovely ns:t1ve orptum girl who brings mudi .' 'excite ment the UVeJI of a :rJ6 W. 8omel'1I st.. Eaton, O. 418 spinste r ar..d Into her ba.chelor brotlie,' : 8-AJ.&-~B-:-n:-:.J:-:8-:---Th-e-M-I.-m-I-Que--t"'-&e Come, wa.tdl Amlle 1maglnel l" bu made ananp men.. for the --. pI1DUaa' of aaIe blll'il.' c.n live WHA T NOW, ~ttle Man? .entee 011 both IIIqe and ' ~. Gu..v BLngha m ,talked to the Uta. Senior Cla88 01 tlllelr future Ufe _IIIIII'll _ _..... _ _PhODe ___ _ _ _ _ after graduat ion, 'I1Ue6da.y mol'Jlinlr. IAprll 16. 1946.
Moto n
9 x 12 WOO L RUGS ,ot I.
STUD IO COUC HES '(Full; , $prin , Filled ) LIVIN G ROOM SUITE S
Wape .Yille , Ohio
Phone 55$ ~'L
.,. . ,
{-:l 'Arm ,. . ... .-Itage.','&.Son
per minute.
=o~a.:; 3:0 ~;: ~
antique walnUL carner~; one. cberryd rop- . lea! 'table; One 2-«irawer walnut . 8tUld. Call Waynm vl1le 26« &fter 6 :00 p. m. 52
Card of Than ks.•
We w1fih to eotpre66 ourbha nks to all our trlendll a.nd relatives who llboWed their ldndness at floe time ol the de&th of our wUe IUld mother. Especla lly do we wish to thank 01'. . , A. E. Stout aDd Rev. R. B. 00lema n. Mr. James J'ohns Kr. aDd! ¥n>. Ralph Johns IIIld ~
I n '
_ __ _
IN CASE OF FJBB. DIAL . . ~ If • 1! ' _- 1 ••••• •••• F a .
PaYH ';;RSE S $5.00 . ~OWS $3.00
Accordi ng ~ Bile ancl
CoDd1t1on .
Ho,., Ca1vea, Sheep ,
WllIjam and Ellen DeIlD-YO to Fred Coomer , llve 10t5 in Lovel8n d PBn:. ·Stella. and Francl8 stepp to Sam and f'Iee.rIl Truma.n,\ plot In K1np Mills.
&. Q. BUCBS IEB, 1N(l.
.....~.. "~Ii.~.Il" .u,., WAY. ..1Ir,_.II. tII,W.
Senic e That Satiafiaa
....... __.II.,...,..... fill
Ail'" n. .a.. ....KIM
1...· - ..
3 Ibs. 4 ..c
S OJ~I~Hr COffEE . . . Ho~D."! • . .3. ::9 59c . OMATO .~UpEE. . • .'.n!•• ~.nd. . N~III '121/2c lOCK BREAD '. . . • Fr.IJ:-. .• .•. ,.2 ~v" 19c' CAMER~ ~ LMS. • ~~ ~. • • :. It!n 28c 1 00. FANCY CA SU P. :'~: • ~ FRESH ~~ ~O'KIES ~. ~: ~; ~ t~~., 6Vp.~ 16c ~ER~EN~Y~ ". FLpUR .•. ~ ~ :.25 ~i $1.05 . $.A._QE" -SWEET P.EAS ~: ~. (~.~~ . • Nc~,,218c "~.ANUT.. BUTJER :. '. ~) ~ :~ .•. • • .2 -~~; 3ge J
you produc e one· third more crolpt with 10CJ(, leM manpo wer? The farmer s of Americ a .did tt durinl the lastful l year of the war. How? Partly by workin g themse lves and their mechil1es longer. harder . Partly by assistin g hired belp with wired help. . Electri'c ity has taken over more and more farm chores. It pumps water, grin'ds feed . cures hay, fiUs siloe. It steps up milk and egg a nd pork produc tion, it ealeS farm housew ork, too. COULD
Who electrI fied the farms? Rural el,cctric service didn't happen overnig ht. It started more Ithan 2S years ago--w ith Americ a's busines s· m·a naged ,electric com· panies. These compan ies did the pionee ring-th e pick. , . end ,shovel work. The advant ages of electric ity on the fa~m were many. The problem was to get it to the farmer . Dis· tance and weathe r called for new method s /lind m.ria ls. I New farm machin es suitabl e for electric drive had to be develo ped . Each problem was licked in turn by Americ ,!n initio ative and ingenu ity. Service grew steadily. better an~ che~per. ,Farm by farm . area by area. the- web of wire expand ed. What of tomor row? Today, busines s· manag ed elec· trio- compa nies' serve 1,850,0 00 farms (about two·thirl;ls of all electrif ied farms) and more than 4.000,OQO other rural custom ers outside of incorpo rated towns. That's real progres s. ,/'. . B.ut the job isn' t done. Right now, as fast-as men and materia ls becom e availab le , these same compan ies are 'e xtendin g reliable . lpw.·pri ced electric serVice t9 more than .1.000;0 00 additio nal farm and rural non·fa nn customers , These companies are investing '29.0,000,000 for
cons,tr uction
~\\.-:. "UIAI".' CAlia II.N,U II!. ' " ., • ft" ,.. •
Winesap - NeWtons
Foo! It· •.•
Cheap, depend able electric ity hall do,n e more than any other force to make farming efficien t and farm iii. com/or fable .
'. .
creek twp. ' •. FreclK ahr. to Wllde and M&ntha Ho1l1Il&'SWOrtb. ,P rqleJ1lY a.t 8f11Ver
lllne ~, ."" - ' mcM. loW~ ClOY.. with LIMIO. ~.
WJ1bur and Doroth y H:a.wke A~ O&rllkov, s:a.56 A. ,in. Olear~ 1
Fred Kahn ·to . N . L. and Oarrle QU:1llen, 5 A. Ian ~k twp. I!lmma. and: Joe Jcmes '.to Della Coyle, ,t ract in Harlan twP. lP,roduct1on !Pla.1I1ng Works to 000. and sh1rley <RcIika.· lot 56 in UnJverslty !Helght6, Lebamo o. Irvina. E. Dearth, et al. to VIrg1l Spil.rks; !our ,tracta In Prankl1 n twp. . Mabel Neville to ll'a and Ella Dunn, pa.roel In lLebl.nan. Ohara Uld Martha Poel1l to
DerlCiously Fresh and Richly Iced
Crockett ItO James Gold. camp. 150.9i A. in H&rla.n tJm>. sallie Seward to O. A. and Ali Hlmes.1 lhree l$arcela .lD tIason. PhJllip Er.z Ito ·, EveliY.n Vlnoent,1 u"
R1cban l IIlo1ld Flay JannJng , 1'7.86 A . In Clearor eek twp.
....... .. ..-..4 to DOQ.e;" 1IIdetI, ~ ·~ __·"'aD .....cl~
Mary E.
. ~ ~·~"'Ii ...,., ....
"£aat Main Street at
Kenne th a.nd WllarJ:t & Wa,rwlc k to' Frank H. SIbe)" 10 'A, Ion Turtlecreek
MIAM I GAZE TTE CAN BE ill Q,Dd East ats, LebenaD ' . " I> PAID AT WAYN ESVIL LE Alm8I and Howald Runyan to DRUG STOR E OR AT THE ~ Walter. tratt m Deerfie ld GAzE TTE OFFIC E
Roberta Richard s, lot In ~
PERSONAL STATIONERY 1.32 A.1n HarJan twp. , \ J ,II. • E. O. and" Orace Rll«lan d to ElIza ... , Pnnte 4, Eng~aved. Many beth Clark, lot on Summi t st., tn' .. Styles and Prices . Miami Lebanon. l , Gazet te. Phone 2148. \ Edwin AlUson ,to Cla.yton a.nd . NEW and RENE WAL
Home Furni ahen"
Pho ne 912R
mtnh:. .
~~~~~; ~~~! ; !!!!~~~;=;;;E!!i IiiEi . ,, . .. ", ••• w.. , - , ...
USED CLOT HING -, 'Ilhe IF'raIun an girl.!! Juniors in. tM 1inJ8h d the I ofd.e!ee.te the double.tlon mt.er-ola& 1l t.oumenlent JI10R I;IALE-- Glrl's All-wool Spring ellm.ma by a eoore. of i-3. ... 00M, aI2Ie 7. Dooald L. Hadley. 418 : ds
LAMP , S (Floor and Table )
.The :. BANTA Impiement S~~vice
, Your John Deere Deale r N. Eaat Strf\!et LEBANON, OHIO
wr mlDL,
·W.C .,BROWN TelepH one '
GENU INE JOHN DEER E REPA IR PAll'rs' Comp etent Repai r SenriC:e lon Tract on and Imple ments by Exper ienced · Mecha nic.
. AT THE ·'Frien dl,. Store"
.OM E FU ·~~IS"'~ .GS! "Ha rd-To-Get" Item s .
~,le~tiicaL, ~o~tracting
House hold Good . For Sale - TIP TOP TYPIS TS • The to~ girls have <:RIB KA'I"l' R.EB8- Two, can be their Grecg Compet ent Typist ~ at 0Uette oKice. Name YOUt M8.rg..ret Sohna.Itman. 35
two lots
SENIO R CLASS PLAY "Anni e of Green Gable s"
----In Mason. Roc:Peet.er. _ Mrs. Vernon · Brlt&aln and cbUdFran.It Slbey to Robert M. Bla.lr. Herbert Marle Dawr.ey Wren of MlIlhww aka. Ind.• were call· 10 A . In Turtlec reek twp. Bebtiy KLlhl. 5.25 A. In Deerfleld~. on. fr:lend8 hare, SUnday . John H&wn Jr .• ·t o Cla.rel1Ce Gwin. F. W. Soubhar d to Jean N. 8Jld lot In IWaynesv1lle. Ma.rgar et Ytl!lZell. plot. In LeOa.non. Mrs. Don Hawke. MrtI. Maynat Ill. B. 0Un.n0c Ito Ma.rv1n and Mae W. C. Turton to Paul E. and Ruth Weltz and son, Jlnuny. were ctn-d Conover. .50 A. in 'D eerfleld twp. FIsher. lots at Cherry and South ctnRlati vtsltors on. Tue6day . W8iloor Green, to JOlm IIi!ld ~ sts.. LebanOili. Welch. lot in. Flranldl n. &a.thry n D. Myers to Fred and MARR IAGE LICENSES ' Bertha M058, lot in. Butlerv ille. . I -' LouIs and Gladys Wal1cer to Jame.~ Robert W . McCom as. 27, I land All Tntee EvIUl6, ~ot ~ Hlghla'W n. S. Lebano n . Delma M. Kent, 21. both of I.ebaJlOIl . ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;:;;;;:~;.;; ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;:~;;;;;; Houae Wirin a
o e..,
RlR 8.\i1& - Two-bo tt.om 12-Il!ch OUver Tractor Plow. M. H. HUnter N. 1', Sprq Valley, O. 52
W~te~-W:ioo~' FUll~ld.
Hoapi talizat ion - Health and Accid ent (Abo Gran, e Inaura nce Servic e) .
For Inform ation Write 01' Call
!!'!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!'!'!!'!!I!'!!"!!!!!!!!!~II"!!!I!"!!'!l!!~!!!!!!!!~~IAIso!!!e!!!:!!!,!!!CO~LO~R~C!;A;!!i'R;!!TO~O~N!!!!!!!!~!'!'!!'!!!!!AlBo : Cartoon . Mr. ChlmD • son Ft. Thomas . Ky., were Sun!!!!!!!!!!I!!!!!!!!Tra;';';;ii.. !!~L!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ~ 01d:Imler sueeta of Mrs. L. M. oor C. D. and 'Edlth Crosthwa.1te . to lieI!der.;on. I I /) anar: ~ru:lad~ Fn\ncls and Stell8. StepP.
W rite
Fanai Da Imple menu --
~V0nk~S t~rr-usica l Westerns ROY 1t0GER S In
with Mlseba Auer and' Roland
Also: CARTO ON "' . NEWS
BunniEII. IWa.t.er St., Phone 2635.
, M.vstery Melodrama. Load e<!
Play I
Every Family
For Reflnao olng - Rebutld lng Buying. 4% Farm loana with lang 1IIme to pay. Pay p&l"t or a.ll any dme. L&BANON NATL FARM' LOAN AB8'N·, Ellis iii. Sturm. SecJy'neu. I.eb&no n. Ohio. Plloue 4411
April 18, 194ft
~ Vital to
Personal ' Ins. urance IS YOURS PROTECTED?
., -- ....
This progra ni is under way right now.
_ HearNI.L50N EDDY I~ "'"I ilICT.'C HOU"" wHfl • ...,." Anillo,u .w..' OKh ••Ir•• Iv., SlHHIa, .f/.moon , 4:30. Ilf. CIS H./w.,t .
, •• 'DAY'OI POWER ...D L1.I" CO" •• ,
(. :
I' :
...j.g. -
'Kroger COLA pk,.
8t1. ,
'4 Or.
23(' ~5c
'1p~~. . 23c I/h~~' 10c ~,~~. 25c
1 pt. 8 oz. Plus Bottle Depoa it
8e' ~
.... [Lar,e Can]
19c 9c
PENN RAD MOTOR OIL • ,2~1. ~ '1.99 PARLOR BRO.OMI ,••~. 4oSw . ... pc 2 llc SUUR "C'in ED DONUTI • • • D-. i&c ' V~' 'COCKTAIL JUICE • • 4Ic~ 29c l&c , 7c 'io,r' 17Ya .LIFEBUOY SOAP. • • • '1:a~ lOc o , WHEATIES • • IJ:- 15c · 40ca~ '. S,~~~M~I .".
Be 17c
The ESTABLISHED 1850- No. 4261
o 'clock
Cancer R'esearch
bf~'1.l!!",.• ne1d, OhiO ~i~;:;'~J'-MM.IiII~1"-o-':
, Mrs. . ~ n r. nna was a Swuiay guest or h r mQther. Mrs. B.ertle MJlls. A lovely faUoJly ptherlnlr WILli enjoyed on Ea5ter wh n Mr. Ilond MI'3. Ror..ald SaJJsbul'Y entcl'taln ed to dinner. Covers wer IIJTQ.1lired at Lh c dinner Lable for Mr. nnd Mrs. wil i1am MJCh4'l1eJ' and flUTlJly of PlttslJ urgh; Mr. and M rs. 'W. E. COI'nell : Mr. ar.d Mrs. D . ,R, Salisbury and _daughlte1's. Mild.red n nd Lorene; Mr. a.1W M.ni. !'01\.'e Wlnllcr a nd daughter; Mr. a nd Mrs. Edgar Smith and dalJg1hter,' Sally Lou . Mn. Jennie COlluer entertained to EBster dInner her son-ln-Iaw Il:11d dnughteT, Mr. al'.d Mrs. Kelly and children of Mt. Washington. Mr. aOll Mrs. W. P. Salbbury had as Easter d \nn r g;ucsts, Mrs. R. R . Benson alld soos of Ind.1a.napolu" and Mr. C. A. Luce. Afternoon guests wso werc Mrs. Stella. Evans ... and daugJlter of Dayton; M.r. Mld Mr~. R. E. Luce and son of X onla ; Mr. !U1d Mrs . Leon SnllsbW1y aJ'.t1 son of Wnshlngt!on, C. H.; Mr. and Mrs. Oeorge WWler and daU8ht.cr of Lebanon ; Mr. nnd Mrs. Beeman Stewal't; and Mr. !loud Mrs. H . L. Rye. A number of llhis group have r~llt1y l'6ournecl from milit8.ry service -and the afternoon was spent Ir. a very 'happy reunion.
George, will present a Illaylet ench 'II l1L1ed. "Old McDor.a1d·s F'altm ." cer resear proglllJJl which W I Si n public request for 8 return have far-rea.ch1~ erfect& in those of Wle featured ''Toy Band" given cOllllmunltl.e s 01' among ceroolr. by t his class last year J18S been so SJ'OU)J6 of citizens, wI,ere people Il'reut, It will a.gain be- presented a :' h ave learned to recognl?.e danger tU11s same t1me. signals of cancer at'.d have proper . facilities for otre8Itment to .Which they turn qulckly. In ·th.ese places. ~r cancer death rates are beginnlr.g to go down. 0,. 0 Cl\.TI()Cr Is the greatest kill~ of American women 'between the ages of 35 at'd 54- the second gl'ea;test killer of Amer1can men. FIgures 01 ". Tlle Massie Township School nt World War l!l casuaJUes reveal that, Harveysburg announces !.h " honor tor every American killed or mIs.<ili18 1'011 (or the period ending Aprll 6, In action . ,t wo. cleat.hB were recorded us fo llo)!lS: on the 'h ome front as due to car.cer. FliRST GRADE : Shirley Cc4JM. ContribUtions to thJs great camRoxie Medley. Nruccy Miracl. palgn to help stamp out tJh4s gre&l M1r1am Tle lmeyer, Floyd Ellis. killer can be made to Mrs . Harry W1llJarn Neace, George Send'M's. HIJI, Lebanon , Ohio. Oleckls are to Dl Uy Setl1lemeyer, Ray, S izemore, be made payable to Arnerlcnr ::;uzanne. EakIns. cancer Society Ohio Division . SECOND GRADE: En.rl1ne Perry, The Investment you make now In Martha Fox, Marilyn DoNLldaon. thJs research program may be the Deana Hosler. Anna Marte Fatr- IUe Insurance o f yourself or your c.hild, Deanna oam~ll, Sue FaIr- fmnily . chlld , DonaJd Beckett. Olenn Cox. stalJ'rell Hopklns, !Harley' P1Y,m ire Roger Daloon, David carlock. Ear/.)QI·a Thornhill, Wilbur Conl ey, CecJI EaJtIns. R,(ma ld Mon~ery, Junior Well.lh., Raymond iPhelpl;, Dennis Ca.Udut. • The Womar.'s Soc1ety of C'hrlstTHilRlD GR.ADE: Ooltin OhaWle, Ian ServIce met at. t.he- 'home ()f Mrs. Wanda Fal.rchlld. J~y Llnd.'ley, R. C. Moler on 'I1hursda.y a.CternOO!l Shirley OSborn, Nonna Sharp, VI- Wlbh Mrs. H. E. Ha'llhSlWRY, Mrs. v1a.r. Voters, ,R ichard Deboard. Jennie Conner and, Mrs. M . D . Gloria Ja.eoIl6, Burdetlte Osborn , Ba1ni os assI8tant h06l.e6ses. Mary Sa.nders, Mary Ethel smith, iMnI. Oler.n Borden. president. Albert Walker. .opened the meeting with prayer FOURTH GRJADE: Ronald Oopas. Ilnd w1W1 bhe sUbject, "'Vhe Fruit of Mary Jane .Leycs, Betty Jane the Spirit" Mrs. M . D. 'BaIrd con..MoKn11::Jht. Art;hur 'Ibornh1l1. ducted the devotions. She also gave FJ'FfrH GRADE. lJeotty Bogan. Con- a report. on the looture given by t he rad CJlapple, 'J Ui)ert. 'D oster, Jnnet Splrltuail LIfe Se~elary at the LebDoster, Helen Deboard, ~ Mae IIJlIOrl meeting. The lesror study Rlcli,. BttIrley Volens. Oharlotte ·toplc was ably dl8cU85ed by Mrs. Wiseman, Bhirley Schoenherr. R. B. Coleman. Mrs. Q1('lm Borden, SIXTH GRADE : Robert Gentry, Mrs. A. K . D6y end Mrs. J . B. Lou1se Martin, Shirley Welch , Fred Crabbe; also the Ute of "Mary Wall MAry HDpidr.a. ~". . ~:~r, 'nle med '\0 met't Mary Martha 01'1'88. Madgelee Size- with Mrs. A. H . Stubbs In May ar.d more RlJUe Vo1ers. a pleasant social hour was 6njoyed EIGiHTH GRlADE : Mary BellI! wUlh refreshments served by the Bocan. Etlhel Genot.ry, Dor othy De- hostess and hCT ~ants. boord, Dcnny Daulton. NINTH ORADE: ~l Powell, DoU8I.a.! Reynolds. TENTH GRADE: Bet.L-y eames. Wilma Hosler. Ernest Moore, Eugene Wel~g. Flrelda Belle WllIlamson. ELEVENTH GRIAOE: Frank ~._ I 'Ilhe Senlor ClaBs 'P lay .. Miss deu, '11hunas Reynolds, Oarl Talbert . JImmyo" will be presented by the Colleer. WIlUamson. H1U'veysburg lllg:h Sohool on Friday TWELFTH GiRADE: Dorotlly evening , May 3, 1946 at 8 o'clock a t McGratlh. Mary' Lou Moore. Jack bhe High Sohool Gym. R ynolds. lnna Helen Tlelmeyer. . The cast Includeti Jean Rich; Mary Lou Moore; DoroIihy McGrath ; Mary Hesler; Im1a Heier. Tletmeyer; Dan Hopkins; Esbher Osborne; Burl K . Plwruner; ,Jack Reynolds.
w. s.
JER,EMI~1I J. TWOMEY Jelima.h. J .; Twomey. Na1.lonDI Vice Commander of The American I;eglon who wUl deliver t.h e addre s of welloome to ·r.ew Legion naires on Wednesdaly eve.n1ng, 8:30 p . m ., Ma ) I , 1946. at Ta.f.~ Auditorium. Cinelnn8lt.1. aliter a miliss Initiation 01 r.ev, memIbers. HIs 'h ottT1e i.s In Lnwl'cn~ . Ma&~. He Is rrtE'llnb&5hlp chalrmo.n ot 11 state Lesion d partments. 11'clUdlng Ohio, and embracl ~ mor than 2900 P'OstB. I
Win From ~ New Vienna . re the ~I'lcan Legion Baseball game that was scheduled for play here S~y afLelnoon with a team from YtjDrnlngton , fai lure of llhe latter to !play resulted In tlhe SUbI>1.ltution ot :11. team lrom N~v. VJenr.aand 1Jhe lUna1 soorlng of this game ' showed tile vlsloors tal lled 3 and the W8Qlnes.,rllie Legion ~.am 11. Seven errors ~ made by Wayne.'iville and ~ Sawyer Is anxlolls bo 1ron-out ~ or tbls deficiency In hJ:i p!&yeu' before they meet 6t1tf oompetlt1on. MMft Vienna had live errors marked ~.st them. Bob Planck, p lt.cJ:ler for the ' LegIon. helll lIbe vJsltors to c'ne hlL. Juniors Break Even I The Junior Boy's Team sponsored .by the local American Legion, played Spl'ir.gi)oro there on last Thursday evening and bhe ge.me resUI·ted In a 2 00 1 score In favor of the WaYllcsvlUe boys. In their game wlbh 'Leb6r.on H.I~h Sdhool team at Lebanon they lost 10 to 5. This team Is composed of boys undCl' 17 years of age.
• The first advanced distribution of 1946 motor vEl'lJcle reglstrllltlOJ' fpc;; to reg1 stratlol1 dJstrlots In OhJo's dll OOWlties will be made on 1'hursdwy. April 25. Slate Hlgh~v ay Director Perry T . Ford ann ounced today. Ohe0k8 wi ll be lS5Ued to the cou r.ty aUd1tors Thursday. the d.1rector said. The total 01 thJs. first ndvanced d.istrlbuUor. of 1946, Is :59.981 .144, an Increase of $815.670 over lihe first adw.nced dJstribution made of 1945 registratIon mor.ey. 'Vhe distribution for warren county will 'be made 118 tollows: Butlervtlle $10 ; Corwin. $62.50: Franklin, $2,3'12.50; Harveysburg. $187.50 ; Lebar..on, $2,!>87.60; Loveland. $25; Mason. $1)37.50; Morrow , $562.50 ; .Pleasant Plain. $87.50; S. Lebanon . $250; Sprlngboro. $175; ·WaYl'esvlJle. $437.50; townsh1ps, $7,925; oounty. 28.500.80; total
Athletic Association Formed ' By Boys
. ' t.
Ml's . Irvin Mull ord. was g reatl~ h onored "'.h Em he l'e:;eived a sU''\Pr .,- lor rating for h is !>'llXOllhol~e play In g at bhe Southwest.err. Ohio Music Audition at Oxfol'd 011 APl'!l 13. This rating now entltJIes hlm to piny at the aUdlLlon 1.11 COIWlU>US on May 18.
C. T. U.
$1.50 per Yiear, 5c per Copy
A la8t minute report indicateg The Churngold Corp •• Samuel Blakemore, pres., is new owner Roxanna-Corwin Canneries operated by Dr•• Blair lor 20 yea". Machines ordered lor processing many products on all-year bads. Full details I·n ned i.sue 01 The Gazette.
MIAMI CHAPTER ANNUAL INSPECTION I Miami Chapter No. 107 0IlE wW have their ArulUal In.speoUon on Saturda y eyenlng, Aa»i1 2'1. Mn. Juarlta Dewey, tleputy Orand Matron of the 21st District will be the I ~pect1ng OHleer. A dinner wID be served a't six o'clock. and th(' Jns)JC(ltlor. and. In.ltlatoJ'Y work given for. sJx candJdates .at 8:00 o·clock. HIGH SCHOOL ALUMNI 11h At' nll al H1gh School Alumni <L.h ls year wUl be held on M&y 25, SaLurdtI.Y evening. 11111' returned service members will be especlally honored, a.1so t he 1946 Class will be the seventY·- flfbh to be gradu8lted from thJs school. ~ I
WSCS STUDY MEETING • The SItiud;y meeting of <tlhe ·weos will meet. at the home of Mrs. VlI6htl 00nDer on ~ evenlr~ M 2 _ _ ' ay . NEW CENTURY CLUB I The 'New Century Club wlU meet an FrIdaY' afternoon with Mrs. R. E. Asbury as hostess at Cold Sprlnp ' Inn.
• WmftUii S&l'aUIUnnJriyt- Dar- : : J ; I . ton Is ill lilt '!lilt! JlODle 01 h er daugh• tel', Ml'S. RalipJ1 Hammond and fam•. la
I MJss Bet,ty Oglesbee was hosteSd lIy. an Fridny aItemoon. April 19, when Mr. and Mrs. Peter B&nt.a, In
BIRTHDAY PARTY I A IIwnber of frie nds of Miss Norma Pummill te n d~red her n sW'IPr1se pa lty, 'ruesday evening. AprU 16. In I1oI~or of her 15th birtJlday. at the home of hcr parents, Mr. and Ml's. Wa rd PwrunUI neal' LyUe. Alter a moot. ple800lnt evenIng, re!!'eshmenUi of Ice-cream and cake wel'C served to the !ol1owlr~ guests : MJ.sses Eileen Brown , Eula Hook, l''ra.nces IW!lltaJcer, Phyllis MarUn. $43.660.80. Peggy Turnbleoon, Mary ~nn Drew. Bet.t;y <Dye!', Judy Conner. J ennie Lee BraddOCk. and ViVian PUolTlmlll. M.:ssra. Bill Mehaffle, Robert Hastl~s, Bill 'l'wnblt'60I1, Robert HUll' I The WCTU h eld tlheJr reguhr LeI'. Ke.ruceth Vlckel·s. Don Luk t'n. monl-hly meeting on Friday evenh~g. DruUly S impson. Byrd La.okey a lllJ Apri l 19. IIJt the FrIends Church Bud~ Pwnm.eU. . Devotlo..'18 on tile ~me or th e Mrs. SaUy Gilmall has been very Ea!>-tPr story was 'held and the bUSI-' ill a t the Ilome of lIel' dU UlS hl r . neBB ses.~lon was cot'.ducted In the MJ'S . Harold Slklnke. usual manner. It W8& reported that Mr. and MfH. Eo J. Carmony of the temperance Icssoll8 are rrow In Spl'lngIlcld were 'I:}}w'Sday guesUi of bhe ~oo1. a..'1d study books have Mr. and .Ml's. Wilbur Clark. been purchased. Mr. IUId Mrs. E. B . Longacre R.ea dll18S on "Our Youth" were moved TUesday to Ule property of r,iven by Mrs. Cdl.eman, Mrs. Waltel' Mr. Wilbur Foulk.s In LyUe. Whitaker and Mrs. RAlymond COnMI'. Paul Johns visited hi s mother ner, aim a.n eI".t.eI1balnIng little play- Mrs. MarjOlie Johl~s In O111C!IlUlatl. let, "Al Is Ir. Blullcierland" wac; given SaLurda.y. by ,WUhelmina Braddock Carol and The brOod~ hoWie ot Earl Younr RlhOda, 'Bunnel.l. ' burned Wedn esday nJwhL, also 150 After a WlIl' interesting even.l.ng srnaJJ cll.1ck.s. n caught {We from an. bhe group adjourned to moot with 011 heater. Mrs. Leila. Ha rtsock as hostess a t S 2/e Clarence Brown vi!;lud his her home ~ May 10. parentt;, Mr. wid MrlS. Ernest Brown SWlday. He will SOOP. receJve hili honorable discharge.
s he entertained tl le Happy Hour Club at l11e Cold Springs LID1. A program of readJngs with "Sprlngt1me" a.nd "Easter" as the theme was cl1'joy,ed, also Mrs. Arbhur Hartman gave an Lnterestlng r epor t on her recent trip through the West. A pleaaa.nt social hour was enJoyed with refreshments served ' to the meIDbers and one guest. M I& . Nellt1e Oglesbee. Uniforms Ordered; The Club adjourned 't o meet wltil Team· Open :lro All Mrs. Virgo Michener 118 h 06teas In • The American Lesion . B1l6ebaJ : June. Team has ordered new uniforms fOr Lh'elr playcrs ar. d expect to receive ___ LOEHRIG ADV;ANCED them In a short Ume. The color ~ TO FIRST SERGEANT adopted Is gray and blue. lnaIbl1lty .....7rien~ • 'l1he Boys' A't Illetlc Association WITH 'l1HE EIGHTH ARMY IN to locM.e bhe sui~ worn by former 118& been fonned by a group of local.JAPAN (Delayed)- Robert S . waynesvl1le 'teams resu lted In Ilhe Mrs. MattJe Sto UJ18 caUed on ladli 'who desire such athletic in- Loehrig, 19 year old ,W aynesville. dectslon to make the ,purohase of Misses Mame and AnnJe' BroWiJ1 and ~lgence as Iboxlng, wiesi~, plng- Ollio, paratrooper, has been pro . these ijl'lforms. MIss MJnr.le Dodson, rv:on dny morntPOr.€ and 00M,r sports aotlvltl.elS moted from S / Sgt.. to 1st set. At At a meeting of bhe lJeglon held Ing. The charter membel'llh.1p of this tlbe present t1me he Is performing Monday evening at bhc Township Mrs, Ethelyn Jones Brittain or Assoclation wa.s 14 with, Jim Hart- ·OCCup8Jl.lor.al dUties with tlhc 11th House it was decIded to allow any MishaWaka, Ind., visited wtLll: h el' SOCk, president; John Pen")' 8acItett. ~e Division wh.lch is statlon- locaJ boy 00 play on Ule Le@ion many friends at the Home, Thursvlce-pre6.ldent ; Robert Campbell. ed In and li.round Benda.l, Japan . ~uU team ~:o"lded Lhey can day atoLernOOn. secretary-t.reIl.sul'e!'. iUJehJ1g was Ir.ducted into il(' me.ke the tearn. 1'h1s InclUdes Miss Minnie Dodson spent Thurs· It has been deCided to make the army Dec. 7, 'lM4: at Camp A'tter- I boys whether they nre ex-serv ice day III Deyton. dues of tne IIIBOCiatlon 25e a moo.th bury. Ind., and after Infantry basic men or not. and It .1s not I)ooess&ry Mr. and Mrs. Erllest Martin or to help deLray expenses of .wom- he went to Fort !Benning, 06. thes-c to, belor.g 00 the 'L egion La qualify. Day tor.. ncoompanied by !.helr aun,t , rl out nnd obsolete equJpmelit replaced. quallf)'blg 'as a parachutist May 11, PlilCtl~ IWIII be .helcl 'on Tuesday and Mrs. Georgia Mendenhall. and Mrs· 0 U . This ~p 18 ent1r'Cly a boy's 01'- 1945. He arrived 0Y'l'Inie1l8 Aug. 12,' Thun;day evenJ gs at t.he HJgh Evelyn Peterson, drove to X enia. ~ gar.lzatlon made p<l6IIl4le 'by flh.e 1946, iDtruns tlhe 11t h AIl'borne on School diamOnd. It was also agreed Swlday afternoon to see Mrs. Dora Mrs. H~' Berres 01 IIeIlvenown eUOl't6 or the boY8 aJQne and Is not ldIarb that. IllC baseball team w111 be oftl- Ward who Is 111 at McCle1lan nos· spent Sunday wi th her parents, Mr. bel~ lIPObBored by nlly group. Ir.!He 'wears the Aalllltic Pacific Thea. cially known as tille American Leg- p1LaJ . -and Mrs. 'Lue Morgan. Alternoon dlvlduall Oil' ~tlon. George t1-e Ribbon, the PhilIpl>lne LllJera- 10l! T eam oJ: Wa~esv1llc. Mrs. LucUe Armital'e s pent MOIlcalle rs were Mr. and Mrs. Roy Sha9. and 'l1helmQ Miller ,h ave V'Oluntartly Uon Ribbon, the Vlcto.r;y Medal, and EASTER DININERday wlbh her aUl1Jt, Mrs . Marsh·, ,111 and family ot Xcnla' and Mr. Les- offered the, U8e of th"!r ga.rase fol' the Good Conduct Medal. Deyton. the headquaners of t.he aBIIOda- . F.lr9t Sgt. Loehrlg's lJa.rents. Mr. ~~ ~ ~~l f.rlends and Mrs. Georlianna ivIns spent ,the tel' Bhaw.ot Jl'88r Spring Valley. MI'. and Mrs, lilly _Gibson Weft Llon. BIli Sawyer ~ given. much a~d Mrs. Ernest l.oehrlg, re~lde at l'ClaiUves enjoyed a dinneT ar.d egg_ Easter w'eeltimd wltll ber daughter, dinncr guoots, SllJldIJy, of Mr. and of hiB tJ:me and e!fort in promoting Rt. 1, Waynes"ille, Ohio. hunt at the' ~ home of Mr. Mrs. Karl Da.kIlI and famJIy of Mrs. MorrIS LewIs and famHy. tbe assoe~tl~ on a basis of g o o d u n d Mrs. Emery 'P eters. Leb8llon. Mr. and' Mrs. Raymond Lucas and fellowship and good spor.tarnanship. RECEIVES DISCHARGE ~ present C'Or t1he occasion Dr. and Mrs. Gale E. Russum, family spent Monday< wlth Mr. and Contributiops lrom local business • Charles F. Price or the USNR, were Mr. and Mrs. Russell Doane MIWlIal'et and lvola Rus&wn. Mr. Mrs. DalVld Lucas.. . ftrm8 and IPIivate dor.atlons '(1n- Wlho6e home 18 on Rot. 3. Way;nesvIDe n~'" Le..... u_ and Mrs. Robert Kersey and Mr. 8OIlS, .....don; "... . and MfR. Dnul Bee MJss Mr. and Mrs. Cla.reoee Mlchlal clu~ LYtle .buISIl'M!III& plaoes), tor Ih aa been re le&ll8d f rom actl \Ie duty ....... Hermor. Moore and Ethel White. ..... . n 0 f Da y ton vIliIted . a.nd gral~dda~ht.er, iPII<t, spent MOn- the P\l1'Poee of providing equ~ment wlllh his · unlt at JackoonviUe, Fla. Margaret. 'E dwa.rds, Sunday a.!terdaY' evenl~ 'with Mr. and Mrs. for tJhe association have amounted as of April 19, =~~~I:~1III~Th=~ ~:~. 1lOOIl. Clarence Omwford and ·fa.mily. to _ ,60 to date. Of JlU6 amount · · Miss Ruth Chandler spent SatMr. and M~. Hlly QlbtlDn eaJled $81 .0S has been USed'in the )lIUrClhas-' ED HOPKINS BIRTHDAY H&rveysburg; Ja.mes' Robee and Don u rdaiy lilt tlhe ·JunctleoJ'. D1eetl/lg 01 on Ml. and Mrs. HllJ'old Rogers and !ng Of basic equtpglent' for 1.be u&e ANNIVERSARY HONORED McKinney, Bellbrook. Alpha. Phl cbapber. Delta Kappa Mrs. Emina cHbson of Bel,lbrook. of ~t.ton ~ ~t ~a:e g~~~t!t~ ~~::! ATIENDS CONVENTION Gamma. at CoIonJaJ Farm n ear Mr, an.r Mrs. Ray~ond Smith 'l'he Asaocla.tk>n wIBhes tX, ta.lte AT WILMETTE. ILJ,.. Sharonville, Ohio. spent 'S Unday evenJn g with Mrs, thJs OPPOrtunity to expi"e8s Utelr Hopkim on SUnday evenJontr honor- • Mrs. Helen ~cICoy Is att.endJlIg , Miss Elbabeth Ch\,ndler, aceomRuth 8mJtlh a.1ld da.ughter, PauJipe, t.hal!.1aI ,l or. the contribut10n8 made, lug Uu; birthday anruversary of ,tI/1e a.nnllllll Baha'i Oonventlon. In pailli~ by Mr. L. W. Chandler and o~ .west C&ro1lton. • .•.. . Mr~~ !Were and Mrs. QUeago wWeb Is held In the Baha'1 MJSs Gerttude Chandler, spent Sat Mr. ~nc1· Mrs. lUebanl lIab,. of GROCE~YMAN' BECOMES mverett Kenrick and sor. 'and dauel't- Temple on the shores of Lake Mictl- ur day in Dayton. near. Xep1a '08iUed on Mr. ana Mrs. AUTOMOBII,.J: ~LESMAN ' ter: of lQtle; Mr. and Mrs. Stanley i8'&T'. !n suburtJan Wilmette. n:e , Tbe Home family had a Jtappy 'IDly GlbfoOn, Sunday evening and . ' P. L., Rea80n ~ reQent.ly ld~ Bailey and daUShter; Mr. 8IId Mm. convention Js al~tended by Balla Is surpriSe on Sunday morning when were supper gu~ of .Mr. and Mr!!. ·the emPloy of D. R. Smith 0nIcery Murra.y HDpIt1ria. Mr ancl Ws !!rom North Amerl~, OCntl'a1 Amer· the Ea.ster .bwmy In the person of Monia te'Y~ and rupily, . . after t)etr.g Ulere fer abOut a year AJltIhur HopIdns' dJl.U8'hIter: fea and ',~be repulJUcs' of Sout h , Eula. Hoa.k lllft .each one. 01' tJll~ a . l\IJ'B. Ellsworth smtih 01 Dayton has acceptecl a PGiitloo 1ritb un QanI. 8tarit . . ar.d Mr Ole ' America. little home-made cake gaily decor· ...P spent Sund&y w~t.h b~ ~er, Mrs. AutO '8a.IeI '1n ·Lebanon. Mr. Reuon ~-ey, . on --- - al.e<! wl~ ea.nd¥ Easter eggs. Matt.1e lJevi and brother, WelUn.rt;on. Is a member ot Ute Waynesvtllf: ANNOUNCEMENT MADE Mr. Lue Morran .. spendlnr a rl!W VlliaCe 00uncU. EMler dlDDeI' pesta of 1Ir.'aad OF ENGAGEMENT Mr. aDd Mrs. WWI1lm Mlehener d&,J8 wtt.b .hJs . daughter, Mrs. Henry I0Il. QeIbert Couger \Yld BIUtMIa"a • MI'. and Mm. Emery Peters of and family arrived here from PlttsBeI'IeII ' and family of Beavertown. .Mr. and ,...... (llaarlea c.Il were iMr,atId Mr&. Perry BeDtorl ar..d DeU" W&yneSVllIo are alllDUnclnlJ ttl/' !JU1"8h on 'I'hursday and were guests BneraI ,..... here a'tended . thr ta1ned to IIIIet.er dinner- tbelr lOll 'l'eI'Iy 01 Dayton; Mr. and Mn. NeD enpsement. thelr daught«. of Mrs. Mlcbener's parents. Mr. and fUIIeral of Mr. 'l'hOblU lI'IInDail. on aDd ~Jn-IMr. 111'. and lira. 8m1111 and dMIIhter. Eleanor; Mr. 1Ianleilne, to McKinney of Mrs. W. E. OGmell, durllJC Ute ~ M ~, OWl coat .ad 8uadra, WIltAbf of at. 8emard. BellIu'ook. But.er boUdI,y.
Haneysburg Seniors Presenting Class Play
m Jl ~~
C.' s.
ChurngoldCorp. Purchases Local-Canneries 1946 Motor V~hicle Fuods Ir:.~~~~~~~,!-!fr.l~: iPlan For FuH Time Sent To Counties Today . 0 · I 1947
Fuods Solicited
~~E~:~t'~~~~h:J?;:i: f.~I~~~~JE E.~ :..c?';'...'7.::;"~"~=:m~
Mr. nnd' I\frs. Elmnr "'. Ile"I'lln anll • ., ~ Mr. IlJ'Id Mrs. L. V. Bra nstro lor have lliUmed aft('!' i>llf'i'ldh '~ t l1l' w;lnter In Bradenton . FIll. . Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Ihs llll gs nnd I<On WM'e runong t he gUM!S :It 0 lrunlly dLnner at elle home of Mr . and Mn.. Carl Stephf'llson. Easter. Mrs. Mary 1IIlttlelll n nd "unl y Supt. Ra.ymol'd H n fl,..lrl were call Lng on trl-encts hel'e Sllo!1day. I\fl'. and Mrs. C. Ern""t 1,t1l,:'ington were w ke nd gu st.~ of 1'('latlves II' Moscow. Ohlo. MI'. and Mrs. Enrl l.oulso ('n;lIlYl'd EIlster with th"lr pnn' nts In WH · lIamww-g. Oh.lo. Mr. (llld Mrs. Wm. P. A~bury , Mr. a nd Mrs. O. K . W J1l' lck and chlldr n, Mrs. Fannle Ken yOT~, Mr. a.lld Mrs. Reid Ke11y.on of Mlddletowll weT Sunday guests or Mr. and Mrs. R. E . A6i>ury . Sgt. Wm . C, Ashl, l'Y lJf Camp Campbell . K y .. !llso W: I .~ f1' Easter guest Dnd i~ e,njoylng a : horl furlough . Mf'lI. NeUie Bunnell and Mi s.~ Man1mJa. BUJm~1\ ('r.tertalned to Easter cUnne r aJld ha d as gu ~ts, Mrs. Margaret. Bunnell ; Mr. and Mrs. Oharl es S11~W 1lJ'd ch.ll<l1'l'n of IlnytDn ; Mr. :~nd Mrs. Ocorg r Bw,nell and children of Ol ncl nnn.tl ; Mr. Cllarer.oe Ba l'k r of WIlm1n~tDi~: Mr. and Mrs. R.hodes Bunnell and daugh ters ; Mr. A.lld Mrs. K ellar Ho:lik; M isses Anna T~ . Mon lmla and EuJa HOOk ; MI'. Se L~1 Hook; aJ'd 1\(1'. and Mrs. Benton Hook. Miss Mildred Colr m ll n, student ,,' MUun.\ oUnJverslLy spent Lhe weck e nd and Easter n.t horne. Mrs. H. I•. Ryt' Ilnd' l\ftss Mlldred BoJ\.sbury have T Ltu'ued after a 'llWo weeks vncMlon, ~n . MJami Beach, Fla. Mr. Ilnd Mrs. Robes-t Chapmlln were weekerd guests' of th c latter's mollher In ClncinnaA;1. · Mr. and Mrs.. So N. K eys had as Easter hollday gU<'6ts Mr. and Mrs. V, D. Lel'.Jch BInd MJss Alln Lersch
HARVEYSBURG FIRST GRADERS GIVE PLAY I on Friday ~ver.lng, April 26. at 8:00
company wiW I MI'. and Mrs,- Me!v1n't--- - - --I-oIlmF7oJrA-- -Banta of Lo veland. sper.t Easter Sunday wlbh Mr. and Mrs. Merlyn State Inspection Ba.nlt.a. In Daytxm. • Ml·. Garrison of the Slate Dept. Mr. and Mrs. Henry Hyre, having of Education vtslted the high school sold t.heIr property In Dayton. ar:d ,Wedne8da.y morning, April 17. He on nocount of house shortagc havc Ir.spOOted tlhe ,buJ'ldlng. teaching. moved. In wlbh bhe latter's parenUi, me!.hods, and equJpme)]l;. HIs reMr. and Mrs. Ernest Brown . port has Dot yct been reoeJ.Ved. Mr. and Mrs. LOren Routzahn and' 11~t1 e daughter o! Franklin were ,th~ Good Friday Sel'Vicea Easter guests of Mr. a r.d Mrs. Clyde I The pupils lrom the hig:h school Wharton a nd Mr. and Mrs. BernarJ b uilding assembled in tJhe auditorMell'Ob and son. Ium ~Id&y morning where ~ MiI8 Wanda OIark, a lIurse, J'e- were led 1r. Good ·Frlila.y services Lurned 1¥Jme Friday evellin g from a by Mr. SIIoITIIUIel Key6 Il'ODl. St. Mary's bU6iness trip to Erie, Penn. Ir_ the Eplacopal Ohurch and IWv.R. So InteresL of MIami Valle.y hoopltal. Coleman of the M t hodlst OhU1'cll. Mn. Paul SbJpley enl.erlained' the The group Sang several. hyUliDS. acLyVlt! Oa.rd ClUb. TllUil'sday a.Her- companied.' l>Y Pa<tsy BaIrd. noon. Mr.1Dld Xn."IIiaiirv'Ve'eyVllliurffiniH'.aiiiil~~~lfIort~aiileirrra . .ffiliI1. - - - -Mrs" M&a'ga.ret J ohns a.ttended the • The Seventh g rade has begun to 50tlh wedding ar..nivel'sary of Dr. fee l me urge of spring. Their ream~ Mrs. C. W. Single of O&kwood spor.se 'was bwo weiner roasts. seven at the' "Wishing IWt'II' at Center- I held theirs at Smibh's Park 011 v1lle, Mon~ even1ng. Route 73. FrIda y evening, Aprll 12. Mr. and Mrs. Donald Foulks and Seven II held bheIr weiner I'OIIBt at children of Rushville. Ohio, were the J10me of Dorothy Wilson Fri· Easter dinner ,gu ests ot Mr. . and d~ evcnJng, April 19. Both .rroups Mrs. Wilbur Foulks. had a very good, time. Mr. and Mrs. Leon Salisbury and sor. . Wendell, of WasI1inb'1.on, C. H ., State-District Results were Sunday d inner gu.sets . or Mrs. I The reswL of tJle Prellmlnary Nettle Enu-Jck:. Wendel l bus recent- DJstrlot.-State Tests have been deIy returned home from Gemlany . C:lded. 'Vhe following students will Mr. and Mrs. ClllU'les Bunnell and go 00 Oxford fol't.he FInaJ D.IBt11ctQa.ug'hters ent.ertatJned to d.11Uler on S tate Tests on May 4 : Easter, Mr. nnd Mrs. EdwllJ'd Bun- Biology, Patsy BaIrd; Chem19try, I~ell of Waynesville; Mrs. Robert Donald Brown ; GeneraJ SCIence. yo~ and son Of Dayton; and . MI'. =~ ~:;~; I,Ph60~id J~u!:-,. and Mrs. Earl Young. Mrs. Louella Swank and 'Mrs. American HlBtory. Edwin M1cl!ener ; Agnes Swank and alilldrell ot Day- World H1soory, Doyle Gerrard ; _ ton were diluler &'\lf6!;s, Sunday of IISh I, JennJe Lee Braddock; Eng': Mr. at>..d Mrs. E. B. Longacre and llsh II, Earl Rye; English III, Arm H WeHz; English IV, Mary Jane orace " a.nu. Ernest Foulks. Mr. and Mrs, BarUett Monee at- Andel'son; French .n. Oladys, R.ye ; tended a family dlnner In LeOO.r.on. BooItkeep~ I, Betty Hart. SwXla.y, In 'h onor of Mrs Monee's Mr. and Mrs. Sherman WllIIon had blrthooy,. Mr. ai1d Mrs. JWllor Clark as their week end guest the Ie.tWs wnd son also a.ttended. brother and sister ·fonD ~or, O . The Woman's Society 01 Lytle Oburell' wtllbe el1lterta.lned next Mr. and' ,Mrs. Kenneth Ehey aDd WednesdaY' afternoon; May I, a t daughter, Marjorie. of Da}'l\ml., spent the CQuntry home or Mrs . . Nellie Sunday a.!' tern~ wltlh Mr. and Charlton . 'l1he topic "Ohlldren ' and Mrs. Walter Elmy. the PeaCe" will be by Mrs. 018 Pursley: The oouwruttee ~lng Mr." and Mrs. ·H .... Car',"",I.. MnI. Oharrlton wID ibe: Mrs. Made- and ramlly ot Athens were tbe W'iek oJJne Mehaffie; M1.ss ' Mary f'lrether; end guests or .1iJle laUer's father. a.nd Mrs. ·LeUye. Wbaiwn. Todd Bunce and fa.rnlly . Easter service at Lytle Church, SWld&y m.arn1IJ8 was well attended. M.... Grace SchUler, MrL ...,.. ~ t.he 8I.lbday' 8cboot Ut~ eh1lcI. WIIaon, Mrs. 1.Du.Iae 00rICir and reo gIlove an Eaater program. 'I'kee Ba.rtJ&ra, a:Dct Mri lIkrll.ouilo are new members were receved into the I~~ abQppera in ~ .church and ~ dhUdren .re . baptlzed at 4be dele of tibe preach..... R. a. Carena.. . . . .. Ing servioe by ot.he paaClOr, Rev. CJevelaDd, Ilonday to viIlt wttb ..... Joeepb _el'l 01 o.,t.oD. Slat.el'. lira. P. Q, ~ .
The Ml·aml· Gazette Established 1850 Publi. bed Ev ry Thursday by DA VI SON PHESS L. Dc visson, Editor Enl r d as Second 'Class , ~att r at h Post Offi t;. \ aynesvi ll e, Ohio
Wbll.t CIul we do about thla sIarv- ployment with !be Iturz-KlISCh 00. 1ng world? The tim step. darker In ~ flour, haS be6n taken ar.d 1 don'r Mrs. IW. H, TIoblenor bas been 'doubt 1f mOSt of us know the- d.urer- ~ loosed from M1a.m1 Vnlley 11 pita.. ' e. The ne xt p, Ubt4ng' Lh ~ a nd retu.med to I)e r l'iome "The bakers allotmel1L of n our, WUI 1l0~ prlngs" aturday. be much worst \x,>C&U5C the b ker.s The CommunIty 'Helpers F..aster JlIl ve been bclking mot bread Ilha.r. ' Ba?.nru' w ' held I1It !;he Orang('
TOMORROW MAYBE TOO LATE Thos' who own l h 'ir ow n home in thi p '.l'iod of in fh~ted \' ; 'l ll l's :lIld hOll.~ in !'l horta g , fi r v )'y fortunate . Hili A l:tn!'l' 1"'1'1 (·nl.we of th 11 1 h a becolll ov Tly coml hH·('Ilt. 'I IH'Y ( \I ll I hei r h nH'H, ,Y .. , Y t they n g lac t t o cI<l ·quaLdy IIIIItC'd th Ill.' -1\,(>.' in en of fire. Th fir E' in.'ll1':t lll' f' j nd 1I 'i1 r~ j" rna ki ng a cOllcert d·ffort to imp'I" ~ ~ \ lpOI1 HII !t'WIl 11\\' III"''i thnt fir in. urAIlC poli ies s houl d I, (. l L!rhcl PI IJdi, a lly to sec if Ih y r ef It' t CUI'!' nt va l\I(' S . til lilt' 1:1 .1 , (1'\\ ~'('aI'S jll'operty valu .' hay ri.' on (1 l GO p 'I 'n 'll l (II ' lll()r ~· . A home t hat wn .fully in: ur d tell y a I's ngo l:-; llI'O!, lu I.' Il f)L ntll h more tha n hnlf in~ ur d to ua y. If it i:-; dl?:;t roy ,~d by fir, tho own ' )' wou ld awaktl n 10 the s ickl'l1in~!' rL' :l li za t ion that repla 'em nt 011 th e , 11' 'nglh of hi ~ , uldnt c\ ill II l' tlllCe would b impossible. So don't pr cr:l ~ lill:lte. A J1 prai se YO UI' in Ul'ance policies imm cliat Iy, I n't.i ' opal'd iz th most impOItant e lement of f; 't: uI'ity for yo u\'.~ ' If a nti yo ur family- YOU I' hom e. r op le buy ill 'UHIR ' for protection, Fire ill::lUl'a n ce ('omp n ni e. \ ould b : ubj ct to criticism if they did 1)ot \ al'll the public wh n inflation und rmin'€S t h at protection.
"Welcome, happy IDOlUIing' " o«e to ~ shall say: H ell today is vanquJsbed, heaver. Is won today' ,. So we S!lJlg. The weabller was per. fect, warm bllt not too wa.nn. Leaves Just collliog ou'\.. t iny oak Ii'1\VC6 and larger ms.'Ple leav . . A 1»))1 blossoms s t1ll ' bea.utUuJ, Th qum r bush full of lovely plnk flowerf' . The , lllacs J.n their glory. Everyolle but. me in lovely n.ew hats. Flowers on the alter and candles lighted. All bhe , once-a-y r churCh goers ill t.heb· places, Ou.r much loved Bishop wttJh us. A perfect Easter Day" P rhaps Hell la vanqulsbed .and H eaven woo but lL is a good deal like the peaoo. 'l1he 'War.is WOll ,o ut Illie peace I
AUCTION EERING STANLEY. and KOOGLER BROKERS LICENSE For OateB, Phone 28M, Waynesv1lle, Ohio. Reverae Cbargea
Come One l A, D
Come Ali I
Sponsored by
Wley 50ld nd lal'g quantitl ha " golle back to ·~ sold as hog r ed or thrown away, On grocer told m ' !.hut ,already bread SQJes are dowlI uotlcoooly so people are 'beglnrJng to ration tllemselves, COl'll brend once and tl. While w ill thelp. We "'Lt:, rolled 0811.> instead of Loast th II'! rnll ' . no h nl'dl:Jhlp eiChel·. 'fhl) l !t' xt SLep is Lo 1>'cll allY extra' when 8L01'oo on tJte flUlllS. We will h av 11 i1ntle even 1f.wo save enough for Lhe chicks 'WI harvest and a muu
La grind fOr Wle o:J1er sLock, As soon II1B th governme.nt buying machinery Is Ie orCler it wlll ~l Lo come In. Is there IW egg, processillg pJa.nL in "his regtoo? II Wley coUld' be te.lten care of we couJd all give eggs to be uried and sent a broad. One days et,"gS from each "';'Quld help. I henor tlllat some cannerl . w'e PIa.o.J\.l.il@ to can food brought in by home gardeners at cost for 8hlpme.nt. Ame1'lcans will not let the world starve 1f the proper OlacWnery can be t UP tor collactlon, trllonsportatlon and dfstri buLlon, All tlhat ....oe need ~ Itoow is !.hat !.he fOOd la going to be taken care or and will geL to tIhe poopl who need It. Don't forget tbaIt. savings bands 13 maklr.g Itl; way slowly. H e ll m ay still help. lit 'will 'Lake money to ge1 be vanquished but It takes a lon8 all that food and send our quot.ol. time to make Heaven on earth B to bile people who need it. .going concern: 0Ul' beautlrul elms are gone, We took n. 1!13 dl1ve th1s aflemoor nod lund-mark afler Ja.nd-mark Is gone 'Or going, All the tall elms 011 Mr. and' Mrs. Donald Haines anll the An.tioch Campus are dead and wlltt they finish taking them down son, Aldon. were dlnner guests or I~ Is going to lOOk very bare and ,t.he latt.er's paren is. Mr. and Mrs; open: It L'I \Jhe sa.me In the woods L. W. Whetstone In Xenia, Sunda.~ I\lr. and Mrll, Raymond Wilson nnd In the t.aw118. WI11 IUW of them had as Lheir dinn.r g,uesl.i EMter. be 16ft? Tn . looking up some ArbOT Day Mr, 6nd. Mrs, Th.eodore McIntire material I re-<llscoveroo Professor a.nc\< sons of near New BurHr..gto~ book oalled "Some and M.r. and Mrs, Lea.nord Ellis an(l Werthr..er·s Amerlcan Trees, An Intimate Stud), 11llnflY' of' near Klongman. and of Nnt1ve Ohio Trees". It la so fuJI Walter wj\sor~ Mrs. Mert Woollen and Mrs, of Inllerest\ng ,things so chn.rmlngly Ralph Mltta.uk of 'Fairmount, Ind. told tlhat it Is n book well worth reading, Indeed on Lhat Is w\lll spent Il6l't of lII18t week with Mr. a.nd worth- owr. , Dld YOU know tha . Mrs. Luther Ra.lnes, . England has QIlly one variety oj ftk. and Handhnan oo.k while Montgomery coun.ty alor-e of ClniJnnal:.1 called on t.heir aunt.~. has thirteen? Did you know that Lucy Compton 8.llcio Ella Baines 011 Mon~omery ooWlty nnd probably MOIlday n.1t.err.oon whlle enroute Warren uJso, 'has eighty-.nlne varie· .hCWle lram Oleveland, Ohio. ' Mr. and Mrs. Ralel,.h Bopn enties of ~tlve trees? Did you know t.ert.aI.ned In hollOl' of their nephews t.ha.t England has Done of our native flowering' 'trees such as redbud, dog- Robert C, Bogan a.ll.d William trerwood and tullp? I t Is a. m oot ~nter aId WlLOOn, Ea ter Sunda.v, the following guests: Mr. and Mrs. Gerald estulg book. WilSOllj Mr, IUld Mrs, RobeI¢ Bogan, The bUnr.y didn't bring us any Easter eggs but Saturday e.!tm-noon Mr, and ~. EnWlebt Nevin and our poor sldDtny llV1.le lame cow, sons; Mr. and Mrs. Evan Bogan or Rullh. had a line big red and w,hite DaytOn; Mr, and Mrs. Weldon WIlm lr. I Uke J ersey cows and II. little ~n and ,Mrs, Mary Began of near jersey oal! Is as pretty as a wild Spring Valley; Mrs. llllCy Campton;
~ CI~I~
fawn b ut; looked at as a futlJl'e piece 01 beet there la 8Ometh!:nJI at1sfylr..g about a big red Shorthorn like little Joe. He looked a.t 1l6, 1.rted to m.rutmle to his feet but his 1* wouldn't hold him. Then we' . held him up 8lIld with his first suck. of Admission 50e warm milk tJhe strengbh seemed. to ~------------ come In!t.o his legs n.nd it wasn't long, before we were able to get him to tlte barn on his own power, J ohnny'S house arrived ,t he other daY. We saw it go by on bile ,tl'Uck and l1ad to chase It ha:lf 'way , to Wa.ynesville to show them where to come. 11. barely sx:m.ped Ilhrough the gates and Ithey skidded It ,g ently off the truck Into th pasture wlbhHOURS: 1r.. the required 125' teet of the trans9-12 each morning f ormer, Our pioneer ancestors wei'" Into tb.e WOOds. cut the t.rees and 1-5 afternoons except called blle nellJ'h.b ol'S ' to ,build, theil' Wednesday homes, mostJ of 'tIhle , fLrst ones not larger than bh1s 10x24, four windows 7-9 Saturday evening ar.d a d90r. They buUL a ohlmney and fireplace, These we hitch to the Other evenings by power 'line am ' put in all 011 stov ~ Appointment but W1e splrlt of home Is the sa.me now as then and II it Is t.here, it TEIJEPHONE 62~R makes the tiniest cabln moo a home. I had a real scare'last night. I looked OUlt or my window !Iond rigtht by Johnny 's .house was a bright Optometric Eye Specialist lllckerlriii glow tMt se~med 'to be G tting bigger .and ,brighter, Oould 26 South Detroit Street it Ibe fire? 'Was the llLWe new ',h ouse on skids a blaze 'I I Jumped out of XENIA, OHIO bed and Lo 1jh e 'W1lldow, Was it a gruss filoe? NO-just the big bri!!'h t. lop-sided. moo,u" brigJlt as !lame, show ng through bhe trees over the hill, I s1ihed a sigh 01 rellef and went baclt 'to bed,
Miami Valley Chapter FFA Wayneaville High School Auditorium , MAY 3, 1946
- .....
. =--
C. 'E. Wilkin
Ma.r1lyn, New Bw-lilli'ton, Mr, and.Sue Mrs.ot Wllllam Smith and
l\1r. and Mrs. Melvin HoDineswort.h; Mrs, Ella. Haines end MIs: Velma. Garner were Easter dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Luthel 1ia.InE6. Mr80 L. W. IWhetBtone, paul and EUen WihelBtone of Xenia were the guestB or Ml':l, Donald Railles on Monday. Mr, AlbeTt WUaon and liOns of Tiro, , Ollila. called on his I8I~heJ', John WUson, and Robert, last Fl'ldq. Mrs. AHce HaInes planned a birthday surprlae OIl her rhUSba,nd one da"" laBt week.
Mr. and Mrs. Warren Bradd'ock or Waynesville called on Mr. and Mrs. RaymOnd Wilson. Monday eV6nl!~ . Willard Haines of near Sabina was II. dinner gue&tJ of his parents, SWlday.
Miss Phyllis Shldaker spent the weekend In WUmlngtol! as the guest 9f Mr. IUld Mrs. Harry Shldaker. Mr. 'and Mrs. ' James Doster of Dayton were weekend guests at tht;! homes of R ev. a.nd Mrs, J . p . Tllorr...bury IIald Mr, and Mrs. HeI1ber t Doster. ' Mrs Jennie Bill 01 Somel'vlUe wa~ the weekend house .guest of her brother-in-law a.nd Sister, MI', ar.d M.rs. H. S . Tucker. M.r s, Gail Behr bas lI(\cepted em-
W~stern Fixture rz-St',
Ludlow Furs , Ludlow. Above Gallaher's, Dayton Are Expert l;>Urriers , .. Of-
Dr. Robl. C. Brown
SE'RV'I'CE GAS- 011- GREASE C~arger
Evenings by Appointment
111 South ' Mulberry Street
Waynesville National B'a nk
Hydraulic Car Lift .
mI'ABLI8H!lD 18'15
Telep,h one 2433
'lAnY~'inake or model
cteat-creek -Dairy
will be ' g lad ,t o show you o u)" comp,l ete fresh stock and offer s uggestions MI to t he ' proper designs for ach room. Con, ult Ii to da-r, ! .
'''Ill .Pi~king
Your Paint Pick Picking's"
Telephone 2182
House .P,a inting BRUSH and ' 'S PRA Y
e F. T. MARTIN &,C. E. RIESAU, Auctioneers 705 Commercial Bldg., DAYTON, Phone AD 3661 " Cen,terville, Ohio, Phone 7021 If you have r eal e~tnte to sell see us. We get the,!. highest cash pri<ce, hllve buyers for items you wish tOl)' se ll. Our terms a ,· more )·easonahJ.e than others. H •
!f NeW 'Work ;A ·'· Speckitty- ALL WORK GUARANTEED Prefer to ule my Own PAINT but will use paint fumiahed by customer if desired
Telephone 282Z
'! {
A ppraitmls Free. Call Centerville 7021"" Dayton, Ohio, ADami 3661
~=========================~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~I!I;;;======== :;
Leslie Earnhart Rep'u blican Candidate F
PAUL C. ' itteKING Third Street
WayntnlOe, OhIO
Seeking My First Term for ' Co~nty Office
,NEW WALL PAPER PATTERNS :ARE HERE Confe in a nd se lect yo ur new W}lJJ paper 'hel'e. We
Fred IKilhri' Motor Cat Co.
, 'rile Vit.amin D 11", mllk bu1lcJs IJ'Ong well-knit Pones and solJ nd . ,,~tie ~th. ~t!1S goo(l' ! 'Mom and Pop . too. Jus~ tJle IJIll'g r \' thaI, rtljd~ ur be! It -bed "pick up".
Telephone 2291
Complete Visual Analysis LenBeJ3 Prescribed Office Hours: 9:00 a, m, to 5:00 p. m . (Closed Wednes'd ay p , m.)
Quick Battery
At 8..
County Commissi&Dtr'
• Babies love our milk. Anu why shouldn't In y I U 's 1:J1e moSt compI t.ely satisfying food lor "Rls Majesty" and his littl brothers
ERNEST HJXSON, O~ner ' PHONE ~537 BARLOW ftnd GRIMES Diatrlbulors
MlI(\k CoUett of New York City Is sper..dlng the summel' months at ~Hlole-1n-'tJ\e-'WoIxts .. , In Septecnbet he will re-enter IOSU, Columbus,
A Qomplete Service in 8tyl[They II\re d1stribuoorll of I'est&uInjt. Makinc, Remodelin,f and Re- being made up a.nd you 8Ire a.ssured lllol'L equipment WI well WI bill' and pAlrlnr •.. All Work Done To Your of getting what you buy, ,beer-(lli;pel18ill8 equ1pment a.nd-Clul C"mple~ tJ.'JfaeUon . •.• Char,es flumish you With supplies which '1(111 Rt'A!lollnble ..• Now Is 'Lbe Time til mn, ke your place unllBually attrllCCu ll HE-'&!4 lor Bonded Messen,er Llvc ' and WIll draw much· pa.tronagr. to Pil·k Up Your Fur or Cloth CoaJs Located at 114 Clair St" Day- ' Th.c cost >will be mooe14)lte and lor S torng" . ' . $3.00 Minimum, ton Buy and Sell Bnr and Resta u- should be cOl'.sldered an lnvestment In the past f \V yel,I'r s th re Is no ran't Fixtures !lilt! ,UPI1Ues , • • I'at.ll ' tJlan an elC!P<'nse, fOT they one IndllslrY wlllch has com InLo Greatly Ahllllg "eo pie to 1\1 et Con- wlU pa.y [01' till lUI ves several t111lt'li illol p.rommer.ce In Ute feminine dltlons of These hllllging Times over In Wle ~I'ade \vh1ch they will world thlln til< fur.rler and 110'" . , , Are Distribut or, or the MAGIC attract, LUDLOW FURS Is upon the minds C IIEF Commercial I.J ne , , ,ComThey offer an ex~llenil. OJllPOl'of ttll ladles who want the best tn plete Refrigeration Equipment lor L1l;I11ty for people to sel:l to them ' furs . Taverns lUld' R.es taura llt8 .• , Offer a lllt t.oo, 00 make an I:xC'hnnge tor They are Mt on ly re tru.lcrs of 'a Prompt alld Courteous Serv\Ct'. equJpnleI t ,to better meet Wle needs 1'111 • but t.a.\lors of rll~ furs and lIS FairDealing and Invite You to 01' t.he day. Theil' service Is Ima C()1lSequence, the st.o<:k I:ncludes Come In , , , New lInd Used Fixtures proving lJ1e looks, us , well lIS the Lhe styl of gllnllen\S In vogue at; to Improve Your Place .. , )lave ff1clcncy, of blU'6 and restaurants, weil as a va.r\ety of skins from ~lany Plea se!) Customers All Ovt'r , brln81ng a large business from nil "'h lah to make a selectJon. This Is the D~trict . , ' Tel. AD 3291. Ule sW't'OWldlllg t;errltory, . all Importam f8('Lor In the ch~g . They feature bar equlpment, flxor Ilot only a 'be<..oming searl' or gar- There Is no olle ()()nccn~ In tlhe dIs- lW'e6, glali6ware. and, In fact. everyment. but one which give saUs- LrlbuUoo of bru' and rest.awunL IIx- Wll11g In the \lne. Th~ will see that footory sel'Vlcc. In Lhe event they tures Iul~ supplles \Jlut has been 01 uverythlng l11a1.cl1es up 4Uld will fit do I~ ot have or have sold the pe.r _ greater servlcc In the readjustment you out. In any styJe you may det1culru' kind of garment you desire, ' of buskesses I.n Wlf'OO changLng sire. They l ooture tile best, \Jhe they WIll make one up ['().r you IlC- >tl.mes, WllUl \Jl(' Wet;tel'n Rx!iure moderate, a.tld Clln fW'nlsh you with col'dl,n g to yoU]' Individual desire.,. Co .. in Dayton, which II offe ring al1 ar.Y!ib1llg fran the simple design to " I1tlC remode lillg a,nd replI.1rl~ d e- exceJl nt a.nd accolllooaUng ser vlee a correct dupllcaLlol1 of ,the famed partment will b"-ve you !.he very best In this field. cafes of Ilhe world. or workmianshlp, Here. Liley clean . remodel, re1lne a11d repair any furs and If you get ~11 toUCh wlLh L11enJ 'no"". you wUl rlnd It lIlucll to yow' a dvantage!' They have made a Study of furberu'lng ar.imals of the world, know Q)lallty a.nd can be depended upon 10 gi ve I'ell'fl'b le service. They will A DEEP SENSE OF RESPONSIshow you , t.he or\glnl\l skina before BU,]TY IS FELT BY US IWHEN
oo~ ,
April 25, 1940
Vote for •
Hall, Saturday. lUrs. H. C, MIIUgan Is confined to h rhome suUea1ng wltJl LhEo mwnps. Mr, and Mrs. Delbert Barton and Darlenne a.nd Ml". Webb Wilkerson were Sunday g u es~ ()f Mr, and Mrs Dallas BaI'LOn. 1\,r. and Mrs, Chl~r)1'S Mcllonnld Rl'd family or Cincinnati 1"£'1'0 EasLer . trUe toS 01 UlCil' pnrel1 U, MI'. and Mrs, G, M . MacDcnuld. Maynard Frost who ~ulfered' nil aLlacl< of t.he mumps JIIL! 'h i1nproved. Mrs, Pauline VlIIars and son. Don ald of Xenia, an<j Mrs. LaUl'tl Shlda ker were Easle:r dln.ner guests of MI'. nl'd Mrs. OhnJ"les GordOI1 ami Robert. Several peolJie f rom here nUemled Wle Sunrise Serv\()e8 Eas ler Sunday ut Sharon ,Church, Klngmfl.ll. 1\11'. and I\lrs. !herman I\lont . f;omery and family attended a "field trial " at Tl'OY. Sund.uy. 1\1rs, Earl FrOflt was a busln caller In Wa.shlngton, C , R .. satur-
25, 1948
MI~MI MT, HOLLY METHODIST CHURCH T. ~. 8earft,. SundaJ IdwoI - . ,:JO A. M. E. A. IllarnhaJ't; .uperlntendent. Worshlp 1IIIrv1~ - 10:80 A. 14. E ;en1ng IeI"Vlce - 7:80 P. M.
Mba... .
FE~Y . . CHURCH of .CHRIST . The Growlnr, Going, ( )hll1"()h IIEMERT GRAIfAM, Mlnillte r B1ble 8chool 11:30 L OcXDmun1on 1-.;46 L Preach1ng 11;00 a. YOWlS' Peoples Brrvl s and . AdUlt Pra yer M eeLlng 7 :00 p. Evening EVlLIlgcllstJc Service 7:45 p .
m. PaUlOI' Krn·.... ...... m. Malle SUIlciQ - ...... A. II. m.
WAYNESVILLE CHURCH of CHRIST Robert L. VanZUe, M1nJIa&er ~ible 8QhOo1 11:30 a· m. · 10:10 a. m. Oommunlon 11:00 .., m. 8e!'mon 'On The Road To J ericho' Ohrlat.ian lI1DdeBvOJ' 6':30 p. m. Evening Servlce 7 :so p. m. 'Look We · For Ar.other? '
,a. B. o~ MlnIIIter
SUNDAY SGHOOL 9:30 Kra, Raymond Connel", WORSHIP SERVICE 10:30 'YOUTH FELLOWSHIP, Thursday, 7: 30 OHOIR PRACTICI:; WednesdAY, 7::10
A. M. Supt. A. M. p.
m. • The monthly Christian Youth
ltalJy wUl ,he held Ill!. bhe . Grape p , M. Grove Church 011Christ near Jamesoown, 011110, Sunday, April 28, a t • The Yout.h Fellowim ip conducted 2 :30 p. Ill. BrolJiler C. B.· Tigner of the 6 :30 w01'Shlp service un Easter Washll!gt,on. C. H. will bring th~ mOrning and S)),Ol'ool'cd th e Eas ter message and Brobher He1'bel't Qra.. b~ast . There was a large attend- ham will have cha.r!l'e of t.i1e song ance and fine Ir.t.crest In both the :, rv lee. All til'C young people al''C BWldtlY SchOOl and worship servj ce. urged t.o attend thls service. ReThe total abte.ndru1ce at ilhe t.iU'ee ll1C1nbel' IL stal'ted here, sa let's serv100s reached abou t 500. A re- I clp keep It going. ceptior. servtce for rcccpLlon O~ members and lor bn.ptls.ms WIIS helj • The JuniOr Cbrlstlan Endeavor In connection willh Ul 10 :30 service. wUI meet at !.be w.ual time. 6 :30 Sunday night at tlhe CI1W'Ch. Invite • Next Stmday at. 10 :30 lJ1e Sacrn- your frie nds to. come al'd enjoy men!. Of the Lord 's S IIPIlC'.J' will be Uh('Se meet.lngs wlt.h you . 'I'hls is observed. We request all oW' frum l- the missionary ie6BOn, so if you have Lt II}, ticl s on India 01' Ohu'!a, bring U1es '10 lbe pl'CSeJ'_t. UIl!m 'WILh you. ST. MARY'S• TJ1e Senior Christian Endeavor i EPISCOPAL CHURCH will not meet SUl"..day night due IiO Samuel N. Keys. Ll1 e Rally at Grape Grove, but U1e Lay Reacler-In-dlargo meeLings wiU lb e resumed nex·t Sun9 :46 a. In. '1'11e BroLherhood of day. St Andrew. • The ,BulJdinr Fund Offering wlll 9 :46 '11. m . Jur. lor Ch urch be I'eceived Sunday night, .April 28. 11:00 a. m. Morning Prayer nl' d Our Indebtedness on ·tihe house Is 6ennou. Ba.muel N. Keys. 1lt.' aI' l y cleared. Com.e 'prepared to
. .. .
• • •
much as po6&1ble so thls paid nnd lJ)I·epa.ra.tlons FlraL DIll lQDool - 11 :30 A, II. 'on be made tor ImprovemenLs on ~ tor Wnnblp - 10:1Ii I ,. K. I.lhe church bufld1rlg. ' help
c;ru 1 5001".. be
• Tl
Bible Study IIIS5 wlil lneet 1i ... 11>0 'I\ler, ,.y even ing Url 7 :30. Yoou a,l'e wei U1e to alAend Ill'..y or Lhese clB65&;. Subject for nex~ 'rUtl<SWW is "ll1e ludestruct- On DaYklll-Wllmlllll'tofi Plk,'. Two Blocks North of DOl'othlVLa.o(I, Daya bility oC ttl SCl'lptW'cs'. Lon, Is. (lonvenicntly Loc:lWtI for People AU Over This I cotlon . . , • • • Greatly &ldlng in ' Keeping Out· • Prayer Meeting at bhe house Tran portation Sysl.em, Agrlcullur' eu.c-ll Wednesday evening at 7 :30. H 'Implement 'and Othlw Equipment you ca.ro~ o.t oome and meet WHit1 us R$dy to Go . . . S pcoializill /r In for p.rayel' and Lhe ::."tudy of God's Welul~g fi nd ReI1!l.'II'iIllg' U.ad1: Lt" r~ Word, why not at lee.st spend bhe For OIU'8, Trucks and Tracl<lr , hoW' o.L home In Bible Study and 'r anks, Boilers, Fllrm Implr ments Prayer? It will strengthen you fur , •• Under tbe nir,Cl'Unn of ,hm}!'; Hill service. .WoH A MasL.er W.'ldeT . . . Tel. • • • WA-i4G5. • The Tri- it.at.e Christiall Sl' rvice Camp RaJly and Banquet has beell IWOU'S W eldil1g Shop Is co.llsldr r poo~poned unUI Fri<l.ay evel:IDg. May 3 a.L 6 :00 p . t il. 'l'he Iplace Is sLlll tile t'd a very LmpoTtant and econolll lca: Central Cbureh Of Christ, Portll- factor m t11e m echanic.nl • nd agrimouth. Obio. The speaker [or Lhe cultlU'al life o r this s()cLioll of Ihr evenIng wlll be J oe Gru-sha.w. sta.\.e, as they olf I' a service t hal Mlnlster 01' '\lhe Oent.ral Ohl'isi.1ar. will enaible us La canyon \\'I Lh Ohw'Ch, I}lun tlngtori. W. Va . He is mlllny of !.be things !We have Ilnd to an ouLstanCl.u!g wroker alllong YI>UIIg keet> t he government and wor id people and has had coll6lderl,lb le ex- wide program [01' hwl'ca.: 1 foo) pel'lence In Chrlstlru1 Servlce OlliIll,p PI'OdillCtlOr. moving a t full S\'('1l1ll wook and also Olu·lstiar. Endeavor aJ1eaci. They J1a ve a very cc.npl I.e IlC LI'lVor k. If you are plarul!.rig \,() go you must let yoW' min1ster know by Sun- lene and electric welding p lant . L!lday, AIpril 28, so rescrvatiOr..S can ("Iudlng bot h statiOPal~Y nlld port· ,be sent In. II you do not you mlgtllL able equipment. It hfl!; berm lIr til not get any tullkey !lnd dressing . lately tile Amerlca.!l 1l'1I blL La Lil l'ow Iliway anything whl h wa.~ bl' ken . The price Is 50c per :plate. but wlLh t he coming of III INn • The North Ame rican Christian welding services like this one, 111'0COllvention will ,be held 8/1. the Cadle pie ha.ve fow:d Lhat t:hey can say"~ Tabernacle, lnd1anapolis, Ind .. May mu il man y ·by h llVI~l g pnl'\.s wC' lcI8-12, 1946. The program wilJ beglr ed a nd ·they will Ia.~t a.~ lCmg n.s new at 7 :30 p. m. Wednesday. The 'Ifhey featw'e a complete S/' rvlcc morni ng seFl5ion:; will lbegln a t 9 :31) In l'8.dia tors and tilei r l' IY.l lr. ClWh . dny (except SUl'\!iay) wllih a Damage to man y parLs of a r. autoQU1z Hour on EVIU'.gell!sm,. followed motlile motor nrc often brough by two ' sermons. "I1he af ternoon about by overhenWng wh n LllC seSBions begin at 2:15 or.d conslsls radiator does n ot supply wnwI' a.l of two sermons, special music. etc. low t.~nperatw·c. Sedim e nt and The evening sessions begln at 7 :30 foreign particles are bound to find and collSlb-ts of two s ennous and their way J.nto a ny racUator . 0 0 1'special mUSic. At 5:30 p. m. T hurs- roslon eat." a lILt,le hol e nnd the day Is a Mlss10nary BanqueL; 5:30 r~U\;ble PMt Is t.haL il Iliar \, Limes conceals leak:.'! un til Iih yare p. m . F'riday a Men's BanqueL; 5:30 big ones. Do noL ~nd an{l' . your p. m. SMurday 11 Young P ople's motor by llP'>lect. bU L tu k I In a..'1tl "'" BanqUet. IWe have Lhe Pl'o.mi!le that Wlls will ,be a Une , I1".sp Ira Uo.nll 1 Juwe It repalroo_ b ' [ore t roubl pl'eaching convent.lon and it is IlOp- s tArts. ed \ tJhat several from hert' will be It Is so importallt. to ke p your t1ble to attend. frunn bnplemer.ts a nd mn.chincry ill 8 't
Wolf's Weldimlg~ Shop
hS I. bn~k Uncle Sam In fF-'-=::::====-""::JC"",",===-===== ===;::===--='-====-=~_,* 1n l(\ I I e P I ' l'llm for .inCl'eaSCd Pl'Oo u.; , t . n. So, La add m ll ~s to. youI' Ll'ansp rt.a~lon /1nd (0 1111 In !,ail' OFFER vJLnI LI of :I'011f ,anll (:(l lIipm cn ~, SATISF A . T RY geL In I·Oll 'II wilb "'oif'~ Weldin ) Shop. . SERVI ES
r p .llr
Snood e a Smar t H ir
~c{[(ure J'flUtera:l ~llme
N ETS for the smart coIITIII'!;,S of :fem inIne h('ods know no aj{ , the Rural HtJ me eoJ t(ll' of mllioll 'lly ciroulnted Cnpp r's Farmcr pu lills
Waynesville, Ohio
~=======================--=-====:::: -.-;J
out. For the YOllng mother. busy fl'om J~ II sunu p to sundown with hl'l' yuu llgsters. the snood nN shown in the a com pa nying IU us trn tion offcrs 8 wise hair style, this expe'r t deWhite Leg horns cl ares. It is otle of lhe types deDOROTHY MAE GUY Bred for H~gh Egg si gned by Lily Dac he. TIl'd wit h DOI'OI.il'Y Mae Guy, dough t.cl' 0.1 rI bbons, it ' lays In place, In suring Mr. a nd Mrs. Wnl u:r Production ,uy of o ~ Ieek look al1 dllY long. Wayn i'i1IE', Oh l . wa", bor ll m ill' Pullorum Contro~led Whether the wearer is a Junior Waynes vill e. Oct. 28. 1924. Rnd pn.\ Smiss or m alron, she will lind II Iw t e<I from this li fe. Sat. ApI'. 6. 194 u at 12 :55 o'clock nt LU1C ~ e of 21 Phone 2988 ye~ . 5 mOlll hs ord 9 days, a t S . Elizabct.h h ospital in D:tytOlT, fol ic,wing a very brief iIlll'l': . A fLe l' st uuylng 12 Y Drs In Lhr , , " '.; . -....;. . WaYllcsvl He s ·hoo L~. she gl'l'lcttln ted . wlLh t he clnss of '43. Upo1" g il a d II U ti n g f'I'om Che W8..\' llcsv lll e Hi" h School she was Fifth I10use Right of Rt. '73 elT)ploycd by llic Na tion I Cnsll CORIWIN. 01110 Reg L<; t.c r CO . of IJa)'lc n, Oillo. nnd work 'd In WIC oJ) ICI:' (,j' this Oom· MEATS - GROCERIES pany until her d anLh . Beside her 'p a l'CIlLS , with whom to ellhance her hair-do. A teen- s he I ·ided. sh e leaves to mOUl'I' ICE OREAM oger ready for Oil)' pa r ty pulis her her depaJ't.u r e, . ~ twi n sbLcI'. Doris hoir smoothly back from he r face 1"ae, of the I1tnlc; Lwo sisters, Mr GA.SOUNE ~ OIL and oovers the roll wi th a snood net Ellen Fu1s of DayWn, Uhio; alld trlmm d with 0 bow to m atc h her NIl'S. Mal'y Etta S ~roJ;g of Joplin, blouse. A smart girl on a coke dale Mo.; · ma.Ler~1 gralldl)!ll'eJ;Ls ; t wo liiiii___"iiiii__iiii_iliii"~ can win approving looks with 8 nieces ; two nephews; ma ny aW1 Ls.. bright red nct a ccented by 0 gros· uncles and collslJ'.s; · an.d a great. grain ri bbon headband. hoot of fr\ends. JUST RECEIVED For a m a ture woman ach ieving 011 t he joys of that g\ad meeting. elegance wi th a n upswep t cOIffu rc, A very fine aSllortment With Lhe sain ts who Iol' tIS wai L. t h l t d 0 wo mes ne ~ a.re sugllcs e. nr. Wl 1lllL a ,blessed , hapvy meeLi ng of BASE 'ROCKERS and goes over hOl r in bock to. keep i t TILT BACK CHAIRS Just II1.~l d e Wle I ea vellly Gate. neat The other con eo.ver her soft w ith Ottomans fr· ant' curls. A yo'ung m a tron who fash ions her o.wn hen d gea r lor Card of Thanksapring wlll tie on D green snoo.d with • We wish to thnr.k om- ma ny two green bows. Spri ng fi owers will friends and ncig4100 rS f ur t heir MIRRORS LAM~S _ pro.vldo softenIng touche, on the m a ny flowers and ki ndn . Also. TABLES DESKS side•. Mr. McOlw'e [0.1' his services. WHAT-NOTS Mr. and Mrs. Wal ter Guy II.l!d Fa.mlly Renew withM.r. and' Mrs. Frank Thomas CIlNU-ENAMEL and terbalned wlLh a famlly cl:l.tmer 011 KEMTONE East.cr Ill~d had as their guests. Mrl>. ...,. rOl' a king" I. ",bat bome John Roooy 01 Dnyoon; Mi. ILIld mabnl NY about orown shaped Ml's. J. M. Eal'lrl1 1l.1'~ and flWllly of . fruit Alad, according to the Oounf;rJ Beaver.\,()wn; Ml·. and Ml'S. Lowell CooIdDg editor of Capper', F&rmer, ThulU IS lll~ ld da.ugh ter of Ly·tle ; naUouaIly-clrculated farm magaMl's. Robert Thomas and da balae. colored t.cJ . AlLaI! EamhB.1't, S l l c was also "Studded with jewel pieces 01 fruit., It mak;ea a lovely a caller. Gibbons Bldg. North St. picture on your prettiest glaSl plate," ahe writes In the magazine IN-C-ASEOi.·F iR-E---D-M---i,-2222-- Waynesville, 0., Phon~ 2422 read by 1,250.000 farm' famillel. "Cool and tarUy sweet it 9ftera 6afor contrast to the meat-and-pola to
Lemmons' Hatchert ' \ . •• r
Crown Fruit Salad I. 'Fit for a King'
Waynesville Furniture & Appliance Company
IdO."'Jim' Bailey
------.- .- ------
.~ F
• Metal Republica~~ ... .•...•••....... ~
. No additional taxes for, the .()Reration of County . Government has' , been. actded to th e . t a xpayers of Warren Couilty sinde ',',Jim" Bailey has been C ounty Commissioner. The. record s how~ that on December 31st oft.each year the Co unty G e n e ral Fund and County. ;Road and Bridge Fund have ,shown a balance.
I lbop .
"Jirp" Bailey is intc r eRted in Agric ult ure .
He has always supported the work of th e County Agricultural and Hom e DemOIlRtratiOiIl . Agents. He has le nt his assistan c e!o thle Co unt.y Fair Boar'd that h as given W a rre n Co unty Orlle of th e best eq uip p~ d Fair Grounds in Ohio with itR ' n ew co ~cretc Grand Stand, HOI'SlC Barn~", Exhibit H a ll, and 4H Club Building· Th ese pJ'O.Iects ~el'e financed wiitnou t any in c r ease ill
taxes .during ': baseritent , of
Bailey 8 administration, 'CQutt House
War.r~n ' County
has '
,been- moderniz~q and a i 'ne",. ad.ditioQ , ~dded. AU '.impprtall't Cc;mnty ' rec0r4~ . 'l}M' ,I]licro-
film', also a modeltn phqto;sta'~i.cl m~chine . ha~ been installed in . t~e R~corder'8 office,
\ :t
._ - - -
:":ulc hl no
Warre n County has g ood roads. Du.ring the administration of "Jim" BaiJ'ey as Co unty Commissioner h e has advocated better road !>, 'and the records show ,that Warren County h as mor.e than 200 mil e s of Countym ~ i.nta ined harr! surfaced highways. addition '.'Jim " .has le i1t his ' s!-} pport' and assis tanCleto all ~.illagei; ami townships
be~er the! r streets. l'l. n c\ hi g h .w ays :
Sonk gC' l ~ lili In col d wa t r . Hen t frui t juict) ur ju ice's 10 llililing ; re· mov!:' fl'OIll 1"' 11 1 und d i ~ sl.,J v o gf' lati n 00 1. Add ih light in hot juic ·. cream and ntllY (ll1n nise and stir u nlI! m ixlw'e is smll(l h . Cool until m ixture Is sli g l,Uv th lei< l'lIf:r\: th en nll d sli cd frui l lind hulll rI. clien·lcs . Pou r illtu :J molr! 1'11I 5.ed i ll culd Wil ler. Chill lmlil fi rm. UnlTI old on Il l a~s pia Ie or pl:ltt!'r . A rl'~l1ge Jet.· il l 0 1(,:lV PS 1l), llIlnd the edg uf the salad. G"rni ~ h wi th clusters of gl';lll'S. h:1I en of hall ilHI~ or s lices Ol f ca ,jllccI fl' uit. SCl'ves six . This 11'(Jid ,'d Cruil sHlmi is 100IIoly 10 serve nt n hu n'l)t SliPper .
7th and ' ask for a
Republical)' Ballot and vote fQr Harold D. " J~m " Bailey f or' re~erection . as CQunty'. Commissioner.
DAIl.~Y for County
'-OI"IUinn.'~"'" Vail, s...,,,".iIN
Commi ••loner Frank C,
Shingles In a variety of COlors and stylCli.
)• ~oll Composi.t;on AI.L WEIGHTS
·Waynesville Repair Shop North Street
WEL'D'I NG • It's time to order your bl\Jb~' chicks. And there is no betrer saure of suPPly than tius Hatchel'Y. III out' While 'Rocks you will find ,tho .. ~YJpe oJ . c.hiCk you need fo,!' bobh _gg a.OO mea&- proUts. COme fr. ·today' ,
Go to: the . 'p olls Qn May
dl~\ rr if)M
tuxes .
"""'- -
-Political Adv.
ca nned
Ilc ru : il cK o r p e:Lr S. Ml1 l;t' d 1 fl rn " .. ." wll ~ t.I
&nft'e or lli llt' ulI J)lr)
• CO.gtposition
D. lIK'ht cre a m u e. mn y nnn n ill e
l.e Uu ce
Thle rec ord shows that tvithput additional
ann" vored
, elntln
! 1n bHI•. e nid W[lte r , c . hull Jl1tC' fl (I'le tu~ h . fl h err .or-
. .. ........•.•...•.....•
'~JIM:S' ]~AST On Jalluary I, 1935" thle- bonded , d 'ebt of W a rren County was $202,900.00. By December ~n , 1945, this debt has been l'educ~d to $27,000. "J im" Hailey has had a voice in , the ·reduction of this d e bt without any increase in taxes·
pa rt of a meal. [l's a dellghUul atl· ernoon snack with a cup of hot cof· ree.'~ . Crown Fruit Salad
· ..
Wc stlU have a lIupply of METAL ROOFING o·n hand. Place your order NOW! .
E)'U"NHAM WHite' Rocks .w A YNESVILLE,
OHIO Telephone 291~
,. '" srtOKES "DAlBY
. I ~RY', ~~R Hornogei1i'~~a~ilk' CR"M
OH'IO.U , S : dER'l'lFlED ,' WHITE ' ROCKS - or.ncJ.a.lly PULLQRUM , : I
C~rey,'. Garalie
April 25, 1946
of teachers taJce an 1n teJ:est In ' Ltv' nlms, tahmm and asplratio of each stuoont and are plncing mus l in t1h~ h me of t.he PeOPle wl1e1't' wh01(>. -me inelody aid In retail~ ln g !.he old fire"lde s pirit. .
FARM LOANS-Long tel'm, euy paymenlll. No nppraJsa.l fee . Also nice small and lar ~e ffl.m1S for sale. all or wl'l Oro. Henkle. P h ne No.2, Lebanon . t.rl'
FEDERAL l.AN D B ANK LOANS : For t<cflnRlIch'g - Rellutldlng Bu)lng. 4% FfII1n lonns wIth lon g time to pay ,' Pay pnrt or all any t.1mc. LlmANON NI\ T'L FARM LOAN A S·N. EJli~ B. Stu 1'111, Soo'y'l'Tt>nS. 'Laba U n ; 01110. P hone 4411
Real Estate
.- - -
I.r' YOU H i\ VE A PR LlPElRTY Ol t FARM '1'0 SELL IJtl U Or Wl'ltc Don Hel1<1 l' on, Tel. KEJU6, 617 Lora.in Avc .. Dayton, Ohio. tJc
sALi!:- 2-wheel ' Trailer ; on
new tire. Henry ¥inck. Route 2, toward I.YtJe. 4250
F armina Implement.-
SM..E-- 'rwo-bottom 12-lr.ch Ollver Tracwr Plow. M· H. Hunter &t. 1. Sprialg Valley, O. 52
ANTIQUESFOR SALE- One l1ot.!que wa.lnut cupt>OOrd; .one cllerry dropleaf table; One 21:11'awer walnut s ta..'ld. Call Wl1ynesville 2644 artel: 6:00 p. m. 52
of BllillX!ad". . Cornel Wilde. EvelYn K t.'~ & Phil. III'ers in
Sing Me a. Song of Texas
(Techr.loolor ) Starring J UDY GARI,AND. JOliN nODIAK. RAY · BOLGER. KENSV BAKrm . V1ltGrNIA O'BRIEN aile)' MARJORIE I\IA.IN.
wll h Rosemary La ne, Tom 'I'yler, Big ISoy WllIhulls anll 1\hc Hoosier lI ot S hots. Added : 3 TOOGES nnd
j;lass t.he savings on to their C4BtOmeI'S. They feature cuswm feed grl~dIng and mlxlng, feeds, fertilizer. spray materta l, seeds, fenoe, oils, b"l'e3.SeS, rOOfing, paint. and many miscellaneous suppl1e:s. Gasollne ar..d kerosene are d ellveTed regularly. 'Ilu'Ough .t helr offerings !:hey ar~ doing a great service to the countlj and w tlhe hungry world by helping w hlcrca5C food produotlon.
Mlaml VaIIey Conse-rvatory f Music 0 e
The fact tJhat so m ar.y wa.ys are beIng devised for more eeonorn1ca.\ dJst;rl.bution of merc handise IISSUres one that tibere has been something radically wrong with our methodij that tlhere was to much of a spread loooween CO6\. of production and t.he ultima.te cost to the consumer. The Papm Bureau Coopera· tive Assoc.Iat ion, Inc., are solving tJ.1i8 problem in the oounty and ha.ve a very large 'busine6s. Tile flanna' Is 'bhe producer 01 the r...a:tion when lt oomes w the uecessitics of the table whlcll are bile l-equla!tes of existence . . There is no question UUlit the farmer has been charged Loo mUCh Cor goods In rerum J1lr 'h is crop . .The Fann Bureau Cooperative Associa.tlon are meeting this problem , too, and are uddlI:g to bhe prosperi ty of tlhe fa.nners of the ooUinty. They buy matcrlu.ls direoL from the. iactortes a.t prices thllit. are given for quantity pW'chases and to gllt-
lege oJ t"i;luca Llon .
will cl'!rulJl
For [,he lVorld 01 possess two wingslIIUI a.nd woman. U one wJng ·rellIu.ins incapnble a nd defectlve, Il will l'(-sL1'i ' L tlhe pOwer of tlle obher Imel lull. flillilt. will be im'~'bl e: """"" 'Ill retore \Jle oomple~ncoo a11d perfecUon of tile Il'llTnan world u. h umani~y
dependent upon the eq ual developlIlen t of lihe.>e LWO tnewrs. hlg hl'St type: 'w'llet hel' you wi h to ' Abd I B h In volc:e. plano, organ 01' ••w tedaY.\.)11Yes-. Hvl(I'jlee.':o"M I11'O;0:' nr y ~·chest1"ll.1 I.nsiJ'umen t . thealj' svv .. or harmony. U1e:y can develop YOIII· · -, Mr. and Mrs. Loyd D[lYls had as talents III 11 shOllt tim!'. Theit· OOUI'Se6 Ul dancing, t a p . ba l- Easter S\lJIlduy gtlrst!l, Mr. and Mrs. If'L-u nd toe dJlncng ru:e ably s uper- Cecil M Davis of Day l,on; Miss vJsed !\ I~ d each Indi vidual student Mabel Davis oI Warren . Ohio; Mis.; IS given urscs wb.loh will lI L th em Alberta Ela m al' d Mr. Davis Elam lor Wl Ir C6pedlllly suited s lInln- of Xema; and' Mra. J ennie Davis. ments. 'I1hclr cour:;es in dmmatic an, too. Is thorough, ar.d givcs excellent ualnlng f,o r llhe stage, ,'Sdlo, public speaking or for poise and OO/Tect dlctlon. In planning yow' hild 's ed uca· Uon during bhe coming season or vI\.Cation nl'.d tbE~ routine of s.chool Our Own Formula ~work or pl,a,y, cnn be brightened $3.90 per 100 lbll. by addIng 1J1e ( musical element. $77.00 Ton Man~ of their pupils tlJ'e now pl'!'fonnmg professllc.nnlly nr-<l a re a credit to the tea<:hn 's ability to de~Iop artistically' nil thnt was In Phone 2988 them. Mr. FIres a nd his excellent corps
CLOROX BLEACH • • • c;>t.Btt.-
Pl.i" or Iodized
EXTRACTS Bul'Mtt's Vanilla
Strained- Baby Foods
Waynesville, Ohio
Life -
PaYHr;;RSES $5.00 . COWS $3.00
Plione 555
W rite or Call
Hogs, Calves, Sheep, etc. REMOVED PROMPI'LY
FURNISHINGS! "]~ard- To-Get" Items
piggy bank . tlul soon hi s piggy
will be full. Then the pe~nies wiIJ be taken to • real say·
The bank wilJ put his pennies to work
of these
£lYe WIre and Pro.cr"'ve.· All 01'~UOll _nd &0 DODe. 8trlcUy . MDerw OD the .... aD around market ID ill. ·COUt.-T,·
Service That Satisfies
these " ~ecUritie
becau s,
"us;nesJ manageme~t ha,.- made [hem ~ depend"b,
:l Vest-
securities. Hanks prefer
mcnt:--as. dependable as electric Service ItseU
the little boy hilS a personal stake
• • e
• • • • •
YEAST ,• •
LAMPS (Floor and Table)
N......lng C.:.al
• • •
, • • • • ••
STUDIO COUCHES ('F ull, Spring. Filled)
S - Wad
5~vin~ banI( dep~siturs liod,
alked Belli •
And il w,U continue to 'open doon p,-op~rrul\ ,i
•. ..0.. c,.. JOc
DHp "ItoWII .....
This is the "Americao economi( .' system. It's called . 'a pi. . "" . . talism. I,'s a good system. It ··bel.ped mllke ' Amer"'11 t: reat.
. ...",.Ch.30
life insurance owner•.
II you Jutrer trom a !!lufp sh t~m then try gentle. yet thorough a..ti"8' Marcu!! Tablet .., Truly grand' ...\let (rom constipllUon and eco. nomical In price, ~ull size package of tablets COllI. 25 cl.'nts al all dNl' .t~rea. . Oet M.\rtlll Tablet. aDd .. dlNCttd.
15c 'lb'34c
No.2 • • C.n
/ v-a COCKTAIL •••• ~~ 32 WHEATIES • • · .' 'IJi~ 15c
9 x 12 "'OOL RUGS
10 111,
indus~ry : Practically ~fle,.., American. bas-:-miUium
stockholder's, :other millions
'1i.~· 12c
ings bank. pennie~ .lImos I certainly wiU be lovested 10 electrIC I!tility
9Bc .
NORRIS BROCK CO. NOw ;-u 's lust a penny in
8 V.g.etoble Juic. Blend
CInC!lnnati Union 8toek YIII'ds
Dry CI•• ning
---....au-.TCH~ for
RENUZIT CLUtNER •• 2~1. $1.19 .n
AT THE .... riendly Sto..."
Br•• U.st C.r.al'
•. _._"-20. __.___ ..-...____,..__.__Il __________
Marion Snyder Phone 171
• • • J.r
Hospitalization - Health and Accident (Also Grange Inlluran~e Service >.
I"or fnfor'mation
According to Size and Condltlon
• • • •
Personal · Is Vital to Every Family Insurance IS YOURS PROTECTED?
W.C. BROWN Telephone
Implement Service
Your John Deere Dealer LEBANON, OHIO
• •
27c 9c 7
GENUINE JOHN DEERE REPAIR PARTS Comp·e tent Repair Service on Tractors and Impll!,ments by Experienced Mechanics .
Pastourlzed P",n.,
• JOHN DEERE FarmEquipment
. N. East
6 OL Jar
• •
Krispiar Br." kfast Food
2 OL Btl.
• • • • •
Rich with FI •• or
All Types Houae WiriDg Motor. - Applianca.
• • •
Armitage &Son
• • •
HoodI. Soup Mix
• At 405-~()9 W~ St., Is Dayt.on's Leading School of Music ..• Faculty ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~: 01 Trained a nd' Experienced Teach. • era in AU Bl'anches .• • lD8trument~ TELEPIIONE:S Furnished with Courses , , , Eledrlc WAYNE VU,I.E 2091 Pipe Organ Available for Practice .at MORROW No.3 , Reasonable Rates ... Expert TraillLEBANON omce 473K In, In Voice • Piano, Orpn ,SasaSAN~ and GRAVEL RES. 129L phone. Clarinet. VloUn, Guitar, At:. BLACK-TOP DRIVES conUon, Daneblr, Dramatic Art and to Become Teachers of l\lusic , .. An TAR ~lLDd ROAD OIL 'Excellent Place to Develop YoUr TaLAWN and FILL DIRT lents lor Radio IU1d Slace ..• Under READY-MIX CONCRETE the Able Dlrution ot Mr. and' Mrs. Vernon E. Fries • , • Tel. ADams 8631 EXCAVATING and DUMP TRUCK SERVICE The Mirun! Valley Conserva.wl'Y 01 Music forms a. cen tel' '[ 01' d evotees of the' rurt ar.d Is a great a.!d "In the promotion of good music fu.'1rl II,,) appreciation IUllO/l4,t peoplt:' a ll o ver t:his part, of bhe country. lnst.rucMml here ' Is Qf the ven
• • r2~
Lemmons' Hatchery
FOR ~ Cabbage and Tomato plants, lOe per doz. -elias C. S trouse, Rt. 2. y,; m1Jes from Waynesv1l1e, oar. Waynesv1lk Ferry and .lLyitie Roads. 59
be all equllli ty or
L1 1 m to quallJy and progress in all WIC elCf!H'CS of occupation and ac-
Farm Bureau Cooperat·Ive A55'n. Inc..~·peclnllze -
T il E TRUTIl I _ _ IT'S GREAT! 0 11 ' or MGM's BI~ Muslcn.1 Speclnls !
WANTEr>- Whlte g ttl Lor gellel'Sl housework; $16 11 wook. Write M.r.>. Wullam H. Ki te', 75 FOW1taln Ave., {,lendale. Ohio t6\J burb ul.!lCIllCQ,ti. 49c edge customers. Their ove:rhead being snuill in comparison With their 1ll4'ge business ma.kE6 it possible to Garden PlaD~ ' .
May 1
• An excellent TI'Chnlcolor Fa.nta.sy! Better LIm n "Th lef
The re
111l'hts between me n and wom n . Wonicn shall receive an equal pri vi-
FOR RENT Emery Peters, Rt.. J , . Waynesville .
-REAL E ''I' ATE PUBLIC S.> \LEsat.urday, May 4, 19<16 - 2:00 p. m . • T el! acres f(' rtlle farm land 011 • At Leb:lJlOn a nd MlL~Oll . RepreEast side oI U. S. Route 42 a t inter- sent tbe Modcrn Idea of Cooperaseotian of S late Route No. 122. Foul' tion Among Producers t.o Buy ColnUles south· of Waynesville, nbou ~ leC'tlvely and Secure the Advantages a 45-m1oute drJve from De.ytOn. Bus ot Economical Dlstrtbution . ' . service. ReSt.Ti ted for a nice house. Featuring Quality Farm Bureau No bu1ldi.'l1!S but 8. fine place lor Producl6 . . . ["very Farmer In the your fUture bome. Cr.ly '}.. mile from County ShOUld Be II. Patron Here As They Understand tile Problem the ri vcr if you like flshi~ . $300 deposit; ,balance on delivery of the Fanners and Are Aiding in Their Solution • .. Owned and Conof deed. Good loan arranged. troll~d by Warren C.o nnty Fanners For iJl!onnatiOtl .call and Under the Efficient Direction KARL M. BROWN. Auctioneer or Robert OhamberUn . . . Office Phone 208K, Lebanon. Oblo Phone 211':.
- - - -P8S~w'e ,for stock .
Ninth ·Baha'i Principle
lil llr· hovs and ~ir15 with pi~gy bank•.
"Complete J-Ic:»me Fumi.he~" ~
1··..____~r__M-a..i-n...S_tre_e-t....t..Wb-....·t..... - ...n.'..' _____11
. ~~C~1Ip
r . FIIOJ Cat ......
~ lie Sene... S.lad . •
J..It•• ~ 220
. Mli •• V.tet.Ia,' .. ,., CfMiIIIIitr • .......1...
"'"" e
he E talblished 1850-No. 4262
$1.50 .Year -
F. F. A. DANCE Members or the iFuture Farmers of America are sponsoring a dance 00 be giv~ ' lilt tlhe WaYooSvWe 'lIl~h School Auditorium on Friday evellIng. May 3. at 8 :00 o'clock. A dan.:c orchcstra /Will turnlsh the music The admJsslon char'ge Is fifty centl; ger person.
Organization of Community Band Sponsored by American Legion .
• Aprtl 29. 1946. Muslll'OOlTlS ar here again. All fi])l1rg bhere have been reports Of mllshrooms here nnd t.l1ere but 1 <lidn't flnd any. Toda .r I 'hM two k1nd.~. the blIWk Irky oneil. Copr1nus Come.tus. more commonly call1ed shaggy-mane OJ' hoI'S ~tu ll mll8hro!xns. creame<l for lunch and the spongy ones frll'd for s lipper . The 5POI14:'es are vl'!'y pol)ulnr but I am a heretic where mushrooms are oonoomed and I like th e !>hngg'ymanee a.nd Ihe conunon Ca1\ mtL'lhI'OOIm8 ,I iet,ter. There are still lots of kinds I illo,ve never tesl d. I hl'llr of • Mrs . .H('l('n MCCOY' ret~ed from red oaks and hlck!'t'}' jacks on:1 Chl::ago, Tue!da.y, ha.ving Q.tt.ended oyster mtL,>hrooms bu t 1 Mve !li'ver the 38!.h Annual Convention of the seen llh.eJn tn krow them. Mr. and Boha'ls of tlhe United states and Mrs Ed Hopkins are mUShroom fa r:s Car.ada, \held In !.he' Baha'l Temple and !;ho olher day tht'y hod a lot In Wllme.t te, Ill. -JI&H Photo Service of spongy ones Rnd some furny The Temple \\'118 used <lIS a lor.d- Jack Wymer, Toastmaster at Left. BACK ROW: Reva Braddock; Mrs.. Walter Wbltaker; lI:..-v. R. B. ColeIIttJe onefl ' tJIlat fri end8 of thell'5 hod mark during the war . b}l Naval been plckLng n~d eating for yooTS nvlators at neOl'by Glenview Air Balie man ; Mrs. Lois Maurice; Mrs. : Em ma Mae Ba'teithwalte. WltlhOllt III effects so th y Lrlcd them and Is recogn1zed among Mch1tect~ FRONT ROW- Annf'ltte Tinney; Doris Brown: pavld Brownj Ilnd Joe Tinney. i too and lived Ilhrough It. The book as one of thIe outstanding cdlrlces of AAYS those violet colored on ;; WI' US kind In the United States, polntfor their donations of prizes ; the found last .yonr lire !WOO ~o If I rt nd l1" g ouL that "Into tIhis new design The "BI'en.klast Ir. Hollywood" motner'B of the Ohlldlren's Olass for an.y more I will try them but am Is woven. in symbolic lorm. the gl":!8t ·held at tlhe Method1st Church under t.helr help; MrS. ISnllsburY. Mrs. stUI mrehtl to avoid tlhe whi te· Balhn.·1 teaching of unity- the unity tIle auspices of the ChUdren's Soc- Wade TUrner. Mrs . Oharles .EIlIs. spored vnrlcblClS os the dmdllr-:: of all religions and 01 all ma.nklnd.'· ilet.y of that Church on Monday MnI. Ray cOOner and their respecones ot (\11 belong 1.0 that Carnlly. Dedicated 'to the Int,erno)Uonal evenine. April 22, was a well at- tlve committees; and Mr. Moler's MUShrooms nre 'clnsslf led by the bl'ObherhOOd of man and universal ltended aiId sreatJy enJoYl!d oc- Class far 5enI1ng the dinner. color Of Ihe spores which they have peace, the folloWers attending bhe caslon with approximately 165 pretnstead of seeds and tJhe WRY they convention. reqresen\ted aliI races. er-t to see and !hear Jack I~mer of are borne. For e xample the common n ationalities, creeds and cla.ssas, flC'W radio sta,t lon WlING, [)aIyton, who cuIlttvat.ed mushroo.m whl h I.~ 1\ ~Ushed in 78 countries of Lhe acted as toastma.ster of the e ven, cultlvO'ted fonn of t he common t~II globe, 'with Iheadquarters cer.tered ln4r. AmUlg the outstandJnt p~ of field mtLo;lU'oom Is Agnl10us cam- In 'the Baha'i Temple. pestus and hAS purple-brown spores. !be evening, WB8 the pa...,lng Of a . Irr you cut off the s tem a nd pla ~e 1\I1S8 BUBSKE . FEATURED IN trick cigar to Ollle 'W1l11alIlB of the the caP. gJlls duwn or. a ' ploce of PEP GOWEN ACROBATIC F'l'lends Home and the 1ry1ng-or. pnper. after some hou rs you .wlll DANCE REVUE, VINCINNATI of Iad.1es h8It8 including tbose of fI~ a brown dtLo;t 0 11 the paper. • Mr. and! MnI. Jcjm BUl'$ke. Mr. l\fi1l. Sackett and Mrs. Nellie Bun~ the tiny ibrown s porcs from whIch and Mrs. WUUam Strouse aro ~8 nell. ' I:ew plants 'Will grow. The inky COJ)ll Sare. Conner were O1nolnna.tl visltsuch os Ihe ~gy-mane will leave ors on' SUndaY' and. &fl.W M1.~ The toasIma6ter talked with mahy .. Harvey Burnet. presldel~ t of the black $]JOl'es and .'!O on. None of the MMlyn l!urake In the Pep Golden of thoee prooent Including Mrs. Board of ~tol'S ot: The Waynesbrown or black spored mushrooms Acrob1t:1c Dance !Revue at Memorial Fulkerson, Mni. RoBe Turner, MI·s. vUle Locker Plant, m~.; staled tooay are poisonous bhougb some are HaU. M~~~y Pt~and Mrs. Hathaway that permit.. have nQw been rect!ived better than others. T hese spores an Ig. trom' bile' ~tree on bulldlng in are formed on the gUJs. bhose deltIn the various contests held dur- th1s IInI8 ~~. ~t MllI'k on the concate plate OJ' knUe-ltke formations '" I ing 'Ilhe 6VerUne the clas6Lflcatlons ~tlon or·l'the plru:t here Is due on the underside 'OI bile CIliP. In a and pizes won. III ~ch were as tD bec1n In a orl while. Mr. BurneL puff ball the $pOres are 'b orne, tn- • follOWS: ' atated t.bMi, Lee lL4il1Jlmons, local side tlhe ball arA in the morels t~y .Fat&e!M. Lady: .100 In meaot. from buUCIu wJll ' be In oharge 01 oon&re in: t1n\y SIlCS on · the surface of Mrs. Henry Hauenstein of Cln- 00y~e'8 ~ Market to lilYa Davis. suuc:tiGD. the bt)l«:6 II.nd 'pltis Lhat' give It Ule · clruiati vhs1ted tier -riiOtli'er. Mrs. .ID '8erric~~Two awardS, The 'arohltects' deslgn calla Car a spongy apPeal'a.noe. So OJy obsel"V- Georg-lanna Ivlr.5, Thursday mom- A ToweJIfrom Myer Hyman's to Mrs. bu1Jd1na Of x Sf l~'t. to ~ conlng a few of these chare.ct.ertsttcs lng. J8mes and a. $1.qG dinner at Cold atructed of ooncrete block wltlll a . you can easily learn to distinguIsh ~v. Paul ... Presaler or GermaJl'- Spr1llJS Inn to Mrs. Hopkins. sulUlble fron~ material that WIilJ give one \dnd fl'Om! another. It Is a nice ~ Lutheran Ohuroh ca.lled on Loll".., M~rleiI: Five gallons gas it Q. neat appeannce. The rool will pmcttoal hobby too. In tlmefl like Mrs. Ame.I:>..d& HalItrum, SUnday f.rom Fulkerson'a "I!btlo S1B.tlon ·to be a COIJlj)o8ltion """'Ie 1l4'ld nee..rly .. ,,a.. .........~. •• ',. these of food . shor~es a.nd any- afternoon. DB... .................. (58 year.s) ar.d a !lat. IReIllfor~ .COflji:or~ w1l1 be Mrs. Allee Clark was a Dayton JWxer Cover from Waynesvllle Drug used In Ute floors an.d · a basement thl1"g ttmt Is Q ood exc'llse for a walk In the WOOOR on a spring dav visitor on F'r1da:Y. Store to Mrs. Ungle6by (53 yews) . will be WIder the front part of the nice boo. • Mr. Elnill8 Cannony of " Sprlnc- Newea' Bride: M1mlI' form WaYoes- building only as !.he extreme welghL • Sa.tUi1"day. Bird nestln~ time. The flel~ was a supper 8lJeSt at the ville ffourntture and .AppJlance CO. or the locker roOm p:tqJer will not . robin Ilhet hru; n. Pi's!. on he top cr Home on; ~. to Mh. R8,y Miller. pennlt b88emer.t stnlcture. CBpocity Olle of Our POrch p sts has been Ur. and Mrs. Roderick G~ene or - HATS at ·the locker ,room wdI1 be 5Oollockers having trouble with 1\ d ark colored Lebanon 'IV&re d1nner guests of SlUlest 1Ia.t: One pound oC Butter at present with an a.ddltlonal 500 to bird thaI> mi3ht liave .been a starl. bbelr MUlt, Mrs. EvWyn Petereon on' from Thelma's Lunch Room to Mrs: be ad<ledI 11 and ~hel; needed. , lng but sh e must ~l.ave won the slIriday. Emma. 'Mae So.tterthwalte. Ir. addttion to the looker room , th e MI'!!. Qeor,rta Mend'enball and Novel Hat: $2.00 trade cert lflca.te prooe6lliDi nnns, and oUIre hllerp. . bllit tle !IS ~he Is quJrtly s lttir..g on her four blu e eggs. I round' nllob\'l('r Misses Mir.nle Dodson and RuUt at F'alrley Ha~W8l"e StOre ~ Lois 'WIll e.lao be a smote' room for tn robins nest so low down that I Ollandler a1ltlended tile meeting of Maurice. curlll8 01 IPOI'It ~ a storage room' could walk up find look In .n. I tlbe New Century 0100 at Oold Man's Bat: ~to iPollsh at Ro8er& lor smoked .ineats where t.he tenrhope til while cat can. not get to SPl'~ l.Ai1te Inn on ~ursdaW and Simpson ' Ford Garage by Rev. pere.ture lis so conlirotled 11hnt mold 18 never present. It II.'i en..'!Ilr· 11h~ other day I came with Mrs. R. E. AsblU'Y U hbetess. R. B. Coleman. ~ a WhOle mock of ,t.iny bah) -Mr. and' M~. lobn Hilt. 01 Cedar- T~It!8t . Hat: SoaP. at Stewart's 'I1he delay in construoldon of this kUdee.r rUnn!1l8 along on their ville called. on MJss Ruth Ohandler, 'lbriR-'EMartlet by Mnl. 'Walter I?1ant 1& due to reglUtlons regardI.OOth"'Plck legs. They 'W~ st1l\ Sunday evening. Whl~r. . Ing bu1IQlng m8lterlals a~d no faul t. fuzzy and their wh\t.e collOlrs weI' Mrs. ~Pa Mendenhall IIP,f'nt Flower Hat: .Five gallol'' s sus to Whatever of tile Bo&rd of Directors ro.t so Imlooth IIUld nent as when tale weekend .1ti,·]JIt;yton at the' home Reba Braddock. or the Looker Plant. bas caWied a <bhey IlIt'e just a, ,bltJ bigger. Th Ir of her nepheW. Mr. Ernest Mal'Mn Chlldren's Hat: Ha.ndkea'Chief's from OOII'lSiderable kIg In tile locker space motJ1\erw-as wollrled and t rle<1 .to Mils' Mar,. 'Puib or.,Lett_non ~11- A. K. Dil.y to DorI6 Bl'Own and Ann- ren't9.ls but this will shortJy be distract my, attention ,by flytnged 'on Miss Annie Brown" SatUrday eWoe T1nIley. . brought up~ and the entire m'0II'll'inI. ' Wlahlne JUnr: Donated by carey's Spll(le will be fully occupied soon . Mead 1l.nd crying Our Itttle piOnd. Is It oor.ter of atMrs. BerUe MlIIa IuId' as her Sun- Jewellry Shop. Leban~, Ohio, to altel' construction is completed. ,ten'tlon too. :Everyone Ibas tried to d1ly dinr.er guests. ¥rs: Ma1!ta mbon Katherine Thomas. Lytle. Her wlI At the pr~t t1nu~ the apCI'&tor ca:tch ·.'!Orne" gOldfish At first ~ a.nd Mrs. L. N. Renden!ton. WII8 for happiness and lasting pence of tJh1.s Want, has not 'b een namt'd. 'Were qulte eosy to dip . out but .they ' ~ for. everybody. have been ~ mueh that ·now • Oldest WO~D: An oroh1d to . Mrs. they come to the surfaoennd 'oorb 51noo a friend of mine and I 'Wellt Wlnape&r, 1M years old. bom In Ib ack Ir.to deep water. fW1hen we to see some stock he had ILf!d we Shropsh1r e, En8land: T<lld 01 com1ng. 'Wll«'e trying to dip oome toda.y we each bcugbt . a Jersey ' ihe1fer. J to AmerloOa aDd settling ~ear O1ndipped out' IOI14J'. jelly~Uke sb1nls QUJled anne Burtle and the .peopIe clnnatl. A Vel1Y unusual and Inof egss - 'toad. eggs 60 the txlok Who now' own bel' Oft~n 'bl'8g ,about t~tk1g interview WlI.!I ,h eld. ' saYli. as Trag cris Il!re Ia.ld In bUnctl- what a gOOd! «IJf abe ·is. Tb1s FInK ~ Prbe. A lamp 'troJn iIlhe Home es a.nd toad eggs .In sti'1r$. Toad or.e lo1 her heliers, ·;f1riJ.Z1e, had her Appliance Store to Mrs. GeOl'ge tadpoles arc. very ,small and qui-i.e 111'8t calf. ~n~ren' oome ~at.erhou8e. biaak while frog tadpoles a.re larg- qu1ckly fu cow &-eueni1.lons. 1 miss Mo,~ Obtlclren: A steak dlnller from er and l1gtl'tet· colo.red. Toads are another oJd frlerti and ' advisor Dan Hoppy's &!sl8urant to MI'6. James; very u.t;efU} 'In ·the gMden but a.c~ tlIld ,h8.v.e'tieen sorry ~,hea.r Canne.d Goods from 0. oR, SmIth LEGION BASEBALi.. cording to 1lbe ·book aga1r. tbeee wUl that he baa beeri a flbut.in .most of Grocery to MnI. Salisbury; 25 1b8. TEAM WINS DOUBL.E not came out unt1l lall and bUll the wtnt.q. at flour from Wa.ynesvUle lFanners frogs not until ne~ year. . • Slmda.y. Today ~ had cUnner Mth Exchange' to Mrs. Treadway; and • Il1he American LegIon B6seball It Is ~ ~ld ap1n ·witJh .Wind and the ~ · ta.ml1y '.9'1er on bile WtJ- Coffee fft>m Krog!P'8 to Mrs. Hop- Teem plll¥ed two games here SUtIgusts of cold rain. Of course 'I t nUn- mill8'too Mn. Merrtck 1s as- 1tIns. They each. had 6 dlildI'en. day afternoon .. one wl!:h the South ed Just; as it got. to.Mrs, H~ lor peclally tnter~ in IIDIDI! ~o-' Other 'p rlzel were won by Betty Lebanon· team thst n!SUlted. in a 7 some 8spe.ra@US but she wqnt out links tJbat _ juSt O\lt8k!e . their ThOmM, shampoo and lIrJcer wa.ve 1n nothing score in fav1)1' of bhe local and got me acme ~y: I ~ d~. Mtv · or~ ~ -with f.rom Evelyn's Be8.uty Shop; Mrs. team and a game with W1lmJngton e~ fortw1ce ar..d · cook It all ~Unka ~ ,in __ PQeI11i' Wt! all Bunnell, O'eme lIh&mlPOO Ifrom. "Sis" aI80 brougrht Il win t~ the local as soon as IJ)068lblc 1 have found IeamtJd' In ,Jobool .; deitg1ited Bea.uty ShOp: . Oeorp Jfa,rteock, lle8}0I'1IJ1er. wtt.h & , SOOI~e of 8 to b i the ba.lf I do .nat (!4t boda.y 1s to heat Ule In.peNon. '. 'I111e&tre UcireIB flUll Twin 'nlea.z~ ; A game will ,b e pla~~ Sunday but better COOked. and wa.\'ID'lEO~Ulan ~ ao It aOe&- cows. a new ce.lf and ~vld Brown. Glamour · LIght final arrangements· bav~ not been left '1.ll1COoIted uriW t.omarro9{ and todar, b1l'd.a ~, . (iIIh and meri. fl'Olll ·HWtt.er Hobby Shop. complebed at this Mme, ~tes Bill . , 8awy~ .......... ""'.. fredl cooked then. It (l0lleS less or · '''l1l:e ....ldI Is ao 01 .. Mrs. 0ha.rle8 EllIs 'was 8IWarded ' .~~. ttl! .fresh ~vor cooked !ban (&IVi. at ,~, . . tbe ' ~Good, Oood Nelghi)or:' Priie· .' ,. . _. Mr. Hcpldns al~ hM . aomet.biJ)g I am ID'e we 1l!I~dl be bappy 0[ a potted plant from Ute Wayne$- JUNIORS A IL SO WJN; In~. '!be other dalY It W88 Il. a& 1!1DIa". .. . . v11le ~. She IML8 nom1- DQUBLE-HEADER beautitul. pink a.IIId .amarylu.,. If 'i dnpare bAPJlIV'. ' ~y; mUst.be nai.ed 'by Mm. .~ Mailrice 'and SUNDAY AFTERNOON one of ,!be Jil«rt; 'beautl1Ul I IIM!l' at 6 1e_ ~ 18 'r eady rave Q. hl.811Ol'OUll and ent.erta.lJi1ng 'llhe Jwoor teamlJlX~ by the 88t'f. Today I "Y~nt out to. ~bIa· ar,d ~ U) try ~ , . b'top, interview alld WIllI also aWlU'de'li' a J..evIoh a180 took Q. 971nr..q streak Qpi1oo~ Wh1Cil ~ already idnos~ ~ it aa ~. PJeiIc!8ut;.,or ~r, P8 aprtDtr bat .,y J~ W~. the tills week and o<!PP<ld" the ' Sl1rlll;:rIU/ I)• . as cherr.les.' I hope the frClit eV8l\ in the ~ ..trcUtled ICMe uIaat8r of ~ .boni' pme on ~" played there, doe!IiP't.. get. thept- 1)1' the atraw· or the WOItd: Here'a . ~ tbat _ IJ'be dlalrm&n of tile commlUefl wttIl So IIICOl'e of 10 to lB. . . berI'Ies elth«. ~e alao haa necta- ~ will be IIIIIlb'd out .to MIPOnalble J'Qr thja ahaw wiahea t.n On >FrIday. ~ 3, UlC Juniors wU1 ~ . ~p 11M! IItue . . . . . . Db JcJbr take tIlU oppoI'tlUDlty to thtlnk aU play oent.ervl1le a.nd a double-header 1 wu qry to bear of "BaDp I.ewlIi f.l'OID ftIIDIJIc·· wtt:b ~ "rule &bale Wbo tlelped 1D Ita ~utlOll 18.iatecs (01' play at Belin'ook next Bunao'a de8tb. lll\lllle&&mell boUIht CII' ndn" poIfcJ. . W1tb fJIII!CiaI 'oonaldeI'aUcID to tibe SUDdII¥. nook ol1liln and be IIOOk aD bdar- But ...... JIcIadI. ~ eumot UcCIUnt PUDOI8l IIoIIIe tor b!D1e, .. us. ,. ~ ~ tb .... .., to UHI ~ ~ 8114 dU'8j Da~ Pre. for the F. ae.e ..... apeDt Iruter In .....,. It diMll'\ __ . . 1IIIIIiiItt.. . . . Ita ',&t; b iiunbaDt.I . . . . . . . filii
FARMERS' GRANCE No. 13 • Fanners' Grange No. 13 will meet tll:tls 5aturdnG' evening, May 4. nt 8 :30. Inltialtl.o n oeremorue .wlII be held for three ~dlda¢es . After W1e meeting. a short program wUl be given In ,honor 01 Mother's Day And International M·u sic Week. Lawrence Furnas. Master • Mm. R . E. Asbury was 'hostess Radlel Earnhart.. Lecturer to the New Century OJub on FrtdlW afternoon at t.he Cold Sprlngll Inn. with. Mrs. A. O. GTeSS.le a.nrl Mrs. MOTHERS CLUB • The Mothers Club will. hold' th.elr H. R. ' 'Hecht 01 oakwood; Mnl . May meeting at the Grade Build- Emma Park of Mt. VernOJll; Mrs. Ing o~ FrIday ·alternoon. Election of H. R . Moss. Mrs. John J . BurBke officers for the coming year will bc' and Mrs. Clarence Rye as guests. held and an interesting program Is . Mrs. El.'I.Ie H.ockeW 'ar.d Mrs. (fl. E. being arranged. Hat.l1a.wa.y were 111 charge of the ~rogram and eaen gave a most 1nter~g 'p aper. MI'6. Hookett.~ ~OGRESSIVE' pa;per WGiS e n 'Lhe Ufe of Sister WOMENS' CLUB • The f>rog.res$Ive Worne'ns · Club Kenny "They Shall Walk Again" , will meet In regular &easton at 'l he a. subject which Is 01 groo.t Interest home of Mrs. Alva Thompeon (In to everY one. Mrs. Hatllawey oho6e Monday eve~ing, May 6, a.t 7 :30 "SaJads" as her tQplc and as she o'clock. consIders ooo\dng an alt. her talk Wl\8 emremely Ir.terestlng. . Miler the Olub adjournment a. deli1ltltiful soc1al 'hour was enjoyed by tlhe group and l'efreslUnent.s were lSerVed by the hostess.
NEW CENTURY CLUB s.hip • A Post comm1ttee of WlllYl1e Townof the American Legion
Mrs. McCoy Attends Baha'is Convention
Photographic Service Established Locally
• From time to t1me, and more frequently In the near future the name H&H Photo 8erv1Ce 'Wlil be seen on outetandtng phot.ogmphs. malnJy, of looal objects 8J1d persons. and as a credit llne under pholXl6 Ill.!.eeWS~ . ...'Ul'6inan1e<pubn:amllcs.etl~._ . _ .. e ..... n<Xoa w. .., u-.. up from the pe.rtnemb1p of W1lll8 Hunter 6lId Olyde Harness, both energetic ~ who have esta:bUshed themselves at tbe Hunter Hobby SMp on Soutlh Ma:ln Street In iWBynesvllie. Wltn bhe recent. lWqulsltlon of R Speed Graphic Camera with fun equlpmer.t tlhey are now preplll'ed to meet any ' phOtogmphlc reques t. day 1)1' n1gtlt, ' nUn or shine. At the Pl1!lerlt they are conc:entratlng on commerclal photography and tlhe plctw1zlng of clubs. trroUps, parties. wedd.1ng8, aportl! 8IId 11'.Q1v:1duw to mention a tew of 1..he
Local L'ockjer Plant CoDstmctl-on WU BeResumedS .oon
C7' I. J-rl.end6
'1 m
5c Copy
.~ sub~.
At their headquarters tht'\V are 'Cul1y equJppec1 to .~eloP camero film and! 1b maite ' prints or ~n~rgmenta. They can. ·a lso.do tinting and speclallze in copy worIt such as Gtd ~... , phOt06. ....~d or \Witten ma~ter or of any object tnat a photogtilph 18 wanted. J'Iortm1lure C1l 1h0lMS, buJldltlil!. MvestlOCk, 'b arns, Clhtldren, eW •• either ')lOlled Qr In 1IiCtion are aVlilfable Ulroug!ll the H&H Photo Service.
CENUJtVIL~ ~ODlST CHURCH, THURSDAY EVENING • Mrs. D. O. Ridge was a guest or. Tbursdaly evening at bile wedding 01 MIss Phyllis H1ll and Mr. The<>clore IParsoll6 Ill' the Centerville Methodist .C hurcih ar.d a.t Ule reception given at the "WIshdng Well ". MI'. and Mrs Oharles Ellis aL<.'O were guests aol. the wedd1ne. . AT'11END WOO.... EARNHART ~~--
Is ,p romoting plana for Ule 0I'gan1_ zat10n of a Oommunity Band 01' a Drum and Bugle Corps to be composed of nat orJy Leg10n m~r3 but allio of anyone In the commUnity who has musical talent a.rYd carl play a band instrument. The prlmary reason for tlliB lJla~ 15 oUle Memorial Day services wfrfcn bile Legion plans for tMs ylIflli. They will Include a great many features not praotdced in the past of which the band Is one. 11hiB Legion Band Oomm1tltee Is r.eque8Ur.g that an persons In't tlhe community who are Interested in tale promotion. of this bandr'llntl Who tiwl p1e.y a band Instrument.• meet at Ie Hi8tI Schoo) AudIOOrtum. ·0Il' Ynday ever.lng, May 3, at 7 :30 o'clOck, tjust pI1cr 1n the F . F. A. Dance. lor' tihe purpoee of detenn.lnm.r wnat-"pJ8ns ·can 'be made Cor the development ot a Oommunlty Band. . The Oommlttee (eels tba.t Utls communJty has sufflc1en·t t.(Jent . to successfUlly organlZe ·a muslcal croup of tnIs type provided Ibo8e /Who are sog1fted wUl feel ItJ1e urge at civic prtde strongly etlOUIr:h to r,eepond to the request 101' band members.
Churngold .PI.os Cannery Elpausion
WEDDING CEltEMON~ HELD IN XENIA SVND"Y l\JORNING • No a.ddttlonal information Is now • 1d1'8. Jennie Dil.vls·, Mrs. Lottie av&llallle ~ng the ~lng stolies, MrS. Lola S. Thomas an.el of the ~ C&nJlel'les at 'Col'Wtn ~ M:v~:~'~aertWaendd- 8IId Roxanne. by The Cbumgold J """'.... Corporation of Clnc.l nnatl. . Mr. Jolln WOCIlel tn !.he Xerua 4000rdipg tn a. statement made Method1st Ohu.tcb on Bunday morn- by Dr. Robert. Blair. Id>e.rum, Ii. ir.e. member of the Roxanno., Canner," ~, the tranaactlon was comf) pleted 'last ~. samuel Blakemore, preeideot 01 . " '------;..",;,....Hl OtWrngold OoIi1«iItIilu BI'aIicb BJR.TII- · at otnc1nnatl. stated that the i.wo Mr. and MI'!!. Barry Jam" are ~lants would cOntinue under tile announclng the ,b irth 01 a daugl1- management 01 A. 0 , Oftff1' at Roster, Monday. April 29, at Miami a.nna and ~ Wills at obrlw1n. Valley hoIIpltal. Expa.n&1on plans of the ChumMrs. Margllret ·Johns· waa quite 1lI gold Oorpoffl'tlon ~ InclUde a several 4aY8 ' la6t wHIt· . year-roUlld canntr.g Pl'OgI'8Ql that ATTEND 500 DINNER CLUB . Mr. 'Plt' 'Mb.. 'I INvey Burnet at- will probalbly In'elUde por~ and ,t.endetl theh- "500" dinner club, on ~~i= p1ctloeB and Sa~rday evening lilt the :tJome 01 Mi. 1Uid Mrs. J . B. Ohe.pnian In Mr. Blalrernore stated that the Chl.ll"tlf!'Old· omporatton 'Would tUe waYrieevule . . Immediate po68esslon 01 the plants Mr. -Evereu Clark 01 Dayton apent and 'the regular packmg of sWeet sur.dil.y afternoon with 'h is parent!;. com would be camed 'on th.1s eeuan. Mr. and Mrs. WUbur Vlairk. Other commodities IPlanpied fOl' canSE~ON' '~prc . nIng w1l1 not ,b e ,ready for produc'ReY. 'lORe,.. !'Jyers will have for h senmm topI~ held Sunday "How tum unUi 1Dt7.
. . Mela.• C.'hapter' 107
Ann...t I Dill:
w: . '
pettlOO .
• The Annual Inspection of Mla.nit Chapter No. 10'1. Order at tlhe"J!laatem Star waa iheld at the Masonic T emple on sa.turdaY" .ever.lng with a very lartle attendance. ' A bartquet ',VIIS enjoyed at six o·clock. for which tl'Ie tables and dining rOQtJl . were .beautlfully arla.ngerl .wlbh decorattons of tuUps of variOUS. ool0J'6 predorrUnattng. Mrs. Juanita ·L. Dewey of Blancbest.er. ,D eputy Orar.d Matron, was !.he Inspectlni Ottloer ' and was otIhe hooor guest of lJle eventng. Mrs. Netta Sullivan, IPast Grand Matron from LIma; Mrs. Ethel Wylie. Grund Repreeen1AlUve. from Bethany; M1'8. Grace .Grether, Gmnd R.epresl>ntatlve, from Day tor.; and Mrs. AUdrey Ka1b.fJeJsch, Ora.nd Elect.a, Of Day'ton nJso were honor g'Ilcsts. The Initiatory work was impressively 'given to silt owdldat.es In the Ohapt,er room whklh was 81t.t.ruclveIy arranged with .b lue Irla. whlte spirea. and red tulips as decorations.
W '
a ' yne
' . • The Sooth 'Wayne Advisory Council held their AprIl meetln, at Ihe borne' of l4r andl !irfl.e- DavL~ ·F1urna.8 Th~ ~ A r11 25 on eve . , II . , 'D~. of ~e ways In Which the fa.rmer can, help the governIll6Il't br1n8 iDunediat.e relief to .starvine countr1ee brou8)ht out many Interest1ne facta and queaUOns. ' Alter the bUsiness portion of·.the ineettr.g waa cHapenseQ Wl\h 'a 90Clal hour was eniJOYed. and refreshments were served to of.Ibe ~esta. The May meeting lj)e .heId at 'lihe hOll1e of 'Mr. ahd 'Ym. O. E. Stant~ on lIN 23. . . . LOOAL POSTMASTER AT CONVEN'ftON IDLD IN COLUMBUS, TB11IUIDAY • ~ L. H. Gordon atteDdeel &lb. Postmaater'a COMen~. in COl. . . . OIl 'lbunday, Priday uad
_ _ _•
Wedd"Ifta An '. Of jFred .Eyerhi.l.td' __.'"
to Meet TroUble" at 10:3D a.t LyUe Clluroh. Don't ' rna It. Mr. and Mrs. Frank W. AckerUIYetc~rJ man ' and son or Norbhrldge !iPCnt . . u.t; f ~ Baturday. eVening with Mr. ard Mrs. W6lt:er . K.enriclt. . . MRs. STitAUJUMP ILL . Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Nloh"b of Olndnnllltl spent sa:tu'tday wlth the • Mr. Il.Ild .Mrs. Freet Eve!'lar~ latter'8 sister, Mrs. WIIi11am Btrau· oeldlra.ted their fOllltleth -.,edd4ng ka~. who Is Ul' at the oome · of annlvensa.ry Qn Sur.d&y and were her' daughter, Mrs. aal~h Hammond honored with a fine dJn'n er .«iven and f~. at the home of ·Mr. Ol1ver De.vJs MrS. Ellmbeth Smith of Waynes- an4 M.I.ss 'R s4leJ DaNis in Corw1n. ville and! Rev. Joseph M,;-ers or DayMr.' and MD. Evertlart received ton called on Mrfi. Margaret Johns many lave.ly1 g1J'ta 1\Jld' cards. and Paul Johns. . 'IlhIoIIe 'Who eJ1Joyed the day with 4TTENDS INSPEVTION OF OES IIhe !honor guests 'w ere MIr. a.nd' Mra. Mr. and Mrs. Everett Early ac- Ea.rl .Murray at Da.yton; l\4ir. aru:I companied' by Mrs. JOhn Fromm Mre. Pete I>eJDas and ChUdren ' of lind Mrs. BertIe MUIs 01 Waynes- New ,Vienna.; Mr. and Mrs. Bert vIDe, attended JnspecUon of the Van Cleve of Xenia; Mr. Ralph Eaabern Star at Greenf!eld. · Monday Smtih. Mr. Oharles Davis; Bobby night. . Evernart; bhe h!ost and hosteas. . Mr. and Mrs. Frank Brown and . MR. Earl '~nhall and da.lIghter of Ttpp City Were week end guests , of Mr. and Mrs. Guy Routzahn and 'Rwtse11. WEDDING ANNIVERSARY OF Nelson B. K.lnr ~ f_er restLONOAC~E8' CEutBaA'JIED . de~t of Wa~v:We. died ....'t hII Mr. aDd Mrs. Cabin LoqlUll'e and hOme 10 IndJanapolls. Ind., 22: Mr. and Mrs. E. B, [.oIl(J8.Cre were FIUDera1. ~Ices ,w ere held Thurad1~ II\M!8ta of· RIev. Joseph ~ra daY, Aprtl 25. with lntennent at 8undaI)' at ;I,.ou & Marlin's In ·honor IndlallapoUs. or the ~ <Wed!Hng 8l'..niveI'SU'y of Ml'. King was a ~-ln-1e.W Mr. and Mrs. Dalvin Longacre. of Walt,er El2le!.V. ' . Mr. and Mra. 'lbOIDQ Collins anc) . . . ObIU'lea 001l1ns of Dayton were din- EABNIIART RET1J.B~S TO DEI" euestB'SUndaY at !be bane 01 G~ ..~KE8 ' NAVAL . "·r -~.. M""-": W-"ter K rut k .... .". • ...... . !-. eo. 'l'BAINING STATIO" . Mr. ,aJ@ M~, Erne1t Harla~ and • Alton· Ea.mIbti&'t. ~. l/c, who bu famtty or ~e LiYt1e-~rry road en- been ~t MIne on ~ve IOf ~ JiUt t~e'd on: Ji'AuJtel' SundaY' the 101- mondi, ~ to.r orea~ L4ateS NW~ 10'i:1n8~ : 001. D. M. 8w1ah~ of ~ statlqn on ~ e¥eD- . ~, . MaJar and , Mrs. G . 14': ~'.. '., T:!s. ,!Ug:~ ,:\u: .DBPuTms 01' lINS' BA8'I'8&N dJIlner was aerved in celebration of STAB HONOR GUJli8T8 Air . the b'.......... - of u ........ S ........O . -. aDd' . .. ..... ...... .. _ _. "'11--.. ... ~ ~ v .. Walter Burdine. . :" .~~ ~ :;::man • ...... 8etII ........ .... MArl ·n\Plt . IDCl MtendeIt!be ........ Brovm were In OtnclnnM1 PrIda)' ~ DlapeeIiDrl 01 lira. ~ lIiIIII. al!41 at~ IIbe JIorD1n8 IlatlDee ftD. ~, ..... , . . . . . . . and tbe lAIil~ 01 tile I'Itt7 ClUb dIIputIeI 01 1 " . . . . at 1Iae BoteI 0a.D. . iuiIt&. .
:Jj /1 . 'lJa h:.J
......,D -..... ..".........
___ .........-....... .._ ••
W;.,:, -:;-." .
The MiamrGazette
Established 1850 Published Every Thursday by DA Vl ON PRESS j!'loyd L, Davisson, Editor Ent red 8S Second Class Matter at the Post Office, .Wayn-e ville, Ohio ubscription Rates : $1.50 per Year in Advance
The H'istory 0 f C.0 ff ee Th \? fl'ngr:lnt CII of rofTee which mllk es LI (' 1\'1 1 r vrry morni ng and renews u. so oftl'n during the dny link~ manv nnli ns in a long and romnntic h l~ t (l\, y Ju ~t when it first ::1(1 P <'Ort d :1"0 a beverage no one can 'ny t' x:Jd ly But that it was an Ar, I) I.m disc.lV ry seems very lik ely m view of the fact that coffel' gn'w wilrl in that part ·of the worl n b ? fure the ninth century alter Chr is t. and ra nclful Arabian nights tail'S have been. handed down about the first bre~ . The most popular legend concerns Kaldi, an Arabian goatherd, whose dull life on the hillside made him a gloomy J oe indeed. But he picked and ate some ot the berriea his goats were fond of nibbling, because he noliced that a!ter eating these bprries, the goats became gay creatures. Kaldi himself ~ame a new man. Thereafter coffee berries were indispensable to hia diet, and so carefree and lively did he become that he often joined his goats in a merry dance. A monk, to whom Kaldi conMed his exp.riences, prepared a drink from the beans and served it to the memben ot his order. They tound the beverage sustained their energy and helped them to pray 8nd meditate longer, so they adopted the drink and cultivated the plant. Gradually the popularity ot the beverage spread to Turkey, where, In 1554, the first public co.l !ee house WBi established. It was Introduced to the Venetiana in 1615, the French
." lANE ftTE • 'How is ever:vone in Harvey!t)urg? 11. swell 'time wtth ,I lhe mumps. Yes dndeed, '1oflatlon' Is
Oh, bav1Jlg
really Ibere.
• • • • lIaa'veysburg Is very well rep~esented at Kurz"Kascb. Such local peI'SODB working ·there are Hugh and 8\.ella. Vance, F:'an.oes Pollltt, OlarenCe and Clara Hesler, Iir!d Gall Behr. and of COW'IIC me, who is
in 1644, the English and Vie n e~e in 1650, and it was brought to orth
America in 1668. But promptly th e power of the beverage to stim ulate cl aT thinking and plain talking converted the popular coffee houses into discussion clubs. And political debate that ex ploded into dissension, djrect action and resistance made corree houses the targets of tyrants like Charl es II of England, who termed them semlnariel of sedition. But, according to Disraeli, London and Paris coffee houses of the !leventeenth and eighteenth centurieS held the mirror to "the manner", the moralJ and the politics of a people." Here in colonial Uni ted States, too, the con ee hOWie became the meeting house of the town fathers, and after a time changed from purely social cen ten to focal poln t.a of merchant trade and political discussion. Daniel Webster called Boston's Green Dragon Coffee House "the headquarters of the American Revolution." The Dutch took the coffee plant to South America back around 1718, with a result that every sixth grader knows. Today', coffee plantations in Pan-America produce three-fourths of the world'. coffee, And becaWie we are the world', greatest coffee drinkers, 01 course we're the b iggest customen tor the Pan-American yield. All previous invoices were topped In 19411, when the United States imported 20,279,690 bags of coffee, each containIng 132 pounds!
Cedar' City Bakery Loca~'
tn the I. 0, O. F. Blctr~ E. Mulberry St., Lebanon, Is A Popular topping Plac lor People from AllOver This Plut or Ole tale for They Know llhey WIU Find Exceptlona lly GOOd Baked Foods .. , Featur-
hI( DeJl lou.~ Bre~ds, Rolls, Cakes and Pu tries . .. Make A Specialty 01 Blrthd'lly, .Party and Wedding Cakes . . . Decorated and Oellnlous Butter ream Cakes for ' Special ()('cnslons • .. Under The Able Ulrcellon 01 Harry Gutheil , • . T el 582.
The Guthe1\ Ba.kery Is a progr 'slve bakery featuring delicious bak . f'ry products and t.h.rough their wide var! ty ()f breeds. rolls, COOkies. cakes ar.d pies are ga.lnlng patronage all ,ule Ume. 'I11~' are continually adding n ew features ill bnked goods to add I)ovelt,y and tAlSty surpri'>6S for home meals and lunch boxes of our busy workers.
Court NEW CASES Viola capper, F'ronklln, rued a divorce action agaInst Edward CaP]X:f to whom she was ma.l'l1ed II". 1935. chaJ1ging neglect. 'Ibey have no chllaren. PROCEEDINGS Wllllam T Yuka.Wtl, Wa~'lesvlll , R. & 2, was !loW84'c\('d a divorce from Sh1zuyo Yakawa on his eha.rge or neglect. MARRIAGE LICENSES Lloyd Benuford Conner, 20, al~ d
Cr!Ulk, 20, bolt! of
•••••••••••••• I Come Oo'e l
8p111111Or'ed by
Miami Valley Chapter FFA Wayneaville Hi,h School Auditorium MAY
3, 1946
HOURS: 9-12 each morning 1-5 afternoons except Wednesday. . 7-9 Saturday evening Other evenings by Appointment TELEPHONE 62-R
Dr. C. E. Wilkin
Optometric Eye Specialist 26 South Detroit Street XENIA, OHIO
.--.------- _. -_. --.-
P E' P ! • A tlct no wonder I His mOO! gives Ib1m plenty of our· fresh IWholesome nulk every day. • ' Our Milk Js Ideal to keep chlld~
Readily d1gested- 30
and .strom! easy to servl.:
its the moot oomPlately ' satlsfytng food Cor 'UtUe foll{~' and their e!der&, too.
ERNEST HIXSON, Owner PHONE 2837 BARLow and GRIMES Dia...·buton
The Waynesville National Bank
GAS- O I l - GREASE Quick Battery C-harler
TeJephooe ZZ51
Wayuen1De, Ohio
J -
Hydraulic Car Lift ··SERVICE by SERVIS"
~'ny · make
or. model Fred Kahn Motor Car Co. PHONE 326
L .O Y,D Telephone
1~!!!~~!!!~!!!!!!!!!~~~!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!I!!I!!I!!I!!!!!I!!I!!!!!!!!!I_.!!~~~~~~!!~~~~ ._ __ _ _ _ __ _..:.:;:_-:-....,;_
V01te for
Leslie Earnhart· Illepublican Candidate F
Transform that dreal'Y .I'oom into a cheel'Y, tivable !lpot ' with new a~tnlctive wall pa per. ' Come in fwd seC' our
Third Street
tllngton, D . C .
~e.~king My First Term for County Of~ice
PICKING king Your Paint Pick Picking's"
County Commissioner
• ,Mm. Qnma M 'Clure of Franklin was a Sunday guest of Mr. nn<l M\·s. L. H. Gon:l.o n. Til y al<;() have lIS bh II' g\1 ' L, M iss Miriam Fife of
''In Pic'
Mr. 1\\1(1 Mrs. llily Glbso ll cllUelf <m Mr. nltd MI . Edgar I'oft of II It' OIlnt.Cl'vllle. Monciity III rllJng.
new sel' ctions. .
Waynesville Furniture & Appliance Company
€Iearcreek -Dairy PAUL
da.y afWl·I!OOn.
~~~kru:i~u1~tn!~~~: ~~~~~~:~:;~~~~~~~iiiiiiiiiiiiiiii~iiii~ .!
,,, _'~II~
Mr. a llll I\Ir • F.,'I·rl'U UIIlIIlCIl called on Ml'. Md M1·S. KClltWLli porr Rnd Davie of n, [lv(' rLol' n, SWI-
named Harry to admin1st.er bb.e estate of
At 28 E. Mulberry St" ~banOn, appraisers. Offers the Latest S.yles In Shoes The court ret, May 13 to hear t.h e For All Members of tbe FamUy _ " InvenLory of bb.e estate of Anne. Featurln, COlTf!Ctive Footwear. "De A,yrea, Mason. IIDe CUlhloned Flexible Shoea", The net value ot '! he estate of Beautiful Dress Sandals In AU A. C Vall, Frallklir~ was detemu\1Colors, Play Shoes , " Buster Brown, ed to be $1.032.31 ·and t.haJt of Anna POU Parrot aDd Acrobat Sboes for 'Thibbey, Morrow, to be $7,639.41. Chlldren .•• Billiter Brown · Teen'I1he court approved the first ar.rI Age Sad'dles, Play Shoes and Bare- final aocounts 01 the est.a~ of foot Sandals 'or Cblldl'en , , • All Enoch Baoon and Elizabeth HarneI'. Sh0f!8 Sold With Sclentlflc X-;Ray also th fifth account. of A. H . HawFIUlnp , , , TeL 6-1.. ley. an ir.competent. John A. Volkerd1n8, Leb8ru>n, was Garson's Shoe Store In Lebanon de Alit 001113 non of !;he admJn.Ist.rator eetate of Adolpus is one of the progre&S1ve siOres appointed '11he sales report of the executor wh1cll Is meeting 'Lh.e demands of the day and Is oontlnually maldrg of the eslAllle of Susan Vandervurt. Morrow, wa.~ B41proved. g.reat lI'1.rtdes In the busine5s. Mr. Garson !has ohosel'! to specialIze ttl good shoes and scientific fit- Shoes In all sizes a nd wtdths . They ting, has prepared himself both lIS kllow If tlh.eysucceed In pel1fed fltto knowledge of ilLLlr.g and the Ung al'd giving good values that variel;y and <lunJi'LY of the stock you wlll come back again an9 the offered and Is giving a much a p- number · of repeat customers t.h y preclaLed servioe. Many JnothUI'(, have t.estUies to Lheir sucoess. have oome to depend UP()r. him tor specialized fitting. realizillg t.hat II rJle feet are II Lted properly WJll'D small, !<hey will grow without fool tJ'oubles llIl8.t could devclop suclf care Is DOt taJter.. 'Ilhey tea·tw-e shoes which typify Wh·ite Leghorns styled comfort and !U'e J\!:)W show· Bred for High E gg ing t.he newest she,pes, materials. colors wluch add to the Joy of Production ing. playing ar.d Uving. Pullorum Controlled 'They are not . content to merel~ ~e ll you a pair of s hoes- Lhey wan . LO fit you, to sell yo u U\e shoes 11' Phone 2988 which yOU wlll be a ble to walk pl'operly because they
In TurtlCCl'Cek t.wp. Sherman nd Vemolla Roberts to Mrs. Iltlbl'rl Grt'l'IIIl (" Dayton J 1I\ a.rd Eleanor , Kllls W'Ol thy, IIpcnt SUllduy '\' 'I ' lug wilJt h I' IJI'Upel'ty on SycilJ'nore st., Lcba.llvll. lUotlhel', Mrs. Dol'll IOI'glln. Myron Hellsel to La.w·e~ta HowerMrs. lilly Gib ~'OJ1 was' Il S U1111C1'
Garson's Shoe Store
Olm' nc' Crawford, Sunday flltel'noon. Mr. . David Lllclttt L~ ~lH' lIdlll g !l leW' cI ys Wlt.ll IWI' 1,011, Mr. Earl l.Jt1 nnd flunily of rCtu' ~ 1IJ111Il g-
one acre in Fran kiUl twp. j,..uest of 1 s. Evel't 'Ll 8u tl II ell und io'rilllCis Ilnd Viola Eustis to COl'- famlly , Monun y 'vening-. wil! and Nancy Fred, 15 A. III Mrs. l.JlI l'rsO Il I iU "pl'lIl UIC II'cl'k 'J'LU'tltere'!k frMP . end wlt.h 1\10' .1J!el Mrs. WllbLII' PORCH a nd LAWN John A. J aclm to Charles HeltOll. Carter and UllugIlLI!I'. 13< verly Ann olle acre in Turtlea-eek twp. of Moraine CILy 1l.Jl(1 sh ' attend ~d Uert.rude Sadller and Ma.rion F . the wedeli,,!: v I :1 r n ephew, Warrell Ba.1lUe to Alfred Gregory, 1;1.90 A' j K. Soward . I\' ho \'HS re<;cntly disIn Harlan ·t wp. charged fmlll IdlC Nn vy . a nd Miss Fred and Mary Buller to IWtll1,am Florence Erma Wd" of Dnyton . N . a.nd Lucy L1.nkOWl, 75 A . in Wasl1... who were lllllllTicd Sa t.llrdllY ('ven lng NU ENAMEL & KEM TONE twp. M New Leballon, Ohlo. 'l1he court IliPProved Ute luvenlory U1gLorAIDs Jaclc&on to Anna Hilzelrigg of \JIle estate of Mary E. Spias. and Julla. ~ersai. 4 A. in Haria.u H. Z. Gray Ill'as na.med cqmmls- twp. WILMINGTON COLU:GE PLAY sloner to trnIIlsfe.r interest In l'I'al NaOmi B. Galoway t.o Gaither apd ATT ENDF~ I) In'. l'ARENTS OF estate In Massie townshlp from bill' Mabel FH2~'el'aJd, 53.80 A. in Harlsn STARRI NG ;\C'I'l(E 'S estate 01 Jahn J . Leyes La EdIth twp. • Mr. and Mrs· C . E. Sian fol1th M . 'I'lbbalB. Samh E . Fry to W1lUam John.con, !lotteJ~ed the I Vtimlng'to ll Ooll og-c Gibbons Bld g. North St. The court app:roved Ule illvcntot·y 172.15 A. in Frnr.k:lln twp. entert..nlm llunL "LiLblc Women" un Courtnl'Y and Ortha Combs to 'Ilhul's da y ev nj l ' . Thelr dallgJlWr. Waynesv ill e, 0., ' Phone ' 2.4 22 of Wle ancllllary administra.tor of John W . and Rena Thoinas, plot ill MIss E<LW)T..n Stan for th . had t!lr the e tate of WIlliam J oh\" HAWIc la.te of England S. Lebanon. leading p.'\,\'t In the pIny. Maibelle K. RlohaJ'dson to Ja.m'!s Ray, two pa.rcels in Lebanon. REAL ESTATE ArUlur ar..d Vicl.()rla HIU1p to ArtTRANSFERS Charles and Grace V, n Ne to hW' and MOJ1' Small. 10.3 A. In Richard and Margar t NICllOls. Franklln bwp. property on N . BroodiWay. Lebanon . Robert M. Blair Bnd CO. to th'!! Ohurngold Corp., 10.48 A ~ in Wayn E' • Stubbs Scorvi c cos t.~ no mnr(' i~~th Curless to Qarll.<ln and t.bon 'the ol'diruu·y. W el~ dea,v91' III Ruth GOOdw1n, property on Corwi n every way. to make our service reSL, Lebar)on. Mr. nnd Mrs. Earl Crawford of C08 nlzed no,; tile !\t.andnJ'd of excelMyron and Mary Hel I to Robert M dn lence . near Waynesville spent on y R . Bcngem, lot in F'J'QI'k.lin. I 0"'- _. J.....-t Res everung with Mr. and Mlm. C arence .....~es A"", ton t.o Ha.y - Orawford and family. Telephone 2291 m<lnd 'and Edith McCurdy, 1.18 A. In CleaJ'I)l'cek ,t~. 1\lr_ ana Mrs. Frank BratLen and F . J . Lewis to Jooeph G. Howell trunlly of Beravel'Wwn C!lll~ on 472 A. In Uruon twp. their 'p arents, Mr. and Mrs. Georgi! r - - - ...- - - - - - Sam and Katle TUrner to Isaac- Bratten. Monday eventng. T . Felter, two lots.in Stokes ·Ilddlt.lcn Mrs. Lois Gibson a.nd daqhter, In Lebanon. Phyllis, Mrs. Ohal'ley Crawford, Mrs-. Bt tt f De.! to ca.lled 0 M.r ElizabeLh Gregg to Harry' J : and M . u-ge 0 y n n. Her.m an P_ Smith, trect In Waho- and Mrs. IDly Glbson alld Mr. and in8'ton twJp. . . Otis K . and l!Wzab th Hayden to Andrew and atll'a Clark. 1.02 A. l1' HarveysbW'IJ. . ESTABLISHED ]875 TEXACO .F red Han1fen 't o Grace Ood,y, 49 A. in Harlan twp. John S. and Opel EInm to Ray-
Lemmons' Hatchery
mond and Dora Caldwell. one ~ in Franklin ~wp. Fl' d Kahn to J . El'nEl'lt K ite. properfly' on SWllll1it st.., Leba.non . Walber R. FI~ to He7a BJld Edith ·ox. parcel in Fl'ankiln. Sally 1I.mar. and E 10 St.elllk.. (0 Oharles and Knt.hle n Beck. : 14 A . III ClOOI'Cre k LW]J: Dean 1'0!8 t.Q Ern t. and Mnml . t.:an'l.son. two Jols in Fmnklln. John lind Eleanor Kil!SWOl'tlIly to Sherman and Verllona Ro~t, 4 A.
J . Lloyd Scott, 24, Bnd Mar 'u rot Lee Elme.rSOll. 21, bol..h of ...~~on . ~~ D. ·W- "' er, "19, NOl'WOOt.I. M..,.,.,., a.u\o v A. Tr-"'''-. 34, Morrow end II~~· ~ th II Th t · .. _.,........,. Just mere yonI' .']lay TO . a S George Eo Oheney. 36. Hamilto!l. a Joke readers, . tlhat aboUt on the and Glad"5 M. 'I\hack.er, 31. F . r lmkpayroll. I'm on the payroll ,b ut I J donlf. work there. lln. d Wj,lliam Edward Dugan, 24, r.ll • • • • I'd like to 11r..d one person who Marjorie Eo Taylor, 24, both or doesn't admire Thelma 'Who oper- SprtngtlOro. . ates "Thelma's Lunch" In W~nes- PROBATE COURT ville. However. I'm not going to 'I'.he court ruled \ilat Ule estates hold my bre8lth 'til I find tha,t per- ot Clarence Mendenhall, W~_es son.. ville, Bnd Cerl V. Turner. Morrow. • • • were exempt trom inlherltance tax~ • I know many small toWllt! that The court approved the inventorwould Ilkc to lb oast of a we1l-equ1p~ . 1e6 of the estares of Mary J. Allli>on , peel ana aptly rna.naged library as S. Leba.non. and Oha.r.les StJ;bbs, Sr. Waynesv1lle .has to Its oredit. You Lebe..non. folks woo do not take advantage The trustee of a trust ot the estate of It should be ashamed, even U of R. R. Bercaw, Mason. was order ed you would have ·t o n.ocept nothing to Invest «rteJn monies In 8ove nl AUCTIONEERING better than Homer's "Iliad and ment bonds. Odsssey" in ut~, 1t's worth your J . T Riley, Franklin, WlIS named STANLEY and KOOGLER time just to chat !With Mrs. Maria execulDr of the estate of Nell C. 8&OXD18 UCBNU Stout Elbon an~ Mrs. Ad.!!. COurtney . Bombe1"ge1'. . For Datea, Pbone ~, W&1DesvWre, Eleanor J . Kirk. FrnnkUr., .Wt\.3 Obio. Rev'eree 0b.u'pI
=-=-- - - - - -
Tile old da~'& of homc.mru:!e brendr! hllY 'PN1ed 6rWny wl t.h our rnodc.rn services and 111'1' law cak fi nd pastries are so eOod that. mobh111' \"eeds noL worry tWouL her Camily's longing for good pies and cookI , I r at Utls bakery Lh y hnv(' eVvlved broods ¢.hat nrc like who t. mo\Jllers used to bake and now she ~las t.1me for other dut.1es. for her fa.mlly and Jor lelsw' pasLlllles. In a,JJ t.h.e lr ,be,ked goods Wley use Ule v ry >best o:C materials lUi t~ Ot ll uibstitutes for tJUs a nd t.hat. 'Thl:; nccoun ts for their indiVIduality and goodnftS8. A Spcc1a.l ty is made o.f cakes a.r..d pasu'ies for weddmgs, paI'Wes blr~h days and spec1a.l oecnslons . They have excellent Ideas lUi to whaL will be n:ice and will assISt. you ic makIng a olee or will make ILDy\Jllng to your Ideas. Special orden; arc made riall and tasty !It' d a l the pride of Lh.\s stiOoP.
May 2,
May 2, 19-:a r:::--:-~
Page Three FE
yqUTH FELLOWSHIP, atten.diDg any or the previous cllUlll- ~ H . FOl'tl, O . ·IA. TrInkle. Sat· ThW'8day, '1:50 p, m. _es. you are welcaDe to a ticlid any b-peilJrer s are: Loren Works. CHOIR PRACTIOE clas6. Subject tor next Tuesday ROBS J. OrUfelh T. H. JohnsoIi' WednesdAY. '1 :'30 P . M. evening 1& "The B,i ble's Supertor . R.eubffi L. And('~n Edw1n V H&Y~ Star.do.rds of Life". den-. O. L. shell.oll: 11he.re '~111 b ' • • • . no Sunday monrung progrom, but WAYNESVILLE • Prayer 'Meetlnr at the hou.c;c ,thlO6e attending!Qhe onventiot'. and CHUIRCH of CHRIST eaoIl Wedn~ evening 7:30 , staying over will visit. t.he various Robert L VanZIle. Minister It has been said W1M "Prayer is ('.burches of the city. The aftcGloon Bible School 11:30 ... m , the bru"ometer' of t.he soul," If the program will begin at 3:90· Bun'ls 10:30 a,. In. cond!ition )OIf your .soul depended Butler will prooch on Wle subject: ONnmll n lon upon t.he amount of ,praying you "The Supper Of Judgment". n:fLer Sermon 11 :00 L m. do. now JUgh do you bhink. the read- which ' there wlll be a communion 'Rea.s<ms for OOOerving Ing WOUld OO? Let us roOt ne g l ec~ service. The Sunday night program The LoI'd's SuPper'
Cood Lightin.g Add. to Comfortable Li.... .·....·n - g-
v=-=====-=--........ =-==-:====---=,,-=--=====-:=====-c==
ChrlatlanlilDClea vor 6:30 p. p. m, In. '1:30 Even1ne SerVice
The PawOJ' 01 God '
Tille JUnior Cb'l&t.Ian EndeaVOr' meets at tJle church oocn Sunday evening at 6::JO o'clock. This Is f Ol' all boys and girls under HlgIll School Q8e. You W11l enjoy s1n.glng 'Wle ohorta!ies, dlacu.ssing the lessor.s and seelng tJhe Flannel-Ora,ph PlCturteB. Come and bring a frielld wiW\ you. •
GOOD home lIghUn, not only add. to cheerful and comfortable Uvlnl but also provide. e cheap torm of accident prevention, writes M;rrt1e Fnhsbcnder. director at hom. llahtlng tor Westinghouse In Capper'. Farmer. a ma,adn. ot naUonal circulation. ""1'0 .ay 'home il what the abc'. ol load 1I,htlng help to make it· 11 to take considerable Uberty wIth a vel'1 tender expreSlion," she point. out in the magarlne read by 1.2M.000 farm tamille.. "But U's pera· pbra.ed witb real .lncerlty. For un1... • home I. cheerful and com· fortable by night, aa well aa durin, daylight. it hal sacrificed some of tM llvabUlty good llghtlng clln give . Good U,ht can bring an a lmost S II ,. Uabt Quamy ot Illumination to aft
dark ·ey. talk •. It can make or mar the beauty 01 a bome," Amon, the blilic prtnclpl.. for go04 11gb tin, are 1-A carefully thought-out-over.all plan lor tha job: 2-Havin, aDou,h lltht when an4 where you need It: 3-Avold1D, hann1ul Iterc.; ~Avoldlnl ad· ow. in the room. Th. above photoarapb demo onatrate. basic principle. tor ,oad lighting. The floor and tabla lamp. with refiector bowla live U,ht where the family to read. .ew or wr ite. Such a pJeaslng over·aU ,low of light cheen up tha room II .un· light docs. Wall brackets and flu· u('escent tubes pln ced b e hind win· ' !" IV vn l ~ nces ore mainly tor deco-
• • • • 'I1he Senior Cbristian Endeavcr wW meet at ,t he churoh each Sunday even1Dg a.t 6 :30. U you are of HJgh SchOOl B8e or' above. come to th.is ineetln.g .
" ro
The GrOwinr. GOIn" Churcb HERBERT GRAIIAM. MlnillWr
Bible 8chool C<m1mUlUon
• • .. .
, The Nortb American Christian Cunven UOn will he held. Ilt the Cad!e 'l'abe(nae~e. ~dlnnapolb. Ind" May 8-12. 1946. '1 he progra.m will begin .~t 7 :ao p. m. Wedllesday. The QUiZ HOW' Or! Elvang-ellsm eacJl morning a.L 9 :30 w111 ,00 conducLed by Ha.n'y Poll, minister ot the W &1.wood Obeviot Ohurch, CincinnatI. The a.dcITess Woo.nc.sday ni~ht wlll be by Bro. William :I!:. Swaney. The speakers ·f or 'Ilhursdf~y. in the order in which they Will speak are as fl,Jlows: Rus6ell Eo Boall.man, EmesL E , lAughlin. Del.Alss Ma.rken, R . M . Bell. Paul E. J ones. P . iH., Welsh1mer. The speakers f or F1r1da.~ are : Earl O. Hargrove. W. R. W8ilk.er. V1rg1l L . Elliobt. Edwin G . Crouch.
. . . .... ala _ _ _ood
MWI . ••
from poIidcal
-cUp-'" ,r;:-====:-;:;'--o--;;;;·:-:=;;;;'·--=l . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . II, - -
OIl TN 0",11•• 1 " -
,..... .......... .... ...... ......... ......... _...
PJ... , - .. _ _",1It
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ IP _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ I' - '~ ....................- " ............... ':1:'.. ;t'~ I -- I,
Economic,ll •
ADMINISTRATION' IS "Jim's" Past Record
&muel N, Key. Lay B8der-ln-cbarp 9 :45 a.. m. The Brotherhood or St. Andrew. 9 :45 a.. m . J ur.ior Church 11:00 a. m. Morning Prayer ar.d Selmon. Samuel N . Keys.
Roofing • Metal
We stln have a supply of METAL
ROOFING on hand. order NOW!
Three-On Sh lnr;les In a variety 01 cOlo'rs lind styles.
• Roll Composition ALL WEIGHTS
Tenth and Eleventh Baha'i Principles • There shall be equality of rights and perogat1ves for all mankind . One language m'USt be selected as
an ~um of spe~ andinre~or1U oommun.lcat1OTh ~h this means mlsundersta.nd1ngs w1ll be lessened. fellOWlih1p ~and unity assured, These a4"e a. f~' or t.he prir..clJ>les procla.imed by Baiha.'u·llllIh and' explained to oh,e western world by Ai!du'} Ba,ha in his 'hlslDric journey to this ooimtry in 1912.
Waynesville Repair Shop North Street . JOE BOYDS, Prop.
X Harold D.'Jim' Bailey Warren County Commissioner -
Since Jim entered office the bonded debt of W nrrell County has been reduced to $27 ,000.00 (Dec. 31, '45) f ,'om $202,900.00 (Jan, 1, '35) WITHOUT INCREASE IN TAXES At the end of each year the record shows a balance in the County General Fund and Coun· ty Hr idgt> Fund WITHOUT INCREASE IN TAXES Warren County Count House h n~ been moderni7.ed and a new addition ad(led WITHOUT INCREASE IN TAXES ' Photo-Stntic copies of all important county ','ecol'cl:; al'c now made WITHOUT INCREASE IN TAXES Prompt and imnlwiate aB.\3istance has been given flood. 'u ffel'crs in f looded nr~as with all avai lable ' cou nty equipment and labor 'when ever ,nl'N\',d with full cooperati~n with th.e Red C,:OSfo\ ' ' . WITHOUT INCREASE IN T AX~ .
To my DUUl¥ friends who
sen t
me OIloI'cis and nowers during Illy illness, please a.ocept my ~lea4·t-telt · t.Ibank.s. Mlr6. Venora Klriq)atr1ck
Sup·p ort has been rend~red tlte County Agri~ ultul'e and Home Demonstration Ag'ents WITHOUT INCREASE IN TAXES • uee n given Warl'en Co unty Aflsistance has }<'air Hoard in fin a ncing Fair Ground impr'ovement.o; with its new concrete Grand Stand. Horse Barns, Exhibit Hall and 4H Building . WITHOUT INCREASE IN TAXES OV'er 200 miles of County Maintained hardsurfaced highways are now in Warren County ." Assistance has been given to Villages and Townships to help maintain good streets and roads WITHOUT INCREASE IN ' TAXES Jim has had .experienoo in local government, He has !ilerved on the Fairview School Board, He was 'fownship Trustee. He is ~ne of ~Wal'ren Go ul'Iity Commissjon~trS, He is 'p ast president of both the Mid-West County Officials Assn. and The Ohio C~mmi..ioner. A.an.
BAILEY for County - political Adv.
Homogenized Milk
I SOLD AT Stewart's Thrift-E Market
·Asked For
Fifth Ho use IUrht of Rt.. 73 CORlWJN, OHIO MEATS -
MAY 7,1948
Carey'. Garale
VISITORS TO DAYTON • Mrs. Da1sy Sn(yder, Mrs. WilniIred Hart.sock and son. Dav1d, were Day· I.<>n vls1tx>rs on SeitW'day and Mrs. Snyder remal.ned for a few days.
Republican Printary
Slibmltted by Helen McCoy Rt. 2. Wa.yn~U1e. Ohio
For the cards and nowem recelv<!d dw1ng my recent illness I wlBh to expreee ~ slIwere thB.nks and d eep apprec1a.tion. Mrs. Jennie Braddock
Card of Thanlu--
Place your
• Composition
F1nIt Day lCDool - ':10 A. II. leeUng tor Wcnb1p - 10:10 II. II.
• ..•• hriDe YOIl oo4IHpot lOci iu meani~ to )'011 __~ kIDiIf.1IadI iasae 61IecI with llDique eeIf·belp , . . . .
Palober Krumhol&a, !'IteR Mafia Sunda7 - ' :00 A. II.
)'OIl CIIfNo
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ _
of . speakers. Your mlnislcr Is plan. ring ID IltLerlli and hopes there wlll be other;> of !lht" congregation who Will 'be able to ttc d 1.s a n a o.
E. A . Earnhart, nper1ntencltllt. Worah1p aervlce - 10 :30 A. II. E':ell1ni Im'Y1ce - 7:30 P. M.
......... '":,;r'" iaterelt" COIluol • , • 'tee toceU . ........ ~. 1u owe world·wide sutf 01
, ............._............ .......... .......... 0
speak BIt th Is ~crvloe. As a Ul15 seems to be a very good
/Sunrl&f :IObool - - 1 :30 A. • •
It. It. Colemall. Mia' U. SUNDAY SCHOOL 11 :30 A. M. 11 :10 a. m. lin. R.alIJIOD(l 00Imer. Supt. 10 :46 .. m. WORSHIP SlRV1CB 10 :30 A. M.
Waynesville, Ohio
~==============:::::::=========~'.I whole J .iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii_iiiiii_iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii~iiiiiiiiiiiiii~~ lineup
T, M. SeIad'. ~
~ , ....._... -. ,Iof this Cleon, Family Newspoper
Dial 2111
d Tf' C' t .
~c(1Hure l!lmeral " ~llme ,
bile Ipmvilege we have of talk. will B. 'I'hurs1ng to our 000. ton begin a nd ai, J . 7:30. MeI'lleBurton A'J)plegate will
Pree.cb1n8 11:00 •. m. Young Peoplel Servlcea and Adult Prayer Meetlne 7:00 p . m . Evenlng Ev~ Service I 7:.5 p. !D,
• 'I1he Bible Study 'CIass will meet a.t \.he <house '1'Uesd8.y evening aL 7 ::JO. Even :tlIoUg<h you have not been
' -2
N • You said a mouth!ul Mrs. Egg Producer. Noise without results III no good In the hen hOU6C· And . tile sure W8iY lor poultry qa\>;ers to have tJhie kind of ~ Iprod'llcers who ha.vc 9OInetJ1lng to cacltle oobout Is to be . sure their baby cn1ck.~ come from our Ha.tobel'y. OHIO·U. S. CERTIFIED WHITE
DUNHAM White Rocks WAYNESVILLE, OHIO . Telephone 2916
0 ,. J. HILEl\lAN' (For 20 Years a, Successful Small Busine•• Man)
State Senator. ~
. '
Your Vote at May 7 Primary will _help· to Guarantee a Good Man as w'ell as a Good Republican to .Represent y~U' in The General Assembly ~lt Columbus from the 2nd-4th District of Ohio 8S State Senator.'
PI.. ~'"
omo -- .
SIIPJ:lles IOC' <lU,- ~k and Trletor ••. Tel, 61. .
Waite's Garage in Lebanon has prOIOllged Uhe' lIJe or Inlll'-Y a. ca., and truck and has aid 'Ct In keeph1g Lhem on the move by their comprehf'lIl>ive ro' rnpid serVice, KENNETH HILL, Manager T h el1' wrecker Is at the OOllUllant\ ~ . 1 aU ofI utoists and is an official • % FARM LOANS - Loug t.en'll. A . A. A. ·tow Cal' always ready to eB8Y payments. No apprniso.l fee. Also niCe &mall and large flU'Ol8 t:~ L ou 1I0ing If you have been Wl' BOD HOPE tor sale. ' Call or write Oeo. IorliUru I.e to have gObte n in to 11 Henkle. Phone No. 2. LebP.non . tJc S~N. _ _ __ _M_O--::N:-.---:---: T :U_E_. -:--_W _E_D-:--._--.:.T:..:.H~U::...::R :..:.:,~---:--=F:: R.:.: I._ _ _ _ ::: SA :..:.T :-..~ 1i1llllSh - U'P or n.eed help on the way · 'I'Jley are expert . body surgoons FEDERAL LAND BANK LOANS : 5 6 7, 8 9 10 11 Ilud f ee.t.ure 1lhe l'epal.11ng ot tops. Por Reflnancir..g - RebuUdlng' bodies. metAl paJ'l£ and feudcI'S . Buying. 4% Farm loons with 10118 • lncendIary Rlonde lI1'.d What a Treat. to see MONTOOMPlRY A D&ndy f<>r the Western l"B.ns Orne 1.0 pay. Pily }X\rt or all am' .P1Iey cnI' complete any job so tl uu· AGArN' A Picture for Servicemen and Ool.ng M1' Wa~' Stars In a .BiII EUlott as (Red Ryder) and time. Frl nos. lL CI\lUlot be d·too~ . except by Socko Hlt! Bobby Blake In LEBANON NAT'L FARJU LOAN 'Jose scrutiny tnat there has been Hobt. I\lontJOmery and John Wayne in The Great Stagecoach anyUl1ing wrong. Mer. a.re employed ASS·N., Ellis H . t1.u·m, Seo'y- BARRY FlTZGERAI.D and They Were Expendable BETTY RUT'l'ON In Trea.s. Lebunon. Ohio. P hone 448 Robbery aL !.his work who ore car.e!ul and tc v.rtth Donua Reed STORK CLUB A18o :Andy Clyde Comedy !l.\1d tlave an eye f or symmetry; too. 1n w \\! pal11Wr.g a nd touc.ll-up depa.rtOne Show Only beeause of lenrth. 8pm. Also : RKO NEW Novelty Real Eatate For SalemenL tJICY a l 'C prepa.red to do nil for · tb~ who are tired ot business sl.rnin ,,"hk h Mlre' u nlleard 0 f II ex~ell ent joo. IF YOU HAVE A PROPERTY OR 'I'hey arc equipped 1.0 give a sel'and social affairs. Robbles ana generatron BG'O. Many people FARM. TO SELL on.lI Or Write vIcc on a.lly make ot cw' and If good sport6 rw1J1 sharpen bhe wits IllUIlglne llh8<t 'Lhe e· y es are all rlgh ~ 'Don Henderson, Tel. KE344.6. 617 nna make one fit. for greater 00 long as they cur see well. but ) OU have a. part 1l'!6tAlled yOU will FARM and HOME .Lorain A.ve., Dayton, Ohio. tJc achievement. ar.d! progress In any- llh.Is Is II. -mistake. Good vb lon is know It IWi.ll be Wle COJ·ret.'t one and APPUANCES sometimes secured Il>t the expel1 ~e it wlll ['It. They can produce a per-REAL ESTATE PUBLIC SALE- New tore at 15 E. Main St., Leba- one's own pa.rt4cular sphere. of so muoh nervous. e11t'rgy tha t !.h(. fect coordlnaLlon by ex pert analysis Saturday, May 4. 1946 - 2 :00 p. 01. non. Is Now Making the lIome and whole system suffer.s In ronsequer.ce. liP I mot.or L\U1e-Up. They also fea I Ter.. acres fl'l"tile farm land Farm A Place of Comfort a ntI EWDr. Elliott is prepa.rcd to con't'ct Lure battery, Ignition an d Lire sel': East side of U. S. lWu~ 42 at inter- clt-ncy through Their Wid... Van!'ty tlhls concUtion. H e Ls able to make a vice and for bhe ultimate good of IlOOtian of StMe Route No. 122. Four and EXl'ellent. Ilne of upplles.. . thorough examlnatlon of the eyes. Olll' LranSportll.tlon system. mlloo souln of W&ynesvllle. about Featuring' Water Systems, EmpJrf a .5-ll).1nute drive from Dayton. Bus Milkers. 'W ater Heaters. Eledrle DISTINCTIVE PORTRAITS HIs otnces are 'well equipped wlt:h service. Rilstrioted for a nice house. Churns. At 12 W . Mulberry St., ~on. (II sclenU1lc Il!Strurnen ts and he I ' BrooderN, Compress~. No !>u1ldI.ngs but 8. fine place [or Fluorescent Fl'ttures, Record Chang'- Under the Competent Direction of thoroughly skilled In optometric your Mure home. Ocly ',. mile from en;, Photogl'aphlc Equipment Hot- Mr. and Mrs. Harold Rueppel . . • methods. JOHN DEERE ,F ARM Optical auLhorlUes say Ilhat 7 ou t the river if YOU like 'fishing. Point Electric Kitchens, Dish Wash- Offennr Artistic Service In Port- of 10 suffer de!QCtJlve \'1.<;:Ion. So, If EQUIPMENT .$300 depoolt.; t1ala.nce on delivery ers. Relrl,crators, Rang-es. G. E. traits In Studio or Your Bome . . . your Intensive work, neglect or Im- N. East st.. Lebanon. I Open Dally of deed_ Good loan. a.rra.nged. Popular lor Graduates. Brld'es. WedRadios. AppUllncetl, SpllrUnr: GoOO!;. proper ~ of you:r precious Jies from '7 A. M. t.:, 6 P .' I\I. to ~l~e You For ln1onnation call Toys and HObby SUPlliles ••• Able dlnp. Graduations. and Family classlllt'1S )/QU as one of these it Expert Service anil to B~p Uncle KARJ. M. BROWN, Auctioneer Copsultant Groups ...... '. Their .CQmmPl'elal On Development nnd will be well to arrar:ge for the b~ne am's Progl'am tor BOGIiOn~ Food Phone 208K, LebaDon, Oblo MakinI' Set-up tor Entertaining an(l Photographs Are Relpmr ln the fits 01 an eye ecmmJna.tlon aDd ProdueUoJl • • " Exjflrl ' Repalrln/: Promotion .of Business " . . Modern Profitable Hobbles· .. Tel. 560. Methods and Equipment . . . Tel. glasses 1.0 meet changing condIUot!S. and Genuine Parts' for ImPittnents MiaceU...eoua-. . . P~ Your Ol-d'e,' lOT New 1I8L Equipment ••. wm Over~~ YoW' FOR RENT _ FlastW'e for stock. Bashford's FaIm. and Appllarce Emery Peters. Rt. 3, Waynesville. S1me In Lebanon I... helpiJ1g to make In tihoe CleldOt - photography In 52 homes and farms ·a real place of 1.h.Is section of tM !'tate there I' _---'-_--:-_ _ _ _ _---:_ _ _ comfort a.nd er.joyment through the )10 studio tha t <>trelt, 6. service su perBABY BUGGY ~ SAlZ- Oood diversity or supplies they axe offer- lor 1.0 Rue!Ppel's In Lebanon . which cor.dltlcio; oOllopsible. Mrs. R,(lbt- I.rig. wtl1 photogmlm you lni thelr stJuclio OFFICIAL AAA GARAGE Davia 52 By "featur1ng modern system.'l, or your ,h<mle and anytlhlng In the At 11 E. Silver. St .• Le/I,mon. Offers electric eqlUpmnet.. home and 'farm commero1al lice. They always obPractIcal Consolation Service to tht' W - A-N-T-E-D---M-I-S-C-.-- - - conver-Iences which the general ta.ln unusuallY' good and clear pic- l'lotorist With A Wreck on His Our Own Formula public 11M 'been. Wtlnt)ng and flJ1X- tures and photograJits of distincHands •. , Features Complete Aut-\) $3.90 per 100 lb •• AOr 'NOW"':"" To secure tbe cOunty's iously a.waltlng fur some time, UJey tion and merit. Body Hebutldinl'. Fender Work. most profitable small buslness. are doing a great service, to the com$77.00 Ton They are servmg JTU\nufaotuN-TS, Palntlnl' and Genua! Auto RepaJrOne man can QPeI'8.te. Write Mr. munity>. 'Ilh y am bringing them II,! :retrul. J'I'lerohants, advertising proInl' . . • intricate andl Accumte Work F. V. Jamison. 223 E . Douglas st. fast as they are ava.llable and as jects. real esta'te and 1n.surance . . . Their Offlelal A. A. A. Auto"'B oomlngtOn. Illlnois. they are oomJng In at a taster pace agencies. Many a real estate salp mobile Tow Car Is .~ the Beck aJl() Phone 2988 nIl Ihe time It will be worth your has 'b een brought about because call of &be Public " .. Repairs and F arming Implement.while to see them to get yoW' quick the seller dOI.Ild< submit a clear picdelJvery ture of the farm or property under ThrOUgh their Michell Fluores- conslderotJ.on. FOR SALE- TWo-bottom 12-1l'!ch They have" equipOUver Tractor Plow. M· H . HWlter cent Fixtures they n.re not only ado-' ment for takI.ng .g roups such as TELEPHONES &t. 1, Spri.ng Valley, O. 62 Ing beauty but eCflclency bhrough banquets. clubs or churches ~1th WAYNE VILLE Z891 better ligb tlng and are preventing no accompar.y1ng confusion. MOHltOW No. S c08tly mistakes 'by makll'.g it J)068I11hey have been moot successful LEBANON Office 4'73K ANTlQUEStlle tor peiOJ)le bo see better. In !be ta.\t,lng of dblldren's JP1cLul'es RES. 129L SAND and GRAVEL loOR SAI..&- eke antique walnut The1.r sportlng goods department and ~ the 'happy faculty of ClIlI"Qel' cupboard; ~ cherry drop- of!el'6 ~f supplies and me.ny items being able to catd1 tbem II! Jus t BLACK-TOP DRIVES l eal lAble; One .2-crawCl' walnut to !urnJsh ' rcl8Jmtlon and to relleye the r1!;Pht moods for an ,utistic and TAR and: ROAD OIL 6ta.nd. QaJ.l Waynesv1lle 2644 after r.ervous tension brongtlt about .,y del18'htful photographlc studly. ·LAWN 'and FILL DIRT 6 :00 p. m. 52_ intensive hours 'Of work. lJ.1hey are It IS IDCUIllbent upon all 00 have _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ --'_ _ _ polnUng l111e way for tlle develop- portralts or them:;elves a.t different READY-MIX CONCRETE ment of wort.h whUe hobbies whioh II@es so 'that a phot.ographlc record HELP ' WANTEDEXCAV ATIING and DUM~ TRUCK SERVICE can be the crOOltion of valuable of the famlly can be maintained, WANTED-WhIte girl for general OoIUectior.s or just tor a dlversio housework; $16 a. week.. Write Mr3. William H. Kite, Jr .. 75 Jo"ountain Ave.. Glendale. Ohio (Suburb r . Cinc1Dl!&t1. 49c OPTOMETRIST lias He-Opened His Offices at 16 N. Garden Planta-Broadway in Lebanon, and" Is FeaFOR SALE-- cabbage and Tom&tu turing CUrI'eet Analysis of Eyesight planUs, tOe per doz . . -Ohas C. • • • 11&8 Modern Sclentlllc I nstru Strow;e. Rt. 2, 1 ~ m1les NorLh of ments .. . GlvCII Complete Service. Wayt!esvWe, cor. Way.nesv1ll::! Flttinr Glasses. Modem Frames and Ferry and ~tle Roads. 59 aepJacement of Lenses . . • Bas M.a~ YeaI:S ExperIence and Is SkUled In Modern Optometric HKU'S a real opportunity lor the young rna,.. who want. Method'll .•• Open Evellinp By Apa good job lllfith a future. ~ Army job is a steady job offerpointment .' . . Tel. tM. inC good pay, the highest lecurity, every opportunity for promotion and a chance to see the world. You cet valuable All Ty.,_ In these daySQi-continual stl'e's~ training in tc:chnical skills, good food. clothing, quarters and and stmln, optometry Is one of ~Ilc Houae Wiring medical care free. If you go overlleas. you get 20% extra pay. professiol!S most v!1.aI to our well You can retire at half pay after 20 years or retire at threeMotora Applianc. being a nd among Lhe optometrists quarters pay after 30 years. And you get a 30·day vacation of Lh.1s p!l>l't of 'Lhe cnw1·t ry none ho.~ at full pay e:very year! Many other advantaees not offered enjoyed ll. , Ihlgller reputaUol" thl.lr. elsewhere. If you 'ore 18 to 34 and physically fit (or 17 with Dl·. C. W. Elliott. Il't Lebanon. parents' consent). you can enlist now and qualify for one of Under tihe condH!ollS of modern Telepho~e 2949 these fine jobs in ·the peacetime Reeulor Army. You owe it lil'e· , the eyes are subjected to a WaJDeaville, Ohio to yourself to get all the facta NOWI APPly at vIlIS!: allloUJ!t of wOrk for wboich
Rueppel Studio'
Banta Implement Service
Waite's ~arage
Life -
Pay':;;RSES $5.00 COWS $3.00 AccordIng to Size and
CondJlJOn H0l{a, Calvea. Sheep, etc. REMOVED PROMPTLY
Joseph M. (BI, Mike) s ullivan • The old trick oJ placing n man or lIke name tlI1e ballot to split, 1(>tes from a bona- f ide candidate is ~n' being by J . F. Trump 00' beat Joseph M . SuHlvan for Democrat State Central COmmittee.
IF IN OT N.ElASIID, ·)/Qur 3sc back . Ask 8.QY ~glsl for 'uhls STRONG
fUngicide, 'I'E-OL. Made wlbh 90 percent 61cohol, 1't PE N E T RAT E S. Reaches and, kills MORE germs faster. -WaY~lll e, Drug Store.
'lilt ". . ,
454 XENIA.
lluaUMTUO '" I 'oll jota. AIII",_.. _ , 11,,' 1U11"n.
".ft ......
T.. 1111.. 11\ .. , ...... _ .......'Il
• , A , ION
29 HIGH STREET., HAMILTON, OHIO r5:i~5:i5:i:~5:i~~~~~~~~~~~
HOM EAT ;H~ ;~;I~;';.~ GS! "Hard-To",Get" Itelt\s 9 x 12 FELT BASE RUes
"'" ... llwi kU ."" , .....
Vote for the right SUillVBD who i
Joseph .M. Sullivan
Pol. Adu.
CI~ UDiOD 8&oel YardII
9 x 12 WOOL RUGS
SUR( WA' It ~'''' "" ttl . . . ., .. tn. eM
GENUINE JOHN DEERE REPAIR PARTS Competent Repair Service on Tractors and (mpl~enta by Experienced Mechan'i cs
The BANTA ImplelQeDtSerrice
Live WIre aM ............ All . .. .pn. . . . . . . . . . . . . aoae. 8VIetI1 ....... _ .......... .,....cl~ Your John Deere Dealer lalM ••• 117. . N. Ea.t Street LEBANON. OHIO . . . . . ~tSati.,....
LAMPS (Floor and Table) STUDIO COUCHES (Fuli y Sp.r ing Filled) LIVING ROOM SUITES
STOVES "Comple.te HOme Furnishera" '.
HOME FURNITURE -, Phone XENIA CO. 912R OHIO Main Street at Whiteman"
Phone 565
' 1.-m.lI'~. 2. Imbl}' fJtrNtlltl ~
'If. ,N'''_'3''."1,'..5 I"
M!'• •
t. I
2c 2 ~~ic 25c
AA Min
p~~· 17c
2 is.:. .8c: aAL 53c LIMA BEANS LARGE a.a", I.~. w5c , PURE ·CANEl.SUGAR 5 '~Q 35c . 10 .~i. S3c FLOU RAL~ AMERICA 14c ALASKA' PEAS 37c CARAMEL FUDGE FRAZIER CATSUP 1~~' 18c ~ VAN CAMP
No.2 CAN
.. Tomita Sauce Ayond.l.
.Bowl '0
G,".r,1 Mill. Em'rfJ'n~y
No.2 .C...N .
Splcl C.k.
South.m Styl.
WEEK MAY 6 to 11 Crate- 18 size $6.99 , PLACE YOUR ORDER NOW .
4 Ears
Texas US No.1 Carton -
4 doz. ·aize,
lb•• 35c
29c 2 heads
iACH 690 PARLOR BROOMS • • 40·02. .9c AVALON WlllPAPER CLEANER C...N '1(8. 350 SPECIAL BLEND ICED TEA • lOLL 230 I CAMERA FllMS-D·n • LI. ROYIL WATERLESS SOIP . • 131 ·FT.c ...... 29c WAXTEX PAPER • • • • lOLLNo.2 '51/20 ~ 85c a Illl DAlYIWIZED TUBS • I LI. I SODA' CRACKERS, O. C•• • a • "'6. '6e. • CAN. 7c •. I DERBER BABY FOODS • • I LI. 2" FRUIT COMPOTE. • • 'I(CO, • • • I LI. tOe RIOE-O.r,II •• • PICCO. • • : I~Z. 110 RALSTON SHREDDED CEREIL ' • ",e• . - , iAl, 1c I SWEETHEART SOAP • .ox 12/3c I OHIO BLUE TIP MITCMES . a • 't.LI. KRln VELVEETI' CHEESE • I • I • I ox 200 , ~~ ' ~40 . I LlBBJ 'KRIUT o. • a a, .~z. I IELLOaa'S RICE"KRISPIEI • a a a. 12. ' I v.t.r 220 LIIBY 'tOM ITO "UICE • I
. .. '
Heaters IOJ' l\tllk Jlou''1CS . . . elln rood, lIB well as to Increase th elr Be Plugged Into Electric Socket. . . prosperity ar.d are rendM1ng nn exFords AlrHnt'r M1Ikers .. . Tel. 555. cellent 5e1'VIce by keep1ng eqlilp{tlent In good condition by foorurThe Ba.nta Implement Service til log vruve-gl'lnddng. ring InstBllatlon. Lebaron Is a vallUliblc oonl.ribut.ol ~to, carouretor and tune-up IX> OUr proo'l"am for kff plng our food rervlce and genere.1 rcpn.l.r1n::. production going at top-nok:h speed l\lrs. Netta SulUvan of Lima was 1.0 meet Ule W'g('nt needs 01 ou r cow~L1'y and 10 Ilontl'ibutc ull poosl- 0. Satu.rda,y. rnght 8'llcst of Mrs. D. C. ble to feed lJle h ungJ'y people of Lh' Ridge. world. Being headqunrters for the famous John Dl'el'c line of Implements lInd traclors.' they Me bh promoters of moder!' i<ttl In agriculbw'e In lJ1.Is part of U1e state. As )IOU au"', fast as lihey Rrc being released by men..and a. .uch 0 .. Palna tlon d~~;~:~~1~~::J~~~ til() ma nulf1dw'!:I'S Lhey wlU have bloat.d etomach. the",; try TABLIETa. tnem; so. II ) u want to run youi' Thay llive .uch grand ..1181 to thd acn:a~e upon ·a very eJ"llc1e l~ t and tlr.d, lIetl ... fMHn'l and wh.n you'''' menUlly dull an ml",abl., f ..1 eeon mical b s, It will ,be worth grouchy and up", dlHl to con.tlp.tlo" your wJrl1e 1.0 sUlp In nnd get on than r. thl time to u.. MARCUS T ABLIETa. A grand lellldive fO' OfIly thelr list for Improved Inbor-};avlllG 2& Clen" fo, e peclCag. of 45 tabl... ma.chlnery . as well as tor wagon a t any drug etore . U..... ~ c!lrected.
Electrical Contracting
Marion Snyder
Mowhl ~ Machi"". T unc-Up Your 1bed6. trailers and truck grain and Tractor Help " '0 Plan for a Busy st.OOk rack8. Season ': .. Jlcadquartero for Farm 'IU1CY are alWayS alert 00 -the needs Hardware. Garden Tools, Service of the farmers to produce as much and P arts . .. !~'so. Electric Watt'!l' lIB possible In meet the dems.nds for
Dr. W. ' C. ·Elliott .
U. •• ARM Y
Phone t 71 L, Lebanon, Ohio
Armitage &Son
IlIIlotlll'e never Intended them . and, as a consequence, ther-e are toda y lDar.y troubles ari:U!l.g [TOni eye.,
Hospitalization Health and Accident (Alllo Grange lnaurance Service)
For InfOl' mation Writ~ or Call
------ - - - - -- ----- --
••, I, - - - - --
Vital to Every Family
Lemmons' Hatchery
Personal " Is ,. IS YOURS PROTECTED? Insurance
·.' ..
... '
• AcoordIng to a leboor received trom tJhe Waynooville 0Iv1c Club ILnd signed by Frands G . Brown 'COluner sec.reIla.i!'y 1U'.d1 dhIa.Innan of tjle HJgJhway OommltJtee wlhlol1 was sponsored, by tJhe. Olub, !tJle follow-~ng repont Is . made relaUve to 'IlIle acUvitU!6 or t.h15 Cornml t.t.ce: "In a letter received from Robert E. G~. EngiJleer of the &btl D.lv-
islon of tb.e lUghwa.ys. Inlonnation W1lS giverl the Oomuutt.ee that T he DivisIOn ·has already submitted to tJ'le Oentml Of<!Ice ltlle Wayne6wlleCOrwin Sectlor. of SlAl.te Roule 73. o.nd considers lit a very ~cslrable project. ree.lizlng lihaL [ull use of the route will oot. be feasible [or trudal W'I<tI11t Is complet.OO . "Depending upon the 1IlVa1lablllty of Federal AJd Secondary F1unds It Is detJlUld lilaIt 'l1Ile llroJeal wlll probably be In bhe 1947 or 1948 Pl'Ob'TQ.lTl..' , Since ,Lhe HJI!lhJwB.YI depanlllel't wlll SUbmlt plane far ·tlhe vloou .>1 bellween tlhe vUIa4!'es at Wa.ynesvUle and Corwin. the oOt~ conli1st4ng of Fl'anels O. Brown, Will St. John and FIred GrauOlIW. 841lp olnted lb y tile Civic Club tor tbe purpose of m8lk1ll4!' the contacts of this projeot. wmbe dlliml5sed a.t the ne?Ot regu.lalr meeting of this Club on May ~ 1946.
Mr and Mrs Claude RIIP of Dayton spent Wednesda-y evening wl1lh the latter's· puenw, Mr. and Mrs. Wilbur Clark. Mr and MI'II C L SchelG\ and oIlI.ldren Of OQahen ditme!' , ~ on WOdIlesda.y evenlng or M.r.and Mrs. Ev~ Kenrick and ch11dren. Mli. and Mrs. Barvey Burnet spent . ThUnsday n.t London. 01110. with Dr. and Mrs. 9'nest RolIn_ie and :ra.In11y.
• 'J1he Mlam1 QUart.erly Meeting of Friends was held in WaryDe8VUle . on Sundn,y. May 5 'Ilhooe 8Ibtendlng ril'Olll a ddstAlnce were: Ml's. Ella Ca.lvent. Misses Helen Calvert and MB.be1 Wilson, Mr. BOO Mrs. O . T . Battin. Mr . .and Mm. W. S . Boone. of selma, Ohio; Mr. Ra.lph Howell. Mrs. A11thur Mo~ aod ·Mrs. Anale. ·R1edel of Yellow 8prlr.p; Mm Mina DoWnIng of Xenia; and Ule fleld 6OOI'e1Jary. Mr. Louts Grier. of Pttl6burg, Pa..; Mr. Gebrge 'I1loI'pe. M1sIles Lola and Ada PMlry or· R10hm0nd,
W. C. Berg(llIl1 oDolld Mr . and Mrs. Walter Kenrick. Sunday afternoon amlOVED TO BOSPI'ML ~ S lJ Benne" was qu1&e W "'~Y6 ' n... week n_A ..... 0 oovora I ........,.. - - .. taken to BWr Brothers hOOplt.al in ''''uon Lebanon, BaliUrday. ....., cor...... rEOWIIS lIlbout tJ"!e some. . ATTEND COFERENOE A number of ladles of the 'Woman. Soo1dty of L)-tle Churoh attended the Olatrlot COnferenee aldd a.t tile Mtlthodist Ohurch at iFran&l1n. on
~. . Mr and Mrs
BRADEENS' SURPRISED ON 25TH ANNIVERSARY On Sunda.y. Alml 28. a surprls~ aleld [01' Mr. I!lJld Mrs . Howard Bl(Jdeen. 01 ftuml Rout e 3, Way n~l ll e. in honor of their 25th Wedding Almlversary. Their friends a nd relatives who ga ve this surprise pa.!1ty 1I4'd .bl'ough t so many acceptable gifts were: Mr. and Mrs. Walter Bradeen and son. IReed. of Richmond, Ind.; Mr. aud Mrs. Ha:n-y McLee.r and Mr. George Harper Of RllcJunond. Ind, Mr· and Mrs. Harold Rousey ane oollg-Il ters. Nad1ne l1nd l..4nda Kay. and ~ Hester Bronnenberg of Anderson, Ind .; Mr. and M.n; . L. E . Farquear ar.d <Ia.ughter. Glen<h Elaine. of Marton, Ohio ; MT. a.nd Mrs. Pa.ul KollOrske and MT. and Mll's. El<Lwar<l Brol15On oI Dayoon; Mr. and Mrs. Leonard TiIU'ey of near W aYll~"V ll le ; IPfc . Bill Dunlap. WoS.M .S. of New River. N. OaroI1na.
caned until
Percy MaIm II beard SundaYI on the musical program. Peggy Ifngs the popular tunes Delmar and the swing orcbestra. Robert MemU
The broadcast. are on the air ' over WLW at 3:38
f' m .. the classics. ~ST.
• From 08klaI>..d. Ca.lll. under the daIte at Ap1l 29, 1IH6. oomee word
K. L . Hammond (EV'll llhat w J.s lea.v1ng
~~:. Of Bible
MUSI-cal Concert At School, Fn-day
:t ~~~:.~m~e ~
Balld, GIrJs Oborll6' ar.d Orohest.4ra, under the dIreolllon or M& Mam.ret Rose. M'ustca1 Olrector. w11l present a collCelllt .i n the auditorlum at the High School bu1ld1ng In honor ot Nllltlonal Music Week: nliB concert Is open La 'lihe puDlIc and ev"MlCIr'.e. Is cordlally Invited to , atWlnd. -1bere Will be no aGmlsslou
I], l tr.1
Ben SchauUhers
of Da¥ton. Ky .• spent SundaY with ~ tale Iatter's parentis. Mr . and Mrs . . Walwr Clark end' fahilly. SELLS LOTS Mr and Mn Harold Steinke and PATRICIA ANN B.OOAN Mrs. Sally GilmaOJ lha.ve 80Id build1118 lot.OJ - WOr.g tile L)'tle roaQ to Mr. and lin. Everett Bopn an Mr. E. B: Lo1lp.ere . Mr. Ralph tile proOO Pll'CntB <If a baby dalJ8b!Hammond and M!'. ~1e8 Beck. ter.' IPatrkia" A'I1Jl, Ibo!:,il Tuesday. Mrs Peter B&Ilta at&ended the Apr1l SO. . f,uneral 01 her ·8Wlt. MTII. J~h """¥'. Surface -01 Mtdd.Jetwon, at the ~ Oswald Ftuneral Home in LebanClll. I . Monda.Y. and 1lhe bw1al at. l~e eeme"tel'Y t.here. SON BORN Mr . and Mrs . Wilbur GI'OIt 01 MIN Ell_beth OIl.ndler .of O.S.U.. 'tlhe Rolland faml are announc1ng spent tbe 'iV'6eirend at 't.he Home and ...... .# "'-"n . . ._ 3 ... _ .. ~ .... n-.ol • the 1bu ",u' o~ a son, .........Y. _y , a •..,."""", - . . u Quil.rtteTIy Meet1ng. at MJami . VaI'l ey hoapltal. Maw Evel7D Pe&enon Is spendlnl Mr : and Mr.!. Alfred JOlla 01 tbIs 'week In W4Im1qJton wttb her h.on .. n#;_.. .... ... M n ........ .U_ Southern '· . _'IIC4-....,...,.. e ·Te'...... ........ Rills were S u.~ ... 0 f Mr ......... __ ..t. .l,...... " '_ J •B• M'___ I ., G reene 0 , Wllm1nrnoon gucs~ _ B a ....... Jones. . ton ts apendine >tills .week at the Mr . anet Mrs. Everett Kearlck Home. and elilld:ren ellt.eruW1ed M1'. and ~ Geol'(la Mendenballl MI'II. Mm. I.o.wrenee EllioU and lIOn. ·E valyn f'eIbemon ~ Mm! Olive Tomm"'. "",,,,ton, to diimer on W1nUama attended the Ovden Club " of ~. nda)J'. meetine at the home· of Mrs. Jennie ~D'TH"DAY DINNER Ooor.er on, """'~.'. ~'''''-.r BI Do ,.... -. ud Mra Gnv Custenbcllder Mr. n-.,·e Th.orpe ud M_ Ada .... ..., "f~-, ente1'tained to a ~ dinner Pamy of RlcIunond. Ind., were din' SundaY in bor.or or tbelr dIwg1lrt.et'. ~er. iuestA on Sunday - ot Mrs. Mrs. Glenn &oller ()f 'Da.Yton ; Mnl . Gearpa l\lendenhali. Hannah lUke of Bea.velltoWn and . M" . lt_tb Obandlfto spent FrIday Mr. Roller were also suestB· in ~. Col. aiuS Mrs. ~. ' M . SwISher of The Bo~ .r. Culitrol of the otUai,go were S~y Q'IIeeta of ~e PJ1etndIt 'Home tDe!t here. on Wednealatter·s brother-in-law ar.d aliter. ~ 8iIIdI were 0lIi!' ~ lit 41J!.ner. Mr. and Mm. Erntest Harlan a.nd 'I1he toUowq memtMn were pre. clauatrtes'8. sent: Mr. 8etb. F1Un1as, MrII. Bll& AT BIlD LION . . 000k. MIa. Arina Hoak. Mni. IIBI'tba . ' . Mrs; V~on P!JnIe1' MH. caariD~""'~ . Mr. ~ . BI'adcIIDdt ~. Mrs . ctl.arlea lI\IQj)leeon, of ~e: '». O. ir. ~ ana Mn. oeoqe -C\lSberlbclnIer ~ iIDct Mr. MIiITII:t BClberta at South <ter..dled !be W~ 'S oclety of 'Red 0bar1elfOli. _. . 'Lion otaJrdl "at the chwaL 1ber.e . . ~ on 'I'huraIia.y aftemOOIl. Mm. Pur.. Mr. aDd' Hn. W. B. KllpMric!k 1I1ey bad ~ of tile .....1..... , eDCt Mr. aDd Mm. BIIn1Id. Bouler . aDd dMIII*r. IlarJIn. of New oar.. iii. Iliad ..... J. IL HIde. aMeaded " i k e _ tile MIIbIIUIIdIIJ ~ llUI1PI' ~ or odI& awnb, BIIDdI¥. ADd vIIIIt.ed aD ud"'.I. B. QhapnM _ . . . . . . . II1II. & 011..."
• 08Ir1 Miller. son of · Mm. Mae Miller MaoEIrresh~ iWill gradua.te with the '46 CIIIS5 of Oincl~nnati Btble 5emiQllU'Y or. Thursday. May 16. The graduation ceremonIes will be held a.t tJhe ShrIne Auditorium. Taft bUilding, 5llh and Sycamore
streets, at 9:30
m. is devoted to the
iAlton Earnhal't E. M. 2/ c, who
had been at llOffie on lea.ve durJng the past month. returned to OJUooeo d\1l1ng' 1Ihe past. week and received hts honorable ~e at Gt'eat Le1tes Naval StatIon, Great lakes. IIlI. He had served in tlhe P.h1lJ.pplu('s for the Past several months.
'I1his Semill6ll"y eduea.tlon III .r eliglous 1I"<>i'1t only and
• Rev. and M.n;. R . B. COleman. Mm. J . B. ,Crobbe. Mra. M. D. Baird Is a school or tlle Ohurchcs o[ and Mrs ~""ler attendecl tl1 e ' . R . C. ..... , 0hrIst. The enrollmel'.t for this yeaI' General Assembly -or the WSCB In waa 1)()2 students. COlumbus dW1r.g- the post week. LIke many of the students there
do. MI'. Mmer has worked his way
Ul~oU8h bWs College. He Is one
J\1&llY gradua.ted from rtJhls InsUtuUon who are well known In tIl15 communit(y. others belr..g Mr. and Mlrs. VanZUe. of t.he loonl Church of Christ. John sears. son. of Mr. and Mrs. Wilbur N. 8 ea.m. and many oItlers. The Bemtn8l"y Is located on Price H1ll in Clnclnr.a.t.1 IIlnd Is ably directed Ib y Is pres1deIllt.. Ralph L. Records and his asslstallits. .
AIumnl- BanquetDance May 25' •
• AOCOI"dlng ItO announceJnenls · the Annual Alull'll14 Da.rlJ: e and_ Ban. quet wlll be held at lthe Sdhool Alid.1turlum on _ Saibmday ('venlng. May 26, as Il'dlcated by 8llnOlltlCemelll1lS J1llliled out ItJhjs week to lIhe membership by Mm. Edgllr ·SmJ.th . An arobeI!tra tfrom W111nin~1 has been engaced tor ~ dance. SpecIal honors are being ~ed far .,..,~ m-"""- 'Who 'h ave <\on" u...~ au""",,, ,-.. service 'WiIth .the armed ,forces 'in tlhe W'QI' recer.tly ended.
Rober1t L. Vanzile. Mtnlster of
M-ISS P0ff .Speaker At CIUb MeetlDg -
• The Progressive Womans Olub meeting was held on Monday ever.-
DOUBLE BIRTHDAY CELEBRATION HELD Mr. and MI"lI. Glenn Borde n entertained to Sunday dinner in honor of tJhe btl'thda.y anniversary ot the !allter'S motileI'. Mrs. Mlr.nte Munger. and of Mrs. Ed Eyer o[ Springboro. 'I1he dinner table was attract! vely B.TI'anged with covers fOI' Ml'S. Minnie MWlger, MT. and Mn;. lAllwrence Fox. Mr. and Mrs . ChaTles Sellars. Mr. and Mrs. Olarer.ee Dugan of Lebanon, Mr . l1nd Mrs. Ed ~r and Mr. and ·Mrs . F06ter COHoon of Springboro, Co.ptain and Mrs . Ohe.ster Pugh and owghter of FL. Knox, ar.d Mr . and Mrs. WHbur DUgan of Mason.
Waynesv11le Garden
The 1~ Dl.Wrk:t.-SlJate Twt.~ were Ileld at Miami University. at Oxford. May 4, 194(i. F ifteen SLUdents from ,was met. at the schod lJu11.d.ing at 7:00 o'clock OaLUl'uU} •
Memibers of Lhe Class Roll are as
OONiA'LO BROWN, dt:.l1ts rebUrlIed home. The results of Wle t&"t will not be JOHN SA<mE'I'T. known tior several ~. GLADYS RYE,
Treas. enjoyed a very interesting m eeting NOT COOKING With GAS V A!LEDlaI'ORIAN ~ ""i"~y .... a .. 3 witJh M . ~, n· ..... ,·UoAJ. rs. J ennle • TJle new electrIC StC/ves have ,been GladlYS IR ye Cortr.er as hostess. The IU "us! net;6 moo bi ng was con- ulSWlllled and l lh.e Home Ec Girls SAILUTATORIAN have COOked seVel'Bl complet.c meals. duc~ by Ilhe p resldenit. Mrs. Evelyn t:Vie Il t.hough none 01 iJle otllel' Wanda M . ProPlit Peterson and tlul'teen members t!q ui~ent. has becn Installed. 'fille Senior . ~ram will be beW on Il.ru1wered roll call with some memL.he evendng of M~' 17 'a t !be eDilool ory lrom Mot..her·s garden. VISIT KRO ' GE~; building and Ma.y 17 has been se~ Ml"s. LaiWrence Fw' IUUl gave an Intel'estihg Lalk on the various CHRIST HOSPITAL aside as Senior Day. c....ctus ,plan1lS and Mis:; Olive WillIIams road an arUcle on '"'I1he Cedar Wax Win8". Several. val1ietles of caclAls plants were on display a.nd some lovely boquets or tulips ar.d lUU'dssus. were a.lT8.nged by Mt'S. H. E. HathlllWay and the bostess. Miss anlly Jacobs · was a guest at t.he Club. A very pleasant social hour was enjoyed e.f1er 'WIh.Ioh 't he. Olw adj OUIn ed to mee t wi.... u_ n.. •• 1 'UU ""'D. ca<UI Maurietl for bhe J .une meeting at wJuch time a ' picnic dinner will be
ea t.l ,h.1
Fish aBu:.a ' G' .ame,Meeting • mward A. Mt~ Holly. a At Lebanon Tonight lIfe.. Ione resident ~ WIiuTen countJl, .
On Frid·ny . May "24. lilt 8:00 p. m .. the 72nd Senior Cl&ss vf Waynesville High School wlll hold thell comm encement exercises at the Hig h Soh 001 Auditorium. Whll e some Information has been gI ver.. out tJh8lt Lhls is the 75th or Diamond Anniversary ClII.6S, '~. Raymond Bmddock. Supt.. stlllted Ilhwt whl-le tJil is 15 lIhe 75t.h year tlhe School has been in operation. three years of this period did not hlwe a g raduating class. 'I'he rcasor>.6 for this <are not known but the prcsen.; g1'aduaUng class is t.he 72nd in num-b er IWCOI'ddng to the school records. The CIa&'> of '46 is composed or lwel:l;y-six members. TJley ha.ve as tlhelT Class lviolJto "In Ourselvcs Our Future Llcs" ; ' Lhelr colors are Blue I:I.lld Wh ite; and the flower Is the Yellow ·Rose.
morning . From bhere liI1e nhree MARGARET M . HARLAN cw"S. drlvc.n by Mr. Bmddook. Mr. BE'ITYGENE HARII' K ing and Edwm Micbeoor, PI"O ' SE'IlH HOAl{ ceded 'to Oxford. Arrlvir.g there. IWIA[,TElR JOHNSON taeJl stooent. fOWld t.he room where OHARLES LACKEY hla; subject. 'Was LO be I!I Vl:ll. '.1.'0015 V,l RGllL LEE LONGAORE .Wel·e giVt!ll III a;evel'al of DIle dlUellLANORA J. LOVELY enL hall!;. 'Ihe tlr~ Leb"t period was R06EMAoRY L. MULFORD U'Olll 1/: 00 to 10 :00 0·c1oc.k.. For tilooe NELLIE V. ORJl.IDORIF BLuclelll6 w110 were Ito !lUte ~tIl In WAJNiDA M. PROPST two subjects, or who Imd arrived VIVIIAN I. PUMM!IILL Jat.e J"or tile HI·I>!. test period.. a SA<RAH C. RIDlNGER ~nd I.es~ was beld l rom 10 :45 Lo MIAMI CHAPTER G'LADYS ~ JLYJ. - . 11 :46. -. ~ ~ .. JOHN .PIER.R:Y SAOKETT Miami Chapter Nu. 107. Order uf After the tests the students were Ule Eastem sunr, will meet In regMARY OLEO BTANLEY J'I>ee 1\.0 explore !be campus. Some lliar session on Monday ever!ng, lilt >HAROLD STARR 01 Ulle college stude.ntll had been 8 :00 o'clock. An Interesting busiappointed to act as guides. A picrJc BAaBIARA Eo WALKER lleSIS stN>ion will be held. iWJcll was held for aJl 't..he v1s1t1ng Offtoers [or tile '46 graduaUng Iltu.derlU; on ·bIle ooU~e campus class are: Alter dUmer. t.he Wayn esville SIlU-
ing, May 6. at bhe home of Mrs. Alva ThomP6on. oAIter a short business session the speaker of the evening, M1ss Dor~ Poff. was Intlroduced to 'the melnbers present. Miss PaH ,., I. ""-#f N -~ B~i "".urse... ... r Hospital in Leba.noc and -has served for IJtl.nie and one ..balf year.; with the NavaldOI'Cel> in the SoutJl held. Pacific. She very Int6'~lng1y reI8.ted her many ex,periences while In bhls service. telllng o! numerous lnc~tB In her l11e there and 'a.lso f "'-erl 0 '''''':: V ous coumrtes she had been station In and (:if the people WllO were natlve t.here. Members of the Olub .. . accepted tlh.Is. meeuulg as IIIIe m...... ..... I-.. n.. one -~ Vol " .... esti ng 0,# tile year. largnly dup m the lrltere6Ung ar.d lnstrucUve m~ of Miss Port. • The AmetlaI.n Legion Junior .As 1.ilU6 meeUng ooncluded 'the BMeba.1d Team sput a double header aot1v1t1oo of Ikle Club for ·the cur- game III. n" Bellbrook last Sunday rent yea.r•• hey now stand n ....... ·rn- a.fternoon ..... e ~.ln~ T"'"on T M "'. ......,.,.. • U l . -~ '-"-&' ' - '. ed unUl this coming Bept;embe!'. did r.oc pla.y. • _ • NelGt SUnday afternoon lilt 2:30 the J.eg1on ·Team will meet Elat.<in on the loce.l Hi(,oih Scllool dlaanond.
.tJhe lOO8l, Churoh Or Ohrlst left on Wednead~ far Indianapolis wbet'e Orew of. ~ wlll aJtrt.ei'..d 1Ihe :North Americart Cbr1stlan COnvention being held at died a1.llls ~wme I~ Mt.. Holly at tIl6 Oadle Tabemscle there. ~ 8.."12. age of 7.4 years. on iW~. May w!ll""retilm ,to We.ynesv.tlle on , ~. at 110 .00 a. m. . , . Ba.UllG..y If,o be here for the SIlnd~y 9urV~V0f6 Include. hils- Wife Emma aenr10es at <bhe dhurcb. Ann: a sister, Mrs. Mattie Leyi at Mt. HoUr,; two bmbbenl. 'lbcmaII 'Ot .... N@ ~unnen ..... tile DalVton.1Yld AIbI!Jt of Sp~ valweekend. m pl:ndnna.U 'Wttb ber -leY. 8IJIl. Mr. 0eiirtIe 1l11nn!lleDd family. PUnenl aemcee Will be heIId on .... and Mrs. A. B. 8&0..... a114 BaIlI#d&y. 'Ma.Y 11. at Itbe Mt. Bollyf8mIl1 WWe SUndaY guesta '01 Mr. Oburc:b at 2:00 p. m. wtth burial aDd Mrs. Walter Sheem.n and In IIIamA CemeterJ Iihe d1r.. .... .: IdIoD or. VOOlIft Bcme.
• Undetalled repor1B of the Warre,p (,OU1~ty ciecl.1on news Indlclllted .tllat Lhe vote was exceptionally Ilght. with cmJy a bout one vote out of four being polled as compued to '1I1le Last ma.jor election ret.urns. The race IbellWeen Leslie Earnhar.t and HaIrold Ba1ley for COWllty COmmissioner resulted In about a 300 vOte margin for Ba.lley. Or.e unexpected upset Of t.he election was the 'w rite-In vote for Kennetlh R. Hill. local manager of the 'I'wIn Theatre. for Democra.tIc OomInitteema.l1 · fTOm W~ne township. wh10h resuJ,ted In a t.'lbulllltion In hla favor ovet' the regul'llr candldaLe. R.obel't. Baker, listed or. the ballot.
6c Copy
Seventy-Second' Class Graduates At Waynesville High School, May 24
"Kenny" Hill Voted Committeeman For JJ;g~ Sc~oof Wayne Township nOle.1
pal1ty lvas
next 8epLeillber.
. .otI""III......~.....
O~.' aud I\II'!I . S . D . Henkle of :t..eba.non caI1ed -on Mr . Mrs .
• An· entertamtr,8 I~ and the ~leclJlon Of offW!rs for the eusuing y~ were the special 'feGltures at. tJle MoItle.rs Cluib meeting III Miss Day'S room at the Grade buUdl~ on FrUiay afternoon. Mrs . Georgia. Mender...llall 'Was 111 ohArge of tUbe devotioDB and Mrs . A. H . stubbs or the program. At the bus1nese 5E6ll1on the Olub decided to present each room with a book. 'I'hIe eled.llon of orl'1cers beld at 'bhis period re6Ul00d In the to110w1ne J'eawta: Mrs. Kalilryn Fulk.er8on. president. Mrs. Helen Graham. vlce-president. MTs. Ra!ie Turner seoretuy . Mrs. Prances Oonner ·t.reasurer . A pl'Ofi"raul 'Of vocal and InstrumenlAl.l 90106 given by Judiy Oonner. IDuIia HDak. Setlh Hook and Jack Mulford W1I8 greatiy enjoyed by everyooe. M INs was the last 'meet1ne ot the Club Idleduled for this aohool
,amity of ~. C .. H. 'w ere bet' BOn's Ulere 'Week end gueSs or Mr. arAi JIotrS. ~1I.eSVllle . her girlhood home. Paul Sh~pley and children. Mr . and Mrs. Maryin Sheehan of Oell'tervllle were 8unda.y afternoon nues!. of Mr. and Mrs. Wilbu r
.Peggy' (Ok, Mann!) Sing' 'E1!:l Sweet And Hot In Amazing Voice R'a nge
$1.50 Year -
- P5E
~,.e.dJoumDlll!ll'lo w~
Esta'blished 1850-No. 4263
Highway Viaduct Project Shelved
.\ . ·T he Wamm O:lunty FIsh and o.uDe O:lnservo.tlon AMootation will meet t.<lJqh.t at M~lal Hall. 1..ebU'.on at 8 :00 'O'clock. A-Special proet'am.lla8 been plan .. ned ~tb outdoor movies from 4Ibe OhIo DtvlGm 'ot Oqoaervatlon and NatU11ll Re8auroes- 9f BP,e.C1al in.. ~ ito Sportsmen and farmers wiD be a ta1k en '"l1le Y~nt or Pann POnds". AU tnta'eIted perIOJIB", k\vItecl flo ..........
• 'lfhe Glrls liea.1th C1aas v1sl~ tlI16
Ohrist HOIlI?ilal In Cincinnat!. May 3. A school bus i\.OOk 'Lhe glrls first t.o the Kregel' FoWld!a.tlon W~lel"e
visited the kktc.hen and the
l\UIiB l\1P-ry Margaret Robertson wst.in8 laboratories. 'I1he lUtc.hen was la.1d out omlp8rIIble to any of Wilmington Coll~e spent lIhe
modern home kit.ohen. They iWere badUng oook.1es from diough· t.ha.t 'had. been made a year ago IU!d then frozen. '..l'be girlsQ.11d -wereOocaCola. serve<L these delicioUs cookie6 ' . In rtJh.e JaibOra.toJ'Y test& were being run on 68Jad dressing and bread. Unlabeled samples in dUferent brands of oo.oh product were being tasted in an elfol't to improve the KroQe1' 'p roducts. At noon ¢lhe girls went to Union
weekend with hflr parents. Mr. a r.d MI's. Lyle R.obbrtson. Mr. and ' I\lrs. Charles Smart and daughter. M~ Grace. em.ertained 8 group of !l'u es~ 8atturda.v evenJog. featuring llwo ' t6bles of "I)()()". 'I1he QCCa6lon was 'i n cOmpliment t.o Ml's. Gilbert Welch w-:Q friend of Deln'oit, M1ell. Other guests included Mrs. Sadie Reaoon. Mr. Ed DakIn ·a.nd Mm. A. S. COlletit. Mrs Clyde Levlcy was bostess to the WCIl'U 011 Th'Ul'sday eYerung. Pte . Cllffurd' DOster arrived bome FrIday evening and will leaw this week for camp Attel'bury' to receive 'h15 hOllOl'lltile dJsoha.rge· from
TennJ.nal where they ate lunch in the coffee shop. From there they went to Christ Hospital. Miss Manthey. the r.W"8e in cllia.rge, divided t.he health cl8.S6 Into t.wo S'J'01.Ql8 and conducted ead! group on a tour of t.he Am1y. tJhe hDsp1tal. Leier In the af·ternoon Mrs. 'Mary Tucker, Mrs. Roy bhe girls were invited t.o & tea whlch CIa1'k. Mrs . Minnie Welch ar.d MrIi. lB ·held abotit N\lhies' iHome.once a monbiL'!lIt the Etta Ba-ooks abtended Eastern Star All the 8irls agree t.h1!Jt tJh.ls 'was Inspootion in WIlm1ngt.on, 'Iburs": on t the _ ...... dilly evening. . eo · ....,.,., interesting acd .....·-·'o~-, trl tak ."'.~ cu~...... ps en ."'..... year. Mrs. Oharles Volers. Ins~c_ 01 the thlro grad£ c.lass Bot 'M'aaide EIGHTH GRADER TESTS ThWnship Sohool. is 1lI"a.t hel' home. • The AnnUal ~ Grade 8Il8It.e I\lrs. Laura. ShJclaker. MI'I. ~ Tests were given Friday. May 3. Reesor., Mrs. 01;ydf Le~ and Mrs. 'I1ltNy-four pupUa fX)ok. bhls teet. A. S. Collett called on Mre. lImma . . ElI1s ~ friends in Xeo.1a. Pr'*y. PER ONBJ 5v ETAOIN ETAOIN Mr. and 'Mn. Barry Kline and . Mrs. BaY ' Mainoua and 'M he Lucy dia;ug,b~ of COlumbus were bola' Emley were <Unner ~"'ts on ThU:l1l- gueilts of Mrs. Kline's parents ' Mr. _ 'Ot Ia8t week, of Mrs. Jobn. andMnl. Hemett DOster this Trea.clwa.y. 'end. ' . .' . Mr. and Mrs. . Wilton Hart.ock Mra. Clari GarJIlla Ia W at IIer and Mr. aDd , Mrs. OIyde Burt 'O[ home here. Clnc1ruia.t.l .W8l!e Blmd&y g\Jle8ts' of· .Mho f:}uualll aDc1' . . . leba Mr. and Mm. R. H. Hazoteock. AmlhODY. of BriIIbane, A~ &1'. - - -rived In . Ilarve)'llbUl'l 1ut...wee 10 Mr. aDd Mrs. AI1bur W...., aDd Jam Uletr bUIbaDd aDd IMber. Mr. BOn of . ~ Sunda,y - - GWiam. ewol~ IIIIPJlI!I' tuMta of Mr. and ..... B. S. 'I'IIIIIer .. ~~. 1Ire. ' ~ Br&ddOclk and 8IIIl. b.,; lMae lQflerJlit ,...
,.,. Two 5
May 9, 1941i
... ..----.. .... ..-----..
The Miami Gazette
~ ~--.-
Established 1850 Publi8h~d Every Thursday by DAVISSON PRESS Floyd L. Davisson, Editor Entered as Second Class Matter at the Post Office, Wayn ,ville, Ohio
.. .
~ -~.-.-~---~
Untler OhiO ShY!§
As TOLD lty ~ CONSEINATION « _ • m _
DIVISION _ • • rt°
uP8cription Rates: $1.50 per Year in Advance AlIter a rive year'S absenc;e. your reporter aga.ln picks up his typewriter to jot dqwn t he ou tdoor news or Interest to W~ Conn-tians. Altlhough space Is limited. your 10('.81 newspnper publlshel' feels ,tl18 t so many tolks all'e Interested in bhe outdoor b"pOrU! or tl'UnUng, fishIng. crunplng, etc., IUl(J IAle programs of forestry . soil and water 00l1Se.l·V8 LlO1~ , resllOCkln g, youth educa.Llon and faJnl,er ' coopera.Uon Wl1l.t make wild life possible. \.hart. .t.hiB paper ll1'teuds to d VOLe some space to these IaCtlvi1Jes. T llis Is your colwun Lo air a.n,y gOOd Sborle6. pet peeyes. Ideas and actlvities of intel'C!>t Lo spontsmen and conservatlonlsLs. It's too much to expoot. any dope on that favorit.e fishIng spot. ut 1 L's hear about the resultl!! Send YOll!' stories to t.hls repol'ter at F'rnnlclin. or care or your pa,per, Even ball tales [l'om th06e Mason yarn-sp irul.e.rs will be we100mel •
MOTHER 'fo every life t ha.t exists there is a Moth r that gav . her strength and devotion to its exi tence, From the womb of moth J'hood orne civilization, ble sed by th e love and concern of Mothers e erywher '. Take from t hi world the love of ' Mothers, Ii ing or qea d, and imm diatt:dy lit' · becomes a worthl s effort. F rom birth we were constantly reminded of moth er 's lov e by her consistent attention to our every need- w rem mb r t he heartening we etness of thL love as tim ~ pa es by. T his Sunday ha belen Re t asid as a day of memOl'Y in honor of the Mothers of the land.To them W' pay homage and resp€ctful devotion. Some t hrough gifts, others by a vi it, till others by .iu t a memory. 1\-1o"t of us ha ve been closely knit to our mother. , othel'g have been separated by bus{ness connections, some have li ved apa rt, a nd a few others by neglect have lost ontaet with the one pierson w ho made their very life po sib le. • • • May we a ll on this one day of the year at least, pause • The county Is glad Ix> have Game Harold Brar.dt of Mon"Ow long en ough to give thanks for Mother and to let her know Protecror back from t.he wars. While Harold in person or throngh our prayers that we cia. appreciate was overseas for tlu'ee years, F1Bh the many, many sacrifices she so willingly mad'e. May and O1uJle Club prexy Dick Kruckem eyer pinch bJt !(JJ' h1m in order we seek her forgiveness for t he mental anguish we have to keep Ihls job open. Md ti. tl.r!'l caused her through our thougtless d eeds. job he did, Amor.g o~er eXpertences The saying t hat "Cleanliness is n..ext to -Godlinel:ls" can in the Lido Road! Area, Ha.i'old was InviLC<1 on a tiger and wild boor have a simile in "Mother lo \'~ is akin t o God lo,'e, both are hlmt wWl the richest man in t.he born of suffering" . . woo:ld, the Mahllil"aja of Indor. No
• K ings Mills rettnilld~ tIS of Al! Dmke. gone Ix> t.hoe Happy Hunting Grounds, not very long (I.j,"O. Alr was very 'II.Ct1ve In all ,o uldoor and COIIservation progrrun:3 aJld his s torlcl' were always welcanl . We mL-;s AlI. and hope htls cr ee l L~ always full, In tJlat Valhalla oJ a ll Sj)OJ'l."mell.
~~-=~ -
Lemmons' Hatchery Phone 2988
OF WILD ()t)CJ(S ARE ..:; -. THE NEW /)(ICK REFU6£ ::' ~ I 1~~~t (:~_~ATEf) AT INDIAN LAKE' ' NEW O!'EiVlN6.$ WE~E f) YNAMtreO 'LAST WINTER IN TilE 'SEVERAl.. : 'c;, HlINDK£!) AC~E A~EA -WHICH WfU ($E SECJ.()OEO AS A P£,~tW:
• • •
O . B. Hincs 01 f'lStel'S comes up wlllh a story or nuLilard du Its nest Ing l11gll in the syca more trees down •
White Roc~. White Leghorns Bred for H'gh Egg Production 'Pullorum Controlled
Ills way. Eben Lee.:J' or Lebanon and Game Protector Bl'ru~t have photos oJ one n est 12 f et up. and anorther 25 ft. 'Must have ,sollie eagle blood in 'em l
ANENr lfeSrtN6 ANt> Rt=ST ~R.54·
• • • •
Don't seU Ilhe J.n.ke small·mouth bass Shon. Along wlUh Fred and Dr. HOf'l'Y RI~, we l.I'!Jked over to Pieclmonit Lake h~ M usking wn ConscrvaJ!cy Dist. a couple 01 weeks a go· In spite of a snOW 5tJOl'l1l that. slOWed up f1sll1ng. Wes Manley amI Bill C8J.T at ohe bowl. house directed us into a few or the lake's !aJllCJll.i ~. They gave us more light pe r powld bhan any str am ba.s; we ever Iliod inLo, The wall-eye pike were!
just s llwting Lo bite a.lso, Pledlllont is now closed for bass fishing Wl t.11 June 15, but bhe nelg;hool' Seneca Lake is open year 'I"ound wiLh 110 bag llml18, Fred LuLtenbe er 01 Zanesv lIle wrlLeS I:.ha.L crapp es a.L Seneca. are ruwilnl!: up Lo 17 inches Ugers but plenty of boars. <Harold 10l1g. and boat landing squire sez 'That ain·t a pun---«m " 1) The Um:bel'gcr can pr<;lVe ttl l'est of bhe enterl.a1nment nl8de up for 110 t.1gcrs, wha.t. with the wolves DO YOU KNOW i' present I W80ITCll OOw'lIty 15 second ic till' stat-e f ol' nlllTWer of farm ponds • The Warren County ,Fish ar.d Game ~on Assn. and ,bile 40 acres or top soli per hour go Ohio Div. of Conservation 8.l'e tak- down Uhe MtssIs!uIJPI in normal dng joint act.1on to aga1n , make water. 100 acres eve.ry five m in u~ a.vailable a. long 614'etoh of the in flood - Cw1p have gone crw.y Lilltle Miami at KIngs Mills. 1Ulls in the Big Mia.Oli sll'.ce tile crayarea tWlIoS clOSlid durlng ,\lhe ,war lor nsb turned! wfit - , 4 to 9 Urnes as securiLy l'easont>, ibut slloulc[ now much tiber Is being fi ut in Ilhe U ,d. be open to the pllbl1c. , insLead o[ a as is being grown -- Th lake IruIldfavored few. Some or '!Jhe finest IlIg program in this area Is -well bass and channel catfish water in under way, more oj! 'llhat In a COUp~(! .t.be CO\UlJty is In :tlh&La.rea. of weeks.
Phone ~ - WAiNI8V~ O.
Two Roads We Face by William
Kene th
• "We stand In. ,the day o.f opportunity. W e say tlha~ peace baa oomt' . IW e Inean that a tltruUc war ha ended. E3senUa.lIy the world has again entered II period or a.nnistice . TIle armed mi8'ht of Ilhe viotorlous Umted Nations ,Is temporarily 1.he ll uaJ'8.ntee of peace. But t1he causes of war, the hatreds. the fears. an d the \n1ustices fran which wars spring. have not yet been removed; and ,tiheil' ellnlir.fitlon Is the task of
$100,00 per month for 10 )'e!U'5 to your flUlllly If yOu
,C hairs
do not live.
$100.00 per month .for lite
THE CONFUSED GIANT for JIOUr"elf at retirement. • • • NU ENAMEL & KEM TONE All of tb esr benefits in one Amazement and conc'ern is fe lt t hroughout t he world pqllcy, at the spectacle of endless confusion besetting the United • • • States. People are appaled at ,t he exhibition of a giant MARION SNYDER who cannot pull himself together ven to take care (jf his Representing this cerutury." own needs. F ARlMERS-TR.AOERS Our fUtUTe , tAllen. Is between a LIFE INSURANCE CO, The reasons· for thi country' confusion are a colleccreative peace or the haunting tear , Gibbons Bldg. North St. tion of littl e acts that add up to a mighty destructive force . Phone 171 -L of annistice. At bllis h our of choice. 0., Phone 2422 Waynesville, 'We fa.c;e ~wo 1"06ds. First. we . may T.hese little acts are being committed from one end ,of'th'l! LEBANO.N, 01110 'try to cretllte peace solely by the old country to the other by an army of publi c servants who knowingly Or unl<nowing ly undermine ithe source of our nli?thods and of seetarlnn science, religion. politiCS, Th 000nomlcs, is ~======================~.:..:============ ;;: would mean tryl.ng to ooieve the nation's strength- the enterprise of individual citizens. d esired end of ~ by m erulb They promote grandiose publicity-financed schem'es in -which have a lready miserably faildirect competition with the efforts of private citizens. The started to she8.l' them the other da y T o faLten the whili! he grew old, ed.. Or. second. 'Io'e Olay take the gigantic tax-financed and tax-exempt public power pro- but samethlng was wrong w~t.h the Al~d he lald lJlere III 100't.y-~wo kaJ'et rood of 'tlhe World F'altlh of Ballla·u·lInn." ""'Noh. , had just. come back Fine egg of the purcs t of .g old . gram ' is typicaL Constant hauling and pullmg between sheQol'S .Irom Llle factory where they llad "The prlnc1ples o f Balhll'lt'll, 11 ••• pt;vaJte enterprise and public enterprise in t his field is supposedly been Il'ebUUt but now w B u t t.be woodcut.ter ·/l mdnd beilla out.1lne lJhe basic fOU11<!aUon fOl' a • S tuJ>b.s &'1'Vlcc oos (.o) no more world c1vUiza.t;OIl. But science can- thrul !.he ordll\a.ty, We er.ueatvor ill damaging to the country beyond a ll calculation, because have Ito have them worked on aga.n . vapld' not achieve t.base t.hl.r!gs until It Is every 'WfVJ , In mnke Ollr service replainly evident is a basic struggle between two philoso- As always tile IOCUS LS are CWUllg And h.ls foolls,h.ne&l more tdlan dedicated to Uhe urutlll@ of bhe ognl7m as llh standard or excelPl'otU6e out slowly but thJs yen.r , tIley aJ'e phi~~ the pl\ilosophy of p,rivate enterprise ' up.on which world'S peoples. The Faith ot lence. slower an.cI more dellcnt.e Iiha.n u.~ ua.l. In ol'de r to ~t 'em. more rapid Ithis countQ' was founded, and the philosophy of socialism. U those b~ beetJes a.t;tack bheol He slaughtered the ino'lCen t goose". Baiha'u'llah gives 1110l'al punpose to sclellt1flc 'I'elephone 2291 prlc;e abiUby." of world peac;e Is _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _____ _ _ __ From electric power th e spirit of conflict seeps through again Ilb1s year it Is doubtful 1Ul8l'e Is more to it but ])ha:t is the a ll"The wnet;her tbey C&n live tIrirough. Two main poin.t. "to get 'em Illore rwpld' . countless activitiles with a n insidious enervating effect. crops of leaves a year lor two Ye6rd Will some way -be !ow'.d to SLop ""lie world fl11dth,. The Baha'l Faith I, I As an ~ illus.tra.tion of the proCleSs, consider a few news- must. bave uaed \liP ·mOl.1. of the Ruebll ers and the H1llmnns and ded1C1l1tL>d to Ilhe UlllUng at men a'nd I';-=-=-'!"'-::-.-~-::~-~,__~~-_:.-~-~-~-~-~====_==_====:=_........~~~ women ever,WMhere in one COII1Inon paper items of the day. From Coos Bay, Oregon, appears a.UXiliary buds. ~ p1a.c;e would John IJewl8 and all the rest. willie faitll ar..d olle world order," look v~ bare 1f they lVere to fol, tJlere is still a obanc;e for all of us the notice of the mayors of seven communities holding a low our elms. ExCCl'Pts trom article in World to llave some sha.re in 'iJlqse golde n conference to ,c onsider the possibilities of public electric 11here W88 such a fl-tmzled bark- ~gs? Whlle ellOll&111 life Is stll1 ill OI'der Magazine. power, Attending the meeting was the Bonneville Admin- lne gol.ng' on tbalt I looked out -bo American industrY for !.here to be -OOv. SUbm1~ted by Hele n MCCOy what W86 the matter. Suzy 8Ull ar.,y eggs? istrator, a Fedel'al official who actively encouragies public see Smokey! tw.d &lgan were going power at ,e very opportunity; another item from Junction a.rouru} and aroWld SOOle tree.s In City, Oregon, !tells of the efforts to form a public utility bhe yard witAh Lheir noses high in all'. b a.r~g and yelpillg, aJvJ IIlSTABLlSHED 1875 district for the distribution of tax~empt Bonneville the trying Wleir ijCst to climb Wlt! \.lee power. Another item from Oregon City, Oregon, cites the 'Lo get a. wee big gray squirl'tol l>Wtlylocal tax a ssessor as reporting that half the ,properly in Ing 'nIg'h III the b~ OUt of t.beir I'ea.oll. , BUCk and QUt!lUllc his county is now tax-exempt public proplerty- local tax- came and jomec:l' in liIle fracas but Telephone WI Wa1D eIlYWe, OhIo exempt Bonneville property alone, he estimated, would tile squb:rel looked on calmly ullt l1 On Cbllllcothe An.. Lebanon, Are lIelplnc GrcaUy In .Keeplng 0111' be assessable at mor-'e than a million dollars, The same ne !Ml8 blred, !took a .flyillg leap to Trallspor~t1on In Use ' Tbrourh , tree and tJhen to the situation prevails in all sections of ;the United States, anal1her grour..d! lind was oIt before lliey Their Exccl! nt Senlce In Top and . Ruthle's FuU of PEP! '0::--_ wh~re the Federal governm~t's tax-exempt socialized 'coUld J:oca;t.e h1m, to th e tJh1cke t' BOdy Work, Rebuillding ot Wrecks, ' . No The dbctor 1X)J4 Automobile and Truck Palntlnr, power program is absorbing taxpaying private enterprise, whCl'e he was Soon 58.fe again. ' Complek Overhaul.1ng. Motor-Tune RUi1Jh1e'sWonder. tmm to give bel' plenty of The oo.k leaves say 'It Is t1m.e to Until this basic conflict is resolved one way or thie,lQther plant our good rich Mille a t least 1\ up • ' • Will Malt.! Car Look New corn lb ut tile weather and tile Amer.ica will continue to be a corifused giant, increasingly 1arm ad'Visors say wait. They advl.s- and' RUIl, Like New . . • All Work quart every day. Ws got 10(.0) of ed waiting In hope!! of rn1sslng ,t.he Guaranteed . , • Body a.nd Paint V'\1.Qm1n D, h e says. to b uild \I\Iellunable to .supply his own needs. WOrk Ably Supervised by George knit bones and sound white t.eeth,
Waynesville Furniture & Appliance Company
' S T ,U B ,B S
The Waynesville National Bank
R..... K. JO,HNSON
Garage '&Body Shop
crop or COl'n ,borers. CQrll borer,. locust bugs an.cI John L. A traveling preacher was du'e to d eliver a sermon at a Lewis, WiIlat ca.r. we do about them? Western cburch. Arriving at the church, he paused to read And wlh at can we do about t ile the sign in f ront of it, which said: "Subject for this Sun- l ·.eck.le&; drivel's? D&y by day It geLs WOllie. The little roller-coaster hills day: ,"Do you know what Hell is?" "Come and hear ,our of H~wa.y 73< show t.I1em up by t.he dozen. As I aune over one 01. th em n'ew organist." , ' not able to see -what W1l8 011 Lhe morning I put my 'foot OIl the start- o/'her side a ,b ig r.e!iJgerated milk er and it dldn't even groe.n- now t1;UCk SW~ over onto my s ide of if I ,b elieved In omens I would say iJle rood' &lid across Lo Dl8.k.e a slop a milk ho),lSe at Llle rt.op ot t..i lt' <that proved it a.n.d U I am a. Pollyanna I could say, but how lucky it lVU· 11 h e had .gone just a llttle A FARM DIARY was that we bad a !J'8etor ar.d one 1,¥tiber he could have' seen me comB1 D. J. FRAZIER of Ilhe boys 'eould ooine and pull m e i~ lap.d made the Cl'08Sing surely }jut .o nly ~ fact ,uhat I was ~ 1l8 • May 5, 1946. A tiny crecent moon ·till the car started a..,"'8.in. In tl\(' not more than twenty-five miles LI.ll hig.h in the Sky and I saw it right Ug>ht 01 cold reason . I -am nfra id pour saved us from a crash, as it over my lefl\. shoulder , throUgh my the moon ihad notlUng to do wl~h WII,8, I had to put my ,bra:kes on. AI car windOW. AoCol'ding to studen ts it, 1ihe trouble was that I left my ror,~y miles an oour we would, have of such tlh1r..gs it should be bad luck M.gih'ts 'on Wlhlle I went to Gnmge crashed. There 'Was a yellOW line 011 and .t hen some b ut when it is ,b ad meeting and had r.eglected to hnve his side but too few drivers pay any luck I always say hOw silly it IS to water put. in my battery and thE: !l-ttentlon to tIl18t. It I ~got his be superstitious but when it is good I,.traln was 'too much 1'01' It. number I would <have re ported him It has 'b een cold and· cla.mp all to his oompany. That was just olle tllen I .wee to believe it, One Cclll see hOW SUCh ide6S grow. 'Wihen I week with showers which is pr ob- of the many P1eces or reckleSB d-rtvwent out. - to start the ClU' in tJne ably lucky tor our sheep. . 'I'lley Ing I ~lave seen .recently. f1l'6t
;' Ii
was Jus t ~me year ago 'today but It feels like ten MJd where 18 the peace? How can We . hope .for WOI'ld p'elwe whe n •
. ' . ,5 .& '
Any nia~e or model Fred l(alij. Motor Car Co. LEBANON; OHIO
IMlay 8. 1946. VE Day
or..e ·power seeker can, tie up the whole lUnerlcan econorns . Are. <the greedy going to be allowed to kill
tlW goose bhat lays the golden eggs? The t.rouble is now tJUit IillllY' a.r our ~6 as 'well as his. AesoP told title old story. 1l1I000er ·muir '. put Into verse: J ' "A wood cutter, bouiht him a gat~ At least tba1. \1\188 IlWlat. he 'suppoeed As a. ma.tI~ of 18ct 'twas a Slander Ii!!. a later oocurance dlscklged. He 'P~ bim away in the aWe
Ruthie lovtS it. too. It lastes so Robinson . . , Drive In for Free good I And it 'keeps her s~urdy a.ruI Estimate . . . Tel. 393-L. full of get up acd go. lit's the most R. K:. Johr.son ·s Ga~ IU)d Body sMdsfying fqod - nour1s lung a n d low in oost, S hop a t Lebanon ls an a u to reIlewal establlsrunent th8;t is noted lor Ulle complelteness a nd efficiency of 118 service, 'i'hey 8.l'e to be compllmen'led for the par.t they a.re ERNEST HIXSON, Owner taik1ng In our program to keep cars PHONE 2537 and truoks 1"llI'.l11ng even though they have mef with a serious accIBARLOW and GRIMES
They offer a very COtnprehensive service and will annJyu and tuneup your moror, test your battery. serv1c;e your magneto, test and adj\l6t your camuretar, ,gen era tor and sbnrter. rJ1hey are good mechanJc.s and ur..derstand the engineering prlnc1ples of the ' v'a riollS makes of tl,utomobUes: They are e~pert in the repa.lrs of Lo~ , ,b odies and fenders MId teaturl! the best. ot lru:quClliI in ~ reflnlsh , Ing and painting of cars and trucks. The a.d<va.r..tages of these fl1l1shcs a,re that they are 1n'Imune to t.he elements , a nd CIlipable of reslsting ,wear. PaInt pre vehts rust and if yoU ' Let .them pa.1nt your 'car 01' tl'uck you w111 be add.1ng mlles to your transpol1tatlon: syStem . as well lIS, be adding. much to your prlde ot ownerslnp.
Clearcreek 'Dairy ' LOYD
Telephone 2751
-------------_._._---_._-_.-- _._.----
HOURS: 9-12 each morning 1-6 afternoons except Wednesday GIVE YOUTH TO YOUll ROOMS
7-9' Saturday eVening
Other evening8 by Appointment TELEPHONE 62-~
Dr•.t. E. Wilkin' Optometric Eye-
26 So~th--Detroit Stri!et XENIA,OIDO
..... . ......
. ..
Paint over t hose old room~ with bright, youthf~ colors a nd notice the, difference. Your friends l:\nd neighbors will be pleased too at the taSty appearance' of your home. Select your paint here 'for enduring quality. . ' ..;- , '
-"PAVL.-C.- PiCKING "In Pil'king You; Paint Pick Pi~kiDg'8'"
Third Street
Telephone 21P r,
'Ma y 9, 1946
C R V ReB •• OR R •• T
.rEWS .1.,
Page Three n
on t YOU
JOIN US NEXT LORD'S DAY as we meet to r eme mber our Savior and His sacrifice for us, A t /the same I:lervice we w ill honor our Mothers both livi ng a nd d ead . ' o t ur a te'nd a nce ia8t y'e ur was 207. Our goal this year 2501 With yOU l' help we can go over t he top'. HERBERT GRAHAM , Your Minister
eQulpment d. s v,nr d fo r the 08re Of lrr=========-=:s:::-=-=--=:-==-===~:==---==::::--=:.~===;:::....== Illle Sicl! I I'ld in jured. The lood is excellent. belng pl'epar I acool'dlllg to €'Il h pat1 '11 t·s OFFER req ulrernm\:s flJl:U do:ctol" s specifi-
been deslgl'ated a.,; Mother's Day.
Tbe· -grea t...:sL hlDnor £Iud Ll'lbu te you can ,*,y t.o her Is to make it possiIble for h e r tA> conle . 't o cburth an d to be presril\L yourself. T,h eJ'e will be a special l'eQOgtliUon sel"Vlce for the mot.hers.
I Junior Christian Endeavor Sunday ~lIt at 6:30 o'clock. If you are u nder high 0011001 ~, come a nd enjOy l41e ()llOrus &1n81Jlg , the scriptW'e read1n8, le6S011 stud4es. and ,Flar..Jlel-Ol'a.ph plct;ures each
Sunday nJebt.
cations . They always coope rate wi th r ep -
At WIlynesvtue Is An Important. Factor In Our Program fo r lucreasing Four! Production T hrou gh Their Excellent Service in Quality Feed!> 01 Ifi&ih Nutrient. Value • • • T Clsted SftdB. Grain, Flour, 8IlIlt, Cement, Fence, Tile, Coal a nd Fllfm Suppllcs • . , Have Many Pleased Cus io mprs AU Over This Dis trict and Are To Be Commended iOl T heir . ·alr DealIn g and for Equita ble Distribut ion · •. UlIdn Able Ma nagement . . . '!'el 2371.
utable doctors. Pa.tlents are free to engage the servioes of a ny doctor th ey see fit to ahoosc . The best doctlOrs of tll.is secLion ·have givon It t heir a pprova l and always strive to serve W1Cir patients 1l1ere to the best ot their ability.
~carlure J1fUlteral ~ame Dial 2111
Waynesville, Ohio
The J. W. UNGOJr----~~-==~~~ Pint of Peaches Yield, Three Del.ert, Hardware Co.
• Benlor UhrlsUan Endeavor for all. of higlh schooi age or abov e. will 12. T he Olllldren's Departmen t wiU meet I1L I. .-la. We ~I "': oot.t.1Jlg thll con(1uct tile opening services 01 tile Lime a Utltle later, 00 please be o~ . SWlday 'S cbool. 'Ule worship &er time so we ClU I n1Ak.e ~v~Y min UiLe. Ylee wiil co.l&IsI. 01 speclal m w;lc OOWl t. FERRY and serlTlOlh • • CHURCH of CHRIST F lowers will be presented to the I ,Billie S h,dy plass at tile h QUSC oldest a nd y~oot 1\'IOIlhIer 1»'1:- ~l Tu(,~ !!ven1ng a t 1:30. A.ny- T he W a.ynesville t ' ul'mc'l'S Exohange The GrOwl"" (i olng. Churcb sent . one Is welootne- Ito oome to auy of QUel's a service whlcJ1 is r,lgh t III IIEltnER'!' GRAUAM. Mlnisltr llh ooe clati6e6 Wohetlll6l' you call at- Ulle with Uncle SAm 's progl'am lor Bible School U:30 a. m. T il ey ST. MARY'S Lend !·eguta,l·ly Or no t. LeMol1 ror u' ol'L'IlSl ng food pl'Odud ion. CommUIL1oo lQ :0i6 a. m . are a vefltnble h oodq uarlt! I'S 101' EPISCOPAL CHURCH ' l'J.eJQt T ueeda,y " E1!ecm of th.e Scr lpP rll&CJ:Ung 1l :00 a. m. l a n ners, stock and poulW'y raiSe !'.;. Al Le ba noll , 3 S. Broadway , Arc lhe SlUDud N. K.,y. ,tW'tlS on Ulc Li ves 01 Men· ... YOW1g Peoples S crvlwa and 11heir excelle n t for 'igilt 1l.I1d 1ucllJ - Sales a mi Service from the M cCorLay lLeMder-ln-cb&r,e mick Deering Un t: of Farm EgulpAdult P l'Ilyer M I.-eUlig 7 :00 p. m . I Pra,)'er MeeUn, each Wedneroa.v lies to keep cWltoll1'ers :>upplied allli 9 :45 A. M . BI'Ottlerhood of mc n t. Sargen t 11 ydTa ullc Loader 'llld p Evcllhnl! Eva11gelis tic St~ r vle e St. Ar.drew I'ver..4.l1~ at '1 :30 . " WaLCh and p ra,)' £I Good ma rket to W1C Ilroduc i':'. Libert,)' Elevator .. . . AL~o, H eadd urll1g wa r and pO .' i L-War times h a Y , 1 :46 p. m · 9: 45 A. M . Junlor Churoh WU\.l. ye ell.LeII· not into temptation." tx.-ell h elping III UU! ge n eral j)1'05- qua rters for "u l'e and 1'~ted Seeds. • • • 11 :00 A. M . T he Holy C'olnm-wllol1 &-1ng your BibJe alld enj oy the Gardcn T ools, Farm, Home !lnd pelity of ·the Whole commun ity. B lb l!! study a nd lcilowship in p r ll6'I Lord's Do.y. MAY I ~, Is \loing 'to and Selmon, G en era l lIa ro'Wa rtl, G~, EI.t!Clr ic and They do a. la!rge business Ir.. i tlCds lie II. b18 day Cor t..he lollts £lit Ferry . The Rev. Ralph P ks cr . dev.eloped luallY Oil S tO HS. K eldnator IWtrilleraton. a nd since 'Ulere In Iiwt. we hope to iJreak a.1I recol'd/). l'hjlga.s Bottled G as • • • Qua lity ShOl'tugCS it Ibe.b.oove~ ail to re!lJize • '!'lIe LOyal /SOilS and DauChlen u.L leti8t 01 bll last LIII\lC and one- FRIENDS I'rutlucts alld Re pair Servil'e to (;Ia&i l\1ct:unr tlll8 ' beeu postponed Wlt: l lllPO~ of usin g feeds 01 ha l! yeal's . t'irat 0.;, 8QDOOI - 8:10 A. II. lIclp the Go vernm ('nt.'s Call fur tbe t he hlgb!st nU Il1'1tlve qualiLy to sel'l'CUIl t 'l"iday nigh L, May 10, tA> 1"1'1One year ~o on Mo!Jhers Day leetlDa f~ Wanblp - JO:ICI ..... )L Ubuus l In F ood I'rodllotion . • . Well d&y 1U1l~ ~L , M&y 11, 011 IWOOW1t of c w·c IJhe 1;\1'0!\ILer profiu5 from t.heir t.here were 20'7 people in a.tJtendan c~ t:CluiPllcd /S hUp, Expert Mechll Uil::I ·'1< • . o eu dollar". 'l ihey felliu.rc speciat W 'I!! N Vl11J11 AmCl'ican Chrlstla u Con '~L tile Bible sch OOl. This year our MT. HOLLY I\IIU' I"ull Lille of Purls • • • 'l'el. o! 6. V6111Uv ll Wus \\'ee~. It will meet a t 1'ee<.15 LC produce heal ~l:uer , stw'diel' gOO! is :laO. A 1ea.tAlil'e of tile service METHODIST, CHURCH bhe ~l ullle of WWite1· Fl'a zW'e. Al l and I ~ter-g:rowlng ch.l.cks. as well '1'. M. 8au11, MI . . . . . w lli be Ule g1vwg of a. ,potted pL.liIlt W l ~h LI e comull: of t:lpl"ing the WITH wise plannm g, one pint of Mix cheete, oranae ' juice and men.uti!\, c.r lillie clll&l 1Il1d ,thel l' as m1xed and scle nLllIca.lly dcvelop- /)1.OI'e: 01 lll C J . W. Llllgo Hw·c.1 wtu \, 10 lJ1e o ldesL ll'lOWler present t i l ' .'3UDdaJ dIIIbeal - - . :10 A. ... pea chel can go a long way. mayonnaise an d sha pe in • mound ed Ceeds for Ip oul14-y and. !lve stock. 1 rLen.ds Jr. vlLed. E. A. ~t" qIeI'~&.IDde(I,. YOW!ge;JL mo l<her and tlle m~bl1 el' Co. a t Lebanon IAlkes on all added write, the Country Cookmg E d itor on plate. Arrange thinly Illced Th ey l eel sure UlaL bhe feeds Ln l'y • w~l<h bh e laJ'gest n umber of cl1Hdl'en Worablp..me. - 10:. A.,M. ctlvlLY as lJ1l'y specla1iz,c 11l farUl of naUon a"lly circulated Ca pper ', peaches over the top in deco.raUve I The Cincinnati Bible Seminary m.1x III Cl1I$to m - gl'1r.1llng ,wul glv e present. We inv1 te uJ1 1lllOSe who en- i:.'en1Dc ..... - '1:10 P . . . al1d 110m t: SUl'plJes In mallY lI11 es J'armer. The a bove picture proves fashion . Serve with mayonn.tae 01' m ucil ,LlillI>el"1s being CUL in ,uhe U':::i. U'OOd I'csul'l£, too. ~ oy a goad wOl'Ship 5erv1ce as well and Wlis year th ey are attracti n g bel' I1atement, for there', a pie. • French dr eSSing, Bt:rv1ce a nd lluaUty llililNe been 1J1t: UOuun ~ lIct: .nent wUl be held 'l 'h ull;ST. AUGUSTlN£ CHURCH ~ !.l106e who n eed Ollr1&. as a Savmore aLten tlon Lhan eve r because .. lad and an up. ide down pudding, Peach Pecaa Pie . .&her ................. <I8,Y. MlilY 16, 9 ::10 A. M . at WIC' gUlaing 1nflutmCC 00 Wleil tlT'()wUlll all rich with peachel -all the prod· lour 1;0 worshop wlth us. We uriC 01 tile IIl C l'casll~ supply of Lhose l.I'a.de. 'I'bey Wlderstand ' the p rob1 .... ell pi e I hell \lOt of OIl' pint of fruit. 1 e. mUll I4aM S\IIIW . :410 A. M. S lu 'lIlt! A-UdLtol'1wn, SUI 8J~ d S yca you Lo come eaa'ly if you would gel lung a.walLed special Lies Wl1ioh lWd 1 lbop. ullll avo,e " ! err ,oib more: SU;. Une of oW' own mem bci'S, lems of the f at'mcl's 11 111(\ invite you .rllaUD '" e.•• ,ar a gOOd 5e8it. Peacla Pro..", oanuon 1:16 well as · help creaIA:: a ... taP. laU '" • • pe llC h lulce W AY~ESVILL£ carl l.'1ll1e l·, Is to graduate. It would in a nd Uley w1ll give u! telllgem gl'(:at.t:1' e1l1dcn cy in t he Opel'a&LO n ~ •. Ion ~ e. w boll Itra. A ,ilea.rt.y welcome ruwalts you I . • I I I wlll&.. " eo peC An . 1 lip. ya nill a •,tap. ""p.Itakla, lu.ra. '" o. milk CHURCH of CHRIST be fine for some of \llle members 01 aavice ~ WleY do not s l.I'i ve jusL to 01 We hom e a.nd !arm. powdlr ll a r, l p.".1t balf Robed L. V&DZUe, Mtnh" ~ . , . uU ~ I . plac h Jui ce . make a snle but tA> !let custom 1'' ; , lite c h uroll 'to be ,p resent. Soften gelatin In cold peach juice. They Ill'e prepared ' for ·t.he dis- • ......iI.r'.nID, • II • MEl HOD1ST CHURCH Bible ~ 8:30 a · m. Ilnd W1C5e, lIhey keep yoor afler' Scald m ilk. B ent egg yolkl allabUy; tribuLlon of farm imp lements and Sift together flour. l ugB 'r , baking B , i1. Cole~ l!rIIIaiItMr CommIlOIQl) 10:30 a. IlL I Here 18 anotbec aclQ.ress thaIt IIBS >eal'. 11!lJ'dware and halve !been giving powder and salt. Cut in Ihortening. add . ugar and salt. P our .caicled. tiUNDAV SCHOOL 1l :30 A. M. milk g radually in to egg ~ challged aealn . 'l1h ltl Is bhc latesL . SPECIAL MOTHER'S DAY good service since 1863. 'l'hey have Soak bran In milk II minutes; add to .tirrln g unlll blended. Cook in top AIrs, Rioymoocl ConDer, Supt. address 01PROGRAM dry ingred ients, sUr ring only untU b \..'C01lI £I fav orite tradit!g center of double boiler unt il of cUitard con· 10:30 A. M . WORSHTP SERVICE ·PJc . Orville J . Hilton :lW88M5 11 :00 a. m. &!nnon oombined. Slice peach h alf and lor PL'Ople fl'Om many miles aroun d . s lstency. Remove tro m hea t, add 14t.1l Major Poot, AiPO 4:;'7 YOUTH r"ELLOWSHEP, " A Mobher's Love" All ll1l.t.1.Ors. 1mplements, stoves. rc - place llice' In bottom ot 4 a;e8led IOftened gelatin, and aUr untll dllCamP O&te 10 H ea.dQwu1ers mumn cups or fa m ekins. A dd 1 Th~, '1:30 p. m , CbrlatJui ~VQl' 6:30 p. IlL lrlgCl1lWf:i, ap,pliances a nd s upplies % lW, New York, N. Y . . tbsp. peac h juice to each cup, and solved. Cool. When mixture beCH O lR PRACTICE Even1Ds sentce '1:30 p . m. Q I'C of thc latcst patllcrll a.nd 1I you cover ~a ch with heapin g tablespoon lina to thicken, fold in ,tiftly be.tea Word il&6 jtil>L been received tlhat Wednes4ay, 'I :30 P. M . "Mothers of the B.ib1e" MelVin St.aI18belTy ltl on . h lS way At :!034 Wayne Ave., Dayton Arc sLop In Vile n ext llime you lU'e , ln of b a tt er. Bake in m o<ier atel1 hot ell Whites, va nilla and chopped pecan.. Pour into baked ple · abe1l: llOme for dischU'ge. (ireatly Alelln, People to l\let>t town louk o ver bheir s toc\[ and ma k e ove n (400. F .. l 15 mInute., I Mot.hers Day IW Ul be observed a t • The seoood Sunday in May has cbIll untu firm . Belore sel'Ving, ara seloot.lon you w1l1 fir.d lt mu oh to n • An t:;vallpllsUc Mcetill, is to Ch!U1Cl C CondUiollS 'l'hrou,h 'l'lleia' Cheese-I'ea ch Salad range alice. at p each and a !aft\~ a. ma,onnal . . ~ In llIl. t.be X el'..ia, O hio. On urch of EKceJle nt Service In Buyin::-, SclUn: youI' adva n tage. Bein g a large deal- ~ I • • r a n ee Jui c e pecan half ln design on top of pi.. I G. Clo U"le ch ee ll e • peaeh balv • • Cihrist on Swlday nl~, Ma y 19. and Ex()haneiD, of Sl~,re t'ixture!l, er bhey al'C reoelvtng s upp lies datly .. Tlle lr Une of farm cqu Lpmen~ 111Robert L. Stewa.r.L, Mint , Ler of t.hc ~QuipDlent lor Hutcls, Ha~urallts, IN CASE OF nRE DIAL .~ bulk and loose grams. baled hay, ,Brookville. Ind., Church of Christ faverns. 8ani and Fountains •• , elu des the Llberty Elevator which ashes, loose d1rt a nd other mat el'1alll Is IX> be l.he evangelist. E veryone Is .Now Showin, Ule Finellt SLore save:; Ume, la!bor a.nd money. H Is 11 w h10h needs oonv 1{lng up and AUCTIONEERING lrw1ted to aLllend bhi& m eeting. t:;qu.lpmetlt UII tbe Marllet TOday , •• stW'dily built one-man cOlweyor rei' down. SUch lsibor sav1116 maehltler)' I • • • He S ure to See tbe New SU"I!.R- elevating praCtically ar.y type ' of together w1bh thei r excellent ser- STANLEY and KOOGLER COLi) R elrllft'al.ioD • • • Soda 8BO~LlO&N" Vice with genl.liJ1e parts are oon tr1 I Your mJnister wiahes to be 01 f'Ountalns, Meat c -i, VegetalJle buting ,to ,Ule In crease of fo od sup- F or Dates, Pboae lIN. W~, a~ service to you he cal~ be. If ClLlICS, Dair)' Cases, WIIl": 11I Coulers " . " - alee aacl r.... from poI1tk:d Ohio. Reveree 0bupI , plies a nd gencral prosperity of Wle ~ou llII'e sJcJc OJ' in IU1.Y wa.y need hlS aIM ...... flOCll "II*W ........ CIOOuol . •• Ftee ID .... . , . · • • AU SoC!! • • • eJODJpI'e8S0l'll, famners. servloas. plt:aSe feel lree :to cali on ............ worICI .-aG. fa OWD world·wiele IDlf 01 can. Motorli, Disperu.inc all.lll Relrl&e rahim at wn,y tim e. W e wre 'OOJl'y we T ..£ ·X A ., M fie II briq }'OIl CXI.cbHpot.news IIKI fa meaaiq *» . , . Lion Equipment, SuppUe:s. Pads and ~ I ave lJOt as yet beel) ,able ,1.0 secw'!' .... _'f"U 1u:!UlJ. IIIIda AIIae Qled wida lIDique .u-belp . . . . . /Stlrvice •• Ullder Ule Able Direca telephone. . *»cUpaad", tion or ~)'moud L. Beasecker Wid U you are looking for an un ~ Edward Bowman • • • T el. l\lAdlsoil. GAS- .01L- GREASE 7211. dellOmi1l8lt1ol'.a.l clllJrch bhat hD6 : I ~........................ . .. ............... No Creed' bUt Cbri5t, Quick Battery Charl'er TRY OUR The Nelghbo~ Applial1CC and ~........ Pt... - - • .......,. I No Book but the Bible, ~ ~ I ~ ....................- ..... ............ i't~ I No Name but Ute Divine Name F'ix't.W'1l Co. in Day;ton are greaUy Hydraulic Car Lift WHOLE MILK - PASTEURIZED MILK - CREAM No Plata of Salvation but Cbrlst'~ .aicllilg ~ houses adjust. t.helll CHOCOLATE MILK - ORANGE DRINK Plan I sel yes to thc cball&'1n4!: colld1tJon~ "SERVICE by..sERVIS" WHIPPING CREAM BUTTERMILK ' No HeadQ';'rters but Heaven 01 Uhe . times tlU'Ough fail' doo.ling come and! worship with us the 11l6lil10ds and good SCl'vl()C In buyln ~, COTTAGE CHEESE jWayn esv.uIe OhIurch of C hrist. . seillng wUi excllangill8 of all k.1l lUS .LEBANON 01 SLOl'e liXt.Ul·CS alld l.'QuIpmem l uI' PHONE 1l1'o ce Iie.;. !ne a t s tores. l'C6Laln'(\OU; , ~nd t.a.verll8. 'lULeY carry il nd excellent sc1ec- ' 'SOLD AT FlHh IIOlllie Rirht of Rl- 73 UO U 01 fixtures, equipment and sup CORWIN, 0010 ~U,,:., relrigel'ator cases, and bfotLle e;w;ca , !.lIe co.st 01 ..... hicb will <be vt:ry Loea~ ConvenlenU1, 301 N, Mal~, moderale . a nd s.hould be ool'sjd cred MEATS GROCERIES I i Ii & ~banon-Dayton Pike, A Little all ill vCSLmtlnL n l.tllt:X UUUl a n ex.5 N~ 01 libe Lla'ht ,at Centervlll<! pense lor the y Will pay lor lJhemICE CREAM Is A Popular Stopplnl' Place lor selves several tilnes over ln Ule new t.l'atic I'o'hich ilJhe,y will IlA.tl'act. People from AU Over This Secttu~ G",SOLINE - OIL A1J,YQne who is col1 telillpla t.Lfl6 tlle 01 the Country lor Good FOOd, Ex- l'cl w l'lsh lu g of lJ1el1' 11'1Otel, I'est.aucellenU1 Prepare41 ADd Attractively t~ll t.. C&I'er.eria or going into busiServed • • • Featurln, A Ia CUte ness shoUld geL in !.Ouoh wHIh them Orden. Sandwlehes, Lnnebes and aDd WiC their experience in bhe layAmerican Fruit Growa ........'1.75 0 Opm ROIId (BoyI)................ 2JlG g out of plans lor supplies for o Amcrkan Girl ~ ..................... 2.110 0 Outdoon ....................._ ........ 2.50 DlaInt!I'.I • • • Open Dal11 lrom 11:00 mmoney will be saved, as well Wl. AmeriCUl Pouluy Joumal.. .. 1M DPIlttDb' Magazine _ .. .. by t he 1,'hree Sum'! · TWILI.GHT TIME A. M. 'W MJdnIrbt lncludJnr ,Sun- time by Ule arr.a.ngemen t. Aviation in Ilrvicw ................ IU5 0 Palhfinder ............ _ ... ..J._'~"" calling ,All Girla......_ ........ U5 . 0 ~h~Jay .............................. .. da1. . . . A Gooc1 Plaee to Take For those \W10 Hr..d It to t hell' .by F rankie Carle Oil WHAT 11' SEElVi s TO BE Capper'. farmer 1.65 0 Popular Medlanlc:t ............ .: udvan~ Lo sell. will fllnd IJ1c y vUl o Child Life ............. 0 . -..- M5 0 Popular Sdenu MODtI,Ily.... 5.50 Your Famlly and Friends ••• Tr.I. 0([61' B. very f alr p rlc:e ror yo ur by Bing Crosby IJA Y HY DA Y ()entel'VUle 'l801. o Christi:ln Herald 2JIO 0 poulery Trlbuae .............. .. .. 1,651 equlpment lIS W Koyare, known lor Coronel ..............._ _ . IUiO 0 Ruder', .0", .._ .. _ .... 4.15 O NE-Z Y TW O-Z Y uy F reddy M arti n or G uy Lombardo The , people ~1s BtlCtlon tIl'e Ul.clr l~ielldiy SI.'t'Vioc and squa re: Redbook ................_ . _..... 1.25 Col'ft<t Eogliab ........... _._. ',45 by Guy Lombardo TH E G YPSY deallng In all of tihe1r . tmlllS8Ct i on~ veh fol'LWlaJte to 11l""e In their Counuy Gmtlrmau (& Yn.) 2.00 0 ScientiJIc Detcc:tive ....... -...... S..u Etude Mulic MapziDe.. .... .. . ... 0 $aeaIland ............_ ._ .... .. mldSt a realAwrant of the POPU1SlI~y by Stan Kenton S HOO F LY P IE Fann JmL .. Farmer'. Wlfc l.65 0 SUver ~ ................ _ .... .. and character of the WlhILe Kttc h !:;n O'Flowrr Growa ........ _ ........... 1.95 0 Sporli Allr1d ....." ....... _ .. .. by B ing CrosQY WI~' LL GA'rlt ER LILA CS at Centervlllc. o .Hygeia ................. _ _ _ _ 2,95 0 SiJualful Fumlna ....- ...... · H e. r e, you wUl !I1'.Q modern and by Dic k Haymes ALI" 'iHKOU G H TH E DAY o Llbrrty (Wrrkly) : -__ .._ S.9& 0 The Homrmaker - _ .... relresh1ng ' sUrl'9uncUnp and the Magazine Digdt .................. 5.45 0 The Woman ........ _ -- : .. .. best In (~. ~ey a.re artl4tB In ~e Movie Show ................: ........- 2JIO 0 True Story ..................._ ..... o National Digest Monlhly... _ S,45 0 U. S. Camera. ............:............ 11.25 ~~pn a nd offer ~ w~1e o Nat'l Un~51ock Produ&a'.... 1.75 0 Walt DIJDC}'. ~c:t.. ..... ... ... 2.55 IIDOlIe foods. delicloU8ly ~red o Nature (10 I.url, 12 HOL).. 5.45 0 four Ufe ...........,.................... which will be sure ,to IjIIotJBfy , you THAT GLORY B OUND TRA IN by Roy Acuff ' NEW ,,"II .ND 1I.I.ZI0. 1YUI, UlLlIl TI. . .,.. and l if it III f or a san~w1ch , a ,swwIt Located 111 PI~<;IInt Elurroundlngs • Nice profl!S come from a syst.em405 Grafton Ave.. IIlayton, Is .1\ £iIt.Ie regular survey of your fLock'. . ~---~-=-- - - ....",..----------- -- -----~ .. or a C4lm~le cUnner .you Will ;flnd Ai Modern. Cheerful ano' Comfortable It your hens ar e good layeIs. kcC'pHON E Y DO YOU THINK ITS WRO NG by Al D'exter a: ,vlaU here 'wUi'.Oe wort.ll' your while. Home • •• Featurina', General NUI'S- them and take good care of them . THERE'S NO M ORE FEUDIN' I N T I-IE MOUNTAINS *TBE StJPER SEVEN ~P .E .£I~,~* 'l1hflY Invite you to come jUIOt as by Carson Robinson THIS NEWSPAPER AND 6 GREAT MAGtf.,zINES you are, one at a. time or a "4Ja,ttal- Inc Service, Givlor ExceUent Care If they are ~eJ'6 i n l<he flock. IDvalia and ConValt!lleeDt8, Bot" ge t rid of o!Ilem. . 10n. 'J1hey make you feel aa ~O\I8'h to YOWI~ aDd Old . ,. Have a Stall ur' One sure way to obtain the la.rg- NO ONE WILL EV ER KNOW by 'R oy ,Acuff TRUE 'STORY _ .1 Yr. ALL · eavIEN eat;1ng 19 one 01 the most.. plea8arlt 8 ~lered Nursea IUIci' M~rn est peroen~e ot layers possIble ts P~~F1NDER ...~ _ _•._ " ............. _ ......... I Yr. WHO 'ntR.EW THE WHISKEY IN THE WELL tF'qltlQW thlnp 1n Ufe- and' 11 you e8It bc1'e ............:.... _ ........6 MOo MOVIE SHOW ._ . by Lucky Millinder lOu 8Il'e not.. tar ,wrona. Tbey'. m8.in- El&ulpmen& • • • Delicious Food •.• to select your baby chicks Il>t Ollis FARM JOURNAL' ~ ~A!lMER'S WIFE ..:... I Yr. Doc&or'a Speclfle&.t ioos .CarcfuUy hatdlery. ~ .. hii· h standard of Q~ and FoUoMd ' •• Das Ve.-y BIc~ Batlne MY POOR ~lTTLE HEART IS BROKEN by Roo 'Foley I!Q1Jl.TRY TRIBUNE .................................... 1 Yr. serve you .wlt.b ~ best obtainable . • • • TeL &AndoJph 103. . MOTIIER'S HOME UFE.._ .. ~ ...._ ... 1 Yr• . Q1P:O-U. S . CERTIPIED WHITE , SiOU X 9 ITY 'SUE by Zeke Manners 1J1e Me tllod!lb't OhurCh, SWlIda.Y, M ay
International Harvester Implements
• • •
• •
.Neighborhood Appliance & Fiiture Co..
5ehd 1(CU 5amp/eJ
.Iof this Clean, Family.Newspaper
_.dOll" _ ...
'S 'E 'R VJ 5' co SERVICE
r==~~';'U:;;:';;---D :::-~;:=;=l /II...,.,. , ....................................... . 0 ___________ _________ ___ ':t:!, . , ...-l
·ST.OKES DAIRY Homog~nized
The 'White Kitchen
Stewart's Thrift-E Muk~l
An, MABAZINE LIsted and Tltls NEWSPAPIR o o oo o o o o o o
o o
. 'nle ~te ~tp)len'
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ROCltS -
mo.y Justlly
It. 18 'modem
1,roud or
• TIle Xi"'" Gaaette ,,-
by Gene A~try.
' .
We have a lImlted s upply of t he very '}!2Pular DARK TOWN POKER- GAME by
good service 10
nicely furn1abecl.
'l1ley are
lIIt5 aDd aIrJ aQd 11&", t.be Jateat
&nd l uulexcelleut'
eqWim!ent to give
D U N HAM OTHER~ F~O~ .. ." 'W h-t - R-_.OC---kS Phil Huris 1 e .', :m.belnc ~a:':"::~b~ HOlDe Appliance Store Acrou B.nIl
RQPuJar tor ~tr.yalde
famu.y .croups for dUlnen. ....UIl3 1lbe OreJLon l,;()nW;lCl!lCent B.ome, bere meam enJo)'meot. and .. ret.urn 1MtiIcb 111 rendermi a Io,UCb needed eenkle 80 e ff1ciec'tJy a.nd well _. ~nt. ,.,-. __ .
Off1Cle.lly PULLORUM
WAYNESVILLE, OHIO ' Telephone 2918
Page J"our
KENNE-:rH FEDERAL LAND BANK LOANS : For Re.flnlUlclng - RebuUding Bu~l1I'Ig.
AndreW L- T06hJe to Katherine nnd Olarence ca.rt.er, lot In MaBOn . JOSt'ph A . l"elars to Shennan and Ven'ona Robert.':!. 4.p5 A · In 01 !'Ill'creek 1lWp. Arthur Slusher to Lester and l!ldna Sit ler, lot. ' 201 11'\ FrankliP. . .rge nd Curus 0Q0k ~o ShJrd Kil'by, plo In Franklin. M JI'(lU S. DuBoL, t9 El1znbe~h DuJ30I:!, 1:t5,79 A. In Franklin twp .
4% Farm loans with lon g SUN. M,ON·. TUE. WED. THUR. FRl. 'SAT. Pay part Or all any ----------~------~~~----------------~~----~---
arne to pay. Wme.
LEBANON NA'IU L FARM LOAN ASS·N., Ellis H. Sturm, Seo'y-
T rcM. Lelxll1on . Ohio, P hone 44t: te
Memolrs or Medical School!
Li\K E,
F.xtr!l : CARTOoN
OOLlJE PUPS- FQr sale. C , E.
by JANE nn
Household Goods -
• Everyone Is ~yl ng to me "Well. hCSlr }''Ou have a ca,r ", " Nope" sez ICE BOX REFRIGERATOR-- All poreelaJ.n,; Giboor. 100 lb. ~; 1 'Tve got a. Plymouth", But when Wiley HameU, automobile physlolan. can be converted lo electric. See ge~ tJ1rough with It I'll have a cal'. Paul Plcldng, Phon 2J 82. tlc
DtrrcH OVEN RAiNGE- WOOd or •
condition. Phone 2785,
MiscellaneOua-WATER.ING TROUGHS- Ga.1v. Iron; ,pm.ctleally n w. Also, AlImetnl ltlper baler. Waynesv1L1 e Ice 00. 523c WiANT TO SELL Three used tires, size 16>16.00. In gOOd COn dition. Phone 2361 from 1 :00 til 6:00 po m. 59
WANTED- MISC. ADr NOW- To secure the
OOWlty '~
business. One man ca.n operate. Write Mr. P. V. Jamison. 223 E. Douglas st. Bloomington, Ill1nois. most
Did YQu heer about my big raise iH~-y am >rut. the shop '! Lt was rlg',ll t off 523 m y chair,
HELP WANTEDW~ Whfte girJ Jar general
housewor k; '16 a. 'Week. Write Mro. W1Wam 11. Kite, Jr .. 75 FoWltaln Ave., Glendale. 9h1o (suburb CiOOim:at1. 49c Carden Plant.FOR SAlLE- Cabbage &nd l'oma.t.o plantB, 100 per doz. -Ohas C. Strouse. Rt. 2, 1 Y. mlles Norlh of Wayr.~e, cor, WaynesvUI.'J Ferry aDd ~ . Roads, 59
• Who Is It ,that can trulhf ully say "I hate living:' ? Who CM look upon oUr lnajestlc hlllsldrs, I·he wide Spa.115 of our rl vel and oceans, who can count his mQny friends and th r say, " 1 mille JIving". I kllow people who say 't hey Wtult to die before ,they get old. What does one mean w.hen they use tJ1e phrase, "get old". Too many ot liS make ourseh,es old by mer Iy pondering tl nd wurrying albout ng. N'o I dOlli'\. hate living. I love it. What Is there to love. Oh, lou; of thingsthere 's the sur~'\hlne and W81'm weather, \;he snow, the ,patler of m in on 't he ]'001, m.v home . my job arldl 6 0 m&IlY, many more thlngs, Do I have a horror of growing old ? very second ta.te No. I want to IIv .lIas ;v1lled for me. I want. to \Ive it to en~oy th beeudes ot Ufe. Ir_ my opinIon r: o gl'eruter e>"l>ress!on 01 faith. hope, a nd JOY Ufe .though it be clouded by sadness, h.M ever been said except in the poem, "Im'OOtus" by Henley. Mr. HerJey
wrote '·It ma.ttel'S not Jww S'tIraJt the gait. How charged with ,punishment the scrolJ,
,I'm the master of n~ late, l'm the ca-ptain of my SOUl.
FOR SALE-Poullrf PRIERS FOR SALE- Dressed or on foot. Phone 2584. C. E. Stanforth. 623
If you ~er trom a Sluggish-sys-
tem then try gentle, yet thorough acting Marcus Tablet-'!. Truly grand relief from constipation and eco· nomlcal In price. Full size package of 45 tablets co.sts 25 cent. at all ' dnag stores. Get Marcua Tablets and ulle al d.\rected .
Electrical Contracting All TypN House Wirina Moton - , . Appliane.
w.c. BROWN Telephone
Waynesville, Ohio
We Pay Hr;;RS~S
Court NEW CASES 'Mrs, M8iny Doughman" Love'lalld , tiled a. divorce action agoa1ns~ Ora DoUghman to '\1i1Jlom she WlUl marned in 1919. Cllairg\ng r.eglcct. she stated 1n h er petltlon ,that they had four ch!lldl'en,' only one of whom was a mInar. , 0har101ite Allen I8Sks for II divorce !Iud custody of ' tJhelr w o minOT children in !beT divorce suit flled 1 1hey 'Were married sept. 4, i942, Marjorie frene HowlW'd, a bmde ATHLETES FOOT GERM HOW TO Kill IT. IN ONE HOUR IF NOT PLEASED, your ~ bo.ck. A6k any druggist lOr 1IhIs STRONG lungiclde, TE-OL. Made wlbh 90 percent iIllcohoJ, it PEN E T RAT E S. Rleaches and k1lls MORE germs f86ter. -Waynesville Drug Store.
COWS $3.00 Aocord lng to S ize and. . Condition
Hogs, Calves, Sheep, etc.
$3.90 per 100 lbs. $77.00 Ton
Lemmons' 'Hatchery Phone 2988
o[ six weeks, oharges her husband, James, of M1amisbW'g, wlWl' nef:(lC<'t 111 ~1eT BuLL for dlvor ' . TI"lcy were married Ma rch 23 last Her hw band, Robert Ea.!'l Bon£; did not properly prov ide for h er and ,t.helr ehUd , Norma Jean Bone. F'roDklin , a m inor, asserted II'! her pewtion tor cllvorce Ann8, lial't.ley. Franklin. filed a bult against Madge Sha rp, Il l, ai, all of Fra.nk11n. IX> quiet LILle to lot M6 In Franklin, F'oimer prosecuLor Meryl B. Gmy liled a .ru.It for Mrs. Mnmle Oo.wsori ab'1llnst. JoIu~le Dawson, Franklin, In wblt.h She n.<>ks [or a divorce. Both oruelty and negJect Is chal',Jed . They wel"t~ manied In 1941 and ha ve one ahlld . , Alimony as well as temporary euppol't during \;he act10n is Mked by L11Uan s~U'ce, FI'IlJ~ klln ; In a suit filed against William 5ea.rce 10 whom she was m a rried In 1940. They ha.ve one ohild. She CIIulJI'ges neglect wblch Includes a ollfu'8e of "llabitu:nl drUllkcness."
REVERSE Tdepbone CbarP8
to adm.1n1steT tJIle
ne med
454 XENIA.
NORRIS BROCK CO. CbIelnuU UDlon S&odI Yarda
• JOHN DEERE Farm Equipment GENUINE, JOHN DEE~E REPAIR PARTS Competent Repair Service on Tractors and Implements by Experienced Mech~nics
WIre anti I'roIreaatft, An ,or8NODd &It DOIIfI. 1trtc!U, ..... _ ......... all areamt lllUltet
1M eetIDtn. s..ice That Satidi.s
REAL ESTATE TRANSFERS Ardrew T . IUl d u :lura Osa. .A. S n ell, four lots In Harveysburg. Stanley C . Willoughby to Mlllnrd tlOO Flor nee Sa nd lI II. lot In SouLh
erlne Keever, Lebanon. wtLh J . W. Goddard, G. F. Brown Ilnd C, J. Waggoner as IllJPraL~cr~ . The net value of ilie estate O[ Enune-tlt E . Bevan" WashLng;ton twp. WIIB detcrmlned rut $30,412,96. The sale of centain, seew'll les be10r.glng IX> the est4l.te of H. S. Oonover, Franklin. ordered. The court approved 'the c urre nt account 01 <tJhe executor of the estate of Fred.\a. Erd , Footer, 'I1he est:ate ,of GOOI'g'e M. Young was decla red exempt from lnh el'lta.nce tax. Th,e court IIlPproved the Inl\'en bory , Q;[ 'the estate of Mary ' Polley. The 001111. set Mft,y 15 to h ear the Irwentory or the estale of Dora Bra.nIt Your..g and M1ay 16 Illhat of tile estate of Han-y Weloo.
Armitage & Son
nnd a. bl'()tJh~ sll'lU'lrg IJ1e estate. The sale at real l'6tale npproved and dlsw'lbutlon of Its Pl'ocee<ls OTdered In t he ~tlel' of t he rstale or Geo e Thol'J)e. The sale of certain . 5S"t.~ belongtng 00 ilie 00ta1.e Df MarilllUla Mlayers on:\ered by the oourt,
The net value 01 the estate or Fred Sdhwnaoher. L€.'oo no ll. Wi! fixed at S4,5 l9.44 wi th Wlree sl!lters
PROBATE COURT The will of Olive Mary Eberle, who died Ju'ly 22, 1935. was adm itted to 'p robalte. 'I1he couJit approved 't he first and 0001 accounts of the estates of JOOeph Snoolt. SoUWl Lebanon; 'l1heodore VODIHolle. _ Masol; John Vandl'rvort, Morrow; lind Ivy G11HoW8lt'd A. Keever
The BANTA Implement Se.:-vice Your John Deere Dealer N. East Street LEBANON, OHIO
Music.<t l W eslern
Also : FJLMVODVlL. Cartoon and· Novelty
at neglect..
Ii Wul, We.ynC'lV \lle.
RHYTHM R~OUND-UP with Ken Curt\; ·, Chcryl Wa lkt'f, Pled "Jpers, HooslM' Hot Shots & TI':1a8 Play Boys
PROCEEDINGS A divorce WM granJtCd Juliet F , Elanvhll.l1. Waynesville . II minor. from 4.mar Ean'!.haJ1t, custody 01 'UleJr manor child and a spccUic sum 101' Its s u,pport. The oourt. approved me transfeT of $4,000 from tile generol tWld a ilie Hamilton LOwnshlp Iirustees to Lhe road. and bridge lund. The ()()W' t approved It.he granting of a lease on real esta.te lnvolved In Ibbe su it 01 Mary E. H!IiIJI ~ ld agaihst Jol'm Cox et til. , MJa,y 11 WM set lo.r h earing of tile peL1Uon of LUllan Sea.roe for telnpor!l:l'W aJ.illlony in her suit against. W Il.llam 8ea.rce Gladys K Sahj1bts, Lebo.non, was gnuLted a divorce from: Miron A. Shubl8 QIl iller oharge of neglect BOO was restor\ld It.o lI ter former name, RaiY. . Ji. divorce aDd resl.OimWoI'! of her lormeI' lll\O'l.C, McOornas, were g.nw:ted 10 Pauline Dwle, Lebanoll, In lh er dlvorce l>'U1t against. William Dane. 'RIa~ JohnsOn was gran~ed a divorce from Clara J ohnson 'on 11ls cl1a1l'ge
A Peach 01
LIVE STOCKMIchener. Phone 2926-
The GREAT JOHN L Starring Grell' McClure, Linda Darne ll a.nd Barbara. Britton.
IF YOU HAVE A PH. PElRTY OR FARM TO SELL Call or W rite 'D on Hendcr;,on, Tel. K.E3446 , 617 LoJ'&l.n Ave., Dayton, Ohio. Ltc
ThE' answer to the Qoxlng fnns IlTR'Yer l
T UFT, JOAN Ci\ULI' JELD In Real Estate for Sale-
Peanut Pie Hal . High TaIte Appeal
AlJrzIU) GEORGE s. BENSON Pmlllt.I-- }(</tililli CPI/flt S,,,,.,,.A flu", Merchandise Warnings against Infla tion are beginning to reach us country people with increasing fo rce and (requen· cy. Nearly all the experts who com· ment on it say we have Inftation al· r a dy but ' It can get much worse. Accufllte deHnIUons of Inflation are rath er com plica led. [n fact, some 01 the definiti ons are harder to un· derstand than the condition ItseU. such as we a ll cnn see by looking around. . When Just abrlUt 'everybody has spending money In their pockets be· cause they can't find 'e nough of the things they want to, buy, that-,l' where Inflation begins. The results are quite natural. Automatically people sta rt bidding against eacn other for what Items Ihey do find, and prices advance far beyond real values. Then, no m nlter what . we buy, we are squan del'Ing money. Recu!atloa P r iCe!!_ • What we need to cure Inflation til plain to see: more thin gs to buy. That's all it lakes. 11 1 n'eed a hat and can find only one that Ilts my hend and suits my taste, the de aler can (unless restrained by law) charge me whatever he wishes. I may rebel at the price but somebody else w!.U pay It. and the mer· chant wlU not need to WOI' ry about me. Wha t will S~! t th e matter straight? More hats1' When hats a.re ofT,ered by every haberdasher In town , som competItor Is certain to lower his prices to Increase soleI!. AnoUle,try to outdo him, and this competition continues until fallin g pri ces get too near cost to go chealper. It" Is that si mple. Goods, are the scare·crowlI tba t fri ghten away Inflation. Whatever Interferes with the production of mercha ndise only makes Infia, tl on wors e. Artificial Feeding Infl ation Is like hunger . It Is a wan l that has the full force ot a need . Hunger includes a craving that throws 'II person's se.nse of values cOll.1pletely out of plumb. Food Is the only satisfactor y answer to the hunger question and, Just so, goods are the only sound solution to inflation. There lire trick ways to hold prices down, when goods have to be scarce, but litey a re only tern. pofary help. Once In a while 'somebody has a strange ailment that makes eating impossible: or very dan'gerous. PhYSicians deny such a pallent food while they try to adjust the malady. Sometimes they use dru gs to make the patient sleep and forget his crav· ing; sometimes th.ey flow energizing liquids Into the blood·stream, but It Is no diet. Nobody can live on It; it only makes starvation slower. War III a Malady During the war, people In America were rightly denied- goods; there were not enough workmen; not enough factories. not en'ough rna· lerials to supply the· notion's detenders, OlLr men and their alliea. Consumer goods ....,er,e scarce and a' iot of people had exIra money. All pric es would hav,e skyrocketed but government restra,ln ed it by law: It was an emergency- dl'astlc rem~dy; no complolnt. Price controls did ' nol . c on tr~bute IInyth ing pefmanent to ,this country's ' econorrij~ stren gth , however . They simply ctlsed the shock for ~ villnns who hlld to undergo econumic surgery or Plel'ish of. dielatorship. Now tbe ordeal Is over and the plllient Is wholesomely bun· gry tor merclin ndise. Every ~egu· lation that now retards productloo' should be removed ~,r relaxed in tbe public Inte rest.
- ,._- .
May 9. 194()
Home Appliance Store Acrolll from Rank Day Phone 2661
PEANUT PIE l b~ p .
:.: 1...
lI u ur
eiUa: fU
• t:I".
Ib l p.
I hortenl ••
I .: t " ll . "' 1, 1l I t;. IH!!n nuta " • ('ol d wnte r 1 Ilnh llked pi .. ebllt I '. Lla rk ,-"orrl .ir up
-~ .
ard to Get Items
For a IIweet. crunoby delSert til •• b delightfully dUre.r ent, try Peanut Pie, advises Marjorie GrUBD, Rural Home editor of Capper'. Farmer. The nutty aavor from cbopped peaDuts bal high taste appeal, abe writes lD the natlonall7 olrolllated farm ma.aslDe. Just bolore serving the pie, top It lavishly with whipped cream. Ar. range It around the edge ot the d ark tilling In a ring of IInowy peaks.
-,,-- ..
umLJlfle f10Ul', su ga r and salt; .. lid \\,lIler and corn sirup and blend we ll, Boll gen tly for S to 5 mIn· III s. Then slowly pour mixture Into sJigh Lly beaten eggs, stirring con. tlnu uusly. Add shortening. Spread chopped pea nuls over boltom of a-inc h pie shell. , J>our fUllng Into crllSt. Bake In hot oven (425 ' F.> tor 10 min u~s; reduce heat 'to 350· F. and continue baking 35 minutes. Wh"n sliver knife inserted In cente r ct f1Uing comel out clean, pie Is done. Belore lIerving, top with whipped cream. Serves 6.
Pinwheel Bilcuits Will Bright~n Table Homemakcrs lookhil for somethinr Dew to brlrhten tbe break· fallt tabi:, wID find blsculls In pin. wheels Just the thin&" wrltell Mar· Jorle Grlmn. -Rural Home editor of naUonaily circulated Capper'. Farmcr. .
Flavorsome topping combines raisins, corn sirup and cloves, abe points out in the- magazine read by 1,2M,OOO farm famil ies . JUllt divide dough into eight pieces and shape Into strips . Roiling and culting aren'l necellsary.
·ffilzel T . St fly ,to Cora M. Stefly. one acre 111 Turt.lec.rcek Lwp. Lucret.ia und J . 1.. M. Hopk ins to ,Viola Bilker. et al, In~re6't In lot 5 0~ In F'runk.lin. Sally and Elcho S teinke to Ralph nnd Mary Hammond. .74 A. in ClearCl't'ek (,\\'p. MARRIAGE LICENSES Robent Hu tzel, 22, and Mary BI-oU1eI1.on, 22. lJot.h or 'R L. 1. Foster.
Card of ThanksWe w1sh to extend our ~hanks t.o our ~ fr1ends and rela.tl ves for llIIe flowen; and C8Il"d5 l1eoelved, a.lso SLubbs Funeral Home and Herber. Graham, Minister of Ferry Ohurch, a~ bhe time 01 the dca.t.h and fUI'.eral 01 our late .husband and father. Ululs J . Burron. The FamIl y
MOTHER'S DAY COCOANUT . LAYER CAKE A really delicious cake with a wholesom. flavor. Two layera genef,ouIly iced with luscioUI Icing and t~pped with Cocoanut.
COfFEE_,·OTL'GHT D~~ 3::; 5ge FRUIT COMPOTE ::::~~~~:;= ::~,. 25e ~I:: 16e SODA' CRACKERS PEANUT 'BUTTER I",~."y 2 ~:; Sic 4~:.I' 38c ORANGE JUICE 31e GALV. PAILS WI:.:'~::" c •• 15e BEANS .11.. RAISIN COOKIES 25e HERSHEY COCOA 10c CAMERA-FILMS G·20 G,·ao 28e ,..... c.aa Se BEANS ICED TEA .r....· 35e 10 9t, Slie
RAISIN PINWHEELS O. lI.ar ' ... III I O. mllll •YoI "p. bakla, ,.w/ler'" C .... dl ... r.llial t . p. I.It I tb. p, c •• a .Ira,
IN C. Ibo.leala.
y. li p .• 1••• •
Sift together frour, baking powder and 8all. Cut In IIhortening. Add enough of the milk to make a solt dough. Divide dough Into 7 or 8 pieces; shape each piece Into a strip. Coil strips Into pinwheels and place· them In a greased pan. Mix togethe r raisins, corn sirup and cloves. Sprinkle mixture on biscuits, pressing rais ins Into dough. Bake bi scuits in hot oven' (425' ~ ', ) 15 to 20 min utes. Mnkes 1 or 8 larae biscuits.
Simplified Shopping For Home Furnishingl newl for rural famlliell il G OOD the announcement that home
11'/2 01,
.... ..........
turnlshlng. In properly matching TOMA TOES and contrasting colors soon will be avaUable, the Rural Home Editor LETTUCE of nationally· circulated Capper'. Farmer points out. PINEAPPLE More tIIan 200 manufacturers bave formed the Home Furnishings St;Jle Council. All of them will use the .ame nine basic colorl In de· signing certain linea of their merchandil •. For homemakers tltl. mean, ,1m. pWled shopping ror everything Irom ftoor coverings through furnishings, 'drapery materials, llnoleum, uphol. stery, Venetian blinds, paint 'and wall 'p apers, points out this Capper'. Farmer expert. Colora were choaen according to thole mo.t popular for home. today and named after section. of the United States. The;, are greeD (Shenandoah ,Group), tan (Alamo 'Group), mauve (Prairie Group), ro.. (Grand Canyon Group), gra;, .(Great Smoky Group), cedar· (Santa Fe Group), blue (Great Lakes G r 0 up). burgundy (Adirondack Group). and beige (Cape Cod Group). Each group haa been broken down into tone. and .had_ from thl llghte.t to ' thl dukelt "alue" Som. Of the.e items ue alread7 avaflabll, but inaO)' ItonI mQ' not tMm UDW September.
Calif. 'Long White
10 Ibs. 59c
US No.1
t? ears 2ge
-GieOl'gia, Tender Stringless
21bs., 2ge
each 25c
Repack, fancy tubes
each lOe
I cebe rg, Crisp, fresh, Solid
Full one-half crate
2 Lb •• 3~{: WASHING PQF~~R lui. APPLE .JUICE f.t: \ 26c GRAHAI CRACKERS c~I~:." . . . • .. . Lb. lir, WHEATIES . . . . . . . . . . . • . . I' •.O.9. He No, 2 14c AVOIDALE GREEN BEAlS. • •• I Lb. 29c WATERLESS SOAP Royal ,• • • • • C.n 4601 32c V-8 COCKTAIL .JUICE . ~ ••••. • C.n h ~,5c C.n SAUERKRAUT A.::~ft. . .' : . . . . • . • No.2 I Lb PURE EGG , 100DLES c~r:~" . • • • .. " "9. 170 PEIN RAD. MOTOR OIL . .., . I~~. S1.99 "ARITHOI WAX "PAPER ....... I'oftt ,l8c PARLOR BROOIS,!. . .. ._.' . • . &ch &10
- : :',
az,e tte'
ERtablished 1850-No. 4264
11' .Memorial Presented
Fire Cbief Points Out 'Dangers Of Calling About ' Fires The WaynesvUe Fire Oepart.ment was called 1.0 the home of Walter J ohnson on WOlter StreeL, Monday at 11 :00 a. m. for a roor Ure caused by sparks. ' The blaze was ex.t!ng u lsl1Cd when the doparlllllent. arrived. Ohlet 8talndiCord s t.e..tes thot bile usual W'ouble of having ptmiOIlS caJUn, ~n .1.0 o.sk where Lhe fire 18 locu.Led, caused t he liues to . be 00 jlUlWled wlWl cllJls thaI. II. 18 1Jnpo&I>lWe [or tlhe fire deparl.mel'loL 1.0 cllll IIIU'O\1g'h to Lhe te lephone al R ogers & SImPson gara'ge 1.0 deLel'lnlne where lihe !ire wa.s located. Chief ~Lalld1[ord wishes 1.0 polnt oU L the sedousne& or t.hls practJee. 8y so doing It slows up 1lle firemen oonstclera.bly, causing Uhem 1.0 drlv e to ~he lIre .telephone on Main SLreeL to detelmlne IWiere llbe fire 18 loca ted. Thla meobt.er of 'a few mh'u\.c j Is nOL ordlnarIly Important buL 11 0. fire should ' .hnve any headway when ~he call first COlnet! !ih1'ouCh, tlhen an lnLerterlng call coUld be a very o1sast.erous thiIll!. The OhJ.ef requests t.b:at everyone · r e lrai!! trorn culling Wle lire nWllber to find OlJt IIonytJlII'lol abouL IIhe fire. 1'111s l1wnber , Is for emergency use nly a nd should not ,be 8Ibused. It wtl1 be neoes&1lry La ca~ some al'resLS LO ~ made for lihla act II persons contlr.ue in . Its praolJce. lated Ohlef Standiford.
REMEMBEB-- U be y01ll' property that wID burn b~caUlle
--";,,,-.;' Methodist Church
• A reeoll1tlloan 'pa.saed by the Board of Public A111ars on AprU 30, CIItJl5 f or an IDClelWie In tAle ex.tst.tng rates for water OOI".sumpUon. due to the I'lse In cOlltA or malntalnence and 01 labor. ~e MlV l'Iltes are 35c for 'oU1e I It's L 20.000 go.lIons; 25c for 8Ill (M!r 20.000 g&llons; a minimum dh&l'le per quarter of $1.76; ar.d a 16.% raJse ' on all flat rates. A 10 % ad'.. dlLional ~ 18 levied on 'IIll1 services outside ,t he COl1>Orate llmits. The re80lutlon caBs for an effective daLe beg.lnn1rlg wlUl tile thl'rd quarter.
• Mo tJh crs Day was observed with n n a ppropr!.aJtc program at the M e~hod.lst Ol1urch on Sunday morning an d a.t. Wle rtlgUla.r services a me mOl'ial gilt or $200 was given by Mrs . Grace McCune in menlOI'Y oC h er niece. . Mrs. Mary Jo Miller SmlLh.
1qle May meet-inlS .oJ W1e Way ne Towns hip Fanners Club was he ld ot uhe home of J . Q . Gons. Clarence R y lUl.d charge of t.h r. ~aJ LOI.li:C. "What Ule FuLure Holds h i Store Cor Lhe Farme r". He m CII U01 ' l"Cl several problem:; thn l lace Lhe f o.l'llle r ,1.oQay and ,:lis~llS.'>od t.llCl r possible soluUolls. He .dcSCl·ibee some oJ llhe machinery . at: concl uded by saying tha L even Lh ough IV' Ia.ce d£-clinlllf! prices 8i.n d
The 4-·H CI~Wo.ynesvme ,,111 meet at tlhe Farmers Grange lltLJl on Frldn.y MII6' 24, at 2 :30 p. 1Iene Brown Is presldept of t.h1s o ranlzo.'I.Ion. .. -
lomeone p":ven&ed lIbe fire erepan• lI1he regUlar meet1ng of Fa.rmers ment from arrivin, on Ume.. DO Grar..&e No. 13 will be held ~ NOT CAL.L THE FIR£NVMBEIl daly, MaIy 18 at tbe Grange Hall. EXOEPT FOB FI&ES. COllferrq or Ullt'(1 and fourt.h The charge ·f or lA»ure La obey degrees; judgill8 of State and tb1s order frOln the FIre OlUef will National oontesta iipOII8DI'ed by result in a .severe ~ty. Home Eooooolla! 00Inmltt.ee or bhe ~ _;.". .dlWo .Of 1he l~ ~ .dJl'duJed for tbls meeting. Entdes are StaLe COntest. Prune
Friendship Club
Baccalaureate By Rev. Ralph Parks
Methodist Churt:h Memorial Servi(:es
• BaC09.laoUrea.Le services :for the '12nd · Senior Class of Wayne~;vllle Hlgtl School wlll be held at the IIahooI lWditm1um on Sunday evenlng, MOil' 19, at 8:00. Rmt, Ralph ParIes, fonnerly of St. Mary's Church and a teacher In ,the Hlgh School, will dellver 1II1e address. Miss Rose has aJTanged for ar.
• OWing 1.0 bh.e fact t ha I nev. R. B. Coleman Will be 'lit Confe·rence on
approprtalie-m\llllcal - prqJI'UD:. The servicea of bile local churches
iJIe1l14r ,pootponed for ,this time so • The Frlen~p Club held .their Bread; Na.tJooal Oontest, Klt.chen that ·tJle attendance will not be depriVed of ,t hose go1tl4r to dtturch mee1Jng IW ~ at. the home of CW1talns. . Mrs. John J. Burske on Wednesday All members are urged to be services. present: ~ oor;nmenceJJW!nt program wlU evening , ,M aty 8, with ar.. al.tendance of LwenlJy-elgJlt members and on e HARVEYSBURG SCHOOL be held neXot Friday evening. May 24, at Ilhe 'h lg>h school auditorium guest.. Mrs. Ladd. GRADUATES SEVEN ar.!! the spea:ker for ,th1& OCC8BWn An InwresUng and enLeJ'lAllning prog.ram wes en~oyed &Cd -at the • 'Dbe Massle RW'8l High School, 18 Hel'bert Evans of COlumbus. O. sooia.l ho w ' a salad ooW'Se ~as servo Harveysburg, H. C. MllUgan, Supt., 00 by IDe llOSLeas and ~ asslstBnt6, wW hold lillelr Ba.coalaurealie ser- BIRTHDAY DINN'ER Mrs. RAl.v Mninous, Mrs. J . Co.rl 0011- vices or.. Sunday May 19 ; and .~ FOR MRS. GITHENS Commencement on Thtlr:sdII6', Ma ard and Mrs. O.eorse Mills. 23. • Mias Lelyla Glthens of DayWn The Baccalareate address wUl be enter.teJned at ber home on Wednesmade by Rev. A. Ward Applllg1lte; day in ihonor of the 85th birthday and <the COmmencement ac.klress by annIVlersary of !her molDer. Mrs. • The ~a,ynesvill e Olvlc ClUb W1U John Grieraon. lida G11lhens. · 'hold Ita regular Ma.y meetln& on The c~ roll consists of seven. The O1thens .~ fonner resl· · Monda6' evening, Ma.y 20. at '1 :00 BtudeD0t8: Jean Wch; Burl Plummer ;' <:ie!!ts at WIIIYnC6V1lle. p . m. at SmJt.h's Tea. RDom ~re Jack Reyr-DId.S; Irma Helen Tlet· The guest list for this memorable a dinner w1ll be served prior to meyer; Dorothy MCOratb; ~~ occasion ·were Mrs. Eva M1l1er and tbe Uleet.lr-C proper. .Lou - Moore; and RUsaell HttJeman, daughter, ' Grace McCUne, Wa.ynes,N o def1nlte name hils been sta.Oed U. 8 . Navy. vUle ; Vel'llQ KeUy. ZOe Duke. Olanl tmt a guest speaker will be pr~nt. and Z1lIa LeWis, M.rs. Betty Oblinger ,LOCAL TEACHERS and son, Steven. of . Dayton; and Mr. an!! Mn. A. B. ~t bad ENJOY EVENING Adra Lewis of Miamisburg. as t.heIr gue.sta on M~ers Day Mr. IN WILMINGTON and Mrs. F'r'a.nlt Kurt1Ba; Mr. and SEVEN,T Y -THIRD BIRTH Mrs. Earl Earnhart. afId da.ll&b'Ler, • The GnIde Tee.cbers enj~ a Ifloeetber on ANNIVERS~RY DINNER BIU1bara Ann, and lIOn, ElWood; Mr. very pleasant LaMar Earnhart; and Mr. Alton M~ 'w hen they had cIJinruIo and • Mr. and Mrs. Ernest. But.terwortJn Ea.mlla.rt. attended a show in W1lm1naton. enLertalned with a family dinner on . 'Iboee present were MJsaea Etbel BUIldOil' hO.n or1r.g IIl1C seventy-Ilbjl'd
Civic Club Notes
_. .,..
• At the r~......_ , _on UI . "".e W aynesvUle Vilage CouncU held on Mol'..do.y evening, May 6, 'the resIinaIJon or J. Carl oemard was presented. The Oouncllmen v~, reluctantly aocepted ,IDe reaIIll6tIoo and selected Earl W. conner 'tol.fill t.h e vacancy.
• • • • The monthly repor~_ of t.blt VU lage Treaaurer. waIter, L. El8e.J. shows a net baJance tn corPoratIon FUJl(\S of .IU47.15.
• • •
~ ~nthY repol't of ~ · Warren Braddock shOWs tobat for (he mor.t.1l or AprU be bad ooIb~uI"'_ •
~.e sum ,of
$8.00 1n mllk and lng permu.a. .
.. ..
• I.Jt. Col. John C . Ridge, 'Mho COI'merly resided In Wu.ynesvUle, IUId is 'Uhe son of Mr. and Mrs. CIUfon.l l-titlge; expooLs to be dlsoharged Crom Wl e serv1ce Ul a few mont.hlj .. H e Is now on Ueneral 'MaocAr,bllur's starf and Is aL T okyo. He ma.st.ered Llle JllIpnnese language and hence has ,been very useful to General MacArthur. Mrs. Ridge Is again a. grandmother, 0. daugllt.ar having been born ·to her da~Ler In Chicago w~th whom 3M resldes. She 18 a gral'dmothe r tll1U~ . Hel' t.hree Beekman, l\IarjaI'et Rose, lAw'a birth.' a.nn1versa.ry of Miss Mattie daughter h as a iPrl and a. boy ond her son a boy. CIlIford Rldge died enjoyed some years ago. -...... and a very plC8.'I&Ilt reunion made MnI. JBm1C6 Ha.rtsclck, Mrs. Cbarles a very happy occasIop.. FORMER RESIDENT EI and Mm. Paul r.ey Pro-. Thale who were guests of Mr. and WED IN FLORIDA Mrs. BubtemvorWl wtIn bile honor CHARLES KERSEY HAS guest, ·MIss Hess, were Mr. and Mrs. • InvltaIJons W'e b~ reQelved BIRTHDAY OBS.ERV. A "'CE 0""--1 ........ or De."'''''''.; ....u...... ·_ Q.Jl d here by 111ends a nd relatives La t.be " ..... ea Ood A""'.... .. Mr. and 'Mr~ Kersey en- Mm. Frank Hess, Mr. a nd Mrs. J . B . wedd.ln& 01 MJsB W'dta Craig, the dallS'hber of Mrs. James A. Craig, to ten.atDed wlUl eo tomUy dinner on Heai. Mr. Clba.Iies Hess. Mr. and Mr. Charles O 'Neall,son of Mr. and sur~ honorl-- the blrtbda ~. Fred Hess GIld tlaUghte.r, Mr. W. E. O'Neall, aL WlC 81;. Ma.l1t·s ~. Y an- arid Mrs. Roy Hess all of De.yton., nlvClllllq of <tbelr Il0l1, Oharles. Ep1soopa.l CllUrctl In Jaclr.sonvllie, 'l1IiOIII8 preeent were 1MrB. ,FIorenice Mr. walter Hes of Xer..la, MisBes Fla., 011 June I, 1946 at four thirty O. Kersey 01 01"elQn1&; Mr. and EstJher 'aIld Jia.nls 8m1th 01 Sprtng ~. m. WUlaI'd KeJ'ge'y and d&\lIIIlten; yaney I\.nd Mr. and Mrs. Robert' 'Ole O 'N.,u's are former rasi. .I!olld Mn. Joe Kereey, dlWch- Thomas and ~ughten!l. dC'nt8 at yv-aynesvHJe. Mr. O 'Neall w, or Lebanon ; Mr. and Mrs. . --- -recently received, hla ·d1acha.I:oge from IPra.I* SWa.rUel; Iw.d Mr. and Mn. HERBE~'f" GRAH~M HAS miUtGry service 811'~ ~~ several Luther lf6I'II8oc*. and 8OD8. TWO WEDDINGS OVER months in lnd1si and China..
• IIa , ~wade hid the ml8Io~ .to fall in the ward at her ~ome bere th18 ,p Ut welt and WIle ~UNd to .the' eII&eDt ,01 a !raet.ur«l lab aud two fnatured rills. Slbe Sa OId"'.-.s· 1& bar and proIeIt reported in . . . ~
.. A lenrtIW QI8oU88Ion on f:ihe prd... ~ to ext.eM Ilbe North CorPoraUon llne WIIjI bid· Wr. Wlo . Be&l, repreeent1n&. lI1x property' owners alfeOlleCt by !be pnIIICIII!Cl ede«Wlo~
. . .- ~ ~ enter a acalDlt ~ ~ .1IbeIt propertiel to &be OIII'IJCInIUOD. .
- . ' IUeIaard I.arlID ., CehaD' Nil ~ d8ellkla wu nubed buI . . . . . 8II&1IrcIQ C1*t ~ l1l'i. aD . . ~ CJnIGe L. amaIL
_ ... QMp''''''
- -,
Bridge- Luncheon Mary Belle Bogan At Green Room T E- hh G d • Mrs. Mark R.;'ers and Mrs. M. A. Fulkerson wer e CO- hONtesscS Lo a group oC fri ends a t the S mILlI Tea Room on Thu rsda.y when a deliciolls lunoheon a nd a n alt.e rnI)Qn of bridge was en joyed . Prizes were won by Mrs. Sa muel K~5 , Mrs. L ut.her Hairrrock lU!d Mrs. H. F. Dye. GuesLs for t.hIs 'ovely affair were Mrs. D . R. Salisbury ; Mrs. S Lo.n ley Bailey ; Mrs. Lu ~her HarlGOCk; Mrs. GUbeI1i Frye ; Mrs. K . R . Hill ; Mrs . John TUIner; Mrs. Lewis Thompson ; Mrs. S , N. K eys; Ml-s. H. F . Dye; Mrs. Frank SW1U1tzel ; Mrs. J . Oo.rl Oon.:u ·d; Mrs. RA>y EIlls, Mrs . John Kel'SeY; Mrs. A . T . Poli nsky ; Mrs. Don H.a.wke ; Mrs. RJilode.' BUllneltl; Mrs. C . Ernest Edg!llgtor. ; Mrs. A. E. St.oIiL; Ml-s. Wa.de Tu.rncr and Mrs . D. R . Sm Lbll .
Woman's Auxiliary
offlcers are: Mrs. Lee Ha.wke. Preslde n l Mrs. D6.Isy S~d er, Vlce-PrcslUe nt Mrs. S . N. Keys, Secrel.a.ry Mrs. E. V. Ba.rnhart 'Prensurcr Mrs. Don Hawke U.T .O. 'I·rensurer Miss Ka.llller1ne PrcI~dergast ' 8ecre~ of Supplies Mrs. S. N. 'ROOInson Seoret.a4'y of Ohll1stialD Sociu.1 Rela\.ions The Annual meeting of Auxiliary D10cese at Southern OlUo w1l1 be
ra ers
A l'epollt rece1ved from ,the orifice llh e County Superln tenrlCl1it of War ren Cou n ty Schools, Raymon F . Ha.l.field. sLates t.hat the following local pupils placed III the upper 25% of the Eiglil th Grade Test ~leld on May 3. Two hundred and r..1nety. ~wo pupils of the t;welve sclwols of War ren County school ci1sLrict took Lhe tesL under Lhoe supervision oC Wl e Com!'by Su perlllitJendenrt.·s office. The Massie Sch ools at Ha.rveysburg LOOk t.op honol'S In this test W1Wl Mar y Belle Bob'll n Laklng first p lace wlt-h a scor e of 182. Top Way ne .Towns hlp studen ts scored [I.'> foll ows: Rank Score Name 5 176 Dwigh t W. Mioh ener 7 166 H/M'Old H. Eamhll41t 8 164 Dan W . Sim pson 10 161 Mary Dora Houg h 16 157 Doris J oon Woolla rd ,
" 0( • Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth ' ElR1 and • Herbert.- G2'aham" minister dalllbter,' Marjorie. 01 Daytc!m v.~tFenoy - Church, annouces ~ oned ·M r. and Mrs. Walter EizI!'Y', SUn· ~ even1Jl8, ~y 11, at' 7:15 day aft.ernoozi, · ,po m. he peor!onned the wedd1n& ---''----~ for 0el'Ucl BI8'88 of near lin. Lena Hnrlsoc!k WJ18 honlll'eci \~neaville al'!d ElVore. Cilh!mmenI, on Mothel'B Day by ha.,vlntl; as her ,at the Perry Cbuftlh ))IIJ'8OII18Ie. 'lbe guests Mm. ..A. Z. RarUlock.. lIOn and coupleiett Dnmedtateq OIl a U1p" da\ll'hler, Mr. and Mm. &lpb Ames . tIr, Gt'abul al80 performed • and IOt18, and Mr. W. T . J(lrdan o[ wecIcUns ceremony in ~1"anl&. Claranue; Mr• . and Mrs. 0li0,. 8uDdIII• .,., 12. TbM Is a -wtltol! BaNorJt of ; and foaDll' dIU'II CIC Mr, GnltIbIm'a. 111'. aDd lin. R. B. 1lUtaci.~1t.
• The Am erican Legion efforts to ol'ganlze a ba nd o r drum ar.d bugle corps here Is meellng wi~h some deIlree of succel>S aCcordlng Lo Fred Ura.uman, 0. member or t he orgun!zatlon cmnm1 bt.ce. He staLes iliat at · t he last meetllll of Lile ,oo.nd group, Lwen Ly members were present and PI'MtiCed toget.her. It is bhe ' plan or thls band to t ake part In t he Memorll\'l Day nctlvltles La be hekl here.
held at St. Paul's Ohurob 1n 001umbl16. on May 21 az;-d 22. with Mrs. Lee oHaIwke, Mrs. Don H&!wke Bnd Mrs. M. F. W,elt.z as delegates and Ml'B.C. R.. Frazier 8llIl Mir6. ·'Dalsy Mrs. Schlmer of Bedford; P&. with 'nyder as- al t.el'ootes. her couslr.. Mrs. Kell er 'H06lt, called TJ18 Club o.djowned 'Iio meet. with on Misses Marne and Annie Brown, Mrs. Maynard Wel4.z In June 'WHe n recen1Jy. a cUnner food saJe will be held. Mrs. Amanda HaJ1rum spent M'ot.bere De.y 6t t.he ibome of her son, HAT. GIVEN HERE Mr. Albert Stubbs and fam1l(y. . WINS HONORS AT Mrs. WoodrOw Oobins aDd two "BREAKFAST" SHOW children of SprIngfield and Mf'S RnbeIt B~et of Centel'Ville spent' • Mrs. Oharles El11s and 'M rs. J. E. Su~ay w1tlll their mother, Mrs . MoCIW'e 8Ittended the "Breakfast in El'ollywood" lilt bhe Victory Thea. Luelle Almltcee. Rev. and Mrs. Ralph Parlls of tre on Tuesday mornJ.ng. Mrs. EII18 Day.t.on were dlrmer guests 00 Bunhad bile honor of bc!ng called upon 1.0 show her hat, tihe "Sp rtng" 'hat day of ,Misses Marne and AnnIe which was given · h er by J ack Brown. MIs!l Minnie Dodson left SaturWymer at <the local " Bl'ealc!asL" dill' Cor :r. vislt 1n Omaba. Neb. with 'h eld here In ·the M.ebhodlst clluroh. 'Phis was t1IJ.e r,~t.h ,b rea.kfest whICh h er brotlller. Mr. Harry Dodson, and FRESHMAN HOSTESSES family. Mrs_ E111s had wtt.ended. Mr!!. Evo.lyn Peterson has returned • 'Dbe Freshman Girls . were host1.0 tJle Home tram Q visit with relaesses Ii t a lien given for the Senior INJURED FOOT PLACES tives In Wl1rnlrgLan. Girls on May 10 1n ,tlhe :weh SchOOl SOLDIER I'N HOSPITAL Miss Helen Calvert of South aud1t.orlwn. AI; the guests were eerCharleston WD.'> ,t he guest of Miss • . Pic. Ralph SattertJhwa.tte at ved by Phylls.s Ma.m.l p . Euis Hoalt plwyed a p ialno solo. NOlllla Pwnmlll Camp Shelby arJ'4ved. borne on Sat- Etuth Ohandler on Swturday at a sang "SOmewllel"e Orer the Rain- IlniOG' for a fifl1oeen-da,y furlough. IUucMon of Delta. KaJppa Gamma bow" ~npanied ,by P,ranoos He :has been coIliClned to IIl1C h.o6 - Bit bhe O enl.>ral Denver hoLel In Wh1taker. Pesl!\Y Tumbleson ,ave ' a plt.al W1bh an Injured foot for the WIlm1ngLan. paSt lOOIlth. Miss Margaret Edwards 1.9 spendI'eadlng, "I Had But. FUlly Cents." ir.g a few days LhL" week at tlbe liA!. with ibis wife and baby daughJudy Conner and F ran ces W,hltIlOme or her nephew, Dr. GnU 'R uster, and Mr. and Mrs. Roy Moore ak.er p1ay~ a duet. "1'he Oh&rie of marksville were Mothe rs Day ~;um and lamily in Dayton. of ·the Uhlans." MI'5. Georgia Mendenhall waS a AI lei' tbe program, UIle girls par- guests of Mr. and Mrs. Henry guest of Mr. Quincy GOns and Miss sa !JterIlhwaite. Wcipwted In gu.mes ; 'Muslcal OhaJr' Allee Gons at ,bhe 'Farmers' Club "Fruit Ba,si(eL" a.nd GOhers. To clo6e -the wk.ernoon·s enjoyment, Ilhe' ARGUNOT BRIDGE CLUB on '1hursday. Mrs. I,ueile Armitage- and MJu girls au danced wh1l.e Norma. sang • The Argounot BrId@': Club mem- Lo.ura -McKinsey' a~tended Eastern "'1'l1e Wa1tz You So.ved· for Me." bers and guests enmed an atter- Star Ill6peCtJon In Lebanon on MOnW A YC£4.IAN PUBLISHED r..oon of cards on Tuesday W1thJ Mrs. day n!ght. E. V. Be.mha.I't as hosLess and Mrs. Miss Hannah Greene, wbo spent • The Senior EillL1011 of ,the IWay- Ralph E. S~ults of Winter Park, the pa$t week with liS, reburnect' on oellall wlU cOine ou,t F rlda.y, ~ 17, Fla . the honor guest. . Sunda.y lO .her 'home In W11mJnglDn. Prizes were won by M1s6 Margaret MrtI. Lee Ma.~on and Mrs.. HamilCONCERT CIYEN Edlwards. Mrs. Marie RIffle. Mrs. tOn of Maron, were Vlsit.ors of Mm. • ·I n observance of M us!ca.l Weet:, John Kersey and Mrs. Stu4s. Alire Clark, Sunday afternoon. Lovely boqu~ of gladtoll.l.'l. pcoMJss Rose's depart.Dlent gave All assembly lor (Jile studen.ts. May 11 . nle.s and narcIssuS were beautifully BARN HARTS HONOR 'lbe orc.Ile6\.ra, band. aoo &ir1B a.rranged ~ out 'the ~ouse THEIR HOUSE GUEST c.horuses gave a concert. Afber' BeV· and a dainty salad oourse was ser• Mr. and Mrs~. Be.rnhart enera.l numbers by tlhe orohestra the ved by the hostess .. girls chorus sang [our songs, "'R1n& Guests ~e MrIl. Ralph E. B~ults teJ'taU~ed 1.0 'tea. on Sunday aIteron Sweet 'Angelus", ··The Bellman", of Winter Park, Fla.;. MrIl. John 1100n honQ~Dg tlhelr houae guest. " 11lle GlOW' Worm"" "TIle MelLlcan Kersey; '. Mrs. Alva. TIlDmpson; Mrs., the [ormer's slster, Mrs. Ra1pn Serenade," and. ,t.h.en .the ba nd! p1ay- D. R . Salisbury; Mr& J . B. Qla,p_ Stults of Wlniter Park, Fla. . The edon. . man; Mrs. Ralph Wiler; Miss hOO'le WIlS alJtraot:J.ve1y art'IIollIed 'With Margaret EdwtirdII; Mrs. D. C o' bowls of ,peon1.es, .·~ and . ~. and Mrs.. GUbert 'Fr1 e and RIdge; Mrs. S . D . Henkle ; Mrs. sweet l 'OOket&l n.nd a d a1nty -deMert soJl!l had lIS Mot.hera Day guerrtB,. Marie ~f1e; Mrs. ~ld Hawke cou.rse was served. ·· O\lest& 'Who en· Ml's. Cora RIch, Mrs . .Reba Brad- and Mrs. R . B.. Joyejlllb1s lovel¥ at.t emoon with tile dock, Mr. aild Mrs. H. R. M06Sj M1sII honor guf8t were:.· . Ellen Moss M.is..'1 Mary M06S and · Mr. and Mn.. D, R. !faUlblP'J and Mr. and Mrs. Leroy Iroos of Obde. Mr. ~ Moss. . . da\lll'lltiml had sa ,M others Day 0b1e'; Mr. and Mrs. Tom ~ __ I . gueata Mr. .and "Mft. W. E.' oorneu, of Franklin; . Ruth Joan and llarl Mrs.. Herbel1 Grablkm aDd dallfb~ Mr. and Mrs. W. P. ~, Mr. Ba.nlhart of Franklin; Mra..-Amulda Let'!' vJ&lt1n8 this week at the IIIIl1d Mrs. Oecqe Wb'.ner and da.uIb- Reed of M1am1IIburt; MrI.... D. home of Mn. Graham's pareota, ler. Mr. and M:n. Ildpr Smlloh aDd Konjar, ~ C. L. Wblte, 8D4 . ., Mr. and MnI, D, lJ. Williams, 1n ~, 11:1". 0UDIl0n lAIcIe aDd Jo WbIt.e . or Ame1ta.; MIa. BI1eD ·SWUIAla. Qbio. _ Mr. Clam SeJleINrJ. WtDapIU' tlbelUllt ~ btlt. ~
..J/;g~ Sc~ool
,COUNCIk,CORNER~1~~':"~!::l" H::S ~~n~~as l """,loa .. ___ ....
!lav!: eXlUIlples LO sl10W how tAl e ll'tSh IUluc.nccxl our use of Engllsh und our sense of ~lulllOr. He also spoke of Wle We in II'elaalld, th e IllSLOry of tl'e land and 8&J'iculiW'e 01 Irt:land. Miss Anna Louise Hoak, recently 1'~'Lu r ll ed from her duties as lUI Army IIU1~e ln F1";iDCe and G e rlTUllIl6'. gave a lllOb'\. in~'C6Llng account of 0. 1Lol.i.W1y Lhat. she spent in Swlt.zerJ:lUld. l:>he presented some of 1.Ihe pr01Jlt:llUl ,bhe Sw1st; . have ~uld 00 Ja..:t' ~ a oounLry OiL peace duriug U1e reOOnL W'IU' and showed how JllielllOU5Jy these people ,h ave met
SUndaY. May 26, the Methodist Ohuroll w1lI observe Memorial Day on Sunday, M&y 19 a~ 10:30 a. m . The Choir wW &lng t wo nwnbers, nwnely: "liA!roe's EaALLed" and "111 the BWeeliest or .! he Year.'" Rev. Coleman w1ll prC84l1 the W1&e Pl'Oblem&. 0IeJJl0J'tU sermon. All aervtcemen- of Guesl6 f oc the m~et4ng were: Mr. the several wars are cordially In· anld Mrs. J . W. Wi1l.ltesLde or ~rlng vlted 1.0 meet 'a~ bile Churcth lilt this ValJ ~y; Rev. and Mni. R. B . Coletl:me. Speclal memorl&.l bulletins will mal! ; Mr. and Mrs. Ben Smith; be presented at ,t.h1s servlre. Mr. 'lllld MJ's. Jolln B. GallS and Julie; Mm. GIlOllI1a Meodeuhall; WOOLLARD PROPERTY l\4l,:;. J. E . Mc01W'e; Ml·S. Ell F'urnas SOLD TO LEBANON uud Arul; and Mrs. Fred Gons. RESIDENTS .RECENTLY . The Club will lneeL June 13 a t • Orac.e McCune has sold t.:he prop - Wle IJ.OUle of Mr. lU~d Mrs. lIaJ'vey ellLy, whlch she recently p uroha.sed .Bw'llet.. _ _IJ".. oC Edwaro Woolard. locaJted on t.he corner or Main IUld SouWl Sti'eets, to Mr. and Mrs. R. L. Hawokil~ of Lebanon, WJ10 will modelnJlZC It f or CAilelr home. TJle ilJ'an.saotaon was handled by Wilbur N. Sears.
5c Copy
mal'k !lUt, we &l'C sure 01 being a ble to Cl~j OY 11 vlng in close con tJaUl. \1 1th na t.W'C. J . W. Whi Lesidt! of Spll! ng Valley, • 'Pile Womans Auxiliary me lon was l: UCSIL spea.k.cl'. He ~pok e all Io' l'lday af'Lernoon , M a.y 10, at. the ll'e la n<l (I,n(\ ,Lhe lrlsh . His di.scu.ss i.on home of M.rs. C. R. Frazier, wlt.h was bol.h inJUrtl la.t.lve Hlld wiLty. H e "'he elecL!on of aHlcers ror ~he r. ext SLrCli500 ,Ilne coL)LrlbulJon made by yeaa- the prlnclpuJ part of Ule ,busiTjle newly elec ted WLe i rish La oUr OWIl cow ~t.ry . He ness session. UIlCCI·t.aln
HARVEYSBURG ALUMNI MEETING, FRIDAy 24TH • Mrs . Wllma--niOrnbW"y, prest-
- - -_. - -
Farmers' Club
der.t of the HarveysDurg Alumni assocllllUon announCes this week Ul8it ,t.be Annual meec41l8 of the group will be held at Harveysburg school on Frlday, May 24, 1946 and will feature a clUc«en 1lUppe1' at 7:30 p. m. with a dance to follow. Dr. Mary Cook of W~lle 15 a member f1 Ilhe first class to grad. uate from thla school In the itee.r
$1.50 Year -
- -err=-
Pare Two
The Miami Gazette
-- -- -- --------·Unf1er SlUes -.
~.- '
' OhiO~
Established 1850 . PubH bed E~ery Thursday by DA VI eN PRE~ Floyd L. Davisson, Editor Entered ~ Seco~d Class . Matter ~t the Post Office, W aynesv~lIe, Ohio ~ubscription
White Rockl White Leghorns Bred for Hfgh Egg Production Pullorum Controlled
Rates: $1.50 p r Year in Advance y~ru~ b r
th e Cl'OWS arc d01ng btl Ir worst damag e to wlld lile and .farmers I·OP/i. A I.-reat sem 'e Is being done lor the outdoors by men and boys who are US.l ng some oC W1ose ]>r lOllS shelL~ for row shooting. 8c~tL McClw'e even caught several In sLeel lJ"alp S a.row1d 11 cornfield . Along with bhe folC control p rogram. re)ll"C-'>enLlliUves of t he local Flsli & (JaJl1~ Club and Gamt! ProLeOt.or J:iranL IIlIJL 1'.'11,11 Countq Commissioners Tuesday l<J d b c l 5l; a crow OOWILy Cor neXL y~ar. AlLer read11lg tile 5LlILC law, It was ngrced bha.t c.row bound ·s in the j)Il:i!'-under Lhc lawwere no L doing t.he job "h ey s hould dl>- taklng Ule predHor of!" l arms when tIIi ey are dOillG the Ulost damage. Since Clinton county 00I1Ul1 ~ slonel's were alsO m eeting WIU1 W1C group, it was agreed Lhat WI C Fisb & Game Assn. would draf L ch'lUlges III U1e present ,bounty law. The Ohio Assn. 01 Count.y OOInmJs sloners would ti1cn p~p.t. It. to the next 5L Le Legislature Cor ' o.cUon. OWl r Sportsmen a.nd Carm groups wlll be asked La ba.ck a meas w'e La hel p ~l lnunat.e ti1ese black pesw .
• • • •
Bert Carroll of Lbe Conservation Dept. I s showtng outdoor !novles La !the SCllool at .M IlSOn this ...,...... we esper ....~ wid! aa OPA II one rime: Bot the meal.bom ~ ~ F rid'll,Y. Tbis Ilne plct.ure taken In _ _ 10 KUlA! IWder Ibeir ~liao lIasl we finally bad 10 eat the OI'A!" Wl e Nationa.l [orest..s was s hown at Lebnnon, and will be avallallie for Sort.ball teams, Mr . Edenfield has oti1e r coumy schools bhls month, Letten To The Edito~ done a splendId job wl ~h these In • • .. A letter ,to the Citizens of Wayr. - furnishing us .".1bh e1!tel't.a.inmenL • L(\..'lt Thursday l !.lg.ht·s m eeting when Lhere waS no 'Other means at v1lle and O:lmmunlty : of !ille Fish & Game Club rut MemThere seems ro be a lot of arguing our disposal, such as no gas to orial HaJ! was llke an old oone We had on an and dtMQlt1sfa.ct1on In regard La our d~i ve our C8J'S. week lor members of OhJo's Divis6ot~ a.nd Ba.seball, on wbo mall avelll€e of 4 to 5 games a week for ~on or COnsel'Vatlon. R e nd e II plaiv at tJhe sdhooI grounds. which II.L least five mOIl<t hs wll1ch not only R,!1oad.e s, Fish Manag Dlent Agen t. our School Board th as given per- afforded US leu; of amusement but talked on the IlUlnagemer.J. of faml mlBa10n to use for both Baseball also for <U1e 75 to ' loo players. who ponds. He gflve the members and and SafLbeJl. Now as t.hir-.gs · Bore a.t participated In the brrunes. 1U'.d I guests answers to a · nwnber of probtIlbe present, nobody Is gettl.ng any dOUbt it many or us reo.IJze ·the ex- lems affecting IISl1 man~e1n ent if' place and there Is sure to be tent of good 11. dOne for our boys sma.ll bodies of water. Jim Finlay, enmity for Ufe whloh should Ilever a.nd girls (who also had a team) In Conservaition Dept. pond engineer llBppen over suc.b. a 'm inor <tlhlng as keeping them 11It home a.nd out of said a few words or. \!.he ~ subball games. Botib sides ~ve good places they should Dot have been. ject.' .Bert CarroL Asst, Dist.. Superargumentl; In 1Jhe1r t",vcr, r.elllher Now the 5oftbaJ.! 't eams Me all visor, not only bl'ol18'ht some spleneeema iWUl1ng to cede fUl,Yi1Jh1ng to E;P01ll5Ored by our business places dtd mo.vtes · on Na.t;t.ol1al .F ores\.'s the otiber and as & cltJzen and a a.nd are made up 1a.rt!ely of men W1ldl11e- bu't In~uoed the DeBaaeb&ll fan 1 would like to ex- vmo ha.ve PII&'!eci the age to paati. partlne ll1t's prooawr oonLrol expert press my views because I have to clpo:te In ~mes of Baseball. I think ex,plained Jm plans t.o 'Work with 1l8ten to boUh sides, pro a.nd con. they aa-e. and should be erutitled to GlIIlle Proteot.or Brant for a tew and reereMJon bh.e same In tlbe f1rst place 1 tblrJt all of their days to help reduce the excess' ~ox tbla can be ironed out to tbbe lIIIt16- BB U~ rest Cor I know tbat during population In this area. To ,t op the faction of 6ill OOIlllerned and every the w8;r- it took .their m lnds au of lIOOeUng orf- our old frielld Bll1 body made tlappy. Now as to 'bhe many W1lngs caused ,b y It and gave Hendershot dropped in t.o vlslt and them the 1ccentlve to go ahead stayed t.o advise I Bill spent two
nil Gl\me Mnnng ment Ag('n t, and n,!tN \<h.ree years With Lh e Navy . IIIIS ' reLunled as supervisor or nil Oh io phl'f\..<;(\llt rnL<ln g pt'Oj 18.
1 . ..
" . .
~'~" E
CUI D'E't• ~
'.og.. r.aIM
......... -16 . . 0MdaI . . . We Story-Pl"'..
-""'0 I', ...
a ga:get with a worm at
r- '"
............ etc.
Co C. SPINK • ION, Publl.".,. • • NK ItHUHNO -
n . LOWS
" Mo.
Attention FARMERS
• •
• •
Co":'plete with Lid, ~ Price Very Reasonab!e •
_ ;-
First Come -
First Serve
Any make
model 1='red 'Kahn MOtor Car Co'. PHONE 326
PhoDe M6l - WAYlQSVo:..I&. O.
FOOD -PIl.OT6CTlO/V FROM WIN/) ...... ~D
"G~ "E
YOU KNOW? • There Is no bag limll on Wl1itf) bas/;--- ,tl1ey cur.. be caught In quan tHy for only If\ few weeks. • TIle Dl v~ ;lon of COnservation plans to relimse 60,000 phen.')8,nt.~ lor s tocking thJs year- . the F':lSh & Gam e- Club Is arr.nnglng lor 800 ch.1cks to be raised by youti1 groups ar.d ot h ers In Lbe county . • Some trou.t over 30" long are being sWcked in Vlrglnla's Mountaln streams. • A grey fox actually got. Into the ihouse and III,Ltacked tJwo ohlld.r en If' EasLern o.hJ()--- th moU1 t killed It wlbh a ctlll.lr. o Small CJ1\,p ples ar e sUIl being (":8.llglrt by th.e hundreds- at celina. o Pill! McGinnis, Columbus a n gle r, recently cau gih L 30 ,bass In o ne dn,r a.t Buok ye- or open la.ke. The Lhlrteen he k pt tota led 50 pounds -six or 'em over 6 Ibs. each. o Ohl Well!
Mr. and Mrs, W. E. Stroud were nmong ti1e guests at the hoTlU' 01 their son, Mr. Harold SbrOud in Lebanon on Sunday whcr! tihey ent ertained with a fanlUy dinner.
• • •
lor yourself at reUremen&. AU of these benefi18 In one
t.on; Mr. and Mni. Loyd Davis and Bill .
.waynesville Furniture & Appliance Company
pre. and Mrs. Ralph Satterthwaite n.nd daug hter and Mr. and Mrs. Henry Sabterthwatte were bhe \ Wednesday evening ' guests f Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Tolle of BuJord. O.
$100.00 per month 101' life
Miss Mildred Coleman 01 MIaDlI Ul'..lverstliy , was II. ~k end aud Mobhers Day guest of her parents, Rev. and MTS. IR. B . COleman .. They a.lso had -GIl saturday evenillg guest..s Mr. and Mrs. Roy M. Weller of New
Sl00.00 per month for ' 10 years to your famUy II you do not llve.
Mrs. Jennie Davis I\J1tertalned with a famlly dinner or. Sunday and h ad as ,guests Ml'. and MTS. Howo.rd Hurley and · ohlld.ren, Miss JanJda and Roy Hurley, of New· BurllngtWn ; Mr. Gilbert Klng ' of Sprtng Va1l~; Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Do.vls of Do.y-
Phone l'U-L
Gibbons Bldg. North St. Waynelvill•• 0 .• ' Phone 2422
Carlisle. ;;;;;;;;;;;_ _ _~:;;;;;;;;;_;;;;;;;;;~ Stubbs Service costs no more \J1o.n \.he Ordinary. We er.dea.vor In every ~. to make our service 1'ecognized . as Ine standard of excellence. •
Electrical Contracting All Types HOUle Wiring M~tor. Appliance!a
W.C. BROWN . Telephone 2949
WaynelvilIe. Ohio .
equipment could
be usednnd to could buy , equipment {prcreet 't h e .:: teams !be useel '00 more slrulds and screens, te. IIor
The Waynesville National Bank
the bcneItt of the specto.tors. Af te r a!1 ,this money 'Wlll5 collected from Baseball failS as well AS SofLbnll IDBTABT.JSRED 18711 fnns nnd could nrd should be used 'In benefit baCh . Mr. Edenlfleld's Soft 'ball LCams could play ti1 eir softball game on week clay nlght.~ as nlways of Baseball. and also could furn.lsh us gam es on Now, 'to come to I\Jle point. "Why Sundays WhlJe OUr Baseball tenm ~ can't we have both tihe satisfaction OTe 011 the road. iWlhllit we wart nOW l of all. I say we car. but not 6 the more Itum anythl~ else Is Mrmonty. A QUART FOR RUTUIE~qs A PINT FOR D.lD. ma\JWr now stands. After last SCIl- reererutJ:.:m and Banusemclle for nil • TI) help pl'eserve good healt h BOllI'S Sofitbo.ll games were . over and ma ke Waynoovlllc a g rand plac" nuU·ltlonlst.s advise a mlnlmwn somebody suggested thM we ha ve to live for all. e;pecitally oLir boy..; consumptior. of a quart 01. mllk liWht!lJ Installed and ,have Softball and glrls . evel), day lor . a growing chUd · QIIld pkiJyed under Ilbe U81h ta, 1l>ft.er whJcll Now LhlS Is just my b plnlor Lo at lea.~t a pint for eaoh adult. eoJllU1butions were as ked and our which I elllU,Ued. I hope I Jla.ve Our Mllk is rich In butter fat. It's dtl2lClls nobly responded nnd a cor- saId noLI)l n g to offend no one and LUte en erg-y-bIJUdIIlG food 'LtuiJt 'testa s1deroble amount was r ealized In would like t<I hear your opinion on so good and costs so HtUe. Bottled bhis way. Now !lhe fact Is. to have this matter. A' CETYLENE ELECTRIC In a. clean sunlit plant. Delivered Yours fOr BascbaH, Softba ll a nd J1ll'hts lns Lalled to beneflt our Suftfresh. " TOOL WORK A SPEClALTY" Wwy rlesvllle, ball tooms would intel1ere wlti1 our , Basebrull teams 41ld t~ In stall them Orville J. Gray ALL WORK GUARANTEED so ti1e Bru;ebaJ] beam can play ju ~t won't work for \lhe Softball team s. RUBBER STAMPS and 50, wthy rot for . this year !lit leas'l, ERNEST HIXSON. Owner MARKING DEVICES el ther s t.ol'e or liOU the JIg-hUng PHONE 2537 Telephone 2751 WA YNESVILLE. The Miami Gazette equlpmellit so \lhat ' everybody can and GRIMES BARLOW _.. : -=-_=c::: pla.y nnd be satisfied for 'We had Distributors . ,plendld a.mu.'lement for !:.he last ATHLETES FOOT GERM -~-----HOW TO KILL IT. two years wlti10ut them, and myself IN ONE HOUR tlhlnk. It.hey would be a source of IF NOT PLEASED, your 35c be.ck. expense In t\lhe upkeep. also current Ask any cI.l'i.Iggtst for 1Il11s STRON G cons umed. (The school reserves the 1unglelde, TE:-OL. Made wlllh 90 perlight, that Idle ,0011 field can be used cent QJcohol', it PENETRATES. by ti10se atLer.dlng school). Reache9 and kUls MORE germs The monies collected from the faster. ':'-Waynesvllle Drug St.ore:
9-12 each morning:
1-5 afternoons except I -Wednesday Ovel' 30 years experience l'ep~senting both buyer . .' and seller 'of farms and city property. 7~9 Saturday evening We repl'esent onh strongin s uranm~. companies, w,ho Other eveninge by write fire and extended coverage on farm and town Appointment . 'PI'operty and a comp lete COV~l'ag~ on automobiles at TELEPHONE 62-R established rates ann prompt payment of losseR. We conduct all kinds of legitimate aCtction sales satisfied patrons our best reference, ca ll or- write for terms and date. . Optometric Eye Specialist We conduct all kinds of legitimate auction sa:les, 26 South Detroit Street In!ormation Given Without Oblig~tion XENIA. OHIO Office Main' St. W A YNESVILJ,..E, Phone 2651
Clearcreek Dairy
Wa have a Dumber of lhe.. HeaT)' Gauge St..1 Ch.... - Sllltabl. for watering troug~. aorage. feed and ...ct box... milk coolers. }ockera CW any other permanent uae.
• . White bass have started tlh Ir :.prlng spa wnlr.g n ll1 at Ohio's lakes. This is the one time they can be tak en or hoo,k nnd Itne- and one right ro,ter llI'other. Some!:.hJng llke a white crappie- t.hey oIfer great Sport as they com e I n to tJhe walls and rocks to deposit eggs. Pippin minnows, smail s phmers. wll1te streamer ru es a nd live mlnr.ows are nhe ,best bal!.•. Indian Lake Is probably the best bet Crom Warren Co .. a nd tl1e run lasts from t wo La six weeks.
faYPI' and deserve a lot 01 pmIse proud or. whJdh w1ll a.fIo.r<i amusefor the lWll.U!!ement tbey afrorded ment for the Inan'Y Baseball fans a.I.1 of us? a.nd as a Baseba!1 .team h us to play Now, In regard to Vhe Baseball some games in other clties Lt would tea.m.'> :;ponsored, by our American mlC(ln a lot oC free 6dvCl'l.IsciT'g faT Legion, Mr. Sa.wyer de.serves a lot ollr own hOme town. 'Vhe Legl'O l1 of pra.1se a!1d credlt In brlnglJ'g to Is also :;.-ponsorillg a junior tea.m us <tw.o teams of" players. oJie oom- mode up of boys under 17 Wlho pooed largely of Vet.crons w:ho ,h ave have been displaying a good grade
served our Oou"'try in t.lIM of war, ·who, . 'it It haxl not been for, we mJght not 'h8lve had eLt.he-r Baseball or Softball, IJUliYbe tlo homes . 'I1hey ,t hink and have every reasor In ti1e world to Ilh1nJt 'they should be allowed' to play thelr game of
Now. LIon\tI you .all ti1ink they Baseball. They ' have a. fa.9\; YOlmg s-n Ie of lihe ha.ve a very good ' argument In their team t'hait W 1WllCSV1Ile C8IIl j ustl y be
Iftwtrot. . -A. ••• (.....,) QiOftdl.r. COR""'.lo,,., . . . . . . balt . . . ........ C-..'a.a ItotDe'
• Bud Nelson's dcscrlr}t.ion lnst week from n wife. ' I\'ho had played second fidd le t.o fl f L'Ih too long. IJC'fIJ's r rpeatlng : "A flqhing pole IS
N o w in40lh Yeor
Phone 2988
• F!'w mel' In Wle ('ou nty have spent morf' of Lh Mr thll l' or don more for wlldllfl' and conservation t ha n Eben !.RaJ of Grrent r £'e Rood. In r et UrI' . Eben 15 uSlially treated prett)' IWUse ldom coming back empLy hand I from a fL<;l11nq <tr1p. LMt. WI' k Lady Luck caught up with him dawn at Fos ters. A big carp not nly br oke Eben's best rod- but pulled h im clror lnto ti1 c U ttJe Miami t.o boot! WItJ'csses Will v rHy.
~'J'!"a. All
Lemmons' Hatchery
Dr.- C. E. Wilkin
W Af;.L PAPER C~NING Renew the life and appeara'nce 'o(your wall paper by ' having· it cleaned occasionally. You'll find a world ~f dJfference in its a.,·pearan~: Come .here for wall paper cleaners and advice on cleaning.
PAUL ·,- C~· ~PICKING "In Picking Third Street
Pick Picking's" T........... 2182'
May 16, 1946
~/ '
t ~ =;~ a:r:.B~1~ l:"ebe~~ .I~
0 ej
service to mnnanlt,y. or 'Will
m ·
Two Road!; We Face EXCE:RPTS
------- ... - - ---
rour Merchant Man .~ I
C"1\ //1 I e/.JI'" .'<:.idge
as a parMit.e suo1tlnl ~e life's blood EDW A~D A. CREW by . WUllam Kenneth ChrL~Uan By D. J. FRAZIER oue 01 ~ Who ViOUld be of ser.Ins'rue&or or written and ~ polten __ FERRY vice? W111 It be such 68 will bl'lng I FAw:l1'd A. crew. son 01 John Encllsh, Mlchlra,n Stale College • May 9, 1946. Rain off nrd On all CHURCH of CHRIST eBQ.:\STrM6 7;1t.:p..ant! THE GIZt 00n0r 11 00 glory to' 'the God who H. and Lydia Rich . 01'6'1'1', was borr. week, dlOl and cloudy most of t hr The Orowln,. Oolnr. Church ALI&ERTY SHIP, THE SAVANNAH, gave your Ufe and every oppo1'tunlty near WIl.yllel>....i11e. OhIo. May. 3. 1872 "In tbe' world--;;tthe 'IIotomlc bomb tJrne. The h og fence w f1nish e<l HERBERT GRAHAM. MlnJattr FIRST STEAMER TO (RO~~, THE OCEA..!:i/ K ONE OFAMffiICA;S MOST Bible SchOOl 11:30 ~ m. 1.0 make good. or 11"111 it d.Il:;cred1t and lIIt 'tlhe age of seventy-lour yenm men must. be un:lted, not cUvlded. last Il nd the happy hogs t.urnC'd ou t FAMw~ SHIPS . . . . . . . " uh e very pUJ'P(l6e of God in your and five days. passed on, to h is Fear can't serve as a n enduring In clo ver- pigs In clover . an old Communion 10:411 •• m. llIe ·. You alone ren detel1lnine bhat Eterno.l R est. May 8. 1946 IIIL h1s bas1s o! unJ ty. Me n must be united synonym for oon,tenorne l't Ilnd PI'OllPreaching 11 :00 •. m. b y ~he n,cce~ or rejooUon: at home In Mt. Holly. Ohio. P rnotloaJly In 't rust· MJlllons and mUllor.s of peI1ty, ItOO b:Id t.he rest o f t.he ",'orld Young P oples Servlccs and His ~n and HIs Was at Uvlng. h.lB entlre Ille was lived in Warrell men must have I~ clear nnd f1nn lsn ' t a llowed ,1,0 en joy !'lOIne of It. AduH Pl'ayer M eeLing 7:00 p. m . The W'alYnUlvUle Church d! OIu1&~ Oount y and lr.. bhe vlch}1ty of h ls basis for t.rust.l.ng roch otJler . Only They say hogs ca n be ra ised Ju ~t Even Lng EVUl1gel.lst.lc Service wishes 1.0 'b e or e~ry service 1t can birthplace. religion can proyj,dc t.1I.ls basis, for as well UI pens 0 11 cemen t floors but 7:45 p . m. 1.0 llelp you ,1.0 'kJI0W and follow that J He was unJ.Le<l In ITU\.I1inge. March trust:' I l1k e to see them enjoying t hemWay ,llhat sha.l.l lead through Chrtst 30. 1916. 1.0 J!llllmn Ann BorgercUl1g "But the soota..rla n rellgions 01 selve<; or. good pnst.u.rc with plen ly METHODIST CHURCH 1.0 the e t.erclty with HIm. We hope or New Bremen. Ohio. He Ls survlv- th e past cannot m eet t.J1.ls challenge of wa LeI' RJId self-fccd cl'. It seems B. b. CulewaD. MlnMer In tJ1e course 01 as W10ugll t he meat mu.st. be sw t· S UNDAY SCHOOL 9:30 A. M. uh.at It will be po6Slble for Ill~ of ed by 11.ls 'Widow. o,ic stst.elr. Mabtle, for the wor ld. you '1.0 go On a nd get II. gre!llLcr 00- and lbWo broLhers. Thomas and Al- t h ese last lew y~lrs. th e v r y \,em l : cr and IlWI'e heal Lhf ulmore vllaMrs. aaymond Conner. 8upt. Chrl3t.1a.n1ty 'hM been more and ml r15 a nd flavor . Tt h IlS been o~sum WORSHTP SERVICE 10 :30 A. M. UCa,UOll "hat 'you ma.y be of more \Jerlt. scl'Vlce 1.0 hWIlBmty. but we warn He WM a.ff1lla.Le<l willi <t.he Mt. more replnced In the. newspapers by 00 that 'the JllOre exercise t.he wugh YOUTH FELLOWSHIP. m. Y<l u ,1.0 beware of ,LIlose colleges a.nd HoLly Methodist OhurcJl a nd as long the more accul'lllte ten ns "Thl' Ro - er bh e meat ,but some experimen t p. ThUl'Sday. 7:30 professors 'W110 '1'1'111 att.empt 1,0 'des- as h.I.s hea.ll!dl perllll1lt.ed. was a man Oe.tholic and P ro I. e s t n n L sl.otiolls h uve provod WIlli!- pleJ1Jty CH01R PRACTIOE Wednesd4y. 7 :30 P. M. t.roy your lalUl In' God and His &m . flllllhIul atter.da.nt !lit all the ser- Fatths". "We read of conferrnet'S of exerc ise prodUCE'S mOl'e tender . We espoolalIy want 1.0 congrntu- v1ce6. He was Il'lwa.ys InterOOt.ed In .of Oe.1lhol1cs. Protesta.r.IS. and J ews . bc~t.er fl avored m ea even In veal ST. MARY'S late ,t hose of OW' own m~rshlp all LIle actiVities of !lhe church,. ~he tolerant meeting togeLher of calv I'S. T h ut t hose a llowed 1,0 ru n EPISCOPAL CHURCH' Who are' m tIh1s gmdU81tq class. "Ed". 1113 he was famUialrly known. tIhree faJt hs . These oon ferenoes rpp - ' a oollt are bettRr thar. th.06e kept SIUDUel N. Keys. They are: M1tl6 NeWe Orruiorf; Miss was of a gen.lal. social na.ture and resem the tolerance of annlstlce. a closely penned or Wed. 'I1he lntlter Lay Beatlrr-ln-ehar,e Dol'Otlhy Berry; MIss Norma Jean enjoyed m:lngHng wlt.h friends and kind at bala.noe of powe r betwee n still bring higlher priCC:li lhm1 Wl05C Adams; MIss Lenora Lovely; and relllltlves. He will be greM.ly rnJssed tJh001og1cal systems. " They do no t Ihat have been out W1 Lh , Wle cow. FRIENDS represent · the und.t ing of th e child . but t.,he exp el1men ters say Wlalt Miss SaI'8lb R4dtnger. Ma.y the Lord by all who knew him. FIrat DQ 100001 - 11:30 A. M . ble56 you a.nd k~ you M you venAfter so ·mar.y years of poor ref!. of one God In one. common ot.her llh lngs bt'Ing equa l WlOse wi t h (eating for WonbtP - 10:• .~ . Y. t ure out on <the W~ or LUe. and V1001t1h. we II.ke <to Lh1nIt of HEld" as 1n>1rltUa.I a llegianee." .~OME TIlOO(,AT ~HE wAS exercise Ul'e better. We shall n ever (aN<> TOTRY TO RESCUE mae.' you never forsU.e His W&y as now "lilt 1'&1:' with God and en" The traditional relig ions are In be able 1.0 find ou't peJ'oonaHy n.s HAl'Ol E'<x'i FOOM SI.HELHIA, MT. HOLLY '10 (£T THE. REWA-RO OfFERED joying a wonderful reunion wlUl tlhe compet Won , eael1I seek.lng the trl- we would neve r butcher two lilt Lhe revealed in H18 Word. METHODIST CHURCH ~ flY ) ER().IE BONAPARTE • . . • • • many friends and rela.tlvCl& gone on \lnlph of Its own 'Uleology and H.'l same t.lme ar.d t,llJllt wou ld be t.h e !J'. M. Sea..." MJ..._ • The IUb1e Study Clall will meet before. own partlculru' r lt.uals. The sect- only way 1.0 ruwe other t hings eq ual. BUDda1 ttabool - - ':30 A. M. E. A. Earnhart, .uperint.ldent. !\It the Ohurch each'I\JE6day eveI!dng Alt housh Ule PQ/l81l'.g of Ilny dear artsn r eligions fl!nctlon or. t.he prtnOur robin is ~el)t busy these da ys a t 7:30. WoralUp ee!'Ykle - 10:90 A. U. one leaNes a void tlla.t cllnnot be clple of the superior moral race . loryin g 00 ' fill WlCASe fOIU' al ways open fJ:~~~~~::;;:~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~: en1Jla 8enice - 7:30 P. II.. • • • rWed, yet Wlh1le r eligion In the ,past h'8S pro- mouWIS. I cl1n~ up 1,0 see whether _ I The Prayer MeeUDr wUl be held "More homelike seems bhe vast vided cIyna.m1c maral values for the Ulere were st.llJ four a nd M. fi rst I ST. AUGUSTINE CHURCH Ilt ,t he Cburc.h on eooh Wedne&lay unknown basts or soote1ly. we cannot tum to thought Lihere wer e only t1u'cc bUot OEFER Pa&ber Krambolb. . . . . e vcnUlg a.t 7.30 W1tJl lurt.her noUce. S1n<,-e tdley have entered tlhere. title older faib s1noe they suI,f er down in . bhe bobtom oftlhe nest. . SATISFACTORY I4Ua 8UDda.r - 11:00 A. II.. • • • Youth BaBy To follow t.hem were not so hard lrom the localisms and the diVisions under the three \\'116 the fourth. • I 'I1he r..e"t ChrlsUaD Wherever tlhey may fa.re. typical of 1lle 1l'.d1vldualistJc agrl- The nest Is very crowd ed ard it, SERVICES wW be held 8und8Iy. May' 26, 1946, WAYNESVILLE They C!Ul1'lOt be where God Is not. cwtural soc1etle:1 ·In Wlh1ch they MU nol. be long before they wlll !lit the JUmeetown OhUl'dl' o! CtlJ1.st, CHURCH of CHRIST ' AT ALL TIMES were born." • On a.r.y sen or shore; have IX> t ry Wle ir wJngs. The cJ11ckRober. L. VanZile, Minister a.t 2 :30 p . m. BrotIler O. B. TIgner. "W'e iIlOW face- a new COndition. adoos st Ul come for s uet and laot.ely Wlla.w·er betides. Thy love abides. Blble School 9 :30 a · m. minI&t.er or ~ FIrst Ohr1st1an We need. moot desperately. io have Ilhere has been 11 woodpecker mar k Our God for eyermore." OommunlOll 10:30 L m. CItlurch. W&IIIhiJl@ton. C. H ., Ohio, ~cQllure II. rall1h 'Ilhat 'Will unJte men literally ed somewlUlit like 11 flicker bUit wl t.h sermon 11 :00 •. m . wUl be It.he spealter. AU youl18 people Dial 2111 Waynesville. Ohio any'Wlhere in Lhe world," tlh e wG10le LOp of the hend a bril· "Our Purpose In ute" are espe;cl&lly urged 00 aWeoo. You CARD OF THANKS "The answer lies on the road of lIa n t red insLcad of Just 11 red prut.ch Will enjoy 1t. I 'wlsh to e~pretIS my sincere a There wlli be no eveclng service tlul.ntts and IIIppreclllitlon, for a.ll thIe World Nth of Bsha 'u·lhlh. The on WIe back of bhe neck It must b e at <t4le ~urch OOnJght because or the • Ah EvanrellsLle MeeUnr is to be- Q8Slstance g1ven me in ILhe recent price or world peace Is world [a1th.'· a yellow-billed sapsuck.er for \.ho~h CHURCH Baooolaureat.e Service a t !.he IDgh G!n u,t !.be Xenia. OlUo. ChW'Ch of Ulness and deIlt.h or my husband; SubrnJ"ted!by Mrs. Helen McCoy It doesn't look just l1ke the picture . Sdhool Audloortum at 8 :00 ,p o m . Route 2. Ws.ynesv111e. Ohio the d escrlptJon Cll,s It. very well. II QU'1st on 8~ 1Uiht. May 19. to t'he ne1gb.borsar.d to ltIe memof CHRIST that Is wha.t. it Is I must drive It We hope you w111 attend tlh.1s Robert. L. StewaJ'lt. m.ln18ter of the bers of \be Mot. HOlly Ohurch; to away for It lW; already drilled WERE YOU TOO BUSY OR TOO FOR YOUR VERY LIFE ITSELF. vJce for we have nve Who are to BrookvUle. ' Ind. QlW'dh: of CluiBt Mr. a.nd Mr!J . Raleigh Bogan fOI' sevel'a.1 holes a.r.d my poor old locust TIRED 1'0 ATTEND WORSUIP WIlY NOT BEGIN TO SETn.E gmduwte Lhis year. 't ha.t aremem- is ,1,0 \JJe Lhe evar.seJJsL He l:I '& very tbelr slII€1ng; 00 Rev. Scarf[ for is we weak to stand anytllin8 more. SE~V1 C ES LAST I.QRD·S DAY? THAT DEBT BiY BEING PRESENT bers of tih1s Church. fluent .speak~ and you 'Will enJoy hls com!orUIl4f ,words and 1.0 J . E. Our reguJar evening service wW ~he Gospel m~es he wW brUle. McClure lor h1s COUJ1teoUS and ~fl It Is the one lohsIt shades my kltoh en OR WERt; YOU ONE OF THE 226 NEXT LORD'S DAY AND LET. by J~lSE Fl'l'E be resum!ed. next SIlacl&y ni8'ht. Everyone invited. clent serVWe6. The Annual Ilrlends Mal' Quar- window on hot SWllmer art.ernoons. PEOPLE WHO WERE PRESENT? TlNO OOD I-IAVE illS WAY IN IUld I would be sorry 1,0 lose It. • • • terly Meetlnr or thl.'l district _ Mrs. Edward ,... Crew I YOU. ALONE CAN ANSWER YOUR LIFE? We Oongra~ulate !.he gmduatlng , 'L Isten 00 the Clu'1st4an ~ <held Bot the Ohurch he re. Saturda.y. It Is said IIh aot lohese b 1rds do a THESE QUESTIONS. BECAUSE 'OUR GOAL - 250 PRE ENT! class af Waynesville' High 8dI00l Broadcat«. over the following staThe Rev. J. P. Thornbury Is .l,Ireat deal of damage to Ibhe tl-ees. YOU OWE YOUR LOIW A DEBT HER'BERT GItABAM. MINISTER When I was huntw..g m!Ushrooms 01 this year. M8U 'tlhls 1irUly be • tions on Sund'ay at the t1me indls pending a vacast~iOD In Alabama. Oommencement of IUe service lor (lIIjtledl: WOKY Cincinnati. 1530. a.t Word !hIlS been receiVed here or the oLller day I lourld a hUla moWl. are tend:1ng '1.0 make tl1.ls his o nly food will take mon ey so buy ·Sav. you who have 5J)Cnt tile past. twelve 1:00 p. m .; WFBM, Indl.alll4>Ol1s. tile cl.eo.LIl of Ilbree mol'lllil old It must ha.ve just come out for , ht respon.s~bmty and when tJ1111t ha p- lugs Bonds. yea.rs In preparing- yourselves tor 1260 at 7:30 lUll.; WPIN. Findlay, Ohrillbopher Waillace of C06hooton did lIot tJy and when I brought It pellS you of,ten filld Ihan shirking by lANE title tasks that Ue before you. You 1330. Ilt 5:30 p.m.; 'nle broadcast who passed a WlliY Sun.dfl'Y mom11'g. In Dhe house It clung W LIle window t.hat. The Vlet.orian fM.llel' may . . are going out into a world that ma.y for Sunda.y. May 19. WII& made at His mlllterna.! great graru:lmo~her 18 w1til dark Ulld lr. t.he mOrning Cap ~la ve had too much a ut/horl Ly Ilnd not ·b e too ,friendly 00 tlhe finer and i.he North American OhrIsLlan Oon- I I C1Ill onJy fear for our labor Mrs. Laura Shld.a.ke.r at th1s place. lound it .on Lhe wat.cr bucket. AReI' been over - tyl'l:lImlcal in some cnses I!TCawr UUIl8S or l1J'e. We are living vention, Ind.1arl8pollB. Your mln1ster un1on8 when ~hey are operated by Mrs. C, D. Levlcy entertained the we had uJI seen It I put. It out on but bile ,penduJlum has swung too such unscrupulow leaders as Jdhn present . Q oI. the t1Jne and sang was i n an tIoge ~n l1lOI>t people seem CIVic Loo.gue. Saturday evening. 00- a tree and thaot was I,he last I sa'W flU' the oWlOT way and we should do .ff ),011 allff... from fault)' ellMIfIa\L. Lewis. I 'can"!. vuua.1Jze ~ one t'on and llIOt! d.~ ....lng .....,.tIIlO aiL to 'tlhlr.k tJlat the wI-important In bhe choir. \hostesses were Mrs. Koogler and of It.. It was sucJ1 II. beo.utUul paie .. Oa. Pelnl HeadaelMe IIOvr such dIotatorial powers In America . yelloW green wlllh llw"k IOOl'k.l ngs , evel-y tl ~ po&tble 1,0 combat d i- menttI thingS nre ma~ e up or material bloatld ~omllCh. t~" try MARCUa Mrs. Oba Welch. 1UlId . juve ll~ de linquency by TABL..T8. vorce being permitted . to asswne MI'!!. Mac McEllrelib and ,rand~n possessions . .Let us 'oot lose sight of The Welcome Bible Class of just the shade Uhat has been so restoring ·llhc proper balance. We They HI,w auch grand .... Ief to that tlNd, ,tl... 1Mllng and when YOU'" the fact tlhaot willen we come 1,0 the are the guests (1 bl!l'son and daugih- Wiho at us JulSll't denounced the Jona.h.'l Run .met· Friday night at piOpula.r In women's clothes the last can do lit first in o ur tJur .klng and m.ntally dull and m'M ..abl.. 1M1 grouchy and upMt due to oonetlpatlon -clooo of Ilfe U 1W1l1 not be ~ we <ter-ln-la.w. Mr. and Mm: Dnersoo ethics of HltIer. but who of us has bhe home 01 Mr . ar.d Mrs. Charles I l'eax or 50. SYU\bo1L7..e It by doing a way wlLh then Ie th. tIme to UM MARCUa the guts 00 overUlrow ~yra.n:ny ha.ve tlha.'t will count tor so mucb as Miller. in High Po.l nt , N . C. Easter. r have decided to I'ame \,he t ),/o MX1Wlel's Day a nd F'IloLhcJ's Day a n d TABLETS. A grand 1.l(atlve for Oftly tan 1IIImount. ,1,0 h.I.s wl~n Our ow n ~5 cent. for a packlloe of 4& tllb .... Mr. and Mrs, Boward Graham la.t.est heifer calves JJtUhIa -1) ro r ha.vlng Pal'ell ls Day or ,bNt cr yet at Any d r Ug ~ore. U.e ns directed • r.atlon? 'Ilhe el06lng down of our ent.e.l!t.e1ned t he l.r "bOO" Club Frl- DotLy her motller and Potuma-P f{Jr r Fn m.lly Day wl tJh a lILLie pl!:toe , ill ... coal rnJnes slsnlr las d1tla8rer and Pet. her mo Llle-r. Why should Dliliy day n1g.ht. It for aun11; Ilnd un cles I\nd g l'l.lI'd · d1s1n~tlon. Lt seems John L . Mr. and Mrs. Walter Green have be W\e only I'csp ectJable flowe r Il8JIll~ pllrenlis. AUCTIONEERING IJewts. LIle Iowa ttll1ln boy. Is beremoved 00 ,H arveysburg and are 1'01' a cow? Lena's Is LIlli May. STANLEY and KOOGLER gtnnlng to be Amer1oe.·s HLUer. We It wUl .take food t.o h elp rcswrtJ The yellow roses are In bloom Uvlng In their recentJy ,purchased BROKERS LI<lEN8& must ask 'him for cos'l. the prlve proPel'W situated at the top of ·bhe I\nd t.he Iris. The peonies are still the broken homes of Europe Ulln For DIltea, Pbone Z8M, WlPJIlesvWe, led&e ,t o wor1c and live. The words "8" lUll, tlg ht ~buP6 ,but"' I.s doubtf'u l If <they Ohio. Rever.;e Ohargee I chooSe 00 call dlcta.wr Lewis, who Clifford DOilter left Saturday for w11l hold, oN for Memorial Day. In barely resembles a humn.o ~g, New J ersey where he w1il jaln his b'Plte <>c tJhe cold weat.her everything cannot appear In print. but notlhlng fnmlly. Is cooling out becau.sc {J[ the early stops me from sa.ylng ,~hem orallf· Mrs. Essie (iray spent \ several st.art.. • • • days last 'Week wltJh her grnndchlld- • Sunda y. ' Mothers Day . Judgil'.g Fifth Bouse RI,ht of Rt.. 73 I Am I drlvlng yet? Oh yes. I re ~. Mr. and Mrs. Roecoe Simpson by t he number of PllrUes eI3It.lng CORWIN, 01110 have been driving for a lor~ time- and InmllY"of ltJ.Uam1sburg. out ~others Day being celedrlvtIli people crazy. 'brated by giving motiller a rest MF.ATS GROCERIES whlc.h was 11 good LlIlng but In Rn. and Mrs. R. B. Coleman a Old you take a CincinnatI Val• Th at's what we say o.nd that's American FnIlt Growa.........1.76 0 OpeD Road (BoJI).__......... 2.50 tended the fllT!era.! .serv·l ce of Mr. p1"inciple I do not t.hink Mobi1ers ICE CREAM whn.t we menn Ivh cn we recommend ley BuB?" I was ask. "Of coures not, AmcricaIl Girl.............. .......... %.50 0 Outdoon ............ :......- -.... 2.!1O Kibby In WUmington. Satur- De.Y. wlLh FalLhers Day <tacked on AIDerIam Poultry Jouraal-' 1M 0 "areDU' MaaaziDe _ . 2.75 our baby cJllek.<; to poultry raisers. It took me." day .afternoon. Rev. COleman oon- Uke tlile a:f.WI'WlOuglhol. it was. Is a GASOLINE - OIL AYiadoa iD Renew ................ ...46 0 Pathioder ........ .. 2Jl0 Have you been In 1,0 order your Calling AU Glrla. _ _..- .... 2.15 0 Pbotoplay ................ _ - _ .. UO gOOd blling. LI. Is I~ot just the overdoolJed 'the &ervJce. IN CASE OF naE DIAL %!II uhicks? If you wa nt to ma.ke sure Cappen farmer 1.65 0 Popular Mec:banla .............. US commercalism. the o ver-sentJrnen t1.0 have these sturdy, healthy profit' Chlfd We ............ .. S.U 0 Popular !lc:ieoce Monthly .... UO wit}' thn,t Is wrong. It IS <the prtnclChriJdao Henld %.50 0 Poultty TrlbDDe ......... _....... 1.45 producers , be~ r come In today. pieit. should be 'Parents DillY. PcrCorooet .............. UO 0 Ilncla'. DJaal - : . . - - ::: Gimect EutlllIh _..... _ 8.46 0 Iledbooll .......... _ _ . _.... h~ps Lt Is even a symptom of the omo- u. S. CERTIFIED WHITE , CoDDtry GentkmaD (6 Yn.) 2.00 0 SdcDtlfic: J)cteaiYe .. _ 8,45 weakening of farnJly unity Wh1cJl ROOKS - Offlclllll.y PULLOR.UM . !.tude Millie MiipIiae........ .8M 8aeeDIaDcl ._...... __ .. _ - I.!IO TEXACO we so deplore today. No one quesJmL Ie flU'DlCl'l WHe 1.65 SOftl' SaeeD .......... _._...... 2.50 CONTROLLEJj nower Growa __.- - 1 2.J5 SpGna AIe1d ............._ _ .. I.!IO UOru! ,the Importar..ce of moLller nor We your Democratic Candidates express our HYKfta .............. 2.16 O---ul'ah6lnc - _.... 1.75 fa.lls 1,0 honor ,~ good Job many Libert, (Weetly) _ -- UI 0 Tbe HQIIIeIDal!er - _.. 5:U app,r eciatioll for your support ill the Primary women ha.ve done alone or wtbh, M;l'ne D.- _ ..... _._ .... SA6 0 Tbe WOIPJlD .... ,... _ .... 2.50 .GAS-:-- OIL- GREASE l1 tJtlc help but nnyllhlng that . beMone ShoW .........:......... _ .... %.50 0 True Story .......... _~ .... 2.!1O on May 7th. Quick' . Batte~y Charger NadODal Dilat Moothly........46 0 U. S. Camera. ....... _............ ··.. 20U lltJt.les tlhe ,father's pliaoo in the Nat'l U.eatock- Produi:el'.. _ 1..76 0 Walt Dllney'l Comla............ 2M f~ or sepe.2'a.t.es pairental ·reNatare (10 I_a, 12 MGI.) .. 1M 0 Your LIfe ..... ........................... 5.U Hydraulic Car Lift WAYNESVILLE, OHIO /iPOnslblll>ty .t1\il the fwther Is made Your votes made 'this Warren County's be!'lt , .nSfAIID AID IIAUlI.' ~ , .... _UI II•• IHI.I to feel >tbaot he has no p8<I't excopt "SERVICE by SERVIS" Telephone 2916 Democratic Primary. to keep the pocketbook, fun 18 not St1PE.R SEVEN SPECIAL* good. Of course M. ls Wle man's unquestioned responsibmt.y <to keep a THIS NEWSPAPER AND 6 GREAT' MAGAZINES roof over hls fam.Uy ·s head and to TRUE STORY 1 Yr. . ALL SEVEN keep them fed and clothed but ,tlh&t PATHFINDER ~ ........1 Yr. FOIt' ONLY Is only bhe begtnn:lng. not ,the end Candidate for COUNTY AUDITOR MOVIE SHOW ............ .Mo. ar.,d ~ 19.coors in American 111e FARM )01.1llNAio • UllMER'S WD'E. ..... 1 Yr.
First 7iJ Steam A~ro~!J
, " hj
Jlfullentl .'llltome
.. •
• • •
• • •
Any MAGAZINE LIsted and This NEWSPAPER 80th for PrlCi SIIow. o o o oo o o o o
• • •
In Appreciation
B 8
White Rocks
STOKES DAIRY' TRY OUR Homogenized,' Milk
' ,3 20'
POULTRY TRJB~ ............... _ .................1 Yr• .~01'IUR'S ROME LIIL. . , .. _ .1 Y....
clNcl ....... ~-- . . nd..... a>jIII -,.,.• . _ . Geade =, I ~ ..... _ ..:..... ......s me die aaer c:beded. . . . . ,.... ......1pCIa
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h '"'r.- stiU WAY ........ ....,"'... ""'*'_ Ikb-.., ..... hen
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ClI.OlllI rUM..
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AIII.,_ .... "'" "''''''' nt ",," . . . . . ~..
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LoaD "'•%
FARM LOANS - Long Will. euy pe.ymenta. No a ppralsa.l tee. Also n1ce IOWI and lArge farms for ale. Call or wrl te <leo. Renlcle. Phone o. 2. Leba non . tr
KEN NET H HIL~ Man ager
FEDER AL LA ND BANK LOANS : JiOB nOPE For Rellnan clr.g .- Rcbuild lng Buy1ng. 4% Farm 108Jl5 with 101111 __~U__ N. ____ ___M _O _ N_. ___ T_U~E_.____VV ~ E~ tun LO pay. Pay part. or all an.v D~ . __~ T~ H~U~R~.____ __~F~R~I~ . ________ SAT. Ume.
LEn/\N O N NAT'L FARM I,OAN AS "N., Ellis H. StW'rn. Sco'y'l'rcw>. Lebanon . Ohio. P honc 441: I.e
Real Estate For Sale IF YOU ]{AVE A PR PERTY OR FAR1\1: TO Su.L Lull or Wr ite Doo Hel. C.1'.' 01l. Tel. KE3446 . 61 Lorain Ave .. Dar ton. Ollio. t.Cc
- ---
FOR SAL One or liwo fam lly h ouse. sl.cam ileaL. tire place. two balJ1s. LWO CRr garage. sllow'n by a ppol.ntrn elll ollly . WILBtJ U N. EAJtS, Phunc 2651. 516
. 21
FtobJnho od and His Men1'D1Cn ORNEL 'VlI,DE - ANITA I.Ol'l SE In Bandi t of Sherw ood Forest in GJamor ous T('('hni('"lor &"-U'O
('n rt .. on
& Ncws
==== --
W. B. Ha ine s Foo d Ma chin es Freezi ng Equip ment for Farme rs 24 Hour Servic e.
An urt l't'Stillg Plmte ShO~1 'J he F'a>bulou s Exploll6 of 1\ Col rfuJ F1gw-e1 CAP'T KIDD Stan-In g Chas. L.1ughton. Randolllh "oU. Barbara UrlUon li nd ,101111 Carraili ne. Abo : COIllUlunlty Sings and Vodvil
the year. FrulLs. vegeta bles and Illfl ny of t he luxuri rs of W1C Lablc cnn be kepl a va ilflbl os,ll rlng a su pply l"hould some conditio !' d eH'lop to cause a shol'w(~e. Theil' Un of meat oases. coolers. v gel.a ble refrj ,~e ),11wrs. ll'ownfood equipm ent, market. restaum nt a lld kit.ch n l..'quiPIIICllt a.re b ringing many a plnce' up-to-d ate In the sllllpliflcal.lor, Bl'd efficien cy of handlin g. as well Il.'l. 6btl'aoWng cw~LOme l's a nti new business.
• Music of Lh(' W e. t,1 • Ruy Kugel'S t\JI1d lIale Evao In Song of Arizo na I"eaturln ll RobL Mllehl'lI Boy Choir. Plus : SnallSh ots. Cartoon and Novelty
mpJd spread of rpndJ nl!; tJll~ Id.'f\ of sij; 11 IIfc has d!lsnpIlI'lu'("\(1 flJld Wdas we hay 'W1C h i!,>!Jl liY 11I1('llIgc nt Gnd tnfornm tlve sign whioh a ll can rmd and see what is to ~. impre«soo llpon the reru:l c)' . They ha.ve a moder!' studio a nd o[l c I' a compl£Jl c scrl'ln' In '5 Igr~g for eve I)' PIU'P()5e, cltJlI'l' for per · n llll1 l'llL or tempora ry use. At a reusonn ble osl they offf'r a r newal ~rvlce. LOa . T he y touch up old signs . m ake n!'Cl'ssaI'Y reo pajrs. I pln.ce 1110 1 parts nnd tubell and PUL a ll In fu'St cJ.'IJ . shape .
Mr. and !\Irs. Harold Wthitak er and children cnt.t'rtu lned to <lllUler SlInda)', M iss Laura Rosnag le. Dr. an d Mrs. H. E . Ho:tlhaway, Waynes · vUle; and Mr. and . Mrs. Intrvey
'NTtm eWA 111t.L AU~
4mt ~(#-"f4Rf, 'THI6$.1Jt1 _ _ atIIf$lJUR
JII:WU,u ",II.I.JI)M IN"'.....
------eftul e ewA:
MERYL B. "Shorty" GRAY Announces • The reopening of his law offices at
21 South Broadway .
• JOHN. DEERE Farm"' Equipment
. The BANTA ImpIeme.' nt Servl·ce ~
Best Ohio Soyb ean
'May 18, 1MB
Mr. and Mrs. Thomllfl ColUns and Mrs. N('ll le Montgo mery a.nd da.ughtel'; Mio;s Cleo. of Dayton were Sun} \ da.y caUers :l Ie hom of Mr. find M.t's, Wolt-er Kenli k . 1\11"1' J\lmettl l lelnke entertai ned her tnOLher, Mrs. HumJd Steinke , 11er grandm other. Mrs. Sa.lly GU. man. a nd liLtlc sister, Judy, to dlll11 'I' In Leban.o n, MaUlel'S D.a.y . . A numb.!'r of re.latlves and friends have v!slt.cd Mr. S. H . BurI!et 'L Billtr hoof}J t.o.l In f .ebanon tho pas t week. Bl1d report. that he Is .'$lOWly l'ecoveri ng: l\lr. and l\trs. Earl Young had ·for Mo~heJ'S Day guests. Mr. and Mrs. B. J . Oilloutl . Mrs. Robe l'\; Young and son of Daytou ; Mr· and Mrs .. Charles Bur.nel l and dUll yh ters : a.nd Mrs. Emma. La.cy.
Mr. and Mrs•. R:uold steinke atLl'nded a receptio n 'a nd bu!Cet supLIVE STOC Kpl'r . following Ihe Conllrn naUon ' of OOLLIE PUPS- For sale. C. E . Mlchen cr . Phone 292& lJl('ir niece. Miss Dranna Sbelnke . 523c At 622 S. Main St~ Dayton. by 1'helr in Day tor. Slmday ' aCterno on. • Fine Service In Freezing and Rdrl· FOR SALE- Sow wlt.h 9 pigs two generat ing Equipm ent Mr. and Mrs. Bartlett Monee enAre Greatly tel'tl1lned to a famUy dlnner. Sunweeks old. Six sll(.. .~tes. weight Aiding in Our Program For the Ut · around 120 lbs. each. aU double m ost In Food Produc tion. clay. Mr . a nd Mrs. GI1= Stewar t '• . Freezinunune d. Everett L. Sears. one Ing When the Market and children. Mr. and Mrs. Merrill is Right WOlIe 1ll1d clilldren of Lebano n and mile west 01 WaynesvUle 011 route Makes It Po. sible to Freeu and '13 . .Alter 6 p . m . Mr. nnd Mrs. Romer Monee of Do,y516 Store Poultry; Deef, Veal. Pork, ~ ton. Vegetab les. Fruits ... saving Fuods House hold Goode 1\11'. nnd Mrs. Ralph Hammo nd When aL Their Bes t Makes lor d J a nd chlldrel! and Mrs. Strulalm p ICE BOX REFRI GERAT OR,- All Eeonom y and Supply . •. Assurin g At 18 N. Main St•. ' Miamis burg. poltela. in ; GIbsoc. 100 lb. ~; Meats. Deliciou sly 'l'endcr had for 'bhetlr ,Sund8lY af\.emo on and Al- Offer an Expert Service In Signs or Mrs. L. A. Bargel: of W""hin glon guests Mr. and Mrs. William can be convert ed to electric. S eC ,,'ays ~ady .. . l\1ilk Coolers Strau, 2 to All Kinds and Will Be Able To De- C. H. spent, last. wet:k wHill h I' I.:ump and fa.m.1ly of DaYton; Mr. Paul Picking , Phone 2182. Lfc 16 Can Sizes for SLoring IUld New sign and' Exc£ute A Sign Thllt Will duughler . Mrs. Fred R.ush and nnd Mrs. Ed Straukn mp and . family DUT CH OVEN RANU E- Wood or Milking •. . JIUy Electric l'ouJtry Bring Your Busines s Added Patron · fa mily. or COal ; Good conditio n; Lime-clock Pickers •• . AU Types Kefrlger New carlisle and Mr . and Mrs . ;llioll age . • • See 1'hem For A Neon Mr. allll !\Irs. EV'I 'rell Early ami Sa.muel Ntchols of CIncinn oor.b'ol. Henry S!lltterthwaJ.Le. Ph . t;quipm ent for Preparat atI. i011. Storag'e Sign Wb.leh Will De Sure to Com- Mrs. J .. B. Jor s a,tl.cmll' d In.;pcc2785. Mr. and Mrs. E. B. Lonraer e had 529 and Mercha ndising Foods .•• Uave mand Attentio n . . Charges Are LIon of Ule Eastern Star Cha.pteT L for tJleir • dinner .guests on Mother s 21 Service Men . . . "No Equipm ent Reasona ble . . Tel. Miamis burg Leba non on Tucs<la.y evelting of las t Day, Q 10K MEAL OIL STOVE - 5- I\lore Importa nt Mrs. Louella SWtill1k. Mrs, TJlan Ule Service 48 W-l. week. Agnes Swank and ellllcl.rcn and Mr. burner; built-in oven; ill A-I Bebind' It" • . . Aiso Uisplay Room Mr. Philip Tilford sIlt'nt las t we~k Charres Drake of D&y,t on; oond1t1on. Susie Evans, Malr. st .. :15 StraUor d Ave., Tel Mi. and AD 2209. BJelmell S18n<:> Rt MilUnJs bur\l ill D 'U'Olt. Mich. tlncl IndIana poliS. Mrs. calvtn Longac re and children Wa,vnesY1lle. 516 Branch Offices, Uma and Rich. 'Have conllrlbuted by Uleir superIOr 1nd. 01' busines s. and Horace and Emest F'Oulks. servlce to 'tJ e r apid ad vance of t.he FUR SALE- sewing MacIl1ne. mond. buslr.es s In Wlls pa n of Lhe state M.rs. l\lnrga.ret John and Paul Minnes ota Model A; ell1.ra. good W. B. Haines !-"ood Machin e Dl '- an d are helping to m eet Ule ut! - J o hns attend d bIlE, Bacca.Ja Ul'ell>te ~oln oondltlo n. Pllone 2473. 516 w1butol'S lor many coUIllt1es in mands of industry LO convert to sermon ~t Be llbrook~, Sunday eyen - I SouLhwesLel'n Ohio and are an lm- peace-tIlDe prospel ity. lug. Miss LInda 'L ou Haines. tille ' Miac:e llaneo u...portaJ~ factor 111 OUr COWltI'Y 'S p.roW ~lJl the ra pid clla.l1ges fI..I1d. swifl lat;t.C.r·s COUSin . .Is one o( t,h e gradWA'l'1ERING TROUG~ Gal v. l:ram to increase oW' food supplies 0 II W8.l'<l Pl'OgJ '~ ()f thIS secUOJl uates. 01 Iron; 'p ract1cal ly new. Also, All- to m eet OUr own I~eeds and to help Ule oount.ry 11. is vel)' necessaJ 1' to ..me1llJ ~per brue.r. Wllrynesv11le Mr. and l\lrs. 'Everett Kenrick and teed Ule hUltglj' JlCOllle of WJe world. havc slgIlS La guide people lee ()D. aroWld chillLren spent Mot..Il(' rs Day 'wIth 523c 'I1hcy b ave 61nce 192:1, been selling 1U'.d to call 'Lhtlll' a~teIlILi vn La "wha.L Mr. and Mrs. Ed HCtpkl1l6 and Mrs . Garde n Plan t.equtpm em for Ule prepartlltJon. Is what" In lithe various localities. Lowell Starke in Way 11 esv ll1e. FUR SALE- Cabbag e and TOlIlato stornt:e a.nd 'llWl'cllAlldislng oj' foods Before ldle advem of reading . si.,"lIS IN AIR CORPS plants, 10e per doz. -Cbas C. UI1ld equipment. to t he Ianners for wcre iIlSed. ,praotjci lllJy a.1I.uget.her . Ronald Rush, son tiC Mr. and Mr ... Strouse, Rt. 2, 1 Y. miles Nort.h of Ule pl"CServlUllon. of loads when t.hey Not lllany signs depende d upon Unc Fred RUSh hoo been Inducte d in't o WaycesvWe. cor. Way:n esv111~ nre prime for use la.tor. thus, sa.ving Pl'bli.ed WIOrd but were sYllibolJ c. t.he All' 001'p ar.d L~ noli's Uoned Ferry and ~e RoadS. 59 muon wj llab n'l.ight be loot WlJ'Ough Your gra..Ildfwtber supped a t tohe aot Am8.lilla.. Te.xns. :;pollage. Wllit.e Horse 'I'a.vem aild at the Mr. and Mrs. Thl!rlc Jones and FOR ~ALE-Poultry , Tnell' frccZing equJpment makes It. Sign 01 the Bear. bought loba.cco MilLOn of Wa.vnesvllle a n d MJ's. FRIERB FOR SALE- Dl'eSSit!d or possible for JIaJ'lI1enl 00 kill beef, ILt ~hc Si~1 or the InLlJan and each NeliLle Emll'lck were Slmday uinn a on loot.. Phone 2584: C. E. Stan- lJuI'k 8.Ild pouJLry and by quick freez- busmcs sas, 'well as eaoh famUs hnd g UCl>"tS of Mr . qlld Mrs. J . E . J ones. forth. 623 Ing 10 s LOre UleJn 1'01' use Uu-ougb a crest. or COQ.t of arms. W . Ibh tJhe Mr. and Mrs. William Bergdal l Farmi ng Imple meDt .aOt.cndcd I<he Iur.erru ot Mrs. Emm.l Mlnser In DayJt.on, ~;a,bUrd'l\Y afterFUR SALE- Tractor Double disc., 7 ft.; in good 'Working co11d1t1on . C. E. Michene r. Phone 2926. 5Hl Hrs. 1I0ward Dewl!ese of Morain Ol~y spent Monday J1JfLen lOoll Wlt.ll Loat aDd F ound MI'S. Wa.lLer Kenrick . FUtJ'ND-'. Yale key GN249. Call aL Mrs. J. W. Huston or Yelluw Gazette offlc.e. SI)rll' gs 'WDS a guest O<f Mr. and Mr3. , NEW SHEE P DISEASE break have been very severe Evel'oot Earl¥ on Mother s Day. LlJIterellosls is sometIm e. knOWI NEEDS WATCHING among sheep raisers a.s "circling ' "'IU:AK ACCID EN'r NORR IS BROC K CO. A relaUve ly "recent" diseue of dtaeue, because the gel'm damage . Mr. Hal'ry Burnet mel. with an otnebm atl UnlOD 8toek Yuds aheep:-.UstereUosls- 18 polling . a the brain and eausell the sheep t .. potentia l threat to the sheep In- walk In circlell, or to stagger , pusl u.cclde1'llt while wOI'kl:n g on his cal' du!try In this country . their he3,da Ivto fences, or fall t< lnsL weck. A spray of brake fluid The dlaeue wu drat clearly their knees. It may also cauae In Id entl.ft ~(1 • hr re ahout twenty yearll flamatlo n ot the eye. and It lOme el1ltel'ed his eyes c.'l<uslng blindne ss .•: .' times causes ewes to lose ttteh fol' several da ys . He Is under t.h lambs. SIck animals frequen tly be cnre of Dr. Thomas In -Da.yton. come completely p'a ralyzed betor' l . l. I.' i\tnus. O • ..-Five yea A Mother s Day progra~ WI\S endeath. Thul tar, no etfectlve va.ccln.· joyed a.t tJh c Sunday soh 001 hour. 0 1 ('lll l1 ltdl'<ItiVt! tests prove tht' Oh.u CC l'lified Lincoln soybea n hl13 belln developed for controll ing co nducLed by Mrs. Vernon ew'Sley . s u pe l'lor to other outbrea ks of li s l erello~is. If an out· varietie Mr. lind Mrs. iA-'«In Salisbur y and both yield apd 011 content s In break of the dls p.ase I~ suspecte d. . The Wende ll Salisbu ry · 0 :[ WasJlIn gton ave rage yield of Ohio Certifie d the Out control step I.! to obtaln 1.1" Wire an .. ~19e. An oran immedI ate diagnos is by a vet· C. H. were SWlday evening dir.n.cr Lincoln beans has been pDlDUO D eeoond &0 Done. 8trtcU, over erlnarla n. ThIs ill essentla l because guest.~ four and a half bushel s an acre of Mrs. Nebtie Emlick. teIItn on thl! beet all around market llsterell osta resembl e. several otho. more than that of the five n ext llIeep Intectlo ns, and laborato ry In &be ClOUDtrJ. be t varietie s. diagnOS is may lie needed to deter· Servic e. That Sati.f ie. RESOL UTION Dr , R. D. Lewis, chalrm~ ot mine the exact genn responslbl~ TUNE TO for the Illness. Sick IUllmais shouJd TO FIX WA1'ER RATES IN mE th e Agrono my Depart ment 01 a.go. Since U\a.t time. aJthoug h 1t be Isolated wmo DaytOn 12:30 -Dial 1300 0111 0 State UnIver sity, says that VILLAG E OF WA1f.NESVILLE from the rest of Utf tiM not caused Io.~se. on a par with flock, and every po.'~ible sanitary For Our Daily Market Report Wherea s the cost air malnt.a.1n.1ng alt'houg h It was ihtrodu ced onll l the major sheep diseases . IIsterel- measure be taken. to hel l five years ago, more nrre!'l o~ ioals haa broken ou t In several new save the should rest of the animals troD . sel'vlce has Increase d by higfher co.~t Lincoln will bt' l reM. Bn d th(> I n~~e s In each nut· plant 11 Ohio eXr'o:ql 1re. of matl!'rlnls ar.d lllJbol' and the exthi s year than any III . " arlepense of deve loping bwo new wells. ty . nnd The five·ye ar tests In all PaYH f;;RS ES $5.00 TELEPH ONES of the state show averag e yield Wherea s La meet ' ! l1ese hiG'her COVV S $3.00 WAYNE SVILl.E 2091 005ts lUnd expenses. the Boa.t'd of of OhIo Certifie d Lincoln soy Ailcordlng 't o Size and MORRU W No. 3 Trus tees of Pu bilc M :f airs fJn.clil JL hea ns ts 30.1 bushels an acre CoDd1U on Mingo ?7 bushels ; Scioto 25.8 LEBANON Ofl'ice 473K neccssaJ), to mise the rates on water I Illni 25 .4: Dunfie ld 24.9; Rich SAND and. GRAV EL HO&'8, Calvel l, Sheep , etc. RES. 129L service. laM 24 .5. B~CK- TOP DRIV ES NOW THERE FORE BE r.r REThe four-an d·a-half ·bushe) · ad REMOV ED PROM PRY SOLVE D by ;the Board of Trust- ! vahlng e of Ohio Certifie d Lin TAR and ROAD OIL of Public AIfaLrs of ,tJtle VI'llage of ('o ln beans means nearly $10 an LA VVN and FILL DIRT Call Waynesvllie. State ()f Ohio. Ibhlllt the IHTe extra Income at currenl READ Y-MIX CONC RETE Pl'l< ·~s. watter mtes shall ,be l'Ixed to .rea.d The Ohio Certifie d Lincoln EXCA VATI NG and DUMP TRUC K SERV ICE as lollows: s Qybca ns a verage d 19.5 per cem First 20,000 gallons @ ·35c oil conten t, almost a full per MAIN Over 20,000 gallOnS Vrl 250 c e ntqge point ahead of the aver. 454 nge for other varietie s, none 01 Minimu m charge .per quanteI' $1.76 XENIA. o. w~lic h exceed ed 18.9 per cent. A 15 % raise or. tl.ll Flslot I'3ltes• F r the short·s eason area ot It. Q. BOOR8 DB, INC• . Be it fUl'ther ResolvjlCi 1lhat a 10% not·t11 ea stern Ohio, the State ad<fit.ion~1 . ch8.l'ge allowed by Sec- Experi ment Station and Ohio GENU INE JOHN DE~RE . REPA IR PARr S tion ,4361 of liI1e MUJ$:jlpal Oode be Sta le UnIver sity Extens ion Ser Comp etent Repai r Servic e on Tracto rll and levied · on all sel'V>ices outside the vice 'l'ecom mends Richlan d' for NEVV and RENEV V AL Co~t e l1!mts of ,th!~ VUllllge of ' m a ximum yield, or Earlyl)11a for . Imple ments b'y Experi encf,'d Mecha nic. . SUBS CRIPT IONS TO THE h un·est· before wheat plantlnl Z Waynps vllle. Ohio. Lim . ..) MI~MI :GAZE TTE CAN' BE This resolutio n shall be etfectlv e - PI·t! tkally all Lincoln Jsoy and Wle I1Ibove rates Jill - force- be- be" ns pl<inted in Ohio new can PAID Ai VVAY NESV ILLE , ginning With the bl1!JU quaJlt.e,r year. be Lraced to the orIgffia l aeE!ll DRUG- STOR E OR AT THE Your John Deere Del!le r PI Lillced ·!>y 0 b ~ 0 . certifie d . PMsed : Apru 30. 11M!. ' gl'I)\\ e l'S In co·oper atlon with thr N. _____ East _____ Street _____ _____ LEBA _____ NON, _____ OHIO GAZE TI'E OFFIC E __ _____Phone _ ·A. o. Gl1fty .. E. · ~, 'runtent Station aDd Ow' ~LIiLe UruV8t IlU'o
BI-cknel) SI-gns
After serving approlimately forly-ooe months in the United Slates Armed Forces
P b.o o· e 10 9
~~~~alSE S.' DA 0 :.ir.~"-
4 Yes, your tuition up to $500 per~. nary school year paid ror 48 moDthll ,o f coUeae, busines s or trad.e You abo receive $65 PFf th livil1l allowan ce-$90 if you ve depend ents. This is the oppo ty open,. upon their dischar ,e, to men bver 18 (17 with parents ' consent ) who enlist in the new Regula r Army before Octobe r 6, 1946, ror 3 yean. Get all the facts at·.your U.s. Anny Recruiti n& Station .
AT THE "Frien dly Store"
It N.IIS ·I;I. I;N~G ~!.
. "Ha:rd-To-Get" Item s 9" 12 9
CURT AINS --'- SLIP COVE RS LAMP S (FloO r aDa Table ) STUD IO COUC HES' (Fully Sprml r 'Filled )
He M E F'-U RN-IT .E .Paon e '''0- . ':-fDN IA '-. ~ • 912R OIUO . J
"Ea.t ' Main street at White , . man"
iamiG~azette -
Esta:blished 1850·- No. 4265
Wayne High Students Rate WeD In I ests
• Dr. and Mrs. H. H. Hennan. formerly of Day;t.on, have mDved and • R aymOl: F. HaUleld. County nre ~ow oocupLng ~heir new home. S uperin tendent. of Schools provides oonst.ruct.ed on. tJhelr farm. "'l1he n IlsUng of ~he Wa rre n oounLy Hu~h-Marlon Panns" on Route 73 . students who received a h lgtl raUng Dr. Herma n pro.cttced· med1cine and In nil D iDtrlct-SttaLc Scholarship sorcerY In Dayton lor a period of T l'sl.s held in vru·iou.s collece:; and 49 yea.rs. retiring Feb. :1. 1946 univers ities IthroUb""IOUL Ule state of Oil Friday last about 20 of. their Ohio on SMw·day. Mny 4. lrlends from Day.t or. came down and H Ig.h school s tudent!; , from tIIUs:,1.aged II. hoUse warming party coun.lly took \.heir t(~st.s Il'L Mllllmi which proved to be a. moot enjoyUnivers1~y in Oxford. able n1fa1r. 'I1he oonst.J'll.¥:tJon of this home FI'Om waynesville High School ~he was accomplished for ,Ule mOSL pan following were llsted In Lh.1s repol't: by loca.l talent. with WOliter Kenrick Engllsh IX .-.Jenn.le L . Brll(jdock. acting as the builder and superplaced 3rd In W1.e -<iisMlcL ard 9th In visor of. all construction work. Ex, .-v......... t.he State. tel'lS1ve pllll".s for landscalpLng the E:ngl1sh XII - Mary Jane Ander- pl'Openy have been completed IIJld so n , plu.ced 3rd Ln the District and will be carried out w,hen and If Ule 9 LI1 lJr 1Jhe State. .sea&>nal weather pennlltl. En Iish X Earl Rye r eceived honol'!lble mentJo~ In tihe dls t.rlc t. Latin I - Bellty Marla DiYf' r, reelved 41b place In Ule dlstrLct, TIle highest rwted student In both • The Happy Hour Club met ail. bhe ~ Ule di~t.lict and state classUic:l tlon., hO/ne of Mrs, Russell Wllson on • w9..~ Nelda Dwnlord 01 Mason who 8a>turday wfternoo~ and following '~f placed 2nd In ·!.he district ~d 3rd In Lile very eO'tertal.nini program t.he the slaite. social ~ !Was given .to honoring In the Miami Unlv rs l~y dlstrl.ct Mrs. Bernnrd DIa1ley. a recent bride. sh e c1as.'led Ilh.1rd and siXLh Ln the Muah. ,tune was crevoted to openlng . state, t.hL~ Is regard.less of tlhe classi- and adJll1r1ne 1Jhe many glft8 which fi ca tion or the schools. Mrs. Ila.lley ,found arranged on the cen.terplece of sna,pdragons and yellow da.1a1es. A dainty de66eJ'I, COUl1Ie was served MIAMI CEMETERY - WAYNESVILLE, OHIO to tohe membem and guests, Mrs. Herbert. MQM1J.lan. Mrs. Lyman THURSDAY, M.(Y 30, 1946 - 2:POl P. M . Day and Mrs. Lee Lemmon. • A number of g lrL~ en t aL the -PROGRAMhOlne of Mrs. Mildred Twnbleson CONNERS HOSTS TO on Saturday aJtenlOO!' to re -organSELECTIONS BAND 17.6 bhe 4-H Club Cor the liWluner. GOLDEN RULE CLASS STAR SPANGLED BANNER \ _under Lhe leadership or MI'S, Naomi INVOCATION HERBERT GRAHAM, Minister • Mr. and MnI. Leo Cor.ner enterBaird and Tumbleson , tained the Oolden RUle SUnday GETTYSBURG ADDRESS ROBERT HA STIN GS They changed the !'ame from thll School CI836 on Friday evening at SALUTE TO FLAG · Boy Scouts T roop No. 40 Lytl e Kook-So hfu to Thr LyLlr their home. Happy-G o·DuckY Club. MUmC BAND FolloWing the buslnes& session. a I
$1,50 Year
Corwin . Teacher Will Soon Be 91. Years • From Seneca. KansM. CourlerTribune Is a c1Lpping regardirg the 90th birthday of M. LOu Emery. ",id~ of the la~ Judge R. M . Emery. Her birth day Is July 11 a nd slle wlU soon be In 'her 9131. y ar. Mrs. Emery \\IllS born at Beech Grove. Warren CoW1ty. Ohl0, Lhe oldest c1lild of Samuel B. and Ma~l1a J. Braddock Thompson , and Ls ~he ocly living member ot tJle t.hem . When a girl of 12 she moved with her fa.mily to Corwin . She at~nd e d High sChool In Wayn esvUle and taughL tlWo years at Wle Corwin schools. On hcr marriage. Sept. 19. 1877 to Rufus M . Emery. a young lawyer, jUb"t admitted to pra.cUce . they weI t dlrC(.'ily to Ulelr new home In Seneca.
Kansa.s. Mr5. Emery Is talented In n eedlework and fin e embroidery aud a llio iI: art. SOme of Ule paintings took blue ribbons Ln Ule Nem aha Ooun.ty Fair and nre lllU1b1l1g on her own walls or LiloS(! of her children. Sl'nce 1893. Mrs. Emery has ~e. s ided IlJt 202 S. 7Ch st. S t~eca . whLeh she now sha.res With h er son Rufus M . Emery Jr .• IIJld wife.
5c Copy
COMMENCEMENT Waynesville High School ' Friday, May 24, 1946 - 8:00 P, M,
Senior Class Roll JEAN ADAMS
Farm Leaders Meet Piano Recital At
At Lebanon June 3 Methodist Church
Let's Be Friends!
West Wayne COUOCI"I
Now. lIS I sa.1d before. 1m joot a 1I1;Lle ,b rown dtlg and do not pretend w know ' whel;i1er lihe posts should be 240. 300, or 600 !ee~ from home plate. ,b ut .here 15 one lIll1nl ,tha.t r do k"~ow : baseball and softba.1l were crea.~ lor the fUll and eO'terta.1nment of ibOth players ~' spectaL'Ors and cel'ta1r~ lWere never meant to cause 11&l'd feellngs among any groups of per6oIlS. The other m.orning ·whlte lIstlen1ng to my favorite ~og foOd prograonl over t.he radio I heard · a neWs· . caBter tell of ,t.he. faUure of the Big Foul' Peace Conference til Parts. ·.Vhat - afuernoon wtlHe play.Ing iWlth 01' Bob, a. canine . friend of mLne wbo 'baIl&S around . down . ~n. 1 _ overhoord one peraon derkle the
One thing has booome qwte evldent llealuae of the dispute over hanl and· soft ban. This ·communlty DW6t det1n1tely> needs a Boosters Club to support. sor~a.lI; ba.~ball, tJaak.ebll. stock1nlr the · st.reBmR Wit.b fiah. boxIna. 8 youth center, and other recreet.lonai 80tivLtleti wbicll a.re beneficial LO ·1Jhe com-' mllD1t)r_ Wltbm suoh an org&nllJat.ioo cWlfeJ'ellices could ,be seWed before U!eY zeadl tbe breaking polr.itJ by peraooa who a.re ·lDterestA!d In do1Dtr tile U1Inc t.bat 18 'beet for everyone ·~ncemed.
These are JUIIt a few IcSeu I had \.he other evening .while gn&wlng a bone ard I hope Iihey wUl make no one angry. s.ely no one would let mad at a lUtlIe dog. WOUld. they? &1mer who sat around that oonfer- pecIally a little brown dOi lbat cDCe table' for lIbelr lallure to come loY. IPQI1a wre I do. .Adl CO aD ~. U. IIIIIJCIIIol'I to me
By Moonlight of Troy ' attended. Bendel Judy Conner Mr. and Mn. Harvey Burnet and Miss Frances Whitaker in company Duet Charge of the Uhla.ns BOOm with Dr. and Mrs. H. E. HlI.t lJatway Judy Conner - Frances ~er of W aynesville. attended a <wcddin~ W ALTER WILSON reception of Mr. and Mrs. William • WaJ\.et· Wlloon, aged 83, dJed a l. • Frances lWhl.taker- Pupil or Kirby at LIle home of Mrs. Kirby'S ~he ilrune of his d~ughter Mrs. Pa.ul Jozet McCoy . parents. Dr. and M/'S. Ernest 1Ws- Peterson: near Xer.la. . on Tuesda.y, May 21 lilt 3:09 :p.m. The pubUe Is, 1Jw1~ to. a~ Mr. ancr Mn. A. 3. Earnhart bad Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Stroud' were nagle a.t . London, Ohio, Snoturd:lY He Is survived by 'l lis dtaugbtllt!r. a. !.hie recital. 18 't belr week end suest. 'M rs. Jo6s1e SUnday dinner guests of Mrs. ' B. T. a.rternoon _ son RaymOnd at ncar ~ Creek ~taer or lJaoY;tOIl. Va. --. ATTENDS WEDDING IN nelgllborllOOd; · ·tw.() brothers. John MISS JANE HARTSOCK, ' and ,Einoo. HONORED BY SOCiETIES LONDON; . TURDA Y Funera1 Services will be ' conducted " • Dr. and Mrs. H. E, HllIftlo;way lit lihe ca.esars Creek Ch~ on Waynesville merchants wil'l I:e m 'a jn open all day W t!d- with Mr. and Mrs. ' Harvey Burnet Frid&.y' May 24 at 2:30 under the I Miss Jane Hart.aock, cIMI8titer of dlt'eCtion of Neeld Fur.eral · HOme. Mr. and Mrs. R. B. l'I&rtI\Odt, and uesday and Wednesday uvening alll will do e ali day and Miss Frances Wihltaker of Lytle ~enia. i' S\.uia} In bhe cemeterY at student at MIamI UrUvenlty. baa _ attended bhe ,recept.Lon at_the 'home been eJeoMd SeeietarY Oct ~ Thursday and Tbursday even.ing to obse.·ve the M 1ll01'i1l Of Dr. and .Mrs. Ernest Rosnagle In oaesars Creek.
meet.lni I will be held with M,rs. bury'. 'were among tlhe guests, Oharles Soutlh. district secretary of children's work, B6 bile guest speak- MRS. LARRICK IN IIOSPITAL er. • Mrs. J . P . Lo.rr:lck of Al ask a, wh;> After meeUng proper, da.lnty ,pent a few W6(~ks cel'e recently refreshments were served In t41e with IT1ends. Is oonlined IItt t he Burleson .hospLtatl, Orand ' RapWs, dinir..g room by tbe ·boetess •. MIoh,. followLng a major operat.lon.
day earlier next week and news it~rns and must be in the office by Tuesday_ evening.
Na"ona.l Modern ~BaDa.uy. She haa alIIo beaD eleOIed to .... Mr. &ad ~ Ollber& and hOlliottng their datUghter whole udverLihmg wedd1Dl wu an event of the after- 80DS were v1aItonI at the. 0lnciDn&tl poalUon c4. Treuurer of DeMa ftl Delta, N..tIIIMl Aft _ - ,. ZOO on SUIIdaJ•
Day holiday. The Miami Gazelle will be published
Ollt' London. OhIo.
• The Lebanon Pl'Oduc..-Llon Credit. • The sluder.~Helen I. McCoy A.ssoc1a.Uon wl11 ~ I' ve as h ost for of Rou te 2, Waynesville. will present lar'lll I ader5 j rom BuUcr. Brown, a plano reclt.a.l at ~he Me tlhodlst Clel'lllOnL. Clln ton . Hanlilton. High- OhUI'CII on Monclaty. May 27. 1946, la uel. and Warn:lI COlln~lcs a l; a nt 8 :00 p. Ill, 'rule followLng program tllceLing to be held a t the Gol deu wW 'be given: L amiJ HO ('cI, Lebanon, all Mondar, Duct Spanish Oance No. 4, JUI~e 3. Moszkowskl lll ltnllOUllcing lJlc m eeting. R. J . The l.yUe Card Club was enter- M.cDel'mO~L. Secrct.a.ry-Trca ' w'e l' of Franees W<hlLak r - JUdy Conner tained a t .the home of Mrs . StanIcy Wle aI~soclUotion. said Lhal COUllLy Blake Bailey Ln Wa.ynesville. Thursday a~enbs . 1l0000LIollal a~rlcuLtw'al in- Somersaults Dolores Hughes lIJLCl'I1oon, sl.ructol'S. AAA COu.nLy e)l u U·UWll . Mr. and Mrs. Coa~ of Troy spent SOil Conservation s upc.r vJso I':;, REA The lJ~tle Donkey HIbbs t he fore part of Lhe week wlth th Ir m CUltlIlC I'l> nlld ProoucLlon Credit. WhirLwind ,Steiner <.Iu ughle r. MI'S . Roy Winks and personnel from a U seven colilltie!> David Brown fnrnlly, had oc'Cn lnvlLCd wld are expected Chopin MrR. John Zimmerman. W ;lynes· to aLLel d. The meeLlng Is Ule ILI'lit Waltz Op. 69 No. 2 ]11 a S tarlit Gal'den Fec:lere'r ville, sl>e'n t Saturday with he r sister . of a ~Ijes 01 ~11 Lo be held ill Ohio. Lora. HoU~l Mr.;. J . B. J on s nn d hu.~band, at t.h.c ·e lUCt;tillgS will be d b Mr. and' Mrs. Ray Miller all.ended cussed !.he problems providiug Raindrops Play Tag Brown n. raj'd porty St'tturdny evc nlrg at farm famLlle.~ wlLll CUs11 for carl;'- Up in I\. SWing I?ra.n~ INTRODUCTION of SPF.A ltER . by DO. i!~1' honipM n rhe h.om e of Mt<;1f H If!/r 'Lllchs all ir.g out Pl'8.Ct T h " f '·II01/in g officI' Ii wI'r e ll' Ird pleasant social hour 'w ith game for 1 flo:a\.lOn5 Parade 'or ~he Pentulns Wade ~h e F'rry R oad. 1'01' IJl1ls season: amuooment and deUdoUos refreshComm:mder Wa) n • Towns hip Vete r a n s Post No. 6 15 recommended by t.I1e vru'lous serv,W1nn1e Jo 'S1XlUt REI\IOVED TO HOSPITAL ' Pegr'Y Tumbleson , Prc:;iclflill ! m.ell'ts served by, the ho. t and hostLees as m ean s of incrcasing n et ADDRESS by D. D. DONOHOO Rodgers Mrs. Zoe Brown of Washington. p roUt.<:o and iml)l'ovill il lIvmg ~ tand- !I\ Balalaika. Serenade MarLa .Jllne R.u~h. Vir£, - P" . ldl'l'l I CliS , was enjoyed. FOl'llH;' r Chaplain U. S. A rJ'!l y , World W,li l'fl I and 11 A. Magic Pool Prokofieff C, H .. who h9..~ bl'en rut bh e home of 1U'(\s. Wilm n c,m.y S/!;'n"lIry l\lr. and' Mn. Raymond Conner MUSIL AMERl A BAND Judy Davis h er ellIug-ht.e.,.. Mrs. Ralph B!\.l'g I' had liS weekend guests. Mr. and Mrs. "state officials of lh c ol'IlBillza.1'l'l':1Snrer Nan .r Bnlrd I'ENEJ lI C1:ION Rob e rt L.V ll nZil e Ministe l' li nd l'aIm lly, was take n to S I,. Efi)'a - Lions to be represen ~d at ow' meet.-' C. E. Edwards of Dnywn . Dance of the Dl'ynds Bentley Marl) n Ha mmond. bl' l-h h ooplta l Fl'ldny nnd .will under- il~g III I,e\.)R1101I held n meeting I'eFIRING SQUAD TAPS The Brooklet Lemont R.ecl·f'n tlon J ~nd ' l NEW CENTURY CLUB go an operatlot~ soon. . centJy at wlhll-fll ~he ir sLate-wid . Charlene Edenfield ~unlJay IIHernoon gut'Sts of Mr. pl'OlirlUns were dJscu ed and hav.: I:Inrbnla )3( r'Ger • The New Cer..tury Club will hold Service in Methodist C hul'c h 'in case 01' ra in ' ~nel Mrs. Le.'ille Gray a nd Child!' n assured us \.11 il' ol'ga.nizatiol;lS wlll The Witdhlng Hour Ben.tley N l'w ~ !'I'porter "lhelr May meeting willh Mns. Elsie 'Mn rjorll' Ro;; ~. !I\ Memory were Mr. and Mrs. (\ ' E. A.m old : Long be well represented 0.& ow' meet.Lng 'l"h neXL meeting wil l tL 11 Id ill HocJtet1. as hostess at her home on MEMBER of COMMT1" I' J~f.oJ Mr. nnd Mrs . Ernffit Arnold a rc! where eowlLy 'lUld dlSt.rict jJl'Ogl·aln..; Oloud Ways Edwards Main street. F'rIda'y Ule 24th. t ile hOl)le of Doris Charlton, May 29. Shirley Ollilam daughter: Mr. nnd Mrs. Chnl'l ('s wlll i.>e dIscussed." McDCnllol.L exI' red Grauman Chai rm an; S. L. Rob.in!ion : Morgan and ohlldren of Dnyl.on. plalned Rob ert Plan ck; Willard Furnas The Clown l\lrs. Farl Mendenhall and little Earl Conner CradleSong daugh ter, Pwtty. were weekend The Swan on the Moonlit I£Ite by BROWNIE TURNER guests (yf Mr. and Mrs. Guy Rout. Rebe I 'm just a li t.1,lc urown dog and. 1Jmt. while ca.ses of a pea;ce conza.hn and Russell. ·PtJ.t;ty remained being jillit a. lItUe brown d og, rell'lIy ference and a soft.boJl-bo8ebatll con. th is week witn her (/ d leel unqWll ~1ed to n.ter b'Uoh a troversy are extreme. Ilhe principle •••• Mr. Paul Johns ma.de II. bustnt'Ss by JA.Nt; F1TE Wines Thompson !Lemont I controvel'SlaJ subjoo as the SOft- involved for the setUernent of each . • The West Wayne A<lvioory Coun- t rip Lo Ci~inl'..atL on SIlI~urday. Mrs. HJl'am G~rge enWrIQlned Elfin Frolic bnJl versu.~ Basebo.l1 ( or vlce v l'Sa) Is fur..d8mentBllly tJhe same. Con· I The 'Wbmar.'s SOCiety of Chrl!'l t- cil held their May JneeUng on Frl M,l'!i. Everett Early at'-oded II .-~ • Wand Coburn .., ..,.. members . of h e.r ILl'st. "l'fl<le and Ma g.c C In .,...rooger tea" Tuesday Wade Turner cilscussion which I hello/' poop Ie tn lk- cessions must be made In both cases tan service held their May meet· da.y evening at the home of Mr. and at bhe Rome of Mrs . ""'-I .........ement IB to be ln4r lilt 1Jhe Methodist Ohurch on Mrs. Stanley BaiLey. ' 3 _.~ Twenty-two Dayton• Wedn= .......... y alternoon. A.....t''''''''o!!''''....!!1!!!!.\!!~!L...l!!L...A. aftenlooll. Ing about. wiI~enever I tIol ' dowl~ Ule If a """'"'Q~to'"' Hayes rea.c.hed and tbese COnoeesioM must Wednesday a.ftternoon with Mrs. members answered roll ca.ll and program of music wru; given by Norwegian Cradic ,SOng .stroot. But you see 1. too, like ball Terry be made wltllout. III feeling. A. H. Stubbs. Mrs. Estella Holland LlIeka Politz. sopmno. and Patricia l ' he last half of the school sem- The Race whebhea- It be baSeball 01' solLball 'after the brief business· session , ester termlnaWd Wcdr.e&la.y. Autwnn Gold Grey and last yt:liir had great spen'!. chasEven a little dog can Bee t1hat and Mrs. Horace Shaner ns hOSL· sever'll! topics wer'e brought up t or Johnsor.. pLan 1st. Mrs. C. N. Am ,~~ eases. The meetlng .was oper.ecl wllh I'~ " ~~4 f h Mrs. Louise t' ite and Jane and Ruth Wardlow , ng tlle runnel's al'Ound t.ll e ......."s both baseball &.nd sof,bban are needgeneml discussion. <;QU " ". .... 0 er own by Ul ld ~ M Bo . poems. Ml:S. A. S. (;ollett were Wumlngtou in a few of the gnrnes 011 bhe high ed 1n town. iWbeUler they are play- pra.yer e pres en. rs, 1'TJle Council lIdjoumed to meet AWARDED GOLD PIN ca.llers. 8at.w·day. 'I1he Brook 111 the Forest Thompson EcJlOOl diamond. Some of Wre play- ed on the same dlamOnd Is not Im- den. IIIlld Mrs. Rufus Watkins led wlt.h · Mr. and Mrs. Gllbcrt Frye In Charles Bunnell attended the NOl'llla Hughes i\1r. and i\lrs. OliIfurcl' Doster and ... but l aorI devotions withfor tlhe Uleme. June and II. pleasa nt social .hour was serv Ice awar d ba nquet b1 ven by th,' <Io.ughter of }"lol'ida.. N. J. have ers did Ili·t Ilk e It :ruU",1 .. _. a portant. It II IQlporta.nt. however. (,be "Bullde1'8 of Peace TOmorrow". The Flying Pa·rade Hopson big ,blll'k out of It. that the tlwo ' factons fuse them· enjoyed wlilh de]lciolls strawberry Cincinnn.ti and Lake Erie Trans· arl'lvccl ill liar\<I:YlSbw 'll' Ilnd are n.l. Soft MIst Dallam 'J'hen last fall when ..here WIIS a Belvea and pun ,Wgether so lilat Mrs. M. D. B61rd. Mrs. J. B. Crabbe shortcake and coffee lierved 'b y ~h portatior Co. at the Young Womans tJle home of Ure fOl'l1'\81" p.Ll'ent.s, Ilotlh wID hBNe a succeis&rul and and Mrs. Walter Whitaker gave flne host and Jlostess. WlgUe lIoudl·torlum In Cincinl1l1Jtl. MI'. lwd Mrs. H CI'i.>eI·L DoSt.eI'. The Skater Thtompson 10 L of talk about pulUng up lights Pa.tricla Brown. h"'~PY' seuon. repOrts on the Nllltional Assembly Thursda y evening. He W:lS awarded t C l........... ~ d ~'" . f . I' Mr. Wiley HuweU 1!aS discontinued 1'or nlg'ht sor~ball I really got ex- ~ a O .... AI..., an .....e . cor. erence n SHOWER GIVEN FOR 0. gold . pin for h is .'.C.rvlce Wi th toh r MY Judgment may be wrong. It FranJtlIn h Ls gal'Q.I,;c ,bUSiness 'h ere . Holld!\~ Mood FIsk cll.ed. ,T he Idea of all I.hose posts out o f ' MARY .JEAN . THOMPSON oompany. Mrs. Carl ~rown lLud Mrs. NeVil Oa~lan Lullaby Eldred (' rca ~d quite a stir nmony , ~he cLogs ofte~ Is. 'Like tale -Ume I ';'nd . ..... Miss Judy Oormer vel;' dd ightfully Mrs. Margaret Johns spent Sat· Doster were Wll1Hi.l~ton shoppers w.e "'-.• .......... _. .ked _ .lilt . ...... .e dog Jo..net Doster of ,U1C OOIlUllunl'Ly. At. Ia.on; It seemed .... ca.tdler wtIo was wolklng up th~ entertaLned bhe group ,wlbh two • Miss Mary Jean T1lompson. bride urdny 'wLth Mrs . Effie Surface lIeu r FrLdll\Y , t.hla.t we were being considered. but '-n all "~s were quaran- plalno 50106. "Nadia" 'IUld "To the elect, daughter of. Mr. ar.d Mrs. Alva Lebanor:. D Polish ""'nce Scharwenka now some SOl'l of a difference of street WO n : ' . . . . . . O ..... nw sun." Th ed M 1\_ r. a.nd iYlrs. Earl Frllst and Ma.y~ . ompson. WQ6 honor wtth a n. .ary Savage Thompson lit liard were ill ClIwlllllaLi, 'l'u.esday. Frances Whitaker opll'.lon abOut wher.e Lhe light lXl6ts tined and. supposed <to be tied. That. ............. •• ' ~..... qUite a etlr ..... ...... t .... Mrs. Oharles Koogler r eviewed miscellaneous shower on Sa\.urday Da.yton gtnNe a demonst.ru.tlon par tY "'1 ___ •• r, alld' 1\Irs. W . C. T Ichenor were Willow In the MIst _......,.. .. e --e Allen a re w be set seems W Mve caused _. to ft". "'-eement and I made ........ ft'll Ilbte leseon st.udy. "Ohlldren In bhc lilt bhe home of Mrs. Thomas Bn'Own· of Sl.anlcy brushes and products at ca.iJ ___ • ""'...... ers In Wllmin!,:ton, BaLw·da.y. Clauds AdJift a rift between some of the iWNocate.s Bentlev conceeslorJl. Therea:tter. tor a long Peace" In a moot. interesting rnan- Ing In Norwood. MIss Thompson. the home of ·Mrs. Roy Winks on or baseball and some or the persons Mainville nero The Society then adjourned witn' her mother. Mrs. Alvfl Thornp- Tuesday evening last. Mrs. W. E, . Rev. J. P. ThurnbW'y has returned Blue Butterflies WijlO want softbaJl, t1me. 1 remaLned tied. unW Jupe 20. when a lur.ci1eon son, and sister. Mrs. Ronald Swls- Kayser oC Dayton ~d Mrs.' COO,te. trom a. Va.ca.tioll In <tile SOlllih. Doris Brown
Saturc1a.y evening
1'ale 'l'wo z -
The Miami Gazette
ap to onc-t.hl l'd for pollutio n cUm!uaUon - . tops any new pollutJonrequires c leaiHlp ' at ex!st.lng polluL10ll wlWUn two yenrs '- sets up st.n nd rds of wAter purlW- . leave. n fol'oemen up ,t.o !.h sta.tes. If LIley II pass laws to do ·it. The I~ field POllUL on Bill Is a gOOd. - uUd. and fn.lr bUl- YOU can do somCIJ1IIlg IlrboUL It b y wrltl~ your congr ssma.h. In addition to legisla\.i on- why can't we in southwe st.cm Ohio get st.llrled on a coopeJ'n.Uve basis of civic clubs IU1d conserv lltlon groups. industrl nl and munIcip al leader let·s clean up this ~t1nk1ng mess t ha t makes th.e people of Cir.cinn atl dlillk ~h very ma,'C:l.mum of dWnfec\,an~ and m.1.kcs It hard to even .sell n fann along TlIl'tJe Creek. U has to be done sOlllebim e - let's sta rt. 'ourseJv asl
unaer Oh iO SlU es
Establ ished 1850 Publis hed Every Thurs day ' by DA VISSON PRESS Floyd L. paviss on, Editor ' Entere d 38 Secon d Class Matte r at the Post Offi ~e . WaYll , ~lVilIe, Ohio Subsc ription 'Rates : $1.50 per Year in Advan ce
May 23. 1946
As_ .TOl.D
8Y. ~ CONS lo,N _EI<VA _ _ TION d « OIlV/S _ _ 7S"l't...--
Adams of Cov1n~, Ky. She was jOlned durinc t4le weeken d by her
~--• loother. Mrs. Walter AdarnII. • The AeolllUl GIrls' Choir of WUmlngton College ,will piU>ent 1\ CQn- MaS. CRANE CONVA LESCIN G cert !>ver 'ration WLW. Saturda y • Mns. MI'\.Ide crane. a 101'll1er May 25, at. 3 :45 P. M .. COllege ottl· rClilden t of Waynes vil le, Is C()Ilrvacials annowlo od today. . lellcl.ng at her home In Lebano n Follo !JIll t.he broodeas!. Swtw'da y .rouowtn g 'an opeNlitlon aL Mln·ml Wie glrls will hold tJielr IlII'l.n11al Valley h.o.spttal. Cholr banquet at. LIle Hqlel Sinton , J , C. HAWK E SERIOU SLY ILL In Clncl!U1aU. _ . Mr. J. C. Hawke WIIll .taitcn Qul1.c The allnual 'home concei·t will be W a.t h1s home on Fl1tJl SLl'(leL 011 present ed .l"l'lday ever-Ing May 24. Frlda.y evemng and is In e. very at. 8:15 p . m. in the oolJeG'e ('-ilapel. serious conditJo n. Among the mcmOOers Qf ,1lhe cholr are : Helen OUlla-m and IReVa. Camp- MRS. FLORA IN HOSPIT AL bell. Hurveyslml'g; PalJ'k:1a ~hm. • Mrs. Annabe lle Plorn entered Leba.no n; MOlllll11a Hoak. Wayne; - M1E1i1Il1 Valley hospita l on Monday ville. IUld Is convale scing followin g a major opera:t.lon. Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Chapma n had as 'l'ueooay ev~ning supper guest~ . NEW and RENE WAL Ilbelr sop.. Mr. Cha.rJ(.'S Chapm an. Mr. and Mrs'_ J ames Rogel'!! and Mrs. SUBS CRIPT IONS TO THE Emnuor Balley . On Fl'1da.y Mr. and MIAM I GAZE TTE CAN BE M~S . Ohapma .n nooomp anled their PAID AT WAYN ESVIL LE son to Chicago [or a very interest i ng DRUG STOR E OR AT THE week end.
THE CHAL LENG E OF :COM MENC EMEN T! Nev r ill the hi tory of Ameri ca ha there be n a time ' when studen ts gradu ating from sc hool were faced with such' and e normo u ch a Jl nge. Our countr y is in th throes of the afterm ath of a g reat war. Its .gover nment al polici c ~ t od to act as a re trainin g hand upon the advan c m nt of its people and its indust ry. The com ing (>ontroJ\ing in 't rest will b sq uare I LIp to the uoys a nd girl ' that ar gradu ating f rom our sc hool today . Upon t heir shoul l ' r8 re ts our d stiny . It is with regret that w mURt bequ eath to them uch a ll estate . Howev er, we f I t hat th eir mind::; have been streng th ened, their ambiti ons fired and their desire s and determ inatio ns :so empow ered with a livin g • • • love for th eir countr y and its people that the future of 00 YOU KNOW ! l!ll of us is perfec tly afe in their hand s. May I Americ an Legion magazin e. pollth ey find th ANr~ WISJlIN6 ro 11.1415£ PHIiIlS1W T3 Ing rct utnlr.g vo~. found 70 out work ahead a cha llenge to be met with grim fortitu de, M TH IS 8Jl'515 S'IOULO FIICST CONTACT rH~/R ot 100 WaJlt to go hunting . and 62 and may they never cease to keep in sight th e cross of the l OCAL COUNTY tSMrIlf out or 100 l isted fishing as their PtloUCTO /l ' JUNt! ·l One who can and will lift them LIP from the depth s of IS THt! FIN"L {}rI.T Il fa vorite sport.. GAZE TIE OFFIC E ~_R1R IIPPI,ICATION depres sions, streng then them against obsess ions, a nd g iv I The Apl'11 I~e of Field and HONOR S BIRTIID AY to them the right of possession. Stream storts a. series of full color • Mrs. Franc~ Bmnno ck enterpaintin g lnsert.~ Iby LylID Bogue tained Our congr atulati ons are extend ed to them - and may to diruler On W~. HWlL. They ar e ~u1table for framing Mrs. Harriet every success follow t hem throug hout their lif . t McGJr.n is and Mrs. KITCH EN BEDR OOM develo pm nt, observ ing what policie. of goveJ'Tlm ent te nd _nd tops. Loyd Dav1s. hOnorln g tihe blrthdaiy and LIVIN G ROOM • SOU erosion !las destroye d more anniver sary of Mrs. McGlrm i3. to give it streng th and those whi ch weake n it, vita lity. I ISN'T FREE DOM WOR TH SOME THIN G? gsrne IUld fish thall an the shoothave learne d as much about our system of gov rnm ent Mrs. BerUe I\UII!i bad as het' weekThe annua l battle over the futUre of OPA is in full Ing. tmppln g, flshlrg. dyn841Utlng. end guest. Miss Maude Hearne of a ' a p I'son of my cap~LCity cou ld learn, pe.-fectly cit- gigging. ete. combin ed. swing. Since the war ended nearly a year ago, the com·, On.ytOn. ul'stan c eu to study it, stimu lat d by an intens e intere st, "Our old friend. Joe McCurt1 n. pelling argum ent of its nece sity to s peed the war effort and held by th e l~a l izatioil of oppor tunity and of duty has left 1· 2-8 in Dayton for Miller Mr. and Mrs. Charlee Lynch had is not involv ed in the contro versy. Judgin g by the CUl'!' nt PORC H and LAWN as compe lling, I believ e, as ever caused any person to Sptg. Goods Co. to establis h one of a.s tihelr guest. during the past week. debate , almos t the so le issue is price and produ ction. One the l B.l'ge~t Lackie departm ents In Utelr grandda ughter, M '1as Margar et dedica te his life to anythi ng. side cairns that OPA is holdin g down prices and pushin l;r the state. "J have watch ed what my own genera tion . und er ad· I Pheasa nt ohicks IW11l up pro'du ction ; the other side claims the oppos ite, In the soon be dismini tratio n of both parties, has been doing t.o the g reat- tribut.ed in Warren Count.y for raismeant ime, produ ction lags. The real issue - the eff ct of est system of democ ratic gover nment ever evolved throug h Ing. Watch a. pen of bllem grow. contin uing indefi nitely autocr atic centra lized gover nment NU ENAM EL It KEM TONE the processes of the age. By ignorl llg princi p leR and the I OhIo ~tdoor Writers . meeting con.trol over every detail of Amel' ican life, receiv es little last week enq a t Seneca Lake. baglessons of histor y, and accep ting the theori es of m n aod ged 1\ total of 2 c.ra.pple empha sis. There is ample eviden ce that bureau cratic con· vassa ls of our states and d e pende nts of our peo.ple. By d ay- but ,b ig stringS s on Sa.turPAINT S - STOV ES were bl'OU8ht troIs have carrie d us far froQ'l the basic princi ples of rep~ politic a l exped ience for our guidan ce, we have made In by rilB.rcY other boats - Experts II ROOF ING - ' FENC E resent ative govern ment. How fa r is shown by Hatton W. conce ntratio n of gover nment a l pow.er and· drafts upon Sumn~rs, vetera n congre ssman from Texas and Chairm an HARN~ PIPE the Feder al Tl'ea ury. w have now a financ i a lly '\}usted,' VISIT HILA RITY CLUB of the House Judici ary Comm ittee, who has annou nced -lMt• JIlr. lIMar.d Mrs. Rhodes Bunnel l gl'&atl y piled-:- up ~ass of gover nment al confus io n beyon d Gibbo ns Bldg. North St. he will not seek reelec tion. Mr. Sumne ):s is return ing to and da.~ter Mrs. EL~le HockOOt., human compr ehen ion, impossibl e of de.moc ratic contro l, and Mr. and s, FAIRL EY HARD Wayn esville WARE , 0., CO. Phone 2422 Mrs. P. L· Reason were civilia n life with the hope that he may be able to help extrav agant, waste ful, ineffic ie nt, and by i nature the a.mong the guests at ~he Rl1arHy Phone MIl - WAD.V~ O. awake n the people to the menac ing politic al chang es that instru menta lity of favori ti m, tyrann y, oppl'ession, and Club at the home of Mr. and Mrs . have crept upon the nation . He says: corrup tion, and the de'tro yer of the self-re Hance and se lf- Babin MdDorfald in ~rveyt:.lbl$'g ~ •... I have bad oppor tunity to study ollr on 'Sunday . syst~m of respe t anti gove.mm ntal capa ity of the people , quali· p ___;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;_;;;;;;;;;;;;;; govern ment, to watch its machi nery at work. I hlj.ve run tie witho ut which no people can remai n free." our Consti tution back tJ:1rough its histor y to its source , and . And still we ta lk of prices a, if they were the most then have' follow ed it back throug h the centur ies of its impor tant consid eratio n I Is not rev.res entati v govern "'!ent All Types from which ste ms the il1spi rati~n of life, worth somet hing? • Stubtx; ScYvtce cOsta no more House Wirin g than '\.beo ordInar y. We endeavo r tn Motor s Applia ace!l every way . IX> make our service re-
Fu rn ito re Ch air s
Waynesville Furnilure & Appliance Company
Electrical Contracting
w. C. BROWN'
FO R Any ma ke or mo del Fred",Kahn Mo tor Car Co. PHON E 326
Telep hone 2949 Wayn e.ville , Ohio
• If we started emptyin g our garbage~ trash p.nd conter.t s of our ,t oilets in our netglhboJ's yardfriend neighbo r would soon put a stop t.o It I But let a sl.ream of waler flow past, and some munlcipal1ti e~ and Indu('M1es dump all th ese IJas ty and ur.snntt ary ltem.'i on their down-st rerun n eighpor s. Many of tJhe bOys returned. fl'om oversea s I'e-
membe r
bile stench
of open 'IVers skeets of towns in lSOmc of the . cou _,trl ~s _ Public health men will remcmb I tJbe long record or plague and slckness In bhose S(IIl1e coun.tries . Ye " here 1n "civilized". WalTen County . we do Just that with Turtle Creek . "Clear" Creek and our lar ge r !.he
streams .
A., MABAZINE Listed and This NEWSPAPER Both for Price Shown
Frail G~weI'_......$J.75 AmaIca n Gid _ .. -................. - lJjO Amaka D Poultry JourDaL- 1..6& AYiaIioD in Rniew _ ........... _ lUIS Call\Dg AU GLrla. __·__._. 2055 Capper' . Farmer Ui5 OIlid We ......__ _ __ !1.45 ChriItIa n Henld 2M Contuet ............... _ 5.50 COnecl ElllliIh _.. _._ .._ .. 11.41 CouDtty Geodem au (5 Yn.) 2.00 Etude Millie Mapzio e-....... 11.40 JmL .. W1fe 1.65 (] IIowtt Growa' ___. _ .. _ 2.911 da ' 295 H ~ 'cw;ki,) -:---... 1I:91S MapDDe J)igeIl .........- ...- U5 M"1e Show .............. _.. _.. _...... 2.1SO o Nadoaa l Dltrat Moothly...... 11.-45 Nat'l U"ar.oc k Produce r.... 1.71S Nalllft (10 Wua, 12 NOlo) .. 8.45 • ...,AII I. AID MAUZIUS 1
8o o oo o o o
'8 0.'8 o
o o
0 Open Ro.t (Boy.}_...,.......... 2.50 0 Outdoo n ................... _ .... - 2.50 0 ParenU' Magazine _ _... - 2.75 0 Pathfind er ........ ......_ _ .... 2.~
Pholopla y ................................ 2.50
0 Popular Mechanics ........ -.... - 5.26
Popular Sc~eoce Monlhly .... 5.50 0 Poullry TnbuDe .................. 1.66
0 Reader . Digdt .... ___.... 4.26
0 Redbook ..-... .... --...... _ --.. 5.25
. 0 Scienlific Del«tiv e ...- -.• 5.45 0 Saeenla nd ............ ----... . 2.50 0 Silver Saeen ................_ ..... 2.50 0 Spon. Afield ............ _ _.... 2.50 OSua:es sful farming ___ __ 1.75
0 The Homrm aker .... _ _... . 5.-45
El The
Woman ..... -.... _ _ .... 2.50
0 True Story ...... _...... ..... __ .... _ 2.[.0 0 U. S. Camera.......................... 2.25 0 Walt Disney's COllllo. _.. ........ 2.35 0 Your Lile ........ ........................ S.45
.1 Yr. PA~ER ____ ............... 1 Yr. MOVIE SHOW . " __.. __ ...............6 Mo. PAll.. JOUllN AL • !'ARME R'S WIFE ...... I Yr. PO~TRY TRDUN E .. _........ _....._....._......... 1 Yr. 1I0TB Ill'S HOME 1..IJI1._... ____ ......_. 1 Yr.
CMd - • .v-
']2 0 i,,,
••ir«l .,,4 .'1(:101# .. COMpOn. ' I eadaR . ...... -......._......,. PI_,lend me the-oller dJededj ·wIIIa • .,.... ~ ~-PU' ~. GeM'
. .-_. . . . . . ...
, nun ' oa U·.IA'-.>-_. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ................. JCII1(J IIICa ... . - - - - - . . , . , . . . . - -_ _
cognize d all lihe standa:r d-of excellence.
Wlhwt's the al'.l;wcl'? PubJ1(' ophrlon l The longer you and I wanl the strea.m.s of Ohio to ,be nn lla f for our neighbo rs-- or even their lIvC3to ck- the longer It will ,t n ke t get tJhe mess cleaned UI)-' In uu I' Legisla ture or otherwi se ! Indi vidual heU-raJslr.g lsn ·t the answer - al · UhoUll'h some of that is needed. Group indigna tion and educatl on coopem tlon by pollutin g sources . sound iegl ~; latlon on mw~lclpal. sbate IUld naUonn l scale-- t.hese are tJl t! fowldaL!ollS on which we rcst.orl! our running water for mlUl~clpai. recreati on nnd lndus~rlal uses.
'felep hone 2291
state laIW encoura ging pollutio n h~ Lhe Ohio River. It wo.s passed years ago to spite our neighbo r states I Whrnrt
the ' State
~>gIsl ntUl'e
failed to d<>- seot.i or~ al grOlip_, nrc beg1nnl n g. The Cay'Uhn ~l'J Coun ty Pollutio n COmmi ttee consists Gf member s fro1l1 the Clevela nd ci ty goverr.m ent, conserv ation gr ou ps. educati onal groups, newspa pers B11<1 Industri es sudh as Stal1da rd Oil. 'I'll(' newly Inco~poraled C ay u h a. g Il Watersh ed cOuncll consis ts of civic , oonscrVlJ t.lon, Industri al al'd o ther l eadws from Ule ~hl ~ countie s (\1 Gea.uga. Portage lind Summ It (Akron) counties . Backed by press nnd ra.dlo. both of t! 'l e' organlz atlOrlS ha.ve only one g·ool- ElLlM1NA'PE POLLU TION. The rew Mansfie ld Polllttlo n Bll l in \ihe House of Repl'esc nt a,t lves is a ,big step in the righit direct.ion. It provide s gl'tllHS and loons . to c1tl.et; and towns Ul) to one-thI rd fol' sewage dlspooa l- loans to Indust.ries
RUBBER STA~ilPS and MARK ING DEVI CES . T'h e Miami Gazet te
Waynesville .Nat iona l Bank Il8TAB LISHED 18'711
A QUART FOR RUTW EA PINT FOR DI..D I To help preserv e good h ea.l'bh ·
advise a minimu m 1~~====~S==~====== =~=====:::=~q, of 0. quart of milk every day for a grOWing child· amd at least a pInt Cor each adult.. Our Milk is d eh 1n butber fat- U's Uhc energy- building food 1Ibrut taatea so good a.nd costs so littJe. BottJed In a olean sunlit plan t. Delivere d nul.l·ltlo nist,s
Clearcreek Dairy ERNE ST "IXSO N, Owne r PHON,E 2537 BARL OW and GRIM ES Distri butors
TelepbODll WI
Telep hone 2751
back .
Ask any druggis [or this STRON G Ohio has largged far behind our IUTlglclde. TE.OL.t Mnd4~ with 90 persisLer state!>, like M1ehiga n nn. I cent alcohol ,. It PEN E l' RAT E S .
Pennsyl vania, 1rI pollutio n legislati im Reaches and kills MORE germs and en10~ment. · There is even a faster. -Wayne sville Drug Store.
HOUR S: 9·12 each morni ng 1-5 aftern oons excep t Wedn esday 7·9 Saturd~y evenin g
Ovel' 30 years experi e nc e repI~s enting both buyer and seller of farms .and city· prope rty. Other. evenin gs I by \Ve I-epres ent only strong in:ura nce compi wies, who. A,ppo intme nt wI,'ite fire and extend ed covo rage on farm a11d town 'TEL~PHONE 62-R prope rty a nd' ft comp le.t e oy i'age on autornobileR at e h11~ li!!h e rl rates and promp t payme nt of losses. We condu ct alI kinds of , legiti mate. auctio n- saleR, atisfie d patron s our best I'ei' ' renee, call or write for ' Opto~etric Eye Specia list terms and date._ 26 South Detro it Street Inform ation Given Witho ut ObIiga,t i,tm Office Main St. WAYN ESVIL LE, OHIO "loIr.~ __ XEN IA,O mO
. Dr. C. E. Wilkin
PRIQE IN ypUR HOM~I You'll .take a re~l pride in your home w:hen it has' been newly paper ed with attrac tive .s electio ns of moder n wall paper design s from 'o.llr stock. -
PA UL . C • . PI CK IN G
"In 'Pickin g Your Paint Piek Picki nrs" Third Street TeIep h.... 2182
May 23, 1946
MIAMI GAZETTE, WAYNESVILLE, OHIO of Cl)urnlng I get 1~1$ ~han if I sold lihc ream . To buy rresh CI ani and ; hum It as s me jJ lople do. mak butLer cost. abOut IImt>Ly illS a tit gel poUlld. BuL II \ill sell 'r "For the lirsL time ir th ~lstor ~' nine~y cents for his crealU anu unl y Qf hwnalll~y tlhe ystcm of collective flfty-fivc for this bUILl'r- n o won security, for e !I had 0 wed by der ,he solis ere':Un or \lhn.L there il) &'ha.'u'l1nll and explained Iby Abdul a. black. markc t. A buyer::> st l'ik r Ba.ha, .llaO been seriously envisaged , mlghL keeP prices llOMl lJu~ ~h I. discussed ruld tested . For t.Ile first Is hard on bus Inc:;.:;. 1L I!> all u twe 111 nlstory 1L has been o!f1clally merry-gO- 'round - if people sLop reoognlzed and publicly staWd tha t buyln~ pl'Oducer ~,to lJ prudllClIlll. 101' t..his system Qf C<lllective .securlty But I wnodel' if iL wIJuld 1l0~ be to be effeoL1vely est.o.bllllhed streng1Jl beLLer t,.o g'CL rid Qo( a U arlificla.l and elasticlLy a.re bO~h esscr:LIal- JsLimulant<; Illte :;u,blSid.ics ano let strCllgWl Ilivolvlng the use of an people buy tdlelr uwn 100<1 Without adequate force to ensure Lhe effl- govorlunent aJ d and u: nl'()cl:;sury caey of Lile proposed !."YSLem, and use tJhe money to lielp fet.'<i Lhose elll.sUelty to cooole 1Jle ma.ohinery who ca.n "t mo.k.e U1C ~moc. U t.lil..s ~hat has been devlsed to meet the Il(lUllds llkc confu;;cd Lhinking It IS legitlmaLe needs Il.J!d aspirations 01 lJeca;use t,he sitlJll,Won is co n.fuscd. its aggrieved upholders. For the Ail I can db Is ask que$~IOll.~ and firs t Wne in hwJUUl history LenLalive efforts have been exerted by bope solUe one wlU try t.o ll.I~wcr IlhWl. the no,tions of Lhe world to as.sume • Monc.\a.y. A liLtle sunshine y !'wrcolleoUve responsibility, ru~ to supday and a litlJe bil. !.hls mOrllJI1!l '/.lI€\1nen L Lheir verbal 'Pledges by OUL now lhe clouds !Ii~~l.tn and "WI actuol preparation tor collecUve no chaneoe to I'e-I'o<)f t,he brvocicr act1on. JWIll:4 The ,bill)gcs~ ~by rollin How cl~, how prophetic, must s tood up on Ule ,'<!g e of Lhe IlCSl sound the !Words ut.tered by almost ready to fly. It looked at, Lh e Bo.ha'u'llalil . In the light of recent porch cciting and Ul1en u't u: e floor , interng,tionllil . developmcnt.~: "Be again and again, tdlcn stepped back., uniLed, a concourse of the sovshovoxl the otdlers ove r al ~d :illUggled ereigns of the world, for t.hereby 1nLO tJle nest to wnlL for mama to wlll Lhe temPest of discord be stilled collle wlllll more worms. amongst you, a.nd your peoples find '1111c wa.y IIhll<l wo many ))(,Ople reb"\,. Should any or..e among you lOOk !lot !He. Some workers wen! take up ru1llS against another, rise pulling weeds fmlD !.helr 1'US)LlCrries ye all against him, tor ,this Is naught by !luud when some ulUookers askbut manlIest justice:' cd t.hcm wlmL Wlcy IVcn~ ooing. "This hls LOric step, h owever. Is "Heck." sald one, "Wh.a~ are you but a faint glimmer In the dark- dol.ll8 t,haL for- . Why uon'L ye u ness that envelops an agitated just plow up t,he wlhole LniI'.t;? 'Wh y hUllln.nity." The prooellS of dlllin- boUwr willh ~ll'll.t little bi l'!" U yuu tegra·t!on must Inexorably co~'Llnue. can't do It · ·wlth a tractor or 11 ond Its ct>rros.1V'e inJ1tue~e must scoop shovel WilY do it al [III? ThaL penekaLe d eeper and deeper into spiI'1t Is abroud In wi.: la nll . it the very core of a crumbling llige . ISn't only in Wash1.I1~Lun ll la l W (! Mudh suffering will stili be requir- Heed to get down LO [untlamcl' tal". ed ere tlhe contending r.allons, Now I be~Ler go ou t 3.J1.d pull LIll' creeds, classes ruld races of man- wceds out 01 illY l'olls pb rl'lCS, kind are fused In .th e crucible of TJ1C wild s W1lowbcl,..i '" rc begin unJversal a.ffllctJon, and a rc forged n ing to rh>eL1, tiLe bl.u.dI.i>t'ITiI'S a re by the f1res of a fierce ordeal Into in uioorn, LIly May is bellig weaned one organic oonunonwealUl, one ru~ Mama Robin kee p 011 iJ rllLging vast, unified and harrnonomly food to til fow' in 'Lhe nest. functJonlng system. Last night Buck bn,w:ht a balJy Adversities lU'lniAglnably appal- g rowld U)(lg to show IIlC . I t was a ling, un4reamed of crises a nd up- lunny furry baby wllo didn't ~ell1 h~vals, war, famlne, and pestilence, to be aJrold but snu,;gled down In might well combine to engrave in '))1.0:; hands aI"..d 'wa.lA.Jllld lIS wiLlI the soul of rul ur.heedlng genera- bl'ighL ll~Lle eyes and start.C<1 to \Jon tlIlose trutib& and prlnc1ples of hide when we put lL on the floor, Baha'u'llah, which It has disdained Just n. little fW1t'y b.aJJy who asks ,to recognize and follow." nothing of life' but. La be allowed to Sho.rhJ EffendJ e8It some grass nru:l I·OOI.s and die: Su~tted by He:len McCoy, holes In my lnnd for shelLer as its R. R. 2, . WaynesvWe, Oh10 anccstol'S Imvc dOl'!e for generations and genel1lotlons. He .IOWld it OUL on tlile higbway wandering around 111 <:lrcles In dar.ger from pa.ssing WuHlc. He 'plans to trune IL' and build It a pen. WllI It do better A FARM DIARY under OPA regulation or should By ~. 1. FRAZIER we Just leL it go dig holes In tlf1e ·Ma.y III, 19~6. Ra.ln all dny- every pasLure '! Hqw abouL saving bonels to fecd day- all week. No corn pl~ntcd
Baha'u'Uah's Principle of Collective Security
Ing at 6 : 30, This Is for all young people under High ScJlool ~. You wUl e njoy the stones llIbout. the The Growing, Guh", Churc.h II IIllSionruies, Lhe chorus sin ging, and HEIlBERT GRAUAM, I\lilli8~r Billie School 11:30 ... m. Ule .Planncl-OI'llph plotw'es, • • 41 Communion 10:46 a. m, Pre&cbtnii 11:00 a, m. • There will be no Senior Christian EndL-aVOr meeting t.Ws Sunda.y Young P eople:; S rvl()j's and Adult Proyer Meeting 7 :00 p . ,m . night. due to the Yout.h Rally at J6.Illestown. The ~ula.r meetlllg:; Even1nS l!;Vallg Jll;UC Service 7 :46 p. m wl1l be resumed the next Sunday r: lght, June 2,
• • •
METHODIST CHURCH B. 8 . OolemaD, MlDIItet l:iUNDAY SCHOOL 9 :30 A . M. Mrs. Raymood Conner, ... Supt. WORSHlP ~V lCE 1O :3U A, M . Y UTH eELLOWSHlP, Thursday, 7 :30 p, m. CHOJR PRAC'l'lCE Wedne.o;dtly, 7 ::\0 P . M .
SlUlluel N. Keys.
Lay Bea.der-in-charce
FRIENDS o.J ecnool ~tlnlr
• • • • I'rllyer MecLing will be held eaoIl Wednesday evening at 'bhe chW'Ch, 7 :30 p. m. 11 you can not at;tend IIIleflC serv ice<!, why not read your Bible and pray at home? It will s U'eIlgChen you for His sl!rv Ice ,
• The Bible S~udy Class will meet aL Iitie ohuroh each Tuesday evenIIlg u;t 7 :30. Anyone ,w elcome to attend these sLlWY classes at allY time. ~ 11 for next Tuesday nlg1ht Is "uld T stament History by Cllllr-
- 11:30 A. M. Worah1p - 10:1t1 A. M. •
Mrs. Annabelle Flora underwent operation a.t the M1a:In.l Valley I,ospit.al. Dayton, Ohio, last Monuay . 'She Is in SIAIiUon C, .o n 2nd floor of the old bulldlng, She 's eemed to b e GNLi ngaJong alright at last. re port. al~
MT. HOLLY METHODIST CHURCH 1'. II. Scarff, Mi_&Ir SUDda, itObool - - 1 :30 A. M. Eo A. lIlarnh&rt; auper1n1cJdalt. Worahlp aenJco - 10:30 A. IL E .. enl.na aerv1ce - 7:30 P. 14.
• Mrs. Beulalh Wade I.s coniined to her bed at home from injuries received In a fall Sunday, May 12. Her condlLlon is lmpl!ovlng,
ST. AUGUSTINE CHURCH PaUier Knambo...... I'I1eM
Maaa Sunda,r - ' :00 A. M,
• • • ' . MUo Wa.de o.rrived In Dayton, Ohio t 11 :00 o'clock last Sur.day night wiUl an honorable dlscharge from the Armed Services. Melvln SLansberry Is also on hiB Iw ay home.
Kober& L. VanZile, Minislei' Bible School 11:30 a· D1, CcaununJ.OD 10:30 ... m. Sermon 11 :00 a. m. ;'The OhrlslJan and His Christ" Evening Service 7:30 p. m . "'I1JllnIc OP. Th Things" • • • • The Christian Youth Rally will bl' . held Sunday, May :W, 1946,2 :30 p. m . 8.t tJhe Jamestown, Ohio, Ohurch of Christ. Brother C. B. 'l'lgner, minister of the First OllrlStI:nn Church. Washington, C. H., Ohio, will be the 8peaker. All YQUl'..g people are especially urged to a Ltend, You Will enjoy t.hJs meetJng.
• • •
• All I;vall&'eliSUc MeeUn&' began In Xenia, Ohio, Church 01 Christ last Sunda.y night, May 19. Robert L . Stewal't, minister of llh BrOOkville kd. Ohurch of Ohrist Is the ev ngell.st. He I.s a very flucnt speak r, and you wW enjoy Ule odpcl messages Jle will bring . Everyone ls Invited to attend t hese meetings, No, services on Satw'da y ·evening.
• •
• All churches are asked by the WCTU to make 8. cor..trlbution, next Sun.cta.y, toward a fund 'to combat the viCiOUS advertls1ng liquor In m8€81Jnes ruld on the radio. This fund Is to be sent 'to t.he state Office of Lhe W(1I1U to ,b e used only for that purpose.
• • •
WHEN WE GO TO CHUIWIl: 1. We obey God's word. Acts 2:42; 20:7; i 001', 16:1, 2; H~. 10:25. 2, We ..honor Christ.. "This do in remembrance of fllIe." 3. We show our faith before Ule world, 4. We .set a good example foe our nelG'hbors. . 5. We encou.rage 0\1r brethern wllen we come togedler. 6. We s u,PPOl't the lnst1tutlon that sa.ves tlhe world. 7. We sa,ve our own souls from ba.ckslklJ.ng. The WByncsvllle Ohurch of Christ
::/)1''1 f<iJge
• Junior. Ob~;" • Endeavor Will lnvlt.es you to 8lttend her services tI reabouts yet, Do you suppose tJmt ~I~ rain 118.'> ret.a.r<ied tlile corll meet at the church Sunday even- regularly. borers as much as It has the corn planters? Wouldn't bhat be sad? We hOPed 'to m.l.ss the first crop of corr by Ia.te plrulLing, We ha~ no I (rLlllzer and 't hey gl~ . us lItltle I hope of geLtingJlny Which will mean poor crOps on our' ·l and. No C<talno trolns- no fertlllzer- I~O food . 'nl~ righ t not to work is a fundamental American r1ght ,h ence bhe r18ht to $t\like but docs It also mean tile rJ8nt to keep other people from WOrking by violence or /'hreats. to tie up food and buslr.ess for the whole count.ry at t.Ile dieLaUon of one mnn. or one group of men? True Ilhere should be safety for the !ll1ners but Is It necessary or r,lght to ruin to wtlole country to get It? ~ty l"8jWS shoUld ope !!nactod and R!JQVe all enton:ed, bllt would tha.t sat.l8ry John L. Lewis '.' Unfl!l.lmess on .the PIU't of opel'lltol'S gives greedy men an opportunlby to stir up discord. ,by which they ,hOpe to b~n,eIJ.t, Aa to a. welfare fWld, complon sense seems to lrdlcat.e ~hat , if the miners or .1bc union furnish ~ fund, let bh.em run It, If FRESH - CLEAN WATER bhe operators do, let them run It or tr 'bh~ both do iet it be run by a board repreoontlng the ur.lons, the SANDWICHES SOFT DRINKS -ICE CR~AM comPany and the publlc- ,but that is too simple and has In It nothing for Jahn L. Why Is It that government regulation, aLwa.ys eMs ' In reducing av.illable supplies? Is It because tJley are !WOrking fr<>rn the Wl'ong end? They a.re regu'l atlng bjtckwards from the consumer end. 11 .UU!l'e must 'be regula<tlon Wl!W not wone forward from the producer end- or cut out reg\.tla.tion entirely and let . pr10es go 'WIhere bhey wID? Of 09'UJ'8e they wlll.. go up bUt wouldn'ti they come, down Q6&ln as sOon as production 1DCZ'eUed and .- . PICNIC' TABLES 25c . -tN. came into the market through the regular ctlannels'/ , 8end but.ter to a friend Wbo has . - !ddt ~ who aumot get It 'in :ac.t.oo. 8be ~ me oeWDi price TELEPHONE 1411 UId JlICII&AIe bUt I loIe IIle buCIter WAYNPVILLE, OHIO l~t ......., aDd 10 watIl all the 1I'Ork
SWI."' Poot
. (
STOCKED. POOLS No Liceuse Required
A Good Catch E,:~ery Day
NO'l'f('E '1'0 CONTRACTOR' ' 'l'A1'~ OF 01110 Ol:I'/\lt'I'l\lEN'I' OF 1-11 .IIW YS olumbus. Ohio - l\1uy :W , J94(;
&g111 CI' of Sn les Leeal COpy No. <10 151
XTRAJ' Attendance Tumbles
UNIT 1>1l1 ' E CON'I' ItAC'f
Seal ed propo:ials will be I'ccclvC<l aL Lhe offie ' of (file SLal.C Hig'hway Director of Ohio. at Columbus, Ohio, umil 10 :00 A. 1\1., Ohio SlIInci.rd Time. Tuesdny. June II. l!l-l(). for imp rovc'I1ic n ts in : Proposals fl!O:;. I fwd 2 re uffered as one Pl'OjL'C."t all li will be awnrde as one COllU·act.
L ,t 's 'aITY Ih"it Atlendance Ball 1<1 th e TO I' of th ' ta irs! T amwork s pt'll s SUC( 'g ! Play Ball . Prac.:tic.:e ta ll for!) ::::() u, m. next Lord 's Da y!
Warren COIII' LY, Ohi o. on part oi SecLlon C on Wle ftoadlestcr-Dlan- /. chcster . Road, Sia le Hi ' hwny No. 253, ' State Route No. 123, In Harla n Townslup, by clt-aning, scaling, IXllIl LIPg prime coat (prim e COILt p:unL to be 11Irn i.s hed by the SLaLe of Ohiol, and ixunting finish coa l Bridge ISptlll: 182 feet and :! !'" Inul1t:~ , ftoal/way 15 feel allu 0 5/ 8 II ' ell 1 No. WA-123-<il over Totl<i$ Fork. . PltOl'O S;\I. NO.2 Warren Cuunty, Ohi o, on part o f Scc~ion A on the Franklin-Leba noll Ro:1<l, Stat Highway o. 250. Slat ~ Rou te No. 1:!3, in Fl'Unklil~ T ow n· ship, by cleaning. scaling . pal It I ulg prime COUI I pnll1c coaL painL to be furn Lsh ed by t.h e SLaI~ of O hiol , a nd pa~mil'g fi n il'lh ooat Bridge (Span 202 ft'e~ ruld 0 inch, Rool.iw..ty 17 fee-~ al1d 7 in hc.~) No . WA- 12~ :.l92 aver Clear Creek. ToLaI csl..imaLed CI 'L $3.~()O .OO. Propo&.l.ls Nos. 1 [lnd 2 to be completcd nut, In tel' Lhan ScIlLl'f11bcr 16, 1946. The minunurn wnge t.o be paJd La all labor or: tJll.~ contrn.ct s hall he In a ccord a nce with th e "Schedu le of Pr vaUlI11,( Hou rly Wage Ra,tes A.~(X).rLailUx l and Determined by l'h~ DeparLmcn L of rnd llS~rin l RelaliollS nppllCllulc to SI.::ILe H1b!\Jl\vay Deoat:Wnem Improvcment.'> 1I~ acco'rdunce wiLil Sections 17-3, 17-4 ' 17-4·a, 17- 5 alld 17-5a of Lhe GeneraJ Code of Ohio". Th blddcr mu.st submlL ,wl Lh his bid a cCI·tified check In U1C amOUll t equn.l to five per cell t of Lbe e:,tlma tpd cost. but in no cvel~L more t.h'an ten thousand dollal's. Plans [lnd speciIica.Llolls are on fil e in W1C dcpa.rLment of highway . apd Ule office of Llle l'esid ent d islrlct deputy dlJ'ector, The dirC(;tor reserves the right w reject any or oll bids. PER.RY T. FORD State Hig1lway Director
HERBERT GRAHAM, Manager ~-=--
- -----==--==--- -
-=-- .
~cC!IlurL' . 1Iuneral ~ome Dial 2111 PROCEEDINGS T11 e suils of Alicc PhulUnpr v, J ohn Plul1lmt'r nnd F.dn.a B('hyml'l vs sam Beh ym er were cll~l11lss{'(1 on moLlon of p lai ntiff. Right to pa»tJclpate in in!,urnll l;c wns granted by Lhe court In Ilhe su it of Wilma Thornbw'!; ngaJl'SL the IndllS tTial Commlss:ion of Ohio. The C<lurt granted the followi ng di'vorccs: Mildred Frisby from Car l Frlsby; Emily Ardery, a mIno r. from Cecil Arder y ; GCOI'hc H. Chm;h lre. a minor, from QllIie Mac C'h pshlre: anct Rnll>h Turner from Edna Turn er. Mrs. Ardcry was reslored to her fanner pame. Hell 1' .
Raymond Zicg l 1', 30, Blanchc.~ter. farm r, and Be Ly J ane Honeycu tt 19, Plea5rult 'Plain . Geralel Biggs, 23. s l1oeworkpl'.nllc! al1d ' Eivora Clemons. 24 , ipslI'lICIOr , both of WaYI~csvllle. Richard T . l~I'Y, 21. rnlliwork(' I', and R'ULh Wi lson. 18. student, bo~h of Franklin. Don H. R.uIner. 19, clerk. and Peg!:}' L . Pmzer. 21 , nUI'Se. both of
Waynesville, Ohio
I PROBATE COURT Mrs . LI1II I,l Thomas was tlJ.1 mt1J ext'clIt l'lC of l!h estate of S. S . TholllllS, l"cbnnon . wilh Orville Hullin ger. Corwin Nixon un d Fl'ed O . J ames as apprat:; rs. The court S.d JUlie 3, to bear ~he. In ve llto ry of W1C cstate or Olive M , Eberle. Thc ·tate of Be.UJaJl Ross Soh11 IdeI', Le.banun, oreler( raliovi d Irom admll1is trntion.
AUCTIONEERING STANLEY and KOOGLER BROKERS LICENSE \<' or Dates, Phone 28M, Wa,nesville, Ohio. Reverse Chargw
Plenty of
acting Marcus Tablets. Truly grand reliet from constipation and economical In price, Full size package of 4~ tablets costa 2:1 cents at al\ drug atores: Get Marcua Tablet, and use &I directed.
WILBUR N, SEARS, Auctioneer
If You Know That
Mrs. ,Dorot.lly Grlf.feth. Franklin, a minor, asks for' Q, dlvol'ce from William Or~feth on a chaJ'{,"C of cruelty. A mmor, .s h.e s ued thI'ough her (a.ther, WWlam L!lfWson. A former divorce IliCtion havin.' be.en dI.smlssed bec.'\.use! of 'her husbar..a's promise to be a Ifood husbantl went tor naU(llht wilen he left her and tihelr child July ,J.7 ladt' and bail not. ibeen home s1nce, Mrs. Mane Day cha.I'ReB· on Jlet sul~ - n.ga.1nst J. 0, Day. They were~ married' 1n AUgUSt 1942. Albert Starke, Lebaoor.. cha.rb>es h18 WUe CWa wlt/h lj,eglect In hi~ dlvorce a.ctlon. in K[lIk;8S Mardl lllq, SbarIte eel tram ovenseu.
baa ~.
It you iutfer trom II sluggish SYItern .then try gentle, yet thorough
Hilvin g sold my property, I will se ll at Public Au ction at' my I' 'Rid nec on Main Street next to the Post Office in Waynesvill , Ohio, on SATURDAY, JUNE 1, 1946 HJs Wife EunJee has lcft and her Beginni ng at 1 :00 P. M" the following address Is unlu~own, Clarence Kt'ebs 4 Ladd r-lJack New 8h[(i I'8- 1 Cherry Chai r with cane I;hn.rges In his s ulL for divorce .flled by hls attorney F. C. Andctoson , seat- 1 Desk Chail'- 1 Sewi ng Cha i1'- 1 Morris Chair_ Man'led in 1940 they have no c11Ild - 1 J{o ck ' r, like new- ,2 Writing Des k, Bird 'eye maple l'ell. Dre ' s in g 1'ahle- Maple Wa Hh Stmid- Maple Chest of Harold L. Ingles, Lobanon. seeks a Draw rs- Olel Mal'u lc-t I Wa ::;h 'ta nd- I 1'0n Bed and divol e from Be -nice Ir.gles on :1 Tabl e_ Lamp- Mantle 'Clockcruelty charge in }lls pet;! LIon flied S)ll'ings - ~tu~Jio 'ou c.: hby h is attorney, C. D . D1l11.tllsh. 2 1\1 ia l 'UpbOHl'd s - l{adio2, IOx12 Cong-oleum Rugs His wi.fe re,fusod to reside him fol- a Th1'OW l{ugs- 2 sma ll Congo l eu m Rugs- 2 Lawn lowing his t'etw'n a fcw weeks ago Cha{I's- New ',r!illlri Saw- lIatchcLDouble Ladders, from ~he MCI'(',hant M,uine, h' ;.Hi fL. long-' New Gal'Lag'c Bu eket- Galvanized Buckel, charged. Elsie Hatfield. Fran kl III , czllQJ1lCS etc. lier 01Usband , J llSper, to whOm She TERMS: CASH
• Floorlo.dy Min nie w id me If sill' was marrlod last Dec. 11 IWl bh cruelhad such a di spo.~ i ti on as millc sh e ty. She also asks fOl' r estoration of would en L candy all Lhe time. So h er former l'!lJne, Bowles, would I Minnle, but, jus t wIll ere would I atta.ln the candy? Tain t so much of II. on the markeL, you know. • am you Im~lne Giail Behr puttiI'.g a "For Sole" sign on a CCI'!r.1 11l Ia.dles s wcater han>:il~g in Lhe f!loCtOt'y and me not geLting Ulw blame tor Lhe dced? (P. S, I put her to it so I did) . • 'I betc.ha don't know how muc h money I save my shop. TIl!'y n ever have to put an air hose on allY of my lllAChincs. • I've LIlt' .~ ix l )' -four dollar qllCstion. I 'W8/:, IPlling someone LI1.It 6Illt on grapefntit. mude it swe('Lel' . l1hls person then ailk ",Docs Lhe vlWunins In the sa lt do that 'I " TI. could be.
CLEARCREEK 0A,tRY Coffee -Cream With 'BUTTERMILK .Added
Phone 2637 . DISTRIBUTORS. Waynes~e,. Ohio . '
; ; ; - - .
Pale "'ou'
May 23, 1946
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - paJ'E'I\ts, resi.ded in Beech Grove 'WI 1868 when Uhey moved to Conw1n, pu~ J1RSIIIS' the plllOO ncxt door to'" PEACE OF MIND VaJ~ Ou ers. For 22 yeurs Utley .lived , THROUGH there, he .r 11 wine 'his trnde of LIFE INSURA~CE arl'iUgC' . an.d wugon maker and $ 100.00 per month ror 10 where Lhe ohildJ' 11 grew to. maturity. ''II> PAlR!M LOANS-Looi tenn, yel1 rs to your f:amlly it you 8UI1 PII)'UIenta. No e.ppt'Q1sal fee. 'I'hese will be remembered l>here. do Jlot live. . AlIo nice 1ID&l1 and 1a.l'ge fa.rma M. Lon EIIH'ry, Ehrn Dew, Howard. . r . __ . 1'~ , for &ale. Oall or wrtte Oeo. $ 100.00 per month for life Chn;'1 s E. (uld OUrrlc MIIIlJlew~. H8n1de. PhOne NO. 2. Lebanon. tf tor yOUrself lit reUrt.'ment.. M . Lon '1'110lnilSOIl married Rulus PIlDERAL LAND BANK LOANS : BOB nOPE All of these benefits III one M. Emery reared Ilear Loveland, 0 _. ~r Refina.nclng - RebuUdtng poUcy. who lived WIJ.! l ~hc TIlompson famB\U'Ol8. I'll> Farm loe.ne with long -= S.= U..:..N:.:,'____--=.:M :.:.:O =.:..: N,:. . _ _T .:..U =.::E:.:....._--.:.W ..:....E=D =..:.:....._--=T:.:H :.:.:. U . :.:. . R ~ , __F _R ~ I. ______S_A:-T_.--:Ily for u yell.r 01' 1>'0 prior W gol1lg ,ume rio pa.y. Pay pa.rt, or all any 30 31 June 1 MARION SNYDER t.Ime. 26 27 I 28 29 Lo Senccn, Ku.ll,sas , where lu.s l 'lI41illy > Crrunmro Full of Enwrta.ln- . R.ep.resen ting LEBANON NA.'1"L F.\RM LOAN ' Ano~het Blondle Picture fol' A Fa.st, ActJonfUi and Stlmu lllCnLl Ken curtis and June had pl'ecet.,(}ed him. AILeI' being 00488'N,. ElMs H. sturm, Sedy'D'eu. I..ebe.non, Ohio. Phone 448 the Whole Family! I[lLlng Melodra.ms.1 Storey In FARMElRS-TRADERS m1tLe<l W the bar h.e J'Ctw-ned a.nd LlFE INSUR.ANCE co. tcPenny Sina leton', Arthur Lake R bt • . U ba Brittan Song of the Prairie . was m G.11·100 to Lon Tholllpson, 1877. o . aAlWTe)', ar ra WIUI not Shots (lIgl1ln), Andy The 1 hOlllpson family were all makPhoJle l'l'l-L Real E.tate For Sale-in Life With Blondie In They Made Me Clyde, Town Criers, The In g Wl el!' honll'~ in Seneca, Ka.n5as A Killer ..... ~'iISlllen & U ......." uoo Spr'·"'ns Shorts AttmcUons : THREE "M '6"~' LF.BANON, 01110 by '\81!0 w~wrc lIh'y wcre Illgll1,y resIF YOU HAVE A PR.OPERTY OR STOOGES Comedy, Cartoon Plus :8asketba l1 Expt'rL~, SnAIIAlso: RaSf;lin I{omeos. Pt.'CLe<l c1UZCI' s . Mrs. EIIlt'ry is Ilhe PARM TO SELL oa.l1 Or Wr ite 8/; News, COME F.ARLY! shots and Cartoon . Panorama and Cartoon Don Henderson, Tel. KE3446. 617 only one 1I0\V living. Lh'il' children: Ma.ry Ann Cleaver, LonI.1n Ave,. De.yton, 0b10. Uc Yours TrUlY, Rebecca Allen, Sa.rah, Raohel Mrs. Allee E . Vorhees, Roberts and Slldll ucl 8 ., Wm. Soo LIVE STOCK21 Rlvers1de Dr. 000. MalOl~ , . Comley, Headley, At IU E. Mulb<errY, In Lebanon , OOLLIE PUPS--'- For sale. C. E . 'I'homa.s1'hompoon. , • , h lll'e an exten.~ lv .~ patronare Mloheoer. Phone 2926. 523c Mrs_ Emery's 'pru'Cnts were Sa.Ill- r are featuring a fine service In Is Now located in tile rear of 18 tandard~ Qualtty lrarts., Equipment., ul'l B. and Marwla JlU1C (Braddock ) Houaehold Good. With Office at 418 E. Mulberry, Sycamore St .. Entran ce to Unga's Bau.erlell, Automobile Paints and ·n,ompson . Sa.illllel came overland WE BOX REFlUGER.ATOR.- All Lebanon, are greatly aiding people Alley In Lfobanoll .. . \Veil Organ- Auto Painting Supplies. Accessories with h1s parents when 9. lad of 10 to make desira.ble changes througb pareela.In; G!tJ&on, 100 lb. ;sJ:1E ; can be oonverteO <to electric. Bee their hlrb class service in the Buy- Ized with 13 years or Weld1ng ex- a nd upplles for Auw, Truck and Irom PCIUlS)'lvlUlia to Warren co. Pa.ul Picldn4r, Prume 2182. tfc In g, SellinI' a nd Ext'ha nKing 01 perience and WOrk wi th metals and Tracwr .•. Are a)l Important fac- and Martha Ja.ne wlUl I1eJ' parents. Town and (''Ountr y Jlomes, Farms, modern equipment tor Welding tor in keeping- our valua ble trans- Ohal'les K . and Mar1l\ ~Stewu.rd l DUTCH OVEN RANGE- Wood 01' Work, Cutting. Brazing, Plow Share IHlrlaUOn system u'Ul1ing , . . 'l'heir Braddock, and g rtlndplU'entl:i , DAVid Coal; Good condition; Ume-cJoek Estates, Buslne s and City PropS lll1rllCnlllg a lld com plete Automo- service In Tractor "aris Is helping a nd Percilla (Wills) Braddock IU-oan.tro1. Henry Sllitterthwa.1Le. Ph. erties. Allywhere •• , WeU posted on fllrm aDd clLy real estate values a nd bile Repairing . .. Well and favor- to Ilromote our hl g'\) food' production rJved by caravan May 1839 from ~~. 5~ locatioll8 . . • Active listing and ably known to farmers and' motor- program • • . Complete l\llU, hlne Pennsylvania and New Jersey when BEDROOM SUTIE- Boy's single h onest appraisals . . . Can arrange Isis for reliable work . , • It elplng Shop Service •.• Qult'k 1n.'1tallation Martha J ane was 2 yea.rs of age. Oed, sprlDp and mattress; chest loans to close deals ' . ' . T el. 435M. w k"el) transportalloll and agri- . . , Under a ble direction of Ornon Charles K. BraddOCk, ulso Mrs. cultu ral equipment movin g to meet Kimmel ..• Tel. 179. of drMvera; n1te table; good oonEmery 's gl·lUldIai.her, wa.s a brickO 'Oonnell and 11hompson are of- the big- dema nd of Induslry and food ditlon; tsO.OO. Mrs. Ewing StlUmm, llIason llvlng in Wllyn ville \till his The Lebanon PartS Co. are saving early dcn,th in 1849. H.ls' widow re'Ph.. 2534. 523 feling a campl'eher.slve real estal.e production . . . Tel -724R, owners, ralmers nn</ glll-ages much mnlTled choosU~ a neighbor. J esse service and ru-e an Important factor In the mruntenance of contin- time and money IS well n.s sel'ving Apple wn . She was ~he mollller a.lso FOR SALE- J..a.rge Velour Daven- in meeting ow' proscnL <%langing pert. PhaDe 2587. 623 condition by helping people to mee t uous production on tile fArm, In- the community and country by their of Mrs. Hiram K1lbon IUld gra.nd them. W.he ther It be U~ the ,buying, d ustl"y a nd tOI' Lranspol' lajtlQn II' sel'Vlce in quality parts, equipmer.t, mot~ler w ,WWter Kllbon a.nrl Mrs. selling or trading oJ properties bhey this part o! l.lle sta,l.e, l.heJ'C Is no IWCcssor1es and supplies for cars. Etta. Hende rson of Waynesville, WATEEUNG TROUGHS- Galv. detllorlSLrate ex'»€triencc BInd ~'Cli- one who hu.<; been playing a more trucks and tra W:l's. IVLllIl whom she spcnc h r laLer years, Iron; practically new. Also, All- IIibUlty wilich lU'e two of the ele- Important part Limn Albel-L Moon. This Is definitely a yeaT to keep dyi ng in 1885. metal pPoPeI' b8ler. ~ynftiVille 'ments iJ1at COlli t n t when It the ·proprietol· of ilis own new es- transportation on t.he m ve and Ou.vld Braddock was a tailor by Ice 00. 523c C<lIlle5 to deo.llng in real estlilLc. tablistuner.L in Lebanon. His serv- tra.ctors in service for UIC ultimate In trade llJ'd n Quaker I\.') were all Ilhe FOR SALE- 1000 Used Blick; S,ee It Is bile opinion of maq bhatwe oes as an employee In welding and good of our food PI'Oduction pro- Braddocks, Percilla. a.nd her son, once V.loe, N. Ma.In St. PIh. 2171. arc on ,t.he ve of grea.t expansion. metal work ·has been l'CCOgnliled 85 gram and Ihls company i.~ ber.dlng Oharles K. arc burltld In Waynesefficient nd satls!!a.ctory Ilnd he every effort to help tJlose who need &3 Ma.ny people are rlnding their ville Quaker cemetery . David died has nuWe Il1lU1Y friends who are their service. 1847. Theil' cllildJ'Cll IIvJng near SALD3 BOOKS- A new Idea; Ex- homes and bus inesses a re not meet- d pendlr.g upon him w keep til II' Th Y ,have a full s tock of bcarWaynesville ' WCl'C Mrs. Empson cellent print1ng;Prompt 5erv1ce; Ing tJileir pI' ~ t day l'eqUlrements equipme nt. ready for wOI·k. Ings, geal's, batterlles and nccessolies R<lgel'::;. Job. Oharles K . lUl~ Robert Standard; PrIces; See Davisson and concll'tions Vld if it Is to yow' He has excellent equipmcnt Dnd for repl8lCUllent on any model, no 1n Lel'oot 10 se IJ or exx:.ll8iJlge get. in Bmnddock. Ml·S. Henry J endngs. Pnl88, Phone 2U3. 't ouch with them. You have oppor- Is expert. In ~re repair of bro ken m ~ter whaA; 1.<; needed. so If you Samue l B. Thompson and MaJ1tha tunities to sell now as IIUUlJI are parts of ma.ohJnery wh.eldler I~ Is call at bhelr place or over' th e phone, Jane his secolld wit'e, Mrs. Emery'S CardeD PIan~ flndlng it w 'their adv ntage to buy passenger car, truck or traotor. He giVing the r.umlle r 01' description FOR. SALE- Sweet potato plants. DJ:1W. Is able to I' pair parts that In fOr - you 'wUl find lJley have It In sLock 50c per 'h W'..dred ; All klnds or mel' tlnles would have be n ('on- 01' can get it for you. as they ' antip.1'den plants 10c per dozen . TIley have a large and vJ!.I'y . de red beyol'.d help a nd by model'll cipate Ilhe n eeds of Lhe ~oplt' a n d r l't'CLly are well suppUed. Oha.s. C. Strouse, 1~ mUes north IWLlve lIs~g and people ploce 1111 melil Ods Slid !l~IlI ~y W of Waynesville, corner of Ferry confidence In ~h m 10 !; Ivc h on es>, !l.vlnr: prop)e Their stock 1ncludes plstoll 1'111 ' 'I , and Ly:tle .roads. 74 values. Their cllenl.s ma y a t ' ] much In tile cMt of ne w ]:81'\..·· , Lilli,. pis ton pins, axks. I!1ll ,I'g ,'-h ellll;. su ' t!ons with pl'Ont, kl'owln g pc Is 11 Iplng In Oll l' prog ra m 10 gaskets, kin g ,bolL.~ . b l ,~ hil .' s , 'C:; llFOR ' SALE-Poultry t:ne y are Impul\tlal and reI abl e . PI'cscl've what... we hflVc flnd t J 111 0\ ~ I neoctl rods, fllll Iw I1...-; ..' pring ', 'I'hey are 1n w uoH wilh t,:e om' food pI'od uction lip te. Ute b t \ bllitterles. Rutom.obll' , p:II Us :.n ! I FRIERS FOR SALE- Ol'~sse d 01' on foot. ' Phone 2584 , O. E. stan- SOlll'Ce5 of money and a ll UI'I'fLllgc possible level. paIIllLiI'.g fl upplit' ,. 'l'l:r!'><' Hl'l' 110 forth. 523 for loallS to .assl.sl In ~I los n il' of He offers complf:ote a.u tcmollll r- 1','- made up of pirn,1.e pnrts v\' ,}Ptll' transactions so whel' you do busl- pairing too in ch.\I'gc uf 'X lll' l'k n ', 'd I ings. but the real b nrlngs [J lnl fi t. ness wlLh them you w1l1 nooL be de- m echllI'lcs 'I1.nd a ll wl'rk is fill is hed i are of s tanda rd d~lgn and re' layed In completing 1J1e deal. with pl'CCIsJOll . They ar IIC(: 110- sollie of the bes t tl's ted outpu ts of
O'Donnell&Thompson Albert Moon Lebanon lParts Co.
• Accol'dlng to Bill S(lW)'CJ', IIUlIIRgCr of Idle Legion n ibaJl TelUu, a l.'lWlle will be I)\ayed he! Sundny be~wcel1 Oen tervlllc ond IJ1C Home boys . .The JWIIOl' leaJn lost LO t ile CenLeI'VIUe g1"OUP 12 W 8 on SUIlclay MB\Y 18.
• • •
Futurc games schoouled fol' til(> senior team lnclude n Il'lUllC with Lebanon on Decomtiol Day May 30 at 4 :00 p. 111 . after rt.'lfular·scheduled events of llIle day lU'C compleLed.
• • • On June 2 at 2:30 p. m ., the DayI.On FlrulCOlI& wUI· P,lay here at 2:30.
Welding & Repair Shop
. Real Estate Brokers
MERYL B. "Shorty" GRAY
Announces .
Tbe reopening.of his law offices at
After serviog approximately forty-ooe months the United States Armed Forces
P h o n e 109 - .=
• -
~~==~=~=~:-=-=-=-=-=-=--=; - dating and ,gIve Pl'Olllpt a lt"nLloll 1<,. cling manufac tul'Cl's. k whether Lhe job be lar 'C ~ - .---
, . , " III! ... SU~( Waf .. ~. , .. ""III, ",,"1 ooIln. ,lit
11946. 91
Homogenized Milk
to fit IenIIiiI iacllided\~ aU popa'"Sizes aIII....S. MOOL AID _ .: • ~ .• '.: -.. 4c No to purchase I BIG "I" CORN .Whil!! .c~ lie \ &1" . 1@. a ~ 1·28 · • • 'I 'lOp KIDNEY BEANS :~ 0:- ~12c 16-28~. £U"
,. DgIIt 1llllplIIib.3Oc
The 'BANTA .Implement Service I::1. 1~:~1~<~1~~~~
Phone 555
vUle cemetery, < ... There are a hoat of deBCendants
1·16 ••• 66-16 .••
..... R,d • .otor aD • .' • •
(32C · ,f.I' Ilc
Salted ......... • • • • • • • SpotIipt Ooffee ~ • .... DeIM • • ea....1nI Rice. • • • • • • • Box ,.,... • • •
Nt ....
I,a,. Peac..... • • .... Whlll ... PtlIIII • •
Armitage & Son
~' 24c
• . JOHN,'.DEERE Farm Equipment
:e: :. :
'1.55 COCOANUT CAKE :-t?": ... .52c i• .
Stewart's·Thrift-E Market
_.A" ,
He is InvitjJIIl many fne nlls amongst nile fal'mers, con Lrfl t.ol ·~ HI' aM "'" ..,1'1,,01 .. Roswell , N. M . ~\-_ _....... IUS CUIOLINIUM. nnd 'Uhe mowl'U~g public w YUill his Quick Battery Charger May 12. 194 i e VAUNl ((0 ... , "', .htf,lt$a"" ._, II", It..oill1. place when In Lebanon and assu res TIle ' Mlam1 .azotw. Hydraulic Car' Lift n, lo"w II'" . . , i...WIiI\ them of Uhe very best and economW~nesv Ul e, OhI.o 11\1,..... - ..'''' ...111. ical service a L 8111 times. "SERVICE by SERVIS" Deal' Sir : Under separate COy r. I 11411 sending marltoo copy or Colll'jer PERSONAL STATIONERY Trlbur..e, a bl~w eekiy published t NORRIS BROCK CO. Gazette. Phone 2143. Seneca, KWl:;as, con't alning sketch 0IMIDIaaU Union SUlek Yarda of Mrs. R. M· Emel'Y, Sr .. who was r al'ro III COl'wln, 01110, fi nd taught. In It.s • hoo!. She , will be years old on July 11, There a re many fri ends Rl'd I'r,l a · t1ves Ilvln<g In o'r ncar WaynesVilip TRY OUR w110 will be Int.e resLed In hl'arlnr~ WHOLE MILK - PASTEURIZED MILK - CREAM from h er fol' s he has not bel' ll a.hl c CHOCOLATE MILK - ORANGE 'DRINK to write for :;ometime and h a.~ lo.5t touch. WHIPPING CREAM - BUTTERMILK Live Wire ane. AD 01'Mrs. Emery's great grandfalJler. COTTAGE CHEESE pnIaat.ioD teOODd &0 DODe. 81riClt1, Mahlon Ridge, wlUh wife, Hanml.h LEBANON MIIerI OD til .. beII& aU ai'OUDd market !Hioks and sere:ral chi loren, were PHONE ba Ute eoantrJ. t he first of her people to come f l'Om Service. That Satiafies Peoosy,) vania to Wa rren coul' ty In SOLD AT TUNE TO '1817 when they s ettled on thell' WHIO Dayton 12:30 -Dial 1300 fIlrnl on Caesars c reck. HI) dip.d For Our Da lly Market Report about 1844 a nd Hrumah later. She. :trsnnrul, -was relative of Eli as Hicks, the founder of the .Hlcksi te Society of Frler' cIs to which sect TF.l.EPHONES 'bllCy belongc<l. Some of t.heh· cJllldWAYNF. RVII.I ,E 2091 PaYH';;RSES $5.00 COWS $3.00 re n will be remembered as yoUI' old 1\101UtoW No. 3 According to Size and f,EB,\NON Ofl'ice .73K settlers there a.nd your coun.ty hisLOoOO1tton SAND and GRAVEL ory makes mention of ~hem. TIlt' RES. 1~9L ClhIldJ'en were George, SIm.pson , BLACK·TOP DRIVES Hog.,. Calves, Sheep, etc. ,Jacob, Chal'le", Oomley, John Ridge TAR and ROAD OIL . BDlOVED PROMPI'LY nnd Mary K nlglhlt, Lucy TIlOm pson . LA WN and FILL DIRT Rachel R.ocIdh1ll Rl'd 'S allie SIl'l.ith . READY-MIX CONCRETE The daughter, Lucy Ridge, ' Mrs. Call Emery's grandmotlher, marlied ill EXCAVATING and DUMP TRUCK SERVICE PelUlSylvanJa to naNid .ThomPllOn, ' ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ who, with their .fam,Uy, follOWed the Ridges w Warren county in 1832. IIADf Buyl~ a place in Massie townshlp 4 5. 4 . XEN~ O. lJ1ey settled nt'&". tlTe Ridges W'hel'e David fllJ'Inoo and, I presume, plied .. O. 'BUCBSID, IJIfC. bhe shoertlaker t:rllde COl' l1e Iha.:! GENUINE' JOHN DEERE REPAJR PARTS been boUnd as a boy ~o I lun 1.haIL -Competent · Repair Service on Tractors and NEW and RENEWAL ...-- ' tmde. David- waS a Baptl!<t. Vhough Implements by Experienced Mechanic'Lucy, hpld to bh4~ Frlendq prac tJlX's SUBSCRIPTIONS TO
.no -
. . JIOI , .
Inger's IoId T. • T.... FIr IpraJ • little SpraJ. • • .lulel. • PIN Ea loodl.. •
•..,..nIt .
lb. _
J.w ....
Bulk, Sibs.
8 lb: Mesh Bal
51c I~
• • • I k! 2Sc • • .....Ut. 84c llc • •
• • • • • ~~. 31e • • • • • ... 12Y2c • • • • • .... 41c
• • • • • •• •
~. I·Lb.
21e ,17c
Carolinia 10 lb •. 47c U. S. No.1
Golden Bantam,
WATERMELONS, '. Guaranteed, . , about $1.49 each 6ge '
-. ,lamlazette
Esta;bJish ed. 1850-No. 4266
Street Lighting Problem Investigation 1946, Graduating Committee Appointed By Civic Club • Tile W:lYllesvll le Civic Club h elJ WARNING TO ALL li S mOllvllly dilliner meeti ng a~ "Th p DOG OWNERS Ul'cen Room" M onday pvenln g. M y ~ O, wl Lh 32 Ill ClIIbc l S and gU 'liL.i • Mad dogs are slOWly but surel~ coming ·lnto our County. We urge pl'Ctlcnt. n several IllMt.ers lJ ~ I' Lal lllllt\ LU the II dog owners Ilo keep their <lOQrln CI vic bt:Lt.ennen L 01' Lh i:; COIIIJIlUull y encJOIlureti so stray dogs cannot get wc re (hSiC'l\S.';(.'(.\ u no [lcLed upon ~ t to .them. We urge the destruotlon of a ll 1111$ meeLing. stray dogs, r'. G . Brown, C h U lI' lIIUJl of ~\I(' F . J. Hscemeyer, Highway Comml ~IA'fl rei rU'<l 011 lih l' Scott H. McCIW'e, pro!l'l·e.;s of Ilis COlIllII ILt.ee in scouring H.. D. Bailey, a VIII.<lucL ovel' \!.II l\ cnue b t!~ wce ll ~Iallonera of Warren Co. Waynesville and Oo rwlll. Mr. Brqw u Oha.n Barbee, Dog Wardeh r ead a lctt.cr from Perry Foro, ::;\;aLC IIlg'l1lwuy LJll'ccwl' In which Lt was May 22, 1946. ~ llll.t.'<i ·\.I1M on ll.<XlOunt of t he rl'JOl atJon of !toute 13 a.t. HurveySlmrg I eel raj J tru th; wo uld not be a vallalJle ill 194(j. Mr. 1''o)'d well't on \,() say In his ' le Lter LIla.t Ule <I p. r L· Illelle. viewed \Jll e projected VIIW llcl Ia vOl'ably a1ld Cila.~ It. would roccl ' • The slJct;y-thlrd annual reunion Lop vnartLy cl~her in 1947 01' 1!l48. of Uhe WaynesVille H1gtt. BcilOOI T.he depal'Lment ev11.1ently rc a l l2c ~ Mumnl was held' in tale Hi8h School Wlflt It woult.! 1.10 IitLle good ill reGymnas1.um on 8ftturc:la6' evemng, looo.tJ11g and wtdeulllg Houte 73 at May 25, witlh about three hundred Ha.rv yllburg a.nd ~11Cl1 having tll e members and friends present. re:mlta nL h ca vy 1.I'UCk lUld LrUllslcllt A banquet d1Dner waa liel"Ved by U'llflic tJed up by ilOOd Wa.tElI al the ladles of t.he 'MethodISt Oburoh, Waynesville. aft.er which ft, program was eDIJOyed. C . E . MIchener moved and IWIU SL. The vpenlng remark.s were made John :;eeonded tJle 1ll0IJon 'that iJlc by the president., Dorts S&llabury I cport be npPl"Oved and ~11o (Jom- Smibb, who acted allIo 'u toastmlttee dlsolved. mistress. Mr. Laowrence Brown '13, AnoLiler matter prcscntcci for con- w loomed the new members aftdi bls :;ideratlon of tJhe Club was LIle need son, Donald Brown '46, very ably of al.ldlLlonal street lIglhtlng 1ac1ll- responded tor Ilhe class. Robert Lles Jor Wn,y11.csvllle. A . s}llr1t.ed dls- EamIlart '''2 and Jean Hartsock '''3 cussion ot this problem fol.lOwcd, In eadl gave vocal 00106 and the v.Gl1cil a. llIember s tated Lilat he Nul memoJrs were given by Mary Earnbeen told lJy travelers "going t.hru hllirt '08. WaynesvUle IM.c at nl8'111> wa.~ ~ 1'~ Florence '42 represelll.ed IUte l:0lng ,WU'U ft, tunnel." tJle reLurnecl service. men and woPres dent Moler Instructed the men In a.n excellent talk. The esPublic AfJeJts C<lmmlttce to oontac~ pecially bonortld cla8!la!l, 1896 and the VlJlageCouncll and the ·DB.Ytwl 19'21, were represent.ed by Ella. Keys Power aud . LIght ~ . a nd to work coOk , '96 ft.R!l Harold Ea.mhait '21. out a plan to secure '!Iddltlonn.l lights The' class Or 1908 was awarded tbe and LO plnoo tbem at beSt adVWllAlge. sUver c~ for 'hBv1ng !.be greatest The COllunlLtee on lPublle AffeJrs percent of their number preae~. The o!rlcers elected . for the comconsis ts oI F. G . Brown, cha.ll1111 n,
-• •
~Waynesville High .
$1.50 Year -
School Ci~c Club Again Sponsors "Kids" SoftbaU Monday "Swim for · a Dime" Recreations MIAMI CEMETERY ASSOCIATION MEETING • The AnnualMrN lng of Lot. Owners of the Miami Cel11ot(,f,l' Assoc iation will be held on Monday afternoon June 10, a t 2:00 P.M. a t t1U! Cemetery office.
K. R. Hill, S. L. R'Ob1nson. W . C . iI!g .year were: St. JOJUI aml C. Lee Hwwke. Pres:klent
second Itow: Mrs. Lukens; Vivian PummW; Lovely; &.ra:h Rld1nt!er.
Tbltd ~.: Miss Ro6e; Oladlys RG'e; Barbara W&lIrer; Rubh Amburgy; ~ty Haa:t ; Nellie Hammer. Fourtb RAJ,,: Miss Fox:.bower; Rosema.ry 'M ulford; Elt!estllne Elarhhart; Marilyn Burske; Nellle OrndOff ; NOIma Adame; Dorollby lJerr!y. EdItors Note- Orflclal photogr8.phs such B& furnish to oIlher newspapers were not made avallnble to The MIarn1 G1lrette and ibis pbofqraph waa dl6tl1luted Ir.stee.d.
JJ.ome ' ·
Rev, Walter Dakin of St. Louis, Mo., a former resident of WB\Ynesville is spcnding some ,time 8.t bhe Home. Mr. and Mrs. Maurice Roeskin. Mr. Harry Conwny lind Mr. Q.Ud Mrs . Erl'est Ma.rtln 01 Dayton were. I.Ihme r gUeSts on Sunday of Mm. Ueorgia MendeIliha.ll. Mrs. Georgianna 'lvios spen& the weekend with ·her daughter, Mrs. Het'J'y Hauenstein and family In ClnclnllaU. Miss Olive WlllIalDlJ was a dlnDer l,"Uest on Wednesdn.y of Mrs: QllU'les Michener n.nd the aJ·terl'l'OOn was :;ped In Daylloll. Miss Ruth Chandler IlpeD& fihe week -wIth her sisler,. Miss Ellzab'eth Ohandlci- In ColwnbUS and 'had the . pleasure 01' seeing Maurice Eval1s' In Htimlet at the 'Hartman ThflGitre on Wedn esday evenlne. 1
The home of Mr. nnd Mrs, SOOn-
ley Ba.Uey Was ·,tlhe scene. o f a very happy tUne on Wednesda.y nlgh l " when their daUR'hter MIll! (Phyl~ e nt.eJ1;ained a bonlUP of clasllnlate8
a ra:rewell 10:.' lihe )lear. . The sun-parlorWB& , 1he Iavorlt.e spot for .tIle aiumbel' partlY ancrUioee who el1lloyed the nilPbt .W1Lb : titleil' hOlltetls were Ml8ses Norma IJobgacre. Bett.,v. TbOInaB. Yvoone SWbbI, PaiIItv Ba.1rd. 8b1rley LaWllODt Joan O'lBuUOD, Bonnie Satterthwaite, Mary JlJen PI8her, NonD& Gruber
u.cl RIfUJI aametA.
Mrs. McCoy wishes to express her deep appreclatlon to alJ the studen ts for the lovely gU't and also extend
THURSDAY, MAY 30, 1946 -
2:00 P. M.
• Mr. ~d Mrs. Ernest Edgingt,on are. announcing the blrtil of a seven pound, ,t wo ounce son, Mark Edward. at tile Good Samarll41n hospital, May 22, 1946. Mr. 8J'.di Mrs. Clyde Edglngton of Moscow, Oh10 are the pa.ternal grandparents and Mrs, Earl iHookett of Ma.In se.. Is tlhe
~'-rl' _-fl_~/J
ROBERT HASTINGS Boy Scouts Troop· No. 40
INTRODUCTION of SPEAKER by Louis Thompson Commander Wayne Township Veterans Post No. 615 ADDRE~ . by D. D. DONOHOO Former Chaplain U. S. Army. World Wars I. and II
Robert L. VanZile, Minister
In cllaJ.ge and Elleen Brown prea1dlng. JUdy Davia WtlS elected as re.... W'--I cree. tlon leader u,., e J 0 8WUt as eatstant.; Dues of ~ meeting was' voted. M1s& Marlie Ann Berry, ·home danoll8U"11.tton asent, W64 preaent for thls meet1D8. The next meetlna of toe Club wUl be ileld at the 0J'antIe Hall, FrIday, May 31 at 2:30. ClUb meowerswho wUI talte part In the prog,nun for this meeting are Judty Davis and' Delores 8e1'l')'. Jennie Lee Braddocit, News 'R eport.er
4-8 Club '
·Mr. and Mrs. J. Bl Jones were Sunday dinner guesll5 of Mr. nnd Mrs. H.enrY Finck a.nd' Mrs. John Zlm- ' merman &It Waynesville. Mrs. Jone6 remained unt1l Mondll~ evenJng. Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Nichols of CilliClnr.atl spent Saturdaiy WlU1 Mr. and Mni. Ralph Hammond and famlIy. The ·laIbter's moth~, Mrs. Strauk.amp aooompa.nled !.hem horne lor an extended v1sIt. Mr. 8. H. Burnet who has been . very ill at Blair h96]>11411 In LOOar.on, returned h<Ule on Wednes<hW much Improved. Mr. and Mrs. Walter Kenrick and J6Dle6 Haines were d.iJme~ guests Sunday ot Mr. oar.d Mrs. Thomas Coll/Jla In Da.ytoo.
Hn, Ralph Bar,er'lI mother, Mrs.
Elizabeth hospital. . Mr. and Mrs. Donald Baird' or Bellbrook have purcbast.'d tlhe Todd " LOng fa.rm north of I.qtle on !.he , Ker.rtclt TaOd and moved ~here last week. .Mr. Paul Johns attendee) Alumni MEMBERS of COMMITTEE of Wilynesv1lle Hlgh SChool Saturda,y evening. Fred Grauman. Chairm~n; S. ,L. Robinson; Mr. -and MrS. A. O. WlIlialDlJ 01 Robert~ Planck; wiljard Furnas DaytOn were dinner guest.8 ot Mr. Earl Conner and Mrs. Leslie Gra,y. ar.d children Sunday. They called at ·the bome ot ·Mr. 'IIlld Mrs. Walt.ol· Kellll'lck and spent Sunday night and Monday . Mr. &Del lin. Frank Tbomas bad Mr. and' Mrs, KIIMell1 Wilson and with Mr.' II.Dd Mrs. WJll ·O raham. aa Sunday fI'Utl8lB Mr. and Ml'lI. Mr. IIIIOd Mlrs. Hed:lert McMnlan Mr · and M .... 'Frank Brown and UU· ~n r ~ . and' diUihtef l Of were atl wuniltlgtlnl<coUeg~ 'on Mon- ci1st Boinott of T1pp City were ' Lyt.le and Mr. and Mm. Arthur daY even1n8 ,and -w' 1Wis Martha weekend 'guests llittne' home of Mr. f ....... _ - of Day................. ._- ...- _....... .. ·_·... ma ed qu _. th • The New OentAlry C1~ met on u",",_ ~......wa , n crown '8.1 • een... e .and' Mrs, O~ .R.outzahn. ~ atternoon at the !home at. Art.hur · ~ wtth 14J'8. ~e, eciloof ·rest1vltlC6. Miss Monlmla Mr. and Mrs. Calvin ' Lonpcre acMrs. ElsIe Hockett for Ilhe siiOr! and '~I or 'S ldlley, bh~.. Hoa:k 'Was one of the queen's a t,- coni.pa.nloo by Mis. Louella Swank May In.eet1llc With Mns. J , S. Jones recentJly rMl'lWd f1'cdt.ltWUn~r:~t' ·te~16. 1Il".d ,R obert ~ of Day.ton atnd ... - WW sa; ... PMmualta aat ¥t'S, WWlam PIbWlpa. Lebanon, a "'D, vaae "'" . tended ·!.he Alumni at WQyneevllle Mrs. Lena. !,fadden" Ml'Ii; JeI!se ~ .Mr. and ,~: ;~n Mr. and Mn. L. C. 1St. John and. Hilb School audltorlUm, Saturday PreI:IdeIpat. Mrs. IUlOIIdea BunneU 'l'h<lIn&s of 'Deer Creek, ~, MIas LUla Benham villited 't he Mt., eVenJl}g, and Mm. J. B. R1ch. . ;';;~."'. '1'& " aDd ' lira ' t ! )fIJlIam f ' I' . Sa " ba4 arltl ' cemetery on Sunday . Mr, and Mn. Cly' de 'W . h artOn en-
Service in Methodist Church in case of rain
New Century '\;;'I..L
At !be t)uMneu ~uu!,Offloers th~1f:~"durlni 'odle ~~·weetj rqo t.he _comlr.g year 'ftfe ~ tirl '·aM'.' 'Iira!' Oul.llJIiftfian:·;or, as follows: . and Mr President Mrs. R . H. Hartsock TOulcn, Iolt Mr. ~er ,. Vkle- Pres. Mrs. Jta~ 0mIDer Lebhan served tIOgetber 10 . ~ a11' D E, A"b'"_ ~ . .,......:..L~ cIdt1n8 &DOflh tftib WIII'• '. OIi, f Prtclay ....... "'-... null.... , -~ .._ 1belr .........- •...:.••_ . S . S . IIl1s --.or y.n.au • er ODe 0 £.~ ..., '. . u " , . :I:.oi' ..:~ y .. _...u_. .......... M.nI J B ...... --- ~ aDd' crew .. , ollUpllUWn, .......,. : . , VOII'IIII_. . '!.. . Glenn ~ were ~ .ohaI'p of lin. IIlIDma McClure ;qf I'nDkUD ~e ~ and mtrodUce4 . ~w" )1t1"lbest.ofMr.~"'lIJ t'heli' r8'Ueet spealter,~~ .1:.. ~ ~ i.eete, 0cJi0ckm. Mr, Utd tim, Oor~ ~~t.be~~ -~ dOD aile bM . . . illmer IQIIItI ~ 1rilo-cave. an ~ aDd _ _- 8andia&'1 Ref. walter Dat1n, of lit, tmDbIc >talk 00. the ~ 01 b n1Uf. .cd Mr. aDd Mia. IIoMId !lome and the 'WOrk doIIe . ~ . BiP.-. ~ adJOUI'IIiDIr tiD IdiIk wltb .,.. ~ B. B. JIIU'Dbart .. boIteIa III Mr.... Itn. Carl aDd' JuDe, & delIItIUUl . . . ~ .... ~ JIll. Keever of .. 1ItIe ~ cUmI!C WIdcb i 'IdIIt llrf; Wl CIIIUDI WII ...... "
Mr. and' Mrs. Alber' IIap bave moved ~o1O. 1tie1r recen.iJ.y' pul"tlh88ed f6rm But rd ~d cOOn near 0 , t:h . ty, Ohlo. Tbeyapent e last weekend at.>t.betr former home 1'lear Wayliesville. . Mr. Paal spitler and Mr. Claftnce BImth of near Middle Bun motAIred
ca .......... lup
trucli and
-ttMlormertiOul'tt' a
More complete plans of t.he summer program are being developed by the Civic Club Sports Commibtee.
Many frler.<ISBilci · relatives have received Invit.atlons during the week W'b1C'b. read: ,M r. aDd Mrs. Alva. ·P. Thompson request Ilhe henOl' of your presence at the marriage of their d&ugQlter, Mary Jean, 'to Mr. Charles E. Price on SaC\lrdB.y, e1gMh of June at half after eight at the Wa.yr.csville Methodist Ohw'Ch . Reception will follow Immedia.tely at the home of the brtde's parents. Both MJss Thompson and Mr. Price a.re gradualtes of W[J,ynesvllle High school and Mr. Price recently received :his dischUJ'ge after servin!: several mont.hs In the U. S . Na\lY.
Mr. a.r.d Mrs. C. E, B'tIanforth
opened ot.helr rhome In !.he country on Thursday evening and, iliad as
their guests bile members of the South Wayne .Advlsory group tor the reeular May meeting . Mr. and Mrs. ,Raymond Braddock ar..d Mrs. Doris Kennedyand' da.ug:h: t el' were guests of ·the evening. 'Ille bu.slneSs session WIIS ~e1d and I1he topic for generoi dlscusalou was "What should be done . to prevent World WIU' lll?" MaJl(V intercStil".g remarks were made and after adjourning ·to meet with Mr. and Ml'S. Clarence Rye In Jurie, a pleasant soc1al lbour W9S enuoyecl. Ice MIAMI CHAPTER TO cream and cake ·was served by bhe ViSIT' lNSPECTION • Miami Oha.pter No. 107 OES host IUld hostes&. members ,h ave received Ir.vUatlons to a.ttend 'the regular annual In-. spectlon of New Burlington Cha.pter On June 6, 1946. Dinner, by re6ervatlon, w1l1 'b e served at 6:30. Mr. and Mrs. Howa.rd Hurley are • Mrs. LucUle C. Alexander, 61, Rt. the WortJhy< Patron and Wort:hy 1 Waynesville, a (native or bile MIami Matron. VoaJley Ill".d resident ot Payton for 40 years, died on SIlI1da.y morning after
..JJalVeVd£upg Mr, lW6ert Shl~er and IIlster Phyllis were wceker..d guests of their ~and'l1lot.her Mrs. Dollie Frazier and lIOn Harold of Germantown. Mrs. Mon~mery of ·Lockla.nd visited her family here over the weekend. Mr. aDd Mn, "Woody" Orey of .
Lebanon have puroha.sed the servIce station east ot town. . Mr, and Mrs. John Peterson. Mrs.
Rose Mack and Mr. Robert Gle.nn
_..,.................. ·held
Ohullcb'W1U_e~nedWednesday att.ernoon Junie 5 at the hoole of
Boy!! who a t the beginning of n ex t school year will be In the sever.th to twelfth gradC8 Incl ush'e Or boys living in Wayne Towns hip who wl\l have ree.olled tile age ·of 12 Or are not, 18 years old on JUly 1, 194C arc eligible to p1s3' , . Any <boy who has not already signed to play ball in ~he Lee.gue may do so at the Drug store. The sports COmmlttee, whlch Is headed iby Wym e r Drake, plnns to pay offlolals at ~hese ,b all gamos by taklng up a. collection am~ng the spectators a t the gumcs. The Monday " Swim for a Dime " plan throUgh 'whlch Wayne Park and t-he Civic Club joll1 t ogether In adml,1It1ng children under 18 years of age to Wayne Park on Monda.ys will agalu be prol,lloted by ,the sports committee. A plan Is also afoot to Jlave a sponsored ,play program at the old school building for chLldren under 12 years 01 age on Saturday afoter-
. ThompSOD P Wedding AanoUDeed S~ L W . • outu ayne Council past
Cincinnati were Thursd,%, guests of Mr. and ¥ra. Ben Becnett. Mrs. WlJIard Martin visited her Mrs. M" .~, Pierson and son terfa.lned to dJr.ner Sunday Mr. and John last Mrs. ·Loren R.o\JtIl.aIlln and dwghMr, alld Mrs, Will McCarren reter of Fftnkl1n; ~. and Mrs· Morris turned to their home In WalhoundWharton or Miami Shores; Mr. ar.d lng saturday MI's. Bernard 'M lelob and soh a n d ' , "'_. Y'-'& area............. 'Y'I-'_ , r--'ly The ~ual School AJIIIDDi was ..... uoa'l< I·.. &It the Audito . rhun, Sarurday _th-'Mft 'WIIB In Ih onor or Mra. .."'"'6 evening. RG uatln"S biJ'llUla. ' U' y. fIIr!I. ·Charlea Doster and Aucbter · Tbe Woman's Soel~,. L,vUe Barbara Visited In Mansfleld recent-
Sat.unla):,.Mra. Ida ~n._ Wlth Mn. Eva _ _ baWDidl'an&pOfted rthelr ,YOUDI, Mrs. lIlmm&Liicy and ¥rs. car MIl ~ bone In tbe truck. IlaWe creIIb1Xlll ~ bOBtell8eS. ,~. EditA Kurflas wUl tla.ve tdle lin. B. P. Banlban wu a 'beida, ~ aDd the topk !Evar.ceUam" . . . . 01 her daUlbt«, Kra. J. N, by KrII. . JeIaIe Lonpcre. Mrs. C. A. BIIII . . . III D.,lcIIhact.tIUeDcIed • OIluti'. 8eCln!taIl' ot Orpniratlon ~ ........ pen lit 01 'IIbIIIen~ DIItI1ct. w111 .be tbe guest -' tM BreUIerD .....
'l'beJ amveci . bome
her gr·a Utude to trlle p arents IUld {rlends whose fine cooperation made bile rccilQ.l a success. She a.lso Wl&hes to eXI>ress her deepest appreciation w Rev. COleDlQn and !.he Board members of the Mebh.odlst chw'oh for the ·usc of bhe auditorium.
Zoe Brown, Is 6erlously III at St.
27. 1946. The nudlenee WIIS entertained and d.elighted wit.h a varied program ranging from the old maswrs to ot.he ult ra-'lliodern school of compo5ltlor. 'lind each of the young artlsus created favorable ImpressiOns and were warmJy applauded. ~t the clooe of !.he program Mrs. McCoy WIIS told to remain on the platform while one of the JUllii or pupils, Winnie Jo Stout, came 10r· ward and In ft, prellty speech .pg'esen~ a. .gift to Mrs. ,M cCoy, a cont.ribution from aU lJhe students togellber.
The IWayne Sew-So 4-H Club met Its speaker a I\lan of Fuller Fla.n - FrkIa.y. 'Ma.y 24. at tile Gl'anIe Hall ngan's c:\.lIber. with Mrs. Edenfield and Mn. Davis
HlU'lan; Mary Jane Anderson; Wanda Propst ;
ground his talk on labor relalUons
from IIhe sUu1<1point or b6!.h management and labor was lnstruotlvtl IIJ1d very ill Lel'es Ling. Tlle Clvle Olub was Indeed for~unate to secure tor
PHOTO SERVICE Cleo Stanley; Donald Browr.; Harold Johnson; John Perry 8Qckett.
Top Row Left to RI,lit: SUpt. Raymund Braddock: Starr; Seth <HoRk; Oharles Lackey; VlrgJJ LOIJPcre a
OIJ.ber.t Frye '2e
'I1he speaker of !Jhe evening ,wns Vlae- P:res. Raymond Da.vlll '08 Secrelal)', Inez James Har1Boc:k '33 F1:I.Lher F'nulcJs J . F100ngan of St. 'I'reas. Frances WaIltIns Conner '39 Mary 's seminary, Olnclnnatl. He After singing bbe school SOllg WII.'l lor two years connected witll "'11he 0raDie 8J'.d1 The Black" the MUCI-lcIIJl Fed m\.lon of Labor ~lClng WII8 enjOyed .in Ijbe audiat Washl n ll'\.()n and with Lois back torium,
• Tl lC OIYic Softball Laa@UEl or Kid Leaguc w ill open the 19016 sort00 11 season In Waynesv1lle, Marday evening, J un o 3, at t h e high school di amon d. T emporalily , . un~U completior. 01 tthe n ow dia mond now un<l er consU'u<:tlon 9.t Wayne Park, games wiH be played on the s ~nool d iamo nd on Mondays a nd Frldn.ys wllJ'lr a ll con tests s t nl'Llll i! lo rOln p Lly UoL 5:30 p . m.
A1 WIO ug h SPOl".,~ I'S h ave Ilot yet, becn SelecLed, players may find out • In spl te of lncessn l1't I'a In a lartle with which team LIley are to play 8udiel"cc greeted the 1>l al1o stud en ts and -when games are to be pla.yiXI 01 Mrs. Helen McCOy at lhe Met h- by caJllng at the WnY& l;v1l1e Dl'Ug odist Ohurch, MOllCiay eve nJng, Ma y SWre, Friday of ·tU11s '.\leek, or later .
Gilbert Frye "'Ql~ Alumni President
fic Copy
a long Illness. .
She lB sw-vl\led by her hUSband, Glen W. Alexander; a son, Bru..:e A. Alexander of New York city; a c.la.u8·hiter, Mrs. Glel'mllry Wt!ls or Rt. 1, Wa.ynes ville; a grandson. S tephen A. WelB; a sister, Mrs. Olara B . . oHarrls ot Fullerton, Oa.l., and a brother, H. Van Lamme' or Long Beach, Cal. Funeral serviceS were oonducted Wednesday aJterr.OOJ1J at 2:00 at the Neeld Funeral Hooie in Xerua. with InteI:Il1ent a.t Sprl118 Valley cemetery .
"DAD" HA WK.E BETTER AFTER RECENT ILLNESS The many trlends of Mr. J . O. Ha.wke a.re very 'happy to ilmloW tiln.t . he Is l'1lrpidly recovering from his recent illness at 'h is bome on Fifth
Mrs LeSt John ......... ,..- JObD • • •• "&WI ....... settlemyre and Mrs. Clara R.o!!& or Olarksville attended ,t he Instau8.tIon . ~r '¢ ncers ,(or tlhe Rainbow Order . I:r. . for girls at' Frankl\n on Monday ' Mr. and Jobo Thompaon of ilVel)4ng, W~ v1s1tecJ 1lhe1r ~ . Mr. Robert Wanl, ·sundae'. . Mn. Reberl .Lee Payne of- Xeala ~ FroIt .... ~ 1r'II~ waa a allIer in h1a Jenner home HoJmejs MemorIal bo8p~ in Oln- near Nt. lIQllY.', 8atI.IMa,y alternoon, cmna.t.l. . • 'l'be Ohio Paiomlno Bone 8boIr • The buic reuoo for conaerva- will be a _ ~ent at die PnIaIe tJoo- moat. of us have chanied 00IDrtIi .r.lqrouncIa. . . . . . .JUDe • f1'GlD • pla1D ~ to & cablD pl&De1 aDd t ... . . . are iA frGat, . . . . . .
May SO, 1946
- 5
The M1am lOt'., Gazette
\"OOOIllDlended t.hat ObJo b lor sout.h lone a.rte.r our Ohio ~placed in the in~ate duck oone. /)()Il 18 cloeed. Th1$ zoning 18 deitennl.ned by the DO YOU KNOW? Unl!.ed S~tes FISln and WUdl1re , The Ohio Sta.~ Trapshooting SerVice, SupJ)06edly a.t the request Assn. I 18 sl.a(png a sUi.te champion· of the States. B y belng m. ~he Northsllip meet June 6th to 9tp a.t Orystal ern Zone, only the lAlre ErIe shooLLake Gun Olub, Medway. 'Winner of ~nd rover, more soil OOn.serV(LLiOIl, ers have a. chance al~ all& duck hUllt t.he luu~dlcap event JWle 9th wlll be additional predator oont.rol .and la.w lng. . ellg.lble to enter "he Ohamplon of enIorcelu rH" and a rea.sonable ·\I't'Ilt.her bl Ik- will bl'ulg btlck tlllc • The du k wnlng headache re- Oham,piol15 shoot at the Grand pheasant crop much sooner t.han c~ minds Us of the radio ~rOoner wh Q Americo.n t.h1s I aU. had only one listener . He married pected. • For good - crople f1s111ng In this tJlat olle - and lo.st his a udlence I al'CII., the \1'0 tCr Should be a bOUt 75 Various g'I'Oups ha v.e rruse<! caU~ to • Along W1C g ,UlIC Hne- Eben Lenf the f' hand WJJdlife Service. UnW degrees-- for large-mouth buss, over of Gl'eentl'ee Road and Frank Va ll 70.
tile year of 'n'he Great '.Pheasant Slump':. .Ben has Just 11nlshed a Establishe 1850 :.wvey at evCl'S' :itB~ In the pheas --P~ubrlrrjs""lh:-:e:-:di""""i:E;::v:::e:::ry::-;Tr;ih~ur:::::8~di:a7. y-r:by ::--'D~A:-;v Trrc:ss~O)jN~Pji"RirtEitls:[i;l~:~ an~ belt. and 'Stuns it aU up in the C June i'lSUoe of Outdoor · We. He 00 jo'loyd L, Davisson. Editor En~ered as Second lass Heves tJlat _ w breeding . IUld Matter at the Post Offil;e, Way n-esville, Ohio st.ookJ.ng PI·QIl.l"rullS. n.ddiLiOI1tiJ 100<1 0
Subscription Rates : ~l,50 per Year . in Advance ...
BEWARE E el'yone who has a' dollar suv'ings in .the banks. ill securities, lD life insurance, 01' fol' t.hat matter in government bonds, has a dircct intere.st in iJ1dustry, 'I'he e pcopll:!, an<.1 they are oume<.1 in the tells of millions, either own industry 01' are bcneficiarie::; of its opcl'ation, 'ru::;u<.1"s alTied on against .iud ustl'i s are rea lly cru.sa<.1cs againsL millIons of Ame rican itize ns. Lead I '::; in in<.1ustry are tl'Ying awaken the people to t.he fact that if savit1g::; are taxed or "socialized" out of existence by, expa.n<.1ing iovernment, the politi al independence of t he individ ual will disappear. The president of Socony-Vacuum Oil Compa ny says, "The competitive cnterprise system is not perfect an <.1 can stH! be improved; but is preeminent in that it has given more necessities; mOl'e of the good things of life and at the same time more freedom to the Am erican people than any other system bas given to any oth er p ople on the faCie of the earth." And the president of the Oklahoma Gas and Electric Company say, "I have a deep conviction that unh~ss people in our industry speak plainly a nd fearlessly we are not going to encourage any help from others, and without that we cannot long exist. I fee l, too, that I am merely a steward for some 2,000 employes, 6,000 stockholders, 200,000 ('ustomers. My stewardship for stockholders includes 33 chari table a nd religious organizations, 21 educational institutions, 11 fraternal organizations, 17 insurance com pan ref>, 9 hospitals, 11 investm ent trusts, 3,031 women, and some other group. whic h reach right down into the fundam entals of our America n citizenship. I would be vel'y remiss in carrying out my obligations if I failed to do less than ted l the who le truth ... " Only the stupid w ill write off warn in gs from such men as these against the brand of liberalism that constantly attacks the achievements and po sessions of privabe citizens.
... --
OlU' Con~rv a L1on
Par -the IIIIIlIY Warren Oountlans wbo COUDt' "fillll fooUn&" !.bell number one outdoor recreatlonthe baas season opens JIJSt .lD time. BIIIdt ~ are again legal sport , th18 ~_, June 1st 111 any Obio wa&enl below Route to. Tt:u: seG80n opeIl8 In tile northern zone, above Rou~ to, JuDe 15th. The inland 0bJ0 bl8clt Ilu6 l1m1t.s are sIX per daf. at least 10" 10Iltf- 1»011 fish
JJ(C(lIluu ,1Jfuneral '~ome Dial 2111
smaJl er bag iinut on phco.sauts and rabbits- and shorter season on m1J-
bits to conserve the reduced brood stock. The boys QJso strongly
The W ayn~esville National Bank
Electrical Contracting All Typee Houae Wirinlr Moton - Appliance.
"BEAUTIFUl." That's what you will say w hen you view your house made bright with new pa into Select your House paint here.
&'3TABLI8IBED 18'75
W.Telephone C. BROWN: 2949 W.)"Deaville, Ohio
"""-. .
We're Inve'sting $'50,00;0,OOO ,Mo,re
a.ny are exNo limits are In force
size. The nine "open"
t.boere, as a. fish management experimali.
• • •
Bpe6IkJng of fishing - a. long· gone president of our country once &&ld "few wars or r10tB .are planned on a !lShlng t r1p". Maybe if lKme of the ChroniC Ulcer C8SeS trying to wreck our 00Imt.f!y had relaxed on more outdoor ·t rips.- we wouldn't be forced to!1nd other pla.oes to put
NEW COMPRESSOR STATIONSThree new compressor stu. ions, sualegically placed, and addi$ions 10 others. Compressors maintain .he pressure behind .he gas fiame, help pump gas brought to Columbia from the rich Texas fields to augment supplies from fields in Ohio, Pennsyl· vania and W est Virginia.
• • •
rich, thrlvlngt.,rlTtory I.Inth.which Th. Columbia HIS
Sy,t.m suppli" natu,al ga. to 1,215,000 ,etall ond whol.,al. cUltom.... Each • r' p,•• n" a commu"lty ,.,v.d dlr.ctly 0, ,uppliod at wha'"a' •.
{ i"dicat. pipell,," ow"od by Columbia,
_ -
. NIW GAS WILLS-More than 1,000 Dew wells will be drilled, seeking Dew supplies of gas in the Appalachian fields. Columbia now has io excess of 9,000 producina well. in this area.
Columbia luppll .. ,he natural gat ,",ul,emont, .f Waohin.ton, D. C. , ~ :--
Firlt Come' Firat Served
~ ,. ,
.. ....v"" ........... . -'
In the next three yeats the subsidiaries of construction gave way to vital wartipte heeds. Col'l~mbia Gas & Electric Cot',porat3ion will spend $50,000,000 to expand the System's ~' Because more and more gas will be required 'by homes, industries and commercial enterfacilities for service. , prises Columbi.a serves. This sum will be spent in addition to the
---------- ----~
CA· ,S ·R
Any make .o r model .FredIK'a hn ' Motor Car Co. PHONE 326
SEARS .. ...
Ph... 2651
-to bring you, 'm\ore and better .' natural! gas \service , '
Our frlend Ben East cal1s 1945
In.ide mealurmenta: 62" x 16 i<~ " x 16 'h "
- --- -
Here is what Columbia is doing. These projects will be complete and operating by the end of 1948, .
NEW PIPELINES-Two hundred and fifry miles of large size pipeline will be added to .he Sys.em to fscili· . cate the Bow of more gRS.
-- - - -
We have a number of these HEAVY 'GUAGE STEEL CHESTS- Suitabl~ for watering tr'o ughs, storage. feed and seed boxes, milk coolers~ lockers or any , other pennanent use.
"In Picking Your Paint Pick Picking's" Third Street Telephone 2182
Steel ,Cbests Complete with Li~a -
Waynesvill e, Ohio
Department st.nnds
of F'l'lUlklln went w> Vu,ndalia 'I\les- on Its hind Cce~ alUi dcmanci6 Oh io , . Wl.tn conoenUlQltion proceedings day Cor Lile Collool'YaUou Dcpa.I't- . be put in' the 1f't.el'lllediaot.c W~ to buW 50 acres ot land.. lJIle last obmenL's AnnullJ DlSt.l'ict hea.l1l1g on tkle ducks will s~ leave La.ke Erie slACle is out of the wa.y' Cor the game la.w cha.nll'es. RepreseIlltlng building of a 700 acre lake on Oownn 'Wa lTen County. they s ugtg&s\.ed a. The Miami Gazette. Ph. 2143 Creek in Cllnton County,
l iN THIS AREA and ca.t!1ch Umlts 20 per
• • •
I KemorIal Da.y br11l8S ,the offIclal .. ~ Exodus" to fue outdoors. PUb and resor:ts, &'Wirtun1Dg J)OOls ADd' ·t ennls courts- a.u begin to ~ tor 1lle rush of toUts wl'yl _ fl'eIb a1r.
- --."":>
$450,000,000 already invested in pl~LDts and ~ And because we firmly believe the rich terequipment of the integrated Columbi~~ ~ystem ~ ritory ~rved by cplurilbia will produce more . that serves mOle ~an 1,700 comm~OJtles. '1 goo4~, build m~~e homes, 'offer more jobs and ,Why? Because In 4 years of war, ,p lanned )~ more opportuDltles than ever befbre• ;
ADDitiONAL STORAGI ARIA-An additional field will .be opened for underground storage, 'and other, eo. lar,ed. Columbia has stored 38 billion cubic feet of gas in ,everal uoderaround storage reservoin. It draw, on this supply to meet the winter demaod, and ' then refills the reservoirs during the summer.
"THE (OLUMBI,A\ ,GAS SYSTEM The Manufacturers light and Heat Company Cumb.rland 'a nd AII •• h.n)' Ga. Campa.)' Oettylltu,. Gal Corparatlon . N.'ur.1 Ga. Compan), af w... VI,.I.I.
.......... ,,-G•• Worb
Ho... 0.. Co.p."" ... It.,...... G•• Colllpa.,., Inc.
Clncl"IIGfI 0 •• ~
will _
J -
~ ....j
The 01110 Fuel Gas Com,..,
-/, , .~
(UnIt'tU",' Gal . Company . ,
C!t1lt-:-11t••tuck, Netu,,11 Ott. CeMpawy
a ........ Ott. , ............ CO.....wy
1Ito ........ 011 co.pawy U.IOII 0...11••• 011 VlraI..I•• Ott..II. . . 011 eo.pawy
"oct.... c•..,...·.... ...
. . . .,......", f ............, ...
p..., ... u." eo.....,.
H•••I..... h".Io....1It .ntll.o.. "I", ' .....IIt.N......t G",I.C• .,..,. Wulohl .......1 Ott. eo.......wy .
, .tIolItIc ......rtI~...
........... tItol, ..... w•• I ............ c....... ..-.
NIW RISIRVI SUPPL1:--Nitlle propane-air ·,a. planb will ~ erected at adftDcqeoui poiG\IL Thep will be lastaIlecl II • further aid In IUppl,iG" cold weather demaodL Propaae-air be lotaehan.... with DatonI p i and hal heeD .... pIotecl ateaai.eIJ iD dUa CIDUIltrJ CD
\ -.ppIeaIeat ...,.. . . ...,..u..
May SO, 1946
Page Three
-------~-~~:J.i -------------------
,;:, ~ ,
, ,. .,
r '
::::=======---=== GENERAL
..~:::::::::::::: -,----------- ,...,...-------------
This is the first Memorial Day since t he close of World War U. The hearts of many are sad today because the ending of the war did not bring back loved on~s who gave their Jives for their ~~)llntry. This is the day all of us pay tribute to. these fa ll en heroes, as well, as t o the memory of the heroes of other wars. But a gratef ul natioll" is not On ly p'a ying' its resptects to its honored dead but is making provision also for its living heroeR t hrough the G. 1. Bill of Rights. It is fitting and proper th is Memorial Day 1946 to remind veterans of W mold War II about their rights ,under the G. I. bill. ,
Waynesville Furniture &
Appliance Co. FURNITURE
We know there are veterans of this last war who through modesty or some other reason have hesitatJed to avail themselves of the rights which are theil's under th e U. 1. bill. Every citizen of this grea t nation , in grateful appreciation for a job well done, is anxious that every veteran share in the provisions that have b.een set up f o r his or her benefit. ' These benefits including Education a nd Training, Loans to go into b'u iness or to build ~ home; Pensions a nd cal'e for disabled veterans and many , other advantageous f en· tures are yours, so lise them. If you are not, entirely clear
North St., Gibbons Bldg. - Telephone 2442 W AYN£SVILLE, OHIO
McCLURE Funeral Home '.
Phon'e 2111
Th e followin g individu als a nd busin ess f irms s ponsor this pa ge, not only fo r the pu r pose of honol'ing. the memory of our soldi'>r (lead h ut t o pay tri bute to our vet l'ans <'m il t o urge lhem in l-I PlwfO"i·,t j on for senrices rpud e red, to URe th e f aciliti el'; ~et up fQr th eil' benefit by a gra teful nation and community,
Day Phone
Acroaa from Bank Waynesville, Ohio
Coyle's Meat Market ' "Home-Ki l1eti' MEATS of QUA,LITY ' Plant Phone 2322 Market Phone 2662
Nite Phone
Ef"f"ic i(~ nt, Mod e m SC I' vi e
Waynesville Drug. Sto~e "
Home Appliance Store
Waynesville Farmers Exchange Telt>phone 2371 -
local Vct cl'a ns' Orga nization.
Waynesville, Ohio
Est. 1849
:11 Lou ch with the Vete ra n!";' i\dminislration direct or any
Rogers & Simpson
Fairley Hardware Stores Telephone 2441
as to t he, privi leges yo u a l'c >nLit led to und er th e ,bill, get
Telephone 2121 ' Waynesvdle, OhiO FOUNTAIN SERVICE PHOTO ,FILMS ' Store Hours 8:15 a.m. to 1 :30 p.m~ Memor:ial Day
PHONE 2341
May SO, 1946
pa.. "'our'
.• '=~" .
:Jwin' 3healre
a.t one meal a da.y. Corn bread baked thin Is o,!e ~ our favorites. We like this· crisp Cl1ll>1>y corn . ~ FARM LOANS-Long tenn, bread better than It he Ilhicker kind. • Stubbs s«vlce costs no more . . , . pa.ymen1a. No appro.lsal lee. CORN BREAD : 1 cup sour mllk; than '\J}e ol'd!lla.ry. We ~ dea.vor in ~KENN~TH HILL, Manager Also Db mWI and la.rge tanna 1 egg; 1 cup corn meal; 1 t.bsp . every 'wu.,v. to n)alte , our senlce reo 101' . . . call or Wl'Ite Oeo. Henkle. Pllone No.2. J,.ebanon. tfc !lour; 0 tsp . .'>Oda; 1 tsp. saR M1x cognized lUI tJlUI s tan.dard 01 excel· and pour lnto II. pen in whkh 1 lence. FJIlDERAL LAND ' BANK LOANS : BING ,CROSBY PM - ____________-6______________________________ Itb5p. lal'd Is melted and bake. Make BuY1Jlg. 4% Farm looDli with long SUN. MON. rUE. WED. THUR. FRI. SAT• . about ',. Inch thick If you lUte the thin crusty kind. ~~~. ~ pan m aU ~ --~~------------~--~~~----------~------------~------,~------.----~--Ume. 2 3 4 5 6 , 7 8 Boston Bl'Own Bread mskes a witlh aU tlhese ,things 1.9 that they , LEBANON NATL FARM LOAN So much comedy the playe rs In Black and Whi t..! UUs plcUure woul • By tohe p.I'Odllc(!r s of "The tastA> &0 good ~ha.t blley tempL )'011 n cc chal~ ge and as it Is sweetended ASS'N., Ellls R. Sturm. 5edYhave as mudh fun as the be GREAT - in. T ECHNICOLOR It Is Great M.1ke"-and the snme J to u.~ more bubter (I f 'y ou can get.. 'l1re&B. Lebanon, Ohio, Phone 448 wi ~h molasses It Is a suglll' saver, Qudience ! MAO NtFIOENT! !! Boy S tar. it) and to eat more. PerhaP8. for Ill : ,. tc also as It helps slltisfy b\1llot sweets Joel l\1cCrea- Orlan Donley- Sonny ROOT. HENRY .in "OVER 21" me at If'lI.St, the best way 1s to serve Tufts ln cmvl ng. "DANNY BOY" Real E.tate For SaleStarrtng Irene Dunn, Alex. plain lMlkers brl'ad (untoasted) ar.d "THE VIRGINIAN" PAINTS - STOVES WIWl good 1I11pporting cast BOSTON BROWN BREAD : 3 Knox and ClIas. Coburn ha.ve plenty or potat.0e6 and ot.her IF YOU HAVE A P ROPERTY OR wl~h Ul\rbara Bri tton Extra: Paramount Musical cups com meal; 1 Clip rye or whole things. America will feed the alUllgry ROOFU'fG - FENCE FARM TO SELL Call or Write Al 0: J asper CartooD & News ' and CartOon Added: cartoon a nd Sna pshot whe!IJt flour; 0 c up molasses; 20 lOon Henden:~n, Tel, KEa446, 617 11 transportation Is available. What HARNESS - PIPE FRIENDS stl\l'~l l\g next Sunday night. June 2. cups milk; 1 LSp. soda ; 1 Wp. sal·t; are the 10ngshorl!lTlen godr.g to do LanUn Ave., Da.yton, Ohio. tfc 1 onp raisins, 11 desired. Beat thorFIrat ,D ay 1ICDOO1 - 8 :30 A. II. The Worsh ip service w ill begin a l about it? -11t1-1It6ougohly. s toom four hours. This l.eeting tor Worahlp - 10 :10 .~ . lI. 8:00 ·p. IU· Inst.ood of 7:30. Household Good, And what are you goiJli to do FAIRLEY HAftDWARE CO. llUlkes a bout three loaves In No, :.! " FERRY • • • about it? Buy iI. savings bond, that Pbone ':MO _ WAntBBV1L1.& 0 , MT. HOLLY • An Evo.l1geJl.'Illc l\Il~ting at tJhe ICE BOX REFRIGERATOR.- ~ CHURCH of CHRIST can s. Set In a hot oven for a few woU:ld help. METHODIST CHURCH South Ide Church or Christ, Wash- min u IA!s a.!ter st.eami ng. ptftela1n; Glb6oI!.erted 101001 ~_ ~8ee' The Grewinr, Goln,. Church can be conv e ec....... I RB B. MIlAM . '1'. M. Searft. MUdI_ ington Court House, Ohio, began Theri! are lllQ.llly recipes for bread Paul Pk:Idng, Phone 2.182. tfc IE E T G • lUanls t~ fSunda)' tdlool • - 8:80 A. M. If\.",t MOl"day night and will continue and rolls using potetoes In p~ of , Bible 8chool 8 :90 L m. Eo A. Earnhart, ~. JOI" ~o weeks. PeHx Walker. min- paI1t of the flour. The only' tl'Ouble Miacellaneoue-Cooununlon 10:46 L m . Worahlp service - 10:30 A. M. DIVISION OF ISter at J amestown . 011.10 Is to n.sslst Preacbtng 11 :00 a. m. E l'enlni eerv1ce - 7:30 P. M. SAI..ES BOOKS- A new Idea; EXA FINE LINE OF III thls m eeting. STACK ASSOCIATES YO\lll& Peoplea 8erv1oes 8l'-d NOTICE TO CONTRACTORS cellent pr1nt.1n8; Prompt Service; Adult Prayer Meetin3 7:00 p . m. ST. AUGUSTINE CHURCH STATE OF OHIO Standard 'P rices; See Davisson At 2300 Walervllfl, Dayton. are aldPather Kramhol .... ....-& Even1ng Evangelistic Service DEPARTMENT OF HIGHWAYS PreIS, Phone 2143. IIIC In our hou~ inl propam by their 7:tfi p , m· MaM SUDda.y - 11 :00 A. II. Columbus, OhIo - May 20. 19t6 Installatloll 01 VEOS POROELAIN Engineer 01 8a.les • • • Gardell Planu-TILE 011 STEJL . • • 10 bl, advanWAYNESVILLE LepJ CoPY, No. 46 1511. METHODIST CHURCH taces • • • WID not fade, looeen. CHURCH of CHRIST FOR SALE- Sweet potato plants. B.. B. Ooleman. MJDIIrter A FARM DIARY UNIT PRICE CONTRACT Robf'It L. VanZile, Minister craek 'nor emze . . • Ua-ht welr.bt, 50c per hundred; All kinda of SUNDAY SCHOOL 9:30 A. M. By D. J. FRAZIER . Sea.led proposals 'wt1l be received Bible SChool 9 :30 a. m . . qulckl, installed, qlodem !II_, ALSO prden plants loe per .dozen , Mrs. Raymond Conner. SUpt. at the off1ce o! bbe State Hlglhway 10:30 L m. CommWllon • May 27, 1946. R4\ln'8J1d yet more minimum upkeep. ~, to clean, 10 :30 A. M. Ohas. C. Strouse, l0 m1le..s nOllth WORSHTP smVICE DireCtor 01 OhIO, at OoIU1lllbus, Ohlo, sermon 11 :00 a. m . rain! All week this week. Three paranteid fOr tbe llfe of tbe bulId'. of Waynesville, corner 01 Ferry YOUTH t'ELLOWBHlP. untll 10:00 A. M., ' Ohio Standard "To Whom Do You Belong?" weeks and more 1'.oW' 01 Il.!/roost Inc ••• A ,ood Investment and enThursda.y, 7:30 p. m. e.Dd ~y;tle roads.. 74 Time, TIla':iday, June 11, 1946. tor Evcnll'g ServIce 8:00 p. m . Llnuaol clOUdy showery welllther. dorsed by many famous architects con ~----------------------- CHOIR PRA~CE improvements in : " Made Free by the Trut.h" Sttil no corn planted, bho~ we . • • Tel. MAin 4861. WedneOOAY, 7 :30 ' P. M. ." did get some terUIIZCl·. No rool on Proposals Nos. 1 IIJld 2 are orIered • A Change on Time for t he Evenas one project and will be awarded LIle broodcr ho~. School Is out. _Stack , Associates th.rough t.heir AI. reakleu:e on Ma.\n St. next to ST. MARY'S Ing Worship Service will be made as one contra.ct. THE MODERN FINISH GmduaUon exercises allover the Planned Kitchens and Baths are EPISCOPAL CHURCH Post OUice 1Jl Wa.ynesville, on •• • •• - - - - - - ••••••• - county last tWeek. Swimming pool P 'K Ol'OSAL NO.1 otfertng 6 fine service In the InSamuel N. Keya. opens Memorlnl Day but urless, .t he Wa.rren Cowlty, ,Oblo, on part of st.allatlOn or VE08 'l'ORDELAIIN La, Reader·lD·charre 9 :45 a.m . Brotherhood at st. Andrcw sun begins to shine w'ho wlll wwt I3ectJon C on Ilhe Roachester-Btan- Tile on Steel whJdl adds much to • JlqtDDiDI at .1:00 p. m. 9:45 n. m . Junior Church Scll..ool to swim? All tills rain and not chester Rmd. State Highwll.Y No. the beaully IlJld utility of ih~ In • 11:00 a. m. enough water In t he clstere. No 263, SLa.te Route No. 123, in Harlan t.h.\S , section 01 tbe state. AND Mom~ Pmyer a.nd ---SennOll. G ouot about lt, tlhe th.J~g leaks. TowDlihlp. by cieaning, l!C&ling. One 01 he lncons1&tencles o! tIlle Samuel N. ~ YS WILBUB N. SEARS, AUCl*loneer Whea t is beginning t.o head. Hay palnUr.s prime COIIi~ (prime 00IIIt age Is ,t o see a streamlIned mobOr Is ready 't o cut but \jhe clouds s till peJnt 'to be furnished by the State car In the front drtve and tlbe PEACE OF MIND HOURS: are heavy ovemcad. of Ohio), and painting finish coat equlpment ln the kltcl1en and. be.th SLUGGISH LIVER? ra.n strlXe ls seUled but the BJ'ildge (Span: 182 feel. and 3y. In- j stUI doing yeanan duty. allibough THROUGH ' 9-12 each morning war s Ull ~ on wltJlrl John LewIs ches, Roa.dw~ 15 teet and 0 5/ 8 It 18 01 .tile "Model T" vIntage. L1F~ INSURANCE FEEL TIRED? NO PEP? THE MIRACLE 1-5' afternoons exc"ept and his miners'. HQW would LIley lr..cll) No. WA-123-61 over Todds PerhnP6 this IllOO1l8isten&Y III just $100.00 per month for ,10 Wednesday like It 11 tAle Iarmers struck? If some Fork. ttle fault of dela?, or lid of opyears to .your lamlly II you WALL COVERING mor1'Jng 'llhe milk WUlS an poured PROPOSAL NO.2 porlJUDity to buy the I;Ype of /Wall do no& Hvc. 7-9 Saturday evening out to Itl'\e hogs. II no veseLables. Wan en County, Oh io, all pari of ('meTIng aboUt ·'I\t11ch you have been $100.00 per month for life no grain. no meM moved. to the 8ectlon A on bhc Frankl!n.Lebl.lllOll dl'eamlng tor 110 long time. Now, Other evenings by for yOunelf at retJrement. market. II every fl\l1llOO1' j~ 'lived Road,' atate HIghway No. 250, state lbroucb Tlle , 1I.aD¥ boIT(Cs au-e Appointment AD of &brae benelllJt In one at home wllihout sending BlII}'Urlng Route ·No. 123, In Franklin To~ n- being streaml1nect Blld broll8'bt up.:. pone,. TELEPHONE 62-R to town. Some fanner· owned. mill ship, by cleaning. scaling, palnLlng to·date. • • woUld grind 80IJle wbetllt and com prime' COllt Cprime coat paint to be Ve08 Tile is vitreous enamel on MARION SNYDER fm us. We could eat our eggs and furn!sh.ed by the State ot Ohio), ateel ' whleh can be'-put-right over Repreeentlng chlckens" butcher 1lbe C1!Jf and dig and palntlJ~ flni.fu ooat Bl'ld!!e your ' prest!ull Walla ~here they Arc FARMmS-'l'R.M)ERS Optometric Eye Specialist In unUl the rest or the world saw (Span 202 feetllJld 0 Inch, Roa<1wn'y in good condition . 'I1he1r excluslve LIFE lNSU&A.NCE co. , how lmpol'lbant we are. It would 17 teet aild 7 lnolles) No. W'A-l:.l3~ pnl.elll~-protcct.ed 10undatlon sheet TEXACO 26 South Detroit Street work, it would 'tie up the oount.ry 292 aver Clear Creek. As,ures rlgld, lWCuraLe assembly. Phone 171-L Tolal ~ 008t S3~.00. In allanment, 'water-proofocl • just 88 baldly 118 John. L. Lewis but XENIA. OH~O LEBANON, OHIO owe couldn' t' do it. ' Jo'armers as a Proposa.I N 1 d 2 be vermin ploored . ~======::::::::::::::==~ S 00. an ro ~_ ••••••• , •••••••••• group !have 'too much se~ 0 t resIDStaUaUon Is easy, simple and GAS- 011- GREASE 't ~.'nnd .~ pleted not law bhan September 16, qulck and berore you realize It your pons lbllity. W e cou Idn ...., IN see 1946. Quick BaHery Char._ CHURCH good fOOd go to waste and we old batn and lUt.cl)en. ' are trana· coUld1l'<t stand It to see chUw'en The minimum wage to ~ paJd to I 01 CHRIST Hydraulic Car Lift h 'Will th trlk I all labor OJ". tills contract shall be fo.l'p18(i tn'l.o model'u ones of uetrous, Gibbon. Bldg. North St. UtlgIOY. I , • cae S C5 I.CClc I in accordance with the "Schedule of l~~ ~by, sl\oDlt..Bq. eM¥ ~ W '11 0 Ph 2422 If the Lord had to depend on YOU to do His Work, "SERVICE by SERVIS" everyone ~hat we a.re lnterdepen-, Prevalling Hourl>' Wtlie Rates AJi- clean and strol14r ~Mb the strergth ayneavi e, , " one how much would get done? dent? We h.nve to f>aa~ Lbe faot tho.t certalned and Detenn1nt.>d b Tbe steel. With YOU on the job for the Lord next Sunday there can't be as mli10h independ. y ---~-...,-----;__._=------_:__---__....;..".--__:_.,_,._.,..__=",..._--__:_ NORRIS BROCK CO. ence and individual ent6l'pl1.se as Depe.rtment of IndUBt.r1:l1 Relations we can reach our goal of 2501 0hJeIn-U UDloD 8 . . . YU'IIa there used .\.0 be tlw wOl'ld is be. appUcable bO StM.e H1gbwa.y . DeWIlL YOU FAIL HIM 1 • . Q8l1ment Improvements In acoordcOf!1lng too croWded. :~len theTC is &nee with sections :17-3, 17-. 17.4&., HERBERT GRAHAM; Minister only one car on the rood the driver 17-5 and 17-511. of the Gene~ 00cI~ Is free to do as he pleases but the f 0h1 .. o. .0 more CIloJ'S the more ,tl'aifr10 reguJaThe 'bidder i must submit :wllh his 1.1011 thel'e hlls 'to b.e. When' busi' bid 110 certUJed check In the amOW,lt ness began to get crowded. mono- equal 't o five per oen't of tile est.1- ACE T Y L E NE ELECTRIC ARC ~ polles iJegan oto fortI! and l'egula.mated cost. but In no eY'Cnt more , ' tion had to come bO leave allY .. TOOL WORK A SPECIALTY~' t..ban ten thousand dollan!. TRY OUR cJ1II.nce the I1ttll! fellow. Now PlaI¥i and specl1lca:UoI18 are on un WIre ,and ...........,e, AD 01" ALL WORK GUARANTEED , Wll~t labor IS becoming a mocopoly fUe IIJ ttbe department ot hlg~ys pldDtloD IeOODd to ooae. Stricti, WHOLE MILK - PASTEURIZED MILK - CREAM It will have ~ be regulated , H the ar.d tile office of the l'esldent diston &1M. beft aD aroaud IDIII'kd CHOCOLATE MILK - ORANGE PRINK governmcflot becomes a monopoly' rlet deputy <Urector. .. &be CIOimtr1. WHIPPING CREA,M _ BU:rTERMILK the~ I.he rest or us must be ready The dlrector reserves the rlght to Telephone 2751 . WAYNESVILLE. OHIQ Service That Satiafiea COTTAGE CHEESE to do OOInet.hJng about it. Trame reject any or all bids. TUNE TO must be rcgulAted but "the l'08d .PERRY T. FORD Wmo Dayton 12:30 -Dial 1300 must ,~ open 1.0 every dog 'IUld LEBANON , For Our Daliy Market Report State HJgbway ~1rector PHONE bltCih" asth.e old sll>ylng ~. TOdIliY we arecleanw.g out some of the gl'llln bins. /" few bushels SOLD AT left over from Lbe seed wheah SOIlU! $!tOO rye we Uddn·'t plant, some oats Bl'e $3.00 moving out to be USed <where ever AoooInI.1ng bO Size and they wlll <10 the mOllt good. Then CouiitJon we mo.y sell a little corn. 11 t.hb Is TELEPHONES done on a U the fanns surely we oon Hogs, Calves, Sheep, etc. WAYNESVILLE 2091
Kitcbe,~ · & Baths
::/)"" /edge
Sat. June 1
B. P. Hartsock
Kem Tone
Dr. C. E. Wilkin
_ ____________.-__________
W~ynesville Furniture & Appliance Company
Homogenized Milk
Do MEAT;~ ;~~~.~
Stewart's Thrift-E Market
We Pay~~RSEs cows
Armitage &Son
"H.d·To,.Get" It~m8
1\10RROW No. 3 LEBANON Office 473K RES. 129L
9 x 12 W'()()L RUGS WHO'S THAT . r,. .
• No vacanctes~f:lta.nfOrd checked In at the 'Goklen ·L amb. He's lihe most famous sign man in these ma~ counties ·round. He lives at New Martin Hotel, Wllmln ...~n. ........ Doe6 he stW do Ibll8100ss in Leba.non and Waynesville?' Yes be doesl He's tbe man tlhat laqed I\lhese golden
9 x.. 12 ,FE;LT BASE RUGS
U 'I , up to YOU. 'MOM!
• To keep bables. gTQW1nv !lUSty witb well-Jerut ~s Bnd sound White rteebh - reqUires plenty or. in11k _ the best baby iooq ln the Wldo. OUr Milk '.has e. 'high! wttet 'r at
and' 3tlr'onIg.
LAMPS (Floor and Tahle) STUDIO COUCHES (,Fully Spri.... Fil.ed) , "
,. . . L·. . M'I" ES • JnHN DEERE. Farm ' E'qUlpmen · t ::~l Dr~le~e:' :!~: or=~ oont;:;\ ' a:dl~~he eaatl~ U 1~1g ~I;te:8atlsf~ roo:. f~ II L . .1Il,'" , --:::.:::.':;.~::: Clear".reek Dairy HOlliE FURNITURE Phone CO. ~ =.hlO~IS'-:"i-HlT: .:H!ER C.,. =Y~I; The BANTA Implement Service ISTA~i'I~;dLl~ £RN~~g~~~7Owner ,912R I
..... ".., _
. ' .
-111\ ..... ,...,...
CtlU •• "lD III . ... ,...
rumblers; Paul '~olt.haous' giaont, traDers; Paul ren ot any age, ar.d for grownupe, ~U8tinS <flaShIng . el~rtc . truck; too. . Fairley IH8;rdware Stores; WlLW at l
GENUINE JOHN DEE~E REPAIR PAR!S Competent Repair Service 011 Tractora and Implements. by Experienced Mechanics , .
Mason. Ohlo, for croeley Corp. at Cincinnati. Ohler- He's the manl
N, East Street
Your John Deere Dealer LEBANON, OHIO
Phone 555
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _. . ._ _ _ _ _~------~.r. ._ _ _
Da-.-.......... CIM!... QIdO.. ......
_,- BARLO.:'tr==IMES ________________
·'Eut Maill .S treet at Whlt.......-
., :,:-;
Established 1850-
No. 4267 .
Civic Kids Softball Tearns Listed; Games Started Monday; Season Schedule Arranged
CHILDREN'S DAY • 'J1le MelJhodi~t. CI1Ul'c h In LyUe will obserVe Clilldren '/i Dny wl Lh a program giver. at bh church on Sunday evening, JUl)e 9. aL 8 :00. Everyone Is cordla lly InVited t.o a t tend. Mr. Bernie Dill or Clayton visited his sister. Mm. J . B. Jones on Wedneoo:n y , Ma y 29 nrd In Ule a.f ternoon they drove to Spring Valley emetery where t.hel r par nJt.s, Mr. and Mrs. Abncr 0111, laLe ot Mt. Holly, are burled. Mr, and Mrs. I n.cob Heckman !lnd son and Mr. nrc Mrs : Warren Fay of J)a.Y'tOn were Sunday gues ta of Mr. and Mrs. George Custenbordl'l' and sons. . Mr. and Mrs. Georl'e J., aub atilt son of Oakwood, fortner neq,-tlbors, s pen t Tuesday evenin g, Mwy 28. wit h Mr. and Wilbur Clark. Mrs. Glenna Em~:w"er of DaytGn spent Doooration Day with h er brotJber, Ernem Brown a nd rnmily. Mr. and Mrs. Wilbur Clark were Frlday dinner guesl.~ of t heir daugbter . Mrs. C. W. "roUl' ce an d famJl y In Dayton. Mrs. Margnret Johns nnd Paul J ohns s pen t ThlU'sdny evening ' wi t h the fo nn~r's n lCOl' . Mrs. Ohnrle:; Doster a nd fa mil y Il l. 'Aa rveys bt Mrs. J\ll1beJ Warner and two da ugh te rs of M.lddl etoi"n , calii'd a t the home of UleIr cousins . Mr. an d M.rs. E. B. Longacre T hu rsday nf1iernoon. Mm. Warner wQs a . torme l' Ly tle resident. Mr. Lester Kenrick ha.~ been III at hJ..ot home here Cor severnl days. He Is somewhat Improved nt t his
• 'I1he KJd's SoftJleJl League recently 1'o11med and sponsored by the Civic ClUb Is now formed Ir.to four groups of boys llBIled. as A, B. C Illld D I.e8ms under tdle pel'6Onal dl.reetlon of 'Irvin MUUord, WUllam Sa.ywer. John Turner and Wymer DraJre respectIvely. The first game W8B played Monday evenll'.(J June 3 at the Hlsh School dlamoIio at 6:30 beti~n \.tIe A and B group directed by Mulford and ·88.wyer. The A team defea'ted the B teem 18 to 6 in this opener. 'Ibe next game wUl b e played Frlda.Y evening. June 7, at Ule High School dlamor.d £\It 6 :30. between the C lind D teams. Members or tdlese teams are listed as follows : A team : Dlrector. lrvln MUUord; Pla.yens: Dave Hart· sook ; Milton Jones ; Earl Peters; Bob Gray; HArold S t&'lley; Jaclt Tinney; Tom Shoup; Lee O'BanlOn; Bud Fisher; JaoIt James; RQbert Zengle ; RDi:lert Hopkins ; Ken Vickers. 'B team: WJll!am ~r, Dlri!Ctor; Tod 0W1nn; Charies ' Oonard ; Vic Th<lm.pson; Bill Mehaf1le; Blll Do.v1s; Harlan Earnhart ; Dielmu DeITY; WlUTen SheEtla.n; Oharles Biggs ; NOlan StAnsberry; Vir. Wilkerson : Ed Dakin; Bob Campbell; Dan Simpson. C teatn: John Tuliler, Dlrecl-Or: Dick Bradley; Dlrl Rqe; J ack Mulford; Glenn Smi th ; Bob Hastlll8S; 8m McKeever: Dick Whitaker; Doug He~der80n; JIm RIckey; Ed M.1chener; James FaJ'getlt; Roy Furna.'1 ; Keith LGngoore. D team: Wymer Dmke. DIrector : Don Dakin; Bob Campbell; BIlll RIckey ; DIck Stansbe~; Bill Pope ; Bob Hunter ; Bill Tumbleeon; RIchani Sheehan; RQIer Wa.t.Itins; DWight. Midhener; P ete Keys; Bob Alford; Don Pope.
Charter Bus. For Morning Matinee • A gJ'Oll!]) of ladles of t.he local Easte rn S Lar Cllapter wen t by :\ special bus t o Cin 111I~ at.l on T uesday morning where th ~y v.rere g u cs~s a t t he Momlng Ma.tinee on WlLW . Mrs. J . J . B urske was in Lel'vlewe.1 011 the radio ar.d Mrs . J essie Hyma n received th e prize package. Lun ch was cnjoyed at !.lIe C1ncJnna ~l Ci llO in a· privaw rlin lng room. T hQ<iC
who enjoyed the. lovely were : MesdHlnes Eve rett Earl y; Luelle Arml t.age; Rall)h Hast.ings ; Alva Thompson; Amos Cook; Don Radl ey ; D. R. S m ith ; P aul Wl 111ru ns ; J esse Pr lldergust; H . B. EaJ'nhnr L; W . C. S t J oh n : J essie Hyma n; Bwtle Mills; Rogcr Brown; Ada L . Courtney ; Ma rv in G . SmHJ1; I rvin S nyder ; R. H. HArt.sock; D. C . RIdge ; O . M. R ld "c ; .RoI Rowland ; O . W. Wa ter houfie: F rank B ~ : Warl'cn Bra ddock; G lenn Borden; J . P. F romm.; Guy Rou t2.ailm ; J . B. J on ; S tapley Ball ey ; Minnie F<>ulks; L . V. Bra n Straltor ; J . J . Burske ; E. F . Earn llart and Misses J ean Hnrtsook a nd Laura McKinscy. ou Li.J~g
Wedding Vows 'NEW DEC.KA At St. Augustine S~turday, June 8
~h ()
• The Wa yn e,'vUle Baha'l d iscussion grou p ,will meet aL th e hOOlC of J ooe! McCoy, Route 2, Waynesvillc. 1 1lursday, June 20 at. 8:00 p . m. This will be the [lrs t of a scr \('s of nve meetlncs for discu.;;:;lon of ~h c bllSic ·teachln gs of Lhe FaltJh . Tbe subjects for t h e five weeks will be : 1. H istory of t h e Fai th . 2. Alm.'! and purpcises. 3. Ba h a'i Te m ple. 4. Prir.ciples of itBle Fol th . 5. World Order of Baba.'u·l1ah. Thc public is invited. No fees. No coUectlon.. Phone 2910. 'H elen McCoy, Sec.
$1.50 p er Y ellT- Five Cents a Copy CHILDREN'S DAY OBSERV ANCE AT METHODIST CHURCH ". Wll.yn . Vi llc M t.ho<lL<;l Church will obi rv Ch ildl'cl; 's Day and SLu<len t Da y on S und a y. J unc !J a t 10 :30 a.m . The ohildre n a nd yo ut.!1 will 1)I'C' SeJ1L t h I>l'ogra m "l.tl CJ·enslng Ir Wisdom a nd' SLatw·c." A cordia l In vita tion is glvC' n cvery· one to a,t Lend.
Electric Rates Get Reduction • The Dnyton P ower a nd Ligh t Company L~ al11~ounc1 n g new lower m~ bh.1s week. e ffeobl ve lilt once. This new lower ra te schedule Is b'1ven to Uhe c1 tlzen5 Or Wa~'lles ville In splt.e of t.h c increa.slng costs of obher oommomtles, T h e savln b"!'; beLween the ok! ru~d new r a.tes \1.'1 11 r ep resent a pl}l'()XlmMely Ie per k1loll'aItt hOUr in the lower consu mpt ion braoket.>; bu t bile rate wUl remal n 't ile sa me In bh e 100 IUlId over 200 lew sca.le. Advertisemen ts .a p pearin g Ir. Thc Gazette starting wLt h .Lhls issu e will give the ent ire story In a gra phic mann er .
Christian Scientists Hold Annual Meeting
Valley FFA At State Convention
• Seven boys of lbe local Mlaml Va lley Clla pte r F . F. A.. together An nua l Convet!tion of Future F'a.rm1'5 of Amelica !\It COlumbus on Priwit h their adv isor . a ttended the day and SarLurday of last ~k .. The con ve l~ Uon was held a t OWo State Unlvers ity where contests .,were oonducl«! In j udging general live-stock:. dairy cattle, sheep, woo l. crops, poull ry , ntllk 1U'..d meat. A number of educatlonal tours W I'C a.rranged for al l who were able to a Ltend . The ret;,'U.la r F1FA session on May 31 cons isted of reports of ofl lcers ar.d oommlttees, presentat Ion of a,wards and election of Sta.te F a n n ers and bile eleoUon of officers fflr the ens uing year. 'Ilhe eveni ng session was devoted to t he state pUbllc speaking contest where one oon i.estar.t from each p f Lhe seV'Cn teen dist.r1cts was represenLat.lve for hls pa r ticular dlstrlct.l A ~ort memorial service was oontludlcd liar Lhose bOyt> who thad given th eir lives In ·bhe late sel'V1ce of our Oountry. Honorary S Late Farmer degrees were confe rred 0 several notables includin g Mr. Clyde Hissong . State S ~r1ntende nt of Education IIilld !:ion. Fl'an'k J. La.usch e, Governor of Ohio. The prog;ram was fully rounded out ,w ith muslcal ilumbe1'll both vocal and 1nstrumenteJ. T.he final presentatIon of Slate Farmer oba.rms and certl1lcates and tlhe Installation of n ewly elected Uicers for the year 1946-47 completed the program. 'IIhose wh'O ruttended frooi ,h ere were: EdIWln M1chener; Jack Asbury; Donalxi LUkens; RQber.t, Sherwood; Joe Rldlnger; Richard Gra.ha.rn; Donald Hendel'6On; IIlld Aldvisor J. B. crabbe.
• An outstll.nd1ng social event of T he AmInal Mertin g of t h c First June wlll be the weddtng of M iss Ch.urch of Christ. Scler. tlst. wn s held OnVllertn.e .BaIl r , da ugh t.er of Mr. on J uno 3. 1940 at Bas\.on, MI\SS. and Ml·s . Charies Bauer. a nd Mr. Many mod ern day tren ds ·wer Johl' Robert. Ewers of MadiSOnville conqld ration by the Boa:r d of Kiven a com pl tely Ilew aL S t.. Augustine Chw'Oh on Sat urD1recto a1~ cI one OOmment was : placed by t h e ~ y morlling, June II, at 9 :30 0 clock. " If those who a re today engaged French-Bauer Cream COmpan y Miss Bauer has been em ployed at in tlh.e !I ra ve La.'Ik of bulldlng l\ giVes Wymer f.J:le p ri vilege of beln .. t.he Na tional On&h Register CO. for pmud, 'Of the new effect tilL., work world govern ment for the puqJCSc the past. nve yea.rs . She lu\s been of est.a.bUshlng 'p ermancn t and ur..1produces. ~ 1l0nor.ed by two showers given b y Two new neOn s lg! in t h e fmn t time. her frlenc.is there. windows not. ~ e.d.d to bhe brlght· Mr. and Mnl. Guy ~oulllllhn and ,. ~ Ml'. ~ is employ.ed at tbe ness 01 the~ 61bre but a lso llelp Russell saw the po.rad aJld ruttendSOFTBALL SCHEDULE C1nctn.natl Mill1ng Ma.ch.ine Co. In conslderD:bly In IlSlhting up the ed t.be .speaklng MemorIal Day lilt OFFICIAL INS CIVIC LEAGUE C1nclnnatl, wher e Vile youll8 couplt! otlllel'wise da.rk s t.re-e L as well. Tipp Ciby: They were dlnn ' r guest.<; All games will start p~ptly a t will make their home. • The Wayne Sew-So 4-H Club of the la bter's sister. Mrs. Frank 6;00. The team mentioned on tile met F'rtday, May 31 at Ilbe Orange LEGION ANNOUNCES Brown ·a nd husband. schedule first is the bome teem. Hall with Mrs. Edenfield and Mrs. COMING BASEBALL Mr. and Mrs. Ernest P. Stokes or ~ postponed game wlll be pl8l)'ed • Twen by-f Jve yean; ~o on May l)Q.vfs in charge and Ell~ Brown Corr.ellus. Oregon. were calling on as a live-inning oontcst following 31, Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Hastings presiding. DorIs Brown pta.vecl II. American Legion Senior B:lseball \V(,l'e married nnd on S w !d ay Lbey old fri ends In Ly·t1e last ~v k. Mr. bhe next scheduled game. plQ.llb solo "The BuUlerfly." It was team will play Enon Lhls oom lr. g celebrated t.h.Is event by ·baving as Stokes will lbe re'lllem oered as h av - Monday decided to pay 5e dues at the next Friday Sunday !)iternoon at EnOn a nd 'th e their guests a group of relati ves. Ing a sm u>U groocry h el'e and l'un• M1sseL9 Jane and Jean HalrlBOck meeting sci that 4-H oong books can JUDe Jun'e nlng a ih.uckster r ou te for severnl very del.lgbt4ully en terta1ned li t Legion Juniors 'Will take on 'thc WII - Mr. and Mrs. Hastings received be purcha8ed. 3 Mulfords vs Sawyers y a rs. It has .been 2.; years sln ec tlbey llhelr home on sat\lt'da6' evening mlngton boys at ,WUmlll'.lton on the ma ny lovely gifts and cards. The Guests present were MIss Marlle 'lW"ner's Wi Drake's 7 left for 't he West. 'mlUe h ere 'they af ternoon W9S spent In gtl'mes and hor.orlllg Miss Mary Jean Tbomp- same af ternoon. 10 Drnkes VB Mulfords Ann Berry, Home DeDllOtl8tTa.t1on were , en ~rtnlned at. the home of son. a 'bride elect. • conversation and assisted by t!helr Agent. . sawyers va Turners 14 Lhelr couslr.s. Mr. and M.rs. Ra.!ph son , Robert , lAIc hoot and h ostess The evening ww. spent in glvinll T~ neltt meeting will be held a~ 17 Sil.wyers vs Drakes Lewis n ear MiamIsburg. ser ved deliciOUS refl',eslunent s to valuable sutmest.ions to ·the honor' t he Orange Hall F'rIrlay June 7 at Turners vs MUUords 21 Mr. lind Mrs. Vernon Pur.<ley and their (,r uests. gue.~ t and in admirlr.g 'I:iUl man:.' 2:30. Club members 'Who will wee 24 Drakes vs Turners Mr. and Mrs. Chnrles BUlmell a.tTh ose pre.sen t for Lh c deligh t ful lovely gUt.9 w·hlch she fOWld on a part in the program for tile next sa.wyers VII Mulforqs 28 tended AlWllilll at Sprl ngbo l~ mg~l 11l afternoor. we!'e: Mr. and MIlS. Em ery table over whloh was suspended i1 rneetlng are Janet Michener and Jul, JuJ.y • To All MeW.l0d1sL Chu rch es school aud~t.orium, Saturday everSt,cphenson and gra ndda ug bter~ , 5p.1·111k11.ng can all covered wlbh pink Wa'r ren COunty : Evelyn LUC8B. 1 Turners vs S6:}VYers ing, June 1. Mrs. Pursley and Mr. LUTHER P. CUDWORTH and white streamers. Jennie Lee Braddock, Repoot.er 'Mullordll va 1;)takes 5 '111e June fueeUng of lJhe Wnrren Sal d r a Lou a nd SIl.l1 t1\ Sue J,?lmBunuell weregroduatcls there. Incoming President of The First Dal1~y refreslunents were served COll n t.y MeWlOdlst Men 's 'a·rother - son , Pisgah; Mr. and Mrs. G eorge 8 MulfOrds vs Turners ' Chul'ch of Chr ist. Scientist. in MI'. and Mr5. E, B. Lonracrc vlsltARGUNOT BRIDGE CLUB by Wle Ihostesses. Guests of the even- h ood will ~ held In ·1.hc ,Spl'u'.gboro OslJorn of Morrow; MI'. a nd Mrs . Drakes ,vs Sawyers 12 Boston. Massachusetts . ed theLr brollbcIH n-llllW and slBt.er, ing were Mls6es Mary Jea.n Thomp- Met hoo isL Church on Monday even- Cla.rer.ee S tephenson of Mason; Mr . 15' Mulfords VB Sawyers • A del\ghtful~ or bridge Mr. and Mrs. George Davis In Cinand Mrs. 'HarOld Ster)\lcnoon of versal peace 011 earth , faY to turn t o SOl!, Marblene Peters. -Helen Hisey. ln g, June 17, with dinner a t. 7:00. . '11Urners Wi Drakes 19 foUowed by a pleasant 90ClIIil hour cinlle.tl S.unday afternoon. Mr. Davis Ellen M06S, Sara Oonner. Ruth 22 Drakes vs Mulf.ords Please phone l'ese rv aL lon~ t.o Mrs. KlngoS Mllis ; Mr. and Mlrs. Cu.rl God for guidance -and fall to make With d el1c tous TmrCShiments, were has just re turned from Itlhe h06pltal Anna Jahns, and Mesdames Ronald Fran k Hun tel', 't7aRIX Fr9.r.kJln S te1>hellson ; Mr. and Mrs . Bernard spiritual in tegrl ~ t h e very Cour.da - enjoyed Ol'. Monday when Mrs. H. L. SlliWyers vs Turners 2G and rema.m.s qulw poorly. Foley ; Mrs . ,Roy BernlUll'd1. ; and Llonal s\.one in t heir struct.ures, they 8allabury, Charles LeMay, James exchange. 29 Sa.WYers vs Drakes Rye entertalned t he Argunot Br.idge Mr, and Mrs. EvereU Kenrick and Mrs . Cordle Hlzar of Lebanon; Ml·. wlll hav e labOred in vain." All&'Wlt The spea ker will ,be Mr. Glenn "upt Osborne and R . H. Hantsock. Club, with Mrs. John KerseY', Mrs. children vislted DavIds cemetery on Tumers VB Mulfords 2 In tlhe fi eld of reUef, clotlllng Alva Thomp.90n and Mrs. J. K. Massman , Secy. of t.he POl'Cman's and Mrs . Ray Pe Le r :;ol~ and childDayton pike DoooraUon 'Day, where ren, Bar,bara and SLCvie of Wil- va lued at $4.250,000 has been shJpped 5 DlUes VB TUrner& Club of Dayt.on I\'i' · hom som e of y'Ou Preston as s pecJal guests. (Jle fonner's parents, Mr. and ' Mrs. mington; Mr. an d Mrs. Carioo lhwt - rued d lsl.l'ibu Led Lhrough OhrIstian Sawyers WI Mulford.! 9 h a ve h eOd'd. He OCJlllCS to lL~ 'highly Harry Kenrt()k are burled, ing s ru~d Mr. Ulld Mrs. Merle Hough Scienee cha nnels II! a.t lensL 13 SUMMER VACATION 12 .Turners V8 Sawyelll recommended and we should have a Mr. and Mis. lIerbert Monce- and of Dayton. Mulfords VB D1'e4tes 16 foreign COuntries. IN EVANSVILLE good 't.urn out for IJJls meeting. son of Denve.;. 0010. are v1slUng the In Great Britain 136 Chlistian 19 -MUlfords va TW-ners Sir.oerely yours. . former's 'parents. Mr, and Mrs. ·D rakes WI Sawyers 23 Orville Hulllnge r. Pres. Science Rest cent.el's for tale .troops • Mr. and M.ns~ Harwlce and Ba rUett Monee, whom they ·baven't were establ ished and 330 a lmor.ers son John or EvansVUle, Ind., amved -CivIc Ciub-Sports Oorrunlbtee The T ...... on Band pal'~ lclpated In Warren County M en 's Brollh e rhood seen for eighteen ycars. ..,.,... wer e appolnLed to dlsl)ense relief. here on Me.morml Day a.nd spent . the MeUlorial Day progl'anl a.t the Lhc remainder of the week ' with Mrs. Everelt Mrs. J. B. MlIIollII and had about 14 FORT ANCIENT PICNIC their parents, Mr. and Mrs. Ronald Jor.es , .Mrs. Guy 'RoUtzarul and Mrs. . m embers Included for this part of Wilbur Foulks. '1n company with the .ft_'I~ Local TroopNo.'" 40' Boy Scouts FOR "20-30" CLUB Hawke and Mrs. Winlfred Hartaock ""'. ""'" ar..d oon. Mrs. He.rtsock and son ot.her Eastern Star ladies ot WAI R REN A. SURFACE I''''''''' Grauman, chalrmar. of the of America held l\ Scout corrunilitcc • T'''e members-o f . " 'e "20-30" Club ville W "'-nded R· ... T.. ' .. ,"'" MIAMI CHAPTER OES •. w. accompa.n.\ed Lbem home for the aynes . a,,,,,,, \lUll ....,.on s OOIlllll1lit.tee serving 011 this projeet meeting on ' Jw1e 3, at 8:00 o'clock and thei!' farnJlles enjoyed a picnic summer vnca.t1bn. MornIng Matinee on WiLW, Cin- • ' Warren A. Surface. age 76, a st8Jte6 Ilbat Don WOl'kma.n has taken • M.Ifim1 Oha p ter No· 107 Order of a t the Method t:'t Clluroh. ~upper Il.'t Ft. .AI!c1ent on Sund<a.y cil'.nl\tl, Tuesda.y of this week. U!e-Ione resldent of Warren counLy pa.rt1a1 leadership 01 the band and tale &i:ltern Star wlll meet ip. regttlaJ' Members of Wlls commi t Lee arc : evening. SPRINGFIELD VfSITORS Bradley TUforcr, Ion of Mr. and and ~lally the Lytle community, w.th some addltlonal members and session on Motllclay evenlr~. June 10, Ralph Hastings ; Roger Brown ;' SUNDAY AFTERNOON Mrs · PhlWp Tilfol'd, made h13 first pllaled away at his home In Lebe.non pracuce they expect to presel'llt some at 8 :00 o'clock. TJlerle Jones ; S. L. RObinson; AI NURSE VACATIONS Holy CommunIon at st. Augustine at 3:30 F'rIIdiiy, May 31 after BUffer- oonoert.s here in ~vrne in '1Jhe PoUnsky. The Scoutmaster is Joe • Mrs. RobertliWiiett of Cent&'Church, iWaynesvl1le: SUnday mom.. in&' a sLroke 01 .pa.ra.lysis about ' a MRS. HASTINGS HONOR AT PARENTS HOME near future. James. vUle was a SIlIlday 8'IJCSt of her tns· week preVIous. The band members llU'e mDStW GUEST ON f'ROGRAM . The WIIS addressed by • Miss Irma is complct- · mother. MrS. !Luelle Armitage. Mrs. MI'. and Mrs. Walter Kenrick had ~ services were . conducted tUgh school sturdents, graduates and P . O. Duteher . . soouL exe<:u1.1ve of 1ng h er Junior. year In the Miami Burnett and 'M rs. Ann1tage were In for theIr dJr..ner ,gueat6 Sunday &It. the 8Wbb6 .Pu~era.l Home" .Mon- servlce men and ,the membershlp • Mrs. Ralph Hi\...,1;Ir.gs appeared on Ml<1dletown. Valley Nurses Tra1n1ng sc:llool is Springfield during the afternoon evenlng, Mr. and Mrs. F1rank Acker- day of tb1a week at 2:00 p.m. wi~ Is' still open to any in the oommuni- the program. ami was an honor '1!he Boys Scouts will conduct a enjoying a vacatlor. at IJJ,e bome of and vl8i1ed Mr. and Mrs. Woodrow . man and son. Mm. W. O. Haines, Rev. R. B. ColEnian 01 the MelJJodlst ty ho wish to take part in thla guest at the Good WU! 'P hllatllea paper drive here In the very neal' ber .paren ts, Mr. atili Mrs. Louis Owens !Ul children. d Mr. 8Itld Mrs. Robert ·Hal.ne6 and Ohunil ofl1ciatlng. BurIal was made w lill ~t. . Class meeting at the home of MrS'. future. Pl\rpose and {fate of thi~ Fires . Mr. and. Mnl'. Fires alsO had chUdren at Da.v1X>n. in '!be "1 ,fiami cemetery. wOl1tbw e Roy Miller in or. Tuesday drive will be given next week's as Memorial h61'l day ,guests 'their TRIPLE' WEDDINGMrs. Zoe BroWn' 01 Wublnctoa, Mr. 8urfaee is BI:Irvived by hiS even1ng. Issue of The Gazette. . ""n, Mr. Charles Fires. wif . e and ANNIVERSARY IS Ife CJaudl& .. dsJ· ....... ·- In law GORDON'S ENTERTAIN .,.,. c. H. W9S brought from St. E1iza- w , ; ............,r·· . SCOUt porni:n4ttee and , I{'lteculliv(l baby son, Richard, of Brook.vUle. OBSERVED SUNDAY beth hosPital Do.yton, SWlday aiter- Mrs. Mlldred Surface aoo a Il'and- EASTERN VISITORS Mr· and Mrs. George Mills and leaders request that bhe .oitizens of ' f .....M "'_. ....._.. da...... ·ar I'TT""':. ·S ........ - . . I T -Ie' _ . Mr. ' and Mrs . William Strouse arand .. ,,~ 0 B _ .... noon to Iihe home 0 .~ UQug,...... , - - -OOPGn'"'-n ,'......... "u ....... ."'" -" , 'Wavn"'Bville and community beCOme FIRST PLANE TRIP • Mr. ' .e·. -..o.~.... rown ...... Don SU.....,- .....·b • Mr. and Mrs Lester Gordon have rived home on Swnday evenIng after ' J'" , f .. _n .. -er < i n V_Illes. "' . ... , _ _ M.l'S. Ralph Bal'ger and rema1nIII ..... a ...... ---- , " ..........~ . """-'-rs !'or Ibhe local trbop. It is LY LADY ~ 'n " ' . . . . . . . . . .. . . u .... ..... - U S Arm in J as ,tlbelr .tWwie gues4; the G.t;ter's· sPending sever81 'da:ys with Mr. -and """""'" FOR ~ELD~R ' . ............" ..___....... ft, ..n..u. __.... _......................~. "'_. qulte Ul. ..., . • y apan. . des1red to lncrease t he membershIp ...,.." ........ ......,... ........ __ _ '.01 __ .a lri .a. aISter, Mrs. LW1aD FIfe of ~aahlns- 'M rs. LIndley . Mllls;-in Ka.!amazoo: -and .. - . 'K arl ' BodenileDder a\ Ifew A namber of - -•• - ea... ..:. epbew Mr Earl of Ibis t.roop bo at least 36 scouts. • Mrs. H. H. W1lliamson, who has ........ - from hel'e attended the f.uneral of PEARLY J. LEWIS . ton. D. C., and n •• Mich. . An a.sslstar.,t scoutmaster Is also been spending the winter in M1am1, Baveo, Ohio for the week eo4. UM ...• ... - n Surf8.ce at 8IlUbbi Funeral 2 :00 p.m. today ' at Flte. wUe and dllwehter, SUe. of 1iIr. aDd )In. a.eeu PI'UII: rnre . ...... "-.~ , . H¥attsvWe lid JIrlI. Mabel Benson and · Mrs. needed .for thls }troop. .~ppliA:anu; Fla.~ .Tetureed to W'a.ynesvUle OIl Punera.I Home in WaJDesvUle, lion- McClure Funeral Home, .' . I4arle COl'tell'On of IndJanapoUs mUBt be Over 18 years of age and ~, :June 4, by plane. Mrs. IB.I8o Yilttol'il U . . ~ daY at,temoon, Mr. and Mrs. Surface , Mra. Frank Refill 01 Dayloa WIllI a were hou8e 01 the fonner's should have some soouLing exptn'i- Wl11111DJ1JOD is M .y ears of see aod home at tbia tilDe, CIbe ......... ,.....,........ were realder..ts of tb1I COIDIDUII1~ ~. aa4 ..... . Pe E·g 8tewar& . . ., nilht guest. of her 'daugb:' parents. Mr. ar.cl Mrs. W. P. 8all&- ence. OontacL lohe scoutmaster or INS was bel' fb'8t exper1ence as aD ins 111 oelebratlor.. 01 . . before moviDI .fA) Leb- were 0len1ancl duriDI the tel. lire. _ BWa. bury. dUliDl put week. member of t.be ICOUt airplane aamlver.I'J C!« tIbe &bftie anon .. year 110.' . put . . . . A-"
Twenty-Fifth Wedding Anniversary"Observed
Shower Given Miss Thompson
Men's Brotherhood Will Meet At Springboro
Band Concerts Planned Soon
:JJea.1 I
1. '
a en ar .
SCOU t Comm.Ottee Ad vocates Boosters .
man, YM
'I'Ki MtAMt GAIl! and Le on sewage d isposa plUltB- etreama are loo.ded with pollution because the pltl nts are n ot operated. . NOT TO Ml!lNTI~N CANNEJRJES AIND MIiLLS.
The Mhuni~Gazette
Office Building", anti for enatora, "Senate OfficI:! Building" , Washington, -no C. , . Established" 1850 WHY must we b happy with the ugar we have? published Every Thursday by DAVISSON PRESS Why ml:lY anyone MI LEAD OUR HlLDREN7 ~loyd DaviMbn, Editor Enter ed as Second Class Oon't take my word ... c h k t he facts your elf l Matter at the Post Office, Waynesville. Ohio . -Daniel Crowell Cabot Los Angeles, 'Cali· f orui n. March 15, 1946 Subscription Rates: $1.50 per Year in Advance
WHY WE DO NOT HAVE MORE SUGAR We get sugar from cane grown ill the So ut h, 11l1d bets grownin the West. When th cond "Wo~'ld War" l> ga n, our g~ve)'nment wa paymg farmers not to gro \v s ugar beets. This was dOlle to keep fa rm prices up. Afte r the war boegall, each per 011 could have only a ce rtain number of pounds of what uger was left. People who brought more sugar ac ross t he Mexican Qord er had to give up that same amount of American sugar. Millions of men went to war, leaving 1 vel' to grow more beets .. The war is ovel" but the men are not yet back in t he fi el.ds. The p ri ce a llowed by the OPA is not eno ugh to pay th e hig her wa gtes asked. We u ed to get much s ugar from other coun tri s. We could get more. But our tate Departm ent has what they call their "List of Blocked Nationals", whi ch was a Jist of companies 0.1' men who might have helped our enemi es durilljg the war. We were not allowed to d ea l with such people . . No one could questioll our State Department 's judgment. The war is over, but the list remains. (Lat!est supplement, February 7, 1946.) Busine s men in other countries wouldn't care to risk ha ving their name a p·pear . on that list, because they wi h to .keep on trading with us. And so, if the Stat~ Department !!hould t ell them our government wishes to limit and contro l our suga r, th ese men would of course agree that they shouldn t offer to sell us much and seem to be against our government. ~Commercial banks have cop~es of this "Li t of ertain Blocked Nationals." ) It is our Agricultural Department that actually keeps control of sugar or anything ma de ft'om it, such n~ candy or chocolate bars. This is done by their order "WFO-63." you m~y get a copy of this order from the Director of Supply, U. S. Departpient of Agriculture, Washington, D. C. You may find it at the nearest U. S. Customs office, because the Customs men will not let anything in \vithout a license. You must have a special license each and every ,time , you wish 10 buy anything listed in t hat .order from anyone in a.nother country. This order is not the same a l) duty payments or health rules that protect the American farmer from cheaper or unhealthy foods. It was added during war time. The war is over; but that ot'der still keeps out' more f.ood. The order also requires licenses for bringing in these things: Butter; Poultry; Cheese; Peanuts; Spices; Eggs; Lard: Soap : C~coa; Beans; Coconuts and Copra; OVeomargarine and An Oils; Cattle Feed and Corn; Animal }I~ertilizers' ; and dozens of other items. , iCol.m,t ri.es ma~ing sugar from cane r:arely, if evter, used their own smal.l boats exc ept from shallow ports to their own, larger ports. Sugar was ' almost always .carried to our country in our_bigger ships, or tbose of Britain, Norway, Holland, France, etc. We have enough ships. On February 26, 1946 Congress approved a plan to get rid of 17 BILLION' dollars' worth of OUR 55-MILLION-TON MERCHANT FLEET built during the war. That is THOUSANDS of ships. Our Navy is soon going t o blow 120 sh~ps to pieces with atomic bombs to see how well the bombs .. work. Twenty~ight of them are said to be "of no commercial value"; but one company is trying to buy four just like them. Each is worth 4 million dollars, can carry 6740 tons, and go 18 knots (21 miles) an hour. This is fairly fallt for freight boats, They . need only 16 .feet of ,v ater. This would le.t th'en:; enter any port where there are sugar mills. .
• NOW IT CAN. BE TOLl>--Usual-. Iy a typogndllcal mLsta·1te Is either funny or a headacbe. 'I1he one In lihe 01110 DIgest or Fishing 'LEliws has really been a. l100dnch e. Slnce the black ,bass se(l$)n opel'.e d In obhe so uthern zOne last SatW'day. we ca.n poInt out t he center page 01 the Digest - did Y'OIl read yours ? II slAtes .that tile olO6ed season on bass In !;he ,southern zone is f~ ."''' AprU IS, 1945 to May :n, 111451 Maybe Ulat ·hasn't been a he&d udhe for G1lme 'Protec~ ~ng
SELLING EDUCATION '1'0 be enl hu ~ iu sti c about a nything, we must be sold
the chicks to 4-H ar.d F'FA Clubs.
Olihe!' YOU114r people's groups, fan,ners and collSE'l'VeotloniBLs. TheY will bjl rn1sd for release ·thls fall.
AWorld 'Relig!OD "The Fa.1th of Beha'u'llah h as by virt.ue or Its creative. Ita regulaUve 1Uld enobling enercles , tdle varlee .races, naLlonalitles. creeds and cluse8 tlha.t have sough t lIB shadow. &nO have p1edgL'd Ullswervlna 1ea)tJy to Ita cause." · While
cO Dl plet ely On it va lu . Busilless men know this e l\.1:IJe m ~ .. Brant 1llso asks that all owners of Iy we ll beca use their s lice ass or fa ilure de pend !! upon how coon cklgs keep tdlem from running c;:JIOn for aooUler monlih. Many \I' ' II they sell th eir mel' h a l\dise and their- ser vice. young coon 1lII'e be1r.g k.1l1ed by lihc The sa me is tru e in education, yet, most ed u ntol's hav dogs- Ha rold fow~d four cheWed up a ny kind of sa lesmen. never thought of th em Ives In one biUlCh. Let's keep the hounds preservlr.g tnelr paU1oL1sm and h LI 30 "" l' salegua.rdq Ilhcir lesser loyalties. ~ o, I'et's sell out'selves now on placillg more emph asis upon: ome lor tUlO IeI' .....ys at eQ8.,- It h8B made them lovers of manTeac hers 'e Hing p upil s on the value of attcn.Jing . chool It will make 1IlUQh. better hunUng k.1nd, and .tlIle deter mliled upholdnext. faJI . . to 1 am how to live hea lthie r, happier a nd better li ves ; to era or Ha ,b est and truest In terest.s." • • • "Their Fa.1thtlhey conceive to be become enthu iustic about each assignm ent am! classessentlaJI)'l llOn-poUt.lcaJ, supra.room activity ; instea d of lItte nding schoo l to obey t he to enforce a 1946 closed season. They '00 YOU KNOW? have to work under such 11 nebwork • DR. TOM LAlNOLOlS says a natiOnal ill charool.er rlglxlly non la wand U oid the truant officer. of laws ar..d rulings anyway- LlUs stream Should have a drop 01 2() 'Pftl\t16uI, IEInd enotJ.re~ d.\S6OClalted Schoo l Admini strators se lling th eir teac h 1'8 on t he public m1s-ln!ol'Jl\8ltlon has sure In- feet per mile to a tb'act small mouth from natJ0116ll8tic ambitions, pW'sulta and purposes." --8hogl Effendi va lu e of eac h practice in the local sc hool Rystem; how to creased the load. LeJw enforcement bass. 18 still an IlIlIPOrtnnt part 01 wild- • 97.721 DEER were harVested by "Itt 18 DOt for hJm to pride I11mim prove consta ntly their teaching methods for better llfe conserva.IJon, as long as we 169,977 hunters In MlclhJaan la.~t &elf woo )Oveth his own COWlt.ry results; a nd to d ve lop a burning enthusiasm 1'0 1' teac hing have meat hunters and flshemlen year. Both tlb'1U-eS ret records. but rat.hA:r for hJm who lovelih 'Iih; gl'Owing children : tolerance; se lf-res pecting lLnd coo pera- goa.ls who regllll'd bag and creel limits as • THE D~T OF NCmtrH . . l' "-' Th ~ ..... . " b t to be bee.te w•• o e wor.... e e....... '" u one n- instead of AFRICA once fed the imtlre Roman COUIit.ry. aoo mankind U.s cHlzens." tive socia l attit ud es; r esponsibi lity; health a nd afety beyond whlcll they must Empire soU and 'Water abuse _1:>A.h • 'Hah habits ; understandable language communic:ations; scien- deadlines r~ ~ ~. u . . • • • ru.lr.ed It.. Submitted by Helen McCoy tific causes a nd effects; basic mathematical skills. • THE UGLY HEAD OF RABIil!2 • A NEW OOLLAlPSI'BLE MIIN· Rt.. 2. IW~vllle, Ohio 'l'eachel'S, School Administrators a nd Public Leaders NOW BUCKET called 'the MlnilIshows up again with the neath of elling a ll ad ul ts on the true value of a good school system; W. H . Rollln's dna In u~_ Im- S8c 15 being lTIJl.c1e In Cambridge, Mr. -_ .. Mn. F. ""-rubar' bad .........n. Ohio- made of canvas. It Is quite ..... '" ""'" \\ hat ed ucation means t o everyone in the community; so mediately bhe old.... cry. goes up for ".... . as their ,Memorial Day guest, Mrs. that a ll taxpayer:s will know that the education they are a d og quaran t1 De. Rebl es Is <me of 8• g-oet. YOV ARE l'NV'ITED to tlhe next ~t's mollher. Mrs. Bertin a dread diseases about ~lch too Gray or ~ton buying is worth far more t han any other investment for Ule lLttle is known, t hat 5G\1letlmes Oor.servation Assn. at F'ran~Un _._ _ _ __ _ the s am~ a mount of money . causes poorly considered acUon.. ~:~ ~:~:~' ~r:~: AUCTIONEERING Worthwhile ed ucation i f~cing a crisisl Everyone in- TaIte dog qua.ra.ntlne6., and a proSTANLEY and KOOGLER JIWOKB" UCDlU terested in the welfare a nd the best opport unit ies for posed Ohio law reqUlr1r18lllll1ceMed : h Rkler, outdoor movtes, and dogs to be Yaoolr.a.ted, at no cellini • . wiTH TENS OF 'I'H<>U8ANDe For WIoJDlIPWe, today's growing youngsters, must help to eU th e value of pr1ee per vaccination. OF OOI.JL.:ARS lnvestedl 1n F'1'a.nk0bI0. RevtI'II 0bUIeI a good education to evet;yone responsible fOil' it; parents; real developers and carriers ~~;;;;~~~;~~~~~~~~~=~~~~~ taxpayer ; boards of education; sc hool administrators; ofThe rabies are siray dogs and· grey if:. ::x::_ - --= ~ -=1 teac hers; and pupils. foxe&- wlOh stray ca.ts thrown In. . Teachers need to become the best salesmen. All activity l 1hese are It he scavellier anl.mals HI!; 0 F FER is judged by the value of the r esults. That's why teachers that carry the disease. <bhough many others can' contract It. E. B. SATISFACTORY are so extremely important to boys and girl!~ . OOOk. Conservation District. No. 4\ . I Recall your own school days and you'll TE!member your Supervlaor. recently ,pcilntA!d , out S E R V ICE S most pOP41ar teachers did t he best job in selling you on the that. licensed dIo8s are usu&uy wellAT ALL TIMES value of their course in terms of how you would benetit. . loved and 0U'ed for. QUa,ront.1nes Didn't they explain how you would become a better per- ar.d vaccination requlrements cause . . more stray d.ogB to be tW'ned loose ~tQIlure ~unera1 ~ll~e on7 More Important; Bette r mformed: M~re respected; He Inted ouL that rabl 11 . Dia12111 Waynesville. Obio Better liked; And didn't the teachers you dis liked most bre~ out In counties w~:e~er~ indulge in too much crit icism; fault finding; a nd put too Is a 'high population of grey foxes - - i, muc h stl'ess on every el'l"or or weakness? Errors must be -4100 iWhere unlicensed stray dogs .~,~~~~~~~~;;;-;-~.; - ~;;;;~-;;-;-;;;-~;;;~;;;;;~ cor~ected; but the explanation s hould inch:,de all of the are not rounded up consistently and " good possible; because people accept responsibility and p=~ of 'foXC6 have aJieady develop on achievement; not contempt! ~ been t.e.tM "this year In WalTen -The above article was taken from the State of Ohio County. Although the bounty Ls iI8ed up- a aen1ce to rW1ldllfe and Department of Education News Letter: ohe rabies campalgr. can be glVelli by.
0&.., ............
The Waynesville National Bank
everyone tra.pplng· or destroy ing a-
'fhe Miami Gazette believes that e~u c ational coopera- grey fox. num an active campaign tion cpuld be improved to a degree of helpful standardR by 008' W6rden Olw'les' BIifoee 'to IIn'A:mJsnJao '8'16 t or pu.pil, teacher and parent alike if more stress was clean u stre.y dOgs must ha.ve supplaced on publicizing school activities in the community. port. Rabies can - be- lkept out by prompt actJon to get rid of the To little is known by the gEmera"public of th,e-~ctual work carr1enl •. Tdepbo_ 1111 WayaemDe, OhIo and accomplishments of our schools. Too much is taken for • • granted with the result that the pupil, teacher and parent O. alike fails to gain the fullest reward that education has 'to offer. , · The Miami Gazette pr.e se nted a plan to the local High School at the beginning of the 1945 term wl~ereby a staff of students would assume the editorship of a section of t he MIami Gazette devoted entirely t~ school activities from both the student and faculty angle. Some progregt! was reported in the formation of this group. but the plan as a whole failed to materialize. Consequently, the general . . I We ourselves can always grow more sugar beets or some other kind of food as long as 'there is suitable land. public was kept in the dark for the most of the school year " 'E RNEST HIXSON, Owner There is still the land that p~ople were paid for not plant- as to what was actually being done and accomplished ex- OPA has beep In sesa\on for a week PHONE 2537 cept through "hearsay" which is a poor medium of pre- on 4Ihla welght.y ma.tter-:- bu~ no i~g before. BARLOW' and CRIMES senting facts at its best. Late in the season a news column arutWer yet. • • .• . Diatr:ibutora But most men prefer light work to heavy work. It is of some school activities was publish~d from material pre- • GAME PIIWI'ECTOR BRAINT easier to sit at a desk and be paid for telling oth'e1'S what M~"'lNG'J MESS CALL A , ~aby's cry is morning mess call in millions of they mayor may not do than to plow in the fields ' or work sented by "school reporters." This material was paid for with .F.1sh aDd Gilme Club Memby the Gazette in order to get anything at all about the hers will distribute about · 800 Ameflca~ . horo.~s -every day . .Plenty of milk is 'needed itl a sugar factory. U. S. Senator Byrd says at least half school in th e form of constructive news . ~ee-kntl chJt~Feford r8!slng thLs to ke.~p th~se little ones growing straight and strong. a , million people could easily be takern out of g~>vernment ld r h or nex . e pure h ased by >, We ~.re. pr!?,uQ that t~e mothers of this community The original plan for an. editorial staff WOli ~ccomp IS the Club will ala> be taken ' with d:;p~~d .~~~ . ~~~~o prOVide the ·m ilk for their children. departments and bureaus without hurting anything. If ~iple servic~. F~s~ rtwould ~ve ~uden~ jarticipating _~~~~~~~~~~~~~~.~"= ~.~~-~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ yp.u thjrrk these peo~l~ should be put to work growing in its work an actual journalistic practice and an added ~ sugar beets or .o ther food, instead of being paid by our asset to Engfish courses; second, it would give the parents income taxes to make up excus~s for our not having more and the taxpayers some idea of the school work and acfood or cloth,ing, you may write to your Conrgessmen and complishments through the weekly publication of its ' tell them so. The address for Representatives is "House activities; third, the faculty would have an op·portunity to illfOl'm the public and th'e parents of studentS, concerning the basic educational principles and scnool pl~ns. J!J3TABLIBHED 1912 Publicity will . bring .to light the defects tha~ ordinariJy hide in ignorance . The columns. of the Gazette are open to the publicat ion of any constructive material that will be of genuine help in the ' prop1otion of ~ducation in this br UCENSED REAL ESTATE B'R OKER , any community. To hide behind the cloak of secrecy is AUCTIONEER - INSURANCE . YesrWe'll admit'1:his Sdu-nds a' ott out of season , . only a means of prolonging the fullest achievements of but we. have a liinited 'mimber of these bard-to-get the school's possibilit ies. The .light of publidty will bring Phone 2661 WAYNESVILLE. OHIO . blankets and galoshes ,now in stock and to wait until about a correct understanding of 'school work that will be next fall to teU ' o~r fri~nd8 aboutlth~m might be just. 1iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii.~1 a benefit to student; teacher and pare.nt. It is th~ civic duty too late! NOW is the' time to take advantage' of>this ! of every citizen to see that this publicity is mad~ a pS:rt . op~orlunityl .l eOME IN TO~AY ' while' the stock ' is ' of the community program for advancement . ' i " complete, . Wisdom gives life ' an'd understanding- ignorance gives ~I .
(learcreek Dairy
e~'mi~Y, greed and inefficiency.
e ,.'.
Mr. and Mrs. Jle.e Prender....t
returned Sunda.y . evening af.ter spendlr>~ a few dia¥s ' In creveiand and Ntarara FallS.
• Mrs. C. E. Edglng.ron has 18M1am1' Valley hospital wltb her infant BOD and 18 at the Mr. and Mn. .~ (leak ' ., , home or Mr. and 141'11. RhIodes OreaonJa vl!l1te4 '1.beIr uP lin.
.tumed from
_ _ _ __ _
. . .IIIII!IJII. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .i'Bunnen
for ." abort tJole.
...... a..1
~ --
.runG ' J
OAIIf'rl, W
.' Day aueeta of Nfl and Mrs, H. L. Eltzrottl , Rqe.
Mr. Dean Hawke 01 JPaIm Beaeh Is en~oylng a V{L.ca ~Ion bere wUll hIa parents. Mr. EIJld Mrs. C. F'l~lIda
I RecentlY. 1 ~d 8 lktle .ilrl ask lft Hawtoe. her mother f'or some moO(e)' to Puy
FERRY CHURCH of CHRIST . The GrO"IIl" Golne, Churnb HERBERT GRAHAM, MinlSkr B ible BchOQI 11 :30 a. In. OOOWDUnioD 10:40 a. m. Pre&chlng 11 :00 a. m. YOWlg Peoples Services arod Adult Pl1lyer Meeting 7 :00 p. ' m. Evening EVallgcllsUc Service '1 :46 p. m·
FRIENDS Flrst DI.J IODOOl - 11:10 A. II. ~t.lna for
WonhJp -
10:1(J !' . I&.
ST. AUGUSTINE CHURCH Patber Kr1UDIlOlu, PItIR M.8II8 SUDdaI- .:00 A. ...
Anna Mae Tressler Is leadeT for thls Ice q-eam lor her p!ay~tee. '1'he y Sund~ night. haven't .anYI~pey ~ Ulelr lJlOtber only ~ !lve d911ars tQ run all ~. ' • I BIble Study OJa.'IfI eaM Tuesday ~ child pJea4ed. The. ~t1her gave evening Illt 7:30 p.m. You are wel- in to her little girl'8 ur.seUlshneS6. come to atA.end !l.l"y 01 the cla.sses. i?eX'haps ,many Q1JIler ~tle girls ~d LeFlJOn next Tu.esda.y- ·Old Testa- bo\Y6,bave. done jtJlls ~ thing but ment HIstory by Periods." Lea90n yee. It'8 very, yery ~~le. If everyor.e wpre ~e Utls lIL~e gi:rl. XVII. • • • 99I)Sl41~ or tgeIr·Jellow men thls I Prayer Med4nr a t t.he churdl ViWld .wo41d not know Hltle)'ll. John eaa h Wednesda(y evening at 8:00.pnlt. L. !.Lew1sea .ap.d ~ OI\lers wpose We are studytr.g "The 8cr,1ptul'!l1 only creed Is 8e~ess. It.'8 Uttle Ba.ckground of ~" . Oome.t8ond f1r1s \!ke AlIl18 IlI}&t srow up t 0 ~ moot wiUt us for prniYer and ~le Joan of Area, C}l/J'a .~ar.t.cms, and study. It wUl do you gQOd. Flo~pce N~~~es. They were • • • ",~en who det!'.cat.ed Ulelr lIves to I fJ'he Loyal Sons and' DaarMen the good of h~ty inStead of Class will meet With Mr. IWld Mrs. line evils whlcb .~tioY 'tt.
• ••
n iter HaUBer. Frlda.y, June 14. at 6: 30 for a picnic supper. Meet lilt the B. B. O.lema.. III1DIiner S UNDAY SOHOOL 9:30 A. M. parsor.a,ge a t 6 .00 and we IW11I' go togeLher MrB. Ra¥mood COnner, Sup," . WORSHlP BERNICE 10:30 A. M. • • • YOUTH J.i'E LLOWBHIP, I The Evangelistic, .Meeting at the ThIUllda.Y, '1 :30 p . m. WllShlngbon, C . H. Ohio SOUth ~e Chul'Ch of Chrl&t wtIi close Sunday CHOIR PRACTICE I~ht J Wednesc1A) , 7 :30 P. M. n .... une 9. Felix Walker . .mlnJater of bhe Jamestown, Ohio dhurch has beer.. assLsting In ,lchese meetlngl!l. ST. MARY'S · Brobher Ca.rl MIller who graduMed EPISCOPAL CHURCH from Ihe CIncinnati Btb~e Seminary .8:00 ~. m. l1he Holy OOmmunlon ll~ld Ls a member of .Dhls churCh, will The. Rev. S. Hughes Ga.rvir.., Pl'each Ilbere Sunday, both mom·c elebi'tlll l Ing and everlng. 9:45 a· m. BrotJ1erhood of s t. • • • Andrew I Melvin Stansberry h88 been dJs9 :45 a. m. Junior Church ohlU"ied from .t he Armed Services and ls home. . 11 :00 a. m, Mornll'l8 Prayer 0.00 Sermon, S6muel N. Keys • •• . . I Mr8. Annabelle 'F lora came bome MT. HOLLY trOi the.n ltel laat 8~
METHODIST CHURCH II' M. 8earff IIbdI ,.. . • I9w:Id&J dCIbGol -- ' :30 A. iii.
Eo A. 1IIuDbart,- iUp8I'lo_~ 10 ... ~ - _... ---'W....... p - -- : - A. ... .......tft~ ---....... 'I 10 P II. "" ' .- ... - - : .
WAYNESVILLE CHURCH of CHRIST Rober' L. VinZiJe, M1ni1kr Blble SChool 11 :30 & . m. <JommunIon 10:30 &. In. SPE(JIAL OUILDREN'S DAY PROGMM Sermoo 11 :00 It. m; ~Become As Little ClhI14ren" Even1l:'.g service 8:00 p. m . "The D8¥ of PeJlllecost" •
The Evenllll' Wonhlp Serflee !Will Ilegln at 8:00 p.m. ~tonJgh t. The oolUlge In tLme begw~ last. Sunday. I The .Junior ChQsU.m, Eadea.or wlll ~"n at 7:00 p .m. All '~ys and girls undcr H1gIb School age are '1nvit.ed. 00me and learn <\.0 sing the QIloruses, take part In. th e dl:;cusalons IUld see a different F1annelGr~h Picture of !.he U fe of ChrLst eaCh Sunday evening. • • • I Senior Ohrl!iUan ,.En,dea.vor, at 7 :00 pm. for all young people of Hlgh Sobool age. a nd above. MlS6 I
l.Men are men wtwrever ~h.ey are j~ ~.pec1aiLY men . a re men when :tr . It oamea ,t o. ee,tJng. O.ne~ " to.ld m e "!'
her twsband was llianderlr.-g frozen ~~e. ~pce but 'When $he put.some on tlhe .4&Ple "and ,turned h er back
she ~t ,hlm shoveling It In . I 'b et he ~ 10 ~UCb s~th cramIpg It. in hJB mouth I.4haot he Just had t~ .eep ea.tlng to replace bis spelllt.
AlTEND ALUMNI MEET Mr. and Mr6. ,D on Hawke a.~tended the Annual Alumni meet.lng at the K1nIt'n&n High School on BalAlrday evenlni. I
Mr. anti MrS. L. C. St. Jobn had as Uhelr guesta during Ute J)IISt week .tlhelr .,... Mr. Kennettl St. John'.
Mrs. Anna WlUlamson and daughMJss Oraoe iW'tlllatnS<ll'!. arrived at ·thelr borne during the past week atter spending ' the 'winter mDnths In Mlaml. Fla.
24• . bot h faotol'Y' workers of Lebanon. Robert Lee Burnside. 21. 'factory wol1ker. aAd MUortha E'ilen JlIJ'Vln , 21 , botnl at Fra nkl Ln . Donald E. Worley. 28. lIlaClhLnJst, and Leah M. Gllllrd. 25, doctor's a.sslstant, both of Lebanon . Herbwt MulJe n, 32, carpente r. and Rhodabelle Campbell, 43. postmlstl'e,ss. . boLh of Springboro. OrvUle Mynhier. 31. factory worker. ar..d Loretta Rcmle. 22, teadher, both of Fl'llnklin.
Mr. and Mrs· A. H. Stubbs and chlldren h1IId as Memorial Day PROCEEDINGS gUests Mr. and Mrs. Sam Stubbs Robert &vcr. lU'rested on ar inaDd son, Tom. and Mr. Ted Kochel' dlc~men ~ oha.rglll~ bigam~. WAS reof Baltimore, O . IUld Mrs. Amaroda lensc<i on bond n te r pleading InIlO_., be! J d Har.t.nml. cent w hen arr aI gn"" ore u g ' .A. F . Brown. Ohanglng his plea to an Indlctment oharging conLrlbutlon to the ~Conservalij~B delinquency of a mJnor, Oharle~ Hastings W68 .s e!~ tcnced to six months In jail. Ina B. Parlett was gTanted a dl · R. A; ('Buck) Rider. Ohlo's Comrnl:ssloner of OOnseI'V1lltlon and Nat- vorce f!'Om Everett E. ParleLt who 'u ral Resources. Is slaoted to s~k was in d erau1~ of an answer LO her Ilt ttte next meeting of the Wa.rrel charge of neglect. Custody of minor COunty F'IstI ar.d .Qame Conserva- cJllld awarded Lh e plaintiff. tlon Ass'n. It was announced t h is William Johnso n was sentenced to week. Mr. Rider wW come directly six mont hs III jai\' five susper.dnd, from the game law m eeting oJ the when he pleaded guilty to an InCOru;ervation Oomm15slor.. · and will d lctrnen l chatr; lng neglect of minor tell 1Jlle group about next s<lll.sou ·s c hildren. The court wwurded temporary regul1liUons. He wUl a lso cover loca.l proJectB sucll as la.kes. stl'eam and alLmony. to the wives Il: volvcd In lh~ !leld Il'1;lprovements, youlf,h prOgrams. divorce actions ot Alber t R . Starke et.c., iUld point out how local grou))6 agaLnst Clara Starke nnd at Alice CSJr. help with tIbem. Plummer against John Plummer. The meeting wUl he held aL Ailee Croll was awarded a divorc!' Franltlln In t;be American Legion from 'Carl Croll . charging neglecl. HaU, Friday , June 14. at '8 :00 p. m. with t.he two oldcr chlldrcn belllH Outdocr movies are ' also o n the awarded the fath er and t.he two progmm. to be followed. by a lunch. your.ger to their mother. . EVeryone ,Interested Is Inv1LC<I to REAL ESTATE a ttend. TRANSFERS
Com/mission~r, S~leaker
FERRY COM E! HEAR! ENJ .0 Y.! Agood gospel sermOD Wbat's Right With The Ch~rch? . C H U .R C B .1 CHRI.'I'
LORD'S DAY, JUNE . 9 10:30 a.m. Bible School 9:30 a.m. Special Children's D~y Program at 7:30 p.m. Come and bring your friends!
HERBERT GRAHAM, Minister - - - ---J. A . Volkerdlng. administrator. to George and Thehna Poxbower. 2.12 acres on W. Ma.l n St., Leba.ron. Cla.rence 'a nd ArkJ e Clifton to J . M. IUld Dom Hogg, two LJ'acts In Clearcreek ·l ' Wp. ~orge a nd Norma J ent t u William .and DOl'O'uhy TaLe. lot 74 III
-- - - - - .. Charles E. and Bessie AndersoD , mLel'es~ in t\\IO lots In Chapman Subdivision, Waynesville. Quln 'y and Virginia Morn>; to D oyle D. Atwood, t.wo tracts in Hamilton twp. Osa Snell La Walter and MargareL Grecn . ploL In. Harvcysburg. Twp. Presley lUld Pe::t.rl Black to James Rioy ar.d Oral Morse to Robert F. P. Thornbw'Y. lwo 101.5 In Harveys Scott, parcel In Mason. bUl'g. Robert. M. Blair to Elmer a nd Luke a.r.d M.ild!· d Miller t{) Ralph Bonnie Wills, properLy at Main and and lido. Key, 53 A. In Turtlecreek ·twp. CherrY St. , Lebanon. Mary E. Crockett to Harold W. Maynard nnd VirginIa Carnahan Mercer. 6.88 acres In HlUlulton 'l'wp. to George a nd Lucy White, tract CIla.rles H . Young Ito Jesse in Harl an ~wp. Morton Campbell . tract In WashillgW1lliam M. Phlill~s to Erne.~t C. ton Thvp. and Eva Boyd r. . plU'cel In GennMary and J. B _ Ollapmnn to town.
Farllit'o re
Cou-I 't7.ew"
pairs ' for
plus salleS tax
-. The Loveland Mutal Building a.rd ! Include a one dollar bill WiLh order ; NO CHECKs or MONEY wUe and d&Uibter, of H\lbba.rd. O. ORDERS plell se. S I'd to repl·esenta(.ivc of Eleanor !foslery, addl'cs \ • Wade Ls s till cor.- They 'w ere jolned on SUDda.y bY Mr. lJoan Co. to Franols and Liddle below . We will end aVOr to gi'!c you 60 da y ser vice If possIble. a fter fined to ncr home bUt. Ls recovering ... _ 01 Bland nd da h south, six 101.5 In Morrow. aOO · ....... enn a ug , J such lImc If you do n 1. care t.o walt longcr YOIl may demand and from ber lnJur1ea. ter of Bprqboro ' ar.d all enjoyed Harol~ Tucker to Orville and promptly receive your d 1J0sit. Pay postman balance. • • • MARRIAGE LICENSES Va.cla Barnhart, plot In Harveysburg . • 'I.... e Trl-S'-'- "'hr~'I-n "'_-'~ !be day with 'M r. and Mrs. John (" . . ~I - _ . . . . . . ~ .. ""'" John D _"'h'" "'"' 27 M dlso Magnolia and James J obr.son to N. P. Swv ns. 33 F'ncto1"y St.• Berea, Ohio.- PlellSe s nd me 3 pairs (J--p .... 11 be jheld . -~ ..... ""-_ ao-l_ 8eUJemyre and children near """""'. ",.. ers. • a n_.. ,n .... w.: A ... nv lAIb&Do ville, m11LIng machine operator. and Kirk Herrington. 53 acres in Turtleof first grade NYLONS as soon u possible . Size . . .... Regular . .. . . . ~ state !best camp ,~ n. _ _ _ _ _ Catherine Bauer, 26, W~esvll1e, creek Twp. Ou Lslz ... . . . COlor .. . . ... . Light .. . .. . MC<llum ...... Dark . . . . . . twelve miles oortbeut of Ch1LIl~ lin. .St!lIa Evans and Mils Helen ~er. HeMY and Clara Gofortb to Earl OOIlhe. Oll1o, again tbis year. '1b~ Evane of DI,yton; Mrs. Mable, BenLee H . oreen, 24, mm operator. a nd Alma. Warford, parcel in .Mason . Nam e ... ..... ... . ......... . .. . ...... . . . ... . ........ .. . .. .. : ... . .. . Intenned:laite camP t t~ ' tb06e 12 ,to aon and :Mrs. ¥&Tie Cort.elyou of and Ellzo. Hatton. 16, b<e>UJlof Sou~h E. O. and Grace Raglar.d to 14 yea.rs -lnclualve. will be A~ Ind.Lanapollll; and Mr. and Mrs. Leb6Ilon. William H. and Elsie Taylor. two Address .. ..... ... .. , ....... ... .... .. .. .. ...... .... ..... .. ........ . ~ 11 to 17. Dalnlle1'8 are ~ to arj W. p. ~ury were Memorial ~eber W . ¥1chael. ~!6, and Cleo IoU! In Unlverslty Heiglbts. Lebanon. rive K the campJfl'OW'..d& _~l 6:00 _ _ ~~ =____.....:..___...!.._____=____.:=______~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~.~~~~~~~~_~===~Sunday evenlng. Oloslns ·time for camp wID be 2 :00 p.m. 8aWrctay. TIle Older Young '~ea Week wm be fot, ~06e 15 years o{ qe and Older. The dates are .AUgust l8-2f. Cllmpem for .. Lh1a .week wlll be ex;pected on the camp grouooa bebWeen .,2'00 and 6:00 on .Sunday ..A.u8Ust 18. The Qocomodatlons at thIa camp ·are UmIted, so If you ·WIUW. to go 'You had better get .·yoUr reglstra.tlIon Ln as soon as poeslble. All rerl8tralions must be In b, FrldaJ, Jal, U, 1946. Send the "Reg1atr&tJon 0\Lnl" Crom Vhf. back pace of II1e "Tar Hollow Echoes" . proper.Ly .fWed out:. wlth t"o doUan, l.o the treasurer 0: the camp. If you do not baNe R copy of "'I'N Hollow ilchoee" )'OU may get one from .U\e t.ract t'aCk at the rear of the church or f~ mJnLst.er. The balance of M.oo per camper must be aent to t.he treuurer by July 2'l, 1946.
• • •
n ; oap Ml's. Beulah
We ·are 1~1ni forward to a ~ camp thLs year. 11he forenoons IWpl be s per.t In proruaMe aDd' tional claasea, and the aftemdons In various kinds of rec.reatlon aJ)d 1IPOl'U!. ThI8 would be a great to 8pelld part of your vaa.tIon .. !If
l AtSO
you have never' att4Wled ca:fssS~ dO not know What YOU are .
and Mrt. Oharl_ ~ ., Iend-S !be, K\ntIIIDan Alwrmt~-
• • •
Mr. ~ Mfs, ' Ollinnce B __ ",II family have moved to Oreeont&. Mr. aDIl M.... Ban, Tacar spent Decoratkm D&y In .tOe1r .b~ town, o~, Ky. . MJo. and .1 In. iIoIIen ~o( Detroit are guesta of the f '5 ps.rent8, Mr. ancl Mh. «m. I MflIIIrlI. (Jarl 81'-.. and Herbert
..... • • • '
J~. aooeft-
IJosrer are l\IWyJll8 ~ f18lPnl ttlp at St. Mary'.. . Mrs..Fred Inln Sr. and MrI; Freel IrvlD Jr. ~~ t.b~ ~ lame in (J1ncInnatt,- &turd&y af~oon . Mrs. Lyle Beberi1Ioa. Mn. I.om. FILe and M1M .Jine Pite we.I"! .canb-. in W1Jm1IIitoon, Prlday. • .,..,.... Carl II ' &be be~ ~, or Mr· iI.tld .Mr$, '~O~ ~nneot for .M11111118bur1. . ~pow.;"""~.~11 ~ Of Mr. ..par! .~ur .
amt famU7. 'lburedaJ. . 1In..A. 8· ~;. .' ... JIa:IMIr&
.WaynuYil1e Appliuce Ctmpuy Gibboaa Biela.
LADIES! If yo u nee d t hem mai l t his co upon TODAY!
.~. -
North !to W.,......ul•• 0., Ph.... 1412
..:::: :::::
=~;:Sl:erx~ .~ :-':I.~"b 'III*J, . . . _ ........
atappe&t ~ 'fIIIIa
InOdcMt to ,....
.. ......~~....~....__ I_ A.IL
0,1211 n.. Qb' • .u
I., . ,pit~ of rlnA.l\tjP.J1Jlry ,pWd~-- in .. .pite )q{.i~~reased labor costS, and the in~reased cost of materials, The Daytoa Power and .Light Company , ~io ..reduces itt elearic rates. Thus
•••••••••••••••••••••••••••• • • • • New LO"lEI • • • • • • Ile.ident;al • • • • • • Electr;c Rates .lor • ( . • • • •• WAYNESVILLE • • • • • Minimum chore. $1.00 pet' m"" ~r montl! •• •
and in line with past reductionsis predicated OD · the assumption that these new lower rates will enable our customer. to make greater use of the many .new .~abor-~aving and ,ouf l~ private;ly-owned, b~iness. .comfort-providing electric ' appli- • with .ntltl~m.nt of 15 .1I_att.hours • ~ged utilitY ,c;ompany takes, the ances soon to be available. J5 kllowatt.hours .,.. month. $0,0.5 .,..ItW.H•• : lead ia. WayauviUe in reducing . Now you can,. enjoy the greater , • Hut ·50 .110watt-hollft per mo~ 0.035 .,., K.W.~. • ..your 1iving .c~ . . convenience of fulJ ~l«ftrical living • H.... 100 kllowatt.ho~rs.,., ",onth. O.027I.,.r K.W.Hr•• . ' . one of many 'such ra~e re- with no iDaease ill , thi5 household • '~I 0"" ZOO .ilo~ho"" '"' lIIottth~ o.o2zl p.,_K.W,Ht. : • . -e • • •- • • • • ,e • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • ·tI~ .... by )'~ur Comp.ay- apeme. · •• . -...J.A.._
r: J
: H...
WA~vtLtE, 'OHIO - .
G, H)~
·Cou,.t Real Estate Transfers • .,. PAR){ LOAN8 -Lor1a tenn , . . , ~ No appra.1s&l fee. AlIO moe 1IDal1 aDd 1&rge fannI tor .... 0aJl or write 000. Hen.kJe. PhOne No.2, Lebe.n tJ. t re
Retlnanc:lI!l - ROOuUding ...,. Buying. 4% Farm loaua with long Qmfl 100
pay. P&.y part. or aU any
Real E.tate For Sale-
' 14
Posltlvely the Best Starring Role Ladd Ever HruI!
• If you tJ10ught DANNY KAYE wns fUnny In "Up In Amls"- then y()u'lI agree he's a riot In
Alan Ladd- Wm. Bendix and. Veronica Lake in
IF YOU HAVE A PROPERTY OR FARM TO SELL Call ' or Write 'D on Henderson, Tel. KE3446, 617 Loro.1n Ave~ Dayton, Ohio. tfe
Plus : Cartoon & NI'\Vs
(Technlcolor) with Virginia !\lay 1Uld Vern Allen Added Specla.I : 3rd Dime nsion Cartoon IUId Conununlty Sing
Western in ColorSeries. .
FirSt of a
~~~N~~ ..nnlrcr
lIolt in
01.0 WYOMING" Also : 3 STOOG ES and Color cartoon
Dr. c. E.· Wilkin
Gordon. lot In HarveysbW"g. Frank D. Cartwright I.<> Freeland J . Back, 7.24 A. In Turtlecreek tlWll. . Same to Carl Hazlewood, one A. III TurLJec.reek twp. Belle 86ker to Aloon D . Vale, two
TUNE TO WHIO Dayton 12:30 -Dial '1300 For Our Dally Market ir.epon
$5.00 · $3.00
AcconiIng . DO Size and CODId1tlon H~8.,
Calve., Sheep, etc.
'CIIarIw .
XENIA. 0 ,
IOL 1r. Harv ysburg. EUa .Ferr18 to Sherman a nd Ann.1 Ferris. 103 A. In ;WUShll1gton ·twp. Ralph W. Young I.<> Fred Kahn . lot 21 In Bea.n·s s ubdivisIon. Le;l a r.on. W. B. and El17.nJ>et h THrnf'l' m R.obei·t nnd MnrJorie lsrocl. 101 011 HI8'Wand Ave., Lebanon. Joon and Mn.rg>a.ret YellZ I to Drexel andYlrglcln FugaL! .. lol 2:78 In 'L ebanon. Mary J osephine Sargen t I.<> Guy [l nd Flnvla. 'S mltJh, .311 A. on ClncinnaU ave., Leba.ncn. C. N. wld· C. M. Brru1derl>Ul'g to Sam a nd Frances Saylor. plol In Highland Park,' S. Lebanon. RLce Snapp to Everett and' Johanne. Gustin, lo t In WaynesvUle. Cha.rles and Margue rite Kramer to HeJ1bert and AIl l:t!l1nc We rn er . 194.50 A. In r.arllm lWjI . WUbur and MIIJ'r:are t 'S outh lo Herbert Falcon. .89 A. In Fr:u',k lln
Homogenized Milk
2 '1
Stewart's Thrift-E Market
& Son
~~--~.~ . • .JOHN .DEERE :Farm Equipme'nt two II """ _
... ,.. ',..;~,-.., IIIIM. _
,ta(iliUED 110 •
, .. L.ft . . . . .'
. . . . _ _ •• "" 1• • IIl.
...... -
l i l l i _ , lL
GENUINE JOHN DEERE REPAIR PARTS , • Competent · Repair Service on Tractora and Impl~en'b .b y Experienced Mechanic.
Impleme~t · Service Your John Deer! De.ler N. E••t Street LEBANON, OHIO . PhoDe. 5551
2FDR25C ........... • I
Frank nnd Heba McCarren to FaneU and Monzelle 'Gl'ay, .81 A. In 'MassIe twp. Charles Laymon to Robert and AlJce McCurley, lot In Mason. Walter Pfeiffer to Lester' A. Mauand fou.nd two lleru; ,bnA,t.lIng " Me PERSONAL, ST A TID NERY pin . 69.88 A. In Clc8.rcreek .twp. Gazette. '.:rhone 2143. A. E. Fred I.<> J ean and M.argal'et Yeazel. part of lot 84 In Lebanon. CIUford Turner, cot ai, to John A. Stanley. interest in 2 lots In Loebaoon . TRY OUR Anna Osborn I.<> Fred nnd Mary Buller, 5.50 A. In Harlan twp. WHOLE MfLK - PASTEURIZED MILK. - CREAM It you ~er from a Iluggl.h~Y8Lewis' nod Margare t KJnner to CHOCOLA T.E MILK - ORANGE DRINK. tern then try genUe, yet thorough ·Donald IUId Dor18 Boblitt, 2 lots in actlng MarcUi TableUi. Truly grand WHIPPING CREAM - BUTTERMILK. ButJervllle. relief. trom constipation and eco. COTTAGE CHEESE nomical In price. Full Ilze package 'Frank A. DllaJtush ~ Oharles a.nd of 41 tablet. costl 28 cantil at all Margaret Guaro. plot on Ol'Ohard LEBANON' drog .tores.Get Marcus Tablets . aye. Lebanon: PHONE · and use as dl~~eted . Byron P. Hart.oock I.<> Joseph E. JamC/!. lot In Wayncsvllle. SOLD AT Joim McCUllough et ai, to Ruth M. SII8Ior, 40.64 A. In CI~arcreek
.. 0, BtroBSDB, INC.
$100.00 per month for 10 yean to your family If you do not liye. $100.00 per month for life
,. • • • • 00 • • :
Service That
ewp. Robert M. Blair l() Fra.nk . AJexnnder, .50 A. In Turtlecrook twp. Edward and Mayfrey Wel18' to Logan powe ll, .trnct In Washln ~n
..uerw OD &lie bat .u areaa4111Mbt
Telephon e 2291
un >" for yourseU at retlrt>.men parcels In Morrow. D. C. llild E,;lher Qwlre to John AU of these benefits In une some rrtg;hte n~ed chicks ra.n [IJ'OW'd John and Thelma Glbb5 to and Fr8.r'ces McNutt. .75 A. in Deerpolley, yippIng. The Bru'I'ed Rock appeared Thomas Nevllle Jr . .13 A. on W. lield LWP, . to be Lhe BgI,'ToeSSOI'. She grabbed t.he Main st.. LebG.non. Catherine Mclntolitl I.<> J ohn and MARION SNYDER black one by the comb, shook and oregonia BJidge Co. I.<> MagnOlia Laura Sandlin. lot in S. Leba.noll . Representing pulled but I I:ouldn' t tell to wWch J~lOOn. W1ree Jots In Loeba.oon. Charles D. and Mae Cook I.<> FARMERS-TRADERS one t.he clucks \)eIOl~ged. Perhaps it Bebty R. Harsch to 'Archle a.nd ArtJlUr nnd SteUa Krjght, 3.20 A. In LlPE INSURANCE 00. we.: one oJ ~hoc;e wlIortunwte two- M"rbha HUdeb'lt. 113 A. In TUI'Ue_ ...... Wn.,>hlngto n Lwp. hens -on-one-nest whel"e !.hey both creek twp. Phone 1'1I-L urn. Griswold LO Mnck Hayes. 45 U'y I.<> cla.1m the c.hlcks lIJ~d usually 'I'hOlJUlS Hamlin 1.0 <Herbe l't a.nd oJmost kill tlle.m dollig it.. or perhaps j &Ina Bl'Wlk ..07 A. In MOlTOW. A. .I11 Harlan twp. LEBANON. 01110 til y belol~e<1 to the black hen and Lavina L. McElfresh ,to same, In. Mary Ellen Beachler to Robert t h 18 was a chi ·ltIlapping. A nice terest in 1JW0 lOIS in Morrow. and Mary Olinger. 89.57 A. In Frank- - - - - - - - -- - -Bnug brooder With a. gOOd heater is Eva Irene Fox to J ohnson a.r.d lin Lwp. NEW and RENEWAL so much easier lU~d sn Ce r alld yet Mabel Dalton. plot In Spr1ngt>oro. Roy ard Lulue Shepard 00 Harold SUBSCRIPTIONS TO THE \Vh n Hitler ac\Jvocuted raising childLUCille B. Berry t.o Cha.rles L. and Leona Read, 46 A. In H IIJ'lan MIAMI GAZETTE CAN BE I' n by tile St.ll.te in t; lol'Uled brood- G uard J r. 100.74 A. in TW'UecJ-eek twp. PAID AT WA YNESVll.LE em lVe we]' appa lled because fOl' t wp. J . D. and Myrtle Beltzhoover to IHIIlla ilS jus~ mass production does Almeda Reeves I.<> Or us an d Calth. Mary M. Belt.?,hoovt'T, '72.94 A. In ORVG STQRE OR AT THE not. seem I.<> produce IJlc results we ryn Brown, 18 A. In Harlan ~wp. HUJllmon Lwp. J GAZETTE OFFICE want. '111e H.itler ideal was masses Marlin and Lucille SWlullers to .::;~~~~~~~~:;-~ -;-~-~~.~~:;;:;;~::=~::=~~~;;::!~~ or olx:dlel' t 5()ldicrs (lirect.e<l by a J OIUI IUld. Ma.ry RoIsh, one A. In Ie-w, d1recLed by him. but when ,we ClearcreeJt twp. CEYLON iose the Idea.l of rC's ponsi ble Indl · J . Loester Kenrick to Alfred and for frogronce Idual g roup<<d inl.<> tam.ille.s. selJ- MUdl'ed Genll1Y . .50 A. in Clearcl'eek SOUTHERN INDIA dll' Unt\'. self"slIpportm g nd If - twp. . 'or 1I0llor ret!p(lCtl.n g we wi ll h ave los t the CUCwd and MIIJ'y Billia rd to Ova NORTHERN INDIA for color ~hil'g which has made OU]' oooot.ry nnd Qa,L11erlne Dunn . 2,29 A. in .what It is. gl'ca1t In s pite of 18 Warren and Cllnton counLles . Iaul16. 1 B.nlp I EdenIleld to Ralph and ~Att Even clucksl raLo.;ed in \JJrooders NeU Wheeler, 1.20 J\. In Wnyr.e 4lWp . ' .... ClIS PAlll.,,: ,do not seem t<I b :1.5 . naJ'L. lIS MlfHersollel and Wanda I. White to reliant IlS hen-raised ·hick.ens bu l ClllI'eJlce .and <Lena Nelson. lot 16 In who wants sma.l·t ;;cU-r liart chlck- Edgemont subdivision. Lebanon. NIl ...~ n..,;'/ T h OL$ll aJ-e the kind tllat got GHbert M. Cooley to C. D. Cook,
.UYe WIre anu PnlI1e1.tYe. AD orpabat.toD _lid to DOne. 8trla&1J
rideavol' to render exce ll ent, mod I'n .flet'V ice.
twp. Pearl IUId W. E. MCClung I.<> L M. . and Mary Ireton. lot In Mason. auth M. Baylor to Oharles and WUey Howell I.<> 01l.Il and Ro.'>!1l1e JMIlrY Wnskey. 8 A. In Clearcreck
allIS for my only whole pair of s Locklngs \.hey were whole 110 longer. '01'e kll e ~1"Q1.UIlI out III I,he Illud. Household Goo~. Tilley were not nylons but even a A FARM DIARY b lOE BOX REFRIGERATOR,- All b"OOd pair of ~'ons are lloL I.<> e Pon:ela1n; G1bson. 100 lb. ,sIz1e; By D. 1. FRAZIER 61lee'l.ell at. I had been so pleased can ·be ()OIlverted ·to electric. See I.<> find these. t.he orJy whole ones An T· ... bri ht ...... PaUl PiClldns, Phooe 2182. ·tfc · J une I , 19..". .u el· g UllYS in a whole bushel of dlscar<ls a.nd __ • In a row lUId now ra in Dtga in. S •...... .•- now Lhey were ruined all because of MilCellaneoua-ed pla.r.tlng com but lihe min came a dl:;col]tented cow who wouldn't Every corn :,~ where she beionged . She SALElJ BOOKS-- A DeW IdeQ.; Ex- bef.ore we rlnlshed.. cellent printiD8; PrOOl.pt Service; planter in tile county was working oou.ldn·t find the oLillers a nd cowStandard Pr1ces; see Davisson overtime while lihe sun Shone but ilke sh w 'n't happy alone. now work must stop agair.. Sun We have brought Dalhia dowllJ to Press, Ph~e :u43. pols I~ be the trouble so th y JOln Lily ~ and PetLUua In tlhe FWS'l'UR.E FORI RElNT- . COws or say . Do you suppose they also cause weaning per.. I could see no reaso n youra cattle only. Frank. W . c rew, the clouds of dt: 1 Ion and strife 101' her having the cr am "wh'l1 ~he 'WB(vD.eBV1:lJe. O. 620 that darken ttl world. today? wvl'ld l:; ryh g for butte!'. She wUl Stl1'ik.es. inte~atlonal cUspute a.nd have I.<> live on 'l!'l'a&S and sklm milk. Garden Plant.-ever. local c1.ls8e1-eemenlli. I wonder what tJlese sllortages will Even the cows are not all con.\. n1.- do La our eat.lng habits . Or~e WOIl1Jln R)R SALE- Sweet pot&l() p1a.rits. SOc per hU£dred; All k1!lda of ed. This evening just after I c1ean- sald !.haL ~e had ellWrely oha.nged prden plants lOe per dozen. ed up and put on my towr. c lothes h er way or oooklng so that now they 0ba8. C. Strouse, 1 ~ m1lea DOJ!t.b t() go to t he Grnnge meeting and ·WIIl! only cat butte.r on bread or toll6t but of Waynesville, corner of Ferry sitting quietly lIl,·tenlng I.<> "The lIhe dldn't saw how she cUd It. WllI Mayor of The Town". I heard fl people care for liheir food so rich aDd .LYtle roads. '14 fnml:llar moo. I looked out the wlrwlvh butter and sugar wher we was White .:00.\'\'1' ha've it lIfIaln? dow and bhere F eecIa, Gram., Grind iD8 pU5tl1ng thrugh the ' Ile into Ule til e • Monda.y. St.U I no roof on OLEARANCE SAllE of Odds a.nd yard bawling !1S s he crune. I book . Ends of M1ll Feeds. ~ER time DO step Into my rubber boolS .brooder h ouse. We Ih ad planned to do It Satw'd, N. bul,- Well. I thill., Grocery Soore. Wa.ynesville. 66. ~:s.c:t~ =~I: :~:~h~:~~ I 'Win just sell some corn. It ·wlll FOR SALE--:: RIpe strawberries. them sa:fe. She owent around lihe perllap;: brlrg in as much money n...-..e 'P eterson, one mile from house With me nlLer her ard 11S ~ with much· less work Ilhoug h all ~.. . Waynesville on Bellbrook' Pike. 13 hurried along on !.he slippery. sIlmy prlnclple r never willingly seU com Into m~ gnrden nlid SCI'!l1tc.1l1.'d up or l1n.y off Ilbe place. 'l'hls time I a ll my peas. So me nig.IlL I • m .g-olng TEDmud my Ceet went out from und I' H _ ELP _--W- -A N - - - - - - - - me and down I went on one knee. can buy "m .o re l'eJ'Llllzer instead of LO cli mb lip il1to the cnrn.ge and get l·hem, with t.hat brown Lcglrorn Ll~ED FIREMAN Heating Myoid coat covered my dress but dhlck.en supplement. _ _ _ _ _._._._______ The birds sllil come 'Cor suet. Am ~itn.tor wiUl the frozen comb and only; good pay and now's; Ufe. I ecooura.gll1g them In lazy Iln.bILs send them I.<> Ule ConununUy Sa le acddent and hospital plan; Ohio wIlen th ey should be out cat.c11i ng ard get me some nice docile brooder Paper 00.. Miam1SbUl'lf. 0: 6200 bu'gs and wonns? blOuse btens ;WJ:lO \V1ll lay their eggs UROJ!JNTI - We.nted 2 or 3 room . 1 looked In my bll'd book ngaln In bhe nests iIIl tlte hen house a.nd modem apal'tment. pennn:nent, I!l> === - - - and found that the red-heeded eat mash out of the mash hoppers Ohlldren. 1um1shed. or l~umishflicker tJila.t comes ' for suet does not and grow into, rJce ifnt ew lll¥i.ng eel. AppllY ~r Store 1Mgr. 620 look at oJ1 like ,t he picture of n machines. (Perhaps ·the politicians lellOW-belUedl sap sucker a.fter all. would like to do t hat wi.tll us) . Too HOURS: It must lb e just. a freak flicker iW:l t h bad I.<> kUI the spirlt IOf adventure a red cap instead of just a red patch and lnitla.tlve even Ir. the hen hous 9-12 each ' morning on the baclt of t!be neck. Does any- but who wanta It In ·t h~ hen house? TEXACO 1-5 afternoons except one kn!!W anything about It'! Not In bile hen. house perhnps but Wednesday Stra.wberrtes . nre ripe but !.hey it would be & sorry world if Lhc are 60ft· and pale and not very John L. L6wla4'!s and vhe Gerald K . 7-9 Saturday evening s weet. Too muCh rain . The klds and SmlllllS and, the KKK's or even the GAS- 011-. GREASE 1 went I.<> ,pick wild stra.wberrle.~ Fords and !ll~mry KaJsers or the Other evendngs by Quick B~~ery Charger ' this moM1ing -11. pleasant owa.y o r Jack Armstrong!; or Supermen have Appointment · being out of doors even though 1 a. mQnopoly of It. We n eed 60Ille of . Hy4raulic Car Lift. TELEPHONE 62-R ~ got about a cup full to lhelr It in. every family and a good old "SERVICE by' SERVIS" QuW't or :;0 a nd they were BO SOUl' American cba.:nce 00 use It. Now- how e.bout a second helping tha.t ;z: made tlleffi Into j!llm, just one jelly, glass (ull. Now I will have of pOWltoes Inl>t.ead ()f tbilL slice of NORRIS aROCK CO. Optometric Eye Specialist to IJl:ak~ <>om bread to ent it with bread ? Save wheat, WP may be !lIble to get'1t 00 .me starvin g Ir. tln'ie Instead 'Of blaoults. 26 South Detroit Street In_ spite of Hnl'lW Bl'ldges a nd t he Yesl.erdn,y I heard ~ ~eat cluckrest. XENIA, OHIO ing out by the old chicken house
Ia ·the
WAYNEsvtLLE, ·OHIO .;;;;;.;.;;;..;;;;.;.;,;;.;....I_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _---"!""'--____.
t.1me. LEBANON NAT'L FARM LOAN A88'N., ELlls H. Sturm, SeUyTreaa~ Leba.non, O h10. Phone 448
L . M . IUld Mary Ireton to H.erman and Ethel RoIMhr, 53 A. In Deer-. fleld twp. . . lIarold A. Oowll!6 to Marvin nnd Mae Conover. lot In MlIOOn. ROOHE! TER . EarlEth and Alice Quillen Loee ..l!.........;.;.;.,;,..___ and I White, one A. to In H. Union
SPQTLIGHT COFFEE':' ----------••• 3 ::-. s,e HEAD RICE ......... •••••• 2~Sse CALIF. PRUNES '* ... • • • • 2 ae. sse PEANUT au.nER ....... • • • 2 :; S1e SODA CRACIERS c::-. ' ••• ~s.e CIDER ·VIIEGAR ....... •••• t:S5c HERSHEY COCOA 0:- • • • ~S.e YELLOW CORN $~~ '= • •• a:1Je 225c CAMERA FILMS • • • :::t: MASON JARS PIIIti 0~.'A GRAPEFRUIT JUICE C:~ l4.c:. ... S'C FRESH COOI(IES MfI'!::.'- • • • • • '':1SC CIGARETTES ';,:~-: ••••••• - $1.55
. I
Tomatoes 21bs. 35c New Cabbage 2 Ibs. 9c - . Watermelons $1.39 SAVADA' PAPER PLATES • • VENICE MAID SPAGHETTI • AUNT NELLIE'S SLICED· BEETS F " M BLENDED JIJICE • L1BB'~ S~UEnKRAUT
. .:. .-' --
.... 7Y2 c
• •
.. lSc 37c ~2Vt 14c • • No ...2¥. 21t • ... 49c • '1.19 • 18c. .!.SC •
• • • •
__ tIL
Mo. 2
lSc • "I....... 13c I' ... 9c No.2 • c.n 13c No. 2 can ' '. 12c • ~9c .. 32c 23c • c:...
· .. .
..... .
, '
..~ ctMIIWNl'l'r INSf'I'l'VI'IOlf' lor NI1Ift7""'" Y-&OIS" WAYNESVILLE, OHIO, THURSDAY. ,JUNE 6, 1946
RaiL Strike Sets Back N ation; u~~~~::~ 'S hape Bt·g Navy' for Security,· Auto .PrL·ce's Mount WL·th Costs
expectations of shipping 400 million bushels ot grain to needy areas during the year ending June 30 prompted the U, S,'s deputy
Releas ed by West,,", Nowspaper Union. IEDITOR'S NOTE: WhoD 0l'lnlon. are capu ... clln tb . . . . .JDma., tbe" are tbo .. of (\Veltern New. pnper Union I new, aDlllyl'. an' DOL nlo ••• arU, .r thl. D••• paper.)
membertooftcll the combined food that "this board congress Allied country need not feel ashamed of the job that has been done" in aidIng the distressed . • indirectly slapping at foreign crlt· Ics ot the U. S. reliet effort, D. A.
HOOVER AND REPORTERS WASHINGTON. - When Herbert Hoover staged a press conference after his talk with President Tru· · man and Secretary of Agriculture Anderson, newsmen Immediately as.k ed what President Truman had told him. The former chlet executive-who had as rough a time with the pres, es any 'United States President in this century-replied with deep teel·
Fitzgerald pointed up the extent by of fj ~m~mllm~~ra~II:W1~~ra~~m:m:lt'l51~rB&'ll'l:l!rn~~~I'l~~~m:m:mZl~~rlm~f'! t\merlca's overseas contrlbuUon revcaling that this country will have a rescrvc of only eight-tenths ot a bushel of wheat per person at the end ot this crop season compared with Canada's three bushels, Ar· gentina's ' two, and Australia's one and one-hall. In addition to shipments under the ing : relief program, the U. S. has fur· "There ought to be a law," Dished 72 per cent ot the United he said, "against anyone re~atlons Relict and Rehabilitation peaUng what tbe Prcslden* hu funds and 83 per cent of the wheat smld to him," UNRRA has purchased, Fitzgerald Hoover also refused to answer laid. any questions about , administration While the grain trade expected an measures to meet the European extension of the government's bonus emergency, and would not give any payment tor delivery 01 wheat, deopinion when asked If U. S. ration· partment 01 agriculture officials deing might be necessary. clared there was no thought of car• • rying over the premium except In eases of farmcrs unable to make At long last Maj. Gen. Norman immediate ahIpmen( because of Kirk, who has . the reputation for crowded elevators. hoarding more medical manpower than any other surgeon general in history, has decided to let a ~ew more doctors slip through hi' 1ln. Despite under~urlehmen*, theae da,,-btera Ot ChlDese rarmer In Ford Balance Sheet The Ford Motor company tell gere and go back to civilian prac· 'amlne-'rldden BUDan province pull Implement ID rice paddy. Japs tlce. . ' Wed their water buffalo IUJd manpower ba, heeD depleted by war. !rom th.e ranks of billion dollar con· in 19415 but still possessed over He bal decreed that all medical declared the proceedln,s bad ,0Udi. dollars In allets, a study corps officers wbo have served 80 fled Arnerh:an determination to fum's ' annuaJ balance sbeet months as of May 1 can be relend from the army before June 30. write a peace "tor keeps" based on with the Massachusetts tax Cripples Nation Justice and not vengeance. Though commissioner showed. However, th1a does not apply to The greatest railroad slrike In based upon the moralities of , the In the absence of yearly Ford dis· army dentists, who are now gettln, hiStory laid a heav,- band on the na· Atlantic and San Francisco char. elosures of sales and earnings, the to be the forgotten men of the \1. S.' t lon from one end to the othe~, curb- ter!l, the new foreign polley also Massachusetts report constitutes ormy. ing traffic and stranding thousands, recognized the, practical neces.ltle. the only indication of ~e companT' For lome atrance reaSOD boA imperilling the food supply and fur· of ' postwar rehabilltation, he ' ',ald ftnanelal position. The Ford family known to General lUrk. ,eneral ther disrupting ' Industry and ~e Bestdes calling fo1' .the establish: holda the major bulk o.f the 9,452,900 service c1octora ClUJ ,e* oul or staggering reconversion program. ment of permanent governmenta to shares of capital stock of $5 par the army alier SO months, but Though the government moblllzed asmre resumption of normal activi. value. a dentist m ....t remalll ID S9 plane, water and truck traffic, and ties, Vandenberg said the U. 8. A breakdown of ~e Ford aueta monUlI. And today there are emergency creW8 ran some of tho ai/n~ to settle the Germanic pro)). $8115,,515,214 as of December SI, hundred, of palrloUo dmUsia trains, the walkout at 225,000 memo lem affecting all of continental Eu. showed a cash acco\Ult of $421,who ,ave up ,ODd practices to bers of the ,Brotherhoods of Loco- tope. Whlle adVOCating ~axlJpUm including notes, receiv~bles, JolD the ' army. DO,. marklDc motive Engineers and Railway Fotection agalnltlUture aweuion, and trademarks, matime ' aa army Poltl,. 1ID&b1e ~ ~en over pa,. demandl re.. be COIIc!mu1~ ~..,.. demf)J; equipmeQt valued a~ p* ~ .ej, duced normal tramc to a trickle. t8rlzatllin . ' real estate, $1115,160,Furthermore; the brass hatlllate Freight shipments were reduced to Touc~g upon the age-old prob$101,926,OU, and repermitted the discharge .. 01 man;, m1nlrnum 01 essential commodities lem ot national minorities 'Vanden. $22, Though , \.Inder younger dentists, while older men and only priority, passengers were berg declared that the n~w U. S. b\IIJon dollar mark of 1944, have to stay on. Many ot the youngprovided facUlties. polloy also favored their incorpora. assets increased approximatesters, educated at army expense, The stranding of thousands of tion Into their native countries or 125 million over 1939. have been declared "essential to travelers throughout the nation' af- other sultable recogn . jtlon to prevent civilian practice" and discharged, torded the first dramatic elTect of them from becoming sources of conwblle older men with famille8 to 1-_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _...1 the walkout, While many passen· flict or expansion. , support, can't get out. This me~ gers frantically sought hotel accomthat younger dentists get their civilmodations and others ·curled up on NAVY: Ian practice firmly established be· benches In railroad terminals, many tore older men can even begin w railroads permitted travelers to reo Tqking No Chances look tor scarce office space. ,., Calling for a. navy adequate to main In cars on sidings. .... ~"" ~. meet any emergency of the. future, In the midst of the paral~ls, gov· ernment conciliators strove might. the house appropriations committee Towering Gov. Bob Kerr ot Okla. ily to end the walkout after the recoJ1U'Jlended congressional aphoma, who packs close to 250 pound. brotherhood leaders had rejected proval of naval expenditures of over and a droll wit, tells this story about Prcsident Truman's compromise of· 41,1 bUllon dollars during the next a chat with a "prominent Repubfer of 181,1 cents an hour and sug- fiscal year en<!lrig June 30, 1947, for lican" 'during a recent visit to Waab. gestion for further discussion of fleet maintenance. ington. To be manned by 500,000 enlisted work rules changes. [n turning down "Why doesn't Truman do somethe presidential proposal, union men and 58,000 officers, the polltwar l thing about John L. Lewis," com· chieftains said that It was even less navy would Include 4 battleships, plalned the GOP'er, "instead of litfavorable than a tact-findlbg board's heavy orulsers, 21 light cruisers, tlng around on his hands while Lew. recommendations providing for a 16 big ,aircraft carriers, 9 carrie~s, Is tles up production In the entire cents an hour raise pIus certain ad- escort carriers, ·126 destroyers, country?" justments in work rules resulting in destroyer escorts and 80 rines. "Lewis is a tough man to handle," Increased compensation. said Kerr. "What would you lugIn addition, 2 battleships would be Feetb.. tha' alie would be The dramatic raU walkout overgest that . the President do?" Ihadowed developments in the soft held in reserve along with 5 M,~VY to ahow ber Dew-born baby to pco"I coUld give him plenty of Ideal becaue he was not "sweet and . COlli dispute In cruisers, 5 light cruisers, 3 'carrlers, 11 I had the chance." 1 light carrier, 22 destroyers and .. ," Mra. Marjorie Aahe or ChIwhich the governm., len the Infant behind and "Okay," laid Kerr. ""m coment strove to destroyer escorts. A total ·of 632 from mlnols CeDtral bosIng to Irlve you the chance. I'm reach an agree- other we,rships would be placed OD a. close friend of Barry TnunIUJ, DO ~e day ahe was to return ment with the Unit- the inactive Ust. III fact, I am rolng to lee blm Besides regular personnel, the After her broken-hearted ed MIne Worker. tomorrow morning. And I hap. Jamel, '7, took 'be garCbieftaln John L. navy plans creation 01 an organized pen to. know that rlgbt now, l0.4ay-old cbUd home, Mn. Lewis for continued rel'erve of 55,000 men and 3,000 more than anythlnlr In Ule _ . found wandering In • . operation ,of the oMcers. Backing up the regular world, he wanta the aaswer to marine enlistment of 100,000 men cODdltlon In &be Union properties. lhis coal Itrike, So you lost IU Iowa, QtIlck to Following tho and 7,000 oJRcers. would be II ra. 1I0WD IUld wrUe out the solution ber hasband ftew to brm. ber Secretary precedent set In lerve of 60,000. and I'U give It to him the first RecogIli%lng the need for keepinll IUJd alter they embraced eacb Krug 1943 when the U. S. thing In the momlng." leized the mines to abreast of latest scientiftc advances other and enjoyed a ,Dod cry. be The discussion ended rigbt there. avert a prolonged stoppage, Secre- In postwar yea~s, the committee exclaimed: "Am I happy Bowl She.. • • • tary of the Interior Krug entered prOVided 250 rniWon dollars for com.lbeen alck, but .be'. aU rl,bi DOW. Into negotiations with LeWis for a bined research and developments In And we both th1nII: we ,0& the mOlt RAIL Brn'ERNESS heauUl1l;l baby III &be worldl" contract, consulting with the oper- the. 1947 flIcal perioci For a long time, bad blood bad ators over terms to be olTered. ~ existed between the trainmeh-engt. was understood that the owners ~W CARS: neer brotherhoods and the other were assured of price increaSes to Boost P~ice8 . three - conductors, switchmen and Extensive Damage cover higher production costs refiremen. It has been somewbat like sulting from concessions wben prop- . Redecting admlnl~tratJon polloy A record number of insurance the CIO·AFL row, but the bittererties were returned to them under of seeking to allure manufacturers I claims pUed up in Texas toJlovl'iD1I. ness deepened after the Roosevelt of fair proflt retums by granting recent violent haU and ~d the new contract. s,rbitratlon dispute. in~realed prices to otrlet hlgher which ' Iwept through the 8tate · The dispute over a health and production COlltl, ' OPA authorized a 10 days and cauled mJ1ljons of WhItney, at thl! time, sent a le.t . tcr to all his trainmen excoriatfil, wellare fund ' found the government boolt 01 from t to 8 per cent In ceil. lara of damage to bulldlngl and the other brotherhoods for r~ favoring sucb a proposal under joint Inl. on new automobile,. cropl. . to arbltrate-a letter which doom" management rather than lole union Principal facior determinlD, OVA With the NatJoual, Boai'd of . put him In IUch a good light today. control al originally demanded by ~ctlon was the '$5. per 'ton Increa.s derwrltera, ~ett1n, up a .pecial Among other tb1ngs, he made up 'a Lewis. In ' tb!t co.t of .teet, alloWed by the ice In San Antonio to handle little poem which read: .' lovernment to ' cover " lbe ,1ndUI' moun~g claim.. Insurance loIS in "TlIJoee bllDd mlc_liear bow 18~ a.e nt an boqr wa.. boolt. that city ,w al Nt at about f2,aoo,OOO. the,. talk I Bi·Partisan -BaCking Uliher COlta Of other materials' and Han-stone. hittlnt San , An~o They: all refuse to ubltrat..Parts BIUie4In the OPA iJ'Ult,:how. r8DI~ In ~l.Ie from ~olf b.us to Minority leader of the lonate forThey're pmbliDl wHb their elan relations committee ana .chair- e"er, with Packard and Studebater Jarie .tones, me~iDI • to 11 , co1lllh7'. rateman . of the Republican .enalarlal atrol'ded reUef for wa,. adjust. Inches in c~ence. Wind 'No 'J.'llo"-h tile heu b ~ menta. . ~lty wu repOned at . D mn .. ~erence, Senator :VaDd~er. , late . 'Wl~," OPA hlDtIDa of ad4itfODal per' ~our. . ,', . (Rep" MIch.) pledged , ilia IUpjIQrt Uae three Itl1DIII mice." of Secteta1'1 ' of State B,mel! price booatl to cOllie. the laUlt In. Lum!»V~. av~ that POSTAL PAY INCREASE <·'Were tbe)" afraid to trust tb. OD carnpalp to win ~. peace by JilUIh. ' creas.. a . .ralOd aboUt 'f.?5' pC CU' was not enOqb Pres. Ba~"" S. 'l'nuDan .. be ... &xed hIiI ......bate to '&be bW.... presld_n" WhlIDe)"..ued ilia felIq tor recopltlon of 11, S. prlnci· and raDled from IU Ior '~ repair tile dRma,ed IOOfI ... all ~ emplo),ecs a rat. . low lrainmen III the rouDd-roblD 1etplea In treat1_maldDJ. tq lor Beca.... No ter. "Or" It poUible that ...,. WbDe aclmlttID, the failure of the taIlen ........ ~ &.-_..._ . , .... ~ JeIU'. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . (the otbel',thrte bI'othHllood8) ,... trIIDIm4 Q ... ceat UDder....., bolD.. ,... 1Da_ UIl _ _ Pull caafereilce of ~ mIJaIa. ....... 1ri.... tIHi ....... ., plaJlnl Ol'palaatlcm poUtIOI .4en, VUlcleDber', who atteDdld· u ltn1I. tile pubIIo ~ PQ tile tile ... , . . . IIQ 1IIIJ. that tb9 IDa7 . . . . . . . . . . . .. ,. _ adTlHr to lbe U. S. dIJqa~ faIL . ~y DUlDaical IDd ...·net.............t-
. ..
.,.. ... ba
ate. ~=::t ba....... ==- b:-~......
18.... :::.:rWba.t-:."=... VETS:
ba ...
Steed That's Easily Made For a PlayfJJl Uttle Three-Year-Old
Washington Digesu Atomic Wat· Could Force
By Ruth Wyeth Speara ==:~,.,.::-::---=:"'X,..-----..,.. -. MAKE A BR, OOMS TICI(
Rettll"D to Primitive Life
... O~S£ OR A TPDDL~
Nerps Anal)" , and CommenlalOr,
U 'you are a little more ambtUoUl, tile lame pot~~rn gives aQtual-s lze " palt.ena. outunc. for all porta of the toddle bike shoWl) h~re. U you do not have a ,'-. saw ·to cut the saddlo rind whcels, SII4 outll"e them 'on the material
take ..
to your nearest woodworker to be out. He can cut the head in a few intnu_ too. The pattern showl every step in _ scmbllng and gives a completo lilt ..
mat.crlaJ:s for both toys.
• • •
\""N I! Fealure •.
NOTE: Pottern 257 for the Broonutioll Horse ond Toddle Bike Is 150 postpa14. . ThIs pamphlet cnught my eye ' "GOLD1" The magic word was Mid-June welcomes a galh~rlng to lin Send Mder direct to: spoken. It wns heard lind reIIl1d h pld It. It was a reprint ACTUAL SIZE Washington whicb will deal with a peated. Gold in Colorado tor the PATTERN TO CVT from Look magazine entitled II1RS . RUTH WYETH SPEARS IUbjeet more imAND STENCIL taking. Nuggets as big a~ turkey Bedford .llUs. N. Y. Drawer 11 "Your Last Chance." You may portant to you ALlIo AS A eggs aU over the mountains. As the Enclose 1~ cents for PattemNo.JlT. OUID! !'OR bave seen It. It moved me and me .than anystory traveled, It was embemshed ASSlMBLING _______________________ 10 moeh that 1 Just couldn't belp thing 1 can think In retellin g. Overnight In 1858. talking about H on the aIr, nnd of. "Pikes Peak or Bust" bec ame the Addres· ollerlnll' to pay for the first 500 The meeting is OLD broomstick, a piece of na tion's slogan. pamphlets requested, provldlnr descrihed as an scrap lumber, a ·pattern that Mcn of every nationality, occua stamp was enclosed: "Institute on the pation and stalion in life joined the gives you actual-size outlines. and control of atomic I limited the requests to people Pikes Peak gold rush. one of the presto, you have a d ashing , prancener gy. " At In the following categorie s: In sur- great moss migrations in Amerling horse. It is easy. for the head about the same ance men, salesmen, r eal est a to ca' s history. They swa rmed into the Is so designed that may be cut time. the United men, teachers, clergymen. mechan- Colorado m ountains. whooping it out . with an ordinary hand saw. Nations Commisics. utilities workers. scientists and up as they went. In their wake foision on Atomic and the mane. eyes, nostrUs and merchant s. lowed farmers to settle in the ferEnergy will be bridle may be stenciled or traced I did this. first. bccause 1 wanted tlle valleys. From Texas, across meeting too. and painted. t.he open grasslands, were driven At the "inslitute" ,in Wa.shington, to limit the number of applican ts , herds of longhorn cattle. and second. because the article conauthorities will expfuin just what Down south in Georgia, W. Green elfeet atomic energy can have on tained specific instructions as to Russell heard about it He organyour lile it you are one of those what the people in the groups ized a party of 30 or 40 miners and ~------------------------------- who aren't going to be destroyed by named could do to help prevent a set out lor th e Pikes Peak region, oradoan knows that. Cowmen, It. I was going to say "one of the catac1ysmlc war. I bl andly over- hardly sleeping unU! he reached sheepmen, beet growers, truck gar. lucky ones," but you won't be lucky, looked the fact that somebody had thc banks of the SQuth Platte and deners, fruit growers, hay ranch11 atomic warfare storts, even 11 you to address envelopes. Insert the made camp. Withln a month he had ers and general farmers must have pamphlets, maU them out. are' 'among those whose lives are been joined by 400 others and the watcr. They got it. They dug wells .pared. settl ement was dignified by the deep in the ground. Tliey con· Public Interested We have all heard a lot of dire name Aura ria. in honor of Russell's structed dams' in the canyons to prophecies about what the atom In Prevention town back in Georgia. store' the melted snow; they dug bomb can do, 11 It once gets on the Thousands of others were on canals and ditchcs; they Irrigated Requests began to arrive, so I ioose. Also, what wonders atomic called up the National Committee on thcir way. A year later General the rich, thirsty 5011. energy can perform in building a Atomic Information which is near Larimer crossed Cb1!rry creek, They homesteaded In the Great better world, 11 it is , confined to the Washington office of the West- took possession of some cabins, a.nd American desert and they made peaceful and productive activity. It bloQm. The beet and potato inern Newspaper Union; ordered the named the settlement Denver City, dustry around Greeley. founded But by tar ~e most impressive pamphlets; and had the nerve to In honor of Gen. J ames W. Denver. by the old Union colony. is a footnote on the subject came to 'me ask the committee to mall them out. governor of Kansas. (At that time, monument to pioneers in Irrigation. In the repeated words of a scientist I didn't know It then, but It costs Colorado-as yet unnam ed-was a All along the South Platte basin, speaking I)ot scientifically, or for the committee, whicb is. of course, part of Kansas territory) . Wild from Denver and Fort COlllnll to quotation, but ve.ry intimately of a non-p1'ofit organization and, skimps days followed on that 960·acre Sterling and Julesburg, Is a mighty his own private thoughts, and his along 011' a handful of small cash townsite. Thousands of eXcited peo.agricultural empire. The Arkansas own personal plans. donations, four cents for the pam· ple thronged the dusty streets. Soon Denver was the Mecca of river waters developed a lamed valHe has lectured a great deal on phlet, a cent and a halt for the ley that produces beets. melons. the subject of atomic energy, and stamp, two cents to' address the en- the Mountains. A printing plant was fruit and garden truck lor the na· JOHN 0 .. VIVIAN I. one 01 those intimately concerned velope, another cent to insert, leal brought from Omaha. and the tlon. From Canon City through Mountain News made Its Governor of Oolorado with Its development. Suddenly. one and malll Eight and a half cents, Gov. Jolm O. Vivian was born Rocky Ford to Lamar and the Kanday he realized that he had better altogether. My generous gesture debut C18~9) . Soon thereafter ~ sas line ts another agricultural make lome personal plans to pre- towarl! preserving civilization had Herald was founded . The files of In Golden •. 0010'.. not far from those early-day newspapers tell a Denver and IItate capital. lie Is wonder brought about by irriga'pare for the future in this atorr;l.ic turned out to be rather lame. age of which he had spoken 10 But that was only the beginning. story' of lusty lite in Denver, of a rraduate of t:be 1Jnlversity of tion. In between the rive!:s. the nonDenver, HIs profusion Is law. De much. His work is near one of the An avalanche began to descend on gambling, lIndlan scares and promserved 811 Uellt~ rovernor ,Irrigated farms and ranches now leveral prime targets of any enemy me. At last count the 'requests ised riches for aU men. produce wheat, com, hay, beans, The Denver scene was re-enact- from 1936 to IM.!. bombi that would be dropped. reached over three thousand. The potatoes and other crops. Thoucommittee didn't know what to do. sands ot h ead of sheep and catNo Relu/le The letters came from such an In· tle are grown and dairying Is t~lligent and earnest set of people From A-Bomb statewide. The Western Slope, the who were so anxious to do some· San Luis valley,' and all mountainSo he began to consider. Should thing that the commiUee hated' to ous areas below timberline are be try to get transferred to lome disappoint them., havens for farms, ranches and orImaller- institution. located In a lltTwice. I begged the public to hold chards. Snow-capped peaks often tie town? That, he considered, ol!, hut the comrri1«ee Is still tlllIng look down on blossoms in the valwould not belp much. He has a the requests while its funds hold ley below. . farm, but he Is not a farmer. Should out. or more donations come .In. With raw materials near at be move onto the farm immediately. Which Is what happens when :F0U hand, Colorado progressed indusleam at mucb he could about get an atom by the tsil triallY too. Mills were buUt to procfarming, and plan to live there eSI the ores. Steel plants grew up • where he would be comparatively at Pueblo, the Pittsburgh of the lafe'l' The farm Is far from any Queationa Popularity large city, tucked in the hills. neD he started plllDDlng. He 01 Rail N.ationali:ation would have to learn II lot more Just after the bulletin came than farmiDg. He would have over the news ticker in my office IF YOU lAKE AT HOME. ;'. hurry! Send for to leam to card wool. for IIIannouncing that the government in· SUGAR BEET FACTORY ••• At 'Brighton. COlorado III a leadinr prol&auce: his wife would, have to tended to take over the railroads, Fleischmann's wonderful. 40-page recipe ducer of sugar. made from augar beet., learn to lipID. to weave. to make a railroad man happened to call book. 70 tested recipes for delicious bread. soap. to fabricate aU' the thlnes me up about another ma~ter. rolls, desserts. Easy to make with Fleischcd a hundred times. Boom towns know. Many veins have heen mereyou buy In storel. I congratulated him on his new mann's Fresh Active Yeast-for the dellcloua He would have to lay in tools, 'ob with Uncle Sam. He wasn't grew overhight at CrippJe Cnlek, ly tapped and new ones are can· . flavor and' fine texture. that mean perfect and enough other suppUes to last very enthUSiastic. He speculated Leadville. Central City, Creede and stantly being discovered. In spite baking success. Send for your FREE copy him the rest of his lifetime. on whether or not the men would Icores of other places. Prospectors of all obstacles Coloradoans have clambered over the hills. Nuggets dug and blasted 't hree billion doltoday to FI4)ischmann·s Yeast. Box 477, Well, perhaps all that 'could be go back to work 11 the government were found. R ich veins of ore were lars' worth of prE:cious and Indus· done. Then he realized that even ordered them to do so. The-mlnerll, uncovered. There were milli9n- trial metals from the granite ware- I Grand Central Annex. New York 17. N. Y. at that. he 'wouldn't be sate. He you recall, refused to obey govern. aires created-Winfield Scott Strat- houses within ' 1t!1 borders. More would have to build barbed wire en- ment orders when the government H. A. W. Tabor (of "Silver Dol· than 250 minerals have been dis· tanglements , and obtatn machine took over the soft coal mines dur• fame) and others. Men blus- cO\l'ered within the state, between ing the war. TAIU THAT 'lEASE SPOT OFF YO ... guns and other weapons with which , tered, gambled. drank, fought and 35 and 50 of them now being ex"Everybody ought to go on strike died dW'lng the score of years that tracted for marl.et. Colorado is to ·defend himsel1 • . . tor with the refugees who escaped , starving, in the country," he said. "It It gets followed. . first among the sta tes in vanadium WAllPAPE'1 WITH # from the cities, the few who had bad enough, It may get better." But slowly the truth about Colo- and uranium, third In gold, fourth food would be at the mercy ot the We mentlone'd Ute p08slblUty rado emerged. The facts were not in tungsten, fltth in silvcr, sixth In hungry mobs. of permanent government own· ·a ll pleasant ones. The territory was IE)ad! seventh in copper and fltRemoyCi butt.r. 01.0. lard. hair n I had heard those statements incredibly rich Utere was no teenth in zinc. It leads tlie world in . ershlp or the railroads. My all. floor all. IIns.ed 011- any from a lecture platform, or read molybdenum production. that. There were . great doubt of friend reminisced a lIUle on the them In a magazine, I might have These Coloradoans probed and 011 or graa •• - from wallpaper days wheD he was an employee stores of silver and gold. There p assec;l them by as sensationalism. were rich and fertile soils. There blasted and swore. as they went of l1ncle Sam once before. In Ilk. magic. Spraad It on - wipe But the statements weren't in a World War I, when the govem- were other resources - lumber, deeper , and deeper Into the gran· , It off'_ ,raa.e II lonll Can't m agazine, or spoken ' from a plat. 1862, A. M. Ite treas ure chest. In and a marvelcoal, building stone ment did (til Its sorrow) &ake form. They were said over the harm.papcr• . ous climate. Th~re was deep snow Cassedy drilled 1m a canyon near over tbe railways. luncheon table In the quiet corner in the mountains, but there was Florence and struck oil, after near of a club. The speaker wasn't He said what happened then was little rainfall on the plains. The petroleum had been found bubbling trying to " seU" his ideas to any- that a man would come up to the nuggets were soon picked up. The on the surface of , Oil creek. They body. He wasn't trying to persuade ticket window and demand a draw- "!ree" gold was gone and hard- found Colorado shales containing anybody to do anything, or to get ing room. Sorry, ' there were no rock mining had come to stay. Gold enough recoverab:Je oil ·to equal Rockies. Colorado has foundries, publicity. He was thinking out loud more drawing rooms. Well, do you and silver were buried deep in the present production for 50 years. brick kilns, canning plants, sugar about what he considered on acute know who you're working for, and granite, defying quick, wealth. Men The recently opened Rangely oil factories, food ptocessing plants, personal problem. who I am? I'm Senator Claghorn. who had sought a soft and easy lite field on the western slope Is the creameries, cheese faciories and In the end it left him bamed. and you'U .(something-something)- were conIionted with stark reaUty. most sensational find In years. Na- scores ' of other manufacturing e well, get the passenger out of that Colorado was no Garden of Eden. tural gas ' was dbcovered over a plants. Colorado's granite, marble, There is no defense. I They would have to work-and work wide area, and helium gas struck limestone, sandstone and lavas are The only hope is to make the drawing room, and put me in Itt w~ NIGHTS-how the time dragstMinut.es known to builders the world My friend said he didn't think the hard-ror . whatever they got. And In Las Animas c01mty' United Nations work aeem like ho)lI'l, we worry over things done and left Benea th th~ surface or the good around. Sawmills still flourish near I heard this story, and wa,s moved people would like it it the govern. they couldn't live on fresh alr and UDdone. After auch • night, we get up in the mOl'l1inc earth they found coal, too- its great forests. by It. I was already pretty well ment look over. Of course. we don't mountain scenery. more tired than when we went to bed; NervoUi Colorado clasped Its riches tightTenaI~ CSIIICI IpIUIY • wakeful nleht and wakeful stirred up, because I had just like ' the black-berth·market now. e.l. Colorado weighed each man enough of It to last the nation for nightaBtelikelyfucsulIII·NervOUl Tenalon.·Nezt time learned of what deep concern this ther. Time and again, every Pull. among them to find his worth. 700 years I Colorado ranks first ly to its bosom and said, "you can you f~ Nervous and Keyed Up or bqin to to., , question is to more than three man .seat or berth will be reserved There was work to be done, and It among the states ln, coal reserves, have ~m - 11 you 'deserve them." tumble and ,worry after ~ get to bed-t1')' • thousand people who wrote me. by the blackmarketeers . . They hold took strong men to d(f it. The weak~ most of tl)em In the San Juan basin, The men and women of Colorado ~long the Utah the challenge. They conMolfat county, all, accepted them up to the last minute. and If lings. the nc' er-do-welIs, the misasklng for a 'pamphlet I had men. they can't sell at n pr~mium, they fits were eliminated. They depart- border and extending under the quered the D:lountalns and plltins. tloned in one of my bro.adcasts. (Llqul,l_ Ell'en_t Table..) That Is an interesting story, too, cancel, just before the train leaves, ed with a curse. , on their lips and foothllls on the ealltern slope from They built cities and factories and NERVINE helPl to ' eue Nervoas~oo-to pennit refreabInc MILES halt empty. The Chesapealre and hatred in their 'bearts. ,Those with the Wyoming bordler to New Mex- schools. 1'lwy blasted highways out that I want to pass on . aleep. ~ you lire K.".ed Up, CnDky,. IT,,Wakeful, take ' MD. of solid granite. They made It easy ico. Ohio ran an advertisement recent. courage, strength, hope and vision One day. I received a little 'pamN..nue. Try It ror Nenollll Headache ~ _1J;arUp.tton. The Colorado plainsmen were for others to "Come Up Cool phlet among the several bushels of ly, b~ggli-rg the publlc to refuse to stay,ed. Get Mile. Nerrine at JOU1' drur Itore. Effl!l'VelClellt Tab/eta, Larp Pao:bn handout material whicb Is the grist pay the premium, and help get a , first. the · miners set to work. silted, too. and the unfit were Colorado... · where the , sublimity ot 'Be, Small Pacbge SSeI Li9uid,:LarP Bottle , ••00. Small Bottlo ISo, boila octive • • .• tive. .both auaranteed to'utisfy or rourmoaq , Y CAeiJ UTI of the publicity mills dumped on regulation through which will pro- They did not know the extent of blown out. starveel out and ' sent the Rockies inspired Katherine Lee , ' ON-Take ouJy _dIreCted. . pres. and radio desks all over the vide for cancellation of reservations mineral reserves in the Colorad,?, back ' home .. Where' .there is life Bates to write "America the within a reasotjable time. Rockies - and ~y still don·t there must be water _ . every C~- Beaut!fuL·· country ev\!ry day: . . NBm~e
10~ . t/S
ftI$ ~ fREE!
• •
-B6Jt- ~
I. ~
7,u/ Miles
'B'ARBS • • • lQng as America has the heart
by BaukhtiS6 The Twentieth Century fund 1lndl
to attend spelling bees and county that 80 per cent of the ·fur goods ·..sin'.... we can't 'be, quite BI ba,diy dustry is located In New York. ' Is oft al lome of OUt neighbors seein the rest of tha co~try good.fur. to think. .. nothing?
... .
• • •
I never attended enough Ipelllng , There Is no one 80 poor In lelf .rebf04 Di7lelL · I!ut a radio commen· spect. n~' one 80 tiuly inferior, be tator ha. an Idvantage-hil audi. who feels he . must try , to -.ce can" tell whether he can .pen Bomeone else is interior to ~. plelise note. Uae worcll he Ules or nO,t.
~ Peak. UJe which watellel over the plalDa.
,Colorful Embroidery For Cloth or Towels
andhe ,
f : I11LJ~17e
Mero Mac·
TaViab aall ber father. tplth A.uII1e, til•
• ervant, Ove on a email farm at &be elln 01 Plealant Grove. Tbelr OvID, 11 malle from chlckeOJ IUIII a few cowa, for MacTavllh baa been a lIe',r-4o"eU for yean. lnto PleuaDt Gro.. cam. a woman who caDed heraeU' AlIcia ate ...· IUIII bAmc lDheilled the 014 BrtC' place Ihe la DO" a Dellhbor 01 lIteUD'.. Allcla la a "om&JI. of about forty yeara 0111. "eU dre.sed. aDd 10m.. thinc of a mYllery. A atrallter comel to the MacTavlah place t,o buy mJIk and butter IUIII ec,., IUIII announces II1m.eU &J Tom Fallon. the Dew blEh achool prtll· elpal. DOW IIvlnc til &be Wellbroolr pllce. Ue ltate. &bat hla wife I.a an tIlvaDd.
OHAPTER II Megan and Tom lIat quietly on the big flat rocks. saying little. their eyes following the antics of the dogs and cats galloping around in circles on the Ridge. She thought she had never leen the pines look so beau·
A SbeBRIGHT and cheerful as c,}n are these yellow canary de-
.tgns-use the 6 by -6 transfer motifs on tea towels, on cottage curtains, on the corners of a soft yel· low or green luncheon cloth. Oth· er colors needed red. green and blue.
• • •
To obtain 8 tra ns fer deslgna for the Canary TOlVels (Potlern No. 5244). color chart for working Illustratlons of IU\chea 1I&Ccl. send 20 cents In COins. your name addrelis and pattern number. Due to an unusually large demand autd eurrenl condlUons, slightlY more time I. required In fllllng order. (or a few of tha IDOIt popUlar pattern numbers. SEWING CIRCLE NEEDLEWORK ISD South WeU. St. Chlc.co '7. Ill. , Enclose No _ _ _20_centl __ for patlern. . N~~e
Now Regular. Thanks To Famous Cereal , Qiven up hope of relievin~ con8tipation without taking hanb drugs? Then read this sincere. 1mliIill.cited letter: "'I would -Ilk. to add _ PNIIe to
KBLLOoo'S ALL-BRAN. I wfr.red 7UI'II of ml_1'7 unUI I mw Jour ad .bout Ii ,..... uunlr ALL-liRAN ftIrU., IarI1 and have nev.. had to uoe .. JuatI ... elnee." Thomu BAnon, 126' 8aDmm StnH, ~hlWlelphla .. Pa..
qu. H ..... been
You, too, may never need another harsh laxative for conatipa. tlOD due to lack of bulk in the diet, if you will cat KELLOGG'S ! ALL-BRAN every day. and drink Iplenty of water. Just try thia for tan days. If not completel" satisfied, send empty carton to Kellogg Company, Battle Creek; Michigan. You'll get double flour monev back. KELLOGG'S ALL-BRAN la not a purgatiVe, lIut a wholesome food made from the lIital outer Wiler, of wlLeat. Provides ever.so-gentle bulk. helpful to normal. easy laxation. Try it os a delicious cerealand in muffins. ," Get ALL-13RAN at your gr0cer's. Mllqe by Kellogg's of Battl. Creek and Omaha.
tUul. He asked for permission to fUl his pipe and lIght' U, Bnd tentatively of· fered her a cigarette. ''Thanks, no," Megan answered lightly. ..It·s a habit I've avo Ide dI don·t think I'd care much for It, and It Is expensIve." d to d th Obviously Tom un erS a e logic of that. and for a moment they were both sLlent. untU he got his pipe going well. Megan /laid after a moment wben the sUence threatened to become aWkward. "How .. Mrl. Fa.Uon1 Does the climate ' lIeem to agree with her. as you'd hoped'" Tom', brown band tightened about the bowl of his pipe until the knucklel Itood up In little white mound.. He tore his eyes trom the lnndscape and gave her a lOok that was hard and col.d and bitter. "0 much so that she was startled by th dd in e IU en, expUca bl e bosWl'" ~. "Mrl. 'Fallon l....-doing al well., could be expacted, under the circum· Itances," be told bel'. Hi, voice _6 .. an d th e VI!r7 10und \U waa b.ars... the words told her that he had rapeated these words unW they had ceased .to b ave any me an1n g; Je t he had neVer Ceased to relent .... ...e neceSsity for them. ' "I'm lOrry U I leemed-lnquIll. Uve or rude." Melan told hhD !rankly; her fa·c e hot with color, her head up • . "I had no luch IntenUon. Ycu have. made no secret of the fact that your wife II an Invalid. Naturally. in a S\llall town like thil. people are interested and anxious ~ be of service, it they may-" ''The onlY lervice auyane can do my wUe-or my&elf-II to leave my wUe alone," ltated Tom. and Melan', eyel blazed at h1a tone. She wal on her feet now, and she laid swlfUy. ber voice sbaking with linger. "You may be qUite aure that in the future. 1. at least, aball be happy to do so!.. ' She turned blindly to walk back through the pines, but before Ihe had ' gone balf a dozen steps. Tom was on his teet, laying a hand on ber arm. in swift. abject apology. "Please wait - please, forgive me," be apologized ·bumbly. ''That was unforgivable ot mel just that-well. ,the subject Is-an ex· tremely pain1u1 ono-" . "I'm sincerely sorry that I men· Uoned It.'· she told him 'umy, her face IWl boL He looked down at ber l1'avely. his band sWl on her 'arm. restrain· Ing her liS she would have walked ,away. .. "You see, Misl l!1acTavillh," be .aid at last. hil voice raw w!th pain. "my wlfe's Wnea. ta-ahlell;y men· tal." , . He let hI, ·teeth hard when he ~ad lpoken the lalit, two ,words. and 'M e· gan looked up at him. puzzled.
"Mental? ' You mean she merely she I" ill? That she .. a bimagines h d 1 • h sked In .~oc ~n r ac?' sea • all lUI.ocence. ' Tom's race was white apd rigid ,now. but hi" eyes were alive with pain. , "No." he said huskily. "I mean that mythe wUe Ja-menta1l.Y o~ a oungill-that chUd · ind h ha m Ie" ~ y that ahe II not-not normaU" It was obvioul that he had tried , to lay , "inaane" and had_not been able to get the WOrd pa; hi. ,Wl' lipe. ' Megan WBI con8cioul of • ·moBuy, S. SaviDls Bonda! ment of Ituniled, . sbocked horror. ThIs man-cbaJned to au insane wUel 'l'h1I man. whom everybo4ly ~ Nit Qu1cK.1IIUII' '• . llked. with hli fine mind and 'hil keen ,ense of reaponslbWty, ana.. woman w1i'o bad the mtnd of .. SALV~ )'oung chUdl AJI1IIINIC . "Ohl" wBl, all Ihe could laT. her 117..a ~ thOlllln4. willi satJafaC{oty .... tone Ibocked and rich ,with IJIIIpanita for 40 7ea..-1z ';aluabla IJqndj.o .ma. Get Carboll at dru. 'WIn. or ~ta th7 and touclied with keen ~tiar. lpurloct.·Heal Co.. HuII'Illllio i ' _' ' ra~lJllimt that .me 'mult witnesl btl , "" moment of naked. burning revela· • tion. "I'm-terribly lorry-'~ Tom brushed allde th. · choked, liIadequllte wo~, 'and laid with a 'IOrt of forced quiet, "So 'Iou ,ee why -It haa been necessary tor Id 'co-d~ the well Intentioned call~ i erl- ." , T , "Of course. ,. Megan told him un· ~ea'dlly••'ck wl,th pity for hlnl. , \'Sbe ts-:entfre1J harmle..... be told ber" and bli face wa, wr~cbed with the- paiD aDd the . .me at bav· IDa to pUt that tbough' Into warda. . . . . .. never 11ft , . • momeat atcme • .,11 Ibe Dever 'I..... bel' bed. BulK people beN 1m. . ,about ~ ill_tal eoadlUon-web, ~
• ,;'=· ....... ,.s I.J1'
, ••••• ,ouU'U, ••
'",prof/ttI ', ~ UnifoNtl International
eyel. Poor man! and-poor wom· anI She shivered a little and hur· rled as she went, as though to run away from thoughts that bit too deeply. ' One of Pleasant Grove's favorite ,autumn diversions. when the har· vest was in and the winter greens had been planted" and it was sUll too warm for .. bawg,·kilUn· ... was quilting parties. Through the scant leisure time of winter. most of Pleasant Grove's women pieced quLlts, out of "scrap bags" and carefully hoarded bits of material; and then wben the quUt top had been pieced and finished. r th.e OWI\er notlfied her friends that "he was "puttln!l up" a qullt and they were invited: to come and help her quilt It.
-:- L'ESSON -:-
. \v,N.U. R£L£A~~
they would - well, teel that ,be should be locked awayl Put In an insUtutlon-" The , pain of the thought ' lI11enced hll worda for a moment, and, after he had got him· selt somewhat under cOntrol he managed a smUe at her that was ' little more than a grimace and lald. "So now you know. What are you g ain" to do?" C> Megan 1ltnched from the look and from the words. She looked at him with wide, dJstressed eyes. ' "What's It got to do with me? I mean. why should I do anything?" she protested swlltly. "I'm terribly sorrY-I didn't mean to p"" into '0> your affalrs-" "I !mOW." Tom brushed the words away with a gesture 'ot the band that held his pipe. "But I think, somehow, I ·wanted you to !mow. After aU, you are my nearest neigh. bor. We see each other oftenU'I inevitable you should wonder. I - I hope you won·t feelft necessary to-" Megan'l face flamed with hurt.
dnADliATii JtEGlSTERED NURIEI B-hour dllY. lkIo)' wee k; oa "t> anla,)' 8151
Sl20 with tull malnt"nane_, By HAROLD L . LUNDQUlS"l'. D. D. pe, month I.nor six months and on. year. Of The Moody Blbl" InRtltute of ChJcoso. lncrooses Apply 10 Sup e rlnten.d~nt . Releo •• d by Weatern News\loper U~IOD. lANE CA SE DOSPITAL. Del."ar•• O.
MISOEL~EOUS ' ' ___ PETRlFJED WOOD-Cood ColoradO S~cIWNU W ..blnrtoD Bur..u. Leason subject. and Scrl\ltur.. texb _ ~.!?~~cho"{,~~e?·\t°,.r;t:t,J~ n'l,":~f~~~·.u'W 1616 E,. St, N. W. lect.d ond copyrighted by Intern Ational DOBBY SOOP, Fowle •• Colorado. . COUJlcU of Relii/iou. Educatlon ; used .". eLk c permI5,lon. ongrcss ae s onrage TRAINING FOR SERVICE POULTRY, OHICKS & EQUIP. To Solvo Our Problems' POULTS. Mommoth Bronze and White Hot.land Lrl'lm e • M ay I to October 1. BTILRORLESSON TEXT-Mark 6;7-13; Luke 10: ER'S TURKEY FARM, as. MarloD. o. WALKED ACROSS the broad, 1. 2; 14:25·27, Foa IMMEDIA.TE DELIVERY. alI.ated beautl1ullawns at Lafayette park ta~M~o~~;~~~~~ ~11~~~~~a~~:: elec tric battery broodera. Write today far with its century·old trees, toward me. I.a not worthy ot me,-Matthew 10 : 38 , our factory-to-yoU moneY'savlnl! prl .... the White House, The fountatn play- Workers tor God. and with God! Cb .... nll" Br.ode. 00 " Holly Iprlnr., MI ... Ing in the foreground beyond the Such Is the high privilege ot the men WANTED TO BUY hlgb iron fence. Oowers In bloom. and women who respond to his call , . WANTED.retum8 Bun br Ig bt, peaceful ,as t ro ffi c roIIe d and ,who go out to witness for bim. Shlp 8t MEAT once byRABBITS express, Immediate leisurely up and· down Pennsylvania On the one side, we have a world Sb.abucb POlllt'J Markel,. Sldn.,.. O. avenue, I flashed my pass at Ute desperately in need ot the gospel. "WANT TO DEAnlrom porty bavID. gate. and the guard waved me up perhaps more so than any genera. ,ood fa .m orl.r'W~~lINf3bJaJ •. the paved driveway toward the tlon in history. On the other hand. Box lOll _ . , Conne .. 9U1e. 11141....... A tew days after her talk with White House press ro~m. we have the gospel of the Baving = === = = ========= Tom on the Rldgel. Megan went over It wasn't a good press conference. grace ot God In Christ Jesus, the to Mrs. Stuart·s, where there was I felt sbrry for the President, a only lolution to the problems of man. a quilting. There were greetings. little embarrassed. For here lie kind, the perfect answer to man's a breezy exchanl~e of pleasantries. was. heading the world's most pow· need A Safe, Sound Inveatmentwhile Megan lettled hersill, brought er~u A'l na tl on . . . th e war Id' s big• How . shall these two be Buy U.S.Savings Bond.! her thlmbhle out dOl f herd POck ett. gest government . . . the world'i together? By sending out wltnessel t ·threaded er ne:e e. an se 0 only great Democracy and he was. to tell the glad UdJngs of redempwork. figuratively, wringing his hands. tlon and peace. ' Where shall we find perhaps a dozen o m· b Why hJa these witnesses? In the church, for enThere aboutWere the big frame, whichw,was d '1 was Tb beI wringing nl anan s ere a 0 y ODe only the believer In Christ ill quaU. opened to Its fullest width, the width .wer. Because the world's mOlt fled to teU others of his laving and length of a dl)uble bed, Megan powerful natioD, the world's blg' grace. talked llghtly and carelessly to her gest government and the world'i Our lesson. in telling of .t he Lord', neighbor. the pretty little Whitaker only great Democracy I, not cn11ing and sending forth laborers girl whose sweetheart had just been united behind him. Our power into hi, barvest field, gives us much reported InJured In action in Italy Is being ollpped and hacked un· inlltruction regarding lIerv. 'and who was grat'e M for the chance UI otber uUom who stood for the Lord. We learn that to talk about him. shoulder to shoulder with as are •• God Provide I for His Workers Suddenly Megan heard the name. 'eurul. Oar' le,lslatlve braach (Mark 6:7.10). .. 'fessor Fallon" and looked up. of the ,over.mneDl Is crin....g. Jesus Bent out his twelve disciples Alicia Stevenson was watching ber supine, aDd there Is not '. vesby two. thus p~ovidlng every shrewdly. a llttle' knowing look 'ln tlge of leaderahlp appareJit on with fellowship and belp In her Imall, dark eyes that made M.. either side 01 the poUtlca' lence. dJscouragemen~ and trial ,an oddly and absurdly uneasy. What UUle legislation that Is served to keep a man in Mrl. BW'DII, whl~ was president of enao&ed II .bot-gun lertslatloa, so that he would not become the Parent-Teachers' asaoctation of worse thaa DODe. elf.willed and proud of h1a own _ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ _-'-_ _ And our great Democracy. under achievements. the 10calschooI. w,aa nying. "I think t be! we're lucky to ge't a man llke Pro- tes~ at this momentchaSdnebverth . or,! It was a wise provision. PerhaPl in nlstory . • . wa e y e 11___ .......... ~ teasor Fallon bEire. The Ichool of the world ..• Is apparentlyre... ru· the church ,hould have observed It ......... _:n'!.=:~!'" board lays hil qUlllitlcatlons are oz· tile. running in circles. lIeemingly with more care. and thus bave .... 1r. ., _ _ .-.b_II_rtbn,.:--~ _ _ cellent and \111 references are ex- rudderless .•. without unity, tack. I~~ed lome good workerl from ~~re:.:.-..t·.~~~r:c.:: tremely goodl" ing this way and that with ev ..... ing astray. .... '~obl..alln. -., They were not to be cumbered ""...o~_ _ 0 Mn. Stuart bit off a threa d and gust of a wI1tu1 wind. _ • •t a1'r'!I!!.~.!..' ~_. _ patted her. last s'Utchea into plac. with extra equipment, nor be con. _ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ before threacUIis 1the needle streib. Selli~hne,. in Saddle cerned about their dally sustenance. "Sort -- makes me wonder how I A'''.h The Lord would provide through the SCRATCHING LOOKS lAD come we.....could get a man like 'tes. WhY? Becausa. pe.rsona s""'" - hospitality and ' Seneroslty , of hlI Don·t do It. When ,.OUI!' IIeacl, ness is rampant • . • because arroIt.".. fromdryae.lp.do uu. -rub In just. few dro.,. or lor Tom, In a Uttlle bitt,- place like gant lab'or leaders grasp at mothal the expected hospitallty __ OAOL.H. Mal. C thi.... Ihe said, as she rool.s tened the ments of national opportunity to not to be allowed to hinder their tip of the thread and squinted at seek more power ... because memo, work Cct v. 10 with Luke 10:7). tha eye of the nel!dle. trying to in· bers of congress are ,afra,l d to face Many a preacher or evangelist haa sert one through the oth~. "I don·t facts • . . because farmers refuse ruined a leries 01 meetings by letreckln It'l anything ag'n the man, to seli grain at parity prices even tlng social life hinder prayer. aoul. thougJi, U he wantil to live in a llttle when their governm~t offera a be- wlnning, or prepot:atlon tor preach. country town-" nus. to feed starving feliow human lng. He looUcl down at her mvelr, . ''Maybe Megau I~ould tell UI more bethgs • . . because rancbers and D. God Give, Power to HIs Wor. his haa4 .un OD her arm. reatra... about that... Ia14Alicla aUIdly. cattle raisers ~,ell meat to the black (Mark 6:7. 11.13). IDe ber .. abo woald, bvo, walked "About what'~' asked Megan, market 50 they can get more th~ He gave them authority over evil cravenlY pretending not to , undel'- ceiling price.. , because eVery Ipirlts, 10 tha~ they could drive awaT. IItand. mother's Bon of us will buy trom them out. He gave them power to '1,/ DIII/tlMlI SOliS 61. WIll., "You may be quite sure that I ''Why. mau Jlke Tom Fallon the black market or any, place else he gave them power to preach HHII ",XI lim, fH 11m JHI sball reveal your secret to no one- would be aatllfled In a Uttle hick in our scramble to get wbat why should If What rlght-or ne- town like Pleasant Grove." ,aid want when we want It ... because The man who goes forth to speak sl»ts IIpailtt/. ees5lty-would I have?" ,be told Alicia. ' smiling. "After aU. you manufacturers withhold goods trom for the Lord doel not have to mUl. him sbarply. know blm so much better than auJ market waiting for inflation p~cel ter up his own puny powers or d .. MORE MllE~(Jt 'Tom smiled at her. a white, faint of the rest of us-." ... because industrial and bus!iJesa pend on the weak arm of some hu~ WITH (JRE~TEIl ·lmUe that WBI somehow very "I seli him m.JJk and butter and leaders grab the opportunity creat- man helper. IDs resourcel are in. tragic. ' eggs, yes:' Megan tqld her curtly. ed by selJlshness 01 labor leaders flIlite and omnipotent. He , speak. toMFO~T.· "1 know you , wouldn·t. Forgive "I'd hardly say that made UI old to penalize aU labor . . . qecau~e ·for the Almighty God. He has a me. I'm clumsy and atupld, but friends, though." ' congress. stung, as John L. LeWI' message with saving power. not tntentiona1ly orwiltully 10. For. "But I thought during some of Blngle·handed. defies the govern· All too ofte/l the servants or the Slve me-for eyerything?" those long hours you've spent to- ment and . slows up the reconver· Lord are apologetic and hesitant In gether on the Ridge he· might have sian prouam In his grab for power their ministry. They mIstake weak. Megan melted beneath the look In told you lIomethlllg of himself." and money, fiddles . and "delibel'- nesl tor meekness. and in their dehis eyes, ' and put her band In hll suggested Alicia, limpld.eyed. her ates" ... because business men In IIlre not to sssert themselves, they and let him draw her back to the voice 'soft as satin. their mad grab tor more money faU to speak a ringing, "Thus ,salth fiat stone. where she sat down once wo uld tear away th e I, as t ves tige o.~ the Lord." more. And 81 though the revela· There WaS a 8ta'rUed gasp about controls for a shibboleth they have I We need a revival of authorltasecret had preachin", tion of bls tragic tw th ' cleared th h the quilting trame" perhaps not 10 named "free enterprise" and which "ve " .. of that holy boldne., the air be een em, 81 oug much a gasp. aa I I sense of move- II not freedom but license-and 10 which was n t afraid to' rebuke Bin they were friends ' now. they spoke ment that made l\'1egan know they we are quar,r aling lind squabbling and any unwll1ingness to do the of other things. . were aU Itaring I~t her. Itartled, and ~bllng and' staggering, •. Lord's will (v. 11). We need a new His mind WIl8 keen and alert; wonderJng~waitlnHl. and the world whlch ' looked towl\rd !IlDphasls on repentance (v. 12). Megan read a great deal and used Megan drew a 10llg breath. "Just this nation as 'the hope ot the world I m. ~od OaUs Helpers for ml her mind to think with. and It was what do ou mealll by that?" ,he .. " \he one great. firm ~ock . .. now Wotkers (Luke 10l 1. 2). , tor both O,t them a ple,sant, eXPert· asked All~la sbarllly. gaspshWith am~dlzem:n~ and horror. After, the twelve , were lent out, enCe to be able to talk of thingS that Allcla's eyes were wide with sur- their opes rap yang. he caned and commissioned the sev. Iiad nothing to do with Pleasant 1 bu t th . tr I . enty. That blessed process has Grove. Megan liked ber friends a.n d pr se, in th lered ~~~ al aoe 0 'And We Jetterbu,( gone on ever since. How blessed maUce e r ell ..... a 80. , . l d her neighbors. but th ere were many "B t, darling" she protested her We have wealth. he pro ao- it 1s th at even In our d ay 0 f un b eli et to MONTHLY LOSSES? timel when Ih" bungered for 1m.' u. • live capacity 10 fleld and taoand sin. bundreds of young men and roudue gJrle and women who 1~ 10 personal talk 01 matters far afield voice artificially ,g ay and Iweet, tory. the raw materials, the women are going out to aU the mill-- muCh durmg monthly per10ClI that "what could I possibly z:nean except 810n .nelds of the world to work d th ali t manpower, tho know·how, the u Jou'rs pnle. weak, "dragged ou'''from Pleasant Grove. and she en· joyed this contact with a ,tlmulat- that rve seenlliyoRu I~n .. egan cousumer demand. the world with older and experienced mission. UlII may be,due to lacIt of blood-troD. 150 try Lydia B. Plnkham's TABLBTII ind professor on e gedemand, we have everything IDaries. , - ona pr the best home wa,. to ing m . "Once. quite by accident, when I oludJDC the amputees. , the soul Perhaps these words will be read bUIld up red blood-In wah _ He walked with her to the batbed was out for a walk-" Megan be- weary veteraas, the lame and by lome young milD or woman who P1nkbam's Tableta are ·one of &bo wire fence, when she law that she gan, but Alicia interrupted her ·wlth halt-woaaded, the bospltaUzed has felt the prompting. of the Spirit beat blood.lron tonica JOu can bUJI ' mUlt go because the evening was pretty concern and an apology that vlotlm' of a world war ••• and of God to go Into his service. Step - -- - -- - -- - -_ __ out by faith just now, and begin to 'ending; he laughed a lltue, and wall wOrle than the most open accu· we have the Ideal for which iatlon. they fou&,bt and it ~uarter of a prepare yourself for God's lervlce. obU,lngly held up the lower strond '.'Of course. I'm terribly Borry." ' mUUoa of thcm dJcd. We have If the writer of these notes can ' of barbed wire so she eould crawl "Alicia Interrupted. "Please don't the atomic bomb witb Which a of help to you. do nol hesitate under it without snagging her ,skirt. "ay any more. I lilever dreamed- wavering congrells Is afraid to write to him. God Is looking for "There really Ihould be a gate I meau I wouldn't have mentioned deal. '•• and aU bumanlty teara more workers. here," IIhe told him, gettlns to 1!er it for the world-" She WBI pret- a craveD man with a 'gun In his Do not overlook the important adteet on the other side ot the fence. tUY confused. and Megan could feel hand •.• and we jltterbu&,. monition in verse 2. The Lord 111 CEJ A 25, BOX laughing across the tour "trandl of the hint of tensloD, of curiosity. that We are deadlocked everywhere waiting for his people to pray for barbed wIre at him. "But I'm like crept about the roc,m. along every front •.• secretary laborers for fields which ltand white -=============::iI,",:, the man wbo waa going to Ox the The women w!io . had been her of ' state mllkes commitments and and ready for barvest. WNU-E 23-48 leak In' hil rool. only be eouldn't friends and nelllhbors all her Ufe congre8!l !mocks the props from IV. God RequIres Se~.Denla1 oC .;..;.;:.;..::...-.;::.._ _ _ _ _ _ _~::.:..._;.. work while It wal raining; and looked at her , aDlt! then qulcklJr under hipl and from under our vet- ~ Worker. (Luke 14:~.27) • when' It wasn"t raining the root away, very , carefulily not meeting erans and members of the armed Tbe mlgbty work, and the power. dldn't need me~dlng. J lomehow her eye!, trying n~t to meat each torces. If congress had deliberately ful wordl of JemB m.ade ~t lm~ never let around to I~I" , other' I eyese1aboriately pretendlni set out to sabotage an<;l hamstrini Ilble for people to Ignore him. Mul• 'She whistled. The two dogl came to be very ~a8Ual ' ,. our foreign pollcy they could bave Utudes tonowed him. but he. knowboUlidlni to her. and the tour ca~ '''1bls II r1dlcul~.I" laid Megau done nothing more Injw.-Ious than Ing the tlckleness , of the bUman .tepped daintily out'ot ,a great thick· botly. "You're try1!111 to make peo. they dJd do by voting their heart. faced them with the real d• .t of ' honeysuckle vlnel that pIe believe that I've 'been":sneak. own personal selJlshne8l .on the I .. mands ot .dlsclpleship. Iprawled' at the corner ~f 't he lence. lng off to m~t Mr. Fallon-" lectlve service bill. respondJng 'to The Lord was never concerned And a. Ihe walked back, down the "Why, darlingl" I~roteated AliCia. election year pressures. with mere numbers. He wanted tol• meadow path "to the brook, she wide-eyed, hurt, though ,ecretJ.y en. At this particular time in tI;le lowers ,whose hearts were daht. t:h. looked over ber Ihoulder. aud utted jOying. al Ih. alwaJ·' did, WI by ~ world'I'bistory there Is no lubstitute churCh h: bro~~nb d~:ntri~ti~e: ln ~::: ni!mbera~ areal her 'ha~d to him in a gaJ Uttle ,.,.., D;leaDi. unUIUal relUtt ot her mau~ for ~tt:ength and th~1 most powerful ::::J tor ture. al Ihe ,law him ltandin, there. oloul ' droppin, of 1,lta of Informa. nation II .howlng nothing but weakd 1 ch h .,ulldlngl a1 ·He lifted hi' hat to beI; and bowed UOIl here and there.. ''1 ifldn't .aJ aelS'· •.. all brqugh~., about by per~ e:~e!:'~, c~::promile of'tea, tD .a ', ay burle,lqu,1t of a Iweeping 'any thin, of the kind. :Jill I 88ld was lonal selllsbnesl and Intoleran.~e. timo " ,, old·world: gelture, and Ihe went 0I1j that It wal obvioua Q1at you knew And wilen you watch this. thing 'llb~~e irlrement of the Lord II bet heart 'a liiue Ugbter fo,r him. ' the 'man better than 1ID1 of, the reit first hand . .. as it Is untold,ed bet:e lstak \le A man 8' womau She, was tetrlbly lorry for him, but or 01. and that Jolt abould there!ore In Walhlngton. It II not a pretty ~ le~. blm mUit p'it hlID .b. admIred the ,aUantry with know better than 'we whJ b. wal thlng to see, nor to. contemplate. draL N I~ ambition or eutbo wblch b. carried hII burcleDl. And. wIlllna to blde-I m.aft to blU7 him. ~ we 'going to let the re.t of~. b- t1'1~;. no. Dot evelt the teDlooIclnl aero.. the 4eld1 toward the ' aelf III • Uttle blck lUce PIe... world ¢Iowa ... are we gomg to let . er love 01 famll;r. cau com. bedrab' UW. av..room frame aft' Grove," _ ouraelvel down .' . . tor what la tweeD the Lord' and lila .arvan\. Be ' tbat.u the Weatbrook place and lin. Stuart Qed beuq..... JI there tor aU, to IH • •• 18 ~ther Lord 01 aU. ~ be .. DOl that 110. beld tbIa patbeUc WCIIDaDj ' -Uf . lit" In your town I\nd on YoUr f~ Lord at au. ldI wile. I\Ie felt Ibe ttua .. ... • C'I'O _ .. .nt·1 bere in WalhlnjCtoD. . .
Lesson for June 9
***************, ***************
Gas on 5tomach ..It:
Watch Your
:r:: ..
N~paper ilJan StuD:
Hessian, Fly Always Troublesome Factor'
INS foreJp n wa Cihll)f J. C. 01'05-
treicher tells about the' pompous
aen~ral who gatllered a group of
pa t lern dellred. Pattern NO _ _ _ _ _--:lSIut.-
Nama_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ _
By W. J. Dryden Until recenUy lltUe damage haa resulted to spring wheat from the heulan 0,.. With winter wheat it bas been another question. ' In the past two years several Itatea have reported outbreakl
Probably the most bumptious pub· Usher of all was James Watson Webb. During the Civil War he wrote to Lincoln suggesting that he be made. a major-generaL Lincoln offertCl him the slighUy lower rank of brlgadier-gene.ral. Webb reo tunted the commission with the word's "Respectfully declinedI. W. Webb" written acrO$S it. Some legislator. . are again whooping up plans to clamp a nix on newscasters who teli the truth about them. Which isn't anything noveL Yearll ago. only reporters Who were friendiy to Congressmen were allow~ to enter the Halls of Congress. Henry Clay fought such undemocratic procedures. He pointed out: "Liberty is not the private property of Congress, It Is Americll'. heritage. It freedom Is only Iccorded to our friends, th~ we are_' the toes of democracy."
SEwING CIRCLE PATTERN DEPT. Cblca,. 7, DI. Enclose ~ cents in coin. for each
530 80utb Wenl It.
Proper Sowing Dates Protects Winter Wheat
war correspondents and bored them by o\lUining . the brond strategic Iltuatlon without glvlng them an,. worthwhile news, When the general asked for quesUons, news.boy Johnn,. Florea promptly double-talkeCl: ''That Is great. General. But whe."\ wW your troops take Unterstitze.n on the Blelweis?" .. , The general looked uncertainly at his maps. Of course there was no such town. He asked Florea· to repeat the query. . The reporter did so, emphasizing thlit Berlin could not possibly be reached unless the Bleiwels was crossed and Unterstitzen captured. Afraid to admit he didn't know lomethlng, the general confidently replied : "My men will take it in a lew days at the most."
Complete Miniature Circus Has IO,OOO-Seat Big Top
One 01 the most complete minlature circuses in hobby history ia "Adel Brothers Circus," which was built by Robert Krueger of Omaha shortly before the war, says Collier's. This 'model, consitucted on a scale of one-half inch to the foot. occupies 450 square feet and contains, 10r example, a 10,OOO-seat big top and eight smaller tenta, some 400 horses and menagerie animals, 60 exhibition cages, eo AY, practica l play togs for the trucks, two band wagons, a steam sand box set. A wing sleeved calliope and 18 ticket booths. dress that buttons on the shoulders and side with pert apple Beaslan Oy maggots beDeath applique. And overalls and sunle~ Iheath In the soU. suit that are suitable for either amonl spring wheat. . After 'l IUC- brother or sister. Mother will find celsion of cool leason. with lOod them easy to sew and very sturdy. rainfall several outbreaks were rOo ported. At the North Dakota ex· perlment station it was fOund that the Mida variety of wheat Ihowed a hi&b de&ree of resistance to the he.sian fly. The Mida was not 1mto the hessian fly, but Its rOo Ilat:anc:e was strong enotigh to make The laking Powder nealigible. with the Kans.s State college found that the Pawnee i. highly resistant to the hel.ian lh that district. OthOabber Girt I, foday's baldng pawer Itralnl h.v. beeJl developed In ltates. ct•., • • , the natural .choice ,for the With wlhter wheat, the USDA haa lIIOdem recipe, Itt balanced double detennined the ft:r ' Injury maJ be ' CI~ guaranleeajust the right actloft avoided b, sate sowln, date.. ~... dates range from September UI In In the mixing bowf. plus IfMIt ftnar rise the latltude of central Michigan to October ~ In that of CeDtral Georto nghf and fluffy ftavor In the oven. gia. The exact w. date In BD1 10cBlity may be determined ' frOm ltat. airlcultural .peclallsts. ___ . _ _ __
You Eat Well When You Roast With Care (See Recipes Below)
Flavorful MeiJ.·t s
There's not much choice of meat rive I, looked lovely in a coral·eol- In the markets today. but it you are ,.. fortunate enough ored coat, With a twist of colored stuff in ber hair. McCrary's newIpaper experience, plus his work during the war, add tremendously Just in case to the value of their program, of • you,v.e forgotten course. . #. ~ some 01 the fine I points in preparU NBC doesn't have F~ed Allen ~ ing meat, I'm gorepeat the broadcast he and Talul- ing to review lome of the rules of lab Bankhead did oli May G, there'll aood cooking today. WIleD Floyd - G"'~D. covered be a lot of disconsolate people waUFor years, we've been telling you China for a news .ervice, he dlr;ln't In, for months because they missed about cookina 'm eats at low tempercCllIUnunJcate 'WIth his home otftce it. It Wftl hilarious: Tho.. who did atura. Rationing and the meat for mw week.. Finally Gibbons' hear it are stlll taIJdn& about it, and Icarcity have probably .hoWD you edItor . a~ed another new. service iepeatina bitt of dialogue tor tho.e more dramatically than anythinl tQ cable their correspondent in who didn't It wal one of Fred Al- else how imPortant low temperature China ' and find out what happened Ien'. best, which Is layln, plenb'. cookin, II to getting the most of the to Floyd. meat. There's less shrinkage and The whimsical newsman cabled more juicy meat to your credit if his retort: ~'Have located Gibbons Bob Hawk, CBS qu!pmaster, not you'll keep the oven at 325 to ~ in the bar.room of Cathay Hotel in only pinch·bit for a~g Arthur degx:ees Fahrenheit when roastlng. Shanghai. Do you want me to In. Godfrey on the latter s mornln, Another point to bear in mind tl terview him," . ' , . broadcasts, he'lI ' also substituted tor that no brownlng is necessary beGodfrey lh the Broadway revue, fore . roas~ing cuts ot meat. Don't A lteel Ibeathed Bible carried ' In '''!bree to Make Ready" - mark· worlY .about their not browningthe lett breast pocket saved the life 'lng his debut on the New ' York they Will get "Well browned even of Flying Fortress Bombardier .lage. at moderate temperature. Robert TUmer of Lexington, Ky, , If you are pot roasting, that Is , , • Retum!n& after a miss Lon over . For hIa starrln, role In BKO's cooking meat with moisture and Germany, Turner discoveredsev- ''Nocmrn~'' Geor,e Ban will have .easonings, you'll want to brown eral ja"gged flak fragments embed- the beneBt of advice ' 'rom ODe of the meat after It's dredged with ded In the Bible. Broadway'. mOl' 'amous .deteo- flour, but this is beclluse the meat tivea, Barny Budltlky. Producer Is cooked. covered with liquid. · Duiiur 'World War I the life of JOaD Harrison, a ltickler for' realHere are Bome recipes for aU ROBS Neal (of Lebanon, Tenn.) wal 11m, waDta BaU to be aD authenUo saved when his Bible Instead of his repUca of a real detective, not one types of mellls which you fllay be heart absorbed a German bullet. In of those unbelievable creaturel we able to find at least once a week apprec.iation (du,rlng Wo~ld War often see on the screen. Budltaky these days. Cook and season care· II), Neal's church sent a copy of worke4 on casel InvolvtD, 'amons fully so that you will really be able to enjoy 't he meat to the fullest. the New ,Testament to every mem- ,angstera for 20 years. berin the Armed Forces. Barbecued Lamb Breast. IServel.) . The · National 'Barn Dance orIgOldest Bible lh AmerCca Is a Z pounds breast of lamb Latin translation dated 930 11.. D. inate!! from McLeansboro, m., 1 medium OniOD The lettering Is in· pen and ink on Saturday, June 8, when th~ gang " cup chW sauce vellum. • . . For the Past 25 years 'oin. the American Legiop. in ana· 1 tea.poon salt more, than 25 million Bibles have tional homecoming celebration for Pepper beCl'\ distributed throughout ~e National Comdr, John Stelle, which % teaspoon red pepper will end with an old·fashioned barworlcf. ..• The American Bible 10· 1 tablespoon vlnerar . clety (130 yea!;'s old on May 10th) be(lU~ at mJdnIght. I cup water bal 16,000 copies of the Scriptures Cut lamb into pieces. Seaso~ with m its New 'Yo'~k library - written Bob Burns had to turn down an .alt a.n d pepper. Place in a hot in over 860 languages. . . . Esther 11:9 is the longest vers!;l lh the Bible invitation to head the Hoboes' Asso· akillet and let clatlon '01 America, but he doe. hold fatty sidell broWn. --:=:;;:z::;:a.:~~ • . • 89 Vfords. I .life m~mbershlp card in' the Mix chili sauce, Job Barrymore was arrested tor assoclatlon, havlrig fulfilled tlle two red pepper, vinspeeding in a hick tOV(D. At the bIg fequirement~ - hoboing in ev- egar and water . courthouse rushed to the phone. ery state 'of the union and totaling and pour over lamb. Slice onion "We're only allowing you one 100,000 mUes. ... and add to the call," said the judge, "so you betmiXture. Cover. ter phone your .lawyer." Barbara Allen, who created. I. m mer 1 \2 "LaWyer," snapped John. "I'm the man-ohaslnc "Vera Vape" "and phoning my pr'e ss agent." then turned ''Vera'' into a dramaUo hours, then remove lid and let cook star OD a reoent CBS "'rbi. II My slowly for 20 minutes or until barlnqulrlDg photogger Sam MeUor Best" broadcast, create. lUll aD- becue sauce is almost absorbed. stopped a group of ex·G.I.I to ask other character In the pIcture, Pork Chope aDd Rice. what they thought of the way Con- "Earl CarroU'. Sketchbook," now (Servel II to 8) gress is treating returning service- In productioD. In the movie me por· 8 pork chops men. % cup uncooked rice traYI a wise-cracking !Ieal gner, but "Do y;ou think," asked the newsone who hal no ' deslena OD anJ , 2% cups strained tomatoes Ulan, "that Congress kept its prom• tablespoon. creeD pepper, ise and received the vets with open man I ' lk chopped ' arms?" Park. Johnson and Warren Hull "That's the trouble," nittied an ex-G.I. (bandleader Herbie Fields), wID return from vacation with a Lynn Says: "Congress welcomed us with open new sponsor, broadcasting "VOx Pop" at a new time - they'll reann&-instead ot open minds." place the' CBS "Inner Sanctum." Learn Me" Marlc: It you . last after the last election FDR Meanwhile Parks Is resting on b1a want a super delicious leg of bad an appOintment with a visiting Texas ranch, aDd HuU's doing lome lamb, baste it with buttermilk while roasting; For lamb loaf, Gov. But due to a meeting on war experimental televisIon shows. made with fresh meat, ada ~ matters, he was detained. )I( teaspoon caraway seed for flavor. ''Mr. Pres~dent," his secretary That ' Hollywood smaJlpox .care laid. "I guess you know you have It you're shy on meat for meat kept the Governor of Massachu· lort of wrecked 'Alan Hale. His vac- loaf, malte' up part of the meat cInation not only took hold of hlI l.ttI waiting four minutes." with diced American cheel.. De. "That'l not 10 bad," winked lett arm, It took a bit of the ann lJclousl Roosevelt. "I intend to keep the with it, leaving qulte a wound. Hale Pork chops baked with cllW a"vel'1)or of New York waiting four W81 temporarib' out of the "ChQ- sauce or catsup mixed with preenne" cast, 7ears." pare4 mustard mBke grand and ' .; .:-.~ . tender eating. the early 1800a ,f.m~rica·s ODDS Arm ENDS-hod!'c". SerU 'y ou want a bread saver ,azettes were ~ very . prim 'and dull m9'" 1V.b_l.d"cover~ III ~ ItUffing tor brea.t of .veal, cook ' . . • . in, lor II loJ C/llna1ll({l! ro play • MallY .Editora . recoUed In . hor,ror ' at the in "Th. Cha.: eIaat i/aml• • mortG,s ),our nOoate. until tender and Ute' them for stuffin,. . ~ou'htof '~eaUng In persw~alities. of 'chem•• ~.'. 'eh4n,ed 1M '1Cri,. · But one New York new.paper blew N ' " ob... CAm... _ _ Mat10ram or par81e1. makes I I. the: Ud· 011 ~s ·s~id ,~tud~with ••• Heet. Ta,,~r, 01 "Y~Un' Dr. M. ,ocid lealoninl fOf veal J'repared bY pubU~1D& the lfat .Ions," "" been, in radio l~ ,.IIIn, ~'" In ~y wa,. Interview Ail 'interview with I prol- ,.. "UlIUDm hdly from mlke "~1aI. Bake .. slic, of bam and b.lte tltute' . , ••• Tu Bmaln ad 1M G~. Ala,., with hon~ and oran,e juic. 'ror •. . • . _ ~ Iun1e ,.,. MIWOrlll wi,.., . '. . ,..." "..",. INlWed 011 "AlIIinH .. a 'n,al flavor trea•• ..... hi. been no . sltiltaCtory "~rtJoli'. ~., In eddl". ' lib: i-oQuefort cheese with wor· unem-t ..-mon, lCholan 01' .",- 10 1dIl..... ~•••. Dk1e-.N",' ftlterahin aauc:. and be•• unto .......... Qp tile m~ or the ... r'Uf. Cart B. BlltUilur) has w.' I~. Spreld on top of bambyr. . . ' ......." ..... whleh aPDUllIO ...... NMy-"8. . all .4cuIir. .era IUlt before broiling. . __ Ia . . 8oa1r 01 Psalma. , . . . ......,..
C:. ~
lG ~~ - ;~~~!~~::~~:!~
• ban, -
"Summer Meat Loaf Potato ' Salad Wilted Lettuce Mo~ed Fruit Salad Wheat Muffins Beverage . Apricots Cookiel "Recipe given. L-_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _~_ _ _ _-.a
a taIIleapoons cllOpPed OulOD , I teaspoons saU " tealpoOD pep:per z tableapoons sh.oneniDr Flour Salt and "epper :pork chopl lind ~red,e in Bour, MI!lt shortening in .ldllet and brown chops on both .Idel Mix tOleth x' uncooked rice • e . ' tomatoes, nit, pep'per, onion and green pepper and pour over chops. Place Ud on skUlet and cook .lowly for one hour. U you've been loo,king around for waYI to Ute thol.e lE!ftover pieces of bread, then here's just the recipe for you. It wes both bread crumbl and oatmeal for thE! stuffing and Js trul7 delJcIous. Oatmeal Velil Birds. (Servell 8)
BALANCED Double Adion
Portable Saw Aids PastUl'e E~panSion
I ~ PoUDda v~ liI~alr, alIcecl ' &bin 2 cupe hread orqml..
I oup raw I teaspoon
% teaspoon sage Z tablespoon. bacoll dripping. % cup water cup catlup Cut the veal into six squares. Pound it, season wllth salt and, pepper. Combine the other ingredients, except catsup, and place a little of the stuffing on each piece of veaL Roll and fasten with toothpiCks. Brown in hot be COil drippings. Add IJf.! cups of water with the catsup to the meat and slimmer tor 45 to 60 minutes until Imeat Is tender. Thicken gravy with. a flour and water mixture just. bl!fore serving. ·Summer Nlea' Loaf . . (Serve I 8) 1 envelope UDfta.v ored ,elatln cup cold wa"er cups tomato .Intce 1 tablesPoon sUI:ar ' 1 teaspoon aalt · % tealpoon peplper 2 tableapoons lemon julce 1 pound Uvel'Wllrst % cup mayolIJLlllse ." ·tealpooD dry mustard % cup chopped celery % cup chopped peeD pepper 1 tableapoon m~Dced onton % cup llieed stldled oUve. Soften gelatin in .cold Add hot tomato juice 8IDd stir in sugar and salt, pepper '~.... and lemon juice.:~ . Allow the mix, ,_ N~I"",I0?0~
Co~verting wa.te brush and tim· berland into profitable green POI' tures is an important lob being performed by new portable power sawl developed in the southwest a8 141 aid to fanner. ' whose land il covered bJ . undesirabl!t undergrowth. ' I!!. tleld operation the cutting blade Is horizontaL For cutting logl to the blade can be raIsed to a verUcal po.itlon. The Kratt Foodl company are assisting farmers 'by mlklnl the portable I8W avaUable on, a loan ball•• By this plan ·t hey hope to auist dairy' farmer. to produce more mUk' on ava~able acreage. ..
Wh · eeI F oot Scraper
L _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _- '
, May.CaUSe Laell: or
Drl-rin, with' impure oU ~ your car, truck or ~tractor can do
~bon and sludge increase wear OD 'J]loving partl and lead to breakdowns, coatIy repairs. But. with the new·. Pram Filcron on filter, abrasive particle. as I!Dall as .OOOOSg · of an inch are filtered.out. Result: you add trouble-free mUea to the life of yout' tractor. truck or carl
Dirt, grit,
'He6t!.off eDst/y rep6its, iJre6ltdowns witll FRiM
as much damage as driving with no oU ••• it just takes longer.
ture to cool and -thicken. Remove calling from llverwurst and mash. Add may~ ounalle and mus· tard, creen pep. . . per, celery, onion and olives. Then fold the meat..o>el1 8table mixture roto the tomato juIce and pour· into root Scraper Made of an Old Iron a mold that has Ibeen rinsed with WheeL cold water. Allow to chill UDtil let,· 'ibis of foot .craper utWzIn, Unmold on plattllr, ,a~ - and an old wheel with a lomewbat broad serve. rim. The wheel Is IlIpped over .one SOllth Americu' G01alaab. end of a round whleh has In (Serve. II) turn been driven into the around. About two Inch••. fr9m the top end % poDD4 beef U,rer elf the .take a hole should be bored % cup ~PPed "nI~ aud a bolt throat through to ke;P the " Clap chopped .:reeD pepper wheel ' off th.· ground, aUbwin, It to a tablespoODi .~i'teIltq \ an!! ' alw.,. prelent a clean Z oaps CaDDe4 tlnna&oea % Clap cllo~ Il)elerJ, . 1 amaIl qlove r'~UO, If ~ I t~upoQJUI ...., . VitanrlD Dellcfency . " 'kaapoon pepjper . n:...1.. ~ S tableapooDi 401ur , . c ~~J,e I . , . 1IDC!0oke4 noocU~ , Of vtWDlD A. brouPt . ~ or lack : Cut Uver into ODIt! inch .culle. and ." lon, pertodi brown W1~ onIon jand' green .",pper ~ ieea. often caDi.. It.aUUI, In hot shortenlDe. Add ' ~,~to., .,.. to occur In r&IIP, .and 'celeq, ,arUe m! liia.onln. tnCIl~ature c~ Ilowly for 110 minutei. Mis ftour with water and thiclWa .the abOve mbdure. tile Diealitllll.. cook noodles In ~t"11oaCICoi. fOr 10,mlDutes. a.ve,.,Pllo Ia~ hot Itrlriltlltl.
MOII,IJ-Back Guarantee
Millions of FUcron filters and cartritlgea have ~n used by our armed forces •• ' .while Fram ia ltandard equipment on more than . 50 famous makea of car. truck. tra¢or. bus, . marine. Diesel and stationary engines. ExPerts agree on FraDil ·Moreover, eaCh Filcron filter is guaranteed to give complete aat;afaction. or your money back. You've everything to cain, nothing to lOlle. wi~ Pram! .' " .
Ask Your Dealer U your tractor, truck and 'au' haYe DO filters. your dealer Will inata11 Pram Filcron filtera to help aav.e.motor tro,,-ble,' break·
downa ana .C:oatly ~. If your equipment is already filter~uipPed. bav~ him. mAke the Fram Dlpaticl&: ·Teat.:· The DipI,tick tClla ~ ltoryl Jf oU is dirty*, he'll put in (ienuine F~ Res»4Icement Cartrld&ea. to· &et the ~t out -of your preaent . . 81ten. TherC~I ' ~ Pram c8rtridio 'to ~t, '~t , ~ typo of \#iltef. 10 ICe y~ur dealer tod8.yl FRAJjI ·CORPORATION, ProVidenai 16. ~ L ' ., ~
.. ' d~,..t .1IIldJ,tin riaed, trlII1ur4' dU" 14 ooJ¥ 100II .. Jll(t 14~ I _ _","",~ ..,. 011• .,. ~. IJlIw ~ be ~ on • .UP.,. ~ 110",17 bMie. -
• c.rtaua· _&-dutT.
oJJa. dill
m U.
Established 1850-. No, 4268
Two Wedding Ceremonies Given In Waynesville Saturday, June 8
Price-Thompson BuDder's · The Qunporee of the Mound Councll ot the
• St. Augustine OpW'ch, Waynesvfllle, WIlS the scene of 'the lovely SIlitUl'da~ mornlng wedding ot Miss oatlherlne Ba.uel', uau!l'll!A!r of Mr. and Ml'B. Oba.rlcll Bauer 8..nd Mr. John EWers, son of Mrs.' AI' t.oinette EWer" cilic1nnaU. BoIiueta or m.lxed Bowers, UlII· &lIver VaseA of red and W'Mte peonies and llgbted tapers formed bhe br.ldal seLtlng ·111 whloh Lhe Rev. FIlit.her Klrumboltz read the impresslVIl double rlui ceremony at nlne-bhlrty O·c1ocK. The 'Ceremony was solemni7.ed I)y hIIh mass. The. bridegroom was .aLtended by Mr. Henry Wolfer or Cinclnnatl, 1lCIIl81p. of the bride, with Mr. Larry EWers. ~01lher 01 bhe groom and Mr. RBJImond Greer as ushers. The maid of honor. Miss Lolalno Bauer, sisrer ot the bride, and -the bride~, Mrs. Helen HUI, of Dayton. were iIl>t t.l·acUvelJl gowned. In aqua OORIed silk with basque bodIces, long Cull skWts, ~w ,"ound neck.l.lnes and short. pUffed Sleeves. 'l'hey wore fuchs.la halo hats w.lth aqua. shou.lder lengUh veils and carrllid round boquetS 01 mixed 8Wllmer Oowers with sllOwer rlbbor.. Each wore a double strand of peaa-15 as thelr only ornn..ment. The bride WIlD en~red and walked diOwn the WhIte covered a.lsle With .Its '\y hite saun pew markers. with the groom. 'wore a gown of white aUpper 8liitln styled with a basque bodice llet yoke. long &Ieeves extending In points over her hands IUld a fitted sk.Irl wb.lch leU inw a Ion& 1lowlnll train. Her flngerUp veU was of &.Ilk net. and fell frolli' !\ pearl UMa. She UU'IieQ white rose buds a.r.d had WI
• MIM ~ Jean ThompllOO, daughter or' Mr, and, Mrs. '~lIa 'l110lIlpson, and Ilk, Charles E. PrIce, w~'e I~led in all Bittractlve JW1e weddlng on ~ even1ili BlL I.he ~nesvpJ.e ,h ie.t bodh t. Ohurcb . lAv. R. B. l)o!ema.n re&l1 ~he Impress.\ve double rina cerea\.oav wi. eight <t.hlrt.y o'clook at an alter bt'auUJ ully iUTIUl&"ed wl.th a 'whllte 1100r co"erlna, t>aIi&etB of whLt.e ClU'lIaUOI18 aoo la.rltspur, paJ.ma ar.d
lll.Q.I'ked ,with clusters of huckleberry M.ia& VI.ri1n1a Hardin ~1.ed a PJ'OtP'8Dl of organ mU8.1c before t he cenmony nd MJ.ois Jean 'HlIil'tsock very sweetIy~."o . Procnlae NIb" aDd and whLt.e satin 'bows.
"Because:' Mr. Don Oliborne servlld as best 1l'\Jl\Jl' and Mr. Vlctor .Thompson, the ul'ide's brotber. and Mr. samuel J onea. 00U81n of U\e bride, of HamI1ton, were 1Jhe \IIII1enI>. PrecedIng the bI1de the alter were her alttendants. M!I/$ Jane Hartsock, tJ1e ma.ld or honor. a.nd Mi8s Bara Conner and ~ Evelyn Jones. coustn of the bride, 'Were ~e brI.desma1ds. 'I1le1r IOwns were fashioned al.llte at _Un with Ught bodices, sweetheart neclt nnes and full (Ioor lel'l8'th sIt.\l18 ot r.et and !,hey lWore IJl8ItAlh.Ing halos ot and SBltln In tbelr halr . .'lbe maJd of honor was In aqua and CIllTled plnlt roses. tile brtdesmaJda In ploIt Blld peadl aJ'.d canLed eweet heart J'0geII. 'I'he bride, 'Wbo wa.lked with and was liven In marriage by ber tadler, wore a beautlful sown f1 embroldered SlIItln fash.lone<l 'Willh .. be&rt
~~ :::Yor;~~:':~OOd cr~. ~~r=~~ :!=ovS:= =:
piaw during tile evenlnll. .M r. and .MrS. Ewers lef,t on a honeymoon Ip Florida a.fter whkh liley wlll be at home in their apartlIlent In ClncWJlatJ.
recepUon lor eOOut. one hundred seventy-five relaUves and (rlends was held at the home of Ule !bride's parents. A buffet lunch WIlS served from a tabl owbicb waa very beautltul with Urtel;l l covers, white tapera in crystal holders. ,a centerpiece ot pink and WI.h1te larkBptJr o.nd roeea. and 1ile, wite .decor8it.ed wedd.lng cake. The many lovely Weddq gifts w~re em dlsp~ <IU1'1nI the even1ne. ...... ........ ~.,e .......e . and 8t'OOm left tor a irhoJIt trip. the bride 'Wearing an aqua gabardtne suit with 'W'h.It.e accessorlea .and a v.ttlte roee co~ ~en from ber orldal boquet. 'Mr. ·and Mra. Price will nmaln for a 8~ -time wibh tihe bride'. po,rent,a but IWUll1ve In Dayton Where the ~ Ia wttb the PriIkIa1nt 00.
«!:ao. 'lbe team
IIChedule first Ia · the home
on the
Wiliard .F umaa .. the <fl.\et chef. Those Who enJ07~ -t~ dC!ltlhUul evening topther !Were -Mr. and Mh. · Ronakt SalI8bury, Yr. and Mrs. B1lly HIaeIr, Mr. and ·Mrs. ~ ConDer. Me8ar8 oarl SbaIIwood ..Jr. tWtllJemMOIlS. David Pumas, Rober~ W.llaon, 1Ilrne8t ()(jot, Earl Earnhart, Dal~ W~, ainny 'H.laey. menn SOUtb a.nd J. B. Ci'abbe.
agOO\Gnt pfO&'l'tUll .In wor,klng witl\ TOWNSHIP RURAL youtal gTOups, ' !4l~m ,YOullh 'S<;HOOL DISTRICT organizatiOns. He iwis · 1>01'0 lind BUD-cfET reared: on a larm and for two y ars a v""ntlOD I gr1 ultur • Nptice Is hereby giv n Lba~ on .,..... a ac eI' In W~ V·, ........ ,d I e t.caoh - t he fll'lIt day of July 1946 at .8:00 .,.,... ... 6 ........ ano;r 10 year.> !Was enga"ed In .... .is o 'clock p .m . II publlc hen.rLng on IJhc . " . "' . same! type of school work !lit HlIlsboro, Ohio. He budget prepared by 'bhe Boal'd ot holds a. Bachelor of Sci d IilduClI.Lion of Wayne Township ir. " """cult f ' h enoe cgree Rural School District of Warren . ...... ure rom • e UniverelL)' of West Virginia and degree of County, Ohio. COl' t he ncxt succeedMaster of Sc.lence 11'Om '\Il1e College , lug fiscal year endlr.g December 31 , Agriculture at Ohio S!late Unl- 1947, . wm be 'M Id at til BOard of vers1ty. He' .became chief of game Educa.t.lon offi(;e in We Hl{,il School management actlvlLles In Ohio In Dullding. WaynesvUle. Ohio. April 193'1 E V. BarnharL. Clerk ., • -------
as a l.Ive-1nn1ng conteat tollowlng
neott acheduled 8ame.
the paper shortage
b7 hel
I'riday June _wyers va Turners 17 Sa\Vfers va Drakes Turners vs Mu110rds 21 24 Draltes va TUrner& VB .~Ultorda 28
FOLLOWING RECENT MAJOR OPERATION • Mrs. Annabelle Flora l1Itt6n~led the funeral . oJ hor brobher. Fronk M. Bloke,. at parllsle, Ky . Sat urday. Mrs. Flora. had just retw'ned to ,h er horne from Mlam1 Va.lley h ospital where She had been conIlnedtollowing a. major opcmtion.
• Legion Snseball games pla..ved on Sunday last. resulted In III spilt on the double h ea~ol' pla yed n,t En-oT: ..... Ith WayuesvUle taking thp, fll'9t 9 LO' 4 and Enon bhe second game 7 to 6.
17 STRIKEOUTS 'Ute Juniol' Team won tlhclr game Crom Wilmlngl.On 9 to 4. Sackett. pitched 17 s!.I·lke-ouu, ill ·th L~ game .
Comi ng schedules Inc\ucll'S West • Funernl servlcell were cond Iloted oarl'OU w l~ La llIecL tilf) SeniOr Legion Tuesd~ at nlne O'ClOOK In St. AugustiI!e ChW'elt for Dea.l1.nie Ola.rk t.eanl .hCl'c next ;:;undn.y a.L 2 :30 and sea or Mr. and Mrs. Ralph OIark of ))OSSibly a F ru.., klln team will ' meet Miami Shores. Dayton. D can1e wa.s t he Junior Legion h ere.
cl.nlwned~ida.y e,vening 111 the Big Miami River near his hOltle. Efforts to revive him by a volurllteer squad wer.e froWe and he was pronounced dean an-ohour later "by Coroner A. P. 19 Mullords va Turners McDonald of Dayton. DrUea VB SaiWyers ' 23 Dennie was Q former l'esldent of -otv.lc Club ~8ports OonunIbtee Harveysburg. He 18 survllv~ by h ls Plll'ents, a s.Ister .Rita. and ,t wo FAIRLEY'S WIN theN.>Ronald and ·EugW..e.. An. , • Falrley~ Bo«baU ~ played M(,. J~e KllI;1.e ~)( near 'Ha.rveysburgl two games . at '~, H.Igh School cHaIn~ht was mac!e in Mlilm l :::"::: ~ a1f~. ~ cet~~. . ~enJn Church team tlha:t resulted iii a ·. l'1 to Ii 'Win for the ,haovh.o_ men, and the other " '_""W"''\' ' . with ,Roiera & 'Slmpeon team with ~ tl:Ial' or 8 'to 2 in' {MOl- of f'alr'ley·s. I' . , .
IThe Lytle 'Happy Go Luck," 4-8 Olub met Got the' OOWltry bome ot Miss Doris OIW'lton on W«tnesday afternoon. ~Y 27. wltJ1 Mrs. Tum. . blesori ar.d Mrs. Ba.Ird In ci)lIJ'Ie. Mlse ~rls demonstrated the baiIt1n8 of gingerbread. The last ·meet.lng was held at t.be .home of M.Iss Marjorie ROIlS Wed- ' . ' , . nesday evening June 12. MrI. I!'raI,MleI ~k ancl Mr. , and Mrs . ' . £meat Woolard 01 ~n, wm leave .>t.oc:Iaf tOI'l Battle ~ AT f&l,~AIRE FRO~C. Mr. and Mrs. Harold B. J!:arD,. Mkb. On . 'the.Ir reuo' ;they WlU 'I'RIPLE. BIRTHDAY , ' hal1t and cb.Iids'eri , atteDde9 . t.tie brtr.g · ·wtth them. Cpl. ·' l h . ~N'NI¥ERSARIES' .' ··Frtifd&lre JIltIolJc" at the :FrlgSda.lre Bl'annoclt. ~ will &pend,. 4blrty ON. OaEA /A;r. DI~JlER AudttOr.lum On Tlj.tmIda.y 'even1nc. day 1W'lough ~th bJa. motller. ... , - =:b " -~; , ~ Mrs. JiW.l Earnhart en-
The Boy Scout 'Paper I?ri.ve sponsored by 10ca'I Troop No. 40, will be field, in WaynesviH~, Sat~rdaYf Jup~ .22. The _~.9nies ~olle~te~ from ~his~per will be...uaed to ,plH'chase Sco~ e<l\;npment. It 18 req"ested that r~ide..ts ha'Ve paper ready for collection if- ~ble. if .not, not4b' Joe James, Scoutmaster, and a speeial 'Scout detail will be oO 'hand to take care of the preparation·for eoUecttOll' . . •
• Mrs. P aul Mnur ice wall ho.5tOOS 1.0 the Wfly ncll \'!lJo Garden hlb on T hursday find a delicious picnio ditmcr \Vas cnjoYl'd. Mrs. Hook ar.d Mrs. eh. rlcb Ellis pl'Ovlded a very special l,reaL in t he form of home 1:1'OWII strl\.wb ni s nnd whipped cream. Mrs. Ev ' lyn P I.Croon called t.he meetmg l;O vrclel' at. two p.m. a nd roll cnlJ \\ flS answered by giving a Bible quolnllop. havi ng In it the Ilaml! of fI flo wcr. 1\:11 . )C.C lIen~ paper on "Bu~lei·tJlCi;" W~ I'cad by Mrs. H. E. Hnbhaway . Various kinds of roses. peop.J , bluebells and sna.pdragons , I' on d~ ·play. Fin n mll"IUbCl'5 and four gu sts njoyod Lhis very lovely June mee tIng. - - --
IinJ 'Postponed game WiD be pialye:l AT BROTHER'S FUNERAL
• The Wayne Sew-So 4.H Olub met ,..., . 11111 F'r\.dn.y, June 7, lilt the GraIl8e Hall 1 Turners va · S&wyers wlUl Mrs. Edenfield. Mrs. Davis and Mulfords V5 Drakes 6 Mrs. Klontz Ir.. oharge and Eileen 8 Mulfon.\s va Turnel'a • Brown pTC6Idlng. Dra&ee 'VB Sawyer'll 12 Janet Michener demonstraJted 1lhe 16 . MUltonta va Sawyer& making of the blanket eLildl . Ute TunIers va Dralcee 19 running sUtch IIJ'IId the Cl'089 22 , Dra.ltea va MUlIlords The next meetlr.g will be hel4 at 8alWyer& va Turners :icJ the Grange Hall QIl FrIday, .JIme 1. ~ lI8 s.wyera v. Drakes AlIJ1IIIt at 1 :30 p.m. Olub members ,who wlll YOUNfr FARMERS HOLD A...... 'l'W'IIIel'& va MUlforos 2 take part In ttle .progTllm for thla STEAK F'RY TUESDAY Ii " IJraIteiI... va 'l1Umera meeUIl4\" are Ann Rogers end Jenntl\ ) The Yount Pannera enjoyed .. 8&'WJW!I'& • va Mulfords · 9 Lee Braddock. steak t1')" on Tue8day ev~n.Ina at • 12 Turners vs Sa wYers Jennie Lee Braddock. Reporter the Harry BInUh Park wttb Mr. MWtords vs Dnldtes 16
:1~:U:u=~H;o:: !~~ ~~r~~gFo~U~'i~NE
u..... ...".
Won Le!rt Pel. Mullords 2 0 1000 cd Crown and she carried .. IaI'IIe . TW'nera 1 0 1000 sheal of .Ivory ~ Her only ornaI• ..........ers 0 1 000 ment 'Wna a sLrand or pear15. the gift ~"I . of the gI'09IIl. Draltea 0 2 .000 . The mother ot <the bride wore a Frida~ and-Mon....... o_- uJ<1ft floor length model ot prlnted jersey Turners 8 Draites 7 wltJ1 a ~eJlow I'06e corsage a.nd Mr.. MuLfor(.\s 9 UUU'les LeMay \\bo occupied ' the Drakes 5 place oJ 10111ter mother, wore navy SOFTBALL ---SCBEDULB blue IwIth a plnlt roee COI'8a86. OFFICIAL lIK6 CIVIC LEAGUE ImmediatelY foUowlng bbe cereAll pmes Will -atart prompUy at
Th e mooy lovely gifita !Were ~ dis- mony
• Mrs. M. F. Weltz and M1·s. Don Ha.wke wcre cO-hostr.sses on Thursday Ilnd cnwl'lu lned \\'il,h n bridge luncheon at Ille !:im1 t ll T a Room . Flv tabies were lr. play during !.he afternoon anel prizes were won by Mrs. J . CIlI'I Conard. Mrs. A. T . POlinsky a nd Mrs. E. C Crane Tllo.se who enjcycd vhe dellclous luncheoll find Itfl rnoon of bli d i:c werc Me damcs ' Roy Ellis; Lubl1c r RaJ l.~Ock; lrn Browll; Mark R<lgcr ; K . R. E1ll ; J . Onrl CI.lIuu:d; S. N. K ey~ ; Wa de Turner; D. R. Sm.IUlI · E~ C. Orlll1e: H. F . Dye; Joh~ Turner; M. A. F'u lk~ r 'on; Rhodes Bunl'c l1 ; Gilbor t Frye ; Frank Swa r t.zel; J ohn Kersey; Lewis 'n10nt p50ll; A. ' E. Stout; A. T , Pollnl>ky.
Short S",ket At Civ~c~~ Clu' Session
dinner WIIS served to forty frlendtl ard relatives at Lbe Cold Springs linn. Dutlng Iile. evening a rooeptlon tor about one .hundred (rlends and relaUves WI\I! given wi. ifJle home where a. delJc10us burret luooh was served.
Showers Given For Bride Elect and Recent Bride, Friday and Saturday
Sool,lIB of Am.enica, h eld In Harmon P-ar1L Leb&.non, last weekend. was attended by approX1matell' 300 BOOuts and scouters .. Troop 40 of 'W.,yneevWe had eight 800uts and tJhelrScou>tmaster In attendacce. ~, Camporee ~a.ve the &COut;s a} true taste ot camping from the outdOOl' angle, where ,t rue ~ . s are) Dl8(I1e. TelWl w!ll'e set up Friday evening and atter a campUre proIJl'IIPl and a Iiasl"lllglilt hike Taps were heard. The sleeping actually began a.t 1:00 a.m . n.nd ended at' 4:30 am. althol,igh reveille was not 901mded unLU 7:00 am. Three meals on Sa.burday ~ the Troops own COOks. Inter-liroop contes~. and a campfire program filled the day .wlUh much exc~tement. Taps at 10 :00 p.m. and all was qule!; tor ~he well-filled program succeeded .In producing sleep . Reve.llle at . The spea.kll'l' be.rore Lh e Wayne:;· seven dldn'L rouse anyone for It villI! Civic Oltlb' on , Moru)a~' evcn lug. seemed m06t lWere up and arour,d' J/JDe 17. at Smitnls Green Room in by s.Ix. Brea.kla.st of pII.ncak.cS. sau- Wa.ynesvUie. be A. W. ShOl't, aeee and obocolare rn11k prepared Ollie! of .the ~ Managemen t by Troop 40 Grubmnster was well Section. of tbe. 0010 DlI/ision of received. . Oor.servatlon of . aturlU l'te.ww·ces. Church services for all Protestant. lI«J'. Short aiso Pl'C6ellta lile Divacouts were ,h eld on the, grounds a.t 11.1 00 In conserv tlon extension ncnine ' wltlh Cat.hoUc services at the Uv1tJes and worJcA coopeml.ively w1l.h St.. Francis de Sa~s> <t1w-ch. . the Agricul tural ~ Extensloll Service. Tear down the ten~ seemed to be Coucty AgtlCUlttu'aJ Ag n~. 4-H the next order and the camp site Oillb lcade.'"8 a nd upervlso:1'1! Futur.· was SOOIlI clCU'..ed except (or packs. Fanner cha~t.Em • c.Ivio ~n;,u~s. garand the Troop kl~n wJ1ich was den clubs. 1Uld COWlt&"ess lllimbel' put In use for Ilhe noonday m eal. or organ.lza.tions. order that 11 F1nal cleanup and checkout was servatlon ~ tt.& tlroad pha "5 mlg'h t held - 1 :30 p.m.. with all Ill> a'ttend- be bro~t to 'aJttbptl.Oll of Ii ~ for the tJWO days stay receiving groups. 08.inporee ~ems. Mr. Short has ha.d. 4-n excellel' t agr1cUlturiU and educa.t.lonal ,b ackground. in a~ to his work in
TIle prlde's motaler !WOre broWn .~11t bodice IUld \Ihe 'fItted Bldrt 8.IUt With whIte acceaortee Imd tbe'~&811 III • ftt'7 1cJq, tull &room's mother was In pink wibh train. Her finger tip veil of &I.Ilt black IIAlCCSIJOries. illusion cascaded a b.\ib bead-
. . Immediately folloWing. tJ1e service, a 'Wedding ilrcakla.o;t WIIB served to the ,b ridal party at t he bride 's home and a.t l;we1ve o'clock a weddl.Dg
Smith Tea Room Bridge-Luncheon Boy
lI&bted lApel's wb.Idl. added tbe.Ir soft ,glow. The- bridal a.\,sIe peWII.'were
$1.50' pel' Year- Five Cents a Copy
Scouts Camporee At Harmon Park
Ewers-Bauer __
10, THURSD AY, JUNE 13, 1946
SUFFERS STItOK£ • Mrs. Ida Parshall sufferod a Uglht b1.roke a.t ~he home her dIlu,g>ht.er. Mrs. C. Lee Hawke, durtr.g the past
J!',fft new:J
Mlnser homc carbg for :Jle 0 her IIVO chllclrell. 1\11'. and ,1\lrs. WillI'lru Straukamp and M rs. Ed Conley and nn, Jimme" of Dayton. visited their motbe:·. Mrs. StrnukfUllp, who Is very III at t.he ~lome of her daughter. Mrs. Ralph Hammond and fam.lly. Miss P eggy TumbleJ!oll is ana a id a t SL. Elizabeth h06pi tal In Dayton . Mrs. Zoe Brown re nl rdn~ quil t! III at tile home of he r daughter, Mrs. Ra ll>h Bnrger and . family . ~Ir . nnll MI'N. Hllrold· Snapp of l .ebanon were SUnda.y eV'nlng guests of Mr. a nd Mrs. Jun ior Clark an Q son. Mr. . and Mrs. Oharles Chal'Uon and cbUdren a nd Mr . .Emerv Oharlt.<m entel'tained t he Chnrlwn reunion at their country hom !!. Sunday June 9. M~. Eva ' Dnvls of Wayncsvllle spent S aturday afternoon wlob Mrs. l.ester Kenrick: Mrs. Nellie Benson, also or Wayn esvllle 'was a weekend
11.• •
Johns were Saturday 'evening <I1'n ner guests of Mrs. Nettle Emrick. Mr. and' Mrs. Loren RGutuhn and dauglh ter. 'L inda Ann. F1ranklln llPeDt Sunda.y with Mr. and Mrs. Clyd4! Woor ton a.nd Mr. and Mr!l. Bernard Melloh.
Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Burnet v.lstled their uncle and aUI~t, Mr. and Mrs. John Hayner at Westville. 0 .. Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Therle Jones anil Milton of Way nesville and Mrs. Nettle Emrick wpre Sunday evening dir.ner 1!'Ilests of Mr. and MTIl. J . B. Jones and attended bhe Ohildren's DIllY service &t Lytle dhUrch, la.ter. 1\lr. and' Mrs. Ward PummUI have sold bheir grocery and, pro~rty h ere to Mr. ~ Mrs. Glenn lWller ' of Daq,ton Who took p06Sesslon. Wednesday. June 12. Mrs!! Wanda Clark lett by plane Monday evening 'to spend her vacation from M.\amj Valley hospital with her friend. Mrs . . Myra Pence Miller and Mr. Miller at Clearwater ~a. ' Mrs. Nettle Emrick and Mrs. Ph.Illip TlUord and children motored to Washington, C.H • tilts week and Spent the day wit h Mr. and MI'8. Leon Salisbury and We ndell . . Mr. a nd MrS. J . D. Smith of Ea:celsior Springs. .~ .. spent a couple of days Vhe firBt ot this week' wI'till t heir cousins. Mr. nnd Mrs. Walter Ker.rlck and ' calied at the homes of Mr. and Mrs. Lester Kenrick, Mr. and Mrs. Everett K enrick and Mr. anO Mrs. Clyde WbaI'toll. Mr. and Mrs. Smith were enroute from 1lhe International 'lWtu'Iy, Convention at Atlantic Olty. N. J. iWlhere there were 16 thousand delegwtes and 72 natJOns repr'esented .
(rom Ohio Un.lversity, recerlltly. She .Is a sophomore there and .Is stud¥-: Ing Journalism. She went, to 'Work immediately . for >fIhe ,Day~He~d •' llS · a repor.t.et ·and all~ wID rema..In there unt.ll ~ fall. term d! college
• Mrs. Berna rd Druey. a recent bride. was honored on Saturday afternoon When Mlm. · Ray MUler . enteJ1t.alned a lal'g'e group ot friends wl~ a lll.\sceHaneous shower. The afternoon wa.s pleasantly spent and, aft.er numerous directions given by the reading" of a poem. t.he honol' guest found a table all.laden with beaut..\!ul gifoo. A sprinklin g can wltil pink a·nd white streamers was 8UBpel)d.ed · over all gl ving the bride reaUy a shower. A beaulliulLy ~_ rated cake was then pla.oed on the ta<ble and witJ1 home~made .Ice cream and coHee. 'Was served to the guests. Tbose present were Mrs. Velma Si.OCkstlU and dauWhteT. Mrs. J<tm Hover. and Mrs. Richard M.lller ot Dayton; Mrs. George WtsIner 8Ild daiUghter and Mrs. A. F , Mellii of Wilmington; and Mesdames Raymond Braddock and <taUSllteJ'8; W8l1'en 'Br&ddQcr: . Frilf ·lIIiIddocit aoo son; Jenn.le· Braddock; W. E. COrnell; M. A. Camcll; Ralph Miller; H . F . Moss and daurbter; Miss Mn.ry Moss; Eal'l Earnbart; Robert Shaw; D. R. Salisbury and daugbter; ~ Mildred and 1.01'Lorenc' Salilllmry; EdgQ4' Smlbh and dll.ug.hter; Ronald Sa~; Glenn ~rden; Ra.y . Conner and daUlhrer; M. A. F Ulkerson; O. J. GrUfy; Anna H8J'liSock.;· OWen Hartsock; Cha.rlea Da.vls; P . L. Reason; Lena HaR8oc:k; BerUe Mills; Robert Davis; Irv.ln Harris; O. B. M8.rlli.tt; Cora Rich; Reba. Braddook; J . H. SaoItett; Frank Kurfiss; and J. B. RIcll.
SEVENTH BIRTHO'AY OBSERVED FRIDAY AT LYTLE' HOME • Miss Peggy Joe Mlltenberger enterot.a.lned her sdhool class at her country 'home Fr1~ afternoon. June 7, In tlOllOr or her seveoth blrthday. Those PrC6ent were Betty Lou ~'deacon ot Dayton; Bllly, Antonette and Sarah Maran' Carol~ and Janet Oor.ner; Caro; Kay Turner; Patsy 6lId Carol Hawke; Sue Ann Ramby; Freddie LeMay; J erry Dye; Tommy Robin80n; J el'l'\Y BradJey; Shirley Jones: Judy Allen; Jerry WooUard; Sally LouSm1th; and, Ohs.rles E\lb, an of Waynesville; ROberta Bunr.ell; Janet Hammond; Ohristine Davies;· carol Longac.re; Sharon. Shipley; George Oustenborder; and Jonny and TImmy Miltenberger. all of~. Peggy recelved a number or 'Nce gIttB. Ice cream: ar..d cake were served. 'Zana Mae Fulkerson and DIwld OJ'fllham sent gl1lts and Jo Ann Amblll1!'Y sent a card.
to Donald. ·LaiwIlOn, . scm or Mr and ""r8 ~-~'vm"It. ... ''. T . '0 '. ,~ ...,.,u 0 f"" "~ ; ·n.. ~ - ....~ , . .Ur • ,. ............... BCnred·' ......- . ft've *nths In the'tr. S. ATmJ, ~ ' at WiliCh spent overaeaa.
. Mr. and ~ M. F.
HOMER C. HAYwARD ' M!'a. of 'M t. veinor., Ohio. receDtly elected ~_Mra1n~ . of \.be ProdUcUOn Oredlt _ ....
. .,..., . . . . .0.
g~t or t.he~ daU8'hter. Glebna, .
Browmn. aDa
R\lSSCIl, WUSO'.l ;';ellt to-Ooiumbus son of ColumbllB were weeJreDcl ' on Monqay where he Is . abtendirW gue&b. of Mr. ~ MrS. AIYa ~ the Fann Burea.u RAiliigera.t1on .on and attended !'.M Pr1ce-'IbIIIDp.. School, . 900 'Wedd1nif 'OIl ~ e~.
Ud IIIId ~' amD .... ar-IW~emllJe., ,~ _ the lJeaut1t¥u, appoiDted
J.Oarl o,oard Turr.er ...and the
Mrs. Da'1ey
WADE'S ANNOUNCE ENGAGEMENT OF DAUGHTER, G'LENN~ Mrs. S. P . .t'~10 ret urned • -Mr aoo M;;'J R W . daughter. DorolJly Je~. ·' . . . . .&de of WBy.nesvWe !I4'C a.nnou.nc.Ing itJhe en-
.bie for &l'01d Kunw 0I~: & ............n. . . . . . )In. ~ JaJrfIU; ~. • Mr. . . lli& A. O.
_. ,
Mrt'I. Margaret Johns and hal
. Mr. and with thelr
dIri'DeIo aD
... lin.e4 AIY1Il 1III'DbaIi: AHon Barbbad s.r.rar 1IrlIU'IIbad' tbe. .. JIIIIM\WD."
c: .~ ~~v= -to
Miss Hoak
• The Wayne Township T rustees hold Lh cir moeting a,t the House. Friday, June 14 . • Mrs. RhOOes Bunnell enter.t.a.lned at her cOWlty homeol"! ~~ ~e 1946 n~ 11 :00 pm. Maynard Weltz. Clerk ntng honoring Miss MOll Una. Hoak a bride elect of June. The ~ were greeted a.t 'tlhe door ~ MW Eula Hoak. sister of the bride elect. 1I~1() was dressed In a very lovely Qua.ker oosLume. Games and contests Mrs. Ben Hawke or Co lumllll~ made 11 very pleasant evening and visited ~'l!ve ral dnys lns\ wl'ek with (IS Miss Honk sat a t a table over Mrs. Leslle Omy. Mrs. Guy fu, ul. which was the usua.l showers arrang_ ell1el~t of sprinkler nnd pa.per streav.nlm and Mrs. «'rank l{urflss. mers all in pink and white, Ute ISlRm Boll! to MI'. find Mrs. Erl mond Quake r girl brought her many lovely MlI1sel' oC Dayt.ol', Friday, June 7. gifts. About fif ty guests, friends, reie.fi sl'n . at St. Ann ho,;)J.tn! MI S ar~ d mcmbers or the Young tlves Miliser h os beell very low. but sOllle,;\ l;ilt Improved nt r .1 ls lime. Mrs. F'liends, were prese nt. A .delicious desert. course was WllIiam Bergd . 11. Ine matern RI by t.he hostcs6. served g rand-mo~her Is stayitl~; at thE' will
F rid'~y, June 14, is rlag-Day. Don't
- .. forge.t to display
"Old Glory." This year, more than ever before, .we should be thinking in terms of' American democrac1 and freedom.
ii••• l'WG
VttLi, OHI()
the Miami~Gazette
It begins to look as if the propg..8 d obli dions of our Federal go rnnumt will r 'quh' ne a l' 'onfi'l 'atol'Y tax Establu.hed 1860 ' ~ ation on th eal'Uings of e I'YOII nfiscatOtl'Y illxlltio,n Published Every Thursday by DAVISSON PRESS m aOR the nd of Ijb rtY-1l high 'IH'j t PIlY f l' n t,h~ 'F Joyd L, Daviason,' E~itor ~ntered as Second Class mo t c1 irubl soCia l r tOl'm ~. Matter at the Post Office" Wayne&ville, Ohio Subscrip~on Rates:
NEWSPAPERS IN THE SCHOOLS Dr. C lyde Hissong, State Director of Educalion !lays that
n wspapers will provide on e of the main . ource of current inform;ltion for pupil wh e n .t h ey become m n a nd women and have left the cla room, 1946 Ohio Righ Schoo l s tandard will include n ewspap 1's as an instructional tool ill modern educational programs. Dr. His!long tate n ,WRpapera should be use d for two purpose' : "I. To t each every pupil ho\ to r ea d and und er sta nd mte lli gently what they find in n ew~pape rs. E\' e ry graduate, s hould know 'how infol'mati'on get s int o n e w s pap I'S, it c h n n , for r eliability, sensationalis m , part-truth and propaga nda, Th \ n ewspaper ·khown to m a ny a s t h e 'T xtbook of D mor' ~ racy' should be a p})reciat d for it· worth as we II limitations. "2. Current information found in local daily n ew!\papers affords an exce ll e nt opportunity of providing pm tical and meaningful illustrations for a ll khlds of la s .' room ' subject matter, including mathematics, composition, spelling, reading, health and safety habits, so c ial.attitude!'l, science and language. Spanish classes, for exampl , would have more interest in trans lating news s tories than in textbook matel'ial. Newspapers offer situations for t eac hin g citizenship, respon ibility and discipline."
(,rocer ~ tr (lifl' Ut~ (;ountries of Europe iii Order to Air Report,
Even if .the principle of the private tax now involved in the coal strike is outlawed, the problem will r emain. Social l!Iecurity, which is supposed to be at least a pal'tial ans w r , to such contingencies, is seldom m e ntioned because inflation is tending to dwarf the va lu e of the pr se nt social .
security program. Inevitably, sentime_nt will arise for increased social security benefits. This will mean in all likelihood more public debt and still more inflation. And so the crazy circle goes with the living standards of the great .'t· f II' t d'l ] . . mass 0 f A mer~can Cl lzens a tng ea 1 y ower.. . On top of it all cornea the propo al to s pend btlllonR of public money _on a natioll\~ide ta~e medical s y tem. With socializep medicine tacked onto social sec urity, the ove t'ull program 'may ultimately cost , ' the workmg . people of America 25% of their income. Such is the es~imate of quail-
E onomy-minded cO~lgr s m n ha moved to t rim ap propriations for expEln ion of F e deral ] dri pow 1: pl'ojects, A balanc d Fed !'al budget has b com e f ill' morc e. H ntial than mol' " ~-exempt power dams. . Wh e n an attempt imaue to bring g o el'nmen.t s p e ndin g und e r control, the loc a liti uff ct d think a t rrible \\ rong hu ' be n don th m. Ea 'h 10 ality beli v s it s hould bE! ·the xceptiotl- onom'y i ~ tri t1y for th oth l' rcllow . Many p eople think it would b a tragedy if th gov rnm nl s topped s pe nding hund!' ds upon hundreds of mill" ion s of dollar. building tax- xempt I ct ri ' syst m s to t h e d er.;tl'lI tion of highly tax d private .indu.' try, Th e y .He s hock d \Vh n a nyon e m nLi o ns trimming the 8ails of th ese bur '<l u c rati c s p 'ci min " o f European s o ialis m . if "libe rali - m" means advoc ating dupli 'a ion 01' d stru tion of pri vat e ly-own e d tax-paying industri es in order that tax -e x e mpt gov rnm nt 'pl. nls ca n b e built at a. cost of billion of dollars , whil schools and oth)' s. e ntial pub li' ' ervices face ' urtailm nt fo r la c k of t a x I' ' venu e , th n the less liberali ' m w e h ave, the better,
Kit Fox, director ot Special Broadcast Services for WLW, point. out on the map several placl!I where the WL\V Famine Delegation toorlnl Europe "III stop, The JW1y mallin, up the trip are, trom left to right: Alvin V, Hokanson, a retail Kro "er rrllm Porter, Indlanaj C, D, Blubaurb, a farmer living ne!Jr Danville, Oblo; Mrs. Rbea McCarty Ahn, wife of a Columbus. ObJo pby.lcian, and Roy Battles, WLW Farm Program Director, JIM TOLLE. PROPRIETOR and pic. cattle and treet cars Is not P . H. Berghouldt. bartender. of 10 pemutLed." Not bad Ideas - Illl of
Mlle Tavern, CincllUl8ltl, were tU'rested last Fl11day iby Game" Prol.ect~rs Harpld Brant and Anstaett. 'I1he men were cIln.rg'ed with dynamiting tLst1 in the LitLI.e Mlaml 'River n~I' Fo.st.er6. The fish were beir.g .~ oommerc1a1ly. Plea.dlng not. gulJL-y in Squire's oourt. '!;he two men are' beingQleld. tor Jury trial. The maxi:.. mwn .penalty Is $500.00 line and a oonsiderable jail sentenice. Among their dynamited trophies owas a 28 ib, Shovel-head catfish. Mditlonal aaTests are expected on the same case: 'l1he 'help of every spor.tsman ~d farmer Is needed ·,b y . our Ia.w entorcement offlcel's ' to clean up t.hls ~ype. of v1ola.tlon.
fied authorities. This is exc lusive of taxes to support peace SEIElMB,LIKE AU. KiNDS 01 time Federal govemment that spends ~evera l times a~ stories dome from doWn ~t.e.!'5 way, much as in pre-war years. Denni}' \Dillard and O . D. IDnes-Where will it end? We should begin asking ourselves t.hooe -river resltlen'lers- saw a flock. tb'i s question, England, whose people are burdened with Of crows locate a oow ~ of youcg malI.a.l'd duc1c6 on otlhe 'river. a near banj<rupt government, is in the process. 'of conver- The.se blook devlls plckild 1Ihe youngsion to state medicine. The ~ost of the scheme in the early sters up ot1 >the water one by one. years is estimated at more than $6,00.0 ,000,000. Some of 1.OO!t . Ulem Qut. on, tile ,bank.s, and E'ngland's financial difficulties may be eased by a loan pulled'em &pa:rt.. Even Dillard's shot from America. But what about America? Who is going to gun f.rom &CroS6 ·Lhe river dldn"t stop ,I lhc· DlA&sac:re. U crows will do bba.t bail us out·when we get' into trouble? to young wlldllfe on water- what they must. be destroying in'the fields. J!BTAmrISHl!!J) 1912 Let·s get busy WiLb. tlhose spare shells.
BASS ARE JUST BElGINNJiNG to ·hit.. ' Bill G1·1tt1th of C1ncy got ~wo small-mouth on helgrnmitcs 1n
Todd's Fork, SWlday. 'S ome are stlll i'epolted on nests, however.
Looks liloo a.notlhu w~k of, warm is needed to bring flshlng up to par. Opening saturday. we had luck 10 connect 'with two
nice large mouth bass wt ' SharoLl Woods . Ibke. Got. 'em on a. d:uter. AIBo hooked four unders1Zed youngster&'- and 0. soo.Idng. Oh,Brother! Was It ever ra.ln1ngl · ~me mce
catches of cabflah ancL bluegills were boated by !.he other .damn fools who 581t out 'the rain.
Any make.or
FredlKahn Motor Car Co. LEBANON, OHIO
PHONE 328 --
- - --
------ --
;H~ ;;n;~;~.~ GS!
"Hard-To-Get" Items 9
~MPS (Floor
and Table)
Home Fumilhen" , . .
The .federal Budget B~!
"We urge members of Congrell and citizens who
in a bal-
anced hudget to sup,p ort now every move to put the United, States on a sound fiscal basis. Only, it that 11 done can our country successfully discharge its obligations." This appeal, volcE!d by. lO informed members of the House and Senate, of bolh majolr .palties. givee new imp~tus to thlp . movement & balance of next, 'y ear's federal budget. . As the budget estimates come under closer .scrutiny, many opp'ort\ln;tiils appear for reduction of the proposed expenditurel chargeable against current revenues. The bltdgot can b. balanced. As Ilubmitted t() the Congreu, the budget proposl\d expenditure. of nearly $86 blllloiri but, III pointe(! out by' the 16 melJlberil of Congre••, almost halt this. total il composed of tentative ellt:iniate. without detail, "A determified Congress," they .ay, "with cit-iZll1l ba~kinl1 can find the cuts needed fo:r budget balancing" in some $23 billion o! the proposed exponditures:,' For the firlt time In years, Congress is' in a good POl\iti.on to resume effective controls IDf spending and to enforce needed ,eeonomleL Let'.
A delegation ot WLW repregentatives took off from Cineinnati Wednesday for Washington on the first leg o.t an airplane trip to Europe to obtain for Mid"West listeners on-the-spot re" ports of famine condition. in ItIlly, Greece and Poland. . The delegation, composed of a housewife, a farmer, and a retail grocer, is headed by Roy Battles, farm program director for The Nation's Station. C. D. Blubaugh, a farmer Jiv109 near DanviUe, Ohio, will make observations for the agritulturalists. while Mrs. Rhea McCarty Ahn, wife of a Columbu., 0." physician, 'will represent housewives. :Alvin V, Hokanson, a retail grocer of Porter, Indiana, will report from the angle of food marchante. ' All three assembled in CinciJlnatl on Mond a" in . prepa.raUon for the take-off on the first lap of tlie lo ng j OUl'JlCY to the land where thot s nrls are on the . fr om the verge of S ' J . • want of 1 -' 'M lI\YBE 'JiHEy'LL SUPPLY some
pird 'hunting in n. few more yea!'&II sooieone ~n t \lave voted a song bird . ,. GEORGE GERK'E'S TA!LES about his Ilshing tr ips above North Bay seem to hnve workedhal! of Franklin Is up there this summer , ', ' HE&E!S THE LESSONI Rolland and Belgium. tanned for over ,1000 years, average 50 bu. of. wheat per acre-- the U . S , farm00 about · 200 , yeal·s.- 20 bushels, 'Bobh sLal1Led wiU1 about Lhe sarna yield . . ' . Tra.vel issue next Week.
Direct brondeu: ! ' fr,' fll E<.l rope are be ing arran ged by r.1 i~ s Kit f'ox, direc tor of th e Special Broadcast Services department of WLW, Miss Fox is in genera l charge of arrangements for the trip and broadcasts, The journey hal been sanctioned by both the Famine Emer.geney Committee alld UNRRA. Atter arrival in Paris, the delegates will automatically become representatives of UNRRA in official circles and have complete access to the famine territory and the assistance of United states officials. In communicating with James Dr Shouse, vice president of The Croiley Corporation in charge of broadcasting, Chester C, DaVUl, chairman ot the Famine Emergency Committee named by President Truman, complimented the broadcasting foresight ot WLW. Davis said, "The Famine Emerieney Com~ittee apprecill s the great interest you have shown in arousing the public to the ur-
"lut MaiD Street at Whiteman"
_ e. ( W~LDING ' . - .
gency of famine conditions abroad and we do not hesitate to encourage you to undertake the prngram you describe:' 111 addition to the on-the-spot b ! "deBsts, the group will send ['a bles daily to WLW descr ihi ng actual conditions from their Individual viewpoints, These .reports will be made available immediately to the ' press, in order to secure the widest possib le ass ~3tance in alleviating sul1ering in' the stricken countries. . Upon .their return, Plemberl of the party will make a formal report to Chester Davis and other Washington officials. It - is the present intention of WLW officials to use the cabled and broadcast information on various programs that are heard regularly over WL ,V. Battles, who was agricultural agent of Clermont county before joining WLW as farm program dlrecte4, preceded the delegation to Washington, where he made arrangements for his companions on the j oul' n·.
RUBBER ' STAMPS and · MARKING DEVICES Charles E. Price. 21. raotmy work, The Miami Gazette er. a.nd Mary Jean Thompson, 21 , nUrses ald, both ~f Wa.ynesv11le. ---,..- -Ma.rion HenderaoD. 46, .builder. and AUCTIONEERING <;::Ordne Larrick. 40, waJtress, botb STANLEY and KOOGLER of LcbUlX)\'l. lIIlOuaa LlCDrM J . otis ourt.Is, 6-2, HaI'Veysburg, For Dates, PbODe .... Wllynl!lViUe, laborer. and Mrs. Julia Woodson. Oblo, Reveree Obargea 46. Lebanon, doinesttC.
- -- - --
~cQIlurt Jlfuneral ~~me
• It seems incred1b!e thIIit the lively little lad of elg>hL who romped an~ played on our 1ww:n, nas gone to Join God's angels. I reter to Dea.nie Clark, Ralph's and. MaJ1e's youngest.
short years ago. he was our little neighbor. I remember the last Ohrlstmas he lived In Harveysburg, He brought us a cedar tree and deposited i~ In tillS front lawn. I can recaU seeing ,h im carry a. tommy b'Un a.nd cli~l~ near-by trees. I can hardly ,believe tthIs little lad Is goiIe forever, tih&t the waters could be so cruel as to carry his little 80\11 l1IWa.y, but Deanie boy may tlhe tide C8rry you, safely to the shore.
Dial 2111
Waynesville, Ohio
The Wayne.sville National Bank aJI'ABlJIIRIID 1m
9-12 each ·morning
afternoons except Wednesday ,
was nosed out of tihe State doubles crown a.t ',the llJ)nual Ohio State TraJll!boot.1l'.g Ass·n. meeting o.t Crystal Larke Gun Club lasL weekend. ~e flnlshed second to the 15 year old ,boy wonder. Joe Devers of Tl-ollwood. Devers not only won 'the dQU,bles event- h.e cleaned up the card by winning the Ohio All Arour..d ChamPion' tltle. W'al'ren 00. was well represented at the liWOday shoot. The ~ner boys ot Kings were on tap n.s usua:l. Norvel c!U'ded 93xIOO targets and J erry 9lxlOO. Dorsie Arnold of Lebanon rang up 93x:lOO, and C . .1. Bakel' of Lebanon ended with a newt 96 out {)f 100 tnrg_ eta. The boys shot against such experla as Joe Helsta~d, KarJ Ma.ust. Oyrus Sears and other top notohers. DON STI.LLMA.N of bile Herald' Tr.1bune, dug up ibis one fOr the book- on the btlck of a Korean huntJng lioense: "Bunting In PubUc SIll'eets, shrines and temples Is .not )leJ'ImitAild. FIr1n8 at bulldlngs, peo-
'eml SPEAKING OF PtJBLIC Streets.someone the oU1er dllY Sl ore up and dOWl' tjl18iL he had seen a wild ra,bbIt run across Walnut s~l'eet In Cln y the obher lu ~ht, Wish 1 could remember WJI0 it was- nnd where he said !he had been all evening. DO YOU KNOW? THE M-A Y ISSUE of the OOio Coll~rvatlon BulletJn h'n.s swell Ohlo fishing dope . . . FlSH & GAME ODUB PREXY John ny WO<XLw&rd of Sprlnj~bol'O, Don Sellel'S. and pa.rty botltl!<l over n hundreo nice crappies a,L Seneca Lake. They took our adviCle nnd oontacted Bernie ?mbeIgel' a.t Senecaville . . . RUFFLED GROUSE, bought by the Fish & Gli\.I11e Club, aDd stocked by Dick Kruc.kemeyer four years ago, >have sta.rtiCd to reproduce well in t he l'lt. AncItent area
~"9 ~turday evening
STOVES "Complet~
WHERE WILL IT END? Demands for health and welfare f und s will appear more and more in union controversie with managem nt.
, F(ltJlieT
$1.50 per Year in Advance
lll, 1946
. '
Other eveDinga by App~iDtmeDt .' , TELEPHONE
WaynesviHeR~pair N -,nh Street , JOE BOYDS, Prop.
.Dr. C E. WiIkia,
Optometric BYe Specialist --- Street 26 South Detroit r
. , '. Diltributora ' .
. Growing children at play run <>;ff a great deal of energy. restore it, give them plenty our" milk. It's ' rich in itamin 0 to build strong weU"k-nit bones and sound wh1fc Milk tastes good~ too, hot or eold. And ' whether it, or your share in' cooJdDg, it's the. most iOACIW:1,)' satiBfJ"iDlr qf all ..""......
J UnEl
Ttl! MIAMI aAZm.'rTE, WAYNES lLLtn, Onto
-- ;= ~ Si;
and !41'. and Mrs. Gall Gordun Iltld daugh , MlsS MnrglITy t, Ann. l\lr. Harold Buglln h a l; purc ha sed
Ille Lewis farm near 'W 1Il11uo. Mr. Ml'. and' Mrs. J a ml'S Park IUlII Ha.roid TUckel' was t.he form er own-
T77=0 - - - -
-.- -
"-'c - rc;'"
IAmenca . And -Th .e Most Great Peace
Par. 'fh¥t ' r
- r , • • ~,
hcz::'r ,- -
OHIO STREAM AND LAKE everyone in~ ift Ohio's cutdoorirl:o attend. MAP -AT FISH an d GJI A M E Ham E1dl1dge Jl'.-1.S in charlie of MEETI G, FRIDAY EV~ Wlt' pra,.'l'8Jll, and Frank Vail the
:1 $ I Juno)) and re1'.re6hments. The meet• Copl!'£ ('If til new 0 tio Ll'onm Ing ~tatrts at 8:00 p.m . and. la exfGlnlJy of Mt. Aubul'l1 were weeken "Th e t'On Un<'1lL ~)t A melica. ls In M d Lake ' M ap w llJ be o.valln ble a~ p~ted to be the largest meettna of house ·guest.s of Mrs. Park's pal'ent.s. er. M.I'S. J esse p enninglon h a s hl'I!1l Mayor and Mrs. H . ' S. Tucker o.nd t.hc 'y S o f I h e OI l 1m God I.h e t he ,Wa rren Co. FIsh & Game Gon- ,the year. confined to her home owing LO a servation Assr.. Meetlng tomorrow . daughter, Miss Evalyn. "ere oold. In ll d \\'h I' III t h p cndors of H i,,) S6 " nlngl1am mlssion station the<re. 'He (Friday) nIgh t a L the Franklin THROAT lNFECTlON FERRY Mrs. Montgomery o. Lockland was h·.h \. lI u11 l>c rev a led. wh 1'6 W .! Ila$ given up a very gOOd pastora.t.e -'I Donald .a lld raul B.'\rton \·nlt·rLegIon Hall. H. A. (Buck) Rider. • Deane Hawke re~urned 'to Palm : CHURCH of CHRIST tlhe weekend guest of Iler fanu Y. '- '-ed ilie m emlX:J'l> of till 'lr SUI _ my ,'l 'ril'S uf HIS l"u 1.J.1 Sl1811 be in Pennsylvn.n1a that he rn1ght de- Mr. . Tbe GrowlOK, Golne, Church n.nd Mrs. Sherm.rut Mon41Oll1ery I.UU L ()(h lo's Conservation Conunl iOnCl', \B 0011 yesterda y n.fter spending a dIcate hJs Ufe to this .rnl36101l' field . HERBERT (;RAHAM. Mlnlsur iIII!,'. ll ll\'d l~d . wh , re Lhl l'lt;; h l.CU ltS will will be the featured spcaker. wi t h week ,with h1s parents, Mr. 8lld Mrs. and children, and Mr. n.nd Mrs. day school c1!l.'iS SMUl ,lay e vcl' J B ible Sellool a :30 ... m. It will do you gOOd to hear tllm. 00 DaI!at; &lI1.On n.nd OOI'.S. G.uests lne1uded Ron ald lind CITY ,, /Jlu\: and Lh e f I CI: iW" nb l '. outdoor movies p rovided by Ber t C. Lee Ha.wke. While hel'" !he oonCOIDIIlunlon 10:46 ... m . plan to be he.re Sunday I1Ilght. June U1C Dl."., t. Conservation '"'''Bc'...,., - I a ",uvu. '''~ t 1r'~ectlon ft_" w~ . Mr. and Mrs. Eugene. Snod,ras.-; CO"""' 1' - , Mo..ry Et.Iw l und J o A n n l., ~· 1.ltts Am 'l'l ca l ~ (Ie mocm.cy -0 ' carl'ol of u ........... PI'ea.chl.ng 11 :00 •. m. :.!3 at 8:00 o'clock. and family of Franklin wel'e Saitur- SmitAl, iWalter and 13lll)' H ild l' - lIl\: I l l',," 1I.1l.lull 1<> ~Lubi~;h LlI.: office. Club presldel1t. Jol1J1 Wood- confined to the home most of bill YOWlg P eoples Srorv loes and day gullo'iLs of MI'. ru:d Mrs- Ben brecht; and teacher M I'. Hell n 1 111 m; LiUIi of ilhCl' 1I111l0I ULi ~I'C , _ ward. h as issued a n In vi t.a.LIDl"!· to vlslt. • • A mect.ing of all mlnlsters and Adult prayer Meeting '1 :00 p. m. Beckett and J o A1Ul, and Mrs. N Hie Robertson. j\Itcr a bus.in,,:"', . iun 111" 11 1.. ' lU ) " b . · WlC 1111>1. 11<\ l.loll Lu =-.ii -.-iii.iI.iiii-ii-iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii m em ber s 01 ohurches interested In Osgood and Jackie. E '.' ~ ni.n8 Evallg, II ~I II: Sc> rvlce and gIl'lUCS, i ce cream aJ~d cake wa s ;)l'ucl.lllll el l ' lti l.y uf't1Ul.l lkJ nu . May • 7 :45 • . m· re viVing the Xe ola Area Meetio", served by Ilhe h oots. it V" Uk l il'''l. to u l ~J lll' l l ll e liLa.n dSharon Copas, baby dau,hter of of the Churches of ChrIst in this l\tr. and l\ll's. LN' Collens elf ~u 01 LII' " , 1lo"L u rea L P CU(;'C. " Mr. and Mrs . John Copas submitted FRIENDS see tlOI' Is belng called at !.he Xenia. Ce nt.erville we.r e I: UI'SLs of M r. ruHI Tl w, Ank l'i " Ill I1lI LIOIl is quipped Firat Day lICllooI - a :30 A. II . Ohio, Church ot Christ, Colllplbus t.o a rn1nor Opel'BtlOn a t St E1iza- Mrs. HoWard C<Jlllns. S:.u wtl.IY · TRY OUR ft'etlnlr tor Worsblp - 10 :1ll ' .. K. ruld Hill sts .. Monday. JWle 17, at beth hoopital. Friday and re Lurned lin d "II ' J)0 \ " noO to ltCCOlllj)Il ..Jl LhllL 1\11'. Glcnn Fros t ami, l\tbs l\Iar y II 11 11 It II iii a d ul'll L h e pa ~ a:s of h i~ hOlnt! SW1day. p . m. WHOLE MILK - PASTEURIZED MILK - CR~M Margru'et !tObcl'1..>on \\ er e Sllnd.!l . LOry . w 1)1"t;0t1l (! lI le envy o f 111 1 ' ST. AUGUSTINE CHURCH 8:00 Mr. and Mrs. Harry Cline .ir. and It 1s the desire of the committee CHOCOLA TE MIBK - ORANGE DRINK guests of M iss RoI.> I.: I'Ls()ll ·~ paren t-;. \\/,rl d I1IltI LJc ble:;L III bOWl Wle rollSI Path.' " Kru.mholta. ......, pl'omoUng t.dl1s meeting that each do ugl1t.er of Golwnbus were weekend Maia Sunc1a1. - 11 :00 A. II. MI'. a.J~ Mrs. Lyle Robel' w n, a nu M , . unu 1,Ilc \I ('Nt fo l' Lhe Ll'iuml>h III WHIPPING CREAM BUTTERMILK . churoh of the area be represented housel!'u.estB of Mr. a.nd Mrs. Herbert rum Mrs. Rlohn.loO Bo ll ill g I' rul(j COTTAGE CHEESE II,S \)\:ople. Doster IU1d Mr. ard Ml'S. Clifford by its m.1nlster n.nd other m embers MET HODIST CHURCH Margie. LEBANON Th ' Am l'ic<1 n CO nLln f' Il L {: i v ~s It il. Coleman. MlDJster who are interested in promoting a Doster. ENGAGEMENT l\trs. Charles Gordon was ho st c~ s '>lIl I'S and 1 · \· i d l' l1<·e.~ o[ very g re;.1t SUNDAY SCHOOL 9 :30 A. M. closer fellowship among Lhe churchPHONE Announcement of the eOgllKement· to bhe.. lad.ies of the W. C. T . U., on adv1u H'enll'l1 I.. ILs f Ul.lll·C Is ev 'n Mrs. &aymond Conner, Supt. es of this area. WORSH1P SERVICE 10 :30 A. M . SOLD AT m Ol'e 1JI'I!IlI L~ in i" 101' iLs InJl u c n c.: Please be lhlnkll',ft abOUt the type and approaching marriage of Miss 1'hurscLay afte rnoon . YOUTH P ELLOWSHIP, Mary L . Ba.her, da.ughter of MI'. 1\11'. Donald Weiland of Dayton und lll lllll i na l i ull nr c fu r ' I'c~hlng . of · meet.ing you would de6lTe, hoW Thursday . 7 :30 p. m. often and ....men to hold meetings. and Mrs- Clemens Bslher of W11- was a guest of Gall Bch.l', SUl"dllY . It WIl! I.·ad all l1o.tlons s piri t.ua lly." CHOIR PRACTICE selection of oWcers to promote the Jn1ns>t..on to carron J . carr. son of ......Abdu·1 Ba 'HIl r~;";;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;';;;;;;;;;;;;;;====;;;;;;;;;;;;=;;';;;;;;;;;;=;;;;;;======;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;-;: James Thornbury has ~ Il ld his Wednesc1d) , 'l :30 P. M . mectl.nt.rs, place lor the first meet- Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Ca.rr was recentSubnti t t.cd · by Helen MeC y I'cside n ce on Main SL to MI'. a lld Ing. These tlIllngs will then be pre- lY given. MIs.s Baher Is a student ()( Mrs. Ha.rry Hopkins of Wilm ington . l'tL. 2, WaY I' c.w Ule. Ohio ST. MARY'S scnled to, a meeUng of all churches ,MiamI Unl vel'8lty. Oxford, and Mr. EPISCOPAL CHURCH a.t a fut.u.re date. 'I l you a:re in~ 0Brr IS a gradua.te of Harveysburg e<.!. elt.her plan to ~ or tell your Big.t) school and lhas been I'e cell!tly LADIES! If YOlrnee u th em mail t his coupon TODAY! 9 :45 a· m. BrotJw1l00d of St. CHURCH And'l'ew mlnlster your desires reearc:U1l8 1Ihls. d1llcllarged from the Armed Forces. 85 pairs plus of CHRIST ChUdren's Day 11'88 observed at 9 :46 Il. m . Jurdor Ohurch for · sabes tnx tbe MeLh.odiBt Church. Sunday 11 :00 a . m . Mornlng Prayer and Include 0. one dolla r b!ll with order; NO CHECKS or MONEY mornir.g. The various groups or Sermon, Somuel N. Keys ORDERS please. Sel'd to representative of Elen.nor Hosiery, address oblldren contribu ted to the program. below. We \vili endeavor to give you 60 day servloc If po.ssIble. af,ter The Annuol Civic League picnic 250 at BIBLE SCHOOL next LORD'S DAY, JUNE 16th for MT. HOLLY Ruc11 Lim If you do n OL care t.o wait lon ger you may dema.nd a.nd was held Sa.turday evenlng at thepromplly receive your .de posIL. Pay posLman bn.1ll41<Je. METHODIST CHURCH GEORGE BENSON SPECIAL FATHER'S DAY PROGRAM Carr hOlne !West. of town. :1'. M. 8earf•• MIaIIJter N. P. S te ven/;. 33 F'act,ory S t., Berea, Ohio- Plen.o;e send me 3 pall's Several from here attended a in C harge of tb I W onle n f th e Con g regaLion. BunOIlJ sobool - ' :30 A. M. St"fl. All••", E. A. 1Ilambart. auperint.eadlDt. of rll'sL grade NYLONS n.~ soon III possible. Size . . . _.. Regular . . . - . . demonstraUon spoll6Ored by . U1e SPECIAL GIFT for the OLDEST, YOUNGEST and the Worabip ..nice - 10:30 A. II. OutsIze . . .... Color . . . .. ... U gh t ... . .. Med1wn ... ... Dark . .. . . . Saddles . Frlendahlp Club of WayneS'lllie aL FATHER having the largest number of children present. £\'en1n&' eenIoe - 1:30 P. II. Caaper. Wyo.. bo..t. ' a aaddM tale Methodist <?hurch there. Wed- Join lJ,i for -a day of wors hip a nd praise to Almig hty God maker who haa been at the bulineaa nesday &tternoon. Nam e ....... . . .. . .... . . .. .... . .... . .. .. ..... .. . •.. . .. . .. . .• . .. . . .. . WAYNESVILLE for forty yean In that citJ. Be Mr.. and Mrs. Charles Gordon enwhile at the s am ' tim e w e win honor our fa th e rs . • CHURCH of CHRIST knowa h1a trade, a tact not bard to terta1ned wlClb, \10 S~ diJ'.ner in HERBERT GRAHAM. Minister Addl'eSS . . . ... . .... _. _.. .. . . . .. . . . . .. . . . . . . . . .... . .... . . . . .. . , . ... . Rober~ L. VanZile. Mlnillter BlbJe School 9:30 &- m. prove. You aee there are • INS' oomp~!I1m~~en~t.~to~M~rs~.~La~ura~ · ~S ~h1~dak ~er~...::=========================::::::::::.!~::::::===:=:~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~, many people in hi ••tate Who mow _ - - - - -- _ - - - --.CommunlOD 10:10 &. m. • 100d .addle when theT ... c.. 11 :00 ". Ill. and ••addle maker baa to be ,oocI to nay in bUline.. lon, ID W7~ "I..earnIJ g A~ut t.he K ingdom" Not many d.y. a,o I EvenIng Service 8:00 p. m. . mIni. dropped into btl Ibop an4 IDtro"To WhOln Do You Belong?" duced. .• I wal • prospective cultOmer. We The JuniOr Christian End~Vdr need a couple of looci . .ddlel .t mee~ at U1~ cf\urch at 7;00 pm. the Hardinl Collele .table and bad each SWlday. All boys and girls ahopped close to bome wtth DO 1Uc)under HIgh School age are invited. ce... To my astonishment \h. Ca. per IIddJer DO better able to You w!ll enjoy Y1esc mecUl18S. aupply our new than tho.e iD e ll lor Christian Endeavor a't 7 :00 Memphil or Little Rock. H. w.. p.m. cadl .sund~Jor all YOWlg able. however, t.o live me 10m. people of HI 'l' School age and a.bovtl. facta I had not learned 'before trom any ot the lIaddle ltores villited The Bible Stud), Class wlll meet. earlier. Saddlelreel Scarce. at ,tJh churoh eacil Tuesday evmA eood .• addle is built o~ a wood· i n g at 7 :30. J une 18- Le. on XVIII, en frame called a tree, much a •• "Old TesllllllelCt. History by Periods·' shoe Is bum on a wooden lalt, U· -"Conquest and ppwer." cept that the tree i. built into tbe saddle a nd becomell • permanent • • Prayer MeetinG' a t the church part of it. Saddletreea are mad. each iWedn sdo.y evening at 8 :00 p.m. by men of a bighly . .peclalbed We are studylllg "The Sdriptura.l craft. Tree. bave to· be ahaped Background of Missions." You 'w ill right. no bulkier and no h.avler than atrength and deslill require. enjoy Y1ese meetings and ~t wUl Men able \0 do sucb thin,1 with 1be new tower residential electric rates eft'cc:dvo 6t.rerlgther. you ror '~ servIce. wood are by no means common. During the war Uncle Sam need.. • • May 29. 1946, are in keepi~g l with tho Ion,. We are expecting a Missionary, ed sklll!ul .addlelree men ID the Samuel K. Satplder8, a recruit of conlltructlon of gliders. "The 10Vestablished policy of The Dayton Power and Ugbc t.he CwmlnghlUll Misslon of Tokyo, erornent employed most of them ., Japan. to speak here on ~unday about $160 a week," the .addler d .. Company co· reduce electric rates whenever pOlo night. June '23 at 8 :00. <He is to be at clared. .Good saddles, DOt bein. made any more. mllht hlv. Ik)'tbe Ferry Church Ir. the morning rocketed in price but the omce 01 lible. This deliberate movo to CUt living COlts- . and. here at. nl8ht. Mr. ' &l.un4ers Is Price Adminiatratlon ftxed a celllna in spite of increased cosu for labor and materialsa ' very consecra.ted young man. wbo. to at.op it. Stow of new .addlu wibh hla wUe and. daughter is .p lan- lOOn were boullbt up by lUlU. at is justified only by the anticipated increased , nlng to SO to Japn.n. as soon 6li they cellinll prices. But the War I. Over are permitted to enter the colUlltry. electrical service as new appliances and lighting Now the llider bU8inell 1. al.ck. n.nd will take up work in the CUn- Wond.n have been done wtth ,U4. erl they ' are not beinl for,otequipment become available .t o our customers. It' tel. but fewer are bein, built. VD" employed .aaddl.tree men w0uJ4 is but another evidence of the constant effort on Uke 10 .tart building laddletrHI alain-there'a Quite a demand. Llv· the pan of your local. privately.owned. business· inl GOIt. have built up, however, and theT think they ought to have managed utiliry to provide more of the comforts $120 a week. That', $8,000 • yeat STOVES PAINTS and 211" under thelr deten ...plant and conveniences of modern electrical livi.ng at .cal. of pay. ROOFING - FENCE Saddle manufacturer.. ' like ,... Iowcc cost. on. in c..per. , want tre.. beoa\IN HARNESs - PIPE -no tr.... DO .addlel. They an wW1na to pay tree builder. $UO .• ..~~ • • • • • • • e • • • ~.~._ ~~~~~ .~ week and wouldn't kick • bit Ii ~. ~ FAIRLEY HARDWARE CO. aaddlet ml&ht be IOld at prlcn thlJ PboDe IMl - WAil'.Vu.ur. 0 would ealily brinl. I gucss there are thOlUland. of cu.t.omerl ba.ld. ~ ~ me who are ready to pay more tor a aaddle than U would bava CIOIt AD the mOlitbi immediately befOre tba LAWN CHAIRS and
IIIt t,II ,,f
Homogenized Milk
Stewart's Thrift-E Market
'u)OKINQ A88AJJ s. ,,,,III.,-Jl.til., C.II,,,
• ••
COS.... . or LIVING
Wapesville Future ' " Appliaace Ct.~J G..... Bid..
. North It.
w.~u., 0.,.P~ 2411
.CeniD& Lln,era OD
"U today I engaled a good v .. bUilder." .ald the Wyoming nddler. "pald blm $1211 • w.ek in retum for h1I be.t .ervice. and mo.t com.. : pewit work, .nd th~ .old thI total product at cellini price., 1~ would p.y. .bout three-fourth. of . tbe wag.. of th.. man ""ho ' .m ad.. tbe tree." Obv10\1lly It II out of ' bill-
anc.. .'Craftlmen,
:. ••
Residential Electric Rates lor
,. Itt. ~
Minimum chara. $1.00 ~r mmr per IIIOtItIt . with .Mltlem.n. af 15 kJlawcitt.. houn
: e
~1I11 J5 kiJ~watt- houri
dealen .. and 'lUI..rt' are all waltiq for celllDp to ijtt. . The aaddle blUlln... II bot _ . .
• • • •e
when 70U contra.' It 10 .utomobUu' I anCl raDroa4.. but it II ~ 1IalaM4 c .... · ManyJ amall bIlIIDeIa IDa are lIDothuIDI for . . . . that an Uecl ' up b7 0..... Bmall" pJaDta. emploYlnl · le.. than 1.1100 ~ pro- .. vide Jobl foI"'Ia" Of lDduatr1a1 Wackerl. Carried too ~r. tbl.a price pol11:7 can brin, penlc and PQYWt7; LlquidatiD, .ome Wat·yeal' bUre•• woUld baJp balance the aa.Uoul ~ aad help clear .. . WQ m aDd mW aI4idId pt!d!!!I!L
. Nett 50 kllowott.ho~" ~r mon .... 0.031 1* J(.W.Hr. •
. Nell 100 kilowott· houn p.r montla. G.OZ71 per K.W.Hr••
. . _.
All over 200 kilowatt·hourl pIIr m~nth, ~I per K.W.Hr••
. PIN KoW.Hr. •
p.' mont~, $0.041
! . , '
e_",,, ,•• .
• • • • • • • • • • - • •, • • •_ • .•• .• • •It ... .
'l'1lE MIAMI GAZ1'!TTm,
...-.- ... - -...--..-.'" --....- -
June 1S, 1948
dotll just 1n81de the border. t lodted it up in hhe bu.tterfl y book ..00 fowld 11. was called tile- "Moum tng Oloale" or " Ca.m.bel'lWell ~t1y" but sfwt ,In relate 1t Is Ijjhe of those ihoJ1T1d llttle black 't:&teq>1l1M'S that work In rows side by side ealolng the leaves elma and other U'ee.~ ~tl1 , there Is Just a. lacy net-
5w in
... PARK LOANS..,..1..0118 . . ~. . No appral861 fee. ~KENNETH AJIO nice .anall and la.rse fanDII for . . . Call or Wrtte Oro. Henkle. Phone No. ,2. Lebe.non. tfc BIllIG CRO. BY ____ ____ ____ __ ____ ____ ____ ____ ____ FJilI)ER. AL LAND BANK LOANS: ~ Ref1nan c:lnc - RebuUd lng SUN. ~. 4 ~ Pa.nn loans with long MON. TUE. WED. THUR , FRI. WIle to ~. Pay.pa rt or all any -~l~6~-----: . 1:-:7:--""-:-18::----·~1~9~---'"'!2~O~
HILL , Man ager
WA Y N E S V ILL E, 0 HI 0 '~ '
,t Jme.
--:~-2~1 ---- -:2: :2:- -
' LEBAN ON NAT'L .FARM LOAN ASS'N., Ellis H. sturm. SedyTreM, Lebe.no n, Ohlo. Phone 4.48
We Say Come Early for
3 Big Dnys -CLAR K GABLE a n d
Real Ealate For Sale- IF YOU HAVE A PROPE RTY OR FARM TO SELL cau Or Wr ite Oem Rende-son, Tel. KE3446 . 617 Lor6I1n Ave .• Dayton, oWo. tfc
& Newl'-- 'hows :It 7 Qnd 9
"ADV ENTU RE" • Note: To all I11:!lJT1 ed ooupl with chJldl n we make Ulis uppea l : ee l\tllfl'h 01 Time -"Ufe With Baby" 011 same bill wlt.'l l " A.d ve n tlJr ., One how Only at 8:00 P. 1\1.
S tol). oC Bird,... Anima ls a nd H nul ls !
ENCH ANT,ED FORE ST (color) wilDl Edmu nd Lowe, B~lla Joyce a nd Billy Severn Also : Commu nity Si ngs nnd Cartoon
We enden vor to rende r exc elle nt, moder n servic e.
work .or per.h.a.p$ only a mid rib left. Too bad- so beautl!u l and yet a ~
Ln.'lt mlnute news. Suzy baa p ree '!l~ u.'l with a Utter of six pups. We llad l:>oa.I'dCd liP the hole under my ki so s he /Went blliCk to her J ravarlLe reLl'OOIt under the tenant house.
Welcom e back 't o the "Sports rnans Co mer". It always has Interest ing Items lllbout IQCAl condltlo ns. !lveryone Is golng CIshlng Ialese days. It it to enjoy Ibe June weather or because or tJle men,t shol'tag e? Mr. Eldrldg e always upholds good sportsIllrulSlllp wh.lch Is a good code of lite IUld lntereBt 1ni the nntural world !\!)Out us which Ls a. good antldote COr the poison of sl4'l1e and d ~nslon Ill! the world today. Perhans a ~tr1ke /Would no' be _ "'--d ... " <>V ~uu to settle if all the strikers went r l ~h' . f .. _~ .......Ig u'-"'~-d .... ~ o · P leke~'IS' CB' -'1 !.he I _"'_ .... tJI JlCCULl y e......,..,..- yet; ILT'.... Ie ope.ra,tors Loa. they mlglht come home 111 a m.ore reasona ble C--e • ..... of m.lnd.
n mel n:ol 'iam
- '
'100.00 per montb
• oPearlie J. Lew is was born on Dec. 7~ 1866 In ,Wa yneevlll e. Ohio, She was the daughte r of JablBcl\ and Amy Kerby PhllUps , and granddaughte r of Franc1s M. and Sera Al'n Hathaw ay flhU Ups, early p1o!leer settJers of WIU't'eIl COWl.ty. On a fa.rm. which is now a part of atony . Brook FlUmB, Pee.rl speD&. her chUdhood da~'l'I and there grew to vroma.nbood . Qn Dec. 18. 1895, Pearl ~l1Ips was marrted to Ulysses Grant Lewis, -,'''-n::t. 0 f Weoyr.~ '''11 A - . . a res...., •• e. T 0 t.h.Is union was born three ohUdren , Carrie MlU'g\l.ret Lewis TlLylor, o .. _·-U A Le·· .. - and ...........'er sta .""""" Will, H""", nI ley LewL~, al of whom are Uvlng: ' ' In Mrs. Lewis' euly girlhood she a member of the Ohurcll of Ohrlst. ot Waynes ville. to Which church she has ,been a membe r untll h deQlb
for 10
yean to your ramlly II you do not Dve .
$100.00 per month tor m e t. youl'lltl l at reUremf nt.. lJl y May a nd Pe'lll nla got ()u t ,t he AU of tbr.e ben~nL'I In one oth r r cl ny and we I L t hem stay policy. hop l.ng . they W('fe well ~ar.ed but Houae hold GoOda Lily May hilS found Ulat he r m oLher 10E BOX REFRIGERATO~ AU MARI ON SNYD ER I 81.111 IllS milk so It i.~ back tAl llh (! ~ ; Glboot'. 100 lb. p1ze; R.epresen t.Ing wCRning pen Cor 1m I'. can be oonvert ed t o electric . S ee at 23 1 . Main St ., (Stomps Bldg.. ' Dayton, a re reaturln g Decker ChroFARME RS-TRA DERS Paul Plcldn8 , Phone 2182. • Satlll·da y. Morc things· ·to bu y tfc LlF'E INSURA NCE 00 . mite In Tile rhe which "lo l,(,~ l~ a ll baked hut ,the f' namal grocerie s. W -ALNUT --D-IN -E~I.l'E-SET ---l1k -e-ne -w. Wh3il puzzles me Is where is a ll the Phone 171-L "". • on zinc . . . \a.sts a lIretlme .. . ",IU $40. R. C. KUder, 2 tnl. oou .... o. not rust, chip, erack, peel. discolor , food" I can' t belle v'e that '\1he regu Lytle. 61 3 tad'e nOr become loo.'le from walls LEBAN ON, 01110 lallon.s In force ha ve stopped pro"'m ~ ........... duotlDn to s uch an extep,t. IWho is Beds Ou U ., .. v ......... v"".,. ........ p- ' " Applies quickly . . . Does nflt holdlllg up t he supplies ? As on e boarn:Ie; MlsrA!llane0U6 Hems. All require removal 01 rl:dur es . . . wom ll n saJd 111 a le 'tt.er to '~he News. Not standar . . . Individu alize grain. • daly saturda y at Ma1n sL. house· your desl,nsdized NORRIS BROC K CO. wl~h Chroml te . . , Conmlll11lLy Sale this a He rnoon, "Where hiW ,lJh.a.t buther been long MrI. Kathry n Mendeh all, Jrd /.It. Also. Modern Acce%O Wihen you save thWt can of tlllh ClDc!laaaU VDlOD 8toe1l Yards rles. Uecessell' Not. IiO Ill. m y th rre 1m good com enaug'h to get ran(:It! ·!" The bread Or loaf 01 bread ' give the 613 money plllntl ng wellth er but calf prices shorta ge m ay be und erstand able ar.d saved' to food for .t he sta.rvina ~"'en - - - - - - - - - - - -- M~l clne Cablnel8, Towel Barfi. CHILD 'S W1nter Coot, Legging s ar..d Flurosc: ent Lightln were just IlS h igh . N olhln~ ulIletcr we h ope will s oon .... Mll , . , . Glad to d isappea r as It Is It will really do some good to d-ru eight dollnrs IUld or.ly a few slll.L11 working a real llfLl'dshi Ba.t; Qze 3; perfect; $10; ,P h. 2143. live estimat e to mod ernIze ~.. p on those your.sel! . your er '. T ' ''- family resl""" In WRyn ~"'l l e kitchen or ba.th . . . Tel. FUlton J E' rseys under ten Or vwelve WltJl who m ust cl1lTY lunches and tlh ose ''''' " " " ' . . "" .. 1ll061. or IJle good OllCS g o ing at woo de - -- - - lJClld on bread for a largc part until 1918. Tn I... R~ y""" "._. T _ ... 69Z0. ~ ,.......... ...... 19hteen 1ll1d tweaty. Good wea ned of their dle t, It is no .. "" hllJ'W lp for Card of Than ks-~ BOOK S- A new Idea; EX- • • The Decker 01rroml moved, wlUl his famUy, to Dayton , t.e Tile fi re llel1ers went o ver I,hl.rty ck>llars a nd lL~ to c ut down to o ne sHoe a meal Mrs. J. R. Wade wishes to thank ~o. On Wayne Ave. celleDt printing ; Prompt Service ; , greatly aldlng u! the In thait city, de velopme nt 01 vent calves at a top of $17.20. but l' o t h ing tak rs the p llliCe o.t brea d all who rememb ered . Standa rd Prtcea; See Davlsao n Q~!Jr&ctlve homes and her with Pe&!'1 Lewis ha.~ resided untU h er building s, as "S he's 0. s witch er," s3 1d Russell , ond meaJt In a workeJ's lunch . flowers, cards, 8Jld oI1her acts or death, June 4, 1946. ~ Pbone 2143. .....ell as penna.ru!ll1t constru ctIon " Well ju~ h ave to UYe W.... aDII ..... AD 01'sell .hel~ as a Last year w he n we sold som e klndnes s duririg iller recent cmistor_ Len <to mourn h er p~ ' away .......do~ .-.n4 to Done. 8tdct1y switch er:' J heard .lJhe men back of .~heep, /We heM ba.c~k PoAS'I'URiE POR RlIlNT - COWs or whlle meeUng the one lamb bo tune. housing needs of o.re her h usband, ~Ier three ch1Jdren ...... OD &lie .... all ....and IDUbt t.h cia me ,sa,y tlh a t s he ha.c:\ just k!ck('d bu t.cher as soon as It faLUIlled !l three ............doh1ldren. a"'" 'one s'----,, . ~ cattle only. !"rank W . Crew. e y. "'-_. . .,. man In 1Jhe ja w. The deale l's In th~ Ut.tle but It never fa Ia Use .......,. ttened. so las t . CARD 6120 OF THAN Chroml te Tile Is ca.lled "The Won- arena began to move KS Ce.rrle _~e _ _ _. Long of Ray, OhJo. _ _O_ _ _ __ __ der" out o! ~h Ir Tile for the bath a nd kltch I' Servi c. That Satiaf iea It b .~... d 1 r is • Wish to express my thinks to all wee we u"""ere ' t anyway . ..t Ji'0R 8A:LE- Truck Grain Bed a.r.d as it offers so many advantrages for seats as 'b • W e wish to thank the friends TUNE TO hcy brought In a n ervous l'al hcr lean and tAlugll, good t.nstm g ..... e rememb ered me with beautifu l ~tle Rack; 12ft; Loyd DaviS, sanltaU on, beall,ty land dlu·a bUl!tY wmo Da:!toll ,12:3O -Dial 1300 . lOOkl~ mare w,h o loo ked ar ound and relative s for their ' k1nrd.nesIl bllt only usable us 18Jllb h llllllburg ers flowers and cards durlng m'Y recent shown '1PboIIe 2761. For Our 62'1 Since It' is baked enamel on zinc. though she was lookin g Cor a goo I, or hash Daily Market Report and for bhe floral tributes ; unless your teeth are good . operatio n Also. each one tor ltihe thaIt metal wl1.lc.h Is long lasW'n g IU!d place ,to place a hoof. Robert L . Vanzile , m1n~I.er; Mrs. 'O n you ng The ham I cured IDlS~ wln t.cr hns a Il}'iIJlPQt hY cards ar..d ~ comfor ting non-nUlling, It wlll Inst a, lIle-tlm e bull l'lLn the tra ders over P~k, sI~eJ ; ar.4 McCIvr e Fun~ral the Cence good Clavor and hillS been a. Ood~ words at Ule -<time of Che s udden and retain Its bea.u ty. U 's easlly but. ·there was 110 other Hf,lIlle . fo~ ,tIle1r serv1~ at tJle ~~ excI tem en t ~end these days. WalY Is it ,Ul0ugh deatJl of POR SALE- Sweet potato plants, ~ brother . oleaned s urface Is t4te joy ot the though very one laug of the death 01 Pearl1e J. Lewis. hed whe n tlltey bha't tlhe home cured hllms ~re so 60c per hundred ; All kinda' of T E X A'C 0 Mrs. Annabe lle Flora hOllBe w1te IlIId m eans satisfac tion to had to sell foul' young U. Grant Lewis and PBmUy feed ers over good but the bBoon isn't as good as iard~ plants 10c per doul}. aU member s of tlll e 'househo ld, again because ' t.hh buyer though t h Ohu. c. strouee, l Y. miles north Dacking house bacon? Can anyone had bougl\l't all Cour for fonty dollars answer tha.t? M bile show-ro oms can be seen of Wa.ynesvWe, comec of Ferry ... 8CCCBSOrtc.s and all the V8J'ious styles though the ud loneer had ~l arly • Monday. The SUBSC.R IPTJO NS TO, THE aDd l.Yt.Ie roada. fil.'st ,g reen ' peas 74 GAS - OIl- GREA SE Of Ules , They have desIgns tha.t are saltl. "So mUM apiece and tour to from . the 8&l'den. Mrs. Tena.nt .' MJA~tl};A~ETTE CA~ BE, Q~ick Batter y Charg er not st.anda.rd.lzed bUt In such a va- go." Feed. , GraiD a. Grind iq brought Ulem In tJh1si lOOming. They Ml<JS Marpre " EdWard s .... apendPAIP •. A,T WA YNES \fILLE , riety you may' WOJ1k out your own The fl&h ha.ve all gone to ,tbl" look ldeliclouB. .All the Hydra ulic Car Lift thlngll 1r. ~e Ing iii lew days Bit llJtt home of her DRUG STOR Indlv.ld ual 1deas tor al1tLstJc and at- bottom of ·the pond or e lse the k ingE OR A l' THE garden are slOW this year except the .,s,ER,VICE bv SERV IS" iPOR ~ Ripe st4'a.wben1ea, tractive walls. nephew , Mr. W llsor: ntward s and You. can see here fish er baa got them. ~ZE;Tt.E ORFIJ ;E Geor&e ~, one m1le from I ha.ven·,t seen bean bugs. '5trawbeJrl'lcs are good I f amily near Springf ield. whole sections so tha.t you will be a fish In our pond far a.t least ==~~~~~~;;;;;;;=~~;;;;;;;;;;;;:;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;_:; ~ on BelIrbrook bwo but at fUty-nl ne oen ts and 'more a L Mi!J!l ElIsabe th Chandl er has re.-:~~,-=I wtleks. We have now added bwo sn- QU8l!1t ' and su ga.r sc.arce = able to forecast the appeara nce. it makes turned to the ' Rome from. HELP WAN TED- Ohdo By the Introduct.lW1 of Decker fish and ' a bass to our s Lock and s hort-ca.lce a luxury. StAte Un1vel'Slty to spend the sumChroml te Tlle loW <the aroh.l:teC- last night 1 ,heard the dee p croak A 'beautM ul da.rtc butterfl y rested mer vacation . Ll0BN8 ED ' F'IREMA.N - Heating ture of the great MIami ValleY, they of a bull frog. I am a.l'rnld . Havjn~ decide d to m~ke my home in Arizon a, I will sell howeve CII1lJ; good pay and b.ours; Ute. are adding many reftnemen~ t o that our fish nre no doLng theirr on the porch yesLerd a.y. 'llIle wLngs Mrs. f:llsilbe th Smith wall Ule P ubJic Auctio n, " . were a lovely dark Jrld.lo color with guest at supper 1In Weclnesda.y evenacc:dden L aDd hOllpIta ) plan; OhIO efficien cy in t.h06e very Importa nt duty for last nll,>tIt I s aw lilt Iew;,l a llght border about a qll8l'ter of SATUR~A Y, JUNt: ,22, 1946. Begin nin. at 1:00 p.m. an ing PIIper 00-, Mla.mJ.tJbW'g, O . 'M rs. ~la. Mendem &ll. 620c rooms In many 'IlOmea and bring- two mosquit os. Indh wlde · a.r,d a row of bright blue n~ my home in Wayn esvi lle, ' locate d on Main st., the Inst Mrs, LucU, Arml&a iI18 Ilhem up-to-da .te. The purcbas ' ce SpeDt TuesURGEN TI -We.nte cl 2 or 3 room day wl11h house other in to..y.n going towar d Xenia , the follow ing ~l rticles : EB8tern Star 01 60 much swtlsfao tlo memat such a modem apar:tm en t , perman ent. nb bers wi ,WLW 1n ' C1nclnnwti. reasona ble plice will be conside red 1 Electr ic Re:ft:igeratol'; 1 T able-top, Bottle .,gns Stove ' cb1ldren , fumJsl1 ed Or unfum1 sha reallnves~nt. Mrs. Geor,1a Menden llaU, Mrs. 15pe. Break • fast Set ; 1 9pc. Dining Room Suite; Drape ries; I • ed. ~ :K.ro8'er store Mgr. 620 , " . Eva-lyn lPetersor. arid Miss Olive At 351 Deeds Ave•• Dayton, are able. to come wltJh reqon.ve rs ion pros- William s attende d the Garden Club 1 Large Mirro r; 1 Day-b ed; , 1 Loung ing Chait-,; 1 Desk; Pa ttern Maken and' Enginee rs who perlty. Product s will Ibecome US~D CLOT HING - , obsolete picnic at the h<lOle of Mrs.' Oharles 1 Bookc ase; 1 Table. Lamp ; 2 Wicke r Rocke rs; 1 Rever sdevelop Ideli$ and perfect InveR- If new . .ldeas nre not develC!p elf'and Ellis on'l1hU rsday. LADY'S Of'ay AU-Wo ol SUIT ible Porch Rug 6x9; Allout 20ft. Hall Carpe t; 2 Large , Ii t\ons . . . Develop Ideas for IIWIS smoke -will no longer come from the Mrs. Geor;" 1IiIendenhall. . Mrs. R.ug,s; 1 VaBity ~ , 16 ; excellent cond1~n; $10; t Dre»s er; 1 Dress er ; 1 Chiffi robe; 1 Elecproduct ion, ('w&oon Idell6 Into work- chimne ys of ,oW" .faot.or1e ll If we do Evalyn ~ . M isses Margar et PldIe 21f3. ' . A FARM DIAR Y tric Speed Queen Wash ing Machi ne; 1 Portab le Rinsin g ing modelll fOr .. e~lneerln& tests r.ot go IOl'W.ard . Edward s. OUve WWlllim s, 'R ut.h and . . . Have been.an Importa nt factor ~ub; 1 Wash. Boiler ; 1 'trqnin g Board ; 1 Stand ard Size The IWegla ge P lNite rn WoOrkS. h.ave ~ Oha.ndier were By D, 1. FRAZIE R l t d ' guests on n war produc Ion an are greatly a modern plant prclSide .P.ool Table ; 1 Sled; 1 pro Ice' Skate s; 1 Scoote t:;" 1 56in. d over by FridAy evening lilt a spowj!r 'for t.he OUBOA:RiO M<YrO RS- One 6 hp. June 6, 1946."S Un.sh11'..e nit last. .aldln,. In our reconve rsion to peace- men of. great Ingeool ty aitd aceur- . brlde- to-be 'M1'!8 M0I"1ml a H08k at Grind stope; 2 .Heatin g Stoves ; 1 Metal Locke r Cabin Neptun e; One 3}'2 'h p . John.so n. Two w.hole days of It and promise time needs et; Tel HEmloc k 7022: lliCy, wllo o.re a ble to 'Ual16labe t.he the home of ·M rs. 'Rhodes Buimell . In ocellen t ool!ld1tUln, Telephv ne ot more;-A \I the com planter s In • The 1 Stand ard Sn,l e$ Regi~tci: 'Pipe Fittin gs; ' 1 Scyth e; 2 Weglag e 'Pa.ttern Works II' ideas of Invento rs Into w.orkllib le Mrs L. W. Chandl er spent 8un'W&yneSV1lle 2949 62'1c Ilhe country are warking Iha.rtl. W e Dayton o.re an Industry or Brick Hods: 1 'Colla~sible 6f~ ..x6ft. Tool Shed; Lumb~r Incalcul - lorm. 'Ilhey are a ble to take ideas day with Misses Rulib and E1lmplanted a sample rOf Hybmd No. 13 able ,bene tlt to ,tJhe COntinu (~ome 2x4 in le)Jgth s.of 8, 16, and 20 ft.) 2x8 Joists, Cribed p ros- and m a.ke Ithem Inlt.o 'models and beth Chandle DRESB ES- 1 brown; 1 wine ; size r. amJ c~dered plan ting some more perlty of 'Lhe b'I'eart Miami Valley po.! tern so ~l1ey wlll not ' oniy be 16; 8000 conditio n; t3.00 ea. Phone ~ing, Scaffl ing Plank s ana Other Lumb er; 1 Lawn MQwe r; Mrs. Amand a lI.drum bas been but we were ·advlsed .tAl plant .939 as as they wh.lp 11110 pract1ca l form the passed by lh~ Patent Ortlce but will III Cor a :l1a. 6. AIl-M .e tal Scaffl in.g Trestl es; 1 Block an~ Tackl e (with few days and Is at the It was gettlr.g late . for 13. wl1.lch Ideas' of Invent.o.rs who are the mold- be workabl e for the begl~.Ing of home - - - - - - - - - - - - - takes somewh at longer of her son. Mr. Albert rope]. Stubbs ; f ·All-M etal MOl;ta r Eox; 1 Wood Morta r Box; 3 ,1.0 maturc . ers of o ur future security PERS ONAL ST~TIONERY factory product ion. we hope she C8Jl soon return to tt1e P.icks; Shove ls; Severa l Squar It Is also doublifUl whethe r our es of Ceme nt Asbes tos Roofpro.~perlty of ,IJIIs Indu.str ia l Printe d, Engra ved, Many "'round is good n ... f N 13 The The utmoot proLeoti on Is given 'to Home. ~ ..""r - d epand6 to 'h e InV ~ llrL IVC ' e oug.,or jn~ o. ; Soil ce .. Pipe Fittin g~ upon" ; Black smith Anvil ; Porch ..coium n aU wOl'k in the way of secrecy al~d Styles and Prices , Miam i which Is larger a.n'd rieeds 'a richer geniUS MlBIles Marrnr et Edwarlb , Ruth of . its workera . To combin e no Infol1nUl<tion ill pennlt;t ed ' Molds ; Rubbe r Tired Whee l Barrow .; Lawn Roller ; Blow lfo ' lea.k and Ellza'be th Chandl er spent Fr1Gazet te. Phone 2143. \ sou. There is a good deal' a! talk in all Industry in Ule sam e fOI'm as H t th t the I aZrn pa:per~ -"'--t wllat. tlhe."~ TorCh. ' ; Step da.y in Da.yt.on . Ladde r :.\Sno:w , Shove l; Canni ng Equip ment; I ou ... ........... a would enable rmyone 1.0 .... was yesterd ay wou d m ean thal copy Or 1nt11nge on t h e work b efore and Other Mrll. ()emy Articl nlNl!! es and Too. Mrs. Nume bumper Flack rous To Menti on. of C1'Op$ nre doIng to OUr soil. ether parts of th e world could ad- It has lefot the . r ," place! and' In pro- IndiaM pol1s surprise d the tormer' s lit stands 1.0 reason ,tha t bhe bigger va nce a.r.d that our commun lty ductlon. All details of their W~k &urrtJ, Miss Ollve Wlllllltl11ll by amvthe crop the more Is taken Crom miglht be left behind in Ule great Bl"e carefull y safeguu rded. ' $5.00 the soil ;' , ing for breatkfa st on Sunday mornand the mOJle Ihas to be P l~t industri al proceSSion whiuh is sur,; COWS $3.00 ire and spendin g a few hours with We have a great future in 1.he her. . AacOIrdInI tID Bile &00 ~ ' bUSines.s world as 10113 as /We are j promoti ng Idf'RS Cor the \mprqve ; TELEP HONES HO.a, Calvea , S..heep, etc. ,[2 FOOT 'ITCH ment of Industry and their- SerVice ATHL ETES WAl'NF . SV1LI.E Z091 . MORRO W No. 3 NOT HARD TO KILL. is one of the primary iaetom In ,~Is IIDIOV ED PBOMP I'LY great pl'ogI'pss , tt is due to Amertcan LEBAN ON Oirice "79K IN ONE HOUR , " SAND and GRAV EL Q'enlus Ilha.t we QCCupy t.he Wm,tlo~ If nqII, pleased RES. lZ9L , your 35c bacIt at any Call BLAC K-TOP DRIV ES t.odaw t18 t he world '05 greatest prostnre~ TE-GL. a. STRON G • ducer a nd to maintai n tills Position runglcld e', TAR and ROAD OIL 90% a.Icmol. IT we must keep busY and lead ,t he 1PoENEI'RA'l'D3..... LAWN and FILL DiRT Re&ohe s MORE way wit.h new ides.8 and ~r genn6 'lio J,OLL the Itch. Looally at IIWM READ Y -MIX CONC RETE , Y?:t ... I ! , YOU bav.e b,een discharged; .4 S 4 WlI3n~le Drug Btore. Family allowa~ces for your 627 EXCA VATI NG and DUMP TRl1C K SERV ICE CIl.... lDDfU. , 0. hom the Army-if,yo';1 .hel4',.ll depend ents will ~ continued .grade and wish . to retain it-if throug hout your enlist~ .. 0. eo~ iNc. you ~ve depend enb- then act ., only if you enter ~he RegUlar
Decker Chromite "Th W d "w e on er
aII T·Ie
back. Some say t hnt on e year of clovf' r i1'_ Ule old rolaMo n r:C COnl . wheaL IUld clove r doc.~ not l'l~torl' th e ni trogen taken by a o nf'-h und rnd \)UI; hcl- w- LI1C-Il{!)'C crop un less mo re m a nure :ln d Cert lllzer Is w .ed a nd d l I I a n ex r a ,~gu me cr op p ow ed t1 P(It'r. Even Ithe world e mer l;'Cncy shou.ld n OL t.cmp t the C()()(\ growe rs lnt.o roll d ep ie ll ng prru U ' ces. M ore all d more III belng su ld a bout Improvi ng ;lnd I' r tl Uzln g p nslur('S as a men ns of Icss PI'od'IIcu 'g more mea", W ,.. ..... l
Nt~ '\d.J JU:N~W~L
, I II -71. tend j -"'l ome " J.
at ,
W,eg1age Patt ern . W or~,. I
:Jjreg.. Jed.gf!
We PayH~RSES ..
Armitage & SPO
. 00nt.atna
lloo a_
JOHN 'DEERE Fr i Equipment
GENU INE JOH'N DE~RE Rf:PA lli PART S Comp etent , Repai r Servic e' on Traclb ra and I Imple ment. by E",per.ienc~d Mecr~~nica
lbe BANTA Implement' Service ,
Eaat Street
YOUI' John Deere Deale r LEBA NON, OHIO
·Acetylene . .. TOOL WOR K A SPEC IALTY " ALl. WOR K GU-ARA ....TEED
D A V I ,S WAf
now . . . . June 30, 1946 , is the last dl\y 'on which you can e~list in the Reg.uIt¥; ~y.~nq. , sblI,..tak.e a~~ ot~.o ilppotlant .benefits ! • : rete.l1tion 01 )'OU~ old grade anCl famiJy alIO!IDce:'. : . . .7 I·
'OW I" " •• I... ~., 110. Itl~ I'~''''' :
Army befpre July 1, 1946. , If YOll have,been disCl~rged from the Army and Wish to '1'&. . enlist at your old graae, you must enlist wi~iD ~ days after • your di.'iCharge. And be.fq~luly 1, 1946..Think itover. Act now.
.1 li~m
azette 13, 1946
Weigh President's political Fate IU~t~'~ ~U::r:g~~~mmissar AIfer Labor Crisis,· U. S. Agrees Brl~aln To A L·d Frene h Recons t rue t'Lon
Molotov's charges that the U. S. and had united at the Paris conference to thwart Russian dema nds Dnd seek to high pressure Mo'scow Into accepta nce of their views, Secretary of State Byrnes disputed the Reh,n.od by Weste rn Newspape r Union. lallegations and questioned the sin (EDITOR' S NOTE: Wbon opinions are ... p ..... " III Ib ... column, th er ••• Iboll of "" .. ' . ,n N ....s pa p. ' Union. D••• aDalyata aDd Dol ......... lIr of Ibl. 1I • • • p.p.r.) eerily 01 the ac cusatioDS. . Molotov's chnrges were contained In a lengthy ar ticle In the Communist party paper, Pravda, as an of. flcl al review of the recent Paris parley. Among othe r things, he bela· bored "certain circles" in the U. S. and Britain for seeking to throttle Russia ; warned tmperlallsts in the west are instigating new and ago gresslve wars; questioned U. S. intentions for building a base in Iceland. and asserted that U. S. pro. posals tor a 25·year dcmilitarlzation pact for Germa ny did not bear Stalin's approval as claimed be· cause thcy werc Incomplete. Hitting back at Molotov with diplomatic nicety, Byrnes denJed the I existencc of any U. S. and British bloc, and declarcd that U. S. plans to appeal to the United Nations organization for a peace conference did not constitute pressure tactics but merely a willingness to submit Issues to world opinion. Passing over Molotov's castlga· tion of "western Imperialists," Byrnes went on to assert that a U. S. base In Iceland was designed WASHINGTON SCENE- In top panel, General EIs~ower tor security reasons alone and could (left), and A'dmlral Nlml&l (center), allk for Pan-American defense lD be eventually turned over to the testimony before bouse military committee presided over by Repre- U. N. Regarding U. S. 'proposals .entatlve Bloom (Oem., N. Y.), at right. In lower ploture, Treallury tor a 25-year demilitarization pact Secretary Vinson (len) I watohes Secretary of Stale Byrnes 111m French for Germany. Byrnes averred that loan a&Teement all Ambauador Bonnet and Leon Blum of France Stalin had assured him he would also look on, IUpport such plans if they were presented formally. r econstruction with the advance ot a WHITE HOUSE: $1,400,000,000 loan and credit from the Export-Import bank. Stock Market on Rise President's Status Climaxing 11 weeks of negoti.I-_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _-' Amid the welter of reconversion dlfficultles, cltmaxed by the Ireat alions b.etween the two countries, With the wage-price spiral railroad and coal strikes, the pollt. the agreement provides for a cash strengthening inflation psychololoan of $650,000.000 and a crecUt of Ical statua of Harry S. Truman, gy, the New York atock ex32nd president of the U. S., re- $720,000,000 for title to lend-lease change continued Its steady admaterial shipped after the war and mamed clouded. U. S. surplus property. Further dl.. vance to a new average peak ot Inheriting a thankless task from cusslons are being held over an 15 years. Settlement of the big the late Franklln D. Roosevelt, the additional $25,000,000 credit for strikes also Inapire4 lively bidone-time Missouri farm boy. whom acqulaltlon of 750.000 tons of mer- ding on prospects of increased A. F. Whitney of the Railroad Train. . ~ ~~PF'- .' .. '.;.,.0 .. productJpn, men lashed 85 8 'poUUc 8ee • DeiptUt ~emporal")' .etbacu ··· Under the eas," terml of the agreedent," lIeemed to have reached a ment. no principal paymenlll will reaultinl from profit-taking. well criSis In his public life In the rail- be expected for the first five years, over 1,000.000 IIhare. were beroad strike. With reaction .un but interest of 3 per cent on the ing traded daily, with utilities. mixed only time would tell the ef- loan and 2 per cent on the credit .teela; motors, rubbers, raUfects. will start next July. Beginnlng in roads and maU ordcrs among An avalanche of telegrams from 1951. the loan is to be paid in 20 the leaders. At one stage, a 60' average Americans commending annual installnienlll and the credit stock average was up to 82.2, him for his courageous action In the in 25. the top since March 28. 1931: heavy trading Continued r ailroad s trike were partly offset by pushed Commonwealth and the bitter denunciations of the Rail. P AN·AMERICA: Southern up to $5.50 per share; road Trainmen's chief. Declaring 8 good earnJngs report boosted that the President had led him and loint Defense Ward to $103.25; Montgomery Alvanley Johnston of the LocomoIn testifying in behalf of President Truman's plan for helping arm a proposal for a stock split conand organize South American ·tributed to Canada Dry's rise to countries and Canada in a grand de- $58.50; an extra dividend helped fense system, General of the Army National Lead to $39.87, and Eisenhower and Fleet Admiral Santa Fe rose to $118.76: Nimitz told a congressional commit- FLOOD. tee that hemispheric solidarity • would discourage aggressive de- Takes Toll ligna againlt this part of the world. Swollen by continuous rains, the . Stressing the need for ·standarcU· Susquehanna river swirled through zatiori of equipment among the Pan- PennsylvanJa and southern New American nations, the military and York overflowing Its banks and naval chieftains de~ared that a cracking reinforced dikes to ' caWie stmUarlty of weapons and tactics heavy losses of life and property. would lIimplify a common defense In the section's most serious flood in case of attack. Unlese the U. S. in '10 years, valuable farm land was .provlded the arms, they said, the inundated and Industrial centers different countries would look else- were under water. with Williams. where tor material. port, Pa .• and Elmira, N. Y., espeVisualizing 8 ' joint naval task clally hit liard. Williamsport 'With force of Pan - American nations opo Its 43,000 population lay helpless al eraUng under a unlfIed command, the river rose over eight feet above Members of WhIte House .ecre- Nimitz revealed the U. S. would live flood level, and one-third of Elmira tarlal itAtt pore over !Iood of tele- each country Ium.clent vessels to with Its 411,OOO people wall under cram. complimenting Prelldent protect their own coastal .waters. To five feet of water with all roads but Truman on .trlke action. come from the U. S.'I lurpiul of one closed. naval ships, It was believed the At Athens, Pa., the Susquehanna tive Engineers into believing that craft would be of the small ' escort crashed a reinforced 23·100t dike to they could expect substantial con- or destroyer clallses~ cover the entire business section cessions if they postponed their and while the levee held a1 WJlke,: walkout, Whitney said they had DAIRY PRODUCTS: Barre, Pa .. lowlands In the nearby been double· crossed and 2~ million Wyoming valley were flooded. dollars would be spent in trying to On Rise defeat Mr. Truman In 1948. . Even hilher prices for dally prod- LABOR: LInked with the breaking of the ~cts than recent increases granted Tes. Law .. railroad strike was the passage of to spur out.put were predicted by restrictive labor legislation which Stabilization Director Bowles It Dapper litUe James Cas ear Pettended to further complicate Mr. congress approves of a sharp cut rillo, who laid aside a trumpet to become czar of the American Fed. Truman's position. With atrong in subsidy payments, As a result of less stringent re- eratlon of Musicians, struck out to sentiment for such legislation In and out of congress. the President .tood ductiona, Bowlell approved of a Itest the legality of the Lea act to lose much of the popularity ·he bbost of 1 cent a quart for milk, 11 passed in the midst of the AFl',I's gaine4 In getting the trains going by cents Ii pound for butter and e cents dorts to compel radio stations to bucking labor regulation. while he for cheddar cheese, but, he said, a hire standby performers when using was faced with the potent disfavor bigler alash in aubslcUes would recordings 'or transcriptions. le~d to an. increase of 3' centl in Though the act provides for up to of unionists if he approved it. Meanwhile, settlement of the lott a quart of milk and bring butter up one year', Imprisonment and a $1,000 tine for each attempt to force coal strike on terms favorable to to · a. much a . 80 cenlll · a pound. The bQOltini of prices in the face employment of extra help, natty 'litthe United Mine Wqrkera promised to Increase the, prestige of John L. of subsidy reductions would coit tle "Jimmy" called the .trike at Lewis. whose clever handUng of the conawnera $2110,000.000 a year, station WAAF In Chicago only after ThUI, consumerl exhaulltive cOnaultatiODI with atwalkout enabled; him to escape ,prel- Bowles . IBId. Identlal censure. With his hard·won would pay directly for Inerealed tomey. had convinced ~ of the . health and welfare fund, burly John priC81 dellgne4 to alsure produce" questionabillty o~ the law. In runL" at 66, took a front polltioo In of fair returns ins.ad of havln, the Ding the rilk of being found guiltT the AFL on the eve, 01 Ita Ileat hilher costa .pread to all topay- of violation lD event ~ the law he-, upheld, be brav.17 excla1Jilecl: organization drive In the lOUua In er.. thr01.!1h ,overnment ouu.".. Meanwhile, ' repre~entativ.. of the '" am ~ad:r to face th. musl~." competition with the CIO. ' Americao Butter institu. declared' Deblarlng that the AFH wu com. that althoulh aD Inar•••• In butter ~t1ed to all-out oppoaltiob or the FRANCE: production Could be Qpected from law \lbW uae · 8Upteme court Loan _ hillier pi'oducer retuma aDd a ban arUud,ed Ita CODItitutionallt.Y, PitDavin, helped Franee In wre~ on th. ule or-wblpp1q .C ream, re.. rUlo said ~ act penalized ArK Itl 1reedom ~n th. batt1e1leld. the toratioo 01 a free market . . . ... Dlemben for aeeIdq to' obtain ~ U. S. commlttCct Itlelf to uaI8tIDI I.Uallor O\ltpat IUIIlclellt to meet workJq GCDdltlolll ad ~ tile the . liberated countr7 In peacetime the laue demud. CODtIDued ail. ." '" the UD1GD.
WASHINGTON.-Those who have sat In on the hectic closcd·door conferences over the railroad strike report t hat It Is hard to say who has been sorest at the prima donna tactics ot "Brother" A. F. Whitney, head of the trainmen-government offici als or the other brotherhood leaders who arc not striking but were thrown out of work by the train men and the locomotive engineers. At one time probably the President of the United States was the most Irked at the grandstanding Mr. 'Whitney. Truman even had difficulty getti ng Whitney to stay In WashIngton. He was constantly threatening to stage an ope ra exit to Cl eveland without even bothering to adVlse the White House. This brought a sharp tongue-lashing from th e President during one ot their meetings. do you mean to dowalk .oul on the President of the United States?" Truman roughly IDqn1red of "~rother" Whitney. "No, sir," responded Whitneylacked its usual
"Well, then you had better ltay here untO we get ihls seide« and try to show a HtUe more eo-operaUon," tmappetl Truman. .
• • •
DONoa U. 8. DEAl) IN EUROPE •. _ WhIte cro.sCl and star. In evel")' conntry where American loldlera fought aplllllt HIUE~r'lI army, bear &cstlmony to the lIacrlflce of U. S. lives. The liberated people of these countrlell now honolr the U. S. war dead all fervently as their own. The photorraph shows Frcnch and AmerIcan oMcer. . .lutllll. Beyond thc l1'avea were the hIlliI through which the .AI1Ie4 forces pushed their way to the Bhlne.
• • •
FATHER 'WlTD MOST CHILDREN ••. George N. Davis Sr., 63, farmer of Thcresa, N. Y., at left, behind mlorophoneS OD p01fCh as he was awarded saving bond by national father. day committee, which selectcd hIm as the father In the U. S. with tbe most children_ Thc presentation wall made In the presence of Mr•• Davis, b~ldo him, the 20 children In forcground and 28 l1'andchlldren. Theresa declared a public holiday and the entire tOWD turned out to honor Davis.
i l
GOVERNMENT LET1'EBS The civil lIervice commission bill' just Issued a fancy pamphlet telling government employees how to write letters. A section devoted to "What'l With Government Writing?" reads in part: "Are you one 01 the people who think all government writing must be Impersonal and legalistic? . . • Wbat does it proflt a man II he writes the long way around-and loses his reader? Why use horse-and·buggy · writing In an airplane age? "Let's cut long sentences into bites we can ' swallow," the civil service rhetorician urges government writers. "Shorten your lentences to an average of 17 worda." But here III the payoff: The Orst .entence of a foreword In the bOOklet contains 27 wordl; the second, 18 words; the thlrd, 20 words: the fourth, 22 wordl, and the fifth, 18 words.
• ••
GOP WRITE DOPE WhUe the East and Middle West are conjuring with the namell of Stauen, Bricker and Dewey as Republican presidential candidates In 1948, some atrong medicine Is brewing In the politically dynamite-laden state of California which may put another name In the Umelight. For In next month's primary Earl Warren may win the Deml)cratic nom· lnilUon for' JOftniOr, •• weB '. , &be Republican. Under CallfonUa'. oad electiOil law, cllJldldatee may enter bolla the RepubUcaD and DemoeraUo primaries. ADd under a eleTer law pallsed by the stale Ieri.. lature Jast year, Warren'. name wUJ be printed a& the top 01 bolla the Republic... and Democratlo baUote, delplte the fad that Warren II a Republlcan and bII 'r lval, Attorney General Bob Kenny, a Demoorat. Today Warren has split Kenny'. labor support, hal won the }lacking of the AFL hierarchy and msy very well pile up enough Democratic votes to kill all competition In the final election. This would make him a very important presid.ntlal candidate.
DlD~ - UNITED ON. FREEDOM • • •. Alllaoll,b &be "1JuUa" bnpcaka .f ,o ne coanlr7 and thereby IDler. a certalD o.nU......ee. or, ~errl....,.. 4IIe labaloa ,~d I. a~taau, In • Itranre politICal wli... Iliancla within which are tn_reaUty UtUe Dati~g. In tbeIr ..... rldat.: ID the DOriII are &be Mollem provlaoes !lD1I _&0 tend Uanqboa& (panDel ...... , are tile AU-lDdla partJ aVoar.'" fa ..... ~ ...........III All-1DdIa partJ repftHDtaUv. &lid 1I0IIeIIl ...... - • ......aII7 a' eIIcIa. aUeN1,.. Ua:e conference. "
$I-A-YEAR McGRADY Jovial Ed McGrady, vice president of the RacUo Corporation of America and ex-assistant secretary of labor, was asked by a newsman 11 it were true Labor Secy_ L. B. Schwellenbach Is "ralsinl hi. salary" because of his cUUgent efforts to bring John L, Lewl. and the operators together. McGrady ,ot a chuckle oat of the Quesllon, . for he .. belDr paid notbin&' for hi. hercm.. work In lrJiD6 to seUie the di.. pute. The fact Is that few men have donated more tlme to their govern· , ment than McGrad),. Atter a brll· Uant record ·a. alslstant secre.tal")' of labor, he joined the Radio Corp.9ratlon ot America, but durin, the 'w ar .wall loaned to the war' d.part. REBEL PASSES' ••• S'en. Cuter ment a. a dollar-a-year Ulan. .Me:GIaa., 88, VlrrlDla Demoorat, wbe Grad,. II one of the men' the tr.a. died or a beart attack. 8enator- ury department CUI.e. out. · "or hIa G.... baI DO& .t&ellded co....eu .ofllce II covered with framed-"'py. fot fau ~~n. Be_.... ~ emmellt cbecb-aD .for fl aDd . UDo ef the treanrr .teI WIIM&. cuba .
WashIngton Digest;
~ti~~II Medallion So East~~"~.:::;'~;;~:~..
New Politicru Groups Seel(
currenl conditions . sli ghtly more ilmo Ia rcquJred In. filling orders (or a few of the mos t popular pattcrn numbers. Send your order to:
To Shape Parties' Policies
Sewln, Circle Ncedlecrl\ft Dept. 564 W. Randolph St. CblcllGO 80, I1l.
News Anlll)'d and COnJnJctltntor.
WNU F"nturu.
WNU Scrvlce, IGI6 Ere Street, N.W.,
Washington, D. O.
porters and closest friends gathered . .. to hear speaker after speaker sound the call to polItical action a'l the best method to {ulfill the Roosevelt' domestic nnd international program." . NC.PAC has a pOlitica l guide which demands the elecllon of progressive candidates for congress, and lists Issues for actIon whIch Include anll-la bor bills, Argenllna, British lonn. conscrlpllon, FEPC, atomic power, and so on. They likewise are sponsoring a "School of P olitical Action TechDiques" here in Washington beginnlng June 26 whIch purports to "unveil the Intricacles of professional political campaigning to the aver. age voter." The school wUl be open to anyone; attendance wIll be lim!ted to 500 students. NC _PAC says "Jt Is believed that . the ma'orily of ilie student body will play ~n active role In the November con-
Enclose 20 cents lor. Pnttem. No._ _ _ _ __ _____________________
"A TREASURE .." says Web· ster's dictiona ry. "Is a valu·
Ad dress _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __
able store. accumulation. or reserve supply; 8 collection ot · preclouJl things." And South Dakota is a storehouse of those treasures, a vas t accumulati on ot nature 's bless. ings. wIth 1\ reserve supply to last man forever . , Among ' the precious thlngl ot South Dakota is the glorIous sun It· self. shining from its blue heaven almost every day in the year. And preciou s. too. is the clean. pure air of its plains and mountains. In its ri ch topsoIl Is the accumulation ot Ingredients that produce vast fields of wheot and cCU"n and fruIts. The lush grass of its r anges. where fat cattle and sheep feed, Is a valu· able store of wealth and content· ment. Beneath the surta'ce Is are· serve supply of minerals. gold and silver, feldspar and lithium, lIg· nlte and bentonite . As iliou gh that were not enough. South Dakota has mountains. trout gresslonal elections." Needless to say, in school or out, streams. cabins in ilie pines. lakes, 753 they offer litUe comfort for the watertalls. colorful canyons, the southern Democrats. fr agrance of pine nnd spruce. The<S>----------------------~------ Of course, there are various other days are cheerfully warm in South stretch 125 mIles and are approxl· CCESSORIES crocheted 01 this mecl a llion are prize winorganizations, old and new, In ilie Dakota, with the nlghts cool and mately 50 mUes wide. There Is Cus· ners. As lovely for scarfs and small field. The Young RepubUcans, for refreshing. And the Black mlls ter state park, with 128,000 acres of example, who endorsed ilie ROF at have no mosquitoes to take away ilie mountains, gorges, Inkcs and pieces as for a cloth or spread. traces. a recent natJonal convention; Mr. pleasure of b eing out of doors. streams, a nd 00,000 acres under • Although the other two more fa· Ickes' Independent Citizens Corn- The famed Black Hills I Harney fence, with buffalo, elk, deer. bighorn Crocheted m edallion - quickly memo. mlliar creatures, the CIQ·PAC and mittee of the Arts, Sciences and Peak rises 7,242 feet above sea ~ev- sheep, Rocky mountain goats, ante· rlzed-Is 5\. Inches In sIring. Handiwork you'll be proud 011 Pattern 753 bas dll'ec· the NC (National Citizens)·PAC. are Professions to whlch James Roose. el, the h ighest point in ilie United lope and oilier animalS roaming Uons for sq uares. more at bome In the Democratic pasture, they frequenUy get their velt presumably brings a hereclitary States east of the Rockies. Mowlt unmolested. Presid ent Coolidge had Rushmore has nn altitude of 6,200 his summer White House there In bead a through the ralls to browse parental blessing, and others. on the Republican side. And I shouldn't fall to men- . feet, and on It ore scuiptured the 1927, and left IreluctanUy. All three are full of ginger, and tlon the Women'. Division of heads of Washington, Jefferson, Lin· coming back," h'e promIsed. the Democratlo National com- coin and Theodore Roosevelt. The Skeletons of Ancient Beasts. not too bridle-wise. mlttee, whlcb teachel wives of largest monument ever conceived The Big Badlallids covering a mllStallen Heacl. polltlcOl luch fundamentalll al or executed by man, the Mount lion a cres lie east of the 'Black H1.lls, pla.florm polle, ·the rlcb' word Rushmore National Memorial was and is one of the most impolltant Open Forum at the rlCht time, bow to over- Iculptured in heroic proportions by fossil deposits o,f prehistoric life. Use a stiJf hand brush for reChatrman of the Republican Open come fear of public IpealdDr, Gutzon Borglum, ilie late world-re- Fossils of alligators, rhInoceroses, moving silk from corn in a jiffy. fOJVl1l1 advisory co~lttee is Harand 10 on. Wives of cabinet of- nowned ortist, and is called the hippopotamuses. saber·tooUled t1old Stassen, and ROF Is considered flcers, wiVe! of senatorl, ,,"vea "Shrine of Democracy_" A half·mll· gers, iliree-toed horses and other When using both the rind and pretty much his baby. Wayne of repreaentatlves, wiVe!! o. lion visitors come to the monument long-extinct animals are found hc.r e ,uice of lemons and oranges, grate Morse. Walter Judd, Gov. Raymond members of the UlUe cabinet each year, and it Is one of the most and displayed in most of ilie impor. the rind before squeezing the fruit. Baldwin of Connecticut, and other and wive. of top-fllrht arenc), photographed scenes of all times. tont museums. RepubUcans not unfriendly to the beada are .exhorted: "Ulle JOur 'rbe figures on the solid granlte face East and northeast of the Bad. Tie a simple bow·knot in your liberal domestic and expansive Infeminine eharm In the (Demoare carved in proportion to men 450 lands. South Dak:ota is mostly roUhose with the nozzle protruding upternational views of Stassen make cratlc) campalm. It belpeCi rou teet tall! lng prairie, falling to lowest levels BOMESTAKE MINE _ •• At Lead, ward. Support it on a block, and up the committee. let your husband, dIdn't It? It North and south ilie Bl nck mlls In the northeastezll part of the state. S. D., known aU over tbe world .s presto, you have an improvised At ROF headquarters, you are wW alllo belp ret votes." BIg Stone Lake Is thc lowest point, the createst producer of gold ever sprinkler head. told It 11 strictly all-Republican, not But these are only moilier's help967 feet above Ilea level. The grcat dIscovered. - e• one dark·horse team. However, era. The PAC twins, and the ROF Missouri river drains most of the To prolong the life of children's • broad-min.:led tolerance prevails are ilie ones that make the donstate, cutting South Dakota into two shoestrings, stitch up and down wblch pennlta Democrats to take key and ilie elephant nervous when almost equal parts as . It flows wood Dick, CalamIty Jane and oili· them several times on the sewing part in forum~, if they want to. . they look over their left llankl. through It. er Wild West notables were seen machine. The forums are compared to town • • • . The agnc'u1tural treasure house of on the streets of this mining cenmeetings, and are supposed to proAmerica is filled wiili coi'n, cane. ter. A pageant descriptive of the ConlP'e•• Need. Beat or water rings on a tablevide members of the party with ilie wheat, oats, barley, fiax and fruits Red Man's hlstDry of creation is top sometimes are only in the suroppor~ty to torm party pollC7. Salary Boo" from South Dakota. The vast plains held each year at Custer and called face wax and may be re~oved At that point comea the rub. Old Wages are at the top of the Inarea has a big cilalry Industry, and "Gold Discovery Days." with a little polishlng. However, if Timen don't w4lnt Mr. Stassen'. CaUon list. beef cattle are gl~own in all parts of SetUement of South Dakota came they go deeper, remove-the shel. outfit (which tts directors insist It But that doem't mean more pay the state. The Jproductlon of live- slowly, although the Verendrye broili· lac: with alcohol and apply a Iesin fan't) " making policy. They feel for congressmen. One of the best stock is ilie m .lin fea ture of the ers, Frenchmen from Canada. varnish. they .h ave had enough experIence in arguments for a boost in the conItate's extensivEl agricultural in- ited the regIon In 1743. In 1804 and .uch matters themselves. gressional payroll comes from a dustry. Hot Splr~gs is the head- 1806 t1ie Lewis and Clarke expedition Anyhow, ROF Is e golng concern. congressmen whom I won't name, quarters of horse-breeding, and Is followed the Missouri river througb. but whose bitterest rivals mention h of mid·May, there were already also known for Its medicinal wa- out the area. Fort Teton was estab· ..74 forums in operation In 44 states. as one at the Imartest member. of te'ra, At the annual Black Hills lished in 1817 on the site of Fort either chamber. He sal,s: ' Round.Up at Belle Fourche, real Pierre, and in 1831 the American CIO Work. to Get "The vote againat a pay raise cowboys from the surrounding cat- Fur company pushed a steamer into comes from the men who know Out F alJorabl. Vot. Ue ranges compete in riding and the territory. that they couldn't get elected, if roping. Both plainsmen and .mountain I The CIO·PAC we know of old. congre8slonal salarlel were high The mineral nsources of South men helped build South Dakota and '!'hat outfit Is run by Sidney Hillman, enough to attract a better class of Dakota include more than 60 basic bring to light Jts treasures. That and because the CIO fathered -it, candidates to opp'ose them." minerals, includi:ng gold, silver, .tin, there might always be intelligent apMark Sullivan says that ilie CIO 11 Philip Broucbton, ex~ne"lIp", zinc and others. Many of these de- preCiation of the state, seven insUtu· no longer merely a labor organizaperman and pOlitical sclenUst posits are not of economic impor. tions of hlgher learning, all state· tion, but has acquired the status of who has .peDt a decade In tance at ilie moment, but will be· supported, were founded. They are • political part)'. This column deWa~D, "'YI, In hi. "For a M, Q. SBARPE come important In the future. At the University of Souili Dakota, VerIcribed CIO-PAC's dynam.lc· activiStron.er Congress," that every Governor o. South Daltota any rate, they' remain in South Da· million; South ·Dakota State college, tiel, literature, and method II at the Independent stUdent .of conrres80rn In MarYllvllle, Xan., Jan1l- kota's Treasure House, a reserve Brookings; School of Mines, Rapid time of the last campaign. . Iional reorpnbaUon has "recary ll, 1888, Governor Sharpe supply whenever ilie nation ' needs City; and foul' nprmal schools. There Their ostensible object II to ,et ommended a raise to US,OOO or Iaught scbool for two yean, them. At Lead is the largest pro· are five junior colleges in the state. out the vote; the real object fa to · ,25,000 a year. (Jertalnly, It .erved rour yearll in tbe U. 8. dpclng gold mlne in ilie United Young, thriving and rich. South ,et out the vote iliey want. A defwould leem thai the lIame pubnavy, and haa been a lurveyor, states. The "Days of "16" celebra- Dakota does not hoard its wealth, inite platfor\Tl for b!)th domestic 110 wblcb can alford a week newspaper man, lawYer, lIoldler in tion at DendwolJd re-enacts many nor does it allow waste. Its treas· and foreign policy Iii stated In detor the wrlterl of Grade B World War I, and bas had varied of ilie events 0 :( the histonc gold ures are open to all-for the retail. movie Icenarlol can afford .. other bUllnen Interests. rush days. whell Wild Bill, Dead- serves are ample. The six points of foreign policy similar lum tor those who let inelude such controversial subjects poUclea that control our DaUona. the Quarantine of Spain and AraI lJIe." . • entlna, and self·government tor co· A congressman now gets $10,000 Be sure all obstade3 ate lonlal nations. a year. Anybody who lIvel in cleared away. Linoleum There are IS point' In CIOWashington, Broughton point, out, or carpeting should be PAC'. domestic poUcy, ranlln&, knows that that Isn't enough. A caeked down firmly. In attic from .. m1nImum wage to OPA, congressman has to maintain two or basement, pack aU loose aad Includln. price l'Darautee. homes; campaIgns cost money. Beobjects in noninllammable to fannen, progressive taxation sides, he has to contribute to "the 1I0xes stored against the for lure Incometl, reductloD on do-good organizations that claim a w.:alls. Don'c rely on yoin' amaH IDcomes, Specific blUs are root in bia constituency," and "sec. knowledge of where obsta.lngled out for lIupport or opperetarlal exPenses and meager railde3 are located - the nen .Ulon. road mileage do not balance his penon may noc have that CIQ-PAC'a brother, NC·PAC, Is family budget." knowledge. Moreover-' what might be described sImply a. There are. ot course. many other Ilmon·pure New Deal. Chairman changea required ' in congressional of the policy committee Is Dr. organIzation before this body' can be Frank Kingdon, wiili Sydney Hill· brought up ' to date ..• but pne of man as an ''honorary,'' and memo the most important objectives is to bera including Mrs. Eleanor Roose. attract meD of Bufficlent ability. velt, Henry Morgenthau Jr .. Henry That means offering such men 8 Wallace. Hugo Black and so on. salary somewhere near what their The lead article in theIr organ, services could command elsewhere. '''lbe NaUonal CItizen," whose Otherwise you get an under·qualmemorial edJtJon made no single ity product . . • or you have to demention of the name, Truman, con- pend on men of wealth. tained this paragraph: The thing that pains me mpst "Stirred by the rising Ude of re- aI I travel up and down the land 11 acUon, and the steady drift away to hear the very people who scream from the .policies of Franklin D. that no congressman Is worth even Boo.evelt, more than 2,100 of the $10,000 a year, . object to paying lata ' Presld~t'l 'most ardent su~ enough to hire a man with ability. Keep your "Eveready" BuhUBht alwaYl ill the aame COQvenieot pJaCe-so you woo', be rempcecl to by B'o 11 0 8e do withouc it because it can't be located. Keep i, filled with "Eveready" batteries-they're api., available a. .Sulclde. dropped during the ·war. Jack Spratt eats too much fat, JOur dealer.. "B.veteady" baueriel You can't compete with Marl. bis wife 'eats too much lean and 10 are the &Shll,bt bu• • between the two of them the rerles in all the .world I . SIz mJUioD pianos out of ~e, Or the 'world starves. H71 .an omclal of the plano manu• • facturera' Uloc1atlon. Ten thou''Taldn, over" mines and raUNAnONAL CARlON COMPANY, INC. , ADd pIaDo-Nnerl Y;'llI be kepi road. cloem't end lulkes. It's true 10 IIatc 42ac1 Suect. New York 17,N. Y. ~ thimYup. Maybe iliere are no l\likes in Russia but wm 801ve. loma of our future the,.. have a Gestapo and a band7 I!ID troubJel WIleD ~ nut lDdaUon bub- SlberJa, neither of which AmerlcBDI care for. . . bunt&. The donkey and thc elephant lire £etting jealous, nnd lhe Wash~ng. ton Chapter of lhe SPCPA (Society ·for the Prevention of Cruelty to po· lJ~lcal Animals) is 'letting a Utile w 0 r r led, les t .ome other new aDd strange Cau· na are going to IDeak under the tent to steal the old regulars' fod· d er-and it oln·t bay. Three very ac· tive c re a tures are being heard from In tones so .tentorian that the bray and the trumpet, familia r • ounds in campaign years, are al· most drowned out. The latest pcrformer In the ring fa the ROF (Republican Open Forums). Officially the newcomer belongs to the Republican stable, .s its Dame implies, but some of the old timers afe afraid the colt Is getting ready to kick over ilie p arty
Incas Knew Not Money, Wheel, Written Language Although the In cas of P eru developed one ot Ule world's great civilizations and maintained their empire until the middle of the 16th century, these people knew nothing of the wheel, employed no money and had no wr itten language, passing on th eir his tory to successive generations by word of mouth, says Collier's. Virtually all existing knowledge of the Incas was obtained in tha way and recorded in books b7 their Spanish conquerors. A LOT FOR A UTTLE
In Morolino,pnt.roloum jelly. QUIllityan4 qunntity for df!i.ly noods.-Iargll Jill' 100. Soothing dreSSing (or minor bUTllJHl!1ta. scratches. winor 8wldE. Got Morolio.e.
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Aboue 5,000,000 I can. are injured hom_33,500 faul-
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From Yard of Chintz
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ITwISithmarvelou s wha t you 'ca n do a ya rd of flow e re d chintz. Jus t try c utting t he pos ie s out and spreadin g around f or dr a ma t ic e ff e c t. Tint a fa d ed ba th mat and apply a s t u nn ing big r os e in one corne r, use oth e rs on t owe ls ; then make s ho wer curtains of p la in material WiUl .m~re. roses applie d. Tbese I ntrl g u l n~ Irleas are fro m 0 32· ,pa ge bonk Ie!. .. Mn kc Your Own Cur. tatns." Copies of Uti. booklet Ort! 1 50 postpaid. A wood·work lng pattern. No. 255. for the spool shelves shown In the aketch Is also I Sc . Send orders with name and orlnrcs s 10 : MRS . n UTU WYETH S P EA RS Bedlord II Ills. N . Y. Drawer 10 Enclose 15 cents lor bookle t and IS cents for pattern. _______________________ Address.l _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ __ __ _ _ __
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' ImprofleJ Unifo,.", Inlernationa"
u •• , u •
U• $ U ¥ 0•
R~ -:- LESSON -:.
SUNDAY DEPARTMEN'l' -H OL SC 0 FARMS AND RANCB;::E=.:S=---_ ;:Wi.s F OR SALE-Cood ;;;;.;. at ba~
I/oln prlcc$. Fo r sufeLy put your monllJ' In good land. Write for detuU•. J. FRAN· LOOIIARD. V ersai ll e • • Ind. . Th. Mood y Bible Instltut. 01 Chien go. WASHINGTON Of Re leaud by W• • tern No·wapo l!l>T. UnIon. T. no . .. eo Fnrm-1 55 acrea In Robart_ Counl,y: lIood land lor tobacco and II v.. .Iock: 1:ood bul ld lnl1s: well wllIered; electrIcity. Jobo D. KeUy. Sl. Loul_. Mle... Lesson for June 16 FOR SALE- ImmediRte p09sesslon: !I&oc re l a r m loco ted 1n Brown County, Ohio; WHU W ..hjn~ ton B ur • • u. 1,(,.50n su bj_cta nnd Scrl ptur. texiS , •. 5.room f ra me h o u Sl!.' l a r ge l obne co ba rn 1616 En St .. H. W. locted nnd copy righted by Intern ational and other build Ings ; 1.8 ncre tobacco bose; Counc il of Reli Rlous E:duen Uon; used by electricity available. W . A. STRATTON • . II .R. ;;t~ • .WlI1lam. bu . ... 0 ..1•• 'New C a pitalism' permission. " B y KAROL D L . L UNDQU1ST . D . D.
dark gray of WI!alher ed drabness. But Ilnce Alicia ihad come, she had painted the wIndow tr lm and the cornera ot the house a rich deep green; there w!!re green window boxes at the windows, and the pl ace h ad taken on I. rather surprised They walked on In s ilence and at perkIness. . The the ga te to the Ma cTavish pla ce, "Oh. well-" I!ald Susie at lost, As Johns ton Sees It LE ARNI NG ABO UT H E LP WANT E D-MEN. WOMEN they stopped and Susie said sud· and heaving a si gh. " Jt I don·t get THE KI NGDO M denly. " Meggie. Is there any truth on home, m othelr will have connlp. TEACHERS RIC A. J OHNSTON, retirlng In what Stevenson .ays about- tion Ills a nd up~, e t dad so that his EXCE LLENT FA LL P OSITION. president ot the United States LESSON TEXT- Luke 0 :23 . 24. 46·48. Salaries $ 1.500 to $3 .900 lor D mODtha. Mary Rog ers?" dyspepsia will be worse than ever chamber of commerce let loose a 37·62; 11 : 1·4 ; 17 : 20. 21. No r eg is tra tion f ce . TEACII EItS AGENCY "Mary R ogers? " Megan repeat.. - a nd 1 would like to go to the MEMORY SELECTION-ThY kingdom Co loraADAMS do llu ihl1n " , \ VD. fi b ln r lu n O. D. C. ed puzzled. school dance tlle Satu rday aiter veritable atomic bomb In his swan· come . Thy will be dono In earth. as It s ong a t the r ecent ann ual meeHng Ia In heaven.-Mallhew 6 : 10. Work Ab road- GoOd Wages: Bon uses : Am"You know she got expelled la:;t ThanksgivIng." of the chamber at Atl antic City. He r~}~;~,~~~~~no~. :~ fo710~~;,;~un~~I~eQ~I~~ mon th and she's gone to stay with She said good night and went on outli ned the course he thlul{s c apl. F ollowing Christ 'c a lls (or the b(!st Coullnlo. ServIce . Dorsn, Gal" •• too, Te.. her sister and learn to be a war along the roa d. A quarter of a mile t alism m ust follow, I.t It Is t o survive In man. Weak·kneed and watered· ----- - - CIIAPTER UI worker-a r iveter or somethlng-" fa rther on, s{;e would come to the In this country. out. religious ph ilosophies nnd activo H E LP WANT E D-WOME'N And today as a r esult. wh ile thou- ities have no ri ght to call them - GRADUATE REGISTERE D NURSES "I dunno as a ny ot us think the Susie expla ined. and after a mo- subs tantial. 0Id-1·a shloned rcd brick m ent blur ted out, "The Stevenson' house tha t wa s Pleasant Grove's s ands of busin essmen and farmers se lves Christian. B-hour day. 6-day wee k : c ash salary 5151 'fessor's exactly hid In', " she sa id per m onth or $120 with tuU m a lntena n c8'; Let u:; put a way these insipid lnc curtly. "An' I dunno's any of u s er-witch-says Ma r y is going to fi nest home. Susie was the only and labo rers hail his speech as one r e nsas In Six m o n t h s n n d one y e a r. have a baby. and has dropped a child 01 Lawyelr Bar tlett and hll Ap p J..y 10 Su perlntendc nt. of the fln est ex pressions of progres- imitations of Chri stianity, which so think Pleasant Grove Is such a Wck J ANE C,\ SE " OSPITAL. Oelaware. 0. hint tha t Bill may have some par t wLte. Ma ysle. 't'he Bartletts were . slve thought of the day . .. oth- often m asquerade under Its na me, place. come to think of It. Some next to the Burns. P leasa nt Grove's ers a rc st ill holdi ng theIr heads in and fa ce our time with a caU to folks seem to Uke it. U they dldn't In the m a tter- " = SCE LL~NEO =~ U= S _____ m ost subs tantIal citizen s. and Mrs. utter horror at the bla sphemy which d iscipleship wb l c.b dem and s every ____~~ Megan said explosively. disgust I reckln they could go som ewhere's Nl'LONSI 000 Oth er SO l\ r o. It_rn l-Your Bartllltt was not one t o let the h er voice. "Goodnuss , Susie-what dropped tram h is lips . . . these flne. noble. m an ly a.nd womanly Name on Confldenll nl Moiling Lists. else." Se nd town forget th at for a mom ent. a re the monopolistic stand patters ot Qua lity. a foul storyl" ~c Cash. GItEAT EASTERN SALES . I " Alicia colored da rkly and WoJl tl c e St. , N ew U " "e n . CODD. There wer e timl!s when Megan felt the NAM. some of the fr ozen apos- I. Denial or Sclf (Luke 9 : 23, 24>' Susie nodded wretchedly. IIhrugged. "I'm sorry I even m enextrem ely sorry fo r Susie-and t?- tles of special privilege in their A cross-that speaks at once of QUILT PIECES - Beaulllu! prInt•• 500. tioned the fa ct that I sow you," she : 1. 100 . S1.98: )00. 25c . PaUC1'ns. 10mnight was one of those ti mes . She pus h cha ir club windows .. . some suffe ri ng a nd dea th. We m ay a s $1 pIe 511k remnanl. Incl uded. LA NCASTER said un gra cIously. "But after all, ) . sighed a lJ ttle a nd went Into the of the fat reactionaries of the house well lace It. Thc Lord never In. RE MNANTS. Tbr •• Il l" . ... 1111. ... the R idge Is public property. It·s not house, where Annie had supper al· and senate . . . the lobbyists tended It to be an ea sy th ing to fol- AOTUAL l'UOTOS of p'enrl Harbor uncSer posted or anyth ing. 1 had a. much Ap Rl tnck-add Ihcse historic photo. to most ready to 's erve. a gainst the peoples' interests and low h im . A ma n m ust lose his lile Jyour Album. Send SI.95 for 115 15x 7 •• right to be Ulere as you and Mr. Her father WIIS waiting for her . the baclnvard·lookers and normalcy for Christ It he Is to win It. O . DRUBI! :603 Rubio. Donolal •• Fallon! 1 wa s merely gathering a very comforta b'l e In his smoking advocates. Note tha t the cross we bear does few Autumn leaves and some bitP E RSONAL jacket and slippers, provided with J ohnston's d enu nr ialion of capl- not r efer to the tr ials or ve xations tersweet berries to put In the blue a new book (which bad cost th ree t allsm as we Im ow It In this country of lile. We should bea r those a s S e nd L e U e r s l ' our Frie nd s postma r k ed . potLery bowl 1n my front wtndow." ew Y ork . Add r 4!ss l~ tt e r ; en c lose in endollora and a h all, and whi ch Me- was complete and aU·inclusive. and Chr istians. but there is something N velope with 20c to TEILRY BO YLE. 7116 E. Megan was trembllng a little. gan could have borrowed tor him his concept of a n~w capitallsm else In mind ; namely. the complete 140tb., N .", Vo rk Clly. thou gh she knew she was being silly. from the amall. but good loca l U· as fr esh and revitall zl~ g as a spring denial of self.wlll, and the eager deThe little Bcene with Tom Fallon brary) so he was Incllned to be shower: And the eVidence Is all sire to do only G od's ....i ll And note POULTRY, CHICKS & EQUIP. had been so absurdly lnnocent; yet genial. For which small favor, about us that unless and unUl c apl. al so tha t this Is r equired of every POULTS. Mammoth Dronze Dnd White HolIDnd Irome. May I to October 1. STARCR. there was something in the sly. furMegan told hersell wearily. she was t a 11sm pu11 s It s elf u~ Int.0 a pro- true Christi an, not just ot a fe w ER'S TUItKE Y FARM. Its. Ma.lon. O. Uve manner of Allcla's mentioning ·gladl gresslve power It Will dI e In ~ur ho ore e s ecloil " consecrated." FOR IMMEDIATE DELIVERY. aU-at.... It that bad m ade it leem evU and country as it has d ied a waning w p . Y k t th bnllery brooders. WrIte today for For the next two or three days. death in Eur ope. He re are som e of Do you qualify ? U so 100 a e electrte our fac tory-te-yoU money·. aving price•• Ichemlng. although she t~Ild hersell she was J ohnston's concepts : ... nUa Brooder Co.. 00111 Sp.lo ... . HI... Cb ncxt point. being a fool, Megan d eliberately Capitalism must change from II. BumUity of BelLl't (Luke 9:46Megan, ltill furious with Allcla avoIded lIeeing Tom F allon at aU. and ber nasty tongue. got away He had been in Ilbe habit ot stopping • monopol\s tio conccntra tion of 4Bihe world looks up to the great. FAR ~I B AND nOftI ES' from the quilting party 88 early as on bls way home from school late power and inBuence in the handa the mighty. and the rich. Th e dls- Reasonably priced: po.sosslon now. Wdte far descrIption nnd prlc" Ust. .he dec ently COUld. At least Mrs. in the afternoon. to get m ilk. butter. of tbe few Into a competitive ecc- ciples hod caught that fever and IIARRY llEN DRIlI: .. 80N Stuart understood. when. at the door nomic system des lgncd for the 'olllb. rn IndIana neAl Eatate and eggs which he bought tram her. enrichment of tbe many and we re quarrelIng about w~o was to Froncb LIck. lodlaoa. Ihe drew Megan asIde and said She had always been the one to give be greatest. What a tragic and disforthrightly. "Now look here, MeDot to m ake a few men rich. them to him. but for the next two g r aceful picture! But Is It any dilSEEDS. PLANTS, ETC. aan, don't pay no attention to that or three days. she saw to it that The whole process of thinking of f erent in the church t oday? Men woman. Someone ought to take a she was somewhere else wben he ca pitallsm for the p rivileged are s UIl determ ined to be " Mr . gun to her and blow her to Kingdom stopped by. andl Annie. puzzled and few m ust be r aised to a pl ane where Big." Come. and that'l a facti" watch.rul. waited on him. GREEN CROPS OR CORN r esponsibllty to the publJc int~rest The follow er of Jesus sees b eyond Bnoulrh Bllorerm w trent too ton i for 1lJ..... Hallway down the road. Ihe But on Saturday. she was In the III the key word. . . . the false earthly standard of great8Dfll,7 Your a lhU'O wi t h &. ll-vO, .. Irt le, luU&heard a cheerful voice and turned chicken yard checking up on a letWe must choose between the old neSB and In humility ministers to ~bIC&~:~~ ~~f~~I~~~r:~.1~ .....lerta al a pretty girl ot seventeen. her Wrft......... _ e t ting hen who was due to hatch her c aplta~ ism that holds it has a closed the little child. And 101 he has reo THE IILOGERM CO.. Bloomfl.W. N_ J. arms laden wIth schoolbooks. came brood In a felll days. when Tom and perfect s ystem r esting on con· ceived and served J esus Christ hlm. running towards her. came to ,the hac:k fe nce and spoke to geaied and untouchable dOgIn81 self a nd has become greate r than "Hi. Megg·l e." laid the ,irl, her. . .. against organized labor, against all 'the would· be great ones. Those WANTED TO BUY flushed and Imlllng, and very pret"Good morohng.;' he sald. almost government activity. a gainst com- about him m ay not see it. but God ty in a childish. round-faced, munlty planning . . • 'and the new d oes and In due t lme others shall warUy. bright-eyed way. , which must be a hlln!an Institution, also' know of it. . Megan turned. startled, and telt "Hello. Susie-you' re late get tlna vibrant a nd evolutlon /lry, capable of UJ. Determlna.1lon ot Purpose MEAT RABBITS WANTED her face grow' hot, even al Ihe home from lehooU" lald Megan const antly adjusting Its ell to new (Luke 9:57-62). ShIp nt oncebYe?Cpress. Immedlalereturna.. Ugbtly. Megan asked curlou.sl,., "I. tha' greeted him easually and matter· conditions, ,ustifled by Its works In- F ollowing Christ is more than ah.rrbac" Poaltry Markel - Bid...,., O. " Had to Itay after Ichool and aU thllre .. to thai .ior,., Sullet t • of·factly. stead at Its words. IIlnglng glibly or carelessly. "I'll go He waited fOlr her to come to the write a composition. Like a tool. where you wont me to go, dear fence before he laid arudously. 'A Tool 01 the People' "1 know-the dickens of It III that I thought I could get away with not Lord." The one who starts out A Safe, Sound Investment-. "I've been a little worried-and doing one-according to the law of most folks agree that the Steven· We must change fr om the" old with him Is to count the cost (Luke I've trIed my averages, I shouldn't have been 10n'l not a lJar-but that she ju.t deeply puzzled. stand pat conception of capital· 14 :28·33). He mus \ expect the same Buy U. S. Saving. Bonda!- I darnedest to think what I could has an unholy capacity for scattercalled on today. but the darned law Ism wher e people were m erely the treatment as Christ (II Tim . 3:12) ' let me down. Miss Pound's a holy ing damaging truth about where It have done to upset you-" Inert tools of the Iystem to the new a nd be willing to take it gladly Megan laughl!d and hated herself or progressive conception where the (John 15:20; 1 P et. 2:21) . terror-seems to look at you and can do the most harml" she admit. !mow without asking a Question ted. "It·. just thatr-well, I'd bate because the lau.gh sounded artlftolaL I ystem Is a tool in the hands ot the We ought t o m ake th is plain to DON'T GUESS-BE SU.K whether you've done your home- to think he'd be mixed up in any· "What nonsens1e. Professorl" Do as mllUol1ll do to make II1In! of hlab people. professed believers. Tell young ll111t action. real econ~ la thing like that-" work." answered Susie bitterly. "But you ha'l'e avoided me. and people the truth and you will s ee Qull1Jty, We must cbange from the old upirin.AakforBt.JoeephABpirin, world'. Megan said torcefl;llly. "Well, 1 thought possi1bly something I l aid They walked together In companconcept where man ran rougb- that they are r eady to r espond to laiaon eoIler at 100. 100 tablets for 86a, Ionable silence down the wide, un· from my own personal experience, or dld-" he bE~ gan arudously. IIbod over the rlgbts of others, to It. They ' are willing to gl,ve them· paved road. unW luddenly Susie I'd say Allclll Stevenson haa a tatal Megan lookelii up at him and IBid the new where the individual selves sacrifi cially tor causes of this said bitterly, "I hear the Allcia ablUty to pick on.., tiny shred oft quietly and tl·onkly. "I see you ea rth- why not fo r Christ ? Is a free .gent but no. a free ~ FOR QUICK RILl.. dame dug her llttle stiletto Into you and embroider It to an incredible de- haven't heard the newa. Mr. Fal· booter, where man Is more im. Christianity is considerate and . I and Professor Fallon todayl That greel 1 went for a walk on the lonl" porlant than the maolline or the courteous. and our Lord Is not here makes you a member. in aood Ridge; with my usual three-ring Puzzled. noting ber use of the forproducts of the machine • •• suggesting any neglect of the duties circus. and quite by accident, Mr. mal prefix rather ' than the carelesa Itandlng. of my own clUb." where the primacy and dignity or. amenities ot life. The pOint is Megan caught her breath and Fallon was also there and we ex· friendly "Proflessor" that was al· of man come Brst . . • ra ther that the Lord must have first ~aed by thou.and. ,.ltJi aatJlraclery ... changed a few words. But thli mOlt a nlc!malrne, he said qulckl1. for ~o y .. r a-shl: valuable ,~ .• topped ltill. . We must turn from the old capl- pla ce whatever else ma y call tor ",Ita eot... Oet Carboll at dru l atores or WdIIe "How on earth did you hear-" afternoon, Allcla let drop the infor- "Newl? No. I em afraid I tallsm to r ecognize the supremaC)' second ' thought. IIpur!ock.Ncal £0., N ...llrill~ TelUlo 'mation that since he and I'd spent haven't-" ahe began In amazement. of the individual and to r ecognize IV. Prayer of Faith (Luke 11:1-4). Susie' I little chuckle wal dry and bours together on the Ridge I mUit "I feel very ISWy to be re1aytna It that modern mass production soel- The one who is to follow Jesus know him pretty welll" qulte without mirth. to you-but 1 'mow Pleasant Grove ety has caused Indlvlduals to band must !mow how to pray-and to Susie nodded meaningfully_ "Oh It's all over the place." she 10 well-the a1ttitude toward teach· together for their well being Into pray in faith. He must know how "Sure-that' ll why 1 said you were en. especially towards the principal unions. corporations. farm organl- to hold ~~ the world.,jo God. and 8'ald. "By supper Urne. there won't be a man. woman or chUd within now a member In good standina of of the .chooll-" She floundered lations. the co-operatlve. trade as· get things from God for this needy a mUe of the place that won't know my clubl" she answered. sodations and professional lOci· world. mJserably and 'was IUent. Megan laughed a little. "What you've been meeUng the profellor There is no one who can teach Tom laid quietq. "I think yOU etles. .ecretly in the wood.,.;..... club is that?" ahe wanted to know. had better telll me .tralght. MIll We must learn tliat these volun· us to pray better than Jesus. for "Susie." Megan walled. "That's t ary but powerful organizationl are he practiced what he preached. He ''The Club ot 'Why the devll MacTavllh-" Dot true-" the core ot America's new capital. prayed. It was seeing him pray doesn't somebody do somethina to "Of course not-but d'you thInk abut Allcla Stevenson up?'" all''There leeml to blehaavefUlDbeeonr lam. but they must be regulated . . . that led the disc iples to ask him the Ideal way Is a maxlmum of to teach them to pray. Jesus taught for a minute that·. going to ItOP lWered Susie. "It'l composed of about that YCIU and the story? Don't be a twerp. Meg. practically every man, woman and meeting lecre:Uy on the Ridge-" sell.regulation and a minimum 01 his disciples a model prayer. This gle-you know It won'U" IBid SUlie. chUd within a radlul of ten mlles ot She let blm :have it almost In '. government regulation settin, up prayer opens with a recognition ot talr rule.s of the game. . . . God as Father , rollowed by a rev"It wllsn't true that I wa. aneaklna Pleasant Grove. Personally. I'd slnllle breath. Tom .tared at ber al though be erent petitIon that his name may oft to meet Bill Elmond eJther- Uke to see her with her throat cut thought .he bGld lost her mind. And Really Equal Opportunity be hallowed; that Is. that he may but you'd have a hard time con· from ear to earl" vlnclng ailybocfy In thI. town that It Our new capitallsm calla for have glory as his will Is done and "Suslel" gasped Megan. between then his face hardened and his eyel Iln·t! JUlt becaule one afternoon .hock and pity tor the lirl whOle blazed and be laId through hi. competition,' not In the nostalgia 01 his kingdom established in the If your blood LACKS IRONI I happened to run Into hIm at the bloodthirsty worda were at . IUch teeth . ''Where in blazes-who'd try the good old days of dog.eat-dog. hf)arts ot men. Those who have Tau 1I1r1l and women wbo 8ulrer 80 trom l!mple anemia tba~ you're pale. weak. county leat and had • .oda with comical variance with her Dresd~n to It~rt a Ue Uke that?" but wIth a ballic ingredient 01 equal that attitude are ready to ask for "dranod out"-tbla may be due to lac him. My mother hit the root, on china prettiness. her young, Imooth Megan madl! a weary UtUe ge.. opportunity . . . and there can be the supply of d a lly needs. and above ot blood-Iron. So try Lydia E. PlnklWn.. TABLETB-one at the beat hom• ...,. account of becaule Bill'. folks are ftesh and shining blue eyes and ture. no equal opportunity without faIr all, forgiveness of sin a nd dellv· to buUd up red blood-In..-uoh ~ not-well, not Quite al high hat •• aolden hair. "It's too lilly-and too-c:beap to competition. We must turn from the erance from temptation. PInkham'. Tablets are one ot tbe 1reIo," _, bloocl-Iron tonica you can bUll At mother thlnka we ought to be-If notice," she pointed out to him. old monopolistic competition which Note that verse 4 is not the prayer "Oh. It won't happen. of course." "Except that lince you are new throttled competition of the little fel- of the unsaved for forgiven ess and aU drUptoree. Wortb trying I Her young voice trembled a UIDe Susie ruefully. "People Uke lIaid and ahe bUnked hard to clear her here and this III your firlt year-oh, low to the new competition which regeneration. for that Is all of grace 24-48 that Uve to a ripe old age-and 1 teel an utter tool about the whole provides opportunity for ideas, for (Eph. 2:8). " The man outside (of .:WNU::.=.::.:::..--=E=-__________ _~ eyes of threatened tears . then turn Into hen'l teeth I The1 thing. But I thought It would be thinking, for inventive minds. the kingdom) gets hIs forgiveness Megan aaked Curioully. "I. that never die-or have accldentll" better U we-well. we've done noth· which holds prices reasonable. with no condition; but once he I, all there II to that stOl'1, SUlla?" Megan put an arm about the IUm SUlie flushed and her eye. were Ihoulders and ,ave SUlle a llttle In, to Itart lI:osslp. 10 It teem I a makes better liVing. stlmulatel. but In the kingdom . ot the Son ot God'. lJttle dlftlcu1t to know how to atop never stymies opportunity, love, he lJves within the laws of that .tormy. hug. ''WeU. don·t ,let ber get you The new capitalism moat kingdom. Then he does not get "Ablolutelyl Up to then." abe dOwn, SUlle. Mter all, every~d, Itr-" Tom laid lternlJ, "Who started meaD greater diftuBlon 01 the forgiveness unless he Is ready t~ added. "011. lure, I Uked Bill-we knowa what Ihe'l Uke." And Your Strencth and this talk'" cooc) thin,. of Ufe. more people fOrg~Ve'n unless he has forgiven all dldl He W.I 'an bonor .tudent. . Enerar II Below Par "Sure-and when she .tickl that and the Idda were crazy , about him ''Mrs. Stevenson." answered M.. owning more tblngs. tbe enrich(Mo ga ). , It ma,. be ea...... by dlacmt.r of W· barbed tongue of . her. Into their ...,. funetioD tb.. permlla po.....ou and he played football' Uke nobody'.' aan frankl,.. "She happened to be ment or the many. and not to the V. ReeolDltiou of Christ (Luke 17:. _te to aooamulat&. For ttub' ....., bualneli-but I'd ' never had a d.te own affairs. they lay. 'But of 'on the Ridge 't he. afternoon we met goal of maldar a. few men rich ZO. 21). ~pl. leel tlnd, ...... aDel m.....bIe wb ... the ldd...,...,..1 to nmo" _ wltIi him In my Ute. How could course. that'l not true." But when b,. accident. la nd choae to belle"'. We are for a great mlddie The disciples thought of 'the aelda ...el other ·wuta matter IIOIIl .... J, when dad and mother pracUcally Ihe· • •tabblng somebod,. elle ' the,. that we were meeting there rep· cia.. economJ' wbich mea. 'klngdom in terms of "when" ; they blood. .~ ....... Yon IM7 nJr.r untn, ha~ fewer people at tbe top aDd few- Ihould bave asked "what," or .even 10ck me up nlghta' But that after· la1. "Now, 1 wondeI'--· ·" Suiie larly_nd ai' lIecretb' 81 posslbl.e -" rIa.amatlo pa..... beadacb... cIIaIa.-, noon. moUler wil lick' wlth a head· pointed out, with IUch truth that ''But tIlat'. nonll8ll.-.he could er at the bottom .•••tben wbat'. better "who," for the· klngdom wal ..ttlDI ap .llbc.. Iar: pelDl, .!.~~ 8ometl_ fnqaeat and Ic:aa ...... ...ache. 'and ahe wapted .ome .tuft Megan . could o~ urea with ber D,ot' pOllibb IbeUeve , an7thIn. aOthe matter with a aeeent mini. prese!lt and opera tive right then be"Oil wltb .martlnl and bltflllD& ..~ ~ober17. " T loded. mum we • cause the-KIng was there. from the county leat that Burns other lip tb.t ICm.tblJlc .. _ _ ••III I d lo--dame, s Y ·om B?tP ~r . . That I. the true. meaning of "with. PIe 1ddIi.,. or bladdll'. dldn't have, and I took the c~r and "I don't thlllk Ihe reaUy bellev.. We say we really want to see In" (v. 21). which r eally means "In Then .boatel be no doubt tbat ~ For a Httle whDe the,. ~ In drove civer. . And I ran Into . BIll. "cratmlnt Ia ........ tb... · aIIl- U. Doo,,', PiUi. Ia bettv th~_ • . He'd jUit bad hla phYllcel, and we. sDence. both of them lookin, wieas- It. but ihe sel!ms to ,et QUIte a lot more 'dl1fu510n ot the good .things of your midst." It does not mean that . lIIedleID. tba~ baa ,waD' _ . all but ready to be taken Into the 117:acroll the road .nd to the Ibab- of pleasure CIUt pt .droppln, Uttle the world • • .' then. what.. wroll, the kingdom of God was within the prnnt'tban DQ IllUlftcant remark.... , . with prollt lharlng? What's wron, hearts· ot the Pbarise~1 or within by UIDe old cottaae wIlere ,Uabted 1a\0_. o.c" .............. trI!d..!"_ Cadet AIr COrpl. · and we' celebrat.a lDAIIt ·llUl. AN a~ all - _ - - . PUuleit, To:m lald' "Who II~" with glvln, workers a real Incentive the locial order, but that In' the window. proYeil that AlIcia wa. at eel b)' havlna a loda," Oft DN•• todq. Suale drew a deep breath. and home. The coUale-"I weD back loin. Stevenson? r auppole ~he hal . to produce more for "lelr own prof- perllon Of the King, ' the kingdom It~ • c:hUd In· lclllool. but I don t. leem It . . . ·mo.re people buyin,. mpre lelf wall in their midst. ~ey .... pid Qwetq, "Bill'.-qulte • fel- from the !'Dad 'and there were· a few lowl" She lauabed and .ald, ·''Ya,.. treea aurroundln. It. It wal a to racaD the bam.. tboulb. it. DOt thlna' 10 you. can make more thIn,l Jeded him, and 10 also his kln.idom. be I oUlht · to be li'ateful to tbe Iquare, boxlike bou.e, DIVer paint.- UDUaIad. of c . ) U l ' I . . . . w h l c b more and more people · can Wbat about UI? II be Jour Kin,? ('10 CON1'DfVU. bU1 • •• that'l what it would mean. Or do 70U also reject him? rouch, SMvenlOU wench-U Ibe badn't eel, ,0 that Ita wan.
TH ill STORY TOUS "'·AIl: AIlel...tarta • ru mor that the'e .... ,omelhlDI mI,bqo peeuUar" about M,.. FaUoD', Ilekneli. 1& II dlac ulSed In the ael,bborboad aDd Meran bean It. Sbe leBrIll that a "MI,. Martha," a Iisler of I'du. Fallon, Uve, with the principal and hi, wUe. Mo, aIl felt lorry for Tom FaUon, and , be thou#bt • I reAt deal about tbe I'ou lp about blm and bll wile wbea abe , &arled to ber ' "vorlte resUne plllce on the top of a low wi beyond the meadow. Tom FaUoo wao ti lUlo, 00 the rock . be used AI a bench when ,be arrived. Wben .be Inquired about hi. wife'. bealth, be replied: "She I. mentally ro." Wben Moe went 1.0 a quilting ps.rty at Mrs. Stuart'. , AIlcl. prlckl ber about Tom.
raised sucb a row about 'my havlna a soda with him, and behaving 81 though she'd seen m e coming out of some foul dive with him-I'd neve'r have noticed what a grand guy he isl Oh, well-"
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In Sardl'. a wise guy W85 com· m enting upon the way In which a news weekly picture of some no ta· bles loolted dwarfed compared to Mrs. Roosevelt In their midst. "That's nothing," said Merry Mac McMichael, "to the way she dwarfs aome people who aren' t even in th e picture."
· role ITH bis work W in "The
in' a major
Razor's Edge," the fi lm based on the Somerset Ma ugha m book , behind hi'm, Herb ert Ma rsha ll is a ll set to return to the air f o r the summer in " The Ma n
Called X." Replacing the Bob Hope 6how las t yea r, it climbed to fourth WbCJI Queen Wilhclntln8 was In place in audience .r~tings of all the United States during the war IIhe made a tour of inspection at West P'o Inl . . . The boys h ad been drUled for days. and every de, t ail at protocol wos ca refully s tud· led e.x cept one . . .. No one Informed the band whieh number to ploy fo r Her Majesty's entrance. and the leader chose one of hls favorite numbers without thinking ot the oc· cosion. . . . So, as the signal was given for the Queen's entrance (with every soldier standing rigidly at atlention), the ba nd broke into: "The Old Gray Mnre, Sbe A.in't What She Used to Be." A r roup of editors were discussIng the pros and cons of the OPA. "The NAM is right," said one. "After all, they've got business ex· perlenco that m oney can' t buy. " "They' ve also got lobbies," programs, lIurpassIng many yearmapped a cynic, "that' m oney can." round standbys. Returning June 18, wiil be heard for 14 weeks on the The Intellleontllla: The career of time Tuesday evenings. Leon Booth Tarkington Is a lesson to will a gain be h eud in the of " Mr . X's" aide. page-struck neophytes. In the first five years of his writing a pprenticeYo( lhip, the two·tlme Pulitzer AWa rd Screen tests were recently sent winner earned the vast l um at to Australi a fo r a movie execull ve $22.50. . •. Dorothy Thompson will to lIee; bids for the lIervices at also corm for a weekly.. .. Louis several American acton resulted. F isher. who auth'd "A Week with One, offening $150 weekly salary and Ga ndhi ," is flying to India to visit transportation, was tor the unhim•••• There's a sizzling feud named comedian In test 19, but the on between novelist James T. Far- deal fell through. The "come'dlan" rell and book critic Sterling North. who'd played an unimportant ' part • . . Dr. Harold Urey. atom bomb in the Mervyn LeRoy - directed .olentist (one of the important "Without Reservations" was Proones), will beteha we have an atom ducer-Dlrector LeRoy. bomb war in less than 5 yearl, it , the powers don't agree soon. • • • -~AE~Well goom-bye-bye alii S'been nize Rlcbard LoDI'. ,the HoUrw° od · h1 l'h col~g about y~u. .obool lad who made bIa 111m debut LD "Tomonow Is Forever," maltea bla aecoDd appearance LD "The The OPA sUuaUoD summed up: Btra.,.er," lor lD&em.UolUIl, &II 1t'1I B question 01 whether the prices no releue. He'U pIa, the )'OUI will be held dOWD-or the people brother 01 Loretta YOUI'. It'l Holheld up. lywood talk that Loq II coDSldered one 01 the mOlt promlll.,. Javenue ' '!'he FanDles: Alex Woollcott and actors to tarn up alace Lew A)'I'es Beywood Broun walked out on a leaped to .tardom In "All Qalet OD Dew Bop one night. . • . A. he left the We.tel'll FrODt." ba row "A" pew. Alex bent over ,~.... J~..... ' )I( to pick up a dower that had fallen For a IIcene with Jennifer Janel from a bouquet oil the ·lItage.. , • In ' "Due) In the Sun" the camera "Don't you know It 11 bad luck," caught only the back of Gregory chided .Broun, "to take dowell Peck'l bead. "No one will recogfrom a grave?" ••• Percy Ham- nize you," 1I0mebody told him. mond once critiqued 01 a big ' show "Yes they will " said Peck. "Since failure: "It i\l the flrlIt fune In the- those' 'Spellbo~d' ads with Ingrid atre history that an audIence ever Bergman my neck I. tamous." )I( .u1Iered from stage·fright.. " , Maybe Peggy Cummins wasn't 110 Author Somerset Maurbam wise when ahe agreed to come to points out: "All is grist for a Hollywood. First, there was the writer's ·mm. I don' t create from "Forever Amber" disappointment. the wbole cloth either at reality or Then she was announced for "Bob, of fancy. I have in my liter ary Son ot B'a tUe"; that was canceled. Ittt items In the newspapers, stray The latest Is that she'll play the encounters In the street, stories I daughter In "The Late George Ap hear. no m atter w~ere. Eventually Iley," which seems llke bad casting; out they grind, either as a story or the little Irish girl doesn't quite fit 8a the' stiffly Bostonian family, even a play." The way a columnist grinds It ev- though Eleanor Apley doea fl.nally ery day-not every year. break away.
The Story Tellers: Gene Fowl~r Shlrle, Temple'. dellrbted betold Irving Berlin: " You are one cause she'l to be .tarred In David .,t the very few Immortals who 8ielmlclt'l lorthcomlq ''What ltill mortal I " Every Y01Dll' Bride Sbould KDo....... - - -.Ii's scheduled to st.rt after Ibe ' QuotaUon M.rk!lmansblp: O. ,completel hu alanlnl role wlt.h Henry: Her dress fitted her with leary Grant In "Tbe Baohelor and ftdelity and discretion . .• . Beth Ithe Bobbyaoxer." )1( Brown: Up in the skyscrapers o~d women were tllling their buckets "The Big Noise" by Fielden Farwith footprints . . . . Phll Baker: A rington (Crown Publishers) neatly gal looking for a guy who could takell the hide off the radlo busimake her dough·dreams come true. ness; Inslderll claim to recognize •.. Anon : He sat at his typewriter more than one famous character tenderly dlapering his brain child under another name. Mr. FarrlngwIth neatly folded phrases. • • , ton III the announcer of CBS' "The. Mark Twain: Man was made at the Romance of Helen Trent" and "The end at the week's work, when God Armstrong Theater of Today"-that was tired . . . . Anon : Whe~ a girl II, at present he II. Maybe after wlnkl It means one of two things I that book geta around he won't be. ,., She has sometlting In her eye or ahe bas somebpdy in It. , • • Ben Barbara Bel Geddes, the young Hecht : He ate like a man with a actress who'. one of the toastl of ltowaway under his veJlt. •.. 0!lve Broadway for her performance In Schreiner: We, talk so much of in- "Deep A.re the Roots," will make tellect and knowledge ' but what are Iher screen debut in "A. Time to they? After all, the henrt can't live Kill," Her RKO contract alloWII on them. One would barter all one'lI lher to alternate between at age and knowledge for one kiss and all one'a .creen. intellect for one tender touch-just '" ;" one I "Right Down Your Alley," a real. I)' dlfterent kind of quiz program, The Times' Berlin newsboy, Ray which has contestants bowling In a Daniell, reported , that the Germans regulation filley to determine the live in hope that there will be a war amount at their prizes (usually between America lind ~ussla. They they're better at bowllng than at anbelleve tbat Buch a war will give Bwering questions) , has made a ten them an opportunity to revive Nazi- Itrike. Starting al a lIustainer on 111m. • • , In sbort, when the Alliell American Broadealltlng, the proknock each, other-it'll only oppoz:- gram picked up a sponsor after only tunity knocking for Nazis. nine SundaYI on the air.
111 10'
WW Boren went to a dinner but ODDS AND ENDS - ~ny Ro.i dJdn't know , It wall a pOlitical at- IIIIU know aha, he 'penI ahr.e yean in fair. The lpeakerll were unanimous rhe anny be/ore 'larlin, hil curreN , "Lanny Rou Sin,."-b", ff!ll)' know In peddling bigotry 'and hatred of aha, GI ' a boy he .erued an apprentic. ,the forelgn born. • . • As Roger. ,hip GI a m.rehClllr .eaman. • . . D",.. role to ] eave (In dlsgust)· he heard in, hu lIocation ahil year Ron Rawlon • himlelf .announced 81 the next 101 "Lif. Can Be Beautiful," will laM • peRker who .would ,Ive' hll viewa a bwmCIII', holiday' and 'ClllnoulIj:e rlae on the , erylng DeedS of the nation. 1-. Mi!f'elolailnd Wj.eoruin lIGte ROlen ,turned and drawled : "After IfIir..... Queen lor a DaY' may.obfad lib I ,Imp" ",0"._ 10 '''lenlll, l1IWniDC '! tho.e who preeeded me, audienc... bu, ia taIceI aha eDor.. 01 5~ J bave CCHne to !!!.e conclUlI~!t that ,IbD lJIemben 10 ,e' rlae .how Oil aha .tsat . thIa COUDti')' Deedl b frub·1 0"'. • • • B06 Hope ad Doroahy fA. 1IIood . aDd wba' i peed-I. freIil- M7i11 CCHlIII' ill "The Privete Ey.: m," WItb that be lett. . ~ 6r Ho,. E""'pru~ Int:.
Electric Hotbeds to Suit Average Needs Use During Entire Year With Profit
Chur'cbl Supper. 'Ham Loaf with Horseradish Sauce ·Scalloped Potatoes 'Sunshine Salad Gree n Pens B read or Rolls Coffee and Milk ' Be rry Cobbler 'Recipes given.
Sc ience has ' Inv aded the hotbed ftcld and, to a large extent, has dicta ted the replacem en t 01 ma nure as II heat.ing agent with electricity. which gene rates' t he desired temperature in the bed by means of a special soli heating cable. The cable, preferably, should be tially donc. Dra in off most of fat, buried fr om 4 to 6 Inches beneath Fry onions and bacon together unlll i the surface where It Is permanently golden bro wn, s,ti r ring fr equently. oul of the way, although It may be Add toma toes, !~ It and pepper. pla ced fl ush with the ground . Sixty Place wieners 01~ top and simmer. I feet of cable Is regarded a s adefor 45 m inutes. l.lace a wiener and quo te for a standard 6 by 8 foot a spoonful 01 the sauce on each hot bed, with strands spaced 7 Inches buttered bun aod serve, allowing Iapa rt and unifor mly laid back and t wo for . eoc~ person. forth across the entire bed. Sca loped Potaton. In northern states, a standa rd hot(Serves 50) b ed, with thl: rm ostat, will use from 1%% pound. potatoe. % to l lh kIlowatt hours of electricity 2 tablespooDi lIalt per day for each 3 by 6 foot glassI teaspoon pepper covered s8sh, depending on the ~ cup flour weather. the protecti on given th lt 1 ~ cups buttE!r or substitute b ed and the tempera ture main.' 2 quarts mUk Wash, pa re Mid cut potatoes in thin slices. Plaice a layer of po- ' tatoe. In grea sed baking pan, aprIn- 1 kle with sa lt, p epper, flour a'nd dot with butter . R epeat until p ans arc I almost full. P our over enough hot milk to cover t()P and bake In a ' moder a tely slow (325-degree) oven II untU potatoes arl! tender. The ti me will depend upon the IIlze and luontlty In pans-about % to 2 hours. If you want to prepa re green beans, you will need six qu'arts to .luslalllDe loil beaUn, equip. .erve 50 people. BoU the beans, after washin, and cuUlng, In the mCJIt. Straw has been placed In mlnlmum of wllter, then season the botto~ 01 Ul~ bed ,to provIde with 1 cup bacoln drippings, 4 ta- better dralnare. blespOon. lalt Md 4 tablespoons paprika. If you \1Jant to serve green lalned. The use of a thermostat pea. you will need 16 pounds or 1 makes the operation of the b ed au· tomatic, saves power and ilve51 gallon of shelled pea •. the grower control over plant de-SlIIUIhIDe B&1a4. velopment. Pla.n t. in electrically (Senrea 110) beated hotbeds should be watered I paOkales lemo. Savore4 l'elaUD frequenUy. most ul era specifying 5 7 CllJII I'rated c.rrotl quarts per sash. . I ponn4a grapeln!dt. cut In RctloDi Studl81 made by the United Statel Make ,elatin department of agriculture record according to illthat .eedl ,erminate and plants reoUon •. When crow In from 20 to SO per cent lesl mixture bellnl time in electric hotbedl than in to thicken, add ~__-;.;:r;: thole in which manure la the "heat· carrob and grapeIn," alent, fruit and allow to chlll until drm. Serve In squarea Window Ventilator on lettuce with ma70n n aJle dreuing. 'I'hJa .ketch mow. an excellent Clabbal'e aDd Carrot Salad. way to fix the wtndowl of the vari(8ery.etI SO) ous barna or farm ,~ f,luarta Anely Wedde4 cabba,e buUdJnls. There are J pcIUIlda c.noU, gr.ted, r ..... no hlnle. and the t quart diced callery windowl can be 1 quart boiled Iallatl dream. opened and closed Blend aU ingredient a together at will or removed with lalad dreasilll,. entirely If desired. Since the berry leason will be In Two triangular tulliwing 8hortly, you might Wie to plecOi (A) are fas. Cb.d·-\mIr! lerve a berry-in'lIeallon cobbler with toned to the i ides fresh cream. ot the frame as ahown. A. piece (C) aeross the bottom hold. the bottom of tho .ash In place. Another piece (B) acrolls the top keep a the piece. CA) the correct dJatance apart and .erve. as a rest ·for the I8sh when It I~ opened. A .mall button fastened to the window frame at the top holdl the window ahut, and another attached to the I8lh holds the window open.
I ,
Baked meat loaf Is llimple to prepare and easy to serve for affalrl where gues t. are nWOerOIl!l. Bake the loaf In either ImaD or larce loaves.
Supper Plans Given As Aid in Planning To Serve Fifty Social calendars get very active during the summer m onths because vacatlonl and w eat her offer such a grand opportunity for getting together a big party. Per-. hapi the Sunday " ~ school picnic II " ' just around the corner, or perhaps the ladles' aid Is planning a big treat for their husbands lIoon. Whatever the occaSion, you'll mrely want to put torth your very be.t cooker y and aerve everyone amply. Thil will call for .ome carc!ul planning, and also, large quantity recipel. If the church bal e kitchen fttted with large quantity cooking utenIn., plan to make ,eneroUl Ule of it. Meats and ve,etablea oan be.t be prepared there. Some member may wish to contribute enough Individual lalada and perhapI cuea and pili to make up tor the re.t of the meal ' Good planning which taku Into consideration every angle wID make the affair a successful one. Recruit plenty of hllp 10 that no two or three women are Ued to the Idtchen range all the time. Everyone wiD have a b.tter time, it an have lome IUlUl'e, -Bam Loal (Servea 50) 5 poUD41 lean pork, ground 5 poudl .molted bam, rrollD4 !~ quart. bread or cracker orumb. 1% teaapooDi pepper I~ teupoona IIIt I elP !~
pLDti milk Mix together all Ingredients. Mold Into loaves and bake 1 to 2 hOUri In a moderate (S50-degree) oven depending on
-,.6L",2; ---_.0
11ze of ' loa v ••.
This make. II small loa vel small bread pan Il%e, or about three large. Horaera411h ~auce. (Serve. 50) 1 ~ CUJMI sour cream % cup boDed ••1.d dreaiq ~ cup boneradllh Blend ingredlenta thorouJhly and lerve with ham loaf. An alternate dish to lerve, If ham or pork il dlfftcult to obtain would be frankfurtera prepared ID I mildq Ipiced sauce: Creole Wlealetl. (Servel50) 15 poanda bacon 10 cu,. be., chopped ODiOM (7~ quartl) 10 No. J CIDI tomatoe. 7~ Ie"POOM ..U I teatpooD pepper to pounda wieners 80 to 100 bUIUI ~ Cut bacon Into ~ Inch Iquares and bron over low ,heat until par_Z._ -'~-
L)'DD &")'11
Let'l lene el'p: There'. variety and appetite appeal In e"a If you'll servl them In the following waYII: U.e these fWing. for omelets: creamed tuna fish or leafood; minced cooked ham, cooked pork nusa,e or devUed ham; lautHd mUlhroomJ, cream.ed peBl, alRaragus or other vegetablel; lP'ated cheese, creamed chicken and muahroom., Je1J..y, Jam ' or marmalade; fried oniona; or broned bacon. When you poach e"I, lerv. them In corned l)eef hath Delts, apinach nellts, potato nlm or french toa.t made of Itale bread. Scramble elil with bits or dJeld American ' chene, t,rizzled blcon. Ihredded ham, or fold in loine leftover vegetable•• Bue .gp with bacon, ,aUlI,e or aome of the cold meat cuts an~ lerve a. a,maln dlsb for aup. per with lalad and d.llert. Fry ella Ilow., ~d , 'Ierve with qulckl)' broOed cold cuts or wafftel, pancallea or toaat.
Shirtwaist Frock YOU' R E ALWAYS sure of lookin g your best in a smart shlrt.w aist f r ock. Ver satile and charming-a style beloved by every age. 34-41 This ca p s leeved version will be love ly in aw brightly striped fabric, Cool ' Nightgown u sed contras tingly for yoke and DE LIGHTF ULLY . c ool IlUm- sleeves. mer nightdress designed especially for the m o r e matur e figPo ttern No. 887. ia for IIlze. It, 18, _~, ur~. The 'pretty V n eck and brief 20; ' 0, U, •• and . 0. Size 16 requ.lrea _ yards of 35 or J9·inch matenal. sleeves are ed ged in narrow lace, the soft bow tie in ba ck insures IIEWING CIRCLE PATl'E RN DEPT. 1130 !!ouIJa WeU. lit. Chlc" o " m. a neat fit. Why not make up lIevEnolo . .. 2lI eenta ID coins for . a . eral in differ ent colors for warm pattern deatred. nights ahead. Pattern l'fI). Size _____________________ • Pattern No. 1359 comes In aJzea Sf. III, 38 CO, 42, (t, 46 and 46. Size 36 requlreJ Addre" 31' yards of 35 or 39·lneh fabrJlll 2~iI yardl lice: 1~ yard ribbon for bow •.
.. -
Nazi Germany Kept Rigid Surveillance Over Citizen8 Nazi Germany kept its citizens under complete sUrveillance through an incredibly complex system of records and identlftcation papers, S~Y8 Collier' s. Among the scores of various records was a thorough and up-to-the-minute register kept by each police station of every person In its precinct, including his aq1lvitles and whereabouts whiCh were obtained, for example, by requiring hotels and hospitals 'to make detailed re,Ports of , their incoming and o:ut.going guests and patients. Among the numerous papers each individual was required to carry was a' Certificate ot Conduct which showed whether he had a police record.
Chrysanthemums 20 STRONG PQmo PlANTS in all different colors . . varflllls
$4.85 POltpald (1/111 OlllQ IIIld t~ /fir &J. 2a)
~GV. a Sptltlfl Time I", )'OW GarJen tltil fair. State whether Cut Flower or Border type is preferred.
, IIONTGo.11Y PLANT FA•• Monfglmery
0 ....
Urea Wound Powdell' Used on Livestock
During World War n, two medIcal corps offieerli, Holder and Mc. , You can 8110 let this cereal In KeJloa'I Kay, and later, lIt;. VARlETY-(i different cereall.IO Ic;tlner, reported a8tonpackaaea..iD one haDcS,y cartonl • ishincJ.y efftclent re.ulls In handlln, oontamlnated V(ouncla b)' local apEXTRAI pllcation at a powder made b)' mbI:. In, urea with lultanllamlde and lIulfathJazole. The advantagel of such powder are obvioul al the urea not only aida ,reatly In dissolving and ridding the wound at necrotio or dead tis.un ceDI, but also greatJ,y Increanl the antileptic propertlel 01 the two tulfa drug.. . A urea-sultonamlde mixture hal now been offered to thl veterinary profession and to the farmer. Cur· rently this tormula promJie. to replact moat of the lo-called wound ,powden' conta1nJf1, lim. and alum,' tormerly used to dUllt on woundll of livelltock. It I. alad widel)' u.ed In th.e uterus to bold down infICtiOD after birth ot youbg and II alIo In- .. corperated ID ointment baael for ute JD . eye Infectionl. .
"fi'. erou.
Pa.try lor the paIif 'wll1 probabl)' be larnbbed b,. ID4Ivtdaal me~ berL II thla Is not pou1bIe, m.ke a delectable fruit cobbler IUI4 Rne with cream or IC!I cream.
-Fnalt or B.erl'l Cobbler. (Serv'. 150) I quart. mil. or berries Surar to s""eeten ~ oup comltarch Bllcult douCh Heat canned trult or bemea and water, or fresh truit and water to a bolling point (1~ quartl water ,to 24 cups fruit or berries). Sweeten to taste. Dissolve corDitarch in amall amount of cold water and add to fruit or berry ·mbl:ture. Cook, Itlrrlng . constantly until thickened: Pour Into llballow baking di.h and drop bIscuit dough on top. Bake In a moderately hot (W-degree) oven tor SO minutes. Colfee. (Makea 100 ClUPI) a poundil ,colree ." ,aUoDs ...... in ~e calfee In thick 'c heel.cloth bal, leaving plent)' Of room .or eof- ' Bolus" 'to fee to IwelL The coffee ma" alao Te.ts , c,onducted at , Ml111111ppl be mixed with a IInBll amount 'of have JndJeated that phenothilZino "1 and cold watu, If clear liven 'in bolus torm II more effec· b desired. DrcI~ ba,l In boWn, Uve In treatin, .hHP with atomach' water and boD 8 Dilnutel, Remove worml or nodUlar worm. th.., 'Ibn bagl 'and keep celffee hot. ' It II liven at a drench. t.he For thli ainount or coffee )'Oil wlll phenothlalln!- wlt.h the fOod fl toO need lolh . quartl Of cream (for 2 uncertain 'unJeu each anJmal II tabl.e.poona to ea~b ClIp) ~,- Ireated , separatel7 'DIe eapwle pound IUlar (eoUDUD, 2 teaapoona ' form II DOt ..tlJfactorJ' cd per cup). tile amount of Ume nquInd to II a.Je.~ ~ W.".... lfewapaper UDIaD aDd 1NJIb tile eaDIIIIiL
Give Phenothiazine Form Sheep:
Fre.h aotlve yea.t ·gO•• .rlght to workl
No lost 'action-no ,extra ateps. HelP.. give sweeter, .tastier bread ~vor-light, ,sm:ooth tmtuie~Perrect freslmeasl IF YOU BAKE AT ~pME-a1waya \lie ~ann'. activJ, fresh Y_ with , . the famjljar yeno~ label. Depen4abl.e tor. more than 70 yean-America'• tested favorite.
E st tt bliRhctl 1850- No. 4269
Barker-Hoak VOWS At Friends Church
"iN 'l'liE
£ ST
I Mr. and Mrs. William Luirens had as "heir weekend guest Mr. C. C. L'Ukens of Oll1cago. He entertaJr.ed tQ dinner Sundaoy evnlng at t.he Kitty Hawkc In Dayton, Mrs. Gene E1l1ngl.on. Miss Lois Lukens and his host.ess. On his return to Chlca.go MI$ Lois Lukens' MOOmpa.n.led him for a few dayS vlslt and whUe they were awaJtlng tihe plane o,t tohe airport .In Dayton MIss Lukens iWllS very forLuna te in having Uhe honor to obta.ln the a.ut.ogm.ph of the famous Ice·skaLIIlI!' star, SOr.ja Helne, who a ITI ved at the .fIeld at tha. I. time .
Winnie Jo Stout In 'Dance Revue
ROSA ANNA HARVEY R.05a Anna Harvey. 80, passed away at her honte In Corwin lit l:.!.:tO a .m .• Tuesday, June 17. 1946. She Is sur*ived by her husband. Joshua and the folloWing children: Vernon C., Miami, Fla.; ' Edith M, DaYton.; Clyde E.. M1a.mlsburg: Ma.ry Marie Liming, Jamest9wn ; Charles R .• Denver. Colo. ; Wtlliam J ., Ohru'lotte, N. C .; Willis J ., Day-
FUlleral services will be COnducted by Rev. Hauck . West Ctt.rtol~ton, ~t I ~rtlir.g to a report IsSUed by the ,stubbs Jiluneral Home. Friday at Francts G. t5rown, he 'has been 'ap- 2 :00 p.m. with Int.ermen4J in the pointed or~a.nlmt.lona;1 director of ~ Springfield Friends cemetery. " Warrell County Leogue of Young Mr. and Mrs. S~ R. Oonracl' and D!!mocrat.s 81! of Frlda,y evewDi, .~llIfbter, MfU'~n, Mr: Hayden 14, 1946. Brown's first · duties are to oon- ~ksburs. Mr. 'e.nd Mrs. ' 'Rd>ert. duct a merobta's.hlp wive ar.d to McCarttly. .and daughter, Patricia raise necessary funds for the com- Ann, of Orescent 'S prings. Ky.. were sunday gUeBta of, Mr. and Mrs. T. S. ing campaign . WlIs lall.
I Mr. 'a nd Mrs,. E. F. Elnrnhar,t ,vere guests of Mr. and Mrs. Oharles B . EarJ1hart, Sa.turda:y night a.nd enjoyed a flshlI'.g party ~t Huf·fman Dam. On Sunda,y they were joined by Mr. and Mrs. J . N. Robinson and children a.t a family dinner given by Mrs. Mary Patterson at her new home In Day,ton..
, ....
Tuesclay In
Mrs. Geor/:'Ia Mlendenhl\lI, MrN • Evalyn P eterson . 'Misses Ruilh and Elizabeth Cha.n.<Ner and Olive Williams drQve to Wilmlr.S'lxm Friday evening to ben.r a lecture !>y Dr. Rufus Jones of IFIhllndelphla III the FrIendS' Church t,here. His sUi;ljcct, "'111e Boy Who &n Away to Ood" proved to be 8i malt Interesting account 01 t.he lI!e 'lWld activities of St. Fl'a.ncls of Asal.sl. I\lrs, .Evalyn Pett!l'SOn is spending th e weekend with rc.\.aUves In WIIItIillgllm. .
Billy Dav15 was a &'Uest a.c. a birlhday party on Sunday af,t,ernoon at the l'lIOme of Mr. a.r..d Mrs, Walter MillYs In Dayton, when his sister . Mrs. oecu M. Da·vJs, was a guest, oC Miss Minnie Doc~snn rcturnlld on bonqr. Sundll6' nlgbt fJ·on\ a vls1t In Omaha, Neb. wltJJ her bI'4>t1l1C1', Mr. Harry DtodsoD and flUl14ly.
in Clncir'.natl. Mrs. Allee Clark
A number of the Miami Chapter Ol'd r of Eas Lern Star members att ended the Annual Dayton Inspec· lions at the Mn.sonlc Temple during tihe past wook. 'I1be Chapter has been invited lIS lwnol' guests to alitcr.d "Frlen.dsh1p Night" at Franklin Chapter 011 TIH;lJ'sda.y evening; June 27. I
Helen Gons Married In HoU",ood, June 9
'l'W'ners .Drakes Balwyers
$1.50 pel' Year- Five Cents a Copy
STUFF," SAYS Lois Lukens Lucky; "SWEEt SPARE STAMP TEN Boys' Boxing Bouts . Gets HeineAutograph For Local Exhibition
• The qlJ al~lot old Friends' ChUrc h IS li1e soon 0 1 We marrlag of· 'Notlce Is hereby given that on MISS Monimla Margru'ct Houle, tliC the first day of. July 194(1 a.t. 8:00 daughter ot Mr . and Mrs. Kellal' o 'clock p.m. a public 'hearIng on Lbe . HOll.k, and tylr . Chtrcnc.:e E. Barker, budget PI'epn.reO by 'tlhe BoQ.I·d of son of Mr '-B.nd Mr". William Barker EdUca.UOll of Wayne Township of ,Waverly. 01110. Rural School DIst.rJct of WQtten Mr. Hn.t'Old GI'n llam of POt·L.~ - CQUlIty, Ohlo, for Idle next succeedmouLh. frIend of Lhe g;J'oom and Mr. I.ng fiscal year end\l"oog !Oeoember 31, BenWn Hoak, bl'ot.her ofLllc brldf 194'1, will be Mid at the ~ of ned as USlleJ·S. Educa,tion ortloe in t.he High Scllool Preoedlng I.hc Impressive Friends BUIlding. Waynesville, Ohio. E V. Bll.rnhart, Clerk Cel 'mony over whi h many i1t;h ted lapel'S shed their soft glow, a nd wilh !Ulynwnd and Sara Braddock \I:; colllmltLee of overSight., a prot::ram of nUlltiru music WII.S beard. This )Jrogmm Included .t.wo xylo- • 'Uhc members of the Wayne phone solos "1 Love Thee' and "r TOWnship 'F armers Club were guests Love Vou Truly" by Miss cary l of Mr. and Mrs. Ha.rvey Burnet at Wilson of Wlll1l lngto n CQllege; and their home in ~nLe1'Vllle, June 13. I two vocal solos "Beca.use" lind After the dinner e.nd pleasant "TIu'Ough Th Yeal,);" sun g by Mis , soclaJ hour guests IIS5eInbled Cor the Jean Ho.l'LSOCk Me mpani d by MI'. iJlwoess meeLlng. The following otfloors were elected tor ,the coming SeLh Ronk. The bride and groom were un- year. attended and 't.he bride was 'otbt.rac&. M. Hawke iPresident tlvely gown d In a st.l'cct length L. v. Brartstrator V1ce-.Pres. IT!odel wlldl tl'lnlmlrtG of silk embrol· Mrs. 'R. M. Hawke, Becy.-Trea.s. dery anu ,wblte accessories. Ernest ButterwOTtll, Ex. Corum. " II' to ule d to lhe 1:: .. " " G" ucy FoOd CollectloD b The New OrleaDII lteml . ' , Following LIle cerl:mony, a recepMarr16 Fulkerll()D gave a .most Intion for about Ol"e hundred fri ends teresting d.l.seusslon of the special Ilnd rela'lIvC5 was J1 Id Il~ the brides toplo "0W0 Artists" illustrating home. TIle Itome was b 'a utlful wiLh his talk With prlnt.s or several ; all' artistic arl'ang menL of white arllsls work. Lape~ and rambler roses Ill'd durM],<;S ,Laure. ~Ie. Dean oC the Ing ,the cvenlng an I oOUJ'se wa.~ College of Nursing .of the University served' to I)he many gu ts. of CInc1IUlatl, Wiho dl8eUS8ed pUblic I Dr. nnd Mr~ E. stOut B.C- I Mr. and Mr~. FnXl Gons are an.The bride Is n lJT!IduJ\lc of the h~lth, gave ~ most Intere6Li.n g B.C- com)Xl.nled by Mr. George Boyer , the nouDclng ,the marriage oC their W ynesvl11 High SChool a.nd Is 00111count of ,the PJ'(lgnI.Il14 that are be- laott.er·s b ro~hcl', and Mrs. Sherman daughter, Helen Margaret to Mr. p ietlng her 'work at Wllmll1C'boll Ing set up In this ~leld ot work. WUson. a tt.ended tlile Dance Revue at Ernst Werner Kom gold 01". Sunday. Colleg nnel will too h m usic In the Guests for the meet ing were: Miss the Dayton ArL Institute on Tues- June 9. 1946 a.( <t11e First Methodlsl Xenia Towl'ship Schools fol' tIlt' oCld. Cal . Ram.a.gle and MI.s& Clara. Gestel ot day ~venin g when their daulrh1.er, Ohw'ch In IHO COming year. The groom Is a grad . The couple plan 1.0 ' reside In Clnclnnn·ti; Mr. and Mrs. H . E . Winnie Jo, appeared In the s pecial uate or AUa.nta, Oh.lo High School. Hollywood. Hathalway; Mr. and Mrs. Eli Furna. number. "ConLrast in Rhythm." and Is nloo c::ompleUng his work at She also appeared In <the $Wle and family; Mrs. J . B. Chapman; WUmlngton Colloe and wUl ~'Mh lIfr5. J . ~, McClure ; ' and Mias number on Wednesday I"lght and Physwal Educa1Jol In U.o l::>prlng Dr. and Mrs. Stout were jWCOmpanlFrances WIh1taker. Vall y Schob. ed by Mr. and Mrs. Geor~ Waltz The Y01!1 ooupl~ wlU OCCUI1Y an 'Mrs. G.~ tmIIi ret8rMd .or Do.yton and Mr• .a.ndc..Mrs. EImer apartm nt· 1n WIl! llngl on, C. H, f.or on Tuesde.y from ,a.. v1s1t with her Grove of CentervlUe. the sunmler montalS. daughter, Mrs. IDmry Hau el"~~telu
JUNE 20, 1946
Mrs. Georela Mendl:nhall ~pent Sunday in Da)"l.on at rohe home of her nephew, Mll'.. Ernest Mar Un.
Miss Margaret Edwar1s ret\ll'Oed WOD Lost Pet. So.tUl'(\ay from III visit with Iter 2 0 1.000 I"ephew, Mr. WUson Edwards and 1./)00 family near Springfield 2 0 1 2 .333 MI ..s Marcia BILker and Ilrother 0 3 .000 Jim Baker Jr. of Lebanon ~alled on
Shower For Spring V~lIey Bride-Elect A m iscellaneous Shower at whlcll Mrs. J . W. Fulkerson of Spring Valley and Mrs. M. A. F'ulkeroon were co-hostesses at the home of tJJe laliter on Wednesday afternoon. was one of a series of parties· given In hmwr of Miss Joo.n Ha.rt1nger, brlde-elect 01 Spring Volley. A color scheme of plJ".k Q,l1(} white was used in '! be aecorntlons with Ii pink crepe umbreUa ,being suspended over the dining room tnllie w\here gif1s [or the honor guest were arranged . The guestS en gaged In contests and prizes won by Mrs. Ed Flood, Mrs. Ray KI~ and Mrs. Ed Hartsock were presented ,t o MIs..~ Hl1rtlnger. Daint y refreshment'> were served to b'trenty~flve guest.s by the hosl-
FRIENDSHIP CLUB· 'nle . PrtendshJ;Club ' en:joyed- ' program ot readings, conWsts and' a piano solo .by MisB Judy Conner at the 'home or Mrs. Ralph Hastings ' on ,W edl".eSday afternoon. Mrs. stenley BaJley, president, presided with Mrs. George MUls in charge of t he program. 'I1he Club lldUoumed to hold a picnic o.t Ohautauqna. In July and the hosteSs served, it dainty eds.~ert cOurse during the pleasant socIal
• Spare Stamp 10 In bhe f~mliY rat ion book will be good fo r fiv e pounds of canning sugar, accordi ng 1.0 an OPA relt-ase June 18. 'I1hLs Is tlhe last stamp that will be innde 11 vall1lJJle for home cannlJig th.1s year OPA announced, II.S no ell.Slr..g of ~he sugar situation Is expee t.ed be.!01'e 1947. The next regular s tamp for table sugru' will be made good Sept. 1.
l\I.r . E. J. Carmuny of Springfield was a guesL F:l'lday at ,Llle hom.e of MI'. I1nd Mrs . WiUbur Clark.
• The Boys' Athletlc Association. Jim 'liru1.~k, president, will preen t a boxi~ exhllillion at tJheil' gym Iaca.t.ed at Millcr·s. Garage, on Wednesday evening. JUlle 26 at 8:00 p.m. This boxing eXhibit wUl round out a season of actiivlt1es for this clUb and UleY will again reswlle t.he.Ir work in Ule Call. Listed for thjs evenings entertAinment is Lbc main bout OObween Jim Hartsock and Vincent Wilkerson. with oLller bou Is toWing 1W0Ut ten to flIteen <lJ.!fcrent JlIaitCh.es of a. Lluee round duration. Bill 8aiwyer wlll aot as ,releree and Kenny ~ has been r.amed as one official with I1noLhcr to be appointed.
Mrs. Phillip 'fil!ord and' chUdrcn arc spel~ dln" a couple of week:> Wlt.ll her parent.s, Mr . Ilnd Ml's William This box.lng ent.erl.a.lnment Is open SLcillnuer a.t Loulsv.lUe. Ky. to the public and everyone Interestl\1r. IUId l\1rs. lIurvey Burnet en- ed Is corclla11y mvlwd to attend. lcrtalnoo ~he ·Wa,yne Township l''n.rnltrs· Club on ThursdAy. MrIi. Effie Surface of Lebanon WII.S . a dinner ~uest Thursday 01 Mrs. Ma.rgareL Johns.
. Mr. and Mrs. Everett Kenrick enW 'INued 1.Ihe HopklJls' la.mJ.ly ot Waynesville to d.l.JulCl· Sun.day evenuJg honoring iJle flt1.b birthday of ~helr da.\l8XIlleJ.', Jane. Mr. alld' Mrij. Everett Early aUend· I'd a dlIl1leJ' dance II.~ th(! Masonic T emple, Dtl..YLOIl, saturday ·e venlng. ing.
fiarlle'jjtulYJ Mr. and Mrfi. Bowurd CoWna and Mr. a.nd MrS. Lee Collins o! CenteJ·ville were Sunday guests at t.he home of Mr. and Mrs · Sterling Ingles aJ'..d lamUy ot Greenfield.
Fathers Day WII6 observed at the Methodist Ch urcll , Sunday. The performance was presented u.oder t.he superv!Slon of Mrs. Milton , 01)appel of "Twin Pint'S" on 'MI!.ple Mr. and Mrs. Elton Ross of Spring.- street. boro were over ' Sunday Iluests of 1lhe WSCS convened at Ule home their son and wile, Mr. and Mrs . of Mrs. Mwry P1eJ:son, T~y Will lW&; UI:!d. daUij hter. Mr. Ros~ af,ternoon. aCOOlllpanlcu Ills son to M~. OralJ, Dr. and Mrs. Earl Frost. aIUl' MD, Monday. MS.ynard, In compaJlIY with MlI.sa Mrs. Elhabet.h Smith, M1s6 Mary Grace Smart, are touring southern Cook and' Parry Cook of Waynes- United States. and will remain fQr ville were S\1llClay '&Uests of Mrs. e.. shOl't stay 'In Flor1da. Mart,'lU'et JOhllS a nd PaUl JOhn.s. Mr. and MrS. WIWam BraDe and Mr. and Mrs. ·W&Uer Kenrick and oon of near >Dayton were Sunday James Ha.1nes !Were entertained to evening dlnner .."'eats Of Mr. and
~)~1,!~ ~ ~.tll~ ev.cWII
a. ~~ ~~. • " ~'''''''''~__jjQf
Friends of Daniel DaWSon WeI'e a.t ·Lhe home of Mr. and Mrs. Robert Haines In 'l Jaytoll 1n honor 01 bile Very sMckoo to learn of hIa p&SII\ng blrlohoo.ys of Mr. W. G. Haines IWd Friday morning. Mr. Da.wson waa his grar.doon. Billy Haine.s.
fOWld dead lilt his home on Ma.1n ' sLreet by 0. neighbOr, Mr. John Roberson. Funeral servloes were conductAd Monday afternoon at the A· ~ E. Church. Survivors include 1mo brot.hers, Azel of neo.r Ha.rve:Y&bW'i; and M06eS; Lhree sisters, Mm. Della Smith; M.ls.se6 Elaittle and hour. Mrs. NeUle Emrick entertained'to Dawson; all of 0h1c&g0; . l~ dhllddinner Sund&y, Rev. Joseph Myers, ren, Albes-t and William, 0IariatATTENDS WEDDING OF Da.Y'ton and Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Jones. vUJe; Alt.roo., Cl~; and! Mlse NIECE IN XEN IA Mr. . and Mrs. Leon Sl1l1sbury of C~u'istlne Dawoon, DayWn. WIIShing14m.. C. ,H . were evening . I Mr. and M.rs. l.&wrence Brown Burial in charge of LuIrer.s- Refguests. and family were among the guestll nok15 Funeml Home W88 made in a.:t the ma.rrlage of MlsB So.lly Smith, Mrs. 'EvereU Eurly and MrlI. John Springfield Church oemetAqr. niece of Mrs. Brown. and iMr. Robert Burske attended a ' luncheon at the Mrs. Florenqe' ~ton 01 8eUS. snilth In Lbe Xe;"la First Metrho- AlIt IllllLlwte in qa.yton Slilturday brook IS 'II. houSei.'1lest of bel' !lOll dist Church on Frldo.'Y evemng. . mOl'Tllng given uy me WOrthy Ma-. and daughter-In-law, Mr. and Mrs. The . .brlde Is tile daugbter of the tJ'OllS' of District 19, OES. D~l1as ~ton and fam'IIY. late Mr. and Mrs. Lampoon Smith Mr. and Mrs. Glenn RGiler moved Mr. Ilnd Mrs. Robert Ro~ and Is employed 1\6 t.cller at the from Dayton t.he HrsL of the weell; and uncle, Mr. Roth VanBuren have Xenia. Na.tlonnl Bank. The groom is and will take chn.rge of tile 'P wnmhl returned to t.helr homt'S in D\etrolt lexiCographer In the Intelligence grocery wblcll they recenUy pur- ' after e. two weeks' visit with Mr. department at Wright Field . They ohruied. They moved to 'tII1e twme .of RotJeroon'~ parents, Mr. and MS'S. will reside In Xenla. Mr. and, Mrs. George ClIIitenbordel'. John Roberoon . Their eldest son. Mr; and Mrs. Harold Steinke and John Jr. sper.t two days at his home NAMES SECOND DATE Mrs. Sally Gilman vlslt.ed .the Ger- here prior to leaving for We.shineFOR BAHA'I MEETING mantown cemetery Where the latter's ton, D. C. Mr. Ilnd Mrs. Geor~ BuDee of husband, 'Harry Gilman; is burled. The second series of .fI ve washlndwn state 'h ave been visitThey' u.lso called on Mr. and Mrs. meetings of 1lhe Waynesville B8!ha.1 Omar Brnndenberg in Germantown. Ing friends and relatlreaa.round discussion I!'l1OUp. oW1Il meet at the hCl'e this lWeek. Friends were ~ad to learn that home o~ Jo6e1' McCoy, R . R. 2. Mrs. Evel)'n M~ who ~. Ule Thursday evening June 27, at eight M1'S. GladyS MJnser and libtle oon' state board exa.m1r..8Jl;lon tor beo.uwere able ,t o be moved froni St. Ann o'clock. t.Iclans passed the . requirements of The subject tor discusSion wlU be, hOSPital to 'her .nome in Dn.yton, on same and Is preparing to begin t.he AiIllS u.nd Purposes of the Baha,I Monday. operation in t.he nee.r future. FaILll. . Mr. and Mrs. BartJeu Monee atMrs. ~rte Gray of Dayt.on .. the l'he Lytle "u..ppy-Gu-Lucky" 4-U Club enjoyed Tuesday of this week WI!»l the County> 4-H Clubs at the Zoo and Colley Island, Clnclnna.U. Mr. Kesler Gru.ham of Daylon WIlS driving 0. 1Ic.."IW Nash In Lytle, SMw·day.
MisSes Marne nnd Annie Drown on Is tihe time to begin putting tor them ,t o buy. Bus1n.e96 in general Friday and MOD~, ~UJtIl SU~. money ' back Into clrouJatlon. 'llIereJS begl.nnmg to 'pk:k . up. raP,idly. We 'Ilurners 8 - So.'wyers · 5 ' Is more money. In bank, subject to 0IUl'4s t,ell how far up tt is going. MIS!! Elluheth Chandler, acCOmDraUs 2 - sa.wyers 0 the aheck:s Or lr..dlv1duals, bba.n a.t another suCh "lioom" 81! we bad panied' .~ Mr. ar.d Mrs. L. W. any .previous ~im~ In · our na.tional lthree .and lour yeIlm ~ least SOFTBALL SCHEDULE Chamller and Mi,<;,<; Gertrude Chandhistory. Jot Is lying there beca.u.o;e lts not t1gh('a.~. Blit With bua1ness OFFICIAL 1946 CIVIC LEAGUE ler ~ pent F'rlda.y In Dar;oll. ownel'S have beell waltl.ng 'for the' picking up even appreCiably, money All &'IlfDCS will start promptly at bUSiness sitOOtioll to ' t.Ou<:h bottom.' 'tor wages and ·lJl8iteraia getting 6:00. '!be team mentiorled on the GORDON'S ENTERTAIN All. the IndlcaUons .now are that.t tba.ck Into circulation, UJe number of schedule llrst is the home team.· SEVERAL HOUSEGUESTS t.eoded a family picnic dinner &In- house guest 01 her daughter and 1111S toUclled bottom 1Uld has beiUtl 'buyers will lnd'e88e and bhe la.w of .Ml3' pOetpoOO4 go.me Will be Pla'Yed day at ' Harmon Park, Lebanon, in oon-In-la,w, Mr. 'a nd Mrs. Charlea' I ' Mr. and Mrs. L. H . Gordon have RAYLYN CRABBE WITH to rise. At tile momeuL, retail pr!ces supply and danand will &ttend to na a flve-1nniII8 contest following honor of 'Lbelr son and ,wife, Mr. Bl'..d Book and daughter. Madelln.e. of cVeJ'y sOOt of commodity are low-, sending retaU prices upward a.ga.In. tlbe neJIit scheduled game. had during ,the past bWo weeks as TH~ J OURNAL-HERA.LD Mrs. Herbert Monee and ' son, Who Mr. and Mrs. Balpb> Clark and er Lhan bhl)y h8lve '~n since ' 1be ever ' the' adv1ce to "buy ~., MOIIda,. FrIday p~ guests, ·Mn;. 'LlllJan 'rue. Mr . I 'M iss Raylyn Crabbe who 'has are v1s1ting here from nenver, Colo. ramily of MJaml Shores, lley'ton" and' Mrs. Ea.nl F'Ife and dauglhter, days OO1o:..e the war. A doll~ 'NUl WaB gOOd, it 18 today. IIIDCI • lune Mrs. Ed Conley, Mr. WUlIam were SatUl'<\ily callers of friends Sue, and Mr. Albert WUkernon, a-IJ completed her Fre:mman year a.t buy as much of almost every,t,h1ng . Turners VI; MulfQrds 21 of near WashIngt,on. D. C., ar.d Mrs. Ohio State and Is spocl&llzing In St.raukamp and Wife of Dayton and and relatives. today n.s 'II. dollar .and an half would ~ Drakes vs TulTiers Mr. and Mrs. Robert Moran wbo Roy' Marks and jjj)n, Deane, of Day- "Journa.llirn" has II(!cepted a posi- Mr. Ediwaord St.rauk.amp and wife of buy ·two years ago. 'I1lle r41duc)iton Edlwrs Note: 'I'he abOve article 8Blwyers vs Mulfords 28 ton. Mm. Gordon and Mrs. LIllian tion with ,t he Dlryton Journal- Her- Crystal Lake have been at the bed- have been occupying rooms IWltlb In 'l~le price of ra.w ma.tel'ia.l Is now IWII8 written fifteen years &10 by lui, side of their mother, 'M rs. StralU- Mrs. MOran's grandmotlher,' !4rIs. Fife, accOOJpIUlied by Mrs. Do.Isy IIiId. 'bel,ng fully reflected In the prloe ot lihe 14ie D. L. Crane and pUblished 1 Turners vs So.wyel'l/ Snyder were Tuelldny guests of Miss kamp, since FrIday. She' Is very Blanche C4in', have moved Into tne1r manufactured goc'xis .,tb the 0011- In the MJamt oa.zette an edlto1l1a.l. Mulford/l v. 'D rakes 6 CAROLYN CONNER HAS at the.bane of t4le Other daUlbter. recentlY Purchased home In 'We.yne&Josep~ ' Flfe o.t Wilmington. 8 M¥lfords . va 'fI:1mel'a, . 6'Ul1l6l'. In jU$t !1f~n yeaTS such ecot;lOmlc Mrs. Ralph ·H ammond and family. ville. . TONSI L OPER.A TION oOrlWl:e8 va Sawyera 12 There may never be anothe r op- ,dhai1ge6 bave oooured In the U. S . .. \ ' . ==s .Dr. and Mrs. A. E. 8tou& and POl'tW"Jty,ln l\lhe lifetime of IllOfIt .th8t . tails , edI.t orIal ' 18 comple4;e~ 15 Mulforos vs 'S awyers I Carolyn Oonner," daughter of Mr. daughter. W1Iln.1e Jo. receRUy' at. TUmera va Drakes 19 of us. •to a. dollar go 'na fn.r as out of date. yet. W~ can'L refre1n and Mrs. Raymond Conner, Is retelldcd ..11e ~~ 'r acca a-t MJarnl it will ·go ,to<Uw. would never ' I'Orm po1ntlJ>.g tihe complete .22 Jj)r~s va MuJtords cuperating a.t 'h er home folloWIng Sh~, adv1se a~~ t.o go oontrary . 0\.0 "about,..face" In government advice. SaiW)'eta v!J Turners 26 Lbe remova:l. of her ton8Ils at the Benjamin F~nkllnIS, ''Wise '~Il1l8el. In June 1031 . the ad'liee 'Was to, 29 Sa.wyers va Drakes Mr. J~ II. C~d~,i'dea' iheoftlce of Dr, JIalItinger. on Se.tur~ The Hoy Scout Paper 'Drive sponsored . by -local ' T~op . wIlen llfr said, "Ne.ver buy anythlng spend money, t.o<ta.y save it . . The AIIf1IS~ " . . ' A ......& AnDu8J. Vocat1oWLl Agricultural Con- day miomin8. ' No. 40, will be held in Waynesvill~i ' Saturday, JUne YOII donlt wa.nt merely becaw;e it one mall) point ~ tllIB, ec.!!tOr!&l ' Is 'I'Umer& VB Mulf9J1da :I .ference In CelUmbu8'l:lurlng Lhe P The monies collected from this paper wili be' used to Mr, aad Mrs. Georp T. Bunee aDll Is Cheap." But we know that t.tlOU&- the I6temeDtregardlng UJe.law of 6~ va· rtUmera week. -'. Shirley Ann of Walla ,W8lla.. Wash. purchase Scout equipment. It ands ot people in this community aupply and d.eJD8lId cor.t.rolq the Se/W)'era VB. MUUordB ·9 l'equestea that residents and vICinity ,have been putting ' orc prtce tteld- don't foraet. ~ plan 12 Turners va Sawyer'll . CaptaiD Harold RIsInee.- oi Forl were ~ Monda.y Iuesft 01. tbIIIr awl' have paper ready for collection if 'posaib'le. if not, notlt7 tJUngs they l-ealiy wanL,. believing can'Mlrit lot. any time. and lrtmaldng lIulforda 9,1 ~ 18 EusUa, Va, 18 001 tetmil)lLl ~ve and ~. Delbert ClcJotler and (am1ly. Joe James, Scoutmaster, and a special Scout detaU will be tbat !.be)" Would go ~. that statement. 111'. 0!&De provided 19 MuUordB va Turners 18 ~ 110m!! time with hh Tbey were apendlnl a. ten day vacaon hand to take care of the preparation for collection. tIOn with Mr. Tod Buoce and otbel' We feel jUaWled in 1IIlo)1118 to a bMiO faat. .~ we could UIIII toda1 ~ • lIS uncle aDd aunt, Mr. and lira. Pied Help the paJJer shortaK8 by helpjDK the Scouta. . nlat.l~ In aDd Dear ,~. , t.bOIe people b t t.be time hal come In our ~ .muddle. Olub-Sporta Oommltltee CIoDL I
• • •
Get. 'Waste Paper Ready Saturday!1 '
Page T'w o
Marlon IU'd Moric K el tner ' to Clarenc B. Bowman to H1ll11s I . Nu.tha.n ' and Elva M~rt.ln." 9.'1g.;,.A. In Rexroot . . Lx A. in ~rurt,lccreek tWP. Deerfield bwp. Louise .S . Stiles ta. Mory W . Crop· Established' 1860 Sherman a nd IdI\- ' Pl>wcll 1.0 Ca~ .per •.51 A. OIl Broadw~v . Lebanon. . p~bli8hed Every. Thursday ' by DAVr ,9N PRESS ~d Mode na. J u(ld. ~ A~ III W ' h~ MArton und· Ralnda.ll , Lilley to F loyd Davlsson,'Editor Entered a'8 Second Class in ' 0011 twp. . Alexand r 13· Galley~ plot In Wn.~· Matter at the Post Offi ce, Wayn I'lville, Ohio Elva Ma r Li n to CI)arles Rnd Ing t.im t.wp. . Anna 0001 11 t al to Frances Ma rt.ha Ia r., lot 55 In Sntderor SL Subscription Rates: $1.50 per Year in Advance .rubdlvl<;lon, Dc r fi let ~\V].l • . ' OOOrge Bw helman. 94 A, In H ~nl1· ""'"= "..;;;;;;,;;================:===:= F.r dol nnd Lily . Klmb I'lln to ton twp. and Catherine D1l1!nghnm, lot on Clu·lJ.o;; , nd; La.Vel'1le Re Truesdale. Ella Bn~Rore to T . C . and Lois Park ave .. Lebanon. lots 33-34 In same. Baysore, lot 295 .In M.ason. F1ronk and Malina Reed to Richard Oool'gc and Alice Hartlnum to and lonn Stanley, lot 17 In Bea n's Lloyd JOhl)soJ~. tOL ell Colwnlbus addition to Lebanon , a ve" Lebanon. REAL ESTATE Oris and Oa.th eri.ne Brown '\.0 CorwIn S. Freel to Julius D. Fred , :rRANSFERS 4.02 A. In S . Lebanon, Milton Wa l..ton. tJllree lots In Welli'I1h.e Oregonia Bt'ldge Co. to Olmrles E . Bog8.l' to WillJa.m nnd 001'0, Harlan twp. l\lnry Dora Hough and Ruth Olareooe 6Jld Lena Ne lson, lot '1 In Ernestine Rhoades. Ilwo lots In Oarrie E. TunS to 001'don and &- "'- ~t are a"ft~~"Jla bhe MAthob 'w 'u.... "",""~LI " " the Oregonia. Bridge company su - Ma.lnevUle, Blanche MArconet, lot 27 In Ma1ne- dist You~h Confer,mee at Sabina. Ross n.nd Viola Lewis to J ooephv_Ul_ e._ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ dl_lr_ln_g_~h_1s_w_ee_k_._,_ _ _ _ _ _ div1slon, Lebanon. Oharlea and Mir ia m tnn u to C. Lane, plot in Hsm1lton IJWp. ObllJ'lea C. Boger, tJ)ree LraclS In Nora and Henry Riehl 1.0 Roy
The MiamilGaze.tte
June 20, 1946
Mr. aDd Mrs. F. E. ThOlilall l!IIter. tamed with. a " r1lID1ly d1nrJe:r on SIJnda.y ~g Fa.llhers Day. Dinner guesli; \Yere Mr. and Mrii. John Robew of Day;bim. " Mr. a.nd Mrs. J . M. EarnhArt a.nd 1.'.hlldn!11
(lr .Beavertown, Mr. ar.d Mrs, lJowell TJ)omas 'and daugllter f Lytle~ +dr. a nd ~s. Robert ThomM a.nd d1\.ughlers.
Clearcreek Dairy ERNEST HIXSO.N, Owner PHONE 2537 BARLOW and GRIMES Di.l tr1butors
Mr. Clarentle Pric:e returned from a fish ing !.lip nt st. Mary's, S6turd ay. Miss l\1lldrect Chaptbers has reo Lurried trom Vll'g11llo. and is making her home with Mr. a.nd Mrs, O1!orgo Lytle on the avenue.
No Wonde,r the Whole World Wanta a ·Quart of Milk a Day
At I ' a::;t thnt'fl one of the things this old g lob e need s f or it!; ow n good , say the politicians. Maybe so, All we know is that milk i:; t he most satisfying food thE)re is with its vitamin D to build well-knit, bones and so und· white teeth, For babies irs perfect. Fo)' gl'ownups it's tops, And when ' it·s our Milk, it's best of all.
Mrs. Jesse Pe.nDlngton Is' mlKlh Ha.mil1Xlll bwp. Spencer, two acres In Union twp. Improved IU'.d, a.ble to be out once Frank and Isabelle Coburn to Mar y Estella Collins at al to HowJosephine Wlooross, lrlOL 16) a nd ard and Vera Snell , parcel in Maof inlet )63 In Leba.llon. son. JOIU1 and Lauro. Snr..dlln 1.0 Farris Josephine Wlndross \.0 Ohester Watts, lot In S. Le~on. and UtoVonne Ca.lvert. same. Ed.wln and Edith S<iUlelling to EtbcJ .A. OOc.hI·an 1.0 John a.nd Aloysius nOO Mercedes Kessing, 9.50 JOOIlD West. 4.21 A . and to Robert OUTHWE S1'REN OHIO will be break. The Federal FIsh & Wlldllfe A. ID Wayne wp" and Etbel Maddox 7.48 A. In Salem Ruth 1. Schat'uble and Edith we ll represented In the lake con- Sel'vice has certalnl set · zones for twp. . Brown to Nonnan and Maude st.rucUon pJ'ogmm 1:01" several years seasons. T<he va.rlou.s :ital.es a.re placOJ:a.ude and Al.lce Bowman to Brown. 'l ot 2 In Thompson's addition, IlCOOl'dlng to Cohunissloner '''Buck'' ed in their choice of t.llet!IC wnes. Eugene case, four. o.cres In Wa.yne Leba.not;l. Rider. Mr. Rider was spea.klng to 1940, Oblo hIlS requested the ~. ,Ralph C, Brown to Cecll M . TIlr- over 100 sportsmen-fanller~nser nortdlern zone-- f(l,r the belwflt of Marie lA1ecIle1t 't o Ernest and too. pa.rcel In Elliott's addition In vaLlontsts at last FridaY' ~ght·s 1/ 50 of Ul.e sta.te who own or u.se A ZINC PICMENT BAS.E product made und er governFrauklln ~l1eetlrig of the W arren Co. prlva.te mru-shes on Lak Erie. Duck Oa;therine Kendall. Interest In 20 A. Lebanon. in Deerf1ekl WIp. Fra.nces K . O'Conner to H. C. Reif, Fish & Game ConservaUon Assn. He h Wlters in the rl18t 01 t.be state ment specifications for outlined a.pproved lalte building pro- watoh the d uoka come In during Oa.t'l and Modena Judd to RoberL part of In lot 45 in Leba.non. joots In BuLle r. Brown. Clermont, December when '\he season is CI06Clinton and Highland counties. ' ed. Indiana. and Per..sylva.n1a. are These lakes range In size !rom 400 OOLh In Ule In>l.eJmedia te zone. Rider to l!soo acres of wa.ter- not count- stated that the Commission ha£I emIng the surJ'OWlding l1\.nd. "So mueh 'powen!<1 bun, (a.t ,long las.t.), to l'emoney has been appropria ted for quest Ohio be p18iOCd in ' the zon e By the application of a c~at of Zinc Chromate to new lakes In tlhlS area, 1 can 'l1lU'dly look closeSt to the intcJ:mediate dates of ACCOUNTING and TAX SERVICE th e of Northeastern 01110 the Oct. 16 to Dec. 14. ''Phey a.Iso cancelmetal sUl'fnces s uch as SPOUTING, GUTTERS, ROOFS, lace" Rider stated. He must h ave led thell' s t.andlng recommendation Dilatush Building - Broadway - Leb~mon, Ohio etc., a_ covering of paint can then be added without the forgotten that \;his Is the first tin1e to be Pla.ced In t.he northern zone. in OhIo's'hIstory hha.~ t.he "Forgotten There Is still that "closest 1.0" loopTELEPHONE 511 usual "peeling-off" that occurs when paint is applied to land" of southwestern Ohio ha.s been hole. due to the J06W shat1ter duck reCognized by .the Oonserva.tlon hunting dates not ,ba.ving been lssunew meta) urfaces. Division 1'or tIhe creaUon of pooled ed QY lobe Wildlife -service. The SCrwater! Tbe projeots are under way vice also refused" by phone. lIbe now. '!however, nnd we ~n expect CommiSSion's req\lIcst for a. splltit only Zinc Chromate will not injure the surface to pick our r~ea.t1ob lake wibhln sta.te season. Just maybe Lhe boys 30 mlv..utes driving dIStance <luring and girls, who call't a.fford 0. \L8.ke forms a permanent b.ase on which to paint. For full detail s the n ext l4lree of four years. ErIe shooUng JNu'sh, will get a OFF -ER calJ or see SPEA.K ING OF TIlE GAl\fELAWS, cllElDCe bhJs ye8l' to harVest n. tew SATISFACTORY Just decided by the Con~!)'vat1on mlg:rating du~ that are can1ng CommJ/ision betmtl Rid.e r . came to to Ohio's I.n\lUld lakes and streams S E R V I ,e E S F;rankJul, h e said, .. . . . . Ohio's in Inel'easlng num~rs! ,AT AU.. TIMES game croP. like, many other sta.tes, IS ibadly depleted. Because of this. DO YOU KNOW, A NEW MINUl\OW ,pro~tl~n' several cha.nge6 have been made In D~ fall's reguJatlons," 'l1he bBsi.c bullet.1n 18 now a.l~ble front tile Waynelville, Ohio Phone 2182 Dial· 2111 Waynesville, Ohio changes are: SquiITel- Sept. 15 to COnseryo.t.lon . Dept. Wrioo ,t o pjah iLBJ)QTllltory, OhIo Slate ~, Oct. 16, same bag llm1t. no d1f1erColumbus. for bulletin No. )190. 'It's ;~~;;~~~;;~;;~~;:~~~~;;~;:;;~~~~~I ence over whole sta;te; Rabbit- Nov. -, 15 Ii<> Jan. 1. bag lJm4t 4, possession free.. THE NEW omo STREAM IlJh1t 4; Pheasnn.t,..... Nov . 16 ·to Nov. artd HIg'hway Malr- dlstr~buled at 30. bag l\milt 2. possession l1m1t 2. F.1riday Nite's Fish' and Oam.e MeetNo change In the grouse or pllltrldge ing- 18 also free (Ill. ~uest to COnregwatlons, QIld deer season .nnd servation Divislo,n. ' slAll!.e Office C H E V R 0 L I ' D I A L I R e A R • S • • Y Ie. IS · YOU. • .• I , CA •• 5 A V I R location yet to be declded. SoUtJl- Bldg., Cl>lwnbus 15. Ohio, eastern OhIo may be closed f()l' deer WERE FIRST ' I)WPORTED into hunting with open. (,enitary fartlher tlhL~ country (rom Oennany In 18'16, now I Another s tlnker nortll In Ilhe Sta.te. The only. other .Look. a t Ia.w change was for tl'appers. They tl}i!y Ih.a.nded us. ~rHE OHJO DEPT. BBTABLlSHED 18'15 can set t1'!I.PS Jl-t noon Nov. 15 in- OF U~TH. In a 1'00.10 broadcast. stead of tMt n.lgbt-- to go a long warDS against youngs ters swlnunlng Wlt.h the opening of pheaslLP..t a.nd 'In Polluted ,water for Ille balance of the swnmer. JUST WC)NDt;R l·a.bblt seasons. Telepboae ZZIIl W.~. .UIe. Oblo RIDER CONTINUED, " We can't i>.bout that trucJdoed 1 row swimcut t h e p.n easal)t Wig and ope'n sea- ming in the' 'I'urt,le Creek scwll.r the son any further to preserve a. brood oLber nigh ~ down Dear J ase ,Wilson'
New Metal Surfaces
~CGilure Jlfuneral ' ~ante
Wa~esville Nationa~ Bank ·
S ~B
9-12 .:.e ach morning 1·5 afternoons except Wednesday
C. E. Wilkin Optometric Eye Specialist 26 South Detroit Street XENI:A, OHIO
INLlli IN · A ':GRADE WITH 'Y OUR A • •Y · ·M OS l"
.) U
U. S. Army 11 1 '.
AT, ,
W A YN.E- PARI\. WED. and FIR !., 10:30 a.m. 25c A LESSON
", Re /eve ,CONST !PATION This 25 cent way
II you'twrer frI~m ·~.lunteh.,... tem ,tben try g'llnUe. yet ~I\orougb acting.Marcile T'a bl.ta. ~Y' poaDd •
"lief from eonliUpatlon and 800· nomlC6l In P.....t, Vult lise 0( 45 tablet. I!Cteta . • !)en.t a ,~t an atorea. Gilt 'K arelle Tab~
_D b..... run
1M~• • SIIVIC. O,DAlIONI • " ." Clleck .....,in. end. w .........n......
-- ------------~~----~----;
'Waynesville Repair Shnp --'0£ BOYDS. Prop.
. . . . . clutch........ ,..~
North Street
'01 lONOIi CAl U,. A_ IA'H DllVINO-W. . . . . . . . .
Ariay . .tercu who' beid c.rtaiD .. MlUtary Occupational Sp.ci!dti•• may .,.8Dllat ID q grad. ~o~euu· ~ with their ekill cmd' exPerieDc., lJIIOYid.d th., w.r. honorably cIiacbllf9.d 00 or after May 12. 1'" 5-aDd pr:oYid.d th., r ••D1iet liefor. Jul~ I. 1146. O.er tbree-quart.r. of a IIIillioD 'oiD.d th. D_ a.gular Arm, alread" MAKE IT A MDJ.IOH! facta are at emy AnD, Camp. ,.... or BecnaltiDg
7-9 Saturday evening Other evenings by Appointment
~.AI·E ·
c- "
Any make or model I'F redlKahn Motor Car Co.
Phone 2.,51
.le A
-----------._.-._ ... _---
stock tor year, ,W e will prooocute to <the llmlt a.nygame hog having man! than . <two Ohio phOOsants 1 their pcssesslon." THE DUCK REGUI,ATION may finally give lniand ,Oh.lo huntel'5 3
-kHp it serving safely.act cIependGbIy uaIiI you gel cIeIi~ Of your .... aMtvrOiet t.Iay, ~ . . ewr ~ It's. -.portant to . . . yow c.- ~-to ...... ....¥ina you saIeIy ~ dependclbly--.ntII you can get dallwry of a ..w q,.vro.... AM ........ way to 'do that .. io c-.e to us for .... . , reIlalJI.; . . . . . . .eMce, ItOW aacI at ..... ular Interv~ll. Our, with mod.m tool., .....u•._ ~ parts, ' quaIIiy 1nCIIe~1a1'...Jcan cicId month. and ..... to ~ ..... of your car• . ,
u,.... IMCIM!nIct-WorId..e,_
R_.ber~,"·"In •••• " "' ~'I
'0'" .
most autometlw ...,.. o.aRhaIIoa ••• 10 co.... III, ...,., . ' , '~ . '
_ .
June 20, 194tS
lIhut up untu the music ceued UMI there ls pea.:e aGain - at jut. Wl Dr 'RJdge bu how long will It larA? Th1s swnmer& croPIi will eRN the Carnine sttullition blH the: 'need wm be th ere fOl' n IlJng time ISO buy Savings Bonci; and help. UttJe DonnIe RobIDllOD of · Da1y.oeek wit.h hIa grandparents, Mr. and Ml's. Emer-
ton is s pendill8 -t.be
son Ea.rnha.11t.
The OrOwlllK, Oolnl'; Church IfERBERT ORAIfAM, Mlnlll'*r BlblB 8Chool . 9 :30 a . m. C<lmJDunlon 10:46 L m. PreadlJ.ng 11:00 •. m. YOWlg Peoples Services and Adult Prayer Meethlg 7 :oop. m. EvenJ.ugEvlUIgel L"t1c 8~rvice 7:415 p'- m·
Mrs. O. }Jess ancl' two d&8lhten, wit h the ir fa.miUes, of Brldg~, Va.. ue tlhe guests of ' Mrs. HeISs' daugbter . Mrs . .Ra.ymond BalIey and f8llllily .
DQ IOIlOOl - 9 :30 A. II. l.eet.1ng for Worah1p - 10:10 1\ . II.
ST. AUGUSTINE CHURCH PaUlIII' Kramhol&s. I'rteR Mau SllIldq - 9:00 A. II.
Junior ChrIstiIaD E~vOl' at the A. M. ohuroh a.t 7:00 p.m. ee.chSunday for Supt. boys and girls under Hi8Ih 9cboOl
The Bible CIDti8 w1ll meet at the
9 :46 II.- m. Broth.erl l00d of S t.
;:/)"" Ridge
A. M. n,ge.
••• p. m. Senior ChrlsUan Endeavor lilt 7:00 p.m . ench ~ for all young WedneOO4Y, '7 :30 P. M. people of High 8QhOO1 ~a.nd above.
I SOLD AT Stewart's Thrift-E Market
1UlDKE88 LleDa
church a.t 1 :30 pm'. each TUeIIdaY. IInl00s annour..ocd differently.
· ..
LADIESI lf you need them mail this coupon TODAY! 85 pairs plus for sal'e8 tax
Prayer :Medinr at tale 'church 9 :46 11. m . Junior Churc.h each Wed~ evenln« w\l 8:00 p.m. Brlng your Bible. 11 :00 ll . m. MOJ'lllng ,P rayer ILnd EXTRA EXTRA EXTRA • • • the troubMl la, there 18 & wonderrul Sermon, ~uel N . K eys Attend the' Bible School and Wors hip Services next YOI.lllg People, don't forget. the a&aIl.d of p ...npc1na, every ..eed muet Lord's Day. Hear the sermon on, Trl-Stat.e ChrlAtlan BenIce CamP nave come up. N<nt 1be qlle3tlon IS MT. HOLLYBanquet at >the FIrst 0bt1stJan Whether to replant the sweet corn "The Prodigal Son's Elder Brother" METHODIST CHURCH Church, Washln(lton, O. H .. 0 ., Fri., and run the riaIt of Wins the T. M. Searl', MIDII_ BASKET DINNER AT THE NOON HOUR June 28. IM6, at 6:30 pm. The p.lIIJGlk1ne or just let it go "IUI 1s?" Bundar aobool -.. i:30 A. II. Samuel K. f:iaunders. Missionary recruit to Japan will E. A. IilarnbaI't, auper1ntacSen* churoh la · on the comer of North 'JIbe ~ aIIle6 are in theIr spea~ at 2 :00 p . m. Hear this enthusiastic young Minister Worahlp serviCe - 10:341 A. II. and Temple 9\a'eetB.. If you do9 not elOl'Y every. "I(bere bUt 80 far On our j!\'eo1Di ..-viCe - '1:30 P. II. know the lOC8Ition of the church. aak place 1 baven~ 10UDd ... wlld J'OfJC of the Gospel. Alnd Please Take Notice: There will be NO your m.1i118ter for apeclal bulletln or even " bud on aoe. Drtvinl along Evening Service. So bring your dinner and stay with us fo." WAYNESVILLE wltlh tnstru.ctloDa ·on how to set atta- on of .tile recent. storms there the entire service. CHURCH of CHRIST there. Plana are beInC made for an Wall a auccessIon at pIoe&8&nt emeUs ' Robed L VanZIle, Mlnla_
And rew
~~_~ camp
la.tat. Pdce of banquet, 1iOc.
• • •
She used to pay .,. for a perma .. ent-
Get your can.p regl.st.rat101l8 In .. soon 8B poII8Ible. '!be faclUttee of-taw camp ~ llmlted and If yOU do ·J¥It set. your ~ in on time you lIlBO' not get to go.
• • • Area FeI10wahlp
Now she gives ht"e" a
--- «J !fIii~ at home
l,ovoly, lon•.
Olvo )'OIlNlOII a TOIIII I"' Lill ~.
Qul ~ IIl1d UMY to do.
OHlY ·'12S ~
Inolude a. one dollar blll with order; NO CHECKs or MONEY ORDERS please. Sel~d to representaUve of Eleanor Hosiery, addres:\ below. We wlU, endeavor to give you 60 day service If pos&1bl&, after such ttme l! you do not care to walt longer you may demand and pr omptly receive your de posit. Pay postman bo.laaloe.
------ --------- ------------N, P. Stevens. 33 Factory S t., Berea, Ohio.- Please send me 3 pairs
of first grade NYLONS us soon aa possible. Size . ... .. Regular . •••. . Ou t.slze, . ... . Color ... . .... Light .. . .. . Medium .. . .. . Dark ..... . Nam e . .. . .. . .. . .... , . .. .. . . . . . .. ... .. • . . •... . .•.. . ...... • ...... . .• A.d dres.~
•• ••••• , •• • •••. • • "0" • • ••••••• •• •• •• •••••• • •• •• •••• • •••••• • •••
~~~~~bUe~~C:~~v~~~m~~~~~pe~~~ur~e~~~========::============::============~~~~~~~~ ========-~:::=======~~~~~=~===='==-:~====~.,
IIt!tlt In by Monday ~ at .t ,ba
"The H.wnll1ty' of Jesus"
Bible School 9:30 &- m, _ _ DUU me.naaer t.b1I year, 'WW1P8&k- (Jomnumioo 10:30 L Ill, You wID ~ tile fine f.eIlotpI!blp Sermon 11 :00 L Ill, by Samuel K. Saunders, recn.qt to in meeUDg WSth ~ YOUIIC peQI)ie of iPIeue let )IOU1' the cunn~hlIm M1ss1om TOkyo, ~ chun:bM, mlnlater mow lot oao& at ,.. are J!1pa:n. going. 'lbe number COlIW IJIUI!t be Evening Service 8:oo,P. Ill,
~. wave
Xenia Meetlnp to be re6Ultled. Last Monday, evening a. group of repreaentatlVt!8 of the Churches (jf ChJ1st of tills area met at the Xenia, Ohio Church and decided. 'to ~esume ,U1e bl-monthly fellows hip meetinp of the <!lurches of Christ. New offl.cer8 were elected, Rubject ·to the approval or the ichurohes IlJt the ~t fell~ meeting, as foliows : ' President, Robert L. VUIZlle, WayneevtUe Vice-Pres. ~ Graham. Perry . Secy. Joe Randall, Xerua.
all Gel 011 . ,
,. ,B. MI •• Y·aO~BOIJ.D·
Treas. Morris Boggs, Jerua. It was voted at this meetan8 to have a Fellowship Meetlpg or the
churches ~t1ng on the third' ThUrsday night of <the even moDlihs, ard an ~ecutlve meeting on the C.I.I eOLD .AVI third Il'hUJ'llday night of odd montha. The FellowShip, Meeting is to conAYN,ESVILLE DRU~ sist of B program, c,c:maregatlonal STORE singing, a sermon or address, and a very sh()rt busl.De88 meet.1n8. 'lbe PhOne 2121 executive meeting 18 to be ~ of the off1cel's of the area. mtnl.tJteft of the various ChUrches ~ representatlvell or· the Cburc.hea interested '1n thls fellowship. At this ~ most of ,t he bustnesa wW be tn.naacted, programs planned ~ vartoua . PAINTS - - STOVES proJecta for the IOOCl of the cburcbea ROOFING - FENCE wlll be. d1BcuaeeQ ~ 1I1ese Will be HARNESS - PIPE pre&eDted to ·the fell0wsb6p tDeeUnp, for apprOlllai. '!be first ~v. -lltl Jill meet1n& wUl be.! held July 18 It F AIRLEY HARDWARE CO. whldb ttme plans w11l be .made tor Phone IM1 - WAlta.vu.ur- 0. flhl! August Fe1lowahlp Meeting.
Electric ·R ale · 51'a sh •IS Firs. I'S'~P towa, I· Be"er ,Livin~ a!' LOlw elr Cost . . ~ aD ., wiIIll . . . . .. Hillier prices d_ncI highef . . , . . . . . . . . . . . . CIDD . . . . . pr~ .iII hi,Mr. lei', aU . . elf die ~JIH'OUI!IIL 'I1Ie D.,- .... and Lighc CGlllpan)' , ..... 011 __ • ._ ~ ~. e6IaM Ma, It. .946-
. . . . . . .I~_ . . I
'W. orld Unity - the ;hal
IiA new life Ia.in UlIIt Ne, ~I w1Urln all . the people of tbe eert.h; and ~eII none hath cl1aOaWlred ita course, .or peroe1ved Ita mottve. 0 ye ' Chllctren of JIIol'Il- b f~l · pu.I1)CIIIe 1UUmAtlJ1C tale FeMb of aod
A Fine Selection of
ta .10 ail~ :t,be .
twman l1I(le. ' 'Ibt8.ls Uie atr&1Itlt pablJ.. '4ibe tt-.d ,. and' ~ founclaUOD , ,~ 18 , nUed on ~ 1IQ!1"CWMn, ~ ~ tile
N,U' ENAMEL .and
-- Waynesville Fumit.e
hIS rellltOn
in~ aDd piI'OIIlO\e the' uniIV, of
I: &I:
• . . It. W.,...wm.. O~t p~ MIl
caD DeNI' __
ita~, DOr..J'ill!llbe
mol- ·
01 ~ ceot.urJea UDderm1ne ita atructure. '!be waR- ...... or JIWllrtnd Ita pace aDd.8liollrttJ are ~ aDd aDIA Ita _ _ ta lIftDb' _N........
. litton
AppliaDce .COIDpaDJ Gib.... Biela.
Pare Three
............. .....'tHd_ .... ~
aa.-........ GIdD
_~ • •"'_-.ld;'
If'pllldl ,___ • _ ,-a,* t ,,.,.., 01 ,.....
_ _ ... lRioe .• OIIC ,oI . . . . ~ ~ .. ,..)'CIA
Ri.... • dait u-.,iI ".~~ __ 10 ~ • . , CIOIII .. .,... 01 padJ ...... CIOIII . I_ ..."... , .... led equlpMM. II • IMiMd .., • IftIIB •• 01 ~ ..w. ... _ ucicipaced fwdler_iIIayIII ~ ," _ of ~.me. IO';"" MII";"_ bu ... _ . . r ·s . are provided throulh .".il.bilicy 01 eIeaIiaII ....i _ Your Iocd~, bulaMiS·managl:d UII'II) Compaft)' it ·cndcIYOtina ~ ........ .... beua )'OUr ckcIriaI ..... - .
~ flOWud
)'OUr . . . . . . . . - - OD&
·• ..., ......................• • •
..• • • • • • •
• • • • ••
NewLO,WER ResiJential Electric R~es lor
• • • • •a • • •
MInIm"", cheng. '1.00 p.r milt.r per month · with .rititl.m.nt of 1~lJloWCIH.houn .
• ...
• H... 35 lilowoti·houn p.r month. '0.045 per l,W.H •. • : . H... IiO UlolIIGtt·houti ~r month. 0.035 per IC-.W.H" : • . He.. 100 lllowatt,houn p., month. 0.0275 per /tW,H,. • • AM 200 lilowott-houtl per month. 0.0225 per /tW.Hr••
••••••• A •••••••••• , •••
.• ~
.. -
June 20, ] 946
PARK LOANS - Long term, . . pa,ymen1ll. No appraisal fee. ' Alao moe anal} and l&tge !anna for -.Je. Qall or write · <kG. Henkle. Phon.e N"o. 2. Ulbanon . t fc
• Cj(,
• . The Wo.yn Sew-So 4-H Club m L Fridn-v, Jun ' l4 at\Jle OrarIGe Hall WltJl Mrs. EUcnJleld 'I1I' d Mrs . Klont.z I" charge and Ellleen Bl'own
pr esIding..
We ellden vo r to l'endel' J rutie Lee Bl'addock gllve a report nt , model'n service . exeell Oil t.oo Advisors and O!tlcm'S OounW FmDERAL LAND B....NK LOANS : R UTH NEI.SON Meet.ing ; Ar.n Roger!! demol\SLl'll.ted For Reflnal'lcing - ROOulldlng T UES. WED. THURS. MON. FRI. SUN. t he m illg of 1\ flat f el t. seam ; nnd ~. 4% Pa:rm loans w11lh IonS J 'llltle Lt.~ Bruddock demoIlBt.mt...>d I:iIlJIe 00 pay. Pay part or all any 25 26 27 24 28 23 time. Wl e making of (allors Lacks Ilnd Uhe vottXI w pay fiv e cents d ues at each S wru;hbllckllng romanc Swag erln s LEBANON NAT'L FARM LOAN This Uru ~ It Is H l'li opters I1nd • I\tU ' ICA I.. WES·('t:lI N! ' JcaLeh stJlcll . Pla.ns weJ'e made to go lIleet.mg. Pil'n t.c · 1)!iZl'Jjng Cootllllles nnd A88'N., ElMs R. Strurm, SedyGENE AUTRY In tlJ Cuney l si nd 011 June 18. T n e IIeXL 'meeLing will be held at . Night wns of WhiLe sa.t.ln and Ln.c 'llreaB. Lebanon, Ohio. Phone 448 " UP GOES MAISIE" 1'hc next m ootJ.J1g wilt be held a t Lhe hOlllc of I.e O·Banlon. TLlC8de.y, tc "MAN FnOM "THE SPANISH MAIN" WltJl Ann outllerll & G orgc MUSIC MOUNTAIN" Lhe GI'OJI g'e Hall on Friday. J Wl e 2t1 JW1e 25 aL 8 :00 p.m. Technioolor ) Dale Dakin wil l take part In t.he a.L 1 :30 p.m. Olull members who will Real E. tate For SaleAdded At-t..actJuus: Andy l\IlIr pJI )' WILh Paul Jlenr('id. Maur 'en O 'llara t.:lkc p';ut in W1C prug-l'lUll for this prognull for Lias Illeetulg . Clyd'e Comedy-liow Cl~rwons IF' YOU HAVE A .PROPERTY OR Are Maile an d Car\.Oon lIIeetill g arc Donna Hndley. Lol'ene RlchiU'd Lawson. Reporter IIJld Walter SIe-J.ak. Shows at '1 and 9 Also : Lates t News PARM TO SELL 0Illl or Write LI.lsl>w·y and Jan L KeyS'. Don Henderson. Tel. KES4W. 617 h ma.rI·It.'CI In Elkton. Md .. Feb. 22. D Y!15 on his c.hllU~ o f neglect. Ted JCl'Ulie Lee Bl'u.ddock. Reporter PUMMILL ABOARD Lore.1il Ave., Dayton, Ohio. tfc 1945. He harges negloot.. G . Robinson a.w8.l'ded a dlvorce h'Olll BOMB TEST SHIP The Division of Aid for Lhe Age<.i L Hill n 'R,()blnson. W A YN E G. C. P. Howehold Good. filed suit ~'8Jnst Lewis Swig rL. D ivorces were granted to Mae , W li>yne O. O. P . 4-H C lub m.et • Paul L. oPwnmUl. f1rellll111. first IOE BOX RJilF'RIOERA.TOR- All NEW CASES Lebanon. cxecutor of Lhe esl,11lte of &ILon CI'om Olu ll'les H lUll' on 'her F\'ldny. JUI~e 14 n.L J a.n t Mlchene1" s class, WaynesvUle. OhiO, Is serving po1tela.I.n; GiIJooD, 100 lb. p.l:1le; . Neglect Is charged by W1e plai n- Mary J . All ison, oharg lng that wh n harge of H glect; and LO Shirley J . h Oll1e wlLh MI'. MI ·hen · I' ill chu.rge abon.rd !.he USS AT A 180. which can be converted t.o electric. See tiffs In \Jle divorce actions of BeLl y claims ('.01' money p!l.id Mrs. Allison HOI'Lon from WU lIa m Lc HOI·ton :md Bill FIshback presilling. will participate In Ohe coming a,tomJc -.-.. , Pin"'nn, ,P hone 2182. tlc";u:;o ~~ 1IrtUOU N' "~n. e. minor. agft' JOlln- an d her husband, !'.he la.Le J . R . on n cr u Ityoch. rge. '1'11e Ia"""r "n w.... 00 Disc .."",,:,on .. · ' '''''on,, tnp ' to bomb LcslS III ' B' I'kl l"u A'-l .......... ~... <W l·~t .., 0 f .[\, pro"""",,~ ..... l. CHILD'S Winter OoaJt, Leggings and rue T. Wilson" and Donald W . Poulks All ison. Lhat tJhe xecutor pajd U1C restored to her former lIam • Fogle. Lhe Cinclnnall Zoo Qlld Coney Island Th ship 11'111 be attached to vhe Bat; &1Ze 3'; perfect; $10; Ph. 21143 . In hill SWt against Eleanor H . form er bu t denied the olaim Cor Mr. a nd Mrs. HelLon to that of Lamb. 0 11 June 18 was hoeld; a lso it was salvage uui t of t he Joir.t Task Porce. Foulks. Allison's llSIlistance. The suit seeks Roger Ward p leaded guil ty Lo an r-;;;;;;;::;:;;;;;;;;~;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;::::::;;:;;;:;::;:;::;;;;;;;;:;;~ A oognovlt action was filed by til I' 'covery Of $1 ,878.09. Ind.ict.m er.L ch.!M·ging nellleeL of ( - - Miaeellaneoua--
Th Y s'p tu'atcd 21 ~'eal'S or m !U'li d Hf. Mrs. Al Ie B levins, Morrow. charges In her di vor ce acLlon ~lr.sL Skuyler Blevins. h cl1t~rg cruelty. They bave t.wo children , ages 20 a.nd 16. The couple weI' marMed In 1924. Olu'li!tl nc Amon. Frnnklln, ol'lQl'S- - - - - - - - - - -- - personal and real 1)l'Opel'ly and res- es b e.r husband wiWl inLoxi a.Lien FOR SALE-- Truck Grain Bed ar.d wraUon or her former llome, Whit- I1nd Lhreatenlng her In an nctJon . Qa.ttJe Raclt ; 12ft.; Loyd Da.vis, acre. ror II. divorce from 1!Rr1 Amon . Household FinAnce
Corp, a gain t
SALES BOOKS-- A new Idel1; Ex- C. H. and DOl1Ot hy Suplnger. cellent. printing; Ptunpt 8erv1ce; Mrs. Ruth Ii. Strobel. Plea..saJ.lb St&nd&rd Prices; See Davisson PJain, fil ed a divorce ctlon against _Pl'eaS _ _,_i'i _b_Q_D_e_21 _ 43 _._ _ _ _ _ _ Kenneth O . S~bel to wh om she married Apl'U 7. 1945. S h ~ F'OHo RENT- Cows or was YOUJZg cattlf? only. Frank W . c rew. charges Lha.t. he le~t their hOllle W~1lle. O. 620 May 30. 51le seeks l'lgllts to her
AliOOe 2751.
Carden Planta--
Ern est E. LWlK, a minor: by )Jelen PROCEEDINGS RoIs, his next Mend, !1l.ed 0. ctivol'ce Holla r!. E . Dyns, Cal'llSTtl. was suit agalnst Dor,oth'Y E. Long whom granted a divorce from Ruth M .
FOR SAL&- Sw~ ~w p~w, ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~;; 50c per htmdred; · All kinds 'of ,. pl'den plants 10e per dooen. Ohas. C. strouae, 1 ~ . miles nort.h or Waynesv1lJe, corner 01 Ferry
and Lytle roads.
.Armitage &Son
only; good
pay and . bours; .ute.
hosplte,l .plan.; Ohlo 620c-
a.oc1den t
'ft!LEPHO'NES WA YNE, VILLE 2091 MOR ROW No. a LEBA}IION OHice 413& RES. 1211L
Paper 00., M1a.misburg. O .
mlI' 01' c hlldrcn. was fined $10 and given !~ jn.il scn lt;eu'c of s ix mon-t hs w 1 I 'h 'Wa.~ S Ub-pom d ' d . • J ohn uoe BIllick pi d d g ulity Lo a n inctiolm n t c.h!U1;lng br lug a nd on Lcl'lJ'g In the- doy Lime. the court Impos ing sen ten ce of 1 to 5 years In ~he Ohio Pe nitentiary. The suits of : KenneWl WagsLa fr and Lor nil Wu ' taU. both against. ELhel Bel'l!Iingt.ol1, were dl'ilnlssed 011
Your John Deere Dealer N. Eaat Street LEBANON, OHIO
. Phone 555
Marlon Wait./I, 21. w Idel', and Joyoe Ann Thomas. 17. hoLh· of Fra nkl \ n. .LeSlie ROt.hmlm, 23, fl11,n I'. and Vil-gl"I, Ann B4ackbw·I! . 19, Secl'Ctat'Y, bokh or Lcm 11 n. Ulcu' n ' E. Bru'ker, 19, Washington, C. H .. ,Lea.cfI r. nnd. Monilll ia HOlik , 21. tcl\.Chl!l', W a.YIl svillo. Robert T. Dressl~, '18, .;ervi c stt\.t.lon nttclllda.n t. Ill'd Zo.l la Male Roll, 21, bookkt.'Cl" r - Llmogl'aph r . boLll of Lebanon. Howtu'd Venalble, 29, Middl \.Owu, o.u·C-!-M1. worker, and Mrs. Almeda
PROBATE The coW't' approved lobe first, final and d lstTlbutive acooun't.'I pf the estates of ~w;e,.n B. Vand rvort,
1 brown; 1 .wlne; size =~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~==== O,!orge Wolf G erard. 16; good oondit1on; $3.00 e6. Phone
2i~. ,
PORTJtBEE . . . "
STATIONERY Engraved, Many Styles and PriceS. M;iami ~ted, '
Gazette. Phone 2143. \
Electric Arc
1947 CALENDARS 1947 U TOOL WORK A SPECIALTY" A cOnl plete line to se~ect ALL WORK GUARANTEED f rom.. Bea utif ul p.i c~ure8 in vari~y of subjects. All sizeS. . Moderat ely priced. . . . WA YNESVILLE, OHIO DAVISSON PRESS Ph. 2143 Telephone 2751
and "Geol'ge
. The courL set J un~ 26 to h ear 1lhe \.n ventory. or , the eslla!te of J oseph H, Meyer. The first 11~::ount of ;tJ1C estAtes of F lorence E . Allen aDd MQl'lanlla .M.ayel·s were approved. The first distribu t ive l1000un 5 f!led for the estates of Jolm A. Fritch. Lebanon ; JI..MYrence Voorbls, Mason; a nd ~nlla Randall. Ha.l'veys -
ClnelnaaU UDIoD 8&oek Y ..... ho use. in tow n going toward Xeni a , t he follow ing a l't icles: 1 Electric Refri gel'ator ; 1 Table-top, Bottie-gllR Slove; . COWS . $3.00 1 5pc. Breakfast Set; 1 9pc. Dining Room Suite; Drape ri cs; l ' Large Mirror; 1 Day- bed; 1 Lo ung ing Chair; I Desk; Acoorc1.In8 ,t o SIZe and OoDditlon 1 Bookcase ; 1 Table .Lamp; 2 W ick er Ro 'kers; 1 ReversHOlfa, Calve., Shet!P, etc. ible Po rch Rug 6x9; About 20ft. Ha ll Car pt; 2 Large Rugs; 1 Vanity D ress~r; 1 Dr es~' }' ; 1 hiffil'Qbe; 1 ElecJII:IIIOvm'PROlIIPTLY tric Speed Queen Washing Mach ine ; 1 Porla bl e Rinsing T ub ; 1 W a~ h Boil er; 1 Ironing . Board ; ] Stand a rd Sizt! Live ' Wire an~ .........e. An 01'P ool T able; 1 Sled ; 1 Pl', Ice Skates; 1 Scooter ; 1 56 in . mnl_llon aeoo,id &0 ·DODe.; 8wtoUy . , Grindstone; 2 Heating Stoves.; 1 Metal Locker Cab inet; K lkl'l on. Ibe . .at .. .. ~d marUt · 1 Standard Sales Register; Pipe F ittings ; 1 Scythe j 2 In the_coantr7. ~. ' r '. IWN . Servic4.\ That Satiafie. Brick . Hods ; 1 Co llapsib le 6ft.x6ft. Tool Shed; Lumbcr . TUNE TO r",~ 4 5 4 ., (Some 2x4 in lengths of 8, 16, and 20 ft.) 2x8 Jo ists, CJ'iba..r.- D:NIA. O. WHIO Baylor, 12:30 -Dial 1300' bing, Scaffling P lanks a nd. Other L u mb~ l' ; 1 Law n Mo.wer; FOr Our, Dally ~ket IIA!port 6 All-Metal Scaffling Trestles; 1 Block and Ta · kl e . ( ~r i th ~~~~~~I rope] ; l ' A I1 -M ta l Mor tar Box; 1 Wood Moda l' Box; 3 ~-~-..,..-': Picks; Sho\1e ls'; Se~era l Squill: s of Cem'ent Asbestos ROb1'- . in~; Soil Pipe Fitt in g'~ ; B l ac ki;m~th· Anvil; Porch Column , T ' E ' :"' ~ ~ O · two k . . _ 'III ••, .. MO ldil; Rubber T h," d W heel Ba.l'l·ow; Lawn Roller ; Blow an ni ng Eq ui pme nt : ...... Ms .... ..... l'orch; t·p Ladder'; 'now' hovel ; "'''_1'.11..11.. uallull r••. and ' Oth~r Articles Too Nume rous To Mention. GAS- OIU- GREAS!' , ,,, ....'u ........... ,," i00i411- . ...... Quick Battery Charlf_
We Pay:~RSES$5.00 XEN'IA· .FERTIUlER .
......... .--. .... ..... ..'"
, H.-Wilferd G. 'S quires RUSSELL, Auctioneer
Thompaon and Irwin, Clerk.
$100.00 per month tor life
tor yourseU at retirement. All of these ben e'I t..~ In one policy.
Portable Equipment
MARION SNYDER ' Representing
1 Mile North of
Shop- 'Centerville 703 t Res. Centerville 7465
LEBANON, 01110
Hydraulic Car Uft "SERVICE lay SERVIS"
2 tor 25e THREE · VARIETte$-
one b ct..per amb. r color, a. Ioi fuller ftavor, another for fragranc. - ar.. blended into "'it fine t.a. So diff.,..,., IrOI'II pen., *,0101$ iced tea. &.;oy 1his qJecia/ blMd
TEA box top
!.a 1122'- ' -',1iI I
OhIo r•• ld."" oidd
te tar MI. I ... ~
• • • • "" Ilc
- - - - - -- - - - - _ . NEW a ;'d RENEWAL 1I not ,pleased, yOur 3lic bock n.t any . . d]·.ug store. TE-OL II. STRONG SUBSCRIPTIONS TO THE fun gicide. contains 90% alcohol. IT MIAMI GAZETTE CAN BE iPENETRATm. Reache!l MORE PAID AT WAYNEsVILLE Having decid ed t o ma ke . my home in Arizona, I wi ll s' ll t,'l!l'IDS fu K ILL !'he itch . Locally a.t DRUG STORE OR AT THE at P ublic Auction , Waynesville Drug S tore. . 627 GAZElTE OFFICE, . SATURDAY, JUNE 22, 1946, Beginning. at 1:00 p.m. ~t my hom e in W a yn esvill e, located on M~ii n st., .t he last NORRIS BROCK CO.
...... ....,.,......
$100.00 per month for 10 yeai'll kI your family It you do not live.
• JOHN DEERE Farm Equip~ent
maWon of .the plaintilfs.
tmOENTI '- Wanted 2 or 3 room modern ap6l1tment., permanen t, r..o ~~~~~~~~~==~~~~~~~~~~~~~~-' ~ Da.vls, 22. Franklin, wa.ltress. ch1ld.ren. IumJshed. dt unlurnish. Glenn Frost .•Jr.. 21. Wl1mJngttol~. eel. Appl¥ Kro&er store ~ . 620 student, and Ma.ry. M. R.obertsOIl, 19, HQl'IVeysburg, student. USED CLOTHINGHeroert P . Yu~oo, 48, crue proprietor, and Mnl- DOl'oilhy Tl'ovllle, l;aADY'S Gray, All-Wool S UIT GENUINE JOflN DEERE Rf:PAIR PARTS 27. ~Wl o! Leballon. alze 16 ; excellent condition ; $10; I Competent Repair Service on Tra ctors and Charles ,K lllSWOrthy, 28. electMp~ 2143. .Implements by Experienced Meehanics elo.n, and Queenie 'S impson, 29, secre~, both Of l:.eoo.non. FOR SALEOUBOARiO MO'l'ORS- One 6 h p . Neptune; One 30 hp. J ohnson. Incondition. T elephone W~nesvllle 2949 627c
Mr. a nd Mrs. Vernon Moillous a nd d aulJ'l lters, Ln.Vel'Oe and .Pl1IJ·iclll of St. Petersburg. Fill. were gucslii of t.be1r pa.rent.~. Mr. nnd Mrs . Ray Mainous 1ast week. Su"du.Y. tJlt' Y drove Lo Findlay. O h io where tJ1CY jQ.lned Mr. and Mrs. Ralph MalnoLls Il.Ild chUdren and Mrs. R. Walker and daugh ter all of Det.rolt. M1eh. tild p1cn1cked n.t Engle Pn.r~ "elll' Findlay, Ohio.
Woodwt .H...dIe
1O-01· 29c
• •
• stU
• • • • • • •
..,. 40c
46·01. CAN
Country Club
14.01. BOTTLE
• • • • • • • • Emb.ny
LB. 2 JAR 51 !
• • •
CORN: Yellow or White · 6 ear. 39c TOMATOES
2 lbs,
Why Pay Mare? ' T h i ' l Spray will do tile workl . Gt,JAR~NTEED .' TRUMP FLY SPRAY. GAL. 49c PENN RAD MOTOR OIL I~J' $ OHIO ILUE TIP· ~ATCHO • • • • $ BOX'M ~ SUN MAID SEEDLESS RAiSIIS lOX 13, . 46-0t SWEEt GRAPEFRUIT JUICE I, .. CAN" 280 SPINACH; COUNTRY OWl ' . • • . • I~'; lie YEIICE 1lA1~ ' SPAGHEnl • • •• CAN ll>c JE~LY GUSSQ. ~. • • • ~. • '. • · ~Ot. ali., SUGARED DONUTI. • '. • • . ' a' DOt. 1511 KELlOGG RICE DliPIO' . .... ~ . ,. iii"..) WHITE IHOE POLISH. ' . • I
39c $1.69 or less
CAN.TALOPES 12c lb. a verage 21c ea. PAPER PUTES-SAYAnAY •• i I ""G. 7Mc lOYAL PUDDllas • • • • • • . " PK6. ,7c I'DIYmU~ DERUU, .. ~. • . ;, ~;. 20c . aRED I~T PEAl' . • ' . . • • • .. ~~. 15c JACI FRDlT- I~T • • • • • • • ,..(6. 3c L.IY'I MIIID mnuul .• ~J lSc . MIl AID niL BluCH . ' . • • . ' QT. 32c ~IEIII~R"'eD IUY FOODS.. ~ 7c ..MIlIA ....... '. ' . . ' . .It'2!-~ou. . 2Ic
I_.AIP (...... Iq!r) . • • .• ..c&.
IRAIT _ I. .' . • • • • •
. - .....,-'
la'm l
Established 1850- No. 4270
$1.50 pel' Year- Five Cents a Copy
Local Legion Plans Gala 4th ,Celebration
Locker Plant Construction '-It k Df, ' 5 ' k 5tarte; d ee ..:. OC·. uyers
• MI'. lUid MJ'S . W . B. Squires Ilnd Mr . lI.ntl Mrs. Wilfre d Squires a nd daughter wCJ'e gil ' t.s at the home of Mr. 0Jld Mrs. Roger cornell,!.he former Mrs. Squire's gl'a.nu&In, wt. Seven Mill.! ou Sunday. The dinner 110noring Mrs. Squires wno was celeuratlng her birthday ruull· versury , was SCl'VOO from a. table Merchant'! of WIlVI1 Avill e which was arroln gtxl with a lru'ge will e los . W .dn esdllY ufter-
Health Forum Hears oo:~:= =::;~l:'r~:~ s: = Dr. Harris, Speaker
=l~:;~W~~~g~~e~llo;r~cl~~ • ~he
Warran O>unty He8lt4l revealed toda.y. These Warren ooun- Forum met in ,the Oowt lWu8e - - - - - - - - - - - - - - ' t i a n s arc a. part of the largest group AuditoriUm. Wednesday. June 19, 'Excavatlon has 'peen started OIl the 1.0 register at the nearby instltuUon 1946, J. M. Greene of the Pa.rm Waynesville Plant with tIlhe since the summer or 1938. Bureau u.ctlng as Ohatn:ne.n.. basement propel' pnwtloaUy com· Th .RepresentaUves of the County O pleted vlith too ex.:e.J>tlon or ·<blle reuse fI:om this area attending AcI,vu;ory COUncil. County Bo&rd of moval of addit1Ol1iW. d.lrt to get. to tlhe college arc : Eli2l3.beth Clark, Health, Soilool System, 0Qun.. Wle bottom of a 1m. ,1.0 strike solid OregQr.la; Alma Jean Dare. Mor- LY Tuberculosis a.ntl H.ea1t.n ItsiOfoundation dJ,rt o¥ wh1cl1 '1.0 build. • The Wecl<l.lng of Miss Inn. Gruber, row; Robert Emer y. Wp.ynooville; claWon, r"'arm Bureau, Orange anQ ~ f.ollOWcd . by B~lI ~tweel\ 1J11l \ blrtlhdn,y w.kI:! . ns ,the · CClliterpu:ce noon, ,J ul y ns mmal and . The time .""«....~ for this latter daught.er of Mrs. Ben Gruber and J ooepI'1U1e " FI lumery, Leba~lOn; . other b'TOUps of t.he County wen ::;prUllPlcld ~.Colu. l'eaa~ WId, a.nd placed in the lovely flowel' ALL DAY THURSDAY work cannot be detenn1ned as the Ule J.a.te Mr. Ben (Nuber, and Mr. Loreen Footer and Robert F'05ter. p~nt. the WaynesvIlle Seniur LL-glon lltl ~al'den .. In this beaut.U . ul :;e1Jt.ing .JULY 4th depiih of ton.e .till ill not definitely Tommy Wbit.ta.more. son of Mr. &nQ Kings Mills ; Ru th Gentry, LaveF. O. Brown of the Wa.ynesville 4 :00 p.lIl. t.he hOnor b'1Je.~'t also (owld many known but Is repor1lied by some oI Mr 'D~-' _ _ . ___ land; Mon1min Hoal{ Barker. C1.vic Chili presented a ~tnn , for At. tl :UO pm. 1J1e sohedule calls for lovely gifts await.lng her. 11,_ old t.11nerS 8& down to twen.... s. ~,."""n "Whit~re. was -GUESTS HERE FROM ... .., "3 held · Le"'--Waynesvllle; Harry Holmes, .Lcba- comblnlllg two OOUlltJ.es iDto a .a1nboxulg a.nd Wl'e>~ nw,Lclles which nve (eet. \ m .......... n at o\ltle l4etlbod1st I U , '" P sa. ,Ioau "" non; Dorothy Kldd, KingS M.lllii; g c ~ea,luu. DisLriot t.ilU6 ~ MINNEAPOLIS Will give five bout.8. Be~ween..!Jlis D_-'ey BurnMf.' .... ~I"ellt o~ the arsooage on tur....... June _~,I C.. _..I n 1.0 more pt'Opet'....... V""I ... <>ow ~ Th Edward Kruer, Waynesville .' Nelson wrrit.ory ' .............." tunAl IUld Ule 9:00 p.nl . t.lme for !.he ' • Mr. and Mrs. Seth Thomas and Locker """"". st&t.Ccl tb:aIt a.ll equip' e couple were attended ·by Mias Iy s upport full'lIne u_,~'" n..r... .......... Melampy. Mason; Mln .." A . M<l6S. a......,....... ---. F'u'ewOl'Its display. various pri7.es w1l1 sons, Ted and Lee of MinneapollB, ment for thiS plant and a.ll bullcling Wi..Ima Surlaoe and Mr. Eugene ........ J • No aclJon V(as taken on lillis probe aWIU'dec1 IhI.t will be well worth were gTU ~t.s of Mr . ~homas' mother, nUIite11a.ls are aVIIJl~ble and tJ:I.at. the Gruber, brot.b.er of 't he mlele. Oregonia; Fallis Paine, Waynes- posal. . while to anyone aLwnd.1J.18 to re- ~~ ~t~e~:~C~b ;":. : : ; Mrs. E. L . ThomAS. during the past acLUatl co~ work will be The br.lde's mother also 'Witnessed Ville: Edwyna StallfOrtb. W<aynes~ Dr. P. L. HarrlB. Chief CJ!.. :Qiv1ccive. week. Mrs . T11~n ., IWlth " 4............n started in the V~;le8r luture. The the ceremony. V1lle. Oharles E. SIArr. Harveysbl1l'g'lsion OWnmuni~"'- Dhlruui.i.· ...."'.Lr .01 •. I n" , .. Groves in Centerville. Thursday v . . ...., • • ~ "ue<>.... """"... ~ ~ 'nlle f ework:! ....-;p""" olD not a afternoon. and Mr. and Mm. Harry Bumett pilwt will be compl.eted beIore la.ll. Mr. and Mrs, WhlU;amore are Ma.r.tha. Ja.r.et Thom.pson. Lebanon ; State Departm.ent. of ,Health. thea small iUfalr by ail,}' moons and will . . and C--'Iy of Ly>le ~re """ur."'~y stated Mx . .durnet.. ·llvlng t.emporarib' a.t the lAn'1ck RlUISell ~hompson. Mason; B eat..rlce addresStld bhe forum at t~'" ttnnn . Mrs. John Zimmerman of Waynes14"" ... ,.. ~ u. O<RO - - -conlA.lln oapprolClmately sixty IllliJur evening cUnner gues1.s 01 Mr . and ~ original plans !or ,th1s. plant TotU'lBt Home, but expect to llve In Wilson, Mason. CounLy liealLh Depn.rt.menU, the1i , ... ". I I ks ' _ , I," ville spenL SUllday wlLh her sister ed f '~n " 4t .. 300 I bl •• pieces o~ ....wp ay lJ'ewol' m uuu.aMrs. William Thomas and chUdren call or aprox............" oclc.ers. Dayton where Mr. Wihit.tAlmore is pr~ ems and 0Ilpo!1tun1,,for !J.on 1.0 other mi1llOr .spectacular dl.-,- Mrs . J. B. JOne.~ and Mr . Jones. In Lebanon Mrs. ThomM also had but this amount ~I been 1n.crell&!d I!mployed with, tohe Frigidaire Corp. Ue~ter health service In Ohio. Dr. p~s. Mr. and MrS. Ikrbert Monee and . . three times and ~~ present set-up HaN·1s substJtuted m pla.ce of Dr . • 'tel IJ 'i _ .1.. 0 -'~ _n_ III son, whD have been visiting rela.- as Sunday al't.ernoon guest.s Mr . o.nd calls for at leut '.'1'60 loc.k.ers IWitb • • • • Heel·ing. SLate Oo-_' ·· '~·, -,,~ .IU le .. rew... ...,. a ~....., w . SORORITY ..........-......... ...... Uves ,here fur seveml weeks, left Mrs. Myron Thomas, Mr. and Mrs. 5(K units aotualb' ,purohaBed. st&1ed ATTENDS I was SChedule<1 to speak. be held at Ule High SCl100l bulldlnll ' 'J'hw'Sday for tillclr home In Denver', James Moore and Mrs. EUzabeth Mr. Bumet. ... VIA AIRPLANE • The Woma.n's SoeI.ety of OhrlBt- Dr. Ed. BIa.lr presetllted dle "''''''-ly sUIJ"tlng at 9:30 p.m. and lastlnll M "-" W1tiJ some later bour. COmmltt.ees COlo. TJley were accompanle<1 by biS oore of Dayton. ~ Barnett 1"0 lBe¥brook is tbe Ian Service held their regular June appointed Health OomrniBslorU'r. Dr. plU'ents, Mr. a nd Mrs. BarUet.t . contractor for ~ ,exco.vet.IoDt work • K1&& Ja.ne Hart.aock, daughter ot meeting at Ule Metbodlst Ohurch A. 'D . Harvey; a.I8o ar:mOWICPU An.. have been fortunate In securing bhe RRIDGE CLUB AT Le "'........., •• a Mr and Mrs R H Ha.1I'~'" leLL Monee +who- will make an extended .. ELLIS' HOME .---' ...... T~ JIIIllI!IDII' wW -..,.._ • ....,. b . 1___ ~'~A': on Th~ o.Cternoon. 'I1he usual poLntment of :wss Ruth HaWlawa.y RS servl~' or Jim and His OLrI Rdlyt.hm- visit. there. IYI !.he COII8tructJon o!~ the lXlCker plant. y p........ on. A '- - - - . J for Albuquer- buslne session. wos held and Mrs as Count,y Nwrse and 'Mrs. Marjorie elites. a famous dance band recenUy 81n.ce this ~ Is ~t.ually going que, N. M. where she will atltend· SS . Ollby as OOUnty Healthl aerk. playing e.1. Ille Miami Hotel, Day· Mr James R . Johns 01 near • Mrs . Roy Ellis entertained at her to·be collSbructed in the Ileair future, !.he Delta Phi DeltAI. Sorority 00n- RAlfus WMkins condUc.ted the ~eton. They wiU fW'llIah !.he musLc for Waynel."Ville was a Thursday din- home on Friday evening and had as nnd. since .the~:k pW'Clhaaed , I.n ventlon MIss HartsocC voUonals with bhe t.heme of "Per'I'heFon.n COl18II1IWla.t.ed Dr. Del' gucsL of Mr . and Mrs. Leste.r her guc.~t.'! !.he BrIdge Club and one i. . • a MiamI sonal Evangelism." Blair and the Health Boe.rdl on the modem danoe while bhe SQuare this locker car an earn a Onlverslty Studen1., 18 enJOY~ her their sucoess ,.1n IIIlCUl'ins such bIBb du.nce music will be furnished by Kenrick. guest, Mrs. S. N. Keys . . Pr11.es neat return aa:f:ven by other va.caUon with her pa.rents 'I1be Obildren'& Society of Ollrlst- quallty personnel to .qu the hflalth Ben Hockman's Dance Orohcstra Mu. VivIAn J~11l!I of Bellbrook were won by Mrs. Mark Rogers and plants or Wee 6IJIe ILDd operation, it • . ian Service turni&hed an Int.erest- atlioes at the 00u:I1&e.nd voted on. a separate dance noor. was a weekend. guest of her gra.nd- Mrs. A. T . Polinsky. After !.he In- is pointed out' Mr. B.urnet. that INFORMAL RECITAL ing and entertaining program ol unanlmollSly .IX) support tlbem in It. Is pointed out by the Commll.tee mother and brother, Mrs. Margvet teresting gDmm, dainty rer...esh- people or this OOIIl.IIlillnity Should not OF MISS ROSE' CLASS devotlbna by Annette TInney plano Lhelr new dut1es. ""~t t .....-. , ........ un'.· A~ av-'lable -- Jolul8 and Paul Jolms, Miss V4vta.n menU; were served by the hos~. hesitate to sup lIlIICklng. tb.1s plarllt wibh . I ~ Wad Tumer an.d O~1cn Jolm 00115, . R • W : ..... ~,. ......... ....... ... v U..">.~ ow ",. their financial Stock Is &0 oe . y e --. plcnlc purposes It anyone wishes to and Pa.ul visited their mother. Mrs. still available and'~l!6trjctlons of MIss Margo.ret Rolle. teacher 01 EdeJCeld. song "rn '!be Garden" Kabherlne GIbbons, MIss ~ u.vall themsclvCl> 01 ·Lhis prlvUege. Marjorie JOIUlS In Olnclnnattl. Sat- HONORS · VISITORS .. ._ .• , Idual In music In iIlbe IWny.nesvWe School, is led bj Oharlene anA Annette o.nd Q, FoJd)ower. and S. S. Ellis lWere preFROM WASHINGTON omoun. any one ....... v may . "'~ seDit 'f tn ..., , • .Also. the. tlcke16 ol admission al- nrd~. vest. nave been ,,!Ved. For a sound announcing the recital at her private aolO.oy Joe TInney. rom ' na.yIlle6ywc. low the bolder 1x> come and go. Crom Mr and Mrs Mr. and Mrs. Delbert. Conger e.nd protilAlb1e inveatment. Mr. B~t claas of pup1lB on Friday. June 2& Tbe 6oc1ety addourned to meet ,J I I ( I I ~ the t,'1'OIUnds e.t +Will but must be . wi tes thIa Ocker . ,. . shOwn at all tl.rnes while (Xl the family e nt.ert.alnCd th, flo Sun.d~ sta. 1 , )Stock can be ~ at- 2:30 p.m. at tate HIih &mool Wtllh Mrs. Rufus wa.tIdnII in July dinner In honor of their nephew, pended on to PrqItooe. An.yone ~- !;>ulld1ng. . a.'nd a pleasanll social bout was en- • groWlds. Mr. George Bunce and fa.mUy of terested in inveetDl!r m tboe Th1s recital Is open to the publ1c Joyed in the dining room where lee · --........ Walla. Walla. Wash, Their invited 01 the commun1tf way ti1at 4Ibe abet everyone Is cord1aIl] Invited to cnam ~~ cllIIltc. were serv~ by Mrs • The West IWe.yne ~ qroup . Ne lIwestment will llife and proftt- ' > . , enjoyed their June witb .. .......'"" .....,....; ~~.....~rS-~~.....~+;IP, '~ . ........ . . were ,,~.:.'l:L"'=',~g aDd WIUIMII..ItuDDe. ~ ~ • BUnIie& ' . . - .. " ~~ ' . t. iMIJt· 9.~~ye.. Mr. and ~..".,: boI!t . and Mrs. pen,y Benton an 80Il once Mrs. CbMles DaVIs. Mrs. M, A. d daughter of Bradenton, Fla. or DaytOn, Mrs. MaJtha. Walker. • THIRD MEETING ~F Cornell and Mrs . Louis FIrm, an hostess a.t their hOOle on Pl1day Rev. Joseph Myers requested at Jane. ~ll and George Wallter of BAHAI GROUP JULY 4 evening. Mr. Everett Early, the
• The wayne Towllshlp American )..t!glollJ Post will give a Fow'th, o f July celebrat.lon 0.1. t.he Wuyne;vWe HIllJh School Grollllds on t.lle afternoon and evening of Ju ly 4. 'bei;ill' nine .a t 2;00 p .m . . it 15 p~ed by Lhc COlllJlutt.cCS to b.old u. Soft.OOJl game as LIlA! Optln-
of,'If /)e it;
Merchants Closing!
Wh"Ittamore-Grub er Weddlog· pellorm t. eel
the •
West Wayne' Counc·a
lids Swill' Apia. ,Under. Sponsorship
tile cllw'oh service Sunda.y tba.t Lebanon. Mrs. Or.ce Schuler and . b In~ oed cl "'L ih· ono--~ m ....... ~ ,George, """ .. " • The "Swim Cor a ' Dlme" plM ts everyone r ....g g , elUl!, mended WIe • ..,.., b ~""'_ II"n'" "nder "~y In Waynes ville this cloUllng, lOW-heeled shoes ca.nned and Shirley Al'~ Bunce 0 .....
year, Sponsol'ed by the Civic Olub Bnd Wayne P091 for the p'Urpo6e of allowll"" n"'e young:;ters the ... teen .... privilege 01 the famolls Wayne Pool on Mondn6's of each week for Lhe sma.ll cosL of only a dlDle. T1cke'18 will be aYQ1lable to tllese you.ngs~rs at the Twin Theatre st.n.rtlllg lbhis 'welt end. This project lB open to children j.ealdillg In, Wayne t.owllsbip and wlll conti~ue from July 1 to Alugust 26 iucluslve a t.otal of nine weeks. The ~1 Is well supervised on the· da,ys. lMhen tJhese youngsters nre thel:e a.nd little fee.r need lbe felt for 'tbeLr safeb'.
ml .Ji
(ConUllUed on Page 2)
~Z .
Mr. and MrS. Ernest. Earnbar' and llUnlly, Mr . and Mrs. O. H. Kesinger spe~t Thursda.y In Oinclnnati Bit tile Zoo. Mr. James BraUen and son. Jlmmy of Dayton ca.lle<1 on Ih ls pazents, Mr. and Mrs. George Bratten. Wedn.~y af,ternoon. Jimmy rernalnea for afew days. Mr. and Mrs. Bny Gibson lpent ThUJ'IidaY in Dayton: Mr. MOlTiII Lewis and 1101111 spen' ENTERTAINS Ct.A.SSMATES Wednesd9y w1tb Ilis paorenote. Mr. AT RECENT PA..B.TY and Mrs. John KoeaLer or· U~Ica.. • Mi3i Bet.tyo Se.tterllhwaite recentMr. and Mn. HUy Gibson spen' Wednesda.Y' morni.ng w1bh biS broIy enterlAlined with a group or clas&- "" . • ' mates ~ her guests, nle even1ng .....rerBe· Ub~· and Mrs. ~ry ~ibson . _AI~'~w 0 rook. was spel\t III a. vel'Y ente.·_ _ Mrs. · D'-h-..o D_'_ (Pauline. d dell I IUDCh ...,..... .....manner an n. c 01.1$ was Qibson.) of Xenia. · spent Wednes~~~~'=~r.:~ day wIth her Plll'eDts, Mr. IUld uest lh.t Iwer Misses Jeon lAck.ey Mrs. H1ly Gibson. g e , Mr. and Mrs. KenneLb IIn'ten Enuna VanOleve. Sue Furnaa. Vera. and daughter of Dayton ce.Iled on Sh~rwood. OenIooe Wilkel'&On. Doro- his parents, Mr. and Mrs. George thy Wils!)ll, and Rut.h WOoI'dlow. Bra.tte.n , So.tllrd>ay alLernoll. Messers ~Sheehan Tinn . ey, JEmery RobMr and MU.... PV Bur,- ~nd 1ck .~ --.. ~D bins. Warren , I\.ll1e6 R - (am1ly or. Beo.vert.own spent SUIl ey, Jack James, Nolan StanSbert'y, day atternon wUlh her parents. Mr. Hat'old StAlnley u.nd Charles Hop- and Mrs. Lew'18 Morgan. kins. Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Lllcas SOUTH BEND VISITORS and !ami.l;y. or ~n spent ENTERTAINED HERE Sundu..y with Mr. Il.Ild Mrs. DaVid Lucas and family. • Mr. and Mrs. Loyd De.vls enMr. aDcl Mrs. Even" Bunnell and terLa.lned to SWldaY evening supper family called on Mr. and Mrs . Mrs. Vance Ga&e a.nd son of South Bert Bunnell. sa.tUl'da6' evening at Bend, Ind., Mrs. Ruth Fulkerson: Utl.ca. . Wss Lena Hetzel: Miss Oorn Johnl1D)' Burl" of Beavertown McDaniels Of Xenia, a.nd Mrs. Sf()eJl-b a few ~ . with his gra.ndJosiah Davis. parents, ~. and Mrs. Lewi& Mor-
Shower' HOllO·rs DI-ana· Br·addoek
• Mr. and Mrs. Robelt Obapman • u_. Wn-- e n ">~A-'''~'' en'A-~ .muG . . . . . . . . ~-..... are now "at Home" to thelr many IAined at her 'homj~ on Wednesday frJencls in t.helr recenUy completed fter i · a noon w tJb a shower ohonoring home 011 Pr&nklln Road. the baby girl, Diana Grace, who Is AT PICNIC DINNER now a member or the lJam1ly or Mr. ~ Ml's. FTed Braddock. The a.foter• Mr. and Mni. W1ll1run Strouse tl.tte~ded II. plcnJc d~er with a noon was plea.sa.ntll' spent In pmes g1l'OUP or frlencls at Chautauqua. on and embro1derlng b~~ lor a quilt Sunday. Cor !.he nonct' gu~ .. Dainty t'6lresh' . menlB were set'vooL to bhe guests ({OUSEPARTY IN MIAMISBURG which Included a !r.toup ot !l1ends • MiS8 Ruth Conner was one or bile and relatives. 'guests e.t a hdUseparty in Mlam1s- ' burg over the weekend. - . .
• The third in a ser1es of five meetln"'" or the W....nesvlUe n_"'_1 .... ...., -.-..w
discussion group wW meet · 'J'hqrs.
day evenLng, JUly 4,8.00 o·cloc.\t at
Jia'" Ie'} t .1
president. presided IUldt Mr. stanley
!Bailey led in the dl8cumlon on the
U MU ,
Mayor and Mrs. H. S. 'fucker the home or Jose! McCoy, at. 2. Tbe discussion subject 111 be "",~ and daughter Miss Evalyn. lett F1r1. W ... 1<:: da.y morning tor a b1p to ~he ~hal Temple. · a_~" .... MounLaIns and 'o ther points
subject or "Pl1ce Oontrol."
Nineteen members were preeent. A very pletlBlUlot ~._, , ,_._ "-•• ~ ~..........spent with a re!resl,l~ lUDCh aerv~6 ed by Mr. and Mrs. Prye. ......... e ,"\".. __ 11 nAIA.. _ ..... to __• ~u
or interest througihOlit the soutbC11I with Mr. and Mrs. H. L. Bye In u. S .
. July. Bev. J. P. Thornbury. pastor of .t he Jona.hs Run Be.pt.ist' Chur.ch. at· "SEW-SO" CLUB tended sessions or bhe MinisterIal The Wayne Sew-&> 4...li Olub wlll convention held not Orn.nvUle threo meet M. 1 :30 pm., June 28 at .t he daYlS last week. ·
CIVIC LEAGtJE SOFTBALL The Juvenile Granre l!Jl~rtained STANDINGS in complinlClllt to the Adult Grange Monday evenlng. JUl1e 24. The pro· WOD . . . . Pc&. gl'am was arranged ~ I-olLQws: ' ~ers 3 1 .1150 . Opening song. " HOw Do You no"; MuUords 2 1 .6a'I Piano duet fealt.ur1ng M1sse6 Ma.rCla. Ol'lllkes 2· 2 .600 ENJOYS VACATION JlERE Ann and MD.ry Etta. Bennett; Sa;wyers o 3 .000 • Miss ~a Deathe~ of Do.y.. ~ __ .. _ RA".um, who .. __ MEMBER OF "Sioux City Sue" sung by Nanoy FrIday and Monday ....... ton is enjoy'~~ & w.caUon at the Mrs. IUIIIW..... - . . ..... BRIDAL PARTY ...... ylor·. plft_~ soio by <llorln Ann ">ei been. at ."'A home o· .... er son .....-. ..... -..... .... Turners 8 - Mulfor4s 'l homl1 of her bro\Jher-ln-law a.nd ....... ~ .. ..... JacobS; "8mile" sung by N'a.ncy Ister .. .:_ __-' Mrs R H 0"_'" Albert Stubbs +and: family. fOr bhe • Mr. and Mrs. Don Hawke a.t.- ...l._..... Q; and M1nsI.reI Skit a.ru:\, <:nTIOs Drakes 6 - Tu.rller3 1 s ,.............. '. . AIW__ ~v..-''0 soclt past. t.wo weeks, ,has now ret.u.rend tended the MontgQnel'Y~Robd&On present.ed by boys group. • 1.0 the Home. weddl.ng on Sa.turday evening at the FROST-ROBERTSON SOFTBALL SCHEDULE Mr,. and Mrs. Barry B. SaUer! MISses Ruth and EUsabeLb Chand- FranItlln Presbyt.er1ail Obureh and VOWS EXCHANGED OFFlCLu.1M6 Civic LEAGUII thwaite visited Ilhe latter's gT8.l1d- ler spent Friday In Dayton. the reception at ,the "Town House". \ Mr. and Mrs. _Lyle Roberi80n are All games wm st£rt ~ at. oCL_. • e.nnOImC'"- the marria""" of Lhe1r 6.'30.' ....... - ._- ment,=,"" OIl .... tauu".. Mr. Elmer Reger, at ,t oe Little Miss WIDuie Jo Owens of Mr. Hawke +was one of t.l:\e bridal ";'e ..... "'UlCI "-'&II - - - ..... Middletown hosplte.l on Sunday Springfield spent :tbJs week wIt.h her party. daUghter. Miss Mary Mru'goaret, to lICheduie first .18 ~ home . ~ . afternoon. grandmolber, Mrs. Lucile Annt!.a4!'e. PITTSBURG RESIDENTS ~~~ ~t o:rCof~~ ~ ~ ~tld game Vlill be ~«l Mrs Joe ThompsoD ill convaielCldnl' Mn . WoocIrow Owe,DB ,add 11'0 . , • e VISIT II£B£".MO.......I\Y wedding ' W88 an event of. June 15 as a. llve-1im1Ds contest follow1ni a~ MIBm1 Va.lley Hospital following son, Stevie ol Spr1rlgtiefd ~t "'and was801emn1zed at 3:30 o'clock tlbe next soheduled same. a majOr operation on SUnday. Saturday with the former's mother. • Mr. ~ Mrs: ~1lllam Mlcllen.er at the MetQodjst pamonage by Rev. Monday Mrs. LUcile Mm1tag~:· W1nnle JO" enroute rom:- Sb-:LOuIs ,to their home W. A. W1lson 01 COlumbus. .rUDe GUESTS F'ROM MADEBlA returned ,to Bpr1D.1~leld with them in p~~urg were Monday lfUests of The blide was. ,a ttired fu, 'Ili lime . ~ WI • Mir:- and Mrs. S. N. Keys and Mi~ ADna aDell iwi.h ' Nil" anel Mr. aDd MrS. D. R. Balisb\Jl'y and ~een suit. a.coentua~ wibh Wlhlte JulJ children had as Se.turday lUg'h.t and Mrs. George Woolllol'elol OentervIlle family and of Mr • .and 'Mrs. W. E. ~. Her corsage was of red 1 Turners vs Seowyers Sunday guests Mr. and Mm. RObert called ' M1Ssea Mame and Annie 00n1ell. roeee. MulfOl'Cla va IDrakaII Ii 'l1be bridal couple was a.ttend.e!l 8 Mulforc1s va Tumefa Andl-ew nr..d cll.IIdren of · Maderla.. Brown . on nwrsday. and on Prl~ BABBABA 'WU BlANDby Mr, James KUllns and Miss Ohio. their -callers were Mr. and Mrs. HAS APPENDIX OPERATION FraIlces McNeU, COusID or tile brldeDrakflll . 'V6 Sawyers 12 Sellh Thomas anel iIIWO 9000 or • Mn. L. C. St. John vi&ited her groom. Mi:;s MoNell aelected e. bla.ck 15 Mu11'ords . V8 B&.VlY~ Mrs. John J. ·Frlts and daqbter MinneaPolis. M.inD. 'J, granddaushter, M1sIi B&rila.n. Lou suit willh white o.ooessorles and her TurDera VII Dmitea 18 Nancy ' or Oaok. Rld&e. Term. are Mr and Mrs Floyd SmlLb of Bland at. M1am1 Valley hospital on corsage was of pink l'06eS. 22 DraUs va ~ vls1tinlr bile former's parents, Mr. nev Spl'1ng1'1eld were dInnei' guestA M~ Willere &¥ had undergone OontinUecl On ~e 4) . &liw,yera va '1'Umel'8 :10 gn.n. and Mrs. W. P. ~y .and of thell' e.UDt, M1iss Marga.ret &1- an appencUx ()iJ)Cl'IIiUOn. 29 su.wyera va Dl'Mee VACATION IN mcmGAN' (Oo~tiDued on Peee ~) ot.ber t;.elatives. wa.rds, on SWlday,, · FROMM'S ENTERTAIN GUESTS Aupst. Aupd '. Mr. and' Mrs. Alvn. .Thompson DON RYE ATTENDING CAMP Mr. and Mn, ~(eadt; ~ ENTEB.TA.Il\I8 THURSDAY EVE . 1 Mr. and Mrs. J. P. Fromm and Tu.mers"vs Multorda 3 and BOn and Mr. u.nd Mrs . J. Oarl· PAST WEEK ' VlSITOR FRoM and 900 Ma.urlee (If Mank8.to. Kan •• Mr. &.nd 'M rs. F. E. Thomas ~.Mr. Clyde FroInIn, 'h ad as week(; Drakes '11Umen Oone.rd are enjoying a vacation In WASHlNG'ION, DC , • M.l'8. John J. Fritz and daughter. were <i1nDer gIle$9 Friday or t.be1r ,had QB' '1'!luiaday" even1ng ,d1ooer end guests Mr. l''rOmm's sister. Mrs . , ~ W Mulrorda 8 ¥J.cl1igan. • Mrs. Wm. Schnabel or Wash- ~. W. ,po Sa;lLsbury. Mrs. H. L. lWnt, Mrs. Georgia Mendenhall. gueata Mr 6etlh Tbomas and aons Cbarles Ohambers or Dayton. They 12 Turnera ya 8aWYem '.. IDgton. a t C. bNI been the gueat of Rye and son. Don /were weekend '!bey were enrouf.e to -Ilhe1r home in of ~~. -Arthur Thoma:a were Jo1ned on Saturda¥ evenU:!g. by Mulforda ~ ~ ,I. }lo/ fallher. Mr. Rioe Bn.a.pp and, guests or Mr. and Mrs. R. R. Ben-' Kansas ·kool Flint. MJch. where of . .. and'Jon"'and Mm J M Mr. J. C. Hawke and all were dln- 19 Mulfords va TurDere Mrs. 'S naPP. also or Mr. and Mrs. son in .Ind1a.na.poll8 .. Don Rye re- they had been . ~lsitins another 1IOIl. ~ .aDd ~ or ~ver: ner guests or Mr. and. Ml'6. Melvin DrKea I W "~ 2S _ . L .--H. Gordon dl1l1ntr; the ,past week. mamed and will attend .. ,mmer , Mrs: GeOrrta MencIenhaU 1fU Lbe tA)WD. , • . . .l Banta in W1lmington; ¥r. and Mrs. -c1v1c CJliIi, Sporta IJOmm .... ~ .'NoUOe Is hereby give~ othat . on ~. Sohnahel · entertained .to d1n- camp Wit.n ROb Roy Be~., . gue8t at . supper 1~··eVeni.l1i' of Mr. and Mira. Kenneth T.bomas ~ adso had as Sunday ~er . .. ' \be 11rst 'caY of JUly 1946 .t;' 8:~ ner on 'SundaY .-:OO bad as guests. Mr. and MI'L Qeorp BaDoe uul Mrs. Ellr&beth ~tal at .<Jold of :Red Lion were ~ caJ.iera. gUests Kl8se&NettJ.e and ,Flora Fey A.IUZONA U8~ VUUTOU 'O'clock pm. a pubUc 'b earing OQ Ute Mr: and Mrs. RIce Sna.pp. Mr •. an'd , infant da_ter. Bh1rley '#.no. iba.ve 8Ilr1zlp Tavern. ' .', . ' . ~ Mr. Perry Fey or ~n. OF M. A. FULKEII8ONS' 'budget ~ by ~ Boe.nl orMl',,; ~. ·R .. . GordOn. &nd loin. DaIsY returned · to tbell: ,h ome ·In W8I11& Mn. ItGberi Eld!er. 8_Lb Cbarlei- VISITOR OF WEEK. ~8 . ' .,. , • Mr. anAl lin. MI. ~- ~ Edt;eation ' "Ql WfllYDe 'l'OWDIIblp Bn3>der. W~ WUh:· ~ter . aPe~-tbe ton~ ¥ora; .Oecl/- ·oal~ .o f ~ TO ,BOME IN 8~GFIBLD ~ G~ 8chIIler w.. tbe-.~ ~,d&ugbter ba4 .. ~ ...... Rural Bohool 'D1str1ct or Warren past two !Weeks IWWli rel&t.Ives In &n4 ~poUs calle4 on Ili88 Rutb ·, ~. ~woOdniW ow~ &lid IOn end gUest eAI tbroouni;t!y; ~ 1n6r cl1xm.er Iueate. 141'. aud . . . ·OountY•.Oblo, for the next. succeed- .T ONSILLECTOMY near Wa.YDesv1lIe. 0b8ndIer '~y ~ , or Spr1Dsf1eld 'wen! weeQbti Ill- 111'. a.ncl :un. DelPert OoDIer and Wilfred Squires . and or lng flacal year end1n8 DeCemIieI' In. ~~ iIn la.Ie · O'ataM 01 w....- Of her mother, MI'a • . WlUe Alml· f~• . , ., 'l'U8ooD.. . ~ Mr. &lid .... lM'1. w1l1 be heidi ~ tohe Board or RUUeu. WIIIOo, are ~~ M IInI. S. A. Drape ,eI New YIIIl IDPoD. O. B .. Kiu BmUoe aDd Mr. UWe V'?~.- ()9IeD6, Vibo ....... .'B. C • ..tenJamlD ucI .... BIpllree 80Dd daU(llh". 1Il1O . . lijjluoMioD oUice lno we B1&b School ~ bome. alter ~ ~ . 41b111r, City i! apendlDl t;wo weeb With. qecqe were IIQeIbI or bad ~ tale week wilD bel' 1P'UId- IIlc:bMl and lJ&VId. of ~ 0bI0. been we ~ of 111'. and . .. "'u'lding W~Ie. 0bl0. ..,.... t.oIIIUI at. Dr. ~cd'fIDe her pu'8DtiI, Mr. and Mra. GeaIp Mill BlhMet.h ......... maUler. retumed bailie with bel' vtaat.ed 111'. aDd lira. Woodrow W. B. SqIllNll, b&ve . . . . . . . tit . S. 8aJ'DbIft. &k W1~Dr. aa. ....' D I . . . . . . . . ~ 1IIIAar. ~ tbe • e '¥d. t.beIr bame SA 'lWaaa..
' J. th JIc ,."en
GraI.1ge Hall In Waynesville. All girls a.re requested to ~ their seWlng and a.rt1cle6 completed In this ye&fa· work. . Mm. Edenfield; Mrs. Klontz. Advisors
:!: .
The Eatablished Miami Gazette 1850
. . SubSCription, Rat
' EJlter d as Second Class Way n 'vi lle, Ohio
spent SWlda)' with Mr. George Of Fr&okl.1n 'Were aIi.ernoon oeJlens . Immaculate Ooncept.lon C'burcll.. Kil1t Timmoo.s. Mr. and Mrs. Mr . and ·Mrs. Paw ShIpley Robert Shipley and daughters. Mrs . )lrs . WUJ1am Str...u'ka.Olp of Day · Mr. and Mrs . MOITis u~ and lon . aee '10 yenm, ' ~I ~ away on cb1Jdren or L).ue . entertained a Ella. Walton and daughter, 'Cannen, :. ~ ¥r. n<I TIl of la$1. 11' k [l't the home of DlXl'lber at relatlves to a. bQ;sitet in-~' Ann RoclcWell, Mr. and Mrs . Sunday 1D honor or the 90th Wilbur ce.\lpel~ a.nd ohlldren, J ock ~lr . and Mrs . E~~reh' Bwutdl ~e;e~a:::h:. ~ ~:~~~~:~ net' blrthda.y: of Ule f<ll'l1ler's ratlher ~ Mr : Weir. . ~~'d Taylor nnd Wl honor and twn.Uy ~ed 0 Mrs. Louis . Gibson and, ughter P byllis, and Funeral \ cas w,e~e held Fridn.i Chapinan Shipley. Those who en guest. a.Il of Columbus and Mr . and Mrs . Co Crawford or MI.. Orab. mo ning at the llluIlllc ulat.e Conccp - JOYeQ Ule day were Mr . arid Mrs . Mrs. Rolls Roland of CentervUle . t.Orl
Marla .
- ....P.......:u..-b.... lis,.....br"r"E,;:;-v-ery--:;Truh'u-r-s....,d:-a-y--;'b-Y--.=D'A'A7.VrYrnsn.rO"N:r;piYRo.;: .~~S:--ed
Floyd L. DaviMon, Editor . Matter at' t~e Po t
om e,
: $1.50 per Year in Advance
c:=:=o:~=~~:=:;;================-== S her brotber.. the l.'\.te James Rolly MarUn . SIl and thr ot.her sisters w re not ment.lon d Ir. he w1l1 'A '0 a sI er-Inw I1Icl1 1ef L h is '''' , law, Anna Ma rtln, and II 1r1el1d,
MARRIAGE LICENSES WUlliun Clyde D unn. 21. ocou n ~ ant. l1I~d M.arLhn J nne fvlnl; 21. seereta.ry, botIh 01 LPbanon. EQ.r1 Weber, 48. Miamis burg. nd M'1'6. Leveda Wl1ron, 36, Pranklln . William J . Johnson . 24 G ermantown. salC$lJlan. nnd BeLLy GalTl.~on , 22. Franklin. Henry T . RohJ . 29. Ashtabula . o.eron.\ol!J engineer. and v.11a KovCl'man, 23 . Lebanon. J ooeph W . crawford. 35, CIlrpente r • nnd Mrs. EdilJl Pence. 34, clCl'k . both of Lebanon.
\ ·Iysses "s. Whl
Edna Adkins. FrankUn. rIIt'd sui t divorce from Willi m Adk.ln.s on a dual charo..! 0/ l'eglect an d cruelly. Married Ul 1933 they have four children. (01' A
Mrs . Emma Crew returned borne TIlursclay evenlng after spending a rew days wi Wl friends all Osborn. Ml~ ~ura Reed of Harveysburg NEW CASES called on Mrs . Ma~ tle Levi and son . Ella Mae Henry CUed a di vor<re Sunday afternoon. action aga.\nsL Fl'ed M. H enry B:Lrbara Com 'tock of Beavertown cluI.rgir.g neglect and asking for hl spending a f ew days with her aunt ro;tOT3<tion of her fonner nQnle. Mrs. ,"Ure Funnan. TIndall. II' . Lewis Morgan is pendIng:\ Joseph C . Lamb charges negloot In few da ys ~hIs week with his daugh his suit for ,. dIvorce from Mary ter. Mrs. Henry Berges of BeaverLouLse Lamb, a mlnor. They have town. nO children. . Mr . TbomA6 RunyoD Is s tili on Mrs. Elizabeth Dock. Fninkll n. Lhe sick USt. . Mr . and l\1r'i . Lin Marla« of DayfUed a suit contesting the will ot
day, JllOf'tJ.J.ng. Phyllis retumoed tiOD Churoh t Be·I mom, Dayton, '~----------------------- .. hom iIo1til!.hem for few weeks nd burial at M m()l'ial Park ccme. SHOE REBUILDING vlslL \\'il.h ber gt1Uldparent&, and AUTO REPAIRING Mr . ~y GlbOOri.. tery. WELDING lIf Chari DUl 01 D 1I1r . and Mrs. Wilbur Clark llad GENERAL REPAIR r. es ayton raJled tor · their Sunday afternoon visitors n Mr. and Mrs. Emerson Di U, Sun LAWN MOWER ·SHARPENING ay~. Mr. snd . Mrs. Elm'lls QQ.rm.o ny olf , Springfield. Mr . and Mrs . Herbert ~~I' and I\I~. Ernesl Bass and LoY. Mr. and Mrs. Claude Riggs / a.... Y spent SlUl4a,y in CloclolUlt l. and,M.r . and Mes. ,Eve rett Clark and MrS . Allee Furman and 1\115 600. of D\1.ytoll. Barbara. Oomstock spent Monday In Leba no n. Mr . and 1I1r . Wilbur Clark, l\1rs . lUr . and l'ttrs . Ernesl Han and Nettle Emrick and Mr , and Mrs. North Street JOE BOYDS, Prop. Carey's Garage (anllly spent Th~..day evening with Wal ter ' K eLlJ'1ek \'Isltt.ed th e Hoyne friends in Beavertown. Funeral Home in D ayton 'Iburs<1a.y afternoon where thl~ body of Mrs. William Straukamp lay. Mr . !I.Ild M rs . E . B . Longacre attended the funem! Friday m'orning a.t. the
Waynesville Repair Shop
NORRIS BROCK CO. CiDdDDaU thdea 8&oe1t Yanla
Clearcreek Dairy
. WAYNE PARk. WED. and FRI., 10:30 a.m. 25c A LESSON
HOURS: 9-12 each morning 1-5 afternoons except Wednesday 7-9 Saturday evening Other evenings by Appointment
THE ADMIRAL'S FAVORITE DRINK Children love our wholesome milk. As a n in-between 8eClOIUI &0 DOne. 8trteay meal s nack it can't be beat. Grownups, too, need t h e ...... eD &be . . . all anand .....at en~rgy b uilding elements our rich whole ome milk conID ,be C!OIIDit7. ta ins. So wheth er it be the " admirals" in-between .s nack Sen-ice That Sati.fie. or a pick up for his dad or moth er, a lways have p lenty of TUNE TO our milk in the refrigerator. WBJO Dayton 12:30 -DIal 1300
Lin WIre
AD _-
Dr. C. E. Wilkin Optometric Eye Specia list . 26 South Detroit Street
FOr Oor Da1l, Markel Report
ERNEST H,IXSON, Owner PHONE 2537 BARLOW and GRIMES Diatr1butora
Dilatush Building -
Lebanon, Ohio
~cGI1ur! ~unera1 ~ome Dial 2111
Waynesville, OIaio
.The Waynesville National Bank BBTAN.JBB!'CD 1m
Phone 2651
« ~ . . . wicb Iivia8
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U. S. Army , M ,
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J.' N II 1 f
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NO \It"
BecruWa, Stado..
ever beloce. Ie spitt 01 pcacat iD~ tn!ad.. che new
,ej ,ej
~ cbe UIO 01 ekicuicallCtYke beco~
sreater. die CIOIC,of providing
OD' cbo
Electric Rale. lor WAYNESVILLE
..........rg. S1.00 I*' _ _ ..... - . .
serVice aaaIca II
........~.... of . . . . . . . . ..
..... Illiitowatt.houn pet ..... $0.041 .1 *' loW,Hr.
Melt IO.ao-N-ilounpet ....... G.OSI l*'K.w.Hr.
lisheing without increasing their budsets. '
0WD0d, busJaess.~aQaged utility company-is in line with a long-estab.
lished policybf lowering (he
of ItS"services when
•.•• .;
..... 100 kilowatt .... -
pet MCHItII,
o.cmll*' K.W,Hr.
2Il1O ~,., -""'. G.AII22I,., K.W.H"
~ •
•• • • • ~ . ~ • • ;. . . . . . . . . . . . . .... . . .. J •• l
these. la~.r.~ving appliances and eM e)'t-aYia, ,
•!' • .! •• •
. •
• . ••.• • •
The Dayton Power ·~~d .~ightColDpany ~
~ ~
. . _ecao.~ae 01 many that bas been made by your' l~1 privately. t
•• •••••••
110 eajO)'
.....to. 01 modOl'D
can anticipate a iltU.1 greater u~ 01 these cOllvenictnc:Q.
GiYIaa our CUJtomen this rate ad,rantage
-I,.... mab your eleccric pennia-always cbt bluest value ia
~ . .,'
Spl.ndid .ducatlon _ . ~9 . In more than 200 aIdl1a and trad.. are o~.r.d · by the ne., Begular Anny. Good and opportUDiU.. fctr ,adYan~..e.L dare. quarten of .a milUo. bente ealla.ed already: MAKE IT A MlWONI'G'.' aU the lacta at your ....... U. S. Anny ·Camp or POIt, or U. AnDy
b crmda dowawud. Today, with more and more appliances bciftS placed
'.' ~~
. "MAlE IT I MILLlO.!"
----«*I_ dwa
JOUr pula -buy IDOft cooaIOft iad ClOaYC. . . . chaa .....
KUGt.1O be pnnJcaDy lIOObaimble. )lOUr ""1CII'Viot-aU you
F'O R Any make or~~model Fred Kahn Motor Car . PHONE 326
;Juno 21f, 104d Tokyo, Japan . He Sa going to .Japan t\.:i soon us condltlons permit. ( 'h rls Ua n Youth Ra lly will 11 ' ld nex t Sundll.Y Ilftcl'l1oon ' June ao, 2:30 p.m. at t he \Ft l'$t Ohrlstlnn
The Gr Dwilll . O olnl. Church
HERBEB.'i' ORAHAM. Mlnlsk, B ible ScllOOJ ' 11 :30 ... m . C<lDUDun1on lO :i6 ... Ill. Pl'ee.cb1ni 11 :00 a. m. YOWlg Peop les Services arA Ad Ult Pl"llyer Meeting 7: 00 p. m. Evc nLng Ev::UJgf' llsl,lc Service '1 :46 p. m .
0 huI'ch at 'Wasllln lrtOn.. C. H . BroUlCr J . WlIlls ~Jnle. mJs.'llona;ry t.o ~he PhlUpplnes will be LIle speaker . 1' h o Fel'l', YOUI'.g· People have In-
vlted t.he Young People of the Wayncsville Ohu rch to bring a pot-
luck dJru)el' 'and Join with IIhem in a long the l'OOd . 81'11lf yow' dinner w!lJh you to the Churc.h and be PI' 'PIlI'OO t.o leave Ilt
~1 tllll''' oom \\Ij)c r
I t: OU
Flrat DIIJ IOOOOl - 11:10 A. M. l ' oulI!:, I'collie who ilrc going to (eeUng few WonbJp - 10:111 A, K. Trl-Sla te Ch ris tla.n Service Cam p. geL your rcglsLraLlons III at onoe If ST. AUGUSTINE CHURCH yu u al' pla nning to go this year. Path... Krambolta, PrIeM 'n)C In.cJ lltles are UmlLcd, and if I4aIs SUDda,y - 11 :00 A. II. your !'el;isll a tlon Is not in before thc qUOLn Is reached you will not be ME1'HODlST CHURCH pe llniLled to 1;0. Brin g you r $2 .00 :U:D~~ 9 ' :10 A M I' glsLratloll f c to YOllr mirJsLcr . "ruong wi ~h yu ul' slgned l-q:lsLrntion Mrs, Ra,ymond Conner. SUpt, IJlan.k 01' have him sig"I) It so you can WORSHtP SERlVICE 10 :30 A. M. send ' t I l U d t YOUTH !''ELLOWSHIP . I 11 iIIJ OIlCC . you 0 no • have a blank. see your minister a t Thursday. 7: 30 p, m . OnOO. CHOIR PRACTICE . W ednesdAy. 7 :30 P. M.
World Order
Sunday night: A speclu.1 Misslonary o tferlnr of
WAYNESVILLE Hib School6ROUNDS z:oo' p.m.
The BuIJd1nr Fund orrerlnc will be received ~t the Evel'.l11g Serv1ce
- _ ...
$73.88 was given to M1'. Samuel K. F AIRLEy. HARDWARE Saunders ~ho spoke at the morning PbGoe itO _ W4nasVu.t.-. 0 services last Sunday In the lntcrest.s . of the ·Cunnlngham M1ss~n of
4:0,0 p.m.
Springfield Coca-Cola vs: Waynesville Legion
do' Dot foi:get
9:00 p.m.,
'9 :30 p.m.
Modern • DANCE • Square
WaynesviUe'Furniture &Appliance Co. Gibbons Bldg., North St., Waynelville, Ohio, Phone 2422
DM and HIS RHYTHME'rtES Dr. Hess
,FIVE POUNDS ~'7 .00
Recently at -the Miami
from 2:00 unlil 9:00 o'clock
,DANCE 7Sc per person
KILL FLIES in a ll Buildings, CHICKEN MITES, FLEAS, a lso k eeps f lies :off anima ls for ·3 to 4 weeks. .
Sponsored by
Also LlQUID ·D.D.T • .for spraying cows in st~bl es. M~k~ your 'own fr~~ the ~oncentrate by a dding water. .
'.,+ .
~un ~7~ i04d
FA 2. e.ud Be.Ie JobmItoD Jl JOhn8IloD, two Iota Sycamore at.. Lebanon.
Hazel ' EltzroIlb et a.J.. to Olayl4n and Carey J. Olarit. lot 73 in But.ler-
ville. .
Eaward J . 1I1rlt8CJl to
I. W. and Shirley Hart.maJl to
Gflorge o . ana Elva AkIns, t!hrl'e
;.;.;;.;.;.;..;.;.;;;;;.;;;,;;.j.;........_..,.._ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _.!.._;A:: ~I)'.:.:.o:.:;n~-w~.:.;I:;k.,:-.
_S_U_N ___ . __________ M~~O~N~.~~T~U~E~S~.---~W~E~D~.---~T~H~U~R~S.~---~F~R~I~.__________~S~A~T~, a~~Ul rowillton t~ June 30 July 1 ' 2 j . 4 5 6 PROCEEDINGS PIItIlJU K"'_ 01 N_ Mil/Iw4
nNE DnAl\lA.!
Now she givel herself a
1'J1'!! wave at home
Gtyo oU,lIOlf
A \Y'
~""DrrLo""IY. ca.125 lo1lt\-lutIJljC. "ji' __
QUi'll<. ADd
~r.::::::. WAYNESVIllE STORE PhOne 2121 -
- -- - - - - - -- -- -- - - -- --
CARD OF THANKS Tile Ulldcrslr,'lloo a.nd family. extend t..JlanIa; to tlbelr many kind ·lrIends. nclgb.llors Mel .relatives, also to w.e ./'lID ral curectol' Qnd. pu$tor for 1dle1r v ry efIlcluDt service in tile deat.b and bW'lal of Ule11' W1f und moLI1er. J06b.ua Barvey --------..:..-----------
'J.A. . fi e ,B
rI '
~~~~=::::~io:==::=:=:::=== -
IAen, 4%
P.N8.){ "LOANS-Long ' term,
An Old F'avorlt.e Made Into A
Mrs . Oharlotte Allen WII6 awardcd n cllvorce from.. Charles All.e n and c ustody ot t.heir LWO minor chUdrcn
wilh " ROCHE-lOiTER"
wlt.ll RuLh NeL'MllJl and Dorinda CUlton. Also: West«n Short, Car&.oon a.nd Novel'y.
on her charge of n~, An appl.loo.t1On, to modI.fy cntl)' ill the suiL of Oeneva Reynolds o.ga.l.nst Donald A. Reynolds to be hea.rd on June 29:
a.od NEWs
New Pioture ! 0 cnc St.ratoon ~rter's
Added. 2rte Smllat Comedy
l;Ta de school' builcllng, Cblsscs wlll be in session fro m 9:00 a.m. to 11 :00 n. m . for groups 'between the ages or LIU"(.'(! and four YL'8.rs 1U\d from 1 :30 REAL ESTATE PJ1L 1.O 3:30 p.m. tor groups bet-ween TRANSFERS The brld.e is a Ildua~ of Har- uges of 5 a.nd (t years. The project ys burg High School and hll.S ,been Is under t,he supervi"ion of Mrs. Carl and Dorothy Beal to Ed1t.h BL'lhop, lot 5 In Hill View .lIIIb' l1Iolled n.L Wilmington Ooll<l!,>e lor Hele n Robertson. the past two semes~rs where she is alfiliat.ed w1t.h t he Alpha Phi Kappa J\li!;s Jo Ajnn Becllett r etl1nJed cllvision, Leba.oon. sorority. home Fl·lda.,y Cl'wn Cll1c1nna.U 111 Harry and Ruby Lollar to Joseph lnimedlately following Wle cere- company wit.ll her mother. Mrs. a.nd Nina Lloyd, 10L In E1llotts submony Lh e couple left -ror a weddln g Ben Beckett, 1l.lld llllllt Mrs . Nellie cUvlsion, Lebe.non. trip tJU"ough l;Outhem Ohio and UsgiOOd. . Robert K. a.nd Florence Finley to West Virginia. Mr . wm McCanen spent a lew George W. and HatlJe Hardy, 67.20 Mr, and 1\11'8. John . PeLerson and d ys lll6t w~ at his h<lme bel"e. ncres m Franklin I.wp. Mr . Robert. G IllllD or C1.u.<:i.nna.Ll: l\1rs . TboDlllll Welcb w~ II. ruest of Mr. IUld Mrs. Albert Hayslip of hill' daughter and son-In- law, Mr. Paul Kahn , by administrator, to Kingman; and Mrs. Nellie OsgoOd and Mrs. cecll LinkI1US and famJ ly Fred Ka.hn. pjU'I. of lot 86 In LebaIUId doau bt.er, I n(:quelinc, were Sun- at Lcballon, MOllaay, non.. c;!ay guests of Mr. and M:rs. Ben l\lr. and Mrs. DaUali Barton a nd E. R . and Edith. Hooton to VirBeck tt ~d Miss Jo Al1n at Ilb.elr 1;0116 enbcrtallled friends lrom gmia and Jarn.e.s Cook .14 n.cre m farm llome near WllrnlngtOn. Te nne ' " F.rlday .' Morrow, ' Mr .· and Mrs , Ifoward Collins and Miss l>hylJis l;ibldaker is a cum al Woodl'OW Oolllns wm"e SWlday Ule 11aoc 01 MlSll Mary Resler of AUCTIQNEERING dlnn r gUC$ ts at Lila fOl'mer's son 1U:3!r Ol·Cgonla.. STANLEY d KOOGLER an daughter-in-l w, Mr, and, Mrs . aD Lee OOlJ.ru; of OCntervWe. "Rural-Life Sunday" was observed aao.... LlVD. . l\1J'. and Mrs. James Thornbury aL 'Wle SJla.ron Church , s unday. Por Datal, ....... "1M, W~ and nmlly h ave moved Into CllC1; several from llere were m attend0bI0.. RevIQII
eaIIV ~ No a.ppra.isal lee. recently Purch!lSOO property Oll Wl .u., moe anal! and .large farms Avenu . 1« Mie. Call or write 000. MRS . ROBERTSON
MCe tulCl wer represented In the PI'ogmm.. Mr . and Mrs . Raymond AdalOll HeDJde. -P.I\ono No. 2, Leba.non. ttc STARTS 8C11001, and fnm.Uy of Oorwln 'were gue6ts FEDJm.AL LAND BANK Lo.ANS: Kinderrarten sl.ar1.ed l\londay or Mrs. Adam's mother. Mrs. ~ :aefIIlAruliDs - Rebuilding morning In bhe prim~ room in bhe Blanche Qarr, Monday evening, ~, 4% Pann loana willh long IlUXIe to pay. Pa3' part or all any time. T ELEPHONES LEBANON NA'rL FARM LOAN WAYNESVILLE 2091 ASS'N·, Ellis H. Stow'1ll, ~ MORROW No. a 'llnl8a., LebflJ)()ll,Olilo. PllOllt! 448 J..EBANON Office .13Jt I.e
Kat.hleen Egglesan named guard1nn ad . litem. lor O. H. Eggle.son. a m1nor delendant 'in fl. suit flied by Mary Pa.u1 ID>llon, execut.r1x, 00.1'1 P. Gabbard WII6 awa.rded a cUvorce frun Mn.ry Jane Gabbard on 11.18
cross peUUon c.hD.rging IlA!glect.
He alSo was awarded custody of t.heir two Dhlldren. Irene Phllllps won
1947 CALENDARS 1947 PERSONAL STATIONERY A comp lete lin e to I:lelect The Miami Gazette , Ph, 2143 from, Beautiful pictures in vuri rty of subjects, All siztll:l, AT HLETES FOOT ITCH NOT HARD TO KILL. MoueJ'ately priced, IN ONE HOUR, DAVISSON PRESS Ph. 2143 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ If noll pleased . your 350 baclt at any
Quick Battery Charser
divorce a.nd
custody 01 tbelr youngest daUghter l.n ·a dlvo.rce aoIJon c.gaJ.nst WBlter
Hydraulic Car Lift "SERVICE by SERVIS"
W. Phillips.
Portable Equipment
W e nd ea VO l' to l'ender exce ll ent, mod ern service.
Telephone 2291
O ne Day ALL FUN! ALL COl\lEDY! Only! BIG R~b~. Walker & June AlIY50n 'Cartoon in Show! '('E N Cartoons No Ad\'ance!
with Ray MlIIand. Olivia. Dena IlUld' "" Solmy Tutls
Rut.h Moore, 1.13 0Cl"e6 in Hnm1llXln
I Mile No~h of
Shop- Centerville 7031 Rea. Centerville 7465
cU·ug · store.
TE-0L. a STRON G CWlgidde, cont.ainB 90% alcohol. IT Reoohes MORE genoa to KILL the Il.eb, Looolly at Wa.,yne6vllle Drug Stol'C. 627
PEACE 'OF MIND THROUGH LIFE INSURANCE '100,00 per month for 10 .yean &0 your fUlliJ, It you do no& U\'e. ' 100,00 'per month for life l or yourself at n!tlremen&. AU 01 th_ benet'" 10 one policy.
Phone 111-L LEBANON, 01110
Armitage .&Son
Real .Eatate For Sal. lP YOU HAVE A PROPERTY OR
P.AlW TO SELL Oall Ot Wnte Bender~n. Tel KE3446, 617 'l.oDdn Ave.. Da,yt.on, .Ohio. tlc Qon
,PopUlar Bran~
r.vis, .
FOR SALE- Tl'Uck Orrun Bed and
JOHN DEERE Farm Equipment ~ENUINE JOHN DEERE REPAIR PARTS Competent Repair: Servi~e on Tractors .nd
Garden PlanlaFOR SALE- Sweet .poIAIilo plaqts, . 5OC p¢l' ~Wldl"ed ; All , kI.nda 01 saroen plants 10e . per ~. Oba.s. O. Strouse, lv.. miles D.Ol1Ib or WaynOSV1llc, COl~ at Ferl'Y e.nd Lytle roads. . 74 ,
FORSALE_____ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ ~ I
Implements by Experienced
The BANTA Implement .
on,es'-~ Stuffed
Phone SS5
Pickles - Dill
- -. . . - - ..
In exoeUeDt ooDd1t1on. Tele}lb.one w~v1lie 2M» 627c
·lPOij. SALEBIacl<llMWt
12 Ja.ck~
at tfc
FO& SAJ.;E-.l- AlfaJJa Ba,y; l ~ IICl'eS iIi. ~, Second pJaoe nOllih MetbOd1slJ Ohurol1. Price $12·00 ifh'at cut, Charles Bunnell. Route 2, W~C8vl11e. 627
Loat aDd F ound-
Purse. Owner identify
IUli1 pay f.ol.' Ilb1s ad.. can at 1lbe GAZETn; pFF1ICE. tf
LOYD Telephone 2751 ----~
-- -
Cottage Cheese "
Butter Milk C~AM-Coffee
¥.a pt.
. Sugar: Added, 46 oz. 2 9c . 39 $1: .Grapefhin . .I Water Melon Extra Large, ea. l'TOMATD lb. 2'Sc , Sweet ~herrieS t!. ~ White ORANGE',. lb. 23c GRAPES Orange &GrajJeHit'Blend- oz. lb. 29c Aprioots . ib. 29c BEANS Nec&rines pEACHES About 2 lbs. 21 e fL 'I. ·: .. 'A FE,lmily- '.No. 2 Red Beans Cantialopes • 'r
"op, Calves, Sheep, etc.
20e Package 4c
"Friendly Store"
$5.00 COWS $3.00 A.ccon1.In8 to S1zc and .
.UI~ eES ·
Biilio'YBD PB01\IP1'LY
Kroger .ltIIIJI3·Qts. 40
We Pay':~RSES "
ton Hydl'8lullc
~B, W~'w~",:llle.
roUiND -
23c oz.' 78e oz. 20c
. 8 oz.
Servic~ ,
.Your John Deere Dealer N. East Street LEBANO~, OHIO .
OUT:BOAM MOTORS- Ollf! 6 b p . Neptune;. ODe S~ bp. JollDsDn.
Swtet ... ,Pickles
LAMPS (Floor and Table) STUDIO COUCHES .( Fully Sprins Filled) LIVING ROOM SUITEs , BED ROOM SUITES SrOVES' '~Complete HOD,e, FUl'lIiahers" . ,
H'OMf!' FURNI~UaE ' XENIA · fhone .CO • OHIO 912R ' .
"Ea.t. MaiD SlJ'eet, at Whiteman" /'"
'i ami
Waynesville, Warren County, 0
No. 4271
Stream Pollution Stops Lake Project
• Mrs. Frances ~ra.nnOCK honored by IIARltY ELDRIDGE. JR. her SOI15. Corp. T. B . Brannock of ACt.101l to obtain a luke and p6.1'k Bat~lecreek. M1ch . aM T I S Alber t on Turt.1e Creek Lnunedlaitely tWoyc Brannook. of the Panama Canal Lebanon WII.'I bl'OUgllt, t.o a. halt last Zone. with a family dinner, SUnday. week becMlSC of t.he highly polluted 'I'llose who enjoyed 1lhe ' day 00condlLion of the stream from Leba- getller were ~. Bra.D.l1OCk. Sgt. non to the Uttle Miami River. Brannock and f1lJIlily. Mr. and Mrs . Spell4'heilded by Mayor Clyde 001- Ernest. Woolard and oll.1ldren, Mrs . lins , members o! various groups ' Lormlne Spray and daol18'hter, Mr. es Spraya.nd remily have been atteml>t.1~ to revive a/and Mrs. Pl'oject 1.0 rebulld the old mUl J.a.lte 01 Dayton, Mr . and Mrs. Cha:rles lmmedUl.liely above Lebanon . EII'.cy and daug'ilter of Qrego,nla. would Include II. 30 or 40 acre l.a.k.e. ·and Mrs. HaaTiett McOulnnls. adjo1ni~ pr..rk area. Q llvlng ,War . Mt~nonal pla.y&l'oW1d, a.nd ma.ny other recreational !CQ.tllrC6. Repre· sent.atives of Klwants a nd Rotary AmeriOOil1 Legion , City PlarUilng Oommisslon. Ootint.y Commissioners. Warren 00. Fish & G1Une Ass'n . and other groups :have met informally • The Annual Da.l1.Y Vacation. Meetfor several weeks to discuss the ing School wlll be h td at the plans. When memJlel'll of 'the F1sb Friends Meeting House, beginning and Game CIUD prcserlWd t.he re- July 15 and endIng with ·the mornquest 1.0 Oh.lO·s Oonsel'vUi\.lon Dlv · lug meeting fbI' worship on July 21. 1810n at COlumbus. Ii <WWl well I'e ' The hours will be from '9 :00 t.o wived and an englru.>erlllg s urvey 12 :00 a.m. t.hrOl.Igh the six week promised- subJeet 1.0 O . K . by Lh e t1nys. TPe school . will be conduoted Dtvision's F ish Mat ' ments Dept. by a corps of six teacl1el'6 who reE. L. WicklUf a.nd Dr. ToIn Lang!o18, elved their training IjIt F.rIend!; Oh.lefs of t.his Dept., expla.in d ~lat Ge.neral Conference Ilit cape May, Ilucil. "Headwat.er" lakes are bum en- N. J. They a.re conducUng e. series tlrely willll [lsh1ng I..Wense money of four schools at dl.tlel'Cnt places. and one tunc.t.lon of them is 1.0 stock Ohildren froIn 3 y~ to 15 years ~he st.reams below Witll fish . Since lrlcluslve are lnvit.ed. Turtle Cl'eek .Is not.orlous tor ' I~ pol1uled aondl uori , tlley w1l1 O. K.
Thurflda y. July 4, 1946
$1.50 per Year->Five CentB.& Copy ·
The' Goddess f Liberty Smiles This' ourth .of July
Legion Giant .·Fourth Celebration Staged
Coo!m.ittees sp;;ji;ilng tbe w.,. Township AmerlOaD, ~inD Pourtb
or JUly Celebrat!on are lookiIIe twwaro to a record crowd ~ 1Ior Lhe many and va.ned activities tba;y ha ve Bll'fu.nged tor tile en,Joymieat at the genera:! publlc. The
-A\\ • .-MIl.
F' fleD · ds Cdon UctlDg Vacat-Ion Meet·JOgS
lake or Improvement project on Lile st.reams whlch use tlsh1ng license Ul,oney, uOltll SUcll polluLlon iii cW!aJled. up. OoIJUl1i.'»l.oner Rl.der, Chief o[ t.he OOIl.5eI·vllitlon Ulv., stated on Lbe phone that If \J:le people of Warl'eU Co. c l aned up ~he IlleSS In Turtle (''rea.1t as a. civ1c a nd countY pI,'OJec1he will do every.tlullg pOssIble to IISslst In obtaJ.n1ng a lake.. Leru>y BaJlinger. member of Ohio's Conser. va.1JonI Ommlsaiol'll [rom Cinc1nnaiti 6econded Mr. Rlder's feellnas. He lurtlher said he would ligbt. lor tlle necessary approj,1l'la:tlon 'by the Oom.mlisloll Cor such a lakle. B&Uinaer c.slied atif.eritiiiD -Ib Ehl! tam. ,that; Il~ most a.ll Uiela.ke proJeots l'lOW'1JDder W8¥ a ~us of 76 miles are I!UPPOl·ted by 01:110 General Fund Dlolley appropr1&ted by 'Ul.e IlJeilslat.ure . .Preci.ous llttl~ fishing license money has yet been spent In t.his southwest section of the state. Bot.b m~ll poInt.ed out. Ulat tlleir SUPPOIlii WIIS subjee~ ·t.o a clean up of Turtle Oreek:, and an: O . K . of eng1n.eer'lng ~d C061.& ror oonsLructlon and land. A,t a s ubsequent meeting held in Mayor CoIl1n's o!llce- the advant-ages of sucn (I. lake and park. w~e dlBcussed, alOl;lg with una.n1mOus agreeme~t thsAi t.be da,ngerous IWId disagreeable pollution needsclea.ning Continued on Poge 4) 110
~ ~_ .
, ,.
.::':~ ...
;;;;;;;;;:;;;;;;;;:;;;;;;;;.....;.,;...;.,;...;.,;..;,,;;;;;,;;:;;.;;.;;: . ;;:;;;;;;.:;.;;;;;;
Wlll..~dty"~I " sodme !IOO ~-subwes~ ~w.. ea el'S on ..."" , . ~. Wnshington IUld the World at. thl!
International Relations InstItute being h eld IIJt Antioch College. Yellow Sprlngs, Ohio. He will speak on Wednesday .evenJ.ne. July 10.
. - -.Mrs. Lew15 TllOiIllJl6On 1IJ1d Mrs. Frank Swart.zel entel't.a.J.ned· a group o! trlends on Thun;day with a "Hobo Party." The guetlto ardved l!ll pe.tohe3 and old ga.rment6 and were given their very delicious lunch in pe.per bags WLWl a tLn oup lor coHee. 1lhIs was greatly endoyed on the screened porCh wllere decorations of ,pet.un1as QID(i !hollyhocks were Q.lTIUI(,~.
Bridge waa bhe diversiou 01 the aIternoon and pr1z~ were won by Mrs. Ira. Srown, Mrs. ~ EllIs end Mrs. Gllbel't Frye. 'I1hclse. woo were Ipcluded 'on t.he ruest list for this most. InlierestLng afternoon. were Mesdames lira Brown. K. R. Hill. O. E. EOgln8't.on, ~y Ellis. .John Kersey. Don H&wlte. S . N . KeY5. Mark.· ~, John Weltz and. ' GIlber~ 'hye.
• Mrs. Harold (S. Ea.!'ribal't. was ~l(~tess to th New Cen-ewly .Club Oil Fnd~ uJ'LerUOOll at the home of Mrs. E. L. Thon1a.8. Following the usual bU5liless session t ile program was in chaJ~ or Ml's . Fred ~ra.u man and MI-s. E, L . Tllomas. Miss . CIaI-a McCalmonU; or .Xenla · 'Was ut.roduce4 a.nd shOwed. :hel' ........:.~~~.\." moving pICtures to! flowers for the ::r-=I:!... I eutire bWOl11111i season, beeS, bu£ter~ tlies, Insects alla 0 a trip 1t.bi0UBb 'lbe ., aloo RI~e Mol4l~!18. ' 'llh15 ieature w~ . most llltierest1Il& !Wei . -,- Mrs. D. C : ,Rldge re~ ~' prea1dent a.n.d ' a.. H ~ H8oI:t.sock assuDleU 'ller duties 88 president tor Lhe COI~ YC&l·. 'Ibe SoCielly adjOW'llAld. 11IlIti.l Sept.'embel'. DalDLy re!re6bmeuts were l!el'Ved IX> !.he members and guests, . Ml's. . N. Bough. Mm. Viola Imrnlg'1'anm seeing Lhe Stn.tue o! Llbelt.y tor llIe tlrst tlm.e, after underHarlan, Mrs . W . A. SWBJizel. Mrs. going the 'terrors of war In Europe. have been bt!m'cl to e1p1'tlSS t.be CIIIlDkJII' Hays . MiSs Ola.ru McOalnI01\te, Mrs. t.hat tJhe [ace of t\h~ "GoddeBB" h:8B seemed w them to bear the smile ~r Jial'l'Y BW·IkH. Rllth Ea.l'ulla:rt and Be carolyn BW'netJt. ~'OUWl, ,t hat as It ma.y~. the fact reul&in6 t.ha.t. if tile "Gaddass" could -----smile she 'h all every reason 't o do so ialJI8 11r9t fourth or July a.tter World W ill' Jl. • Official greeter. SO to speak tor bhJs great land of ours. ahe could tell a st.ory of progress UDElClualled In the anna18 o! men.
America the land of OpportJunlby'l F\~Ue tanna and prosperoll8 cltles . . . mines, forests. lakes and seas I Vl1h8tt .blessings and resources have been heaped upon us 11.'1 a natlonl ~t. ~ herl.t&4le hl18 been handed down
to us! • Yet In splte of th~ Bmlle on tile 6100 of the "Goddess", there IS caus for alarm as 1.0 what we or U\Is generwtlon are doing with the nch heritage that Is ours. Since the endIn4J of the war, we have wltnessed In tll1s lJiessed larid o! ours too much greed ~ strife. Too 'many
A letter of lnyltaUon W1IS received by- bhe Olub t.o aL1Cnd a weiner l'OIIBt B'n d th invitation. ~ept.ed. Donna. Ra.d.iey demonstrated the runnLng sUtch a.n.cI Lorene Sa.llsbury the blahket sliltch. Oomp was dIsClIBsecI. and some games were played. Tl~ . next meeting w11l be at Ule Grange..Bai1. friday, July 5,1:30 pm; Club member I.aiIdng part In tbis program Is Judy DaVlS. 0amJ. Bunnell, Reporter . __
of our dtlzcQ,s :have ro~lten the prtnelpals upon which our country was fo~nded, whioll has oaused It to becOme t.he moot powerful nation on the face or bhe earth today. It 18 .we:U that. thinking citizens pause on
• The Wii.ynesville Amerlca.n i.eg1on 'Teams staged a winning streak all the way iupund in their SUndaY afternoOn games. The Sen10r Legion team met Enon In the Ilr$!; game of the afternoon !With a win at 8 ,t o 2 ill tbe1r ' tavor; WAYNE G. C. P. and In 't he seoond ~0Jl they took The Wo.yne G. C . P. 4-H Olub met B game from Bellbrook '1 to 6. TueedllJY, June 25 at Lee O'Be.!Uon·s
this fourth or July to ponder upon bh~ prln~s and to check their own ~uons against tI~em.. • We of this oommuhUY know t.h8t America 18 m.9.de up 01 many. communitM!s ~uch as ours. If each o! these com-
&o!tbaJI game between (be
Fairley's and A1l-Sta.r teems IWi11 open the lestMtles at :&:00 Pm. This will be followed by a hai'dball game a;l 4 :00 p.m. betJween t:lle 8eDIor Legion t.eam and the 8prjngneI4 Ooca-Oolas. At 6:00 pm. flhe boxIDe and wrestling ma.tobes will be IIIIB&ed The event of tJhe day w1l1 stQt lit 8:00 p.m. when seven prizes 'W1ll be aWarded. A radio. elecl4ic 1ron, cl.ook, electr1c WflIter heater. bug bomb. sUex coffee maker and eleot.rJc toaater w11l be gIven away, tollowed by a grand display of flreworta. Tl:da fireworks d15pla.y 15 not '&nall-town' by any means, The commlttee hall made an especial eft<mt to t1av8 tb1a part at bhe festlvltliea an outBtHvI1nc aftair and <to mJss aeelIli' lt Iw1ll be
an .regretful .error. At 9 :30 p.m. !.he double d&Dce w1lI begin at ,the school bulldini OIl two danae 1100rs with two Jlm a.nii HIs 011'1 Rh ~ play tor iIJle modern square dance will ha Be ' maru Orchestra 8& t;h:~!8 n BoaItJctnaIrworI. The Legion wlshes ,t o e~ it. a.ppreclatlon tor the excellent belp receiVed !rom 'the buslnees aoand oUler md1vlduala in the oom.mumt.y in Lae many aDd. vadoua means extended 111> 'belpWc in ,t IM jlI'OIIlOtIon 01 taUs pta oeletJr&tIaD. In the 1'1.I8h ur getltlntr ~ assembled .and. printed lt wM 1mJl(l6Slble ' to' call on evel-:Yone in tbe area and some buB1neIB houIea Me not repreen.ted therein. Tbe OIIIDmi1rt.ee wIshe$ it stated that 1IbIa . . . not an Intentlonal overllilbt, ~ & lack ot time to 800001pUllb • !4I1l sol1c1tat1oo.
== ::
o.t . ¥r&DCe, l'eCelWied .bI8 hnnc tlt " diac:lharge from the Armed . . . . ' The ' W~nesvtU;'MethodJaL Church and Is now sP8lldiDi some tIme..W86 t.tie &cene of an ·84.traot1ve June h.Is mother. lin. ~ Bymm &114 Wed<l1ni' When L1l.lla.a Irene crane. sister. MlrB. A. T ; ~ u4 daugllllter' o.t Mr. end Mrs. Henry family. Hja wife from BoIIInD 11M Watklns. became the brlde of Mr. Joined him bere in t.be YWt. Kenneth .1.. Folt. son of ~. and. PHONE MESSA~r OF Mrs. Fre.nk Fox, (lQ Wednead&y '-Nil evening. June 26 a.t eight t.h1rty MARRIAGE RECEIVED o'c l o c k . · Mr. and Mrs. Mack IDaVia Ie'l1he double ring servtce was read calved a .telephotle CIIB Irom u.g. by Rev . .R. B. OQIema.n. 6MIst.ea' by &OIl . Cbark8 <Spud) Davia 8. 0.1/0 HerbeIlt Graham. minister of Ferry of U, S. Navy. that be WUI m ....... Oburch of .Qbr~, l)e!ore a ea.ndle- June 22. at A!emed&. 0&Ut. Uglltl setting or p&Ims, gla.d1oU, regal lWea and carnations. TUESDAY W. C. T. U. A pI'OgTam of nuptial mUtllc W86 DAY AT CHAUTAUQUA presen1ed by MrS,. R. B . OolA!JlA.Tl • W. C. T. U. Day' at <bete·. . . organist and Herbert. Grailam as W8& held July 2 'With an. Qnde vocalist. The vocal DIUIJl1:Ie1'8 !Were "I Holder 84 speaker a.Dd lin. NcInDa Loye You Trulyf' and "01\ Promise ShDIlrner sbowlllg aome VfrI tm.Me." eetIng exhibM& A IID'D1Ile 8IIIIGD The bride wu attended by Mrs. WIl8 held at 10:SO ~ b n - at Margaret. OUmtoro of M1am1, Fla. the cafeteria, 'fellowb1p aod InIl8 Jll8itI'On. of honor. and was Ver- splrati.cm periods ~ . deila. Fox, !.he b'1'OOm'S sister. and m Mrs. Leo Conner. 1M ,bl-1de's sister. Mr. aod Mr. WaU.er S""b .... as bridelmla1ds. IIOIlB vls1ted Beven oe.vee, ~. Mrs, Dumford wore a floor IeDgltn gown of lumon nUU'quJseLte over tatteba. <WIth. a lJtl\ed bodice sweet.he&rt neckline. short sleeves and Q bouffant. sk.l.vt. wlflti panels ot p1n.k and \Yellow. The brldeama1d8 goWn8 CIVIO LEAGUE &OFl'B&LL were IdeM-lea.! of pink and yellow STANDINGS only wtlll pla.ln skIrt.s. 'Ilhey wore W...........
munltles strives to ~lve Its problems 'Wisely and In oonformit.y with the principals that . hrave made th1a nation great. <bIlere Is no rear tor flhe future of our land. • ,
fr:: ~~:o~o:, ~::;: =eB~tJ~:~cl=~~ SGT~
F.OI-Crue Wedcig
'l'lle Wa yne Sew·So 4-H Club met F riday, June 28, IIJI. vile .G1-angC Hall with Mrs. Edenfield In ct~ and M.Iss BroW!lJ presiding.
"V! " ,.. :\4.' 1",:1
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~=:~~an~~ ~=
Iller flowers 'wIth a lace trill and DJ:a.kea 3 ~ .6QO . • . each had 88 iher only ,Jewelry. a S&wyers DOUBLE HEADER Statf AlbeIlt Hawke ar· Miami Ohapter No. 1O'J Order of necklace, '!lhe .gift ot the bride. 1 • .., The springfield eooa-Clola. Team rived ohome during the Jl8St week Eastern Star wUl meet In regular The bride was very lovely In a MoDd&~ scheduled to play here on .the 41lh after several months 01· service in session on Monday evenLng at 8:00 pale bl saU tl 1 8th ad I SIrJwIyers 6 - 'l\Imel'8 Ii of July will also be on the top beJf Japan. will rems.Jn here on furErnest Hixson, owner of the o'clock. t he w1th1 .. W:lbt.ed Mulforda 8 - Sl.wyera II of a. double feature staged 8unde.y tOlJGlh unt.i.l SeptenWer when he with Clearcr~k DaIry >annou.twed yeater- meet.lnS a white elepbaDt -.Ie and short sleeves. Sbe wore a halo a.fternoon by the SefUor Legion. On his family- will return to J':I'pan. He day tha.t the da.l.ty, has been sold to will be held . ..The proceeds o! the ha<t !with shoulder length ~U and 8OFI'BALL SCIIKDm.& tile bottom half .t he Dayton PaIcons has re-enl1sted ror the COIDUlg three Oharles Kormehl. former owner;'who sale and the program wlU be for ce.rrled a colOOilaJ 'OOquet o! sweetOFFICLU. IM4 OIWIO LBAOW will appear to give tbe local fans years. took ~on at once. Ohlneae rehabwtatliOn. heart roses, gy.psoph1la and 'l everAll eama WW atan ~ loti the opportunlt¥ to wltDess .lQIle real _ No further Intommtion _ avaUfew with shoWer ribbons. Her only 6:10. '1be mepCIoew\ ClD . . 1lall playing an the local diamond LOCAL MAN ABOARD able ~t 'this t~ lUI: to the polley or GUESTS OF FRANKLIN ornament wa,s a double st.rand of acbedule firat ill the bome t.eML a.t .t he High· SchOol. BW Sa~, the 4-H CLUB GROUP AT HORSE TRANSPORT the new owner but!t 15 to be assum- FRIEN.DSHIP PARTY pea.t'ls, bile gift at the groom. Iwi¥ poIIItponed pm. will be ~ local wa.m ~er. says thait game . . ed tha.t the business w1l1 be ca.rrle<.l • Mr. ana'Mrs. EVerett Eltl..rly, Mr . Mr. Lyle Fox, brother of the 11.'1 .. L1ve-1nD1IJii time . 101' next Sunday aIternoon. is ZOO; CON·EY ' W<mi bas been received at the along the flame ll;eneraI channels nnd Mrs. J. J. Burslte, Mrs'. WIl- groom served· Wl best £n&n end the tIb ' foUowiIII called &It 1:00 · p.m. . . . , The Wa.yne O. C: P , 4-R Club had United GllUroh service center at.. It has in the PI!BfI. . lIam &rouee, Mrs. J. B. Joo.es, bride's ,b rother. Dale W'a:tkins . and e Illed pme. . 'a t wonderful , time coney IsIa.nd New Wlndsor•. Md. ,t.hat Herbel-t D . , Mrs. J. P : Fromm.1I4rII. Bertle. M1ll8 the groom's . brot.her, Mr. iHarold • ....., fttIIu ASBURY RECEIVES . RIId the ZQo, June 'lB. Piotures were M~lth. Rt. 1. WaYn.e6vi~e,. sailed Mr. and Mrs. mlArlea Zlmmer- and 14rs. SWUlley B&1ley were Fox. were UIIhera. I~, 6fII6 HONORABLE D1SCHARGE taken In 'L ebanon' 8itlthe Higth &:hool JW1e 18 on the Olara Vlctorr· man at.tended a D.a.noe ~vue iheld &filiOIl8 tAle g\JelllIl at tlle . Franklin One 'hundred and. fifteen g:ueat.B lIulturda va ~ I • Mr and Mrs R E ' Asbury of 1lhe 4-X' groupe He. Is serving as, a --golntf oow- In Coillinbus. Tuesda.y, June 26 ID, O'llapter Jllr1endah1p PIU1ty on '!burs.. attended the reception at the home 8 MUlfards va 'l'IIqM!lW '~e1' n' ' WUlIam At Iihe ' Zoo lun~ was served and boy" helping w trake. .800 'horses to WhiCh .UleIr gra.nd80n,' Oharles'Hud- day eve~'~~ . or the .brlde's parents. The b!1de's DraUa 'Va - - 11 " we loomed .lome w, :r so , " war-fitrlcken CZectlOslov~ via port son bad an '8dJve - . , j . ....... ·-b..A --,,-... . . .~_ .' . ' . .--, _ - Ie was center"" 'Wlllh a. tIbree 15 AWlforda VII ~ C ASbury during ,tale peat w8ek time "WilS' spent visiting the various . . . i-.. ........ rus At ' 00 ' . or Bremen . .Mr. Merideth is one of . tiered wedding Cake ,topped by . .. atl.er ihe had received ·hls bonomle ~-~ . ,,1, pm. .the Club a crew of 33 cowboys Who 'Were re- . ' . . Mr. and Mrs , .JIImeIa BoliDaDa a 'lWDen .,. ~ 18 dlBcha.rge at camp .A't~bury. Sgt. lett .r~. the . Lsla.nd . Queen and ar- crulted from 9 8ta.tes. .' Mr . an~ Mni. Don Hadley aDd and Dr . ·Robert PrestoDI of 0Incln- miniature bride all.d brIdegroCm1. 22 Draltea .va Uul1Ial'cIII AsbUfy' 'was In overseas ,serv.lce · In' l1v~ at Coney Ial8Ind at 3:30 p.m. . . ds.tJgbter . 1had as. Sunday cUnner naII.1 en'l,ertA1ned euIeata over the The bride'S mother. wore :& a1lIt a.wyem ~. the Ruhr ami'sei'ved in tobeand bhen 'untll 6:45 the "bait . " '. " gueat. W. 'and Ray 'Rloas and. week end at the Ptest.on fa.nn. , m-. the groom 8 was 28 SMryen , ,~ , o! OccUpation. .Hewu ,sta- time ' ofthql' lives" ~ .reported. LJ;:AVE ON WES'rERN ' . son ,of Mr. and ~rS. -'Wai!en ~ . In grey crepe. and the .~. . va . I of ()ftgQnla iiIld . Mr , ind o Mira. Mr . and &In Clarence ae.......a Mrs. Oha;rlea ,W.,tIt1n9, was in thY AIIpA .tloned a.'t o&mP campbell far some ~ s1ck,JltlSll,or. no Ol~ IOst '1NB ~ TOUR OF CAUFORNII A 'l'UI'Den .'W . KUItoIdI ... ..;:j~ to ~.... ~ ..... TeIJC)I'tild and 'the weat.her waa in .,...~ ~ .. _. :Amo& Oook and IIOD. . .. a11lt. ,They' w:ore roee \oo~ 6~va '~ . time aCw ~............. 11'- coon_I,' tJIelr favor. " ~ Btobby Everha.l:t. gmDdaon or Mr. . ,. Alpha ~ !IU~ ~ ),Jr, MId wben Mr. and Mrs. Fo1t- left for . _ It 18 \loPed to have aUot.ber 1.rIp and Mm. }I'red EVerba.rt. lett OIl MIll Goneril Ail_ 01 DaJt.oD Mrs. E. F. Ea.mbart. on MoDday ~1r 'Wedd1Iig trip Itlbe bdde · wore ARGUNOT BRIDGE C~UB Uke ~ at a future d~. . S&ttu'da<Y!wIth ll1s ~er. Mr. O),yde was a weekend truest of Mr. and ev~. a loVely <two-piece dUllt'y ipInIt lUllU TurDen • 8&WJIIII • Kra. J. B. Cbapman bad 811 her . '. EYeItlart ,and Mrs. EVeman. tor a lI4r8. Pnwk Snrt*l. mer 1nx* W11lb White ..,.,....... M . . . .,.~ . aueMa 00 IlODdaY fLftenioon the .. ... Oraee Bri..... ., Da,&oa III trip tbro!JIII]I tbe West. .... oi --l M.r. aad lira. B. v, SmI&b ha4 and a pink and. )ellow c:a.m&tiIoD u:~,.. "lWIi. ~ Brt<Iie Club. IlIa1Dty re- vialt1J1g her era~. IDa. tbe1r t.Ime will be aperit 1D 0allt0l'D1& lin W P III Da,too III 8UDdar aftemOOD 8UI!itB M1'. ~. lt ~ • •4 aNlCl.... were aened ~ came I.tIppeDDOtt &114 _ _ _, aDd tJle¥ espect lID be _ _ S. • WM & auutf of here OIl on.- and Mm. Lee li:U'DbUt of Norialk. Yr'. aDd Mrs. 1IbZ W1l1 be 8& bama ... ........ . , ...... Oblo. au. tile awcJ,J II'aIIM __ ...,.. ~,**""Q_-. played ,Ullm! sunda(y a.ttemoon. _
The commJttee approved the oopsUtutlon and by-laW!! for Lhe Club. D1.souss1on of going to OIimp Olifton [I'un June 30 to July 3 was ihe1d. Guests present we.re Shirley Uwoon, Mr. ' and Mrs. O'Banl.on. Joan and Bobby. . The ne~t meeUng iWUl be held at R10hard Lawson's 'h ome. FI1da.Y, JUly 6 . at. 8:00 p.m. Bill FlBChOOch will ta.ke part. In 'the ~. RICha.rd Lawson. Reporter
T0 Fonner 0wner
IS~ND a.t
-..,.. ........... ~
.•TI1I~' 4, HMO
estate belQNI.t t.o tIle etltatAl of Earl M l1IdenllaU. 11lle t10urt <1eWl'1l11n.ed the not value of th S'tlII>te of eorgia. Denman t.o be $3.012.00 and tnM of J.zetta
paved the way for -tile adv nt of Bn.ha'u'llalh, who WM to be the "Genter alld ObJ t" oJ t.he Coven'pI' .~. . ' IIn(. 'rha:aMl urldged lihc wo.y be\\'0011 til old aWlll8 or'r l!glon l\nd M~Otll' 1.0, ~ $1,013.26. '. . the new aUin luslve W rid Order • Milton Cbnppel, Harveysburg'S '11b COUll. 1l1>lll'OVed !.he lInal 00bnrltone. In. my opinion Is almost :1 counts of 1.11 i.u.tcs ot Mary .Rewold 01 BOIIm' u' lIall. /IeOOnd to t he VeJ'Y dIsUI1&>!U h d Sami! I Pox, Edwin L , Tholua.s JosThe Bab was t9 h'lIv six yetLl'1l and ar in Advance 'rhomas L. 1"h milS of radio frune. cJ.,)h L. Ut'n , AlbCl·t C. Vall and n. f W U1()ntl1S rOl' H m mission. H e -= Recently I 'ha.d Ule prlvU e and ex- Ollv M. Eb'l'le. fU'ose with dauntl 55 6O\U·n.g to the trcme plent;ure of hearing Mr . Clarence Simpson WIIS muned exFIRE ' RA'CK R ENTHUSIASTS men's h ea.rt.'!, Cpnppel sing "Whil;I>erlng" (one of cutoJ' of!.h stl\.LC 'Of ,. J Qhl'L AJvln tusk ()f n.og n eJ'S ~b \11 ' /\ 'djng III th, tll'W:I'llpel' . • r;\dio ma gn7. in and and pr p~l'ln g !.hem lor t.he coming m~ f avorltes)".Be.I1 Eo tom Trousers" fwd the ever be:t\IUful "Always," I Simpson, Ft'IUlklln, wlt.h J, T. Rtley, of B!lJl(l.·u 'llalh . The m ag ic of His " Ln'( 'l t'lI n 'lI't" or:llt ll~, tilt' ItlJ{ I''iplo~i on plnnll d by th hi gh There ar Illl klnds of stoolies .. , W G . P. Gates fi nd Warrel) YOWlg 1\8 lJ)e Ch>eyennc Rod . Nortll . Speroll. His copious and brllUl\nt \J11.vel stol'ies- fls.l) OItt of D nver D, llundl'(I(.\ nl.lleSo- a.nd co n ~lY withou~ rl'.servntlon Wla.rt I appl'lfIlsel's , IIjJ,' i ll :"d\ 1'1'1lllWilt I"i)'l'l\'~ IIm\ I h· w 'a r d <' 1 nrtrn ht wi ll dll'ty s\.orlesS CMl'Ined wll,h his rich voice a nd writings. His peerless chftTII.Ct.cr and s tolie6 - true stortes. Don't bell ve In Ume for bh.ree (\S)'!: or I he ibig w his wlf '5 m lodJous organ acoomThe court t July 15 to h eJU' the l;lkl' plm'" III Ih,' lIlid · I'"dt'i· : nnl,tim' so n. AI Clark wlU print t he first ldntl show. Alter II qUI ck ern k at brown pru lU)1 nt. Inventory of the estate of Harry c!mrm 'w l' Ov( \'wh c!mlng, even to ..\ tl'\\ Ildllioll doll 1 'I' If' laxpaY 'l·... mon'y or p !'1. ibly wc'!' packod !Uld r ely 1.0 trout in the L lrttJe WI1Utp Rtv r·Cook. tl105e who sought H.ls PI' nee as ·tart out on 6,000 mllcs ()f the IMt Illld If !lle old:b . I. s~W holding • "Ii 's just full 01 the old n1.ck- ·' \ :-in \ in ..'~ I ~ tlll"s .\·dl).'\ tip ill Sl1lokt a r!d radioac tiv way avowecJ cncmJes, H1s dlsclples carri d '111' e. Th old 100.000 mJle Chevle ou tr- It's up Into Wyoming where don't l 'C 01 ·tJley meu.n "Nick ' His Illessag' into every 001' 11 r of "III 1' I1III1,ill ' I rnlll UIl' h()l,' ill Ihl' I'aei fi ' [)). we k and hall nl'w set or tires Uw.t will Imve Bill Clegg ol Ila~,·ton hilS iJ1nl. swell 1'h mas " ale? ' P rsln 1U1d tile cOIlI1'Lry wa.~ thrown (1IIII\Ih1< 1,) roll,)w, \\ 11)" S 'i 'Iltj: L'l Ian Rtat d th 'y (0 1'011 over the hills of IndJana and tour ist ca.mp Qt Tl1l'rt1l.OIXllls . Ever • Sometimes 1 think t h writers of Into a grea~ !'u mult. The Shah, WmIll ln01Sacross the old MIs.~l ppl look at thll,t mllp of Wyoming '! HaH " p rson'llity " II1U ' ~ Jlave hoo Ruth ,In':lr!1, hlll'\\' ·11\1 I! 0 \1111: tply what t h' r '!.;ull~ will . be! sclf, sent his 1;J:ust.cd VCrSOn.'ll reprent. Hanmbal. Mo, whe r Mark Twain a dozen main roods Ilnd not. many L yo ns' of WLW renown in mJnd, '\ \' !13 111111 ~.ltllldd lill, 1",111 tn \.> 1 \\' up a lol of , hip and lived a.nd Wl'Ot.e. l' p the big river Because of \;he unlqu sta.L1on o( Iscntntlve to inve..~tlgat ,the claim of more towns -. but II. SrXlrtsmlUl',s WllO !.s It tJlat has heard her mornHIl IIIl.!\:' .llId 1;llId aud \ :g t' Latioll )), necessary? To prove into Iowa for a crack at those bas&- pn,radlsG, Ing matinee or "50 Club" Ulat won't All M1uhamm d, Lhe B b ot Shl~, f\ th prophet. of Shlrnz and this lelU'J1more detaJled account of his life and ed Ilwd sincere IUn ll lell under nhe hi' .·I'j 'llLl Ii< Wroll )! , I (I g l't rid ( I f Lh e rnatc l'ia\::; s hedulea ond a visit with COll.~e\'vu~lon Com A f\.cr Bill 'tea.c.h s us n few dry fl y a gree. U1 i ton ' F red Swobe. Fred c!ll\.Tlged tricks we'U Lake a shol'L run. up to ll\lsS<l1l shoUld be Ii1ven. spell of 1.Jl e Ball oven as !.he hum[Ill' dl~:t n l ( \ H)II ': (11' I<luld it be ju:-:;t p la in "show-oft" to qu II In Iowa from an obsolete "'song Greybull, Wyo. whel'e lU1ol~ler ~ In all tJle existIng r el.1g-lol1S \vhich blest poosant. let oth el' gll\ l! IlIlIl' lI t: Hil t..! l'- ulItl'i".' how pow riul the bird" to a prolific game bird harvest- to)1IU11 , Herb 13yrd, spends moot of Stanley McKJ to T . B. GrisWOld. n.re In pmotice today w find bhe S1.Ich power oould not go un l1al. :1\1I111il ],lllllb I'I' al .' 1 ~ ': Jll aJIY ('[\:e the II t r .' ult will only ed by the thou.'i!lJld.~. hIs tlnle. Maybe h e'lI udd SOIl.1 t.hIng 2.44 ncres lil Union nwp, prophecy of tJle retuI'D of LhaL lens d and t11C combIned civil and O . W. Griswold. by executors. to We'll Illt west and south out of to our lesson I Clrul '1. stay long. lor Spirit made ma.nifest by God oocleslas t oJ fomes of P ersia. arose IJI~ Ihl' J dJ I ill'l illlt·, ~ f thi' dt'1<trucLi ve power for u se in Des Moines- over the muddy Mis- Yellowstone Park is only l\ hundred Frank Coburn, lot on Main st .. LeblJ1rough His Revelators. In ·bhe Mu- to stnmp out the II w message. The "i1l1al'\'. :\ I.k, . mOll llt r 1011 'y a nd {fort j l ac d behind souri Rlver- for tlbe wide open miles farl/her west. DoIl'1. molY how anon. hammedan Pnlth. ~h Shiahs and Bab WM insulted, mIfcl'ed bodlly :~ Hin I'l t' ('1'111 1'\ tt) it"l' IWS:'; this ilt mi pow l' for th good plfllns of N ebraska. • . . dust ~1.orms we'U ever get awa.y [!'Olll Lhe park t.he SUl'lnis ho.v been promised t.he hann , was arrested, and finruly nIter - h at - but 10\.S of pheasanl.S but !We still !la.ve 'a 1011f!' way to go. oJ mallk ind rOll le! It l' a mon' human' man]} r in which to returh Qf the propbet In th~ Qa:im I.hr years, iml)l'lsoned, on a remote only to the Da kotas, MonlQlJa-Butte t.he copper capital ,'j l\;I\d lhe Illjllil'JI ~- UI' b 'tt 'r ~ti ll , 'payoff 'orne of the By the ti me wc foHow Roure 6 the Glenr.. W. Alexander. WaynesvUle. and the Mihdl respectively. The and dn<ng roIlS mOUlltaLn top 'Of Ule world • . . Ida.ho 3Jld la:mous across Nebraska and a hundred n~tf.iullld l~hl lint.! 1 ,t, (he " ~ Ip 'p ing atom ic dog" li e. Pend Orellie I.ake wit.l1 Dolly Var- was appoInted. ad~lnls1rntor of t.he Ohrlstlans awrut IIh return of the f,l'onU rs of the OLtonmn and RussmUes into Colorade>- the slgbt of den and cultllJroot !.rom . . . Spo- e6tate of Luc1llo Alcxand r with Ohrls t; Uw Zoroostr.lans the Shah Ian Empires . . His followol's uftel'ed \those Rocldes reaching for the sky kane . . . and . tile state of We.Jllng· PhlUp Young, Lon Alford ·Paul Bahrnn: Ule Jews , the M6!lS1wh; the evcry conceivable form of tortw-e TH E URGE TO PRODUCE will s w-e be a t.hrlll. Looks like you ton at lost. 350 mill'S more and we Young appra.lsers. Ilindus, the Krishna; ~he BuddhisUl, alld deat.h. U ,'('r'nIS U~>II'SS l talk abo ut r onversion when a lmo't can touch 'em- but don't try walk- pull Into 5ea~tle, jump Ilg oU point The net . value' of the estate 01 the fl!th Buddha. In all ~ese rell(ConlJnUed at l\ In·tar ctate) Ing over- therre un 76 miles away. WlUTen K . Hess. Waynesville, was g10ns a ret w-n Is promJsed. 1ihe Rev- ____________ c\ 1;1',\'1 hing IJ(>sl'ill h' i::; lie' ng dOll > to PI' vent it, 'fbe world Seems like Uley have a pennanent for AIQSka,.- but 3,000 mUes Irpm hOme and the tmc1 of the line for US. determJned to be $2.398.81 . . ' l el't1tlon of Ba.ba'U'UBh and His ForeHltllld.· 'wlia:-;\ at tile go!' :\1.' t indu trial nation on e arth rainbow hanging ov r t.hem, Yea:tlSteelhead and eal.mon Clshil1g In Jobn Hackman, Fmnklin was runne.rs. Ule Ba.b fUlIUl WIese protllnds n~lla ..t : t th .gT 'at -, t. iu rlu trial nation on earth if you lOIlk closer, It Is shaped like >the Whlt.e RJver- sal~ water !sh0. Ush , That's one reason we C8.ll'l&named adnUnlsbratnr of tho ' estn.te phecJes. W are Idlerefore living In === ;1 ,ho bk. ,from fL PI'ouuctiOll .t.andpoint. Al so, it is to !..ie Into som e of t.b066 fighting Ing 10. Puget Sound . . , We sUll of Henry Hackman WttJl Earl 5&- lJhe Do.y FulfUlmem, usto un u ;,II Lho mall U'!' in whi ' h org nize d labor can rainbow and brown trout of the fast hn ve to get JJIOIIV! SOllleUl1le. Let's sore, 'P aul. O&ynor and Orner Fed- Tile title assumed by C111 Mugo back by wa;y ot Ranier Park and ham~t;l" ln~ tbt1 na1.io n at wrJI, cold OOlora.do s trealns. ders as appra.!sers. hammed as Ule B~tra.ruil&ted. D nvel'- a city of half 11 mlllIon- &I.I~ Lake City. T.hol'll llre some huge The m i.~l'\ l!1 i that in th' fH' M 'HU ' h ouditions, ' the hOOle of Gra~r fly rods and but pa;t'Uculill' nUJlOOWS In Fish The COUlt approved the fourth Gte, hM !!he same splrltUAl slgn1- HOURS: llCOOunt. of the esta.te of Thomas D. flca.noe as Idle "Door" referred to by nLt·u 'l.tlL.'l-i 'a)l,IIl'otl U ' n ' mu h as it do s. But indul;b'y, Wright & McGill tackle. '!be silvel' Lake out of Sailt. Lake CI~y to be bad Hartzell. et al, minor ; Ute first. t.he ChrlBt a.s t.he only ent.mnce b y 9-12 each morning - II conclltioDIS arc right, and you Ilk\.! t.1 ' mUI\Jdua. , will s truggle on under the mo t ad- mines-- outlet for and bra.nche6 of final and dJstrlbut.1v a«Ount of whlch man may enter Into t.be SplrverY governmenl. Iunotlon you ever know what' to feed 'bi. 1-5 afternoons except V'rR ' mdil ions to tbl' bili'r e nd, il is a g ood example: heard 01- some YOlt haven't.! Most Back acrdss tlJe JWckles on gOOd the etltate or Robert Jo.. King sr. Itualll.fe. That Is, througll it he Divine Wednesday old Rt;. 40 10 DenveJ'where busiKings Mllls; 'bhe final. account of Revelator, or man1lest.e.Uon of God. ' hil' pril-c 'unlro l p Ii ' 'ie: ha v 'refu d to adjust price ~npol't.ant, • . jwnplng off point ness. (and tha l~ big one In tpe can- the estate of Arthur Bryrult Frank- ' The Bab !Was not only the Au~or 01' r mo ' l' HI'I l! ' outroJ Jrot'll II n indlllitl'Y which has con- for mount.n.ln ·, flshJng. Nametl 1.0 7-9 Saturday evening k" make ' nl8#ic WiLil . . . GUlullson yon above PecIte s!) migh>t take a lln; and the IIrm. and 'f1.p8J ~t8 of a d,iv1ne1y revealed DlspeDS8ltion ul' r<:d t.h sh d;ugc $1 l'I i n, it till g ives the nation the RJvcr- Sout:h Platte- E1ewn ~e couple of weelw more , . . then back of Ule estates 01 LucUle ])Iss, F'o6ter; but II.lso 'tll&t of tI.1e Herald or Ba.ha'Other evenings ,by Ul!:jt <llld t h c h~H}ll' s L oil protlu 'U in the \ Qrld, 1t bas had Canyon- Drow Wl\ltcr Ranch - IntiO the plains Blld hom . Appointment' and Mara.h W. BoJ.nler, Lebanon. U'ltaih; a station s1mUa.r 't o liha.t 01 t s ek n'w oil 'U I1\>1i'R un d ')' )' stridions which refus~ Coloredo Rlvef- S I;. Vraiu- Fr8ser. Hey I Are mlY bOOts in the car? The cow-t ' set July 5 to bear the . John the Baptist, who he~Jded the We.'ll bry .aU of 'em I()ut time will W Jw. b LIle devil al'e we sitting here TELEPHONE 62-R gw' RU I fi·j nL ' on8i lc'r ation to .rapidly ri ing costs of allow. tho we're Just haJf way QUt. chewing ,the liit. 1m'? 'I'he sun's al- ln~ent.orles 01 the' estates of Alice ' coming' of bile ChrIst. The coming o( the 13&b closed most up- Jetlll ..get going I COme on H. Lind and Edward E. Kibbey. j)J'odu clIlg 1 an I af liR 'ovedng :n ew res l'V S. on our tr1p. T , B. Gt1$wold IIUld Maude B . the Adamic Era ami opened: the lLlong . , '. tM 'l'b (ll)g i, t . ]..Iornl'y P :t ~ time p ric onu'ols may ' be Next comes t.he big event. of ----------------------.~~----.------------ Johnson, Lebanon, named adm lnls- Baha'I un1veJ'sal, prophetic cycle . .iu 'LiJjed In ~ om \ J w . " jul situation, even in' such case~ • Clark Avenue at. public ~ucUon on tmtors de bOnJs nOn of the The UDIqu Statton of the Bat> Optometric Eye Specialist th lR L nd hold ba 'k pl'oductivity and employ' . Saturda,y. ~f 'George W . Orl,o;wold. " . 26 South Detr~it Street Dr and MA W . E .Fro&l and RGymond H. Wilson; and: OUve RUBBER STAMPS aDd II mc-nt, 1n Uw p'tl' I;! 1m indu.lt·y, upplies of crude 'oil and son MWna.rd and MisB Grace slJlIirt Peterson were named to a.din1n1ster MARKING DEVIOES xENIA,_OIDO of U 1)1' du ''W ar xc. 'd pl'ospecti\'e de,m and except . turned last. MO,IldiI..y, (1'001> a VQCaestat& ' of Walter T. Wiloon, , GAZETIE OFF'I CE h r: pl'ic 'ejling ' hay ca.,u ed an unbala~ce. Competi- Miss Nice' vr&ori, WiImlD(f.oD has ~ QWI.~ Wayn·uvUJe ~th ......~.- Hartm .. t ........ . ..... ~ ••••••••• • 01 liOullilern nited _ ___ . come to HarYeysbw-g to rE61de at. tile "~n Mayor alid 'Mrs. B . S. c,, Tueker and ....... an, ;~;:;;;;;;~;;;;;;~;;;;~;;:;~;;=;;;;;;;~~:;;;~~~;: ti D ha ulre.atl hrougpt gasoline prices below the ceil,. home of her nephew and neice-ill- doughtier MisS :EVe]yn returned l~ome Albert Pwker aDd Howard Magee , .,," - .= -=-< ings, Md t a.:n ·lJe relied upon tb j)l'oviqe :;;ufficient supplies law, Mr . and Mrs. Lyle Robert50n. Frlda& ,I-rom·, ,a tour :Of soubhern a.s ap~l"B. ,' WUlliim, Baker, OScar Hage~ f a.U p ,tl'oleum ]..Il·o~u' ·W at r eaijonabl.e, pr~ces, even Mn;, A. S. CoDeit and 80n Robert Unlt.ed 'SUtltes, entertained with a. Sunday dinner - - - -- - and WiUlam Kay were named' to ap" though Ihe l ' rno uJ of Bing ought to I'esult in ade- in compllment IiO Mrs . .Allee Collett, praise tbe estate of David Walker ~ATISJ4'ACTORY tluaLo lil'L 'e ill 'r as's for ·ruue. oiJ. sabina. Ml. Howltl'd COllett, ,WU~ ,I , Ad~ Walker ,b eing named 1(,<; e~u: mington, MlBs Mary Wilgus, Xenia, Apllan~lllly jn lll<H1Y co-! ' s the Washington regulators SERV: )CES tr.lx. 1Uld. Mr. QJIld. Mrs. R. ,.M. Oa.r~on of 'l1le Invebtories or the estates of do llot wa.ot Lo admit i h war i ' over, That is one reason Springfield. AT ALL TIMES Paul Kahn. Peter B. Miller, Nell C. Funeral suvieeii were eonduoted l'\;lconvc)' 'ion lags. at I:.he AME Ohurcli here, Monday' Walter Dakin atended eom· Bom.berger al)d Oharle6 E. Green aftel'noon for Mooe Dawson. Chl~, tnunlon at the Xenia Eplscopa.l Were approved. Chul'ch, Sunde~y morning. FREE PRESS? Anna 'Sa:uter Was .appointed to be II. f(ll'lner resident · of Harvey~pU1'g. Mrs. Evelyn PelenOn returned on Dial 2111 Waynesville. Ohio iJl tho:.: l1ati()ll:'l wherl! free nt rpris-e has been either His brot.her Da.nJel died three week.$ 'l'uesday Irccn ,0. visit; wIlli her slster- adrn.1r.l,stratrlX of !.he eState' of In-Io.w, Mrs .. MIcie McMillan nelU' Ernest Sau~r wlt.h A. A. LanJer, tl >Hl.nlY 'J, "ripp led 01: s ubj ct.ed to jrop-hand political ago. A S Collett, Mrs t;uO'De. WlunilllJ'Wn. . l\1z J . William necnant and ' Robert cOlitrol, n: fl: I , pre::,; has beco me a thing of the past. The AuIdel'helde IUld' Mrs. Louise FHe . .' . a were Wllnllntton callers ,5atU:rdag, ~is8 OUve:..1~IUIluDa lefL Tuesday DeGroat as appm:lsers. 1)1' 'H;; in fill ' h n ~\ Lio.u ' j Hi m ply a 'ounding board for dic. ~ ' . for 0. t.wo-'weeks ' vaca.t.t.ollJ with The court admitted the will of Mn. James Jordan and family of friends and 'mlatlves Indianapo- ,Rooler~ M. Yerb'ryace, Lebanon, ' to tn.t.or. hil- the I'lithleSflvol e f the clique in :powel'. W,:"ynCl>v1l1e ,wer~ Friday ni8'ht guests lis and Pendelton. Ind. Misses Rut.h probate. ' t js lJOi;.'\ inchl 'nc t hut this is so. When a man or a 01 M1's. Jordan 6 parents, Mr. and and Ell be':>' I"Ihft'Mdl 1 C. C. ' ~ass, G . F. Brown and . J. Ml'S: W. T. Green. za VII"...__ er acco~pnn grollp o j' m n l' ach out to ~ i ze the conomic resources Mu.s Delores Weidel ' of Lebanon ccl her to LUllkcll airpOrt near C1n- R. LaiW -were ruuned to appraise real • (\[ 1l£ILion, lhf! fir:-;t st p mu l be to control that' nation's was a houseguest of her uncle ~ld cinnatl WllCrC Ilbe boarded an AmerlThe EMMA MAE. BEAUTY SHOP ~ow Under sour ' ~ 01' opiJlioll a ncl information. Thel'e can be no op' aunt, Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Price ClUJ Line plane for "ttndlnna.poUs. n few da.Ys llIst week.. 1\1~ Rutb Cbaadle!r ~ Mrs. MA'Nl\ 'G EMENT r:==-:~=====:-~====~===~=======~ UUie MillS Dia!ula Lln.kous of Leb- ~0l1gla. Mendenhall at~lded Wle T ' ~ X A CO anOll is the. .g uest of !her grandpe.r- ew Centw-y ClUb, at. the bome or ents. MJ'. and l'4nl. ThomaS Welch Mrs. E . L . 11lU>maB an ,FrIday, " whlle ,J1er pe.rell'ts, Mr. a.nd Mrs , 1\11"5 : C . MI. '8t!rr,yhlll BellCecil LInJoous -tare enJoymg 0. trip brook ca~led on ~ Annie and GAS--: OIl- GREASE of Harveysburg A sumes Ownership, tru-ough the Smokey ' Mountains. Marne BlOwn, SWl~.. af.tenlOOn. Mr . and Mrs, George Parker and !\Ir. and Mrs. M11ten. Sheehan or Quick Battery Charger' family of Los Angeles.- Callf. lU'e Centervllle. M:I' . anq Mrs . .Lawrence visiting at the home 01 M.l's. Parkers Peterson of Indla.oapolls ~ . Mrs . Hydraulic Car Uft br.other-In-law and sister, Mr. and ~ker of neal' .Leblinon were guests specializing in' the RAY-ette Cold Wave !\in, Carl MOOD> and :!om1ly. Ws. of Mrs. Alice- Clark, saturday a.!~ . "SERVICE by SERVIS" ESTABLISHED 18'15 Parker Is tlle former MIs Rachel noon.
p si iO!l' There can be no di sent. The dea,th of ir'e cnterpri e iii ill \'itub Iy , a co~ pallied by the den.th of a frt;l
p.. nnclpaIS 0f Bahal·
Probate Court
Dr. C. E. Wilkin
I dbu ....N"a,. e.'1 "g
' :J/. ' ... .
'- I J"r,end6
ome .
~cQ1lure Jlfumral ~1fine
The' WaynesviJle National Bank
SJ 1aJ'llbQ,ugh.
Waynearille, Oblo
Tclepbonfl 2251
Phone 2651
Gall BeJU. .... enJo~ng a VIW~tlon at Indian ]..e.k.e. . Miss 'J ane J:lte W88 a caller In Dayton, 5atUTd&y. Mr and Mrs Lyle RA>bertBOn
Real Estate .)'raosfers
creek tw.p.
-1' ,
'.lTc . .'
Cla.ronce an.d 'A da J . Smock to Robert Kent iFlnley,, ' L'19~'14 . acres ,i n
have Iilto ·thelr rece ntly purFl'anH and barrie Spencer :to Troy chasedmoved home from Mr. 1lIll.d Mrs. Joe nnd Sarah ShoemUer, four Pflroel~ Davis. Mr. Frank McCarren purcha\\ed itl fligIll.laJ1(\J Pnrk' subdivision, South :." . the Edit.h McReynolds propert~ on Lebanon. George R. Henkle to iROderIck and Ina Mae Greene, .3 acreS In TUrt1ecrecktwp. " Sherman a nd Viola '~le 't o WUI111m C. BrandEiOburg, tr.,pct ' in CJear-
W~ne twp,
For Thos,e :BEAN - BEEnES , ",
John B. and Florence Moore ,to Jack and ·MI.rjoJ)1e B&rcalow, .22 acres 1n Fralllklin. >. J Robert Wyl1t~, et al, to ,JudIIon and Bess1e I . PoZlu:~y, '10 ~ in B'amENJpr 'JIBE WORLD'S BEST IlOOn otwp. ENT~~AINM~ , Com and ' E'harlee McFadden to Your radio enables ~ to hellr C. ,Belle . DIiD-u:ord, pl..icel Inr Masm. Eugene 'Ilnd Dora 00mIlB .to ~'w and '.enJoy the best In eDterroln", ment, Don't be ' deprived. of this 1:1 Mkhael, three acres in :JIarian'iwJi. Eva F. Lewis to BeUjam1n P. and lettmg yow.· radio out. Let us Lettll. Ja.mee, :lot on 00lwnbufI ave .. Check it for you reg.uJa.rly.
Fresh Supply
1 pound-
2 pound • .;...
O. &ruth, et al, to GUSTIN Radio &Television WagOner, three Jots ID BUUervWe,' 'Wn and MaddoX to Rpbert Phone Laboratory 2 1 9 4 and Cleori1a Allen, . . acre. In LeQnard
....~..........................J------~------- . ~
WayoesviDe Drq Store
• •••
o f CHftlST The GrOwinr, Golne, Church H ERBERT GRAHAM, I\linlll~ Bltile SchOOl 8 :30 &. m. Communion 10:46'&. m.
U:Oo ••
YOWlg Peoples Survloea IU1d
Adult Prayer MeeUn
' '1 '00 g . p . m. Ev rung EVlUlgellstlc Service '1:46 p. m·
FUat Dar acbOOl - 8:30 A. Y.
UetJni tor WClI"IbIp - 10:10 A. M.
"&.bel' 1tnDDIaoIq, PrIeR M8i8 SUDda,J - 8 :00 A. II.
l'rayer Meetlnr, at 1.bo Ohl4'ch aohWedne.'>(iiJ,y evening at 8:00. aring yow- (lllhl1y, 'YUUl" Menda and your Blb l~ IUld worship with us. We n.re st\ldylng the Scriptural Basis of MUlsloos. • . , . TJlo ~ Townsh ip Fellowllhlp 111 Ling 'of .bhe OhurchC6 of Christ of Lll.C ?,cnla area will Pe beld at ,Lhe Ross Township School Building north of Jume:;town, Ohio. on Suncl'a y. July 14. wlLh a basket dinner aL noon nnd nn aIOOJ1JIoon 5eI.."Vice at 2 :00, All of the Churches or the Xenia area a.r Invited to attend Lhls fel1ow~hlp meeting. This wlll toJte tJle place of ~he Aunual Xi run J Area mccLlll1l fOl' fu1s year. • • • You n!: PCO)lle 11 you are planning !JO go La 'J'rl-State Chrilltlnn Service (Jumll. get your regist.rations In at once. The regisLra.t1ons are I.Irnlted
. .s
W1ls year and 11 yours Is not In by Lhe Lime the quota Is reacllcd you SUNDAY SCHOOL 9:30 A.. M. will noL be pennJtted La go. Bring Mrs. ~ Conner, SUllt. your $2.00 roglsLraLkm fee to your WORSHIP SERVICE 10:30 A. M. minister nlong IWlth your signed YOUTH FELLOWSHIP registratlon blank. or have him 1b~ • '1 '30 :;ll,I n your b lank so it CIUl be sent In CJ-lOIR PRACTICE ' • p. m. at once. All regisLrations nwst be In , by July 12. II yOU haven·t been to Wt$lC$Clay , '1:30 ~. M. camp. you don't know what you haye
B.. B. Coleman, Mlna.ter
Samuel N. K Lay Rea.der-ll1-char~e 11:00 QJlt. MDrnlng i:Va-ycl' a.nd Sermon . Samuel N. Ke~
11'. II. Beufl.
MI . .....
SUIIda,J 8CIbool - . :10 A. M. B. .A. JilU'Dllu't, ~ Wonbip Mn10e - 10:30 A. K. ~ eemce - '1:30 P ....
WAYNESVillE CHURCH of CHRIST Koben L. VanZile, MinUter B1b1e School 11 :30 ,.. m. OommunlQn 10:10 &. m. sermon 11 :00 &. In. "In The Serv1ce of The King" Even1JlB Service 8 :00 p. m. "The Unlquene& of Jesus" • • •
J~or Oh~IsUan Endeavor at the Churdl t '1.00 each Sundaly evenlng..Doll t m1ss the s tories or the Flannel-Graph plctw-es. AU boys and girls undei· High School ."' e -are Invited 'to attend. Sen ior Chrilltlnn Endeavor each , Sunday ' evening at 7:00. tor' all )'(lung people or Rlgh SChool age and above.
.. .
The Bible St.aIly 0la!aI W11l meet on Wednesday evening, '1:00 00 8:00 IDltll ' further ·notice. Evel'Yone Is welcome !JO attend this clJlss al~ tllougb you IlUly not be enrolled Come 1'01' class and stay for praye; meet1n&'. '. ____________
been missing. The forenoons &re spent In very he1()lul and Interesting classes, The nIternoons are fWed with all kinds of recreation, games, 8winunl!1 ' , conte.'l'18, etc., and pla.nncd and supervised hikes lJIrough "he woods. On M()lldll~ night there Will lle a Lrea.sw-e hunt, TUesday night a Scripture Quoting contest, Wednesday nlgllt Is 10 be Bible Sk1t
or Pal'llLOmime night. On Thursday night a mUlenl contest. both vocal and Insu1unimtnl, Friday nIght will l>e Q Galilean Service. Jol.ermedJate camp date Is 1\11&'. 11-17. for ages 12 'to 14. Older Younc People's camp Date Is AuI'. 18-24. for ages 15 and up. ' ,
• • • hI AM TIlE CHURCH" 1\ Penpee&lve EdItorial
I am the best friend of me.nkJ.nd. 1 run hUllg about with sweet memI orles, run decked wl1lb lov1ng tears, In the minds of 'b he gre&ttest men on~
I flnd a. constant dw~ place. I live in tJle lives of the yoIlIli and the dreams or !.be old. ' I saleguaTd men, wlldl a friendly band ' 1 am esseru:e of ~ """'" feUowshlp. frIendliness and love. I give Su'ts· toI:l8i1. gold can not buy, nor kings taKe I bring Oaek the freshness of l1fe. tJle spirit. of youth. }. meet y~ With outstre~ed. anna 8lId 'W1Wl BOnes or ,,~. Somet1me In the future YOU wlll yellfn for Wle tmlCtl of my band. I am your comfOrter and friend. 1. am calling you. • Now l I AM THE OHUlWH.
z:oo-p.m. 4:00 p.m.
She used to pay $ 5
SOFTBALl, GAME BASEBALL &AM'E Springfield Coca-Cola va: Wayneaville Legion
for a permane,,':'"
6:00 p.m;,
PbmleNl - WAUUBVlU& .0
, NORRIS BROCK CO. . CIJIeIJUIaU .11..... 8~ Y~
ol e..........,
Now sh. give. heneN a ,_ _ 'wave at home ~,
Olft youraelf a T""I tD 2
to a bow. at. home l Lon, 1)', lolll-Iut.iIll , "U)' to do.
W "
.~~ , , ~~ ................... ___ -w
'the 'WIre . . . . . . ._
... An
pntni&loa .-uI to, DODe. 1i&Itcl&I1
III &lie
c •••• eeL. WAN
,service That ' S~ti.fi..
. TUNE TO wmo DayiOo .12:30 --Dial 1100 For O~ ~alJ1 Market Repori
Wcunestill.eRepair Shop ,JOE BOYDS, 'Prop.
Carey'. Garale "
9 :00 ,.m. '.:50
JIM and HIS·
- Square
' RHYT~rrF:S Recently at the Miami Hotel, .,De.yton '
from 2:00 until 9:00 o'clock.'
.DANCE '-:lSc per person
Sponsored by
€HARMIN TOIlET 'f.ISSUE 4 roll. 29c 9 inch PAPER PLATES ", - , doz. lOe .~ " doz. .Be . :6 ", ,, ,." PAPER NArKINS Packalie' of 80- .IOe 12 in'. PARCHMENT PAf!ER -' ~ 25 ft. roll sOe For wrapp.ing m eat, vegeta bles - for cooking PAPER CLlPS - SCOTQH TAPE --: ~IUTING INKS JlUBBER STAMP INKS and PAD~ . ENVELOPt:5 ..:- PERSONAL STATIONERY
• North Street
8 ;00 p.m.
·t~GlBN •
.J u ty ,\, HI.\ G
vii Mary LouISe LI\lnb WII6 d.I:;m:Is.'Jfd on m.ot.Ion or the plalntilf. Olen F'ro."t wus grn.l1ted diyOl'CP. frol\1 RIl.1AJI Frost . n nd CILSW<lY of NOLI(,'e Is her by boivCll t111lt un the .;n II' minor child wu.~ n,wn:rcl Its MARRIAGE LICENSES Ilf !:mll dlLY Jul y.' 1945, a.1i 8:00 grandmoLhcr, Mrs . M rbh l1('t.L. Claude 'l'homas Whlttamoro. 2 1. u'clock ' p.m., a public hlll\l'lI • will punch press operator, and lna Mn.e oe beld 0 11 t.h UU(lgct ;)J'e paroo by REAL ESTATE 'Gruber, 19, clerk . boIJ1 of WIl,ynes- t.h.c • '.I'J·us\A.'i'1; 01 Wl' Township of TRANSFERS KENNETH HILL, Manager WUY1I , WtU'l 'cn C<iunLY, Ohio. Cor ville. Henry J . Homburg J r. t.o Olnr or c Lh IIIJX L U ' 'coo Lng fiscal year end(wd Iren ' Rey nolds , 10:1.95 acres In ArtJ1ur W . Dean, 29. l;Ludent , ami ID December 31sL 1947 . .. R TH NELSON AII, •• n - Walker Mary Hlgglns, 31, both or Lebanon , Such llca r l..lllJ wiJI bo h~ld a.t Ule Union. Leary and .Bet.l,y Jan H II 11cs U.l MON TUES. WE THURS. Nell Crooby. 23, Mldlnnd, Cann r. 1'ownslllp House. Wuyn' wille, OhiO. ru hard and NcbLle Gullry. 10,14 pEJ.).1::l~ UAN D B ANK WANS : ..:.S.;:U~N.:.:.:_____ -;.;.;.-;.~.~.;;..;;;.;.;;;;.;.. _ _ .;.;.;;;:,;D:;.;.. _ _ .:.:..:.;:;.;.;:::.:..._~F~R:.:I:.. ______ -=S:.:A;:,T.:.;,. n.nd 'l1helma DoI'Ore6 Freeln.nd, 18, MAYN~ WELTZ For 1 ' UlD.Ilcwg - RtlbuUillllg UCt'e.S [n Hrunillon t w)) . 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 Footer. . . OLerk Wu.yu e ',!owrlShip .Buying. -! '{<J l~l\J1Jl 1 DS w1Ul l Oll!; F'rn.nk nd Edith w oo<truI! t.o LeoKennth Lynn FOl',. 43, faJmer, and W.me 10 pay. pa.y pal1, or 1.1 IUl.Y nard H . Ml ha I, tlu" lotoS tn LADI. E S. we don' t care what' Iclnd or a HEY· KIDS! 1'clI 1\lom thl! Is Mrs. L1.I.llo.n Crn.ne,- 35, wa lues;;, both BUDGET NOTICEI LUll ' . LU In small American Town I Malnev1Jlc. hat you mear- brillg your wig l.t you yOur nigbt ouU Bring Pop and or Wa.ynesville. l,J:;U 0 • J\ T 'L F .l\ll. l LOAN NelUe Kirby to Roy a nd Alma wls11- bu L do see >wswh blm laughl ' A ' S'N " illu" l:L St.urul, SOdyClark Olen Meek., 23, mac hInist. No tice Is her eby II I en WUlIt a SmiUl. two acres In ClcarCi k twp. ' ·r~ . Lebuuon. Ol 0, Pl OlIC 4-111 Walt Dlsneyow an<! Betty Lou.lse Wolf , 21, clerk, plilillc h IU'illg on W bl.ldge i. of tbe "Breakfaat in HollYWOod" Maurice n.nd Nary S tarkey to Carl IA: " WHISTLE STOP" 'PINOCCHIO" both 01 Mason. Vill ~c oJ W ynl'sville, . WI\J'l'eu and Ha,.el N nt, 4.2.50 I1crl'6 . I.n with TOM BRENEMAN & BONITA (Technioolor) WIt h Vi tor McLagIen. Marlon May Allgelus, 21 , Middle- COunty, Olu o. us prepa.red by Lhe Harlan twp. ' GRANVILLE. P1us~ CARTOON and Real Ealate For Sale-Also: Ed' Kerult.·dY Comedy & COUllCII wJlI be held at Ule Council town , a.!rcrll!t W()rker. and RQ;e Samll Earnhart,et. ai, t.o Josev h FUCKER FLASII BACK CIlI1oon. Exlm; CARTOON & NEWS Chambers a ~ 7 :00 p.llI. Oh 10 Stand· Irene Smitl:1. 20, a.1rcrafit. worker, and Gla.dys HaJ'OWsitl, parcel at ll" yuU J: VE A Pl'tul:'Rl 'I O i~ !U'd time. on the fifth day or July, Ma.1n I\J d High s1J;.,-Lebanon. .f'AJW '1 ::;l!:LL u ..Lll . W II I.e of apartments you will find the seror Franklin . 1946. Neva Oh elcUne to J ohn Slid Mil, v1ce prOfitable. • WWlam C. Oreer, 22, so.lesman . v u li<!ll l:1'wn, T ill. KjW.j 46 , Ul WAMEN BaADDOCK. Mayor dred WadsworUI. lot on Mn.1n s t.. They, too are featuring t.he Superand Betty Ann HArdin. 18, bot.h ot Olmrlcs J ames. Clerk Lu11UU AVe., Va j Wn , Ollio. we Lebanon. Jack which is helping to conserve F = R. PrIce Jr., 22, MJa.misRIOhard Kai.'lel· lO Albert and Carden P'lanta-A FARM. DIARY burg, metal finisher, a.nd E1aJnc bulldlnglS. SO, lf your 1100rs QIe sagVelma GrUfln, 38.96 acres in Harlan NEW CASES ..u 700 Albany St.., Day1Aln, are iJD- g1ng or l.t YQUl' walls are cracldng, By D. J. FRAZIER ' Mn "' h~ BeaahI 19 Fr- _(,.IItwp. } vl ;;,ALl!i- Sweet PO~\.o piallt.s, portani flUltors in our houslIll and get. in ,touch wtU1 tlhem: The Super... ..".~. cr. , .... U\.Ull, factAlbert and V 1019 GrUHn t.o WaiA~'On pro ........... . . . Off-. J ack by a g:ra.dua.l process of adjustory worker. After . Mrs. R uby Kinn ey, Frllllklin, JOe ~ .llu c.J.l'e , All k.lJJds of _~ e-~. J une 22, 1946. Summ r is here. 1 rued a di vorce Q£Uon a.go.\ nst Sidney ter E. Brown, hl'OO lots In DutleTgar en plan I.s 1()c pOl' doZen. ing prompt and careful senioce in ment provide:; permanent bearing h ... __ 1. from a tour 0 t .~...t..,~\" in , .. _ I ls ave j ust come.....,.... Kinney chlu1l ln ~ cru 'ILy, Kinney ville. Cllas. C . l;)LrC/USC, 1 ~ nilles north tbe Wl'en"'~sup.,...n . W'. UIW' ..... n , eve sag- ShUltz·s pasture aIter a red bull. wen t In to my n~ l.los) nnd up tiile h.lm.';cU fll d a simll l ' action agaJn"""'6 of any t.ype bulldin"', .. ....n<7 ......... F loyd a nd Bernice DoUll'lunan to t a~ llSVille, COl'llCl' Ferry doing the exca.vaUn ... an.d preparing au.., OQrs. .... I'n .... "'id b k nll teel I It wouldr.'t seem like summer wlUl- long hill 'lX> our fence and ~hen when it h is wl r LWO da"" lat.er, cJl!U'.... Ug Frank M. a.nd Pea rl Boo.\, plot Oil bet.ter and more profi&a.ble \C...., un ro en ~-s . co J~ b' und 4Yt.l roads. 74 for . structUrt!S . . .' Also tbe SlJPE~ umn carries an even distribution of out a few trips like that. l.Gst nl.ghtJ 1 8<lt tI1em;, there I handn"t opened neglect. Th y IV l'e mQ.rrled in 1940 HIgh st., Leban on. . Jolm S. and Rose Lee Tul'ner to Household Gooda _ JACK, .. he modern correctJon for max.lmum weight without. undue aL bedtime I suddl nl y remembered the gap so I had to do that. and U1cn aJld have one chli<.I. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ saggi ng floors in homes, flWWrles strain lilt ~ pol.nt. lis method of tjl8.t I hadn't, ~m J oe with the round them up again, but tortuMrs. Ma ry hllders , ' Morrow, Clu'ollnc SW1U'L w l: lo~ In Wo.yn ville . Harrlet.t HuIfIl1a.11, by adm.lnlsLTnt.1." 0 !:lAl....£- 'l'al.llll lOp wh iLe POI'- . d~'" " 'H.II ' - "tailed gradually adjusting Ute floor level otJlers Ula1. evening and I kn w na tely wh n I got. Joe up to .t.he·h ole ehlU'l;es her husba nd, Porter Ohlldor, to Alle n auffma n, lot. on Park.,~, I an war.... ouses . .. ~y...... , . vlt.h I I sI ~lllll. 6"ll.>Oin Pre&:U~ ra.nge ; safe and carries load ' up to 40,000 ellminaItea n.ny future carpentry I\Jld what that mC1Ult, This ' morning r one of our own cows ,be.wled l\J' d he er~, \ cav ng le a.nd the ir six Vlew st . LclJa.non. ooJll!llfJ Ouuti1UOII $50, :;mall clr- puuruls $1975 tlUmpiete TeL pla&lerll14f. went out and looked tor. him n.nd 'went right In. Another good Iru.ll for chiJdren,last October and' hall never Sam D . Henkle to Bernice L . Mills, crullu.1ng COOl ~i.ov , gOOd concU- ru 887'8. • • All 01 the ir work In exoa.vatlng returned or a.lded In U1e1r support. ~ he WIllS' gone. ' SO this afcernootlJ I sale. If only people ,would obey the 'I'Iley wel'e m~ ~rl'"'' in 1934. plot on P looS8Jlt st., Lebanon , tion $16 ; . 8 pc. dining s Uite $35. . toO, Is dIone w1th great precls10n and ~ ~ Johll> N . lWd Eva L. F urber t.o F'1 d Mr . N m.i Bail' , Lytle 2571 . 14 The S hartzer Wreckers and EX- ls Ind.lspenslble to the progreB5 of started out !l.Cl'OOS the fields n.nd law and take care of their fences Neglect Is cl18.l'ged by Ml'S. Helen cava Wrs ruie preparing Ilhe way for I1.I.s part of the state, as t:hey are ·l lnally sighted IIOlne coWs OOll11ort- It would be a lot casler for \!he resL Storer in he l' sul~ for 0. divorce from Kahn, properLy on Sycamore st. ;LebooLter housing and more profitable makJng the' surface of the ea.r~h ably resting under a tree. It was of Us. 'I1ha.t. is the same fe nce t hat Turne r soorcr, Da;ytton, to whom ISh anOn . Albert a.nd O t;ti McGuIfey to Sam \I~ bu.lldings by tdlelr excellent servtces conIonn :to !me needs or pre;ent to far away to see· thern clearly buL caused all our trouble IIl3t year. The was marrl d I.n 1929. Th Y are ohUdand Lena Hornbeck, t w lots In tllere was one (lark spot t h llJt ~U\d SI\J1le IenCe a. year worse. 'mIe same less. III bhe demoHtlon or houses a.nd condJIJODS, hoIl l\ "'" OM SUR~ WAY 10 buildings or ~ type. a fa.rnll1air shll'pe, sO I went, on ·tlll fence. Lhe same story but, oot Llle Both cruelty and neglect are S nldCl'Crest s ubd.l vision . ~h'" to' ~'" .... 1I111l. hi.. _t.._"ged ._~ns ~ ~ . I. Fred IKahn to Mort.e Adams ·Jr., "'11111 6," - "'" tf~ori.. If you own a piece of vnlua.ble i[ cou1d see hlm plalnly. I halVe sa.me bull. J ohn Klssolovcge. p rt or 10L II In lAbarum. __ ". unIU' CA ftl OlJ N (UM. PI' pert.y wl1!ch Is OOt. produc.lng the learned by long 8l<perlence 'thall Ule The brooder how;e has a. new roof Ey~10n, Pa " by h.ls wUe,,rrelda, I.n CUAUHT ([0 .... 1'6 Ve WlO it should nor s uppJ,ying Lbe and Is ~ In In a. new C08It of he r suit for cUvorce In iWhich she O()rdon woo to Floyd aJld Bern. 1"'~'''''''{II_. 11.tl l ... II''' .I.A 1 only ItIllng to do I:s to rOlmd up the -.., .. 1. - _ n l .. r~ '-raUon of l'~ r fo~ftr ce Doug:llID8.ll, 5.26 W 'es in Turtle'M '-.,. WaH • • , ,...~Iitl l1Ull "",r. at hOusing units t~, IWo>V """"'" ...,uu . ..... ... I .... _ . . III all.1 IL their sel'VJce Is of inestimable value whole h~ 1II'.d drive them slowly paint and our only worry ls now to nrune Br YreJ'. Tll Y were married Cl-eek twp,. to yuu 118 rLhey can by wrec.k1ng !be up to our fence. The t hree dogs get the chicks for so many ~f the last Dec. 15. n.nflncial.ly unsub5tantlal build.lng were with me but tbey were llttle hatcheries are tthro~ tor tbe year. Ha.LtJe El1zabetl.l Hocker, LeblUlDn, PEACE OF MIND you have on Che property, olear the Now in LIleir new location at 231 help except once or Lwioe when the BuL I t hink we o:ui sUlI fllld some. sta.tes III her peLition for a divorce THROUGH \vay f01' .t.be Cl'cctlon of a. b ouse or E, Second st., Opp. Library Park, cOws chased the d~ 'Wlho were More reckless driving on hlghwa.y from Andrew Hock I' that he J1BS a parLm ots w.llJcll will do Lb.e job. D.yton, Jan! well equipped to handle luckily BOln8' In the right direction 73. Reckless driving and hoodlum not contributOO. to her s upport durLIFE INSURANCE Also, 11 YOU aJ'e a landlord of rest- their laree and lucrea)'lnc; busiDe118 which helped a lot. Slowly we work- behavior. One of our boys, ao.turday lug the pa.sL nin years. TIley were ' $100.00 per montb lor 10 dM tin.I W·opelty, !for Uloll ooarJ.ng •. , Be1pinc &raJ\llpor&aU0n. Indus· ed our way to t.h(~ .W est lence Ulen al t.erT!.oon, Wa..\ <U1ving Ilhe tractor ma.rrled In 1931. years to your fanW7 if you down .o.f old bouses and the erectJoll try and Acricul&ure &0 keep OD the hOD1e from the oUler fe.rm , 'In fron t Treva WoodrulI asks lor a; d.lv.o.rce .do not ilvc. _ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ move by LIlelr eueUeD& service. . . Nor b h aq'06S the creek (where I of LOO old Duckeye sch ool just wJlel'e fl'Om Enunett WOOdruft whom she $5.QO
C"1\. l/J. I ,,/.)rg l<;'idge
Wrecker & Excavator
!! E
,.U "_.
Athletea FOot Itch,
Hogs, Calvea, Sheep, etc. REMOVED PROMJ'TLY
-REVERSE TdephoDe Chars-
454 '
HOW TO STOP IT M~ S-Minute Teat Get TE-OL at any drug, store. AppJ,y ibis POWERFUL PENEP' U ill L 'l"RA'IUNG :fungicide S'I'RENGTH.. Reac.bea MORE germs
Auto, TrUck and Tractor B.adla&Or Wodl, C1eanlIll,
Acoording rtxl Size apd COndiIJon
JI&lrinIl • . •
and Be-
Stream Pollution
CI~ ~Ia&o",
speclalty . . . New &iJd Used RadIators •• - Arcl aDd Gall Weldin, wUh poe1abIe eqUipment . . . Weld farm implementa , aDd all metals' , • " ~
to KILL the itch. Oet NEW loot 'I1he Bolt R.a.d.I&I:ar & Weld1ng 00. com1'ort or your 35c back. Locally at in D&y:ton are &on important factor Wa.~e Drug Store. '125 In boosting food ' Proctuot.lon In t.h1s part of OhiO ,t.hrol.l8h their excelAUCTIONEERING lent service In keeping laqn 1mpleANLEY __. ..1 KOOGLER menla In sh&pe .t o meet !.the great ST ..... dema.ndll t th tlmes ell BIIOKBU Lieu. to Ieee tr~ e ta.t1on ': dUS::'
hlm, slammed on '!.the brnk.es and aIOrv1lle Lynch. SoUtll LobIl.WlJl, Is by PUblic mos~ h.lt hlm, \Jl~n , taley move past cluuged wlt:;h cruelty by his Wife.
up, After a a;;~ent . U.t Wties Supt. L. F. Wortz t.h&t "he olin a.n.d . stopped exactly In fro.n t of Bernice, in ber divorce ct10n In d.1d not know .what WII& cs.uslng \!he him so thlllt 'he had to 5top; piled out which she a.sks custody of Lb.elr two pollution", ~ Collins, Is ap' \)C t.he car and the four of them QhUc1ren, TIley were married in 1941 .
polnU,!, ~ ~;Ilent ' ''Lake Omlmtttee to Wee . lleoea68l'Y steps in ca.rry.lng out the lJl'Oject. 'ms Oommit tee w1lJ co~W; of representa.ttves from Lebo.non s Boo.rd of PUbUc AtIalrs and Planrung ~mrnission; coun~ COmml.,,10ners, iF'Ish and Game Ass'n; Organly,cd farm , busl-
~;E.iGi'iBiUiCBiS~IEB.;~lNiC~·i~[F~or~Da~tAla,~;Phooe~~~ ''''~~a.~w~~~: move.poI" y ness group6. He s,l.ated thaL Oblo. Reverie a.rs- . :: onByw: 'ba.vlng eqUlpment tor efficient Ule IWd first clvlc action :01' this commlbtee . will be ·to request a.dv1ce a.nd assls-
I.DS1de and out&ide work and experlenoe to .Ila.ndle Jobs oot.h large and small, ¢lbey are 'helping to oon&erVe Wl1t.s for our p~ve conversion and pc;o.oetlme ~ They feature bo1li.ns out and repe.1r1ng or radtators, recorlng or 1nsl.6Ulng new Il'ad1a.tol'S, and In {act, Oller a 00mplet.e rad.la.tor serv1ce, Since ~he adoptJon of ,h igh oompresstun motors, the owners /.>1 autos a.nd trucks !ha.ve .had 1.l'O~l.e with
do not forget NU-ENAMEL
Waynesville Furniture &Appliance Co.
Gibbons Bldg., North St., · Wayneaville, Ohio, Phone 2422
• JOHN DEERE Farm Equl·pment .
GENUINE JOHN DEERE REPAIR PARTS Competent Repair Service on Tractors and Implements by. Experienced Medtanica
The BANTA Implement Service N. East Street
Your John Deere Dealer LEBANON,' OHIO
Phone 555
other englne rt.rouble:;, but l.t ~e radlato[ is taken to Ilbem , they wlll re~' It prompt.ly and will turn it out .100% efI1c1oot. .. lit .Is importAlnt, too. 't o 'k eep yow farm ' lmplementlis and mao1~ery In ~epe.l.r to back up our country s plans tor , the Ihlghest ~ prooooUoll pOSSlble, so, if your eQwpmen;t ~ not Mlrklng as .I t shQUld beca.use of metal defects, get In touoh with them ,withOut delay. Their service Is prompt ' a.nd Is guaranteed.
Uon of the project. even with the hearty support 'Ot all 8l'ou}J6 Involved. The steps of 'pollutlon ellmlna.ttOl1, engineering and eaIlefJICnt ,survey Consel'vatlol~,. DJ.v1s1on approval pluk . construbtlon , a.nd watershed soil oonsenl&,tion l1lClIiures, quire a great dEl8.1 of time. Mayor 00l\1.ns 'llJ1d his ' .c ommittee :have a lot of hlU'd w~ and planning to do before residelllts this connty can enjoy a beauWul and much-needed recrC8ltlonaJ e.rea.
1~~::nt~m be; ~ real w orthwhJle
Electric Arc
At 2911 E. FUI.b St., Dayton, . are Ihelping oWner& &0 beautlry ' their homes with TRIPLE SEAL wlnd~ws an.d doors ' . . . A comhlna.&ion .whIch givefi all the elltra comfort, pro&eClUon, fine materials and smart appearanee . • . Be sure to see their "Sunburs&" Type Door as' well as .n types . . . equipped with copper IiCreeo . • . 1JDmed.la&e deUvery · . . . 3 years to pay . .• No down payment . . . FHA Ta-ms . . • 1st Payment Oct.. 1 . • . Open weekday eveolnp and holidays . . . TeL MA 25M and KE 3338, The Triple Seal Co. aIe offering a f ine service ,to home owilrers and bUIlders tlu:Qughout this .p alrt of Ohio by .lumlBhing the new 'I'rlple Seal Doors and Windows eqLlipped w:111b copper screens, which Is J"UStproof tlJIld Insect-prOOf, as well peing efficient In g iving prote9t.lon boUl stmuneI' IWld winter. The Triple Seal can be installed on ,new houses during construction or on .homes already built, They will. be glad to give you aD e&lJmate and you can depend upon bhIem to help you to keep the ·'out-of-<1oors" out of your bome In winter. You wllJ notloe a gn!8.I. sa.v!ng I.n your Iuel bill '!be 118v1n1l 01 up to 35% In fll(ll mee.ne tbattbe&e w1ndows and' doors w1ll Par for tbeIIIIIelv. in .. abort
They ofler many advanmges . In constl'll t. lon, f\Dle materials. bcwuty and com.l lJl't. TiheYglve you protectlQn .aguln!>t ,t he summer ~U! and In winter t,~ help you meet too uncerta.1ntlC6 01 ruel supplies. You cn.n have a more even temperat,ure allover t;be house and you will not be rcstr1cetd to the use of a room or two If YOU ever want to sell, you will flnd Triple Sea.} 'W~. a.nd Doors have made the 'house one tt6 be desired.
Th.lngs a pretty if a boy have can\t come drive ,IX> a trsolor onpass the hlghwa:y mincUl1g Ills own business witbout bein8 nearly run over and then mobbed. I rowe the l.lcense r..W11ber of '!h.e car a nd ll ' anyone Is Interested I will be glad to make it pubUc.
I was mistaken about Wle wild roses. It >was Just too early lor t..hem. They are lov~J,y now. I never 580W SUM pastures as ,we have tills yea.r, they are Wihite with clover and!b'.l sides are ~ with cOrn liiles and the yard with <llollyhocJm. The ,wnsh.lne .Is welcome but 'lihe weather Is sUll somewhat 0001.
The nineteen pups lU'e ' thrtving and w11l soon open .:their eyes on this troubled world but I sup»06e it wUl not look any different rto 1.hem lihm to a pup 'o f the gay nlnetJes el'cept more automobiles to dodge . Wars and strikes an.d even w a\ViW famines have nobhing to do <Wi:tJl t hem. They do.not care who Is the president nor what the Unl ted Na;tloDS' assembly <ioes nor vthethcl' OPA llves or die3, just as long as t he supply or skim milk and rolled ools bolds out,- but who wanis to be a pup , and If we are )1Uman we lta.ve to think about rtheseth.lngs even !.though to look about us it is ha.rd 'mIe 10 picture a food! . shortage. wheat Is ,almost ready to cut but think. of tbe hu.nglj' In lJui w\nlter IX> come and bold dQWn to that one
sUce of , bread, not; two a meal. and someday we ,w ill tila.ve surpluses to worry abou.t aga.In.
A mep.sure of oomIort. In bile bereavment, Is brought >to every famlly when they can have con.ttde.nee in their Funeral DirectOrs ability, and confidence that be wlll serve oUicJ,ently.
·.RAL HOMB ' (\
'~ '" ~
. . .;. ..
Telephone 2291
Armitage &SOD
~;;;;;;;;~~~;;~;;~;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;~~~~~'~ ---------~
Portable Equipment
1 Mile North of Centerville
Shop...-- · Centerville 7031 Rea. Centerville 7465
f!!RTILIZ~ ,RS •
_ ... ............. .....
................ ............... '.,.... fOIl I0Il - . .
EOYD T I phone 2751
t.ance lrom the Oonservatlon Dept's. pollution engineer. Nece&'!llJ'Y steps will then be' taken ,to oomply with tJhe rooommendatilons. 'nle oommlttee wlll then t,uilClJon through the entt1re project- so cltJzel16 of the town and count.y C&tl enjoy the recreatumal and fi.ca.nclal advantages of s uch a lake and park area.. The proposed project lies la.rgely on land owned by Dan Collette OIflolals estimate tbIIJt a year 01:
F ARMER8-TlUDERa started c&lling the boy na.me& DlIltkLIFE INSURANOE 00. 1ng as Lhi)118tt1 to h.lt him, grahping the steeriIlg wheel and ·a ctlng Oustody If t.helr tWo clilldren and Pbone l'll-L llke drUnkel) fools. The . n Ighbors a stated· sum for UmIr sUPJlW't were came out and they continued the 8IWarded Mrs. M~y ~lllIB IIa LEBANON, OJOO name calling and rough talk. WlIUi we ll 118 a cUvorce from Dewey Will.Is. some othel's came, ~OOn finally they _~'I~·h!::e~s~u:!lt~~OI~J~ose:=!pl!!!.l...!;C~. ...!;1!4III)~b:.L:============= got in bhelr car nr..dJ drove off.
motors getting hot. This m turn two woUid be required lor compie- bees a.re working ha.rd. The roo.dC8;\l&CS
$100.00 per montb for We for yOurself at reUremen&. AU ot these benefits in one poUcy.
our cow iWlIa killed' some ,t.1me ago. a b'ta.tes is 1.11 Lh Dayton car swooped over the hill behind cl~~drrieedn.NOV. 11, 1944 tbey have no
' ' • d 'M·lk .TRYOURH . ' omogenlZe 1
I . . . . ' _ _ _ _ .......
..... -- ...... ...-..... --
.... . . . CWIlO . . . . . . . . . . , . .
~. . . . . . ... -~yWdI .............. ... _ .... .. ,.. I' p.
~~~ AT Stewart's
'2 '5 4
cP' •
Esta:blished )..850- No. 4272 I
lIo8gh 'Resigns 'Board; States PTA .Needed
, The
-'-Wa.ynesvtlle Clvtc Club
$1.50 per Year- Fiv'e Cents a Copy
hold bIlelr reg\Jlar meetlDg for 't he monlih of July at. Smlth's 'Green Room. on south Main St:. Mtmday evening,' July 15 at 7:00 p.m. Dinner will be served at t.hls time '[ollowed by a OuslDe6S rneetlngand line ~t speaker of bbe evening will be Sherif! Gerald Cowden of Wanen (JOunty. Re!;er\lQ.t.lons for 1.he dinner
I , Af,t er approximately ten years 01 aasocla.t1on with tlbe We.yne TownslLIp School BoIm:I. Kenneth N. Hough resigruld a.s president of ,t he Board, er~eot1ve Immed1a.tely. Mr. Hough states that ,h e wo1.!ld not ~lon a part-time superintendent. nor was he In accord with 1llle ed'llCllotlona.l pollcles of \.he 5dbool, therefore in order to satlsry be accepted up to J.uly la.
American Legion Celebr Held Here "Fourth" " Acclaimed 'Hugh I'l8a~~· Will Be Held Each Year
Legion 'Wny ne TOwnship P05t FO llr ~h of JUly Oeiebra.t.lon
far him to
LUl'vla ,b asketball 00UIrt. 1IIt .I'.Qe grade building a.nd plBcln4r llacDtops tor
tender his reslgnait.lon. MEETINC' THU:RSDA Y Ml'. Hougb stwt.es llhat 'he feels tJle academic studies of the school are • The woman's SOclet.y of Obr15t-
1~1"1't'n.'''' ...
Pre&ldent K. N . Botagh re&IeDod &hoe Board. eUect.lve &it 0IlC8. I Born to Ml'. and Mrs .. Owney All teachers were .reh1recl .b b IA'I·""~""', a daughter, Sharon GrI\()e, IXlOl1ne yea.r wllAh an 1nc:reue ID
JJcartie - tu"g u.1 ~
_. Looking down on the game between the Sprlng rteld Coca Oolas. arut the locaJ Amerlca.n Legion played following the softball ga mes ~t tht) LegIon Fourth of July celebratl.on .
. -........ . iood
&nd family' and Mr. a.nd Mrs. Roy
-H at I
n:~w':,re ~d
fireworks was held tb¥-. toppjld ol! t.he day's . a.ct1vit1es witJh a "bAng" . Ma.ny oompllments 'WaS <heard on LM sat isfaction 01 tl11S dlsplay. The dance held , at .the Hi8h School bulldlng afiter tile fireworks WB.s well a.tiended. and with two orchestrllB, Jim & His R.hytlullettes t'rom Dayton. who . had recently oompleted a ·1lolO8Qll. at the Miami
Welch, and ti1B 'brollher and V. Lamb - Lamb - B. Pope aU. , 8lBter-in-l&w.lIr. and Mrs. Thoomaa D. Gerrard-D.Gerrard-B. Gerrard The next meetlng wU1 be <held at ~elcb, . , In the wrestling match . between Btll Pi8chbach', 'l'Ue8da¥. JUly 9 at iIn!' Sbe.;.e, or' F&. DCIdJe. Iowa D. stansb.erry and B. Oa.mpbell, 8:00 p.m. . ill vlstttng at the bOule of 'Iler 8010- Campbell WOll two talls. Rlobard Lawaon. Reporter in-law and. dal.l8htet, Mr. and 'Iofrs. The' boxing bouts ·were of three
FellowsIUP 'MeeH~"" ~ of UIe ~ , or ChrisL il.nd Ob.rlatian c:.bUl'DI 01' the a:rea. It wu voted to IbaVv. ~
MI". and Mrs. 01a.reDce Rye were c.hW'0he5 1Ihat WOUld ~ '(IQ H Photo ServIce hOIIt and 'bo6tesa to their AdviSOry vhe ,third 'Ib~ IU8Ibt 01. _ Oouncll far 't he regular mee!.1ng on even monUls, ' &n4 an ~
mJnutes • to the Hotel. furn1.sh1n@' the modern dance music and Ben Hockman's 0r0be8' n11lLchCs a drQlw- tra furn1shlng 1lhe SQU8l'e danoce tll prizes llsted wlt.h approprla.te melodies, the many 'Prize ' was given dancers were able to choose tbelr to sign their d sired bra.nd of danc1ng. and whUe the The canm1ttee.s of th.e .~r1ca.n a n w ora.wlng to Legion Wayne' Town$lip .. Post who . --, ....._, ()f t.hls Id.n<l it promoted this giant .-..... ...ttoD ve the party a were. ..... _ ...,._ ......, fa.Ulty broad- EN'IIER'nAINMENT O O _·111'U.: speaker system. LeWIs E Thompson, CODllDlUlder this nwnbel' S. 'Lewls Roblnaon, Chalrman Amelican LegIon Ohester Oarey, Treasurer electric cJook. BlASEBALli & . BOXING ' &.~- .WlWam ~ _ CIIZ1 t::ooit . new draWIng DANOE) OOMM!'I'I'Elt After the ara.wl11g a displa.y of Edwin Ramby - Kellis:Pet.en
The F'ouIth . or JUly celebration staged by IJl.e American LegIon of the Wa,ylle Township . Post 615 was held at the; WByn ;yUle High School gTounds beg:InnIng a.t. 2 :00 p.rn.. a.nd 'termlnatlng wit.h a dance at tile High ScllOOI gymnas1wn in 't he evening. 'I1he daY'S actiVities wer star... te" wIth a. sort baill game .b etw An F'a.l.rl . U--d and th e~. . ey s .=lid Wa.re e All StArs and - ulted in will f r.... a ' or Falrleys by... a soore 0 . 1 to O. Ali 4:lH\;p.m. the SpringfIeld COCnfOla teaat met,theAmerican .Legion \'OY6 on, t.be · Hiih Scbool 0Jam0nd
'11he o~ were present .~ ,th1a Olark. . . awnp: Lee O'Ban!OII. liW and John Mr. GUheI1 ,Welcb of Detrolt"ts Don ~ - Dra.w- N. Stansben;y P18chbaCb, Janet and PaUl Michener a houae.rueet of bia mother. Mrs. Wilson - Wilson - ::Inow
and a good tuDe 'WM rep)l'ted by
FeQowslip ·Meeti'lS Revivei For Area
~~ ~yed ~t ~ ?1U~.
·.The July "lJlee-.:1ili
Prof. and Mh . B . O . Mll"-D - -of Tuesday' ~ for tour ' the Soutbern at8.tes. p.lll. &t ltee Orange Hall with 'Mn!. Edenfield and. Mrs. Klontz ' lUI adMr. a.a4 iIn. IIaIoI4 GUlian v1aors. AU inembers 'are Ul'Ied to be and dauslhter ~ Helen arrived home MoDaay after a v181t with 'preeeJlt. ' , , their son-~d daugh.t.er, • 'J1be . Wayne G. C. p. t-H CkJb and lIZa. lIan6el Of Nia-' . . . .~,. .... .,~ ~ aL ,Y . ~ &PC1~~ b.l!,,,,~ ~~~ BlU~~~~."'!' Jir~ ......... Barry TUcker antl' ~'WIIB-erect!J ~t:he~entet of tlbe ...--..~ lamUy 01 'D uncan Falla spent tbe · D~n ~ bel,d J'tl8V~the "FWrth" .. wtth MM. Mary Tucicer ~al1 ~nd 8.nd several ibOXling , 'l1be mo.. .. - ..ne
sew-so • ...IH ClUb will meet on Frida.y, July '12 &It 1:30 left I
the "20-30'1 was held wl~ 61 plcnlc a.t; Ft. Anc1ent on Sun4aY e vening . 'l1ht: usual ~us1ness Session wa.s held I On June 17-:t94e a. meet.tnc of &lId adJourned to meet. &1. tile regunrlll1sters &lid represenol.tlYea of 11111 lar time in September, baYing A.u&~ of Ohrist and 0brIIItIan ust as 'bIle vaca:Uon monih. Cllw'Cbea Of -the ' Xem. .A'I'S "Wu held ~t ~ Xenla Oburch of Qu1IIt. ' 'l'en c:Il.w'ches were l'epl'egeDt;ed '*Id expressed bbe deaiJ'e to reytve ' 1iIe
. I
. ba.llgames.
belntf negloot.ed and the foot that ian Service wlll hold t.helr regular the m&1n pw-pose of the &ehool is JWY ~ on Thw-sd.a.y a.!ter· for educa.tlon, Is being loeL sl8'ht of. noon. JUly 18, e.t the.bome of Mrs. Thsa w1ll apply also 'to non-academlc Rufus Wa.tk1ns In the COUDLry. ~ as well as academic studies. MnI. Oharles Eli1& wW be in Mr. Bough feels that ·the aohools chal'ge of -the devotions and the here can be built Ito a standa.Td pl"Ofl'lWD topic will be dlscUSBed by !treat enou8lh to a.tt.ract hI8h1Y effl- Mrs. K. N. Hough. Mrs . .Watkins clent teacbers a.ndI faculty members will 'be assisted by Mrs . Cta.re~ and Wlat coopera.tIon and metb.0d8Edwards, Mrs. Cora RIch, Mrs. or lmprovement can be e6t.ablisheo . Reba Bra.ddOck ahd MiR>. Elmel' toward meeting t.h1s goal. . Sheehan. . Mr. lfoo&'h staltes t.ba t he . feela this scbool dl.strtct should have H.OVSEGUE$TS FBOM a. P&rent-Tea.oher AlI5ocla.tlon · for NEW KENSINGTON, PA. the promotion of better oooper&tJon • Mr. and 'Mrs. Oharles Wihlta.ker in the school between faculty. par- a.nd flWll1ly of New KilnsingLon, Pa.. ents and students; are the houseguests of the fonner's No appointment has been made parenw, 1Ir. and Mrs. Walter at t.h1s 1i1m.e to IUl Mr. Bol!lh's pW:e Whitaker. and' a speaW 'm eeting of <tale Bo&Td wUl p~ly be held for t.h.I.s pur- VISITS IN WILMINGTON pose. I Mrs. Da.Iay Snyder wa.s the Ot.ber ~rs or th" Board are: guest of Mr. and Mrs. F1J'ed Stock Keller Hoe.k., qilllert Fry~. JWh 'of WUm1.ngton for the Fourth· of 0006 end Lowell Thomas. July bollday and 'Weekend.
School Board Plans Severallmprovemelits
Miami Oha.pter Order of Eastern star met in regulo.r session on Monday evening a.nd fQllowlng Ule r gular buslness mee~1ng a ''White" The · Wa,yne Town8bJp Sabool Elephant" sale wo.s held w'hioh met.- Board held t.helr ~ ~ ted foW'teen dol1a.rs for 0h1niese at the High Bcbool On ~ rellef . . Mlss Elizabeth McCoy of even~ July 1 with a pUbHc A meet;.. .Lebanon, a returned Red CI'068 11'18 COl' Idle hearing of the budget 'for worker was present and ga.ve an Lhe ooming year. Int.eres~lng t.nlk. Refresl1menta were Several lnt:erest.1ng plans were OOl'ved In l..he d1niilg room. nUl.de for tbe B\lIJUner; tn pMDt at. 1I0th bulldlllfllS, high school and the grade bll1kl.1ne Included; maIIlIDC a
FAIRLEY'S ~ ALL-STARS In action on the High School dlBJl'lj()Jld I!lJ1; thi6 AmIerlca.n,
~lg. these ma~~ WSCS REGULAR
hill cOnvictions
t.ers. It. wa.s
' Ja '£he~~':'~:= <: I.
II .
S0~ D~KB ~ JrOOD
Chester Carey _ GeraJd Ooyle ADViERTIBING COMMITTEE . MUrray Hopkins - WUlIam 8&wyer TICKETs & PROGRAMS : Lewis E. Thompson _ Ervtn ,Ellis FIREWORKS OOMMITIEE S. Lewis Robinson- F. Gene Brown
June 27. Th\U'Sda.y' even1nc. The ~ for d1acU861on' was " How Much 1o'Bnn Madl1nery can 11 ~ Ba.1ely Inv~t In?" '11he 'leader, 'Mr. J. B. Crabbe was In cba,IWe. Sixteen members. a.nd two guests. Mr. e.nd Mre. J. M. Greene were t presen. . .During IIb.e aoc1al bow' 10ecream and cake were aer~ed by Mr . and . R.Ye. Mter a very pleau.Dt. and lntereattng eveniDlr ItIie 00wIcIl adJqurned to meet in July w1tb, tiiewives
~- ~+hA " _ ~ ...-. "" .....;.. c.il""-'" ... ..,.. ID~'" ........ ..,- ...... _ . __ - ' - ' • • D~ tor ~ .. ,~ .......... , - . ,'. ," ............. - - ' , ...... ~ M
caI.Ied ' ~, to ~ tile Cbur<lbea of iIlbe· area . . .~ . need ~Jp. ~ open cIOIIed. , ~ ur to est&bUab 'I\IOW ~ • At tbe. ~ "f'W b-.lQl-
tr ••
of. t.be1v.,.'Y'!. 'IIba .loIDDc ~ . . . I\.....,. . keep1.ni the meeting a dark Ject to: 8pproval the ~r. ~secret.. 1I1i: Pre&1dent. ROOert. L. ,VJY;aZUe.
m JJ.
Qra.I:I.&m, FErry; Seq.. ..JoIt
XeIlJa; Trea.s.• ~ ~ ___ Th.e next ll:xec:JIR.lve VAet;lne .wU1 be beld on '{Iburlday Dllbt, JaIIr"llI Mr. and ~. 'Jobo lIaIJI aDd a.t. 8 :00 pm. atitbe -XeDia dJunlb. daughters of JleU' O1nclnnatl .BPeIlt TRUSTEts Al~GE 'l ,wltlh Mr. and Mrs. Ernest ...-&, and SOllS. • MEETfNG D TE ' Emu DW at ~~ of IIO~. D1l1'; The Township' Truateea
rl . f"
te=ed -:!
fa.ther. James R , Soward which
Masters Beauty Shop \ NinO"peralion . . ' OUr
on ' tbe thil'd . ~ '"ft:!o!lh . -.. < Tbe FelloWa\P ~ 1a to~ " s1&t. 0 a ProiiriIm. ~ aJilgtna. 8. ael1'DOJi . Ol' ~~ ~ a Ven" abort bualhea.\·~or report of ItIe Executive v-t;tifii It ,1 ,0 :' ....... ~ '.... ....~ ..... J. ~~. ~.... meetlng
n1g~ of r.be 'o dd
was meeting scheduled to be held
~~.:.ts~;e:::~ Home in on th~ loth ' has
been poat.
. ~ome Mr. aDd Mh. Evere~t BUIlDelI paned to the 16th. I Mrs, D. O. Rldgle eoterta1ned to ..... A. s. Oollett and Ma. Jane luncheon &t RUte's in O!J.yton on Flte ·were 'Wllm1.ngton ce.l1ers, Pri _ and !am1ll' called on Mr . 6Jld MrII. WCTU MEETING ·FrlcUl.y honoring tlhe b~ f iui-' daY. ; MPses RuUJ and Elizabeth Chan" Dewle ComsDock IUld daueht.ers of niveraary 01 M.ra. Cbarlea ~. Mn. 'Dea Beckett baa opened hJ.. diet atbended the opening meeting Fl u~:=:- f UA~' b IDA WRIGHT · KEEVER Beayertown last 'l'bUl'lld8.y eventng. I The W. C. will bold. ,1lbeIr ~ DlU'iDtI the afternoon the groop cafeteria in the bu1ld11l8 behind of the Iniel'DntlonaJ lMtltute at" or,encc na.u:;:...,..s 0 ...... eys urfJ Mr. and Mn. Elvia Mlchad or regWQT meet1Jle at the tuDe oe ..enJo~d I1he ~t1e ''!:In:en Years". the Doster Hardware ·CO. ' :J\lltiOQh COllege on Friday eVenlug wh.o r~tiy grad~ted frqrn bile "Services are !held SPl'q and 'Mr. aJld M!'s. Mrs. Ralph ~ 00. PrldII.Y The gues~ ~f ~s. , ~dge...who en,JOY'- , .: Mr net MrI £Jouett. Dodd aDC alld hea.rd a !ecLure ·on ':Our For- .sy,rd ~utY' ~ohool In. D8.y,ton jg 6t 2 iOO ' p.m. ad. the ¥rlen~ meeting Pa1i and family ot Xenia spent evc.n lng a.t eI&ibb o'cIOc*. ed t.h18 lovel,y 'puW 'Wi~ Mrs. Ellis famlll' of New Ant10ch 'Were Sun': elgu POlil.'Y" by Felix Mor ley. now the new owner of bIle·,Enuna hO\lSe for one of the communities afotemoon with .MI'. &Od ' \ were Mrs. Jlla.rl Davis and Mn.~· ueets of Mr: a.ndI Mrs Carl Mr. and ' Mrs. rater 'Gordon were a.c BeautY Shop located! In the IOO/;t prominent c1tlzeu8, Mrs. Ida Edmon Marlatt a.nd Bert Mar- I'AMlLY DINNBB· BBI.D O&rrle Kimble of Daytop; Mrs. Brow~ . ' ~ dinner g.~ on Sunda.y of Mrs. building next ,t o Dr. A. E. Stout's Wdg'ht Keever, IK, wife or Dr. AT OOW iWBJ:Nos-iNN ,EI81e ,HocII:et.t and J4rs. Rosa H. Mr. and lIIn . .obar_ DOIIIa and ,L uctle .ArdlUt.a.ge. Office on fjOuth MaIn st. Dudi 'Y . Keever, who died at her Mr. and Mn. Geor,e Smith of I Mr. and Mrs. R. .J. Wuuem.., Hutsoclt. tamily have returend from. a v1s1t . Mrt. Georrta I\lendl!hali and Mrs-. Mrs . Masters' efficient ~hooll n.g residence in Centerville. July 8. Sile spent Saturday night and and Mr. H. H. Houser of ~; f~H'OELERS' A,D D'VE e.t bhe' NloUl of . 1Ir. and Mrs! Evell'n Pet.e1'SO)1 ~njoYed a . Picn1C\ enBibles her to (:oniorm to ~ mod- had been III fo.r thrEe llIont.hB 101- S~ with Mr . and Mm. ~_ Mr'. and Mrs. Harold WtIltarneoD .ruuu l!lmeet G;tWam- and tam11y or New dinner on the Jo'ourth with Mr. and ern .trend in hair litylitlg a.nd 1n the lowing a. stroke in April. knond Smlth, and ,~, Betty; Mjra. . . . . OME AFT~ iISIT York' ott.y. Ernest Martin 01 Dayton in the up-to-Ule-mlnull.e meth6d.s used In She wllf. Ule youngest of 11 ahil~Mr. and Mrs. Ohester Shaw and lWuk 01' DayItoDL, M1'Il. ~ Looc , _ . .' .lII.r. ·'Vernte" hu retarD- yud ot \be Friends Meeting HOUBe • . pl'csent day beauty parlor tecllniquc ren of JOO:1aJl and Eknlly Wrl8'h't of Oleo Ooodma.n 01 Xenia. SpeDiJ Hammond of _09_.9"1. ' .; IC'. AH.MY AIR PORDE T:M'TIOAL ed to his ll<lme !rom ·SJaI1. bospital as ,prncLiccd iJti: tile most up-'t.O- Springboro. She was a IUe res1dent v~ with Mfa and Mrs. Ira Btown.&nd Ifs &.; MD. 0EN'l'ER OrJando PIa JUly ' 3- , , Thc Frtendr. HOlDe Family are date sllops ~ the counu-y. of WB.lTeIl< and Montgomery ooune . Anna WillJamson aDd MIe an.o. Mr. and A. H'. aotioeler have' ~~__ ~ M . " gl'ateful to tile Americnn...~lon for 'I'he a.daptatl~1m of the RAY-ette Ues IlJld <was a chilrt,er member of Gibson. W.11l1a.mson e~yed a ta.m!ItY d1DD4!&' returned 'to thelr -Ihome in Or1ak\do ' , . , JIIJII'J' . ~b' of 1lamJ1~ thelr ktDd bIlougtttrUlness m Ino:iL- Cold Wa.ve as 1ib6 lcad1t • is oialt the Oellt.el'vllle. L1br~ Olub, 1lhe Mr. and Mo. Haymond Suit~h a.t the ·COld Spr1np Inn an Sunda;v• . bas returned to . her home after a lng ·them to enjoy tJ1C lA)vely display ~ pe y begillnin'g of the WMhlng.ton town- returlled bOllle S8.tuTda.y after lifter a V1lI1t with Jtbelr tamtl1ea ·in visit 'WIth her brothel' and aIster-in- of fireworks on ,\Jl.e Four!.b s.nd to she Is oUlllillg will go flU to give ' .. hl1 Hl,_ _ , :;pend1.ng a week a.t; 'lJhe Indian Lake. ATTEND FOURTH 'OF JlJLY ''Ohio. Tlhey al80 otiRl~ in ~M!I' -~;>. ...Jr---............. _. . llel' a reputation of beJng a m.odel s hl P P.... c ~ ....... , --"" Va. and w, .. ,- . W'--'-w - - .........Oou._"'''_u ~I M!'. Stubbli for prOvldlug trons- hnlr . . ' Survtvors. beside her hUSband , are Mn. Joe Muter 01 South BeDel. PARTY NEAR DAYTON ton. D. O. and• :r.. WW1amsb"I'D. dresser. , ..." .~_ -.. .. ... ~u ......... , por_on. ~wo sons. Edward or Dayton, with ind. spent. the weekend wlth 'Mm, I , Mr. and Mrs. Ira Brown and befOre retllrn1ng ... '. ..., Soutll. The rqular ....00 01 t.be GI'IUIP . 1<hc new ' establis hment w1ll \)e ,the editorial staff Of the Dayton Crew. S006; MnI. :Anna ,~mamY.'; .... . waa held . &It <the H8ll Mon- GRIFFY F A.MI.~Y l'ellll.llI00 The Masters Beauty .Shop Hel'ald. Illld Wynne, New Rochelle, Mn.. Allce Furman .""n& 1-.& Eva Lang m\liim~ - !~. lOa ~-e· ..II.....:. d'tY_ ev~'M ' ' Vi ._ ' PICNICS SUNDAY buL will remaln'ln tile same IOCIllUOII. N. 11'., and two grandohlldlen and Friday in Lebanon. . rGrace IJamQlOlld were 8IDOIIIS tbe UIIIU TmRUU M1' a... n. ,an . ".3 aDel __ two nephews. guests at 'a Fowth ·of .July, ~ GIl 1a_. . tamtly or H1llabot'<> have ~ into. Mr •. and Mrs . A. O. Griffy have InteNTlent in the Springboro Mr . . . . Mrs. M~rlS Lewis Uld Thursday evening &t, .the; bomo or HUOD . t!lelr ~ome recenu,v ~ from had as Wlelr guests durin1! bile 'past cemetery WIIS made by the Stubbs sons spent Sunday . witll Mr . and Mrs. Ebh8l Hook near. ~ , -. James ~. week ,their son a.nd daughter-In-law Funeral Home of Wa.ynesvUle , Mrs. John. Koester b1 UtJce.. I 'l1he ·Wam.ln ~~ Flab and , Mr. 1....;..Sflerd .. enjoYtnr a Mr. and Mrs : Lee Griffy and ohlld. ._ . ' Mr. and Mn. Kenne&hl"BratWD OOI:8TSl'FBOM DAYTON ~tion w1li meet fn tfie 1 ~8f8l1oD' ~ ren Raymond and Gla.dys. Detroit. SOFTBALll SCHEDULE. VlSITIN(i RElATIVES IN and dauebter 01 ~n spent Ssot- SPEND WEEK ~ BEBI: .Memorlal Hall at Le~ qtqcp, " M!a. I!~ 01 ~ldan. Mr. and Mrs'. Grifty" were very OFFICIAL 1&18 OIVlO LEAGUE WASHIN'OTON STATE afternoon Y4tlb !US paren~, I Mr. a,Dd ~, ~. N'~E Th'UIlldaY, July 11, (toda.y) &It 8:00· WIUI a suest at the Ihome 01' her son'" OOPPY to have iWitlb 'them aU t.he1l' wlill tart tJy L Mrs. Viola H'arlan and grandand Mrs. Geoz:ae Bratten, and &nd ~n, 1111'. aOd ~:;r pm. A bu.s1ness ~, and \daughter, Mr. a.nd Mrs. oblldren and ~dren Cor a games . promp a daughters, Misses Naomi Ea.rnhart Sunda.y, Mr . .and Mrs. Ja.mea S. EarnhaIt &lid 14Tir'. ar1IIIIi and a social 'penOcs IwW' be held. Da.llaa Bai-ton. and family. , , picnic d.inner a.t· Wayne' Park. on 6:30. 'Ibe ~1 mentlooed on the and Mary Dora H~h left ~ Bratten a.ndIt~ of Da-lWn. 01 ~ . ~~ of IA'. and ~et')'tOne invlted _. 1a ~ .. Jo, ~ ,, ~0Da Caner of DetroIt Sunday. . schedule first Ia tbe home team. day for ~ashlngton where !.bey wmMra. RobeI1 Greene of Dayton uts.E. P. ~ an tbo ~ briJlg someone WiSth them · ,to tile was'; 8UUb of Mr. and Mi's, Ra,y:" Th.ose Pl'elieIlL were Mr and Mrs . . .An¥ postponed PIlle WW be pla),ea visit the conner's brothers in Spo- spent Sunday afteJp9,On ~lth Mr. 1U!4 '-M:r t. '~~k_~ IDiI.l'Db&rtI nmeet&D«. . , " !,. _. ,m~~l$J'OCIka 1nd famtl¥ last w~ Lee Grlrt>y and oh1ldren 'b~ Delroit; as a five-1nI1J:IlC contea foUowWg kane and COlville. Enrou~ <they Mrs. Louis Margan. ma.thed for the weelDaDd. ,;,;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;=;;;;=====;;=;;:;=;;;=;,:;======~, Dr. a.ud Mrs. A. S ; Shelton and lihe next ~ same. vts1t points 01 interest, a:also~,~~II,?:;;;;;;;;;;:;;;;=;;=;;;;;;;;;;;====;;=;;;;==;;:;;:;;=~5:;;;;;;;~ ·I .' daughter' of Clncl.nnatl; ·' Mr. a.nd spend some t.tine wibll Mrs. E 1 Mrs. fP&ul Griffy and <i,lilldren and HODClaf J'rIday sister at Boulder, 00.\0. ~E OF W:AYHlilSViIiLLB ' . 1017 ,Wamm .o ounty .- . state or 0bJ0 Mr. a.nlt Mrs. Vlnce~t G«f~ and ATTEND SfJ'EWART BEUNION \ July ' 8, llK6 . dauthter 01 Dayton; 1Ir. and !4r6. DrKi• . va sawyera 12 Mr nd Mrs J R Wad ui.d Darrell 'arateC!leld and eon. and Mr.s, 15 MuJiOMa ya S&w1er& . . ,a '" e , ; . . daughter. M1sa Gienpa Wade and Veda Nogale a.nd ch1ldren, Sabina; TurAeD va Drakea. 19 Mr. Donald LaWHon a.tJtendM the Mr, and Mrs. J. ·l!la.Tl Cona.rd. son 22 Dratea n loIultorda Stewart reunion at Hannon Park, a.nd daU8lIlter; ·the bo&t 'and ~t-Sa.WJlI!Q v. TUmerI:aII 8~. . eea. 29 SeoW)'erI 'VI ~ CALIF08JNIA VISITORS ~ , uBlVB VIA pLANE . I 'IoIir. and Mnl. "/. B. Smith have as L1ieir- gue&ta former's bl'Ollher and ~-in":law. Mr. and Mrs. ~ Sm1th of Los AnIeles, Cal. 111'. aDd Mrs. &iUtb came tiy . p1aoe 19 .
. 08ee Hal'lan.
FIS• h &
. ht ,At te Tmug
' g
amvecl at. VaDdaUa OIl sa.turda.J. n.y WUl'- ~ ot.ber ftIlaU'III and Il1eDdI WbIIe ..... 8IId
_- ~ Th Miami
July 11, 1916 '
"White Front .l\t New Location U
Ga ~ette
Established 1 50 PubliHhed Ev ry Thursday I Y DA I::;SON PRESS J;<"loyd L, D~via. 011, Editor ' ute rcd as Second Class Matter at th' . 0 t Office, Way Il'esville, Ohio
Bel;erve D ItiLrICt. No. ,
C ba.r&er. No. 2220
The Waynesville Nation.a! Bank
WAYNE 'VILLE, OWO • The "W hi te Fron t" restaurant. p bly ope rated by Mrs . Anna Mac Ul Lhe 'l:il.ll.te of 011.10, at Lhc u10& 01 ol.l:lin css all Ju ll ' :!9, 194{l, pub l l.~lled "Mom " Beck'I,1., has m v cI i n to Ule J.l1 r csponse t.O caJ.1 umd·· 0)' GoulpW'oUeJ' or tJ e OW'1'u.ll\~Y, JJ.1Hler "CCtJOl. ' buJ ldlnc bellind t.h Do.~ter Hnrcl2 11. U. tI . ItcvlSC<1 tlt.alJues. ' DID YO U EVER GET TIRED Or' well n.s t he sportsm 11 . TJ1e rop is -~ are COmpany, Jus t of! of Ma in ASSE'l'S n I I....lld,'(] Wlt~ I IIIlCl1l1 oJ t!h 'JI' cou- OATCHI.NO FISH? Dowil at lak now ovor Lhrce tim es what It useU Lo UlS :lml d ounLs (in ludl n", $:I1l.a u OvordJ'UJ tsl . . .... $ Hl'7 ,I 70.o4 Iooin . 1i:s Ill1'a S Ind at th e Bmd - Wap iio State P ar k III so u t.h ern to be. W ha.ve ,bro1to.n up Ule COI11 Mallager " Mom " Is PI' paring 'to 101'd ~, Routsong fw, c l'al h Oln ' In Iowl\. tJlat lUlol)pe n c(\ to us. Crapplt's. m l'C1al hWltillg that u ~ l'd to go 011 . give hru' mally plltrollS Lhe Ml1l6 UlUk-<t tii<..i..., LiOVCI'IUI\(:llt Oi.ll lc:>lLlOns, dU'L'Ct ould jfuou'l1JuetJd 907,t)!l1J.79 U l>l.lGlllJOl1l; 01 Sl.Il.Les IUlcl I)OHW ('.aI s Ubd1vl:;\olls . ,.. ....... . ... . :J.ijU, 19::l.n LIp .Ixl.sil ch wet! SI)()l"UiIJllClI rum t (ll'n:l rs are now Dnywll, MOlldflY MLN'1l00n nnd Ule bl ueg:l lis. basi frlr:rdly • 1'lIi e tJ1 y a l IVays n Joyl.)url.n1 a.t M t . PI~'U. n l. I'ctlltl.cry 011 a darLCI' best . 311d tJ1e bluegill.,. harvesting the surpills tJlIlt LL~ cd to ed nt. Wl e fanner loontlon . S he wUl UWlcr bOll • HOt es, Me! clCl>tmLlu'CS •.• •. .... . . . •.•.. • . • ..• • .. 115.784 .511 CoI'JjOI'll tc stocks tin ludlJlI: $4, ~00 .OO ::;LOCk or FOOO11ill Ilk(x1 tJ1e o ld hlo faYOJ1t.e l·l.Ibber be wasted . The legisiaLw'e wondCl'S l\frs. ·Iy.l .. Jtoma,tl s nnd .1a u/:,lI - ncn.r MldeUel.own . 4,500 .00 !tCscl' V Ua.nk) .. • . . . . . . . . . • • • . . • . . • . • . . • • • . . • • . .• , . . • . why th ey k lt such Il~ cockey('(l law con t.inue t.o l1lo.lnWn pl vlous dele gge d cricket. Folks OIlL here we::; t Wrs "J Dl'rldcy. aUf~ .I I1M on .lIilJ·. Miss Almc tla S t,'j uk e :\ 11,1 b",lI III'Ilted :tbout Ul ligh tIuJ m611 us--suc.h lUi h r fruUOllS Cru;il, IJ.UlIUlces WI Wl oUlel' ban ks, Ul cJuillllg l'escJ've 1JO.laJlce, of ~ho MlssL<cJppi 110 YCI.· seem to ha Yi' rOJ'. so lon g." und Mh. Wilbur CI. l'k I' ·ldRY. tilPrs Gl1l'Y • nd LelJ; h l' 't tLrn d and cash lLc.tlLS 111 PI'I,lCe&S 01 OOUtl<:Won ... • . •• •.. . , . .•.•• :lBO,732.2tl dllTcr nt ea.'lOl1.6 0 1 t~lC yen.r. "Our c.hl k 'll dinners 1;hn.t wcre ul ways ;.\11' : ~nd :;\Irs A D .Ionl'S of h ome W(,(] nosdflY [\ fll'1' Spt' llcl h l(\ n l,elU'd or . Ill. MOost of til Cl'a I)Pl'c 1,()O1.00 a. pi l\l l.1I~ memory. Sh c wUl nJso Bank pl·cnl..ises OWIU.'<l $ 1500.00. I'urlll t.w·e Il.u d f1xtun :e $1.00 . . fis hin g Is d n by sl \v trolling wl'~h blologls Ls t.a..ke ~ yearly game ellSLIS D:,yl.on v sllA'(] MJ'~. s,'1ml' Ollmt II \\',",-'k wiLh til 11' 1!1·tl llClmntlll'l' 1,1l:J':UHI0.:l9 '1'0' rAL Atl$E'l'::l .... . . . ........ ; .. ... . .. . ... .. . .. ..... . h a ve for y ur OOttillg 11.joymenot.lull l sphll1'Jr find 1\ ye mjllllow of illl sp clcs. We Llwn pl'CSl.'nt Ollr o.lld M:r. a.no 1.1. . !l:l.I·v d LCink Mrs. M.'I.Li lcln Stl'lJlke nl, Bot,klns. a or plppl.ll wobbleI'. Along with Uhc fimlLngs to U1e OI'glllll7. ·Ll SPOI'lS - bak d hom . tem pt.ing steaks, an d They n ~"'-.) YI.~ I\,('CI \(' lll l\ YCS and l'nll llly fo'rlu: Y '· \'I'llillg. LL\.8U~·l·U; S Mom Seasons 1U'e Ulany OWl r delicious cuLs. I il'St r eal dose of SUnbLLTIl and chig- IllI' Il for d~ uS510n. Mr . anll .1\1 .... . l~lul S hillJcoy and W pokonet.a. gl"L'Ii you oom pletc l\SSurau ce CI1Il.t U UaJld <.I posH... 01 1110 1 IdLla.ls, PIlJ' I.Jlc.1·s.\ups, and opened in any pan r tlle s t.nte gers • . . U1C two days 01 s well fisl:\~ 1\1.1' . and !\frs. Orvi lle Unird of corpor8.UOIlS .. . •... • ••..•••..•. . •.. • ...• • ........... •. .. 1,3117.325 .20 . IIdl'l'n ~l)enL U1l' }o'{)lIrtJ1 of JIIJy IlIg a nd rest has st.a.rt('{! ou r west- where n .s urplus ex ist.~- und In that s he will strive, with present sh ort- Tune d UpOOl1S OJ UIWVlduals, paJ'Wlersh lps, I.Uld '~lLl M.r . :Ino 'MJ':' . PalLl Sh~ l l' al MiddlctAlwn \I"TO Tu sday visitors ages, to alw~ ho. YC flor yoW' ea.!.pal't only," of !'he form el" s hrother nnd wlf . e rn . trip ofJ tn fine shape. We e ven eOl 'poJ'UolJOllS •• •• •••• . •• • • ••• • • • • •• • •• • ••. • • • • • • •.•• • •••• 136,081.63 W t.lllllll~lAlI1· ing p loosW' what you wa.nt at the What a d ifference between. Lhat Mr. n nd MI. . Oon Ba.lrd IlJld had aT- bone ::;tcnk at thc lakc rc ~ l.>eposiLS 01' UnHeu ::HAtes GovemmcJlt (inCluding prices L h llit are reasonable. " Mom " :;\tr. nnd J\trs , l\IerJ.; '1I n:lnln of t.nw·an L Wlat \V'3S wort.h coming n.l1 qua.ll pl'Ol,'1'Qm and ow' o\\ln sLate. 103.172. 11 postuJ sav1ng.s ) ... . .... . . .. . .. . . ............... . . ...... .. . 1.13 u g h LC I'S. will n.lso continue to Cl've to you nay lOll s pell t IllSI WI 'k.!.'nu II j th 57,23().36 Mr . a 1111 I\I ~ . E . B . Longacre WlC way to g'ct! No t 00 men-Won 0 1.1 1' wh ere orga.nlzed ~rLSlllen have to her de l lciou.~ home- ma.de ,pies. a 1)Cpo.slLS oJ Swl.cS a lld polllJcaJ sutxUvisiOllS • . . .. •. . . . . ..• . . Mr. :l.ud Mrs . P 'I ,'I' BlLIl LfI.. 1,986.00 ent.crt.alncd to n J~ l y dinner s tat.e bwlt a nd opcrated cotL8 ~es cany Ule whole legislative loud - fen.turc which hns prn.ctlcnlly made Depo&LS of B a.llks ... ... ... . . . . ... . ... . ........•. . . • . . . . J\Lr. :mel , frs . E:u 'l (;Ia I'll of l)lI.Y- ThurMlu y III honor of Ule mru-riage at $ 12 .50 per week . T his lake IIlld whlle l.he Conserva tion Dlv. a pproOWler d cpo6l t.s lccrWIled ru1d casIliru" s checks, et.c.l .. . . . .•• 2.626.65 her tamous with patr olls nca.r lUlel 'lO'I'AL DEPC>SI'lS ...... . .. . . ..... . . . . . .. . 1.088.32'7.95 LOll were S::Iturday b"l Jt'.'i1 of Mr . oJ t.helr d.lI.ug'hu~.r , Mrs . Agnes park wu.s bujlt, as a. coopcl'atill e pro- prIates $8 .000 to 'lttUdy quall" l far. OUler 1Ja.but tJcs . .. ...•..... ...•• . . •. • •• • • • • • • •• • • . ,... .... . . . 1.000.00 and Mr.,>. W:tl!.<' l' Gl )u'k III d fo.mll y. Swank to Oharl Drn.ke of [)aytAln. j eot on land dona.tc<l by citize ns of I'LL GET OALLED TEN KINDS 'l 'O'I'AL LIAB ll.p·lES . .. . .. . . . . .. . ... .. ..... ......... .. 1 ,U89,827 .95 And as a fJ'lnecl\y reminder, don ' ~ I\trs. J . W . JJ U'I.OII ur YeJlow l\tr . a nd MI'lI. Harold Sleinke \.he area. OF A LIAR for these stories . IOI'!:et "Mom's" shor t o rders will be THE STORY OF Q UAILlN IOWA but so h lp me <they IHe !.rueSpr1nj;s l;p~nt UIO wt'Ckend WlLh h .r nnd M\) s AInlctta attended 'Ule CAPl'l'AL ACCOUNTS tn effect ns o.IWl1O's. Remember also WIlS told us b y Cons rval10n Dlrcctol' sou-In-law :uld daughu:r. 1\11'. artd wc'<ldmg of u le former's s ls \,(or, M Last evening Just at dusk. we w ()a p l tAl S~OCk: Mrs . E \. ·tt EnJ'ly . Rosemary S tein ke and Mr. Oharles Fred SchYl'Cb. At his h ome wl~h a ho.lf-grown rabbit s ltLing close to Wl&t " M om 's" Bordens' Ice cream Conunon SLOCk, toW po.!' ,75,000.00 •. • .• . • ••• . .• .••• •. . 75,000.00 Mr. AIJ'ri)(I '''lsnak' l<; s),Mmelln g UJ'esscl at SI,. Msary's chu l'oh In heart troubl . Fred s t.1Il supcrv l-' s the !'Oad in short b'l'a'SS. The darn pJ'odu ts are th ' besl.us' in town . t3U1'J)l1ls • • •• • • • ••• ••• ••• ••• •••••.• •• • . • • • • • •••••• • •• . .•• • • • . 75.000.00 1'he only c'hang() In the "Wlhitc hi:. va",. lion with 11i I)1U'l'lIlS a.nd Dayton . Satlll'dI1Y eVl'lIlJlg, and t.hc one of the best wlldltre program s in bunny 'h ad somet.hing in Its mou th Unaivl.dC<1 pronLs . .... . ..... .... . .• .. .. .. .•. •.. .••. •..•..• . 13,752.44 oW CI' rcJa.~IV('.p .Jll Vlrg uUa. J' 'cepLloD following a t. tJ1e hom e of U1C country . ]n 19301 Iowa q uaU were - at flrsL It look.e d U1:e il pot,1.card- Fron t " Is its new locaLlon--d1nllCl's. T O'I'AL OAPI'l'AJ.. ACOOU'NTS . . .... .. . .... . . . . ... ... ... 163.71ifl.44 plncecl under control of t he Consers hor t orders, sand wiches. Ice cream , M... nnll M.Ml. E,' ,tt ' <::.rly at.- M rs. Robert Wilson. TO'!'AL LIABILITIES AND CAPITAL AC)(x)UNTS .. .. 1.85:1.580.39 8.lld LIley a r e so tame we stopped to tendoo l.11c flUlernJ of Mr. MoI)(mVilill0 , at the Woman's oclety vation Dept. - after being 8. " biol- look . A1; 'We gQt close It. dro pped the sort drinks. tobaccos and candy are A1; r~ld It. BlIUl.::hesoor, 'I'uood;~y nIt.er- Wedneduy a.t. t.he hom e of Mrs. ogico.l bastard " for 16 years. MEMOBANDA mo uLhIull and ran. It wns a. real 110 dlfrerent. You w ill still be servVernon Pursley IV re Mrs. Wo.Iter these in Ohio s UIl are.) After only mo uthful . too . . . hill a bar of ed in the sa.m e deUgh Uul and COW'- Pledgeei' nsseLS land securlUllS Jooned) (booit value) : nuou. irs. l'billlp 'l'lllort! and StillS re- Kruer. Mrs. 11. . D . S mith . Ml·s . two years of s t.ocklllg and GlUne Ivory soap I GOOS6 h e was going to leous ~Ilanner as be rare. wi th roods (II.I nlted S tate.!; Governme nt obUg,a,tIons , d irect a nd Ulrl1,:d SWlti y cv 1l.Illg f.ann 0. till' C Shoemaker, Mrs. Everett Early lind manllGe ment- s hooting th e sur plus prcpared in a s plc a nd span ~tc he n . guarn.l1Wed, pledged to secure d epo&Ls and cJ ~>a n up on some 01 t hQ;e foxes. A t wns o.Ilowec on game Illfl.lUl..gcmen l. 204.931 .25 'la> visit \\ ' U her ,)¥lJ'Cll ts at Mrs. Da.vies. So. l,his Is "Mon 's" personal in- I other llbWUe5 .. ... . .' .... . .. . . . . . . . ...•.•..• .•. .•.. . least. the soap Is being used- we 204.931 .25 (el 'l'O'l'AL .... ............... .. ... .... . ............ . 1\tr . and l\1rs . Wa ller K enrick a.rcns only. After three more years cou1dJ1'\' find any In the stores • . . vila Lion to all of you te visit. h er new Lou.i..-,v ' . lty. ' l\1.r . ;uld .\ lrs . ": rncs l Lal''v :tuil nnd James Haines aooompanted by of Jntenslve work to bulld. up Ilhe p la ce when ever you wtsh. And Secured liabilities : Priscilla Wayne Spmf(ue - col - plcase remember the " Whi t Fro t" 1r. und Mn:i. AI' lic llckru:r r ' - Ml' . and Mrs . Robel1t Haines a.nd q uaU crop in south ern Iowa, 'h un ting \ 11.) DeP06lt secUl'f.ld b~ pledged assets pursuant to W:ruL'd u\..~t 1\ k j'1 1 mo\X)l' sons of !>.a;yton s pen t several days was star ted on a county- wide basis wn nlst tor the De6 Molll~ R.cglstel·- Is located at t he real' or th: Dos~el' ~'eQuJ.rem;n Ls of Ja.w · ..... .. .. . ..... ...... .. .. . .. ... . 156.369.18 TrJbuneUves With her fa.m lly at I tJS,369.1B 1I11rd,,'arc 0 0. off of Main s t . '" the (d J l'OTAL . . . .. . .. . . . . . .. . . : . . ..... . . .......... .. . . . . . Lrip vllJt.lJJg rom tlv , . 111 MJCl1lg3.n. I u;t we ' k in K en tucky M d Cin- in 1936. Last year over hal! the sta.t.e We were out Mr. a.nd JUn.. L ~n S:llisbu.ry ci nnati. Th y vlsJted at t.he homes WIIS open for quo.ll shooUng. The the ed ge of town. B;mk Bldg. corn er . S tate of 0.h10, Oounty of Warren . SS : ruul 11 Wend II of Wuslunboton . of MI' . Md Mrs. K en neLh OSld- season vaned from 15 tAl 45 clays. there lihe ot.her nig ht, wtien h er datlgb ter ca ned e~lt;ed ly, "DaddyI , S . L· Roblnsoll, co.<:h1er of the above named baJ .k, do Vl s l 1'o n LEAVING FOR dependblg on the s urplUs nvallable. C. H. w Ie Stmu ny even i 1l{J illnner IV 11 at. Wa.!tAln and Mr. Fredr ick solemnly swear th:att Ill-e above sLatement Is broo .t q ,t he collie ihere qwck". W e al l went, oyer VA C,\ T ION IN CANADA !Ill ' t:, o! Ml's. N ·W.e Enuick. KIl. 1'1' at. SouLh Ol1te K \y, Also p ver 50.000 h unters harvested about best Of my knowledge ane. belief. wilJh a t.o ule open window where t.he ligh t I M1sscs DorothY' Atkins ILnd M.r , aml Mrs. E. B Long:'r vi.'>ited Lhe Zoo at. ClnclJ:UKLtJ and 432,000 qua.ll last year S . L. ROmNSON. ·<J&5hjer s how n on the screen . On t.he ledge E lean or Hersc.hed:e o f Cincinnati better crop expeeLcd . Ulls coming and Mr . and Mrs. J . B . Jon ' cal- took a. boat trip to Coney Island . Sworn to a nd s uboor1bed before me tJ1 1s 9r.1~ day of July 1946 outside was a llel~ mousc-runll.lfl\:l 1mllc been Lll B guests of M iss Ann n tall. led 0 Mr . n.ud Mrs . Joseph Jo WYMER L. DRAKE, Notary Public up t.he scr een ' e very tlme a grey MeredJth . They Will leave in a short " Why don 't you . people back In io_ CillCiru tl sunc\Ay n.1 tel'noop. (!:.lEAL) Oorrect--AllW.o;t : Oh io try to do something Cor thls moLh li t. We 'Wliltched him cat.eh time (or a. vacation ill Canada. l\lrs. J. B. GiUoU.c, wh o rt.'Cel,Uy ~ H. HARTSOOK grand game b 11'O, a nd the fOlk5 In 'em for hall an oho ur. a nd IlDt 11 underwent a JDll.Jor OpL'l1llt.ion ill oro. J. WlATERHOUSE drink In Lhe Pl&I?e . . . soulJ~ l'n Ohio wh o enjoy hunLln g." Dayton is conval ' . at t.l hoJ1U) H . A . CORNELL RETURN FROl\1 VISIT Swobe contJnued , " You are lVelcome D1rectors of llCJ' p.'1.T'cnts. Ml'. !Uld Mrs. Ear R cls Tu ~tlc-olltd oClr 1V11ting c hap I N P I TTSBURG, P A. by lANE nTE to a U our records alld data a bou t for the Des Moinas papers-vouches I Mrs . Marla. Elbon h115 returned Young. Mr. :Uld 7\Ir • Everett Early and GRAPH ETAOIN . van G ET ET our quo.Il p r ogram . It ~ certainly for Mrs . John T. Roth of !Burllng- a fter ' s pending a few we ks with Mts. J . B. Jon' UlLtendCd tJ.I.c I WhM do I Irnow a bou t " Alphl\.- worked. A t bhe time the Iowa. Leg- ton. fi nding a: mUSical 6-Coot bull - her nep'h ew, Mr. L . T. Stout a.n.d 1 ~ lature cha.nged the leg-II.! tlllhL~ o r snake In her Uving room. It was ·fa mlly in P it tsburg. "Wh1te El P'Jl3JlC" s:: 1 n.t Eastern R'l l- Kappa " ? Nothing. It's 0.11 qunJl, wc promised the Oarde n ban gin g on the' pla no. Mrs. Roth star, Wayn svUlci, Monday evening. reek to me. Clubs, Audubon Societi es a nd fann- dld n ·t have t ime to te ll what it !WUS ....- - - - . - - - - - - -- ....... f.r IUlIl))trs Arnold Rice a nd ~I.cr oJ ProdCcick. Md., sPent I Th best of n.l1 oompl1men t.'! " L'I ers groupS l.ha t. 'no q uaU will be pl aying before Mr . Roth illd the SATISFACTORY vcml d l.YS Inst e k witJl Mr. your brot.hcr intelligen t. or is b e s.hot In the state xce pt 1n areas obviouS thing . • -. I She used .. pay and. Mrs. GCOl'g'C CUstcnbol'<.l r aud Uk . you ?" Could be a.llke though , where there is stll'plus." Schowd Enough Iowa slorlec;- h eakling S E RVI C ES for a permci.nen, pounded on !.he table. " We ihn.ve kep t out for Lincoln, Nebr. and' Denver. l'runlly. They I\ll . . ' n 1 t.he Fou.rt;h ~ t y'd ' be ..elated b y lIUIJT~e . AT ALL TDlES our Pl'Om.i.aee to those fP'OUPIJ WI 0010; tomOJTOW. o! July a;t Coney tslnnQ , • 1:1'. and MiS. EVCJ'ett Kenrick I I SMV a WOIIUUI in Dayton the Md children sp en '!'hul'sdny with other d ay tha.t mad.e me think of Mr. and Ml . Jack. Sall 'ldt and a song- "June Is Busting Out All j'n.m1ly at OOOhen. Dial 2111 Waynesville. Ohio Over" . Mr. . :lnd I\lrs. Burris m.)ved f rom .".• my tooth Welma.n I t, week to th 11' newly I I took gns• to• have Edl tol'S Note : In t.he future no le ~teJ·s ·to Llul Ed itor will b publls.hed unle: Wl e name alld a dw:c$6 01: \Jhe eroctc<l home whJ 'h Lh oy l'«ently pull d so I wOllld know nothing . sendel' is en~l osed with t.he lettCl· for our 11les. l)W·c.b~'<l. of Ml'. StM ts. ww tJley h nd to giliC m e . but lUllf 1\11'. and Mrs . Wal ter K e nrick Lbe us ual amount.
V= - ==~ =E==: ~F== F~ E =R==~======~====~1
• • •
• •
~tGnl!re Jlfuneral ~nme
Letters To The Editor
--- I _
July 8, 1946
ACCOUNTING and TAX SERVICE Di latush Building - . Broadway TEL~ PHONE
Leba non, Ohio
DcaI' MI'. Davisson : il WOUld llK.C 00 expl'CS3 my a pPI'(:ctaLlon an d. enLl lU51ClSffi for bhe fllle olcbraWon WlticJl the Ame:rican Leg uin pl'cscn ted July 4t.h.. I bclieve Ithe m en who wOl'kod to 1lUi.ke Wus oomllluint.y cele br ation. s uc.n Ii/:i lJccess s hould be comm.ended . . T h e e ve nts whloh 'We re .schedu led wore varied enough to saiL everyone 's tastes, f l 'ODl, Wte YOWlgest chii ld to the OIdcsL u.dw t. The cJtilclrcn especiAlly enJoyed ' Ilhe
lIalliJc tll!<i LO a ll !.he IlJUcli-" UDg p a Ll'lvtl"m wlwm a Il I'Vup 01 lL.2CIIS who JlllVe Jus I UlISlll.!d WHm ,ng !'AIl urClUl/Us W.l.I.' untier Ul ls bUlIncr a llo w lWt; .one I?u~
Quick and OMY to do. OHL'I
-Anr make or;;mode' . - . Fred K.a hn Motor Car Co.
1· 8 4 9
Regard less of w,h at anyone says, prices will rise in t he coming ix months.
The only exact and tr e statement tha t can be made is that no prices will be increased on merchandise in our stocks now so long as t hat merchandIse las.ts,
FAIRLEY .Hardware Stores
- ... 1ttI.
PbGne it61 • WAUiMiVJ:Ltca 0
;iI~ ;;~;~;;'~I~S
"Hard-To-Get"·Items 9
All ObservCl'
HOURS: 9-12 each morning 1-6 'afternoons except We'dnes(lay 7-9 Saturday eveJiing Other evenings by Appointment TELEPH ONE ~2-R '
Lbe J()Ltel' Wl'1W,OO by '''l'he Observer". The American !Ja gs whJch "'l111e Observer" refers 'to ' weJ:e nO Lol.ficlally r a.iscd Ilnd a.re of the &im.e ,type W~l'ICb we p laced. on VetclW1S graves MemorJal OILY: to fly (Jay and night. In our enthusiasm to s Uccessfully promote a deiin wholesome July 4th: celeb.ratlon [-or t.be. COlllmutnity, OUr Vel1- ' first a ttempt, we tOOk on cons.ldcl'llbly more d l1\.ll our spare tt.ID.e p el'ln1t t ed nd lit tle wonder· if we neglOOted ,s~et..h.l,ng. WhUe we llave 'InaavCliient.l y n eglected SODle tn ings, we are not 1M Idng. 1n our II"holehen.rted enthusiasm tor wh ole orne colnmwli ~y e ntertainment ~nd civic SWCI'
"T. ruth·In AdverlislDg .." ·
The Wayne 'I~wnshlp Ve terans Post ,wishes to an-
· ~ .SED
25 ...
SLX AmCl'lCM FJa.gs to r Coillalll I1Ut.tcu·UlH ill 1l;lPec~ JI'Q1 1l Weu' sla nClaJ'C1s for Lhl'ec dayS and Lo w' nl.gbts al te l' 011 Lnd cpclwcnce Da y eeJelJl'a t.ion ? Any flag oj ow' coun Lr y, no nmti.e1' what I,he ~, Ib ut is 1.l'ented as a ell'cLIS poster make a 1)001' t.rlbute W .tile lkmOCJ'acy II symliolizes.
.·CA .S·· B
Lo vuly,
1~ ! Wl of working end p layin g t.oge!.her in comm.unlty o.ctJv Jtles .s.ucIl as th ese make fOl' ·tJ1e .fl·ilmd]y spu'U M d CODlJ'8dsh.Ip which are so much a part of our democ:t"llCY, S1nce1'el~' yours, &un.l(e1 N. Ke~ Lay Reader-in-c.hartle St. Ms.IiY's Episcopal ChlU'Ch .
To W1C l!:dl \.01' of tile MJami Gazctt.c: Waynt:l>"Ville is uppa.rcll tiy 1ncoo Wl t.h a new sllor.Lalll!, ~1lU.~ of tiLhcl' Boy Scout 01' U. :::i. Army JUUldlJuoks. 'l \I1;:1'c is Obviously much left to be Ic:uu ed l lCJ'C a bout tile rcspcct and CO lU' L&,Y d ue IU. flas of Lhc Unlt.cd St.nLCS of Amcl'lcu. "1'hc j.,Ja.g sho ulcl' noL be l·o.Jscd 04:Lore UllJ'lS() 01' be a.li()owed to l'o,mMa .. uP al LI.\l· S lJruil' L" is a llnlCly maxim cUclily 1ll.llStc.I'c.el by allY TcUOCI'JOOL. It sllo wd 111w bedl d i" llSted lWell CIWUj,m t.O prevcn L 11 profanc d ~~l'aL ioll like the) , onc IlOmmiltCd iLl, Lhe !>Chool g J'ou ncls 1'CU! IlUY. W.h:1I; .has
wave at home
Olve you_ If a T onti
The Waynesville N ational Bank
ow she give. her.elf a
Ore'·C. E. Wilin
O pto~etric
Eye Specialist . 2~ South Detroit Street
bllttcrn.ent. ~LY n'H CELEDIUTION OOMMI'I~ .
•• I
LAMPS (Floor' and Table)
(Fully S'p rine Filled)
e'-e. . - ..XENIA . OHIO·-
"East ' Main Street at Whiteman"
July 11,
--........,--- ---.......---
Come and worship With \1&. Bring your Bible tmd join in studying "The 60rlptural Basis or MissIO~" .
• • • RO!i8 TOWDllhlp
FERRY CHURCH of CHRIST fte OrowiDr, Oolnl, ObUl'Cb HERB.EB.T GIUIIAM. MJnJs&er BIDle 8chOol I:. L OcaIamnllm 10:" L PreI.cb1Dc 11:00 a, Peoples BerYIoe4i IUId AdUlt Pl'6),CI' lIootJhg' '1:00 p. EveIl,ini Eva.neellst.1c Bervke
' m. m. In.
?:t6 .. m· FRIENDS
The Fellowslilp Meetlne or the Ohurell of Ohl'l/!t and Christ.ia.n Churches of tile Xenia area will be beUl aJI; the ROOs Township School bullcUng north of J a mestown, 9hl.o, this Sunday, July 14. Basket dinneI' a.t noon and an 1lJ'temool'b service at 2:00. Bring youI' dlnner wibh you to ahw'ch n.nd you call get Lhere tn Lime. U you can·t go IOJ' cUnner, at!tInd !.he a.lI.ernoon service, Cor this w1U t.ake the pla.ce o! tile Arinua.1 J Xenia Area. Meet.ing for Ul1s ~ .
Ohrlst a.nd Olu-Istla.n Cltw-ches will be !held a.t Wle Xen.1a CI1W'ch of Pa&ber KnoD....... Prte.& OJ1l'1st, T~lW'sday , July 18 llit 8:00. Kaa SuodQ - 11;00 A. II. Everyone who Is Intcra;te<i In Lhe fellOWship meetings and in the METHODIST CHURCH work of evangelism Is invited to ... B, CoIeID&D. . . . . . . attend. 'I1h1s Is bile business mooting SUNDAY SCHOOL 11:30 A. M. of t.he area. Some Importa.nt. t.hIngs Kra. RA.fmoDd Oonner, 8upL. are to be brought up tha.t oughtt to WORSHJP SERVICE 10:30 A. U . be oC interest to !.his church. YOUTH FELLOWSHIP, ••• There are tihree young people ~, '1:30 p. Ill. registered for bhe In!terme<1la.te CHOIR PRACTICE Trl-St.a.te Cluistlan Service Camp, WflCirwd.sY. '1 :30 P. M. Aug. 11 to 17, and seven 10J' the older camp the next week. Your ST. MARY'S mlnJster Is to t.ee.ch "Privileges of EPISCOPAL CHURCH Church Membership" ,t he fl1'St week Samuel N. Keys, and "~ible Lands" U1e second week.. Lay Reader-in.-cha.rge 11 :00 a.m. The 'Holy Communion 'Ibis Is 8.D undenomlnatJonal and sermon, by the uhJ!rrch seeking to restore t~e Rev. Oharla; E, Fish church as revealed In tile New
Wheth er your canned fruit desserts are just or unjust depends upon the quality and flavor of the fruit. Canning pre~ serves qua lity and flavor but it cannot create it. That's Mother Nature's job but you may be surprised at the amount of help you can give her. All fruits (except pears) should be left on the tree, vine, or bush until full-ripe and .then canned as promptly as pos-
RAY-ette Cold Wave
-Pboto Court.., B.II Bro•. Co.
pears, you mi g ht try adding a hall teaspoon vanilla or orangc, or nutmeg, or rum, or a few drops of almond extract to each Quart ot trulL In othor words, you are free to make the things you put up at home taste lik e you want them to ta.te and thaI Is 8omethJIPog nobody Test.ament. It hIlS no -g Uide book .Ible. Most varletJes at pears should @ - - - - - - - - - - - - - - e l s e w l l l o r c a n d o fory ou. MT. HOU.Y but the Bible and no headqtJal'1,lers be taken trom tho tree when they news to you that .,' may Tlot bo posI. METHODIST CHURCH • ..eat Fruit Thoroughly on earth. Olu'1st Is tJle head 01 ,t he have ftnlsh ed growing and kept in 1'. II. ieuU. Vir' 1 I ' buy all the "ranula ted sugar U to-d . Bible to p. ate canners heat fruit chw·ch. You are invLted 'to worship a cool place until they are ripe you would llke to ..have, but shorth to shr Ink it before It la BuDda,J acbool - ' :30 .. II. serve ra w. At this stage enoug enough to at t.h1s ohureh a.nd enjoy the freeK. A.. lilImbut. .uperiDkPdIn& they are tcnder and julcy but not aie of the cane and b{:et sugars p.Iace d in th e j aI's tor procesling dom of the gospel of Ol1rst. mellow. need not holt your fruit canning pro- by boLUng In a hot water bath canWGrIIbip ~ - 10:10 A. ... It pay. to take time to sort fruit gram because corn sirup can take nero This Is called hot packing. The i!V8D1us ..... - '1:30 p, U. so that pieces ot ab out the same over Where Ulese granulated suga rs trult may be heated In Ita own Juice WAYNESVILLE lize and color can be kept together. leave off, and a lot Qf people think or In sirup. One excellent way II CHURCH of CHRIST , Then the pie or trult.cup pieces the fruit better when corn sirup to measure the prepared trult, add Robert L. VanZIle MJD1II&er won't b e mixed wU h those Intend· help. out. Gladys Kimbrough, the sugar to It, a nd heat gently untU • OeasIng to designate to ILselt a ed for toncy lookin g desserts. Ev. Home Service Director for Ball the juice runs trea and the sugar la Bible ScbOoI 11 :30 a. m. movc'men', ""lp ft~" ""e ot the di sso1ve d . T wo cups sugar and one .... ll"kc- ery piece of fruit should be washed Brothers Compon'y and editor '" • a fellow ".......... OcaImun1oo 10:30 L Ill. deslgnaLJons "hllit did grave injustice caretully and drained well betore famous BaU Blue Book ot Home cup corn sirup will sweeten a gallon 8eImOD 11 :00 L Ill. to ·U.s ever unfolding system- dis- the 'skln h'-broken. Skins s hould be Canning and Pre.erving Recipes, of prepared peaches enough to luit .ft~lt t rom sUoh appeIa- removed "The One God Loves" a.sooc Iat Ing I....., from peRch s, pearl gives a basic sirup reCipe which the average taste. 11 the peach•• cui d may be adjusted to mee't y our relilveoin& Service 8:00 p, m. LiOlI5 a Babl sect, AsIatic t, an and apricots. Yes, the skin can be ul 15 Th iru I d are Juicy, no water need be added. q remen . e s p 5 rna e by .. ...,..e n~'h"4n"~· -, J4~US'" oIl shoot oC ShiUl Islam. w1Wl which lstt on but It Is impossible to have .... ., ......... ....,., "" .... oombining two cups ot sugar, one Pears can u8u aJIy get along with a little lesl IUiar than peachel call • • • t.be Igno.ra.nt a.l1d the maJ1clous were both aldn. a.nd top quolity. Stones . c~p standard grade corn sirup, one The Junior Christian Endeavor wont to deScribe it, ref .. ~I ~~ t.o be ma v be left in ,peaches and ripe ' for but they nearly alway. need ...,.."', cup WB tel' or fl'uit Julce. Bnd bolUng meets at the church each Sunday labeled I1S a mere philosophy Qf life, apricots, not th a l we understand about two m,l nutes or until the sug- aome water to slart them cooldng. evening at '2.00. All boya a.nd girls or as an e lecu-ic code of e&h1cal cos- why anybody would wanl tllem, but or dissolves, Either light or dark Processing t1me varies according under. H1gn achool I4f8 are invited duot, or even I1S a new religion, t.he woe b more tha n likely to be the corn sirup m ay be used. The dark to the sl~, variety, and ftrmness ot to attend. See t.he Flannel-<JTa.pb l"a1th or Ba.bIwlla.h Is.now visibly lot of the borne canner who leaves sirup ls especially good with da rk fruit but the average time for plct.ures of ttIe Ufe of 0hr1Bt. t\nd suocee<i1ng Ul demonstrat.1ng Lt.! .tones In apricots which hove l)ecn fruita . Its Oavor blend s nicely w1th peaches, pears,· and apricot., which 61ng the cboru.ses. YOU will enjoy It. claim and t.1tle to be a WorLd Rell- taken from the tree before fully Ught fruits too' but It tends to add have been thoroughly heated before • • • 810n de6t.ined too attain, in !lile ful- ripe, ' Such apricots ha ve a poor Oa- color where color may not be pacldnll, ls tIlteen minutes at boIlThe Senior c..,~ Eadea.v.or ness of time, the status of a world- vor at belt and the green stono8 wanted. ' inll. Even if fruits keep, they wUl meeta ee.ch SWlda.y evening &It '1:00, embra.c1ng COmmonwealth, wh1cb make It even poorer. ~ .Mas Kimbrough recommends dlacolor if for any realon they have undet' the iea.derahJp of Ray 1KloDtz. would be at. once the lnat.ruDlet!-~ But we are &olng too tast! Let'l that, when possible, lOme !lugar be not ' been heated boillng hot aU the Ie you 84'e of IUe!i 8cbool age or and. 8'UQ.l'<11a.n <Il the 0J006I, Great remetnber th!l t'. lIavor i. 195t with used when putting up fruit b ecause way through. . , .......... th diacWIced b its A t.hor Par IVV7 minute lost between the time the Jlnvor of sweetened ~ult is more -U you will begin with good hom. aboye, QOOl& aDO, :.-s.,,, e Peace announ , 'I U .. •.. - trult 1- washed an.d the tI.... e ' -bl t d ........ _ ftM.l .... !_IIft . . . . . - . . . ,oo accep... e to roos perlo'ns but she canne ~w .., yOU can end with wonslona, tohe s1Di1nar ...... ....e ......w- from w1Sh1OC to -.au .........e r Sa put into the canner for process- also makes it Quite clear that frult dertul dellerta which are just no 6h1p. . of rel1glOus systems. whale confllot- 1Dg. Therefore, all jars, caps, lids, will keep without sugur. When bother at all to m a ke, For example, • • • lng loyalties !have ror ,so many and rubbers should be checked, no lugar is used, the fruit should Peache. and Cream Cake I. a fttThe EvenJllC EvanpUs& service geuerat.1ons disturbed t.he peace of wa.hed, rins ed , covered with water be healed In a mUe watE!r or In Its tlng ftnilh for any meal. All you will begin at 8:00 p.rn" You are in- manltlIld" Ul1s Faith 1a 1nsWllng into and put over h at to sterilize; water own Jujce before It Is put into lhe do II make or buy a plain IIngel Vlted, to a.ttend the6e services eadl each of 11.S adhel'ants Q. new love tOI', Ihould also be put to heot in what· j ara. whethcr canned with or with- food or aponge cake, frost It thick Sunday evening. 00me a.nd enJoy and gelluine appl'ec1a.t.1oll Qf tile evar is used as a water bath can- out lugar, fruit should 1)8 covered with Iweetened whipped cream and (.be lel1owsh1p &lid singing of the UDlty Wlderlylng, t:h.e various l'elLand aU utensils and materiula with liquid In the jar, otherwise, it surround It with halve. of treeold gOepel hymns and bear the gloos rcpre.;ellt.ed wllJl1n ita pole, oolletted before work Is started 00 II likely" to discolor. ripened trae-stone peache. right out easpel message. "It. ls like a. wld.e embrace" , such prepa!:!ng the trUiL Mil. Kimbrough adviJel borne ' of your own ·jars. This cake should • • .. Is the teaLUnony of ,the Queen CGrn Sirup for Sweetening' oanners to sweeten and flavor .Irupa be served at the table becauie It The Bible S'udy CIaIIa will meet Mal'le of Roma.nia. to its c1a.lm a.n<l The sweet ning story is ' still a to .ult themselves. U ~~ou would I. tar too bandsomo to ba out in die on Wedntisd~ evenmg 'at 7 :00 to ,p osition, "g811.o11cring ~tlbl':r all , little on the liour ..Ide. It cnn be no Uke more Oavor in your JP8ache. or kitchen. 8 :00. Evexyone Is weJocme to come ,..hose Who ha.ve long searched lor -------------...:...--------------~T::O=~f1\:::J::y;-::.'LO::-;:-;R;:E:;N:::CE;:;:::;-:.::N::---&rid enjoy -th18 class, altholl8h you words of hope. It ailCep!<l all great IIAMILTON BALL GAME • Mr. a nd Mrs . Tommy Florence ma.y not be enrolled. OoIne tor class ~'0~16ts GUlle before iL, destroy6 .no and st.a.v tor Prayer M.eeUnB, ot.her creeds and leaves aU doors of Oxlord were t he FourUl and • • • open." "Their wrl'ln"~," abe' in -..., weekend g\!CSta Of their pa.rents, Pra,III' MeeUnc M It.he churoh , o.not.ber statement , referring to Mr. and Mrs. Howard Florence and each w~Y' evening at 8:00. BIi.ha.Uua:n 8Jld, AI:.K1ul Baha, ill8S Ml1. and Mrs. ' Cleve Oonner. 'l1lleY teatJlled, "are a great Cl'\Y toW8:rd all attended ,t he ballgame tn HamUpeace, reac.hing beyond all !1n1116 of ton oJ;! Sunday w.here Tommy WIUi NORRIS BROCK CO. frontiers, above all dlsension abOut one or, hIle players. rites all<1 d<l8maS. . . It 1a Q. !W01lQroU8 message thM Ba.ha.ulaah and r, His son Abdul Balla have given \1$. They' have not set It up aggTCSIllvely knowing bhat the germ of 'eWmal trutb lies 8Jt its core cannot bUt lake ro:ot and sprend." --8h.(Igh1 Elf fendl Submitted by Helen M.cOoy, Rt. :.s. WWynesv1l1e, Ohio
• • •
Tbo\l5anc!s of 'lIlle m gllNe Ulelr , MIAMI GAZETrE CAN BE llv6!J. ' 1110 unylc1dlng devotion o f each one servtld 00 reed ".fresh the PAID AT WAYNESVIllE ever Ir nountmg !<lame of 'the cause and ~he wrmy ot recruits gl'Cw hour DRUG STORE OR AT THE by bour. GAZETTE OFFICE Fina lly III des pen:l1.lon. ,the aut.horlUes plotted to Lake the Life ot the Bab, Himself. Th"ey reasoned, Ule - - -- - - - - - - -- - people wUl fQI'8et bh ls lnsanity when He Is 'g one. On Sun.day July ninth 1850, at noon. t:i1e Hal> was ll1U1g by l'Opes from the barracks wa.l1 Ln TEXACO Tabrtz, Ten thousand hJ1<l l:,"!IIWICn.'<l to witness Ul Igh t. The nre of I:ICven hundred a.nd fitLy nllUSKei.s was atnled a.t HIs body, when ,t ile GAS- OIL- GREASE 6liwk.e ~lad clearcd a.wn-y \'i1e Bab I1J1<1 dlsappcurc<l. Only tile ropes had Quick Battery Char•• been ell\. by the bullet.s, '1'nc ~b Hydraulic Car Lift was fOWld in ' a nearby room rinish1ng a collversation ,w ltJl H1s ., cere"SERVICE by SERVIS" w 'y, He was agoln Inmg UI)()U W1C same wa.ll . 1'1115 time H1s ltody was riddled with bull~. Hl~ fina.l worcls: r - - - " 0 wayward l:elleration, . . . The day wUl com.e when yuu will ha ve recognled me : W1a.t day I sha.ll have ceased to be wim you." From one end of Pel'sm too Ule ot.her tile Ba.bl's were 'hun t.ect a.nd killed until ollly a scau,ored remna nt TIUl peak of perfectIOn 1n tbe rema.lned. But among the small art of cold waving . We reoom'!l'l1Oup was ·one leading figurc \u nd Uti!! wa ve for satisfacBal1aUlIa:h. He Pl'ot.ect.ed 'til Bab's tory a nd lasting results, dl8ciples, i"\llded t.helr SWIl/;. lariIled Issues that arooe and ga ve Hi;, wealth with grellit generosity . He sha.red In the torture, 6lu,lerlnll and arrest and was spared Ollly one d ecree meted out to the Bab, tha.t of death . This Is only II. bare outline 01' U11s t.I:ng1c episode. 11he heroes of !Jhe Fa1!.h had suf!ered allru:c.t complete aJul 1h1latlon but the seeds of the new day bad been planted, The rise oC Bahaullah 111 18a3 ~nd <IFormerly the Emma. Mjae) tJle events of His llfe lorm the second link In t.hls djv1ne drama B. Main - Waynesville. Ohio which culminated Ln ,t he Adm1nIsT e lephone U'ati ve Or<ler of Ba.he.ullah today est.abllshed 1n fOJ't.y countJies.
• • DIll ~ - l:ao A.. II. ExecuUve Meeting of 1.be Xenia ketlni to« Wonblp - 10:10 A. JL Areu. Fellowship of 't he Ollw'ohes of
AWorld Relig.·oD
MASTERS Beauty Shop
IN f LA 1'10 N! Prices are soaring upward-a condition that we do not want but which cannot be helped due to cer,tai n conditions that exist today. While inany items of merchandise will increase in price we wish to state that as IOllg as OUJ' })l'eHent stock lasts we will not increase pl'i<;es. FutUl~e wholesale prices may force us to raise at a later date but for the pl'esent you can . 1:es~ asured that we will not charge more than the prices now currently in effect.
nuinbe....... i*
............. 1111& ............... SERVING ICE CREAM
JO£ BOYDS, Prop.
'U '
• • •
Waynesville Repair Shop
i Boy 800ut Troop 41 or Ha.rVeysburg will hold an Ice cream Pes~ TO ',tiVal at. the scllool la wn 'rllurSda y WBlO D&JtOD U:IO -DIal lItO evening July 18, 'llhe ,public is in_ For Oar Dan, ......et &eperi , vited!.
Serftce That Satufiu
HYMAn/~ Dt~T. ~TORt
Immediate Delivery
.......... ~ ........... An •• HARVEYSBURG SCOUTS ...................... 1MrWIJ III . .
Carey'. Garace 4 roll. 2~~ doz. JOe doz.$«:
"APER NAPKINS ,. Pack••!!·of ao-:. .JOc~ . J2:··ia. PARC'H NENT PAPER..- 125 ft. roll 50c For ' wrapping meat; vegetables - for cooking PAPER CUPS - SeOTCa T,APE - WRITI~G ,,.....' INKS -"'I' RU,BER STAMP INKS and PADS ~.ERSoNAL ST~TIONERY . ENVELOPES
'Deep '& Shallow Welr'PUMPS
Complete,'Ready (or lastallD. ' \
IrI 0 ME ,Appliance $tore P"ONES:
AcrosS from the-Bank.
- . _--.-
.Tu1y 11,19.&6
1~ ploo.:: IWd tender long IIfler Wlc1lRPCd pUSLIU'CIi are prown IUld dry. There ' are ponds all each ' fll.l1l1 WJl lle t,lle gu.rd ' n ellibbor WCrIl 1\
Manage~ .For ,a.c.ttuanciIlg ~ ~bUUd1llg .!... BUyiutr. 4% Farm. lOlUlS wil1l lonl{ tl.IDe to po.y. Pa,y pal'!. or till ILIlY RUTH NF.LSON Ally.on - Walker tUnc. LIillANON NA1.~L FAltM LOAN Al:tS'N., .l!:ll.IS H. ::;t.111"lll, SocJySUN. MON. . TUES. WED. THURS j FRio 'l'rea.S. x..'oo.non, Ollio. Phone 44ll --1-4-------1-S-----}-6-----}-7-----1-8;'O"--..;;.;};.;9;.;:..------..::;,.;.;:.;. tc 20 I A most cxcellent Him ·tlIl1~t holC\S This was n. hllrd job I But it Another Fine Wi'St.ern! YOI.o· l.nlel L trom W e startl Don ·t. m iss " Real E.tat~ For Sale-can be done! OUJ' July laugh
iLl J)()I'tOTIlV M GUlRE & Goorc.GE
IF' y tr HA VE A PIWPER'lY Oft. . 'Getting Gerties Garte r' FARM. TO S.I!lL.L C!l.l1 or W 1'1\.C WitJl DClUIls O'Keefe & l\lwie Don HtlU. <m.on, Tel. ~4·l ti . til i\J t:Jjollald. Also: March or LOro.ll.l Ave., Dt1,) WIl, vhlo. LIe 1'1mc. Car tooll & NeWS.
Garden Planta-"\dl':;.
:uld Wayne.-.72:" FOR SALELaM! CabbUol:c IJlallt.~ We 1:><:1' dOZ; lel',} pla uLS [AA; per blUldnd; Chat;. C. Sl.l·OlL>C, H"
miles JlorWl of Wu-y ill'S v 111 e. corCl:.r 01' Fer)'y ::wei L y Uc roucls. 7:!5
Houaehold GoodsFOR SALE-Oak: COIllblU3.WOIl desk
and bOOlwll.SC; Dmillg I'o om Lllbl , 4 chairs. bui! L; ()OUcli. le(lillCJ' tu1l.oo; V1CLr In, console tYl>tl; Scwillg cOO1net. Phonc 2402. 711
HELP WANTED• LICENSED F'LRl!!MAN H 'at.ing only; gOOd ])3.l' aDd bours; life, llA:Cidl.'nt and 110SPltal piau; 0 1110 Pnpe' 00.. MulillUSbul'j;, O.
FOR sAL£-,:... R SALE- Fox
A.ccorcIJnB ·to SIZe
$S.OO $3.00
Sheep, etc.
Athletes Foot Itch, HOW TO STOP IT Make 5-Minute Teat
hMk. Locally at
Waynesville Drug Store.
Juh' 1. 19<W.1:ihC prog:rrun com-
BBOKEB8 LlCBN88 mlLLce of the Four Seasons Olll'den For Dates, ~hOne 28M, Wa.yneavWe, Club were cllewtng .thelr pencils and discussing whe!.her or not to have Ohio. Reverse Cbargel a certain woman repeat for our.
'. JOHN DEERE Farm Equipment GENUINE JOHN DEERE REPAIR PARTS' Competent Repair Service on Tractora and Impleme nts by Experienced M~anica
Your John Deere Dealer LEBANON, OHIO
Leon Errol Comedy. CartoClJl. Novfllty
EXTENSION 01 e l ectrici ty to farms has mnde a new production tool available IQ agriculhJre, accord ing ' to nationally-circulated Capper's F armer. Ele'ctriclty ol!era way. to mech nnlze many farmstead chorell. reduce human labor, lower operating costs lind promote better Income, which adds up to IDOl'C latIsfaetory ll~n g. Since n' )st of the appliance. r .. quired for modern convenien~es are
$100.00 per month for 10 1.0 your famil, if you . do no~ live. )'ear~
$100.00 per month ror life for )'ourseu a~ reUremeo&. AU of theBe benefits in one polley. .
WltJ! fiver-welcome "garden 11&1111' M hand to enliven meall, the homemaker's Job Is to lell the famil y, eepeelaUy younger members on freeh prden salads, ' Mrs. R. G. Kyger wrtte. lD natlonally-clrcu!attic! Capper's Farmer. Varloul combinations of vegetabJea can and IIhould be uled . Since dressing II the lifeblood of the solAd, Mrs. Kyger suggests the l ollc"vln g:
Phone 171- L 0'001 summertime cream, which reduce. churning time by one-fourth. An important function of rural electricl ty Is to supply life-protecting heat for young pigs. - C arl Barton exhibits one of the 7 brooders he bullt 815 ' a vo cational agriculture project 'in Livingston County, m
Refrigerator & Washer Repairing Parts
Da~6~~one Home Appliance Store --Acr~ss from the Bank Nite Phone - 2981 WAY N E S V ILL E , 0 H I 0
'S TUJ;JBS A measure 01 com!oIt in \lhe be-
·r eavrnent, ls brought 'to every family w,hen they can have con.. rtdence in 1Jheir Funeral Directors ability. and confidence tha.t be Will serve etnclently.
o Calling
SciCUCle Monthly .... 5.!IO Tribune ........-......... 1.65 C1 Reader'. Digat ....- - - . 4.25
Redbook ......... - ...
. 5.25
SdmtUk DeleCtive ' 1I.4!> 0 Saeco1aDcI ....,-.-. • 2.50 0 SUva- Sc:real - ......_ ... 2.50 0 8pcir1ll Afield ....... t.roO o lfygcln ....... _......... %.9& 0 Suc:ceqful Famiinl _ _ .. 1.7S Lilx.'l1y (weiekly) _ _ 5.95 0 Tbe Homemaket - - - 3.;5 M3gntinc ~_ __ ~._._ 3.45 OTbe Woman ..... _ ____ . 2•.')0 Movie Show ........ _ ...........__'- 2JiO 0 True Story ............ ____ .. 2.50 National DIgetl Monthly...._ 5.45 0 U. So Camera.............. _ .. :... 2.2S NIlI'I Livcaroc:k Prod~.... 1.7& 0 Wall D!meY's Comics.........:.. U5 ONature (l/) ·. .taet, 12 N_).. OYour Life .............................. .. 5.45 11 IIEWlfliPu, lID ..lUZI'" 1 TUI, UIIlIIi 11•• SHOWI t
~ laP. BAlt
Preaa cut. clove of gqrIJc into the I8lt to flavor It. Mix 1he salt with tomato soup. Add one sprig of fresh tarragon. if avlillable, and. any other preferred lealloning.. Thln mix, ture to desired oonlllatency fOr dresling with lemOil juic_about ~
a Pouluy
::. ....... _
---=-======== --------
~. l~.
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ ._ ..__ ..1 Yr.
Modern Ji'i ni 'h
. Band·i1ize dllpenl.n for inaeeU.
are_ now avaOable.
wrlta.rltle Rural Home e'd1t0l' of ne-
Capper'. Fanner. The line mil t they produce wID 'give 'p rotection agatnat file.. mo. quito" and motM in the ft.y!n, stage. When valve on "bomb" 1. opened, the enclosed liquid I!hang\!.
tbJa elCpanda into the room.
...C~ · ~ -1.,;;",1 ft4 ;"clo-. fIIIli, -c_po". . " . cMJemem 14IIIdMe PIeaar: .....- Ihe. el'a- chicked, .wllh • yean to JOIII' pepa'. .
'1 .---
0 'Photoplay .... :..-....- - -.. 2$ 0 Popular Mecbapks ....... ,...... 5.25
. 2.&& J..M 8.45
AU Gbb
o Caf.per'1 Yam~ o Cl:uld Life :....:..... o Christian Hcr.ald
Any LIsted and.this NEWSPAPER Both for Prlca Shown o Anu:rican ~ GlOwer._•.••$1.75 0 OpeD ROId (Boya)--...... uo ~::: ~ B~~~M~"==:• ~ o8~:::: Aviation in' ~_ ...._ ...._ 5.45 0 PadWoder ......... 2.00
oo o o o
Armitage &Son
oo Corn.oct Eosl.i5b. -.•- - - 11.45 Counuy Gdnlanan (&. VII.) 2.00 o .Mualc MaPzine........ 5.40 o Eiude Fann jml.' ~ Parmer'I Wife Ui5 '0 Flower GroWeir _ _ _ _ 2.9& .
,a,lIo lA.OD Jcatoe
DOES YOUR ' FA VORITE SINGER SOUN D LI KE THIS If your radio nu longer has those smooth mellow t on es it once h ad ~t needs ser vicing. Brin g ibn a nd let us restor e new life and tone to your radio.
GUSTIN Radio &Television Phone Laboraiory 2794
o Corool't
Try This Dressing On Garden Salads
KEM"TON.E - 'rho M irll 1 WaU Covering C, E. ELECTRIC LAMPS
beings c.'Ion be grown on worn-ouL &oil but bhalL there' is no ex r ' Ule!'C bcmg poor WOl 'll-oUL ]nnd,
1 e .... eoadhle4 r~!3 "'"a,o.
Just ·Recei ved . New .AP~X Electric Sweepers
Electricity Eases Farmstead Chorea
Cor }>S. ,g ood stock' DOl' good human
Quality Furniture A L ··· W·A Y 'S For Kee.ping RUGS and CARPETS CLEAN
n nd he Is doing 1.~ 11 he can to prove his pOint. The how ' Is par tly o ld lUld partly new but. It. Is built to look old. It. is full o f int.eres t lll[: Utlngs oollected In thel!' t.mveis. I Iikl.'<.I It beca.u i l ]., livable ·a.nd because you can grt. o llWoors 'from every room ana W'llen you get outdoors there are many small gaI'dens and term s and all SOl'Is 01' pll.'RSaIlt plac " 0 sit !\.Ild pleasant
Intcl'ooted in the rel'tl-
lizers ony way. He L~ (L great believer In using 11me and fertilizer s on Lhc pn.sLurcs to Incr Me their carrying power. and much intel'csted In the c.f( . Is of the S()-caJJed "rn.c mlnel'aJ.s. bOron Ilnd mn.nga.n :>e. etc. I IlSked what 'he was doin ' abOut hL~ hal' UUs WeL weaLher and he said Wlat h e n.J ways put at \('ast the !lrst cutting in t he sUo so tlmt UlI! 'Weather d id 1l0t. spoU It. He clips his pustw'es twice dW'ing the swnmer and claims that the clippings :wt ns a mulCh and keep the grass green
Veterans Start Many New Business Units
A new -record birth l'fite scems to lusLm l;lons or very sort. 01 improved pI' \Ctie on U11s t.housand be in tho Dll.lking in this country. IncOrl)orutiun of n · w busin SI acr \.1':1.<;1.. H e USI)S 'th aJfulIa prom' 1:'111.'>S comtillnatJon and I \Vas un its hilS increns ed s ulJstnotinllY disap})OmWd liot to liCe on' of bIlCl since the rctlll·t) oC millions of men women fr om the arm 'd aervn leis lor I a LiU do 1)01. know bl'Ome Ilnd Ic s ami the resumption of producgr :.u;:; when r sec IL. Mr. EUlcl Mrs. tion of mamy types of goods . for HnuuJleld arc Jl'i hilly. Inlcresi.lng civilian u se. p oplc who.. 'Ul to be ble to handlc - Ordinllrily 80me 1'>00,000 nw :.lily sit.ualion evcn a. d el uge of garbusiness establishments como into dell lubs I\.lId S unday vi.'iltors. ~ exlstenco annually in t.he United l1u Ve see n mu.IlY nlOli! cla boraLc Stutes. This y or that figure mllY es laLes buL .."C.ldoUl anyone ' WiWl be increased Gubstantinlly by the lIIorc gellllllic e llUlUsl~ m for iln- thousands 01 buain 88 units- started provlllg ~hc hUld on wh.lob we live. every week by veteraJls and oth01'tl. Mos t of the baby businesses are IIma11, like grocery stores und servNOTICE OF HEARING ice stations . MIlIlY soon die. _ But ON TOWNSHIP BUDGET lIome will grow t~ become strong, enduring enterpri ses, crellling th ouNOt.1CC ls h t:J'Cby given Lha.t. on the lIands of new jobs. The busi ness blrthrnt(' is recogtlIl.ecnUI day of July. 1945, a~ 8:00 ni;ed by economists all one of the o 'clock pm ., a publlc hCII.l·1ug wUl best gauges of tho vigor of prlvute oe held on Wo OUCJ.geL :)ropared by enterpris ... W1C TI·ust.ees Of tbe TowllSllip of Wayn e. W!lJ'ren Qoumy , Oh.!o, f OI' tl1c next. succeoding Iu.caJ year endIII DeccmbeJ' 31st 1947. SUcll 11OOJ'ing will be 1101<1 a.t !.be 'l'Ownshlp House. WaYIlCSVille. OhIo. MA YNARDr WEL'l2 Clerk Wayne 'l'ownsllip
While we w re looking at Wl!' writers stUd y and pict.ul·cs .from aJl over Llle world, ~ man in I\. faded J r.- y and n. btu'r h all' cut came In nJld l)eb"al1 t.o talk to tts. l .t 'Wa.5 Mr. 111'01111 I Id · just ill from hclping to III ~cll t.h.' l'USpberl1 eo;. His spon!.a.ncoull C11 Lhu~ia.slll 1I11lkes cven fc rLll lzCl's iDt.eresUng to the nollIlI.rlllCl's, of COW'se as a (almer I
tuul !.he woods 8.l'e .fenced to keep out til, s tock. ill fact ~htll'e lI.l·e U-
The BANTA Implement Service N. East Street
portunlly to U\e' real (arm operatIons 1 won.t bMk to t.h hOtL~ w1~h U) others. ' .
operated by e lectricity. Its employment in prOductlcm makes it a dual. Ung of t:Ile t.r3In.sformation of some pIll'pose tool. 'in \Vhlch one 'use fa cU· worn-out Ohio h1ll ~a.r by the . ltate. another. P()ll'Its out the magalluWlOr. LOuis BI'OlUl'leid was ra.ised zlne read by 1.250,000 tarm famlon an Oh1!>_ farm and a.rter livillK Hes. in India BIIld France IUld oLhcr fal' Typical of elec:trlclty at work II away places and writing many b& t the task performed by a smaU cirsellars ·he came 'back to his Daltlve eular saw in cutting material tor o.nt,e b ...·t so '" ,,1 "" . n... ,ih . the poultry houso 011 George Mid· .;.... • ougUl me ....l"' •• Ul·"", u I! beSt. help he could get and sLa.rLeq d leton's tarm in Kane County, Illi· In to ClU'l'Y out all tile· ~l1od01'n Idca.~ nols. put ou~ by t.he exeprlm ent st.:1Uons One of Ule recent developments and ot.hcrs In lobor-snvinl!. appliances is the . . . churning altaetiJrTui nt which Mra. There Q.l·C IIU\.rI.Y otllers d~lug tile Henry SldenL0I';>. or Li vingston Counsame thmg a.nd the l!U1D l ow'nais ty, nl.. uses on bcr washing rna· a.ro fUll Of Otb01'S who have conU'l- cbJne. Icc Cl,lh"eli made in her reblfl.cd Just. as mMIY n w 1d u.s b uL frlgerator go into the clothes tub to ~" Brom1icld is doing a gOOd job 01 fal'millg' and a mlll'velous job of pUblUlil{g what cnn be done ·to pl'O ve worn out soU and prev Ilt depIction. He believes !.hat neithm' gOOd ~ •
PIllSSed: July 5. 1946. WtA.R.REN BRADDOCK M Attest: Charles James Clerk ayor
~ TE-OL at any drug tore , Apply 1J.l:is POWERFUL PENETRATING :fungiclde F U !L L STRENGTH. Re8cl.1es MORE ge.l"1l1B to KILL LIle Itch. Get NEW fooL
comfort or your 35c
- -v~
I king ilt IJ gam '1lS I slipped down at I.OOk a look nL Llle old bank bu.ru wller th'y w 'I' puOtlng In n 'W OOJlll!l}t. !'loor. Th'n the min (:lI.Ino and t,tlele was no more 01>-
n~:l.lly wa.~
TOM & .JEllR.V
&'CTION 2: That bhe Clerk be. Mld ,lle is hereby clil'ccted 1io furlililh toLhc D1reclm' of Highways and to llie Board of VOuolly .COmm.Issloners lmmedllllt.ely upon the ta.k1ng eUect trhereo!. . SEC'l~ON 3' This """...... • ..."uulEUlce ls bereb declared to be y an emergency mcasW'e for the unmedia:te preser, tl ' · ~:n ani 01 ,~: P~l1! sa.fvelly land .. " .e ra we.......·c w. '..... 0 lllage Of. W41yncsvUle, Ohio, and &hall go into Jull force aud effect upon .Hs pas-
W til
Also: AltCAlW IRider of 1944 K enLtll'ky Derby Winner) ill "i\ttCARO up"
club a revl w which sh had gIven (01' lDother lub of Louis BromG1VlNU O(JNSENT OF THE Vn.- field 's book " PJ 'asant Valley." Then LA E TO 'T'H:E IMPRO'VEM.ENT someo ne Kat. U1e big idea. Why jll.iL 01" MAIN STR.EE'T' ITNDER THE a revIew? Why not go up 'and sc ::';UPERV1S10N OF THE DIREC- t.he place and gel. him 't.o .talk to 'lIS TOR OF .lHGHWAYS. Wlcre? Th Iden. gTew, someone knew Wl::IER.EAS, The Direc tor of High- some<lne who .k new the Bromfields ways is consld erlng the matter of and someone could a.rrange for U1e improvcmeuL wlder hls super- lunch aL Lhe M;l11s f\ d COlUlU'y vision of the publlc highwa.y known Club 50 the plan grew and su.rpr lSa t. StaLe H1ghwuy No.6. and ing to relal.c 011 June 18th It work 'd WHEREAS. Mnln SW·ret. wiUUn Just as pla11l1 ed- cxcept. thAt 11. WI~ village 11es in wllole or pa.rt rained t.oo hard t.o sec the flll'lll. a.long Lbe line of sa.ld hlghwny, saJd We left. Dnyt.on bout eight o'clOCk MEU.u Street. b ing marl;! particularly llnd ojoy d !.he pl 'asan t. drive t.o <Ie I'jbed lIS !ollDws: and past hay fie lds EUld Hcglnnin« at a potnt. wl1ere U1C IIIhcaLflelcls and oat.fl w". especially 00Iumb'us-C1ncJ.nnaU Road. State oo.t.s. There must. have be n Illorc .l:i1J,:1I\\ y . 6, Int.ersec tJle SOULll OOLS plant-ed this year and it lOOks oorpoJ'u,tlOll line of the Village of UJlusunlly fUle. Tills cool wot. WuynesvL1 lc, Oh.1o; t.h nce continu- weat.l.101· has been gOOd for It.. The Ul'g in north-casLeI'ly dlrooUjon I Lures and hay flClc1s are s weet. over and along Wle mute 01 SLaw wlt.h clQver. the l'oo.cIsld s gauo WitJl H g'hway No.6 as ext.ended inl.o saJd eorn WBes Md t.b yarcls With v tllulle ru ld along Main St.reeL. to lmUy,Jl,ocks and ramble!' l'o.<;eo;. l't Ull! nOl·th corporation line of said .>eClIlS ha.rdly possible t.hat. bhere illuge, and t.here Lel'll1inate. in aJI could be a moaL s hol·tage. H ugs a ud :l. CUilLullce of tlPPI'Oxilnal;(l1y 0.6~5 w.t11w laced ca Llie everywheJ·e. Ual·I'Y Illile. cows wlWl big whiLe face d calve.> W1101' " It. Is Pl'Opooed t.o exl.cnd and :;leek lie rCl.s of blacK AngUS Id state hlghway .Improved into. caLWe- wi good. meat, VCI'YWh crc wliJ IUl or I.lU'Ou.:h this vU11l«c an.d III Ute» clover pasLul'cs. Too n ouch WUI!: UW nloresuld Malo Street. wa.t.-er .lrOln the l'cc ' n t rallls W/l.S tN OW 'l'1 :lER£F'OR.E, BE i T OR- bLallCling in Lh COrti 11 Ids t.o look lli)..!.NEU. by 'Llle COLUle il of the Vil- hopef'lll but 'UlC P llstW'CS never lookJilile of Wa.Yn esv We, Si.a.t.e of 011.10: ed betl.cr. BElen·tON 1: Tilll!t. it is declEU'ed Aft.e!· we h a d lW1C:b a.t We to be on Llle public int.erest llhat tihe MahsfieJ.d Country Club we followcor . It 01 satd vill!l4;!C be. Ilnd such 'd ow' guides ouL to Pleasant VaI l\()lIscm . is !lcrel>y given, thlliL said Jey EUld were welcomed L Lhe h OLlSe Main SW' t, or so much thereof lIS by Mrs. Bromfield 'lind t.he famoLl~ IS above described lying a:long the d ogS, bOX01',s, who grc ted l~ with lUle sn1d St.al.e Hlg11Way >No. 6 may noise Lhrul my lIhr . .F'oir those ,w.ho have noL read be improved WIder !.he supervision til' tl'e D' --Lpr of High""""". . " PleflSaDlC 'Valley " It Is n book .·el~ .. ""-'
In ( inecolor) IEclcl ie J)l'all
ORUINANCE NO. 189 (Sc(won 1189, G. C. 01 Ohio)
_ft'aDT -1!C1'....- - - - - - - - - - - - -.-
Portable '~uip~ent
1 Mile North of
Shop-,- Cent';r.ville 7031 . Rea. ' Centerville 7466
Fair ly Fam iliar by EFFELD EE
Eflectiv e w1 th this Issue the M iami Gazet te chang s pa<:e In \.he style of newspa per make- up. ndoptln g t1; popul&r tabloid style . ThIs was done aft l' due conside ration of all angles. Fro.m the reader t.a.nd po ll~ L It make ' for easier r ad1l1g aJld a wid r var1 ty of re~d1ng spaced 'OUt ov~ a larger area. For the ndverti er It E TABLIS HED 1850- NO. 4276 allows a betLer position due to lack WA YNESV ILLE. OHIO of crowded aq.s on fewer pa.g~ . For the publish er It gives a wide)' scope for plannin g and f;l.ppearance. ThJs moderl"\ U'en d Is In keeping
$1.50 PER YEAR -
Deadline Sel' For DENN IS KEITH ASHM EAD Blue Cross Drive Mr . and Mrs . K eith Ashmea d a.re
A COpy
THURS DAY, AUGU l' 8. 1946
w1t h modernl.;,tlC Id as that are be-
Children Photographed Will Appear. In Print
Newly Nam ed .' N~w& Associate . :at once .the MJam1 .1ilimounces the appoint ment of Mrs. Jul10et <YcOoy ) Eff
'Earnha rt 88 assooia1le editor of local newll. In conjunc tion wttb iIbe new styling 11be l\fiam4 , Gazette it Is nttlng that every. effort be made to CODlIp1le all of the news of tale oomml\l Illty. . In t.1J1s rep.rd It 'will be ~hlY apprecla.1.ed if the readers and residents of the commu nity will cooPera te in SupportJD¥ tneir neWspaper by calling or sending in J;lew.s items. News ca.n be'sellt or ceJled in to ·t Ile Gazette of.f1ce ait ~ time - Jllbone 2143. Juliet will be In bhls otfl~ on Monda~
&lid Pri~
fiom 9 to 5, or;
8he can be , oon1;ac~ . 8i~ her • hOme -
Phoue 2810.
t.wo .atu'd ent nunes,' both Seruor cadets at the Miami Hospita l School of Nursing. Dayton . Ohio. have been selected to Valley spend the last six months of their three-y ear training J)!!I'lod at the Claremo re Indian hospItal in Oklaho ma. As Wilma HO,mbeCK <left.) Is ,.out the map to her frtend,' Prapces Billhlmer. Olarem ore is polntlng the very heart of tb,e Indll\ll country . It 18 also the hometo wn of Willin~:ers. . There are !pore opening s fot such exciting aSSignments than it sible to fill. accord11l8 to Minnet ta 'SC;bafer. director or nurses at I~ pos~aml Valley hospital . To alleviat e t~e serfous shortag e of bOth student and grad~te. nurses, Miami Va~ey bPsplta l will accept 80 new student nurses forlhe fan ~ines~t. begtnhl lig s.:~t.~. ~ B.cbafer ~d.
Rev. ' R . B . COie'inan, pastor at the MethOO1st ChUrch , Was opera.tec1 on at ' Grant hospita l at OolUhlbus. , BiB condltlQn is repol1ted to be satiefacU>ll' . ~t
of ~e toea.! Gt'&l'lge n:ttended . THE MIAMI GAZETTE - Pace I Mr,. R . J . Rietiruul is the guest WAYNESVILLE, OIDO ...:. No. 4:e'78 THUR DAY, AUGUST 8. 1946 of relatives nt Ft. T homas, K y .
(N me of Pelon) T he Tar Hollow Grou p Rw'a l R,oU . l' 3.
C~p ,
CELEBRATE BIRTHDAYS Mr . and Mrs . On lln Bar on asslst.ed by Mrs . Shennan Montgomery and )'1r . H e \'~h t' 1 Hildel'l>recht. el\\A:'l'talned a group of youngst I' Sa uTdny eve In omplim ent t.() M ~ leI'S . Oohnld :\Od Paul Burton who arc
HOLD PICNIC The C<>nu1lunlt y H elpers Clllb he d a picnic dmner Sundny a L Jaoobs Park sout.h of town. WCTU MEETING The W . C . T . U . orgnnlz tiOll meL Ilt the home of MT5. Eva McDomlld. Tl' lI\'~ d a y afl f:r noon .
lCDool -
e :30 A. K . 10:3().'
(eeUng for Worship -
ST. AUGUSTINE CHURCH Father Kramholb. Prtat M.a8s Sunday - " :00 A. K .
IL. b. Coleman. MlnIIter SUNDAY SCHOOL 9 :30 Mrs. Raymond Conner, WORSHTP SERVICE 10 :30 YOUTH FELLOWSHIP. Thwociay, 7:30 CHOIR PRACTICE Vlednesday, 7:30
A. ~. Supt. A. M .
P. M.
Kers, Lay Reader-tn-obarge . No Services during Augus t
Il'. M. 8eufl. MIn. . . CJuDdaJ sebooI _.. 8:30 A. II.
. B. A. 1IarDbart, lupertnt.endIDL
1\'11" . J enny Bell of SCllllE'I'Svllle. U the housegue t of her brother-lll- for Darton where S11 11 accepted PICNIC SUPPER AT fnw a nd "lSlel'. Mayor and MI'S employment . SCHOOL GROUNDS fiany S. Tucker and daughter. Miss l\IRS. URTON CELEBRA1'E The Waynesville Ohu rch of Christ Evalj·n . NINETIETH BIRTHD i\ l' Bible School is 0 hav a Ba kct DAKI~ IN no PITAL Mrs . Alice Ur t9n who celeblll eel Supper and P icnic at the WayuesMr . Fred Dakin ts confined to her 90Ul bll'lhday B1U1ivel'snry on ville School HOll':; tills F riday even- Miami Valley H pita!. Dayton: Wednesday was feted \\ith a lovely Ing. Aug . 9 at 7:00 p .m . Mrs . A. S . Col1ett, entertained '\ dinner by her neph w a.nd fam.1lr There will be game , conte.;t.s and group of ladles to a rOllnd 'Of cards neice. Mr . and Mrs . Lyle Robe n ellterta inment ~r everyone C'Oma Satw'day evening. One table wa- In at whose llome she r ides . O nl y and enjoy the fello~shlp and get play during the evening , Covers were (better acquainted . Everyone w'el- laid f'O r Mrs. Clyde I..evlcy, M1 . members or the family :were presen . come . Laura Shidaker. Mrs . :Fred. Harlan • READ THE CLAS IFIED ADS • This Is also to be a farewell serv- nd the hostess Mrs : C()llett. ice f'Or the Walter Frasure family Mr . and Mr.> . Clifford Doster and wh'O have sold th eir home and. are daugh ter Sandra Sheryl, were In moving to Florida.. Cincinnati. Saturday to visit Mrs . Doster'S re latives. Mr. and Mrs. oarl Brown had as their weekend guests Mrs. Brown's s!:ster, Mrs . Jolm Babb and Mr .
II Fight .ellell
Goal of New World Order
PEACE OF MIND THROUGH LIFE INSURANCE 1100.00 per month for 10 years &.0 your lamUy II yOU do not live.
5100.00 per month fM Ill. lor yi)arseU at retlreJQeni. All of theee benetlta In ODe poUcy.
"Let there be no mtstake. The Babb of C<>lwnbua . MARION SNYDER principle of the Oneness of ma.nldnd Mrs. Dallas Barton aIld sona, DonRepreeent1ni -the pivot round. whiCh all title ald'. hUl and John weTe ~ursday AYNESVILLE \ - . teachings 'Of Bahnu'Uah rev'Olve- evening dinner guests 'Of Mr. a.hd FAaMERS-TRADERS CHURCH of CHRIST Is n'O ' mere outburst of Ignorant Mrs . . Scott Hopkins olf Bellbrook. LIl"E INSURANCE 00. Itobff& L. VaoZDe, Minister emoti'Onalism or an expression of ~IOVE TO VILLAGE Pbone 111-1. vague and pl'OUS hope" . . . "I ts Mr. -and. Mr6 ......J~cp:b-OIla.r'k-9:fl,d----I• • • implications are deeper, its clainu; famUy who have. been residing 10 Don't get overtired. ExLEBANON, OHIO treme fatigue makes you Even1n1 service greater than any which the Proph- Miami Shares for the past three • • • ets of old were all'Owed to advance . years have removted to Harveysburg an easier victim. The SUN~AY EVENING SER- Its message Is" appllca.ble not only and are occupying the residence near MON tilts week Is to be delivered to the individual. but concerns itself the William Lukens faIm. by Brother Donald Peel. student a t pr1ma.ri.ly with · the llaIture of those Mrs . George Wa.terhouse of the Cincinnati Bible Seminary. essential re~atl'Orisnlps that must Wa~ville was a cl!l.ller a.t the Servk:Je8 will begin at 8:~0 ,p .m. bind ali the ' states and natloflS as h'Ome of Mrs. Louise F it-e and Jane, Your minister Is to take four 'Of the members 'Of ~me hunum family ." Sattu'day a.fternoon . Intermediates to the Tri-State . . . "It represents the consuma.tlon Mr . and. MIlt. StanlE!Y Ingals and Christian Service Camp. of human ev'Olution- an evolutJ,on family of Gt'eentleld were Sunday The INTERMEDIATES THAT that has.'had its earUest beginning guests 'Of Mrs . Ingal.s· parents. Mr . ARE GOING TO CAMP please brlrig I..n the birth of family life. Its sub- aDd Mrs . Howard Ooillns . J!OUl' baggage and be ready to start ~uent development 1n the ac.h1eveMiss Doris Hesler is now staying ~ t 1 30 da ment of trlibal solldarity. leadina in at the home of Mr . and MrB. aor camp III : p. m., Sun y. - ... Bring a lunch to eat Sunday even- turn to the constitution 'Of the city- Russell Bennett. 4'i~~t:-~,__ tog for n'O meals will be served. at state, and expanding l&ter into' the Mr. and Mrs. RalJl~ RiCh aDd ea.mp until M'Onday mornJ.ng. Meet 1nBtioutlons of indepedent and sov- 1'am1ly are spend1na a vacation in lit 't he church. ' ere1gn nati'Ons ..... " . . . Attaln- Michigan. JUNIOR CHRISTIAN ENDEAVOR went to this final st,qe in this Prot . and Mrs. H. C . M11llgan GIGANTIC PARADE OF ~ stupendous ,e volution fa not only have g'One to Cleveland t» visit relaOHIO'S RESOURCES 'N meeting at 7:00. U you are under nece6Sary but Inevitable, that lots tives. Mrs . Mllltga,n's mother. MIrs . AGRICULTURE. HORTI· : h ~~OOI age, ~e and you will regulMlon is fast a.pproaching a.nd Griffiths plana to retw1;l h<Jme with CULTURE. LlYESTOCK.· ay ese meet.. ,&s. Mrs. ~r thatI n'Othing short of the power that them.. Srown and . Mrs. Robert VanZile. ts born of God. call suoceed in esta.bMr . and Mrs. Raymond. Eakins INDUSTRY. EDUCA· are sponsors. l18b1ng it," and family are guests of Mr. ElUdns' :rION. FINE ARTS . UNlOR CHRISTIAN ENDEAVOR --5hog!h1 Effend brother. Mr . and Mrs. cecU EIUtIns meeting a.t 7:00. If you are of High Helen McCoy, Waynesville. O. and ramUy at Walhonding. , School age or above come and en'" OBSERVE RURAL Llf'E ,. Of .Joy these meetings which a.re of ~1. PRONE NEWS ITEMS TO Rural ute was obsE!rVed · Sunday ) MI6tIT AND DAY t erest to Young People. Ray Klontz. . alta 01' 2910 at <the MethodJ8t 0'hUf(:h. The IU><lD8Or. . A \ Thl' year tpend ..vend day, at the Ohio WOlIbip ..me. - 10:20 A. II. Jt/en1q . . . . - '1:10. P. II.
, \V
. -.:AUGUST 24th - 30th COLU~BUS. OHIO
....•....•..... ...................... ~
;, Plt&YER MEETING at 8:00 p .m . :eadl Wednesday. Come and worship :WIth u.s at this mfd.-week service. lir1n8 your Bible. Your m\n1ster 14 pIann1ng to be at 'I1h~ TRI-STATE CBRIS1'IAK SBRVlCE (lAMP during the next tw'O weeks beginning Sunday. His Ikmily will remain at home, so it lOU need him you can contact them. The ADDRESS OF TIlE CAMP, for mail. or 1f y'OU 1Vish to telephone,
--.- ....... .
I' t•
Gerald McWilliams of 3rd Street has acquired ownership of the W. B. Squires gravel pit located on Gravel Hill east of Three Bridges.
State fait. Something doing every minIM, dtly and night, for every member of tho
family. Thrllll,. ham", rae... gigantic Grandstand spectacle, e.citlng outdoor tide. Wotid'.largolt Junior fa,lrj Amorfca',
greatest Pam Machinery ,Show.
PIT RUN GRAVEL AND SAND • ,, ;'..... . '
JOfHl M HODSO'j . Dor p<lo, 01 A9"",lIu, . B P SANDLES Mllnnqrr
••••••~.~_H.~...._•••••~.".H.~...._._...~~~.".H.H.~...._._.••••"_~...__•••••".H.~...._._...~."'H.~. _.----________________~________________~~__~~==::~
TIlE MlAMJ GAZE1TE - Pa«e 3 stone opera h ouse bullt in the !'old WAYNE VlLLE. omo - No. 42'7 6 rush days which has been resLored THUR SDAY, AUGUST 8, 1946 for a s wnmer opera eason and to give me tourist a chance to see wI at
a n old gold camp looked like. Th rt' H Ol e, the old hotel with the "Face on the Bar Room Floor" and other old Um e IMture. We ca me back by way f Vil'gima Canon !lh'l'Ough l dal10 S prings over the most h air- r aising moun tain road I have v r trav led . It is a w 11 car d for two lane gra vel rood but it is wha they call lID "eye brow" road. It twists and turns around hairpin turns wit.h 9. S e r drop of I und reds of leeL down on one ~Ide an I ' reat roclq' slopes above you and no way of seeing what is oomlng around
. Is the Teller
From a F'arm Diary Tru~d e ll Ranch. hig-h In the Rockies. thirteen h undred m1les or m cl' . frrrn ", nyn ns\Ule fOI"I), n ile or more from D nver. twelve miles from Evergreen Rnd almost five m.1 les from the mall box. At th e mail box you leave the 'pti bllc highway come thrc.ugh Lhe "W1lit.e Gate" int.o privately owned land a..nd on up tne vall y, then through another gaw and uP . the mountaIn . The n ew roa.d which hey consldr r very good twists Rnd turns up and down An d \lP aga in to the thll'd ga,te and hen you ar e on Truesd 11 land. My car be,ned Rnd talJed on ever y hill All h wa y in he fi rsl time bu now It only 001 s as I have learned. h ow t,o get more power on the R.5Y pla.res so that, I ca n make the steep plar!'. FrC'm .hl' Th ird gate you go down pas t.h Beavrr Ponds Rnd I p R,:"a,in 'nto th 'Jve Y JU.tle valley where h e ranch nou po Me. There are a.bcut 2000 Rcres In h
that turn Blhead of you. Even the wonderful v1ew of the hlg'h mounta ins couldn 't, emlre., tn k m ;\' m1nd off of U1St unguarded gravelly dge. We were comlng down which p ut us on Ule outside edge. I kn w we ha d a safe driver an d we went sl wly but. when he pointed out Lhe points a intere I. or we mel. a oar I had hat weak feeling in the stomaoh .
no trouble findlng accommodatl01l6 . perhaps because we took the firs t lhmg at ha nd j f Lh be( s w~re clean a nd tJley all wer e tha t we looked at and we sl,OPpe<l before dar}: . W.:. left IKm e about 10 : T~lursday m rI 'ne: and al'l"ved in Denver about -1 :30 Saturday a.fternoon ·.\,ithcut an y lung worse than ' a v1ng s «) fLr \\a Ler at a. farm .ouse lJecau& Lhe engine wa.s boilmg so hard aft r It does n't seem possible that 60 we SLru k the high ltitude in Colomuoh of the summer is gone. Here'R rado. h oping for ':001 w e a ~h el' when il Is time to oome back acr .- K am c, It is hard to thlJ1k of hot da.ys and Missouri. Winoib. I nd iana an.d Ohio. nights when it is so cool h ere. '~je It wasn't bad com.1 g and we had mornings are clear 8l d bright 8l1<i
hot In the sun bu then comes our daily thund l' storm and It cools <oft and is very ~l at nig ;.,t _ a lovely vacation pla 'e, ovely .now and a t.her tell us even lovelier In the faU up un t,i] Christmas or even all win.. t ~- but we can't be here then to know. The ma il only goes when some one ~ g ~ l!1g:. tU,\11 . wo or three limes a week ond we ar e lar awa y f r :>m the worries of lhe world, bUL b e fora long it \\111 be time to orne back to the farm and the ninet.een pups. So
see you later.
----- - --_._----
offers you so many advantages
2 Doors from Aer onea.. 1608-16--12
Gennantown ReI . Middletown art' h elping to keep our transportation . ~t em in use thrOUg;h their ucelI rnt f'el"Vice in Top and . Body work, lli!buildlng 01 Wrecks, P ainting and R.. rln ishlng , . . Ex pttt In ma tchin, c.olors Underbody Protectipn t or old and new Cars and trucks . . . Protects from ru t and corro~o n Ilnd preven t many repair bills 'h.n Rocky . . . Quick Servi ce, "Factory" Ia.-.t t i 9' _ r esults Cl:\sts ~ urpri ingly moderate moot aJl unspoil ed lAnd .h l ;: a i ., Dial 2-9265 . Wll!> l:'~fo ' wh !'~ 'r' " 1 - "' ~!' Oountrym a n ' Pa.lnt. & B ody S hop P atches of STea,· :ellow f 11 . rl " an a uto renewal sh p which !s blue I:prll~!>. bare rc:-lrv noted 1 r Its oompletene ,up-tolov ly mount airs mO>'!o<' the-minute aut{) ref1n1 hing meth up t{) timber Un!' on ~ . Ih e r J-1gh l':lk r ' 1!~" cl nx,. c- cps and reaso 'Slble price . T hey ar" o be compliment d for the importA smollpqrt. "J :: e : Rn -h ls ' (1 " " - a n t pRrth y are aldng in our prcam to keep our cars and trucks In ed .. The rlU\ch r cuts nncugl l~~ 'h" . ... -- ~ .... ' "T .• j t' hr ·-c ~ . Cf\,"" r: service. even ' !.hough hey have met end clln ra '1 R II tl oa's. some ry - '\11:11 a serious accldent. and po a.tee And ~~ n ! .gllr';~11 ve~ They' ate e.,<pel't :t>cd y surgeons a nd etable . It Is ·too hi ,h t' d r r" ' feat ure the repalr1l1.g of and PI n llh for c"ro or l:Ienru l1r.d n, · bodl~ . meta.! parts an d fender~ . If a, C"p bu' e:'. · o·n8.")'> -r-d n'" you have been unfortunate and gotI tu"e " d r~ h~r c1'i (!l; T ""' l n ~ 1 n into ,a smash-up !!hey are ready , q (' uri~h !,;'ld so :; t.h r o rE'poir or rebuild the body Gl' :v " s ' '1' " T - ' j. sl.ralghten the fenaers and YOW' car, , , '.... \\\hen i.u~ned new Rnd 'there will be Pilld i . -:c' -, b" '. ..., .• l ' , ," n o squ~ Bks nor rattles anywhere . ~ ',... fA They are headquarters tor tha t. 'T"" ! "' or~ ' l" "'ond. -[11 1. h n ne service in Underbody Protection . WC<I<l and meadows are f . J] of tham . 'After steam cleaning the under body One yeer r:~ a ~ lm1la :' pls'Ce n':t far of' cars and trucks an' asphalt base - "' ., ' :- f:: over a ' hund- Is spr ayed on WhiCh protects from red varieties within easy walkloj; rust and corrosion. I ts many eoondistance of the l"JOUSe and ,th" e or ~ amy features prove it a 'good invest, -.:~. ' I;, ! .a:: y r more here. The ment . woods are full of glea.t < b ig blue ColPaint pr~ventB rust and if you let do "Olt:mbins: . f ive lmet a.s "clg them touch up tlhe bad spots or I; !) ar.y VIC !7vw and the I'l1&rlpooa scraped .places or an all-over pa.int Ill!es are In t1beir Prime. Th ~ \V aN! job, you 'wdll tM! ~ miles to ~ a ut he s:ze and shape of a Shirley transpo11t8ltion ~uipment. J:'Oppy , but with on ly three petals and dark marking in the center.
They shade· from whtt~ to deep lavender . 'I1he g-illas, a tall cl'!ke full ,of delicate flower shades from white to deep cora.] red . Bluebells and blue penstamen . .tall blue larkspurs and monks hood are in full bloom too and countless others big and llttle. It is too high for ,successful cattle ralslng, that is they can rlJOIt , ralse enotI(ltl money to pay. .for the damthrougih the winter to really mak ~ enoueh money topay for t he damage I,h a.t grazing does to tlhe forests 80 they only have enough for their own use. This coon tTY Is all lnt a gre&it game reserve so we often see deer ~d elk. TJlel'e is a. block of salt &cross' the meadows in front of our house and In the early evming and mornilng we o~ten see them. We saw B. porcupine lumbering along the other day and the k:yo~ howl a t njght.
we drove over to Central m.:1n1na txYWn 'Wlth a
.. (my, the old
.,. So many well-paid different types of work are open to you, and you work with highly skilled professional men and women. HINK of the adv antages you enjoy as a you are a high school gradua te , sec the Adminnurse! Firs t-three years of education at istrator or Director of N urses at the school • fraction o ( the cos t of college (free , in some of'your choice, or write tod ~y for inforrr.atio n schools), Time off eve ry week, lIummer .vaca- on bow .,oa can become a s tudent nurse. tion , and a friendl y life in a coll egelike dormitory . Whetl you graduComparison of Net Salaries Paid to Vlcmon ate , you are we ll-paid, better than H you choo.e any of the po.lt~n. Of' pro"saton5 sc :'r :: t? r ies or teachers (sec 'box at ao!a"'" lilted IMilo"", . eo thIrd co"!mn ·r i;;h t)'. In fact, some IDurses maI.e fer amount .,ou would have left:' over $S, OOO a year. A,· ('nu ! _It (", C(I'I/',. ,',
I RAY-ette' 1
Food &
Cold Wave
A s Il g rm!U:llC, you may ch.:.:;:;:: amon.( m llny types o f work, hospital!), private pract ice, P ublic Health Ser vice, '\ cte rans' Ad m inistration , Army or Nav y nur~ing, etc. If you m arry , y our nu rsing experience will be invaluable to you in bring ing u p y our family . ClasstS arc forming ,.ou' in tbe Schools of 1': ursing liMed below . If
7be ' peak of perfection in tile art of cold waving .. We recommend this wave for satisfactory and lastlni resulta.
OFFI CE WORKERS (LUlie cl tln , Orr. "e ~ Ir l ". . . . . . . . . . . • . . . . , n.no St cn ;, ,.,"phen .. .. ... . . . . . . 33.00 T EA Cn ER~ . PRI NCIPAl ,S AND 011iER PUBLI C SCii
flr'tf t
$14 .37
1: :rP ~ Hhl $.
J (ueJ . S ' :'i"t r
$ 1.';j
1<.. 1')
P ERSO NN EL. . . • • . . • • • •..
S16 .81
r"",,·IIlt h
t ....·tllth
NURSES RCl1ulor ~t1lfr Nunes . .• . . . . '18.86-$ 38.(6 Provid ed $1 8.:11,, $ 38.46 Vet~... onR·
Hcad Nurtaes . .... ... . .. .. 57.:tI- 7• . 50 C hlcr ~ u...e8 . . . .
.. . . . .. .
70.00- U • . 87
' '1. U 9.13
.8.07- 65.27 60.17· IUS.'"
TRAINED VOLUNTEER RED CROSS NURSE'S AIDIiS The chances Of'1 your hospital needs )'ou. Why not check todcy ~
MASTERS Beauty Shop FormerlY the Emma.
B. Main -
CINCINNATI O.ocon... Hospital School cf " U"ln9 B.thesda Hospital Schqol of Nu rsln9 J.wish Hoslla l Schoo l of Nunlng , Christ Hospital School of Nuning Collell. of NursIng and H.alth. Uni •• n lty of C" ·1n.." Good Somarltan ' ~lospJtal School of Nursing
Waynesville. Ohio
&4 •
HAMILTON M.rcy Hospital Sellool of Nurs:ng
G ,,~ ~ ; .l mMlta n HOI;>ila l School of Nursln9 St. Elizab.th He, pital School of Nu"ing Miami Vall .y Hos" ltal School of /'Iu"in\l.
MI(,DLlTOWN M id c1 l . t ow~
Hos?ital Schco, , f
N u rsi ~9
5I'R :I: ~FIEL D
Springfi.ld City Hospital School of Nu"ln9
their need nor an explanation of their a pp!lcat"on , I like at thts time to briefly outline TIlE MlMD GAZE1TE - Pap 4 ~ a. servant c.ould eJo.--pecL part of their program: WAYNESVILLE, omo - No: d16 trom ~h land OW11er . The wer system which fOI: so THURSDAY, AUGU T 8, 1946 ESTABLISHED 1850 YeL, taxpayers a re doing chat very Lhing every da y long has presented a sh mwul a n d Publ1shed Every Thursday by DAVISSON PRESS tlnd continue to blindly pay out wltilOl.ll k.t\vwiI If why . disgnlCeful pl'Oblem \\-111 soon be FLOYD L. ,DAVISSON, Editor Th ultimate end of 11 condition sucll as J1 1s can only placed in operation. At the pre ent Entered as Second ClBM Matter a t the Poot Office mean disaster. time plans are being coru;ider d by Sub6crlp~lon Rates: $1.50 per Year in Advance How can It be stopped? When the floor is lifted frol11 them to pass the necessary .ord Mrs . Goorgla nna. Ivins returned a corn-erlb In! t d with rat the roden t soon are nance , etc., to put the machinery Tuesday ' from ~a vis it wlllh her killed off or leave. Whe n the l!ght .of publicity is turn- In operation a nd a llow th e use of dnu!!hters. Mrs. R uth Dakin of Leb'd on public office- Clle graft · and political greed \\'\11 the ystem thus eliminating fu rlhe ' anon and Mr ' . Ethel Deo.nh of The season of the yea r will soon roll around when soon dlssapear. The power of t h e pre.<s ca n till b~ unplesant gutL rs. etc., thit; w1ll Frt\nkl1n . politicians tart th "hand -shaking back - IJpplng" made evident If it is brought to bea t: upon t hese probably be a ccompHshed within the Mlss Elizabetll Chan.dler spent call1 palgn to Induce voter~ to place them in 'publ1c Uu' da ys this II' k In Colwnbus ofl ' ce. Their manners IV II be friendly and courteous . things . In the higher up Ciffic <'s of tJI land the pre 11 Xl six months, Is now subject to ~he governmenta l power , I ts voke· The ne~' Water Works which \\1il attendlng a conIel'ence of the gradth·, y will go well out of their WflY to be overly nice to everyone and J,na ny bal,ies 11'111 be sotUldly kL'<Sed. Is .i m what contI' lied by t!lo 'e in p lblic office, Fel\' be located in t he North end of to\\'!! uate stud nts honorlltg Dr . Boyd T 1en come .Nov mber electIOn. the vote will be 11 ~ papers fellrlessly print the tt'U 11. Most new 1· between Main and Thil'd St6 .. \\'Ui Bode . 11 ve been completed and in operaCOlin ted . the winners n med, nd imm dintely the censored, Th 10 cal point from which to begin a publicity don in the next foul' months. M~ Esthel' Farquhar of Indla.n"under-cover" movement takes effect wi th the resul t a ttack on these condit~ons is a t the .mall end . Ba ck Main t reat I to be re:mrfuced In apolls I\~JS t he gue t of her aunt, the public hears no more from the office holder until wi h the c.oulllry weeklies. P lltical power ha bu t.h e nell.1. couple of weele" The nee- Mrs . Eva 1)'1 Pe Lerson on S atu rday anothe r election roll.:; around. They are in the same and unday . little Influence with tme Indepede ntly olmed. non- essal'=" Ordinance (Ordinance l89) category as Lhe Easter Sunday hurch-goer . ' p~tlstan weekly newspa per. Through t heir colunms WitS plI ed on July 5th and ls t he MI' . Georgia Mellde nhllll, Mrs. 'I e be el elect to a public cHlce ts I:l. acrcd trus Inpublici y can be u_ed to clear up condi lolt in thei r next Job 00 be sch eduled . Ev Iy n Peterson and M OlI ve vest d by the people who pay for tJlls ervice . Many Wi lliom a t tended t h e Garden Club community . Tiu mp Ign will 'ow , Now that the new Locker Plan t I in}medlat.e 'who assume dut.les of IUs public nature are very con~preadlng from conununlty to commun ity until the under con tructlon pla ns are bel J at tlbe home of Mrs· Hoak on Tllure scientious in their work and exactly hon . t in a U ~he y day afterl1Jon, larger Lo\ms and clUe will eventuaBly be forced :) made to op n u p the r es of Miami . do . Ma ny oth r canll t be so well poken of. While tollow the sa me plan . street and put a black top .,unaee MI 'es Ru th and Elizll b th Chandit Is rare that an insronce ls foun d where a ny proof ReporU; from office holders in e' ch communi ty in it next year, U11 will make avail- IeI' and Dr . EmnUl HollolVay a tend'of wrong doing can be had It ls u-ually eviden t tha t its people to know hoI\' and why their ta o able more parking space. etc. ed the Friends Quarterly Meeting at will enable such s presr:nt because of ge nera.l condltion ex1sllng . money Is being spen t. Oouncils . Trustees. School I believe th a,t Mayor Bradd ck Selma on Sunday . These Instances are fOUlld Irom the highest to the Mr . and Mrs . E . F . Poland of lowest office in the land. Na.tional, Sta te. County, Boards, they are the mall office hol.ders to be sme. and the Council deserve a lot of Township and Municipal of!tc holders' are alike but publicity conce.rning their ac tlvltle \\111 lead t o prnlse and a vote of [hanks and .Sarasota. Fla. . Mr . a.nd Mr. Ed appreciation as well as our \\'hol ~ Phllhps and children of D yton. Dr. subject to tlbe will of ~h people but are rarely sub- news from t.he higher-ups. While the taxpa~'er is content 00 payout with n.earled support towards accomp- and Mr-. Gail E . RUSl um, Mrs. Jec ts that are willing. AIter being ' well settled in office It Is t he popular trend 00 cease to be a s ervan t knowing why 01' what for . t he public 'office will COll- lishlng these goals. They have been· Bob Kersey and baby daughter and and become a ruler. The people who elect their public tll1ue to operate quietly and without publicity. When working very hard for some time MIss Mar"aret Russwn were Sunservants to office are beCOming bhe servant of those the. people decide they really want to know what It now, and It h'(is been necessary for day afternoon vlsltors of Miss Mar""ho are supposed bo .serve. Taxpayers continue to Is all about then force will be brought to bear to them to h ave ~e~ t\\1ce already till gar t Edwards. -----pour billions Jnto public coffers without knowing what bring about tlbe proper Imowledge. The best medium month. They l1a.ve been hamper,ed ot thls force Is the weekly newspal1~r. I t ls to the by Ule war ana are now faced with SPEND WEEK ,IN OINCINN~TI it Is used for or why It ls being used. public interest that they should be supported in 'any a series of problems a.nd Itualtlons Mrs. Graoo Schuler ls pending . U a farm owner bired a. servant "to oPera;te his land Ulls week at the home of her dW14fhand this servant made repeated demands for ·funds endeavor to bring about' 'an enlighl;ment of public buIlt up over a period of yeam. It will be the ptJrpo6e of· this com· tel'. Mrs . Lena Smith and fa.m1ly in aIfa1rs. to operate the farm without giving any reason for __ ___ __ _~_____________________ mlttee to continue to work with t.be OincinnaW Is qudl.e evident what
The Miami Gazette
The Guiding Light
Civic Club Keplys To Gazette Editorial w~e O1v1c Club Wa.ynesvi1le, Ohio August 8, 1946 11'. L . Da.v1Sson .... ~itor 'Ilhe Miami Gazette Wayne6vUle .Ohio ' Dea~'Mr . ~v1sson:
Relative to' the editorial entitled
'T!ag Waving" 'w~ch a.ppeared. in tile July 25th isSUe of YOUr good papfl'. We are a.t a loss to understand how any of t he Village offlc1.als ~uld possibly be offended by anything contained In the re""'" of
the report submitted to you at the time and we are qutte sure that if ~ will do blUs it will prove to all wbo will take the t1me to read it tl'la:t the olvk Clup Is not trying to '~e f,~m anyone cred1t due for a-ny activities, toward the wel.fare of our community. Very truly yonrs Waynesville C1rtc Club ft. 0, Moler, Pre6ide,llt MaY'tl8ll'd F. 'Weltz. Sec TJIE LE'lTERJuly 16 1946 ThIs marldng ,t he clooe of the
first quarter of the current fiscal year, I would like to SUbmit ' the folloWtng report on tbe activities ' and findings of the Public Affairs Commi"'-
w .., responsible the Club activities, which was sub- eveq, active relation the Olub mitted ,t o you. have outside .t he organ1Za.tion 'W e, invite you .to publish in full Is not mherwlae provided. for, >""'"
for may bhat and
Phoae 2651
Waynesville National .,..AN.JWIJI)
Councll in every way Possible for the shall also formula.te a program of bettennent of the couununlty. public activities (Article vn Sec. 4 . Respectfully submitted, 1. AIt a previous meeting I reportFrancis G . Brown, ed that this commlltt~e had sent ' a . Ollalnnan proposal to C<!ouncU requesting better tightlng !a.c:illties oq Ma.in Street. I am happy 't o report filla.t on p '""' " HOURS: July 5th, Council passed the ~esolution ~~ the ca~dlepower of the It,. JANE nTit 9-12 each morning . lights at the In.ter-sect1on of Main Oonversationa: "Helen doesn't and North sts., Main and Miami 1-5 afternoons except sts., and on the corner of the alley smoke." (Maybe Helen doesn't keep Wednesday . her mouth shut long enough . "We between Oscar SmIth's ,and the 7-9 Saturday evening are really strong girls" sez I . " Just as ~~ P:n~ ~or.th and Miami strong QS ' a bucket of pre~wai laird" Other evenings by S. ~ I"Om 100 candle- 6eZ she. Appointment power ~ . cancllepower. That three (3 new 400 csmdlepower lIgh~ • • • TELEPHONE 62-R be l.n8te.lled in the! middle of the . A speclal lllt!6Sage to Mr . O . W . squares between ::X'yler and North of Wa.ynesvUle: YI!6. I got to see sts.. North and MIami sts, and the Devil. I looked In the mirror! . . Main and High st8. AUCTIONEERING Optometric Eye Specialilt 2. According to a let:.t;er' received STANLEY aDd KOOGLER from J . M. Donaldson 1st AS.;t. aouaa LleaH . 26 South Detroit Street , P~~ ~ne~ as invest~tlon Par 0&*. PbODe a.6, WIQ'Deft1Ue: 1.8 wing made with a vieW' to grantXENIA, OHIO ' 0IU0.~~ ing Oity Man Delivery. In aooord· •• e, . • • ance to this we Jnust erect Sign PoetB. a t the int.er-6eCtlons and nwnber ,the houses· Side walks must ' al80 be put in wh4~ they are not already present. This committee would like to, wah the approval of 'the Club, order ,t hese Signs aI; eoon BASE ROCKERS - TILT BACK CHAIRS as possible. These signs 't o be black BARREL BACK CHAIRS 011. wht~ 4Va" ~ 16" to 24" of em,... bossed steel. The (:om w1ll be apA NE~ LINE OF <$500.00) ,this to be ra1sed by public subscription. 3. We learned tlll18t it mtght be pos.sible w estabUsll a small manufactur1n8 concern t:tere which would END TABLES - LAMP TABLES employ 25 to 50 peirBOns if 'w e could COFFEE TABLES t urn1ah a 'b uUdInir suitable tor ~ factory. Only ~ butld.lng Is an.UA FINE ' SELECTION' OF ~le aDd- I do not believe that this w1ll be satisfactory. U anyone laJoW',; of all10ne 'W1ll1ng .to butld & factory bU11dini of over 5000 sq. ft . .I will NU-ENAMFJ.. KEM TONE see ,t hat they are granted a long tenD lA!ue and ·fibie town w1ll be ~tly lbenefi.ted by such a mcmt;
Dr. C. E. Wilkin
"The 'House of Quality'"
9hrome Breakfast Set.
.~~g Room S\Jit••
.WaynesviUe ,FlII1Iiture & App6aoce. Co.
Il'Wa oodnlttee hiM d1sou8ged wltth t.b8 00ImcU acme lair the iaIp'ove- C.bboDa
';;;;;;;;;;iiiiiiiii~iiiiiiiii;;;;;;;;;;;=-iiiiii5iI~iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii...;~mema planned by ~ aDd , WOUld
Bid•• , North St., W ayneevill., Oh~, Phoae 2421 H
THE MIAMI ·(lAZETl'E - Pa&'e 5 tng. He Is eo graduate of the 01056 of WAYNESVILLE, omo - No. 4276 '43 at. Wayne3v111e mgh S chool and THURS DAY, AUGUST 8, 1946 has recently been released from du ty with the U . S . Na.vy. ' ,
Bridge- Luncheon At Virginia Keys' - '-
Mrs . Vlrgina Keys entert.alned a.t h I' h me on Thursday. August 1. with a bridge -luncheon. P rizes weI' WOI1 by J ean BUlU1ell , Rita R ill and H len Lang ndorrr . Guests of Ml . Ke were Mrs & l'l1ice POlinSk)'; Mrs . L e 11 a Thompson; Mrs . Dorothy Hawke ; Mrs . Elsie Welt.z; Mrs. Do roUl \, Stou ; Mrs. Cleta Ellis ; Mrs. Louise T urner; Mrs. Rita Hil l; Mrs . Louella Brown: MI' . Margaret. Roge s : M1 . R ULh Edgln ton ; Mrs. 'Evely Swart zel; Mrs . J ea n Bunnell M rs . M1ldn l(i Sm ith; Mrs . Mnry Dye; Mrs . Jean Ala baugh ; Mr . Helen Lang n dorff ; Ml' . Lucll Robinson; Mrs . Rose Turn r ; Mrs. D . R . Sa.llsbw·y; Mrs . H zel Conard; Mr . Mary Hartsock; Mrs. Da -y S nyder.
Moninta Bunnell entertained to dinner Sunda.y, Mr . a nd Mrs . Rh<>ade Bunnel and children , M r. and Mrs. ~rge Bunnell a n d ohildren of Cln ·c1nnatl a nd Miss All.oe Oglesby 01 Spring Valley .
The Warren COWlt y Fish & Gam ~ Conservatioll n . \\i ll meet In th ! Memorial H all. Leban~n . Thursday Aug. 8 at 8:00 p.m . (tonigllt>. T h ree reels of extra fine huntln ~ nnd fls Il lig fil ms will be shown with a n ew p r~jec lo t recently a quired by Lhe ociolion . Members and fr iends are Imi ted to atte nd .
RETUR N TO NEW K EN AFTER MONm VI IT II RE Mr . a nd Mrs . Char i of New K ensington, Penn, rrtved In Waynesville Sunday to tak their child ren . Joy, ~ver ly and BUly heme after they had sP nt m.onth visiting wl.11 Mr . a nd Mrs. Walter Whi t.a.ker .
GUE TS OF B UTTERWORT H:S Mr . and Mrs . Erne"t Butterwort.h had as dinner guests, Sunday, Mr . a nd Mrs . St.acy Bumett, Ml'. and Mrs. Harry Brown of Dayt-ol1 ; Mr . a nd Mrs. O!cal' Wade of Mi .m ·s,ourg Mr. and Mrs . Harold Harvey of Lebanon, and Lena Hartsock and Lyle BW'nett of Lytle .
G UEST FROM CINCINNATI M1 5 J ea n a nd J ane Hartsock had as a weekend guest. M ". carolyn Forbrlger of Cincinnati.
and Mr . and Mrs . Wllliam Bunce 01
Lebanoll ; Mn' . Harold O;!)orn of Mason ; Mr . and ~!irs . P el'l"Y Benton n.rtitl son of Dayton ; and Mrs. Grace Schuler ,
HOli EGUE T FROM ELYRIA Mr. and Mrs. George Waterhouse GUE TS OF BROWNS have as guests t his week the ta tters Capt. and Mrs. R . L . Tatum of s1st.er and h usband Mr. and Mrs. E . Washin gton D . C " Mr . and Mis . J . B urton of Ellria. Ohio. Spear and Mr . and Mrs . Senl h of Xenia were gUests of Mr. and Mrs. PI C~'1C AT NCR La.wr ence Browll recently. O LD RI VER PARK Mr . and Mr ' . EIlrl Cla.rk of Day- VI SIT I N DAYTOlli ton ;;ave a picniC sup per, Sunda y Mr . and 1'.11' . Gtrdon l3a.cQn were evening. J uly 28. in N. C . ,R . Old SUnday afternoon gues of Mr. and RIver Pa rk to Mr . and Mrs. Milton Mrs. Kennet h Brown of Dayton. Sh eehan of Oenterville; ~'. a nd M1 . Wa ller A. Clark Sl' .. Mr . and V1 I T WI TH OONGER Mrs. Walter A. Clark Jr . and son, Mr . a nd JI4,I's . WiHam Bunce of and Miss W ada Ola.rk. Lebanon and Mr . and Irs . P erry Benton a nd son of Dayton were the ATTEND REUNION weekend guests of Mr . and Mrs . Mr . and )'11's. Ray Malnous and Delbe11t Conger and Barbara. son Donald a tte ntied a r eunion 1n Hamilton Sunday . ADAM FA~nLY PICNIC VI SITING SON IN Mr . a nd Mrs . Leo J WUl and ' famlly and Mrs. J ennie AdJUllS of WESTERN 80 P ITAL Mass11 I on; Ra ymon d ' A d ams an d ' Mr. and 1141'S . Geo. Wa terhouse are family : Ernes Adams and family ; lea\ ng for a LTip to Denver . Colo- Qnd Mr . a nd Mrs . Marion Adam.'J • .m do August the 12 00 visit their son were the guest.5 of Mrs. Maude S. Sgt . Robel·t C . Allell , who is a. Adams of CoI...vln, S unday . The patient In th e Fitzslnunons General party enjoyed a picnlc dinner a t Hospital. the Harry Smlth plclnc grounds .
Mr . and Mrs . Ell Furnas and dhlldren ; MI' . a nd Mrs. Seth F'w' nasi Mr. and Mr . yawrence Pw'11 85 Dnd little Oll ; Mr. Dnd Mr . Roscc-e Fun1as; Mr . a nd Mrs. A. C . TomUnson; Mr . Pa ul Tomlinson : Mr . a n d Mrs. Am os Cook;· Mr . Erne t Cook ; Mr . and Mrs. Cha rles Dos LeI' and daug'h ter.>; Mr . and ¥TS _ G RADUATING NURSE Raymond Braddock and daugh ter VI "''" ITS AT HOME Irma Fire.> oI Miami Valley hosWllhelm Lna; Dr . Emma Holloway : 'STANDIFORDS' VISITING Misses RUCh a nd Elizabeth Oh and - pita 1 visited M r parents, Mr . , and INDIANA RELATIVES leI'; Mrs. Ma rt ha Hender -on; a.ncl Mrs. Lewis F ires, Tuesday and W ea Fire Ohie! nd . Ill;. Ed S ta ndl- Mrs . Elsie Hockett attend d Friends nesd y of last week. Ydsg Fir ' will ~ord are vacationing at Addi and Qua l' erly Meet.lng a t Selma, Ohio on grad uate from the .>Chool of Nlll'sCle \'es, OhiO, Os,.O'()()(! and Deca.tur , Sunday . ing at the hospital next month . Indiana, and wll1 visit a.bou two weeks a t S helbyvllle. Ind . with their COLLETT-McKAY PICNIC ENTERT AI N FLORIDA VI ]T'O R CALL AT I'lAINOUS HOME . MIss Betty Lou Davis and gran d Mr . an d Mrs . M . A . Fulk'(!rson rel&t1 es th ere. SATURDAY. AUGUST 10 . Ohief Sta ndiford pla nned to atAccording to n report received had as gues ts last W ednesday ' t he mobher. Mrs . SmltA1 of Mason were 1 D r . F . 0 . W..4~" oallers at the home of Mr . 'a nd Mrs . tend meetings~of fll'emen 's a.:socla- from Howard OOILt of Wilmin gto . 1a.tter 's wIce, . £61'. t lollS at va;rious pI Cf tS enroute. the 8l st Annu 1 Collett-MoKay and son Victor of Miami, Fla. On Ray Malnous, Friday afternoon. Picnic will be h eld held at the SWlday they ent ertained Dr . Wrigh t GENE THOMPSON WILL grounds for that purpose on Satur- and s~ and Mr . and Mrs . Harold G UESTS ENTERTAINED AT COUNTRY HOME ENTER MIAMI SCHOOL da.y, AI.IgU£t 10. VanPelt of Sprlng Valley, to runner . SWlday iuests a t t he countr y Gene M. Thompson. son of Mrs . Mr . Collett also stated t.hat the hOOle of Mr . and Mrs. I>elben ConMildred Thompson of Dayton Is now School Reunion will be held a t the SPENDS ' WEEK AT FALLS ger were Mr . and Mrs . E . M . Hill bome amI' sernng in th e U . S . Harveysburg Sch ool house on Sa.tlll'- AND IN C~ADA Naval Hospital Corps for 37 months day, August 17th. Mr . and Mrs,. Donald Hadley and of Xenia; ' Mr. and Mrs . Frank as an operating room technician. Mr . and Mrs. WaITen Cook left on 5m1th and family of Clnclnnatl; He was discharged at Camp Shelton. WINNIE JO STo.UT Sat lll'c\ay morning for 8. weeks trip Mrs. lrDlrtha Walker and faDilly
J uly 17. RECEIVES AUTOGRAPH his .~e In , service he ' Or', an<l Mrs. A. E. stou"t and spent 22 months In the' Paci1fio daughter. Wlnnie Jo, attended th e abOard the U. S . S . Bui~ht and opem Fijgoletta IlIt the Zoo In O1n pa.»t1clpated In t.b.e invasion of ·clnnatl, AuguSt 1. Hilde Reglanl, Okinawa. .. Bruno Landi and Lawrence Tibett I n September h e pla.n.s to enter sang the leading role8. Winnie J o M1am1 University, Oxford, Ohio 00 received Mr. Tibbett's a.u tograph .
00 Nlapra falls "and canada . . -,~.--CBAPI'IAN IN, HO&PITAL Robert Ollapman is In VetA~rans Hospital, Dayton, under treatmen t.
VISIT IN DUNKIRK omo . Mrs . Ralph Edenfield and c.hlldren are visiting Mrs . Eden1'\eld's mother, Mrs . H . Wilson a.t Dwlkirk,
Home Appliance Store
Day Phone 2661 . . Aero s fr. o m the Bank Nit e Phone WAYNESVILLE, OHIO 2981
~ . Perry Bent on and son T erry Ohio for' a , week . . , 'Ibe W . C . T. U . .will 'hold their are visiting Mr . and Mrs. Delbert VISITS IN FRANKLIl'f . m eetlng th e Methodist Ch urch Oonger, MrS:' Les~ Gordon viSited Mrs . AugUst 16 at 2 :00 In the a.!ternOOQ . VISITS IN XENIA WITH Emma. MOOlure of' ~, last
~end .
Ehr~ar\ son
of Mr . and, DINNER
Mrs. H . B . ~nh~t Is visiting his aunt and uncle,. Mr . and Mrs . Olea n BIIlbb Of Xenia . . PlCNlO LUNCHEON AT ASBURY HO~ l\4n ltalph Asbury entertained to a ' ]IIcn1o l~eon at ~er lovely CountrY 'home, W~eeda.y, July 31,' her mother. , Mrs. A. O. Gl'e98le, HARDIN BROTHERS ~ and her sister Mra . Harlan R . 1Jecbt CDN WESTERN TRIP of ' oa.kw~. Also a..ttendlng the Tres&ler and l a nsing Hardin, 8008 luncheon · were Mrs. L . C. Sharar Q( Mr. and Mrs. T . S . Hardin of and !.In. Wella ,Emerick of ~'Oorw1n, left Aug. 3, for eo trip tbru ton. tIbe \1fest. Tbey wtll end up in oaI1fornia and tben return bmne. ENTERTAIN GUESTS to La.oaing is enterI.Dg WUm1ngton 8UNDAY DINNER '
Mr. and Mrs . C . Lee Hawke en ~ed Mr. an d Mrs. Howard Dalton and 'ChilC1ren. Mr . and Mrs. Maynud Welu: and children and Mr. and Mrs . Donald Hawke i~ boIior of bhe birthday anniveraanes 01 Denny Dalton, & -wke and Ann Weltz. .
Oouege ~ fall to st udy ene1n~-
NeWe BunDeU and M'1.ss
Mr . and Mr ' 8. Char ' 1 M1ch as ener were dinner guests of Mr . and MI'8 _ Clarence Slebent ha.ler, recen tly. MISS MOSS TO COMPLETE COURSE AT CHRIST ' HOSP'I TAL , MIss_Ellen Moss, da.ughter ·b:f ,Mr . and Mrs , Hartley Moss was a t home from lier duties a.t Christ hOl~*l , 0lnc~t1 for Ilbe weekend. Miss MosS will exmplete her studies ~e in December. . GUE8T FROM IOWA Mr . Edwin Scofield of DesM.Q1nes, Iowa was Ilbe guest of Mr. and Mrs.
Any make
,OtP,t~te ~ .~.
R.'ktl&rcl l~t Monday ~. tor Pwkton, aOuth DiPJtota ~enj' they _" . . Jotn Rtcha.n1 ~I ~ . Ricbard WlUtaker tOr It' vi8i1~ w\th . JamesOlJbolla, lonnerl1 of ~~.
'.... q ..r.----_ ... ..... -..,. .......... -. ... . . p;."...... ....................... ,.. ......... . .. _--., ... ...... ............... .... .... ....... ...-..... ......... ....,..... ~
80tmI ~.utorA ,1DCJW1n
. . . . .Oy•• QUALITY
t. . . . . .
reoem. OW '
' ••TILIZI," .
~ M'ultonl, Tuesday, ~ul1 ~IO .
~_....___,. "'_~_i¥"""........."'.....n..N"""""__"__""""___... ~ ~;=Th~~a:
or .nodel
:. 'r.~ Ka·"~ ~o1o~Car 'Co'.
'M!' . and " Mra. Earl RkJIte]r and dai:.chter, Sb1rley .&nil y1a1tec:l Mr.
aich I8I'Yioe
RETUR N FROM VA.CATION I N ONTARIO. OANADA Ml' . and M rs . Gllbert Frye and sons have returned to their home a:.fter Spending ten days a.t Rock lak~, Ontario.
Refrigerator & Was~er Repairing - Parts
VACATION IN W ASHING'T ON Mr . Nell Bunce left on Ftiday to spend a two week vaea.Uon 'at the l1~me of his bro1lher. Mr . George Bunce and family In .Wrua. Walla. Wash .
--~{'"~ _ ". . . . . . . . . . ~ lei
THE MIAMI GAZETTE - ~e 6 --------------- - - -- - - ---- --- -- -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - ---- FRyE'S ENTERTAIN TO A WAYNE ' VILLE, omo - No. 4276 PI DIN NER., ATtTRDAY Mr. and M rs . Gilbert F rye enter- TH UR DAY, AU G ST 8, 1946
At 25 . l\laln t., Middletown, oonduct. one or th e m o t modern de partment stores in thi put of Ohio and offers a family sh oppi ng center .. . A oomprehensh 'e st.OCk 01 weD select.ed m ercha nd ise . . . Everythio r from A to Z . . . T he Biggest. Values, the Newest I k ms, tbe Latest lyles. . . Stop In wben In Middletown for Clothing, Futl~ings , SABINA MERCHANTS Tools and Equipment. . . . Ask for COMING HERE Personal Sh opper . .. or order from On Frlday evening, Aug. 16 a t 8 :30 New Catalogue of over 120,000 item ' the Sabina Mer chan ts team will . . : Buy anything totaling $10 or meet the All-Sta on the Wayne more 00 Easy Payment Plan . . . P ark diamond Wlder the ligh ts. , Dial 2-4575 Th team has a record of 17 .wins and 4 losses and Is reported t() b e Sears, 1Webuck & Co. in Middletown In the "hot" class . occupy a secure economic posItion In th e lives of the people allover this A ~ tune of ~ames played at the Wayne P ark fiel d this past week par of O hio a nd r t:'pl" sents the very 1a....<1. word In modern merchandising . ore f:allows: They bring much trade ac tivity t o .JULY 30JOOX'Rnna h ad easy go ing over the the city on account of their progresHardware Boys w1nn1ng 9 to 2. O ne sive poUcies.
COMING GAM ESMiddletown Am rlcan Ll>glon wlJl meet the Wayne"vllle All-Stars a the Wa.yne Park field Friday ev n1ng August 9 at 8 :30. A pre imina ry game will be playe J 8Jt 8 :00 PJll. by he earns of boy between the ages of 6 and 12 known as Edenfield 's R Wlts.
big inning settled the Issue between Ilhe bwo t eams, R~xanna soored 5 t.imes in their half of the first in ning and ' was n~er pressed from then on ou t .
tained to a plcnlc d.um I' Saturday. Aug. 3., Mr . and Mr . G len Frye and sons of D ayton and Mr . a.nd This st~re Is truly a department Mrs . B W'nett ButtRrwort.ll of Lebastore. Its vast I.ectlon of lock non . brings many itRms which 'have been &0 hard L'O find, ano have been sel· ATTENDS JUBILEE AT ected with the needs of the COn1JllWl- CHAUTAUQU A, SUNDAY tty in mind . All systemaUcally arMr . a.nd Mr . Loyd Davis and Mr . ranged under var10us departments and Mrs . CecU Davis attended the and a. shoppin g [.(l11r of the tor J ubU e a.t Chautauq ua, S Wlday . J uly 'w1l1 prove they are offer ing t he b ig- 28 . gest va'}ues. the new t ideas an d !.he RADIO REPAm ERVICE RIGHT 1M st st) Ie ' . IN OUR LABORATORY Thelr stock carries ever ythin g At the fhst sign of ra d io trouble fr om A t~ Z . I n addition. they have caU us . We will r epair yow : set in a. Catalogue Crder Depa rtment an d our labol'at~I'Y n -urlng you of comthe aocommcda t10n of So Pe rsonal plete satisfaction . safe. courteous, S hopper. Now you may 'buY 'anything PAINTS _ STOVES eHic! nt ervice at all time-s. ootallng $10 or more on the Sears ROOFING _ FENCE P ayment Plan anel there ar e ov r HARNESS _ PIPE 12~.0 00 items from whltil to make -1 _ _1Na selection. Be sure to see theIr new FAIRLEY HARDWARE CO, catalogue a nd Y0uli long ,de -ire for Phone ' *1 _ WAYlfIBVll..L& O.
da lly.
-the latter coming ou t the winner 11 to 10. AUGUST 1Bob's Texaco outlasted Miller's Re9taurant by winning 11 to 7. The Winners scored 8 t imes In th~ second iDn1ng bO put rthe gam e on ice . AUG UST Z.S~t 00Ul't of Da.yton took ~h eDds ()1 a double header, the first pm~ 12 to 11- the second 'It. 'five.inning affair, 5 to· 4. The Da.yton boys 'Were It. much more bala nced ~ than . the home town 'bo~ as it WII8 their first tlme to play together 118 It. team . A reaun game is planned a little later on in the
wise will V ~colize"
WOD Lost · Pet. 4 3 Bob's TelWlO 3 Miller's Restaurant 2 2 Pa.1rley's HYIIl&tl8 1 F<>rd-FeTi'USOO 1
0 1 1 1 2 3
1000 750 750 666 500 333
- --""--'--WTurners 7
Mulfords Dr'8.U8
L3 3 6
N. 700 667 400 222
4 2 7 FlUDAY RESULTS 'l1urners 9 - Mul!ords 8 . (8 innings) MONDAY.S RESULTS 'llurners 11 - Drakes 9 Salwyers
fu el savlnr prop-ams . : . featurin" The VACOL ''Invl.!.'bl6' Oomblnatlon Storm Sash and Screens.and wea.th. erstripplng aD In one windOW . . . Be sure to Inveatlgate this marvelOuB combination with the removable window sW • . . Easily clla.J1&'ed . . Vaeol's Clear White Plue, readl1y PUDk.! to matcb rour: A JOOd ~eatment : . . ,P hoDe or wfrte lor ~ demonstratiOD . . . Dial 2-3564. '
*rIm . . .
Max B. Rosselot t hrough Q1ds sales and 1n£ta.lla·t1on of Vaool "1nvls1ble" Combin8lt1on Storm Sash & Screen s is a.1d1ng in our fue] saving program and making it possible for people to have this ef1iclen~ protection installed '00 new homes whUe bull<llng or old ones alreacl~ <built. There are manw andvant~es be1ng offered by VaIOOl. Th~re is n o otiher like it. It 18 easily change c. tram sash to screen and there arc .
accessible at a ll t1me to paint or clean . You ma y enjoy t he oose of ollallge as you can work them as you do your r egU1a.r house window , It has been, proven by e~eer1n.g experts that there 15 no more effect~ ive way of l"educiIlg fu el consumption than by applymg stonn windOW8. Since you lDose 90 much heat , ~nd tale wind~75 and h ave draft and soot a!IlD.oyarlCeS, it is ea&i1y seen tha.t the lnst,allatJon of Vacol will be a real' lnvestment. Their serv1oe e1.itn1:n8ltes em a weather stripping ,a nd will give you greater effic1ency l'r om your hea.t1ng plant, sllOp d.ra.f ~ and mare hea.lt.h.v and more oomfOft8ible. They will make all corners of the room 0CfVI. the floors wanner for the chUdren and you can e,omforbab]y read lounge about a.Ild you rwill nOt be restricted to 'the \]JIM! af just a room
I .
Dial 2111
Thunday 1l0000y-
sawyers vs Mul!ords Turners va Sawyers
GUESTS FROM NILES, MlCR Mr. and '~s . Elmer Sheeha.n had ~ Monday night aDd Tuesday, guesto Mr . and Mrs. WUmer Balter and two BOOS' of Nlles, Mich.
Waynesville, Ohio
. 254
~~~D AT Stewart's
Thrift-E Market
or two .
VACATION NOTICE I Dr. H. E. Hathaway will be on vacation from August 18 to 26 inclusive:
HOM EAT ;H~ ;;;~;;·~:~S !
CorneD's WELD IN G-Sh. .·-..--til-t---'-~"H~~-~~=~!:!tems ,
Portable Equipment
games on the Civic
~cQIlure ~un~ral ~ll~t.e
Shop- Cente!rrille 7031 Res. Cent.e rville '7465
LAMPS (Floor and Table) STUDIO COUCHES (Fully Sprinl Filled) LIVING ROOM SUITES
League schedule will be played at Wayne Park under the lights. "The f - ·
games will st&rt prompt~ at 7:45 p.m : All games prevl~ scheduled 1<11' Fr1d~ ru.g.hts will be played the ThW'Sday night before.
GUSTIN Radio &TelevisioD Phone Laboratory 2 7 9 4
many Important l tams for famlly . ;:;;~~~;;.::;;;:~;:::;;;;;;;~~~~~;;;;:;;~~~~~~::;;;:: home, car And fann may b e re:\1iz- ~ . :a::: 1\\/ ed as th e new s.tock ·Is arriving 'I
JULY 31'Vhe ,g ame be ween the cella r dwellers was a slug-feist as Stubbs and At 1011 Midway St., Middletown. ! no' hookB. knobs n(JQ' catch es tQ maFord-~ m et in combat wit h aiding in our housh1l' etnerl'ency and rupula te and your window ledge Is
Dilatush Building -
. Broadway -
'Lebanon, Ohio
"Complete ' Home Furnishers"
Main Street at Whiteman"
TIlE MIAMI GAZE'ITE - Pac'e "I . W.~YN E VILLE. omo - ·No. 42'76 THURSDAY, AUGUST 8. 1946
Howard Reeves, 26 , New ~urllng ton a.nd· Martha Jane OSborne, 21 , Lebanon.
Mr . . a~d Mrs. Wa.lter Clark. Mr .
John O. Lowman . 25, and Gladys HeTman Eugene Saylor jr.. ~, Dalton, 19, bOth of Fra.nklin . W yn esvUle, and n ene Maria Benge, Walter W. Moun t . .23, and Bern- 19. Lebanon . eda E. RaI1Boh , 18 both of Fra.nkl1n. Myron S. Kersey, 33. and Grace E. Fred Abney, 19. aild Max.ine ChapHamUton , 32. bo tih of Lebanon. man . 17. both of Franklin. Clyde Taylor, 23, and Ma ude HowHlerschel Kenrick, 20, L E'ba.rf>n. rd. 21 , both of Franklin. an ~ ZOna M. Bowles, 18, Franklin.
Lyman G . McCa.lly, 36. Dayton, and Mrs . Junior Clark nnd son and and Ruth Evelyn Clark, 25, Laban n. Walter F . Schutte, 25, and Winnie Mi.<;s Wanda ' Clark visited Mr . nnd Mrs. Rolla, Bolw n In Colwnbus O!l Lou Cl rk. both of Mason . Wectn e · da ~· . DA UGHTER BORN M1' . a nd Mrs . Fred R ush a.re ~. a nno uncing t he b ll't:h of a daug. . t el'. Sa t urday , Aug. 3, at t he Mla.ml Vallcy hovpi at. GEBII ART-B RNET WE DDING LEGION BASEBALL A number of I'elath'e [rem h ere HERE SUNPAY a litended he wedding of MI ' Ellec n Tht: X t'lI l:1 L" 'le ll '3:t ;r.'Jr ll T !'am Burnet and Mr . Leroy Gcb h . rt on wi I pillY t ilt: lOC O.] J.o ~ I '> n T l'.lm a t Saw 'doy el'cning at the P re 'bythe leenl Hlr h Sl'hool li l-l l h.Jl. d I n terlan hurch Ul Leba non. 5unda J at t o 1'l1 0 1. AU !. ) I Mr" . Leon Sallsb w'~' and 50 11 JUNIORS IN MASON W udel! of Wnsh U1gton C . -H . \Vere Th .JUIl H I' Leglo;1 D:ts ' ..lull T e m Sune!. y e\ enlng caller of Mrs . w1\t pl u ~ a L M:l 0\ In . und y n I ter- Ne tie .ami 'k , For 64 years Kroger ha s occepled Its responsibility to bring food from the producer to the conIum... noon Mr. md Mrs . A . D . Smith and 01 the lowest po ssibl e pr;ce. . When . OPA price conltols en ded June 30, th is respon sibility become grealer than ever before. Sinc. Mr . and Ml'S . Ve:1'IlOI1 Smltl h e I'd C HE D ULE Jun e 30, Kloge, has don e every,hlng In lis power to hold down food prices. Quality was nov ... Aug. 11- X nla a t Wayne vUlc. S enawr Aid n Barkle~' of K ent ucky 10Ylered. MOllY food s Wllre sold at co sl, same below cost. Aug-. 18- Wa ynes vllI at Bellbrook at MI ami Va ley e ll u ta uQLlIl nea r Our cu stomers opprovecjl Krog er' s low-price pOl icy anI! helped us mol"toln It. TIME Magazine gov. no lj onol recognition to Kroger's eff" rts to hold Ihe price line. OPA has been revived. Krog er will Aug. 25- sp 'gflFld at Wa ynesville F ranklin . Sunday Hf emooll. conl/nue lis fight 090 i~lSt rising food prlc.s. JOSEPH B. HALL, President THE KROGEI! COMPANY. Sept. I- Wayn e ville n .Cent ervLUe Ml' , and M '. Wi 'our CIHr k were Sept. 8- Sp. Valley at Wa yn esville entertained to d inner Sun ,ay a t FEEL Sel) . 1 5-Wn y n~~ vill a t WUmington the home ot the ir on and wife, Mr . LG. ITS FRESHNESS Sept. 22-5. L banon l Way'svllle and Mrs . E\-erett Clark .a nd son In LOAVES • Sept. 2o-Wa ynesville at Xenia Dayton . Mlss F rances Whitaer returned ALASKA 1000 home from the FTlend 4 W :ynes:... U1e 0 Camp No.2 EARLY VARIETY 750 OILnda , in IndIa.na , S t u.rqn y. 1 CAN 3 Bellbrook • 500 2 2 Mrs. NeLtle Emrick 1\ as a gues GedarvUle 2 500 or M.r . and Mrs . Oharles Anderson 2 South Lcb non 500 In Waynesville the early par t of 2 2 WUmington LB, 500 this week . 2 2 Springfield __:,.J-'" _-.r.h ...... 250 3 1 Mr . and Mrs . Harvey Burnet· a nd Xen1a. 4 000 t.helr iUes~, Miss IJa.ura Rosnagle, Spring Valley 0 vlsited their. un Ie and nun Mr . RECENT LEAGUE RESULT S and Mrs. J olm Hayner Bit WestX enia 0 - Bellbrcok 9 ([orre!t vUle, j3unday. ,- Cedarv1lle 8 - Wilmington 5 Rev . J epb Myers or Dayton was South Lebar.llll -1 - vrll~' n esville Ii a dinner guest at the home of Mr . . Spl ~ngIle hl 18 _ Spring Vn1lcy ;a c and Mrs. Calvin Longacre and ch1Idren on SWldo;.y : WAYNETTES NAMED ...," Mr. and Mrs. C . S . Smith \VM"e • The nettes, a &111S baseblll1 guests, of their son, Allen Smith and tesn' J'omled b~ ~hl! Locu.l Lel!iGn and managrn-by BI!l Sa wserb---now family in DaytOn several days last HOT .. DATED getIJt16 tnl" lull-netl f~(. '.i play wit h week. Mr. and Mrs . Leslie Gray are 'several games sCile:hll;>n Cor th~ SPOTLIGHT bala nce of the .;e.lS ) f. Members oC visiting 'Mr . and Mr. Fred Fisk a nd ot.her relatives a t Independtlhe ~t:am are a t Uuws: S hirley WIlEon c; Vlvlan ' Pummill ence, Ky. th.I8 week. p; Virginia Collntry Clu b p,:_J , SchlJ l~r. J ~an \V II on , Mr .' a nd Mrs. Oharles Tumbleoon' libby', Dot Conard 8l'I.d Norma Gruuer. In- bav~ purohased a lot of Mr. and c U. fleld; Yvonne StAlbbs. Ann Campbell Mrs. William Creiglllton ~d expect CRT. to start them new hOme soon. and Ma.ry Ann Burtcn, outfield; The Mrs. Henrys' of the Sides Phyll1s Martin, Phyills BaU£,y. Norma. Pummill, Betty Baird and p~ were entertained to a lunchRuth Wlcal, utUity players. eon 'Tueed~ at the home of Mrs . -Manager sa.wyer st1tes that. prac- . Margaret Snyder in DaytOn In honor 22c size CANTALOUPS Uoe gam es will be held ·or. Wednes- of Mrs: Oren. Crol4Ch and daughters 5Ib,. tOe day ' evenings ' at' 6 :W ana mvites of MiamI, Fla . ORANGES any girls who ' wish to play baseball Mr. and Mrs . Thomas 00ll1n.s tOe lb. BANANAS to be on hand at that ~e. and Charles Coll1na of Dayton; Mr . anQ Mrs. Fr:ank Ackerman and BOIl to Ib,. '45c POTATOES , Of Northr.ldge~ ' lWd 'M ! . and !.Ins. CARD OF THANKS I w1sb to express my sincere James Kaser ~ children 0( Middle- . 12~ LETTUCE Hd. ~~ . tO all .. those sendlng me gifts town were Sunday callek's at , the . or any ~nd and lovely cards. Also hpme of MIt. and M:rs . WI\Io~. Ulose t.ha.t have helped me In my Ken.rick . ) ,.. I J , .... ~ I .. bome. LB. .. . 7~ Clu b . PKG . Q"EE~~ ~~!!~~D Windier Co;~;~ub 12C~~':: 1iO'a. auaaen Wilaon TRIP TO HAVANA =~. M1r. and Mrs. Ralph flAInntoDd Cue I~~:. t6c ,~~!~ :~S "," .:lY LOU 51:e ... V8Qet.rlerI 1~2t!' 14 . JMt Sunday m'Ol'Dini on a traln tour rrPKG. -Oz. •• C NORR~ BROCK CO. . to Miami, 'F1&. and on 'to Havana, Kelt"" "'. 001. 59c 69c CUba by airplane, sponsored by the Emb.lI, ~i~" S ~m,:~-: PIta. 15c, NCR of Day!\On. The Hammond Popul.r 'rand, CRT . $ 1.5" children, Marlyn. Jack and Ja.bet CRACKER~S 00$.'1 ~~ . • are spending the two weeks with 6 for 33c .CI~CIrI"'" Pltfi. . , III' . and Mrs. Lee Lovely and 2O'/z.oz. '17 .. Premium S.lad daUSbter Bot Ea.~, In .t he ~ JAR IROGB'S Te~s:.cr- 11k~: Gingham Girl No. 2'/, of their pal'e,'?-ta. Umlled luppl. CAN SIA.....UIT cca:~'" ~ BIRTHDAY PARTY .. lB . !&s' wUma Gray entert&1ned her ~~c PKG. DO%. 5" No. 2';' , cla8Bmates to a party Thuraday • Avondll. CAN 13c CA"Mr~~ ~!gS .... WIn IUUI Pr.re.l... AD ..- even1na honoring her 14th birthday . ..-caaIliaUo...--eoniJ io1lO1l.. .1Mddl1 Tlw8e preseDb- ~. ~ W1lma ....... ell til..... aD aroaDC1 .....' RM.utl, Martha. Lukens, EIther .. the __..,. W.tldna. I4a'rlyO Hammond, Ruth .'
. •
, I
\ ••
. . ...
• •
II _
I . . : ..
!emee That Sati.fi..
TtJNE TO WHlO nartoa ,.:30 -DIal 1101 For Ov DaII.J ...,lI:e& ~ ,
Dart., Barbara ,ltArtsock. · Pauline and Patr1cl& Winks, and .Meesrs. Da.I1,ny Simpeon, am Davia. m.rl J'amee W~ ~ Bobby ,O r..,.:
'c 3c
35c lie
T 2
Fair Mjore Than Just a Fair, Says Hodson
For Refinancing - Rebuilding Buying. 4% Farm loaDS with loog tlme to pay. Pay part or all any time. LEBANON .NAT'L FARM LOAN ASS'N·, Ellis H . Sturm, Sec'Y-
Treas. Lebanon , Ohio. Phone 448
HELP WANTED FEMALE WOMAN WANTED- to care for chlldren ages 9 an(l 11, and make home' wlt.Jl family. No Sunday work. References exchanged. P . O. . Box 293, Waynesville, Ohio. 88
Real Eatate For SaleIF YOU HAVE A PROPERTY OR FARM TO SELL ball ox: Write Don Hender~on, Tel. KE3446, 617
Lora41 Ave.,
Dayton, O.b1o,
Houlehold Goodl DIXlE-No-Smoke citculatlng heater-holds.· 100 Ibl? csmI- perfect condiUoo-used only one season. One-!ourt.Jl off price. Ph. 2143.
HEATING stove- suitable for a garage or work shop. Oirculating . type. Good grates and bowl. Ph. 2143
aUG- Bigelow 9xl2 all wool with pad; llke .new; $60. W. Ohaa'JE6 Davis, Phone 2792. 88c
WANTED- MiSe; HOME Wanted- for sPayed female terrior dog. Good pet. Gentle. Free to r1ght. party. Phone 2143.
We Pay~~RSES ,$5.~ .
Aocard.\IIc. to 81se and 00Dd1t.10D
HO.I, CalYea, Sh"p, etc. aDovm P8OJlPl!LY
Norris . Music House
Gal...",. ,S&ory ani.! (J1al'k PlaJIIOII , . .lDItrDctloD under teaehm. of abUlty . , .See them for you~ chlld's IMBEDS DEEPLY TO CAUSE musical education durtnc the comln, Painful craalnr, Bumln&', It.ching season . . .Td. %-2571.
Athletes Foot Germ
A treatment to be efficient, must ~TE to reach tJhe germs and be POWERFUL ' to kill them. 'l1E~ the only 'Produ~t we know of made with undU~ eloobol.
U not. completely pleesed, your 35c back at &IllY dirug store, TE-OL is clean oolorless, easy and pleasant to use, apply FULL S'l1RlENG'Ni
for a.t:hle~ foot, i~ or sweaty teet, insect bites or .po!8on' ivy. Today a.t Wa.y.nesv1lle DrI.Je Store. .. O. BUCR81D, iRe. . . . . ._ _. . . . . . . . BUY, SELL, TRADE,- BORROW 118E GAZE'ITE CLMJSD'IED ADS USE GADirn: (JIASSIFIED ADS ~!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!i!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!~!!!!!!!!!!!I!!!!!!!!!~!!!!I!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!~ l !!!!~
nm&. 0.
6 . "
doz. tOe
12 in. PARCHMENT PAPER _ 125 ft. roll 50e For 'w rapping meat, vegetables _ for cooking PAPtR CLIPS - SCOTCH TAPE - WRITING INKS RUBBER STAMP INKS and PADS
ENv;~:EsMIA;~~~~;;;;ERy ..
Armitage &Son
The services or the NONis MUsic House Is tbe1r oot\trlbutlon to the art at music and' is one of t.Jle most oomplete muslcal !houses in t.hJs part of the state . T1h1s SIIiore 18 a. center · for t.Jle de\'otees of the varioos branches of musio. The wboie st.o1'6 is devoted to the ~ of musical roerchand1ISe A proper centell' is necessary . _f-_ _ __ for the devewpuJel1,t of tlbe art. and ~e Norris Music !Bouse sh()uld be complimented upon the 1lOunding of a center whJOO ~y promotes Ute study of music throughout this section . When YVI bIq an instrument of
4-H CLUB NEWS WAYNE SEW-SO CLUB The Wayne w-So 4-H Club will meet Tuesday, Aug. 13 at 7:00 pm. at the heme of Mrs . Ray Klontz. Everyone please bring project books and compl.e t d arUnJes. Mrs . Ray Klontz
Personal Stationery
Oirl's Used Bicycle; COLUMBUS (Special> - The Standard size; Phone 2695. IIl G Ohio Sta te Fai l', to be held at Columbus August 24th through August 30th is more than just a Fair, in the o'p inion of J ohn M , Hodson, dll' ctor of agriculture. Printed, Engraved, Marly In his invitation to the people Style and Prices. Miami of Ohio to attend the 92nd Ohio Gazette. Phone 2143. 1 State Fair-first since 1941Hodson says: "It is expl' 'ssing It very mildly, SUBSCRIPTIONS TO THE indeed, when 1 say it is with a MIAMI GAZETTE CAN BE great deal of pleasure that 1 inPAlD AT WAYNESVILLE vi te all the citizens of the State DRUG STORE OR AT THE of Ohio to attend this year's State DAVISSON PRESS Ph. 2143 F air and Expositio.n. "You will note 1 say 'exposiFOR SALEtion,' because Ohio's Fair bas become more than what is .generFOR SALE- FRYEIt . Phone 2926 .: ally expected at a State Fair. It O. E . Michener. Rt: 2 829 bas become an exposition at DEADLINE TO FILE which are exhibited all the RENT REGISTRATION products and endeavors of ' the citizens of Ohio, both agriculturMidnight, f'riday, Aug. 9 is the deadline Tor registering all rental ally, industrially and of labor. "After a lapse of five years. housing acoomcdations with the Cinthe 1946 Fair and Exposition will cirmatJ Area Rent Of-flee, Ralph D. ' Janney. Are Rent Director reminded show the tremendous strides that have been made by all agrlcullandlords toda.y . "Failure to register may subject la.ndJords to a. '5000 fine or imprisonment. for one year," Mr . JanneY'said .. Located 1316 ;;;:;t A~:, Nut to Warren county Is included in this Library, Middletown, Is the musical area. Registration 'bl~ are a.va.1l - center for tbis sectl~tn of the state able at a ll fire stations and pnc,e . . . Promotlnr the Blrt of music by (bntrol boards. the dlstrlbutJon of Band and Orch Forma should be f111ed aUt in _kat IDstrumen16', Pianos, Sheet trtpl1cate aDd mailed to the Areu Music aDd AC~i • • • Featurinr Rent OUice Faller Bldg., 810 Wal- Martin B.act IDIItl'UDlflllta, Gibson nut st.., Oindnna.ti 2, O .
penetrates. Reaches and kills more germa F1ASTER. F1l!EL IT TAKE HOLD. .
THE MlAMI GAZETTE - Pace 8 WAYNE VILLE, 0100 - No, 42'76
JOHN M. HODSON Director of Agriculture lure and industry of Ohio. It will comprise the greatest display of advancement of a state that has ever been gathered together at anyone exposition . . "Let us. make this a meeting place with old frI ends for mutual education, recreation and material benefit."
The Betsy Ross 4-H Club met on Wedne daQ'. July 31 tnt HaIwe)'5burg High Scl1oo1 with Oolleen WH· !la.mson in charge. It wa s d~ ided not to sell popcorn at the picture show . All members are to com~let{! their projects by the August 7 meeting, and It was decided to hold a pi rue after the projects are completed. Mary Ethel Smith was 'a guest of the Club. A meeting was \1150 held "at tlb.e Ha.rvey burg High Schod on August 7 lilt 1 :30 p.m. Martha Lukens. Reporter
Mr. and Mrs. Ern t Early w nt to express their t hanks and n.ppreciatlOn for the kindness of thclr Ir"end.) who unselftEhly combined OjI.ts on
buy the right tonal quality and of the Early farm this past week . the right style . We especially wish to ,t hank !Instruction here IS of the highest ones the machine5 belonging to and type, being under the d1:rec.Uon 0: also thank Mr. Fred Braddock, Law- .
artJ.st.s in tb~ir Une. So· whether you Wish to speciali..U! on bhe piane or any bend lOt' orohe."!tral instrument they can de~elop yoUr 'ta.len~. Each ~denb is given courses to fit him tor his especially sulW!d. attalmnenta. •
- - -- - -
Gazette OHera Fine Stationeff The M1a.m1 oazetJte has recently a.cq~ed a. fine line of persoruU stAI.tatlonery tor both· men and ladies. it is correctly styled of the finest Qf fine papers and delightfully boxed to IUWJ'e pleasure of the most <lls. cr1m1nattng. RiCh in oolors and blue whiOOs, with lla.i or folded_sheet and matdllng envelopes it 18 boJ:ed in all one co or or a oombin8lt10n of oolors malt1ng this stationery one +~ be d ......""'" Lt i uu ........ ""'. can be had ether plain or neatly prl~t.ed 101' mQllGgrammed to suit, individual tastes . Lt 18 on <iJsplay at the Gazette office and the~ is a.b601ut.ely n ~ Obligation for mspecuoo, VISITOR FRoM." ~"iTON
=:~~~e~ =:~ ~.
Clarence Hmmel from qIDrements. lit wiD 'be of good. qual- tIODI vl81ted her ~. MrS . Clarence 1ty and be l'easOnaibly priced. It Ry~. Friday, Aug. 2. takes care a nd tlOOd tud8ement to • READ TIlE C~SIFIED ADS •
POPCORN Now Available
Jwin Jhealre
Alw~ys a
Good Sh~w at the ,K~NETH HILL, Manager " .'W AYNESVILLE OHIO ·T WIN MON. ,
, ••3,
SS " Finance,
Differ I)tness of story. 'R ich in F'a.mHy appeal I Claudette ·~lbert-(~... Brent ...:..orson WeUes in
Story of tihe Worlij,'s Worst. Bandit-
Fairly Familiar by EFFELDEE At a pol n\. som !If y ml1e n or ,ll of Wa Yl, p llle Is L Ii es ~' e re COJl ducted for an eJ ghty - t,wo year 0 d patri r ch . early til i we£' k . Nothing un unl ab:mt tha t, to be sure. l\'1~ n y stich ins nncl's aceun' d over the land. The ou Landing f eature of this p articu lar case was t.he fact this man was bom. raised. lived and died in the same lit Ie communIty- had been' a m mber of t.he same BtUe chw'ch- was u s L::nm ch , fearless Ohris tlan wha lived t.h e life In S'Uch a manner t.ha L In hi passing be was nobly honored by haying a great mul Lltud e of p eople from neal' and far whQ came ~() pay t ribute aDd respect. This man was noL great. In a ~ worldly sense . He had not aoown ulated a large f C,rt Ull • He was not n great leader . He did not hold a h igh office. ·Yet. Wle ass mblage t h at gaihered to pay tribute ruled .the Uttle church to overflowing. -rne cars in wh1ch they came were parked ln, rows in a n adjoining field. An airplane !lying by overhead was so attracted by sucll an unusual sight that it c1rcled low over the p:>t to better vi w t h e scene. Just an ord inary ma n bu t one who has not died to, h e still lives in the hearts pi h is ' 'fellowman. l g¢depoot to th e w'n o fol low alter. Of 110h men and women w~ Americans pa Ern cur lives and (: l' destiny . They are ever . lng m onuments for the basis cf peace ~:: d ~ will toward all mer: . of
Miami GAZETTE $1 .50 PER YEAR _
ESTABLISHED 1850-- NO. 4277
T e Farnle~rtc that "'ill 1.1e
The four-d ay conven tion of t he h Icl aL th e Fall' G rounds. Lebanon . () 1 u{:!:.da~·. Auglli>L 20 . w lll h aye il Am rlea n Legion wUl be h t .d 'lt1 addition LO mtu, !c. con tes and Cl vela nd . Aug. 17-2 . Mn ny OU prizes. Ule /lonor of h 1'1 .g OJ".{' of ~: a n cllllg figu res of ~he la: wa r 0 11 w111 be present. including Gen ... A . A COpy tlle rno '• ou \oS tan d 'lIlg pe I'ers , far m subjec n the art'a , R.:.y Vancler{!rift. commanda nt of t~le U.
TOUR DAY, AUGU~l' 15. 1946
Ba t~ les 0 1 WLW wlo '.,·ilI I't::.::" 1 1 S. Marine Corps: Fleet Ao mIral xpell 1et: rega.rding h !s recen! Emest J . K ing ; Vice Adml.ral Cha~
Europeal t.rlp in the in tere5t of the McMorris;
City Delivery Out; Street Sign Project Still In Progress
Farmers Picnic At Local Legion ~ien Lebanon August 20 Attending Convention
Myron W . Hagem eyer , MM3<!, of Rw'al Roule 3, Waynesville r eceived hill honorable discha rge from Nava l Ser ice on' August 10 a t the U . S . Ka va l Personnel Separa:tlon Center, Aocording to a leLter received from Gr 1 t Lakes. TIl. LIle Po t Office Depar ment. Wash ington D . C . by L . H . Gordon. local P ostmaster. the proposed city deUvery as outlined by the Civic Club will have to wal t for Wle town to grow as the First Assistant P05tmaster, J . M. Donaldson explained . . 1 t hat the ulation must be 2500 Friday, August 23, is the .ast ~a y pop on which appllcatlons for Non°thr more in oT)der for them to cons ider Prom, Hospital C~ can be made. e proposa . . The wordhlg of the letter 1:5 as folMr. S. L. Rob1nson, Chairman of lows : the Citizens' Health Protection Oom August 7, 1946 mittee. reports that great interest is .being shown in Ulis opportunity Pnstmaster. to 5eC,W'e prepaid. h cspital service. Wa yne vl.l1e. Ohio Mr . Robinson further said, "I wish My Dear Pcstma.ster : to remind each and every perS4:m in R eference is made to information submItted by your office under date Waynesville t.ba.t th e chances are of July 27, 1946. concerning the pro- one to four that you. or some rnem · posed establishment of city delivery ber of your 'famll y, will go to the hospital before this year ends. You servloe a t Waynesville, Ohio . The requ1remen for the inaugu- may provi.de now for the payment I • ration of city carrier s ervice consists of that possible hospital bm by of r:eceipts amcunting to $10,000 or joining the Blue CrOss Hnspita I more for the precedh: f!seal year Care Plan: It is also true t.ha t al-
Enrollment Deadlin.e For Blue Cross Nt~ar
lami.ne ('oW1l1i ~ . Long and practlcal xperlen ce. plus ilioro.u gh acadell1.1~ training has weJi qualified Roy Ba t t.le.s for his IXiSition as Farm Progra m Director lor Station WLW . Born and reared on a farm near Chest~rlancL Ohio. Ml·. Battles was a 4-H Club member lor teD y aI'S. He gra duated from tile COllege of A gTl U Lure at Ohio St.a.te Univers ty In 1934 and. aIter a year as Agricultural Agent fOr P ike county. OhiO, he served in Llle same cap acl:y in Clermon t county . Ohio, 1rom 1935 to 1943,
Ma jor Gen . Robert s. B ighLler; and {j ndersccre t:HY of Wa r Kennp. th C . Royall. Visi tin g ~ion members will see a game between Lhe Cleveland Indiun al <I the Chicago White Sox and pri er to the game will witness Babe RUl h, Trib Speaker pnd Ty Cobb al> umpi res of a special LegiOll game . Boxi ng II aw hes. nigh club sports. boat rides. swimming. gol f and oth er events will be vffered for ·he entertainmen t. Members of ilie local Legion Pnst plan to have a r presenta tion there and several from urr<>u nding comm'\U1ities also will be prese.nt .
Widow Of Former Doctor Passes Away Last Week Ml's. I adora Ward, aged 82 . was on W dnesciay. August 7 at McClellan Ho. pltal in Xenia where she hnd b een a patient ince last March. he h.ad reslded a t the Friends Home since me pas"lng or her husband. the late Dr. J . W. Ward who practiced lIledi Il!e herB and in Barve sburg for mallY ye 1 • His death oocured Nov. 14. 19H . Mrs . ~ 1 d is s urvivetl by K enm th Hough of WaynesvUle. a nephew; ~all e (l '
and tile PopuJa;tJon of at least 2500.
by iebulrl!ftlf!~t.·
wruuri '
(}Yrj e, i t !"y Ii only 850, t here!ofE:. tie D par tJn~ u i Iv - arid \11' faml'i s Le 's pull would. not be warra.n :ed in II. pro Ing city deUvery ~erv lc e es blisl- together- let's go over tile topwith more t1~n our quoia ot' th~ men at \.his tim . citizens of Wayn~sviJ]e eru'ol ed In '\ 'Respectfu I)' YOU l'S , urs o::.i : · 'c t~·.. e CS- fo:J. M . DmlaldSOll I Hospital Care before Fr'clr.:,. August near. T o SH8r 'n he prE~ e::c~ F1rst Ass1stan 23." .' 01' a ' I1ttle child l' a pIous 1 dy 0 : " an uncouth ' Contact Wi 1 R . C. Moler. Pre~jThere Is no age llm1t and no medplacp in the den t of the Clv:c Club brought forth leal examJna~lon necessary fOlr enthe announcement. ' a~ til Club rollmenot in Hospital Care. Appl1cawill continue In lts project of rais- tlons may be secured trom H:}1nan's 1ng funds for !.be installation of Ilhe Depa.rtment BOOTe. street signs as it considers this a Remember. !-he last da y for Hoswar-thy r~ j(-ct even if'the city mall pltal Care enrollment is FRIIMY. dellvery is n o -obtalnable a.t this AUGUST 23. time. As WaynesvUle h as patentlal . 'IUl,e 'WaJylnesv1lle Civic Club wUl ~\lb111f1es of growing to meet the bold their regular monthly meeting req tHred size in the future, 'the street at. the . MetbodJst Ohurcb basemen t signs will already be 'installed ann on Monday evening. August 19 at thus fa cilitate the in8;ug'llration of ,'7:00 o'<ltcck. This is :Ladies ,night and city deUvery ' when t his .grow t.h fn Services were conduct~ Monday, an interesting lP1'ogram ·has 'been populAtion is alttailned. ' August 12 a.t Che McClure Funera) ip'lanned' according to Maynard Weltz . home for AmQs Mendenhall. 83. who the Club Secretary . died last Friday at the Carr nursing home in Lebanon . Robert Vllon ZUe e of the Wayne3v1lle Church of Christ
Civic .Club Holding Ladies Night Aug. 19
Amos Mendenhall Funeral Services Conducted 12~lh .
Jesse Gilliam Death At .~ Home Last Friday
· Starts TaXI· Semce C· · For ThIS ommunlty
offiCiated. Survivors include a daughtc~r-inIBIW. Mrs . Clarence Mendenlul.ll. and three grand children, Earl of Tlpp City, Ma.:ry Catherine and June of Waynesv1l1e . Interment was made In \~i allll
A Taxi ~""ioe has been started P\ineral, services were coDducted In WaynesvUle as of August 14 by at the Trinity Baptist oh,urch neal' Willilord Wilkerson who Will opera.t e BellbrOOk, Tuesday . August 13 a.t from Belcher's 8onooo Station <-n 2:00 ·pm. >for Jesse G11lam, 75, who South Main street. He is planning ~ at this home on RUral Route 1. to otter 24-ho\11' service in the n ea r cemet.ery, last Friday. future . -----. Survivors are the Wife Ma.ry; two Pta . ns caII, f or a. oom, t' coverage GUESTS OF MRS. FWRA • 8011S. Leonllrd and C?Y. Waynesville; of Waynesville . proper and also th e Mrs . Anna·belle Flora hud as Mrs. Addie CraWford. Bellbrook ; surrounding ·communlty and obher .guests for the weekend her neices Mrs. Allie Brown. Xenia : Mrs. Ella towns and villages nearby. Patricia Ann and Mary Sue Sherrn · •. ;'Neely, Lebanon; and Mrs . Dc,wer of Dayton. ,:''SNe, Spring Vaney; ,two sisters. ENTER,TAINS TO DINNER Mr . and Mrs . Shel:rer nd Mr . "Mrs'. . Ma.tg8ll'et Edens .La.,wre!lPC~ M~es Mary Je~n a nd Phyllis and Mrs . Carl Brand t of .Dayton i ..,burg. Tenn; and Mrs. Lavina 05- Rickey entertained Mr..s . Olara and Mr. and Mrs . Louis HeUriech Back'W'ater:·Va.;' e.nd 40 grandStarke and Miss Virginia. Schuler to of Cincinnati were dinner guest~ . oi)1ldren. . . dinner Sunday.. Sunday ,
n eral rerv1 SatUl'day. Pi.
• were conducted
• 2 at the McClure
Funeral Home with Rev. Paul D. Chiles o!-the L.e banon Metho( .. ; Church off1a1ating. Intennent made in the Miami Oemetery .
to Station WLW as 'Assoclate Director of F'arm Progrluns, and assumed his present position In November.
W 3
Dr. Way Death Reported
In· L·· 'lvmgston, M'onlana .
. I?r. S. J . w;;-died a t his home in Livingston. M , onto and intel'lue:le was made tb.ere recently . He was t he pen of Dr. S . J. Way who practiced dentistry here untU his retirement many yeM's ago . "Sam" as .he was familiarly called 'by hJs young friends, spept his yo th and .early manhood bere. He becanle . a sI entlst as cUd h1!i brother. the late Dr . T . ~llfJ-W.a.y. who- preceded ... au him In death a little over a yeal·. Club and United Brethern Church . Dr. Way is survived by his 'wife
Mr. BatWes is heard daily on t he "EverybOdy's Farm • Hour" and "ChOre Time" p.rograms. and on "From the Ground Up" on ~W1days. Be also is a· freqlltnt and popular sp'eaker at meetings Of fa rm and other groupS t hroughont t he WLW area. Married and the father of tlWo chUdren, Mr . Battles is a member of the Farm Bureau. 0 .... nge. Rota ~y
RETAINED IN NAVY FOR ANOTHER YEAR Russell E . ~n. 18. :; ' .1 of Mr. and Mrs. J. R . itlteman , R . 3. WayneSville, Ohio. has volunreered fOr retent 1<>n untU July 1947 at the Advanced Tra.ining Base. Pensacola. Fla., accoding ·to all announCt<Plent received from the U. S . Navy.
10 Livingston. Mont . and a sister. 1n Tuilla. Okla .
Mrs. Fanny Way Pritchard
RETURN FROM VACATIO~ Mr . and Mrs . Ralph Gutherie and daughter and Mr . Guther.les father, Mr . J. S. Gut,Qerle ha ve just returned from .their vacation a t EagL Lake in WisoOnsion .
USE THIS BLANK 8Ll'E CROSS ENROLLMENT- I .a m interested In. enrolling In l·he Blue Cro~ Communi y Program Qf Waynesville .
Nanle . .. . . . . . .. . ...... .. . .... . , .. . . . . ...... . . . ... . . . Address
.. . . .. ...... . . . .. .... ... .. ....~ ...... ... . .. . .
Please 'send t his a.pplication to :
Lukens . even\OSs of !'S .
!.obert; is an ~
n e or ~
The MAssie Gra nge will present. a three ac ~ play Friday evening, August will remain a t home, so if you need 16, a t the Hlgh SclWoI gymnasium. FERRY him you can contaet them . The cast for the comedy is compooeci CHURCH of CHRIST by local lalent. Admission wUl b~ • • • -, The GrowlnC. Goinr, Church The ADDRESS OF THE CAMP. 150 for children and 30c for adults . HERBERT GRAHAM, MlnJaul' OPEN -~ SERVICES BIble Sehool a :JO •. m . for maU or telephone Is: Rev. Clarence It.. Wamsley pas tor CommunloD 10:. a. m. (Name of Person) The Tar Hollow Group Camp, P of the Methodist Church conducted Preaching 11 :00 a. m. Rural Route 3, ' open all' service's in the village Young Peoples Servlce& and Friday evening . Adult Prayer Meeting 7:00 p, m. Laurelv1lle. Ohio • • • Severnl from ]here attended the EvenJong Evangelistic Service 'J:IIE OHURCH FOR ALL Collett McKay pl,crue, Saturday. 7:46 p, m, The church united and univ'ersal REUNION ATURDAY FRIENDS Is the church for all time. This The Masslc Townshtp School f'lrat DaJ lCllool - 8:30 A. II. church oflers: Reunion will be held in the vlltag3 Ceetbla for WonbJp - 10:10 It. K. A NAME aU can wear; Acts 11:26. Saturday. August 17. a.t the High 4:12 School BuUding. ST. AUGUSTINE CHURCH A CREED all ClOn believe; Mait. 16:16 Mr. and Mrs. Howard Graham Nher Krambolb, Prteet A DISCIPLINE aU can follow'. n enterteJned with a family picnic Masa SImdal' - 8:00 ,A. II.. nm. 3:14-17. dinner nt their country home A REPENTANCE all can perform; Sunday. METHOD'I STCHURCH Acts 2:37. 38. Mr. and Mrs. WiUord Cassum and &. B. Colemab. IOriIner SUNDAY SCHOOL 8 i30 A. M. A OONFESSION aU can make. Rom. famlly of Columbus were In the Mrs. Ra,ymond Conner. Supt. 10:9-10. Village over the 1weekend to a ttend WORSHIP SERVICE 10:30 A. M. A BAPTISM all admit valld. Rom. the Collett McKay picniC and w-ere YOUTH FELLOWSHIP. . 6:1-5 . Saturday evening' dinner guests of Tbunda)'. 7:30 p. m. A FELLOWSHIP all can enter;' Acts Mr. and Mrs. Charles Doster nnd CHOm PRACTICE 2:4'7. daughters. WednesdAY, 7:30 P. lot. A LIFE aU can live. n Pet. 1:5-10. Miss Barbara Doster returned A GOD-GIVEN PLAN OF UNrl'Y. home Monday flrom II visit wl bh ST. MARY'S Eph. 4:4-6. relntlv.es In Mans:fleld. EPISCOPAL CHURCH I'M PLEA. the gospel of Christ. Mrs. Licla 011lrl attended the Samuel N. Keys, 1:6-12. funeral, Saturday aItemoon a t Lay Reader-in-charge " denominatioOo, but McOlure Funeral, Home for her We are not .... No Services du'rtng August a. congrega.tion of Christians who Aunt , Mrs . Dora Ward who died MT. HOLLY are seelt1ng! to do HIs ~ and to at McC,leUan Hospital. Xenia last METHODIST CHURCH restore HIs church, as l'evea}ed in , Wednesday . Burial was at Miami S'. M. learfl. JiOnw. the New Testamen t, In doctrines, in cemetery. 'lunda, aebool -- ':10 A. K. Miss M McK of New B. A. EarDbart. auperlntadem. ordinances. and in llf.e. We take · ae aJ" WorabJp .moe _ lO:!O A. K. the New Testament alone as our BurUng'ton was house guest last J:':enlni IeI'I1ce - 7:30 P. M. rule of faith and practice. We plead week of her cousllns. Mr. an(j' Mrs . _ .for the unity of au Ohrlstians. We Charles SWindler a,t their count.r y \VAYNESVILLE ' lnN1te you to WOl'Shlp with us. home, west of to,lffi. I'UUR"fH feuDIST . ~Ittle Mias Anne tW.i1ltams of near ~ 0 ~ J WIlmington s'-nt the weekend Robert VuZile, IIbdIter Bible School 8:30 .. m. 0 wtth her grandpsiJ'ents. Mayor and OommunlOD 10:80 .. m. Mrs. H. S . Tucker and daughter. Seimon "The call of Ba'l1a'u'Jlah is pri- MIss ·Evelyn. Even1ni Service 11:00 a. m. marlly directed agalnst aU forms M:r. ,a nd Mrs . Charles D . Oook 8:00 p. m. of prov1nc , lall~ all insularities and in compa"" with Mrs. Sadie 'DA-"~n, by Bro. Kenneth Eade. stud ent --.... _......,,,,,,,, at O1oc1nna.t1 BIble Seminary. preJudices. If long-cherished Ideals ' and Mrs. 000 Welch attended • • • and tlme-~onored institutions. if ~uarterly Meetllng, Saturday at 'Jllie SUNDAY EVENING SERMON certaIn social assumptions and re- OaeSers Creek Ohurch this week Is to be dellvered by Bro. llgious formulae have ceased to Mrs. El MOn~Omery of Ken,neth Eade, studen t at the 010- promote the welfMe of the general- LOckland spent tJile weekend In the clnnatl Blble SeminarY. Services lty of ,mankind, if they no longer Village v1s1tlng helr chUdren Mr . and will begin at 8:00 p.m. Your minISter ·m1.Mster to the -needs of a contin- Mrs. Sherman Montgomery and wtll be at the Tri-State Christian ually evolving hUmanity. let them family and Mr. and Mrs. Dallas Service Camp. be swept away, and relega.ted to the Barton· and sons. • • • limbo ,of obsplescent and forgotten Mr. Charles Woodson who Is The YOUNG PEOPLE THAT ARE doctrines. Wby, should th'ese, in a assoslated wtth the U. S '. Post GOING TO OAMP will please bring wo/ld subject to the \mmutabl~ la.w O!f1ce in Cinclnnatl was a recent your baggage with you 'to church of change an!! decay" be exempt guest of his brothers and> sisters. Sunday mOrning so it can be loaded from the deterioration ~bat must ,Mrs. Herbert D[J6ter. Mrs . GlUford . after ch,urch and ~e can start for needs' overtake every human 1t)st1~ ,D oster and baby ,d aughter ~ild Mrs .. , can)p. Brlng a lunch for noon and, tution? Por legal , standar~. poll- Lop.lse Fite , ~re Dayton shoppe,rs' ' some extra eats f or Sun~y night . tical and economlc theories are Sole- Thl.U'8d~Y. 8.8 no meaJs wl1l ·be sex:ved at camp 1y designed to safeguard , the interMi'. and Mrs . W'. W. Wilson and untU Monday morning. ests of humanity as a. whole .. and not daugtlter of Charl.eston W. Va. were • • • hum,anlbY to be crucified .for the Satt11'd8Y guests Of Mr. Wilsons. JUNlO.. CBRlSTL\N ENDEAVOR preservation of the Integrity of any sister. Mfs. Louise FIte. meeting at the church each Sunday particular law or doctrine!' Mr. and Mrs. ~ 011ne Jr. and evening at 7:00. It ' you are under -Bhoghi Effendi daUg'hter of Columbus spent the High School age, come and enjoy ' Submitted by Helen McCoy weekend with Ml.'S . Cline's pan!nts. the singing, lessons. and FlannelRt. 2. Waynesville. Ohio Mr. and Mrs. H4~rJ>ett Doster. Graph pictures of :the Life of Christ. " ," • • • PRONE NEWS ITEMS TO v BUY, SELL, TIRADE, ' BORROW SENIOR OHRISTIAN. ENDEAVOR ZIi3 or 2910 USE G~ OLASSIFIED ADS
Goa'I ' f a New WorId 0rder
that uSually meets at this 7:00 Sunday at the :::::::::::::::;::;::::::::::===;::;::~:::==:===::=:::::church will not meet ••••••• ~ •• • ••• a ._ • • • • , • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • ,.- •• • • • • night because most of Lhi! young people wlll be at camp.
• • • PRAYER MEETING next Wedneiday evening. August 24. wlll be in charge of the Junior Christian Endeavor. A demonstration meet ing and m1.ssi~a t;Y lesson wiii be _presented by the yOUllg people.
Gerald McWiUiams of prd "Street has a~quired owner hip of the ·W. B. Squires grav.e] pit located on Gravel. Hill , least of Three Bridges. . PIT RUN GRAVEL AND SANID
Your mlni&ter is ,planning ,to be at the Tri-State Ohristlan Service Camp to teach this week. HIs family _ _ _ _ _ _ _'-'_...._ _ _ _ _........______...._ _....
Budget Balance In Doubt
It's both a pleasure and honor to know Mr . W. C . Tlohenor our n wini ng local composer. who. A bal anced Fcc\cm l budget for fame for hls,"Glorlous 0 I1io." Indeed the current nscal y ar, which beIts good liste ning to henr M I'. gan J uly 1, is the nution's biggest TI~henor sing his song to th e fi llancial question. W d ghing government estimates plano accompanimen t of his char maguinst business trends and conIng wife "Lutle". gressional appropriations, fiscal ex• perts suy 8 ba lanced budget for the Bonnie B:ehr. HArvey burg's little H/4.6· 47 bookkeeping y(lar mayor blonde celebrated her sec.on may not be achieved, depending on birthday Sunday, with Mama Beill' whether Treasury , receipts are Grandma and grandpa 'Wetzel nnd greater than nolV expected. Budget estimates pointing to 8 great grandpa and gmncimn We~ze l balance in the current year. after a nd other relatives. more than a decade of recordbreaking deficits, have been upset CHURCH OF GOD IN by appropriation gl'eater than an· CORWIN HOLDS BIG t icipated early in 1946. Mean· , \ while, receipts al so h'ave held up GATHERING, SUNDAY better than expected and further Ou Suuday. August 11, Rev . a.nd g'ains ip reVenue8 may result from Mrs. James Lamb, together wi h business improvement. Economists are watching the members of the Free Pentecostal ChUl'Ch of God at Corwin, ' were budget with particular interest hosts to one of largest gatherings now because a balanced Federal budget' is reg'at·u d as one of the In the history of the local congre- most effective means of checking gation . the infla t ionary tr' mJ in prices. AI; early as Sntur day nI tern oon many guests from 1'Urlous part · (if Indiana and Kentucky began arriving in anticipation of the all-day PEACE OF MIND services planned for Sundn . On THROUGH Sunday aOo es~imated crowd or Ix LIFE INSURANCE hundred filled the chw'ch to capucity and forced many to stand out· ,100.00 per month for 10 side. .,em &0 ,our famB, 11 100 During the noon Interm1SS1on do not Dve. b r h h _ A I, t t d th I mem er3 0 tee U",d rt'a e er It".... tf 1 i ni d gues ts to a d e..oe u tl p c 0 nn '100.00 .per monUa for We social hour. . for )'OarSeU at' .retirement. " of these benefit. 1a one All ;)8uoIOl AA13aq lOS adlJttS tIl altllSlld poUoy. O)tn 1nd Sl ;)ZlIT'l.taJ puu aUIf'l ·sdo.xJ are-.IlJ tI~ SlllS'l'IU WOlJ ~tl1Ulqo su.m1al q'HIA Alq'8l0~UIJ .tIM saloo MARION SNYDER -woo u.m1aol 10 a~'81 'l'8tU. 'ai:re Jad Repre&entlnl Oz.. 'lIlQqu JO' S~l{.r8W pU'8 '!~IfW
• •
JO 'liOO attl aAocp
U.m~e.l 11
<ltfi o)APi punolB J,o a.t0!3 U'8 ~
. 'Phone 171-L anq.'A lfCrtu 10 spunod 009'£ allUtD, U1r.) SA\OO os q.8noua alhlJoJ a:mpolcf ~ON, OHIO tr.lTtf.M. sam1S'Bd paAOlduq oTQO • READ THE CLASSIFIED ADS • _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _...._ _ _ ~
11\ I
11// / '//~ .
THE Ml.un GAZE1TE ~ Page 3 land but lor which n()->deed was ever five children, the youngest of whom MARRIAGE LICENSES estate of C. L. Eisenminger with WAYNESVILLE, OHIO - NO. 4277 dellvered, is sought by Mrs. Ruth is 19. Donald C. Runyan. al . and Wand:! Donald House, Robert L. Foster and TOURSDAY, AUGUST 15, 1946 Scott. Frankl n in Ii ,m·t filed P . Dodd, 31 . both of Leba on . J . K . Gron 'nger as apprais :·s. - - - - - - - - - - - - - against Geor ge Apgar . Waynesville. PROCEEDINGS Ralph J. Snuth, 26. Dayt en. and Grace M Kinney quaU!!ed a ad-
Courl NEW CASES Mrs. Dorothy P. Darby hire. Lebanon. filed a divorce action against Harold Da.rby hire. Dayton . cruelty. They were married In 1944. , Cru Ity s charged by Mrs. lauretta Howerlon DItmer. Franklin , in her divorce action agalns Oharles Ditmer , med three v;eeks after their marriaGe July 6. The plalnsL1ff 'h as three chUdrp.n oy previous marrlage . Newton J . PJlstner, Franklln, is
nam{'d defe11dan t in a ~uit for a dlvorce mad by Mrs. or Lee Pf!;'tner who 'Charges neglect: Married in 1941 they have one child. Mrs. Ola Morgan, P ' .rtoH , asks lor Ilo dlvor{'e from 0 I Morgan , FI. Lawton, Wash. in whioh .she chargE:s negleot. They were married June 20, 1945 and have one ch1ld. Naming William Lamb, Loveland. defendant, Mrs. Geneva Lamb flled Q divorce aotion in which she charged that· he hs,d not properly prov1ded f-or she and otlletr two children. 'llhay were ma.rlied in 1942. Ris wife refused to live 'with him Ralph Hoagland, Franklin, charg.!d in his acUton for a divorce from Mrs. Luther Ellen Eoagland, Fran-
Charging wllfull ab~ nce and neglect. Mr . Nellie Csgood filed a dIvone action against Stephen Osgood . Married In 1937 they have a daughter aged five. She cha rges her husband has been absent for three yea rs and pr eviously neglect to properly provide !()Z het. Cruelty Is char 'ed by Dorothy Tredway In a suit for divorce filed against Willlam Wallace TredW&,. Sylvania COllett, Lebanon, charge ' her husband, Sam, wlt:b neg'lect in 11er su!t for a divorce . 'TIley were man1ed In 1935 and have one child . . . ' William T , Mounts, Lebanon, asks for So divorce from Harriet
to \'{hem be was married 1n
1943. !Recovery or she paid for
ModiflcaLion of a prevtou f Iltry Cha.rlotte Anna Bradstreet. ) 9, nUnislratrlx of . the estate of J oseph ordered In the suit of Dorothy l'.k- Waynpsville. assistant J'brru·lan. F. McKinney, of near Lebanon, with Roberts against Thomas D. M ;Walter Gecrge Blum 24. and Anthony Von Holle. Donald Camp Roberts. Mary Virg!nia hield, 23 . both of and WlLIlam Marr as appr a isers. The r ecov '! 'Y of $337.21 and inter- Maineville . The net value 01 the tate ot e t , sale of real estate involved and Robert A. Gorrell. 23. Middletown , Lucy Isaacs. Lebanon. was set a b distribution of the proceeds 'of said and Betty Jean M.cCurely. 18, Leb- 54.28'7.55. sale ordered in the suit of Irvin anon. E. V. Barnhart. Waynesville, l'eRoush agaiijSt Laura, Trovillo, et. a1. Raymond H. Woodward. j l'.. 23. signed as adm.in1strator de bonis The court grante<1 a divorce to Miami burg, and COra L. Whisman , non of the estate of W. H. Madden Mrs. Betty Lee Wilson from Johnnie 18, Franklin. and Fred Grauman accept the T. Wil on and was restol'ed to her · Elmer C. Bachelor, 21. and Irene appointment and po ted bond of f<Jm1er name, Doane" also a d~:ree McKenZie, 17, both of Lebanon. $25,000. 00 Donald Borah, Lebanon , from. Gor.cion BClWI(>S, 21, Franklin , and . The court approved the Inventories Meuion S. Sorah and granted the Sarah J05ephlne F lannery , ' 22, of the est.a tes of Robel't M. l8lttCT her fonner name, Shaylor. Lebanon. l d Verbryke, UlIi.O B. Crothers and Mrs. Efne Hilling Wa.\j gran e Warren A. White, '25, and E~t Mary C , Woodward. a divorce from Philip HilliJ1g llnd Louise Scholl, 22, both of Fr anklin . Tn.. t"te 0 f Moun ts. Grass Va ley, CnliL, c::arg- was restored to h~ former name of ...e ne t va.Iue 0 ... ,e as... Ing neglect. Tl1~ were married In KatJlarlne Keever, Lebanon, was 1945. . Fow~er. She char~ neglect. PROBATE COURT detenll1nad to be $6,831.80; that of Mrs. Irene Bailey was gran ted a Miss Pauline Spencer was appolntWilliam Henry G,reathouse. divorce from Harry Bailey and re- ed executrix of the estate..()f Charles William Lee Ooyle, WClY11esville, Franklin, asks for a divorce trom stored to her former name, Boyden. A. Spencer, Lebanon, with H a..~vey $27 . 55, at RiChard CheDowetoh, LebRuth O!l'e8Jthoo:;e, ~th, to "Cruelty W88 ch8ll'ged. MIller, W1ll1am Mason Phillips and Rnon, . $5£7.89, and cf Anl'!al.telle Coverd:! le, ubanoD, $6,356 . 77. Wihom he was married in> 19M, They It. divorce was granted Vernon L . H. O. Sahwartz as appr.a~oeli~. have four children, Morton. Masol, in his sui against The gross" value of the' estate t f A :-e-a,pprat.Sement 01 -the estate A ci1vorce and custody ' 0If their Helen L. Morton who wa03 in def!~ult Sophie E. FuJler , Morrow, was set of Sigmund Piast was ordered and minor child is 'asked by Olen R . of his charge of negiec . at $7,285.72. K. M. Brown. Carl D. Stiles and Hitte, Franklin, in a diVOl'Ci! -action A divorce. custody of heir two The estate of MelL~ V. South. J. W. Goddard were' named apffled against Nancy Hitte, Dayton. chUdren and a stated sum for th.eir Lebanon, was ordered relieved from praisers. He charges neglect. support. ·was granted Edna Rouse in oomin1stration and Charters D. 'TIle court set Aug . 24 to hear the Olara Ross has filed a suit against her suit against Roy House who she Maple named- comm1ssion~r to ltlVenltory of the ~"ta.te of Mabel the unknown hei1'8 of the la.Le ob~ed with neglect. transfer ~t$ of .the , estate. 'TIllel; Aug. 28 that of Henry HackJohn and Louise Longman tJo quiet Pleading guilty to an ind:ctn en t C8.rl H. E1senm.1nger, Franklin, man. and Aug. 29 that of Americen Utle to a. tract in Hamdlton t.own~ chargmg lailure to jJfVvide . for was named administrator cf the Ste, Ie. ship. minor children. Porter Childers was :::::::::=::::::::::::::::;::::::::::::::::=::~~::::;:::::::::~
Married 36 rears, Ollie Longsdop., given
a suspended
jall sentence of
Franklln. seeks a divorce from six months. whioh ·she alleges Demaree Longsdon, ~yton, cllargWilliam Franklin Thomp on was two-acre ,t ract of Ing faUure .to provide. They have In default of an answ l' to a ch3rg 2.
sapo So
'~·' .-:~;.~iijii'~r~ri~'~~~~'~l---:; ,
of Edna on sonneglec was gand ven Mrs a .divorce charge of neglect .. A divorce and r~toratlon of her fot;mEr name, Lawson, were grn ]t:>d Mrs . Dol;'Ot hy J. Griffeth In her ~ t - against Willlam B. Griffeth Who "as in defauit of an answer to her charge of cruelty.
• ••
• ••••••••• - ••••••••• - ••••• - _. • ••••••••••• --
.T AXI ·SERVICE For Wayne ville and Surrounding' Town . . Owned and Operated by
WILLARD WILKERSON at Belcher'. Sonoco Station- Ph~n~
-- .... -.- .......................•.••••.•.••.•...
FARMERS An,-Amcric:aD Fruit,listed and ThIs NEWSPA,ER Both for Pr~c8 S~,wn G~wer __ :$1.75 0 Open Road (Doy.) ___._-.... ::: . • Girl _ .................. Amertc:aD Amcric:aD PoolUJ in Iltvicw_.. _.. l""nAllUU Girl. ___
0 Outdoon ................ . -. _ _ . 2.75 0 Puenta' . Maganne ,0 Pa~c~ ..c....... _ ' . 2.00 0 Photoplay ........... :.... __ ..... _- !.!SO
--JoumaL- 1.45 1.65
eeftec:t ~:....
1.55 1.65 1.45
l\!ec!arulla ................2& 0 Popular SdaJCle Mooibly .... 5.50 Q-'oultry TribuDe .................. 1.65 0 Rea!lc~, ~i_ _.----:..... 4.25
• ""
iiook ."'!,..-
-(5 Yn.)::
~.,.,.- ........;~ .... ZnMIie JrUlc _---:= ...-.. • .....
"')JDh. FuII!en' WUe 1.65.
n;.Ift.t~·· GIOWU
(Wedd ) .M apziine, Din!'
8 ~ent1fit j);'~,;e U5 0 SaeeolaiMl ... . UO . . . O .5U!,er . .a...... "uo . 8~!F~ ..:.-=. ~ ~
0 The Homemaker ...- -. •.45 S~45\' 0 The Weman ..-" ~ Show ~ .................. - .. - u6 , 01)'ne Story ...... - .... _ . _ . :.. ., 25 t MODthly 45 0 U. CaDiera. ........... ·...... " i. Nab'ooal DIga ...... •"' . S. DI-'. . . _............... __ P r odu"I 75 , 0 Walt COll1lcs: "'.. NatII U ,ellu.;a .......- . ~1 . Nature (10 11IUa, 12- MOL)_ 1.45 0 YoUr· UfC ......................._...... . S'95
.4.5 0
1 Y~I. U~II n_~ &HOWN
IIO'I'.,PII'I ill" ~
TRUE STORY. . , . I Yr. PATlinNDER _. ___. _ - - - . -.. --,.1 Yr. , MOviE SHbw _._ ._---....6 M~, • . . , . JOURNAL • •ARMEll'l WIIL .... l Yr. POULTRY TRIBUNE _._ ......_._. __ .-.... 1 Yr. MO'I'IIER'S HOME ._1 Yr.
Tues.., Aug. 20th . Eair Grounds, L E BAN 0 N MUSIC
• • • Roy Battles, Farm Program pirector at WLW Will Speak About Hij European Trip
·,- .' .
Fill your picnic .bas~ets E~t with your friends and neighbors EVERYBODY 'WELCOME
• • •
2 423
Contest for all- Men- Women- Youth Members of 4-H Club. and FFA Chapters
• • • Hot Coffee Served FREE- Beginning 1.2 noon- BRING SUGAR
• • • E~TERTAINMENt and FUN for ALL
ChICle .... l.,ir,4 "nll ,n"(I" ",il" COMPO", I ~~. $.... - ....- .. -..... Pl~ ICDd ~ the offer cb~ed. willa • yCar" iubarlpdoo to your paper. r ,!(AKB · --_..._....... .
. tTRDT oa
._,. ;:. ,-
laJf:entounty "Farm Bureau
Frank and Edna Stubbs to Walter THE ~nMD GAZETrE - Pace t and Jean Stubb lots 42-43 In HIli WAYNESVILLE. omo - NO. 4211 THURSDAY. AUGUST 15. 1946 Cynthia W1JsOn to Cre.st addition, Lebanon. EST A B L I SHE 0 8 5 0 William J . Gabbard. lot In Snider- Same to dharlas Linkous, lot 53 a.nd Mr. Wilbur Stepel\S of Dilyton Published ~g~D T~.ur~~~:-o~A~~~N PR~S crest subdivision . In ::::: ~~!:~~an Gillman, lot 49 spent, Sunday with Mr , and Mrs, Entered as Se ond CI~s l\!a tter at he Post Ofnc~ William \V, Shurts to Otls, John In same add1tlbn . Louis Morgan . Jlnd WlJlie Turner" lot In · South Mrs, Fl sie Henderson and son Subscription Rates : 51 ,50 per __________________________________ Ye:;. r In Advance SlUlle to Charles Gil 11m. 10 52 in .. of COf\\in called on Mr . and Mrs. same addition, -.o'!'!"'P'~-",~~~_ _-----,·1 . Maggie M, Younl~ to Frank and Harold and Ru h Loxley to J ohn Earl Marlatt, Sunday evening. ~n' Young. intere t In lot 135, and Mal'ion Robten, 33, 68 acres In Mr. and Mrs. Morris Lewis l1l1d Lebnnol1, son spent Sunday with Mr . and Salem twp, Nicholas F . EslInger to Rudolph Carl and MAxiena Judd to Ballard Mrs , John Ko ster f 'Utica . \ Mr , and Mrs, Clarence 'Thomp~nd Helen Bmun. mct in 'Hamilton Wlllla rilS, 52 .08 aCl'es in Wl1shlng ton SemR COME AlO~C1 ,0 son of near Wilmington spent 0. few twp. twJ>. COLuMBUS A~O SEE 1\i£ Alvin Bra,nt to Donald L. Binkley, Carl .0 , TUrner. byadmlnlHrn t;rlx. days with Mr. and Mrs , David tract In Harlan, twp. to Carlos Spurlock, parcel in Lucas and family . Donald and Ca thl~ r1ne Binkley to Roachester , ora Lee Kofmehl, same. Margaret C. Withers to Charle Ben and Mabel Hoyer to Walter and Grace Van Ness, .62 a.cres In Krause, two tract.g il11 Salem twp. Lebanon, MHo and Ann Swigert to Robert I 'Fred Swigert, five lots In 'lUfts add ~ Won to Maineville . George Fryburger toO Herbert I1nd ~ollU . Olara Stacey parcel in Ooztiddale , if , Mariah &~ge to J ohn Paul ~nd Mr , and Mrs. H~nry Finke, Mrs, Elizabeth Boot, Inte:rest in Inlot 135 Clementine Zimmerman of near in Lebanon. Waynesvllle and Mrs . Elsie Turner Charles Helton to Mary L. Bolin, of Dayton called on Mr . and Mrs. one acre in TUrtlecl'eek twp. George Bratton Sunday afternoon. Lottie and Paul Stokes to Wilbur Mr. and Mrs . Lou Marlatt. Dayand Emma Harlan, 80.20 acres In ton spent Sund B~ wlt.h Mr. G eorge Wayne bwp. Marlatt. Leon and Mary iJ1nes tp Paul R . Mrs. Mattie Levi nod son. Miss Pontius. parcel ,In Ridgeville, Clara. Daughters spent las WednesDonald Ertel to Carl D, Crosth- day with, Miss Anna MeredIth and 1ii. . . . 'Waite, property on Ellst St .. Lebanon, mother at WilynesvWe : Berman and 'Mozelle P . Ross to Mr, and Mrs, Everett Bunnell I1nd Neal Murray, property on Deerfield daughters called on Mrs . Razel rd. , Lebanon. . Gruber and family of WaynesvUle, , Sue Harshbarger to Theron J . Sunday. ~-------"':~~~":~;;;;;;;;;;;;'~;'----~~-~'. Oflord, part of inlot 198 In Iebanon Mr. ·and Mrs . KeI).Ileth B~tten Everett Bennett t() Arthur L. Mc- anti daughter of Dayton called on TWIN THEATRE No. 915 REAL ESTATE ~ Donough. lot ~ Morrow. Mr. and Mrs. George ·Bratten on TRANSFERS ... Edward and 'Drusy Moore to John Monday afternoon. Jessie ThOmpson to Fred Kahn, $. Oharlton, two l?tts In Morrow. . Mrs. Alice' Furman entertained ~ lot 14 tn SOuth ,P ark' addition, Clarence !\ond Mary Eyler to Hugh her relatives. Mr. and Mrs . O. FufLebanon. and ' I1a. Reddick, 57 ,',0 acres ~n man and son of , Dllnols. over the === PROBATE COURT . " William P . Mathews- et al, ' to J •. :,rUrtlecreek t;wp. ,. .weekend BDd on Stmday, Mr. and Wat'ten Young, Franklin, wa.s H. and .. inbel S.n_""bArrv two tracts C . laude Brewer to Dewey and ·Mrs. Dew,ey, yomStoclt and daughter named adm1nlstra.tor of the estate -.. ~----, 1 W ton t ' Dora Puckett/ lot in SQubh Lebanon. of Beav~rtown. at Ma.rgaret :rllnspach. with Tine n bing wp . , Celesta Freeze to Jonas aild Ethel Mr. Ellsworth Smlth and daughRoberts, Don HouSe an W. O. McFran~ Board and Paper Co. to :Wyant, 61.70 aeres In Wa.yne twp. ter of Dayton spent Sundsy WI~h HOURS: 9-12 each morning ;. Intyre as -appraisers. Norman H. Stont~, lot in Franklin. Slmeon Buka to James and her mother. Ml'$. Mattie Lev! and The court . approved the second Norman Stone to the Stone Elizabeth Bogen. 109.31 acres In son. 1-6 'a fternoons except account of the estate of Mart8.na Oontalner corp .. Salne. Turtl~1t twP. Mr. and Mrs. lAwrence Zink and Wednesday Bessie' 'Griesser to Blrc:tlel and J. WUbur Earnhrurt to G., W. and son of Sprtngboro spent Sunday Mayers; flnal accounts -of the estates ' of HaITY Cook. Charles A. Gera,ldlne Roo.rk, three lotts in Love- Eva Alexander. 60 acres In clear- evening with Mr. and Mrs. Erne-t 7-9 Saturday ev:ening . creek , twP. ' H.asz and SollS. Tabor and John J. Leyes. and the land Park . Other evenings by first account of the estate of Hazel D. Seibert , to John D . Edna Krohn to Wa.yne and Leana Mr. and Mrs. Everett Bunnell Appointment Wllllam ' F.. Downey. . ~'Harold, one acre in . Turtlecreek Breeze, 'parcel In Morrow. and daughters called on ¥r. and Net value~ of bpe following estates twp. Paul and Lucllle' Whltlockto Mrs. Bert Bunnell of Utica, SWl- , TELEPHONE 62-R were determined as follows : Wllliam Harold H. Tucker to Harold and Ernest ' ano ,· Mae Eve, 1.14 acres in day 'evening. " T, Estes, $4,6'16,94'; Edna l A. Edna Bogan, 6.52 acres in Massie Turtlecreek twp. Mrs. Robert G~ne and ~OJniIY , ::YoUnkers, $123.49; Ella. Eslinger, $1, twp. " '~er Stewart to Homer and Ora - - - - - -,'"",, . - - - - - - - - 'l46.15. Americen Steele, $1.538.73. S1.¥>ie Roach to Jesse Hopkins, 20 Broughton. 11 'Iota In Springboro . AUCTIONEERING acres in Franklin twp. ' ,'~ STANl.EY and KOOGLER Optometric Eye Specialist IN CASE OP FIRE DIAL 22ft ' Rlley and Louise Freeze ·to Floyd 1I8OD118 U0Df88 26 So.u th Detroit Street and ' Florida. Turnet', 3.34 acres in
The Miami Gazette
~banon ,
Iii"1 I
' n ew
Dr. C. E. Wilkin
Midftet Auto Races ':J At Ohio State Fair
Phone 2851
The ' Waynesville National Bank
~ li
COL U M BUS (Special) ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~.~.~.~.~.~.~~;';';'~.~.~.~.~.~~~~~ Midget ,fLuto 'Rac,!S,' one of the · !I, :most exciting of" uil sports, will be, a big attraction Saturday, Au~t 24th, the first day of t}1e 92rid Ohio State ,Fair, at Columbus. Sofa Beds; Living Room Suites; Breakfast A full program of auto races will be , he~d poth ,Saturday after- , Suites; Bed Room Suites; Base Rockers; noon and I night, on the race track, and .will attract som~ of Tilt-Back Chairs ~ith Ottoman. ijJ.e co~try'. lleac:Ung speed demons. . Another spectacular operWtgday feature will be an elaborate Cosco All-Metal Step Stools, 3-colors display "of fireworks. . , Mighty conyenient. for the '. kitchen ' The Ohio State Fair-first since I ~ ',. 1941-\vill run from August 24th through August ·30th.
Cedar · Chest,s - Mattresses-.- S\Vee~ers; ebuilt . and new- ~iITors-, ' Pictul'es1 etc.
Show Wor Equipm.nt At Ohio Staite Falr
COLUMBUS (Special) - Th,e ESTABUSHED 18'75 War Department will have a giantdf/Jplay of war machines and equipment at the Ohio St,{lte Fair. .. Colu1nbus, August' 24th thJ:ough' the '30th. Competent Tdepboae UI1 " army ofllcials will eXplain , to Fair " pat~ons the purpose ' arid t: operation of t~e machines. __ ____________________•• ~~~~~
For 0.. .. PbOae .... w.,...we, 01110. amIree 0batpI .
Waynes~lie·· F~rDit~re .& :Appiiance C~: G~bbons
. ~
;Building, ~o'rth Sil'e·e t WAYNESVILLE, OHIO ' Phoiie 2422 '.
. '"
TIlE l\DAMJ GAZETTE - Page 5 WA YNESVlLLE, omo - NO. 4271 THURSDAY. AtGUST 15, 1940
Gephart-Burnett Wedding Aug. 3 The Lebanon Presbytertan Church was the ~ce ne oC a beautiful wed~
di Z on Saturday evening, Aug. 3 at 8 :30 o'dlock when Miss Eileen Bul',nett. daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Ru~se l Burnett. of Ridgeville became t he bride of LeRoy Gephart. son of ~ . Ill'ld Mrs . Adam Gephart of Miamisburg . '
"SAWDUST & SPANGLES*' THRILLING SPECTACLE AT OHIO STATE FAIR COLUMBUS (Special) - Fa- staged in front of the Grandstand mous circus and outdoor acts at the Ohio State Fair. August from Europe and America will 24th-30th, Columbus. Among the acts will be: Zazatto T roupe of ridj}rs ; Flying Val e n tin 0 s; Eric Philrnore, world1s great est juggler: 'I'hree Fredericks, t rap e z e artists; Ruby's Circus Combination, dogs and ponies; Ray Troupe, higH:' wire artists; Sun's Elephants; Rollini. renowned novelty act; Seven Ervins; teeterboard troupe; Bozo Harrell and other clowfts; Zoppe Family, balancing l1le1ders; Teeter Sisters, double slide for life; Maximo, slack wire petformer; LaBlonds. comedy bar act; Missing Brothers, comedy acrobatic act; Lady Barbara eir¢nS, dogs and bucking mule; t>aley Brothers, comedy aat. "SaWdust & Span gles" will have three rings, two stages and more than 100 animals. It wIll J~cu1Une Teeter, in SOO-foot I'" P,lClude special lighting effects. It slide for We. IS considered one ot the grelltest appeal' in "Sawdust & Spangles," spectacles booked for the Ohio the mammoth spectacle to be State Fair.
Some of the guests were Mr. and Mrs . HOll1ngshe~. Mr . a.nd Mrs. Todd Lov.'l'y of Dayton. Mr . and Mrs . Le\'1 ~l11er of Yellow Springs. Mr. and Mrs . J. W. Warwick and MT. and Mrs . Ray K night and family of ~ e l1ia , Mrs. Ludington has her two grand c.lllldren, Arlene and Danny Shulke of Dayton spending a w ck with her.
GUEST ENTERTAINED AT LUKENS BO~fE Mr . and Mrs . Willia m Lukens
entertainl"d to d.iImer Monday evening 01' . and Mrs . J , A. Ross <if Oklahoma City; Mr . and Mrs. A. C. Leonard and their son ~bert; Mr . and Mr . W, Ro . Louis and Mr. and Mrs . H . J . Greene or Wilmington. Also. ~·s. De Ella Newlin of Economy . .Ind .
Mr . and Mrs . P. L . Reason entertained fliends from PhUadelphla Sunday. They were Mr. and Mrs. Frick and Mrs. Marne Frick. Othe!' guests were Mr . and Mrs. Charle Fester of Dayton . Mr . and Mrs. Rhodes Bunnell and children and Mrs . Elsie Hockett . wUl be dinner guests Monday evening of Mr. and Mrs . ~a.son.
The Rev. John C. McOoy f th e Lebanon Presbyterian Ohuren perfonned the double ring ceremony before an alter decora ted with palms and baskets of white gladioli and Ughted by taper. in candalabra. OIu;ldles in single s tandards trimmed wl&h Cern marked L~.e pews: ASBURY VlSlTORS Mr. and Mrs . Ralph E . Asbury Miss Will1c.lmlnn McLane. Frankhas as guests Thursday Aug. 8 Mr. lin, the ~rga.nist. nd MJ·. Geor e Asbury's father ' and mother of Mllthaler of Dayton, solOist. proBamUton. Mr . and ~s . Williain T. vided a. half Hf>ur of prenuptial Asbury. m ie. Eugene Gephart oC Mia mi burg. brother of the ' groom was best After a short weddlng trip Mr , Kennedy and her daugh ter Mary Also visiting the Asbury's were man and Eugene and Jimmy Burnell and Mrs. Gephart wUl be, a t h:r:; ~ Lou . relatives of Chikasha. Oklahoma. brothers of the bride UShered. to their friends In tbeir newly furMrs. MinnIe Swain oC RldgevUle, They were Mr . and Mrs. Elmer The bride was atte~ded by Miss nlshed home at RidgevUle. Mrs. Nettle Spay oC Morrow, Mr. DeKinder and their two daughters and Mrs. Elmer Shrader oC Lebanon, Miss Dorothy DeK1nder and Mrs. MIldaUne BWlardt of Rldgev1lle as maid of honor and the Misses Jean # Miss Ethel Mannon,., Earnest Wooley Diggs . Hutt a.nd Iris lUll, bot h of Ridgeville Mannon. Mr. and Mrs. Morris as brldesmalds. The maid of honor Snyder and chUdren, Mr . and 'M rs. 'RETURN FROM 1VACATION wore a gown of net over pink satin Clint Cleaver, Mr . and Mrs. Robert Mr . and Mrs. Edwin Ramby and and carried a boquet ot flowers In Wallace and Mrs. Effie Thompson family have just re turned home after a weeks vaCItNon through bhe pastel shades. Mr . alld Mrs . Ralph Johps of all or Wilmington. The bridesmaids wore net over Lyt.le ar~ nnnot,lncing the engn.geAlso a t tending the reunion were Smokles ~nd the Look~ut Mountains blue satin' and carried boquets slml- ment Of U\elr daughter Frances. to Bartara Ann Parsons of Osborn, In Tenn~e. lar to that of the maid, of 'honor . Mr. Gene ThOmpson. son of Mrs. Dean Harvel' of KIngman, Walter On the way home Mr . and Mrs. Carol Longacre. small cousin of M!ldred Thompson of Dayt on. Ohio. Hose of Lebanon, Robert, Lotus of Rambs> and famUy stopped in Murthe bride. t he flower girl. wore green M1ss J h ' " d r Rossyone, Everet Abrams ot freesboro and vlsltP.d Mrs. Ramby's net over yellOw satin. ," th Ofth 0 Ins rM> ~ grain utlte nurse 0 ',Lebanon, Mr . and Mrs. WUIred brother and his \VUe. Mr. and Mrs. ,'I1he bride, who was given in mar- p'ta.! Ci ft.-- >: tl 0 ' 1' A , t Cossam of ,Columbus, and Mr. and Herman Surface. ,, . I e "'" • 00 n.....0~, Nurs n go. Christ nit pr hosnf M rta.ge by her father. chose for her h ' 1 ed t 'p t'te . Fi ~d rIO. Clarence Cleaver of NOlI"Wood, . s e ... emp oy a a TSOIL e. 0h1 .. wedding a. 'gown with , form fitted h06J)Ual, Dayton Ohio. .0 . • bodice of' white , satin with sweet' . 'heart neckllne aDd long sleeves tIiat Mr . Thompson served with Ule ,ATTEND WEDDING formed points over her bands. nlte Navy three years and spent two IN CINCINNATI skirt was of white lace ' fonning a years of it. on a transport &hip as a ALL MAKES A-ND~-PES 'long train. The vell of white net Pharmacist Mate second class. He Mr. and Mrs. Walter Whitaker ~rtmmed with lace edging and in- was In the Asla:tdc-Paclfic t bea,t re attented bhe wedding of Mr . OUR WORK IS GUARANTEED Whitaker McMillan.. Thursday ,sertlon was held In place by a heart of war. . We also do RADIO and PHONO Repair shaped crown. trtmmild with pearl In the fall Mr. Thompson wUl en- Aug\LSt 8. ~mnge blossims. her only ornament tel' Miami Unlver ity to study pre- ~r . McMillan mal'Tled Mar ~ha being a single strand of pearls, th medics. Sand, the daughter of Mr. anel Mrs. Across from the BaI:1k Nita Phone gift of the groom. Her flowers were Both are graduates of IWaynesv11l James Sand ' of. Cincinnati.. The 2981 WAY N E S,V ILL E, 0 H! 0 High. School. wedding ' took place In the orchids and gardenias,. For her daughters wedding Mrs. . Presbyterian Ohurch of CincinnatI. Burnett wore a dTeS$ of rose crepe WELLMAN REUNION Also attending the wedding from Waynesville were Mr. McMUlans with white acCessories and a corsage LARGELY A TIENDED cou.s1ns Dorothy and Miriam WUson, of rose buds and orchids; and the bridegroom's mother wore light blue SUnday. AuguSt 11 'the 47t h daUghters of Mr . and Mrs . Russell crepe with ' white accessOries and · a Cleaver-QuT and Rich reunion , Wilson. oorsa'fn! of rosebuda and orchids held in We~lman. Those attending .\Iter the" ceremony a recePtton the rl)uplon were ,Mr, ' and Mrs. GUESTS AT 'PARTY for Weir many friends ,w.as ~eld 10 ~rles Ool11er, M.r: and Mrs. Glen IN WILMINGTON the church parlor. . Davis ' and Nellie. Mr. and Mrs. ' Mr. and Mrs, Hellbe'r t MdMlllan ~P'or travelling the brIde wore an Jack Rich·. Mrs . Ioala ~artsock and and Mr. and Mrs. Russell Wilson aqua dress t.r1mtned With white laoo chUdrep.. Mr. and Mrs. Thomas attended II. party In WUmlngton 'With which she used white accessor- Rich, Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Cleaver. Saturday evening given by Mr. les. . Oharles, Rose, Edith Mae, and Mary Ralph Hobson. former manl18er Of paONE 326 The bride Is a graduate of the Jo Rich all of Harveysburg. the Farm Bureau In Lebanon.. clad of .'42 Qt the Sprtilgboro High Those attending the reunion from Other guests attending the party School .and the groom a gra,duate \Vaynl!6ville were Laura 'McKinseY, were Mr. and Mrs. Alvin Harvey; ot the ~ .of '39 of ·the M1aoils- Clarence and Reba. Edwards, Mrs . Mlr. and Mrs . ~bert. Chamberlain. burg High School. Cora Rlch, Mrs. RebB. Bra:~dook, the present manager ' of t~ Farm . They are employed at the N:C .R . Rose and FlOSSie Fires, ~. and Bureau in Lebanon ; Mr . and Mrs. at D&yk,n. ' Mrs. 'Louis Fires, Mrs . Doris zane Banta.; Mr. and Mrs. Rex ., PRPVIN ,QUAJo.TY . .. ;;;~~;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;~~;;;_;;;;;;_~_;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;_ _;;;;;:(;;;___ Parker; Mr. , and Mrs. Charlel>. Mur. . IOUI WIllA' ClOP manti 'M r. and Mrs . Franlt Balanger and Mr . and Mrs . Otto BMns. • .IN ranMn Cd now . . . ........ 011 .... acn. wfth .... all Elf Leb,a.non. . . . beCav. proper feftItbotIon doe. Mr . . and Mrs. McMillan 'spent tile feb. Get 110 M hrtltI_ for y_ Saturday .nlght and Sunday with wheat crop and be cmwed .f the belf. the latter's brother. Roj)ert Dawney. ~ a.. 110 ~ high yIefd 'fertillaen com.,...., . . . . y...,. in .Oakland . . ...... ..th . . . . , ~ crops ' to In-
Johns' Announce Enga,gem,ent
Refrigerator & Washer Repairing • Parts
Da~i;~one Home Applianc;:e Stor.
FlO R· Any . ~ake pr mod~~1 Fred Kahn Motor Car Co.
.............. .. -.......
..... -- ....
Dl.u;lllg these t imes when 59 'Uludh , in U;e way of dignity ;and good taste are demanded, ' ,S'Dt1BBB' SERVIOEs a.re ai~ 'ways '· sa~lsf(\ctory. .'
S T '. UB B S
HOMB ~ .'
Mr. and Mrs . Alva tUdingt;on a ttended ~he Ludlngton-HolllI1!gshead family . reunion SUllday. held at "'"."!~~~__,;;.,.~.....___.;..____...;;~_ ~bert Actons' In Yellow Sllrlngs .
: _~~~_+.~~...
- - - .,. " ;;..":"'.;~ ... III pO.It'•• t. IUIOW
.,.., . . . . . . . . c..it4 t41
.,It' ••' . . . . . . . YOU~...•
G'MM ;.w yield. and "" See . . _ _ new for 'YOW r........ntt.
SENIOR LEAGUE AUGUST 5 Ford-F'el1gUSOn m et up with Roxanna1n one of the best played games any one wo uld care to see. Roxanna' won 6 to 5, the winners coming across wilJl two home runs· one each for Oillan an Lewis . AUG UST 6 Two games were played. SpringbOJIO shut out Bob's Service Sta,t lon boys 5 to 0, fn tdle first game of the twin bill. Sweeny hit a home ' run for Sprtngboro. Owens for the winners allowed but two hits. 'I'be second game between Hyman~ and Millers Restaurant was called e.t the end of Ute eighth Inning. the ac:ore being 8 all. This game will be piaYed August 11 at 8:00 p.m. UGUST ., _ Double beader. Fairleys handed stubbs anotber 10&> with easy going all the ,way ~ t~ score of 9'1;0 O. In !.be second game Bob's Service tv.... potted ~~d-~'"'SO , n 6 runs .,.,,,.. ...'" """1!>U ·"'e first two Innin""" and came . in I/U .,., back to win at 11 to 9. AUGUST 8 sprtngboro ~hut out MJllers to the tune of '10 to O. Sweeny of Springboro hit. a home run With one on in the first inning. Webiter of 8prlnsboro a1lowed but one hit in tb,e contest, ' WUliamson allOWed .even hits and had some Costly enus b&ck or Mm. AUGUST ', _ .....
MJddletown Legion boys enter: tamed the local All-Stars .by 'winDing 'l t10 • 1n a well ~¥ed game ~pt for the flrBb 1niUng when the visitors scored 3 Ubearned runs. 'I1be loc:al boys ,t ied un in the 1lfth . . ~ a.nd bhe Legion men came out wtnner' in the last fnme. 'the score 00Ibg 7 ~ 4 ..
AUGUST 11 The playoff 'g '" Ip. e' bet wee n Hyma ns and , Millers, whioh was ' called AUgust CJ wa.s WOn by Hyma.ns by We ' overwhelming score of 22 to 2.
IN EASTWOOD PARK Sl'~DAY Mr. and Mrs . ClUl rlas LeMay and chlldl-en were the guests of Mrs . LeMay's mother, Mrs . L , J. Burton for a. family dinner a t Eastwood Park. Dayton. SWlday . BAGEl\IEYERS' ENTERTAIN
Mr . and Mrs. James Drury and Mr . and Mrs. J . H. Wright of O&y ton were visiting Mrs. Drury's and Mrs. wright's sister, Mrs , O.baJ'les Hale-meyer, Tuesday evening of last week. Sunday, Mr. and Mrs. Hagemeyt!r ente.rtaJ.ned Mr . and MnI , Te\tmeyer and daughters of Waynesv1lle . AT fIELD ,TRIAL Mr. Ernest NIXon a ttended a Field Trial for Beagle Hounds In ChilUoot·he. Ohio. 'Sunc;lay. Aug. 11 .
Mrs. A.m.a.Ilda Ha.rtrum spent SUnday with her son, Mr. A. !H . Stubbs and family. ' Mr. and Mrs. Milton Sheehan of Oen torvllle 'c alled on Mrs . AliI; ON NCR TOUR Clark, SUnda.y. Mrs. Gold1e Surface is on the N. Mrs. Walter SWain of Pendleton, C. R . pleasure tour fhrough Florida. Ind. was our guest during Frten ds Yearly Mee Hnw • VACATION IN FEORIDA ~ Dr. Emma Holloway a nd Mis.> Mr. and Mrs . T. O . Lawson have just ret urned from a two we¥ Minnie Dodson spent Wedne~ay in vaoa,t ion 1n Panama. Flortda. Dayton. Mr. and Mrs . John Peele of WllGUEST FROM PITTSBURG mlrigton were dinner guests of their For 'the paSt t~n day!';, Mrs. George cousin, Mrs. Evalyn' P eterson .. on K . Shaffer of Pitt.sbul'g. PenD!. has Sunday . 'been Qle guest of 'heJ7 mother and Recent ou t of town guests of father Mr. and Mrs. Fred Hoak. Misses AnnIe and Marne Brown were Mrs. Shatter returned to her home Mrs. Louella Brown. Mrs. Ra ySaturday eveninl . mond Montgomery and Mrs. Ethan Orane of Oentuv1lle; Mrs. Harry VISI~ IN CINCINNATI Browne, Mrs . Doug'las Clarke. Mrs . Rut h EarnhartI, the daughter of , Verna Kelly. Mr. and Mrs . Cecil Mr . and Mrs. H. B . Earnhart len Da~ of' ])a,ytoni Miss Fred1a Ha rFrtd ay ·t 0 speDd & week in, 01nc inna t i vey of Beavertown; M-= .-- Olive Eyler visiting Mrs. EloIse ' Lang . M.Iamisb\l1'B. Mrs. Ea~nha.rt and her son Ha rlan Miss Glenna Marw ~r D&Ytoll accompanied Ruth to Cincinnati and was a guest elf her cousin. Mrs . stayed Friday. Lucile Armita"'e' Is wee". .. two d"'y~ ... " .... WI ..
VISITORS FROM CINCINNATI Mrs. Stanley South and daughter from> Oincinnati spent Thursda y MICHIGAN GUESTS wiVh their 'aunt, Mrs. Liddle COleMr. and Mrs. Alber1~ Cleaver h ad can and ntey bad dinner at. th as , Sunday. iUests Mr . ana Mrs. Smith Tea Boom. ' Homer Buell of 'I4lclIJJpn and Mr . and Mrs. James A'bt>ey ana la m1ly PLANS TO RETURN TO HOME of Xema. Ohio.Mrs. Nettie Tinney is planning to ,1 : . return to her home in C01'W1n ~ter AT SMOKEY MOUNTAINS. spending several months at h er Miss Nell1~ Dayis ' sJl>ent last week farm. ' in the ' Smokey Moun tains with fr iends of Dayton,
Taxes Take Largest Slice Of Top Salaries Uncle a m is (!'C'ttin g by f or the largest cut out of those top corporate sola r i s the TrE:osury has broug ht back into the news. Commenting on Tl'ca 'ury reports of sala ries a nd bonus s r angi ng upwards of 75.000 ann ually) the Chamber of Comm pl'ce of the Un ited States notes : The Federal t li X collect or t ak s about $64,000 out of a $100,000 net income. Surtaxes rise s teeply un't il the Trea ' ury gets about Sri.1> per cent of a $1,000,000 income. The man in the 100,000 bracket whose income dou les to $200.000 has only about $15,000 left out of his "raise" after the F dorol ta x., lOA company has found," says the Chamber, " that' it has to pay one of , its executives a $300,000 sala ry in order, that ~ e might net about $60,000 afte,r paying Uncle Sam ,240,QOO. 'And he has other taxes to pay in addi tion to t he F d r al income levy!"
Mr. and Mrs . ,James Da vis (ne~ , .~ ~ • ...._ Hannah Cook of Waynesville) call" . ed on friends a t the Home. Friday . ' ~ ~..., ~ Mr. and Mrs. Harry Keister. Miss r;"ra Stiver and Miss ~ Yanhey - .......~.----.-.-.-....-........- ....._ . Germantown vi.!;ited Mrs. Amanda Hartrum. Sat urday afternoon :
One by-p~uct of the oos.l st~ . ) 18 I8ll 1nereasing short8,ge of J4ne suitable for use 10 fruit and vegeVISIT IN SINKING SPBlNGS BROWNS' ENTmTAIN table spray mixtures. Some ~to Mr. and Mrs . WalteJ:' Rhodes Mr : and Mrs . Ira . Brown growel'5 havereduoed .the lime. in Visited ~ng friends in S~king entertained to .a f:a.m1ly dinner Bordeatux. ~~ures by 'half tbe Sprtngs, Ollio, last . ~da,y. Aug. 11. S ':'_. ' ,.."" _h 1'<7. . ... ".. d amoun ' u.;;Ucuw recommended. " ' . unU1fo.Y ..... ~ . .... ~ ,e , DI\)UC... "'". an IN' w ........., Mrs. HAro1d ~~ and family, • iutAD ..... D ClAS8tnm ........ ' ....,.~~ON FRIDAY -. . "'..... ~ . Mrs. A. K . . Day visited Mrs, Dr. \lnti., Mrs . E . Ii.. Sherk anj It 'Wears ~t toO. , You ma.y' fee. . tamily and Mrs. Sberks mother Maude Crane a nd Mns . ' Harry , , Uke hitting It with an ax, , but reCOwan ot Lebanon last Fridar. Mrs,. Mary MC'K~, a~~ton. member radios Moe 6till bard tc; get ;", VISIT IN NEW YORK AT NIAGARA FALLS Let us service It for you at regular Mr. and Mrs. WAN n Co:>k and .D r. and Mrs . H . F. Dye a.ru:l .sons -,. •... .,..... intervals and avold costly r epalrs and Mr. and Mrs . EB r~ Hubbell have Mr . a nd Mrs,. Donald Hadley later on. Bring It 10 today . j ust re t UOled from a. visit with th e returned to thet:, h(l:'-Ue Thur"""" ,; PAINTS - STOVES ' """ t f D D d evening A,ugust 8, after a Vleek trip ROOFING FENCE paren 8 Q .r . (Ye, Mr. an ¥!s . HARNESS _ PIPE B . C . Dye .. and ~he mother of Mrs. to Nlagra ~lls and CI~nada . . -~1MI-
GUSTIN Radio &Television
SOHEDULE OF VISITOR GAMES Dye, Mrs. Kennedy, of BrldgewR.ter VISITOR , R~T1JIi}\JS' TO ' New Yor~. INDIANAroLlS'
PhGIIe JM1 • WAYlQIitlLt& o.
Atugust 16 - Sabina
279 4
South .........,... T '-"''''on vs Waynet.tes a t VISITS OVER ~ ""'. .lQAS 'U~....... . ... . l~ B " Smith 0 f t?;;;;;;;;~';;;;;;;;;;;;~';:;;;;;;;;;;;;~=;;;;;;;;;'p;;::;~;;;~~~~~~;;;;~~;;~ Wayne 16.~"'_ 8:00 " ·WEE, KE.~v ~: ....... is tPark.11 August m"':l team .. 1p.m. . Mrs.. Carolyn Gross of Mid?&y In~polis. Ind. hillS been visltl.ng " n ,JJO an a -~'~ . ~u e. . , her 'daughter Mrs. 'L on Allford for AUlUSt 17 ' - Xenia Elks (SWlday visited her SOIl and daughter-in, 1 d ,,', - Wllb past month. abe is rerurned to n ,4wh 't at 8'00 o'c1-") . aw, ."... ana' . an I ....... " ·. ur 'O ross h......, " , 'E 0 F FER - uoe • """". ,. er h ome in In~i\polls Monday
~o va 4D-starS
BIt the Wa.yne over the 'Weekend.
August 12.
Pare dJamobd A1JI"Im 23, ~:OG p'.m. RETURN FROM LAKE lAMES .' " Camp W~ Mr. and Hoger Brawn.a.nd DETROIT VlSlTO~,' DEBE AUI'I'St ~. ''~SundaiY rught at 8:00 o'clock' children returned SUnday evening Mr. and MrS. RalP)l and ph1ldren. . .:...from a week's V8(:atloo' at lAke Allen arid}.ynnE( of ~-trlt are spend .. '
STANDINGS W 7 '1 4 3
L 3 4 6 8
James, Ibd.
1ng their vacation with .their ~~reDt ,
Mr. and Mrs .
VISIT IN DAYTON Pot. M;: and Mrs. M. A. Fulkemon 700 and daughter ~~ Mr. and Mrs. Ira 636. BroWD and family were Frida.y '~4()(j dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs . 272 ~ Garst of Da.yton. Ohio . ,
mE SCHEDULE Thursday':" Mulfords vs Braw~OIl(day- MulfOtldS vs Turners .....'--.,....
Dial2111 , Waynesville, Ohio
~ST OARROLL:rol!Il, CAIlLERS Mr. and Mrs. Cheat~r Ooo1'e1 of West carrollton ~. caDers '~t: tbe home of Mr. and MIra: Ray Main;' ous, Sunday al~oOn"., ,
I'fOTICE I ,_ Dr: H. E. Hathaway will be on vaeatiQD from August:''! 18 to 26 inclusive. ' ,
;:~s;.:~:Ol~":: ::~ComeU'$
,wlJl', be Augus t 23. F riday . She also told al;loUt the !health contest. , Guests present were Judy M. Stueve and MisS MoDonough. . A meet ing W86 also held at the ~~h School OIl! Wednesday, Aug. 14.
Jft,c«(H~e .~~n~ral ~' L4'~h-
MralooUs. "
, Tlle Betsy ,Ross 4-H Qlub met on 'Wednesday. AUJUSt 7 at Harveys-
a bout th e style revue and ,'When the , projects were to be graded, wh ich
, ELECTRIC and, ACETYLINE ..;;,.. Portable E:q~uipmeftt NEW 'FACTORY'-MADE FARM WAG,O NS" . . , . WITH Nf;W RUBBER T,RES': .
,i. /. '.
~.RY OUR Homogenized
WELD:lNG; ,Shop '
Shop- Centerville 70:Jt
~e•• c'~~~er:Yille 1~5 '
·21 . 254
~ ~u Stewut's ,.'
Thrift-E Market
~L~e~,re~rter l ________~~--------------------;.------__~,;.::~===:==::==~==::::::==::==::::====::::::
THE Ml~U GAZET'!'~ - Pace '7 WAYNESVILLE, OH10 - NO. 42'77 TllURsDAY, ~t1GUST 15. 1946
'u)OKIN(l AHIA/) GEORGE S.8EN SON Pm/ltlll--)(lIril' It, CO"flt Sf/ur" .,4rllllllll'
Mr. and Mrs . Vernon Pursley Ward at the McClure. Funeral Home Mr. and Mr..,. ~Ip Tilford and and cblldren spent last week on a in Wa.ynesvllle, saturda.y afternoon. ch1ldren attended the Til!ord fammotor trip tbru Kentucky . Mr. and Mrs . llerman ArthUr of . Mr. and Mrs. J. B . Jones were Sardlna were sUnday dinner guests Miss Nonna Longacre has been Sunday evening diJmer g1;lests of of 1.Jleir soli-in-law and d8lUghter. quite 111 and was taken to St. Eliza- Mr. and, Mrs. Riohard Moore in Mr. and Mrs . Charles Tumbleson beth hospital for , observation and ~avertown . and children , treatment last w~. She ret u.rned Mr . and Mrs . 'W alter Kem1c~ and Mr. anp. Mrs . Harvey Burnet atI-.~me Mondq ev ning somewhat James Haines wel'e Sunday after- tended Yearly MeetLng at the Improved . noon guests of Mr. Mci Mrs. Friends ChurCh in WaynesvUle on Mr. and Mrs . Oharles Morris and Fletcher Slade and family near Sunday, Mr. and Mrs. Curf Morr of DayWest Middletown . Mr. and Mrs. Everett Early spent ton were ca.llers Wednesday evenA number of friends from here a week vll(:ation on a. motor trip Ing of Mr. and Mrs . Ernest Brown, attended the funeral of Mrls . Dora thru northern Michigan last week , Mrs'. Margaret Johns and cousins. Mr . and Mrs. James DavLs of Columbus, were dinner guests of Mrs . Elizabeth SmUh of W!l-ynesv1lle on Wednesda.y . Mr . Herman Sm1th took a motor trip to Indiana Thursday with Mr. and Mrrs. Oils and MlliIS Velma Smith of Dayton.
Men and nations gain or lose by the quality of decisions they make. Founders of ij)is remarkable republic made a wIse decision long ago, In favor of personal sell-reliance and Individual government. AmerIca Is great today because so many smart people were left tree to do as much as they could, ,as well as they knew how. and gala as' much of a reward tor themselves as they were able. Not all Americans are models of progress and success but they all have benefited more or less from the ' achievements ot those whO did bave the immortal spark. You can't pick successful men before they try, , but more men of outstandlJ\g talent are sure to come to light where everyone Is allowed to do hls best. A large number ot thinkers at work ~ways adds up to more tor everybody. Not Luck at All People may orate about Amer_ ica's greatness comlng trom her SCHEDULE vaat natural resources. The re- Aug. IS-- WaynesvUle at Bellbrook sources exist a.ll right but the red- Aug. 2&- Sp'g!1eld . at Waynesville skins had ~em' before <;:olumbus Se t l-W ynesvllle at Oenterville came and dlCln't know the use of p. a; a wheel. Some people ,boast of this Sept. S-- Sp. Valley a.t Waynesville nation's blue-blood heritage. It was Sept. I&-Wa.ynesvUle at WUmington good: bur forebears, in large part, Sept. 22-8. Lebanon at Way'svUle came (rqm Europe. That was p.r ob- Sept. 2~Waynesv1lle a t Xenia ably smartest thing most of them ever did. , REOENT LEAGUE RESULTS America's economic ' system Is what made America great. It is a The Junior Legion played Mason. system at Uberty giving every man thereon Sunday, Aug. 11 defe.a ting the right to pick what he wants and them 3 to 2. 80 after it hammer-and-tongs, ' get 'it if be can and enjoy It to the ' BOX CORE extent of bis capacity, s.o lon, as .1t . S does not tre_pall the rl,nts of some' Wayn~vJl1e Lerion ,a ~enla bod7 else. . It .. a Iprigh~ IQld ,Game PlaYed Sunday, '!Aug. 11 dynamJc economy, qulcldy a~just- WAYNf;SVJLLE..ab r h able to chanamg times and conellCook • 3 2 Uons. stanl~y. M. 6 1 1 What Developecl? ' 4 LimiUess ' opportunitY and keen Planck 2 2 competition have .borne a rich har. stanley. C . 6 1 1 vest. Our farmers Uve better than Miller 6 2 2 the peerage of some' foreign lands. Osborn 6 3 3 Our laborers ' have Plore than workHopkins 6 1 , 4 ers elsewhere ever bave bad at 8t17 Harvey 6 2 2 time. America bas 7% at the 3' world's . population and 80% of the Stanley, R. 4 2 world's automobiles. We send more T011ALS ~ 17 20 children to hlgh school and colle,e X£1IlIA ab r b than all the rest of the ~orld ,com- Bath. D. 5 2 1 binea. ' Johilson t 2 0 During the last two years of World Lighthiser 5 2. 2 ' War II, from a startled start in December. 1941, America made B&t.h. 'W. 5 1 0 more .war materlats than all her alBeam 5 0 ,2 ijes and her foes put together. An Bauer 4. 0 0 American carpenter- can buy more Bath. O. 4. 1 1 with bispay for a day'. work than . ~Lh 4 0 1 any other carpenter anywher~2'" Ulnes, as ' mucb as the carpen~r in 'Ha.ller . 1· 0 0 Germany or France. And the same McMiokel 3 0 1 • g,?es in ari 'trades; the butCher, the palellce 0 0 0 baker land the street-car conductor. 'ro1'ALS 40 8 8 • " Row U Worb _ Freedom ot opportunity Ilre. ev· G~IES TBlS WEE~ erybody to try; thus men of ,reat The Legion Senior Team will play . ,eDius come to ligbt and the. whole in Bellbrook this coming SUnday and nation beneftts. Then competition between men ot sPecial ability stirn- the. Junior Legion Team ~l play in ulates them to zealous ettort in turn- Wllmlngto~. ing out products of excellence .at ~---,,----:------ fair prices to devel9P ·and bold prof· itable markets, . This enables Am'erica's mIQd1e class 'to .enjoy l~ies unknown to run-ot-mine kings. _ _ , Masl' prod~ctiol! for YQlutne s~les demands flne and eXpensive tools. Buyin,' tbJs machinery callS for cap- '~ . . ' '. ital investment - averaging $6,OQO per industrial job in the United ,States. The thing that made Amer- ' • iea great 'was a decision to be free: ~ree to work, free to. think, free to earn. free to ~.ave and (r~e to in.• vest and make a proflt. It Is called •• Fr. ~e Enterprise and it's too valu· a~le to lose ~ .
Ily reunion at Terre Haute. Ind . on Sunday . Danny and Cynthia Groves ot ' Cen~ervllle are visiting their gra.nd parents . Mr. and Mrs. Wilbur Foulks, STOLEN OAR REOOVERED Mr . and Mrs. Alfred Ra.snake recovered their stolen car Saturday In the Speedw.a y garrage In Dayton. The cal' was taken .from the Deico pla~ t parking yard on July 22.
flavor-seal of T HE each bean is un-
broken until ground to your order, to give you fresh flavor unmatched by - pre ground coffee.
Legion Senior Baseball
II PIgb."t "oUO ' ~ ."]'. •
PHONE NEWS IUl\IS ~o 214.3 or 2910
Avoid chiUs. Don'{ stay too long in, cold water.
French Brand
Country Club
r.. ,poon
I 'R 0 GE R' S
Deal liz lb, pkQ.
2 Loav~, 23c ' .
p 0 'P U L ARB RAN D
2 '.r
,C.IOARETTES' . $ '1-5 ~
-, r:
I" I
Buy .11 you want Carton
53c can 3Se can 32c c~n 15e
.46 Oz • .can
SWE'Elr, PEAS No.2 can ·
......... -
: 46
46 o~.
No 2
_.-,;..-..;......;..._ _ _ _...:.o..._ _ _....;...______
_ __
_ ...• _ _ ~
Beechnut-.8ab, Foods. Strained Can 'Sc Soda ·Crackers'C. C•••• a:. 16e Mott's White Vinegar •• Ot. 13c Llbb,'s Kraut • • • • • ' NCe~'Ia' .4e Crystal Salt PkQ. 8c Grapefruit Juice.C.C. • • 4~:~. 29c , Fruit Jare Pts. dloz. S9c Qts. 6ge La,er Cake Cocoa Cream Ea. 48c Jar ~ubbers • ii • • Se Kroger's Donq,s • • SU\lered 15c Jar Lids, Samco • • • • 23c SheHord Jat 'Cheese ., . ~ ge Strlnt1ess 'Beans ' • S...I.w N~~ 2 lotk i ••lln Chlorite . '. • • • Gat 32c AY.n ale Green Beans · . ~.o~ ' 14C Penn Rad Motor 011 • 10 Qt. Can S!,99 Ujlby's Beans • • • • . : l~a~l. t~ Salted Peanuts • • Embassy 9 or. • C' D8~~ P~~kleS • M. Brown Ot. 29c 'W!ndsor Cheese Spread • , 2 lb. J
5 01.
Lausche Says Fair Shows Real Life of State
i, "Gl' dly 1 welcome yo u to the
, \
room In 1946 for For Refinancu!g - RebuUdlng Buying. 4 % Farm loans w1l.b long weekends ttme to pay. Pay part or all any Lon Alltime, 815c LEB:\NON ,NAT'L FARl\1 LOAS ASS'N·, Ellis H. Sturm, Sec'yTreas. Lebanon. Ohio. P hone 448 WnNTED- Girl' Used Bicycle ; tc Standard size; Phone 2695. 815
Real Estate For Sale-
THE l\UAl\h GAZETTE - Page 8 WAYNE VILLE. OHIO - NO. t27'7 THURSDAY. A( GU T 15, 1946
WA NTED- Board and W.aynesvllle until Dec. boy aged 7 ; WI11 spend wl ~h mother ; Call Mrs , ford , Phone 2975.
IF YOU HAVE A PROPERTY OR BARRED R<XJK FRYERB; 35<: lb.; FARM TO SELL Call or Write Mrs . Emmett Beltz. Rural Rou te 2, . Don Henderson. Tel. KE3446. 61'1 Waynesv1l1e. Oblo, 829 Lora1n Ave" Dayton, Ohio. tfc _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ FOR SALE- FRYERS. Phone 2926 ; O . E . Michener , Rt . 2 829 Homes For Sale-FOR SAL'E- Good modern frame FOR SALE- Brown Pur Ooat s~e bau8e; eight roo~; bath ; gara.ge; 16; Detroit J ewel Cook s tove for GOVERNOR FRANE LAUSCHE garden ; in iWaynesvllle, J osephine bottled or natural gas, almost new; COLUMBUS (Spe!cial) - The Smith, Rura! Ruu te 1. WayncsBed.', mattress, prtngs, with dressOhio State Fair, to, be held at ville. Ohio. 829 er to ma.toh; also ch est of drawers: Columbus, August 24th through BoY's snow suit size 4. all WOOl, August 30th, portrays the real Household Good. broWDI; Boy 's winter play suits- richness of the life of olP' state, s izes 4 and 6; New 4-wheel traile' according to Governor Frank D1XlE-No-Smoke circulating bee-t • with farm l'1lck- brailer and car Lausche. er-holds 100 lbs coal-' perfect In urging attend ance at the hitA>h. 0&11 2475 ' until 9:30 a .m . conditlon-u$¢ only one sea:son. 92nd Ohio State Fuir, the govFTldilY, Aug. HI. Call 2473 after ernor said: One-f<?urth off price, P,h. "2143. ' this time . Walter S , FTasure . 815 HEATING Stove- suitable for a garage or work shop. dirculaot ing LOlt and F oundtype. 'Good grates and bOwl. 'P h. 2143 --.,..'- -- - - -- - ,' LqST- PeP6i~Ool a cart- between FOR S,A LE- One 5-burner tableWaynesville and' Oregonia Aug. 5. top Kerosene Eange . One StorkRewrn to G1l/lJette office, 815 (Delayed)' ' ..!-Une Maple 'Youth bed ~plete ,with gro-spring and ' m&ttress , SUBSCRIPTIONS TO THE Mrs . Allee Furman spen t lrult . Mile;> Beal. Phone 264l. ' 829 MIAMI GAZETTE CAN BE Thursday e vening . wlIth Mr , and D AT WAYNESVILLE Mrs . Dawie Comstock la nd dau hters
92n d Ohio Stnt e Fair. The State of Ohio OC CUPI s a conspicuous positi on as one ' of the great stat s of our nat ion, At the STATE FAm t he rea l richness of its life find especia lly of its a griculture is most favorably portrayed. "This year's F a lr will be a suur ce of great j o y and encour agement to the citizenry of our State. It . will be the occasion for sac red medi tation Dboui the great contributions that have been m ade by the people of Ohio towar d perpetuat ing the lile of our coun try . "P ro ud ly the pe pie of Ohio will exhi bit the products of the oil, the livestock of the farm. the creation of their hands and of all the other possessions of the th riv~ng and enterprising ' farmer of the State. I sincerely believe that this year's Fair will surpass all pr evioUS effbrts in attendance and scope. "It is w ith pleasure that I extend greetings and words a! welcome to all who will either participate or be in attendance at t his festive occa ion of our State life."
ORDlN:\NCE NQ, 190 (Section 1178-42, Ohio Gen . Code O R ~N'fI !'I G , DmECTOR OF HIGH. nAYS AUTHORIT Y TO MAlNT ..\lN ' TATE HI G HWAY IN · ~ m E VILL.-\GE ORPORATION
WHEREAS, The I;>irector of High under Sec. 11 78- 42 c.;! the G nera l Code of Ohio. is authorized to majntain exte nsions of stao e h h \' ys within t.be limits or 1\ 1'l1Iage. and WHEREAS, .Extensions of Stat Highways Nos. 6 and 251 lie wlt.lll WAYS.
t.hls vlllage, and
,W HERE AS. The work propooed tobe a u\!llOlized under th ls ordinanoe sha ll be restne ed to general main tenance of th travelled roadway surfaces of the State Hlghwny
hereinbefor e set out, and WHEREAS . It 1s understood t.hat this ordinance Shall not in any way obligate the State of Ohle to l'epail' Pavement6 or roadway -urfac s dlUDllied by the r pair, remo \'1l1 or installation or' sub urfac!! utllUY
even1ng with his parents, Mr . and Mrs . George ,Bratten . Mr . 'a nd Mrs, Morris Lewis and SOIlS, Jerry and Billy spen t Sunday with Mr . and Mrs. John K{)ester of Utlca. · Mr ,and Mrs . Evere tt B unne 11
and daughters spent last Thursday evening with Mr. and Mrs , Kenneth PAI Garden Plantl-I g po!it and son of Beavertown , , ::r<>MATOES ' roR s.~ DRUG 'STORE OR AT THE of BeaverlOWI) . Mrs. ·EmJna, Crew ~pent the 'W eek . " Mr, and Mrs. Emest Hasz and ' d • h' ,..~ " plck~, ,J. C. HaWke. . ' DAVISSON PRESS Ph 2143 . . en a ~ er uvJDe. .\ . iiii.iiiiiiiil.i1iiii.ii~iit,,' sons • . Mrs ', Ma~1e I..evt ,an~ son ·Mr. and Mrs . .Arthur Morgan and , . ',spent ~un~~· B.(ten~ ~t , Fort , daU8b~ , Betty ' ~ s~Ulni . thiS ' fLnclent, week at Lebanon. 'Perin. With 'M rs , Mr , and Mrs. Evere'tt Bunnell \,\lid Morgan's relatives. Pa~D:~~C~: ,sons ~f. Sunday. e~lenlng attendMlr. and.Mrs, , ~vid L'uoa.s enll" HOW' TO KILL iT •. ,ing the Moose picnic near Kenla. terta1ned Sunday ~. and Mrs . Mr. and Mrs. Frank Bratten and Lloy~ 'I1hc·mpson of Wllml~qn, , A treatment to be eff,1clent. mUst Mrs, La.wr~ nce Ling and sons PJDN'mlBATE to reach the germs f amily of Da.ytGn ' spent MOl)day aDd ,be ~L to , k11l !-hem. spent Tuesday with Mrs, Evel,'e t . 'I'E-oL, the only prod~t 'We kno.w NORRIS, BROCK Bunnell and f amily . of made with undUuted aSoobol, . . " . penetrateS. R,eadles and kills more CiDe~U VDIoD !r~ Yatu . ' Mr. and ,Mrs·' ~larence M1c h n.~1 Berms PASTER.' PEEL IT T~ spent one evem,nglaSt ek '\\'ith BOLD. ' . 'MI!. and ~, . Clarence Cra.w;ford , J IN ONE HOUR . aDd f am1ly, , If n~ 'completely p1ease4, your 35c Mr . and -Mrs, Raymond Lucas back at aDY dr.UC stare, TE-OL 1s ilnd t anuUY. Mr , and ' M!rs ' Earl clean. oolorlE8S, easy and pleasant • -ill!liEi;;;i·a=-i"'--~ to WJe, app~y FULL S'mENGTB Lucas and f~y and Mrs . Erriest 'NepboDe 4 5 4 for aU1letes foot, ltdly or sweaty Lucas of W1lm1ngton spent .SUnday ~ DNIA.O. feet, 1nBect bites or ,p olson iv.y. Towith their parenf$ , Mr . and Mrs . day lilt .WlIJYDEI8V11le Ill'ug Store. , ,DaVid Lucas and ~am11y. .. 0 ; BtJCBSID. iNc. . . . . ._ _ _ _ _ _. . . BVY, SELL. TRADE. BOBROW Uve Wire • • Pr"~ All orCpl. Paul Wyrtok is home spendtJa QA:ZBTTE CIA88IFJED ADS tJ8E GAZETTE ClASSIFIED ADS pllluUOD eiecoDc1 Ie DOlle. 8trldly ing a fl!oteen daly 'furlough with, rl1s . . . , eeueh on Ibe .,.. all .roUDd .arllet ~nts Mr. 'a.nd .Mra. $:vez:et~ III the eoaDti,. Wyrick. and. f~y . • ' 'i ~"ice nat !ati•.fie. ' 9 iDch, P~PER PLAT~ doz. lOe PRONE NEWS ITmI8 TO . ' 'J!UNE 1~O 6" " " doz. Be " 21... ar 2~10 WlDO Da~ U:.I.i.ot8a; ~ 12 in. PARCHMENT ' PAPER 125' ft. roll SOc ,. "or Oar DaIlJ ~ket ~ ' . READ THE OIASSIF:JED .ws • L 1 For w~apping meat. vegetables for ' cooking
Athletes F._0t Germ , .
c,.a,.' '
l1nes. NOW, THEREFORE, Be lt ORDAlNED, by 'the council of the Village of Waynesville. State of Ohio : SECTION 1: It is h ereby declared to be in ilie public interest b tJ the consent of ~id village be. a.n'd said consent hereby is. given to -the De~t of Highways, of t be State of Ohio for said Department to maJntalii the tmvelled portions State 'UI..... #~-e o.4 "b 1/ ~ ~ . . wa.yS h ere 1n...... u=w
set ~t. SEC7I'ION 2: II'ha.t the Clerk be; and hereby ill. d1rec~ . to furn1sb to ' the Director of Hlg'hWa.YS ~d to th 'DA..-d.J e ~ .... County, .Commissioners at Wanen Oounty, 01:110, iii ~ertlfied copy of ith1.s 6r~ inlmedat.ely upOn the taIt1ng "effect ~ereol . : SEOI'ION 3:' Tba.t J thls QrdJnance shall take effect ai,ld be 1n fo,r-oe from and after the earliest period ~owed by law , Passed ~ August 5, 1946. ' WARaEN BADDOoK.· MM'Ol' Attest: CHARLES JAMES Clerk '. '
persona . 1' Stationery
.' POPCORN Now Available
Armitage &Son
' ,
Always ,a
Good Show at the
' SUN.
18 ..
Printed! Engraved, Many StYl,e s and ,:PriceJ3,. Miami ' G~zette. Phon~ 2143. \
Frenc:h fried
Br\ng t;he Famlly 'Iwd hs.ve ,1 night With' ~ood - Blondie
"Blondie'S,luCity Day"
with As:ihU~ Lake & Penny Slnrletou. Added : carioon, ~portS, News
A Lady !Doctor and' Test lPUot in a Romanti.c Comedy'l'
No Show
With . Ruth , Ru..ey. John Carrou .and ' ¢has. ~urrles.
Bmack in the Gr~e of Tra.dttion .of the OT~t Plains I
"Abilene Town"
'w1th , RandOlph · 800~t arid \ .' ADn D\rorak '~,
, r
Fam,iliar '
. "Old ~p" is ~ .j.)y_ ~y. H" Was a cUstomary ,dweller 01 t,tic ~ta
The Miami Ii f\ . l ETTE
Hilltop Repair Gives Grange Entertained Varied By 4-H Club Girls . Services
Austin Puterbaugh and Harold On Sa turday ~Dg t he Sew-S() Horn of Rural Route I , Waynes"ill e 4-H Club of Waynesville presented have t'Sla blLshed the Hilltop Repair the program fol' the Grange meetS~op for Electrical and Automotive ing heJd at the Gnan lTe Hall. repaJring at tlle location one-qual'ter The ' program star ted W1th a style )?STABLISBED 18S()- NO, 4278 $1.50 PER YEAR - 5c A COpy mile South of Bellbrook on the Bell- show displaying the things the girls made during the summ'er. The dreSs brook-WaynesVille Road. _ W _ A_YN __ &S _ V_IL_L_E. __O_B_IO _ _ _ _ _T_H_U_R _S_D _ A_y_,_A_U_._ G_U...:S_T~..!-22.~ ~9.6 The service hM been In operation that won first prIze in the "O,otton ;, ' I for about one and one-hal! years . Dress Group fol' the County" WllS L' , Mr. Puterbaugh has been con- displayed. The dress was mad.e by aun~ Of~()ted with eleotriool work for the Ann Rogers of 'Wa,ynesville. Other past twen tY' years and Mr ; Horn, girls in e style show we~e Charlene who comes here from Indianapolis, Edenfield, Edith Luke1'l6, Janet _ ' has been in the mechanical field for Michener, EJleen Brown. Frances Whitaker and S~n Furnas. WUbur Crabt.ree, form y of "RiGh ts and privileges whlo'h are many years. Frank In where he oPerated a jewel- loo-often tak en or 'granted hav.e a The repairing consists of general The YOUll~r set of the -4-1:1 .group ry store' will open a new Jewelry way of d~appearing alLOgetl1er," automotlve worlt, washing machines. also showed the articles they had ~stabllslunent at the enner location Kenneth- C. Long, pr~de!nt and !\leotric motors, irons, sweepers. ma de during Ule first and second of HUD ter's Hobby Sl op on South genetal manager of the ' Dayton electric wiring, tractors and gas ' years. FollOWing this Charlene Main treet. Saturda.y . AUG . 24. Power and Ligh Company. declal'ed engines. Edenfield played a p1allO solo. ,"The The new store will be knOm as h re today in lnunchil'lg a "~I.mp ign • Boat So g." ' J anet Michener gaW' , Will's Jewelry, :snop. They will have "to preserve the An erlcan w a y of an outline of the ,' ·Da.ys a t Damp ' ) Clifton ". FOllowinll this report> a lJl.le or 'Ll'ade-m8l'ked jewelt:Y Items Lite." consLsttng 01 rtnis,' Qracelets, lockets, Long aid that ' busrn:...~ tell.dels·. . I Sandra Simpson ' did a r..up dBAce and other gift · ite~.. The agency have both an obligation and privilege ~~i::.nied ' by Miss Virginia lor Gruen watcJles has been applied ,·to foster -- iIi these Cl' t cal times -. Ha.nd:cllalt done a t Gamp CIU'top' for a:nd these items W11l be stocked the fundamenlial rights aud According t<> ~ond ,Braddcck. W83 displayed by Donna Radley Bn\i In t he l)8IIr ut.ur!"i, or, cons1s~!1t privlleges wh~C'h have made Am ~ rl c a superintendent of tile Wayne Town Mal'llY'!) Gons. ,I with I;h eir availability. M1:. Crabtree great. It aur Amerfcim 's y5t(~ m is to ship Schools. th ~ loc:e.1 scb,ool wlll The Pl'Ogl'am wa ended by a songj .explalns this· tl'lie of many items ' 1 open the fa11 teno on ,'I:uesda y. by , the ~ntire 4-H Club., in his particUlar, business: The time septembeZ:, 3 Vf til a h'9.U-dlly .se~sl ~, ,There Wlll be a judging a.t ~he.( On Monday, September 2. a. ~~tJl1jf Grange Hall fo~ il1e-.Se"{-So .ClU~ depen:s or U1e school -teachers will be. "h . eld. on Frld ay, AUg).l.S' .u 23 a 8 :..A:'1) a.m. Mr. Crabtree haS bad 15 years Mr. Braddock further 6tated thaL Art1cl~ to> be ~\1I1ged wlll ~ tbe experlepce in !:,h,1& j:)~!.Q • and b,ls a. lull comp~l'lt 01 .teachers 11a5 school dresses, cott.nn dr 5, under . work as a watch, .,cl~k &.Jiq Je elI)' not .b een completed at tOe; preljeI1t.. garments anu ~ Th 1'e" ' repairman is entirely a;ti6!a.ctoQry . ~e but ,that thls matter is expec~d are the projects tb~ea~lS h:: A cordial invltatknl is .extended , to be taken care Of before tl1e open- ;worked on this su · 81'. ~ the ~pla of ~a:~sv11le and J,nS of tl\e SC~l lterm. mlO c~ , ty to v~t ~ SPECIAL MEETING
of Wayn.esv1lle fQl' many yeBl'S . . . 'a. 'pal' to ' all 'wllo passed b~ . • . a wanderer tha.t h ad no particular home but. lacked no lodgtDg place nor a full stomach. oo.w - . aDd order among h'ls fellows wus watdlword with 'Bob' BInd many i,Uries h e brought poace wll~re ,i,. , ~uble started bet.ween Lwo" 01' more, mal~!a<ltors bY boldly jUmping 111 'and 5CaItt6r1ng canine bodies in all 'dtl1eoU<lllS. To not see his form re~h 'along the side cl some lIN~ street bwlding . , . h prallC~ ~ner of greetlllg with -an at" tempte(i WaRing of itbe place where at -taD 'ought to be . . ' . his fnend1y ~ntenance . ' I • Ls a notic~ble vo.tcan'Cy to his h~al;l £rlends. .Yes, "Old ,Bob" ~9.d ma.nyofl1ends and 'WhUe he was only !l; stra.y dog tl l'el')\emb,l'l'Ii.1! e of .his affections Mil long 1>6 remell1~red by th..oo-e wbo knew h1In . May the streets he DOW treads be golden- . . . Ule n d tor toed and Warmtb be ( or.eve}
hes 4"The New Jeibelry " 'Store · Long' n · S' d vpeOIDg afllr ay A· ,merlCan W" . ,ay_ ·PIan·
S' t ·h00lOpens ' Here . Following 'Labor 'Day'
Civic,Club Diftner WI At .Methodj,t Church :te~~!t~::ura:.~b1e ...
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of 'T.hJ!
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" QarlaJis:EqfeHaiD '. ~ . ~;. :West Wayne: COUDCa ~~
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The. Wes~" WsYt)e ~d\f15ol.'Y GPun.-
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,and Long, th~p· "'~t.il·rri"W4 to hls ' p}lOnsorfn . •g
d ' idea of ut • h e , .from . ~merlcan Way, f LIfe' "'S , a . "contribution ~ard alert. fuTorduid INZeOShlp, ,I i ro8ff from ~ ' IHet~ ' reader to ~Ident and '''itenerhl tlJETmtNs FRoM HOsPITAL His
ATTEND A)lERICAN THE I\fiAMI GAZE'ITE - Pare I VI IT TAR HOLLOW CAl\IP ; LEGION OONVENTION WAYNE VILLE. OHlO - NO. 42'78 PICNIC AT L.' KE WHl'l'E Mr . William Lukens of Har veys- THURSDAY. AUGUST 22, 1946 Mr . and frs. Fred. Hubble; Mrs . William Drake; Mrs, . Rex Black : burg, Mr. lOOss Gnlema n. Wnnen
Mrs. Earl Hubble and two sons Coun ty Age nt nnd· Mr . Fen'ee 'Freddie and M.l.ke; MrS. Thomas Paine atte>nded the Amertcan Legion Bw·tonnd da ugh ter Naomi J ane; Convention held In Cleveland this and Mrs. Jelmie Mullin moto red past week end . t.o ChilUcothe last Thursda.y a nd HERE FROl\1 DETROIT Mr . and Mrs. G . L . Chaney of enjoyed a picniC supper at Lake White. They pent the evening t Detroit, Mich. visi ted the fOlmer's Tal' Hollow Camp where the Tri- Ister. Mrs . 1ille.lma Miller and Mrs . Ru th Edgington and Mr5. S tate Christian Camp Is being held. fa mily. Tuesda.y (lnd Wednesday of J ean Bunnell ente~.lned a group lnst week. The "Old Schcol Group" known of friends with a bridge . luncheon VI IT IN COLUl\lBU : as the Monee Reunion hel(\ I s Th~sday , Aug ust 15. at the hIlme CALL ON REV COI.EMAN AT ENGINEERS REUNIO N t.hirteen.th Annual Picnic at the of th eir mother. Mrs . Elsie Hockett. Mr . and Mr.>. K . R. Hill and son Ferree Paine. son of MI . Susan Harveysburg school house on SatThe guesto were Mrs. Elsie Weltz, David left Monday e'venlng to visit Scanlon l.s ntl-ending a, ' reunion of urday, AUg'. 17. The long tables in Mrs . Rose Turner. Mrs . Ritn Hill. Mr. Hill's sis er and broth er-in- the members Of the 4451:h EngIneers tl1e Home' Economics Room were Mrs. Louella Brown. Mrs . Kntheryn law. Mr. and Mrs. R,. H . Campbell Corp held In Oleveland during the cen ~red with baskets of garden Fulkerson, Mrs . Mary Fogt. MIss of Colwnbus. Legion Conventlon tllere this week. Mr. and Ml:s. Hill nlso visited Mr . Mr . Pume served With the 445th flowers. and under the able super- Ruth Conner. Mr . Louise Turner. "Vision of Mrs . Abbie Monfort, were Mrs . Margaret R odgers. Mrs . Vir- Hill's father and · mOotber. Mr . and durtng the war. arranged wUh a bounteous display gtnla. K eys. Mrs. Lena. Thompson, Mrs . G. O . Hill of Newark. Mrs . Mary Haruock. Mrs . Mildred While in COlumbus they visited HOUSEGUEST OF GORDON$ of choice foods. At the mid-dinner hour the Bless- Smith. Mrs. Ola Kersey. Mrs . Hazel Rev. R . B. Colemnn at Grant Mrs . Enuna. McClure of Frank· mg was asked by Mr . Howard COl .. Conner. Mrs . Evelyn Swartzel, Mrs . Memortal HospItal and ' reported 11n has for the past week been a 3ett, after wbJch the repast was en- DOttie Hawke, Mrs. S. N . Robinson. that he is improring slowly . guest of Mr. and Mrs. Lesler Gor· joyed by ali with Oluch visiting and and Mrs. Mary Dye. doOi and Mr. and Mrs . Ronald conversation . The first prize ~ \von' by Mrs . GUESTS fROM FLORIDA Hawke. At a later hour Mr. Oollett !'pen- Louise Turner. tdl-e second by Mrs. AND FRANKLIN On Sunda.y Mr. and Mrs. Gordon ed the informal progrnm with a few Mary D ye and the consolation prtze Mr . and Mrs. Fred L . Ha.wke or and Mrs . McClure were the dinner approprla.te remarks. Mr. . L . was won by Mrs. Virginia.' Keys. Tampa. Fla . were guests last week guests of Rev. WaJter Dak.1n ot the of Mr . and Mrs . ftonald Hawke. Friends Home. Monee, honor guest. followed with s talk on the McGuffey Society f Mrs. Emma. McClure (jf Franklin -----• Oxford of which he .is a priZe w1r1joined them for a Ifew da~ visit. FORMER RESIDENTS VI IT ' ning member and .mentioned · a gift on Saturday they, 1w1th Mr . and Mr. and~. Lee Terrell. formerMrs. Hawke were dinner guest.s of Iy of Waynesv1lle returned to to h1m ·t:rom Henry Ford of a set of "::McGuf.tey editiOns of 1857. Mr. STE'P HEN FREDERICK Mlr. and MJrs. Gene R hein land ' Florida Sunday morning after Monee, now past eighty years of age. TURNER cbUd.ren of Sprtngf1E~Id.. On Satur- spending some t1roe her and m Mr. and Mrs. Harry MaItt~ew ~ day evening li.h:e, Rev. Walt.er Dayton' Visiting. rec1ted 'w ith perfect l'endltion.several at the beautiful poems of that. Turner of Xen.ia l\.%'e announcing Dakln and Mr . J . C. Hawke were -----~ period. He closed with "Rain Upon !'.be birth of a son Step~ Fred- supper guesta of Mr. and Mrs . NURSE VACATIONS the Root" bt COds Kmlly. erick. Wednesday, August 14. He Hawke and their house guests. . WITH P~RENTS Dr. Austin Roberts whq attended arrtved at 1:30 a.m. and welghed MI.s& Ruth Burnett of Miami ValENTERTAINS WI'I'R ley hospital 18 spending bel' swnmer HarveysbUrg school in the late elg'ht pounds . seventJes. spoke briefly. Mr. WUUa.m Mr. ·.T urner is the gorandson of CmOKEN DINNElI. • vacation w1t1i her parents 'a-!1d GUlam mAde a few rema.rIts. Mr . Mr. and Mrs . J. H. Sackett of . Mrs . Forrest Grahlun entertained tr1ends 1r1 .Cam~ and ~ton. ,Howa-rd Collett spoke ot the olc:(Wa.ynesvUle . ' & . group of friends .at her ]bvely ehe is s~ttng her 'third year of
Monee Reunion Held Aug. 17
Private Health Aid Plans Expanding Fast More than 21 ,000,000 · persons now ar e covel'ed by voluntary pians for hospital protection and these plans are being extended to include medica l costs. Many others are covered by group hospital and surgical insura nce, group accident and sickness benefit plans and by mutual benefit associations. This tremendous growth of voluntary health protection plans was pointed out by An'drew T. Court, of the Labor Economics Section. General Motors Corporation, testifying before B congressional com· . mittee against proposed government-sponsored compulsory health . insurance. Business has taken the initiative to extend voluntary health insurance progiams. The Ohamber of Commerce of the United States is urg ing voluntary group , effort to· provide 'adequate medical services for all the people. . READ THE CLAS IFlED .ADS •
n /./
V")ir hj
~J~ :Bee.s 8n~ . Mr. · ~ward BatDl.i'qrJDer taCher 'and PrloolpIe ot the 'C1rlc1nnatt School&. ta.lkeel
of "OUT ~s" In' the
oldl school
• The following thirty-two persons were present,: Mr . Howard oOliett; Mrs. Abbie Monfort; Mrs. George MoDenny; and M1sa Ruehel Lukens
Of W11mington.
. Mr. u. L. Monce; Mr. Ed ~tt011; Mrs. L1da Habtan: and Mrs. ClMa Gains of O1nclnDat1. Mrs. Emina· Ollnlt of Dayton; Dr.
Austin Rober!t6 ~ IJoWland;
Nettle Oglesbee; Mr. Oeorp Oglesbee; M!rS. Mary Hartsock; Mrs. Ruth Anna Toml1ruron; and Mr. J. M., Underwood> of Wa.vneavl~e. MnI. A. S. Collett; Mrs. Mary . Coate: ~. ILen& Clark; MIa EUabeth 0I!aft; ¥«'. E • . ,B. 'Da~; Mr . and ,¥ ft. W~tell . 1Il1$;. ·Mr. aDd !oQ8. 'W11l1am: Gt!ra'th; Mrs. ~e Boueh; M'r8. o.ee &rla.n; Ml'It. W~ S~; ·.Mr. and! Mrs. Charles S.mar.t; MIss G!'IWle . smart .of Harveysburg.
HARDIN· BROTHERS HOME FROM WEST Tre8aler aDd LanslDg Hardin arrived home Thursday even4n3. Aug 16 after spending two weeks travelUng through the west.
" Jj
Mr, .,~ MrS.
Ila CII' 2910
Spokane.. Portlan.d and completed their tour in San Fram:lsco. The .most outstanding event of their trip was 1\ visit to Yellowstone
OhIo. .
"'·J~ ' I -.----
VISIT ' n, :D.f\YTON Mr. and ' Mrs. William Sawyer and gueSt Mr. Robert Trowbridge oZ ~ew York· were ruests of Mr . and Mrs. Robert O&born of Dayton, Sunday evening.
Gerald McWilliams of 3rd Street has acquired ownership of the W. B. Squires . gravel pit located on Gravel Hill ea~t of Three Bridg'es.
. . MARION ,SNYDER ' ~tt ....
~~ ~
,PABMDts-'l'RADER8 • .un: INS.UR.ANOE 00.
Rodger. Mr. and Mr8. John StallS· LBII&HON.O&lO ~ Jr. and Mr. aDd Mrs. Donald 0 O6bOm all of. ayton.. --:---:-"""'"7-:----:----:--7::"'7s:~....,..:..~~~--~
VISIT' iN NEW B01LL~ !C'. &I!d' .. I(A RA~ph ' ~leld. Mr . and Mr8:-cii'8.r1ee LeM&1 en- CharJene and Ronald and i\4r, Eden"; tertalned Mr. aW Mr&. P. U ; field'S · mother, ~rn : EHa.betb LeMay of Lebanoti.; Mrs. LeMay's Edepf~ld, Mr. . .00, ~. 9har1ee ~ MIra. J. L. Burton,Wa~- Cbarletoo aDd . ~ were ' ~ vtlle; and Mrs: LeMay'" slster Mrs . rueetc em SUnday of Mr. l!IItenRql8eU Ten'ell and SOD. ~ or field's peat aunt. NIna Eden.fteld Xenia' to a birthday d1nIler in boDor &Dd bel' ~ter...Mr8. Pet B'BItor Mr. and Mra " LeMay'. c:IatJelita field of New . H~ . SybJl Jo who 'flU celebrattnc ber tb.1rd bUthdq anntvenary. GUE$T8 OF TUMl .'~. Lellayl's alste~ Mnt. Ter.rell BOUND. OO11PL& . ,." . and ~ etayed for a week's ·vi8lt. Before lea~ for Texas to make .. . their hime, Mr. and. Mrs. Kenneth CUwMAN OF ~Awri:B.·S VISITS BMm .of. Dayton bad 'as dlpIier Mr. Bud Mrs. WUll&m sawyer peets Saturday eventpg Mr. and it.ve 88 a ~ lot the nest Mrs. CHrdon. · ~ and c~dren, two weeks Ml'. Robert Trowbrtd&'e Bonnle and 0Ia0e ' of Waynesville . . of Alden, N. Y. Mr. Trowbridge W8B the eP8ineer in the crew Mr SPENDING ~AT LAKESIDE · Bawyer served with in the ~ . Mrs. .Alva. '111otnpson. J&i.5, J:1s1e 00rpe d~ the war. Hockett, . MrS. Edn&~ Hartsock and . Mrs. D. C. JUdge 'le:ft last Wec1ileaday ·to 8~ the WE~k in X.ekeslde, PHOn NEWS ITEM8 TO
:=============::=========:;=~ • • • • • • •• • ••• • • • ••• • • • • • • • ~ ••••
1100.00 per month for llIe lor JOaneII at reUre_&. 4D 01 ~ese beDeflta · III oae
On their way they went Blsmarlc..· through •• • • • • • • • • • • • • •• Ohtcago, '. M.LnneapoUs,
do DOt live.
AU,l \l8t 15. . J ,.'. '", tr~~ 1r1 .Septe~r. . .. Mint. am 1If!'l"!rec1 her gueitta ·, • . ' with a ' ed cnJckerll .dinner. They STANSBERRU ENTERTAIN 1 were MrS. Oor'a liowland. Mrs ; Mr. &nd ~ l\4'r6. John ~ Mary P.elrce. Mrs, Vernie . Kelley. badt as Baturday e~1 guests- Mr. Mrs. Ol&ra Len and son Dennis and Mrs. Melvin s~ and son
month for 10 lamll, if 10U
,elan ~ ,Ollr
,ames A. H9Plans are ann~ the btrth of aUt 1e baby girl, Patr.tc1& Ann. She weighed &even pounds 'and seven ounces and waa born at 6'90 pm Wedne8da . ' .. y. ...u at Darton; Mrs. ZeUs. Oithens A\l8USt It. and Mrs. Zoe [)ute of Beavertown; Mrs H~1rf.... 18 the forme . ~ .. ---t r Mrs. AdnI. . Lewis ' of Miam ..... ......,,"& •.... ·• _&_'" ~ ~ and Mrs. ·AlIce IHarris of .Lytle.
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'nIE MIAl\n GAZETTE - .Page 3 WAYNESVILLE, omo - NO. 4278 TH UR SDAY, AUGl' ST 22. 1!J4G
JJ On'l l?
bl'1de t.he ronner Mrs . Gail Be!u·. daul:ht.er of Wetzel . Mrs.E11Ul10 ClIn of M1ddlr wwll
is the house gu est of her s tel' M.I . Osle Hru'l ' n . Mr. and !I.o:;'-- Lowell Thomas M.I' , and Mrs. Olarence Hrsl!'r of and daughter, M1 Betty are spendOregonia entertalllcd with a dllUler Ing a ('Ollple of we ks at St . Mary's Sunday complimenting R v. and Lake, Celina . M.l's. Jam" Rader and daughters Ms . and Mrs . Ever Ea£IY a tand Mr . Susie Gilliam all of here . tended the West Wayne Ooullcfi Mrs . Paul VllJnrs and son group II tile h e of Mr . nd Mr-. WUllam of XenIa w I' Sunda y c1hl - Em H.'ulan neal' LYt e. Friday ner "!>lIests f Mrs. Villar' mo he)' evenmg. r Mrs . Laura Shldakcr. M.I·s. 8hld, M I'. and Mrs. G fG l'ge Telglel' of Onkll'ood W rc aker Is leaving Wednesday of AIr.,'I r . Allie HoI !J spending sevFriday evenill6 b rqu rque, New !\II xlco whe.re she g1 1{ SLS of Mr . and Mrs. Wilbu:l' era l weeks wi h her son. Harvev w111 penel severnl months wi th her Clark. Hole and famjly in Day'ton . son-In -law and daughter MI' . and Mr. and Mrs. Guy Rou za nn and Sunday dlnll!:r gue' ts of Mr . und Ml·s. CHnton Gray . SOil Russell att.ended the Troy fOlil , Mrs . E . B . Longa . were MI'. and Mr. Rnd Mrs . Clifford Doster and Friday . Mrs. Ch rle Drake. Mr~. Louella Mr. baby daughter have m{)ved Int o t11t' and Mrs. P earl Cornea Swank , Mio;s Marjorie and Jimmie apartment belonging 0 J ame .. visited Mr ' . Mae Cornell a LI 'c: S w nk of Dayton . Thornbury 011 Clark ave. County Home, Lebanon. Friday. . EBERT-WIL ' ON MARRIAGE Mr. and Mr . J OM K n.l1edy of The YO\U1g Grou p of Ly Ie Church Dayton spent SUnday WILh :\Ill'. The marrlag cf MIsS J canneLte Kenn edy's brother-In-law and Islste · enjoyed a ~ katlng pal y a F ores! Wilson. daugh,ter of Ml·. and Mrs. Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Bro:>k:: nn Park, Dayton. WeC\ne day' evening . Robert, Wilson of the Dyke fann, Mr . Nettle Emrlclt Mrs . I'hlllip o :\11' . h ru'lc, Ebe: t, \I'm be PCI'family . Little MIss Ruthle H , ) I' of Ore- Tl1!vrd and chlldl'cn and M1· . fG1'1TI cI II th Lytl e ChurCh nex t gonia spent the weekend wi th :\11 e., Wal ter Keruick spen Wednesday Sa \lrd y evenh g. Aug. 24 a 6:30 Mar~a Ann and Ruth Alice R d 1' . afternoon with Mr . and Mr s. Ed- b~' Rev . J eph :\1)-er of Day ton, Mr . and Mrs. Ra~'moud Adams of wal'd Caldwell a h ell' fam1 home p,' I' of the Church. Corwin were Sunday gu -ts of Mr ' near Clark .il1e. Adams' mother Mrs. Blanche Can . Mrs. Mlldred Surface lIIld da ughT he membel's of the Method! i tel' Miss Wilma are vi itlng P fc. Church held a covered dl h dinn rand Ml·. Donald Sliliace In Vlra t J acob' P ark Thursday l'l'nll1 ' . ginla. Mrs. EJda Montgom y c·! Loc"Mrs. Marga ret Johns \\ond P ll,ul la nd is the nousegtle t of 'her ~r. - Johns entertained to dinner Sunday. in-law and daughter nnd MI Rev. J oseph Myers of Dayton and Dallas Barton and son ". Ml< and Mrs. Calvin Longacre. Mr . .and Mrs. Eugene Snadgra Mr. and Mrs. Walter KenrIck and sou · Jimmy of FrankJi _ . nt and James Haines attended the by U~E FIT!:. the weekend as tl,le housegu t f S lade Reunion. Sunday at the sumMr . and Mrs. Ben Becket ane mer home of Miss Mll1lcent Hetzler Mayor and Mrs . H. S. Tucker daughter. and Miss Irene Slade near P Iqua. spent tJ 1! weekend s hooseguests 01 Mr . m d . Mrs. B . I. Hill enterMr, a;ld Mrs. Harvey ~urn et at1.)1el1' daughter, Mrs. James Park tained ,their Card C1ub Saturday tended the joint picniC of the War- A void removal of tonsils or and farnfly at Mt, Auburn . evening. ren County Planners · Clubs' ~ Port adenoids prior to and du r7 , '" The AnntlBl SChOOl Pi~ was held ing .poli~ epidemic 'season. Mr. 'apd .Mrs . Cha.l'lE.'f Dosie:r eu- Ailment. Thursday . . at the M~e High &hool buIldiJlg tertalned with a fami ly dinneT .sunSaturday. Iday honori.ng Mil's . .Doster's father. ~-------------..------------~ >Mr. and Mrs . P aul Wi land and Mr . Amos Cook of Wayn ville who daughter ·of DaYt.O were entertain - c 1 broted his birthday anndveJ.sary. ed Sunday at the heme Mr. and G PE PLg WELL ' EDU ATED Y Charlas Wetz I In c~~ llm£'n ' BUY, SELL. TRADE, BOR~W T DAY MEAN BETTER CI JZE to theiF son Donald \viellUld and USE GAZErI'E CLASSIFIED ADS
M e.., Anna and Ruth NutL of WSCS MEETING AT C ntel'l'11le called on MI es Mame and AJ1~11e Bn :wn, Monday aft.e t'SALISBURY HOME noon. The WSCS me at the orne of Rev . Walter DakIn was the gu s · Mrs . LucUJe SallsbW'y , 'I1mrsday. at dlnn r, Saturday v ning of h :s August 15. neph w. M.l'. Ronald Hawke and Mrs. 11111a Fll'e was in ch rge of wife. the Pl·ol.'l'am and the subjecL was Mr. Lee Shoel1lllker of Por ll nd, "La:ool' rs for Pace'. -'" his ' Ler. Mrs . Geol'giOr . vlsl tou Devotion;; were ta k n ad'C or by (lnna Ivins Ul.is week Bnd both Ie L . Mrs . . ·Eth I Wal,.Jn and h£'I' I$ub- on Stmdny visit IVIrs . J\,II1 ',. j£'ct was "Amba sador of the Cross" daughter. M1's. n Pllry ' Hauenstein Hostes. . fo r the In ling were and famlly in CincInnati. "Mrs . Adra Braddock. Mr . Isabell Dr. Dudley Ke vel' of Cen tprv1l1t: Oornell. Mrs . a nnie l ame St Mrs. w a dinner gue" at the Home on Rani tl l\wlntt, Ml·s. J enny Davl Sunday. aild Mr:. . Lucille Salisbury. 1M. and Mrs. Lester Gordon anp RefI' hment.s we.l·e home made Ml'S. Emma McClure of FraJlklln ice-aeam and cookies. were Sunday dinner gue~ ts o f Rev . Waltel' Dakln. VI IT GRANDMOTHER Mrs . J a.m s Franle 01 Los Angaharlotte snd Carolyn Burnet eles. ~,J. and her sl t r, Mr . Vilspent I Bt w k with fn iJ' gl' nd- sln!a Colvlg of Wheeling. W . V a. nlO tJ I' Mrs. E. L . Thol , oS 0 came SIl.tW'day to spend It f w days WaynesvllJe . with Mrs. Frame' aWll. Mrs. GeorgIa. Mendenhall. Mr . and Mrs. Erll t Martin wert! WCKY ,Winner Seek dinn r guests on Suuday of theil' 'Mi AUlel'ica Crown aunt Mr ' . Gevr ~ la M ndenllalJ. Misse Minni Dodson, Ruth a.nd EjizabeLh Chandlej· were dinner guests ·o f MJ...os Anna MerediLh 'In Wedllesd y evening at the Peerl~ Pnnl·ll' In M1am1sbw~ .
Mr . and Mr . Homer Monce an d sons moved ' to 'th Ir new hOIll~ In Da yton Monday after spending the sumlller wi h the rormer' parent.s, Mr. and Mrs . Bal'tlett Monce. MI'. and MI'3. Waller Clark, MIJ W ncla Clark a nd :\11'. and MI'1; . J unior Clark and son spent Friday aftel1100n In Piqua. M1'. and M1' . Dona ld Baird and dl ugl1 :1'1 !l rc on 1I IlH.tul' trip 0 the Smokey mounlJlins LI1I ~ week a .d \\'111 also stop over to visit fr iends In Kentucky.
11Figllt POliO]
·WllL'S · J(WEtRY · ·SHOP So~th Main Street,
Waynesville, Ohio
Carr ring a lin e .of popular trade-marked J ewelry item
. . . RINGS . ...
BRACELETS , . . LOCK- ' La Vonne Bond La Vonne Bon!l. recently selected as Miss WCKY Cindn- · nati of Ut6, will re.,resent the area at the Atlantic . City Miss America Paceant lil September. .MItJs Bond, 22. Is the danlht~r of. Mr. and Mn. A. R. Willen-
brlnr, 2805 Madison Road, Cl~. «IinDati. Sbe w1ll be ,sent to Atlantio' City by WCK"f with
.• .' eomplete wardrobe ,and .aU espe~8es pal, ·to . e~mpete for •• the Mia Ame'rl~a Title. ' Direct". ~ 'D1' Mrs.' Lotte Tull Thomp1)f ()lnclnnaU, Mba :WCKY Clnclnn.tl contest . was apon-
iOred .by . WCKI ' and t1ie '·BltO
Albee , Theater. .
ETS , .. and Many. Ot her Items of 'GIFT .JEW.ELRY in a selection that is ure to please and give satisfaction.
A cultured Chri tia n community i
priceles to figure .in dollal's and cent. - but it is the kind of returns you get from an investment in Wilmtngton College.
• • • 'Corrtribute to the
Living Endowment
WilmirlgtonCollege WILMINGTON, OllIQ . .
The Miami Gazette ESTAB 'L ISHED 1 850 Published Every Thursday by DAVISSON PRESS FLOYD L, DAVISSON, EditOl' Entered as S~ond Cia Matter at the Post Office Sub,scrlptlCJn Rates: S1.50 per Yea r In Advance
TIlE MI.un GAZETTE - Pare 4 WAYNESVlIJI.E. OHIO - NO. 42'18 THURSDAY. , AUGUST ~. '1948 ,
NEW CASES, MtH'l'led
July 4 last. Robert All of us who art! pl1ysl,eally active f'r a nklln Moxham jr .. Splingboro, tn work 01' pI Y may ,ge t tired be- flied n divorce act! n agah~s t ---~----------------.,.------- cause of Its cootinuance. The answer J sephille Louise Moxhrun. a minor, Tht'ough Ed e n f l'e ld' lea d- to how no to get physically tired. for decree charging neglect. er hip tho e who are inter- Is to stop. I,C one can, the activity Theodore Halstead, Leba r~ n, R a lph made e t e d in of tball in the com- before we ore tired . filed a sull agalnst Sarah Hal end munity donate d t h e ir el'V- But ~hel'e ar ma ny of us who do charg ing 11 lect. Married In 1941 l ig ht loal ice in the con tl'uction of not get phY'icnHy t red because they have a ~n . HaLtcad recently abo ut bett I' playing condi- t~i s ball fiel~ a~.d the ere - <Illr work 0 1' play ,Is not suI!lc1ently l'etu l'ned from service with I,he tion. Not being uti fied bOll of the hghtmg sy tern. tl'enuous or long to make us Ure~1. Marines. with talk , a lon e, R a lph proEight hole were dug, Weehowever often get tired .mentally HO\~IU'd nnd Mary Haas filed ceded to do omethin g about eight tall pole et, crdss- or spiritually. How can we preven t suit ngalnst Ruby and W. E. John th e matter. arm and r eflector attach- th is? seeking full!timent ot ·contract . After some un ey of po - ed, wiririg ' b'ung up, witch The study of the Science of the PROCEEDLNGS ETAOIN ETAOIN sible'· ource of UI ply fot' boxes ins talled , bleachers Mll1d. as set for th truu, "Individual The court ~Warded a dl\'ol'ce to materials to c on tl'uct II h a COIl tt'ucted, ba c k- top ' in- Psycbology ' , established by th3.t Ernest Eugene Long , from project and findin g them a tailed, diamond ' proper goreatest of all minds. Dr. Alfred Doro1'hy E. Le"ng and ,one to Donald ca rce a proverbial 'hen's sca lped of od and the field Adler, of Vienna. shows tha t our W. Fouljts from Eleanor FOUlks, the teeth" Ralph began making put in shape. All of this do- emotions are se\!.·crewLed to speed later suit giving a sPeClfied sum to trip to vai'ious place in an nated by followers of the us to a ,goal we haveestnbl1shed in the defendant·s mother for support endeavor to lo cate pole I sport. ! the belief that suCb emotion w111 of their two minor children. wiring, reflectors . et . Many To Ralph Edenfield and help attain the goal we seek. ,Emo- Goldie Brandenburg. Mason, was trip were required to ac- his associate is extended tlons do not just happen out of, t he appointed guardian ad l1~em of ompH h thi but at In t this congratulations for bringing air. Lolaetta B. Coates. defendant; In 1; f th divorce palO · e Pfo]. ec t \Va co m - to W ayne;vl'11 e t h'IS a set tQ Our emotians can be divided into C<>a tes . .action !lied by Wan'en O. pleted and mate rial wel'e the sport of softball and to two classes; those tha.~ disturb us; Meryl ' B. lbcated. the betteI'ment of the com- (a and those th at satisfy us (b). Gray WM named In the meantim e a drive munity, received for defendant In the sult (a) Anger, sadness, disgust: fear. of Lee Halle for funds to pur h a e the e . . rman aga I os t Rober t material had been' ucce _ Game are 111 ., pl'ogr~ss an~iety, ambition, envy. malice. Br~uer. full as the local fan were in ~hel'e each week dar even- jealousy, avarice, hate. worrr· an- A correction d scription ot certaln accord with the- mo ement . mg. Player. and ~ans are noyance, SQrroW, s; e cl U s,1v ~ n e s . . real estates 111 Warren and Clermont .!' When the w ather per- p.leasurably ,?ccuPled at afaint-heartedness, ped ntl'Y. servll- counties ordered In the sl,lit of Edna mi ted during the pring tll~e when ,~ack. of some- 1ty.moodlness, hard I ck, boa lful- H, Hunter, guardlao, ng-ninst Grant months, layout ,o f the plan thmg ~o do mIght well ne..q,s, are all dis urblng ~otlons! J(;mes. et at. ' . were made at t he ' High mean .the sowmg of the seed and being based on U~W?rthwhlle. The defendant lVas granted 30, School grounQ Rnd work of dIscontent th.at wou,ld unsocial goals. ca.me one to IWt days adcUtlooal to plead in the suit wa tarted in digging holes sp~'out and ~'?w mto unde- tired. . , of J~ e Rose vs H. L . Barding for tlW el;ection o~ ~he poles. SI.lable condItion ~ Waynes(b) ~eerfui nt'ss. JOY, laughter. Cannel'Y . This part of the project run VIlle cannot kno~ th~ ~r.ue ~1.Ulng. sympathy, underS~anding., PROBATE COURT into opposit ion from ome , yalue of softb~ll actlvltle8 modesty. love. alffectlon, being: The court set Aug. 23 to hear the who did not agree with plan In th,e commulllty. fellow~an.. being based on worth- Invellt.orle , of the estates of Julia. proposed and after se eral Many boy and girls, whl1e, , social gOf),1s.,. cannot Clause Bra~urr' Or gonia. and Minnie weeks of att~mpting t9 br~g througli its , attra~tiori. may one to get tired,. flD;' tbey are plea.s-- Hagedorn. _. ,about 'a tsabs~actory' s~ttlfe- be imiocently , pla'ying ' soft!., Ing and eeful. . . 'l1he Il~ value of , the~ estate Or ment between oppo hig sides ball when otherwi e ' they So If 0 e can .reduoe the time Harriet Hutflllan, . Lebanon. was the site wa ab~ndoned. \vould be "just 'play.ing." To and len8ll;hs of (a) to longer and determined to be $3.483 .67 and thacl Variou location were ' upport thi wOlthy adi- longer interval~ one need never be. of VValter T. Wllson, Waynesville, con idered until finally it 'vity is to SUPPOl~t the mora ' ed and one can ha~e as many. a.s $11,859 .18. , was decided · to pl'ace the and physical future of the ~ong, and as often of (b as one The inventory of the estate of diamond at Wayne Park. community. ' w~nta, as they . cannot ~e you. Milton M. CUlp w~ approved. _ _......._ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _._ _-:-______"--_ , N~w · ,gred. e,lSt of all scientk;t.. The ooutt approved , the ruth t Adler. has ~ow'n that weoan all do account or the trustee of the estete ; wM. ~ .V{~ wa~t, t<;) .if we ."'j ll con- of Olive M. Lerch. . '. WAYNESVILLE ..' stantly train hard en~ugh. In other The ~urt ordere~ 'the admissIon words, we ~n el.lrnln ~~~ ({l) , . s~?h . Of 'the wUIs ' 01 Eva' M. Ball and an ext~nt as to ne'ver be tlred. ~W?' 'F'r/l~ V i stItt. bOlh o!...Mason. DAY AND ' NIGHT 1. We must understand t.h~ above . The QOUrt set Aug. '26 to hear the 2. We must be 1:ully con~nced of inventory of the estate of Hiram B . Its truth. or we do not understand. 3. We must train. train, train. This . AUCTIONEERING I have done for so many year~ STANLEY and KOOGLER at Belcher'. Sonoco Stali~n- Phone that (a) 15 aroused In me so sel· II&ODBS LleD81 ;;;;===:::;;:;;;::;;;::;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;::;;;::;;;::;;;::;;;::;;;::;;;::;;;::;;;;:;;;::;;;;;;::;;;== dom and at such 1190g intervals that For Date., Pbone 11M. W&1D8IVWe, Ohio. Bey_ 0ll&rtreI I never get tlJ1!d, and when 60
Moran and Aug. 29 that of Berru.ce Wel&"IlUllUl Morrow . Mildred B. Smallwood, Franklin. was named to admlnls'ter t;h~ estat.e of her husband. Robert. kllled in an autQ acclctent recently. wIth Paul Ruppert, Don H use and Oliver Cha mbel'la ln as appraiser . The net valu of tht' e-t te of Dora B. Young wns fOWld to be $3,()37.01 and of Margaret Enl'llhnrt, both of Lebanon, to be $71 3 . Joseph A. H lues wns na med to admlnister the estate of "Frank Thompson. Lebanon Wi,t h C. O. Eulass, G . F . Brown and J . R. IAl.w as appraisers. The oourt approved ,the final accounts of the e tate of, Emmett E. Bevan, Frank Wylie. Flora E . Ref:ce, Isaac Cobb Clifford and HIUTy Hough. ' Aug. SO WM seL , to hear the Inventories of the estate of Sigmund Piast. Walter T . Wilson and Charles A. Spencer.
TheOdore and Iva M. Price to Edgar W . BTay. 77 .81 acres, in Harlan t wp. ' Fr·ed Kahn to Morrow Sheets. lot '. 5 in Spencer's addition to Lebanon . Mary Frances a.elf to Dora Hut chinson, property ' on Main st. , Lebanon. ' ' Arthur and Orace Shur I) to Doris Tomento 24 acre .1n Deer ield tv.rp. Sam A~d Kattte Turner to Jasper Peter .86 acre in Decr!leld twp.
HOURS: 9-12 each morning
ternoons_ except 'Wednesday
7-9 Saturday' evening f
, Other eVt)nings by " Appointment .
aroused, knowtna and ' understand-
ing as I do, they can> be checked f t nnd 'fully stopPeol almost at onceJ because knowIng tha.t they ' e,re aroused by an un'\Vorth~hUe goa'1. I LICENSED REA", ESTATE ,BROKER change the goal and in so changing. they Immecnately disappea.r . AUCTIONEER . ~ INSURANCE . The above. bei~~ a grea,t . SClentlf1~ truth can be used and accomplished Phone 2651 ~AYN~VILLE, OHIO by every one of ·us. Try and llee. The next time you have a disturbing ;,I'r~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ emotIon, st~ip ,and ~y to yourself. "What is the goall I bave establlshe,d? ;' You will l>e surprised that the very quest,lon is likely to· give the ao..."Wer. enabling you .to 'change the goal and . get ~d of the disturbing emotion. as I hav,e been doIng for a long time bac~, with the r~ul t that. · never mind how many hout'S Or how hard I work, J arii: never tired. You. ESTABLISHEO 18'11 every one of ,you can do the same if · you, (a) qnderstlmd; (b) are fully convinced; (c)" want' to. (l'nd (d) ' train. " Telepbone Pli WaTDen1Ue, Ohio Charles Davis,. O :E .. 'D. ling, Bsss Cape 00<1, Mass~ -
62~R '
C' E Vi.. · . ,
. Optometric Eye Specialist 26 S ' . th D ' '
. ou
XENIA, OHIO, ..-........-.-~"'-........................... _ .:.........
!. " B, !
.·SwEEPERS. Sweeper~· ·
The Waynesville National .Bank
RiVer, <'
Both New and Rebuilt -
Matched End Lamp and Coffee Table Handsome Design and 'Beautiful Fini h. \ . A tine eletion of Sofa Beds, Livi:ng Room SUlte~, B1,'ea~fast Sets, Odd Chair's , Mattie ses, Lamps; etc"
Waynesville FurDitur~_ &·.Appliance ~O,. , Gibbons Building,. North Street
,WAYNESVILLE, 0';10 '" .
Phone 2422 '
hie- 5 Louise Rothaoker to CharI sand NO. 42'78 Pauline Updyke. 70 .27 acl'e5 in TBUR DAY, AUGU T 22. 19<16 Tu.l'tlecreek twp. ' ' - - - - - - - - - - - - - S . N . and Margaret Burnett to Russell and Opal Monce to MUdre Howard .and Wilma McKinney. t"o M . Vian , property on Wright ave .. parcels in Salem twp : William H. and DOrothy White U> Lebanon. Mary M . Honkamp. two tracts in W B. and Mattie Cl'elghton to twp. Harlan Oha.rles Tumbleson. .50 acre in Wa.yne twp . Marlon . Rebert aod Dororhy Oook MARRIAGE LICENSES Lc,u13 Daniel ' PUl'sl y , 22. to Edith Arthur. pareelln MUlgrove . Miriam Elizabeth Cowan. 20, and bOth ~a.mes and Lill1an Head to Edward of South Lebanon . a.nd Ohristlna Me er, plo ~ In . Andrew Stl'oUlch j l' ., 26, and H. Oregon1a. J ewell J ones, 23. . both of Lebanon . Billy Ohar les Fairchild, 20. and Zula Mae FornshelJ. 19" both of Lebanon. . Kyle Hem,), COOk. 26. and Guyeuia. Owens , 22. both of Franklin . THE MJ,un GAZETI'E -
omo -
E . Johnson. , 18. a.nd Mae Dun n, 18, both of Lebanon. Jac k' Creto • 26, Middletow n, and Mrs. Ru ~h Wells. 23, Franklin. Be~¥1
~~ ~r~IN ~T om~-STi;;FmJ' ¥
Hubert E : Smith. 29. and Maurine Neeley, 25. both of Lebanon .
GEORGE S. BE~ISON Pm,t/oll-J(tlrt/,,,, CDI/tl' $ttl((l. .A rltll"'"
On R~cord
"Freedom ill more hone~lt than ,overnment and .0 much mClre proCOLU M BUS (Special)ductive," This proverb might be WLW's "Midwestern Hayride" added appropriately and soon to the popular , r adio 'and stage attra~ ever-growing lexicon of "Immortal tion, will be a feature of the worda." It came from the Ups of Ohio S tate F air, the openirtg Ralph W. Gwinn of Bronxville, N. Y., toward the end of a speech he made . in Congress, last A.pril 16. The address was a review of 40 centuries of price fixln, by Il overnments. While the Federal government Down through the ages. Rep. haa been piling 'up a huge debt, the The peak of perfection \Il the Gwinn traced the dismal 1~ail o,f financial condition of States has art of oold waving. We recompolitical. price pegging frOIn King improved untU ~tate finances genHammurabl of Babylon, who died e{alJy are in bqtter shape than mend this wave for satisfac2,242 yeaTS before Christ,' to our they have been in for many years. tory and lasting results. OveralJ Sta:te debt has been' reo own Chester Bowles. Each successive effort went to pot. Th,~ oldest duced more than 25 per cent. pile of wreckage, marking a turn States and local governments where som:e self-confident ruler have accumulated and invested locked his ,eco~omlc steeri[)f!: wheel, mostly in government bonds, mo~ was in ancient Babylon. than ,5,000,000,000 in surplus . Atid Many qthers funds. Babylon was not the last nor the Unemployment compensation reworst. Another notable cata,strophe serves by the end of the war totaltoo~ place about 900 years later as d more than $6,000,000,000. a result of Ute wage and price freezThe imprOVement in State fling prOvisions of the Hlttit,~ Code. ' n~ces, however, affords I>nly mino,r CAPS, LIDS Popular ' pressure in Asia Min'Or in. rebel for taxpayers cODlpared with ·,a RUIIIRS fiuanced this case, but served to the overshadowing size of the Fed· (Forme-tly the Emma Mlae) prove how even the ancient rulers eral debt and prospect Feder,,1 , . ~,~ wu,cdoaa" S . Main - Waynesv leo OlUo ran afoul of sore resentment against ·-tax ratell will be maintained at tIM Ball Blue &o::,t. To P\ roUr COf, 2 • 9 ! ' their Impractlc!ll tinkering with higb levels in an effort to balance 1IIICl1Oc with , _ Dame aDd ~ t6~ Telephone tre'edo.m o~ private enterprise. the national budget. Fr~n~e'. egQistic "fbill~ lrv, too~ ,I '.U ••" •••, Chi".'; ••• "1, ', .,. prices in and and created a ,Painful ,• ~~~~--~~~~ l$lari:Jty of bread, and tlothiing six. :centuries betor. lIiUer. T1uee or , I, " ~ l more English kings took turns at issuing edicts agalnst naturlall'.aws, "'''''''''''''',''''',''''''''" ....,', ,''"... , , "-"""''''''''''''''''''''''''''-,-'''' nb less sUly than Canute'S orderinl I t!le tides not to come In. Without faU, price control systems have ' . , D . flnally~ created scarcity instead 01 improving Production. " . . Tbe Emperor's OP", During these times when so 1;11"\\.111 .. " :The 'congressman's : most colorful mqah In tl1e way of dignl y ~. example ,w as Rome., About 800 and gOOd tas e ar~ d~~nde<!. . .. • ' , years J!efore ,t he birth of Chr!st, EmNite Phone STUB~' S~V1CES 8ire ' al;' ~ror DlocJe.tian let \lP a sol1 of 2981.<, op,+, for. the whole ROf\1a :Emplre. : . ways 5a.tistaclnry.
RAY-ette I Cold Wave.
MASTERS Beauty Shop
American industry is paying record-breaking hourly wage rates. Average hourly _earnings for workers in manufacturing industry' reached a record high of $1.06 an hour in April and a further rise to $1.07 was indicated for May, ,the Bureau of Labor ,Statistics has reported. The April aver8~e was bne cent ' above tne war-time peak set in January, 194-5. . Rising wage rates since the- end of the war. have off-set in part the uecline 'n "take home" pay caused by shortening of the 'York week. Average weekly etu'1lings in April were ,42.92, dov..-n $4.50 from the wartime top. IN CASE OF FIRE DIAli 2233
,,'''''''''' .
S T U B .» IllUflH;rAJJ
Telephone 2291
"Friendly Slote'"
9 x 12 W,OOL RUGS , 9 .s 12 FELT BASE RUGS
LAMPS (Floor and Table) STUDIO COUCHES (Fully ·Spring Filled) ~IVING
BED .ROOM SUI1ES STOVES IIComplete Home Fumiaherl"
HOME · ~'URNIi\URE Phone ,
:'.i9~2R " I
night only, Saturday, AugUst 24th" in the Coliseum. Enter tainers include The Buccaneers who combine instrumental h r~ mony' with pleasing songs.
State Financ~s Improve ·Hourly Wage Rates Re~ch Record High
t4Eaat MaJD
Propaganda, wentpublic out tirst ef· fort to sell the on In theariidea that rulers were much smarter than mere people. After' the edict, came a 'record-breaking swarm of mlnls. tera and magistrates to eliforce prices. '., I ,I ~. Did ilie emperor make hi. price. hold? .He ~d notl He fix~d a death Pllnslty .on people who bo~ght or sold above th-l! celling Hut DIgcletlan ha'd hb Uttle undercover prople~. lliCe,' , all the others who vi.e nt In tOr gcnf• . ernmental price manJpulaUon. Not m,llPr "o~e;n~e}'s" were e:x:~c\1ieiJ. l.~"g strat~~ , took bribes. pr~cell rose '. anyhow an(f{overllowed into black· markets without humber. Taxes Climbed Dfrher An interesting sfde1lght on the -:Roman' altair was that all ki,pds 01 buUding' stopped arts a1}d science. ' fel1. ~ . d;cllY 0 s ell an ex~ that "~ , ~ople allnollt · forgot aljotl~ ' excel·· , Jence-. They " f~shioned 8J~d Used rnakesh~ H cluillvely XGodd. o'rdft.men went jobless, big business men fied into ~~~ , f,h.1i I 'IIm~U l$Usineli ," men went bankrupt and hungry. And Rome .fell. '-i ". An' But before the final collapse, before the tramp of arme:ti '" ens i. heard 'in the streets, ~ule.rs. w,\l!l , have ruined the wealth of' the-irL , country and the prosperity of their subjects, run out of money them~ selves. 'A hungrr and angry; people chased Dlocletlan out of R'o me but hi, evil work was done. 'ral~es weri devastating untU Rome wall a ruin. History has not one price·ftlc:lng plan fit to copy, here or anywhere.
r"'thureh. ·~~·IIIE~v..\.V$
Tells 01 Training Methods to Overcon1e Common Dog Faults
THE 1\DAMI GAZETTE - Page 6 WAYNE . VILLE. OtDO - NO. 4278 1' llURSDAY. AUGl ~ T 22, 1946
It's New·
A well - mined dog Is a much of firmn ss and patience to cure more .agr able and amusmg com- him. T!)e dog should be push d to METHODIST CHURCH p'anion than the harum- carum, the fl oor whelle v r he is dlSCOVAnnoun cing a br and n w B. B. Coleman. MlnJIter 'rough-neck" dog that has never er d on the fUl'IlHure, a nd scolded SUNDAY SOHooL 8:30 A. M. of p 1'.' nal il 018 been taught t he niceties of canine In a severe and shocked tone. Oc- lin The Growln" Golnr, Church etiquette. says the Gaines Dog 'casionalJy a dog kn <,> ws ~e lt er includin g p rsonalize ci n apMrs. Raymond' Conner, Supt. HERBERT GRAJlA.l\I, i\liniiskr Research Center. New York City than to get on th e furnIture In t h WORSHTP SERVICE 10:30 A. M. Blble School ('o. , te r:-, mnt· h ·, 8:10 •. m. Dogs are not born with good man- presence of the family. but WIU k in ' , YOUTH FELLOWSHIP, t: ll r d ., <:1 t · lit .. t ati nery, C<nrununion 10:45 •. m. ners any more than are children. . ThursdaY, 7:30 p. m. Preaching bridg ta lIi , . g u , t to v '1 :>, 11:00 a. m . A badly behaved dog is a reflection on his owner. OROIR PRAOTIOE per 'onal label!;. Young Peoples ServIces ar.d One ot the most common faults Wedliesday, 7:30 P. J4. Adult Prayer Meeting 7:00 p. m. of dogs is jump1ng up on people. om in an " ~ Lh s n w Evening Evangelistic Senrioe items and n \V id a ' . Usually the dog does this in an ST. MARY'S Rea onabl y pri d. 7:45 p. m. over-exuberance of friendliness. But no matter' hQ W sociable the EPISCOPAL CHURCH DAVISSON PRESS dog's intentions are, no one wants Samuel N . K e,};s, FRIENDS Phone 2143 clean cloth ing smeared wHh dirty Lay Reader-in- charge paw marks. The best time to start FiT D ay School 9,:30 l1.m . No Service:; durIng August against th.is habit is when Me lng fo r WOl'shlp--l O:30 a.m. trairting the puppy is three or four months MT. HOLLY of alie. Every time he jumps up, METHODIST CHURCH ST. AUGUSTINE CHURCH he shoul d be pushed away wi h a sharp-toned command of "Nol" 11'. M. Scarff, MinJa*- . Father Krumbolts, Prleet There are two g'ood meth ods for CJUDdaJ SChool -- 8:30 A. M. Mass Sunday 9:00 a.m. training older dogs out of this E. A. Earnhart, IUperlntendent. habit. One syst em is to grasp the Worship senrtce - 10 :30' A. M. dog's fron t paws when be jumps E:'tenlng &enloe - '1:30 P . 14. up, bold them firmly. and at the PAINTS - STOVES same time reach out with one foot and step sligh tly on 'the doli\. s ROOFING - FENCE WAYNESVILLE back feet. If t his procedure is fOlHARNESS - PIPE CHURCH of CHRIST lowed every time the dog jumps - 1 84 9-194~ Bober' L. VanZUe, Minister The nine sele ted u terances of up, he soon learns to associate Filmed trlliner Blon "he SlI umter. 'Bible School 11:30 a· m. dIscomfort with jumping on peo- bow bow to di eo .. rnge 0 do~ frolll FAIRLEY HARDWARE CO. Bllha'u'Uah car v d above the pIe, and abandons .the practice jump iJI 8 on people. Phone 2441 - WA YNESVlLLE. O . 10:30 a. m. Communion Another cure for this habit is rais. Sermon 11:00 a. m. entrances of the TempI in Wil- ing the knee just liS the dog jumps immedi ately avail himsel f of the Ev~g Servtce 8:00 p. m. mette. I lllnol-. reveal it " fundamen- so that the dog's (~hest wfll be· hit, best chair in the house w he n he • • • ta l ~eanlng in the Ufe of our 8.g e:- and he is thorou:ghly jarred and finds himself alone. Placing a set ~UNtOR ~EAVOR 7:00 p.m. ''The earth Is but one countrYi perhaps even topplj!d over baok - mousetrap on the chair 0 1' bed ward. The knee slfould be raised will discourage thi~ habit. The SENIOR ENDEAVOR 1:00 p.m. and mnnklnd its citizens." "'nle and lowered as quickly as possi- dog.'s weight "ill spring the trap, PRAYER MEETING, b t belov ~ . of aU t hings in my bl~ so that when the dog regains making a loud snap, which will Wednesda.y 8:00 p.m. 51 ht i Justice; turn not away his balance and looks up, he sees not harm the dog in the least, but you standing quietly ItS though will startle him sufficiently to BJB~E eLI\: S PlCNlC therefrom II thou des1rest. me." nothing had occul'red. . cause him to lose all interest in ThW's. Aug. 29 at 6:30 p.m. "My love my stronghold ; he tha Either of thest~ two methods, any place where he has this un• • • entereth therein Is safe and secure." fDllowed consistently, should stop pleasant experience. the most persistent jumper. It will Dogs that bark and howl when- THIS MAN'S RADIO 'DJ APPOINTED "Breathe no ' the in of others so serve no useful purpose, however, ever they're left albne often are a NEEDS IMMEDIATE "I came to' your church last Sunday long as thou art ,thyself a '&Inner: ' to corr~t the dog on one occasion, pr:oblem. The best Way to avoid REPAIR ,.' . I walked up .a1Itl down the adsle, '''I'lly heart 1;; my .h ome; 'SanCtify it and pet him thte next time he trouble of ·this sort is to commence flings bimsel! ~oyously upon you. training when the dog is young. There's no need to c6 er I D'Otlced your seat was V'acant. " for my descent." "I have made The proc:edure mlust be followed Start out- by leaving him closed your ears when you turn on SaJd the Master 'w lth a Idndly · dC1l.th . a messenga.t of jo t o th~e ; everyi ~iJ';e the dog jwn~ up. It il. in a room by himself for short ~e- . di P . i 8mrie. ,' . ' . wherefore 'dost th'ou grieve?\~ "Make" helpful if;Your hi.e nds can-be per-. r!o~ If' he ba~ksl ' ~go .to, h~m, your· r~ 0.• , rOlle.l repars Buaded to follolw these Isame SObld him and give him a light and adJu trnents .wlll 'enable • '. . . ! . • mention of me on my earth t hat. . ~~, I was at . home.' I answered . .in my llieaven I. may rem£mber t hee." methods, then thEI dog soon learns slap or two on the ruinp' with a you to enjoy good tone and he must not jump on ·any one at folded newspaper. Do not go back 1'6 ep ion 'at all time Let u Some folks trom up Salem' way 1'0 r Ich '.ones on en rth I Th e poor all, as he , gets the same handling more than once, though, or the . . , Drov.e down for a. weekend v1slt; in midst , dog will get the idea he can make make the e repair and ad.. your are. my· trust: guard from everybody. Sometimes a house-dog will de- you come to him by barking. The ju trnents for you today. So 'We stayed In the house all day. ye my trust:' "The source Of aJ1 cide the floor is not comfortable periods can be gradually length- ' Oh, "I had. an awf~ headaooe." learning Is the knowledge f God. enough for him and ' will start ened until t~e dog becomes acc.ususing the chairs. SQfas and beds tomed to bemg alone and realizes . I had a r99-st in the pan." exalted be His glory.~ . ' . for resting placeS!. Once a dog has he is not being permanently deOr. "We overslept' thlllt morning, Supmitt.,ed by Helen McCoy acquired the habit of sitting on serted !>y his o~ner whenever he Phone 2 794 But I go when~'er I 'can." R t. 2, WaynesvUle: Ohio furrtiture it requires a good deal finds himself Without co mpa~ "I wen,1t to the morning service. TURN YOUR SunPLU JTEi\{ • ---_ •••••••• II ••• PJ , !Not over tiwo months. a.go, INTO QUICK, READY CASH PHONE .NEW!~ JTEl\lS TO So much work must walt t ill USE GAZETTE CLAS lFIED ADS 21t.3 OI~ 2910 ,I Sunday There's no time fOr church. you OFFER know."
...... _----------------
'For The Healing Of All The World
GUSTIN Radl"o &Telev."s."on ·
rrhe Master gazed at me sadly, .As He was about '00 speak. "My cblld," He replied, "are there . not ' $ix other da.ys in the week?"
"J! all of
!' (ornell'sWELDING' ShopI ELECTR,IC and ACE~LlNE -
My oth~ children
Should treat 'Me the Same ' as you. M\Y house would be c10sed-<l~erted . Then what 'Would ~ost sinnerS dlO?"
I saw I had grieved my Master, As slowly He turned away, And .1 vowed He'd not find me absent Again on iRIs holy d~.
• • •
"And let us consld~ one another to , provoke unto love and good 'WOrks: !Not forsaking the '8SSeDlbl"; iDs Of ~selves together, a:s thA; manner or some is; but exhortIng . one anotber: and so' much the more. as ye ~ the day apprOaching." -Beb. 10:24,25 ~And .
the Spirit and' the bride say COme, And he ·t hat hea.retb, let bhn say, Come. And he t:hat is ~ let 1Um come: he that wlll, l~ him te.ke the water of life
~. 22 :17
I!:I"utow jEt e1 N 15m g1e.o lhsE
POl,'table Equipment
~c<Ulltr£ i~uuer'~tl ~ otlte Dial 2111
WaynesvillE!, Ohio
Shop- Cente,r ville 7031 , Rei. Centerviile 74'6 5
l -' .
ALll' KiNDS OF ELECTRICAL 'WIRING 'One-half Mile South of Bellbrook on the W~ynesville-Bel1broo.k ~o:ad ' PUTERBAUGH
21 ' 254 . ~~~.Stewart's 'Thrift-E Market
THE MIAMI GAZETTE - Page 1 t1on. The road Is good with plcnty· Da.Jsy In the barn. Old Bogan was When she heard my car '8.Ild they WAYNE VILLE. 0&0 - NO. 4218 at room to :pass. We saw several a.t the house ' to meet me with some sa.I.d, "That m be Mrs . Frazier TBUR DAY. AUGUST 2.2. 1946 deer on the way up and In Lhe rocks of the rune pups left from the nlne- home" she came au!> from under there were lots or conIes. little mb- teen.. 11).en poor old Smokey came the porch I!-nd Umped over to greet blL like anlmnls that look likc baby limping In and then Suzy. Smokey me and now I can scarcely get her rnbblt.s before '\',heh' ears grow long. was hit by a car out an the road ou t of the house. We also saw a. marmot which one night. Mrs. Tenant heard a The locust .t rees are browh ' and
From a hrm Diary
August 17. 1946 . saturday. Home . again down from the mountains. n few hot days In Denver, (they do have ho t weather there sometime-,) back across Colorado. Kausad. Mlssour!. mlnols, Indiana. 01110 and home gain in the rain. Three days driving twelve huncired and ~ome miles. No specinl trouble getting accomodatlons though it WfLS State Fair week In Springfield, Ill. and t he town was fuU but th~ woman at the rtr t plnce I stopped had a friend across the street who had a nice room so a fte r '1111 I had no trouble. The first day was very hot but after that I was caught up with the showers ~ WB<; more 00111Iortable . At tile ranch the bald top at Mt.. Evans was the highest mountain In ~ht. Many people around Waynesville are always' interested In anything a.bout the Evans fiunlly: John Evans, the fir t governor of Colorado tor whom Mt . ~1IJlS was named, W08 bOrn in Waynesvute. He had n hand in the . beginning of many things. In tJle first place he studied medlc1ne anci ~ as one of the first to recognize and teach that insanity is caused by disease of the brain and Is an illness like that of any ot.her part of the body and '!Jlat insane people should be treated like skit people. not crlln1na.l& and that many can be cured. He helped to tbund' many hospitals 86 well as Northwestern University. Later u
looked like a very large woodchuck . It was a lovely day. a good cllmax to our stay at the loot of the mountain. Home again in the rain . It met me at Ge1'IlUlntown and [rom there to Wa.ynesville I could scarcely see to drive. r"" was just milk.l ng 'time and Olarence was putting Len'a and
dOS' Ylllplng and ciytng so JOIUl wen out to see and found her with one leg broken a.nd another one hurt. He told her to lie stU! and she stopped crying while he went IQ,M got the led and brought her in . They nursed her and took care of her I ..... d n 0 w sh eca.nge t a.ro""d .... lagan though she will always be , llame . ft ....
the wOO<ls are Wgh
nd the locust
and katydids made so much ,noise I could scarcely sleep rhe f rst night. Buck again from fresh green peas,
the flrstl of t.he season from our mountain garden, and beets and spil1ach. to green corn. tomatoes 8lld peaches ptd the chickens are almost big enough , to fry . PrIces
may be hJgh in the tores but thls Is tile season of good eating on the 1lairm. A vacation Is nice lru.t it is nice to come l'roOme .
Aersol bombs used for controlling In buildings may be partly wasted II too much f og from the bomb is released a t one time . EntomagCllists say release of the insecticidal fog for t.wo seconds will kill riles and mosquitoes in an orc\ina.ry room. Buyers should make sure the bomb oontalns pyre tllnnn aOO 3 per cent oI DDT 'and that the bomb wlU last a total of ab?Ut 20 minutes .
tenjl:o~ ~v~r of ·Q oloradO; he.
f~ Oo~o Untve1'Slty' and otl:ler J.n.stltutlO1l8 and on tale whole wa& W'Orthy 01 having one of, 00101'000'8 high mountains. .,as a memorial. H1a family, that. is grand-
sons and daugbters. stW own sev- ' era! tbou.sa.nd acres a.t the foot of the mountain next to Rocky !4ounteJn Na.'tlonal PaR. When we t urned t he highway aDd through tale wblte ga.tf! to go ~ True6dell' Ranch we went 8Cr0S& Evans la.nd tx> the p.te to Truesdell land.
• THE'
The la8t Saturday tha.t. we were at tbe ranch we bad .. plcnilc and a trip up lilt. Evans, In order to \ate eleven of us. seven hUtera wbo
werre jJOJ:ng up to timber and thea. .walk dOWn the tra.U about 1en or Helve mUee to ~ ranch &net five rider. who plaooed to go '00 tho lootout houiIIe at tbe mounteJn top. ' in bWO cOupes.. 1'." .. problem but tibe ranch coupe bad a. Small truck ~ that OO\I1d be put on aDd ftv~ of \.II rode to that. two backWards GO a. ' &OIrt of 11JIDb1e seat and t.bree OIl .. ae.t futened, acr086 it. It wu early in the mornmg and tbe wI.Dd blew rld1ng down that . twiSt1Dg' moUDtaln road 'wae oIust Uke r1<!iD1 on It. roller coaSt« ~t and amusement park and we lalJiheel and yelled tlme 'We wept over It. bump or aroun~' It. curve. However, we lot them ,t here ~ly and ~n there was plenty Of room , ·for tb.oee w~ went to t.be oop. It Is a. wonderful road back and forth and arounq the m<nmta.ln up to fourteen th~d and more feet, wt~ i8 new view spread, out for us to look ,a't Mound each tqrn.At ~lmoerline the trees are ' gnaried and twiSted , by the wind. beyond tha.t there are only 'iow shrubs ' and' m~ ';. like" pllUlts lv.1th flowers: ' 'I.'he,r e are ·. ~veral lakeS fed by melting snow aOCl wonderful views 'tn ev~ direc-
• • •
.''1111 RlGHrROAD JIO!IIIitIr ..... ~
.... to "woIk wkhoul1- fM wicbouI Iimit"-to .ve, build home or bo·';_ aDd to IIIIploJ 'otben.\ Stop aad tbiak what it wou1d mean to JOU if we Wen to set oft this road. In aj totalitarian country, 1011 fIIollltl oflltJl You might work like. slave oal the land. but the ~veflUJleot could lakel all you produced,' eveo your family'lj livelihood. So. lOok for the true facts behi.nd an~\ movement that would put obstacles io
too. as an apreuioo towud Which we have 1001 .:.:!_'-'I ......I"'"'..:- a aatioD. But there is f~.m whicb is iDherendy Amenc:aa.'I under Aitide IX of of Rights. It is the freedom to do to produce or make. ~o barter or sell gqods or servOJ' fI1I,npri,.. Another ' II.IIOLII is ,IIUlIIIlIIIU is the RIGHT ROAD. that made possible !s:Pldu:ltria. developmeDL Put to provjdes the tools of pro- . 1000•..oCfleatc:s jobs and opportunities.
our RIGHT ROAD or send us over ~ tours of foreign origin. On every publi prOposal, uk y~lf. "Does this P posaI foUow the American Way 1" 10 make your wishes known to chI law makets who represent you.
DAYTON I1~O~WJ~. __ • .D '-LO".1 COMPA.~ [-... ....... 1 • • _
4L~_..... ~ ......- ~
.. ,
Nation's Fa$test · Ho~ses on .l:-'air Speed Program
C·lJ\S51 ·IEO
Tl1E MIA1\[J GAZETTE ,_ . hee lS WAYNESVlLLE, omo - NO. 4218
COLUMBUS (Special)-Some of the natio~'s outstahd!llg FOR S.'\LE ~ HOME OOMF'ORT horses will be attracted to Columbus to compete 10 the barness LoUuCoal Range in good condition , ha~ races in connection with the 92nd Ohio State Fair, August 24th, water front for hot water sYst.em, through August 30th. Purses total $14,000. The daily program FJilDERAL LAND BANK LOANS: John Gans. ,Phone 2887. 822 follows: I . For Ref1nanc1.l::,g Rl.'buUdlng, Buying. 4 % Farm loans wibh long Monday, Auquat 26 ame to pay. Pay part or all any FOR SALE U'SED MAYTAG 2: 24 Pace-3 heats .Purse $ 590 Electric Washer ; Warm Mom- , 2: 15 Trot-3 heats _ _ _ __ _ _ __ __ __ Purse ~lPOO t1me. ) LEBANON NAT'L FARM LOA."-1 ing Heating Stove, Ever tt MUler. 2: 13 P ace-3 healts Purse $ 500 I ASS·N·, Ell1s H. sturm, Sec'yPhone 2742. 822c TuesdlIy. AuOUSt 27 ' Treas.. Lebanon, Ohio. Phone 441l 2: 22 Trot-3 heats ,_ _ _ _ _ _ __ __ Purse ' $ 50'0 tc FOR SALEPurse $1000 2 Year Old P ace-2 in 3 heats 2: 17 Pace-3 heats ' Purse $ 500 Real Eatate For SaleBARRED ROCK FRYERS ; 350 lb.; IF YOU HAVE A PROPERTY OR Mrs, Emmett Beltz, Rw'al IWu,t e 2. 2: 14 Trot-3 hea1~ _.Wednesday, AUQUSt 28 ..Purse $ 1100 FARM TO SELL CaU or Writ e WaynesvUle. Ohio, 829 2 Year Old TJ'0t--2 in 3 heats, Dir. 01 Agriculture Stake Purse $1000 2: 15 Pace-The Buckeye Pacing Stake-3 heats Purse $2000 Don Henderson. Tel. KE3446. 617 Lorain Ave., Dayton. Ohio, ttc FOR SALE- FRYERS. Phone 2926; 2: 20 Pace-3 hea,ts ' ,Purse $1000 O . E. MJc.t}e.nel'. Rt. 2 829
Thursday. Au;ust 29
H __o_m_&s_F_o_r_S_a_l_&-_ _ _ _ _ FOR SALE-
Free-for-All Trot-3 heats Purse $ 500 3 Year-Old Trot, The Governor of Ohio Stake-3 heats Purse $1500 Air PlpeJess Fum ceo cau Vern 3 Year-Old P ace-3 heats ~urse , $1000 822c Slmpson. Phone 2098, , 2: 20 TroH h e a b . Purse $1000 FOR SALE _ BLUE CONCORD Friday, Auqust 30 Grapes ; Yellow Onions. Parry 2: 21 Pace-3 heats Purse $ 500 95 2: 18 Trot-3 heats Purse $ 500 Cook. Main St.. Free-for-All Pace-3 heats Purse $ 500
FOR SA.LE- GOOd modern frame hOUSe; eight rooms; barh; gara:Te; gard.en; In ,Waynesville. J osephine Sml~h. Rural Ruute 1. Waynesville Ohio. 829
HOUSE FOR SALE- SIX ROOMS; T TOES Semi-modern; garage; . I~ acre of OMA FOR SALE- Fresh grOMd. A. B. Flora. Phone 2743. picked. J. C. Hawke. 829
(",. I
"gYHORSES .R ·· U to axi4 '
Athletes Foot Germ
az. ' . ,
~d1na be , ,,- Ooo41U., ' ; '
A :treatment "to be eificlent" must PENE'1'tR.ATlI: ' to reach tibe' germs 'and' tie ,f9W11R.PUL:.to'l ~ :.t.hem,
HOi."~Iv... .s"",, Jete, , =:abo ~¥1TLY . ,
, ~thew1~Y =~ ~=.
.XENlf ','. FERTILIZ~R ,:· ."~._
Aug. Sept. Sept. Sept. Sept"
1 ~:'a':Jfia;~' &~So "i'n': 'Y~ES~t~1 llCIIUl '611 ! ~RBOWI Nd., , : ,I
,.:H I 1 /0
!' t' l ",I ' l i f' 'I ' ,,'. 'I' LEB~ON O(~ l'J3K }. SAND and GRAYtIL , v ' ,-',~ J!a.t: ~L .,~ BLACK·TOP DRIVES '. TAR: and ROAD OIL wlil t'1~ D'" i" .. .t '. h READY-MIX CONCRETE EX~.f.VA:rING and DUMP TRUCK SERVICE J
. . ., . J
,.. ..
~~~it: ~'t~ Cl~lt .' , i ..
4 5 4 IA.
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ii'ViiSi -.--:
.,you're a
..... 00 ..~~~_ ~ .TO OA1J'~ " ~ IU , , " _ . Banaq. I~I ' " ' HOW ,TO K,I u" IT
~~' Q~~~
this 'ordinance shall not 111 any 'I the Stat of Ohio to reP¢payement.s or roadway Wi1loCC diunaged by the l ' pall'; l'e{l10vn\ or installation of subsurface ~tU1 t y
the oounC of t~ Village of Wayn.esvUle, suite ' of OWo: , sll!CTION 1: It 1s hereby declar,ed to be In. tJ:)e ,publlo interest 'tha,b NUT SHfU. the consent of said v1lI1!.ge be. .md sa.1d consent hereby is. given to the HIghway, or 1lJ· , _ state of , O~o for said DepirtmeJ)t SCHEDULE ma:1ntain the travelle,d PQrtions 2&- Sp'grleld at Waynesville of the S;ate Hlgbwa·Y8 here1nbe!ol:e ' ~-:-Wa.ynesvme. at ' Centerville ~t, OY.t. '. ,. '' •, s-:- ·Sp. Valley ' at Waynesv1l1e I SEC'rION 2: ' 1bat tile CleI'k i~Wayn.~yip,e at TIl ngton !l'n d ~erebY · 1a. direcled furn1$ 22-8. Lebanon at. W.y'svUle the D1rect<ll'" of, ~ay~' ~4 to .a t Xenia :,Httt...~~ 0( )~~. ~,~;l'S ~ IOf Wt.rJ'QD ~ty. Ohio. a ~~ ~AGUE ?opy Of.Jhfs Or~~c:e '~ Iy I , uP9t;lthe ~ effec~ ef~ . . SECTIO'N; 3: ~at . Or~.. Pet . ~hal1 effeo n.n;" be Jp , 1. 'ta3te j' " T"lt' • 667 ~oroe. ,from , ~d: aU~r the ,ear~~t 583 .period ~lowed by law. ,. Passed : A\1~. 5, i~, \ ,.'. I '... 6 455 ", . w~ B~~ J ~9r
,mIT, Legion Senior Baseball
Lhis vUlage, and WHEREAS, The work propoaoo to 1;>e a uLhorlzed, under t.bis or dinance sha ll be restrlct.ed to eneral maintenance of the travelled roa.cl",ay surfaces of the S tate Highways here1nbefore et out, and • WHEREAS. U is under tood ' that
"apk. --.:Tile .,
95 FOR SALE' - CANNING TOMAtoes. $l.25 bu: Fur nish, own conby Ja""I!'. FJ...... Household Goods tainers. A. O . Alabaugh . on Bell• .....• • ...... DIXIE-NO-Smoke Circulating hea t bl'<lok ~ad a t Crosswiok. ' 95c I can hal'dly beileve my Dayton er-ho tis 100 lbs coal- perfeCt RADIOSfriend and coworkEtr, Elaine Mueller condition-used ooly one season. iEn 't a relative of Maude Mu Uer the One-fourth off price, Ph. 2143. FOR SALE - CROSLEY ELEC-' famous candy malter. Elaine is so sto.e- suitable for a trio and Bat_ Po,",bl. _ . ; . wtth he< ml1Jlon doll.. garag or work shop. , b1rcuiat1ng new conditiolli; new guarantl.'e; and personality. " type. GOOd grates and bowl. Ph. 2143 reasonable. GUSTLN Radio and I . .• • ! ' TeJev1s1on Laboratory. Phone. 279,( always en.Joy c.hatting 'YL~ Mis.; FOR SALE- One 5-burner t8lbJe'" HaDDa;h Jm:ctan. I~ighbor ,Vende·s top Kerosene Range. One Stork- U,SED CLOTHINGsts:ter . ~ wish I COllLld see MJS.s Ha;nUne Maple Youth bed complete ' FOR sALE _ QIRiL'S 'DRESSES, nall ln9J'e freq~en!lY,., ,. \ with· gro-spr1ng ~d mattress. SJze Junior 9. RIya, . Phone HarleaDe, h~., 'every tUne I ~ . Wl~ Beat,., ,Phon~ 2641. 0) J , ' 2\114. I ' ~ , 95c. Mtl.~e BOJ!qer I t Of~, , '! .. • • wbeO "you were Uttle. I say 'Uttle' ': ' , 'beCa BiI G1rl Q .w. Alfor . mOst· ~ yearS (jild if my memory $S~OO " serves me tight. " ,
rughwllYs Nos. ~ and 251 lie within
'From ,
T~ Diay
, ~ ,,,,,
Forward" ,.,
, 11
~,a:r~~~iliar score and ten}~ n 0 into our mJdst th 01 Devil" of the Miami the time the paper w Ushed by the very cal bl T. J. Brown, as;1sted 'b y D . L. Cmne who later became editor, Lee Shoema ker • was ,t he helper w'JlO w rmed hirosel! "printe r's devil : ' Hls job was to ink up the page of type while Crane petlormed IJh e t&k of 1a.y1ng on the Sheet and pullin'" the im'" wr;::.on , All hand, work, all ha~d
, '"Shoe" as he Is known to al:l his {\~aus l riends is ~S!t1ng In
The M i am i Ii AZET T E '
Drakes Cop Top N0tCh In.0pener
Teachers Named Country's Oldest · For Wayne School Dog Being Sought
The fa-culty for both the grade and High S chools of Wayne Town, ship have been complet ed this week . ," with the exceptio n of one vacancy . states Raymon d W. Bradd(OCk, supt. Teache rs at the Grade Buildin g 4279 $1.50 PER YEAR - 50 A COpy will be as r.olJows: Mrs . Florenc e Hasting THURS DAY. AUGUS T 219, J946 Barba.r a Hertsoc k. Miss s. ¥rs . Virginia Hardin. ML"6 Laura McK1n5 ey. M.iss .
og Endowment Captatens Named Lie Vie
In the hope that it may be f()und localtty , th e Miami Gazette has been. asked to aid the Gaines Dog Researc h Center's search lor the oldest dog in America . The dog Is wanted so .thal. itand Its owner or owners can be duly honored during t he forthc.c ming observanc e c,r Nationa l Dog Week, Sept. 12 to 28 . jn (!his
Dorothy Day. Mrs. Thelma Elzey, Persons ownlpg or knowin g of Mrs. Mildred Sheeha n. and Mr . extreme ly a,ged dogs are wged to ~cKnight. Princip al. send complet e data and pioture s lnstrrootors a.t t he High School lnunedl ately to Barry Miller. exBuildin g are: Mrs. Elimbe th stan- ecutlve secretar y , Gaines Dog Refield. music; MTs. Mary Margar et search Center. 250 Park Ave., New Anderso n, Mrs . Dale WUde. Mr . Y'Ork 17, N . Y . 1n t he oase of a. Oharles James. Miss Florenc e Fox- purebre d. a copy of the regis'\;l'a bower, Mrs. Minerv a HouglL Mrs. tion papers should accomp any the Edith LukenS. Mr. Edwin P ayDe. commu nication, while in the case Ooe..ch; Ma-. Raymo nd Mills. High of a crossbre d, an a!fidavi t from 'the Scliool Princip al; Mr . J . B. Crabbe . owner accomp anied' by sworn stateand Mr. R. W . BraddOck. supt. ments from persons acquain ted with Bus drivers and c~t.odIans remain the dog since birth should be sent . the same as last year. Any documenta.J:'Y papers sent will School will begin on Tuesday be returne d after Nal!!onal Dog Week mornln g, Sept. 3 for a half-da y is over . session ,
Wa.ynesville at t!lis t ime . He Is in The Civic League Softbal l beams C8J)t.ains have been named to his eighties ,b ut lOQks sixty. His have complet ed their season· of reg- conduc t W1lm1ngtOOn College 's 1946 sister. Mlrs. 'Qeol!g1 a.nna. Ilvtns. is ular ~eduled play and wUJ 'now Living Endowm ent Campai gn In a r.esklent of the Friends ~. enter into the lDumaJn ent qr "play- ~r~n County. Dr. S. A. Watson , Af·tar leaving Weynesvl1le many of! ' to determi ne the winning team preside nt of the college, 9.Illllounced years ago "Shoe" was employed at for th1s year. today. . various trades In Sprin'g flelil , Ga.me A between Drakes and IB aymon , Hatfield of I.ebano n: TOledo and many other towns. In MuUords wa.s played Monday , Aug. Oharles Doster of Harvey sburg; Mr. March 1907 ~ and his wife went to 26 ' and Mir6. lALwrence · Furnas. Portlan d. Qr~l . For two years ' , Wa,ynesv1lJe; 10:'. and Mrs . Everelit he had "hArd p le1dngs." IRe flnally Drakes eUm1na.ted t he league- Baines of Oeasa.r's creek; .lnd Mr. ......ft._ft ... -""O ted with -~ maker champi on Mulford In the first ...,.,......., -"""""'.a u_ ... _.. a...-e J Hartma n of game of t.he Civic lieBm Sof.tball League and .u..o • .rw ....u r . I In Portlan ldl and 'WOl"ked at fini&hlng. tournam ent Monday night under the N~ Burllng.ton IW1ll head the 001bar)d,-l etterlng and deoorBltlng salfes. lights a.t Wayne 'Part 13 SPRINGBORO SCHOOLS to 2. The leges annual fund> ra~ drive in During the -absence of a TegujaT game wa.s tied at one all until the this county. Dr. Watson said they OPEN ING SEPT. 3 employe e he was sent to the office last of the fifth inning when the will chOO6e . assistan ts ·to he·l P . them e of a OIUnama.n In Pol't1&nd to open power of the Drake ~t~ ClealJ'Creek Bural SChools located a.68M'ted soUcit. The ~ve will be c()ndu~ s we that had become jammed . Itself a.nd from that point the at Sprlngboro.w1ll open on Tuesday. out- from Sept. 9 to 14. After ma·p y hours of trying and try- come of the contest IWaa Sept. 3 and will ~ in session rom. never in' The6e captaln a ' are a. part of a The Mont.g cm;;y-e ounty Pair will 8 :45 a .m. to 9:45 a.m .. acoordi 1ng &pm the job was finally ac- doubt. ng to. . corps of 125 promin ent llIen and open this year on SUnday. Sept. 1 Mr. A . R. Emery, superin tendent . COOlPll..c,h ed . From then on Mr. By v1rtUe of this win. DnLitee move women in the WUm1n gton College with an added feature of a. tine 8boema ker became a legtUma.te Into the finals of the 0las8ee will operate on regular oomam ent area. who c:onQd.ec' the nellrh~ Saddle Hon;e ''ll9.fe -arwcke r.'' ·He worked a thls whjch will be played Monday Show on Stmday schedul es starting on Tuesday, Sept. n1gtlt 1DBt.ituUon a. .8'QOd enough 1nveD- ofterno on and night. 4. peculia r trade over man " tate.s of when they Will meet,. the w1DIlIer of ment to contrib ute their ,t ime and The l"air proper starts JM)or Day, ~ - tile nortbw~·t ,fGII' mn~y years . All te&iOhers will meet in the High the Sa.wye r-Tume r game schedul ed moDeY' ~ in&Ure Ithe SI1CCeSl. of the Sept. 2 and oontlnu es for four days School buDd1n . One of the m.ost putman ding fea~ for tonigllt . 3, Mcoday . Sept. 2 at Living End~en~ camJl8.1t!:n. and nights. 1.00 p .m . ' . • Of safe openmg l)~S CIU'eeT o~ Game B between Salwyers and The college haS pla~ed arJl tmpor'Large. mass school baDd8 wID apworking wi,t h thOlL':o.ndS -of t hem OC 'I"Ul'ners will be, pla.y;ed' Mt' . Emery 1Ul't-ner states that 'l'bur&day, tantJ pan; in the educa.tionaJ and pear on t.h~ oured Wllen a SIJUlIl magneslum bank n1~ of sept. 3 .•, and II f1 ad ( ,.,1..ht~ , il t be i cultural develop ment of W~ '5. 'J'here w1ll be a. fme atock and a IAfe went tbru a. fire and the door August 29 to-e rst gr e Jn~p s mus . sx County during the put 711i yea.r&. tlOat parade on Wednea day ~ clOsed befJore it had entirely night: yelll'6 of age on or before Jan. 19, Game 0 between the winner of A More than 'half !Abe pubUc: school Bep't. 4 when all ,the prize w1nn1ng 1947 In order to be enrolled f~ opoJeId1 ~ l'IeISUlt1ng in the door and the winner of this B will be play~d teacher s a.ttende d the colll~ arid ~ w1ll be OIl ~. ach~l year. ~ 80 firmly I'stuck" in Monday. sept. 2. 800retI of others in bualne&s 8nd the 'I'Wo. new a.utomobilea wlll be GUSTIN-F-A-'-M the safe openlng .thalt Sot could not --IL-Y-Game ,D between 1he loser of A profe66lOns have receivetd ~g a.'warded u a.ttendamoe piaes. A REUNION SEPT be foroed , open 8,'-"aln. ''Shoe'' took and ,the loser of B will be playe.:l 'at Wllin1ngton College . 15 fine uray of new farm machin ery. the sate to his shcp, placed cracked ThUI'Sday\ SePt. 5. .. • • Dr. Watson pointed out j!.ha.t the meroha nt's emibits . 4-H .,aod VocaIce on :the dooT lor 48 hours, thi!n , Game E ~tween the The fourteeDtih ~l reunion of winDer of Living EndOw ment drive 15 not a t1bna1 Agrieult u'l'-al emlbi18 will be the Gust1n faPlily wUl be held appUed bea.~ to th~ safe body untlJ .ro and the l~ o.f C will on be played pressur e cainpai gn. It is lDI:vely. an shown in abunda nce. It elr;pIUldedl 'Causing the. COld. Mondlay. Sept. 9 . '11le P1~ SUnday , sePt. 15 at 'tlbe home of . • '. invitati on for friends of the college Show at the fair will 'be conduct ed Mr. jUl'd Mrs. Joe Gustin three slm,mk en door to J.cosan and, ~n. The final game 'wtlJ be bet.ween to cont.rlbu~ w~ tho/ comfC!ri &bly tly the ~n and Montgo mery m1Jes east Of RIed SUch lngtmui f;yl of bl::e man the 'Winner. of E and .the Lion. A program loser 01 0 can to its support. . and expaMi on ~unty Garden ~ubs. brolCh t 'h im fame and fortune in and will be play.eO· Thlm:"'d aDd busines s se&lBton 'W1l1 be held a.-t ay. sept. ~, ' his Une of wo k a,.,d a. h igh }1e",peo,t 12. ' . 2:00 pm. Will O . GusUlli Of 'Yaynes ' . REP. BROWN SPEAKS ftUri ¢hOOf wllO associat ed with him. ville is the. preside nt; 'Ed Jones of' IA:l:l games :Will be played at Wayru! OVER AIRW AVES FRIDAY Lebano n. vice-pre sident;' Mr . ShOem akilr's philosophY' of Park under bbe lights. Game and Arthur t lm'e ft'_ H 'fttes Is 9'30 pm Gustin of Leb8.nIo n. secretar W y. ' lite . quite soun d .....,..,. e . SWI! '!'he Hon . Olarenc e J. Brown, • • J . . that ~r Qod WBo conslde l'ate ~D0Q8h 0 .. _ .... 1...... Dlrecto r f tile iRepub- ST AUGUSTINE HAS ~-" 0 1:.9 breath the brea.i:h Of .Llfe . into XENIA AREA WILL • , He~ =~ ~~~ PICNIC AT ~M his 00dJY. rurely. l! 'h e Uves right, MEET AT FERRY . netlWork on Prl~y evening , Aug. 30 On BundaiV'. A~ 25 ,t he st. He will not forsa1re him at any 1.une. The Xenia ~nowmip meetThe Youth. Rally Or '.tru~ Xenia &It 9·46 p.m. EST., in a.- 15 mmute Augusti ne ~ureh ,of w.;ynes yUle 1n8 th~ Ch~ (J( Christ and .Nea of ~ Chur~~ of ,Ohlrlst. was di8Cties1on of tihe h;sues of 1946. . beld their annUal . pic~c at th~ ~ Obrlsti an Churel1e& w1ll be held a.t held at Ferry ObUJ'C~ ml SUnda.,v Tbe subject will be ,"Here's Where bert Cherry farm north bbe Fer~ Qluren - IOf of" town . thi!1 afternoo~ AIJprox1 ma.tel 150 boys We stand!" .' A:tter the !picnic dinner WI\!! &e!'Ved Thursd ay evenllli ' .Aug, 29 . Il,t 8:00 . and , girls from ten churche s of t.be ' He wlJ,l alao have a ~ in tpe the guests en~ed games, basetlall ~l}'5On' EM1gn. m1D1ster tA tlhfl area JW~ present . ~l'eSellted Town Hall Meeting of t.be AIr to- aDd in' tlhe ~Ven1ng they; beld, ~ Cellltl'al aturch of Cluist. ~ddle- _ Xenia. Daytml , BetheL night. Aug. 29 from 7:30 to 8:31' p.m. game .of B1n8O. ~ town. Ohio. WUl be the speaker . this ' ~e ~ C. B., !ameeto wn. Olnc1nRev. Jolm w~an will give EST. prizea were .won by .Mr .. ~rt '. . .' nBJtl 8nd W~. . " the' ~tlonal .qd1'e.!i5 .on Warrep F AMILY DININ ER. LehJD'~prtf.e> being a "10 AT 'l'be &pejaker waa Ex-C'ha.piain'. MENINGITIS VICT IM Oounty Me~odmt Day, ' SundaY. HARRY SMITH PARK . S. L. Mclmroy of White oak' ChurCh REPORTED RECQVERIN per.man ent wa.ve. ' Hazel Vint· and · Sept. 8 at Masonl• 1'hls is the I!hlrd G HeOfY Bauer. 'Were awarde d 8\.IP!'. _ . ' cinClnnau W'ho pv, 'a ohalle'n ging ~ ~' meeting sponsored by the A f-amlly ~er. was. enjoyed ----: A Westlne house electric roaster at ' add.rea; on ''Sitting On the !P'ence". '",nmny; H,a.rtsock. 8m BrobherhodcJt. of '10:'. and w~ ~v."OD by Albert ' Jord.ap. Thert. , Sm4<th 8 paz-k on S~y, Aug. He 'stressed the fact that one can- Mn. James Ha.rteoek is ~ined at were approximately; 'l"be Mason Cbureh is host this ~ by Mr. and Mrs. Mark MolI4l11 J50 guests prean not. slt on the fence in religion . Childre n's Hatpita l. Ctn,dDnatL suf- sent. , " .. "", . ~ prog:ram w11l be 1leld of ·B agenna n N,' M.; Mr. andl . .Mrs. fer1n8 With • year ~.., . an attadt or . tmumt bere Adelber t MCIOlI an' and' daugbtrer .' '!be next meeting ~f t~ .grou~ mening'W&. lALtest ' rePorta spinal ' in 4ibe ~ Scbqol aud1 1Ddlcate SHEE HAN SELLS ' . Diane of Br1Stol. Va. ;' M!'. and Mn . w11l., be held at Bowe1'8Ville. . The meeting will start at 3 ..00 Sept. 29. the paUent Is recover ing aatiSfa.c- BROWN SWIS ,p.m. . d S. .......... 'Il._,.._,.... bar of the W1W8 )ICM111an and SOIlS. Mr. an Rev. _"""!IIU'U" .w pas -...-. 'w¥~. . Mrs. Wendel l Mc¥Jllan.. Mr. ErV1I} mI--r aa....--& ...----n and SOn, a Brown . ' .1le11hod1st Oll'qrcb at Maumee, ~o. ~MiUlan; MIr. '·and 'Mi-s. '''''''''' DU~U" Dill()n ~ MARL ATT REUN · Alb ~ coool~n of the' ai£te~n M'cMUla.n a.n:dl da.ug I()N SW1Bs breeder of Wa¥ll-e8vUle haa Le~ , 'HJLD AT .MT. HOLLY ~~ there will be .. ba8ket .plc- .and Allee I Jane, MISs EVah~·. recently he bull Happey> Pa,t 'MoMillall ~ ~ MM-latt t:eunion .~ ~ld in rick. 7658189ldto tH. lila dinner, !elloWslUp style. The all of C1nclnn ati· Mr O. Holllnpw.o~, and Mrs · , • Mt. HoUy\ SUnday . AUI. ~ With New Burlngt on, Obio. This entire ' fam.\ly is iD~ted. ' ~ McMillAn ~ d~~,hf.et: Patt~. · DAVID EVE~ETT P ~RROT about , 65 membe rs of the f~es comes from 1lhe BroWn. Swiss report " Cattle Ann of Dayton ; .Ma-. Wlllard ~Mr . and Mrs. David P "lt'rot are presen~. , , EMPLO YED IN ~O~ , . , Breeder s' A,Bsocla.tion, BelOit, Wis. .DQ8. Ml': &nd Mrt. Herber t MoMilannoun cing the · birth of a son. Of~iCer.s for the commg year are • ARIZON A 1N8UR ANCE .'(f1BM Ian and daughters Ma,r y Jean. Jahet David Everett . Their hom~~ Is in Albert ~I'latt , .pres1deDtr; replac- V~CATION Misa Lolo Sears, da.ught er of Mr . ami LInda, ' Ml' .,· a.nd ' Ml's'. IN WASHI NGTON. Ru.ssell Mansfie ld and Mrs. Parrot is the ing mf'old Earnha rt who has been ' Mrs. Viola. 'Harlan and her , ~wu, · and!& n. WUbur ~ haa accepte d WilsOn' and dl1ldr:en Dol:ot:ity MlT- 1 1~ Melba. ~st1n of Wa~- ~nt for the past 'two yean: grand da~hters Naomi 'EernhaJ :t. a potption !WIth an 1llsU.ra.nCe, ~ iam and Donald of ·Wayne. svUle. " ville'. . ~1t!3 Marlat t ~ preside nt; and the da~hter of Mr. and ? ~ :.' ~eon1x, . ~t1zon~ .and Is now '·, Mr. and' Mrs. \Ade1b ¢ MOMnian ' Mrs. H. , . ' :~est1ne Ean1hart sec.-tre a&. UvlnIi n ,thaIt clty. , B. Eari,lha1't ~d ~ Dora Hough, ha.ve spent ,t he . ' week here ~~ LI~Q. 'l.EE S~~W. " . lNext . ~ the reun1on,wW ~ held Ule daughte r 0: Mr. and .~., Ken.' . nBND 8 ..FAIR le~;M;ond&y mor.p4ng,.by plane for Mr . and Mrs. James Shaw of on Alii: 3 at,.Roy S~6. I'FA ~J' " B ~ &Dd aevera.l of W~ D.O. . ," neth Hough a.trlved home saturda y, I Beav~ a.nnoun ·t he birth of - "-" . "· t:ZPuf.ut~· Pannenl of Amet1cia .. . August 24. after vacatio ning in the . , ~ Mrs. ' M&rS :JrtoMJlIan a daugbte l'; LInda.. ced Lee, A~. 12 "t , AT. JJ;m1AN LAKE ' state ofWflBh irlgton. a.it.endAd, the Ob!o 'st6te aft speDcsmg their inori~ , ...tton Wam1 Valley Jf.oIIPitl ' , ." ¥. Mn. Shaw . Mi8IJ V'il"I1nIa. ~Harclln 18 Visiting : : r,-(lIJ'l\MIIIdIItY ,of ~. _ _ ;' , TWIN THEATRE 1Il0 '\~ ~ 10 Oblo. ' , ?-f",,'';R/iC,,-:l . :WU l fonner~ 'M1as ~1188 Sllm~'.. ..th1a -~',at Indian IAIIB· ' , ,-7 ' '~'
Faler 'At Dayton BeglDS Sunday .
Yo"o&1! Rally Has Large A dan.cle ':
::r ,- '
fubenI '
r '
ENTERTAINS ~T RIKE'S Mrs. Ross Har tsock entertained Mrs. J . K . Preston and h er mother Mrs. Louie Hidey of Sprtngf 1.eld ~ ARGUNOT BRiDG:i ~LUB. and Mrs . D . O . Ridge to dinner a t The Wa"ynesvllle Ar&'Wlot Bridge Rlkes A~t 29 . Club "-'ill me-et wt t h e home Of Mrs. S. D . Henkle of Lebanon, Tuesday. VI IT IN WET VIRGINIA Mr . and Mrs . John TUrner and Augus t 27. T he members of the club from Wayn esville are Mrs. Cawl were th e weekened guests of Ralph Miller; Mrs . Ronald Ha.wke ; Mr. and Mrs. Phillip Rose .of Mrs. Ross Ha~bsoclt.; Mrs . Russell Wheellng. W. Va. While there they Salisbury; Mrs . D . O. Ridge; Mrs . Q,tbended the races. Ha.rvey . Rye ; MIss Margaret Edwards ; Mrs. , E. V. Barnhart; and VISIT GRANDPARi:NTS HERE Mr J B C'h ' Mary Ellen Givens and Jimmie s. . . apman . Wickline of West. CaIlTollton SJi-e GOLDEN RULE ClASSspending two weeks with their The Mbler ' Golden Rule Ola&s of grandparents Mr . a nd Mrs . Ellery the Methodist Church will meet a t Brooks of Waynesville. the home of Mr. B.nd Mrs. R . O . . MOler , Augus t 30 at 8 :00 p. m. RETURN FROM CALIFORNIA Mr . and Mrs. R{)y Conner and IUOTHERS' CL~-\. _ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . .
tained Aug. 23 at the 110me of Miss
Jdhrts in Lytle \\i th a mIScellaneous Earlys' Announce shower. given in A per-onal s,h-o wer Engagement Miss Early's honor by her cousin \Va",
M1s.s Martha ~ Early. daugh:' ter of Mr . and Mrs. E . C. Early or Sunnyview Farm. WoynesV'llle, formerly of Dayton. will have as h er only attendant her cousin, Miss Nancy J ane Wheeler as maid of honor when she marries Ca>rlton J . S tanley. son of Mr . aild Mrs . HowIIN'd S tanley of Waynesville. Aug. cu. Mr . Stanley wUl ,ha ve as his best ,ill1an his broth er. Richard S tanley. In honor of Miss Early. .'Miss 'Raylyn Crabbe en ter tained a t her !loOm e with a dinner party on A ug. . 10. Miss E thel and Audrey Henderson e ntertairied at their home in Dayton on Aug. 17 wlth a. miscellaneous shower, aM MJM Raylyn Crabbe , . . hns te: a nti Miss Ruth Anna J o en r-
. t Thea re
Interesting Ente rtainment to be enjoyed by all! JIMMY DURANTE. KATH.XA!I'HRYiN GRAYSON irl
"Two Sisters from Boston"
with LAURITZ Al!o: 'NEWS
~I~ ~ncy
lee er a
t h
ho e D1
n , oy on . The rehersal dl~ner wlll be glVeln by Mr . and ~ . Early at the r home 011 Aug .•9.
Jeanette WI·lson Weds Cha'rles ~bert
The Wayne Township Moth.ers' Olub will hold Its first meeting of the year Sep t. 6 at the Grade School building . FAB.l\1ER GRAN'G E NO. 13The Farmers G r.an ge \\111 hold th eir meeting at t he G1'ange Hall. Sept. 7. .
whJ te oandles . country home of Ml's . Preston near Th e ~rlde, escOl~ed by her father. Waynesville, _ _ _ _ __ wore a lovely bl ue chiffon gown with ma tchIng vell and glOVes. She ' BIRTimAY DINNER ca.nied a boquet of whtte gardenias. Mr . and ~ . lrred Hubble of Mrs. Sidney Smith, Illa'u 'on of Ferry enliertalned 'It'uesday e,ven1ng honor. wore a gown of aqua ,and of this week with a ,b irthday Wn~er call1'ied a bOquet of asters. Mr. Roy honoring their grandson Larry Ebert the bridegroom's brot her. WDS Ikerd of Bellbrook and. the1r son bes& mall. 'rAe usher.. were Lloyd .Earl Bubble. , other , guests were and :BY:rel Cannpn . members of tbe fam1ly . " . The bride's motiher was gowned In ' black and fush1a 'Wit h fushla hat and black aooes.sorles and bile bridegrooui..,s· motheil' ,wore black with black accessories. Each wore corsages of gl~. , Following ,~-e ceremony a reception was ,h eld &It ·the bride's home. Mr . and ll4rS ..Ebert .lett for their wedding trip amid 0. $ow.er of 1'ice and gOOd wi8hes. .: Th1a wa.s second Wedding held in the Lytle 9huroh. 'I, I • -",,-
;Musical, Comedy, Western.
".That Telu Jamboree"
-Waynesville Drug Store
$100.00 per month for 10 ,ears to ,our famO, If ,.~ do not Dve. $100.00 per montb for ute for JOur elf at retirement. AU of these benefits to ODe
Pbone 11l-L LEBANON, omo
==============-====-_-;--_--=-____ Just 'Received WINDOW SCREENS SCREEN WIRE ASBESTOS CEMENT "Stonewall" Board TEMPERED MASONITEPlain or Tile Board~~~~_
W~H. Madden8c"CO.
Pbone 2281
Mardis-Fox Vows Spoken
Missi Verdeha ~ daughter o~ Mr. and Mrs , Prank . ~ of Rural &ute I, and Mr. Jack Mard.Ja, eon of Mrs. BalUe Hathaway. Lebanon. were united 1p . ~ at tibe Fer.ry Church 'J)8iI'8onage 81& ~0:30 a.m.. M<lOCSa¥, AUg. 26 ' ~th aert;>ert Graham; ~ter of Pel¢Y ~flclat1ng at the aingle ' ring ceremony. '!be parents 6f tale ·c.oftple were their only attendants. Aiter a short wedding trip Mr. and Mrs. Mardis wtllbe at their newly purchased hOl1le'On SmithvUle, Road. Dayton. . Mrs. Mardis is princiPal of Overlook . Homes School o~ SmUhv1lle :aoa:a and will oontinue teaching 'there on ller return .
~cQ!lute ~~ral · ~Onie
..... lal 2111 \
W 10I1ow iMlnICdou ill aile BaD 81... Book. To p l JoiIr . ., .... 10.."11 ,..~......... ,,_
IAU lie,•• U Chi'••', •••de, .... I
,G RAVEL - '. SAND ,
·~ Wa1nesvtlle,
He 1B heading straight for our Dr.ug Store. Both he and his fam11y know tbat "In this man's town" our store Is · headqUarters, for every:thing sold by a modem up- Ilo- date Drug store with .partlcular emphasis upon our' , Prescription Department. come h e·r e for ail ' your Drui, Store
Mr . and. Mrs. George Waterhouse arrived home Monda.y. Aug. 19 after _ visiting th eir son Staff Sgt. Rober t O . Allen who is confineq In the Fitzsimmons General Hospital In Colorado . They report that Sgt . Allen Is muCh !rn<proved .
GQSTIN R~dio &Television. Laboratory
their daughter Judy have just returned f rom a mo~r t rip to Cillfomin. T he Conners went throu h Los Angeies a nd from there to the s tate of Was hington . They also spent some t ime camping in the Redwood and visiting YieUowston e Na tional Park . _ _ _ _ __ RETURN FROM DENVER AFTER VI ITNG SON
At a lovely sin Ie r ing ceremony solemnized Saturday evening, Aug , 24 at the Lytle Church Miss Janette WIl!on" da ughter of Mr. and Mrs . Rober t Wilson. of Lyt le. and Mr . Oharle EPer t son of Mr. and Mrs . Edward Elbert Dayton. VI IT.IN WASBIN~TOND C were united In marriage. The Rev . Bill Mr. hand .Mrs · R . .H 'fKier and tSOln RADIO REPAIR t i · n I t ed y ave reurnec rom 0. r p J o"eph Myers of c a ' . through Pennsylvania. Maryland. Whenever your radio Is in need of With Mrs. Ha rold StelIl;ke at the West Virginia a nd VWginla. They repairs or servicing let us do the job o~n II: beau~ul prO!,Tf9.m of nup- visited the Oapltol and aU other for you. OW' modern equipment and t.lal music preceded the ceremony ., 1 t tln I I WQsh1n to "know now" assures you of comAt the appointed hO,*" ito the ; ~ g paces n g n. plete satls!aot1oo. strains of tlhe wedding march from . . Lohengrln. the bridal par ty 'ap- FORMER RESIDENT VISITS Broa ch ed, bhe alter whIch was bankMrs. J. K . Pl'eston lOl Oinclnnati ed wit h .pllltn" and cen tered wlth a formerly of , Wayn~svllle. and her basket of white gladlolas. flanked by I mo~er Mrs . Louie Bidey, Sprlng-. Phone 2 79 4 seven branched canue\a.bros wi th fjeld spent the past week at the
THE MIAMI GAZE'l'TE - Pace , . WAYNESvnLE. OJUO - NO 4279 TOUR DAY. AUGUST ·29. 1946
Gerald McWilliams of3rd Street' hns • a cquired ownership of the W. B. Squires gravel pit located on Gravel Hill east of Thr.ee Bridges.
~~fD AT ·Stewart's Tbrift~E ~
Market . ~
Mntnday far a f1sbdng . trip at st. W1ll Gilliam, Mrs. A. S. OoUelit The Adul t Bible Class of Jona.h§ Marys . and Mr. and Mrs. Howard' Graham. Run Baptist Church met Tuesday Mr. Fred Dakin is slowly Iml>rovThe Gra.h am family reunion was evening wi th Miss Mae Harlan. ing . h eld Sunday at. the h ome of Mr. Mr. and Mrs . Clifford Dollter and Mr. Herbert Doster attended lih e and Mrs. Ro bert King In Lebanon . VISITS BROTHER AT FERRY TWO WEEKS A INDIAN LAKE baby daughter left Saturday for auto races held In oayton. Eiunday. Mr . Will Fornshe!l of Leba non Mr . ft~ _r1 Mrs. J . P. Hal'r ison Dr. and . Mrs . A. E . Stout and Fl(»"lda, N . Y. where they Will Mrs. Lou.lre Flte and daughter was a business caller here Monday. and family of West Liberty, Ohio daughter Wlnni Jo r eturned Sun:" spend two weeks as tbe houseguests Jane entertained with a drnner SunThe Advispry Council met Friday Visited wi th th e latter 's brother, Mr. day. Aug. 25, of Mrs. Doster·s parents . day complimenting Mrs. D . H . Flte vening at t he l10me of Mrs. Lena Herbert Graham and family, Wed ... cation at lnd Mr. and Mrs . Roy Drummond of and daughter, Mrs . Frederi'ck Men- Clark and daughter. Miss Elizabeth . neway, Aug . 28 . Lebanon were Saturday guests of thert Jr. and Shirley Ann of Glen- - - - - - -- - - - - - - - - - - - - . their son-in- law and daughter Mr. dale . • Ra.mby J'lad s guests Donna Mae and Mrs . John S tarr and family. M<r:. and Mrs . John lWbel;son enSimpson or Lebwnon and Jerry Saturday evening they called on joyed a delightetul ten day vi It Ref11t ot !lpddletown. several fr1neds in Harveysburg. wltJh> a group of relatives from Det, _ M:r. and Mrs. Donald Wieland of roit who were in Ohio to 8Itt end That many want to go to college thi fall . A'ITEND FRIGmAmE PIONIC near Dayton were Saturda.y evening the Nation:al Tennis ..Tournamen t Mr . and Mrs. Harold' Earnhart guests of Mrs . Wieland" parents, held at Wilberforce Unlval' ity . . They realize the value of higher education. nnd Iamily a btended the F'r1g1daire Mr . and Mrs. Charles Wetzel. BIRTHManagement Picnic. Saturday, Aug. Mr. and Mrs. John Pet~rson and Born to Mr. and Mrs . Lenart 24-. ,h eld a t Lakeside Park, Dayt.on. Mr. lWbert Gle nn of Clncinna,t i Hansen of Niagara Falls. a son, were Friday guests of Mr: aDd Mrs . Clyde Lenart. !d.rs . Hansen is the VISITORS FROl\1 DAYTON Ben Beckett and Jo Ann. fonner ,M iss. ~Is Gin'uun. The Mr. ~ . L . EIre;; and daughter Mayor and Mrs. H. S. Tucker maternal grandparents are Mr . and Man-jer La of Qayton EJ)ent Sunday entea-tained Mr . and Mrs. James Mrs . Harold Gilliam and tJle afternoon With Mr. and Mrs. Park and family of Mt. Auburn m8lternal great grandparen ts are Walter E1Uy . and Mr. and Mr . Richard Williams Mr. and Mrs. William GilHa m,' all and family of Wilmington. Sunday. of near Harvey.sburg. VISIT IN FRANK.F ORT Mrs. Dallas Barton and sons and Those who attended tho Clinton Mr. a.nd M rs: L . H . G ord on were Mrs. Montgomery were guests of Baptist AsSOciation h eld at James Sun<la.y vISitors of Mrs . Howard rel&1ives in Troy over the weekend . town Wednesday and Thursday McCune and da ught er at Fraok~. and Mrs . W . C. Brown left were Rev. J. P. Thornbury, Mrs. fort. Ohio. THE MIAMI GAZ THURSDAY. AU WAYNESVILLE,
,Three million Americans can;t
VlSIT.OR FROM CANTON Miss Dorothy Standford of Cant on is vt.<itlng her aunt and uncle ,MiT. and Mrs. Edward Standfol'tih and their daughk>r Edwyna.
Armitage &Son
VISITOR FROM HAMILTON Nltm Eetty Hogg of Hamilton Is spending the week ~th Mm' . and Mrs. R . C. Moler of Waynesville.
VISITS IN Miss Ed~a. StandIortb was t h e g.ue<..Jt of Miss Evelyn Swindler of ' Wilmington !rom W ' nesday until Blmda.y of 18st week .
be wrong
'Keep these advantages availabJIe fol' the young' people of Warren COI,m ty. INVEST IN WILMINGTON COLLEGE
• • • Contribute to the
ATTENDS FALMOUTH FAIR Mr. and Mfs . T . ' S. Budin V'isl~d relatives in Falmouth, K y. last ~k and a ttended . he Fal· mouth Fair on s a.turday'.
Living Endo~ment
September 9 to 14
GUESTS FROl" I\UNSFlEI,D Mr . and Mlr . Vic or Nlckelovltc.h Of Mansf lel d were h e we ekend guests of Mr . antS M rs. Orv1l1 GrlliY .
Dilat1:lsh Building -:- Bx:oadway -
Wilmington' College
ML~ses Ru th an I EI1za~<! t.h Chandler S'Pt'l1 " F r i d'.l . 10 Dayton . M1s6 M8.1'garet E d\\'ll'ds ,t t en.ed ,the w$ddin" -of h e.. nrece. MI lva.!rm R ussum to first Li"'u,t. Glenn Hill Detroit on SllJlurday evening a st . Andrew's Elll!copal Church in Dayton. Dr . Emma. Hcllaway Bud Mrs. Georg1s. Mentienball went to the ' ,bome ot Mr. Mid Ws. 0'I.Irlis Tomlinson on Friday evtenJng to see ~ night ~looxp1ng ce.-eus. Lt is very ra-rely. one can see this bea.UJtiful blOe:som which lasts for only a shOrt
Rings, Bracelets, Broaches and CtstGm Je~elfY
a line . 'popu.Iar :trade-marked Jewell'Y ite~s . . . RINGS . . .. BRACELETS. , . LOCK- , ETS .. , and Many Other Items of GIFT JEWELRY in a selection that i sure to please and give satisfaction. . WATCH, CLOC~ and JEWELRY
Mr , and Mrs. John mlt. ' Wsses Mary and Florence W1lliamson and MlM. Jjllmes Duf.fleld came mm cedarville Monday evening. They were joined by Misses' Ruth and ElIzabeth Chandler and together they enjoyed a picnic rupt>er at Oold Sprtngs Parle Mrs. Georgia Mendenhall spent W~ a.fternoo-n, at the Fa.rm Bureau lP1cn1c in · Lebanon and heard' Roy Batt~s, agriculture direotiOf of WLW . Mrs'. Jessle Q'Briant and daugh- ' tar MisB Bem1ce ,O 'Brda.nt ,of W86h- ' Ington O. H. vls'ted. MIss ElJza~th Obandler, 8a.turday afternoon. . Mr. Mrs. Lukenbiei of Frank- .' Ltn visited their 00U61n Mrs. Ania.n<:la Har.trum, Sunday 8!ternoon. Mi's. Jamas F1n)ey and daughter Joyoo of OolumbU6 called on Mrs. Alice ' Clark and Mi1ss DodSOD/. Sunday aftemoon. . Mr~. Georgill Mendenha.ll and Dr. Emnu't. iHollowa.y viSited the flow~ show at LebMon on Thursday
Will'S · J~]WE[R·Y :SJU)P •
South Main Street,
• f
Waynesville, Ohio
mwtter of the estate ot Ma.rga.ret Noll. . . Oel1t1flca.t.e of transfer ordered ' ESTABLISHED 185 0 sued the aclmin1stratrtx or the e5roteJ Published Every Th ursday by DAVISSON PRESS NEW CASES of BeJltJla Ferguson. Pleasant Plain. FLOYD L. DAVISSON. Edloor Cora. Fr\l.ne:r, FJranklln. filed a The court !owd the ne~ value of Entered as Second Class MaLter at the 'Post Offlce r divorce aotton .a galnst Calvin the estaJte of Adolphus t. Leba.Subscription Rates : Sl .50 per Year in Advance Franer for separate maintnlnence. non. to be $7,697.51: th I. of Bertha _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _..,..-_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ cha:rglng oruelty. . Ferg\JSOn. Pleasant Plain, l<l bt!
The Miami·Gazette
Action on a cognovit oote is asked by the Lebanon-C1tJzens Nahonal Bank In a suit filed against Ivan and Grace Aldertol1l. At 1823 Catalpa Drive. Dayton, are these days. when by t.he1r service, Mrs. Marjorie Howard. a minor. maktn&, It pOsSible for people to live you can live in temperat ures 15 de- flied a divorce aotion against James in comfort the year around and lU'e grees cooler than out-of ,doors dur, Wllliam Howard. oharging cruelt y . belpln&, In our bousln and economy lng the hot summer months and you They were ~an1ed l!\lSt March 13. program . . . Featuring OELOTEX can enjoy Ulliform temperatures in J . T' Riley Is her 3lttorney. . ROCK WOOL . . . Will make the all vour rooms .durlng the summer Stanley Stubbs flied a suit for dlvorce against Louise M. S tubbs to •bou e 10 to 15 deve s cooler In urn- as v.:ell as the winter. mer and save fuel In wlnter of from TI: too f t in th Atla whom he was marrlled May 25 last. ~o Fi reproo. f ' te ley. . are Cellar ea ur 'Posts. g e whlchs H e y'",rges _.. ...... ~ 20 '7i t o. 0 • • . "a r Adjustable Steel .... a t h e i e! t July 8. to conserve home fae-- . YQllng and Young a.Jre· the attorneyS proof and v«~ proof . . . Also 8J'e hel I Tbe AUna. The Adjustable Steel t j p rehous if' your Albellt Cheney fuM a suit agalns OELLAR POSTS . . ' .. The Modern rOlr CIS an wa eSlf: so. lIs Olive Cheney at a1. for partition of oors a·r e sagging or your wa corre tion for sagging floors . . . ' are cracking I. In touch with real estarte on Deerfield .r d .. LebaFree sUJ'vey and e5tlmat for cost th The Atl g& b du 1 rOCt'SS non. ()I lnlit.aJJaUon . . . Tel . TAylor 8011. ~f e~ust.ment :.ovi~e~a ~r!anent PROBATE COURT . The na.yton ~1lIt1ng Company support whiob levels the !1001'S. It The court se.t Sept. 5 10 hear the Ihrougb their sales and installation Is an . easy, safe and cheap way to Inventory of the e5t~te of MaIJ' E. oI>f Oelotex Rook Wool I.Dsu.1at lon do the job right . •n has many ad- WUSOll'. Lebanon, and, Sept. 7 tha t are greatly aiding in our country' vantages and its method of carrying of the estate of Minnie Creager. housing aDd ' economy programs. an even distribution of weight and Franklin. a nd. by making It possible for our of gradually adjusting the floor Distribution In k1.oo med In the busy people too live more comfort - level eUmlnates any future carpenably. are aiding their efficiency in try and plaStering. t heir work . All 01 their work Is' done with Insulation' Is no longer considered great . precision and Is very impora luxury but a nece ~ty and the tant too t!be progress of 'th1is part of costs can be considered a real In- tJle state. Never before has there vest ment. The fuel sa.1ngs alone been a. greater ,need to meet dl!!Icult of 20 to 40 percen t means the Delo- housing and fuel saving condition tex Rockwool Insulation pays for than now and they are glad to give itself In just a few seasons . There you a survey a nd estlmllite for cost Is . no need to figh t t!be elements of InstallIlItton .
Dayton Insulating Co.
$2.374.47; and that at ·Nehson J en' kins. Morrow. to be $7.604.07. B. B. Ball. Mason. was named to a:dmln1ster the esta te of Eva Ball with D. E. Heywood. C. H . Bowyer
Pare ,
NO 42'79 29. 1946
_ __
and Earl Thompson as appraLsers . The OOUl't approved the I.twentories of the estates of Julia Brad1-5 afternoons except bury. Oregonia; Minnie Hagedorn; Wednesday and Ma.bel Thiel . Aug. 30 was set for the hearing of 7-9 Saturday evening the inventory of the estate of Alice GUmour; Be' 3 •....1<11 ... _·t 0 f Nea.:;-un ,,, Other evening~ ~y p~. J enkins; and Sept.. 6 thaot 01 FlloAppointment • rence G. Stokes . TELEPHONE 62-R J. Men1JI Bone. wa.s named 00mlnlstrotor of the estQte of Mark K. Bone with J. W . Brat ten, O . F. Brown Ilind Lena Yoms as apprals.e rs. Optometric . Eye~ Specialist Kenneth N . Hough accept ed the appointment as executor of lihe 26 South Detroit Street estate ot Isadora Ward with Ross XENIA, OHIO Hartsock. George W terhouse nnd H. A. Cornell as appraisers.. ~.::.:.:':.:.:.:.==.:::=:::::.:;.=.=;=:;::
Dr. C. E. ·Wilkin
WALLPAPER patterns to select from M~ny beautif~l
Besides a most complete assortment of . I DURABLE FURNITURE w,e have in stock many SCARCE ITEMS. A.l1 are priced as LOW as possible consistent with QUALITY
HORSE RACING each Afternoon &Night .
SEPT. 2n4, 3rd, 4th, 5th
WaJDesyjU~ .Furniture &App6aoce CO. .Gibbons Buil~ing, NortJt Street WAYNESVILLE, OHIO . Phone ~422
.' ElAN.lAIRD ·' Bit
AucTIONEER' Phone 265'1
\ The Waynesville National .Bank
HOU S: 9-12 each morning
LARGE MAS~ SCHOOL BAND~ NIGH1;S of S~PT. 3rd, 4th, 5th
I Exhibits of Live StQck, Grange and F'ann Displays, New Farm Machinery, School ~xhibits, . 4-H: CI~b ,a nd' Vocational Agriculture~' flower Show,' Home Demonstration Projects, F~ne Art, Culinary, Poultry, . Rabbit$ and ' Pigeon" ~xhibits. · SEE THE GREAT MONTGOMERY IT COSTS 'NO MORE TO SEE MORE CHILDREN'S DAY, ruESDAY, SEPT. 3r,d Children under ·12 yean; 1)dmitted FREE. Between 12 and 15 years subj~ct to federal tax of ~c SOLDIERS' DAY, WEDNESDAY, SEPT' 4Men 9r w.omen. in uniform, Al!io all soldiers. of National Military, Home. presenting discharge papers , . ADMISSION: E.tubliahed Price F~eral Taz.. 8c
42c Total ' SOc R~H C. HAINES,
el..t';ll The Lytle" . PPy-Go-Lucky" 4-H Olub met at the cl1UfCh here on Thursday aft oon. The girls work wa judged nd they were given grades. Mrs . El beth So·'th of W~u...,yn"" u sister Mr I Margaret Johns and vUle was / a dinner guest of h er Paul J ohns. Wednesday. Mrs . O. W . Younce and Mrs. Paul Flory Qf Darton pen·t Thursday with their parents Mr. and Mrs . WUbUr Clark . Mr. P aul Shipley is spending this week camping on the Musgingum River. Mrs. Nettie EmriCk, Mrs. J . B . Jones. Mr. and Mr . Harvey l3urnet nnd 111:1'. and Mrs. Walter Kenrick a.t tended Farmer- Grange Picnic a L Smiths Park nea.r Waynesville on F1r1.day evening . Little Barbara Eamha.rt of near WaynesvUle spent Sunday wi th her grandp arents .\\fr. ' and Mrs . Frank Kurtis .
Mr. and Mrs . Ralph Ha.mmond EBERT-WILSON W EDDINGwith fr11'l!eds from Dayton attended T he wedding oC Miss Je~mnet le the ·state Fla1r at Col'wnbus, Sunday . Wilson and Mr. Che.r~ Ebert at Mr . Phillip Tilford of Shelbyv1lle LY!t}e Church Saturday evening was Ind . spent Monday w1t h hl5 family · . here and reports their factory to attended by a lall'ge crOlWd. The build small motors ls n earlng pro- bride looked beautiful in !" pale ductlon . blue gown and veil. The church was Mrs. Paul Slagle and children: of decorated with candles, palms and WUmiug ton were Sunda y and Mon- gladjoll. ~v. Joseph MYers perday gue t.s of her s1.st.er Mrs . Paul formed ' the Ingle ring cen,mony. Shipley and chUdren. Mrs . Harold Steinke pre ded at the M1s.s Lenora Lovely of Eaton is organ. spendlng this week wit'll Mr . and Followtng the wedding a rec:eption Mrs . Ralph Hammond and f amily . lV\'as given at .the cotillltry home of Mr . and Mrs . Leslie Gra.y and the brtde's parents Mr. a1'\d. Mrs . chUdren had f or their dinner guests Robert Wlson near Lyte . A. three Sunday Mr. and Mrs. Lee Homan tier cake and ic'e cream 'were served. and Mr . and Mr . Charles 'Todd of Laber in the evening a deicio\Jls bu!Dayton. fet SUpper was served to a. large MT . and Mrs. Walter Kenrick number of relatives and friends. had MI' a nd Mrs Th omas Collins Th f t h Lytl It and Chit'les Collltls of Dayton f or 05e r~md t~ e co~mun ~ their' dinner guests Sunday who atten e e rerept on an . supper were: . ~v . Joseph Myers ; SIIOWERMrs. H arold S teinke; Mr . 1l.q<:l ·Mrs . Mr . Charles Morgan of Dayton Frank Kurfls; Mr.. and Mn,. Eden tert.ained this T hursday evening ward Hicks; Mr. and Mrs. Elmer at a. bridal shower at the home of Wolte; Mrs. Emma. Laoy; Mr. and het· parents Mr . and Mrs. Donald Mrs. 1esUe Gray; and Mr. a:nd Baird at tJheir country home near Mrs. Walter Kenrtck; Mr . and Mrs . Lytle for her ~ lste.r Miss Mary K . Harry West; Mrs. Howard Lacey ; Batrd whose mnrriage to Mr. Wayne ·and Mr. and Mrs . Sidney Smlth . FurBy will be an even of the near IS spending a. few weeks wi th her future . Lewis Morgan.
REAL ESTATE TRANSFERS Wa l ter S . and BeulaJl Fl'aSUre to EunL e L. Mehame. plot 'ln Wa.ynesville . .
FraInk and ·Ma.x1ne S~!tey to OWen Bowllng .29 nore in WashIngton twp!. , Vl.ola. E. Fabtng 00 John and Malry M . Bryant. 46.18 acrC$ In Oleaicreek twp . I • A. B. Campbell to Ernest IvLn. two lots In Malnevllle. Pearl Ross ' to L~roy Ilnd Dolley
Charles I . and Grace AId rton to Russell ' and Verd Ml1burn, 21.57 acres In Olearcreett twp . Robert M . Blair to Frank and Ola Sibcey. 4.06 acres in Turtlecreet. t"'P. Whitley. 77.20 acres in Union twp . I\. " Harry H. and Dorothy Askins' to MN8iLhan Murray to Charles Renry J . W . and Frances McNutt. 3.05 organ, 23.77 In Wayne twp. a cr es in Deerfield t wp. Nathan Murray to Sylves ter Lamb, WtlUe and Ida. Isaacs to Bertha 103 .55 acres in Wayne tw}>. Anderson, 12 lots tn Avalon Heights. OhM'les H . ~ Ito Frank and Floyd K . and· s tella. Young to Lella. 'I'!l0mas. parcel in Waynesvllle . Chester!lnd Zelma wrigh t. two lot .!arvin and Mae ConQver to In Mason . . Frank jr. and Frances Boywer, 14.17 WUllam and Gladys Venable to acres 10 Deerfield wp. . Earl and Pearl Oooley, pl.o a.t Silv~r . Owen and Susan Bowling to K elly and West sts.. Lebanon . and Amanda Butler. two pa.reels In F. A . .Hudson to Curtis Whited, South Lebanon . ploL in Mason .
WILLARD WILKERSON at Belcher's Sonoco Station- Phone '-
During these ttmes when so
muoh in the way of d1gn1ty and gOOd taste a.re demanded, STUBBS SERVICES a4'e aiways satisfactnry.
, All clothing needs f or yOUf boys and girls. school w'ear- A good selection and a wide variety of,styles .in all sizes. You'll do well . to come here and inspect our stock ~fore . you decide on y,o ur sel'ectiori. Our merchandise is all fresh new stock that· will give I exclellent service and will save you money. We suggest t hat you come in' while the . ~tQck is complete.
SWEATERS fof' Boys and
Refrigerator & Washer Repairing • Paris MAI,{ES ~ND TYPES OUR WORK ~UARANTEED \ We also do RADIO and PHONO Repair ,
Home Ap'pliance' Store '
Day Phone 2661 . . Across from the Bank Nite Phone 2981 WAY N E S V .I L L E , 0 ·.H ! 0
A fine seh~~tion of styles, yarns and colors ~innly knit and correctly styled for comfort and long wear. We also have an excellent selection of ladies and mens new sweaters in stQC~. See these before you buy.
A full. line of school needs for everr purpose. Visit our store and see these items that will give every student the n~ ed'ed materials for successfully completing the school ·work.
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"'(It '' h ure ,:JI " ~~~. IIIE '~~'A\\\ '~~ \\\l\\\Y
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ta,w . Outsld~ tl,l9ll truth s.nd Is.w there is no solutioll. 'Jr'he resul t of violent onslaught Is e1~entu&.1 ruin. That is why When fs.1th weakens and consience £TOWS blind. tl\
world c{IJl endure the present war and attain lasiltng world order. ecurlty and peace. Wlthoot the unity of conscience produced by m utual fn ith. fall behind the march of des-
:;~~~ t~~l~;n~=~:r a;d vi~:~- ,: r ~~e:e~:~O~os;l~::: fttr:~ th~~'d:~ter
• METHODIST CHURCH each Sunday evening nt 7:00 p.m. If &. ,B. Coleman. JIIDIater you are of High School age or abOve SUNDAY SOBOOL ' &:30~. M. come and enjoy Lhese m eetings . Mrs. RaJDlODd OonIler, SUpt. The EVENING SERVICE this WORSHJP SERVICE ' 10:30 A. M. SUnd&.Y , night 1s to be in charge of YOUTH FELLOWS~, the young people . Reports on TriThundaY, '1:30 p, m. State Christian Service C amp will OHOIR PRAC'nOE '!)e made by those attending t he
does not bear the en tire responsib11lty of war. He cO'uld not hope to grasp power and profit tUll th.e moral forces 'of the rest of the world was indifferent or divided . At such times, ,wh en ' the way Is darkened, the Proph.et returns to m an\Qlpd, ren ewing the la.w and extending ,the Gominion of truth. Those who stU! bell:eve tlbat the
the nation is needed to safeguard vital Interests of the race thrOughou t future t.ime . Whoever denies the pa&iblllt y of one organl0 rellg1 n and one organIc social order for humanity. denies llle , anOVCmfl!lt of U·~ ltse~ and the will of Qod." Submitted by Helen McCoy. R t. 2. Wa-ynesvUle. Ohio
of Gennantown
' ~~;;.,.,,,.,
Mrs. J . B. "' ....')'I'liln Charles spen t 141e Friday. Aug. 23 . Dr. and Mrs -.-L-'or~e4n -Hadley and children of LewiSburg. a '8J'e the gu sis of Mr . and Walt)er Williams of Waynesvllle ..
Wednesday, 7:30 P. II.
The BIBLE STUDY OLASS whlch has been supended the past few weeks wlll be resumed each WedSAMUEL N . KEYS ' nesday evening at 7:16 preced1t}g 1&y ~ader-1n charge prayer meeting unless otherwise '00 - agreed 'by th~ class . • a.m. Mo . m ing n ,n ...yer 11 . and SermO'1l PRAYER I\IEETlNG each Wednesda~ evening at 8:00 p.m. Come a.nd wors'hip with us . It has been M'J". HOLLY said that "prayer is 'the barometer METHODIST 'CHURCH of the sou!.'" ri.' lIL Searl,. ~ tJuDda.7 aebool - 1:30 A. K. B. .A. JlUDhUot. A~_d. WoralUp aemce - 10:30 A. II. Evening eenSce - 7:30 P. II, "The B8.h a'l teachings create a religious society in Which all human FERRY , relations are transformed from CHURCH of CHRIST social to spirUual problems. Tbe Growtca', GolDe, Cbarc:h The SOCial problems of the age JlBBBEBT GBAIIAM. Mlnllter ~ predominanilly political and • BIble 8cbOo1 ,:10 .. IlL economic. 'l1hey are proble~ beOtmm\JDkm , lO:M .. IlL calISe human ,soclety Is d1'viqed into ' Pr.ehttc 11:00 a. IlL nM.ions eaoh of- which clalm t o be YO\UlC peoples Servicea and an end and law U%lIto itself, Mld intQ Adult ~ ..et' Meet1n '1:00 p. m. classes each of which has ~ed an " I economic theory to the level of · a ~ EYanseJ,1st1c Service sovereign and exclusive principle. '1:U p . m · Nationiaty has becolll.:e a concUtlion wbk:h overrides the' fundamental fRIENDS ' humanity of aU tbe, peoples conPlr8t -Day ScbooJ. - 9 :30 am. ' cerne~ as&ertm-g the superio1ii~ of Meetinc !or W~p-l0:30 a .m . politioal COnsiderati6DS over ethical
One World - One Faith
and' moral neecta. S1m11:aXly. econo- ' mio, groups uphold and promote .-., social systeJ;gs without ~ to the ¥. ' ~ -- 9:00 am, quaUty Of h~n re)&tionshlps exYN' ESVI~ perienced in relation , to , religiJop .. WA , ~ BUt- -when human relationShips are CHURCH of CH,R IST held to be poUtical or social prob. .lien L. vaaZUe~ ...~ lema otbey are removed from 'the BIble SCbooI 1:10 .. m. 'reaim In. which ra.tional , will can O"c"'''1m'CIII 10:10 a. IlL operaYte 'Under ,the guic;1arule of divine IJerIIlOA .. ' 11:00 .. m. la-w. Only- spiritual problems a m be' BveD1l!tJ, 8erv1ce 8:00 p. m. solved. for , only tho.se 1s6ues sube • • " mitted ,00 revealed t ruth are br-ought J1JNIOB 'alRIS'l;lANENJ)EAVC)R ~' the arena of unity . In es;ence, a.t the Cbuich, 7:00 pm. ee.oh $ln- t~ fatal dlSruptloo of InternBJl.lonal ' day evening,. EVery boy and girl relBltlons a.r1s1ni' from war and revo' U'DIder H1g;h SchOOl , age are invited lut1cn is the visible sign ' tha.t the .to ' a~ef:ld !lJhese meetings. You will instigator of &trlfe seized &. politlC61 enjoy them. tn&tl"UDlent -to express an IlA:tlon SENIOR ~S'l'lAN ENDEAVOR. codtn.veo1n8 aplritual IlI'Utb and
S :.-............ I'I1II& ' ...
KR'06ER'~ 1~PK6.
6omell'sWEDDING 'Shop ,
2 Ilia.
~ ,
ELECTRIC and ACETYLINE ~ Portable Equipm\mt . .
II). 1~c
Sko~ Centerville 7031
Re'. , Centenille 7485
IROGER ICED TEA • , DOl. t.O SUGARED DO,UTS • EAcill •• e LAYER CA,IE " Lem~~Old CAN .l le VAC PAl PE.'IUTS KrOll- "Ol. ·DILL' ...iIlE:' .'Oelta ' . ' • ,QT• 'ile ' fI1USTARD Mary Lou • "QT. ".Ic " IDOL AID Alaorted ' 40., • • 'K6. Lt. ' SODA CRACIERS c. c. PKG. lIe • No.CAN1 "t3c BIG "I nAS • GERIER IA.' FODDS ". I
One-half Mile ,South ' of Bellbrook on the , "~ Waynesville-Bellbrook Road "
.'. I
j .
.. '
'CIDER VIIEaAR ,Avondale , • ' • SAL ' lac 7, , :IOIlTOI'1 tAILI SALT rHERSHEY ,.COCOA • .• Va.LI. 'K6. 10e
' J>x
CIM'''' ·FIL.S :r~.: • ~ . t~2f 2'8e OHIO 'II-UE TIP IATOHIS ,i6b~s34c , I'T• TRUI' FLY SPRAY 12V2~ .... :.. CHORE GIRL PADS • • PK6. tOe " tOe: ' ' CAN '_" ~IIIY I_AIS " • • • ,14·0l. :IDOI CLEAIER • "• I
, TIlE MIAl\lI GAZE'M'E - PaJe "I was no great surprise to a lot of 1n a well-played ma.tch with t he.> WAYNESVlLt..E. OHIO - NO 42'79 the spectators as Sptlngboro lh ad Restaura.nt lads· coming ou-t on top TH UR DAY. AUG-UST 29. 1946 the Idea that Roxan na would be 7 to 6. , another will! tor them . Downey d id AUGUST 23the pitching for the wlnn r and al- ' The Waynesvllle bors pia,y ed the lowed but two hits . Owens for the Middletown team tha't resulted in Springboro men gave up 4 hits. The a real bail game with a final score fina l socre 3 to 1. of 2 to 1 III favec of the visitors. AUGUST 21The game went into extra innings St ubbs outfit finally crossed over as It was all tied up at the end at in the WID column bv defe tlng thA the 7th. Prendergast allowed It hit NUT Ford-Ferguson team' 8 to : S tubb; and Dwens for Waynesville allowed ----~:;:~:;~... boys soored 6 tilnes. In the second ' 2 hits.
Legion Senior Baseball
Inning and were never overtaken.
OOMING qtU1"E SCHEDUl~E AUG UST 30-Mlller Restaurant had a nip-and Waynesville Girls vs MilLoel'la SOHEDULE game With Bobs Service boys t uck 1st Gam~ 7 :30 1- Waynesvllle at OentervUle 8- Sp , Valley at WllynC8v Ule 15-Waynesvlile nt .WllmJngton 22--5. Lebanon a Way'svUle 2()-.1Waynesv1lle at Xenia AUGUST 22-
Sept. Sept. Sept. Sept.
Second Qame-
GUEST S FROM FRANKLIN Delco vs Waynesville Sunday guests of and Mrs. SEPTDffiER 1Orville Gray were Mr. and Mrs . Germantown vs Wa.vnesvWe R. O. Bowman and Mr . and Mrs . Game called at 8: 00 Towson of Fran.k Iln. '
TaA.'M ' T ANDINGS Won Lost Springboro 6 1 Roxanna
6 5
Pairleys Bobs Service
Mllers Re taurant Hymans Stubbs Ford- Ferguson
1 2 3
3 2 1
5 6
Channy . Snell W asner TOTAL WAYNESVILLt;..:... Stanley M. 'Stanley O .
4 4
1 1 1 1 2 1
4 4 4
1 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 '2
4 1 4 , 4
Stanley Colle~
4 4
Osborn Hopkins
9' 2· 3 32
Sa.wyer TOTAL
1 1 1 0 2 12 1 1 0 1 0 0 0 0 1 4 ,
BATTING AVE~AGE M . StanleY' .289 J. Miller .228 C. Stanley .243 D. Stanley .371 B . Sawyer .277 C . Collett .200 D . Harvey .190 B. Osborn .187 , P . Hopkins .444 _ B , Planck .352 C. Cook .4~
-Senior SoRbaU AUGUSTl9Fairley's walll3ed " way Hymana summinl' up an ea.8Y' of 15 to 8. It. turned out to very unint eresting PIlle 'with a or "sloppy'" play1ns' and "d01J1lt atItJtude being ~laYea.
with soore 'b e a allow care"
Your SOD ••• your peer boy ~ •• or the' costs money-thousands ' of dollars 'per worker. That means ••.., ttlpil.I, the boyfro~ I ~eighboring .farm , may lOme "uved mlopey" that the P'JbUc-you, your . day be a congressman, a state governor, friends, :your institurlODJ In~ ' ~'esseI 0; even president of this·grea~" nadon. He .,1 , .. L __ _ '-1nvest freely amder the normal" COD- ' may 'become an eminent sden~ a ~ ditions OlE Efee enterprise': ,,' factor of marikind. nat is the American Way-OPPOR. Only by making 'c apital a 1001, ,.., 'I1JNITY uNLIMITED-for merit and through '~ulation and , investment, .&illty to reach·.from ~e humblest of can steady work at good wages prevail homes toward the highest 'goals of , for all o,f us. Without capital there are . achievement in nation'al servi~ in die 00 machines. DO tools. no ~actories. DO merchaodis~ DO stores, NO JOBS. professions o~ 'in business. '!?oo't 'be fooled by plausible .~rgum,ents BusineSs enterprise, too~ must be ~D' nlgge~tilllg a substitute for capitalism. Ca~ hampered if op'pottunity for employ. upon yOlur good common sense 'and ~ standards ment is to mmtain AmeriCll11 , pend . upon it for your decision. ' of living. Shortsighted legislation can In these critical times, every freedom,deStroy jobs anel make depressioOs. loving American should keep informed More jpbs and better jobs at higher aod express hiS wishes 00 all public ~es wi ges are possible only by expan,ding th'e production 'o utput per wo~er . ~.gh , affecting. rights of todays\ young . people to OPPORTUNITY UNUMlTEJ;>; . _ of better .tools and eq~pment. This
AUGUST ~ Romnna upeetSprlngbol'O, whlcb
! " RAY~ette
Cold Wave
The peak' of perfectiOn in the art or cold wavtns. We recommend tb1a wave for satlaf~ tory and lastln8 resulta,'
MASTERS ·. BeautY'ShOp
\ Fo~erIy ~e . JQmma
B.Matti' -
Waynesvl,lle. ,Ohio
T . e 1. e p h 0 n e '
:&. 9 ,
.' ,
428 285
125 For Dates" Phone 28M, Wa~ Ohio. Re\te1'M 0ba.rieI IN CASE OF FlItE DIAL 2222
In the SpringfIeld - Wa ynesvllle American Legion ball game held at th.e H h' School aiamond here on Sunday afternoon. Aug. 25. the ItOl'S brought home lhe bacon to lJ1e tune of a fln I score of 12 t02. BOX SOORE SPRINGFIELDa.b r h . W~house ' 2 4 1 Moore 2 5 a B rinkman 1 2 5 Palmer
PRONE NEW S I TEMS TO Pet. 214.3 or 2910 860 860 • READ THE CIAS IFIED ADS • 715
11.' 0 H'
m ~l ~~
fL L.
Mr . and Mrs. Fralilk !\ratten and ,cnmily oC Dayton called on hi parents Mr. and Mrs. George Bratten LOaDI FOR SALE _ BLUE CONCORD Monday evening . ' ::::::::-::_______ _ _ _ _ Grapes ; Yellow Onions. Parry Mrs . Emma. Gibson of Bellbrook FEDERAL LAND BANK LOANS: is spending a !ewk 'weeks wit hher For Refinancing _ RebuUding _ Oook. MainS\'. 95 son and family Mr . and Mrs. Hiley . Buying. 4% Farm loans with long Qme to pay. Pay part or all e.DY TOMATOES FOR SALE-- Fresh Gibson . t1me. picked. J . C . Hawke. 829 Mrs . Cora Greene and grandLEBANON NAT'L FARM LOAN cllUdren of De.yton speDJt Sunday 'A S8'N., Ellis H . Sturm, Seo'y- FOR SALE - OANNING TOMA- with her m~er !.fa' . and Mrs. Trea.s" Lebanon, Ohlo. Phone 448 toes. $1.25 bu. Furnish own con. Lewis. Morgan . " tc tainers. A . O . Alabaugh, on :aeD- Miss Minnie Cl't\IWforo' spent one brook Road at CfO&SW!ck . 95c evening last week with Mr . and _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Mrs . Henry Burgess and family of Real E.tate For SaleIF YOU HAVE A PROPERTY OR USED CLOTHING-BeavertoWIl!. · FARM TO SELL Oall or Write Mr . and Mrs. K enneth Brat ten Don Henderson, Tel KE3446, 617 FOR SALE - GIRL'S DRESSES. and da.ughter of Dayton spent SunLorain A.ve., Dayton, Ohio. tofe Size Junior 9. Gladys Rye, PbOne da.y afternoon with ~. and M rs. 2914 ' Qeorse Bratten . , . • . , , !_, I ' 9:X:
H:iDe. For Sale-:
Ii:;;; Wanted-
FOR SA.iJE-- Good modern :(.... - e _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ , , • __ • house; eight rooms; bat:b; garage; . WANTEDMODERIN HOUSE not aver $10000; from owner; garden ; in ,WaYDesv1lle. Josephine 'h ave cash'; O. B . Blandford, R . R . No. 2. LebanoDl O. Phone Smith, Rurad ~uute 1, WaynesM. O. 7417 Centerville ex829 ville, Ohio. HOUSE ....ntn SALE- ...,.,.. 'D""",ro ., change. ) "'~Zlo >:liLA. ~a= _____________
and ¥.r . ~l Marlo t t. Sunday TIlE I\IIAMI GAZETTE - Pace 8 evening. WAYNESVILLE., OHIO - NO 42'79 'D on Weaver returned home from THUR DAY, AUGU T 29, 19.8 a few weeks visit wi, h hJs mother of Booton. Mass . Cal'leton J oseph S tanley, 21 , and Mrs . Clarence Crawford and Martha J alle Early ; 19; ooth of daughter spent la..t Tuesday with WaY!l1~svme . Mrs. Leroy S haw of Yellow Springs. BUY SE-L---"--Mr . W11liam Dodds of Dayton , . L. TRADE, BORROW called ~ friends last S unday. - USE GAZETJ'E CLASSIFIED ADS Mr . J. E. Dill of Lima spen t Wednesay Mr evening wi,h Mr . and s. Eqlerson Dill .
~s. ~ wi~~ ~s ~nd~g
a fr!I wee s r:en an re ltives of Robinson 101 ' " . Miss Plonnand Rt'ed of Harv-eysburg celled on Mrs . Mattie Levi and son one eve~~ last; week. Mr. and Mrs . R,lchard Haines. MIT . and Mrs . Dale Fair of Xenia called on Mr . and Mrs . Hiley Glb-
Alton D. Rorf.'32.:and Mrs . M ax-
Verdena Fox. 31. 'Waynesville . Richard Newton. 19. Lebllnon , and Cathedne Little. 18. Franklin. Charles W. Scott. 23. Prlncetown. Ky .. and Ruth Harris Dyas, 24, Leb-
Athlet~ ·Foot
Come 'in an se:e these neW
ai9 items ,and new ideas. - Reasona.bly, pri'ced. FOR BAI.E--- FRYERS. Phone 2928; DAVISSON ' PRESS o . .E. Wchener, Rt. 2 . ' 829 Phone 2143 ·
~alve., Sh~ep,
anon .
Russell L . I.eshl~y. 22. and Mary Ann Miller 19 both of Fra.nklin ' • . Logan P owell, 44, and Mrs . Evelyn Hayslett. ~3 , both of Lebanon. Lee J. Dav1sl 39. and El1za;betl1 Hunter, 39, bot1h of Leba.non . Howard O . SWeney. 24. and Mrs .
REVDS. T,elephoDe
454 o• .
~~nia~~La.n~~ce~2~9~ . ~b~Oth~~o~f:Le~b~a~no~n~.~~~~~~~~!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ' • ..
THE: A,RMY HAS A GOOD_JOB FOR YOU I ION-COMMISSIONED GRADES lOW OFFERED TO FOR~ER ARMY OCCUPATIOIIAL SPECIALIITS Ga"OD job~' in non-commissiQ"-efJ grades are being offered now by the Regular Army to qualified former servicel'nen' . Vete!MS diScharged on or' after May 12, 1945, who enlis~ ' or reenlist for .3 years may be en)i ted in the non·commissioned . . grade for which 9ualified! provided this grade is ~ot higher than that held at tune of dIscharge, and provided that at least 6 months ;0£ former service was in one o. f 40 . 0 designated military occupational specialties in which enlistment is ' now desired. ImpOrl~nt, interesting jobs ate open in, hundreds of slcilla , and trades m the Army, with splendid train'ing and educational ~dvantag~! These are in addition to free food, ~ousing, clothlng, medical and dental care, 10w:C()s~ lnsurance. The.re s adV1!Iltu.r c tta\' I, education, a .secure and profitable future m thi~ .v ital, ~~alisHc ~rofe88ion. Get full detail& at your neare,s t Army Recrulhng S~tlon. . ,. ., . ,
Jack H. Mard15 30. Lebanon and
Wayneav1lle" Ohio. '
lIle KiJpa~rlck. 31 , bo~ of LeblU1iOn.
. .. Mr. and Mrs . E9;TI Johrtson of DIXIE-No-Smo)[e ~t1ng bee.t- UVE' STOCK- . Xenia. spent Saturd.8~y · evening with er-hold:s 100 lbs 0b8l- perfect FOfR, SALE _ ~E WITH MULE ' Mr . and! Mrs. Alfred and fam11,Y. condition-used only one season. Mr . and Mrs. Al Kesteoeon of One-fourth off price. Ph. 21'3. colt. Plume 2885 . .NorwOOd were SatUJrda.y and Sun_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ NOTICE of APPOINTMENT day g\les~ Of Mr . la nd 1Mr5. ~ HEATING Stove- suitable for a Not.1ce d.s hereby given that enoe ~oTd anti, family. earege or ' work shop . . C1rcVlatinl Kenneth -N. Hougl,l whose Post' Mrs. OJa;renoe Ora;wford ~nt last type. Good ara-tee and bowl. Ph.:nU OMice addreat 18 Wa.ynesv1lle: Ohio, Prkl:&Y with Mr . and Mrs. Robert _ _ _~_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ bas been duly a.ppo1nted as ExecutOr Schneider and SOD of 8pring1~d . !OR SALE- One 5-bumer table- of tbe EBtate of Ward l&te WYRICK' ~.u. t.op Kerosene Range. One Stark- of Warren pounty, Oh1p, dIecea&ed. ~ral services for Edward Une Maple Y~th bed ' tomP1ete Dated th1B 22nd da.y or AUgust Wyrick ~ beld' hl!!l'e at Mt . Holly With gro_8pr1ng and ihattl'ef!fi. I1M6. , " ' ~etbOdist; ~uz:ch, Monday aftel'MUo Beal·. lPbone 2641. 829 'Ralph H. Cll,tey noqn wtthbUrlal' a,t; 0pr:Wl. . _ _ _~_ _-,-_ _ _,..-----.:' Judge of the Pl'obate Court . . Mrt. Mat~e ~ner, Jaeob ZlJn!OR ~ PoWING ' SOFA Wamln oolmty ohio· mer J~, of &avertown and MIss bed, good! 88 new. !Irs. Wilbur Ste.nley and Stanley, Altt,ys . 912 !:~~e ~~nger ot Dayton ~t 'N. Phone.. 2651. . "' ........ay w.~h .':Mr . and Mrs: Emer~ . Announcmg a brand new BOn Dlll. ' OFFICE EQUIP~ENT- ' line of .personal ·' items Mrs. David Lupes ~ in ~ BAI4..MARK ~ RJiB- including ,personalized nap- ton tAlking care , or her da.~ter bone DOW 4.. stock 'Ilh n..._a kins . coasters , matches~' Lloyd 'I'boImpE1Otl who h!ld an ~ . . e ...." - " ' ' ' ' ' . ' , a.ppeniIMx ope!'ation . FOR SAl.E- ' ca~ds, cu!--out stationery, , ~. PJory Jlen~~ lind ~ of , . bndg~ talhes, guest towels, CoI1wm called 'on ber broIhe!' M4' . . B.A!MED S5c lb.; personal , labels. . , .
RooK 'mYERS;
Accord1ng tA> Size ud
Semi-modern; garage; ~ acre of Farminlf Implement.son Stmda.y evening. ground. A. B. Flora. Phone 2743 . Mr . and Mrs. lAwrence Ling and 95 FOR sALE- ~ hp . Briggs-Stratton sons sPent sunday evening wlllh h is ,Gas eng1.oe. Everett Sea4's. 1 mile mother Mrs . Ch8!'lie I.J.ng of near Household Good. _ <W69t Wa.ynesville on st. Rt. 73. . Spring Valley . .
, 1'4r8. Eminett'Beliz, Rural ROUte 2, .
We P~yHf~RSES$5.00
HlfhUIhb .......... Ann, Enllsb,wnb
DlBEBS DEEPLY TO CAUIiJE ' Painful CraekJna'. Bumlnr. ItebID,
1. EnJi.tment. for ' I 1h, 2 or S other furlouCh prlvn.... cu be ob,ean. (I-year enJl.tmenti permitted tained Jrom R~,tinC Ollic.n. for men now in th. Army with 6 or A tftatment to be ~ftc1ent, must more montha of Mrvice. ) 5. MUiterinc-out PQ' (baled upon HOW. TO KILL·theIT genDS PlENETRATE bo reach 2 E . I.~ of •• rvjce) to all wbo . n1lmnUt alt. from 18 to 34 are -di.ch.reed to reeDliat. ' and be POWl!lRPOL 00 kill tbem. ,eal'l indu.I". (17 with par.nu' ' CGnlMlDt) ucept for men n01V in ·th. 8. Opticin to r.tir. · .t half pe) 'l1E-oL, OJlly Imxluet we kil,ow' Army, who mey fHI1Iiat .t uy ..., ' fen the reat of your lif. aflel' 20 of made 1W1tb. blldlluted aloobol. and former .ery!ce ,_ d~din& , ••n' ~r:vic. - inero••inc to th,.. u arten pay after 30 yun' MrVi~ . ~tea.• Reacbei~ anei Id.Us on leoath of -.ice. 3. A fHI1Ii._t ~nua ' of I, pr."io~. active 'fede~al military . I~ P~ . . PEEL . riT~ ,. BOW. , \ ' ' for: each YMr of ' ~v. nrvic:e ainc. NrVIC:. counu t~ard retnement. aucll bOnua wa. !!Iat Pfld, en ,inc. 'l. OI BIU of , Riahtl ben~.fit. atIN ,ONE HOUR '-. I ..t en~ into aerviee, provided . lUred for men .,bo .nli.t on or before r~!llls\ment i• • within 3 month. October 5, 1946. . ,U nat oompletely\ / ]~]ea8ecL- , YOur 3!io .. af~er laat honorabl. diacharc.. 8• Choic.' , of bruch ' of ..mee. bact a.t dnJg store. TE'--oL is • A furl ouCh for m.n wbo reo 8IId ov.r.... th.at.r (of thOi. atill . clean, coJorleS. easy aDd' p]ea88.Dt enllat wi~in ~O daya. FuJI d.tail. of ope.n ) on 3-Y.... eDliatmenU. to' use. applY ,JI"CU.,
Once again it is the time of year to get your fertilizer while it is still available. We carry the famous
for a.t.hletes · fed, ' itChy or sweaty feet. 1nIIect bites or pol8on iyY. To. day at Wf:lyl)e8Vllle Drug 8~e.
SACCO Bran(l'.'·
PHONE 2441
. ,_ aor..,.' 30 Yoar,' I. A~•• " Clo..I... .~, ,- Muter Serpant LoII.I.., MMlI&OI .!IiI D....I or Fine ~Ieant .16,.00 .107.2' .18'.63 ~. Techni~ Se.....nt 135.00 ' . 87:75 151.88 " Sta' s.rpant • • 115.00 74.75 129.38 In addItIon p.y .hown .t 1'1",,,.: 20,'• . Inc,.... 'or Servlc. Ser,eant. • • • 100.00 65.00 112.50 Ov.".... 50% If .... mb.r of Corporal . ' ' .' 90.00 ;8.'0. 101.25 FI,III9 or Glld.r Cr.wI. 5% 1ftPrivat. Firit aa. • 80.00 52:00 90.00 creln. In Pay.. 'or Ea,h 3 h.,. of S.rvlc•. Priva.. ",00 ' 48." ....38 , ,
M.... "rvrc. ",.Ic.
lforff.. . .•• ,.,
• . •,
, " " ,
Live WIn aD.....,.....t... All ' or- .PabaUoD \ ireeod &0 ' Deae. Ririe", ',
MDen Ibe '• •~ a~a ·...rIle. ia &he --&rI, " .
. I' ~ce "",at 'S ali.fie• .
~TO '. WQI0 .,.,... U:1a ..:.utaa I.e .
. For ' Oar DaIIr .1IaIbt
Li.ten to "Warrior. 01 Pe_," '··Voice 01 tfie Army," "Proudly We Bail." Mark Warnow'a Army , Show, "Sound Oil," "Harry Wi.. mer Sport. Review:' and "Spot. . li'ht Bandt' on your radio.
'~'If a~ .t .r'" ""'elf ArM, lecrult,... "~Ieit .114 ."illit. If . '..~•• .
Warren County Well Repr~sented at Co.lIege .
Thirty War;;;-cnunty young :people have made a pplication to enter Wllmlngtom College this fall. college officials revealed recently. The fall semester wHl begin with 1:/1e Freshman Week activities on ESTABLISHED 1850- NO. t.280 $1.50 PER YEAR - 5c A COpy Sept. 16. . Orga.nizers of ~he college's Living W-A':"''"''''ES -V~I-;t-L-E,-O-m-o-----------------u.. THl1BSDAY, SEPTEMBER 5, 1946 Endowment camp8'l gn In this area are usi.rlg rt.bese figUres of local stu-
Coyle Meat Mar'ket Bloe Cross Plan Sold to Carl Lacy Elluectlve - 0Ct. 1
dent repr.esentatior. at ,t he neaT-by institution ~ Indlca.te the role "Which
the oollege is playing in the life of warren cOunty. They are also POinting cut that although ,t axpa,y ets 'are sper.d1ng more than $500 per , year for each lSItudent enrolled In a Stalte-owned Un1verstty, the $20,000 'f . wbioo Wllm1rtgton College hopes .to , . ftUse th1s month would m ea.n less t~'50 per slutl'enlt. ~pta1ns In the Endowment Campa.ign for this oour.ty were busy .'!ihis !Week gettirig ready for the drive wh1al\l , will Ibe onductedl. ne»t week, Sq)t, 9 't o 14. Beca,\l,ljG ~UCiCora may be una.ble to cOntact all Who ;wa.n~ to ~ contributions, f"ends c:if the college <here are invlted to cooperate by &ending their ooDtributi<n; ,flo .their ~unlty caplAim or .directly to t,.he college. Stude. ' ~red fer ,t he fall term at WU~{niton COllege include: Patricia. gebm. Mllsotl; Reva oampbell, Oregonia.; Geraldine Dum!ord. WaYDe6Ville;" EcL~a.rd' .K ~ u e r , Wayn~5V1lle; Fallis ~ain-e, Wa all('$ville; '~wyna, S \.an,for·th , Wayn!l&" vUle; RuSsell 'I'Mmp,str.l. Maron ; JOhn Po~ Mason ; Frank' LaYm,r3;n, ~l ' A.lben "Stluke, wa;~yBle; 'RIiChard ~ Mason; A,,~
Atte-r almost ~ years of serving Wayn~ville with, an' up-tn-date meat market, Mr . ar.d Mrs. EaXl Coyle are announcing the sale of thEir loca.l market to Mr . ~l Lacy. This plan was decided upon to give the former owners a ~uch needed rest. Mr. Lacy. who Qrtginally lived in Wilmir.gton. Ohio. came here fl:om C811!<lI'llia and is now operating the marltet. Mrs. Lacy will amve he1re shortly and they will make their hOme nem door ,to the market 1n the I5&tlle 10C4ltlon occupied by the Ooy!es. MI:. ~Yle plans to opemte his pack1ng plant. as Usual. They have DOt ~ed as yet their planll for new Uving QUart.ers. It ' 18" Mr. ~'s de&1re to.. oontinue sel'V1ng, the public ,~ ·the-eune malll'ler' to which theY' have been f:'OCustuneid in the past- and be al&o PlaI:lB to add more serviCes to his maTket in the future. .
East-West Bus
Drivers' License$ On Sale Sept_ 9
Service Sta(ting
The' sale of 'i9'47fdrlvers' licenses In' the neBJ'~e Warnesville will open Sept. 9 !lit I,lpproximatel,y 'will h ave another bus ser vice wi th 7 0 depu y registrar offices through - the inauguration of an . e a ~t al' d out the state, it was announced today west bUS service from Eo.'ton Ohio by Frank N, Quh~, registra r of to Wilmington. Ohio via state'Route motor vehicles in the S tate High - 73, 1t was announced tOday by 'Lhe R. and A. Trar..sportation Co. with wa~ Department.
Pr ... esen" drivers' a.nd chauffeurs' headquarters at Franklin. 'Ihe exa<;t ttme tlheroute will belioenses wtll expire at midnight. on gin service is determined by when Moway, Sept. 30. after which It will be illegal to operate a motor vehicle ~er new bus will be delivered. According' to the line owr.ers this wtthaut a. 1947 Ucense, Mr. QuInn delivery is expected this Frlda.y and said. To receive a 1947 lioer..se. 80 , 1946 the service should begin very shortly after that. licellse must be presentes. Ohauffeurs are required to present I The Waynesville Drug Store w111 their 1946 license and a photograph be the offic1al stop for these busses. A complete scheule w1l1 be avaUabie of themselves 2 0" x 21 ". head and in a short time .• Shoulders onlY'. taken not more tha n
Over fifty pe~ of all Waynesville re51dents are now Blue cross members it is reported by S . L . ROO\rt.son of tbeClvtc Olu'b Oommittee which s ponsored rt.he recent • Blue Cro66 membership period. 30 dayS prior to the date of applics.Pr'otectlor. under the plan wdll begin tum. on October 1 for those who ' applied fee for an operator's llcep.se for member8b1p ,recentdy . ~ 40 oetyts. and for a cauf.feur's' 11The Civic Olub's Health Pro~c- cense, 90 oents. Any applicant for a ~n Clmm1ttee was lauded by 1947 iloer.se who does not have a 1946 HO'Iplt.al · Cere OOr}1oration for their lloeIlbe must obtain a temporary inThe Mason MetE&ust Chlifch will excellent work In ~Ir Blue ~ction permit ar.d present hUn- be n06t to the Methodists of Warren Cross membership avalla,b le in sel! to the sta:~e Highway Patrol for County when on Sunday. Sept. S. Waynesv1l1e on' a. communftty-wtde examination before he can <;JOtaln' a the Third AImual Warren CountY\ ba&is. 8aJ1d Jam~ E. ·Stewart. ex- permanent license. Methodist Day is h eld a.t t he Masont ool;1tive vice-president of H~pita1 MI'. Quinn urged all drivers to High School Auditorium. The prodare Oorpora.tion, "We welcome 'the a.pply for their new llcell8e6' as early gram will begin at 3:00 p.m. wlbh· c1tUerut or Wa.ynesville as (he six- as pGS41ble to avoid 1ihe USUSl laSt the MaBon High School 'Ban d, under teenth ooo1,munity to enroll Jlt6 resi- minute rush. leader6tllp ot Miss Evelyn' Wlldents in the Blue Cross Plan. We A ,t ptal if 8~U79 d.t1ven;' llcet!Sei; keraon. a.re espec1a1ly ~teful to the Civic were sold f~ Sept. 1lK5 to Aug. The. Rev. John W. McMahan. Olub members respon81bie for this I, 1948 lor which the state collected · mlniIrt.er of the Methodist Ohurch. 8UiI:cet!af'U\ . endeavor- Mr. S. L. $'A 802,834. Maumee, Ohio. has been selected to RobInIJon who served ' chllinnan The list of registrars for W~n live tBe Inspirational address. Mnt. FI'V~ MORE POUNDS and tho6e who ~ b :1m. in- oounty oodI~Y towps in ~- Nqbel Rompel} so~o1st. 'W11l ' sing on SUGAR ON NO ' 51 c1u~g Mrs. Robinson, IA . 'r. Pol.:. rounding oountles follows: , 1II;Ie p1lO8T8ID ' PJ,ualC wh10h wW also , , • inIIky, Albert H. Stubb6. Samuel N. WAYNESVILLE: Vernon Simpson. 1r.clude 11.> fellowship !'lOng-fest. Dr. OollOVer. : MGmilw; . 1taUl ~ ~n& ; Spare Stamp~ famJlY "ratton Ke.Ya, WID St. ' Jotm and.. Lowell F4J1'd.. ~" M':&1n'~ st., from 9:00 JoIu1 W.,-Denf~ aUJ)erintendent 'of , Wa.vn~e; ,010 r. ' BulTC?~b8 books "Was 'ma~ good sa of Sept. l ' Thcinas., It Is through such whole- a.m! to 6:00 p.m. . the Dayton D1$'tct at the 'MethOd1.st Sp(lngtlorQ; Bamara auf!, PXa.nlt- 'for !1ve pounds or s'llt,U' f(JT regu-laI: hearted community cooperation ~ ~urg: Mrs. R<l&el1a Gordon Church will p~~e. ' 11n; Et:;gene ~,:' l . m, PaUl , ( ,.,nsumer use and will be mUd this, tha.t the nwld growth Of Blue Ma.1n at; Prankl1lH J. T. Riley. 403 This .oounty-w1de affair IS sponOlalit" ~n; Hariy . ,H olme , '~~ Dec. ,~'l, OPA annoUimed Or.oss has been made, po&s1bl'e." S. Main st.; ~cm: Mrs. , Alta aored by the W~n County ,M ethLebanon; Mr . aJ:d Mr.., . Harold v. last we;ek. , The first membership ~!eIr'1Ol" Urton. S. Broadway, MOITow : Mrs. odJ6t Men's Brother-hood. The pubUc Short. ~; John Rass, .M.asor_; ~ stamp 49 .wUl continue geod W8ynesv11le residents enl~olled Ruby Whtta.cre. • 18 invited rto attend. At the com:luJoseph Hltew...a:n. W~yne~'me; O1Ju1..r f.or ' !ive " pounds ' of sugar through through the 'OOn'lmUIl1ty 4P'OlUp ma.y ~lancheE.ter: .Mrs., M¥ron S: si(}n.,.s( the a1lternoor.. program t~re H1temanl . Waynesville; Mary. LlOU '¥Pt. ~O instead Of expiring Aug. 31 . be ~d at the Waynesvl11e National \lJ'Own; ()Ja.rksv1lle: Ralph 'Ilhompo will be a .plcnic dinner, fellow8h1p le Mlcor.e. waynesville ; Jack Reynolds; 86 ' ~ttl~. ' . Bank betwe«m September :22 and son. " . Tho6e atteniU~g are , asked W6Ynesv1l1e; Maynard J . Stanley. Pres~nt plans call for validation Ocbober 1. BeUb~: Dorothy Louise Hi.ok, to bring ,their own' table service and , Waynes.v1Jle; Alma. Dare. Ml:lfTOW; or !he DelUi spare staO?'P for five N. Main st.;' S~ Valle~. H. W. food to share with the others, Hazry Kibb:-y, Fost: rs; L.l;!Jh Milhr, pour.ds of sugar on Jan. 1, 1947. MPTON MILLS Badiley, Main st.; Xenia: Nancy Morrow i Clarenre J. oa.vts. Waynes" REUNION LISTED Lemon, 139 E . Ohurlh St.. vUle; ; 'l:nomaG 'L. Hardin. _ AIR MAIL' RATES The AnnuaJ Ueunion Mrs. Hit. v lIe ; ';o;,eph Hal'tso~k, Waynes- ,CUT OCT. FIRST 01 blle Oompton and Mills tamllies No. 2. Oe~terville: Mrs. M.lll1e Shue. , ' \ He:· AnInI 1... Hoait. Waynesville. 'l1he ' will be held at the Caesar'i37 W. Plra.nkllp. _ _ _ _ _' _ _ . , aster, General. l>unsuant Church' ~ near New 'Bur~n, . .,
Maumee ' M-lOIS- ter
Selected Speaker
N'amed ' ~ .the
Associat,e d'l-tor E"
it. R. Inn lc;;J TWin TbeaJtre ~ and ~n hOUnd '~ bas been SiInally bonored by ' ~'bl1 tot I " Trail' En" ' !L new , .... ~ on, , " s ,. d de.vote~ breed of Bw:k 'Tan 'qc.ln HoUndS .... bern ed ' • , " 01 3 , I nam !18 a. ~,trlibut.blg . asaoc1ate .ed~ ' ot the IPu~UcatJon. "Ee~' is writing u,. tic1e8 on tile Black an , ' u:-._':". h ' ~~ __ f ," cS,. Tf.~ ~n , ' DUUU~ as e ......,.. s them from his many' years ~f ralslng ,ibe br~. ,I' 'Il'e ftj)u.cidon is a new One In .
I~ ,'tbe
. ' ,
~~, ~ _.~
l ~bllcaotlOO ~r: ,~breed .-' ' . "nej OlUb' •
001lege~"names ' or
T : eo..lo."be
W~~ aD~77'"1 K~:;".n;'
Real ·property daIruIge resulting u>l.rlted citizen. 'h as wor. top honors
f'JOID UM5 trame, aCCidents o.n Ohio in the 1946 ObicJten-of-Torn~w !IW"8J statehighlway ,systbm. aDWiint';.. c:on~ in Ohio, 0 . . M. Ferguson of eel to P,Ml,OOO, state H~ D1r- ' the 0)110 Poul~ oO~l. chairman ector Perry T .. Fora anOOur..i::ed ito-" ,of the state con.test committee, ba8 day. . .: ",' . . '~e championship btrds, ' • White PI ' . the '13 fa.tal 'Were ~1na 1~ ,~-Ptv damag . e ,most uniform, plump and' weU. " -.,.,- voJ , e ~ f1n4shed In th h mounted '197,424. J'fp1Uents e sow. ,
"'--"1 .....- -
J~ ~~ Of Waynesville has W~lle. Eatl O. Dunpam a+so ,pun:.lw;ed , ·1t.be ~istere,d of W~eSvllle, Raymond Rlboodes BIro"WDI ~ bull Wonder BUster B., of Clyde .
~- , .
" " "
0 .•
~ egg-laying a~1Uty. Other contestants who w~re ac1WBa'dUdecl~Goert1f1cates of quality In~i'e and, Betty IDavies ot
72306 !from WSh~ha.D . .T , 'Her.ner, ~"ElJDel' and iDB~n; son. a 'AT BANK FOR ~ Sw1s& breeder of Waynesville' VAOATION · p'I."Rlon
,'11° .,. .•. 1\ " 0
Qf the cor.test is
~ poultrymen to develop
r '
~ntly I,ilOldi the bull. SUvei' " "' --'::::" ,. """ '. \. Oh1me. 7'1348 tiO E. ·M . ·B~. F'ra.11k~et Ann OOrd~ of O. ,a'ooording frlm piece, of L. 11; GorbOJlI ,lOcal Fred S. Idtse~ secretarY of ithe Bro'WD ~. , ~ been. e~loyed at ~ ~ttle Bn!eders' ~'J ~101t, tbe 'W~yne&111e Na~lonal~. durw.. ' 1D4t 1IIie Wca.t1on penoa:s. bas
combl.n1ng this added me6tlness with.
averqe of '160 per accident,
O 10.,' t .~ 1'0 1'°" .,'t ·XP,' 'R
i946 ,",
ymout~ ~kB.
I_i.._ th meatier ch1Ckens which Wul ....."... ""1-;' .u;;~.... e ... ~ .. total of .property fester with a. larger percen,~ of damJIge aecider..te wa:e ....462. or ~,1n PO~ion to bone '&t.ructure.
CothfI9u ... r ....... nta . 2 million "*'1ba...
t ' h
,t" ,0
,~c ac.::id~1ts
, I
.7eUl Bradlfute and Dorot.11i' K : wal~ 'r
" 1'<iWll$ley, - Wilniington ' T. S. • O. prom1nen~ h8tch~n and pU,bJlc
, ~ft"''''''
BLUE+ CO . nss . '''V
. 'i,.,univer8ity"a 'Artsof',.and SCieDce8 carneS 'th~ li12 -"denta .with ·A.ve~ of , "B" Or,
, drem af"XeQ1a.'
.AJl..Y I
: '. ~1 , . ' I
," ,
QSU ' HONOR' STUDEN1,"$ 8pl'1Dc honOr' u.kt of Ohio stM.e
",' be6ulr. Itl hi4>l",t_:
~ ~~~ ~pP~Ved
· ' ug. 14, BOt 1946, ()~ Aug. 14 Ins ,rueted SatuniaY"Sept. 7.' ' ~terr; 10. Order l:io.. 3:H3'1 ~-, sernlng the law. It wp1 becOme e!- " • feot1ve Oc,h 1,' 1946" and ~ , ,,,.t'h~ the ~te o,t on ~ornestJc air ' I ' ,' mall be reduced from. 8 ceo: ! S"'~fAlf ,LAV.ERN " ~ ounce ~ 5 cents .~ ou.nce or W.lKEIg~N ' friction ~eJ'eof. • Mr. anIlt,-. ... Vb1Pl Wilkenson Ue " announdn&' fIbe blrt4l, of a da.ughter, ST., MARY'S :PICNIC S1lelah Lavem bam lito cia1 A ' St ' ~, ' '. " n .r, . ug. . Mary s, Ep~l Church wUl 26 at 5 :00 pm. she weighed 6 lbs ,bold 1ts Parish PlOnIc this Y683" at and 5 OZII. ' . tpe ~tory at 1:00 p,m. on Sun'~. Mr Wllkerso.n ' Se t 8 y , ~, and her do.U8hter p. : came home Wednesday of tlUs 'Week.
la&\Je l,t& first in It 1& rec': ' ogn1zed (Io8,tbe <ift1f:.1&l otlran of ,t his by the ·UMted Ken-
_ tI:je .
,Judged' -B'est
Pown' - -
,,' "(elUl' V" ,
Towosley 'Birds -
to ,~, ~rt,
H . ¥v
and' v.'86 recently honom~ dis.. ·!J'IIE l\u,un GAZETTE - Pare ! charged after servu,g three yea'l"S in WAYNESVILLE OHIO- NO : WO th Air carps. THURSDAY, .SEPTDlBER 5. 1946
King-Hurley Vows, Performed The home at Mrs . Jost. h D avis on Third s treet. Waynesvi1le, was the cene ot a candel1ght service Saturday evening at seven- t:hlrty o'clock when her grar-ddnugh er M1ss Janida Lou Hurley. daughter of Mr. and Mrs, Howard Hurley of New Burlington. became the bride of ,Mr . ' Gilbert Elam KIng. son of Mr, and Mrs, Grover King of Spring Valley, in a double rtllg ceremony b efore an IU'rangement Qf gladioli. palms and seven branch Clw.delabra. Rev. L . R : Homer. pastor of th e Caesar's ' Cree)! Friends' ChurM read the impressive service. Preceding the , 'ceremony, a program of nuptial music was pr~nted by Mrs, Robert Ames. with Miss Shirley Compton singing "Because" and "I Love You 'I'ru'''.'' ·OJ
T he brIde. who walked with. o.nd
was given In, marriage by her father. ~as very lovely , In 11. floor length gown with lac? bodice. putfed sl~ve3 ar..d gauntlets; full gatheI'el1 skilrt of . spk net and lace panel and a , finger 'til> vell of silk net .vthk:.h fell in sort folds from a crown .of orange blossoms. She carried a round boquet of
red! roses and fere and' a
bit of lace. Her only attendant was
her. fl1e~d, MiSS Frances Jean Supplnger. !Who Ch05& a ' floor length model of blue ~teta and c8.trleCl a
The jurJor host • es '\~e Rlaylyn ENTERTAIN I\DAl\U VALLEY The Happy HOllr Club will hold ~::be, Ruth Ann Johns a.nd Hazel HOSPITAL NURSES. SUNDAY thelr meetlng at t.he home of Mrs. . Mr. and Mrs . 'Lewls Fires entel'. Roscoe Furnas. Sept. 10, Miss Mary Dora Houg'll had talned thel~ daughter 11111.&. Rut.h Burnet at Lytle and Mnrlyn SWartz "'-"001 ...... Klr.'O' served 10 ."'e FARMERS' Cll..UB Mllt.t~ .t8IreWell party 1 0: her cousin Qf st. Marys, Sunday, The girls are """" • lOU . .... ... . ·Wayne T O'\\'l'.shJlp Farmers' Club "'" Margaret Har an who wUl M er clun t Ma r1n e an d Mrs' . Kin g. Is meets sept. 12 at the home of Mr, begin 'h er F'reshnuu~ year at rnter- attending the Miami Valley Sch101 now connected with the National and Mrs. Omar Erolllngsworth. mont College in Bristol. Va. Sept . of Nursing. Cash Register Company. They will _ _ 10. Also attend.li.g the little get-to. ------la ter live on a taml near W1~g, ' th GUESTg ENTERTAINED AT which. she carned 9. colonial boquet ge er was NaomI Earnhart. FRYE HO)lE TUE DAY EVENING ton. , with n. sweethe1:lrt 'roISe corsage Mary Dol'S will wttend the Mary Tu da nlng' Mr d Mrs Guests at . the wedding included: center A. Burnttam school ('Or girls in es y eve L ./l'~ ~. C MI,' , and Mrs. Howard Hurley and ' ~~eddng the bl'ldet;o bhe alter Massaohuset,ts, She is leaving Sept .. GMrsUberJ~ FBryeRlechn el'..taptln!t tsb · 1I ra' ... o.• Mr J 0 Hurley 01 New Burllng· . 25 , . . '. _ .... m.""'_ '. . . was l,ler. maid of , honor, her ooustn to study for her !.resluna.n year Cera Rich and Mrs . Reba Broddock ton. Mr . and Mrs . Grover King. Miss Nancy> Jane W-beeler, She wore in high school. Mr, ar..d Mrs . George King and son. · 11 t IU: hi h k --------..:......--~ a.nd Mr. Dwight King of Spring a ye :\IW ne gown w 1 g nec,. II . Mrs J lah n.. . • ~ f Une, puffed sleeves , and a long full AUCTIONEERING va ey. • os 4JiU,ov~ a ~"I'" ' . W vill ...... d' M Ro 0iUl.• •• She earned ' a colonial boquet B¥tleS e; m.... an rs, Y Wi..... te STANLEY and KOOGLER H urIey. Mr . and Mrs . Et.... " "'1 a ~nter of yellow a roses. U.on B Biuy BBODB8 ...OP81 d da ht . M ' d Mrs ' Ed' Mr . . Stanley wa.s attended py his For Da.tea, PbODe 11M. WaynesvtUe. • san an ug er. r . an . b th R l h d t 1 Shidaker; Mr. and .. Mrs. Robert ro er 0 3'!' • S an ey ot Lebanon Oblo. Revelle ~ Powers and daughter. .and Mr. and as best man. Mrs. Early. thle , bride's motJher. : s . A1;a:~;, .. ~:.: WUmlngton; chose for the wedding and the inPEACE OF MIND . Beth I' R,eUUAUl Satroup a nd formal reception which !olllwed, a THROUGH sons 0 e ; v. L. . Horner. TV>InIder blu . d Misses Mary and Edna Elarn. Mlss "V." - e ,crepe . gown an a 001'LIFE INSt:JR.f\NCE Shirl Co ton M1s6 Fran Jean. sage of garden1af. and yellow tea , 1100.00 per mo~'b for 10 Su ~ m~lss 'Murd 1 V oes . roses. Mrs. Stanley. the brtdegroom's DEPENDABLE RADIO ,,ears &0 ,our famU, you UI~_ Ellza~ h J ab e 1 endeman. mother. wore a black and' white SERVICE ••~ t n s o n. Mr. HOWard print dl' d fax . do DO' Uye. and Mr. Harold Tbomas and Mr. . l;lS8 an Sl corsage 0 g. Dependability is a big factor In Ralph G~a.DlI of Spting Valley ; denias and yellow tea 1;"O&ls" determining the success or fa:Hure of $100.00 per month for . life Mr. and Mrs. Cecil M. Da.vis ar..d The bride ch0S4~ for traveUng a any buslne . We- 'Jell eve la t thiS for )1IUJ'~1f at retirement. All ,,' these bene,lt. In ODe Miss Janet MoKa of Dayto . Mr gray wool gabardine suit 'WIth black Is one reason for t.be steady gr~wth ··poUe1 •. ,and~. Robert .!:mes ~~. and .accessorles and a. corsag~ of pln~ of 04rs. When: ~ou bring your radio , , U'-':' Elmer ' ~;...... i.... ~urUU6'D Hnw . sweet~ ' roses. Alter a short Jr. for repalrs ~ can dep . end on US 3 o~4 .,ew ton; Mlr. and Mrs. Loyd Da vis and wedding trip Mr. and Mrs. Stanley to see that I is put IDbO perfect' MARION SNYDER Representtna 8OllS, Clarer-oe J. and Bill. and Mr . wlll e6};abllshthelr home in Ather.s. working condltlcn ,at· the lawest ~PAI;tMERS-TRADERS . __ .... Mr E F Earn:! _.... W OhiO, wher~ the groom, will enter ,sible cost to you. ",UA4 S. . . . 1....... aynes. '. ' Ohio University. f • LIFE INSURANCE 00. vUle. Mk. Staluey 1$ a ' paduate of " '"00· Phone 111-L . Waynes\rUle High school and attend~ . '. 1!EBANON. omo ' ed Christ H06pltaJl School ~f ,Nur-~ ' Phone 2 7 9 -4 ' . tng In Olnoinna't1. Mr . Stanley also , . attended Waynes~!lUe High sdhool
GUSTIN Rad"I'o&·Telev."s' Laboratory
WeddIng He d
' -f an ~ngement of yellow gladiOll. ·The mother of bile bride '\V8S in a 8a.~dq , eyer..fng Aug. 31. Miss black and ' w.iute gOwn with a gar- Mart.ha. Jane Early and Oa:.rlton J . denia corsage and the groom's moth- Stanley' were unlted In marr1age In er 'WOre a two piece black w.ool 'With a very. lmpresslve Ceremony a t the a. ~1ad4011 corsage. iran'dmotlher h<lme \~ ,the bride's ' parents, 'Mr. Mzri. Da.V1s. was Ill' b18ck' laoe with and~. E. C. JCatIy of BunnYvtew .& of summer flo~ers . Fann. Wayne&vtlle'. . . Mr. Howard, T119mas of Spring The double nr,. Ce:rerI\ODY W,8S ValleY .8Ittended the ~ldegrOOU). as perfmm.ecl at half a.fter 'etgt1t o'clock best man ~d ~. ~Y Burley, bro- . by \ the 'R ev. Ralph W. Parks of ' ther of the bride and M:r. Clarence- 0br18It EpSaiCopal Churcli ot Dt.yton. .J. Davia served as ush'ers. lil the preeeince of h Immedlate ' •. A ~~ '·fo.lloWed the ce~ony f~y. and a few close friends. Wi1lh,'IY!freShments served tr.. the din- 'Prec:ecHng ,> ~e ceremony Miss Jnir room from a table which was Helen ~e ot Olnclt'inatl sang "I bea.utttul with looe oover. tlhree- .Love You" and "BecaUse." t.ie1led wedding. cake ~ ~ 'tapers ' 1be fireplace in the c:i1ntng room in cry~t8i holders; which the was . attraotlvely decorated wltb tmde and' groom' let~. amid a' :;h~wer white and yellOW gladioU ' and aat.el'll. ~ dce, tpra wedding trip .. ~e brtde ~tbedrai taPers in ~del*~ tor ,traveling !to brcnyri' gaber- deer ·t heir brIdal npte to the .ettmtr. .dine ~ With brown and '8QU& acTbe bride delScended the stairs ·cesaoriee ami. a red, /rp&e' ~. ' . ' above iuut" 'was ~ ~ 'h er f~ " Mr, ~ MI's. ~ .are ,' botb at tbe foot of the circular eta~, ~fieS Qf ~rlng ' Vall~ High &nd be walked with' lier to the im, , . " . prov1sed alter . before the flrep1gee
Dilatush Building ~ Broadwa'y -
'liE , ~· .F 'FER . : SATlSF,ACTORY
<·, 14 , ~v of
neckline and her sleeves were bracelet , length. IA seed pearl ~ar& tram. '~A w~ fell a finger-tip veU of tulle, . JOH!N OARRoJtJL. 'With MARSHA.' HUNT completed her bridal ensemble with Also: NO~N .
Letter .(or.Evie",
-)) I
p1 ,taltS d.1n1n&' ~ \;!~re the ~~re many owaa performed. and ga·v e "her In marriage. Tbe bride wore a white lace gown fashlar-ed with a tig.ht fitting bodtc,
lJa the. mOst ' imporban.t part of our' business. H~ l1!e Is too precious . ,to r1sIt to inaccura.c1esnowever .a:dnor. When we fill a. ~pt1on -therefore, you may 'have the COIl!l·deme it contam.s .t he tnsrecUents 8rnd' !s c:omPounQed with the aoc:1Uyour dbcior:~ prescribed. •
tun slOrb. . sweetheart
Lebanon, Ohio
IW1bh a long
'Gerald ~cWi1liatqs of Srd Street ]~a.s ' ownership of 'the W. B. Squires gravel pit· located on Gl'avel Hill east Qf Three:Bridges: :. .' , acquire~
THE MI~ GAZE'lTE - Pace 3 , YOUNG GROUP SUNDAY AFTERNOON VISITORS SPEND SUNDAY IN DAYTON VlSITO~S FROM DAYTON WAYNESVILLE , OHIO- NO . '4280 EN,JOYS PICNIC AT . B!RANDENBURG HOME Mi. a.nd Mrs . Trueman Wardlow Mr . and Mrs . K . L . Elzey ana TllUBSDAY. SEPTEMBER 5. 1946 _ Mr . and Mrs . Andrew Branden- a.r.d children were the gues ts of Mr daughter Marjorie Gf Dayton visited Ma,ble, Joe. Norman and Glenn burg apd daugh ter J c,yce and Wss and Mr s. John Thompson a.nd son Mr . 'and Mrs. Walter Elzey SunCARLOY:N ANN CONNER Bacher t. entertaJned a grou p 01 tiheir Judy i ohnsor. of Da)'ton ; and Mr , of Dayton , S unday, Aug. 25. chy a ftern ~ n . GIVES BIRTHDAY PARTY fr ends with a picnic at ~e "Sugar and Mrs'. R a lph Bender and sons - -_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _---,-_ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ __ Camp" on Rt. 73. last Friday even - were visitors of Mr. and Mrs , Wednesda,y, A~8, Carolyn Ann ing. WOOCil'mv 13randenbul'g an ' faimily. Conner, ·the da l lght-er of Mr. a~d 'l1hose who enjoyed the picnic were Sunday afte~oon. Mrs. Leo ConneT. was honored at Don na , J ean , Mary a nd lClthleen -----their h ome with a birthday party G eary; Mable I\.nd K ath eryn Coul- VISITORS ON LABOR DAY 'M'RACTI VE touches for your home may be dust· catching in celeb%'altlng_ her seventh birthday. ter ; Mary n o ra Hough; Naomi. Ruth Mr . and Mrs . Edwin R a mby had Her gue.&UI tor the after noon were: and Harlan Earnhart; J erry S pring- for their Laibor Day afternoon ~tll ers the attic. A decorative solu tion for Osrol Turner, Pa tsy Hawke, Marllyn field; K ennelJh H inkle; a nd George Mr . a nd Mrs . George Ramby, ,Mi's. a ' problem corner or r oom may be burled in the storeroom. ~11nsky, Sue Ann a n d Linda Lee a nd J anet Hlall . Vivian Murphy and son, M rs. B oOmer Tha t·s the advic e to housewives \ R.amby, JQYCe ·Smlth. Shirley J Ol"..es , SOhmtdt. and Mrs . S ta nley Clark seeking to br igh t n home int eriors Sally Lou &nith , Roberta B unnell, ENTERS NURSES and son elf Dayton . and Mr , and given by the Rura l Home editor Jane t McKeever, Peggy Jo MUten- TRAINING, TUESDAY Mrs . Homer Ramby and grandson . of na t ionally circulatt!d Capper' s F ar mer. So look over the family berger. SUella Kar; and Naomi J ane white elephant collection, she urges. Bl~lett of Centerville, Julia a nd :Barbara Walker. r.eice of Mrs. GUESTS FROM NEW JERSEY M isses Eld1tUl and Ruth Davis of Keep In mind changes a re possible Alice Mahaffie and Janet Co~r. Delbert Conger, entered MIami Valwi th a hamm er, saw and paintbrush. Other ~ttle guests were: J on ny l ey School Of Nurs ing at lDayoton , BrIdgeport. N. J . 'W'ere last week Brin g the blue·and·white wil· guests o r Mr. Clift BurnetJt and low wa re or pa tterned plates down an'd J1mmy MJltenberger, Freddie Tuesd~ , Sept. 3. Irom the top cupboax:d shelt , Art.eMay, Charl1e Ellis, J erry Bradley. f am1iy. Jerry Dye, George Brown. J erry CELEBRATES BIRTHDAY AT Miss Minnie Davis of Da~ en- r anged like those in the picture be· low they will d raw admi ring glances tured above. Mrs. L . A. White of ,'Woolaro, Don Wlrkma'n , ' George ~S . FLORA HOME tert.a.1ned with a fanuly .pi'~llC a t to the mantel. F ive plates might be OUstenborder. Kenb Turner and , Mrs. .t\nIlabel ~ora hllid as week- CeSh 'R egister park in th eir h onor hung on a l ar ge bare·looklng wall. Clay c ounty. Iowa, painted the laths ivory. These match the simple " Tommy Robinson ' , end guests her sister Mrs. Mary la.sJt Tuesday evening. There are brackets f or hang41g dra peries and plywood. valance .he them . If you're luc ky enough to own made. .JIlor the a!iern~ll entertatnme:r.t WaWns ar-d daughter Shirley and Colorful glass and cWna the ch1.ldren played games and r~r Mrs. Wastkln's so~ OhlW'les ana ~e VISIT IN NEW VIENNA pieces were brought out of hiding __ ' . and Lewis Raah all of O1nclnna.ti M'l' . and Mrs. Frank H ESS of Day.and put on the shelves. Sunlight. il.cuea'luIlents they were served ice. shining through the arrlU' of colored M:.r8 . Watkins was celebrating her ton were the wee.keOO guests <>1 Mr glass makes this window a pretty and calre. birthday. and Mrs. Ernest ButterwoJ!i;h. On sight. On SUD'da.y Mrs . FlOra entertaJr.ed tSllTltiay Mr. and MI• . But tervoortlh BOGAN ~EUNION HELD MnJ . Rdph Sherrer and daughter and Mr . am Mrs . Hess Wel'e t he At JACOBS ~ARK Mary S~e of Dayton. . gue&t.s • of MI. and Mrs. O.eorge Sm11lh of New Vl~ . The Annual Reunicn of i,he d esThe ease with . which you work in. your' kitchen depends a lot on cupoerlId8.nt6 or George W. and Hannab ''POT-LUCK'' DINNER HONORS Cl8bOrn, BOgan was heid on 8unda.y PITTSBURG GtJESTS . PIONlC AT TIBBY MORRIS board and shelf a1:rangement, de- · clare. the Rural Home Editor of ' Sept. 1 a.t Jac:obs Park, Wil'llman. ~ay Mr. and Mrs. Rhodes SPRINGS, SUNDAY nationally-circulated Capper's FoplAt the noon hour 1ou; ~-fol.\l' Bunnell had a "Pot Luck" dinner Mr. and MnI. Albert Cleavl~r of er. whose advice on household mat- · members of this ! amUy ' otogether in bonor 11 Mr. 8J'!d ¥r&. J. B . Rich Wqnesvtlle, Mr. Dave Rowlan, Mrs . tersia read by 1.~O,OOO farm fami' 'With other friends P&rto~k ,of .the of Pittsburg. Thoee attendmg tJle Mary W'Uson and ,Mr . and Mrs . lies. Just moving an isolated cabibounteoWt .repast Which Is always d:1n.ner were W. and Mrs. !Luther John Neuhar and &ml a.ll of DI:~yton net next to others can give a longer. continuous working counter. And it the hitrh-polnt 'Of 'these oocl! slons . !Ha.TtsocIt, Mrs. Elstellockett. Mary attended a picnic at the Terry .Mormay put working center. in a betThe ·&ftsnoon . ~ in RtalL ' Mr. and Mrs. Hartley iMoes 2ts Springs, Sun3ay. an old copper 'scrub pail, ICOur and ter order with food . storage. prep. ' era! v1s1t1ng aoo playiI)g the various and Mr. and Mrs. 011bel't Frye and TlNNEYS' ENTERTAIN -ON pol1sb it to the original brightness. aratlon .nd service centtrs next to; .ava.tlable a t the park'. . oIilldren. • 'J'IIlJB8DAY EVENING Presto. you ,have a handsome kin- each other. Rearra ngement of cu~ board shelves can save you from .At a .81)ort bU61neS8 ' session Ge6!Miss Glepna Wade and M'r . D:>n- dling container. Ordinary laths m ake clever endless shuffli ng about ot small and S'gle L. iBlmn!ell of, st. BemMd was GtJESTOF MRS. COLEMAN ald lAwson were the gue6t6 of Mr . ..helvea. for. a too 18:l1e wind ow pic- larre artlc l s. IlWIde Pres1det-.t; 1!Jvan ' Bog;Il.n. DiyMrS. P. O. Helbert of Cleveland. and Mrs. W1illam Tinney and &on
Old Pieces Beautify New Settings
Kitchen Efficiency
and . Edit h si6ter O! M:.r8. R '. B. Ooleman. has if OoI"W1n, Thursday eveniq of' last Sec.-Trees: O~t1nG'S. !i'om been guest of Mrs. Coleman for the reunion were sent to Mrs . Mary ~ past Mrs . HeJ1bert. Mrs. . _ _ __
' tcm. .
Bogan who is conl1n~d to' MIami <foleman 8IDd .Mildred CC.'leman visit.: PITTSBURG GUESTS HERE - 'W.lley ho&pLta.r with a brok,en hip . ed ReY. R. B. Colelh an at the bosMr. a.nd Mrs . MayneI'd ' ha.d as ·An earlier da.te was cllGsen for the pital, 6unda.y. Rev. Oolemah l.S much guests la6t week,Mr. and! Mrs . J.. B . 194'1 meet1ng- the last Sun<i'ay in' tmpraved. RiCh ,of Pitt.sburg. July be1n8 ~~. Quem weN: pre- . ' &em; 1mn OInctnnati. Lebanen : D1Y:' . tor... Harveysburg, Sptln.g V Ley and waynesville. ,
l.,OCAL BOYS VISIT IN OLD MEXICO !Be ny Furna.3. Herbt>..rt an d . Elmer Lamb a~ WUllam Moon .sp ent 11 , days vIsit lIlg tbrOu~ , the west where ' t h eY' visited O!dl Mexi(')C' which they . ~ to be a ve1-y scenic and interesting Place. They also attended title bUll1lsbt tJhe:r&.on Sunda,y eve~ inff' in, 'WlUch two y~ne girls we~e thE! bull :fighters. there they ~t 'to .P heonJx, ; IAriz. and spent ' tv.'O .~~ 'W1tAb tM;ends.
jEl&rl8C . Earnhart _ and" '. JacJde . . Jamea of Waynewl1le and ..Bobble )loran of 00rw1r. were the boys from .
,1lbda COOlmuhltY' Who attendeq a picnic ~nsored ~y the 'Old 'NeWsOO¥s
. or if.Ibe
Daytc:IIl DaUy Newa" held on Wedoelllda¥. Aug, 28 at POre5t Park,
.: ,
VISITS IN LEBANON . IB.aas PhYllla Bumett the gJ'eJl<i- . dal.qlbteJ' of ~. ~ :fb~s." visited her uncle" M:r . WW1amf "l"h<lmaS
~' LebanannaSt . week. , t
:. ','
• ' liI"E~8 ~EKEND 'W lTH .,PARENTS HEBE ' and Nr&. Barry Turner of DaYton ~ . the weekend at ~AUg, ~ ~th TtrrneT'6 mather' a.nd fi.tber, Ylr. . and~. J. H : sacntt, ,
'. ,:aa..
:aa.. .
No finer gift can be extended .'on · any o'c asion than tha,t of J 'e,w elry ... It has 'a lasting ,remembrance that comes of its (Ii t inctiveness and -its pleasurable a cceptance . l?y the recepient. For any t ime or place there is a giftpf Jewetry that will b'e exactly cor,r ect. . We suggest Rings ... ' ~racelets, in r~gular and charm styles . . • Neck chains .. '. Watch chains . . . Wrist 'watch bands in gold or silver, solid or elastic type ... Broa.c hes wit h matching n~cklaces and ear rings. ' .. ,Pep.s and ' pencils ...' and a s,c ore of other use~ul an'd practic~l gi~ts. .-Come in t?dar and ' gee our stock . . ,
WATCH and JEWELRY REPAIRING 15 ' ye~rs eiperie.nce . ,.
, . . South .Main, 'Street, , ,
Wayneayille, Ohio
It costs money to triple the ize of a college.
Contribu,te to the
, Living
September 9 to 14
Wilmington College WILMINGTON, OHIO
The Miami Gazette ESTABLISHED 185 0 Published
Every Thursday by DAVISSON PRESS FLOYD L. DAVISSON, Editor Entered as Second Class Mat.ter at the Po6t Office Subscriptiun Rates: S1.50 per Yeal' in .Advance
Mr. and Mrs. Gilbert Frye ar.d Guests of Ml' . Frances Bmnchildren visited Mr. and Ml'S . nook, Sunday were Mr. and Mrs. William Wysong and t.heir twin sons MOl'eland of Lexlngtot: Ky: o r Springf1eld. Saturday.
. . " . .
Pale ,
Mr . and Mrs. Vern Simpson and AT HOl\1E Mr. and Mrs . Edwin Ramby were children nad OS dinner guests Oll MI.s.s Dorobhy Grahum of Dayton the weekend guests of Mr . and Mrs. Wednesday, Aug. 29. Mr. a nd Mrs . was vacationlng with her paren s V1t:cent Hamby in Da)rton .. Clement Sattertbwalte ot Washlngiast- week. On Wednesday of last ton. D . C . week they were guests of Miss Sue VISITOR FROM HAMILTON Crane o! Clnclnr.ati. Mr . and Mrs. Willard Whalen VI ITOR FROl\1 Fl~DLAY . nnd son Wayne of Hamilton visited WITH WELU1AN Fo.LKS GUE TS FROl\1 Ul\lA Mr. and Mrs. Woodrow BracdenSat urday evening Mrs. Merid1th ·burg and family. Saturday a.fterMr . and Mrs. J. F. Jacobs of d h er son and wi!e. Mr. noon. Wellmnn have their nephe w, Merle en tertft'~ ~.e and Mrs . Harold Meridith and Miss J acobs of Findlay visiting 'Ohern 1hls Morris of Lima . SPENDS WEEK 1W1TB COUSIN week . ----Miss Wilma Mae Smith o! HamllATTENDS BIRTHDAY PARTY FISHING IN l\UCBIGAN Wft"-esd Mrs "'ft st ton, is spending the week w1th h er ~~ ay . ...."'re Graham La.wrenoe and Ray. Morgan IU'~ attended a birthday party in Da.y- cous1n, Loreth\ Ruth Brandenburg . Robert Davis left S aturday, Aug. 24, ton in honor of Mrs. Mary Piet'ce. VISIT IN B.AMILTOlll tor a flshJng trip in Michigan of a ATTENDS BARNETT REUNION Mr. and Mrs. R. S . Mnlnous and week'.s, duration .
1 week school bells ran g agai n throughout the nation and million of youngster and young 'm'en and women again pa ed within the portai' of the many school building to begin or again re um e ~tlld ief' of the three "R' " . ., . . f .. . . O f the e m!Jll(~n 0 st udent ~ ma ny wdl not flD! h the term due to sickneg 01' death. Many more will fail through <.Ii couragement or orne interfering r ea on that will forc e them to retire. The remainin g one will proceed with tb ir t udie accord ing to sched ule. A few will progre }'apid ly, other at a no!mal rate a nd the u ual percentage will lag behind. ~)lOuld the two extremes be allo,... ed to remain with the Mr. and Mrs. J . Er. Sackett a tnormal cia,? If a tudent .i exceptionally brilliant and tended t.he Barnett Reun10n SIt the forges ahead fa ster than his fellow hould he be penal- Robert Allen home in .Springboro, , Sund&y ized for so doing by being forced to remain in the same '. . . cia ? On the other hand, if a tud'ent is. slow and fall AT Go.LDEN WEDDI~ behind hould the remainder of the cIa be compelled to _ Mr. and Mrs. J. B . Crabbe and .hold up for him to "catch up". Raylyn a.ttended the Golden WedIt seem that orne method of cIa ification hould be ding anniversary of Mr. and' Mrs. d h 'lJy ,.... t u d en ts cou Id b e a 11 ocat e d accord'mg to Frank ~le$Or. ot Hlllafd, Sunda.y. d eVl. ewer theil' individu'a l abi lity. The fa ter learning student prob.;· AT RHOADEs FAMD.Y REUNION ably ha the advantage in thi respect beca'u se if he is Mr. and Mrs . Rogell' Brown and c&pable of passing to a higher class it is likely he will be fam1ly attended the Rhoades FamIly .
... .
sot\. Don visited relatives in Ha.m.1l-
ton. Sunday.
. ----IN COLUl\I8Us
,R uth Conner was the guest ot Mrs . Robert Earle vf Columbus the week of Aug, 26. She also visited friends in Lor,dontor a few <i&ys. .
Mr. and Mrs: Cecll Hightm I) ·had their daughter a nd son-in-law. and Reunion held at Hillsboro, ~unday. daughter Jean. of CQltunbus as ,~guests TUesday- ot th1 week.
1I0URB: 9-12 each morning
1-5 afternoons except Wednesday , 7-9 Baturd.ay evenhig
permItted to do o. For the . dullard thiS rule wlll not Ilpply. If he fails to "keep-up" with the re t of the cIa s GUESTS FROM (}EN!l'ERVlLLE _ _._ __ Other evenings by Appointment hi fi'naJ score is a "flunk" which places him back a year MrMi8s dPMrshY1l18StanlBane:'Badau~ghhad~r of 'VISIT fl\l NEW VIENNA . an . e7 ey as Miss . and re ults in various psychological conditions that are ber weekend ~ her A_ •• '__ Ann Campbell and Mrs. TELEPHONE 62-R . . . t ' gu Olara Starke visited- Miss Campbell' detrImental to hIS advance men . Lucille and Darts Reeder of Center- slste Mrs Nt k Ev la d t h . v1ll ' r, . c e n a er J<'irst, he is ashamed: Second, he feels out of place being e. ' co~t.ry h ~e at New Vienna. on as oeiated with younger students. Third, he loses interest Wefutt!sdaY· Aug. 28. .m BC h i d d II f d t f th . t H ' FROM LEXINGTON, KENTUCKY OptometrI'c Ey e S pec18 . list 00 an s:ra ua . y a es. ou 0 epIC ure, e IS Mr, and Mrs. WUllam H06k1ns of ATTENDs STATE FAIR . . condemned to hve a hfe of misery because he lacks the UX1ngton. KY. were <:allers at <the Mr. andMrs j Herbert MeM1llar. 26 South. Detroit Street , necessary education with Which to .forge ahead and be home' a; Mr, and~. Ray, MIJIlous attended >the State Fair a.t ColumibUs XENIA, QHIO successful. nis' ~~ group of ~uden~s in tiur schools ~ho ~~. . _·~___o_n_~~~~Y~O~f~~~~~~~~'_~~~~.:':':.~i~.:.~~~,:.~:.:.~~~ should p~ve special consideration. They should have stm.' cial training. They should be guided in the proper psychological channels. Many Who have beep, and many who will be miserable failures in school .work could be reclaimed to ad~ance and graduate w:ith g09d grades if they were' given the proper' chance. . . It is 'somethi~g to thi~k about, something to be brought to the poin~ of suc~~ssful pperation. In all schools instead Many y:ears ago, a French. p,hlIosopher said ... "There of the few 'w d dOl have a plan d.ev~sed to help backward is llle:>thiJig. permanent in' this world-BUT-CHANGES'," • students. Ou~ . o.wn community has this probl~m, all other ;Perhaps the statement may so'u nd" som~what paradoxical, commun~tie8 have ' it. The saf~st and surest way to over- . bu,t ap~arently, i~ i,s a truth, verY well said. come the difficulty is to. start at hO.m e. Let each school . The .War .is pow oirei~. Rati9ning has practicalbr been solve its own problem. The 'situation .as a whole will then dlscontinutd .,and many oth~r .changes have taken place. gradually clear up. Let's devis~ some method to give the Our ' Son, recently honQrably disch~rge'<l from the Army, "backward" Student a ' better chance I did his ~'est to ·do his duty. My wife a.n d I sfuck to our pos~s, long and, wearisome hours, in trying t9 do 9ur bit: , in our w.a.y, consequently we find ourselves somewhat .wd.t·n and would.. like to sloW. down slig-htlr, f~r the. time being'. . - "" t , :.li t ~., .'L . :J :' ' .. ......~., ., i-• .6.~ --'-I , ........- '· ·,i -"....,..,--"-,,,.-'., , LICENSED REAL ESTATE BROKER ~~Ye , have .: so)~ ~ul' RETAIL MEAT MAnR~':r'; M~iri £ztreet, WaynesVfIl&, Ohio. to M~. Carl Lacy. We find that AUCTIONEER - INSURANCE M.r." Lacy .i8·.a very fine man, and we do hope that the .Phone 2851 WAYNESVILLE, OHIO Waynesville ·folks will ~ve Mr~ Lacy their wholehearted ' support. . . We have built · this ~':lsines8, ~arting very small, to a very active pla'c e, BECAUSE YOU and .many oth*s pa. trpnize~ us·. For which we SINC~RELY: Thank' you. ~6 DOUBT' yie have' mad'e many mi.s takes and perhaps coulld have seryed ·~ou Iletier .a t times, but we kn~w, within ourselves, that our prImary objective was to- please you., and to serve you with value received merchandise. The~e .~re ;MANY, very, very ni~e People in WaynesBSTABr.J8ID!D 1m ville and vicinity. We know the afore-going stateme'n fis a truth, because we have ' had a host o.f them as patrons. : VIr e again. say, we ' appreciate and thank all of you . WUOUIo')
Dr. C. E. Wfi
,Anotlier Change. • •
. The Waynesville National Bank·
.; .,:
MR. and" MRS. EA~ 'COYLE
Miss Esth er Praotlher retumed on Sunday to bh e home of Mr. and Mrs. Herbel't Doster' where she will reSide during the school esslon. Miss , Prather is an Instructor In th flfth grade . Mrs . J esse P enr.ington is reported \ to be satisfactorUy recoveling . at Miami Valey hospHal "from an appendictomy operation pertonned last week. Mr. and Mrs. Maurice Collett and fa mily r eturned to thelr home in New York Olty, Thursday after spending a vaca.tlon at Ilhe Collet t homestead "Hc.le-in -the-Woods." Forty-fIve members of the Friends Gburch assembled at tbe home of Mr. and Mrs. C . D . Oook. Wednes• day evening and feted them with a . surprise party. Mr . and Mrs. Cook are planning to· move from their deligh tful farm hame to their recently purollasedhome in WayneavtUe. BIRTBMr. and Mrs.
Euge~e Snodgrass of F.ranklln are announcing t he birth of a six pound doughter, K aren SUe. born Saturday evening a t a. Middletown hQSpttal. The m. terral grandparents are Mr . IUld Mrs . Ben Beckett of 'Harveysburg., Rev. C. L. Wamsley and family have returned from a vacation in Canada. He resumed prea.ch1ng services In the Met hodist Ohurch h ere,
MI!IS8r8. Lawrence JaCObs, I)a.vtd Morgan and ~ Davis returned home Sunday ~ a dellghtful va.cation in .Canada . . <Mr. and Mrs. W . O. Brown re,turne4 00 their home Sun~y folloWing 6 week vacat10n at St.
WaIking should be done only walked behind me and paused a. PROBATE COURT The sale of real .estate belonging early in the morning or when the moment. My ·forema n said I w heat of the day is past. Swimming one of the m ost economical em- t o the esta<te ot Sigmund P1ast. is fine summer exercise flor the ployes. He told the maintalnence Loveland, ordered. ~og and he should be permitted James W. Stokes was muned to to go in the water as much as he man he wouldn't have to put any likes: air hose on my ma.chine. I furr:ish ·admlnister the estate of Florence G . House pets generally display an tha.t equipment my elf. Most a.n _ Stokes with G ; F . Brown, John , y Goddard and J . R . Law na med to Summer's sweltermg days can unerring instinct for locatmg the be made more bearable for Tow- cpo lest spot in the building to lie time how I II be promoted t.o a n appraise the estate . . ser if his owner will carry out a in when the thermometer .oars, office Job- c1ean.lng the aili trays, The court found the net value of few simple health rules for his but the dog that is tied out-doors and spitoons. and dusting the type- the estat.e of Adolphus Ast. Lebapet's comfort and well-being, ob- is helpless and care should be r:OIL to be $7, serves the Gain es Dog Research taken that he is not left without writers . M y forema n also said I did Center, New York City. shelter ' from the sun. An ideal lo- more tha n r equlred of me- like t le Heat is more discomforting to ca tion for the out-door dog house other day wh en I was sweeping the REAL ESTATE dogs than it is to humans, it states. is under a large shade tree. If natFirst. because of the dog's year- ural shade is lacking, a wooden sun off ·the main-walk . This was TRANSFERS Ada E . Hoppe t.:." R.obel't and round fur coat ; and, second. be- platform on legs about 18 inches kind of a shady Joke. wasn 't It? Bernice Hallam , .34 acre 10 cause qogs do not perspire all over off the ground, beneath which the " their bodies but only through the dog can crawl. will prove satis- R eceiving such lovely pictorial Deellfield twp . William C . Ficke to George and tongue. nose and the pads of the factory. scenes of Colorado state from Goo- Louise Frodge, 11 I . 44 acres in feet, Through hot spells it is partic- rge ar.d "Suste" Waterhouse and Warren and ClernlOnt count1es . ularly important that the dog have ac<:ess at all times U:) cool. hearing "Susie's" own graphic desGlenn and Margaret Hashe to clean water. When dogs are ~ied crtpt10ft of their recent trip ma.ke3 Lubber and Llnnle PhUUps. two outdoors the . water .bowl should parcels In Harlan twp. be placed so that the movement me feel as if I had actually accomC. O. and Letha Henderson to of the dog's chain will not over- panied them. George, sometime I turn ·it. Ca re should also be taken wan t you to tell me all abOut Pike's Henry, Ethyl and Norma.n Allard. 13 . 41 acres in Union twp. that the sun does not strilte the dish, making the water W\irrn and Peak. 'Suste' told me a little of tile unpalatable. Ice-water should .lnslde dope but that isn.'t qutte never be ~iyen to dogs-it will enough. cause agoD1ZlOg cramps . • • • The old-fashioned sunuiler CllSIt was apleasure to meet 'Susie's' tom of clipping long-haired breeds' COl1ts close to the s:k in is friends. (deUghtful as she) Nancy now frowned upon. The dog is Wooley a.r.d Bonnie Drake. The" ~ usually made miserable bl~cause ladies h ave thtt tl'lree V'~ vivacity, ' insects can reach his skin more SWlmmin, .. fine .anuner exerelee ~asily through the short hair. Nat- vim and vigor. . • . • for dOl' a. for baman.. t groom' ura 1 s h eddin g a nd f requen Her dress was very pretty con- The 'home-Uke surroundings of our Heat · makes dogs languid, and ings with comb and brush to rethey do not -expend the energy move the dead under-coat will sider1ng the shape it's on. Funeral Home ha ve caUSed mucn during hot weather which makes adequately prepare long -haired • • • favorable comment- it is open !or generous mealS a requirement dogs for summer. That man Is so stingy he took the during periods of gre~ter activity. If it is necessary that a ~log be spring·.out of his car so it wauldn't inspection at any time . A reduced. though w·e ll-balan.ced left in a parked automobile. the food intake. is therefore in order. car windows should be left partly give. . • • • Restricted feed ing will also reduce open, and. if at .all pos3ible, the the danger of hot weather akin car left in the shade. The irllterior . I ve heard many different things ailments. of an automObile left standing in your.gsters have remarked> upon Violent exercises, playing ball the summer sUn with closed win- their first da y of school. One child or "rough-housing,' are poor bot do~'8 in a very short time takes went gladly t he first day but the weather pastimes for the dog and on the temperature of an OIven~ should be especially avoided dur- hot en~)\jgh to cause acute discom- next momtng she refused to go. Being the hours the sun , is liigh. fort, it not suffocation. 1ng asked why she told 'her mother Telephone 2291 ....;;;..--------~-...;;...;~--:...------------ Clhat the teacher didn't invite her were guests of friends and relat ives "the birth of twin grandchUdren." back. But Harleane gave the answer 11'\ Dayton, Sunday. In fact, Ne.ll1e is going hog willd over to the sixty-four dollar question. She aaug.bter Jac!Ue's new guineaL pigs. told her mother 'She thought she The new add1·tlons to the family would like sChOOl U she knew how ha\'e .1*e'1 na.med Ll\d ~ndl Lassie. to read. atUl write.
• • •
"Hunkey ·1 saYS he thinks Klm1lKasch mu..<1t lISt h1re cr~people,
Mr. Herbert ~r attended .the Last week. Neme: genial. waitress and m winder, I have the best · job auto races at W1nChester. Ind., Sun- ,at the ~te F1ront Caleter1a., was out there. Well. I (10. I got a raJae day. \ boasting over. what she ·t enns last w~ when Mudred Johnson Mrs. George ' Waterhouse. Mrs: - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Drake and Mrs. Nancy
Wooley day>
or 'Wa.ynesv1lle
were SaturgUests of Mrs: Lou1.se 'F1te and
Among thoee from here whO attended the State Fair tn: COlumbus l&&t week were Mrs. ·A. S. Collett and lIOn Robert and Mr. ar.d Mrs . Charles Doster. Mrs. Herbert Doster was the ThUrSc\ay gue8t of her ' ·soro.in-1aw ~ 'daughter Mr. abd Mrs. Harry 0Une Jr. acd daUib~r, oeral~ ~(OoiumbUS. , . '/. 1,' I Mr . and. Mrs: Ralph ' ~arlt and family tetlirned to <their h~ after a:tour of the southere united States. Mf. and. Mr8 ~ Joe Davta of Lebe.non and 'daUghter M1s.s Virginia of Dayton called on frl~n~ '" H~eys-
bur1r Monday.
at Belcher'• .Sonoco StatiOn- 'Phone
'W hen lChool was ~ '1'uea~· two new teacbeI's wlll baVe been Add«i to' the faculty. ,Charles Elmer $..irr has ,been .enga.gedf physical ·educatlon 'director and Mrs. Edna ';Bogan will ' be, head · of the ' mustcal ~ent. Mrs" 'Bogan, tile former ~ .Edna 'Compton, taUght here .aeveml )'eUs qo. ' Mr. and Mrs. OllftOrdJ· Doster and c1auabter returned home Saturday from Plorlda, N. Y. where they ,Were' the guestS of Mrs. Doetef's parents.. . . M:r. ' D-neat O1l1l8mwtll arriye ' to be the guest.·or his'· . S6tUrda " ~~~ Mi-~ and' ~. W1ll1am auJIaiD. Ill!'. wife Mal 'chndrelllW111 Join • i . ( , tWn ,the ~ week. ' . . M:r • . anel xn. . Charles We_l .
............... _ ......... _............ ............. ,...., ................ fOIl . I'0Il WIU' ClOP
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. . . , . . , . . . . ...........1Iy. See
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TIlE l\ilAl\1J GAZETTE - Pace 6 WAYNESVlLLE omo- NO . ~80 , THURSD ..\.y, S'EP'I'EMBER 5, 19t6
Mighty Fitlin ' - T~ose Old·
Time Tomato Preserves FRIENDS
METHODIST CHURCH B. B. Coleman. lIrIJDkter SUNDAY SCHOOL 1iI:30 Mrs. Raymond Connu, WORSHTP SERVIOE 10:30 YOUTH FELLOWSHIP Thun;da.y, , 7 :30 CHOIR PRAO'I'IOE ' Wednesday, 7:30
A. M.
Fir Day School - 9 :30 am. Me!!'ting for Worship--lO :30 a.m .
supt. 'A. M.
Father Kramhol&a. PrteIt Mass Sunday 9:00 a.m. p. m. P.)04.
each , Sunda y at. 7 :00 pm. for all y.oUllg people c.f High School age and
.. .
EVENING WORSHIP . SERVICE 8:00 a .m. Holy COmmunion and at 8:00 p.m. each Sunday evening . Sermon. The Rev. S . Hughes You will tnjoy singing t he Goopel Garvin , Church .of the Ascension . ~ and the ~ble preaching.
-Pboto Cowteay 8.11 Bto•. Co.
"How dear to my heart are the scenes of my childhobd!" • • • Memories of old oaken buckets belong to a vanishing generaBIBLE STUDY CLAS each Wedlion but almost everybody has fond recollections of the favornesday evening at .7:15, preceding ite loods of his childhood. Every year a good many people prayer meeting. Oome 'for this class write Gladys Kirnbrough. Home Servlce Director for Ball ~nd stay for the worship service. Brothers Company. manufacturer of fruit jars. requesting a • • • recipe for pickles or' p,reserves "like my mot.her or grandPRAYER I\fEETlNG each Wed- mother used to make. '
N:lddletown. I 9:00 a.m. Holy Baptism. 9:30 a.m. Church. School 11:00 am. Mon>Jng 'Prayer and Sermon, Samuel N. Keys. 1 :00 p.m. Parlsb PionJc.
nesday evening at 8:00 p .m . Bring All Old Favorite • ~our Bible and, your family and A recipe popular a half century worship with us. ago appeared in an early edltlon 1'. II. 8earff.......... of the BaD Blue Boclk. It reads: 1J3uDda7 stboaI ..:.. .:10 .. II. ''To every pound of 100all yellow B. A. 1IuDbart, ~ AN EVANGELISTIC MEETING tomatoel allow one pc)und of sugar. Worablp ..me. - 10:10 A. M. began at the Gl'ape Grove OhUroh pUt the tomatoel and lugar togeth!tItDIna' IInIce - '1:10 P, M. , lOt abrlst, sa miles r.orth"ooat of er and to every leven pounds of Je.mes.bawn, Ohio. last Sunday night .ugar allow the juice 01 three !emFERRY and will continue un 11 Sunday. ons. Let ~tand togelther all night CHURCH of CHRISCbT Sept. 15. Kenneth Noms, m1n1ster, and in then m Orn1n(Tbg dr~in ::es~'~ The Growlq. G~I. ...,.. .~ d..-.l preach I",,,,. ar..d Tony sltup and bo . e rec pe ....--'D'T G'D .. _.... . . I _ _ ~ ... "u..16 ......, u.oe .....11 bow long, b~t 10 minutel Ib~uld ·....--'.10....... OOn) ' ""', a _ .... AUt A · ..... ·t .l~"·I'I" the. "" ~J ....... . . . . . . . . . . . CQ<4:l.~ do.) Put in the tomatoel and 8 im . 10':. a1nglng and 1Dustrat1ng hymns -with. mer for t,>,(enty minutel _after they' pi"..... -..... We .h"ve r~A'ved a boil Rem , ove the tomatge. and _ _h 4 _ 11:00 a .. JD. "'balk " .... ... ""'"" "'A-"~ A.... spectal i, nVltatlo.n .to.attend. anow the sirup to bclll until thick. ~--- ...-....- -'" • ..,.,.. --.. JUlt be10re takina from the ftre. Adult Pra;Y8Z' JIeet1na 7:00 p. m. WE LIVE IN AN AGE add the lemon juice. Put the fruit BveDin8 Ilv~ Sen1ce in the jars and cover with boillDg 'Which thinks that be1r.g lost in sirup. Se'a l imrn.edia1Iely." , 'l:tI p. m· od lpe .- want I .. ' b woods is a new freedom. If a more m ern J'ec .. WhJcb, having made a mess of ed. yOU misbt try: . WAYNESVILLE all CHURCH of CH.RIST c1v111za.tion petulantly c:ries: '''Why 2.~ pounds (peeled) 1m tomatoe. doesr. 't God do. something?" 2~ poundl lugar Bo~ L. VanZIle, MlDIster 2 CUPI water BIble, 8cb001 ':10 a· m. Which, 'because it subtracu; faith. J{. ounce wbole ginger OnmnPmtoo 10:10 .. m. ,m.u1tJpUes fear. 1~ lemon (sliced thin) SelmOn 11:00 a. m. In which men demand education ~ ounce of stick cinnamon 'for their children but 'deaUne discl B II together water sugar lemA BveD1lz& Berv1ce • - "n 0and spices'--for flj'!teen " t • • • 8:00 p. '.m. pUr.e for themselves. m i'nu_es: , t f t time and .rUNiOR ,CHRISTIAN' ENDEAVOR iWhen , desire is deity and Tealiza- , add tomB oes. a ew a a ' ,eaCh Bunday at 7:00 p.m. DoJli't ·mJss tion is frut1llty. I , cook ,~nt.1y un lll lb~ 1 " a loes be· , ' . . come bright and clear, Tben tile\ cho'rt)s singing, the leseons. ~d WhIch seelrs to settle every prob- . ' tbe iFIannel-Graph iPiotures. in the lem . by denYing 'its existence- <the Which puta the h1l~eet premium ''back rOOOl" each Sunday evening. rea.11t¥ of sin. I'Ol' 1nstaooe. on knowledge. but WlleJl 'he gets it.
• • •
M '"
..... _
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~;:::;~=~~ doesn't kI:ow what 00 do wit.ll.. it.
· ll'S' WE'rDING Sh .Corne L. '. Op .
- ,-
- '- -
ELECTRI~- all,d ACETYLlNE : ~ Port.l;ale Equip~en~ NEW FACTORY-MADE FARM WAGONS_ ,
Shop"- Centerville ' 1031 . Re•• Centerville 7485 .
Which seems ,to tbJnk t~t it bas
,Wil»ob boeste of ita unbeUet insteed of ~ ~!d. •
Mr. Paul Johr..s visiWd 'M r'. and
daring W'hSd.t! .' ' belJeYes rEtUKtouS lakers a.l1dI fellow poU~ quilck8•.. but ~ 1taelf too 1nt4~Wgent 10 JW)cept ~ WU'd ' of 000.. lID which .youth bOast. is ha.rtJbOiled When it is merely half-baked, 'WbJWl preJareS ev~~, even for a .~ day" but faila to prepare tor eternity. . - 'R .- W. .H oughton
Mrs. Vernon Pursley. Mrs . Olarer.ce
', ,(J ,/) i,J..gtle , ewj ,
is onJ~ dellrJowt.
and family. Y:r. 0e0r'8e Green or ~IUM-~ ouoe "",,:' 0Ih10. a fanner principal of .,nia 8ch-'., caDed on Mr. and ,....., .,.,... iMnI. ,w ilbur Olark 8un~ even1ne. tAmong 1iloae !Who attended the
ar..d Mrs. Biutlett Monee.
• • ~ paUl Turner ,and J?r. ~nd Mm. O. W. suwpe, Sunday; Aug. z ,~ their ~ in o".kW~ . 15:r; a.nd Mrs. WllbUr ' Story of Detnl6t, ~. .spent S6V!era,l cb.ys la8t .' week rwith · Mr. ' and Mrs. Rd)ert Wuscm and Mr. i!.ndt Mk's: ~ 'Dx!lIl-. Other ~ the first of the week were Mrs. ~ N&etJ at St. JJou1s, Mo. at'.c;! Mr . _ and~. 'IIh~ aebel , of Salem. ,
Let us keep !OW' 'faith alive ,by be- . 'Mr. a.nd , Mo. ~orrla Whartoh .~ faitlbful to the ch~ : of IMIamt stJores. Da.yton were SUn- :
One-half. Mile South of Bellbrook on the , Waynesville-Bellbrook Road .
0b:I:1st .
robbed death of its sting by ,t rans-
' .~ thinks 'a ll!E~
8t&te FaJr ~ week at Oolumbus 'WeN: , Mi'. 8Ildt Ms. MUo MUten , .. ber8er ' Mr. and Mrs. D!earth Sheenan and daUghters; Mr. and Mrs. Everett Early,; and Messrs Frank Mllt61;oer,&.e... Le6tw ~ Kenrick 8Ild . :::r • Orvllie &wage . The War/ln's Society of l41'tle Church held tlie Sept,: meeting on WedIlesd,*, of IthJs week a.t rtJhe CO""""'" :D~....rt· -0.'_ , t ...... ,J' home 0#~ '"._ ..... 0 IAV"" .n~; . : • with an ,allda.Y. meeting 8IDd cov~d . dish dllil1er. Devotions were .... Ven eo' by M!r8. Forest G1'aha.m; the topic Prepare for enternity by abOOnd- by Mrs. )Vllbur Clark; and the 1ng the ;Waynesv111e Ohuroh of oommt1ltee aaslstI.ilgi!MnI. Hunt wwe
~, ~~etery in~ a, .'~- . '
Electrical & ~u~omoti'Ve
pour into shaDow pans. cover and let stand over night. Pack the cold tomatoes into hot jars and stram the .irup over them. Process twenty minulll!s at ' simmering. Recipe for Les. So,.r If Y('IU are wondering where you are ,oing to get the sugar, a. who IlIn't, here il your recipe: 2 pounds tomatoes 2 CUPI lugar 2 cups com sirup', light or dark ~ cup water ' 1 lemon 1 .. --all orange u 1 ltick cinnamon 2 piecel ginger root CI whole clove. I,S cup rallins Ule small: ftrm, red. yellow or ,re,n tomatoel. Scald ooe minute. Dip into cold water. skin but do' not bin ir t core: Com e lu,rar, II up, waer, lemon, oraD~e (Iliced .thln) and Ipices. and sQnmer 30 rrunutes. Remove Iplces. Add tom'atoel arid boll gently until they ar'! bright and clear. Add r~ilir.l. Cover and let Itand over night. Pack cold tom atoes into bot. fruit jar:a.. Bni! sirup untU thick 'a l honey ' and pL::Jr ov r tomatoes. Process,15 ~Du:te. .t I' immerin,. . "
day dinner ~ests of Mr. and~ . Clyde Wharton and MI' . Ilnd Mrs . Bernard Melloh ar- SOl'l' . . Mrs. Clara Stac y of near SP'1 n g,boro Is making an extended v:1.sit wi th her daughter, Mrs. Leslie ~Y and family. . Mr . and ' Mr . Alfred Wolle of F'rtl,n klln and Mrs. Geol~e LeMna.ll 01 ,Sprlnglboro wel'e Saturda~ nf.t.err.con guests of Mr. and fdrs. WalLer K enrick . Mr. and Ml's . Leon Salisbury of Wa!hlngtor.. C . ·H . were Sunda y e{-enlng ' dinner guests of M rs . Nettie Emrick. Mrs . Forest Graham was nm~ng ihe guests Wednesday of this week when Mrs . OScar Howlar. ent-ertalned a numl>er of classm ates 01 the Lytle school a~ h er ' home in Dayton. Mrs. Margaret Johns and Paul Johns In company with Mrs . Eliza,betlh Smith, M1$ Mary CGck and, Mr. iPalTy 000k d! Waynesville wel'8 entertatr..ed to dinner Sunday at the home 01 Mr . and Mrs. R.alpb LeWis near Mia.m1sburg. . Mil'. ' am Mrs . J . B. Jones and Mrs N We &nr1ck 'accompanied . e ilIO'. and Mrs. TherJe Jones of Waynesville to :the Mon~omery Oowlt¥ iFa,ir, Monday atteIT-OOn and evening . Mk'. and Mn. OeoqJe Alexander of M1artWIburg were Sunday a.ttert:1IIlIaD guest8 Of M:r. and Mrs . LesHe
HORN · BELL8ROOK 86065' -I
R e frigerat or & 'W as'. her Repa,i rin.g . . - , on rarts ALL MAKES AI\I·D TYPES . ORK IS GUAR·A.NTEED OUlt W r. We also ' <1'0 ·8AD.O · and ,PHONO Repair
, . '' e' A ppliande. S tore pay Ph9ne' ,1 U'om ' 2661
.~ . . J , . Across from the Bank , , J . W A Y 'N '~ S ,V I '~ L \ ~ t ", O . ~t !· Q'
All 01 as are lamUlar wi.... ca1aJaee aboa' Wa aDd Utat. Let'• . take Wa qae-"OD: tile 'nroDl'ea..eOo' .,)/ DOmlc 'amUyuse& Ia .Amerlc.' MOuoa.· joa coald · wID Ute JackPOt ' ' prbe for 'Ute correo& aaswer. 11. 8. i . S.VIDI'. BODeli. 0' eoune., OwIier...... '
' '
0'aDdU:,pareel 'S; Sav..... RoDd • ., anp.... ' . o"o,a r Ame~le" 0' , way J.lfe ,~ beeaaae : Amel10au 'boW Utal
"sa"tap BODdlbelp .. baUd.
at. '
beUer• .
armer 'aw.e. Amerlc.... bow u.at 'Uaq ,tel•• ioocl prOM at ... rIM
au to &be ,pr1DcI~. ~" . ' ..' _'_:'"1 O: S.Tr_",D~~
Does anyone know what they a.re ?
Wayne P3rk UD!ier the lights and One week ~ I w~ on the road the recent results of regular gamea Wben we drOve west the wheat In the Senior League are a follc>ws : harvest was. In full swing but on the From a Farm Dla.ry way' back corn ,was idng, that LAST WEEK' SCORES • lOT , from the middle or lUll ~ , east. Hsm-ans 10 - Stuhbs 8 August 22, ' 1946. Eilfht weeks a~ o In the 'dryland wheat country al>ou t Bob's Texaco 6 - . Roxanna. 12 today I sta.rt.ed on m. trip and now half of the land wa.s lylng fallow Ford-Fergus.oc 2 - .Millers· Re~ !;. 1 , I am home sgain an d tl'ying to In prepa,'l'at1cm for !all pl a nting Springboro 8 - Fai:rley 2 oheck. up and see wllere I stand 'I'hey leave the ground PI~wed o~ GEORGE S. BEN SON nd what to d!> next. Eight weeks llsted all summer . After ea'ch rain COl\1ING GAME Pruid(III-j(arilI1l9 Coflfl' is a long time. The co.Jves have they have to go ou L and disk it so Friday nJght, Sept. 6 at 8 :00 p.-m. Slarrl/. Arla/lsas grown 0 that I have to be told that it will be cov red with a dust Ford-FerguS()r., V5 Miamisburg SCHEDULE Whi~h Ls which. The bOY~ have mulch t o hold the moisture . The Partnership gro\\ n too but not t,hat muc . lister leaves rows .of holes to catch Sept. 8- Sp. Valley at Wa.ynesville Sunday night Sept.. 8 at 8:00 p.m. Diii you ever have a jbint checkWe a re busy mowlnlf th pa t un' the rain and hold It where it will Sept. 15-Waynesville at Wilmington _Springboro Vs Middletown lng account with somebody? They and cutting weeds around t;he ,house, do the most good. G<>lng wes.t I was Sept. 22-8. Lebanon a t WaY'sv1lle Bunda,Y. Sept. 15 2 :00 pm. can be llandy things sometimes. So trying to make the place look as surprised to see young corn coming Sep t. 2(}-<Waynesvllle a t Xenia Old Man's Game. ~r 40 years can a tin of gasoline in the base- though some one lives here . School up along the bottom of di tc~hes alment, but both are extremely dan- \\'111 begin next week so thi! boys are most a foot deep. I found they The Sellior League of the Wayne • gerous. All parties concerned must trying to make a little extra money pianted it tha t way to hold mo ture Township Po9t of th e American of necessity, have a co-operative and I am trying to get a few extra and then' with cultlvatlon thl~ ditchunderstanding about bow a joint J b d Legion drOpped two games this pa.st d checking account to be used, how 0 s one. . t em as a,re filled In. ~el'e Ls not much week: and landed In third lace In fast and for what purposes. OtherSch ool time a.galn , It doesnl _Be corn grown now on the dry land as til Le On p PROCEEDINGS wise, one party's error might cause possible . 'It seems only yesterday they have found the grain sorgums e a-gue. Sunday they lost to the other one trouble, no end. It \1;' as Just letting out. Tha t i ' more profitable . CedarvUle 4 to 3 a nd on Lal>or Day Custody of children granted Mrs. w'h at eight weeks tnke,n out of a _ 'to South Lebanon 8 to 3. Eva Shookey In a modification of I knew a man once who had a sumnl"r does . 'A summer w'ith no Much of the wheat stubble tha. t "" former order in th1! suit or Mayme . t checkin g accoun t WI·th h'1S son, Hh"eshing j om no blackbe ....... plckin"', no has not already been plo,wed up will who was a minor. ' The father didn't ,.. . . . , •• or "" b Ih I tee h t The Wa.yr.ettes. Legion sponsored Long vs Daniel Long. . . thl hayln~- It doesn 't seem as though soon e green w '" . vo un r \V ea girls team. also fared b~ " ly in their Judgment for S813.48 gran ted the d epos,·t a11 bl s money m sac- -here- had been any summer nt. all . which will be pas Oured thLs: winter ..... count. He (tldn't use It at all, in . . . games last week. with a 100& to LebaDnn-CUlzens National Bank In fact. It was just his way of guiding No blackberry jelly either but then then plowed ul~er In ~h ,;prlng Maderla of 33 to 6 at Madetia Sun- )1;5 cognoVit a'ctlon against Han and his son'. early efforts to balance I pr<ibably wouldn·t 'h ave had sugar and the land left falow [ 11.>1' next d d . 29 Grace Alderton. accounts and use m oney wisely. The for it anyway. Vacation trips are year's planting. ay an a to 4 loss to Mader1a. A divorce and! restom tlon of maddIdea was to teach the bOy to dlstin- nice but thin gs pUe up so Or IfO unAl!alfa and other hay Ls stacked at the local diamond on FrIday en name granted Ella Mae Henry In great stacks and most :P! It is evening. In her suit aga.1nst l'Ted Henry. gulsb between Investing and just done. plain spending of money. F1riday . The Grange Picnic was fed rl--t there f~om long bunkers Lee Hallerman was granted a & I o lnt A CCOUD t 6" TheLocal Legion team schedules judgment of $193 . 46 in his $lIt held this evening at Smith's picnic; built along one side of 'the stack. , I wish aU taXPllyers In the United ground and was a great success. Highwa,y 36 goes from Indlan- double-header with Spring Valley against Robert Bruer. State. could realize that they have Too bad so many of our younger apolLs through Decatur and Spring- on the local diamond Sunday. Sept. A writ of partit ion w~ ordered 10 the suit of Pa uline McLaughlin a joint checking account wJth Uncle newer G rangers were not there . {leld. Ill. across t he Mlssis-!ppl at 8 at 1:30 p.m . Sam. Moreover. I wJsh they might , Thts year instead of eaoh one brlng- Hannibal, aoross MLssot*'i to St. ' against Harris Hs.rshbarger, et al_ ·suddenly tq theis tact Helen Stol'er was granted a dI~verythingwak~ theyup.have in that thi'l Ing a basket the supper was In JosePh.' t hen the .length of Kansas joint account. U Uncle Sam's stubs charge (If the Hom!l Economics and . half way ,across OOlo:rado· to vorce from Turiner Storer on her are not balanced, or if Uncle Sam's COmmittee for the benefit of the Denver. You leave the taU corn cbarge. cbecks are not all numbered; Mr. &e1l0'larshtp fund: It worked! ver): country al>ou t the middle c~f Kan- Despite <the elCt~y cool evenJ.np Oharles Vandel'brlnk was graJll!.ed Taxpayer is certajn to have to m~ well a nd -everyone had a good sup- sa.s and from there on It. is whi!M t he softball schedule continues at a divorce on his cross petlton etc a . suit rued by Irene K . Vanderbrink. It good peK:sonally when lometh~g -per at a reasonable cost-. I ~ ' wa and range country. that country of \ "bounces." ' served cafeteria, style, sandwiches. the w1de open spaces tlley sing so as though food prices could stay so He charged neglect. Oustody of Government can alsess taxe. to welners and hamburgers ' were ten much about . There are usually a h1gh In tpe _face of aU <that pro- ,t heir minor child was awarded the the amount of what government and t1tteen cents and each h elping few ranch houses In sight but the ductlon even though wages are mother except during the summer needll, or thinks It needa. and that'a of saJad. corn, fr uLt , cook! and spa.ces bebWeen are wide an d they high. I don't seem to be able to months. a m.a ttei Of judgment. During the coffee cost a nlckle . I t was fUll to look very small Md lonesome. understand It all- but I do. know A right to file answer to amended. war oUr executive. spent money see OW' Worthy Grange Ma ter act- There are trees around most of the that sweet corn is good eating II.lld petition was granted defendatllb in' fallter than it came ln, runnlng Ing 'as e hecker while the pls,tes wen t ranch houSes and In some' of the I wish good eating to all hard work- the suit of Anna.. E; . Hal'tley ve the 'country's debt to 268 bOOon dol- by and struggUng wl .h Ithe change. 1',l ver botboms ,b ut the rest of It is ing gardeners and farmers. Madge S. Sharp et ILL lars. However wiselynever the debt wu ~-----_iiiiiii____iiiiiii__iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;:::: contracted. it wi11 b~ all7 The average supper cost from thirty prarie grass and saf!e brus'h, some-, .maUer unW government officials five ,to !1tty cents and every (lne had times flat and sometimes rolling. It begin spending less than they col- plent¥ . .It was: .h ard work l or t:ile Is 'beautlful In a. -waY---6lmDSt like TELEPHONES lect froin the people by ' taxation. . oommIttee, but everyone else had it looking at It he - sea, with ootblng WAYNESV!UE 1091 aalaDCe the Badpt ' eaSy. I a.fra1d 't he day of picnics but sky and the gray gree& land, MO~OW No. S There ' 1a considerable doUbt with heapl.Qg plabters of fried chick- with only clouds and cloud shadOWil LEBANON Office '73& Whether those who spend and thole en and bhree l~er Cakes is gone, let for variety. There Is a lot OIf it - beSAND and GRAVEL RES. 129L wbo pay have a co-operatlve under- us hope not' forever but this was a. tween Denver ~d eastem Kansas BLACK-TOP DRIVES standlng about their jolnt account. good aub8t1tme and helped the where the corn. begins. Then it is ,Tbey o~~t to see eye-to-eye. Vic- scholarsblp fund. corn and more com all , ~;he way TAR aDd' ROAD OIL tory was cheap, whatever it ~o t In YeSterday the boys l)rought in a. home. com as.,far as ,t he el~e could LAWN aDd FILL DIRT to &bow me. It was a. thick See only broken by fields olf wheat money,. but ~e unpaid . portion still new _ READY-MIX CONCRETE '. ha. to be met. Mpreover theco';'D- round c:ate'rpl1la.r covered with odd stubble, soybeans. gardens, C)rcl1a'l1ds try'. ~~.t economlkta ~lnk now 11 shaped splnea that, at1n4r raise and pastures and alfalfa wnd then EXCAVATING and DUMP TRUCK SERVICE the tlrh,8 to atart payJng of! the debt. a -welt if they! touch your skin. corn. Food for all the world .~ !'a!!r17 . ~...~~~ ,~.~!.eam~.. 'Ibey .were $1pping some of the if it Is only handled l'ight. I~ does • Rec:n'~ I law a- .umma17 of green com leaves and the OMS they seem as thoug:b prices would find a proPOled federal .pendlng for the brought me wet'e all on one leaf proper level without too much . next 12 _m ontha; a work-sheet from Ii8 clale ,t ogetber 8.8 possible and had resuIation if they were given a the lM7 ' budget. curren~ betna eaten ) J.bout half of ott down ~ , the chanlCe, a. proper level witmout 8ubcon.ldered. Tbl. budget can be bal- mid-rib. , ~ say tiIley . " &. !n sidles 80 that the pe;ople who eat "Fri~dl,. Store" anced al certalrtly- a. ftgure. can la8t year and were ~ bJI t.bem tile food 'w ere paying for 1t instead be depended upon to tell the truth. but neVer 6&" so 1J18.IW in &. bunch .. of the tax payen. It doesn't ~m
Legion Senior Baseball
ew ,
Sen.·or Softball
Armitage &Son
It !!1!l1.0f_ ~~ CJ! ~5l 1
'dollaTa to com~ fropl 31.5 blWon Of ' revehu~~t U 'bUllon 'd()llar. tq; the red. Such '. ~.e need not at.t. '. - . st.~ la .... B,,1t ,- , ~ '!be ct'e6clt can. be ~.et two or ttii'ie ~e. by economy. Most of the expense Items can be deftated . lome. Such obU.atlon. a. .ocial PCNl'l~. veteranl'. bebeAu, retunda .and ·the ln~relt on. pllbUc d~bt are . fWId. Tbey C:lln't be cut... But th,ere _ are 'aeven other general classiflcil' 'tiona at expense. that ougbt to be .deBated, about 50 per cent, ,all, told. i , 'u thia over:Jran ~an ·. »>e a"ol,d ed ·ilrll • dut)-. . , '. . \ :PJ:'oposed. exp8n.es that ought to Ibe !lowered _ate these: ' FIGURES IN BILLJONS Wuna .,411M Be 0'" Pro. ;Natlonal defense -$16.0 '!Intemationa\ dnance 1.7 lA1ib.to ' alrtcu1\~e 0.1f . General public worla 1.1 I Gen'Nl .gov~rnment . 1.6 Syp~'L, appropriJti,o~ , 0.9 : pfopo.l!ld!-l'egllllatl~n 1.5
9s '12 .WOOL'1lUGS
LAMPS (Floor and T,ble)
Tran$portation Lines
STUDIO COUCHf:S (Fully Sprinl Filled)
From EATON -straight through GERMAN. tOWN, FRANKLlN a~d WA YNESVlliE to ,WILMINGTON. .
.'. . '.'.'.
Complete schedule will be available in a few days. -
STOVES -UC~mplete Hom. Fumiahera"
"Eut MaiD Street at Whiteman"
THE MIAl\U GAZE'I'TE - Pac'e & WAYNE VILLE om~ NO . 4280 -.71.ie/t.d~ ....H-ofne "It Is neOl.'ssMY'tO insist ~t th e THURsDAY. 'SEPTEMBER 5. 1946 mora,l tl.C hlevem n eo! individual . ML~ Ruth and EI1znbeth Ohrul- goodwill Is not ~ substlrtute f or tJle
C"lA35'1fl ED
For Reflnanc1n, _ Rebuilding _ Buying. 4% Farm loans with long ~e to pay. Pay part or all any =ANON NAT'I. FARM LOA.~ <A88'N., Ellis H. sturm. Seo>y'l'rea:8~ Lebanon, Oblo. Phone 448
-R-.-a-I-E..:...-ta-te-F-o-r-S-.-I-e----IP YOU HAVE A PROPERTY OR FARM TO SELL oall or Write Don Henderson, TeL Ja!l344e. 617 Lorain Ave., Dayton, Ohio. tfc FOR SALE- ABOUT H!! AORES. w.itb good two-story bu1ld1ng. in
30 AORES. LARGE LOG BUNOAIlow, f~ed, dr~led well. 'Woods, $4750.00. Shown by appointment. Clo6edl SUnday&. WILBUR N. SEA:RB-P-hone ,2651
... I
niecha.nlsm of social con trol. I t may perfect and PrttY. but i t cannot create ba.s1c ju stice. Basic justice in any .socIety. depends upon the r~t organization If man's dommon labor . . . no moral idealism can overcome a basic moobanlcaJ defect inthe socla.l'structure . . . 'A pro!oun~ religion . . . CBtImot afford W d1Smlse the problem or justice or .
FOR SALE - BLUE OONOORD 01 her nephew Mr. Emest Martin in Grapes ; Yellow Onians. Parry~. Cook. Main St.. 95 Miss Elizabeth Oha:ndler with Mrs . L. W . Ohandler and MisS Gertrude R>R SALE - 600 SAWED OAK Chandler spent Saturday In Ds.yt~n . Tobaooo sticks. Ralph Huston. ~s NeUe MoKa.y of Xenia was Rt. 1. Wa.ynesville. Phone Spring a dinner guest on Sunday of her Valley 37397. 919c aUIl!t Mrs. EvaJyn Peterson. FOR SALE- wn..LIAMSON HOT- Dr'. Dud ley KeeveJr of OentervUle Ai.r Plpeless Furnace. Call Vern was a guest at dinner on S un.da.y. Simpson. Phone 2098. 915 Mr. and' Mrs. L . W. ObaruUer ' . ar.d M1ss Ge1"l4'ude Oharll(tler were FOR SALE _ OANNING TOMA- dinn~' guests of Misse RUJt!h and toes. $1.25 bu. Furnish' own con- Ellz.a.beth Chandler S,!day tainers. A. O . Alabaugh, on Bell- Nr " and Mrs H~mer Ol~k nep~ brook Road at Oroesw1ck. 95c Ollve fRDberts) Of Los Angeles. Cal. stepped in Waynesville Monday to VSED CLOTHINGcall on Miss Minr..1e Dodson and
tl tra.nscer.d it by prematlJlre a pe peaJs to the goOOwill or inddviduals . . . mo1'8J PUl'P06e must become incorporated in adequate 500tal -BZVlB8. ~ - - MAIJI ,, ' meohan1.&ms 1! it is not to be frus!'Wpholle 4 5 4 trated and corrupted." Char... XENIA. O. -Reinhold Niebuhr 'Z. O. BUCDstD, UfO. "An Interpretation ' of Ohrlsti8Jll mucs." 1937-pp. 192-3. "In ~ politically sed ec1nomically interdependent but sb'ife-rtdTo .a.l 1946 U. S . foOd production den world is it not log1caJ to ask wbet.her rellglon could not agg.1.n is expected to be 33 per cent • a' UIltiying force as of old. : : the .average in r 0nsUJD but tlUs time on a scale to cnoom- 1ncreasCe<t I 4· 'per ", ... oncen }let s leap as nee prewllt P8S6 the.~Ole earth?" vears. - ....e Earth ~e Oountry·' Emer1c SUa _ ••_._......... : -.....................- . ........_ -
Hog_hold Good. -
W AN'rtD- MISC. PAlRtT TIME WORK by capable. intelligent h)gh school aUl or excellent cbara.cter. Phone 2901. 95
8 JM!OpJe),;
Announcing a brand' new of personal items including personalized napkins, coas~ers, matches, cards, ' cut-o'ut stationerY. bridge tallies" guest to~el s" person1a l lab.els. anyone, ~ MU1'Ph1, ' Bural , Come in an see these neW Route 1Nlo. 1. Wayr.esv1lle, 0: J(on items and new ideas. St. 73) t. Reasonably priced. , DAVISSON PRESS !'OR SAUl- SO~ O.M:i' BUFPhoae 2143
pip ~t bave deformttlea, or that
.,.. tGo weak to IUl'Vive. It alIo
ca\l.lu many breeding fa1lUl'U. .
old enemy ot the eatUe raiser, a "cousin" of blucellosla, 11 now rearing ita head in the nation'. hOG lots. IUld e.ppea~ 10 be a growAn
The lWiDe railer \VIlo , wan~ to lU tu~ pra1l~, lIhoyld
prot~t "
th...efore take dectatve .tepa to it'.. alr"", III hlI herd; or to · p"vmt ita 'uterif the herd II IW1 clean. Two pla,u of brUcellom 'rontrol a,. 6eneira111 recioDUaeD4ed by veterinartaDl. Jl'trlt, the herd ilhoUld be . blooa·te.ted, . to de, termine wbether brucello.. II p1'eIeDt. U the berd I• • a coinmercial one, ~d brue,uoala 11 found, It is recOlllDlended that the en~ b~, ltook ' ~ lent to , llau,hter, aDd tba~ ~ owner ltart .out ,with treah. clean Itock. It the hWd II pure-bred. where- the ~p \lJ;ucelloA if
• NOtkle
'SACCO'Brand ,
' giveO
that P<18t
:Kenneth HOUi~ whose Qf:lte addreM is WaynesvIDe. Ohio, h88 ~n duly aplJOllnted as Ejxecutor at ·t he EBt8Ite ot' ISIidota Ward· late at Walftll Oounty. · Ohio, dIeoea8ed . Dated this ZInd day Or Aug1,JSt' 1M6. "'. " Ralph ,lB . . carey Judie Of tale ~ COUrt Wuren 00Dnty, 0IU0 Stenle)' a:Ddst.a.nJey; Alt.tya. ' , ~)2
of .losse,s
DIdoI!I 1,_
Unllke cattle ' bruc~OI1I, ~e ' brueelloN 11 a lIJ!DU) ~. ' rather lhan a dhleu. bf ln$vlt1uala. '
~ ~e ~aiael'1l
~,. country.
nierefore, herd =qntrol mea.aurea, and herd b 000 telting At, penodic intervals. seem' to be t¥ iHiit t~ ;measUr88 available to ~' ,
of 2-P,IECE ILIVING Pr-iced s~rprisiIigiy. iow
.' . .
JUST RECEIVED a small ~pn~~nment ~f the very scarce 9 s 12 FELT BAsE R\fGS. . Come early for these. \ . ,
,W.... '
;' lairle'y,~\R::~R~
. SWine brucellosis weaents much th. lame prQ'blem among· llwine as It: . CQP1~IOD. d~ among cattle. It ~Ule~ .br~\f I19,WI to ~ose their young. results ~ Ulllborn pl&,s. or
NORRiS Bi~o""'C--K-C-O-.
' ~."u
owner wanta. to pre.lOW bneI1lng lID.., theIi·· the b,..dlDg 'a ntmala Ihould, ,be "Mpegated PIP from • thelDfectecl 'IOWililho~~ ' be weAned " and P1¥ed plean i'fOWicI, pd perloclle blood teat. 'liVen to Weed out ~~ infected anJmali and keep tb,. JleiIt of the young alack clean.
In many' P"&rla !
Once a'g ain it is the time of y;ear to get · your fertilizer while it is still available, W ~ c~~y the famous
~ter i~~5-!9 '
variety of s\J.bJects. All sizes. Labor De.y. . Mofiierately priced. Mirs. Terry and f1r:1end of Dayton ., v1slted Mlsse8 Mame and' Annie The MIamI Gazette. Ph. 2148 Brown. Monday evening .
t able, 4 ' chaks' OoIlIDOletum ~ New fo1d1ng day bedI one ClCIIIlPJete bed. innerspring ' mattreae and -coU spriJl8' New 5dM.wet' ch~ of drawers'New pr. hi-top boots leaJther ,~, s12le 8. Will either ,.sell!lDe ,article,or all to
Ho••, Calve., Sheep, etc.
Ferry and RA!v . ~Llph ~ks and family of Dayton were callers Of
8tove !(coal, new); One ice bIox (75 .lb.); One da:' bed, ( ' . . Y prac new); One c:Uni,ng rocm 1.aj)le (seta
~\ room
Acc:ord1n8 to Size and Condition
S ubmitted by HeJen .MCOoy. BUl· SELL, TRADE, BOIUWW at. 2. WarnesvWe, Oblo USE qAZETTE OLASSIFIED ADS
M1sees Maine ar.d Annie Brown on l.MIor Day. . Ntt's. Walter Allen. Mr-'. Lee J er~TING Stove- su1ta~ for a OFFICE EQUIPMENTdan and &on Allen of De.ytpn. M1.58es garage or work shop. O1reu1&tlng HA.LI..MARK TY'PEWiiUTER RIB- Kate and! Olive Elliot of .FelTy and type. ~ trMee and boWl. Ph. 2143 bona now in stock. '!be ,Qazebte. Mr . I.evene fJ'Cllm qma:ha, Neb.
$5.00 $3,00
MiaI;es Ollve and Kate Elliot of
OIXIE-No-Smote ~at1nl beat- W>AIN!l"ED er-holds 100 lb8 coal- perfect o'omu~uaed only one~. One-fOUi"th ,off price. Ph. 2U3.
Semi-modem; garage; %. acre of FOR SALE ~ OmL'S DR1I5SES. MIs6es Mame and Annie Brown. ·crouild. A . ,B. ~ Phone 2743. ' S17Je Junior 9. Gladys Rye, Phone D\Itr8. a..rk is the daughter 01 John 950 RobeI't6 who will be remembered by . 95 2914. ...-._~--:::'_ _ _ _-.,;:.....;.._ _.., _--,...:-_ _ _ _ _........._ _ _ _ the IOlder reQden1s l()f W~esvll1e.
i'PR SALE '.:...
We Pay:~RSES
dier. Anna Meredith 'and Margar t. Edwards were d1lU'_er guests of Miss Minnie Dodson at thE~ Golden Lamb In Lebanon, on Thursday evening. Was. Margaret Edwards ' pent t he weeIt-end at <the home of 'her r.ephFOR SALE-ew. Mr . WIlsOn Edlwards and famFOR 'SALE _ TlMO'IHY SEFID , l1y neal' Springfield. Alf Jordan, R t . 1. Oregonda. 911! Mnl . Geol'g"il1< Mendenhnll J Is spending a few daYls at the home
ret and, Estate Hea 1'Ola (large) ; ANTIQUE Furniture, Walnut tum-top table ; rooking chair: walnut two-<ira'Wer st4lJld. Ohas. O. Cook. Waynesvine. 95
e :. .
. Un WIre aDIW ' AD '.,,: " pniUUoa _ _ II It. 'lieD.. Itrteuy, . . . . . OD ...e~.....D ......~ , In &be --...,. :. '1 l . ,
/ Sem#
"'.t .s.ti.,lei
0:10 ...,... I.e
For ,'oar
DaIIJ . . .et
A can of NuE'n am'el free if this number .9&4 ,corresponds wi'th the 'number on your Twin;'.' Theatre Galendar for SePtember . .. 1946
W~ynes~e' Fbmiture ,i&1\P,6uGe ,CO~ ,
Gibbons' ' Building, North Str.eet, ·' . ,'W~:YNE$VUXE~ 'Oalo ' . ~hone:2422 " .
' .
Th· Mia m,INew Street Lights :1~.IT==~:tJ2 R!S~Yn~~~~:.~~?t~lub Installed Tuesday Ii A ZET T E Fa.irly Familiar by EFFELDEE
School Lunch Prices
sewer.. Th.1s' clesc-up is needed often held its f irst meet1ng of the The Dayton Power nJld Light crew due t() the dra1ns that emp y into Y ar at the Grade bull ding. Frid.a). the gutter on the west side of the Sept . 6. Mrs . Charles LeMay re.ign- was in Wayr.evvUIe on Tu sday of downtO\\on Mea of Main street. ad as ci1ainnal'll of the Finan ce com- this week Ins talling the new I -h ts ~Uh a. 5200.000 disposal sewer mi1itee and a ccepted the position on Main street and adjo1n1ng strce~ immediately east and west . num1ng under the &treet it seems ESTABLISHED 1~ NO. 4281 $1.50 PER YEAR - 5c A COpy as Treasurer for the Club . Five n ew 400 watt ' la mps we'r e quite illbglca.l to h8.ve a co.n1i1tlon The officers or the ccmmg year ofthls kir.d, prevalent in the Village WAYNESVILLE. OHIO munsDAY. SEPTEMBER 12, 1946 are Mrs. M . A. FulKerson. presi- placed or. Ma1n 5treet witlh one new but since it is pre,sent and no action - - -- - - - - - - - - - - -- - - -- - - - - - - - -- dent : Mrs. Herbert Graham. vice- instaUa tion being made in the center of Main stree t .between NIOI'th and seems to be available to oorrect it. REV. R B. CO,LEMAN presiden t ; Mrs. John TurneT, sec~ Miami st reets. OtJ1er llg:h ts BIt t he a.t the preient at least. it is a very RETURNS TO HOME, retanr ; a nd Mrs. Charles LeMay. corners of streets east ar.d west of oommendable act of the Fire Dept. treasurer . Main street in the down to wn area Rev. R . B. COlman. miJnJster if At the butJness session it was de. to.1end their efforts toward the saruwere 1nicrea.sed from 100 watt Ughts tattoo of the Mam Llr.e. tIre Methoddst Church. ret urned to cided to charge 15c for the school to 250 wa tts. This is espec1allr tJ1'U'e since so 1115 home h ere on Friday ever.ing lunches ,this year lnstlead of 12c as This improvement Is a step toward mUM pollo is present in the country A'p preciaUon Countians from G~t h05pital 1n Columbus cherged la1st yeM'. the improveme n t plans of t he Mayor IUld clearilir. 5 is one prerequisite for the efforts 11lread~ expended in where he had been confin ed for Guest speakers for the afternoor. and Counc il ar.d other plans will toward j,t s 00Dtr01. behalf ' of the 1946 Wilming1l.:m several weeks following tw,o major were Mr . 'Raymond Bradd~ supt. beg1n to matel'alize with tJhe avail, College Living Er..dowment campMgn ope~tions. of Wayr.e oownship schools and Mr. abilit y of materials. Just .in case some of you are hav- 'W88 expresred today by Rober t 'Rev . Coleman expresses t.hanks Richa.rd McKnight. principal of the tI:g YGUr hop es bolstered up ,b y the Hadley.chairman or the campaign to ilie members of his church and OnIde building. a.ppearar.ce ot · 0 m nn y n ew cars and, b · Dr . S. A. Wa tson. sident also hjs IllM1Y frier.cIs of th e com-- being transpc'r ted by traller trucks of th: college. The men :;1a.1ned munity for all th e lovely cards and CIVIC CLUB DINNER n t he hlg-hrws ys th~se ~. get tha.t 'C8mpajgn captains and kind deeds done fQr hUn a t this AT GRANGE HALL ..:.-. yourself ready for a b ig let-d~ . 8OlicLtorS here 'h ave a.lready given time. Acoord1n a to ~port from M~yIt is repdrtled 1hat a large percentage ~ Of these tra\< 111n til much ,~ their time t() organize a.nd ST· MARY'S AUXILIARY nard Weltz. secretary, the Waynescan; e. g sou a.re launch the campaign. and that ill Civic 01 unloe.ded a.t Oincinnati wharves several contribut ions were received A T HAWKE HOME v e ub wm hold its regular I At 'the m eeting' Of thC School !lor trMlspOrta,t1or. on river baJ'ges . _ September dinner. meeting at the to New O!'leans for exJ)Ol't to South early in the week. for a successful The Woman's AmcUiary of st . Grange Hall 1n Mondey evening, Board held on M~nday even1l!g, Mr. Ame!1canI oduntr1£6. A ~ issued beginning for the campaigr. whU:h Mary's Episcopal ChUrCh will meet Sept. 16 at 7:00 o·clock. Wade 'I'urIner was 8'P polnibed as the reoeilItly ind1ca.ted thalt 9OlD.e 9000 1& being OOIIlducted th1s week. Of on Friday. i5ept. 13 at 2 :00 p .m. a.t In addltJor.' to the bus1n1ss session Princ1pal of the High School and new cars were exported sinoe July 1. course only a start has been made the thorne of Mtt's. Edi,t h Hawke. the services of a speaker hlwe been ~ 1ns!4-uctlng in the Seventh Grade_ In 60me faollOCr1es wca'lanen are re- and loc~ people a.re urged to give O~ed. He began Ws dut es IOn Monday ot: fusing to a...~ble CIIl'8 tmt are their support to the driv:e here to The speaker engaged. for the thi.s week. ' 6lwted for exporl, . help:the. college reacb the goal of evenmg 's J~ RaJph Carey of tihe The Wayne Township Schoo16 ar~ The reasar... for thU; expcri js V#!!rY $020.000. . . War:ren County Juven>lle COUrt. bein8 operated a.t the present time ' ... _ , . r..'P .,..... For the OODIVenienoe of tboee F'a.rmel'S' O1'ange No 13 will have .l t.h ' ....... p.e. ~ A ce~es do not exist ho wi8h rto . 1r est in the co11 e chairge . \h the IQllow1ng teache rs and in foreign CO~tr1CiS. 'I'h.1s f<;ll'l'llula ~ee center5 bA:e been cieslIn&~ of seJ'Ving ·the dinner. facult.y members acoord1ng to the not only applies t() au~ob1les but in WaJTen 00uDty Where cootribut_ W.S.C.S. MEETING ava1la;ble filfonnatlor. obta1neclby al80 00 oth.oer O()mmodUles tbat are laDs may be left. In Leba.J:lo.n people HuiJberIt Ta.1t. Jr.. Mi~ HAS DATE CHANGED contact wi-th variOU& sources: rlgb1lf1.i1ly the Alm;riCl8lll'fi first 'inay give t1be1r 00Dtr1but10r.. ' to Dtrect.or of WKRC. toda.y announced -;--I:n ,the Gmde Scllpol With Richard oboloe. A tariff should be plac~ on Ooun- Su....-~tendent iRa-"'''~ that the Clnclnnat4 Tlnle&-Star ' The W<ml8D& Sodety or ChriBt- McKnight named as princino'l th exports un'W the Amer10an m;arlret ,"\1' .......... \1"""'" ., ian Sen1ce of the Methodist Church .' ..- . .e Is IIJ.tPPlled with its s.llo~. !Hatftelq; in Waynesv1lle it 18 Draha Company will have Clnc1nl'!atls first have postponed their meeting this First OTade 1& being taUght by Mrs . Drug . Sun; 8lIil Do&ter'~ store in FM Broad-cestmg station?Jl the air month from th 19th to the26th. Ralph Hastings and Mrs. M. F . Barveylburg. ,.'Ib06e who prefer are before Januuy 1. 1947. ThUlIiUlitter ~ luncheon meeting W1ll be !held Weltz; Second Grade. Mr . ,James inVited <to send ~ d1reotJy to the and studlQ of th e r.erw SitatJon- - at this date 1r the Method1..--t Church Hanaock; Seoor.d and 'IlUrd Grades ~ . " .~ ___ • which bas ~ e.,.... fbe.;,.ca.ll baaement robmS. by Mrs . Walter SheMen; , Thi\'d tile .aeventh ~eat' 'of ~e letters Wcrs--will be l0C8ited on · Ol'ade b}" r.uss Vkgtnda Hardin' L1ving Endowment at the college .~ HdgIhland) Aveooe, IIOUtb ~ F'ourth Grade b .... Do t"" DR : During ~ time it has doubled the Dorchester Street. Mt. "Auburn, y ~ ro ' 9 y, •_ supplementary iniX.\lYIe of the college Cincllnr.ati. The bu1ldlng..:.YllUl hs.ve Fourth and Fifth Grade by Rlcbard In keeping w th the S::outing and has made it p::ss ble 1m' the ' space fm' a. Tl'anBD'l4tter Room. McKn1g:hit; Sixth Grade by Mrs . program ,o f a. hike a month TrOOp 1nst1tutloDl to opora, e d urtT-g Che Studio. Visitor's ;Lobby• .Tech.n1cIans' C' ~es EJl¥ey; Seven1lb OTade by . fO held a Treasure Hlu:ot Hike on wa1'lt1Jtle Emerg~mcy w1thout g O'ir.g Offices. ~ooms 1Imd' O1uage. Mrs. W1l1a.rdl Anoorson; Eighth Flriday ~ght AUG . 30 . M its con- into debt. while ma1ntal.ning a. ~r of the station Ls ,to be 15.000 Grade by Mr. Cluu'le.s Ja.m86. elUSion members of ~:r.~, T.noop comple~ 1acl,llity a.nd ~lta.ff. Thus wa.tts arid the freque~YI 96.9 Reports from Ithe state's game In :the Hig.h School J . 'E. crabbe ~ttee a.ppeared! and witJ1 them the school. with the extra income it megacycles. Ir. PM opera.tkm. th1&, prot,eators and oth~ field:me n of the is the in.struotor m Vocational Agri" were three 'h'llge ' watiel"ll'relo:Js' wh1ch alforted, was Sible to meet the ' will give 60Dle 65 miles COV'Elrage 'J.ri Ohio Divi610n of Qmservati~ t.h15 culture; Miss Florence 'Foxbauer in ~ well re:elved by the Scou~s . sta.n.duda of e.ccred1ting 8S5OO1ations all directions. · bla.nke~ area ~ week gives promise or a better-than- Commercial oau.i;sICs; Mrs . K. N. While the SI?:;uts were on the tra.1l al'lld beoame f ully accredited,. :Lt IWaS approximately , 13.700 sq\.I8re miles. average squ\n'el shooting season as Hough. LallIguage and Mn.thema.Ucsi the 'l1roop commUtee met with .the painted out that .the contJ.nued The present "WKRC studd06, in oldt1mers as well as a tew new etump Edwin Payne. Science ' and Ooach' &y',utmfl~r and approved a. plan progress of the COolle.ie enllances the Hotel Alms. as well 88 the Ne'W81"OOm --sitters prepare f~ H-hour on t.he and Mrs Wm. Luker.s. HOme of sendir.e &COUts to the Smoky value '01' 'l/rainWg and degrees W'.oich in 1he C1r.c1n~ti Tlmes-Star. will be ~~~ la.t daybreak Saturday, nom.1c8 . Mlcruntl'l ins on a. e:mtest basis with have been secured, at W1lmdngtor. connected to ,t he new FM trarlSlJ11tter ......,~..,.,. . . t CT ~ free , t-rlps to be given. College. means of a hJgb quality telephone Although the seB.5lOr. is a bit It is report.d that Mrs. Harol~ The requirements are or a. true ' Wit.h the Livin1r En'dowment this line. That will serve two ' purpo6e8. Ehorter. th06e who, de~d on their Stanfield who W88 appointed as Soouting nature. One of which is 'yeU' it hopes to expandllfaoUitles and FirSt. lit wtll er.able the .n4 audience "~llurdaY&-o!f" . fQl' ~he sport. ' will' teaclleT of music Ibas' resigned. . llhat ~ Scout pa.ntic1pate in a-t least '!!he Gazette ·has been. una.ble to tinue the .rapid me.rob iorward to have the new&Ca8t8 ~d it IIV1l1 apprec.la~ the fact that. ,t~ season three overr.1giht ~ of which two Of th-.e past ' few yean; so t hat make the present ~ studt06 includeS three Saturdays opening at contact Mr. . Ra¥nwnd Braddoclc, must i)e 'at, camp Hook. When the WiJmlnI{OOn Colle&e will be pr~d avadlable 'for such addiUc:ma1 bfoad,. d~.brel\)t Se.turday, September 14. aupertn.te~nt. to dete,nnlne the boys were ', giverl tli.e ~uiremients t o P 8-Y an even bigger and bebter casts 88 are practicai rot !!M: ,t;'aD6- an~ ~uing tbr{)ugh a,.turda, 'situation rega.rd1pg the faculty starf tlley aated if ..die ,a.f~oon 0(lIQk,iD$ pa.rt m the ute of W!U'J'eDi Ooun,ty. mJsa1On. • ,' the 28th. The dilily> bag limit IW11l be enrollment. of' the schools. hike . planned f~ ' Sunday. couldln't " , In~oimctng Itbl.s new Serv1.oe, 4•.ar..d the poyess1on ~tf. fOl' both ' be t1lJ'Jlled moo an overnight h1ke RYES RECEIVE PHON'E Mr. 'Th.tt was c8n!ful to pom,t out ~ grey and fox !Squirrel' there ds no ~ and th1.9 was helliI'tily 'approved by, CALL FROM MARINE SON that present radio &eta wUl not bag limit ~ o~d 'seaaon on the aU . receive FUll Broadeast.8 unless little red or 'P M squlrrel.Por tile Mter'h1k1ng about 'three miles int() Mrs. Cl8.rence Rye ~lved a ~g equipped with a speCial PM l!8k.e ~ e1im1na.iJng ' pos61ble tbe the Soollts crooaed a dlsta.nce teleJlhOne call from iller son convertor. Be further stated that oontuaior. in ldentitiC81tion. ,the red e, f.ann 8.nd BOOn .found' t.hem8E-l~e8 in Ohules . Rye of , the Maa1ne Corps anyOl'..e ocmtempla.t1ng the p!lI1'Cba6e squm-el Ja very 61D8ll a.nct is darit a 'VtioodB: IPa.cks ilwere removeCi and '''''ho is nOw in· Chi0880 at:t.er recently of a new radio sbould be sure t.hat it in color with a somewhat yellow or Mil'II. Grace F,;iiCes Slmpson. age abelte2'8. ftIl'e burriedly made 01 returr..ing from duty in China. wae ca.pable of ~v1ng PM 88 well whl,t e belly. 59. died in Lebanon early Tuesda.y at1c1ra and weeds . . After the sb~ He is eXJ)eCted lxlme in a few da~. 88 tIl!I! pre&ent All. -----mom1ng. Sept. 10 artl!lr an Ulr.ese 'Were fW.18hed each Scout p1-epared " of etgbteeIl> montbs duration. , ti4B own~. At 8:1~ acampare ...--- - -- - - - - - - - - - - - , . ; , . - - - - - - - - - - - . Her death OCCUiI'ed the home of -Was lighted and the ~t8: gather two daughters, Mrs. , Edythe Thomp. . abOUt 81ngtng 8QDg8, ihea.r1ng son a.nd Mrs. Kathryn Conley in .armouncementa of t.hiJlp to OOOle, LebarJo:n. She is survived by another a.l'ld iWso eat1r~ a watermelon whicH , daughter Mrs. Viola Rosr;l of Daythe 'I'rOOp comiJiittee :bad senJt The R. and ,.A. 'I'nulsportation t.on; two ~ns. of Waynesville Ap in bed a.t t.en and Tapa were Service st.al'ted tbeir .bUS operation. and Clarence 'of Franklin; and seven' called. Alter the nights .sleep up and , fann. Eaton to ,Wllm1ng.txln. 'I'ue6day gT8.Jldchilclren. at it at 6:00 a. ~ . !Pa.ncak-ee. Of this week. Four l"O\lr-~-trips are Flmer~ serviC'es were conducted oatmeal, bacon. eggs. and, muskbeing made each day with East- today ~t 2:00 pm. at t.he McClure r " mellOn: What a bl'ea:klfastl They J bound ~s due in Wlayne;wille at .F1uneral Home under the direct.1on arrived in town at. 9 :30 noDe t.he 6: 00 am.; 12.45. 5:06, and 10:45 pm. of aev: Le6.l1e 'Rogers or 't.ebanon . . weary fOr Ithe ROOlnson ~ , and west-bound busses ,at 7:35 am.; Interm~mt was made in' Miam1 ~.l6. 6:35 pm. and 12:05 a.m. (mid- Cemetery. 'Bike. night.) The ~y headqual'ters are ENTEBTAnIlS ROUSEGUEST ;, GUESTS OF MRB ;' TBOIL\8 located in Frar.klin and the local Miss Glady Rye b.ac1 as her hOuse . Mr.. and Mn. william T.llclm8a .bus stop is tbIe W~e, bros guest for a !e.w 4&YIt .th1a week MitIs aM d&ug~ were gueste of Mrs. stOre. ShU'Jey Russell of Dayton. . E. L i TbomBB M'obd&.,' ey~.
C0IIege., "Endowment Pays In SerVl·ce ;-;;mm
• • •
Wade 'Turner Named High School Principal
New FM Radl·o Stat·10D At WIRe
' Calls.' Scout Plaos .· ''Smokey'' Tn·pl i For
Sq. ulITeI Season 0pens Sep.t 14
ft ft
or ;the
Mrs.' Grace' S.·mpson
F. ·
ral Here ,T,oday
New Bus Sem·,c'e
Started Tuesday'
RETURNS FROl\1 VI S,T IN CULVER. INDIANA Mrs. M. A. Fulkerson and daugh .. ter Zaa& Mae ret urned Sunda.y night from a weekend visit with t he former's sister Mrs. H. H Harper In CUlver, Ind. While v1s1tin thexe Mrs. Fulkersor.'s nJIece ' Lt Betty Lee Harper c~me 110~e o~ leave after serving with the Nurse's Corps in England. After Lt. Harper return from her leave she will be i d to a new post overseas. ass gne • • ..
A reception Immediately followed the wedding and the guests wer e EervOO. loe cream and cake. The big with a wedd1ng cake minature brlde was and adorned groom.
Thompson-Johns Vows Spoken Miss
Frances Elizabe h Johns of Mr. and Mrs . Ralph Johns of WaYDrsville . and Gene Miltor. T hompson.. son of Mrs . MUdred Thompson of H udson ave .. Dayton and Milton Thompson cf Wilmington. Ohio spoke ,their ma rriage vows on Saturday, Sept. 7 a 4 :30 p.m, at Grace MethodiSt Church 1n Dayton ,,1th Rev. Robert B . F oster offiCiating. . Mrs. Donald Osborn at ended the b ride as matr n of honor. She wore a. gold suit wi th black arce Ol'ies and a. corsage If Tailsman 1'0 es. The bride walked to .the altar in a ' gray suit witJ1 black ac~sol'les and an orehid carsage. [)Qnald Osborn served as best man for Mr. Thompson. Mrs. Johns wore tor her daughtar's wedding a dress of aqua wool wit h black accessories -and a. corsage of pink roses. Mrs. Thompsoll, mother of the brtdegrOOm, was attired 1nt a green crepe dress with which she wore black aooesscrles and ~. corsage of y.e,llow roses. . A dinner was served at.othe Mia.mi ho~l .f ol.low1ng the wedding. The couple will be at home atter Sept. .10 at 17 Eaat Hudson ave .. -DayTton . The br ide 18 . a. graduate of Wayr.,e.wille high school and Ohrtst hospital' school,. of .nursing in 01ndnnat4, • . ~ompson is a. gra.duate of Waynesville h1gh school and w.Ul ~ MJ.am1 umv/fstty "this fall. ~, ~e wU1 if.lte a p'):emed1ca course. He was recen t ly d1sche.rged after serv1r.g 3'1 months in the ,navy .
The guest.s for the wedding were Mr . and Ml,"s . Leo Gen try of Hbrveysl>urg; Mr . and Mrs. Estis Isaacs and ,fa.m1ly of Hamllton; Mi·. and Mrs. Wilbur P owell of Fmnklln; Mr. ar d Mrs. Carl King and family of K1ugs M1lls; Mr . and Mr . Bob S~mps o! West OnrroU ton; Mr . ar.d Mrsl Al!l'ed G en try and Mr . and ¥J'S. Ed Cook of Waynesv1lle ; MI'. and Mrs . Winfoll(! P.()\vell of Fran.klln(; 'Mr . and Mrs . P~rker. Mrs. Nellie Gentry. Mr . and Mrs. , Homer Isaacs. Frances Bl100ks. Henry Isaacs. ~del,e Young and WIlHam Steltenpohl all of Leban on. The-' bride and groom left inurred1at ely after the. ...reception for a short trip to Michlgan and on thelr return they will make their home ill Leba non.
VISIT IN DET ROIT' Mr. and Mrs. George Miller and son visited Mr.s . MiUer's sister, Mrs . G. L. Chaney of Detlroit. Mich ..from saturday lW-t.il Labor Day of last week. Mr. and Mr . MIller brought home thelr aunt. Mr . Daisy <?haney of Hillsboro who had been v1s1Un;;, Mrs. G . L . Chaney. Mrs. Daisy Ohar.ey spent last week with the Millers at their home here.
Sbower. G.Iven Honors
Weds James IParker .
MrS.' Gene Tbompson
' MrS. Gene' Mi ~Thomp.-:on. rt:he fonner France~ Johns was h onored with a. m!acella.neous s hower given by Mrs. Donald Osborn of Waynesv1ile. Wednesday Sept 7 .T he U6t of invited 8'\.l~~ included Miss Doris Netdbamer, Miss Esther wut, Ml8& Wanda Miss Evelyn HobtiUt. Mrs. Betty Lawrence. MIlS. Robert Oebom and< Mrs Mildred Thompson all Of Dayton. ' Mra. John S~ Jr Oenter v1ll~: MlB. ' Matth~w ~ X~: M1s8 Hallel Vint. Miss ~' J~ Rickey. M8 June ·Purdw. Miss Jean HartAIbck. Miss Ruth MIl Johns Miss JaDe .. Ha.rtaock, Mrs. RalPh J ohns and ~. Ra.y Miller. , Mrs . Thclma8 Florence, Mrs. Owen Ha~ Mrs. RObert Berry. Mrs .
=-1eaJ='.8 ~~~=· Mrs. WUl1ar1n 0rv1lJe~,
pl .·M ia Margaret Mr's. ~cia ntua, !.!n. 'Clarence ~ne, , ~ of W'&yn~ 8jIl.d Tracey', 11ft .. Joe 'lb0tJlP!'0ll. Mi'B. Mr . ~ames Richard .Pa.l1r.er or Leb- Paul 0U8tItn. 8IDd Mrs. HarrOld b8anon ' wa& , aolemin1zed Baturday, born. . .~t. 7 at BiOO p.m. at. the home of 'Ibt dlDIng room was beautifully t1ie bride'll ~ts, Mr. anId M:rs. decior&ted m blue and pUik and tile Virgil Iaaac8. H~ Graham the .guesta were served: 10e Cl'e6m, cUe ml$JtIer at Perry Ohuch of Ohriat ~ ooUee. . . t'ead' the sblgle ring ceremany in the The bride received manY' beaUtUul Pl'esellCe Of ~ frl8nd$ and.rrele.- 8Uta. 'lin. 'Ilhompson 'W88 mamed, thee. Mr. and Mh. ~ of Baturdq. Sept. 'I at the 0I'&ce LebarlllOD weM tbe1r only atten&Wta,. Methodist Ohurch in Da.ytxm. The brJde wore a brown. sutt ~th . ' Gft browi1 acceaeori4!l ahel • ' cbry~ ~ACAftON tN MlCBlQAN M!r. Morris FUllter801l ar..d Mr. -.nt.hem~ COI'II8p. Eme8t JIId8!n8ton it WaY'nesv1lle and . Mr. Jack ~ ,Of' Maacow, 0 .. are ~ a · va.ca.tton in Mack..' anaw, MIch. They left SePt. 1 aind wU1 not 'M tiurn for at leaat 8IOOther .\ 'I1he
GUESTS OF PARENTS Mrs. Keith Ashmea(\1 and son DennIs Keith were the guest6 of her parer-tao Mr . and Mm. Will st . J ohn, Sunday. .. . • • ,. G UESTS FR.ol\1 CINCINNATI ' ~. and Mrs . Alva. Thompson ha.d as t:helr Sunday guests Mr . and Mrs. R . W . Murpny and daughter of Cincinnati. ·· • VACATION IN Sl\IOKIES
THE MIAMI GAZETTE - Pace , WAYNESVILLE. omo - NO. 4281 THURSDAY. SEPTEMBER 12 IN6 . _. ' FRIDAY EVENmG GUE TS . Mr. and Mit's. Harry Burnett and daughters were supper guests of Ml"J. E . L. Thomas on Frida.y evening.
L T ' Th etters
Ed' dor-
Mr . and M)'s . Alva. T hompson WaynesvWe. Ohio left Wedr.esday of th1s week for a Dear Slr: week's va.ca't;1on ir. the Smokey When I was a li.l tle g1r1, elgllty MoUtlltalns. • • .. yeM'8 ago, I remember the weekly . visits Of The Miami Gazette into VISIT IN WILMINGTON my fa ther 's h ome. Since bh.ose daMI . and Mrs. J. B . Crabbe and happy days, I have cherished it as a. G ughter RaylYll1 and Mr. and Mrs . loyal friend and do not wish ever to oolenn Borden were Wilmington vis1- be far removed from ils frequent. rs Sunday. message of ,g ood cheer from the ble d home town. So kindly extend my subscription (rom the date of its expiration. Yours With all idnd wishes Delphine Zell Mc01ella11d
ENTERTAINED AT MASON COUNTRY ItOl\1E Mr . .ar.d Mrs. W . E . S troud . Mrs . Irene Aszling, Mrs. I rene Henderson Mrs . Grace Vice and Claude Stroud of Waynesville; Mrs . ' Maude Orane, . Mr . and Mrs . Russell carr and ~ chUdren of Lebanon; In oompany witJ1 otJ1er . rela.tives fl'OOl Dayton DEPENDABLE and West Carl'OHton. were enter~ RADfO SERVICE tained as S unday dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs . H/IITold Str4)Ud of Depen~b111ty 15 a b ig factor in Lebanor. an d Mr . and Mrs. George determining t he succe&; or fa i ure White -o f Mason at t h e beautiful of any ibua1r.ess. · We believe tha.t country heme of the Whites. this is one . reaeson for the steady • • • growth of ours . When you bring VISIT ~ IND~APOLIS your radio in for repairs you can Mr . and Mrs. Earl Hubbell spen t depend on 'us to :see ~at it ~ p ut ,t he weekend in Indhu:~apo1is. Ind., into perfect .....'Cor king con dit.1onl at visiting his Sater 1Uld lamUy. Mr. the lowest possible cost 1X> ¥OU. and Mrs. WUliam. Dra ke . • • •• GUEST FROM R.ID<ilEVlLLE 2 79 4 Mr. anf! Mrs. Milo Beal en tertain- Phone ed the lattter's mother Mrs. Pen'}' Earnhart of Ridgevill.e. 'F riday last.
PEACE OF MIND THROUGH LIFE IN5URAN.CE $100.00 per month for 10 years to ,our famU, if J'OU
do not Uve. SIOO.OO per month for Ule for your:;elf at retirem ent. AD of th ese benefit. In one _ poUey.
GUSTIN Radio.&Television Laboratory
Pbone 171-L
~===;;;========·S · ~~~~,,~~~~~~~~ Ii
& Washer TWIN .lTheatre, Refrigerator Repairing . - Parts I'
·Period SS,
Produced on a Laviah> Scale l . PAULE'ITE ·OODIltARD
, PRlAtNOIS LEDER.1!:8 in
."Diary of a ChUliJel'llaid' witlh HURD HA'l'!'IELD.
. =
iPOP'Ei'E and NEWS ~ ~
'" .. r~>E • I ~c:"') . ~
Da~i:s~one " 'Home Applian~e
StQre . I,
Nite Phone Across from the Bank. . . ':\ 298l WAY N E S V I L·L E, 0 H! O ~
' ~cqtlure JIf~ ~Dla12~11
week • •
' T~Y 'OUR Ho~ogenized ,
• SAND Gerald McWilliams of 8rd Street ' has
acquired o~er~hip of .t he W. B. Squires . gravel pit. located on' Gravel Hin east of Three Bridges. . " PIT RUN GRAVEL AND SAND
'ajnfsYiUe .Btai .Store0 .1111-
~N'j .
,,~nnt8~ " .• r
21 " 25",4
~ ~T Stewart~s llrift-E Markel
THE MIAMI GAZE'I TE - Pace 3 WAD,lESVILLEo omo - NO. 4281 'J'IIU&SDAY. SEPTE l\mER 1~. IH6
Garden, Club Has
Substitute Hostess Mn. Fred Hook of Dayton avenue enterta ined the Waynes ville Qa.rd~ Club for their Septem ber meeting,' '1'1l1-'IU'sday 'afterno on, Sept. 5, as the h~ . Mrs. Oharlee Maurtce was unabie to enteJIta ln them. 'l1be meeting opened at 2:00 p.m . with 1.n's . Evalyn Peterso n, president 10 ch1ll'il1!. The roll call was under the db'eotion ot Miss Olive W11l1ams. acting secretal'Y in the aIl6enoe of Mrs. Jennie Conner and aga.1n
BURD INE GRAN TED SHOR TWAV E LICENSE '- . Walter BurdJ-;;'--Who ' has bCf'n' living a,t the {ann of Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Harlan near Lytl ,was gTacted a license on Aug. 18 by the F'ederal Commu nication Comml s.. lon of W1llShinglon, D . C. to own aud opeNte a short way€. radio stallon 8~d will be reoogn1 zed as W8ZCO . Ma'. Burdine plU'chased ' several a:cres of land adijolnln g the Harlan fant) I;orth of L~'t1e ' and Is buildIng a home !lbere. He has a -0 erected a. 94 foot ower from ?thlch to place messag es 'on the air. VtS1Wn; at t.be radJo station will
find a. most interest ing ar'ray of 1nt;trum ents ar..d' a ready explana~ tJon (if their ulse by t h eir ower.
SPEE DER ARRE STED ; FINED $50 AND COSTS E . C. Mounts of the Farmer s Exchange cf 008hoct on, Ohio, was arrested iby the S~te Highw~ Patrol for speedin g at 60 miles pe!Jt' hour on Route 42 In a truck belongi ng to the
case \\'188 tried In t.he court at Ju..<ttce of the P eace Carmen Crane on Saturda y afierno on and a ftne of $50 and $10 costs was tmpo6ed.
Charles Barbee, dog warden f<or Wa.rren countly has been ordered by Dr. Arch D . Harvey, oounty health oom.mJss1oner. to ~ispose of ooy dog found on school property . This order was given with referenc e to the cases of rabies in the county during the last two m<mt.hs, as a prev-eDtattve m easure or protection. It Is fUTother stated th.at owners of dogs found on school propert y will be subject to nne. t
PHONE NEWS lTEM8 TO 21403 ,or 2910
School !bus inspecti on was ,held In oounty this week with the Waynesv1lle group Inspectt on at 1 :30 p.m. Monday . o ther points in the OOUDty were Inspecte d on Monday , 'Iluesday ar-d Wednesdla~ of th.is week. W~en
One -hall of all U . S , familles which pool member s' earnings 'have less tha,n $500 In total savings . OnefoUl'th of all fam1lJes have r-o 5avtngs 1n the form of bon~, 60 per cent of wtal U . S . savings.
it was a.nswere d by seven· members present . ~. Paul Ma,u rice who ·was to have oharge of. the program was not present so Mrs . Georgia . Mer.ttenhall and M1s6 Dr. Emma Halloway gave a. very Interest ing report on their v1SIit to the flower show in
Lebano n. Also. a
Peterso n floWers
paPer read by Mrs . Evalyn ~ varlous
new types of their care W88 very
by all .
.After tht6 Intere&tintr alternoon
tlbe meeting /Was adJourne.d to meet With Mrs. l.e.wrence Pumas on Thu.r&da.y, Oct. 3.as Mrs. Mlller ~ Mlss' R11ey. the appoint ed h06te.s&es. W'l.ll be uIl8ibre to enterta m on account of ~ Rlley 's Il.lnes .
WCTU MEETIN'C FRIDA Y 'Ilhe regulair meeting ot t he WCTO
of lW~es\'ille will be 'held a; the Fl"1ends Church . Sept . 13 a 2:00 p'.m. Mr",. ~ Browr. is In cha.rge of tbe progl'8m ' a.nd <t he electJon Clf off1oe.r'd lor l\Jle coming year will be
MnI. Ra,ymo nd Braddtack is ,the preside nt and Mrs. Truman WtC.a'd· low the se.ey.- t.reas. ,
- - --'-. -.-
METH ODIS T CHURCH HAS G~EST MINISTER The Meth(,riJsL Ohureh had a their gu~ mm ' ·..~r la S ur.da.y, Rev. Paul. Sultzln c' , who \\ill also ,;till the pupf tell' the n.ext t 0 Sundays..
MEN'S RINGS $12.QO up '
We also'stO'ck many de-
signs and styles of neck chains , beeds and lock,e.ta. Gold fill~~ lockeJts as low as $2.70.
,',' One, id<!a dlal distin~isheli America is recognition of the worth of the individ , u~ - yall" right to your own opinion s and prefererices. This rIght, as you know, is expre~ed every day in such I simple th~ngs as your choice 'of where you go to ,wolk, how .you use your maney. whom. you . e~ed to public office. what groups you decide to join. ,Freedo m of choice is the measur e of , value that ruelps decide the success of the ' manufa cturer O( mercha nt in his dfon to _pl~ cons~mers.
Like"Vise, only fleedo~ ~f choice can reveal the 'worth of an organiz ation.
Every returni ng 6ghting man has ~ed again the precious 'American right to work • . . and {lie rigpt to j,oin any movement whose existence is lawful. , These men will not forget their equally fundam ental right to refuse membe rship tribute to any g~oup , ~hose ' objectives and methods' deny ' ~e ,principles that, made AJ;Ilerica the land of oppottu pity. Let.us ex$Dline ca~~fully any politica l or economic theory, 'old or Dew, to make IU.ft that if carAed to its logical cOl)dusion it would not deprive 'Americ an . ~ or ,business enterpr isa of their flftClom of choice.
LI G H "
'ftII. II Mo . • lD • Mfi" .. m....... plbillDod .. , •
~.~ '~
Alar\, lDr......." II ' .. -, ' .
time they spent. 1.n t he service. T he TURN YOUR SUltPL TIlE MIMU GAZET TE - Pare " U n ew legislati on provide s general ly INTO WAYNE SVILLE , omo - NO, 4281 QUICK , READY that full Social !Seeurlly righ - be USE GAZET TE CLA ESTA BLIS HED SIFIED AD THUR SDA y, EPTE!\ tBER 12, 1946 1850 giver. to the su rvivors of World War Publish d Every T hursday by DAVISS ON PRESS II veter an s who die Vlrlth!n th ree FLOYD L. DAVIS SON, Editor yeal's of d.1schar ge--lf thedisc rul'r e En~red as Second CIM6 Matter at .the P06t Of!lce is other than d lshonom ble. 1. The new legisla tion a p pli ' .only Subscri p tion Rates: $1.50 per Year _ ___ In Advanc _____ e __ _ _ _ _.0..-_ _________ to Lhe survivlr .g family of a veteran who die wlth1.n three years af,t er dischar ge. It does not change the Social Security stn t us of a veteran who dies, or died, In service. Y' does ~. I not change the swtu of a vete.l'lu~ who survives more th 11 Ull'ee years af ter disChar ge. 2. The amendm ent.· provide for fll I Soclo l Security ben !Its even though the vetera r. ha d n ever h eld a job a t all under Social S ecurity. /~~F; QT. SIZE-REG. 98c 3', The effect o f t iegislatl on I , retroact .lve to covel" veteran s death which occurre d bt!fore its pa ssage WHILE THEY LAST. REG. Jtc by Congres s: . 4. The sw'Vlvl ng membe rs of i!. veteran '6 family who should a pply for 1.nsurar. ce benef.lts are the widOW, children . or parents . Ill' t hat order. Dries quickly to a bright, hard finish. The Sodal Securit y Admini stration has no mechat ism lor l.nitlatln g appllca tions for ben efits from c vetieraru families newly protecte d by th1.s change In the la-w. They CAN must take the Initiativ e and app:y to the nearest Social Securi ty office for complet e in!onna tlon. Survivo rs of veternn s whQ died after their dischar ge are ur ged b y Ml€s Lloyd to get in touch prompt ly iW1th the Halhllto r. Soda I Secw·ltJ· office. She explain ed further t11 at the families especllllly affected are , . of two kinds : 1. Tl'tose to whom no S oc1.a1 AYOadM Security benefits l'lllve been paid . because the veteran bad not worked lor-g enough under Social Securlty tv ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ __---='--_ _- - - - - tbecome Crt• . insUred. Insuran ce benefits manage r of the Hamllto n Social may now. be paid 1.n tha:e c aSes even O. Securlty office. though r.one 'COuld ~te paid before. Insuran ce bene!it6 are paid under 2. Those to ,w hom Soc1a1.Secur~ty c Walle. t he Govern inent system of old-age bene its have already and survivo rs insUran ce otlI the basis These cases will be . been paid. • • • • Roll reviewe d to _ . of wages received! !rom jobs covered ldeterm1ne If a. hlg'her benefit amount How insuran ce protecti on under by Soo1al Security , MJ.!;& Lloyd can be paid under the ame'Cde d la w. l ·OL Soo1al Security has batt extende d . pointed out, Since no lOYef:'H al, 'S ocial Security 'Ole new provislo os of the Social to the fam1Ues of World War n credlt W86 given 'f or service 1.11 the Security Act do not a pp ly to c veteran s, under the recent ainelld- a.rmed forces', World War Ca. . n veteran s d ependen ts of vet!erar. s who are Ne. Ped ments to the Soc1al Security Act. was were unable to build up or mainta in quallf~ to receive ,compeD.68ltlo~ or explain ed today by Muy A. Lloyd; Soc1a.l SecU'rity rights d'U;1ng the pen&l6ns from the '.Tetel1ans Ad.miI!Countr; . 15·0&. ' Club . PkQ . lstration . 'I1h1s d!lsqual1 ficat1.on does not 10clude Nat.io'Cal Service We Insuran ce. K'oq ...·1 . TELEP IIONES DINNER A repre6eDltattve ()f the Hamilt on ..... . WAYNESVILLE lOti Social Security ofdce 16 1.n the ..1 ,"0,. ,6,.IId MORRO W No. I 00mmls8i~er'5 in ~e Court Can LEBAN ON Office '73K House at 'LebaI1!On th,e 2nd. '!'hursd&y SAND and GRAVEL of 00011 month at 1. :30 \Septer nber RES. UlL c New 'Ick C. C. BLACK·TOP DRIVES 141tJlJ • • • • • • 14.0&. Itl.
The Miami Gazette
,ECI.' "
$1. 37
'tt: 9Bc
2~:iI23e ~. 53e
CIGARETTES ~~..,. . .. 1-5 5 GRAPEFRUIT JUICE Cel:::' 4~~:. 2ge . '25.Ft·18 WAX PAPER
WrId War II Vets
Get S·oe.-al Secun-ty
Armitage '1& Son
BBTABLI8Bl!:n 1812
Phone 2651
3 k!9 8ge
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ !'~~~ :
The Waynesville Nat iona l Ban k ESTAB LISHED 1876
Federal assJsban c.e tor school lunches now ~ mad1e per~-ent by U. S. l&ws. '!'h.e llationa.l appropriation for lunches, 10 the school yea.r 1946-47 is 575,000,0000 . IPart of those fur.da is aVfL11al>le for the purchas e of sUcb equlpm ent , as celrigerllltOra and stoves: Money is tilloted Onl the basis of the number of school ohUdren .
MORE FRUITS EATEN - LESS POTA TOES ConsUm ption ~'US fruits 11li tll le U. S. has r isen 350 per Cent since 1909, and people eat 3:Z per cent more tomatoe s now thaI'. 1909 t he and average consum ption between 1906. On the other side o f ·~tle food ledger • 1.5 a 30 per cent deoreas e lr. COOlb..Ull ptlon of both pO La,~ anti grain product s. Emphas is on 1.he vitanlln COI1l!ier.t of citrus Jfru1ts ·a nd Clf tom toes stimula ted dElm l1d for them. '
The Na.ticna l Assoda tlon of Retail Monum en t Deall'.rs hoas pam'e d Harl'Y C . Schwar tz S ir; of Sch wartz Telepho ne aUI Wa1DenWe, Oblo and Sons, Lebano n. as director. nccording ,to annour- cement made r ecently at .the conj'er.t lon of :\4onu,\\l,;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;:::;::--;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;I!;--;;;;;;;;d:. m~nt BUilder of America .
490 ' No.219
120 250 270
• • • ••
,CAlSU P 18 EACHES ~II c. ~);9~•• 27e ! ONDALE FLOUR ·75 ~ 51.48 :~LL PIC J .~ 29c ~LY \SPRAY · 12lc . ~c -:.AUERKRAUT • • • •2Y, 1If MILK .~ca.e,; '12c AlCHES np 6 fO~ '34c ...
.......... ~...
••••• •
Sun G.in
• • • Qt.
LQ • •
Ohio lIu.
Avond ale Brand
Qta· ·69c
pta. ..
'home of Mrs . CUn.e's paren.t3, Mr .
and Mrs . Herbert Dostler . Mr. a nd Mrs. Raymond :Srooks and famlly have vacated their property on Main street ar.d moved to their home on Clarke ave. MI' . and Mr . HOI\'Bl'd Collir. entertai ned on Sunday their s(m and daughter -tl~ -l aw Mr . and Mrs . Lee Collins of Cel1'terv1lle . M ter Gary Tanner formerl y of D ayton is m.aki ng his home with MI' . and Mrs. Lyle Roberts on a nd is aLten ding school here. MI d M Ch I W I ' . or. 1'5. al' es etze h a d a S unday dinner g'uests Mr . and MI' . Donald Wieland and Bonnie of Farmer sville and Mr . Eel'l Wetzel of Dayton . Amor.g relative s and friends from here \vho a tended the fiftieth weddinS' anniver sary of Mr. and . Mrs. Albert Doste-r of Springfield . last Thursd ay wer e MI' . and Mr . 0. D , Cook, Mr . and Mrs. H erbert Doster and MI' . Rnd Mr.;- . Charles D tel' . Mr . Ern t Gillia m arrived here
The ladles of t he WCTU or aniza, 1011 en terullm d their fam1l!es to a. plelnc supper Thursd ay evelling at the 110me of Mt . and Mrs. Fred GEORGE S. 8ENSON Sherwood . Pmld{/I' -- ){/lrd,ltll Col/fflt Weeken d guests of Mayor and Srarrt. .A , 1 /1/(1111 Ml' . H . H . Tucker were MI . J enr.y Bill of Someni lle and Mrs. James Undu lant Socialism • Park. Mt . Andrews a nd other guests . Amelia. Ohl0 . A. sick republic, like a ~um~n in- from Mr. and Mrs. Wilbur Kil'k of near va lid. passes through a CrIsis In the ., course of almost any protrac ted 111- Dayto.l ailed on friends here Sa , \ ness. Ail r the crisis, lhe patient urday . r allies toward recover y or sink s BmTH with alarmin g has te toward the end. MI' . and Mrs. Ralph Nil are a nWha tever Is to be done atter a crl· Bouncing he blrLh of a son. Da,vld sis must be accomp lished with Lercy. last week at the r.-I1anu Vald ispatch" or it Is too ia te. The E ng. ley hospital . Rev. a nd M~. J . P. 1Ish governm ent passed through a Thornb ury are the matern al gl'andcrisis approxi mately a year ago. parents . Since England 's curre nt admlnis · M ESothar Prather spent tlhe traUon proclaim ed Itself owner and weekend at the hlOm e of her parent operato r of tbe coal . mines, Britain nea r Clarks~rlUe. h as been viewed popular ly as So· Several re iden of the village Saturda y fonn his home lr. New clalistl c-one ot the collectiv ist na. York City Lo remain a Lhe home of Hons. Not aU the individu als in the G,t ended Lh e Mor. !rom er J" Coun"'.· h lS ' paren ts , Mr . an d Mr • s . '1T1111 , Empire are socinlis ts. L ar ge ele- Fair la week. Arne·- tho v, : Bln e includ- Gilliam for two week 3. Mrs. Gilliam ments are not. But this iarge m l- ed were Mr. a nd Mr . Cha rle. Dosand c hlldl'en wil1 j oin h.1m next nority Is being forgotte n, Curtains tel' and family and MI' . a nd Mrs. S sturday . are being drawn. The crisis Is WlUam Earl Brown . Mr. and Mrs. G eorge Wall e~nterover and England has gone left. Mrs . J P enn n gbor. h as ~e urn- talned their .Bridge Olub O'n Thw'sA Long Time Dead. ad to her home f110m Miami Valley day ever.ing . There Is something strange ly final he pltal where e 'S'Ubrnitted to an Miss Mary Lou 10c1'e daughie r of a~out it when a free people turn. append ix operatio n. MI'. and Mrs. Carl M~l'e particiIts course toward State Socialis m. Mr . and Mrs . Glen Frost are 'pated In the Amateur R eview conLiberty never comes back without apendln g the wHI ter <l.t the lwme cf ducted at t he Cclonta l Theatre . Daya r evolutio n and then , it's not the Mrs. Flrc 's par~ts. Mr . and Mrs. tolb Tuesday evenin g. Miss Moore same. Such Is the testimo ny of re- Lyle Roberts on . delighte d the audienc e \\rlt,hl her corded history. Industri ally, EngMrs . Howal"d Graha.m attende d pi no mustc and was awarded second land is a coal 'country and private the 50 ClUb, Friday. a. feat·... re of . prize. enterpr ise lost its last strongh old on WLW Wi tll Ruth Lyons as. mistres s Mr . ar.d Mr . Catl Talbert and the enchant ed island when King f ni M G h Coal surrend ered. 0 cererno es. rs . ra am was family have s their house guest Now the aUment that prostra ted lrutervl wed by M ' L~.ons and wa Mr . Talbert ·s father Mr. William John Bull has been commu nicated awarde d 0. HcUywo ':d Beauty K!~ . 'Talber t of near Akron. to Uncle Sam. The sympto m. are Friends ' of Mr . on<l Mrs. Otls ·Mr . and Mrs. C. D . Cook unmista kable as undulan t fever; Hadley of ,A rlington , Calif. were de- callers In Dayton on. Thursd ay wave upon wave Qf s ollectlv lst pow- lighted to hear their voices over t he Mr . L . G . Gennet t of Fral~ er, with a show of growing inten- radio Thursd ay afterr.o on when they Wlas a busines s caller here F'ridIlcV. aity. Our governm ent has taken we-:e intervie wed over the Bride and Mr. ar.d Mrs. Will McCarr en 01 over our coal mines from the.i r own- Oryom program . a feature which orl- Walhou ndlng are s'p ending a few ers because o~ work stoppag es gina-tee 1n Holly.wOOd. Mr. through strikes -strikes by the best lfad:ley were present to and Mrs. dayS at their home nere. comme rate paId group of mine workers on their flfty-ei gh h weddin g anniearth. . verS81'Y . The m aster c r ceremo:: nies SUBS CRIPT IONS TO 1'HE Bere'll the PatterD awardedl them €aJch a gold W1'1st MIAM I GAZE TfE C.(N BE I think perhaps the workers ought watch. Hladley' s rorm~r PAID AT W A YNESVII..LE to have had an Increase in pay, residen tsThe of Harvey sburg. which they no doubt could have 0". Mr. ~d Mrs. Harry CUoeJr .and DRUG STOR E OR AT T'ME tain.e d without striking . Neverth e- d .teSII, they struck and governm ent aug hte r Oe1'8 IdlDe , 0 f , Columb SSON us DAVI . , PRESS Ph • 2143 ' took ove~ the busines s long enough, were 'Weekend houseguests In the at least, to close a new contrac t - - - - - - - - - - ----------;:--------giving 'a n lncre~ se cf $1.85 a day per man and a royalty of 5c , a ton " on coal to give their union l\ "welfare" fund. The new "welfar e" fund has no r elation to the union's sick and acciden t fund, already la ~ ~ , ......., ' " '.Ir. lr; ' . I The new contrac t will raise the the ptice of coal 25c to SOc a ton and build up' the "welfar e," fund ' at the rate of 25 mllUon doUars • year. The Sen.ate ~as~ approved the executi ve dep~rt:ment's right to Im-. pose this contrac t on the mine owners when they take their proPerty back. Thill b an ·attack' of the unduian t .oclali. m, . ". Worb Lille Thill: ' Govern ment can now 'contr~l the cost· of coal to the owner ot a mine. By ftxiilg labor's wage, ,8 ruler can . make coal .p rod etlon cost whatev er suits hi. tancy. Govern ment already controls the prlc~ 9f . coal to , the consum er through the working s of the OPA. · The neck of the coal industry is 1n a legal nut-cra cker' and governm,ent has the power to choke It to death at will-th at, or take it over eJ'l tirely. . With the sanction O'f Congres s, which I hope never comes, federal offi cials can do to any industry what 'they' are doing ,to coal. Each assault on t reeclom will be one more attack of the dread disease , undu• l ant socialis m. It works like the fever which, scientific me n say, can be cured in rare instances il vi goP,. ous trea tmen t is begun In the earq ORDER YOUR DEKAL8 TODAY FROM ~ stages. .
min1str ator de bonis non of !t!he esta.te of J ohn W . Cclema.n, Mia.son, with French Smith , Edgar Enfield a.cd Earl Hey'wOOd a appr8Js ers.
Court NEW CASES Belle Putmar. . Mason, filed a di vorce aoUon nga lns Andrew J . Putm.an by whom she h tUlle ch!ld ren . She charges cruelt y. Her pe 1tloo sta es that they were manied in Victoria Tel'n. in 1916. Mrs . Cal\!e Lamb. Frankli n, also a mo her of nine children. na med Monroe Lamb defenda n In a divorce actior. In which he charged cruelty. The couple were married In 1917. Neglect and cruelty are charged by Bertha Clemmo ns in a diveroe filed against Ambrose Clemmons to whom she was m arried In Lebano n in 1929. Emma J ane NuJl Frankli n, charges cruelty in her divorce tt.cUon rUed against Paul Null. Farme l ville. She asks custctfy ·f hell' five-yea r old son . They were m med In 1939 .
The estate cf Eugene D. oOuden, Lebane n. I. left to his widow. LaVenl o· , in th e \,,111 a ... ·1u ted to \U pI'oba o• llis "'eek " . Kal'l D . Dakin , Ralllh • St . J .,~IUl on'" ~ '-' CM'I .... Stiles n'e~e n .' nam ed appra tsel of the estwte . The will of N'e ttle Morbon. Mason, was filed al' d tha of Louvlna M . GriSWOld, Lebanon . admi bted to record . Ciara Sti tt. Mason. was named executl'lx of the estate of Fra nk V. S~ltt with W . E. Chesney. Earl Heywood and L . E . Thomps on as appraisers . ' . The oourte pPl'cved t h e invento ries of the estate of Bernice Weissmar.. Morrow; Walter T . WUson, Waynes Ville and Charles A. Epence r, Leba·n on. A sister and brcther , Eva. and John Jack, as well ~ Allee E . Evans were t:.ame4 beneflcla.ries of he estate of Allee GUmcur, Morrow, with Albert P arker, a nephew , belng named to ad.m1n1ster the estate. C:, J. Waggon er, OUff Brant and Kar} Brown were oa,med to appr.a!se the
-_-.AUCT --,-IONE ---ERING --- ---
For Da~, ' Ph~e ~ Waynesville,
" ' obio. Rev~
• __ __. _• • • • • • • • •A ,'
. -.
• • • • • •
Her dress was an ideal slip corer. When the 'Duke of Grand Ole Opry' w t llIng hi hOllse was so small they had to keep the loaf of bread in the car and carry I in a slice at a Lime It made me think of cur jOint. It was ur a favor for US when Edi tor Dav 'son I'educed the Gazette La i r.e w style.
L The home-l ike surroun dings ot our Funera l Home ba ve caused mucn favorab le comme nt- it is <>pel'. for
insp.ect ion at iuly time .
Frank W . Colema n named ad-
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _~.-;,.----...,.....:~--,
WILLARD WILKERSON 'at Belch er's So~oco 'S tation - Phone
24 23
. Any ma ke or~ode~ Fre d Kahn Mo tor Ca~ Co. PHON E 326
Hybrid 'Seed Corn
W wcre discus-Ina stcves - h e kind one uses to I~~n t the hcm . Sez I "Have you seen t he "Warm Mornings '!" Sez she "No but I 've seen several warm ' afterr.OOl18."
.f .. ROY I. QUA LITY fOI lOll . . .T GOP
1-"' 1 __ __
......... ... ... ...",........ . ".•,... ,..111-. ---~ . . .. ..-. - .. . . ::'.:.. -::. · ~ ...f' •• , to . , . : : ,.,.., --_-.
. ~. . . . y.AJ."
...... you ...~.t.
ral.lnll ........ ..... en .... - . . with .... IaIIor becaVw p"»pw f."lIIzatiOn doe. . . fob. Ott 110 M fertlu .... for y_ , ..... crop and be Otsured of .........
Let 110 M Weft yield ferfltlzert comlllne with ..,.ater c:Iov. crop. In_ t - yl.ld. _d toll fertility. See . . dealer now .... requln!_ nts.
~ 'r
'(h ureb'
..d " ,."". litE, \\'\A\\\ I ."" \\\l\\\Y. ~
a. B. Coleman. JdlDIIner
SUNDAY SCHOOL 11%30 A. M. ,Mrs. Haymond COnner, Supt. WOR8HJP SERVICE 10:30 A. M. Rev. Paul .s-wt;zbaeh, Preaching Rev. Sultzbach will preach ' on "What's That in Thy Hand ?" Be Is t he principal Or ? sborn High School and fonner Minister of the spr1ngboro Methodlst Church and w1ll supply tbe pulpit ferr the next t1wo SundayS during Rev. ColelllaT-'s convalescing period. YOUTH FELLOWSHIP. ThursdBJ. '7:30 p. m. CBOIR PRACI'lOE WednesdAY. 7 :30 p, )L
the Bible without, blsLs and prejudice and folldW it sincerely and slmply. The path of power Is plaInly marked "Keep bo t he Riglht:· • • •
Bunnell and Mrs. lIiau.e1 Gruber ar..d THE MlAl\U GAZETTE - Pac'e 6 !antily. Labor Day. WAYNESVILLE. OHIO - NO. 4281 Mr. Dewey COmstock of Beaver- THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 12, 1946 tmm called on Mr . and Mr.; . Ever it Bunnell last Thursday ~venlng. MTS . Emerso Dill spent Friday In
.. 1 am b:n~l~ :~\:,ollJlSOn 1 vote for the worldl against O<ld.
Mr. and Mrs. Ellsworth Smith X enla. ' Mr . and Mrs . Truman Mosser at with Mrs . Mal tie LeVi and son. Da.yton spent Sunda.y aiternoon with Mrs. Emma Orew s pent t he week- Mr . and Mrs . ~rge Bratten and end alt her home . also other callers were Mr . ar.d Mrs. Mr . and Mrs :- Mortis Lewis and Kenneth Bratten and daughter at sons spen t Sunday with' Mr . and Dayton. Mns. John Koeste-r of Utica.. Mr . Erne t Earnhart and sons Mn;. David Lucas sper..t a few Bobby and Dayid attended the days wlth her daugh ter. Mrs. Loyde Ea.'rr.hart reunion held at WaynesThCll'Dpson cf W.llmington wJ10 re- ville sunday afternoon. turned to her home aftel' her ap- , Mr . and Mrs.' Earl J ohnson of pendiK operalt1on. Xenia were supper guest-s of Mr . Mr . and Mrs . Audrey Crew o.nd and Mrs. Alfred Morgan and family family if Lebanon called on Mrs . Sunday eveI!lng. Emma Crew ar.d Mrs. Ma t.tie Levi , and son last Sunday. Sept . 2. Before .the pull t flock is placed . MiI!B Floremand Reed of near In the la3'ing house. creosote should Ha4"veysbUtg callea on Mrs . Malitle be , appUed 00 woader. equipment. Levi one da¥ last week. roosts, ar..d dewaJLs to el1m1nate ,Mr . and Mrs . Hiley Gibson spent mHes. Treatmer.,t of the birds lWit.h last Sunday a rt.emoon in Bellbrook. nicotine sulphate will rid the pulMr . and Mrs. ruchard MGore 01 lets or lice. Hot and },ye ISOluDayton. Mrs. Newlin a nd Mrs. tion used In clear.iog the house will P!eJ"ll"y also from Oayton called on help Prevent poultry diseases. Mr . and Mns. ~e Bratten on . Sunday, Sept. 1. • READ THE CL.~S , IFIED .WS 11
Robert L. VanZUe. MJnbter B1ble School 8:30 • • m.
I deny the Bdble. 1 mock at the preached Word of God 1 raiJ a t Cbrtstian Brojh~rhoad. '1 b.ugh a.t prayer. 1 break the Fourth Oonunandment. 1 am a wltness t.o , solemn vow... broken. 1 a dvise men to ,68It, dJrlnk and be merry. tor be-morrow we dle. 1 join my voice with every a theist and rebel against human and dlvine law. . I am an empty pew. I a m a gnlve in Ule midst of the oongregatlon. Rend my epitaph 8lld be wise ... · -
ar.d daughter spent lalSt wee'k end
eommuD1OD 10:10 a. m. Sermon 11 :00 •. m. Evening Service 8 :00 p. m. • • • JUNIOR CIIRlSTlAN.ENDEAVOR at 7 :00 p.m. All boys and girls under Hjgh School age are invited to come and enjoy th.e se meetings. Don't tniss the lFlannel-~raph pictures the chorus sl.ng1ng and the. enjoyable lessons and stories. . • • e. SENIOR ENDEAVOR a t 7 :00 p.m . for aU of High .ScJ1ool age and above. EVENING WORSB1P 's ervice at ST. MARY'S 8 :00 p.m. Enjoy singlng the g,ospel . EPISCOPAL CHURCH hymns and true to the Bible preach"World fede~' Is dU!icul,t to SAMUEL N . KEYS, 1ng. realize because of our racial, social lAy Reader-In charge e e e ar.d religious prejudlces. Reason and 9 :30 a .m. Church SChool BIBLE STUDY CL~S tn "Traln - common sense ' hav~ not succeeded in 11 :00 am. Mo~ Prayer and Ing for Service" enol}. Wednesday eradicating our Elmot lonal and Sermon. eveni~g ast 7:15. We are now study- irratior.al claJm for th(! priority of 1ng "The Life of Christ" . If you our race, our oountry. our church, or MT. HOLLY haven't been at·tendlng . regularly our class. We are aIraid however METHODIST CHURCH you are welCome to .thet!e studies. . much we may COJo!ess belle! in " H. 8euff, Christian brotherh.ood. Or the ~ IIbocJt - I:. A. II. PRAYER MEETING eac4 Wed- coMequences ()f organic with &. LA. BuDhart. lQptI'iDta.dID&. nesdaU', 8 :00 p .m. Bring your Bibles oijler·,Peaple. Wonbipllrf1ce - 10:. A. 11. ' and <the family and s~udy end pray It world-federation means that ltitlldDa ...nee ~ '1:10 p, II. together with us. It wlll strengthen eventually 500,000,000 Chhlese ar..d ... nny you for the 'tasks that a ll Christlans 300,000.000 Indians wt1J have U1e F I:.nA are go1ng to fare. right to vote. that dilsct1mina.tion of CHURCH of CHRIST • • • race and color will have to be The GrOw~. Gola~. Oharcb AN EXECUTIVE MEETING of abolJSh:ed, acd ' tha.1t co1ml1es w1ll IlER.8EBT GlL&BAM, ~ the Xenia Area of the Churches graduaJ.ll.' have to be freed. are we , ~ 8chool . 8:10 ... m. .Ohrlst and Christian Churches will willing to make the saor1f1ce? 01" do 00IDImm10D 10:41 L m. be l1eld a.t , the X~ Church of we preTer . to gO under as cUd the Plftoo1ng 11 :00' •. rn'. CbrIst . on ThUY'.sday. Sept. 19, a.t Romans and 'all thO!:e nations slnce _ . _.... 11 :00 p~ . This is not for just <the who h~ld f1n:ruy to the swo.rd"? ~ 0U1lI Peoples Servlcea AAl.U m1n1sters of the area b\W for all . Adult Prayer Irteetlnl 7'00 pm ' -Eme:r1c& Gala . . . men and women w1;U> are Interested ''The world' Is but ()r..e oowitry and Ev~t1c Service . in evangeUsm and the. promotion ,o~ mankind its citizens . . . . Let not 'l:U .p. m · the feloW5h1p of .the Churc~ .o! a mang:l<my in that b e loves' his Christ of this a rea. EVery Church OOWlltry let him rather glory ~ this MIDDLERUN BAPTIST ~ the area ought to be well repre- that b~ loves hJs 'K ind," Ba.h&'u CHURCH een:ted a.tthls meetInC. "This, does not ,meari that 8. man Services at .the Mlddleru.n BaJJt.tst • • • should love ~ : country ' Iess. but Ohur<lh, SUlldia<y. Sept. is at 10 .30 AN 'ADMON1'nON humanity more. It InieUS ' tha.t he a.m. and 1 :30 p.m. by t he Pa.!itor "O~, whoeoever Utou art ~t should - ~u~te the ~st6 of Elder Joseph Moore. ~tereth . ~ h,o use, be silent, · ,b e his oountry to the tDrtereat& of rnatltlhou~uL be reverent, for ·tlhJs Is kind that ' h e ca i!)eat. his FRIENDS the Bouse of God; imd leave in not. ' r.. serve First Day School - 9 130 am. without a prayer to Ood for thy_ country by hlLvlng ,r egard for the Meeting.. for Worship-lO :30 a.m, 6elf. for who' min.i ster, and for l~th~ <the world community. ~ , all who Worshl here." .II"", e Key to· ,8 world-;ethlc .ST. AUGUSTINE CHURCH ~, • .. which can ~de the moral basis ratlaw The only h ope of unity among fQZ! 8 ' Soc1ety In wll1c.h worldlII888 SUnday 9'00 a.m. Chl'tstlan peoples is to go back to federat10c and a planetary welfare
The Ea,rth One" Country
·. -
We welcom,e everyone to vi it our Meat Market so we 'can get acquainted. We ar~ adopting the 91d logan, "The Market 'Where Priceo, Quality and Service Rules." A l l kind of fresh Lunch and Smoked Meats and Groceries. . If you cannot get to the Market to ,get your choice cut of meat. give us a RING ,.and we will take your ORDEn and save it for you. Thanking you for all patronage,
llab: -:-.... ________________. .;. ,___....:.... ~
KnmIao.... .....
Cornell's WELDIN C' Shop l · -"m=i.;'~.·,:~~
TELEPJ:lON~::4 Sbop-~ CeDt~"iIle '7031
, Rea. ~Dterville . 7465
l 1~~;;;~;;;;;;=~;::::5====:;;;====~=;;!~ ~ .
·E lectrical '&
Autq~Qtive :
Portable Equipment
. Mr. and. M~. Eve!:oett Bunnell and, family and' M:r. and Mrs'. John MicPaelOf near' sJJrin8 Valley spent ~day evening .wiibh' Mr. aDd l\rJr&" lA~nce
Ltni M4 1 ~ . ..
, Mrs. Co.ra Ofeeneof Dayton spenl Labor Day with mo~, Mr .
8Ild !04'1"$'. Lewi& M:r. and Mrs, lAi.~vreD.ce LinS and &one C8illedl on his: mobber. Mr.i .. Oha.rles L1ng of near Spr1r.g Valley. Mr. and Mns. 'James BmtU!n and f!UJl1lt of ~ spent last 'IlhurS-:
wttn his
pa.reri14~ ~" .~
mmma. Gibson
of Bellbrook to, 'her home after spend, 1ng aeveral weekS <With her eon M!r. and MlrB. Blley Gllb60n", 'M r . . end Mi-B. H1U'Old ROgers of Bel!lbraoit spent ~ Thursda.y ever..-' 1Jl8 , With~'j .~ . OJbson . .
18'. aDd
Contribute to the
Clec:Irp . Bratten a.ud M1I8 Clara ~. ', Miss M1r1am sDutb, Da.yJtxm spent the put week witn,her ~er , Mrs. Matt1e I..ev1 8Il.lt BOD.. ' Miss, M1nn1e , Orawford and .Mi-s . Everett Bunnell 8J)elOt last TUesday
WaITen Countian,s can now ·p.l ay an important. part in :the life of WilmingtOn (Jollege·
Living Endowment September 9 to 14 ,
If tpe solicitors misses you leave your contribution at Drake's Drug Store, or send it directly to Wilmington College.
. . . __
Jcvemt 8uprlell ' 00' »n. Bert ....~~....--.-o!!"~--ioo.lI~--~---~
~ draUlbten caUell
THE MIAMI GAZE'lTf; - Pace ., Mrs. Ora Warner, Mr. a.nd Mrs. Mr. and Mrs . Ralph Hammond run vtc1nity attended the Or.e Hund- of a rn1lk1r.g contest was the topic \WAYNE,SVILLE, NO. 4281 Edward B rewer and • children and and children enterta,tned to a fried red and Forty- ninth Annual seSSion as 'Lee O 'Ba.n1on and Richard LaiwTHURSDAY. S~ERI2. IN6 Mr . an? Mrs. Clyde Bolin or Mid- chicken dinner Sunday evenl.ng at or the M1aml Baptists Association son are taking part In such a can ..
omo -
-=;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;:;;;;;;;:;;;;;;;:;;;;~;;;;;:;; dle1own; Mr. ~d Mrs. Elmer Groves the picr..1c grounds along Olearcreek of Primitive Baptists held with the
son and daughter of Centerville; and Mr . Donald Foulks of Col\11l1.bus. Mr . and Mrs. Charles Bunr.ell entertained to a dinner on Wednesday Aug. 28 honOrir.g the fonner 's cousin and wife. M:r . and Mrs : William B unnell J r. who left Sept. 7 to make their fut ure home in NUT SHaJ. Cal1fornln. Those present were Mr. ....- - - - - -.... and Mrs . W1Uiam Bunnell ST .• Mr .
on the fann of M~ . .and Mrs. Russell Burnett near RidgevU1!l . Those who enjoyed the gatherin g and the d lnr.er were Mr. and Mrs. Paul Schneider .of Da.yton; Mr . a nd Mrs. MHo ~lte~berger and chUdren ; Mr. and Mrs . Campbell I;ewl.s and fam lly. The cUnner wa In hoilor of the bwthdays of Mrs. Schne ider and Mrs . Miltenberger .
Re!reshmenu<; were served at the Urst meeting by Mrs . O'Banion and a't the second meeting by Mrs. Fischbach. WAYNE G. C. P. CLUB Richard Lawson ' t he Club oreThe Wayne G . C . P . 4-H Club porter . met Tuesday Aug. 20 at the home Estimates of the 1946- 47 feeding of Lee O'Ba11.lon and on Friday, Aug. 30 at the home of Bill Ficshbach season supply af proteins for da.iry two with Mr . Michener in charge 01 rations Indicate there will f)1 and Mrs. Tony Butch and .son al'!d ATTEND BAPTIST both meet ing and Bill Fischbach millior. ton less t han dairymen l'vP' . and Mrs . William Bunnell Jr., . presiding. In the. ftrst meeting the would buy if supplies were ample. SCHEDULE Ci~ MiddletOwn a nd Mr. a nd MTs. ANNUAL SESSION subject of gardening was cUscussed Sept. 15-Wayn esvUle a<t WUmington READ THE Cl' "ASSIFIED ADS • Edl\vard Bunnell of Waynesv1l1e. S everal persons -from the Mlddle- and in the latter meeting the event. • ..,.
Lemon Senior Baseball
Mt. Pleaunt Chill'ch a O hio, Sept. 6, 7. a nd 8.
P oastOWIl ,
&~. 2~. L~aMn "~y~ille !~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Sept. 20-<WaynesvlUe at Xenia
Mrs . Fred Pricket ' o-f Lewt.'Iton , I the gues of her sar - in-law and daughter. Mr. and 114m . Ernest H a rlan and chlldren. . Mrs . Elliobt Wilson of Sunbury, # Ohio.. spen.t Sw~ day, &pt. 1 with her brother and wife Mr . li nd Mrs. Robert Hunt 'and son Warren . Mrs . Edwa rd Bunnell atter.ded the funeral of Mr . Fronk ,Ringler of Masen a t Lebanon 011 TUesday of last week . . Mr . Paul Jobr, left by train on SaturdQ¥ morning for J ackson, Tenn. to pend the week wit'h Mr . and Mrs . J aspe,r J ones. Paul and "Jllck" were buddies all durtr.g their QTtn¥ ervJce. • . Mr. and Mrs. Charles Charlton and daughters and Mr . Emery Charlton a.ttended the 01bbs relUlion SUnday S ept 1 at the hOIne of Mr . ar.d Mrs . Ha.rdin Deerlngs a.t Oambridge Olty, rnd. .' Mrs . J : W . HUston of -Yellow S prlngs was .. weekend guest 9t her son-in- law .and daught er Mr .. and MrS . ~emtt Earty. , Mr . and Mrs. Oharles pt"ake ar.d ohildren ·and MrS. Louella Swank of _ Deyton were SUnday d inner guests of Mr . and Mm . E . ·B. Lor.gacre. Mrs. Robert. Siner of 'Dayton and . Mrs. C . W . Albrigb~ of Pekin were 'Ibursda.y afternOon guests of Mrs. HaITy Graham . " Mr . a nd Mrs. OII.lvtn Longacre etlitertatned Rev. J osepJi Meyers of 'Dayton and Mrs . Margaret J oh ns to dinner SUl'!cby. Mi-. and Mm. Cla\,lc:le Riggs of Dayton were SUnday. eVen1ng gU-.s of their p ilrent& Mr. and Mrs. W11- .
CO·U·N~Y~~~ SEPTEMBER 17 18 19
Lebanon, Ohio
W:ARD BEAM'S. Spectacular Thrill Show THURSDAY N!JGHT, SEPT '19 . . FRIDAY N~GHT, SEPT,.20 8~00 P. M. "
8:00 P. M.
Hoagland'sbippodro~ir6ns .
WED. -
bur Cla.rk. Mr . .and Mn . Harve,- Burnet and Mr . Mrs . 0har1ea 'MuUerux at.tended tbe Hayner reunion SUnlday at 1M oountry( home 'of lIokIs. Sa.rah Pry . 'near P'ranItlIn. 18'. ' and Mm. Peter Baota bad· for .their c:IiIJMr cueets SUnda)' Mr. and Mn . ' Meriyn Banta. Of 1:)ayiton and Mr. and. Mrs. Melvin Banta of
Farm and Home ·Appliances
2:oq P. M.
'M 1ae DoIOthy and ,Anzla .CroUf1eld of Betldey Sprinc& West V •. spent several d&p 1a8t week With their coua1ne Mr. and Mrs. ~ Blmt and aon lWarreft. _ . :Labor Day guesta of • . and Mrs. . Charles Charlton and !~IY were I Mr . aD(i' ·M rs . Wan1ck of Qet- '. rott, MI1s . Sopb1a warridt and Mr. . and Mrs. Dale Wla.tTiok of Lebacon. M.r..and Mrs~' Befna.nf Mellohand eon &pent Sunday 'W1th Mr. and ~ . Adam- 'M elloh .and d&~bter at MerritstDwn. , . The 'l'rk:key family ret.an1on waa held Stinday. BIt ,the borne of Mm. ,Alice' 'I1r1ckey and Mr. and! MIra . Irvin Han1s with 29 relatives pre':' .
APlymouth Deluxe Coach
eent • . , Rev. and ¥rs. JoeePb.· ~ .and , daugh.ter MJas D~Ie · of DaytOn left .TUesday to spend a two weejcs. ~lU:&, uon ·wiUl Mrs. ' Myers k:ln1olks . KaoBa. City, Mo. Rev . .~ will not 'pr:eaeh · at iiJ,tle Ohuro~ unt,U SUnday, Sept. 29., ' . ' . , Kr, and Mrs. WUbur ·FWlU entert.ained .to dinnel' Sunday M'ra • •.
.• I
AdlDiNion - SOc me. Tas Children aDder 12; FREE .'
. CORWIN N,XON, Seeret~ .'
and Llnnemab:.MI'S. oh1ldren of Dayton; and· i lmo' Ruth·Mr. staumph
Evidently they ~ pla~ing or f1 t - THE l\IIA.1\lI GAZETTE - . Pace 8 ing nnd fell 111 front of ilie car. So WAYNE VILLE. OHIO - NO. US1 now they nil limp Logether- no THUR DAY, ' EPTEl\mER 12, IM6 racing ncro:s &~e ~tul'e a1'tel' crows. no dashes 8It~ illl,bbi '. Pour A FARM DIARY cripples all of them bu t I hope not And th e county-fair is on t he wa~ by D R JF'RAZIER peJlll8.nently. but .hop Is all we can do about' the weather xcept to cUSs it so' nun,t Loan.OFFICE EQUIPMENTSept. 4. 1946. Ooo~l and dry-west Sunda~ .. '1'1115 was a busy day a t. up your biggest and best 'of everyFEDERAL LAND BANK LOANS : HALLMARK TYPEWRITER RIiB- em mountain weather but there it St. Mary s The Rev . Hugh Garv111 t hjng n d m~et us at Ute 'fair wet bons now in stock. The Gazebte. is natural a.nd t he native grasses of Middletown oelebra ted t!h.e Holy or dry . J • For Refinancillg - RebuUd1ng . Buying. 4% Farm loans With long PERS01'lAL STATIONERY andl sage brush I11ever h a.ve such 9 Cbmmuni'CD at eight o'clock an d . . . ragged. shabby look as Ol.ll\S do wher. after that had baptism . The Church QJIle to pay. Pay part or a.ll any varIety of subJects. All SIzes. they get too d;rY. We k eep looking School held its firDt fall S!'S6jon. Ume. LEBANON NAT'L FARl\l LOAN Moderately priced. for rain for tile late sweet corn and Then Mr. Keys preache d Bit t.he ASS'N·, Ellis H. Sturm, Seo'y- The Miami Gazette. Ph. 2143 the pastures. The ground is l'!..ud eleven o'clock sen1ce and a.f.ter that Trens .. Lebaoon, Ohio. Phone 448 , tc . and dry and every thing has tlhat we had the Palish plcnlc at t h e • end of the summer look. Leaves are Rectory. We m.issed many of the Real E.tate For Sale. Announcmg a brand. new already begiIming tlO ture. The wild regulars but unfortunatJely there . lme of personal Items plum 1s red a.nd 1: even 58IW some were some slc.k ar.d ,this. was the Harry A. Eator., department cornIF YOU HAVE A PROPERTY OR i~cluding personali zed nap- orange ~ra.D.<lhes on. a su.ge.r ma.ple. E8ilDe day as several family reunions ma.nder of the American LegIon of FARM TO SELL call or Write kms, coasters, matches, (It waa October bEffore t,b ey ,t urned but we had a nice picnic. I t was Ohio, today urged every ret'urned Don Henderson, Tel. KE344e 617 cards, cut-out stationery, last yeu.) Many pc..>ople are hauang pleasant , and shady in the yard and veteTan who has not. reg1 ta'ed for Lorain Ave., Dayton; Ohio. 'tfc bridge tallies, guest towel , wa.ter but we have not had to b~ tile cllildllen played first tbhere. then votmg snoe discha:rge .t o do so bepersonal labels. ~y though we oha,ve been hauling in thesahool yard. The ,sma.ller ones tore Oct. 7. H--o-u-.-e-h-o-Id-C-o--cir-d-.-_---Come in an see these new it from Dl.Y bar.n to the hog pasture. enjoyed tllBlt fo/ they had 8.; chance Commander Eaton said Ithat ad ____________ ·te ' d · ·d There 1s still water in oW' ponds to play on the met'l'Y-(!IO-'.round, as thDugh veterans might have vote<:! • DIXIE-No-Smoke circulating hea.t- I rns an new 1 . eas. but' it 100ks rather Etoae and not much as they wanted to while at under the Emerger..cy act while in er-holds 100 lbs coal- perfect Reasonably pnced. rvery att4"8.ct1ve e'rell ,t o a cow. mool the big ones get it nr.d ch servi . it does not make t hem eUgicondition-used only one season. DAVISS.ON PRESS School has begun. The YOUnge'%' the, Uttle ones away . It was ble to vote this NOvember . ' One-fourth off price. Pb. 214.3. Phone 2143 bdye are gladiand the older 01111!8 are SlWprWng how few tlIesthere 'Were. "The Legion does not attempt to • _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ flIllTY. Springboro hillS two new 9Obool The last. time I ate in that yard lIVe diotate to anty member how 't hey buses 80 that now they ca.n' take 'all had to 'gO in because t he tlIes were $ha.ll vote." .Eato~ stated . ''.But REA TING Stove-- suitable for a the ohildren at the same rtJme. Last so b6~ but tlUs time we ate in peMe. L£g1 nnaires, 80S P pGnenu, of good garage or work shop. Circulating ~BI' tibo8e on the first bus had to One year's common use of DDT has c1ti2lensh1p. should set an e~ample NEW and RENEWAL type. Good grates and ·bowl. Ph. 2143 be readIy before ~_tlrlrty. now made a noticeable dtlrerer.ce even to other.; 1r. t.heir conununity by rotFOR 8A.I.JE FLYER COOK SUBSCRIPTIONS TO THE they OOJn.e abOut a quarter past in the country. ing .in all electicns." Stove in good cond1t.1on . P1nrt ejght-- a 'b ig difference. While we "'''ere sitting there. the "F'ur1lhenn~re, in the6e tUlbulent house west red telephone o«~ MIAMI GAZElTE CAN BE When I stepped outside this morn- peace of the tmmmer. Su~y atter- post-war years it 1s our .p roround on right. Mm. Anr~ Bunnell, . 1ng I hea.rd loud cries of d1stre6s J'I..oon was broken by the fire siren. obli ion and, sacred prtvU68e to w~, 01110. 926 PAID .A TWA YNESVILLE 1rom a hen SOlDeiwhere. When I 'Iben crawda 'b~an to appear and 1n~ate and 6tudy the.candklates sot aaurost to the fence two halwits . we r;aw the smOke back of the Tumer far all pu~ offices and to cut our FOR,sAlLE - WHiI'!'E 'TABLE-TOP DRUG STORE OR AT THE new , up and t.be loo1se stopped. I house. ~ new h<l6e wagon pulled votes- acoordiJ'~ to the 1JWlda.~ Of ~e Range, pon:iela1n oven. loc*ed all around a.Dd 1'iDa11y fOWld up and its 'crew \lIll'()lled ttJ1e 008e but our convietlions," he OOIOOluded. . good condition. 0&11 Waynesville ~AZETTE OFFICE ' a -llen stUck in the {enre. Evidently in U. dry weather it was idar.aerous. ' , ~. 9~ me . had run from the 'haJwka and They put it out qu1ckly and then VISITS SCHOOL FR,I ENJ) had got stuc.k ~r ,to get t.hrough. bad ~ -more practice ,r olling up M186 Rosella ~uchanan or BarnesFOR SALE_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ I ,p ulled her out and &he ran. orr the hcJse. Monday,ram at laat. Not ville, Ohio is spending a few dILYS JIUR SAUl _ TIMO'IHY SEEJ) . • READ THE CLASSIFIED ADS • with out even _ying tha.nit you. • WI'Y he8vy shO'ft!' but it wUl do wtt.h her school ~rlend Geoqia ..·w J UI'UAU, .......;.- R t. 1 . n...... They say ~t the reuon that title WOIldet'e. 'J'beoy ha,ve been ha.,.4 ...- 60 MendeI!haJl A.L& ..,._ania. 91P ..... _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ far o.h1Dese never. ave a !pel8OJl Who6e much trouble With poor ~ at the ~ is in danpr is because ~ be- c:&nner;f, ear dter ear with han:lly !'OR SALE l.iARQE USED . HORSES $5.00 Meve t.ba.t if you eave a peraan'8 .. IJ'&1n on' it. poor ponma.t1on. The bam1na t4mber&. Phone 2'111.· J . B. COWS $3.00 lUe you become ~!6pcmslble for it tclmatboes have been poor 1.00, so Ol¥Lpnan. SIQ6 . Accol'd1D8 110 SJae and ~d 1lha.t pereon em even call on ~ Of them 'h ave had a bU ght l'OR SM.E - 600 SAWED Ooadit.ion . ;YOU to BUppoIlt him.. I W88 support.- fWhich :burna them black 1tl!dde. 1ng ,the hen alreau:v so· it makSi! no 'Dley warn 8I8Jnst tne UIIe 'of aoy 'l'9.ba.ooo &ticks. ~lph ,Huston'. 'Rt. I, Wa~e. Phone Spnng HOII, Calve_, SlIeep, etc. difference but Jooldng a.t the inter- tomatoes t.ha.t baa ·ewn a apot of Il8Itlonal altlat.t1on xnalcea ODe thUlk bUa'ht on itu they ~ it ·tlJrna the H OURS : Valley" 37397. 919c BBIIOVBD PB01IIPI'LY tIbaIt ~ wt6dom sees deep into whole .tom&tJo bad. even poisonOus. A buman nature.. uWe ram and rome mere warm 9-12 each morniDa PaR SALE- ~N HOT- . Saturday. St1ll no rain bu.t ~_ weather 'Will ripen them in 800d A1r Pipeless Furn!ace. Call Vern _Call . ~ rea.l1yhot to.daGr. Elhape and may Eave ·t he Z'e6t of ·t he , 1-5 afternooDl except BUnpson. Phor.e ~. 915 They sa.y aCc1dent6 go by thn!ea ' sweet com. Ught showe~ w~ all ·.Wednesday lOR SALE - MAN'S Bl'OYOLE. and r.ow I . halve three 'lame dogs, the weatber man ~ and that OWen Bart.eOck, ClaJ.l Wayne,ville'. Smokey, waa h it by a CU' while I is what it is doing now, a g,entle Saturday evenin. REVEa,. _S ., ., 912 IUIli W8e awa.y and 'Will lUwa.ya ·.be cr1ppl- l1ttl~ ~' , hardly DlCI'e than a. ftlepboae Ot~er evenin.. ' by 4 .54 eeL As I turned the' car arouIld this sprinkle but it ~ a ·pleasant Bound --~ . ~-~----------(lila,.... XBNU. O. FOR SALE. ~ 20" x 24" S'I'EmL everJng there were the maost 8IW'ful In 'my ears. I "h,ope~ ~ 'Dto e~h , ApPOintment . sale. about 500 llls. Will st. JOhn: yelps. I got out aM tbere 'lW88 8u.Iley more ·to · freshen ' the, pOClda aIld B. O. BUCDS.... INC. TELEPBO~l!;' Sz;.R pPone 2705. 912c yelping and orying. bold4ng ' up Ole JlUtmee. A good r8.in should br1r..g
Urges Legionnaires Vote In November
W ePay
la.ter I_w Oldbel' . Bogan oK as. upOne hard i!hower would 'Waah paw. QUitledi and a. few minutes the 800d fall muahmloma. . i~~~==~~==~~=~====~======~ t.bouebt hie leg ar..d backftre hurt. and. fftShen every t.hiIJ8 limping
things oft fw the tall seasotlI' but whUe we are ----~ , - - - - - - hoping let u.s lq)e far mode~OD ~
\Notice Kenne1l4
hereby N. HouUh
in all thing$. we, woUld ~ lIOIDe of thaIt siOOe. warm weather, Pest SUmmer is :riJc.t.. over by the eJrrianao
OUlce . add.resB is WaynesvUle. Ohio, ~ been duly · appo1Jnted as ExecutOr
Dr. , · C. E. Wilkin Optometric EYe Speeiali. 26 South Detroit "S treet DNIA OHIO
1~l1DtU~~th~e~tw~er.~ _~ty~-f~1ra~t.~.~~;;;;';;.;~~~~~~~'~~~~~~ .
&rt&te of Isudora Ward late (,: of WaJrin Oounty, Ohio,.: dItiOea&ed.
Of ·tbe
Once again it is the time of year to get • your fertilizer while it is still available. We carry the famous
SACCO Braitd
Dated this" 22Dd day of . August 19K'. Ralph H. carey Judge of the PJ'Oba.te Oomt Wwn QJ\.mty, 0Ib1o Stallley and Sta.nl~, _ s . 912
,A fin.~ new .' assortment of BREA.KFAST 'SETS j!lst received. ' . ' , All .metai KITCHEN CHAIRS BABY CRIBS - Odd BEDS and CHAIRS-Metal STEP STOOLS - Quick 'service on WALL PAPER, ' :Many .patterns from .whicH to select. , G. E~ ELECTRIC BULBS Bqy theqi by the carton and n'e ver be caught s~ort. NU EANMEL ' KEM TONE A clm' of NuEnamel free if this number 182 corresponds with. the number on your' Twin . Theatr.e Calendar for September' 1946
.NORRIS BROCK CO. 0IDeIImaU UDIoDI, ~&oek Yard..
fairleyHARDWARE· . , .STORES PHONE 2441.
Lt.. ~
~... AD ,er'0 DOlle. 8tr1ct1, &btl MIt all aNaDel . . . .,
pIlba&loD •.,ond
_Deft In &be
oncoais...,. ..
. '"
:.' Wayn~sviUe F..r~ture \_ Appl.i~~ Co.
. . ' service. That:·S.tilfiel " . . TUNE TO '
~O DaJtOD U:IO ,...DIal ~ ..... ~ DaII.t '1IUIle& I Ileport .
Gibbons ·ijuilding,· North Str~et WA YN~VILLE, OHIQ ' Phone' 2422 " ,
, .' .
Fairly Familiar by EFFELDEE . Just. in case any of you In.thel's are expec.lr.g a marriage of I\. daugh'ter In the near future I~ rillght be well to visit with IWbert Wilson out Lytle way and pick up a few pointers on !What not to d.o at a wedcllni. It seems that in a ~nt wedding held at LY't.le Church the usual hustle a.r.d bust le of ~\st-mlnute prepa.ra.tlons gave the entire family and those helping them a case of the Jitters that resulted in ·!Ahe mls, placement of many Itell1l3 qwte ll!fCesi;a.ry tor the smooth operation .of II well-behaved wedding. Chiefly amor.g these items was one suit. namely the one belonging to Mr. wUscn. The ult st.aMed on its waywaro j.owney whell the da hter sta.:rted with it <to her f&tJher!s room but In 1:I1e process of getting there she, l~g to .t he future perhaps. 'handed it to tl1:e groom who happened to be handy, 'With instructlonlS .t o place the gannent in its proper location. Grooms, 000. rometimes get <bhe1r heads up in the clouds just prtor to taleir weckUng and ,w ith the suit tossed carelessly Qver his arm he ' procel,ied OU . of the h~. into h.1a car ond off 't o Da.yton to prepa.re ·hJ.msell fer the big event of the evanlng. Once in Dayrton at the groc.m's hozne" tJhe object. of much trouble was placed .or. the bed in his room and forgotten. Sometune 'later Wle mether .of the groom llappened by .and with the eu-tern C' . motruel'S In general she spied the aid uit t.ossed ;)n ·t.he b a.r.d thlnking it belong d t.o a.natber son p oced d to han"g t -'··ef lly In h is
Tho Miami
About 260 Pupils All County Dogs Served Meals Daily Under Quarantine
The Moth \,'s Club of Waynesvill e Dr. Arch O . Harvey, COWlty health are again sp<>nserlng the pr oject err c nmllssloner announced Ih · we k serving meals to the chlldren of t h e that d ue to the ra pIdly lncl'easin ~ grades and at the present time are c s of r b!es In lhe county a sb:feedir.g a pPl'ex1mately 260 pupl mont.h guarartine on do.;: \\'as bing per day. The Lunch Committee has placed erfecUve 1lllDl!'d.l!lte y. ESTABLISHED 1850 - NO. 42112 $1.50 PER YEAR - 5c A COpy charge of the menu fer t.he dally The order was Issued following 90 noon-time meals and they see tha.L r eport that a stray dog bit I'1ve other WAYNE VILLE. OH1O THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 19. 1946 it is Composed of foods that al'e dogs ar.d a pig neal' Morrow. The nOurishing and proper for the well deg was reported to have a positive being of the boys and girls who par- case .of rabies. take of tlh.em. This ccmmittees' Is Polloe offlc1.als in all Wan-en oomposed .of ~S. J ohr. Kersey, Mrs. cowlty villages are OC'p el18 ting 1n Roy Ellis, Mrs. Rhoades Bunnell an effort to enforce · the quarantine and Charles BaII'bee. cowlly dog and Mrs . Edgar Smith. • The cooks and workers serving warder- has Issuea warning, to all After twenty years of service to the meals a re Mrs. Winifred HBrt- dog owners. to keep their animals the commurJty In the capacity of sock. Mrs. Katheryn Mendenhall on . leash and confined to t he premHealth Officer for, Wayne and and Jer.nle Conner. ises or else t·he animals will be pickMassie Tewnships. E. R. BeIl'tley has Members of ottler committees .of ed up. t ndered his resignation and a«.oerd- the organization all'e as fellows: If persons have pets who show lng to Dr. Arch Harvey. heaUh com.F'lnance- Mrs . Oharles ' LeMay. ~ sign of being slc.k or of ra.bie misslcner, it has been aorepted as Mr$. Ernest Harlan. Mrs. Ed Bun- they are asked to r.otlfy the heal·tll f September '15. nell. Mrs. Tom Burton. a~d Mrs. comm1ssioner or dOf warden . Mr. Bentley s~rved practl(:ally all Donald Hadley. Pt;ogram- l\il·s. RaJ'lan Dye. Mrs . G! !JUs tlm.e under the dire<:ti.on of Dr. Edward Blair, heallrh commls- Roger Brown. Devet.!ons - Mrs . SamU:el Keys. sioner for Warren COUllty prior · to stamp Commi tee Mrs. Earl the appo1r.tmell't of Dr. Harvey t.hls Rickey, Mrs . Tom Lacy. Mrs . Fred past summer. . At a meeting of the Cnunty Health Hook. BooksMrs. A. E . S tout. Mrs. Al Beard on Sept. 15 the name or Will !Ro . W . Braddeck. superintendent. C. St. Jehn was presen ted a.nd ac- Pol1nsky. of Wayne TewnshIp Schools rep<>r ts eepted as the new Heal1h Of!lce r the enrellment in the schcols for ter the two townsbips of Wa:~'lle and the 1946-47 sc.heol year Is the larg_· • Mass.ie. MI' . s t . Jehn as been more est on record as of Sept. 10. There or less active in pub11c a!fllul's fer are 332 pupils at <the grade schoel several years and is new p:resident and 237 at the high school bulldlng, of the Township Trustees of Wnyr.e total or 569. On the SIDle da te '!'ow1)shlp. last year there were 302 enrolled at closet. Louis N Pit d 64.. . Sat urday. Sept. 14 maIlked the ormiln l' nz, age Membera .o! :h F. Wan:!!'l COllnt)' twelfth anniversa ry of the .opening the grade buUd\ng and 218 at the lUgh school. at total .of 520. This is Al:iout thi 'm in t.ll!: r<lee" .0 passed away .:;udcl ·n·y !l'om a heart Hf'alth Boa I Ii al"~ .5 . ':). E1II5. !1l'l·S .. eve Daddy Wllitin havIng 11:: a.ttack at th Hyma o Of'pF,nml'nt Waynesville, J am !s II. :\I'n .Jd . l\T.!>. ~~:n~~~~~~~~e ::.t~:; a gain .of 49 puplts In both building _ Mr. Braddock rurther state th s ~1 up to the peak Of pertee on Store on Mall st1'3et at a1.out Z:OO 'Ice-pres., LE'l J.'ll,c.'l' A.!l' ed Wa:'L.:t~s, have featured the famous Wear-Uwent to his room ·to Ii n t he ..uit he p.m. Sund y. Sel>t. 15. Morrow; F £:d Roall'son }"Imkhn. Well brand cf shoes for men, womer: week that with the excepbion .of th e His d ath oocured while he was ar\d C. W. Bel'~n ". ~Im()n . and cltild.ren and have also carried m'Usic departmeu'f. the faculty fer to ~'ear <to the weddlrig, No suitl Interrogations began to fly thick at the store ~mm()da·ting a friend a line of variety Items and school the. Wayr.e Township Schools was oompleted this week with the emand' 1 MerpnrtllcS be~9n ~ eme who wished to SE:e some iT.erchC\n11 ((ut or 'tlle tog . A ' ay they rushed ' in dise. - . ~ su:ze~~ :h8S i8l:ways been the spec'; ployment ()1f Mrs. Lulu BOgftlD . lJou 'Was llorn a r.d ra is~d In t ll!S • . 1a1 headquarters fer the younger • the car <to Daytou to f1nd · t he suit. Mora lnJ&I'ogaAions. F:lnally It was oommuruty lUld al\va"s made " is ~t1or-. They are always wei~ lOca.ted .ha.ngi.n& neatly in the cJo.<;et home here. He w educ:ated In the come and: receive spooIsl attenU.on where It had been P Be d s o care- WaiYllesv.1lle .,(1.10').; (\9 1 tarted his form tbe...<:e folks who like to deal fully. In10 the OlT snd back to Lytle bUsiness car"er b t.if: fa h er's groMrs. S. L. Robinson bas recently with the boys and gtrls. at a. speed of , t.h(t .rind hoping to eery store. Af t':!r It' wa; .·.old he WAS been appointed as Warren County Mr. and Mrs . Elzey are very iii _ ma.ke it in ,t,1rrie tet t~ 6 ;30 dead- ccr.nected with h F~I:U-.e:l DI Y Schools PubUc Nurse operating preciatlve of the patronage shown line. No soap: C;e~te..'·v1l1 was their Gcods Store' ,and f~r the past 24 under ~be superv1sier: of Dr. Arch them 'b y the res!dente .of this comThe state ~ay Depa.rtmen~ Wa~rlOQ. Trame office." aJ'e n· t years has been wi h 1J1~ Hyman Haiv.ey. Lebanon. Oornmlsstoner of munity a,r.a have .expressed them- completed iits job on Wa.Yl~esvUle·s intereSted" in los , sui m' it'! be~g Department s tore. ft.-st . with MI'. 'Health. according to a stMement selves as ~lng grateful. Main street . . week by placing the ~llllte for wedd~~s. 'lmy , nly c:almt-· a.nd Mr . l\;Iyer Bym ~ Q, then with made WHs tWeek. " , Mr. Elzey has not. always been blac1t tor> .'o n t:he section just north :late , speeds f ~ca,.rs. Tll.iS ono, was Mrs . HYl1lan for .eleven..reOl'!; a~ter. Mrs. RoPtnsOn 1s a. gr~duate .of able to meet h18 trnde since he !s of ,the ' Square 'Where the fOl'mer: road going .a< 1 ttle t;: ~ fast 0 su t . . em ~. HypUln's 'death al'd with the Ohrist ~~pital; Clnclnn.otl IIlr:d The of.ten confined f'le.m illness and the surface had !been removed at t.he 81) It WM more ·.. ola:y w1h1e the ~aw present Qwner. Al FoU!'ls},,-:,·. for i1'le Columbia UniverSity School of Pub- mar-y deeds .of kindness shewn him time they'·fIrst worked en ,t he streets. extraCted its 1a t ounce of .justl~. past yeat' and a halt. . lie Healt.h >NursIog. New York City. an'di ~s . Elzey during these trying ThIs new toppir.g new place the in tbe mea.n~1e. things were net llA>uls Prln~ was bOrn Au gust 22. She has been MSOC!a,ted with the t1lne6 Is deeply appreCiated. street in perf~ con<Mtion and geing smoothly !l!~',Ilhe hOI eit.'ler. 1882 tlhe soo Of Edwa.r d anel H am~oh AsiOCiatlen (If Imprevement .of the Best wiShes and congratuld.fons tra.l'flc c:an qa!n roll along. without ~al preP8~tions were ~n progress. Printz. He is JUrvtved by a n<e.phew . Cendltions of .the Poor· 1r. New York or the ~nt1re community are extend- the usual bump.i ng ar.d squeaUng of" The bride was arra9efi m,her gown Joe Printz 01 Da.yton. TItl t.hree 0lty; was Health SUpervisor .of ed to Mr. and Mrs. Elzey for their brakes. MId her lll8.l1Y ,a,tten<iar.ts 'Were t:ead~ oouslm). Frvin Reed of Clncinn(l.t! 'ScheCtls'. Suffolk county. l..cng Is- , cor-tinUed suooess. Ot.ber porUons of the s treet have lor the walk down the . Jslll. Some. ' been repaired and are constantly or.e · ntio eel 11 d ri ' A and ·two :·t her cousins of Ch lola go land. New Yerkj and Eastern Super. ' _t...... m.a:1nt.a!ned b 't:h iocal .~ - me II oenae an . ng. lo.... ' visor (l! Penn State Medlca.:! Society y e ... wave of hon'ol' swep~ over the ones Mr . Printz ~e from an of<i Child Hea.1th Pr S ID departmer:t to k~p iUlem. 1h good assembled there. Where was It. Mo.r c fa.m11y .of th4s OODln'H.qUty ~t has . OIgl'am. S' ortrer. ~e Maip' $'eet of : Way;nesMrs . . RQbinson ~ a resident of , D IVle Oil a Ville ~ea ~m-able ~e . . 1n,terroga.tions. sOrneope ' Temember- branches )f ~e famUy tree 1000000d eel aee1na ~e large bro'\\'ll en~elope. i%) Ham.1lt<>~. Preble: MOntgil·m ery, Waynesville and the wife ~)! S . L. " '. ~ , : • in truck ships)1ng, arid It 1& DeCYes, lt had been, plaCed -ln the bo~- Greene. Olark. cnam~1g.n, ~. ~:~~~~a!:~ of the WaynesThe Civic Club SOftball 'To~- . . " . ~ a ~tani CheCk be .1:iC-m ,,?f a. draIWer Ul}del' S()llle ",ed~ .$lelby and Miami c:ounties. Some . . ' mer-t has been completed .with the oWii"'to Keep It In gooo order. gM.IA:! • .• Wha.t 'drawer? ·Siler:ce. The me~~s of this family changed the Drake's Team ooming out 'winners ~ad sCramble lb egan·. dra.wers were spelling of the family name to ' and with Mul1~rs winn1n8 the HIGH SCHOOL BALL dumpec .out prcm.1sciiel.!61y. At last ~. top honors for the season. . SCHED tile brown envel~ came ill view. FUneral services were conducteti by BERNYCE ~N POLINSKY R.esults · of the tourr:ament games . ULE LISTED A 81gh of relief went up, The group Tut'6da~ afte:r"oon at .2:00 ?:clock a.t We'll all miss our Lou. are as follows: , The llKO FallSChedule of the vias at last ~ an~, while they McClure Fuiteral ~ome wlt·h Rev. BoUl the young and .old. A'lIg. 26- Drakes 13 - ~;ulf~rds 2 W~ Oc'\lJlty Schools Baseball werethirtY ' m1nUites .la.te t..h.ey made Pea.ul C~es of Leibanor. IJfflciating. He was indeed. a I'eat frlend . Sept. 2 Drakes 11 - Turners (I League indlc:a>tes that Waynesv11le ·e.verythlng cQIne out. alright a.f,~r .In{ennent was made in MJaml And had' a ¥art of gold. Aug. 29- Turners 16 ~~Ers 12 will play five games >the first to be . ~ and ,the yo~ couple 11ved 'very cemet.e~ : sept. 5- Mulferd's 14 - Sawyers 12 an. Sept. 24 at Kings Mills; on &pt. ibe.pP?lY .ever . a.1ter. . ' . . The children tall lOVed hJm·, ~. 9 Mulford's 12 11 28 at. SpringbOro; on Oct . 4 Carlisle M<lI'al: OOn.' t ld06e ~r 'su1.t , yeur Tho' he WII6 quite a tease" Sept. 12 Mulford's 18 - Drake s 17 plays here; on Oct. 7 Waynesville a 11oer..se .or yeur ring- j~t prtor.' to a ~te 0 He trll!d eo be cheerfUl. ' , Sept. 16 Dra~e's 19 .;. Mulford's 9 Mason; a.nd o~ Oct. 11 Merrow will , ''WIeddmg. ' And did hl5 t6 plea;sE~. For the season play the teams p1a(v bere. Oct. 1'5 and 18 will be ended as follows: used w play' postponed games. F ATHER OF ,FRED Tha~ eld fJUllillar iWalk First.: Mulferd;' s; Second: Turner's An umpi~e (not .a member of the . CRAUMAN CALl.'ED RObert R1Ch~ age . 89. res1- ·.Ar-d tliat grtn on his face. T.h1rd : Drake's; f1o.ur.h: Sawyer's .sohIool faculty) agreeable to both ____ ?6r..t Of . Har.veysburg, pa.ssect away at HIS &:hinfug bald h'e8.d 008dies Is to be provided by the QUU'les A. Ot'8.umaD of NOl'th St. ElIzabeth hO$ltal, Monday. Sept. He .~n bowed In grace. CHARLES R-Y-£· HOME home school. . ~ 'faithful yearS' or servlOl~ FROM MARINE SE~VICE . Lewisburg, Ohio pas~ed away att ·Ws .l6 a~· 8:30 · P.m. home, TUes~.B,ept.)7. The luneml He Is ~v~ by his wUe. ~ura To his menlol1! are a 'shrine, . Charles Rye, son of Mr. and Mrs .. WILL ST. JOHN is· today at 2l~ p.m : ,at tJhe fUr:~l !Funeral serylces ~ere' ibeld todl1¥ fo4~ God gnnt him .Peace Clar~~ce Rye arrl'led hOme Sunday WINS PR1Z~S home theTe. · .... at ~.:OO p.m. ait . tJhe ~t\Jl)b6 Funeral . 10 a man 80 ~ and kind. after serving ItwO years with >the WMl C. St. John reports that he He is·.-the foster-:father 'of .Fred 'l!ome with Herbert Omham. mini... . . . :MiU'1ne Oorps: 0nIe yeat of UUIJt. V1me won two prizes BIt the Wro-rt!n ~' oWne~ ,of ~ . Madd,en .s ter af .F~n'Y. Church of Cbl1st ~f- We liha,ll ·o o.erW,1 his memOlry .~pent · overseas'. in the Ma41an.naa ~y Fair, first prIZe or- the lal'g.I..um'ber 00. of Wa.ynesV~i>-' >f~: ' .' As tJle ~s ro~~ bJ_ and in 0lUna. He Will receive his e6t ~to iUld a first on the best . . A brother R1cbani of Norfih Lew1SBurlaJ. !W8.S' m8de in New Burllni- And< ~ OW' L?u ·d18clW'ge in 36 ~. 'peck of ,tomatoes: ~~ .~v~ tori .Cemetery. lAs 'ene swell guy.
Louis N. Printz Has .Will C. St. John Fatal Heart Attack Now. Health Offi~~er
Local Schools Have Higher Enroilment
Elzey's Announce 12th Anniversary
Mrs. Robinson Iurse For Publ·IC S hI ' C bO S
Main Street Gets Black-Top SUl\face
Drak'e W· Toumey I C; ' 'Lea.me t..h II
'0UR .LOU' ,
FUDera I' H'". T day For
.- .
Har¥e.yshurg Resident
Sept. 21 - Farmer's G1'a l~ge Meeting at the Grange Hall at 8 :30 p .m . Degr ee \\"Ork Is on he schedule and a hort program a fte rwards.
Gustin Reunion The 14th Annu al R w1ion of h e he Red. Lion desc nda n ts of Gus Ins. J eremiah. J ohn . SanIUP! Ellkal"ah and Bennzah Gu In. wh o a ll settled on 600 acres of land In 17 8 the n called We~t~ rflcl d, Ohio was h eld on Sunday. Sept,. 15 at the home of Mr . and Ill' . J oe Gus[in ne R ed LIon. Y rs a1,er ' the Gu tin ar.=estOI'3 set led there they bull and conucted a store and specla.l1zed in he pinching of a bTand of chewing tc.b acco called "Red Lion". Alar e sign of a ~ LIar. was erected and later we town was called ~ Lion. Nearly 100 qpstlni r elatl\"eS were PI' ent at thls J"Cal"'S reunlon, m,any or ~em who had never Mten ded Gustin ·reur.lon before. Th~ came from Kentucky, Indiana and Ohio. .After a bounteous dinner was served quite a few CIt the relwtives present were Introduced to one a.r.other. President Wlll Gustin of Waynesville called a meeting to order and reque ted ~ ecretary's report but slnce the secretary, Art1hur Gus In of Lebanon was not present, no r eport was givem Mrs. Julla Clark gave the welcome address and some remarks ' were made by the pre6ident who also read a. letter and report from Emlline 9 usttn Flynn of Newton. m. 'Of their lTetmion there. AlsO. & letter from Mrs. Je0n4e Gustin Moon, M1l11t1nsville. Ohio who is pest 90 years of age. wanting to know the 1l1stol'lY of 1Jle' G ust in famlly
Friendship Club
Womans ;
Oct. 4- Mother's I Club at Grade
The September meeting of the ttroman's A....... -ry 0' St Mary's
PEACE OF MIND THROUGH LIFE INSURANCE '100.00 per month for 10 ,ear. &0 your famU, If you do not live. $100.00 per month for life
Your Radio' needs an occaslonal Building. Mrs. Morris Fulkerson. checkup too. To 11 void more 005t1y fut ure repairs let us give your radio pres. an examination to.da.y. If no repa.1rs are needed you are undecr absolutely BIRTHDA Y HONORED no obllgatlon.
n........ .0" wlday
YY' WUUA ~. were in Church was held on Friday 'Of last order f'Or WIll C. St. J ohn tJb1s past ·week at the home of Mrs. Ronald week and on Sunda.y a number of Hamke. ~s. Daisy. Snider presided guest8 were presEmt to honor the
GUSTIN Radio &Television. Phone Laboratory 2 194 ,
for yourself at retlremeD'All of these benefita ill ODe poUCy.
Pbone 111· L LEBANON,
omo .
The . pres1dent introduced the ' De at t he meeting In the absence of the oocas:Ion. They we:re: Mr. and Mrs . ;:;;:;;;;;;;;:;:=====:=~~~~~~~=====:;; < ~ Ma1.l;e Sisters of CoVlngl4n. KY. ' President. Mrs. Helen Hawke. W1l1 Hutt, Mr. nnd Mrs . Wilbur'';;;; who gave ttle'lr magical "De Du Plans ,!"ere discussed for the com- Hutt. Jo and' Jea;n Hutt Of Rldire- ' '.\ . ~: . House and! the Castle ot Lahala.." 1ng years work and a. very Interest- VUle; Mr. and Ml's. Dave Ross. Plaut Washe~ . I.ng program was laid out. There Mld Rachel The DeMa1se Sisters are prof-ession- were rJne 'm embers resent and on e ·Ann :Ross of Lebanon; , al entert.a.1ners, the three. o1lughters · p ~ 1\(1'. and Mrs'l 'K. N . !Ashmead Of Mrs. Julla Gustin Clark. During guest, Mrs . Grace Pr~ndel'gast. and llttJe son. Denrus X . 'U\ . the war these girls gave entert.a.lnAfter the meeting ad~OUl1t1ed. dell- - ALL MAKES AND TYPES ments 1r- -every cIty in the United dOlls refreshments were served by I· OUR WORK IS GUARANTEED States the hOstess and a social h our was ) . enjoyed by aU. We also do RADIO and PHONO Repair A motion was made to 'hold the 'I1he October meeting of the Aux!' I • reunion a t the .same l oca.tlon next llary Will be held at the home , Of pay Phon.e yeat' and perm1tion was gi-anted by 2661 · the Joe Gustlns and the motion was Mrs. Rice Snapp cn Third street. SEPTJ!MBER A . f th B k cross rom .e an 0 Nite Phone ~Ied .to hold' t qe r.e union on the •0 third Sunday in September at the 2981 WAY N E S V ILL E , H II ~. and Mrs. Joe Gustin resldenoo. 'Ilhe se7ection lOt 11 IZ'OOd oast .. OM A. , memor1aJ trlbute was made by Th~ 'septe~eetlng of the ~~kesDO th1sLLmulilIF caAIShC9WE~~ ! Mm's. Julia Clark for Emma. Oustin Wayne Township F'armers' Olub was K1r-dJe. iR~ Gustin anld LlzzI.e held at t he home of Mr. and Mrs . with VIVIAN B,LAINE, "'~·~ tln Th DENNISand O·K}!:;EFE. PERRY 'U'W> . • e p res1d en t Will G ustln, Omar Hollingsworth near Oregonia. COMO C~RMEN OFF~R expressed ~ desire tn extending After the dinner and social hour. MlRAiNDA. SYr,npathy to all kinsmen ",ho have ,the meet-1r-~ was called ,to order by Al~ : LITTLE ,LULU. NEWS SATISFACTORY had rel8ltives P86S awa.y since the Fred Hagemeyer, preSlClen!. SERVICES last reun10m Thls was followed py Mrs. William Mason Ph1.Ulps. sub<tihe ·l»rd's Prayer. stltuted for Mr.i. Perle Riley; 'F ho AT ALL TIMES . :A requ_ for the president tn W8.s IlL for the 6peclal .topic. She .appoint; .a new secreta.l'lY ,ror the told of the work of restoration 'going or- at the WalTen County Museum . -coming year 'was made. ~d1tlure ~llmt and .announced the oper.ing on SunDial 2111 Waynesville, Ohio da.y.. Sep . 29. ". Berman Ross, County Agent. was I "-~ - •.• ~. - --- =:=-e"""1rlQ~~ the guest sp eaker. His topic "Safety on the Fa.rm" called attention to the many ·ways Ir. which thoughtl~ a.ct1ons lead to ae<:tdents. . Guests for the meeting were Mr. a nd Mrs . Cillf Brant and Mr. Ross of Lebanon; and' Mrs. A:bbie Blgony VITAMIN D of F1annersville. The Ootober meetlr-{t will be a t TRY OUR the Town House. l"ranltlln. with Mr. MUSical 'Western wlt.h comedy ! and Mrs . Donald Hawke entertainPASTEURIZED MILK - CREAM ROY ROGERIS 1rt '. THE MEDICINE CHEST Ing. CHOCOLATE MI~ '- ORANGE DRINK WHIPPING· CREAM '- BUTTERMILK 'Is one :ot the m06t lmpol'tant spots JUNIOR DEPARTMENT Plus: CARTOON. '!'U,NUSUAL i n every home . Keep,J.t well stocked HAS PICNIC FRIDAY OCOUPATIONS and DIXIE COTTAGE CHEESE Take inventory of your DU!d1c1ne _ . POlNTERS . . . Order Milk Delivered to Your Home chest oocas16nally to make 'sure you The Junior Department of the haw aU the thlr.gs you need to meet MethOOlst ChW"ch held a. picnic a.t MONDAY - WEDNESDAY - FRIDAy 8.n ~ergency. Be sure ita cOntents 't he O'hurch on Friday. Sept. 13, wit~ PHONE ~4 ' are domplete ~ tresh. abOut f'OlIty guests> present. Arter the For quick reUe(Jrom itching cauaed by eaema. LEBANON . " ~ ;;J / We .are he8dqUa.mers for MediCine picn1c lunch was served 't he class athlete', foot, _bleil. pilnpleund other itchins! Chst SupPlIes. spent the evening in playing games. tonditions.. \lie pure. c:ooUng. medlcited. liquid D.D, D. PltUCItI"loili. A doctor', 'formula . The teachel'& I8nd ofi'lcers of the GreueJe. and .tamJe..·Sootbel, comfortII aDd ALSO AT ' olia.ss IWIsh to thank ,t he mOthers of quic:Id,. caI_ Intellle itch1~. 3Sc trial bottle ~It.or_,.bac:k. Doo~~ the chlldren tor preparing' such fine dnaailt CiDda,. for D. D. D. .. PHONE 101- WADfESVU£& O. baskets ¢ food for 't he p1cnjc. ....
TWIN [heat're.
Farmers' 'Club
-T he Wt'St Wayr.e Advisory Council d met at the home of Mr. an Mrs. Lawrence Brown. Sept. 13 with WSCS MEETING seve nteen m mbe present and Mr . Sept. 26 Wome n 's Socloty of d Ml' . J . M . Oreene 01' the WarCh.lrstian Service regular meet~~ co~ y F arm Bureau, Lebanon. and Dr a11d Mrs . Harlan Dye as ing and 12:00 o'clock luncheon a t . . the Met.h odist OhUl ch: T his meetguest,S. . I.r. g was postponed flO~n Sept. 19 The discussion pe110d was de voted ., on account of th e FaiJ . to the subj t of Scate Leglsln'!,ure Issues. No business was t.ransacted. Reservations for t he lut!cheon can be sem to the preSident, Mr . Glenn Refresbments of banana cream pie Bcir~en 0 1' t he Mrs. R . B . Coleman. MarIlyn and her gues . enjoyed and coffee was served. A gue t speaker will be PI' en t. pl ayi ng gam~s nnd an array of man y Ml·s. Meeks of Clevelan d who I fl gifts were c pened. For reIr hme[~ts ARGUNOT BRIDGE s1ster of Mrs . R . O. Moler. the young folk were serveq Ice- CLUB MEETING • .. • .cream and oondy and a t fI~c "t1er deool'ated bi.rthday caKe was t 1e GOLDEN ItOl.E CLUB The Arguro Bridge Club met on Sl'pt. 27 - Golden Rule Club or. the cen ter of attra.ction. The day aJt~ rnoon a t the home CIt Methodist Chureh at t he home of Mr . Rona ld' Hawke. Mrs. Alva. Frances Gray on State Rt. 73. Thom pson was !l guest. Leo Conn r , president.. • .,,'
Wedn day. Sept. 11 t.he Friend" shlp Club held t s meetin g of t.he mcnth at he hom!! of Mrs . Cora RIch. Mrs . R . C . Moler ,va In charge f thp de 0 lot!s. The guest speRker for the afternoon was Mlss R utth Ha th way. Warren County Heal th Nurse. Miss Hathaway has just returned after servtng in the Army Nurse Corps tor five years. two and one-half of hese years. she spent overesas In the Europear. Theatre of operation . Mlss Hathaway discussed her plans for county work In the future and th en related some of her interestlng experiences during h er service overesns. NEW CENTURY CLUB Mrs. Bennan R.Qss. wife of the Sept. 27- New Clmtury Club. Mrs. Warren Coun ty ~gent, entertained J . P . Fromm. Hostess. Mlss Ruth the ladles \\1th a few musical numChandler: Mlss M1t!nle Dodson , bers on her acoordlan: Pr08 ran1. Committ-ee. The meeting adjourned to meet Mrs. R. H. Hartsock. pres.; Mrs . again Oct. 9 ar.d this meeting will ~. A. Conner , vice-pres.; ~. be a. pot-luck supper held a t the R . E . Asbw-y. secy.; Mrs . S . S . EllIs. tlreas. M-ethodlst Ohurch. At thJs 't ime ,t he members wUl revejlll their secret • _ •
A-IUXI lary
Friday the thirteent h holds no jinx tor Mnrl1Y1~ POIIIl) ky who celebrated her blrthd y on tl a date and was nonored wi h 1\ party at h er home. Her friends who attt'nded >1 t P eg J Milt b r u le par 'Y were 0 en e S ARb C I Kay ge.r; ue . nn am y; aro Turr.er; Joy Smith: Kenl.':urner: Charles Ellis : J a.net Davis, Mary Da~:s.: c~arles Ker~y ; GalTY Tnt~~ Jnel , J e r l1 dWOOI1ISllrd 'LJt edrfY BMmd.O j • une Men en 1a; n a or15 nn; Shirley Jones; Shirley Rickey: C 1'0 lyr. Oonner; Sally Lou Smith: Don Workman' Freddie LeMay' Pats\' Hawke. . ' .
THE I\Ui\l\fI GAZETTE - Pace t \VAYNESvnLE, OIfIO - NO. 11282 'fIfUItSDA y, EP'l'D1BER 19. 19116
Re£rl-gerator & Rep:::al-rl-ng ,
. Parts
Home Appliance tore
STOKES ·DAIRY "9mogenize~ Milk
"Rainbow Over Texas"
. · ·Ue Dr WaYDeIYI . ag .Store
21 2 . Stewart.' "S Thrift. -E,'MClfllet . f!J.
THE MIAMI GAZETT~ - Page 3 ATTEND DINNER IN WAYNE VILLE. 0100 - NO. 4282 LYTLE SUNDAY TH~TRS DAY. SEPTEl'mER lQ, 1946 1\4r . and Mrs. Carl Bauer were the iCHor.. I' gue Ls of Mrs . ~au ;·'s mother and Callier of LytIe. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Boga·n . Stmday Sept . 15th.
Local Girl Selected To Attend Club Congress
SUNDAY AFl'ERNOON CALLERS . AT COLEl\1AN RESIDENCE Mr. and Mrs . Frederick IrlWin of ClncinnaU and Mr . al1d MTS. Lewis Ulrich of Upper S!tmOllsky called on Rev. R. B. Colema.n and family Sunday afte111oor. .
One of three 'chosen from Warren County eligible to aLter.d the 4-H Club COngl'ess at Ohio State Uruvel'siW in Columbus was Miss Eileen Brown, the daughter of Mr. a.nd Mr . La.owrence Brown of Wa.:rnesvllle. ThIs Is the first Club Col1gTess . held s1nce 1942, when at tllalt Urne Mrs. Donald Watldns. tine foroler Marj()r1e Cl'uuIleton was chQlSlen from the Lytle 4-H Club to attend. MIss Brown was ch05en out of a. hundred records er.tered. She was selecred because Of her ou~d1ng recoro nol Ol:ly in school work but a.lso In ou1s1de aotlviWes. She is a membel' of ·the Flarmers Grange. '}i1a.nn Bureau and t"'n c Sew-So 4-H Club of WaytleSv111e.
The death of Lou Printz, r em oves from Wayne ville a very r.oble oharacter 1J we can rely on \'v"hal many. many people say. Although I never knew Mr. Printz personally, h e has "waited" on me several tiples lr. Hymar.·s stote. always amiably al d courteo1lsly. I felt however as if h tWere a cltse fliend hearing my relatives 'speak of him so frequently .
• • •
Mrs. ' Everett E!u'ly. Mr.;. J.:>hn B L'l'S'ke. Mrs. WIllir:lm .strouse and Mlrs. stanley Ba4ley attended a Eastern Star luncheon held at ' the MaSonic Temple . in B~ohester saturdf»', Sept. 14th. OO/LONEL AND WIFE VISIT AT ROBINSON HO~ On Mond~ of taUs week 001. ar.d Mn. Gerald E. Branch -amVled to 8pend . a. ' 'Wl!ek 'lWlth. Mrs . BranCh's s1B;,er Rn d bl'Cl liher-ln~bw. Mr. and MfS . S. L. RObinson. Col. Braalcll 18 or.. 1lis way to a · new statien tn Alabama .
Phone 2441 -
• • •
For one hWldred and six years. ir.gs are led by tile e lders and mID1stel' o! the Co~t1or.. roads like a lighthouse set on ~ hill, Following the pray~r meeting and directing men and .w omen. boys and the youth meetlligs all grOU!lS meet together for an evanelistlc service. girls by the hundreds to the ~t Thus the work of the lJord is ca.rway of Ufe. rted forward at Ferry. F'erty Ohuroh has stood at the cross-
Personal property tax fonns aJ'e mailed this week to ' Warren county resJdents. G eorge B . J ohnson, county tn'easurer, has atmounced. The personal property tax is due Oct. 20 Johnson stated. Due to this date falling on Sunda;y taxpayers will have untll the following day to Dl8ik:e payments.. AT CAR-TBA --G-E-F-AlR---
Mr. and Mrs. J . B . Chapman and Mr. andttJle Mrs. Carthage R . D. Chapman eome or the greatest preaoh ers The present m lJUSter, . Herbert a·ttended Fair o! all time .hILve ,soupded forth the GTahaD1, has beer. there rOr nearly Saturday.
ft li:r
Designed to speedily rel1eve. simple headaohe and painful , dIscomforts of neuralgia. Measured doses _ In powder form ' for QuIok aaalmUation.
D :z= ~:e~~~~~~ ~t~ D
Standard U 8 . P. tngredIenta. Laboratory teS~, controlled. A. In pr1ce 'range of everyone. 1:1' 100 and 25c a1zeI . Oaution: Use only aa directed. •
Buy -IAY- .
II;"":'_~I!":';' • , ___ _"~!..;. _~
_ _ ' __
go-pel from h er pUlpi,t and several four year s. During this time the ~t- :;~==~=;;.;;;==;;.;;;=;;.;;;==========;;.;;;==~ ha,,"e gone into the Christian. Minls- tendance at the Bib}" sch(K)l and [ ' try through her Infitler.ce. A!t pre- Church have almost doubled. The ent one young woman r>!lm Ferry is ~ar prIor to his comb..g Uhe a.verage in the Cinclnna.U Bible Semiary. BIble school 'attendance was 75 and preparing herself f-01' the work of today the average for the year thus the Kingdom anti sever,a[ others will far is 142 per Lord's Day. enter the seminary as soon as they Next IM'd's DIl6" w1l1 oe &E~t aside ACCOUNTING and TAX SERVICE complete their high seJ:iool ,w ork. as Home-Coming day tb.Is year. The Ferry Ohurch is proud cf her ' mir.isteJ; 'Will bring tho= mes;age a.t Dilatush Building -- Broadway - Lebanon, Ohio record and justlY so. tor her doors the m orntng <erviee. An 1r.vitation is are alwa.ys open on t he L~rd'5 Day , extended -to e:veryone to atttmd the TELEP.HONE 511 both mornj~g and fveJ'lT.lg except on servtce. Following the morning worHome-Coming Day when sessions ship service Mr., . Gerald Slilvey, a are held only in the morning and phot.>ognpher firom Cha~tauqua will a.lterr.oc:m. take a pioture of those present. • A basket dinner will be enjoyed iiiiiiiii__=iiiiii=====_iiii=iiiiii~ Ferry Churcru has a Corp of effi- In .t he basement of the churcb at the clem teachers with graded olasses noon hour. ThIs a lways 8.ffords a for all ages. It has an official board , great hour of fellowship. of which it ·is proud. :At 2:00 p.m. t h e Home~~g ~t has the r:1n~gr{Jup of young Jll'08hDl Will be given with :Brother people to be fO~(J anywhere and Chester Wllllams, a 'former minister they are always willing ' 00 nelp In as the speuer. · . 'I1Ul cemmunltY Is thvited 't o ,'Lhis flbe work of the. Ohurch. ~e yourg people m eet in two service and to all the serY1ees at different g1'Oups each Lord's Day any time, of the Ferry Chunn evening , for the study ot God's wont M8.IY we Jle abl~ to say with the 9 .s 12 WOOL While they are meeting the adult Psalmist, "I Was glad whE~n they membership of the Church htave a said '1mto me: let us go Into ~e 9 x 12 FELT BASE RUGS prayer meeting. These prarer meet· house ot Jehovah.:'
R. ·8 . A. BUSSES \"
Sharon. seven mont h old daughter of Paulie and . Cillford Doster will certainly tWl1 out to be a mov:le someday If be1r.g pretty has anything to do wiUl It.
,Ferry Church Holding Its AnnliClI H C· D N' t Sunday ~we~~arl.y ~:Sn ' ome- omlng ay ex
TINNEY' ENTERTAIN MANY GUESTS Sept. 8th . and 9th. Mr. and Mrs. l1Jj~d Tinney 'w(Lre host anq h ostess .00' Mrs . TiI'.Deys mother, Mrs. James Lawson of Milw&ukee. nd • fr.;:. Tinney's sister and brother in-la:w. Mr . and Mrs. R. E. Lohman' of Washlngton D. O . .Sunday Sept. 9th . Mr . ar:.d Mrs . Tinney atlso enltertalned Mr . and Mrs . Oarl Oldt-am and rvIrs. Ida - J . 'lAwIson a.nd son. of Olnclnnat1.
I hope I'm not seemJr.g commer- • _ _~==~~~=~_ ielal when I put in · my bit, for the new bus !lne goIng through Harveysburg. I h ave <already been hauled as far as the junction of 48 and 73 and . as t he bobby soxers would say. "I think It's superduper."
PRONE NEWS ITElUS TO ~14.3 or ~910
I just found out, the kind gentleman. Mr. Pepper, beh1r.d the mea t counter at Stewarts Thrift E Market, is my floor lru peotor, Eva's grandpa. Now, I believe kind dispositions can be inhertted and ARE!
Miss Brown left for Cc~umbus en E:undlly .. Sept. 8 and returnoo S ept. 12. There were about 600 attending the Club 00l1gl'eS&. In Itbe mornings they ~ttended lectures ar..d in t.he afternoons and eveniDgs visIted many places of lr_terest. On the last everJng of t he Oongress they bad a. banquet at the Southern Hotel in Oolumbus.
t of honor af<:;r her before .;he leaves for Mary A. BlUrnham School for Girls in ~"6chUS£·t ts- S ept. 5. Miss Mable Bachert. was the hostess £.If the even lng. Also a.tter.dmg the PlU'ty were Naomi. Ruth Mld Harlan Earnhart and iN9f1nian. Olenn and J oe BaIohert.
GUES,TS ~M CLEvELAND Mr. and Mrs . Merle K eams o' Cleve.!and were 'rue day dil1r.er guests of Mr. and M.rs. A. H. IDamhart and attended the LOw Pl'inLz funeral.
LAMPS (Floor and Table) •
STUDIO COUCHES' (Fully ·Sprinl Filled)
TO ROUTE 48~ WILMINGTON '- HARVEYSBURG - Connect al: Ro':'te 741 fo~ LEBANON.....;, at FRAN'KLIN ,Route 25, for North and! South point. - at GERMANTOWN fOr MIAMISBURG - at EATON for RICHMOND, INDIANAPOLIS, CHICAGO and point. West. . . BUS to WILMINGTON t6:00 a.m., ·12:45 p.m', .5:05 p.m., 10:44 p.m. To EATON & way pointa t7:35 a.m. , 2:15 .p.m., 6:35 p'm., 12:05 p,. m. t DAILY EXCEPT SUN'DAY . BUS STATION
Waynesville DrugStore
"Complete Home Furnishers"
HOM'E FURNITURE . ' .. ;X,ENIA Phone CO • OHIO :912R ~~Ea,t
Matn Street at Whiteman"
The Miami Gazette EST LIS' A B
1 8 5 0
Published Every T hur d y by DAVISSON PRESS FLIDYD L. DAVISSON, Editor Entered as Second Class Matter at the P05t Office Subscrip tion Rates: $1.50 ~r Yesr In Advance :
Harlan township with J . A. . Pren- USE GAZETTE CLA IFlED AD THE 1\UAl\1I GAZETTE - ~e , dergra.ss- DeaD Boyden a nd Orville TURN \ 'OUR StmPLUS ITEl\1 W YNE VILLE. omO - NO. ·4Z82 CUrless as appraJlSers. INTO QUlOK, READY OA H THURSDAY, SEPTE1\mER 19. 19"6 Net value of t.b l~ estate of William D . Ho . Lebanor.. WtlS determined 'to ~ $8.182.38: and proceedlngs under former order approved. The first and final account of the estare ot Margaret D . Wall, Leba nOl'. flled.
Trustees of the Mason Methodist Ohurch were granted permission by REAL ESTA 1'E However, we are learning mOre , SLEEPING SICKNESS about this baffUng and costly th e court to sell property owned by TRANSFERS OUTLOOI{ DOUBTFUL dlseG.se as tune goes on. For one NEW CASES the church to Carl l!Iwa nger for $5. REAL SETATE 1rRANS s.nOhs8i If . As we come Into the se son for t hi ng, we Itnow that it can be Two attempts at marriage h ve 612 . O\'a McClatn to M. Russell Horn lnosqultoes, bugs, and olher In· oarrie not only by mosqUitoes, l'atled· l\! r. Myra E . Webster. La:wrenee Frye, MQrro~ . '\"85 16.71 acres 1n Clclu'cl'eek wp. scots, thousands of horse owners but also by miles. birds. tioks. • She! or lUed sutt tor a divorce. gra.r.ted a divorce fro m carmen J. Shennan and Viola Oole to Nelson ag In b ~ n to ask themselves the and numerous fo rm s ot Insects. We a ction against. Troy L. Webster tn Frye, Porto Rica. or, n ls charge of and Julia Trott). tract In Cleal'cl'eek lu.ow that birds ac l as reservoirs twp. [or .' lhe virus [rom ye I' to year which . h.e states that they were neglect. (and some authorities say that nUl1'lied In 1929. divorced In August, . The suit of the York Supply Co. Clint E . Hamel' et a1 to Ernest and chic~; a..'1 s may do the same . And. 1944. and reman-led two months against Carmer. Grane. Waynesville. ' Mary Esther S tephens lot i7 in Mormost rlOllsiy, the vi rus of horse later, she oh arges her ma.te with was dlsm1ssed on motion of pla.lnstllf row. sieeping sickness can also kill cruelty. " following a compromise . Fred' B. Hendel'son to Wendl.e P . huma n beings. In fact. the human cases of this disease now run Into . Salisbury part of lot 6 in Cha pman ViVien L. Smlth also charges the thousands. and there ha VB dhJelty 1r.' her divorce action in MARRIAGE LICENSES addition. Waynesville. b\!en many dea.ths from It. which Floyd W . Smith. Lebanon. Is Nelson Dukom. 27. carpenter. and Albert nd Ruth Kolb to J ohnson Instead of just one type of Hazel Garri.son. secretary both of and Mable Dalton. 5.99 acres tn 'named .defendant ,' sleeping sickness virus, as at flrIt Charging that his wile. Rose ~r:v , MolTOW. : Clearcreek twp. • supposed. veterinarians have now isolated FOU R types-the Eutem . r e.fused to llve Ih .an apartment he William FrandS. 25. Morrow, Edward F. and Nellie Morris to strain, the Weslern, the St. Lol11a, r en ted to Lebanon. JamC$ J . buffer. and Ruth Rice. King Mills. W11l1am S. and F~a.nces 10. Kenton and the Venezuela. Thus the prob&elton Hied suit for a divorce. labor.atory technlctan. ' 156.56 ~ In 'I'Urtlecreek tIWp. lem Is fUrther c.omplicated. -Man1ed iJl 194.3. me i:ouple tl)a.ve one James R . Parker. 19, truok driver. The Pennsylva.nia and. Ohio and The beat defense against the c:hild. and Margaret Irene Isaacs. 19, Detroit Railroad Co. «) Henry Aldisease Ia to have all horses ImAnn Edwards .A.lJnj FrankUn, seeks Waynesville, clerk. lard. one acre near Haseman. Union mwililld in the spring, before the tnaect MaSOD begina. If the vace. divorce from Arthur L. Alm. st. Walter E. Flrl.end, 24 . .Ola.rksville, twp. Paul, Minn. in her pettUoc In' ~h1ch factOry .worker. and Mary Ellen J. H. ~etzger to Jvseph E . NewMosqwtoeli ancI other InlleC!t.8 Cinating Ia done properly, the horaes can go on working without s he charges her husband !With !Bogan, 20. Wa~esvUle. ~, lot In Cold Sprtngs. e&rrJ aleeplog IIckDees. layol'f-and the Immunity l.I usualneglect . They were mamed tn 1943. Kenneth Ray Lioldlter. 21. RoI:Jer!t and Martha Short to James question-"What are Ute chances ly good for the entirE! aeuon. It WUson Gilbert Is named defe~nt Middletown. boOUeeper. a.nd Ruth and Olive 'B ateman, one half acre for horse sleeping sickness' this shoul(i b pointed out, however, year, and will MY horses be safe 1" that sleeping sickness vaccination • in a divorce actllon filed by.. Burtte I , Willlams. I&. F1rtanklln., pa~ in Hamilton twp. Unfortunately, that is a: question requires a special Intra-dermal Gtlbert. She asserts In ner peutton counter Ora E. and J IUIILCS W , M~lIn to that no ODe i9 able to answer. be- method, Involving special techthat they ma.rrled a~ Lerose. tty. in .L ouls· Iar.nitt. 28, C1nc1nnatL Matthew Nies. 5.5 acres in Bamilcause sleepilig. slclmeu Is nc:iw ,one niquell and skill, and must be dODe 1936 and .have two chUdrer_ Cruelty machintSt. and Angela Pelosi. 25, ton twp. . . of the most unpredictable diseases properly If firm immunity t. to be is charged, by the pla.1n&t.1ft . Pleasant Pla.In, regtstel'ed nurse '. Leonant and Bernice McKl.nney to known to veterinary scIence. establlllhed. Alfred W Pott& 21 press operator Rallph and Vera Sullivan. two lots . . ' , in South Lebanoc. and Dorothy Lee Perkins• .18. clerk. J hn E Hold . to Ev tt oDd both of Lovela.r..d. . 0 . . en ere a lPaul J. cr&.ne. 25, Monroe. Anna K. Bennett, t?t ~ In Morrow. electrician's helper, andl Mildred E. George- a~d 'Colm Weu« to CorHursh, 22, Sprtcgboro. I8nalystst. nel10U8 and. Marl' Mahan. 41 acres Robert Mlddle~n.. 19. carpenter. in Wi~e Itwp. . and Dorothy 'Roblnet~. 19. laboratW1l1am E. and Allee Althaus to cry tecbnician. both of Mason. Frank and Evellyn K. ~artzel. Ra.ymond Hat.rlck. 30. Frankiin, three lra,ct,s in Xasste twp • . clerk. ar.d Gr~ C. Baker. 32, Lebanon, chief depuey . FIoyd Vi. Schoonover. 22, West Ca.rrolltor__ paint sprayer. and - .- . . Dorothy M. HUrtt, 20, FrankUn, Petroleum ,ha!1 become an ever assembler . " I ' . ~reasing factor' in the economy' of Byron Q. Countrytll&n. 27. the nation. FOIr' . years we hare ~n~r, imd Floris L. Kellis. both la~g~y suppl!ed the world wit~ oil of Franklin. as well as beIng by far the world's largest consumer' of petroleum and ita· products. In 1939 we p.roduced yOUNG mothers recelving gttt. fant clothing wlU be easy to make!' f!'he ~ry duty of this ~ Is PROBATE COURT 1,260,000,000 burels of crude oil, . for their new babies, plead for Among other gIft suggestions fot ·to ·t he community: We ~ th~ The ,net value of the estate uf or 61 per cent of the woril\ produc- ' those mat are practical. accordina the baby which mothers have found '1'e&pIOr.slbll1ty; and conduct our bWIl- Peter B : ~l1er, Letlanon, was de- tion. During thE! ' war OUT produc- to. Catherine Tidemanson in an arti- practical, she adds. are rubber nees along t.he Unes of co~ve 'tennlned to be $2.845.97; that ot tion ' rose to 1,700~(),O,OOO barrels. cle In nationally circulated Capper'a panties, sleepers. sweaters for the , t Farmer. child to grow' into. Custard cups for bullding of 8.4P1cu1ture and COIn- WalTe~ K. Hess, Waynesville. to be "Too often gilts tare chosen be- heating food, funnels. glass cups or mercIa! prosperity !~ our com- ~.291.41: ; ·C. E. Fox. Franklin. ' , The unprel;~dEmted demand Qr petroleum. durmg the .war dep~eted cause they clever and cute," ,she . pint measuring cups marked In .munlty. $13,801.33; and U1at of Thomas the · kn~wn. reserves and, what IS .of . wtites 1.n I toe magazine read by ounces,. juice squeezers, small I THE BUrns, 'L ebanon, 'f6.902.90. •. egua.l slgmficanCE!, hll;, delayed pros- 1,300,0\>0 farm families. strainers and ton'gs wiji help mother WAYNE&VILhE Richard M. Cox Jr.. Mason, was . pectmg for new :fi elds.; ~he known ':Mothers appreciate gilts of iri the kitchen . . NATIONAL BANK appolnted to adni1ntster 'the estate reserves have been estImated as ' shirts, nighties lind suits of cl6th.ing TOYI! may not be useful at flrst, . of Lctttle Oox ~th Earl ReyWood sufficient to supply' . ~ur needs, at in 1- to .3-yea -old size that the chUa. but the child soon will' be old enouih T. F. McColm.1ck and ·L. E . Thomp- the prewar consumption rates, for c~ gr9w into. Also useful are sim- to appreciate them. Teething rlng~, son ~ appraisers. 18 to 22 ~~ar~. . ' pIe, durable tpys' that can be boiled. beads, wat~rproof soft balls, woodJu1.1.a wood was named a~ls In addItion to these known and Sterilizers and bottle warmers and en cymblils and rattle a are nice OHIO tratrlx of the esta'te ot Robert Wood, proved reser.ves, t he normal expect- blankets are espt:cIaUy pracijcaL gifts. WIlen buying toys, . tJle writ:ancy of discov~r:~ m(y e~end our , ,,'In the furniture .line for Dables, er admonishes, take care there are . r~serves sufficiently to .last ,an addi- one of the popular new pieces Is ~ no sharp corners or removable parts . ~lonal 25 to 100. ~tears, agaID: a~ the high cha.i r which can' be converted that could cause Injury to the child. TEL~BONES. pre war level ,of c()nsumptlon •. These tnto a small playpen. The time at the ye~r the child ia •. WAYNESVILLE Z091 addj t;on~1 t'e~erVE!II . ca'nnot ~.efdu~d, " "Homemade gifts for the 'new born shOUld always be considered In MORROW No. I however, WIthout an .mtens.lye baby add a special touch. Even i,t selecting the most appr.o priate ema, LEBANON Office 473K search o~ ~v~n'Y ,; pos~lble 011- you're a .beginning knitter, tlny .ln- the 'writer concludes. ' ·p·roducing ~rea '~and with all the ;,...;,',;.'_..;...;_....;~_ _.;...;.- ..;_...;_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _~~""!"'_: SAND and GRAVEL RES.129L modern teonnolog ical meth~ds at . ", BLACK·TOP DRIV~ our disposal. '
Practical Gifts Beat Suited for New Baby
U, ·S. Needs More Oil
PhoDe 2651
Private initiative has kept UI fully supplied with oil in the past. Given the chanc,O, .it will contjriue to do 110 in the fui:ure.
Itching' $kin?
SlOp Sci-ulching I Here Is Quick Ease tmd Comfort Now that stl\inle;ss., powel'fu!... pen· etrating Moone's Emel'n,ld vII Is available at dl'Ug stores thousands hav!! found helprlil ~Ll r trom the distressing Itchmg ,ilnd tOl'ture of rashes. eczema. polson IVy and oth r externally cllused skl1i tl'ou\j l ~s . . Not only ci/)~ · the j~t~n e Itchln'g, burning or stlnglnl''' qnlckl y flubs!de. but healing Is more qUlckl~' pl'O' moted ' . . , Get 'an original 'bqttle of 'Emerald Oll-Greaseless-Sw,lnless. Money re' fund ~d . ' If not satllsfted: , i, <
(Packed' i~' Glaas) ..
LoOKJ'N(I . AHEAD GEORGE S. BENSON Praliltlr/--}(11fI111r9 e,l/qt $(lIr". ,Art/lltlill
Eat Cake TodaY'll acute housing shortage WB'S in plain view ten years ago. Experts in the bUSiness ot bullding and equipping homes were writing articles and making speeches back in the 1'93O's forcasUng what they called the building boom of th e 1940·s. They supported their predictions with sound rea soning and l~aders in many equipment lines arranged to meet the demand. . A quick look at census figures, years before Pearl Harbor. wouid have convinced almost al'lybody that an unusu a lly big share (say 20%) of the U. f!. population would re ch a Ll age to .b married between 1940 and 1946. Patently this would call for more places to live and, true to form under free enterprise, business men began getting ready quietly to serve this mark~t, but wllr interfered. Plans Not Execut~d. Wars always frustrate plans, and few were revlseq more In World War n than those of the building trades. Priorities on materials, general shortage of labor and the compelling urge fOl:, victory changed most things but the predicted need for more housing came right Qn schedule. It is even bigger than experts estimated ten yean ago because war retllrded buildini and accelerated marrYing. ' . , . Plana made before the war for meeting this .expected peak demand' are .till workable plans. U indu.try were free today as it was then, people Who want homes would be · getting them a great de'a} faster. I belleve Herbert U. Nelson of the National Association of Real Estate BoardJ has proved that Wa.hingtoD bureauoracy is chiefly to blame for 'today', bouslni .hortage. Facts (0 Remember It's an . old story that America haa housing aplenty, and It was always true until right lately. France, EnglaDd and other EuropeaD countries that have endured regulation of home buUdinl since World War'I have been short of housing meanwhUe. ,Bureaucracy got a firm grip on American building during World War n and now ·bates to let go, shorta ge or no horlage. The O.P.A. ill the sorest bunion on the (oe of our progress. Here Is an illustration: Manufacturers of fir dQors got caught behind increased 'm anufacturing costs and asked O..P.A. for permiaslon to .ralse: prices 75c per door. It was refused. Result: No d oors by mass production. Carpenters , can. build doors where they hang them of course, at much 1051 of time and at lIeveral times normai . c~s~ . IDdusll'J Is Ready. A similar man-made muddle built a ' bottleneck in ' wit'd.ow sash. There's ' almost nQ end to the roster of cripbUrig rules in this <?'1e lndulItry. MUes Colea.n, a thor6ughly respected Washington economist, says that Jridustrles prod).u;iDg building materials are fully r econvel'ted, full capiuHty restored. Still the most productive natlon ot hlsuiry Is han4, . cuffed and · can't.lt'ou!l~ ,i tself. Wily? ' A prlce-IDtihg 'a~ency, while proclaiml'u'g its loyalty to the people, has. refused many 'small strategiC upward revisions ,t hus halti~ production. : Consumera do . without things or P\1Y amazlng.-pricel f!Jr makeshifts. It 'savors of the Marie "'~tolnette scllool of thought. On be~ng ~formed" that by . ~eason of her extravagance her Bubjects had no • br~jad; she ' sa iii "Let them eat
04ak:e." ,
, " AUCTIONEERING " ... , an'd ' KOOGLER
..' " ST ~NLEY
Soapless Soaps Ease Hqusehold. Chores
ANfarmINCREASlNG number of women are using soapless soaps or wetting agents to help them in a va riety 'of household tasks, an a rticle in nationally circulated Capper's Farmer points out. These wetting agents usually come in very granular form and are proving superior to ordinary soaps because th ey actually do double duty-soften water and cleanse -the ma gazine decla r es. F ormulati on of scum by soap in hard \Va.ter Is a characteristic common to all soaps. but not to wetting agents. The substance In these synthetic detergents combines minerals in hard water to m ake solts dissolve. instead of making the curd·like subSoaplcss soaps cut separator cIE~aD stance or scum which is an insoluing time. ble salt, the article ·explains. Giving better contact between the Among numerous uses in which washing .solution and surface to · be cJeaned, these wetting agents get a these wetting agents are being em· material or surface wetter and do ployed: says the m agazine read by it quickly. N~ar neutra'l in reac· 1,300,000 farm families, are: dish· tion, ' instead of alkaline, the wet- washing, fabric·wash ing, including ting agents are most effective for woolens, blanket» and swealiers, cleansing milk utensils and separa- window-washing. family car wllshlng, . wl1sh!ng fabrics on furniture, tors. • washing milk buckets and separa· tors.
Home Water Treatment
.med wllb welUq a,eDa..
A phosphate compound, M1I:ro· met, and a feeder to add the CI~m pound In . r1ght aJTlounts to wllter will prevent scale and control cor. rosion in a houseHold water system, writes the Rural Home editor of nationally-circulated Capper's Farm· er. It !llso helps prevent "rusty water" caused by iron. The feeder device is installed in a vertical position on cold water intake HnE! of water heater. After the initial charge of one pound of Mlcromet, only one fourth pound needs to be poured into feeder each month, s:avs ob- the magazine read by 1,300,000 f familiel.
were Messrs. Albert Snider. Harry days 1r.. Waynesville this past week Sh1daker, and Walter Reynolds. all visiting friends and relatives. of W11m1r.gton. Wives of the bosts SPEND SUNDAY IN KENTUCKY were guests of honor. Mr . Frances Brannock a.r.d Mr. Mr . Robert Shidaker of Dayton called on his father Mr . K arl and Mrs . Ernest Woollard and Shldaker and daughter Phyllis, d aughters of Dayton spent Sunday a t Flemingsburg. Ky. FrIday evening. , Me. a.nd Mrs. H erbert Kl'nnedy of WEEK END VISITORS Beavertown were Sur:daY guests at .or . and Mrs. A . E. Constel n of. the home of their brother-in-law Mr. Upper Sandusky were visitors at the Earl CampbeU and family. home of Rev. R. B . Coleman and The m embers of the Zion B aptis family from Friday of last week Church and the African Methodist unlU Tuescby . Church enjoyed a picnic dinner together with their famUies ar:d GUE TS FROM MILFORD friends Sunday at J acobs Park. Mr. and Mrs. hed Hartsock of Wellman. Milford were guests of Mr. and Mr. Robert Collett, Dayton was Mrs. Harris Mosher and d ughter a S unday guest a.t t he home of his on Tuesday. sister-in-law, Mrs. A. S . Collett. Mrs. Nellie Osgood and daughter GUE ' l'S OF RAI\IBY'S Mr . and M.rs. G €-t rge Ramby and Jackie were guests of friends a·nd rela tives in Cir.cinna ti over t h e Vlnclnt Ra mby of Daytc'11 were the guest.5 of Mr . a11d Mrs . Edwin Ramweeken4 . Mrs. Lou e F'i te a.nd Ja.ne were by. Sunday. Sep . 15. callers in D'il yt;>n. Slllturday . Miss Evalyu Tu: ker is maldng her home tn Dayl or thls winter, whUe she is engag d a.> an InstJructor in the Nort,h,rldge Publlc Schools . FRIESD HIP MEETING • ~ The Frtendship Me ting of the Ordl'r of the Eastern S tars was held a t the Masonic Temple here. FrIday l evenir.g. The home-like surroundings or our Mr. and Mrs. John Thompson of Wilmington called on tllelr nephew. Puneral Home ha.ve caused mucn Mr. Robert Ward SWlday and favorable comment- It is ope~ for atter..ded the Negro Churches Picnic inspection at any time. at Wellman. Mr: and Mrs . C1~ton Babb of Oklahoma are vIsiting at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Cbarles ''Bud'' Ruddick of nea.r town.
ENTERS UNIVERSITY OF CINCINNATI Miss Gladys Rye, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Rye entered the University of Cincinnati toda.y tor her first semester of study.
Telephone 2291
Mr. and Mrs. Hugh C. Ridge of callers in Clnc1nnatt, ~turdaY. West Palm Beach, Fla. spent a Cew
BUS~S MENS' OLUB The BuslneM Mens ' Oltlb
Wednesday evenUlg at the scltloo Auditor1um. }Josta for the OOC8ision
RALLY DAY I The lAnnual Rally IJay services of tlhe Method.1&t Church will be obsel'Ved' Sunday Sept. 29. Regular preachlng scrvaces by Rev. O. L. Wamsley will preeeed the special progr~ and po~luck dinner. PROF. TOLL DiES Funeral services were held Saturday in Buford, Ohio for Pro!. ~alph Toll. Prof. ·Toll several years a go wa principal 1r. t he H!lTveysburg, School syS'tem, an~ was 'well known in this vicinity. .. ' Miss Terrell Sue Park, returned to ner home 'In M t. Auburn Frld. y, following R w ek's visit at the hiCme Were Never Meant To.' of h er gl'andparents, Ml·. and Mrs. ,Suffer Uke Ttds! ~ S . Tucker. ' Mr. I\1ld Mrs. Uoward Oollins. had Here's Ii tip for as Sunday guests there son-In law WOIIllft treubled by ~d daughter. Mr. and Mrs. Sterling "enolls Tlftslon, Ingolls and family of Greer..field. Irritability.and P T . A MEETING I. Weak, TIreil, Cranky The first meeting or the P. T. A. Feeliftls-due to for this season' wl).s held ali the 'rrilddle-age' school Aud1tA>rlum. Thursday evenlng. A special program honoting the new member<: of the fo.cullty.-." the If the functional "m~dle-al~e" ...... ,.period peculiar to women makes you .main feat ure.. . sufJerfrom hotfiashes, touchY,high- . Wi I d ! strUng, weak, nervous fee. lings, try ~ . ar.d Mrs. Donald . e an a t b 0 ~ to Sat rd t ( .....~ Lydia E. Pinkham's Vege a I~ om...... y n. were u Q'Y gues s ·o ....... s. pound to relieve such symptoms. \y1elands parents. Ml·. and Mrs. 'Raken regularly - tllls' great medl'O hades Wetzel. . cinehelpsbuild upre.sistan~eagainst l',{r. an~ .Mrs'. RUSsell Kissel of such "middie-age" distress . . near OinCinnatl 9!ere. the guests of . Thousands I,Jpon Tho~nds Helpe~1! KU;Sels ~brof.her-In-law ar.d Pinkham's Oompound is one of the Sister. Mr . and . Mrs. Ben Beckett best laiown mediolnes you can buy a few day.> last; week. for this purpose. I t has proved some Master Gal'Y' Tn nner,' who is of t he ha-pplcst days,ot some W()IJlr~iding at the home.of Mr andMrs en's lives c~ often be 'd urlng their " . . 40)s. We urge you to give Pinkham's Lyllt Roberts~~, was en~erta-ined by,. : t 'compound.a fall' and honf1'1er.ds 'ftot , Mt . .. Holly lOver the _ • • est trial. Just 's~ if it doesn't weekend. I? help you, too: It's aiso II. I Mr. and Mrs. Dallas Ba.rtO~ and ~ great stomachic tonic I " "familY were callers 'in Leoonon, ~I!-')A ~ ~__ l.L ":' __ '"
WILLAIU> WILKERSON at Belcher'. Sonoco Station- Phone
, '''B80Uaa'LlCDrII .F or Da~.. Pboile 11M. ":~en1lIe, , ob1o: JWerM QauIII ' , ~tul'day. fJ!4II~ ". (,T.~( .' ,'.1 , ',,', " ' , ~~. amd Mrs. H. C. Milllgan CO",.,OUNI. . . YEGETABLE ,
USED CARS .Any make or model -F red Kalln M'o tor=Car Co: PHONE 326
....... -::..,........ ..............
~. . . .
.... tI ••
te ,."ow
.,.., ..".you...-·
.. " .... ' . • • .114 ..
farmen Oft now ,alalnll. _ bushel. 011 .... acre • . wl~ I... Iabcw becauM' prOper fertlllzalion ·doe. ... fob. Get BIG M Fertlllaer few your wheat crop . . . tie ostured of .... best• .... IIG M high "''11 ......lIz.,.. _ 111M with .,..., de_ "ops to lit_ your yield. and I0I'l fertnfty. See . . . • . , now" r - "~~t..
'Ch ' lit are r.J. ,~ N~ IIIE 1_
B. B. Coleman. ~1lnIater SUNDAY SCHOOL 8 r30 A. M. Mrs. Raymond Conner, Supt. WORSHTP SERVICE 10:30 A. M. Rev. Paul Sultzbach will preach again at the MeLhodlst Church r. Sunday morning at 10 :30 o'clock . • • • The Methodist Church wlll observe World OOmnlunion Da~ at the OhUJ'{'h on Sunday morning. Oc t. 6. At this time Rev. Oolemar.. expeets to be present to administer the communion . ~ • • On the following Sunday. Oct. 13 the Ohurch 'Will observe its annua l Ra.lly D ay Service and plar.s are n ow going forward to make this day one Of successful endeavor and a large attendlaalce. • • • YOUTH FELLOWSHIP, .... Tb.. -..!~.. 7 30 CHOIR PRACTICE
"''''''''', : p.....
Wednesday, 7 :30 P. K.
S'I. MARY'S EPISCOPAL,CHURCH SAMUEL N. KEYS. Lay Reader-in charge 9:30 a.m. Church SCllool 11:00 am. Morning Prayer and Sermon.
11'.111. 8earf1, Min.... 'lUDdaJ school _. ':30 II..._.. ....... _ ... _... _._.. ...._ E • 'A. ---~. - _ - - - . Worahlp aenice -
10:80 A. II.
i: 'en1Da .me. - 7:ao P. .... FERRY , CHRIST CHU~CH of , -"'- G In Ch eb
Th.e ' G 0 , I. ar . BERBEftT GBAILUJ, muter Bible School - 9:30 a.m. u.-,.,l~", Worshlp , - fl 10:30 am. ....... .....,'0 Youth M.eetlngs - 7:00 p.m. Adult Prayer Meeting - '1:00 p .m. EveIll1ng Evangelistic SerVice , ,-:' 7:46 pm:
ST. AUGUSTINE CHURCH Father Kramhol&a. ..... M6SS Sunday
9;00 am,
FRIENDS FIrst Day School - 9 :30 a.m. Meeting for Worship-10 :30 a .m .
Beverly, Ann of Morain· THE l\IIAMI G.UE'l'TE - P~e 6 City spen t Thursda.y evel'lir.g with WA1'NE VILLE. OlDO - NO. 4282 Ml". and Mrs. Emerson DUL THURSDAY. SEPTEl\lBER 19J 19.6 Mr , and Mrs. Lawer ence Ling and sons sp nt Sunday evet:1ng wi th Mr , " Baha'u'Uah offel~s world j usUcc a nd Mrs. Louis Mlch elll and family ~'\\\ '~~ as the highest m om l principle for 'Of near Spling Valley. our , presept stage of evolu tion : T he Mr. a nd Mr.s. Ohest er Shaw of best beloved 'Of all t h,i ngs in m y slglht )(.enla ' called OI! fliellds sur:ckly WAYNESVILLE Is Justice." Jus tice. as Bahais con- evening. ,CHURCH of CHRIST calve It. is the colle~lve mora l exMr. and Mrs. Morl'is Lewis and ' Robert L. VanZUe, Minister pres6ior.. of ,the c.ommunlty . The sons. Mrs.· Hiley Gibson s pell \" Wayne township vot.ers al<ltlg 'Wit h BIl>le School 9:30 • . m. r 8llge of moral awareness of the In- ThlU's<!ay afternoor. "" t )l ' MI'. and those in t h e other ter. township of Communion 10:30 ' •. m. dividuals that compose a commUnity Mrs. Jolm K oestc:n' of Utica . Warren county will be asked to pass Sermon 11:00 a. m. determines .the arafl in which juslVlr. WilbUr s tephens, Mrs. Robert on two one-mill levies at the general Eve.n.iI:g Service 8 :00 p . m. tJce can tunotion, If the range of Greene 8ll'd daugh t& and grand election Nov. 5• .county AtsUdllior A . • • • 'Ir.dlvidual consc1enC'B does not pro- children of Dayton spen t S llnday M. Parker. anr.ounced th weelt., JUN10R and SENIOR ENDEAVOR ject acro.ss national fror..Uers. world with Mr . ar..d Mrs. Louis M{)rgan. The county 'eommJss!:one,rs ,a re Sunday evening at 7 :00. just.1ce is uhpossible. M1'. ar..d Mrs. Lou M81'la·t t of asking for a one-mID levy for '- - Divine Love ' is the highest Ideal Da~·ton spent SWlday With Mr. CUl"l'ent ' expense:s inoluding welfare BmLE STUDY CLASS Wednesday foJ' the individual. DIvine J ustice George Marla'!7t . . t'xper..dl tures which have be~n , gT(mtat 7:15 p.m. r.epresents the highest a ttalnmen : ' Mr. and Mrs . Hehry Burgess and Iy increased with the new welfare • • • for tile community.. The world, as famUy of Beavert.own pent Sunday setup . authorized , by the OWo PRAYER ~IEETINO . Wednesda.y at we have seer... has Ishrunk into on e ",,"ith her pa.l' I'!ts Mr. and Mts. legislature more than a year ago. 800 : pm. ••• tnterdependent community . Any dt:- Denis Morgan . ' '!'.he other levy Is for a prOJ)OGied BmLE CLASS' BUSINESS ~I'EET- clslon In such a community cannot ' Mr. and' Mrs , Raym cnd Smit h county' m emorial buUding . The lng ar..d Soelal Oat.l'lermg. Thurs- be cor.sidered just u;nless it is partial enterta.1ned her sister Mr . and Mrs . la.tter w1l1 be on the ballot' by r eason day evening, Sept. 26 at the to none. How moany can truthfully George H ou ' e of Los AngelE!5, Calif. of a petltion tUed \\'ith the COUllJty Cullom home. say that- they a.re n't?t partial I:<l one Satw;da~ and Sunday. -ask1r.g ,f or such a "ote . ' particular race. or class. or creed. o r ' Mr. ,a,n d Mrs. Raymor.d Smith. The American Legion 'Was act1ve TIllS SUNDAY IS ' HOME-COM- color? As long ~ a world conscience Mrs . Hiley GibSon spent last 'nlUrs- in, sponsoring the petition for th.e lng day BIt the Ferry Church. A is lDot produced, woria justiee Is im- :lay evening with Mr. and 'MI'S. AI oounty memorial to soldier h eroes of ,b asket dinner a.t noon and ar.. possible. ar..d w,ltho1.lt world' justice. Weidner of nea'l' S prillg Valle~' , aU wars. The law required tha.t sucb t 2 00 L afternoon program a : . world peace JS unoli>atinable. Q petition belU names 1r.. equal • • • Baha'u'Uaih's world , community Is Card of Thanka.-number to 2% at those who voted at PRAYER 1~ NEEDED Imbued with e. world conscience and " the , last ge~ral eleptlon ~ the Our people need. 1.0 priy, .~ is creating an Instrument for the We Wish to, thank t hose who gave county. And .seek Thy fince. Oh LordI 8dm1r.1stratlon of world' jUstice." 'such an abur..dance of beautiful The county·s 1947 bUdget. due to Too Diar..y slight ~ <laY SnbmJtted ,t)y H elen McCoy, tl~al of~erings ; George Miller f or increased, wage C06ts ar.d prices of And d1sobey 'l1hy W ord. Rt . 2, WaYllf>svllle. Ohio his contribu tion cI beautiful ongs; DUl,ter18ls. will be the highest iIi If we ~orsake 0la'51ll . the • pallbearers; and aU ~ur Lesies htStory. ' And penitently knee1, ~ ~~ extende4 a,t the death ~d funeral Might we forgiveness win? ' fL pf our frler.d and f1l.!th!ul employee. ' . WOIUld'st Thou our ~ation h e8l1? • 0 ,U Louis N. Printz. " ; OUEST OF MOTHER , N.B.B. ?I Hyman's Stme. . Mrs. RaymorA ~ue,r and, SOO • • • were , the guests of the ,f onner's THE l\~JNG OF PRAYER Mr . and Mrs . "Kenneth Brat1;E!r.. ~ CASE OF FIRE DIAL ~ mother. 14rs. Fred Rtckard. Sunday. ho. Fran <- M'KinliOIl uorton l ""3 W<I ~u. and dal,lghter of DeLyton spent Sa A breath of pra"'er in the morning urda.Ya1ternoon With ,Mr. and Mrs, 01 ' Mear.s a day 01 blessing sure' . IA breath of prayer in the evening J Everett BUr.nell and Means a night. of rest secure. fam11y, Mr . and Mrs. tJOUls MichA brewth of prayer 'in our !WeaknesS eal and family of IlLear Spring V,alMElIIillS the c.la.sp at· a m1ghty hand ley spent Saturd:ay evening With , A ',b rea.th af p':"uer whee 'We're ionely ...... Mr . and 1\4rs. Lawrence Ling ar.d MelLllS some one to underSta:od.:.sons. ' A breath of J»:8yer in our Mr. and Mrs .. RiCJhard Haines, Mr. Means cowort. and ce and rest.:- end Mrs. lDaltrFair '~ Xen1a. called A ,bre&H....... 0 f prayer m ot,U'L doubt1r.~s on' Mr. and Mrs. lliil!!y Gibson or.. GEl'·rOINE STEEL DIE ENG~A YED AND Assures '\ Is the Lol"d ltnOWS best-- sundky afternoon. A br eath· of prayer ih reJoic~ .. ,DECORA TIVE Gives joy and add~ deUgilt. Mr. ,Morris iLewt, and Mr. ~l Flor they that God's M~Ia~ . ar~ on' th,e ,sick list this past ,'Week. gcodnes:s 1Mrs. Emerson DUl spent 'F1day ~ singing far , 1n~ the ~ht. even1r.g with Mrs. ,I>alsy Ha.m'dSock ,There's never ;a. year nor a season of Spring Vale,. . That pra~ DlBiY not ,t,lless every 'M\.s6 Miria.in ''Smith of Dayton hour , ' ' returned t.o 'her home af~ spe~di~ And never a soul r..eed be helpless a ,f ew days with h .e r grandm-other, When linked with God's infinite . Mrs. ~t1e Levi. , • ' power. \. Mr. and Mrs. ~I'haomas ' Runyon
' \l\\\V ,
. I Tb e SupranatlolBa Communiiy
Voters To Decide Add.-t.-onal'Ta'xes
m t.
p . ea
Comell'sWELDING Shop ELECTRIC and ACEnLINE ...... Portable Equipment r ,
bi 01ncinnatt
and' Mrs. l!~ Hasz and
sons spent Sunday witll Mrs. H:asz , paIl'enb3, Ml'. . an.1 . Mrs. Vlotor , Podersal of near, Clinc1f.na.t1. :Ma-s. Mattie Zklruner; , Mr . a.nd Mrs. Jacob Zlm.uu!Jr Jr. o f Beave.r town and Mrs, Wilbur Qarler and
Electrical & Automotiv$
They an be had in units of 25 either plain or printe_d with your n~me. To see them is a revelation 'in quality a.nd individuality. ' It 'is not to,o early ;to make your.selection' No obligation to Dee these cards. Come in today!
~~E present a "ortfolio ·of · Greeting . ' Cards to vihiph the c'rea'ti~e taJenta. ," of a· number 'o f the most distinguished coniempol'~ry artists ,have been 'devoted: , " Each ,card a ct'uall y ' is a minature ' fin~ work of ·al·t.
TELEPHONES: ' Shop-- Centerville 7C)31 , Re,. Centenille 7465
II....•.. On. Of n. Best .WIJI T. 81111~ Up Rid Bioodl You pia who su:lI'er from simple anem1a , or , who lose" 10 much durlnrr monthly pertodS tha·t you are pale. feel t ired. weak. "dragge,d out"-thls may be due ' to low blood~1ron--
So start tociay-tJ~ Lydia ,E. Plnkham's TABLET8-0ue of the greatest blOod·lron tonica you can buy to belp bulld up . red blO7Cloc1 to give more Strengtb' and enerp'- In suoh cases. , ,PtnJtham's Tableta help bulld up the lED QI1ALITY of the 1I,100d (very Imp or~nt) , 'by reinforcing: 'the baemoglQb1n of red blood cella. J~t try,' ~nkhan:~s
~bleta for 30
days-then see it y,o u, ~oo, don't remarkably beUetlt. JUI drUgstores.
, l.-i. L'I~"'S ~M""" ' ...
en ce and
'Extension Minister' Works to Streng1then Country Churches
'-,- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -___J
Legion Seniaf Baseball SCHEDULE
.Miss ZelIa · Mae Burdine of Madison. Ind .' spent last week wi th
But no human lives
Is your clgsIe te meUow, mild and 'longer laslln g- s mooth a nd rich and full of flavo r ? A nd Is yow' cigarette SAFE? Whatever bran you smoke. the Ohio St te Sa fe ty Council urges you to a dd to your ciga.r ette the quality without which r.o smoke is a good smoke- CommonsenSe carefublcs . Ha.ve a smoke. But don't h ave a fire,
Sep , 22- S. Lebanon a t WaY'svUle Sep , 2~Way n es v ! Ue a t Xenia
Mr , Paul Janns entered the UrJversity of 011lCll1nati Monday tor a tour year courlie , Mr . and Mrs . Harvey Burn t .. attended the Waybe Township Fa.nner's Olub at. the h ome of Mr . and MI' . O mar Hol1ngsW'O'rth n ear Orego~ Thursday , Mrs , Ralph Hammond spent several days last week ,w ith hler uncle a nd aunt.. Mi. and Mrs . Samuel Nioho~ 1n Cincinnati, Mr. and Mrs . J ames ,K aser and chlldren of r.~ Middletown were Tllur~ dinner guests of Mr. and ·Mrs. , Wal ~er Kenrick .
were lost , On our streets 8J'A highways i I not pigs an d' goots who sacrifice their lives, I t Is h\Dl1.Ml beings ! And it is n ot r.:>r sete e and peace- It is for u o hiug! At Bikini th~ human beings involved wer e conscious of danger. prepared. Jor it-- careful. Driver s, says the Ohl S tate Safety Council. can ayold injury from aCCid en ts ir. he same way , Be alert-and you need not be alarmed !
Above, Jell:
THE nation's first " Extension Minister"-Rev. Gene W. Wetherell-operating much like the average extension specialist trom the state agricultural coQege. is now on the lob iI) Missouri carrying o.n a "Down-to-earth" program designed to strenglhen the struggling churches ot tl'!e country, according to Lloyd D, Miller, writing In nationally circulated Capper ' s Fal'lner. Employed by the Bible College of Missouri. at Col4mbia. Mo.. the Reverend , Wetherell il working 'closely with extension, people from the state college ot agriculture. Mr.
The Ashland ()hrls-
" UaD Church, oldest Christian Church organiltation w t of the Mlssis Ippl river. founded ill 1817. which II one of the demo nst ration churcbes III tbe new , movem to rlgbt. Rev. Gene W. Wetherell. Below, ' left: Paul J . Bodard, who preaches .l Sturgcon Christian Church, lives OD a small larm near bis church, according to tbe new plan. Miller points out. He goes into com- Iy interested III church work. Ife munJUes to help the people get a institutes a visitation evangelism church program started. He car- program in churches where denomCompa cts - $2 .10 up riel his progr am out into the field inations use this type of work. and sets up demonstrations so that A sound dnancial 'program J. nee• • . people can see how it ac:tually essary . for the succesdul operation E . W tch B . d' works. of any ' ,church, 10 the "Elitenaion ~pa~ IOn a an s' Reared on a ' farm. Reverend Minister" asks his church to develop Lad,~es and Gents-$9.00 up Wetherell studied for the m;mistry a un~ed budget system. He sboWi ~ • • on f.unds he earned farming. them how to use the Lord' s Aer. Wherever participating chuche. for supporting special projects of Carving Set $5.95 are located. Reverend Wetherell ,the church. He auo .unests that • • • helps local leaders make a thorough churches provide their rnin1ater. survey of community needs, He with a rural parsonage and 20 aere. Men's Knive - $1.95 next develops , a loyalty program. or more where they may make part V ~riou Colors leeking to get e.v ery member IlCtiVe- of their llving. , The trips usually last from f ive CIVIC CLUB HEARS Snap and Expa nsion to seven weeks though many are of JUDGE RA,L PH CARE.Y Bracelets - $5.00 up shorter duration. The m1nimum age , r equirement is 18 yeus. The pay i s , $150,00 and maintenance wh.lle or. The Waynesv1ll~ Civic ,?ub h eld For Gift That Last ship. Expenses to and from the port Ita regular meeting for . the ~onth GIVE JEWELRY city are ,b orne by the "cowboy." on Monda~ evening. Sept. 16 at the Anniversaries Shipments ",111 contlue at leaSt'lmtll Grange Hall with ~2 members pre- Birthday Wec;idings 1e end of 1.b.e year. sent. _ After a 'bounteo~s ham d1nr..er . ~ BAKER NAMED' served country style by the Fa nners MEMBER ASSN. Grange No. 13, the groap was honored with talk b J d Ral h 0 _. . a. y u ge p arey 'J~WELRY SHOP The unanimous elect ion of iRobert ot the Warren COunty J1.lvenile Waynesville, Ohio Baker of WaynesvUle m~'mber- COurt who spoke on me subject of ship in the Ayslilie Breeder's' Asso- Juvectle Delinquency . WATCH REPAIRING · clation .has been atmounced by th e Pigs and goats sacrificed their Na't iona l Secretary. C , T . Conklin Uves at B1ldn1 tor the sake of selof Brandon, Vt . The ancestors of Mr. Baker .s h erd ot da iry cows . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. trace back to the heather-covered h1lls 'o f county Ayr, Sootland!. fl'om which the breed derives its name, Thel'e; are now more t han 29.000 DUE TO THE SHORTAGE of FOOD herds of ~res . in the United
her brother. Walter Burdine . Mr . and Mrs. Alfred Raar..ake and liOn • .fames were Sunday guests of ,the latter's parents. Mr , and Mrs . Henry Belcher , of the Township Road. ' Mr . and Mrs . Everett Kenrick. son and d au ghter ' ar.d Mr . Russell Campt>ell attendClf a birthday dinner Burske, Mrs . William S t.r6t1se of Sunday. tor M:r. Jack SCheidt at Waynesville attended a lunchE-On, at l}.is home 8Jt Qoshm. . Blanch~te~, Saturdp..y, given for Mr. and. Mrs . Leon SaUsbury and the Mat rons and Assistan.t Matrons son War.dell of Washington C . H . ar.d Oonductre.3S6s of the E tern were SUnday dinner ,guests of Mrs. St ar. Diatrlct 21. Nettie Emrick . Mr . and Mrs. J , B . Jones enterM!r. and Mrs . Leslie Gray. son tal ned to dinner Sunday. Mr. and and daughter, had for their dinner Mrs . R obert Krug of Dayton. Mr . guests Saturday evening.. Mr. ar,d and Mrs . Richard t-utz and Mr. ar.d Mrs. Ernest Arnold and famUy of Mrs. Richard Moore of Beaver own. ~ Mr. and Mrs. Henry. Finke. Mrs. Da.~,........ n and Mr . S '. H . B ume t"'.. " Mrs . Ha.rold Steinke a.nd John ·Zimmerman and I Mr . and da.ughters, Miss , Atmetta. and Judy ~s. Therle Jones ar.d son MUton ar.d Mr.s: Sallie olltnan' visited Mr. ~ Waynesvpie . . and Mrs. 0maA- ,Brandenbmg and . '"_ f~ly 10 Oennantown . ' BRETHERN CALL Mrs. Walter Kenrtck and James FOR MORE MEN I Haines received word the death . ' of their brother. Al!red T. Haines The B~em Service Commit tee a.t Masor., Wch. Saturday evening . needs 2.000 men to assign to UNR.R.A F'unert\l service WB& held at livestock ships. 'Men are needed who UMlesbee Funeral Home tn FrahkHn have a~ ability ,k, hatdIe ~ttlel and Wedneaday at<temoon-. With burial a.t 'h ave , an interest in helping other $prtngboro Cemet-ery. , people. Dr . and Mrs . H. H. Her;ma.n. of Since June 1945 IlpP1'9xlma,~eIY StSites. Route 73, attended the w.edding of 5.000 men have made these trips. .;,..-R-E-AD--m--E-O-LA-S-Sm--E-D-'A DS ' their ~, Miss El~ahor Prtclcrel of They il'ialVe ,'been ':fQ'n ners. , school ' .. , . , Dayton and Mr. carl Petersen of teachers. writers. st.u~er.ts, veteran's ' . Maywood. Ill.. at Gra.ce Methodi;;t and oOnscle!1't1ous objectors. , Church. Saturda.y evening. and I\lso On J\Dle 29. 1946 t~6 first liveR.1i...el ID 5 miDutes or t he reception given at the nay ~:. n · stock shipment was sent to Poland elou&l. y01U' money "'ell Country Olu" with three hundred 1r.• t he UNRRA rehabllltation pro- In.Wbea e~.. . tOmach ac:ld CIU'''' mlntul , l ul!ocat" IU, obr lI:omach nnd h • • ,tbum, docto n u. uall7 gram. Since tha.t time approxlme,t.e'- prNCrlbe th~ t. t• • t •.. UnK ,ned lctn hn..... n for gu ests present • , lJIIl Ptomat lc n!lI.f~m ed ldnCs 111<0 tI''''"' In BtlU ·aru Mrs • Everett EarluJ in company ly 185' trips. have beer. made carry- Tabl. ts, No IAlIII .., Bell - llIl brln~.. comlort In I JUry or, doub le )'011' mDn., Uaelt on returll of bottle with Mrs. Stanley Bailey. Mrs , Jo hr. log horses. mul~. an~ caWe. tDU ,. ~ at all d ru llIisU,
• •• • • •
. h Gas on 5 tomac
arid SHORTENING we will "d;ia'continue DINNERS ~ntn further ,notice. YQu can still get your favorite SANDWICHES - ' ICE CREAM POP 'and BEER'---
Leu and MARLIN'S . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. .
HAve,,;» • e'
by D
caJ! with the three of UleID a t THE MLUU GAZE'l'TE -: P are II its ,(!els just as thou they h ad WAYNESVILLE. omo - NO. 4282 been sent after It. No head driving, TBUR$DAY, EPTEMBER 19, 1946 no nlOn1 g 'tlround. heelers all of 'tJ\-em- but o£ course no ' olle had sellt t.hem after It SQ iliey had to be LOCAL F. F. A. HAS EXHIBIT AT FAIR cn.1led ot! amd disciplined. TOO
Sept. 12. 1946. Dry Ridge Is IMn g 1\1;.. poor artpples hav n't Ib 11 '!he MJam1 Valley Cl\llplA?r of the up to its nrune. c;.r.ly a. f w little able LO do ar.y crow ch asing la~ly . Future Farmers ct Ammca. Is pre~ sprinkles of rain this week. Leba.non I am net sure wh th . they do ru1Y paring an exhibit for the Warretl had a good shower and 0 did Cen- good when hawks come around but COUDty Fa . The topic of >he extervUle but we are just as dry as . I am goin g to have to get them out hibi Is. "Food for the World ." ever. The spring WI runs a l1ttle after tJ1e halWk that comes to the Oiflcers or t he local F. F . A. Chapand there is a. lit tle water 1r. ,t he deep locust grove every morning about ter are Glenn SmI,t h. pre....ldent· pa.rt of the ponds but n ot enough eight o'clock. perha.ps a gun W~)Uld Dale Ridinger , vlee-president; Edwi~ nor very good. Another week of this be more efl'ectiv but by, th~ time I Michener. studen't ndvlror ; J ack Asand we will be buying wa ter. ' get out it has gone. .b ury, 6'C retaT'Y. Mr . J . B. Crabbe Is HALLMARK TYPEWRIITER RJaGoldenrod . Is just beginr.ing to I bad planr.e(j ~ renovate Olle or the Instructer. Real Eltate For Salebons now In stock. 'I'he Gazette. come aut but -the t.h1stles ar e in tw at my pastU1"es 'this faU by dlSk-----IF YOU HAYE A PROPERTY OR . their prime. 'IU1.ey are <the mo t illg. ferLUlzIng and re-seedl1ng but BANK BUILDING HAS ,FARM TO SELL CaU or Write PERSONAL STATIONERY shbwy flovrers we have just now. !!he &,round is too hard to, do any ROOF REPAIR DONE' Oon H6Jlderson, . Tel. KE344e. 617 Too bad they are su.ch pests because thin g of !halt kind. I wou.:d enjo __ ""'yto Obi tt . th 11 1 1 ,sha ' d this brlgn t cool weather if w.e had ..... W •. n_.e Na;tl ana I Bank Lorain Ave.,...... n, o. c variety of subJ' ects. All SIzes. ey a,re Tea y ove y U~ pe an , UK: a.ynes ..... , color. If we did noL have too many or.ly had some re1n whellJ we had , bullding Is undergoing some repair FOR SALE- ABOUT 1 ~ AOR.ES. 1\1: d t I . d of <tJhem in 'tlhe fie1f.ls and fer..oe the d{)uds. thls week lwitll the Installa.tion of Iw11ih good two-story bWlding. in ' 1 0 era e y prIce . roY's we would be planting them in , Mcnday. This morning I took , new oopper flashJ~g and gutt rs Wayne.sville. Th M' .G tt Ph 2143 our gardens . some tonmtoes to the cannery. T nere that replace the defective ones ' ben n T 'e.TTiD N. SEARS-Phone 2651 e lam1 aze e. . ... ~ . co...... ,,",I ... ~ I yy........uv;n. No ~ne is very enoourngin g 8.i1v.lu t w r e severa1 IOSuo >ti nand tng remowd. The work is being done the immediate meat Situation. It unloading.: 'I'hey start their joureey ,by a J)a~on' con'oem. InstaUat10n of ,Household Good. r.ds to re8SOJll t.i"lat, if fWeI'Y one to tlle CMlS right from t1le unload- 'the copper ~ make a llfe-la.stll'. g Ri~t rushes all <their av'a.11able stock to ing pla'tlform. A man empties them Job especially with the sla.te roof as FOR SALE FLYER COOK market to gra;j) the high prices they 0 to the receiveng belt ar.i:I. picks a background . Stove in good condition. First haven't anything left fit to sell now. Oll .ny bad ones he sees ru1d they - - - -house west red telephone office The produoers could raise plenty of ~ :ut up the belt through the washAlmost 80 per c nt ICf tile soll on right. Mrs. Anr.a Bunnell. meat If tll1ey W61'e sure of a ong tng spray and disapp ar into the erosion <lCCUl11"lng in Ohio Is caused W~esv1l1e , OillO: 926 range program that wou1d not be building. ' lly a few hmvy mins tha.t come in FOR SAlLE - WHlTE TABLE-TOP t '.y;:.~l*'~~~ upset every l!trtle w1llle by the gOY- We have cucumb rs t.hIs eM for the l\-fay-Augtl period. Moot of the 0011 lost is taken from oom fields. '~r<l6eJle Range, porcelain oven, ernmen't. As a matter of fact prices the !irst ~lm e in years and I have Experts say drizzling rains cause \,,",-'--~";"""-.-:ri had be~ to CCl:ne down before Qeen enjoying them. Is t here nry- little erosion. but inter.se summer good condition. Call Waynesville 2822. 921> oli~lfji~~ controls went on a,galn. ~ec.l!le are thing tWith a m'.)re SiPpeUzing smell stomi3 which produce rainfall at '$ expecting too mucl'l of tlle govem- than a fre¢1 cucumber sliced w1t.h ooltes o! two Inoh If an hour or more FOR SALE-ment. I t it were on~y as ~ to get a~ onion a nd seaser.ed \\lith vln e- may gouge 25 tons o! soU peT aare FOR S.A.LE - 11M0'I1HY ' SEED. people to put in iIo, full dsy s work goa,r. sal an dl blaclt pepper? If you from com fields 1r. one season RunAI! Jordan, "Rt. 1. Oregonia. 91l! fo.r ~~ money as It lsi to get th~ have any! Wonder wher. that ·will be off water can1 • ~way planrt as to strike for more it !Would help. If back &n the market aga.1n? As well R6 top soil. we were giVeI! a clJ,ance to run Uilngs people wUl do, we were talkIr.g the FOR . SALE LAROE tfSED in an orderly fashion it might work other da¥ about the thingS we like 'PHONE NEWS ITQqi TO' framing tJmbe,rs. Phone 2711 . J. B. out all ITig'ht but the ~vernment is and can't get and we began to talk ZIt3 01' 2910 a..pman. ' . 926 t<)cmuch affect~ by noisy m1nor- abou.t the t.hings we 11ke witlh black.- _.;.-._ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _~..-. FOR SALE - 600 ~y.rED OAK i1.1es who can't s-ee beyc!Dld their 0"''11 pepper. Whet are your fa.V\lQt.es? We ,noses, who work n our vote-depe.n d- voted fer meat. h1.ed potatoes· and Tobacco sticks. Ralph Hustorr, ent .representatives until they do net . gravy !!rst, but also cucumbers and Rt,. I, Waynesville, Phone Spring know which toot they stalld ~,they oom. Do ;you put a UtJtle black pepValley ' ~7397. , 9190 are , so busy It1'y1ng Ito please ,e very- per In Ymlr ~ frJtters? Tr.y It FOR SALE- 'W iILLIA¥SON ' ~OTone. some tlnre. if you, ha,ve an(Y pepper. Air Plpeless Furnace. Call Vern. Saturday. ' The squirrel season Have your food ll8Iblts been chaalgSimpson. Phor.e -2008. 915 DAYTON, O. - A new type of oper.ed today and man 'has had a ed by tlle food shortages? Have you "road" marker, bl'i'ng admirt!d here chance to go out and· eiXercise h.1s four-d any good new !Ways of fixing by. Mhrgaret Damman, has boen deHOURS: FOR 8Al;E - Six or seven thousand signed not for a highway, but as a primitive instinct to hunt ' and kill t hingS ? It s<> write in an tell us Sawed Totlaooo sticks. Part heavy theme for American busi ness. something. They were 'o ut with a about It. I was going to tell a:()Q:u t 9-12 each morning pine. part suga.r sawed. call Elmer Its creator~ Kennl"th C. Long. bang-bang before 1 was up this how I fi~ corn when I had no 1-5 afternoons except Sheehan, ,Wa.ynesville 2992. 919 pres~: ent and general nl~nager of mornlr.g. Some l!)eOple <think ~f butter but 'now t!hllit lard is short ------~---- the ! ' yton Power and LIght c,?m- squmels only as pretty little wild it w1ll IXlt help much to tell you to Wednesd,y USED CLOtTHING-p an y, plans to feature it promi. cr~a.wre~ who Mlffilild hav:e . a chance cut it off the C<lb fry' it In till!! n c~tly in -his company's advertisSaturday evening F'Q-R-S-ALE-'----BO-iYl-S-'-T-,AN--og-.,.. ,lil\T"Im)--- in::;- . ' ssllges. He has also, offered to live but where ,they are plentiful lard. I foun<1it ve.t',Y &.ood tha't way, .~.~~ a cr.es of 12 messages, each bas >d they are ~ bjl<t as tJheir but If 'there is r.o l8i'd' you'll Just Qther ~v~nings.' by Bible fdngertip COQ,ts. sizes 1:' and u ron t he' American Way of LiCe cousins tau! rats. They,.wUlleave the have to eat it plain off 'the 000 Wtth a6. Like new. Mrs. Walter Sheehan and featuring the "right road" n'll'ts In the woods and ' da~" for mce Just salt. We still' \l8.ve tba,t. Not Appointment Pbone 2991. 919 lIi gTI,' to ,newspapers and business "'-brld corn. In 'the pr.... ..,_.. m .... 't !bad at that. hi"napS atter election ,..~~_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _.. fir ms throughout 'the natio n, UIJ"' ~U ~ ..-. TELEPHONE 62-R il lI ..nll: Displayed in the nation's adver- abortage a nice mi!SS of flied SQwr- things will be better and a'rter all II rUll,lL tising, ~ng hopes thi!\ marker will ~l wounldlt be so bad. If I tbought have any of you gone hungry or ::::;:;::::=========~ be ,a . oonstant remindE.' r . that he I oauld hit one 1 would ,try it mlY- ha.ve you. had to see yOW' ch1ldren ~ ~~ American Way of Life -although 6elf. . go hungry 't o bed because there was 11 ~'le '"right road" to great('st oppor- My oripples are """" ... ",l",~ to 1'e- no food at all'! e • e C tClnit~ 'and happiness - must not ""'6 ......~ Optometric Ev'e Specialist dlwdn..'\ f:.e taken for granted, but must be cover . Smokey Cat'l stand on hroo Every,t hIr.g Is being made ready , " , .:J": :Ie J"(>alously'" gualded , and made to Iiep and scratch with t4}e brolren for the fair. bY' the time 1Jhe paper, 26 South Detroit Street cSltd ~-o.rk. one. Suzey can plllb her lame paw ~ out it w111 'be' almost over. Sl) let's jiiiiiiiii~iiiI.iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii' down and step on lit' and though it 15 lay all our worries on !the abel! and XENIA. OIJIO ~ '8tlll ha.rd fOr popJ' old Bogan' t(o get go bave II. 8OOC! tJme. .._ ...... "-__<___•..11... ' ~--:o.;;;"".. - ~.~.-"____~_!""."'. ~ wber~, W~lrer we go, he ~ol.. " .' ~ ~ l~ far alOugh ~ see what we Me idkJmg. ' There ~ ~o cripples amoIlJ tlhe yo~ diOgs. I J>elieve they , ro4ght A fine r ~ew assortment" , of B~EAKF ~ST make good stock dIog&. ~ heard & kISETS just received. .. H C I Sh yi-~ and up frool othe' ~ paatme ·13 , °rl, ~ vel, . eep, ~tc. and >through the pte came 'II. big All metal KITCHEN CHAIRS -- 'BABY
FEDERAL liAND BANK LOANS: BUSINESS MAN lind W1FE- (no For Refinancing - Rebullding ~ C'hUdren) wan t two qr three oms Buying. 4% Farm loans with long in private 119me, with use of ba'th. Iilme to pay. P ay part or all anY References exchanged. Inquire at. time. lJACY MEAT ~. Ph . 2662. LEBANON NAT'L FARM LOAN 103 ASS'N., Ellis H. stwm, Sec'YTreILS.. Lebanon. Ohio, Phone 448 tc OFFICE EQU~PMENT-
a. . n•d
OO sell1.sh le.,nd -
DeE WilkieD r
t"e. I.if:)t
ias't in ne.1n
II _
1:.1 ' -IS
• rz
~l1""tD._Y" I
4 'S 4 xzNt.A. O. .. !. .0. BUCBSDB. INc.
TelephoDe Cba....
Live w~ aile: PI'Opealve. AD .,aals.UcID IMODd ,&0 : ~oa'e. StI'IcUy OD the beet ,. p &rouud aaarIlet
tile eoantrr. ' . .Service Thllt Satiifiel TUNIC
' •
WHIG DaJtOD 1I:I3-D1a1lJ11 'For' 'Oar DaIIJ IIarW aeport '
CRIBS - Odd BEDS and CHAIRS-Metal STEP STOOLS":" Quick service' on WALL PAPER, Many'. patterns from which to . select. . '. . G. , E. ELECTRlC BULBS Buy -them by the carton and never be caught short. , IRONING BOARDS and PADS KEM TONE - NU ENAMEL. A 'can of NuEhilmel free if thisnumber 124 corresponds with the number on your Twin ," Theatre Ca.1endar for September 1946
' Waynes~lIe Furnitur~ &'Appliance CO~ Gibbons , Building. North Street WAYNESVILLE, OHIO ' Phone 2422 .
. , .'
Fairly Familiar by EFFELD EE
F'<lB' fifty years, hal! a . century , the busille5S of writing Insuran ce for the hosL ot frier.d and residen ts of. this cOlnmtmHy has been Lhe well done duty of Dakley M: Ridge. In all theSe years he has .served his oommtm lty· well looking QJIways to bhe be t Interest s of those he served. Now he has rettrea from bust.ness, ESTAB LISHED 1850 NO.USa $1.5.0 PER YEAR - 5c A COpy hav1r.g sold his Interest s to Wilbur N. Sears. who will continu e to serve WAYNE SVILLE , omo THURS DA y, SEPTEM BER 211, 1946 the clients of Mr. Ridge t.n a manner - - - - -- - - - - - - -- - - -- -- - - -- . satisfac tory to everyon e concerr .ed. BLUE CROSS IN o
PI!'e~:u,~~1llc:n~ ~:'~llc:. ~ EFFE CT MONDAY
lfaaWly tree taIp root6 are buried . deeply In the sol1 of this commu nity's Tll~ local Blue Oross HospitaJlza.:heaa-t. IDs af!Ulati ons IWith great tion Plar. will go into effect here on b~ess cOncerns that dispens e in- Oct. 1 with a. membe tshlp of over sUra.n.oe is just l8IloUle r credit to his 500. ThIs Il'\ltmber is approx1ma.tely sterling cha.ract er and e.b1lity to deal 125 over the required number that ,h onestly. The 1nsp1re.tion derived of assured the commtm ity of .the plBJl knowlr. g per ODS of this type reSults In e. drive 'held recently under the t.n the fotmdat 1ons of a bet ter land sponsor sbip of the Waynes ville Civic In which to live. The conunu nlty Club with S. L. Robinso n 85 chalr9.r..d The Miami Gazette , congrat - man. ulates Mr. Ridgle on his fme reoord at busines s a.nd Wishes for him a . wealth of continu ed ~ppmess m b1s assoola tiou with us.
CenterviUe Scene Of Carnival; ,Ox Roast
• . Elaine a.n d Alycen H~ck. daughte rs ot Mr. tuld Plans .ha.ve been complete:<!' by the Mrs. Edw~d Herrick , Le&non . are pictured here In OenteJWille lJollS Olub BJld the the Ohildre n's Room 'Of the Warren County Museum . Washin gtoc Twp. Parent- Teache r Lebano n. Ela1r.e holdS a wal kin g d oll brought to Ohio As;ociSlti"on for one <if the largest. before the Oivil war by capt. 1Parshal l for his daug!htn<l6I. ela.bora.te and fun-pac ked t.er. Oa.'rDlva'l s and 07( Roa.st& ever tmderta~ec m the commu nity. The affair will be held ()n the Oenten 1lle seilool gl'ounds . Th'UI'Sday Priday and Saturda y nights. Sept. Wymer L. Drake of The Waynes 26. 2'1 and 28. the proceed s rto be vUle Drug S l.ore also Is a ca.pable · used lor improve ment of the school gM'dener as well as 8 druggis t ac. athletic field. In last week's issue of The Miami cor<l4lg to the fact that .he won a 'Lebano n's fo-'::'~-Duroln Ward Gazette the stateme nt was made In his dis I f C8.p1tal attenda. nce awards !WID be first pr1z .... p B¥ 0 cab:b6ge Ho~ wID be-.uv officia.lly openedl to made on each of the three nights e.xh1bit.ed.e on the story of WID St. John's 4I;ppolnt at the Wa.rren CQunty t h bIle the " Warren County mer..t as HeaJth o.r.f1cer that he was . iMrs. Georgia . Menden Fair last week. Or..e head weighed e pu as hall. aged 80, with lesser awards ot nylQn hosiery. nine pounds, another 7).1 pounds. Historic al MuseUl m ~da..y preside nt of the Tov;nsh ip Trustee s. passed away at The Friends . Sept.. Home. hams, etc.. , availabl e each evening . Some cabbage -head! Aooard1r!g to MJ:. St. John dlis 'I'uesda y of this week 29, from 10:00 am. to 5.00. p.m. at lQ :30 p.m. Spe(:ia.l booths &lld tects are ~ stateme nt was erroneo us as a change after a Short Illness. She iRAl<\ently acquire d by the state of ' had been mg erected on the rohool ~:notmds . Ohio. tMs house. one of the finest.. was made m January of 't his year a residen t of the 'home for about four with amusem ent devices and! rides .and Mr. ~bert Furnas is now and one-ha1 f years. and best-preservoo of the Americ an for the children . I~ the preside nt. Our 8'POlcgies .to Mr. Mrs. ~ndenhBll was· the OTeek Revival type. was the home of daughVaudev ille attracU ons will h1ghOUTbm Wa4'd wihle he was being acFurnas. tel' of ThOOlBS and Elizabfeth Frame Ught eaob evet'J.ng ·s en1.erta1nmen.t Cro~S.eng _ and lived in this commu nity all ber and a pavillio n erected claimed one of the grea,test orttors for d8:cclng . ~ . , ·Oour.ty Scl'ools contrib uted to the life. She 18 survive d by Ir. Ohio fcUow1Dg t he Civil War. . two ceices. • . -'~ht at 8'30 radj:o sta.Powers Fenton Mich On Prid&v Built between 1836 and 1840 for .~ 'we Warren Coun, y Fair last week In Mrs' . Evelyn .• , Marjie. age the daught er 0 f . •. Mil . .• tion, WING'S SUIlCY Stde ",."u__ _ I t. Up troupe. .Alonzo Band 24, school dl!>plays and with t heir IUld Mrs. Arthur Hugg, CDetroIt CordelLa ca.rteT of J. ton YY u.uGal1O. a prom nen . M1dl. fea.1iuring 'Jaclc Wymer and Oharlle near ~xanna 'Was killed lr. a tre.1.n LeOanon lwwyer. the house arA its /UIli1rclrm~dI bandR. j "'~l>"'nesv1I1'! DaIy~. two :e:ew s. ~~~. Reeder. wlll br(l8.dcast & ~Inlnute crossing acciden t at Schools ~re very corsp.!c uous bV ,Roxa.nna early fumishi ngs tell an QooUl'8te and unn. ar. , ymO~ . y, - progra,m from tlle scene. I . Wednes da . '0 ~,~_ She was a spoiled story or we commu rJty a-nd cago. m. th'e1r absence , llf oth ; r ~·bocls oan , Mirs. Menden hall 'e. the times. It Is one of the few hausea was a membe r Ample pa.1lldng space has been passeng er ;ymma....... do these things ·h '!re must '~fl sarn° of the P'rlerids Ohuroh car with five other of this ried that has not been ' the wa es- provide d. ar.d official s 1n ~ oocupa.n hjd~ .res!<\!l wh" ""r ts. I9Oh three -"" at tU'l' whom were .. . pe • - f ' yn:the 8n't1cI"" · - Bn a"-"-~ ' of . - 1 -'ed. "''VI ., v1lle Ga.nlen Club; 8ecreW 'y Of d "'..-"'" .......... u_u--a .~IIC' . "'-e'Y U~ muUlat 21" ..... -....... ed by remode ~ do Ukewi!;e. I t hit been reporte d' lJbrery Trn&tees. SeCreta Ung or. modern . ry of the thousan d r.. each of the ,t hree 'Were enroute' UW V 'u ....... ~"'. "'.!zi ng to work m Da.yIton at (ti!::ru the grnpe-v !r.p) lui I~ music Frler.ds Home . . of Trustee s;' ntgh<ts. the time of ~e acCiden t. Miss Instruct or lts. been l''IT.'DIClyed for h e and HOt:ora ry ~mber The Warren Cctmty HJstortca1 of 'the New m addition to the merry-g o-round ter was employ ed, at the NOR. Sbe ~lety . seet.ng the poss!bWty of exschools but no aft :91 In,' o!'!Tl&Uon Century Olub and the ~ Olub there wUllbe pony rides; flah pond. was a former membe r of tihe WAC's plott ing the scenic 8Jld historlc on t h i hilS been m~de 9VRUlIble lor . lFuner~ services Wel'e conduct ed etc. for ·the children . A &peeOO p)t baving seJIVed tw~ years. publlcaU or. . ,'!be 111!:ht C!f kn !l'Wled~e today at 2'00 pm ' a wealth of <!lhIs locality. began. negothe Friends has been. e~ for the OX Roast. In 11d~Utlon to the parents she Is tlatior.s for -the purchas sh \Ild Tl'flrcl Its b!'am thru the Meett.ng H~. e <if the . . a.r.d amusem ents for adults will In- IiW'Vlved by Mrs. R. B schools Into t h e ~nt1re commun~ty . Oarey. Pleas~ proJiM!l'tf-1n 194<t. With the help of . ~ elude bingo. dancing radio abow ant PlaJ.n; Mrs. JIarry 'K essler and m~ civ1e-m which they en , To hld o th1.., ll~bt The remains were remove d to the country store. cake ~ inoeQ Cl't1ZfDS of the and Mnl. lra1Ty ~. Wayr.es vIlle; county it W8& purchas behind curtain s f t": v brin~s OIr.cinnat1 CI'eplat ory under ed and tum~d the dirTbwe Is no adm1ss1 on cha: e to Das1e 'carter. l-eba.non; Raymon d, over to the state of· Ohio about an IltimrE'Oh ere Of dl" ~t. ac tion of t41e S t.u bbs Funera or.. Oct. 21, l Home. . . ~ ' . :rg BUlle,. J H enry,.IV the grounds for the many ~~ttzac. ...._ ...... a· Glen ' 1945. It will be adm:1n1steredl by the urcerta in,t v t?.nd !\ lack of coQ UIIlIiU, , . tlons Robert; Ohas. James; ' Pauline ; Ohio State Archaeo logical apem,t lon. Paren s an t:a~y~rs 'COLUMBUS MINIS TER AT and. . Donr.a. Allce. Md Jane at home; HIstm1cal Soc1ety . contrtbu e t~ .he oernt.ion Of. METH ODIS T CHUR CH MISS COLE MAN Manon &It Le8'hom . Italy and 'the The Ubrary Is .bet.ng' used for genP<'b<K'l" a·n d pa.v .th~ salarle of the Y grandfa ther. iIvm Schuyle r. jnsn, (,r." . ,T hey. me fullv r.Utled The Rev. Lester ROush of ealogica l and ht.storical Dl.IIItert.alothat> Oolum- ENTE RS UNIV ERSIT Y JIIooeral services will be corAuct ed will be ava1lable for researo to knOlW t,he fae s of 'What transnir es bus. O~ will preach In the h. MetA1oft'Id&y at 2:00 pm. m charge of the wl h ln t.he school domeJ.n . Fa.11ure d1st Ohurch '.h.(lre The displays of clotlling !Worn by Sunday . Sept. 29 MIss Mtld!'ed Colema n, daughte r McClur e Funerv.l Home. to demr.md toO know orlv feede; at 10:30 o'clock. . Wamm Oountly people wU1 be of of Rev. and Mrs. R.. B. Oolenul.ll left great 1r.teresl,. They wUI be dtsplA.ycorruoti ~f)I and ' political Intrigue . It A lal1Ie attenda nce is apecte d to on M~ of thJs week 'lto besiD 18 ~efiflltt'ly tlm.e to lea'V'e ¢I1Je facts hear him. ed 1n cases an4 ol».nge dl at ~ . her SeI!ior ~ of studies ~Lt ·the and ha:ve them, ~~rly through mterval s ymt every type ma.y ~ -Univet:Slty of nlinois in Urbana . Ill. shown. One of the disPlays wilt m,.., :pl1bllcl tyof school a.ctJvitl~ . Fa4lure REUN'ION HELD M1sa Oolema n will take a ,course dt the. schools to provide these f~t.c; The Meridit h and' Pumas elude the dress worn by the wife of f~ in L1brary and 8c1er.ce. She Is a will 'or.ly lead to doubt 8Jld reunion was held tit Sunday ~v. Tom CQrw1r- at their de,ught er's at; the membe r of the SIgma Kappa. Soror" . . , 'U !lCmaJn ty. If IlChoOls have nothing picnic g'l'otmds of JIanry wedding. and also, & bridal gOVlll a.nd Ada lty. Mrs. ,RaY' O. Conner and Mrs. Max lRandaJ l, former m1n1ste r of worn by Mrs. H. P. tJo hide. then they !O':ould welcom e Smith. APprox imately 8m.1th ParShaU , forty mem- H . O. Colema n acComp anjed Miss the Waynes ville' Churc.h at Ohrtst in ~~ Is now. the M..9lly Bannon the , ~un1tlY' to provide f~ hers of the two fam1lii!8 were present . Mildred to lJIrbar..a. !W88 commen ded In the Redwood Home. ooncerr.1n~ their operatio n. Ouett.e . ~wood Falls. .Mi"r.n'. for Pat.ntir.gs by Matthia s COrwin. his impress ive tant made there on Jeremia h MOTTOW. Mary Speakin g of collectio ns. tJhe PelTy ' Craig ounMemor ial D6.y. 'I1h1s mention !Was levy and many others are hung . OhUl'ob of Ohrl8t 'had $314.06 reolOIl made m oonnect lon with publlelt y the .wall. leotion last Bund4y. • 174.25 .Of which on a prea.ch1 ng convent ion iheld there The 10081 Museum Commi ttee mIWM dor-a,ted to e. fa.nUly in need in tnls month. Randal l was called upon eludes Arthur ~ton. cha!rma the commu nity.. . .n, to make the speech IItff.er belng m Fra~ O. Anderso r.. Ws. Hazel L. SELLS 'TWO ·MORE the city only two Ql()nths. The item Brookes . ~l D. DakIn. Re.ymo nd st&ted that he "made a. forceful ~'. Hatfield\ the Honora BROWINI SWISS ble Jolm E . hard-h1~..g apeech in which! he Holden. Fred M. Hutcbln.s on. Mrs, called for more , fai t h In God to Jack S . Jones. Cbarter Elmer Sheeha n and •Son. a Brown s. D. Maple. overcom e greed. Injustic e and half- Harold V. Martz, Miss' 'P SW1ss breeder at Waynes ville 'bas erle M. Riley heened patrioti sm and cIUzens hip and Ga·rd,n er H. Tn<wllSl recently eoldl !the J>ull Ned' Hi '1'7664 ey. and to provide the fottrnula for to Ha.tTy G. }oflehols. MIUIt1nsv1Ue. l.JaIwrence J. Oray of Lepanor .. peaCe." . O~o. and Mars D..g J ohn, 'l7349' to supt. of propert ies of tJhe Divisio n Mr. Randal l "'las at the Ohurch of St,a te Memori als of ~" 8Illd Mrs. H. C. Dan'oW. Day_· t he Archehere for four years prior to his ologic8Jl and Historic al ton, Ohio. aooord1ng to a report Society , will g.o1ng to ~wood 1"alls last Marc'h'. , be in chiu'ge of the !TOm Fred S. Idtse. eecreta. ry of the propert y and .. !Browrt 'S WiM ca.ttleB reeder' s Assn: Mrs. Hazel s. pliWps wUl acl. as RETURNS TO OSu. of Beloit. W1B. curator . Miss ~.ylYiD Or9bbe. dMlght er of Hostess es In hJstQric , frocks will .1.ft'. and Mni'; 'J. B. crabbe Is leaving greet tlhe visitors RETUR NS IIC»Q ArrEB VISIT ~li1s ar,d follow• HERE'S an old ()n~ that may be mowr. -bi ~e th1s r.ext Sund~\y to begt.n her studies lng Stmday s. " ~. R, :L. Hammo~ 01 oaIttan d. . of the older, resk1en ts - howeve r it wi~ ,~ ,proved in · at Ohio oB.iU.. ,who bas been v181ttng m the -, - - - - - ' - - -..... next week's Gazette just how well posted ,you a;re on SWhom Stalte Un1V~ty . nus Is her ore year ,tl;1ere. She is 'atIJut and ~ in .Q)lurnlluB. A JamaJca .n wol'ker- . picked up , the b18torlc spots in waynes Ville as a pbotQ8Ta]ph ' at tend1Dg the ..vts College and Is 2,590 t>usQe~ of. ppta~.in lO;J dB.y&.' baa ap!n .. ~8d to·her. home. tlfie location 86 it looks toda.y.w 1ll be pubUsbed " . , maJOrtn e in jou.rnalli!m . .' ' His best ,d8.Y'S \Work was 300 bushels .
Cabbages First Prize
Res.edent Of Fneends Home 'Pass'es Away
Museum Opening Set For Sunday
G.-rl Loses LI'te In Ace.-dent
v,. -
oar- .
Max Randa'II' G'ets C ommO ent S n peeeh
Know Your
ENTERTAlNES AUNT Mr. ar.d Mrs. Lawrence Oook entertalned the latter·s a·u nt. Mrs. Elizabeth Swingle 01 ColumbUs on Thursday and Friday of laSt week. On Thursday Mr. and Mrs. Cook nr.d thelr guest Mrs. SWingle v1s1ted Mrs. Cook's motlher, Mrs. T~ J . Dav1a in Leesburg. 01110.
DINNER HONORS DAYTON MAJOR M1'. and Mrs. Ernest Harlan of Lytle-Ferry Road entertained the following guest6 at a 6:00 o'clock dinr.er, Sunday evening : Mrs. Fred Prickett 01 Lewistown. m.. D. M. swisher and' son of Dayton; Major and Mrs. J . M. Stockton and daughtel' or Os~; Walter Burdine; and Suzanne ' Harlan. The dinner was given 1n honor of Major Stookto~ who leaves this week for a year's s tudy in New York University.
On Sept. 24, Doris Ohatlton, tlhe
daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Charles Charletan was honored wibh a blrthday party celebrating her 13th ar.nlversary. Miss Oharlatan's guests for the evening were Patricia and PAullrie WInks. Betty W1cal, Gwendolyn Harlan, Esther Watldna. ~tt.y Smith. Charlene and Rot:l8ld Edenfield, Charlot te ar.d Carolyn Bur.ne tt, Barbara. Barger and Marta Rush. The guests were served ice-eream and cake.
. Mr. and Mrs. Harold Whitaker are announcing the blrth of a daughter. Rebecc& Sue. weighing 7 lbs. ar.d 9 oz. Born at the M1am1 Valley hospital. F'rlday, Sept. 20.
SANDRA SURF ACE Mr. and Mrs. Edwin Surface of Wa.ynesvUle are announcing the birth of a daughter. Sar.dra. born Wednesday morning of this' week at 2:30 a.m .. we1gh1Dg 8 lbs. She was borD a.t the Middletown hospital.
Sept. 26- W. S. C. S . will have a deuwnstratlon by the Stanley ProdUCts of Dayt.on oocducted by Mr. H. P. Sheely. The meeting will be at 2:00 p.m. at the Methodlst Ohurch basement and the SUNDAY GUESTS public Is cordially invited. . d Mr . and Mrs. Charles Fires an • • • baby were tlhe guests of Mr. and GOLDEN RULE CLUB Mrs. Lewis Fires. Sunday. Sept. 27 _ Golden Rule Club of the '. Methodist Church at the home of Fra.n<les Gray on 5t8Jte Rt. 73. VISITOR FROM KENTUOKY Leo Conner. president. Mr. Fr8.I'.k Day of Winchester, KY. visited h~ parents. Mr . bond Mrs . NEW CENTURY CLUB A. K. Day on Thursday of last week. Sept. 27- The New Century Club . has changed its place of meetlng SUNDAY GUESTS from the home of Mrs. J . p. Mr. and Mrs. Lawrer.oe COok were Fromm ta Cold Springs Inn. the e'/ening guests of Mr. and Mrs. • • • Earl Green of SpringbOro laBb 8unOct. 3- The waynesville Garden day. . Club wW hold lts regular meeting. There will be election of new o rfleers for the CODling year.
THE l\OAMl GAZETI'E - Pap I WAYNESVILLE, omo - NO. U83 THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 26. 19k N~ E VISITS PARENTS Mi Irma Pires the daughter
of Mr. and Mrs. Lewis Flres and a student a.t Miami Valley Soho~l of Nursing spent Monda.y and Tuesda.y of tWs week at her home. ATTEND FAm
Mr. and ·Mrs. R. B. P eters and Mr. ar.d Mrs. R. S. Mainous and son Don attended the Warren County \Fair last Friday. ----VISITORS FROM KENTUOKY Mrs. Martha Graves and Mr. and Mrs. WWard Alcorn of Haza4'd . Ky. nre visiting relatives In Waynesville this week.
.. .
HARLANS ENTERTAIN Mr. and Mrs. Everett Harlan and Children entertained fbr dinner Sunday. Mr. Harlan's mother, Mrs. Viola Harlan and Ws niece Mary Dora Ho~h.
Mouih Washes &. Gargles Are Important • Proper mouth hYgene can often help to ward off colds 8.I'.d disease, Have a good antiseptic mouth'W86h 1n your medicine chest a.t all tlm.e s and use It regular).y. It will pay dividends in
ENTERTAINS. COUSIN Nacml. Hal'lan and Ruth' Earnhart · entertained for t he w~kend their cousin, Mary Dora Hough. . On Saturday evening they also entet"tained Mable and Nonnan Bachert and enjoyed a show In Dayton.
YELLOW SPRiNGS VISITORS g~ heal~h. Mr. and Mrs. H. 01.. Coon of ~ veysburg entertained ¥T. and Mrs. Ar.dy Randall and Mr. and · Mrs. Orville Randall a.nd family of YelPHONE 2121- WAYNESVILLE. O. low Springs. Sunt1a.y.
Wayne5V1elle Drug ·SIore
. 4.
Sl00.00 per month 'or "fe for Jour. eU at retirement. AU of these benefits In 0D4I poUo"
"Speedy" Radio Service call Us for "speedy", eff1c1ent raldio service. Our one-stop repair service -Wul add; beauty to your radio reception and lengthen the Ufe of your set.
TWIN ifheatre GUSTIN Radio &Television Laboratory 2, Refrigerator & Washer .
Pbone ' 111-L
2 194
Acting Superb, .A picture you w1l1 remember!
"Dragollwyck" S~ .. Starring GENE TIERNEY & M
SUNDAY VISITORS OF ASBURYS Mr. and Mrs. Ralph E. Asbury and sons entertair.ed Mr. and Mrs. Howard Raltan of Los Angeles and Mr. Asbury's fat her, and mother of Hamilton. Mr. and Mrs. WilUam ·T . Asbury. last Sur.d y.
SI00M per month for 10 Jftft to JOUr 'amO, if JOu do not Uve,
• •
anll daughter Shella of Mansfield. HOMt: FROM HOSPITAL were the weeke~d guests of Mr. Mrs. Lee Hawke arrived a.t her and Mrs. OrvWe Gray. home Friday from the DB~n 08_ teopllith!c Hospital where she has VISITS IN Il''DlANAPOLlS been oontreed for some time. 8h~ Mr Orville J Ph11l1ps v1s1ted Mr. thanks all of her many frilleds f O T ' • , kindnesses do~e tor h er during her Morris Phllllps at Veterans Hostime tlhere. pitat' in Indianapolis. Ind.. Saturday . and SUlldiay.
Oct. 4- Mother's Club at Grade Mrs. Err.est Harlan has returned Building. Mrs . Morris Fulkerson. from a trip from BristoL Va.. and pres. other points of interest through • the Tennessee mountains. She was accompanied by her motl1er, Mrs. F ARMERS G~NGE Fred Pr1 k tt of Y ,..........~ m. .Oct. 0- Farmers Grange meetlD8 c e ~.. ""lIVVwr~ at Grange Hall. and' her daughter. Margaret M1nerVa. where she has entered V1rg1n1a Va. wher she has entered Virginia. SPRINGFIELD GUESTS Intermon College . for the coming Mr. and Mrs. lNlvrence Jacobs of year. Wellman had guest.s from Springfield. Sunday. They were Mr:. and lVEEKEND GUESTS Mrs. Oharles Bostor and fam11y. Mr. and Mrs. Victor Mickelv1ch
Eg :e £:(/J ~ e.g~~ ,J!lO
Repairing I'
ALL MAKES AND TYPES . OUR WORK IS GUARANTEED We also do ~DIO and PHONO Repair Day Phone 2661 Acro s from the Bank . Nite Phone WAYNESVILLE, OH!O 2981
Home Appliance Stoie
~o .
~i~ CD-.~
.. ~~~
=eE-<::; 1~
- ::&:::
g >--~ Eo! . . c= ~ ~ ~....c '!i ~ ~
~d!!lure ~umral ~o~e
A Radio and Rool)I'dinlf FavorIte with tlte Bes;t He Baa of Hillbillv SonflS and Mus1c. ROY ACUFF in
Dial 2111- . Waynesville, . . Ohio
Nigtit TraiD 101Memphis
. To Mr. and Mrs· Earl Coyle we wish to take this opportunity of extending our thanks and appreciation for the great help they have been to us in assuming the duties of this market.
Effective at once! Due to the current meat shortage and the extra. work involved will be open on FRIDAYS and SATURDAYS at 10:00 a.m. until furthE~r notice
Homogenized Milk'"
~';~AT. Stewart's· . Thrift~E . Market \
THE MJ.AMJ GAZETTE - Pap 3 Funeral Home. Wayne6V1lle Cor Mr. WAYNESVILLE, OHIO - NO. U83 Robert RJohardsOn, a.g.ed 89. who TBURSDA~ SEPTE.l\IBER 26, IN6 (!jed Tuesday a.t St. El1za.beth - - - - - - - - - - - - - hospltaJ. Dayton. RALLY DAY Members ot !.he HBJ"Veysburg ~bttra Methodlst Church are asked not. to d d forget Rally Day this Sul!day; Sept. 29 and the pot-luck dinner whIch Mr. .Tesse !Pennington has reI1r.- will follow. qu1shed interest in his restaurant on Every Saturda.y evening the 006Ma1r. st. to Mrs. Mae Wallen. tor- pel Ohurch ot Harveysbw-g is fe81tmerly ' of Dayton. Mrs. Wallen has uring a. religious jubUee which is assumed management and is now designed tor the partiCipation o! the prepared to be ot service to the pub- your.ger set of members. Mr. and Mrs. Eugene SnOdgrass lie. Mrs. Sarah Wright of WUming- ana family of Franklin were Saturton was the Saturday guest of Mr. and 1Ms. Charles' Doster and daughters and a.ocompa,nied Mrs. Oo6t~ and tamily to Dayton, Sat urday. Mr. . and Mrs. Raymond .Adams and family of Corwin were Saturday guest6 Of Mrs. Adams mother. Mrs. Blanche Ca.rr. Mrs: W1ll McCarren returned to her home 1r. Walhotmdlng. Saturday but will return to the vill~ rome t1me next week. . 1M. and Mrs. Oharles Doster and faanlly entertaIned with a · dinner, Friday, in compllment to Mr. and Mrs. Ernest. G1l11am and fam.Uy of !New York CIty. Other guests a.t the dinner were Mr. and Mrs. Wll11am Gillam. In the afternoon the three eouples all attended the Warren County Fair at Lebanon. SHOWS SUSPENDED The open air motion picture shows Whioh were a feature 'in the vUlage every Thursday evening tiurtr,g ilie summer season ha.ve been dlsoonit1nued according to the projector. Mr. Henkle of Bellbrook. The rea. &Or.. the shov.'S have been sUspended 1& the Inclement weather oonditions. IProf. H. C. Milligan spent the weekend visiting friends in Canton. Mrs. Mary Pierson and son. Mi'. J ohn Syferd attendoo a dil)r.er. Sunday given by their uncle, Mr. Walter Monis Topeka. Kansas, who 15 paying a visit .8!m<mg fn nd3 and rel8lt1ves' In Ohlo. Word has been reCeived here I;Jf , the serious illness of Mr. Ed Snell of Xenia. His ' mother resided in the We1J.Inar- ·neighborhood for ~ Y'El:8l'S. His oaughter is Mrs. George ' Lytle of Claa-k ave. Hiarveysburg.· Mr. and Mrs. Ol1!ford Doster and neice, MlL"S J anet IDoster, were callers in Wilmingtu."l. Saturday. . Sunday gue&ts at the home ot Mrs. Blar.('.he Carr were Mr. and M'i's. Eve.rett G un .-on and !amlly and Mr. Gordon's moth er ext Xenia, and Mn and Mrs. Robert Moran of
j lart/e.u
dAY fr\leSt$ of Mrs. Sr!odgruss' par_ ents; Mr. 'and Mrs. Ben Beckett. Several residents ot the VUlage were in wttenda.nce .at !.he Warren Co\lJ:l9y Fair held last week . Miss Esther Prather left Wednesday and rema1r.ed until Sunday a t the home ot her parenlts. near ClarksvUl.e. entertained the Adult Bible CW;s of Jonah's Run Baptist Cllurch at their home near town. Tuesday evening. Mr. al,ld Mrs. Ernest Ollliam and !am1ly who tor the paSt two weeks have been the houeguests of Mr. Oilliam's parents, Mr. aF-d Mrs:
WUliam 0l.1l1am lett Saturday for was the s8 ~ rda.y guest ot hel' their home in New York City. mother. Mrs. Olara Garjula and Mrs. Llcla CUrl was the weekend gTa ndmoU1er Mrs. Ella VoreiS. On Monday evening Mr. Clara houseguest of Mrs. Bertha Sharp at CUba. Oe rjula entertained with a bridal Mr. and Mrs. Howard Oraham Shower at her home iil compliment Mrs. Ruth Pidgeon was hostess to her granddaughter . Mrs. Mary to the Missionary Society o! Jor.ahs . Ellen Kra tt (nee H1Uld1n>. Mrs. Run Baptist Church at her home In Kraft was a former residen t ir. th e Clinton coun ty. Wednesday after- village an d well kr.own among the noor. . younger set. . Mr . Ben Shldaker of Circleville was the Thursday guest of his broMore S ugar for U . S . consumers is ther Mr. Karl Shldaker and daugh- promised 1r. 1947 but the supply ter, Phyllis, and together ,\\-ith· them still . will be short of totAl1 demands. wttended the Wanen County Fair. More sugar from domestic beets and Mrs. Charles Hardin ot Dayton from Cuba IS expected.
Where an Idea Can Materia'lize
Mr. and Mrs. James Dootel' of na.,.ton were weekend houseguests M the h<lmes at Rev. aDdl·Mrs. J. P . . Tbombur.y and Nr. and Mrs. lHuber.t DaIt.er. tP'uneral serv10es were cor.ducted '1b~Y a!Iternoon at b stubbs
De8tgn~~ to l$PeedUy .nlleve simple beadllche and patn1Ul d1aoomtorta Of neuralgia.
Meaaur.ed doses - In powder form for quick aaalmUat.lon.
ft. Proof of merit. S.~e
Wheie, · but 1n ~eriea, could a young widow's homemade candy venture deve1.op into a chain of facto.ries and retail establishments? It is the old, ever ncw and inspiring story of free enter· prise--.dlc Am,criean Way-the right a?d opportllnity. to, work hard, to save and invest those savlOgs, and tlO enJoy the rewards of faithful effort. The woman whose starting capital consisted of a :kitchen range anti the supplies on hand in her pantry, pilI Ibal &apilM 1.0 work for her family. With its earnings she was able to buy in more !!Conomical quantities. AI time went on, earnings ""re used to purchase equipment, to lemploy helpers, to add delivery service, and to pack her products
forU'mula over one-third century.
O. S , P. tngredlenta. Laboratory tested. . . .controUed. ' In prtoe . ranp of "li7one~ 100 and • Ilzee. . Caution: 0 .. only .. dtrectecL
' 8"
-TAr; -
in proud new packages. Her success parallel. countless American businC$S ventures in which saved capital, put back into the business, makes job oppormnities for others. Under the American system of capitalism, if we guard it carefully, yo~ng people can continue to m~e the~r i~eas materialize and to build for themselves useful happy laves. That is the American Way-made possible by precious freedoms 'handed down to us in our Constitution and Bill of Rights, defended through the yean b, aU lovers of liberty. It is the Right Road. the road ~f ~pponunity. This Right Road needs defending again tod"y-agaiost faJse "isms" and all the effom of those who would lubstitute lOme alien theory for 'American free enterprise.: Get the facts about candidates and issues for which your vote is sought. Use your own good judgment and speak your mind to )'our congre.~eD and senators; let your newspapers and radio stations bear from you when speak: en and writers seek to tear dowo goodwill and stu up trouble. Let's keep America 00 the Right Road.
................ .,.,.................... .
" ' .. II !fa. . . . . . . . . . . _ ~~
.. pu...- •
The Miami Gazette ESTABLISHED 1850 Published Every Thursday by DAyrssON PRESS .. . FLOYD L. DAVISSON, Editor Entered as Second clasi Ma Lter at the Post Of!1ce
Subscription Rates: $1.50 per Year In Advance
Peace, Wherefore Art Thou Peace?
Man's abUity to absorb this power is made poos1ble t hrOugll his faith
Divorces w~ re asked in t he peti· tions of Cora F raner, Frar.kUn. against Oalvin Fl'aner; and Neva E. Stiver , Fninkll.n. against . RusseU S tiver, both chargin g cruelty. The Franers were llUuTied in 193'1 and a re childless wh Ue the Stivers. mamed in 1941. have two chUdren. Recovery of $249 .98 Is sough t In a suit rued by the State Au tomobUe Mutual Insuranoe company aguinst J c,hn Clyde Roush . Foster . -~ •
to believe that such a power really e,,1 sts. Prayer Is the communication me hod by \vhlch t hl p:moer can be A few indi viduals In the world achieved . No r.ecessarily the type hav aLtained the knowledge of a n of prayer associated wi h the church age-old ljCCret that brings to t hem but the sUent Ind ividual -kInd t ha t a sa tisfaction beyond huma r. con- can ·be utter ed at a ny tAme or place ception . They a re not necessarily In t.hought only. Tlus great power is PROCEEDINGS the leam ed group although they do a",aUa·ble to &r.y-one at a nytime If The court d:ismissed the followin g have great wisdom. Neither are they they wtll only believe it ca.n be had suits: Lydia Mw·phy. Oregonla. vs. we&lthy in a worldly sense but t hey for the asking. Regardless of tlbe de- the Var. Camp Sand and Gravel CO.; ha\'e a vas\. store of riches. sire. so lon g as it Is for good , the Henry Murphy. Oregonia. vs. same They are a group or cWi8 of Ir-- request for this power will ~ grant- defendant: Joseph R. Hltema n, Oredividuals who ar.e commonplace, ed if it is made tn a t ruly sincere gonia. vs. sanle de!e nda~t : Ruth E. just ordinary folks who go about mar.ner. Land vs. William E. Le.nd. everyday Uviilg in a quiet and satisMan need never fear n or worry U , Janice H. Gibson was granted a fled ma.nn~. They usuaUy tla. a be possesses the formula for rece1v- divorce from Er.sign WUUam E . Gibgreat many rrle~ds and n ever l;Uly 1ng bh1s I'reely given gift. We's son to · whom she was married in enemies. al.though they may be 1ook- darkest moments car. be made lig.ht 1941. She chargeel neglect. ed upon b y some as being "queer" again with the contact made poe_ or "odd." sible through the knowledge of how PRODA TE COURT They pan be found 1n the schools, to oote.i n· t his power: The sale ot real estate approved tbe business ~bH6'hmer.ts. the Worldly 'Persons cla.noot pl1evall and distribution 'c:d proceeds ordered l a nns. ;the churches laM th e homes. against one who possesses It. Evti in the suit of Pauline H. McLa.ughTheir number is small but their holds no influence over 1t. Death Ur. V8. Harris Harshbarger et al. quality is great. cacnot destroy it. Plaintiff granted leave to file Since man came into existence The knowledge of thts power dis- amended petition and E. J. Hummell this kr..owledge of innennost power pels all fear. It is capable of feats secretary of State. dlsnussed as II. h as been u tillzed. Some describe it unknown to physical abilities. de!er..dant in the suit of Oharles W. as being a psychic power. others 86 Those Who sit at tbe peace tables Wetrel. Harveysburg. vs. H. O. St.Ues a Divine spiritual power, of t he world today are well educated and the board ot election. . persons, They are financ~lly resThe court approved th.e first and por.sible. They are physically fit. Yet. final accounts of '~he estates of Mary t he peaCe th ey seek evades them. E. Spies. Ella F. l!:sllnger. Eva. Agnes They search for it in worldly things Aur.ker. Izet ta MI~rcer. Fred E. Shpwhere it cannot thrive. To ,t hem Ule macQer, LilUe Ple:rson, Harriet Hutfse~et of contact with the power of man and Cllfford H. Warwick, Divine knowledge Is ur.known, or: Heber Jackson was named guardt hey do not h ave the faUh to believe ian of tbe esta.te ot Nellie Jackson. in it. To 11ft 1heir eyes up and ar. incompetent. Don House waS' named adminis• quiet·ly listen to "the stlll small voice" would teach' them that power t rator de bonis .n~I>n of the estate of of ~er spells peace for the !World Anea. E . Rowan. as it ·h as for thousands of hearts The sale of rea:~l estate belo~g down through hhe ages . . , to the estate of ~ J. Burton, Peace will corne when it has been Waynesville, approved. established in the individual hearts Oeirt1!icates or tnlnsfer ordered of men.. It cannot be established at issued to .the adnlLlnistm tor de bonis a conference table. lit ca~ not be non Of the estates of D . H. and written into a. treaty. Each individual Louisa. McDonald, Harveysburg . LET'S GET ACQUAlNTEn Is unto himself a. pOwer to invoke . _ YOU may nob 1le a depositor at peace. Silent, earnest prayer will MARRIAGE LICENSES 1lhis bank. but we extend to you bring this power into reauty. Ralph Liddtl, 21. truck driver, and its every taclUty. You will ·alPrayer spells Peace. Bernlce'Ilhornton. 16. saleslady. both , Qt Lebanon. ways find US glad to d1scuss with you ~ matter vital ,t o NOT ICE I Haro~d V . Wilson, 22. oUice your success 8S a member of .. ' worker. and Sarah Jane Burdge. 18. .bl}ls oonunun1~. After 50 ' years of ~ce in The secretary, both olf Franklin . Let's get acquainted. Come in Insurance work I am retiring. navCecil Coldiron, 24, mUroad malnt oday and talk over your finan- . Ing sold my buslr-ess to Mr. W . N. talner. and Lillian Manr~ 21. factory cial problems 'With us. Sears. worker, 'both of ]~nkUn. THE I sincerely thank all m y many Foster W. 'Rt<;hMds, 32, Carlisle. friends for their friend Wp and thread ~m operator, and S tella. WAYNESVILLE loya.lty dur~g aU these years and I J~es, 21 , OregOllia. NATIONAL. BANK trust you will give Mr. Sears the EsJ.ablished 1875 same loyal support you have given' REAL ESTATE me. TRANSFERS TELEPHONE 2251 Wesley and Miabel M. Smith ,t o· Sinrerely, Jake and Myrtl,e Chr1stmasn. .14 'WAYNESvn.LE omo O. M. miDGE ... acre in Harveysburg . Arthur and E<;ther A. Hels1t1ger to AtchJe F. and MSlrtha L. HUdebi'ant. TELEPHO~ES prc;perty on W . !3llver st .. ·Lebanon . WAYNE VILLE 2091 Barbara FreedmllD to WI1l1am and l\IORROW No. 3 Ruby Preston, 95 .5 '8CI'eS in Hamilton
Armitage ;&Son
Offloe '73K
Ph-- 2651 {
,t wp.
SET YOUR SIGHTS II takes pllnnhig to Ichieve I
Some young men know what thcy want and plan for it. Othe.rs are stmlooking for their. niche. The new Regull\r Army can help both. Perhaps you want to go to college but can't afford it. If you enlist in the Army. you'll get yo~ chance. H onorably discharged after a three-year enlistment. you are eligible for 48 months of education. at any college. trade. or businesJI school for which you can Quillify, Tne Government will pay your tuition. laborato,ry fees. , etc., up to $500 per ordinary sehool year, plus $65 a month living allowance-$90 a month if yo~ have dependents. . , .I~ yo~ haven't .foun~ your spot; an Army enlistment offers you trammg m any of 200 trades.and skills, You leave the service eligible for further training at the best civilian schools. You. assure yourself 01 the. benefits of the 01 BilJ of RiAhts if you enter tJ:!e Army on or belore Ootober 5, 19..46.·, See your nearest Ar~y Recruiting Station for de~ails. .
HIGHLIGHTS OF REGULAR ARMY ENLISTMENT 1. Enliltmenu for l ll.z , 2 or 3 yean , (l·year enUstmenti permitted for men how in tbe Army with 6 or more months of service. ) 2. Enlistment age from 18 to 34 yean inclusive (17 with parenti' consent) except for men now in Army. wllo may reenli.t at any age, and ,former lervlce meo ' depending on length of aervlc•. S. A re,nU.tment bonul 01 $50 for eacb y.ar 01 active aervice Iinee lucb bonu.· waf last paid; or Iince lalt entry Into .ervice. provided reenllit. ment i. within 3 month. alter lall honorable di.cluu....
4. A furlough for men wbo reenliit
within 20 day •. Full detail. 01 other furlougb privileael cao be obtained from Recruiting Officen. 5. Mu.teri~g-out p~y (baled upon length of service ) to all men wbo or. dilcbarged to enlilt or reenlilt. 6. Option to retire at half pay for the relt of your' life after 21) yean' lervlc_inaealinl to tbree-quarten pay aftet 30 yean' servic.~ All previoul active federal military iervice couo,t. toward retirement. . 7. Cbolce of branch ill .. and .. oversea I theater (of tho.. ltill open) on 3·year enl/ltmaon. ,
AUCTIONEERING STANLEY and KOOGLER IIBODB'8 LlCEN8E For. Dates, Pboa4! 18M, W.yn~. Ohio. Revt!he CbU'PI
, Eczema Itching,
~Burning-Distr_ o,t, Quick
Mabel Weber to V . L. and. OUve THE MIAMI GAZBTTB - ....e· , Howard. three lots in Maple Park, WAYNESVILLE, omo - NO. 4283 Kings Mills. ' ' THURSDAY: SEPTEMBER Z6. 1948 Fred Gray. gua.rd!a n. to Glene and Gertrude Frank. parcel in Sprlng- RE-ENLISTMENT OF bo ro o and Neva Au Miller Alma WOMEN REQUESTED John Lewis. four plots II'. Roachester . The War Department has just a.nJ essie H . Richmond to Frank and r.ounced that the recruiting proElsa. Weber. 13 .35 acres In Hamilton gram Is making a special effort; to twp . re-enlist ten former members of tthe Clara B. Schwartz to Theodore and Women's Army Corps With the MOe Elsie Smit h. property -on Warren st., of 213. that of stenographer, tor 88Lebanon. 6'ignment to the Mediterranean Benja min and Edgar Long to Theatre. OrvUle ar.d Margaret Curless. three The local Recruiting Office adtracts In Harlan twp. vises that the Medlterranean TheaArchie and Martha Hildebrant to tre is presently closed to male apArthur and E<;ther Helsinger, 11S pUcanta with the exception. of thot;e a~res in TUrtlecreek twp. with special MOe qualWcationa, of which there w-e only six ca~. Meat production pla nts under ThIs will be a we!COtr!e opportunfederal Inspection t he week or S ept. ity to those fqnner veterans or the 14 toaled 60.000.000 pour.ds. Produc- Women 's Army Oorps possessing the' ~~~ 1n th~ correspond1n( week In MOB of 213. but no appUcailooa w1ll W1Ils 95.000.000 · ~unds. Beef be accepted after 20th ot October. production in the week tlUs year was For detailed information see your 28,000.000 pounds but 'was 168,000,000 ArmY Recruit ing Of.f1ce, 22 Blgh pounds in tJhe same week of 1945. St.. Hamllton or 1006 Oent.ral Arve., Pork produotion for t:h e week was Middletown. 12.000,000 pounds this year and was 86:000.000 pour.ds a year before. I RUD THE OLASSIFIED .ws I
Ell. I.d C••f.rt
Get a bottle of stalnless. PQ'lVerful, penetrating Moomle's Emerald 011. ' The very first application should give . YOIl comforting reUef and a.fe'IV sfiort treatments cODvlmlce you thlt.t you 'hove at last found the way to bver. come the · InteDse Itching and dlJitress. Moone's Emerald ' on Is euy and . simple to use-greaseletl8-lltaIDless - economlcal-.promot_ , hea1lDC. Mk for Moon~ Emerald 011. SatJj. factioD or mODey back-trOOd drucgilits everywhere.
. lnillIMINT Storti". INCOMI Ami, •••• 'oy 'er 20 reor.' lO reo,.' ...IIt. ServIce
I, lII.itiH .,. , ..... &.Mill.. CIoIlI.. Mlliloal 0..
Muter Sergeant or Fint Ser.eant '165.00 ,107.25 ,185.63 In Addition to Column One Technical Sergeant 135.00 87.75 151.88 at the Rilht: 20 % In. Staff Serleant. • 115.00 . 74.75 129~38 cre ..e for Service Over. leal. 50 % Increue If Mem. Serlleant. • • • 100.00 65.00 112.'" ber 01 Flylnl or Glider 58:50 101.25 Crews 5% lncrelle In Pay' · Corporal. • • • . '90.00 Private Fint 80.00 52.00 90.00 for Each 3 Yun of Servite ,ay Be Added. Private. ' . . . 75.00 48.75 84:.1 8
,LI,.an to : " Wortlo" of Peac.... ''Volc. of the A,my." "",oudly W. koll," o~d "'0/0' Foofboll 'fOflIcorf. on your radio.
THE MIAMI GAZETTE - Pare 5 Dayton were Sunday dinr.er guests WAYNE VILLE, oruo - NO. U83 of Mr. and Mrs. Dt>nald Ba.1rd and THURSDAY, SEPrEMBER 26: tN6 daughters . A very llll'ge nUOlber of residents of Lytle .a.r.d conuDlmity attended the Warren Count y Fair Thursday and Frlda.y. Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Hammond and children were dinr-er guests Sunday Mr . and Mrs . Harold Whitaker at th e home of Mr. and Mrs. Edward are anr.ounc,tng the b1.rth of a Stmnkamp and famUy at Orystal daughter, Rebecca Sue. Friday, Sept. Lake . 20, at Mlaml Valley Hospital DIl.~Wn. Mr. and Mrs. Charres AShleY and Mr . and Mrs . E. B. Lortgru:re. Mr. and Mrs. ElmUs Oannor.y 'of Mr. and Mrs. W8J.ter Ker.rick. Springfield gpent FrIday afternoon Mr. Ernest Brown, and James with Mr. and Mrs. WUbur Clark. Haines &ttended the funeral of Mr. and Mrs. ' J . B. Jor.es were • .Alfred Haines at the Unglesbee eilitertalhed to dinner Sunday at the Funeral. Home 1n F1ranklln Wednes- home or Mr. and Mrs. Therle Jones day afternoon. Mr . and MTS . Everett and so~ In Waynesville. Kenrick and Mrs. Lester Kenrick Randall Ba.rgen er..terta1ned a called at the Funeral Home Tuesday number of Uttle friends to a. party everJng. Saturday at his home. celebrating Mrs. Wilbur Clark spent Thursday his ninth birthday. with her darughter, Mrs. Olaude Riggs &ALLY DAY-HOME-COMING in oakwood,. Members of Iqtle Ohurch ar-d Mr. and ~. P . N. Cornell in Sunday SchOOl are planning a Home c~mpany with Mrs. Hazel Evans and coming and Rally Day at the opurch daUghter at Da~ attended the Sunday Oct. 13 with an all day funeral of -Albb ~ at Sprlngboro meeting and basket dinner. Plan to • Monday . come. Mr. and Mrs. Ohester Be.lrd of Mrs. Calvin ~gacre. Mrs. Vernon
1 ' 1
______ • • • • ____
Pursley,~. E . B: Longacre, MnI. J. B . Jones e.nd Mrs. Ralph Bargen attended the District meetIng of the Woman's Soclety of Ohrtstlan f:;erv1ce at Epworth . MebhodistJ Ohwrch in !Dayton, TuesdaG', MIss Sara Corine FumSl~ and brother, Seth Jr. returned last week from several week's visit with friends in oalilornla. Miss Sara Corine left the latter part ot the week to ag1lin teach at the Friends &elect .S chool at Philadelphia .• Messr. Everett Early and Lowell Thomas ha-d. a display from Lytle Elevator at the Warren 00. Fs~ir las~ week. In the guessing contest Walter 'Ker.rlck won second pr1ze, E~ sack of lertel'i1zer . WOMANS' SOCIETY The Woman's Society of Lytle Church wlll hold their Oct. meeting next Wednesday afternoon th.e 2nd. at the counliry home of Mrs. Vaden Wlcal. DevUtlons !by Mrs. El1m.beth Jones. Topic, Mrs. Dena Kenrtck. The Committee assisting MrII. Wical are' Mrs. Jessie Longacre, Mrs. Naomi Ba.1rd and Mrs. Anna B1I1nnell.
PRONE NEWS ITEMS 1ro lU" or 29tO
e a_ • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • •
The home-like surroundings of our Funeral Home have caused mucn favorable comment- it is ope~ for inspection at any time.
Hen'. One Of lb. Blst
WIJ1 To Build Up Rid Blood! You 81flll wl10 su1Jer trom IIlmple
anem.1a or who lose 110 much durlllg monthly periods that you are pale, feel tired, weak, "dragged out"-thls may be due to low blood-!ronSo start today-try Lydia E . Plnkham'a TABLETS-one ot the greatest blood-Iron tonlca you can buy to h elp bulld up red blood to give more st rength and en ergy-In SUch c:u:es. Pinkham's Tablets help build up the UD QUALrry ot the blood (very Important) by relntorclng the haemoglobln or red blood cells. Just try Pinkham's Tablets tor 30 days-then see It yoU, too, don't remarkably benetl,t. AU drugstores.
Telephone 2291
l,'il E. Pinkham's TA8W'.
_ .~~
Roxanna Canning Company at Corwin, Ohio or Roxanna, Ohio for ensil-
age. Reasonable price for immediate hauling.
Roxanna Canning Co. Divi.ion of The Chumlold Corporation
WAYNESVILLE We wish, to announce the purchase of the O. M· RIDGE INSURANCE AGENCY repre enting The New York Underwriter,
Great American, Glen Falls and Gibralter, Old Line Stock: Companies.
at Belcher'. Sonoco Stati.o n- Phone
242 3
Mr. Ridge has given in urance .service to' thi community for over 50 years; we hope ' to . ervic'e y~u· as we.ll as he. '.
'As it will be impos ible to caU on ea<th policy holder, 'at Qnce, woe want 'you to' call . , us if you need any policy adjustmen~, or have a~y loss, so that pI:ompt attention can be given' you.
. " ~ny make' or mod'e l
Fred Kahn ' MotoF-Car .~o. l'HONE 326
Wilbur N. Sears ,
11111111111 _ _ _ now · ratll...
Phone 2651
_ ............... acn. I... ..... ~ ....... hftInaatlon . . .. . . ..... Get,.110 M .....n_ for r -
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THE I\UAl\O GAZETTE ~ . Pap 6 THINGS TO FORGET WAYNE VILLE, OHIO - NO. 4283 The InJur.y 8.cy person has done THURSDAY, SEPTEl\IBER i!6,IN6 to you, The worry that hinders your bp.pplness. Uy of Oolumbus will be pr sent and The secrets Intrustedl to your conMrs. Berbha MoReynolds of Day- w1l1 furnish the music. fidence . Several persons for h ere attended ton a n d frier.d Mr. Chuck Lucas The kindr.esses · YOu have t ried to called on Mr. a.r.d Mrs. Raymond the Warren COUlity Fair at Lebanon last week. !do oLhers. Smit.h Sunday afternoon. METHODIST CHURCH W A YNESVII.:LE The mean t hings o't hers have said Mr. and Mrs. Harry Gibson ot Mr. OBII Ridinger of near WaynesB. Coleman. lWDIIter CHURCH of CHRIST a,bout you. Bellbrook were supper guests 011 v1lle called on fTiends here Monday. SUNDAY SCHOOL II t30 A. M. Rober' L. VanZile, MInister The promises other people h ave Sunday of Mr. and Mrs. Hiley GibMlss MInnie Crawford spent a few Mrs. Raymond Conner, 8up~ Bible School 8:30 a· m. made to yoo . Son. days in Dayton last week. WORSHTP SERVIOE. 10:30 A. M. Communion 10:10 a.lD. The days wh~n you were better Mr. and Mrs. Elvis Mlch1al of r.ear Mr. and Mrs. Loyde Thompson of • • • • Sermon 11:00 a. m. off than you a.re now. Spring Valley called on Mr. a.nd WUm.1ngton called on their parents 'IUle M thodlst Church wUl ob. . Service Even1r.a 8:00 p. m. '!'hoe ill JUltured gI06Sip you have Mrs. Morris Lewis Saturday even- Mr. a.r.d Mrs. David Lucas, Sunday serve World Communion Day at the • • • heard cor.cem1n~: others. ing. evening. ChurcJl on Sunday morning. Oct. JUNIOR CHRISTIAN ENDEAVOR The drawbacks tha,t seem to stand Mr. and Mrs. Richard Haines of Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Hasz eIl'teT- • 6. At this time Rev. Colemar.. ex- each Sunday evening at 7:00. U .you in the way of your success. r.ear X enia spent Wednesday even- talned In their home. Sunday, Mr. peots' to be present to . 8Jl m1n1 ster are under HIgh School age don't The mistakes you . have m81de in log with their Ipot.her, Mrs. Hiley and Mrs. Robert Hasz. and daughter the communion. mls\s tlhese meeUngs. the past. eXICept as they warn Gibson. K rlstie or Cincinnati; Mr. and Mrs. ~ you In the tutul'ie, Mrs. David Lucas returned home Jolm Miller ar.d sons Joe, Jerry and On the following Sunday, Oct. 13 -Evening BulleUr. Sunday af ter spendlng nearly t wo Tommy ; Mrs. L. Kuntz of TeJTaOe the Obu.rcb 'Will observe its annual SENIOR CBlUSTIAN ENDEAVOR weeks with her son. Earl Lucas ar.d Purk; and Master J erry Lewl,s of Mt. Rally Day Service a.nd plar.s are now will not met this Sunday night due gQ\ng rorward to make t his day one to the youth RallY'. Sun~ a!ter- Th~ family of near Hillsboro. Holly . Mr. a nd Mrs. Louis Mlchail and Mrs. Ernest Earnhart. Mrs. Hiley of suocessful endeavor and a large n~r_ Meetings will be resumed next attendlaDCe. Sunday night. Cnm~nDiiy fa m1lyof nee,r Spring Valley and Mr. Gibson, Mrs. Clarence Crawford and • .....,.~ and Mrs. Lawrer.ce Ling and sons Miss Cla·ra Daughters 8Ittended t.he • • YOUTH FELLOWSHIP, BmLE . STUDY OLASS before "Some form ;:;;-;O~ld Super-state La.rlJ' and Benny spem ' Salturday church services.of Dr. Rice at MemTb~, '1:30 p. m. 'P rayer Meeting e&ch, WednC5day at must ~..eedS be evo1lved, in whose evenln.i With Mr. and Mrs. Everett aria I Hall 1p Da.y ton last ThursOHOm PRAOTICE 7:15. faVOr all the natioilis of the world Bunr.ell and f~. day dght. Wednesday, '1:30 P. )L • • • will 'have wiillngly ceded every cla.1m Mrs. John Koester of Utica. spent Mr.. and . Mrs. qi!orge Bratten PRAYER MEETING each Wed- to make war,certain rights to im- Friday and Sa,turday with her son, spent a. few days with t heir san. ST. MARY'S n~ at 8:00 p.m. Bring your Bibles pose t6xa.t1cn and all right6;to mein- Mr. Morris Lewis and famlly. ~. James Bra.tten and family of EPISCOPAL CHURCH e.r.d worShip with us. ta.1n a.rma.mer.ts, except for pur- Mr. Wilbur Dodd of Da}i,o n spent Dayton last week. - Mrs. Everett Bunnell and Mrs. • • • poses of mainta.1ning 1nternal order Sur.da.y afternoon 1tere • SAMUEL N KEY8 . La . ~ader-in cb XENIA AREA C H R 1 S T I A N witlh1n their respective domln1or.s. Dinner gue ts of Mr. and Mrs. Emerson Dill were 1Jebanon visitors . y a.rge YOUTH BlALLY at the BowersvUle Such a state WUI have to include Ernest Hasz last Wednesday even- la6t WednC5day. 9 .~O a.m. Church School Chureh this S\Ulda.y, Sept. 29. at within Its orbit an International Ing were Mr. a.nd Mrs. Monis Lewis Mr. Morris Lewis and Mr. Ea.rl Marlatt are still on the sick Ust. 11.00 a.m. Morn1Ilig Prayer and 2 ~30 JS.m. All Young People are mg- Executive adequa.te to er.lorce 5\1- a nd sons J erry and Billy. Sermon. ed to attend. ~eet at the chUJ'Ch. at preme and unchallengeable authori- H~ME COl\ONG Mr. and Mrs. Clarence OraIwford MT. HOLLY 1 :30 if you do not have a. W81y to go. ty on every recalcit rant member c;f The Mt. Holly Home Coming will spent Su1d&y afternoon with Mr. ~ . , .• the commonweaWl; a World Parli- be held the 6th of 0ct0be1' in the and Mrs. lrarold Kel11s of near METHODIST CHURCH NEXT SUNDAY, OCTOBER 6, IS ment Iwhose membeJ1s shall be el~t- Ohurch. A basket dinner will be Eier- Springboro. :1'... 8earff, Mia.... ~Y DAY. x.et's have 200 out!or ed by the people in tJheir respective ved at the noon hOur and an a.ll-day -----9UDdaJ 8I!bOOl - ':10 A. ... Bible School and Ohurch'. Urge your countries and whose election sha.ll service will be held. The Var.ce fam-' READ . THE CLASSIFIED ADS • ~~ln:-~ fr1ends to at tend bOth the more1ng be confirmed by their respective p and night services. Vacation time is governments ; and a Supreme TrlJR 'eom, 7:10 P.II. OVeI"- let us get busy in the Lard's bunal whose judgment will have a . FERRY work. blnding eff~ ever- I~ such cases • • • where parties · did not voluntarl1y CHURCH of CHRIST GEN:UniE FAITH fi.gree to SUbmit th:eIr case to its The ~, a...... Cbarcb It Is a poor 'faith tha.t can trust consideration. A wc)rld community HERBERT GL\ILUI, M.lDIa$er in 'WhIch all ecor..omlc barriers will Bible School _ 9 :30 am. G<ld only twhen friends are true. the have been pennanelilit ly demolished M~ WOll'Sb1p ~ 10:30 a.m. ~ healtl~, t4l~ ~us1ness profit- and the interdependence of Oapita.l Youth Meettngs - 7 :00 p.m. able..Th8lt1s ,faith which holds a.r.d Labor detlnitely recognized;' in Adult Pra.yer Meet1ng - '1:00 p.m. up the . Lom s feJthfulness wen w'h1cb clamor of rel\g1ous fana.tic<;iENUINE STEEL DIE ENGRAVED AND Evendng Evangel1st1c Service friends are · gone. when the bodY' is ism and strite will 'h&ve bee,n for_ 7:46 p.m. s1ct, 'When 8P1rl:t6 are depressed, and ever stilled.; in Which the flame <A DECORATIVE ,'" when the light of our Father's rac1al 8.mmos1- w1ll h . bee oounteDalloe 18 IbJdden, The faith · OJ ave n ST. AUGUSTINE CHUR~H that can say In th ' direSt troubl f1.DBJly extinguished.; ~ which a Fa&b. ~ ...... "Though he slay me~ yet will I ~i single COde of ' International lawMass Sunday 9:00 a.m. h1m," Js heeMln-bOil'r. faith . the product of the considered judg, .:...selected ment of the rworld's: federa.tedl repFRi~NDS _. • •• . ~ta.t1ver- shall have as its· saneF'1rst O&y School - 9 :30 am. In the modern household pract1_ t.Ion the 1n6'tant and! coercive lll:terMeeting for Wor8h1p-l0:30 a..m. cally every.t.ll1ng l& opera.ta1 by vention -of fhe combined t(1l'()eS of _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ switches eD:ept Ute ch~. 1be fedel1loted qctta; and tibaUY' a IN CASE ' OF ~ DIAL lID -Em~e 1W00000d oommunity in which rtl;1e !U1'J r-~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~=~~;;=~;;;i of a capricious and 'm Wtant mUon~ will b4ve ~len 1n.Dan1tAled 1r..tt.o an abiding consclouaneae of world! citizenship- 8UCh 1pdeed, 8ppe&1'8, ~ ita broade8t cuWne, the Cl!rdI!Ir anticipated by iBaiba'u'llab, an Order 8hell come to tM! Jeoo ' ELECTRIC and ACETYLINE - P~bl, Equipment ~ed the ,ifalteat lrutt 01 • aIowly
'Ythureh .' ~ IIIE~v\\V~
.. .
• • •
• •
==...nee -
TELEPHONES: . Shop- , Centerville 7031 Re.. Centerville 7465
. -&fIt1 12(1end1 PJrst Guardlan or l:he Babai Nth , Subnutted I:Ily Helen MoOoy. at. 2, WaylWlSVUle. 0bJ0
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~' MIAMIGAZETTECAN'~
BI.L L',rOP REP '~ III ' El~ctrical 8(
'C\·S~D •".CR · .... ,..:n.'I.••
For.quick relief from Itchiinc c:auaed b y _ . athlete·, (oot. ecabia, pirrlplee and otbe' Itchinc aJIIdItionl, IIR pun!. medicated. liquid , D. D. D •••asCRIPTION. ~ doctor', formula.' GrueeIea and .tainlea. Sootbee, comforta UId . quickly calu. ID~ Itchlnl. 35c trial bottle
Christmas , ,. Cards IIw
E present a portfolio .of Greeting Cards' to which the creative talents ," . of a number of the rnost di~tingtiish ed con.t emporary artists have been devoted. Each card .actually is a minature . fine work of arlo They can be had in units of 25 either plain or printed with your name .. \ To see them is a revelation in quality . , .a nd individuality. . It js not too early ,to make your selection', No obligation to see these cards. Come in today! .
~t.or_'baek.DoD·tllllfer. Altyour ~ ___t
todaJ for Do D. D •••IUCIt'PTlON.
Gas on S'tomach,' .. Relined in 5 minute. or double Jour IIDOD.e y back :
WIl.D o•••• s It O!Dl etI .e1d cau••• p.lnful, IUll'ocat· IDa PO. lOur IWma.1i incl heartbu rn. dDcto" 'u8uaUl . PftlCrlbe lb. 1• • I. U· actlnll medl<ln.. know" for
~r~~a~l~ ;:~~~-;:·~~~:II't~~-~f:Jli:":
JI1f7 or doubl. 1000r lOon.., back UD rolllro' " , boIU. ~ III. 2Iic ~t ~
Phone 2143
TfIIIl MIAMI GAZETTE - Pap 'I byar.d by it 'Was the lunch box and came over to me ar..d looked up as ready to plant Wheat. Some corn AnY' parent or other interested WAYNESVILLE, OHIO - NO. 4283 old newspapers. It would have been l1luch lis to say "Won't you do some- has been cut but the p10kers lhaven't persons are welcome to a.ttend our THURSDAY, SEPl'EMBER 26, lIK6 Just as easy to he.v~ kept them. in tJh1ng about it?" begun yet. Fall work, faU colors meeUngs. - - - - - - - - - - - - - the car tlil they could ha.ve been of the tlrst things I noticed ar.d fa.U hats ve now in se6.son. ' Mrs. Dorothy Eden!leld Mrs. Ray KlontE disposed of properly. Do you throw when I came home was thELt the your chewing gum on the sidewalk house being built In .1.he ba.rn at the Ad1vso1'8 and your . oandiY wrappers 1r.. the edge of Lytle was f1n1ahed and the gutter ? Let's start a campaign for barn tom down and people in the BUY, SELL, TRADE, BORROW better outdoor houskeeping. DeUvery house. iI:t must be two yell.rs at We wish to thar...k. aU the persons USE GAZE1TE CLASSIFIED ADS A of ARM DIARY ·
by D
Sept. 23, 1946. Summer Is gone. ~ll arrived this morning at 10:31 by the almanack. Fa.ll an1ved ofttc~'!ll1y, bringing with It rain on the , • one day for weeks when we didn't war.t It. We have one load of sweet
com waiting for the truck and a lot more just rigtlt to pUll 80 if we get as much rain as we need no telllug when we car. get that sugar com. And so it goes. that is farm1.ng and yet It has Its good points too. pel'haps its ur.certainty Is part of Its oharm .
The talr Is ·'over. the baby beens are or. their way to becoming beet stew and they ought to make good ones. The largest crowds In years • enjoyed themselves in sptte of the fifty penta admission and watched the humar. daredevil wreck their cars witn interest and adni.1ration. They were experts at It but I see too much of it on the highways to be interested. There were lots of exhibits this year in aU cla.s6es and the rain wa1ted ur.tU today to come down in a steady gentle downpour. When we passed the fairgrounds this momir.g taking some tomatoes to the cannery everything was cleaned up and ' shull up. Why Is It thf3.,t __ 4 iAmericaD pleasure see!ters leave such dirty PlU'ks and highways? It wouldr.'t take much money to furnish trash cans and It WOUldn't take much effort to put the trash In r , . . them. The space in front of the re.. freshment booth :Was disgusting wtth ice cream wra.ppers and paper cups and evefY\Where it was the same thing. American parks and hlghWIl¥S from the Atlantic to the Paclfic are strewn with rubbish. We resent it it people throw trash on our lawns but Is it any betiter mannars to throw it along the highto stick I th ditch d ways n e es an fences for mo~th.s ? We crOSSed part of Colorado back of a .car with an Ohio license and I felt ashamed . First 'came car.dy bar wrappers and paper b~8S out of the window and
trucks are almost as bad as picnlckers. One da.Y' I saw a salesman clean up his brief CII$e ar.d dump aU the papers to- litter up the highway. Why couldn't he have taken them home just as easily. To speak of something more pleasant, how pretty the chicory is along the roads even if It Is a bad weed and what a lovely spot of color that Utl1le ga.r den r.ext to the Grange Hall makes. A ga.rden does not have to be la:rge to be beautiful. Sweet music I The water gushing down the spout to the oIstern. I 'WOnder if we got the leaks in the roof we pair.ted the other day. ThIs is the first . time it has rained for more than ten minutes since ' Aug. 17bh. the day I got ,h ome. ThIs will fill tJhe ponds and treshen them a~d start the taU grass growtng- but on how muddy that sweet corn field will be. The meat shortage is still the fa.vorite topic ot copversatlon. There seem to be lots of sq.u1rre1s this year but now there Is a shorbage Of shells. I was lucky last week ar.d had two squi1Tels given me. Dee I ate and the other Is in the' Icebox waiting tor me to cook it for supper. At the Lytle Market. Satun:le.y. they had turkey cut up for kying. I II looked very good but I thought of the two chops and a squln'el in my IcebOx and 'left It f<n'someone else. Lou and Marlin's at the comer of 73' and 48 was closed Saturday. No meal, I suppoSe, Speaking of shoriages. have you ever used ohIcken fat in place ot lard. It makes good biscuits 81'.d I have used it in crust for chicken pies and someone told' me rbhat her mother used it for making glngerbread. It is also good tor frying meat and makll}g gravy. .Anothes pup fotir.d a home. That
least since we first noticed the new who helped In any way In making _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 'hquse through the cracks of the old this year or the Waynesville .Sew-So bam ar..d we have watched with 10- 4-H Club a success. terest as the walls went up e,nd at Of the thirty-seven projects begu.'l iast the bam was 'torn down t,() show all were completed and graded The the completed house. It was a clever Club e:q>ect.s to have Several meetJEWELRY SHOP way to buUd a house in odd moments ir.gs through the school term so Waynesville, Ohio safely protected Ifrom the we~ather. that we can re-organize and 6tart Now that :the la.nd.scape has 'h ad on projects earlier' In the spring of WATCH REPAIRING a good washing we can begin to get:tl~l946:::.~_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ___.:.~.:-==-~-~-~-~~-~_==_==:_='. --_
tlteir new Cltevrolets •••
Here 15 the Latest News about Chevrolet Deliveries Everybody' from factory fo dealer i. doing everytltlng fhaf can be done fo .peed deliverie. 10 you
We have been informed by the Chevrolet Motor Division that the past month has witnessed only a slight improvement In the rate of production of new Chevrolet passenger cars, 4s a result, shjpments Clf new cars to dealers for deliver ~ still for below the IllIvel we and the fadory had hopea . 0 attain by this time. In fad, through August, Chevrolet's output of cars in 19~~ was only 22,~ of the number turned out during the correSI!)onding period of 1941'.
Free Lecture on Ohristian Science ENTITLED
Christi~n Science: The Science of Life and Healing by ROBERT S. VAN ATI'A O. S .• of Rochester, N. Y . Member of the Board of Lectureship if The J-Iobher Church, The FIrSt Church of Christ . Scientist. in Bo$tOn ' MassachusetJts UNDER THE AUSPIOES OF SECOND OHURCH OF OHRIST, SOIENTlST, DAYTON, OHIO
. Friend are
You and Your
Meanwhile, may we suggest that you safeguard ' your transportation ' by bringing your car to us for service now a!1d at regul~r intervals. let helJryoo to keep it in good running condition-to maintain its performance, appearance and resale value-until the day when your new Chevrolet comes along.
We know that Chevrolet is doing everytbirtg possible to step up its production totals-to ship more and more cars to us and to its thousands of other dealers throughout 'A merico .. , and we know, too; that we are assured. of getting our full proportionate share of the current output and of future production gains,
loo.\'es only .t he little short-haired femr.le on our bands. She is a cute 11 ttl . dog. one- of the smartest of th all The others crowded her em .. away from the pan the other night. old Bogan growled 8Jt her and she
K. .p Your ' Present Car Alive
Disappointing as the total flgures have.been~and despite the fact that Chevrolelt was out of production entirely during the flrst three· months of the year-it is nevertheless true that Chevrole" led o,her manufacture,.. in proc/uction passenger COl'S during June 7946, and has continued to mainta~n its lead in total production from that day to this.
We shall continue to make deliveries of new Chevrolets to our customers iust as fait as we receive them; we regret delays as deeply 01 you do; we ,ltanlc you for your IrieIKlly poI_nce cmJ uncMnIoltiC#ing; and we promise you a new hlg" motor!ng experience when you toke delivery of your new Chevrolet, giving BI~;"'CAR QUALITY AT LOWEST ~osn
BADGLEY'S Chevrolet Sales &, S~rvice~ ~ ,
Cordially Invited
YOU DO '!,-..~_.....,.,.
-q//qlt ....
~ ,,.. ~
•• CLASSIFIED AD RATES' • HELP WANTED FEMALE 25 WOl'ds or less. one time\ . ...•. 250 Eacll add1tor.al wora . ... ... .. .... le JOB P~ESS FEEDER - FULL OR SPEOIAL RATES bY CONTRACT part tlme. Plenty of work. Good pay. Will train. Box 387. c/ o Th.e
~ o~ I~
~ ' " ' 11~ .,...c.~ 1l , ''',1.t\ >-= ~ . . "
Miaml Gazette.
NO. 4283
most unanimous approval was 'given of the superior quality ot hay oured . ......~ ~-s in the ba.m. as compared will1 field uroo 'hay. They also said · barr.. cureel hay was better feed. and declared Do you like' succotash? I know the drylng equipment was a good )'t)~ would be delighted wit.h tha t inves tment, Mrs. A. S . Collett makes. Odd I say Jt ""'as sumptiou&- yum-yum-! Pullet flocks going into the lay-
LOANS: For Refinancir.-g _BANK Rebuilding _ LIVE STOCKBuying. 4% Farm loans With long CHILD'S PONY- or TRADE roR by DANNY HARTSOCK _ ing herose should be immurjzed from wne to pay. Pay part or all an,y larger. gentle mare. ~ 'I fowl pox J! the birds l1'1we not altime. THOROUGH _ BRED mm.FORD SPRING VALLEY UAME -.7"1'iend~ olne ready .been v~lr.llited . PIgeon t}l:pe . LEBANON NAl"L FARM LOAN Bull wt 1000 lbs Ph ne 2'711 WaynesvUle Bjgh School opened ASS'N., EIUs H. Sturm, See'y" .• 0 1010 its 1946 baseball ~aE~ 'With a 12 to ' vaeclne should be used for t.he inTrea~l.. LebanoD, Ohio. P hone .48 • 1 win over Spring Valley. Friday. ,Miss Elizabeth Oha dIer has re- ooulatior. because it will not a1f~ct tc OFFICE EQUIPMENTSept. 13. Dave Hartsock. who pl~hed turned to her work as associalte pro- egg production as seriously as fowl - -- - - - - - - - - the whole game. struck out sixteen !essor of education a-t Hamp~ , Real .Eatate For SaleHA.LLMARK e.f the opposing team erA allowed Institute, Va. alfter a year's leave of type va.oc1ne is llkely to do. IF YOU HAVE A PROPERTY OR bo .' 1nTYPlPkW~'II'hl'ElRG ~- three 'hlts. The local team IDI8de ten abisenoe in wIhloh she studied a.t PHONE NEWS ITEMS TO os now stoC . e a~u....... hits. Ohio State University. • . FARM TO SELL oa.ll or Write • • • M_ Ruth Ohandler retumed on ZU.3 01' 2910 Don ~endersoD. Tel. KE3448. 617 PERSONAL STATIONERY SPRINGBORO DOWNED Se.turday from a two weeks va.caLorain Ave., .yton, Ohio. tfc SprJngboro was tlhj~ opposing team t10I! spent at Hampton Institute. I • variety of subJ' ects. All sizes. on 'n7' ~I~- u,~ ~ '1:'1,-_ ......... TO SE'ITLE ,ESTATE yyednesday. Sep't. 19 and made Va . with . ' her ;-> ..... ~ ~..,.,."" ONE-U"i'''' AOR.E OF !LAND IN !four 'hits. but no J'\m9. The flna.l Cbandl~ . ..~. Moderately priced. '-6_ W)a.ynesv111e with double house; score was 7 to 0 ILf,ter eight hits .l.Yai) , 'Mary HUN of Qetroit ibae all . . 1.L Ph 21 !from WaynesvUle. tbeen called to the Home because of "h d d an d y Iooati· on; r.ew b a v a.n ' The MIamI Gaze" ..e. . 43 • • • the seno"- 111n .."s ot <ber amY, "'-. rooms newly decorated. Bam. -0 --t '. •..... " Oity water. A real value. can DEFEATS KINGS MILLS Georgia. MeIJedenball. GEO. IIENIU.E, Phone 2, Lebanon. FOR SALE'I'he COUnty ~ue schedule beMiss ' Ola.ra. a:..1le Q! Washlngtnn. H 0 VRS : 1017c FOR SALE _ LARGE USED ran Tuesday. Sept. ~:4 at KJr..gs Mills c. III. hwneturneQ to her home after 9-12 each morning ____________ framing t4mbers. Phone 2'711. J .:S. wben Wawn~e \l;lon 18 to 3 with sper:ding a 1Jwo week's V8(:atJon a.t Houtehold Goods -... 926 26 hits. Kkgs made 2 hits. the Home. 1-5 afternoons except --.pnan. . • • • . ' ~ -~=~~~ Thus tar, we~esv1lle has a. good Mrs•. W1lson, Edlwaros, Mrs, G . H . Wedl)esday • FOR SALE FLYER COOK record. but to keep H. good will mean . Rhein a,nd ch1ldl'en. Mrs. Marjorie stove ,m goOd condition. First 7-9 Saturday eveni~g beating Springboro (there) on Sept. Smith· and ~. Oeor1fe Ed~rds house . west red telephone .ofiUce 2'1. The rest of .the league schedwe and d8ilJgh.t er spent Saturday a.f·te~ on right. Mrs. Anna Bunnell. Othe~ eveninp by is as follows: n~ with Mis&- M.a.rRw'et Edwards. Wa(YIllesville, Oh10. 926 Appointment Rev. Walter Daldn spent the weekOct. I ' - Spring' Vnlley (bere) end at the home of his neioe. Mrs. FUR SALE - .WHITE TABLE-TOP TELEPHONE 62-R Kerosene .:aa,nge. ~la.1n oven. ~ 00.-'-- ...... • • ' . ' . J' Oct. 4 C8rlJsle (here) Wilson Edwards near Springfield. t""'V~ "A ........ lI"e reason 50 many Ul Mrs. EveIwn Peterson is visiting good oond1tio~, Call Waynesvl~e my thoughtful C<>-\WOl'kers gave me . Oct. '1 - Mason (there) at her old) home .tD PampUn, Va. 2822. 926 han1des for mY birthday, Sept. 13 Oct. 11 - Morrow (here) Miss 'H annah GTeeneot W1lm1ng. roR SALE-liMm-MADE WAL- they knew I always w..nted to have ton spent a week at the Home renut nat top desk. buUt by the late my noee in something. 'Ibat's all h .n.- hi""'? Tha:t-' _..... all Optqmetrie Eye Specialist . . , . M~ht. ...........,h those Kurz-Ka.se'n anUA...ro... . . s a.lVUi~ you cently. !II. P. Keys, Modem shOl'lt d&ven- U6 "'....we .~ can do now tor teD cents is LOOKI 26 South -Detroit Street port, lUte new. WDbur N. Sears. girls are O~- they'Te for me. DO • • • TVRN YOUR 8UBPLUS ITEMs ~ '2651. you rerilember rthe&e ,people w~o once :I ~ a. ~Un person who IN:fO QUI(JK. BEADY CASH XENIA,OmO _____ _ _ _ _ _.......:_____ wouldn't even look 6~ a ten-oe!lt Should 8eart a. meat. ~t the wa.y DSE GAZETTE CLASSlnED ADS FOR 8.AJ..&-' OROSLEY SBELVAtheyt're always gtv1I!g everybody the FEDERAL LAND
__ __----:__
Dr.·C. E. Wilkin
electrtc refrigerator m good
I runmng cond1tion. Ava4lable
OIDelDDaU 11D1oa S&O*
once. Oharles Ellis, Phone 2930. c
'cold SIhOulder' and ~lhis ain't bologna .either. Do you t.hiIlk ,1 have someth1ng a.t 'stA!&k, tOJ' telling tb1s? -11 you don't like th18 jloke don't do any 'beeltng' &boot it.
.Despite The VIen-KnOWn Scarcity WE NOW HAVE IN STOCK FOR IMMEDIATE DELIVERY Price As Alwaya - Ohio'a Lowest
Retetences exchanged. ~ 801.'
fJAi:Jy !.mA.T MARKET. Ph. 2662. 103
.;::::::t::::::::::::::::;:;;( U.e
WIi'e aDd ........... AD - .......tIoa eeeoad .. DOlle. StItetIJ
fashiolt . •
' ~ a1"a~S
OJ.ll-'of.. date.? .J
.,.".. d~
"U .)
0' ,~~
4· •
..uen ' " . . . . aD ............. III &be OD eou~. !emce That Satiafiea ·
TO .WBI0 ~ U:N -DtIIl I.e ~ Oar ~1 1rIarke'
Accord1n8 Sise and ~~
,New and RecOnCIitioned -
L G. BVcaBiiiiJ
INO. '
Hoe', Calvea, Sheep, etc.
1EftRS. Telephone Oharl"
BUSINESS MAN and WIFE- ' (no dllldren) want two or three rooms in priva.te home, with U8e of bltal.
=========::::~ le.ads'in
, . . . . FllleSto..... Lydia E. PlDkham's Ve;etnble Compound Doa MORE than just reUeve monthly paln wheJl caused by temale functional mont~:y disturbances. It . also . reUeves weall. tlred. nervous, cranky teellngs-of such days-when due t o this CIluse . Plnkham's Compound hns o. .liOoUlIng etrect on one ot . woman's m06t 1mportant organs. Taken thruout the month """ Plnkham's compouud h elps buUd up reslst lHlce agn.1ns~ such dlstrees. It·s also & v ry e!tectlve stomaohic tolllO. . f
Thousands 1hoasand~ of Giitt and !Nomen Helped-
Tbere - !lre no oplntc\S In Plnkham'lI Compound. It·s mnde from Mother Na" ture's own wholesome roota and herbs plus Vlt.runlu BI , It Hl:1J?S NAT1:1IIIi. , Tb~u.sands :upon ttbow;anda of women bavereportedremarkablebene. " lIta. It y,o u suffer,Uke thta-we \ urge you to give- Plnkham's . Compound Il falr aDd bonest • trial. At'nn drugstOres.
BREAKFAST SETS - ', SOFA BEDS LIVING ROOM SUiTES ~ A Fine '. Assortm,e ni of CHA~RS for 'every room TELEPHON, E S.ETS ..,... BEDS -." SPRINGS , . ' MATrRESSES --.' GEN~ 'ELECTRIC . ~ULBS - ~ay in a supply NU
EN~M·EL . -
A can of· NU ENArMlElL FREE' if this numbeT Z83 , corresponds wiUl- the ntUnber on ' your Twin Theatre
.. Wayne$~~le·, F..mitu~e..&Appliance Co~ .
' .
tor Septem~ ~946 ' ;
GiJJQons Buildi.ng" N <>'rth street WAYNESVILLE, O.UO Phone 2422
Fairly Familiar b, EFFELDEE --.:-.
It doesn't cost you anything, '.
The Miami
Whitaker Brothers And Sisters Together Again At family Gathering Here Sunday
No charge Ia made to put news ~ thJs newspaper. ~o. newspapers do not charge for <tile space devoted each week to the . coverage or news and the editorial coniment upon the h'appenir.gs of the week. The news Ia not for &aile. Nevertheless. ~scarcely a week goes ESTABUSBED 1850 - NO. 4%M $1.50 PER YEAR - 5c A COpy by When 6Omeone doesn't ask "what WAYNESVILLE, omo . W:l111t cost to put this in the paper?" TlltJRSDAY. . OOTOBER . 3,. 1946 Each time such Q! questior. is asked - - - - - - - - - - - - - - , - - - - - - - - - - ~ of . a newspapennan it comee someCANN.NG COMPANY wilat as a shook. especially be<:Ja,~ SPONSORS PICNIC .Amerllcan newspwpers have DeVat' FO'R EMPLOYEES collect.ed pay for the news 'they 'Print. Neither a-re they subject ,t o IU:Last S&turday the RoxanillB. Canceptlng renUlJlAl're.tior- of any sort ning Company held a picr.1c for the 'f or wjth-holdlng the news considerTile Civic Club announces' this employees and com growers and eel of public interest. week that its committee on the their tam1lles. spo~red by the A .newspapennan's code can be erection of street signs in Waynes- Ohurngold C01'poratiOl! of IClncin6Ullllned up 1r. the famed l'II8Sthead ville reports that tney are ready to nati, the owners of the plnnts at quota't.ion of bhe New York TUnes. order the signs and delivery will be Roxanna and Oorwin. Mr. S. M. "AU the news that 15 it to print." made witih~ sixty days after the ' Blak more is presider-t of thE! OorpOnly good taste, community interest. order is placed. oration. • ' and the judlcial wei8'h1ng of all the At the preseJit time plans calls for The picnic was attended b~V about per tin er. t facl.6 wUl de t e r mIn e the erection of two signs on all main 200 persons. -----whefuel' or not a certaln news item intersections in the down-to\Yr. area. shall Or shall not be p'r inted. and one-sign un each of t)1e crc.ssings For example !.-his ncw3paper does in the residential areas. Or1g1r.ally the erection of these not print r.ames of juvenile delinquent ' who are first offenders, 'and signs was a part Of a plan to' obtafu for that ma tter, ab6tains from print- city mail delivery but since the post ~ ll4'ly court r.ews that is detri- office department will not consIder mental to the community. During city delivery in towns of less tbaln According to Ra~on F. H&t!ield, wartime. this paper joined with all 2500 popula.tior-. tnis part ~f the Warren Oounty Supermtenldent df oth rs in observing the voluntary p1'Opo6ed plan bald to be eliminated. school& tI1e Warren County censorship of news that might have Jiowever. the Civic Olub feels that Tea.aher·s A.ssociation w11l meet in nJdJed the enemy. since the street ~ can be had the Kings Mills High School :B~uilding When,. YOU have 'a, news I.t em for W <iugh public subscription and tlhat on Tuesday, October 8. 1946. publication in this newspa.per. rest the nece6S8.ry funds for tiheir pur- The meetlr.,g will start at 6:00 p. a&6'IU'ed. that it ~ receive every chase and ereetior- is alrady·co11ected m. promptly with 'a dinner in the -H & H Photo Service .conslderation ar.d that as much it Ia a. wise policy to follow through school cateteria. The Whitaker brothers and st.ster& pJctu.red above spaoe , will be devoted to such al! item ' on ~h1s part or me plan an:d , ' ,h ave The"e - " U be ' no meetl.. ~ before · • were together for the first time in many yeaTS when • w,"'6 they gathered at ~e Walter WIldtaker residence, Bur.as' it has value iri the eyes or the Waynesv.1lle streets plaJnly DUirked the dinner. day. Shown left to right, front row : Mrs. R<l6a> HarmeL . editor. Flrequently news must be for the oonven1ence of the publ1c 10 Pollowina the dinner. the HonorNew Vienna. Ohio; MrS. Ida Farber. Orla.ndo. il"la.; ~ndensedi and sometimes elinlina~ ger.eral and fa- the modern appear- able Albert L. DanIels. State Senator . Mrs. Lester Port, Da.yton. Ohio. Back row: Mr. Asa ed beca.use of other, more imporla.r.t ance it w11l lend the town. from tile fifth and sixth dlIstr1ots. Whitaker. Veradale, Wash.; Mr. C. E. Whitaker. Dayevente 'and happenings that must be According to t2le committee these W:Ill I8ddress the combined elementton. Ohio; Mr. Walter Whitaker. Waynesville. sigl1a w1li be ready for erection about a.t"Y and 'high .!$choOl groups Mter ' dJronicled. In Alner1ca. The PRESS is a. 'be' the first or December. 'l11e signs a.re ' " . The bopte of Mr. and Mrs. Walter Which,of Mr. M. Ga.r.rison, Ohalr- Whitaker wa& the scene of a family press in ~ery sense or the w?rd. I to be stamped on metal an(f enamel- JD.a.l! the R. Dlv1s1oll' OJ Inst.a:'UIOt1on, gatherlng," SUnday. 'h onoring Mr . ' , . is independ~t. ItberaJ al}d w1t~t ed ir- black.6Dd white. They ,Will ,be State Department of Educatl1on, wU1 8Ind Mrs. As& Whitaker of Veradale: . ' • re&1Ir~t of governmental ~r other erected on steel posts. add.I'ess the . high school grouP. aild W8sh. interference. It is a Press that is Mrs Verna Wa>lters Elementary free in that its news columns are HARVEYSBURG CHURCH su~ State ~l~ or 'lllUs WRa a very hap,,! occaslOl! r-ot by , lndWJnuals, HAS SPEAK~R Sl!NDAY , .' EduCat ion: wtll address the element- as it : : t ': !~st~t!~for bnu:~ ' Eldon "Tootie" Ellis, ~ocal Midget \, g.roups'P~ble . years w'"" been together er ro """".-+~ ''''~ t h ' h or partisan orga,nimtlons . . Mr Olarence Larkin 'widely known ary group. ers and sisters have Race ClIJ'-6wner r"puo"'" w... e .r as The news columns of this rl~.s~ • .. , . ' p&per are open to everyone. lit is up writer. poet and lecturer will speak RES~ AURANT SOL'D Those who enjoyed this ;happy sold the famous "Ellis Special 54' to to you as an Americar.. 'cJtizen to a,t th~ Metlh~dst Cbur,ch in Barvey~ .. reunion are as fOlIows: a Xenia business , man, '.l1his little MI'. and ~s. Asa Whitaker, Vera- race car was dr~ven th!a season py help see , to iL that the newspapers oln'g, Sunday e~ening, Oct. 6. His TO DAYT~~UPLE Of ollr land remain Free! Your dufy subject will be Hellbent. For DesMr 'Imki Mrs Ben Beckellt have dale. Wash., ~s. IdaSa.roer. Or- "p W " Sch r local boy a,n d . , . t11l'Ction." Mr. Larkin is S f Me Ohair-" , lando Fla•.; Mr. and Mrs. Orville . ee ee oor-ove , rectu1res a con~t.ant check .to d~tP.r.f th Ohi P hlb1ti COm- ar.llounce t.be · sale and change in H t o CI e1a d H i hts. Mr Johnny Shackelford, Dayton, Ohio mine i'f Il<ll is well in government man Co e o , ro on ma.nagemer.t of the "Whlte Front" amp n, ev re g. . lrcles. There can be suoh ' a thing mittee in Co14 mbUS. The public is Cafeterl8. in Harveysburg whlch and Mrs. Harvey Meredith, Lima; big car driver. ' as ' 00 much gover.nment. Once invited to attend the lecture. they have operated for three years. Mr. a.nd Mrs. Lester Port. Mr. and "Tootle" stales that he will be Washh. gOOC ge a, tAste d! govern... The new owners a~e Mr. anld Mrs. Mrs. C. E. Wil1taker. Dr. and Mrs. ready to l'8!Ce a.gain next season with Robert Haas and Susan, a new car t.hat 11e . has built. TP ing P<'I\Yer it ' ma,y menn con troll of iWilbur DeUkes of Dayton. Da; to . Mr d Mrdauglrter. Willis McMllne tl),e pr.ess and radio.. They would la y Dti ' .~ h ~. Mr and.Mrs· raOOd the new' one \lit West "Liberty n , tlhen cease to be Free! This· 15 the w· ~d11 soMn~ ... ..:: ar ~ ... ~~ Le . on ' Labor Day and SIliYs 1lha>t it is t t en Joan e c.YUJU8Ill. ·~s nora . Cit}':-• . oneea. ure, (; t Arne ri ca tha t 1& stU1 and McMUlan. Miss Anna E. I. plenty hot." Cba>rUe Nease, American- publicity thM. is ;free Word has b~lved 'nere .that Meredith. Cincumat1; Mr, and Mrs. cinnatl Midget driver will be at th,e ' Oscar Stanfield" Mrs. Ro6a HOl'mel, wheel and rwi1ll'ace throughout Ohio from restraint. U,PhOld that. and you ~ed D Hawke: brother of Ronald wID r,emain free. HalWke, 'passed away at his home In II New Vienna.; Mr. and MA'S. Robert and Inddana , w,~th it. , MRS. McCOY RECEIVES Tampa,' Fla. on Sunday. Death lWas . _ _ ' Huston. Troy ; Mr. and Mrs. Donald Ellis has iI:nt1lt and raced tPese MAJOR OP~RA TI9~' attributed t~ a heart ailment. Shown below is tqday's versior- or Davis. Mr. Gerald McMillan. WU- midget car!! for the last sever. years. _. the loca't lon as shown last VI'-eek in ~gton; Mr. and - ~. Herbert and js~ known a.t all the trades 'Mrs. Josef ,~ 'und~ent a FOUUiR ~S(DENT ILL . The Miami Gazette. I'll fll.c t they are Meredith. Misses Dor1s and 'Dcro.thy in this s8((tic'n of the cou ntry. He maJor ' operation at Uiami Valley , Mrs. Elizabetm' Sr-ook, mother of MOwn side-by-side sq that a com~ Meredith, Mr ..Robert Mei-edith. Miss is a member of The .consolidatecl - hospital. Dayton . last Friday mort).- Mr$. Davia F'umas and ~ ~orm~r parison can be made. A t the time PhY'll1s Shilling, Mrs. Sallie Mere- Mi g~t Ra Ing .AJ<"'&n . ,of Ir.Id~na J,ng .. H er cpI1d1t lon 15 very sat1&fIU:- resident of Waynesville. is quite ID the pic~ill'e at the left was talker.. the' d1th. Mr. and -Mrs. Ray MUler, an'd plans to devote aU of his time . tooy and' She expechs to lawe the , at ,the home of hlil r daughter. Mrs. Hotel was owned and oper~~ted by Waynesville. to radng next year . • hOspital this CQm.1ng Slmda.y. Tom W~aver. in Dayton. . Mr. Heywood. In 1901 W1l1 O. Gustin bought the hotel and operated it ': for several yeal·S . He sold ()U~ and moved .to Lebanon ar.d latei' came back and opera.lled tlle HotE~l again prior to the time he located at. hi . present olace of business. 11. 'OOll1'!ection ' with the Hotel Mr, Gmm o w~ also int.etest~ in a fee!;l ar.d livery stable business located ·a.t <tibe rear of tlbe Hotel.. Here .he showed and sold some of the finest hbrsE~ to' be foUIid anywhere at the time. Next week's issue of the Gazette will give. .and aoooimt of this busuie6S and . will also show a picture of the livery stable and feed buSiness ~t, was at. that time;, ' . ' ,,. .AIJ the, pictures indlca.te. .N~. austin pointed' oUt 'tih&t ·the tb1IrdI noOr' or 'til8.BoW \W8a removed ' Wben Uie ~ waa remodeleld. '~' thiS 'WU done Is ~ ~
Street ' Signs W·11 I BOd e r ered Soon
Teachers' Association Will Hear Sp'eakE!rS
·'EU·IS BUI·Ido-S" 0nves • Midget RaCing Cars
Fred D. .Hawk'e Dies ,At FIon°da Home
Ol'd H'oteI S·Ite NOW OlfiIces; ApartmelDts
Spring Valley Scen~ .New Century Club Of Shower Saturday At C~ld Springs Ion
M.\$ Glenr-a. \Valide was honored The New Century Club h~ld' its on Saturday attelmoon when 'her first meet.tng of the new season at sl5ter and sl5ter-in-Iaw. Mrs. Fred Cold Springs Lake Inn on Frldl,\y, JOHN UN'DERWOOD Hoyle ar.d Mrs. Charles Wade enter- ~pt. 27. Mrs. J . P. Fromm was the DOSTER . tained at the home of Mrs. Wade hostess. Mr. and Mrs. William Doster a.Te in Spri.n g Valley. Games and conAfter a short busir.ess session a lmIlouncl.ng the birth of a son, John tests made the dlrel'slon of the a.fter- m oment of' silent prllyer was held in Underwood. born Sept. 27 at 1 :30 nooh after which t he bride elect's memory of t~ honorary members, am. at the Mia.m1 Valiey hospital . . neice and nephew. Jacqueline Ann Mrs. ' J. W. Ward and Mrs. J. L . • • • and Freddie Hoyle, dressed as bride MendehBlil who passed a.wa.y during CHARLES DEE JAMES and groom. led ht~r to a table of the swnmer va~atlon. A son. Charles Dee. was bom to beautiful gifts. The program was in charge of Mrs. Mr. and Mrs. Charles L . James on . A beauWully (lecorated three- Minnie Dodson .and Miss Ruth Sa:turday. Sept. 28 at. 2:30 .p.m. at tnered angle tood cake with ice cream Ohandler. Mrs. Dodson obo6e for lier the Miami Valley Hospital. Dayton. a nd candy was served to the many 1r..terestlng subject "A Literary Pil- Weight 6 lbs. and 13 <leo Dr. A. E. guests. grima.ge" which featured quotat Ions stout was the attending pryslolan. Those presen~ were the honor f rom the works of familIar Amerlcan WSCS LUNCHEON guests gracdparent9 Mr and Mrs writers. I UR Frank Snider of ~burg. ~ Miss Chandler presented a com- MEET NG AT CH CH K~d ...... H h Pe of prehenslve revIew of "Shenandoah" LAST THURSDA Y .11. ence cwo uu'S. ug noe _ Nir. P Thun!day. Sept. 26 the WSCS of Leba.t!on, Mrs. T . O. lawson. M1sa <the latest ot famous rivers of the ShIrley LaWson Bind Mrs. J.· R. ~de Amerlcan series. the Methodist 'Church held an ell- • oI WaynesVille, Mrs. Pelll'Y Wade of Dainty refreshments were served d IllY meeting and a luncheon was Springboro, Mrs. Oscar Wade <4 at the close of the meeting. served a t the noon hour ~ the baseM1am1sburg, Mrs. Fred Wade of The next meeting of the Club is ment rooms of the Ohurch. Franklin. Mrs. C. A. Witteman of scheduled to be held on ' Ootooor 25 The guest speaker for the af.t,er- "F11ankl1n, Mrs. Will Ross and Mias with the Off1~s wnd Executive noon was Mrs. R: L . Meeks of Clevee ' e Marjorie Ross of I.ytle. Mrs. George Committee as hostesses. l&nd. H~ subject was • Of Such 18 Condon and daughter. Mrs. Ohaa'les the Kin8dom." Mrs. M~ks is the . , , Davi5 of Mi8!ml<!bl.ll'g, Mrs. Charles EAST W A YN,E COUNCIL Vice-President of the' W . S. O. S Of Miss . RosemarY Mulford became ·Baker and neice. Judy Wade and MEETING FRIDAY the Northeastern Oonferer..ce. the ".b ride of Mr. Donald N. Gllpin, Mrs. RufUs Pope Of Springboro. . . • There were eighty guests present. son of .M rs. George Gllpin and the ~ /) Mrs. James Wical and daughters The Eaat ~-;;-Advisory Ooun- ~presentatlves oJ the. Methodist late' Mr. Gilpin Of 14a\nv1lle, on Wed,: ~ Ruth and Betty Wical of ell met at the home of ~. and Mrs. Churches 'o f New Burlingto , Mt. t!esday evening, Sept.. 25, a.t · the Spring Valley, Mns. E. H. Duvall of , Keller Hoak. Friday, Sept. 2'7. Holly. Lytle and' Kir,gman were In 'h ome of tbe bride's parents. Mrl . M~burg. Mrs. Frank . DlWal1 of Mr. Raymond Bl"addock led the attendance. , '. a.nIq Mrs. xrVm MuLtord in Waynea- ' Oct. .3- 'nle wa.~esvUle Gar<,1en Springboro, Mrs. ~!.tcbarc:t Wade and d18cusslon for 'the evenlnig. •R.eao1uThe .meetlilg ~ adJoqr,oed! to vule ' Club will ·hold its regular meeting. daugh~r Of FrankUn. Mrs. Will Hic- tlons were f.Olmed fOl' 1946-41 of , hold lts next m~ Oc~. 17. A • ~ ot nu;ptial mU/lle wu ' 'I1h.ere will be election of ' new of- Ide, Mrs. Milo Wade and Mrs. Del- the PaJm Bureau and these ft!8lolugiven by Miss Patsy Baird as !piar..J&t, ticel"8 for the coming year. bert Barton of SJ~ring Vatrey. MnI. tlor.a are In be sent In the Oounty BEGINS STUDIES a.nQ co:ilatsted of "As 'l1he Years Go • • • Delbert Barton of, New BurUngton. Farm. Bureau. AT OHIO STATE By", "Aoh; Sw-t ~-+"1"V of Life"" MOTHERS' CLUB the honor guest and hostesses. Mrs. Mon1m.Ja Batter waa a gueat .- - -son . of Mr. and .....,. "o.J".,..." _ . Alton A. Earr..hart and "I IDVe You Twly". Following Oct. 4- MoUler's Club at Grade OBSERVE THIRTHIETH at the meeting. Mrs. A. H. Earnhart left thls past this 'lrhe ceremony was performed at . Building. Mrs . , Morris Pulketson. WEDDING ANNIVERSARY Mter the dlscuasion. l1gblt refresh- Sunday to begin his SophOmOre seven-thirty o'clock wlbh Rev. J. pres. The 'Ib1rtieth W~ding Anniver- menta were 8er:ved by tile hostess. ~ a.<t OhIo State University. 'H e . Robert. wma of Akron. cousin of ttl,e •.• • sary of Mr. and Mrs. Charle&' Zimis taking a teachers OOur&e. br1~, offk:1attng. The ce~Ony was FARMERS GRANGE mennanwaa obeerved at tne1r h<me BRIDGEC,,"UB AT performed before the ftrepla.ce ~here. Will meet Sat. r,ight Oct. 6. 1948 in the ~~ neaL!' Waynesv1lle 'last KERSEY HOME DEMONSTRATION HELD an arra.ngs.,nent of ~te glaA:t\OlL at 8 o'cloot. 'nletr will be'depee 'InIl'k Sunday. GUeita !preaent for bh& OC... ' • " , o1'lr.)'alnf1bemums and )Jght.ed tapers with 1nIipectlon and '" specla.l ~on were Mr. and Mrs." riarry The monthly ~Bridge Club held its ,AT METHODIST CHURCH in seven bt'8iDCh candelabra formed gram following by a lunch. Hudson and son Obarles and dapgh- meeting· at bhe ~ of Mrs. John The Stanley pro(iucts demonstraa bridal se~ for othe exchange of 1J8.werenoe Furnas Master ter Betty Louise; of Oolumbua{' Mr. K-ersey Friday Sept. 2'1. tion held at · the Methodist Church VOWS· Racbel Earnhart __ Lecture and !ofrs. Robert Zimmerman and Gueats for ~ afternoon were basement rooms last Frid'ay' waa atMr. Jack W11son, Miami Unlver• • • son Bpbby of IJ!a.yton; and Mr. Mrs. Morris P'ulkerson. Mrs. John tend,ed by. about fifty persona. Tbe slty, a close friend of the groom was Oat. 7- Progressive Wcmens' Club Walter Oast of Waynesv11le. Turner and Mrs. Mayinerd Weltz. demonstration W86 under the dirbeSt man. will . meet at the ,h ome of MIss ---- ' Members attendlng the luclleon were eotlon of Mr. H. P. Sheely of Dayton. Miss D'nest1r.e Earnhart, a classFlorence F<»c~wer. New offiCers CALLE&s OF MRS COLEMAN Mrs. Don Hawke, Mrs. A. T. Polloi_ _ _ __ mate of !be bride. W88 her only atare ,to be eledted. Wedne6d.a,y atte~n callers Of sky. Mrs.. Roy Ellis and Mrs. Ma.rk NEW JERSEY G~STS teDdant. She 'WaS &ttlred in a'll8.vy • • • Mrs. Liddle Oolema.n were Mr. and Rogel'!l. Thursday; Sept. 26, Mr. Uld ~. blue wool street dress wlth blue ae- HAPPY HOUR CLUB Mr;s. Donald ~37lor and oh1ldren First 'and second prizes IWe1'e won Davia Puniaa entertained' oto cl1Ilner ~es and a white rose corsage. Oct 8Hour Club at the and Mrs. Stanley South and R&'eors respectively. Mrs. 'P umas' neice. Ruth Mounts. The bride was given in marriage ~ <It : : ' Rieva Bradd ' k daughter of Oinctnna·t t O. and Mrs. by Mrs. John Turner and Mrs. Mark U'.d her stater. Mrs. Cecelia Mounts by her father. She wore a pastel blue Ell tl f DC • Henry Clark trom, Greenfield O. Light refreshmentS were served. If New J«S/eI1. street length frock with 'black acee on 0 • • . ' F=~==:::::I===================-= oessortes. complimented with a white MASONIC ' LODGE rose cor:;ase, ' Oct. 8- Maaonfe Lodge. Regular About fifty re1a.tlve8 were present meeting.. ' . to wltnees .the single ring ceremony • • • SATISFACTORY and were guesta at the reception FARMERS' CLUB wb1dh followed 1mmek:Ha.teJy after- Oct: 10- Wayne Twp. ¥antlers"Club •••T...... SERVICE·! ward. [)a1nty refreshments !Were llerat the ·Town House,. FrankIUn with ved in the d.ln1ng room from a Mr. and Mrs. Ronald Hawke as AT ALL TIMES 6 7 taJ>Je alitl'aotively ~d wl~ 1a.ce nest and ·bostess. JAZZ AGE CX>MEDYf ~ver, lai'ge oenterplece at ri1stI an(i . ••• yellow mwns aDd> white tapers in W. C· To' U. ," . ~cQtlure ' ~~tne , Cl'Y6taJ holders. Oct. 11- W. O. T. U. Meeting. wtL:tth GA:IL RUSSELL. DIANA Dial 2111 . Waynesville, Ohio YNN and BRilAN DO~ The young inamed oouple left:for EASTER,N STAR Plus: ItKO NEWS ~ a ebort honeymoon and !Will reside Oct 14- Eastern Star ~ with the groOm's mother for a shOrt ~1 . . ar tlme af-t.er their return. ng. . '11he bride chot!Ie for her traveUng . . costUme a cardtna.l reid; suit with GUESTS FROM CLEVELAND blOOk accesoriea. · Friday ~ last week Mr. ar..d Mrs. Mrs. OOpin 18 the oDay daughter Walter Whitaker enterta1ned; Mr. VITAMIN D of Mr. and Mrs. Mulford. She ts a and Mr8. Orville Hampten of Clevegraduate of 'Wl\oynesvUle High Behopl ·land. . in tile class of· '46. She haa been' emTRY OUR' ployed at the Cary Jewelry Store In WEEKEND GUESTS. OF MOLEBS Leba.non. Mr. 'and ~. R., d. MoJer had as . PASTEURIZ£~ MILK - CREAM , Mr. Gilpin is a graJduate of Kings weekend guestS Mr. and Mrs. II. C. CHOCOLATE MILK '- ORANGE DRINK Mills .HJgh School. He,ll.ttended Ohio Talbott of 'C leveland'. WHIPPING CREAM - BUTTERMILK st&te U~versity tor two years and , COTTAGE CHEESE OOmpJeted hJs business tmining at WASHINGTON STATE VISITORS' uttletord Bus1ne6s Sohool, C1ncin- Mr. and Mrs. ABa Whitaker of Or~er Milk Delivered to 30Uf Home nat! He Is r..ow connected with the Veradale. Wash., are vtaiting the forMONDAY - ' WEDNESDAY - FRIDAY . O1ty: iJoan ccimpany In r..ebanon. mer's brother and sister-in-law. Mr. and Mrs. Walter Whitaker. PHONE 11 . 12 GUESTS OF. BADLEYS LEBANON • . or . .: .. • ZANE OREY'S 'W'FS'r Sunday ' ~e6ta of Mr. and Mrs. SUNDAY ViSITORS FROM UNFOLDS I Donald Ramey 'and 'D onna were Mr. LEBAN;ON AT · BRANDENBUlWS Moms :H8dIe" Mrs. Ida. ' WhltAl.ker, Mr. atld Mrs. Oaoar Kellya.n4 SOOIJ Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Webb .~ sOn Oif Lebanon v181t.ed ' Mr. and Mrs. With BOB JI!l'l'OBlt11\(... and. ' BARBARA HAu..E ~, and Mr. ~ Mlw. MaIWJ. WOOIdrow .Brandenb\U'i ~d fluntJ.y Plua:ED KENNEDY COMEDY Petereon 8UiIld¥ af~ -CARTOON .. , aU '01 W11miD8'tODl.
e Ce el eMIt. d ' W dd At .G I pln- ulor e log remony HeId 5th Home Of Bnde Wednesday EvenIng 2. I .
Lalen da,.
Ira .
.'S rrOKE8 DAIRY ·Homogenized. ~ilk.
West of "The Pecos
21 .254 A~~Al' Stewart's :Tlirift.:E'Market
THE MIAMI GAZE'ITE - Pare S MnI. Will C. Tkkeoor, the l&tter. WAYNESVILLE, omo - NO 4ZM Mrs. lIutie Vandivoort TJckeoor !J1D:URSDAY. . OCTOBER. 3,. IM6 hav1ne played the /Wedding ma.rc'h on - - - - - - - - - - - - - the first and aeoor-d oooaa1ons. • ,'I1he honor 8lUesta a.nd 'daughters, Mrs. Nary !.anger of 1!41amd, Fla., Bald . Miss Grace Smart completed the group
Shower Honors MIss Wade At Her Home
pa.rents · Of Wa.:ynesvWe, Mr. a.nd bhe weekeJlld with their son Kenneth STUDENT VISITS PARENTS Mrs. Amos Ooot. . . AT'I'END RACES MIr. and Mrs. Oharlea Doster. Mr. and Mrs. Dona.ld COates and Nr. and l\Irs. George Denney a.ttEmded the races held at Lexington. Ky. over the weekend.
MIss GI ~ h will become ~~bride e'or,w ~ on o : l.eIwsor... 'Was the hanOI iruest on Thu.n;da.y afternoon: when Mrs. J . R . Wade, her mother. entertained with 8 mI&oellaneous shower at 'h er home on Main street.
1Mrs. R. L. Meeks. sister of Mrs. RO. Moler bas been vlsitir.g Mr. and Mrs. Moler t4U.s IJ)aSt week. ' VISIT G D"~p"D"'NTS ~ ... B&W:o Janet and ~ Doeter w.ere the weekend iUests or t.lleb' grand-
at Hubbard. Ohio.
[,ansing Hardin 'spent theweek:end with his parer.ts, Mr. and Mrs. T . B. VISITS PARENTS . Hardin. Lansing is attending WUMiss Ruth Burnett of the School mtngt<m College . . of Nursing at M1am1 Valley ho6pital -.---'W BS at home Thursday with her GUEST FROM SPRINGFIELD parents, Mr. ar.d Mrs. H. C. Burnett Miss Florence Sullivan of Springof Lytle. f1ld was the guest of Mr. and Mrs.. , John Jordan. Wednesday. Sept. 25.
VISITING IN KENT1JCKY' ATTEND FUNERAL l4.r. and Mrs. Ray Ma.1nous and Mr. ami Mrs. W. S . Graham atson Donald ue v1sit.ir..g relatives in tended the funeral of Mrs. Grant Kentucky this week. Cornell in Sidney, Sunday. Mrs. VISIT IN HUBBARD COreell is Mr. and Mrs. L. C. St. John spent Gra.ham.
WEEKEND AT HOME Joe Ha'rtsock. son of Mr. and Mrs. J ames Hartsock spent the weeker..d at home. He is a student at WUmlngto·n ColI "' ege . Mrs. - - -- • READ THE CLASSIFIED ADS I
The aftemc.oon was sPent giving advice and recipes to the bride elect and 1r.. contests. Many lovely gifl.s .were itound (lID, the d1r..1ng, room table tmder a. . large spJ'inklir.g can with cellophane streamers. Ice cream with oa1c.e cut trom the
three-tiered cake
with white J'06es was senred to the
guests. The guest list for the afternoon • included Mrs. T . O. Lawson. Mrs. A. H. Stubb . Mrs, 0 , lJ.. UTl8lesby. ,M rs. M. D. Baird, Mrs. Flassie oarey. Ml's. John S tansberry, Mn. Frank Thcn1.as, Mrs. Clint Clark. Mrs. Liddle Coleman. Mrs. Leor.ard T1n.ney, Mrs. HJa.rry Dickensheets, Mrs. Harry Schenk and dauthters. Mrs. Rona ld oaJ'll' and sor.. Mrs. George Henderson. Mr . W11l Bernard. Ma's. Robert Satterthwaite and daughter, Mrs. Forest Graham. Mrs. Mllo Wade .. Mrs. F1red Hoyle. Mrs. Charoles B~elJ . M!' . Earl Young, ~. lJoyd Davis ·and Mrs. Emma Lacy. Miss Mary Cook. Miss Blancl1e DiCkensheets, the honor guest and 1ihe
Celebrate Fifty-Seventh Wedding Anniversary 'M iss Qrace E . Sqtart of li·a rveysburg entertained ~th a 9ne o' lock d:inl')er an Sunda'Y September 29th . 'at . the Ger.eral Denver Hate,1 in Wllnrlng1cn in bonoT of '1lhe 57t h . wedding anniversary of h er parer.ts Mr. and , Mrs. Charles T. Smart. • 'rhe 'n atai day or Mrs. Smar t also faU's upor.. the ann1verSM'}' date of ' OCbober 1 t. The -occaslon was kep a comple te Stir-p1'lse to the honor guests. The table with covers for ten was bea.utiflilly decomted with a, large 0\13,1 cen terpiece of yellow, white and !pink Small chrysantihemums wi h matching cor~a ges and bouter..m ere. The at1tra.cUve place ca~ds. announced the nwnel'81 of the anniversary of ~he couple. the guests Fel'e. all life long friends. five of whom !attended t he flrst wedding In . 1889, the Gold.e n weddtng in ]939, and the present event. They were Mr. .and Mrs. Oeo~ M . Denny, Mrs. Oba. We IM , Mr. Ed B, lDakint, and
The logi~aI turtle anJthe,"SmaIl Businessman" Speakin~ from experience, the turt1l~ said, "You've got to stick yoUr .
neck out' if you want to get any place". And his kind of logic is what America thrives on ••• it maker so much 'sense to folks who like their i~dependence. . , Ben Frankl~ believed in it when he lit out for Philadelphia. So did an ex-G. I. :n amed Jones who started , his own small ljIusiness just yesterday ••. ,on a loan, but on his own.
So"'o D~alns a"J Di$lrib,,'ors E"j", All Th~s~ Adya"tages: Destgned to speedUy reileve slmple headache and ' painful tUscomforti pf neurallia.
• the beD.fltI of Sohlo ,....reb • the IUldaDc:e of Standard Oil'a 76 yean of ac:c:umul.tecl bua1· _n Imowledla • volume produc:tiOD that malt.. poe.lbl. f.ir pric:w .nd • f,.~ profit • ad..rtbiDl. men:beDdiaI.nc. aDCt tr8iDiDa help.
1ft. Meuured doses - In powder g form far quick ••lmU.t1on.
mertt. Same tnle tar. , . mula .over one-tblrd centUI'J.
. . Proof of
IJt&DdaI'd TJ.
D lMoratorJ .
s. P. 1D&TedleDCa.
teIted, .~t.ro1Jed.
r:a. 1D . . .. 1aDIe lOoaDCl
ot ~ .--. . OaUuoO: u. 0D1J u d1reoSed.
" Bt-T.,-n . ~. ,.iJi'·' :t,;~M ' •
• f
epecIa11MCI UN.
prop.m. fOr
deas. '
What happens now is his business ••. <and everybody else's!) His customers wish him success-so he can serve them better. The business men who serve him likewise are backing him up. For, just as Sahio Dealer Jones counts on the quality and popularity of Standard Oil products to help him succeed, so does Standard Oil stake its future on men like him. That's how it is .with American business, small and large. Each needa , . the other • • .' and always will . ,!H~B ~.
STANDARD OIL ·CO; (OHIO) , Ohio Com".., ••• Servq Ohio People
~D1W I
, swt !iled agair.st Bernard lind Marga1' Bruns. A divorce Is asked by WUl1e Hur~t in a suit filed ag:ainst Ruth Hurtt. They were m rried in 1927. . Partition of real e tate in Turtlecreek twp. is asllted In an action fUed a~air...st Willis whitaker and others by LUlie Orru:e Whitaker.
The Miami Gazette ESTABLISHED 1850 Published Every Thursday by DAVISSON PRESS FLOYD L. DAVISSON. Edit.or Entered as Second Class Matter at the Post Office SUb6criptlon Rates : S1.50 per Year in .... dvance
Richard and ViVian Smith. 39 acres. Wayne 1Iwp. Well$ H. Littlejohn to Guy and Fla Tia. Smith. lot 1. Lebn.non. Willa~d Naclltma.n to Herbert and PaUllrie Timmer. lots 2894. 2895 and 2696, Lovela.nd Park. Edward and LilUe Wolbers to Mary and Michael Belperio. one a.cre . Hamilton twp. Forest Jenins et al to Frank · and Kathryn Barnett, 87 . 5 acres in Hamilton twp . James and Ora Lamb to Lela. M Simpsot'~ tract In Washington twp: Lennie Whitacre .to Paul and Ruth Whitacre . .tract in RoacheSter . Ollv:er and Effie Schumacher to Leo and Alva Collier. 89 acres, Turtlecreek twp. Garvin and Wa.hllce Parrott to Wilbur ar.d Ida. W. Finke. three IWres. Deerfield twp. John and Wllile Turman to Otis V. Turner. part of lot 44. South Lebanon. ' Warren County Lumber Co. to Mason Lumber Co .• part of lot 234. Mason.
WAYNE S vn.LE , OHIO - NO 4284 THURSDAY•. OCTOBER . 3,. 1946
Ohio IB Patients Need Better Care
W1ll1a.m F. Long accepted t.he The Governor's Jeint CommJ~ as executor of the on Tubel'(:wosis Cont.rol In Ohio. of estate Of William C. Long. Lytle. with which Carl A. WI~bD.th. M. D~ Earl Young. Mae Banta and Ernest O1J~c1ruiatl. as c~'81rman .. presen~ Governor Fra11k J. Lausche with. a. Brown as appraisers. Ida. Belle Ralun. Lebanon. was formal report on bhe tuberculosis named executrix of the estate of Situation In Ohio. Thursday, SeptHlUTY C. Ralun with William ember 19. Culbertson. Edward Frentzel and TuberculO6l.s was preventable and Cliff Brant as appraisers . curable and that 2.573 deaths last PWlomine Bel'ger. Morrow. was 'Year was a needless loss of l.tfe' (2) named ·to adJnlrlU;ter the estate ot that Ohio r.eecls 1.100 beds for the Josepn Albert Berger with W. D. care ot the tuberculous' (S) tha't 96 Bowling. Larry Schuchter a.nd ~ cent of t.uberoulous patients William Veldt 118 a.ppralsers. could not pay for their care. that The court set Oct. 15 to hear the the county was responsible for so ir.ventory of the estate of Isadora paying. but that the counties did • Ward. Waynesville . not .have sU!!iclent fm:ds to hospltalMae Slack. Morrow, was named ize the active cases of the disease administratrix of the estate of 'a nd sO protect bhe healbh of the William C. Howard' with J ohn Dare, ~ ~ other Tesldents. (4) .t hat the state \ Joseph McKlnsey and Dan Carter ","',n ; " should assist the counties by pa~ as a.ppraisers of th4~ estate. ""',them $2.50 per patient per day (If Oharles P. M1Uer was named hospitalization' and (5) that lJhe administrator 'Of the estate ot b7 JANE nn State government should provide an . Louella MUler. South Lebar.on. with --ad6fluate budget for the Bureau of Fred Roes. Clem Bowyer and Henry It's really been nice to have known Tuberculosis 10 the Health ~parl Hamilton as a.ppra.'Isers. . 'Mom Beckett and eat ner swop- ment so tha·t tuberculosis programs G. F. Browm. Cn.arles J. Wa.g~er tOIlS oooldng. ~Mom' Just has a ha.nd could be coordinated throughout' the and O. C. Becket;~ were named to for preparing food. Whf. 1 think state. T he Conunlttee reported that appm.lse the estate of Robert W. she's almost .gOOd enough to boil ~. Lebanon a .t tomey. of wh1~h ·w ater 'w ithout soorahing itl . there are about 30 ..000 unknown and Brown ru15 been named The story ; ~ld· of the person ~reported cases of tu~oulO6l.s in adnUn1st~trix. . ' who iPUt a r.Jckle in a ' cool shute the state ar.d albhough 6.800 were . Oscar W. Doua;hman. has been at Third ' and MaIn <Da.yton) and reported in 1944, there were only named executor of the estate of looked up at the town clock to de- 3.392 beds for hospital care. Jer..nJ.e Tribbey. retired Morrow term1ne her wetgnt. (Every place 1 The Committee found that the schoo~ teacher. with Willlarn Dare. go someone sees me.) ' costs of hospital ~re had increased Oharles Weismanna.nd Jesse RAlse . • • • from $2.92 10 1941 to $4.60 in 1945. belngna.med its appra.i.sers. Mexica.lll sa.t on a. tack- hence a 'In 1946. estimates exceed '5 .50. The court set Oct. 18 to hear the song was written "Mexicall1 Rose." inven!bry of the estate of Bertna . • • ' . BETTER FAB.l\UNG Hendricks. Mason. Nellie saYs she feela 'sorrowful' for ew~ The ~et value ·of the estate of me because 1 <l1a.ve but two parents. Favorable ~ther conditiona are Elwood Reedy was determined to be Nell1e you 11e Uke .the c::arpet in the given only one-!ourtb of the creditJ ~EW CASES ,$1,546' that of Aruru\ Eulass JWwan. White House. Why I ha,ve forefathers tor IneJ"ea.sed farm produotion 10 Virginia. S . Vanderbrink filed a $1.750. and that of Web8tel' L. Kirby. besides my mother. Ule past five yea.rs. Better fa.nn1ng divorce ootlon 'Ilpinst W1ll1am E. $2.740. . methods were three tl.mea as 1mVanderbrtnk. Leb&non. Marrted 10 Frank and Geneva Bowyer were PHONE NEWS ITEMS TO portant as better weath~ in thoee 1945 they have two chUdren, one named to the estate of Charles ZIt3 01' 2910 years. born sllortlly before the fillng of the Bowyer, Mason, and also that of suit. . Sarah E. Bowyer. Qe(qe White. Clarence Brown Jr.. Maaon, ElIas Robmson and! T. F. 'McOonn1ck Charged his wi!e, Helen. with were named appra.lsers of both :you ARE PROTECTED cruelty in his suit for a divorce. They estates. • As a depositor at ~ ba.nli: were married last November and a you are assured of protection previous suit in August W88 With- MARRIACE L.ICENSES not; only from J?l'OIP'esa1ve organization, but protection 8I8Ilinst draown when" the couple were re- Cl8iyton Ivins. 32. meChanic. and Shirley st. John, :26, nurse. bOth of 1068 up .t o a maximwo of $6.000 OOOC1led. ' of your deposits by the PederaJ. Walter J. Sc~fer and the Delta. Lebl.non. EX'P ANSION BRACELETS $9.00 up Loan Assocla.t.1on. OiJ>..olnna.U.. are Iva. Praoklln M4m1s. 49. SpringDepll6it Insurance CorporatIOn. COM PAC T S $2.10 up named defendants by Irene $ha.fler fIeld, conductor. nnd Mary NILOOll 0 C K E T S . $2.70 up L THE in a divorce acUon in which the RaIhm. 43. Lebanon. clerk. RINGS . EAR RINGS . PEARLS WAYNESVILLE pla1r.tlff ohargea her mate with F. W. Blevins. 22. C1nclnnatL PENS (Eversharp) . LEATHER STRAPS cruelty She asks that her -hU8ba.nd oonstruCtiOllll worker, and Lea.tha NATIONAL BANK COOKIE JARS ' be re~trained from wlWdrawing Oornett, 21. Franklin. POCKET KNIVES funda in the loan company. . Recovery of .1.S92 Is eought · by REAL ESTATE CIGARETTE LIGHTERS O~O John E. Holderfield, Morrow in a 'Ibomaa Burna b:) Mary and Ha.rry . appoi~tment
Gmes .
-------------------------=_=_. ourI
Jewelry GI F·YS
Burns, IlJUt of :lots 39 and 99. ,-;:;;::;;::;;:~:;;:========:;:=========:.:: Lebanon. Ha'r ry O. Burn.!1 ,to Mary Burns.
.Armitage 1& Son
IBTAM·rsmm 1112
Phoae 2611
same property; . Will and H. ,L ewis ·to A:Ima Lewis, lots 21. 22 ar.d 23. Roacheeter. WiWsm and GiveDI Jooea ,to
Date.. JIboae .... ~......
SlOp. ScratcbiDtJ! Here Is Quick Ellie llind Comfort Now that . 8ta1nle,,!!:. powerfu~pen.
etratlnc Moone's J!<merald vII 18 a.,allable at drug stores ' thousands ha.,,, found helpful relief from the dlatresalng itching and torture of rashe8. eczema. potson Ivy and other externally C&U.tec1 skin troubles. . ... ,'"" . Not only does tbe Intense ItchIng. burnJnC or 8t1ng\nlr quickly 8ubslde. but _JlialInC la more qUlokly promot_. . Get AD ' original botUe of Emerald O.~reuelu.-st.lnlesa. Money refuncl"'. It lIot aatllade4. \
Come In and Make Your Selection
. . Contact Roxanna Canning Company at . Corwin, Ohio or Roxanna, Ohio for ensilage. Reasonable price . for immediate hauling.
Roxanna Canning' -~o.
Di.iaiOll ~ The Cb1l":'.a old Corpo.-ation
.. •
=~~:"_N~1:! .HISTO Ie ADENA OPENED FOR PREVIEW:J,.ienJ~ J./ome
Mrs. Mary Hugg of DetrOit, who was here because of the illness and d ath of her aunt. Mrs. Georgia Mer.denball retumed to her bome Frtday moming. Dr. Dudley ~eever of Centerville, Mr. nnd Mrs. Ernest MarLin of Dayton were din ner guests at the Home uP- Thw'Sday. Dr. Emma Hollaway spent Wednesdaoy in Dayton. Mlss Law'Q McKinsey Is again a m ember of ·the Home fnmily. Dr. and Mrs. Gail R ussum. M1sa Margar et R ussum and Mrs. Glenn. Hill of DaytO'l1 visited Miss Margaret Edwards. Sunday afternoon. Mrs. Evalyn P eterson returned 1m M<>nday from a th ree weeks visit at her former home in Pamplin. Va. Misses Ollve Williams and M1nn1e Do<1.son and Mrs. Allee Clark spent Monday in Dayton. Mrs. Mary Smith, M,rs. Edith Huber, Mrs, Gertrude Kinzlg a.nId 'Miss Alice Fox all of Germantown. visited Mrs. Amanda Ha.rt.rum., sunday a.fterr.oon .
Mr. Paul Johns. of the University
ot Cincir.natl spent Sunda.y with
his grandmother. Mrs. Margaret Johns. Mrs. Nettle Emrick Is spending this week with her da,ugh ber, Mrs. Leon Sallsbw-y and tamlly at W~ ington, C.R. • A ' nwnber of ladles from here attended the noon luncheon and !llfterr.oon meeting of the Womens' Society of the Methodist OhW'Ch at the church parlo\- at WaynesvUle. Wednesday. The Lytle Ca.rd Club was entertained by Mrs. Ralph Hammond at her rhome. on Thursday CY! la6tJ week. Mr. and Mrs. Roy Pucke~ and daughter ot Detroit, Mich. were the weekend guests ot Mr. ~ Mrs. Alfred Rasnake and son. enroute to visit relatives in Virginia. Mr. and Mrs. Everett Clark and son ot Dayton were Sunda~ guests of Mr. and Mrs. Wilbur Cla.rk. POPULATION STEADY . Mr. Orville Savage entered the There has been llttle change in the nWIilier of people living on Ohio ',. Ohio State University at Columbus last week. farms in the past 40 years but urban " population has more than doubled. Mrs. Sally Ollma n has been qud.te which improves local markets for ill the past two weeks with a severe ~arm products. heart· attack. Mr. and Mrs. Bartlett Monce atBORSES-MULES FEWER tended bile HamUton Fair on ThursThe number ot borses and mules day. :" : on Ohlo farms drO'pped from 1.000. Mr. and Mrs:- J . B . Jones. Mr. and: 000 in 1915 00 less than 400,000 in Mrs. Walter Kenrick and Mrs. Clyde 1945 . Crops from aboub three and Whar.ton attended the opening of one-half acres are required to 'feed the Warren Oounty Hlsboricall Musa horse for a year. so the decrease ewn a t Lebanon. Sunday afternoon. in horses 'has released croPs from Mr. ar.d Mrs. J. L. Chandler, and over 2,000.000 acres. two children of Dayton are moving this week to their new home here. the Miller plate, which they recently purchased. Mr. and Mrs. Oharles Tumbleson 8Illd ahlldren ' moved Tuesday from the Miller !house to a temporary buildi£g on the Creighton lo~ where Benu tiful beyond its descriptive name of Adena, mea:dng paradise. is •'le aaO-acre estate of. former p overnor Thomas Worthingtoh neal' Chillicothe. Recently ~be b~ansion was acquired by the' OhiO State they are building a new home. , lrchaeological and Historical Society and is now being restorecll as a great historieal shrine. It was at Mr. and Mrs. Homer Monee and Adena that Worthington and other famous statesmen mouldec! the pattern for the gover:nment of Ohio ch1ldren of Dayton and Mr. WUbur The 1l0me"llke surroundings of OID" and brought this rich IIfttlon o( the Northwest Territory into Elbrtehood. There also was conceived the 'Monce CY! ~c1nnatt were Sund&y id' e a for the Great Seal of Ohio. Public ins pection of this beauty spot "ill be permitted from noon until Funeral Home have caused mwm guests of their parents. Mr. and 6 p. m. on Saturday and Su~day , Oct. 5·6. Pictures taken at, Adena sho", UPPER LEFT. Barbara ta.'vonrbte"'oomment-- it Is oPell for Mrs. Bartlett Monee. ArmS,t rong and Ruth Dunlap. Chillicothe. standing on the mansion's garden porch; UPPER RIGHT. inspection at any time . Mrs. W11lIam Pounds and son, Mrs. Roy Samp on supervisor of Adena; E. C. Zepp, vice director of the Ohio State Archaeological and VJola. Round and Mr. Edward Graast S~iety; alld Earl H. Barn.h.art. chairman of Adena committee, lookin.g at porlion of fence or Dayton 'Were Sunday evening din- Histprical that once surrounded the first State House at Chillicothe; and LOWER RIGHT, VIC" of huge sandstone ner' guests ot Mr. ami Mrs. Wa4ter mansion from the west. The Adena 'p;pe shown at LOWER LEFT "as taken from one lf the prehistoric K.em1cIt. . mound" f i-".,1 OTt , .... ~" " " - • • .. ET: photograph of Thomas Worthin,ton. .... Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Burnet en~ to dinner Sunday, M4ss CORN ,P ACK NEARS on Octot>er 1. Manufacturers ask supplies and good prices f91' the birds Marcella Altho!! and Miss lAura PEAK. PRODUCTION tbat ' farmtrs and orchard: owners (OC' the past four years are Indooeestimate 1947 1nSedtlcJde requirE!- ments for the expansion. Rosnagle at C1ndnnati. • Mr. and Mrs. Everett Eat'ly and A pack of canned oorn which haament8 88 soon as pqssible and, place Telepnone 2291 Mr. an~ 'Mrs. IR alph Hammond at- been exceeded in only one year is in orders 80 the right proportilon of STORAGE EGGS tended the Ox Roast at OentervtUe. the ma!'ing in QhJo and other oom ,t he difJerent tn8Iter1alB wl1l be ready Large quantities of shell eggs and Saturday evening. producing states . throughout the wben they are needed. Early orders frorr.en ens in stora&e are expected Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Burnett at- nation. according to W. C. t:Jtolk, are most tmporte.nt on pyretmwn. to partly f1ll the gap left by a pre_ ter:de4 their Dinner CaI'd. Club. Sat- vice · p~ent of Amert.can can l~ a.r&ex:ate. DDT, roteDOOle, and dieted decline in en producUon in
urda¥ Mrs. eVening ·at theGraham home of neal' Mr., on Compa' who bases bia 'statement ' ____ and Howard then y.oontainer reqq1rementa of cryolite. . _ _ ~.
canr.ers. ' TURKEYS OFF Mrs: Ralph HaIDmond in company A oooaervat.1ve 'estimate em th1a U. S. Wrkey growers will produce
With Mrs. Myn. Webster of SprIng- baslB. said Mr. Stolk. would place fewer birds in 1946 than la8t yea.r. bora,spent Wedneeday in Ctnic1nnatlthe natIOn's UK6 pack of canned but pred1cttona nOW' are madle that [Qtle Sund&oy School and Oburch com at 30.000,000 eaae8, Or' 720.000. the 1"7 erop of turkeys may exceed are planntng, a. Rally Day IUlkl Home 000 cans. lJaBt year's pa.cIt 'W88 28. t!lat 01. llK5. Improvement ill feed 00I:nin8 &t the 'Church, Sunday. Oct. 000.000 cases. while the 'l argest pack 13. Evel"YOne 16 inVited. ' on record. me,4e In 1M2. _sa 32.000.
NO RESERVE ProducUon of 1nIectlc1dee in 1948 barely met dally demands 01. fumera 80 there was reeerve when the new ~utacturlnc eeuon 8t&rted
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Refrigexator & Washer R.pairing - p,arts
Day Phone , .2 "1 . ' ',. f th B ... v't Pho~e rom e anf!O> ' '. I:d e . Across . 2981 . WAY N E S V I L ,L E , QH I0 . . , " .
at Belcher'. Sonoco
St~tiOn- ·Phone ' 2423
for I. famIl, If J'OII
'.lean &0 Par lie . . Bye.
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per mGllOl f . 1lIf.
f. AD of
Home Appliance Store
lUlKi~'~. _ _ _ _~_ _ __
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,LIPB iimnuNOB 00.
Any 'm ake or model Fred Kahn Motor Ca'r Co• LEBANON, OHIO
J~ IIIE~'It\V~
have been unsuccessful. Instead of bringing all bodies into one. other creeds and denomina.t1or.s have been, added to the ones already in existenoe. Wha.t is there to gain by leav-
ml JIc '
brant! which ihas become famous. Tex is equipped to serve malt d milks. sundaes. odas and milk shakes _ just 1lhe ""ay you like them .
~~ U d
He also is keeplng a nice selection of oda pop and OOl'!·dy. As f<1f the m eals you w111 . be deligHted with t hem also. Tex is strlvlng hard with the pre ent sh ortages to give you a. wide Selection to choose . from. He also features short orders. The Harvey burg Restaurant is v ttr t1 'ith te d r:~ I a thae · ve ~ a coun r an f ta~~ e~: 5, a ~ou~ ~ com; or e s.. an n vldua tables. The beaut~ of the room ad~s to your:t1ng e~joym.ent. 50 when ~o~o w or ~ome good t ice crea.mto°r a. y . you wan a sump us meal prep~ed by an exPerienced ~don tforget ::rex - he'll ~pP z,neetlng and serv1r.g you and your n~ll will be aln~leasant me:ory as a; rem er the ~s ~ wiSOr, the t~altiRn g.&rooAm ey urg .or . e . . ,b us .
eomell's WELDING Shop
; The Supernational (:ommunitj
l~~;;;;;;;;;;;;~;;;;;;~;;;;;;;;;~;;;~~~~~~~~;;;;;;;;~ ~ "
is not something to be hoped for, but. ratner. something that ex1sts.
One-half . Mile South of Bellbrook on the , -'Waynesville-Bellbrook Road . ' ,PUTERBAUGH ,
Gas. on ; SIomach
Mr. and Mis. Kenneth Bra~ten
R.lie.ed in 5 minute. 01' ' double YOUI' money back "~I tn I'1('f .tomoch arIa rlui l'alnful, ."UIfIII"tJill , • • • ' Illor Iloroacl' and I\.ortbum. dO<lOU u•• • lI)' pr crJl>e U", r.. , . I ·.etln l
kno"'11 rnr
~f~~.~·~I~ ~1::;.~·[lm~,"~~~~~co~::t~l1i~ JlIl'1 or
double your
montJ b.tk on return
and_ ._d_a_u.;;g;..h.;.tkr;.;..Sh~ir;;.;l;;;eY;;.;Ann:.;;~o;f.:DQ;:·~yto:.;:n::...t,;;o,;;u,;;.,;;:!r>,;;'.;QI,;; ; ' ;; II ;;;; " ru ;;;';;';; IBt;;;; •• ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;:.
They belong neither t.o a segregated community ~or to ' a community maintained by utlli'tarian motlve. They are cOnscious oJr world citizenship not out of Year of qgression. but· because of an aU-inclusive falth , in commonher1tqe and or1g1n I of manldnd. -Emeric 8ala . "'I'be only ' real c:llffet:eooe Uesln tJhe degree of fa1thfuhles& of .obedience to the Jaws of oOcl. 8I'e some wbo are 88 lighted torches; others who shine as sta.ra till the sky. of hwna.n1ty. 'Ilhe lOVer. Of manldr.d. these ere the superior men, of whatever nat10ll creed or color they may • .b e.... · . ~bdu'l' Baba
'1111e Per.n1ngton Restaurant in Harveysburg formerly operated by Mr. and Mrs. J esse Pennington has been old and is being very capably managed by Mr. Tex Ray Watso~ honorably 'd ischargtld veteran who spent six years in t he Army and was overseas for a. perlcd of fif ty- two mon·ths. The, "Per:mlr.gton Restau;mnt." which is to be known from J10W or.. <the ~eyi burg Res~lUIant" . teatUl'es Gem City Ice Cream-a
- . I~u ge incr~a ses in wors hipp(. rs on WorlrJ Communion Sunday an anticipated hIS yca r. due not alonc til I'cturnc(l v tcrllps bllt to t h(! hundr ds Qf ncwly Jfounded chu l' hes al1d the Lhousnnds \l:f nC' vly nrol/cd membors: . The Mcthodis Church. as 011 o X3 mpl e: through it!! ru ~ ade for hrls t, h :~ !1 op ned liZ4 new churches anti cxpe ls to make O ~ t~be r 0 a day of victory by clos infJ' its y n r of o\'un" elis llI \VI' th n million new. members. .. " ••
Re.. Centerville 7465
called on Mr. alDd Mrs. George Bratten. SatW'day atternooh. Mrs. 'Hiley Gibson. Mrs. Ernest Earnhart. Mrs. Olarer.ce OraWfwd Miss Clara Daughters. Mrs. O. H. iKerslngn and David Earnhart Bittended churc.h evening services at the Memorial Hall in Dayton, Friday evenlng. Mrs. Ernest Ear:nhart a nd Mrs. G . H. Kersinger were callers In Dayton, Tuesd~. Mr. and <Mrs. Ernest Hasz a.nd farolly were supper guests last Friday evening of Mr. and Mrs. Morris Lewis all1d family. Mr. and Mrs Everett Bunnell and d'arolly and Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Ung and sons attended a corr. roast at the home Of Mr. and ~. Lewis Michial and farolly. Saturday nlght.
The Mt. Holly Home Ooming will h to 'a ttend ~ny and IIlll sessions you ing one der.omination and joining e eld bhe 6t!h or October 10 tIle possibly can. You will enjoy lt and it another? The only correo1i ba 1a f ch~. A ba;sket dinner will be servHE::~;;~~B~I'~= do you good·. unity ~ the Bible a\c)~e. Tha.t ed at the noon hour lIlll.d ar- all-day . Orville Hilton's birthday is Qct. ·21. do ·aww.y with ,h uma'n <:reedit and service will be h eld . 'l1be Vance Blble School - 9 :30 am. Let's all send h1m a card. If you denomlnatlor.s. for aU wl1,l be christ- famUy of Columbus . will be present Morelng Worship, - 10:30 a.m . send lt air-mall he will be sure to ians and members of th~ eme . body. and will fltrn1sh the music. Y th M 1 '7 00 ou eet ngs : p.m. get it and an ordinary lebter or card tJle dhurch of Christ . Some are wed Mrs. Robert G reene and gra~dson Adult Pra,y er Meeting '- 7 :00 p.m. mJght reach h:1m 11 sent at once. His ded to thelr idols. and. of course oWill Eddie Lee of Dayton a nd Mr. and Evenlng Evangelistic Service address is: not give up thelr creeds.", Mrs. Harry Beige - and children of _ 7 :45 p.m. Cpl. OrvUle J . Hllton, 35988545 -E . M. Borden Beavertown spent Sur.day with Mr Det , B. 3230th Engr, Ser. Bn.. "I t is r.o llhat the truth of Chrlst and Mrs. Lue Morg.an. . is difficult to teach; lt Is not that Mr. and Mrs. Morris Lewis and ST. AUGUSTINE CHURCH APO '809 Re1ms Area, 9l Postmaster, New, York. N.Y. the things that make one a Christ- famUy spent. Sur.day aftemoon with Fath. KnmhoItK. PrIeR • • • ian are difficult to lea:rn, that causes Mr. and Mrs. J ohn Koester of Utica. Mass Sunday 9:00 a.m. ~ DJVlSIONS the world's IndU'f erenc:e to God. but Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Mlclal FRIE:NDS "Some people have becGme alann- that men I just- c9Xno't, see Jesus m spent Sunday '! llternoon wi bh' Mr First pay School - 9 :30 am, ed at the dlvJs10ns amor,.g those. us. To know me better ought to re- ami' Mrs. Olarence Crawford. I • ' Meetlng tor Wor:h1 p-10 :30 a.m. who are caHed "Prote~ants." and mind men more of Christ. and 'Will Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Sthlth and many efforts nave been made to if He ls In me." -Pryde E . Hinton Mr. and Mrs. Hiley OibsOr. called 00 IN CASE OF FIRE DIAL 22!2 relieve the condlt1on, but t he efforts "The most m1seTable people or. Mr.- and Mrs. R ichard Haines of near =============~~~~~=======~ earth, in mw judgmen'~ are the peo- Xenia, Sunday M'.temoon'. ' - . pIe wiho try to live double l1ves." . Mrs. Arthur Morga~ and daugh-R. H . Coleman ter Betty and MUss Minnie ,Crawford If you ~ able to ~ro anyplace on were . callers hl , Lebanon. TueS(!a.y. Sunday nlght, '4on't forget !that the Mr. and Mrs. Hiley Glbson were best plaoe ,~ go for the good Of yOur ci1r.J}er guests o( Mr. and~. ReySOUl is to church. mond :Smith. Sooday. . ELECTRIC and ACETYLiN~ - Portable Equipment , " Mr. and Mrs. (k>orge BMtten and Miss Olara Daughters were sUpper NEW .fACTORY-MADE fARM WAGONS _ gue&~ Sunday evenlng qf Mr. a~d WITH NEW RUBBER TIRES ' "Baha,'i Confidence in- 'bile fut ure Mrs. Evere. tt Bunnell and fan').Uy. Mrs. EmeJ'SClln Dlll spent Tuesday rests on conviction rather than hope. For Baba'1.s. the' broth.eI'hood of man 1r. Xenia. ' TELEPHONES : Shop- Centerville 7031
... B. Coleman. IIJDIIIter CHURCH of CHRIST SUNDAY SCHOOL i:3O A. M. Robert L. VanZUe, MInister Mrs. Raymood COnner, SUp," Blble Scbool 8:30 a· m. WORSBJP SERVICE 10:30 A. M. Communion 10:10 &. m. • • • Sermon 11:00 &. m. The Methodist Church wUl 01>Even1I:C Service 8:00 p. m. serve World Communion Da~ at the • • • ChUl,'Oh on Sunday mornlng. Oct. JUNIOR CHRISTIAN ENDEAVOR 6. At this time ~v. Coleman ex- each Sunday evemng at 7.00. These peets to be present to adui1n1ster meet1ng8 are l or ALL boys and girls . the communion. UI!der iH1gh School age. You do not • • • have to belong to this churoh to atOn the followblg Sunday. Oct. 13 tend Junior Endeavor. <the Church' 'Will observe its annual SENIOR CHRISTIAN ENDEAVOR Rally Day Service and plar.s are now will meet each Sunday njg'bt at 7:00. going forwaro to make this day one An effmt is belng made to re-organOf successful endeavor and a large 1ze this group so lt can be more e1f1attendance. cient in helping -with Our eva.ngel1s• • • . tic meetlng. YOUTH FELLOWSHIP, BIBLE STUDY CLASS before ThUrsda.J. 7:30 p. m. prQIYer m eetlr.g each Wednesday at OHOm PRAC'nCE 7 :15 P. m. Wednesday, 7:30 P. M . PRAYER MEETING eaoo· Wednesday at 8:00 p. m . Bring your Bibles ST. MARY'S · and worship with us. We need EPISCOPAL CHURCH prayer to help us keep em t h e stralght and ~ll1'1'Qw path. SAIUUEL N. KEYS. Lay Reader-ln charge '.fHE RALLY DAY is being post9:30 a.m. ChurCh School paned until S~y, October 20. If 11:00 a.m. Mornlng Prayer and you were ,p lanrJng to come Sunday, just come anyway .. We need you and 'S ennon. yoo need t he chUrch. , TIlt EVANGELISTIO '1\IEETING MT. HOLLY at · S~ ....mt""'''' &.u~. """-... .......w~f... . . . . , . ...e--nau. VI&lu),,\","r.. METHODIST CHURCH Ch\.tt'ch. bege.n la t Sunday nlgbt. !I'. M. 8cIarff.......... with Hoyt Oanary as the evangel1st. 'llIIE . CONFERENOE ' ON CJUD4a7 8CIbooI -- ':30 A. K. B. <A. Bambart, IQPeIrin1,IDdem. EVANGELISM """""'sored "'y the ".,...~ ~ Wonbip aervkle - 10:30 A. M. Cincinnati Bible Seminary will be B 'en!na eemce - 7:30 P. II. ,h eld October 15. 16. 17. in the Emery Auditorium in Cinc1nnatl, O . Be Sure
New 'Churches, New Members To· Join in World C"nlnlunion
r~(hureh . ,
,,_ ..-... I
. fin~
Each card actually is a minatufe work of art. /'
They can 'b~ h~d in units of 25 either pJain or printed with your name. ' To see tbem is a revelation in quality ' . . . 'a nd ipdividuality;. ' .
It is'not too early ~ make your selec. tion· No .obligation to see these' card$. Come in today I . ,. ~
Phone 2148
a.nd the Uttle shower this a.!temoon DON'T CUT
hardly wet the gTO\U!d but it brought Ohio farmers Who wa,nt to 68Ne cooler weather. If we can just get alfalfa fields tor meadow or pasture by this 0001 spell without frOst we .next year should' not mow or pasture may go a few ~eeks longer. Every- them alter September 10. Alfalfa A FARM DIARY .oSCAR one hold your fingers oros&ed and plants store food for Winter aod by D R FRAZIER HA~ERSTEIN either. maybe it wlll not touch us. early spring in their roots, 'and part Sept. 27, 1946. This Is our last We a.re short handed these da~ Monday. My an~ue typewriter Is ot this reserve store is manutacc11ance' ~his year for my annual with John in the hospital SInd. ttl" dOing pretty well since the editor tured in September and October. quotation. boys in school. We had a hard time worked on it. Some day perhaps I Tests a.t Ohio state University '!!he golden rod Is yellow; finding any help to help us wilJ:1 the can have a new one and a new car. ir..dlcate third cuttings for hay or The C0110 is turning brown; sweet com and then we didn't get It does seem' that if every one go~ late pasturing of Ohio alfalla arc The trees in appe orchards enough so the boys h1ld to 1000l too . to work and stopped strI.Idr..g that likely to weaken the plant.s so they With fruit are bending down. much schooL If we can geb a con. prices \VOUld come dawn to a more are kllled by severe winters. The gentians bluest fringes picker it w1l1 be alright thou8'.h it normal level. If wages were not so Are curUng in the sun; doesn't lOOk 88 though we w1ll be high fOOd could be cheaper. Remem- SAW WOOD Ir- dusty pods the milkweed able to make any molasses out OIr our bar the story of 'the Old Woman Forty Vinton county farmers, at Its hidden silk has spun:" sorghum as settir.g up the mill WIle:! and her Pig". When each one began a meeting ir. McArthur, decided one running it w1l1 be too heavy tor .10hn to do his part. "The dog began to WilY to improve their annual income If you don't know the restJ of it. if he does get out of the hospitalln bite the p1g; the pig wenL over the is to make arrangements to b\lYl a almost 'any school child should be time. We will have to cut it 'fOr feed. stile and they all got home that small portable sawmill. The mill is able to finish ' it for you but the Sunday. A v1sU to the SoI<Uers' night." How about us? designed to be set up, taken dawn. wOrds always come to my mind 'a t Rome hospital brtr.gs the heavy COSt • and moved quickly from one job to this time of the year. Since Monday's of war before your eyes in ill ""'". FOOD BOUGHT the next. It can be operated by rain washed". the face of the land""~ r ech.a.n1' d scape and made the grass look a. crete way. Barracks and barracks Report from 81 Ohio farm families anner m cs an wlll sa.w out He streamlined the- exciUn, little green, though that is all it and the hugtb hospital all to be ' pa1d In 1945 show an average of $364 the types of lumber most often used "Carmen Jones" from &be "tory did, the weather has been Septem- for by the taxpayers 01 this and spent for food not produced on the o_n_th_e_farm __._ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ book of "Carmen" leavlna 'he ber"s finest and that can be the coming ger-erations to say nothing farm. Immortal 1C0re 01 Bisel lnt.acL best there Is. of the wasted Uves that are drag- - - - - - - - - - - - - A.I5o as &be fabricator of "Show ging themselves out there year a.fter Boa&." "Oklahoma" and reeently The last load of sweet com went year. If there were only the old Ithere "Carouse"" Hammerste,ln Is AlDer- to the caIUlery this a fternoon. They we might give tlhanks that they were \. loa's '. ace llbrettlst. told us to pull all we could by noon. being so well taken care of but the The torthcomnlg engagement of Their was a little more but .n ot mer. of World War I should be only "Cannen Jones" with its all Negro e~ough for another load and it was in their prime now and the new' ones roster, wUl be a.t Memorial Hall. in fast getting too hard. Something is are ljust s1a1rtir..g Ufe. · Remember HOURS: Dayton for ' three pel"fonnances. eating the tomatoes. Rats? Ch1ckens'l when the Soldiers' Home at Dayton Saturday night and Sunday ma.t1nee Turkeys? My. guess Is that 1be ,tur- was the show ' p~ of the neigh9-12 each morning and nigbt, Oct. 19 .and 20. eys have f~d them though we ,borhood and people went there from The cast and production are the . have no~ caught them in there. One all about the country for p1clncs and 1-5 afternoons except same as those seen during th~ two- year we ~ a lot of trouble with our wer.t bhrouab the kit~hens and exWednesday season run ot the show at the Broad- ~1gh:O~ s t:rkeys .ea~1s our toma- claimed with aston1slunent a1; the YOUR DOCTOR and way theatre, New York. and its two s u s year our own. sight of thoUSRhtls of fresh l)8kea Y U . 7-9 Saturday evening OotJham re~urn engagements. There are two chickens that stay pies bUt 'there are few sight&eel'll now 0 ~ DRUG~IST Other evenings by A8 II> spectacle "Catmen Jones" is lr. the alfalf~ ?ext to the tomatoes .though the grounds are still bElautlmust work hand-in-hand if the one of the most colorful and kale!- but it doesn t seem as though two ful. Just those, Who go to see their medicines preecrlbed bY' your . Appointment doscopic reproductions of recent small chickens coUld ruin so many friends are there now. doctor are to be eftective. There years. . tomatoes. Perhia}l6 we can catch The water situation was not helpmust be no guess /Work or subTELEPHONE 62-R "Oarmen .Jones" wher. it first saw thet;n and see what happens. ed much by that Shower last week stttution in compounding pre.the footlights in 1943 was the ~gs llave gor-e up again but proscrtpttons. crowning achievement of the tabu!- duotion continues to go doWlO in spite I Your doctor haa oonfidence OIlS BUly Rose, creator' of "Jumbo," of feeding t.ne·hens soaked oa.ts ar..d' • in uS. Bring yoUr prescrip'ions Optometric Eye Specialist Fort Worth's Casa Manana. obher milk 'p roducers like milk and here. Aquacade. Diamond' Horseshoe and laying mash. I wonder how ' many 26 South Detroit Street "Seven Uvely Arts." people who do not raise chicker..s Mall orders (or the erlpgemt;nt re&llze that this yearly period ot XENIA, OHIO PHONE 1121- WAYNESVIlLE, o.••__._._._._._._._....____._....,...._. when acCompanied by reIIl1t~ ' high prtc~ Is >NOT the tlm~. when and selt-addressed, stamped enve- t~ 'fanner makes the most ~y I, lope will be t11led In rotation. on his ens. The chickens eat just as Orders should be .a4dreased to the much but ten d00t!l! eggs a.t ru,t y MU1am Rosenthal ' Concert Ma.nage- cents do not bring in as much as a ment, Hotel 'Dayton BUtmore at case. thirty dozen, at twedy-five Dayton. cents, yet we would be lucky now to ,ge~ ten dozen or eveq five. We jusb IN THE GROOVE , POLIO VICTIMS UNDER got six ens last night. People act Is your radio's performance "In THEY ARE TOPS, YOU KNOW the Groove"? I! not. bring your BLUE CROS!!...,LAN set In ar..d let us put it ba.c•• m COSCO - 'The all-metal step stool - a Some 100.000 new members were u6ual for tlMs time of year. A few perfect 'conditio~ Our exper1e~ handy, durable kitchen pal - stocke.d ill :ldded t9 the Hospital care member- poultl'lY men who manage to get in radiO servicing and repair asthree colors. ship rolls during t.hetlrst 8 months their 'Pullets laying by September sures you of absolute satlsjrac~ J of the year. The Augus1J 31 member:' clean up a Uttle extra cash but many tion. G. E. BULBS ship total is 606.148 persons covered fannex:s nnd: the extra. cost of raJaunder 248.909 contracts. . lng early cbickk8 and,the extra work Maple, Oak and Chrome Bjospital care doesn't pe..y. In spite of OPA and 'I'h1rt;y",our BREAKF AST SETS members have been treated for Congress sup~ a.od demand do poltomyelltts so far this year. 'I1Wenty ifia.ve some eUect. Phon~ NU ENAMEL· WALLPAPER .KEMTONE 2 1 94 -four of the· poUo vtctlma were Spealdng of gentians. there is a A can of NU ENAMlmL mEl!: if this number 182-l ~dren under 10 .years • . ' . I the Uttle holloW in ,t he woods just over COlTeSPOnd8 with the ntmber on your Twin Thee.t.re ol<l,est . member-pat.1ent treated was my tetJce where they are lovely. I --.,.. . ---.;..;..;;;;....-----Oalendar for September 1946 The cost per pollo admiss10p 110 tt1ed to buy. it onCe but the owner /I,~ far tlrla year has Jlieen abou~ ,tb81t ot, did not lW6Ilt ,to I*'t wUb It tbough ~Irilli the avera~ hospital bUl, . . I doubt .if he ever looks at It but . Forqujck relief from ItdIinI cawed ."tlCller! , .. at·t er all I .can go down and. look BIt atbJete·afoot.lcabiea. pimpleund otber'ltchin! ' Gibbon~ Building, Nort~treet ~ .~;;u. ~ It arA enjo)" it so that in a. way it is cooIl,' medlcated~ liqui ...\~ . . -- .•q more mine than 'his. Is~-t it luoq ~·::ht:;::""~:~:!:'d WAYNESVILLE. OHIO .d... that there are 80 many thinga that a:~~t:~at~ Phone 2422 110'" .... we caP. er.joy without own1na' them. todQ for Do D. II. ......mOlL ." ONLY A .. The man who ~te the recent song
'''I have the sun in the mornir.g a.nd the 'moon wt niglht" has the rlg'ht Idea .. I can enjoy> that Uttle gs.rdeJl on ~a1n street and all the re~t ot the pretty: flowers in Woa,yne:.v1lle and I don't have\to take care of 1ihem
Dr. C. E. Wilkio
Waynesville Drug Store
=\::t =c:::herrob~
GUSTIN Radio &Television Labo rat9ry .
coadItiQnI.._= ..
PhilcoRadios .
WaynesviUe ,Furniture & App6uce Co.
~ words or less. one time.. . .... 25C Each additona.l word ...... ... ... 1c 8PECIAL RATES by CONTRACT
"White Front" Now Has New "Mom and Pop"
.d~""""" (no ·BUSINESS M AN an ¥YL<'s:.rch1ldren) want two or three rooms in private home, with use of bath. References exchanged. Inquire at LACY MEAT MARKET, Ph. 2662. 103
For Refinancing - Rebuilding Bu}1ng. 4% Farm loans with long PERSONAL STATIONERY wne to pay. Pay part or aU any vari ty of subjects. All ames. t.1me. LEBANON NAT'L FARM LOAN Moderately priced. ASS'N., Ellis H. Sturm. SedyTreas Lebanon, Ohio. Phone 448 The Mi~mi Gazette. Ph. 2143 " ~ -------------
Real Edate For Sale-
FOR SAliE- ESTATE HEATROLA. Ciood as new, $50. Phone Waynesyille 2463 a.fter 4:00 pm. 103
JOB PR.mS FEEDER OR part time. Plenty of work. Good 'J?B'y. Will 1;ra1n. Box 387; c/o Tbe Miami Gazette.
LIVE STOCKOBILD'S PONY- or TRADE 'FOR larger, gentle mare. THOROUGH - BRED H!ER.F'ORD iPhone 2711 Bull, wt. 1000 lbs. 1010
TO SE'M'LE ESTATE ONE-HALF ACRE OF LAND IN Waynesville with double house; dandy looati n; p..ew bath and all rooms newly decorated. Barn. Oitly water. ,. real value. OBll GEO. HENKLE. Phone 2. Lebanon. 1017c
HOJilehold Good.-
~ ..:' ..... ~.,
1011 of
I . .', On. Of n. Best WI,. To BuBel Up Red Blood. You girls who !luJrer from !llmple anetn1a or who lose 80 much during monthly pettod.ll tbat you are pale, feel Ured. wenk, "dragged out"-t.bla may be due to low blood-ironSo start today-tTy Lydia E. Plnkbam'a TABLETS-one ot the greatest blood-tron tonics you can buy to belp buUd Up red blood to give more 8trengtb
and energy"ln sucb cases.
Plnltham'!I' Tablets belp buUd up the UD QUALITY ot tbe blood (very lmportant) by reinforcing the baemoglobln red blood cella. JUlIt try Pinltham's Tablets for 30 daya-t.ben see If you, too, don't remarkably benefit. AU drugstores.
ly'il L Pi.k~alil's .a&l1S .
NORRIS BROCK CO. CfDeInDaU UnioD 8toe1l '1''''
FOR SALE- 50 four ,to five pound Whlte Rock Pullets. ready to lay.
Will Qustln.
I a Mve'ujbura.
IF YOU HAVE A PROPERTY OR FARM 10 SELL Call or Write . Don Henderson, Tel. KE3448, 617 Lorain Ave., Dayton, Ohio. tfc .
Dear Friends ot SPRING VALLEY Mcm & Pop Beckett: Runs mi6 Errors We would like to introduce ourFaulkner 1b 0 2 0 selves to you as the new managers o 1 0 of the White Front Cafeteria, in. 2: 0 1 1 Harveysburg, wnere you have enjoyby DANNY BAR'T SOCK 1lliams 0 l i e d delicious meals for .several years, W . p 0 0 0 exclus1vel,)' prepared by Mrs. BeckTne second ~e game of tae Wheeler c 1 0 0 ett. We, the new managers are WHseason 01 High &:hoot playing was Stor.eburner cf 0 1 0 bur tar.d Laura De1lke.s-eall us Mom h~d &It Springboro on Friday, Sept. ~:i: ~ 1 1 0 and Pop if you like. Just to let you 27. The results were as fQUowa: Sh1nkl rf 0 0 0 know a little of our back-ground we 1 0 0 are from the East side of Daytocn. WAYNESVU..LE e Runs Hits Errors Pickering 2b 3 7 2 For several years we ha.ve mamDa.i:1n If 0 2. 0 TOTALS ta1ned -restaurants in this city and Bradley 2b 1 1 0 !.he nearby vlllage of FIllrfleld. Thompson ss 1 ~ 0 ~ We know how well all of you apHart.sook p 1 2 1 prec1ated Mrs. Beckett's 'hospitality Florence 51> ' 0 0 0 , f7 (J' and please be assured we are going Hunter r! 2 1 0 . 00 copy Biter her as much as we Conard Ib 1 1 0 ).{rs. A. S . Coil tt left Wl1m.1.r.gton can. It, is our sincere aim to give yo u ' ruckey c:f 1 0 0 Friday evening for Pell8lm. of the same service. the same values campbell c 2 2 0 suburban New York where she '1'.'111 as she has done, whien you as 'P8TOTAL 9 11 1 be the house guest of Mr. wnId Mrs. trollS of the "White Front" so richly SPRINGBORO Maurice Collett. d eserve. You must be r eal [olks, acRuns Hits Errors Rev. C. L. Wamsley delJvered the C01'<llng to what Mrs. Beckett has Hursh r! 0 0 0 sermon at the Methodist Ohurch told us. Hause 3b 0 1 O · Sunday morning a special program We al'e oontlnulr.g with Borden's Marstall Ib () 2 0 to commenmorate "Rally Day" and Ice Cream and will offel" th usual Huff 2b 0 0 0 following this a basket dinner was ice cream commodities such as malts Newland c O l 0 held. milk shakes. sund.a es, sOOns and ice 0 0 1 Mr. Maynard Ecton of D a.yton crenm ba.rs. We will also try to keep Mote 6S Kolb If 1 1 1 spent the weeker.d with 'h is parents, a fnirly cqmplete Hne of your fo voPatton cf 0 0 0 Mr. and Mrs. Wllli'am. Ecton. rite soda pops. Our meals Will be IWbinson p 0 0 0 Mr. and Mrs, Carl Brown ~re the muCh the same as Mrs. Beckett'sTOTAL 1 5 2 guests of friends out of town . .Sun- the usual thing. chicken a.nd teak • • U day. d1nr.ers chops and ham, et.c. We The non-league glUne with Sprlr..g Miss Mary Lou Moore, student ~ kn~' will be patient with us Valley could not comJ>8:fe with the Wl.lm1ngton Oollege spent the week- during the Inconv ni n1:e3 derived !first proe whlcll was 12-1. After end with her parents, Mr. and Mrs, by the present shorvages of meats. 1 All any of us car. do is our b" play1ng an extra innir.g the f1ll:a Oarl Moore and son Err.st. results were as follows: • Mr. and Mrs. Ray Sherrer 'o f Oa.l1For some of yOU who may not WAYNESVD..LE . fornia. who have been v1s1tmg at the know our location we are 'CIirectly Dakin If ' Runs Hits Errors h'o me of Mr. Sherrer"s brother-in- behind the Doste<r Feed 'Co. of! Main 1 0 0 law and sister. Mr. and Mts. ThOmas street in Harveysburg. bur hours, Bradley 2b o 2 Welch. left Saturday for the East Monday through Friday a re 7:30 ~~n~ 01 O 00 where they w1l1 remain for a &hort a.m. 'til 9:00 p.m . and on S aturday Hartsock p 2 2 period before returning home. 7:30 a.m. 'til 11:00 p.m. Filorenee 3b o 1 1 M!rs. Clayton. B&bb 01 Bla.cm>eU, This is our 1r.v1taUoo to pay us Conard Ib o 0 1 Okla. O8lled on friends in the v1lla.ge . a visit. We really want to meet you, Campbell c 1 1 °tal1s ,,'eek. While in this vlc1n1ty she Ootrte around anytime, you are alVickers rf l 1 1 is the housegue.st of Mr. and' Mrs. ways welcome. Rickey c! o 0 0 Oharles Ruddick of r.ear town. Sincerely, TOTALS 5 6 6 Ltttole Misses "Peggy" apd Terril Mom and Pop DeUke1; - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 'Paa'k who halVe been visiting at the
MANY THml allKS'.
now in stock. The Gaze1lt-e.
\' MOTHfR (JOOSf OOT PUUIf,, . 01U P.lac'e. can.
Live Wire an·d ~ve. An orpnlDUoD aeconcJ to DODe. Stricti, HIlera on tbe bI8& aD arowd mU'ket In the eoank,..
Service .T hat Sati.fiel TtJNE TO WBJO Dayton 1Z:S3 -Dial ~SOO For Our Daily Market Report 1
Were Never ,Meant To Suffer Uhle This! .'
According to Size and Cond1t.lon
Hogs, Calve., Sheep, etc. REMOVED PROMPrLY
4 5. 4
Here's s' tip for . women troubled b, ·Nervolts Tensloll, liTitability and Weak, nred, Crank, Feelings-due to 'middle-ag,'
home of their g1'8ndpa,rents. Mr· and Mrs. H. S . Tucker returned to the),r bome in Mt. Auburn, Sur.day. Mr. and Mrs. Ollfford Do~r and Ha.rveysburg. Ohio "Sherry" were sunday 8'Uesto ct! Sept. 30, 1946 Mrs. Doster's alIDt In Cincinr..M1. Dear Friends: , Mrs. Sadie Reason is visiting at 't he We. Mom and Pop Beckett actually home of ~er grand-daughter, Mrs. Anna Mae and J3en, ha.ve sold our . 'RhOdes Bunnell 01 r.ear Waynesville. cafeteria the "White Front" to Mr. Mr. and Mrs. ~alter Donaldson and Mrs. W1l1iam Dlelkes of Day.to~. attended the auto races 'beld in We have really been pleased to Dayton Sunday. htwe had the chance of serving all Mrs. Louise F.ite and Jane were 01 yOU aa ' we ' ha~e done In the pa t business callers In Dayton. Salturda.y . .five years.' We want you to know Mr. and Ml·s. Em&rson Masters that we have appreciated ypur paand sons attended MJl1tary ,l"uneral tronage and excellent cooperation &rv1ces, Saturday at Mpba Method-and we snaU never forget any of 1st Ohurcll for Mr.. Masters r.ephew. you. Ar.d may we e.xWnd our invtDonald Masters, lost his life in tation to you to oontinue patroniz- . OhJna sometime in AUgust. Burial ing our succ,essor whom ",'e ' know was made in Beavercreek cemetery, you'll like, Sincerely, USE GAZETTE CLASSIFIED ADS Mom and Pop Becke ~t
2 , If the functiona.ll "middle-a.ge" period peculiar to women makes you suffer {rom hotf\asbes, touchy, highstrung weak, nervous feelings, try Lydia E.Pinkham's Vegetable 9ompound to relieVe such symptoms. Taken regularly':'" thls great medicine helps build up r esistance against such "m1ddle~age'" distress. Thousands·Upon Thousands Helped! Pinkham's Comp~l1nd is one of the best known ,medJcines you can buy for this pUrpose. It bas proved some . of the happiest days of some women's lives can often be during their 40's. WelU'ge you to give Pinkham's Compound a fair and hon' . est trial, Just.see l11tl1oesn't help you, too. It's also a sreat aton:l&Chic tdn1cl
FERTILIZ.ER. Despite The Well-K"Dow~ Scarcity WE NOW HAVE IN STOCK FOa" IMMEDIATE DELIVERY Pri~e As Alw~ya - 'Ohio's Low;eat
Fairly Familiar by EFFELDEE
"Let Me Live In A. House By The. Side Of The Road • - • "
'Waynesvllle is n~ at the branch in the road. To continue on 't he same old lime it has travelled for 150 years Will lead on to the same little-town situation-tha,t it has grown into 'from the past. 'It is quite possible that many of th~ old-time residents Of tlhe village will not desire acy changes in WaynesvUle toward a ESTABLISHED 1850 - NO. 4285 $1.50 PER YEAR - 5c A COPY modem trend. They are peJ'ha,ps satisfied to let the v1l1age drift along WAYNESVILLE, omo THURSDAY OCTOBER 10, 1946 and Ix> quietly reside 1r. their homes - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -- - - --, nested on the hUlsld overlooking MRS. LIDDlE COLEMAN ' the bea.ut1lul '\l111e.y. and' remain HURTS ANKLE IN F AL.L undisturbed by any ter.dency toward .... a modernization of the quiet. quaint 'Mrs. Liddie Colemac of Nort!h st. oommunlty wita its age old folk had the mi8fortune to ~all last week lore and its buil~ acd 'typogmphy . _ and sustained 1n!IWies to her ankle. Wymer L. DrBlke, locllil druggist She Is stAying lilt the Stubbs Home steeped in the traditiOl'-s of tihe many years of its existence. opemLing the W~nesv1 11e Drug where she is being cared tor by Mrs. In the past few months It seems Store announces thait on October 15 A. H .. Stubbs. that a r-ew line of thought has been be wl11 have been in buslnes& here instUIed int~ the sluggish life strellJD for 15 years. In , that t1m.e he has ILLNESS CONFINES of the , village. Several newcomers established hls business on the basts EARL CONNER TO HOME IW1th modern ideas are now in th e of quallty metohandise and effiCient. midst of the old residents. They are c81I'elul service. Mr. Earl Oor-ner. toeal resident. by JULIET F. EARNJIAR.T aeter. for after · her ma.rrlag-e of not satisfied to sit idly by ar.d let The intelior of the store was re- associa.ted with the McClure Funeral How many, many people baNe twenty- five years to Mr. carothers m e slide past in an "easy-come easy- cently r edecorated ar-d this week ,t he Home. has been Ul for two weeks quoted ' ~e familiar phras&- "Let she was again forced >to l'esume go" basis. They want to see activity store front is being a-epainted . Thl.s and oonflned to his home. me live in a house by the side of her independent way. and gr \\'th . They want tQ see pro~ decorative effect will add much to ' the road andl 'b e a. friend to man" Mr. Carothers was born of Scotch gress anll. advancemer.t. . the usual neat appearance of the and sincerely mear-t it. Somehow parer-ts, m. a.rr1ed .~e Hombech in 'n1le el1o~ Wa}tlesvi1le is store. we waited for a more convenient Portsmouth, Ohio on Oot.- 15, 1899. located In such a senic position in Although tpe current Shortages of time and missed the simple fact A bride of one year, Mrs. Carothers. the beautiful Little Miami River many Items in the drug store l1r.e L tha.t true unselfishness oomes with accompa.n1ed her husband on a jolUvalley as to er.joy the envy of ma;ny somewhat curtail t he ettlc1ency th~t the giving of what we have ar-d not ney to oomniunlty 'where they towns and cities surrounding It. Is usually found In th.1s store during waiting for some far off time when assumed the duties of working theNested c·n the hillside overlooking normllil times. Mr. Drake has been The Mothers'<:nU'b will have the we can make a grand· gesture. Oartrtgh1J fann. At the time of berthis valley it commands a view a.ble to cont1r-ue to serve his custom~ Annual Hallowe'en. Party, JFrlc1a~, Here in Waynesvdlle we have a. husbaindfs de1llth 1r. 1929. they reunequa lled ir- many of the mountain !!II'S in a manner quite in keeping with Oct. 25 at the High School Gym. "house by the sil;ie of the road", and sided in Oonwin. From there Mrs. 1'csorts. It has plen y of room in the MOlItage of goods. Oha.tnnen for t he oommibtE!es BIP- you have all shalred in the owr.er's Oarothers went to Dayton. Ohlo which to develop both north and Heartiest congrat-ula.tlons of the pc>1nteci to handle t he evenmgs lovely gift Ix> man, if you have but where she remained for stx years; sou h along this rldg . The possib- general public acd the business men events are: Mrs. John Kersey. lunch;' rurned your eyes to feast an the doing what she could for a. living, llitl s are great for establishing a.n of Waynevllle are' extended to Mr. Mrs. Milry BUIU;1ell. Ille andl cake; iovely garden, of many ,beautiful returnir.g to WBI~ in 1929. . exoluslve res1der.tlal district of small Drake on l1his occasion. Mable Stlles, pop-core. nowers so tenderly and lovingly At 'f irst glance there is nobbing estates along this scenic la~tlon as Games in the evening are divided cared for by its g8l'der-er for t he unusual In Ul1s outline of one human a suburb' of the cities surrounding into five dtflerent gl'OlIp6. . There will past n.lne years. . lbelr..gs life history aDd it Is doubt.th e ,village. . ~ . a. FIsh Pond and Mrs. Harlan This Uttle woman of seventy sum- rul if one could see the. heroic atTIle more recent adlvancement ~r iDye Is the cbairman 1r.. Chia,rge of mers Is well known by everyone 10r fort needed to rise a.bove t he nevera10 g BI basis of ~lgn If()t advancethe committee 1&Jdn8 C8ft) of this. abe has served the people of this ending battle with survival . unless meet" Is the probability. of making A Ttn Can: Game. Mrs. Tom Bur- community In many ways. PW .the the strruggJe had been shared. But this COJTI.munity a small miloutllctton cha.itman; PIcture Show. Mrs. past fif¢een yean &he has been a. the fac~ >tJhe.t ~e challenge w&s met ' . Wing district that wili build up th e ---,..... Donald Hadley cha1nnan' la.nd the seamst.re6s. and! the last four years by this little woman and that she resldental popula.tlon arid ir.crease Walter Guy, eged 60. passed away dar-oeing or the' evening Is 'in. charge has ' supervised her dl'Y cleaning luls served beyond the cllill of duty the ~ekly payroll to a point wher e IlIt his home nee.r here oil Wedr-es- of Mr. and Mrs. EdwIn Ramby. business, always ca.re~ully Inspect- in enriching the life of th<l6e who it w1ll induce . more business day. Oct. 9th 81t 12.46 p.m. after an Decorations are to be....J1i!k.en care tilg buttons and ot.her a.ooessortes P86S her door a.m:\ those she serves, . establishments and a greater volumr. 1llness of 14 weeks., of by ~. Elsie Weltz; Advertising, to be sure they wl11 be returned in- is noteworthY. . of business. . He is sUrvived by his wife, Ruth : Mrs. <A. E . stout; Sollcitors are tact. . Her garden Is f ull a;nd vibra.r-t This plarullng Is not alone on three da~ters, Dorris Fay at h ome ; ' Mary Bunnell of Lytle. Mary LeMay We has not beer- easy ·for~-th1s....w1th color. One tiny spot of ea.rth J>!lIper or merely an Idea . It has mnny Mrs. Mary Etta Strong. J oplin . Mo. ; for 00rw1n; Helen Mlorgan, South little woman. for at ·t he age of ten has been made beatittful because basic facts on which to establish an M~s. ~len Fu:ls. Dayton, Ohio; two Main st. and Evelyn Hamby, North she was orphaned. both parents one person found Ute absorbing ~d actual beginr-ing toward an ul Im ate sisters. Mrs. Kathrre Smetllen , Det - Main st. !having died. She was born in Wood beaut1f.ul, MId shared it 'WIth . her building of an industrial Cellter in rolt, Mich.; Mrs. Mary Gordon, W. More even~ for the evelling are Oounty. West V1rglr..ia on September neighbors. Perhaps , too. ·s he u(a.y ehis community. The location h as Alexandria. Ohio; two brot hers, [rvin still be1r.g planned and wiU. be an- 8, 1876. 'and became self-supporting feel Just a 'little proud of tJh8lt "treen ~~\V feattVes to of1'er that are of Detroit. Mich. and Howard of nounced. later. at the tender age or thirteen. thumb" which is her special endOWIndeed a ttracUve to prospective Dayton; also five gra.ndch1ldren. What the years held 'f or Fannie ment. plants. Good .r ilroad facW'tlcs for The body will be retumed to the Hombech of struggling for existHer garder- Is beautiful. hea:lthy ooe tJ'ling. excellent htgllJW'3.Ys. Guy home or: Fr1~ evening and ecCe tt surely did nC?thlng more than and strong, a fitting monument to a homesites, churches, schools. They funeral services 'W~ be conducted develop a strong. self-reliant· char- coUl"llgeOUS life. ar~ all lilt tractive and neeessa'I'Y bu at the Stubbs Funeral Home on Sat-· the 'more Important aspects are the urday afternoon at 2:00 o'clock with close proximity to steel mills and btmial in Miami cemeoory. . to .another large manufacturing - Mrs. C81l1e P . strawn, ",red 66. a. center. Dayton. Maonufacturers are STANDARD Oil fonDer resident of the We.yr.emlle ' OUDty . interested not or-iy in a wa.Yl t9 sh~p HOLDS CONiTEST ~unity . paseed away at her --..: out their .products but al$O In a way .home in York. Pa. Sept. 30: P\mel'al A meeting of the ot1lcen or the to pt raw matelllals 'WIthout ' grellit The Standai'd on 00. of Ohio is serv1ces were conducted ~bbere on Executive Board of !the Warren Work contloo;;tO progress slowly expense '()If trBInspol"ti8Jtlon. sponsoring a contest on "WIly Guar- Thursd~ ~ing, Oct. 3 ",a t '1:00 Cour.ty Woman's Ohristian Temper- on the Wayr.esville Locker 'Plant. The OhUl'ln80ld Corporation ~tee? Starting Should Be ~inter o'clock. ~e body was shipped ~ anoe iUnion was held Friday aiter- located on Miami St. one block East a.cqulrlng the canntng plants a.t Must lor 9.1'_y automobile. W~esv1lle and received ,by 't he noon at the Library in Lebanon. ~Of Ma:ln. ~~e ~ for tJh.1s slowed00rw1n and' Roxanna and t heir subOonteStants can geL entry blanks Stubbs Funeral Hom~ On ~y This Board is ct:lmposed of presi- up progress Is the fact that riLaltertal;>. sequent moderr-1za tIon of theee at any Sohio filling statton. W1nr.ers morning. Buria-l was mad~~ in the dent. M!'s. Paullr_e Balon; vioo-:pres1- are 60 dlfflcult to obtain. EspecialI)' plaints moo year-around prooesaIng , will receive an all-expense trip to Sprtngf;>oro cemetery, Saturoay, Oct. dent, Mrs. Ralph Lane; secretary, 18 this t rue of ooncrete block and centers Is a 8tep toward the pro- Miami, Fla. plus thirty-four addi- 5. Miss Ina. Dearth; aU of Franklin; concrete itSelf. At the preserj; staC8 motion of obher sma.ll plants of like ~1 prizes from ,50 W $500 In sav- The deceased Is sUl'V'ived by two ~reasurer, ~. Bel"th Case of Mor- the foundation, ~oors and' dra.inILge r-a~. I! tlhe ultimate gOOil can be 8S Ibonds. da.ugh~ and & son. row; Miss ,E rnestlne Roudeb~ ,of systems are all completed. The walls reached a. .p ay roll of $2000.00 or more Fl'anlclln; lMh's; Mella El110tt of web- are partlally ftJll1shed and will probdollars a week ~ thlB cooununlty f', anon; M1's. Oh8llles Allen of Spring- ably be completed m time Ibo place wW '. 'br4lft about a sltuation of boro; Dr. Emma Hollow~, We.ynes- the roof and er-oelose ,t he structure a.dvanCement that w1l1 require great VUle; Mrs. A . S . ,Oollett of Ha.rve.YJ;- before oold· ·wealther so tha.t the tnplannir.g for ~e fUture t:A the Vnlage. burg; Mrs. Estella Barnes. !P'o8ters. tertor work can be 'Continued during which ~ become a ott)'. , A meeting, of a. few representative bus1Jless men arA citl2'.ens of The Departmental offices for ' the the 'Winter'inOnths This should alThe bU8!-nt;SS cHstrtct of Wayne&. W'a.ynesvUle W86 held at the WaynesvUle National 9aDk la8~ week carn1t!g year were a.ll ftlled at thl8 low far completion' of the project by V'Ule must ba.w ,,'''1a.ce-Uf:t!ng. 'nle with the idea in mind of 1~llow1ng through 01,\ proapecUve lelW8 for meeting. spr1J!g and maJce i·t ready far next old land Dl&1'b wtll 'ha.ve .fA) ilve the eetebllshmen't of small maJlllfacturtng plante in the vUlqe. yea.r's crops and meat (it there is IPJwa¥ to the ntte ~ , dest8n . QiscussJon was held &!long these llnEe an<l enough Interest W88 MOTHERS' CLUB MEETS aDiY). '.B wdnees actlvlt.te. will demand that. ' man1lested to wurant the cont.1uanoe of add1tkma.l pla.rDIDt:. AT ' GRADE BUI.W J.NG · a..-....t ol_....--..... _...... _ It waa dIec1decS to hold another meettng t.bis PrIda.Y manto ·Oct. 11, BANK CLOSED ON To .v____ ,IIU ... _ ...,y_~t at 8:00 p.m. a.t the Towr.Jihlp'lJogJe to continue diBctJadon of the On' October • the iMotlhers' Club COLUMBUS DAY "'and be,d)or the ~t bu1i<Ung COIlsubject and far tb~ preeenta.tlon of fa:cts ~ :the plaM. ' W~ met at the Onde ,or ~ wooJd be ~ ,An(yonie inte~ In these plUl8 ill ,welcome to MteDd the, meetScbool buUdlDe aDd! after the buIlO()ll"mhlla ~ will be oI:Ieened 48 ,~ ~~.a . ~ .. lng. ~ ~ 1Dt.et:est Ja .ab~ by the res1d~te of ~ e<Wnui'.1ty De8I .-00 'WS'e hooDnd ~ .. t.lk p n......... ,.... III to ~ a ' ~ or tale proJecta P\Jpoaed, an OIie1'llldll8 ' " • • Helm ~ dl tlJe '.Juve- .. bolldaJ' in . . . . ~ ~ pubUc 'Uk MaID ~ ~ ~ !With ~ wtll,.tJe eetabllllbed to live the proper pl'<lmOttoaal ~ ,. DIle Court of W8l'l'flll .oountt. oMceI cq ~, 9Ct- 12.. The . . tnDd, 01', • MUD *-t ~ 1be ultimate ~ of t.be propoettIoD. . Pift)' ~ .... preeeat at Ule W~ NatIooal, BaIlJt 'WIll be IIlUlt be ~ ~ ttrm be t.be , _.--........,. ..;........ - OOT.. 11, 8:00 P. M. Arr'IBJ!l ' _ _ _ _ _ ..w... "'1UiD .......... _ .-.:..,.,. . . . . .:a...... II&. ...... '. «bed ,e ll ~. ~ ftnnII .ebouId , . . . . . . . . . . . . . ClaD ,aalJ ~. . " ~ BOPAd . • • I , . , plan tbeIr ba.1*bW ~ acbe__ ' " Df CWHI 01' .... DIAL _ 0CIIdbIIJ:r, ' • -(~ CID fIIIe I)
Wymer Drake Has. F·111tJteenth AnOlversary ·
By M0thers'CIUUl
WaIt Guy Passes Away' Wednesday
MrS_ SlrawD B-1 una At Spnng - boro
Promoti·oo·a'l Meetl-og Frl-day, Oct_ 11
Executive Board 'Of C WCTU Meels
Locker 'Plant SIt}wed By Scarce ',Material '
Rural Mail Service SO Years Old
:J-,tienJ6 jJome Miss Mllmle Dodson left FrIday for 1\ visit with friends ar..d relatives
Miami Chapter Will Hold "Friendship Night"
1n Indianapolis. Rev. Walter Dakln spent Tuesday with hls cousins Mr. and Mrs" George Denny near Harveysburg.
Mrs. Ethan Crane of Centerville.
MIami Chapter Order of the East- Oct. II)- Wayne Twp. Farmers' Olub em StAlll' will meet in regular session at the Town House. Franklln with on Monday evening. Oct. 14. at 8 :00 Mr. a.nd Mrs. Ronald Hawke as O'clock. Following -the usual business host and hostess. session, "Friendship Nlghit" w111 be • • • observed with a very entertaining
Mrs. Donald Hawke and Mrs. Samuel Keyes were dinner guests of ·M Isses Anr.ie a.ndl Marne Brown on Thurs-
program, Several Chapters of Distnct 21 wtlJ. be guests. also MiddleThe Womans Aux1llary of the St. town ~Pter. Mrs. Ethel B. WyUe Mary's Episcopal Ch~ w111 meet of BethaDY'. Who is Grar..d Repres- on Oct. 11. entative, 'Will 'b e an honor guest. • • • IAll Miami OhBIpt.er members 84'e W. C· T. U. Is .oct. 11- the W. C. T. U. w11l meet W'ged to be pr'esent a.nd each one at the home of Mrs. Loyd' Davis at ~equestedl to provide sandwiches 7 :30 pm. MIss Lucy Emily will 'h ave andl sa:lad' 'lor refreshments. charge of the program.
Oct. lZ-- '!be Happy Hour Club The Wa.ynesvUle Garden Olub met soheduled to meet on 0ctI. 8 was at the home of Mrs. iALwreDCe Fur- posqxmed to this date. They wU1 r.a.s on Oct. S with seven members. meet with Mrs. Revs Braddock.
• • • present. After a business and social period EASTERN STAR the meetlng was aQIourned to be Oct. 14- Eastern sta.r. Regular meeting. held next month on ·t he 7th a.t <the • • home of Mrs. Cha.r1e& Ma.\1t1ce.
W. S. C. S.
A half· century of serVice to rural America is observed by the post office department in Octoher, for 'in 1896 three routes were established in West Virginia to inaugUrBtte the federal system of rural free delivery . .By way of marking the anniversary, Mary E. Gamer, Rochester, Mich., grcets R ex Dolph, of the R.F.D. service, with I)ome-made doughnuts guarantee,d to cause a minor interruption in "this courier's ·'.wift completion of his appo in ~ed rounds." Approxima'tely 26,000,000 Americana are served by R.F.D ., nd with U. S. mail traveling by skis, dog· sleds, ice·boIrts and sr.ov.;sho s, C fn r Dolph gets there faster in hi., new Chevrolet.
Oct. 1'1- The Wom,ans' Soc1ety of Ohr1Btian Service will meet on '1lhursday a.ftemqon, Oct. 17 at the home of Mrs. ChaB. Ellls with .the following hostesses in charge: Mrs. Pearl RIdge, Mrs. Morr1s Fulkerson, Mrs. Ellen Oonner. Mrs. TlCBENORS ENTERTAIN Btar.ley BaUey.am; ~. 000. Mllls. SATURDAY GUESTS NEW CENTURY CLUB 'M1sses Ha.rrtett and Helen Smith Announcement Ja made this week of Lebanon and Mr. .and Mrs. Arthur that the New Oentury Club has Smith of San Pranc1sco. Cal1!., were <;hanged 1ts meeting date froth SMurday IUQCheon guests of Mr.
Saturday mm~ 'Mr. and Mrs. Carl B&bb and 80n Dean of Xen1a. enterta1r..ed Mr. and Mrs. Harold Earnhart and their ch1ldren ,N'aom1. Ruth and Harlan, and Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Ea.1T..hart a.n.d their ch1ldren Robert. Ea:rnest1ne and David to a dinner honoring the blrthdaya of Mrs. Ba.bb. Mr. Ernest Earnhart a.nd Harlan Ean1hart _ . Frida.y. Oct. 25 to Thursday. Oct. 24. and Mrs . W1ll Tkhe'bQIl' , •
Mr. and Mr&."Jobn J . Burske. Mrs. Jessie H~, Mrs. E. F. Earnhart. ~. John I~omm. Mrs. D. O. Ridge, (Oontinued from Page 1) The main feature in a project of thls Idnd is to get toe residents of the vtllage sold on the Idea that they want to progress. Of the older residents tlh1s ,w ill ' perhapS strtke many obstacles. However, the younger blood that Is dreaming and promoting these tdeas w111 lDot be oontent to ,r emain stagnant. They want adlon and will proceed to see ~ha.t they get 1t. ]I) any event. the interest in this proposed adwncem.ent should
CLINTON OOUNTY GUESTS Mr. ad Mrs. ' George Pidgeon of Clinton ~ty and daughter Raohe\ were recent guests of Mr. and Mrs. W111 Tlohenor .~_Oregon~. ' GUESTS FROM CINOINNATI Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth H1l1 enterf;&.ined .Mr. and Mn. Robert lAws of Cincinnati as thetr Thursday evening dinner guests. --------------
DlOcSem coiiWUiiltY. ltl U'tl1ie cWIc ' ,~
~cClIlure @funeral ~ome Dial 2111
1 •
Waynesville, Ohio
And Your Strength and Energy Is Below Par
'I'hooe who Me now chUdren or are 'yet to be borIn will 11lwlk: their forefathers for the ad:v'8.ll1leDl.en.t of their c:unmunit'yl to ,k eep 1t a.breut Or modem ~: It Is for .tbem, as well as ~ that p~ are to tiutkt' • ~ lad ocmpl~
be persor.allzed in any case. It should be oonstdered. far the welfare of the entire oommtmity and not for the benefit or d:1s&dvantage of anyone individual'.
d1ltl16t 8WI'Y I . . . . . >to'. fIlM tIda I>~' _ "",,'&pe C lauoCe-.
TWIN Theatre
again on Nov. 6.
Eczema Itc'hln" BUrlll"· • DaIstress ' It
DINNER GUESTS IFROM LY'I'I,.E ents. Mr. a.nd Mrs. George Peterson. Mr. and Mrs. Henry Finke had as CARD OF THANKS • th eir S da n1 din ts. J. B. Jones. Mrs. Bertie Mills and un y eve ng ner gues • We w1ah to thank our ft1ends and Oet. Qu~ck E", lad Co.f.rt Mr. and Mrs. Evere~t Early were Mr. and Md's. J. B . . Jone,; and Mrs. neighbors for their kindness and among the Miami Chapter members John Zimmerman of Ly.tJe. oonsideration during our recent pc~~~r:t1~~ttl Mg~ns:.~nl~·e!:l:ert~l: Who were gue&t6 8ItI Wt1m1ngton bertevement. We ailBo wish <to ex- Th l! "ery first a pplication should Jrlve Chapter ,:1."'''' 'I:1o.IAndsh1p meeting on RALLY DAY AT METHODIST ......... our annredatton lor thoe 00- you co mforting rell f and a f w ' sliort U · . . . . .p. . -J"Y tretltm ents convince you that you Monday evenIng CHURCH TRlS S NDAY , derstand.1ng and sympathetic <man- hav nt last found the way to over. SUn~"" tli.e M.ethodlst Church will . com the InteM Itching and dls~ er in Iwhlch Rev. Houck and the tr 9l!, Moone's Emerald 011 Is easy MRS. FL' O'R A MAKES 'hlOld a Rally Day at the SUnday Mc01ure Fune~ BUne, sel'lVed us. and slmpl to use-grcas Iess-st$inScb,nno period Mrs Morris Pulker leM-economlcal -promotes h. eallng. HER HOME IN DA YTON-' ' . ' . Mr. and Mrs. Alonzo carter Ask for Moone's Emerald 011. Satls' son. who is cha1rm~ cit the profnctlon or motley back-good drug. Mrs. Annabe~ora, 'who baa gram requests 11h.a t each claas have . Waynesv11le. Ohio glstl! everywhere. sold her home to Mr. and Mrs. eome ,p articipation 'in the program. (Fr;~~~~~;~~~===;:;;~;;;:;;;;:;=~~~~~;;;;;::;:;;;;~ Charles Hardesty, moved to Dayton on of this week 'where she w111 establish her residence. OFFER
Am11~e. Mrs. L. V. Bra.nstraIt:or, Mrs. Ralph Vance, Mrs.
On October the 7th The Progress1ve Womens' tnub held the f1rst meeting of, the year at the home of MIss Florence Foxbauer. During the meeting there was an electIon of officers for the oom1ng ~ ...#_" year with th e l'OOW.v.:; 6.6 .v.uaws: IPreslder..t. Mrs. Jesse Prendergast; Vi Preetd t ........ . ce~,m" ... Ra1$ 1Hast1hgs; Secretary Miss Sarah Conner' Treasurer. M~, Alva Thompson. ' PioJec~ for the oom1ng year were disc Issed durlng the meeting. Adjournment was made to meet
ELZEYS HAVE VISITORS STANLEY and KOOGLER ~. 8ll.d Mrs. Walter Elzey had Q.'i BBODBB LlCBNR Sunday afbernoon visitors Mr. and For Date8, Phone 11M, W~emue. Mrs. It. L. Elzey and daugh~ Ohio. Reverie 0barpI .. Mar,l<n1e of oa.yton. Mr SAn-,,,,,,, -, ...~ y: k Is • . , ...,.~ ..... \ u with A'ew'herorpar- ' . now s.spending a week It'
MlrB. Luc111e
day . MIss Ollve WUllami; in oompany with Miss Monim1a Bunnell spent ThUJ"Sda.y in Dayton. Miss EUzabeth Collebt. a ·f OIUler teacher in the high school here. now of Pittsburg. Pa. was a dinner guest at the home on 'Frlday. !Dr. Stephen Henry. his mobher, Mrs. HenrY. Mrs. Benn'ebt. and Mrs: Airr..old of aenna.ntown vlsitedl Mrs: Amanda Hartrum on Wednesday Biternoon and on Sunday afternoon her vtsitors were Mrs. John Baker, Mm. Cst;herlne Brlxler and Miss Augle Br1x1er also Qf Oerma.r..town. MIsses Anna and Ruth Nutt and Mrs. Phillips of Centerville and. Mrs. Celestia AusUn Prilgh of Beavertown called on Misses Ar.n.le and Mame Brown Sunday a!t.emoon . MIss Zoe Duke .a nd Mrs. ZUla Lewis of Dayton were visitors of Mrs. Allce Olark Sunda.y afternoon. , MisS Verna Shoemaker of Springfield, O . visited her aunt. Mrs. OeQrgtanna Ivins Sunday afternoon.
It may he eauaed by disorder of kid· ney fun ction tbat . perm lu polsonowr wnate to accumulate••'or truly many people feel tired. wfak and rnlee :~ bl e wb~n the kldneYI fall to remove exc:ea acid. and otber waste matter from the blood. You may luffer narelnr hackache. rheumatic pain., beadacbC5. dizzb :::,... cettlnr up nlrbta, lor palnl. I ..ell!n!t. Sometlmea frequent and lcanty urination with Imartlnl and bumlng I. another sl,n that lometbin, II w.orir with the kidneys hladdo •• There Ihould be no doubt that prompt treatment Ia wleer than ne,lect. Un Doon', PiU.. It Is belter to rely on & medicine that haa won countryWIde approval thall 00, IOlDcth\llc '.0,33 ,fllvorab,l), known. DOG')" bllvo Jlttn tried 'Ind t elt, "d manT ~r.. Ar. tri alHll'll& lto-. .~t D~o" ~ Jodll¥. • ",
T~Y OUR Hom.ogeni~~d
. ..."
Order Milk Delivered to Your Home
Follow UP of 'JlBSBB JAMBS'
, ~ID '
Return of Fr'ank James Blrtn.: Inl DIMENSION • ' OA&t'OON
~~ AT Stewart's· Thrif.t~E ·'Market I ,,,
..... " ..
r--""". "
I ...... '
,_,.F.. ,
.. ,
omo -
Pap S NO, 4285
TbeDrackett 00. of Cinc1nna.t1. is a plant at Sharonville for the processing or soybeans. They state this wUl be the world's lal'gest storage plant er~ted for this PU1'po6e. It wlll hold at least one mill1on ' bUshels. The soybean products wUl be converted into such: articles as meal, oiL prot.eJ.r-, textile fiber, plastics and< other products. The eighteen sll06 now under con structlon are expected to be completed in time for sborlng the 1946 erec~g
Mrs. Mildred Johnson. a. KIlnKasch employee for over a decade Is an Ideal hostess- just 116 ideal at that as in 'h er capacity as a filer at tlhe KK Plant. "Bea" and I expermenced a real treat being her guests for luncheon in her attractive little house recer.Uy. And incidentally Mlldred prepares a delicious cheese spread and here's how. Mix 2 packages (small) of PhUadelphJa cream cheese with s1x hard cooked .eggs. add salad dressing, seasoning, diced small onion and pickle if desired. BeUeve you me I was really puttlng the spread on lilt Mildred's luncheon. 'Mrs. Wate!1house is very versatile. Yes. stree. She can cook (just another Betty Orooker) she can WTlte Interesting letters (just another J ane Ftte) she can drive her Studebaker clean thru Wilmington without shltting gears, she can doll-up
Judge good horse fl.esb and ,n-operly
Rat.-ng G.-ven As Best. HorSe Judge
Show·lt in competition is a large box Or some few hundred ribbons Ir. t he blue and red class, richly punctuated with yellow sweepstakes, th&t; he has ' . retained as a memorial of th.e "good old days" when the horse was in its In conneotlon with the phot<Jgraph rime. or the old Wayr..esv1lle 'Hotel shown p_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __
Elmer Sheehan and san. a B~ ' Swiss bre&ler or Wa,ynesv1lle, ~ recentJy sold the bull Golden R4n8. master 7815<l to Roy W. Bake, Mlddletown, according to a report fram. Fred S. Idt.se. Secy. of t he B1'O'i\'D Swiss Oattle iBreeders' Assn., RI>·IrAI:' .r Wis. . TURN YOUR SURPLUS ITEMf INTO QUICK, READY OASK USE GAZETTE CLASSIFIED ADS
An Retirement Income Policy THAT PAYS MORE TO LIVE THAN DIE We Have It! Details without Obligation.
and look like Greer Garsron, and she in the 'M4a.m1 Oilzett.e for the p~t ~=========================~ is another Rum Lyons when it comes two weeks. the above photograph : to persol'.alit y. and she can serve on shows the front of the Gustin Feed the Pc.. I Jury m Cincinnat I. Serlous- and Livery Barn that was located ly I'm think of l'Ul'_ning you for the at the real' or 't he Hotel where the Chlefy Justice In the next election . present structure now stands. Since I've got a heap of votes for you this ph~h waa taker. in the right n ow- th\' ~· 's Drakes, Wooleys early 1900's the front shown here and George and me and I'll take has been removed and the barn ~other to the polls and m ark her stands as an ordinary structure. froM .....f ballot for her. , ThIs barn was cor.structed by Gustin and its prinCipal use was for the stabling and showing of fine On the FIFTEENTH of OCTOBER, next TUESDAY horses In which Mr. GustIr.. was well Here', One Of De Best This wUl Introduce you to Mr. gifted. As a. boy he had been assoWays To Build Up Red BIoodI > we celebrate our W1lliam M. Peer, the new rnar.ager clated with an uncle who waa a You girls who . lIuft'er fronl simple of the Lonesome PIne Tavern locat- veterinarian and through this con- anemia or who lose 80 much during , ed' near the 48 and 73 Junction. Mr. neotior.. he learned .to ca.re for horses monthly periods that you are pale, fee! Peer Is a fonnerturr1er ard for a and aJso to like to work with them. tired. WIlI\k, "drtlBged out"-·thJa may be due to low blood-lronlong perl~ of time was situated at So start today-try Lydia E . Pink- , 1842 Oouder1t Ave.. DByton. Ohio, ThIs early training never failed TABLET8-0ne of thc~ BreateSt specmlizing In exclusive fur coats him as his later life proved, Will bam's blood-iron tonica yon can bUY to help and scarfs. Gustin was rated II;S one of the best buUd up red blood to g Ive more in the Drug Store busine s. In this time we have It Is Mr. Peer's slnoere alm to Jud~e of horses in this part of the strength and energy-in suob caaea. \ Pinkham's Tablets helP build up the manage a respectable tavcrn~r..8 Country. ThIs superior ~OWledge RED QUALITY of the blood (very 1mporest,a~ lis hed ourselves in th'e community .in a way that which tolerates nothing but decency . brought him a. cUntJele of horsemen tant) by reln!orcmg the hacilIIloglobln enables us to give a maximum of service, even with . In order to dO' this all patrons mllst from all over the United sI;aites. His of red blood . cells. Just try Pinkham's Tablc!ta for 30 ooperate with him. Remember h e reputa:tlOn of honesty in judging daY8--then see 11 you , too, don't rethe minimum of merchandise now available. depeds upon YOU to make YOUR and presentlr.g horses was known markably benetlt. All drUglltores. \: iLar.csome Pine Tavern respectable. U1.l'oughout the land. lydill Pinkham's • • He cannot do anything without Attesting his ability to properly We are not satisfied to let our Anniv~rsary go by YOUR help. It Is your place of , re- - - - - - -- - - - - -- - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Are you
Lonesome Pine Tav~rn
15th YE·A R·
creation will only be 'what you as aand lawIt abiding citlzer. 1W1ll make It. , Mr. Peer Is equipped to offer his patrons the best in his Une of many brands of refreshments. The "Lonesome Plr.e·' wm also serve sandwiches and soup and soda pop and will carry a complete line of ,tobaccos, candy andl chewing irUm . . Drop ~ ar.yotlme between the hours of 10:00 a.m. and, 12:30 p.m . with the exception of Monday, when the Tavern is olosed. aU day. ~dv
~-----------------. . . .
SATURDAY, OCTOBER 12, at 11:30 A.'M. to freshen in neeem ber; 2 steers ; 1 beifer, year-old; heifer cal!. TEAM OF GOOD HORSES- Welgth about 3200; Black Perc'h erons, 7 and 1-1 years old; 'splendld tann team. 32 HEAD OF HOGS- 3 sows with pigs; 25 head of feeders. weight about 80 '00 100 ~bs ; 1 ma,le hog, full-blooded Poland China; 2 gUts; 1 3f1'Ii' with 3 shoots: . POULTRY- 60 h ead of Poultry. SWEET POTATOES FAJt,M IMPLEMENTS- Hay rake; wheat drill; d1sc oultlvator; Oliver breaking plow; flat-top wagon With 'bbx bed; rtdlber-t1red wagon; tobacco planter; single dLsc;obr.n cultivator; com planter; garden' plow; d:ra8; forks; shovels; h()es<; eha.1ns; garden !tools; step 'I HEAD OF CATTLE- Two milk cows; 1 'heifer
ladders; ere.
DesIgned to speedily reU",. aimple headache and paInfUl . diIOOmforta Of new'alaia. f t MeUUred''aoaea - tID ')jb1t4er £IJ form fOl' quick ualmllaUoD.
mach1r.e; <breakfast set; beaut1f.ul 8-pieoe c:Uning ae.t. ren~-Wp table; .~; 2-p1ece llvin8 ~ "be; ,.~ ~\e-tQp ~utJ II.l. &~; upr1eht ~o; lale$ole, .«!~ 8.l;l4 ,chair: J3':;~ ~ IrImUla over one-third centurJ. suite, oeda.r ' ~, oval a'tAI.mI .)); -' ~ )~ , ~_.!. Zenith radio; pOirtable ra.dlo; ~; ; . QJIIIUCa; ' ........... f t r=a-:.:'~ ~ uteJUdl8; canned fl!U1t a.nd ft'Uit jan. . ., ' . ·~ . a toOd 'AucUon and ~"at' lH30: ~!,balftl abld" OW-Ytinn g lD ...... ~ r..' of ' . .; . . and are lSav1D8 ,the State. .
oaia"-~ vii cd, ~~~~ .
81-T.Ai-;d ..
,'.!~~ ..
SUNBURST HOT WATER BOTTLES, $1 Value 69c S~nburat Comb. Bottle & Syringe $1.29 value
W.\1ib·oOWUer .'
I ,'
P. T, MARTIN Ie O. E. RIaA';'t ~_ , '. ,. , ., . 906 (Ji •••1HWl BIda,, ·~~. lIO'laI'OfrOllOUlOiJ
' Triple Distilled ~
, 29c
8 oz. bottle
pt. 3ge
WITCH HAZEL Triple Distilled
8 oz. 23c $4.29 to'$10'50
Because of shortages we are unab}le, to make this sale as large as we would like.to. These prices will prevail
HARNESS- Two sides, Oonan;. and ,B ridles. . BOUOBOLD GOODS- Old castor set; old:'cuckOO clock; 'porch swing,; elecllr1c FrIgidaire, 8, cu. ft.; ' electa!1.c waaber; ~ 186 r.ange. lteb~ ~; Dtate ~trOla.; coal 'range; ~head. eewtng
. ,. 'J , ' . ~ Proof of merit. same Qpe tOl'''
without offering something to our friends and our customer that is a little out of the ordinarr and at a special Anniversary price'
F'lRi., and SAT. OCTOBER 17, 18, 19
Waynesyille .'Drt,tg Store PJlONE .2'121
----IIIII-III!II!II,IIII!!II!I--... .......__~---~~!"-----___-~~........
ill'- - - -..- .....
Published Every Thursday by DAVISSON PRESS FLOYD L. DAVISSON, Editor Entered as Second Olass Matter at the Post Office
r-------- · - ~-· · - · --.
Subscription Rates: $1.50 per Year in Advance
. Jennie Bowman. Sout h Lebanon. was named to administer the estate ()f Hardy Bowmal'.. Unioo OOWnshIp. witih Oh8l1'lie Jett. Arthur Edwards and Carlos Sargeant as appraisers. A net vBl1ue of $3H was placed on the e~te at William J enkJns. EdJbb 'we&wer a.nd' Mary Bixby "Were named executrices of t he estate of George O. Weaver, F'ra.r'.klln. !With ~ Hartman. rn. R1~.~, .nowa.rd v.,eney as a,pp,....".;I'S. . The net valu.e at the estate of Oliva Kelly. MolTow. was placed at approximately $7,305. 'l1he will of Mrs. Georgia Mendenhall. Wa.y;nesvtlle, ordered adm1tted
~. ~~
L----,-----OCTOBER 21- 2 7 ' - - - - - - - - - 1
and Maailha Lucille Coburn. 23, assembler. both of Lebanon . Charles Fra ncis Sherrttt. 34, South Lebanon. air condition assembler. and Mrs. Dora. Lee Wallace, 40, Lebanon. shoe worker.
"Upbearing like the ark of old, The Bible in our van, W. go 'e5' ,he, 'ruth of God Again,' 'he fraud of man." -John Green/.of Whitt;"
REAL EST ATE TRANSFERS !Neal and Amanda Bowman to O va nnd Ruth Mo01alt~ 86 acres In Olearcreek twp. Jt.tl1a M.' Berger to Joseph. OarL Dale and Ruth Berger . interest in 66 ,acres in Hamilton twp. K atherine and Henry Knipper to Amelia HW'dle, 154 acres In Salem t
-~~nry and Delta Osborn to Homer
Benton. 50 acres Ir. Harlan twp.
Grove'l'""tJ. PhlllpP6 to George R. Landen. 136 acres in Deerfield twp. 'H UIard and Edna Proffit to to probate. 0ha1"1es 'IUlompson F.Q ~ph MARRIAGE LICENSES Buohanan. plot 'in Foster. Deerfield Donald Gilpin. 21 , Poster, first twp. deputy, and lWsemary Mulford. iM8Iude Stouder to Raymond M. 18. Waynesville. BeJlard, interest in two Iota in Roy Ga.lnes, 48. Cincinnati, <farmer. Butlerville. and 'R ut:h Boas, 36. MOl'low. salesmUey F . Akers to Richard and lady. . Marjorie Wade. three acrea in IWilliam Leroy Wells. 25, Sharon- Clea.rcnlek fiWp. ville. ~er and Jean Lee Smith \ADfia B. Price to Oecu C. Pursley. 21, K1rig assembly worker. 'pa!It of lot 215 in Lebanon. Wtlllam M . PhUllps. 22. taxi Emma B. Witham to William and driver. amd Erma Hurtt. 20, fac!;otly Helen Witham., half acre in Turtleworlrer. both. of .L ebanon. creek twp. John IRaIs Rof1ow, 21, meat cutter, Annabelle Flora to Cha.l'les and Lucy Hardesty. plot in We..ynesvt1le. Walter Burdine to John . ~d lAvonna Qlenoweth, one acre in Wayne twp. Oecll ar.d Sarah Milburn to Ollie and Nellle Elam. five acres in Olea.rcreek.twp. . Fred ~ to Lewis a.nd Irene St. John. 2.50 acres In Clea.rcreek twp . E. WI. .and ~~ Sp~er to Minnie M. · IJbecep. four acres in Deer.fleld twp. WUey P. Akers to Frank and Virg1n1a Du Vall. three acres in Clearoreek twp. YOUR CHECK OUr name on your oheck is Same to Earl. w.d Fern Du Vall. invaluable to you 'as a business &1x acres in sarne. \ asset. Your -on our check is an indication of your financial STATEMENT OF THE OWNERstanding. SHIP, MANAGEMENT, cmcULA check dra.wn on this bank ATlON, ETC.. REQUIRED BY gtves you a receipt. a record and THE ACT OF CONGRESS OF a recommendation. AUGUST 24, 1912. We invtte you to open' a checkOf The Miami GeZette. pubUshed 1r.g account wltih U3 OOday. weekly at Wayt!esv1lle, Ohio, for .Oct.ober 1, 1946. THE Stwt.e 'o f Ohio. WAYNESVILLE Oounty of Warren, M: Before me, a Notary Public in aild NATIONAL BANK for the 's tate and' Oounty aforesa!d Established 1875 personany. appeared Floyd L. Davisson, who. haV1lliJ been duly sworn TELEPHoNE 2251 OHIO according to laW, depoees and says WA4YNE9V!ILIlE
. I·
The Miami Gazette ESTABLISHED 1850
Armitage :&Son
Read Your Bible Every Day-A Good' Habit That Can Only Do Good. 8p01t8ored bll LAYMEN'S NATIONAL COMMl'lTEE Vanderbilt Holel, New York 16, r'I.'_~
-----------that he is the Edltor or The M:1a.m1 Ind., Mrs. •beth Crew of near spent the week end with hls pa.renta Gazette and that 'the following is (Lebanon .spent tale week end with Mr. and ~&. Ernest Earnha.rt. Mr. and' Mrs. Ernest H. Ha8z and to the best of his knowledge and Mrs. Emma crew. famUy spent swlday in ~ .belie!, a tr'u;e statement of the Mrs. Ruth. Smith. cit West Mrs. Ernest Hasz and Mrs. Victor owr-er8hip, JDan&gl6Dlent. etc. of the ton was the week end guest of Mr. Podersal of Olncln.na.L1 spent Prlday a.f<1re6aid pUbllca.tl.o n for the date and Mrs. RAymond Bmlth. in Xenia. shown in the lIbovoe caption. requirMrs. AlIce ~ spent a few ed 'b y the k t of August 24. 191'.!, em- d.qa with her father in Tennessee PRONE NEWS ITEMS TO bodied in section 537, 'P ostal Laws th1s past week. 21403 or 2910 and Regul8JtlOM, to-wit: ~. ~ Eamha.rt of Oolwnbua
,1. That the names and addresses ~;;;;;;;;;~~~~;;;;;;;~;;~~~:;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;~_ of the pubUsber. editor, managing ~ editor and business managers are: Floyd L . Davtseon. WllIYnesvtlle., O . 2. 'I'h8It the owner is: Floyd L . DIw1s8on, W~6S1rllle. Ohio. 3. That the k:mwn 'bondholders M~ees. and otlher security holders owning or holding 1 percent SIGNET RINGS $5.00 or more of total amount of bonds • mortgdges or other securities are: EXP AN-SION BRACELETS $9·00 up O. O. Davtsson. Mechan1csburg, O. COMPACTS $2.10 up - LOCKETS $2.70 up 5. That the aVierage number o! RI~GS EAR RINGS PEARLS· copies of each issue of this publlcation sold or dlst4ibuted. throUgp the PENS, Eversharp - LEATHER STRAPS malls or othetiwlse, to paid subscr1bJARS CIGARETTE LIGHTERS COOKIE era during the hrelve months p.reCOME IN AND MAKE YOUR SELECTION ~g the date shown above is 539. Floyd L.. Davisson, Editor SWorn to and subscribed ·' before me this 9th day of oCtober, 1946. Wymer L. Dmlt8. Notary Public. MAIN STREET WAYNESVILLE OHIO . ' My ~on expJrea June 16, 1947.
Give Lasting
G~fts of
mi. fiolly
Mr. ~ Mrs. RObert Greene, Mrs. LeoIla. Thikiel a1ld children of IJB,yton. MIrs. · lflrenry Berges and . children of Beavertown. Mr. and Mrs. Andrew G~eene and daugbter Sandra -of Detroit4 114100.. of andXen1a Mrs. Roy Shaw and daughter were ddnner guests SUnda¥ of Mr. and Mrs. Lue MOl'ga;DI. \ Mlr. and Mrs. Ernest .1 !lamllBIt and son Davtd Wt.'Te 8\lpper guests of Mr. and Mrs. .O arl Babb. Tuesday evening.
ENSILAGE for SALE Contact Roxanna Canning Company at Corwin, Ohio or Roxanna, Ohio for ensilage. Reasonable price for immediate .haul-. ing.
~. and Mrs. ,Jamee BnttAm and fam4ly of ~ speut 1ut Tuesday ·wtrth Mr. and Hi'll. GeortIe Bntten. Mr. and! JIm. John Koster of Utica Division of The Chumaold Corporation Wtn SUnday dinner' aueet.e of Mr. WAYNESVI~ OHIO and MirB. Mon1a Lewis aDdi fam4l1• . ,,~~~~-~~"'----___ r_~___"" · Mn. Let4Ua Wller of !3Outh BeDd', =--~-.-~---_~ ~~~ ~~~.I
Roxanna Canning CO•.
Reserve District No. , Bergdall visited in Xenia. on Thurs- were evening d1r.ner gue.:;ts of Mr. day. a.nd Mrs. Henry FInke a ~ Wayes-Mr. and Mrs. Ph1l1p TUfoI'd and Ville. sons, Bradley and Ronald are nrovMrs. Elmmia Phillips. Mrs. Zilla ir.g from the Early property to Lewis and Miss Zoe Duke of Dayton. Shelbyville, Ind. next 88iturday. Mrs. Celista Austin of Bcltvertown Guests at the Womans' Boclety and MIsses Ruth and Anna Nutt. of WAYNESVILLE, OIDO meeting at the home of Mrs. James CemervUie were Sunday cl.fternuon -lr. the State of Ohio, M. the close of ,b usiness on Sept. 30. 1946. pubUshed WlcaJ, Wednesday afternoon were: callers of Mrs. Margaret Johr.s. Mr. and Mrs. Richard WlliIams 1u response tQ call made by Comptroller of the OUfl'ency, under SIX;t10~ Mrs. Perry wade, Mrs. Pope, Mrs. Those from here who attended the and fa.m11y, WUminton. were Sunday 5211, U. S. Revised Statues. Oharles Baker, of Springboro ar..a quarterly conference at Lebanon on dll'lT.er g'Ilcsts of Mrs. W1lllams' ASSETS Mrs. Ward Pumm1ll and Mrs. Pete Sunday afternoon were Rev. Joseph parents, Mr. and Mrs. Harry S . Loans and D1.scounts (Including $1.643.65 OVerdrafts) $ 220.475.40 Wlcal. Myers , Mr. a.r..d Mrs. Calvin LongTucloor and daughter Miss Evalyn. UuJted ::itaLcs Government obl4,"atiollB, dJrect and gua.ranteed 805,200.82 Mr. and Mrs. Walter Clark. MIss acre, Mr. and Mrs. E. B. Longll!Cre, Mrs. Harry Tucker was hostess to ObUgations or States and political subdiVisions .... . .. . .. ... ... 341.493.25 Wanda Clark and. Mr. and Mrs. Mrs. Henry Saylor. M!Ts. Vernoo the members of the W . O. T. U. at Oth r bonds, notes, and debentures .. ........ . . . . .. ... . . . . .. . 89,759.98 JunIor Clark and soil. eard the U. S. Pursley and J ames Winks. her home, Thursday a.fternoon . Corporate stocks Uncludlng $4,500.00 stock of Federal Marine Band at Memor1a.l Hall. DayMr. and Mrs. E. B . 'L ongacre, Mr. iMr. Clarent:e Lacken, Oolwnbus RA!serve Bank) ., .... .......••... ; . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4.500.00 ton. Saturday evening. ~d Mrs. Calvin LoI1~cre attended Cash, balances with otlher banks. including reserve ba.lance, the funeral of Mr. George 1JJa.v1s at · well kr.own lecture and dhalnnan ot and cash Items in process of collection....... . ... . ...... 442.301.51 Mrd;;ndLow~; ~rett ~::Y'JMrB' Rossmoyne. Wednesday afternoon of . the ehlo Committee of Prohiblti.an Bank premJses owned $1500.00, turn iture and fixtures $l.00 ., 1,501.00 ar. s. .,.. ....omas. .1YUO. • • this week and the burial at Rest spoke before a group of people Sun- Other assets .... .. .. ...............•••• ,.............. . ... . . . 647.25 ~ones and Mr. and~. Walter Ken- Haven cemetery at Blue Ash. Mr. da.y evening at the MethocUst church 'l'OTAL ASSE7I'S ............... ,.... . ........ . ........ 1.905,879.21 ck llittended the egree work an Davis' widow was the former Miss on the subject "Hell-bent for DeInspection at Farmers' G~ at struct.ion." LIABILITIES Waynesville Saturday evenJ,ng. Mollie Foulks of Lytle. Mr d Mrs J Doste Dayrto Demand deposits of Individuals, partnerships, and The Womans' Society of Lytle were "';:k-eI!d' In therhomes ~ corporations.. . . . .... . ...•.... ........ . ........... . ..... 1,462.203.67 church ,i s sponsortng a Home Oratt HONORS BffiTRDAY 'ft"b Tune deposits 01' individuals, "" ... tnerab1nJl, and GuIld meetw.O' at the church F'r1~ft~ Th'lirsday. evening ot UIoi> week their pa;rents Mr. and Mrs. Herbe~t r.-~ ~ H la Earnhart te tal cd W d Re d Mr J P corporatJons.... . . . . . . .... . . ............ . . ... ... .... .. .. 131 ,639.51 evening. Oct. IS and wish 't o have a . ar n en r n , ar~ Doster. an v. an ' s. . . Deposits of United States Government (Including huudred or more ladles present. A ren Sheehan to dinner in honor Of Thornburg. po6tal sav1nas) ' ..... ..... .........• .. ... .. ............... 68.502.15 g ood program and 25c g1tt for each Harlan's 'b irthday. Mr. and Mrs. Wesley . E. Smith, Deposits of States and political subd1v1a1oD8 : ............... 63 .978:r4 lady. Tickets are 25c which goes to AUNT 'VIS-IT-S-P-A-S-T--WE-EK Harveysburg are atu1ounclr.g the Deposits of Banks .............................•.... 1,851.00 the Society. blrthof a five pound so~, Monday Other deposits (certified and cashier's checks, etc,) ........ 12.666.35 Mr. and Mrs. 0a~v1n Longacre en- .... ft~:.oantdheJrMrsh·ouseL . Vgu ' esBranstrat 'or ~er morning liast). He has been r.amed TOTAL DEPOSrrs .........•..•.••.. . ... 1.740.841.42 te tal d to dinne S da Re ,............ .' 'Wi Robert Oecll. The maternal gmndTOTAL LIABILITIEB ....••....••••••..••••••••••.....• 1.74U1841 .42 J r hneM ...... r T ....~,~. y, v. past week 141e latter·s aunt. MhI. osep yers. 'YU s. .....,..,,- Swank, S S Gatch f Mil! d Ohi parents a!Te Mr. and 'Mrs. Edward ~ Marjorie and! Jimmie SWank . . 0 or, . o. Lewis o! Harveysburg. CAPITAL ACCOUNTS Oapltal Stock· • '. - \., I of Dayton and Mr. and Mrs. E . B. The IMth. Annual cor.clave of t h e ' 1 • I' • '. Longacre. HAGEMEYER'S ENTERTAIN CommoD Stock, total par $75,000.00 • •• ••••••• • ...••••.• 7fi,oOo.OO Mr d Mrs Char'~ H K nights Temp1ar 0 f Ohio was held Surplua ....................................•. . •....... .•... 75.000.00 Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Oollins and . an . . tat agemeyer , " In Dayton Monday through Tuesday. Undivided protlts ......... ..••. ...•.•... ......• •• .. .. ....•• Hi.037.79 Charles Coll1r.s of Dayton, and Mr. had as guests. Sunday their sOn and A parade, one of the largest of Its TOTAL OAPlTAL ACOQUNTS . ... .•... . . ..•...... .....• 16S.037.79 and Mrs. Monis Mlller of Zlmmer- 'Wife, Mr. and Mrs. EBtel Rage- . kind, 'WaS among the features to TOTAL LIABILITIES AND CAPITAL ACOOUNTB . . .. 1,90!i,S79.21 man were Sunday afternoon guests meyer and ~e1r daughter Avis of , Mtract ,thror.gs of people, Monday at of Mr. and Mrs. Walter Kenrick. Oregonia. 2.30 p.m. Mr. Thomas Welch. haa-dMEMOBANDA Mr. and! Mrs. Everett Early In ------ware merchant of Harveysburg par- Pledged assets (and securities loaned) (book value): company with Mr. and Mrs. John GUEST FROM WASHINGTON tl.c:lpa.ted In the event as a Sir KrUght (a) United States Government oQllgations, dJrect and Burske of Wa.ynesv1lle motored to Mr. Kenneth KUlon of Washingand Mayor W . oarl Brown served as guaranteed, pledged to secure deposits and Camden, Ohio. SUnday. ton, D . C. ,was th.e guest of Mr. and sword and flag bear6. Successive ttp other llblllt1es ......•.. .. ....... . . . ..• . . .. ..... ... .. 17'l.931.25 Mrs. WUbur Clark with friends Mrs. George Henderson for the paat the parade a banquet was held. (e) TOTAL ..............•............••............. 174,931.25 from Dayt~, was en~edl to a week. Which WIlB followed by tlhe grand- Securec1llablllt1es: luncheon Prlday at the hOme of Mrs. - - - - - - - - - - - - ball at the Scottish Rite Temple In (a) Deposit secured by pledged assets pursuant to C. W. Younce in Dayton. Dayton. reqUIrements of law... ......•..•... •...• ........... 127,269.15 Mr. and. Mrs. JeSs Ha.rrI.a 'h ave - - - - - - - - - - - - Master Gary Tanner who is stay(d) TOTAL ..... . ..........•...........•............... 127.269.15 moved from the Githens fanDJ to
The Waynesville National Bank
1ng at the home of Mr. andi Mn. Lyle Robertson spent .the weeloond with his mOther In Daytor.. Mr. and Mrs. Richard BolUnget and da.ughter Margie 'Were Saturday evening dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Lee NewbrY of Hlghar.d. M8IYor and Mrs. W . Carl BrOwn were Thursday callers in Hillsboro. Mr. and Mrs. Harmon Moore of Excello. Ohio were Sunday afternoon guests of 'Mr. and M1's. LY\le ~ .... rtso d "',d Mrs Gl ~. ~ an.yu . an . . enn Mr d Mrs Dall Ba.rto d . an . as n an sons entertained a company of rela.tives during the weekend. They were Mrs. Alva Mootgomery of Lockland and her mother Mrs. -Rose IBrlckle
Lebanon. and. Mrs. Shennan MoDltgomery and dhlldren of near Well . Mr~~' S Collett returned to her 1} h~ MODdiIi f Uowin ~ t th h ry ~ Mr gad M 9 0 ~~ ~llet~~ P e'l1am . Min su~s~ urban New York City. . Mn. Mary Margaret Robertson JI1rost has lbOOn employed as an instruotor in the primary deJ)8Jtment the Harveysburg School system. Mr. and Mrs. WU1ta.m Doster ere ...... b' ....~ ..J announc lng ""e u wt . v. 8J SOl! christened John U'nderwood, .born Sept. 2'7 llit M1amI Valley hospital. 'The maternal ' grandpuents a.re Mrs. Daniel Underwood of wUrnington and the late Mr. Underwood. The .paternal grandparents are the late Mr. and Mrs. ,E dward Doster. Mr. and Mrs. BarolaY' Hill enter-'
State of Oh1o, County of Warren . 55: I , S. L Robinson, cashier of the above named bllIAt, do solemnly swear that ~.& above statemer-t Is true .to the best Of my knowledge and beUe!. . S . L. ROBINSON, Cashier Swom to and subSlcr1bed before me th1s 9~h day of Oct. 1946 . L. H. GORDoN'. 'N otary Public Correct--oAttest:
ta.lned a. oompany of !rlends to dInner at the Golden 'L amb Hotel, Tuesda." evenin
new home In Harveysburg - - - - - - - - - - - - which the'y recently purchased; and Mr. Everett Githens of Dayton 18 ~ staying at the home place Mrs. Effie Surface and Mrs. Lu- l ella Deardoff Of Lebanon spent Wedne8day afternoon with Mrs. Marg- The 'h ome-like surround.1ngs of our aret Johns. Funeral Home have caused muCh =J.~A~~ Mr. William Pennington has pur- favorable comment- it is open for H A CORNELL · chased the Lytle hall building of Inspection at any tJme. . . DIrectors Walter Kenrick andl will soon~ a repair garage th.et'e. Mrs. Fred Rush and baby daughsper.-t seve.raJ days last week llit the Da~n Osteopathic hospital in ~ . ~yton where Mrs. Rush uuderwent a minor operation. Remember the Rally Day and Mr. andI Mrs. Bartlett Monee lltHome 'Oomlng this Sunday Oct tended ~e wedding Of ·their grand' . daughter Miss ShJrley St John a.r.d Telephone 2291 at Lytle Church. Sunday Bohool SIt . ' . '" : 9'30 PreachJ t 10'30 A ~ t Mr. Ivan., at tIle Beth <\ll . cJ1IL""h . . ng a .. e on Route 123 ~ay ar:ternoon dIr;!I' ~d and atternoon In'O(P'am· Mrs. J. B.' Jones and her ~. Mr. and Mrs. Everett Early and Mrs. John Zlmmermar. 81ttended the Mrs. J. B. Jones attended! Friend- Mt Holly Horne Coming Sunday ship night of the Eastem Star at a1'~rn'oon and they. with Mr. Jones Olarksv1ll& on ''l'ue8day eren1ng of - -_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _........_ _•_ _ _ _ _____ last week and a.Iao l"rlendShlp night llit Wd1m1ngton on Monday evening. WAYNESVILLE tlheir
and. ~.
Willlam Lewis and family hl!-ve moved to Dayton 'Wher~ Mr. Lewis Is engaged on a construe t10~ job.
Effective Be: t 23 W oarl Brown p. . . has been appo1r.ted mayor of .the village to sooceed Harry S. Tucker who reslgned. In addition to the mayor's ,post. Mr. BrOwn Is also Justice of <th~ Peace..: Severa} from here attended the 'double ring ceremony whldh urJted in m~e MIss Borinte Lee Wol,
ol'I Iinter e ef),v:J l'
Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Burnet were Saturday evening dinner guests of -Mr. and Mrs. S. D. Hinkle lin Lebanon. Mrs. Margaret Johns. Mm. Harvey Burnet atid Mrs. Walter KellU'lICk attended the Wayne TOwnship WoJllI8lIlS' RepubUcan Club, 'Ibur8da1 af~oon. a.t the home of 1!i0k8. Alw. ThOOlPSOD at WaynesvWe. Mr. and Mrs. A. O. WUl!ams and • READ THE CLASSlnED ADS· MIss Shaffer of Dayton WElll'\& Sunda.y guests of Mr. and Mrs. LeeUe Gra.y ' and children. , tM!r. Kerr Routzahn of near Harveysburg pnt the weekend with his son and. wife, Mr, 'and Mrs. GUf Routzathn and Ru&<Jell. Mrs. Margaret Jobna and M'n. ALL MAKES AND TYPES Forest Graham were guesta eJt· . OUR WORK IS GUARANTEED ~ool Cla6e d1nner Tuesdlll.1 at the We also do RADio and PHONO Repair home of Mrs. Ztlla Lewis and MUI Zoe Duke in .Belinont. Day Phone ·2661 • Mr. and Kn. ~ J!Ja.rly and Across from the Bank Mrs. ph1llip Tllford and! . - 8I)eOt . Nite Phone W~ In OtncInnatt. lary Of tPortJ WUl1am to Mr. Howa.rd MoDonald, son Of Mr. and Mrs. George Milton MCDonald of Ha.rveysburg. The wedding solemnized' ,. at .30 p.m. in the Port WilUam Methodist Ohuroh. SUnday<. Oct. 6. The COUple plan to reside near Harveysburg. PRONE NEWS ITEMS TO II'" or H1e
WILLARD WILKERSON at Belcher'. Sonoco
0 H 1.0
FioR·USED-CARS Any make or mode.
Home Appliance Store
Refrigerator &. Washer 'Repairing Parts
Fr.d Kahn Motor Car Co. PHONE 328
Mrs. J. B. Jones and 1I.nJ. ~ • • • • • • • • •_ • • • • •_ ' • .• • • •_ . . . .
.7. '
h re ,.. ,.
-...~It 1
.d .' ..\.". IIIE· \\\'A\\/~ •~
\\\'\\\V ~ UTICA U. B· CHURCH
.. B. Coleman. MIDIRer Rev. RALPH HINES SUNDAY SCHOOL II l30 A. M. Sunday SchOOl 9:30 a.m. Mrs. Raymond Conner. SUp~ Mrs. Jam.ee GB.JTi$On. Supt. WORSHIP SERVlCE 10:30 A. M. Preaching 1st and Srd Sunda.ys each mor.tb 10:30 am. • • • -' YOUTH FELLOWSHIP. MT. HOLLY Thuraday. '1:30 p. m. METHODIST' CHURCH CHOIR PRACTICE r. M. SearlI. . Wednesday. 7:30 P. M. '3undaJ sohool - 1:10 A. K.
• • • ' The Sunday Services will be in aharge of the Sunday School and is known as Rally . Day. It Is a day for recruiting new members and for emphasizing the goo.ls 1 hoped to be attaIned in t he CODl ng year. ,.., Will Each Sunday v.ass i School til have a. part n . e services. The ch.Udren·s part is alwa.ys interestir.g. Tnere will be a. baptismal service for chUdren at the Rally Berv-
E. A. Earnhart. lUper1nteDdto*. Worablp Mnice - 10:80 A. M. E ~ eentce - '1:30 P. II.
FERRY CHURCH of CHRIST The Gro ..... .... er. G 0 Inr, Ch--'" _uu
d not THE MIAMI GAZE'ITE - Pace • RALLY DAY &t the Waynesville You cannot teach whelt you 0 WAYNESVILLE. omo _ NO. 4285 Church 01 Christ. on SUlllday. OctDber kr.ow. - 'Will mURSDAY OCTOBER 10• . 19(6 20. botJl morning nnd evendr.g Nor can you lead where you services. Invite everyone you see and not go. dan f fore. only one religion. which meana
~J~~~f.E TheSupernatlonal Comniunity ht!rm?,;'!:::~:McCoy you do your part? TIlE . CONFERENCE ON EVANGELISM sponsored by 'Ilhe ClnclnI\8ltl Bible Sem1na.ry w1ll be held this next week. starting on TUes. evenlr.g Oct. 15 at 7:30. Md continuing until Thursday evenlr.g Oct. 17. The conference is to be held in the Emery Auditorium.. 1116 Walnut St .. Cinc1nn8lti, Ohio. The Tbe~me 1s:-"000'5 Program for Human, Redemption. M&de Ma.r..lfest in Jesus Christ. ' Was Oomm1tted to the Chll1l'Ch or Christ, Revealed, Adequately Equipped to ElCecute It's Commission." There were over 2,500 in attflndMce at the last confereooe. and this gives promise of be1Ilg much gorOOlter. 'tend Evm-yone 15 invited to a .. . ARE WE GOING TO HAVE AN EVANGELISTIC. MEETING? YESl Watcll for the big . a.nnouncement next week. Members of the ohurch. ask yourselves this Question'-"l! every member did just llke me, ;what kind be?" of It. revival woulld this meeting
HERBERT GRAHAM. Minister Bible School - 9 :30 am. Morr.hlg Worship - - 10:30 a.m. YouLh M~tings - 7:00 pm. Adult Pra.yer .. M~\ng - 7 :00 p.m. ice. Evening Evangelistic Service • • • - 7:46 p.m. The following attended the County -. Oonference held in Lebanon Metho- ST AUGUSTINE CI-lURCH • • • dist ohurch Sur.day afternoon: . Father KramJIolb, PrteiI& If your Ups would keep !!rom slips, Mass SUnday 9:00 am_ Five things observe with care: Mr. and Mrs. TrUrnaIn Wardlow, M.1ss Sallie Smith; iR. O. Moler; Of whOOl, y<fu speak. to whom you W. O. St. John; Loyd Davis; Mrs. Glen Borden; Mr. and Mrs. Monger; FRIENDS speak. . FIrst Day School - ' 9 :30 am. MIsEs Patsy Baird; Yvonne Stubbs; And hOw, and When. and where. Meeting for ' Worship-lO :30 a .m . . , -&!lected ar.d 1Mr. a.tid Mrs. R. B . Coleman.
. ' .
ES"I-LLE ", WAYN., CHURCH of CHRIST Robert L. VanZUe. Mlnbter
Thewill Oounty hood be heldMethodist in Lebanon.BrotherMethod1st Church, Monday evening. Oct. 14. . 'Ibe dinner will be served at '1:00 o'clock ar-d The Rev. Thomas Adshead\ MinJ8ter or the WUmlngton Meth'odlst Church will make
11:30 •. m. 10'10. m.
Bible School Communion Sermon EvenlJ!g Service
.• 11:00 .. m. 8:00 p. m.
Mr. the State rural oommur.ity hasPeterson ente:red ofOhio University for his studies in the Bophmore year _ _ _._ _ _-:-:ATTENDS HORSE . 'U LLING CONTEST HELD SUNDAY
~soiUN ~EAVOR Mr. and M!'8. Staluey Balle~ a.nd JUNIOR C Mn Oharles Isaacs attended the each Sunday evening at 7:00. Jun-· test hed at Troy lors- be sure to come and attend Horse _'Pulling oem . . these meetings. You will enjoy them. Sundar. . _ . Be prepared to Join the "Junior ENTERTAINS TO DINNER Obolr." On October 3. Naomi ~t SENIOR ,cHRISTIAN ENDEAVOR entertained Margarelt Schna.1tJrum to will meet each Sunday evening at d1.nrier after the girls ,r eturned foom 7:00. This meeting is for you. U you Dayton witJl the 8elUor Class. Where are of High School age and- above. they had the claM 'p ictures taken. It is to be re-orga.nlzed and under -;;;;;;_;;;;~;;;;;;;~ .... ~ new leadership. Oome a:nd help make • ST. MARY'S it a success. EPISCOPAL CHURCH BmLE STupy CLASS will not SAMUEL N. KEYS. . meet again un~ .a lter -the close o'! 1..&y Reader-in charge our evangel1sUc m~t1ng. . PRAYER MEETING · each Wed9:30 a.m. Church School 11:00 am. Morning Prayer and nesday &It .8:00 p. m. Bring your Sermon. Bibles &nd worship with us.
the ac:ldresB.
. • • • The Womens' SOCiety at Christ· ian Service will meet 'With Mlrs. Charles Ellis, Thursday, Oct. 17 at 2:00 p.m .. 'A fUll attendance Is requested 118 plans will be made for future ~k. Also, there 'Will be delega.'tes appointed to the District meet1r.g ·to be held Oct. 29 at GTace Church, Dayton.
LBRlha\lllah -treOOgn1zes the diytne origin of all estaIbllshed rel1g1o~ and &dm1ts the identity ~~ C:e
tim»ty of their purpose'th
same Prophets of God u~r the same speec.h. &ndThe~~~ niy in the Nth . . . y er 0 intensity or their revelation and compa.ra.tive potency or their llght. - - -- PS d -Bahalu'llah RUBBER STAM • an "The Baha'i Fa.lth does not aim to MARKING DEVICES underm1ne the sp1r1tU8~ foundation GAZETTE OFFICE or any at the world's recognl.zed . re~oU8 systems. On the cont.ra.ry. . it tries to restate their origin.a l purpose. reinvigorate tli1elr l1!e. and coRelieved in 5 minute. or ordinate their hIgIhest aspirations double your money back with the need of the twentie1Jh cen. \\1Ion • . Ina ' • .(lIn,r t' lor ~"""." gr_ "u. rlb!!5011 Uu' '.''''.''0,,11'1< IDI'k'It"'::: IIIkllowu Uell -an. u... J' 11 1I1 \lloml' It reltef- mrtlld,,," I • I Since there Is only one God, the.r e Tl b • . No lu'tho. lMI -au'l.brlnas dOllble 1001101 n r. ur can be only one truth and. i here- JIIT1 to u•.or~!Ic.~ all10ur <Iruu l.cu. b.t
Gas on
St h omac
~ tltom'~n~:i'~, ~1":;~~~rn"'~~~T:uuff::"~t; t""~'gr\~~u~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~9l fi- -
ACCOUNTING and TAX SERVICE Dilatush BU'ilding -
Broadway -
Lebanon, Ohio
·n . .
AT THE "Friendly Store"
'OM'E FURNI1SHI'N;GjS! "Hard-To-Get" Items 9 x 12 WOOL RUGS 9 x 12 FELT BASE RUGS CURTAINS -
LAMPS (Floor and Table) STUDIO COUCHES (Fully Spring Filled) LIVING ROOM SUITES · I (.
Cornell's WELDING Shop , ELECTRIC and -ACETYLINE :- Portable Equipment .
"Complete Home Furniahera" l
Shop- Centerville 7031 Rea. Cepterville 7465 .
Each card . actu-ally Is a tninature fine' work of art. TIley can be bad in units of 25 either "plain or printed -with your ~ame.
'~Eaat ' Main Street at Whiteman"
To see th~Jll is a ·revelation in quality and
It is not too early ~ ffi4'~~,r.0ur ~lec.- ' ti'on· No obligation to see these cards. Come in today!
Phone 2143
TIm MIAMI GAZETTE - Pap , meat that wa.s bought when the standard If others don't? Wih.'Y WAYNESVILLE. omo - NO. ess controls !Were off. After al4 you can should we tl"Y It If 1t 'is hard or unTHURSDAY ocrOBER 10, 1948 noll expect people to sell for less OOOl!ortable? Beca.use 1t Is the only --------~_ _ _ _ than they pa.l.dl How allout tbe peo- thing that 'W1ll ·h elp and 1t is the pie with m,eat 10 lookers?.Are they 0l'I.l}" chance for the world. B4~use using it or are they in tihe lines at it will work. Mass production may the butcher shop? I have bea.rd build autunobUes but men are not that pledy 01 them are buying meat machines and right standards and when ever they can, to save the m eat righ t pubUc op1nion lb uild ar.<ll' grow A FARM DIARY they are hoardl.ng. one Ott a time and your one Dlay be by D R FRAZIER The apple thieves have been h ere the one bha t turns the tide t.oward . agaJ.n. The trees 10 tbe pasture !Were order and peace. otO~tober 3, 1946 - 'I1he first frosts fun tb1s year. My tena.nts picked a -
gies. At one time ·there was seven tlbe picture in laat week's Gazette town pumps and wells 10 WQynes- was the or.e operated by HeyW'OOd ville , 8IIld seven churches. Maybe and Gustin.
someone can locate the seven pumps. Christian, Orthodox, HickSlte, MethodJst. Ep1soopal, Oatholls ~d Hardshell Baptist. H1cksite is 1Jhe oldest. Masonic Temple was the Baptist. I can remember when the OathoUc and present Methodist was buUt. I Russel L. Martir. will address th e am not so sure I wasn't a barefoot convention on EvangeUsm a t Emery child when Episcopal was built, Auditorlwn in Cinoinr.at1 on ' Tues. Sidwell Taylor owr.ed a leed store evening. Oct. 15, at 8.00 p.m. rus he seaOOli QIJJle this week. Up few then a few days latter came baclt Letters To The Edito....on corner of alley below Methodist sermon topic will be "J esus Christ is • here on Dry RJdge they did not even to get the rest but there wasn't an Edltor Gazette. pa.rsonage,. One horse trough wa.s at God's Solution of the World's Probwilt the tomato planUi but in Town- apple lelt. It is hard to imagine Waynesville, Ohio National Bank corner. or.e 10 front lem." , of Tavern. one at Hotel one 10 the shJp road and In Waynesv1l1e and LebaInon all the ,t ender plants were people mean enough to take them Dear Sir: pike across 'from power' bouse and Martin has beer. pastor or First la.l.d low. Now it is hot agaln and fTom a fam11y who needs them. I When people tra ve:p.d by stage t 1Jh 11 "'ft:bl ca _ Cluistlan Church at Miami, Okla., hope they Choke on them If I ever . one a e very 0"'"' e. n any since last Dec 2 Duling h is pastordryer ' than ever. ,The Utt.le ~wer find out who it W88 !lha.t d~ it each ooo.ch nom Clnc1nnati to Columbus, one tell where the others were? ate t here mor~ 200 new mem:at we had last Sur.day ~t even year I w1ll certa.l.nly make it un- th ey changed hor ses at wtm t was I can't -place the Hotel and leed bers have been added, He is the son a ~the !~ aqd there hasn t been oomfortable for them it it costs me called the Taverr~ the b'Ui,ldlng stable 10 picture. The house on. cor- of Mr. ar.d Mrs. F . T . MRrtin. 01 p . ten times the cost ot the apples. where the Ltbm ry is now, Don t re- ,ner where Orange Raper lives was Centerville. Recently he was called Wheat planting ha.s begun. Soole member hearing the namp. of people an old tannlng factory: Where Jim to Long Be h calif to addr th people say that it Is a good thing to Sunday- Another lovely day WIld who operated it, There was a group McOlure is was owr.ed by Orange ' ac , " ess e plar.t it 10 t!he dust but some t4Qles a 8'OO<,t congregation out for a lovely of s tables nlcmg the alley thut goes Raper's tather and Raper had W~~~ Ohrlstlan conftertehnce artnd ... ' service of Tbanksglv1ng for the safe to 'h t d to b d b is . . was ...-.. a speak er a e N0 h ~ you do, a little shower wU1 sprout ' W a use e an muy e a d.re.ss mlUdng shop in front room. Amer! cor. e Uon held In Indianit but not give it moisture enough! return of the members of this con- now. the butcher shop, run by Jeff Mary Stuck Us rI .v ~ pa6t to grow but unlasa you take a chance gregatlon from service overseas. It Smith. The place was afterwards apa ung . e summer. arid plant wh"ln you C8ID there ,may WM a180 the time for the, falll col- operated by people by 1Jhe l'.liI.me of Ed. Note- The Hotel shown 10 r.ever be another good ohanoe Yes. 1eot10n of the Womans United Peterson and' Late Nicholsolil. who la.nn1ng is a gamble yet seed' time Thank O!fering. There wa.s a' good was formerly a warden at Ohl() state and barvest 'do continue 10 spite ot sennon anet Iota of st1rr1ng ~ Peniten tiary. The Post Office used wars and rumors of war. sung from the depths of thankful to ·be !Where the Library Is now and '"".~ hearts. ' We were also glad to have Avery Nee<Mes was P06tmas~~. The ........ 81fternoon I drove over to the Rev Mr Da.kin. now recovered , Ir.d1ana. to vIsit an old nei bbor of , " , sidewalk was a path made m the mine Th g from his recent 1llness. 10 the chaill- "motiher earth" afterwards n. brick " ere were more brilliant eel to complete the service with, his walk was used th~n t he present oo.OI's there than in our woOOa. yet. blessing , , HOURS: They too had bad a kUling t r o s t ' cement sidewallts. 'l\hen Joe Keyes and I foW'..d them digging sweet 'I1he milk companies are pleading rented the rooms and places ()t busi9-12 each morning . potatoes aJOd brI.ng1ng 10 the pwnp- with people to return empty milk ness. Nellie and I lived m the four 1-5 afternoons except Idns andllwahaws. thoee 1008 necked bottles as ~ are hard to get. But rooms over the Ubrary lor $5.00 a Wednesday green and wIhlte squashes that the as one says. Why should I? No one month (empty). Then the hrn~ IT PLEASES US Southerners thlnk are so mucb else does. I ,p aid my deposit !why where Mrs. May Cross lived. W86 (I TO P~E YOU 7-9 Saturday evening better than any otlher kind I tasted bother to go a.nd ool1ect t hat 11ttle think) owned by Billy iRA:lgE!TS, his We look upon a 'D rug Store as Other evenings by aome but I could not tell dlffer- bitt Why not Just throw them away w1!e and son Wlll. Afterwait'dB hI8 a Service Institution and enApP?intthent ence. We have a great beap of pump_ Or use them for car oU. Everyone first wile died ar.d he and his secdeavor to conduct OUr business k1nB but they 8Ire not ready for them else ' does. They makJe money enough ond w1!e and daughter Luc~,. 1Mrs. lwith that idea 10 mind. TELEPHONE 62-R at the cannery yet to pay for them." IA.llen Haloes. of Xenia). He owned' 'It pleases us to know that " Just a little thing but it started a large livery stable and feed stable many of our customers rely upon , saturday - Back bome agaln to- me thinking. Is 1t just a. symptom BtCrOSS on East side of street, alterour recommendations for drug d,*,. Everybhtng just as dry as ever of wh81t Ia the matter With us m- wa.rdars he ar.d Frank Barnhart items and upon us lor every and the sun as hot as summer time. dlviduaUy and as a nation. lAck of went lnto partnership. Bnrnhart service a modern up-to-da.te Optometric Eye Specialist eo many people l1ned up 10 front ot cooperation in Uttle things that lived In house where Oold\V Surface drug store should render. the butcher shop bhat I took one some ,o ne bas to pay tor 8Ometime. l1v«1 (I think) . F1rank Barnhart was 26 South Detroit Str~et lOOk and passed by but when I oo.me Laxness of standards. Everybody postmaster 1r. a buildlng ' Mloot the XENIA, OHIO in this evening there were only a tew does it so it Is good enough for ·me. middle of the square where the prethere so I went in. "What have you But is it ? !Do the other fellow be- sent postoff1ce 18. Then Ed Macy bad PHONE 21.21- WAYNESVILLE, O. got?" I asked. "Nothing" t.h:6'Y as- fore he does you. The government a Uvery stable and feed stable where surred. "Oh, yes; there 1a a leg of ought 'to do somebhing lWout it. Oh, Will Gustin later operated ()n RAver lamb." 80 I took that and considered weU that w,a s just campa.1gn ta.1k. st. II never heard or a H(ltel any mysell . lucky. all but the price. I They said the G. I, Bill or RiK'hits place but t he one that was liter sanetimes think I am the only per- was going to make everytlh1ng just made 1r.to a 4 apartment house. son 10 Waynesville that likes lamb. f.1ne but-. Promises that were im- Isaac Hatfield'. Newt Heyw,ood and Milk prices are going up 80 they possible to caJTY out. or that were the Gustln's operated it, I don't . ~ but my cream check is going , never intended to be ca.rr1ed out. We know who ~. THEY ARE TOPS, YOU KNOW down because the drought haS'dried have fought two wars because a The house where Mrs. Oook has up the pastures. Eggs go up but pro- nation's word 'Was not good. Do we a oonvalensceqt home (so I heard) COSCO ---: The all-metal step stool - a ductiOn goee dOwn 10 spite of aU my insist that Oongress malte no prom- W8;s bullt as a Womans' Sem1r.ary. handYJ durable kitchen pal - stocked in efforts. I haven't any beel stock 1ses 11hat can not be can1ed out. My mother. Mary Anderson Kindle thr'ee colors. r~ to seij. 8ool.e calves that I How about ourselves. are we al- graduated there and taught school bad p1alD.ned to sell lost we1gtlt be- ways trying to blame 8OIlleone else? seVeI'll I years before she mnrrled 10 G. E. BULBS fore I knew it. That is probably the Individual rl!SJ)(m81blllty , ,has al.. 1854. She taugbt in the house where Maple, Oak and Chrome way with a ~ot or other fanners. No ways 'b een the keynote of our Amerl. Luoy EmUy Uvea and the red brick one thinks to blame the dry weather CIIJIl way of We and unt4!it is agaln house r.ext to where Harry McGlnBREAKFAST SETS ror' the small number of 8J'JmaJs our system cannot wm-k. Are we nIs Uved. The first 'person I can reNU ENAMEL· WALLPAPER .KEMTONE gOmg to 'market. ,They are not ready going to let it allde and take our rn~ llving there was Mr. Isaac yet. . standaros ,from what everyone else Woods. he made carriages IlJld bugA can of NU ENAMEL FREE it this number : 824 The trouble is not 80 much witb does? We need people with defln1te correspon.ds witlb the number on your Twm Theatre the tanners as It 18 'With a polley standards of banesty, decency and " calendar tor September 1946 tilat am not be depended. ,u pon for lair deeJ1ng below whim th6'Y' as 10a week at a. time. Where is all that dlvlduals and groupS al'e not willing , .... .fi'Aj( ,t o falL no ma.tter what everyone I , -0. . . .ne, .-.olr else doee It may take a long time FOI' quick lef from l~illJ cau8ect byec:zel!lA. o YOUR • ,k 6"~ athlete', t 1CIlb!ee, ptmpla and Qlther Ittlllnr Gibbons Building, -tJorth Stl'eet G~ for that spirit to work hac lnto '...... aJnditiool. \Pe pure, cooling,. medic:ated, liquid _a.l\~ , community ute but like leaven it will D.p.D.~C"I~ON. A dooOlr', formula. WAYNESVILLE, OHIO .,. , " G~ ilnlhmme.. &lotIIs. CllIIlforta aod . do it and it is the oniy th1ni that qulddY GDII In\.elJle 1tcbI~. 35c trial bottle Phone 2422 . , , " .. ,e.~ make .. , '~""'ng Chan.... Ur:h- prov~lt.or_yback . DontlUlfer.Aakyour ~O ..,c.~. can - ........ :-oe~· " '" 3 druaiat today for De D. De NItlCIt.PT.ON. ONLY 'A .. should we try to uphold a higb
Martin To Speak At Cincinnati Auditorium
Dr. C. E. Wilkin
. Waynesville Drug 'Store
Philco Radios .
~ !"
Waynesville Furni~re &~pp'i~Q~e Co. J
. ..
ItICHOOL ~'1'1 '
~ -.-
time. LEBANON NAT'L FARM LOAN Household Goods For Sale-ASS·N·, Ellis H. Sturm, Seo'yTrea8~ Lebanon, Ohio. Phone 448 FOR SALE - ELECTRIC 'R EFRIGtc erator or 'Will trade for Electric Washing mach in e. W . B . Orei gh bOn Rt 2 Waynesville 1010 Real Estate For Sale' .. . , FOR SALE - MiAJESTIC COAL IF YOU HAVE A PROPERTY OR RAnge; n ewly rebuilt; copper FARM TO SELL call or Write water tank. Henry Murphy. WellDon Henderson. Tel. KE3446. 617 man. 1010 Lorain Ave., Dayton, Oblo. t.fc . _ __ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ FOR SAlLE- HOBART M. CABLE TO SETTLE ESTATE Grand Piano; ~ut antique love ONE-HALF ACRE OF LAND IN seat and matching cha.1r, newly re~ynesvllle with double house; fln1ahed and UphOlsteredl; One dandy looatlon; ~ew bath and all man's suit. billiCk, size 42. excelleI!.t rooms newly decorated. Barn. condition. Phone 2101~ Mrs. Ernest City water. A real value. Call Harlan. W~ensv1lle. O. 1024 GEO. HENKLE. Phone 2. Lebanon. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 10_1_7C USED CLOTHING_ _ _ __ _ _ __ _ _ _
SALE _ REVES-IiBLE -'- R.ED plald coat. size 11. fine oondlt1on; PaJr Arnold Authentic Oxfords. size 6: B-Iast. like new. very rea.senable. See Patsy Ba.1rd. Waynesville. 1010
....~ ~1. On the llghter Sloe It might be said that the cast for the Junior play has been chosen. and plar..8 have been made by Mit's. Lukens to ha,ve it presented early In November.
• • • The school eru:oUmen1i which a.t the start of the yea,r had inareased forty-nine Over the same date last . ..~ to' The pros~ ear, con .... ,ues (,row. poot, are COlt' a. conMnulng increase S for some years. In addition to that. there prom.1ses to be an increasir,g shortage of ,teacheY's. The October Issue of Ohio SClhI>OIs states that there are 2000 teaching vncar.c1es In Ohio tod'ay. This ,situation can only create a. serious problem in the r.ot too distant future. but lL is a problem which must be faced and solved. • • • Another proble,m ~'bldh schools must face today is t hat of food. Most people will realize tJll8.t it Is no meBJl llOCOIIl3>l.1shment to feed over 500 puplls each da.y. yet that is being dor.e In the cafeterta at the Grade BullcUng approximately 320. have been seit'Ved daily while at the Hlgh School Building oVler 200 have been
• • • In concluslor. '1t seems worthy of no~ to state th8lt t.he Vo-Ag. de pattmenL took first honors1k at the Warren County Fair. Unl e most schOOl exhibits tlh1s work was the result of the efforts of members of the department aed not a teachers xhiblt Mr Or bbe ~ e.. a gave &""'" counsel and he and the boys are to be oongratulated.
OH!LD'S PONY- or TRADE FOR largeit'. gentle mare. THOROUGH - BRED HER.FORD IPhone 2711 Bull, wt. 1000 Ibs.
1010 FOR SALE HORSE. OOOD worker and puller. Goo. Peterson. 1 mi. from Waynesville on 'Bellbrook pike. 1010
. Live Wire anel Procrealve. AD orran.I&aUoo second to none. Stricti, teUera 00 til., beet aD aroODa market
~-iiii:==::=~~~~===~10 Ii
is that "nieh. is sometimes a head and
tim~ ~ithout a h.ead~·
the eoantrJ. Semce That Satisfies TUNE TO
wmo DaJiOD 11:11) -Dial 1100 For Our DaIlJ Market Report
iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiililiiiiiiiiiiii__ii! . tor '
.W eP
aY'HORSES $5.00
• .1
Accord1nIr tlO Size and OoDd1t1on
HOIS, Calves, Sheep, etc.
jiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii_iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii_iiiiii___. .
-' - _
CARLISLE - W~YNESVJLLE HERE After a good 's el:lSOn of :winnings. CMl.1sle on Oct. ~l. It was 8. good game with the playS good to the laSt. The final resu1ts were: WAYNE,1SVILLE R Players Poe. Ab H 0
Bradley 2b 3 Thompson ss 3 liaTtsock p 3 Florer.ce 3b 3 Rickey rf 3 Conaro Ib 3 Hunteit' of 3 Campbell c 2 TOTAL 26 CARLIBLE
0 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 3
1 1
Ab 4
H 1
E 0
3 3 3
0 1 1
0 0 1
~ Sb Longman sa
Smallwood 2b Hamlin rt McQueen c Farinar p Fogle Ib Beachlelt'ct Huntsberger It
H8Irtsock p
.. o. iumuliA bid ~!!!!!!!!!!~!!!!~ ::
SO ·
3 \ 1 3 1 3 , 2
0 0 0
Florence 3b • Thompson Ill!;
' ~ey
RIIok.ey rf ~d tb HiUnbQo d Campbell c' 'l'Ol'AL
4 4 2 1 2 3 15
4 6 30
_UON Pas. Ab a 4 R.a.In8ey Ib 6 ~. 15 M1lier C 4
Aayers ' 0ri8bam
Rapp cf
M2ddlet.oD P
t t
OIiJiver If
0 0 t 0 0 0 0
0 2 3
o o o o 3
1 ,1
2 2
R .
o o
1 1
Walnut Bed (80 years old), with Spring & Mattress ; 2 Dressers; Feather Bed; Bedding;
Davenpor.t and matching Chair; Ot her Chairs and Rockers; 2 Mirrors, 1 hirge, 1 small; 2 Matching Rugs, 9x12, also 4 sn:tall matching Rugs, Old Rose in color, in No. 1 condition ; Several Small Rugs.
1 ~
1 1
o o
o o
on FRANKLIN ROAD, in at 1 :00 p.m., sharp; on
Good Sewing Machine; Walnut Buffet; 5 Stands ; Mahogany drop-leaf table, with 2 extra leaves; ,
Having sold our property, will offer at Public Outcry,
R 1
' 'IUle game 'With Mason WB8 th1ck and close ~d very, very long .. There were 9 1nn4nga over the usual 7 ailld the find re8ultB were as follOws: Dakin f
o o o o o o
MASON~~~ ~
• • •
Da'idn It .Jo!~__
Sootior. 4785-330. of the Ohio ·Election la.ws is in part as follows: "If any person in this state shall move or shall have moved from one county to anoth~ wit~ this ~tate to ~t~d ~y .: eg~~ a e~:. nfrna . 00. u vel'S y or 0 er nstltutlon of learrJng located in such ol;her county. his legal residence tor the p\irpoSe of voting shall be d eemed to be the county from which he came. helraCter klIlown a.8 his home • county. ar.d he shall not vote in the co un t-y into wII 1 c.h h e •'"_ ....s.. moved . baln that In whiCh such coll e gth I tit tl n of leamlr. egis ~r 0 d,er ~ u 0 I II Ih ~gth oca. ess h e s 18. a ve e Intention of contir.ulng to reside in such county int o whlch'h e has moved when be shall have cee;sed to attend such institution of learning."
STUDENTS GET VOTING QUALIFICATIONS INSTRUCTIONS OF STATE You must be twenty-one (21) years of age. Many inquiries have come to the You must oe a UJ11ted states C1tl- office of Edward J . Hununel. Secre- zen. tary of state. concerning the rights You must. resIde In the s tate of of college students to vote in t he Ohio for at least one year ar.d in Nov. 5. 1946 Election. bhe county for thIrty (30) days.
HELP WANTED FEMALE JOB PRESS FEEDER - PULL OR Miacellaneou&part time. Plenty of work. Good wooD- TO BE OUT ON SHARES. pay. Will <tra.1n. Box 387. c/o The Also, locust trees to be cut 1r..to Miami Gazette. lposts. Donald 9&J'te1'. 1~ mi. West Waynesville on St. Rt. 73. Phone HEUP WIAiN'ND- 14ADY ,20 TO 40 0063. 1010 years of age; good /Wages; r.o SUn- - - - - - - - - - - day work; other cons1dera.tlons. Box WD % The M1a.m1 Gazet1te. NORRIS BROCK CO. CiDclDDatl 17D1oo Stoeil Yarda ----,--------~-------LIVE STOCK-
Pace 8
• • CLASSIFIED AD RATES • • OFFICE EQUIPMENT25 words or less. one time.. . ... . 2Sc HALLMARK TYPEWRITER RJBThis week marks Ith~ end of the ~C~to~TEw;r~y ' 'CONTRA~ bons now in stock. The Gazebte. first six-weeks' tenn of school. and. In spite of a slow beginr..ing caused by the shortage of It.ea.Chers. everyLost and F oundthin is mOVln", along satlsfl1iCtortly. Loan&g ~AO!> FEDERAL LAND BANK LOANS: LOST - GRAY CLOTH SUlT- All teaclllng positions have been For ReflQanc1n, - Rebu1ldJDs BELT. 1 .• wide. on Sat. Sept . 28 filled with the excep'tion of a m~c Baying. 4% Farm loana with long on North S t.. Reward. MartJha Ir.struotor. There is no immedd.ate C1me 't o pay • Pay part or aU any Arnold, Box 27. OxIord, Ohio. lOe prospect that this job will be filled.
TO OLOSE ESTATE- 2 A<mm OF land, 1~ mile soutlle86t of eenterville; 4 room house; unfinished aJttlc ;· electrlc; outbuildings. Phone Waynesville 29M. ' laMe
Frigidaire; No.1 condition; ABC Washing Machine; Extension Table; Enamel Top Kitchen Table: China Dishes, set of 8; Dishes, set of 12; Odd China , and Glass, etc; Kitchen Ware ; Copper Wash Boiler; Hoover Sweeper; Bissel Sweeper; 4 Table and Bridge Lamps; Seth Thoml;ls Clock; New Hos~, 50 ft; Lawn Mower; Garden Tools, etc. TERMS: CASH
M. A. CORNELL JESS STANLEY and ·EARL' KOOGLfJR, Auctioneer. ' Way~'eBville Ph. 28~Dayton Ph. KE8986
L C. St. JOHN and
Fairly Familiar by EFFELDEE
Painter Paul Picking was accused Wl'otlgly last ~eek while he was painting the front of Drug- . gist Drake's store. ' Someone said it looked like white wash instead of paint but that is evidently wrong because it rained all over • it and nothing washed off so, it ESTABLISHED 1850 - NO. <&286 $1.50 PER YEAR - 5c A COpy must be paint. The rain did do WAYNESVILLE, omo THURSDAY. OCTOBER 17, 19C6 one thing though, it stopped Painter Picking in t he midst of - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -. his black trimming la~t Friday morning. He got enough of it fin. ished to show ,tha~ it was going to look really good.
Twin Theatre Sold Service Group Forms To Shafer-Stabler New St. Marys Club Kenr.eeh Hill, who has o'l'med and the Twin Theatre since July 23. 1941 . fonnally announces this 'Week that be has sold the theatre t,() Paul Shafer and WilUam Stabler as of Oct. 13 . Mr. Shafer will 1l18r-8ge the local theatre and states that the name of Twin Theatre will be 'retained and that no drastI.c changes are pl~ed at the present .time. The new ownen; contemplate offering the best in pictures and ' expect to continue Ito improve along this line as time goes an. ~. stab1m' operates the AvorThellitTe in New Vienna. Mr. and Mrs. Shad'er are sta.y1ns at the home of Mrs. Alva Thompooa for the pre· sent. Mr. an~ ~. Hill have r.ot made future plans at t.h1.s tJme .
In an e ffort to meet the postwar l' Jigious and social nee ds f th e community, a new servic e group, the t. Mary 's Club, was form ed. unday night at an organizat ion meeting in the Epi scopal r ec tory, hom e of Mr. and Mrs. amll el Keyes. The nucleus of the new organization is the well-known Twe ntyThirty Club, which has been active in Waynesville during the past eleven years until it was dissolved a t the Sunday night meeting. Dog poision ers are active in At a meeting of the Wayne Heading the club are James . Wayn sville according to some reTownship Post No. 615 of the Baker, Lebanon, presid ent; S. L. ports that have come in . Three American Legion held at the Robinso'n, vice president; Eunice dogs died violent deaths in th e The Wa.ynesville Civic Club will Junior Lodge room on Monday Mehaffie, treasurer, and Martha past week or two , victims of some hold tllelr monttWy dinner meeting evening, Oct. 14; the election and individual who probably never at Smith's Green Room in Wa.yr.es- . tall .. t' EdmistOn, secretary, Waynesville. f in S Ul Ion 0 new officers was watched a dog di e from the effects ville on Mona.<:iy. Oct. 21 at 7:00 p.m. A broad program, set up to in held. The present officers who " of p oison . If they have to be Bennett Chapple, Assistant to 'IJle clude community as well as pari h k'}I ' President o! the Amer1car. Rolling take command of the Post at once functions, is planned to be carI ~d , do It human ely. Beat th eir Mill 00. of Middletown will be the are: ried forward undet: four principal braInS out with a club or cut th eir ' Commander; William Sawyer; committees: worship, Carolyn ' throats wi th a dull butcher kndfe 1st Cice Commander, Clyde Baker, chairman; study, Robfrrt or tra'ngl e them, any-thing but Fromm; 2nd Vice Commander, Mehaffie, chairman; fellowship, poi son . No on e bu t a· slinking Robert Planck; Adjutant, Willard The Men's 'Brotherhood of the Ed Edmiston, chairman and sermiserabl e cr ea ture would ever Furnas; Finance Officer, Fred Methodist Churches of Wanen vic e, Don Hawke, chairman, resort t o such deliase tac t ics as Grauman; Sergeant at Arms,Al- County met in Lebanon on Mon(Continued iOn Page 3 dog poiso ning. For t hem a dose of bert Brannock; Chaplain, Charles day evening, Oct. 14, with a. dintheir ~ wn m edi ci ne would be too Fol y; Board of Directors: 2:-year ner starting at 7:00 P. M. good. ....--- _ term, Wlilliam Lukens and Robert At the meeting period an elecThe Wayn e vill e Swimming Chapman; I-year term, Charles tion of olJicers was held and R. C. Pool i cl ose d for the season. The Pl'ice and Robert Osborn. Moler of Waynesville was named pool is drain ed and made r eady Retiring officers who have president; Ray Tucker of Morrow, for winter . Th e bath hous is deserved since their installation on vice president; and Bob Whitaker serted. Fisherm en . usual1y Be n March 25, 1946, are: Lewis of South Lebanon, secretary. For some time we have been lining the banks of ,the mill Thompson, Commander; William Rev. Th.o mas Ashead of the considering plans to relieve the stream and pond Q are few and far Sawyer, 1st Vice Commander; Wilmington, Ohio, .M e tho dis t great amount of work caused by between. Compared to the busy H. F. Dye, 2nd Vice ComllUlmder; Churcb delivered the addre s. An pressure of increasing' businc: s. activity found there al1 Bumm er BENNE'IT CHAPPLE Tressler Hardin, Adjutant; Obes- attendance of 114 was reported. It is quite impossible to fdnrl' long the place seems unusually te: Carey, Finance <?f!!rJ .jtobe~ help cst'able of dolr~g the type of deserted. Making a little ice and ~~fypal~er. Mr:.&o.Chappleu .,.,......\r 16 ClarY, Chaplain; Will~ Furnas, work necessary for the production rior to the rlllin, hauling wa ter to and . as the . 88 a Master" p...., c "'Y"_er "Iron on the Sgt. at Arms; 'RIobel'lt Cha, p man, 0 f 'a newspaper an d job printing. P farms in the community w er e t h Armco radio program" Ralph Peters, ~. F. Dye and RobThe volume of work now in ·the Gazette office is far more than oll1y activity. Even the ball park He ~rered newspa,per work at an ert Osborn, Board of Directors. is silently idle. The lights rem ai n ea.rly Qge, attended Cornell Oollege one person can handle. For ,this dark for the w.inter and will bl o _ SIt Mt. Vernon. Iowa and returned to ' reason we have arranged to have ' Born f.orth again in th e spr ing- newspaper WOl'k and served <m the the bulk of The Miami Gazette like crocus coming through t h rrtaf1 of several leading newspapers. type set in a trade typesetting snow. WaYll csvi'lI c has a gT£>a t as- He has contributed. t,() well-known -plant; To do this will require thc setting forward of deadlines on !let ~n t his recreation par k l ha L ~agaz1nes ~d Ito the Encyclopedia . . ' Biitta.n1ca on subjects of 1r<m and many commuDltl es of even larger "'~l ' •. ~ t Durl . copy. . b .,""" mAnu:dlC ure. ng the world Mayor W. Carl Brown of Ha~-' sIze can~o~ oast. Perhap too few war ~e served as, a dollar-a-ueM' ON ALL TIME COpy such as , 'With the ,A merican olvey burg reports that a nE!W fire 1 man. He has beer. letters to the editor, article, o-f her cItIzens a re aware 0 f t hO fact . ;RoU1ng Mil 00. as director of PubU.- truck was received in the village ' columns, school news, etc. the . , city since 1918. 'H e Is past presJdent thjs past week. The truck .chassis deadlne is F'RIDA Y NOON of Slgn ~ of Hallowe .en are at hand . of NationeJ iIndu.Str1al Advert1sers' is a Chevrolet and the fire-fighting The WIndows ·o f th e stores and As&n. in 1930 a member of the Har- equipment is of a modern design the week before publication. their counters are blossoming vard Awards J,u ry. 1& a member of with a 500-ga11on reserve water CORJRESPONDENT.s fro m forth with false fa ces and noi sl! Adlvert1s1r.g Coundl representing 1n- tank on the truck and six hose other communities will have copy makers. Ea ch season the false dU8U1aJ advert1s1ni'; and Is assist- couplings for the use of 'that in this office MONDAY. The face makers seem to vie with on e ant t,o ~. C'ha6. R . Rook. Trustee number of hoses at one time . . The FINAL DEADLINE for all copy another to see just how ugly and of th~ Committee 'far EconOm1c pump oper.ates under a 200-pound is WlEDNlESDA Y NOON. Adverhorrible ,they can make the masks. Development. pressure which is sufficient to retising copy, Tuesday noon, Even some of ,t he grown-ups , ReseJ'\l8'tiOll8 f~ the Club dinner quire the use' of four men to GPThe cooperation of everyone is are requested to be sent in not laIter t d' th· W . shudder ~t the SlgM. of t~em and than iFrid&y, Oct. ' 18. Ito t4a erate the nozzle. This nozzle is . requ!!'8 e m IS matter. hen little chIldren cry out In fear . Weltz. Secretary. ~ equipped to throw a straight, happen~ngs occur that are of Already windows are sliowing the powerful stream or a fog of water Blaokberries come high in news value, send or phone them marks of "spooks" and by the by the turn of a lever. Waynesville as evidenced by the to~e' Gazette at .q}lce. , time the big night arrjves 't he M:.ay~.r abov . e picture 'of E. W. Hopkins Do not wait until the deadline. .. v A meeting this Friday night ' town will sht!w the wear and -tear '11 as he reaches skyward for a nl'ce It only pi1e~ work on us aU the WI determine the new fire deof the weird markings. One thing partment officials, stated. Mayor juicy one. The photograph was more. If some item of interest is sure though, with the current . Brown. • taken this past summer at Mr. occurs on Thur$day, see that we soap shortage if any "spook" is Hopkins place on the West sid~ have it on Friday, not the follow,caught abroad with a nice cake he Mayor W. Carl Brown of Har- MRS. ST· JOHN "STARTS of town near the Friends Church. ing TUesday or Wednesday. This will surely lose it to some "soap veysburg warned tha.t parents FIFTH YEAR WITH THE This is just a portion of the large will help us to reduce our volume , hunter". Young minds are plan- who failed, t.o k~ep t.he1r child~en AIR SERVICE COMMAND blackberry patch tba.t he started of over~work and a better new&ning the things they can do to from partlclpatmg rn vandalism a few,years ago and it bis grown paper will be the resul,t. r. make 'H allowe'en the 'traditional . in. the guise of Hallowe'en pranks • into a gigantic size that' affords After, all, , this is your newsnigbt of mis-placed gates and . Wlll face fines and possible jail Mrs. W. C. St. John wbo is the Hopkins' all the blackberries paper and it is up to you to make ro._ 1 entering her fifth year at t he Air . " " 'II mysteriously moved porch fumi- sen t ences. vvmp aints are cotnthey want and leaves a few for It newsy or, fl ed with "boiler. . Service Command, Dayton, is la ' ture and other items of any na- mg m •now about ~wdism and taking a 5-weeks' advance course the neighbors. pte." . d ,., ture that can be moved easily estructlon of property. They picked berries frQm these If it is necessary that -we ' have /a6_ B in English, diction and military 'd ' ......yor rown has also IOrdered .bushes from August to September, to' raw-out" all of the news by , from their usuail place. It's an correspondence. old4ime custom and aU grown ups th at persons must bum leaves be______ Mrs. Fred 'H,ook being about the making individual contacts and , did tbeir share when they ~ere 'tween the hoWl~ of 1·2:00 O'clock, NEW CLEILJ[ EMPLOYED last one to ga.ther a portion of through c'lose questioning it is imyoungsters. They sbowd remem- Noon, ·a nd 4:00 O'clock P. M. He AT WAYNB8n.u: DRUG STORE the luscious fruit. . possible to' reach everyone each b~r this when t~ey have to hunt a180 re~esta that no leavfIB be WymIer IDIUIt. local drUattst an- ' As anyone knOW'B wbo baa ever week. . lip some beloDClnlr the mominlr burnt eIther on J(oJiday 0'1 Sun- DOIJIleB 'tibia IW'eek the emp1lo1m1JDt picked 'blackberries, the befJt. oneB ' ' We therefore expect our read· ' ,after Ballo-we'eD. Perhape they day. . of IPete ~ ... a c1edt in the al~Y8 grow in the mo.t inaece. ers to belp ' lOut by aendinlr or win be a little more considerate lin 1"_ 1 ___ . DNI more. 1Ir. ~ Ie I'ftli sible ~~ea. That is w~y Ill'. cal1inc in their news • • • but, DO of them if they do. '. ua~ e aY~ who baa been II*DwD ill tbiI .,..."..... uwl • Hopkins bas to take his ' seven- IT EA.:B.LY ~ , quite .ill 18 rep'oI\ted too be im· ateDdiD8 all. iDfttMklD to au bAa foot IItep ladder alone when be Let'. work toptHr for a b. IX c.I8 , . ..... DIAL _ proviD&'. I.rieDdI to __ miD _ 2dm. I'OeI berry pic:1dnlr. . . tel' IIdami Quette.
Civic Club Honored Local Legion Post By Bennett Chapple Installs Officers As Guest Speaker
R. C. Moler Named Head Brotherhood
New Copy Deadlines· Set Up For Gazette
New Fire TrucK For' Harveysburg
Brown Issues W - R -d S armng to eSI ent
Pace I
WAYNE Svn.LE . 0010 - NO.4Z86 DAY. O()TOB ER 1'7, 1946 THURS sincere our express to 'W e wi h
all t he The Women 's Christi an Tem- thanks and nppr ciation to Order r Chapte Miami of mbers perann ce Union meetin g wa held 01 I!>cnl at the ' home of Mrs. Loyd Davis of the Eastern Star for their hip Friends on help and t suppor last Friday evening with t wentyWhen harles L. Wagne r's prothank we do inlly "pec E Night. presvisitors and rs three membe of "IL Trov'nbore" plays duction ' ,Mr. John St. Will . Mr. and Mrs. _ ent. Mrs. at Memor ial Hall, Dayton , on Dr. Emma Hollow ay, the new and Mrs. Ralph Ha tings, Bertie Friday, Octobe r 1 , mu sic lovers preside nt was in charge of the DOI'o thy Stout and !\'II'. will have a chance to see and hear rl. extende ffol'ts meeting. Mr. Raymo nd Braddo ck, Mills fOf their charThe 1\1 Clure Funera l Home' the opera which has been Superin tenden t of Wayne Townr" , thunde and "blood as ed actel'iz and all hip School spoke on temper ance for use of theif chairs S. years. 93 t pa the for the making In who hel ped Oct. 17- The woman s' Soo1ety or in the schools. Readin gs were other A highly I'omant ic story, "ILa pleasan t one: ning ev on Mrs. , meet Borden will Glenn Service ·Mrs. r. by Ohrfstla given the Miami Chapte r 107 Order of Trovat ure" suits the po.pular im-} 17 at the Walter Whitak er a,nd Miss VirWorthy Matron Edna Early. Eastern Star met in regular session Thursda y afternoo n, Oct. color the ginia Hardin , and a recitati on Wort hy Patron Everet t Early. aginati on. It abound s 'Y'ith on Monday even1r.g, Oct. 14 and ob- home of Mrs. Chas. J!'!llls with never was Verdi and spirit and charge: in s served "Friend ship Night! with an following hostesse given by Mr .•Jennie Planck. more lavish in his use of melody Morris was attenda nce of aboot two hundre d Mrs. Pearl Ridge. Mrs. subject s were all on temper - CARD OF THANK S ' The Mrs. . Conner Ellen Mahler Mrs. on, Fulkers membe rs ar.d guests. We wish to thank ' the many than in this opern. Fritz ance. MIlls. 000. Mrs. and , Bailey Defrere sire Stal"Jey D and t conduc will I'e w o The chapter room and dining On of .the visitol'!l list were Mrs. fri ends and n eighbor s wh will Opera, olitan Ml!trop with the of nged rr the ng lly duri bealitlfu helpful were and room Allen of Springb Qro, Mrs. Balon, so kind NEW CENTUJ{Y CLUB large baskets of dahl ias and chry- Announ cement Is made thJ.s week preside nt of the county organiz a- illness of our husban d and futh er, stage the produc tion. santhem ums aoo with so many that the New Century Club has Its compan y of 80 includes an son :from Frankli n, Walter Guy. Mr. VanZil e for his membe rs al"..d guests in formals of changed ita meeting 4&te froih tion, and her ra of 30 of New York's · orchest Stubbs and Mrs. Lane, county vice-pr es- consoli ng words. Also Mr. every hue, formed ,a lovely scene. ians and an all-star music< Oct. 25 to Thursd ay. Oct.. 24. best Friday. the for And ervice. for his kind ident, also from Frankli n. Mn. Ethel B. Wylie. Grand R.epcast of Am erica's ablest younge r The meetin g W8'S adjourn ed to beau.tif ul flowers . resellbMJve of Nevada, was an honor artists. former the , Guy Snyder Ml·S. Daisy Mrs. Walter meet again on Novem ber 8 at guest of the ever.!ng and ga.ve a .. G F Tickets for /IlL Trovat ore" most entertai ning report of her vlsl t vice preside nt of the organiz ation, 2 :00 p. m. at the home of Mrs. and Doris ae uy to NeVada Grand Cha.pter. Mrs. was elected to the preside ncy. France s Branno ck. may be obtaine d from Town Hall Juanita Dewey, Deputy Grand Ma- The former preside n<t, Mr. Lee Present ations, North Lobby, Bilt.troll, 'Was also an h<w-or guest. Hawke, resigne d because of ill more ho-tel, Darton . A splendi d prog:ra.m was given by health. Sund.y .{temo on and 'v'ning .;;' / . -. Harveysburg, Frankl! n, ClarksvUle. Dainty refresh ments we r e were Mr. and Mrs. John Menden WUmingtdn ar.d Lebano n Ohapte rs. served by t he hostess . Mr. Sheely. hall of Dayton and Mr. and Mrs. Mrs. Georg1a.nna IviI"..s left SunMr.J. J . Burske of Miami Ohapte r day to speDd a short time with her the . Stanley Floyd Lynch and childre n. of e entativ s repre. a accompe.nled 'by Mrs. Jolm Kersey The Happy Hour Club that was dauSlhter Mrs. Henry Ha.ueIlBtein in a very in, beautifUl solo, "Some- Home Produc ts, gave ed to meet on Oct. 8 was I· sang the very < schedul ctnclnnat1. tration' o'f · the VISITO R FROM COLUM BUS where a Voice Is Calling" and Mrs. terestin g demons a.t post poned from that d.a te to Oct. Mrs. Dr. Hall of Columb us was Mrs, Alice Clark spent Sunday Ralph Hasttng s. Mrs. A. T. POlir..slty. produc ts sold by that compan y. 12 at which time they met with :Homecoming. The next meeting will be held visiting her mothEtr, Mrs. Harrie tt the Lytle Mrs. M. A. Fulkers on and Mrs. WUl Mrs. \Reva Braddo ck as hostess at the spent. ey McK1na M1sa Laura O. st. John brouglht 6C1'e&n1S of at Mrs. S. L. Robins on's home on McGinn is last week. Rich. weeken d with her sister Mrs. Earl the home of Mrs. Cora laughte r from eVeryone with a short Nov-ember 8th at 2 :00 P. M. membe rs -four twenty About Swain r.ear Lebe.non. playlet. GUEST S OF HENDE RSONS A guests. five and ent pre were Saturleft e AmI1tag salad Lucille Refresh ments of ~ndwlches. Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Kens- ~rs. RS OF VISITO END held WEEK was meeting s busines vacation short and coffee 'Were served in the dIn1ng worthy of ~ban~n were Sunday da3' to ~ bwo weeks WILL ST. JOHN FAMIL Y of reading s fol- • , room. Hender son with relative s in Da.~n a~d Spring- and a program Flora Mrs. of guests Linof r' Miss Madeli ne Krame ' Guests were register ed from Ashf~. Emma Hollowa.y and ' Mrs. lowed. land, Ky.; WlllJamsPort. Ind.; ton, Ind., and Miss Thelma and sons. refresh Evaiyr. Peterso n 8!t tended the W. O. ' At the social p:eriod iLewiSton, .Ill.; MaIrltoba. Canada ; Johnso n of Wilqlin gton. Ohio served: were ments wyd of home the 8Ib meeting U. . T Twin Flalls, Idaho; Dayton , Middle- were· weeken d guests of Mr. and ATTEN D HOME< -C~M~NC -;;;:;;=:;;:;::;;:.:.::::::::::==~;FrIday evening. Mrs. Harriet McGtnm s and Mrs. Da.vis. town; Blanche ster; Harvey sburg ; Mrs. Will St. John. Sunday afterd FrI- ._ -returne Dodson Minnle Miss bomethe d attonde Olark Alice Olarksville; Frankll n; Lebano n; noon calle s were Mr. and Mrs. coming at Lytle, Sunday . day from a. visit with relative s a.nd Mason. Toledo, Portsmo uth; and Hutt of Ridgevi lle. Wilbur frler.ds in Indiana polis. , Norwood. I· \ Miss Olive. William s was the guest . GUEST SUPPE RElaine LEAVE S FOR WINTE R' }~vans enterta ined on Sunday of her cousin, Mrs. Oscar Miss DA FLORI . MIAMI IN a.n and family in Xenia. Miss Janice Ke~rs for her supper McDorm Miss Ruth Chandl er accomp anied Mr. William Scanlon left Sunby her brother. L. W. ' Chandl er and day to spend the winter at Miami, guest last week. Fot' wife spent Tuesda y In Dayton . VISITS IN LEX,IN GTON Florida . Phllaof Walton d Berrutr Mr. spent ck Branno s Mrs. France delphia. Pa., . Mr. 8Ir.d Mrs. Rlchal'd K L ' gt d The Octobe r meetin g of St. VISIT IN CINCIN NATI Mosher the weeken in eXID on,· y., Eastma n of Sprlng.field were dlnne~ Mr. and Mrs. Harris _ _ fer c:c..cr- 0 -...... Mary's Auxilia ry was held on guestS at the Home on Tuesday . daught er, ' Virgini a Lee, and the guest of relative s. and of home the at Friday, Oct'. 11th, .:s~m~~ED==~AD:.8~.~~~"~B.~~~~as..~~.~I---~~.~o~.~ USE GAZETTE ()L.\SS IFIED ADS ;~a:EAD:~:TUE:~()~LAS~ were Hawke Ronald Mrs. and Mr. were There F. Snapp. Charles lRice 'Mrs. of Mrs. =-=eight membe rs present and six Sunday guests fF ati. Cincinn of M.osher guestl!. During the meeting plans 'were laid 'f or the Annual Bazaar . . It will be held on Saturda y, Dec. EVANS HOME CALLE RS OFF ER Callers at the Earl Evans home 7th, at the Townsh ip House.
Eastern Star Holds ~ri~ndship Night
' dar len Ca w. s. c.
-Trt end, 4
St. Mary's Auxiliary Sets ·Bazaar Date
CO 'IIRESS .......
TWIN Theatre
You SUPplY the catch lines for ~xne'roRNER and JOHN OARFl ELD In
~cQt~ure Jlfunerm ~nme •
The Postman Always Rings Twi~e
Dial2 111
Waynesville, Ohio
Also: NEWS
The grandm o-thers' are Mrs. ·' Virgil, Charles , Edna Marlen e age 50 and Sharon Eileen Bunnel l, chil- Hiley Gibson ~f M<t. Holly, neal' of ll -Bunne Bert Mrs. an'd dl'cn of Mr. 'and' Mrs. Everet t Bunnel l of Mt. Holly have the distinct ion and honor of having Waynes ville, age 68. Mrs. Emma Gib . on, and Mrs. :fo~r living grandm others, two of ' Doia MO~'gan are the mother s ~ them great-g randmo thers., resThese ' ladies are pictul'e d above, Mr. and Mrs. Hiley Gibson being other~ grandm , the' greaIt, pective ly. and M'rs. Bert Bunnel l l· M"I' • Do ra Morgan 0 f Mt . 0 II y, , . .1" Mr. Everet t ~ge 71{) and Mrs. Emma Gibson of is the . mother of l. Bunnel 'Bellbro ok, age 78,
Back .J\a'ai:n In Their Latest . ' COMEDY! LUM lmd ABNER In
Padners in Time I
and' ~AB.l'
Mi lk
25 4
~~~D AT 'Stewart's Thrift-E. Market. ':1
. .. .,
coopera te THE l\OAMl GAZE1 TE - Pqe S groups, and ~ould nationa l denomi other with closely WAYNESVILLE, omo - NO. W6 matters in s ation organiz civic and 1946 17, ER OCTOB ~SDAY; concern ing the commu nity welf are. Mem bership and particip ation' Mr. Jak e Wade, local realtor in c1u b affairs are not to be rewho suifere d a str oke last week to m embers of St. Mary ' stricted stlII r main s in nbout t he same explain ed, but will be he h, pari conditio n. He is paraliz ed on the out the entire through d extende left side. co mmuni ty. Th e founde rs at.te nding Sunday VISIT WITH PAREN TS meeting are: Mr. and Mrs. night's END OVER WEEK Baker, Mr. and Mrs. Ed James Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Davis of Mr. and Mrs . Don ton, Edmi DayWn and l\h. J oe Davis of and Mrs. Lee Hawke, Mr. e, Hawk Wilmin gto n C Ilege spent Sunday Samue l Keyes, Mr~ Mrs. and Mr. wit h their parents , Mr. and Mrs. Mehaffie, Mr. and RoJ)ert Mrs. a nd Loyd Davis and family. Mr . S. L. Robinso n, Mr. and Mrs. L ewis Thomp on, and 'Mr. and (Oontln ued from · Page 1) Maynar d Welt z. Execut ive officers and commit - Mrs. Officers · .of the di s ban d e d tee chairm an form a central ex-Thirty Club, which turned Twenty ec utive commi ttee which is sch edmembe rship and funds to its over at night day uled to meet Thurs Club, were Lewis Mary's St. the memthe out round to ec:tory r the nt; El sie Weltz, preside son, bership of the four groups an d to Thomp a Keyes, ViJlgini and tary, secI' of program outl~ n e t he imm ediate treasur er. the club. The n ew organiz ation will hold . The specific activiti e eyf the meeting s on the second egular r months club during the coming each month. of Sunday of basis the on chosen will be qu estionn aires which wer e pre- I READ THE CLASS IF JED ADS • pared by Mr. Keys and ' circulated among the founde rs at the mee ting. Sifting of tlie . r eplies on th ese form s will shape th e program to t he needs of thl' commu nity, it was fl'lt. It may be expecte d, Mr. Baker said, t hat the n ew club will a c· f tively spon or recreat ional facili· To ties, vocatio nal training , pal" and ' people, ticularl y for young will s t up t udy, dramat ic and enterta inment progra m . 1t may 8....... ror Colllrreu CummltlH also act, h e indiC1ltcd, as a parl'n R. ·D. R OWlnd, Chm., LondoD, O. spe i 1i7. (>~ f or -organ i za.bion
Re ad, Us e Ga zet te Cla ssi fie d
Stroke Victim Remains Same
SUPER·SlX SEDANS ' _ i", ... at.,·".n,noeOf aN
too'-co"t,ot ,odtO
231 Prizes iI tIis 4th Week Nation·"1Ie Contest endiIg NOI. 6 JUST COMPLETE THIS JINGLE lCioger CoIfee', Irelll I know, The Hot· Dote plainl, tell. me so, "', _ _ gr04lttd until, bel, Ifill ..... _ _ . . . . . . ., - .,. ~- ........... .' - ,. .at" , .....
your entry with doted end from
Kroger Hot-Doted Coffee bog, Of foaimile , to lCioger Contest, 10. 1200, Chicago 4. '" DecisiOM of the JUdge), The Lloyd Herrold Co.; will be final. Duplicate priz~ In COM of ties; cosh equivalent to prize, if winnet desires Winners ' nOl'l'll$ will be posted In all Kroger
Get entry Stor~ blanks and rules
at Kroger's .
iS~ II LJ ~?"
8;g 7 .3 cu. ft. • 11• . hOI.. food chestl 2 ......... .lOfov-; _ crispenl SlOfobift.
.• _ ••• _. _ ... __ ••••
.Spotlight 3:g 89
'1000 CORY COffEE BREWERS all-gla n
FRENe H BRA N0 lb. bag 38c
(ONTEST NEWS on "Lindo's Am Love" WLW 12:15 PM EST
VAl. CAIP lEANS. :nsTa~~:t: .. -.-... • CLOCK BREAD. • • • • • • • • • • 2 .. • . . lEVERAGES • c.
Mad. with New Whit. Flour
Plus Deposit
L.tonia Club
U:it.~ Su~plv.
"c.~Y: 27c 24 OJ.
2&0: .
N~.!'1z2&o i Cobbl ers, 50.lb ,. $lI·49 981bs . $3.23
THAT PAYS MORE TO LIVE THAN DIE Details without Obligation. We Have Itl
EROJilO YDNON, N· SNLEBA RIO MA . . Phone 171-L. ,'
large loavas 240L
I~I:' 3.lc
saJ~' 490
Wood Handl •• Fort M.dlson
Popula, .rands
21Ill ;'b.
ORAHfRUI.T.,JUICE 46c!:.L 291
ONIO NS, 48 Ibs. $1.20 EaCh .260 i '.29 101bs.
An .Retirement Income Policy
No. l Can
Country Club
25';~ 1.65
KEROSENE RANGE, Good condition ......... , $35,00 STORE Comp utor SCALES, 10 lb. capac ity, $20·00 WILLIS HUNTER, cor. North st. and Dayto n Rd. ' WAYNESVILLE, OHIO
Country Club
• • • PEAIUT BUTTER .. IIILETS ~:.i CORN. . . . . . • • • • 'VOIIAI.E SAUER KRAUT. • • • LIBBY'S~ BARTLETT PEARS. • • •
KJO~.:\ •••
46c~, 25c
lb, 49~ J.r .
17c ,
to Alm a Runyan 34.62 acres in Har- Garson's Shoe Store, shoes,. relief THE l\fIAl'D GAZETT~ - Pare , Ian Twp. family, $4.95; Robert Gordon, food, WAYNESVILLE, omo - NO. 428G George A. and K thedne Keller relief families, $24.00; Dr. O. W. THURSDAY, OCTOBER n, IN6 ' 1,ESTABLISHED 1850 to John and Bess io Schweitzer 2 Hoffman , medical, relief family, Published Every Thursday by DAVISSON PRESS lots in Loveland Park. $1.00. Atty., $11.20; The Law Abstract FLOYD L. DAVLSSON, Editor Columbus Edgar Collins to John Hoppe's Store, food, relief fam· Co., sube. Ohio Appellate Reports, and Bessie Schweitzer 2 lots in il~T, $44.99; Kaufmall's Store, cloth· $2.25; Bashford's, 1 Noma Beater, Entered as Second Class Malter at the Post Off1ce Loveland Park. ing, relief family , $78.76; J. T. common pleas, $18.33; Drs. Edw. Sub6cr1ptlon Rates: $1.50 per Year 1n Advance . Mart in Scott Saunders to John Leonard, food, relief family, $25.00; Robert Blair, Exams., $2.00; The and Bessie Schweitzer 3 lots in Lebanon Baby Shop, clothing, relief Office Outfitters, posture chair, dh'orce to plain ti ff, children to Loveland Park. family, 25 cents; Chester Mc- chair covers, 011 ion skin, probate plain ti ff, defendant to pay plainCarl Rufener to John and Bessie George, shelter, relief family, $10; court, $32.30; Columbus Blank tilT $15.00 per week. Schweitzer 2 lols in Loveland Park. Dr. W. H. Siegfried, dental, relief Book Mfg. Co., forms, probate., ' E. C. Denton vs. Mary A. and · Robert M. and PEluline Powell to family, $25.00. $5.25' Stakalta Mfg. Co., 1 Fulton PROBATE COURT Lorence Whal en hearing set for E. P. Powell lot in Franklin. L. W. Smith, food, relief family , dater' probate, 60 cents. In the matter of t he estate of F riday, October 11 at 10 o'clock. George M. \toorel to Clarence H. $59.?Oj D. R. Smit~, foo?, relief Oh;o Central Telephone Corp .. George F ethers, dec'd .. estate reJ ohn E .Holderfield v'S. Bernard and Leona Worth 2 lots in Waynes- family, $~0.50; .Thlem~n s Sho~ phone rent and tolls, court house,! lieved from administranon. P. and Margaret Bruns, case di s- ville. . Sh~p, .clo~hmg, re~lef fam.lly, $28.~7, $135.67; Lebanon-Citizens National In the matter of the esta te of mis ed without record and withMao C. and Carrie C.. Glancy to Thlrkleld s, clothmg, rehef famdy, Bank rent of office for Board of Augu qt Ast, dec'd., gross value of out prejudice. Z. O. Worley 72.19 acres In Salem ~ 10.69; .Tracy's Grocery, food, re- ' Educ~tion, October, $35.00; John. estate is $2,509.39. Mary K. Florea vs. Carolyn J. Twp. lief family, Septem. ber, $1.0.00: Wm. ston Lumber Company, Labor and In the matter· of t he estate of Florea et al writ of partition set Arthur ana u ertha S. Hamilton Wetzel, food, rehe! famll1es, Sep- rep~irs at Jail, windows, $143.14: to F. D. Ambll.rgv 228.29 acres in tember, $34.0. O. Trus. of Public Alfairs, water and Wenzel Herres, dec'd., Rufina Her- a ide; partit~on ordered. . ted admlllistra .. t' Ann Strobel vs' fff KennethI Union Twp. E ugene W Ith am, payro II , $105 .ao; sewer, Memorial r es appolll nx giv- 0 Ru S t h bid' . t l . . Hall, $6.00; ing bond with sureties in sum of . tro e ~vo~ce o.p ~m I ,rea David D. and Angel1ne Patrick Joh~son Myers, payroll, $348.30; Brant's, Inc., coal, Memorial $4000. estate. to plallltJff, plamtlff restored to Clare~ce A. an~f Alice D. Far- . Leslie Shultz, payroll, $566.40; Earl Hall ct10350' Good Housekeeping In the matter of the estate of to ~alden name. quer lot m Franklm. Baysore, payroll, $209.70; Ray· . ' ~ . , -I ' Mildred I. Campbell vs. Russell Calvin Leroy Gebhart to Edward d M If d II $30790' Shop, ladle, pancake turner, 2 .B dec'd Nettl'e Lou E ar I R . owen, . , R. C bell d' t I' t'ff . mon u or, payro, ., f k M . I H II ~7 37' Th Bowen appointed executrix. . , amp , I~or~e 0 p am I , W. and Laura M. Morey lot In Harry Mount, payroll $79.45; Ennis ; r ; , D ~mon~ a,.... , l' e y In the matter of the estate of children to plamtlff, separatio~ Franklin. 'N Thompson, payroll, $238.50; Wm. M' ' . 0 gHe 11 om$1p85 n : STUPP les , 19 1 Sarah A. Irwin, dec'd., Bernice agreement made part of entry. John W. aEnd Frdance~ dMCd uDtt Schuyler, payroll, $416.55; Tuney, emorla a, . ., rUB. 0 f .• I' Irwin' filed application for certito Chester . a.n ~Il re . payroll $147.15. . Public Affairs, light and gas, Me· MARRIAGE LICENSES Thompson 0.75 acres In Deerfield . . I H. a, II $1038' fi cate 0 f transf er 0 f rea I es tate . . . Twp The ' Office Outfitters, 2 reams, moria . , Dr. R 0 be rt M. In the matter of the estate of Jame~ H. Hendricks, 22, Mlddle- Ciarence A. and Alice C. Far- bond, 2 reams old Hampshire-Pros. Blair, M. D., medical, $24'.00. . . ~ Emil A. Juterbock, dec'd., The town, Signal corps, Dorothy May Provident Savings Bllnk and Trust Farmer, 20, Franklin. q~er to DaVid P. ~nd Angel~.ne Pat· Co., IlPpointed executor. Albert Dill 64, Mason, highway rick, 2?06 acres 1111 Frankh~ Twp. In the matter of the estate of worker; Maude Bennett, 66, Mason. Damel M. an~ Marguerite M. Robert Ellwood Smallwood, dec'd., Lester Carson Gorsuch, 31, Day- Collette to .The Vlnage of Lebanon Mildred Bernice Smallwood admin- ton, factory worker; Doris Kinder 0.37 acres m Lebanon. istratrix inventory hearing set ' for Stewart 31 Franklin, general ofMary L. C~vanalUgh to ~Iara a~d October 31 at 10. fi k' Maude Morns 1.36 acres m HamllIn the matter of the estate of ce wor . ton Twp. 'd H aelzV. Oliver and Esten a B. Clemons to E B en R . Gru be r, d ec., Gruber, administratrix exempt NEW CAS S Negre ProgressiVE! Association 0.25 from inheritance tax. E. C. Denton vs. ~ary. A. and acres in Lebanon. In ·the matter of the estate of Lorence Whalen, it:ljunctton and Jay and Barbara Ethel Ward to Regardless of party, no citizen can feel satisfied Lewis Clawson, dec'd., Alice W. Mandatory inj~nction concerning Laura Helen FcrskUatl 192.08 . in Steuber, Trustee filed . thIrd ac- gates across a right of way, Maple Massie Twp. with things as they are today. Certainly no one and Maple, attys. . W. H. and Minnie Mallicoat to count. , wants the inexcusable shortages of everythi"gIn the matter of the estate of Mark W. Rhoades vs. Mitchell The Village of Franklin 2 lots in J . Milton Williamson, dec'd., Alice Rosemary Rhoades, a minor divorce Franklin. the rapid rise in living costs - the constantly. W. Steuber Trustee filed third ac- gr.oss neglect of duty, Meryl B. J. T. and Harri'!t Lebnard to The growing public debt lVld increased tax load. Cer· count. . Gray, atty. Village of Frankli.n lot in Franklin. In the matter of the estate of Ruth Hopkins vs. Herman Floyd Turner to The Trustees of tainly everyone has had enoug~· of the monstrous Charlotte Barr, dec'd., Harry W. T. Hopkins divo~ce, extreme cruel- the Church of God .lot in Franklin. army of bureaucrats which feeds at public expense Ban and Fred W. Byers, adminis- ty. C. Donald Dllatush, atty. E. P. Powell to Clinton and trators filed first and final account. Mary Frazier vs. Everett Fra- Pearl Potter lot in Franklin. and dictates to every man. In the matter of the estate of zier, divorce, gross neglect Coney Floyd Turner to W. H. and Minnie Mallicoat lot in Franklin. Dora Brant Young, dec'd., Charles and Stone, atty. Workmen do not enjoy losing wages through H. Young, executor filed first and John R. Atkinson vs. Ruth FranThomas Powell to Mary Powell final account. ces Atkinson, divorce, Young and 2 lots in Loveland Park. strikes. Industty does not want non·productive Young, atty. Collins and Midred H. Wight to factories. Farmers do not want their produce Lula Ruffner vs. Howard Ruff- Roy E. and Ru th M. Smith 6.55 PROCEEDINGS ner, divorce, habitual drunkenness, acres in Clearcrf!ek Twp. withheld, or detoured to black markets. Merchants Ruth Marie Bruning gvs. Roy gross neglect of duty, extreme Clara and Chalmers H. Ross to Fl'anklin Bruning, divorce to plain. cruelty, Frank C. Anderson atty. do not like to refuse customers for lack of things Berne M. and Flrances A. Keough t iff, children to plaintiff, defendant Josie Powell vs. Troy Powell, di- 0.68 acres in Deerfield Twp. to sell, to pay plaintiff $10.00 per week. vorce, gross neglect of duty J. T. Louis and MiIdred Popovich to Evelyn Hall a minor vs. Charles Riley, atty. ' . Willard and Alyce Frances BedHall, a minor, service by publicaLillie Mentz, a minor, through her ford 98.41 acres in Franklin Twp. tion. next of friend and father John Wilson and Evelyn Nicholas to Nellie Osgood vs. Stephen E. Burggraf vs. Melvin Mentz di- Charles and Alberta Elkins 3.18 Osgood divorce to plaintiff child vorce gross neglect of duty J. T. acres in Turtlecreek Twp. to plaintiff defendant to pay plain- Riley, atty.' t iff sum of $7.00 per week. Virgil W. Prickett vs. Mary Lee BILLS ALLOWED Mark W. Rhoades vs. Mitchel Prickett, divorce, gross neglect of Beatrice M. C()uden, washing for Rosemary Rhoades a minor, serv- duty, J. T. Riley, atty. prisoners, $39.65; Beatrice M. Couive by publication. Let's vote out of existence the wild political theories. den, feeding plrisoners, $507.67; Sarah Hallsted VS. Theodore G. Waites Garage., labor, sheriff's Hallsted case dismissed without REAL ESTATE Let's put the brakes on unbridled government Dodge, $7.. 60; Wharton Motors, record costs paid. TRANSFER$ spending. Let's say "THIS WAY to th ~ medFlossie Lynch vs. Walter Lynch William F. and' Thelma E. Cooke grease front wheels, change oil, etc. aheriff, $8.05; Dr. O. Williard dling bureaucrats. Let's kill with ballots the con· Hoffman, hydrophobia treatment, stant succession of fake emergendes which throttle $21.00; Dr. O. Williard Hoffman, TELEPHONES hydrophobia treatment, $21.00; Dr. the production of plenty and bring about scarcity. WAYNESVILLE 1081 O. Williard Hoffman, hydrophobia l'IOBBOW No. ·S treatment, $21.00. wt" rid of the N.", Deal In Ohio by .I.ctln,· Thomcn J. LEBANON Office '13K Treasurer of State, support 4 SAND and GRAVEL RES. U9L H.liMrt a. Govemor, tot.th.r with an' .ntl,. •• publlcan .ta.. dependent crippled children, $228.BLACK·TOP DRIVES aclmllll.tra,lon and Legl.latu,.. wt' ••end John. W. Irlck.r to 57; Treasurer of State, support 1 dependent child, $22.14; Vale F~ the United Stat.. S.nat., to,.th.r with ev.iy oth.r Ohio TAR and ROAD OIL neral Home, ambulance, $8.00; Ohio •• publlcon candido.. for Con',.... Your mart uncl.r th. LAWN and FILL DIRT Central Tel. C~l)rp., phone service •• publlcon eG,l. on your ballot will do the lob .NOW. READY-MIX CONCRETE and tolls, needy children, $7.05; Emma Bangharn, cash for relief, EXCAVATING and DUMP TRUCK SERVICE Oct. 1-15, $40.00; Greene Co. ReOHIO _.PUILICAN CAMPAIGN COMMI"" lief A,.dm., relml~ursement for relief ,re4 H. - JohnlOn, Chairman ColumNl, Ohle famil" $50.00. Marvin's Mnrket, food, relief BBTABLISHED 1812 family, $13.25; R. W. ChaDlberlain, -c: food, relief families, $54.00; Adams Snider Grocery, food, relief family, '20.00; Joe ROCkman, Shelter, relief family, - ,10.00; Carl Centers. food, relief famlily, $42.00; Mary L. L.ICENSED REAL ESTATE BROKER Cook, '~. D•• medical, relfef !amily,
The Miami Gazette
is- ANYBODY salislied?
i I's- I 'i III e 10 c·a II a hall our'
Armitage :& Son
'hODe 2851
Dot Food StOlre.food. relief falll- · ii" $12.20; Robert Eaton, ••bu- · lance senice. ,12.50; Dr. T. A. Gar~ .... medical. re1i.t .faDlUf, $6.90;
i I YOU ..' h a " • ha .d . en. ugh-
s, that is and Mrs. Everet t Bunnel l and ' TIlE MIAMI GAZE'l TE - Pare 5 they will get stung etther by low· to what is real progres and 'w hat family $unday evening . ement THURS DAY, OCTOB ER 1'7, 1946 -er . prices or higher feed costs. perman ent improv Mrs. Anna Lucas is spendin g a s. Our fashion in to say change s 4286 merely farmer NO. is Some of the best WAYNESVILLE, omo Mrs. Ll oyd
out the few days with, Mr. and Bi hop G. Bromely Oxnam , of sell when things reach top quality grandm others threw gton. Wilmin of son Thomp Amer· e.arly tiful beau t he New York Methodist area, no matter what the market does. si mple and Edgar PofI' of will be the princip al speake r at Mxs. and Mr. Ma· l Colonia and re furnitu been ican n't have Funnyt hing, we called on Mr. and Mrs. the annual meetin g of the Ohio ' much about quality hogony of their mDthers and Centerv ille hearing l, Sunday after· Farm Bureau Federa tion to be Bunnel t Everet wll11nut an Victori us eo bought hid lately, everyth ing is quantit y. on. held in Col umbu s Nov. 19 to 21 , SO Waynes ville needs to have and our mother s sent it tl) the at- no A FARM DIAR Y and Mrs. Hiley Gibson accordi ng ·to James R. Moore, diMr. styled badly crude bought of and lots tic do so Well lifted? e its fac by D R FBAZlE R spent Sunday afterno on with Mrs. r ector of inform ation. us but sometim es a new hat does "golden oak" and much of the so the Lois Gibson and daught er Phy1\ is As . esville it Wayn In follow will well. as Noted as an author and lecturmodern almost called last, Octo ber 11, 19 46. Rain at Mt. Orab. of and s country progres the real through begin Bishop Oxnam has been tennto travel er, place you all on and off rain a quiet gentle the was t Marlat George Mrs. face. the its of es on not exampl ed a champi on of minorit y groups you find many day, still not enough , to fill the improv ement is Mrs. and is an advoca te of the cooperand Mr. of guest and supper lift· plain hat "face somew is village in that thin'g True · same ponds and cisterns but it freshen look ing." Let us hope that someda y· Everetlt Bunnel l and famHy Sat· ative mov emen t. ed the pasture s and softene d the old fashion ed bUit it doesn't coat they Other fea.ture s of t he three·d ay teach the kind of nrt in urday evening . ground and did a lot of good . Now too had when it has a good Bratten George Mrs. and Mr. the our offends enablj~ will what will include repo rts from that but program our schools if we had any say about it I of paint g a few days with various ,departm ents and annual spendin are e dif· e drainag th' the see is to eye men the not council if nose future that of ",ould vote ' some more iii ference betwee n desiins of good their son, Mr. James Bratten and address es by , Perry L. Green, lovely weathe r until the wheat is and sewer situatio n. There e proport ion and line that will family of Dayton . disgrac real a ' is that Federa tion preside nt, and Murray ing planted and the corn in the crib. someth Lloyd Thomp son D. Lincoln, executi ve secreta ry. Mrs. and Mr. some. eration until gen r and nity anothe c<ommu even the to please the was Commu nity Sale. This other and those that are only Ih new of Wilmin gton were weekend Youth se sion s will be held at the first time that I hav.e been since I thing is done about that, no guests of Mr. and Mrs. Davis Fort Hayes Hote.l and various any. kind of "golden oak." to t amoun will came home. Aside from the fact improv ements Lucas and family. make h.lp . . . thing. _ _ . have . . women 's meeting s are chedule d. must .~ people that lots of Everet t Bunnel l and Mrs. 118ft 'W a pll~e progre be better a may The conven tion will be thrown eM, It it . . . . wheat, plant to home at stayed y Tuesda spent Sharon a er eeema daught it but sf\re open to all farm ers {)ver the state and progl'es " " If tIM was .the same ~ld place, I almost more new houses and for the first time since 1941 beGruber Hazel Mrs, with o into. progres them their crowd hold to me would to parents said bhe same old cows but while shame this sive off·spr ing down to not; more family. cause of the restrict ions placed on they do have repeate rs Utat al· gether on small lots in a town were Morgan Lue e Mrs. littl and a of Mr. war·tim e meeting s. than three days of Hallow een most know their way in that was'· size. The chief beauty evenirlg _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ ay Thursd ests gu supper t co· to pleasan glad and all s are garden We the sm. is vandali nt what I meant this time. Lots of town and operate in a few days of fun but of Mr. and Mrs. Everet t Bunnell cows, very few hogs, thpugh a yards betwee n the houses the it gets to ~e an old story so and family. few nice shoats brough t good when they begin to crowd they r togethe close too Mrs. Robe~ Greene , Mrs. Leona prices, very f ew calves and quite houses quickly. slum. city a like look it make can Thikiel and childre n and Mr. Wil· a good many f eeders. No excite· o progres and young the can What The ent. amusem no bur Stevens on of Dayton called ~ • ment and on Mr. and Mrs. Lue Morgan , traders didn't have to go over the sive do to stop this? We hear rumors occasio nally Sunday afterno on. fence and there were no boners to _ . re.rout be to is 42 y Highwa that y ordinar calm a get a laugh. Just Mr. and Mrs. Thoma s Runyon - M - -d Z down r. an and Mrs. ' Delane y called on The home-like surroun dings of our sale with good prices for almost ed so that it will not go Mrs. Mattie immer, caused mucn BeavMain Street. To my mind that Mrs. Jacob Zimme r, Jr., of friends near Wilmin gton, Sunday . Funera l Home have everyth ing. Wilbur Mrs. Is open far and l~ ntMr. and comme le ertoWn favorab ement. improv big Sunday the first killing frost would be a Beverl y Ann USE GAZETTE CLASS IFIED ADS inspectlon at any time. er daught and Carter value little of is traffic h Throug of the season on Dry Ridge. T·his station . of Morain e City spent Sunday mornin g the tomato plants and to a town. The few filling by afterno on and eveni!lg with Mr. profit beans were laid low, too bad for and eating places that and Mrs. Emerso n Dill. more a to 4t follow easily could it g there were lots of them ripenin could they where nicely. We also had a fresh plant· conven ient spot Miss Minnie Crawfo rd is spend· M s and ing of lettuce just big enough to have goodpa rking facilitie days with Mr. and rs. few a ing the town would be freed of t!. Ray Moore of Davton . use. ~ . hope But it doesn't matter w Ilen It rumblin g of huge trucks. I Crawfo rd spent e Clarenc Mrs. our comes time the when that comes, there is always so me reo her niece, Mrs. Telep hone 2291 with sday people will not be so shortsig hted Wedne Back To ason we are sorry to see it. ield. Springf of r Snighte Robert n· commu No restrict ions on gasolin e now as to oppose it as some Mr. and Mrs. Millard Ball and sorrow and so when this Octobe r sun· ities have done to their daught er, Mrs. Bert Bunnel l of shine sbirs up that old urge we later. , near Waynes ville calle_d on Mr. as n Bro'Wll t(W Con8ra. Committe . can fill up the tank and go. This , There is always a questio a. B. Boward, Chm.. London, O. -;~~~~~~~;;~~;;;.;;;;;;;~~;;~~;;:;;:~~;;;~~~ afterno on we followe d 73 clear to ~ Greento went Hillsbo ro and then and Washin gton Court field WAYNESVILLE House and home again. 'Pretty country with substan tial looking farm houses and fields full of beef and pork. True very 'little of DAY AND NIG HT it looked ready for the market but .. lots feed he t into we couldn 't see SIGNE T RINGS $5.00 and barns. Howev er at this p<Oint EXP ANSION BRACELETS $9·00 up I will leave it ·to Mr. Preside nt to COMPACTS $2.10 up - LOCKETS $2.70 up discuss the subject as I won't at Belch er'. Sonoc o Stati on- Phone ' PEARLS RINGS . EAR RINGS have a chance to say anythin g PS PENS I Evers harp - LEAT HER STRA , .this week after he has his say, I CIGA RETT E LIGH TERS er COOK IE JARS have a deadlin e to meet. Howev remove "they if my bet is that COME IN AND MAKE YOUR SELE CTION price control prices will go up and then come down again to the pl'esen t leve" . or lower unless WAYNESVILLE, O~IO wages go up then t hey will have MAIN STRE ET t~ stay up. But who am I to say'? Nobody. But I have ·t hat old feel· ing that if anybod y is hoardinganytbin g .for higher ,prices that
Giv e Las ting Gif ts of
24 23
$5.00 $3.00
Acoord1n8 to Bile and Oood1tlon
Ho••, Calve ., Sheep , etc. BDIOV ED PBOIlP l"LY
4 I 4 .
SDOA . 0.
It G. IbM .
.C A R D S
Each card actual ly is a minat ure fine work of art. They can be had in units of 25 either plain or printe d with your name. To see them is a revela tion in qualMtr and indivi dualit y. It is not too early .to make your selection' No obliga tion to see these c.rds. Come . in tQdayl THE MIAM I GAZE TTE .
Ph(me 2143"
FIOR Any ma ke or mo del Fre d Kah n Mo tor Car Co. PHON E 326
Rei rige rato r & Wa she r . ' Par ts Rep airi ng
Da~~~one Nite Phone
' .at
Hom e Ap plia nc. Sto re Acros s from ,t he Bank 0 H 10 .' _ ""'Ii .. WAY N E S V ILL E.
Pace 8 si t the threats which would 1m- THE l\OMO GAZET TE NO. 4286 p' 1;1 , the funda ment.al rights of WAYNE SVILLE , OHIO 17, 1946 private propert y ow nC I' hip. We THURS DAY, OCTOB ER of l are a king immedi atc remova · r econPA controls f1'om a ll r eal estat modity ess ntinl to peedy nomy; eco etime pea a to vel'sion o thut the housin l;' sit unti n may Holy ommun ion service ' will be eased quickly rind veteran as and be condu cted at St. Mary's Epis- well u th g nl! t'al public will be "Wher ea the vast majorit y of copal church next llnday by 01. a bl e to find plac e in which to de t rll cLiv e fires ar prev nta bl e SERVIC ES THIS SUNDAY nlght J ohn Linsl,ay, Chief of METH ODIS T CHURCH . by the exerci e of greater caution live,," Mr. H enkle stated. wm ~gl1I at 7 :30 pm. "We hope that haplain. s W. •. B. Colema n, MIDIner Air Materie l he t of on th part of all OUI' itiz ens ... l still ona is ati T it th that of Th e Ohi o offie st:SO A. M. you will not forget SUNDA Y SCHOO L Comma nd, it was alllnounced this FOlufd ation is located jn the Ifl ask every citizen to do his for ~ uit come will and Day" "Rally J. J . Burske. Supt. t residen yes, e K. I Samu by to detect week mornthe as 611 , 79 E. State Stre t, Colum- part by learnin g how WORSHTP SERVIC E 10:30 A. II. ever.ing service as well . cau es ' reader. possible all te service. elimina ing and oftional YOUTH FELI..oOWSHtP bus 15, Ohio, whil e Na haplain Lin ley, now station ed in his unl! home his This is the beginni ng of our in fircs of '7'30 p. D. Th gtoll, " Washin in m. EVANG ELISTI C ME'ETINO. We at Wright Field, former ly was fice are urada.Y ,. then Truman Mr. bu ine ~ . . ." hope you will be able to attend every t. RALLY DAY SUNDA Y AT of CBOm PRACT ICE ral loc.al Gulhed nd e li th of state hat ector t r ted e qu r Wednesday, 7:30 P. II. service. Servi~s each evening a.t Mary and St. John , Manila, a nd LOCAL CHURC H OF CHRIS T rnm ents,' busin ess and labor 7:30 except Saturda y. The first part ALSO gov is a veteran of Episc opal mi sio- EVANG ELISTI C MEETI NG zation, church , sc hools, to organi devoted be wtll meeting the O'! ST. MARY'S BEGIN Si OSCAR WILD SINGE R s in Philipp the in ervice nary direc, radio, and motion ·picthe pres the t he yO'l.lr.g people. under EPISC OPAL CHURCH and t he Far. Ea tWUd Mr. WUd. Oscar . t ry and oth l' group Mrs. indu of ture tion SAMUE L N. KEYS. ndy at the Waynesville In 1939 shortlv after the out- Rally of Ohrist 'Will be held next also coopera te "in al'ousin g the Church La.y. Reader- in charge will have charge of the singing and . • , 0 hap- Sunday . Oct. 20. A spec1a1 w1ll bring a special number In song break <If war 10 Europe , of the e 9 :30 A. M.-Ch ul"ch School. t~ publi c to the awaren Kl:~ Ray by bnng planned will r !being is mIniste his Your lain Linsley returne d with fires." of 1.1 :00, A. M.-H oly Commu nion each r.ight. threat This dread . wife. to the United States, bu t r e- Bible School superin tendent and Sermon , The Rev. John C. W. the message each evening. The PI' ide nt ha pointed to a l. Evange the of ir.g <beg1nn the also The ~ ~ FELLO W- turned to the China-B urma-In dia is Linsley , Colonel, U. S. Army. dunger and an immedi ate terrible and :M!rs. theatre of ~ar shortly after his 1st1c meeting , althoug h Mr. es Ohu.rch the of NG action. Some 11 ,000 for MEE'I'I be need SHIP n<Jt maY' ists, CH UTIC A U. B· CHUR ent. He was station ed with 06al-r WUd. evangel of Christ and Christia n Ohurche& enJistm will die on of the cans ' eri . Am Rev. RALPH RINES MOl!da.y untU ]l1'esent varon Church the active 10th Air Force ville Waynes the at meet will am. 9:30 SchOOl SUnday most horribl e of d aths this year ion lous fronts , in the Asiatic camMrs. James GanisO n, SUpt. on ThUl'Sda.y. Oct. 24 In conr-ect WEEK NTION unless fire's toll is control led. PREVE FIRE meeting . Bro- paign. ~each1ng 1st and :trd Sunday S each with our eVangel1st1c tion Preven Fire ming More than half-a-b illion dollars pl'Oclai In Mr. Keyes announ ced that next 10:30 am. thr Oscar Wild win bring the ~montn of it sage tha..t evenlng. Let's have a good Sunday 's ervice will be the only Week, to be observe d beginn ing wOl"th of propert y, much thi!! at nt eable Preside irreplac year, y this vme. 6 virtuall r attenda nce from Waynes Commu nion serviCE! to be held in Ocbobe MT. HOLLY the as ed fire eas destroy be "Wher will said: time, n TruD),a • Octobe r, and has asked that all METHODIST CHURCH t he conseq uence of our carele sn s exact to year thi n The XENIA AREA CHRIS TIAN threate outmembe rs of St. M'ary's , and ...... Searff. . . . . . . . YOU"IH RAlIJLY will be held at the t toll of lives and the and ignoran ce. The duty of 1I all lying parishe s be notified . Ar- greates 'JuDdaJ 8ObooI -. ':10 A. ... on ChrIst of Waynesville Church elii h ground t waste of materia l re- -if ,o nly on th greates been made, howEo A; 1IlarDbart. nper1n tadID\. Sunday , Oct. 27. James R. Keffer of rangem ents have ever has is clea r. nation ction<lur prot that self of source II. A. Wonbl p aemce - 10:80 , Jeannet te. Pa. will be the speaker . ever, for monthlly Commu nion experie nced; and • 'eDIDa eenlce - 7:30 P. II. Bro. Kef.!er and !amdly ha;ve decided s~rvices during the fall and destru ction 'i "Where as t bi Good poultry m n immedi a ely to go W India as m.Iss1onar1ea, winter. FERR Y' the when time 'a at _ place g ~ __ . taki' _ _ _ _ this Everyo ce is invited to hear take sick birds out of t he fl ock to CHURCH of CHRIST entire world is faced with disELISTI C MEETI NG EVANG to sure be People. Young . message les en dang r ' of preadin g co n(lbUJ'Cb The GrowlDw. Golnw, tressing shortag e of food and ~ present . • • .• Mr. and Mrs. Oscar Wild of housing and nearly every com- tagious disea es. HERBE RT GBAIIAM, MI~ EV~GELIZE Lexing ton, Ky., ar·e to as ist in an Bible School - ' 9:30 am. • • •_ _• •_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _II1II hour' the for ord evange listic meetin g at the local • • • • • • • • • • MoroJn g Woi'sbip -- 10:30 a.m. Give us a watchw tA. thrt11ing word...... word or power: Chureh of Christ startin g Oct. 20 Youth Meeting s - 7:00 pm, • Adult Prayer Meet1ng - 7:00 p.m. and continu fng through Nov. 10, breath flam1ng a y. batt1ecr A Service 1st1c Evenin g Evangel :30 each evening , exat 7 y. o.r to death. cept Saturda oonques from . starting calls the t church to torouse . - 7'46 ' A word . pm . That re5tl; Mr. and Mrs. Wild will have behest. ST. AUGUSTINE CHURCH To heed her Master's hIgh of the ,singing and Young charge 'l!1!ie, lrosts. "Ye The ca.ll Is given: , ' , Wa&her KnmJa olb, PrI_ People' s work. Mr. Robert VanELIZE! EVANG is ord watchw OUr a.m. 9:00 Mass Sunday At The Zile, local Church of Christ minThe glad evangel now procla.1m, e each messag the deliver will ister Jesus in earth. the all h 'Throug WA YNESVILLE, OHIO FRIEN DS evening . r..ame. I FIrst Day School - 9:30 am. Wild come well Mr. and the Meeting , for Worsb1}>-10:30 am .• This word is ringing through rec{)mmended to do the work. Mr. skies. Wild has had conside rable educa"Evangel~! EVANGELIzE! WAYNESVILLE along the lines of evange ltion race. fallen a men, To dying 7:30 p.m' EACH NIGH T EXCE PT SATURDAY .CHURCH of CHRIST Make known the gUt ' of gospel istic work having gradua ted from grace; Bobert L. VaoZUe, IIlnkte r Semina ry st:30 a· m, Bible School The world that now In darknes s the Cincinn ati Bible note~nstitutions. other and m. .. 10:30 Ji1Ul Uas; OommU He has also had a liberal educa11:00 .. m. "EVIAINGElLiIZE' EVANGELIZE!" Sermon Mrs. Wild is also semina ry tion. s -~ m. p. llveD1l!C Service 8:00 trained and a capable musicia n arid children 'S worker.
'r'£lIau.re1h. J~ IIIE~VlV~
Chaplain Linsley WiU Conduct' Services
• •
'E'vangell·sllc .Meelleng
Church of C.hrist
Oct. ' 21 to ·Nov. 10
Cornell's WELDING Shop ELECTRIC and ACE! yLIN E -
Portab le Equip ment '
Shop - Cente rville 7031 Rea. Cente rville 7465
HI LL TO P RE PA IR Ele ctri cal & Aut omo tive
George Hinkle Appointed Warren County Chairman George R. ~kle, Lebano n, Ohio, has been ;appoin ted WaIT en County chairm an of the Nation al Home and ProPlll' ty Owners Fo~n- , da.tion, it was announ ced today by Rifey Smith, SpI'fngf~eld, Ohio, 7th Congre ssional Distric t trustee and Field Or.g anizer for the Founda tion. In assumi ng his new duties as OSCAR WILD ROBERT L VAN ZILE county chairm an Mr. Henkle ' Singer, ' Soloist ' elistic Evang elis.t Ministet' - Evang said that an aB-out d'tive to enroJ.) Ky. gton, Lex,in Ohio , esville Warren Wayn owners of. propel' ty , would tion ~ounda County into the be conduc ted. SPECI",'L PROGRAM for Mr. Henkle said the future of Americ a is depetyf ent upon the EACH NIGH T UNDER THE ,DIRECTION of wide-sp read owners hip and the ' MRS • . OSCAR WILD use of land in the hands 'of mn. lions of smaH 'h ome ' owners r~th. er tlian a few or the govern ment, , ~ITBDI ~OU ~ the latter would be a threat hip wherea s wide-.s pread owners Come and enjoy the Gospe l Sinaln a and Specia l the IOf ard Bafegu a 'be woulp Numbera under the 'direct ion of Mr. and.·~n. Wild, , nation, and hear t"e Goapel meaa apa to be brou,J tt by Mr• ' milVaDZile _ell e".in a. "We are figlittin g 80 that a have wiD i)WDel'l liOM of home ~. . .~IIII.I!IIIIIII!. . . . . . .IIi... voice and a eOlnluon action to re. ~1!_...~. . . .I!II• •
Chil dren and You ng Peo ple ABE
Wilmington College Gets Larg~ Endowment
~,t 'IIWf r~O>4TCH~
I-\IT ME.-"?
Mrs. J. W. Huston of Yellow Springs Is visiting at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Everett Early. Mres. Marpr et John& was a guesL Thursd ay of her sister, Mrs. Ellza.beth -Smith In WQ,ynesvill~. Mr. PatP Johns of the Urlvers lty or Cincinn ati a ttended the HomeOom.1Ilg at Lytle Church . Sunday . Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Hammo~d tool{ the Y oung toikB group of Lytle Church a hay ride on their large ~ck to Sharonv ille, Friday evening. Mr. and Mrs. Therle Jones ar-d son. Milton of Waynesville and Mrs. Nettle Emrick were Thursd ay evening dlr.ner guests of Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Jones. Miss OMherl ne Stunun ot Rt. 73 entered the University Gf Indiana a t Bioolllington last week. Mr. and Mrs. Oscar Wade of near IM1a.m1sburg were . Sunday dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. W1l1 Ross and daughte r. Mr. ar.d Mrs. Lowell Thoma s and daught er BeLty were Sunday dinner guests of the fonner's parents . Mr. and Mrs. Frank Thomas of near WaynesvUle. Mr. arA M1"s. Alfred Rasnak e and $On Lester James spent Sunday with the lat ter's brother and wife, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Belcher at Center-
A beques t of betwel'f.l $ 150, 000and 17 5, 000 has been lieft to the per'man e nt end owmen t fund of Wilmin gton Col\~ge by t he will of th e late Mrs. Lida K. John Oil, of Urbana . it wa disclose d at the co ll ege t oday. Mr-. J ohnso n, was a membe r of t he Wilm ington Co ll ege Boa rd of Tru tee. In announ ing the gift, Mr. T . S. Town 'Iey, pre id ent of the co ll ege board of tru tees, reveale d t hat this donati on rep resents the largest singl e contribu t ion ever mad e to Wilmin gton College. It w ill incl'ea e by nearly 50 pe rcent the perman ent e nd owmen t of the college , bringin g the total to more than $500,00 0: MI'. Town ley caution ed t hat this gift will not elimina te the necessi ty of the Living Endowment Fund, which , provide s small contrib utors an opportu ni ty to s hare in curren t operati ng expenses of the school. Only the inco me from invest ed perman ent endo~ent fund s can be used by the college for opera tional costs. Wit h a student body now totaling 525 the need for donabio ns to the Living Endo~ e nt is i ncrease d, he sai d.
Uncle Sam soon \vill be mailing out income tax report fo rms to and nep hew many relucta nt ni eces. Rural membe rs of th~ famil y will find farm accoun t books help Ito answer Uncle's questio ns.
Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Smith spent last week wit h their son and wite. Mr. and Mrs. Allen Smith and daughte rs in Dayton. Mr. ar.d Mrs. Walter. Kenrick and ld is plano. Kline, Jr., and Geraldi ne of Co- and relative s. Mrs. Mansfie James Halr.es were Friday guests of Mrs. Harold steinke at the Kaylor Snell May Mrs. former Clifford the Mrs. and Mr. and , lumbus Mattie ed Mrs. tthe1r niece, Mrs. Viola Round and Boquets were present who lived hete for several years. Creight on and Mrs. Nettie Emrick. Doster of Harvey sliurg. famlly in Dayton . Church A marriag e was perform ed Lytle of rs Miss' Jane Fi te was a, Friday , Mr. and <Mrs. Ralph Barger and the oldest membe all church this 20, in Indiana , which united to gone Sept. l)avlr.g and spent l Randal he childre n Barbar a arA afterno on luncheo n guest at t Uves. Miss Rose Marie Kuhn, daugh.t er the weekend with their cousins, Mr. their home of Mrs. Frank Wiegan d, ColumIn of Mrs. Albert Dennge r of DayPriebes and Mrs. 1"r9.nk Sr.,. and daughte r, Miss Minnie , in ton, to Pvt. Eugene Clark, son of bus. Dayton . Mrs. EM'ly. Everett MTS. and Mr. Mr. and Mrl!. Roy Clark of HOURS: Mr. Harold . Tucker attende d Harvey sburg. J. B. JoneS ~d Mrs. Guy Routzt he All-Am erican J e rsl~y Show ahn --attended "Friend Ship Ntlghlb" 9-12 each morning ITEMS held in Columb us this past week. TURN YOUR SURPLU~ at the Eastern Star In Wayne~l1e 1-5 afternoons excep t CASH iMond6.y evening .' Mrs. Charles Osbor.n of Cin- INTQ QUICK, READY THANK S Wednesday atBurnet Mr. and' Mrs. Harvey at her The Commu nity Helpers Club ' cinnati , spent the weeken d tended the Wayne Townsh ip Farmers' Cl'Ub at Frankli n wher. Mr. and Mrs. Ro~a1d Haowke entetta.1ned the Appoi ntmen t Olub at the Tea Room of Mrs. Emma . to tended service s of their fratern ity nated McClure. TELEPHONE 62-R . ' Mrs. Seth Furnas and Miss Mary make the canDing pOSSible. About in Martins ville, Friday evening PORT ABLE ARC A group was also presen t at Brown sper.t several days loslJ wee~ 400 quarts were canned . gton, Wilmin in s service at the Sinton Hotel in C1nc1nna~ Miss EvelY"n Tucker , an in- similar Can be used anywh ere aDd v1a1ted places of tr..terest there. the Northri dge Schools Monday evening . in tor struc Mrs. Earl Menden hall 8IId daughAll Kinds of Weldi ng Mr. and Mrs. Herber t Doster Optometric Eye Specialist mery county was conter Patty of Tlpp City spent several of Montgo on afterno Sunday ined !leveral days at the home enterta 26 South Detro it Street daYs last week with her parents , Mr. fined for , Mr. and Mrs. H. S. with a luncheo n in compli ment to parents her of Russell and hn Routza ar.di Mrs. .~ er, son-in- law and datlght 4th St., Wayn eavile , (). XENIA, OHIO and attende d the Rome-coming on Tucker owing to an attack of in- their Harry Kline, Jr., Mrs. and Mr. . ftuenza . Sunday The Womans' SocietY of Lytle Mr. and Mrs. Harry Kline, Jr., and daught er, Geraldi ne, ' and Mr. Church are sponsor ing a. Home Om1t and daught er, Geraldi ne, of Co- Kline's parents , Mr. and Mrs. Gu1ld pl'Og'ram at Lytle Church this lumbus , were weeken d guests of Harry Kline, Sr., all of· Columb us. A fine selection -of FLOO~ TABLE, ~NITY and Friday ever.1ng, Oct. 18 and wish to Mrs. Kline's parents , Mr. and Mrs. Mr. and Mrs. John Mansfield PIN-U P have one hundred ladies present . of Deland , Fla., are in Harvey sHerber t Doster. The admission Is 25c which goes to friends . Mr. and Mrs. Donald Wielan d bug and. vicinity visiting !the Society. spent us , Mrs. L . B . HaUof Coltunb and daught er, B9nnie , of Liberty several da~ laat week with her class were the 'w eekend house guests of rna te Mrs, Dearth Sheena n and Mrs. Wielda n's parents , Mr. and BASSINETTS, CRIBS and BABY CARRIAGES family and with Mrs. Sheeha n call- Mrs. Charles Wetzel , ed on Mrs. Claude Riggs In Dayton Extra Alumi num DINE TTE CHAI RS - They are Mrs: H. S. T'u cker was hostes·s • and Mrs. Margar et Johns. Mr. and ~ And Your Strena: th and handy to have. rs a.t Energy Ie Below Par Mrs. Wilbur Clal'k and Mr. a.r.d to the W. C. T. U. membe her home Thursd ay afterno on. It mllY be cauaed by dlmordor of kldMrs. Walter Kenriok. CEDAR 'CHESTS - They make lovely gifts· Dey fuocUon thnt perm Ita POIIODOU. Mr. and Mrs. James Doster of A large CrOWd attende d the- Rally wute to accumula te. FOlr trUly maoy G. E. BULBS - Keep them on hand, be prepa red .people feel tired, weak lind miserable Day and · Home-coming at Lyte near .Dayton enterta ined a comfan to .-emov, exceall kldneYI tho when Church , Sunday. The 'S unday SchOOl pany of relative s to dinner at acldl and other wute ma.tter from the KEM TONE NU. ENAMEL blood. and a splendi d sennon by Rev. J06- their home Saturda y evening . The maf wlfer DOrelDI backacbe , You eph M~ers at the chun,:h service was guests include d Mr. .and Mrs. John rbeumatl c plllns, beadaob I , d iuloe"., rettlnl up DI,hloll, leI PlalDI, Iwol1iOIl. A can of NU ENAME L FREE if this number '. 82 . followed by a basket dinner M the Somiitl ml!ll frequent aDd lcanty urlnaHarry Mrs. and Mr. k, Babcoc onds with the number on yOUl' Twill Theatre con-esp aoII burnlDI persons aDd tiOD with Imartlol hall. of whloh near seventy wronl wltb Ie l Calend ar for Septem ber 1946 lomethlo tbat IliD other enjoyed . The afternoo r. progTam $.t the kidneys Or bladder. prollljlt hat t doubt no be hould I There reading a of d the church consiste treatmen t I, ",jeer tban nClglect. U.e by Mrs. E. B. Longaore; Oornet solo Doan' , Pill.. It Is botte,r to rely on a medicine that has won eountrywldc APby Milton Jones accompal!ied by p roval than en 80methln lt I SI favornbly known. Doan'. bave been tried and t CltGibbons Buildi ng, North Street MisS 'VWgirua. Hardin at the plano; ~d ninny' yeai'll. Are at loll drul ItorO!!. by Duet ; Myers Rev'. by s Remark . WAYNESVILLE, OHIO . -:et D ......•• today. Misses Eva and' Ethel Reeder of Phone 2422 Miamis burg with Mrs. 'E rnest Archby anthem deacon 'at the piano; An a tiroup of Sunday -School girls with
-- --
d::: ~~~ ::£~v!~e'::m~e::te;~ t~:arIO~e ~:~~;~ndo c!~:!~ ~r:~. fruit~ ve~tables
WELDING+!-. 7-9o~~~~r~~~:i~~~i~y
Dr. C. E. Wilkin
Ch ari•• B.rr~
.......•... ...... . .... :v
When You r . Back>Hu:rts-::"
Waynesville Furniture &Appliance· Co.
- . -
........ .
. TIiE
CLASSIFIED • • CLASSIFIED AD RATES • • LOlt and FOUnd25 words or less. one time...... . 25c Each additoI!al word ............. lc FOUND- Blue Sweater. 6tJl8Jl. tot SPEOIAL BATES by CONTRACT ooll pa.rk. Owner Identify and pay for this ad. The Gazette office.
Ollyer p
PbODe 370
FOR SALE - ONE SMALL HEATING STOVE; One Circulating Kalamazoo heatrola j one Electric Refri~ator; PEDERAL LAND BANK LOANS: One Simmons iron bed j One For Refinanclna - RebuUdlni child's waterproof snow suit, -Buy1na. 4% Farm loana with long size 2. Phone 2552. ~ to pay. Pay part or all any time.
LEBANON NAT'L FARM LOAN HELP WANTED':'" <ASS'N., Ellis H. Sturm, Sec')'NOW - To secure t he Treas~ Lebanon, Ohio. Phone 448 ACT county's most profitable small tc business. On e man can operate. Real Eltate For Sale-Wdte Mr. F. V. Jamison, 22~ E. Douglas Street, BloomingIF .YOU HAVE A PROPERTY OR ton,1llinois.
3 0
Demltt 11
Grand Piano; walllut antique love by DANNY ~~TSOCK seat and match.1ng eha1r, newly reFriday. Oct, 11, the WaynesvWe !1n1&hed and upholstered; ~ Jljgh School baseball team took a man's suit, black, size ~, excellent, rain cheek on the last g1IJlle of the condition. Phone 2101, Ml'8. Ernest schedule with Morrow. The game Harlan. Wa;yensv1l1e. O. 1024 W8cI played on Monday. Oct. 14 with
Pumpki.na for CaDDiDa
machinery but have no place provid ed to protect the expensive equipment from wea.ther damage. Agricultural engineers say rus ting may r educe the service life of 3 2 0 0 ' a machine more than t he work 3 0 I 0 don I:' with it. Roofs and grease 3 0 0 0 pro tect idle machines.
Shuchter 1b Craig 3b Worley c
Houlehold Goodl For Sale.WANTED
3 1 0 0 2
and i.~I!6!me have each l06t or-e game tWa season and are therefore tied for first place in the league. They are to dra.w for games which w1ll be a,nnounoed at a later date. final resull.9 as follo'wlS: Basketball season ~ the firs t WAYNESVILLE part of November. The schedule for ' iPo6. Ab H .E R the seasor- will soon be a.nnounced.. Daldr. If 4 000 Fl~ce 3b 4 1 1 0 Many Ohio farm s have an in . 'l1hompson Ei6 ~ ~ ~ ~estment of $lO,nOO or more 'in ; Hartsock p Bradley' lb ' 3 1 0 2 AUCTIONEERING Campbell c 3 1 1 1 Conard 10 S 0 0 0 STANLEY and KOOGLER Hunterc! B&ODBS Lleps. 300 I Rickey 11 310 1 For Datea, PhODe 18M, Wa)'Denme. Totals 130 5 4 6 Ohio. Reverae 0barpI MORROW
The world carryover of apparel wool is three times as large as <the · prewar average and is , much larger than 'stocks held in any previous ,p eac etime year. ---------....----
Vote Pot"
Browtl for Co....... Commltu.
B. Howard. ChIlI.. London. O.
iPos. Alb 3HER woodS If 1 0 1 •-.iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii_~ Crombie c! 3 1 0 1 300 0 Allen 2b - - - - - - - -. : . . . - - - of the FARM TO SELL' call or Whte NOTICE OF El.ECTION !Don Henderson, Tel. KE344O, 617 ON ADDITIONJ'L ' TAX Lor&1n Ave., Dayton, Ohio. tfc OUTSIDE 10 MILL J:.IMITATION A REWARD OF $50.00 WII BE Notice is hereby ~:iven, that in TO SET1'LE ESTATE GIVEN FOR ANY INFORMA. pursuance of a resolution of the ONE-.BtM..F AORE OP LAND IN FRIDAY, OCTOBER 18, 1946 at 1:00 O'CLOCK . ~svWe with double house; TI'O N LEADING TO THE AP- Board of Commissioners of WarPREHENSION AND CONVICren County, Ohio passed Septemdandy loea.t1on; new bath a.nd all rocms newly decorated. Barn. TION OF PARTIES WHO RE- ber 17, 1946, there will be subOn the H. C. MONSON FARM located on State Route Ci~ water. A real value. oau CENTLY FIRED SEVERAL 22 mitted to the v()te · (If th~ people 42 one-half mile northea t of Lebanon GEO. IIENKLE. Phoae Z. LebaDoa. CALIBER BUU.ETS THROUGH of Warren County, &t the Gen1017c DOOR OF LODGE ON THE WM . . eral Electrion t.o be h eld in said BEE THIS MILL - Chop, spearate and store shock ro QU)SE !B'11ATE- 2 A0Jm3 OP McCARREN FARM, 1 ~ MILES County, at the, regular places of corn. Grind and mix feeds for cattle, land,1~ miie aout3least ~ Center- NORTH OF HARVEYSBURG, voting therein, on Tuesday the sheep and poultry. Chop,' and store v1:l;le; • . nxm house, unfin1ahed ON CAESARS CREEK DAMAG- 5th day of November 1946, an h ay· 8IttJc; electl1c; outbu11dlnp. PboDe ING CONTENTS OF LODCE, additional tax at a rate not exWaynemne 29M. 1~ AND HAViING FORCED EN- ceeding 1 mill for ea.c h one dollar Sponaored by , FaR SALE-6-iR.OOM H'OUSE, TRANCE COMMITTED BUR. of valuation, which amounts to 10 cents for each one hundred dolBATH, newly . ' decorated, in GLARY THEREIN. AU.. INFORMATION WlL", BE lars of valuation , for the purpose first class cond'itdon f!Nery way. KEPT STRICTLY CONFIDENTof PUIROHAS.ING A SITE (unNice location in Waynesville. Possession soon. Shown by ap- IAL AND NAME OF INFORM. less ·a suitable site Clln be obtainYOUR JOHN DEERE DEALER pointment anytime except Sun- ANT W,Iu. NOT I,IE DIVULGED. ed without purchase) ERECTING, Phone 555 LEBANON, OHIO N. East Street day. WlI'UBUR N. SEARS, CON T ACT ANY LAW EN- EQlJ.liPPllNIG, F U IR N.1 S H I N G Phone 2651. 10'1'7c FORC£M.ENT 0 F F ICE R OF A.NID 'I'1fE OPERA1UON AND WARREN ' COUNTY OR AD. MAllN'l\ENiANIOE Ol~ A MEMOIn Cooperation with The Letz Mf,. Co. ' FOR SALE--1lh ACRE~, WI'I'H DRESS: 'RECO-SPRINCFIELD, RIAL TO COMM'EMOJMTE TH'E Crown Point, Ind. OHIO. SERVriGES OF ALL MEMBElRS , _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _. . . ._ BUILDING, in Waynesville. 160 AO,R'ES-->-This is one of <the AoNlD ~S OF l'lfE· NOTICE OF ELECTION ARMEn F.ORCES OF THE ~rr,~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ better class farms with plenty ON ADDITIONAL TAX {)f buildings, silo, well fenced, UNIT,E D 'S TATES, for a period OUTSIDE 10 MILL LIMITATION of 10' years, beginning with the 'on State Road. The crops speak for the land. Will sell Notice is hereby given that in tax year 19.4.6. !arm alone or with equipment. pursuance of a resolution of the q'he polls of said Eleotrion will • • • Shown by appointment only any Board of Commissioners of War- open at '6:30 A. Moo and remain time except on Sundays. Wu.- ,ren ,County, Ohio, passed Septem- open 'until .·6:30 P. M. (Eastern THE OPENING OF BUR N. SEARlS, Waynesville, ber 10" 194.6, t.here will be sub- Standard Time) of said day. ' Ohio, Phone 26'51. 10'l7c mitted to, a vote of the people of By ord~r of the Board , ! Warren COIIDqr, at t he General of Electionls of HUP~ WANTED FEMALE Election to be held in said County, Warren 'County, Ohio at the regUlar 'p laces of voting , •• W. ·BiIbop, ChaJraan JOB PRESS FEEDER - PULL OR therein, on Tuesday t he ,5th day H. C. auea. Clerk . , . ' part time. Plenty of' ~k. Good of November 1946 an additional' Date d-Qc.to1> er 9 i948 ploy. ww rtra1n. Box 387. c/ o T.be tax at a rate not exceeding 1 mill ' M1am1 Gazette. for each one d<>llar of valuation, NORRIS , BROCK CO. BImLIP WANTED- !LADY 20 TO 40 ' whic~ amounts to 10 . cents for • """'" _ _ ....on Sun each one hundred dollars of val~u VIII.a' Ei&oell Yards ye8l'S __ ... age,&vv.. " __ , Featuring SERVICE, SAVING and SECURITY ~ work; other oons:Idera.t1ons. uation, for the purpose of COOBox WD % The M1am4 Gazette. RENT nPENlS'E S the County of Warren, 'StBite of Ohio', for a LIVE STOCKperiod of 3 years, beginning with TURKEYS 'F OR SALE-Weight the ,t ax year 19416. The polls for said election will MANAGER ' from -l () to 25 IbB. Mrs. Ethel E1lis, 2 niiles West of Waynes- open , at 6 :3'0 A. M. and remain ville ' {)n State Rt. 78. Phone open until ,6:30 P. M. (Eastern COMPLETE AUTOMOBILE INSURANCE 2'9:69. 1031c Standll;l'd Time) 0 said day. der By ior {)f the Board Un WIn ............... AD __ AlL OTHER KINDS OF CASUALTY INSURA·NCE iX)R SALE-Cooom SPANliEL of Elections of . p .............. - . ~ .PfUiPIPY; ARC Regiater, Phone WaiT en !County, Ohio _ _ _ 1M . . . aD I. . . . . . ~', 2987. D. W. Bishop, Chairman ..... ......,. " BI. C. SW-. Clerk s..ice Th.t ·:S atia,.. EQUlPMENTWAYNESVIU.E, OHIO PhODe Dated-Ootober 9, 1He ftJD '10 ,
New Letz Roughagemill
The BANTA Implement Service
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Francis Gene Brown
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Fairly Familiar·
Warren County Board of Elcc-
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perity, Wayne, \ ilIe hould open t h e door to industry and provide manufacturing faciliti e ," Bennett Chapple, a si tant to the president of Am el',i can Rolling Mills, told th e Wayne vi ll e Civic Club at a dinn er meeting Monday night in Smith's Green Room. The Arm co executive' s tatement was timed with th e announcement at the meeting of the, formation of a corparm~,a 'Oratlon to construct buildings and develop suitable sitean opportunit y to not <>nly build a in the Waynesville area for ma nufa cturing. monument to the war dead but The new cO,mpany, whi ch made its charter application also a memorial to the living. a UI log ~ thi week, is to be capitalized at $30,000' Proceeds of the usable structure that will ~ford , initial tock i s ue are now planned to go into a building a m eeting place for those present The proposed mem'Orial building The M'Other s Club are sponsor- project which would house an industry employing beand t hos& to come. as indicated by ,Ilbe legal advertis- ing their HaIJ'Owe'en Carnival and tween 40 and 60 loc~l worker. 'l\hin1cing aJong t his vein it is ing in these columns ir to com- Bazaar again this year. T his has Incorporated for profit, the company's long~ime proreveal ed dlat , other building acti- memorate the heroes of Warren been a customary proceedure for gram includes buying land, erecting building. to meet th e vities needed in the community county who participated in W'Orld several years and is 10ok4ed for- need of selected types of bu ines' and s upplying water should be given some serious \\ a r II, according 't o Paul Holthaus ward t oo by both young ~Lnd old and electric power to the factory sites. thought at this time. Another of Lebanon, an official of the alike. The time is Friday night, ' Organizing committee member , S. L. Robinson, of th e need arises for the future gener- American Legion. Oct. 25 (tomorrow night) at the Waynesv!lle National B.at;tk; R. G Moler, local merchan ations tha~ they. may progress in In additi'On to being a mem'Orial WaynesviIJe High School Gym. and presIdent of the CIVIC Club;. and Mayor Warren K_ a normal and effi cient manner. to the war dead l't wj)1 also serV:e as starting at 8 :00 o'cl'Ock. Bra~dock, announce that proJ)<J.t1als. already have been . ' . r eceIved from manufacturers who WIsh to locate here. For many years the pre ent grad e a community building to be u&ed There WlIJ be costume and bmMr. Chapple, nationally rec.ognized as a .spokes_man for sc hool building has served the for all affairs of public importance go prizes, picture show, games re- industry, said that the Waynesville project dovetailed community weIJ ' but like all such as Legtio", meetings and social freshments and dancing with into the present 'program of big industries to decentralize things, aBe has brought about a affairs, sChools, churches and other music by Fred Watkin's Band their operations. The trend , he said, is to p,l ace plants for change that is detrimen tal to t h e organizations that have need for a from Lebanon, both modern and specialind work, such as sub-assemblies and small machwell-being '·of t he school-going large s pace {'Or meetings and public square dancing. Prize,S will con- ine shop work, in small communities· 'Wpulace. The structure was, rated gatherings. sist of hard-to-get commodities. ' "The way to bring indutry here is to ask for it,:' he sJ?id lUI the " last word" fifty years or Holthaus stated the building proMer.chan~ and business men of "That's. the wa,y Middletown .got Am,er}<:an ~oll}ng MIlls .. ZanesvIlle, WhICh had the rIght condItIOns, mIght have · more ago. Today it i far behind pOf3ed , will ~ approxima~y Waynesville have con1~buted had the plant, but the Middletown p'e ople really went the standards set up for such $370,000 and will have a capaClty much to the, success of tlhlS pro- after it. They got it. ' buildings. lri fact it is fa t be- laTge enough to accommodate 1000, gram by their cash and merchan"The point I want to make is that the 124 acres wher corning a men a ce to th e healt h diners. It will also be used fOT dise donations. Approximately the plant stands was once a corn field. It produced and pos ibly the lives of the chil- basketbal1 games and other indoor t wenty-seven cash dono'r s and corn at , 30 cents a bushel· There's still a cornfield across dren who inhabit it during t he sports. twenty-five· merchandise donors the fence frorn the plant. Of course, the corn it produces achool season p eriod. Wood en Iit s location in the county seat, are listed. ig worth more than 30 cents a bushel now. But the 124 floors, stairs ' and interi-ol" finish- Lebanon, wllJ make it aooest!able A small admission is charged acres of })lant produces a .weekly payroll of $400,QOO. in ..... are a natural source o! in- to ,.l. tir O _.. d't will d th ti d f th "I believe vou could bUIld a row of small factorle from "~"f'e. en e eoulI~y .an ~ . an. ' e e~ re procee s 0 ,e here to ~enra, and' fill them with business . . . if your . :~nd~~~qu::!~: d=~ ~~ac~~l~: afford t~ ~eral public a meeting , CarnIval wlli . go t:? ~e Mo~her s. town has .the spirit t~ flhow business that you ,want it." plaoetliat-wlD be ,a~enough and" cmb treaStil'f"'for tile 'pt'olnofion The Waynesville project was broached last June by ' pro~mity with tl)e culinary and pr'Operly alT8ng~ to aocornmoo8lte of their work in the schools. the .Public Affairs committee of the Civic Club. The p.r odinning de-putrnent is a definite n.ny group that mlg.ht gather at one posals were moved forward at ~ meeti!lg. of interested health hazard. time. citizen, Oct. 3, in the WayneSVIlle NatIonal Bank, and It is reasonably A sured that Holthaus states t hat he personalC 00 at a later meeting two weeks ago in Town Halltbe school board and fa ul y ly feels t hi1> type of mem'OriaJ is The charter appl.ication for the new corporation wa~ members aN! in accord that a ne~ much to be preferred 'over bronze prepared by Attorney ~.harles A. A.n~erson, who stated structure should be obtained and plates p'l aeed in each community lUI V Monday that the company mnne Will not 1>e, announced that the construction should not the Uving 'w:ilJ receive benefits from until it has been appro~ed by the Secretary of Stat~. , be deblyed. H-owever. there seem t his memorial and at the same time HONOR ROLL The organizing c0n:tmItte.e also announced tha.t a dmner to be Borne doubt in their ,minds it will c'Ommemorate the dead For M ...ie Rural School Period meeting will "e held.m SmIth's qreen Room, Fnday, Nov_ "as t p the attitude of the public on her oes in a way that wil.l be last ing Ed'· Oct 11 • F II • 1 at 7 :00 p.m'., to dISCUSS the aIm~ of the new company DID, • •••• ClIO... d t tr e its plan of membership, ~matter that will entail t he cost and hon'Orable an 0 ou m . t st d , . 't d of .erecting a building of a design ' . Grade 2-Shirley CoPfUl, Ba:rMr. Robinson said that al! per:s<?,,!s In ere. e are mVIke bara Doster, Suzanne EaJcins, to be dinner guests of the orgamZIng co~mlttee. ~e as .e d that it will SeTVe for many, many Floyd Ellis, Billy Settlemyer. 'that those who wished to attend, .make reservat)(~ns WIth ye~s to come. Of cou rse, this . " . him hefore the date of the meetIng so tha.t servmg and cost must be absor.bed by the taxGrade 3-Judlth H'Ough, Geraldt' arrangements can be made by the restaurant. payers in the community through ine. Os~r:n, Martha F?x, Ol~ie ~ue seS~~uel N. Keys, lay-reaqer of St. Mary's 'church , who additional taxa-tion. Perhaps there Falrchild, Anna Marie Fairciuld, made an-angements to , brmg Mr' Chapple before the are Borne who live in the district · EarJine Perry, Barbara Thornhill, Waynesville group, introduced the speaker. limitation. One is for t he raising ()f additional operati ng funds for ' WalTen County and the other is ESTABLISHED 1850 - NO. 428'7 $1.50 PER YEAR - 50 A COpy f-or the con truction '0.1 a building WAYNESVILLE, omO 1'BURSDAY, OCTOBER 24, 1946 suitabl e for a ' memorial to the heroes of the late world war. This - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - is a commend~ble idea and offers
Voters To Deci-de HUe - I a oweeo B-Id- Memona- I Tomorrow Nicrht
Massle- S h Is-.ulve {'FI-rst Hooor Rhll
Teachers Meet.-ng At C.-Dc.-ooali- 'Oct. 25-26
Warren county schools will 'be Mariiyn Donaldson, COnnieB....ant, :.:....:::::-=:.:..:.:.:.:.:....~.:...-.:...:..__________________ ." clo ed aJI day Friday, Oct. 26 when Shemll Hopklns, Glenn ~:ox, Don- GAZETTE READERS TO BELLBROOK VOTERS tea )lers will a-ttend the 104th an- aId Beckett DATE TO DECIDE TAX LEVY nual meeting of t he Soutlhwestern . ' CHECK NAME Ohio Teache rs associati'On to be Grade 4-Vivial} V'Oier,I~, Al~rt ON PAPER ADDRESS Wiley Manker, superintendent of h'eld in Oincinnati, sChool officials Walker, GI'Oria Jacobs, BeatrIce . . tte the Bellbrook SChools stated today Hilderbrand, Wanda Fajr(~hild. 8ubf;cr1bers 00 The Miami ~ . . ~t a 4 mlll levv for three years announced rec.ently. Sessions wiJI are asked to fe.m.1llarlze th",.. ~~ .~ be held Oct. 25-26. Grade 5-ATthur Boyds, Betty with th addre6s wb1c'h appears 1r. will be presented to the voters for Genetal session will start Fri- Jane McKnight. . the uP;' right hand corner or on their dec1s1on a.t the oom1ng :e1eot1an. day morning at Ta.f.t and Scottish Grade ,6-Betty Anne Bogan, the wrapper of theli newspapers, -:;:;,e ~~ ~1!a~ ~: Rite audi,t oriurns with department- Janet Do ter, R~bert Doster. Note the number following ~ee ation funds, These are chiefly to be ' indi1rC81tes&~the dwte "'l'e used for 1J!oreas1ng teacher's pe.y. al programs 'On Saturday. The Grade 7-Robert Gentry, Mary name. Th:is ' .' . ' h ba d 'lJ f . Talbe F ed Wall subscripti~ exp es. nD an examp . Fra~ldm hl~h se 001 . n Wl UT- Hop1cins, Ruth rt, 'r : 1046 1ndicares the tenth month or asserted ,Mr. Manker. nish a 30-n~tn~.te mUSlcal program Gr,a de 8 - Howard Dos t e' r, Ocoober and 46 18 the ye.a r. Months .F'riday begmnmg at 9 a. m.. Madgelee Sizemore, BilJie Voiers. number from 1 to 12 for January to POST OFFICE ISSUES reaches the point of becoming ob- ... h F d .chi.e! spea.kers .at ,t e rl ay Grade 9-Mar" BeIJe, Bogan, December respectively. ORDERS ON MAIL 801 te, this hazard is definitely in11 b D H H J reased. Hu'man watchfulness is m01'nlng 1>e5S10ns ~ e r. . . Doro thy Deboard. Dlcll sub6crtber oan ' easily see FOR ARMED FORCES C Chang, famous Chinese author and . when the subscription is to expire Christmas parcels will - be aconly able to go so ~ar, after that Kumar Gosh aI , noted Indian writ .Grade 10-Manlyn Conley; Janet and liIso ear. note/ when the proper it is Il matter of providence that " HIldebrand, Douglas Reynolds, credit has been given for renewals cepted at t he local po t office behas to watCh over the little ones er . Donald ,Welch. paid. tween October 15 and November that dwel1 in the old red school MASONIC MEETING Grade ll-i?orothy BUl'gelDeir, In the future no r~celpt will be 15 for del~v e ry to memoers of house each day. 'HELD SATURDAY Frieda BeJle WiJliamson. . sent for subscriptions ' received by Uncle ~am's al'med fo rces ovei'It is hoped, for th~ safety a~d Or.. Sa.turdayor last week the local Grade 12...:.. ThomaS Reynolds, mail. The cbar.ged date of mcpira- seas. ,health -of .0U11. <:,hlldren, th~t ~ Lodgf,' ,held; an af,t emm' ,a nd CoJleen> Williamson. '~e.~ i~f~:;tlease cheek This i in accordan ce wit h ofenough 'Pubhc sentiment on thls evening meet4ng. 08.r.d1date& for the The following students make up ficial in stTuctions received t oday ,ques~on can be aroused to warr: lIe-S8ion were,' Charles the Student Council, for the first APPENDICTOMY PERFORMED by postmaster Lester H. Gordon ant some action, and immediate, Mr. Joe James. Mr. ~ Burnett semester: Thomas Reynolds, Pres.; Mi's s Mary Kaiser of R~al Route from the third assistant postdt!fini,t e action on the part of the and Mr., RAlbelt Brown. Dorothy BUl'gerneir, Sete.; Op,al 2, 'Waynesvj))e; Su.omitted to an mester general at Washingt;on_ authorities Jnvested with .the re- Guest M.aaIms Iftre 'p1'eIIer.t from Lamb, Fred Fairchild, Dan Hop- appendix operation a.t St. EHzabeth The terin "armed forces" includsponsiblllties of the welfare of~. ' Cleveland and NJa.m1aburg, kiM, Maiilyn Conley, Ethel Gentry, hOspital, Dayton, on Wednesday of es th~ Army, Navy, Mannes- a~d our future gen'e ration. PBaNB NEWS rrPu TO Dorothy Deboard and 'Boward last week. He Oqooition is reported Coast Guard. • 114.1 _ . .0 Doster. to be satisfactory. (Continued on. Pale 3 DlCAU . . . . . . D~-
, . h that would oppose t e extra taxes but -it is hard to believe t hat any or fath er of any of ;the m~ther " children that attend the schon I . would not willingly obligate themselves {-or the' entire amount if they thought i·t w<luld S{lve their child from some disaster that could befall t hem in the present structure. While every precaution is observed to pr-event fire in the schools', it only reasonable to beli eve' that when a building
I ~
, I!!
. - ~
.. -
READING-MAINVILLE VISITORS SUNDAY Mr. and Mrs. Inrin Mulford entert-n in ed to dinl~er Friday Mr. NEW CENTURY CLUB and Mrs. Harry McClure of AnnotUlcement 15 made this week Heading, Ir. George Gilpin and that the New Oentury Club has Mr. and MI'. Donald Gilpin of changed its meeting date from Friday. Oct. 25 to Thursday, Oct. 24. . t uin\'ill e. o TOBER 25 - Gold en Rul e VISIT IN JOHNSVILLE onner, sec retary. lub. ul'8h Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Walter
Farmers' Club Meets Dessert-Bridge At At Town House Wade Turner Home
• • • Whi Ul ker vi ited Mr. W'hi tu ker's broLh er MI'. J uke Whitak er, at o TOBER 26-500 Dinn el' Clu b a t the ho me of Mr. and Mrs. will J ohn svill e. omell. Mrs. J. B. Chapman, secre ta ry. TICHENORS ENTERTAIN Mr. nnd Mrs. W. C. Tichenor had as guest s Sunday Mr. and Mr . J ess Thompson o f Leban on.
, -~
'Pap ,
WAYNESVILLE, omo - NO. 4281 THURSDAY, OCTOBER 24, 1946 ten catches ~n moving partS and pu ll the opera tor's hand, leg or entire body into the machine. Safety shields on the power take- ' off shuft and other moving parts hould be kept in place. Ther~ is the temptation, Pontiou added, to work on the mach- • inel'y while it is operating. If stalks must be removed fl'om the · snu pping .r olls, top the picker. Never leave the tractor eat with' the power shaft in mobion. Likewise the machine shou ld be stopped befo re making udjustments on chai n llnd gellrs. Also danger ous are the ear corn elevator with moving parts on which clothing may easily be caught. Pontiou s urge farmers never to take cl1anc es around dangerous equipment.
Mr. and Mrs. Ronald Hawke A dessert bridge par ty was held ' nterta incd th~ ml;!mbers of th l;! at the home of Mrs. Wade Turner. Wayne T owns hip Farm er. ' Club Thursday of last week. at Th e Town House in Fl'ankli n Quests fo r the ait.ernoon were on October 10. Mrs. Roy Ellis. Mrs. Mark Rogers. After a pl easant soc ia l hour Mrs. Ewing Stumm. Mrs. Mayr.arcl The American National IRed and a delicious dinn er. memb ('rs Weltz. Mrs. Don Hawke. Mrs. Alfred SUPPER GUESTS AT KEYS and Elaine Evans were Billy ' Cro s announces as of Octob er , were called to ord er for the bus- Stout. Mrs. Kenneth ·Hill. Mrs. Carl . . Conard . Mrs. Harlan ~'e. Mrs. Mary supper guests of Peter and Janice that its Annual National Convenmess meetmg and program by Murphy. Mrs. Ira Brown at Frank- Keys. Frida y even ing. Mrs. Keys ti n of Chapter Delegates held in Fred Hagemeyer pr si dent. IIr.. · Mrs. Howard Fout of Dayton. treated th em to a show in the Philadelphia June 18-21, 1946 Mrs. harl ,; West read 11 Mrs. John Kersey. Mrs. A. T. Pollncondemned the commercial use or timely paper entitled "n ew El ec- sky. Mrs. S . L . Robinson. Mrs. Sam- evening. the Red Cross nam e and insigna. he uel Keys. Mrs. Ralph Smith. Mrs. t rical Kitchen Eql!ipm ent". Sudden temperature changes in .. A resolution to this effect was uncle cribed some of the mo t re\'ol- Kenneth Fox and Mrs. Alfred Aula- VISITORS HERE FROM the poultry laying house c'a n reanimously passed by the meeting utionary equipment and c mment- baugh. TWIN FALLS, UI>AHO duce egg production abruptly and ' d on its value 1,0 the home- PrIzes for the afternoon were won Mrs D. C. Ridge is entertaining of the International Red Cross maker. by Mrs. Ira Brown. first, Mrs. How- as her house-guests, Mr. and Mrs. Committee and National R ed may resuLt in few eggs for a long period whil e hens recover from . Mr . . Hawke introduc ed Rep. ~~~ :~::~d. Mrs. Mary Murphy Earl Haworth of Twin Falls, Cross Societies held in Geneva, colds. H ens need fresh air, but witzerland, July 26th August 3, Harold Martz, of Frllnklin, as _._ _ _ Idaho. the ventilation system should not 1946 calling on governments to gue t speaker. Mr. Martz discuss- BIRTHDAYS HONORED perm it the cold air to blow diVISIT CLEAVERS, SUNDAY enforce the provisions with r ed the American ystem of Liv- AT SUNDAY DINNER Mr. and Mrs. Robert Cleaver of spect to the prevention of the use rectly on the birds. Broken wining. He fe Is that the people of Mr. and Mrs. J . L. Bachert and Dayton visited Mr. Cleaver's of the name and emblem of Red dows, ill fitting dool ' llnd holes t his country must not conti nu e to chlldrer- entertained guests, SUnday in walls should be r epaired before mother and fath.~ r, Mr. and Mrs. Cross. divide into groups, each of which honOring the birthdays of Virgin~a winter. It was stated that firms using i interested only in special privi- !::,~: JeAl~:" Ann beMCNeu and Alb ert Cleaver, Su nday. If' U . d S ..""'!i.... n , .. ~ oana 1. Other the Red Cross insigna have made !\fos't vegetables will keep quite eges or Its group. nlte tates guests attending the party were Mr. SPEND WEEKEN1() VISITING large profits on their product well in torage if they are placed can have a pro sperous era after and Mrs. Earl Scothom Mr ana FRIENDS IN CINCINNATI th war if people will work to- Mrs. Alvin oanabel chltdren. Mr. and Mrs. Leo Tinney were thro ugh its use. \vhe~e the air is nearly saturated gether to make use of our vast Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Lamb and fam- guests or Mr. and Mrs. Harvey PirJt- FARMERS WARNED with water vapor. Paperboard ' natural resources. 1ly, Mr. and Mrs. WilHam Wolf ard ~f Cin«flnnatl for the weekend. AGAINST CORN cartons, covered boxes, or any The guests for the meeting and son. Mr. and Mrs. Merl Hlr.kle other container which confines PICKER ACCIDENTS were: iRep. and Mrs. Harold . and daughter. Mrs. Charles Scot- GUESTS FROM DAYTON The hum of tractors and corn moist air will keep vegetables in Martz of Franklin, Dr. and Mrs. =h~aom1. Ruth and Harlan Mr. a'nd Mrs. J oe Yanger of Day- pickers in the fields these days good condition longer than they Lloyd Hall of Columbus, and M r . ' ton were guests (lIn Sunday of Ml'. should bring a qote of warning to will keep if piled loosely where and Mrs. Charles Ellis. VISIT BRANDENBURGS and Mrs. Werntz. farmers using the equipment, ac- dry air circulates. The November meeting will b e Mr. and Mrs. .Andrew Bran- ATTEND REP~~ iiiNNEit .:o rding to Harry Pontious, safety at the Grange Hall at Harveys- denburg and famIly of Dayton Mrs. Nettie T!ru:t.eyand Mrs. Sher- director of the Ohio Farmers·burg with Mrs. A. ~. Ct>ll~tt as and Mr. and Mrs. Cortous man TiN'..ey attended a Republlcan Bureau, Columbus. He listed prehostess. Amb.u rgy and family of Waynes- dinner held In Lebanon. on 'l\leeday cautions which, he sMd, could radville visited Mr. and Mrs. Wood- t):1.ght. oat. 22. ically reduce t~e loss of lives and row Brandenburg, Saturday after- GUESTS OF -- -JAMES -MRS. various injuries experienced each noon. Mrs. WllUam TInney and son. year. SUNDA Y DINNER GUESTS Leonard were gueb-ts of Mrs. Charles With the coming of cold weathFor Mr. and Mrs. Lester Davis and James. Tuesday or this week. er, heavy clothing and the wearsons, Miss ' Earline Mainous and ing of gloves with extra thumbs, Mitchel Turner of Cincinnati HOME-COMllNG HElLO long overcoats unbuttoned, and The Woman's Society of Chris~re dinner guests of Mr. and AT MIAMI UNIVERSITY loose boot strings make the opertian Service meb at the home of Mrs. Ray Mainous and son, Miami Univer!lity held its home- . ation of corn pickers extra haza - '01' ~ o-.JU. Mrs. Charles Ellis on Thursday Sunday. coming Saturday, Oct. 19. Miss al'dous, he said. Loose clothing o.f- '-_....;.;a.;...,;;;;B.;..;Bo;;_;.;;;:.;nI.:;,·,,;:Ob::.:::,;..,,;:L:_:.... :.:.,;O:.:..J alternoon, Oct. 17. Thirty-five Ruth Conner of Waynesville and members were present to enjoy VISITING IN CINCINNATI Miss Marian Detling of Miamisthe fine reports. and the interestMrs. Hannah Rogers is spend. burg attended. /IIJ ing program which followed. ing several weeks with her daugh- _ _ _ _~--------_ OrF~R Devotions were given by Mrs. tel', Mrs. J. O. Cartwright, in USE GAZETl'E CLA.8SIF1ED ADS Rufus Watkins, her subject being Cincinnati. SATISFACTORY "Ftll Us With Thy Peace." An SERVICES excellent review ' of the lesson MRS. KEiBA BRADDOCK topic "Preparing Indian Leaders HONORED ON alRTHDAY AT ALL TIMES Miss Sarah Smith ' entertail)Cd a fGr the Post WIll' World", was given by Mrs. Erma Frye. Mrs. group of friends Thursday even.OCT'OBER Carl HawoJlth, a guest of Twin ing in honor of Mrs. Reba Brad28 27 Falls, Idaho, also gave an interest- dock's birthday. Those enjoyling Dial 2111 . Waynesville, Ohio the party were Mrs. Cora Rich, ing and helpful message. October 3()O was chosen as the Mrs Truman Wardlow, Mrs. Sally day of prayer to be held at ' the Meredith, Mr. and Mrs. Walter Church. A special program is be- Whitaker and the honor guest. ing prepared. At the social period the hostess VISIT IN SPRINGFIELD , Thursday, Mr. and Mrs. W. C. Mrs. Chcrles Ellis and her assisVITAMIN D richenor, Mrs. Orie Roberts and tants served home-made ice cream. cup cakes and coffee. The assis- Mrs. Frank Slibsey and Richard of TRY OUR ta'n t hoste88e8 were Mrs. D. C. Lebanon were guests of friends in Rid~, Mir. Morris Fulkerson, Mrs. Springfield. PASTEURIZED MILK - CREAM Ellen Conner, Mrs. Stanley Bailey SUNDAY GUESTS OF EVANS CHOCOLATE MILK - ORANGE DRINK and M.l'S. George Milia. Mr. and Mrs. N. D. Smith of WHIPPING CREAM - BU'nERMILK The next meeting will be Nov. Spring Valley were Sunday guests . C01TA.CE CHEESE 2'1. of the latter's brother and sisterOrder Milk Delivered to Your Home in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Earl Evans.
Red Cross .Condemns Improper Use of Emblem
WSCS Observing Day Of Prayer, Oct. 30
TWIN Theatre
~cQtlure Jtfuneral ~ome
Homogenized Milk
ON HUNTING TRIP IN SOUTH DAKOTA Mr. and Mrs. Rol>ert Shaw left last week for a hunting trip in South Dakota. .Ther stopped in IUfnois with frdends who joined them for the trip.
Noy. t
Bad Mo's Territory
~ AT Stewart's
2'5 4 '
or .
11uift;.E Market
Pa&'e 3 W1lm.1ngton called on lUs parente value of series E and F bonds early-preferably not later than qu ests from addresses will not be
WAYNgsVlLU':. omo - NO. 4287. THURSDAY. OCTOBER 24, 1IM6
evening. during the nine months. This is Mr. a.nd Mrs. Henry Berges a.nd a gain of $I,50(),000,OOO for the fa.mily of Beavertown called on Mr. three series ·currently on sale. and Mrs. Lue Morgan Sunday &fter Total of E bonds alone outn()()C. standing at the end of September Mr. a.nd Mrs. Morris Lewis and $39,300,000,000 was 1.46 percent ta.m1ly SJ>eIit BatUl'lda!Y evening with lower than at the beginning of t.he Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Haze ar..d tam- year. September E bone! sales lly. . were $308,846,000. - - - 'As a spur to bo'n d sales in the SIX BILLION SAVINGS last quarter, a publicity and adBONDS SOLD IN 1946 vertising campaign will be staged "Savings bond sales in 1946 from Armistice Day, N ovem ber have passed t he six billion dollar 11, through Pearl Harbor Day, mark, Secretary Snyder reported December 7. The last such promotoday. ti<ln was followed by a thr·eeSeptember sales of E, F and G quarter billion sales month in Savings Bonds tJotalled $494 ,111,- July." OO(), bringing the years total to $5,878,7'84,000 at the end of the ' (Continued from Page 1) month. Sall!'S exceeded redempThe <order says t he packarres tions of these series by $1,142,- "must" be mailed betWeen t he 3'50,000. Total of E, F and G dates designated and that parcels bonds outstanding at the end of destined for delivery in China, September reached $416,200,000,- lhdia, the (M iddle East and Paci000 'including the increase in' fic Islands should be mailed
Mr. a.nd Mrs. John Hay.ner a.nd ~u:gIL er. MIra. Helen COIVlert of WeetvilIe were dinner guests ot Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Burnet on Tuesday 'of last week. Mr. Kerr Routzahn of near Ha4'veysburg spent the weekend with M:r. ar..d Mrs. O~ RoUt218M and san. Rusgell. Mr. a.nd· Mirs. Herman Arthur of Sardl.nia were Sunday guests at the1T son-in-aw and daughter, Mr. a.r.d Mrs. Charles TUmbleson and oh.1ldren. Mr. a.nd Mrs. WalteT Kena1ck MId James Halnes 0811ed a.t 'the home of Mr. and MnI. ThODlB6 001l1ns in D8ytor.. Sunday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. A. D. smith and Mr. and Mrs. Clinton Roberts spent the weeklend . with Mr. and Mrs. Arnold Burkhart at C'Ilhton, Ohio. Mr. and' Mrs. Everett Early attended the State Cor.vention of ·, &s .~"\ Star Chapters at qleveland the first of th1s week. Mr. and Mrs. Carl Steinke and family of Da,ytor. were Friday dinner guesto 01 Mr. and Mrs. Harold &einke and, fa.rn1ly . The Lytle Card Club was entertained Thursday afternoon at the home of Mrs. Thomas Burc..or. near Ferry. Mrs. Charles Anderson of Waynesville spent Friday and Saturday with Mrs. Nettie ' Emrick. Mrs. Margaret Johns was also a dlrUler guests or. . Friday evening. Mr. and Mrs. W1l1lam Kirby of Pittsfield. Mass. spent Wednesday r..1ght and Thursday at the home of Mr, &nd Mrs. Harvey Burnet an'd on Thursday Mrs. Burn'et acoompanrciJ them to Cincinr.a t1 to visit Miss Laura. ~a.gle. ~. and Mrs. Milton Sheehar. o' Centerville. Mr. ad Mrs. Earl OJark ar.d Mr. and. Mrs. Everett Olark of Dayton called on Mr. and Mrs. Wilbur Clark, Sunday a.fternoon. Mr. Wilbur Monee Of ' Oincir.natl, Mr. and Mrs. Homer Monee and sens of Dayton and Mr. ar.d Mrs. Robert Monee 'and' daughter 01 WS\'e5'ille were Sunday guests CJf their parenls Mr. and iMrB. Bartlett Monce. Elght.y-se~r. ladles attended the Home Craft Guild progra.m of Day- . ton. Friday ~ng at Lytle church sponsored by the Woman's Sorclety . at whJch they netted $34.00. '
required for mailing of Christmas parcels. Chri trr.ns parc Is for members of overseas armed f<lrces shall not exceed 70 pounds in weight 01" 100 in ches in length and girth combined. Postage must be fully prepaid. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __
ember 25. During t he period from BUY, SELL, TRADE, ~RROW October 15 to November 15 reo I READ THE CL~SSIFIED ADS • rr.1:;;;;;;;;;;;;=~~~~=~~~~~-;;-;;-;;-;;-;;-~~~~~;;; -·;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;-,
An Retirement Income Policy THA T PAYS M ORE TO LIVE THAN DIE We Have Itl Details without Obligation.
l'Phone 171-1:_ _
The MOTHfR'S CLUB Prese ts .
Carnival·& Bazaar at the WAYNESVILLE High Scho()l GYMNASIUM'
Friday Evenip:'g, OCTOBER 25
~ GraDd Marcil 8:00 p~m. @P COSTUME PRIZES "
Costume' & Mrs. D&.vld LUC86 retiurned home Thursday evening alter 'spending a few days with her daughter' a.n,d, sonin-law. Mr. and Mrs. Floyd 'I'homp-
November 1. The p<Ost office departm ent will make every eifort, the ot:der said, to deliver all such parcels in time for Christmas. Th e order furtn er says that Christmas car.ds may be mailed at any time but should be mailed prior to November 15th in order to make deliver>: by Dec-
Bingo Prizes
HOBO ' $5.00 Cash ' McClure Funeral Home OLDEST MAsKED $2.00 Cash Gustin Radio Service OLD FASHIONED GIRl.. 10 gal., gas, Ashmead's Sohio Sta. PATRIOTIC 10 gal. gas, ~ob's Service Station GHOST Boudoir Lamp, Waynesville Furniture Co. CLOWN, $1 US. metal toy bank, Elzey's Home Shoe Store YOUNGEST MASKED, $2.00 Cash, Stubbs Funeral Home MOST ORIGIN:AL, 75c bottle hair dressing, " Gray's Barber Shop 1/2 gallon' ice cream, Smith's Restaurant GYPSY, M()THER GOOSE CHARACTER, Shampoo, FinKer waye and Haircut, Evelyn's Beauty Shop Potted Plant Miami Florists WITCH, 12 bottles mixe«l soft drinks . NATIONALITY, . Thelma's Lunch
Mr. a.nd Mrs. Dewey Comstock and farnlly of Beavertown called on Mr. aw..d Mrs. Evel'ett Bunnell and Mr. and Mrs. Hiley Gibson. Sunclat evening. . !Mr. . a.nd Mrs. Raymond Smith spent Bur.day with Mr. George Smith. of Dayton. 'Mr. Clarence Mlohial is on the sick list. . MIr. ~d MJrs. 'n1<>n*s Ruwon were cl!n.r.ei' guests. Sunda.y of Mr. and Mrs. Harold PUler of near Xenia. 1M;r. and Mrs. Kenneth. Bra.tten ~ daughter Shirley Ann of DaytAm ca1ledi on their p&nmts Mr. a.nd Mrs. George Bratten. !Mr. and
sons spem;
Mrs. Norr1s Lewis a.nd SUnda.y with 1\&.
Mrs. Jolm Koester ot Utica. ' 10'8. Ray Moore a.nd.Mia8 ~ of Dayton ~
on MJIII M1nme CrawtOrd, Jl'rSda.y morninc. lira. 00rw1D 'A rr ..,em S\mdiIf '81J!11'(m
a.ftA!mooD W!tb 'Mr. aDd Krs. 0Iu'eDDe 0NIWfcJrcL ,18'. az:d U:.ra. JDu'1 IAxu ~ ~
Picture Show
Hard-to-Get Commodities
Carl Smith; Kenneth Hill; Waynes~ ville Taxi; Bill Sawyer; Smith's Seryice Station; La~y:s Meat Market; Dr· H. F. Dye; Homer Ramby; Wlll s Jewelry Shop; Gulf Service Station; Waynesville National Bank; Dr. Mary C6ok; Morgan & Campbell; Lee Hawke; O. E. Smith; Waynesville Ice Company; Lemmon's Hatchery; Dunham Hatch~r'Y; Rogers & Simpson; CampbeWs Garage; Routzahn's Garage; Madden's Lumber Conwany; Dr. A. E. Stout; Pearl Ridge; Smith's Electric Service: Clearcreek D~liry; Dr· H. E. Hathaway.
Other Merchandise Donations
ADMIS,JJCION' 10C & . 20
Cold Springs Tavern; Stewart's Thrift-E M'arket; D. R. Smith; Hoppy's Restaurant; Fairley Hardware; Waynesyille Drug Store; Mye~ Hyman; A. K. Day; Churngold Canning Co.; Farmers Exchange; Kildere Dairy; Coyle's Packing Co.; ~amb's . Grocery; Carrier's Grocery; Emma Raper; Kroger Round and Square Grocery; Ralph HastiJllgs; Boyds Shoe Repair; Carmen , F·R ED WATKINS and Crane; , Everett Early; Jones Grocery; Lytle Hardware; I-Piece BIUl~, Lebanon Lytle r.rarket; ~ome , Appliance Store; 'D avisson Press; . Model Cieaners, WilmingtOn:
, •
(T as Included) J
THE &DAM! GAZBTTE -:- Pate , WAYNESVILLE. omo - NO. U1'J In the matter of ·the ~state ~f THURSDAY. OOTOBEB U, IM8 William I. Waggoner, d c d., Ernie . Waggoner executrix inventory PROCEEDINGS hearing set for October 28 at 10:00 In the matter of the estate of Marvin Carr vs. MaI1e 'an hear· o'clock. Sophie Funer, dec'd., The Fif: ing set for Monday. October ' 21, at ' In the matter of the estate of Third Union Trust Co., executor 10 o'clock. . Paris I;)ouglas, dec'd., Anna Doug- first and final account. DOl'ochy Ca~nava vs. Sebastian las, appointed !administratrix givIn the matter of the Trust of
The Miami Gazette 1 850 ESTA~LISHED
Every Thursday by DAVISSON PRESS FLOYD L. DAVISS,ON. Editor Entered as Second Class Malter at the P<l6t Off1ce
Subscrlptlun Rates: SI .50 per Year in Advance
O~~onbneva 2;:~l'~~go;~~~c~~r
~::;{ C~:, ~~:lre:o:'ig~~~ ~c:~~:~
THE AIR OF FREEDOM ist - on ly where all other freedoms Monday with sureties in sum of " hdstianity is not a tatie. nre guarante d a nd maintained. Marjorie McGinnis Howard a In th~ matter of the e tute of approved. , weak, timid thing in its philos- It i , instead, ine\·itable. Freedotj1 minor vs. James William Howard, Sarelda S. Moore, dec'd., Lucille In the matter of the e tate of ophy," wri tes Paul Mallon. "It i an ab a lu te-it cannot be pre· divorce to plaintilf, defendant to Irwin, executrix inventory ap. Dora Nunner Snider, also 'know r prods ingenuity, encourages use s r\'ed in one facet of a nation's pay ~50.00 toward attorney fees. proved. a Dora K. Nunner, dcl!ld., Geneva ' In the matter of the estate of Snider Carpenter, admini tratrix , of talents, purposes advancement , life and deni ed in arlother. Alice Mayne · vs. Daniel Mayne, . h I d'ff ."0 1' 'I' S I' t nccI'dental that the ut. divorce to plain ti ff, defendant to Lottie Cox, dec'd., Richard M. Cox, fil' ·t, final and distributive account recoglllzes t e natura I erences " pay $50.00 toward plaintiffs attorapproved. b etween men, and proposes re- mo t mat rial progress has been ney fee , plaintiff restored to maid. Jr., administrator inventory ap· I nthe matter of the estate of ward for effort . . . It wj}l ·work · mad e in land where sp iri tual and en name. proved. William T. Estes, dec'd., Mabel E. conomic freedom exi t . We can· CO['ene Combs \"" In the matterdec'd., of the of Ritz, execu trlx ' fi t because it will produ ce. . . '., . Roscoe Combs Nettie Morton, Royestate Morton, rs an d fi na I ac"What they ( hristian) need to nli t, for examp le, draw · a line be· divorce to plaintiff, plaintiff reo executor inventory approved. count approved. do is to make Christianity work- twee n the free church and the . stored to maiden name. In the matter of the es,tate of In the matter of the estate of in all reason and common sen e, free bu in e . Both stem directly Stimley. Stubbs vs: ~uise M. Margaret D. Wall•. dec'a., Rose I adora Ward. dec'd., Kenneth N. • using the utmost of their abilities from the id entical principle. Both StUHbbs,. dlEvol.rce tO Pglalllktiff. A ' Wall, administratrix first, final and Hough, executor inventory approvattle Iza bat h. oc er vs. n· ed. . . to attain the utmost. meaSUl'e .o.f are pa~t of the great Id~al . ~hlch drew Hocker. div()rce to plaintiff, distributive account approved. In the matter of the estate of truth, to employ their own ablh- ays, III effect, that mdlVldual plaintiff r estored to maiden name. In the matter of the estate of Eva V. Ball, dec'd .• Burt B. Ball, tie according to their talents, to man has rign ts which must I'\ever Elizabeth Deck \'S. Emma Mar. Howard S. Conover, dec'd., Marie executor inventory approved. be abro""'ted. ti n et al Ama Martin al 0 known as account Conover, approved. executrix, first and final D. H arry McD ona, Id dec., 'd D . P romote a justice in accord with I e... Christian principles. That a 0 Individual enterprise, in any Emma Martin and Pearlie Martin In the matter of the estate of Hatry McDonald, Jr., administrahappens to be good dem oc ratic field, blooms only in the air of also known as Pearl Martin made Walter C. Anderson, dec'd., Kath. tor filed final account. erine H. Anderson, executrix, final In the matter of the estate of doctrine. The Constitution never fr eedom. The preservati on of that partie . defenda~t. guaranteed happiness-only the air is the greatest pro~lem con· S Jles~lde Schneldde~ ~s. dOsc?trh St' account app oved. Robert Wood, dec'd., Julia A. Wood 't" c lOel er, case I mlsse WI ou __ . ht t rig 0 pursue I . fronting this chaotic world. record at cost of plaintiff; hearing The underlying tenet of Chris- R£VOLUTIONARY AND set for Monday October 21, at 10:30 tianity is the importance of the o'clock. individual. And the importance COSTLY Hel en Faulkner a minor etc., vs. of the individual is also the underThe Wagner - Murray - Dingell Cragg Faulkner, hearing set for lyjng tenet of our political, social compulsory health bill would dis· October 21 at 11 o'clock. . and economic system. It is not an rupt a whole profession at a cost Charles E. Lee vs .. Josephllle Lee accident that the free church ex- to the American people of over de~~n~ant t9 receive $50 from $4,500,000,000 8:nnually. . plallltiff toward Iller expenses for order concerning temporary custo· Socializing the medical profes· dy of child. Mary Gadd, a minor, etc., vs. sion would not lower the cost of medioine. It would restrict the Ebbie Gadd. dtvorce to plaintiff, doctor to the point where he lVould orders with r eference to minor be ,t ied hand and foot. Medical children reserved for further 01'The harvest of 14 years of govcrnment by decree care would be rationed the del' of court cost!! paid. .... - by ' half ' truths, brokcn promiscs nod secret patient and if ' the patient wasn't NEW CASES well in the time allotted,. he Burger Plowma,n vs. Madge Lee agreements - is here. Continued shortages of would not only pay his compul- Plowman divorce gro s neglect evcrything - rising costs of living - a depreciated Young and Young, atty. sory health insurance premium Everett Cor1isl~ vs. Walter D. currency - hi~h taxes - the biggest public debt but would pay for 'hospitalization Maidens attachmEint Meryl B. Gray of aU time -:- co'nfusion at home - lo~s of resp.:!ct and other expenses. atty. The best kind of medical care Jessie Schneider vs. Oscar abroad. can now be secured by acquiring Schneider, divorco gross neglect of membership in a voluntary pre- duty, H. Z. Gray, atty. Responsibility for thes,e th ings points straight at Helen Faulkne'r a minor of the paid medical ' plan which does not age of 20 years by Ruby G. Hosktbe wild politic:tl ~hcorists and power-hungry bumake the doctor a ward of the ins her ,sister and next friend vs. reaucrats now in C);~ce. Yet they continue to cry s~te, unable to give undivided at;.. Cragg Faulkner, divorce, extreme WE'RE PROUD tention to' a patient. Thus, when a cruelty, C" Donald Dilatush, atty. only for more controls and always mor~ public . • • . .of the fact that we are able patient suffers from illness his The State of Ohio vs. The Pennmoncy to spend. to serve Y'OU in all matters per- whole world does not collapse a- sylvania Railroad Co., a corpora· taining to financial affairs. round him. tion organized under' the laws of Discuss your problems with us. Too much government, in the the Stat~ of Pennsylvania for monOur ata'ff, ' trained and experienc- form of misguided efforts to pro- ey only amount .claimed $29,554.00 ed in the ,banking business, will vide a "better life," can demor- and costs Hugh S. Jenkins, E. G, Scheussler, Stanley and Stan I offer every possible assistance. alize th~ efficiency of the people. atty. The Wagner-Murray-Dingell Bill Ethel Jones vs. Homer Jones, diTHE is a c:ase of extreme interference vorce gross negl'ect of duty, J. T. Government meddling and fallacies are not necesW AY!'-fESVILLE Riley, atty. because it proposes to place the NATIONAL BANK sary. Shortages are not necessary. Stoppages . of Daniel Tooley Sr., vs. Beatrice people under a compulsory health DtabUsbed 1875 Tooley ,divol'ce, gross neglect of produc~n are not necessary. Sacri6~e of p~rsonal insurance plan which leaves as duty, J. T. Riley, atty . . little opportunity as possible for liberty is not necessary. Your vote gives you the TELEPRO~ 2251 MARRIAGE LICENSES OHi[() self help •. WAiYNESWLLE pow,er to halt this joy ride to ruin. Use it to elect Edward B. J ohns!>n, 22, Camden, electrician, Hele'n D. Fuggle, 22, men who will start right now cleaning out the • Lebanon secret8l'Y. TELEPHONES N~w Deal bureaucratic mess and restoring free Robert 'Eugene Greer, 19, MorWAYNESVD.U lOtI row, farmer, Betty R. Ludington, 'o pportunity to all. 19, Lebanon factory worker. MOBBOW No. a Mac Donald Speer Jr., 25, ColumLEBANON Office ''lilt Pvt your marl! und.r the •• publlcan tagl. on your ballot. bus dentist; Murguerite Kroener BE8. IIIL' SAND ,and GRAVEL EI.d Thomas J. H.rbert a. Gov.mor of Ohio. tog.th.r with 23, Foster social worker. BLACK·TOP DRIV~ Lewis H. Hursh, Jr., 24, Springadmlnlltratlon and Legillatuie. an .ntl,. •• publlcan boro, grQ!:er; Duris Lucille Sheets TAR and ROAD OIL ~nd John ",. Irlck.r to . the UnIted Stotes Sena", tog.ther 21 Springboro dirafting. LAWN and FILL DIRT with .v.ry other OhIo ..publican candida.. for (ong,..,. Frank Arthulr Goodpaster, 18, READY-MIX CONCRETE Talk up - vo.. Itralght - and the lob will be don•• Morrow, farmer :; Gladys Viola McComas, 18, Leb,lllon. EXCAVATING aDd DU.MP TRUCK SERVICE Warren Souders, 20, Mason , OHIO UP~ILI(AN CAMPAIGN 'COMMITT" ';;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;:;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;:~;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;'~ draftsman-; Ramona Richards, 18: .: Mason stenographer.' FrM H. Johnlon, Chairman Columbul, Ohio Lee Roy Monis, 26, South Leb-' BSTABTJ8B1!!D 1111 anon, factory worker; Thelma Singleton, 21, Sou~h Lebanon factory .~ \ worker. Ralph Leo Hauck, 29, Sardinia . farmer; Helen Maud Wilson, 2~ UCENSED REAL ESTATE BROKER Loveland, secretary. Robert L Daugherty, 21, Wil~UCTIONEER . INSURANCE mington, electrician; Pauline Homan, 18, Morro\1r, addre8~ocraph • . WAYNESVIU.E, OHIO Elbert Hogan, Jr., 23, Morrow Phoae 2811 barber student; Delma l'alllbee, tg, Soutb Lebanon, beautician. ' ,
le"s quit. be'ing g .1 u It 0 ,nsf 0 r pun i s 'h ent
W8 can .. e 'i' Ficl 0' I.he pre.enl muelelle
Armitage.& Son
if you
'DIIE MIAMI GAZE'lTE - Pare 5 Filing 6 saws, $1.80; The Black & W4YNESVlLLE. omo - NO. 4%87 Decker Mfg. Co., Parts for ~ drili THURSDAY. OCTOBER 24, IM6 $12.85; James Gllrage. Parts, $7.45' Sam Smith & Son, Door Glass No~ admihistratrix inventory hearing 8, $3.50; Middletown Gas & Elec-
set for O!tober 29, at 10 o'clock. tric S r vice, Electdc Bill £01' FrankIn the matter of the estate of lin Garage, $l.00: August ,Ast, dec'd., William VolkerKuhn Motor Co., Parts, $6.90; ding, executol' inventory ' approved. Snap-on Tools Corp., Tool ' for Co., In th matter of the estate of Garage, $8.00; M. D. Larkin Co., GeOl'gb F . M ndenhall, dec'd., Al- Supplies & Tools for Garage, $7.18: ton F. BI'own appointed executor. Thc Lebanon Pl\l't!' Co., DI'iI1 Parts In the matt~r of the estate of $58.68.: The Anderson Lum ber Co., Frank V. Stitt, dec'u., lara F. Supplies, $7.50; Gro: Service StaStitt, executrix, inventory hearing tion, Gasoline,. $57.77; set for November 0 at 10 o'clock. Gro ' Service Station, Tires, In the matter of the estate of' tube, Ba tteries & Gasoline, $229.J acob A. Frost, uec'd., Ada Puck- 6~: Henry. Ludington Service Sta· ett administratrix inventory heal'- tlon. Gasohn.e, $19.02; Walter Botts ing set for November 7 at 10 Shell er\'l ce, Gasoline, $19.71 o'clock. R. E. LeRoy, 175 gal. Diesel Fuel In the matter of the estate of $22.4~; Bob Mays Service Station; Ella Wasson, dec'd., Susie Haun Ga oltne, $3.92; Compton Garage, admini tootrix, filed first and final $8.93; account. R. D. Haye ', Gasoline, $14.72; In the matter of the estate of 'Yalter Bott . SheH Service, GasoBertha Hendericks, dec'd., George tlon,. Ga oh~e, $20.28; Morrow and Albert Hendricks, administra- Service Station, $13.85; Conover tors inventory approved. Co., s hells - Dog Warden, $.70 ; India Ra.nker, executrix of th,.. Store. Nail, Supplies, primer, estate of Robert F. Boat wright $35~.41; Charles Dos ter Form wire, . dec'd., plaintiff vs. Mearl Fonder fold 109 rules, $9.03; smith et al defendants proceed ings Gross :S~le.s &: ~ervice, Gas, oil, under form er urder of court cor etc CommIssIoners car, $2.91; The rected. ~. J . Heer Printing Co., 1000 PayIn the mattel' of the estate of In order - ~u?itor, $37.50; The Dorot hy Keller, dec'd., Lucy Keller . F. J: Heer Printing Co., R esolut ion executrix, inventory hearing set Auditor,. $22.00; Inte rnational Carfor November 1 at 10 o'clock $bon & RIbbon Co., Supplie -Probate In the matter of the estate 'of $6.50: Barrett B.r?thers, Printing, Fred Allmyer. dec'd .• Hattie All- S~·::.' Lebanon-CItizens Nat'l Bank mr er appointed executrix. 1.C~ Charge .$1.86; In the matter of the estate of 117 R94e~fJ8 wEleL~trlc HShdoP , LaCmps, '1'., . . lOgo aT wareSh'! 0 2 ' H'II d 'd C II H M oIIIe I, ec ., u en err and !lakes 30 fl h b Ibs Charters D. Maple appointed ad· 11540.' Dr HaMs W·uII' - Offier~ff, . . t t .. b '1' . , . . . 1 lams, clal mmls. ra ~rs upon giVing and with Pocket seal, Notary Bond, $10.13; Charles Barbee Mil D W sureties III urn of $2025. In the matter of the estate of den 1174 72' J W' Li~age Hogd ar' B II R' d ' . , ' 1 ' . , . . ngo ar warA S a II Ie e. e ItZ, ec d., The FIrst Co.. shells . - Dog gW d $ 70~ and ~mel'lcan BUllk 'and Trust Co.. D;s. Edw. & Robt. BI~~r,eM-edicai appomted executor. - $8.00; Warren County Agric. Soc. In tbe matter of the estate at Draw to apply on indebtedness Sarah E. Bowyer, dec'd., F~ank 51000.00; The Lebanon Lumber Co~ M. and .Genevra Bowy!r admllll s- Survey Stakes, $5.00; Gem City trators IIlventory ,hearm g set fOI Blue Print & Supply. 1 roll tracing November 2 at 10 0 clock. cloth. $25.98; GrQss Service Station In the matter of the. estate c! Gasoline, $.88; The H. Cole Camp• . Howard S. Conover; dec'd., Dean E. any'. Repairing transit $3325' St~nley adm,if!istrator filed appli. Van Camp Sand & Gravei Co., catIon for certificate of tr!lnsfer of Gravel, $104.37; Van Camp Sand real estate. & Gravel Co., Grayel and Sand, REAL ESTATE $36.12; Armitage & . Son, Grave~
Seventy years ago my grandfat her, Fra nk Wilso n and his brother Harry went to Xenia on a very special expedition. I often heard my grandfather relate thi s story and it was one he told dear up to the time of his death in 1941. Tradition has it that over in Xenia they had what they rel~ard ed as an " obsolete" piece of fire equipment-at lea st it had se!rved the city for nearly fifty years, and old "Neptune" as it was called, was being replaced by some mod ern contraption . Well, the village of Harveysburg needed a firc apparatus and, decided to give old "Neptu ne" a new home. My grandfather and his brother', all lui in Xenia but his days of service ~nu dependability WerE! not obsolete. All of these years he has been a 'very brave fellow. doing of these seventy years ago were dispatched after it to 'fetch' it home and here it has stayed ever since. Oh, to be sure, "Neptun e" was old and had been very :faithhis best to bat tle many a disastorous fire and finally vanquishing it. But now poor old "Neptune" is very, very old. Something must take over when he leaves off, and Harveysburg has bought another 'servant', a large ·red fellow, new and completely modern. with bright beacons and shrilly horns. But the annals of time shall never forget old "Neptune" anel his braveness . and dependability--one who has truly added to the preservation of Harveysburg and wore his body tired and old for the protection of others. $958.34; Van Camp Sand & Gravel Co., Gravel, $247.37; Armre~l Materials Co., Tar & Asphalt, $9437.40; Armitage &Soo, Pit Run gravel S30.74.
~~~~~~~~. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Thomas Powell to Mary Powell 2 lots in Loveland Park. BILLS ALLOWED Armitage Ii Son, Pit Run Gravel, $30.74; J. W. Lingo Hardware Co., Garage Supplies, $6.69; Rish Equipment Co., Rd. Signs - Mower Section,S, -$26.40: F ranklin Vule &: Tire Co., 2 New ~ires & 2 Keys ,170.30: Mulford Service S~tion, Clean .&: Repair Radiators, ,12.00: Lewis Motor Mart Co., Stock Parts '3.46: ' Go(\dyear Service Store, Battery ,16.40; Fairley Hardware Store, 4 buckets, 4 scythe Stones, '3.20; G~o. W. Velte &: Son Lift chain No• . 53, ,1.80: Banta Implement Service ' Mower Section. Guard ,5.96: Doebler Bros. Garage, Parts ' ,25:62; Weiler Welding Co. Acetylene-Oxrgen, ,15.69; , International Harvester Co., Parts, '87.40; Wal~s' Garage,~ . &: . Batteries '59.42:· J : O. Parks '
For Style :. .:ror·Charm
Give '~
SIGNET RINas .5.00 , EXP. BR.AOJ!:L111r6
~~ ;.r.
OOMPADIB P .19 up lAXJ&J!tiS $2.70 up
IUNOS, Many styles
. I' ,-
$5.00 COWS $3.00 Aooor'dlDI tb 811e and
Back To
BOMB Telephone 2291
BrDW1l for Conlrr.8 Committee B. Howard. Cbm., London. O.
. PENS, Eversharp
at Belcher'. SoDoco StatiOn-:- Phone
Flol'ence .Edwyna Stanforth a nd Maynard J. Stanley all of Wayn esville; Richard .Earl Vallee Thirty-one 9'oung people from of Pleasant Phiin; Mary Lou Warren County are among the Moore of H!1rvey burg. reco rd number of 530 students enrolled at Wilmington ollege, SAFETY MEASURES Wilmington , Ohio, this fall, Dr. FOR SCHOOL CHILDREN . A. Watson, presiden t of th e You parents no doubt are fe eling reli eved about this time of the co ll ege, announced today. Th e e 530 represe nt by far th e year knowing your children are largest numb er of regular stu- settled back into the schoo l roudents to attend t he college, t he tine. But are t hey completely prepreviou s total of 362 wa reach- pared? How about afety habits ? ed in 1932. Last fall's r egistra- I'm 'sure you are not depending' on tion was 147 and the present e n- your children to learn sa fety by Tollment is more t han 500 per- expc ri ence-for that's a dangercent of the war-time 1944 low of a u way. Th e Ohio State Safety 105. ' Council is asking all parents to More than 50 Ohio cou nties, 23 put special empha is now and co nothe'r states, and t he countries of sistent effort henceforth on preCanada, fLo lland, Jamica, Cuba paring their children for long life. and Mexico are rep resented in the Let' - see that the little on e know stud ent body. how to stay safe, and .how them Those fr om this community at- how by your exa mple. tending Wilmington College are: TOW t hat the Republicans have Patricia Ann Behm , Richard M. won a seemingly happy victory Ro 5, and Ru s ell Curtis Thomp- over the Democrats in the matter so n of Mason; E. Eugene Bevan of Quelching t he OPA activities, of Clarksvi ll e; Eugene Lloyd wonder how they like the taste of Brissey, Paul Edwin Clark, H. "mul e meat"? Leroy Holmes, Harold Vernon . ha rt, Mary Leslie; Ava Conover of Cozad dale ; Alma J ean Dare and Libeth May Miller of Morrow; Clarence J. Davis, Robert Warren Emery, Paul Robert Gi thens, Thomas Lansing Harden, Joseph ~ Engene Hartsock, Joseph William Hiteman, Omar Eugene Hi teman, Anna . Loui e Hoak, Edward The home-llke surroundings' of our Lawrence Kru er, Fallis Ferrel Funeral Home have caused mucn Pain e, Jack Edgar Reynolds, favorable comment- it is open tar inspection at any t.1me.
C .A R D S
e ·ASB
FjO R Any make or model · Fred Kahn Motor Car Co. PHONE 326'
Ho ••, Cain.• , Sheep, etc.
_.om ..oiiriL~.
_. 'IIAIR -
4- 5 4 SDfIA. 0.
.. 0: iOmma lito:
Each card actually 'is a minature fine work of art. . They ean be had in units of 25 either plain or printed with your name. To see them is a revelation in qualitf and individuality. It is not too early to ~ke your select jon· No obligation to see these cards. Come iu .odayl THB MIAMI
Plaon~~ 2148
Refrigerator & Washer Repairing • Parts ALL MAKES AND TYPES OUR WORK IS GUARANTEED We also do RADJO and PHONO Rep'air
Da~~oDe Nite Phone . 2981
Home Appliance Store Acro88 from the Bank WAY N ,E S' V ILL E , 0 H ! 0
life. We oovoca.te the unity ot all they might buy larger amounts if THE MJAl\U GAZETI'E - Pare 8 they learn pota:toes keep well in WAYNESVILLE, OIDO - N.O. UI'J the pap er bags. THURSDAY, OCTOBER 2C, 1946
L (~(h"" . .~,...,. ..-~n
~!11o£:r!~~=al~~~ a ttend these service6.
lIE ~VlV$
Chimn eys, flues, and pipes of heaVing uni ts should be inspected and n eed ed r epairs ma de before hot fires are r equired t o beat And long to see His Kingdom come. homes. !Rusted spots in pip es or Must pray. ther. gi\le, or go. He needs them all. the- open ha.nd. The willing feet. the asIdng heart, To work together and to vreave The threefold creed that ,shall not
R. Keffe!', miss.1onuy recruit Mh....... 1:30 A. M. James to India. and Evangelistic speaker at I.h e TTl-State ChrIst1ar. Service
B. 8 . Coleman. SUNDAY SOBOOL J . J . BursIte, Bupt: WORSHlP SERVICE
camp last summer will spt>ak. Bro10:30 A. II. ther 08car Wild, evangelist who is YOUTH FELLOWSHIP, 8S6ist1ng In the evangelistic meetpa;rt. Th~ .,'30 1ng here .w11l bave charge of the Not all can go Inrt a.lU car. give C'E • . p. IlL music. Everyone Is I n v:1ted to come. To arm the ~ers lc)r the fray CHOIR P~c:!!e&d& • 7:30 II. and see what these youth rallies are And young or or rich or ~, 1 P. like. Or strong or week, we all can pray.
:= ~~ .::e~~
Sur.day night lilt 6:45 pm. Bro. and THE CHRISTIAN I NDIVIDUAL
1EraDabo.... .....
AT THE "Friendly Store"
Lay Reader-In charge will be conduoted ~ether and then "Christian love arouses pity for 9 :'3 0 A. M.---'Church School. Mrs. Wild will meet with the Juni0T8 starving man but remains h elpl es in t he face of famin.e in India or . CHURCH and ~. Wlld with tihe Seniors. Don't U B UTICA • Y do at ha slum conditions in Alabama. To Be B.ALPII BINES mlss this meeting. ou n ve SUnday ~OOI 9:30 a.m. to be a. member of this church to the poor are offered charity and Ml'B. James G8lT1son. Supt. attend these meetings. Oome for hope but not a social revolution. Christians , who 1Preadl1ng 1st and 3rd Sunda.ys each these meetings eYm-y night. except Contemporary m~tb . 10:30 am. SaIl~ durir,8 00l' ~ who vainly seek for love and commeeting. passion in indu strial and political Have you been attending the leaders, jump to the erron eous MT. HOLLY !EWAlNGELlS'IUC MEE'I1IiNG ? If conclu sion that Christiani ty ha METHODIST CHURCH not. you have been mlsing some failed . They argue, and not wi,t h11'. II. 8earff. JIIaIIa. wonderful singing. Come and e~oy IJuDdaJ IObool - ':10 A. II. out logic, that what Christianity the gospel songs end the specla.l B. . A. JIlambU't. 1UI*1D....... numbers brought eacll evening by could do for the individual it Wonblp aemce - 10:. A. II. Brother Wild. Mrs. WUd ·has al&o should do for society, forgett ing l: 'eD!Da ....see - 7:80 P .... been having a · f1r.e se!'vi~ for the t hat Christianity MIS not intendchildren at 6:45 each evening: You ed to be a social r.eligion. It ofFERRY ' ought to he8r the gospel senn.ona fered salvation to Ithe individual CHURCH of CHRIST brought each evenir-tt by your min- but not to society. It. did not guarTbe GrowIDr. GolDr, Cbareh ister. He preaches the Blble in love antee ocial ju t ic e i at best it . HERBERT GILAIL\M. MiDJIIWr witlbout oompr1InJse. Come and hear nritigated:. hum a n suffering Bible SChool" - 9 :30 a m . his sennons this 'Week on great through plity and philant hropy . .. Morcing . Worship ~- 10:30 a.m. themes of the faith. Youth Meetings - 7:00 pm. THE 0Hl.JiIWIi of OHRIST is an "Christ united man with God. Adult Pra.yer Meet1Dg - 7:00 p.m. UNDEl'fOMlNATIONAL 0HU'lWH and man with man, but no t c\ass Evenmg EvangeUstic Service . ~ to reStpre the church as re- with cIa , nation with nation. - 7.46 p.m. vealed In the N flW Tes~nt. We Social justice and t he conscioushave no BOOK or rwe of ·fa1th "'&nd ness of th e oneness of mankind ST. AUGUSTINE CHURCH practice but the BmLE. We have no are till foreign in t h e Christian h&her OREED but CHiRiI'ST W\ho is the world, not because of any limitMass Sunde.y 9:00 am. authOr and f1n.1sb.er of our faith. We ations of Christ. b1lt b~cause of ile8r no N,AME but the DIVliNELY th e limitations of the people to FRIENDS <R'WlN NAMES thus honoring the wh om He spoke ... " First Day School - 9:30 a.m . . Christ who has called Us from dukMeetlng for Worsh1~10:30 a.m. ness Into HIs marvelous light. We "We cannot say t hat Christian have no PLAN OP SALVATION but principles have beeri incorporated WAYNESVILLE 0HRlIST'S plan, requiring only in the past in our . political and 'those ,tIb1ngs required by Ohrist economic institutions to ensure CHURCH of CHRIST througb HIs Apostles as a. mee.ns of' basic justice, nor can we hope. in Robert L. VanZile. IIlDIIter becoming&. Christian. We have no the light of history, that Chris- ' 11:30 a· m. HEADQUARTERS but heaven, and tianity can do 80 in the future." Blble School Communion 10:10 L m. no HEAD Of the church but aa:RJrST • ••• j SenDOD u:oo L m. who is the bead and: savior of the "'l'he latin root of the word reEven1lla Service . 8:00 'P. m. ~. We a~ er-deavortng to restore ligion, religio, meallls to bind toXENIA AREA CHR4B'l1IAlN YOUTH the church as re\lealed In the Scr1p- gether, to unite. When r eligion !RALLY hm at the Church of Ohrist tures In its purity an4 simplicity of ceases to uilite people it ceases this Sunday .a.fternoon, 2 :30 pm. organiza.t1on. and in its manr.er of to be useful." Doctors 'of religion ~ were instituted to bring spiritual healing to the peo·p le . and to be the cause of unity among the nations. If they b ec~ome the cause of division they had better not exist. A remedy is gJiven. too cure a ELECTRIC and ACETYLINE - Portable Equipm.,at disease. but if it -otlly succeeds in NEW FACTORY-MADE FARM WAGONS . aggravating t he cClmplaint, it is better to leave it al<lne. If religion WITH NEW RUBBER TIRES is only to be the cause of diversion, it had better not exist." TELEPHONES: Shop- Centerville 7031 -Abdu'l Baha Rea. Centerville 7465 "The cen tral fact to ' be noted
mon ey will not materials mow . .
OME FURNI,SHIN:GjS! "Hard-To-Get" Items
cracks in flu es may .have appeared during the summer. Insurance
(Floor and Table)
"Eaat Main Street at Whiteman"
Evangelistic Meeting At1"Jie
Church of Christ WAYNESVILLE, OHIO
Oct 21 to ' Nov. 10 .
Cornell's WELDING Shop
~,S=====~=~===============~_.. ~
HILLTOP · REPAIR ElectrIcal & Automoti~e
co ncerning nature of the Baha'i Faith t he is that it contains power, fulfilled in the realm of conscience, which can reverse t h e principal momentum of modern civilizati,on-the drive toward div.ision and strife-llDd inii iate its own momentum moving steadily in the direction .of unity and accord."
• • • Questions submitted
to the offlice of the Miami Gazette will be answered in this column. •
Submitted by Mrs. Helen McCoy, Rt. 2, Wa.ynwl'ille. Ohio
ROBERT L. VAN ZILE Minister . - EvangeliBit Waynesville, Ohio
OSCAR WILD Evangelistic Singer, Soloist Lexi~gton, Ky.
Children and Young People
TIlE MlAl'n GAZE'lTE - Pale '7 WAYNESVILLE. omo - NO. US'7 THURSDAY. OCTOBER 24, 1!M6-
:JJr'l Ridge A FARM DIARY by D
October ' 20. I [' -lG . Appl es nnd cider'. Th is is t hl time 0 f year to eat and drink your f ill fo this is apple tim e and t hey never tasle quite so good at any other time . Old timers t 11 u of going to the apple bin in the cell ar on cold ,w inte r eve nings and bringing up cold. crisp lor thern Sp ies and Bell efl owers and othe r old f avol'ites to cat before t he ope n fire with popcorn and nuts. They make our mouths water bu t how many have an appl bin now days. They may taste just a' good out of a paper bag trom t he grocery btlt they lack se ntim ental appeal, so now is t he tim e to go to t he orchards and fill up ( the com me rcial orchard I mean, not that lon e tree of your neighbors ). It is more than an old saying t hat apples are good for t he hea lth. They may no t have quite as much vitamin C as t he citrus f ruits bu t they have plenty and "It i proved by the foremo t medical authorities" as we hear on the radio, t hat t he pectin in apples has a soothing
SCHOOL DAYS Bo-'~ T~~T05 A CR~CKeR JAc.I<.! \ •.l\I5 T REAl) , 'CR. • 1\ II IlIeavT p. MIl!\.I)ER. IN AN O?lvM JOINT Or to. wO~f'1
\N~'pJ T~'t Tt\ROIH IN"b i t;lE RIVE/t.·
T""ERe'S ~ G\lon ClIWlS OIJT A . 1\"lV~I' l\riD #I DellI)
MOI'lKE't REP.(~E.5
Support prices for the 194 6 soybean crop will be $2 .04 per . bushel on green or yelJow soybeans of No. 2 grade which contain not more than 14 per cent moisture. Premiums w ill be paid fot' lower moist ure content, an d deduc tions will be made for cracked beans or high moisture content. Loan r a tes will be the sam e as the uPPort price. Cou nty A.tJ...A committees can ,bu y soybea ns f or th e Commodity Cr edit corporation or can give information on loans.
?I-\OT uP! DONT TELL ~e M\\JVT IT 1 eRP.1.'t 1 . , IJ{~I'IT
\'1 M'/ bE.l~! .
Notice Is hereby given that Alton F. Brown whose Post Office add.resB Is Leoo,r.on. Ohio has been duly a.ppointed as Executor of the Estate of Georgia. F . Mendenhall late of Warren County. Ohio. deceased. Dated this 16th da.y of October, 1946. Ralph H . Carey, Judgle of the Probate Court. Warren CClunty. ·Ohio. Carl AOareherll. Atty: 117
PERSONAL STATIONERY The Miami Gazette. Ph. 2143
I ~e _~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ COIIRE S
digestive tract so if t hat is what
ails eat plenty of ce and you, on applesau and some of yoeffect u may t hinkwhole that t his apple sauce too.
SO()iC. RE"'E.vlE.R....-
' h { ; . ,
Drown for COnlrr.... Commit! ...
The cider this year tastes part icularly good too. Co uld it be because it is so expensive ? Do you remember when twenty-five cents a gallon was the standard price? Expensive or not it tastes unusually good. P erhaps it satisfies some of t hat sweet hunger. The cil:ier from t he orchards that have lots of Gilden Delicious apples is very sweet. They say make apple butter from sweet cider and Golden Delicious apples and you
I . strikes long enough, things may gradually adjust t hemselves. Production Ilnd buyers resistance will bring t he prices down if wages do ~ot go up too soon. The onl:( tmng 1 have against t he unions is that now t hey that have so much PQW- . er they act as though t hey were t he only ones in t he world to be considered. Why don't th~y take some of their money and instead of paying it to their leaders try running a few facbories and mines
will need very little sugar. We haven't set up our sorghum mill this year. Ours wasn't quite ripe when the frQst cauglit i ~. We made up some like that one year and it waS terribly rank tasting. A man stopped here the other night looking for a place to have some ma4'e up. I 40 not know of any place nearer than Vandalia. I saw • .little patch of sorghum all s~ipped and ready to be cut th~ other day so I stopped to flind out
themselves and prove to the world that they can pay as much' as they t hink they can. Do it with t heir money instead of that of th~ ~ nvestments of the stockholders. Who are the stockholders anyway? Not only the rich but thousands of small holders saVings banks, insurance companies, endowed institutions, in other words .the whole country is concerned when :w~s go too high to be in balance with dividends
R. D, Howard. Chm.. London. O.
blackened With frost but t he hardy chrysanthemums are putting on a big show ever)rwhere. There were always some of them in town and country dooryards but the growers have taken them in hand and now they have them in every color, s ize and shape. It is nice to have something t hat carries the flower season piast the early frosts and makes 01l1r gardens gay until winter really comes as it will surely do, How about that furna·c e and those double windows? Coal is scarce this year. . ____ A few loads of manure per acre applied as ·a tbpdressing on wheat this winter Will help materially in gettipg 8tands of alfalfa Sind clovel' in · Ohio f.lelds next spring. Legume seeds will be scarce and high priced. High seedinlr rates can be considerably reduced if the ground ~ bee" .p repared to
SHEEHAN SELLS ARCH CHAMPION Elmer Sheehan & Son, Brown Swiss breeder; of WaynesvillerOhio, has r ecently sold the bull === Arch 'Champion 785'68 to Mable Crowshorn, Xenia, Ohio, according to a r eport from Fred S. Idtse, Secretary Qf the Brown Swiss HOURS: Cattle Bl'eeders' Abilsociation, Beloit, Wisconsin. 9-12 each
PORTABLE ARC Can be used anywhere All Kind. of Weldin,
Ch.rl•• B ...r~ 4th St., ' Wayne.vile, 0
morning --M afternoons except Wednesday 7-9 Saturday evening Other evenings by Appointment TELEPHONE 62-R
Dr. C. E. Wilkio
Optometnc Ey~ Specialist 26 South Detroit Str~et XENlA,OmO
where they had it made into moThe community sale this week give seed a better chance to germ- ~~~:===:=====~~.~.~~~~r~r;;.;.;.~.~.~.~.~.;;.;.~~.~. lasses. They said they took theirs waS like th.e other stockyards, inate and to live. The top~lreasing (. up nellr Tipp ·City but t~t seems swamped with every sort. of tbing adds plant food and hell'S hold farther aWay than Vandalia. Why that could walk onto the . truck. I . moisture in the suria'Ce soil. . A fine selection of. FLOOR, ~LE, V.A NJTY and wouldn't some K~ntuckian who took one look at the pen of cows ' PIN-UP Im·ows. how to make good molaaa- wedged in so· tight that if one of • BEAD TBB CLASSIFIED ADS • es make a good thing of Ii mOl in them had died she couldn't haye our neiChborhood. ·M'Ore of us fallen down and I came home but would raise it if we could get it John stayed until after dark and made up nearer home. Sorghum they were still selling and more BASSI NETrS, CRIBS and BABY CARRIAGES molasses haa a whang to it that stuff coming in. 'Good stuff was &omE! people don't like ~ut I )i,ke 'bringing high prices but under Extra Aluminum DINETrE CHAIRS - They are ~ Aad Your Streacth and it and it comes in handy in thee. weight and Jersey atock was no handy to have. Energy ·1. Below Pu daya of sugar shol1ages. Lt ' haa higher than it has b~en for weelts. It niay be caUMd by disorder 01 L1d· CEPAR CHESTS - They make lovely gifts' MY f ..nctlon tbat ~ltII ..oI8onolUl lots of vitamins.and minerala in The wind and .the last rain have wute · to aC!C'1IlIIaiaq, r« trQJ~ _ny PIIOpi. feel tired. " &ad IIIll8erabi. it too, more than refined Ingar. brought .down· most of the leaves . G. E. BULBS - Keep them on hand, be prepared when tb. !ddo.y& fall to nlllov. . . . . . adc18 IUId Ollier . . . . _"-' fro.. tb. Meat controls have gone and and . there ds a cttill in the air and blood. . 'NU ENAMEL .KEM TONE YoQ lDaT lair... uam. baeb" now where are weT Just where we the smell of burning leavea. The rheumatic palna. headacbea. dllalq_ were last June. Solne people dalhiu at the Dalhia Farm are. ptUul up olcbtll. 1111 pal1l8, • .,.,Wn". Boaa.tI_ fnqueot and _oty urlnanever' believe in back tracking. dOll with .martlnl and bW'D11II1 Is an· Olh... 1l1ll tbat IOmetblD,1I wr'o o. 1I'ith Once controls were off it was a tbe !ddJie,.. or bladder. mi&take to try to put them baCk TlaenI .bould be no.doubt thalt prol!'Jlt "-tlll.nt 18 1I'i.., than nect'lct. U.. on. apin, The Republicana' blame· DoG.', Pia.. It II be\~r to r.ty on a medicine that b.. won eGuotQ'1I'ide apthe Democrats and the . Democrats. proval tban on IOmetbla,l_ f'aY() ... bly known. Docs ..•• have bMn tried ,and tett• b111me the ' ae'pubMcana and the ' G.bbons BuildIng, North Street ~d IIlany lara. An at all dra ••tone. Socia1i~t.bor party is baek on e Get. DoG. • tG!l8J'. W ~YNESVILLE, OHIO the ticket with a candidate for Phone 2422 Governor. U "Walter Ruether and . Jaia. union. Will bold off .their.
'L A M · P S
Waynesville Furniture & Apptiu.ce Co•.
.. TIlE l\UAl\1J GAZE'lTE - Pace 8 WAYNESVILLE. omo - NO. 4287 .THURSDAY, OOTOBER 24, 1946
comparatively innocent, carefree and simple time wh en free gar· den eeds were con (dered to be an unholy pOlitical racket."
Household GoocJs For Sale--
25 words or less. one time.... ... 25c Each additol'-a1 word ............ lc FOR SALE- HOBART M. pABLE 8PECIAL RATES by CONTRACT ' Gl'Ilnd Piano; w~ut antique love
seat and match.l.ng chair, newly ref1n1shed and upholstered; One man's suit. black, size 42, excelled condition. Phone 2101, Mrs. Enlest Harlan. W~ensville. O. 1024
W ANTED Pump""" for CaDDiDI
PhoDe 370
, LoanaPEDERAL LAND Bl\NK LOANS: For Reflnanc1Ili - Rebutldlnlt Buying. 4% Pann loans w'1~ long
tlme to pay. Pay pan or all any time. LEBANON NAT'L FARM LOAS
A88'N., Ellls H. sturm, Seo'yLebanon, Ohio. Phone 448 k:
Real Ealat. For 5al_ IP YOU HAVE A PROPERTY OR
PARK TO SELL can or Write Don HendersOn. Tel. K:E344e, 617 Lofoa1D Ave., Dayton, Ob1o. tfc
CARLlSLE·MASON Monday, Oct. 21, Mason and Carlisle began to play out t.heir three·way tie with Waynesville. Although the players trecords are not avaiJable the final score was 7 t o 2 in 'favor of Mason.
The 1946-47 Basltetball scnedule tor WaY'l'.e6V111e }ljlrh School has WAYNESVILLE·MASON POR •.\LE _ ONE MALL been set-up for the season as folWednesday, Oct. 23, WaynesV'ille HEATING STOVE; On e Cir. Iowa: and Mason fini shed playjng out the ay FRID ,. ay tie for t he County League. The TUESD culating Kalamazoo heatr o l a;" one Ellectric RefrigeratOr; Centerville - Here - Nov. 8 game was 'played at Lebanon Fair· grounds. One Simmons iron bed; One Open - HEll'e Nov. 15 child's waterproof snow suit, Spring Va1le~. There Nov. 22 CHICKEN FEED SAVINGS size 2. Phone 2552. Nov. 26. ' - OpeIll -Here Springboro. There. Dec. 6 Only , a quarter of a century 10; Lebanon", There ago congressmen' were distribut~EUMATISM!, Dec. !MasOn. There. Dec. 13 ing free garden seed to their con· Sufferers. Try REINER'S RINOL. Dec 17. Kingman . _ There stituents, but the practice was Comforting reUef from pains of . Harveysburg. There. Dec. 20 discontinued as wasteful. A bil· rhe1JDl8,tlsnL arthrlt1& neurit1s, hunF'rallklin., Here , lion dollars was still a figure ba.go. P'RIEE BOOKLET. Ask for Jan. 7, Morrow. There. Jan. 10 looked upon with awe by our law. Reiner's Rinol. Why suffer longer ? Waynesville Drug stme. tfc Jar.. '24. Kings Mills. Here makers. Times have changed since Springboro. Here, Jan. 17 than garden seed to worry about Jan. 21. Beavercre:ek, Here then. Now the taxpayer has more HarveysbUl'f!r. HES'e. Jan. 24 . t h f t d C84'l1s1e. ,Here. Jan. 31 m e way 0 go,vernmen spen· A REWARD OF ,50.00 WU BE Feb. 4 ' Hlllsboro. There ing. GIVEN FOR ANY INFORMA· \. The popular order is to have TION LEADING TO THE AP... NOTICE OF ELECTION the Federal government finance PREHENSION AND CONVIC· ON ADDITIC~NAL TAX everything from kilowatts to fer· TION OF PARTIES WHO RE· OUTSIDE lO.MIUl. J,.1MITATION tilizer, and fonn local community CENTL Y FIRED SEVERAL 22 Notice is hereby given, that in spending to compulsory cradle·to· CALIBER BULLETS THROUGH pursuance of a rl!solution of the th e~grave security. "No Seed" is DOOR OF LODGE ON TH'E WM. Board of Commissioners of War· chicken feed savings too small to McCARREN FARM, 1 ~ MILES ren County, Ohio passed Septem. figux:e 'in the new ·order. NORTH OF HARVEYSBURG, bel' 17, 1946, there ~11 be sub· As the Portland o.regonian put ON· CAESARS CREEK DAMAG· mitted to the vote of 't he people it, "Sometimes we find ... we are ING CONTENTS OF LODGE, of Warren Count.y, at the Gen· wishing Y'e were back . . . in the
TO SETl'LE ESTATE ONE-BAU' ACRE OF LAND IN ~sv1lle with ckd>le house; dandy looa.tion; ~w bath and ,all J'OUXl8 newly decorated. Bam. C1~ Water. A real value. oa.n OEO. JIENKLE, Phone!. Lebanon. 1017c AND HAVING FORCED EN. eral Elecbion to be held in said TRANCE COMMITTED BUR· County, at ·the rE!gular places of TO aL08E ESTATE- 2 Aom!B OF GLARY THEREIN. voting therein, o,n Tuesday the laDd, 1~ m1le ac;wutheaat or Center- ALL INFORMATION WILL BE 5th day of NovE!mber 1946, an ville; 4 rocm house, unf1n1Sbed KEPT STRICTLY CONFIDt:NT· additional tax at a rate not ex. 81tt1c; e1ectlrlc; outbuSld1np. PboDe IAL AND NAME OF INFORM· ceeding 1 mill for each one dollar WaynC8V1l1e 29M. 1~ ANT WILL NOT BE DIVULGED. of valuation, which amounts to 10 POR SAlLE- 5-rOmn house; base- CON T ACT 'ANY LAW EN· cents for each one hundred dol. iIDeOt; front and back porch; FORCEMENT 0 F F ICE R OF lars 'of valuation, 'f or the purpose water and electrlc. Inquire Will WARREN COUNTY ' OR AD. of PUIROHASING A SITE (un· ~ Wa~e . 1~4 DRES,S: REC9-SPRlNGFIELD. less a suitable site can be obtain· OHIO. ed without purch'Lse) ~ECTING, !POR S,ALE- NEW · nvE-R()()M EQUI'PPINiG, Ii' U'R N .l S HI N G NOT,ICE OF· ELECTION Ibo~; electricity; 'W11.b ~ acre AND THE OPI!mA'l1ION AND ON ADDITIONAL TAX .ground in Harveysburg. f4l)OO. MMNT·ENANOE OF A MEMOOUTSIDE lOMILL LIMITATION SIX-ROOM HOUSE. MODERlN EXNotice is hereby given that in RIAL TO COMIMEM<mATE THE cept furnace; in tirst class ompursuance of a resolution of the SERVllOES OF ALL MEMBERS dlt.ion; m W~. AND V'EmER.A.NS OF,' TlfE 0NE-s..U.F ~ OF GROUND; Board of Commissioners o~ War· ARMED FORCES OF THE ren County, Ohio, passed Septem· buildhl8 2Ox4O. PropeJIUea abown by appointment ber 10>, 1946, .t here will be sub. UNITE<D 'STATE~, !or a. period 'tt d t te f th . I f of 10 years, begmnmg wIth the only ~ except 8~. ml e 0 a vo 0 e peop e 0 tax ear 1946 y . WJILBUR N. SEARS, !Phone 3651 Warr~n County, at the General . The polls of said ElIecbion will Election to be held in said Co,unty, HELP WANTED FEMA~E at the regular places of 'Voting open at 6:30 A. M. and remain there~n, on Tuesday the ,5th day open until 6:30 P. M. (Eastern JOB PRESS FEEDER - 1"OLL OR of 'Novemher 1946 an additional Standard Time) of said day. part time. Plenty of work. Good By ordl~r of the Board pay. Will ,train. Box 387. c/o TM tax at a rate not exceeding 1 mill of Elect:ions of M1am1 Gazette. for each one dollar of valuation, - - - - - - -____,- - - - - which ' amounts to 10 " cents for Warren Oounty, Ohio BlEIJP WANTED- 'LADY 20 TO 40 t each one hundred doliars of valBiUop, CbatnDan ( YeMSOl~; good wages; no SUn- uation, for the 'purpose of CUR. . H. C. ~tilea. Clerk ::: ;;rk;, ~:e~~=:ns. RENT EXPENSES of the County Dated-October .}, 194.6 _ _ __ _ _-...._ _. _ of Warren, Sta.te of Ohio, for a LIVE STOCK• period of 3 years, beginning with 'NORRIS B1ROCK CO. the tax year 1946. ' TURKEYS FOR SALE-Weight The polls for said election will fro~ 10' ~ 2{) Ibs. Mrs. Ethel open at 6 :80 A. M. and remain ~lhs, 2 mIles West of Wayne,s·"open until 6:30 P. M. (Eastern VIlle on State Rt. 73. Phpne Standard Time) of said day. 29·69. 1031c By order of the Board of Elections of FOR SALE-COCKER SPANIEL Warren County, Ohio . PUPPY; AKC Regist'e r, Phone D. W. Bikhop, Chairman 2987. H. C. Stiles, Clerk OFFICE EQUIPMENTDated-Ootober .9, 1946 Lift \Y1n .and PI~... An orHALLMARK TYPEWRITER REB· ....... UOD MCODcJ .. DODe. StrIe&17 bona now in stock. The Gazebte. AUCTIONEERING ...... albe . . aD anaacJ ~t
Vote For
UruWII lor Con".... CummiUo,. R Il, Hownrd. Chm .. London. O.
How Would You-lik e to live in 11 community Without a drug store? A modern up-to·date drug store such as ours is not only a place ·t.o purchase drugs pnd sundry items but is a service instituti'O n as well. We recognize our responsibil. ity to this community to render service and endeavor at all times to deserve the liberal patronage accorded us.
Waynesville Drug ·Store
A New Styling In Advertising! Now available for all types of business, 'F armers, Real Estate, Automotive, Contractors, Retail Stores. It'. Convincing· IT SElLS! A variety of sizes, styles and prices available. Phone 2,43.
a. w.
Loat 'aDd FOUDd- .
aaGuas LlCDS& ' lor ttbJa ad. 1be 0e.Iette oftloe. PcJI: Datel, JIb. . . . . . w~ POUND- Blue SWeater, at ~ bIal ,J1M't. Owner ideJ:1tI!7' and pay _"'!""""0bI0. _ _ReftIII ___ __ ' __
~tI7.;... ce
t S ti f'
'I'1JNII TO , WIIIO Da~ For Oar DaIIJU:13 -D1a11JIiI
""'t .......
KEROSENE RANGE~ Gppd condition .... . . .... $85.00 STORE ·Compu.tol' SCALES, 10 lb. capaCity, $29·00 WIDLIS HUNTER, cor.'North st. and Dayton· Rd . . WAYN~VIUE, OHIO
Legion Plans Year Of Many Events
Formers Basketball Under Entertain Friday Eve Legion Sponsorship
On Friday evening. Nov. 1. about The local American Legion P ...~t A spec1al meeting of the Wayr.e twenty-five representative business No. 615 announce.'> this week that Township American Legion P06t No. and professional men ar.d clvic - they are Sp01~soring an Independetl1t 615 was h eld Thursday. Oct. 24. At minded cid.zer.s met a The Green Basketball League and are s.slctn.g that Ume prepara lions were made Room f<>r a dInner meeting. the t.hat all fonner cage stars. Alumrn1 for a big year 01 eveJllt,B for 1946-47. A dance is scheduled for Nov. 9 ESTABLISHED 1850 - NO. 4289 $1.50 PER YEAR - 5c A COpy guests of the Committee set up to members of Waynesville High.. the form the CorporllJUon for the ad- Legion members of Post 615. an , whlch will be the Armistice Day Da.r.oe and w1ll be held in the High WAYNESVILLE. OHIO THURSDAY. NOVEl\IBER "i. 194.6 vancement of factory building In boy living In WaynesviIJe School Waynesville. namely S. L. Robin- Dl. trict and anyor.e In this comSchool Gym. A donaltlon or 75<: is "on. R. C. Moler and Mayor Warren mu.nity who wishes to tryout for asked. Braddock. ' the team to be at the H'gh School Erv S windler's orohes1ira or Xenia After the dinner was served the Gym on Friday evening at 8:30. will furnish the mu Ie. Plans are now drawn to gta,l't tJhe meeting W86 held In an informal Wllllam Sawyer. Commander of manner and discusSIon of the many seasons play or. Nov. 21. and to conthe Post requests that everyone give angle of the proposed building tinue eac.h Week thru the season. the memOeTs of the Post a start Aal1ateur teamsln surroUllllding on their new year by attend1r..g thi The Mothers Club held their Nov . The Band R Dry Cleaners ope.r - projects was h~ld. Ohrurles Anderson. attorney for towns and l"ome semi-pros such as dance and evening ~f entertain- ' meeting In the Lunch Room of t;he a:ted by Ro8er Greene and R.obel't men"'. Grade BId. Worlanan on North Main street In the Corporation. gave several view the House of David and Hollywood Sawyer also states that a regular Mrs. Samuel Keys was in clla.rge Waynesville w1ll be open open fOt points from _ the legal standPOint. Girls a~e on the schedule. Two ghmes will be played each He stated tha.t the Corporation • report..eI' has been appointed and of the devotioll&; The FIrst Aie! busine6S on Monday. Nov. 11 aepa.pers should be received within evening. a preliIn1naty and the a schedule or coming events w1ll Comm. gave their report on the 1m- oord1ng ·to ·the proprietors . appear in the colwnns of the Miami 'provement5 in the rest rOOlJ'l,!!. They are prepared ,t o do all types this week or next and upo~ their ~ event. The Legion acknowledges the Oe.zette., • Members of the clUb decided to re- of <ity eleaclng and pressing. They reaeipt lnunediate aotfun on full 1Da.nces. plays. basketball games. new the OUrtis Publlca.Uor. subscrip- are using "Ba.nd...Box" dry cleaning formaUon of the Corpore.t1011 heads k.1ndness of the School Board and et.<:. are planned. tioll&. These sub6criptions wUl help machinery and equipment a nd. have and acceptance of stockbolders' ISuper1Il1tendent in allowing them the u se of the High SchOOl ~ . Six m.er.. were a.po1nlted to ~ew the club to support the Waynesville in&telled "Pantex" pressir.g mach- could be started. It was stated tha,t deflnlte plans POSts In the Legron at this meeting H. S . Band. A report was given on loes. or.. a yearly basis: the results of the Halloween earniAt the present time their bu.sIness were ready 00 be placed 1r. effect Enite!r~nt Comm.it~: Fret! val and it WWI reported that t356.40 'Will be on a cash and carry, basis. tJba.t w1ll assure the factory buildGn.uman; 1Edward. Ramby; Erwin was made clear. howev~ they state they w1ll have ing aDd its occupancy at a date Ellis; Xellll! Peters. Speakers for the afternoon were a truclt in the tuture for pick-up conslsterlt with a:vallab1llty of the materials and construct4on. Service O tficer. Kenr.eth Bradley. MrR. S . L. RXlblnson Iwho spoke or. a.nd delivery. PubHc RelatiOll& or/ieer: Donald ner Health program for the year. -----Ottbarn. , carried out In the sc.hools here. 'M r. W. S. C· S. ANNOUNCE For 1.h.e benent 01 a ll concerned. ;McKnight principal of the Gnde TURKEY SUPPER inclUding the pUblic. Int¢allaHor. c)f Sc.boo) also spoke. Of,f1cers and Inltla.tion of New MeInThe Woman's Society of Obrlstoutline the youth group's methods. ber8 will be held at the Wa,y nesIan Berv1ce of .the Methodist Ohurch ard program at a ' meeting of thevWe HIgh School. Nov. 14 a t 8:00 RECORD ENROLLMENT are announcing a turkey supper to Acheerfullampllghter. symbolizing ~t. Mary's Club. 7:30 p.m . Sunday. p.m.. AT OSU NAMES THE be served at the church cl1nreg room the emergence of fresh hope a!ter Nov. 10. in the Waynesville Epl8coLOCAL STUDENTS on Monday evening. Nov. tel fonn the darkne66 of the pest years. is ,pal rectory. BLUE CROSS SHOWS In Ohio Sl8.te Unlversity's record 5 :30 to 7:00 p.m. This is open to the fea.tured on the 1946 Chdstml!,.'! Seal Mr. Lane. who has been an active STEADY GROWTH autumr. enrollmellt of 24.650. neuly general public at tJhe t~ indicated which has been received at head- d.irector'Ot the expansion to nattonBlue O.ross membership In south- doubling the pre war peak or 13.227~ ::!n~:: ~.:v7 ~bse~e the quarters of t he Warre~ County Tu- al scope. 18 the first speeker schedwestern . Ohio reached' a new high are more <than 13.000 veterans. unc ~ who are bercul061s and Health Association IUled to addre6s the WaynesvUJe durtr.~ tlhe third ......arrer or the versity officials repol't. The present holding their regular moc-thly, meet- acc~'~- to 'Mae Shupert ""-..... t1 e' Clu.b .. .... t deDIt body ind d Ing there at that tlme. v,~ .,.,.""u v . ~ with a total of 619,320 member s u , u ~: The- price per plate ,will be SU)() ' secretary. , S~uel N. Keys. lay reader of s t. it ' !a reported by James E. Btuallt, .CARlI..ISLE--Paul M. Waters adUlts and to children' ullder 10 The 40th Christmas Seal Sale, to Muy s church, who ~ged to . execuUve vlce-prelden t of Hospital FOSTERr-Maurice O. Sies years. half rice. ra1se"ttmd's 1\lr"tbe control'cit t utle!'- bring ~ LuIe to W~e. w1l1 oa.re Corporation. Cincinnati. Our- FRANKLIiN-Ben H. Burdge: Dan ¥ p culcs1s. will be conducted thrOughout introduce the speaker. James Baker. tng tJhe quarter end1r.g September 30. O. Ohlldress; Wlllian H . Hartzell; the l'..a.tion from Nov. 25 to ChlstmBs. Lebanon. president or the Club. will 23.709 new member were added Joseph C. Kennedy; Lllllar.-A. KenOf the money raised, 80 per cent be In charge at a brief business and membership growth for ,the nedy; Rlohard C . Zimmerman w1l1 be used within the County for meeting at 'Which a proposed conyear fOre ItO 115.65'1: HARVEYSBURG -Carrol J. Carr. " local campa,lgns against tubercul- stltutlor. for the newly formed orNationally. tJlle 87 Blue Cross ~ill1am L. Hill osis. The remaln1r.g 20 'p er-cent wlll gan1zatlon will be submlttec! to the (h06Pital service) Plans of the UnI- KINGS MiILLS--Joe E. Waters be forwarded to the State Tubercul- emQership. ted states and canada ' added 1.258. UEBAlNOf:l-Robert M. Cembell; osts Assoc1aItlon to support services The St. Mary's Club. which was 225 members to their roJls during ~d D. Elbon ; Earl E. Gaylor; Election resUlts 10 Wayne Town- performed on national level to furth - formed last month to assist In workJwy. August and September. brlng- Frederick E. Jones. Richard M. ship and Wayne sv1lle propelr Show- er tubereulosis cont.r~l. Ing out post wall' religious and civic lng total Blue 0J'068 ,membership ~lor ed a 'gene.r al trend toward the ReChrlStmas Seals were first sOld In programs for 't he community. has to 24.soo.763. according to the Blue MASON,-WlIllam E. Edwards ; publlcan side by a margin (If a,bout taUs Cour.try In 1907 when Miss Em- s11lted a series of speakers. dlscusDlls5 Commission of Chicago. Alv1c C. Vcorhds ; Jean Voorhis two to on.e. All Republican candi- Uy p. BlsRell of WUmington. Del. 80- slons and entertainmer.ts dUrlng the Th.e Blue Cross 'P lans are now Vincent K . Walker dates tor ottice on the tick:e t were doptlng 'an Idea from Denmark. pro- wln!ter and spring months. addlng members 'a t the rate or more MORROW-Harold E. Schnell; Jack elected by this majority In the com- moted a seal Sale for 'the beneftt t.h8n 5 and a hal! mll1lor.s even R. Tralr.er bined town and township vote. of pa.tlent6 1r. a small t uberculosis SPECIAL TRAIN TO TAKE year. Durtng the first nine ' mon~ PlLlEASA/NT PLAIN-Glenn P.M'cThe one mill levy Oblld Welfare hospital Wilmin ton Tha firs 01 1946 alone. 4.401.558 Amel'ican< ar.d t he Warren Oounty M---'-l nearwas so g . t thatt FARM BUREAU MEMBERS ,.., HenrY; John W. Sharp ""......, - Seal Sale successful , joined t.h~ Blue CrClS8 Plam. WAYNESVlLLE--;Herold Am1erson; tax levy also carried here but W&8 following year It was cooctuoted TO , NAT L CONVENTION Raylyn T . Cra.bbe; Robert L. Earn- deteated 10 !the Oounty a;!I If. whole. on a utional scale to raise funds Approximately 300 Ohio F:arm LlV~ STOCK. SHOW AT part; . MarY K . Focht; Lyle B. !"ox; School levies Vbted ()DI In other for tuberculosis oontrol and has Bureau members will board a OHICAGO NOV· 30, DEC. 7 Seth Hbak; ca.Mn Jackson McCla1n districts in the Oounty carried and been J;l8.tion-:Wlde since then: . special train Dec. 3 for a trip to ~ a ww-tlJDe lapse of five JacIc6or!; George 'Pe~; Orville all local option dlstrict6 voted to reIn 'honor or ,the 40th almual Seal the annual meeting of t he Ameriyears, ,the country's ~ agrl_ L. Savage main wet except Harveysburg which Sale. each sheet of 100 Seais tbJa can Farm Bureau Federation ,t o cul~-' ',' ....,w ..... - . ... • .....,- Interr..... ion-' voted dty by· a I'Jne vote Il1I8J'iin. ........ carries four' ......... - l a l -+-it ' 1/l.Il1U ......... J~ .,.,.. ..... be held in San Francisco Dec. 8 lAve ' stock Exposition and Horse EXAMS BEI'NG HELD . Se6ls. They are of M1sa BIssell; tb 12 ShOW, wru be held ,in Chicago Nov. FOR HEADS OF THE ., WOMAN'S AUXILlA:RY Jacob Rils. panish-Amer1can. w h o ' . .. 30 ,to Dec. 7. W AIRREN' COUNTY HOME AT ROBINSQN HOME had IWrltten an etttcle lQing a Memb~A makmg.. the trIP WIll Ampiflbea.tre. Examination of applicants for a.pThe Woman's AUX!Wary ot st. 0hir1st1D86 Seal to fight tuberoulO6isi use a l '5-car, all pullman special. lit will ~ place at 'the Qh1cago poIIlJtmen.t to the positions c4 SUper- Mary's Eptaoopal Church will hold 10 the muted st8tes; Eo A. Vt.n arranged by the Pennsylvania ahowed more Itha.n la.OOO heed Of InteDdent and Mar\.oiil of the Warre~ its 'N ovember meeting at the hllme Valkenburg. editor aDd pubUsher of Railroad. County Farm Bureau cattle; hor8es. ah~ and swine ~ Oounty Oh.1ldren's Home lWW be 0011- C!f Mrs. S. L. ~1n8or. on Prlday. the Phtladelphia North American. presidents have been designated !halve IZ'egiatered for the "VJoIlOlry" ducted by an Examiner Of the state November 8th at 2 P . M. An Interest- and Le~ Mitchell Hod8es. C9lumn- to handle reservationa from theu:: '1ibDw. OI/VH ~ OoI'rIIntBontnthe lng ~ Is J)lanned. 1st on th8It paper, who promoted counties. They w1l1 ~t 29 breeda com- Ooort House. Lebanon Ohio. Miss Bls8ell's Seal. Stops to acc<>modat~ aighteeel'l prJatJJc lour ~ of beef 08ICt1e. November 22. 1M8 at 9:00 o'clock MnI. Shupert said that the quota will be made at 'Denver lRoyal of ' sw1tle. , and 'Lake : ; ty ,
Mothers Club Carnival Dry Cleaners Will Clears Good Amount Open Here Monday
St. Mary's Club To
Christmas Seals Show Lampl."ghter Des."gn
Hear Robert Lane
JU~ A~:~e:~~e~~s:~
EIectlon - RICesu ts Ive
Republ-Icans Lead
~ =e~
One of the blC features of the Ex- W. Szmth. Cha1rm&n. and GErtrude ,~ will be tbe Intemia.tooal JOne8. Member of the CIoIiImdasJ!unklr Live stoek PeedIne Oontat , to~. m whIcb fann boys and strla JWtll bulletin ahowtnC 10 detAYI the requ!r_ ex.b1tdt,upnM or 1600 8beera. 18mb&, ed , qualllleatkm8 !lIeIIII8I'Y' .to be ad'8Ild bore ~ ~ own 're.Jslng. mt~ Ito theee fIt1!IUft.inMiooa WhJch , bul1et1n tocether witli required ap~ 01' ear-ly wiDter, fa the beet pUcat100 blanke·'me.y be aeoored at time apply eprap t.o contn.! peaOb the omce of the oaun.ty. AucW.or. or 3eaI 0IJ'1. MateriaJa reoomll'!eDded by wrtUnc c:YreOtltv to t.be 8tue 0lv11 . are .. ClOIIIbtna.tbl at • aDd cae- Service Ccllumbu& 0bJ0. loorth p.U0Il8 of uQuid lJme eulpbur . fIe1'IIoa dII!II&dftI to ~ in 'Wttb 100 plkiIDa Of " . . at .. 8-8- theee ~ IbouI1d.' ftJe tIbeSr 100 ~ ~. aIIPI~ .. eoon .. pcaM»e .. .moe tale 0l0tDa dUe!(II' tbietr appU_ IN CA8& OW .... DIAL.. catble SI Pridia),., Novtulber ~, lHe .
n, I
: .!!.w;:e;:: ~~
~?rge, ,~lt
$4.150. 00 which w1l1 be Ulled tor lver anyon, s Angeles, DIANA RAE MILLER such projects 88 PbysIcai 'cxam1na- Grand Canyon and the Carlsbad Mr. and !00'8. Ray Miller ,al'e an- tlont fOl' lltth grade bOys and mass Caverns. Stops will be made at 4'lOUDCing :the bir!l:h of a daul'hter.· X-MY pI'OIram. _ Urbana, Piqua and Chicago to D1a.na Rae. born Oat. !1 at Oood 'I'he Jampliglhlt« Seal betr.g used pick up members who find .t ine"marttan bospltal 1r. ~y~. She tor the 4Ot!h ar.n1versary was desIgn- convenient to board the train at welshed eeven lb&. Dr. A. E. SWut ed by Lloyd Ooe, of Cape Arm. Mass. , Columbus. was tile at'tendJng physician. from ankllea.submitted' by MtssMary Hotel reservati<>ns f<>r those ac-
Louise DItee. of JackaoDvtlJe. PIa. Ita predominate color Is blue. ~ destr1n8 Seals for overseaemail may set them. on 1"equest tram heedJqua.rt.en made ,o f ·the Joeal allllOCSaUon. a.ccordJDC to an &0" lIIOIJnCement made to d&y by Mae • '&&AD 'I1IE GLASSDBD ADS • 8bupert. execuUve seoetary.
D6trymen produced 2.2 pounds of m11k a dq fqr every ,p enon In tile natioo dW'1n8 september but tba.t ItPU a decreaae n.. the ~ a.verace b! fm JftVJoos JleeI'S.
quiring ,t rip reservations will be made b the Ohio Farm Bun u y . a at approved hotels In San Franciaeo. . . The west coast wiD be the Kene of the AFBiIi' convention for the first time in several years.
mliy visited r elatives near Ports- THE l\llAl\n GAZETTE - Pace I mouth. Sw:day. WATh""ESVlLLE, omo - NO. 1289 Mrs. Truman Wardlow. Waynes- TllURSDAY. NOVEl\mER 7, . 1946
VACATIONING FOR FEW WEEKS IN FLORIDA Mr. and Mrs. L , V. Branstrator left Monday to spend a few week" In Bradenton. Fla. the kind things done fOr him in his
Mr. ar.d MrA. Howard Hurley or N ew Burlington will hold op en house on SUnday. Nov. 10 from 2 to 6 in honor ot the newly wedded couples. Mr. and Mrs. Roy D . Hurley of ' Good Hope. Oh.lo a.nd Mr. ar.d Mrs. STROKE VICTDI GUbert E . King of Waynesville. l\RJCR IMPROVED
\111e gave an Instructive talk beNOV. 7- warnmille Garden Club. fore the Congregat ion of the MethMr~ . Fred Hook. Secretary. Ohurch here. Sw:day momlng. Mrs. James ThornburY Is recoverNOV. 8- W. C. T . U " Mrs. Truman Ing at her home from an attack WardlOW, Secret4uy. of Scarlet. Fever. , Mrs. Marie Gray of D ayton was NOV. 8- S t. Mary' s Auxiliary. Mrs. the weekend house guest 01 her sonpamuel Ke}·s. &"CTetary. in-law a.nd daughter. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Beck, ~d Madelene. NOV. 11- The Miami Chapter of Miss EvalYn Tucker spent the th e O . E. S . ot , Waynesville wtll weekend touring Southern Ohio. have a dinner at t:he regular meetMr. C. D . Smart of Newark visited lng on ~hls date. several days ·this week at the horne The dinner Is f,o r the members lind their fa.milies. Each member Is asked to bring their own table service dv.-wh.es. a' covered dis.h and san ' L enough sugar tor t.heir own use. . t,; 0 F FER
ATTEND MOORE FUNERAL Mr. and Mrs. Carl Moore and family attended t.he funeral of Mr . . Moores nephew Fred Moore which was held Mo~day afternoon at the Bellbrook Met.hodlsh Church. Young
Mr. J . R. Wade ot Waynesville UNDAY DINNER GUESTS suftered a. stroke at his home some h 'A Is ch 1mprov. ed Mr. and Mrs. Chester Dooley of t 1me ago ~d •.., mu West CarrOllton were dinner guests Mr. Wade wishes be thank his NOV 1~ Happy Hour Club at the of Mr. and Mrs. Ray Mainous. SUn- many frtends and neighbors for all hOOl~ of Mrs. iAl..wrenoe Cook. There day. . t1m.e of need. . will be an lnstallatlon of the ,DeW ott~s elected for the coming year. 'GUESTS OF BRANDENBURGS ENJOY PICNIC IN Prog'l'8.nl Oommltt,ee. Mrs. Ha1Ty Mr. and Mrs. O. R . Kelly and IJ()IIl.I LEESBURG PARK S&tterthwalte and Mrs. Roscoe Furwere dinner guests of Mr. and MrS. Mr. and Mrs. John Gons and nas. Woodrow Brandenburg and daugh- daughters and Mr. aDd M!rs. Lawrters, Sur.day. ence Cook and sons enjoyed a p1cn1c NOV. '1~ Wayn'e Twp. Fa.rmers' at a. roadside park nea.r Leeaburg Olub will meet at 'bhe home at Mrs. PENDS DAY IN LYTLE on Sunday. Later In the evening Caasie Collett of Harveysburg. On Wedn.eeday of last week Mrs. they visited wlt:h Mrs. Oook's par_ . NOV. 12- Masonic· lodge Meeting. Ed Th<lmas spent the day with her ents Mr. and Mrs. T. J . Dav18 of da~ter. Mre. Harry Bumet b! Leesburg. cevled. In addltior.. to the. radio AWlt Lytle. Ba.ra:h also waa given a ton of coal VACATlON IN and tbe balance o:t the moner wae DINNER GUESTS TUESDAY SMOKEY MOUN"l'AINS given to her. A.WlIt Sara.h·s OWn Mrs. Nettle Tinney of Corwin enMr. and Mrs. George Peterson en- Thank You rollov~s : tel1ta4ned Mr. and Mrft. Leonard joyed a trip to the Smoky MQWl't&lns With all my hea:li't I wish to tha.nk T1nr.ey., and Mrs. Harry SCheank last week. thqse, vrtlo contrtbUlted to one at the and oh11dren to dinner, Tuemay mQ8t pleasant 8lU'1P'1~ of my: Ute. evening. DINNER GUES'JlS IN DAYTON For years I ,have been waottng a Mr. and MlrB. Oscar Wild or Lex- radJ.o; ' but al'ftYI! feli that ~ ILLNESS REPORTED ington. Ky,. Mr.. and Pbs. Robert w~e more ura-er.t n~s. It is ~ Mrs. Pe.r ry ~ mother or Ya.nZ11e. Mrs. FlO681e Oe.rey. Mrs. 1~ . to, try to expt'eBs in words how !Milo Beal of Waynesville. 1e quite Op'ace Pumas and \Miss Lucy Dniey much enjoyment I am JllOW havm, 111 at her home near Rldgev1lle. were dlnr..er guests at Mrs. Anna- 11stentns to ae~ the nev. .. She has been 111 for -about two belle Flora. 1n Dayton. Sunday. eduC?B.t1onal progmoms, and above ,an month8. . my son's vo1oe blending witlb the voleee of the oth~~ Hannonaire8. VISIT NEAR HARVEYSBURG In ~tlOn ,to ~ radio I ~ Mr. and Mrs. ·Ba.muel Keys and 'given 'tuel aDd cash. Again. I B1n.ce. jJ ' . d .. rely <tIhank who gave; and eschUdren wwe of.. Mr. and ~. W111 Tiohenor of near HarveysThe Committees of the A. M. B. peclally Elizabeth IBimpson and ZOra burg. Sunday. olrureb and Zion Baptist Church of Ecton who sponeored the effort. Harv~urg Who were appolnit.ed to Atmt. 8mLh Ward VlSn'QRS FROM DAYTON rec'e!ve dODtr1butlOIUl to obtain a Mll'$. Ada Bell of De.yttor.. is spendMrs. Prentlas '1'1nney and IIOtl Of radio far one at the v1l1agee elderly 1ng atew days at her home here. Dayton Visited Ilhe latter's mother, Negro citizens. Aunt Sarah Ward. Miss Jane Flte was a bus1neSll Mre. Nettie Tinney, of Corwin. on wish to thank all who 80 genet'OUsly caller In Wa)"llesv111e Saturday. Su~y. resPQtlded. -A sum of "l.Sl was reMr. and Mrs. John capas ar-d fa-
~cQHure Jlfuneral ~ome Dia12111
Waynesville, Ohio
Get your entry hlank
and .cofltesl rules at
of h parents Mr. a nd Mrs. Charles Smart. and daugh te r , Miss Grace . The family of Mr. and Mrs. Wendell Wllliarnson who reside east .of town are qua.rantlned wi th Scarlet fever
GUESTS OF UTICA Mr. and Mrs. Wlll Tichenor bad as guests Saturday, Mlssee Rev&. and Irma Stumpp and Virg1n1a Belcher Of Utica.
TWIN Theatre 10
A family 1>1cture with a Western f.lavorl
Boys Ranch _ With James Cl'abr Extra.; Color Cartoon & Nn'B
"Elsie Says" BORDEN'S are ~roud to present to W AYN,E SVILLE their compiete line
of D A I R Y PRO D U C T S Jersey Creamline Milk Chocolate Drink Sot-Kurd Milk Creamed 'C'ottage Cheese Golden Crest Homo Milk Crea~ed BUttermilk Standard Pasteurized Milk -Cream- Orange Drink For Information or Home Delivery Call . Wayne'sville or HEmlock 1275 DAYTON
2 ::J 52 ~
-if it's Borden's it's got to be good! • 15
run of good-naLured ~'~Y1n '
YMh , ~~ Oba.bman &
t. ·
Contest booklet now rcady- Come in aad get yours
I hope some of my customers will wiG in. .this ex~i~i~g ~ntest. There are plenty . of valuable prizes, topped by'the best prize of ~l,l-a glorious two-week vaca'tion in FJori4a for a fam~ly of f~ur, with expenses paid, at the luxurious Roney• • Pla~!l 110tel! ~
Come in for your entry blank today. Get the FREE bookl~whi~~ cal! heip )'ou to w i. 1 ••• tells all ,about the contest, the prizes, the rules, etc. Here's your oPP9r~nitY- to'win a marvela'tis vacation, or a valu.able U. S. Savings Bond. -
DAYT'O N 2, 01:110
fIa'e able to swing to the rhY'tbm of 'r-=======~================:! WAYNESVILLE, omo - NO. U89 worth-while and art1St1c a.ocompllsh- tuneful music wltb con!1der..ce you I THlJRSDAY, NOVEMBER 7, 1946 mer.t and the a,bitity to dance and to will find the burden of your day's dance well has become one of the work lightened and be more J~ea.dy Moore was Idlled In an automobUe nece 'sary urequ1sites to a social for the duties of the morr~ . Along with your plans for your accident ea rl y Sa,turday morning . educaUon. It YOU leatn t o dance THAT PAYS MORE TO 'LIVE THAN DIE DR. OSGLESBEE FUNERAL here, you will dance well for. under childrer.'s educ8lUon throughout the cuaTent seasc1'l. why not add a bright Funeral services were oonduct.ed their rea.llzat1on of the rhythm. We Have It! Detail s without Obligation. Monday at 1: P. M. a t the res1d- beauty and "jo1e de vivre" Clf the spot to it by including courses In d1lferel11t tYpes of dancing. 'These ence for Dr. W1l1ianl Osglesbee re- dance . will help you to keep them interestt1rt'd phy. iear. who was widely Dancing is ga1nmg In popularity ed and they will appreciate your known thrcugh out Warren County, a ll the time and is endorsed by thought'fulness In l8Iter years. Phone 171-L LEBANON, OHIO 8II1d reoognzed Os one of its most noodlcal auth~Ues- 118 being highly popular dortors. Interment in beneficial. It offers healthful recharge of Stuobs Fu!reral Home was laxaUon after a busy day and~~~i~f!.y~OU~U~S:E::...:G=A:Z:E.:TT.::E~C:L:A:S:S~IFI::.::ED=.:.AD::~~~===========================-==-=='===~ in Readi ng c metery, ClncinnaU. - - - -....' - - - - '
TIlE MLUII GAZE1TE - Pace 3 steadfa&tly held its place as a
An Retirement Income Policy MARION SNYDER
Re v. Walter Dakin left on W ednesday for the h ome ot his daugh ter. Mr . C. S. W11Jiams in St . Louis. Mo. and expects later to sper.d the winter with his gran&cn, Mr, Tom Williams in New Orlea ns, La . Mrs. Georgianll18 Ivin returned Fl'idaWfr om a v1s1t wit.h h'tlr d augh~ ter. Mrs. Neva Hauenstein In Clr.• cinnatl Morukly from a, t W O weeks vacatlor. wi th friends ana relative In Spr1ngfelld, Dayton and Cin -
~na.U .
Misses R uth Chandler and MarEdwards sper.t F1rlday in Os,y,ton. ' .
Mrs. .JMl'lIes Bak e<r of Le~ln on called on Misses An nie and Manle Brown Tuesday aitesnoor.. Mrs. S n1l1e Meredith is a guest at the Friend 's Home for t·he wl n tt'r . Miss Anna Meredith was a guest; lilt supper h ere Sa,turday evening .
The Betty Schaeffer Dance
In the Elk's Bid,. 3rd Floor. 35 E. 1st. St.. Dayton f_ one 01 the Im,portan' lealures In the -ocl,al life of this part of Ohio ' . . . otferlnr indlvfd'ual and cla-s Instruction In the Jate-t -teps In Ball Room Dancinl' and specialize In Tap. Banet ..\ crobaUc and da&'lo Dancin, . . . AI 0 L1mberlnr. Strel(lhll1&' and Body Buildlnr. Expen Instruction and outst&ndlnr advanta(es. Both children and adults . , , Tel. 'HEmlock 5747; Res. RAndolph 4406 The Bett y Schaeffer Dance Studio is very popular In dance cil''Cles and their out6tandlr.g abili ty to ' offer
elq)ert instruction in ball-rO'Om dandII'Ig, 'as well Jl~ dancing. spe,claltles ma,kes it unnecessa~ fe»- or-e to 8'0 .IX> distant centers to develop talents along ,these . lines. ~Ui'hOut ~e ages, dancing has .ss, t$
• • • . ~Uttl~ j~hnny i. thr briRhtest lad to tw 'dUS--:'with " llltural intelligence. a winsome Penooatity
"-~otb'er' qilahr,
, , ~.\'itigbl lurutt
.na every
boy '''io~ Ilkelf~ ~.. He hu
ahead of ~IP "ft'
tie" thaI future '·'~ngIU fdtlltiiin as our tdtei.'tbers di~' tor us. ' ' d~ · PKr e ~ra'doDl the Americao people have taken dim :, tfm fritetprise ecdnomy ii mudi ' for &ranted Ii ' 'they
higb'e, standard of living.
nthei l thanGJUi:liIld;r+--
locieuiog opportUnity for thr \'ourb of today and tOJDorrow. requira-not discord and distiust-bul mu-
tual faith and eagerness to work together to make , cooperatioo succeed. Wi~
dauntleu faith in each other, let us recognize
: ' "' .If(1 ' ¥bul~ 'neD f:.~
that our citizenship c:arri~ duties ' and responsibilities to ,matc:b its'rights and priv.ueges. ,,. ·'b t' _ _p 'borcbJ"flightrRoacl. ~ UI 'feiDOW aU 'uo-
eotetpriM' for YUJia, ' fotmi 01 , it) Jeawtd:They :WOUld' ~e ttJ' ~ dUttuItc"bRWeea
DtCeIIUJ relCilCtioUi' ! ~t ; bamper the oiTOrhioitY ' of ""'Y' boy 01 sid to &dUne and en,a, a bright future.
~ bave !
0' speech. freedom
groups now ' working toward
, Thef w(;ula teai"
"(l(;II)' of Ilriligioo.
~ \~ppteci.;t ·ih~
lr~, ' theft are ltome wJiCj dd DOl
absndooioi ' pri.a e
of cbe '' ' ' ' ' orf,",
POW • • j • • •
COM • •·. · Y
................. .... ,................- -........ -.
fi rst and final accoun t. W. . Ilnd Lub Sorch to E. J. THE IDAMJ GAZE1TE - Pare 4 In t he mattel' of t he estate of John 011. 1 acre in Turtlecr k twp. WAYNESVILLE, omo - NO. W9 Firman Ki ng, dec'd., Ro bert King Dan .Ie I M. a nd margouerl U • 1. '11HU RS DAY. NOVEMBER 'I. 19(6 C 1 850 ESTABLISHED Tru tee, filed 5 h !\ccount. ollet te to HeLer M. Walk I', .64 Published Every Thursday by DAVISSON PRESS " la M. Young 2 lot in F ra nklin . ac re ill TUl'tiecl' ck twp. FLOYD L. DA VlSSON , Editor ..; Jos ia h Blld BE! ie olll to NEW CASES Thomas L. ami arah E. Du i Entered as Second Class Ma tter at the Po6t Office Ada h Ha llway vs. Edward Hall- to Fo t el' J ack.:on B yd, D.31 acres Jo ~ eph G. F li nn, 42.50 aCI'e in Ha l'way divorce willful absence Young in Deerfield. Subscription Ra t.es : $1.50 per Year in Advance Ia n twp. D Id E W 'I t 'L d a nd Young, a tty. H bart. and S ihyl J ohnson to N J C k r Al D C k ona . 01 cy 0 Ollur ti n fo r certificate of t r ansfer of to n . 00 and Vauda Lee I\nderson 4 ac r ·J o. eph Rennel', 70.50 acre in H al'. orma . 00 ~. real estate ; g ro. value of e tate di vo rce gr oss neglect of dutv. . . , Ian twp. ' " In UnIOn twp. 21 , 40 . "J 5 . You ng and Young, a tty. . lay Hipsher vs . Anna Lee H ipAndrew A. W~ol~y to Madge L. Minni and Wa lter Bo nit ch t In the matter of the estate of Will iam I. Waggoner, dec'd., E rnie her, divo rce g r oss neglect of du ty Smart, .32 ac res In Lebanon. tUl1 ley t ubb. 5 lots in Loveland W. Waggoner, exec utrix, invento ry Young and Younl~, atty. ' . ~~ th M. and Hen ry <,:i. ~a.y l ~r LO Park . PROBATE COURT approved. Helen J osephine Hartman \'s. Wilh a m H. an d 'Mary Vl rgllllu EhrMII I'gal'et Keev r to ~ild red E. In t he matte'r of the eRtate of ! n. t he m att~r of t he ,e t ate of Raymond Hart ma n divorce change gott, 4 acres in !e~rc reek t wp. . hri t man, 1.75 acres in' () ee rfi ~ld Wal ter uy. dec'd ., Ru th Gu y ad- Wrllt.a m F. B l.!~ ho.p, dec d., Clara of " enue, Smi th smd Kirk, Geor g e F red. Ka hn to Lilit e J ack on, .3. t.wp. minist ratrix, inventory hea ring set E . BI ho p, executnx fil ed first a nd S. Hawke, att y. acres tn Le~al~o n. . . Harry Bronwor th to Mal'gare t • for November l ~ at 10 o'clock. fina l accoun t. Ivde Whi tac r e vs. Edna Wh itBer t ha Lm ville to WJ!ham H. Armb ruster, lot in Le banon. In the ma tter of t'le estate of . In the matter of t he esta te of acre 'et al a uthori t y to sell real e _ Jr. and Pa uline Smi t h, 19.61 ac r('3 George S. and Mildred S. WilFrank Ludl um , dec'd., l ary A. E va M. Grah~~l, dec'd., Kesler T. tate, Frank C. Ander son, a t ty. in Franklin twp. Iiams to Alvin and Earla Mae a mi> P robasco, executrix fil ed ap plica- Graham admtnl t rator fil ed first, Arnold Roger 'V s. Goldie Roge rs Sam and Ann Rosenthal t o J acob .17 acr es ill Tu rtlecreek twp. fi nal ~d di stri but ive accoun t . divorce, gross neglect of du ty, Lansda le 2.03 acr es in .Frankl in Eth'el M. Stewart t o Rober t In the matter ,of ~he estate of George Schilling, C. Donald Dil ll- t \vp. ' . J oseph · Roettele, 29.37 acre in Rober t Wood, dec d., mventory ap· t ush, atty. Leslie and Ceil a Landsdale to Turt lecreek twp. proved. Jacob Lansdale, 2.03 acres in Leonard C. and Vauda Lee AnIn t he matter of t he estate of COMMON PLEAS Franklin twp. derso n to St anley T. and Frieda R. Howard S. Conover, dec'd., Dean D ro th T d W'llia Rober t E. SmallwQod, dec'd., by Sche l\en bach, lot in Lebanon. E . Stanley, administrator, attor. W ;ea w~r v. I I . m administratrix to Rober t B. ClenWi nona and Morris Hill to Roney and administration fees ordera~e re,ah'lwdall, tlvorlc~ tto'ffP adtn.- denin, 18.54 acres in Franklin twp. bart E. a nd Mabel C. J ones , 4 lots . fi h d . h hill, mmor c I re'n 0 p am I , e- . . . ed paid; . rst , sevent an 'elg t fendant to pay pla intiff sum of $54 Mlldred B ermc~ Smallwood to in Lo\'eland Park. account filed. . semi-monthl Robe rt B. Clendemn, 18.54 acres In . El mer' and Blanche Burger 'to I In the matter of the estate of L'd M ~ W It Franklin twp. Carl and Christovelle Kayser, 113.30 William -p, Downey, dec'd., Warren M I a d" o~re IV~' fff a er W. Everett and Hazel Soard t o Stel- acre in Salem and Hamilton twp. C. Young administrat or fil ed first ~.r~, IVL.0rceS ~ thP atn I FI ~ W ,._ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _, a nd final account. .lVlen. ml ~s . . oyu . In the matter of the estate of Smit h, di vorce t o. platntlff. Warren Wooa, dec'd., estate reState Automobile ,Mutual InsurHeved from administration. ance C~., .vs. Jo~n Clyde ,RQus h. In the matter of the estate of ca.use dlsmls.s ed ~vltho ut ·record and YOUR CREDIT . Robert Ellwood Smallwood, qec'd., Without pre~u dt(:e. r..ldred Bernice Smallwood adminChar!es Hibbard ~. ~orothy Hlb•••• ••Sa 8S .g ood U you make It. bar~J .dlvorce· to plamtlff.. W1tbout !t' no buslne6s 01' in.- istratrix inventory approved. In the . matter of the estate of Lilhan .1: Roll vs. Arhe M. Roll dividtal can be suooessful. You may not real12JC how valuable goodt arec1lt Dorothy Keller, dec"d., Lucy Keller et a~ hea~lI1g set for Nov-ember -1 HaVing sold my fann, I w1ll of!e~ a.t Public O\ltcry on farm. known as the PENDJ!:RCh\ST FARM. on RIVER ROAlD. 3 miles at 1.80 . 0 clock, . oon be until ,ou need It. Open an executrix, invent or y approved. South or Wa)'llleSV1lle, at 12:30 O'clock, pm .. on In the matter of the estate of Marvlll Carr ~ Marie Carr foracoount at thds 'b ank NOW- you will be well served in or need. Sarah E. Bowyer, dec'd., Frank and mer decree modlfied . Warren G...Coate~ vs. Lolaetta . ~. 'GeneVl'a BowyeJ:, administrators, inventory ,approved. ~oates, a mmor, divorce to p~amTHE In the matter of the estate of tlff, household goods and furnlture WAYNESVILLE Eleanor Hitesman D~n, dec'd., to defendant. F ARMrl NG IMPLEMENTS NkTIONAL BANK filed report of distribution also first , Belle 1I. Putma.n vs. And~w 2-wbeel .Trauer. with StoCk Rack. Low-Wheel Flat Top w~. and final account. . J.ackson. P~tman. divorce to plall1TOO6odo Setter, Toba.oco !Press. Single--row COrn. Plow. H.a.mJw In the matter of the estate of ' plam~ff to have custody .of 3 CUlt1V81tm. 5-'hoe CUltiVator. I-row Whea't DrllL with PeltlJ.blM 'I'BL1!lPHONE ~1 Clarence F. Galbreath, deo,'d., May mm~r chlldren, real estate, autoAttachment. LumtJer (n£:w) . 3 ~y Bird Traps. Water Tanks. 2 new Scy!the8. Parm 'Bled, with iron l hod runtl8l'lI . 6·ft. Ol'oIIs<Ut Saw. WAYNJBVm.l4!: OHIO V. Galbreath administratrix filed mO~ll~ and household good~ .t o plamtlff, defendant to pay plamttfl' 6~ - ~.~~tSaw. . ,10.00 per week. Marilyn C. Brown, a minor vs. .,..,..,...... 4-HEAD OF CATILE-4 TELEPHONES William S, Brown, a minor divorce A"~OO to 400 bU. at Corn. WAYNESvu.U lOll to plaintiff, child. to plaintiff; defenHARNES8-S1.de of Ohain Hamess. Some Leat.heF Lines. 3 HOUOW No. S Lea.ther Halter&. etc. dant to pay plaint iffs hospital bill, LaANON Office 415E $50:00 toward llttorney fees and RES. 'lZtL SAND' aDd GRAVEL $10.00 per week .and costs of case. HOUSEHOLD GOODS Charles W. Wetzel vs. Herschel AtNTIQUES-Baae Rooker. MliLrble Top St.alld. Wa.lnut Obalrs. BLACK·TOP DRIVES Stiles, Clerk of Warren Co., Board 'Walnut auna Oloaet. Swivel Deek 0he.1r. 6 poplar lAdder-back TAR aDd 'ROAD 'OIL of Elections · et al cause dismissed Ohatrs" Rodter. without record, ICOSts paid. LAWN and FILL DIRT '. Bree.kfaat Set (table and t chairs). Porcelalr.-top Olbinet Baae. Ina Parlett ViS. Everett E . ParElectro Masttil' Eleot.r1c Range. Kltdb.en Wodt n.ble. ~ben $Xlbls. READY-MIX CONCRETE . I . lett hearing' set for November 8 at 2 Wash .Stands • 13Ya0u. ft. Netaoo-Kelvtnator Qeep Preeze. lAundry EXCAVATING aDd DUMP TRUCK SERVICE ', • 11 o'clock. Hamper. 0Upb0ant8. ·3-burner Ooal Oil stove. 1I'1repoo( steel Sate. Lela Stultz vs. Arthur R. Stultz MatChing Bathroom Set (CUrt&1DI, Rug. ,Seat 0Jver) . 8tmmon8 Btudlo Oouch witb Slip Ocwer~ . Oold Ta.peetryt Lotm&e Obab'. 0Ust0m Built divorce to plain·tiff, child to plainOlUb Chair. Glasa-top Oatfee Table. End Tables. . .,' . tiff, defendant to pay plaintiff $10 per week. . IIISTABLISBED 1112 Drop-lea! ~y Table . . 26 x 3{ Plate Glass Min'or. ot.he!' Howard W. alnd Mary Jane Hass M1rrorB. Ma.ple Kru!ehole 'D esk. 3 Bookcases. lraasock. 9 x 12 Mc.ovs. Ruby C. and W. E . John cause hawk all·wool ~dloom &l8 a.nId Pad. 9 X 13 Wool Rug. 9 X 1~ compromised, settled dismissed A,ja.x Rug. 8 x 12 Oongoleum Rug. 8 x 14 Linoleum Bug. 'I1hr.ow Rugs of all kinds and sl.zes. GI.a88-front Gun OatIe. Mapz1ne Raclt, without record ~osts paid. ' Oard. Table. Glider. Hammock. Deck Chairs. Olothes Basket Ice Emma Jane Null vs. Pl\ul ·E Nuli oream F1reezer. Rakes . Hoe. lawn M9W8l'. ShOvels . 06r'derl Plow. LICE SED REAL ESTATE BROKER divorce to plai ntiff, child to plainMaple BedrOom Suite (1iwl1ll beds , box springs and t.nner sprlr.g mattiff defendant allowed visitation of tresses, night s tand. vahlt y' and benclb chest of drMvers and ohalr). ·AUCTIONEER INSURANCE child. 9 ,x 12 .Rug, f.loral de 19r... t-pJeoe 'M aple· Bedroom Suite, with Clyde Whitacre vs . Edna WhitWAYNESVILLE, OHIO ' Phone 2651 lnner springs and inner spring mattress. 2 Floor ~ps, one Inacre et al case dismisse4 without d1reot lighting. 2-plece Llvmg Room Suite. Basket or odd Dishes. r ecord a~d without prejudice. Rocker. Iron Bed. SpIinga ·a nd Ma.ttre . BrllS!' Bed, Springs. Iron Anny Cot. Dresser. ' . -----....;.~......;.---~-------_r MARRIAGE LICENSES Vil'g il Vernon Hill, 26, Loveland; M8Iple Wardrobe. ¥ anlty. Single Bed, Springs and Malttress. Ohest of Drawers. ~ocker. Mirror-top Vanity and BenIdh. Matching r a ih'oa der; H elen, Marie McGee, 20, Set ~BedI Spread. Va1l1ty Sklrt arnd Bench Skirt) . 3 · TtLble-Model LovelalJd, press operator. E1ectnc Rad1o.'I', one new. Electric Toaster, 3-s11ce. 6' Pin-up Lamps. George E. Wa lker, 24, Lebanon, 6 Table Lamps. Vau Lty Lamps. 2 Bridge Lamps. 3-way Floor I.e.mp. bus dri ver; Mary Jane E yler 21 , Fl~escellit S helf ~ture . K1r:by Electric Sw~per and all a.tta chLebanon, jactory worker. mer.t.s. Bissell Sweeper. Wool Comforter. Biankets. Bed' ftpreads. Fl'ede l'ick H . .Martin , 34, Emman Curtains .. Linen . P illows. , . , I desire to express 'my 't h'a nks and appreciation for P enn., phy ician ; E sther Jean 92·piece Dinner Set. complete service for 12. Vases. Glasswa r e' of H a ines, 24, Waynesvill e school your confidence in me as · expressed .by· your ove~· aU kinds. 'Wej r ever AlumInum Pan . Skillets. Kitc'hen Utel~sils. teacher. \v helming support in Tuel:? day's election. . Cans. E dwa rd O. Mot e,· ·29 Ma ' on fac t. ,o'l'y worker; Bessie M. Mitchel 22, TOYS - 'Di he s • Pans. Puzzles. Books of all kInd . I~ Board. I will make every effort to fulfill the duties 'of the . Iron Trioycle. Dolls. Pictw~s . Table 8l!d ,2 Ohairs. Mason. . . office of Count y Auditor to the best of my 'ability, TERMS: OASH• . Glen n Mel vin GiI·ton, 23, Mason,. buffer ; Betty .Tane McCo l'm3ck, 22, and, in a f air and impartial manner to all. Again may secreta r y ., . I say thanks.
The Miami Gazette
t':If rl
Wednesday, Nov. 20, 1946
To The Citizens of Warren County:
. .....
REAL ESTATE TRANSFERS Raymond F a ll(]u er t o Ge l'nHine Fal'quer, 95.08 acres in Glearci~ek t wp.
!Wa;yne. vUle !Phone 2894) ( Da\Y~ Phone KE 8986) HARRY Olerk . " . . . .. , SHIDAKER, .: . ....,...
.....e 5 WAYNESVRLE, omo - NO. U89 THURSDAY, NOVEMBER ' 7. 1946
Dayton Heating Supply Co. SMITHWAY STOKERS
c. H. Skinner to Allen F. and Pa-
tric ia Joan Betzle t., 1 aCl'e in Frank- at 260 E. Huffman Ave.• Dayton are surpassed in the whole range Ot li n. Experienced Heat.ing Engineers' of heatlo°g devices since it is simple. John M . Keegan to Frank J. and aU III;8ke5 and are the Distributors Inexpensive and fool-proof tor the Ro ie Liv ngood, 5 lot in LO\'eland of Sl\IITHWAY STOKERS . . . automatic !Iring of any furna.ce. It Park. Day and Night Service . . . Are requires SO little attention and supInterurban Railway and Terminal greatly aiding In o'u r Fuel-saving plies clean. even heat for homes of Co. to William Yeag 1", 1.52 acres program throup the distribution, any size and for all types of buildin Detl rfi ld twp . InstaUatlon and maintenance of logs. Lavone Romol1r Denlinge-r to automatic fuel equipment . . . ' The stoker feeds the coal automa.tHarry C. Boblitt 1 acre in Pleasant Smlthway Stokers are proving a leaHy and is so regulated as not to Plain. good Investment . . . aome DEAL- overheaJt nor un<ierhea.t. It bUrIl8 Nelson H. and Harriet Gt'ace Ca- ERSRlPS stUt AVAILABLE to com- less and coals that cost less. thus dy to Buford P . Daugherty, .22 petent men .. . Tel. KEnmore 0893, 'bringing the saving in the fuel bil!. acres in Harlan twp; Res. WAlnut 4681. The price. too. is reasonable and can Kenneth R. Hill to Reitll Hill,1.05 be consldered a real Investmem~. acres in Wayne twp. The Dayton Helliting Supply Co. The Smithway can be installed on John Doughman to Marion are representatives of this presellit IM6t furnaces ,a nd fireboxes already Schearer, 1.29 acres in Dallasburg. age of mechanics since the automa- In U8e ~d you will find they oa.n Karl and Henrietta Meyer to ton has oome Into vogue to do the give you a service that iWUl ellm1na.te Harry and Helen Richard and Wi!- routine work of man while he de': work. While meetinlg the needls of liam and Alma Smith, 90.38 acres votes his energy to t'he higher things the day they will be drl.!ting us in Harlan twp. . Ir. UIe. toward the m11lenium When mere The SMI'NlWAY STOKER Is un- eXistence will be autorn8ltlc. George Richardson to Walter R. and Alma Morton , 58.58 acres in . Deerfield twp. Eva M. Dakin to Orlando C. Johnson, 2 lots in Waynesville. Opekasit Farms Inco, to George and Chloe So Slater lot in Lebanon. Bruce and Vi va Wills to W. T. and Gladys Cook, lot in Franklin. Woodrow and Cleo Brandenburg to David and Pauline Gabbard, 16 acres in Union twp. W. H. and Josephine Gragg to Floyd and Lulia Turner, lot in It pleases me ~ see Waynesville • . Franklin. so Interested advancements Ora Lee Pfistner to Newton J. which will develop ··from the erec0
importan t sources of oils used In - - - - - - - - - -- - soap ma.k1ng.
U . S. tanners prOduced the biggest wheat crop In history 10 1946 but national auvhorlties warn t hat the ' enonnoUs harvest does l'ot mean the presen~ wheat supply is the greatest on record. Wheat suppllles L were down to the bottom of the bins when the 1946 harvest began because Every fa.m1ly will cherish thememexportg ll~d short livestoCk teed sup- ory . of a last tribute that was pllles took the reserve from previous dIgnlfled and fibtin g In every ' crops. Foreign nations will want r pact. mQre ' U. S. wheat before another harvest.
Telephone 2291
WILLARD WILKERSON at Belcher'. Sonoco Station- Phone
2~ All B 3 ~
Pfist ner • .4 lots in Franklin. ltion of a faotory. An establishment One e~aglng r.ote In the pre- 1iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii.iii Audre and Leatha Dennis to Of this 8Ot't. will make Waynesville sent story about fata and 0118 Is the : Francis R. and St~lla Stepp, lot p~ve. It will be a asset from unexpected Increase In copra shipin Clearcreek twp. every a.ele. .The old notion that a menta 1r.to the U S f th P Roland and Helen. Callahan to 'actory. deteriorates the eIWiromeO't p1Des. of Roy L. and Thelma Callahan, .75 "hould be dispensed ot. Modern from the Island was est1mMAld t acres in Ctearcreek twp. shoPs 8!fe different than the old81 Robert F. Boatwright, dec'd., by timer.!!. with wh1ch we aaeocia.te 350,000 tons for ;the YeIW' but actexecutrix to Herschel V. Humbert, smoke and grime. 'Lelws pave been ually the shipments w1l1 !to1al about enacted which require the owners to .500,000 tons. Copra is one of the lot in Springboro. ' Heassie arM Anna Kohler to Wit- ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~;;:;:;;~;;:;:;;;;:;:;;~~~~=--;;---. liam J. Miracle to Dwight Baker, 52.29 acres in Washington twp. RINGS, Many styles Perry G. and Nettie Wells to Dei'( I bert J. Parker, .47 acres in WashEAR RINOS, Many Stlyes L~ANON, OHIO PHONE 326 ington twp. ' f1Qn $125 up ----... ~ BILLS ALLOWED Maineville Garaie, 12 gal. gas, 1 PENS. Ev~rshup qt. oil.......commissioner's car, $2.69; I The Ofijce Outfitters, repair Allen SIGNET RINGS $5.00 LEATIBER STRAPS , adding, machine, $11.00; The Office EXP. BR.AOELETS ee.oo Outfitters, factory >rebuild, . Allen OOOItIE JARS ALL M.AKES AND TYP~ adding machine, $29.47; Dr. H. M. OOMlPA0'I8 t2.10 up OUR ~ORK IS GUARANTEED. Williams, ~oroner's cost bill, $5.90; CIGARE'rrE William Lilienthal ~ Sons, journal LIGBTERS We also do RADIO and PHONO Repair ~t2 .70up No. 63, 1 probate court, $38.00; U . . Da~~~one S. Standard Products, 6-14 dose rabies vaccine, less disc., $32.67. Stanley Earnhart, P. M., postage Across from the Bank supplies, $5.00; Dr. Robert M. Wi!MAIN STREET WAYNESVILLE, OHIO Nite Phone
tha.~~ ~~
C 'A 'S 'H FiG R
Any make or'model Fred Kahn Motor Car Co.
'Refrigerator & Washer Repairing ' • - Parts
Home Appliance Store
8on,med~~,$1.50;~has.L.Gua~, ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~8;1~~~~~A~Y~N~E~S=~~I~L~L~E~,~~O~H~!~O~~ Engineer, road and bridie's share -I -
retirement contributions, $3,455.70; . .Armrel Materials Co., tar, $290.00; International Wiping Cloth & Towel Semce, 1 bale wiping c.l oths, $21.07; R. C. Corwin, gasoline, $27.39. R. C. Corwin, oil and gasoline, 112.86; J. T. 1.eonard, food for relief family, September, $25.00; Avalon Dairy, milk for relief family, September, $4.32; Great A. & P.Grocery, food fQr relief family, Septe~ber, $10.00; Van Camp Sand
W'ePayHf~RSES $5.00 c6~s
Accordit1l to SIZe and Condition
HOga, Calves, Sheep, etc,
4 5 4
&. G. ·Bt!OHSIBB. iRO.
Evening, Nov. 9, 1946
a. B. Coleman. MIDIIrter
SUNDAY SCHOOL . 8:30 A. J. J. Bur6ke, Supt. WORSBJP SERVICE 10:30 A. YOUTH FELLOWsHIP. . ThUl'lda1 .,'30 P CHOIR PRACTICE , . • Wednesday, 7:30 P.
m. M.
ST. MA,RY'S EPISCOPAL CHURCH SAMUEL N. KEYS. Lay Reader-in charge 9:30 A. M . Church School 11:00 A. M. Holy CommmUon and
Lord may add them to his church. Mr and Mrs. Everett Early and 'nIE l\OAMl GAZE1TE - Pale 6 churc.h. I.t took th~ _arne 1l11ng to Mr. and Ma's. Ro~s Roland lett by WAYNESVILLE. omo - ' NO. U89 ma ke a person a member o! the motor Sa.t w·<Iay m -r.ing for st. THURSDAY, NOVDmER '1. 1946 church a it d.id to make him Cloud Florida and will a ttend Na tChri tlan. no m re lind no less. and ianal Eastern stair convention before children, Mr. and Mr&. 'nlomas Rust.hat st1ll holds true t.oday. Those wh~ their return home. sell and daughter and Mr. and Mrs. Mr. Willlam GreathoUl!e of Leb- Herbert. Loy all or Dayton oalled on were thus converted met tog-ethet for worsh:p and the Lord' suPpeT, aI!OO called on his ister, Mrs. P . N. Mr. and Mrs. Wlbur Olark, Sunand were called churches. Wher- we Cornell ar-d husband and also his day af<terrloon. JUmOR and INTERMEDIATES do the same thing today It maket! brother, . Mr. Levi Greathouse at the Mrs, Margaret Johns entertained dor-'t forget that this Sunday night tIS a mernbe1' of the same church. We home or Mr. and Mrs. Clyde Whar- to cUnner Sunday, Mr. and Mrs. Is the last night o! ,the meeting. You plea tor all who call themselves ton. F1riday. Rallth Lewis of, r-ea.r M1amisburg, will all war-t to be present for these C~stians to put aside all manMa's. J. B. Jones was an t)verrJgh t Mr. and Mrs. Leslie Lewis aDd !.!OIl closing servtces. made creeds, names. or pracUces a.nd guest Tuesday ot Mr. and> Mr . .AI- Denny or Dayton,' Mrs. Ellza,beth THE EVANGELISTIC MEEI'ING take the Bible and that alone and f.red Jones at Southern Hills and Sm1UL Miss M.a4'y Cook and Mr. will clol'e th1.s sunday nigbt, Nov. 10, become Chri ·tians or.ly, that the w11:h them attended 'Brealdast In PaNy Oook of Waynesville, Mr. Your minister will preach on the Lord may add hem to his churcll. HollywOOd' at the Elk's Lodgte In Paul Johns of Cinclr.naU and Mrs. subject 'A Plt'a For Chrlst,,' 11 the ~ Wednesday morning. Nettie Emrtck. Lord be will1l18, on this night. . ·tLI· MrS. Calvin wnga.c.re, Mrs. Ralph ---AN EVANGELISTIC MEETIlNO II Baregr, Mrs. J. B. Jones, Mrs. E. B. began at the Ferry Church of Chr1.st ' . Longacre an Mrs. Henr'Y' Sa.ylor &it- RUBBER STAMPS and last Mor.da~ night, Nov. 4. They "Ood belongs to the unknown tended a District meeting 01 the would be glad tor any of you to a.t- wOI1'ld. We believe in, Ood because of Wbmanls Society of Ohristian ServMARKING DEVICES tend thls next week. . fal1!h I'IlIther tha~ Knowledge. Fa.1tn Ice at Grace MethodJl!t Church· in AN EVANGElLIBTIC MEErINO in God., Hl6 Prophets, and their Dayton on Tuesda.y, ot last v.,ook. GAZEITE OFFICE also began at t he Greenfield. Ohio, tee.ch1ngs. nre an~! n t1al prutt of MT. and Mrs. Urban Week ~ r
Wor.Jd F ' al &Wor ' c'ld PIan
Sermon, Colonel John Unsley, Chap- Ch'lll'Ch ot Ohrist la t SUnday. OW' heritagte. the 'back-bone of our i " - -....- - - - - - -'- -.- - - - - - - - - - - - l1a.n. Air Mat.erl8.l Command. Wright THE· EVANGELISTIC MEEn'ING civilizaUon. This faith in God and ~d. Dayton, Ohio. at t·he Jamestown CbIn'ch of Christ In the existence of the unknown 1m. will begin SUnday, Nov. 17, and will pels man to reach beyond the UTICA U. B· CHURCH continue for two wee!ts. KnOWDl to strive, to d!scover ' Kev. BA.LPII BINES PRAYER MEETING will be re- create, to make known what - hall SUnday SchOOl 9:30 a.m. s'l1JDed at the chUrch here r-ext Wed- been ~own. Mrs. ~amee Qa.n1son, Supt. nesday evening rut 7:30 p.m. Come Since the world ot mar. and the , LOCK Pteachtng 1st and 3rd Sunda.ys each and w.orship with us at this mld- world of God cannO'\. meet, varlou& mor-tb 10:30 am. week service. attempts have belm made to ea'I'HJil ~ of OHRIST Is an tabllsh a Ib rIdge between them. So BERT GRAHAM FERRY UNDENOMltNATIONAL . OHURCH. far. tJ1e Prophets -h ave .b een the ••--:'_ _ _ _ _~-------. .---------~ CHURCH of CHRIST seeking .t o restore the church, as only sati8factory mediators. They The Gro~l'. Golnl', Church revealed in the 'NEW TESTAMENT. ha.ve used fat.th as the only meanS' ~{. .~ ' •• -'.~:_--...~~---------------.HERBERT GK.\IIAM, MlnllUr It Is 'n ot our purpose to establish a to estal?l! tl h the eontacl. :.' B ~R " ;'Ic ,~ . Bible School - 9:30 a.m. denomlnation ,In ar_y sense of the The great \.I.r.known to be conquerM~ing Worship --: 10:30 am . . word, but simply to build anew the ed in tW.s cent ury 1s 1p <the realm of FRANCIS GENE BROWN, Manager . Youth· Meetings - 7:00 p.m. church as it was originally planned social experience. A new pattern-vnlWAYNESVILLE, OHIO Phone 2935 Adult Prayer Meeting - 7 :00 p .m. and established ~ Christ through ue has to be discovered for the es00MiPLETE ALL OTHER KINDS Evening Evangelistic Service the Holy ap1rit Inspired apostles. 14ibUshment of EL representative AUTOMO!:!LE q'F - 7:45 p .m. Thds church began on the first Day world .. gtOvernmen1t. a planetary INSURANCE CASULTY I!NSURANCE of Per-tecost a.fter the resurrection welfare economy serving all the ,MT. HOLLY . of our Lord in the city of Jerusalem. people, aDd a supe-.rana.tional world - - - : - - - - - - - - - - - - - ; - - - - - - - -- - --court to ftdmb!i&ter justice". METHODIST CHURCH The apostl~ had been' meeting to- "Human Knowledf:e alone cannot. M. 8earfl. ~. . gether since the ascension of' Ohrist take us beyond the present llm1ts of tJundaJ school - 1:10 A. II. as he had inktructed them. (Luke , t he ·Knowr. world". The human Eo A. JI:&rDlw't, IUpertnt.eDdalt. ANNOUNCING the OPENING of 24:49). While gathered there the mind with Its doubts and he.sitaWorabJp aen1ce - 10:30 A. M • . baptism of the Holy Spirit came tions' lacks faith In h1mse1t a~d E en1D& Iel'Y1ce - 'l:3O P . M. . upon theln and they began to preach h18 f~llOWs and is deprived oJ! those ST. AUGUSTINE CHURCH the gospel. ThOse bh8lt heard the creative powers essential for the rehthW Kramho.... ~ preaching believed it and cried out making of the world. Faith today Mass Sunday 9:00 am. 'Brethoerr.. what shall we do?' Then without a plan is of little more a~ Peter said unto -~hem. 'Repent. Ilnd vail thaD a plaI! without faith. We be baptized everyone of you , in the need both a WOll'ld Faith and a FRIENDS name of Jesus Ch.r 1st for the re- WOrld Plan". First Day School - 9:30 am. Emerlc Sala mission of sins, and ye shall receive Meeting for Worship-10':30 a.m. the gUt of othe IToly ' GhOst.' 'nIen from "This Earth One COuntry" they! that gladly reoe1ved his word were . ba.pt1zed: and the same day WAYNESVILLE there were added unto them about CHURCH of CHRIST three tho\lSlU'.d souls.' 'arid the Lordi N. Main St. WAYNESVILLE, O· Bober' L. V&DZIle, MiDla'er added to the Church daily such as Bible School I 8:30 .. m. should be sa.ved.' (Acts 2:37b. 38, {1, 10:10 .. m. {7b). 'nlus the church began by pee>Mr. and Mrs. Ray Miller are an'Oomm\Ul1OD Sermon 11 :00 .. m. pIe .hearlng the goospe1 preached, be- 1'IOIJInC1n4r ' the birth l ora daughter, lIIvllD1ll8 8en1ce 8:00 p. m. liev1pg in Chrlst. repenting of' ldn8, Dla.nr.a. Rae. 'nlursday Oct. 311lit .t he • Y01JINO PEOPLE'S MEE'NNO and ~ .. ~ttzed lnto ~. and CJIn!I ~Tl ~lIosp1taJ ~. 8uDday night ~ 6'45 B d the Lord ~ Ithem to the churCh. !.In. MUler and daUBhter were talken 81ster WUd ha~ ~::~ ~ ~ same ~er tbe church ~- to the home of het~ parents in WaymeetInp. . t1mlea to!) arow tOday. Men ·hear the nles~111e, MoInkiBy. . • J gospel, believe ·it, 'repeat, their a1n& 90TH BlBTBDAY IN omo BVERY TBBEE BOORS ~ are ~ into Chrl~ and the MJ. IA'1V1 <m&th~ celebrated ?r~~~;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;~;;;;;;;;;:.~;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;~;;;;;~ ,. ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;~ hi. 90th blrthday Saturday ~ov. at the Mme Of hiel daughber, Mrs. Clyde Wha.rbocn al~ Jamlly. , Mr. and Mrs. WW1am TInney and IIOIl Of 00l'w1n were 8und&y dinper guests of Mr. . andl Mrs. Guy Routahn and soD ~e11. P RIC E D' RIG H T Mr. aDd Mn. James 0reeDflab • am aoo JiJD:nAe Of Greenup. Ky. A nice line of FLOOR 'LAMPS just received apent ~ MODd~ till 'lburBday • wttb· 111'. ar.dI )1]1'8. Dbnald
.f!:..fI!.W 0 N'S
R& 'B
"D'AND-BOX" and "PANTEX" Equipment
Corne in and select your lay-aways for Christmas • • • X-CEL - The Wonder Rug Cleaner - It really cleans - No Rinsing - No Wiping
Mr an Mnt. Loren Rootzabn and ~uchtel', _~ ' Iar Prulkl1n- were
eve~.. dinner I'QIIta 0( ~. aDd , Mra. Olyde Wb8IWn and Mr. aIlId Mr.. BeI'mrd Mellob and 8OIJ'.
' , 1.'
1• • •
Wa_tiDe F~e & .• Gjbbo~
' .
Building, North street WAYNESVILU, OHIO
Opening M-' h«iay, c1+emher' 11, '1946 ,
Ia'. and Mn. Drl HemUn, and obWI'en Of ~1 1M'e ~ e'Vei ~ ~ . , . . of Mr. and Mrs.
\ ~ Baird~4&uIb~J
ce Co., ' ~J ~~~~ tflIll
fr • •
.. • • NU ENAMEL - KEM .TONE , ~· A~. R~ B~ at. \ tenC1ed" the al1~'V ~~y meet• • • Baby tama._ aDei Cnli. _ G~I Electric Bulb. 1ng an\l) ~' ~~ .8I1nd&7 of ~~' 'twt..~8Vtne. . ~.
.: '
,. ,.
, a, ~ . 'lbUl'8dq ~ , inc • •MJiUm 'VaDey m.pIt&l:' Mr.
=. . --. ... 1IarJwncr.d vWte bel' ffffIl7 _
f l ••
.L._ _ _ _......_~:;.;:~:;; .-:;;; .. ==:.;;.~:;:::;:::;;;;=~
:J)r'! ledge
some primitive ln5tlr.ot In the humBD ,
race thM has not been civillzed:out of It yet. Too often the jokes are really cruel a nd In many ca..ses do las ting ha,rm . Pranks are like snowballs rolling down hill. T hey st art hannlessly enough but they grow In mall ousness until someone is really hurt In body or feellng or valuable property Is destroyed. but we' can never get rid of that spirit in }"O UDg peop' p as long as 1e old ones tell ta les of what th ey did years ar..d ytars ag o und luugn. We have a I~ ew famUy on the farm Betsy. I started to call her old Betsy but she Isn't old. tllis 'is her flrst litter. has a li tter of nice llbtle spotted pigs, sev'en of them, all nice and shlney with curls in their ta.Us. What a difference there is In mothers even lr. the pig fj9.ll111y .. One sow we ha.d farrowed eteven pigs, not It doesn 't pay to worry a new time she left them and came back, (Continued on Page 8 )
A FARM DIARY D. J . Fraizer
October 31. 1946. T here was a wed. ding on Dry Ridge S a.turday night O ther young people have left the tann and have gone away ar..d mar(led but this was the first wedding • on the rann since 1 ha.ve been here. To be sure these young people went to the Methodist parsonge tor the ceremony but we all wcr-t with them and we a.ll came back to drink coftee and eM wedding cake. Ever since
Albert came h~ from the army he has spent a lot of time on the porch of the old Marquardt house where the Ca.rdJ.r.a1s Uve now and it was easy to see what the atbra.ction was. Then Albert got a job at Frigidaire and ~ 10'1Uld a place for them tlO live and before we had ,t ime to klnow what was COming he came around to tell us ,t h6t he and Glenna were ~ to be married and to lr.vita us to the wedding. When the oomb1ned taDlllies and gueet.s streamed inW the pa.rsIonage. Mr. 001man sa1d," Well, there are almost
HOURS: 9-12 each morning 1-5 afternoons except Wednesday 7-9 Saturday evening Other evenings by Appointment
fora belling. If Old customs die ha.1'd ar..d whether t.t . was belUng or a c.hiw.rr1 or . Whatever you call it the young pe0ple did not 'gell away without &Orne -of the popular rhazlng. While we were eating wedd4ng cake. some of them put e. ~ sea.t in tJte trailer, tied. plenty of C8.Il6 and buckets on tor then tthe it.bride groom a noise, gave labeled Just and ma.nied and
ride Jthough Wa}T.esville. On tohe both 'baught cold which 18 the way way home when the poor halttrozen couple ,w ere 'moving from the such things usually turn out but the tra.1ler to the inside of the car. the boys had to bave th~ fun I . new "brothers-In-law and their wives They tell a story about a ~dIn.g kidnapped the bride. The groom put that took place in my hou8e yean JUP a good fight but waa subdued. 8410· When oarl 'D uke's father was 'I1ley ca.rr1ed. her before the car a Uttle boy they lived in the bouse
were saying their 'I do's: there was the chimney. We can iIna8tne the
,~e:;:t ~:",~:~ =~ ~~ ~ro: oW;:0: ~~~s:.:0~
going on
,tore they brought her ·b ack and they ing ma.rrIed. The preacher ar.d t h e . esca,ped to their new home. Of course 'brlde and groom were standing in it IWU cold on the trailer and' they front ot the fireplace. Just as tbey
CorneU's ·WE LDIN GShop 1
~ dr<!Pped a ~'.Ydown
ELECTRIC and ACETYLINE _ Portable Equipment
Having sold my fann. i[ will seU at public auction on the farm located 7 mUes' sOutheast of Wllm1~n ar..d. 5 roUes northwest of
Dr. C. E. Wilkin
Optometric Eye Specialist 26 South Detroit Street XENIA, OHIO
a <terrible flapping and. 1IqU8.C'.kIllg l'Eflt. . and tee soot bep.n to fly. 'Iben a Practical jOkes, chiw.rrts. and great 800ee came .tumbUng out intO Halloween pranks are aU cut out of ••••• • •••••• • the room. tl&ppinW its wings and the same piece and seem to satisfy IN omo mvERY 'I1HR.EE HOURS uttering all the curses in the 1!I'OQ6e 16ll8'\l8at' and. scattering soot over
'with the ,groom ' In it and lumbering where I Uye now. There was a big aU the gues~. TIle boys had cli.Jnbed traUer on behind could get started. firepla.ce iIi 't he west end or the l1v- the rOo! while the ceremor. was
Shop- CenterVille 70.31 Rei. Centerville 7465
New V1ennn 'On State Route 73 on
Thursday, November 14, 1946 Beg1nnJ.ng at 12 o'clock
nOOll1 the l'OUowtng descr1bed personality: 2-COWS-2
Brindle Ct:1W. 5 years" old givinc ' gallons of milk per day. Jez:sey Ct:1W. 6 y~s old, glvini 4 ga1lorl6 milk per day.
On Sa.t urda,;,
Power lawn mower, lr.. good condition; Electrlc cream sepa.ra.ror. in good oondition; tr\iIA) 10-gallon m1lk ca.ns; four 5-gallon ril1.lk ca.na; milk bUckets and stra.1ners; platform soales: small 'cultivators; 2 double' hog boxes; single hog box; 2 h'og four..tafus; hog troughs ; . 1a.r(!IP water tank; ladders; com sheller; 2 feed boxes; kettlell; wheelbarrow; 011 drums; hay ca.rrieI'; brooder stove; 8upeI' ·h atc.her; poultry eqUipment; odd lots of dimension lUmber; steel tence posts; 140 etght-1nch tUe; 40 siX-inch tUe; log chains; small bar..d. tools of . ail ldnds; and many other items. .
900 bushels new corn Ir. crIb; 3 tons oots hay In mow; odd lot of baled alfalfa hay; 300 bales straw.
Three pIece livir.g room .suJJte; , dirl1tIg room suite consisting of table. 6 ohalrs M)d bufttet; la~ hee.t1ng stove; small heM.1ng stove; QUick Meal, table top . .5-burner, kerosene range. in good oondltlon; dinir.g room table; poroela.1n top table; 3 feather beds; eloot.r1c !toaster; t'lectric mixer; SUex e1ectr1c ootfee maker, 8 cup stze; 'D exter e1eotr1c washer; dishes; cooIdng ut.ensUs; · etc.,
ELVA' ALLEN, Owner . S61e conducted by 'l11e .Ba.Uey-MU1'Ph7 00" WUullngton, Ohio •• 1Amclli ,wtll be ..ved. . ,
Q., ,--1,946.
there will be a trucK at my Poultry House and we wHl pay the following prices for your poultry. . NO.1 GRADE ONLY per lb· 5 lbs. up 24e HENS, Colored or Heavy, FRYERS, Colored 3 lbs. up 3Ge YOUNG ROASTING CHICKENS,. 4 lbs. up, 3Ge LEGHORN FRYERS, 2 112 lbs. up . 23e LEGIHORN H~NS, 4 lbs· up 22e OLD ROOSTERS, 6 lbs. up 15c YOUNG DUCKS, 5 lbs. up. 22e YQUNG GEESE, 10 lbs. up 2Ge YOUNG TOM TURKEY:S, 15 lbs. up . 30e YOUNG HEN TURKEYS, 10 lbs· uU35e As we can only take what our truck will hold, 1000 head, we advise you to .b ring them in the morning as the truck will leave at 5 :00 p.m,
Will Gustin' lPoultry House,
Waynesville, Ohio
T£LEPHONE '2542 •
CL4951FIED · ~qJtICHOOL\ T 'E ~
-.-.-CLA--S-SlFIED----;;.;.AD-;.RA-TE-S• .;..;;.;.;.. . -D;;,;ry;;...;;w;;;;;..d'e..;;;;;;From....;;;;...;.a;..F;..ann.....;.-D-alry--.
but Betsy 25 words' or less, one time...... ,25c shE lay on another one Sh d oesn't do lit that w,ay . e seems Eaoh add1tor.al word . . .. .... .... 1c !iO know enough r.ot to tory to lie L, SPECIAL RATES by CONTRACT Lhe nest where they are, she lies
. ,
T/1 11
fl~r .
boys get oft ·to
~ ~ ...
dow'll near them and then saYs oof II . ' .¢. oof and they come to her . She is , gentle and h.e.rdly eves looks at us ~ .:T»-.:"-*!Iill:' FEDERAL LAND BANK LOANS: unless a pig squeals when we pick Por Reflnanc1na ' - RebuUdlni - it up I.her. she 58,Y6 oof-oof at us and by DANNY HAlRTSOCK ~ 4% ~ loana with all long we put It down quickly for gentle or The 1946.47 ' B&sitetball schedule ~, Y part or any not It doesn't pay to worsy a new for Wa)'!J".esvUle High School has time, mother. LEBANON NAT'L FARM LOAN been set-up fC1I' the as, folASS'N" Ell1s H. st1lrm. Sedy_ This weeks oomtnuruty sale was lows: Treas_ Lebanon. Ohio. Phone 448 just a,bout as usual except tha.t there TUESDAY FRIDAY tc W'eTe very lew ohickens not hal! of the coops filled and no rabbttl; today. OentervUle - Uere - Nov. 8 More meat on the mMket has Open - Herle Nov. 15 Real 'E.tate For Sale-brought a drop in chicker. prices. Spring Valley. There Nov, 22 IF YOU HAVE A PROPERTY OR They sold !airly well but not a.t Nov. 26. - Open -Here FARM TO SELL Call or Write forty-seven cents a pOund. Springboro. There. Dec. 6 Don Henderson. Tel. KE344e. &17 Mu&hrGOms are here agaln. The Dec. 10. LebanOl'!. There ' Lorain Ave.• Dayton. Ohio. tfc recent rahu; have filled the pastures Mason. There, Dec. 13 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ ",1,t h them . thaIt sounds 86 though it Dec. 17. Kingman. There LIVE STOCKrained mushrooms 'b ut if the poet Harveysburg. There. Dec. 20 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ can say of spring ra.1r. "It is not J an. 7, Franklin. ' Here PRlESH OOWS ~ SPRIiNGERB ra1niDg ra.tn today. its raining Morrow. There, Ja.n, 10 ~bur Florence Rt. 1 Oregonia violets," 'Wbrt cen',t we say of ' fall Jill'!. 24. Kings MUls. Here " 0ibi0. 112] ra.lns, "Ills raining mush-er-rooms." Springboro. Bere. Jan. 17 If I had a locker ~ would try freezing Ja.n. 21. Beavercreek, Here' OFFICE EQUIPMENT-them. Or.e year there W'Il6 a r'reeze Harveysburg, Her-e. J an. 24 HALLMARK TYPEWiRITER RIB- just as they CODlling up &0 t hey CMl1sle. Here. Jan. 31 bons now in stock. Tbe Gaiebte. l~ hard and I gathered naturally Feb. 4. HU.l&boro, There quiCk-frozen mu.shrooms and found Loa--t-aD-d-F-o-u-n-d------- them just 8& good fresh ones. lAIat ac1ty. We hope she ill going to make night just as I stert.edl out of the lane us some for St. Mary's Ba2lIw', the LOST- A Sn.vm GRUEN WRiIST I S8IW 601De in the pasture 90 I put seventh of December. Don't forget wSitch with silver wrlst chain. 0IIl my J!Ubber boot6 ·t o save my ny- tile daIte. We had a. sew1n4r meet4ng Please ~um to . Miami Gazette lor.&got e1llOU8'h for a ,mess end took at the rectory Wedne:sday a~d sta.rtand receive reward. -1031 them wW1 me. Mrs. Snyder and I Cd lSIOIDe pretty things. We heam were having d1nneI' with Mrs. Parka rumors Ithat there would be .cakes Houaehold Good. For Sale-- and Mrs. Merl1ck. Ralph was stay- and pies and perphsPs even some FOR .SALE- BOY'S TOPOOAT & I.ng in Da.yto~ 86 bis 'car was stolen ca.ndy. Donlt fOl'g4~t Dec. seventh Sunday ( 'I1he mushrooms creamed. th flit the Town5h1 H cap. jersey suit (new) size 2; over- added ~ nice touch tlo ~ already • p ouse at one ooa.t &ize 6; 2 prs. ladles house , 0 clocJt. 6l1ppe1'8, siZe 5 ~ -7 . (new) also delicious dmner. With Mrs. Men1ck s Majestic Cooking utenaUs 1nclud- wonderful hot rolls. who could 86k 1ng a i<luter. Mr&. R. H. Ke1r at tor anything more except, more capPHONE NEWS" 1TEl\IS TO ' Comell ~prOperty on Srd st. -117 214.1 01' 291t'
11s1e on our
S P R I N G B0 R 0 S c h 0 0 1 Not e s
PHYLLIS WOODWARD. Senior REPORTER On ThW'sday night. <;>otober SI , th~e were gobblins. witches, ana ghosts of all sorts flying around dear ole' Springboro Hi. Yes. th'a,t ·s when 'the annual Halloweer- Party. sponsored by the P,T.A. and Mothers Club was held. The band preceded the carnival by paradings through !toWn and making letter 10hnatiOl'!S. ~ryone had a wonderful t,lme. • • • • !Friday, November 1. we were en-, terta1ned by the movie "Peck's Bad Boy." Since it was an enalong picture, the gTade school chUdren I!il8;W it in the morning and the hlgh school students saw it in the 8Ifternoon. We all enjoyed it Immensely. • • • The ba.sketball SE!8SOrl! wUl start th1a oom1a1g Frl.da.y. iN<Mm1ber 8. Th6 snme will be played with Car-
We all wish the gOOd start.
• • •
Inasmuch as November 11 is • AnnlsUce Day there will 00 no school. ' A short course to -train techr.ic1ans da.1ry herd in-
tor Ohio's artIfictal
semination associations will be given at OhJo StSite University. November 18-27. Persons over 21 ye6l'S old who hilNe had exoperience Ir. dairy fanning are preJerred studen . Those Interested. should write Dr. J. L. Stansbury lilt the ,University.
IN OHIO EVERY THREE HOURS HEADQUARTERS FOR SICK ROOM l\(EEDS , Headquar1en lor 8'cll RoOm Needs We C1UTY flit all Urnes oomple.te stocks of everything r-eeded for the sick room and hospital. 'I'hamometers, bot water bottles, gauze.and ban'tlqes to menUr>n just a few, and OW' Presar1ption, Depa.rtment can always be relied upon to fill prescriptions promptly and accurately ' , .
NOTICE of APPOINTMENT Notice Is hereby given that Alton F. Brown .w ha;e ~t Office addre6e is· Lebacon. Ohio h8.s been duly appointed as Executor of Ilbe Esta.te of Georgia F. Mendenhe.lllate of Warren CoUnty Ohio. deceased , . Dated this 16th day of October, 1946. ' Ralph H. carey. Judge ~ the Probate Oourt. Warren OCAmty. Ohio. Carl Alla~erl1. Atty. 1i7 PHONE U21- WAYNESVDLE. O.
Waynesviii e Drug Store
~. '5 cu. ft. M.
11. Hunter. Rt. I,
Spring Valley, ~ .
117 ~ And Your Streng~ and
Energy I. Below Par
, RHEUMATISM! Sufferers! Try REINER'S BINOL! Comforting reUef from 'pe.1ns of rheumatism. artbrit18. neuritis, lumbago. FREE BOOKLET. Ask for . Reiner's ~ol. Why suffer ~onge-r? WaynesvIDe Drug Store, tfc {
AUCTIONEERING STANLEY and KOOGLER . ao~UCP•• JI'or Datal, .......... WanemDe.
0b10: aev..~ ,
It mo.y be eaUl4!d by d b order of l::t:1I.y functi on tbat pt'J'mitli pollonou. l'a.te to accumulate. For truly many people fcel Und. wellle and . ml! ~ r:: !l !o ,.,beft tbe leldney. fall to remove exceM aclda &lid other wute matter fr.om Lhe blood. • . You may n1fer Dalrln, bacleache. rheuinatlc pain •• bemdacbes. diu;!:.",. cettinl up nlebt• • Ie, pains, .... lIIng. Som.tlm.. fniquent and .caDty urination witb .martln, and bt!f!llnl I. anotber lien thlt .ometblnl .. ""ronl wltb th. kldDey. or bladder. Tbere abould be DO doubt that prompt treatment ill wlaer tbaD nClLleet. U •• Doen'& Pill,. It" hetter to r~I>,: on a medicine tbat bu won countrywide approval than on .omotbla,lea favorably knowlI. Doc.', hive bc!en tried and Ie b.... man, lea... Ale at all drua .~ • .et Doc•• today.
Beech Nut Baby Food· ,
STRAINED (in glass)
CHOPPED (in glass) Uye
.per doz·
11 c'.ea.
per doz.
8e ea~
AD ft..pDba&loD IIICODd t.o DOlle. 8kteU, .....,.. 0. &be IteM alII annmd maftd .. &be eeaDtiJ.
Sernce That Satiafi••
'l'UNB TO WBlO Dayton II:S) -Dial For Oar DaII, lWarlle& aepert
Every Other Day RETAIL DELIVERY • ,I nstead of. three,times a week Also Sold at
Stewart's ' Thrift..E Market Leha~oD"O..
MII·amll: Th Ii A ZET T E
, Fairly Familiar by EFnLDE~
o, IJ
In tihe past few months several c.ha.ngel! in the ,b usiness world of
Hunting Season On Rabbits Open Friday
Farmers Grange No. 13 will meet in regular session on Saturday eve~ ing. Nov. 16 at 8 :00 p.m. at the Grange Hall. The following program has been arranged. Reading Cora ruch M'USic Donna Hadley
CGn servatlon ollficlals predict 1\ million hUn,t era in the fields with Waynesville haveauto takenrepadr. place.shop Joe Boyds welding. .' • ',' the openIng of the popula'r rabbit . rebuilding and general fixlt shop a d phea san t season in OhIo at is not too long established to be noon. Friday November 15. . . oonsidered one of the ~~woomers. rud~es. L1 t~n ~ e salcs Inctioate that an Hoppy's Re· taura'nt Is an added ,ESTABLISHED 1850 _ NO. 4290 $1.50 p~ YEAR - 50 A COpy Rt>adir.g Edith Hawke estimated 750,000 hunrtcl"l will h ave establl. hment on the Main' S treet; Music Sue Furnas acquired hur-Wng lIcen se ~ f Or the Wills Jewelry Shop disper.ser of WAYNESVILLE, OHIO THURSDAY. NOVEMBER 14, 1946 Each family Is requested to bring 1946 season and that 250.00;0 ~n s Jewelry and kindred items and flx- --~----------one" pound of fruit. including fanners. landowneI:s and er-Uper of waOOhes and clocks Is GAME ASSOCIATION MEETING Rachel Earnha,r t, Luecturer and t'heir families. who are not regQinir.g an established trade; The TONIGHT IN LEBANON quired to buy the state license to hunt upon td1elr own lands may Ham' Appliance Store. under the The Waner. County FiSh and break all previous records. dirction of S. P . Felo. located on t,he Game Conservation As!<OClation will The 'd ally bag limH on I"8Ibbit will squa.re. offers a most complete line meet tonight. lIi~ 14 I\-t 8 :00 p.m . 'I . be 4 per day and the possession li.mit of elc:ctrlcal appltance s consist.ent at the Me modal Hall in Lebanon. with th Ir a val\ablUty; WUlard also 4. Two co:.k phe sants a day Wilkerson 's Taxi Service is f1llin g I but not more that 2 cock birds in For the past years, an organ- prHses8ion . Rabbit sea!;()n opens a t a ·defir.ite need to Waynesville and ization has 'b een engaged in a health Il()(. surrounding community: B. & R . Frida.y. November 15. and campaign in Warre~ County d.1reot- clO5eS January 1. Phetl ant season Dry Gleaner make their b(}w this ed a,t a disease wh1ch- constitutes ope~s at noon Friday. November 15. week. offering the services ' of a major public health ,problem be- am.. clo es November 30. 1\ modem cleaning plant to this The Waynesville Civic Club will cause it takes a ,h1g'h death 001L Oommunity. Lester Ball~y . Ohlef of the Law parUcwarly amons young adults Enforcement Seotlon of the Division Ir. addition to the n ewer businessel! 'h old tIre monthly ~tlng at the a.ndJ ,b ecause It is spread from person po' ' " out tnat every hunter should .e!lt8bli8hed here. the Borden 00m- MethodiSt Church on Monday eve.n to person. pany also announces this week their ing. Nov. 18 at 7:00 o'clock. become familiar with the hooting 'I1hJs will be Scout and' Father and • The Warren Coooty Tubercu'losis laws ,b eiore going i~to the field. of!ermg of a Dairy Products service Son Dir.ner meeting with the dinner a.nd Health Assoclation was formed Digests of the ~-acd regulations in the community. to W8ge a campa.lgn within the are available at all license agencies. Chang~.il of owner· hip include the being served by the wacs of t he county agains t this disease. ,t uberGame IPirotectors throughont tile Ridge In&uranoe Agency purchased Church. 'IluJlkey is the main dish of culosis. Through affUlation with st.alte· 'W1lL more than ever beCauSe by Wilbur N. Sears and the Sohio the evening. After the dinner and bustnellS sesthe sta.te and National a ssocitlon<:, of the eritlcal game s ho~ and Service Station from Morris Fulkersion a special speaker for the event the COooty IUlSOClation is pa~ of heavier l) unt1ng . prospects, be on IiOO' to Keith A hmead. a na1ior.-'Wide movement to eradica~ the lookout for every kind of viol. improvements have made' In the has Ibee~ procured . .M1". "Bud" Ben,n ett of lWddletawn. a Scout execuK.roger s~re with !the installation tuberculO6ils. ation. Violations will do well ~ In two weeks. the co~ty assoc- u~derst.and thwt there' are others or new flxturetl; Hyroana Store hl\ll tlve who will address the gt'oup. The secretary of the Club, Mr. iatton. slmultaneoulily with , 2.900 besides tJle man in !the forest-green Ndw ilSsoctated with the la.w·! been comple~ly refiumished ar.d Maynard Weltz. requests that ·tholle modernized: Waynesville Drug store offices of Harry Z. Gmy Is other a.ssoeialt1ons in tile oountry, uniform witb the badge who will baa been repa.1nted inside and out; attending meet up6tatrs In the Harold, O . RIsinger. attOmt.wwUI appeal to locat residents for go a. long -way ~ward helptng to Church audioorium. and' D . R . Smith 11l6ta11ed new d()Ql'1l at-law. He Is the grandson ot funds to carry its work tbrough 1947. enforce the la.w. especially farmers at the fl'ont entrance to his' g'1'OC('ry the late Elias Oglesbee, proThe appeal will be made through and othen hun~rs wlw6e !\po~ is this week and has completed otber mlnen t Waynesville farmer and the sale ' of Christmas Seals. begin- affected by every v1o~tion. Know , Improvements through t he summer. the late Judge A. C. Risinger of niDg November 25, and cont inuing the rilles ar..d follow them to the '1tuise , ~woomers. cbllXlgeB and letter . Preble Coon y. rusinger ~'ias unt il Cbriatma,.'1 . improvements point ooward th.e gra dnated from Mlam1 {JIllItJ will be the 40th annual Christgl'adual adVancemen t of our business mas See.l Bale In the nation. The Iverstty 'in, 1938. attended 'tale ocmm.ur.1ty. Continuance of the _ The Waynesville National BankC Uege of Law ,a t University ' of Seal Sale. according ,t o Mae Supper t. m.odern1stic tren'ds are tndicated on are announcing 'the ad'Jptior. Of t he cm'cinna.ti. and Wa6 admitted to exetlltive secaretary, Is the sole many , poliCIes of ' progress oelng nationally know and u. e<i Chrstmas the ' bar in 1941. The same W1CCk support of the tuberculosis assocevolved in the m inds of several fH - Club. Th.1s plan affords the regular he e~iered military 'Eervice fL~ l8ltion. Of ,t hel money raised. 80 per sigb~ Individuals In our mid · t. 'i\-eekly savings of a set amount that wa discharge recently with the cent will be used ~ the county and 'I14e told adage "Wa.tch yours p's The future cf Waynesville can be assures the Club members a Christrank of captian. He plans ,t o live rthe remainder sent to the state a - q 's" was originally applied' to pre-determined by m!lintaning a nd mas fund for r.'e xt year. In Wa.ynesviIIe. association. The lat6er. in' turn, the pr1Il't1ng trade and still is for folltvWing up the lead now ~ta bl Am()unts from 25 cents to $5.00 sends five per cent to the National. thalt matter. Last week in t he Miami iShed. per week can be saved t,h ru ,t his The National ASf!ociation nOt or.l~· Gazette a new transposition of Club plan and totals up to $500.00 "LI-D~~' . J. ..D.-~s serves a6 an advisory and coord1nat- letters was found in.: tihe case of the at'e ·possible. ~ lng, bodY buf Blso SuPPorts medical new dry cleaning pla.nt 10Clrted here Systematic savings , of this type researCh on 'tuberculosis. on NOrth Main st. are nationally adopted by many A glance b6c1dward e.t the history Illi the ad~rl.lsement run 1r. the bar.ks tx> give thdr customers and ) , of the tuberculoeis association Gazette· the name of the rlrin was all persons in their community a.re Abrabam, L1ncoln "Link" Xing, reveals how these small Sea'l s have , listed all the "R & B ~ Cleaning opportunity to enjoy ample fundfl aged 87 passed away at the Miami gone tto work for the people of Company and' it should have been 'Ilbe W. 8. C. S. Of ~ Methodil!t tor their Chrl&tm8's net;ds. Valley hospital on Friday at 8:00 W8Jt'1'en Cour..ty. how they have .the reverse. "B & R" Dry cleaning Oh'Uroh Js caBins atter.t4on 00 the ' The Wa~.ville Naltional BBr.k a.m. follOWing an' injury su~fered helped make this a healtlUer County oom~. It was an error of big turk~y supper ,they ~ serve in extend" a must cordial !Jlvitaltion on Thursday even.1ng wilen be was in fighting a. destructive enemy the ptihter' and! while it may : cause tile O~urch dinliIl . room on next to investigate ' and use this plan. struck bY a car while crossing MaUl whiah kUls m.ore ~ntt people be- some oonfU8ion as to what the name ~ evenlnS, N<N. 18. Tbe dinner It f..s open ro a~one of any ~. street tr., the dawn-town section. , ween the ages 01 15 and, 35 than shmlid be it i~ evident that no eonS. 0P,en to the ]Jd)ltc from 6:30 p: m. He was a retired farmer"wBfI born arJty other d1sease • fusion' wur be caused by the dry .,;00 p. m. at a price' of $1:00 per in W.arren COooty the son off Mr. D1seue~g the orgtlntza.tior. and cl'e8ners ' tbemaelves as they kiniDW
Lebanon Attorney Plans Local Home
Christmas Seal Sales Starting Nov~ 2·5
C.ombined Father-Son, Scout Nig~t A.t Club
Local Bank Starts Christmas Club
Type Transp'osition Allers CIeaners Name
From 'Auto Aeel-dent
Turkey Supper At Church lI,nday Eve
to ~~":'~uadulnderyI12an.• !.~!y~tceth :~~
"" .......
'OIII" tt:llters Appointed For E~~..t"m · St' ~r ' !f
and! Mrs. William King. and had hl&tory of the aSsoclitA.ton .Ye8ter- theIr 1hb :8l}d are .readY' ItQ prove re6ided 1n ·tlWI commlJ!l1ty ' aU his d&Yl R .l!I. Augspurger, President. it ~ the people of Waynesville. sO,
tfbe trlmI:nin'a 1. on the bill of fare 'and a. iOO<l meal 1t1 promised. ~ ~ After' public is served up to Ydami Ohai r No. 10'1 Order of '. ''1:00 p. m.. the Civic Club will then the ~ met On Monday bold I.tS I'e8IU1a.r meeting ste.rt1n8 at wtth .ClOftt'ed cUah dinner tlbat time and the wUl alllO bt; ev~Jng a ."........ Th __ ~I eerved a.t seven oc......... e u..,.....ns eerved with a. turkey dinner . was in cbaqe of Mr. and""Mnt. John J. Burake and follow1nl ,t he regular SHEEHAN SELL$ bul!1Iiee6.sesskD electlm Of oUloera MORE BULLS far the C<IIIl:ing year W&tI, 'held. '.' Brown Marydell Bunke will be the lime!' 8heellan and ~ 0bI0 Warthy IIa.tr<JC. Mr. John 'J . BurIIke SWitl8 breedIeI' ~ bull ~'a tbe Wort2ly Patron. Mh. ~ B&1ley ~_.. will.serve 88 ~ Matroo and ba;e recentq , I Brur..o ,"863 to LeaUe P. - . - - , -..._~ -..u_ ,,,..--a...... T~don I"IIhtl> and the ' bull L&IiII!Ie'a Mr. ~J' - J ' as ~ ~.. ,..,,..... , Patron Mrs. Kar7 IIaa'nbaIt &8 Sec, a.m~ m61 to A. C. M~lL retAIiY,' Ilia. , 1AIcIll. AnDlt.Me a.a , l.eb&nOa. 0b10 &CCOl'CHn8 to &I report ~, Mrs. BoI1e1t& aa f~ Pred 8: ~. ~ of the 00DduDt.I'eIIl, lIP. ~ 8a~ ~ ~ OaWe ~ Apoc- u AiieOcsate· 0ti0d.1Cfioeae and Mre. ia'tiOn, Belol~ WttlCODllln. ,' , JI1lIU Bltly -trustee' for tbne
OI"~ ~UJ. ~
wd ' that at tiIneS progress has seemed &low but in reviewing the Ann& Madden of Harveysburg and camp84gn against tuberculo61s a ~eQn" Cllttord ~UZk:k ~of Ken- t.hI'ouIIh the pei:speot1ve of years. it tucky. Also, two granddhUdren. two Is evidlent 't hat progre8~ bae been nephe918 andl a nelce. "'_.A~; ._. survi"ed by ..
. . . . . . . . "'..,
whether it Is R & B or B & It it is stUI' a good concern. Inc1derrtally, ,the name B & Ii 115 deri~ from Ute ' nBml!:5 'of the . owners, :'Bob Workman and "Roger" Greene.
~ , ~cetl . were con4~ '?D 1t6 bAtUe aplnst WIbercu.1osis. WILL C. ST. JOHN ~T on ~or.~y at 2.00 pm. a,t the the 8ltlaocla.tio~ h88 put, on several MARTINSVILLE FOR
Ulalltl x-ray ~ in ,t he County. TREATMENT B. Colemao of the,Methodlllt (~urdJ "All this wwlt has ~ poe91ble Mr. Will '0. st. John left Tuesday oUk:~t1ng. Burial was made In the through the ,annual sale 01 Chr1.st- for MarIt~e. lnd. wh«e he will ~ cemetery. mati Seals. though the many small en~r the Sani-tariwn there tor . OODIlributlone Of purchasers of treatment. He. expects to be gone MRS. ~ OOOK lIAS See.la. for wo or tJhr~ rweeks. MAJOR, OPBBATION "Although progress has been maGe . Mn. Amoe Cook _ taken to f1&\btlng tuberculO61s. the disease MRS. £l.LA BURLEY Good Samarita.r. b<l6p1tal in I~D hatl.not been cor.quered. It 8t.ill Jdl.Ja. SERIOUsLy IUI" . OIl Thul'8da¥ of last weelt wilen 8I1e In ,tale nation 86 a whole, at the Mi'll. ROOert FIUrria.s reports that underwent a major opentiOlIl. She T&'te of one penon <every 10 minute!!. her mother, Mrs. Ella 1IU1iey 1s wm rema1n 'there for abQtit t.wo We cannot afford, to rel~ our efforts, seriously m at Jth'l home of anqther ~ •• BJor cpnditlon, 18 repdr'ted to untU it ceases to menace the health daul6til, (' ~•. . Alti;:ef ,BiDlt~) in .1_ ~. •' . of 'our people." ::' ~J ,tJ ", , ue iItS.t ,~. ,. .
8tA1bf16 PUneral ,H ome with RIPN. R.
- .....e I Dick Rulon. New Vienna; Patricia THE l\rLuO GAZE'I TE - NO. 4290 Behm, Mason; Ralph StatJUlL Ports- WAYNE VILLE. omo 14, 1946 \[BER NOV,El DAY. THURS Waynes Ha.rd111. mouth; Lansll'.g vt\le; Jean Lalfoule tte. Wi nchester , LEA\'E FOR WINTE R
• • •
ConNOV. 14- Wa).ne T(:nmsh ip F'a.rm- Va.. O ther guest.s were AberU , Bernard ers' Club meeting . will be held at ner, \.a.rry stout. Rose Marilyn the home of Mrs. C:3.ss1e Collett or Oharles Cary, John Henry, _ _ _ _ H arveysb urg. ____________________ Rhoades. George Sclunldt and WU• • .. ., ltam Ellis all o! Wilrnln gton. ar.d . and olosed her ta.lk With a discUssion NOV . 16- """'_ . 8:00 Grange !: ~_",er ·H",,., a particlp Pre6eIlt n Hannon Jes. Dorl Orelee' tho all Gretche with p.m. a.t Grange Hall. ~ of n brecll and William H'Offma • . • • . on their knowled ge of vines. Guest~ from Lebano n Cincinna.ti. meet dinner Club Civic 18NOV. present After this session those Kipler and ReVs. W1ll1a.m were . Churoh icg a.t the Method i8t give a reMiss ,D orothy Day gave a' most urged Mrs. Petereo n to ll. campbe ry. I!OOreta park in the Maynar d Weltz, entertai ning talk on· her recent trip Slllne on her visit Ix> ·the All of the guests are studer.t s a.t • • • ins. mounta Smoky meetregular the at .ia. to Oali!orr gton ~ . W1lm1n of At the end of the program M::nI. NOV. 21 _ WomlUlS Society ing of the Progres sive Women 's Club / Wa.lter M.rs. Christia n Service . had an eXhIbit which met Wednes day evening a~ Dr. Emma Hollowa y y. secretar er, Whitak leaves and w~ , flowers dried of Tekt he home ,of ltala Thompsono. and in ing the Souther n Route she told of gathere d along the roads OFF ER v1siting Lookout Mt.s. New Orleans, r1elds. CarlSba ad Ca.verns. and Mexico on SATISFACTORY her j~ey to her · destina tion a.t
. CI ub Sponsors Progresslve Local Girl Scout Troop
Happy Hour CIub
~iverside. Csllf. where she .... a ·guests of her sister and famUy and Mrs. IRaberd1ne a tormer Waynes ville teacher. She told most intaest '!'!he ,H appy Hour Club met at ~e of catalin a IsJaMe , ing on JoShua Trees. Missi.ono Inn, Mt. home of Mrs. Lawrence Furnas 12. Nov. day. Wednes Rubidor e. S8In Flrancfsoo's Oblna. 'I!he newly elected att1c&a for the Town and HollyTWood BroaclcIuIt& their services .Which she conside red the hlgbUgh tB coming yeQr basan are ' MlrB. '!bey . meetlng this at or her trip. rs. Pred M ' nt; preside . Hootrett Elsie Mary Pranoes and George ~ Mrs. and stdent; ~ce-pre Gona. two with club the sock flWored y-tr'ea.S secretar F1urn~, ce lovely voca.l ·numbers. "Farando1e" lAwren
Mrs. Jones Speaker . 'At St. Mary's,!oliliary
Meets We, dnesday
The November meeting at the Woman 's Awdlla ry of st. Mary'. Oh~ waa held at the ~ of Mrs. S. L. RobinIIon. ~ were After Ule nine me~e present . busines s ~ng 1t.he group Were plea>eed to hear a b!Llit by Mr- . Jack Jones. superin tendent of the Warren Mrs. County. Home in oc.ebanon. Jor.ea told 01 .some very lnterest 1ng ineident. and expedences which she ha:a had du,t1ng her li!e Wlere. urer. and "Counti ng to Ten". Mrs. Rob1n8on ' s«~rved Ilatn'ty I'e'Dbe program for the afternOOft Mrs. Robert , Chapm an W8~ pre_ ntll. The next meeting of the freehme read sent and was introdu ced as the wall, tirst M1 s Betty Ogleeby will bE! held with> M1I8 altion organiz M::nI. ", Tea8ers "Soap l-ea.der tor t he Girl Scout Troop a poem on "The Katheri ne IPrendeJ'1ra8t on Dec. 13 which toe Club is organ.lz1ng and ~wrence Pumas spoke meeting to lay . Month of Novemb er. Mrs. Se.tte. at 2:00 pm. A special sponsor ing. in DecBazaar the tor plaM final "Are During .the p leasant soc1al hour tlhwaite s~ on the ~bject p.m. on 1:00 at held e b , will ember ?" 'Wome stul suooe .. tempt1n g ref.redbments were 1IfJI'Ved. you Dalsy Mrs. at 21 Nov. ay, Mr~. Warren BraddOCk spoke on Thursd .The Decemb er meeting wW be a . bome, 's Snyder Home." Pollowt ng 0hrtBtm as Pot Luck Party with ez- "Color For YOur contest was beld. ' flower a talks the the Of home the change at gttts at course wall SORO RITY GROU P AT salad !A delicious Preside nt, ~ Hockett . . STAND FORT H HOM E served by the hostess. Wednes day, Nov. S. M1s8 Edwyna OUeat.s for the afterno on were the girls at Mrs. T . J. Davis of IL eesburg and St.andforth enterta ined to a hayTheta Omega Mrs. Robert Hunt of Wayneeville. the Delta· aa.nce at a and roast weiner ride, , viUe. WI~ynes near houie her S The Waynes ville Garden Club TUESD AY EVENI NG CALLD OUests for the ocoaaion were Jane Mr. and ,Mis. Chester Doo~ 'at met in regular 8&lI8ion at the home , LynohbUl'l'; Gene Wm.tams, 'Murphy a.D4 Mr. On ' aP,lled ton of Mrs. Maude Mauric e, 'l'lbl.Inda.y. West C&1Toll a.Jc1no 8eb1na; M!'8. Ray Ma.ir.ous, TUesda y even1nv. H1llsboro; Martha .D . !Nov. '1. ------. ..~...; _ _ _ ____ Mra•. Ge<qe Peterso n started tIl.e fo'_ _ _ _ _' _ _ _ very ~tr p~ with a Ithe varloua tYP8s at vb!es ' ·t alk
Mr. and Mrs. O. M. Ridge lett on Tuesday tor Los Angeles , oal1!. where they expect to spend the
,,1nter. CALLE RS FROM JlAMlL TON Mr. and Mrs. Oonra.d Ma.1nous and
grar.ddaug'h ter and Mrs. Ntoholaa Qecere and daughte r of Hamilton. were afterno on oa1lers of ~. and. 5a.1J1rMrs. Ray Ma1nous and day.
- Dial 2111
Wayn esville , Ohio
No More Starting Troubles!
.Garden Club .Has 'Interesting Meeting
TWIN' Theatre The Courage,of Lassi.
SeFvice Station .
l'he best of all 'Laasie' uIotu:res .- Doolt m1ss It I with J!![~~YLOIR. FRaNK MORGAiN' and TOM DRAJa t .Added: COlor cartoon and
"Elsie Says"
BORDEN'S are proud to presen t to W AYN,E SVILL E their compl ete line P ~ 0 Due T S of D A .I R Y
Choco late Drink Jersey Creamline Milk Cream ed Cottag e Chees e Sof-K urd Milk Cream ed, Butter milk Golden Crest Homo . Milk Stand ard Paste rized Milk -Cre am- Orang e Drink • For Inform ation or Home Delivery Call Waynesville or HEml ock 1275 DAYT ON - if it' Borde n's it's got to be good!
25 52
• Yes sir, positive starting all winter IOQg-ev~ QD. suo-ze ro mornings! That's what you get when we winterize your car. No exuas to pay for-ju st regula r winter service: The writte n guarant~ is y~ur aSsuraoco ' that we do our job righll
I I -.7,.ien.d6
Mr. Wil80n Edward's a.nd da,\IIbter. Mrs. G. W. Rh~ of Springfield were dinner guests on ThWliday 01
On Sunday. Nov. 10. Mr. and Mrs. Miss M8I'g6ret Edwa,r ds. Delbert Conger celebra.ted their MT. and Mrs. Jake Meredith of 17th Wedding Aflnlversary . New Lebar.·on, their da.ughter and Invited guests for dinner were son-in-Ia.w. Mr. and Mrs. Dill of Mr. ar.d Mrs. Perry Benton and son Oolumbus. Mr. and Mrs. Ambrose Teny. Miss Bal'bara Walker and Sulllva n of Dayton were callers of Mr. and Mrs. Earl Walker. all of ' Mrs. Sallie Meredith. Sunday afterllaston. Other guests were Mrs. 'noon·. Martha. Wallrer, Mr. and Mrs. OeoMrs. A~ Thomas, with Mr. rge Walker and l1ttJe Judith and Mrs. Myron Thomas of Dayton Schuler all of Lebanon; Mr. Harold called on M1s6es Annie and Marne 0Istl0m of Mason and Mlss Helen Brown, Sunday e~n1ng. . Steffler of Jackson. Ohio. M!'S. Dorothy Frazier and Mrs. Guests from Wayr.esville were Merrick of Dayton were d.1r.ner Mrs. Grace SChuler and Mr. and guests of Misses Annie and Mame Mrs. Sherman WUsoo . Brown on Wednellday. Miss Bal'bara Walker presented Th~ Board' of Control of the the ho t and hostess with a beaut!- Friends Home held their meeting 1iul.1y decol'8lted cake. The ta.ble was here Wednesday and were guests at set with two lovely 'boquets of chry- dir.ner. ~themums . Mrs. ·LucUle Arm1tage served on Even1r.g guests were Mr. and !:he election Board on Tuesday. Mrs. George Bu nts of WaynesvUle.
Margarine Ooo1par.y. C1nc1nn&tl, Ohio. has completed an out6ta.nding Advanced Register record of 15.398.9 poUnd of milk and6'7l.3 pounds of butterfat. Besides this record this cow produced' a henlthy cal! for her oWner. Lady-Bella, is the second dauE~hter of the .r eglstered Guernsey sire, Bonr.le Brae'!! Golden Hero. This record was supervisedl by the Ohio State University and reJ)Ol'!ed to The American Guernsey CaltUe Club for approval and pubHcation.
'1'Hetil.1FE IIJORJ< OF A60UT
HEN PHEASANTS IMPORTANT AS PROPAGATORS 'I'he hen pheasant has ofren been called the "goooo ,ta"iat lays the golden egg;' and pal'ticularly this year she 111 Just tllat. Donlt shoot them. It Is a serious offetl1le ,h ere In Ohio.
Ohio will n eed every hen> phaesa.nt. along With a few cock bird survivors . of the 1946 season. to help puIl the state out of Its present phellsallt population slump nel't sprlng. Evelj"bhing potisR>le has been dOne HERE FOR WINTER this year to conserve a safe brood Mrs. ' . Alva Thompson has her stock. The 'po68eSslon 11m1t has been WCTU MEETS AT mother, Mrs. PrIchard of Norwood. cut in half and hunters are being BRANNOCK HOME . Ohio, here for the winter Mrs. Frances Brannock was ho!'ter.coUl'aged more than ever to· une!r.! to the W. C. T. U. at their meet. derstand: why these mea ute a!l'e in h ld N 8 GUESTS HERE FROM DAYTON. belr.g !taken. and follow the rules g e av.. Mr. arAt Mrs. Perry Benton. and I d to .... ~ .. f 11 ~5 738 " Mrs. Lawrence Furnas waJ! Ir. SOn TelTy ot Da¥t<m were gues.ts theJDf!e ves an see WiCII. 'e ow probate, $10.00: The F. J. Heer 26 tons calcium chloride, '" O . ~ .v... _ ! h d ... _ - Th th sportsmen follow them Printing Co., 1 record of wills No. Ohio Central Telephone Corp .• "'-ee 0 t e evOwvu... e · eme of Mr. and Mrs. Delbert Conger Q. ' . • 49 b ~24 60 phone rent and tolls, $6.66; Dr. for the afternoon was International ' ..... "'-us lOA ..... - week. ' pro ate, '" . • d' I <t6 00 M I ' l"........... Ul wu.. Frank M. Drake, 1 shade repair- James Arnold, me lca, ",. : e k '1 and expenses Peace a.nd wa,s very capably led by ed, 60 cents: Trustee of Public ba Par er, ml eage , ~. Jennie Bradley. EARL W. CONNER OUI' . Affllirs, light and gas, courthouse $13.80. Gue5t6 for· the afternoon were : STILL ON SICK LIST and jail, $207.21: Trustees of public' Edith Bishop, guardian, cash for MrJ. Mary Lebicy; Mrs. OasSie ColEMI W. Oonner. afl~Ia.te.d \\ith MARRIAGE LICENSES Affairs, water and sewer, court- relief, $60.00: Montgomery County lett; Mrs. ~ Sherwood; Mrl'. the McClure Funeral Home here, Russell D. Weaver, 26, Waynes- house and jail, $128.40.; District Relief Area, cash rei~bursement ~a Gordon; Mrs. H. S. Tucker - till remair.s at his home In WaYDeS- ville. farmer, Donna Allen, 21, Har- tuberculosis, care of indigent per- for ' relief family, $160.77: Chas. a:nd ~. Opa.l WelCh . all ot Har- viUe where he Is confined by slck- Yeysburg, steno.grapher. sons, $160.00. Treasure~ of State. DC.os~tid!~;~:to,r ::~~ef, :!;69;r~iet veysburg. ness. . Arthur Coldiron, 28, Lebanon upport 1 dependent chIld, $26.86 ' draftsman, Lucille C. Eltzroth, 26, Glen Lintner, 1 gal Dip, dog war · $12.00;. P. & oo.H~ de;r~nt'H~d~~ Lebanon. den, $1.60. • for rehef, $51. , . • I & SEEK TO RAISE ATTENDS WEDDING Frederick D. Gray, 33, Lebanon, Highway Equipment Co., cater- brant, cash .for relief, $10.00: P: MONEY FOR HOME Mr. and Mrs. Oharles Le May general porter, Elizabeth Speaks, pillar Diesel, motor grader, $4. . C. Hildebrant, food for rehef, 387.85; Pittsburgh Plate Glass Co., $37.00. Young People of the Methodist attended the ,wedding ot a M8l'ine 31, Lebanon, maid. Ohun:h Win endeavor to raise $100 buddy of Mr., LeMay 1r. Hamilton BILLS ALLOWED for the support ot the Method1 t Saturday evening. Miss Doris Jean Children's !Home at Worthlngtl.>n , Anselum was the bride and Mr. . Miller Hardware & Furniiture, Milton- Shearer the groom. board for juvenile court, $2.26: Ohio. The Johnson-Watson Company, 860 Thl$ home u ually ·h M more than VISITS DAUGHTER filing folders, clerk, $85.40; The THAT PAYS MORE TO LIVE THAN DIE 100 ohUdren. 1\\110 are from broken OfficeI Outfitters, 1Thcalender Mrs. T . J . Davis of Lees;.burg .., k ~ Leb rebomoes. or o1'J)har.ed. v1Ritlng her da:\tghter Mrs. Lawrence fill, c er , ",1.00: e, unonDetails without· Obligation. We Have Itl 'nley are well ~ for here, . Cook. Citizens National Bank, ren1~ for until they can be placed. in good pros.: , $30.00: 'Dr. H. M. Williams, coroner's cost bill, $16.00; Dr. John homel!. by adoption'. or ot.herw1se. Mr. and Mrs. Oharles LeMay and Zettel, glasses, $16.00. . ~e Booth Festival w.h lch Is a obl1drer. visited Mrs. ~aY8 IIlster. Dr. A.. D. Harvey, hydrop!hobia Phone 171-L LEBANON, OHIO ga.tbe.r lng of tll'e Young people of Mrs. Rus~el Terrell of Xenia.. Friday.' treatment, Chas. H. Schemel, $21: the ' south pan of Dayton Dil!t. ' Annrel Materials Co., tar, :patch ~====== =~==== ===-:=-~-=~ will be held In Lebanor., Sunday WEEK-END GUESTS' , mix, $145.00: ,Orville Gray, garage aftern<lQn and eve~Ing, Nov. 24. Week-end guest of Mis!! Naoml rent, $12.00: Middletown Gas & Each Church wUl report what it Earnhart was Pvt. iP'loyd W ly of Electric, electric, $1.00 Martin has f(}r the heme. Detr it Pvt Wyi h Y S Burk.e,.garag.e ren~, $16.00! Furnas . o. . ye was orne o~ ServIce S.tatlon, tire repaIr, keroOUr Young People will solicit the ~urlough, from ~yger Field ' . , , ,sene an d g 8 s ol'ne I , $18488 .. members ~d constituents of the Spokane W88h1ngton and he &topped Karl ·W. Mlnst, dynamite, wire, local church for 't~1I cause. ott here on hts return to camp. etc., $60.65: Owen GrosB, 25, barPlease help tJlem to reach ~is rei cement, $67.60: Fisher Coal goal. ·GUERNSEY ·C OW Co., 26 ba~1'f1 ce~ent, $16!.~0; SETS HIGH RECORD Gross Ser':lce StatIon, repalrmg BURNETS ATTENDING , Piet.erborough, N. ,iI. - A .register- horn bushmg, $8.60; Columbus Blank Book Mfg. Co., dater, :f orms MILK CONVENTION ed Guernsey row, Lady-Bella of for probate, $8.70: F~ P~octer 1'S::s:~~ IN ST· LOUIS crane Pond, ownect ·.by The Miami Company, 100 expanding envelopes,
An Retiremellt Borne Policy
Jf"~ *
Mr, ar.d Mrs. HarveY. Burnet of at. 2, Waynesville are 1ni st. LoUis,
Mo. ,this week ~ng the 30th annual meetlnC of the Na.ttonail 00operatlve !i:uk Pro:d'OOel'8 F'eder8lttOD. ' Mr. Burnet is vtce presldeot at , . the ¥Iaml VaMey CoOperative ' Milk
Prod&era~, and 18 one of the repreeentativea of th~ local Asaoclat1oo Ute annual meeting of
1M fede~tlon. sbrt.een people ~rom
Dayton and v1c1n1ty are attending tb18 annual ' meeting. 'lbe sessiona opened Nov. 12 and Wtn end. Nov. 15. . 'l1le iocal mWt producer. AsIO(4a.tkm: ia ·ODie of 78 oooperatiVe d84ry ~.. wtlt.ch 'beloo8 to the
November 22, 1946 Door Prize BIG BASKET GROCERIES, Refreshments 4 - TURKEYS - 4 To be given away
neJt.lonal' .f~~. LOcMed. .In 47
380,000 t~ 1l'f tbe na.tlon'l ~
Admissic;m SQcincluding tax
__fa, they represent ~tely ~n.
THIS year -we are offering the Nat1onal1y , know Ohrlstma.s Se.v1ngs Club for the convenience of our Partons. A de!lntte amount l!8Ned each week will aasure a llberal check tor you at Chris.tmas time.
25c . 5OC 1.00 2.00
25.00 50.00 100.00
The Miami Gazette
. EBTABLISHED 1850 PUblished Every Thursday by DAVISSON , PRESS FLOYD L. DAVISSON, Editor Entered as Second Class Matter at the Poot Of!ice SUb6criptlon Ra tes: $1 .50 per Year In Advance
National Adverti ing Rep re entative Ohio W eekl ys, In c., 2-165 W. Broad t reet, , olumb us 4, Ohio
:J),." ledge A FARM DIARY D. J. Fraiser
the stall and the getter-outer t ried t.o j ump but with some persuas ion t hey finally went up and in. By that time we lane was not only slippery but Soft. Haif way across safely. three-quarters of the way with only a minor skid or two t hen just as the end was in sight ar.other skid and the ba.<:kWheels went oft Into a soft rut. The ram came harder. the wind blew somemoie and the wheels spun round and round. It wa.s a case for the tractor. Anotlber wait and the little old tractor came plowing through the mUd. '!bey hitched It on and 111 pulled. The chain tightened. The truck wheels spun and nothing happened. They tried again and slowly Inch by inch it began to move. The Itl'\IOk wheels were turned sidewayS bUt t!he mud was' slippery and the little old Model
It was lovely, warm sunny wea~ er e8Il'lier in the week wIhc~ we sent l or bhe trucker to come and take wme atock to CinchUlati burt just a bout ten minutes before he got here ,this morning the rain came. By the time he drove in. the lar-e to the tenant house was not soft but slippery on tc;p arid the big truck sUpped and slid but crossed sa.fely. The rain rained harder and t he 'Wind began to blow. The chute was finally set up and the hogs climbed Into the truck and began a tl,ght wit h 't he hogs thali were already In there. Then we moved over to the ,B pulled it right along about !the beD to load the calves and the rain came dowr- harder and wetter. len~ of Ltself before Ithe wheels The C8Ilves mUled round and round began to find sol1d ground and it
Armitage &: Son .
MOiiao.W No. S ~ANON Office
began to move. There was one more pin ts. I t Is cold and gray today so THE ~nAMI GAZETTE - Pace , call to load but no sooner t.han they m ~. hroom p'lher1ng will not be WAYNESVn.LE. omo - NO. 4290 went into the stall to lead it out qulte 0 pleasant but it would never THURSDAY. NOVEMBER U, 1946 than It rose up and> wen t over the do I/O let all bhose 'goGd , mushroom 'h igh side like a. gazelle so we stUl go to waste. tha t is unless ~hey are Buil t up li tte r on t he pouhry have a calf to send to mark et. It also wait.1ng fol' I'ome su~ ~ hine to house floor makes ' t he fl o r must pay to have a good loading pen bring tJlem up. Tbli! Is !.he kind of warmer and dri er and lesse ns with a pennanent ohute. Some day day so may people always t.hink work required to k eep the · house we may have one too. of as a typlqel November day and clean. Several inch es of litte r al'C Election Day Is ,o ver and Clear- ye t we have plenty of lovely Indian plac ed on ' the floor at the sta.rt creek Township Is dlry. At the comer Swnmer days too. This must be and mQre li tte r is adde d when 01 73 and 48 ,there are t wo pla.c es ·the tail end of ~~ storm !.ha.t !.hey n eeded, so <the ma te rial ins ulates which sold beer. O1I~e was run as a had I.r. Colorado. Twe nty- Lwo Incl1es t he flo or lind mois t ure is n ot condecent eat.1ng place where the maln of snow. buses. QariI. ,every thing densed on it. Grain placed in th feature W1l6 good food but where stalled. I will be just a s glad if a litter induces the birds to keep those who WMlbeid, It could also get good warm breeze from the gulf ot the' material loosened 0,0 · tpp .. beer. The other place ha..~ been Mexico steers It away trom us. notorious ever since I t1rst heard Thanksglv1ng only two weeks away. ANNOUNCING of It. . They sold beer too but was This year tlhe tourth Thursday 18 never hard to get sometime str()O- aL"O the last Thursday so we can PHONE NUMBER ger even w. prohibition days . Chan- all give !.hanks togeter and in spite gas of ownerilh1p have made little of shorages ar-d electioIlB and John CHANGE TO dtHerence becaUse It was what tlbe U Lewis we lh ave a lot to be thankpeople vlho went there wanted. The ful tor 80 prepare to show thanks by lasted owner publls'hed a statement sharlr.g and meeting the calls for In the paper that he intended to help t hat will come to us. run a decem tavenl. He ha.sn't had WORLEYS FARM It long enough ' to prove his words IN omo EVERY THREE HOURS EQUIPMENT CO. but It would haVie been hard to SOME PERSON DIES OF LEBANON~ OHIO cOO,nge It. He WOUld' have to get TUBERCULOSIS an entirely new clientele. But that Is the worst teature Qf closing these beer jOints. r.obhiIllir is don e to pr0vide social centers In their place. Springboro went dry when Waynesv1lle did and a f9lther now gives as his excuse for not takir.g the ch1ldren to school E~vents, that there Is no place to walt for them in the town and he wasn't; a dr1nklng man Having sold my farm, I 'wlll ofter at PubUc OUtcry on tarm. either. One of the older men ,in kr.own as the PENDERGAST FAIRM, on RIVER ROAlD, 3 roUes Waynesville. said 1to me the other Boutb of Wa)'Jle8v1lle, at 12 :30 O'clock, pm., on , ' day". "I don't miss the beer !IO much as I miss t.be plac}e to go and sit ' and talk in the evening. There isn't a place left in WaynesvUle. The groceries no longer have a "cracker FARMING IMPLEMENTS 2-wheel Trailer, with Stock Raclt. Low-wheel Plat Top Wagon. barrel ctub" and tihere Is no . place Toba.ooo Setter. Tobacco iPreSB. S1qfle-row corn Plow. Han-ow lett tor a man to I~O a~d t,he evenCUltiva.tor. 5-hoe CUltivator. I-row Wheat. Drill. with Fertilizer Ings, alone In your ;room are lonely: ~ At.tachment. Lumber (nE:w). a ClayBlrd Traps. Wa.ter Tanks. 2 new Scyithes. Farm Sled, with Iron shod runners. 6-tt. (]roes-cut Saw. Why wouldnt a club room tor the 6 ~ -tt. pross-cut Saw.
Wednesday, Nov. 20, 1946
old mer.. who board or "batoh". ot whom there are sO many in WaynesyUle be a.s good a project for the BSTABLISBED 1812 Civic Club 8s any other? It wouldn't ,. .. '" ......1 ~ t. • • take much. just a room. preferably near Q plaCe that sells sandwlches and 110ft drinks, -w:Lth a stove, &OOd lights. some conlofortable chairs, LICENSED REAL ESTATE BROKER stror.g enough to Up ,back stand on AUCTIONEER - INSURANCE tlwo ~, 8. sPlboon or two, prehalps a 'r adio anId some new 8 papers. No Phone 2651 WAYNESVILLE, OHIO doubt some of them would be .interested enough Ito take care ot it and , ', ~ perllapS even contl1bute towards ita P'"------.~ -"'!"""---~---------~ supports. Ir.. swnm~oT they can sLt on the Gazette Step81 but now it is oold and> the evenings are lonely. "Here's a. goodl looking heater but it is 60 full of aMes that 1 canlt teU ' what oa,ndUon it Is In.'' 80 bhey solld: it a!lhes and all for a couple of dollars. It look~ like a good one but wh~'Il people are so C8I1'eless of things they send roo the I sale tlhey can't expect a good' price. A ~a.lny day alwa.ys brings a crowd Jto ,t he Oommunit;y sale and this was no exception. 'When I first went Ln with my c:h1okeJl& the ca.ttle pens were all most empt,y but before the catrole. sale began t!hey were full. Moe calves but I sLlways th1n'ks that milk Is only rui.y and grass until ~t Is ~ut of the cow and In tlhe car. and somet.1mes it pays just as well to let the call do the milking. It Is labor cost bhwt makes >the price of milk go up. We have two big calves that we ought to replace with l1ttle ones tIO make a lb etter ,p rofit but it is hard to wean a big cal! and stW keep it <YD 1Jhe fam\. , Frtdaf. The rain yesterda.y should have bl'O\lg'ht up a new crop of mushrooms. I rnI.ssed bbe big crop 01 just alf.ter the last rain but I gOt
,--.. .
' I
Announcing the ,opening of
GULf Sf.RVleE at
Hastings Garage 4th Street
Waynesville, Ohio
Auto ' ': Accessories . ,
f3ener~ ,Repairing ,
~--------------~~------... all I 'OOUld
e8It and I canned t:.llfte
FEEO--300 to 400 bu. of Corn. HARN.ESB--S1de of Ohain' Harness. Leather Halters. etc.
Some Leather Lines.
AaNTIQUES-Base ROOker. M'ar.ble Top Sta.nd. Walnut 0haJrs.
Walnut Ohma. Clo8et. OhairS. Rocker.
Desk Oha4r. 6 poplar Ladder-back
Breakra.st Set (table and 4 oha1ra). Porcelain-top oabinet. Baae. Electro Master Eleotr1c Range. Kitdhen Work Table. Kttcben Btmll. 2 Wash 8t&nds • 13~ ou. ft. Nelsoo-Kelv1na.1m Deep PreeR. Laundry mynper. OUpbo&rds. a-burner Ooal on Stove. F1repoot Steel Sate. Matching Bathroom Set (CUrtAtJn!, Rug. Seat Oovei'), Simmons StudIo Oouch With SUp Covers. Gold Ta.pee1ry Lounge , Ohair. CUstom Bunt Olub Chair. Glasl-tqp <?otfee Table. End Tab1-:S, , Drop-leaf Mahogany Table. 26 X 34 Plate Glass Mirror. Other Mirrors. Maple Kneehole lDeSk. a Bookca.fiet. HaalOCk. 9 x 12 Melhawk all-W'OOI BrQadloom Rug and IPad. 9 x 1~ Wool Rui. 9 x lQ Ajax Rug. 8 x 12 Oongoleum R\J8. 8 x 14 Llne1eum Rug. 'I1hroW RUgs of all kinds and sizes. Gla8a-tront Gun case. MacaZine Rack. Card Table. Gl1der. Hammock-. Deck Cha1ra. '01othes Baaket. rat Oream Freezer. Rakes. Hoe. Lawn Mower. Shovels. Oe4'den PlOW. Ma.ple Bedroom Suite (twin bed', bOx springs ancl1nner SPr1n4r ma.t;..' tresses, night stand. vanity and benclh Me6t of 'd nWer8 and chair). 9 x 12 Rug. floral de s1gr.. 4-p1ece Maple Bedroom Suite, with inner sprtngs and inner spring mattres8 • 2 Floor Lamps. ODe tn-<I1reot lighting. 2-plece Llv1r,g ,Room Suite. Basket of odd Dishes. Rooker. Iron Bed. Spt1ngs and Ma.ttress. Brass Bed, Spr1ngII. Iron Anny Cot: Dresser. ' Maple Wardrobe. Vanity. Single Bed, Springs and Mattl'esll. Chest 01 Dl'awera. Rooker. Mirror-top Varjty and Bench. Match1nc Bet; (Bed Sp~ Van~ty Skirt 'a M. Bench Skirt). 3 Table-MOdel Electric Radios, one new. Electll1c Toaster, 3-s11oo. 6 Pin-up lAmpe.' 5 Table Lamps. Va.n1ty lAmps. 2 Bridge [.amps. 3-way ¥1oor lAmP. Florescent Shelf :F'blIture. K1rt>y Electrtc Sweeper ~nd aU a'Yiach. meytB. Bissell SWeeper. Wool Oomtorter. Blankets. Bed. Spreads., ·Curtalns . Lmens. 'P1llows. 92-plece DInner Set. complete service tor 12. Vases. Glas.sware of all kinds. Wewrever Alum1rium Pa.ns . Sk1llet.s. Kltchen Utel'..u•• Cans. 'roYS - O1ehe a . Pans. Puzzles. Books ,(jf aU kinds. Irontng Board. Iron Tr1cye1e. Dolls. PLotures. Table 'and 2 0hairB. TERMS: CASII.
;EDGAR 'SM'l tIt .
lESS STANLEY & EARL KOOG~ AaoUOIlee!'5 (W~v1lle Phone 2894) (~ Phone ICE 8986) H.AR;RY SBlIlDAXER. Clerk
TIlE MIAMI GAZETTE - Pare 3 Ru tJl-Marian Farm In part of the Frances Ohe~ow1th of Wllmln.gton November 16. Miss Kirk is the grand paorents . Mr. and Mrs . Cha4'les WAYNESVlLLE, 'omo - NO. 4290 home of S . H. Burnett Ir. LY'tle. called on Mrs . David LUC8" , Wed- daughter of Mr. Wilbur Kirk and Wetzel. THURSDAY. NOVEMBER 14, 1946 Mr. nnd Mrs. C. W. Albright of nesday morntng. Mrs. Ora,ce Kirk of Dayton. For Pekin, Mrs. Arthur White of ColumMr. and M.r!l. Hiley Gibson spent several years Miss Kirk made her MILK PRODUCTION bus. Mr. Kesler Graham a nd Mr. Sunday afternoon with M.r . a r.d home with her Aulllt and Uncle. Mr. HIGH. IN OHIO Elnd Mrs. R<Jbei't Siney. of Da ytOn Mrs. Harold Rogers of Bellbr ook . and Mrs. Russell Jefferies of ·this Milk production per oow In OhIo a ttended the Church service a L Lytle Mr. George Bra bte n Is quit,e ill place. aver aged 5.050 pounds in 1946. the Sur-day m orning. a t his home here. Several local reslden.ts attended highest on record. Mrs. Ralph Hammound returned David Earnhart I con fi ned to 'his the funeral of Mr . . A. L. King a to her home from MiamI Valley home with scarlet t ever . former cltezen, conducted at tJ1e • READ THE CLASSIFIED ADS • Hospl'tal. Dayton on Saturday after_ Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Morgan and Stubbs' Funeral Home, Wayr.esvllle. 1. 00n and is getting along nicely. family were dinr.er gu e~ t . .' Sunda y Monday afternoon Mr. King died Mr. James Johns accompained Mr. of Mr. and Mrs. Earl Johns J'n of Friday. at Miami Valley Hospital. and Mrs. Wilton Hartsock to BaltiXenia. resulting from Injuries he received. more, Md. and spent last week there. SEXTON-SMITH WEDDING Mr. and Mrs. Art.hur Morgan and Thursday evening af,ter bel~ struck 'Mlss Dorothy Pauf!. a nurse at The marriage ot Miss Pauline daughter Betty spent Sunday even- by an automobile in Waynesville. Blair Brothers Hospital. Lebanon. Smith of West Carrollton and Mr. gave ap Interstlng account ot her Frank Se~ton of Dayton took place ing with Mr. and Mrs. Melbourne Mrs: James Thorberry has been ~ released f~om the quarantine. which . two years experience overseas. !lit aL the home of Mr. ar.d Mrs. Ray- Stn1th and da.ughter. Mr. and Mr!!. James Bratten was placed upon her home' after abe the Woman's Society Wednesday at mond Smith (MOUnt Holly) Saturspent Sa.turday nigh t. with Mr. and became' a victim of Scarlet Fever. the home of Mrs. Dona.ld Baird. day afternoon, Nov. 2. Every family 'W'lil cherish the mem. Mrs. Oeorge Bra~ten . BIRTH Mrs. and Mrs. Hemy Belcher and The Rev. TM.Scarff o! Spring ory ot a last tribute tha.t waa Mr. and Mrs. Barr Nolder are d1gnJ.f1ed and !ittlng in. evetry Miss V1rglr.na Belcher of the Town- VeJley united the couple In mara.nnounc1ng the recent birth of a respect. sh1p Road spent Sat urday With the ringe. The bride is a niece of Mr. daughter, Marcia Anr.e in a ~n former's daughter, Mrs. Alfred Ras- Raymond Smith. nake and famlly; Following the wedding a reception a"lIe';l~bul'ia hospital. Mrs. Nina Patterson Jevrell is the maternal grandmother, and Mr. and Mrs. Harv~y Burnet in was held attended ,b y. close friendll 4(7 company with> Mr. and Mrs. C. D. and relatives of the bride. A hugh The W. C. T. U. Organization met 1Ihe late Mrs. OhUles Thompeon Roberts of LeWisburg left Tuesday wedding cake wa s cut by the bride at the home of Mrs. A. S. Collett, 15 the paternal grandmolher. Little MlS8 BonrJe Behr of near to attend the National Cooperative and groom and served with Ice Thursday afternoon. Besides the Dayton was a weeklend guest ot her MilJt· AssoclaUor. convention at cream. regular members. Miss Ida Dearth St. Louis. Mo. Mr . . and Mrs. Raymor.d Smith and Mrs. Belam of .Frar.klln, visiting Mr. and Mrs. samuel Niohols of were the witnesses at the weddtr.g. officers were in atter-dance. Telepoone 2291 .AUCTIONEERING Clnctnnati were Sunday guests of ~ose present tor fue wedding and · Tht'l Waynesville W. C. '1'. U, STANLEY and KOOGLER Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Hammond and reception were Mr. George Smlbb entertained for the pleasure o,t the aouaa LlCDf8. ch11dren. of Da~n; Mr . Ruth Smith. West local W. C. T. U. Friday afternoon. ~ D&t.eI, Phone ..... WQUemDe, Ml'1. Sarah Honk of Winchester C&rToUron; Mr. and Mrs. Oarwin Besides the regular members, MIss OIUo, Revel'le Qbarpe Ind. and Mrs. Ch~ Baird of DaY~ Ary of near Oenl.ervme; Mrs. 'Hiley Ida Dearth and Mrs. Belatn of ton were ~efltsat the Woman's Olbsor.; MrS. Everett Bunnell; Mr~. Franklln, visiting officers were In . , Society Wedneeclay and also si>er.t Morrls Le ' .1 of NIb. Holly: M1'3. attendance. WAYNESVILLE Wednesday night at the home of Cbas. aWes and family, Mrs. Frank PARKER FUNERAL Mr. and Mrs. Donald Baird and Dakin of . Green county. Mrs. Rosetta ShMve . and carl daUghters. Mr. and' Mrs. Everett Marlatt ar.d Parker of Chicago. m. were here the Mr. and Mrs. C. W. Youcce ot da.ughter of Waynes v1lle. past week to attend the tuneral rites Dayton. were SUnday evening dinner The happy couple are now resid- for their tather, ~. George P.arker gues~ of their parents Mr. ar.d Mrs. klg in NortImdge near Dayton. who died' at b1a home In WUm1ngton, WUbur Clark. Miss Minnie O!;awtord was bbe We~esday. Mr. Parker who was 87 ~ and Mrs. Junior Wil on and supper guest Tuesday evening ot was a llfe long resident of this at Belcher'. Sonoco StatiOn- Phone da.ughters Thave moved from tale Mr. and Mrs. Richard Haines near vic1J1ity and! one of its most l!Jghly Xenta. respected citizens. Funeral rite~, were Mr!!. Mattie Levi ca.lled on Mrs. conducted at 1 p.m. Saturday l~ the jiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii~ HUey Olbeor.. Wednes~ morning. Zion Baptist Ohurch at Harveysburg Mk'. atnd Mrs. Earl t.uCas and 1nI charge ot Luker.s Reynolds childrm and Mr. and Mr~. Lloyd F'uneral Home. Interment ' was at Thompson l pent Sunday wit'll Mr. M1ani.l. cemetery. and Mrs. Dand Lucas. Mr. Robert CoUetit waa host bO ·the Mr. and, Mrs. Roy Shaw and, fam- members ot the "Welcome Bible 1ly of XerJa. and Mrs. ROOert Class" ot Jonahs; Run Church. at his We now have Greene ot J)ayton called on Mr. home. FlridaY evening. Ice CreBltn and and Mrl. Lue Morgan. Sunday. cake was served to 'thQ8e In a 'ttendMUSIC SHEET Mr. and ~. Raymonq Smith ance, . ON SAL~ were 8UPper guests. Wednesday . Mrs. J. W. Snell who has been AT COPY evening of Mr. and Mrs. Charles confined to her home Owning to PHONE 326 . LEBANON, ettles and tamlly. illness is much improved. Latest Song Hits Mr. and Mrs. Henry Finke and Mr and Mrs. Fred Sherwood left -- -- - ----- ---- - - --Mrs. Clementie Zimmerman of for Columbus. Sunday to spenid this ' . ~1 WAY N E S V ILL E: near Waynesvil~e and Mrs. Richard Week witb their daugliter, 'w'ho is Moore called on Mr. and Mrs. Oeo- recovering from a recent ~n1~t1on. DRU~ STORE rge Bratten:. Sundl\Y evening. . Mr. and Mrs. W. ,p , MoCarren Phone 2121 , -i. . . . . . . . . . . .~IIiIIi. Mrs. Dene; Thompson and MIl'S entertained a group ot guests trom ALL MAKES AND TYPES . . . . . .ii1. . . . . . . . . . . . . . ._I11111!1. . . . .___• Wasbington' O. H. with a phE~t ' OUR WORK IS GUARANtEED d1nner. Saturday evening at tJleir i bome here. . We also do RADIO and~HONO Rel!!lir The Civic League members; met Saturday evening !lit the home o.f Mrs. A. S. Collett, vlho was aS sisted Across from the Bank Nite, Phone tor tJle 'o cassion by Mrs. Harnet W. 298,1 WAYNESVILLE, OH!O Smart and Mrs. Alice Hough. BIRTH Mr. and Mrs. Robert S. Boge~n are announcing the blrbh, of a son ~l8med' Robert at honre on November fl. The ALWAYS 11IE praternal grandparents are Mr. a.r.d Mrs. Charles Bogan sr. and Mr. and Mrs. Fred Irwin Sr. are the maternal
Makes AHome
FlO R Any mak'e or model Fred Kahn Motor Car Co.
Refri.g erator & Washer Repairing • Parts
I .
Th'e best way to keep these cherished memories of your children is through ·portraits. LET US HELP YOU KEEP THESE MEMORIES· Our modern equ ipment and superior craftsmanship assures yop of perfection, complete satisfaction, and lasting beauty. Make .a ppointments now for Holi~ay photographs.
Home Appliance Store ,
granopa.rer.t s . Mr. Howard Collett of W11m1.ngt;on and Mr. Robert Collett of DayOOn were in the vUlage, Saturday "OO at, tend funeral sen1ces for Mr. Cieorge Parker. CORY-KIRK MARRIAGE
'HUNtER :. Photo'"Service ...........~. . . . . . . . . .1111. . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Announcemer.t is being made of Ithe apPoraBhing marrlagewhic.h Will U:n1te Miss Clio J . Kirk tormer nisldent of this vhlage, aod Mr. Stewart Oorry, both of SpriIlgtteld
w~ 1s tO:be an: event. of Sa.turday,
~,v~ '< .
14.: ~ ~ ,Y" .. . ~¥r-~rg I~ ~,,-
Ear Rings ,- --o\.LL STYLES TO FIT the most discriminating taste. Various colored jewels· Pearls, Rhinestones Priced from $l.26 up I
The name c·f Dr. OG'lesbee Is one .which will not 'be f~:lTgotten nrour.d tht'se parts for a long long time Ii:> come. The kindly old gentleman
Loan facWlIeK formerly provided by ' WAYNESVILLE, OIUO - NO. 4290 THURSDAY, NOVEMBl:R U. 1"8 the Farm ;,e<:urity Admlnj Ftrat10n a nd by t41e Emergen y Crop ar.d UNDAl' DINNER GUESTS Feed LOOn Division of the Farm Mr. and Mrs. C. B. Moore of DayCredit Corporation now are fur- ton were d1ni1er guest~ of Mr. &lid lUshed by Wle new agency F armers Mrs. Woodrow Brandenburg. SunH me Adm!r-ist.ratJon. day. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _.... -
GOSSIP TOWN Have you ever heard of Gossip Town wllJh his white tha.t.ohed top. and B. B. Coleman. MIDIIter On the shores ot Falshood Bay. goatee. as we often see in pictures. SUNDAY SCHOOL 8:30 A. M. old Dame Rumor. with rustlWhere shall JIve ir. the hearts of all who J. J. BUJ'6ke. Supt. ing gown. knew h1m as long a s there 1s a sun WORSHIP SERVICE 10:30 A. 14. Is gcintt the l!velor.g day? to sWne. YOUTH FELLOWSHIP. at FERRY 'CHURCH of CHRIST The older re"idl!nts say its a. 1:bunc1a1. '7:30' p. ID. I,t isn·t far to Gossip Town. For people who want to go; fact ; Wher. were th,cre Is one death CHOIR PRACTICE EVERY EVENING at 7 :45 O'CLOCK Wednesc1a,. '1:30 P. II. The Idleness Tra in will take you in or near Ha,r veysburg. two more C. MARION RAILEY". Evhngelist down will immedeately follow. The dea<ths. minister, HERBERT GRAHAM In Just ar. hour or so. ..... it.hi I th t ks The Though tless Road is a popular OCCunng W n ess an wo wee ' . ST. MARY'S route claimir.g Dr. Ogle~bee, Monroe . - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - EPISCOPAL CHURCH And most folk star\. tllat way. Henkens ar.d Georl~e Parker, seem . SAMlJEL N. KEYS. . lAy Reader-in charge But It's steep down grade; if you to prove this statment. don·t watch' out, 9:30 a.m. Church School You llll1d In Falsehood Bay. FRANCIS GENE BROWN, Manager BUILDING LOTS 10:30 a .m . Mom4ng Prayer ar.d of MADE AVAILABLE WAYNESVILLE, OHIO Phone 2935 Sermon. Mr. Key~. You glide through the Valley OOMiPILETE ALL OTHER KINDS AT CHAUTUQUA Vicious Town. AUTOMO'IftLE OF R of Ml~ml The Board of Trustee UTICA U. B. CHURCH And into the TwUlel of Haoo. INSURANCE CASULTY IlNSURANCE Rev. RALPH BINES Then Cl"oosing the add-to ·bridge. you Va.lley Chautauqua opened the sale <XC bullding lots according to an anSUnday School 9:30 a.m, walk" . Ml'I. James GalTison. Supt. Right Into the City gate. nouncement todey. An entire new Preadl1nc 1st and 9rd SUndays each The principal street is called "They plot h as been ma de a.Vll!lable for r...." ·' -"",.. :.. ,..,. -,,,..........-,.." ..., ....... -.. "''''· ''W ~'' month 10:30 am, 'Sey" and purchase. The new eection- Is locat- ~ . :< .. "1 Have Heard" is the publlc well ed on Tenth. ElevEmth and Twelfth ' FERRY And the breeze that blows from streets and Yale aver.ue. CHURCH of CHRIST FalsehOOd Bay. The contract fol' sewer and W81ter The Growillr, Golnr. Cburch Is laden with "Dor.'t you tell." installation has been made and the HERBERT GRAHAM. MinlaWr maoor1als for construction are alIn the midst of the town is Tell Tale ready on the sioo. Bible School - 9 :30 'a .m. . , .... P8.:rk; More1ng Worship ~ - 10:30 a.m. . Purchasers are B .ssured of utilities. ~ .. You are never quite sa!e whHe • Youth Meetings - 7:00 p .m. modem conver.ien()es, good treets. a f' .. there, Adultl Pra.yer MeetIng - 7:00 p.m. pleasant neighborhood community. For Its owner Is Madame SUspicious Evening Evangelistic Service a beautiful grove and Chautauqua :.;: ....:. Remark. - 7 :45 p:u. Who lives on the street Do Not activities (JJ man'Y types. CB2'e. MT. HOLLY It Is ideal for both l:\ummer : otMETHODIST CHURCH Just back of the park Is Slanders tages and pennanent homes. AU 1'. M. Seartl. MiDAaer property is protected by regulation8 Row. '3\mdaJ 8Cbool - '1:30 A. M. 'Twas there that Good Name died. and restrictior-s to guarantee desirE. A. Earnhart, lUper1ntadeD', Pierced by a dart from Jealousy 's able llv1ng fhvtronment. Chautauqua Worship service - 10:80 A. M. bow residents are provided ma.ll service. E en1Ds ~ce - 7:30 P . M. In the har.ds of Envious Pride. bus service and public schools. ST. AU.GUSTINE CHURCH From 0gesip Town, Peace long since The Chautauqua TnlAtees h ave of·fered these lots in answer to many . fled; Father KramIIoU., ...... ~ass Sunday 9:00 a.m. But Trouble a~d Grief and Woe requests for ~uilding sites by people , Alld' Sorzow and Care you'll meet throughout the valley. FRIENDS instead, ~'fE First Day School - 9:30 a.m. CAREFULNESS IS If ever you chance to go. Meeting for Worship-lO :30 tUn. -Harvey M. Ban- KEYNOTE FOR ALL Look toward Korea and Japan! A thrilling new job and a
Evangelistic Meeting
The Army Ground forces offen you
Forms of Government
&obert L. VadUe, Mlnllter Bible .School 11:30 s · m. Communion 10:10 ft, m:. Sermon 11:00 L m. Evellll!l ServIce 8:00 p. m.
"The history cit gQver:nmenLa is the history of the ( long struggle between treedom and authority, The various forms &I government which
YOUNG PEOPLE'S MEETING 6'45 All ~ tnviied pm, ~ peop e are , to attend these meet1np. .
have beer. created to ~ people fllllinto the f'oUowtl18 four categories. WIhlch 8OOlet1mee ovedaps: (1) autocratic, that is. ' one man rnl . e;
• • •
• • •
~Ym MEE'I'lNG and
_Ja_...... ..w• .,..
artaOOcratic, rule by a minority ; theocrllltic, rule by an organized - . . - .. u. mee 8i I, p,m.on.....: h ~ 0001e and worshIp w1tJI ",.urc ; and (..) democratic. rule by .. _ , _ _ tAL ... _ - - " a. majority. us ... _ uuu...wee........ nce. , ••• The autocratic fonn of goVern'lbe EV~GEI...ISTIC MEETING at mer.t. one of the most ancient. 8till the P'l!lRRy OHUROH of OHiRIST persists 1h modern times. It proved will continue each evening unJt11 Pr1. efficient and could 'furnish a stable Nov. 22 at '7:45 p.m. O. Marlon Rail- rule for several decades. Its dictator. .ey Of Star.ton. Ky. Is the evangeUst. !however. could .not; be ,h eld ftapon• • • sible. the system cUd not provide 'rhe EVANGELIST MEE'IlING at for peac~ul cllange s. r.or could it the Jame8town Church of Christ gu~n'tee justice within its te1T1wm begin next Sunday night. Nov. tory. 17 and wtll continue to Sunday. Dee. The artsbocrnUc fotm of govern1. a.t ?:~ p.m" ment 00u1d or.ten C&N'y out poUdea . • • • with a long range view, requlrlng The XENIA AREA EXEOUTIVE the support of 8e~ral ger.erat1ons. MEEn'I'NG &I the OhU!1'ches or as did the Roman Senaoo or the Obrlst and Ohrlstta.n Churches w1l! Vlcbo:rlan Parliament. and could be 'h eld at the Jamestown Ohurch of boast afthe s\.aJte8men &I chaI'ac:te'r 0hr1st on Thursday, Nov. 21, in con- aod blood wbo 'h ad been sped!1cal1y MOtion _wiih- their Ev~wt1c illJa!ned '1!rOm early childhood to Meettng. All the churches of the gOvern. 8I'ea are Invited. . Rule by a .ro1nortty cl~1I& howeyer. W88 bound to degenen.te, 0,8 .PERSONAL STATIONERY it W&6 not responsible to the people. resisted chall8e, and fell sheri of Th'e Miami Gazette. 21'48' &al(Y appiooxfmation of ioc1a1 juetlce.;' . : .
t . " '30
(2) (3)
A survey made by' the ' Am.e rlcan Optometric Assocla.tlon, Inc. I'Oveals t hat 500 hunters are killed in the United states each year and 3.000 in1jured from tbe shots of fellow huntsmer. simply because 'of 'mdstaken identity'. a poor excuse to the injured and an unpardonable noOO of regret to t.he bereaved families. According to the Public Heath Bureau of Itbe Associatior.. the three maJor visual skill 8 necessary for safe hunting are: 1. AbOity to.distinguish 'fine detaJls undl~ all weat.her 0011d1ti9Il8. 2. Ability to recognize colore and to dLst1r.gu18h one from another ~CCUl'8Itely. ~. Abfllty to see objects or movement to bbe right O!' left of a ta4'get or beyond the target. whlle .k€tplng eyes fixed on your f mark. If 'YOU normally wear: gl~. be su.re to wear 1t.hem whlle hl\Ulting.
NEW OATS DISEASE . /No cure baa ,1000n found for the new funaus d1.se8ISe wblCh severeiy damaaed I!IODIe fJlel,ds of oats In Ohio in 1946. Growerl! should ask county agrtcultural agenU! about . resistant valrteties. .
APPLE ' PICKIN' PAIR IJora.!n oouMy cla:lm8 an apple plddng reoordl tor two Jams4 00ns who worked ltihere tb1.e year. The men help in thl~ paclt4ng shed UDtU 2:00p. m .• ar.d ,'then started· p4c1dn4r. In the five hour8 up to 7:00 o'clock one man 'plcll:ed 110 w8he!s ·of apples aod 'the· oIlJlel' checked m ·with III bu-hela.
ne~v life-with intcr sting work. sport • ent rtainment and travcl opportunities-can be had for the a king by qualified young men who volunteer for the I t Cavalry, 11th Airborne, (jth, 7th, 24th or 25th Infantry Divi ion . What an opportunity ••. what a job! Training in one of these crack units will tand you in good tead wh rever you go. Study a foreign langua ge. Learn th.e fa, inati ng dr tail - of Military Government-so vital to future peace and proQperity. Japan's " Isle of Pines" are b.ut a sample of the attractions of an Army career in the Far Eli t. Th Army has reopened comfortable hotel . theater. swimming pool _ t nn is club , golf cour 'es, ball parks. These - familiar hw nts of pre-war touri t - and many new development - llrovide a broad choice of r creation. . Not everyone can m asure up to this job, 0 I Y 3- 'car enli tee who m et pre cribed phy.. ical and ment al tllndards can enjoy the benefits of such a job. H igh ov r a pay, good food and lodging and a generou r tirC'mM t Jan make your future in the Army Ground Force . t 0 f! ,.J to mi s l See your nearest Army Recruiting Officer for full detail.
• LI.... .to: "Sou,," Off." "Warr.er. Of , ; oc.... "Vo'c. of th ArmW'." "'roud'W' W. Hall." .... Ma,or 'MHlall 'roodcad. lin yo~r rad io,
IN ADDmON TO '000,
Malter Seraeant or First Seraeant Technical Seraeaat • • St~ff Seraeant. • Seraeant • .• • • • Corporal • • • •• Private First aau Private • • • .'
'" U. S.
Serv'c. Over ••••
$165.00 135.00 115.00 100.00 90.00 80.00 75.00
$198.00 162.00 138.00 . 120.00 108.00 96.00 90.00
()Y.rwa. So",lco lecrea ••• la.. PeW' -lly 20".' .
'"r Replar Arm, Sen.. tile ' NaUo. and Ma.ld, .. In War Ind , .... A
.. ODD
F"l R
U. S. Army (
Io n
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(I 0 (, I
P H () I E
T I f I <:,
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~ (1
Ida Sander s vs William Thoma!! who m!ght freqUen t ~he .~ Stella Jameso n vs Frieda Gr'iest, TIlE MIAMI GAZET TE - .....e '7 account approv~d. hearing'Sf:!t for Novemb er Pine" with YlOU, In the matter of the , estate of et ai, to sell entailed estate, Maple Sander s, WAYNE SVILLE , omo - NO. 4290 There is an old adage "He who 14, at 9:30 o'clock. John Hawkes , dec'd, W. and Maple, a'tty. THURS DAY. NOvEM BER 14, 1946 Willinm , Howard Calvin vs Patton Beulah parGilbert Smith vs Bud Lynch, Ches ter Maple, adminis trl\tor, first, trusts me inust I trust' also". YOU , ' tition of real estate and other rehave laid tru t in us. therefo re ' we in final accoun t approve d. bon4 new a execute to ordered y. att h, Dilatus lief, C. Donald t we aremust t ~ st'you. And"h In the matter of the estate of sumiceof V$1,000. v a , Liddil, ' a minor, etc., Ch arI e!' l\'l~ . theBem vs Stone· A. Nellie E. Walter dec'd, , Rhodes on you to Gladys of v Ralph W. Liddil hearing set for we beheve we cap. rely Rhodes, adminis tratol' - filed fil'st Stone, divorce , gl'oss neglect "The hment establiS our patronize Novem ber 21, at iO:30 o'clock . , atty. in mar.ner a tifieate of transfe r of real estate. duty, Frank . He nd~r~on In Pine" e Lonesom vs trator PROB ATE COUR T admini rt, E. V, Barnha Ida Sandel' s vs Wilham Thomaofs of In the matter of the estate Bow- Sanders , divorce , gross n&gled of you- that D. Madden , et aI, FI'ed Grau - whioh we can be proud In the matter of t~le estate. of Hardy Bowma n, dec'd, , Jennie be exinventol"V dU,ty and extrem e cruelt~. , Cal'! Carl lent' Will aln'ays admini stratl'ix E , V. Barn- J"our depor'h for .. ted substitu . n a Jane P. An, del' on, d. e.c 0, Ka. ther.me nlan, m " " Abaech erli, atty. I 10 f safeat will 18 t t ber ~ou d thus Novem d and for A set cellent D, and n erson, a mmls ra flX ma hearinaH. Bernice V. Liddil, a minor, by hart as party plaintif f; Carl o'clock. g privilege. dr!.nkJn your guard defendparties accoun t approve d. made Madden Alice Mae Thornto n her ml()ther Nellie ant; briefs and supplem ental brief In the matter of the estate of Thank you one and all a mJlllon ' Ch next friend vs Ralph W. L i d - . E and ,., 'd d h · I and m;ay we not disappo int esA nna G ram IC, ec , n. . imes-t dates. certain before ed fil dil divorce gr;ss neglect of duty ordel'ed S CASE NEW and final first, strator, have trusted US so highly. admini who you ney, ' Y;ung and' Young, atty's. . . d' d W distribu tive account approve d, R ' d W Gl d Smith vs Dewey Smith, Sincere ly. aI', 1- ' • In the matter of the estate of divGladys ar vs ogerYoung' rce gross neglect of duty and vorcea ysgross and . neglect , , 0 Mae BeSSie • Elwood A. Reedy, dec d, " and Mr . W1lliam Peer Mr. tt' g' y" and Ma.- uun , a y s. e cruelty , Maple Reedy admini stratrix ' first and extrem · It by minor, a .' ry, McCrea Nancy . p e, a ty. and fmal account . lot for =~~: f and next Thke BLo°ard ofsEhduelat10D~ °t .Ctl earf- Iota Murphy , her mother ~ ow you a e In the matter of the ·estate of McCrea ry, A. William vs l friend, 0 Me 1S 00 c ca , WiUiam L 'Waggo ner, dec'd, Ernie cree given us in the Co., vs divorce , gross neglect , Young' and your kind support issue involving Option" W. Waggo ner"exe cutrix flied cer- Clearcree~ Twp., W,arren "Local tt' n W. W. Ivms, etc., title to real es- You g, a y s. final accoun t approve d. Clearar eek TownShip. Tha.t .yOU _______ In the matter of the estate of tate, Meryl B. Gray, atty. "Wet" votes gives eyidenc e of cast C. M. Brande nburg vs Frank M. Margar et Earnha rt, dec'd, Doroth y trust and fa1tJh In us to man$'QUI' only, REAL ESTA TE oOe Earnha rt admini stratrix first and Bowyer , Jr., for money respecta ble tavern _ a age S. SFER TRAN t amount claimed $500 with interes final acc~unt IItPproved.' Wand Howard to Ruby C John per anof this town- HOUR S: In the matter of the estate of thereon at the rate of 60/0 of May, Mary Jan~ Haas, 33 acres in Mas- which you as citizens Warren K. Hess, dec'd, Opal T. num from the 29th ,day shJp can well be proud and. one Twp. sie 9-12 each morni ng ity and • Hess, admini stratrix , first and final 1946, and costs. William Drak'e to Kennet h and ""\blch wUl add to the Pl'06per 1-5 aftern oons excep t ._ - - -Marian Simpso n, lot in South Leb- gI'OV#.h of 'tJhJS commu nity. people k1r.d you of all Wedn esday not Had anon. and tlon ooopera your ed display E. Fairy and Baker Charles S. 7-9 Saturd ay evenin g in us, our Baker to William R. and Lorena C. much more' your faith Other evening8 by ed- prin_ Bellam y 100.21 acres in Union Twp. ainls could never be aohJev place your make Appoi ntmen t to aim Mildred P. Hardin to Andrew A. cipally our for e desirabl and safe on recreati of n. Wooley, ~.59 a~res in Lebano ,T ELEP HONE 62-R fear Of Josephm e Wmdr? ss and L~vone you and your famll • without soc1ate W. palvert to Lew1s F. Helsmg er, inter!erence f rom.e11(TfR a.s s lot in Lebano n. • . , r Eugene Hamilt on to Clyde C a r 2 lots in Frankli n. New equip ment will be availa ble in limite d quant ity Optom etric Eye Specia list Robert R. Benge to Carl W. and Check your farm equip ment yet this next year. Ellen ~orris, lot in Frankli:n. 26 South Detro it Street ' now for neede d rep~irs and servic e. James A. Doughe rty to B. H. and XENI A, OHIO Catheri ne Allen, 2 lots in Hamilso work e' servic on ahead d booke We are gettin g ---~~ -.--.----,--. HOURS ----.-town ,T wp. ------THREE EVERY omo IN make an appoi ntmen t soon if your tracto r, combi ne, Anthon y Lower to Ricbslrd and PERSO N DIES OF SOME corn picker or other equip ment needs repair ing. Mary Ellenso nn, 85.52 acres in TUBER CULOS IS Harlan Twp. our ~~~~~~~=~ an~ ~~~ parts ~~~ We use only Genui ne John Deere _ E. C. Janney to Walter R Fitts, ?-~~~~~~~~~~ how knowthe with and d Twp, 45 acres in Clearcr eek mecha nics are factor y traine
Thanks. ne;:
John .Deere Equipment 'Owners
, that saves you money on your repa.ir bill All work guara nteed . Call or stop, in for an estima te. ·
,The ,Banta ,
Implemeqt ~· Company I
PHON E 555
Dr. C. E. Wilkin
lotr Mariet executo Robert to Nell rger tabyBenge, Bombe C. and in Frankli n. Mary C. Malone y and John R. Hughes , to Charles W. and Imogen e M. Amyx, 3 lots in Loveisilld Park.
1;00 p.m' High School Buildi ng near, Street North . WAYNESVILLE; OHIO •
,( ,
t ~
Walr.ut secretar y; , marble top stand; other stands; Decker plano; 4 burner oU lloove; oU heater; 2 cheets of ch'&wers; mahoga.n;v Tooker s ; other rocKers; 6 dining room chairs; 2, beds; springs ; qlJ1lts and bedding ; .rea.ther pillows; 6-9x12 rugs; Navabo Inq1an rugs; small I 3 rugs; clock; electric sweeper ; 3 tables; sewing cabinet ; dre661ng table ; 2l,r unks ; suit ca.ses; davenport; card table; mops; lampe; dishes; slIver ware; CQ01dng .
utena1ls; 2 m1iTors; wringer ; plctures ; food grinder . . Wheel' barrow; }a,wn mower; grass cllpper .; garden hoee; brace and bits;' 2 hand 8aW~; axe; hand axe; Wrecking bar; step laddet'; paint brushes ; ~ sifter; porch swing; now shovel; 2 steet fleh rods; hoes; rakes; shovel; 5 gal. oil can; oU drum; ,seYeral large wood boxes: pair crutche s and many small articles too ' . numero us to mentlon .., ,t
Terma : CASH
SON c. 'J QHNe WaJ:ll eaville 2651
SEARS, 'Aucl. , ,
CorneII's 'WE LDIN G, ShOp
R;oS::~l ~:~:n~n.OVi ~oberts,
lot in Springb oro. lot in K. Della to ar McNem D. Blanche Larrick , 0.53 acres in Lebuno n. Della Catheri ne Larrick to L. Keith and Grace G. Boys 0.19 acres in Lebano n. Martha Ly'nch by admini strator to C. Donald Dilatus h, 4.26 acres in South Lebano n. Frank and Lillian Saunte r to Twp. Hogan, 10 Franhli acres in W. and nJulia Joseph
Hoga" Calvea, Sheep , etc.
REVE..SE Telepbo ne
Chai. -
DN:IA , O.
ACCOrding to SiZe and Oondttlon
Shop - Cente rville 7031 , Rea. Cente rville 7465 ________________________________________________
------E --i! ------IT---UR ------FU---R~ l
Portab le Equip ment
HORSES $5.00 ' COWS $3.00
vs W. W. Ivins, et ai, service by' publica tion ordered on non-res ident defenda nts. COMM ON PLEA IS Doroth y Cannav a vs. Sebasti an Canna va, motion well taken, former decree modified, defenda nt' to pay plaintif f sum of $7.50 per week beginni ng Decemb er 16, 1946. The Board of Educati on of Clearcreek Local School Distric t et ai,
NEW ITEMS ARRI VING ALMO ST DAILY We now have a few lines of article s suitab le for Come in- make your lay-aw ays for Christ mas. selec tion-, delive ry will be made when and whe~ you direct· ' X-CEL RUG CLEA NER - Also fine for Uphol stery,I I T T 'R Y Clothi ng, Painte d Surfac es, etc. WALL PAPE R - NU ENAMEL - KEM TONE . on hand , supply a keep S, BULB TRIC ELEC GENE RAL DINN ER WARE - both beauti ful and ubstan tial , at attrac tive prices . .
iture &Appliance Co. Waynesville Furn Buildi ng, North t re ct Gibbons WAYNESVILLE, OHIO ' Phone 2422
CL4551FIED \
CLASSIFIED AD RATES I • FOR SALE25 words or less. one time....... 2Sc Each add1tor.&l word . ..... ..• ... lc FOR SALE- 5 room house. electric city watJer, in Waynesville. SPECIAL BATES by CONTRACT NEW' 4 room house. 1r. Harveysburg. NICE . 6 room house. modem except Loanabath. in Wa}'Ilesville. FEDERAL LAND BANK LOANS: Properties , hown by appoint mer.t For RefinancW.c - RebuUdinS except Sundays. Buying. 4% Farm loana with long tUne to pay. Pay part or aU any WILBUR N. SE~S. Phone 2651 time. LEBANON NAT'L FARM LOAN ASS·N., Ellis H. Sturm. Sec'yTreB8 .. Lebanon, Ohio. Phone 4 4~ There NOV. 8 - C'ENTERVlLLE tc NOV. 12 - CLARKSVILLE Here NOV. 22 - . SPRJNG VALLEY There Real Eatate For Sale~ And YOUI' Shell8th and ' NOV. 27 - ALUMNI Here Energy I. Below Par IF YOU HAVE A PROPERTY OR There DEC. 6 SPRINGBORO· It may be eau.ed by dilorder o( kid. DpY (UD ~tiOD that permlta potaonou. FARM TO SELL call or Write DEC. 10- l..EBA!NON There ",ute to aecumulata. Fo~ truly many Don Henderson. Tel. KE3446 . &17 DEC. 13- MASON" people (H I tired. ",eak 'aDd mllCrable Thf r z wheD tbe kldne:v. fnll to remove exeesa Lorain Ave., Dayton. Ohio. tofc DEC. 17- KlNGMAN TIlere acid. and otber ",..te matter from the blood. DEC. 20- HARVEYSBU~G There You may luff., DaeliD, backache, rh eumati~ palol. h eadacbel. di r.zin . ... LIVE STOCKJAN. 7- F.RlANKLIN Here let tine up nlehta. lee palDJ •• wcllfnll. Somelime. (requont and IcaDty UriDI. JAN. 10-- MORROW" There l"RIEBH cows AND SPRINGERS tWD with ImartlDe a Dd · burniDIl i. an· JAN. 14- KINOS MiIiLLS· Here otber . leD tbat lometblnlla wroDI wltb WUbur Florence Rt. 1 Oregonia tbe kldneYI or bladder. JAN. 17- SPRINGBORO Here {)hio. · 1121 There .bould be no doubt tbat prompt treatment II wloer tbnn n egl""t. U.o JAN. 21- BEAVER ClREEK Her e Doo,,', Pill,. It I. beLter to r I)' on a m"dlclne tbat bOJl WOD eouDtry ..~d. ape nm SALE-REGISTERED BERKJAN. 24-. HARVEYSBURG· HE're (' :oval thaD on 10motbiJIe Ie.. (avor bly shire Boo.l'Il, 7 months old. double . iflIown. Doa,,', bave bun tti.d aDd tl'!t JAN. 31- CARLISLE· Here r d many ?,cal'l. Are at aU drue ItO:!"!. immuned. West & Smith. Wayne s FEB. t - mLLSBORO There • ot Doo n I today. 'Ville. Phone 2885. 114 1_ I
FOR BALE--;- .SPOTTED POLAND OhJna Boar, 18 mont h s old, reg1. tered.. Phone Waynesville 2586. 1114
Loat and Found""':' LO~T-
roR SALE BROWN SABLE lJy. Wire aD.. ~.e. AD 01'DYED .fur coat. s1Z;e 14, new; Baby J&ttbaU.D ~Dd ~ DODe. 8trlcUy bassinet. Phone 2155. 111~ M!Uera OD Ibe ...., aD arowuJ market
F<>R SA.LE- Man's heavy overcoat, good cor.~t1on. Medium sl.ze HeatlOla. K . M. A hmead. 1114
HELP WANTEDIAOl' NOW - - To secure .t he county's moet profitable sm.aill bull!ness. Or..e man can oper8lte. Wrlte Mr. R . G . GI:lbertBon. 223 E . Douglas Bb'eet. Bloomington. IIll.I.oo1s. I 1114
ID the eoaa&r"
Service That Satiafiea TUNE TO WRlO Dayton 1!:33 -Dial 1100 FOr Oar Dall~ Market Report
I \\'i~h- to p!.lbl1dy thank 69 friends and neighbors of Harveysburg and oommur.ity for their beautl!ul now: I --ers and the purchasi ng of a markj!r for Dr. W . E. Oglesbee' s l a ~ t r estIng place in Reading cemetery. Also the. Corrunittee In chargt!. The Elks Lodge of Lebanon for conducting services ; The Rev . Williams of Croton, Rev. Wamsley. Mr. LOTIONS AND S tubbs Funeral Home. Pallbeal'ent TOILETRIES Whether it be a good lotion to ar.d the COrnm~e In charge. counteract the sur.'s rays or one for Gratefully. 'clla,pped an d rough han~ ~ . you will Mrs. Oglesbee. find Just the one y.::u need here. Harveysburg, Ohio We lU'e particularly proUd of our TOUetery Department. COme h~e STAMPS and for your lotions and beauty n eedfl . RUBB~
• -
Card of Thanks--
CiDebmatl VDlOD Stock Yarda
Plans for bulld1ng a milk house "hould in'Clude Hs locat ion r.ear the dfl.!ry bam. \vitdl .a. covered way betwee n th em. Milk house !lOMS That's tJ1e first game; now lct '~ ~ hould be sloped eJl{)'Ugh to provide good drainage. IU~Q ' the window see what we Can do with Clarkville space should equal at least 10 per Tuesday an d with all the games Ct'nt of the floor space. Mdr.limum of the sea ~ on . size for a milk house is 10 by 12 feet, and it Mould have a 2-seo1lion sink. W. H. S. vs CLARKSVlUE by DANNY BAJ!tTSOCK ana metal racks to dry cans. W . H . S Varsity wins over ClarkA mistake was mad4~ .ln the schedule a s appeaaing in these colwnns svUle 46 to 29 at local g}'m floor at PHONE NEWS ITEMS TO and a corrected version Is prese-nted 8:30 p . m. Tue ~ day. 21t03 ' or 291C Detail "tory next. week . below:
The Waynesville team piled in to t he bus ar.d 6ft.llg loudly all l.he way to Cel11tervUle. They sung just as freely on the return trip. because they WOn both games:' Reserve 18-14 and VarSity 51-39. Wayne v1lle led the way in the first of t he Reserve game. Their swell defense surprtsed ' even the Coach. They held .Centerville down 't o 14 po1r.ts 'w hile they made 18. The points were pretty ,evenly divided among our team. Tbe -Varsity game s1~arted out very d1s8.,PPoinUngly to us. because CenteI'vllle got a 10 point lead. But it m ade us feel more sati tied when the team made 51 points t{) Centerville's 39. Our Varsity Captain . Dave Hartsock. had made a record of 24 points durir.g a CarlLsle gamle at KIngs, but he beat it at Centerville with 26 points fOr the whole s:ame. Vic Thomspon. who Istar:ted out bad did a. swell job of deflense. Bradley made 10 points. second highest ami 8iftel' the game sa4d
Waynesvi'IIe Drug St~re
Letz Hopper Mills 10 INCH Grind your own feed - Cut feeding expenses. These mills have lar~e capacity - require Ie s power. w~thout
Will handle "Hu ky " corn
Sufferers! Try REINER'S 1UN0L! Oomfort1ng relief ·from pa.1na of rpeumat lsm. arthrttJa. neuritis, lumtiqo. F'RoEE~. Ask for Reiner's Rlnol. Why suffS' 10Jllel'? Waynesville Drug Store. tfc that it waJ,l a good game but a tough one. Rickey did one swell Job on the i<o:R BALE - 193'1 FORD COUPE ; IN OHIO EVERY THREE HOms b~ whUe the rest of the !Lots of extras; POOne &9 SOME PERSON DIES OF .te&p1 ataJted the ~LSOn out rtg'bt L114 TUBEB.C1JL08IS with good clean falr play.
The Banta Implement Co~ N. EAST ST.
GO~ D,AI~Y :PBQPlICTS . Every Other Day R~TAIL DELIVE1RY -In.s tead ·of three. time. a week
Collec~ions Mad~W~~~y
Also Sold atSt~wa,rt's
Slbcy, Representative
Thrifl;-E LeI,aRoD~ O~ , . ," • .. ,c..
e . I
LEGION NEWS Wayne Twp. Post 615
Last year the In~pendent Team from Wayne ville was sponsored by the Civic Club but now that more men have been discharged and our own American Legion Po t f has grown we are now orm• . ing o';!r ti~wn. and artee particlpa ng Intetam wo sepera leagues' Every Wednesday nl8'ht we play at Lebanon In the Memorial Hall ar.d will face praotically the same oppoSition a& last ye~r. whUe .bert: In Waynesville we 'Will be play'inR teams that may be strangers to us and to you that \\rUl afford very ctJff "'nposltion. These O'Q '.... es wlll o V I" "-,, be played at the Waynesvtlle High School Gym. Two games sn evening are scheduled. Starting time will . mo t .generally be at 7:30. price 40c t or adults and 20c for school chUd.
reno So far no ga m es has beer- scheduled for 'I1nanksgivlng Day and In even t t.hat there i . werd to the public wll}
be given In form of posters placed thr:)Ughout the sorroundlr.g towns. To start t he season the American Legion Is admitting free all I!Chcol chlldren to Ule firs t game whlcll wID be played' at the Waynesville H18fh Sohool gym against Mason Thursda.y Nov. at . Starting t itM for the first game is 7 :30 P. M . admltllll-:m 4Oc ·for adults.
ThH MI·a.mI· Ii A Z.[ T T [I . ESTABUSED 1850 _
NO. 4291
$1.50 PER YIMR -
Scout Committee Plans Local Cub Scout Pack
ActoJll1ng to Willls Hu~ ter. member of t.he Scout committee [or Wayn esville planl:! ar e now being made to form a CUb .Pack here. This Is a pan of th e Scou t movemer.t [or boys under the '12 yea·r a~ e llmlt for Scouts . I t Is a prepara.lory 5c A COpy course In Scouting. .
Photographs Delayed LOCAL HELP INGIRLAL P Wy ILL By V~cate Order
Members of the Scout Commit tee are Ralph Hastings. Chairman , Willi HUnter, Roger Brown, Therle Jones. S. L. lWbiru;on and A . T .
The 0 1110 Wesleyan News of Del- Pollr. sky. a ware. Ohio states t hat Mary Jane ~ Andersr>D was elected to help in Woltz Studios. Ltd. the productJon of .• Arms and the 4Z0 Nint.h Street Mall." t he first play presented De- Moille. Iowa a t Ohio Wesleyan University this ccordlng to Jame . C November 14, 1946 seatlOl:. a . Toedi ma n. Director of Publicity. The regulaa' monthly meeting of Davl on Pres . Ohl:> Wellleyan Unversl ty . tlbe WaynesvUle Civic Club W86 held Waynes ville. Ohio. Monday evening at the Met hodist Gentlemen : Church with seventy-six members We are In reoeipt of your inquiry and guest s present . A turkey dinner of November 8th. ar.d regret to WWi serVed by the W. S. O. S . of advise that it is not pos~1ble at this the Church. tllpe to tell you when the cuts and II! addll40n to befng fa ther and phGt ographs taken or chUdren in son night the Club also entertained your community w1ll be completed. the · Scoutmaster and members of Due to the fact that we will Due to our ' having to vaca.te the Troop 40 of t he Boy Scouts of be prw.t.1ng the Gazette on Wedbuilding where our Stuclio has been nesday of next week so that we America. located for many years, ar-d our may enjoy the Thaniksg1'ving Following the clinner and business Inability to find .suitable quar lers vacation it is requested that a.ll session thO e .preser-t enjoyed an elsewhere. It was nece~sa.ry for us the copy for the next week be In Interesting and instructive talk by to start the construction· or our own the office aa earl3' as possible. "Bud" Bennett. a Scout executive plant. Work on tlhe plant Is progre8We wUl not accept any ' mntter from MiddletoWIl\ slng as rapidly as the shortage of forpubUca.t1on next week ELtter Program Cha!rman of the builcling materials ar-d labor will Tuesda.y r-oon unless it is very Committee. Samuel N. Keys, plans permit, but nevertheless It hat! been Important . Advertising copy' not to have a tine speaker for the Decnecessary for us . to close shop for la.ter than Monday. Help w; out ember meetlr-g. a short time. and place our equipon this -schedule, please! mer. t . suppl1e tl , and reCJrds in tor-
Scouts Guests At Civic ~Iub Dinner
Bridge Repair Work ~tarted This Week Highway De partment wormer. s tarted repair of th e bridge O'V r t he mill race between Waynesville 'a nd Corwin thiH week. The slJ'Uctul'e C<lllap~e d last week whe n a truck ' load of corn driven by [)ea.l1th Sheehan fell through th e east half of the bridge. The t ruck '\\'Us left balancir.g on the edge of the r Ema inJng h a lf of the bridge and was later remov-ed. No ~ .was nj w·ed. Workmen on U1e repair cre w statofd that It will be at least two weeks before the job will be coinJp.leted provict1ng the wel,l.tlner is ~ atisfactol'Y .
Early Copy
Next Weelt
Wayne Township llg~e MeetS Farmers'
assure you that we regret this
Have Your 'Pet'
Gamblers Shouldn't Try Cattle Feeding
u nfortu na-te circumetance, which :r.a s made it lmp0e9ble. lor Wi to . give our u "ual prompt service. We lO'lI . cassie Collett graciously en- trust t hat you and your patror-s iHa'Ve you a favorite recipe? The Farmers and 4-H club members teJlta1ned the members of the Way,n e will bea'!' wi th us n whUe longer, for Miami Gazette w1ll publish one or who __.. .T P. McCann, 8peciali s t 'in
R~cipes Prin~e~d
Towr.ship Farmers CIuo NovlnrI,ber we aseure you that cut!i and photo14. Member. . and', guests assembled graphs w111 be ~ent just a soon a s in the Granae Hall for the bonuti- possible. 1111 dinner and we,n t t<o Mrs. Co lett.,' nery ' truly '''ours. h eme for the program. Morris Cornell presided In the a.b&en~ of Fred' Hagemeyer. C. E .
more recipes each week If they are received at t·h e office on or before Saturday for the fonowtng week's edition. They will be 'printed
WOLTZ STUDIOS, LTD., just as eent in and will bEl giverE. M. Lindelof. lUhe pr~r credit to the person submltt.1ng them. . Following up this system for a RIKE'S DEPICT period of time will give the readers CHRISTMAS SCENE an opportunity to cUp out these Dayton. NO'V. 24 "The Nlgbt Before reclpell and make up a fUe ()f them Chrlstmas." tradlUonaUy famlOU6 for their own U66. In· this wa,y I!' list Saint Nicholas poem. comes to life Clf valu~le and tried recipes can this liollday season In-the corner bEl had' at no cost whatever. windOwIl cif The Rlke &umle!' CclmYou perhaps ,h ave many good re])a; ton clpee that are your favortte6. Send ~'thlsYexciting anlmated display, them in and see in prim 'With tote to adults may see the chUdren your name and addres8 given In r'i rst nestled all sung In their beda tull credit. With auga.r plumll danclnc over their heads. Mama a.ppeers in her Ile~f and' Dad In 'h1a cap ..•. and who shoold appear but a sle1eh and tiny • retnder. JOAN LOUISE EARN'H~T There'a Ilaaher, ~,Prancer: 10k. and Mrs. Charles B. J!lambart Vixen, Comet, CUpId, Donder, and of Dayton are annOUDCin, title birth B11De 'Ibere's Saint Nick With .. of a da.ughter. Joan Imdee, &It M1aml little ~ ~ that IIIWtee wben Valley Hcepltal 011 November,' 13. t'~ be laughs UIle a bowlfUl 01 jelly. Mr. aDd' Mrs. Prank Snlyder or apriDifiekl are ,Iile matemal grand. I parente '8.Dd Mr. and Mn:. E: P. ATrENDI:NG STATE Earnhart are the paternal graiu1FARM BUREAU pamltl.
etar.1orth .read an interesting paper ent4tled "The Qhl0 of OUrs". He gave a brief review of t:he history of the State and d1scUSBed its pre118M contributions tCl the. wealth of the nation. He desQnbed its beauties and. cultural ad'Vanta.ges. By the cloSing quatatior. !he elQpTellsed the eenUments of many of . his. hews: "I think 111 jUl!t stay in oblo". Mrs. Collett ir-trod~d Howard Collett. of Wilmington. aa gUest speabr.1Be spoke 01'11"Astronomy all a HcIbII!r'. He told SCAne .of the interesting experiences he bad' had all be gued at the stars and gave eome facts concerning recent diec:overlea and predicUoIIB by utronomers. He told some thine Of the new 200 1r.ch telellOQlpe and itl! poela,UUe. for 1ncrea.elntr our lmowlege of Lhe umverse. Quests for the meet1ne 'were: Mr. and' Mrs. Howard ~eti. of wUm'1n8'IOm Rev. and Mrs. R. B. COle- MEETING me.c, ID'. and lin. Bon.rdl (kaht.m Mr. and Mrs. A. B. Bamha.rt are and III8s Same Smith. 4n Columbue tbI. 'wMk w~re Uley 'lbe- December meetlnl Will be are at~ 2tth AIIDUal 8tate at tbe home of MI'. and. Mrs. R. O. JI'arm Bureau meetin. ~ beld &11' JI\D'naa. the NeU Bouee there. . Sa .. delep'te to Mr. .fr'om Warren Vl8rroas FROM LEBANON State Pann .:. 1,ftau . . Ur and MInI. P. U. LeMay of Leb- OOUDty. anem. fCll'lDel'17 of .W~, v18lt- IN ·C AI. 01' . . . BUt. _ ed MraDd Mrs: A. It. Dt.1 sundAy.
~ ., -,
f];' I irlh:J
JUNIOR CLASS GIVES PLAY 'nle Junior 0Jus of Balrveybur, HiIh School .ru preeent a play 8 o'CloeIl Tueldar eNUne JlleOeaiber 3I'd 1Ji tbe AuditorIum buIldq. Tb~ play Is ManJ. ReW.lvu" and Is preaerited under tIle.~ of MrB. Lllllm S. OUr. ~ t.DIWrctor in the local ecbOQ1lY1tan.
MRS. McCLURE OF SPRINGBORO PASSES AWAY On Wedne day Nov. 13. Mrs. Louella McClure of n ear Springboro passe d away unexpectedly at her h c.me She leaves h er hUSband John McClure. and three daughters Mrs . Irene McClure M111er or Frar.kUn. Mrs. Rebecca Shutts of MichIgan anq Miss Alma McChlm'e at home . Also a son EllIs McClure of Springboro. and several grand-children.
INFANT DAUGHTER PASSES AWAY Carolyn Kay Klontz 1 day daughter of Mr. and Mrs. A.rehle Klontz passed alWay Saturday at 2 A. M. S11e is survived by her parents; a. sister .C onnle; and brother Donald.. Funeral Serv10es were held Monday 2 p. m. at the residence. Burial in Miami Cemetery by f.itubbs Funeral Home.
Herbert Carr. well known farm opet:ator and horse dealer. bas been animal husbandry. Ohlo state Un- appointed instructor of the veteran 1versity. if this Is a good year to agrictatuml t raimng gehool, which gamble On ca11tle feeding are told~mmenced sesslor.s Wednesday him .... _ t g--~lers never should feed W"" ...,.... evening, 'With an enrollment of 22 cattle and tlUs year is no exception veterans. Classes are scheduled to . to that rule. convene at Lebanon ' High School ""M • ....CCann .. --,-~s that cattle . build1r-g. 200 hours are requl«:~ per ..... .-...,.....'" feeding is a buslnells whlch requires year in the classroom and 50 hours experience and skill to make it pro- are necessary on the faml. fltable. ar-d he does not believe. anyone who t1"1es to ,p ick only good years to teed cattle will make much • money on such ventures. Ohio farmers who fUl their feedlots every year have the best profit records. Every experienced cattle feeder On SUndaly. NO'Vember 10th., the blows there are f1nanclal riska 1~'" St. Mary's Olub held- its 'regular volved and that hlgh prices for feed- meetl.ng at the Parish Rectory. at : . . 1r.cfede the flnanctal st&k~ 7:30 P. 'm . in 1lbe venture. M1en feeder CIIttle 'Ibe meeting opened with devot- . cost tl00 or more a head:. losll of 1,QD8 by Mrs. He\en Hawke. a!ter . two or tliree animals from ahlpping whlob the bU6iness meeting was fever or oilher ca.Utle$ takes away held. . all chance of profit unless insurance 'nle organization was plea.aed to Is (:8.lTled on the an1mals. heNe Mx. Robert Lane of Middletown The Unveralty Uwstocll: apecla11Bt apeak coiltcermng the Junior bel1evea tlood quaUty Ilgh,t.wei8ht RiC'hlevement group and Its actlvitlee feeders w1U .take 801M of tpe rilk out in . that city. He told of t.he group'. Of cattle feect1ng this year because organtratlon. p18ll6 laid. activitlell a pound of pin can be put or- chea- a.lid training tor . ~ and gir18. per than the peCiDd can be bo\.libt These YOUll8 people learn by 82(on! the feeder." 1be cattle shoold be perience 80me ot the problema 'Ilhey given plenty of ·f~ from the sta1t face ae they grow older and' er.t.er to . ret the advairtage 01 natural the bua1nese world. ~ on youne cattle. '!be meetq ~lo8ed '''fith p~yers Some Ohio ta11lB8 ' who cona.tder· and the benediction by the Rev. ed 17 'to 18 cenu a ,p ound .. very J~ L1n8ley, ':Who was guest. blah price for feedertl before ~II 'I1here were twenty-three were ~ed have paid' 20 cents a p~. _' .. pound .. ~. 1N0 one CUl' ten wha.t ~ Decembes- nie;et1na of ~e st. .pl1ce II too tor feeder cattle Marr'tI Will tie held at 7:30 at tbW ,ear becauleno one knows the Reeto~ Or. DeC. Btih. and h W2J&t Ule f1D1ebed .cattle w111 brinl Rev. Preder1c B : Atk1naon. of OUlc1nnat! 'Will be the speaker. -
Sf Mary's (Iub Hears Bob Lane
THE MIAMI GAZETTE - Pap 8 mayhap fall servation. No tickets sold. Free-will Wllo rules h1m6ellf when troubled WAYNESVILLE, omo - NO. U91 All Peter felL and yet regain hi! call offertng a.fter the meal. in the storm. THURSDAY. NOVEMBER 21, 1946 To greatness. For through Simor. • • • Be 1" a babe. though phy6!cally
thrIce denied
Who CW1bs not ~S6'1ar. . is to av,r1ce His Lord. he dId not die a s Judas died. drawn. A man !a measured not. by strell4rth METHODIST CHURCH Strong !8 tJle man in whom Is orbmwn, IL B. Coleman. IIIaIIter Lord . may I on Thine ample 8trengt;b of soul Th~ oft the world a B6m80n SUNDAY SCHOOL 8:30 A. M. stftngth rely ThOUi'h slight his body-twisted. nOl' . dote- upon. J. J.Bunste. Bupt.. And dare say " No" in prompt and He ill a man, though weak in fleshly yet whole. WORSBTP SERVICE 10:80 A. 14. firm reply Ar.d one D1JIY stumble .•trlp or form. YOUTH FELLOWSHIP, By R. TIb", Mu.ey, Jr.
When flattery, or drink. or love CJf gold, Or lust. or vicious gos6ip being told, Would swerve.me from adherence to Thy plan. Lord. grant that 1 may ever be a
'1:30 p. m.
SAMUEL N. KEYS, lAy Reeder-in charge 9:3() a. m. Church School. 11 a. m. Morning Prayer and Sennon.
.c$ ~ot{p .
~~ Y8%ridmtt4
Rev. BALPII BINES Sunda.y SchOOl 8:30 a.m. Mrs. J~ Gal'Ir18on, SUpt. PreaohlnB 1st and !rd Sundays each month 10:30 a.m.
FERRY CHURCH of CHRIST The Growl&e. Golne. Gbareb HERBERT GRADAM; Minister Bible School - 9:30 am. MorrJng Worship ~ - 10:30 am. Youth Meetings - 7:00 p.m. Adult Pmyer Meeting - 7 :00 p.m. Evening Evangelistic Service . - 7:45 pm.
THE CATHEDRAL CANDLES ARE GLOWING 11. . .r AllortMent. !hI. V. . Many of Ih. glftl you hoven't ••• n for y.on or. bock Ihl. Chrilimo •. You'll find wider _ IOrlm.nl•• •• old fovoril •••
M. Scarft, MbdI&er CJundaJ sobool . ,•• :10 A. JL E. A. BarDhart, IUperlntendellL Worahip aemee. - 10:80 A. 14.
IeI"fIce -
COnl.lla Will Shop for Yo.
Writ.. lelephon., 1.I.groph, or bring your 'gift 11.1 10 Cornelio, your penonol .hopp.r 01 .ik.·.. Execuliv.1 oft.n IrUl1 Iheir. co ... pl.le gift II." 10 her.
7:80 P. M.
01•••Ik.·. Gift C."lflcat..
htber KralDbolai., PrIeR
'u,cho.e cerlifical., In any omounl from a dollar and up. You 'll find Ihem 01 any co,hie,'. _Indow, S.v.nlh Floor,
. 9:00 am.
Mass Sunday
First. Day School ~ 9:30 am. Meeting for Worship-lO :30 a .m.
Ilk.'. Will Wrap Your Gift. Half Ihe impreuion volu. of e gilt i. in Ih. Chrillmol wrapping. Rike'. Make. on ordinary Gift look like a princely on. for o nominal chorg.. Fiflh Floor.
WAYNESVILLE CHURCH of CHRIST Robert L. VanZile, IIJDI.ter BIble School 11:30 a· Communion Sermon Even1n1 Service
10:10 Lm. 11:00 L m. 8:00 p. m.
Will Moll Your Packo, ••
. Gif" purcho,.d 01 Rlk.·. will be _ropp.d for moiling and •• nt _lIhaul charge anywhere In Ohle . end Indiana.
• • • .rumOR YOUNG PEOPLE MEETING each Sunday ~:45 p. m.. for aU below HIgh School age, SENIOR YOUNO" PEOPILE'S NIEETlNG wUl not be held tih4a SUnday due to the Youth RallY' in the ~
CelT)' Your Charva.Plat. • • , for faller .hopping. corry your charga.plol.. This speed. your •• ,.,ic• . .• ellmlnolel nom. .nd delivery .rro,.. Corry It I • your puno.
. .'' ./
• ••
~ ARM OHRISTLAN &ULY at ·t he ·Pln!t CbristJan OltJrdh, 8priha!fteld, CIlio Suilday alt8noon. Nov. 24. 194& 2:30 p. m. The young people or 1be SpdJlI~ fJeld Oburob 'Who are attend1.n8 the Clnclrl.natt able Semtnary wU1 preae'Jllt the program. Every' youIlI ' pel'llUl 18 especially urged to attend
Vis.. Ilk.'. Toy
• • •
On SI.lh Floor, a Toy Wand .... land _IIh loy ,old i.... cos II ••, 4rogon., p,ince., and prince .." • • , a child'. fairyland. Sonia emvo. November 29.
... " 'Twa. the Night •••like'. corner window will feotvre a dromoliUllion of Ih. po... the Nighl lefore Chri ... "01," on onimoled dl.ploy .. doli,ht Ilf. children.
. 'T_.
EvanpllaUe MeeUJic at wW ~~ qjoh evea.1r-8 until Qec. 1. RuMeU Doles. ~ Of O. B. S. 111 the evanseUat. ~iImIlBtO'Im
u........·.................. ionia. broodeo.tlng direct ,,... 'II •••• Toyland ovor WHIO, wll IlltorY'.,., the ~hlldfOfl froll! 4041
• • • at
~ MeeilDJ the cburdb . . W...,...,., ':It .. lIS. Come Uld enJO:v t.b111 mSd-week 'WOI'IihAp Uld ·pn.yer service.
.. 5.00 each
day. lI ......
• • •
A 'I'rI-StMe ~ 8errke CJuIp ......_ IWtll be he)c1 at tile Bet.bel ~ of ' c&lat On Da:" e,.8:30 p. m. 'ltik Ia tbe tir8tl ~ elnce ClIIDP- , ~ DOW to ~ AU ~ fCll' the ~ ID1Pt be ill bJ Nqr•••
-4eglnnl", NOvRlbel
O~YlON 1, 8HIG
fm" ~ ~ m''l,*.1t f.!DU ... JWI' n-
.u. aDd be wUt Iliad SD
11' •
"•.. •
C • ..• I
•I,· .·.'.'
A FARM DIARY D. J. Frailer
I know a per;;-who I ' think 'is thank God pl9.oe to be
• • • ,. HOURS: 9-12 each morning 1-5 afternoons except $5.00 Wednesday cows $3.00 Accord1IIc t/!) 81M and 7-9 Saturday evening . OoDcUtIoD Other evenings by HOI., Cal.e., Sheep, etc. , Appointment a_oYm noIIPl'LY TELEPHONE 62-R
We Pay~~RSES
Dr. C. E. Wilkin
.-BSVBU8 - - IIADf -
.......... ~
M.H.KEELOR Broadway -
Lebanon, Ohio I
. .. ,
_1 , ..
•• 1
Shop- Centeriille 7031 Rea. Centenille 7465
Come in and See Our
.... ...
ACCOUNTING and TAX SERVICE Dilatush Building -
414 DMlA,o.
Optometric Eye Specialist 26 South Detroit Street XENIA, OHIO
DEEP FREEZE - Home Freezer, and place your order 8,0 as to insure early 4eliv~
Dome8tlc Comedy I Don~t Miss the Hilarioua Horae HaDe! BAR.BAR.A STANWYOK & ROBERT CUMMlNOS In
The Bride Wore Bo~ts Al8o: Cartoon and News.
UVING ROOM SUITES BREAKF AST SETS SOFA BEDS TABLES - CHAIRS and BASE ROCKERS LAMPS - Floor; - Table; Pin Up and Vanity Select your lay-a-ways for Chri.tma. while the Stock is Complete: , yee.r we are offering the
Nat10nally ~ Ohr1stmas BaV1r.g3 Olub for the convenience of . our Partons. A definite amount seJVed ee.c.h week w11l aasui'e eo liberal check tor ',011 at Ohriltmas time.
per •
week H
It It
~ .OO
is 12.50 25,00
60.00 100.00
General Electric Bulb.
WaynesviUe Furniture &Appliance Co. A·;
Gibbons Building, North Street WA~NESVILLE, O~"'O Phone 2422
of, . 'J I.~e'
The Miami Gazette ,
ESTABLISHED 1850 Published Every Thursday b y DAVISSON PRESS FLOYD L. DAVISSON. Editor Entered as Second ClasseMatter at the Post Oftice
Mr . and Mrs. lE:. B. Longacre left for Bl'Qjde~1tCln. Florida to spent the wl n.ter mont hs.
Litt le, Susie and Jean Shipley returned to their he m e In Colwnbus SW1day · after spending three weeks I d M d · wi t h t h elr llnc e an aunt. r. an Mrs. PaUl Shipley ar.d children.
National Advertiing Representatives Ohio W ee kli es , In c .. 24 65 W:Broad tl' t, olumbu' 4. Ohio
. . ... \Even the theocratic common wealth like that of the ancient H brews or the Calipha te of l .;lam. could not reconcile freedom with authority, although It drew Its In spiration from the Book of GOd whooe moral sanctions must have exercised a pCJWer!ul influen ce OIl Ille rulers and ·the peOple. Its greatest weakness, allowing no sa~isfactory prO'vis1on for cha.nge, brought about its downfall. A religious system which dnlws it.'! authority from a Book without provision for su ccession and a.n instsument tv bring about . change when required, 1$ bound to become bigoted . intolera,nt, divided,' a.nd corrupt. The democratic system is the be t
form of govenun ent so far developed. I t boasts of being government of the people its authority from the maJolity of the electors by consent . I t guarantees freedom of spee""h \; . worship, equality before the law. and is t he only known form or governmel~t, which provides for change withou t rENolutior. through periodic elections. Herein lies its greatest str ength. but also its greatest weakn ess To bring abou t char.ge by means of the popUlar vote. democracy lnitroduced the party ystem, wh ioh divides the nation Ir.to politieal parties. Thh division inherent in the system reveals the characterIstic9 of a house divided against itself". (to be continued.> Submitted by H eier. McCoy Rt. 2, Waynesville. Ohio
Borden's Finch Farms ' Serve Waynesvi lle-and Deserve Credit "If Ie. Borden's, It's GOT To Be Good" Phone Wayn~vi1le 2552 Phone Dayton H E 1275 Gail Borde'n, founder of the Bor- present city: and state codes are pat_ den Co .. went dawn the Ohio. River tered a!ter the Ot1g1nal one of Gail a a. boy of fifteen in the year 1816. ,B orden. The Borden 00. h as continued hi He settled in Kentucky and married there. The great Kentucky migration pioneering sp1r1t. Their responslblto Texa.s sw~t. him in a covered wag- llty in this emergency Is to help feed on, to be an original settler in th e America ... to gaurd tli~ healt:h and
Stephen Austin Oo1ony. There he founded the fir1lt newspaper in Ute southwest. the Texa!! Telegraph. ~ great disoovery which bound IhJs name to lame was hJs 4lventton of the ,process for condenBing milk. In 1657 the ' Borden Co. ,was founded. He la1d out the first code for sanitory milk prodUction, a thing unknCJW1l then but now the cornerstone or the modern dairy industry. All
strenght and fitness or the great North-Amertcan public. In this emergency as, 'a lways, the welfare of the gJ'OU}l8 Which Borden serves ... consumers, farmers employ_ . ees and investors is Indist1nguishable from the welfare of the nation. They are the nation. To the ful!Ulment of this responsl-. b1l1ty. every branch of the great Borden Co. pledgles Its efforts ,a.nd its resources.
Armitage ,&Son
'I1l1 \.f'~ Y
Subscrip tion Rates: 51.50 per Year in ..\ d vance
Forms of Government
' ~';":'1e5tft: §u,tJ t.stion~· ~~ ~~~ , ~
from the Chr.lstll,as Store
our lay-away plan to assure a goo.d selection. A small deposit will reserve any item in our store' Come in TODA ~ I Avoid the usual Christmaa RUSH I HEY KIDS!! Here's where Santa is making his headquarters. He has more toys this year than he's had f~or years, Bring Mother and Dad, and come and see the bigge t selection of toy in town.
Beautiful Dolls in lifelike models. Attractively dressed· Moderately Priced
Let us help you select ties that are bound to please. Our selection Is wide.
In 1944 We purchased The Waynesville· Insurance Agency and in 1946 The O. M· Ridge Agency, the two were combined, with our own agency, offering the , . best in Fire, Casualty .1 ncl Automobile Insurance at standard rates. Prompt settlement of claim.
Waynesville, Ohio ESTABLISHED 11112
Phone 2651
Th'ese windbreaker jackets give a man just the p·r otection he needs .f.or active winter wear. Stylish and comfy slippers are a "must" on your Christmas Shopping list for mother, daughter, wife, O!' sweetheart. Many styles to choose from.
Bla nkets must cont!'!n a l • · l€'a8t 25 per cent wool to make
Colorful Plastic Sanitary and Safe for child~n. Bright attractive Colors.
Pare • .
La i hi t to ns, ng an d Maeon. Mic. as week Wl1ere they visited friends and relatives, also called on their Uncle M Fr-_ I • SI d d Mr d Mrs 1 r. IWlA a e an . an " Hal in T led W ill iam es 0 o.
A Complete Service In
R no ticeMrs. Donald Baird entertained a ble d l!ferenct: In fluf finess an:t Mi~ s Abbie Graham; who fell R twentY-Lhree ladies to a Stanley wlrmth. Brush demonst.r atl'oll T!.u r$d l 'J · a oouple of weeks ago. breaking her left ann in two places Is convalesal "",rnoon . USE GA.ZETTE CLASSIFIED ADS clng at t he h ome of her nephew Mrs. Calvin Lo ngacre. Mrs. Ralph and wife Mr. and Mrs. Forest Gra Ba rger . Mrs. Dona ld Baird Q.11d Mrs. ANNOUNCING Guy Routzahn v1s1ted nhe Wayne hQ.1l1. Township School Friday afternoon. Mr and Mrs, P . M. Cor nell and PHONE NUMBER Mr. and Mrs. Clarer.ce Smit h spent Mr . Charles Mullenix attended the Thursday with their son. Mr. Allen funeral of Ml·M. Louella McClure Il.l CHANGE TO Smith and family in Beavertown. her late residence near Springboro, Mrs. Elizabeth Hough or Har- Sunday aHernoOll, veysburg Is visiting Mrs. Ne ttie EmMr. and Mrs. Walter Clark enterrick this week. t.a.l.ned to dinner Sunday, Mr. and Mrs . Emma La~y celebrated h er Ml'S. Herbert Loy and the ~ormer's WORLEYS FARM 84th birt.hday wi t h a ramily dinner aW1t. Mrs. Hannah Loy or Dayton'. EQUIPMENT CO. Sunday, Nov. 17. Mrs. Walter Kenrick, accompanLEBANON, OHIO ' Mr. and Mrs. Wa lter Kenrick visit- ied. Mrs. Viola RoW1d Mrs. Lotd ed Mrs . William Haines a t S t. Eliza_ Lehman and Mr. ElWOOd Grass1e.
beth HD~pital SW1<1-'\y nftemoon . Mrs. Haines W1derwen t a major opperution Monday. and Is reported doing nicely at this Cime . Mr. Q.1~ d Mr d. Alfred JOl1es of Sou Lhen~ Hill. ""Cll t Monday eve' P nlng wit.h Mr a nd Mrs, J . B. J one; . Mr Q.11d Mrs. Ernest Lacy are s pendin g several days with th eir d;lughter, Mrs. Cla ire Small1idge. who is vt>ry ill at her home in Battle' Creek. Mich ,
A ' lounging robe for tChrtstmasl will appeal to mothers and daughters alike· A fine seled,.· ion is here at reasonable prices.
Here's sex appeal for the men,' folks. All of high quality and "attractive desIgns·
THE MIAMI G AZETrE - Pare 5 M iss Mary Bo· ton or Pendleton , W AYNES Vll..LE. OHIO - NO. 4291 I r.d . I ~ : pendlng the win ter at th e THURSDAY, NOVEl\mER 21. 1946 Home.
Mr. Herbert Meredith of Wa.ynesville and Mr. Harry Meredi th of Lima , Ohio called on their m oth er, Mrs. Sa ille Meredith Sunday af ter Dr. and Mrs. F . B . Gregg of Wellnoon. lr:gton, Ohio a r e guests a t t h e Home Miss Margaret E d wards spen t fol' the win te r.
J,.ienJ6 -.lJo~e
GEORGE S. BHiI SON Prw,(o /t- -}(ard" /9 (~II(I}(
MI. Ca.rl RJd.inger called on Mr. . a nd Mrs. Lue Morgan SW1da.y evening. Mr. and Mrs. Henry Berges an d Mr, and Mrs. LeRoy Shaw of S prfa mily or Beaver town were Sunday Ingfleld called on Mr. and Mrs. gueRts of Mr, and Mrs. Lue Morga n. Clarer.ce Crawford an d t aml1y.
;; ('/((!I . .A r/{al/,1I1
Mr an d. Mr<. Raymond Lucas a n d TIl e ann ua l Ohio con feren ce for family of near MJdla.nd. MJss Frances Chenoweth \ver e dinn er guests SW1- sellers and users of agriclt ura l Hme Young Economist Mrs. Evalyn P eterson spe n l TI1Ur.o - Wednescj.ay a nd Thur sday a t the I m et a young econf' m is t in E ng- day of Mr, a nd Mrs . .David Lucas. Will be h eld In h earmg room No. 3, day in Lebano n , th e guest of h er home of her n ephew D r . Gall Ru ~ - ILl .d. His' thInki ng r evealed th a t he AIternoor. callers of Mr. a nd Mr~ . Sta te O ff ice Building, Columbus. w'JlI ld like to see the com plete crumJ anuary 3, 1947. bro ther Murra y Greene a nd wife. sum In Dayton . bl uig ot th e prese nt ord er an d the J oe Sauins and Mr. and Mrs. Fran k Saull1s of Dayton , Mr, and Mrs. ultim a te na t ionuVZulion o( all E nglan d. His discuss ion showled too Frank Morris 'and Mr. and Mrs. Lue NEW CAR FOR CONTEST WINNER tha t he would th or oughly reli sh fa il- Jones Mr, and Mrs. Earl Lucas ure ot " the cap ita li sti c ord er" In Amer ica, which he boldl y predicted and family and Mr. and Mrs. Loyd ~ would surely com e within a few Thompson .
yea rs . Mr. and Mrs. Everett B Unnell spent l Notable thing a bout thll young Saturday evenin g wit h Mrs. Hazel ma n is tha t he is very influential In Gruber and f amily • . Every fa mily' will cherish the memthe Labor govern m ent. He ta lked ory of a last tribute tha t waa Mr. a nd Mrs. D ewey OOmstock a n d J reely and with spirit, and the endignified and !lttlng in every thusiasm he exhi bited shows con- family of Beavertol'n were week- en d respect . clusively which schcol of tho ught In g ue ~ ts of Mrs. AUce Furman, England is' on the defensive, It Is Mr. an d Mrs. Robert Schneider and unfortunate when T ruth and R ight are no longer on th e crusade, but, son Freddie of S pringfield spent instead must be called to the deten- Saturday with Mr. and Mrs. Clarence slve. Crawford and fa.mlly. loJIuence of You&b I a sked th is young economist the secret of the gr owth of the Soc ialist AUCTIONEERING party In the United Kingdom. Dis- STANLEY and KOOGLER playing political acumen which ' Is aaoDB8 LlCD'S. Telephone 2291 engender ed only from a thl)rough For Datea, Phone 11M, WaJlltwVWe. under standing of r eality an d a Ohio. Reverae 0barIeI knowledge of facts, th is econom ist s aid that victory In the last election in close d istricts came beca use of the vote ot the young people_ WAYNESVILLE " In tad, the percentage of young , p eople who voted the Socialist ticket was greater than the percenta ge of older people In the r anks of L abor," he told me, adding a fact I knew already: that the growth ot :SocialIsm has been m ore rapid lilmong young people and among lkU1ed workers. The influence of higher ed· ucation, he stoutly afftrmed, was a at Belcher'. Sonoco StatiOn- phone deftnite factor in the spread ot Socialism throughout the Kingdom. I did not e.ncourage him in t.his reo gard about . Ame r ica, but the paral. leI wa. clear. I tound myself wish· ing that our own h igh school. and colleie. were doing a better job of bulldlng into the very fiber ot American youth a dee p appreciation for the fundamental principles Il)f ' our American way of life. lest our youth some day lead this naUon dOYirn that same unfortunate road. S tran,. Irony It Is, that wealth created by honest work I. used in the torm of taxel and in grants as means to destroy the philosophy which begot our treed am and our wealth. LEBANON, OHIO PHONE 326 CompeUUOD Needed Even the government omcllals in - ----- - - -- - - - - London do not seem quite lure that the principle ot nationalizaUon il sound. Some uncertainty exl8ltJ. for they are already detecting basia weaknellel. During the week of July 15 a London newspaper I'luoted the London C04nty Council iii .ay· ALL MAKES AND TYPES in, tha'- the London Transport (a OUR WORK IS GUARANTEED iovernment rqon opoly operating We also do RADIO and PHONO Repair street-cars and buses) neededl competition. In the same week an. Day Phone A~-ce-Store othe'r writer stated his opinion that 2661 ~ the British Broadcasting Co,r pora- . from the Bank Across tlon, the weaknes ses of which were Nite Phone at that Ume under dre In P arUa- ' 2981 WAYNESVILLE, OH!O ment, deeded the competition of other broadcasting com panJes In Eng- . .- - - - - - - - -....- - - - - - - - - - - - - - -. . . land. Failure of the p rivate ente rp rise system in America , our young: economillt sa id, woul d soon come because of the inability of business to opera te at a loss. This thing the govern m ent could do Indefln itp-ly, just for the sake of m aint a ini n g employm ent, he affirmed, ins isting ther e is no limit to deficit fin a ncin g available t l) government - owned ~o e conomy . I ha ve ne ver iJeen Cl Ole t.o convince myself th a t Socialisti,c a nd Comm uni s tic m il' ied econom ists cuuld be sincerc In advocatin g thi s W e invite your ins pection of ph ilosophy, characteristi c though It ,our very f~n e selection of is ot th e ir lh ink ing. If the principle were \\'orl\ 3bJt: , why does not s )l11 e Holiday J ewe'i ry Items. Comm ull ist nati on issue a mill ion dollnr ('red it to ea ch o( its citizens and let th em all e njoy wca lth in a natiu n tha t cannot go broke'!
A new 1948 Hudson sedan Is being awarded to Raymond J. Reame r. TUlln. Ohio (center) by Carl Fuller. Kroger branch manager. M the wlnner'. slater. Miss Irene , Reamer smiles approvingly,. !Wa m er's e ntry was Judged the winner of the fi rst of five new cars thl! f " " d com pany Is otlerlng In Ita Hot-Dated Cotlee Jingle coote8t eld1a& November IS. ~
t W' Pitc h, !4 "Dept h -
23 Ga uge
Size of Sheets Price Per Sheet 26" x 72" $1·89 $2.52 26" x 96" 26" x 120" $3.15 26" x 144" $3.78
F. O· B. Cincinnati
CASH FiG R USE'D CARS Any mak'e or me-del-
Fred Kahn Motor Car Co.
l\IAR-FAB, Inc. Bridgetown Road at Karen Ave. Cincinnati 11, Ohio MOntana _6 545
MOntana 6374
Refrigerator & Washer Repairing Parts Home
... .
I ..
Th e best way to keep these cherished memories of your children is through portraits. LET US HELP YOU KEEP THESE MEMORIES· Our modex:n equipment and superior craftsmanship assures you of perfection, complete satisfaction, and lasting be~uty. Make appointments now for Holiday photographs.
HUNTER Photo Service
North Street near High S~hool- Waynesville, Ohio . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .~II!I• • • • • •I • READ
IljiM~~~P~Ie~Ct~.tC.~~~~~~. ~~~~~~~
brtdal shower in Dayton and Mrs. THE ~nAl\U GAZETTE - Pap ! . Horace Sha.ner '10111 entertain vvith a. . WAYNESVILLE. OHIO - NO. 4291 tn.\sCel1aneous hower for 'h er on THURSDAY, NOVEMBER In. IM6 Saturday evening. ,. of Athens. Ohio were the weekend Nov. 21 - W. S. C" S.,Mrs. WRiter SUNDAY GUESTS guest" of Mrs. Staruey's parents. Mr. Whitaker. Secretary. OF PRENDERGASTS and Mrs. Ernest C. Early of SIUU'ly• • • view Pann. Mr. Stanley 18 at tending Nov. 22 _ The New Century Club Mr. . aed Mrs . Jess Prendergast will hold their m~tILng at the Town enterta.1ned to ct1nner Sunday Me. Ohio Univer. ity in Athe~. House in Franklin vvith a luncheon. and Mrs. C. E. Young and son. ChaMiss Ruth Ohandler Is the hos- rles David. of Cincinnati; Mr. C . H . tess at this meetlng. Your.g and Miss Laura Banta. of ENTER'I.\INS (N • • • Lebanon; Mr. Charle-s Haines of HONOR OF GRANDSON Nov. 23 - Mrs. J. U. Ohapman Mil Dayton; Mr. and Mrs. Fran.k Shutts Sunday. Mrs. H. J . Kuhn ot Harbe hostess to the 500 Dinner Club. Of Harveysburg; Mr~. Elsie Hockett, veysburg er.tel'ta1ned to dinner in Mr. and Mrs. Rhodes Bunnell and honor of her grand-son, Tom KUlhn blaclt &CCessortes an,d corages of red daughters, Mrs. Ernest Edgtngtun. who has just returned from ChIna. roses. ar.d son, Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Rich. the tollw1Dg guest.s; Mr and Mrs. The bride wore a black gabardIne Lawrence Jaooba. Mr and Mrs 011ver suit and IJI'&Y coat with blaCk a.ooeas- WEEKEND GUESTS JacObs. Mr. and Mrs. Oharles R. Ellis or1es when she lett ,vith her hU8ba.nd OF PABENTS and Mr. and! Mrs. Roy Kuhn and ' on a trip to Niagara Palls. They ftl'e Mr. and Mrs: Carieton J. Stanley the honor guest of Urbana. acccmpanied by the brtdes alater ..._ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _...._
Hart-Hildebrecht Nuptials ' Performed While candle 11gM from burning. taperll in seven branched candalbra
glowed upon an improvised altar deoora.ted with baskets of pink gladioll and pink and white carnatl()Jl,ll. Mise Lanna. Hlldebrecht beamie th'e brtde of Mr. James E. Hart in a double rtng ceremony solemnized Thursday evening. seven thirty at
plimented with a strand ot pearls and a white rose corsage. The matron of honor. Mrs. George Nlccal. the brtdes' sister and only attendant was attractlvly growned In a plr.k wool frock with black accessortes and a corsage of white roses . Little Richard Hlldebreol1t, the ,b rides brother. was the rin8 bearer, carrying the rings on a silk pulow. Attending the groom aa best man. was hI.s uncle Mr. Porter W. Hart of Dayton.
the home of the brides parenUs. A recepUon was held follawir~ the The 'b ride 18 the daughter of Mr. ceremmltY for the guests, about tuty and Mrs. J. R . HUd.ebrecbt and the iJJUI1edIaterelatffeeandcloleft1eDCl'J' bridegroom 18 the son of Mr. and Refreahmenta were aerved in the M1W. 'D 'neet Bart. ' dining J'OO1ll where pink and wblte Before aev. R. B. Coleman read chrysanthemuma and white taperlf the JJl&l'I'ia8e ervlce Mrs. Lou1se ,f onned a aeWng for the bea.uUtu1ly Meeka, a.unt of the ·brlde. presented decorated, ·t hree tiered weddtnl cake a prograal of piano numbers. with III miniature brides and 8'J"OOOl. The bride, who was given in mar- ~ch centered the largoe d1ntnc rlge by her Father wore eo beautiful table. llgh.. blue sUk crepe model. street The bride', and groom's Mothers length, with black accessories com- wore ~ Of black crepe with
George WScaL who Jluat arrived. after a year absence in Mllltary service.
Mrs. Hart Il'Ilduated from W&)'DeIvUle ~ School and has been empolyed a.t Wri&ht Field where she wu a superv1aol'. Hart recently reoe1ved h1a from the M'a.rtnee and Is DOW with the , MoOall Corporation. The young couple will rellide in the Charles LeMay apartment. Mrs. Hart was honored with. a
'lr. dlacharlir~
An Retlrement · Ineome P0tiey I ,
THAT PAYS MORE TO LIVE THAN DIE We Have Itl Details without Obligation.
Phone l"l-L I
You'll flnd it poys in ways to get skilled service, now and ot regular intervals, at our modem Service H.e adquarters! For thi!s will help to assure yoU of d~ab/e tranis portation day after day- prevent serious breokdowns, especia lIy now , whencqld weatherishard~estonold cors -save you the ,high cost of majclr repoirs-and maintain the resale volue 'of your car. Remembe~ -our skilled mechanics, using factory-engineer4td tools and quolity partJ, are melrnbers of Amer, ica's foremost automotive servic:e organization.' Come in-todayl '
~cQIlure ~unerm ~Onte Dial2111 _
Waynesville, Ohio i
You'll be well repaid for your patience in awaiting ~~ery of your new Chevrolett It alone brings you Big-Car beaUty, Elig-Car 'k mfort and .ptlrformance, Big-Car quolity at lo~est cost. And even though we can't tell you exactly when we can make delivery of your new Chevrolet, we can tell you that we arl! deliverin'g cars as fast as we receive them from the factory-:that we'll make delivery of you1r new Chevrolet at the earliest possible date--and that your pati6nce will be well rewarded when you exp~rience its Big-Car quality at lowelf cost.
OHEVROLET S'r1LL LOWBS'r IN PRICE . The New Chevrolet lists at a 'Price SubstantJally 'L ower than that of any obher ca.r In ita f1eld. 'IbJa saving Is big enolllgh to P8I ,f or many a service ch.~-up on pretlent
oar. .
Badgley's Chevrolet Sale,s & SEtrvice SPRING VAIJ,£Y,OHlO '
An -Winter· Long· Protection . . • . "YOU stAR.r ••• OR,' W ·E 'PAY" ,
take chanc~s .. ' that is b4cked up "'h~et '"inter !;~'~RITTEI!. Gu,rantel ~
'l"ID MIAMI GAZE'ITE - Pap S' daughters or Mt. Auburn were SunWAYNESVILLE. omo - NO. UtI day guests of Mrs. Pa.rtts' parmts, THURSDAY. NOVEMBER 21, 19M Mr. and Mrs. lB. S. Tuclter. • •. • VISIT PARENTS Mr. and Mni, Sterling Inga.ls and Mr. and Mrs. Robert Cleaver and !a.mily of Greenfield were Sunday BO'1'! David of Dayton viSited Mr. guests of loiN. lngala parenta, Mr. Cleaver's parents Mr. and Mrs. and Mra. Howard Oollins. Mr. 00J:lAlbert Cleaver, Sunday. ir-s is confined to hU; home, owing
'Mrs. J . W. Snell, Who haa been Ul.
Mrs. laura Sh1daker, 8JTived a t ~ ~d ItO . be ~.ing ~ her home ~, Sunday, following ~, ,/ a tay of several mor.th.s witlb her • • • acm-m-law and daughter. Mr. and M!&B Phyllis Shidaker has received Mrs. Clinton GTay of Alberquerque employment as a W,utrels in Mn. N. MexJco. Virg1n1a Enochs popul&r "White • • Kitcllen" RAlstaurant at CentenrUle. Mr. and Mrs. George Denny • • • entert.a.1ned a compar.y of friend,. to lllne66. Mr. and Mra. James DoateJ' of to dinDel' Thmeday evening at their SPEND SUNDAY • • • Da.yt.on were Saturday guests at the Country Estate "~ny Fanns" . • IN WlLMlNGTON Mra. A. S . Collett. entertained to 'b~s of their pe.ren'l& Rev. and Mr. and Mrs. May'n ard Hackney dinner Thursday noon, the members MnI. J. P. Thornbury. and Mr. and BUY. SELL. TRADE, BORROW and daughter of Waynesv111e viSited of "The F'anners Club". Mrs. ,H erbert Do6ter. USE GAZETTE CLASSIFIED .\D~ Nr. Hackney's mother and lather - - - - - . . . . , . . - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - . - - - • of Wilming ton. Mr. ar.d Mrs. Ed. HacltJley's sUnday. NURSE VISITS PARENl'S SUNDAY MillS Irma Fires of \.he Miami Valley School of Nm ing spent SU1~day at the heme with her par• ent.s Mr. and Mrs. Lewis Fires.
, Meat cuts to be placed in
tion process is stal'ted. Carcasses ha~e internal heat of nearly 100 degrees when an an1ma.l is killed and the meat should be cooled· to
about 38 dpgre ~s a s IlOOT. 88 possible. Beef cut can be held sev-eral daY's at 38 degree6 for a-g1ng. but pork should be put in the locker or cured 800n a fter it haR been cooled.
"I'm going to be a doctor some cloy"
GUESTS, SUNDAY Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Ha~meyer enter ained the latter's 6'1 «Ir and brother in-law of Dayton. Mr. and Mrs. Ja~s Wright. ~d Mr. and Mrs. Mayna rd Hagemeyu of Cincinnati. Sunday. ROUSE GUEST FROM PORT CLINTON This week Mr. and Mrs. K . R. H1ll had as a guest s tOl: a few days Mrs. Loui.; Cook ot Port Clinton. Ohio .
R.ET1JRHING FRoM n.oRmA Mr and Mrs. Elmer Sheehan Me expected to l'ilturn tl11s week irem Bradentiolll Florida. Theyha ve beer. gone for thre~ weeks. -Mr. and Mr . Sh~han wUlleave in a few weeks . 0 spend the· rest of the winter at theii' ~ome there. WEEKEND VISITORS OF BRADDOOKS Last. week-end ~. and Mr '. V r n Jennings a.nd Smith. Arch and E i,!,:;l M860n of Oakwood ar.d Danvi:Je Il l. spent the week-end with Mr. a l1d Mrs. W8lTen Bra-ddock. ATTEND 'TEEN AGDS PAItTY 'L ast week 'evera! girl!! of WaynesvWe attended a party li1v·en at the Blltmore Hotel for 'Teen agers. Mi· s Shelab John Daley. . who writes a c .unm laT."wering teen agt'rs probaems in newpa.pers. was the honor guest at the P4U'tY. Those attending the party frem Wayne1vile were Francea Whitaker, ~e en J3rown. Eula. Boak. Phy111. Martln Imd Judy Conner.
... Where·a Man CaD Be What He WANTS to Be
One of the eedoms closest to the hearts of liberty-loving Americana il their freedom to choose or to cbange their vocations. \'tour chiJdre~ may follow in your footsteps, iervins in the same fiel' you cbose for yourself; or they may enter any business or profession tor whkb their natural abilities and education fit them-from Agriculture, \n and Aviation, right through the alphabet! America; employing tbe capitalistic system, is the lfand "hue a 'man ,an be ~bat be 'wants to be. He can stan a chewing gum business with '32 capital and become tile Wm. Wrigley of rus generation. He can tinker over inventions in a back-aHey shop-:-even pawn bis watch to complete the first complete model of his creation-and become the Henry Pord of • new industry! lour lOG ....y be ~other Edison. another Wright, a Patterson or a Keuetin8- He :!lay soPie day employ hundreds of other people, giving thelD the' same opp,onun~ty to '''''' and b, and do and btl", and sbn,. 1:bac is the .American Wa1- the. Right . Road of freedom, K;eep the Right Road of opportUnity under' free enterprise open and unobStructed. It is yo,ut> responsibility ....a go. ',d citizen to speak up and let your voi~ Be beatcI-_beo your own guOcf common sense warns you of trenda that .a ttempt to subedtute lOme pCber theor), for the American Way.
VISIT IN OINCINNATI Mr. and Mrs. Ray Mainous ' lmd 8On. Donald were guests of relatives In Hamilton, SUDday. The OCC&81on waa a double birthday celebration.
:JJa,.ve'lJ~urg IDa. CUf(0I'd Doeter and d&ulbt.er 8bu'oa. were.. 9t ·1 It•• .Do.terr a.unt. in C1nc1nn~tl, Priday.
• • •
• • Rd IO'a. Ed. Burton
to. are &D.DOUncq, b •
aDd, .t heme. P11cIIr, .ID'II. BurtoD, tbe fGnDer MSI, • JOaepbIDe O.born Sa ' tbe ~ Mr• .,ad 1M. 0lIl'1 ~ ...The & ., pGUDd
alat.enal ~,..~ &ft4 . CJIIIiIm.
•• •
lockers or those Whioh are to be preserVed by other methods must be properly cooled before the preserva-
.CLASSIFIED I I CLASSIFIED AD RATBS I I , FOR SALE25 words or less. one time....... 25c Ea.oh additor.a1 worCl ••• , ••.•• ,. ,lc FOR SALE - 2 wheel auto trniler, SPECIAL BATES by CONTRACT l1ke new, $60; Amlstrong tr.la1d linoleum. never used. 6 ft x 8ft .. Loanl'14; Blue Baby Bunting. never u sed FEDERAL LAND BANK LOANS: all Wool. satin Uned. $10; Phaeton For Reflnanctn, - RebuUc:Una - balby stroller. chrome handle, deb, DANNY BAaTSOCK Buytna. 4% Farm loana with long tachable top. I1Ite new, $12; Ot!e UJDe to pay. Pay part or all any walnut antique love seat and m8ltch._ CLARKSVILLE (fAME, NOV. lZtime. . LEBANON NAT'L FARM LOAN Ing chair. Phone Dayton WA 7951 1121 Our Re~ and Jr. High teams ASS'N., Ellls H. sturm, Seo'y- or Wa.yne ville 2101. are our 'future VIU'lIlty tea.nu;; and Treu. Lebanon, Ohio. Phone U8 from what the 'f~ormer did to the t.c ClaJ1kvlUe team, we've got a good Real Eatate For Saleteam coming up. The final llcore was 38 to Ita in favolr 01 WayneSville. IF YOU HAVE A PROPERTY OR
PARr-' TO SELL Call or Write Don Henderson. Tel. KE3446. &17 Lorain Ave., Dayton, Ohio. tfc
6 'l"Gom house. modern except furnace, In the very best concHtlor.., well located in Waynesv1Ue. •
6 rOom house. good condition, elec.trlclty, city water, storm windlow8 ~ do¢s. possession soon. also. lOcMed in Waynesville. •
New t roqn house. electricity, in Harveysburg. •
Properties Shown by appointment. ex~ SUndays. .
· . ,.
When' Your ' .Back · Hurts' ~. ~
ADd YODI' Streu,th aDd Ene...,. I. Below Par
It IIIay be ...... b)' dllordw ollddDey 'UDCtiOD thlt pe1'1Dita ·polaoaoUi _Ite to a~lIna1a", For tnlI)r lllaD1 people "MI t1ncl, weak aDd _.rabla wbeD the ItldDt)'1 fall to relllove es_ aela aDd otlMr waRe _tter 'rolD tbe blood. You ilia)' iliff. uaml bIIekacha. rbel1l11atic palAl, beadache., clIuln_, pUiDl up Dilbta, III Dalal, a_Ulal. SolDetllll.. 'requent and 1QIlt)' urinatioa with amartIal and ba.raIDI fa laother alp that 10lllecblna fa wroDI with tbe lddJil')'a,or bladder. Then abollld be DO doubt that prolll'pc . reatlDent fa .".~ tban Dilled. U.. DOG"'I Pilla. It fa better to rely oa a medicine that bu won eountl)'Wlde ap· pro".1 tban on lometblal 1_ 'avora 1)1 l:.no_. DoG,,'1 bave bearD tried aDd t <:t' d iliaD)' 7..UN. An • all drua ItO~ :C. • 4 t DcHl" I &ociQ'. •
l·l,t1:H~1I1j NORRIS BROCK CO.
Wilbur N'.~"" Phone 2651 LIVE STOCK-
HALLMARK 'I"Y'PmWRITER RIBbona now · in 8UK:k: The Gazette.
- .........- - - - - - - " " - - - - - U.e Wire allll
SJ)rln8boro. The Clarlalv1l1e Varsity game started out a little bit like Centel"V1lle game, that Ie, witlJi Wayr.eape gettine behind. But 0Utr team got wanned up and 'came 'Up to two points
RHEUMA ' tm:ctM' .I.-&iOjJ
• .
Sam Smith & Son
eM.b. . The box ICOre of the la8t game !Was:
. Rickey . 'I'lbompson Daldn
P.C. 1
F.T. 1 0
T. 3 8 2
o s 23 o 8 o ·2 o , 0 o 0
1 10 4 1 0 0
LAMPS' (Floor and
SPRiNGBORO School Notes PBYU.lS wOOJ)WABD •. 8eDIor R.EPORlI'l!R
"Complete Home Furni.her."
CDeJa.yed from la8t week)
~tPrlday ~rbt we had our t1rSt baatetllall tame ot the aeuon
Alone .51. 1121 ~~1I~a:::8 ~ with carn•. Atterr quite a atruale FOR 8NLB B!Ita~ Beatrola. ~tIIm. arthrlti& neui1t1a, ~UI,D- -the CuUale Indiall\& t1nal!J topped ODe . pair Pence 8tretcbenl. Gras. tiagO. :ntBB BC)CCjt~. tor.. our boy- by two -p ointe, ~e flnal Seed Sower. to. W, Chandler RetDer'. Rtno1. ~ NIt. biter? IClOI'e 'belD8 H to. • , We have two PboDe au 1124 WayneavWe Dnc etae. tic aamee til1a week. TUesday nJa'bt we ~la¥ pentell'(1lJe and Prida, nllbt
the High School and Elementary grades wit'll some pictures and a ~(ff lecture. Everyone found it very Intersetlng.
eeeea. Ie .n.. 8trldl,
lion, a representat4ve of the Coca Co~ DfstIrlbutlng Co. entertained
behind' the Indaina. Waynesvtlle Phone 902 L fcqed ahKd in th.! reet of the game Leba,:,on, Ohio to make (he final score t6 to SO Wayneev1l1e favor. HariIIock was ....____...._ _~-------------~.. ~~!"'"'"-J high' point man with 23 po1nt-. Bradley and 'I'.blmlPeoIi made 8
TOTAL 21 .t .46 FrIday, Nov. 2la.Wayneav1l1e plays at Spring Vallq. LalIt P\1day the 15th, Spring Valley beat Bellbrook. AD or- What we can do fA) 13lem.
fOR SALE--Man-lIll1e BiCycle. GOOd teDerI o. tile tJeit 'aD aroanct ••,.d Cbndltlon. write Jjm. Weltz Box .. &be .,....".' '14 W~esv1l1e Oblo. 1124 Senoice That Sati.fie. . TUNE TO . FOR SAlLE - OUt door toJIet In wmo Dayton 1:30 - DW laoo I'OOd cond1t1c.n Phooe 25M oar DaIIJ IIarIIet ..,.n 1124
.~ #!ALE - YOUNG GJ!.D!SE; ON foot or dre8eed; Mrs. GUbert ft'ye
And, by the way, the Jr. B18'h will pt their first cluIillce on Dec. 6 at
Braeuey Shoup 00nIm1 Plorence
Friday November 22 we bave another home game when we play Kingman here. Tuesday morning Nov. 12. Mr. Mil-
high point man with r--'""!'---------..;' ------~-----~-_r Vickers 12 pointswas to his credit. < . ,
PRJIJ3H OOWS Am> BPR.INGERB WUbur Plorence Rt. 1 0retm1a QbiO. 112,1
we play Harveysburg. Both games will be played on our floor. On
The band is ha,v ing a paper ' drive and will lbe a.rour.d to collect the paper on Saturday. Nov. 16. They wi:l collect paper from Ridgeville. UtIca. ~ Lion, Springboro. and places near there. The P . T . A. and Mothers' Club aTe sponsoring a dinr.er and da.nce to be given on Se.turday• .Nov.23. Dinner will be served from 5-4 and will be followed by a 5()...-6() dance. All the proceeds will be donated to the Mu~ lc departmer.t.
Phone 912R "Ea.t Main Street at Whiteman'"
\F~rlY ' Familiar b, EFFBL DD
' . . A card received from Will C. St. John> who is spen<llDg come Ilime at , Memt1b'lsv111e, In~. . states that be 18 receiving a good rest and Is fee11rlg mU<t1 better. It is hoped he Will 'be back 'with Us in t.he near
.. . .
·T:'[II e'. M"I. a)1 .IB' 'I '"" LEGION NEWS ';' Z ~
Wayne Twp. Post 615
GA ,
': :
' '~E ' T !~ T ~" E ' '
~II •
• i
Nov. 25th; Anothe r meeting of tJhe
folks thlngs are beginni ng t G pop : : , so keEp your eyes and ears oper..
You may become tired of reading YEAR ::: 50 A Fire Chief Stand4f ord held ar. unour SChedule in the paper over and _ _ _.,..-_- -,,_ _COpy _ _ aver agam but one thing we ha.ve announ ced !ire dr1ll at boUl school WAYNESVILLE, ' ORIO TBUDSDAY, N~VEMBER 28, 1946 decided and that is not to bulild1;DgB last week. 'The high school _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ have Ule _____ pu'ol1c complaj rung that they had I tn~ding lam vacated in .a5 f!eOOnds '1' " not heard Gf suCh and such a thing NOTIC E , the grade buDding In a. few W&~We Drug. Store wlll Close going on. We a.dm1t that this has over one minute. IAn' excellen t Thursd ay (~llllksgiving De.y) at 'b een our fault and are correcti ng and' worthy of comme nt and 11 :30 A. M. the mistake . Il't!<lOJ1lmeJoo.tlon for the faculty and W'... t •• • Thursd ay Is Thanks giving so . we in their ,t raining of the student s E Mi56 Ellen M06S. d&""""'ter or Mr. LAWSON - WAD ot scheel 11 such efficiency. Der-ger, of disbft~'" tball • are n _.. ...... e . f ''--' U r.g a ·MO&s. n-<Toni a. MADD"AGE HELD ItlIIJIUltJ., . in C(8Se of fire is lessened and lI4r6. HartJ..::u game or w ...... even ...... .LUe f 0 11ow~oT ....... ~& ~ 1 Thursd Dec 5th Ohio is and gndu&t e of WaYnesville TUESDAY EVEN ING I\)OItlSlcl~raibly by having thee methng ' . a game 6Cheduled &tay.the High School in" effect. Bldg. A thoroug h search CYl any modere high 6chcol, on Nov . 28 will comMiss Glenr.a Wade. daughte 'r of with t.ile "Marsh all Bros" a high city today would ~ly tail to re• • • pleted her course' in r.urs1ng BIt. the Mr d Mrs J R Wade and Mr . ar. ., . " . ranking team from Day;t<m turnish - vea'l tne lamplig hter. so 'l1hanksgiv1r.g Day Is agallll with College ot ~ an'd familiar In Health, !Donald L&wson. son of Mr. and Mrs. ing the oPP<l6ttkm. To ,This' will be a the by-gone d&ys of the gsa-ligh t it is a c:1a.y of feasting Uruvers ity of Oin~t1. , T. O. L&wson. were united In mar- very tough and Intere&t ir.g game ..!a.. N turkey the maln d!8h. Others 28 the Fe Ch eh Miss M06I5 graduat es trom the ._e The solitary figuze with ladder ' ov. at Try 1ll' . .'lI1th the advanta ge in their f&'Vor era. the day in hunttna , vlBiUng college's four-yea.r integrat ed pl'Oand tmch ploddin g from lamp b:> of Ohrtst with Herber t 01'8llam , acttvtie e. ~t.ba11 fllls the gram with both the degree of bach'- mins't er "., the ch"_w offlclatt...'a . but 'lI1.tJh l:>ts of mor81e SUPPOrt from d&rknened lamp, lea.vlng behind a h _< schedule. Mar.y glad hearts ele!' of ..... Their -.tendan'~ were ,1l.r. o.ur own orne f 0 1k6 a.nd Who knowB ence in nursing ar.d the .....- •• tnU Of cheertu l b1a.z1ng Ught which ..., ~.~ t hat '-#.., .upI be and Mrs. WUlJarn nnney. the l&nd &re ~uly than ...'w.... QIDa at graduat e nurse. eu w an upt;et may staged. bannlEhed' every frighte dng shadow One tlUng gtUaran<teed' is th8lt war 18 over" bloodshe~ nA8 ceas- ' Her many ~xtra-currlcuila it from the dU6k-ruIea- streets. dl8~ actlwill be & good game from start to .'-=IU--IOV'~ ones are at home. @Iller vWea dutmg hlf!' college years have HOME ECKERS a ppeared with Ule ad'Ver.t of electric ache for t·h06e who d,1:ln't in1Cluded pa.J'ttdp.,t1on · in the Olee HOLD PART Y fin1sh. back. Tbne will heal the sca.r8 Olub. M'u81c Appieci ation O~up and As a clim&x 'to Uleir dress COl1l6t1'- t Oftme tlme will be 7 :30 P. Md' 'W1hth lighta. Yet on Thanks gtving Day,in every Uley are tller.ktu l the great . lDiscUS6ior. Group. . She served as games be1 nlrs Playe d an t e h auctio n. u nl to the Junlor-&~Ior wo rices cut to SOc to\1' adUlts .W:0nl'U~ 18 ovel'--otlher lives are safe. membe r of tbe tribunai. the conege' and 15c ome In tthe. natlon. th e picture 0 f s Home EcononiClS class enterte,ined .:' n' I child 'We all pause tor '" momen t student r~nt braan1Bat!on. 8UIeh & lampllg bter' wIU be found 'their JOOtheJ'6 .to a. party and 15tyle r 5C 00 • reno expre86 our tlhanka tha.tlwara ha.ve and as presJdeDt of her class gracing the 1946 Tubercu losis Cht'IatIn her &bow ~OD Prid&), a!ternoo~ from On. Dec. 12tp Spring Yalley Is mas Seal, the me&Ser. . we prosper ' and. live Junior year. .ger of hlealUl 1 :30 to 3;00 in Ifhdr classroo m. ' 8Ohed?led an~ the tollowin a Thun., that h86 for forty yea.lll frtgihtened peace thro\J8tlOOt. the world. Her plans for the future Include ' The pia haIye ma:de either wool Dec. 19th. the "Jones Br<l6." from .away the shadow of - - - -.- 'I'uberculo6is. her Dl&JTiaie to Lyle Fo" also~)l dreB6ell, wool .aIt1rt.6 ~d bl~~cel~ or Da.~ consisti ng of an all polored . The tottUeth annual saJe of Olirtst, kr.Own in WarynesVilie. U ' ~3S WOOl jwnpen a.nd blouses. Durlng tea.ni. . mas Seals to ralse funds for the tuite. his evofnt, she will the parly. the ' girls wore their 006Really good teams &re schedul ed control or tubercuilO61s W1ll ,....,~....;, y, ~VENI~G be oonpra.:tlce nursing the fiel d of her tumea i.rid reCeiVed uch comme nt ar.d no~ you .e&n.· a!tord to miss ducted mls year from November 25, cJl,c~ce in ' Ool~, where she plans a~d p~ of 4iteir ~. &0 come on out folks and . jom the witll Christm Ura. AHIt ~ aged 73.1* . d to make her home .wh1tii her as and 87 per cent of hua'Ibe refreshm ents commit tee c:otn- fun and ~n the meantim e dIon't for- the money' will be used within the M ' her ' hOllU ltl WayneMn~ band· complet es b1& Work at the Ohio poIied of Ester !Lukens. Shirley get the ~e..we! are ~ in at commu nity . 1r. whlc~ 'It is ~ised. Monday ~ &t &:30 o·Cl~k. '8 UnlVft'll1ty there. • La.WI!IOD> Faye Cl"eec!h, and P.b _ lIebar.oo. we pl&.y. ~ e eri'W'edl- El8h per cent will be uSed in the 'Was attribut ed1·to' ... C'8l'd!a - • ' BtUley. prepare d ginger breaq and nesday nigllt &t th~ Memori al Hall. State and the rema1nirig 5 per cent . ~ & week of ,S!:lnOUB 11.- MIlJ. CREE K BRID GE , .' . pun.c h. which' served on a beau.. Just to show you wat your mJss-' ·for the ooordlna.t1on or Nationa l proOPEN ED TUES DAY , WuUy decorat ed t.ea-taDle. 1ng laat Wednes day at Lebano She 'Was the 'WidOw, of OharlE's .. While the gueats were enjoyin g tbe ~ueeze4, Ithroutrh & VSctory n we gnmB. over arief is survive d by two st-ns , Stare Highwa y . Dep't. &Almost torty yea.T6 ago. the first workme n 'ref.reahm~r.ts ,the follOwing pi'ogram Herb's Race 37 to 35 and then an- Obrlstmas Seals were sold m Ohio. and aoy Jones. both of complet edl repair ' 0 : t~e bri,~~ be~nted; other oyer 'M ason or. Thursd ay ~.ln 191Q tile dee.tb l'&te from lIT.,lI'1lf!'lvlDe:, tiUl'teen grandeh1Jdren tween Corwin tU.berand Wayr.esvllle on Plano Solo _ Pa'U;(y Baird; '\rocal night 35 to 33. culoSa was 143 per 100,000 person '6 great grandch lldren. 'Iluesday [or use by &rame. Duet _ Flora and Leah T'nomp60n; DoJ:!'t get the Idea that basketb all ~d' in Ithat year there were 'Funera l aer~cett were conduct ed a.t 6,844 , Sola - Joanne: O'Ba.nn1o~; Hymn - 18 our 9D1y, interest . On Dec. 7th ·deaths fran tJhe white p1~ue. In MeCl\h Pune~e on WeC1., AN.NIVEBSARY. TUESDAY l Anr. Weltz; Paye 'Creech Jane Pfe- another dance wW be. held aJt the th&t year also the Christm as Seals at 2:00 p. Di. witb Rabent. 1:1,. CELEBRATE 56TH WEDDI NG llter; Sh1rlf!Y La.wsor.. W&ynesvWe ltJgh School Gym start.- Sale in Ohio aml6unted to Z1le of ~he Waynesonlle GIlurch $37.235.27' Mr. and Mrs. F: A. Snider of lng at 9:00 P . M. Price 50c straigh t. a.nd, the money was iDune<M Ob;lst(ottldat1 ng. aItely put Mtamhfz~q cel~ted ~e1r 56!!} SPEND n(G ~SGJVJNG , Irvin .SWindler's Orches tra fur- to work fighting tuberculo61a. Burial Wa.s made In the MiamI Weddtn g Anniversary, Nov. 26. They .Yr. and Mrs.' Le&ter Gordon win n1abed the music for our last dance In 1945, tblle death rate from tuberare t7le parents of Mta. J. R, Wad~ spend ThaUaI 1y1ng ' Day with Mrs. and not one single oompla~t ha.ve cuilcsis in Ohio was 36.5 per 160.000 Of Wayn'fsville. ,. ~ Henders On. we beard 'so he 18 ag&ln schedul ed and there 'Were only 2.57~ deaths for ,that. evening ; Everyor.e there frOm Ule d1seaae. The annu&! Ohr1st-'~t'. seemed to. .e,njoy Ella themael ves paaeed away at the last mas Seal saie ' In IH6 am~ ' 0 . dance so.• doc't m9re or you f925,406.89. every cent of Wb1ch to la home of dII.ulnter. Mrs. Allee come out. and· join in. being used to furtber reduce the d1 Xenia. 0IlI Monday &t 8:00 . . ¥. ,II , nu,mber of' deaths and needJleas s¢' .' MRS. "£KIN GTaN ferlng c&~d by tu~: In add1ttOn Ito toM daugllte r ahe SUND Ay OE-cEMBER 1 10:30 A. M. DI.ES S~ roRD ~ Y , . I ~untfttd by Kre . . Robert Pumu, SERMON' THEM Ei '''ReligiOUS Mrs. Jt!Fie.• Herlngt on. wife of H~H SEALS.... ,. Joe ·SbM n-,. ~ lire. RaY- , Tbe Rev. Lest~r Noms , Delaw are, T~nin.B" , OhIO Execu tive SecHeljngt on passed aw&y·&t her GO ON SAI:.E --. W11eon relitdtDg near wa.;ynesretary of 'R~ligiou8 E c~ti.on of the Ohio Confere~ce. RUey home nea'r W~ynesv1lle on ~atur4ay IN , COUN TY , . .. . SUND AY EVEN ING 79'0 ' • rrl()rtl1ng &.rter a'll Wness of ~Iel sieII'\'ba were CODI!iU'Oted Letters' were sent out this' 'Week ' SERM ON THEM E; '" A ChriStian witho ut A.polo gy" tour __n. " ,·at 2:80 p. m. It tile New ~ , The Rev;. ~aul D: Chiles She ''WU 58 ~ of . • r , ' Minis ter of the Metho~iat age. "-7 ,_ •. from the' "office of wanen oaunty ~I1'Urur.U)n Methodist ClnirCil with Churc h of Leban on, 'Ohio· . " Tuben:u losls and Health ~n Wamsle y otflclatt ng. l'IrII. MOND AY· EVE"'I NG, MEET Uic, Beelde her hUllba.Dd abe Ia SU1''' Under the aiina'tU1'e of ~ WI& a Ufe-loDi ~ O! TUES DAT EVE'iNK.NC E. stan~ 7:30 ~ byf bar· mother, Kr8. Sarah leY. CbristmaB Seal 0h&1nnan. an:~ . churcb. aurl&1 will . be made ,at , S~RMON: The Re,v. 'Jolfn W~Q~ew~~a Minis ter Bolende r", Of ~ ae,me reaictence; ~ nOunc1ng the 1946 cemete~ ,there. , . campai gn tha.t . , Trimt y Meth04'~St Chbrc h XenIa, OhiO. :~ ~, 9arlan d Bolend er of is' now ~ effect. In' lIMa Warren , . , WEDN ESDA Y: EVEN n4G 7:30 ' ~ntY' received 2000 X-rap; 130 SERMON THEM E : ~ 'One, Thing . Thou Lacke st" Punera t servloea were conduzt ed' at comple te physica l exam1n.tioD8 for ' The TIiOrllas Adl\be "d, Minis ter, Metho dist Churc h, the II.oOluze PuDen l ~rClO'l'tIeI- elevent h grade bOy8 in county; ~ Wili~in,wn, QJlio· , ' ''. . day ·a 1:00 p. m. ,with!iOOe~ V&D'- l1JDl ~ tor ~nS ; . and . THURSD~Y EVEN ING 7:30 YOUT H NIGH T ZUe. lII1nl&ter of ,t he WaynesviUe . free literatu re ar.d. speaker .to a ,1epOr.t . r~lved . s bureau . ~MON TH-Bltf~ :." "Wh'i ther Y:'Outb" , ~ Church. ~ Christ OflMliatlDg.\ ' ;1» > 1917 more th8.n 7.000 pet'8OI;l in ' 1.&ytJIc Teet M ~obn The Rev, ' Allen W.' Caley , l4ims ~~ Oo11ep. 8.teP.- " (list Churc h, Vayt~n, OhIO. .' ter. South Park Metho - Bw1al ,W8a ~ . In , ~~ll Warren' Cou:Dty will be given X-Ra, ' cemeter y n.e ar Mon~mery, Ohio. examtDattons. the Dmham ~ FRID AY EVEN.N~ 7:30 . , . • ,, ' ·Parm , , Route 2, Wayne&Vllle " ,~, . " SERM ON THEM E: "An Adequ ate ReliglOJi for an, .,' I . eD~ two -pene qf ~te ~ ~ of ~ seals ~ntIi1n " , 'A tomic Age" ~8GIYING GJ]EST S e .. tour.e als of 'the .J)OI;tralts there tor. the,contest . ~triea • The Rev· Howa rd 'Mumm8', Minis ter Metho dist Cbur,c h, ~ ~ , ~bbe" aD4- Bead tour penon la1'ge1y respor..Ilb e tot ... '. henI tram' Iii ~ 'h&ve been Frank lin, Ohio. .' . .. ." Hewlet t 9f 0'1110 ,- Sta.te 'OrJverAty the su.ocess of ~e first 'OnUed States ~. ,:Tbe, C9ntee;t ~, ",A' cordial invita tion.. extede d to our comm unity to ~~ SpendJ Tban~ng wit}) Mr. ~~!!1r~'~ ..::; l. '. . .1 .. , • attend tb'e&e servi~eI. ~~ - - 1Ii'I, • B • _......... ,~. ~-.
1850 _ _ NO. 4282 . ,1.50 pm _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ _____
Marriage 'Amiounced
For 'CL'-;!.... -- -tie uuIS me ·
• •• Ycur Protedion Against. Tuberculosis
I..... .....
....l -:1.. U... u... .
ALB.l:l?O~W: ~
WEEK f PREACHING Waynesville Methodist .Church ' Dec . 1S t tO 6th, 1946
"fl' j
or .!h
, to
C[AS5IFIED 1 1 CLASSlnED AD RATES 1 1 FOR SALE25 words or less. one time, ....•. 2Sc Each addltor.al word . . , •.•..•••• lc FOR SALE - 2 wheel auto tralle.r, SPECIAL RATES by CONTRACT 11ke new, too; Annstrong ~d linoleum. never used. 6 ft x 8ft .•
FEDERAL LAND BANK LOANS: For Ref1nancln, - RebuUdin, Buyina. 4% Farm loana with long UDle to pay. Pay part or all any time. . LEBANON NAT'L FARM LOAN ASS·N., Eltis H . sturm, Seo'YTreas. Lebanon, Ohio. Phone 448 tc
we play Harveysburg. Both games will ' be played on our floor. On
f14; IDue Baby Bunting. never used. all wool. satin lined. $10; Phaeton b8iby stroller, chrome handle, deby DANNY HARTSOCK tachabIe top like 'new $12' Or. • ,,:e wa~t antique love seat and mattoh- CIARKSVJU.E GAME, NOV. 12ing chaIr. Pnone Dayton WA 7951 OUr Reserves and Jr .. High teams or Wa.yne ville 2101 . 1121 are our 'future Varsity teams; and from what the former did to the Clatikvllle team, 'w e've got a good team coming up. The fLnal score was 38 to 12 in favor of Waynesville. Vickers was high point man 'w ith ~ And YOOJ' Stren..h and 12 points ,t o his credit. Enel'lY I. Below Par And. by the way. the Jr. Htg'h will It ~ be eaUMd b7 dlaorcl... of ldcJ. get their first chan.c e on Dec. 6 at De)' fUD.riOD tbat pel'JIlita polaoDolia
When' Your -,"
Real Eatate For SaleIF YOU HAVE A PROPERTY OR FARM TO SELL Call or Wrtte Don Henderson, Tel. KE3446. 617 Lorain Ave., Dayton, Ohio. tfc
• • •
!'GOlD house, monern except turnace. in the very best cond1t1or., well located in Waynesville.
• • •
5 room house, good condltlon, electricity. city water, storm windOws ~ doots. possession soon. also l00&ted In Wa.ynesville.
• • •
Back 'Hur'ts' ~~
wut. to leetllDuiata. For tnily iliaD, people f.1 tired, weak and miMrable wheD tb. IddD.". fall to remove ez_ aelda and otber ~'nat.a mattar from tbe blood. You IDa)' lull er DarefDI beckleb., rheumatJc painl. buclacbee, dlaalo_, pUIDI up ni&bUl, 1'1 Dalal, lwell)DI. 8ometlm" frequeDt and KlDt, WID.· tloa witb .martin, and bumlDI Ia on. otber lip that lometbla,la wrODI with tb. IddD~)'W or bladder. There Ibould be DO dODbt that pro'!lJlt ....tm.nt Ia wiler tbaD 1I'Ile.t. U .. DOG"" PilZ.. It Ia batter to rely OD a medl.lne tbat baa WOD couatrywlde ap· proval thaD OD lometbla,len fav ora bly I:nown. DOG"" bave bMD tried aDd t : :. , d IDaD7 Are at .n druc . to: : • It tocia)'.
New .. roOJtl house. electrto1ty. lr. Harveysburg.
• • •
Properties Shown by appointment, except Sundays.
• • •
Wilbur N. Sean Phone 2651
ClDeblaaU 'Vial•• Btoell Y .....
lion , a representative of the Coca CoJi Dfsllributir.g Co. entertained the High School and Elementary grades v.1t:h some pictures and a tvJQf lect ure. Eve.r yone found it very interf'eting.
SPJUNGERS WUbur Florence Rt. 1 0reg001a ~O. 1121
.Sam Smith & Son
OUt door toUet in , WBlO Dayton 1:30 - Dial l30t Phone 25M For Oar DaI17 IIuUt . . , . . 11~
SPRI.NGBQRO Scho'ol Notes
"Complete Home
" (Del&yed from last week) !fOR SALE - .YOUNG GEISE; ON , Last FrIday nlght we had our foot or drea8ed; Mrs. GUbert Prye , • t1rst ba.sketball game' of the season 1121 ~~U:S ~ with oaru~. Afur Quite a strunle lPbone .• 51. FOR sALE Estate iBeatrola. rheumatllm. artbrltl& neuritfa, lum- ·t he CUlJsle IncUana flnally topped ODe pair 'Pence Ora.ss bqo. P.R£E B(X)KjI,ET. AIk for .. our boy- by pwo PCllnta, the flnal Seed SOWer. to. W. CIlandler ' Remer'. Rtnol. ~ 1NIf« )qer? IICOI'e beiDI 31 to 28" We 'have two Phone . , , 1124. W~ DJiuI Stan. tlo gamee ti11s week. TUet!day nJgbt we pla.y pen~ &l!c. Frlday Di8bt
Ibc,, Representative
G S!
LAMPS (FI.o or and Table)
FOR SAUl gobd cond1tloo
;H~ ;;;I~;r;'~
"Hard-To-Get" Items
.46 Friday. Nov. 2Q. Wayne6ville plaYs at Spring VaPey. La-t F\1day tJle HA,LLMARK TYPEWRITER RIB15th. Spring Valley beat Bellbrook. bona now In stock. '!be ~. U.e Wire aall ~... All .... What we can do ~ 1!bem. pDlDUoa MeGatJ to aOD.. 8U1dI, ~ 'SALFr-Man-81~ Bicycle. Good 1811e1'l oa the .... an arond ..arlin C1onditton. ~te Jim Weltz Box Ia &be __,,,. '14 W~e8vUle Ohio. 1124 SerYice That Satiafiel
GLASS INSTALLED IN ALL MAKES OF CARS The Clarlrsvllie Varsity game started out a Uttle bit like Centerville See game. that. Is. with We;yr.espe gettiDe behind. But our ~ got warmed up and came up to two points behind' the Inda1ns. Wa.ynesvtl1e Phone 902 L forwed ahead 1n the re&t of the game Lebanon, Ohio to make ~e final score 46 to 30 Waynesville iavor. Hart~ was .!.._________-------------------~ high I point man with 23 points. Bradley ~ Thompnon' made 8 points each. The box IOOre of the lilst game ~as: F.C. F.T. T. Rickey 1 1 3 EAT 'I1hmnpson 4 8 0 IDaldn 1 2 0 :tWtsQek 23 10 S Bradley 0 8 • 1I Sooup 1 0 9 x 12 WOOL RU~S Oorw'd 0 0 0 9 x 12 FELT BASE RUGS Florence 0 0 0 TOTAL
Friday November 22 we havi! another home game when we play Kingman here. Tuesday morning Nov. 12. Mr. MU-
The band is having a paper drive a nd wUl be arour.d to collect the pa per on Saturday. Nov. 16. They ""i:l collect paper trom Ridgeville, Ut.1ca. Red Lion, Springboro. and places near there. The P . T . A. and Mothers' Club aTe sponsoring a d1nr.er and da.nce to be given On , saturday, Nov.23. Dinner w1ll be served from ,~ and will be followed by a 50-50 dance. All the proceeds will be donated to t he Mu ~ 1c departmer. t .
Phone 912R
Lebanon, 0.,
HE.lt Main Street at Whiteman"
Fairly' Familiar
by EFFELDEE _ A card received from Will C. S t . Jolln. who is spending come time a t M a~· tlb1 svllle , In~. stales that be lB' receiving a good rest and is feeling mu<'t1 better. It is hoped h e will be back wltJ1 Us in the near
. ., .
Fire Chief StanciUord held ar. un-
T·be Miami ! Ii Ar,·ZET T'E
Wayne Twp. Post 615
Nov . 25tll; Another meeting of the American Legion P.ost of Waynesr . t _ ville is now over and bel1ve m~ I \.. ':" ~ • folks things are beginning t o pop SO keep your eyes a nd ears opel:. ..!.. "'!' .I .• , You may become Ured of reading our schedule In the paper over and ESTABLISED 1850 - NO. 4292 $1.50 PER YE~ - 5c A COpy over again but one t.h.1ng we ha.ve •
announced ,f ire dr1ll at botJl school
WAYNESVILLE, OHIO TlWDSDAY, NOVEl\mER le8, 1946 decided and that is not to have the . ,buUdinp la6t we.ek. The high school _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ P UolJiC ccmplaini ng tJ1al they had ·bullding last vacated in 55 seconds NOTICE not heard cf such and such a thing Wayn.e6Vllle Drug Store w111 Close gOing on. We admit t·hat this has and the grade building In a sec-' pnds over or.e minute. An excellent Thursday \ TIll<nksgiving. Day) at been our fault and are correcting 11 :30 A. M. the mistake. ~d and worthy of comment and CL~ h!commendation for the faculty and Thursday Is Than ksgiving so . we (ft8ff Pl their training ofthe students . LAWSON-WADE are not schedulir.g a basketball Ifor sueh efficiency. Der.ger of disMiss Ellen Moss. dauglhter of Mr. game fa! that evening. The follow~ in CllBe of fire is lessened and Mrs. Ha.rtJ~ Moss. Oregonia, MARRIAGE HELD ing Th~ay. Dec. 5th a game is OQllStderably by ha.v1ng these metb- Ohio and grnduate of Waynesville TUESDAY EVENING scheduled at the High School Bldg. A thorough search of any modem ods in effect. high scheol. on Nov. 28 w11.1 comMiss Glem~ a Wade, daughter of with tJhe "Marshall Bros" a high city today would surely fail t~ re, • - • pleted her course in r.ur&ng at the Mr. ar.d Mrs. J . R . Wade, !lnd Mr. ranking team from Day;tcn furnish- vea,l the lamplighter. so familiar In 1~ank sgiv1r.g Day Is a Rain with College of Nursing and Health, Donald lAwson. son of Mr. and Mrs. ing tine oppOSition. This will be a the by-gone days of the gas-light \.16. To llUUlY it is a day of feast1ng Univers~y of O1ncir.nat1. T . O. lAwson, were united :In marvery tough and interestir.g game era. The solitary figure with ladder With turkey the main dta11. othen; Miss Moss gTaduates from the rtage Nov. 26 at the Ferry Ohurch ..nth the advantqe in their favor and torch plodding from lamp bo • ~l'd the , day in hunting. visiting college's four- yea.r Integrated pro- C1I C)Ihr'lst with Herbert Graham , but with l:>ts of morale sUpport from darknened lamp, leaving behind a t'I' other aet1vties. P'ootbaU flUs the gram with both the degree of bach· minster at .the church offiCiating. our own hom.e folk6 and who knows traU of cheel"ful plazing light w~ ~ts schedule. Mar.y glad hearts elcr of science in nursing ar.d the Their ~ly attendants wlere Mr . but what an upset may be staged. bann1shed every fright erJng shaOow tn' the land are truly thankful djplQma of graduate nurse. and Mrs. William TInney. One tlU ng guaranteed' is that it from the dusk-rUled streets. disthe war is over,.bloodsh ed has ceasHer many extra- curricula~ actiwill be a good game from start to appeared with the adver.t. of electric ~--loved ones are at home. Otller vtties during h oel' colle,ee years have ' HOME ECKERS finish. lights. he&rt6 ache for t·hQ5e who di::ln't included pa.rl1clpation in the Glee HOLD PARTY 0Gme beck. T1me will heam tJle scan; Club. MUSic Appreciation Group and As a climax to' tJleir dress constl'Game time will be 7:30 P. M. 'With Yet on Thanksgiving Day, in every ~ they are thanktul the grea DiscUssion Group. She served as auction un it. , the Junior-SerJor two games bein'ls played and the home in the nallon. the picture of Conflict is oves---otber l1yt!s are safe. member of the tribunal. the colle1e's Home EoononiC6 class entA~ined ~~ri~cu~ : u : : o r adults and 15c such a lamplighter will be found May we all pause for a moment student goven1ml!nt Mganizatlon. tiheir mothe1'6 .to a pariy and style or 00. g.ra.clng the 1946 Tuberculosis 0hr'Istto exprea& our t4ulnks tha.t. wars have and as president of her class In her show 9Jl Frida, aftemool~ from On Dec. 12th Spring Valley is Dl86 Seal, the messer.ger of health e.nded.--that we pro!;J)er' and live juDi.o r year. 1:30 to 3;00 in Ithelr classrCIODl. &Ohe4ul~ and the followin& ThUl'll .• that h86 for forty yea1'6 fr1ghtened ..,!! peace throU8'hout Ithe world. Her ,p lans for the future lnclude The Jirls halVe made either wool Dec. ·19th. the "Jones Bros." from aWay the shadow of TuberculO6is. her maniqe to Lyle Fox. also w 1 dresses. wool ·s kirts ar.d blq~lfs. or Dayton consistlng of an all ,colored The fortieth annual sale of Christ kr.own in Wa.ynesviUe. alt ~~s wool jumpeors and blOuses.' During team. mas Seals to raise lunds for the tim'e. f'ollOw1ng this ev.ent. she will the Party, the girls wore their C<l6Really good are 610heduled control of tuberculO6l.s will be con· ONDAY.. EVENING pra..."1.1ce nurSing the fie1d of her tumes and received uch comment a~d none you can afford to miss ' ducted tills year from November 25. so come on '~ut folks and join the until Christmas and' 8'1 per cent of . . . cb.cdce in Cohunbus, 'where she pla ns and ,p~ of ~e1r ~l. Mrs. Albert' ~ aged 73. ~ !d ' to ber home while her husThe refreshments committee com- tun and in the meantime dion't for- the m 'JDey will be used withm the ~1ftY M her bome in. WayneSvUI!' completes his work at the Ohio pm;ed of Est er lLukens. Shirley get the leque. we are pl~ in a~ ~un1~ ir. w~ich it is raised. . Monday .~na &it &:30 o~clOCk , State UnlVUlSity there. • Lawson. Fa.re Oreedl, and Phyi. ~OD. We pJj.y thffi' eveI'Y' ~ed\- EIght per cen will be used in t.he neath IWII6 attributed to a re.m-ia c • Bailey. pt\fpared ginger bread and nesday ni~ht at the Memorial Hall. state and, the rema1n.1.ng 5 per cem ,lAPure alter a week of serlOUS i1" - MILL CREEK BRIDGE "" punch. which ;was served on a beauJust to show you what your m.ts&- I·for the ooord!na.tJon of National pro· !!e&6. OPENED 11JES Y Uully decorated tea-ta."~ ing lut Wednesday ·at Lebanon we graouI. I She was the -.v1dow of Charlrs DA While the guests were enjGlying the squeezed. ithrough a vicoory over itUmost lIoJ1ty years a gu, the first Janea andl is survived by two S~:1S · State Higb ·a y . Dept . . workmen refre&hm~nts, the following program Herb's Place 37 to 35 and thell.!an-......am&tmas · Seals were sold in OhIo. 1Dmn' and R~y Jones, both of completed repair 0 : tihe bndge be- was presen~; other . over Mason or. Thursday In 1910 tile deatb raIte from tuberWaynesville; thirteen grandchildren t ween COrwin and Wayr.esvllle on P lano Solo _ Pa'W;y Baird; Vocal n1ght 35 to 33. culOlSds WII8 143 per 100,000 person alld' 6 gr~t gmndehUdren. Tuesda.y for use by t.ram!:. Duet _ Flora and' Leah 'Thomip&On; Don't get the Idea that basketball ar-d' in tt.h~t year there were 6,8H ~ 'Funeral servleel!l1 ,were conducted a t Solo _ Joanne O'Bann10r.; lfl'mn- ill our only., interest. On Dec. 7.th deaths frem the white plague. In • ~ McClure Puneral)'Ome on Wed- ANNIVERSARY. TUESDAY l An~ Weltz; Faye Creech June ~- another dance will be held aJt the that yeaI' also the Christmas Seals 6esd'ay B,t 2:00 p . m. with R 3bent L : CELEBRATE 56TH WEDDING Uler; 'Shirley Lawso~. Waynesville High School Gym start- Sale In Ohio amiOunted to $37.235.27 Va.n Z1le of ~ be WayneS'V1lle Church Mr. and Mrs. F . A. Snider of ing at 9;00 P. M. Price 50c straight. and the money was lmmed<1a.tely put I . Christ otflc1e.ting. ~ celebrated their 56th SPENDING TBANKSGlVUiG Irvin Swindler's Orchestra fur- to work fighting tUberculO6is. 'Burlal was inade Ir. the M!aml Wedd.ng Anniversary, Nov. 26. They Mr. and Mrs. Lester Gordon will nished the music for our last dance In 1945, ttbe death rate from tuberQem! tery. are tlte pa·r ents of Mrs. J. Wad~ spend 'I'haI'.Jtsg1v1ng Day with Mrs. and not one single compl~t have' culG61s In Ohio was 36:5 per 100,000 C1I WaynEsv1lle. ~ Henderson. we heard so he is agaln scheduled and there 'Were only 2.513 deaths for that evening; Everyor.e therefrom the disease. The annual ChristkRS·1f:LLA HURLEY seemed to, enjoy themselves the last mas Seal Sale Ir. 1946 amOWllted to P.usES· AWAY ' dance so why dor.'t more of you t925,406.89. every cent of which. 18 . MnI. Ella Hurley. passed awa¥ at come o!!,t and jo1n in. being \.lSed 'to further reduce Gbe of her daU4rhter, Mrs. Alice number ot de8lths and need.le6s sutOf Xenia. 0Ill fdonday a,t 9:00 MRS. HERINGTON fering caused by tubercul<161s.
Mmiage Announced For unstmastime . ·
••• Your Protedion Against Tuberculosis
..~M.r:s~~l?o~~S "
j ~ bom~
W'EEK-II of PREACHING WaynesVl h h e Methodist Cure Dec , 1st to 6th, '1'946
addition ¢O the daughter ~e .sUNDAY DECEMBER I, 10:30 A. M. a\il'V1wd by Mn!. Robert Pumas, SERM ON THEME' "Religious Training" , ,Joe 8hunbaUlba.Dd MrIr. RayThe Rev. Lester 'Norris, Delaware, Ohio Executive Second W1lr.m residing r.ear Waynesretary of 'R eligious E.<!.~~cation of the Ohio Conf4~rence. e. SUNDAY EVENING 7 :30 IPuJleral servkes we~ ~\Wted . SER'MON .THEME,', "A Christian without A~OlOgy" ~, '!burs. at 2:30 p. m. at the New The ' Rev. Paul D· Chiles, Minister of the ethodist Burlmgton MethOdJat Qlurch With Church of Lebanon, 'Ohio· R~v. Wamsley officlaUng. Mi'B. MONDAY EVEN,fNG, MEETING, lJ~ley W'I6 a lif«:-long member of TUESDAY ·EV!NING 7:30 . the church. Burial wUl be made at SERMQN ~ The Rev. Jolin W. Wedgewood 1tJnnister 4:be' cemetery .there, Trinity MethodiSt rch Xenia, Ohio. ' •
Mrs. J~le," Herington. wife of RUey H~on passed away ·at .her GO ON SALE home near Waynesville on Saturday IN COUNTY rooming after an illness of about Letters' were sent out tlhis week rour years. She ,w as 58 Ylf61'6 0 f from ·t he· of#lce of Warren' ,.._._ty
vv .....
Tuberculosis and Ikalth As6OC1atlon l3e81de her husband she, fa sur. under the signa:ture of Qean E. Stanvived by her mother, Mrs. SaraIl ' ley, ~ Seal 0ha.1nnan, &0."7 Bolender,. of .the same relli~r.ce; nouncing the 1946 campaign that ;:~ brother, Garland Bolender of is now in effect. In' 1946 Warren c, . Q)unty received 2000 X-raYs; 130 Funeral senr1cea were condu::ted at complete physical examinations for the IIcOluZe PuDeral mae CID'1W8- eleventh grade boys in C?unty.; free da.v a 1:00 p . m. with RoSen Van- tUm 8erv1ce ,f or ' OI'ganizUons; and ZUe. Minister of the WaynesvUle free Ut.elatUre ar.d speakers bureau. Ohurch of Christ oUAclating ' 're \ 194'1 more than 7,000 person in Bul1a.l was made 1r. . ~well Warren CoUDltiy will be given X~Ray cemetery near Montgomery, Ohio. exam1na.Uons.
WEDNESDkY ' Ev.£N'I NG 7:30 SERMON THEME; _','One Thing Thou Lackest" DUNHAM WHitE Th.e. R'~. Thomas. Adf91e~d, Minister, Methodist Church, ~KSENTERED Wlhmmgton, OhIO' 'N LAYING TEST THURSDAY EVENING 7 :30 YOUTH NIGHT , .~dt~g to a report. received . SERM ON-THEME: ! Whither Youth" f~ the !In Laytnc Te8t IWt John The Rev. Allen W. Caler, Minister South 'Park Metho~teton ~t~ Oollege. Stepdist Church, ~ayton, OhIO. tienvilLe, Texas, the DRlr1bam WbiIte FRIDAY EVENING' 7:30 . ,.~ Palm oJ ,Route 2, Waynesv1Ue SERMON THEME: "An Adequate Religion for an . ' . Sheet. of ~ seal~ cont.eJn ar..ve entered two penIS of White, I. . . . Atomic Age'" TB~SGlVlNG ,qVESTS " tour aeais of t.be Portraits of .. the _ :~ tb lor the contest. Ettrles The Rev· Howard Mumma, Minister Methodist Church, aa.. _~ ~bbe. aDd·, Bet.rl four person largely respor..stble for' . Ot,i w '~' from -15 statAia have been Franklin, Ohio. . Hewlett of 0'/110 State Ur.lversJ.ty the success of the first United States i..niOelved to ·date. Tbe contest. fJtartB : A cordial invitation' IS exteded to our community to' wW spend 'l'he.nkagiving with Mr. C lbr1stmae ·Se-.I :Sale in 190'1, ru-. '. ~ . , attend th'eee service.. UId ~, J . B. Ol'abbe: Bi88elI, v~ VallteDburg and ~. ~.1. ' J
DESSERT-BRIDGE HELD AT TEA ROOM THURSDAY Mrs. ·K enneth Po" was ho6tess to a dessert-bridge 'held a t Smith's Tea Room on' Thursday. Nov. 21 w1!.h the following persons present: Mrs, S . L. R{)blnson; Mrs. Ross Hartock ; Mrs. H. F . Dye; Mrs. K . R. Hill; ' Mrs . John Turner; Mrs. carl Oonard; Mrs. A . T . Polinsky; Mrs. Maynard Weltz; Mrs . Ernest Edgl.n8Jl;on; Mrs . ahodes BUnnell ; Mrs . Mark Rogers ; Mrs. Mack Wilson ;
Mrs. Don Ha.wke; Mrs . Wade'l'urr.er; Mrs . Lewis Thomp6on: Mrs. D . R. &nith; Mrs . Morris Fulkerson; Mrs . A . E. Stout; Mrs :- Russell Ifolliday and Mrs . tra Brown of FrankUn. Pr1JJes were Won by Mrs. Brown.
stratlon of products designed by the Meredith a.lId family near Bell. Fuller ' Brush Co. brook. Rev. Ra lph Par ks and family of Mr. and Mrs .. La.w1erence Hough Dayton called on Misses Anr.le an d entertained the members (1f the Ma:yme Browne Sunday afternoon. Advisory Council at their ' home. Mrs. Mary Berryman of Columbus Tuesday evening. and Mrs . J am es Stoops of . Van Wet·t , The Order of the Eastern s tar OWo called on the Misses BJ'()'WP.e oonducted a regular meeting a t the and Miss Minnie Dodson Wednesda y Masonic Temple, Thursday evenafternoon. l\.ir. and Mrs. Fred Hunt of Oolum- in·g. Ml'8. Luetle Armitage spent S unbus; Mr. and Mrs. Richard Schenok day In Sprlr.gfteld at the home of of Dayton; and Mr. a nd Mrs. Robher da'Ugihter. MrB . Woodrow Owens ert Schulke of Dayton. and! family. . Miss Ruth Ohandler entertained EDENFIELDS ENTERTAIN Dr. Emma Holloway spent TuesMr. and Mrs. Ralph E<1enfield en- day and Wednesday in . Dayton. the 11be NeW Oentury Club of Waynesville Sit a hmcheon Sit the Town tertained Mr. and Mrs. Charles guests of relat~ves . Charleton and their daughter. Doris. Mrs. Luelle AnnIta8e and Mrs. &aturday evening. Russell Bentley spent Thursday in O1nc1nna.tI.
TIlE MIAMI GAZE'ITE - Pap I WAl:'NESVILLE. omo - NO. 4292 THUDSDAY. NOVE1\IBER 211. 1946 House 1r.. Franklin Friday afternoon. Mrs. Newton Dearth and daughtel' Miss Ida Dearth called on their cousins Dr. and Mrs . F . B. Gregg On Sunday a fternoon. Mrs. L. M. Cha.ndoer was a guest a.t the New Century Olub a.t the Towr.. House in Franklln on FrIday .
PRONE NEWS ITEMS TO 21t.l 01' 2910
Mrs. EvaIyr.. PeteroSlOIl and Miss M1nn1e Dodson a ttend.ed .the meeting of the New Century Club a t spec1aj nJar.kSIg1vtng servtoee were the Town House In Frankl1n on conducted Sunday evening a t the FrIday. Methodist ChW'ch, when the local M!as Ma.rp.ret Edwards is visitfalb of all Protestant reUgtons in&' her nephew WUaoIt Edward" and pa.l!tlc1peJted in the services. . famUy near Sprtnsfie1d. Mrs. A, S . Collett and Mrs. Osee Mrs. Sallie Meredith spent .Bun-
~cO.tlure Jlfmural ~llm.e Dial 2111
Waynesville, Ohio
Mrs. Stout. cor.solatlon.
of Miss Mae Ha.rlan at her coUntry-
hO:Day!liOn were Sunday Wieland Of near guests of Mrs. Wlelanda parents. Mr. and Mrs. 'Latst Friday Miss Ruth Ohandler Charles Wetzel.
of the Home was hostess to Mr. and Mrs. H . S . Tucker apent the New Century Olub a.t the Town several days this 'Week as the house
House 1r.. Franklln with Mrs. Jobn Fromm In charge of the p'rogram. A short business seas10n was held a t ,the beilnn1n8 of !.he meeting. The main attraction of the day was a talk given by Mfs. Ha2le1
~ests Of
Mr. and Mrs. John WUllams in AmeUa. :Mr. WWiam 'Oh1p' Dixon. one of the eldeJ'lyo residents ~of the vtllage 18 reported to be slowly progress_ ' q. lo~ his recent 1llnees.
museum and a brief history of the old relles In the muaem. Also a brief h istory of the building Itself. A deUehtM hlncheon followed lihe elOl!le at Ute meeting.
The W. S.
o. S held their meeting
of Nov. 21 a t the home of Mrs.
Harvey Rye. Mrs. J . B. Crabbe spoke to the membe1'8 on "At Work Together". :1 chapter of the work they are doing served dellc10us refreshments. PolIOWling h~ t alk the hostesf this )'e8~. 500 DINNER CLUB RAVE THANKSGIVING PARTY On Nov. 3. 1Mt. and Mrs. J. B. Ohapman were host and! hostess to a Thanksgiv1ng party held at thetr borne '1~ fiIembers of the 500 d1r.Iler club. Guests for the dinner were ilt4rs. caste Oollett of Harveysburg and Mr. and '.Mrs. R . J. MJller. WILMINGTON GUESTS Mr. and Mrs. I!la.rl McOoy of WllmII.~n WE\l'e 8lUlday ~te of Mr. and Mirs. Lawrence COOk.
gueat of
I-LJ ,. II;;",
_ .~
8 HMEA D 8erVice 8t.atIon ~L WAYNESVW OHIO' .~
The P. T. A. met at the ~ditortum building. Wedneeday evening The special pt'(ltp'am of the eVen!n8 ' was pt"eSeDtled by students of the Primary Olaa entertained ' the audience with their receIlltly organized: toy-band. The group was d1rec·ted ,b y Mrs. Edna Oompton Bogan. music instructor In Ithe looal school system. Mr:" and ~. Wilbur Sh1daker entJertalned In compliment to the Adult Bible 0Iaas of Jonahs' Run <'hurch. Tuesday eve~ . . Mrs. Howard Gra.ha.ln. waa hostess. to the members of the M1Ssionary 8oclE¢1. a.fflbated iWlth the Jonahs Run Ohurch. Wednesday evening. J.wJa'. and Ml's. WW1am P. McCarren enteIlta1ned with a d1niner Th\.1llldi8.y evening for the pleasure of Mrs. McCarren ' motlher, Mrs. Laura Shldaker. who has recently ~turned home from A!benIuerque. N. Meldco. \Mere she visited her SOIlin-law and daught er. Mr. and Mrs. Clinton Gray~ The guests were Mirs. Paullne VUlars and son 'BillY' <A Xenia. Mrs. A. S . Collet t. Mrs. Osee iHar~ Ian and MftI. lJca Ourl Were Dayrtx>n . VislItors Wedneeday. Mrs. Howard Ora.ham Invited a co~pany of friends to her home
~ Lou Moor~ was a week-
~~~~M:~e' O;::=' ~~~ ~I= Phllllps, chatrman of tlbe Warren of
you'r .IJ,I,·n M rAW t,'ng TO . ' v... '. StaT so~r:ve
CHILDREN VISIT ON SUNDAY S~day guests of Mr . . and Mrs. Alva I..u<Mngtor. were their chJldren FrIday nis'ht to attend a demonI
,-You"Sfii" ••~ or WePa 1
THAT PAYS MORE TO LIVE THAN DIE We Have Itl Details without Obligation.
~ You'll Start every time,
au winceI' long,
if you come to .us for the regular winter service which car manufacturers recom-
mend. Tbere ate no frills, no ext ras to
pay 'for-just care~ul. complete protection
every ~ar o\1ght to·have. But ~e guarantee
STRENGYH (1.250)
An Retirement Income Policy
your motor will start every time, or Sohio
e'.e to pay 'or.
will pay your garage bill f~r starting service. Don'twaidoll the rusb, come in tod~y!
t edStfJrti .
, \
·6000 OLD TURK~Y DAY While bhe liJhoughts of m06t of us naturaJ1y tum ,t o turkey when we t.hink · of· 'I'lla.nlts8"lvlng Day, 1t is well for us to .al8(itlhink of the bless1np tbat are ours personally and as .. people. F1rst. we should' be. thankful t hat • we are IAmerica.ns. No country on the face of the earth has beer. more rlChly ~ than our own United Btatn; of Amer1ca. Next. we lIhould
be thanltlul for the prlvl1ege we enjoy of llving in thts fine commun1~ I True. there are !IOOle things we may not like .about our own commur.ity just aa there are some t.h1ngs we don't lit!! a.bout the w&<vour nation. al afta1ra are conducted. This should be a challenge .to us to paryJclpa.te more actively 1n eff<Jrlt!l to correct these situations. One ~ or.ly to sojourn 8IWa~ from . h~e for a While
We Give Thanks
to learn thal "the old 'home tpwn" 18 a ,p retty good place 1n <#blch to live after aU. Just ask some of our returned war veterans! · . This year. in particular. aU of should be truly thankful. Strife. turm~n. and ·,ur.certa.1nty still aifmc!, many of ·the ·people of the WO'J'Jd in spite of the fact that the War J,s over, . There are sttU many problem.s for Us to solve here at home. but these
,Rogers &,Simpson Tractor Sales
WaynesviUe'Furniture and . Appliance Co~ . Phone 2422
Waynesville, 0
Stubbs Funeral ·Home
McClure Funeral Home Phone 2111
are noth1ng compared 'to the hopeless cond1tions faced by many pe0ples of the world today. Grateful that weare privWged to live and do business In this· fine COOlJIluruty, we, the firms and lndtviduals ,who&e names appear belOW. d~e to gl·ve public thanka and expression to ,t he above tho\l8'hta at this -fta~ksg!v!n g Se86or..
Stewart's Thrift-E Market Groceires and Meats Frozen Foods
FAIRLEY HOWE. STORES Established 1849, Hard\Varc -- Stoves
Phone 2291
Electrical Appliances
SMITH'S ·MEAT MARKET Wayne.sville Drug.Store Phone 2121
Waynesville Repair
HYMAN'S Phone 2681
, I,
The Miami Gazette EST A B LIS H E D 1 850 ' PubUshed Every Thursday by DAVISSON PR.ES8 FLOYD L. DAVISSON, Editor Entered as Second CII!.66 Malter at the Post Office Subscrlptlon Rates: '1.50 per Year in Advance
National Advertising Representatives Ohio Weeklies, Inc., 2465 W. Broad Street, Columbu 4, Ohio THANKSGIVING AT GRAN DMA'S
led to th e abbrev.latlon. Watch your p's and Q·s. The cloudy origin of ac\ag'es make It almOst Impossible to prove either upposltion but. a t the risk of "ha:rsplitting" over incidentals. I would 11ke to know it there 15 a.nyone Intereated enough in derivations to diSprove my in!ormaUon. Respectfully. Raylyn Cra.bbe -----My D ear EcUtor Davisson.
ther seen or heard m usL originate I"rcm the mouths of someone eLse. In other 'I\'Ords you have based your s ta tem ents upo~ hearsay. My ellen elc are golrg to be what I make rjlem. If. IlS Il careless person I pern:;It, them to disobey law. and defy ~e comm<m forms of good company maMers. they will ·follow along this path. but if I , as !l good' citizen. a well-bred per on . 11.1low only decency. my clientele will 8)' COLLIER follow 'this path likewise. Thooe who don't care to be law I'm sure a fellow like you. wi:.h IIlblding url.1er my discipline will an ('duoatioI! . and a· respected preleave my tavern. on their own. fess10n would r.ot deliberately print falsehoods and libelous sta.bem e-nts Mr. Davisson I am asking- you ·s in thJs paper. However. though mis- o~ gentlemrul> to Ule other to re.in!ormatlon. you printed an article tract these sbatements }'OU aJlowed entlUed 'Dry Ridge. a Farm Dian" IYOUI' ..oolumnist to write I\/ld be by D . J . P'razier. in the November 14. PUb!lshed. I hold r.o grudge ap.1nst Is th t Is gt I~ft • ,the '!luthor. Q.erta.1nly a lady with sue a v'"'-'6 me real concern. the culture and breeding she has As you know, I. Mr. William Peer . uld t ma&e ha~ advertised In The Miami ·wo no . such a !a.lse:hood Ouette Jus ~ft~"l I b- dellberBitely, I fe~ &he was sincere • . t'E~ •• Y 8U but has been m.l.sin.f0l'med at least scribed to the paper. Naturally as h I ·w ere am concerned. However. . owner and manager of th e "Lone. some Pine" I oou1d not h el resent_ .'tlUa article . has caused me grief and p I must ask some correction to log this atltlcle against my estabublicl t ollow lishment and my patror.s. p y , The article began with a falSeSincerely, hood In stating that Clearcreck Mr. WUllam Peer. • 'IIwp. was voted "dry" !Records wUl prove that the township was voted !ldttors ~ote: CorrectJon regvd."wet" 'by over mty votes. . ing above made following week in The article then Igoes on Ito slan- Dry Rld8e column. nus ool~ . 1s der my establlshm~nt. by stating roOt edited but Is printed aa a better that it Is notorious, very del: to Itbe Editor: The writer is respon1r.itely lmplytng that liquor is for sible tor any erz'9l'8. sale here along with the beer. Thls
_. . .;:. ~~ ~a.
l II
o c
o Jl Jl
cl e4
o b
November 19, 1946 Dear Mr. Da~ . • I dtaacree 'Witb III very minor but interestlnr detatl appea.r1.ng In the Miami oa.ze.tte ot November U. In One of ,toe lead ' parqrapba. the'
axiom. "Watch...)'OOl' p's and q'~ wu referred to as havtnc beeDl . derlved
. •
. ......
C\, AI
We wish to 1lxpreS$ our sincere ' thaw to all friends a.nd relativea tor the sympathy Shown us in our recent bereavement. We especially want to thank the donors of the many floral offertnp, Rev. L. O. Radley tor his words of oomfort · and the Boyer Puneral Home tor the ~t1cieDti way In wbJdl they oonducted the aervlces. ~. Emma Boger and Fam.Uy
Demand deposits In country banks
statement no permit IsItoab6olut.ely sell llIquorfalae:-I and Ihave am
' & Son Armitag~
MOaaOW ' No. • LEB.\NON Oftlce ''JI1t
R.S. UlL
citizen. demand my patrons compl1ance with the llaw 10 every l'e~, Likewise I will comply with the la.'W BInd sell only those prodUcts for wh~h I am Itlgally licensed.- I "ShalI nOt· tolerate ~~ytain. or an,yth1n8 . obscene in D1)' eat&bUabment. 'rhtf a.rt1cle', in my interPretation. 1ntimated I was IUao di.sreprd1ng ·the law as weU as my 'Pl'~. Mr. 'Dt,v1Ii8on or !oltrs. have either'" ychi vts1ted ilie ' "Lar.eeome
_ - - - - -...............--~------------....... ·P ine" duting 1Ihe tllme that .1
A Complete
INSURANCE REAL ESTATE AUCTION,SALES In 1944 W'e purchased The Waynesville Insurance Agency and in 1946 The O. M"Ridge Agency, the two were 'combined, with out own agency, offe,ring the best 'in Fire, ' Casualty and Automobile Insurance at
duet. a MOre that Ia the scene of con ttnua1 bwdneee 86 he Is ILbreast of the t1mee ar.d as with other cornmod1tles on the market, prices his i""~h~~~aooda ,t o &ttraot the ,wtse buy~r. Ev~ family mould have dlamond& prec1ou8 8tOtJeS, wa.tchea and aIlver that f.N to beoome famtly he1rJooKns. 'l1heIie must be aood and a_dve. They m\l8t conform to tllie style and dreee of the We&l'e~. • . ~ tully reauze& tlUa &nd
iJ)lace& the stock at prices that are ·a.ttnIctlve to the thrI!ty and careful To my ~ledgc! you have not; buyer. The time to buy .1s right nowl therefore that wh1~i:h you hIlive e1- Be baa a large stock &!nd wU1 give
been owner?
of Thankl
a 11
-~----' ------
yoUI' Idell5 arA desires Indlvid'l.l.\l attention,. In t~ event thB/t y>,)u desire something original. he WUI create it tor YOU and Its charm will t Ul be the admlra.tlon of futuro generations. The head of every family who de sires to perpetuate the family name, should see tlhat all members of the family are the recipients of j ewels wh'ose brlllianoe will outlast time. This has lor.g been the custom In \ ancient clvWzatlons where there L., wealth. The' jewels of Solomon, the Ind1a.n Nabobs. the Crowns and famWes have beoome hlstoric. Amerl.ca Is the land of wea.lt h and It Is part Of our duty to pootertty Wh10h should not be neglected.
In 20 states four h1I'her in JUly, UNB,were than in tUnes IIH!: butI 10 NOT selling it. I am selllng beer, per cent of the famte'J\ol had. 70 per . wh1ch I'm prtvU~ged to do. in Cent Of those cIeposlta. and 60 per accordance with the permit I 'PQII8eSe FINE DIAMONDS cent of lIle t~ bad roO depolPta. any statement · to cor.trari is un- At to w. Third St.• DaytOn baa been . we. aQdi there!ou. . of libelous ·n a- dYlnr reliable "",ee and ,t ure. In Dlamondll, Watehe. aDd lewe!r7 As .... a correction to D. J. i'ruler. far"er 35 , . , . • . . 8epreIentaorl&1nilJly from the printina trade. I want her to undet'stand that the tift f . all I..... ma..llfM&..... . AlJ I UDdmstand it. th1s particular manager of a tav'ern, controls hls 01 rille slb'er . . . Offerinr eseellellt ., fit. 'ord•• Cow apotbt'Jllll. 'WU born around the Eng- c11entele. the c1ientele 00ea NOT con- val... . . . Now Is tbe time 'to buy llsh tavern barroom m Wh1ch it trol the tavern. C)l' the manacer· dIamonda, J"cloaa s&oaes. aad aUwas cu&tc,mary. to hang on the wall, Mrs. 'Pl'azIer 8a1& "Changes in own- . . ....Icb wilt become famIIT beIrIL sign whioh warned the overlY-en- erslUp Nove made little difference looms • . . Store o/lOTelJ ,1ft. with thu.s.taatio dr1nke.l'8 .Iio "Watch your because it was what the people who a&tnClihe Hne or Costume ' lewelr7 Pinta and Quart'S." 'mle ubiquity and went there .wanted: 1 can not say , , . Wa&Gh ancl leweirJ ~r fam1l1art~ ell the8e ~admonlahments of :' what calaber my predeceeaors ancl Bemo,lellq . , , Tel. ADamlI were at the "Lonesome f1r.f' but I tan -y ' that 1 :as a reepectable ~- .Amor Neubauer at Dayton· con-
Amor Ne.ubauer
Rich . , . smooth . . , delicious •. .. th(Jt's Borden's whipping cream! Use it for .cakes, pies, desserts • . . wherever you' want somet h i n g extra good.,. something that will bring "Oh's" and "Ah's" from · your family and guests'..
Have y,our Borden routeman lea ...e you some regularly', or ask for BOrden's' whipping cream by name at your. favorite store.
AUToMA'tIC DOOR BOTTOM Stops Drafts - Saves .F uel
's tandard rates. Prompt settlement of claims.
Waynelville, .O hio ... BSTABLISBED 1812
Phone 2651
Building pa.per
W ·. B. Madden & Co.
.. 11_l t ,f: oOf ' {"11
, .
TOE MIAMI GAZETTE - Pare 5 Gay RecorcUo for the recordin8 of WAYNESVILLE. OHIO - NO. 4292 rec1tab1ons. songs or music on any THUDSDAY. NOVEMBER 28. 19'6 1nstnutrumt. Here, they will make a
lasting ;record of Y'Our ohildren OS voices for the coming years; ar.d too. everyone should have a recording of Uheir voice whUe in their prime: For those who are seeking profeS8ional careers and enga.gements The Recordio can make a transcription for ar. audition and m.a.rl3' engagements have been consummated. upOn the hearing of the recc,rds. Their line of toys cons1sts of so many ur.usuall on-es which will be a delight to any boy or girl. Those for infants are ed.uO&tlonal and in tlhts fme assortment of sturdUy built toys you will rtnd ones which will be a. Joy for a long b1rne to come. They are greatly atd1I:g in the 'placing ot. 'hom:~ and farms Upon more efficient basis andl,thelr merchandjae fa beaulllful as well as prao_ ticaL making most ~table gltts for 8ll¥ time of the year.
Good Housekeeping Shop
Adamson, for nloney only and othPROBATE COURT er relief, Young and Young atty . . In the matter of the estate or Anna ' Lee Lambel·t \'S . Marion Ma belle K. Richardson, dec'd., GilLambert, divorce, e\'treme cruelty bert C. Hunkins appoinled exec uJ. T. Riley, atty. tor. Ro y I-aacs VB . Rhoda and Rov In the ma tte r of the estate o·r Knott for partition of real e ·tat~, William Hoff, uec'd., Al ton D. Hoff Stanley and St.anley, atty. and Wild a B nnett administrators Eu el and Vivian Fro. tv. M. T. fil ed fir .. t, fi nal and distribu ti ve Adam ' on, for money only a nd oth. account. er relief Young and Young, atty. In the ' matter of the state of Vesta McGaha \·s. Welby Mc- Webster Laird Kirby, dec'd., Nelli e Gaha and The Lebanon Citizens Kir by admini tratrix fi led first and National Bank, divorce, extreme final account . cruelty, C. Donald Dilatush, atty.
WaynesvUle's sponsored Bask tball team boWlded into a tiE- for first position in the Wa.rren County Next to tile Bank on BrDlldway. LebIndepenJdent Ba.sk,etball leilgue. Wedr.esday Nov. 20. by outla.'iting anon, are a most attraoUce liDe. of quallt.y merchand~e which will make P ete and Tommy's and V,1.n.njnIT , 35 excellent. rUta for any occasion . .. to 33. Da"e DeW WUcoz-Gay Recordlo. The TIle local lads took over where 1Ihey, as the county league champs Radio Public Address System. Reelordlo and Record Players aU In one of last year. left off in troun.cing REAL ESTATE TRANSFERS Set . . . WlU make a IaaUq ~rd the Fish Fryers who the post season Ruth Worman to Lottie B. a nd 01 JOUr children'S "olees at a reasonoperated. under the r.a.me of HA~l1b's Paul W. Stokes lot in Franklin. able price If 10U stop In . . . Also, Place. After holding the lead Clifford and Catherine Veidt to headquarters lor Frfpclalre Relrlcthroughout. the Legion's team bare- Charles and Olive .Hahn 2 lots in era&or1l. Raqes. Electric Beaters. ly outlasted a. determined last mIn- Butlerville. ute drive by t.be lower-country boys. . George S. and Mildred S. WiI- Every family Will cherish the memOb'mple RadiO. anel comblnat.ionS. Speed' Queen Washera. Ironen, ConThe contest W86 punctuated by ham s to Alvin and Hubert Sam ' ory of & laat trlbute th.t wu ' dJgn1tted and fitt1n8 in. eveq Ion Wubers. lront"', TOTS 01 all blcker1r'.g ~1ch seemed to add to 0.35 acres in Turtlecreek twp. reapeol J esse Mentz to Floyd and Gerkinds. lam... Uhtversal line of Ap. the interest of spectators but bardtrude Rose lot in Franklin. puanoee, BaeSeher Mus1cal ImtMlly placed either team In line for any C. T. Bishop to William P. and menla and SuppU~ lor MUllica. Insport6mansh1p trophies that migh t ~ay Behymer 0.74 acres in Wash.tnunenla . . • Tel. 23. .: . . .. .. .. I be in view. ~ngton twp. The Good HOU8ekeeping Shop in SHORTS AND 'MlDDLINGS Locally speaking, Big Bill Sa,wyAlbert L. Ertel to Alice Hill 4 Lebanon Is the oer.ter of much inHt'nry cour.ty fanners ,got a: 1946 er pta.yed the finest ' game of his lots in Foste.rs Park. terest because oftihe large Une of avemge ef eight tons of tomatoes car.eer s1r.ce dOnning the WaynasWilliam E. and Nellie Vearil to quaUty ,mereh&ndJ.se which·' they per acre on 3,800 acres contracted ville colors, standing out in both Hilda and Robert Stauss li.78 ~ve been able to assemble for the by one cannery. defensive ana offensive play. Bob acres in Hamilton twp. Telephone 2291 Holiday trade, Beo&uae or the wide Planck played. his usual dependil.ble The Crosley Corp. Cincinnati to va.nety of Ibhelr stoek and the high The bitth aate to rural areas in- Pme. The Crosley Broadcasting Corp. sta.Ddard of the lines handled. it will creased 9.f per cent from 1940 to Boorlr.g honors for the 'loeers were 167.92 acres in Deerfield twp. Lawrence D. Banta to Andrew be worUh ymtr whlle to stop in for 1944. while the urban birth r8lte in- sha.red by OUptn and Henderson. All county league gaxnea in which T. Sr., and Ida T. Strouth 1.17 a aeIectIon wtlich will"prove or'last. · creased 15.8 per ce~t in tha.t same acres in Clearcreek twp. ing uttafactlOl! to all members of period. Waynesvtll~ will pruticlpate w1ll be Joseph Beebe and Alice MiI'ls to the houaebold. on Wedr.esday night a t Han:non Edward Earl and Bonnie Younker They arefeatw1~g the Wilcox- USE GAZETTE CLA8StnED AD5 Hallin LebanOn. Games played Ioe- lot in Avalon Heights. .. Aad Your S~reDgth and _ _ . , ". ally Will ~ On Thursday evenings. Energy b Below Par . WaynesnUe h lllaY be oaaecl by dIaorder of kldMARRIAGE LICENSES My fUllct~oll ·that permltll POlllODoua P Wells S. Bridge, 23, Franklin. F wute to ac:almulate. For truly mall)' T people f..1 tired, weak IUld ml.earable 8 clerical worker; Frances L MurPlanck S 2 wb_ the kldll.,. fall to remove exc:e. fray, 17, Franklin, sales Lady. aeldl IUld otller waite matter rrom tbo ' Pl1ce 3 0 blood. . • 2 Kesler Graham, 54, Dayton, elec. 1'011 IU)' lIU6.r Ilan!ac backache, Osborr.. 1 0 rbeamaU" pa!IlI, beadAcbe., d luln-. rubber molder; Gertrude trode Bawyer pttiAIJ up mlbla, lee pain•••• lI ill!t. 6 2 14 Carter, 53, Lebanon, clerk. .
S T ,U B B S .......... HqdB
When You-r: .: ;. Back Hurtsi'
1 1
Henry Greenwald, 64, Loveland; s general contrat or; OUie Branden2 burg, 62, South Lebanon, clerk. 35 Paul Roberts, 23, Fratlklin, part13 -manager; Jewel Lorene Baker 18, T Franklin, beautician. ' George H. Weber, 32, Loveland, carpenter, Esther M. Romohr 26, 1 Loveland factory worker. ' d Robert A. Cooper, 76, Lebanon; 3 Lucy Moehring, 73, Lebanon. 10 10 WAYNESVltLE . ~ . 33
Pete aDd Tommrs
P B. Johnson
We' invite your inspection of
our very f~e selection of Holiday Jewelry Items.
to Will's Jewelry Stoie for Dev;eloping
YOUI 'F ilms
1 1
C. Johnson
·R . Henderson
0 5
0 0
The .first game of the newly
Team Sponsored by the local W&3r:De Twp. Post. 616 of the American Le-
In the main event of the evenmi
the visitors by a floal 37
,topped the
soortng wlth
nir.e,potnts and B. Osborn with
~~~ r!
WaY,Jl~sville, 'Ohio
at Belcher'. Sonoco StatioD- Phone
erf A ' R FiG R USED ' .... CARS ." sl
et &1 to elall . Woi)dward real' os·t ate Harding of entailed estate, J. T. Riley, atty. Eunice Bair vs. Arlie Bail', divorce extreme cruelty, J. T. Rilley'
.....·~jhJ~~~'iIi·IlIaJ;.lI;tJlJdlGdtiJtd~~h' .tty~· , . VS. D. K. Euel and Vivian Frost
. )•
II 'I (.
NEW SUITS Alamae Yost vs. Raymond C. Yost" divorce, extreme cruelty, C. Donald Dilatush, atty. Minnie . Woodward vs. Lilly
Any mak,, or mo.d.·el Fred Kahn Motof· Car Co •. -
gion was played at the Higih 8cbOQI =jiiii~~iiiiii~~iiiiijijiiiiiiiii_iiiii_iii_iiiiiiiP Gym on Thursday evening Of last ==
Wayne~vUle got lototheir stride and
.North Street .near. H!gh·School -
held with Waynesville dropping, the :e:m~a;:. w Mason by the SOCX'e
' ·ce'" '. HUNTER Ph·oto .- Sem
ed Indeper..denrt League Baake'tb&ll
. The opponentB were from IMMon, a. prellm1nary and' a. main go 11788
.f -'I
otber lip thot IOmetbinlll ",ronl wilh the kidney. or bl.ddor. There .hoilid be 110 doubt that prompt u-tmellt . I, wiler than lIealect. Use 000"" PiU,. It II better to rely on a medlellle that bu woo eoulltry",ldo at:. ! I'ro.,.1 tbu 011 .omethlnll_ (ovo:a!J.y .... o~. 000.', ha ve booell tried and te«t.~a:-~-=. Are .t all dru~ . L~, 'J.
The best way to keep these cherished ,memories of your children is through portraits. LET US HELP YOU KEEP THESE MEMORIES· Our modern equip· ment and superior craftsmanship assures you of pertt:ctio~~. complete satisfaction, and lasting beauty. Make appointments now for Holiday photographs.
SolDltim. rrequollt ana . canty urlao&I0Il with .martlu, and bumlDI f. an·
- -----
.. I,'
. Refrigerator & Washer' Repairing ~arts ALL MAKES AND TYPES OUR WORK IS GUARANTEED We\ also do l RADIO and PHONO Repair I
Home Appliance Store Across from the Bank . WAY N E S V ILL E • ' O 'H! 0
s. I
Why count yc'Urselt amon g the "they" W'!lO whisper what t hey dare not
8 . Coleman. MJDJIter SUNDAY SCHOOL 11:30 J . J. Burske, Supt. WORSHTP SERVICE ' 10:30 YOUTH FELLOWSHIP, Thursday, 7:30 CHOIR PRACTICE Wednes(4) , 7:30
A. M.
S11spiclon ma y arise trom na.ught A. M. But malice. envy, want of thought, "They say" but why the tale rehearse And help to make the mat ter worse ? P. M. No good can possibly accrue From telllng wha.t may be un ture: And Is It r.ot a nobler plan To spe,a k of a.ll, the best YOU ca.n? p.
lAy Reeder-In ch8.1'ge "They say" Well. It it sl}ould be 6 0 . 9:30 a. m. Church Schoo1. 11 a. m .. Why need you tell the tal e ot woe? Morndng Prayer and Sermon. Will it the bit ter wron~ redress,
As a means of conserving fuel on a nation-wide basis, the Civilian Production Board has issued an order, dated November 25, 1946, which prohibits the use of electricity for the following purposes:
Or make one pang of s')rr ow less? WU! It the erring <'n e restore " 9:30 a.m. Hencffortll to "go and ~ In nO more ?
1 , . Refrigeration for air-conditioning except to the extent essential for Industrial processes or for health and safety. u ( 2 , Outdoor and Indoor advertising and promotional lighting. u ( 3 , Outdoor display and flood lighting except to the extent necessary for the conduct of outdoor business or services. Il (
(4) Outdoor or Indoor decorative and ornamental lighting. II ( 5 , Show window or show case lighting. Il ( 6 .' Marquee lighting In excess of 60 watts for each marquee. u ( 7) White way street IiQhtlng 'In excess of the amount determined by 10c~1 public authority to be necessary for public safety. .. " ( 8 , Outdoor or indoor sign lighting except for: .. ( i ) Directional or identification signs required for fire and police protection, traffic control, transportation terminals, or hospitals, or directional or identification lighting for any similar essential public services; ( II , Directional or Identification signs using not more than 60 watts per establishment, for doctors and for hotels and other public lodging establishments. u (9) Outdo~r entrance lighting, except the minimum essential for public health and safety a~~ then not more than 60 watts .,-r entrance. ' .. (10) Any other form of general outdoor or Indoor illumination In or about any commercial, Industrial or other non-residential establishment In excess of 75 per cent of the illumination normally uled.. . . . "111' In excess ,of 75 per cent of the normal pas..nger elevator or escalator service In any, building having more than one passenger elevator or elcaIc;lfor•
.. ' I' I
As a supplier of. electricity, The Dayton Power an~ Light Company is required to bring this order to the attention ,o f all its customers using electricity for these purposes. ' The order further requires that the Company notify any cuStomer
known by the Company to be in continued violation of the ' orde~r. . A copy of this notification must be sent to the Dis~rict Office of the Civilian Production Administration. . '
The Civilian Production Administration asks full cooperation of all users affected. The order provides that wilful violation is subje:ct to fine or imprisonment, and further provides that the Civilian Production Administration upon determination of continued violation may direct me suspension of service and prescribe the conditions ' under which service may be restored. , The Compnn'l' :llill be glad 10 ad,,;se w;lh ;Is cuslomers in meeting Ih.'!s, r'gflltll;ons. , .
Mre. Jamee Oan1son, SUpt. "They say I" OIl pause to look vlthPreaching 1st and 3rd SUndays each ' month 10:30 a.m. Ir. - See how thine hear t inclines t o sin: FERRY And lest· In dark temptation 's hour Thou. too. shouldst si nk beneath ~ts CHURCH of CHRIST , The Grow";" Goln" Churcb power. HERBERT GRAHAM, Mlnlewr Pity the frail , weep O'er their fall. Bible School - 9:30. a.m. But speak of good. or not at all . Moreing Wor5h1p ~. 10:30 a.m. Youth MeeUngs - 7:00 p.m. mls DAY Adult Prayer Meeting - 7:00 p.m. Evening Evangelistic ~rv1ce A r.ew-bom da~1 Oh. may not 1 - 7 :45 p.m. leave on its sh1n1ng page ODe blot 00 its whUenel56; may no tear MT. HOLLY of pity for myself appear upon it, METHODIST CHURCH O!' one low desire: r. M. Seartl. MIDIa&er . 'ihmdaJ 8Obool - .- ':10 A. ... But ever turning love's tlame B. A. BarDlw't. IUperlDtadID'higher 'Within my breast.. may I Worablp aen1cI - 10:80 A. ... speak words that l1tt the soulE en1na eemce - 7:10 P. II. iWte lJrlght-w1r.ged birds-
' .'
Father Knmbol", ...... M88S Sunday 9:00 a.m.
done UJl66l!ls'hly;
WAYNESVILLE CHURCH of CHRIST Robert L VanZUe, MJnbter Bible School Communion Sermon Even1Ill service
m. m. 11:00 a. m. 8:00 p. m. 8:30 . ' 10:10 a.
• • •
And send them into skies of blue;
may . ~11 my t hooghts be pure and rt.rue. and everything I do today be
First Day School" - 9:30 a.m. Meeting for Worshlp-10 :30 a.m.
JUNIOR. YOUNG 'P EOPLES' MEETING each Sund!'-y 6:45 p . m. for all below high school age. You will enjoy these meetings. THE EVENIQ BJ:!lR!InCE this SUnday will be in charge of the Young People. 'Bud' Hilton has been choeen 18 leader and EUrabeth Burnett a.r.d Mildred Bourne are In charae of music and spec1al numhel1l. Your M1n1st.er wm deliver the aermoo. ~ne is 1nvlted 00 aU-end this eervice, and the yoor.g people are urged to come and help wtt.h the eerv1eea. 'INa meeting 1& being plan'- ... , Don" _.... n ed "3 ·....e young people. '11 •......, it.
Oh. may I just forget myself and be 'helpful and kind, and try to see the good that Is In every:thlng, and cause some !Weary heart to sIng;
May I return the page tonight to God- unspotted, clean and White. Vlrglr..!a Eaton
Recornmendad ons tor the use of DIYI' , in Ohio In 1947 will advise
this Insecticl:1e ·to ldll potato Rea, beetle and ieat hopper,
codling moth In severely Inteste::l orchards, tomato pl~worm. adult Ja.pa.r.ese beetle. European com 'borer, and thrips. It also will be rec-
ommended lngs •
tor c Oontrool In
roteno~e SUP~lY to be aV&'i lin, the 12 mantha begUming
The ~le
October :1, 1946, wlll be about the
same as the 11H2 supply. Some
have plar.ned e~tens1ve J)1'081'ama this winter tot' the control of cattle grubs , . . With rO~DOne. but the sUAliY may
' The ANNUAL OONGREGAlmONIAL have ~ ~ alloca.Ited 80 tboae states MiEE"I"INo and! elecUon Of offlcetlt-w1l1 ebare " with others where 1nfer 1he oom1ng ~ w111 be ~ld at dlv1dual f'anners treat s1~ the ~urch a.tter services on 8ur.day herds. ,u rornJng, Dec. 1. ' _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ A TRI-6TATE CHRmTL\N 8~V-
ICE OAMP BANQUET will be held STANLEY aDd KOOGLER at the Bethel otwroh of ChrIst on lIII0. . . . UOIDfI8 Friday. Dec. 6, a.t 6:30 p.m. Th!a 1& Par Dat.el, w~ tl1e first banquet s1nce camp. Plan 0bJ0. CIIIIIII now to at~nd. II you are going, be, sure to not1:ty your m1n1ster sores:' . ervBJtI4)r.s can be sen~ In. No tlckets ' sold. Free-w1l1 oUerlng after
nODe ..... aeftr.
meal. '
"THEY SAY." "They say" Ab, well suppose they dol But car. they prove the · story, t.rue?
TIlE M1.uD GAZE'lTE - Pap 'J took me home. What a nice thing WAYNESvn..LE, omo - NO. 4292 It Is to have good nelghborsl THUDSDAY, NOVDmER 28. 1946 Mr. Howells ar..d his family had Distinctive Portraits been living up north vf Dayton since At 12 W. I'lulbeery, Lebanc~n, are last winter and be' saYs he is back in the n€1ghborhood to stay. He has featurinr a fine service in porra.ilS in rl,ht been d'01pg carpenter work ar..d for ChrfStmas...Better would probably have time for some away to arrange for tbe be!5t gift inside work about the first ()f the you can give "Your Portrait·, '''waYS A FARM DIARY popular for chUdren, Brides, Weddyear. D. J. Frai&er Ings. Graduations and' Family Gro-
Kueppel Studio ,0
tificate of transfer of real estate. Harry C. EldridJr,e, Jl·. and Annistead Eldridge executors , to sell In the matter of the estate of personal property at private sale. Robert W. Brown, dec'd., Grace In the matter of the estate 01 Brown, executrix inventory hea r- F. J. Lewi, dec'd ., Franci& D. ing et for December 2 all 10 Lewis appointed admini s rator g iving bond with s ureties in sum of o'clock. In the ma tter of the e tate of $8000. Alice Gilmour, dec'd., Al b rt Park. In the matt 1" of t he estate of er, executor inventory hearing set Howard S. onovel', dec'd., Dean for December 9 at 10 o'clock. 'E. Stanley administrator to sell In the matte r of the estate of bond at priva te ale. In the matter of the estate of ar! L. Ei enmenger, dec'd .. , Carl H. Eisen menger administrator in· Marie Conover, dec'd ., Dean E. ventory hearing set for December Stan ley executor filed first account. 2 at 10 o'clock. In the matte r of the estate of In the matter of the estate of Mary Kroener Schoenebaum, dec'd., Hardy Bowman, dec'd. , Jennie Carl Abaecherli appointed adminBowman administrator inventory istrator giving bond with sureties approved. in s um of $20,000. In the matter of the estate of • Morgan Long, dec'd., Lovisa Long I READ THE CLASSIFIED ADS • administratrix inventory hearing set for December 10 at 10 o'clQck. In the matter of the estate {I~ Paris Dougla , dec'd., Anna DougIa administratrix inventory hearing set for December 10 at 10 === o'clock. In the matter of the estate of Harry C. Eldridge, Sr., dec'd.,
Beware. tempera<ture belolV twenty When Russel Campbell came over ups .. _Cbmmercial Work •. _~lodern tor.igh t the weabher man said the Sunday a.fternoon with a battery. l\JethOd and Fine Equipment .... other day but when momlng came he found that the genea-aoor wasn't TeL 118 L there was just a l1ttle cold rain. working which C&used the trouble. • • • They kept on warnir.g but the worst so thls is a rem1r.der to watch In the making of disir.ctive porwe got was a heavy frost a.nd then yours. just another thing to watch traits theTe Is no studio in .thJls part some more Indian Bummer weather. on an old ca.r. of the state which Is offering I~ finer Saturday nigh~ we really did ha.ve Three ~ COrn husking days, service a.nd bhe patronage c~f d1ssome ra4n and In ~e midst of the and most of ours is In. The bOys cr!m.1na.ting people is steadlly instorm, coming home from 9 range stayed' home lrom school and the creasing. meetlr.g, lor the first time tha.t 1t big field Is done. We used Hsbrld With Christmas agair. apPl'oching ever happened to me lilt night. alnce 939 on Ilhat field. part of It bought and the ever perplexing problem I uvea out here, in fact for the first one place BIl!d part another. The line of "What to give" staring US In the time at nlght since I have had a. car, betweer. them ~as as plainly marked face ;e w1Bh 'to venture tbe sug_ - my cal' did not get me home. Whe'a as 11 two entirely different kinds gest10ns to our readers thlllt this year I left Waynesville I noticed that the had been p~ and yet they were they give photogr8.phs. There ligDts did not seem Be bright sa pla.nted in the same field on. the Is much' to be said in favor of giving ~ usua.l ar..d were getting d1.mmer. By same day. Do you say corn husking your phOtograph for Chrtstma.s. In the time 1 got to the old school or corn shucking? They sa.y corn the !1m place it is tlbe only gift that ho~ 't hey looked lUte parking shucking in Indiana.. the recipient oould not go out ar..d lights and &S I st&rted up the hill, 'These are busy ~Y8 get.Ung buy fCiI' himself if he chose. which the ca.r gave a COU8'h and died. It read¥ foor 'Ib&nksg1vlng next week fact ma.kes it 8. distinctly in'WB6 all dark lilt the Thompsons but and our Bazaar tJ\e week &fter. We d1v1dual gift. In &dditlon it elq)ressacross the road in the little white Me pla.nn1ng for Thanlf.6glving dln- es your persona.llty more. ths~'Il &nY house there w&s 8. light FO 1 went ner alt home which Is the way 1 Ot.her gU,t would and a d1st·lnoUve there. I did not 'know the people llke It. ,por.tlralt Is always apprec1ated. who had beeDI livtng thel'e. 8.11 sumThanksgiving Is a home festival They are experienced a.nd can mer but I thought. that probably especially a country home a.ndi I photograph you to adrvant&ge. Their they were kind people who would like to have a full table. I dO hope work causes favorable comment do &OIllething tor -me so I knocked one of tboee young gobblers has wherever It is seen. They have been on the wlDdow where they could kl6t h1a pin feathers and put so sucoes&ful1n the taking of ohildsee me &nod bo my 8\1I!pr1se 1t waa enougb nice yellow fat to m.aite l'en's pictures and posses the ha.ppy Teddy HoWell who lookled out and good brown gravey to eat on our faculty of being able to catch t.hem: in he W&S as su~ed 86 I was. noth- potl&toes and dressing. We have c&b- just the right moods for an :a.rt1stic !ng llke having good ne1ghbons, They bage for slaw 11 we can only find and delightful phOtogra.phic Btud)'. In t~e fiel~ vt commero!&1 a.r..d aJdcalled me in. Mr. Howells got ,00 some ens for the kind of slaw
HOURS: 9-12 each morning 1-5 afternoons except Wedn.e sday COWS $3.00 Aocord1nI to Size and 7-9 Saturday evening CoDd1t.lon Other evenings by HO"I, Calvel, Sheep, etc. Appointment BDlOViD PBOMPJ'l,y TELEPHONE 62-R
We Pay~~RSES$.5.00 XENIA FERTIUlER -.iViiIi iUIii
. Call ,
£ O.
Dr. C. E. Wilkin
aUeBsda: lite.
Optometric Eye Specialist 26 South Detroit Street XENIA,omo
• •• • .., •• IN OHIO J!WBRY '1"BREE HOURS 8O~~A::~S OF
h1s thmga. (poor man had just iODe d.re8&ng I Uke best (Our hens must vertlslng photogt'aphy they orrer a • ~~~~~~~~~~~~=~~~~~::~~~~~;;;~ to bed) got out his car and: came be taking their orders from John L. servloe of real va.lue. Photc:~phs ;, __ to my ald. By the time we got to Lewis.>! of articles you have for se.Ie 'Will
the car the lights were entirely cone and the hom didn't even sigh. '!be rain was com1ng down in Srbeeta but he drove his car up behind me and pushed, It moved. '11he road was blaok&head as miY car shutl off the light from his llIhts entirely. I felt rough gravel ur.der my left wheel and knew I w&s gettlnC off the road so I steered by the feel of it ur.ttl we ' got to my lane aDd in
We have everythlng to make a good oountry Thar.ksglvlng 1nclud1ng thankful hearts. not even John L. can take those 'from US but we hope . and praY that a W8.y will be found 50 that no one man r.or one group of men can force bile rest of the nation to quit work and go oold or hungry. It is John L. and ,the m1r. era nOW but if he auooeeds there are other groups who. IWght
prove a vital selling foroe and materla.lly Increase sales volumn. :I n tlhJs field they feature phJatogt'a,phs of real estate. llve stock and equipment. '
Cornell's WE LDIN G Shop
ELECTRIC and ACETYLINE _ Portable Equipment
PROBATE COURT In the matter of the estate of Herman E. Hoover, ' dec'd" Glenn Hoover appointed admini;l~rator giving bond with sureties in su~
Shop- Centerville 7031 Rea. Cente"ille 7465
house. Then a- try the ~ thing unless a wa.y .of I~2~~~ matter of the estate :>f ~:;;;;;;;:;;;;;;;:;;;;;;;:;;;;;;;:;;;;;;;:;;;;;;;:;;;;;;;:;;;;;;;:;;;;;;;-:-~:;;;;;;;:;;;;;;;:;;;;;;;:;;;;;;;:;;;;;;;:;;;;;;;:;;;;;;;~:;;;;;;;:;;;;;;;:;;;;;;;:;;;;;;;:;;;;;;;;;;;0;;;.1 under bhe wheel is found to settle it and settle i t Dorothy Keller, dec'd., Lucy KeUer . . . . . . . . .IIIIIi. . . . . . . . . . .!III• • • • • •1 and 8. gentle bump. I looked and I right. executrix filed application f~l)r cerwas up aplnat ,t he garden fence, ' .... Well1t was we there so we just left it 'f or dayHlht ar..d Mr, Howells
&S Qard1nals
gain I lelt soft
TWIN 'Theatre
The lotl$t 8.wl\!ted picture 's tory of a man's love for a wild horsel
'SMOK~ (Tedhn1colar)
~~J~~IVe6. PLU~ .. Bugs
9jU'~n . &.New.;
Comical COmpl1cations ta.llored directly to your l1lt1J¥r. JO"N LESLIE and ROBERT "'HUTrOl'f 1n-
.. Janie Gets Married
. with Robert Benchlev and Edward Arnold. . A'I.OO: Ja.n Savltt -and His Bar.d. ~ • COlored Orurtoon. .
of ilirlllimr excltement ~ • ~!-'6tern music with ROY RQOERS
year 'we are offering
Nattonally tnow Ohristmaa $f,v1nC' Club tor &he convenience lot our ,_.... _ • ...., Partons. A de-fun....,. amoun~ -~ week wm ~ a; liberal ch for you a.\ Obriatmaa time.
Roll On t Texas Moon"WA~~ ?-JATION:A'G BANK '. I
with Dale Evans a1'Id: Gabby Hayes. • ADDED: 'Muslcal parp.de and Oomedy Short.
5Oc. 1.00 2.00
per week
41 12.50
Select your lay-a-ways while the stoc k is . complete
25.00 50,00 100.00 250.00
Waynesville Furniture &Appliance Co. ~
Gibbons Building, North Street WAYNESVILLE, OHIO Phone 2422
51 fiE 0 C TI . -LAS
to play a mu ~h bf!<l.ter brand elf Ing of tJ1e third Quarter ar.d began . bask t tball . going ah eAd and scoring with regularity, The last quarter. " , all the boyS entered the game. --::-:'':':~~~~~~-...;..;;.;;....;;;;;;...;;;;.......;;;;;;....;;;;;;;;;;;;.;;;;;;;;;;;;;;~-The tinal score was 44-31 In our • • CLASSIFIED AD ILATBS • • taror. 25 words or less. one time.... .. . 25c ~ ~ ~ ~ Each add1tonal word • ..•••• 1c The referees were that SPECIAL RATES by • .••• CONTRACT < t he game would not det.cnnlncd get away from t.hem and 86 a result. 46 fouls were Loanlcalled throughout the game.
f~I'I~ "~.~~~-> ,~tt;,t,
FEDERAL LAND BANK LOANS : F'Qr Ref1nanc1na _ Rebu1ldiDe _ Buytrla. 4% Pann Joana with long wne t() pay. Pay part or all any time. LEBANON NAT'L FARM LOAS ASS'N., Ellls H. sturm, Seo'y_ Treas~ Lebanon, Ohio. Phone "8
SPRING VALLEY GAME NOV. 22The bus WllS again filled tor the Spring Valley game last Fri. nigtlt
Wayr.esv1lle Spartans Vs Spring Valley Sprutans. tc Last week we had slated the tirst - - - - - - - - - - -J r . High game tor Dec. 6,but Fr1. Real Eatate For S.I....,;.. nl ,ht at the r eque·s t of Spring Valiey IF YOU HAVE A PROPERTY OR we substituted the Jr. High game FARM TO SELL call or Write [Cir the J'e6erve. Don Henderson. Tel. KE3446. 617 PerhaP6 the Jr. lDgh ~ was Lorain Ave .• Dayton. Ohio. tfc nervoU6 on their !1rst game of this season. but, tlhey played a good Florer.ce .. IVE STOCKgame. Spring Valley had larger boys R1ckey IQR SALE - 50 Super White Rock but our ream over came that hand- Vickers 'uUets laying Or r.eady to lay. Mrs. Icap by speed. Sheehan Ralph Wheeler Phone 2972 Tinny wac hlah scoring ma.c 'With _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ 9 po1r.ts; Simpson followed with 8 Sprlnr VaDey lCruI.1IE PUPS - FOR SM..& The fi,nal r~ults w~re ~ , !Platvers Heelers. O. E. MJdhener Waynes- WayneSville . ville. Ohio • 1212 Players . FT Pts. WWJame Hofr~ Florence I1 3 )FFICE EQUIPMENT2 carter Rye I 0 8 Pickering !ALLMARK TYPEWRITER RIiB- Simp;on 3 2 o stoneburner bona now In stock. Tbe Gazette. Davis 0 0 9 Wallace Tinny 4 1 'OR SALEo Harvey Sheehan 0 0 2 John&on 1 OR SAlLE - 315 Bales Little Red Ea.rnhallt 0 4 Jones 2 Clover ·B ay. Howard! Bradee~ Lackey 0 3 Sorward t. 3 WaynesWlle. 125 O'Be..n1on 1 1 0 0 (13'
0 0 5
1 0
1 0 1
Middleton 125 Wlhee1er .----------------------- Ca~~ 'V ON CHRtSTMIAS O$FI' PACK- 14cOal iES ' nOW ava11a.ble. See .Ann Brad 1
representa.t1ve, Harveysburg.
um Ames
• • •
0 2 0 0 0 0 5
3 0 0 0 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 5
o r-----------------------------~--.~~~.
2 9
1 1
ro FI' IPts 2 4 8 113 o 0 0 o
2 0
\ See
SalQ ~,(SmithtT~ $O" ~ ~.~ .
Phone 902 L Lebanon,Oh!o.
~~ o6~--------~--------------~~-------_ .
o o
31 Pt.s. 5 0
Sufferers! Try REiNEB'S ' BJNOLI Com1orUng relief from pUna of rheumat15m. a.rthr1t!& neurlt1a, lumAsk for Bhd&ey W86 high. scoring man mercia 1 toma~ growns may have bago. F'REE BOOKiLET. Reiner's Rlnol. Why suffer l~ ? with 12 points; liaJ1tsock and Rickey to adopt such protective !f1eth Jeis. followed with 11 and 9 pointS re' Waynesville Drug Store. tifo spectlvely. 'IIhe final result.c; ,...-ere IN CASE OF nRE Dl.. L Ht! as follows ' . WaynesvliJe IPlaoyers Fe FT PIt.s FRANCIS GENE BRO:WN, . M.n~ler Hartsock 4 3 11 HaBt\.ngs W A YNESVILL~ OHIO ;Phone '2935 000 Dakin 00MIP.I..m'E ALL 0'nIER KINDS 2 o AUTOMomLE OF Conard o o o INSURANCE CASULTY l1N8~OE Thom1p6On 1 7 5 !Hunter o o Bradley 5 2 1~ I ~.'
lou..hold Good. -
Late blight on U . S, tomatoes in 1946 call ed a. IOS$ ('s.lma;ted a about $45.000.000. whi : h would b ~ a~most hair the total a.m~unt p qij ut for insecticides and fur.gic1des ' to protect all f a rm and wch.!l rd crops. G rowers Us.ually do not spra or dust tomatr.>es although it has been proved that adequate Rpplications of common fungicides w111 conWJl late 'blight on the crop. Oom-
II .~" ~'Ffi .uy 'ItO-ME. FURNI-SHINa,S', : ' nHart1t~To-Get~i 'Ite~s AT THE
RV.~S .
LAMPS (f.loor • .,d Table)
0 4
Staro'\ _
.. :IE
, OUr Va.rs1ty team was a bit slow BALE - 2 wheel auto 'tra.ller, getting sta.rted just Be they were At ,the end ot new, t60; Annst4'Ontr 1nla1d' in prev10ue eum. nem' used. 8 It x the itrst Qtwter.ice teuna Wen! tied
"Complete Home Fumi.herl"
; Blue Baby Bunting. never u.eecL 5 all. ,. wool,; satin l1necL $10; Phaeton ·R ieltey startled the second
&tfOller. chrome haoore, de- with "a goal. but a SJlIiAI' 'Valley bo1 Ie top, like new, .12; 0l1e tied it willl another. R1ck.ey equally t a.ntlque love leat and match- determined made a foul shot. chair. Phone ' Da.yton W~ 7961 We were 'lead1ng 19-18 at the balf Wa.yDesv1lle 2101. 1>121 Our boys came o~ .F.t the begin-
ftM'a '1'01 WBIO DaJiOB 1:. -.: DIal 1. . Per 0lIl'
Phone 912R' , "Ea.t 'M.in Street
.t Wh,tem.n"
Ibr.et ..,....
_ Every Other Day 'RETA~L D~LIVERY -Instead of,three times a ~eek,'
-- Collecti~DI~ ~r, Ma~cle . WeeWy~c~~' ~. , . . ' . ,
refd.atSte, Frank
Sl~l' , ~~presentative' _ , .. 't "';..
Thr.ft·-E =M arket· .;
Lebanon,.0. · "
, Fairly Famili~r by EFFELDEE
Hi-yaa! Hi-yaa! GatJler around ladies and gentlemen! One or the world's wonders of the age is about to {lo his stuff, "Fire-eater Bill", the only man aUve who can SW8sllow lighted clgRIettes. He WIts back his head, gives a cough and the blamed thing disappears like magic. It burns ESTABLISHED 1850 - NO. 4293 $1.50 PER YEAR - 5c A COpy 8. t rench from his throat to his stomach in nothing flat. Yes sir! WAYNESVILLE, omO THURSDAY, DECEl\mER 5, 1946 "Fire-eater" says the first one 16 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ \ the toughest. After tha,t there just isn't any more. No siree! For detai1s contact Bill Sewyer.
• • •
Ruely a day goes by that Ule tire call or. the telephone loea teO at 'Miami and Main tails to co~ -through. FaIthfully those charged 'WIth tile answering ot this phone Ihunies to the corner and unlockS 'the box to learn t he nature of the oaU. N1r.ety-nlne tll]les Oout of a hundred i,t is a wrong number. Irresponsible ar.d 'careless persons who do not have due , consl>tieration for others are usually On the other er.d of the wire. It fakes the time of someone to answer the phone. It lessens their alertness each time the call proves to be false . Eventually oomeone will pay dearly for t:ws in(Oontinue{! on Page 2)
School Board -Wants Parents To Attend Meeting
'SANTA'S , HELPERS MAYBE? There ought to be some OhT1stmas presents In the making here: U's Ule St. MaTj"s BoYs Olub having a workout in the WOOdshop a.1~ the Episcopal rectory. Left to Right: Peter ' Keys. Fred FIsher, Dick Weltz, J immy Jordan, Carl Z1mmerma,n and Do~ ~ltz.
Christmas shoPPiilg won't be much <If a problem for a group ot Waynesv1l1e boys. They w'or.'t have to buy presents <for their families and frler.ds. Tney The Wayne TaWnship School are making them. Board met In regulRI session on They don't care how rew shopping Monday evening, Dec, 2 at the Bjgh School building, da,y s are left. All they werry over
is wh'ether work-nights andl materlals wUI bold .out.
Wayne Twp. Post 615 The monl.!) of Decembel' Is going to brlng many good things sponsored by the American Legion conslstlr.g c.f dances. plays ano basketbalL Our next dance will be Dec. 7th staged at the Waynesville Hlgh SchoO'I Gym with music furnished by Irvin Sw1r.dler and Company, a very !lne band. Starting time is 9 :00 p, M .. price 50c per person. A play written by S. L, Robinson called "South of Waynesv1lle" with a cast of our own · Amerlcar. Legion boys wU! be given on Dec. 21st with 8. dance afterwalI'ds but more of this in 'tile next issue when all details shall be published. On our basketball list we have as follows: Dec. 5t.h brin~ the Marshall Bros. trom Dayron, to the High School Bldg. which should be or.e of the outs ta'n dlng games of ,the year. First g~ me starts at 7:30 P. M. Dec. 8th we travel to Mason and play the same team that ' we barely scored a win over by 2 pJin'ts tJwo weeks ago in our OWIl BYlll. Looks like another tight game coming up and advise all of vou baske tball fans to sit ln on it. Starting time 2:30 P. M.
On Su nday, Nov. 25: a turkey dinner was given at t he home of Mr. and Mrs. Henry Watkins Ir. honor of the 60th Wedding Anlversary of Mr. aJld Mrs, Oharley Wa.tkins and the blrotihday annlversades of Da!e Watklr.9, Jimm.y Ol'8Jne and Kenneth
Herbert Graham Gets Fox. New Appointment
Efleotlve about January I , 1947, T'nese busy YOUng craftsmen are Herbert G'raham, m1n1ster ot · ,t he members of the St. Mary's Boys , Ferry Church of Ohrlst for the past Club which meets One nlgl;Lt eacll tour 'years will take up 'r.ew · duties week to learr. the business ol~ wdod- at his recently app:>lnte'd church. working in the w~rkshop a.t -st. The First Cbrlstlan Church in ~'s recoory. McLeansboro. m. This Is a town
Watkins' 'Hold Sixtieth Wedding Anniversary
Those in a'ttendance at this moot enjJyable and memoriable occasion were: Mr. and Mrs. Oharley Watkins ; Mr. and Mrs. Henry Wa,tk1r.s, Dale and Esther; Mr. a.nd Mrs. Nelson Wat kins and, son; Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Fox and Jimmy ; Mr. and Mrs. Milo M1ltenberg~ r ar..d family; Mr. ,and Mrs. Leo Conner and daughter~; Mr. and ~esse Malcolm; Mrs. Donald WaLkins; MlSl Dorls Charltor.; and Mr. a<nd Mn. Ge:>rge Bm-ton of Kansas City, Mo.
DlclI member settles in own of about 5000 population, located In mind Just what" he \!,rants t;c) builet ' Then. with the help of his instructor, he selects his mat~rlal , makes up ,his pattern and goes to worlr.Whlle he's L1 a~ut It, he is shown, the tricks of The Womlan 's AUXildal"Y of St. t he tra-de, the correct use of har.d Mary's Chm-ch will hold the Ar-nual tooln and power-driven equipment, Bazaar on Sa m-day. pecember 7th, anu plenlty 'of saifety rules and at 1 p, M. at the TownslUp House. meth'Ods. The womer. of ·the organization Tne Club, w.hiOh has r.owr grown ' llave planned to offer a great var- almost at th,e pOint Where it tills the The Warren Co~ty Meth c~1st iety of goods fOor sa~e. 'nlere will 'be workshop and keepS all of tthl~ equipiBrothhood will hold its regular bIbaked goods ax:d ot her foods, many ment busy, began last year when monthly meetlng in the Waynesville end varIous .articles wpich were Samuel N. Keys. lay reader In charge Methodist Ohurch. Monday evening, hand-made, and other interesting at St. Ma.ry',s church, sat up a. boys Deoember 9th wIth dinner pr:>mply ft rt.lcles which would make ideal workshop in the' basement of the at '7:00. Following the dinr.er there Chllistmas gifts for fortends and rectory. He was joined in tJh1s work will be a fine Musical program and relatives. by James Baker, Leba.non who,is also Dr. T. ,T . Crawford, of the Greenadept in th~ teahking of skills wtth field Methodist Church will be the tools. This year, it was necessary to muntlton ~nty. Tbey have been speaker. It:w1ll be ladles· night a:nd ~ In~ea~ the staff. Rbbert Meha.ffie /without a ~s~r since Easter Sun- the men are Urged 00 'b ring their will Work with the group eVErr day ot th1s yea!r. ladies with! them. Reservatior.G for operation. ,It has also beet:! suggesweek during the school year'. In leaving Ferry Church of Ohrist the d~r.er should be made with ted ttlat a meeting of parents. teacThe big worry is material. Just the chm-ch IlIIlcli community are -Rev R B Coleman in time to all~ _ bers and school i1JlU'd members be A Court of AIWWd is being 'held like their prdfess10nal brethren In losing one of the best workers they the ladies of the Churoh to m&ke beld every bwo monbhs throughout for Eoy Scouts and their families carpentry and! cabinet-making, these have enj'oy for some time. Mr. Gra- ample arrangments. tf:he schOOl year. These suggestions a t the basenlent of the Methodist young artisans are ha.ving a. rough ham has not only been active In his are left I(}p~ for comme.n t and ac· Church 011 Sund~y, Dec. 15. A pot time findIng WOOd to work with. church work. buildir.g up tlie attendcepoonce by the parents. The Board luck supper will be served prior to They can use virtuaUy every kInd ance, membership and finances of members and the teachers are al- the presentetior. of a.wards. of scra.p lwnber, and they ma~age ,the church but he has also been ready on the job and doing their to get qulote a bit of it. But plywood This presentatl'On to the scouts a great h elp in conununity aCtsllare of the work. The parents M'e will be made by Robert MehWf!ie is a problem. Ivities. His manuer aond personality not attenWn,g meetings or otherwise 11 somebody wan't ed to do them Miami Chapter 107 0 E S will amd R. O. Moler. The publlc is Inare co~ge nlal and h e leaves a h'OSt acquainting then:tSelves with 'f aets a, real service, all he would need to vi ted , to attend this meeting, the of friends to mISs his presence a- meet in special sessloll 'On- Saturda}' dOncenning schools affairs. Some do Is steer them om o a batch ot ' r ..... is price of adinJsl~on being th e bringmong thenl but to wIsh hlm every evenl~g Dec. 7, for the purpose or civic minded group should take " .l l plywood. in tiation , matter as a project to be promoted il~g of something to eat. Right now the gro~ups of the st. success In his new localloll. Mr. Graham was. active 1n '~he outThe Ohapter will also meet 'in -refor the mutuaJ,»eneflt of the er-tire The Scout Oommlt~ee states that Mary's Club are taking over the posside Interest, f the church having, JUlar session on Monday evening community. it is notel1gible Va promote the CUb. sibllity of steering the boys club been one ot the: lea ers 110£ Tar Hal- Dec. 9 at eigh t ()'clo::k. Following The Board and !"aculty are also Scouts end! states that this is a to\\<"8l'd Junior Achievement.. Camp ' each ~ car ar.d also a the bUsIness session officers for the low 'nUs had its "beginr.Jngs when' Rotnterested in ' having parents r project tor some gTOup or organi2laleader among the younger groups. coming year will be inst.e.lled w}th others in the community visit <bhe tlon such as a church, Mothers Club bert Lame, o! the MlddletoWi~ Junior He was ' also connected wibh t he Mrs. Juanita Dewey, of BlanchesGrade Building. Either singly, or' in or any ~ther association ot this type. Achievement advisory board. spOke X enia organization of the churches. ter and Mrs. Mildred Harmount ot groups They feel this buUding needs They are hopefUl that someone will in Way'n1!sville last mOnth des, replac~r.t ~nd the sen~ral publlc undertake tJle Sponsorship of this crlbing how ,t hat ori1,lolldzatlon works. Mrs. Graham was also a worker in Gree'nifJeld . as visitIng installing ofthe church ' and community and be- neers and, Mrs. ~emi~ JohnSon. aDd esPecially the parents should project as a CUb Scout Pack for the its alms ar-d its methods. Ibween them they remove fI'om this De~uty Grand , Matron, and Mrs. . uaJnt ~emselves with the facts, younger boys of ,t he community is If the group could get a ' charter area a gul~i1ng influence for general Olive Haines, Grand 0rga.n1st. as ::ceming its conditdcm by a per- a. much needed addition> to Scout good. honor guests. (Continue{! on page '7) sonal inspection. activWes. '
other matters it was announced tha t it WUl be neoesary to raise the price of school lunches from 150 to 200 to oJlfset a. deficit in lunch fUnd . 'I1he increase is brought about by !;he rise lr. 1\'>od costs and labor. Some federal help is receive{! for taus fun d and some lunches 8.I'e given tree to 'lhose who cannot affcrd to pay for them. Labor ot preparing and servlng the meals is n';:.w paid for ir.stead , of being donated as In the post. Til is ,is 8 part of the new' federaJ regulatlclil . School Board meetings are held each month on the first Mor.doaY evening and are cpen ,t o the public. It has been suggested that parents meet with the Board and Faculty for the ,p urpose of a, 'better unde.r&tar.d1ng ot the varIous problems t!lat confront the modern scndDI
St. Mary's Bazaar Decembe'r 'eventh
I.lM""·,,erhood Men Meeting Monday
Boy Sc,out Court Of Awar'd Dec. 15
Miami Chapter Holding Special Session Saturday
Lawson - Wade Marriage Performed On Tuesday. Nov. 26 Mr. and Mrs. Donald Lawson left amid a shower of rice On a short wedding trip to Falmouth, Ky. where they visited Mr. La.wson's a.unt and uncle. Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Moore. Mr. a.nId Mrs. LaIwson. the tbrmer Glenna Wade. were united in marrlge by Het'bert Graham, minister of t he Ferry Churell or Ohrist. at tbe )l6.rsonage. I 7hey were married on the 56th lfeddlng a.nn1versary of the bride's grand pa.rents, Mr. and Mrs. F. A. Sn1<ler of M1a.misburg. Mrs. lAwson was married in a street-length blue wool dress with black accessories. She wore a oorsage of pink roses. Mrs. W1ll1am Tlr.ney was the matron of honor. She wore a street length rose wool dress With navy blue accessories. Her corsage was .of carna.tlon!>. Mr. William Tinney served as best mar. for the groom. Mr. and! Mrs. lAwson returned trom ·their trip Thursday.
past week. He had spent two weeks It cannot be conceived thB.t anr- TIlE MLUD GAZE'rI'E - Pace I there taking treatme·n t. He is much one \roUld dellberabely call the fire WAYNESVILLE. omo - NO. 4293 ' nwnber falsely. So. it must be plain THURSDAY. DECEl\mER 5, 1946 improved. carelessness or indifference. • • • CALLERS IN things just a~ they are. Tlleir days HARVEYSBURG Tradition. homesteads. family hol- .)! progress are over. They canno~ Dr. and Mrs. Franlt Gregg of Wi!- dings. heirlooms. they can all be see desires or those 'who come after mington. Ohio who are spending the of great concern to a oonununl y. them. U they would but look back wmter at the Priends Home. MI.ss They can be assel6 to be' proud of to bheir }'ounger days the would see Emma Lou Lewis and Mr. Charles by those who OW1~ them and by those aga.1n the reason they have suoh Lewis were callers at the hbme of who are oonneoted With them lich heritages today. It was not beMr. and Mrs. Charles Smart in through assocla.tlon. They can. how- cause they lived In 1.he past but DEC. 5 - Waynesville Garden Olub Harveysburg on Monday. ever, becomes lIRlbilltles Yihen they rather because they forged' n.hend DEC. 6 - Regular meeting of the' stand in the \vay of progress. To llve and ma.de what they have. The Mothers Olub. FAIRLY FAl\IILIAR In the past and with things of the younger generat1ol'~. are only trying DEO. ': - Falmers Grange. (OonUnued from ~e 1) past keeps or.e In the past as far as to do what the older ones have done DEC. 9 _ Miami Chapter of the considerater.ess. A reiill call w1ll oome advancement Is concerned. We must In !.he past. Should present day Order ' of .the Eastem Star. thru. Those 'Who ha.v,e charge of the look forward if we expect to pro- aspirations be stilled. because of DEC 10 M I Lodg fire phone will not hurry quite so gress. 'l1h06e who have lived ~heir cherished traditions? The world . ason c e Meeting. fast th1nktng it Is only another false U!e of work or business and hB.ve moves on, either we move with it DEC. 12 - Happy Hour Club at the . alAnn. The minutes or sooonds loot "retired" Wltil the final call comes <r are left behmd to pass into home of Mrs. Uoyd Dn'Vts and Miss will give 'a fire enough time to gain are sometimes satisfied to leave oblivion. Betty Oglesbee 1r. charge of pro- the needed headway to cause des- ~;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;:;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;~ ~. tructl0D and posstbly d.ea.th. Tho6e DEC. 12 - Wayne Township Far- who have been so careless in making mers' Club. the false calls will be indirectly reOFFER sponslble !or such lOllS. It is so easy SATISFACTORY SPENDS HOLIDAYS to qe sure of the number that is WITH MOLERS belr.g dialed, The diKerence between S E R V -I C E S Jlmmy Dramer of Hamlltlon re- 2121,2111 or 22l1is CIIertainly enough AT ALL TIMES turned ·to his home Tuesday a!ter dlrt'erence that the fire calL 2222 spending the Thanksgiving hoUdays should not be conIused with them. ""ith Mr. a.nd Mrs. R . O. Moler, .
JHcC1t~e Jlfuneral ~ome Dial
Miss ~uth Bumett and Miss MInnie DaVIs had ThanltsBly1ng dinner IW1th Mr. and Mrs, C11!f Burnett of LYtle,
GUESTS OF BOUGBS Mr. and Mrs. Harold Earnhalt and TBANSGlVlNG family were 'lbalnksgivtng dinner Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Sheehan en- guests of Mr. and Mrs. K. N. Blough telItaJned with a ,turkey dinner on and son Loren. Also attending tile Thanksgiving Day. Mr. aDd Mrs. dinner was Mrs. Viola Hardin. Elmer Bheeba.n and Mrs. Allee and chndren, Kenneth 'and Mary GUESTS OF Sue. FULKBBSONS Mr. ar.d M'rs. M. A. Pulkerscm had as 'lbanb.g1ving dinner guests Dr. VISITS IN' and Mrs. A. E. Stout and daughter PLEASANT BILL Mrs. Nellie McKinsey spent Winnie Jo. Thanksgiving week at Pleasant Hill I
CHICAGO VISITORS TBANKSGlVlNG Mr. Elmbnt Snider of New York L. t' I NNATl and Mr. Emerson Snider of Ohicago Mr, _ I) d Mrs, T. S. Ha.rd1n and visited Mr. J. R. Wade last Wednes. family had 'I'haInk.sg1ving dinner in day.
Cincir.na.t1. After dinner they attended the Unversiby of O1nc1nnMt- . SPEND .THANKSGIVING Miami Unversiby football game. DAY IN' COUNTRY Mr. and Mrs. Will .C. St. John re• BEAD THE OLA.8SlFlED ADS • .turned fr~ Ma.rtmsville. >Ind. this
Income Policy
THAT PAYS MORE TO LIVE THAN DIE Details without Obligation. We Have It!
Waynesville, Ohio
ChrislmasCatds .
with her brother, Harry Otstob and VISIT IN her ~iece Mrs. O. D. Thomas and MIDDLETOWN Byrd and Jean lackey spent family. 'I'ha.nltsg1v1ng With bheir mother of Middletown. . DAYS ENTERTAIN Mr. an'd Mrs. A. K. Day entert:aln- ,- - - - ed to Thanksgivlng dinner. Dr. BONORS BIRTHDAY . Mary L. Oook. IAttsrnoon callers ANNlVEB8ARY were Dr. and Mrs. Ralph Weaver and Sunday, Mr. and ' Mrs, Harold son Jim of Xenia.. The Weavers are Ea.mhart and ch:Udren entertained former residents of Waynesv1lle. to dinner in honor of the birtlhday Of MnI. Kenneth B\lufrh. Mr. and . VISIT IN MinI. Hough and Loren and M1ss LEESBr R.G Lucy DnilY' were present. ... Mr. b Mrs. LaJwrenoe Cobk and Mrs. Kelter Routmhn W86 taken child - I had 'I1hanksgivir.g dinner to Middletown hospital unexpeot.. wlLh . Cook's parents of Lees- edly on last Wednesday for an. aIp1Ial'c. l. Cook's br0t21er and wife. Pendic1tls operation. JI'r Mrs. Robert DaVis of 1Am, 0 were dtQner guests. NEW YORK AND '
Also a large selection of cards to pick from at c to. 25c each
Waynesville Drug Store Phone 2121
Famous Written Guarantee: ' .
"'or0we'tl' . It,rt;
WaYDMville, Ohio
Metal .
Costs Nothing Extra
Simply come to us for the regular change·over and weather precautions car manufactul'ers recommend. We'll guarantee in wrili"g that yO}1l' motorwiU start every time, ·all winter long. Not one cent extra for· this .positive gWirantee!
Stop In Today ••• and Start All Winter1~1!
PHONE 2441 '.
TBE MIAMI GAZETTE - Pace 3 take out the me9Jt and put tlhe pan psychological fact that it is diffiWAYNESVILLE. ORJO - NO. 4293 on 1.be top ~ ·t he stove. add , sis cult to sustain interest over such TllURSDAY. Dp::EMBER 5, IH6 much boiling water as you ~t a lang period. I sbould think that gmV6,Y ar.d thicken with flour. Bea- the merchants would take that l~to son to ta&te ~tlh salt and pepper consideration. But of course if peoand eat with pleasure. pIe have bought the merohalildise 'I1lanltsg1v1ng is over and ndw we they do not care how &1ck they get can begin to look at Ohrlstmu de- of the deoOrat10108 a.f!t.e:r they 'have A FARM DIARY OOl'llltia'-s in the stores with more bought eal'ly. I do not resentJ 1 s18ns D. J., Frat..r ' interest and lees with m1J:ect feeUng on th1ngB rern1I'.d1Jjg UB to bui ear. of re6en1ment and riaU6ea, that is 1y while the stock Is good. to luLv1n8 NO\'em~ 29. 1946. 'I'hankt;giving is unless all the cha.rm and 11"e8h- C'hr1&tmas ~ at the proper ~. The 'IUla.r.ksi1v1ng sun came r.es; of them bas not been worn counter fat tbo6e who must send out af'ter the rain earlier In the on by premature showing. It 18 a pa.ek.ages to a distance or f~ tboee week. There was enough frost in the air to live everyone a good app etJte. Too mUddy for muchplasure walking but pleasant to sit by the open tire. D1m-..er was late 118 usual but vnth the wtlling assistance at the guests the turkey. roosted t.o lovely brown was on the platter and ~ all joined in the blessing. Our 'Jlh8llksgiving leaa~ saVO'l' a little of 841c1en<t pagan burnt offeriJlp. We bring our be8t. sacrifice it on the a.ltar at family love and friendship 84"-<1 then like t:he pagans, who 8.CO()rdlng to bJ.st(J~ did not· destroy the saer1fice. we sit down and enjoy tbe !esst. OUr home gTown turkey was too young SO we got one from M:1oh'er.ers. a lovely young hen wtth lot.l; of breast meat. must have been one of tbese new broad-breasted turkeys. and enougb fat to make lots of good brown gravey to eat with tlhe mashed pota.toes and dresBIng or is stuffing a better r.ame for it? Stuffing for the guests as well as the bird. Food eaten with tJmlk!'u;Jness With those we love ~ canes a sacrement. an outward and visible sigr. of aD! inWard and spiritual gTaCe. even though we sometdml!8 spoU it witb over Indulgence ~d aze uncom!ortab1e from too much of a good thing. Why is it that YOU so seldom get good broWM gra,vey at eating pla.ces that serve otherw1se gtGoo food. Roast chJclten twitLh a P8'le im1tati~ of stewed chicken ' gr1I.vey. Roo&t tta'ke.y with sOme more c! !.he same. Even roast pork or lamb with tlbe ~ pede ooncoction or else the same colored witb kitchen bouquet or browned flour. ThIs Is brown but it 18 not the same thing. The kind I m~ Is. made from (he fat MId meat juices that brown in the pan during ·the "roasting and has a differeJ1ill tlavor. For abOut a yealr now I have been ~VestJpting this subject. ~ times the trouble COlJl.es becauSe the rciast1ng ClUcken 16 an old !ow): tbat had to be &tewed and 1ben browned in the oven. The stewmg c1ria5 up 1I1ciee ju1ce8 so that tIlere is nothtng to brown in the pan. Tbe bird Is good but not true routed chickm, Then eome people \lie a covered.l router but. too much water in it. :BIrOwr. Ever. hear the story of Tony, the fruit man? Years Ilgo, ....1'eJ" ClUl be ~ 'in, a 0CMftd Tony, a young immigrant, was enterprising enough to ...... but too often la ' nat. . . llan, in business for hinuelf-Iimited, of course, by InIIJtber and tbe lIIt.estI-cootlDa autal&11,,"111 it hi. command. ortdee acree. I'D' the "beat I'eIJUIW At lint he started out each morning with a crate of rout JOUr meat 01' bird In aft c:.pu) III medium, bot. ~ never IUIck berries or the few hand. of bananas be could carry on a tOltt"mt.o it to aee If la dIoDe _ his should•• Ditect to the homes he could reach on foot, do ~ pUt a'l;Y 1V&tc' to CIle PM Tony made trip after trip, carrying load after load of wIdIe It ia 'Wben it 1& ckIIIe
like to buy ee.rly. I do :cot didn't. Evidently I didn't neea tIIJ there was still er.ough DDT on the subject but about three weeks of 'windo.w s1ll aDd wood work to do the Se.nta. Claus and Ohristmas bells job. The fly pest has been conis about all meet of Us can ~d. quered but what are we going to do It makes me feel like ' the little girl with ·t he plague o! would-be human who wished for Ohristmas fNery dictators. We fought a war to get day in the yesT and got her wish. rid of Hitler and the Japanese wa.r We OOI'ht to reprtnt that &tory some lords but we still have Stalin 84ld day, this generaot4on doesn"t knOllV John L. Lewis with us and it we it. el1m1nite them there is a long l1ne OVer on the wmdOllV sUI a large of otbers just waiting to step into !fat fly is kicking around and I tbeir 6boes. The problem wilt not t1IOlJ81ht c4 getting the fly 8Pl'a.y but (Oontlnued on page 4)
resent newspe.per advertising on the
Even Humble Be,ginnings Require Capital
fruit, with a smil~ that helped win ~olDers. Tony worled bard and saved, always living on al~ttle less dwi be made, until be accumulated enough tllJ~ to buy ~ puahcan. That meant fewer ,t rips, more CUS1tomen and ,leu physical effort. A. time ~'~nt on, TOG1 again invested his ..ved profits-bis tlljlilill-in
P . ,• • •
ment, this' time a hor:se and wagon. Soon h~ will· be ready for a motor truck and one or ~o ~elpetl! _ Tony'. story is typiCal of free enterprise. Even humble beginnings require u/!illll . . . for equipment or tool. ~o make jok fa enterprises requiring machinery or spF daUy equipped factories, thousands 01' dollars' worth of "too.... are needed to provide each worker a job. Don't let anybody tell you th.t capital is an enemy of labor.• That is a mistaken idea encouraged by those who would teat down confidence ~d cooperation, those who woula lOW disrrust .lid batted. Capital is a tool working for all of us. Use your-own good common ROle. Speak up and declare yourself when anyone tries to talk you out of your rip" as • free American dtizen. '
a ••
L.8 H' ftII wRo. . . . . . . . . fI _ _ _ ~ • • _1rtIIIIU............................
The Miami Gazette 1 8 5 0 E S. TAB LIS H E D
Publlshed Every Thursday by DAVISSON PRESS FLOYD L . DAVISSON, Ectitor Entered as Second Class Malter a t the Post Office
I n the matter of the e tate of Florence' G. Sto ke, deceased, executor, to . II livestock, feed and crops at pril'ate sale. Nationa l Advertising Representatives In the matter of t he e tate of Ohio W eeklie , Inc., 2465 W. Broa d Street, P. O. 'IonCort, deceased, Indianola Ranker, executrix, filed first, fin al , Co lumbus 4, Ohio and distributive IIlccou nt . I n the matter of the estate of Edward Wyrick, decea ed, Alice Wyrick, udmini £tl:atrix, inventory approved. {Continued from page 3) In t he ma tter I~f t he estate of be solved by gettJr.g rId of IndividSallie Belle Rit"l, deceased, The uals. Some way must be found to Congressman Clarence J . Brown First America n Bank and Trullt keep men from getting SO much pow'!r Co., executor, filed first and final an~cu nced in Washington yester. that they can prevent others from accoun t; inventot'Y approved. In the mattel' of the e tate of '\\'orldng and throw the whole da y that the preliminary examinPrincipals ~ Pead FI'ee:rJe, deceased, Forrest ation for selection of tpuntr:,. into chacs. Ev~ n it w'e !lIwe to figh t and suffer from cold Alternates to represent the S event h Freeze, administrator, inventory Congressional District of Ohio In hearing set for December 16, at 10 and Inconvenience un til t he battle the regular Naval Academy entrance o'clock baa beer.. fought to the end, we exa.m1natJon next Spring. will be Walter R ..C~ ore, d~ceas~d, Stella IIIUlt find some way to stop lewls held a t Wilmington. Oh10 on Sat - Clore, admllltstrntrlx, lIlventol'Y 'IIlCl others like h1m. ,It must be urday. January. 11th. 1947. hearing set for OIecember 9, at 10 rail' to all an'd like DDT there must , o'clock. 'l1hJs examlr.at10n wlll be under Ch aries Bowyer, decease d , Frank b e en ough t pcwer 1n the residue . to catch the next one before he has the supervlslon of Harry W. Hod&on, M. and Geneva Bowyer, adminis' Lm to tr bl Superlntend~nt of Schools. and will trators, filed application for cer.• e ca;use ou e. h V I.. Sell . h 001 tlficate of transfer of real estate; Now I have to go and see wh.a t be oonducted .a.t t e U '6 . I do to t Of igh Building In WUmlngton. beginning gross value of estate IS $29,516.66. ca.r. , ge some my ne - at 9:00 A. M. Any young mw who is Sarah E. Bowyer, deceased, bors to build some fences so that a bona fide resident of tlhe Seven- Frank and Geneva Bowyer, adminwe can use our OWn pastures. th Cor.gresslonal District. is phys_ i. trators filed application for cer• • • tlficat.e of transfelr of real estate. P. S . Congra.tulations to the ioa.lly qualified, and will have gradEdward 'E. Kiibbey, deceased, present owner and prgprletor or the uated from a flrat grade higb school John R. Kibbey,,' administrator, Loneeome Pine. I llke to see a ma.r. by July 1st. 1947. will be. eligible filed certificate of transfer of real stand uP ' for himself and his est- to oompete. PROV1DING appli- .estate. , Nettie Morton, deceased, Roy , cation Is made to Congressman ablishment wl\en he t'hlnks he has BroWili before December 27th. Morton, executor, filed application been mai}lgr:ed. H we talfed Ix> dla· . Th Iter ' ted 1 t1ng ih for certificate of transfer of real tiDgu1sh clek-ly 'b et-weeD past and <l6e n as n compe estate present management we are sol'l'Y this prellmlnary e~at.1on can . tlbough ·the sta.tement seemed clearly obtain detalled in!onn.a.t.1on from MARRIAGE LICENSES enough to me, that. is that the pre- Mr. Brown. and should f ile their. Melvin L. Rapp, 22, South Leb!le.nt managem-ent is new ar..d has appllCatlon with him. addreaslni anon, press operat,or, Lois L. Headdeclared his intentions of running a. their comm~on to: Olarence J . ley, 19, South Lebanon. . decer.t place. ,t hat 'he ran a state _ Brown, Member of 00ngress, 1496 H. Leroy Holmes, '22, Lebanon, ment 1n this paper saying 80 and House Office BUilding, Waehlngton. student, Ma.rjorie A. C09k, 22, Lebanon, secretary. that we wish hbn the best of look. D. C. Arthur F. WhaRey, 22, Pleasant H'e says t.b&t tale tnanagment conPlain, maintenance, Genieve R. trols the cUentele. 'I1here was no 1m- FREINDSDIP CLUB, The Freindship Club WUl be held Began, 19, Lebanon, factory workp11c8ltlon of ar.,y Id.nd intended aer. . at the home of MIrs. A. H. Stubbs. gainst the . present lll8I~nt Robert Lee Wilson, 19, Franklin, other than· iL hope that he would not December 11, at r.30 P. M. paper worker, JuUa Lee Powell, 22, &1Ch mell'i>er to brtng 25 to 50 Franklin, mattress factory worker. lind it too hard to carry out· his goc.d 1ntentlor..s. We him sue- cent gift. Also remember your secret Ralph E. Wadle, 18, Franklin, truck ~river, Eliza.~th A. Ruppert, sister. cess. 188, Franklin, clerk , William Fraunknecht, 19, OreTELEPHONES gonia, laborer, Rliith St. John, 18, WA'lNESVILU 1091 Morrow, secretary'. MOBBOW No.' PRONE NEWS ITDI8 TO LEBANON O"Jee '73K 11t.1 .. Itl0 BAND and GRAVEL RE8. UlL SubscrlPtlclIl Ra tes: $1.50 per Year in Advance
Brown Announces Naval Examination
THE I'UAMI GAZE'n'E - ~ 4 OHIO - NO. 4293 WAYNESVILLE. Lillian Grace Whitaker v . Willis Whitaker, t aI., partition ord red . THURSDAY, DEC!l\mER 5, 1946 Halti e and Ghmn H O\'er \' . Matt hias Ke ller to Edna Maie Th toneontainel' 0 ., et al. ,. Hendllt'Son, 1 acre in Harla n townTh > TI'n\'(~ I t'l" In ui'ance Co., of ship. Hertford, onn ., made party deLu ther and Ada Coopel' to Sylrendant. \·e ·ter and Garnett Simpson, lot in E \'el'ett orli vs. Waltet· D. Snicie l'cl'e 't ubdivi ion. Maiden . plaintiff, to recover front Robe l't and Jane t E. Glenden in defendant Urtl f $3 7.36 and cost. to Eal'l ·E. and Barba r a L. Lindsey, Kat hryn . Knight vs. Irwin 5.0 1 acre in Franklin town ship. Knight, divorce to plaintiff, plain . tiff resto red to maiden nam e. BILLS ALLOWED linton H. Talmage v . Dot·o hy Eugene Witham, salary, $114.40; M. Talmage, divorce to plaint iff. Hot'ace Thl'ockmol' to n \·s. E thel Wm . TUlley, payroll, $184.80; Johnon Myers, payroll, $3,61.20; Leslie L. Throckmorton. liens released. Helen Faulkner vs. ragg Faulk- Shultz, pay roll, $726.85; Earl Bayner, hearing set fOl' Thur day. De- sore, payroll, .$260.80; Ra ymond Mulfo rd, pa'yroll, $339.80. cember 5, at 10 o'clock. Harry Mount, payroll, $82.80; Lewi H. Camp bell vs. Minnie Elizabeth Campbell, ca e dismissed Wm. Schuylel', payroll, $386.80 Enwithout record and without preju- nis Thompson, payroll, $264.60; Western Auto Stores, 2 truck tires, dice. $152.60; Sam Smith & Son, 1 glass _ __ _ _ __ for shovel, No. 46, $4.00. REAL ESTATE Railway Express Agency, exTRANSFERS press charges on signs, $1.87; Robert James and Carol Jeanne Highway Equipment Co., freight Snyder to Samuel S. and Gloria on motor grad er~ $57.70; The BodeSwanson Wood, 2.20 acres in Finn Company, bearings, $4.20; Franklin township . Jackson's Service Station, gasoline, Marvin and Mae Conover to Rob- $14.17; Walter Botts Shell Service, ert and Edith Troxell, lot in Mason. gasoline, $25.03; The Standard Oil Horace O. a nd Lauraine Sawyer Conlpany, gasoline, $86.78; Gross to Young McIntosh, lot in South Service Station, gasoline, antiLebanon. freeze, $104.76. W. Edgar and Doris Smith to The Office Outfitters, cloth, auEdwin and Mary Anna Walker in ditor, 35 cents ; The F. J . Heer Wayne township. Printi ng Company, 500 Robinson William Henry and Goldia J. cloth seals for sealer , $13.5<f; Geo. COl'win to Robert D. and Rheta T. B. Johnson, treasurer, acct., $30.00; McGranahan, 2 ~ots in Lebanon. W. H. Anderson Company, replace.' Sigmund Piast, by administ rator, ment, $15.00; The Office Outfitters, to George' Franke, 9.47 acres in supplies, Pros. Atty., $10.00; CoDeerfield township. lumbus Blank Book Mfg. Co., 600 F . D. Amburgy to Clarence W. Shul tz. 4 lots in South Lebanon. Clarence B. Bowman to Forrest W. Day, 4 acres in Turtlecreek township. Frank M. Bowyer, Sr., and ElizIy, t •• lord... Cow abeth E. Baker, to Genevieve and Genevra Bowyer., lot in Mason. F. D. Amburgy to Virgil and Effie Cole, 3 lots in South Lebanon. Village of Mason to The Deerfield Manufacturing Co., 0.47 acrea in Mason. S. Stella Jameson, et aI., by master commissioner, to Roy Shepherd and Watt Arnett, 84.50 acres in Turtlecreek township: Harvey and Doris M. \nancy to Irene L. Phillips', 2 acres in Turtlecreek township. James Wilkens to Harvey arid Doris M· Glancy, 13.46 acres in Turtlecreek township. . David L. and Mamie Hltte to Dan and Goldie Salye ~ lot in Franklin.
Armitage ~& Son
. !'WI
Brown's Insurance' SerVice IF'ranci. G. Brown, Manacer PHONE 2935 AUTO
.A Complete Service In
FARM EMPLOYERS UABILTV (up to 2 employes)
INSURANCE REAL ESTATE AUCTION SALES In, 1944 W'e p\lrchased The Waynesville Insurance ,
Agency and in 1946 The O. M· Ridge Agency, the two
Our Motto: SAVING
were combined, with our own agency, offering the best in Fire, Casualty and Automobile Insurance at standard rates. Prompt settlement of claims.
.WayneaviJ1e, Ohio ESTABLISHED 1912
Phone 2651
We are now located in the office , of MRS, EMERSON EARNHART We will appreciate' the , o'PPortunity" to discuss our rates with no obligation to you
"A Happy Partnership! "
"Yes sirl" says Elsie happily. '·'Men of science are our partn~rs here at Borden's. Trained technicians are ,a lways checking an~ double checking the purity, freshness and flavor '. 9f Borden's milk and other dairy products. That's why , they're $0 uniformly good, an~ good fo~ you'" A coil will bring Borden's service to your door .' , . or you can ask .for Borden's products ~y name at your neighborhood.·,s tore.
7iofiens If It ~ BordCI1~ - • 1/ s unt tn /)v (Innr! I ,
Telphon:e 'yVa",earille :2552
HE1,2 75
WAYNESVILLE. omo - NO. 4293 THURSDAY. DECEl\mER 5, 1946
indictments, Pt·os. Atty., $18.00; Banks-Baldwin Law Pub. Co. subc. $ 18.76. Van Camp Sand and Gl'Ilvel, gravel and sand, $22.46. The Office Outfitter, supplies, juvenile court, $2.30; The JohnsonWat on Company, 1 record of accounts executors, $77.50: The Office Outfitters, 1 Carters ink remover, 36 cents; Columbus Blank Book Mfg. Co., 50 ot'der for hear, ing, Probate Court, $2.00: The F . J. Heel' Pl'intillg Co., supplies, Probate Court, 75 cents; Dr. R. M. Williams, coroner's cost bill, $5.40. Dr. H. M. Williams, coroner's cost bill, $5.40; Lebanon-Citizens Nat'! Bank, rent of office for Pros. Atty., $30.00; The Miami Valley Hospital, hospItalization, $42.00; The Standard Oil Company, gasoline and oil, $.6.41; Edith Bishop, guardian, cash for relief of Koogle family, $60.00; City of Cincinnati, cash for relief of Elbert and Mattie Reed, $174.()0. Montgome~y Co. Reli?f Area, cash for rehef of Shtflett and Steele family, $122.11; Josephine Bowman, cash for relief familyNovember, $10.00; Chas. McCowan, ca h for relief family-November, $10.00; Mary Kleinhein, cash for relief family-November, $20.00; Minnie Veit, cash for . relief family -November $10.00; Frank Ferguson, et aI, cash relief-December, $328.00; Dr. John Zettel, glasses for Elisha Powell, $15.00.
Grade Pupils To Give Program
. , Late Copy
On Thursday. December 19. schOOl
Mr. and Mrs. Ray MilleI' and little children of the grade bulldlr..g wUl daug'ht.er returned to their h.ome present a Christmas program at the here Thursday after spending 1\ High School building at 1 :00 P. m. couple of weeks 'WIth the latter's parents. Mr. al'~d Mrs. Walter Wllltaker In Waynesville. FARMERS CRANGE
MEETING SATURDAY Fanners Grange No. 13 will meet In regslar session at the Grange Hall on Saturday. Dec. 7 at 8:00 P. M. ' The Future Farmers of America. boys under the ci4rectlon of,Mr. J . B. crabbe Will presen t the program.
The Lytle Card Club was entertained at the home of Mrs. Lowell
Ohio milk pla.nts on October 30 we~e ,getting an average of 129.6 pounds of mllk from each dairy fann on thel:r hipper 3 ' lists. This was a. decrease of 16.1 pounds from the average on October 31 . 1945. but production per cow st.1l1 is at a high level: PrIces for milk may be affected by a weakness In market prices for chee e and butter which eventually wU1 lower prices paid by condensarles.
are eating turkey or even corn breed and beans. some one Is starving. Perhaps they ha\"e not a single room to call their own. They w11l look out !.heir windows. November 28th ar.d see fl'Ulted plains stately
buildings. white cottages Or mMlSIons or even a hut, though It be humble j t has never rocked from a bomb. By God and His Angels and Sain t<; we should be tJ11lr.kful for much .
h ::J
Thomas Thursday afternoon. ~ Mr. and Mrs. RoSs Roland Cjililed 'I 8ft the home of Mr. and Mrs. Paul Shipley and children' Thun>day 'I1h!Is week. from Encinitas. Califafternoon 011 their return f rom ornla came a' letter to my mother ~ Florida to their home in Centerville. , signed 1. M. Stout (That·s rhe broCONFINED Mr. and Mrs. Bernard Melloh and t her of Waynesv1l1e's Marla Stout Every fam.1ly will cherish the memWITH nu son BillY. who have been Uvlng with ElOOn) Mr. Stout sends "best Wishes" ory of a last tribute that ViM Mrs. Edwin Ra,Jnby has been qUi~ t he latter's parents. Mr. and Mrs. to all his friends of yesteryear, thro- dJgn.Irted and fitting In eve1'J' l'e!pect. UJ wlt,h the Flu, !or the past two Olyde Wharton. moved to their new ' ugh-out Warren Oounty. weekB. • • • home at Merrltstown F:lday. Mrs. Nettle Emrick and her guest, Who could it be who signs her THANKSGIVING Mrs. Elizalbebh Hough were Tuesda,y name. Mrs. Susie H2 O ' House? IN HAMILTON Answer next week. As a clue. she's Mr. and Mrs. Burgoyne Botner evening dinner guests of Mr. ar.d a womar., and married. Mrs. J . B. Jones and were also ci4nand daughter Frwnces of Vincent. • • • ner guests of Mrs. Margaret Johns Ky visited til Ir da hter d f " e ug an am- Thursday ~enlng. Thursday. was ThankBglvlng ,Day Uy. Mr. and Mrs. Woodrow BrandenMr. and Mrs. Dor.ald Baird and a festively we have celebrated smoe burg Tuesday and Wednesday of last. Telephone 2291 deughters. accompa.n1ed by Mr. and the year 1621 when a Governor week. From here they were a.ccomBradford declared there should be panled by the Brandenburga tb Mrs. Ohester Baird of Dayton saw a day of rejoicing and thanksHamUton Where all enjoyed a fem- Sonja He1r.e., the noted 100 skater. giving for the graces a God alIn person. at a theaiter In I':Idl1anUy dinner on Thanksgiving at the mighty has bestowed upon us. The hOme of another daughter and' fam- apolis. Ind', Thursday. year of 1621 was nearly fruitless 11y, Mr. and Mrs. William , W. Mr. 8Ind Mrs. Harvey Burnet were entertained a.t their Dinner Card but yet Grovenor Bradford, deemed Smith. Olub S81turday evening at the home I~ fitting ,t hat we commemerate this Help Them Cleanse the Blood iiiiiii4iiiiiiiilii~~iii4ipjiiii~ of Mr. and Mrs. J05eph Ohapman in day. in respect to'" the pounties. or Harmful Body Wallte however sman. that Waynesville. , were ours. PerYOW' kldnoya are eon.tantly IIltorlnl , ,helps many of us to-day ask our"..t. mlltter from tbe blood strel m. But Mr. ar.d Mrs. Sperry Boitnott of selves what we have to be thankkidney. lomet.im.,. III In tbelt work-do Dot aet .. Nature Intended-faU to reTroy spent. several days last week ful f~r. Mucll is the answer. We move Impurltlel tbllt, If retained. may ollon tb •• yatem and upaet tbe wbola ' with Mr. and Mrs. Guy ~tza;hn have life Itself. we live not In a war Cody machinery, Symptoma ma7 be narelnl baekacbe. and the former, assisted Mr. R.out- wrecked Country. our architecture peralatoot bendacbo. attack. of dluinea. za.hn 1r.. 1a~g ,the cement bloc}~ for remains. the Democracy we fought lettlnl up nl,bll. Iwollini. Il'lffincmo under tbe OYOI--a feoUnl of norvoUI his new garrage. Everett i<enrlck for is still alive, we have food. jobs aoxlely and lOll of pep and .trcngth. Otber .11n. of kidney or bladder diu· is also wor1dng there. positions• .From t he shores of orller are lomeUmet blU1lln" Ic:&Ilty or too frequent urinlltiun. SOCIETY l\IEETING the A1JanUc to the ~lfic from the Tbere Ibowd be no doubt tbat ptol!lj)t treatment Ia wiler tban n8l1eet. Ula POSTPONED north to the south. 'We can still DOG,.', Pilli. DOQII', bave been wlDIIlnl 'Ute Woman's Soclety meeting of unfUl'l the "Star-Spa.ngled Banner new frlenda, for more tban forty yea,.. They bave a Dation-wid.' nputatloo. L,y!tle cburohl has ~ea- their to procla.1m' the land of the ~ree 'Are recommended by Ifltefw.ptOple tb, eoUlltry over. Ad, ,OMr ulgUorr Ohrtstma.s meeting at the hom,e of and the home of the brave. what. PINS - BROACHES - BRACELETS Mrs. WUbur Poulks. Oft account of ,m ore do any of ' us wish. except the Ladles of the church serving HealVen itself. Remember, that &.C1'068 EAR RINGS - CHAINS - ' NOVELTY I lur..cll at ~arles IB ogan's saJ.e w'h lch the 'pond' upon Thursday, when we Bee our line of fine occurs the same day. Wednesday LEATHER B~FOLDS ~ . 4th,. A fine new office bu1ld1ng 1B being WAYNESVILLE • erected at the Iqtae Elewltor of con'crete blocks. The old ofdce builWng MAIN STREET WAYNESVILLE,OmO #844) haa been in use over 60. years will be tom down. &lao r.ew scales lhave DAYfAND NIGHT ' been installed. Messra, Everett and Lester Kenrtclt and Arthur Thomas are the workmen. Mrs. Alfred ,Rasnake underwent at Belcher'. Sonoco StatiOn- Phone an operation Pr1day at ~ Valley HospMal and on 8000Wlit Of shortqe .~ beds and nurses was returned to her home a nd is dlolng ni<le~ under the care c4 Dr. A. m . Stout of Waynesville. Mr. oodJ Mrs. Walter Cla.rk entertained to dinner Wednesday evening. Mr. &nd Mrs. Rolla Bolton, Dr. Wilbur Clark.. Miss Wanda Clark and Mr. and Mrs. J'I.IIlior Olark and son. '!be dinner W86 In hlOno'r of the birthdays of Messrs WHbur a.ml Walter Clark. Mr. and Mrs. Therle Jones and , PHONE 326 LEBANON, OHIO son, Milton had !~ ~e1r idl:nner . - -- - ----guests, Mr. a.nd Mrs. Edwin Nlitt , ~ d gt'andloson, Garry More. n of The best way to keep these chaished memories near OentervUle and Mr. a~d Mrs. your children is hrougl'i portraits. LET US HELP J. B. Jones. YOU KEEP THESE MEMORIES, Our modern ~quip· Mr. Sltdl Mrs. Oonald, '-J. Baird ,'of ment and superior craftsmanship assures you ~f perthe Gebhart Road entertained to a . fection, complete satisfaction, and lasting beauty. . ALL MAKES AND TYPES dinner Wednesda.y In honor of the . I Make appointments now for Holiday photographs, OUR WORK IS GUA~~,TEED . latter·s nephew. Rev. Boyd I. O~voje We also 'do RADIO and PHONO ReFlair .of Greenville, Texas. Othel'S pu sent' I Were: and Mrs. Charles G .. gan and sons, Mr. and MnI. 'Wood,. '.. • i· " " " 11 Ohio row Miller and fam1ly, of DI~yton Across from the Bank . Nite 'Phone . North Street near High School - , WaynesVl e, 0 Miss.M&ry Kathrtne Baird anci Mr.
rap -
Watch Your . Kidneys;!
Bring Your:.Fihlls to Will's Jewelry Stor~ for Dev~loping
Any make or mode" Fred Kahn ' Motor Car 'Co. -
r,HONTER .Photo Serv·lce'
Refrigerator & Washer ' Repairing • Parts
W~e .'F'w'ay; . •' , : . .:... ; ::" .' ':., ' ..:'
Home Appliance.Store WAYNESV ~ ~L 'E,
2981 -
abe ~
Empire T railer Sales A Be.tter Trailer for Better Living:
R. B. Coleman, Mlnlstel' TBAVELON, SPAlRTON- GBJiJina C8mPs and other smular projects 9 :30 A, M. VINDALE and EMPIRE TBAILERS and fumJsh the mon comfortable . SUNDAY SCHOOL J. J . Bu.rske. SUpt. . .. . Slt'eamlinect, bea1lUfaliy aDd and CClI'1Irenlent bome near the scene 10 :30 A. M . , w QRSHIPSEH.VICE eJlIClently equipped . . .. Offerlq ElI:- of OIle's act1v1tie$. In addition, t or YOUTH FEI.tl.OWSHlP. celIeDt Values. Sell on Teftllllo Low those who wI.sh to "V'llgabond 1t" tor . 'Ibunday, 7:30 P. M . Dcnm Payment. and Lowest JDterest a wb11e or go On a necessa;ry trip. OHOm PlMCTICE Wednesday , 7:30 P. M. Kates In the State .... Buy. Sd1 and one of these tTallers will add 1mTrade .. .. Takes can and Iumltwe measura.bly to the j<J'Y and Comfort In tnde ... . See tile 19&6 aDd " , of lJ{e on the open f(J~. ST. MARY'S trailers before stu11Dc on ~ trtp 'I1le.lie tradlen; are. also, deslgned EPISCOPAL CHURCH Tel TAWI 60 'tilat you will nOI~ feel you are Samuel N. Keys • • • "hauling" SClIJIet~, ' The traU lAy Ree.der-in charge The Empire TraIler Bales In DayuraM . d Y II OHUROB SCHOOL 9:30 A. M. ton are otfer1!ng "The Latest In your car as nat ' y aa ay fo ' ows Holy Commundon and Sermon. <Xl Uvi" I th 1r trailers night without weave' nOlI' side6Way. M e r n n g n e new You have complete safety on curves The Rev. Fred.eric Atkinson. - 11:00 whiohi are modere in f1Vf!1'y respect. and there is alm06t 1Il~ reduction in a. m. being large and rOOmy. 'I1he TnWeI- .............! ........ - ...... t l " fIts -OTlfflth. VlndaJe and ..~ ...,. .......... or. ....) ue 006 . UTICA U. B. CHURCH on. Spart.on . Tra.1len; are now a.va.uable 8i1ld Key. Ralpb Hlnes Dnp1re are spacious and bea.uWul the Empire Tra11er Slues are helping SUNDAY SCIH.OOL 9 :30 A. M. a.nd are OOl'lSidered 1be last word in many people to adJlust themselves MrE. James Garrison. SUpt. trailer living and traveling com- to these changjng times. PREACHING 1st and 3rd Sundays f«'t. month 10 :30 A. M. Tra41en; came into popularity BeV- • BEAD THE CLASISIFIED ADS _ .. era} years qo tor tile tourist and FERRY vacationer, but. today, while ,t hey CHURCH of CHRIST still fUl th1s purpose the ' scope or The G'rowInc. GoiDI· Ch1U'Ch their usefulness has gone far' beBer~ Graham. MinIster }"CIn(1 t h1B. In cities all over the counBIBLE SOHOOL ~ : 3() A.M. try where defense workers were MORNING wORsmiP 10:3()A. M. dr8JWll, trailers made spler.<lld dOmYOU"I1H M!EE1rINOS 7:00 P. M. lort&ble. temporary as well as pa.rA!DULT PRIAYER MEETING manent residences and enabled 7:00P.M. EVENING EVlANGELtSTIC smv-
7:45 P. M .
MT. HOLLY 'M ETHODIST CHURCH T. M. Scarff, MInister SUNDAY BOROOL 9:50 A. M. E. A. Earnhart, Supt. WORB.T.nP SERNIOE 10 :30 A, M. EVEN! IrG SERVIOE 7:30 P. M. •
ST. ) . UGUS11NE CHURCH Ji'athfU Krumholtz, PrIest M.ASS o'UNDAY 9:00 A. M. -
FRIENDS FIRST DAY SOHOOL 9:30 A. M. :M:ElI!1NNG for W~ , 10:30 A. M.
Mrs. Georgianna Ivins spent "ft· h Thanksgiving day with h er """~ ter. Mni. Kaorl Dakin and family in Lebanon. Mr. 8lld Mrs. Milton Sheehan of Oenterv1lle, were Thanksgivir-g dinner guests of Mrs . .A11ce Clark. 'Miss lAura. McKinsey spent the hOlldaY8 with 'her sister Mrs. Earl Swa.1n. near Lebanon. Dr. 'Emma Hollawa and Miss
Mr. ar-d' Mrs. L. M. Obandler and daughter Miss Oel'trude 0handle1' with Mrs. Mae Harrison of OInc1nnati were dinner guesta of MiI58 Ruth Chandler on ~ksg1vlna , day. Miss Anna Meredith was the din- . ne7' guest of her mother. Mrs. SaUle Mued1th on Friday. Miss 'Ruth Chandler with Mrs. L. W Ch8lIldle d Miss Gertrude , Y . . r ar. Mary Bostc:r. called on the Beth Chandler spent Ba:turday afoternoon F\Irnas Iam.Uy on Social Row road in Da.yton. Th sd8i ift~moon ur y a . Mrs. Evalyn Peten;on enjoy sev- THANKS , •. era1 days ,this week at the home of For ·the good deeds and kindness .. her ~ter MIrs. Alice Telfair i!l shown me since ~ illness I wish WUmingt.Or.. to express 'my sincere thanks. alsO M1ss Olive Williams left Mondaoy for the cants ar.d gifts sent Ix> me for a visit 4nth relatives in Pendle- on my birthday. eve~thiD8 was r ton, Ind. deeply appreciated. EarIW. Oonner Mrs. Sallie 'M eredith Iwas a
Forms of Government
(Continued) .. .. The justification of the party system Is v1gUance. One part of the population m1sttu5ts the o1lher part which Is in power. The opposition checks ar.d criticizes the party holding power for fear <that It might usurp It. ThIs attitude. therefore. is unCooperative. It watches jealously and critically the actions of Its avowed political enem1e~. 'Ibis d4sunity, inherent In democre.cles, Is r.ot conducive to respect for the law, nor propitious In Int roducing effective measures for social just1ce. So far. only danger of war or a great
.' A wid,e Selection of A Delight to the Lady MEN'S aJ:ld BOY'S TIES .on the gift list - Many Popular Makes & Prices styles
crisis' haa been able .to unite
demOcracies for 8llythlng retlober't L. VanZile MiDJater . semb11r.g a concerOOd national ef. BmBLE 8an.ooL • 9.30 A.!L fort". In a 'democracy autliority 10;3() II. re6ts 'With the ,people. who are inoo.MMUNION SERMON 11:00 A. M . ellned ' to be 1ndl!(erent to l~w and EVENING SERVIOE 8 :00 P. M. order. Among equal people. tbey • • • • argue, those who have been voted
Full Assortment Gift Wrappirtgs. Car d,s Tinsel ahd Tree Trimmings .
JUMOR YOUNG PlDOPLE'S MiI!2l'- irIto power ca.ncot be better than _ each 8und&y. 6:46 p. m., for an tbe people wbo electecl them. theftbelow Blab BobooI ate_ left, why obeY' IIIld respect auth• .. • CId~? 'l1lJa ladt 'of reepeot 18 ev1'lHIl EVBNlNG ~~ is ~ deIDced nOt onb-. 1nt.beir att1tudIe pIan~ by the you.og people. BveI'.Y- ~ Jthe l...,.tors aDd aecu· one 18 invited to atteDcS t.beee .-._ tiftS ~ the ' ~, but alIo WIv'M'4 ices in whkb the fOIUJIe people wW tile, fled _ tile . ~ Ii » ihM'e .. deftn1te part. mdlDeed kf~e ~ or cbIldreD towanS tiIIU parentAl" _• • • , . .. '. • • . • A 0BR.lBlUAS BOX. iDc1wUD8 (to be CIIIDUnued) &rII.VU*8 or UIed tbM caD be by. Be1en ~ used by a ctdJd 10 the home .ad . 8Cbool, Sa bein8 MOt . . • ~ CREEC~ BUYS ~ ,t o 1IIe UouIlUan '1IIIIIiaD BROWN 5W'ISS o8cboo! of ~cb-. Va. 1Ir1DjI.,... Ro7 T. aea. _ _YUle. Obio· 12ft to the dlUfth DOt later uu. baa ~ ~ tile ftIIte-, Dec. 15. tered BIVIm tQ1 '. Ob&ef
- ' WORK SHIRTS of QUALITY A really ap)?reciated Gift for any man or boy.
~~""Ro.rW: __ ,*~
.......0.. ........
'JIBB ~JI . . . to ....... ~ baa' to Heawn. " doDr , to bell-- fJaD JIftd 8. I<*e. ~ ., til. WIlDeYer ~ it. ..........., BI'aWD SWIll 0iIWe _ . . . . . MMIC~ ~ -to ~ eaS WMN, IMIom BeloIt, 1ftttuWn. A dOor to !JrU1t and bI'tlbIl l11li'.' • bar to 1IODc.-, pide MId f,.. A. dow t.c IIln and 8IW aod alii. ~ bar to hope, a .... to ~. ~ dOor to ~ .., dtIIJ*. IA ~ to . . . Uld edIIq ~ -\ liar to bDa~ Jl;fe. A door to lID .ad .net lIDd'iIIItfI. Ii. bar to BeMeD. " door to heIl-· -\ . . to . . ·tIM'. ud .tINJe, Wboeva named ill. ....... It W,eU. ~ dDar,to mII7 druDbnl'II . .ft. AIDDbol wW .w anr ~ _< tojoJ"· ~ _ _,, UId _ _ IIIr1blDI bot II deId.
.-w cae
Dr. 8Itld Mrs. F. B. G ren were
At 4005 N. DlxIe Dr. DaJt,on. are workers to thrwart the housing short- guests of Mr. Charles Lewis and 'I1hank8g1v1ng oa.y guest at the home . &TUtly aidlDlln 80lvil1&' our h~ 1aie6 and high rents. Now. they are Miss Emma Lou Lewis on Thanks- of 'h er daushter, .Mrs. Walter Wh4t- PJGblem5 thrOUCh Ute.\r salM of serving the .same PUl"J)Ol&ea in' new giving ever.dng. acre and fanilly. '
~ . fi .;; I. I J-I'''en d6 ome
u-. ......
A full display to please the most discriminating'
, GAMES f~r ChUdren
the whole family. Boun of Pleasant Enjoyment. .'
....._ _-------~~~. _ _ _ ---1- -
THE MIAMI GAZETl'E - Pace" near Waynesville in hflnor or the attending the Gen.eral Grand CtlaP- Survey. These include hospit:a.ls, system of m8.na.gement and a board WAYNESVILLE. omo - NO. 4293 latter's mother. Mrs. John ZIm- ter oonvenUon Order of the East- nursing homes. and other l:nst1tut- or direcrors, select what items they . THURSDAY, DECEMBER 5, 1946 mermar.. em Star and spent ,two weeks at ions furrushlng care for the sick. would build and gb ngh ir.to bust• -Mr. and Mrs. Paul Shipley, son St . Cloud. Eaoh institution Will furr.ish infor · ne&; producing {)hem. and da ugh ter were Thanksgiving . Mrs. J. W. Huston and Mr. ]~e maUon aboutB its scO>:)e "f. f ' .t!." .' !l. Wheter they do or don't jd! lUb guests of Mr. and Mrs. Paul Slagle rett HusOOn of Yellow Springs were the area it set'Y~I! , an~ ;'_e _ r. .~~ 1(2' lAlWIement. it's a sale ", ~ 8It Wilmin gton. Sunda.y guests c,f Mr. 'and' Mrs. ana type 01 ~5r-,o::::;&~ : ::. :t . t.l;::~. W i!Ynwi'lile will have plen ty". tIoField workers of the Ohio l;)ur\'e) weI' stands. birdhouses. mlOp holdMr. and Mrs. Calvin 'Longacre a.r.d Everett Ea1'ly. Massie Rm-a'l Sohool for period. fnmlly were Sunday dinner guests Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Hurlow and are visiting 'hospital adminlst.rators ers and iarI\'1~ ga<igets next summer ending Nov. 22. of Mr. and Mrs. Charles Drake in grand-son of Dayton were Sunday to give assistance ir. the compilwtioll as a resul t of the wintl'r 's work in 1ST. GRlADE. P a>tty Fisher; Reset- Dayton. afternoon guests of Mr. - and Mrs. of data about their institutions. the Se. Mru1" s Boys Club. Mr. and Mrs. Everett Kenrick Therle Jones. to. Henderson: Donlla Lee Hll{jeDistrict chainnen or" the Ohio Hoobrand ; Sandra Peterson; Dorothy al~,d children entertained the HopMiss Sarah Corine Furnas of F'hU- pita.l Association also are assisting SUBSCRIPTIONS TO THE Volers: Paul Ayers; Rvger Dodd; kins family of Waynesville tv dinner adelphia spent the Thanksgiving in the collection of imformaltion MIAMl GAZETTE CAN BE Lavema Fox; Lester Fairchild; Tha.nlts«iving. holldays with her parent6. Mr. am which V\1lJ. be completed in about Billy Hansford'; Bobby Smith ; Mr. and Mrs. Edmond Minser and Mrs. Seth Furnas and' brother of four months. it is estlnul.ted. PAID AT WAYNESVILLE 2ND GRADE Murray Ohapple; Shir- family of . Dayton were Thursday Soc1aI Row. DRUG STORE OR AT THE ley Copas; BlU'bwra Doster; Suzan- dir.ner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Wll- Mr. Russell Campbell a.ttended the Si\NTAS HELPERS GAZETTE OFFICE De Ealdr..s·, Fl""d Mdey',', Bill"• liam Bergdall. VJ Ifuneral of his sister Mrs. Helen TOontinued on page 7) Settlemeyer; James Sizemore; MirMr. and Mrs. Ralph Hammond La. Tong at the Tobias Funeral iam Tietmeyer; and family were dinner guests of Home. Belmon t. Tuesday afternoon, with Junior Achievemen t. the boys 3RD GRIADE Doooid Beckett; Con- Mr. and Mrs. Milo Miltenberger and Lhe burial at Beavercreek would then organize a company, sell nie Bryan t; Geraldine Osborn; Anna and ohIidren. Thursda.y~ Cemetery. stock In their entell>rlse. set up a === M. F6irchild; Cecil Eakins; Deana MIss Lapra Rosnagle of O1r.cinnati Mr. and Mrs. Wilbur Foulks en- jiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii Hosier; Luther Welch; ,Glenn Cox; aM Dr. and Mrs. H. Eo Hathaway of t.eraaDId .. ~ dinner 'the Wilbur Oonley; Harley Plymlre; SUe Waynesville were dinner guests Bun- !ollowlDl tuesta: Mr. and Mrs .•1. l'!. Fa1rch1ld; Deanna Campbell; day of Mr. and Mrs. Ha.rvey Bur- ~11 and family, Mr. and Mrs. HOURS: 4TH GRADE COlUn Chapple Wanda net. Millard Tewell Miss Miriam McCa.fCOWS $3.00 9-12 each morning Fairchild; Ltr.da Hopkins; Gloria Mr. and Mrs. Walter K er.rtck and ~erty and Will1am Hurst of M1amsAcc:ordJns to SiZe and 1-5 afternoons except Jacobs; Shirley Osborn; D1ckJe Mrs. J . B. Jones attended! Pomona burg. Mr. Donald ,F oulks of ColumOondltlou Wednesday RICh; Norma Sharp; :1v1an Voiers; Orange at Springboro SMurday bus. Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Groves and HO••, Calve., Sheep, etc. MbetTt W&lker; evening and aaso the dinr-er pre .. ohildren CAt Centerville and Mr. 7-9 Saturday evening 0'r.H GRlADE Bernadine HaA:k:ney; ceed1ng the meeting. Ernest F'oulks. . BDlOvm PBOlIIPI'LY Other evenings by Betty Me Knight; Shirley Plymire ; Mr. and Mrs. ChlU'les Shelton of The Christmas meeting ' of the Appointment mi GRADE Betty Anne Bogen; Lorain and Mr. and Mrs. E. J. 'Woman's Society has been plO5tCall Jar-et Doster; Helen Hartsook; Shir - cannony of Sprlngt1eld called at P'OIled until on Thursday Dec. 12 and TELEPHONE 62-8 ley Schbenherr; the hOme of Mr. and Mrs. Wilbur will be entertained at the bome of 7TH GRADE wUma Eliun; Ke~eth Olark. FrIday ~temoon. Mrs. Wilbur Fot\Jks with an all day
We Pay~~RSES$5.00
.. --
,llYmi GllMDE ,MatUyn C">nley; Janet Mr. and' \Ml8. Harvey Burnet, and Kenrick. Bi1debrant; Douglas Reynolds. Mr. and Mrs. Harold Whitaker and
:=~~0"'=: ~.;:~=Z; Hospital B· Co -d cted WaynesvWe Mr. auf
Mrs. Wilbur Clark wera. elDg
Cornell's WELD ING Shop
aronowroed UUs tostudy tbe f1r.!rt step intbat a plan bringismore adequate hospital care to the people of Ohio. Dr. E. V. 'Ilurner, Director of Study, tnd1ca.ted t'Jlat r.bout 500 insti,utlons are pa.r.tJcipatlng in. the ~
.[WIN· Theatre ' 9
Cloak ~aDdDagger Alde. and J .
EcIwBI'd Brombera. Br.mA: 'LATEST NEWS
STUDENTS VANITY All sizes - shapes and ... ~rom $2.68
BRIDGE - TABLE PIN UPS shades ·Ranging in price to $24.87 .
Dlfferentnese .oes it. A totally Un. ~en~~~ f_turin« '
11M ,we
olfer1D8 iI1e
( ANNA~AND THE Na~ ~ 0JNtmaa St." . . "IN ' G OF· SIAM Club ~« CClO~enoe of A Parton.. A deftmte ~ w.ftd the
.wtflll, Linda Darnell and many others each week wUl &.ure a: I1berai check ' ·14 for YoU Ohriatmaa time. A tnlly ~~ ocmledY of 81 801- . THE . ,::th~wle:-01- ~speild eo night · WAYNESVll..LE
gendezvoDs With Annie
OomediIIP JIPOlE AlLiBERT with ' ~w:u~: ~ PatI1clt anc), Str • •_ flLU8: ~. Shop 8allad.I. ' , ,
TELEPHONE$: --.ShoP- Centerville 7031 Ra. Centerville 7465
sfan'lng GARY <XX>PER and LILLI
Well-done entertainment on an atomic SPY. ~.
Portable Equipment
L •llllililiiidddtdtdtdhibjiijMiiliiliilii!~ia1
' 81 bll1lld&y cUnner Suniday at tM " , home Of Mr. and Mrs. ~enry, Plnke
PALMER with Robert
Mr. ar.d .M).'s. J. B. Jones atteddied
Optometric Eye Specialist 26 South Detroit Street XENIA, OHIO '
.. o. BnNslA IRe.
amor.g the guests at a family din. ner 'l11antagtving at the hOme of TOe Ohio Hospital Survey has beMr. and Mrs. Everett Clark and son gun its 8ba.tew1de study ?f ho6I;JltALl Mr. Paul 'J ohns or the University in Dayton. faci1Lt1e6. 0,-. Rqrer E. - Heertng, of ~1nnatl spent 'J:1lanks81v1ng Mr. and 1&8. Ernest Brown have Director or the State Depa1'llJm.ent 'and \mtU Sunday evening 'With h18 sold their property here to Mr. and or Hea1bh. which agency is l'esJ.)on- , srand-DlOther, Mrs. Marpret ~0hn8. Mrs. WU1 Roes and wm give po&- sible tor the conduct of the survey,
Mr. and Mrs. JonesDnof 6e6Iiton near Dec. 15. Mr.a and ~them HUls and Alfred Mrs. Nettle Brown have PW'Chaaed homeMrs. at rick were TbUTSday guests of Mr. Haden ' near ' Pootsmontlh. Sciota an'd Mrs: J. B. Jone&. Ooun.... •. .,.. "3 Mr. and Mrs. Leslle Gray and Mr. and Mrs. Everett Early 9.1'cil1ldren ,entert&lnied to a turtey rived home- from FIortd& Frida.y dlnner Tha.nkag1vtng, bhe members morning. Spent a 'Week at Tampa of Mrs. Gray's fa.m1ly.
Dr. C.
4 II 4 XDIlA. o.
BUlle Voiers; aeUbrook were Saturday evening cent presents. The committee as9'IIH GRADE Mary Belle Bogan; O'!,-ts of Mr, Paul Johns and Mrs. sisUng are: Mrs. Forest Graiham, Dorothy ~U; Margaret JOhns. . Mrs. Therle Jones and Mrs. Wruter
Miss Vivian Johns. Miss Phyllis meeting and covered dish dinner.
Sizem--e '
~u e " " , Rout&ong ar..d. ROOert Routsong of There will be an exahange
o .. n
per week
800 1.00 2.00
New and Reconditioned
t~p ,
l00.OCl 260.(1)
"dynesVl~e tlll11lmre
dr Appfiance Co.
Gibbons Building, North Street WAYNESVILLE, OHIO Phone 2422
-1947. ~ .
_• .i. •••
c .
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_ .i. . ~ J. ..
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TIlE MlAMI GAZETTE - ...... t he country girl from n ea~ London , Chr~s i'mas ~Qals WATh"ESVILLE. omo - NO. 4293 Ohio. who attained na,Uor.-wtde THURSDAY, DECE1\IBER 5, 1946 fame several yea r ago when she was named winner of the PhU Spilt.anly ( !Hour of Charm comJ>1~tltlon . After ( VISITORS FROM appearing for a while with t'he AlI' ~ l\IlCmGAN Girl Orchestra on Its 'r .etwork proMrs. Raymond Walker and dauggra.ms she returned to Ohio where hter Barbara Jo of Ferndale. Mich" she was fea.tured \"OC8llst for radio were guests of Mrs. Walker's pa.t'station W L W. in Cincinnati, for ~ ents, Mr. and Mrs. R . S. MamoUB and son D.:m8:ld durlng the TbarJt.sPHYLLIS WOODWARD, Senior t wo years before her Inllil'rige, giving hollda.ys: REPORTER Ot.her guest soloists will be Esther A. Oldi. conralto souolst; George Lest week was a very eventf'\ll Schultz, baritone nnd Willard one. Thursday night, the Girls' Glee Ha.1r.es tenor. ~__L..-""" Sufferers! Try REiNEB'S BlNOLt Club. Boys' Glee Olub. the Mixed The 6Q-voice Aeolian Choir. whiCh Comforting relief from pe4na Oh(4"US ar.d the Band provided en- has gained fame ,throughout Southrheumat1snL arthrlt1& neurUla, lumtertainmerit for tile p, T. A, pro- ern Oh10 during the past three years bago. FREE BOOKLET. MIt tor with more than 80 concerts and gram. Reiner's Rinol. WhY suffer 10Zllel'? many radio broadcasts to its credit. Wayhe6viJle Drug Store. tfc We were entertt.ained in assembly' is rrow made up of male as well as Friday aIternoon by Paul Hill. a female voices. former gra.duate ()If Springboro Rig-h. The program will be under the He had a very interesting display d1root1o~ of Prof. Fr·ed C. Mayer. : - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - , of souvenirs he had collected from head of the college music deparihis various travels. FrWa,y night m'e nt. Mrs. Mildred Blackmer, inthere was a basketball game with structor of piano and organ in the GLASS.lNSTALLED IN ALL MAKES OF CARS KJr.gman, whom we defea~ 31- college music depa.rtment. will pla.y 't!be organ aocompanlments and M~ 2'1. See • • Katlhren Matson. a studer.,t, in music Saturda.y night everyone atltended department. will pla.y piano accomthe supper and dance at the High panimenus. Several young people ~ool. They ~e sponsored by from this community are members Phone 902 L the P. T . A. and Mothers' Club. 01 the choir. Lebanon, Ohio The supper was very good, and The general public Is invited to the pre1ormance. No admls- ...._ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ everyone enjoy themselves Immeru;ly a.t the danCe. slon will be charged.
C[4S5IFIED • • ClASSIFIED AD BATES • • 25 words or less. one time. ..•... 25o Each add1tor~ word ..••.... •••• 1e SPECIAL RATES by CONTRACT
FEDERAL LAND BANK LOANS: For Ref1nanc:Pl8 - Rebu1ld1nr Buying. ,% Palm loana wlth long WIle to pay. Pay part or all any
LEBANON NAT'L FARM LOAN ASS.'N., Ellis H. sturm, 8edyTreaa~ Lebanon, Ohio. Phone "8 to
·" .
Real Eltate F or Sal~ IF YOU HAVE A 'P ROPERTY OR • FARM TO SELL call or Write lOon Henderson, ,T el. KE3~. 617 Loralp Ave., Dayton, Ohio. tfc
••• Ycur Protec;icn Against Tubenulosis
LIVE STOCKPOR SALE - THREE SHORTHORN oows. Phor.e 2821. Ernest ButterWOrth. 125
Sam Smith
-----------c:x::nJUIE PUPS -
Heelers. C. E. Midhener ' Waynes, 1212 viile, Ohio
a "Son
OFFICE EQUIPMENTbona now in stock. The Quebt.e.
Tuesday. NoveJ?lber 26. we ha.d 8r.tther baskethall game. This time it was with Morrow. It was our first league game of the season and was played on Morrow's floor: Springboro Schools di6m4.s6ed Wedn~, November 2'1 for the ThanJa;g1ving HIOl1da.ys and resumed on Monday. December 2. • .e, •
. !FOR SMAE - 315 Bales Little Red ClOVEI' Hay. Howard Bradeer. Rt. 3 Wa~esville. 125 -------....;....- - - FOR SALE - Bu60her Alto Saxaphone in A-I cond1t1~. Sllghtly used. $125. Gas Bathroom Heater; Phone 2614. 125
WANTED TO BUY BJDES - RAW FURS Phar.e 2001 Harry Sattemhwaite
• • •
There Will be two Christmas programs given this year. One by tlbe six upper grad~ ob Wed!lCSldu..y evening December 11 and one lb y the six lower grades on ThurS<lay 125 evening December 19.
AVON CHR.ISTMAS GlFI' PACKAGES now availa.ble. See Ann Mason.
,... , _~-rJ
Three minutes per cow ill par for milking. 'l'ests to find whiCh system produced the most of milk showed that three minutes obtained maxiroum prodUction over a l~g period and that prolong sb:ipping finally reduced nillk total fie,?;.
HOM EAT ;H~ ;r;D;I~;r;'~ GS ! "Hard-To-Get" Items
9 9
Dorothy ~cVltty Emig. Oolumbus. will be guest soloist this year when the Wilmington College Aeollar. Oho1rresumes its annual tradition o! singing Handel's Christmas Cantate. "The Messiah," it was anWANTED- MISC• ~ounced today. The pertorm" :'e' of Rl[)-:--E-W-AlN' -1-'m--TO-KlIN'--O-S-M'JiT' .-16 the favorite holiday mWlicele will be
7:a. m. to 3:30 p. m. ~a Gal- at Wilmington Prtend6 Ohurch, limOre. eo George BurnS, M'a1n Sunday. December 15 at 8:15 P. M. Mrs. Emig. wdll '!3e remembered! 8S St., W~eaviJle. ~hio
LAMPS (Floor and Table)
Gives Cantata .
'C0IIege Cbolr·
repr~n~tive, Harve~burg.
"Complete .Home LI
• _----"
y. "" ... aD . •• _~'" .... GI'pDlatloD MeOIUJ to DOH. BtdotIJ
IIIIeIs a ·........ aD anaD4-'d ...... eoatr1. II!---!
Phone 912R "
Sa • f'
til I~'
wmo 1)&:::10"-: Dla1 130t
"Eaat Main Street
For Oar DaII7 Martet Bepori. •
MEADOW GOLD DAIRY PRODUCTS Every Other Day R:ETAIL PE;LIV~RY .~~.t~ad .of thre' e times a week _ . . .
-- Collections"Made Weekly. -Also Sold at
Stewart's Market . , Thrift-! '. t
Leba~on, , O~