Miami Gazette July 24, 1947 - January 15, 1948

Page 1



Th' M'l·am, ", ''.l, so:Kg~{s t~~ n~I: t~~~:!l~i~~!t 'G. ' l\ ZET T' E

T¥PE' TALKSl.'. .

Jjy" JOh~Turner- ,


We'v,e never owned a dog,


.D , IJ

eld at the u!1ds on S artm.e: at 1.0: , Amon~: the ~, ,are con mg, softb " sack d S' 1.50 I er Year ower arran Pony riqes Thursday, July e children, e feature TRUMAN WARDLOW Another h ,HAS HEART ArrACK the "Mr, Truman \Vardlow of ic CoCinci 45-p r..i I til stred suffered a heart urnish' the In attack on last ,Thursda v after .. n~on and h~!'s been confined to hIS home s1I1ce that time. His c<?nditi0t:t is reported to be sll,ghtIY 'lmproved as of yester. ...,.,.,....... day afternoon, however he still remains in a weakened condition.

grow up 0 be do,g-srin common , ,acceptance of the word. , " La-sf week, Skipper died, " In . th,e l1ard. cold lalln;m-l!." ~ ~ , , of the city or' state de, k'-thi ~ Bstablished~1850 N would be called an "ohit" _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _0, ....~3 () O. K. ea)1 it that. Here, in i'ts WAYNESVILLE, 0 HI 0, " comP.1etenes, is the ohitual'\', S.klpper, ag-e ' seven month\ pass~d away last week in a ret hospItal near Davtnn. Mother: ' ' I' ' yes. Father: cerfainly. And a s · half .. brother, Brownie, who preQeceased him by one year The lee Cream Social arid and three days. No funeral services. Band Concert sponsored by the Shortly after last Christma Band Boosters Club will b~ we picked up the little fellow hc}d at the curner of Main and that later' was duhhed "Skip- MJan~1 . streets on Saturday per." Ju~t a PUPPy, nothing evenmg, JUly 26. u!1usual excep~ for one side of Tickets for th~ occasion hIS. head whIch ,was hr~wn have. been sold but it is nM ~~gi~~ the re?t of hIm rcmamed 'necessary to ,have a ticket to < Ij' , ' attend, A PhJlco radio-phono.." " • HI::> ears wo~ l,n t, SLllld ur, ~raph combination has been hiS cropped tall mSlskd upon named as a prize for the e e • ~rOWIn,g', and he demanded ing v n complete freedom in the '"., , house-which he r('cdved 1 hiS IS the first commul1lty B" That's the story The 'rest band concert to he ,given by the e,g'lllnm~ next Monday, ahout how he s'\VaJIowed band formed under the Kuid- August 28 and continuinK rubber ball on the Fourth of ance of the Band Boosters through Saturday, Au~ust 2, July and later underwent a ~)ub ,and under the musical the yearly Friends' Vacation ma·jor operation , to ,get the dIrectIon of Mr. Don Gahris. ¥:~re~oJ~ w~e~~i~ond~~~.d~ a~1ne thin~ out of h!s intestines. The . B~I}d Boosters have from 8 :30 to ~ t,; l Y would sound sentimental And worked dllt,gently ,to procure . 11 :30 a. m. I'm sure yOU wouldn't he in- the necessary funds for the, AlJ children ~rom the aKes. at terested in 'how he looked at us purchase of new uniforms for 3, to 16 years mcluslve are I~­ from that hrown and white face ' the Band. Thev expect to ap .. Vlted to attend. The school \~11I as the vet tno~ him away be. pe~.r a,t the Warren County be conduct,ed by Mr:. Dlc~ fore the operatIOn. . Fair thiS year. ' Eastmat:t, FIeld Supervisor fOI . *** . the Fnends Church and his , A letter arrived from Homer wife, Billie Eastman; Nancy Bopple; Myrtle Jone' an~ Ruth Rdmhv in Lantana ' Florida razzin'K me ahout mv coium~ . 0 H~de of Colun~bus. .Sever,al on flyin~ saucers. . He said I~,cal persons WIll. as ' Ist ··s0methin,g ahout a 'colored l,o\, ~oUege \\,Ith the school actIVities, who came in the ~ait shop and ,A charge of five cents a da aid he'd seen a whole set of WIll 11e made tn cover the co dLhes-cup~, plates, howl, Twentv-two Warren Coun. of refreshments, sauc~r~f-Iym~ ~ when he was tian' ar'e among the .:!83 Transportation facilit.i~s wil late 111 ~ettm,e: home the other ~ tudents enrolled at Wilming- be handled hy Elizaheth Furna ni,ght. ton CoIl eKe for Sum lil e r at telephone JR74. Homer also a ked that thi::: School. college officials anpap'er print more about hase- nounc~d today. Two hundred hall. and d~hL we're in attendance Homer Ramhv should g:et :l there durin~ the same term lion's share of the credit for la't summer. kecpin~ independent sports a.. The second summer se -sinn live in this community when 1'C',e:an Monday, July 14, and the\' appeared on the way out. will e'nd Friday, Augu t 15, He had the first Qrganized team When he announced these A driv will 11~ " stag'ed in the community, That was registration statistic, Dean Wavne ' ville 1'( 11' the w'cek George B. Redfern alsn ~li c- Julv 18 tll Augu"t I inclu iv hack in the outscn"m days, . He manag-ed basehall when closed that admissions fnr the for the Mutual 13endit Heal It was hard to get nine pta vcr fall semester wiII prnhabl v 11e &, Acsidcnt Aoci~lti(Jn Hasp on the field. It \vas r~allv hard, cIa ed within · the next week. taltzabon plan Whl Ch incluct I know, He eve1l:.had me plav- This is the earlie t date in the medical and , ur,e.ical ' fee ' , , inK on his team. ·'histol'Y of the college that adThis i11an j dcsi~' ned for th I rememher how, after a missions have t,een 'closed, individual or famil\' and diffe game which we mana!!:ed to Students from thi ' cnl11ll1Ull - from many such plans a i win at Kill K :uc par'k near. itv now attending Wilmin,!.!·ton include a total cov9 rtl g-e for al Xenia, Homer at down bv the Conege are: Heleh Lamb, and fees such as hospital nu backstop, took · off' hi straw Nelson Wadsworth, hoth of medical ana surgeon, 'Anothe hat to mop the sweat from tIle Le~anon; Ray Klontz, F:1l1L feature is' the allowance ~ hald part of his head, and Paille, Clar]ence J. Davi , Paul patient to secure the 'service - 0 someone dropped a quarter in Githens, T b 0 m a -5 H a r din, any ~octor or surgeon and an bis hat. That really burned him Vir,ginia Hardin, Joseph Hart- hospital they may choose. . up, ' sock, Joseph Hiteman, Charle A full ' d,etaiJed description But we had a lot. of fun in Nolan, and Edwvna Stanfnrth the plan is carried i'n a two-p th'o e days and, 'In spite of his a-tt ,'of Waynesville; 'Patricia advertisement appearing man ag-e r"i/l 1 worries, I believe Behm, of ,;-Mast>n; Adam Bigler, paKes 4 and 5 of this issue 0 Hn.mer had the ·best time of Fioster; Ava Conver, Cozad .. the ,Miami Gazette. ~ anyone: dale; Alma Jean Dare, Pauline .. . , ,( Garrison, and Orin Souther, all CIVIL SERVICE EXAMS LOCAL MAN ,WINS AT .. of Morrow; .tv\ar.c:aret Dean and ON AUGUST 23 • . POULTRY SHOW Beatrice Fi~anklin, · both of COlumbus Competiiiv Jud,ge Dan ' Aultman, ' Mr. Frankli~ '; and Mary Moss,examinations on Au~ust 23 fo GeorKe Bradl,ey of · Xenia, and Oregollla. . stenogr~phers and typists wer Mr. Earl Evans attended the announced ' tolia V IW the ' Stat . Ohio Valley Bantam Show Miss 'Francis Zack. , Mr. , Paul ,Civil Service Commission. examinations wil held at Cartha~e on -Sunday;- Ross, Miss Mary Kaiser and -These Mr. Evans won second ' arid Mr. Thomas' Hill were enter- apply to positions in all ,fourth on Silver Seabrig-ht hens tained ' by Mr. ~d Mrs', Bill departments, state hosfJital in a class of 23 hens, ' Davisson" ,and dau,ghter; Satur- state institutions, county office , day eveni9~ at a ~arty held at administerin,g public assistan The little daughters, Carolyn the host and hostess 'cabin, and the State A~ri<;ultural Ex and Janet, of Mr. and Mrs. Leo located South of' Rid~evil1e-. periment Station. . ,' Examinations centers will Conner arid their cousins, The evening was enjoyed ,. by Mr, and ' Mrs, · Milo Mitten- all present. ' ~ Akron, Cincinnati~ Cleveland ber&:er, enjoyed the past week , Columbus, Dayton and Toled staymg with and visitin.e: each David Hartsock, son of Mrs, . Det(lileGiinformation may other One 'ni'ght fhe group was 'Wipifred Hartsock is atte'nd. secured at all state employmen ipined at the Conner home, by, ingBoy Scout' Camp at Mo~nt off!ces and county ~uditots little, Sue Ann Ramby. . Vernon, Ind. -, . offices. I

Band"Booslers ' Club oClaI'and "t,oncerl

Softball-Doubles The first nnual ' \Varren Up , O,n Schedule unty Farma s' Picnic will be

Va"alleon S"hool Sla,rts Monday


Coon. Iy SI denls AI Wlelmlenglon

Hospitalization Plan Drive Nexl Week





Lebanon Fair.. urclay, Au~u t::r a.m. ' activities of th~ of live stock 11 .e: ame , Ladie s' s making ',md t.

will be held for basket dilHler i ' the noon hour tight of the da,; i Gas and EI;c' Bandt that ' 'II c. WI t


Softball activities zot under way again this pa, t week· with all. R'an~~s . ~hedL~le.d, bein.e: played, begmnm.e: 'wlth, the July 16 game between Mll1er~ Restaurant and Roxanna re ulting in a 6 to 9 score, Fer.e;uson System ~!1d ,Harvcyshur~ played on hUlsda.v nl,~'ht, July ' 17 wifh M to 6 l1~ark~r ' re pectively. Ie onda~ Rnlght, July 21 Fair_ ys held the diaondanand oX~l1na Falrle. 's t00k () 'while oxanna ma~ 11, AU·Stars Win The Priday night All Star ,g-ame wa cancelled hut they pl.ayed Sunday evenin~' against Blllks Auto Sales and won with a 7 to 4 score:




rk required on ANNuUNCED ' un~ts at ihc Mana,~er Edenfield announocker plant pre .. ce~ a ne~ schedule for Softhall eduled handlin,g thiS comm,g week, Out! to so this week as ex- m~ny postponement~ from, the eat sharp freei~ ramv season it i n~ces ary to om is now in double-up from now on in the locker com .. order to get all Kame schedLll11 under test and ed pl~yed: T~e new chedule r. Elmer Elstro for thiS week I~ a ' follows' Mana.e:er, it i . !v'on. 28: Rox.-Hvv ~ ., dhi..hdr storage of foo,d rue 29: ,Fajr~ .. Peer · Inn, 7 :00' the end of thl Fer.e: ... Milkr 8 :0.0 of next pro .. Wed, 10: Peers- Hvvs. now under ' wa y Thu. '31: Miller~- Peers 7 :00 ory. Fairley .. Fer ,~. 8 :00 rs have been SPECIAL GA"'ME 790 o,dd loc~er HERE SUNDAY be filled WIth . ous descriptions. A 'pecJaI ,c:aml' will b~ play- ' ason i ~ late for ed on the \Vayne Park fIeld on of berrie etc Sunday afternlloll, July - 37 at time for l;lack~ 2 :00. P.Il~. with a team from erric Karden Ctnctnnatt v a pick ed tcam of k~n " 'and aho local All Star. . , d lamb at an,\' FUTURE ALLSTAR GAMES July 25: ,Fri~ddair~ ts are being Julv 27: Mititil 2tp\\,1l vev Burnet anti A ,o'e 'o f th,'t11". nt t(I u~. 1: Genn;(ntcm:n ~ .. • Aug, ~: Storm Kin n house" in the Aug, 8: Frig'idaire Plant nnOL1llcements of A S 'ill be m:Hk at aug-. to: ahinu Aug', 1 S: Oa d( l1 <'lcl'1 Fdry. ,A ug. I 7: OPCI1 Aug-. 22: Wrig'l1t field ALI,~. J .~: Lecsl'lur,l!'



foo~is of va While the s some varier il i now i ra herries, produce, ch t~~~, pork , Arrange madc by H others in cha IlOld an "0 near future.. thi ' occasion 4 t late < r lIa e.


The Local LInder the James, Scc u in§.!' the. wee near , ~Iddle are taktng p of Scnuting LInder the s area Scnut Member who are in.,a Jordan, Bill Hayden, Jack James, Hunter. SPRI GIVES





at Cam n Hoo, k On Sundav, Au ~ u s t 3 the .' the, "01 II~ Men "t cani ' ' frnm , ,LvUe ,n when~ rt m the activitie" and Waynesville will plav i-l bdng conducted s<?ftball ~ame nn ""ayne Park on 'orship of th e diamond at 7 :00 p.m, The I11ll1i. sinner.' ' lo ~ crs , of th e match will (I'c at the I (')~tl 1'1<1(''1' the \\ .. 100·( I' , dance are: ;Jim Perr v Clin e will man/ln'e the ,Stuhbs, Chick local R'roup and Ward PL~l1mil\ -iR:ht \ Mich ener, the Lytle team, ill Davis, Rohe rt Include I il,' (h e l i lll~- Up are many prnmll1 L' nt ci Ozens of hoth c01'nmlln it i e~ wh o have GRANGE heen . (tll!0 ~lill are) ,;ood · ball , .. ' players. I hi S ,g-ame will afford Fanners Grange . a lot of firewurks plus C011sid"'l e ho_ts to t,he crabl e ,g-ood sport. ranR'e on Satul' . .. visitors occupied chairs , a.nd a·lso ro tam of read ~ a play. The J?lanned by Mr.,

The Ioca No. 13 w Spring-boro d'ay night: the officers furnished a ings, music proKram " w Etli ' McClu I, 'arrangem~J:lt ' CI'ara, . ~au,~'htc r ' of 'Mr. and · , Many' fl wer.e on di ay in the hall, Mrs. Ed Hopkll1s and ~r, J .. W. present 'from HulJ, son of Mrs. EdIth Hull Guests 'wer Lebanon , ami' al'}d the , lat~ Mr. , ~ul1 of New' Harveysburg' . . VIenna, were l'narned "Saturda y. Springboro . ,afterno~tl at. the Perry Church , . ,~. MF. and M . Charles Kitchen of ,With R~lp,h E, Stin, of Da,ytbn ' re Sunday 'aftei'- son, M1l11ster Qffic.latlll~. f Mr and Mrs ", . Mr. and Mrs. Everett Kennoon callers and' dauKhter; nck, .brother .. in-law and sister., Earl Tressl , of the brtde ' attended the Anna May" couple. . --40--, the E.arl Evill1~ ·· Mr. Hull ~as V(ith ,t he lie S. week. w.ere Mr. ~av'y for ' SIX y~ars and h~s ."Smith of Spring SInce been, connected with 'the Katherine Casey' N. C. R. in Dayton. ' Biggs of Dayton, Mr. and Mrs•. Hull will-be 'at ",' Mrs. James Kin- .home in their ,new trailor locat. _ ed at the Hopkins ,home .

Wedding Vows

Spoken Satu:rday,


.. :







The Miami Gazette Page 2 the entrance of FAMILY DINNER AT Waynesville, Ohio, No. 4326 . To be sure the CONGER HOME Thursday, JuJy 24, 1947 .sh~\V ree,enf inFour' generations- gatherqi B8TABLl8BED 18 IS n~ht much of ' PUbUshed Every :I'llUrsday by DA.VU;so'N \~ood enou~h to at the home of Mr. and Mrs. FLOYD L. DAVISSON, Editor ,Delbert Conger for , a ' family Fntered as Second Cl8.58 Matter at the Bo~an reacped the dinner. The oldest bein~ 81 . S"ab8cr1ptton Ra~: $1.50 per Year hei~ht of his dearest ambition. and the \,')un~:e't being, four He is now a ouse do~, He has months, of the 50 pre ent to 'National Advertising found out tha he can get in the enjoy the day, Gue t were: Ohio Weeklies, Inc., 2465 W................... cellar wind so if the cellar Mrs. Suzie 'Philhower anti , door is open find him in the family, Mr, and Mr, Edwin Columbus 4, Ohio ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~- house each t e it thullders 61' Goss and familv; Mr, and Mrs. was loose it was if the door' shut he is in the Jack Cook and da.ughter; Mr, HOURS: d full of gullies but the cellar. When I try to get ' him and Mrs. Ralph PhilllO\v.e r; Mr, 9-12 each morning b,. EFFELDEE an,d grass held the soil. out he merel lies flat on the and Mrs. Henry Philhower and 1-5 afternoons except At a convenient location on It ~oes, The garde'ns floor wags h tail. and rolls his son and 'Mr, James Holiday, all both north ' and 'outh Main re plant'd look very eyes at me. t he be- of Loui'ville, Kv. Mr. and' Mrs, Wednesday street L located a sig-n that ow but many never wer'e came surlv al1l~ stiff le.g.e:ed E. M, Hill,' Xenia; Mr. and Mr . 7-9 Saturday evening including-' mine. No when I Liro hIm out \lut he E, N. Philhower, Newtown; states through. its ru ~ty face in,g- ,outfits, busy yet, and went. This y ar he h,as le~rned 'Mrs. Elizabeth' Stick el and "Speed Limit 10 miles· per Other evenings by hour:" ThunLier. in~ hy at peed ~ mbme ' III th~ fields hi " l's 'oi1, w he IS qUIetly, family and Mrs, Louise Hall of ~ppointment ran,g-IllR up to Go miles an hOllr h a I w dry clays \vill 1)~rsist.entIy easan~. He wag-s Mt: Washington; Miss Edna rushes traffic including: all them out in hurry. Lot!S 115 tall ;md , oIl' hIS eve, 11ut Philhower, Cindnnuti; Mis TELEPHONE 62-R makes of pa!)senKet' cars and y \10wn that one more nothin~ cIs..! nve. ,tI~d as he Walker; M.r. and Mr ', Rus ell the constant parade of heavy 'II finish entirely. has h ~L'n kn \\'n tn hlt~ wheIl Haywond and daug-hter; Mr: trucks. Rolling toward the ~~ it rou~hl\' han led, he WIl1', He and Mr, Perrv Benton and t ff' I' I sllay le Gran,e,'c Hall has lear.llcd. tl12 les 'on that son " MI', ',lnd MI' . Eal'l Hfa lkel' ra IC I,g" lt at these hi~i1 annual house clcanin~, j v, ,speeds they are suddenly Ct)ll_ Lawrence Furnas, chair- many m1l1~m \' g rll,lI I: , lleCl til and ~()I1, all of Dtt\ ton; Mi ' Optometric Eye Specialist fronted with a red stop signal. of the Horne Economics learn to ~Ill h.? rnvtle~es t~l~) Cora Philhower and Mr". 26 South Detroit Street Brakes howl and tires screech ittee, was not able to be want, qUIet pleasant, p~r:ls- Josephine Seastrom of Middle- on the pavement. Th~ street is the so Mrs, Sid Ellis wa ' tance, ' town; MI", Martha \Valkcr, XENIA, OHIO actually foldio,g' up in front of 'dir tl A tragedy I ill~t hft ( l" e d , ' il l1e. 1 d and Thelma the heavy impact of these wo n.e:OU.~rl ro~r~J;.ngh~o~~a the ' lIP~ wit th e car. lUrted \\'alker; J\,r. and Mr . Gcor~'e many quick and heavy laden a h workin.e: efficient grouj) it a!l usual th ,much noisc, Walker, all of Lehanon, ' ~~_._______•_____•_____,___._.----_.--stops. Last year the street was-of pers and every thing as which is theg-nal for them to . scraped off and a new surface far they went was cleaned get out of e way, I started put on, this year the condition whe r it needed it or not, slowlv, the wa.; a little ydp IS, almost. as bad, How much TIlll \). 'tll')11ed and ,t"nt y ana tller .~roup wa tn and :t ,.tI';t,' ,~ ~ " lon,g-er Wilt the state hi~hway COpl and finish. It is bri,O'ht an lout and ~ \' came running I ~ to see v'hat as the makr. The department Ii ten to til'>.... c· all ()' f '~1I1 g rea dy f or the meeting " "wolf" when speed limits are \vlth the Spnngboro Gran~e in pup crawled out g:aspin.~ . -============n,)t l,Ihserved, n'r rather not cha . I would like to turn that Suzey lay wn .he.;;ide it and enforced? vVhy should tax qu lOOSe un my house. It L put her hc,ld down (l\1 i . It isnt money be u ed to repair streets too ad those old brick walls dead and it ha ' stl,pcd cnin,~ PROMPT, EFFICIENT · REPAIR that are t~)fn .up throu.~h ncglihe made water proof, hut there ~ ha Vl! t( I he a .l!e.nce o.r IIlj~blllty ~o cope with ab_orh so much water mercy killi when ~uzey i' ON ALL MAKES OF EQUIPMENT thiS rapIdly IIlcrcasmg menace? he new paper is alt water out of the y. I tried to keep d and ollle of it is comin(J' them on th other side of the Not only is the streets being damag-ed n~edle sly, the lives ... . house hut ev lik~ companv Representative for j and are a v'S in the \Va V hut and property , of WaYI1-t."'Sville citizens are in dan)tcr when nl ay we sent some sheep I hate to hu on~ of them they MILK ,COOLERS w. This is only a heavy traffic ~uch as we have to , Witmin~ton Sale. The are so cute HOME FREEZERS here is allO\~ed to run rampant. s ditd very well but the old pup that mi have had to be , ,Another mmor abuse is the n? .so wetl, not any bette.r taken to th pOUJ1d anv way noise factor, especially with SimIlar stuff at Lehanql1 but th~ e could easily Phone 332 M ' trucks. Ins-noticed thar-some aS.'" WII- happen to chird. Parent do LE;BANON, OHIO trucks will pass throu~h ~ithn ale sp~clallzes In fat be car~ful teach your'child- ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~J out ,scarcely any n'olse to speak and S,?-fit;. people t~l\llk ren to keep t of the streets, les pn.c:es are specl~t1y Motorists d be careful? of white others wilt shake the ~- . ~round and fill the air with ,there. I hey are startllltY . , rule there ' that all cattl~ blasts from motors by cc gun _ Mr. and rs. John Fromm nin.e:" accelerators. If one truck Id for imJ11ediate slau~.Yh- and son, r. Clyde Fromm, driver can drive quitely, so can ust he ~al1.g-s te'ted and were Sund'a 'dinner ~uests of all others. A few examples a ne~atlve reaction hl'- Mr. and M Frank Snyder and they may be taken back daughter, made of .ollle of the worst Martha Snyder, offenders ,:ilI soon put a stop }o, farms. If stock has not in Springfie c to .all unn~ce sarv fast drivin~, t)hee tested it witt he tested nOise .makmg and, other petty e hut may not be taken aMiss l3a ara Walker ha' offenses. Last week a truck wa until the ' results of the test returned Miami Valley driver was picked up on the, are own. This is a g-ood move Hospital a spending the, past t hi,e:hway and brou.e:ht back here d<? rd starnpln~ out Bangs for appearance before the Several counties in the month at h rhome. local mayor. His offense was t~e c!,ossin,{! over of the yellow lme m the roadwa y A. minor offense in comparison to what happens every day right under os • -----our very noses. How much lon~er sha11 we continue to " ' al,tow this condition to go without protest? Sha11 we wait until some serious accident occurs? Shall we start doing somethinO' ahout it now?' "" "

The Miami Gazet

state prohib untested' test may no fection but i the time and be useful.

Fairly Famlell·ar


,Dr. C. E. 'Wilkin

'SHERWOOD Refrigeration Sales

and Service,=============


,lnnr 'r penny· ~olAr ~ss~ o~ hfAy ;6



Ask {br,,',

D. J. Fral..r t"

.', - . . . o r

July 18, 1947. It didnt rain yesterday, Ther.e have been ' time ~ on Dry 'Ridge when that ,'would not have been news -but this isM one of those years, so far. The Jrround is still so saturated with water that when the wind blow ' it takes up more water and we have another rain. It is thunderin~ a, little ri~ht npw. The starn) Mond~y m~ht' dId qUite a lot of damage especially east of here where it hailed. We missed that fortunately but the wind arid rain beat down some ",of the oats. The people, who hadnt plowed their torn fated . better than those what ~had, Where

New cars are still hard to get. Add riving aDd longer life to your ca'r by h · t least every 30 days or 1000 miles. to meet the speCifications of your r as lire you of complete ati factioll. ,

iles of smoother inR' it lubricated actory me.thods, rticular make of


.Ashmeaa 'Sohio', ' .

, North. 'Main St.



, "


. '

.. ,

[ViCe .:

·iJrilens·. ·"



.' .





, "

Page 3, The Miami Gazette Waynesville, Ohio, N"o. #26 Thursday, July 24, 1947

METHODIST CHURCH R. B. Coleman. Minister Sunday School 9 :30 a.m J. J. Burske, Supt. WOrship Service 10:30 a~m. Youth Fellowship " Thursday~ 7:30 I m.



, S NDA Y JULY 27th, 10:30' a.m. ; Hev. W. T. H;Qrner, __ , Supt. Spring Valley Schools • 010 "'No One Ever Cared for Me Like Jesus" , Weigle Mr. Ge6 e Miller B. Peters and to ~ether vi "ited their . mother, Mrs. Hardin M Peters, who is ill at \ler h me were in ' Franklin. Earl


Jo ce ' Beal spent last. . Louis and Mary Vogt to John. with her c.ou in, Mis. d Helen Downs 3 lots Mor": Beal 01 ~i<!JJmhur.g-. · __ _~. ~ Louis and Mary Vogt to Arthur and 'Mrs. Paul Maurice ' nd Evelyn Victoria Downs 2 lotl:l Sunqay R'l}ests of Logan Lebanon. '. ' an9 fallul y,in Dayton. Fred and Katherina Slezak to and Anna Miller lot in and MI'. Ben Hickey klin twp. ~tinda.Y' ,dinner gue ' ts of Anna Faulkner . to F.orest and Rickey ,and family .. ---.....irginia -Dakin lo~ in Lebanon. s. R. B. Peters called on Forest and Virgi]1ia ' Dakin to Ray MainOl,l , \\dlO is i1J iIlhlm and Elsie Dell ' lot in Leb-




M Mrs. Charles Fester of Dayt,on is the house guc of her Mrs. brother-in-law and si ter, Mr. Sun Mr. Loui Fires celebrated .and Mrs. P. L. Reason for th e Anna Faulkner to John Goddard . . Harry We t is a ' patient his birth d e durin~ the pa t week. hI Lebanon. III cClellan Hospital, Xenia. week and 0 Sunday a· family MT~ HOLL Y METHODIST J. Lester Kenrick to Elllest and picnic dinn at Old River Park Girdon Bacon and family T.. M. Scarff, Minister by Steed 0.50 acres in Clearhis honor. and Mi s. Mary :Jean Ricke\' Sunday Scho('\ 9 :30 a.m. was ,l!iven twp. and Louise Whipple ,Those p nt were Mr. and will r~turn fr0111 their vacation E. A. Earnhart, Supt. Ruby Steeq to Ernest Steed 0.5') Fires and on of at Branford Beach, Conn., d".. "· ....... Jr., and Marianna Noell 86 10 :30 a.m. Mrs. Chari ,W0rship Service in Clearcreek twp, in Turtlecl'eek ,twp. Berona~ Mr. and Mr . Raymond Tuesday of this· week. Evening Service 7:30p.m. Stomps of Miamisburg, Mr. Lebanon Farmers Co-operative Walker to W. ' E. and H. Harbison and Mr. ' and Mrs. Willis Maurice and Mrs. to Fred Kahn 2 lots in LebCutler 0.18 acres in TurtleST. MARY'S EPISCOPAL Mr. Harold Taylor of Dayton, and Donnie and Dickie of, BeL twp . . Samuel N. Ke-.;, Minister Miss Irma Fires, Miss 'Ruth mont were Friday djnner guests Caroline Rockhill to Merrill ' and k and Edith ' ;Schuermann • .T~ Burnett, M . Doris Kennedy. of ' Mr. and Mrs. Charles Mary CooJc 0.003 ac:res in Lebanon~ Weir 134.55 acres in Har. (:.10 a.m., :MornlD~ Pr8yer, and dau , Mr. and Mrs. Maurice. Charl~s R.. Mehaffie, I,tty Render Louis Fire _ _ _ __ p. READ THE CLASSIFIED ADS • 10 :00 a.m., )romlJl~ PI'a~er and and Maude Dumford to . Charles Jones, J.ames Jones, J f:-;f'!, llIC11I I J IHue.. A. Baker and Vietoria Peters 2 ' acres I~~'''.I.A.~ TYPEWRITER RJiBMr. J. Hawke, who is Phil Hartman aud Nathan. Lay R.eader convalesci tWp. boDS now In stock. The Gaze.tte. at his home, had Hartman attended the All m as Sunday afternoon callers, Young- Friends Conference in and Nolle Powell to Wil'; IN CASE OF FIRE DIAL 22U 0.36 acres in Wash- 11-_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ Mr. and M Carl Hawke, Mr. Richmond, Ind., July 13. UTICA E. U. B. CHURCH Ham and Mrs. y Hawke of DayRev. A. J. Furatenberger ton, Dr. a Mrs. Ralph Vance ton and Carey Clark· to Mrs. Charles Elli and little Sunday School , 9 :30 a.m. of Wilmin , Mr. and Mrs. Charlie Ellis, Mrs. Paul Mauand Esther M~Laughin 0.95 Mrs. James Garrison, Supt. Melvin B ta of Jamestown, rice and ,l!uests, Jimmy E\Vin~ in Harlan twp. Preaching. 1st and 3rd Sundays Mr. and M C. Lee Hawke. and Marilyn Rig-,e:le spent Wed_ Everett Snider to Holes . each month 10 :30 a.m. nesday at the Franklin Chauand Wilma Snider lot · in Mr. and rs. L. C. St John tauqua. Lebanon. FRIENDS had as W nesday afternoon and Mae Wilder tQ Mattie First Day School 9 :30 a.m. callers ,Mr. and Mrs. Everett . Mr. and Mrs. Sherman WilPAINTS - STOVES 0.11 acres in Deel'field Smith, of Meeting "for Worship s Angeles, Calif. son and Mrs. Grace Schuler ROOFING - FENCE ursday afternoon, were the Monday evening 10 :30 a.m. and on HARNESS - PIPE Mr. and M Lynn Decker, of dinner guests of Mr. and Mr~. ie ~ebhart to. Lucille Anne -184~1946Lake Wo Fla. lot m Franklm. Delhert Cong~r. , ST. AUGUSTINE and Mary Easton to Orelle FAIRLEY HARDWARE CO. Father Krumholtz, Priest Mr. . Ca1'- Phone 2441 - WAYNESVILLE. O. Mrs. Mitchell Several families of Ma ons F og1e0. 30 acres m Mass i:3 0 a.m. and 9 :00 a.m. Kartaha children of Mil- and Eastern tar en i 0 yeti a waukee, O have been the picnic and an evening of games 'of guests • and Mrs. Walter at Chautauqua on Sunday. FERRY C RCH of CHRIST Sheehan fa the past week, left Ralph E. Stinson, Minister on Thursd morning to vi -it Jimmy Ewing of Dayton Bible School ' 9 :30 a.m. relatives i Pennsylvania. and , Miss Marilyn Ri,o'gle pf Morning Worship .. 10 :30 a.m. North Apolla, P~nn. -pent the U A Good For Nothin 0' Church nk L. Taylor of week with Mr. and Mrs. Paul Memher" Stamford, n. is making' a Maurice. Youth Meeting 7 :30 p.m. two week- visit with Mr. and Adult Prayer Meeting 7 :30 p.m. Mr ' . Harri Mo§.her and little Mr. and Mr. Frt?d Braddock Evening Evangelistic Service uaughter, irp:inia . Lee and and family \V,ere Suntiav dinner ,8 :15 p.m. Mr. and M Ronald HawkL. ~rue_t of ML. \ViIhelrnina 'vV ' arrange )UI' el'v' in kl..epin g w:Ui VI til' Braddock, in \\lilmil1 ~t( n., "\~ho L A Ch~stian" ideas a_ to fu i hings and' ',,_ b A friendly Church with a .. Mr. and I", Ronald, Hawk.... 1.\ Cl I Ed i f Go"pel Me ~ sage . Imd as day ' dinner ~· Lle~t · IV r. . lar c'. \\'.:11\ 0 Mr -. Frnn L Taylor of 'Stal11- D~vton IS spcncill1,e: a te\\' Lin v. TELEPHONE 2291. WAYNESVILLE, O. ford, Can,,' Mr. and Mr.., wIth Mr. tl nLi Mr~. RaVnlnnd WAYNESVILLE CHURCH Harris Mo er and little daugh- Conner. OF CHRIST " "~'~' ~'.." " " ... ~. :,.,t .... ,; ' ter, Virgin tee. · ----..r .. ,.T . , , ~ . t". 111. '<',·'.&', Robert L. VanZile, Minister Mr. Richard Kai 'er ' \Va ' Bible School 9 :30 a.m. taken to St. Elizaheth Ho pital 10:30 a.m. va ..:J'orn , to Mr. Monday evening' j1ecau-c of an ~O a:m. and Mr '. S ney mith of Rural heart ailment. 'McClellan Ho '\18 :00 p.m. ~oute 1, Store" Mr. ' and Mr. Genrge \\ Ol1J----. Ital, July 2 ard of Centerville called ('1 \1 rs. A. E. Stout and Uncle Bert Shepherd, unday WHAT PROMINENT ve returned after a afternoon. BANKERS SAY ABOUT t trip through th e in Washi ngton D. ; Ralph · Mainou and fam il\' BOND·A-MONTH PLAN: d Mr. and Mr . C. j'eturne 1 home t o· Detroit, Fi'i"Here is a plan and program LRUGS day after pendinK a few dn V itc and famil y . in which the bank is the key wi'th hi parent' h "re , fi ,{!llr~.' The obj'ectives are not BASE RUGS rs. Orland Holme ' onlvdcjrahle but are essential , Mr. Lucy Compton ,an i SLIP COVERS . .. CURTAINS .to the prope r handlin.e: of the Sandry an D eAnn e attended Charles Mendenhall call d on Inoned belling for d bt. It will require son;te en- an old e and ' wife at the Uncle Bert hepherd, WednesLAMPS (F thusia ,tic ~ff(lrt to -fnake it Roy Mo home of alter Moraine and deW afternoon. produc~ maximum results. We , are callin ,~ on a group. t11at ~as family at , ashin,gton, C. H. Mr. and Mrs .. Donahue of ,nlread v dcmonstr~ted Its desire Wilmingtonwere call e l~s )n the, and it , ability , to ' , perform unli av. 'of ~rea t value to the , . nation to a new effort. ,I hav~ ever.Y ,confidence. tha~ th~ ,' .\1ankers' of America Will re ~ pond wile lehel\.rtedly,. ·enthu L -, asticaIly, and ' ener!!:c.tJcal,tv to this fu'dher call to . er,v lc in the intere t of . the welfare of this' nation ..'~ , . -A'; Lee M. ,Wiggins • Under Secy.of the 1 rea "ur,y ~I"~" Washin~:ton, D. C. .;








._ ----

10ME "Hard'-To



N I SR I 'NG'S r ' t" Items





Waynesvill& National 'Bank . W:AYNIESVILLE. OHIO ~ " TeleDII0D.~2251 ·-

. ..


Ah)(·,n'a ke mo~el :. ,d . Kah,n'·: MotQf' Car"C~.•·,:

~_ _. " '_ _ _"

_ _ _ _" '_ _1111!1~~~


, /


. "Phone ' 912R

"East Main P "


.. "" ...... .

a,t Whiteman"









state pro,hib ' entrance of FAMILY DINNER AT The Miami Gazette . Page 2 untested catt be sure ~he CONG~ HOME ' Waynesville, Ohio, No. 4326 . test may no re~ent m, Four "'enerations ,~athered Thursday, , JuJy " 24, 1947 II 8 TAB L I 8 B E b . 1 .8 5 0 fection out it is t much of , to. PUb11lbed Every !l'hursday by .DAVISSON PI\J!8S the time and enoup:h to at the hom~ of Mr,' and Mrs. FLOYD L. DAVISSON. Editor be useful. . Delbert Ganger for a family r.ntered 8S S~ond 01ue ·Matter at We Post Office Bogan has ached the dinner. The oldest being 81 BubIcr1ptlon sates: $1.50 per Year In Advance height of his dea . ambition. and the youn~est being- four National Advertising Representatives He is now a t~o dog. ~e has m~nths, of the 50 pres·ent to Ohio Weeklies, Inc., 2466 W. Broad Str~et, found out that he ~n ~et m the enJoy the day, Guest were .: Columbus 4, Ohio ' . cellar windo~~ If the cellar Mrs. Suzie -Philhower and him in the family, Mr. and Mrs. ,Edwin - door is open ~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ house each ti'me thu~d~~ or Goss and familj; M~ , and M~. , I the ground was loose it was if the door is sh he IS 10 tpe Jack Cook and daughter; Mr. HOURS: . washed full of p:ullies but ' the cellar. When I to ~et him and Mrs. Ralph Philhower; Mr. 9-12 each' morning b, EFFELDEE weeds and- grass held the soil out he ·mere!y flat ' on th.e and Mrs. Henr Philhower and 1-5 afternoons except At a convenient location on And so it goes. The gardens floor wags hiS , and rolls hiS son and Mr. James ,Holiday, all both north and south Main that were planted look very eyes ·a t me. he be- of Louisville, Ky. Mr. and' Mr : Wednesday street is located a sign that well now but many never were came surly n4 stIff leg:~ed E. M. Hill, Xenia; Mr. and Mrs. 7-9 Saturday evening states throu~h its rusty face pl~nte~ includinJ?; mine. No when I drov ' hI . out but he E. N. Philhower, Newtown; "Speed limIt 20 miles per threshmp: putfits busy yd and went. This y e has' learned Mrs. Elizabeth' Sticksel and Other evenings by , 31our:" Thundering- 9Y at speeds no combmes in the fields his l ' sson, ' 11 e is quietly, family and. Mrs, LouiSe Hall of Appointment rangmg up to 60 miles an hour th~ugh a few. dry. days will persistently I ~· He wags Mt: Washing:ton; Miss Edna ·f hiS eye .but Philhower, Cincinnati; ' Miss rushes traffic ' includinR," all brmp: them out 10 a hurry. Lots his tail and TELEPHONE 62-8 makes of pa5senger cars and of hay down that one more nothing: ~lse al~d as he Walker: Mr. and Mrs. Russell the constant parade of heavy rain will finish entirely. has been k to bIte when Haywood and daughter' Mr 'trucks.' . Rolling: toward the T d roug:hly han he wins. He and Mrs, Perry Benton' and traffic light at these hi,e:h ~es ay th e Gran,ge Hall has leal:ned. lesson that son; Mr. and Mrs. Earl Walker speeds the~ are suddenly con- ~ot Its annual house cleaning. many m1l1, nty g: ,P need to and on, all of Dayton; Miss ' - , 't d ' Mrs. Lawrence Furnas, chair- learn to w.m .he nVlleO'es the.,y Cora Phl'lho\"er al·ld Mr. Optometric Eye Specialist f ron t ed WI a re stop signal. man of the Home Economics ~ , Brakes hO\yl and tires screech Committee, was no't able to be want, qUiet pant, persls- Josephine Sea'strom of Middle26 South Detroit Street.. . on the pavement. The street is there so Mrs . Sid Ellis' was tance. town; Mrs. Martha Walker, russ and Thelma XENIA, OHIO actually foldi!1~ up in front of directing the work and doinp:' A trag;edy l i t hit one (·f .lane, the hea~y lmpact of these work enough for t'Jo. She had the pup witl til car. I tatted Walker; Mr. and Mrs. Georg-e many qUick and heavy laden a hard working: efficient grou it as usual . ' much noise, Walker, all of Lebano'n. " _ . . . . ••••• , •• • • a a a - ~op~ La~ year the ~reet was-of hclpe~ and every thing: ~ which is the Ii for them to ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ scraped off and a new su~f~ce far as 'ttley went was cleaned get out of 't le y. I started put on, thiS year the condition whether it needed it or not slowly, there wa a little yelp IS almost. as bad. How. much Thursday another group was to and a .~a~p. st pped and g:ot longer Will the state highway come and finish It is bri~ht and out an 1 Suz.ey amt.: runnin.e: , ,. ~epartrent ten to t~e .call of s~ining . ready for the meetin~ to see what \ as e The wolf when speed lImits are With the Sprmgboro Grange iil pup crawled out , .~aspin~ . not Observed. or rather not charg:e. J would like to turn that Suzey lay a beside it and enforced. Why sho!-dd tax squad loose on my house. It is put h r 'he~d do on it. It isnt ~oney be used to repair streets too bad those old brick walls dead and a a stoped cryin~ PROMPT, EFFICIENT REPAIR , at are t~rn .up throu~h neg-li- can not be made water proof but there m y aye to be a ~I!.nce o.r m~blhty to cope with They absorb so much watel: mercy killin ~ ~n Suzey is ON ALL MAKES OF EQUIPMENT thiS rapidly. mcre,asmg menace? that the new paper is all water out of the WI y. tried to keep Not only IS the streets b~inp: stained and some of it is comin ' them on the side of the .P:- house but they ike compan v damap:ed needlessly, the hv:s of(r Representative for a.n~ property. of WaynesvilTe M . and re always i the way hut cItIzens . ar~ m danger when t onday. w~ sent some sheep I hate to hur j' a of them they MILK COOLERS heav.y traffiC such as we have 10 tbhe .WIlmmgton Sale. !he are so cute "10w. This is only ~ !:lOME FREEZERS here IS ano. ~,ed to run rampant. am s did very well but the old, pup that mi~ht ve to' be .. An.other mmor abuse is the fh"es n9 t .so wen, n9 t any, better taken to th ; d any way nOIse factor iall with an SImilar stuff at 'Lebanon but the sa'hle urtt ' ~aSity Phone 332 M LEBANON, QHIO . . t S ... 1- happen to a ch' Parents do trucks Will pass t~~o~h with- n:1ll{ on dale speCIalizes III ,fat be careful to te your childoutscar~ly any nOlset6spea~soc an s~me people think ren to keep ut of the ~r~ts ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ of while othe~s will shake the the dsalhes pn.ces are speci3;lIy Motorists do. be careful? . I Kround and fill the air with 1{00 t ere. fhey are s t a r t m g ' ~ bJa.sts from motors by "gun- a new rule t~ere th?lt all cattle ~ nl~~" accelerators. If .o'n e truck not sold for ImmedIate slaugh- . Mr. and John Fromm driver can drive quitely, so can ter must be ~an.g's tested and and son, . Fromm, guests of all .others. A few examples fshow a negative reaction be_ were Sund matie of some of the worst ore they may be taken back Mr. and Mr k Snyder and . artha Snyder, offenders will soon' put a stop to the farms. If stock has not daughter, to aU unnecessary fast driving: been tested it will be tested in Springfiel noise making: and other petty there b~t may not be taken aWalker has Miss , Ba offenses. Last week a truck way untIl the ~e~ults of the te t Valley driver was picked up on the are shown. ThIS IS a good move returned the past highway and brought back here t,?ward stamptn~ out Bangs Hospital a for appearance -before the. disease. ,Several.,.counties in the month at h local mayor. His offense was ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ the crossing:, over of th yellow line in the roadway.~---u.UUlI.U-+-~-~' offense in comparison to what happens every day ri~ht under our very noses. How much longer shall we continue to allow this condition to ~o without protest? Shall we wait until some serious accident occurs? .shall we start doing something: abo,ut it now? I

.The Miami Gazette

Fairly' Famlellear



C-E WiIk-In . .

SHERWOOD Refrigeration Sales ============-'and

Service ===========



D. J. F......r


July 18, 1947. It didnt rain yesterday. There have been times on Dry 'Ridge when that would not have' been news but this isnt one of those years, so far. The g:roundis still so saturated With water that when the wind blows it takes up more water . and we . have another rain. It is thundering a little rip:ht 'now .. The storm Monday 111ght did quite 'a lot of damage especially east of here· where It hailed. We missed that fo'rtunatefy but the wind a'nd rain beat down some of the oat~. The people who hadnt plowed the'ir corn fared, better than those what had. Where

NeW' cars are'still hard to get. AdcL smoother driving and longer life ·to y'our car by . h lubriCated at least every .3e> days or 1000 mil-es. 11O••·t,..." methods used to meet the spedfications of your p make of car assure you of complete satisfaction. ,



. )

', AShmeaH"'Sohio', , ~rAM If!


North Main St.










Page 3;' The Miami 'Gaz'ette Waynesville, Ohio, l\Jo. 4326 Thursday, July 24, 1947

METHODIST CHURCH R. B. Coleman. Minister Sunday School . 9:30 a.m J. J. Burske, Supt. ' Worship ServiG~ 10 :3<r a.m. Youth Fellowship Thurs~ay, 7 :30 pm. MT. HOLLY METHODIST T., M. Scarff, Minister Sunday School 9 '30 m . a.. . E.~. Earn~art, Supt. Wors.hlp Serv.rce 10 :30 a.m. Evenm,g Service 7 :30 p.m.

. "

METHODIST CHURCH ) Mi Joyce Beal spent last SUNDAY, JULY 27th 10:30 a.m. week with her cousin; M,iss Sernlon, Rev. W. 'T. Horrier, . Jane Beal of Miamisaur~. ' Supt. Spring Valley Schools Solo, "No One Ever Cared for Me Like Jesusu Mr. and Mrs. Paul Maurice . -Weigle ' Mr. ,George Miller were, Sunday guests of Logan Ewing and f.amily, in Dayton. B. Peters and to ~ether visited , their , mother, Mrs. Hardin Mr. and Mrs. B~n Rickey , Peters, who is jll at her home were unday dinner guests of er~una in, Franklin. "Earl ~~ickey and family.

· : Pc "




Louis and ,Mary Vogt to John:' and Helen Downs 8 lots in Morrow. Louis and Mary Vogt to Al'thur and Evelyn Victoria Downs 2 lots in Lebanon. '

Fred ' and Katherina Slezak to Stanley and Anna Miller lot in Franklin t~. Anna Faulkner to Forest an<L-Virginia Dakin lot in Lebanon. Mrs. R. B.. Peters calle~ ~n Forest and Virginia Dakin to ' Mrs. ]~ay Mamqus, wh,o IS III William' and Elsie Dell lot in Leb Sunday. anon. Mr. Harry; We t is a patient' A.nna Faulkner to John Goddard in MCl:CleJlan Hospital, Xe.nia. lot 1)) Lebanon. J. Lester Kenrick to Ernest and TRAI~SFERS , Ruby Steed 0.60 aefes i~ ClearVel' Ion and Loul'se creek twp. . Whipple to , Georg4~:. Jr.; and Marianna ~oel1 86 Rub~ Steed to ~mest Steed 0.50 acres ih Turtlecreek twp. acres m Clearcreek twp. Heb4~r Walker to W. E. and · Lebanon Farmers . Co-operativeLaura Cutler 0~18 acres in Turtle- . Co to Fred Kahn 2 lots in Lebcreek 1~wp. anon. FraJilk and Edith 13chuermann Caroline Rockhill to Merrill and . . M C k 0003 . Leb to Ed~la WeIr 134.66 acres m. Harary 00, • acl"eS In anon~ .. Ian tw' . ~ BEAD THE CLASSIFIED dDa •

Mrs. Cparles Fester of Dayton is the hOl,lse guest of her brother-in-law and sister, Mr. Mr. Louis Fires celebrated .and Mrs. P. L.. Reason for the his birth date durin,\?; the p'ast ' ~veek. week and on Sunday a family picnic. ~t Old River Park . Gird?n Bacon , and family was ~Iven III hiS 110nor. . .. al)9 , MISS. Mary Rickey Those present were Mr. and' Will return from their vacation Mrs Charles Fires and s'on of at Branford Beach, Conn" Berona, Mr. and Mrs, Raymond Tuesday of 'this/ week. Stomps of Miami~burg,· Mr. and Mrs. C. H. Harbison and Mr. and Mrs. Willis Maurice ST. MARY'S EPISCOPAL .. Mr· Harold T~ylor of. Dayton, and ponnie al)d Qi~kie of, Bel_ Samuel N. Ke-, Minister MISS Irma Fires;. MISS Ruth. mont were Fnday dmner ~uests JBurnett, Mrs. Dons Kennedy of Mr. and Mrs. Charles I :30 a.m., MOl'njng Prayer, and dauO'hter Mr and ' Mrs Maur'lce " Fltes. " " .• Ch ar1es R. 'f ~,e ha ff'Ie, Lay Rea" erd LoUIS 10 :00 8.m., Morning Prayer and Charles Jones, James Jones, . Ora and ~au~e Dumford t~ . ' . ermon, James A. Baker Mr. J. C. Hawke, who is Phil Hartman agd Nathan ~aspeJl~ a~d Vlctona Peters 2 acres HALLMA8K 'l'Y'PEWRlTER RIB-· Lay Reader convalescing at his home had Hartman attended the All In De !rfleld twp. bona now in stock. The GazeUe. as Sunday afternoon callers, Young Friends Conference in Grac!e and Nolle Powell to Wil- -:rN 'CASE OF FIRE DIAL 2ZII ' UTICA E. U. B. CHURCH Mr. and Mrs. Carl Hawke, Mr. Richmond, Ind., July .13. liam Redmon 0.86 acres in WashR A J F t be ' and Mrs. Ray Hawke of Dayington twp. ., • ev ·S·h urI I en , r9~3 ,ton, o.r. ~nd Mrs. Ralph Vance Mrs. Charles Ellis and little Clayton and 'Carey Clark· to Sun day C 00 . ,0 a.m. of Wllmmvton Mr and Mrs h' I. M' . Mrs. James Garrison, Supt. Melvin Bartta 'of jamestown: C1 arhe E hs, Mrs: Paul , ~u-. . Leslie. and Esther McLaughm 0.95 Preaching. tst and 3rd Sundays M ' d M ' C L H ke nce and.guest~, ~lmm.Y Ewmg acres ,n Harlan twp. h th 10'30' . r. an rs.. ee aw. and Maniyrt RI~~le sp~nt Wed_ Ch tIes Everett Snider ,to Hoeac mon . a.m. nesday at the Franklm Chau- ward and Wilma Snider lot in Mr. and Mrs. L. C. St John tauqua. South Lebanon. FRIENDS had as Wednesday afternoon / PAINTS - STOVES First Day School 9 :30 a.m. £all.ers Mr. and MT~. EveTt;tt Mr. ' and Mrs. Sherman ,Wit- Bra, k ~nd Mae Wilder tQ Mattie Meeting for Worship ~nllth, ~ Los Angeles, Calif. son and Mrs Grace Schuler Harri 50n 0.11 acres in Deerfield ROOFING --- FENCE ' 10:30 a.m. and on Thursday afternoon, were th't.. Monday ev~ninc: twp. HARNESS - PIPE Mr. and Mrs. Lynn Decker, of dinner ~uests of Mr. and Mr. ' ~ebhart to. Lucille Anne . -1849-1946Lake Worth, Fla. Delbert Conger. W lot In ~rankhn. ST. AUGUmNE and Mary Easton to Orelle FAIRLEY HARDWARE CO. Father Krumholtz, Priest · . Mr. and Mrs. Mitchell Fogle 0.80 acre's in Car- Phone 2441 ' - , WAYNESvnLE. O. Several families ' of Mason .and Mass' 7 :30 a.m. and 9 :00 a.m. Kartaha and children of MiI- and Eastern Stars enioyed it . ~ waukee, who h.ave been the picnic and an evenin~ of .e:ames I FERRY CHURCH of CHRIST ~uests of Mr. and Mrs. Walter at Chautauqua on Sunday. • •. • Sheehan for the past week, left Ralph E. Stinlon, Minllter on Thursday mornin~ to visit Jimmy Ewing· of Da ton Bible School 9 :30 a.m. relatives in ' Pennsylvania and Miss Marilyn Ri~gle of. '""MornIng WorshiJr' 10 :30 ,a.m. - , . , . North Apol1a, Penn. pent the 'tA Good For Nothing Church Mrs. Frank L. Taylor of week with Mr. and Mrs., Paul Meml er" Stamford, Conn. is making a Maurice, ' -7 :30 p.m. two weeks visit with Mr. and Youth Meeting . Adult Pray~r Meeting 7 :30 p.m. Mrs. Harris- M-osher and little MI'. .and Mr . Fred Braddoc.k Evening Evangelistic Service daughter, Vir8:inia Lee and and family were Sunday dinner 8:t5 p.m. Mr. and Mrs. J'{onalCl Hawke. g'uests of Mrs. Wilhelmina. We afl~ange our 'er vice in kLeping w ith OUI' Braddock, in WilminR't n . . ' "Who Is A Ch~stian" . ideas- L to furnishings and c IS s A friendly CHurch with a I ' . Mr. and Mr . Ronald , Hawke Mrs. Cha.rles Edward ,of Go pel Me sage had as Sunday dinner ~ue t · Mrs. Frank L. Taylor f Stam- Dayton is spen (lin~ a few da 's TELEPHONE 2291 WAYNESvILLE, O. ' ford, Conn., . Mr: and Mrs. with Mr. and Mr. Raymolld WAYNESVILLE CHURCH Harris Mo her and little dall~h­ Conner. OF CHRIST , . '.' ~ ,.~""-- ~. _~_~.. ~. ~ '.~ r. ter, Virginia tee. ~ ~:V ~~~~' 4i. . ·1'~i.· Robert L. VanZile, Minister Mrs.' Richard Kaiser was taken to St Elizabeth Hospital Bible Scho'ol , 9 :30 a.m. BIRTH _ -1.Q..;,30 a.Pl. A daug~tef-Wa ~'lorn to Mr. Monday evenin~ because of an ___--.,;.~ , Sermon 11 :00 a.m. and Mrs. SIdney Smith of Rural heart ailment. 8 :00 p.m: Route 1, . at McClellan Ho ' pEvenin . Servi<.:e "Friendly ----ital, J~ly 20. . Mr. and Mrs. GeorR,'e Wo I. arct , of Centerville called Oil WHAT PROMINENT Dr. and Mrs. A. E. Stout and Uncle Bert Shepherd, unda y dau~hter have r~t~rned after a afternoon. BANKE~S SAY ABOUT very pl.ea.san~ tnp ,fh!"04~h . the . - -..... ,. - , . '. BOND~A-MONTH PLAN: '( " East.Whlle · m Wa IHn~ton D. Ralph Malllous an:! ,family . C they visited Mr and Ml' C 'returned home to DetrOIt, PrI9 x '. 12 I WOOL RUeS . "H~re is a plan an.d program 'I.' Satterthwaite 'and family. . day after spending a few ·ct ~ys ' .. 1~1 wh)~h the ~an~ IS the key , . .: . . wi,th his parent here. 9:x 12 FELT-'BASE RUGS fl,Qure. ~he ob,ectIves a~e ,\ot Mr and Mrs Orland Holmes , only deSIrable but a~e essential Sand;y and DeAnne attended Mrs. Lucy "Compton . and 4 CU'RTA,INS SLIP COVERS to the proper ha~dhng .o f the an old fasnioned befling for Charles Men :tenhall called on debt: ~I~,> WIll r~qulre ~me e~- Roy Mor.'aine and ' wif~ a~ the ·Uncle Bert Shepherd, Wednesthu la. he (!f~(J1 t tq ~ke It home of Walter Morame ' and day aftert)oon. , . produce. !naxlmum results. We family at Wash~ngton, ,e. H. ' ' . are callmR' on a group. that ~as , , ,Mr. and MrS. Donahue Of already dem<:>t:tstrated ItS ,deslr~ , Mr Emory Pett:ts of t.a'fsar Wiliningtol .were calle'ts on 'the . and ", Its , ability ,t o , perfornl Cl'eek called on 'his brother R Earl Rickey family' Sunda v. ' servlce ~ uf Rr~t v~ue to the . ~~·~~~~~~~~~,~~·~~~~~~~~~~~~ nation to a new effort. I hav every confidence -that tilbankers of' 'America wilt resp~nd whole!leartedly,. enthusL astJcaJIy, and energ-ehcal.1y this further caB to '~ rVlce m the. interest of the welfare of this nation." . ... ' -A. Lee M. Wiggins Under Secy: of the Treasury Washington, D. C. OLe~ ,

4 •


STUBBS Funeral Home



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Any. '.m_lCe or model Fred i ~ahn ' Motor Car ', Co.·


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• .••





" ·' ·"·.-COzADDALE _ ~.,,- '" ... ",. Sellner, Cnas• .·..... H.30.83, H~nry .... $. 32.60 .;~ -TayIQr, ' Ada 40.83 Bergman, . . Ruth .. ~ . 200;00 , . " Thorn! 11, Rom~ .... 41 :00 . Hetman, .,,- Esther.:.. 35.~oo ",,' ",' ::,. .,Tb<}rp, Ear) ........ . 53.33 . HobsotJ~Williain .._... '" 25AO ~ " . 'Wa~de 1, Taylor .... -33.33 Hodg~s, EJrno ' E.... 2-3.33 . '. '·Wlute, . Robert 12.50 t. "" HA~VEY URG . .. ". Cramer, Raymond . .... 8833' ,~~ ,. ~ Pri~e, .Clarence ... . 6.66 .{.· J.literbo~k, . EpUL.~'· 7"8,33 . "~ , ' KlNGM~ ' ' ~law~QI~ , l,vor· C ... . •. '. . 1 O·P.o .. ' ! " ~ 11 tt a ' ... ~ ........ ,'. 34 . 50 . . .. _ . pe , ~ffRANKLINi.l\I. ~ Brotherton, H. .... 130:00 2,1(>.,: Ben~e, . ~. Walter.... . 23~~3 .? . " King, Robert ~''''''! 54.00 ·,C)end~uu;t~~ . Ellen ;·~ .. 1? 50 .. :,. K!ng, Robert . ....... ~ . 131.66 . Corbe,rry, ' C)arenc~ .... 45 ..00 '';'- ~ KlJ1t Robert .Jr.. ·.... 38.55 Dalto.n,.. 'tlohn . ...... :·· 14.00 ~ 'J.' ~ . . David,Roy ; ..•.~: ......, 313:33 .' .. LFBANON ' L)ubQis? ."£rank · .,...20.00 ' .·:Brotner~,. Homer ..... 252.70 . East-on, Perry ' ..". 96.66 ." ~ Brown, Robert .... .. 484.17 . ~ ~~war~~, ~'-~~wis ~: ... t ~ 5.~.OO' 1 ii. '..: <?1Uid,il1,. Alley· B: ...::: '. 45.83 \ E!chenlaub, ~ .J.. .......: _0.00 ,,,' \ ~ c~aprn~, Jaf1}es R' ,185,00 Fischer.. LeWIS Jr !'" -39.16 ." .~.'. ..Cobb, harles .... :1 53 .33 Gors.uch~ .Harold "... :., 45.}2~ :,' ~~ " ·SObb~ . has. H,; ,,~ .. , 215.00 ' l;iarns, Thomas ... ~. 36.06 ,. ;, "', . C;orwlll, Le~ra .. 33.3-3 Isa~:cs, Al)dre\v ~ ..... " 33.~3 . . . . .. " DHatuSh, . Fneda .... ,72.75. Ivins,· Elsie ~ ........... . ~8.33 '., '" . GiehlS, Geo. H~-.... ''90.99 MoJley, Shirley .... .190~00 : ~ Glass~r, Mar.y .~.. . 153.50 . Priest, Hilda M... ~. 56 :'OO~ c' ·" Gr~y·,Herbert ......... 36.66 Re:quarth, Grover .... 88.3 J ' . ,'..1.1' Harck'rt;' Fred/~ ...;.;.. 340.00 Requ'arth, Grover H. 1 ft,6 7 ' ~ ."~ Hardert, -loRn ........ 4<;t.OO ~ ' R1ioads, ·G.ordon .; .. . ' 3.0.8'3 : . 'Ha:rri.s" Daisy ~ .:...... ,< 39.20 '< W RObinS,?n, .~ ~.aul'" •. ~~ 16,6,7 :'. ~ Harrison, M. , ...... :. . 56 .00 : . ~".' "Ro\Ji'(lson, ' Paul V~' .... 2·6.67 , ~.. ~, H~.fris,On,Mation ..,~.130·.00 l • . OVER ' $187,7S0,OOO~OO PAID TO POLICYHOLDERS

Hartt Z. :........... 161 :50 Hart, Zeba ............ 22~OO Harvey, Dr~ A. D . .... 267.0 <$ - Hawkms, Robert .... 742.50 H o n~ker, Canni e .... 43.33 . Hutchinson, Gail .... 20.00 - Hutchinson, Heber .... 19.17 Irvi-ne, Lulu ........ 40 .00 Johnson, Cha·s. .... 21 .00 Johnson, Geo. B..... 20.6 7 Johnson, W'illiam .... 42 .00 Lynch, Ethel :... 46.67 McClaim, James .... 86.66 Martin, Nellie ........14.00 .Mason, Chas. W.. ~ .. 26.66 Pate, Walter ... ..... 32 .66 Pate, ' Walter . O. .... 90.67 Powell; Lawrence" .... 19.17 Quillen, W. L. .... 1 8.33 Saunders, Earl.... 42.75 Shenyood, E. T . ...!' 18.00 StepH'ens" Ermon .... .,3.5.00 Stephens, Ermon F. /1 13 . J~ Terry, F!ankIiil .... 126.67 Vanderbrmk, J..... 53.33 VenCill, .John ~ ...... ~ . 10.00 Vorhes, John ......... 40.00 Vorhes, RebecCa ..... 11.67 Waggoner, Chas. 'J.. 103:33 "'Waites, Melvin .... : 66.66 . Wilkins, LilJian .~ ..... 95 .33 Wilkins, tillian . .... 39.16 ONE OF EIGHT LIFE INSURANCE COMPANIES LICENSED IN ALL· 48 STATES


MASON . . Beekley, . Hazel E..... 125 .83 Carnahan, Geo.. .... 46.65 Chesney, Walter .... 1 '1'1.66 . Furbee, Herbert F..... 38:33 Hays, Wmiam ' ........ 27.85 Hays, Wm . . ............. ·1 50.00 Juhan, . Leslte P....~ . 30.00 Pippen, Clias. H ..... 265.00 Pipp~n, Ch.a ries . .... 235 .00 MORROW Hillard, Anna B. . ... 3.0.00 ~ Serger, Raymond ..... 68.67 Bowman, Ja~nes E.".... 23 .31 Hillard, Fred 33 .75 Klaesner, Chas..... 73.33 OREGONIA , .ott, Edward H..... , 35.00 PLEASANT PlAIN Ayers, Henry ..·...... 37.50 Day, Charles .. ........ 38.33 Day, G. Wrn. ........ 23.34 WAYNESVIlLE Ashm'ead, Keith .... 20.6 7 Baker, Alma .... ;~,... 59.00 Bake:r·, James ......... 35.00 Ferguson, 'Fore$ter .... 2-3 .3 3 ,Hathaway, DcH. E. ·110.83 Hough, Robert ' ........ 15.33 ~ Lee William ........ ; 17.50 Morgan, Joseph .. ...... 26.67 St. '· J oh n, Wm .... ,.... 36.6 7 .. Stump, Irma L..... .. 216.67




,.,•.. ~!

i ••




~:-;~ ••••••••••••••••')•••••••••

Address .... _ ............ _.::...

'Name ................... ;....... .

'Qear Sir: Your represent-, ative, failed to contact me. I desire information on': (,. ~) H,oSPlTALlZATI " with ' Sur g i c a I. an Medical Care.

Mail To

- ;i


' E' . IN ·~C~O~N£'Ir;oGI"'Oir'Rr-o.'E"""S'T1"S",---,--..,-li --"""'------1i'"'r.e-"H. and--Monzelle Gl'ay vs, Th e Miami Gazette Page 6 OlaremQe J. Brown Walter and George Bunrce, plain- Waynesville, Ohio, No. 4~'~~ BUCKEY tifts 'recover from defejld~nts' Thursday, July 24, 1 . ,

I ' ,


to ,

Despite' a heavy log-jam of legislation the, House • According ~o a report given Conjgress, 223 Federal sum of $494.97.with interest fr om an'd Senate leadership are still planning on final ' workers were discharged~and some 1,000 others were December 6,' '1946. ' . adjournment of the first session of the 80th Con~' forced 'to resign or leave 'public s~~rvice, in the nine gress on Saturday evening of this week-July 26th. months period ending April lst, '81S a result of disMARRIAGE LICENSES The only thing that may possibly compel Congress loyalty charges 'made against them. Qivil Service John ' W. Hall, 29, Dayton, mailto remain' in session longer are a ' f~w bitter dis- Commi~~ion Chairman Flemming t~stified before a man, Clara Hopkins ' Starke, 25, , agreements between the House and .Senate on ap- Oongressional committee 'last· weE~k that there, are ' Waynesville, seamstres: ",' ~ propriatlon bills, r~sulting from 'the 'S en$te 'having 3,381 active sl1bversive per-sons' on, the Federal pay' ' ,. " , heaVily incl'~ased ~any items abov.e tit,e more. econ- roll 'at the pre ent time, 1,272 o:r: whom 'al'e t;it~el' PRQBATE COU~T ' ~my-mi~ded House figures. 'Under toe Reorganiz.a- holding jobs with the AtomIC EI~ergy , CommISSIon "' Estate of Jo}\n E. C60k: dec'd, tion Act Congress is required to adjourn not ~ter or in the War, Navy and State n~partmel')ts. S~me Dhoda ' Cook administratrix inthan July 31st, but, of course, the' Congress can 40,000 other F,e deral employes ar.~ on the questlOn- 'Vp-ntory ..., approved. amend the Reorganizati6h Act if it becomes neces- able list an. d, will be investigated, as the, resu\t of ,-- ' ate of CharTes G. MUler, dec'd, Est 'J~ sa.ry to remain in session longer. Most Capitol 'wise- leg~slation passed by the House last week. acres, however~ ~pect to see the curtain drop on • • • g.ross' value of estate is $32,728. the 'Congressional scene Saturd$y night. The Commission' of 12 m'e nibers to make a stUdy' ~n' the ma~~r of the, guardi,anMalley et • • •' and investigation of the Ex,ecuti'~e Branch of the " hlP of P~tr1cla Ann Heavy war-time taxes on the American people will Goy~rnment, as provided in legisU~tion 's ponsored by '~l., Vera 0 l\lalley appomted,guaronot be eased during 1947-and perhaps' not ' during yopr humble servant; was named last week by the , Ian. I I' 1948-as the ,:esult of the Senate sus~ining the ' appointing officers~ President Truman named as hig E~tate of' Virgil L . I'Bowman, Ptesident's veto of the second Tax ~eduction Bill last appointees, James F. Forrestal, Secretary of the dec'd, ~alissa Bowman appointed Friday by a vote of 67 to 36. Earlier Friday the Na~y, Arthur , S. Flemming" Chailrman of the U. S. admi~istratrix giving bond with House had voted to override the veto by' the tremen- Civil Service Commiss1'on, Dean Acheson, recently suretIes in sum of $9000, dOUB majority of 299 to 108. Those who have been resigned Under-Secretary of State and George H. Estate of Charles ' H. Holaday, hoping to have their taxes reduced by 'as much as Mead, industrialist of Dayton, Olbio. President :rro dec'd, !dabel Holaday exe lltrix inthirty per cent have just one man to blam~Harry Tempore of the Senate Vandenberig n*,med as his ap- v,e ntory approved. ' S. Truman, President of the United States. , Never pointee~, Dr. James K. Pollock q , the University of Estate of Lewis Oai penter, dec'd, before has any President vetoed a tax J:eduction bill , Michigan, Joseph P. KEl.,n nedy, fQrmer U. S. Ambassa- Viola Carpenter, administratrix in·

'. " , ' at 10; prIvate sale of prop,e rty ordered. Estate 0 :£ Martha A. Ha1lingswor~h" dec'd,. Charles Waggoner, admmlstrator mventory approved. Estate of ()lflra B. VanDQ1'en, d'e~'d, Carl Gut~el'Y , executor ~ale bill filed. ' . ,' , ~'\ Estate ' of Walte~ !r.' Wi1sd~~ dec'd, Raymond Wilson and Olive t' f lOa " I Peterson execut ors !iI'ed f'Irs, . b ' t and' dlstrl ut1ve accoun . ;-;;:;:;:;:;:;:;:;:;:;;:;:;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;~ .(




THELMA'S LU~CH aDd FAIRMOUNT CREAM STATION ,wi 11 'be closed "FOR VACATION" Aug. ~ till Aug. IS ,


~~~~~.~.ti~~~~~~~~~~ , ~~~~,~~~~M~~~~v~e~n~~~o~ry~h~e:a~r~~~g~s:e~t~f~0~r~A~U~g~U:d~5~'~~~~~~~~~~~g~~ only a few votes to override the veto. The British people, who are maintaining their Government on American loans have had their war-time taxes re:' duced, while our Canad'i an neighbors have had their war-time taxes cut twic~ since the shooting stopped, but President Truman insists American ' citizens are not 'entitled to anY' tax reduction at this -time.

* • • '

While the Congress has enacted legislation appropriating the money to carry out American aid com. mitments overseas, including relief for Greece and Turkey, the Administration may find it very difficult to get Oongress to appropriate additional huge ~ums to support the Truman foreign policy program l~ the ,future. There are those who are already saying "if we cannot afford to give American citizens re, lief from heavy war-time taxes, certainly we cannOt afford, to billions abroad fQf the {elief Qf citizens of other nationl." _ ~ ~ ~ ' 1 , ,_ . t H6use has established a Special Committee of 19 members to make a tJiorough study of world economi.c conditions, the need fo ' America 'd a broad, and the ability of the United States to furnish such aid without injuring our own economy. The ~ommitt~e will conduct its heariIl4t ana investigatio!1 s cJ,urln t,he Cong r es iona.l I'ecess. The memberShIP fjf. th~ Committee will be made up of represen'tatives of the various regular legialative committees 0 the Hou•• ,h aving over Clifferent p ases of our nationaf ~conomy and foreign polides.






mont and , McClellan of Arkansas. Speaker Martin of(,r -the House appointed Ex-Presiderllt Herbert Hoover, James H. Rowe, former Assistant to President RooseJ#E 0 FF Eft. velt anB the Attorney General, Re]presentative Cart~r Manasco of Alabat;na, and the wriiter of this column. , IATlSPACTORY President Truman, in a public statement said that the "work of. the Commission shciuld prove of great SERVICES ' value; and "that a bold, comprehEmsive, fundamental AT ALL TIMES, review of the Government's orga~~fzation and ,operation is required if it is to meet tl e challenge of the modern world." It is believed former President ~t(filure ~Ut1era1 ~l1me Hoover will be offered the chairma"ship of the Com"Dial 2111 Waynesville, Ohio mission if.. he will accept. One half of the Commission members are born the' Government, while the others a17e private. citizens, with each catlegOl'Y, being ~quaUy divided between the two major political parties. Find .. ·;·-----------~--(t ings and recommendations of tlile Commission will be reported to the 81st CObgresEI and to , Presi- ., dent in , January of 1949. ,I ,· ;;Y:Y ' ' · ~t ... • ' ill ' , President Truman's proposal t I Congress to create ' 0 adO i 1 a n cl . Tar Ap d , .', jssoo-ri-¥aH--A.-. ...~"'--A. -..• ~- • d Dtlveway . Recoating . ~3 ,n,<HUV" ...·3 .. 0......rH uNuan~ see Valley AuthOl'it'y, at a totaJl estimated cost of some . two and one-half billion d.o llars, is under atF R E E EST 1 MAT E S tack from all sides this week; Tthe President's proposa} received no legislative cQlrlsidel'8tion after it ~ was filed. As a , result of his yellLrs of experience in e ' e' I.a;' , the Semite, Mr. Truman undouMedly knew it would 26 0 ' kw ~ A LEBANO 0 be impos.ible ' for Cong.... to ' ake action on this. a 00 venue N. Pho"l' 221-L matteI; before. adjournment. .~.....,. o...-,,_ ,__ (.___,_ '- '_ _ ,~.-..--~- .....:,

I B")''a ckt,Op'. Brl-' ..Te'W,,a' y' S I" I










. B " S"'ROV ' D





I ' '


NEW SlJlTS ' William Burn~ VS. ,E)ectric Auto Lit e Company, money only' ~ '01IlrWl-l~~~-:------:;~:-:--,. . .: :. .-7.i~T~...;....;-:--.--T~~t"--4~...,.-:;~~-::-=-I-1~-¢-2..:.:..:;--:-~~~~~~..,::(~'-.Il claimed .$1000. and costs herein .ex'>.#' pended t J'9hU Undel'coffel'. , ,F arrell ' and Monzelle Gray vs. Walter and Geor ge Bunce, cognovit, Chartel's D, Maple. The Standal'd Building and Loan Co. vs, Nilkanth R. Chavre et aI, for money amount clai,med $6781.39 with interest at the rate of 80/0 per annum from Jul~ 18, ,194 . 'foreclo u,re ' of, mor~g~ge; ' sale of , real es,t ate, personal N,d gment, ~nd for such other and fUl'ther reHef a~ this plaintiff is entitled in the p1'emises. Dorothy Sullivan, a ' minor vs. Harold Sullivan, a minor, extreme cruelty, C. Donald · Dihitush. Dena Thomas va. Robert 'l'homas , ' divo1,"Ce~ E'.xtretne Cl'uelty, HaTold V. , STOCK JUDGING ,CONTE:ST Resil1gel'. " .' ' I



COMM0N PLEAS The Federal Land 'Bank of Louisville ys. A-nna F. Zecher . et aI, cause dismissed without neord on motion of. plaintiff,. ' ' Elsie Marie Kabler/, va. , Irvin Kabler, divorce to plaintiff, children to plaintiff, defendant to pay plaintiff sum of $1:7.50 per week. Elizabeth Deck Vs. Emma Marti~, et ai" trial by jury; v.ict 'fIf jury that papal' writing hi Jast will 'a nd.tesument of James Rolla Martin, deceased, judgment on verdiet ordered.

", "SOftBALL GAME · I' " .' , I,·. l • PONY RA~ES ' for the CHILDtREN '



2422 ,

~~~--. .~~~~~. .~----~~~~.,ir_~~,.~----~f-~~~~--~~~~----~~--~----.~~--~~~~~~~:J

and Mr. and Mrs. Harold ~ - William B. ' Fortlage to 'rony Frank anp Lillian Sauter to AIWhitaker. , Morano 6 }.,ots in .Loveland Par. ,bert and Edna Workman 1 ac~e in Mr.. ~nd Mrs. Walt r Kenrick Johln afid...Rena Turner to James . v..=..I,u.--- - - . . . . o . . - -_ _ _ _ , entertainedevetal. relatives to WaldE!ckand Matjr Kathleen·Bran- W. W. Sburts~o John and ,Rena '.Mrs. Ralph Hammond l n - dinner Sunday, honorin~ the son lot in South Lebanon. Turner' 0.17 acres in · South Lebtamed the Lytle Card CI~lb birthda'cYs of Robert Hain s . ~ona and Earl.. Kirk to Ray... anon. ' mond 'and Martha Hannah lot in Earl Boyer .to Stanley' and MarThursda.y, ,ai1ernoon at M.s. , of Dayton and James Haines: , Pion Ball d . . rca R?om. . ,Those who enjoyed the, Franklin. tha Watkins. 0.1.8 acres in Lebanon. Mr. and Mrs. Harry . Tuck'Mrs. Netite Emnck fell ,n occasion were: Mr. -and Mrs. ' Wi1\i~m B. Fortlage Ito Walter Britton Kendrick to Je~sie Kender had as tl1eir ho,u e~usts thi tht; y~r~ at her home Th\.Hsd'llv William Haines, Mr. al1d Mts. Fries 3 lots in Loveland Park. rick '3.24 ~cres in ~ranklin twp. week, their aauKh'ter, Mr. br~ak1l1,g h,e: left arm at t J~ , ~ o bert Haine ' and s n, Mrs. /. " "" , . James Pa,rk and daug-htelis, WTlSt. S~e lS,under the care of Viola Haines, Mr. , Norma "P g,e:y.' , and .Teryi Sue of Mt. Dr: , Youn~ 10 Lebapon, who Pounds -and son, Me rs. Elw od , ·a.nd Joseph Grassi, of Dayton , I' Auburn. ' On Thursday Mr, ' took tl}e x-Ja:y. Tucker's _sister, Mrs. ' Jenny, Mr. Kerr 'Routzahn p f and M-r. and. Mr . Prank- AckerBell of Somersvill arrjved to Harveysbur~ was ,a dinner guest man and, children of Vandalia. ~pehd a few days. ' " Sunqay pf, Mr. find Mrs" G y, . ~. Mis's Shardn Doster, littl.e Routzahn arid Russell. " ._ BUILD IN'GS ~HATTE~S :AUTOMOBILES LIABilITY , dau~hter of .Mr. al1d Mrs. Clif- Mr. -Charles- Mullenix bas lie:- ,~ ford 'poster of Spring-field is the turn,ed home , much' improv,ed toUr. ' ew~ "4·WAT FARM INS'U RANCE" house R'uest' of. her grondpar- fro tn' a twd we.ek's stay at lSt. 'PRO,CEEDI'N GS ' ' 'il~ th~ Ohio Farmeri will give you broad protectIon apinst l~sses ents, - Mr. and Mrs.. Herbert ' Elizab th HospItal. ' , ' , Doster. Mrs. Guy ' Rout,zahn and sgn; Estate of Wi1,~a ~outha~d, .dec d, on your ' fann. It coven your b\lildings"yo~ chattels, your automobil~ Wild your liability for accidents to other.. Why not see ' us today? , MI:. ,Raymond ' BrOok,S,. w,ho Ru ell, spent Wednesday, ~',~ th Irene Baer, admlkmstratnx ,mve~­ YO\l _~ )'Ou're we when YOu're insured in the Ohio Farmer.! sustaJl;;Led s vere leg 1I11uries her dau~ht·er, Mrs. WI,lham tory approved. several month ' aio whilt Tinne . and ch'ildr n ' ~ Jynj~ _ Estate of Natb~n L. ~~gers, e 'cra.nkfng" a truck in I~is home ' ville. d~c'd, Donald Ro~ers a'dmtmsti'a- , 'Ai~ garage '9n Clark ave11Ue, h,as Mr. A. P" Kvte 'ls now slm ly tor inv~ntory : approved.. , " .'. "5 recovered and a umed , ope.ra- recovering -from an iU ne S 'j: a E!state ~f.Joesph .S .. MOl'rl~, de.c d, . (, Phone ,1 53 20 E. Mulberr LEBANON O. tion once a~ain of his fillmg · number f weeks , Juha Morrls, admlnlstratrlx flIed ~ , __ . !, __ _ , y, , stati~n and ~araie on Main?t. MI', MarRar~t j hn ' ~,nd first and finaraccount.. - . ' ' OHIO ,'ARMERS INIUUNaI COM.PANT MJss _ Anna Mae and MISS Mr Paul J ohn s in company Inthema~tero:f ,the.trustcreated 48 HI .AlMEUINl)IMNI'IYco. 4 Barbara DeBoard, dauRhters of "ifh Mis Mary Cook and Mr. by ,Item Third the Will <?f Charles .4 0 0 -.4f~~ fJ,1I. Mr~ and. Mrs, CIi~e D~B b a,rd of Parry Cook of ' Wavn sviJ.le, ,Reli, dec'd, Charles Waggoner a~- Clarksville returned hom e visited' Mr Elizabeth Smitl. al pointed trustee. ' ~ Tu~sday ' following a · yisii with Goo d iunaritan H pi 'aI, their , ~randlllother, Mr. ' Mae Da vton, Sunday eveninR. ' R~AL ESTATE TRANSFERS DeBQard of Clark ave. Mr. and Mr '. William Pe nLuther and 'Ruth Wells to Inez , The 'Mi i'onar Society 'of it~~ton are ann,t1uncing til. birth Black lot in Franklin~ . the Jonah' Run Church In t f a dau~hter" I orn at th t! ' Rober't Joseph Roettel~ ,to ., at . the hom' , of Mrs. Wit , Ul' lat{er's ~ parent . at . Richmolnci 1 Joseph and Vh'gie Roettele 29.87 uy an , Shldaker On ~ednesday after- Ky., .S~turday July 1~. , ~ acres iri Ti.llltlecreek twp, ' ' " ~ ,__ . . " no n. Mrs. Shldaker had as coMISS ' Bqnnre Satterthwaite of Eiiz-abeth and Frederick Bium to hostesse, her daUg'hter, Mr. near Wayn,esviTI \vas the week William and Viola Haslinger 1.23 Donald Coate.cnd gue t of Mi s N rm~ Lo g- aCl'e in D~erfiel'dtwp. Mrs. Ida Howe, who spent acre. . Bomineco and Victoria Pelos~ to several days here a~ th h u -.Mr, and ,Mrs., Harold Stell),k, Delbel't and Vesta ' Ferris 6.31 guest of Mrs. Laura hidaker MISs Bern,lce She,·el}an, Me ,sl's acre~' in Har~an twp. , , retuned to h r home in Day- Jame Stemke ,and Walter Elm_Wilson '!:lnd Evelyn NIChpla$ ton. Monday. . dine, il1 coml' an. , wit,,? friencr to Joseph Zecher 1 acre in Turtle, ' · ' C I . W'l from Dayton vls1ted m CI es- creek twp. ;'Mrs. 1-,sa, ur wa -m. , . ~ - terfieid, Ind., S,un'day. . Josepp Zech~r to Joseph Zecher, ' mm don , thiS , weekend VlsltmR: Mr. an ct Mr. Paul Schne de~ George Cline and William Prather ~ha~he home of Mrs, . B~rtha of Dayton, Mr. and Mrs. 1~1tis; 1 acre in Turtlecreek. -' , ~hP. B . 'F '1 • ' . Back and ,s9 n and, Mr. and ~r., Geol'ge and D~isy ·:tIall to Chal'le~ I ,e o ,~an aVlI V rel1mon Milo MiltenbeI,(rer 'were ,SatUJ- William ..and C~ci1e Koltr 1 lot in was held af Jacob s Pafk. Sun- , day eveninO' Fflitn kl"m. ,day , "1"\vue ts of Mr . .and • , ' 'Mrs. ,Enuna Kline', who. was Mr., Ratp!: Ham~o?d ~~n.q , Alic~ , ' Weiding~r to R~bert I!~ _. . . . the , hOll e (Yuest of her SI ter. fa r:nMl1y. A T ME ' tt "S'1 ward and Q~ral<;lm~ Thomp~on 9.,.; Mr. Osie ' Harlan during' last r. art,., r,s: v~re " 1 99 acres, in,Salem twp. . . week returned to her Davt n att.ended the: DIScussl9n G~fuP Henry Morton tp Shilld and Jen- . home, Monday.' , ' Fnday, evenmg at the, hom of . nie Kirby ' 2 lots in Franklin. The Hilarity Clu" met with W~v~~~vll¥e~S' Harvey . Ry J!t.-'"-Finle~ ' anq ¥ina Jo~m8on to Mr, and ~rs. Frank Swa,~zel Mrs. John Zimmerman . of "Paul and Beatrlc~ . Ham~ton and of Oregoma, Sunday. , ' W,aynesvil1e, " ~pent ' .Satulrda,y ~ugene ~nd Alice Hamllt?n lot Mr. and. Mrs, . Geor1!e, D.en- "with her parents Mr and Mrs'. In ' Frank~~fi. -,_ ', · '; , 'ley entertame'd ,the Adult Bible P. N.' Cornell.' ' . \ : , ." O\vig'ht' and Thelma eller to · 'L..ta,ss qf Jon~hs Run Ghurc~ at Mr: , and' Mn: Bartlett Mpnce Howard ~nd . Teresa ~utchins'on ,- .' theM home, Tuesd~y, ev.enm1!1 'and 'Mr. 'W-i1bur 'Monce :vi~.ited' 'lot in :Leba~0n. ",' '. , ' .' , ' Local memb.ers of ;the. 4-H the former's d~u~hter-in-1aw, ' ,~obn and .Anna K oener to John, 'J:, • ~n efecttic:freezer 'is the newest help in p.rese~v~ ' p to Mrs. Homer Monce qf .Da~!on, Vinson 8.69 acres ' in" Hamilton Club were fe,ted to a ' in.g' surplus :c,rops4 When' ftuits or 'vegetables rna.·.· Coney Island, Thursda v. . at Miami Vaney Hospital un- twp~ ', . Mr, 'and Mrs. G]vd~ Lev~cv. .daY ' afternoon. ' Mr." M(mce ." , " " ture fastet than you can use or market the;{i1, die , , and Mr .. and ~rs.~. Ed~Ifi .Smlt~ un'derwent a maror oper~tion " and fam1ty, :were m Cmcmna!l, on Thursday. _ ' , ~ freezer' provide~ a quick. easy method . of Sunday, ,~tTd ~ed al1 0at trfP, . Mr. and, Mrs. Everett Barly '< ' , ,t he ,lise", , on the ! Island Queen. " - attended the Eastern Star 'ti\CI11C ~ . .,',' ,. , ' . ' , , ,,:?e. Bqy SCOJ,lts , hJ~ld. a f00d sutJper . at' Chautauqua, Sunda'y , '" ' " " , -. Ho~e freezing is easiu ·tba~ canning and re· '" s~le ,f nda:y eventng at _the eve~ing., ",': ,', ' ~5' Guns t~9 ,.hot to hanOl~, ~6 ' .' '- . '. ", ' , ' . ~ d' school ~.v~. T~e HMveys~ur~ , Mr. and Mrs, Geor~e ' Cusfen'~ wometf .too wild to 'hold in :this q1:lues ~o exp~nslve ~ont~ne~s, " 00,,:: te,: ,l(~US, P..f.()o " ' r.~hool f B~nd ~ uE~~r t~~~plt~C~ bprder anq .sons't' Geprge and' gun blaiing battle for fa\v .and cessing. . "' Ion 0 rs. a . Freddie, vIsited ,' oney Island "J'l:lstice ' . _ ., BO'R:an pfese~teq th~ ' musIc for and other .pfaces of iri'ten~st at. ' ~.A.:I:""h·' ' 0' "'Th R· · G ' ') .:.i.:. " ·Wi~li.: an electtic 'fteezer you c~ slv~ feedco~ts tHe eventn~ \ '" ,' ,,, C· -" t" Th d' \ '." .~~ t ', n,: e , 10 I"-.ue, ~. 'M J es thorn- " mc10na I, ' urs , ,a. . ' Starring Gene Autry Sterlillg . b,vbutchermg 'wh'en y ' ou , pl~ase, and by' culling M d . r. an . rs. am , Bobby Morgan of .Dayton HoU d' I ' . -, ,I , , bl}ry entertamed the Welcome is spendmK a couple oJ w'ek's ' away, A e e ~ara, and .Bob ' youi floc'¥ when .yout' r~Qtds-,.show whkl} , birds Bible ,Class ~f Jonhas .Run ' with.'his gr4rhl-parents, M~ and, Steele.""Plus: qolo~ ,. Qart.??n, " " Chmch a,t ;.their home, Fnoay. , M~s. 'Ey'erett Ear-IY1 e'er hi~) de- Corn',epy, and ·, r.:hree- Stooges are not , ~tQducin~~ Bress,e'4 m~ats aodpGuItry A of t9 cal W.C.T;,U. parture' with his 1Itu;>t,her, :Mrs. Come~y. , '. " '-, " . "~', ~ ·f ro,.zen right~,at hOm , . e and ;§to~.ed' for,_, m, in '" " . -" " ' . " " " memuers attended the meetm1! RlIth Palmer for Phe( nix " 't, " . " ;27 ,Iri th~ ..magillfl.G ,epGe of 28 ' "the freezer. " . '. held Monda v at 'the Oh ~utau- Arr~. . qua grounds near Franklrn.. Miss , Laura Rosna,g-l" of the _, op~n~ ,west ' t\\ro brothers ",' , ':" _ ' Ftl~fl,ds' of Mr~. Emma', EllIS; Cinc,in nali is spendi:p~ :a, 1lhr,e ~ struggle with: ',ru:>thing in ,their ,1?o .get ,the }1l9st satiS.l~~ion (to~yo~t' ne~ , former, 8'ur.~ res,ldent are sqrry, week's.v.acation at the. h ~~me . li,eaJ'ltsb\1t )late tor :eaeh' otber. ", ~t~~iifng -'~abin~t,'", cti,OQse,' ~ , sizit,h, at w ,,' ill Pe ~am . t'pJ,e_. to learn s,he IS Jllflt Proba~co of r. /lnd'< Mrs. Harv~v' B 'et', . ;.-- , PURSUED ', Rest Ho~e, W.llmm~~on~ , and ' Teresa W1'ighl, "Robert " for all the prod~ce · you' wl~~wanr ~o'reeze.< Y~u~ ext~nd ,to her "ev.ery WIsh fot , ~t . • D'IP. " ' , Milclium w.;th Judith Anclerson , Couh.", .. A"g' ricultural , Ag~lit c,ao' give_",bu" ~a.i, u, a."",'. Ie, ,-" ,"'" " , speedy recovery. . . '. ... 'D ' \ 1 ,,1 AI H I' ~ ' , ." /' oJ! , . Mrs. Ben Beckett: remains m :' JJ;I"'-" , e~ , agger a.n\,J. . an , a e. < , ' cOunSel4r ,consult the. Farm Rep'feseniati~e:' of ~ I Cincinnati to ,be near her mothAIsq ': Latest ~ ,ovle10ne ~ews. ert ' Mrs., J,dhn , '.Y~ung : ~1:to 30 Pappy ',v-as' a lovable 31 The':_ n.ytan ,Po~ei, ~ Liglit€ompaity serving , 'l " ,-' L_·,f " '.-'CJ ' '" , und'erwent a , ma'lor opera'h6n ' ". ' b : in ,a hospital there, ' ·Monday. r:ascal In a o,ardmg lOUse )'Qur ' oeigh~rliow.'.' ' '.' ' -'Mrs. Youn~, ,who is kno;wn th~ hash was r:na,de of laughs , 10cal1y is reported to , be , , I~· and _loye. Soup s on .with , proving. ',' 'comedy. , ,Easy Come; Easy Go XEN~ ' Sonny Tufts, Di.... ,Lrtm. STAMPS : anll S71:Z 'or ·2.S6. \ .. Barry ' Fitqendcl. Also: Color ' ' MARKING ,DEVIOES, . .Car:toon and Comedy. RI'.VBRSE CHARGES , GAZETrE OFFICE ' Page' 7, The Miami Gazette , Waynesville, Ohio, No. 4326 ~hursday, July- ~ 24 1947







KID ar . DakIn Insurance ency

L ,


electric freezer

ina ,

family affair




]111 lhe !





, I




", •








'" ,








l' (






stoct y~ 8nd Pto8'reIIIlve. An, Ol'Ca.nJz&ttQD eeoood to JIOD8. Sbl1ctly sellera on - the beet

OtmdNl8Jt.1 UI'Jon

Miss Barbara Walker and Mr. " Jimmy Mittel' were ' the Saturday .,I{uest of Mr. 'and Mr . Richard' Miller and C1aug-hter, of Miamisbur~. !









servlee That SatllUea wmo Daiytoor 12:30 E. 13. T .• D1al 1300 - wrLW CSnc1mJatt ,12:40 DallY

Dlall ~~

'100 for Report.





_1 MORROW No. I LEBANON Office 'Ult BES. UIL _ " I




• • •

T ' he resl'd ents of ' the 'Bur~ ' , J)e ~~ ~f Ibutto~1 p1n~ B:~ 1h0O\ts., ate,. tak1!ljgi a wide interest in . ~ ~n:.,~ ~~ ~Q~e a~pted: Mrs. ' ,EG~a ~ Compt~w "'BQgan's ,




st, ~ ..' :FOR '~ENr "



q.n .2143

band ~vhlcli 'has' -,made' sevelj3.1 " " ,appearances recently. ,Members . indude 'Miss Mari,lyn Connely FOR RENT~ Two Unfurnish- Ernst, " "Budd.y" Moore ' and , ed Rooms . In ' Waynesville. 9ldria Ann ~acobs qf the sa~a·;., , Pho'n e2982. ! _ ..7_31 : p~ones~ MISS LQJlls.e.Martm~ .









Impl~enta- ·

MI~,s . Be~ty ~og-an,.

RrlCh'ard Vi1I~rs an.d MISS Janet DOsteJi ' and , theIr F~R SAlt~As ,One Unitt' ola,r.lnetS'; '. Miss .. Shirley Bl~Jlilire 46 FOi'd ~ T,ractar ' ,ana ' t 9' features thebeWs.', and . Wilbu"r Pj~ces ' Of Etjuipmellt. Frank ~'Dockey" CoilneHy :'flie' cym_' Conway, 2 Miles, North of · bats. !ne alto ho'r~s are, p,ay~d Springboro off State Route by Mlss/, Joan Beckett and Mlss 741. -7-31 .Laverna',. Reeder. E u ~ e n e Clarke is the ,bass drummer and

, 'F._nama






, L~u St~lO,

MI.SS' Ma,ry ,



Mi~llan-""'" AUCTIONEERING Room For Three Riders To ' Dayton;~ Phone Waynesville, STANLEy.... KOOCiLER ~W&I. ' 2903. , Hours From ,8 p. m. to 6 a. m: -7-25 •






,.. ......... ·.....,..0.... '




CIllo. " 0 ' " Oar lIE

ADa ___________-.:...;....;..




" Whe,ul,er ,you plan- tq', BtJlLD Q,f ju. t "FIX-UP" y'our , , pr,esent house" see us for your , roofing, insulatibn .and , lumber needs. - ." . ' . ,, . . • I •



.. f



I~ J.

... , j

! '..









Locker Plant Now Thil:d tre ,Accepting 'Foods .. Or. Hain , .



by John S. Turner

The home on t , Denver" Col.,. July 25-'Th f( rmerly ,built hy . ,city a mile hi~h and till con. and a.t one time con iderect as Final' " a€ij-yst~ents a· r~'W . .........FI--...;;;..:.:..~~;.,,--:.; sidered at the fi t.bilts of th~ one of ' th fine t h mes in th ' ,made t the freelln ' equipmen Rockies. That always . 'o uo~eci town, wa 01 re ently by the fit ·the Wayn esv it1 ' Locker " •....".lrlU'....... _l funny, How a city a, mil hlg'h , owner, Mi s Margaret Edwa.r PIa,nt th~ . week and all kinds is m e~ely. ..consldered at the · t R. G. B nit tt 0 fDa y l n, of fruit, ve ' table.. and meats foothills and. not, at lea t, one who wi ll 0 cupy the pr pedy' are being accepted for storage. Established 1850 . No. 4327 $ t.5 per -Year of the foothill . Sc a "Copy. immediately. . Grading work around the plant But ·· today we g. t a sample WAYNESVILLE, a H 10, Thursday, July 31, 1947 . Thi home ~ a lately fill ed is al 0 , be in done and in the of the height of orne of the -------'--with , ma,ny aluable antique " rear of th building a hugh Hackies whe.n the· rl\diator Of that ha ve b en- disp ed · of b ~ .. 2,QO , . allon ci tern is ,being th . car boil d-:clry, 'because of ' . the hit owner, Mi s Edward, constructed .. According the ' Mr'. ' th~ high altitude, ,near the t p'. Harv ~ y Burnet manager of the of· Lookout Mountain and ' all ,plan t ~ construction, this latter we had to fiII it , wa .a. in tallati 11 i . bing made in. '< paper cup. Never , knew f r tead df a water ften ' r; which, how many cup . of water a ,ouJ.d PI' ve more expensive Chevrolet radiat0r hold. v due t the cost of op ration, We . up on L kont t oft ,\ a.te r fr m thi · ci tern can , see ,,,here Buffalo Bill Cody Ac ,rding t a ht ment 'f 1. u. c i v r h. ,pumping it back ·was burled and t · rr through WilJi Hunter, Pre ident f th e . after it has erved its purpo~e the mu, um dedicated to his ' Bal\d B tel's CI uh, $ .5.00 ' in c. olin ,,· the pumps ein the life. AS we were parkin a littl ha b en paid : t . that r (l1i~ fre zlI1g ' om partment. . Water b y in the next car aid' to hi zation on mu i al in ru m nt ~ fr nx' thL: .. ul' will also be dad "Hurry Da'd, let's , go sec to dat. The 'Clllh wi he ' t u e j f r the boiler and will tend where the huffal . wa ' uried." ale . and ther intake thL ~ ~ rtunity to thank io redue I . don't think old Bill wo uld ever: ne f r thei r. h Jp. juri LIS lIh ·tan es b.tained in -h.aY.e. _appreci,atect that. 'TRAIN OF TOMORROW- Packed fult of, mechani al marvels, Mr. Hunt r fmth r tate til l- gular ity \vat r. All equipnent 'fol' the operaH e mu~ t Ml v' een,q l).ite :t th .G neral Motor Train f T morr w; pictured a,b v t will be Band Bot rs,vi h to clear Ll R the proc~ ' ing rooms ' is man. As a b,uffalo and 'Indi an' on exhi,pit in Dayton (rom 2 to 9 p.m., Aug. 2 through Au~~. . a statem nt in the la t i u~ f tion 5;" While in Dayton, ,the .train will b exhibited Oil the ~altin1ofe. the Gazette re ,ardingthe Band now III tailed and r a' y for hunter he is' tec'ognlzed a top. But there is one more honor 'I and Ol.lio track.S at street ' level immediately Quth of Dayton . B~po ter working f r l)and uni. work. A 'band meat saw, m~at would like to add to the Id Uni ,n tati n On Ludlow sheet een by thousands of per ns in f rm . H, "We are work- ,grind r, meat slicer, lard makColonel's' list. If he. po d for variou citie in which it ha been di play d durin r a current ing for in truments fot the band ing equi~ ment, p0rk cuting as th'e fir t p.r j ct. Unif rm eq uipment that automatically ~1J the photograph and six month · tour, th e , Train f T m rrow.i expected to atha:t hugh crowd while it is in Gayt n. will be the e ' nd pr jed." inj ects the proper amount of ings of himseJf that are hung in that mu eum, he i also one "While we are talkihg. ah ut curing 'oluti n in comparison of the C tllJn'tFies 'all-tim . leaduniforms, we think thi i a t \veig-hf f the' ineat 'being GRANG~ PICNIC in models. R d time to tate . that the cured, smoking closet, chicken DATE C~CELED · Most 'of the day we pent ip Band Mother, ',ho backed the picker, these are the major The Farmer Grange No,. 1 hant!1 LIP to the organizati n f piece of equipm nt installed the Rockies and dWn't !Yet that. trad .planhed for a picnic to be the Band Booster, had worked and read:y to e u ed, in the first gHmpse of a mountain. _ g~a~.. But Thursday while The H uting'; was put into held on aturday night, Augun fo.r a uniform fund. They had praces ing d partment, 2, but accordi.n~ to official of (lC'umulat ct th .11m f $1,114 , Friday and Saturday,. August . travelmg throu~h .the congested~coutiJl . la t \\ .eek when 'eight the Gra' n ge thi date ha I en which rno t erta\nl repre ent, 8 and 9 has been et hy the area of an 111m I town. thr e boys--and their I ader :went to small go.ats, they were tnpl~ts, Camp Hook. To follow the ca nceled and . til" .new at wi:ll ed an enormous amount f Board of Directors of 1>he I ck .. , . hard work. Jt 1 ur opmlon er .plaI)t 'as the oftlcial " pening ran ut m fr~mt f ~,r: car an ., ' we ks aCtiv.ities would prol ably b an.nounced I ~t r.. ' da:y~ At this .tim th plant will . ' A regular meetm wlH b~ that th Band 'Mothers she ul , started . playmg. Th II own I tak this ntiLe i sue of the held -at the local qran e HaJI have . the rI 11t -to , . a.y whe~, be open ~t0 yisit r and a Go m~ s re~med from . o~ curh f f , .,Gazette, sd we wiIJ try to hit' on aturday night WIth a health . wher~ and how . they ~.te goin, plete , showing 'and explan~tlpn .t hem to. get out of, the road~ the hip"hlights. . ~" .ever·pah ot mot fists blew program che~l!led ' ·, and .a to sp nd th.e money' for which of all part of th plant wi.t.l be their 11 rn: I had vi i<fns of ' . ClalI1~lI1g la unk wa the speak r _W!l .... Wi ll talk on thl .. they w rked further stated Mr. made. Hunter' , one of tJle thin~ jump (Ir ~ tHmg. JI1 t~~ ·or~er of subject. Special music i . alSi on the car (they wm do uch busmess ,WIth. medical .r. -cl~cc~ eing arranged. "It . Has ·been . brought to our things) and r;emain ther f T ' and ~wl1nmmg . cla SJflcatl ns ·attention that several people the re t of the trip, hut all this followmg. The ~etreat cerewisl7J to contribute t tne uni'!lother g0at remained ,.- ~ony ~ tl~e. Flag R?le w.a .an f nly. M!y V(e sugge t no IuS ed on the other cur l·mpresslV Ight with , eighty· that these people giv to Mrs., , c1~ whatever ~ iti . four Sc~~t~r~, p!~, t~ ~ Cam Sfanley Bailey the fun s .they taff padl Ipat~n " Supper a?d chew such times. But they wish to donate a'nd be a urea left an so did,' we, ' then t9 eyemug ~C\mp Plr . th'at it will' be ,used for uniform S I ' d' f t ,',. "'lhere on mtrodudlOn ' of tb'e The~, R xanna 'and' Corwin O.nly, ~ f.urther tated Hunter. o we v·e' ' 1~ . a me, I.I£) nature man, he produced a f911T . 'fh l:> 'Wa' rre'n' County P'armel'S and go d tune Indiana t • plants of the' Roxanna Canning , ~ . '. , . . .. . , " foot back snake , ffom hi Picl)ic will be 1:teld at'the LebaIlhnOls, Nli so~n" and Ka~s~,.. pocket. ' Group singing and Compa~y are ' now ac'cept.ln~ , n h fair'groul1d n aturday, t . t ha ve no. g.en~~l s.peed limIt camp . chatter cia 'ed \ the op-en. 'applications for work at both only restndlfig the fat 0f speed ing days activities and Tap factories accorO!J~g' to an ' al~lAugus 2, ' nl];) 'a 1 0,,:00 'Cbntlnuecl on Page ' 5) e ! d d ., nouncement made in the Cl. m. and c 'tlOtil 4 :'0 6 , . , re 'soun e . p: m. a,~rnl County At~ve~t~~a~, mornih i R .xa~a ~~~ne~, .fu~~.;~~~ . ~=n~~~I~¥~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ the bugle ble\.v us ' but of bed ' hOl1~e-or~an .pu1;>1Icahon .. ueti id'arri'S0I1. 'F, '- WhittamQr.e, P. . (Qoritlnuetd · on ·pqe '5 ) . . " for the plants by the Churngo-ld age 57,' 'passed a...way at 'his . C · rpor~tio.h f Cincinn :a .t i. . " ony "acd, S.. owner of the cilthin . factorie '. home. on Third street, . Thurs- and. H ~)fse Shoe' wilt " 't '~ 'Whil~ the tinle 'fbr ,wo;~kin · day, ,July 24 at 5 :25 ~. m. 'stad the day's actlv ties and at " , WilJ C. ':Iiidtenor, age ' 79, ',II.t " ,Ol!, He is sllrvjv~'d by his wife, ~ 1 :00 a;' m. a five stock judg~" "l~h . , , . ~ Jatt therI' plants t ·t . will. crCome t d atth at Mary, tw' 0 ...... daughters, Mrs. I'ng contest of 110"ses, :. cattl·'e, passe.d ,aWay. ,a t ,illS , Springs" near Harvey burg ' on t!., ' ~on.te.rred , ·, a er ~\a e .'''. ,~~s 111 Ica e :at .. Vernon Horti,. Richrnond, Ky~, , sheep ~11ct · hog wi,ll 'be held. :. Monday., July 28 'at 3 :15 ~.' t:11 , ' U.' "'1J I~ nam~s t.urned,.n n0W for w,? rk Mrs. Lyle Hill, bexington, Ky., The -ba ket dinner i ch:eduled Hie tesulLof "a paraly'tic", stroke. ;]'. . < ! , . , . . ". , aJpllca'!lons. ~ WOllld .. be m,or~ . fO~'r sons~ B~~rgoyne . of D.a~t n, " ~e h.eld at'.1.2;'~ 5 P., ·"rn. ,ap.d, . ,suffered Friday; , '. "~andla~tes f(o~ ,southeTn qmvenJe.nt,than ctlirl.n th prfr_ Mlc~ael,. JtosGoe 'and Tommy .. .at. 1 :30 p. m:' the. War .en . '. . of Wa~nesviHe.· . ' ', ' _C(HJnt~ Fish ., and Game Ass9,:~ "", · Mr. Tichenor was a p·r'a,e tk.. : OhIO ,Granges recel~ed "the I~- .fac~ory III h. " ing" attorney". in his youngei·, th d.egree :at. ~ ~~e~lI1g h~ld 111 " . A?yope cQntemplatmg wor.k ..' Pun~r~l servi es were c~n.. ciation wi.ll give a trap sh00ting' ears but later became . a poet, _Xema, last Fnday- mght. F'ft.een . m eltherf~~tory wh~ d.oes n It. ducted ,'Sat~rday at 2 :Q~ p. m. del110nstrati n. . ~ongwrit.e.r and historian. Hi ' ,l~aders of the sta,te - org.~mz~. have a Socl~l 'Secunty numbef" at, the. Holme~s ChlHch, 1~ ~or- . The bandconsert given'. by' Qutstanding ' c0mposi.tion was bon '!I.ere on hanp to assl~t l~ should obtam ~ne a~ PIlCf-. ,:WIn. ' :V.I~h James, tam-h, . Mmlst~r the J~inci~na~i Gas ~~~ . EI~driG HGlorious 0llio" a s'oQg .that at '.,:confermg t~e degrees.. . BJa~ks. ~~e obt~lIMa~1Ie ' at the . offlclatmg. . . ' " ' Co. 45-pIBce. banp wrtl ·ue ,held. 'one time was ton iqe,red ,by the . A! the,' 14,'Op candidates Po~t <?fflC~ o~ at the '; p~alnlt ,'" . The bQdy was removed t~ at 1 :4S ·p. m,. H ~g .. ~.al1ing" .~a~k ,Ohio leg.lslature. for adoption as ,rec,elvmg d~.gre~s \V~re Mr, and , offIce .~n <;or~m, .I~ any ,dl!fll- Rlch~opd, Ky. <:>11 . .Su~da:y tac~~ ~.nd ,oth~r q1dlYIQlual coil the official state . yre also Mrsi ,A. . H. . E~rnba~,t,., ~r .., and culty IS m~urre? · III ma~m~ mornmg by: the $tubbs Fun'e~~l tests ':V~11 ~e held ,at·3 ~oo p. ,m·.. had \V-ide , circulation 011' his Mrs.'·, S. S.. Elhs, Mr: and Mrs'. , th.em ,out, th~· offl.~e at the C~t:- . Home and . servIC~S .a~ bUrial · " ~ Judgmg contest ha$ .> beeu' m plant ~111 be ~la~ to aSSI.,t were held · ~t · the '\RI~h~ond . artanged for w'omen, to ,be held , 4'Guide ' t'o Pt. Anciene' \vhich Therl'e Jones, . Mr . . and Mrs, has lJeen used 'for years as the J:rnest 'Harlan, . Mr and Mrs. . 111. thl~ d~tall. AppllcatlO~ fror~ .. ·£emetery, Monday m~rnmg. 'a t 11 :00 a. m. according to most accurate in existence. Jesse Prendergast, Mr. and Mrs. thIS. dlstnct sh?uld be mall~d, tq. M.arga~et . Bay, Home A~ent. Survivors induded 'his wife, Edwin Surface, Mrs. . Amos Soc~al .Security, Board. F,lel~ FIRST BEEF BROUGHT· .' This includes "Sack'; dresses, table " boquets ~nd gar.den ~ , Lutie and a sister, Mrs. Laurtl'. Cook, Mr. Robert Crew,- M.r. Offl~e, 202 .Federal BUI,tdm ~" TO LOCKER~ MONDAY Beave-r of Chicago. :4 Uon ' Earnhar,t; Mr. 'Rob~J'\t ..Ham!lton~ 9~1~. " ' To Edward Gilliland ·and f~ower boquets .. Sl~' entries I i funeral services were con.. \\1.j son ' and , Mr. Ernest Cook. A SOCial Sec 4flty nun:tbe~r Ernest goes the e.a~q cont~st WllI ,be allowed .. . ducted today af 2 :O,0 p. m. ' ~t .This was on~ of (\bout fif- !Dust be secured before ~~phc~~t- hoilors of br~nging in the first Oldest. person presen.t, olde . ~ the McClure Funeral Home m teen such meetmgs ~o be held IOn can be made , for work Ifl. beef to be placed in the new couple, younge~t . married GOUe Waynesville with Rey,. .1. P. ; ~liro~ghout the ·state. At a meet- any fac.tory. Waynesville J,..ocke:l{ . Plant. p1e, .large~t faml~y, olde~t autoThornbury . of Harveysbur~ rng m Dayt~t1 l~st Thufsd.ay They each brought in an Soo mobile an~ famIly ~oml!Jg !he . officiating~. The body wa~ s~nt nearly 1400. candldat~.s recelV- , Mrs. Ray Mainous . has been pound b~ef on Tuesday morn.. . gr_ea~est dlstanc.e will receIVe . to crematory. - ed the state degree. ~ 'Very sick the past week. ing of this week. special awards.



Band Boosters Give Band Mothers Credit



Local Scout Troop Records .Camp Week


Plants No" Taking AppliCations'.




Fa'tmer's ' Picnic . (

Saturday, .Aug~ 2'




• "hDegree S

' ;;

















-- Many Common ~o';ons on 'Dc~gs " Hav~ ,No facts a..elc 'of Them

G. C. P. CLUB HAs WAYNE PARK Plf~IC The G. C. P; Club h ld ' it last me ting- at Way n ~ ' Park July 1 4 , ~v ith a picn!c. A umptuou di nner was enj y d by all. Tile af.ternoon was pent enjoj ab ly in the po 1. Th e G. C. p ,' softball team lost to Otterbein H me at -th park July 17'.: ur t ' em , to be the small st in t he c un ty but. all enjoy l aying.

RECEIVEs HIGH HONO~S IN RAINBOW GIRLS , ,' Mi Ba rbara L u Bland, daughter of Mr. and Mr " Gl enn Bl and, was reatl y honored OD unday yening wh n he re. eeived the "Gran d ,Cro s f Co l o rs~' ' at th e Ra inbow 'for 'Gi rls Assembly at th e , Ma onie T ~mple in Cincinn ati. Th,i ' honor is" only gi ven tho e Wl10 '(to outstandin g work in T he Rainbo w f or: Girt ~. Mr. and Mrs. 'Bland and the randm oth er, Mrs. L. C. t J hn wi tn sed t he b 'autiful eel m n . Rev. and Mrs. R. B. 'Co leman visited the 'past week with th eir daughter, Mildred a , Champaign, Ill., an d with Mr. C I m an's broth er, Mr. . M. T. 'M cColm and f amily of Ma_. wood, Ill.

Color of . Coat No Index to D Resea~ch 'cente~ Finds


He ' Answered Call .Of Opportunity, , A typical story of American opportunit y is the life of Earl Owen Shreve, new President of the Uni~d States Chamber of Commerce. , 'This big·s~ouldered hard-working son of Iowa climbed f~om the bottom to one of ..the top executive posts in the General ' Electric Co., as vice-president in charge of customer relations. ' Born in Mapleton, Iowa, he had a , job at the turn of the century as station agent and telegrapher at Harrisburg, S. , D., . with the , C~i­ eago, Milwaukee and, Paul ,Rallroaa. · He got so interested in his work, he went to Iowa State College at Ames to study electrical eniineering. Then, with ' a degTee in eleCtrical engineering, h'e jomed General Electric and startl!tl 'h is climb. '

Despite the fact that no animal has been more 'closely associated with mank;ind through the ages than the dog, a large portion of ~h~ pUblic, includmg many owners, still entertains a ,surprising number of fallacies pertaining to ' dogs, . states the Gaines Dog Research Center. Ne~ Y,o rk ' City. Old wives' tales and superstitions, handed down for generations, are still firmly held · to in many sections, ,notwithstanding the fact that ' scien~i'tic inv.estig;ition has Ip}'oven these stories to . be , nothin~ mor~ than amusing' bits of folk-lore, it says. ' An amazing number of people believe, for instance, that mongrels N In b t b t ~ are' smarter, healthier, braver and 0 guess ~ a ou W a a puremore loyal than pure-bred dogs. bred puppy will rrow IIIto. There are undoubtedly a great of any other col~rt Clnd dai'lI; spou number of cross-breds which pos- and markings on a ~hound only in. sess all thes.e attributes to a high dlcate that ' he is dE!scended from degree, ·but , the suppos~'tiQn that ancestors carrying " heavy color 'lnixed parentage creates a superior pat ches-nothing InIDre. ,animal is :absurd:would Were be this comfad . Besides holdin'; true, mongrels ,.. '\ unreasonable , manding tel> prices as companions Ideas about the do~ts themselves, and guardians, while pure-bFeds ' ma~y people also have strange would be a drug on the market. ' ' not~ons about the proper care of The belief that mongrels are t~el1' d<?gs. One of the most perhardier thah pure-breds may have SlStent J.S t~at a. 111!llP of sulphur come into bemg a result of the placed 1Il drm~lg wate~ benfact that the average mongrel, if elits a dog s he~lth. Man~ Vll'tues injured or ill, is generally' left on -s~ch as tha~ ~t acts as a w~ter his own to live or die while the ' purifier, extermmatEis worms, lID,owner of a' pure-bred ~jll usually' p~ ..~ gloss,i,ness ,to tbe coat! "cools, secure veterinary attention. It ,th~ blood,; e~c:-a;rle as~rlbed to stands to reason that the pure- thIS l?racbce. SCl,en~~, does ~ot subbred dog, which has had g.ood care stantlate, any of thIS, ~ !l matter and proper food from puppyhood 'lJf chenustry, sulphu;r IS msoluble on, 18 likely to be the sounder' lD wa~r, .and, a block of wooq in specimen than the cross-bred the drmking bowl would do Just Which , has grown up on a "catch- as much good. as-oatch-can basis. As for intelliMany times a friend or neighbor gence . if mongrels were smarter will remark to the owner of an and more loyal, why are pure- overweight dog, eel." !;ee that ,y our breds ~used for guiding th,e blind, dog has a go04 .horne.'1- The dog serving with the armed forces, a~d m~y ,h~ve ·a lov~ng homel but cer" carryin~ on' rescue WOrk? . tamly not a, wIse olne, lOr a fa~ A behef common in many pl&'ces over-fed dog s chanc:es for a long is that the color 'of a dog's coat life are materially r leduced. He is indicates his tempe,r amen\ and oeing killed w,ith mIsplaced kind- , character. One theory is that red ness. The dog .whose! 'owner regu' (reddish-brown, really) dogs ate Iates the feedmgs so as to keep inclined 'to be savage and aren't tbe animal in \Igoad flesh" (trim, to be ' trusted.' ,Anotner opinion but not ,bo~ey) WilT be a hapPler holds that certain heav,:v dark and healthier pet than the wad- mar.1Q~-a-hG~~e-s . ";lg, wheezy e~~~e-owne''I'--'''''''':;;~~'''''''''''....,r..;:",.. peJ;'ior ' hunting ability. The color lDSISts on feedmg hun too wen. of -his coat hasn't tne slightest re- The maxim, "A lean horse for' a lation to .a dog1s disposition. Tnere long race," ~olds eCil1ll~lly true for are just as many ¥,entle, friend,ly, dogs, ,ccordmg to the Research intelligent dogs wlth red , ~oats as Cen~er.




Th Miami Gazette Pa o-e I , 3 1, 194 7 >1~hu rsday, July


ach ~)ie ' f~n5 wiU have ~h e be t chan e thi ~ fal1 ,t ratIfy their appetites ince prewa r d a'y ~. Th e nati onal p,each crop \vill be th e l arg t ev r h ar v ~ t ed , and suga r i ff th e rahotl list.


. .c!n~~ ~~~EMa. 1 chine and Mi x-er;' 3 0 Pall ets; Elt:dric M t r; In G ood C ndi tton. :,

LAMB'S GROCERY Railr'o ad Ave:,

,Corwin j






' The annual Oh i '"

r hard tel' i , scheduled' f or Thur day, Au 1I t 21. One of th e speakers will , e H. A. Rollin, Univ rsity f Co'nnecticut. Exhil it a,nd ·-e..:m o n str~tion s f orchar equipm ent are' planned. . '-

at W



Est ablished in 1892



Comes Eirsfin Home Im~rovement

of our regul ar colum'ris ar e not' printed this week due to v ari ous mechanical difficulties enc un tered just at pre s t im e. ' Thi s copy is heing h ~ l d and will he u ed next w ek. He ' are rr hut th de'l ay i s unavoidabl e. - ' The Ed it r

.Day meetin



Justly to discriminat e, firmly to establish, \visely to pr seril e, and honestly to a,wa ~s ... are th e tru,e aims'.and dut ies of critJcism.







_ _ _ ~.- _ _ _---.-" _ _ ~ ....

~ OM::-:-:-"E==-=--~~~~~~~~~~~~_KN-. -;:EE- -:-~H~OLE



~4 2



1 f ast a ' fion alld l ivel y Z tun'e in th f- ' ;s tor y of attl ' ru tier of th e Ol d ,\ V'e -t. :

'." "''IIJ -i i' •

South of the Chisholm Trail with Charle~ Starrett, Smiley Burnette, Al 0 , "

~--~~-~-~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~t "






', ~

,-, . -








" ,





: :

Blondie's Big Mome1lt " . -,Penny Singlet0r,t, Artllur ' Lake


.3 l'he harJ.kno, k s,. eh ,,1 4


ta u~ht himtu :lth g-u\· tri· k ·, A n:'



in the OWo Pann~':,'Will give you brQad 'protecUoo apinst losses <Xi yoUt. farm. It c:ov.eJls your buildings, your chattels, your autC?mobile-and, your lhbmty for' accidents to others. Why not see us tpday?, " . -(nil , JOU'n saf.e wben you're i,nsureel' . 'You ~ .ID ~L Ule Obi0 , Parmen , "


'I ' 1"

' Dak.eD' ,,Ins'u'r,iI~ nee' eney K'arl' . D


A ' g

. .Dh?ne_ 15.3~_~O E. 'Mulberry" l.EBANON,

- ~ ~


:. ., .-



OHIO ,'ARIlEalINlulWMI CO",ANY .." ~o


SINGLE·15< ·




MIM." IND_n ~_4fh fJII._

m\" ter y that keep yl 'll W periti)ri~~~e~'CLOCK '

\\'ith Dick Powell, E~elyn K~yest Lee J. 'Colb b a'n d Ellen Drew. ," Ph.! : News a,nJ C o lin Cartoon .

. .. . - . ......f .. ~...-..~~........ ~~~)_~. . . . .~~ . ...







, .

e ,'

tKk again ~ n d th e

postman's on the "run.

, ..

:,, :0

they' r




6 Sew'are , th e! ' fl oatillg , 7 hand. It's hea ' l V, in this thril'1in.(!, spme-tmglmJ; story of a man go e mad.

1in, ~ y~:)Ur ~\

The Beast With Five Fingers with Robeit Aida, Andrea King and Peter LoRe.

-=-- Also: Tech.licolor Musical.


South Main Street across from Grange Hell Te'epbone 2422



Pa ge 3,

Th '

c~ HlllH 111 0 11

viII', hi ll Thur da. , Jul y

"N (lYIl

:. O' p.m.




St.p Shelves SavI"

Illmll "Typ~ Ta lks" in 0' in the Miamj will . ~ive · a fir t-II1.l1df th ' hi gll1i ht f th e


METHODIST CHURCH R. B. Coleman. Minister

. Space iii Cupboards

John . 'TLII:ner, ttl;' i fart;li1y ; :tre toul'in (lo the \\est rn states' ' fo r the . next hvo w eks. JOhl'l'S '

10 :'" n.m. t I: 0 Il.m.

n E\'e ni n

S ~ nn

Sunday choqJ 9 :3 0 a. m. . J. J. Rursk'e,. ~upt. War hip Sen'~ce . 10;30'a.m.~, Youth F lI owship , Thursday, 7 :J0 pm.

MT. HOLLY METHODIST 'T. M. Scarff', Minist~r Sunda SchoOl 9 :30 a.m . E. A. E.arnh a rt, Supt.' . W-ership Service 10:30 a.m. 'Evening Service 7 :30 p.m.

ST. MARY'S EPISCOPAL Samuel N. K~ys, Minister . ,7 :30 a .m., 'M01:nin 6l, Prayer, Cha,rles R. Mebaffie, Lay Re~1'del" 10 :00 a,m. , MornIng Pra.yer and ermO;11 , A. Ba,k er Lay Reader

Huge Demand Seen

. For 'capital Goods Under the surface of busine$s exists huge pQtential demand for WELLMAN HOME. ~. building, machinery, transport COMING, 'SUNDAY equipment and other types of 1~h.e Wellman h m capital goods. pi nic will ' be h I This 'is' pointed out by Earl ' O. Shreve,' President of. the United J ac L Ii nic )'r lIn ~is, States Chamber of Commerce, in a . Au o'u t \ Ev, r n w e. plea for nat-iona! policies to e~­ Brii1 ' ta I courage industrial exp;:lnsion. ,The filling of underlying d.emand for capital goods, ·Mr. Shreve said, NO would sustain production , and em~ ployment 'at high levels for years and "keep near-trem business recession within ,the limits of a n'loderate letdown.'" . r, No


'. UTICA E. U. CHURCH , ' Rev. A. J. Furstenberger decp shelves are 'wasteful of Sunday Sch oo l 9 :30 a.m.


Mrs. J a m e Garrison, Supt.




ST. ~UGUSTINE Father Krumholtz, Priest





. Mass 7,:30 a.m. and ' 9 :00 a.m. "

Making TOJ

10 :30 a.m.

First Day SchoQI 9 :30 a.m. Meetin g for W Of?hip ,10 :3 0 a.m.


s~.I'es .

An old set of bookshelves painted to ha1'tllonjze ,with the 5urrouncfuaga • makes a convenient plac~ for chilo dren to store toy~. accordm~ to the ~ural Home editor of nationally. Circulated Capperls Farmer. ' The playthings are kept in better condition than if thrown helter-skelter ' in a box. '

Plldlc DI,ap.r Co,.r"

futs lib,'. Washing ,

FERRY CHURCH of CHRIST OF CHRIST { . Ralph E. Stinso~; MiDiater Bible School 9 :30 , a.m.

Morning Wbrship 10:3'0 a.m. Youth Meeting 7 :30 p.m. Adult', Prayer Meeting, 7 :30 p.m. Evening ' EvanveJistli'c Serv'ce'

To ~timulate long-range industri41 expansion I,md capital invest- , - ment, Mr. Shreve proposes: (1) Slashing of Federal tax rates; (2) Reduction in government spending and application of part of the savings to debt repayment; (3) labor reforms to aid industrial peace; '(4) cooperation with other nations to m'aintain world peace and expand.'world trade.

DOGS AllOWED ' g - no r Ladi ' e ither _ ' I' h w p rftlI1l ' d' -


- n matter h \V perfumed j that m It ' ' -diff r .nt kind ~ \ m I l~ all wed- N 0' all we j-No j ogs allowed


A milli 11 db llar lyriC. tanf rd Bogen . f Morrow, Ohi should ca h ~ Jth hi s anlUsin ca tchy lyri , titled aN Dogs Allowed.'~ In Boo-en's op ini on , and it will go for unco untable oth ers, there i little m ol' offensiv e; than a do ' ru hin g to yo u w~l e n you are seated, at q lovely pr p,ared meal. Not y ur g f couIse ; but you know j orne are v ry mu~h different than ur. So, Bogen thh1ks th e music wo rld ve ry much 11 eds thi I ric and when the next occasion comes h e will play it "my re~ord.



, . 8 :1.5 p.m. Po tmaster L. H; Gordon Ie·, A fnendly Church With a . , 00 pel Message . turned to, his d utie~ at th e local Post Office his week aft I' an WA \ NESVILLE CHURCH absence' of about ' two m ont h ' Robert L. VanZile, Minister due to inn,ess. His man y fri nds Bible Scho.ol ' - 9'!30 a.m. welcom e him 9ack.


Blacktop Driveways R


adO iI


A p p Ii e d

T af

ecoating EST1M~TES


plastic diaper coy· H" OME-MADE era fashioned out of 'the same


B •. B~ STRotlJD

kind of material used in shower curtains can save young mothers an , eDdle... amount of wasIm1g, Mrs. Robert C. Miller points out in Capper"s Farmer, .. leading farm mag· "




Pr~aching. '1 t :md 3rd Sundays

each month



the tink f itEx II e- I mean ! c me to think of it mlltter h "w it , III ILr \Vh re it m elL . It cann t ' m 1\ in her d 0' all \v d-N 's all we j-N It an ~m l( (\ ny wher ·it· " ant t o mdl But it cann t mell in h re matter h w mart it is. - N r Inn ua e it an pell It an neither pell- r mell in h re a. gs all w d,-'No d g- all wed-N d 'S allowed -Co~ right 1 947 1 tan f 'I'd , ~ en, Morrow! Ohio ,


space." writes Rpse S. Florea, in nationally,-clrculat~d Capper's .Farm. er. . "A section of step shelves or nar. ' row straight shelves between wide ones gives' more space," she writes In the magazine read by 1,300.000 'arm families. •'Little staoklng Is necessary. Such shelves use the space between articles a abelf . and the ,shelf above. They ate easIly constructed . ,to fit any cablnd and can be' made from scrap lum•


Mrs. A. T. P lin ky, ' daught r, Maril yn and mother" Mrs. J s H man have been in Chica cyo thi ,past week and Mr: A. T, lin k joined them 11 Tue day . Tbey will all N w York f OI' a further ' vaca ti n.


und ay lcom e.

ap pear"'! Gazette ' account trip.

26 O~ Avenue


Phone 221-L


'Mrs. Miller ~y. that before, .!;le thought of this idea, that everything : in her' young , s~n ,Clee'~ bed bad to' be ' chan.ed almpst ' as often '8S bis diaper. ;, "1 tri~d ' rubber pants," .he wr~tes, "but they cut bis fat HttJ!! legs. , ~__ '-' . "ISO I bought tbl'e~:fou.rths ya~d of plastic material. The 40 incb fabric was cut in half, lengthwise. Each 20 x 27 inch piece was doubled







to a 20 1~,~ size and' sewed to· .ether at the edge opposite the fold The' narrow ' seam was turned to the Fro.eD ' ~rt7 puree' _~ve.. ' Ice 'cream 18.k~ "s~y ·lAIIU1aa ·1D ~ ,' wide. Then a thre-j3-quarier mcb tar or IUlDmer " ' ' . I ,hem was 'stitcbed at each. e~d, Througb these tum-dOWJ:lI I threaded ERR1E$ m~e mljbty. telllPUn. ,wateI:loggui. ~ the cotton· tape. ,. '. . ~er delser~nd ·joat a. . "When leveral ,pounds of berrIes temptlDa winter onel. For by flIeez.. are 'washed, stemmed or c:apped; "Eacb of ,the two ftnisbed article. mealUl'ed about 18 incbe. wide and' . .1Da the ftnely. flavored b~rriel you, you are'ready to mix them Witl;lau•• can bave aum~er ,trea·t I ,the year ar or cover them, with' alrup-cle18J,i inches Ion,. Atter 1 pin the around, ~jtes Donald K. Treiisler pending. on 'Jour preference and diaper on the baby. I put' the cov· III Capper'. Farmer, a lea~ f~ whether or not you want to ute the . er on aIld tie at .lde. The material I. ioft and folds between ·m . . . .e. , frozen berries for .des.ert ••uc".. ,.the lei.. The extra width 'ls ,ath. ·f.l!o p'eserv.e the taltetbat . "In 8lUni container. for ' the erect In at the top b, the draw· ffHb beme, bav,e,", be point. out, freezer, allow ~ incb space at ,the The covering il no Inore '~one should allow them to ~ rip. . top of eacb one for exPansion durblndiD./'than the diaperi yet it _ OIl ~e bulb, ' and handle ,t hem ina freedn,. Follow the manufacteepa his sleeper. and bed dry at .ently In prelJ8rlD' them for the turer'. lnatructions ' for c1oaIn. or nJlbt and ~ rompers ,clean durin. freezer. Avoid extra bancWn, in sealiDa variOUI Ope. of container•• the day." ~ washing by placing them In a colail· "Bemes or aD)' fruit covered with Thia Pnple device, writes Mrs. der 01' ba.ket with _aU , op8'nJng. Ilrup teDd to ri.e to~ the top. To JIlDer, hal greatly reduc:'ed washin•. aDd lwish it thrOUIh water contaiD· keep _ . III the Ilrup, cnuh • Iqlce until berrie. are clean. The piece cd was papel' aDd place It Ice water keep, the biirie. 11m Iiilirea the' fruit and tile Ud or , . , . G&Z&I'IB CL&88D'DD ADS ad Iba~. pnventa blee41D. aDd freealD. coatamer." ,









trult. '


STARTS at 10:00 A. M. -














~' .

T· he Miami Gazette • 8 TAB' L 1,8 B B D 1 I a0

Pub11shed Evetry Thursday by DA VISSQN Pa.ESB FLOYD D. DAVISSON. Editor I ' IDtered as Second Class Matter at the Post Offlct' SUbecr1ptlon Rates: ' $1.50 per Year In ·

, National Advertising Representatives Ohio Weeklies, Inc., 2465 W, Broad Street, Col umbus ~, Ohio "A f . L1r-year or five- _ ar plan of . E';. ai i to E u l'\) p~, t o co t ao lit ~L 5 ,0 () ),000,00(1 i in tr ull c he fr re it !'art. ," , a' th United Strlt ': N, \V :' . , H I ~ re ' i i nt Truman'. _ahin .t is sharpl divi ded Oil, .th ~ plan, Co ngre L ill lill d t be 'n 1 t ward it. Eurn)' wa nt. and ha I n ed th e do ll a r , but 111 :1 n ot '_lik the co nditi n: tn 11e attach d , to ,an ' new Ha l' g rant ." , Th e econolni c. th ' 1 r bl em are bleak t an x trem, This c ' untry i th 'nl im omtant pr ducer f til ,g' od Europe mu l' h ave fnr on mic reh'lbWtation, 11 le s than f r immed iate t tWI) ~ . 'rh n c good . 111u. t h ';( 1 f( r vi th . dollars. How V t: 1', 0 1' ign , f) Ul1tries are arnin ' nh 1 1 I' cent of th / d lIar ' th v ' ~IY spendin O'. ,The Inan \ : ' have lit already made are runnin at an alarming; rate , and \\' ill be exhau t d, in m . t Cft , in l es than ,a y . ar. , The ex p rt-imp nrt itu ati ~l n tell th e "tnr v in nn th r wa v, Qu'r 'exp r1 ' abroa¢. am ount t around _O,l)QO,O()O,O 0 a ar, Our .imp rb 'fr m ab r act, n th ther hand, ,tre Ie than 7t 8 00 , 0 0 OO( a :vear. That mean , . fl' III th f reign p in ()f 'j \ .' ~ an annual ctefi it ' f n arly $1~, oao,ooo. 0 a _' ' (H, , numb .. r of countrie " n ,tall! Britiail. ' are attem pti n !!: tn . tep up th ir export pr l-Icti oa in r er t . make theirhal an e.,. f trade le s unfavorable an d tn m aintain th eir ' rt!\fL " Inng -as possi Ie,. But th _ ff .rt hn \, ~ ' not born e mu h fruit. an n 'reat impt v m en! (';1'11 1 g-i ally be e~<J' t d in th n t'a I' future. For loon cn l1,f .. i e 1' :1." in , vestments in thi , f'\ lt'llt ;'y . in ,curiti: . io'! lI"t-"rt 1 1 '01 rt' . I'cl ! !l ~ t(l tbe etc. Howev ',(1 U. S. N ew, ' f , 11 1 n~ -t I'm forei gn in '[ \: 11\ ' 11 ~ , f thi , natur '" r ' Ii Lti 1.t It ,urpe's p tb( rrl.; w f'\ uJd h ~ fatten d h y I nl v • ,no (or . 00n li "'h to J :\1anc th e import-e xp rt al f r It III I' 'eight m nth. , Furtl'e;'m I' " th ese as.,et ar · LIll i v nl v H tributed. The gr ~ at bulk f them I elon a t En (':In t~ . 1nd ,m e .f the n e edi e ~ t unt.ri' hayc litH or,n thil1 ~ . " It wi1t he a 1 ng tim h ~f 0 re ariyone know . .i~1 t h ~v hr tl~ Unite tate \: III g I 111 un i \'\\fiting Europ an r very, But it doe eem c rt ain th at th ... poli cy \\ il l' nth (If ' It 1 n~lL 'check character-~n d n~~ t ftrlJl trin g wUI h 'd ', ,t , future l oan and ,1)' lfL an :t subsidi s., A 'g ( I, , \ I 11.11_ C m ' mentat 'r. fc 'l ' th ,Lt ,t ur( 're 'lP gov,ernment ha v \Va, te:t mu 11 " of the mone y far a ivan ' I and, in am C(L , ha ' ~ been more ' intere t ' in buildin ?,' political or.~aniz~ti n , tli,~n in trying to put ' t!le li' tln tr , n!l their eCf"lnnmlc f t. PubI.rc opinion eem - :l11, ifl fa v r , of stoppjng that, The Mar hall Plan 'obvi 1I l y IS ' based in part (,n u h cnn, siderations. It ..:ays, in eff ct, that -, European r hahilitation t . the duty of Europe, and that aid from us can, be given only t

if all th e lp ' rate t mark an eff rt ,to break d \ n a,n:t g eographical, ' political" ethn I gi al barri r ' t the recov r of th c ntinent. , It i po ibl \ to dra\\ ' parallels be twe ' n th pres nt and th p ri od f oil w in g W r,tl War I, \vhen ' w mad e la r ~'e loan to Europe which w ere re, . B I ' ut t l er I paid only 111 part. thi norm ou differel~ ~' the urn involved then , l'r' mu' h mall r, and the nited tat, S ha j ' a r ,Iativel in i gni fi cant ta x and nati onal deht prahl m at hom e. top f that, th r ,va n o ~tru ~gle fo r ,p . . \o·er uch · a that which item catried n betw en, th Ultlted tat nion h da and th e ovi t The pre ent Eurup prohleill i complicai d b the m t im podant military and dil l om ati ~ ar OIL ide rati on .' ~ hile ' w helpin , th e rest f the \\ orId, Ife, at' on demand thnt rv, I . e pr we prepar~ ~?r any c I!ce lv,a~ Ie futur cont1l1gency-mcl~dll1g ~I that of war.



TAP ROOTS What i now Way ne ville M. E. ChurcH had it origitl a 3 earl y as I ~07 at the h m f Elizal eth Smith, wid w f I v.




ell<' h




' 01

~ecruiting Stat~on.



arrange our services in keepin ' with y( ur ide'as a'S to, furnishings and co t \





Today the Army Air Forces 'offer high s,chool gr~duates an ' unpre eden ted opportunity to get the finest aviation, schooling on earth - a,nd select your .school COll,rs€! before you enlist. , The AAF Career Plan is unlike anything ever offered before. It permits selected high scho~1 graduates to apply an~ quf!Jify_ for AAF specialized of their own , ch.oice. Simply to your U. S." Ar'iny Recruiting Station, advise the Recruiting Officer the kind of,aviation training you want 'and he 'will provide you , with an application blank and a complete list of available courses. , When you are s~lected to attend the course' of your choice, , ,you enl ist in the Army Air, Forces for 3, 4 or 5 years. After your .basic training period you are guaranteed;he education you' have select~d to !Ylake you a specialist in the type of ·w:ork you want. '. Get a list of all the s.9hools and courses open to you under · the AAF Aviation Career Plan, M your U. S. Army, Recru'iting Station.







STUBBS Funeral 'Hctme.


No one today questions 'the faot that lhe ~h()le future of the United States may rest in the very lou~s o,ver your head. And the new, reorganized Air Forces give thousands of elig ible YOUlI Cj men an opportunity to take an active part in building America's air' power, ', ~ on the ground as well as in lhe ky. · Yo~ , may, for example, e~1i t in, the Air Forces f r thrpe yeats. If you have a specialty whi h will qualify yo u. y( H m y alsQ Be able to enlist in a grade at hi gher pay. If you 'have had Air -For e experi lH'e~ r,ll 111 3Y j ;:1 t' ~ ~r' Reserve and continue your m' l it r~' 3\'iat ,)1\ 11':1:l :. I'" O-ll :-':It::'.-::o-:-tf-:::-:-~-;:-; business houfS. , ' , ' ' Or, you may join the Air Ka liu ll::il Guard :ltId pe rl Ul - br'(',ll ne eligible for advanced, techni al trainilltl, at sp a la l i1' 1 T ti nal Guard schooL On Air .F{)~·~e Day, m,ak , a point f fillding out t;' , .ry 1 ing about Y04f Air Forces - e pe 'jallyth new Aviation Care r Plan described below. Full detail ca'n be obtained at your U. . Army











cou nties. Th e Fi nian cia.~'I. . r .p.o.r~t



Representative for

'Dr. 'C. 'E. -Wilkin




hig'h hlu a h 1 IgS, hewn 11 , bofh ides, cabin abl e, clapboard ro f, nailed[ on, no j oist r upp~r floor, one ' d r, two wind W ' , one in each ide, pulpit at the end opp o ite the door, .In t~e' center of ·the f1o?r was a bnck heart.~ abou~ Sl.x f e t quare:, on whlc~ t~ pile a I t o~ charcoal to be IgOlted on me tll1 f1" days to warm the interior. The space b tw en the I gs "ere: w.ell chiriked and daubed \\ ith "lime m ort'ar; there wa a g00,d tight doo r and no ventilati ,n, except ' th fO ugh the r of. Th e road tc and fro m it w're bridie' paths w ith wild touch-me-nots on either ide as high as a horses back' the nearest clearing was a fourth of a mile distant, ,and there was a small spring nea~' by c'alled the Meeting House S,p rin'g."

The n "xt


'and Service ~=======


Kobl r was directe )-5 afternoon.s ex~ept th > hi River an j f I'm ::1.' _ .... ecfne~~­ cilcuit. On Frida, Aug. 2, h ~,r----'W preached ,t a c n g:r 'g-ati 11 at 7-9 Satu.rday eveninJl th e McCo rmick 11.« me, f rc)m . Other t!venings hy ' Act 9, "Come ov r and hell Appointment us." After tarryin o' fiv day at th e McC::ormick they _tart,T ELEPHONE 62-R ed on a tour and formect a three w,eek circuit, kn own · 'lS th Miami Circuit: In -th year 1807., the' Mad, River circuit, (i f Optometric Eye Spe~iali8t which · Wayne Twp. \Va a Pa'rt, h't i t w ' nty, six al1'pointment- in 26 South Detroit Str~et ,Clark, Gr~ en'e, Miami" MontXENIA, qHIO gomery, Warren and Clint on


.SHERWOOD' Refrigeration Sales

ite wa a high g: ra velly kn oll, v' rl kin g · both th vall y f Ceasa r Creek and the Littl Miami. In din1t::n 'lons it wa ~ ah ) l1t 20x 18 feet and nin'e f ~ t

James ' 1l1ith, who wa , l eft with a family of Hln hildl'en, the , Idest ' of whom ' was i !?;hteen ) ear Id. Thi' h m , In the early summer of a log hou e, was located about 1823, Burwell Goode removed ne mile from the South i i of into his large frame hou e that r@fe-K-:-., ---"·LebuiltQhisfar m,(nowthe th e m outh Gf-~ . a-r But previ u t thi time, ~'il1 resid,ence of Harry Sa~t erth­ the v ar 1797," R . v. Fr:1n is waite,) one and one half miles M Cormick rem ved tu the N rth We t' Tel'ritnn ' f n m K ntuck y, nn seW d' n th Ea t.. Ide f th e, Litt! , Miami Hiver, (bel w a 'near a can be determined, th town of outh Lei anon,) and labore'd f r m ore than a 'ar tryin g to build up th e cau e f th Lo r:l HOURS: J e u .' :


Page 4 east of Wayn e ville on the The Miami' G azette 4327 Wa yne ville, Ohio, N Harveysburg pik~. He tha,n 1947 3 I, invited the church to h Id theIr Thur day, July mee'ting ,at his h u~e an I it wa3 he r7e that George ale " wh ~n first permanant Sunday 'School a boy riding behind hi s' mother, wa begun ther in 1837. In used to go and hea r u h 1840 a larger brick church was preachers as: Bigalow, W aller, buiH on the corner of Third and No rth · St., at . whi 'h ite Rap,er, - Dix .n and ther. The m,eetirpr , (th g.roup in continues to he the h me f th e the Burwell neighDorhood and Waynesville Meth di t 'h ur h, the one at widow Smiths, ' The first chan ge in th e: area united,) continued to be held of Wayne Township occurred at the Burwell home. Until the Aug. 5, 1804, when Turtle little brick church was built n Creek To\vnship wa f rm d Water St., on a lot donated by taking two miJes off the t wnMo. es Henley, in 1 S 2 6 . The ship. The n xt was June 2'6 ,

of the third Quarterly Meting, held at Mount Plea ant, near Mount , Holly, Ma. 23, 1807, h w total collecN ns on' th e cirsuit of $3 .111112 w ich \Va ~ apporti·oned a foil w : J l' hn ale, Presi ,din~: Eld ' r, $3.05,; Adjet McGuire, preacher in ch~rge, $2_.82 on alar, - 5 cent on exp n s; Isaac Quinn, ' a si tant pre,acher" $ 1_.24 IT al'ary, and $ 1.50 on ex pense, . / In the, yea'r '1i RO bet~ ~el1 th mith h me and th e nH ut h f Ceasar ere k a I g chur h \vas built. Geo rge ai, , when a mall h y att'n:t d th la: t III tin g hel ti in thi - hu r "h al1 ~1 descri be it a it ' I k j i n 1824, wh n the la t - I'm 1'1 was ' preached , th er wa " n, I karin.!.!' n ar it ' e.'{c I t about ne half acre, in th enter f \\ hleh the cabin st d. ~I h

'. M'r. ,an i 'Mr 'tr~ n,i vi'i tin Q--""":":":'~

chi! ir n, Mr. and M," . ' arl Mi t hell, r., Mr. Lu ill c tt an i 11, M r -, Verna 8n'E and children Mr , L Oll Ri ha I'd on, Mi s Lu lI a Ri .hard 11 , Mrs. E.: th er Be r , Mr. T mm ' 'K fe and i Cl Ll g-hl er, Mr. and M 1' - . J hnl1 v G ill ' on and: childr n, vin gt 11, K .; Mr. and Mr. Ja rn J ac ~ - n ut hand childr n, Mr. P rr ' ard, Le ban n' Mr. and Mrs. R Rob and ' dau 'hter, Bell evue, Ky. '

Int e,rior vi ew durin g n tructi on ,h win g teel ird r and n're t fIr -pr of mate rial "" arcity of many I uilt1in g ite m r quired a gr a1 ,am( unt f \\i(l('k ( n the part of the nuildin O" manag-er to I ate and p r cure it 111 n 'ces -ary in th e ' 1l1~ J>tion ~ f th e tru ture

M r . J . \ . H U i( 11 d Y ~ 11 \V pr"n t:': , \ ' j"j ing h ' r on-in_ la "'. ,til , I ;1" "I'I: ter, Mr. and Mr Ev er tt arl . Mr~ . Claud H i ~' ~'s f a .. ton ~ ent Friday and 'atur 1it'y

jVll', . R ,I ert H ' Wn o'er wh hav e m ved t ' a fnrh n th T wn, - hip R ad whi ch they recently 1 ur ha , d.

Mr. J el mith, age 83 years, ne of Ly tl, ' aIde trident, ' pa e j aw ay at his hom,e' here Thur day evening after a num her f w'ek illn s. Funeral

~r.r:~~ '~~~f~o~~dUC;~i~l'ibYv~f:y

\ ith h r parent, Mr. and Mr. Will ur Clark. 'Mr. Ri gn's \Va at th re i.dence. Jnterm nt at Miami Cemetery. aL o a, Pri j ay ni ght gLle t. Mi G eralc.1in Ch andler \\ a ~ Mr. and Mr. Ralph Hama \\ ek n j K u e~ t f Mi ~ m ond in _mpany, with Mr. and Mrs. Paul cho. id er of Dayton, L I' ' tta Frazier in Oayt n. Mr. an d M r ~ . G lenn , R Il er f the Friend R ad are ann un- I ft ul)day even in ' by train on , in g- th birth f a dau o'hter, a trip to Ni~gara Falls anq New , r nn' Le . at G oct .. am ari b n ' Y o.rk Cit, ponsored by the , nat Cash Regi ter of DayH ,r .i.t'a"l ,0 ay t n, W ~lI~ n '"sd ityI 'tNati n. In ab en ce of Mr and Mrs. . '. Hamm nd th eir chnd~: n,. ,MariJuly , O. Mr. C\nd Mrs. Wilham Strouse , I) n J anet and Jack are staying l eft '. atu r ~ a ) I y au tn f : a witil Mr. and Mr l ee 'Lovely v;' [ t l n ll j n t() N r hi rn MII1~1. , f th Oayton Pjke: near Rid O'e_ M r, Pa ul J hl1 (t l1 d ~ L . v ille ' Mar g-aret J ry n hrou, 'ht r~ . ' • Eli za ' e ~ mith fr ' m ,G \ d Sam aritan H ' pital, Oa) t 11 , t Mr . Robert Baker, ' Jr. had her' hom e in Wa n svill e Fri- a surpri e birthday party Sunday af k rn o : nand r p rt Mr , day at her country 'home near mith a 111L1 h improve j. W aynesville. A basket dinner Mr. an i Mr. Th d e J n was h ld ,and the f ollowitl o' and Mr. and M,r. 'CharI p~r on were present: Mr. and Rll nn ell attend d a ' mu ical en- Mrs. Ralph Hightman, Moexin g ie :"tai nm ' l1 t at Chaut au qua,. V i ~v, Ky .. ; Mr. ,and Mrs, C~cil ~ ;1 tuda evenin g- arl j ' al ' Hi o'htman" Mr. and Mr. L, J. p I1t Sunday evenin f; at th e Bum ide. , Mr and Mrs. ' H oward, "Band Shell" at I land Park, Shutts and children, Mayone , Dayton. ' , and Robert, Mr. and Mrs. Roy Mr. and Mrs.. Ma. nard C p_ F,o x and c,hil,dren Mr. Ralph , t a k f Tro , m ov ed la t week F ox , MI'. and Mr ~ Rol'ert r., Waynesville;' Mr. r-r--:-~~.I.<..-~~..:n~e~ar heJ' , whi ch Baker, r m Mr, and · and Mr . Carl MItchell, Jr. and






Mr. and M r " ,May nard Run-, y an \'er', h .;;t ", 3 11t1 h ) te ' t 1I1 SLl n ~a y \ ' h on l ;:..;.:..;..;;:.;..--. the

Mr -. H, ,R y e ,'ll ih.1 C.I ' \ V ' d- ' Mr . t lIa E, Arv \Va ' l nc ' da y I un ' I~ eL(11 '!!'L1e~\., a! U u~ pe r gu c~ t' ."ttu rd'I,- evenin ' \V i . MaIII r j 11 < \ Vi111 Ii 11 .~ ! ) 11, ,f Mr, 0l!l i Mrs. -,'erd t Marlatt Mr . i j f Miam I f lorida an i El iz,li1 eth ; nn i attendt: :i M r . J. . hapm an Il O i \ r, th Billl .. h 01 I r gra m at R H. H art 0 k. the Fri ~ n is Meeiill Q' H ( use.

Congratulations 'On a 'Fine ,Job . ,

Well Done

Mr ." Ronald ali sbury en f ' t ertain d , a lar 'e . g'r up fri ends on aturday :aftern n w ith Mr. Ch arl e Pri e a ~ honor guest. M r, Pri e lreceived many lov ely little 'i fts and after a pleasant aft ' rn o il d a in t y refre hments were rv ed bv the ho te . Mr. and Mrs. Jam s McCormick f Dayton are, announcing the birth of an lev en pound, three ounce son on July 30, at Good Samaritan' Ho pital, Da·y ton. This infant i the first grandchHd for Mr. an d Mrs. Tpomas Hardin and ha I ee,n named, Thomas Lee. Orland Holmes and f amily accompanied by Mr. and Mrs. ' Roy Marine of Kn ollwoo d ~m d Mr. ana Mr . WaiteI' Marine ,of PHONE 2121 Washington, C. H. spent Sunda at t le zoo an a ler places., of in tere t in Cincinnati. - - - - - -.....---~---..:;.......----....;;,--_____.....;;:;._.._.;.




' ...




' .'


Telephon'e 2111




McClure ·PuneralHome··'




A 'hur




, ,





Mr. and Mrs. Laurence Co k arid children have' re turn ~ i from a 111 0 't , int re t ing tr i ~ thr,ough the W e t. Th ' visitc i Denv r, Col., Bl ack Hill s, a i I an i, Rocky Mountain N ati nal Park, Ro evelt Fore -t, Mt. Ru 11m re M mo ri al an j m an oth er int r,e lin n' , p int.



. ,







-------------------------~------'VVelcome to Waynesvil1e


__i______________- - - - - - - -__~-------

lVaynestiUe FallDers Exchange PHONE 2371


, "




I •

Page. 4 Mr. Loui e Wil 11 ' under- The Miami Gazette done ge nllil1~ Wa n vill e, .Ohio, No. 4328 k " in a 'ia l m- went an operati on at Gran li August 7, . 1 947 Thursday, partnh~nt for thi pur~ o- '. Vi w H pital la t Tue day , 'ur d me at C~1l he taken h )me morning,. sh i reported hett r f r t ra g- or ca.n be ,t red at at thi writin g. USE' GAZE'I'rE CLASSIFIED ADS- - th e plant in a I: ' m j ig'ne I an j , t 111per d t eliminate

The Miami Gazette E 1;1 T 'A B LIS HE D l 85 '0 Published Every Thursday by DAVISSON PRESS FLOYD L. DAVISSON. Editor rntered a~--See-eFKl Class Matter at the Post qfflcE'


"Rates: $1.50

'per Year

.in: A"avance


National Advertising Representatives Ohio Weeklies, Inc;, 2465 W. Broad Street, .' " Columbus 4, Ohio


P ultr y is kill I and dre ed in th t'h m,e nt. Tempe rah r ntro'l1 d water i u i f r pr _ per calding; a.n j a me hani al chicken picker f r the removal f f athel" an j pin -f nth 'r . After b in o' properl oled , in cold rU~1I1ing \Vat r they are sing' r 0 111 for nt t th e pr preparati n f r t orag .





Interior view of the customer entrance · and proce sing r om wh re all .meats and vegetables, exclusive of pork and poultry 'are received. The locker room proper i ituated at left of thi.s room.

Strictly Modem, Equipmen, .Used ,Throughout Plant . The Waynesvi lle Lock r Plant has the most mod rn 'l-nd efficient equipment 'available to properly handle the variou _ foods that will be ~ro u ght in for storage. . The processing room con. talns all modern equipment to uickly and '@ffid e-n tly proc~ss meats, beef, pork, ramb, po.uL try, fish 'afle- g-ame bird a ·al1imals. , This dep'artment 'i also ready to dispen~e informa,tion regarding proper methods of preparing fruits, ve ' .. tab.1es, etc. for proper placing . in the locker .. Thi_ prop r preparation added 'to the knoW. ' ledge of how to quick freeze the products can add much to .th,e · quality and "ta t ,after .teinovirtg from the lo~k,er for consumption. Thi i al 0 true ''Of meats:- Unless-they are properly ha'ndled ' all long the lin from the time the animal i'

kill d until it finally reach~s the' storage lock r, a great deal of flavor and nourishm ent may be lost. Proper killing, butchering, coolin out, preparatory chilling, processing, wrapping, quick freezing and storage all plav their part in this modern method of preser~ing foods. Correct methods arrived at bv ~~perience of locker ' p.lahts, experiment stations and others is the best policy in storing and pres,erving.. frozen foods. The pork curiri department is 'separate from , the beef and . vegetable ,. processing room. Here is found con:venient" equip-, ment for quickly handling' pork fOF a complete,service including cutting-up, -rendering lard, cur- , ing, smoking and stor~ e. ~ard , i_ rendered by reducmg In a . team heate j kettle and separatin by hydraulic pressure, A tirring and cooling vat is u ed to c rr-ectly olidifythe lard, Pork curing is done scientifically, by '" a machine designed, for . the ,purpose. .The proper a,. mount of curinl?: oluti on ' is dispensed according to th e weight of the meat b in<r cured. This is done automatically,


Althou h th e <rate will op n early in the momin and an exhibits must be in place by 9 ,a. m. ,on t11e opening . day, th~ Ohi·o State Fair, Au u t · .3._9 will be offic'ially o.pened '\ ith a special "fanfare" . program ' at noon, Saturday, Aug. 23-it will be a parade worth ~e ing­ park-plan dancin ' every ni 'ht at the Ohio tate ,Fair' ,ne\: bandshell will be an innovatio,n -Jiml),iy Joyce and hi ' NBC orchestra willI play during the seven even ings, -and speak-. ing of orchestras--State Fair Manager, Ed Bath has engag:ed Bob Motzer a.nd his orchestra to furnish the tunes for the p.roud, steppers . a.t . the Night Horse Show in the Coliseumthe Hobby Show, a part 0f the Junior DiviSion, will be a feature of the Fair-in addition to the ~elgian and Perchero.n national draft shows the Nat,dnal Red Poll cattle show also will be held in connection with . the Ottio State Fair's mammoth .. catne assembly-1there ' will be horseshoe pi~ching, hog calling, ?quare dancmg, a Farm Lane, , p,le:nty of b,~nds,. 1.0,800 stands, nd~s ~nd e~~lblts--,~.. 1947 OhIO State Fa~r that IS really "OR the Beam! '


Congratulations from


FAIRLEY Hdwe. Store 6 .Big Stores 6 PHONE









Mr. and Mrs. Lyman Day, Mrs. Frances Brannock, ' Mrs. McGinnas and Mrs. . Roger Brown were callers of Mrs. Ray Mainous, w~o has been ·ill and is so'me better. Mr. and Mrs. Earnest Nixen and Mrs. Frank, Dakin .spent Sunday at the zoo in Cincinnati'.





, ,

Gompliments of ,









PLANT. . ....


, W..H.·Madden PHONE 2281

PHONE 2'4 22






) j

. '



an j Mr. J oel Smith are mu h wor e thi week. Mr. and Mr . Roy " ink ' tllhi Mr. 'an Mr. Vern on Pur ~ l. "11"t rtaine j th Fri,en j hip CIa ' (f· L tie unda. y ho I t a pi nic at the"h m f the ,l at 1', Mo.nda 'evenin g. Th 'r e were 19 prew·ent. Mr' . F r t Graham, Mr. Harold teinke an Mr. Ra mlth att nded the fun ra1 er,vices of Dr. William Buck at AI' anum, atur ay a~te rn oon . Mr. and Mr. E. A. Arn ol i


'-'Ten Years Old " J

Augu t 1 .4 7 wilI m ark ten year that the . ' cial S urity offi ce in the' F j ral Buildin g-, Hamilton, Ohi o, ha h en er~ ­ in g empl ) er and empl in Warren Count y. Alm a , D . Kn ox, 'Fielj A si tant in char~e of th 'e nffi during th ah ence . f the Maong 1', Mary A. Uo ,d, tate th at he of the mo t difficult PI' I }.em th at h r ffi has i that f a quaintin g work· the y er~ and their famili of their me rs rights un der the old-age and su rvi vor ' ' in urance prov i ions of the 0cia l ecurit v Act. w cam e t Phoeni x" 'hi h in m, nth '\li th rel ative at Hi h-' Mrs. Knox stated that at thi - it el fi amiracl ft ll ed ~rt­ mond, K . very m oment , om e ne i l os- dilte palms, citru and oli v Mr . Paul hipl and chil d' in g- m ne in Warren Co unt y. tre s, and ther tr pi'ca l pl ant r Ii, Paul J (- and har 11, vi it d And, undoul t dIy, it is ni e fl ouri h-ev ry D'rowin g thin rel ativ s in Wa hingt n, C. H., on \Vh could u e i t -as who dep' n j almo t wh lIy up \1 aturday. couldn't. Carele nes, . ign r- irri g-ati ' \ 1 - ince J anuary th ere Mr . Mar aret Joh n wa s a ance of the law and procrasti- hay been but tw bri f h wer gue t of Mr. and ' M'rs. Amos , nati n are the th r e ,evil which t tti.lin, . )9 inch f rain fallcombine to cheat on'e out o'f the av rage ' f or a full ' year is Coo k n ar Wayn ville on Sunevery even eligibl e of their ar un d ix. inches-the weath er day. 'Mr. and Mr .. Lesli ~ Gray and ri ghtful benefit · under the is pleasantly dry and we did not Social Security taw, she added. perspire all the tim e w wer ... children spe nt Monday evening For the benefit of tho se who there eve~ th ough the tcm- with their cousins, Mr, and Mr . Edwin Foley near Lebanon. are 'in doubt ' as to their status, peratu J'le reached 111 d r here is a brief summary of. th e all h me , motel , and bu in ss , , Mr: and Mrs. Vernon Pursley law: establi hments are air c ndi- and , Mr. and Mrs. Roy Winks When you reach 6 5 years of tioned-so anyone can tep of the Lebanon Grange took age or upon retirement, you out of th e sun into a t mpera- the 6th. Degree of the State must submit an, application and ture of 75 -For nine months Gran ge at Xenia, Friday evenproo f of age in order to receive of the yea r, becau e of the id eal ing. . monthly benefits based on your climate -and beauty, Phoeni x i,:, Mrs. Wilbur Clark wa a average earnings since January fast becoming ,one of. th lead., guest with friends at a lunch- ' 1937. . ing reso rts in the country. eon at , ,th e home of her When a wife be'comes 65, We had a fin e trip and dau,ghter, Mrs,' Paul Flory ~n she is entitl ed to additional pay- 'amon other thin }. arned Dayt n, Thursday and a'lso ments, and if her husband dies; how to 'f Id' a road map, Qut, called , on another daughter, her benefits are boosted. ' Sur- th e ' gra shere k pt right on Mrs. Claude Riggs. vivin g childr n under , 1 ~ yea r growing while we were away , Mr. and, Mrs. Seth Furnas of age are also entitled to and there's a j b t d . attended the .Histo rical Society monthl y benefit a is a widow at the Golden Lamh ' at Leb a· 5 years of age who has n o~ , Monday ~ venifl g . children under 18 years of age. Mrs. Margai' t , John and A lump-sum payment is mad e e~~ Paul Johns pent aturday to qualified persons when no one i entitled t o monthly b ne- ( HId' Over From Last Week)~ afternoon in Dayton and called on Mrs.. Elizabeth Smith at fits. ui of Good Samaritan Hospital, and Mi Germaine Mar ' Dtlrin .~ th i m nth local 'Day ton wa a we k end 'u st report , her condition a fair. , administrators of ' old-age and , of Mi Almetta teinke' . ' Mrs. Elizabeth Barq returned ' survivors insur'ance feel 'this Mr. and , Mrs, Guy R utzahl1 to her hom e n'ear Dayton Sunwo.uld be a "fine time" for alt , and son, Russell, visited at th e day after an ,o f several to acquaint th emselves with the of 'the ' latter's , broth r week at the home of her hoine law. and wife, Mr: and Mr . Spe rry par nts, Mr. and Mrs. Roy A repre en tative of the Winks. Social 'Security office IS It1 the Boitnott at Troy. Commissioners' Room, Warren Mr. Paul J9hns p nt U\1Mrs. J. B. Jon sand Mr . County Cwt House, l& ban,on, day in Cincinnati. ..Ha.rvey Burnet who -have both Ohio, th e s cond Thursd'ay 'o'f Mrs. ' William Pennington and been quit ill are on the mend each 'month at 1 :30 o'cloek. ' children returned, home Sunday ' at this time, With ,oth er The Hamilton " office 'is 1 cated after ' spending a couple Lytle's ' sick, Mr. p.eter Wica'l , in 202 Fede'ral Building. Office ' .s;..;.............~~u.-..••_(Io....~.....~..-..~~.:. t hours are from 8 :00 a. m. to 4 :3 0- p. m., ,Mondays througn , Fridays.

'';.;f,,'I I e


(COntinued from Page

, .' I



to -the next town when , a cam gear broke on the car, , We are prepared to kill all kind s of liv e stock ' to go The impre si,on of the Grand to Locker Plants. . " Canyon was somewhat au1.1ed ' because of similar sights in Our 'Plant' is clean and sanitary ' with all ':.. up-to-dat i minature witne'ssed in Utah and equipment; ' passed and insp e~ted by State and ,City Board 't northern Arizona -'- but it's of Health. vastness and ·the inaccessability Se ,also will have all kinds of meat to 'sell t11 e pub1i~ of ,some ' parts ' is really ' im, for their .Lockers, at any time. -, ptessive---so: deep arid large i the gorge of the · Cal1yon that , Our meat Government Grades and City Inspected. an Indi'an tribe, the Zuni, live there is almost compfete obscurity ' while tens of thou- ' sands of tourists visit the rim of the Canyon each year-.this tribe is said to have' been dnv,en there before the days of the wllite man by the war -like Apaches-there are now onl~ slightty more than :ZOO ,Z UnI left.-WAYNESVILLE, OHIO-'PHONE 2322 After , miles uf tra v~ling .... -through the prairie and desert


Packllill. Plaat

._ ...


CODgratul~tioDS to

The Waynesville locker Plant








Phone 2291




, STU, B B ' S

'· n


and Mr. and Mr . Erne~t Arnold and , daught I' of Dayt n: were ' un ia \, aft rn n uests f Mr. anJ rlr . I.e Ii GI~a ,and f~U11 ily . Bunn II and Mrs . d'lU tr lH ~ r~ w re : ji'nn r gu _t·, Tue day of M r ' . Vem n PutI v f the 'Oa t 11 I ike. Mr. an i Mrs. Walt r C wall of th Ruth-M arian Farm en- . tertain d th ir childr nand familie and Dr; and Mr. H. H. Herman to, si'x o'do k dinner, unday. ' Mr. an Ken.

PHONE 2341



J , \\1. Hull, ·M r. and Mr, Ed H ( pkin and Mr. ' Ienn kin f Wayn ville, The 0 '. :l i-)I1 \Va 'in 11 nn r _f th n ' \'Iyw i , Mr, an] Mrs. HulL Mr . ' Nettie Emrick and l'Ut , Mr. and Mr . Harlan White f rland, Fla .. , pent Weelpe day night and ' ThuJ da \ ith Mr. and Mrs rLe n alisbury and on, W nd ~ 1l' at Wa hin ~to n, C. H. and Thllr day aft.ernoon called on ' M r. and Mr . Edward Caldw 11 near Clark vi1l . ' Miss Wanda CIClrk, Mr. and Mr' . Therle Jone , Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Harlan and Mr. ,and Mr-. Walter Kenrick attended the t at ' Grange meetin a't the ' Id H , F Ie . ouse at Xenia, Friday e.v ning and were amori th'e , 15 candidates who w re initiat d in the Sixth De,'ree of the Grange. Mr. and Mrs. H ar Id teinke and family, Mi B rnic heehan and friends from Dayton an' Mr. Walter Burdine vi ited Rev. George Gold 'at Ludlow, Ky .., Sunday Will correct an error in the



(Held ' 'Jul y""'" la ~ , a wh I w k I weat her. The , are rllnnin ', Tru k . wheat are t illg h i d int box cars at th e el vat r r -rather int me bani al elevaf rs which are runnin o' it int th I ox ar and bal~r are \ rkin .~' in th ha. field , . M t f the ha L b in o' bal d in the field th i Y ar. Yesterda aft. rn on th t:y sent us wad that th 1 aler would b here about ix o'cl ck







C III i se,e him on th job in his working-' clothes and after all a ,w' lI-built man 10 k ~ his "best 9 :30 a.m • . in workin-g' clothe. If he had Garrison, Supt. wo rked at her huus , it didnt and 3 rd ,Sundays take much of an excuse, to go 10 :30 a.m. over in t1le evening and hang

UTICA E. U. B'. CHURCH Rev. A. J. Furstenberger Sunday School Mrs. James Preaching· 1st each month



le a' a 0 '- al u · le ne d for ocia l ent 1', t '6na!?: ~:lf ani all that _ rt of thin g. Y uth n ed ~' y nth and ne dab tter pIa t . , I' t t "dh I' than· tred ' co rn r OO:. Many thin ~ have hl,- n t r ied in many place and ~- m e ha ~ heen g;r at u es - . - ~ me have la t d a I ng tim' I lit more of th lil ha v"' :tied aft r the novelt y wore' off. Th youn g l"eopI '" th ught" the y wanted t t e free ' from a iult supervi ion. There \'fa , a the ry that , the y otlld run thin gs them elve with nly adult The ', Mountain Lak e Chri -tpon or hi~ nnd ah ent ' e supervj ion but when u check ver ian ervic Camp that met _at the actual re ult ( u will fin:i Bo, Scout Camp Owen ,. n ~ar 't hat the nes that died were Mad ,, 11, Ohio, el e j aver tho e that lacked adult I aderucc ssful we k la t atuda\. and ,. 'il:l ship. Th yo un g pc~o pl ' them- ,There were 7 _ bo selve ar'e not r ad y f r r gister j for the \, ck, and 1 ~ continuous re pon ibility, the. on the faeult and amp t~ff. get tired of it. The: get b r d with it. It interfere ~~ with their fun. The clubs th at pro pere j ar. thos ,that had the right kin j of adult leader hip c n tantly on ,the jot, There j' pro abl y v ry 'liH) ~ chance of brin -ing all ia) life back t th h m and th farm but every family o u~ht t try ' for om o f it. Where ' tl family doe suc 1 in making their home a cial' center, that is a pia e \Vh re th ir childr 11 and th ir friend like to be, th y ar j in g m or to\~ ar s Iving ur 0 ial pI' \ lem than th e \Vh talk learneq ly a ut juvenile delinquen y ' 1' yen th e m w ho give a fe\v doHaI' , t organization but t ake n ' 1crsonal re pon iI ility, To chan' the ubjed, ec ntly t11,e doctpr 'av me s me exerci e t tak I v in~ flat n m Qaek n th floor. I prea:i down a cover and -nrtct ' ., \ out ri it but that was t 0 mu h for uzey and mok y . ' They couldnt decide what wa the matter. They got up and wal~­ ed around me. They niH 'd at me. They tuck their _no e down my neck. They O'ot up and walked around me, S0111" more. Then apparently they decided that if 1 co uld do that, they could too, ,-0 they lay do n facing me, ( n n each ide, ,no'C as cIo e: to my head a they co uld ' ,t. I g:tv up e rci e .for that n' ht. The are ge n ' u e now an , only come over once in a while to see if , I am crazy as they, think I am. July is gone an i Auo·tist will go , quickly. Whea.t. harv est. is practically over and much of

Local Minister In ' Charge Of Camps

~:a t~~e ~1~t~~n~iJlt l~\~~nl ~Ie




a they hu tied and got the rake and tarted work, By the time the haler got here that field \\ a raked and while the bailer went up and down the row' takin in hay at one end and t b I t tl th ' tf S! I~ g ou a a 1 er thl f.lel~ was raked an~ r.eady, Before ' dark they had It all haled ut one wmdrow, about three hundred bale and.l;-th~ b.aler .brt:>~e dow~l. But , the fIxed" It thIS n.lOrn~n . and n w ,

0cfa sle'adst weehk COIl;1m n , t v u muc commen. . . Mrs. John Zimm rll1 an f _ Mechan.lzatlO~ ha cha~O' d Waynesville vi ited h riter, man. thtnO's 111 . far 111 In ', are Mrs: J. B. , Jones, ' aturday and \~hether a ll .the chang Mr . Hazel Evan and family ,o f ood or not I I~ard to tell. ,A,s Dayton visit d her parents, Mr. ma!1 Y oth~r thmg, m~ h a~t, and Mrs. P: N. Cornell, Sunday. zabon has chang: j the · lal . a pe t f 0 much f th w rk, The - work - is more (traig-ht ,'et it jane a ~ fast a 0 il J.e w rk.) It. i d n ~ ea ier and , ' fa ,t_~ r but there i le ' s talkin g r,' and laughin . Y u can't ' talk METHODIST CHURCH ' again t the noi t: ,o f th mach- ' R. B.Coleman. Minister If y u haven't ' our ,o wn ines. Sunday School . 9 :30 a.m. machine, the c;: u t -m " baler , J. J. Rurske, Supt. come in, g t work, takes Worship Servic::e 10 :30 a.m. hi pay, and goe h me. m L Youth F llowship time tAat i'sa c mf rt, 11 meal Thursday, 7 :30 pm. to co k, al l lean j lit in -tim e , to' '0 t the m , vie, hut 0 Mr. HOLLY METHODIST much of the ~ ocial life f a T. M. ScarffI Minister farm c'o minunity depend n Sundav School 9 :30 a.m tho , working , -et-t 'eth r . E. A'. Earnhart, Supt. Worship Service 10:30 a.m. That wa wh re people b came Evening Service 7:30p.m! ,::tcquainte t Now a strang r could go on almost indefinitely without knowing his neighbor. The boy who' w nt with the ST. MARY'S EPISCOPAL threshing outfit saw the , gi rl Samuel N. Keys, Minister W110 came to help witlil ' the 7 :30 a.m., Morning Prayer, Charles R. Mebnfiie, Lay Reader dinner or wa at home on that 10 :00' a.m., Morning Prayer and farm and he could lip him :l Sermon, James A. Baker piece of the caKe, she had , Lay R.eader. ba k ed~ He could see \Vh ther P,

1jhe Miami Gaz tte rag- 6 ym: ill \ hi (' , N,), -t 27 ThU1"~ da), July, - ,) I, I C) -l7

e ' on i

t j

nc,", '!nO c n1l0r en clt(c: rtame::t t dinner ,,_un ja V, Mr. an j M r. _


Mr. R bert L. \ anZik, mini·t r of 'the I ,aT 'hm'l1 f Chri -t wa m ana g; ' I' , If th e amp, al1l1 M 1", VanZile -: 'I've I a ahi n J11l th r all I '( ok, Th o -e attclldil10- a ~ stud 'nt ' fr 1111 here were, Frl:: i' ri k Kni d., Honal:i ear ', Cail . Di k,I\1 'hc L .. Iyvia W) (l ilard Fran'i ChL ,It ,- E ina rn i\))' f an i Mar)1 Mend 'nhall. Mr. Roilert L, anZile :1 11 I f u I: ther ' fr m the hur -il o f Chri ·t \rill -be in Tri- , lat..: ervi amp n I, l Chri Han we~ k. Mr. :tIlZi le i ~ pur l1 :t... · ing agent f r ihe ':1mp, :llhl th e ~ i\1 g (l ' -fuLient · aI": irg'inia Br Wil, l3arhara I ,i ' ken~h'd ' , hirle Ann' . 11 ' rrH, Mar K. Men ienhall. The. wi ll lea v' after hur h n LInda, an 1 will return th f II



White Villa Grocer

Frozen Foods 40 'F athom

Frozen Fish



fRlENDS first 'D ay School 9 :30 a.m. , Meeting for Worship , 10:30 a.,m."




The Waynesville Locker-Plant

ST. AUGUSTINE ' Father Krumhoitz, Priest ,



-Mass 7 :30 a.m. and 9 :00 a.m.







Ralph E. Stinlon, Miniller

Bible' School 9 :30 a.m. Morning Worship to :30 a.m. Youth Meeting 7 :30 p.m. , Adult Prayer Meeting 7 :30 p.m. " Evening Evangelistic SeJ:vice 8:tS p.m. A friendly Church with a Gospel Message ,

Bible School r · mmunion

5 .. ::, - ~ L: a;;

t' ,. ,

9 :30 to :30 t 1 :00 8 '00

a.m. a.m. a.m.

pm• 'C..

c"'.'. ;'..


, PAPER .DIlAPES ' PER 89 pAIR A-.orted Patteml, - Beautiful Color Combi...tiona ,


WA\'NESVlIJ.E CHURCH Robert L 'VanZile, l\Jiaider




PAUL SHAFFER, OWNER "Always A Good Show At The Twin


WayoesviUe Funiture & Apptiaoce CO. Granae

. South Main Street acrou from Hall Telepbaae ~22 WAYNESVlIJ E, OHIO )(EM.TONE NU·ENAMEL G~ E. BULBS '

, --











now -capped m ountai n are f re zing f ru it -for m ainbi nen e al w ays in si ght and a n wh'a ll ' o f co l or. fi ght is Ie s th an an , h ur a wa_ Everyo ne in th e c mmunit. on the hotte t ,day. Th dry ne ' is \\ el com t att en:i thi pellhot \\ ea th er 1806, wh n Eato~ To wnshi p of the air m ak ,. ing an d lea rn f thi s m odern th er fea tu re u -h em mili. 'was f o rmed takin g o ff all th e freeze r pl ant th at ha le n a as th e Pa rk o f the Red Ro k' l and ea t of Caes:] r Gr ek-. ed as an unu uall y great a d Wh en Cl ear Creek Tow n hip T heatre, th e c@n cry, ci ty par k : 'to this area . ep t. 1 1, 181'5, o rn ate h uildin R's, and p Ull1 erO ll w as f o rm ed, t w miles wa t ak en o f f th e o th ~r ctef de, 'ripti m. But th e ar ec ndar v in t. west side. On th e 1 of importanc t 'th fr iendlln 1850" Ma i T wn hi p wa f orm ed out of Way n,e an 1 of t he peop l:e, t heir un aff t i. ca llin g u t o hreakfa ·t. In th W a hingt n T own hips , ~ n d n civic pri de, and th ei r an xiety t pe ri od of a day tar~·let pra ti 2 th e 1 1 day of Ju n , 185 1, o m ~ tell yo u abo ut or. h \\ Y U t h , il' , wa tak en on th e Rifle ra ng' chan ge \Va m ad I y wh ich :t city . orn e be in g '0 d h t and p art of M a ie \V a i'e t red to T hi atti tlld n v I and som e mi sin o' t he tar "d entireWa vn e ince \\ hi 'h l im e t h re 're fr l~ in ', ly . ,Boat in g- n, th e new. l ak' ha -he n no furth er cha nge , ' Tom rr w we l eave f r ,wa al a very 111 11 h n,1 0Y d, Mi ami u'ar tt'rl y M ~eti\lg Arizo na. e pite th e C 0 1 m ming- (an 1 wa " opene i at 'Wn yne v i l l~ som e of the aft ern n wercn"t' Mav '13, 1RCIC " The n ~ m h l:' r \ f too warm eifh r ) it di jn't n I fr ie"nd ' h lon o'in n' to ' t \\' 'rL' th e spirit of t h s wi hing t .." " very IlUl11 ero u 'll1ci i1eln llged l ) w im. T he archer ran ' C all ~ v ra l m l'd ing - f l r W( I' hi p, th e m an y ca mp hi k t:~ \\' I' The IO,Q' m ce tin !~ h lI ' e \V" a pop ul ar w ith al l. 'I' ll " m 'a l ~ enti r I v t 0 . lnall and fri ' nd ' p k f r t hem el e a, 8 ru f M(am i Mon thl v MeelinR', H a.-tin g-s 'Lined i x P tlll:i " in hav ing ha i for 5c;me tilll2 ' a m av in 0' I'l:nt at C'lI n !~ , t he ix da ys h huil iing Int, an having c n· i jere i the hui ldin ,, nf :tn the r m e tin g ho'u e :t m e tn it l e. ci io n at t hei r m nthl y Ill ' 'tin '~ in' M ay 18 1.1 , a 'a part i 'll q uota ti 11 of tl e m in Llk~ :1 t t/:at' ti m e' hO\\', "Th i ' III di ngt 'l k in'~' intI li ~ i \.-lera ti n th e prop ri, ty of ,hu ild ing a meet . ing-he uSe 4 0: »t) fe't f hri 'k 11 e tor} hi g'h l1l1 the f (l ur a 1\... ' I t I' 1(' 11 o'in fl' tn tbi ' m e tin o' , ai' i a uh ril'ti n he in g: pnll,:, J f (' r that pllrJ c: a. l11l'un t= n "" t r ',5 R . The meeting e,' l rc ' :i '1 fr dn m t g n \ 'ith' ai i l. ll i l din ~' a,,' re :\1 L t the nn iitiL\II - ' 'h ' (1 iin" f ' aid lI h .' ripti n nn i .I ~ pi " Evan ' and ' A h r 13 1'0\\ n w r arr,\' app in te i manng r ~ tl) I ' ~" ,' 'k!':., 1111 111 _' ,ki t e ~ffec t, a t im anct cii: um tan c 'vV ill (1jmit. " ther fri en d ' wel'~ a~ I In . ... ed t , I ect th ' P t f r tit 1:1 WI' 1, : tand whi le th er " t a ist in rai ilig m re m il ey , The railroads have receivoo 44 " rules" . aIr f wI\i h wn r I'n rte i th~ demands from t he leaders of the operne . t m nth. ating unions . , . repr~senting engineers, firemen, <;onductors, trainmep At t he M nth l y Me til1 ~ , Auo'u t 18 1 1,', w have .tr , a nd s wit chmen. They say they are' -seeKing only changes in working confr ,H( wi ng:: T ile "u l .i' t f ," ~:t,o~ NOT a wage increase. ' o r.aiin ' th e M "et in.g , H U' (n ow a I uil din ,e,' tw t ry hi gh cl ai m ed t he atte nt i n If th " More Money For Less Work ~ eet' l1 g, It a~ r ear d t ' be the But what kind of rules are being • ' n -(; f Fr ' end. t 'g 11 witl asked for? Twenty-eight of them ai hu i :ii'n~' in t1l'lt ( rd'r and ' would compel railroads to pay more " J( hn,tthan, rL ~:in i . ah 1 "Ji llt . money for the same, or less work; d ' an add i ti nal 111 :111,,l ,~,- r t ) 7 would require additional. and, unarr n .. aid w rk," The hilil inecessary men 'to do the same work: in g \\ a compieted \\·ith a t( al the rest would bring about changes '. ~' ' s\-L5 1( 1. n o~tln~ pff" r' :"es at increased Abo ut' ' 1 70 th 1 uil l in,' \\ a ' cost. P age S, Th e Mi ami Gaz tk W ayn e.svitt e, Ohi o, No.' 4 327 Thursday , July 3 t, 1947



Locker Plant




The piri t of Scouti n. wa rea.ll y w ith u fer we W 11 the retrea t a~va r d f ur out f th f i ve tim it was ,.cyi .... ' n. I In i i vi L ual h onor ~ we nt t B I:i H li nter, B ill_ Da vi, 0 H'astin ' , Dw ight M.ichen r \\' 11 \V n Merit l;Jadg ill wi mm ing and t h e f ir t th r wi nni ng- t h Lll1 in Life aving al , amp Ho( k, Ha n r Awari w~n t tn Bi ll y tubl _, b Ha t inp: an j w ig-ht M i henL:r. ' T\\' (l ther boy advanced' fro m T nd rf( ( t

: ~( I rank to Second CIi~.J . fo r mem be r hip in th ~ ,. , l. ~ of th e Arrow/" N ati onal H nor , , ' ary Cam p ing SOCi ety; we re Bo b Hunt er and Sco u'tm ast r, J oe Janfe . B tin in f urt h r h n ~ rs~_ _ t he t r op wa B t Hunter w ho wo n f ir t plac in th e iving ,eve nt in atur jay 01 rnin g ~ w imm ing m t:t. Perh ap nl:! of th e g-r~atest :;urpri es ' wa th at a f ul\ w k of ca mping went unh am pered h, th e ,el em nt .



make, or model Fred Kahn Motor Car Co. , " PHONE 3 .






150 to 100 miles, which would have the effect of increasing their pay 50%. Such a run often takes only two or, three hourS!


You Can't Afford This Waste Demands like these are against the interests of the whole Americau people, who depend on railroad service for nearly everything they eat, wear and use.


These, rules would cost A BILLION DOLLARS annually - a giga~tic waste which neither the railroads nor the ' country can afford.

~~~~ ar ne>o~~~~~~~~~~--~~-t··

and good empl6yes, ,with pride in their ' ~alling. Their record during the war was outstanding. We do not believe they fully und,e rstand the " featherbed" rules which the Union leaderS are demanding, We do not believe t hey understand the harmful results which these rules woUld ha ye to the railroad indus~ry, to the millions of men and women dependent on railroads for their livelihood, and to the shipping and con, surning public, " .

(Continued on Page 8)

For Instance: . The Union leaders demand addjtiona train and engin~ crews on' Diesel-pow. ered trains-one full crew for every power unit in'the locomotive. A freight train nauled by a 4..: unit Diesel would, have to carry 4 engineers, 4 firemen, 4 conductors,' and at least 8 brakemen : or a t<, ' .. r 20 men instead of 5.

Type Talks (Con t1nued from Page 1

w here dri vi nJ,t cnnd iti n ' . ' r ~' h azardo ll and a kin g mil t ri _l: t o hol d , pe d tn \\ ha t, '_ "reaso nable and pI' p'e !'." C(~ l n , r ado t th e limit at '6 0, Th e so l emnit of the vUt( i' ') at Lin co ln' to'm b at ,p r~l !;,' . fi eld, \11. wa v ry im pre 'ive, e p cially in tine'" well- :lre ' ed col r ed J11 n. Am lin i the t ,p o f th e t mh \\ ,her , the alll reviati o ns f 111 th e tat apr ar set in relief w'e no tice j l etters "On," W ask e t attend ant 'the III anin w ere told it wa mea nt ' t i e the ahl revi ati nn f o r Oreg- n, He said th at tholl an 1 f p eople httd call ed it to hi attention. So m ~ ny nice thin g- can he said f o r Denver, but don't w ant t o so und like a ch am he r f commer~e member. T oday th e temperature was 9 5, tonight we'll sleep under a hlanket.

' 'Made ' ., ork~'-Sheer

The Union leaders demand that fulllength freight trains be cut to about half their length, even ,t hough such trains are most efficj~nt for low-cost service to you. This rUle would c,all for twice as ' many, locomotives, would double the number of tra in~, and make accidents more likely'. Additional equipment, yards, nnd other facilities required to take cal'eof 'theSe short trains would cost hundreds of millions. What the Union leaders really w~t is to make more jobs. The Union leaders demand that when a crew in" one class of serV~ce perfonn incidental service of another plass, they will be paid not less than a daY~8 pay for each class, even though all service is performed as a part of the samp --' . -, •


Wast ~;',

~reat stren~th

of America is in

production-an honest day's work

work. The crew would get at least two days' pay far one d£'lY' 8 work. , The Union leaders demand that the present basic day for passenger con-

for, a~ honest day's pay. For only through greater production can we hope to stop the steady upward surge of living costs. . Surely, if ever thete was a time In , our history when we needed to work, not waste, this is it,


We are publishing this and other advertjsement& to talk with y,o~ at (irat band about matters which ":O:-~, ip_ ~., .... :...... -


and th Na\"y Air Arm cont'oue 8f; at pre ~llt, _ The Joint hiefs-of- 'taff-, t up u'ri!1g ' the 'w ar, wH\ b . made pr manent. A Security - COUl'lcil to advise the Pre ident wi!,1 b~ established., The War ' Mu- ' niti/on', Board will be continued under the n w law , A l'Jltral Ifl-teJligenee Agene~, to cool'diru\-te-and c\-aluate dip\ matic ,and military info'rma ion fl'om foreign SOUl'Ce , will l'ep01:t directly 'to 'the Securitv . ouneil and the President. It is believed that undel' the new law our national defense will be sll'engthened and many worthwhile economies wjl1 eVQutuall:v P wOl'k d out. '", ...... The Con'gress has ,appropriated ele1en million dollars- even million five hundred ~ h o ll sand to the F.B.I. and three and one-half million to t he iv'i1 Service ommi sion-to conduct a thoroue:h inve~ tigation of the loyalty of a lar2e number ~f t he Fede ral employees, sevel'al thousand of whom are su pected beiu g members of subver ive organization and oi loyal to the nation they al'e l1Ppo ed to serve, ' ... Ii< ...

With A'Buckeye' in Congress hy

J , 1-<1:


'E I, UH< \\ '

ion of the 80th ongress has ended. io n will b gin On Tu sday January ,th Pl'e"id nt hould cal1 a Special , , '. io n, l' th R Ilpu b\ic'a n ,Floor leader f t,1i House, _t .. • l' l''':ic! ' '1 t PI' Tempore and the Floor Leader f he enat una11imou ly agl' e to reconvene the 'C lng I'll s under the p ~ cific authority r . en ed to ., '" tr: m in th arljol:ll'nmen't. reso\uti011 , With ongre s adjol1l'ne I publication of thi ' columll-.:....· With a Buckeye il\ Congl'e~"-will be suspended fo r the ti me ,beillg, H,.9w evel', ', we al'e looking fonval'd to LJ in " ba'k \) it h you eluting the next ses lon-,-ii not uefol' . • • • The 80th ongl'e s-the fir ' t Republican contl'oIJed ongl'e )" clixte~n yeal's-ha made a good l'C' col'd in its even month of sion despite getting off to a slow tart b.ecau se of being compelled to ('ompietely change its committee stl'ucture and The ongr has voted to freeze S9 cial Security I gi -i.ative procedurp under the Legislative Re- tax,rat at the, pre~ent figul'e of F e on e~plo~ees rgani zation Act, It. ha. v:iven the nation the first "-<-{lul'lng the years o~ 1948 l~nd 1949, DurIng 1~50 c:om preheh. i ve labol" l'eform legislation in man" a~1d 1951 the rate wIll be ~ ~2 on, an~ begm:, ears. It failed to provide tax r eli f, due to two nIng ,Januat· y ·1, 1~52, vnll ~utomat1cally lnCl'ease ' ' It su bml'tt P.d dmen t to to 2h"t;' on each, permanent. P l' 1'd en t'la I ve t oes. an arnen 11 whlch ' brate wlll become ' ld che , onstitution to t he States limiting Presidential If t lS a,ctlon ad no~ een taken th~ tax rate wou tenure, and enacted , a new Pl'esidential uccession automatlcally have Jumped to 2'Jh / 0 on each em· law. ' It brought an end to most war-time controls. ployer and 21_ 7< on each ...wo!'ker, Janlllal'Y 1st next l It took firm action against co mmuni stic and disloyal under the old law. * , activities in Government. I t cre~ted a twelve man Under legislation , enacted by the Congre befoi'e Gommi sion , to reorganize the Executi ve Branch of , adjou~'nment, war:time cl'edjt controls will soon be· the Government. It provided for unification of the come a thing of the past-with the la t due to , be ArmY and Navy into one over-all defense unit. It lifted by November 1st. The Pre sident, under his incr ea ed pen "ion and benefits for variouveterans war-time powers, had brdel'ed many c:redit controls group. It btought an end to con criptio'n and othel' fifted 'but had continued them on other commodities. war-time pow rs. It reduced Government ex pend i* * * tu re by better t han thl'ee billion dollars, and' made Twenty members of the Armed Servkes Comother savings through l'ecisiol1s and the recapturing mittee of the Hou~e-foul'teen Demoerats and six of funds totaling more ~nan one and Il'oe-half billion Republicans-on the day before Congl'.~s$ adjourned , dollars. All in all, the 80 th Congress has written 'af} voted to reppl't out favol'8bly a bill to e~tablish nviable 'l"ecorn of accom):llisnment,s. universal military training. Thirteen other members * * • of the Committee l'efused to attend t lhe committee Early last week the Congress completed legisession in protest of the arbitrary Elction of' th~ lat ion permitting the immediate (beginning' ap- Chairman in refusing to hear numerous church and proximately September 1st) cashing of the terminal school organizations opposed to the measure. It is leave bonds issued to World War Two enlisted men. also claimed the bill, which l?reviously , had been These bonds, which, when issued, were non- recommended by a subcommittee, was n.ot considered negotiable for five years, are, of course, a part' of . in the :full Committee 'on Armed Services, and that th e nadonal debt, The paying off of these bond!" , no member was permitted to offer an amendment now will help to reduce this debt, as well as interest thereto. A few days earlier Congres's man HaI:ness charges .again,st the G~vernmerit. Hoy/ever, veterans of Indiana, a veteran of World War On~ and' formeT who wish may hold their bonds until the ' date , of Commander of the American Legion of Indiana, maturity, and will continue to draw interest. or. them. who is Chairman of a Special Committee to investi" * * • gate pro'p aganda activiti,es of the Gpvernment, On last Friday the Hous~ and Senate approved charged on the ~loor of the ,-Hou88 that the War the final compromise version of the bill to unify all D.epartment had violated the criminal code by em, loying nUDicrous pers-ons,.-8nd spending-flllge-sttflt8,branches of our Ar~der efte Seereta-ry of National 'Defense The legislation establishes 8 to build ,up support for ' the President's UnIversal separate Air Force in addition to the War and Navy military training program and to put; pressure on ' Departments, each headed by a Secretary who wU1 Congress to 'bring about its enactment. So it, appeara no longer have Cabinet status, but will : serve as a likely this measure will become an e]i~tremel)' conubordinate to the Secre,t ary of National Defense. tl'oversial issue during the next session 01 who will be a Cabjnet Member. The Marine Corps Congress.


Dogs Derive Little, ,From Bone Chewing "Different Breeds Do Not Require Different Kinds , of Food"

Th ' \iam i Gaz tk '\\ 'a\' n ~:d lk, - hi ll


I ~ag' 6 l\l l ,

-I '27

luI. '


Mr. and Mr. H ward : rah:llll nter tai n'd at til ir hI me F ri iay e e.n i n ~ in '" m plim en,! t th~ Advi r} ~ )un 'ii , '

e fa 1 111 filL er: If till I Should a dog be given bones? Except through the teething stage, wl)en a puppy needs help to soothe the chewing urge and dd itself .of ba'by teeth, there is , no real benefit from such practice, states Russell K. Lowrr, in "Better Homes and Gardens'. ' While the average adult dog 'is able to digest pieces of bones, the nourishment he thus der~ves is of little consequence, says Lowry. On the other hand, the constant gnawing of bones tends to wear off ,the tooth enamel. rendering the teeth useless or subject to disease before their normal' time. An excellent way to extract the valuable matter in bones is to boil them three to four hours in water and use the resulting bro~h to impart flavor by pouring over or mixing with prepared do~· food. Declaring that "proper feeding is the most important single factor in the raising , of healthy dogs," Lowry sums up the fundamentals of the oanine diet, Because his article is such a simple and clear

Grown dogs don't need bones.

atten ied

. ' el1-

de )'re in n'.

Kar n Rav, laug-hl ' r of Mr. and Mrs. Raym nel, A 1am: f r\\ ,in w;;'l taken to hil he n Hospital, in inn at i, Thur iay f r 01 ervati,o n, hI.! i, the g randdau ()'l1kr pMI' . 13Ian ' he Carr ,o f Har cy.1)ur,r. Mr. a.nd Mr. Delhert 13:1 don of ' prin g Valle. were g ue t un da f Mr, an 1 Mr . Da lla Bad 11 an j n'. A nc\\ item a.pp'l.:nrin2' tw • lumn err w ' 'k :l \~' O in thi ouJ ta te d that Mr. a.nd Mr . tewai,t and daug;h ter III vei into th 1 aYll1 0 nd Bm k proped o n M:lin '1.. The artiel h ul j have lat ed that the m v d t Beavertown. Mr. ancj Mr, \Villiam and Mr, and Mrs. Gall reat.h of Amelia, wer w ' ek nd hue guest 'o f Mr. and Mr. Harry S. Tuck e r and daughter, Mi '

Evely~. statement o,f what everyone should know about the proper M r, an Mr. Bert Ba ird o f feeding of his dog, the Gaines Dog Research Centert. 250 Park Avenue, Wayn ville \\ ere ue t · aturNew York .17 • .New York, has reday f Mr. and Mr. W. C . printed it in booklet form; , and Tichehor at "The priilg" o n will S'e nd a free copy to anyone who requests it, CI~rke A ven lie . . Some of the ,more common IU'perstitions about dog feeding are Mr. and Mt:. J osep h , Heitalso exploded' in the booklet. man of Wilmin ton sp nt un"Milk does not cause worms.'" day at the ' home o f hi parents "Gar lie or boiled onions do' not eliminate worms." "If your dog near the ,' urg. wolfs his food, don't , be concerned." "Different breeds do not Ttl conditio'n f Mr_ r-equire different kinds of foodRhode, who I1e ide near t o wn only the quantity ,changes." is reported as impr vin g, To quote further from the booklet, "Dogs are rugged ' individualists. Even two do~s , out of the To have what , we want is same litter may diller in their riches, but to b able t do food requiremel)ts. their likes and dislikes. One may require a pound without is power. of food a d __y, where the other I may thrive on less. One may have a ~ard ~ime digesting vegetabl~s, August. 2, at the home of DeI- Mrs. W. C. Tichenor at 41Th while hlS brother handles them aney Carter near town. Springs'" on CI~rke ave. famously." For these reasons, it is explained, it is all but impossible , , Mr. and Mrs, Clifford Do ter to layout 'a specific diet-that 'is! Mrs. John Youhg, of ,Cincin- , item by ite:pt--even for 'dogs OI TH£LMA'S (,UNCH The Community Helper nati, mother of Mrs. Ben Beck- and daughter, Sharpn of Springidentical size and weight. Only by and FAIRMOUNT field were week end h o u e experience can the dog-owner tt H arveys b urg Club met Thursda even in ~ at ' e, rest a'u ran t ' t learn the kind of food and its CREAM STATION the home of Virginia T ,a.V lor operator, passed away Thur.s- guests of Mr. Doster s paren 5, quantity which will best agre~ .... C" Mr. and Mr. Herbert Do te r. 'th hi t will be closed t 1 30 d with 35 nle~bers pre ent. Ewd~it~~~~a~y~a~~:~~p~.~n~1.~ ~n~4~~I~n~c~ln~~~~~~~~~~~_~~~~~~~ Wl sown pe, Mae tewart who is a ,member nati hospital. Funeral services Other guests at the Doster "FOR VACATION" but noW' resides in B,e·a vertown were conducted Monday. home 1 Saturday evenin were My riches con 1st n t in th August 3 to August 15 Mr. and Mrs, James Do t· r o f extent of my posses ion, but was pres nt and received o rne Wednesday ' evening a Box Dayton. in tpe {e'wness of my want. 1ove Iy gl'ft S' f ro m t1le CI u b an d Social was held at Jacob Park Sun hine ister . Mis Phyllis Shidaker of in Wellman. The proceed o f Cente rville w 'a a Thllr da y the sales, were given in int e re t Com'm u.nity , H tper " The Club pi~nic will be held the, to Mrs. Edna Compton Bogan's g uest of her father, Mr_ Carl .,., evenin g of Augu t 26 at J aeobs band, wl)ich made an appear·- Shidaker. Will 'offer at Public. Auction, at' re id'e nce in HOllY .. Park, Requests ar·e being made ance there during the ,evening., . midway between Spring Valley and Waynesville; on Rout~ Mr. Josephin.e . Pennington "'to 'CBring the Family." 42, at 1 :00 o'clock p.m. on Mr. and Mrs. Walter Donald- and Miss Jean Rich entertained Guests of Mr. and Mr . Carl , son and daughter, Marilyn have in compliment to the 4CGleamer 1.1 Class' of the Fri,ends ChUTGh ' Brown over the weekend were returned from , Canon, Colo. I' friends from Wiliamsport, Ind. where they have been located , Wednesday evening at the I-JOUSEHOLD GOODS hoine of Mrs. Penningtop. Sixfor several J11onths. ' Mrs. Lauta Shidaker left last ' .~ (In~luding 6. room~ of 'Furnitur~ in A-i , C'ond,ition) teen members were present an,d Hot-Pomt ~lectTlc Refrrgerat,o r, pratlcally n ew'. ABt,: Wash..; Sunday for Walhoundng where " Mrs. 'AIda Montgomery re- guest~ we're Mr. and Mrs, Rob- ' er. RCA Radio. 2 eomp}ete · Bed,room , Suites (o'ne solid she will be the house guest of turned Sunday to the home of ert Brandenburg. Potlowi,ng the ;. maple, new). 2 B,e ds and Bedroom Pieces. 4 Rockers. Mr. and Mrs. Will McCarren. her son-in-law and daughter, business session a lunch was Living-room Suite. ' Love Seat (convertible into bed) and, , Mrs. and Mrs. Dallas Barton served by the hostess. The next Mrs. Sarah Wrigh,t , who ,has and sons, following a visit 'with meeting will be held August 2 'Mat,c hing Cha~r. Combination Bookcase and 'Writing Desk. ' been residing at , the Donaldson her son and daughter-in-law, at Jacobs Park for a picnic Stand and anLige Lamps. Odd Stands. Maple Breakfast apartments ha~ moved from Mr. and Mrs. Sherman Mont- supper. Set, complete. Flat-top Desk and Chair. ~ Axminister there inte> the Ethol Smith gomery and family. Rugs, 9x 1 2. '2 rolls 0f Linoleum. Throw Rugs. Double ' Mr. and Mrs. Sterling Ingals' Utility Cabinet. Kitchen Sink. Garden Tools. Manv propert~. ---Mrs. Osie Harlan is a house and family of Grje:enfield were , other miscellaneotls articles. A few Antiques. ~ Sunday 'guests of Mrs, Ingals: guest ,this w~ek of Mrs. ' Bessie Terms: CASH Mrs. A. S. Collett in comparents, Mr. and MrS. Howard pany with Mrs. Weldon Heller Cook of near WayneSVille. ,I II Collins. and , daughter, Mrs.;, Euge~e Mrs. Cart VanderVoort of Aufderheide were VISItors 10 Mrs. Clyde Le,vicy was in Pittsburg, Pa. arrived by train ~ Dayton, Thursday. , Jess StanleY and Earl Koogler, Auctioneers Wilmington, Friday afternoon I~ in Wilmington, $aturday after(Wayneaville Phone 2894) (Day\OD Phone KES879) I' The 53rd Simpson Reunion noon to come to the 'burg and visited Mrs. Emma Ellis at , t he ~robaseo N i~g Home. where she wilt be the guest of will be an event of '~aturday,

















Page 7,

veral Clea v I' of Oa ton anl.1 other friends, have returned from a m st del 'htful fi hin . Rem r, Minn. Mr. trip t C\ea v' I' al a visite j relativ S in St. Paul,Minn. '

The Miami Gazette WaynesvilJe, Ohi , N . 4327 Thursday, July 31, 1947

FISH FRY AT VANCE HOME ,'Mr. and Mr, Carl Haw ke Mr. and Mr. 'Ray Hawk Dayt n, Mr.. and Mr. MelVIn Banta f ' James'town, Mi Martha Snyder of Sprin field, Mr. and M,r. C. Lee Hawk , Mr. J. C. Hawke, Mr. and Mrs. Don Hawne, Mr. and Mr . John Fr 111111 ;, Mr. 'Clyd e Fromm, Mr. and Mr. M. F. , Weltz and family enj o ed a fi -h fr y at the hom f Dr. and 'Mr Ralph Vanc in Wilmln~·t n und ay evenin . Dr. and Mr. Van~e and Mr. and Mr. Carl Ha wke ha d ju t r turn d fr 111 a fi hin . trip' in C;:anada, "

of ,







Mr: anL r. arnhart of Beavertown ar anno un in o' 'the birth of a dau htcr, Eva Eleanor, ' at, t. Ann Ho pital , July 23. Mr. and Mr. F. E. Thoma are the maternal grandpar nt5.

eketh other - to


pen er

ADVISORY COUNCIL ENTERTAINS LADIES The West Wa n C unciI nj ed' a Adv i or ver. plea ant 111 eting' n Thur day. venin '. wh "11 the 'r11 cn of th elul entert aine:t the ladie, A deli cio u dinn r \\'a ' serv d in the Whiteh we Re taurant Dining R am, in


Cleaver, a c~ man, Mr. Robert




Mr. and Mrs. J hn J, Bur ke, Mrs. ~tanley Ba il y~ Mi Marilyn Burske, 'Mr . G r'e Wat rhou e, Mrs. Ralph Ha ' tin ,!:!' Mr . L. C. t John, Mrs. J hn Fr mmJ Mr. Lucil t:; Armitag and Mr, and Mr . E. F. Earnhart atten ied th e ree pti 11 for · Mrs. Wilm a Y eman newly appo in ted gran:t Repr 'entativ' of cotland, Order of Ea tern , tar at Branch Hill n M pda evenin The y ri a 'Shrine I3and of Cincinnati. pr ~ nt j a hand conce rt..

Wilmin ·tOIl in i a 1 1, ' j ' , Murphy Th atre wa the l :1 L" sian of the r.emaind'r I. f the ev !ling.

O'ue t - d'Ur:n,' th we,,\( of Mr. an j Mrs. Marlatt.

Mr-. J sie Rol itzer of Clev Ian j spen t the past week with ,M r. and Mr . O. B. Marlatt Mrs. Merl Keain of Cle Ian j and Mr ' , Roy John n ani n f chnectaiy, N. Y. als were



Phone 2441 -


J New

A~K BAIRD ~)eft), Wappinger's Falls, N. Y., and Blanche Saunderl,

York City, voted respectively Dogdom's Man and Woman of the Year 1946 by America's dog editor. and writers in •• poll conducted by the Gaines Dog Research Center, r~ceive their "Fidos" from Harry Miller. the Center's director . The "Fidos" are the dOl world's equivalent of Hollywood'... Oscar . ... Mr Baird won the honor for his earne.t, consistent efforts on behalf of the dog on many fronts, while Mi •• Saunders was chosen for her exceptional contribution to the making of better canine , citizens ' through obedienq,e trainin'g . ~Iv

Steps in the ~ Training of a .Good. Hunting Companion ,



You uodoubt dl y have a favorite dr ' or uit th nt b u uall ' ~a v d f r " pedal ceasions, and ' u d n't Ii ke tt: take chance · n inferi r clc:aning. when the . ,g-annents ~~t soiled. You need n't worry if au send them here YO UR ,FAVQRITE ARE OURS. All garmen ts r ~ ivc ' excell nt per naljzed ca r . UJ servi t: will plea e : u.



There'. no.hin, like a ,Dod do, add p1ea.ure and profi' '0 'he hun.. Bu. '0041 do, companion. don', Ju~' happen; pracdcall,. ·147;,h. OU' exception .he,. are 'he prod. ucl. 0/ lon" eon.eien.'ou. .rainin, in 'he demand. 01 .he ..rood. and field.. Sotne 01 'he .'ep. In 'he ' train in, 0/ a ,0041 ,..n do, are here lIIu,'raled ",. Elio. C. J'ail, 14714161,.. - ' - - -l:-::n ="'o=l47=n Itra;fI6I!- 0/ field do,. and director 0/ .he Caine. Reaearch ,': Kennel" Ridie/ie.ld~ Conn.

DRY CL'E ANING CO. W""ne.vllle, Oblo



America's most famous magazines along with this newspaper. tvia~e big savings on a whole year's read. ingl Look over this fine list of magazines and take your choice. Offer good on new or renewal subscriptions to newspaper and magazines. Subscrib~ to~ay!

Any MAGAZINE Listed and This NEWSPAPER . Both for Price ,Shown American Girl .................... 2.50

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"WHOA'" Picking the ., . dog up and then plant. Ing ' him down firmly. on all four feet while re.tralnlng , him from movl,ng I. the beat way to teach him to etop In hla 'track. on thl. command. THE YOUNO 000 learn • .the COl'ract . form for a point by e.ample from a..oclatlon with an older and well ~ tralnad dog. Conatant correc~lon lead. to ultl. mate perfecti~n atance"






" "..APII AID ..181Zlilll 1 YUI, UlLIII TIl. SHOWI



Checlt "'lIgll~ine desired lind enclose coupon. .Geatlmien: I mdoae $..................... Please ICIld me the o«er chec:led, 1riIh a year'. IlIbe(;ription to yOW' paper. " NAJIB __________________________________________ __

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PlaLD "RIAL DOG. . . . . . . ,..................... HOLDING. 00'.' ••," • ••• ,• • ht 'Y h•• "av. t. be held baok until they learn to etand without • Inion. man flu.h th .. bird while another holde the d!! whll. waltlnl for the atart'nl .llInai. ' After the gun Ie flr.d the clOI Ie allow.d to run to , . 0 1947, (J1/ltU1 IIIHH1t K~I end of a Io'nll I•• d, and thu. coma. to ...oclat. the twe.



P08T~CE ~------__~--~-------------------





Page 8 TAP- H T No. 4327 C r ' m ] led fo it _ pre enl f I'm. I 47 There j Y d tra diti onary "h my! Doe n't this by Jane lFite ev ict nee that the ld Frienj pr acl;.er know it tim .t o stop Be ide , iving- jt th e nation eh olhouse, n . w th re idence . more Pre id nt than an th r of Har ld B, Eanihart, was now?" whi perect the ' dl gu t d the prea her tiilt al ,ut the ame time as w r hipper a state , in th e Union, ex ,pt went n with hi , rm ,n . Virginia, hi ha aL p.r - the Frien~ Meetin g H u 'e, "Tim e!" rep li d hi omduced quite a num ber f oth r ' 1811-1813. It wa, Illilt on t~e panion bitte.r1 . "TIME! why, p rson famou near an far: land own d 'by J oel Wri Yht" .\ We can pr udlv claim Clark sur.veyer 'anti early eho 1 he's finished \'vith Time and: he' how converging on Eternity." all hit it strid 'again Gahl , R Y Rogers (-in r al life teacher. Previous t 1812 there Marg:are t exi ' ted a soci ty faT, educational th L I" Ll t w k with a full sched- La renee Fr, ') 'rake straw and tubhl e ut peak " (C o n~ p 'o'ser, Ollie purp se kn'o wn a ' th e "Miami ule of game s being played. , peak' n i e.) Bob H p~ and hool " ciet . ' In 181 ~ Joel f the fi: Id a' ' onn a po ible Starting with Tue day ()f last Q n ald Dame, the popl~lar Wright deed d the Sch o I lot after combiniilCr to av:e cl ver week, ,Pergu n too k Mill~r ten or of Album of Famllar to 'ix tru tee, that w r~ apr' alfalfa ~ eedi n g . Re taurant d wn ' th alley wIth . Mu i , ' and th e Metror litan pointed by this ' chool ociety, a 4 to .1 lead; We :tne day the Opera ' C. ,.are Clev ~ I a n i the property to e held I y them hin I;n been Il k d t ' I t 23rd talliei up a run - way af- natives. W mlg-ht al 0 adj t as I n {Y a th ch 01 \ a need- five co rn C,o unties and three ' t ween Peer ·, Inn an i thi l ar e" but perhap in m- , d or thi Miami chool ociety ' ,fair t ba co counti s where )', 'ernHarv l:Y I urg with the Peer bo, ' plete li -t, th lat Fra~lk e.xi ted, r any oth er chool ment crop in urance .can be t ppin'g th 'Burg; with :J. 2 _ , to Crumn\it . f Jackson, hI. ociety appoi nted by the m ~et- offered t grow r ~ in 1( 4 5 ore ' Thur da th e 24 th We can al ton t that T, r m~ in xi· ted: After which it wa~ mat hed' Fairle y ;tgaiil t Fer- Power att.ended the niv eJ" it.v t be turned over to' Miami I)'us 11 with th ha rd ware hand- of Oa ion . Fellow Ohi an we Monthly Meeting, 7\\ary Baily , Ier pa ing out a 6 t tall y can well be plOud of our part still living in 19 , $aid h t the tract r men; An extra first went to en ' I th ere in p:ame \ a' play d on Friday to the nation. 1824. Thomas O'Brien t~ught ni ght hetwe n Fer !Yus n . and WINS MANY PRIZES th re then; he was followed by Peer ' Inn 111 whi h the F rgu- ON' FANCY BIRDS "I Will i,a m Butterw rth; then all team ,. \\ a handed a ~o Earl' C. Evans, l ocal 'B ~U1tahl John Gilpin, Elli Stok s, "'Noah eK&' ,while Peer 'total up ' 2 , Fan ier attend d the Oh ,i o Poul- , Leeds, George Mye r all ' f runs; On Monda night f this ' try In titut e 'Lawn how at who 'e ch Is she attended. w ek R xanna ~nd HarveyNORRIS BROCK COMPANY Xenia fair grounds n unday, htirg pIa. d a 4 to 3 ga m ",Vith July 27. He mad e the f 11 w- The parent ' r guar ian were 01ncltmat1 Urlon' stock YBI'dB expected t pay f r tuition at the R x m n on the top Ide; Live Wire and ProIfteBtve. An ing wins: Fir t cock, econd and orga.ni2at1on second to 1lO!l8. Tu day ni ght, \Va a ,double ' fifth hen in Silver Sebrights ; the close f each term, if able so, but all of th children st.r1.ctly sellers on the beet to do h ad er with Fairl y takmg the all around market in the Fir t pullet, fourth and fifth in the commullity were invited , low Id of a 4 to 1 c re hand- hens in Golden Sebrights; S c~ DOlmtry. ed out by Peers Inn. The econd ' ond White Cochin c ck a,p] and expected t attend V! ather Ser~ICe That ' Satt.fle. th y .paid or ~ot. WIHlO Day.ton, 12:30 E:, S. T •• feai'llr f th,e evenin wa a 17 fifth' Black Cochin Dial 1300 WlLW Qncl~natj t 13 affair betw en Fergllson 12:40 Dtal '100 ' tOl:' OUr and Miller Re taurant with the BROWN SWISS , READ THE CLASSIFIED .rW$ • DaJ 11 Marke¢ Report. hash- lingers taking the bottom BOUGHT BY RYE haIL H., L. Rye, Wa ne ville, TEL~HONES Ohio ha recently ~ ureha d WAYNESVILLE, 1081 With The All Stars wi s the registered, Brown MORROW No. a , Th . All Stars were rain d bu.11 Ringmaster Dan s P~te, . L~ANON, Office "3S ut Sunday night and the game 7 535 from S. J. Black ' and SAND and GRAVEL RES. ~L chedu1'ed ·f r ' unday. afte,r- Wm. I-l. Lindsey, Oregonia, BLACK- TOP DRIVES 'noon was, cancdect due t the Ohio, according to a . rep rt TAR and ROAD OIL Cincinnati team failing- to show, from Fred ,Idtse, ecretary ,On Frtday the, 25th the All of the Brown SwiS . CaUl .... 'LAWN and FILL DIRT . Stars dropped a game to Frig- Breeders' Associat-t , B 1 it, READY-MIX CONCRETE idaire with a, 7 to 4 score.l ' Wisconsin, . E'XCAVATING- and DUMP TRUCK SERVICE

CLA551 lED


15 words or less. one time.., ..•• J&c Eac.h additonal word . •• • ,", •••• le PEOl~




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RebuUding -4' ; Paon ~oans with long P8V ,' Pay part or all any .

l. ER .'\:'ofO~

""T'I. FARM r.OAN !\=" ·N·. EI1t~ H . Sturm. 'Ii . 1<. [ .pbR l on . O nio. P h one 448 tc

--- .. -- - -

R*=,,, J




-. ----~~-

For Sale-


p o, n~.-f '7'0 SELL. Call or Wrtte

Tel. KE3446. 617 Lora!n Ave .. Dayton. Ohio. tfc np~ l




.. _ - -

_ _- - , - - _ _ _ • _



.-.-... - - - ---- - - - - L !-.' I ' . fO RGET T CALL , r In ur nee. All types of fn.:urance at a savings. Call F rtUlCL ' n , Br \\ n, phone ; Ih'~ \' i l J... 293 5 or call ~ ()lr ect: \Vilmington 2111.

. i;;;




. -- -, -- -- - - - - --

FOE:, SALE- ~wo % h .p: 110 volt .eetl'k n:otors. Gme- a] Electric. 1/ 50 r p.m.. exceU"nt condHion,

Pr,ce $17.50 each. phone 2143,

F 'R

SALE N v "I rn n'Hnr e" ,..:a<: mot Ir, SJ hp,. ~, !'t( h f r \\ tl .h : n ~ rn a hine, I:l. \ 'n m 'weI' t c. Ra Miller. Pi' n ~- }3, -87 F . ) , ALE -' M EHCL RY .II Cam'era, cn. e su n ha , fiL t er Ben ~ ,icke v V\ flV J e 'vi I.' , ' - ' 8 14 W A NTED- MISC. V A TEr'To Give Away ~, me , ed I3 n 'Pup. R. I. , () k: , Rt. 3 Wayn esvi11e O. , -7.-31

, HousehoJd Goods FOR SALE -One' Davenport, . -( ,E x II e n t Condition) ~"'·('1 k ., a~ e' - .D esk Combi' nati on, me Odd' C~airs. Call before 10 a. m. or 'a fter 6 p. m. Phone 2473 -7-31


RANGE-' Three ' " burn er and' . oven; 10 lb. r eery sc~l e. Willis' Hunter. lermont Heating ]"' . R .'ALE ~ ~

St()V ; Three

burner coal oil toye_ Oarl B. Frye, Phone 2703 -731 . F ' 1(' ALE-:KltCt=tt:N1<OOK t a Ie-top ' ga s' .1i 11 e . cook stve. Thre ' hurner and oven. ' In tant 11, hting. , G od conditi n, Rea sonabl e. R g~ r Bf \ n, Third treet, Ph ne :2'1 93. ' 814

HELP ,WA,NTED---: CLEAN RAGS WANTED- MUST anu hooks. No curtains or silkPin6 hOSe 'acOOpWd.

be free of but,t ons.



Ball F os See'

Many Good .c.mes .oft


Armitage &Son

' FUTURE ALL STAR GAMES. FARM PROGRAM AT Au". 1: Germant~~n 'ISLAND PARK SUNDAY AliJ!'. 3: Storm Km~ S'pon ored by' the , Unit. d A 8 F 'O"da' e Plal1t 1 u.~. 1Q: : n .... l Ir ' ' .' , Farmers of }\merica, To, m L1l1Au". Sabina Au~. 15: Dayton Steel F.dry . der, Georgia CO'mmissioner of Aug, 17: Middleto'\vn Colored Agriculture and Carl H. ~ilken, AuJ!'. 22: Wri"ht Field . Economic Anal t, Wa hmg;'im Au.~. 24: Leesbur,l! , D . C. wiU speak on a Qund Au{Y. 29: Middletown Bravanan National Agricultural Pr gram at Island Park Band Sh 11 in 'SOIITBALL ' PERCENTAGES Dayton, Sunday, ·Augu t). W L Pet A basket dinner and enterRoxanna 11 4 , 733 tainment, music ,dc will be at Fairleys 10 5 667 12 ;00 o'~,lock with the intro- ' Fergu~on 11 6 647 dllction of speakers. t 4,..'0 'J1~~_ Peers --I.nn 8 · "" 5 .:',615 announcement of Farm ProH.vYS:burg 3 15 167 gram over Radio ne~work w'i11 ' Millers 2 12 1'43 be"'direeted . by Ranny Daly at ' , various periQds throughout the H.A.LLMARK TYPEWRITER lUB- , aftemoon. No admission will be bons now ·in stock. The Gazebte; 'cha'rged. '. -.....:::...---:-. .----~::~.,::-:S:-----



For Da............. .W~ Ohio........

Best prices. C8Jl 2143.

-t ':::J"aph-.--.Jt e t'7




I wish t.o take ,ihis,opportunity' of expressing ,m y .ths.nks for the mal)Y cards and flowers ' recel'ved durl'ng my ' recent ' illness.

L. H.

FOR RENT FOR RENT- Two Unfurnish'· ed R oms In Waynesville, -7-31 Pholle 2982, FOR .RENT- SI eping Room , For Two Gentlemen With Reference. Phone 2171. -7-31 ,

FarmiDI' ImplemeataFOR SALE-As One Unit, '46 Ford Tractor and 19 pieces Of Equipment. Frank Conway, 2 Miles North of Springboro off State R'oute




. -1-31


X E NI Afertili'ler Reverae





X_ia 0 •. Da,Jton Phone HE1271 -

~al ~hODe



Thl! Miami GAZ 'ETTE

by J ohri' S. Turner •

'0'e r

11() \11e...J:lOw I l-U r..tthe r th 'lI1 leave y u in, I n,,:er ~n f. we ll be p rfectl frank, I e au::: there ' ha n't h en tim ~ to di y u~ th t m ateria l fl r a ' nlumn her ar me imp I' j n: ath red durin g th trip. In the west Li i tan e i 11 th ~ jn-:' - t' nativ ',n~ , ~ia y 'we st pp d f r lunch a~t tl: " aHy ' nice h t -I in a small C' l' ra

t wn that \ it therw" typic. alJy western as sh W'n in the atm ay ni ght m vie - a ke i t~e \~~itr - , " h r.e the ~1 kl g t It patrcm }qlLi lea rn e i that th ey \\ ere 11 men who worked in Arte ia " ab lit a hundred mil, down th roadand sutl:: enough in about tw h urs we \Vent thrall 'h, Art ia - quit'e a iri:ve t an i fr 111 w rk ea h day, Naturall we w' nt - wimm in in the r aIt Lak in :t Ih \V h ' r , th e wnter i:- ~ 7';" -:a lt an j an I ne can float in it litU a a f t f wa I'_ i'l' 11 1ihl c:' t(l ,,, '1 ,, 1,t, , ~ \, r 'I ' 1 r hihit 'el he ' ;~ u ' e th den it y f th.e wat I' 'mig,bt hreak {h'e . iiv r" neck-but don't g;c t1~ c tuff in your 'I:: e r n e'- it r"'ally burn. We 11 ari a pin lir Jll tIll.' fl . r f the Morm )n... taberna I' 1I1 alt Lake City and a 111 ~1ll " whi er. fronI th e Hill e p t W\111 we at un j r th halcnn ' .ffi lie ,than 200 f et I ack-eveil , u )'li . it i m r th:m 1()O

at '




o j j the acoll,ti


f.· an


\ 'i e~\

f entranc' il ill ' n 'w, III d 'rn Y\ aync ' 111 ~ Ll k. r plant atei nn 6a 'i \ i:lmi ~' t re d . Mn l ' rn ar:hit '{ural d i ~n aOli . n ~ trLl ' ti t~ ll m ak ' th i.: 11 \ o f tI ' fin '51 f ruz 11 f t,d I ke( plant In the state.

Locker Building Rated Fire-Proof


'1 ,.~

~ "


\ '\





Ffiends,School Very Successful



J"uiJ din o' in tl i.! " .


Manager 'ElstroHas. .Locker· Ex'perience


.Chautauqua ~ Highlights

he g;. nia! man a.;~r ..of th c Wa n . ille Locker Plant .i· Mr. The Hbnorabl Clarenc Elm i: EI tr ' of Oayt n, liio, r:n th eventh Ohio Di trict, who l1a had:'rilan vear {' e~will d 1ive r. an important 'ad- ~ ericn C ,in this field, havin ~ dress in ,the auditorium on Atlg~ ,een with the 'Dayto n 1 ~ ~ '~ u t 10 at 3 p. m. . Eu 1 Co. I efore a ceptin o' . the This wUl be an outstanding' po ition J1 reo He will If:lv.e ' feature of the entire stimmer charo'c ,of ~11 ' p),()ce ill' ,at1d se a.; n , and Mr. Br0wn's m,es- storage f foods and 'thro\;1 -h GARDEN. CLUB sa O' t: is ea o' rly awaited. his eJSP'erience wilt..b able to . MEETS TODAY --e ;-_ _ -, " The, ' Ci~nnati.-Gas ,and " inforrh tock,er patr0Iil of , the , ' The ' ,.\ a 11 'vi a ' EI~ctnc Band, C0111posect ,of pr~e r and be~ ~ay to hand~ '~~~~- T~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ,personnel of that concern, will th IT ' fo od for 1 e t r ult '. give. two 'concerts in the park ~ veral per._ n '\\ ill I assi 'tini . on -Sunday, August 1 0, th~ first Mr . .EI tro a a Teat ~ m ount. of at 2 p. m. and ' the second "at wor k i nece,s t,lry in the fiUin ~6 :30 p. m. of a larS' 10' ker plant uch. a. ' Ruth Anna Tom1inson~ " alge this. , , 74, passed away at her.home on State Route 73 East of Waynes. Sherwood~Louiso LYTLE RESIDENT , ville, on 1'h ursda y, July 3 1 after ,BURIED HERE ,· " , an illness of several months. Joel E, Smith ,9J,];'ytt. "pa, ~ed Death \vas attributed to sarconia on the brain. The mar ri.age G'eJlemony of away at: his homl!~)sJher'e ,:' 01;' day of la t ·; \Ve~k. He is Mrs. Tomlinson was born in Miss Betty · Jean Louiso , of 'Thur Clinton county but spent the Clarksville and Mr. ' CarJetqn surv.iy.ed ~' by ' h~s " w,ife, - Mary; t~ree ' .d au~'hters, Mrs. L.oueHa greater part of her life here. She She,rwpod, Jr. , of 'Wayn~sville" Rel\mert and Mrs. Alma Duerr was a member ' of the tocal ,,::as performed 1by WaTter Ken:-, of. .Dayton; 'and Mrs. Dahsa '. Farmers Grange No. 13' and ot TIck, Justice .of Pe~ce ' at his King of MiamiSburg; . the W. C. T. u. . ' , resi,d~nce ' in , Lytle Saturday Clarence of Lytle;' anda brofh'er, 'a sister, She is survived ·b y her hus- ' evenmg, Augusl '2. Mr. and, Mrs. Mrs. Cassie, Hardy of Lytle. band; A. C. Tomlinson; a son Edwin Su~face of 'near WaynesFuneral services were COllPaul of Rural Route, Waynes- ville were their attend'ants. The dl;1Cted Tuesday at ?-,:00 p.m. ville; two daughters, Mrs. Ruth couple left fot' a shq'rt wedding with burial Miami "cemetery'. LaRue of Dayton and Mrs. Faith trip and will then be at h'Ome Shank of Li,m a; a brother, to their friends on a farm Hear' COLLETr-MCKAY Joseph Un d e r W'9 0 d, Rural Centerville. 'II . PICNIC AUG. 9 ' , Rout e, W aynesvi e; a, FORM"ER RES"'AURANT T'" 8 d 1 C 11 4 Mrs. Jane E. Haines ,of Wit '. I~e 2n Annu.a 0 e\:t. mington; five grand-daughters. MAN HAS OPERATION McKay Picnic win be ,held at Funeral services under the Sumners former owner ,' the picnic grounds on' SaturdalY. dire~on,. _of McClure Funeral .& Marlins Restaurapt; August 9, a<;cording to Howard , View. of de~p ' ex~avation on ~ th~ sQutb side of ,th~ building Grandview Hospital~ Collett, Wilmington. Home ' were held Saturday at foundation, . ThiS particular spot havtp'g been ,us~d a.~ a town dump 2 :00 ,p. m. at the Friends Meet. Tuesday morning for • All "iel,,"_ 01 I..a- .,.,., . , many years. ago, . required. r~mov~l Qf·fill materia.\ to find so) d inJ 'House. Burial was made in operation.. His condiJr .... " •• i....... 6", .UlfF." earth on Whlch'to ,start bUlldmg~ , ' . MIami cemetery. is reported as' good. _



Mrs.. Tomtinsoo. '. F~Deral , Satu'rd,ay




Wedding Performed





- - - - -

Th ' Miami Gazette flag 2 co mpt'imc'ntin g Mr, A, S. tion int th e matter ~ If thiWa nesv ille, Ohi , N . 4) 28 Collett. T wo table w ~ re in p1ay ' \,: ater supply i pur ~ n ug'h ,t< Thur dar, Auu st 7, 1 c 47 , uri'ng the eveI'lin fY. tc ' u ed ' ith ut chI rine, til It Ann uncement i heing ma L ' why h uld we p llute our Mr ~ . Nellie Bunn I) .. th e of the hirth f Kathv \"'aHa ~ y tem \ ith an unlle - :lr. p , tmi , tres '. i nj yilr~' a to Mr; and M); , BrUCe Walla e d, mical? L ' t fin 1 ut if thi .fl an j si ght - et' in ~ trip' va ali is 'a truth, and if it i ', a ,t of Co hocton, ' Her m ot he r i thr ugh the uth with h r n the former Mi s Ev I n M - .a cord in Iy . and . da u 'ht r-in-l aw, Mr. and Carreno The bab was vi itt"d rec'ently by h~ ,r matern aI HALLMARK TYPEWRITER RJiB- Mr Ge r e Bunil II and hihi_ rell f in innati. . great-g- randmother Mrs, Laura boIlS now in stock. The Gazette, Shidaker o f Hal\~' sburg'. Th e Annual C Immunity " icnic was held Sunday AUgll t at Jacob , Park, Several · resi'burg' wer in dents of th aHenda'n ce. n and after pt. 1, 1 47 w will 11 ' re 't:1. t ' handle yo ur " Mi Ann Williams, oun ,g . cu t m butch rin ' at our m' d rn pl ant in Harv ey luq::, Wil1 daughter of , Mr. and Mr. call for t ck and de liv er to I ker plant when finished, . Richard William of near Wi}· mington i th hOll e O' U st f VISITORS WELCOME! her grandpar ents, Mr. and Mr" . H. S, Tucker. Mi ss Phylli hidaker of Centerville spent several day last week vi itinr friend - an j , HARVEYSBURG, OHIO relative in th e ' bur .' PHONE 2804 . . , A group f many fri ends an relative aU nd e i ~ funeral rvices for Will C. Tich enor, Thursday aftern oon at the M Clure Funeral H ome. Mr. Tichenor, widel y known song w riter, poet and authorit on Shakespeare died at :15 a, m, at his home "Th ~ Spring : ' fI e was best known for his 'ng, DEPEND ON UR UCCE "Glorious Ohio." /

Custom Butchering GAIL GORDON


OFFICERS OF THE WAYNESVILLE LOCKER' PLANT, INC. Left to Ri ht ; Mrs. Paul T mlin on (Alict:' Gon), ecr~ tary ; Albert chnaitman, vi e-pr i ~h:nt; Harv. Burnet, pre id ent ; Charle Coo k, trea ur r.

Har\fe~ burg las t week from a visit with r elative in New Jersey. The Simp on reuni on, an Annual event , was held Saturday August 2, at th e country home of M r. and Mrs. Delaney Mr, and Mr. Ralph Bi g:s Carter. Mr. Sylvester Simpson Sr, o f Waynesville and their Mem I' of th , Board of of Chicago \Va . among relatives ~uests, Mr. and ,M!. Ralph Directors of the Waynesville attending. ' , Jr. and daughter visited Biggs Locker Plant, Inc. are Mrs. R. , Mrs. Charles Doster was Mr. and Mrs. Howard Collin, ~. Asbury, Hartley Moss, hostess to the Bible Class ' of Charles Michener, Paul T omlih- JDnahs .Run Church, Friday Tuesday. son, Mrs. Paul Tomlinson evening at the , Waynesville (Alice ' Gons), Albert Schnaitman, vic -presid<ent, Mrs. Paul swimming pool. Mrs. Clarence Price and by EFJl'ELDEB Tomlinson, secretary . and daughter-in-law, Mrs. Charles __ Charles CooK, treasurer, Do you like chlorine in your Much of the organz~tion and Price entertained with a linen ' planning of the ·locker corpora- . shower, Wednesday even in . drinking water? Is it necessary M'rs. . Glenn for it to be placed in the local tio'n ;and the subsequ'ent builct- complementing Frost, who rec' e rWy mov d t o water supply ? This' column has of the 'p lant can be ,attributed been informed by reliabl e to the untiring efforts of thi-" Wilmington. Mr, and Mrs, W. P. McCarren ' per on.~ that th,e present -.,chlogroup. Their policies 'set up reo garding the operation of the of Walhoundin g, are spending rine ' content of the local water .fe.w.: da ys at their home here. is Ro t Rec eSSRf , t hat the water plant will add much t o -t-h.g Th · Grange met 'in re'g ular . has been found free of any . popularity of this locker I e. , cause th first considerati on se iQn at th, Gran 'e Hall, contamination 'that requires .the large' amount of chlorine that above everything el e i g'iven Monday evening. ' The BC\i1d Mothers' presented is at pre ent I eing ued. Why to customer sati faction. Thi ' can be accompli hed by car ful a lawn f ete on the school should the public be competied handlirlg oJ product brought gro und, Saturday evening f or to drink doped water if it isn~t neces ary? Why can't some one .for proces in O' and full con 'id- th e benifit of the Band. Mrs. Emma Elli i reported or some ,group send in a sample eration ,of the impqrtan ce of to be jmproving at Probasco of water from th e w li s befor th e customer. Nur in g Hom e, WilminO'ton, the chlorine I used, t o the Mrs. Sadie Reason entertain- State · Board d f Health ancl '~ ed with a dinner ' at her home, det rmin e if this i true? Is it ....H-a,.veu~bara Tuesd ay ni ght in cO'mpliment pas ible that someone in the d d ' to Mr:s. A. S. Call' tt who lea ve departm nt is using thi - method Mr. and Mr , Fr d lprw od . X enia t'his Tuesday f or an ex- of w ater tr atment ju t to entertained with a diI1n r Wed- - Gursion our of Alaska. Guests "play safe" and lnot beca,use it n esday' evepiri ' at their hom, w ere , Mrs. ,Laura hidaker, Mr -, is really need ed? Is it p ssible ~ in ,compl ment t o a 'ro up of Clyd e L VI Y and. Mrs. Collett. thi i only a "holdover" order Mrs. Clyde Levlcy eM rtain- from the Id Board of Health, . fri.ends. Tho e in· attenctan e were ' Mr'. and Mrs. Th. Jl1RS ed a g.roup-:: of ·fri end ,to > that the pre ent ones ' in , CO.llett, , "Card " Thur day .ev ning, charo·e have made no investiga_ . 'Welch, Mr. ' A. Mr. ' a:nd M'rs. H. S. Tuck er and .. , daughter, Mi s Ev,ely'il Tuck r, , Prof. and Mrs. H. C, Milli gan. CONGRATULATIONs TO 'Mrs. ' Alice Urton left Friiay for Blanchester where he will be the hquse guest for a week , of her brothef and sister-in-Ia \v, M·r. and Mrs. Will Drake. Oi1 .sunday Mrs. Urton was honored with a birthday di'nner itt her I brothel'S home with a group of other frie'l1d and relatives attenqing. Mr: "Bernie" Jordan is still recuperating at the B'lair Bros. Hospital, Lebanon wher he' has been confined for ev eral : LOCKER 9WNERS: W e can furni h you' with s~lect meat months. · . in any quant~ty for storage in your lockers. .' The 'local W. S. C. S. were guests of the New BurIington Chapter of the W. S. C. S, Thursday. ' , A series of special s, rvices / are being conducted this week at the church of the 'open Bille, Mrs. Thoma Welch and her PHONE 2662 WAYNESVILLE, OHIO mother, Mr~ . Shearer of -Ft. Dodg'e, Iowa, "eturned to

:Board Of Directors Devote Much Time To ['ocker Building'

Fairly Familiar

... II ' ' . I '

,To The Waynesville Loeker 'Plant; Inc. THE









'The Waynesville National BankWAYNESVillE. OHIO ESTABLI HED 1875








.LACY'S Qualit y Market







" 9, The Miami Gaze tte Wayn esville, Ohio, N o. 4 28 Thur day, Au ust 7, 1 4 7




Decorativ, Gil.. Siraamlines MDdern ROlm

Cou,.t· neWd .

COMMON PLEAS Ck~herine A. Sloal~ and Robert K. Landis, executrix vs. J. L. Bachert, Everett Early made party defendent . . , ,Ola Morgan VS. Ott is Morgan, divor ce to plaintiff child to· plaint iff. ' Anna E. ~ugett VS. Crawford Fugett, divorc~ granted, children to plaintiff, alimoriy $15 per week. PROBATB E state of M. Corwin Drake de~eased, Carr!e Drake, exec~trbc Inventory heat:ing set for August 11 at 10 o'clock. ' . Estate of Lyle C. Milburn dec'd, Rich·a rd Milburn appointed executor. Es~ate of Joel Kirby, dec'd, BeSSie Lee Kirby appointed adminis tratrix, Es tate of Arch Coleman, dec'd, Mary Coleman, executrix inventory approved . . ES.tate of David L. Reichel, ~ec'd, Edward Reichel appointed executor. In the m~tter of the trust created by the will ' to Emil M. Runyan, dec'd, Charles J. Waggoner, trustee filed second acCount. E~tate of John W. Cox, dec'd, ~arl Brown, executor inventory approved. Estate of Julia A. Lain, dec'd, I. G. Lain, executor inventory approved. . !Jstate of Effie Rickher dec'd Louis Rickher, executo.r fUed ap~ plication for certificate of real estate; gross value of estate is $6,743.27.


. Estate 01 Hardy Bowman; dec'd, Jennie Bowman, 'administratrix " filed first, final and distributive account. Estate of Anna ·B. ' Roof, dec'd, Alvin Roof appointed executor. Estate of Lyle ' O. Milburn, dec'd, Richard Milburn executor inventory heL\ring se't · for August 15 at


Estate of Alva B. Walker, dee'd. Mabel Walker administratrix di~­ tribution , in kind. Estate -of E. V. Barnhart, dec'.d, Catherine Barnhart, executrix inventory hearing set for August 15 at 10; gross value of estate is $15,.44'6. 0.2..


Eitate of Maggie W. . Burnet, dec'd, gross value of estate is ~6,312.82.

NEW SUITS , ~.e~rl C~mpbell vs. Fred Campbell, divorce, gross neglect of duty, .C. Donald Dilatush. Betty Fl'ederick, a minor vs. Arlhul' F'rederlck,ta tnirtor, divorce, . extreinecruelty, . Donald Dilatush. .John Francis vs. A. T. Easton, for · equitable I'elief and' money amount claim,d $11,50.0. anq interest fro~ March 18, 1947, Wa~ter A~ Bender and ' C" W. Elliott. . W1il1iam F. DownelY vs. Dorothy Downey, divorc~, gross neglect 0'1 du~y. Meryl B. Gray.

cago is visitin ' hi iter, Dl". M'a:ry L. Cook, Mrs, Gorge MiIls wa a un. day dinner gue -t f Mr. and Mr . J. J. Burske. Mr: and Mrs. Ma nard Weltz saw th ball game in Cincinnati on Sunday. . . Day- . Miss Barbara Walker ton spent the week nd· at her home. . I . JiI110'ly Ewin g spent unda v with his parents in Oa t n, .



- We

HORSES . $ "", Accerdlnl to Siz. •
















For Insurance At A Savings See

Francis Gene BroVin . Waynesville Phone 2935 or Call Collect Wilmington 2111 G.... block. aroancl a fireplace sarmo1lDtecI b, a mirror adel Iparkle to larlre~ moderD. UvlDr rooms.


I THETHER you're plBnnina to VV build or remodel; you'U be

"As windows, doors, partitions or pa.rtlal screens they are practical as well al ornamental. They let in llght from ' outdoors, or another room but cannot be seen through readily. 'Oley are· easY to clean. ''Used a. a semipartition or in archways, glass blocks give a modem touch and reflect light.·'

interested IJ1 the new ways glass can bring be~uty into your home," say. Betty Swan in an article in Capper's ·F armer, a "leading farm magazine. "Glass blocks and decorative · flat glass, now so popular, may be uled to .treamline any room." abe deter, power shoveler, W!einel, Loveland.



REAL ESTATE TRANSFERS Elizabeth Alic~ Doad t.o Wilbur J. Dodd lot in' Mt. Holly. William Charles and Florence Lizzie Mellish to Bertha Franklin, lot in Snidercrest Subdivision. Marie Biggs to james and faul ine Saunders 0.95 acres in Hamilton twp . . Ruth Saylor to Eugene ' and Nettie Carter 6 .a cres in Clearcreek twp. Wyilliam and Mary Vir~inia Ehrgott to Eugene' and Nettie Cartel"" acres in Clearcreek twp. Florence Clark Brown to' Dwight and Thelma Keller 0.44 ' acres in Lebanon. tialph and Vera Sulliva~ to Pres ton Spencer, lot ·in South Lebanon. Joel Kirby to Bessie Lee Kirby 1 acre in lea-rcreek twp. Laura. Smith Leever to Lucy Gorsuch, lot in Mason. Joel and Margaret Den Leitch to Frank Sams, lot in Turtlecreek twp. Clayton and Carey Clark ,to William Johnson, 2 lots in Butlerville. G~orge Washington and Mary Velma Gleason to David and Betty . Armacost, lot in Lebanon. . Lenal:d and-HaI I iet Lamb to Edwin Sheldon Frye, 0.38 acres in Hamilton twp. . Mary Flore~ to Wade and :·Pairlee Owens l 4 lots in Franklin .. Mattie and William Creighton to Ernest and ' Jennie Lacy, 2.25 a~res in Wlayne tWl>. . George and Mildred Williams to Alvin and Earla Mae Sams, 0.08 acres. in Turtlecreek twp. Harriet Waite to Elze and Abbie Tope: . 0.50. aer eS in Hamilton twp. . George hnes- to Ralph Jones, 65.25 acres in Harlan twp.

MAR1UAGlI LICENSES John Williams, Jr., 22, Kings Mills, metal .polisher, Jennette 'Shupe, 18, Loveland. . Carrqll F. McCarren, 31, . Waynesville, farmer, Betty L. Rich, 25, Oregonia. . . Ri,~ hard Chenault, 21, Franklin, farmer,' Phyllis .Jean Woodward, . 17, Springboro, stenographer. Farris Gentry, 23, Franklin, railroad worker; Ada Lou Coldiron, 25, F l'snklin, paper worker. Arthur K.irksey, 25, Lebanon, laborer, Mary Francis For~, 21, Lebanon. . Murrel R. Bishop, 26, Frankl(n, inspector, Betty Rogers, 20., Franklin, inspector. . 'Robert Lucas, 26, Miamisburg, frigidaire worker, Ellzab£'th M. Pauley, 26, Waynesville• • Jack C. Ross, I 29, Oregonia, In.mector, Yvonne Ellis, 21, Lebanon, sec}·('tary. Bpnjam'lI Albert Hill, 32, Fos-


TRUCKING TO CIN<;:INNATI on Tuesdays & Fridays Will pick-up stock at your farm



Charles·· Doster


Edward DaVis to Ervin and Alice Thomas, 0..20 ' acres in ~banon. Robert Gutermuth to Viola Gutermuth, lot in Mason. Ha.r vey Bowen to iIownd and Ruby Clemons, 6 lots in Loveland Park. Fred Slezak to James and Mary Jane Musen, lot in FTanklin twp. Lewis Clayton Prey to Glaspy Leeds, 4 lots in Loveland Park. William and Ruby Culbertson to Jonathan and Bertha May White, ·5 acres in Franklin twp• Allen lluffman to :Frances and Harold Sortor, lot in Lebanon. Grace Veidt to Harold Morton, 40.50. acres in Harlan twp.

Mr. and Mrs. Paul Maurice sa w th e streamline train in Day: ton, Sunday afternoon., Miss C or a Shepherd attend. ed the funeral of a relative at Blanchester, Thursday . . Mr an d Mrs, Harold Fil er of n ear ·Alph a visited Mr . . and· Mr . T. C. Runyo n,' S':!nday.

Mr.' G, Haro1..ct---Cook of Chi- '


Di•• 2834


Rubber RollsFor All St_adard' Pickers Husk com and it keep , yo~




cl~ Will, NOW, wha~ yOu caD get them.

and Hay \Elev~tors

BUY NOW. Don't wt;lit till/all. It mal' be too '.te.

• • .au IL DIN GS





10 the Ohio fum.. will 'give you broad protection agaiqs.t losses oa yOur lum. It CDftft your buildiop, YOW' chattels, your autOmobile and JOUr UabWty for accidents to others. Why Dot see us today? YOIl _ _ JOU'n aaf. wbeo JOU're ' insured in the ,O,hio Parmenl'

Karl D•.Dakin



Agency . '.

PhO~~ -~~3!_ ~~~. 'Mulbe~i, ' L&BAN'ON,





8 A da hin g- r .ug-h and ' 9 tumble am f 111 0 iern adventui'e il1 the wi lds of \ Ve tern oi l ff ld . L act j i ow n with action an 1 l a l1 .~ h .g-alorc.

BOOM TOWN Clark Gable, Hed)' Lamarr, Spencer Tracy, Claudette Colbert: with Frank Morgan anq Lionel Atwill. ta rring

10 Mu kal m ad n ~s t o 11 . mak OU beam with d li,g-h.t, Let yo ur elf glow t this happy .' . · fun how.



with Eddie .Albert, Ed~ · wards, Constance M~~e, Gil Lamb and Bill GoodwlD. Also : ~cw and C lor Cartoon.

13 The Ii capitali t 14 tllr \v· away hi .pill t h Ip · the apple of hi 'Y ' fall in I ve with a lad fr m the wrong ide of the track . .

THAT WAY WITH WOMEN \vith Dane Clark, Sidney .Greenstreet, Martha VickerS, Alan Hale. Ab'l : Ct)lor Cartoon and Pete ~mi th


• "It' b



Borden'5 H~...ogenized

Vitam~n , D!'"

The cream's th~re, all right • . • lot·s of fresh~ rich . cream . '. . but it .doesn't rise to th'e top. Instead, it.' remains eve,nly distributed thr.oughout all of the. milk, . so th~t the last serving is just as rich and tasty as the first I' Try Borden's Homogenized Vitamin 0 mill< for better toste', better nvtrition I

.710nlells . I FIT 5 B 0 RDEN 5 --



rOB EGO 0 [) , .

Dayton Phone HE1275 :.- Local PhOne 2 552


Page 2 'I;he Mi ami Gazette ornplimentinlJ" Mr. A. , ~. tion int the matter? I f thi W ayn sville, Ohi , N . 4138 water supply i pur en ugh to Cotlett. Two tabl e w re in ~ lay Thur jay, Au o'ust '7, 1 47 l e used with ut chi rine, til n ' during the even in,r . Ollr why should we p Ilut , Ann uncement i heing rna L I'M r·. Nellie Bun ~ I!, th'e v tem with an ul1ne ~ ar, ,of the hirth f Kath W 'L1la ~ nJ V1l1 g' 'l ,-~..... r. and Mrs~ B Ii alia e c-hemical? L t find 11 t 'i f th i - p tmi 'tre, i ~ 'va ati nand i ht eei n ~ triJ is a truth, and if it i , " I·t f C ' h cton. ~ Ij~r m ther i ' throu,t;h th uth with h r n rdingly, the former Mi Ev I n M- a an ' daughter jnJ a ',:, M r. an:l Carreno The baby ' wa vi it i ' Mr . Ge I' -e Bufwell an .. ! hilLi_ recently by h er m aterna l ~ 'JXPElWRITER RIiB,!,!Tent-g'J'an im ther, Mrs, Laura bona DOW in stock, The Gazette. r n of Cinci nnati. , Shidaker of Harvev burg;. Th e Annual C 1Il1munit 'Pi nic was held unda Augi.d , at Jacob Park. ev ral residents of the 'h urf " \\ er in , , attendance. O n an after pt. I, 1947 w - will be rea'd y 't han Ie Ul' Mis Ann William<;, un g , cu t m butch ring- at lIr m iern plant in HarYey I lIT . Wi\'[ dau ' hter of , M r, and Mrs. call for tock and dliv r t 1 eker plant when fini hell. Richard William of near Wil:. mington is th hou e g:lIest , f VISITORS WELCOME! her o'randpar nts, Mr. ani Mr ',' H, S. Tucker. Mi s Phylli hidaker f Centerville spent sev ral day last we k vi iting friend an i • OFFICER OF THE WAYNE VI~LE LOCKER PLANT, INC HARVEYSBURG, OHIO relative in the ' bUT '.' PHONE 2804 ~eft to Ri 'ht: Mrs. Paul T omlins' n (Alic Gon), ecretary; A group of many frien sand Albert chnai'tman, vi -pI' id t:n t ;. Harv y Burnet, pre ident ;1 relative attend d funeral ervices for Will C, Tic11 n r, Charle Co k, trea ur r. Thur~day aftern on at the Ml.Clure F.un-eral Home. ,Mr. TichHa~y e burg la t we,ek from a en r, widely known on visit with relatives in New writer, poet and authority on ' , J ersey. Shakespeare died at 3: 15 a. m. , The Simp on reunion, an at his home "Th e Spring ." ,HI! Annual ev,ent wa held Satur - ' was best known for his ong, OUR UCCE DEPEND ON day' Au O"ust 2, at th e country "Glorious Ohio." home of Mr. and Mrs. Delan ey Mr. and Mr. Ralph Bi ~s THE FALL BU INE Carter. Mr. Sylvester Simpson Sr. of Way,nesville and their , Memo rs , of th e Board of f Chicago wa among relative guests, Mr, and Mrs. Ralph Directo(s f the Waynesville attending. Biggs Jr. and cf.alughter visited Locker Plant, Inc. are Mrs. R. Mrs, Charles Doster was Mr. and Mrs~ Ho\ovard Collin, WE CONGRATULATE YOU , E, Asbury, Hartley Moss, hostess to the Bible Class of ,Charles Mich.ener, Paul T.omlin- Jonahs Run Church, Friday Tuesday. YOUR FINE PART AND WI H son, Mrs, Paul Tomlinson evening at .the Waynesville (Alice ,Gons), Alber.t Schn'ait- swimming po'o\. FOR YOUR CONTINUED UCCE man, vice-president, · Mrs. Paul and, Mrs. Clarence Price b,.. EFl'BLDEE and . Tomlinson, . secretary daughter-in-law, Mrs. Charles THROUGHOUT THE YEAR Charles , Cook, treasurer. Do you 'like chlorine in yOl,lr Mt.jch of the organzaf~on and Price entertained with a linen , shower, . Wednesday eyenirtg drinking water? Is it necessary planning of the locker corporaGlenn for it to be placed in ' the local complementing ,Mr. ti~n ,and the subsequent build:, Frost" who recently moved t o water supply? This column has , of tlle plant can ' be attributed Wilmington. ' , been informed by reliable to the untiring efforts of thL Mr. and Mrs .. W. P. McCarren pet on that the present thlogroup" Their policies set up regarding the opera1ion ' of the of Walhounding, are spendin<r rine content of the local water plant will add ,much to , the a few days at their homa here. is not necessary, that the water Th e Grange met in regular has been found ' free of any popularity of thi locker be- . WAYNESVIU.E, OHIO ca'use til. first consideration session at the Gran e Hall, contamination that requires the larg'e amount, of chlorine' that above everything elsei give,n Monday 'evening. ESTABLI HED 1875 to customer satisfaction. This , The Band Mothers presented is at present bein r used. Why , a lawn fete on th e school should th. e public be ,compelled , ' ~an be accomplished ·by <!:areful h~ndlirl~ of products rought grounds, Saturday ev~ nin (y f or to drink ·doped water if it isn't necessary? Why can't some one for processin and full con id- th benifit of the Band. Mrs. Emma E.lJis i report,ed or some roup send in a ample eration of the . importan ce f to be improving at Probasco of water from th e w 'Ils befor , th e cusfomer. Nursin o' Home, Wilmirtgton. , the chlorine Is used" to the Mrs. Sadie Reason entertain- State Board ' of HeaHh and !', : " / " / ' ed with a dinner at h r ,home, determine if this is true? Is it THE BOAIRD OF .p1f~ECTORS fi , ~ Tuesday night in ' cO'mpliment possibl that sOJ\l1eune in the " to Mrs. A. S. ColJ.ett who leave. , department is using this 'method Mr. and Mrs. Fr d Sh r w od X enia this Tuesday for an ex- of wa ter tr atment just to OF THE ~nterlained ~r ith a ~nner ~ed--, ~CMu~t~~~o~n~to~lwtl~of~AHl~asrik~a~.~~~ , mue~s~ts~4'~'p~ta~y~s~afhe~"~al~ld~~~~o~t~b~e~c~au=s~e~lt nesday eveniri at their hom, wer:e Mrs. ,Laura hidaker, Mr -, ' i really ne ded? Is it possibl ~ in complement to a gro up of ,Clyde L vi'cy an Mrs. ' CoIl tt. fhi i only a "h oldoyer" order , - Mrs. Clyde Levicy entertain- frolll th,e old ' Board of Health, friends. Tho e in attendance WAYNESVILLE LOCKER PLANT, INC roup of friend t o that the pre Cl} t ones , 111 were Mr'. and ' M~·s . T11 ma s ed a , Welch, Mr. A. . Collett, "Cards' Thu,r day evening, charge have made no investiga. , , , Mr. and Mrs. H ~ S. Tuck rand Wt'SH TO TAKE '[HI daughter, 'M,iss Ev-el yn Tuck r. Prof. and Mrs. H. C. Milli o'an. CONGRATULATIONS TO " Mrs. A,lice Urton ,left Fri 1ay ." OPPORTUNITY .OF SA YING for Blanch ester where he will be the house gu~st for a week . .of her brother and sister-in-law, 'Mr. and Mrs. ',Will Drake. On T HAN K Sunday Mrs. Urton wa honored , with a , birthday dinner at her I . ,b roth,ers home with a 'group of , TO THE PEOPLE OF THE other friend and relatives at, : tending. .', , , Mr, "Bernie'~ Jordan is still COMMUNITY FOR THEIR recuperating at the Blair Bros. Hospital, Lebanon where " he has been confin d for everal L~CKER OWNERS: We can fun1ish you with select meat months. . FINE SUPPORT IN TH~ in ,any quant~ty for storage in your lockers. The local W. S. C. S. wer e , guests of the New Burlington Chapter of the W. S. C. S. , • , CONSTRUCTION OF THIS ' Thursday. , A series of ' special sen.~ices are being conducted this , ek ,LOCKER PLANT ~t the church of lhe open Bible. Mrs, Thoma \~elch and her PHONE 2662 WAYNESVILLE, OHIO mother, Mrs. Shearer of Ft. Dodgel Iowa, returned t

Custom Butchering .



Board 'Of'Directors · Devote ' Much Time To Locker .Building

To The Wayne$ville Locker Plant, ,Inc.



Fairly Familiar

The Waynesville National Bank I







LACY'S Qualit y Market "



Page 9, The Miami Gazette .Wayn-esville, Ohio, N . 43_8 Thur day, Au gust 7, 1· 47


COMMON PLEAS J Catherine A. Sloar:.. and ; Robert , K. Landis, executrix vs. J. L. "Bachert, Everett Early made party defendent. , . Ola MOTga~ vs. Ottis Morgan, dlvorce to plaintiff child to plaintiff. ' Anna E. Fugett vs. Crawford Fugett, divorce granted, children to ' plaintiff, alimony $15 per week. • PROBATB Estate of M. Corwin Drake de~eased, Cal'Tie Drake, exec~trix. mv~ntory hearing . set for August 11 at 10 o'clock. ' E ta te of Lyle ' C. Milburn dec'd, ' Richard Milburn appointed executor. Es~ate of Joel Kirby, dec'd, BeSSIe Lee Kirby appointed administratrix., Es tate of Arch Coieman, de~'d, Mary Coleman, executrix inventory approved. . ES.tate of David L. 'Reichel, dec'd, Edward Reichel appointed executor. In . the matter of the trust created by the will to Emil M. Runyan, dec'd, Charles J. Waggoner, trustee. filed second account. Estate of John W. Cox, dec'd, ' Karl Brown, executor inventory approved. . Estate of Julia A. Lain, dec'd, I. G. Lain, executor inventory approved. !Jstate of Eflie Rickher dec'd ~uis. Rickher, executor fiied ap: ' phcatlon for certificate of real estate; gross value of estate is




Oeco,alive GlalS Strealnlines, Modern Ro.m

cago i visitin o' hi iter, Dr . '-Mary L. Cook. Mrs. G b rge Mill wa a un,,: day dinner. gue t ' f Mr. and Mr . J. J. Bur ke. Mr. and Mr . Ma O'trd W eltz saw ~he ball game in Cincinnati on Sund ay. . Miss Barbara W alker Oa yton spent th~ week end at her home. Jimmy Ewin ' pent unday with his parents in D~y t n. .


DEAD STOCK ' We pay' 'for COWS 'HORS~$7. Accordlnll to ,SI.. •








2362 Reverse Ch.rle.


DON'T FORGET For Insurance At A Savings See

Francis Gene Brown



Waynesville Phone 2935 or C~u Collect Wilmington 2111

G", block. around a ftreplace IIIII'm~UDtecI by a mirror add ..arkle to large, modern U~C rooms. THETHER you're plannina to elares. "As windows, doors, partitions or "V build or remodel, you'll be Interested in the new ways glass partial screens they are practical can bring beauty into your home." as well al ornamental. They let in say. Betty Swan in an article in llght from outdoors, or another Capper's Fanner. a leading farm xoom but cannot be seen through readily. Tbey are ea's y to clean. magazine. "Used a semipartition or in "Glass blocks 'a nd decorative flat class, now so popular, may be u.ed archways, glass blocks ' give a modto .treamline any room," .he de- ern touch and refl~ct light." ,

Charles Doster








~einel, Loveland.



Di'a l 28'3 4

HARVEYS8URG, OHIO --~----""'.,

E. . Edward !)avis to Ervin and' Alice

Rubber 'Rolls For All Standard Pickers

Thomas, 0.20 acres in Lebanon. Robert Gutermuth to Viola Husk your corn clean and it wiD keep , , ' Gutermuth, lot in Mason. REAL ESTATE TRANSFERS ORDER NOW, w-hile you can .get them~ Harvey Bowen to Howard and Elizabeth Alice Doad to Wilbur , Ruby Clemons, 6 lots in Loveland ' J. Dodd lot in . Mt. Holly. William Charles and Florence Park. Fred Slezak, to James and Mary Lizzie Mellish to Bertha Franklin, Jane Musen, ' lot in Franklin twp. lot in Snidercrest Subdivision. Lewis Clayton Prey to Glaspy BUY NOW. Don't wait tilllall. It may be' too I.te. , Marie Biggs to James and 'Paul Leeds, 4 lots in Loveland Park. $6,743.27. . . .. I ine Saunders 0.95 acres in Hamil. William and Ruby Culbertson to Estate of, Hardy Bowman; dec'd, ~_IJ. "'~~~~~ "O'-"..-.c~~..-.c~ . ton twp. . Jonathan and Bertha May White, Jennie Bowman, administratrix Ruth Saylor to Eugene and filed first" final and distributive Net.t ie Carter 6 acres in Clearcreek 5 acres in Franklin twp. Allen Huffman to Frances and account. . . twp. Harold Sortor, lot in Lebanon. Estate of Anna B. Roof, dec'd, Wfilli~m and Mary Vir8inia Grace Veidt to Harold Morton, Alvin Roof apPOinted executor. Ehrgott to Eugene' and N:ettie Car40.50 acres in Harlan twp. Estate ot Lyle C. Milburn, dec'd, ter 4 acres in Clearcreek twp. Richard Milburn executor inven- · Florence Clark Brown to Dwight tory hear~ng set for August 15 at Mr. arid Mr. ' Paul Maurice BUILDINGS eN'A nnS AUTOMOBILES LIABILITY and Thelma K~ner ().44 acres in ~--~--~~~~-----f .--~-=~~ 10. train in Daysaw the streamline Lebanon. . . of- Alva\;: B.~ker, dec'd, "~.WAY FARM, ton, S~nday afternoon .. ~alph and Vera Sullivan to Pres Mabel Walker administratrix. dis- ton Spencer, lot in South Lebanon • . in abe Ohio P_en will gift )'OU broad protection againatlosses tribution in . kind~ OQ your fani:a. It conn your bui1~p, your chattels, )'Our autom~bil~ Joel Kirby to Bessie Lee Kirby Miss Cora hepherd attendEstate of E. V. Barnhart, dec"d, aa4 JOUl' liability for accidents to ' others. Why norse w today? ' 1 acre in learcreek twp. ed the funeral of a relative at Catherine Barnhart, executrix .in~ You _ _ p're ~ wbeo you're insured ia the Ohio Parment Laura Smit~ever to' Lucy Blanchester, Tbursday. ventory. heating set for August U at 10;' gross va.l ue of estate is '15,. Gorsuch, lot in Mason. Joel and Marga·r et Dell Leitch to Mr and Mrs. Haroli Filer of 446.02; 'f. . Frank 'S ams, lot in Turtlecreek near Alpha visited Mr. and Mr . E~tate rof Maggie W. Burnet, · dec'd, 'g ross ' v~lue of estate is $6;:' twp. T. C. Runyon,'·'Sunday. CJayton and Carey Clark to PhO~~ ~53! 2?,. E. Mulber~, LEB.A NrON, O. ,312.82. NEW SUITS William Johnson, 2 lots in 'B utlerMr. G.', Harold Co ok of 'Chi- . COMPANY . Pearl Campbell vs. Fred. Camp- vIll~. . • . . .." OHIO .AIMIU INDIMHIIY ~ _ ~~ bell, di\"ol'ce, gross neglect of duty, Geol'ge Washington and Mary C. Donald Dilatush. Velma Gleason to David and Betty Bet~y Frederick,. a minor vs. Armacost, lot in LE:banon. Arthu Erederick., a ..JlljJlor, divorceL- .Lenard and Harriet Lamb to E?extreme cruelty, . ·mmala!TII8tush. 'Win .~;'eld~n Frye, ~. acres 10 John Francis vs,' A. T. Easton, Haml . on t~. . for equitable relief and money '. ~a.ry Florea to .Wade an~ Parrs,mount CIaiJll,Qd $11,500 and inter- . lee Ow~ns' ..4 10.~s .ID Fran:klm. est from March 18, 1947, Walter A. Mathe and Wllha.m Creighton to Bender and c: W. Eliiott. ' Ernes~ and Je~me Lacy, 2.25 . wtilliam F. Downey vs. 'Dorothy acres In Wlaytle . wp_. .. 8 A (fa hinK rough and 9 Downey, divorce; gross .neglect of ~.eorge, and Mtldred Wllhams to tumble am f m cle m advenduty. M.eryl B. Gray. Alv ID •and Earla · Mae Sams, 0.08 ture .in fhe \\dld of W tern oil .:......,...--'-_ _~_'_ acres, In Turtleereek twp. '. fie·ld_. L aded down \vith action MARRIAGE LICENSES Harriet Waite to Elze and Abbie :lI1d laugh J!:al r ' ,. BOOM TOWN John Williams, .Jr., . 22, Kings . Tope, 0.50 acres in ··Hamilto~· twp. George Jones to Ralph Jones, tarring Clark Gable, Hedy . Mms, metal polis,h er, Jennette 65.25 acres in H-arlan twp. Lam· a rr, Spencer Tracy, Claud. Shupe, 18, Loveland. ette Colbert with Frank Morgan Carro'll F. McCarren, 31, a nd Lionel Atwill. Waynesville, farmer, Betty L. LIVESTOCK Rich, 25, Oregonia. 10 Mu ical madn s t o ' 11 b . Richa:rd Chenau.l t, 21, Franklin, make yo u beam with d ·Ii,ght. farmer, 'Phyllis Jean Woodward, Let ourself ?;I ow to this happ y 17, SpritlgbQro, stenographer. fun how. " . Farris . Gentry, 23, Franklin, HIT PARADE OF 1947 TO CINCINNATI ' railroad worker,' Ada Lou Coldiron, with Eddie Albert. Joan EdThe cream's, all right . . . ' lots of .f~esh, rich on 25, Franklin, paper worker. wards, Constance Moore, Gil cream . . • but it 'doesn't rise to the top. Instead, it' Arthur 'K irksey, 25, Lebanon, Lamb and Bill Goodwin. Tuesdays & Fridays . remains evenly distributed throughout all of th.e milk, Also : N ~ w and C l or Cart labor~r, Mary Francis Ford, 21, Lebanon. so th9t the last serving is iust as rich and tasty as 13 The , Ict capitali t MurreI R. Bishop, 26 Franklin, Will pick-up stock at _the first I, Try Borden's Homogenized Vitamin 0 milk thr '" a\Va ' hi pill t hdp ' inspector, ·Betty Rogers, 20,"F ra: nk• your farm ' for beHer tast,e , ' better nutrition I the apple f hi ve fall in love . , lin, in.s pector. with a lad, from . the wro'ng,- ide Robert Lucas, 26, Miami'Sburg, of the track . , frigidaire worker, Elizabeth M. THAT WAY WITH' WOMEN Pauley, 26, Waynesville. 'with Dane Clark. Sidney PHONE 2955 Jack C. Ross,' .28, Oregonia, Greensb1eet, Martha Vickers, ," I FIT S P, 0 ROE'" S -- IT 5 GOT rO B EGO 0 0 ! . inspector, Yvonne Ellis, 21, Leb· Alan Hale. AI :() : Cu i r Cartoon WAYNESVILLE, OHIO a-Aon, secretary. and Pete . mith pcciaIty. Dayton Phone· HE1275 ~ Local Phone 2';52 Benjamin Albert Hill, 32, Fos· I

Grain .and' Hay' Elevators



• • iI


,Karl D.,Dakin Insurance .Agency





• "It's B.rden's Homogenized Vitami,n D!"





All Games Played During Past Week Tbe we k;r ftball pia in the \-\layne Athl ti A cmUn . tartin g \vi tl'\. We~n ja. eve nmg Jul 30 ~'hO\\ ed P rs Inn and Har.v y burg m atch d ·and a 7 t 4 ore re L,llted \\ ith Th Tav rn Bo n the to sid. ' Th ur jay ev ning, July 31 ' brouo'ht Fai rl sand Ft;r 'u o.n on the diam nd and Fairley chalk ed up 5 t the -I rattor M n's 3. Thur jay ev ning Was double-head "r ni o·ht. Th e se cond g~me b tween Miller and Peer 'av th l att r a 14 sco re to 5 for th R tauranter. Monday night, Au ust 4, Peers ~nn scoreq 7 ag~il1 t , th eir o.pponnt, H x a ll11.l , 4.


The 4.H Club will m t Monday, Augu -t 1 I at _:0 p. m. at th hom of Mrs. Ray Klontz. All Jl1 ml'er : ar reqLie te j to be pre nt.


J. C. His-e , our vet r ail mail arrier'l at 0 W ar ,et ran, i onfin d at th \ eteran Ho pital, Da. ton, for 1.; ' rvati n and treatment. ,·Every n'~ hopes for his pe dy recovery. ETAOIN

The coming Sunday night game in which the All Stars will meet Sabina promises to ,be one of U1e best games of the s~ason since Sabina , is r'ated : as tops in the so.ftball fieid 'i n this, area.




706 687

. 12 11

Peers Roxanna Fairley Ferguson Harvey burg ·M illers


5 6 7

12 3 ,16 2


647 63,2 158 '125

FUTURE ALL ' STAR GAMES Aug. 8: Miami burg Allg. 10: Sabina Aug. 15: D~tbn Steel Fdry. Aug. 17': M' Color, d , Aug. 22: Wri lt Field Aug. 24: Lees ur£, Aug. 29; Mictdl to\Vn Bravarian Mrs. H: ,J. ' Eb rt and little Carol ,a.nd ,Mr_. \\T. A. Callahan ana children, harem ',and Pat,rick of M t. W'ashington .cincinnati :p nt Thllr day with Mrs: Callah an' ' ' par nt, Mr. and Mr . i. C. Runyon at Mt. ' Ho'11y. , '



t:. · ~~~,......


Mr.. at Mrs. K. L. Elzev and daughter, Marji ri e o f D'lYton, sp nt aturday aftern 111 \ ith' Mr. and Mr . \ tVa lkr Elz .

Miami Chapt r 107 . E. . will jmeet in r gul ar e. i'on n Mrs. Grace Schuler, MI' . H. Monday evening AU'Ll t 1 1, Burt n, Mr. Arthur Atki n 0 1 1947. A "White Elephant" . ale , and, Mrs. Loui -e :on 0' r p nt \ ill be held durin g th ' ev,enin ". Thursday in D n. ton . Mr. and Mr. \Villi am Mrs. N wman \ welt Strouse, accompani ed by Mr: and h 0 chillI" n ar the ue' tand Mrs. ,p'aul Savage of Dayf Mrs, 0 \\ 11'_ aunt, Dr. Marv ton, are having ' a pi a ant L. 0 k. . vacation in Minne. ota.


t ~~~ • ...-..~ 4 ~~.--.. ).-..

i.Blacktop · Driveways I






Resurfacing and Driveway Recoating






O!!-A!!- L!!!l!~! 221-L I



t .

The "Old Men "game Sun, Mr. Robert Th oma suffere j day ev'eI1ing had a good attendance. Th Wayne ville team a severe heart aUa k while at un~ r th management of.P rry work on Friday and wa t aken Cltne cha1ked uP. 15 tallies to , t o the Veterans H pital, where ' the Lytle contlllgent under , he is convalescing , . , , ' Ward . Pummill, 1 2 . Since this was losers treat the "boys" -Miss Ruth Bunce of Bridgegathered at The Idle Hour ton, N. J. is ~pendin g her restaurant after the game and I vacation with her dad, Mr. Todd enjoyed cold drink, ' and ice. Bunce and other relatives in and cream. The highlight of the near Waynesville. treet was a fine Angle Food Cake baked and donated to th e Mr. and Mrs. Kent Ary atwinners by Amy Bailey. The tended a birthday dinner at the "boys" a~~ agreed it was good ,home of Mr.. and Mrs. Oscar and extend their thanks, to Mrs. VanMatta of Blanche ter, last Bail ey. Sunday. . '


Mr. and Mrs. FF'ed Gt'aull1an Jimmy Ewing fell o n tI c Th Miami Gazette Page to enterta ined to dil1iner unday, bleachers at the ball o'ame Fri- Wayn esviIl', Ohio, No. 4328 M r '. J:lm e ~ Burre , Mrs. Mary da. ni 'lit and hurt hi chin'U1 i Thur "day, August 7,- 194 7 Wright an t daught r, Jud y f · lip., .Tro . R. B. Peter ~ , Ray and' D n T omm hOl1~ WI' kc j his M a,in oll att net d a reuni n of :u one day la t w r lative at Hamilt n, un iay. Mr. and Mrs. Virgil Beisner .... .....,. and f amil y f Greenville \\! re Sunday guests of C rwin r, Mr . Bei 'ner ' i M r. Ar. ni

Earnest Martin and wife of Dayton were callers on Mr. and Mrs. Fred Hook, Sunday.

' Mi Judith hufer Le t an n was the g ue t f h r ra n L par nt ~ , Mr. and M r, , Bill chuler. Mr. and Mrs. Perry Benton and Terry were the Sunda. guests of Mr. and Mr . Delb rt Conger. Mr. and Mrs. Girdon Bacon and Mrs. A. H. Stubbs made a business trip to Columbu Friday. .

E tab1i'shed in 1 92, FOR FIFTY-FI E YEAR



ARROW (In the ' Cent~) OF. MY- H~I\T lLl.EAR . There's an arrow in the center of my h a~t, dear. , And the Cupid, that put .it there" brqke it's aO'\iV. , ' 'Cause it knew it could never put ~nother: ; Right in that spot,. right where that Arrow had to goCHORUs.:, w', 'C's~11'tI'm ;;O;-; y 1= tx ot;-ke:;"n ;;-_ ---:C------;-----'-;----:--~ Tha t -Arro:'ii' has m heart all but broke.~n~ . _ _ , And the heart, thaCput -it there. Kn:ows still, it can declare. It can neyer put another-, in the heart it can' t repair 'Cause there's an ar~ow, in the cent r , of my heart dear. 01 Dear! You crncked th e center, did yo u hear O! Dear! It's yo ur life time, acting mother. And Dear, you can never, place another, Arrow in the center of my heart, - dear. , Copyrighter 1947 by. Stanford Bogen, MorroW', Ohio . Peerl ssly beautiful are th e 50 n ' ly ric by this deaf genills. tanf tc ' B', g,en f Morrow, Ohio, co mm nt "~-ga ·-Y.elvet Ver- - . plank of New York Cit " Demand them of your music dealer. o mand this 0 'also.




McClure Fuueral Home TELEPHONE 2 t 11

Mr• . and Mrs.. Charles Elli were Sunday callers at Chautauqua, . Franklin Sunday evening. Milo Beal and family spent Wednesday in Cincinnati.





1:TS ' THI











E tabli hed N


, d ~lUghter,

AT THE "Friendly Store"




Dilattish , Building .-

Broadway -

Lebanon, ' Ohio


O'M ,E , FU :R NISHINGS! :,: ~'Ha:rd~To~G~t" Items 9 :& ' 12 WOOL RUGS 9 x 12 F·ELT BASE RUGS CURTAINS -


LAMPS (Floor and Table)

~, 9-12 each, morning ; 1-5 ' aftemoons ' e~cept Wednesday ,

. f.

' "



Saturday ~vening Other . evenings by A,P Pointment , TELEPHONE 62-R

Dr. C~ "E. Wilkin Optometric Eye Specialist 26




XENIA~ OHIO •••••••••••••••••••••••

,e Bef!;t

,In' the field"




Maximum ylel"':-both quantity and , qualitY-wise-is what mak~ succes.... . ful farmers. It is significant to note that during the past 20 years more and more of these successfUl fanners are , using BIG M Brand Fertilizers. "Best. in 'the field" is ,our ,way of saying that you can't use . a finer fertilizer fa, all field crops than freeBowing BIG M-always manufactured up ,to standards. never dowtl to price. Best buy BlP MI Order now lrom your, dealer lor '.11,

(F~lIy Spr'i ng Filled)

STOVES "Complete HOme Fl:lmishers" The Miami P'ert:nber Company" en lnde-

=~::: ~-.:: ~~~!: operation ql itt owner..



Th~ Miami Fertiliser Company ~'::~R~~ND:'''r':~N, c:::.c:,

HOME FURNITURE ' XENIA ' Phone 00 912R (. • OHIO "East Main Street et Whiteman'"

Page 7, The Miiami Gazette sville, Ohil , No. 4 _8 Thur ay, AuO"ust 7, 1 ( 47

W~y n

:br'JJeJge A FARM DIARY by D. J. Fraizer


Au uti; 1947. 8lackherri . are here-and 0 are hio' 'cr . I g tome', f b th day h for yest rday. I nev r aw the berries thick r n r th chi 'ger more plentiful. I wa awa y 'last summer during the hi Tg r . season and I had alma t f rgott n about th rn a'n j I didn t ' ' chang-e all my cloth a' soon as I got home, ' 0 I have suffered. Do any f th e n w in e t r "p !lunt that hav c In on the market in e' the \\ ar a any goo j ? Th e boy br ught me some berries almo t hvic the ize of the other on our place. I have hea rd of p opl that have pla.ntc!d improyed varieties in their erry patch s with good success but th e had ,planted them elves. We u ed to have quite a lot of dew berrie hut they are all go ne but one little patch. They ar a littl e earlie r the ord inary blackberrie . Now that sugar is a vailable it 'is a good time to armou r your?elf with ove ralls, a hirt with the sleeves rolled down, some leather gloves with th~, finge r tips oft, a bottle of chi ge r lotion and replenish that . jelly supply'No one has needed to go el ewhere for cool breezes this year. We had two or. three days f c rn weather. but thi mornin g felt like frost again. I like it but it isnt so go a ('t, for our poor corn. However if is rowin and some of it looks g ad hut many fields are spotty and \Va hed. Here hoping for ' a warm eptembe'f and-Dcto-her.

T'hi i the picni' ea~ 11. The Ap o int ~d to the h uSing . Grange whi h wa t - c mmittee were Mr. Hatti e cond ha been RL!ny n f Gut'ler County. Mr . ha ve been th p stp ned be au 'e f the· .Farm- / He n.r. p ar f Clinton t lint er" Pi ' ni at the Fair err und·. and Mr. ·Pauline Gal , n I f unt, . n da w uld Warren Tw pI nl ' hav len t 0 mu h {r th Mu i wa - fu,rni -h j t Mr. wh want d to g t Ii th"lut Gc n ' I' an Mr. Margaret the Home E n mi (m Lackens ' of Franklin durin g tli mitt e m t \\'ith Mr . La \vr n dinner hour. Furnas t ~ t a new dat and Dr. Emma H llaw ay' of plan for the ' upper whi "h i t Wa n svi ll had the aftei'!1 on be rv d afet ria ty,l a it meeting dev ti on in th ::lining wa let t ar. Pe I ' av it ' Hall and mll ic was furni hed doe nt 'cost any m r to 'hu \' . by D rothy arid ally P mer y 'th ir su~)per . tlian t I ring of Mi idlet. v. n. . ba ket an j a mall am unl wa. Dr. Moret n F. cruhey bf \ c1 at' d for the h lar hi~ fund. Dayto n aaqres d tll metingTh yare trying t k P the n the uhj t "I America that veryone price d wn . Committin g Suicide?" 0 r . can .come an brin o' the famil y~ Scrubey pred icte9 that the It is to be held at Smith Park . nation would be d troyed from on Aug'u?t 16. I h·avent hear j within instead of an enemy anyth ing abo ut any fri d chi kwithout, 'by the blight o"f en more likely hambur ers, but from irre ligion . and the , curse of I ·did hear rum r that ther 'd runkeness. would be home-nu'de pie f r A survey show th at there desert, so be s ~re and c me and 210,000 churches in the are .bring you r famil y. W,e 'l\ be Un ited late and 430,000 thinking of all yo u Gran r ta verns and saloons. wl~o live somewhere else no\v. Th e attendance and interest 'Why dont all of you who live shown at this meetin incjicates near enough come.. back for a the growth and popularity of' the temperance movement. .' home-coming ?

CharI s Price, Mr. L. J. 13u r1 ton, Mrs. L a C.onner, Mi Sarah Conner, Mr. Claude WhHtamore, all of Wa n ville , an~ th h t ~ e Mi Ruth L ay Frank LeMa Jr. and Mrs'. Ch arl

C.OMPlETE SERVICE ke p ur s rvi ~> 111 mplete and appr priat '

r t



~ -~~. ~




, r






(Held Over From Last Week) Mr . Warren LeMay (Mar(Held Over From Last W k) garet Hardy of Lebanon) a ,reThe ann ual all day meeting cent bride, was honored with a of the Mi ami Valley _W. C. T. bridal shower on Friday even·U. was held on Tuesday July in , July 25 at tbe home of 15, at the Chautauqua gro unds Mrs. Charles LeMay on Diawith such a fine attendance of mond Hill. the delegates from the seven , A.' pleasant .evening of games cou'nties that ., the morning' and contests were enjoyed by meeting ·in the Frances Wilt~rd all with a salad course refreshCottage .could not, accommo- ments following. The bride wa dat'e them. During' the busines the recipient ,' of . many lovely meeting the devotional servic and useful gifts. was le d by Mrs. E. E. Caldwell Th e invited g-ue t were Mrs, using the subject "A grand- Carlton Stanley, Mrs. Alfred mother"-thi s b@ing lhe g.rand - , Hardy, Mrs. Charle Kunker, mother of Fanny 'Cro by. Mi Harriet Schillin g' and Mrs. 'Mi key, th e lamb, has one . 'The election of offi cers r _ P. U. LeMay of Lebanon. the way of all lamb. Y ·terday '. suited. in Mrs. 'Ralpl1 L'ane of Mrs. Russell . Terrell , Mrs. we ent him to market. I h uld Hichard -Giesseman of Xenia; have sent him to the lamb pool .Red .Lion to succeect...Mrs. Grac Mrs. Ellsworth Winks of 'Union but I forgot it and we too k him Hussey of Dayton a president. and Mrs. Harold Rutherford of to the 'Community , Sal' . It Re-elected were Mrs.. Berth a Da ton . seem ha rd-hea rted to rai e .it Larrick, Wilmington as Vice Mrs. Loyd Davis, Mr . Mack from a. tiny haby thing nly to 'P res i.d en t; Mrs, Marga ret crubey of Gayton as eer- Wit n, Mr. S.' S. Elli , Mrs. make it into lamh cho.p for someone, ;bufthat is th way of tary ; Mrs. Drucilla Vau han~ Harvey . Sackett, Mrs.C. E. lam b, that i, th ir de tin y: He Centerville, Trea 'urer and Mi s Stanforth, Miss Edwyna Shin.wa fast hecom ing a nlJi ance Nettie , Eel of Cin innati as 'n forth, Mrs. Ronald Hawke~ Mrs. for he ' still . thought h hQuld member of the oard of John Fromm, Mr . Jame - Hart Sr., ' Mr . James Hart Jr., Mrs. live on th back l a rch in tead trustees. of in the p.asture. j~i . it \Va nt safe to turn your I ack on lIn. He had larned ' to hutt. Wh n they ' br ught him ,in . th~ ring:. he 10 ked about at atl the stra n,ge face then (~o ve b tw en the feet' of th · tr·a.ders und r the seat. They fisl1{~d him <;>ut and rn he went again, in and out, until Russell said " Lota.." fter he was sold he. was ' put fn a pen with some others but th e boys saw him an'd aid "Th er" Mickey," and Mi'cke, ai j, GREASING LUBRICATION "8aa-a/' I looked in and aid "Good-bye., Mickey" and MickeY sal, 'd '' '8 naa-a-a.. " TIRE ~ERVICE The best of our ' hay is in, ' some baled ' and some loose. More hay than I had last year' but still not enough. I must buy more hay or sell orne cow. Our eats is cut and shocked but not threshed. A fe\v straw stacks have been going up but many fields are beillg combined. W have a few acres f timothy that 'is "fast gettirlg over tipe while we are busy' wih clover, the question now is whether to cut it· for hay or combine it ·for seed. That might pay if we WAYNESVILLE, OHIO c.ould get it at j st the ri~'ht ROB~T SERVIS, PROP. , .tlm~. That is tl1e vantage of ha V1l1g 'our own bine


STUBBS Funeral Home


Recent Bride Honored With Shower, July '25 ,








Temperance Group Elects Officers.

Mi s Kathryn T mer of Mari tta, a f rmer t acher' in our pul Ii ch , 01 wa Friday fli ght guest of Mr. and Mr '. Gilbert Fr 'r . he had p .n1 th past ,seve ral day Wl 1 r. am Mr. Vi t r Carp ntar, nlear Middl town.


'Any ~ake or model Fred Kahn Motor Car Co. : PHONE 311 '



SHERWOOD Refrigeration Sales_ -========== and 'Service PROMPT,



==:: .


ON ALL MAKES OF EQUIPMENT Representative f r -





Servis Service.Station ,



f'j!k~~: :;":~~~~~~2~:"'i:·*:~ilt~n~!f~:ormat Ive, Educational ~ packed . with Thrills. and :Fun M~rshalled here in one grand collec. tion are ' thousands of exhibits that pohlt the way to . prospe,rous larmhig, comfortable living and better busine8s for all. While countlels special events, varied entertainments, 'Iparkling shows and gay amusements provide holiday , relaxation for old and you~g. THOMAS J. HEUERT ~. Governor 0' 011/0 FRANK FAINSWOIJH . EDWIN J. lATH Olredor A,r/culf.llr. Ira', 'air ,M ana,e,


• livestock and Poultry • Field, Dairy, Garden and Orchard Produd. • Conservation, Sci, n~e and Highway exhIbit. • Modern farm Machinery . • Fa~m Youth ActlvlIl .. • Ho·m . Appliance. ' • Cu'ture and Fine Art. I Fre. land Concert. . • lad'o .roadcast Show. I M'dway Amu•• me",.

• Harn... Ho,.. Racing • • ""gh. Show • «freat Grandstand Show


ADMIISION Ar GATI: Allult. SOC plu. to •• 21,. • .... parkin,



0PPO"te ' 17th Ave.' ' ..._


Mee, friend. af 'he fair



8 '. '\

FARMERS RECOMMEND NEW. FARM PROGRAM In a di:[rk t 111 'cl ing :I t til ' ''n\' r ' H,lt ' l in \\ ' iI 11l ill ~ t( 11, m re than :fli- r lrm r ~ ulltlin.:d

Are ou affected by til pI ' _ nt h u in g 'h ria,'? r aI" Th t.·L-L v\n help'd ' h' " ' 1 ....--.;-,.,.,.,.......,.. . vi tili " mditil) n::- that I rate the ixtieth birthdil ' al1ni~ .. requ~e , 'o u t . li\'~ in a 5trll ,tur > , • • CLASSIFIED AD BATES • • . ~r::ary at a i inn "r h Id' llgu; t the \ ilIa 'e " Th work hall i ~- un ,irahk an i 'unar ~ "LHI1 :" a plan f l' a ,11 W lla(j n\lal LU'1l1 25 words or ·less. one time. .••••• 2601 f r \ Valter Th m\" un \\'l'rC : all pip , val v ... , val ve t ( l ur~ If? If s , . 'I.; may rr ~ra m whi'h wi,l I.: uI - ' Each aclditonal word ••••••••••• • 10 Clll i Mr. an i 1r . \ Vilbu r .'I'll ) 111 ~ ­ b xe_, fir h ~ 'drant-, ' c nncct' . 1 ',( lIT l~r, II '~ 1l1 \\'ill~ I til' mitt ~ d t I a j 'rs ill \V a ' I ill~SPEOIAL BATES .by CONTBAcr in g int x,' ist ing main and re, on ia.u ht l' and 111, M 1'. an i , zy ta ' we are o j't 'r n~' t 11 Til medin n' in ~ Il ar"'c f t rin 'sheets, iLiewalk -" ~tc" f 1 s , ~, . '' , Mr -, J hnn y Lc" and dau,:.,:'h. Loanlt th ir orgin al con jHion. Th ~ . r , a e, r . Rot ert Peell \ ' ht ) trust ' f ().J' t er, M r, H i 1'1' ) \ \ a\" I' , a11 I f fo ll ow ing Ii ted material will c T he e coHag s are b aulifu l th . hi F:1.l'lll Bur au, \Va: FEDERAL ' LAND BANK LOAiNS: a t n; 'Mr.' and Mr..: , very f urni hed by the Village free f ani dural Ie irl an 111:11 m ea - held July, , I () -t.7" , For Ref1nanciI28 -'- RebuUding hr ul , in 'innaii ' h . :11l i Buying. 4% Farm loans 'with lang otto tJle ntract r, and in- ure .. Til yare d - i ~ned t ,11l"'et Farmer ' al k nLi in g the 1118't- M r ', Edwad Ca m p ' ani , 1l\1, t1me to pay. 'Pay part or all any stall ed by t h contractor : (1) tll :11 prova l f the . 111 -t in~ tudied 1 l' \ 'ril m s an j 11L eb a11 n; I:IU :ic,' L:t h , :lll d t1roe. ' 1 0 0 lin. ft. of 4 in. ca t ir n di ' r et. Til y :liff ri '1l11 ple j iti on wh i h have I '\1 fo und T mm y a1lLi I arenl: , \\'il I r . LEBANON NAT'L FARM LOAN II and pi ot pip e, fo r 150 II s. ro om) m ea urin 1 fe "t h 2-i on ·far' m ' v'r the '1l1l1tr dur-, Je_ ie Th m p ' Oil. ,_ vera l and ASS'N·, ElUs H. Sturm. Sedyui'e, in ·18 ft. f ee t. The fI r are c n ' t ru tc.:~1 ing th e pa t ~ ntur y , The, dc- o'ift were re · IVe i an i amon g' Treas.. Lebanon, Ohio. Phone 448 / q. in. pr tc (3) four of pine wo d · an t th e c ttn f.!: ·' dded that the m os{ -ed II - . them \ a - ~ beautiful c.a k w ith l en gth ; (_) tlue ,inch ( 4in,) iron ' b cty valve ' itself i full y in ul ai ed in' r(i'e!' nomi c PI' hlem c nn e t d wil h "Hap~ y ' B irth 1a, Dad' fr 1l1 ' Real Estate' For Sa.l ew ith bell en s. to prote t , ou fr m the old (I f farmin g i - ,a fl u tUiltin g in \ m e. Qis daughter ' ana n-in-Iaw, winter and tlle heat f umm el' ThL' 'I U ~ Wil~ f, und t he FI ra and Avery , hrout, IF .YOU HAVE A PROPERT"'f OR Each bid rhu t co ntain the Th ey are weather-boardc i and the ba~i rea n f r far m , PI'( _ FARM TO SELL Cell or Wrlte ram in the ni tect tates, OOn Henderson, Tel. KE3~, 617 ' full name ,of every person or in additi on t o this t hey are mnfn Ie Bert . h 'ph 'rd had :t company interested in the same" d th b t ' Lorain Ave., Dayton, Ohio. tfc eo . A nl aj' rl't f tIle P' l'OllP felt , e w a nUl1l r f 'Ill \.. I' til ' we k l:> and e accompanied b ~ bond in th e sum of one-ha'lf of th e We prefer that u llnder- that the I!: v rnm cnt h ul :i he end, and 'am n " them hi s ' 11, REAL ESTATE submitt d bid to th e satisfaction stand th e tr.ucture are a, nuth rized t PI' te ,t th ' farmer Lauren e , heph rd )f Xenia, DON'T FORGET 10 CALL of the Board of Trustee of tuall y NOT cabin. The y arc I. y Kllara nteei n ' farm 1 ri 'e~ . Wil- n h ph I'd and fa mily U nder )'o vernment nntr 'l , us f or I nsurance. All types of Puhlic Affair, or a certifi ed Cottages, copied aft r attrn . f Da t 1\1 and M r. Hain 's (f me solvent 1ank, as tive home; gi vin g yO Ll . 0 111- m t felt that pri c, h ' ul i I \ Wilmin gt n. Insurance at a savings. Call check on Francis Gene Brown, phone a uaranty that if th e bid i plete m od rn int ~ri r an i :<- ~" u arall t~e j up t 7 ' of ~ nrit" , ' Wayn esville 2935. or call acc pted, a confr,act wiII b el1 ~ teri or de ign.. Takin g pred edi n<1' 5 y aI" f f co urse" u fl1U -t ,them pri' - a a I a.:e f l' I arit and d 't collect. ~i~minKton 211,. t d · t ere rlJl1 0 eCllred, an I ' per orman eI'I'O ' ~ of prope hould ancy . t o kn w what, e ar m 'anin 0 ' , ,'111 \\·\' n r a ert',LI'II ' ~t l FOR SAL&bid be rel' e cted u h h k ,will hence if u ar intere t :i mav fr e m arket 11 an Cl mm ( dit we ext end our coriial in vi ta" FOS SALE- TWO 1~ h,p. 110 voU h f orth\vith r turned t th e before contr ·1I d pri e - wer\..: 7 6 , ti on t o y u t o ome t Per' 'd ' .electric, motors, General Electric, bidder, and hould any id 1. e L P' T t t pal .. 1'750 r ,n,m.. excellent cond1UOn, accepted such check will b orne me avern at a The m eetin was ne , f ~ . Routes 48 and ,73 ( uth f the . Frti.ce $17.50 eacll..Phon,e 214,3. turned upon the proper ex cu- ft h . h cv n imil ar m ee tin g" h in tion and ecurinO' of th e 'co n- ' as r 11 °' t) H t:! rc , 'u an c~, h Id ' verthe tate t det l'min . ~ 'F OR' ALE New '. "Iron- tract. ' < . without bli :ati on, the t 'pe f the hi farmer' - t hinkin,', on a hp,. B'dd -l C tta ge \ e jes ' ri b her . Th national , f arm pI' ()'ram, H ~ rr, Hor e" ga m ot or, 5/ 't I I f a h' .) . . 1 er ' ar requ t I I to 1I ~ n \ hich u :an pur\':ha _ ~, L~ UI' in a. 0 ore w t 111Ra ,~ mac l1l1e, tIl " pI"lnte -l f orn1 '''hI' h "'111 11 Culbr. th, . ('f)'ani zati n dire t r M'lle j li\ er d \vit hin a 2 · mil .la \v m w r, e c. Y I r. f 'I d . 1 l' t' of t.h e O.hj ~Farm Bureau, nr ,Phone "5 87 urnl le n app IC ~ lon, 'J'ad iu f Oa t 11, hia f~ r nl \,· 't t .' -, , The ri 'ht i reserv ed t o r 650. ), T e.rm ar ~ avail ahl i"f ented th u j t ef re t he FOR ALE 'MERe RY II .ject an and all hid '. u wi h \ 'ith but 11 -third /)'roup. A lun h n wa h Id at By: order of the Boa.rd f d \ noon, ' ' NORRIS BROCK COMPANY Cam era, ca e, sun had e, fiL own. ' · k W t r, ·. B ep RIC 'ey, a:, ,ne - Trustee ' f Puhli Affair PEER' ,' L NE ' ME lIN E Th o e att en\i in o' fr m W;irCinctIlill:Ml Ur~on Stock Yuds viI1 ~ 0. ' , -' - 8 14 . Charle James ' Clerk. l' ~ n 0 un t \\'ere Alb rt H, Live Wire and Progressive. An AGE N CY B P W C f organlzaitton second to none. -1 . anta, f. ' . < LIT n , " trl1l strt tl ll' ' the ...... FOR SA'LE--Green Beall For , " Ph ne Dayton M0 7 3 3 all C a~~d er~~~et in ~~ Bureau , . ' , Elli. , , e' . \ ' arC '. . B .; B 'k t' · . annm :, T1ng as , . N ,0 TIC E ' . - adv - .2 1- ... 11 Co F"rnl 13lll'e'lU C \ 11 un~"" Geor 'e P t er 0 11 , 'I Mil e ... ,r< , ( , • t OO-J' , from Wayn' ville on B 1In the futur w r~iue ' t th at - -IBl'4fo'+Hari, Walt r All 11, LeI :111 ) n, Service T ·hat Satlsfle. • brook Road. -2- '14 ' no one . in thi co mmunity p~r- Notice, o( Appointment A. T.' Ell t 11 , FrankliJl , .1 . M, ~I~3~yton~~o c~~c~J" t - Ira " 11 y acI v erU""':sl""nrl'Ogr-rooo-i.-r -;a:.r.n,....;.,._--~Nf7'ort-hb·c;'3'e-tz.jsr--f>;t1"'25're'"e5"' b"y..--ngmj vrr::c""n.--ttrr h 7i"atr--fO=;-lrferpecnll?'- 0 r (l'an i z at i IT " ~ an cI gLl' 12 :40 Dial 700 ' . for Our thin O' el from) an)o n wI;o Catherine \ in p .ar .Ba rnhart' Lc~'an n. Da.! lY Market Report. Household Goo,de ....;" may introd uc him elf as a wh o_ Po tOm Aidre i - ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~-~ KE RO ENE RANGE- Three R pres 'ntative of th Ameri an W ayne viII, Ohio 11'[ I en' TELEPHONES ' · bunter and ov it; 10 lb. Legion unle s th y have a dul , app intei .a . Admini ', WAYNESVILLE Z091 G~ o ery cal . Willi ~ Hunt r. written Jauth orizati on igned b tratrix '\ ith th e 'W ill Ann xe i MOItROW No. S FOR ALE' KITCHENKOOK both the C mmand ~ r and . the of th e E tate f Lmm~ E. BarLEBANON 'Offlce "3K ta ll -to ,Q'a ' lin e coo k Adjutant of Way n To'\\ n hi p n tt la te of Warren C unt " • RES. 1291. SAND and GRAVEL Ohi o, ea el1; st.OY. Thre ' burner and Vet rans P t No. 6 15. . BLACK·TOP DRIVES , W ~ ap~ r date all that th > ,Oat d thi 4th jay f Au ~)'yen,' In tant lightin g. Good , TAR ,a nd ROAD OIL . ndition. Rea onabl e. R g; r ' cmniunity has done · f r th i ' .u t, 19-+ 7, Ralph H. Carey, JJti ()'e Post, We are dOitlO' thi in order LAWN and FILL DIRT ' rO\ h, Third treet, Phon th at no person may repr s nt of the F'r bate Court,. 219 , 814 READY·MIX CONCRETE Warr n Count" ,Ohi th em elve a · A 'ent of th e EXCAVATING and DUMP TRUCK SERVICE HELP WANTED....... American Legion in an attelJlrt tanl ey & t ~1l11e y , At •2 1 - - - -' , . to defra~0 . ~a~11Ly~on~.~~_ _-,----;...-.."....-_-:--;--_._~_ _~_ _~____...._~__...,j__"'"......~__~~...-~~.....~.....~_, OLEAN RAGS WAm'ED- MUST Thank YOll all very much Notice of Appoint,m ent be free of Ibutlto~, pins and ho~s. f or your help in this matter. No,tice i I,l e.reby 'iv an that No curtains or silk hOSe accepted. . , . . Best ,prices, call 21-43. ' WIlliam (BIII) . awyer Cleda E. Dakin whose P t Command ~ r O tTlc Addres i R ute No': 1, N 'O TICE LEGAL Richard' Campbell Wa j1 ' sv iIle, Ohio ha ~ been Adjutant duly a~ pointed a A iminisSealed bids wi.\1 b.e tec ive'ct . , by th e Board of Tru 'tee f -8-14 tratrix of the E tate of Harry' E . . Dakin late of ~r arren "County, · Public Affairs of Village f Ohio" deceased. Way ne ville, St~ of Ohio, at AUCTIONEERING Dated this 4th ay Qf Au g~ the office of aId 1oard until STANLEY and KOOGLER twelve o'clock rlo oQ, Au o'ust · ust~ 1947. ' BBOD118 yea.. Ralph H. Car ey, Judge 11, 19~ i, f or ' furni hing the We now have me Fertilizer on hand and are booking o rd er ' of the . Probate Court, n ecessa rv . labor and rilaterials, rar Dat.el, Plaoae .... w~ 0bS0. a.rafor the ' installation ' an~ comWarren County" Ohio for fl)ture delivery. pletio'n of a new water main C. Donald Dilatush Att . 821 from the two ex i ting wens to FERTILIZER IS AGAIN A SHORT ITEM FOR T",IS YEAR• . water main at the ection of Mill and Main Streets for ' WE CANNOT .HOPE TO FILL ALL ORDERS. MAY WE . WE PAY 'FOR supplying water to the Corpora- . .suG~EST YOO PLACE' YOUR ' NEEDS WlTH US , All tion and the inhabitants' thereof " in accordance with plans and 'CO\VS HORSES ~1 HOGS cwt. '. ONCE TO ASSURE YOU OF YOUR SUPPLY FOR THIS specifications on file. in . aid FALL. office, and t1t1ed, "Proposed ACCORDING TO SIZE AND CONDITION ,Water Main for Waynesville, Ohio,~ Drawing No. 46083 / 1 CALL PHONE 24 41 and No. 46083/'2." The work 'covered by the specifications consists of furnishing all labor. equipment, ' appliances and materials and performing aI1 operations nece~sary for the installation of . lhe new water IT, '''s for the Vi1Iage of OHIO W ;i ' '\~.' i,t1e, Ohio, in full and E. G. Bach.... lac. , 11 i: c , ~.: '.':' satisfaction of I






' FARMERS~------





$1'2; .




X E N I 'A . Fertiliizer



x.ita o.

Fairley Hdwe. ·Store








Jh'~ '~



. by John S. T,urner

,' ! .s ~ \ per

Soap Box Derby Big Sesqlli' Event





\Vayne ville will ta,i it 11ri t '. (l ap B x erl at · tll

u j- C -n t l1Ii i aI ' nt t he held eJ L , t:!, , ! anj 14, 0,\'5, and (-.irl :" I (we "n the a o' of 12 and l' ar in it ito nter thi conks1. Priz - , t taL in ' $'15. 0 have h ' n' named 11y th ' Committe' \ ith a fir tt min :"



nd and third winner hatin o' in the amount. . 13 If Mehaffie, Yepr - ~ntin ~ '" t. Mary's Church and ecr tary ' f the Se qui-Cent nnia C mmittee ha b en nam d a Ileac! f this (: nte t. All tho 'e wh wish to e1)ter ar r que ted to contact Mr. Mehaftle a once! 111 j r gist r for the ev nt. , Only a month remain bef re the race" witl" be held so th e who wi h to enter will have to et busy , n tho e Soap B x Racer f if they erpect to en,ter thi bi ev nt and have a c12rnce at the prize money. . .a ..



Local 4-H'rs. Win €ounty ~ontest Frances Whitaker an Jennie ' Lee Braddock of the Wa ne ville ew-So 4-H Club ha·j . the honor of winnin'g the Warren Coun~y nem~:m tra~ion contest w-ith their ~emonstration ' on ' "How ." to Make a Bed." This te~ni ' is now eligibl ' to compete for State championship at the Ohio State Fair in Columbus. ' The h~aders and member's of .the Sew-So: ~"H Club ta'ke this op1?or~lIn,it to thank ,Mrs. Ray"! mond . . ock for · the


Sesqui-Centennial· Observance In Waynesville, Sept. 12 to 14 Ian ... f r (11 · L'') l11 il1~ " ' lui . C ntcnnia l 1'\ ratilt11 rl h:)1"1:1 ' in . \ \' a~ ' l1e ' vii k ~' ai.l1.? I 111 III ntu111 ~lt a 111e 'tin r h 1.1 M 'nd a " . "llil1'" at til ' T; \ 'n· Sh1J House in w'hkll r 'PI' \~ I .. t:l · fr hl t il ya ri ) U ' ur,Qaniz . tl 11 'lni chur Ii .: in th~ , ml11unity \ cr ' I re': 'Il t ( II ii. u-: the · vari u- fadnr - ill t ill! . ,r' :a11 11 in'" f the 11 t. . . Earlier , thi y ,ar Th ,

Gazett carri j a tor ev nt an 1 invited all rg anl zati c.n ' and hu rc h _ in the:. c 1:1munit. t n ) a I: 1 r,,' '~ n _ ,tatlY~ to the fir t 111 etin <·. Tbi, mettn ' wa hel:labuta\\ t:!cK a o: at th Wa 'n ' vi ll e Nitti 11 :1 1 Bank an at that time ' L w 'Rob in n wa app Int.ed CI1'airman of the . e qui-C ntennial , C mmitte. , . At th M nda ni 'ht I1l '1inR th e pre-ent \ ere L \ ' R in on, Chairman, repr~ ntth ' ivi Clul; Fran i G. Brown, t, Au 'u ~ tin ) Chlirch i Ra111h ' Ha ting ', Ban j Boq. ters; ' B 11 ' MehaHie t· ' MarY'i Epi . pal ell II" h; 'Ii. .Moler, Methodi t 'Chur~h' W~Jli;}In aw er, vVayne T wn 1 slllp P t, An1erican L 'i h 0ther pr s nt not affiliate j ,with the ommitt 'e were Willi . H~nter ~ho wa Tl1lmed t


Pet r ·R. · 'Wical':- ge 75, The Wayne ~il1e Civic Club" . f:larv ey Burnet, president of passed away at Grandvi \v will hold its Al!O'u t me ting th Waynesville Locker Plant; Hospital in D.iLyt p.. at 6,:1.5 p. _aJ ~ Meth ~~~s! ~~ur J:.. ase- . ~nc.', rep rted a good attendm., Mqnday, Augu_t 11. ment on M ndll Y evening, the·-'---:--~-::!. ~n.~e at the Friday night and . He , i ~\1rvived , .by hi \ ife: ·18th. ~t 7 ' 'clock. Tbi , IS Saftirday open house of the' new Ida of,; ytle ~:. thr e' daughter, Ladies , Night and all members plant. Berman Ross, County . Ethel Luca~ and. El j,e May ar.e requested to bring theIr Agent and Miss Marg~ret Bey, It was decided ·at the Mon- BIllet of Centerville, an i wIves 01' swe.ethearts. A speak.. Home Demonstration A:gent of da. 11ight meeting that the Se _ Dorothy 'Weidner of West er ha ' been prQcur ' Li for the Leba!lon were present Friq~y qui-Centenn·ial Committee u-e Ca'rrollton; two on Lewi - eveni,n g a!1 d a. good dinner Is eyentng and talked -on various 'th d' f h of Miamisburg and ' J~m e of ~lso on the program. Reservasubje,cts related to the frozen ette ,e me t e Miami for tUlll toe 0prihting of a Gazsou- Wa nesviIt e ' even,teen grand t.lOns a'r~ to be mailed to M. F, food locker. . PictureS were venir publicaHon, of the events children and eight great grand . Weltz, Secretary, ,befort; Au . shown of the proper method of of. Waynesville from its found- children. ' " . ust 15, ~~ fruit acid for the preserva:- 1797 to the present time. Funeral services were " co n~ Bernie L. Jprdan, age tIo~' of fruits such a,s peaches, This historical rev,iew ha een ducted at 1 :30 p, 111., today, a't I a ed away at Blair Hospital, ~pncots, ' etc. to preserve their compiled in a large part by Mr. tu 1s Funeral Home and alSo Lebanon Thursday" Augu t 7 color. . "Seth Furnas and will be further ~t '3 :30' p, In: 'at ,the Port On Saturday many visitor~ aug'm·ented by other writers. de-' Wilthrm Methodist ChUlcll. at, 3 :00 p, n~aftei an iIInes ' of about 10 ' weeks inspected .the pJa,nt throughOl)t picting the main event from Buriai wa - made in · Port He is s.urvived by six the ' day, M·r. Elmer Elstro, 19 0 to the present time, Pic- '. William . . rothers, Echyara, ', Aloert, ,manager of ,the plant stated tures, both old and modern 'will tarting Monday night, AugFrank, George and Walter of. tnat about half ~.of the 790 be used throughout the 40 ANOTHER '.' OLD · MEN'S" ust 18,' Waynesvitle wilt ag(;lin ~ura<l Route 1, Oregonia, and loc~ers available l'in th~ . plant pages of the edition. The GAME BOOKED . ,have the .opportunity to witness , ~~)ll'atld ef .Cincin,nati; two have been rented • . Durl11~ .. the publication \vi11 be bound with Spring Vailey "4'0" team lui," the famous Bartone' .Ideal .com~ \ SISr~S, ' an.nah , of Oregonia e,arly part of Septembet· It Is a suitable cover and witl make chall'enged the ~'40" T ~ am of edy Company show which wBI ' ~m~ ~tS:J Nellie Liebert ' of Chi- . expected to see, a complete an altogeth,er fittin o' alld cl'p- ' Waynesvi11e, under', the man- be staged under a big ' wafer-,cage.. sell-out pf all locker space'. propri.a'te memorial for ,thb agement of Perry Cline, to a proof tent Qn th e heehan 16t . Funeral services were con'Lack of sufficient water with great occasiqn of th e 150t11. . game f)f softball to h pIa ed south Qf town. ducted .Monday, August 11, at whkh to operate ,lhe plant has year since th e founding of the ~t Wayne Park Sunday evenIn the past thirty years ince 9 :00 a, ' m. at St. Augustine , brought ~~out the 'installation community. mg! ~ugust 17 at 7 :00 p.m, they started in bu iness the Bar-· Church with Father Wolfer of an ~ddlbonal w~ter line from The page size of thi addition .ThIS, IS . an~o.ther lo oser treat · ~one Comp~ny ha played here Main ~lre~t dO'Y'n the north side wi.1l be 1 of x 16 inches. officiating. affaIr an,d IS expected to be (ttl 111 WaynesvIlle many times and (Continued on' PQ8e 2) , Burial wa~ made . in . Mi~m\i . qf MI~m! street to the phmt. , Contemplating the deman 1 outstandmg game. Cemett:ry .und~r the dlfC~~~lOn c.omm!-ssloner Joy ha~ been , 'for these . souvenior editjon~' of McClure Funeral Horne, . busy SInce last, w7;ek With t,his. aild desiring 'to supply every- . . AD~NCE ORDER ,FOR SESQUI-CENT~NNIAL COPIES wor~ and water 1S · n<?w b~ll1g ,one ' who'. wish ,copies tIle Th e Se qui-Centennial Committee : ' .' ' . " ' i ' . '" ...- " ZINK:' HOBLIT r,ecelv~d at,the plant. A two .mc:hl Sesqui-;Cel1ten.nital Committee Plea e re -e rv'e copies of th e 'Ses'qui-Centenniat Edition '"'. as' WEDDING , lme was piped thrc:>ugh. An air is printing herewith a coupon Mr. and Mrs. Cleve Conner " hammer f~r cuttmg. throu yh , for the convenience of th~ per the following: were among guests on S'ahlr- Jhe toP. lay~ of s~reet phJ~ il public in placin,g advance order~ Name , day morning at the wedding qf l1Jechamcal ditch dlgge,r speed- - for ,the ,publ!cation, They ' Miss. Elizabeth ' Hbblit and Mr. etl the work ·alcmg conSiderably. suggest this coupon be filled in t. Address .Rural Rt. Otto Zi~k at the Holy Trinity a.t O.nce to .assure delivery of the • ' .Mrs. J, .J . Burske, 'Mrs .. John copies des~~ed. Church In I;)ayton. City . s.tate Mrs, Zink, ' daughter of Mr. Fromm, Mrs. Bertie MiUs a:nd ----an(l Mrs. Forest Hoblit, former Mr. and. Mrs. E.. F. Earnhart ~ Mr. and Mrs. J, W. Hull, Mrs. ' at 25c per c,opy -- $ Waynesvil~e residents, is a .. attended the Eastern Star Ed. Hopkins with Mrs, Editb Numb er of copies wanted graduate of Waynesville High funeral services ' 'on Saturday Hull of Leesburg, enjoyed a School. Mr. and Mrs. Zink are evening for Mrs. Laberne very interesting trip through Amount ca~ be paid with order, or ~hen · copies are called for. . on the teaching staff at Beaver Burton at ber home in Clarks- - southern Ohio on Sunday and MA IL ORDERS: Add Sc per copy to cover mailing costs. ' Creek School and at present are ville. Mrs. BurtoR was treasurer were dinner guests . of Mr. and Addr.ess all orders to P. O. BOX E. WAYNESVILLE, OHIO . in' Chicago.. _ . of District 21 of Ohio. Mrs. Herbert Spears of Arabia. ,


Gaze.tle· Publishing ) Centennial Edilion

Funeral Conducted 'For' Bernie Jordan





SOF EXHIBlfS to MAKE Shower Held For Engaged C~iIJ~le L OHIO STATE FAIR COLU I US ' Ohio (Special)Ever y phu e of conomic and social life tou ching e\'ery Ohio citizen and his famny will be fully covered in thousands of exhibits which , this year will make t he I50-acre Ohio State F air grounds · one of the greatest educational i~stitutions il1 .AriJel'ica during ' t he seven-day exposition, August 23· 2-9. , The sheep, cattle;' swine and horse shows hold nation-wide recognition as the nation's greatest. More than $2,000,000 worth of the latest types of every kind of farm machi,n ery and equipinent will overflow the two large fields reserved for this ' display. Another $1,000,000 worth of machines which make and maintain the state's highways will fea· ture the Fair's largest abad ~ho\v. Headquarters for seedmen, nursel;'ymen, fertj)jrl er makers and user apiarists and other specialized groups will be maintained by the Division 0:£ Plant Industry of the Departrpent of Agriculture. The dairy and dairy products 'exhibits will be filled with valuable information. E very branch of fine arts and the art' of homemaldng wili be fully covered in the Women's Build~ng and the You,t h Fair Building. Prbb.:· lems 'of conservation and of farmer's portsmen relations will be talked nver at the Conservation Show. The Horticulture and Agriculture building will be bursting with the produce of field, orchard and garrlen. And for amusement Mr. Citizen and ' :(amily will ,find ,plenty. J'he Midway, ' featui'ing ' mo'r e than 60 ,various rides and many shows; the Night Horse Show in the Coliseum and the' 'sensational 20-act musical circuli performance, "On the Beam" at the grandstand ' Sunday night and ,nightly ' thereafter; dazzling, nightly fireworks; an '~All-Ohio" show at the .same place Saturday aft~rnoon, Saturday night and Sun-0--


One hundred acres ', of free parking sp~e hawe' been prQvided, fo~ Visitorp to the Ohio State - Fair, 4ug. 2'3:29. This 'mammoth p,a rking lot on 17th Avenue will be in charge of the State Highway ~atrol. ,


Radio will play an lmPoTtant' in keeping the public inform~d about the Ohio State Fair, Aug. 23-29. Stations which will broad;cast from 'the , ~ound!! include W 1;,. W of Cincinnati, W B N S, WBKC, WOSU, WCOL and WRFD all Of Columbus.

The Miami Gaz tte Wa ne ville, , hio, N Thur day, Aug u t 1 ..j., al an d cau ed prize f th many iran ' a ti o l1 ' in hi h Finane

day afternoon, featuring George awk,e, Mr. 'll1 Ll Th " \ avn vill Bird and his MuSical Majorettes of H r.l\d~ M r, il n ~ J uh 111 't at (h ' h I 111 Cle\,elandj and a ~hree-hour State Mr . J 1111 F r mm anli 01'1, M r, nner: Thui =-day Fair radio show featuring famous GRANGE PICNIC AT ely e Fr mill, Mr. and , \ 1": at _ p. Ill . stars and arranged by Station o n H~wk ~ , Mr. an i Mr. \. SMITH'S PARK 'SATURDAY T 11 m mh r ~ a ll \\. r ~ I t WL W Saturday afternoon and F. WeHz < In j rami l), with Mr, o night. The show will be ' broadcast ro ll all r'iv in I"""' " Be auty' Sl) t , , ,..., Th ' Annu al Fa rm " r'~ ' ran~'_ a: n ,j Mr. H'l Y Ha w k e ' nnd I Have to the nation S~tt1l'ciay night. . e n,' Pi cni c will b 11 Id ntH an dan I'ht r" Mr, -and Mr -. al'l The family's spiritual welfare 1 w 0' . d th me' \\ re mith' I ark n ' aturd:w , Au '. will be cared for at , a great interHawke, Mr . Ch ari - C ham l1 r ' gi\ 11: "FI we I' Immigrant " hy u t 16 at :3 I . 111 . Thi s pi 'ni . denominational service in the Colian j ,M r. an ~1 Mrs. Frank ' u~ r l,; live William and "Plan t. f r \Va rg;inaIl_ pl ann i t , I e. seum Sunday . morning. Then there and dau o'hter f Da_ t 11, M r. will be activities by young people th e Hill ' " b Ida mith. held o n Au lI'U t _ hut w a - an. ani Mr. fr ank ' n y i I' and representing Future Farmers ' of II d f I~ th at tim At th f'th dau o-hk r, Mi Marth'a ny i I' America, Future Homemakers of new Til H m Ec n mi f prin,,-fieJ i, Dr. ani Mr.: . me c tin ~,: America, Juvenile Granges, 4-H ffi r ye ar mitt ' e will -erv l: th Rafph an c an d n l f "Vilclubs, Boy Scouts, Girl Scouts, a 'mall upper Camp Fire ' Girls and other youth' mingt 11 weI' ~ lIn i n eVcliin g ram groups. One ,o f the main attractions Gran rer 'lI1d th ir f a mili' ~ arc gu -t ' f 11', and \.1''': . M,"lvill will be the music furnished by the Mr.:. r· qu , t i t he pres nt Baht,a Ileal' Jame'~ t o\\' n. 'I hi All~ Ohio ~oys' Band of 200 . pieces , r tar group f r latives ?ath c'e Li t ), unqer the ., direction of Dr. Louis h n r Mi - Martha '. 11 ' i r an I Mr . J . phin vValk '' r an t Peat. , Fr Jl1m\h ' Mr. Clyi dau l'ht 1', Barl ar ~l J f Fern, _ At Music gall tJ:tere will be conrharria will t c an ev n t f tinuous programs ,furnished ' by dale, M i h. I' turned t her more than 40 , high school bands much inter "t, an j the' h me after tw o w k with her from throughout the state and more how re j with man } parL'nt, Mr. , an i Mr -. Ray than 50 orchestras, choral groups j l ici U ' I ' upp I' Main u - an j n, D on. and glee clubs. In addition many e j on 'the I ealltiflll radio ,s,t ations will broadcast their 'Frank regularly scheduled programs 'from thi! Hall throughout the week. One of the richest racing pro- , C n 're ~ man ' C I are n c grams ever offered at an O~io State ' Bro\vn g-:lve" the cl sing addre: Fair has been arranged! Nineteen of the "1 47 Mi ami Vall y events are on the six-day program which is attracting the best and ' Chautauqua, un jay aftern o n. Furnas, Am ong the... larg-e rowd atten 1- p. m. fastest horses in the count,ry. Three National -livestoek shows in were Mr. Charle EIIi, ' will be held in 'conjunction with ,the , Jul,ia and Mary T . , ~ Mi.: e Fair. They, are ~he Red Poll Catt1~ Easton, Mr, aAd ML. Kenneth '" Association; the Percherort and 'Bel-, HOtlg'h , an Maryd ra, Mr. " ,," ~URl clubs. The Red Poll group will hold its state sale on Friday eve-~~;:tcC;~~ and, Mr, a~d ':Mr " ning of the Fair. HOURS: These are just a few of the thouMiami Chapter met in r gular sands of attractions ,that will go to 9-12 eAch morning make up the biggest and best fair session 'on Monday ev nin O' allLi 1-5 afternooDs except in the ninety~three yean the expo- , due to the heat an j vacati n " sitron has been held. Wednesday (Coni4nued trom. Page ~) only about twenty were pre- ,


"Wh'' Ite ,EIeph'ant" Sale By "Stars"

Bartone Show

'will be remembered for their g00d; cle ~ll1 , en,tertainment. Thei r bill include vaudeville, dancing, singing, music, magic and drainatic~ 'plays. Their op nerformance here Monday ~f---I.~+h--t-\-t~. 1 8 ~ .,..,fl-mmatic four act pla.y "Cloul1 and Sunshine." Incid,e ntally the' admis ion for Monday night !s ffee. The Barton group includes ten talented actor and actr.e who have ' had a great deal ,of experience in this type of show work. Their ability is "top" in 'their partiCular profession, , Mr. Bartone, th .origi'nat ' r of this company was a.ctively engaged in its vast op ration lip until th e time of his death l a t . e' ' t h aIt who was a ociated with him in this work ha COI1tinued on with the S110w "'despite her handicap of I eing with ' ut this grea~ showman reader. The old tradition of "the show must go on" ha held ' forth its becko'ning fin er to her , and the Barton'e Comedi Cn. ,continue to entertain thousands, a ' livin ~ olonumetlt to the one who deMore than 250 , young wo: voted his life to its promotion, from aU parts of the state will

on hand to' greet visitors at ' Ninety-Third Ohio ' State FaiT w: the , gates open ' August 23rd 1 seven days 'and nights. These ho. esses will serve as ticket seUers an takers at the yarious gates an will also be s,t ationed 'in the man~ ,q ractng the "'new '$3,40,0' band 'buildings to give out information: t~ ' shelt at the Ohio State Fair, Au-' the fair goers. gllst23-29, will, be "Nita," the I~Thrush of the Airlanes." She will Some of America's latest amuse, sing nigptly with the bands supply- ment riding d~vices will be ening musie for park-plan dancing, joyed for the fir$t time on the ' an innovation at this , year's ,Fair. Ohio State Fair midway, August The new band s11ell ~vill be lo- 23-29, brought to Columbus by the cated at the edge of the formal F. E. Gooding Amusement Go. ~ardens ,on th fn il'grounds. "

Mayor and Mr. Maynard Kirl~ of Blanchester pent .,un. day< aftern Ull at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Richard Kaiser ,and family.

Garden ,Club ' Names,1947-48 Officers'

Mr . Goldie Surface and Mrs. Lucile Armituo'e have r~t'urne 1 from a very pleas'ant vacation spent on the N. C. R. vac~t1on tour to New Yon. ..



sent. During the 'bu ine s e5sion7-9 Saturday evening plans were made for FriendshIp Other evenings by Night which will b held at the Appointment regular. Septe,mber meeting, at which time all member are TELEPHONE 62-R asked to provide sandwiches and 'salad, a , a very lar c ' group is expected. The intere ting features ot Optometric Eye Special~ the evening 'was the "'Whitw Elephant~' ,sale, the proceed 26 South Detroit Street of wh~ch will go for welfare . XENIA, OHIO work. A' beautiful cake baked by ~ rs. St,an ley Bail ey was the ' ••••_....._._."!"._ .._..._._._._._._._ ....._.____

Dr. C. E.\Wilkin


Matching Coffee TaDle L~mp " End ,"

Table I.amp ·




Tuesdays & Fridays Will pick-up st,o ck at your fatui



ALL FOUR , $36~7S , for ONLY ,


,Waynesville Furniture ,& Appli~Dce Co.

, ' South Main ~treet across from Grange Hall , Telephone 2422 ' WAYNESVILLE, OHIO ,




Page 3, The Mi ami Gaz tte Wa_ ne vi ll e, !.iI), Thur day, Augu t

Mi " FLore n'e D:1. tt,n, ". ' . ~: 11t

" ~li~ 'r

I..: 'i m ont.

:It l h' ;)(l I11 . \ If , \ r. an..! \\ I ' . . (i ' har I Kai ' cr and h mi )\'.

. Cliff rj D t r f ~ rin O'_ fi eld, . n of M r: ancl Mr ' . Her. f HaJ'v 'hur g,. bert Do t ~r h a nkre Vet ran ' Ho pita l Dayt 11. t un\ierfYo treatm ent f r c m pJi ati 11 - fo Il l\v iil g a11 append i iti op rati n. The Ri h and Carr famil v reuni n \Va held · ' unda it . Jacol P·ark, Wellm an. An ev nt of unda Au ·u ,t 16; wi ll b · th e: Gra ham famil v reunion to be held at th e h me of M r.s. A. ·S. . . 011 tt. In her FAI~ ab n her ~ (l n, Mr. Ro h rt Work of spraying the' Ohio State Fair gr~~nds with. DDT has a~r~y C ]). tt and her iter, Mr . started under the· direction of John W. Barmger, C~llef of the ;DIVISIon Laura hi da kcr \\ ill erve a of Plant Industry., By spraying intermittin~ly u~tl1 State FaIr we.,k, ho tan d .h te. Aug. ~.29, Baringer believes the menace of fhes WIll be greatly reduced•. , Mr. ·an j Mr. Harry ' . Tucker and daughter" Mis Photo.finish ' equipment will be More than 50 rides on the Mid· Evalyn Tucker are entertain. installed for the Ohio State Fair's way at the Ohio State Fair will 19 harness racing· events, Aug. ing gue. t · fro'm Germantown, bring enjoyment to both young 23·, 2 9. Ky. alld old. ,




Tinniga r f C nkr'enl Thu r 1a e ening itt tiP home f Mr, Ri hanT 1-\ ..'\1 ,




Mauri e an i family. in



1I ,~. I . .2 , )

day w(:!re: Mrs. Zilla LewiS, Mi ss Zoe Duke, Mrs. Dora Howland, Mrs. Mary Pierce or . Dayton, Mrs. Clara Lewis and on, Dennie of Belmont, Mr. Vernie Kelly of , pring Valley, Mrs. Adra Lewis .and Mrs, Dora McCray of Mi,ami burg . .


and dau hters f Terra Park, Ohio, spent Au g. 3, at the home of Mr. and Mr . Richard KaLer and family.

Mis Martha Coy, a Mefh d· i t Mi ionary from India, will Mr. and Mrs. Paul Maurice · p'eak at Lytle Church next Mr. and Mrs. Charles and Wednesday aff ~ rnoon at 2 :00 Maurice were Sunday dinner o'cl ck, sponsored by jhe guests of relatives :in Dayton. , Woman's Society. AlI ladi es are cordially invited to attend. Mr. and Mrs. Earl Rickey Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Chandl ). and daughter, Shirley Ann were ~ nti da u hters attended a birth. week end visitors of G-eo rge . Mr. and Mrs. Mylo Hayes day party' for Miss JuanHa Huff Rickey and fan:tily in Cincinnati. and family of Xenia spent Sun. in Dayton; Saturday e vening. Mr. and Mrs. Hershell Giff::" day Aug, 3, at the home of Mrs. Mrs. Ferdinand Kaiser 'and . son and daught,er of Da ton 'Richard Kaiser, who recently returned from t. Elizabeth son" Ferinand Jr, 'of Dayton, ca li d on Mr .. and Mrs. ,Walter , Hospital in D,ayton. Kenric;k Wednesday. ' ' Ky. spent Sunday Aug. 3 at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Richara Mrs. Homer Monce and thre,e on , ,of, Dayton pent Mr. and Mrs. Harry Camp. Kaiser and family. several da s last week with Mr. bell and daughters, of Boise , City, Idaho, 'called ·o·n Misse:5 and Mrs. Bartlett Monce. Mr. and Mrs. P. L. Reason Mrs. Claudia Cornell of near Annie ' and Marne Browne ;and have returned after spending FellY spent-Ihursday with Mrs: other local friends on Monday. several days with rela.tives in-Nettie , Emrick. ' . ' Defiance,. Ohi<? Mr. and Mrs. A. D. Smith of Mr. and Mrs. Donald Hadley the Pike are taking a trip and Donna visited the CincinMrs. Doris Kennedy Is hom e through Kentucky and , West nati . zo.o Sunday afternoon. . after spending sev·eral days with Virginia. ' ., , friends in the ·Great Lake regIon Mrs. Elmer Saylor and dau hMr. and 'Mrs. Edward ·Kaiser arrd in Canada. ter, Miss Elizabeth, of Oakwood spent Saturday with Mr•. '. and Mrs. Wilbur' Clark.'· . Mr. and Mrs. Therle Jones Will sell at Public Auction in ,HarveYSburg, Ohio on arid son entertained to dinner Sunday, . Mr. and M'rs. Edwin Nutt, Miss Minnie Allen ana Satur~ay, Garry Moran of near Center2:00 p.m, ville and Mr. and Mrs . .J. B. - Jones . .· t. . Mr. and 'Mrs: Kenneth Brad. ley and. Mr. James Johns are , FRANK AND~SON~ Attorney, ADMINISTRATOR visitin g Mr. and ' Mrs. Wilton BAILEY & MURPHY, Auctionee~s, Wilmington, Ohio Hartsock at Baltimore, Md. Mr. and Mrs. E. B. Longacre are now living in their new home, which .' Mr., Longacre bas . I . G ' c M erected near Lytle. Mrs. Sylvia Duncanson of, Franklin and Mr. and Mrs. Vernon Pursley and sons spent. Sunday at Le Sourdsv.ille Lake near Hamilton. ' . "TH E SHOW Y U KNOW" I Donald E~ Charlton, ·'MM2fe . WAYNESVIl:.LE,. _QHIO of the Navy left Monday evening of last week for his station " atTacoma, Wash .. Mrs. Charlton Under big w~ter-proof tent 0 11 SHEEHAN LOT, Starting accompanied him home , four weeks ago and will remain with ber pare nts at Sprin.gboro. Mr. Cnarlton expects his discharge in Decem bet. ' High classVaudeviUe, Singing, Dancing., Music; Magic Mr. and Mrs, Albert Pummill Also DRAMATIC P.LAYS spent last w.eek with the latter·s 'l?rother, Mr. Donald Curtiss at Monday nighJ - 'Four Act Drama - "Clouds & Sunshine" , Chic~go, who returned home with them to visit a couple of week's here and then will leave for California to spend the winter in a Veterans Hospital. Mrs. Blanche Graham enter. Don't Forget the ~'.te- MONDAY, AU~UST 18 tained to dinner several of her school-mates on Wednesday, .. July 30. T~ose who enjoyed the ,

Kai ' r .

Mr . G~ Mr: R. Hay \. t. f '\c:n i;:l I'al l d o n Mrs. t;it.:ha r i "a i. e r M nda Au gust -+.


at th- h lake tr·to·c at R om· 1]1 11, Mi hi 'an f r e vera,l ia vs.

Pe g o'

hil iren Eva El ' :lIHlr, , . , \1'. R hert F x " ' pent Thur - ' day ve nin o' at til hom of , T Illmy n 'n ~i ,J a :k t f' were • 11 n I a . Mi . Mar K'ti 'e r. Mr, F x ref Mr. and M r . . ent ly r -tilrn "d fr m Ca lif )rnin . Mr, Ri had tan ' l' erry pent Fri Itt y Iv enin .. at th e h m of Mi Mar Ktti e re '

,Mr. and Mr . Fl o j Lin d a\' of Morrow, ' p nt Tue,ja it the hame of Mr. and 'M r ~ . Ri ·l1a I'd Kai 'er and fa mil .

,M r. Ro a tegn er an j "jaugh. tel', Pat ~ ent. aturda_ ,and unday at the h me f Mr. and Mr . Richard Kai 'er and family ,

Mr . Ivy Cooper, Mr , Henr.\' Thom a and , on, Bud and Mr. and Mrs. CI,aude Coop r. ' p nt Tuesday evenin g with Mr, an j Mrs. Richard Kai er and family.

Ca rl e - h and lin ~: in hot \vea th L l11a hanO'e $S worth' f market hog iIlt ·Ii w rthles' car ass. Fat hog qui kl y ecom overheated. Patience and water are cheap. ' ~

Mr . Charles Maurice pent a two days visit la t week with


Blacktop Driveways ' Road



Tar ,

Ap,p lied

Resurfacing and Driveway Recoating FREE ,



26 Oakwood Avenue


, Pho~


·~~_._a_._a_~_a_~_a_' ·";"_~_._._16

Buy 'he 0 •• Post


a.·"I. SI ...--------:--'--~~ Rust won't ~' freeze" the copperplated" pel -:asion parts' of FLOR· LEVL-POST. It's ·the.. hnest adjustAble. 'pOst 'that money can buysafer, easier-to-use, b::' ter-Iool<ins. Never an "eyesore," ,it's right at home in the finest basement recrea· tion room. Guaranteed to lift and sustain 2S.000 lbs. with safety Compar. Thr.~"( EXCLUSIVE .iMAGIe '" FEATURES

.ADMINISTRATOR'S SALE' August 1.6, 1947




W.'CJht Dlslrl'butio... Load Rests On Entire POllt, ,Circumferenc~. 3. Guarant.... To 1.ift 2S,000 Ibs, , 4. ~o 'und.d le·a~I.CJ S.rfaces· and 'Swivel '~Ints. Easy I Lift - No Shoulder LOlld from Off-Level Surfaces . 5. W.ld.d·OIl 10ttOM Cap. Prevents Post _ ~ac king or Spreading. . ~andlome. , Moder.. , ,.,,, earance. No Un

INST ALL fLOR ·LEVL· POST TODAY yountlf in your {'resent home in II few minute.. Insist on PLOR · I;EVL·POST in your fU' W home for in~ur. . ance IIgainlt foundation sculing, Each post ac· companied by complete instruction. and helpful ,u8J:cstions. Check rhe Icndcr today IN YOUR PRESENT HOME - Gives Your Floors The· Lift They Need. IN YOUR NEW HOME - "Insurance" Ag.ains! Foundarior C; ~'n lin~ ,



.: Maior Adlust. , AdjustabJ«: frpm I t OOl to 8 1,1 feet. 8. Easy To , Lift. Jack Screw Has 12 Threads To The Inch For Maxi·., mum Leverage.




Monday night FREE TO AIJ·

Mill ' i th gue

Mr. and Mr'. J. M, Earll l;a·rl


P.":Jonal noie6

B'RTONEldealComed r CO•.


f Mr. and Mrs. , Lindl y Mills







The Miami Gazette" E S ,T A B LIS H E P 18 5 0 PUbllshed Every Thur~ day by DAVISSON PRESS FLOYD , DAVISSON, Editor , Imtered as, Se<:ond Class Matter at ~he Post Off ice , Subscription Ra tes: $1,50 per Year in· Advance

N ational Advertising Repr,esentatives ' Ohio Weeklies, Inc., 2465 W. Broad Street, Columb us 4, Ohio


Page 4 goods out, t troll ed th e state, all d th e I Ie Miami Ga L_' tt ~ N t ). -1- ,2 9 Wa nc ~ ille, hi , ti on " and t f actori s pr du e an til e ~ t re .: 14, 1 -1- 7' TllLL,'"da , . August Endl -- wa e deman 1- C ul'!e:1 sell only whit th', 111a. te rlll in L , " with je I'ea - d ~) ro ct u ~ ti O I1 per m'ln pe ll "" in for t11 Arn l.:rican I at the t p th ink fit an i p l'l P 'r. ' WHAT PROMINENT Th ere u1t, a rj i nt.~:t al l . ,' . I e n m\'. " fh:lt 'i" the ha. r :1 D epartment of I ,al nfY : u rve~, BANKERS S~ Y ABOUT truth (the matte r. i that the l ivil1(l' : tcl ll ar h nf BOND-A-MONTH PLAN: A m erican wo rk "r are a\1 ( ut MORE FOR THE, MONEY 1,Ono ,r r c nt ab o til ', ~ f I'll r~la il it U3.ti 11 eem t , fu r th ~r ' :1, ... s () f , ... . av_ be tavil izin o- t a onsid ral Ie th eir Rtl :i an ounteq arts, il1 ~ 1 ~ 1)11 I t in li\'i i uaL ar ex tent an :t m r han:ti ' in g exKeep that in min:l \\'\1 n yr LI i " iraI ur fa ' i lit ie ' ar at pert - are ' tt i n " a ' Ie: a,r , I' i j ea hear th vir tu s f C() mm ll ni. 111 , yo ur di pusal.'· " f what th e' 0 11 Llm t! r i ' cle- an d oth r Hi m ~ ' om pa red to mall j i n (y . th e vic nf th e c mpetitive fr e - Par k r . M:l i ju x, PI' ident Bank Th e , an Fran ' i First fa ll; th re i a j - ent rpr.i e y tern f ~ r .u:,ti n an Franci , , Califir.nia f 111 ' 't . > ql:la I't 1 e a ct:: n t on t1 tt ...r I _ • ' and di t1)1 uti n. Th e publi i \\ eary f th e h dct g ds and th ll,h tiRepo rt f the natI Ve ch e ~ t. tu t \\ hich had t ) b Id dur- nut h c( ming r i ' tant t th e in ' and afte r the \\ ar ' l"'Ie au e I li ght whi h kill d utI m atur > oth er good were, un htain ahle . tr es of t hat sp ecies are l abeled ' Bu er for th e l arr e hain an i as mi tnk b ' '" . fore" ter: . d pa rtIn nt t r . 'haV" ex - Every search for a health y amined m anufacturer' line_ eed lin and ev ry atlemp t ) with t he m st m eti ul u car . . prod u ear i tan t h bri j ha' Waynesville, Ohio and have r efu ed to t ck ub- ' fa iled. ta.nda rd it m . Thi i f h n _ f it to th e m all m er hant a w ell, in th at it forces produ e r ~ to o fi . .' r impr i line , ,



- Iy FamI-I-Iar , " F" ','aIr by EFFELDEE

Regardi ng the arti I Ir1 1a t we k column ab ut ur \\'ate r Iv GEORGE S. BENSON upp ly, it se m - th at me ' f Pmitl(lf l--J(llftltll6 ColI(l~ , ,St4ffl. A,r1411s4' th statem ent rn a thereil1 ff th ~ "am-· r eI' ~l " li ttle in rega rds t o t he departm nt What'sWrongWith Profit? , Some t olks have the idea that " thro ug'h w hiGh th water t t t atej ,tha t ar m ad . It \Va profit is som ething business takes tl1- Bard f H ea lth ac ted in unfairly and harmfully out of' buying and selling 'and m anufacturing. This tiJi capacity. It ha l ater been idea is that whatever a company learn ed ' t hat thi s epart m ent, earns, no ma tter it it is a fraction both loca ll an j at tat h adof a percent , of the total sales, this quarter ha n j uri jicti n r money Is extracted underhandedly the te tin o' of wat r. T hi ' i from the public. If you have 'ever dan , at th tate Engin er~~ felt that wa,y, I dare you to take a ffice. ha al heen iearne 'r good, straight look at America's th at all to\\ n , v irrag aIhl ' economic picture-and yourself. citi es are r quir d I Y l aw to T he re i c n um r r j t an e You ,are p aid a sala ry or a wage each week; are you not? , You have end in ample or to increa in price. A an ex perio cticall invested your time, your energy, t~ e wa ter uppl y f or ch k in . ampl e, man tnre hav r BUILDINGS CHATTELS AUTOMOBILES LIABILITY your brain-power, your muscle-powW heth er th i i ent in be f ore r orted t hat xp n: iv w m en' s er, your special skills, your training \\ ea r is. 111 vin g m r , I wly th e ' purify in g' chem icals ha "4-WAY FAR. IN'SURAMCE" and experience. Do you think each he n a~d e d is not defin i tel y th an in th e pa t. At th ' am time , you get your check, that you in the Ohio Farmers will give you broad protection against losses kn own . Ho wever, an citiz n tim e, t he bulk f the can ul11in,c,' have done something harmful to on your farm.. It coven your building,. your chattels, your automobile of th e co mmunity can obtaIn puhli eel11 tn ha. v rea liz j, your communit y.? Do you teel that and your liability. for accidents to other!. Why Dot !ee us today?' . 1 f t ev n th ou h r l uc tan t} \" th atyou have cheated America? Chances d d You Mow you're tale when you're insur~ in the Ohio P~metst an en ,111 a am p e 0 \Va er tl1ere i n w ay t o achieve t h are that you do not feel that way at any tim e fo r verificati n. at all Mr ., . L. Rol inson, w h I s im "1 0 sihl e id al of 1941 prices Taking Profit.. with th e county Boa rd' r couf led with 1947 wa~e , YO,Ii' may be able, after p~ying aU H alth at D r. Arch H arv y .' t axe and ther cost . It i nl y your expenses, to put a Uttle into Phone 153, 20 E. Mulberry, LEBANON,O. offi ce in ,Lebanon can f urnt h hum an to \vant hi gher pa. and the bank or insurance. You may be interested in investing a part of I \ 'er pric - at th arn e tim , p ro per contain r f or thi S COMPAt:« I your lavings in stocks or bondi, .If pose . Inciqentally, this is a Oll hut it iu t do n t mak no, you are like most Americans, you time f or th ose. wh o obtain their mic se"nse. ' ~ .11 OHIO 'AIM,EIlS INDIMNIIY ~ ,J.~ (J~ i find you can , invest in some luxury wate r sup p1ie f ro m in j jvi ual Re tailer f all kin d and in goods. That is, you put some 1I\0nwell to h ave a t e t m ad to all th e ba ic fi eld hay d n ey into a car', an electric refrigeradetermin e it purit. me- an exce ll nt j , in servi ng th e tor, or perhaps a good collection of tim e well s 1 eco m ' confami- consumer under difficult an i 'fishing tackle. Y,o u find that thelle In th. fl.leI" and other things you can put your nat ed f ro m orn e unkn' n often ~unpr ed ictabl e condition, profit into will help you continue to cause and it is better to te t They have att acked th pric live and to work. an d be sure th an t o b ave-::~IlC-..,.....Jt;.:r~0~b::!I,~ em ~....:w~i~t~ h -!!.a7 11_~ li~1e~\=:-v-",-, e a""lp~n Business corporations are pretty illness set in from u ing th ey po se s, and I~a Vc: len r ,much like thi,s p~cture Of yourself. Maximum yield-both quantity and water. . "po osih1e f or li.miting-in " Whether General Motors, the corner quality-wise-is what makes successas much as po ibJe. Th e hay ' delicatessen, or yourself-profit Is , ful fanners. It is significant to note improved and br oad n e , th ir ·what is left oV,e r after 'all the bills that during the past 20 years more WHAT HAS HAPPENED and more of these successful fannen are paid. Profit results from good " TO THE DOLLAR?' s ri e . Th e Am eri ca n con are using BIG M Brand Fert.i1izen. management, thrift, imagination, L abor's dfi ve f F ever-in- sum er, de pite th e d preci at d "Best, in the field" is our ~ay of and hard work. ' The big corporadoll ar, 0' t more fo r: hi, m ney The Miami Fertllber saying that you can't use a finer crea in \\ a 'e , with out c mtion turns some profits back into Company ia an indethan any oth er huy r n arth . fertilizer for all field crops than freepmdent Miami Valley the company for new plants and pensat ry in reas in PI' ducflowing BIG M-always manufacconcern under direct new tools. The rest goes to the ti on, i a tragic xample of operation of it. owneR. tured up to standards, never do~ AND SOME WANT IT HERE tolks ' wnose buildings, tools, mato price. Best buy BIG MI eco nomic f utility . ., chiriery, ana money the company The b liev er in th e t t alitaO,der ,noW' lrom YQur de~/e, lor lall. ," A pictpo'!'am in th e United ri nn ~ tat e al wa " ar gue tb at has been using. O",CI , IN ' DAnON, OHIO The,Mlaml Fertilizer Company 'ACTORY IN TlI'IIN, OHIO State New vi vidl ' dem on- th at f orm of governm nt do Way to More Wages strates wh at has happened to th e m t t adva n : This profit is usually none too the in . th Am eri can do ll ar. In t I'm ~ t erest much. Compensation ot employees f th " mm n m-an." lri' 1945, as, esti mated by the Depart' f pur h'l ing pow f , an in- , They prate of prod ucti on fp r ment of Commerce, would have com e th at had a net wo rth of use insf ad of prod ud i n for gone up only 7.9 per cent it ilie en$2 50 iil 193 9 i w orth ' onl y. profit, and point t-t_-tfl-r'~>fl-H~>;--­ tire corporation income of the COtnl$ t'535 now. An income th at m nt of dict ator hip 'in ad vari c_ try had ,8 een turned into wages. Yet, "a wo rth S4 9 52, after t ax es, inK th stan da rd f Jivin . of th 11 this ,were done. it would meanf, in 1939, is wo rth only $28 15 w orker. that millions' of people, perhaps in, eluding yourself, would fail to renow . 0 it goe _ , ,>~p, ,a,n e! qo)Vn In the Iig:ht 'o f that, som,e ceive dividend's , Corporations would til " inc me _cak, fi gure concernin g the Rus ian aoon become bankrupt. Jobs would This is n ot, of caur e, enti r econ my, are of inter t. In I ss become scarce. Iy th e r ~ ult of inc rea ed ,w ages. than a year, the price' of black , The most lmp cirt~ntthing is that good profits and good wages 80 Many oth er factor, notabl y bread, the staple ~tem in' th e along together, The success cif an tax ati on and pr di ~' a l gov 1'11- di et f th e averaO'(~ Ru ian , ha enterprise" as well as the well-being ment pendin O', mu t b ar their in reased 240 per ce nt. Milk ot everyone who gets income, dehare of r pon ibiUty. But it is has.gone up 22 0 pe r cent, 'uo'ar pends upon profits. When corporaan hv i t.i f act that the co t 196 p er cent, butt r 13 6 per , tions have to a ccept losses, or even f labor repre ents, a v'ery l arg cent and beef 11 4 per cent. Th e meager profits, wa ge's for everybody 80 down . and jobs become proportion of almost e' very .. cost ,o f cl oth in and all m anuhard to find. It is not just chance thin g produced in thi co untry. factured goods have also ad~ that brings these two things, ,s mall In the p a t, we raised w ao'e ' , v an ced tremendously, and are pro~ts and low wa ges, in the very and lowered price , We, acc omp- usually unob tainabl e at any same years. They belong ~ogether. I ished that l5ecause output p,er .pri ce. But, in the am peri od, . All of us want profits. Why then. man i~crea se d along with i)ay . the wages of Russian worker ' all the hullaballoo aoout wantlng ' in ce the war, the exact oppo- , have, up only 25 per cent. bUliness enterprise to, hand over any profit it makes to employees? The " fo rtunate." Ru ians are site ha occurr d. Mo t ba ic To do this would be to cut our own indusbi,es report that', whil e n ot burdened with a free, comthroats, What we really need is wa 'es 'al'e much hi gher than pd itive' c'o nomy uch as that more folks with the idea of going , Tastier' ... more easily digest~d ... and with added lief · re, production- per man_ in th e United States. Th ey don't : into , business, making mdne , and nutritive values I Try Borde,n '5 Golden Crest HomoDee hour i, low er. Th e con equen,ce have to suffer al ong with ueh employing ' peoI?le. , The , need is . delivered to your door or at :your favc r:ite store. , of th at can l'e expres ed in a t ypically capitaJi tic m nstrosL more bankrupt corporations, but 'more profit, more wa ges, and better , in gle wo rd-inflati o n ~ ti a, g'l'eat fact orie proLt ucing 'living for , eve rybody. The re al interest of labo r 'lie_ a growin ' fl ood of , cons'umer in j ob curity- and in th e o d -n or cl o th ey have cl~ain tore and indepen j ent tares RUBBER STAMPS and pur ha in 0' power of th ~ d liar. ~H '!f • .. • ... " _..,....-nVlCf In -elf-def we, i,f f r n oth er all competin g wi th each other MARKING DEVICE.~ •,: 1F 'I r' S BOR D.f ~ "§" ':-;.) T,' S ~,P ~::-l o.!., ~p E .f;; 00 D I '( m ti ve, l abor must cooperate f or consum er fa o r. In Ru: ia • , I' GAZETTE OFFICE wi th man agement to get th e eve ry thing is 0\\ " ae d and con_ Dayton Phone H£1275 - Local Phone 2552



Karl D. Dakin ,Insurance ,Agency ,


OHiO -,ARME."IN'uo",


.IG ' M



A better' milk for better nutrition





" ............






No.4) ~9 1+" 1 of 7

TAP ROOTS In 'the earl y ar m · -l f th ,:,. · .oi h, ,.·I;'ttkr was ." , ne I'iel . brought from Ne,,\· Orlean by




c,u ltural origin and development the State. Originally the Ollio State Fair and all County and Independent Fairs were .a~l'icultural expoby Jane Fite . sitions-<iisplays and comparisons of things produced tinder ·the dint It' ton hai that ' f 11 IWS like of day to day labors on the farms our '11 ighh 1', 'Berni' jl I'ian While the 1947 Ohio State Fair, of Ohio. Th!i!Y bec:ame g~y festivalAug. 23-29 will 'still be fundament- like gatherings r'efiecting an abun. mu t die, Bernie wa ~ th kin l.i ally an agricu ltural eventJ especial dance of neighborliness and of famit i a p I a ur t 111 et-h emphasis will be placed upon things ily 'and community good will. cUl1ia\)1 \ an of a cultural nature, such as music, "They are still :fundllmentally agpainting and sculpture, a.ccording ricultural events and must be kept to Edwin J. Bath, State Fair Man- that way to the fullest JXlssiple exager. I tent. However, · industrially and commercially, Ohio ranks fourth or . fifth and is virtually in the center of the. greates't wealth producing part of the Nation. Therefore it is almost equally imQQrtant-that:.theI!l8 involve a:keen and growing interest in the aims, problems and v ivors, skills of those industries and pro*** fessions that have contributed 80 I always enjo d 111 frien j "...~ ..... to the advancement of , agriand other ' supship ,~ith Will Tich ' n r. I s, research, protections and the admired hi~ refin 111 nt m arvelIIl1ClenlCe of chemurgy. ed at hi intelle t: I felt hig'hl_ "It is of equal impo.r tance that I honor i ,to a , "Will 1 ich 11 r, 18rnpl1aS18 be placed upon things ~f ' who co mpos d 'Glori u Ohi ' a c~ltural naturEI, such as ,music, wa a per nal frien :l who I painting and sculpture, which are I can hol d 11 thin but r ' p > t &I much a par~ of agriculture as the soil itself. That is espe~ally true for." because fJlrming is the only large ' . ~ business which still retains the close ; tionship with the home and , definitely seeks to glorify individual, the family and the community of which it is a part. "Let us all loo'k forward to the In a recent discussion , of challenging participation in the de- . year's Fair, Bath had this to say velopment of a new State Fair site "The Great Seal of the State for effecUve year-round sennce to iOhro was c.onceived from the all of our people."



b at Cin Innnli at a c . t f thr e pen e per pi und, and th n brought in wag-on to ' thi vi -init . With v r v rude imrl ments, the farmer wa, t\1.rnugh the ri 11 fert ilit v f th ~ lanq a 'l e t rai ' go d CI' '~ " with whi h hi hom ' was up . plied lih rall y . Th al J 'rice wa I w, Whil at fir t th e prices weI' fair, r ri e given by Samuel Linton, he 5peaks f drover pay ing three dnl1ar~ a hundred fo r h Q': which th v drnve to Ba ltim o'r , but a more ettler cam price c1ined. orne of th pric . f oll ow : Corn 10 r 12 ent · a blr hc:l; Whe:l.t 'or 40 cents; Ha v ~3 J' ~4 a t n; FI UJ' $ 1.5 0 -t ~L . o a hun , r d p und o; H g 1.50 t 2. 0 a hun:ire ; and 0'0 d I e~f $1 ,5 0. Ve: 'ctn hl \ 5, ar ' Jy had a mark t va lue, . Fr m letter f that tim tile pi n rs talk d f and aw the atte mpt f th Briti h to d minee r and pr fit hy the un ure p ition f the nited tat .' a-ri us l a \\ , we I' pa ed f or drilJin g- f the militi a, all of th ~t 1 PI' v . inefrectiv . "Th6 r cord . f nam e of who th t n f r 1 , ka",' at ea 11 1 ck." ., h Ie · tern of militia train· \V r and wh "It i.s not ne e sat' t ay ~ erv ' ex ing Ii feH in10 g n ral n- what is r coded in the minut .that the proje:t wa never cartempt. Th ~ . Ilt: ral muster ri d ut, but when \v r,cm em.. J f Mi ami Monthl M din g, th brou ht out a va t call' ur I.:!. ber th a t t I k a f ur h r of people; the day wa a h li- I can ' finct. Am n .~ · which team ft'~e day t tran p rt day f r th 1 wer. cia e and Ga riel Wil on, Thoma - Ro arrel.' f f 1 ur or h -elv the occasion 'of much intoxica- a captaih, John Mull n, En twenty- IV hunctr d pnLllhi of tion and man y br,utal fight. It Willi ams, Owen Evan, th pork t Cincinnati n:1 r turn) also wa a r k m f r th , m ay 1 e m ore. then the ·pre J rtors of the Quak r ,wh had a testimony cheme ar entitl d t. . I~ \ co m. "During the war 'Of 1 1 again t \' r, A - ~~ a t. 10., 1814 the hom f Al1i; ;.Wl m ende f r their en terpri - and 18 5 a co mmittee was appo int- O'N eall wa an a lum for th de ire t o lift tl1enL ·1ve o ut of ed t prepare a ~ .titiol1 \\ hich famili e of fri rict l In dian th e mud." wa pre nt :i by a mmitt l.: fr om the n orth rn' fr'o ntier . .f n'· In 1817 a bridge ,va huilt of Fri nd t-Q- the a . embl , who man y f whom it wo ul ct hav n a contract where the p~ sent ~ 'e r fa v rabl r ce i e:i. Tho c! I een unsafe to r main near 1 ridge n \ stand ov )1 the mill Friends who ' practiced trainin ', th~ir former hom s. ALo,. the rac . It \\ as. uilt b John at:. in thi militia were lal red, ith wife and chil d of G n, Harri- t n\ ait for $70 .00 in iudin O' \ and u ually di wn d. At a son' hrido'c fficial interpreter w ere -·tfl-c- abutment ' . Thi 'n le tin g July 25, '1810 the tnem ber of th e famil y f r h t od f r ten ear. Before thi ' 10 k years." - mmittee al pint t . t a brid.l;e had I ~e 1:1 I uilt at th aft r as . f lIffer'ing rep rted f rd b tween Hi ,g:h and ' Main, , Th e distance t o m arket an :1 th ;lt lIn.dry good had been the co ndition of th r act \va I think thi hould b Mi ami t., taken from differ nt Friend far lIch as, t o . 'ive ri e to enter- in 1 12. The chaIin'e'l was not the yea rs 1 8 OS to 181 to th.e pri es, which to II at the pr _ I cated a it is now, f r' wher~ am unt of ·S - 77 .8 %; April ent day give ' ri e to nterprL th brd e no" is, wa at th at 24, 1814, militar demands that eem chimeric 1. In 181 7 time in ' the bend f a h or e ~ f $ 1.5 0 and pI' perty a- th leg-i lature of Ohio inc rh e, tbe channel at ve an 'j III untin I' to S 1'15 9.46'4 'had hel w. th brid ge ha vin . h en pOl'atect the Litfl·' Mi ami Canal b en taken. . and Banking C _. \utQ ~~ a ital made ince. . Th war f ffll2 ptO ducC:i f $3C)0,OOO ., Th ' obje ' t \Va . BlRTHDAY HONORED quite an cca i n f f ar in the to construct l ock s and mak . country and c mpanie at slack water navi gati n 11 the WITH PARTY . Mrs. Raymond Brad lock ntroop s were rai oed. -But hefore Little Miami River; a1 , to d th e declaration .of war in June a' 'eneral I anking busll1 '\ s. tertained ~ gro up Of friends and the p~ople .of ~ uthwe' tern , There wer ten inca rp orat 1'5, th ir child r.en on Friday after. them were Abijal} nOOn honorin g the thirteenth Ohi o were frequentl alarm i 'am'on O' with r port . of Indiaf1 in ur- O'Neall, Gov. Morrow, r~i c h clrct birthd ay anniversary 'of her WiIhelmirta, ' Th att rth·l dalwht r, sion . T ecum ' h 'and hi . bro- Mathe r, and J ohn aft m oon was pleasantly p nt 'ther, . the I r J~het ha be n waite. Th e.river wa tIe ma de in playin . o'a m es, admiring the laboring for yea r to hrin o' navi gable from the Ohio River abo ut a uni n f the Indi an to Waynesville, and th . com- lovely gifts. and enj oyin g the tribes against · the white . The pany 'to ' c01tect' t en cents per . by the hostess. battle . of Tipp canoe \ a fou~ht Nov.7,. 18 11. Th e Indians were defeated (by G en. Harrison) but 'the government continued to n g-otiate ~ll1d k ep .the Indians from more t ormidable uprisi"ngs." ., In addition to ' the' peaceful negotiation, "t)le' 0" vc rnnl nt in 'April 181 2 or aniz·ed a miliREPAIR PROMPT~ .\ tary force at Dayton wh iel) was EQUIPMENT ON ALL MAKES placed under the command of General Hull and was afterwards surrend red to the Briti h in August 181 ~:' Th s evel~ts produced stirring time in Warren county. Troops were raised at Lebanon and drafts w re resort d to and a number of iti. , OHIO Phone 332 M zen of Warren cownty w re dr~fted; howe er there ar~ no


ration Sales

f th ay exKurz- Ka h C. In . pi ni' held at 'Lak i it:.' Fl' d 1i and J ~ el hin' B g-an, Laur:t ni :ler~ Fl rla:ly Tr' a Hust n, Minhi and Elain , :lnd a heap 111 r w " re pre.. nt at the p'i ni -L \.It wh r ' el: any f th at bun -h g ' it' - al \':1)' a J i ni ,

I "rsona1 n


11 ~ ~d



Til CroR








av r t ke "P ur sri m d rn .c mplete and al r riat>

STUBBS Funeral Home



If r kept a :1ia!.'. lhc' I ft,~e h adei Au u t 9,1947, wo uld I e)n I d want to fram . For til re \ ul i apl eir im rta nt

TELEPHONE ' 2291 . ,





FO R Any mak·e or model Fred Kah'n MO.t or Car Co. I





A gala Cr~ss-Sectlon of Ohio's Progress In Peace . Though gay with fun and entertain. D)en~ the great "Ohio State Fllir is plenty lolid in · 8ubstance. Exhibitl . book~d are far beyond expectations in quality, 8cope and extent. Agriculture. indoltry, science and education com· bine to provide every visitor", ~ld or y~)Ung, with an abundance of fmoSS to 8ee. to do, to learn and to enjoy. TH9MAS I. HUI.IT GOyerIlOl' 01 FRANI( FAINSWOItTH lIitHl., ., Art/cul/ur.



'alt NjanCller

FEATURES OF INTEREsr TO ALL • NV.doc. .and 'o~"ry • Field, DaIry, Garden on' Orchard 'roducli . Mod.r. Farm Mochi~ery Form Youth Ac.tlvll/es Nlwtlt Home Appliances Cultur. and Fin. Arb • f;.. land Concert. • Radio Broad'cost Sh... • MIdway Amusement. • Horness Horse Racln, • NIght Horse Show . • Great Grandltopd Show • • • •


.... _ _ I e ·


ADMI$SION AT GATE : Adults SOs. (pi us (ad, tOJ) , Child,,,, ISe. F,.. park"lg appollte 17th An. "rlftCt.

• .J




ra g " buri al wa made in MIam i ( . 4 )]9 C m ete ry, C rwin . 1-1,! 1<4 7 Mr. Ch arl'es l ilt I11p S )(1 ha a ' ~"'>'~"~ -lI---Jl.,sull-t;@-~4U~~E:r Daki n ..d~I..--h-t~+w>..1! e u " 1 th i \\'e k,t hi " ear thi - r L1 11i)n aUra 'l.leda Dakin appointed, administrai t r, M r . R 'he ' ' a T t a y () t' Ev e r trix giving 'oon,d wit!} sUI'eties i n , \1 I ' t t H ' I ,larg ~ IlUmhel f pt: 11 I \\' h . V \ a - l ~n . on our us, \ sum. of $8000. I kn ew Pr(, f. Mo n 'l,;, now t Mr. and Mr . harlc- Dn st'cl' Cin 'i nna ti wh 11 11' :' r ed as Estate of Emma E. Barnett, 'an da ll yht r J Jan 't and dec'd,' Cathetine Barnhat·t appointlip ri ntenda nt )f til Hilr .' ed administratrix givin g bond with Bart ara 1 ft VI.. Ine da y f r a burg ' ., chn) \ y te ni. V ather sureties in sum of $~~~OO. three w ek'_, (l -ati 01l trip c nditi 11 ,' permi ttin g til , gue L 'v\ tern n it d wlJf a " Ill i Ie , Estate of Lewis C:F1l'p enter, dec'd, t hr ugh th 11 th e Hi gh Viola Carpenter, administratrix intate. ch I la\ n f I' tiP eve n \. ventor y approved. Mr. ara h Wright \\ as a Mr Gu il ~ r I n and duuo'hEi tate of'Xathl'yn Barnett, dec'd, Oay ton, v i it r Fr i ::t') . t r i ' Ma ro'aret Ann G r I n , M I"> Frank Barnett, executor distriMr. a 11 d MJ'. L '\\ is VI. ( I 'h W re v i it rs in On.. ton, Fri 1ay. and t heir g ue L, Mr, an M r~ . bution in kind. BIRTH ANNOUNCED · James Estate of Bel:tha Florea, de~'d, . Am e . of Wi ltnin g:t Il, , Mr. an i Mr . J hn 'o pa Byrnie Florea appointed adminis- , were In E~ r1lll ge r, K. . , unday trator giving bond with sUl'eties in to att end th,e Bro ks a nd Brown C la rk e Ave nu ~ are' ann ui1 ing the r,' 'nt hi rth of :l ' dilught r sum of $2500. Re~mio n. , Mr. and Mr . Hugh . Va n ' c a t Miiuni all y H pi t'll, I ;ly':' Estate of , Gilbert GoppertoIl' and Mi s J an Fit w e re at ton. , dec'd, J. T. Riley, administrator in- Island Park Saturday t o attend M r. a n i M J" . Car l, ventory approved. \ Es1(ate of Emma 14'. Smith, dec'd, the. annu al picni c for empl oye(~ ' a nd fa mil y a re enj vac'a.t i n in l11 in i ~ , Meryl ,B. Grey a'ppointed adminis- of th e Kurz-Ka ch Co . In . trator givi"ng bond with sureties in Mrs. A. S. Collett left Xeni a f ri nd . . Tuesday e v eni~l g fo r a h\ sum of $3500. ' Mr . Mary Tu ker an 1 o n , Estate pf Georgia F. Mendenhall, wee k's vacatio n tour of Al a ka o f n a r tow n 'had " . wee k end dec'd, Alton BroWln executor to '-and other points t interest. hu e liest, Mr. and Mr '. "The Foursome" pictured above will be featured in the Stella sell persqnal property at private Mr. and Mrs. Ch a rles G o rdo n Ha rry Tucker a'n d famil y f Beeker Dance Revue which will be a daily attraction of Music Hall at sale. ' gave a dinner at t1leir hom e Duncan Fall s 'and Mr. Hele n \ The Ohio State Fair which will be held in Columbus August 23 to 29. . Estate of Anna M. Shumaker, Monday e vening co mpleme nt- Harri s Kl att o f Day ton. All of the youngstel'8appearing in the Revue have had several years dec'd, gross value of estate is in g Mrs. G ordon ' Aunt, Mrs. Mr. and Mrs. Lee Collin ' and of experience on the stage. $5073.83. I A. S. Collett. fa:inil y · f Centervill w r~ Estate , of Lydia. 'A. McGuire, The Mon e : ' Reuni n an un day gu ts o f Mr. C IJi n " judgment if any against Henry dec'd, Chap McGuire administra-· Annual event, ha been 'che- p arent, Mr. a nd M r ; Howa rd dul ed for Saturday Au gu 't 16. C ollin. Greenwald defendant Maple and tor inventory aproved. Maple. ~~--~----~----------~---------Earl Shiflett vs. Ray Phillips, for money ~nly;, amounb .claimed $25,000, C. W. Elliott, Carl Th Way ne_vill e Sew-So Abaecherli. 4-H Clu b met Mond ay August Thomas L. Weis vs. Norma A. FORMER HARVEYSBURG 11, at Mrs. Kl ontz house with Weis, divorce, gross . neglect of RESIDENT DIES Mrs. ' Kl ontz and Mrs. Elenfiel d ' duty, C. DqnaJd Dilatush. Fune ral se rviCe we re co nin charge and Eileen Brown Virgina M. Brill V'S. John W. ducted Monday aftem o n at presiding. Brill, ' divorce, gross neglect of Jonah s' Run ChlLlrch for Mrs. At th e- no rth co rpo rati on lin e Interesting eve nts: Th er" duty, C. Donald Dilatush. Waynes~ille Lyda Halton wieely known on Main St. (U. ~. 42 ) , were 22 members present. An , Wi11ia~ Ward vs. ,Etta Ward, Achievement Day program wa ' dlvorce; 'extreme cruelty, Young 'f orme r resident who . died Friday at th e hom e of her daughdiscussed and will be held Sept. and Young. ter, Mrs. Ren Gaines in Cincin4. The parents and public a re nati. Rev. J. P. Thornbury was COMMON PLEAS urged to come. , the officiating cler yman and ---1....-.-::at 1 :30 p. m. Eileen Rose vs. Earl Ross, ' deThe program co inmittee fo r Achievement Day are Caro l fendant to pay . plaintiff $5 also W,e are leavin g th e community to make o ur home in the ,we t Bunnell, Charl ene Edenfield, to pay ,. plaintiff sum of $8 per and ar.e selling an the furniture in Our five-ro om home at Doris Charlton, D o rothy Wil- week. Violet Nimmo.vs. Carl Nimmo, dipubJic auction. ' . son. The pUblicity committee: vorce to' plaintiff, children to plainare Judy Conner, Donna tiff, r,eal estate to plaintiff, deHadley, Do ris Br.o wn, Ruth , fendant to pay plaintiff sum of Earnhart. $25 per week. Guests present:' Sally Lou Levi Richardson vs. Gilbert O. Smith and C~rolyn An'n Haines. Hunkins et at, defendant granted , Next ~eeting will be held at leave to file amended answer 15 The Kin~ o f th e Cow- 16', Grange HalJ Thursday August forthwith. bo ys in color! Ro y and Tri~~er tlVING 'ROOM--New 9x 15 Broadloom ' rug and pad, Van 14 at 1 :00.' . Lillian Grace Whitaker vs. Willis ride hard to solve' a ga,me warDyke ,u pright piano and bench, Sealy 'sofa l~e d conJudy ' Conner -Reporte r Whitacre et aI., distribution ordeJ-. den murder. sole radio, lounge chair with 'ottoman, large 'over, ed. (Trucolor) Kenneth N. Ho~gh vs. A~nie ' K~ Springtime In The Serraa stuffed chair, knee hole-desk and chair, studio co uch, Hanawalt et aI., sale of real estate Stariin~ Roy lRogers, Jane Seth Thomas mantel clock" oak de sk., occasional .' ew~'" ordered. ' Frazee and An~ ' .' . d . tabl e, floo r) amp . MARRIAGE ·LICENSES Donald W. Foulks vs. Eleanor 'Plus: Rodeo S 10rt. Cartoon Dale Ruedig, Jr., 25, Ann Arbor, Foulks, former order ' modified, J. and Comedy. ' .• DINING ROOM- Oak exten sion dinin g ~OdJil tabl ~ and six chairs, o ak c upl oard with glass doors, small linen student, Nancy Carolyn Bridge, 2,Q, , Plaintiff to pay defendant sum of t'7 An 'auth or meets love and 18 Franklin, student. $7.50 per week. I b d ch est, three ~atchin g' s ~ ~g rl!gs. ' Virginia 'Brill vs. John Brill hear~ , adv enture in the lOr e- ree . Raymond ·R. Hotf. 23, ,Mason, . in~ country Sta11ion Road BED ROOMS- Three-,piece maple bedroom suite , poster , material' ~andler, Hazel M. Weis, ing set for Saturday, August 16 filled with dan,ge:r of spreadin~ , . '24; Mainevile, tiPist .clerk. ' a t 9:30. disease, . ' bedroom suite, ' cedar chest, bedroom rocke F, throw Chap McGuire, 68, South Leb.H~l'ry Ei.ckenhorst et ' ~t, ~s. , STALLION ROAD rugs, bookshelves, boudoir lamp, !led 'clothing. . ,anon,,' ~il1 worker, Nannie F'raby, V~rgll. RobbInS et' al., partial dlS- Ronald Reagan, Alexia Smith, south Lebanon, 110usework. ' trlbutlOn ordere.d. , Zachary Scott. ' \ CHILDREN'S ITEMS- I3assinet, rocker, maple set (table Plus: Latest News. aryd t~o chairs)·, \vag n, sl ed, roll er skates and oth er Charles Morris" 21, Franklin, pa.. PROBATE toys . . per, . worker, Bernice Collins, 21, Franklin. . Estate of Joel Kirby, dec'd, Bes- 20 His wife, his children, 21 . William M. Reec'e, 24, Franklin, sie Lee Kirby, administratrix in- hi's career, he sacrificed on the l.AUNDRY- May t ag washin g machin e, ironing board, pay roll clerk, Angela L. Kuhn, 23, ventory' hearing ' set ' for ' August altar. of illicit love , only to be clothes rack, clothes hamp er, " large clothes basket. condemne d - to dleath for. murFt:anklin" beautician. 25, at 10., . derin~ himself. Winifred ' O. To~send, 30, KITCHEN-Late-'! nodel ' '? cu. ft.Frigidaire, ' Unlversa,1 gas Es~te of Sue Weil, dec'(,l, ,MarNORA P~lENTISS ' FranJUin, laborer, Sar..ah L. Hat- gar~t Rosetta Bustle, administra- , , ran~e, whIte cabl11et ' base (porce.1ain top), meta' Starrin" Ann Sheridan" Keqt field,. 19, Franklin. cab1l1 et. trix inventory approved. ' with S·ruce Bennett, Mendel York, 26, Lebanon, asEstate ' of Charles I. Huffman, . Smith AIda, ' R osem.a .ry MISC~NEOyS- Hoov er, 5w,ee per, Singer ewing machsembier, Carrie Lou WIlson, 19, ' dec'd, Mary Huffman, executrix Robert Decamp. ", me, ·Ia wn m ower, card table an'd fo ur chairs, large , apprQved. South LebaJ.lon, assembler. Thomas A. White, 25, ClarksrocKer, medicine chest, clothing, porch swing, screen burg~ West,Va., student, Mary Lou door, garden tool s, quar,t and pint jars,. and many . Thorn, 25, Franklin. other ' item s. .


I ~ .,.~r· r: t.o • H ... a:.

I ....


\ Estate of Asher B. Newby, dec'd, George Newby, administrator filed first account. ' .


.Achi~v~ment 'Day For 4-8 Club



FRIDAY, AUG. 22., '47


't' Ou,. ·





W ', E L DIN G

NEW SUITS Clark Melton vs. Hazel Melton, . divorc~~ gross neglect, Frank C. Anderson. ,' Pearl Pummill vs'. Henry Greenwald et at, for money in the sum of·· $439.86 with interest at 60/0 per annum' from April 19, 1947 and for costs herein incurred for foreciosnre of Mechanics Lien and sale . of Ie~l estate and . for deficienc),

Any ~i~d of WELDING or FOR~E WORK Will make anythirig special, for farm o,r , f.dory PLOW SHARES TRUCK Wal)ING ' Good Equipment Plenty of Room Convenient Weld at Sbop or Call Us to the Job

BILL LEE-, Phone 451 Loc:atecl W.ynesville Hou.., at the


WllvD!!aViille• Ohio


John &.Rose Turner F. T. MARTIN, Aucti~neer (Commercial Bldg.; Dayton, 0.)





Gazette No. 14, 1947



CHURCH R. B. Coleman. Minister

Sunday Sch ' 1 9 :30 a. m., J. J. Bur 'ke, Supt. Worship ervice 10 :30 a.m. Y uth Fcllo\\ hip Thur day, 7 :30 pm!

f the fir t' two day_ f til '\ f ir hut the rc t f th . wc:ek it will I nn ~II-da y affair, Fi hing- lv\ ill I egin (I ll th e hou!' an t /' \g-dr a ~ ti n ma h ~ Ina Je at the "iiiie' j'i.:: hin g 111 t h ·;l.dquarter at T \\'in Lake- in·th ' rne r f th e P:1ir ( LIth a t 'g: r un:! ,


• Contest M1;inner II B ,rands" His Prize


Inventor Of College Cheer Meets Former Residents

, 'There wa " a trr~'le r uni on f f rln r. W'ayne vil1ians in Ch.i a ~: ;l fe\\ lb \' - ~ (r when unda~ Sch 01 9: 0 a.m Herhert \Varwi k - of y , un o' _ E. A. Earnhart, Supt. t L) \\ ' ll, hi ' w'as in th ~ ·it v. Wor hip Service 1 ( :30 a.m. C mpl tin ' tiT trinity \\' i'e Evening S rvi ce 7 :30' p.m. Eva lyn; Funkey' Andr w ann . M. Cal'twri 'ht. . H rht:rt Warwi k devi eel and inv IHe 1 ST. MARY'S EPISCOPAL th Jl1 0d rn c 11 o'e her f r Samuel N. Keys, Mmister .7 :30 a~ m. , Ante-Communion fo tball O'ame . Thi wa ' at. me. 1 :00' a. 111., M rnin g Pray r tim he was a tudent at 'th e hio tat Univcr tty. H iid not, h \V ver, initi ate the ~ r ~ UTICA E. U. 8. CHURCH ent a robatic fanta ie an i , Rev. A. J. Furstenberger ccentriciti that til ch eer Sunday School 9 :3 0 a.m. l ead r n w emp~oy, H wever, Mrs. Jame Garrison, Supt. , he did get to ether la r -C, bo iie ' Preaching. 1 t and 3 rd Sundays of tudents and train j them A pioneer of the auto industry, b1Unt~ throughout the "advance-de~ign" model, which Storey "brands;' here each month '10 :30 a.m. in m ass cheering,. As soon a nation in a contest to discover the oldest Chevrolet truck with his distinctive Circle-Heart brand. It was presented the cheer wa u d it wa in America, turned up, appropriately, in' the possession to him by J. W. Burke, manager of Chevrolet's truck employed in ,othe r college . of a Montana· 'homesteader. Thc= venerable vehicle" department, as Mrs; Storey and Montana cowgirl Merle fRIENDS vintage of 1918, wasltillaerving Ratllcher Leslie A. Storey, Spears (riiht) look on. Nearly 7,000 old-time Chevrolet Evalyn Andrews j librarian First Day School '9 :30 a.m. of the iri urance library in th ' Qf Jordan, Mont.; whose ranch lies 18 miles from a typical trucks were entered in the contest won by this vehicle, "last frontier", town. The award for owning the oldest which was one of 384 built by the division in 1918, itl Meeti ng f r W rship , Insurance Exchange : buildin g licensed and operating truck was a new Chevrolet tint year of truck production. 10;30 a.m. in Chica e." Thi ' in tituti n is m aintained n t only for the ST. AUGUSTINE benefit of those in the in uranc if th.e cr p .i put in a silo bef r Father Krumholtz, Priest busines, but for the public as ,frost and weather 'ha ve damMass 7:30a.m. and 9 :00 a.m. well. She has · dev loped . the Established in 1 , 92 -aged it. P r ons att n jin T th(: service to a · remarkable degree Chi c a ' 0 me ting' doubted FERRY CHURCH of CHRIST of usefuln ss. , whether enouO'h new standad FOR FIFTY-FIVE YEAR THl OF CHRIST. 'Mr: Cartwright wilJ retire silos would be avallabl thi fall , Ralph E. Stinson, Minister from active business this month to meet the d mall ' fern Bible School 9 :30 a.m. after ' having been in n wspaper growers who have n silo , Pit Morning Worship 10:30 a.m. life for 53 years. silos can be hl,.lilt for temp r'lr Youth Meeting 7 :30 p.m. , u e. Adult Prayer Meeting 7 :30' p.m. HAS 'OFFERED THE COMM UNITY Sideline c nver -ation · at, Evening Evangelistic Service , 8.:15 p.m. Chiea 0 brou )'ht out a lot of A COURTEOU AND ENTEEL A friendly Church with a ' guesses on ~he tr rd of mark~t price for live tack if. a tot of -jf--~~---,-"Go p~L Message SERVICE Only A Weather Miracle Can farin r simultat1e usly 1ecide Prevent Problem Of Saving to buy cattle ar ho t F!at soft WA\·NESVlll.E CHURCH Feed From Spoiling corl1· Marketmen r port pa,cker Robert L. VanZile, Miniat~r _. _ _ in- July w re gra bin ' OTa Bible School 9:30a.m. Farm leaders. from corn-belt cattle which should have go n ~ Communion 10 :30 a.m. TELEPHONE 2 111 state called to Chicago to com- into feeOlots. It appears ' certain ' Sermon 11 :00 a.m. Evening Servk'e8 :00 'p.m. pare notes on the 1947 out- that a long price will be Qharo'ed l ook for corn ao-r ed there will for . any ~Iive toc'k neejed ' to b a lot of soft corn which salvaO'e soft corn .. FISHING CONTEST . mu t be fed before, warm wet,tther 'start in 1948, it will FEATURE OF OHIO Lime and f rtilizej pasture ha ve to be dried artificially, or and meadow would take a STATE FAIR -... --there will be a bi loss of feci ' load- off d pI t d Ohio granaThyre'!t be fun aplenty for early next spring. ri es and corn cribs earl next both the anglers and the kiboft corn wiJLl.eep fairly spring, it~ers at th~Ohi.o Divi~~on of Conservation TWiilL.akes Ex- ~vell in col weather and it ' is hibit when 60 young~ters und er , good feed until L'ama(l' d by Quick cooling and proper 18 in hour~lon g hifts for fun . motds and rots. The l oss of ' oft storage for milk and cre~ m and .f or fish ,at the ' big ' 194'7 corn will start as soon a ,tem- maintai~1 its orginal .quality. Ohio , State Fair at · Columbu , perature begin fo rise in 194 . New cream ·-hould n t be August 23 through the 29th. Expert attending' the meetin poured into .th t rage ' can w The 22 foot ano-Ier's pool discus d possibilities of feedin until , the new batch has been will be ,stocked with' everat the corn before daman:e tart" thor ughly c·oo l ~d . thousand channel Cats and bull. method of starin' it i prev~nt anywh re spoiling, and the possibility of heads m easuring WANT 'ED . ' fro,ll 1.0 .inclle to whnpp,ers. drying it artificially . ,A rtlficialdrying appears ,to Youngsters \VitI fi h 45 minute . be rulea out for most farm rs HORSES ~ $10.00 out of each hour under til ... by lack of equipment, ' unles COWS $12.00 sUl 'e'rvisron of the Fish ManageHOGS - $3.00 cwto_ ment Section of the Diyi ion of they can have the drying , done , Acc..-dln, to 51Z1 a Condition Conservation attended by uni- by commercial plants. Drying equipmelJt for farm ihstallations ' Also, All SMALL STOCK formed field m n of th e is not available in suffiCi'ent REMOVED PROMPTLY • Division who wit1 keep the Phone _ " large quaot,ities to handle any Y9lmgsters supplied with ba'it, part of .the total soft corn ex. XENIA WILMINGTON fishing pole, tin es, sinker and ' , help strin~' the fish or come p'ected in 1947. PractiCally an the f ed value runnin.g WIth the smelling salt · I,' of immt4ur corn can be saved when young Ike Walt.on smack ,a spectator in tht: face with a two"l'pound channel cat. Fishing \VitI be . fre and the contestants w.iJ1 be 'able to take their catches hom.:. Game .. For Insurance At A Savings See Protectors will see tbat the fish , are -wrapped, labelled and stored on ice while the young. sters visit the rest. of the bi~ _Waynesvill!, Pb';llle 2935' or CaD CoDect Wilmington 2Ll1 fair~- T~ schedule ~alIs for fishing in the afternoon - o~ly

MT. HOLLY METHODIST T. M. Scar(f. Minister





McClure Fuueral Home








Francis Gene







.pref r that y u U III 1'-: talld th _truLtu re n:'c a'.. tuall y NOT ~ al ins .. The ai' Cottage~, L pied after ' -Ur 'I '-

ffi , and 1ft 1 d, '.\fater Main f r \\ia n hi", r a\\ in ' ), 4 (i SPECIAL RATES by CONTBACT ' and 0 , -I12," The \\iork liv h 111 ' , hin o·. lI 'll l11• v red by th e ' 1 c.if ic,lt i ns 1',1 t 111 d rn int ri ~ r· an:\ c:;'· Loana-' on i ts f fumi 'hin ' all lal, r, t eri or d i O'n . -~--~~-------------quipm nt, appl ian e anli f . FEDERAL LAND BANK LOANS: For Reflnanc1ng - Rebuilding - '. mate ri al and perform in cr all Buying, 4% Farm loans wit h long aerations nece ' ary f r th WIle to pay, Pay part or aU any n f th n w wat r UJne. , installati main fo r the iIlag t "EBANON NAT'L FARM LOAN Wa ne ville, Ohi o, in full and ASS'N·, Ellis H. St'Ul'm, Sedyto the 'omplet sa ti ' fa ti n of Tr~,. Leba.non. Ohio. Phone 448 to the Village, The work hall includ e all pipe, valv _, va lve Real Estate For Saleb xe, fir hyd rant, conn ct- , IF YOU HAVE A PROPERTY OR, ing into x!stin g main and reFARM TO SELL call or Wrtte , t rin )' treets, idewalk , et ., OOn_,He¥derson. Tel. KE3446; 61'1 - to th eir orginaI conditi911. The Lorain Ave., Dayton. Ohio. tfc f 1I0win ' Ii ted material \ ill I . furnished by, the Villa O' free of REAL ESTATE co t to the c ntra tor, and in. DON'T FORGET TO CALL stalled by th contractor:. ,( I,) LONE .ME INE us for Insurance. All types of ' '1 0 lin, ft. of 4 in, ca t iron AGENCY lnsurance at a sayings. Call b 11 and pi ' t pip , f r 1 5 Ibs. · Ph, ne Da~t n M073 Francis Gene BTown, phone Is q. in. pres ure, in 1 ft. --adv 3.~82t) \Vaynesyille 2935 or call len oth; ( 2 ) tine (3) four ' inch (4in.) ir n dy va lve ~ collett. Wilmin,gton 2111. with bell ends. Notice of Appointment • • CLASSIFIED AD BATES • •

:Mi words or less. one tlme.~ •..••• 250 Each 'additonal word , ... ~ .1e 0 0, '





DRESSED POULT~Y TABLE DRESSED FRY, 3 to 4 lb . 65c. p,er lb. Op n every day unti! 5 : 0 p. m, , Closed e'very Wedn day aft ern oO'n, Poultry ' in the Locker. Leave orders for dressed hen " Win O. Gu tin, . Phone 2543. - 8-14

FOR SAI.E FOR SALE - ' MERCURY 11 Camera, case, . sunshade, filter; Ben Rickey, W~yne ' ­ vjHe, O. . --81 4 FOR SALE-Green Beans For Cannin g, Bring. Bas k e t . Geor e Peterson, 1 . Mile from Waynesville on . Be -2-14 brook Road.' · I

Houlehold Goodl , POR ALE-KIT'CHENKOOK table-t0p ga s 0 J i n e ' . cook stove. Three burners and oven. In6tant lighting. Good condition, Reasonable. Roger Brown, Third street, Phone 2193. . 814

Each bid mu t contain the Notic i he reby given th at full name of ·every person or Catherine W insp a r Barnhrtd company, intere ted in the same, who e Po t Oft1c Addres i een and e ac ompanied by a bopd Wayae'v.lll e, ·Ohio ' l1 a in t.he sum of one-half of he duly en p intect Il. Ad minisubmitted bid t the atlsfaction tratrix with th e Will AflO xect of the Board' of Tru tees of of th e Estate .f Emma E. BarPu lie Affairs, or a ce rtifiect nett ' late of Wan'cn C unt , check on some solvent b'ank, as Ohio, d·ecea eo, a uaranty that . if .th e id i Dated thi 4th jay f Au 'accepted,' a contract will en- ust, 1 4 7, tered 'into and its performance Ralph H. Car y, Jud e pr p'erl y ecured. Should any of the Probate Court, . bid be relected such check .will . Warren County, Ohio be forth \\i ith r ~turned t the Stanley & Stanley, Attys. 82 1 bidder, and should any , bid be accepted such check will b re- 'N otice of Appoinbnent '. turned upon the proper execuNotice is_ hereby g iv~n that tion and securing of the con- Cleda E. Dakin , w hose Post ----.:~-'~~~_Qtfice-Addr.e ffiute- No. L tract. Bidders are requested.'to usc Wayn vill e, Ohio has been the printed form which will be duly appointe:t as Adminisfurnished on application. ' ,' tratrix of the EstatL of Harry E. The right is reserved .to re- Dakin late of 'v\ arren eounty, ject any and all bids. Ohio, deceased, By order of the Board of Dated this 4th day olf AugTrust~es of Public Affairs. '. ust, 194 7. . Charles James Clerk . Ralph H. Carey, Judge -8-14 of the Probate Court, ;.....---..:._Warren ' County, Ohio C. Donald' Dilatush, Atty. 821





Sealed bids will be 'received by the Board of . Trustees oJ Publie Affairs of Village of Waynesville, State .of Ohio, at . the office of said · board until twelve o'clock noon, Au'gust 15,. 1947, for furnishing the necessary labor and materials for the installa:tion and corll' pletion of a ne\v water main from the two existing :'wells to water .main at the intersection of Mill and Main Streets for supplying water to the Corpora_ tinn and the inhabitants thereof in , (~~cn rdance 'with plans and spe( ,! . '. ~ I'r' S on file in said

Comma nJ " r ~ i l h ar 1 ~~IIJl~" >"I.i di Lll an t




"Life" G"roup Shows . Picture Of Native Son

_ 1-1-


r 'cent



- 1I " ~

If th ' re

th' ap-


SOFTBALL RESULTS Au o', 5-M ill er R'st,

-l 1 :2

Fair) ' -,~ I

A ltg. -6-H :trv Ll ,




F rj R xanna

. 1~

Mill r R ' t. A LI, " 1 l-H arve shurr F ~ irleJ




Au . 8- Mia'mi hur o' All tar - abina ' All Star 1 12 1 1


Ob1o. Reverie ~

5 3


Peer' Inn R xann a Faid yFord Harveysbur Millers Re t.

AUCTIONEERING STANLEY and, KOOGLER BBODB8 UCBN8. ror De.tea. Phone 11M. Wa)'DesvWe. .



5 5 7

732 7 650


6 19 190




FUTURE' ALL STAR ·GAMES Aug. 8': Miarrti burg AUR: •. 10: Sabina Aug, 15: DaytOil tee I Fdry. Aug, 17:. Middleto\ n C lored Aug. 22 : WriKht Field , Aug. 24: Leesbur~ Aug •. 29: Middl,e town Bravarian Aug. 31 : Wilmin ·ton ept. 5: Miami l ur Amedcan Legion. "

NORRIS BROOK COMPANY Clnc1nnat1 Un!on stock Y&Td8 Live Wire ' and ·PIJ"o8IretIJ1ve. AD orga.n1Zart.1on ·s econd w none. Strictly sellers on the best all s:iound. Ill8I'ket in the

cotmmy. Service That Sathfle.

WHlO :oa.yton· 12 :30 ,E .' S, ' T .• D1&l 1SOO WfLW .C1ne1nnat1 12:40 Dial 700 for our D&1lY Market Report.

Armitage &Son




We now have some Fertilizer on hand and. are booking orders for future delivery,






X ·E N I A Fertilizer 45 ·4 ' ,

. I

L G. Bach.... IDc.

10 ,17 '


$1.0; . HOGS $·3 c~t.




In the flltufe we request that no one in this community. purchase ally'-ctdvertising or .anything else from ' anyone who . may introduce himself as :l. '. Representative of the American Legion unless they have a ' . written authori;zation signed by both the Commander and , the Adjutant of Wayne Township Veterans Post No. 615, ' We appreci~te all that the community has don~ for this Post. We are doing .this in order that no person may represent themselves as Agents of the American ·Legion in 'an attempt to defraud one.



1 29

( .

1 I,

.' I wi h t e. pr s: my : (n '~re a~"pr ht i -m tn 111,' fricn I: a.n l n iO'hb I" f r tl1' 'ari, g-ift an i fl wer - 1 rcc 'i 'cd ~illrin " m v tay at the.: :i amarit:m H' ~ itaL , Elizal lh mitl1








PIANO FOR SALE-Katherine Mendenhall, Main St" ,Phone . ),.re you 'affected by the pre2635 Waynesville, Ohio. .' sent housing shortage? .Or are , . -8-2 8 you a victim of condition,S th ~{t h ·HELP WANTED- MALE require you to live in a structure $2 5.00 PER DAY, AVERAGE undesirable, and unappealing earnings f.or trained farm to yourself? .If so, we may solve your problem with our spray painters, lristruction '. cozy cotages we are offering cla~s now forming. Write for sale. giving ' name, age, ~xp e ri-' These cottages · are beautiful . I enoe, refer·ence to: Bruce Fuhvider, Box 313, Lees- and durable 10 an equa measburg, Ohio. . 2821 ure. They are designed to meet the approval of the most WANTED- MISC. discreet. They afford ' ample room, measuring 10 feet by 24 WANTED TO BUY- BALED feet. The floors are constructed Straw. ' delivered or in ' the of pine wood and the cottage field. Telephone Roay Jones at itself is ful insulated in order Bethany, 'Ohio, Phone 2426. '

In U

yuur 1,1 -11



Pa ,

'lll v ry J1lu 'l1 in th is l11 :ttl J;. Wil lia m (llill) :l \\'yLi'

Thank. f e))'


Fairley .Hdwe. Store ,



'PYPE TALKS .. by John S. Turner and Bnhh y \\'o nllan1 st pp ect t pin y \'lth Kavd ic and rn wfull y told t1 , hat Pet is dead, A 1 .n ,~ -h ai r ~ li, I ng.h j iect, tai\-wa cr in' og, pra ticall y v ry H1e like i, 'lOti th ey }' v :i, " am " a tra fllc fatality re ntl,. Ma, l e it' a small iteni. to y u, lut not tn Jerry an B 16y.


Below t wn n the I)il1 ~ uth of Dr, Mar' h mi ' a patch of cactus, ft ' urviv a,ll kin:l of weather and n nc eem to know an thin g ahout it ' origin'. With a little re ear h thi h uld make an int r e~ tin .r:: tory,

Th~ Miami


,Sesqui Group' Adds, To Celebration Plans



COME TO ATTENTION ",,' I anlon ' , e ' 11 ur h ar.i Jf a I () 2 \. ',a I' 1,1 ,i il \\ ':\ r \ et ran ii vin ,g: ,in or n:1 r \\' a 'll svill ? :c\' ra l p 'r. ' 1m " li in g' 11 're ila\'0 r'. lue t j ' ' nli irht nm nt n th i: matt ~r, It \\'a~ urig-in:t ll y a.nn )un e i in tl1 '" Da yll)l1 p ;~l' r ~In d ,::; 1111 ' reI orl ' I , pi tur hein.' print 'd a 1 1 n ~~ , wit h , til apti 11. T hte 111.. ( ne ha: be n f ulij ~\ IHl knows ~ u h a I I' n h w. e l' it i ' P ' i 'I e th ~lt a Ilmn an ' W ring' thi ' :Ie ' ript it 11 l iv,c: in the 'Otllltr v in thi ' t rrit r. Any inf rmati on n the matter \\'; 1\ be apI n:: iat ed .

Band To Benefit From Twin Show

Btazr If 'rm n!.J til at rte"\\,' - - I ';Il::lI1Hllll1 t l i ' lu re will c h WI1 h r for tl1" fil" t nnd 1a t , tim wb n the- 13a nd 13 ters Clu b 'p 11 (lr ' a matine e an h\' vcni'ng I erft rman' ' at 111 . IncaI T \\·in Th atre thr< u h th' url e f th ,wn 1', Paul haf r, wll htl I nit t d the use I f th ~ theatr n Ttl ~ day, pt. , , Thi - i ' 'I might a ti n pa kcd drama f the air 'ten ~efill ct moment " tirring love Sene:, and int n ' int re t th rou !"h ut, tarring ' 'x igname ~tar .' Anne Saxt r, William H , lct~ i1, nn Tuft, Wil~ jiam Bendix, .. t riin o' Ha ' en, H \va rli Orr ilva, In a jjiti n t ) thi ute f 'atur, Fox M vid rre New - and a art n in C lor will al -o I e h WI), Make arran ' ment n w t me to the Twin Th atre n pt. 9 an:i nj y thi ' fin e, sh w that will nl 1e h wn here for , ' a m,atin e and tw ev nin,.eper'-~ f arm ance. Thi ' i P ~ ltiv ' Iy the fir t and la t , tim in Wayne _ ville. j

Mr '. tanl " Ba il e, rel re'ent d th Ea tern tar at th ' A meetil1 f the " quie 11- \Varren Cou'n t Unit Am ri an tennial Conlmitt e hel j at th ' Canc r ociety at th Goldelll T wn hip , Hu on Monda Lamb Hotel, Tue :day ev nin. * * * e of Hli . we "k \\'a ' well ,' . Emma Lou Le~l " f W,a n , ': h rtly ag , on a trip, we attended by . ' 111"111\ cr f the v1l1 wa al -o.p r nt and w,t. came tluQugh a t WIl in Mi s) ' roup~ Atlditio'nal matte ,r " p 1'_ n~m d to · repre en~ Wy n .. ouri named L an on an \ ith ainin to the ' min g 'vent " ,Ville and communlt~ 111 ,, ~he a populati n al .ut ' t~e ame ;1 . wi ll be tag j hert.'! "pt. work ~f th~ .Cancer ~I. ~t, Half~ th e town thu n'ame in our (l vn that 12, 1 and 14 were di cU s d. Her dytIc· WI ll l11Clu~ publt Ity , county. \,ve wer .... travciin , in a \N ayne Park will I e th I show1l1 ', of e ucatlOnal film ., n orthern l y~ ir L ti n, the liext ti n of activitie of th 'threef~nd dnv an i oth~' 1uca. R. W. Bradcto k, uperil1tentown we cam t( \\ " l \~ a 'ne::, j' meet 'which \\ ill include' a, tlOnal \~ork regardIng thl dent of Wayn Town hip ville. Ac rdin t.' t C) h: ; '~.' th..: ay . "Gr at KIller" chool annOUfl d thi , , eek populati n L '0 ' ~, nd il " y hav gam~" t. ' About ixt' P I'" 11 ' w· r 1111 that the Way' n viII cll 1 attractions, of all de cnphonconte , a big booths a fire hief, I kn . v. I a 'k i. h ' rseshoe pitchin 'contest, oap att~el~dance at. th .1~1 etmg and will pen, Tue ctay, ept. 2 f l' ,~ * * many offiCial were grabfIed t !u:, a half-day s ion: It i - planned Thi Ie ti on there i " in,:; lox derby, parade and ' ' 1 11 b'" such a larg number th I e, I n to serve lunch e ~ .this, ' tar e·t All tl11 MI tller even t . ' \.. • f th t " , t o b a . ho I h n L u ff ered o t ed ff aturday night view 0 e ex r mdy wa~ m , ginning W dn e lla, ep , a til v . t r of th community, It pp . 0 • n , weather. A great 'amount of 111- 'both bui,lding . , wi ll 't m utit to" 'inthe nei ~ hb , r. 1Y a gl~nt display of fireworks. terest is being aroused in this Mr. Braddock -tate the , 0 ho d of, $2 . ,000. The re.a on Su~day the 14th .ha,s be~n work ' and much good is xpect-, faculty i n w compl et ~xcer t ' . is't er ct a new buildin (r which a memonal 10 'ed t o be accopmlished. a teach r in th Commer ial et. aSide h th easchurches of theday comis m dern and safe ' f.or th' whl departm ent, He expect t, youncrer hident 01 the com- mum't y WI'II com b'me t oge th er I n make an ann unc ment on thl ' In th pu lication of the munity. I believe it wHI carry. a service at 11' :00 a.Jl.1. T~is 1't I ~'t' f th m atte r by ne t week, ' quicen ~nn a,l Eell Ion 0 e It' a necessity and hard to ee wiII be followed by a l:\icnic dint' t' f tt Miami Gaz tt it has been deAt th la t mee 1I1g 0 1e how anyone would v te again t rter at noon and the afternoon the education and afety of a will b p d vote,d to speech ma,k Bard of. Ed ucat·Ion, M" anon cict d to include th e affairs of .,.. wiII include the services Ad am wa emr 'I y d as .1an ' - th e Celebration n pt ., 12, 13 ' ' ~ future generation. There may ing and '11' and 14, Originally the edition ' . I G d I · be ' some who will, ut not of a person of' national repute The esquicentennial Com- Itor at t1e' ra e l Ulin g , \ a to have b n campI' ted in many. Bus driver remain the ame tim for t,h1 celebration but it who wiII give the address of toe mittee ha named A. H. 'stubbs * ** day. , a chairman of the parade that as la t y ar with th(! foI1o\ving wa agre d that it will add a There are many oth r Ralph Edenfietd is p'lanning is to be staged here 011 Saturda.y, liste 1.: Richard Th omp 0 11, G" " great amount f ihter t to have thing t write al ut. Thin to ' nct . the day's activities' with Sept. 13 a a part of the c l~e- Henderson, A I) e rt G ray, the t ry and pictur of the that inter t both y u and. me. a softball , arne' between two of bration being held on the three Bobert Baker and H o ~vard , events of th l! thr e day in Iu<L Dan ' Surfgce (he; 85 nn ) the top teams ip .this area. More days, Sept. 12, 13 an 14~ At Burt 11 . ed. ' t-old m ,of --S.Qlli literatur i l inf r,m ation on this will be this time, it is rep orted that a-- - M.J:S. ,Wln.ifred Hart , Uti - -'Flii ' will n . t--hl -any wa de-' has 'kept all the e year that available soon. number of truck, pa eno:er .Mrs, ElIzabeth McKeev "r hay tract from the ad yinal plan of was written during- and al out Bob Mehaffie, chairman of cars, hor 'e , tractor, and ev n ,been emp.1 o ~ ed as cook at the the history ' of. the Wayn ville the slave era. Walter Ca ,vha th oap box derby contest is an airplan ha - been i 'ned up Grade bUlld1l1 ' and Mr; r~1/1 community from 1797 to 1947 d es u h a .fine job ' keepin 0' sti11 acce..p1ing entr,ants for jhi~'"-, to appear in the, parade. All of Shoup a~d Mrs. Paul. MpwrI e being pubJi h d. It will only add ne of the fine t and m ~ t affair. Prizes of fifteen dollars these entrants wlIl b de orated at the HIgh School bUlldmg. It to it the additi n'ar 'atTair f the t eautiful c m terie in the tate are offered winners. Willis in a mall~e.r f~t,ting t,he 0 casi 1l,1, was stat. d, howev.1', that a event for which the t ulJi, ation could tell a lovely tury al out Hunter has issued a call for all In addItIon to thIS a number chano'e m tJle latter may he ,i ' hein'g 'mad . This, will make a pI t of round wih a popula- horse hoc pitcher to enter the of bands, 'f rom vari u place mad. ,Mr. Maro'ret Ann Chap- the editioll all th m 're attraction more tha!l ~ight times the , big con~est. Thei are ~xpected have been conta.cted t al 0 ap- man ha b c e~l empl ed a' tive and de iralle. siz,e of \Va ne ville. here froin Waynesville and pear a a part at the parade. dieticia!1 and :,up rvi ' r If h til Many ' ord I' have b 'en r. e* all other surreunding towns. This event will be on .f the cafet nas. ceiv d f I' re ervati 11 f copIes But there is one other fact ' 0 , ' ' most outstanding of the ~ntire nf this publication. Sin e piper 0ften ovetlooked. . cel bration and it is , xp cted t " h rtage i . till a, maJo r pi'oblem Your local ,paper is one of attract hundreds of sp etatc r FORMER TEACH~ HAS , and th e:lition f thi pullicathe most vital , assets in the comfrOm all over the country. ACCEPTED NEW POSITIO~ ti n i ' limit d to a certain nuinmunity. ThfflUgl:J , it back-fence :-----'-I 'Mrr:-,.'i Ss-Flor,ellce Fo.xbo\vel, f\11 - bel of copies it is advis[d,le to gossip is replaced with news mer commercial teach I' at th place advanc rd rs to assure and, everyo~e has the right t.o Mrs. Martha J. Marsh; ao'e 0' I cal High S~h oo' l f or' Ix year'" delivery, Tlie c up on printed in use it ' olumns to express hls 87, formerl:y a resident of here opinion" Any commuriity w~lCh and ' a member of th 10 al p'rior to and: including 1946-47, tHis ,is' ue of th · Gazette can be, has restgned her pO ' iti on a ' , u ed for that purpQ . is intere ted in retaining , its In- Gr~nge, passed away at , her secretary to the busin ess manadivid'u atity will ~eep, atilT sup- home in ' Dayton, .Wedn e clay of Wilmington CoIl ge to CHICKEN THIEVES ger All er on ' illten::stei in port, its local paper. morning. , accept a teaching po iti n a( TAKE FRYERS Horse Shoe Pitching ,at thit , . * * '" Beavercl:e k high school, near She is survived by a daugh, Sesquicentennial celeb rat i, 0 n The Sheriff of Warr 11 county This is our last , Type Talk Alplia. , \' ter, Gtenna Marsh and a son, are requested to contact Willi ' was call ed to Hel1l'Y Fink' ·on columri. W,e're o'oing West to Hobart of Springfield. Hunter, Chairman f the CI nMiss Foxbower, ha . heen,with th!ev e~ vi ited Friday, Chicken live. ' Funeral s~rvices 'w m be held te t. illce the e quicentennial Wilmington Colleg 'inc;e June, them Thutsday , nIght, taklng Wasn't it Horace Greely who said: ,,~:Go West young ,man, go " at the Stubbs Funeral Home on Committee ha rul.d "double, of this year. She will teach coril- about 200 fryer ' . Tl1i is the only" Mr. Hunter ,asks ,that mercial CaUl' es in her new posiecond time this umm r they ·West" -then stayed Ea,st him-, Friday at .2 :00 . p.m. under th all , e n.trant be li 'ted with ,their ha ve h~ eh vi ited by thi, yes, tion,. of W, e aver ,Funeral di.rection self, and made a million dollars '? want..: partner. Participant 'are But there's an editorial job Home, Daytnn. Burral to be in 'ed from Bellbrook, Harv :ys, , ADVANCE ORDER FOR SESQUI-CENTENNIAL COPIES on the Arizana Times waiting Miami cemeter~. burg, Lytle, ,Mt. Holly, Corwin, Til Se quLCentennial Committ ee:" and it's necessary to leave. , ,Ferry 'and other v:icinitie ' in ad, Thanks for being so nice and , GRANGE PICNIC AT PARK ='lea e re erve t pie f the 'Sesqlli ~ Ce nt ' nnial ' Editio~ as , 1 dition to local enfrant , reading this column. YO~lf , kin.d AITENDED BY LARGE ,per th~ followin .: , , An entry t of fifty cent comment ' hav,€ been apprecI- GROUP OF MEMBERS pel~ on" i I eing char 'c'dl. p r Naill ated. , ' The Home , Economics,Group of the local Grange, No, 13, HAWKE REUNION under the chairmanship of Mrs, WANTS MORE PERSONS Rttnll Rt. 1. Addr ss AT WAYNE PARK Lawrence Furnas, Mr. Pal.,ll TO ENTER BIG PARADE A , H. "Cap" Stubb , chair, . The Annual R~union of the Tomlinson, Mrs. S. , . 'EIli and State squicentennial City Hawke families will be he1d a~ Mrs. A, H. Earnhart, sponsored man of the Wayne Park on Sunday, Aug- a picnic on Saturday evening; Parade is ue ~ a reque~t for' at 25c per c~ py ust :24, when a large group of August 16 at the Harry Smith decorated float, period Eire.; ed Number of copie wanted hoI' ·e.! ack r and all others Park Manv diff I'ent kind of rdatives will g~ther for about . their 30th reunion. Mr'. ' J. C. tile most delici ous food WilS on that would like tn partidpate in Amount can he paid with order or when , copie ', are called for. MA IL ORDERS: A j ,~c per copy h ever mailing en t". Hawke is president of the group sale, ' from which about eighty ,this-big cvem. A~one In t and Mrs. ' Kathryn Fr'9m m members and friends selected a ed will please make co Add~es ' ail orders to P. O. BOX E, WAYNESVILLE, OHIO-Mr. Stubbs at once. ' most enjoyable picnic supper. ' with Banta is secretary. . . , .

School Opens Here Sept. 2, Day ,






Sp,ecla· 'I 'Ed· - T , IliOn 'Include Celebra'tl·oo

-Ulant P.arade A · ' Feature ComlDg

*. ",

Funeral For Former Resident, friDay

· ', I' Teams Formlog

',Hors'eshoe Coo'test's



Gaz tte Page 2 Mr. a d Mr . William trnu.::c DAUGHTER BORN . N . 43 ha Vt: rturn~ 'to th ir h me in . Mr. and Mr . Jail) ' 8 urne . 1 47 L} tI c aft I' a 'ple'arant va ati n o f Centervill ·' ar ann un 'ing in Wi consin. Enr ute ' home ,the birth f a daup;ht ' l' Aug-u t and Mr. La wrt' """ ll ce th y wer 'ueSfS of Mr. and 8 ,at Miami Va 11 e h0 1 ita 1. and 'GI ra, Mr '. J. , F. Mr '. Lindl ' y MilL at R ' monna kat:! J a ' 0 11' mon, Mich', and weI' a comMr. a'nd Mr . M rri 13 urn·... an ie'd ' h me h Mr '. G\:. r~e of Higgin port;' hi wer the left un ~a f r a till' c \\'eek Mill ', wh had h el~ n a g'ue t ( f gu t f Mr. and · Mr. Earl vacati n thro u ~h the ,w 'tern ' Mr. and MrS. Mill for a f w Woollar i and family la t wp~, ali I ,- uthern ~ate . days. and also of J a~e B ume f Roy ElIi and famil y and Centerville. Mr. 'and Mr . 0 ' il M. Duyi Erwin Elli ' ,an i wif will he. Mr . Wade Turner \Va ho t- and Mr. and Mr. Cllarle ~ B. Mr. an~1 Mr '. Earl W o lIard a\\ a y \1 their vacati . n thi ' Mr . Delbert ,C nge r ~nt rE.arnhart .an j baby daughter oJ and left M t:1 ia f( r a week. Er.w in Elli and wH 'will ess at a Brid -Lun ch n hel d tained a gr up f relatiy al~d Dayton were un a eveDing- trip ., thrqugh Wiscon in ' an 1 go t.o outh Ca rolin a and I-{?y fri~l1d on unda afternoon, at 'her h me n Frida v, Augu t gue t of rela tiYe her". 15, honoring Mr . Joh'n Turner , Mi~ne ota. Th y will sp nd and , family will go t , the Ir' with ·h r ni ' C , Mr, William who, 'with her family, i lea yin " ini a ky Line. ome time with Mr. and Mr. Bune of Let an n a honor about Sept. 1 to 'rna k thei r Mr. N wman ' Po\\' II an i Max I-{an all at R iwo d F~II ' , 'gue t Mrs. Bunce received -children of alparis , Ind. are Mjnn. Mr. Randall , wa ·the f r- . R. B. P ters received w r j of many lovely little ift for home in Phonix, Ar izona. gue ts of Dr. Mar Cook. Th y mer ,minist r of the Wayne- th d ath of his br ther, Lee , Th invited guest at thi en\v'hich h thank ,d each one Tn were jojned during the w ek h, ' viII Church of Chri 1. joyable party were Mr . I ~ bert Peter of aint Ooud, Fl a., wh her very charming manner. Shaw, Mrs. D. R. mith, Mr'" . Mr. Po" ell for a fe w day . . died a ·heart atta k. R. B. After a plea ant afternoon, Rqy Ellis, Mr. John Ker ey, Pet rs and his brother, E.mory Mr. and Mrs. Robert Wilson refreshments of ice cr.eam,' cak Mrs. 'Rhode Bunnell, Mrs. A. of Caesars Creek and a n phew', Mr. and Mr . Ha rold B. Earn- ~nd family of Dayton' Mr. ami and coffee were servd. E: Stout, Mrs. ,M. A. Fulker n, hart and son and dau liter at- Mr . Chester Bogan and fam- Hardin Peter an.d Ru el Doan The invited gue ts wer : Mr '. Mrs. S. N. Keys, Mr , Mark Jack Wills, Miss Dot Rainey, Rogers, Mrs, Alva Thompson, tended the Frigidaire Mana e,. ily of New P,ads; Mr. and Mr . are driving through to Saint Mrs. Martha Walker, Mr. Ge . Mrs. A: T. Polin ky and Mr . ment· picnic at Lake ide Park Carl E. Bauer arid family of Cloud for the fun~ral. on atu rday ev nin ~"' , Fayette; Mr: ·and Mr. Fl oyd Walker, Miss Jane Walker, H. F. Dye. \ . Mr. and Mrs. Vernon Maurice ~ynch and family, Mr. and Mr . . Mrs. perry Benton, Mr. Earl A delicious luncheon was Mr. Geor e ~o er f Dayand Butch of Dayton and Mr. Walter Friend and family and Walker, Miss Barbara Walker, served and t:tt e aft rnoon wa ton was a :fuesday and Wednesand Mrs. Paul Maurice wer Mr. and Mrs. Ey· rett Bogan, all ,Miss Jane Moore, Miss Eleanor devoted to cards, day guest of his brother -in-Ia w unday dinner gue t f Cila . of · Waynesville ' s pent unday Smith, Mrs. Harley Cartwr\ght, Dr. and Mr ~ A. E. and sister, Maurice and wife. with their parents, Mr. and Mrs. Mrs. Nellie Moore, Mrs. Cliff ra Mr, and MrS. A. H. Earnhart Stout and daughter. , ~has. Boagn of Wellman. , Bogan, Miss Bonnie Bo an, Miss " Cora Philh'ower, Mr. and Mr. LaMar Earnhart were tJ8B GAZEITB ()LA8SIFIED ADS Virginia Brown, Shirl y Ann Mr. and Mrs. Mac" Wilson, Josephine Seastrom, Mr . MeL Sunday eve ning guests of Mr. . wood Eesley, Mr . David Kohl, and Mr. 'Van Earnhart near Sheniff, Barbara Dickensheets Mr. and Mrs. Oltver Jacob 'and and Mary Kathryn Mendenhall son, Mr. and , Mrs. Harold Shutts Mrs. Lillie Smith, 'Mrs. Marg · Lebanon. , attended Tri·State, Camp near and fami"ly spent an enjoyabl~ Rohr, Mrs. Lillie ' Cassenbrock, Chillocothe last week. Robert ev.ening, Thursday at Jacob Judge P. H. Tannehill ' of Miss Ida Mae Bunce, Mi s Ruth VanZile, minister of the local , Park, honoring Mr. and Mr. Bunce, Mr . Grace Schuler, Mrs: Zanesville has been 'the guest Helen Bunce, Mrs. George of his son-in-law and daughter, Church of Christ was in charge. Shutts' wedding anniver ary and Mrs. Shutts' birthday. Bunce, Mrs. Alice Hill, M!rs. Mr. and Mrs. Roscoe Furna . Mr. and Mrs. Victor NickeL Don \ Bogan and Mrs. Thelma HOURS: Mr. and Mr. Beeman vich of Mansfield were weekend BIRTH ANNOUNCED Haywood. Stewart, Mr. Harlan Earnhart guests of Mr.. and Mrs. ' Orville 9-12 each morning Mr. and Mrs'. Herbert 'Fairand Mr. Warren· Sheehan left Gray and Jamily. MA,RRIAGE IS BEING 1;'6 afternoons except child are announcing the ,birth on Sunday for · Minocqua, Wis. ~ANNOUNCED Wednesday Those who called at Walter of their daughter, ,.Rita Rae, on Announcement is' being mada They will be accompanied Thompson's home at Stony- ,Aug. 16. home by Mr. Don Rye, who has 7-9 Saturday evening of t~e marriage .of Mrs. Ruth ~pent the summer in camp brook on Sunday were Mr. Other evenings by Morgan, daughter of Mr. and ' there. Clarence Reeder of New Car. Friend~ ar~ sorry to hear of ' Appointment Mrs. Everett Early to Mr. Ray lisle, Mr. and Mrs. Harold the· death of Mrs. Sarah. Snell. Blake. ' . ' Mr. Robert PI~nck ~(rr111'T7ILT-1--IAV\AECP~hfi'€~fS0 , little dau hter 'of She resided in the Wellman TELEPHONE 62;}t The couple were' married mother, Mrs. Jenni e' Planck and Lebanon, and ' Mr. and Mrs. community for many years beAugust :13', at the Methodist Mr. ·-Robert Servis and mother Avery Shrout qf Cincinnati. fore she moved ' to Dayton, Church Chapel in .Phoenlx, Ariz. left on Saturday ·mornin f Qr a three years ago. Mr. and Mrs. Blake are at niost . interesting , vacation trip ,Mr. and Mrs. VI... rnon SimpOptometric Eye Specialist 'home at' 1505 'East Brill St., to 1'lew York and many other son and children a re enjoying Mrs. Pridlla Compton, Misses Phoenix, Ariz. , 'points. a few days in C(c!veland and Irma Fires ariCl Rutb Burnett 26 South ~etroit Street Nia ara Falls. and Mrs. Eva Burnett were XENIA, OHIO WEDDINC,' SEPT 1 M·r. J . C' . H'IseY., WllO I;) conSunday guests of Miss M'inni ... N Mrs. Nel11e Bunnell ha,s reDav!s in Da,yton, AN OUNCED fined at Veteran's Hospital in . Friends and relatives here Dayton is slowly improving and ' turned to her duties at t.he local Post Office after a th ree week·s , .have received , invitations for expects' to be home soon. . Florida. In company the wedding ,of Miss Ernestine , Earnhart, daughter of Mr. and • Mr. 'Robert Tb0mas under- with her son, George Bunnen ' Mrs'. Ernest A. Earnhart, and ·went a serious ope·ration . at the and family, they visited ClearMr. James Wildman of Jackson Veteran's Administration hos- water, Ft. Lal.\derda,le and other at the home of the bride's par- pital during the past week and points in the state. Mrs. Bunn~l1 , reported the temper~ture much ents on Monday evening, Sept. is recQvering very rapidly. f. ' '. , cooler and more com orta le' tn Mrs. Jess Thom~s returned Florida .than here. LOCAL 4-H MEMBER IS to her , home during the past" Mr. ' Neil Smith, Miss Eleanor NAMED TO MODEL DRESS week after several weeks ill the for STUCCO and CEMENT WALLS AT STATE FAIR, AUGUST 28 hospital as a result of the many Smith 'and Mr: George West, Miss Ann -Rogers, member Of injuries which she received in dorp of St. Bernard; Mr. and Interior and' Exterior ..... Repels Water Mrs. Perry Benton and Terry Wayne 4 ~ H , Sew,-So Club wa an auto accident. of Dayton; Mr. ana Mrs. C. H. one of two girls from Warren county cho en to ,model her COLORS Miss Na~i E~rnhart was Smith of Cleves; Mr. ' and Mrs. dress at the Ohio Slate Fair on among th.e gyests at rhe wed- Davi'd Kohl and children of Mt. Whit~, Light Gray, Red, Green, Fawn and ,Gray Thursday, August 28. . ' . ding of MISS' Donna Jean Geary Healthy were the 'Sunday dinAnn's projec,t was a dresS'- up and Mr. Jack E. Young on Sat- ner guests of Mr. a.nd Mrs. Del. dress. She was al'so county WiIl- urday erening at the Blue Ball bert Conger. ller jn 19.46 in a c'otton ctr~ s Presbyterian Chu'rch. She also project was a· guest at the reception LIV, ESTOCK 'which was held followin g t~e ' DRY RIDGE COLUMNIST ceremony, at ft\e home of the ON' VACATION IN EAST bride' parents. A card was receive d from our Dry ~idge corre'spo.ndtmt Mrs. H. L. Rye is slowly imTO CINCINNATI . this week" posted in Marble- proving , at Mi~mi Valley hoson ,head, Mass. Some of the reader pital, after bein'g confined tnere th."t have been wonderln why in a very erious condition fOr Tuesdays & , Friday.s , the column ' has not appeared the, past few weeKs. for the past two weeks wiU now Will pick-up Istock at realize that the is, enjoyMiss K~fherine Prend erg~ t your farm ing herself 'in the cqol ea air re.turned to her home on Sun. of the north Atlantic coast . . day, after spending a few w eTc She promises a I tter tellin it in Cincinnati. South Main Street across from Grange HaD about her trip in a 'future 'issue . Telepbone 2422 WAYNESVILLE, OHIO ·Mr. and Mrs. Max D. Hart, PHO~E 2 955 Miss Wilma Dibert and Gor. sock have returned after spendKEM·TONE ·· NU·ENAM~ ..- G. E. B~' WAYNESVILLf , OHIO don Beck, spent_ unday with in g a few day in Virginia and Raytynn Crab';e:West Vlr inia.

-Mrs. Bunce Honored At Conger H.ouse

Mrs. Turner Honored At Bridge -Luncheon



Dr. ·C. E. Wilkii









pound. package

Waynesville Furnitur~ &App6ance Co.




. ,





r Miami Gaz .tte


Mr. and M"r .' eha rl e " 'indler left M n 1a y f r ;a va ' ;:I ti on uth rn . 'c: ;. , trip thr uih t1i' Mr and Mr . K n McCallum . Mr . Geo rg Wat i-11 nu e' and of Leban on were Thur- da cal, on call d il Mr -. Lui ' fite, leTS of Girdon Bacon an j f am- W dne:i a aftern n.

f Ra Mainou ' and (am-


19 47

.[Jepjonal nOlej

i~l y~

Mr. and Mr ' . Je P n~ingt n entertain'ed th e former' m ther and fafher, al 'o hroth er an I L tel' at Jacob Park, Friday evening.

I ft T u d a.\' morn i 11 g f ' r a V' l,· T Ul' :l a. · afte r ~ ' \1 iin g tlie past ati n trip t, ·tl L , m Ik y Mt . week with fr it: nd ~ in Highland, , Mr, an'1Mr.L ' l ic' rt'i ani III. and t , L ui , M . hlliren weI' h st, to the re Mr. and Mr:. Martin ' pent uni n f th GrJ ' r.tmili ~ at the w eKen , -ith M r. ant rs . th ir co untr heine, un ja . C. L. Ary . Th ere were -f rt y pre' ' nt. • . Wilfred Ar p. nt Thur jay , with hi paren . 1 Mr. and Mr . Mr. and Mr . E erett Githcn Corwin Ary. and Mr. Lulu Gith n wert: Tue" ay ev enin o' L'U 'st , f Mr. Mr ~ and Mr -. Wilfr d Ary , an:i Mr ; Walt I' Kenrick. and' dau o'ht rand Mr. 'and Mrs. Mi Alm ett a ~ teinke in Kent Ar ' pent aturday with . mpany \vith friend fr om and Mr, anj Mr. Walker at Da ton, enj o. d a i elight ful E ton. trip thr u!Yh the Cumberlail j m untain and iO'ht- "eein at NorTi Dam, T nn. durin g the' . pa t we ek. Mr. and Mr . L well Th rna · • "': I'. ''':''~ and dau<Yhter, Mi B tt and Mr. Bill Rickey left Tuesda f r t. Mary' Lake' at C lina f r a two week's fishin trip. . , Mr. 'and Mr. Alfr j Ra nake entertain d t a famil y dinner, unda . The 'ue t wer Mr ,. Roy Puck ett and daughler f Detroit, Mr. an j Mr '. Charl,e' Belcher and daugbt r f near CenterviIle,- Mr. Ralph Bel . ch~r and daught r of Wayn esville, . Mr. and ~ Mr . Henry B, tcher and Miss Vir inia Belcher To make the most of summer fun, of near Utica. put pleasure' before the unpleasant Mr. and Mr . E. B. Lon Yacre, business of cleanli ng and pressing , Mrs. Ca sie Hardy and Ern est clothing and household articles. Foulk att ~ n jed th Foulk Our convenient and . dependabre cleaning service will gjve you Reunion., Sunday 'at the home more time to indulge yourself in ' of Mr. and Mrs. Le t r Deitz those things that make you re'ally . near Cincinnati. ' Ii\!e, instead of merely exi~tin$l" Mr. and Mr '. Ralph Dnl f Spriri g Valley and Mrs. Emerson Dill attended th McPher. son School ' Picnic which wa held unday at Shawnee Park in Xenia. , Mrs. Emerson Dill f M t. Holly ,returned to her home 1a t

,The ~ytle unda,y ho I will Mr .. and Mrs. Henry P~nntn g- hold their. annual pieinc next torr of Ricl:1~mond, K. have Sunday, Au . 24, at Ft. An ie nt. Mi Judith ' chuler of Leba- be h h U' gu, t , thi ' 'Week f They will leave the . hur 11 at. non is pending the w ek with their ~ on s and fami~ie , ·Mr. ,and 10:30. Games, conte L an j her fafher, Mr. Arthur hul er . Mr " J es e Pennm ton and music are plann d I y the c Oland grandmbther Mrs. Grace Dann y, ,and Mr. and Mrs. Frank mittee in char e, namely: Mrs. Schuler.' Pennirt O'ton an~ famiiy. Mary Bunnell" Mr. Ola · PurMr. and Mrs. Hiram Gc: r.,~e · sley, Miss Patricia \Vink" Mr. and Mrs'. Fred Hook aIlLi and Mayor and Mrs. Carl13rown He~1ry Saylor and Don Baird. Mrs. Howard Ge samon . of left Saturday for a week' , fi hMiss Suzanne Harlan returnDayton called on Mr. Frank 'i ng trip in Indiana. . ed last we ek ' from ' the Gi rl · Hook of Wilmington, wh o is Mr . Emma Kline and daugh. ·Scout Can'l p "Whip-p or-Will very ill. tel', Mrs: Ruby'Stump are pend- Hills" near Morrow. in a , fe\y da h re as hou e_ Mr. and Mrs. Claude ,Rig, ' Raymond L e Bauer pent gue ts f Mrs. Kline' ister, returned to' their home in Da Ja t \\1 k with ili ran par- Mr . O see Harlan. ton, Tuesday after · p ndin ,~ ents' Mr, anj Mr_, Ch as .. B . an. Mr. and Mr . Hugh S. Vance several days with Mr. an j ' Mr ' . cf V\ ellman. are pending a few day at their Wilbur Elark. Mr. and Mr ' . C. c untry home near town. W.' Younce of Dayton were als Mr and M I' Oti ~ Pra m .:! r nt Mrs. ' Alice Urton ha ' return. Sunday ' ~fternoon and evening ,X'eriia and Mr.' an t 'M r. . CI ~l t ·n ed t.o her home . here following guests at the Clark hom " Soil L ' f " l'ri n,l,' \ al ley wa c a visit with her brother and . Mrs. Gertrude 0 wald . was Saturda . artern n caIl r ~ of ister .in-Ia w, Mr. and M rs~ W. hostess at a dinner party in the Cha. h pherd family. . Z. Drake of Blanchester. Dayton, Tuesday evenIng. Mr. and Mrs. John Beckett, Guests from here were Mr. and Mi ', Jo eal i ·~ ~r e .., ct ~ n ,r Sr. and son of Franklin 'vere Mrs. H. A. Steinke, James the \ ekend with her grand- weekend' house guests of Mr. Steinke and Wa'lter Burdine. par nt Mr. and Mr. Frank Beckett's parent, Mr. and Mrs. Mr. and Mrs. Amo Cook of Beal in Leban 11. Ben Beckett. ' . near , Waynesville were Sunday Mr. and ;. Mrs. Lawrence aft rnoon guests 'o f Mrs. Marg: Mrs. ' Martha FleW ry and H ugh hav~ had as their house aret Johns and Paul Johns. Mr . Conrad Mainous of Ham. guest for the last two weeks, Mrs~ H'arold Steinke wa a ilton spent last week with Mrs. their son, CpJ. Harold Hough of- luncheon guest in the hpme of Ray Mainous, San Antonio, Texas. A dinner Mrs. Charles Keller of Harvard guest at their hQme, Wednes- boulevard in Dayton on TueMLs Grova Peter of Dayt n day was Miss Jo Ann Bryan. day. ' . . js spending her va ati n w i. h . Mrs. Mary Tucker. was hostMrs. Lulu Githens of Dayton her par~nts, R. B." Peter and" ess to the WSCS at her country . is visiting her son and .w ife, Mr . .;.~~.-------....~a h me, Thursday afterno,on.. and .Mrs. Everett Githens at wife. . . The Annual Mance Reunion their country h.ome near Lyne. Grandma hin 'Ie i vi i tin was held at the High Schoql Mrs. Paul Shipley . enterta.inh riter, Mr. Anna McGinn.s gymna ium, Saturday. ed the Lylle Card Club at her in Dayton a fe'w :da s. Road Oil a 'n d Ta 'r A p p Ii e·d The Graham family reunion home he~e, Thursday afternoon ' Mr. and Mrs. Everett Clark was held Sunday at. the home of Resurfacing and Driv~way Recoating , Mr. lind -M-rs,. Orlando Hane y Mrs. A. S. Collett. . and son Dickie of Dayton spent of Xenia' wer:e 'callers of Mr. a'n '1 Mr. Frank MacCarren ' pur- Friday evening with Mr. ' ~lI1d 'F R E E EST1MATES ' ,Mrs. Fred Hook, FridaY. chased ' th~ Madden Homestead Mrs. Wilbur Clark prior to tl~eir on Main street at a public !,lUc~_ .. leavin'g for a trip through CanMiss Barbara Walk r of 1ion c ' du-cted Saturday 15y lh-e ada. . Miami Valley hospital spent Bailey-Murphy Co. Wilmington. Mr. Guy Routzahn moved 26 Oakwood Avenue LEBANON, OHIO Phone 221-~ Wedne day and Thursday at Miss Ann Williams spent the last week from the gara~e. a,t her home here. ' week as house , guest of her Lytle Hall to' hIS new I U1ldmg grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. H. on thi! rear of his lot. . Mr. W1IL Mr. and Mr . Rufti Watkin S.· Tucker, while her parent, iam Pennington is now lecated , spent Sunday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. RiChard William in the ,Hall garage. . their daughter. in Dayton. \Vere vacationing ' in Michigan. 'Mr.s. . Harola Steinke, 'Nn ' Mr. William Hi.}d~rbrecht of Germaine Marqui and Mis ' Mrs. Donald Ehis, Mrs. Roy l.ondon, Ohio spent the we~k- AlmGtta Steinke, were CincioReynolds and Mrs. Charle R. end as the, houseg,uest of hiS son nati v.isitol's, Monday. E11iS--ma~ business trip to ' and 9augj}t~r~i~la\y, Mr. : and Bobby Pursley; 1-.~-l.J:.LL...-._-i Dayton, Monday. M,rs. Herschel Hildl!rbrecht and and Mrs. Vernon PurSley had , 'sons. . " his tonsils removed, Tu e day ' Mr. and Mrs. Neil Bunce .' M.r.' and Mrs. Dave Elbon ,of at Bfair hospital, Lehanon. , , Sixteen Grange meml ,er ... ]lave return.ed ,f rom' their hon~1- Morrow callea on Mrs. ~lbon" moon which they. spent 111 , and sister, Mr. from, here atten,ded the Gran 'e ~Kentucky and Northern Ohio. . and Mrs. Ben', Beckett, Saturday picniC ,at Smith's Park ~,ear evening. r Waynesville, Saturdayevenmg. ortand Holmes and , family Mr. Clifford Doster has been . The ,Friendship Class of attended the' Holmes reunion at released fr6m' Veter~ns Hospital Lytle Sunday School held ,their the , Eldon Holmes home near in Dayton and ' returned to his ,regular me~ting, Monday ev n, Sabina, Sunday. home in Sprin,gfield. ing at t.he home of the te~cher, MisL Mildred Chambers has Mrs. Vernon PurSley. Mr. and Mrs. Joe Mainous, of moved to Lebanon , where she Mr. and Mrs. Everett Early Dayton wer~ Friday afternoon is employed. ' returned home Sat':lrday after


Blacktop Drirveways. ..••


l'f ' . ·t h t . 1 se,e a ' n1'o e,rn I e o~ wmgs .. a stng, I seek a modern hfe 0'n wmgs that Qance, . I see~ r<?m~nce, I see~ romance, I. seek romance On wlIlgs that smg - on wm,gs that dance. " . CHORUS. .' I forget the day. I. forget. just what I play.. I flyaway WIth you; we fly. ~way from VIew, I seek roman~e; I see~ ro"?ance; I seek roma~ce. Alone With you; on wmgs we play; on wmgs , , that sing; on wings that dance in all the starlight's view we promised we'd .be true. It's our romance; It's QUI' romance; It's our rom-.lnce. We drop down thru a silver spoon As we leave that midnight silver moon On wings that sing; oq wings that dance. Coyright 1947 by Stanford Bogen, Morrow, Ohio Demand this SG-ng from yow: music de;Jler, also a record. Demartd to bear it over radio, be sure and give its proper title ana whom .by. State by Stanford . Bogen, Morrow, Ohio.

. 'k


,a .week's vacation at Petoskey, MIch. ' , , 'Mr. and .Mrs.' W'illiam .P.en .. nihgton and family ,entertainelt several ' relatives to dinner, Thursday .evening in honor at the former's parent, from Richmond, Ky. Mr. and Mrs. T'herle Jane and Mr. and Mrs. 'Paul Shipley . , dn trial of the use of air. planes in dusting Ohio torinatoe~, the increase in sal~ble fruit due to dustin.g w'as two- ' tons per acre, The 'same dusting materials applied with com- · man equipment on. the ground produced a little greater Increase in tomato yieTlfs than irplane d,l lsting did. '



~~7M4, ·1w­

Leslie B. Rothman LEBANON,

otlIo •






Every Thursday by DAVISSON PRESS FLOYD L, DA VISSON, Editor critered as Second Class Mat 'er at , th~ 'Post Offlc


.Subscription Rates: '$1.50 per Year in 'Advance

National Advertising Representatives OhiQ W eeklies, Inc., 2465 W. Broad Str~et, Columbus 4,

hI 0-

F.a'I-rly' FamI-lI- ar

view, thi ' co uld have .'ll1 ull- The Miami Gazd t hi o, f rtunat effect .on arh unit y. W ~l ne ville, Th,ur day. All,!;'ll ' t rep riel' f . r the Chri,tian CIa e t hal f f the D inL ra't i n C n 1" , ot d to rrul icn 'M n t r t 11 - {f th r c! Chin ~ e wire \\~( rk c j f r -Ix the veto of the lab I' iII. In a' . - BEGINNING 'SEPT. 2, 1947 year - in , Cuba unjer the pm . mu h · a M r. TrLll11 'lll ai1d h i ~ te ,t ion of th 't 'nitel1 , tate I fit ) ,' le:l i r 1I j eery \\' ap n WE ARE PAYING AGE~TS mm an:l in an ff rt .arnil1g' a 1111 a-rativ Iy fabu· at tbeir FOR GOVERNMENT t ' se ure n )ug;h y t to u I u Am ~r i an ,' alary.· '" h n TERMINAL LEAVE BONDS a, I{ d if the\' hact e\fe r heard tain th vet ,that wa .- it :c v.:r ' J r the i min i ·t ratinn . defeat of de m ra' v, th 'y I ke 1 Th , on 5 are a dire t , hlank . . H til n a k d 'th em It ileal" that Mr. Tru man" bliO'ation f th e Federal wheth I' ,they had e r h ard f g rip n tIl ' rei n of party '(I n· Gov rnm nt an i it i n t C mmlini ni. T h y an ' \\,ercl1 t ro l i no t a fi I'm a \vas ,th .. . ne 'ar t · a -h them at latc Pr id nt R · e It ~ . Thi en thu ia ti a ll y in th affirma . t hi tim e, thought i a t onic t the R . ~iv't:: . "Furt herm . rl:: " the I'ep r tpublican, who e.. onfiden e f ' I' ai I "they all th light th e 1I I f P 'si llle- we urge would Plef r li v in g' un der th" victor' n xt y ,ar ha ' Cl(l'ain n. t h l:l l h 111 f L) j. i n y tC mmuh i. t · in n rth ern China ter d a bull-mark't pha 'e, ,ment. on their return 11 m e.' Th, ~ Mr, Truman's vet , f the ta :.: have : read alout C I11l11uni sm, iJill wa u_tai ned, '\ tit the lit n ver ha v heari r r a i mar 'in \Va er J -th e ahout the ,emocra ti wa y oj H ouse vot d to ' v rri j , and life und I' w hi h Hley are Irvin !?,' he wa uph el d in th , nate by • happil . . , Lik ' the' I' t , f u '" nly a han iful f -ot '. Furtherth tllk f or ' ~'ra nt d Am rican m Ol'e \.) til within an j with ut denlO ra ." t ' th e D m rati Part., th r ;5 The g' vern m ~ n t f t11 ' , . a strong feelin r that hi: to In fun ti n e i till' U 'h th was ba ed on the \\ rnn g' , Waynesville, Ohio ar f r n ' purp e- , t gr un d . He lai] all t il 'l re ' PI' t~ct the di o'nity an j fre ! m ! of it citizen.. 'IndivH w'l.1 initiative and n eav r built th ... ec nomy whi h m aKe thi typ f government ' _, ible and k ep it. p ratinf cffe ' ti el . Y et, in th ' la. t deca je and a BUILDINGS CHATTelS , AUTOMOBILES lIABlnTY , half, there ha I' e n a lear trend in the dir cti n ,f g j'n_ "4-WAY FARM INSURANCE" m nt "netshi'P )f indu tr. C mill u n i 111. Tw Ililt' n in the Ohio FlP,llDers will give you broad protection against losses 00 your farm. It covets your bQi1<lings, your chattels, your automobil~ dollar 'hay. be ~ n 'pent' to and your liability for accidents to others. Why not see WI today? e tablish R ve.rnnl1 nt in ' the You aOUl you're sale when you're insured in the Ohio Farm'u s' busine f gel1 rating- and di tril1utin g Ie trii r w I' uJone, in t ax- xe m t mpeti tion with the inve t 1'-0",/11 j ta xpay in g lectri indu tr . A ' . • Phox:~ 1.5~!. 2~~ E. Mulberry, LEBANON, 0 ,.' great . h dr .el dri stem ' i prop ed , for th e Mi uri and 8 COMPAN'f Mis is ippi river" , wit h n " , 4 .4 OHIO .AaMEU . IND~ co. . ~~ ()1iAJ m nti on of it effect on exi tin private utilit i s irl th ' two valle s. uch prop nl b m n I~ i '11 n Be~t In " he flelel n ill ~ov rnm nt e h the holIow . ne f the thr Chin e \Vh lived und er dem cl'ncy in ,Cuba but didtl't kno\ what it wa . If this nation i t o urvive Maximum ,Ie lei-bot!) quantity and f quality. wise-is what makes sU,ccess· ' as a land of lih rty, th g vern· ful farmers. It is significant t~ note ment cannot go 111 xpa nding that' during the past 20 years more jn fields that are the province and more of these successful farmers of the private citizen. are using BIG M ' Brand Fertilizen.


The Miami Gazette ESTABLISHED 1850

c'qu tc j t 1 P/'( e d a.gain ' t the a... n i ' a 'e U - .d. b)' EFFELDEE Th a ' n ie nam d in Iy , . in e th L'han~' in til ap- til' > . . I uiJIi ' H <tlth rVI e, po intment ,f a' Fir hief f or t1l" "ri ~ ultllr De ar tment , an th Burea u f ' Re :.n h Wa 'llesvill mam' h av sa id "wh ",ill 1:1k ch a.rg '\ in a ' e an j tati ti c of the ial of a fi r'l: ?" Not ha in !:?: th ful l curit y Bard . The l ast. th, fa t PI' -enl ' :\ it i It gic~l repo'r t' ny ' , wa re' p i1 ' ihl 'q'ue ti on tt a k, Pul Ii it)' \\-a_' f r m -t ' f the propaganda giv 11 , t til re ,i rrning of the mate/r ial. So- alled "health form r Chief d tilndif rd hut work hop" ',w re held in ,tw n ttl 'ial ami - i n ,has h n mi i ., \\ t rn iti, "Iargel m ade at ,to \\ h the ne, Chief ' finan ej ' with F :leral f Ul1Li, i , Hea.r a name Bill Bradl. l.. a ,ke nTOUp n th g v rn ~ a t h n vi h ad h li tin h h a 5 m n t p a TO 11 \\ h u j t 11 n t ft1 iall a e t~d· th p i. , wo rkshop· m ethod f di u Ion tion nor ha h oft! ' iall r fu '· subtly generate public senti. ed it, it d I a v til· matter ment in behalf f ialicd far (t the g o. medicine." In conclu, i 11', the ral pu Ii i , 11 rnd . In ,.report further tat d th at peakin g with, a Vi lla ~ ftIcial "kn wn cOl11muni Land f 11 w it wa I arn d th ere i n dan- travel er within til Federal agencies are ' at \Vork di1i!)' ntl )' gel' of a la k f efhciellc), in ca Che ·te r \\ ith F ~d ral fund in furtherf fir , h \\ v I' sin Car , 'A i ' tant Fir Chi f i a nce of the M sc \ party lin.... in li arRe in the ah ence of a ' in thi r n'ard.'" . Chief. At ,C. P. , J Y Chi f of 0 grave a char " e , a thi Police ha auth orit to tak mu t e o'iv n th ' m o ~ t thr . ugh ver in th , ab nce of a pr per inv tigati n. Th er cah be n head of th e firefi ,ht r . Jt ~e m , po i ,Ie xcu e f or usin the that the VilIa&e is ampl pro. t a~pa I r ' m on ~ and , taxf fire through up rted ' :o vernm ntal a ' 'n. tected in c'a the arran em nL ·n 'w in effect, cie ' f .r pr ~ agan ja eith I' f r or against an propo ed law. but, the fif'htin o' f a fire i m r or Jes li ' locking th ta lk The 'offen e is made wor e b a,fter I the , h r ha , e'cape(T. the fact that socialized m e icin'e Fi r prev~lltion i far m rim· is alien to every ' Am eri can: p~rtan t th an 11 ' h~in . a fir . R principl e of g'Qve rnment, and i gardl s of 11 0 \\ mail th fi re ' cl~arly a communist 'concept. ma be it j I otmd t o d orn e " Bo ring from within'" tactic of the kind charged a·re- th e damage. Al 0 , ,small fire alway pre e d b i ~ n , It i ' quit ' m t eff dive weapon II e j by doubtful if anyone at ' pr. nt, those wh wis·h te- ~estab li h tre ' thi p int, lik f rm er totalitarian gOY 'r nrll nt , here. CI,i f tandif rd. Hi effo rt I:. BURNING A were con taMly t ward the I' ction of co nditi on that pre. BILLION DOLLARS vented fire from happe!1ing. A Frank' A. Chri ten n, t re L Fire Chi ef that command a dent of the National Board of fir fi ghtin 0' gro Lip rnthe que\ch. , Fir 'Und rwriter , rec ently said ill f a sp ctacular fir and per- that about a ye ar ago he pre . hap th e avin ' f per~on f1' in dicted that direct waste by fire 1 llurnin o· buildill ~s become a might , xceea. th e stago'erin~' . WHO? WHO? "'HO? 11ero in the si ght f tho e who sum of $1,000,000,000 ' a year It is no secret that man y f if th e American th e Democratic Party · trate. witness sueh a c 11 • H wev~r,' by 1953 th e Chi' f tha t quietly goes people did not fight it with gi b are' very eriou Iy conabout preventiil fir i th un - every re ourc , at , their com. cerned 1 ' as they I ok ,t ow Clrd ung hearo th at is I ok d up on m and. ' th e 1948 gener_<;tLerection, ,with a only a .fi.tlle~lie'ld simpl. 1 hat forecast., be , co ntinued, now' ,t o ' I' concile Pr'esident recent I:' cord with becau e no fires 'Ccur. S veral wa ~ wrong by about-three year. Trum an incident of unne'ce ,sary and If- the recent rate 'qf increa G his past po iti on , and with, th e d::l11'g: r II chane in the hurn- cOlltinues, w will cross the bil- views of a large p rcenta~e of ing of trash a'dja ' nt t bui,l d.' lion·oollar mark by April, 1950. the Party's repres ' ntation in ings ha been n tieed l.ately . J Never in our hi tory wa the Co n g' l~e . The primar y reconcillati n thi s a in ' of I,ax nes on the fir pI'obl~m 0 grave. In '194 1, part of fire pI' vention mea ur. th e los wa $300,000 ,000. In involv e la,b or' pi !icy. 1n 'his e ? I 'it po _,ible t hat thrC)ugh the twelve nlonths ' endin la, t veto f th e Taft··H artl ey Bill, th failure f al rtn e in th e April, the ' 10 s wa mo re than the PI' id nt den un cei it in , prev~ntative m ea ure - we m ay twice a: great-.- $.616,000,0 O. l im t ev T) parti cular, Yet, I. fac i wi th l\. di a ·terou fir ? Worse sti.l\" death b fir,· ha - durin~ the national railroad \i\'e hav, much to h th ankful followed the trend, and the toll trik p f ' about a ~ 3ar 'Mr., . for in the past fe\\ yea r in not ha teadily risen. Truman apr are j I ef r Conhaving a ri u fire il1 th e f ll:ce The organization and in ii- gre and a' k d t"a ' ag .f a of th e fact that m an fire haz- viduals wli ose bu iries it i to 'bill· which, in man, '" a " wa ards 'ar ever p'res lit with ol d prevent fir.e and to educate the stiffer than , the ·Taft.-HartI y' , buildin , antique v, irin ", etc :, public, ar~ doing a fi ne j b. measur . , , an:l it i to er ne in ter t Thei( efforts have been double This has r " ulted in a rMher that a cOlrtant vlli ganc ' be the , and red oubled . But til y caR t ~ema'rkable ev Ilopt: meryt. At watchword, ' g 't re ults w'ithout a f ar gr ater ' that time, he hi.:a of ne 'f mea ure f public un jer tand~ the m ajfyr r ailn)~'" ,b roth rTHE , PARTY LINE, ing and co operation than the hoods ann ourice llhat he w uld , The , Fe nt I' p rt of the haye been given far. Fin;' . u ~e lhe entire.: mifl ll treLury, H use Exp nci ilure- Comn~ittee preventi n lit rally b gin.: at if ne , e, to t -.:J a sure Mr. \V hi h state that . ix F. d ral h O ~l1 -in ery hou e, in ever. T ru man ddca, ih rJull he run a 'en ic have he n guilt ' f stor and omm reial build ill" , again. T day th fie has been a ilI e(Y·al propaga.nda activities in on ' v ry farm. Every family ' complete! reVl.! r a~ of I otic. ' f co mpul 'ory health Il1U t bec me, in effect, il fir behalf Th e hig union ', which are out insuran c~ may prnv to be a preventi n agency, if th e loll i ' to ' eelll' th l! (I mplet r 'P aldocum nt of hi~:he t national' to)J hcc kcd. That is fjre" n t revi inn- of till Taft- Hart . <.:: imp )rt:1nce . 'I'he I' port wa~ grt::lt challenge to the A'm eri an 'fey Bot}; are all f Ir r: Truman, unani m HI Iy' app r , v d 1 ' all p ople- a ehallen l'~ tha ~ ,has an i 'I.r~ co I 'id 'rj ma '~ m eetmemh l!r ~ of the Cfl mm1ttc~, an j attain d, a ,. htu:, of an em "r - in "S In hL l'ehaH. ' From th e p{ Ii cal JlIIi n t Ii f the Ju 'ti 'e D 'partment has been (rl? l1~y t o-iay" l





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SOFTBA _ __ __ =:=-::-=-=--=' _ LL



hoi jer in the Le ague, f I' a ' arne Sunday evening 'l ,t ~,.v.I.,I_Y.4..1ock. SOFT BALL RESULTS A arne betw n Spring VaL.. Aug, 12: Mill r ' -, I e'l' 27 · 1"Y Ban d \,yayne - ill B ys Aug, 13: ' R xanna 4 H v\' ~ , ,~ ha been ' t f r Frj 1a ' ni ~r ht, Au . ' 1 4', : F I,~j Pe '-';'I"" i..0 ALl " 22 • Aug , t ~ : H\ y,S , ' Miller -'


HOW THEY STAN D H >.n nn a 13 5 7_2 ug:. 15: Dil ytt n F lin if V 5" I>e r's Inn 14 6 '700 . All t:1l: 7 Fairl 1'3 7 65 0 Aug. 17: Middl et \\ 11 ~ l ei"' 7 Ft. ri ' ' 1 4 ' 636 All tar - ( Harv y 'burg' 5 1 217, Mill I' ' Rest, 2 19 5 "40" CLUB -NOT ES Ed,e nfielj 'tat d th i' \\' 'ek The "4 0" lui f \ \1 :lYI1 C ville that a Cur will I awad i iO were \\ inner in th g:am ~ with til L a 'U' \\'inn 'L . and a t1faypring all ey un 1a v evenln)' ff pri ze \\ill ll~ ~iv n t th" at 7: ' I ~ k. The rc \\'a " winnin ' team, 14 to 13 and in c thi ' \r. . il loser tr at affair the J ' at men FUTU RE ALL STAR GAl\'_ES had the pri il 'e of enj in Aug. __ : \ riR.'ht Fie! \ them elve at the e; 'P ' n e f A~g. ..4 : Le S 11 11 r~ Au,', _9 : Mi :idl t \Vn I'avar ian the visito r. ll ', t: Wilm in rt n ' pt. : Miami hun!, 111 ri 'an FUTU RE "40"C LUB GAME gion . Ralph , Ed nfiel i staie that the ' ''40'' Cltib ha b en mat h- HALL MARK TYPE WRIT ER amd a 'ain t Miller ' R taLli,am, bans now in sto!?k, 'The , Gazebte.


Jack fioult on

Robert R. Fisher


Huffm an

John J. Eowerso>


It i eli ved ertain tha t next e:lr, Mr.' Tr~1I11an will prop a ttJ,'x red uction , m SLir. f hi ' \\' 11 , \\ hi 11 ",i ll invol ve r lat ively large re:ill ~i n f H the s mal~ taxpa, er an j v I'V smart redu tion ' f r th l arg'e tax~ pu_ r. Thi w uld h" in lin with hi lal r p Ii Yl in that it waul j Lipp a dly appeal to tIle rn a: e ~ f tht: v ters, A tiP statistic _how, Mr. Tr£un an cann ot h' re 1 t d unle he i " able to keep th te {the great in du trial c nt rs wh ich M r, ' Ron velt ~I f ully btained and ' hel i during ' hi entir ' pl' . si j nc.' in tl1 \ Vhite Hou e. Thi fa t 'plain man y current Truman p lici s, , far a part. unity .i c ncerned, the R p ublican made an excell ent r cord in the l a t C n re. en at 'I' Taft and p ak r f the Hou e ' Marti'n were primarit r p n ibI f or that. Defection n maj r l e~i lation were I' rnarkabl fe,\, and 1n th-e - nat ,hear - nariimilt was , pbtained 11 hoth the l a or and ,tax bill. , H w ver; Rpublican campai 'n ffort 'will be p.r t~y well r trict d until it i know n who th candid ate i to be. The 'Fa ft an i Dewe f rc ' hav ' g-irded fr an anout battIe~ and mere is g'rawing bitterne s in pr -Taft circles, because of' D wey's almo t ' ca mpI te avoid ance· of con trove r iat d mestic i Me. The possibility t hat th s h\ 0 leadin candidat ay. kn ock sid r, and the increa ,in g' n <) f G, n r a I Ei enho\\ e'r' . chances fQr the nomin ation may be, indication f thin R t come. Henry W allace ha in tiica·ted t hat he might agr e to head a third pal'ty. 'fhi would be quit a trick, in view f the comp le lecti Oll' , law i'll the vari ous states. But third parties liav entered th e field bef re, .and it co uld 'happei1' a ':lin, V\ l~atevcr v te Mr, Walla ce got, wouI.i , . f coure , be at the ext n e of th Democrats. He is, 'at pre nt the idol f th e· l eft-'wing and of the "appe a e-Russia" gTOUp. , uch puhlication a th e iaity ' orker never tir of ' ill 'ing i pi'ai s . " But hi name ne'yer ai, pear in the runninO' when ublic opinio n potls try to fin d· ut who the p opl e want for resident. '


DDT has· b en "effective in he contro,1 of J apane e beet1... Tarvae in Ohio Thr e differ ent ates of applic ation', 25 pounds, 50 pounds, and 75 pound per k re, were te ted. Even the 25pound rate produce:l a 100 per t~\llt kill when applied in Oct91er',

...--..--....- •.


n ea v r to, k ep ur complete and ap~ r

Eugene 'Neds

. Ctlarle s Altize r Haud ensch l1d

111 1 j'l"l1,

'ST UB BS Fu ner al Ho me TELE PHOl 'iE 2291 WAYNESVILLE, O.

. Wlllia m MegS1 tt

COLU MBUS , 0., JULY 00 (SPEC IAL)- Busy days are ahead for these memb ers of the Ohio State Youth Division Fair Board who are planni ng the annua l Youth Fair exhibi t in cODl~ection with the State Fair here Augus t 23 to the 29th. A record breaki ng numbe r of yO,~th exhibi tors will be on hand this year when there be $24,00 0 in premiu ms offered. . , Prac~call,y every organi zation of juveni le group s in Ohio will be repres ented in the. Ohio State ,Youth Fair. Includ ed are bQys and girls from 4-H clubs; Bobby groups , Farme rs Insti~utes, School Garde ns, Juven ile Grang e; F1uture Farme rs of Ameri ca, Home Economics cation, lridus triarAif'" groups , Boy and Girl Scouts and Camp F~re EduGirls. The, board memb ers and the divis ir n they are in charge of are: Eugene Neds, Weste rville, hobby sho\, j John Junior Bowersox, Mt. Cory, Farme rs Institu~es; Charle s Al~izer, Colum Lus, School Garde ns; Rober t R. Fisher , qarrol ; Boys' 4-H dub; June Elizab eth , Boyd; Middle burg, ,' Girls 4:.H club; Georg e H. Haude nschild , Lakev ille, Juv.enile Grang e; , Willia m Meggi tt, Green Spr!ng s, Future Far~ers of Ameri ca; Yvenn Swank ; West Milton. , Home ·Economics Educa tibnj Roy Huffm a a n, Columbus, Indust rial Arts; Jack Moulton, Lucasv ille, Boy Scbut~; Mercedes McCullough, Columbus, Girl ScC;>uts; and Patricia Dell, Galena. ' Camn Fi'rQ Gil-hI.

(l 'A S'·R

'~FORtJsmmARS ·


Any ma ke or m·o de l · Fre d ,Ka hn Mo tor Ca r Co. '


(],.~ph-flil~ . .

, luo'e i my' i'jea of a m Llel nttT city , ~v ith its bank, i t' exceIlent fOOd; appliances, hardware, a~1(.1 dep'a rtmen t tor " beaut y aby Jane Fite Ions, ,library, chool ystem lov, to 'watch my forme r to 'say nothin g of its group of music instru ctor, "Mrs. Edna tpve(y citize ns- all on my Comp ton ~o{)'a n direct h r stil'- ' hono'r list. ring band . T h 'e kiis are luck y ' to helve the " II ~e n \\ ith th ' One- fourth of th · wo rki,ng Bat ,n " t I ad an i teach th m, time of farme r 'is p nt in pro~ * *", duc;i,n g! food which , is thrown Wayne viIle it to h com- away before r achi'ng the c'on- ' plime nted "for her ',ci'Vic ~ r(L ,/ . . .umer. Th wa te on leafy veggre with ,th e addition of th " etut1.e run a_ high -as 43 per ffOZ- n,lqc! <(!f ) , tem" The ViI- cent. :


• lImiock alHl '.ul· Ify IIlIlblll



All" . 23·29. 1947

~ har.

Cor...., Or· aIId Dalrr



Far", Machlno" ,. Y."" Adl,itl"

• HO"'1 .pplian,. . ' (ons.,,. lIo" alld . Sdlnco o.hlblts ,0

o· Fino Arts and Cvl· turol .xhlblts • Park 'Ian Dane" • Frll Conurts b, Ottlo loys' land t ' Th. 'arM Lan.whlll you may lOt

SHERWOOD R~rrigeration Sales and Service ========== -=====:::::::::::::::::=.

, ' PROM PT"





"ON TH I' .BEAM~· , , A Grea t Show

~UDda1 nlaht, Aug. 2~ and every e"enin g t4.ereaflel' ~ntil !he Fair clolee -Twcn ty outatanding entertainment group., auem· bled before tb~ Gr~nd8tand in • spark. Un, melang e of ~ntrancl,ng circu., rodeo, hippodrome, 8tage and ballet acta; with a finale or .maKJ:Ii.6cent ,fireworks. THOMAS J. HEUERI' Gover"or at 0"'0 f.lAJiIC '.UNSWORTH IDWIN J. lATH Ilricto, al A""cu"ul'ej ..... Monai"


Representative for


Ohio" ... licad ..


• lroa.,ast Show. ., , ' Radio, $tan Midway RHI.. aM Amus""KlII ., Horn... Rau, t

• Hight "ors. Show

ADMISSION AT GATE. Adult. SO, plul 'F••, la. Qlildren 25,


• I

. ,


an0 fin! hin f luml r had to" lou j , .tn j. clear to heral i his In 18:2 R ther e c ured .. -,epH ~ / bc III limit quantiti. ,th oming-, was a~iiRht that wa " ration in the Fri· ntL Mee tin g Abol:lt t 1 thet:nter of the ettler in the rebuildi n y ofthf ir and' from thi tim~ on ,th er' rand bey nd i ~ cripti n, N hu-in ha j m v ~f fr m bel w h om e~ , with Itl rg e quantiti of train of car in afl r years creat- were two sod ties, th ne re:. Mia mi t wad ' . \V ? j f, r fu el, ~~ u a ll y hurnt ed a much a jmiration a til tainin the White Bri k ' Met. condition by th e Frie'nds Me L N rth tr et J 11n atted h.. th ' lf bn k and bUlIt ~ "rmanent in (Y House wa kn wn a Hick· ing, I ~ ' tage ach.' \\ alte f'lr ~ t o\~n d a part f I t h m, " "'hi h ~re \ ell prerv \I it,e and the th er, Orth dox, ' " I n 18 3 3, when N ar ci _;1 Havin relate f m' 'y incit-:J .' I, W aba h quare, in I ) I t tc th l ia . Until the / l atter' built the R' j Go de, daughter of G,ain jent in th e life of John atter. where it appe.aT h ha j a sic r: , A" til la~l j h u,,'ht ~nd h I j Brick Meeting H us , in 1 ' j 5· Goode, died, h~r father cau d ,i thwaite I think iit wel1 ·to say , in 1 'I he bOll ht 1 t'N . I i1 t , ~~ '"uhtl 11 wa - bcll1g' us d that he was born June _8, 178 6 1836,they wor hip·e j in the Id her t be uricd on hi ow n franklin qual'\; and for it 11tH l~ ~ ' I j m r~ f r 11, .me and in Bucks county, ·Pa., He was a log m eetin g bou e huilt in farm, and oo n after he e ,cu,t 1805. . . t , r fears k ~ t a "tt: r,e \' fJ l~ .. tn 1 th~ I~ ~-re ~ 1110' " t ~ ~~- b y not satisfie j with the ever cd a deed for. a plot of land ad . ' him elf and later in partn r .:hi n ~nt: \\', ~ itmlntshlll g the wtl j 'jay life fhi horne community and ,includin g- th e "In the ,y ar 182 8 r 182 0 j ining t with Oa vi j Lint n. ,lm lit . "t '~am m r an,d but' thirsting for adventur. there wa some public ch 01 grav e f hi daughter, to be A " arly a.s 1 I ) Davi ' ~10r t~ IIf f, 1j r mmunl- Earl in hi youth he cam e to money f or U"C an i a mall u ed' a a hurial place f o rev I' Br \\' n built 'a h ou e n ut Illt tl ' '5.. ~vlth ~ t II anj "lt~ !J for, Wa n sville, SO)n after the brick house wa built on the and t b und er the control f etthn lY ,j ,~n Lint n family in 18 2. By 1810, (Yra vel knoll at ,the I w r e'nd th tru -tee ' of th e Meth od i t 4 anj kept a, tore. It app " lfS t IlvJnU' a,n t~ tnat Jo eph B. Chapman k pt to that ot a farm r or tore. when he was marri ed to Eliza- of Main treet. That \Va " thl! Church of Wayn e ville." This a tore n the co rn er f Main k per, ?~ m an ufact urer, ~tc; beth LiniQn, he had a tore on , beginnin g of th e pUl lie chool pI t of O'r und containing ahout a'nd North treet wh re th , th 0 ~ ,ht! n \ a approa hl~ g, ystem." . ' 160 quar rods f . ituated M~in ' tre et. They Had seven Bank 11 w is, about 182 , H ~ t~'at W1I' n 0 an. p'e~,k f 111 , cliildren, \\lho t of th e chapel 'in' southea .married, and "In the arly pionee r day f ame to Wayn ville in 1819 . hi b-ook Bu h River cem tery. Miailli many resident ' of this com- ' our history, every countr. Thi _ \ , a dry 'ood ' tore; one "Gon are th \V dland, far munit are th ir decendant. church had its gray yard and til er \ a in town. J ohn wal- ' and near Beside a ' tore keeper he wa ' , very many f ur farm 'ha i Ohio normally ha a 154, the hea r, a cDntractor and builder, build- burial places on th em ami' ' Jow had a t ore in the old frame G one the wild turk day growing eason ; but ther Aman building on M~in treet the deer; ing many hOLlse ~ in the c rhther , had individual 'rave ' were ,16 8 day ' between th e l a t p ri or t o 1 ) _3, "Th re wc;;re two ' Gone the pinnin wheel hum. munity. H was an active and scattered over them in ut . of "pring fro t and th fir t fall mithie " in the village, 1824, ming ood cheer, ' leading spirit of the community, the way places.' In 1804 th e frost in this ~ tat e in t 9,46. Mr. B'l lntin r's and Mr. Kindle 's. G ne the brave Indian, phan- was ju tice of th e peace m'o t Friends stablished thelJ' buri al Back of J. E. Janney' Drug tom of fear, ' of the time' from 1813 to 1833; g round; preyiou t that ther > ' t o r~ (n ow Wayne ville Drug Gone the rude eabin and brav·e having been disowned from the was no perman ent buria l 'tore) was Mr. SwiW potter pioneer." " Friends meeting during the war ground in the township_ Manv Portable-- Acetylene -Arc "In 1827 the fir t line or df 1812 he joined the Ma onic of the early pioneer settler, a . hop, and just , aCrOSS 'Main was Caleb ' Stratton's ' stage coaches was put on from order and was one of the early weB ' as others have been laid Waynesville Ice Plant j ew elry tor and Corner Gro. Cincinnati to Springfield by State, Masters. He died July 5, , to rest here. The ground i stil l PHONE 2451 eery." John Satterthwaite of Wayn . 1837. used ami is kept in a cr, ditabl "At 'this time (1805) Joshua ' ville and William Worden of Ward was buil~ing the old brick . pri~gfiern. Many aI?usin g in. , corn r, the MIami , House, now cidents were related t.y travelthe pr<?perty of Josep\l.Key~ (at ' ers about .. n~vmg. to ' O',et out ~nd thi time owned by J. Wilson pry the v~hlde out 0f mud holes Edward.s), and The walls of the with ~ails, and th~ drivers inbrick mill were about to the" structmg them to hold on to , - -y sq uare. My recoll~ction is that their rails as ther were other Burwell, Goode was justioe of mud holes , ahead." , A gf~ason of John Satter. , the peace, and Samuel Roger~ was constable and auctionc;,er. thwaite tells that the corn crib Noah Harnes was 'P-O's t" masler. had to"'8ft raised so they could The pO,litic~,1 p.C;lrtiesat. that time get' the .coaches in overn ight. ' wer~' cal}ed De!110cr~t and F~d. The old ' farm were Joseph erahst. The tall raGe h3:0 been Chapman now lives was a 'nu:sy extende~ to !he present en- ' place 'when the old coaches and trance of the fiver 'and the first and six horse · team rolled in' race bridge"had been built." eight Jlaulers, with ,their fou; Noah Haines, who came to and six horse teams rolled in; Waynesville ·i n 1807,' beSides, for here ' was one of the place being a merchant was eatly ap- where they changed hors-es. It pOinted Indian Commissioner; must have been a tatk to keep' "his eld st daughter (Margaret) and have in readiness horses said ,she could remember the and equipment to carryon, but t pe es 011' the hillside wh en the to boyish eyes; as related 'by my Indians came to coUe,t their grandfather, "the stage coming CURE CORN ELECTRICALL '11 rHI ••11 , ~~ annual allowance." .He, like into Waynesvill e with four or m any other' settler " at different six horses at full peed, the tim e owned large t~,acts of land .driver , with his long 'whip ,and .••• WH.II,f SEED WHfA 1 011 in the eommun,ity. He died in lines tight and horn sounding 1834. _.. ., , To Silas Whafton, who came from Bucks County" Pa, in Early picking and drying • minute per bushel doe$ the ___-+-, ~ ,1 1 0 I tear y e , fS W r~ I '. debted for tneir fruit trees. He , will let you safely crib com that would for best results, operate the fan o~ ettled on a part of the' farm where Will Graham now live. otherwise , be, fit .;>o1y. for ensilage 'o r clear days when the temperature is Be ide some fruit trees, ' he above SO degrees and the relative hufor earl" feeding. ' brought with him cions of differ nt varieties for the imWith any process, of curing, soft midiq is .65% or lower. In case com provement' of fruit i 11 this local,corn rec:luires: , ,. Clean ' h~king and of high moisture content ,is not finished 'ity. Among varities of that time 22. Thrill of a rootin', 23 , tootin' sho ·tin' western with were May DlJke and Bleeding chills of mystery. before winter, the !an may be run again the scre€:nir:'g o~t , shelled corn, silk, Heatt Cherries; Gteen Gage UNEXPECTED GUESTS etc., that interferes with ventilation. in late ~inter or early. spring when the and Yellow Gage Plum; Berg. with William Boy~ and Andy am Lmt ,and Seckel Pears; Early , ' 2. Careful distribution ,i n ,the crib to temperature ,goes above 50 degrees F. Clyde. " ' Also: Nothin~ but R d and Harve t King Apples. ,laugIJs,. laughs that is, ,sQnL .:' ' With ,com of extremely high moisture avoid pockets-of debris where spoilage H~s qay' look 'tells ' of nin ty , IT's A JOKE, SON varieti s of app les raised an is likely to st,an. 3. Use· of. the best ' conten ventilation with heated air with Kenny DebJaar as Senator s Itt fr om hi nursery. ' CJaghom~ &\vailab14e' ventilation 'for 'cribs. sholteaS ~e ~ing qme and co~t~. "'In 1820 the town ,had in it . j\~!~nty.five frame," seven log, 24 Rollicking comedy ,vith 25 Forced'- alr . Vent"aflon acts ,unfavorable w~ther c9nditions• '~ ~i~ ., brick, and· th ree brick and romance that warms the heart . . in this tune.filJed song-fest , of frame dwelling hqu es; eleven fun. Saves Corn For additional mformation on, elee' ' frame and fi,,:,e l ory hop " The LOVE AND I:EARN Natural, ~nheated, forced-air ventiIa- , tric com drying, see y~ur ~unti p pulati on numbe red about two witl) Jack ~, ROL~t hundre,d and ·twenty .five p r. ti~ with an electric blower is most Agent, 'Vocational Agriculture .T~ Hutton, Martha Vickers J ..... ons." As th e communit can· Paige. Also:. News, Cartoon .atisfad:o ry for drying corn with mo~ et or the· Farm Representative of The tinue,d to ' increase, !Jetter habit. Comedy~ ations were soug.hL An increastare content of from 20 to ,28 percent. Daytot. , Power and ught ~panl 27 The camera turns de. \ , in g number of brick Iiou e An air vol~e of 5 (0 10 cubic feet terriSg lOur neighborhood. w re built. The mQ.;t ' i1umero..J~ tective, The screen's biggest new thrill since sound pictures of whh,:h were ree angular an began . Solve the mystery " ouro two tory, a large Chhl:wey in - self. ' , . each e.nJ- with tWl ) fj' epiace_ at . LADY IN THE LAKE , eath chimney, one f) the ir,;t , tarring Robert MoDtgomery, 1.1 DATIO. POW.8 . A • • LIGHI COMPA.Y ' fl nor and one (JO the 'eo.Jn . Audrey "['otter with . UOYCi \ \ :d- nn power but watl:! an Nolan and Tom Tully.' no 'ji"' ,I t. r saws" the ')awing Added:' Color Carfoo,n: I






sa v e ' ,I b ,' S-~ .y e a~;s'

so'it c a:wc'








i ••

' .





N(, of )0 1947


l'h~ Ban j B o -ter

Cluh wil l h he,l i at the Hi rr h Lh I a.u ii t ) rium, AAlg. 2'" ,1 47, a d_ in r to Wil li t-Iuntcr, pr ide nt. , METHODIST CHURCH H urrre all m ' mber _ t h R. 'B. Coleman. Minister f Su~ay School 9 :30 a.m. , pr ~ t:nt a, there L hu -ine ' , J. J. Rurske, Supt. , utm o 't iinp rt ance to b~ dis' War hip Service 10:30 ' cu '~ ed . A h rt peri i f cntert:lin , Youth Fellowship Thursday, 7 :30 pm. m cnt ha al 'o h~en pr mi -e I.


MT. HOLLY METHODIST T. M. Scarfft Minister


"il iam " aHace, executor inventory hC'aring et for August ?5 at 10. .

Euge! e an d Alice Hamilton .to John and Flora Roger lot ill Franklin. Har ry Mounfto Clyde and Mary Loui e Bak l' .4 acr in Franklin twp, Jame and Olive imp. on ' to Freely and Elizabeth Alf n 2 lots in Springboro.

n i it i , n It ng \ 1'.. T \. ~,I \' : t() 1) P un d f lim are app lied r er 1 U -quare f t anI one 11 1 't ';' in hes '\ f new Iitt r i put 'er ,-.:J~.J:UJle¥--a:p,pt;).l.ll.1!;eU·-Cl· u.----f-lf I iTt'! e, Bot h lim ani n ' \V litt r 'an I e stilT j iilt ( Id litter alreai in pIa ' . l ime Estate of arrie Vol .. Allen, dec'd, applicatiorys ma y he n ' e i.~ d Oliv Brace executrix filed appliver tllr 'e t fi • \\'\;; k . cation f01' c Itificate of tran f r of real estate. Estate of Jphn heet. , dec'rl Myr<;>n h ets and lola Wade, executors inventory hearin g t for August 2 at 10. E tate of Adda H . Davi , dcc'd, admini b'atoT to ell p ronal pro. perty for cash. Estate of Robert Wood , ,dec'd, Julia Wood, administrator fil ed applic'ation for certificate of tran f l' of real estate also filen fir t and final account. Estate of Daisy Whitaker, dec'd, Joseph Mills, ex cutOI; filed first'; final and distributive account. Estate of Lyle C. Milburn, dec'd Richard Milburn, executor inventory approved. Estate of E. V. Barnhart, dec'd, Catherine Barnhart, executrix: inventory approved. Estate"of Georgia F. MendimhaIl, dec'd, 'gross value of estate is $19,905.17. Estate of Walter R. Clore, dec'd, Stella Olore, admini~trix filed application for certifi~ate.of tran fer of t'eal estate.

MARRIAGE LICENSES Myron C. Wittmer, ~5, ,Franklin .helnist. Rache l MclLane 33, Franklin. ' , Charles Western, 29, Franklin, tl1uck drive,. Mol~e Butler, 28, Franklin, mill worker. , Cecil Runyan, 34, Middletown, life insurance special ag nt, Mary Ellen Selby, 32, Franklin, nurse. Arvie Abrams, 23, Germantown, machinist, Pauline Back, 18, Franklin, assembler. Charles BUl'lile, 24, .Mason, buffer, Dorothy Tucker, 17, Mason. William StegemolIar, 33, Lebanon, ,farmer, Viola M. ' Oren, 19, Morrow. Karl B. Israel, 21, Lebanon, bookkeeper, Doris E. Kupp, 19, Lebanon.

The Ohio t ate Archae gica l and Hi tori aJ ciet at Columb u are now usin cr tTl .! microfilm 'p'ro ess f r rec rdi n, Y ne wspaper · fil e. -nli not only sa ve space but al a pr erv the e reco rds in a manner th at ST. MARY'S EPISCOPAL wiIl make them a vaihtbl at any .Samuel N. Keys, Minister 7:30 a. m. , Ante-Communi Tl future dat. in ce the w rk wis ' 10:00 a. m., M min Pray I' -tarted in .februar of thi s year, m ore than five miles of film ha been u 'ed in th e wo rk. UTICA E. U.' B. CHURCH ..Each page ,o f the n wspaper NEW SUITS Rev. A. J. Furstenberger is reduced in ~ize to 1 inch by 1 Leonard Land vs. E::;tner Land, Sunday School 9 :30 a.m. and 3/ 8 inches and it i P sibl e Mrs .. James G arrison, Supt. , t o reco rd nearly 1200 pages on minor, divorce, gross neglect of duty, Flanagan and Cheney. Preachmg. 1st and 3rd Sundays one 10' foot roll of film. Ruth Hormel ,vs. Frank Hormel, each month 10 :30 a.m. Sunday School 9 :30 a.m , E. A. Earnhart, Supt. 10:30 a.m. W orship Service Evening Service 7 ,: 30 p.m.



FRIENDS First Day School 9 :30 a.m; Mee ting fo r W orship 10:30 a.m.


.ST. AUGUSTINE ,Father Krumholtz, I»riest Mass 7:30a.m. and 9 :00 a.m.

FERRY CHURCH of CHRIST 'OF CHRIST , ' Ralph E: Stinson, Minister



Bible School 9 :30 a.m. Morning Worship 10:30 a.m. ' Youth Meeting 7 :30 p.m. Adult Prayer Meeting 7 :30 p.m. Evening Evangelistic Service 8:15 p.m. A friendl y Church with a Gospel Message ,


WA\NESVILLE CHURCH Robert L. VanZile, Minister Bible School Communion Sermon ,Evening Service


9 :30 10:30 11 :00 8 :0'0

a.m. a.m. a.m. p.m.


REAL ES,T ATE TRANFERS Edna Krohn to Veterans of Foreign Wars or' the United States, Morrow, Ohio post Nlgnber S202~ two lots in Morrow. The ' Little Miami Railroad Co., with release by the Pennsylvania Railroad 00., to John and Addie Brandenburg 2 acres in Washington, twp. Dorotha Mullen to Lucy May Bunnell 2 aCI'es in Clearcreek twp. Mae Huntsbal'ge~ td LOUis Rumaggi lot in Franklin. George Hall to Albert' and Nancy Miller, lot' in Frank.1in, George ' William and Doris Hall to , Clarence and Miriam Holbrook 1.S6 ' acres in Franklin twp. Robert ' Ch~pman to Mary Chapman 1.35 acres in Wayne twp. ~obert and Martha Short to Eu'el and B,ibienne Fro~t lot in Leb-' anon. Clinton and Pearl Potter to Duke Powell, lot in Franklin. Charles and Florence Baker to Grace Bel1~ Patrick, lot in Leb. anon. , John T. NcNicholas, Archbishop of Cincinnati, a::; 'Trustee for 'St. John, Evangelist, Foster to Mariette Wickes 2.3] acres in D~et:­ field twp. Clyde and Mary Louise Baker to Vincent and Ruby Gibbons lot in Franklin. Fred Kahn to Hugo and Ida Mountjoy 4.44 acreti in Clearcreek


POST OFFICE SIGNS NEW THREE YEAR LEASE ON PRESENT LOCATION Le t r H. G rddn, local Po t Master r p , rt that a ne w I a t! has been igned on the pr~'.:).::nt . Post ORlce location for a three ear period. The lea ~ e contains a 30 day ca ncellatio n c lau ~ , a a protective mea ure a, ainst a possible lo>v rin g in rentals. He states the policy of the Po t ORice Departm nt is 'not to give ten yea r leases at this time. A of July 1 the contract for ,carrying 'mail from Xenia. thi s Post Oftice and oth ers in the' vicinity changed hand, A Mr. Hill from near X ni a is now hold er of th e contract.


divorce, gross neglect of duty, Young and Young. Virginia Glackin Forney vs. Lawrence 'Forney, divo'rce,' extreme cruelty, gross neglect, C. Donald Dilatush. , V. J. Wuerstl and Associates, a partnership vs. Bert E. Bard, money oniy, amount c1aime,q $970.SO with interest at 60/0 from Nov. IS, 1946. Irene Nichols vs. James F. Nichols, divorce, extreme cruelty, J. T. Riley.

COMl\10N PLEAS Myra Webstel' v . Troy Webster, defendant to pay plaintiff $40 ,due , $10 per week until son starts to sch,ool then $1,7·50 ])~r week. Margaret Alice Coyle vs. Russell Wilbur Coyle, defendant to pay plaintiff sum of $2.50 per week for · support of minor child. Thomas vs. Norma Weis, hearing set for Monday, August 18 at



ybeil.n har-

ak her , , IIi

CARD OF' THANKS I wi h t ,expre '" · m. ' in ~ er ' appreciati n t my frien i -' an:t n igb r f r the card I 'ift and fl W 1' - I rive j d'lJ'in ,..:' , Ill _y i kn T I'um:ln \ :l.r i low

Hydrated lim apr!i d t litter on th fl oor of l ayin g hou e' will keep th e litter In l etter



Bill Hisey· Rural Route No. 3 y!AYNESVILLE, OHIO

Established in 1 92 FOR FIFTY-FIVE YEARS THI



Margaret Edwards to Robert and Dorothy Barnett 5 lots in Waynes11. ville. Harold Sortor et aI., vs. Bert , BI'uce 'and Janie Gt·ouse, Mable Edward Bard et aI., defendant and aaymond Jones 'to Quentin TELEPHONE 2111 granted leave to withdraw his ansand Marjorie Culberson 28.S6 acres weI' and to plead fUl,ther. in Washington and Harlan twps. Mary Sherwood vs. Roger Sher~ LaVerne Burton to lJuanita and wood hearing set for Sept. 4 at 10. Norman Harvey 63.99 acres in Blair vs. Floyd Smith, Vivien Washington twp. . et aI., defendant gi¥en leave to Matthew Nies t o Ivan Clarence file motion forthwith. and Frances Lousettia Bryant 5.50 In the matter of the sale by the acres in Hamilton twp. ' Auditor of 'Wan-en Co., the real DeCorsie and Callie Begley to property 'formerly belongi'n g ,t o JO'h n ,and Opal Elam 1 acre in Charles Davidson, dec'd., which real ,_ _ _' - ---!--_ __ .!---=-_~-:--_ __;.___;_--_ Franklin twp. property has eschea ted to the Omar Hollingsworth ,to Charles ~tate of Ohio, confirmation, deed, and Mayne Laird 0.55 acres in and distribution. Turtlecreek t;wp. W. D. ,to James DYH 2.90 , PRQBATE acres in Hamilton twp. Estate of M. Corwin Drake, decld, Clal,lde and Loretta Wilson to a rrie Drake, ' executrix inventory C, Raymond and .Goldie Furnish 5 lots approve.d. it · in Butlerville. . Es~ate of. Eva, Wallace, dec'd, Grace Belle Patrick to' lra and Ada Kesling lot in Franklin. WANTED , George and .Marie Hendricks to Lloyd Young lot in Mason. Emma E. Nieb to' Dallas and . HORSES - $10.00 Mabel Halt 3 lots in Loveland COWS $12.00 Pal'k. HOGS ~ $3.00 cwt. '~;l~ Nancy Fred to M. Russe!l H<;»l'n 5 Ace_din. 10 liz• • Condition ' · . lots in Lebanon. Also, All SMALL STOCK Arthur Eggleston to Phillip and REMOVED PROMPTLY Jos~phi~e , Riat 104.91 acres in HarPhone .Jan twp. ' XENIA WILMINGTON WUliaJll and Marcella Reyno~s , to Estel and Ruth Wright, lot in Fr~nklin. , , R ...n. Char••• J;>aul and Beatrice Hamilton and

McClure Fuueral Home






1712 "


2362 '

,FO~GET For Insurance At' A Savings See

Francis Gene Brow-n


Phone 2935


Call CoHeet Wilmington 21 ~ i


-mall g'J':l. in

. .' I

tive hom\;;, givin g 11 C mplet 'm 1 i rn il~t _ri or al'ld .teriar design. '


• • ClASSIFIED AD BATES • • as wOrds or les& one time. •••••• 25o Bach additonal word .•••••.••••• 1e SPECIAL RATES by coNTRAcr

LoansFEDERAL LAND BANK LOANS: . For Reflnanc1q - RebU1lcUng Buying. 4% Farm 'loans with long tlme to pay. Pay part or all any




LEBANON NATL FARM LOAN ASS'N·, Ellis H. Sturm. SedyTreaB,. Lebanon, Ohio. Phone 448 tc

Real Estate For Sale:-IF YOU HAVE A PROPERTY OR PARM TO ~ELL call or Write Oon HeJlderson, Tel. KE3446, 617 Lorain Ave., Dayton, Ohio. tfc

REAL ESTATE DON'T FORGET TO CALL u - for Insurance. All types of Insurance at a savings. Call Francis; Gene Brown, phone Waynesville 2935 or call collect. WiImin~ton 2111. BICYCLES-FOR SALE ' BOY' ~ BICYCLE" 24 inch. Bob ' K nrick, ' Lytle, Ph ne 2S 76. 94'c I

Hou.ehold Good. -

PIIANO FOR SALE' Katherine Mend nhall,' Main' St,; PhoQe 2635 Wayne ville, -Ohio. -8-28 Electrical Appliances-

FORf\LE '- 110 GALLON Electro.Master water heater, good condition; also ·Antique Walnut dresser. Phone, 2931 WaynesviJle. -394


'Of C

installati n of th e new water main f r' the Villao' of \Vayn ilIe, Ohi , in full a'n j t the c m ~ I t sati faCtio n of the' \ ilIage. The ,W · rk hall include all pipe, valve,. val ve boxes, fire hydrant, conne tinO' into ex isting main and re-t rin .?' tr ets t · idewalk, etc" io t.heir orginal condition. Th f llowin Ii ted mat rial will t furni hed by the \ i11age free of t t the ntracto r, and install ed by the contractor: (1') '1 80 lin. ft. of 4 in. ca t iron ' be ll and pigot pip, for 1'50 Ibs. / q, ,'in. pres ure, in 18 ft. len ·th ,,' (2) three (3) four in h (4in.) iron body 'valve with bell ends. Each id mu t contain the full name of every person or, company intere ted in the same, and, be accompanied by a bond in. the sum of one.half of th e submitted bid to the satisfaction of the Board , of Trustees of Public Affairs, or a certified check on orne solvent ank, as a guaranty that if the id i accepted, a contract will be entered into and it perforrl1ance prop rly secur€d, hould any 1id be rejected sllch check wi1l be f rthwith returned to the 1 i,d'der, and should any bi'd' be accepted such check will be returned upon the proper execution and securing of the contract. ' Bidder are requested to USe the printed form which will e furnished o'n application. The right 'i re erved to reject any and all bi'ds;, By, order of the Board of Tru tee ,of Public Affairs , Charles James . 'Clerk -8-14



n· door Sedan, excell~nt dition. Phone 2723, Wayne . ville -9.4c


FOR ALE .- ' YEARLING Duroc Boar, registered. See Morris Brown, Rt. 1, pringValley: Phone Centerville -394 7020. HELP WANTED- 'MALE ,$25.00 PER ,DAY AVERAGE 'earnings for trained farm 17--:-~---='---:--~---:-----l~a,.v..-D ain ters. We fu rn ish , equipment FREE and train yo u, Instruction, clas now, fornlin . Write giving name, , age, experience, ' reference. ,Bruce ' Fulwider, ', Box 313, Leesburg, Ohio, ' 821 c

LEG ,AL NO 'TICE Sealed bids will be received by th oBoa~d of Trustee f Public Affairs of Village of Wayne ville, State of Ohio, at ' the ,office of said board until twelve 'clock n 'on, 'August 29, -t 94 7, for furnishing the necessary labor and material' for th e in tallation aild completion of a new ' water m'ain fr m the tw o ex i tinO' wells to water mai n at th e inter ection of Mill and Main Street for uppl in g water to th Corpora..; tion and the inhabitants thereof · in accord~nce with plans and spedfications on file in aid office, and titled, "Propo ed Water Main for Wayn,esvi11e, Ohio,. Drawing No. 46083/1 and No. 46083/2." The work covered by the specifications consists of furnishing all labor" l uipment; appliance and In 'c " i~L and performing ' all ! L • • , : - necessary for the ,


UI"e )-

L1 l11U"t





to kn w what warm 'a nin ~ , hence if y u :tr int~ reste i, 111 ,1, ' we e. t n our c r:li ,tl il1\ itation to yo u t~ C me t P cr" Lone ome Pin Tavern at hte ,Routes 48 and 7'3 ( ' uth f th flasher Ii 'hO H r ' u an e, without -obli ati n, the t pc f co tta 'e \ e ies rib' her .' Til ne whi h u , an ,pul'ch ice" d lIvered within a, 1 0 'mil radiu of Da ton, Ohi f r nl y $ 50. 00 , Term arc' availab le If y u wi h with but ne-thid d wn. . PEER' , LONESOME IN E AGENCY ,Ph ne Dayt n M073 -adv -82


Notice of Appointment , , Notice is h,ereby giv n that Catherine , Winsp ar Ba rnh art' whose Po t Office Address i Wayn vill " Ohi ha been duly appointed , a Adminitratrix with the Will Annexed of the Estate of Emma 'E. Barnett , late of Warren ' C unt , , . Ohio, decea eo. Dated thi 4th 'day f AlI ~ ust, 1947. Ralph H. ,Carey, Jud O'e of the Probate Court, Warren County, Ohio Stanley & tan ley, Attys'. 821

roa way urfa e ' ctam::\ge h. th re11air, rl?m )val t)r in 'tJl;lti n of lIb ' urfa ' utility line " I




RE ,

Be it R IN I , lw 111.: CUlln il l)f th ~\,il1a .~ of AUCTIONEERING Wa n vill e; ' t;lte :rf hI, STANLEY and ' KOOGLER -ECTI 1: It i, h~rel. y j IIBODU LlVPS8 clare] tLl h in til " puhl( inter t that th on-en t of aid for D&tea. Phone ~ WA1;DemDe. village t, an j _ai j can ' nt Ohio. Revene Cba.rireI hereby ' f , ',j ell t th e Department f Hi "'11\\ 'l~' nf th tatc llf hi! f r ' 'lid 'Department to ' maintain th travelle '\ porti 11 S' of the tat Hi 'h wa y hereinbefo'r _et ut. ECTI N oJ : Tha~ th ~I rk ' be, and he 11 'reby i " dire t \ t , furnL h t tIl ire t r f Hi o'hway- and 'to fhL! 13 ard "of C unty C 111m b i ner ' f Warren C:;ounty, , hi , a ertifi ed . copy f thi r tin n llTI NORRIS BROCK COMPANY medi'at Iy up n the takin, Cinclnn8lt1 ucton Stock Yams Live Wire and ~lve, An effect th r of. organ1za;t1on secOnd to none. SECTION 3: That thi rdiStrictly sellers on the best nance hall take effect and all around DlMke.t in the in force from and ~ft r the OOlmtry. , arli st .period all wed 1 y law. Service That 8atlafte. wa:IO Dayton 12:30 E. S. T .•, Passed: Augu t 18, 1 47 D1al 1300 WLW C1nc1nD&ti Warren Braj t k, Ma !' 12:40 D1al 100 for OUr I A.tte t: CharI J ame " Clerk ,Da.lIY Mark~ ~port, >

- 2 28

.Annitage &·89B •




tjotice of Appointment Notic \ i hereby given that eleda E. Dakin \ ho e Po t Office Addre ' i: Route NO.1, Wa n ville, Ohio ha b en . muly. app inted a Administratri x of the Estate of Harry E. Dakin late V~a rren County, Ohio, deceased. , Dated this 4th day of ,August,1947, ' , ' Ralph H. Carey, Judge ' of the ba te~ C~ o~uT!----t-.:.----2..--=-'--t,au&......,j;...~~~~~~· Warren County, 0 C. Donald Dilatu h, Atty. 821


\1151. . .


ORDINANC.E NO. 195 (S ction 1178-42, 011i , Are you affected by the pre, General Code) sent housing shQrtag,e ? Or are GRANTING DIRECTOR OF you a victim of conditions that H IGHWA YS AUTHORITY TO r.equire you to liVe ,in a structureMAiINTAINSTATEH.GHundesir~ble and unappealing , WAYS INSIDE VILLAGE to yo ur elf? If S0, we may CORPORATION solve your problem with our , WH EREAS, The Director of cozy ' cotag,es we are ofterin o' Highways, under Sec. 1'178-42 of the General 'Code of Ohio, is for sale. These cottages al'e beautiful . authorized to . maintain extenand durable in an equal meas- sions of state . highways ',within ure. They are desi gned to meet the limits of a villflge, and WHEREAS ~ Extensions .of the approval f the, most di creet. They afford ample State Route No s. 73 and U, S. room, me~suring 10 feet by 24 Route 42 lie within this village, feet. The floors are constructed and ' of pine wood and the cottag,e WHEREAS, TIl 'work , proitself is fully- insulated in order posed to be autllOrized under to protect you from the cold of ', this ordin'ance shall be restrict"; winter and the heat of summ r, ed to general maintenance of They are weather-bpa,rded and (he travelled roadwaY' surfaces in addition to this they are roof- of the State' Highways hereined wth asbestos. before set out, and We prefer that you underWHEREAS, It is understood stand ·these structures are ac- that this ordinance shall not in fually NOT cabin~. They are any way obligate the S'tate of co ed a'fter attrac- Ohio to air a'vements or




Get Ready for Wintel Select YOUR OIL BURNING STOVE from our full


















$3 cwt.


Deep Freezers SHALLOW WELL



ElK,. Water Systems



X E· N 'I A Fertillizer Rev....e



, E. G. Bach.i.... IDe.

FairleyHdwe. ,Store: 6 -

PHONE 2441






Fairly Familiar , by EFFELDEE

The Miami

Drivers Licenses On Sale Next~ Tuesday

'Virginia Hardin Grade' Principal

Type Talks hy ' J hrt , Turner f rm fl y a up in thL space pri9r to this , w ek have be' n ii {2 ntinu d. J hn ha ' The a y n e T \\ n s h i f) found a ood po it i n in Ph _ ch 0 1 are ~ r par \~i tn nix, Ariz na. He hal;; Id ' out _tart t he ' I -1- 7 - -1- s h ()( I y ar wit h a fu ll L In pli m ell t., 1f his per nal ,- ffect ' here, ail:l with ,hi fam il y ha _tarte teacher ~ \\rith th c ~x ' ,ti)}1 f Establish , 1 50 No. a C rnmer ial in stru ' t( r. Thi: f r the wide pen ' ~ a e ~ . yacancy i yd t I fillel a We wi h him the I.e t of evr:.ry- WAYNESY/ ----------------~--------~-----------ILL E, Q. H 10, thing in his new place. W recordin~ 10 R. \\. Bradd k. , I uperintendent, gret to have him leave. John is a good newspaper, man, He The Gra je bttil 1ing: t a "hers aI', know ood new wh n he hearS are as follows: Fir "t Gr't je, Mr '. and se it, h kn ws how to Th li' t . f r gi irar f W'arFloren · Ha tin gs an'd I" \i -.write' it. Hi ' c lumn had !'eJane Wa·lker; e n 1 Gra:l r ~ n c Lint' f011 \\ : ceivej many 0- d c mm en S, -, , Mrs. Ola ,Ker ey; Third Graqc, K Accordin )' to Berman Ro , MLs ' Virgin ia Hal' jin; nurth We be1i ve it wilf be mi t~ t -Mr. A. 0 ,. Gfiffy of tIl A-' Li ' n "e Plates " One thin is certain"w cann t RiJxanna Cannin ' Co., wi -he - Warren · County Agent, Paul Gr~de, Mis LaU!'a M Kin e.. T-Tnt k ami Traji er Ag. hope t repla e it with ur " 0 make cl ear a mi _c ncept i n Run an, on of Mr. ' and Mrs. ':Fifth Grade, Mis.: 0 I' th_, Oa ; 0 -' ~ erah1r rambling cau e we do n t of . the requirement of ~pli- Everett Ruilyan of ne u L~ba ~ Sixth , Grad-e, Mr ' , Thelma C, Chau ffeur . know the pe pIe ' or th ' com- cants for work at ih~ fact ry non 'ha been s Jected a Warren Elzey. Miss Vir 'inia Hardin ha - AOC" Franklin, G r.d 11 L Roy, munity like J ohn did. \Ne can- in rega,rd to th ir ' cial ecurity Co.unty's healthiest oy. Amon(Y been named a' prin ipal ,f .the , . 4 .. . Main St. not write human inter t tries cards. etc. veral appli ants winners of other 4-H Achieve- , Gr.ade Buildin ·. Mr. Mil jred A , Ha rve l ur, . M. Ma '. Donald, [3ox 1 t 5 as he did. Ours must t. f wha. t . have under tood they ha ve to , m nt Day award was Lee Sheehan and Mrs. Ferre ' Pa n ' we see, read, hear or kn,O l ~; lilake .a plicati ~ fo~ these O'Banion of Wayne viII who will complete the teaching c rp ATOC, Leban on, Mr. Carf: ~ about, that may be of so me ;, '1- card's at Lebanon.' Mr. Griffy was on ' the livestock judging " at that building. Hill, Bjwy. and outh. , I -. states they can make full team All the various teams will terest to ~he r,eaders. , Ma (ln , Mr '. Ev lyn Priest. Teachers at the High cll 01 ~' " ' • =Ie , * , / . ' , applica.tion at the local plants be at' Ohio State Fair this week , building are Mr. Charle James, AOC, Morrow, Mr. Tht,lllt).ll Jeffery. The ,story John wrote al ut, and that it 'i not necessary to for competetion in th ir re- Mrs. Mary Margaret Anderson, the telephone situation 'eeme 'l go to Lebanon for this purpose. spective, fie!ds. Mrs. Edith Lukens, Mr. J. B, AO, Wayn ville, Phoe e Mirto about fit the conditiO'!). Si n,ce All application papers and other Crabbe, Mr. Edwin Payn , Mr . , anda. that time we have , ' watched matters pertaining to the workDriver Ii n e' will , go 11 . Pauline Bard, Mr. Donald closely to see 'he results of call rs status for work in either al h I' Tue day mornin ", Gahris, Mr. Wade Turner, Mr. and - find t~'at the f.tlecha'nical of the ' Canning Company's Ray Harper and Mr. R. 'lv'. ' Sept. :2 at nin e O'clock at tl-.e equipm,ent seems·, to be in good .plants at Corwin or Roxanna Braddock. Class allotment at R~gers and imp n Garage. working order, it is the human can be handled at the . plant the Higll School have not yet element that enters 'into the office. A fotmer r.esi'd~nt of Waynes- been made. slowing up of ~ervice. Dial ville, Ro,y Risinger, " age 60 Mr. Braddock reports that a Lebanon and it usually takew passed aw.ay suddenly from a new floor is being laiO in the from' fjve to thirty seconds fo beart atta,ck at his ranch home , home economics room, and in get ari answer. Sornetimes ' near Lethbridge, Alberta, Cana- the science laboratory. Al 0, the longer. Sure, they have a help da, Saturd'ay night. . rest rooms have b en redec-' Pat Malon , who has be~n ' problem to contend with. He is -survived , by his ~on, . orated. a soda ted with Cha . Berry ,in' Shortage of 'efficient operator.s J. P: KaHne of Qeveland; Harold ' of near W,aynesvllle, the ownership and per~tion f slows up tne service. But ha\'~ who is an attorney of Lebanon. the Idl e Hour Re taurdlnt h;1 you noticed this. Finish wJth a . ie~ro ili~f;i~s:n~~t~1~ l:;:eri~:~ His wife preceded him in death umed complete, ownerslf p call and aftempt ,to place ~bout thirteen years ago~ of the establishment as of Fri. another immediately ,19I1owing , . anCeli odety, Inc. p'resided at WI-O . ~' . . ebanan Mr. Harold Risinger)eft by , " . day, August 22. -, ' . the first,. It requires A ite some 20 at \Vhich time tJje pane e -iily Sunday mornmg to 'A~cdrding to ' Willis Hunter, :' Mr. Malon has also bC~:l . time' and a bit of patience to ' August' get the ronnection ,discontinu d officers and directors' , of the bring the remains of his father president of the Band Boo?ter · employed by the R. B. Stew n'rt Club, advance, -ticket sa les '1 r 0 - Fo d t r in the meat , so the call can be placed. Failure , local branch of the organization' by train to Xenia. will be conthe forthcoming howin ' of partment. He . 'ill termina te were named , for the ensuing Funeral services of the operator to keep the year. :They are in' part as , duc.ted at the gra, v e on Friday "Blaze of Noon',' at the Twin hi po iti 11 'ther " within tl.J, board clear at the Lebanon exchange is r'esponsible for a gr at foIlowS_: M,t? Lillian Wilkins, afternoon at 2 :00 o'clock with Theatre on Sept. 9, is about, next week r teli days. Lebanon, preSident; Fred M. burial under, the direction f' , ended. A matinee and tw Mr. Malone stat , that tl ~. (Contlnued" Oft Page 4) Keller., Foster, fiTst vice presid- McClure Funeral Home. evening shows can acc 111 dat saine policy will be f How din. about 750 perso,n. ,A' few the serving of ,meal and b()\'t ent; ·Mrs. Charles Beck, Springboro, second vice president; tickets are till, left but thcy will order and the h ur · of b ill <r Edith Williams, Lebanon, secre-' only e available for a h rt ,open for lusine \\ ill, I' mai n • tary; J. M ~ Greene, Lebano,n, tim. He advise obtaini )()' unchanged. treasurer. ticket at once t as ure He ha re en tl y taken o\' r, Among, the twenty _four ' this wonderful , 90 minute of the Borden R )'en y for ic.: Orders are~ still' coming m county-wide direct6rs named, The fireworks to be di played thrill-:-pack ~d ~ntertai nm ' ht f ream and is <l l'rying a full.l ine every day for cople of the E L L . f W d , the airways t.arril'1 g' Anne of"th ir prod u ts.· . Sesquicentertniat edition to be mma ou eWls 0 aynes- as a gran finale to' the events Baxter, A c a 'ct e my A war d Mr -. Malon ~ i a i 'ting" in ' h d . ' b ville was appomted to that of th.e fiT t two days f the . pu bl IS e cQ!Icermng a ustory board. Sesquicenfennhtl Celehrr.tion. winner, William Holden, hi " , the o pera~i on f the restaur,an, of "WaYllesville from 1,797 to fir t picture inc h-e -w-e-: -'l-:-;lt---r-;to~"":'--~~ he present time. This spe~i"t sta 'ed here Sept. 12, 1'3 and , ' onny T uft' , h' t ell 14 will be no ' mall affair, war, . I " t r nRe t P~ade according to the ch'airman of roie, William "Life Qf Riley" publication will , contain about B' the committee, L S, Robin on. Bendix, terHng Hayden the , forty pages and cover with each Special care has been , used in "Swoon-erer', , Howar j Da page size bein~ 1,1 lh x 16 in~hes. Many pictures of old selection a variety of pieces Silvia of "Lost Weekend" and and new views, persons and HTwo Years Before the Mast," , David ,"Buck" Luca of . t. , places wiII tie included. SpecialA. H. "Cap" Stubbs is pro,- that will give a fine ~nd brilliant This is a benefit show f r ty ",ri,te-ups of 'interesting, gressing rapidly in the prepara_display that will be fitting. t) the Band Boosters Club for the ' Holly wa 'eriOl! Iy inJured ill features will be a highlight of tion of the SesquiCentennial the ending of the two. day C'aJ.~ local school band, Paul hafer, an aut m bile cQ llision at the the book. It will be ,a volumn ' Parade which begins' to shape endar of events of this 150th owner of the Twin Theatre ha " intersection of Roxanna r0nd . d Stafr! Highway 43 Tu~s(hty we'll worth reading and pre- up like oneof the maior events year anniversary dat~. . loan ed the facilities of the a ,ernoo n about 4 q'clock. He serving. In addition to historical of the -three day event which The display wiII be 'presented theatre for this showing. Th e s returning h me from w rk items it wiH also contain ,the ' is being staged , Sept. 12, 13 Saturday night after the fuJI · date, Tuesday, Sept: 9, matinee af th e Roxann~ ' Canning Pl ant events of the.. Sesqaicentennial and 14. day, of various ,activities includ- and evening. ing such major presentatio'ns as _ _ _ __ It the time of the . mishap. ' . Celebration -i.n , story and picThe appro,ximate line-up for a giant parade, soap box derby, ' His in'jurie included com- ' ture~. the parade ' to date includes horse,shoe pilching , contests. pound fractures of botH legs To be sure of ,obtaining the . ll:bout~ .twenty floats, twentyd' I d- I t f sca{,J)' \VoLind. and possih!e tv.'ll·es wanted it is advi' s ed to fIve ndmg horses, se , veral games, ' [SP ays, an a lOS Q: 5C "T' other. entertaining ' features. "" . internal injuri e . send in, the coupon today. and -, wagons, surreys, buggies, S~nday has be~n 'set a~ide ~s , He removed to ' St. ·and other vehicles of various a day of memOrial servtces tn Elizabeth hospit~ , in Dayton kinds. These' wiII all be decorat- which the churches of the ', The American Legion Post by the McClure ambulal.1ce, ed to fit the occasion and the community will take part ,at 1 1 No. 615 .is announcing a 6 to persons in th.e parade, ' will for , o'clpck. A picnic dinner wilt be , midnight swim ~t Wayne Par:.k the most part be in co~tume. serve~ after , the mornin~~ on Friday evening, August 2<J, Four bands are expected to ' ~rvice, and the afternoon will ac~ording . to Wm. Sawyer, take part in ,this giant parade be devoted ' to speech makin~~ 'pr~,sident. This,is a benefit party At a recent ' contest held as as well as maQy feature pr~- with a keynote speaker, yet t6 for 'the local Post: Regular pool an Achievement Day project" setltations. ' be named, taki,ng the spotught admission prices will b (! Special meeting at Big. ~ss Judy Conner, a member Mr. Stubbs is now tak~ng of the day. ' cJaarged. The usual ' r~fn llof the local Wayne ~ew-S0 4-H Sc.081 Tues., Sepl.'2 mimes of those who wish ' to " Wayne Park has been name~1 ments will b,e' available, includClub was selected as the • ing cold drinks, sandwiches, ice .8 .'deck. All.em.uHealthiest Girl in WaHen enter decorated automobiles in as the location of the three the parade. Anyone wh, o wishes of activities. Night events can cream, ~tc. County. She witI represent the •• be ,reseal. .portal. The date is Friday, August county at the OQio State Fair to do so may contact Mr. held under the lights used '29, the time, 6 to mldnignt. . _ softbaU playing. contest to be held August 28. Stubbs.


.Cano;.ng Plants Lee,O,Banion' Rates ACf,ept Applications In Judging ~earn



-deDt ormer esl R F D.-es In C-anada,'


Pat ,Malo'De Takes 0ver.Idle Hour


Names Leaders


Band Boosters,Show At T Sept ' 9

Cootal-n Edt-tl.on Celebration Story


Firewor'ks MaJ-or , ',Part Of Celebratl·on

Feature Of 'Giani Celebration

Mt. 'Holly Man , Seriously Injllred ,




'Lem'-on SpODsorlDg • SWI-mml-ng Party

Healthiest Girl '

In lVarreD,Coanly


Band Boosters Attention!

, EAST WAYNE COUNCIL MEETS HERE FRIlDAY , Th Ea t Wa\'lh, :lvi ' r l


County Farmers' Club~ Have ,Union Meeting


Miss Mar Jane Andt:t" n Maril \' n Bursk vel' an i Mi d li ghtfull ent -rtain j n FrL On Thu r 'day, lI o'ust 31 the , j ay e ~ 11 ina t t h h m > ( ,f M i Uni n ' me ling of til th rel! Ailder on, h n rin o' ML Warren C unt)' farmers' Clubs Ern tine Earnh art, I ride- I ct. \Va hd 1 :11 Lh High chool The ev nin " ,,'a_ pI asantl _ bui l ing in \\ 'ly nesvill with pent , in gam , .an i in a forty -f ive in .1tknda-nce. "Trea ure Hunt' th h n I' At LIT \ n()(lll h ur a 'pIcnic guest found a I t f I vely basket din ner ,vas rved , The gifts. DeJiciou refreshment, pro Tam giv n juri ng the aftel'- with all app ointment in yell ow no m n i ted of a piano 010, ' and wh ite, were se rv ed. Th II pring" h y Franc s Whitaker, gue t li st included ML Earnand a pian 01 , "Old Black hart, Miss Nao mi Earnhart, Mr , Robert Bonham, Mis Wan ja J "by Su Furnas. Prop t, Miss Margare t H'lrlan M r. West of L banon was the Miss Ruth ' Ambur 'y, Mi s" speaker of the day, choosing Edw na for his' subject "Our Foreign V ivian Pumm.ifJ, Mi tanforth, Miss Barbl\ra Wilkin, Policy." The n xt me, ting of the , Miss Gladys Rye, M r ", Donald Gilpin \vith th e ho t . Waynesv ill ~ Club will be in Miss ' Earnhart "ill I , com Lebanon at th e home of Mrs. the bride of Mr. Jame ' D,e ardoff in eptember. Wildeman of Jack on, on Monday even ing, Septem er the first.

futertain For Bride And 'Groom


Mr. and Mrs, Edwin Surface and Mr. and Mrs, Henry R. Satterthwaite ntertained n Saturday ' ev,ening a group of friend at the ,former's hom e honoring Mr. and Mrs, Carlt n Sherw'ood .11'" whase wedding was a recent event , ' The bride and gr,o om rece,i ved many lovely gifts and 'after a mo t delightful ,ev,enin' of games and conv er ation a delicious lunch wa served.

Meml r of th e Go lden Rule Cia f th e M ' th iU hur ~ h m ,t at the h me f M r. and M J' , Cuuncil held til iJ: Al.lgu t l11 eet- R C Moler nn \ V' Inesday ' 'ni~ .0",Au p:l1t_7 at l( " '1 ck , Mr, and h ", R. H, Kicr and, in at the Ii 111 ' f Mr. an j Mr ~ , S)l1 Bi ll v I' turn~ j Lin ia fr om Tht e m etin ~( a re a re ~ u l ar Harry , atl rthwait · \ Jn Frida "l tl~ir till' 1I i'h the: 'We t~ Th Y ' '\ enl!)' " , e ~ ral 1iffer nt t pi . m nthl v s hluLe fur thi " 'Ia," rand any n, f "hI h Mr, M kr i the vi: it d t'he \\'1.':1' 3 di eu Sc I an i aft r an int e r "[i ng ' l' " i . n, i t: I' a111 ' 1I1 d t a, cllow. t ne Nati 1)'<1.1 ,Park, ) kic ,,'ere : 'rved h v th c,ait Lak~ }-;I II. wu I, Mex ico I t and h6 t "S, Th e . lun il veral other int r \ ting Mr. and Mr, Earl 1'1' Jar and aij urn :i tl m "t \ "ith Mr, and and daughter, Anna M ay and, plae _, ' ,' , M I' , Eli Furna in epl emher. ' Mr, an d Mr, Walt r R Jb rL ---~i Mr. ad . Rickey Mr, an and family f s. C. S. TO SERVE unday 'dinner ue t f M r, an i a.nd hirl ey nn sp nt til \ ec k LUNCHEON I,N SEPT. ' 11 i \\'ith Mi s Mildr d l ickey Mrs. \~alter H all rand f:l mily Th W, ,c. f th l,; at \i\ i nche te r. Methodi t Chu rch met on of near Spr ingb I' , Thur 1a aft rn n at the e untry" home f Mrs, Rufu W atkin, Onl y a fe\\ m ml er w ere p re ent on ac (unt f til ex tr me hea t. Th'e 1I ual I ujne \Va held and a h rt PI' g-ram wa given. Daint refr shments Clnj 'were erv d I Y the' 11 0 t her a i -tant , , The ci ty adj urn ,ct to b~ meet with a lunche n t eI'ved in th e 'church dinin ('f room in ept mber, A NEW C N~ IG NMENT O·F




Miss Doris Robert ~ ' o f 0good, Ind. spent la .t we k visiting friend and relative ' here.


Turners Have Full WeekI; O Ladles

Monday Sept. 8





PHONE 2955 ,






All ,Next





Mr. 'and M'r. Jonn Turn- I' , and daughter, Carol Kay , left for their n w home in Arizon a on Monday. They were week end ' uests of Mr, and Mrs, J. H. Sackett and in their honoF Mr .. and Mr. ackett ntertained with a famil y dinner on Sunday. The dinner guests were Mr. and Mrs. John Turner and daughter, Mr, and Mr, Harry M. Turner and SOI1, teve, Mr. WE A P PRE C 'I. ATE and Mrs. ' Wad e Turner an'd ons, Wade and K ent, Mis ' THE PATRONAGE WE c---~,----.~T~h~o~s::::e.Er:.::=e:=,;se~n===:=:.r-~Mf:r~~---,j_e.(Jm W i1so n, and M r, and Mr. rs, erw ad 1'" Mr, Robert Shaw. ' Mr, and Mr. HAVE RECEIVED ' AND and Mrs. Howard Surface, Mr, Harry Turner were on the FEEL THAT IT IS IN and Mrs. Nelson Sherwood, Mr, guest list, b~t ',at ~resent are and Mrs~ William Hi ey and , sp ending some tIm e tn Canada. F A I R N E S TO OUR son, Mrs, Nellie Ashmore and ; family, 'Mr, Marvin McCollurp, CUSTOMER AS WELL , , Mr. and Mrs, Harry Satterth- HAWKE 'REUNION AS 0 U R E L V E S TO waite and daughters, Mr. and AT WAYNE PARK Mrs. Carlton Sherwood and The annual Hawke reunion GIVE;rHE EN T IRE daughter, Ver a, th e hosts and was' held at Way ne Park on' ~ hostess. ' und ay, Ab out fifty friends and FORCE A · VACATION relatives from Wilmington, IN ORDER THAT Wg • Springfield, Dayton, Cincinnati, ~ , Lebanon, Jame t()wn, ' ColumMAY GET RESTED UP s r D' • ,bus and a th er., aP~)J!i.0.c;.in+-.tu..weu.Jn.l:-jl-0,,"yeU-\dd---ft- A,N D c' 0 ME. , B ~ C K the wonderful .." 2:.-----"-CCJIl-Ju..:~IIU.u;.i'----=---...!....!-......Ia..un~a"-';f~teLUr.....n~ oon of visiti ng toREA D Y TO ' G I V E TH E' For a ,'ef.' ~ ' r' rio r to their gether. Mr. ' J, C, , Hawke is leaving ' for Pheonix, Arizona president of this group and Mrs~ USUAL SERVICE. Kathryn Fr~l1l, m ' Banta is on MOnday of thi week th Jo'hn Turner famil y ,enj o. ed secretary. ' WE WILL BE OPEN many hospitalities iven by FOR BUS I N E S S AS theil1 host of friends, and 4-H CLUB GIVING relatives. Tuest'lay of last w ek PROGRAM AT HALL USUAL Carol was entertained by The ' Waynesville 4..:H Club , Marilyn Polinsky at the swiril- is haying ' an Achievement Day ' ming pool and at Oinner. ~d- program, Sept. 4 ~t 8 :00 p. m, nesday, a dinner was giveU ' at at 'the Grange Hall. Everyone , . thet John Kers.ey's; Thur~ay.t ' is invited. a dinner at Arden Strang,~ 1n , Dayton; Friday, dinner at the M. A. Fulkerson home ; SaturLIVESTOCK day, ,dinner at tile Rev. 'S. Turner Ritenours;, ., Assis'tant Pa~tor of W' Church, Daytbn; Sunday, family dinner TO CINCINNATI at Lee McClures al1d Sunday evening a ' family dinner at on Harvey Sackett's. ' , , Tuesday. & FiidaYI The Turners are due in Pheonix on Monday, September 1 as John wi].] assume his ,Will pick-up stock a~ your farm duties with the newspaper ther-e at that time. Mr. and Mrs. Walter Robert and family of Osgood" Ind. were , week end guests of Mr. and Mrs. Earl Tresslar an'd daught~r, Anna May,


BE -



WaynesviUe J'umiture llppliance -1:0.

South Main ,street across from Grange Hall ,WAYNESVILLE, OHIO Telepbone 2422 KEM-TONE






HA'NN- A-TONE Wall Finish , One Cbat Covers

Drie in One Hour

You can Wash It

Economical ' to use:

I , gaBon Hann-A-Tone Paste-Thinned with water-Make• . l!i2 gallons of Paint. This fine Water paint made by the Hanna (Green Sea]) Paint Company is the modern way to decol'ate . walls. It is washable and comes in many b~autifur pastel colors: Canary, Dus,ty Pink, .Ivory, Cream, Fre~ch Blue, Buff, Peach, Apple Green and White. A variety of shades can be made by mbdng colors ~ith ' white.







75 $2-


NOW ,ONLY Reg. price $1]5 ' , GAllONS, . , NOW ONLY RIeg. Price $3-.45 ' Stock up now whi1~ this low price is t1 e~fect. '.



Paul .(.Picking Phone 2182

Third Street

Warneaville, Ohio

Pa~L: 3, TIll: Miami Gaz"'tte Wayne ,in, hiD, 43 1 Thur lay, ~u g- l1't 28 . t l ·17

'G. C. P.- Club News - -=The G. C. P: Club met at the O'Bani n h me Au ,o' u t , , al 8: 0. p. m. " ' The meetin g was brou 'ht 't o rder ' with Mr. Michener in charge and the Pre ident Lee O'Bani n pre i jingo Th' main t pic f th~ meet· ing \ a th f rmin g , f team ' f r th e Counl_ ' m l 11 'trati l11, Mr, I{ s , wa ' pre ent and added mu h inLcre .:t t t he m' tin g. The In etin g wa th~li pr _ perty adjourned followed hy refr~shm nts. G.c.P.

*** G. C. P. ILlll m et at

Th th~ FI rence h ' me AligU t 1 ), at, 7:3 . , Tb, v nin g W ' l pe l t i ' , lookin at the pr je ts an I d.,_ new J.erseys. After til bu ines m et' t: :! ' refre hm 11t were s rv 1 ~ l hi ,g ame \ ere played. Th FI renc wei" d ' Ii ..,0+ , lfut h sts and the evenin . wa :i enjo ed by all.


Hopkin _, Mr. ,1l1j Mr . \Villiam' Hull, Mr. :1v i i H art 0 k, M r. and \ r . ~tanl ' l ail 'v ,a n i' dau 'hter enj o y~d a pi nk dinner an -I fi ' hin ~' at Tarr ym nr ' prin rr n unlh.', , Mr. Luth r L. D dp (-, u ' ll :! I3ernard) ha, retu rnL: j to he r ' home in Carli Ie. Pa. 'l ft cr a ,pI :1 ant vi it \vith. he,r par I1t " and th r r lative an i fri nds in Oay t nand prin gb r. ,h e also attended a reuni on f nur e. ' at prin field. Roy Elli and , fami ly, when last h ' ard fr 111 \\ ere in J ackonvill , 'Fla.. at the h 111 of hi ' ' aunt, Mr ' . rma ' ~ il. En in Ellis and wif hav return i home a~ter penjin g a fL:w day with friend in Alahama , Mr . Jenni Plan k R bert Planck, Mr. ' crv i' and H hert ervis, M i ivian Pummill and Phylli Martin rl'iurtl-: j Monday fl' 111 a t L1r in New Y rk Cit " Cana ia an i \\ a "hin O't n" D. C. Mrs. R. C. Mol r elikrtaim:d t lunch e n at Rike" ne ja v iuring the pa "t \ eek, he-r iaughter, Mr. J. E. Riker of BatH creck, Mich., Mr . Ralph Ha ting ' and Mr. Walter J


Mi-. and Mr. Ray Williams and 'Mr. Wm. Kendrick of Urbana pent atuJday night and unday with G raId McWilliam and family, unday bein g Gerald' birthday. Mrs. Winifred Hartsock and ' Mi ' s hirley Neal of Jackfr 111 s n, David have return onville, Fla. who ha been the Evansville, Ind. where tll 'v guest f h ' r aunt and uncle. Mr. spent the summer with Mf. and: and , Mr. Orvil,le Gray for the

Pel'6onal noted

Mrs. Frank Hawke and on, Mr. and Mrs. Hawke and son anti Mr, Hart ock and son \\ er

week end

guest of M r; al1Ll Mrs. Ronald Hawke. Mr. and Mrs. Everett KeIL rick, on ' and daughter, .of Lytle, Mr. and Mrs'. .Ed.

umm ~ r r ~ tLlrned to her hnm .. on ' \Vedne_da. . J e. J-L I3 , C I ' 1l1 :l 11 \\,:L aIle i Thul \ .i :1 llf th i.:, \\.'C t c ndu -t th -f un 'ra j ' ~ ' rVi' f M r, Che ter \ 'l1' l1, \\' h l-wa ~­ k i 11 i j" \' a j 111l \ 11 hi" f :! r111 at New Carli Ie. " andry and D L: Ann H )lml!S pent I:l "t \'e : . k wi th th ' ir ,1'J'and_ parent, Mr. an j Mr, vV aH r Marin e at Wa shin ~ t 11, C. H. and ~r 5 . H olme - pent th \V ' k end \ ith th m. Mr . H Qwari Drumm n i and Liall 'ht r, M i '': 0 )'(l th ' Drum m ond att ' l1li ] tll I~ u't h L vu n" M rnill g' Mu.tin ce an d Fo i h w at th " Z n n :atur ia I

111 (



rn i 11 Y'. cveral meml ers of th e \Y.

. C. . were gu i " f the Lytl s idyo n aftcrno n du rin ' th e past week and 'hea r i Mi " Marth a C ) , a Mi j nary fr' J11 India. . Mr. and Mrs. A. H. Earnhart, Mr~ and Mr . Earl Earnhart (\11I.i children, ' Mr. and M r -. ' Karl Babb I ft n unday m r nin ' f r 'l fi -hin trip ' in Mi hi an.

TAILOR MADE \ Vint r r ummel' hi in ~ ne dn'l \V l l r ry \ Ill . _erv icc i tai l r n1;1 t1~, to fit til w ath r an i '( 111 1" l 'ttl


m ak

f car.

Servis Texaco Service Station

Mr. and MJs~ Frank Ander ' n ' of N rth Ap 11 o, Pa., ar i itSOUTH MAIN ST. in" their i -ter and , r ther . inlaw, Mr. and Mr ~ Paul Mauri e. H.ALLMARK TYPEWRITER RIB-



ur ' U1 H

WAYNESVILL,E, OHIO bona now ,in stock. Tne Gazette .

Montgomery ~County


Portable- ,Acetylene -Arc


Waynesville -Ice Plant PHONE 2451 '

~:.'e.4_.~~~_'_D~ "



Blacktop' ,D'r iyeways

,DAYTON" OHIO ' ,SEPT. 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4tft Horse, Racing

~o 'ad

Oil and Tar Applied Resurfacing and Driveway Recoating ' -

F R E E _

, -=:




'26 OakwOOd Avenue




LEBANON, OHIO ·' Phone 221-L


Live Stock, 'Gran~" e and Farm Display. , Schoo l Exhihit,





Home Del~lOn,Jration Projects, Fine Art, Culinary, . Poultry~ : Rabbits ' and Pigeon Exhibit


Havin o' decided to, sell'my home, I wtll offer the following for sale , at my residence in, Corwin, Ohio. ,


1 Three piece. Living Room Suite complete ,nth coven; I Cold,pot 'Electric Refriierat~; 1. Hoover Electric Sweeper; 1 Toaster; 1 Electric Iron, 1 Table Lamp, 1 Bridge Lamp~ 1 Stand, Dining ,'Table and' 7, Chairs, 3-piece Bedroom Suite, 9x12 Rug and Pad, 9x12 Congoleum Rug, Two 12x15 Rag ~ts, Lots of Scatter Rugs, .1 Iron 'Bed, 2 End Tables, 1 Sewing Machine, 1 Coffe(1 Tables, 2 Rockers, Several Od~ Chairs,. Buffet, Bookcase, Dreaser, 1 Large Oblong Mirror, 1 Round Mirror, 1 Utility O~pboard, 1), Large Cupboard, 1 Hall Tree, 1 Clock, 2 Oil Lamps, Two-burner', Oil Stove, 1 ,C~ Kitchen Heater, 1 "O il Heater, IrQDi~g 8o~d, Curtain Stretchers, Cuit~,Blinds, Pillows, B~"s, 100 lb. lee 'Box, Lawn Mower, Tools, Lots of Dishes, Cooking Utensils, Glan Canl, Cbi~ken Feeders,and Other Articles to Dumerou~ to mention. ,



11 w

4-H Club and Vocational Agricultur , F'lower






'Satorda:r, Sep_~ · 8" 1947· ., ' , 1 o'doCk m. ,


large Mass School Band, Tuesday Night, Sept. 2nd

lie Sale ,

EACH AFTERNOON AND NIGHT (New Starting Gate Will Be Used)




Chlldr,e lJ'. Tuesd'a y, ,Sept. , 2

SOI41.r8' D.~

Wed., Sept.' 3 '

'T able and Highboy. Tennl: CASH


WILBUR N. SEARS, A~oneer, Pboae 2661, Wayne,viDe, Ohio

, ~EFF,



IT COSTS NO MORE TO SEE MORE Children under 12 year s a~itted fr~. Between 12 and 15 year. iub jed ,to federal te.x of 8c Men or Women in uniform. Also all soldiers of the Veter~s Administration pFeaenting discharge papers.


Mrs. B.,B. 'MORAN 'COR~IN,





The. Miami Gazette ESTABLISHED 1850

p ,,'iblc

Every Thursday by DAV1;SSON p~ FLOYD L. DAVISSON;. Editor i:ntered as Secon4 claSs ,Matter a.t the P<l6t 'Office


Sub6cr1ptlon Rates: $1,50 'per Year in Adva.nce

National Advertising Representati¥es Ohio We'e kIies, Inc., 2465 W. Broad Street, Columbus 4, Ohio . (Continued from Page 1) ·d al f) t tim e iWct I U' y lin ' .


Lon o' di tan 'c i till th er pr blem. If an i when . ~ get the op rat r it i pos ihl e t get your pII comf I te "ithin a reasona Ie: tim , v u are indeed lu k . It ha I ~' n our xperi nce to have a all to Cin cinnati or Dayt n tak longer r quir d t than it wou l d · ha driv to either pia e. Can tJli all be a shoda o' f material? Can it all in xperi nced , help? Or, can it be, a J ohn tate j in hi . lumn, ineffici ncy of til operation Of . tTl\'! entire s t-up? Evidently th latt r is pI' I _ ably trll . Print me it m of , new that i li~'htl y" ff th b am" a to it veracity and a . storm of prot, t d cend- on the ' editor b fore th ink i . dry o'n the paper. N prot st t o ur statement has I en , received ir m th~ ,t I ph ne official. Ma b they do n't read The Gaz tte. If they do, and wi h to explain ome of th eir short co' in the matter of rvice) 'W ~11 be 'very .glad to print them and enlighten their ub criher ' in this area as to The Company's version" of \vhy we don't get what we. pay for. .

Page 4 time demand for railroad ~ er ­ 4 31 vice. Thu ,th pre - 11t h ))'1,: 1 47 a ' i - prim~ri l y tht! r 5Ult of tF menLi( u demand Imp eli 'uf on It war-depided ar - 1I~ ply BEGINNING SEPT. 2, 1947 h rtag: f and ntinll j , WE ARE PAYING AGENTS mat rilll ; The railroad ha y pia e i FOR GOVERNMENT order ' f r man th 1I il nd r TERMINAL LEAVE' BONDS new car, and th e a r h in g rvi e a ' rapid ly a ' put in Th B nd are a dir t manufa tur r can, m ak' dbli ',ati n f the Federal livery. In the meantim , ar ' Gov mOl nt and it i not on' hand are b in eli trihut d t the ' vari u e ti n (f the n -ary t cn h them at country n an quitahk: ha is. this time. The harg made a fe\\ m nth s I f po sjble- \V urg y u ago th at th e We t \ a h iti g trang-Ie j f r lack f fr i 'ht- car to h Ii them for Investexp lo i 'ct. wa immediat I ment. ' Western ca rl oading hay \)ee!!1 ke ping pace with all th Lr r gions, and more freight i h in ~)' handled 11y th we -tern I' ads than ever ef r The railroads are makin g every piece of rilin g t k perform peak r'V ice. The car pr bl m wilt oTaduatl ea ed a ' Waynesville, Ohio new t ki 0

Village \\ ill go a 1 t _ wa rd e 'iabli hin< ' :i will and frie n lin f th" ' c \\'h will i it here durin 0"the kbration peri d.


FA<;:!S ABOUT PRICES Con u'mer prote -t the hi gh c , t f fl~ d Understandabl a thi i, it eem certain that th lI1. lic at large is unaware f. certain basic SOITBALL RESULTS on mi fa t . . Aug. 19:. Fairley 1, Mill r 5 , According to on'e authorit , Alw. 20: Roxanna 6, F rd 0 food bills ar no greater to Aug 21 Rain in proporti n to I' p r ap ita Aug. 25: F rd 7, P r's 3 income than the ,ere in th e Aug. 26: Rain 1-935-39 period. "Til hav, in other , word, impl _ fa ll w T ALL STAR RESULTS th general trend . . Aug. 22: Wright Fi ld Forfeit Again, farm allth ritie, hay Aug. 24: L e burg 4, All tar) p'resented some ve ry c mpel1in evidence t the effect that "40" CLUB LOSES atJegedly swoll 11 aOTicultural . The "40'" CllI played Miller PI' fit ar· larg-ely non-existent . in farm Restaurant Sunday evening and Th enormou increa 10 t 3 to 4. op rating co L -Iah r, mat ri-at, feeds, ·taxes and v rythin gHOW THEY STAND el -e-have aten up tlie in BUILDINGS CHATTELS AUTOMOBILES, LIABILITY W L Pet. cr a ~e in the farmer in- I u4-WA Y FARM INSURANCE" Roxanna 14 5 737 . come. Peers 15 7 682 To blame pack I' an r - '.1" in the Ohio Farmers will give you broad protection against losses Ford 15 9 , 625 t~il e rs for high price i a on your farm. Ie covers your buildings, YOUt chattels, your automobil~ and yout Jtabilicy 'for accidents to others. Why not see us today? Fairley 13. . 8 619 ,G.o mm n practice. It is al a an You _our you'n safe wheD you're insured in the Ohio Fumersf Harvy. 5 14 217 utter fallac . The m ,at packin Mill eors . 2 19 95 industry, for in tance, state's , . that it arn Ie s than one c nt FUTURE All ' STAR . GAMES a 'day, after xpen e , f r proAug. 29: Middl,etown Bravarian viding' meat for an' av rag ' Phone 153, 20 E. Mulberry, LEBANQN, O. *** Aug. 31 : Wilmington American famil y of four. Th r tailer i in preci ely Just in cas you are inter- Sept. 5: Miami burg American COMPANY Le~ion. the same ,position. The lar ge! ested, according to the informa... . .4 OHIO .FAlMftS INDIMNIIY CQ._ .~1l~ ()I.I. 'lion in scrib d · on th bra scap food chain system.;, 'arn, as net ' ·i ha.t rests on '. top ' of ' a pipe .WHERE EVERYONE GAIl~lS profit, only a cent or two on driven in the· ground at the r, ar Under the competitive free ach dollar of ale . The in.o f the Library, that particular enterprise system, indu try mu, t dep ndent merchant, who mu. t eet the competition, work on :spot is 754 f et ltbove sea-level. constantly seek -ways to mK n Be~' In the flelel '.' The tJ. S. Ge graphic SUrVeY, a better ~"'roduct-or to mak · similar margi ns. .Many stores in conjuncti n with the tate of an old product more attractive have voluntarily ' )iced th ir .aL ready , narrow profits in order .Ohio placed the marker th reo to the cons'umer. 'Since there i a fine 6f .$25 . . Coal, which , seeks markets to hold price increases to the Maximum ylelel-both quantity and for defacing the marker it is in competition" ith oil, '~as and l.l1in imum. But they can't quality-wise--is what makes successful farmers. It is signiicant to note probable it \vill r main their for other fuels, is an interestiO'o' op,erate at a loss. that during the past 20 years more many, many y ars to come and current example ' of that truism. High prices are an economic and more of these successful farmen wilt <;iefinitely ettle all argu,Throughout the , country, consequence of the time. are using BIG M .Brand Fertilisen. ments as to the di tanee' above coal . dealers, working ' in co- Neither producers" distributor, "Best in the field" i. our way of The MiIamJ PertlJlaer saying that· you can't use a finer sea-Ievef of th'is location. , Just opePfttion with , coal producers, proc-essors or retailers are IeCorapany '11 .. Inde- ' fertilizer for. all field crops than free- ' pendent Miami v~'7 how much higher . it is at the have sought to "wrap ' coal in sponsible for them.. Bowing BIG M-always manufac. .. COIlceru ' under direct )High School building is not de- a better package"-and to' so operadoo of fta owaen. tul'ed up to .tanc1ard:e. never doW!:! to price.'tBest buy BIG MI . initelY .known to the writer but make it a more oesirable fuel THE ONLY CURE Order now lrom your dealer lor I"". ometimes after walkin up in the eyes of the home and Various' cures h'av.e been OffiCI ~N DAno~ OHIO ! here; especially on a hot day, business user. This ' "better suggested for the. freight car Th• MIam I Fart IIIEar Company 'AClon IN nUlIN, OHIO 'it seen:ts like it hould be about ' package"-has taken a number ' shortage . . But, a~) <;::. 150 ' feet. .: ' of forms. Stress is laid on clean, ~end~f1 of the ASSOCiatIOn of * '" * careful deliveries, so th~t the , RaJlro~d~ pomted o~t The Post Office building has only evidence the cu~tomer has ' ~ome tlm~ ago, : 1~ he only last~ Ibe~n completely . redecorated that a deli,v ery has been I11ade , mg cure IS ~.n mtreas,~ In thl.: with' two coats of paint inside is a full coal bin. Twenty-four- supply of freight cars. . and a new finish of white and hour, r,ound-the-clock emerFurthermore, there IS. no ,gray on the outside. Many other geocy service has, been widely my~tery as to why. there IS a ~business 'buildings in the Village adopted. Retail coal merchants short~g~ n~w. Dunng the ?e- , as well as many homes have are giving objective counsel on pressIOn freight car I'urchasmg , MY . been redecorated or plans have 'heating problems and the sel~ct- was b~low normal due to . ,Ia,ck proc1l1ds OtPLOMA ! been made, to have the work ion of new coal-burning equip- of freight. The war fonowed , done. 1t is gratifying to, n e ment. ~any me~c;hants are 'also close. on the he.els.of , the. det1is . work is being" done prIor offering an inclusive service pr~sslo~, and dun~g It relatlve!y to the Sesquicentennial Ce1e. for clea~ing and conditi9ning few fr~lght ~a'fs could be b~llt bration. The appearance of "h~ coat heating systems thus as- ~ue to ~atenal shortages. E~st­ ~~_ _~~~_~~~~~_~~'~~~~~~'_ _~_ Ing equipment was worn o~ That's iust anoth., way rapidly by war's dema~s on , of te4ling you about the ADVANCE ORDER FOR S~UI-CENTENNIAL COPIES the transportation system. Since quatity of Borden prod· The Sesqui-Cetitennial . Committea: ' the end of the wa~, there has ' ucts. ~ famous sysPlease rlserve (topies of the Sesqui-Gentenniai Edition as been an unp~cedlen(ted peace- ' tem of QUatity Control· per the following: starts' with t~w Name -




Karl D. Dakin Insurance Agency ,


8 OHiO ',aRIlEltlINIUDNei



· 65 BOrden , . hive releiyetl tWs Seal .f ApproYal .



St, Address

Rural ,Rt.


NUB.OVO ut.atve II tree to d.


City Number of copies, wanted .Amount can be paid ' with

!aNn of~ Arthritil and BbN-

at 25c per copy --.:. " '

ordlr or wben .copies art! called for. MAIL ORDERS: Add 5c per copy to cover ~ lling costs. ~dress

aJ.l nrders to P. O. BOX 'E, WAYNESVIu.£, OHIO

- ,........



maa.m. A JiQaid ~lpoUDd of roota aad bert-, Nue-O'to, II claimed to ~ relief by _r'II, from maIlY Btatee-thoqti doctc)n ifll JDeIIita, jwrt sa they cWI'er to the cauae. Write today at no coat or obligation about Nue-Ovo to Reaearcb Laboratoriee, Inc., I~S N.W. 9tb Ave., Poltland 9, OreIIOD. Paid Adv.


right . , to the time' .... product""is deti~ to· the consumer. You cOn / depend on Borde';'s foio , purity arid q~ I

Da710a Pho•• HEl27. •





Lbeal Phoi. 2112 •


MARRIAGE LICENSES ' inventory hearing -et for SeptemRobert Hosea, 21, Mason 'stud- ber 11 at 10. Certificate of transfer of real es,tate fi led. ent. Hildegard Wiutzel, 22, Mason Raymond Armstrong, 26, HamilNEW SUITS ton , accountant, "Edpa Stagjre, 20 A u ti n Thackara et a1." vs. Lee FOSiter clerk-typist. Raymond Heljsingel', 38, Leb- Mason, ex cutor et aI., to contest wnt, Stanley and Stanley. ano n, inspector, 'Hel en 'Barlow, 33 , Ether Ruth Tatman"a minor vs Lebanon, in pector. Omar Ray Tatman, a minor div Marion. Gal'd, ' 22, Middl etown orce, extreme Cl'llle-lty, Meryl B serv:ice station operator, Dena Gray.. Racin ev ry da and ev ns, 23, Franklin, procurem ent Goldie Roach vs. Conley Rpach in g, with an lah rate v'lud _ Abram clerk. dhrpl'ce, xtreme cruelty, J. T. ' Ri' vill and cir u prO(lTam t ) Gilbert Ho.1Iin,gswol:th, Jr., 26, . -augment the 'p rt ha - b en Bessemer, Ala., Marjori e Warwick leyJessie Kelley vs. Jack Kelley 25, Lebanon. _ provided f r patr n , f th divorce, gross neglect Young and Che tel' Harris, 25" Loveland M ontg mery County Fair thi ' Young. Buffer, Stella Short, 28, Loveland. 'year. The Valley Nationa.l Bank James M. W:ildman,. 26, Jackson, pt. Ohio business owner, Ernestin , Phoenix, Ariz. , v . Harrison Laney pening Lab r Day , on recovery for damages Kautz 1 t, th e Fair wi ll co ntinue Earnhart, 18, Waynesville. lfo lbrock,. Jackson Bosch, C. Don . thr ugh , ept. 4th, with advan e Dilatush. '' aId indicati ns that every departPROBATE Allen OverllUln vs. Th,-e King men t w ill be fill d with exhibits. E state of Ethel Evans Ha.tfield Brothers Co., ,~he Cincinnat dec'd, Evans Hatfield, executo The fa. t 'that pra ti ally Street Railway Cb,., ibr money fil ed fll'st, final and distributiv ever ' in h uf xhibit pace ha on ly amount claimed $25,000 and be '11 old indi ate th e x te'nt account, costs of this action! Paul J. Gaiser. E tate of Harry E. Dakin, dec'd, , f h win g in ever_ d ep art~ Council of The Incorporated ViI '()ed~ Daklitl, adminisbratrix 'inIag, e of South ~banon, appelle men t. Gran g" and' in' ividual ventory hearing set for Septembel v. Gilbert Smith, sr., appellant farm wner b til hay maic 2 at 10. appeal, Meryl B. Gray, C. Donald re rvati ns that will crowd ' fh Estate of Frank W. Miller, dec'd ,Dilatush, Marvin E. Young. A (yricultural and H rti ultural Lilli e Miller appoin ted administra trix giving . bond wit h sureties in Building. RE AL ESTATE 'rnANSFERS ' III th ' speed prOOTam pur c ' sum of $3000. Ken Rout zahn to ' Keifer and Estate of Bernard L.' Jordan, t o the am ount f $9 ,1 oc' ar Lena Routzabn 55.90' acres in dec'd" W. T. Jordan appointed ex Wayne twp, offered. ince ntran e f e are ecutor. Howard and ltuoy Clemons t added to th e pur e , the tetal Estate of Lucy F. Snl:'! l1, dec'd Leroy and Mari e Cayse fi 1 ts in for win ning steeds will b' W. E. Chesney, administrator filed Lovelatld Park. around $ 12,000 .00 . A ' ntrie ' first' and final account: Ira and Ada May Kesling to Estate of Mary Kroener Schoe. may be rna ie f r each race up A11en I\nd Rebecca P ayne and Ber nebaum, de'd, · Carl ,Abaecherli to 11 :00 a. m. of th e day be' nard and Ru th Payne 54.81 a cres fore, a larger numb r , food administrator filed first, final and in Clenrcreek twP. distributive account. . hal' e \\ ill c mpete than ever , Estate of Wlaltel' C. Foster Ralpoh Wood et at, to Julia Wood b for . This ea r th e hal' e wiII dec'd, Nellie M. Foster, adminis et aI., 71.72 acres in Harlan twp. be tarted ack of the Ile, Alton Vale .to Clyde and' Edna tratrix inventory hearing set for Whitacre 2 lots in Morrow. m t hani al startin ' ate m unt,- September 11 at 10. Cha,rles and E thel Butler t( E tate of George C. Weaver ed n an aut 111 I it' . There will Stanley and Leroy Foreman lot in be ra:cihg each aftern nand dec'd, Mary Bixby and Edith Wea, Sout.h Lebanon '. . vel', executrices filed application nig~lt. . Herman and Virginia Pulley to 'for certificate o~ re~l estate. F armer especially will find Jo'hn and Mimlie Powell Sullivan i Estate of George Waldo Weaver , th ~ Pait: to th it' liking. All the Me'd, J. T. Riley administrator , l,,,ts in Franklin. spac "on the hill ' where farm exhi bit in recent y.ea r ha v L,,::e n' rather kimp, i lJein ' given ov r to di pl'ay of thi sort. r ,h y pI' mi e t h laro'er thal~ in any pr -war 'ear. M o ntg~mery .Co unty Gard n Club wIll tag " b autiful fl wer how and the u uai wi je array of w om n' w 'rk, l oth PROMPT, EFFICIENT REPAIR n edlew rk and kikhen pro. -eN =-ALI:. MAKES -OF EQUIPMENT ducts, promi e to out hine its

Montgomery. County-, Fair Next Week

SHERWOOD Refrigeration Sales ===========-


pFec ed~

includes ' such




ComHle's , dogs, the Ervin'g Troupe ,of ath letes, the Th ree Ambassadorettes, the, Skylark,S,

sensational aerialists, Hoaglan's , Hippodrome and other acts.






William Burns ~s. Blectric 'AQt~ Lite Co., defendant granted leave to fHe ' otner pleadings within 30 days. Naomi Bailey va. Gootee Bailey divorce to plainUff, child to plaintiff defenda~t to pay plaintiff IUtr ,~O.

George and Anna Lickliter tr Ira and Emma Noble, 100 acres ir Harlan twp. George and Loui~e Frodge t( Verne William ~ and M. R. Snidet 94.90 acres in Harlan twp . .E\~erett Thomas and Ka,tbel'in Emma h rwood to Ornah atH Lucille ~imm:el lot in Lebanon. Duke Powell to Jo eph and St ella Pucket lot in F ra'nkli n. James Erel'ett, Jr. and ' Ru th' Blevins to Rut,h Neville 5 acres in ,F ranklin twp, " , Loui s and .Mar Bors 0 Loui. ' J ohn and Dorothy Bors 0.50 acres in Franklin twp. , William Art hur E o s, by administrator to Sam Smith lot in Lebanon. Sam Smith to Pearl Smith lot in Lebanon. Joseph and Suah Riddell to Har,lOY L. and Flora Chasteen 0.76 aCI'es -in Franklin twp. Sflvesftet' and Lilli e Lamb to ' Luther 'a nd Goldie WeIch 34.78 acres in Wayne. , ' Clyde Camp,bell to Hilda Campbell 3 lots in Springboro. Ora, Lottie and Fred Gustin to Benjah and J C.ln Gustin 40 acres in Franklin.


a.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .



ndeavor t keep ur rVI C mplete and appr priat

m d


STUBBS Funeral Home





4ny make or mode,I ·' .Fred' Kahn Motor ,Car Co:~ PHONE 3 .



Numerous County School . band have signi fie.d their intention of pl aying on Tuesday evening, Sept. 2nd, in a l a,rge, mass band. The 4- H Club band will also play.dutin:g Fair week, along with a local band of Dayton. The ,program of ente rtainment acts is, the best ever. It


and Service =========."==

Tno mllS' Stt' \ ar ~ to Maggie Hunter Lakes 2. IQt in Franklin. M,. T. an d Ida Ead to Clayton and Leona Gabbard 103.18 acres in Fl:anklill twp . ~{o ,a nd Dolly Bt~nd ern to Roy- -;--- -and Dorothy Ma McCl.ure 1.83 acre in Franklin ,twp. Willial1l and Del la Hufford to The Wlnnen Cou,nty Fal'm Bureau Co-operative As ocia tion Inc. lot in ' Turtl~cre ek twp. Lou ella Hiatt to J. C. Hiatt 55~ 6 4 aCI' ill Turtlecreek twp. Emma Rena . Riz8r, Wal te r lda. Hackn'e y and Gen eBiggs vi ve Zimmerman to Willie and Lou ella Hia t,t 55.64 aCI'e in Turtlecreek twp. Irma and Reva Stump to Be rt and Reba Turner 1 a cre in' Wayne twp. ' William and J oseph Hayes to Hal'oid and France L. Sortor lot in Lebanon. Helen Eldridge to MadOl'i HumphI' y lot il1 Franklin. Marjorie Hurnphrey to Hel r EI ~l r id ge lot in Franklin. Ella W jdner , to Lawrenc oate 2 lot s in Springboro , Claude and Doroth y Wilson t Ora and Kathel'in Nixon,' 3.0€ acre!' in Tu~,tl e Creek twp.

, '

Catherine and Robert Sloan, executQl'8 vs. 1. 1. Bachert Everett Early ,made part,. deleadant. Vir&inia Glackin Forney va. Lawrence Forney, injunction ~ ially set aside. . , Georgie Hendricks VB. Albert Hendrick-a et at, confirmation, deed _~ distribution. ' Thoma8 Weis V8. Naomi Wets,' oase dismilsed without prejudtee anc) . without record. , Either Ruth Tatman, a minor vs. Omar Ray Tatman, hearing sct

for August II, 1947 at 9:80.

Representative f or



Phone 332 M

-. ' AT THE "Friendly Store"

OME,' F'URNIS'H ING'S! "Hard-To-Get" Items 9 s 12 W ,O OL RUGS




LAMPS (Floor and Tabl.) . SroDIO COUCHES (Fully Spriol Filled) ,






STOVES "C...plete Hom. Funiiallen"

HOME ., FURNITtJRE XENlAIl , Phone ' CO • OIDO. '912R :UEaat Main Street at Whit....·"

AII :·A ••aad

. ,


plt8eI818....I •• ,


Many people, perhaps, think of Ui as o~ly newspaper printers. This, however is not the case. We take a great deal of pride in our Job Printing Department, and in the work we do. . ' Con~ult us for all of

your printing needs.


."0•• ZS45



ra 6 NOTICE OF APP91N™ENT Til Miami Caz tl in a' talk t a. numl cr . f 4 3t \V:tyn' ' vill L!, ·hi. N I I C T Notic i ' . h rei 'iven that ladies at Lytl Chur ' h \~ ine -' t <)4 7 fi " Thl1r~ iay, Au gu- t ' 28, Ida M. Wi al \V h ,', I~o ,t da ' aft rilO n. · he -11 wed a j :lre_ is V\ a nes ille, hi ) o. t LI l11 e pi ' lure"', I ra '- \\ ~r by Jane Fite The W m ~n' , 0 i t v t and man . CARD OF THANKS th r article J'v\i J nev r th u ht f " unt em H.. R J ha : be ' n iul. ~p P lJ int " Lytlc Chu r h \\'ill h n t r61inect CO, \ ill - ail ept. 1 ~ :n th e Wi 11 to exp re 111 tl1 anL a ' Ex' ut rix u f · the e.:ta te Jf n ex t 'N ' i n ' _d a ' ;1 f tL rn 0 () n Queen Elizabeth f r u t h Eiii -" . a I t h e r a L h i her Pt' t r H. 'v i '11 lat ll f \\ ;1 rr en t our neighh r an I fri n is iO'llty.nine years 'r, ' ef ull v, ert. , 'it th I1 nme of Mrs. Ham p t o n, E. n g I and. Then for thei r many a t of ki nLi ncs -' liv d full, all] wfl: n f tlie! .C lin t , hi ) i e 'L.1S' \. Wand a Baird f .th e G bha rt an other h at i ' \\' 11 tli Atlanti h wn \vhil e ' m hu_hrllld, Da t ' lhi ' J~ . da f ll g U<: t I ad. Mr . Ma ry Hi ' k wi!1 an I thrll the M dit rrant: /ln 'a 's,\ ,eet t ladie'" I' e e er kn ') wll da ughter . and on wer )[1 J 0 -:17. everal m nth ' ag ' ha v ' til i v li "n anj Mrs. enroute to India, t take up fine I to 0; \ h pita!. Jud O'e f the t h a r ti I ap pea r-e i i n t 11 ay Arlen J ne l1 a. th e! pro gram. , hcr w rk again. Mr. H ' l\\ k Ralph H. ar y ton Daily Ne w - al ut 'Dr, ' The · committe in h·ar e are Wan 11 C unt , Ma ry.' I \\' :L a ke'd hy a ' Mrs. Minnie Foulk) Mrs. CI·eo. IN CASE OF FIRE DIAL 2Z22 O I work ' I' if I kn w th la dy . C. f;)[1al i [ il atu sh Gray a~d Mr . Ma , ~ink . d tor at Wa vn ville. " er- ~-~~=~~~~~!!!'!'!! Keith Longacre and Milt on tainl y" , I napp i i n't y' u J ane pent everal day last Mr. and Mr -. Ev r tt Hain , ·kn ow who Che ta Fulmer r week at t. Mary' Re erv ir 'Mr, and Mr. Carey Leigh at Celina. Hain es ali d Marvin Haine at.: Ernily Post i ? As a be g inn~n I IHld 111 A larg cra 'd attend d the tend d the ta e Fair ~ aturdG1 '. Mrs. Bev an J enkcn 'of teeth extracte j la It Jun e La t unday h 01. pknic at F~. Ancient, Sunday and had an Kokomo, Ind. i p nding a few Friday it wa the 'picnic _\~hen I enjoyable time. day with .her father, J 1m got my 'mpression for a et f th e new-fal~gled pIa tic upp er. Mr. and Mr , Charle . M ;gan 'Wil n an j brother, Robert. ahd children of Dayton wert: Mr. and Mr-. W.illiam mith Now, I'l! be right pI a d if the week end guests of the latter' . an? dau 'hte~', Man ,I!. u ~nd man make them t lo ok ju 't 'pa rents, Mr. and Mrs. D nald ~I., a~d MI S. Ralel c h, B an like Mrs. B. J' of Furth t. wn rleaming natural. And if BaiI'd of the Gehhart Roact. I tUI ~1t;d hOI11 la ~ fuesl1ay tho e pia tic imitati ns d n't Mr. and Mrs. Leon . ali bury .even1l1' fr om ~ tr~~ t the . meet this exp ctati)n, up they'll of Washin ton C. H: 'were Smokey ~ o unta1l1 _ . r h y -w re go n the dre er and tay t11 1''::' Sunday evenin 'caller of Mr . ' , Sunday ni ght )'uest ' of Mr. ~nd Nettie Emrick Mrs. John C mpton f AshVIlle, 'til cold weather set in and they tart chatterin '. Mrs. Nellie' Monto'omery and N. C: . .MI, and Mr. .Ra f!1 n j daughter, Miss Cleo, of Dayton Milo B al and. famil y Vi it d were Sunday afternoon caller ~II on had" as, theIr ~ll1ner of Mr. and Mrs Lester Kenrick u t la~t I hUi d!ly MI. and with relative in Miami - ur l' , and Mr. and' Mr Walter Mr. WIlha~ mlth of the Sunday.' . K nrick . . . Eleaz r neigh orhood, . Mr . Mr and Mr Wilbur Clark Hel n Maxey and two ' chI ldren and . r. and Mr'. Claude Riggs (f ~ ng' 8~~ h, Cal. a.nd Mr . of Dayton motored to Oxford Mal Katlllyn Mclnhr , and n~'arvin Haine enj yed few College , ·unday . morning, then , va ation in Canada re. pent the aftern oon in Cincin." da ";;A " nati.. cent! . Mr. and Mrs. Edwin Alhrig:ht Mr. and Mrs. Evan Bogan ~.rJ ... , and daughter, Virginia L e f called on Raleigh Bogan's SunLos An ele, Cal., spent l~ ,t day a,ft moon, Mrs. ' Mary This Advertisement is Directed to the \ ek with their aurit,' Mrs. Seth Bogan I' turne j home with ' Fuma and famlly. I B l1siness lVIeri of Our Community Th ic ·cream ocial n the tlem. Mr. and Mrs. .Everett Haines . lawn at Lytle Church Satprday enjoyed visiting with their A, an adve,rti r. <. u \'; ant inat dal that people will l' a I evenin ', S onsored by ' the Material that will n t nl y help you II your 111 rchandi , youth Fello\\l hip, was att nded frien i, Mr. Floyd . lit and of . Rich uare, N; C. at th home I ut will rnf rm the pe pk.) U ' ~re als interest d in adv· rby a large cr wd .:md netted the 7 Harry Wri ht' 1\1 Hi ohland ti in l,;0 t ' . Y u have I e 11 approached, at times, y vati1:1tls un f Ik , $86 . ' n Sun ia aft rn i1. lit ide yridi ~t ' L! a jverti 'ing firm t ,buy camr aigns Mr. artd Mr . re a i{ke John Wil on had the mis"e pecially -u\t j fr y u." Usuall th price for the"e and ' on, L,e td James ar campai n ' are hi gh. Part f our job in running a newspaper At Ie s than th C' t of home vacationin with f>elatives in fortune to fall at his house and i to pI' id I ll]' :t i rti " r~ with mat rial for effective and cleaning supplies, 'el ctricity Virginia. injure hi back. He is confined re ultful adverti in '. There is nQ need for yo u to ·buy u ect and disappointments, I . Mr: and Mr. Ralph Ha·m. t · hi . b d. ' campaign's fr m ut i ic ure .s. Here in our offi ~e there i we can take your clothing, mond and children, Ja~k and Mr. and Mrs. G 1arley Laird amp! mate'rial f r yOll to u e or we can I tain the kind 01 clean and pres it to your Janet, with fri nds fro m Dayton f Gflmden w re gu st of their 'ffe tive campaign ' y 1I want at pric s that will save )lOll complete satifadion and r- and . 'Ridgeville motored . to iaught r on day last week . . turn it when you want it. money. R nfro Va lley, Ky. Sunday. M'arilyn Sue Smith 'and Mrs. Loyd Davi .of Wayne '. friend, Sylvia Ames were overCon uit II first bef I' buying campaigns from highville vLited lr I' cousin, Mr. and ni ht gut: t.s of Raleigh Bogan pre sure outsid e sal smen. . . ' Mrs. Walter Kenrick, Monday . and wife, Monday nite. afternoon. Mrs. Audrey Haines - had Mr. ' and Mrs. John Chandler charge of our church service have sold their farm to Mr. an~ S_u_n_d_a_y_:_ _ _ _~_ _~_ • WA YNES II.I.E, O. Mrs. 'rg_e Co~~~'n~go~f~n~e~agr_ _~I!!!!!!!!!!~.--:---,-----,,-=--~_-.::..~ ·lebanon, who w occupy in r---~--------'----~--------~----~----~--~----~--------~--~~~~----~ _ about ixty days. .. . ' Friends are sorry to learn of the misfortune of Mrs. James ' . Wical. While blask-berrying ·. a ,veek ago she fell in a groundho g hole, spraining her left ankle. She is getting -around WAYNESVILLE, OHIO NORTH M!aIN STREET some :with crutches. The old West here in 30 Mr. Seth Furnas of Route 2, 29 glowin.1?: More action WE ARE READY 'TO SERVE YOU. attended Yearly' Meeting of the than everCinecolot, b.efore to clean up a Friends at Richmond, Ind. last . Western town. . week, and was joined ~ SunWILD WEST day by his daughter a ' ~son, . (Cinecotor) 'Miss Sarah Corine and th Jr . . with Eddie Dean, Roscoe Ates, Mr. and Mrs. Everett enricK Also: Three Sto.oJ{es, Musical , . and children in comp,any with ' and' Cartoon. . tne Hqpkins fam.ily ,of Waynes- AUG 31 the Dorsey 81'0- ' 1 ville., picnicked and fished at thers are coming to town. Make Terrj Moore Springs, Sunday. Miss Peggy Tumbleson is a date for this musicilaUgh. walking with c(illches, . the re~ fest. The Fabulous Do ey. suIt of a sprained ankle caused Tommy' Doreey, Jimmy Dorsey by stepping in a hole in a field and Janet Blair. at the picnic, Sunday. Also: News and Color Cartoon M~. and Mrs. E. J. Carmony of Springfield were Sunday 3 She's the. girl on the barber 4 evening guests of Mr. and Mrs. shop wall. The most popular Wilbur Clark and Mr. Carmony girl in town, the biggest date showt:d lantern slides of pictures . to el1 yours. taken on a recent trip to CALENDAR .GIRL California and other Western Jane Frazee, William Marshall, Gail Patrick with Kenny, Baker sates. ; Miss Martha Coy, a mission. and Irene Rich. aG. to India, .prc1ved very inter- Plus: Hugh Herbert Comedy

,L'J lie


'/7 ':::J,.aph-J-ile

e ~ tin.?,'


/? /? .C ae.1al'j C,.eek






' >~~

The Mia:mi Gazette



a,n ext n j ed i ' it, Mr -. \ 'andcr a cinati oll \I;it h pi )'~ O I1 I 0 :-< ,Mr. an i Mr- , G. \\. Ph' in Mr, alli M r '. G ird ol1 l3a 11 b V )()'t' , si [.;r-ill-I:l \' , va " in t: , ' e " f 1'0 ' I I '"I, • an:l hil iren of ... pring-field all d mad a tu. ine: trip t< L ui ' - · Ti chen )J' at 'Til , prill ;":," vaccine wi ll au ' 'u ' 11 r a (i l Ii . Dr. Jale H,u '_ lI l11' an i fanli l v f d ,ll ~, Ky. \ \' in'sda)i. 'rv\ r:. T i -11L:l1 t I I' a 1."1 1 I f Frida \ ::t yh 11 vi: ited thLir au n t, Mls~ ~--\.!.J,.llat egg pr(d u -tj n ~ill 1 • i!;.- " '\' Il i n ~' ft [' l." ha lH 11, dl~r e ~ h'~ Mai·.~·~ oct . i\\' ard ', ' u n j a lay d I' r lice 1. v i il ~' ' ; k , aft ' rIl L> ).n . daill a g . \ 1'. ' l1 i \ 1': . 13 11 '}u' kc ll r du' i ani lia ug lner, \i : ~ Jt 1an , METHODIST CHURCH l3 ck ett ha\" ha I ' l th ~i r R. B. Coleman. Minister et'dona. _ oed • • 'und ay Schoo l 9 :30 a.m, h lIS": ,l:'lle_l th e P'L t \\' k, th ' i r , n "i ' 'ln d " u: in, ,.., i Jan t J . J Rursk e, Supt. Mr. an j ,M r-'" K, N. Hau '11 Wo r);itip Ser.vice 10 :30 a.m. M;L 'k f in inn ati'. n Sun ia \ th 13 '( kelt · 'nted ai n~ i, \ i' , and l1ildren Mrs, \ i ) la Harla ll y outh Fell ow hip I . tt ~ r. an.i an d M1'. Harlan £arnhart h a v~ J . 13 it I' gg' aI" produ ' ed in Thursday, 7 :30 pm. an :! M L . ,, \ ,I1 11 8 (~ '- 11 and " r, and ML. Eu£, 11c: return ei after ~ i iting- relati. ~ h t \\' 'a th er if th ') ar galh'red ' ~i ' f :1 1111'l ,a II t) f I'll Ill' ~ " .'1 " 0" "V ,'1 11 .lJ 'l l 'bur,~,!.", Il l . twi e l r ften 3r a hy apd 'H " . ., n ll ~ , "ra an MT. HOLLY METHODIST , k Pt i 11 wi r n t:l in I" ina Franklin, • Mr. an Mr. V\ alt I' R bl: rt · T. M. Scarff, Minister 01, hum id 1'0 , III unt il '011. , May I' and MI" , al'l ani fa n'l ily f 1:::0 d, In t Sunda y School 9 :30 a.m and Mr. an:! Mr_. Hiram callei at th h me ( f Mr5.. A min eral mi :dur for hin E.' A. Earnhart, Supt. Morr.i torn f Harv ~ bU1' (r, h 0 ' IN CASE OF FIRE DIAL 2222 ha ve r tu rned to th ir an be l11a de fr 111 2 Wor hip ' Service 10 ,:3 0 a.m. ' aturday aftern n, ' pounds iod ized alt, 4 0 I un j ' f ro m, a fi sh;n g : ,'"1 in n,'liana. Evening Servi ce . 7 :30 p'.m. " r. an i M r.:, ,' Led in ' In g'al ' Mr. and M rs. Harold B. E'lI'n. f pul v ' rize i lim e 1 11 , and 4 and famil y of Gr enfi I i \\. r hart and da u 'hter, Ruth an t pound or t eam 'd \J ne meal. un iay g'u t , 'f Mr -. I n ,~'a l' Mi ' s 0 nna Ha:!iL: atte ll ti e i It can e fed y mix in g ci g-llt ST. MARY'S EPIS~OPAL paren t , Mr. an Mr. Howard a party at Chautauqua n p lind f the ml ine i min rSamuel N. Keys, Minister 7 :3 0 a. m. , Ante.C mmuni n Coll in. Thlll'sd a. evenin g. , . als with 92 pound f the PI' . 10: 0 a. m., Mornin g Pray ' I' Mr. an d Mr . aul Maun ' , tein suppl m nt b in . use:!. Thi ' M r, and Mr ~ , au 'hter ' , Jan t 'Ln ti and Jimmy E\ ing \\ill pe n mineral mi x u! ~ l i in in , an:! Barba.ra ret urn :i h 111 ... un 'ia ' th ir vatati n with r Ia tive ' in cal ium , and phosph o ru . UTICA E. U .. B. CHURCH f W Ill a t hr e \ ' ~ k' _ t ur of til Penn I an ia th e latt er part f HOURS: Rev. A. J. Furstenberger 'vVe tern Unit "d tates. thi s week. ' er \ w whi h Pullet Sunday School 9 :30 a.m. 9-12 each morning Mr. and Mrs. Cli ff rd D t I' M'r. an j M r' . Milt n Th inn e' Mrs. James Garrison, Supt. 1-5 afternoons except an dau 'hter, hal' n f pri ll - an j da uo'hter f Mi 1dletowrl Preaching. 1 st and 3 rd Sundays Wednesday fi I j \\ ere ue t unda f Mr. \ve r o'u ts of Mr. and Mr. each month ' 10 :30 a.m. D o tel' parent, Mr. and Mrs. E \ 'in Ramby, the past \\ ek. 7-9 Saturday evening H rbert 0 ter, Mr. an j Mr ' . Frank Hawk Other evenings by The Advi o ry C 'lInci! m t an:i son and M r . Winifre i H arL fRIENDS 4 Appointmen~ a id are 'u ·t t First Day School' 9 :30 a.m. Friday even in&, at the h m " f s k an j , Mr. Will' Lewl and daug'ht ' 1' , Mr. and Mrs. R. M. H awk ". M eting f .r W rShip TELEPHONE 62-R Walter H ain of Wilmin '., 10 :30 a.m. in the Silver Gro ve 'C mmllnit . ' WANTED! , SON BORN fon and \ViI n heph rd an:! Ann un em ent is ' in g. made f amil f Oa ,t n p ' l1t lInST. AUGUSTINE n named, day with relative ' her . of th 1 irth o f a father Krumholtz, Priest ~ Optometric Eye Specialist j Ell en , t Cpl. an Edwa.r Mass 7 :30 a.m. and '9 :00 a.m. Mr . Eug n Cl ark. The Mr. R. B. P tel' I' turned 26 South. Detroit Street paternal grandparent ar' Mr. fr 111 t. Cl u i, ' Fla., Friday Rural Route No. 3 FERRY CHURCH of CHRIST and ,M rs. Roy Clark f Hal' e: _ aft I' attendin th e funeral of XENIA, OHIO WAYNESVILLE, OHIO OF CHRIST burg. ' ' ,\ ' , hi hI' ther, Le e P te L . , Ralph E. Stinson, Minister Mr. and Mrs. James Th orn. Mr. and Mrs. R. E. Asbury Bible School 9 :30 a.m. bury anj Mr, and Mr ' . Ral ph had as week end glle t the Morning ,Worship to :30 a.m. Nill 'are enjoying a vacati n latt 1" m th r, ,Mr. A. C. E t ab lished in 1.392 ' Youth ,M eeting 7 :30 p.m. tourin g point f intere t i n Gres Ie, of D a ton. Adult Prayer Meeting 7 :30 p.m. Kentll kyo Phil Co n , and famil y and Evenin~ EvangeJistic Service Mr. and Mrs. Roy Clark an j Z Ima Girard and Warren and FOR FIFTY-FIVE YEAR THI , 8 :15 p.m. Mrs. Ralpl1 Rich weI' , rent John sp· nt unday with R. B. A friendly €hurch- with ague t of Mr. and Mr . H arry Peter ~ and wife. Tucker of Duncan Fall, hi. Mi s Raylynn Cral be wilT Gospel Message Mr. and Mr . J ohn P t rs n vi it friends in Roch t r, N. Y. WAYNESVILLE and Mr. Robert Glenn of Cin. on her vac;;tti c)!1 the latter ' part HAS OFFERED THE COMMUNITY CHURCH OF CHRIST ci nnati \i er gu-e t at the of thi w ek. Robert L. VanZile, Minister ' , Beckett home', Sunday. Mr and Mr; Milo ,Milt nA COURTEOUS AND GENTEEL Bible School 9 :30 a.'m. SCHOOL OPENING ber 'e~ and chilllren heve reCommunion 10:30 a.m. Th e Harv ysburg chool will turn dafter ' a vacati n in Sermon 11 :00 a.m. resume es ion I Tu sday ept. Flordia. ERVICE 8 :00 p.m. 2. High . chool attendant reGrandm a hin Ie returned Evening Servke ' gistered and ,el cted their ', home Thursday aft r a delight. curriculum la t w ek. ftll vi it with her i tel' in Dayton. " Mrs. Charles Bogan of W 11· TELEPHONe 2111 man , spent S(\turdaywith Mr ~ A. S. Collett returned Charl e , h pherd and f.amilY. I ---r---r- er home Wed1i'esday even'.- FRIENDS HOME " Mr. an Mrs. Paul Kuntz of ingfollowing a ,15 days tour of 'Mi 'se ' Ruth and Elizabeth Clark ville 'called n' Ray ' Canada and Alaska. " Chandler have re turned from Mainous and family, ·Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Gilliam, a three weeks vacation ill Mr. and Mrs. Fred Hook~ and family of New Yqrk City Massachusetts, northern New call eo on Earl H oo k and family ar:-e 'the house guests of M.r. and Yo.rk, and Vermont. , ' nea r Harvey burg, Friday, , , ' Miss' Mary Boston of, PendleMrs. William Gilliam. Mrs. P. G. Herbert of Cleve - ' The progressive Club of the ton, Ind. is now a permanent land i visiting with her sister, A. M. E. Church in Wilmington member of the Friend's Hom ... MFs. R. B. Coleman. ., enjoyed th eir Annual picnic family. Dr. Emma Holloway and Sunday, when ' m embers and , WANTED Olive Williams left Thurs· Mis' s their families assembled on the lawn at the home of Mr. anel day to' attend Indiana Yearly HORSES - $10.00 ' Mrs. Lew Walsh in Harvey . Meeting at Pendleton, Ind. and to visit relatives at other points COWS $12.00 burg. ' in IIidiana. . , ' HOGS -$3.00 cwt. FORMER RESIDENT DIES Acc.rdln. to liz • • Condition Armifag~ spent Mrs. Lucile , Mrs. EmrnaElIis, 89, fonner Also, All SMALL 'STOCK, Thu~sday and " Friday with he~ , resident , of the village , pas ed cousin" ,Miss Glenna Marsh, in ' REMOVED PROMPTt. Y away at J:>robasc0 Nursing Dayton. , " , Phone ' Home, Wilmington, Wednes- , Mrs." Evalyn Peterson attendXENIA WILMINGTON day. Services were ' conducted ) , in Xenia Friday afternoo~ and ed . the reunions of the Mac. burial was made in Miami Millan and Gre~ne families ........ Cheri", near Wilmington ,this week., Cemetery. Mrs. Laura Shidaker left Dayton, Wednesday evening for Alberquerqu~, N. Mexico I" We have values that wilt cut the co t of your Children· where she will remain' for "" to a 'm inimum. We haV~ vtl lu s on severat" months, as the house For Inaurance At A Saving. See , all school needs that wili ave you money. Why not 'come guest of her son-in-law and in today. ' daughter, ·Mr. and Mn•. Clint , Grey. Mrs. Carl Vander Voost and ' Wa)'lleeville Phone-~93S or Call CODed Wilmington 2111 son of P1ttsbui:g, Pa. returned to their home f'riday followil1~

p ' f nt 3



Bill Hisey

Dr. C. E., Wilkin

.D ...... ___ ..


___ •.


McClure Funeral Home

:J-l'ienJ. -.J/:ome



1712 '



Francis Gene BroW"n


Whether It Be' Clothes or School Supplies . ,. . ,


Hyman's Dept. ,Store

_ ~y

~ rcrr of the B tyd of ' ' lI1 way 0 ligat the State Ohio to r pair pavc m nt~ .rru tee ~ f Publi c ffai r

Cha rl es Ja m s • • CLAsSIIlED AD ' RATES • 25 words or lea Ol''"'" i Bacb addt+· .... -

CI rk - 8.1


,f '0 1'

The ,Mi amI. Gazett '\ \) 1\ hi I ThLir - jay, .A ugu' t Wa vn~

aO'e 8 43 ,1 1,947

r adway urfa 'e ' dama ':ed h th e re pa ir, r 111 va l ~~. In .tl1 ation f u urfa utIlity lII1 e ', Atte t : Chari ' Ja me-, I rk NOW, T HEREFOR9. ._;; ,.,. - 2838

~~d;t °r.D~I NE i'll~:~ t~;

C AUCTIONEERING STANLEY and KOOGLER! Are yo u affecte1 by th e 1 r . "Va 't) t vili , tate of , hi Tra veler Trun lc , BBODBS LICBNR se nt h u in . sh 'rtage? Or ar.l! ECT ION I, :; If \ herel: ~e,High, J Heav il D&tes, PbOlle 18M, w.YD~, I:.oana~r , nd, G d Ca n ition. you a victim of conditions that dared t be in th pubhc I I~ ~ require y u to live: in a stru t ~l re tere t that the can ~nt f aid 0Ia10. ReverIe 0h&rgeI _~ , . A. K. Day, Phone is 2. ~ERAL LAND , ~'--LO ""' ~ -AN-S-: t undo irable ,and un ap p e~l\ll g , village be, 1\nd aid co n ent . - 8-2 For Ref1nan~ - RebuUdinI t bur_elf? If ,we may hereby i , giv n to th e D epart~ BuYtng. 4% Pann loans with long NOTICE' solve yo ur pr Il em with our ment of Hi !)'hways f th tate • ~. .,t.o pay. Pay part or all any f Ohi fo r aid Depa rtmer:t to Seal'ed bids will b rece ived co.zy cotag s w are r t ~ri n n' ~. . maintain fhe travelled p rtl n5 Ii'EBANON NA~L FARM LOAN by th Board of Tru tees of for sale. ASS'N·o Ellis. H . sturm. Sed'1These cottages are beautiful of th e State Highways h reinPublic Affairs of Villa e of Trees.. Lebanon. Ohio. Phone '"8 Wa n e ~v ill e, tat of O hio, at and dural Ie· in ' an equal meas- before et out. . '- " . tc SECT ION 2: 'rh a~ tl~ e Clerk the office of said boa rd until ure. They 'are designed to meet , twelve ,'lock n ' on, August the , approval qf the most be, and he h reby i , directed Real E.tatt, For Sale-29, 194 i, fo r" furnishin'g the discr,eet. They afford ample to furni h to th Directo r o~ [P YOV.,BAO' A PROPERTY OR necessar labo r ' and materials, rooni, measuring 10 feet by 24 Highways and to, th e Boar.d, a t rAlUt TO SBLL oau or Write for th e installation and co o1- feet .. The flo ors are constructed Co unty Co mmis ioners of Wa rNORRIS BROOK COMPANY - , 0Qn Henderson. Tel. KE3446. 617 pleti'on of 'a new water main of pine wood and the. cottage ren County,. Ohio,. ,a ce rti~i ed 01nclmla.t1 UrJon Stock Yards Loftin Aye.. ~. Oblo. tfc from the two existing wells to itself 'is fully insulated m order copy of thIS Ordmance Im Live Wire and Pril8Tees1ve. An 'orga.n12eJt1on aeoond to none, REA--·-L-ES-T-I'\ ....' -T-E---~ wate r main at th e .intersection to protect you from the. cold of mediately ' upon the taking Sbr1ctly ee1le1'8. an the beet of Mill and , Main s treets for winter and,the heat of summe r effect th ereof. au 8.1'OUIld DlM"ket In tile DON' t , FORGET TO CALL supplying,wate r to the Corpora- They , are weathe:r-boarded and ' SECTION 3: That this Ordicmmtry. ' us for Insurance. All types of tion and the inhabitants thereof in addition to this they are roof- nance shall take .effect and be Service That Bath"e. Insurance at a . savings. Call in .accordance with plans and, ed wth asbestos. in , force from and after the ' WHIO ~ 12:30 E . S ~ T •• ' DIal 1300 ~W OtncllDllAtt Francis Gene Brown, 'phone specifications on file in said We prefer that you under- earliest period allowed by law. 12:40 D1&t 'l00 for OUr Waynesville 2935 or , call office, and 'titled, "Proposed stand these structures are ac- Passed: August 18, 194 7 ~!Y Markel; R,eport. Water Main for Wayn esvil1~, tuany NOT cabins. They are collect. Wi1min~ton 2111. Warren Braddock, Mayo r Ohio,. Drawing No; 46083 / 1 .Cgttagea, copied after attrac. ' _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _..;"._.;.;..--'"!'-~-------~., BI<;YCLES-FO~ , SALE and No. 46083 / 2." The work tive homes, giving you comTELEfBONES, BOY'S BICYCLE,. 2'4 inch. covered by the sp'ecifications plete modern interior and ex'WAYNES~ 1011 ' Bob Kenrick, 'Lytl ¢. ph on~ consists of furni sh~ng all ,1abo~, , terior design. MORROW No. I . ' ' , 394 ' e quipment, " apphances and Of course you ~ust see t~em 6 i..EBANON Offlee " 'SK ~5 7 . {; materials and performing all to knew What we are meanmg, RES. U8L SAND and GRAVE,L Hoa_hold G~. Qperations necessary fof' the hence if you are interested, may BlACK..TOP DRl VE.S installation . of the new water we extend our ~ordial invitaPIANO' FOR SALE-Katheri'ne mains for the' Village, 'Of tion to you to come to Peer's TAR aDd ROAD OIL Mend enhall, Main .st., Phone Waynesville, OhiO, in full' and Lonesom'e Pine· Tavern at State LAWN allCl FILL DIRT 2635 Waynesville, Ohio. to the c9mplete satisfaction .of Routes 48 and 73 '( south of the . READY-MIX CONCRETE , -8-28 the Village. The work shall m- flasher light) Here you can s ~ e, EXCAVATING and 'DUMP 'TRUCK SERVICE elude 'all pipes, valve~, valve, without obligation, the type of FOR S AL ~ - Dining Room boxes, fire . hydrants, c'Onnect- cottage we. describ e here. The Table and Six Chairs, Walnut ing into existing mains and re- one which' you can purcl.lase, Finish ; 3' Upholstered Livin g storing streets, sidewalks, etc., delivered within a 20 mile Room Chairs. Route 73, Third House from 48 Toward to their .orginalcondition. Th e radius of Dayton, Ohio for only · Waynesville. Any time after following listed materi al will be $650.00. Terms are availaqle if 5 :00 p. m. Elmer Scott, furnished by the Village free of you wish with but one-third cost to th e contractor, and in-, down. Waynesvi:l1e, Ohio, - 9-1 1 stalled -oy the contractor: (1) PEER'S LONESOME PlNE AGENCY . , Electrical Applianc~ 1080 lin. ft. of 4 .in. cast iron , bell and spigot pipe,' for 150 lbs. Phone Dayton M07~ 3 3 FOR SALE - 1·10 GALLON Isq. in. pressure, in 18 ft. , -adv 3.828 , Electro-M.aster water heater, lengths; (_) three (3) four ORDINANCIE NO. '195 g00d conditi'On ; also Antiqu'e inch ' (4in.) iron ,body' valves . Walnut' dresser. Phone 29 3'1 'th b II d WI e en s. . , (Section 11 7 8 ~4 2 , Ollio Waynesvi~le. , -394 Each bid must contain the Gene ral Code) , AUTOMOBILES-, . full name of e very person or GRANTING DIRECTOR OF company interested in the same, HIGHWAYS AUTHGRITY TO Select YOUR OIL BURNING STOVE from our full stock FOR SALE - DODGE FO UR and be' accompanied by a bond ' MAIINTAIN STATE HIGHdoo'r Sedan, excelletlt con- in the sum of 'One-half of , t~e WAYS INSIDE VILLAGE SUPER FLAME . dition; Phone 2 723 , Wayne, submitted bid to the sat isfaction CO RPORATION ESTA~E HEATROLA WHEREAS The Director of vi_ll_e_ _ _ __ _-"'i'--_9_4_c of the Board of Trustees of COLEMAN LIVE STOCK~ Public Affairs, or a certified Hi~hways, unde:r Sec. '1.1 78-42 DUO ..THERM """-="""===!"""""'==""""""~""",,,,,,,--uclw'e::J.cAk .on some saIyeDt han~, ~s_ of the General Code of Ohio, is .• . For Immediate Delivery FOR SALE ~ YEARLING a guaranty t~at If t1~e bId IS authorized to maintain exte n·Duroc Boar, registei·ed. See at~ept~d, a , con~ract WIll be en- sions of state highways ~ithin ~------~--------~----Morris Brown, Rt. 1, Spring tered , mto and Its performance the limits of a village, and ELECTRIC 80 GALLO~ , I & Valley. , Phone , Centerville properLy .secured. · Should a~y WHEREAS, Extensions of . • WASHING ELECTRIC - 394 bid be rejecte d ~suc1, check: WIll State Route Nos, 73 .and U: S. ' 7020. MACHINES ,HOT be forthwith ' retl:1rned to.. the Route 42 lie within this vi1Iage~ HELP WANtED- MALE WATER' bidder, and should any bId ~ e and Limited HEATERS WANTED-G 'ROCERY accepted such chec~ will pe re- ' WHERE~S" 'The .wqrk proQuantity C L E R K; Opporturiity ' to t~rned upon th.e proper execu- posed -to pe authorized under learn meat cutting. M,odern bon an,d securmg of the con- this ordinance shall be restdctstore, Good Wages R. B, tract. ed to general maintenance of, Stewart Dot Food S ore. Bidders are requested to uSe the travelled roadway surfaces KITCHEN , " " 914c the ' printed form ~hi~h will ~e of the Stat~ Highways he!eit:tfurnished , on apphcatlOn,. before set out, ' and , I' MUST GET A WHEREA?', It is understo~d The right ,is reserved to rein this community' to ,work with ject an and bids. th this ordm~Lllce shan not m our District Manager. Must 'Combination NOW ' ,nil ve car and be 0ver 25 years IN STOCK of age'. Ihis w<frk is in line with the Greater Food ' Production WE PAY FOR Program. Per1l1an ent ·work, good ~y for man 'who h·as ' Freez~'s S~yERAL DWFERENT MAKES .H~GS $ cwt. COWS ~o.RSES live'd on farm,. Write cl,o this, . pape r. WEll DEEP WELL ACCORDING TO SIZE AND 'CONDITION ' DoGS' FOR SALE Cocke r Spaniel, Blonde Color, , €AU. Registered, Six Months Old. " Robert Berry" Phone 2987 ,, -8-28


:I , .,/(~

.,, I


., "



Armitage &Son


.Get Ready forWinfer

JAA~r.;; onc~


$1'2; ,



X E N I A Fertilizer

WANTED- MISC. WANTED-Work On Farm, By Week or Shares. Lester Younker, Rt. 3 Waynesville, Ohio. -3911




L G. Bu• . . , lac.

. 'Deep sHAIl.ow ,

Elec. Water System

'Fairley Hdwe. ·Slare 6 PRONE 2441



,Tickets. For Show Still Available .-



This is, the last opportunit. t pur ha e ti k t fr m th e Bantt ' Boo te l' Clul f r tlla t 'marvelou s hQw "Blaze of No on" that will h show n at the local Twin Th atre on ep t. 9 , (Tue day; matin e and ' even . "ing.) Matinee in th e aftem n and evening performance at 7 and 9. Paul, own r of the theatre ha donated the use th re f r thi of the faciliti show. This is P itiv Iy the first and last time this first-run picture will be h wn in Wayne ville. Mr. hafer had it b ked t he Sh OW\l here in N(we mher but has made it po sibl e for the Band Boosters to have th e ad. vantage of ' it popularit y. ,Proceeds fJ:om this show will b~ used for" the promotion , f thc local school band. A few tickets ~r e still a vail. able but will he Id out hefor _ the date of showing, ept. 9.


W I A Y N E S V ILL E ..


. NO


O ~H


Oct. 1 Set' 'As Publication 'Date



5C A



La t minut arrang- 111 III h a ve b e,n 111 a j e by t 11 ' ~ , \ 1ui_ . ntenuia,l OI111l1 itt ' or the in lu -i n f M IHI l3rnth'r. Circ ~ in tIle ev ilt - f the CeIL . bration hed ul ed fe r n ' xt \ \ " k ~ nd. Th dates ortrinall. 'et-L1\ fo'r the Celebration ,w"re , " pt. 12, 13 and 14. H.Dwev r in e the circu ca nn t 1lppl?ar eXC 'pt 111 Monday, Sep t. 15, the :ommittee ha - han g-Cd the , dates of th e qui t: nt"I1ni al Celeb rati nt , aturdav, LInda and Monday, ept. I " 14 an li

On M nli d , \'t. 15 at 2, and p. 111. the Monro \ Br~s . Circu will a l pear in Waynesville at Wayn Park _p n ored by the ' Se qui . nte.nniaJ Committe a a ~ art f the . elebrati Il 'llanncd for thre d~ys,

Roxanna Canning Co. started canning the 194 7 pack f co rn at the Corwin plant on WednesTh e Se quicent ennial editiori day morning of this week: They of the Miami Gazette will 'be report th e qualit. t the co rn ' p1. 13 14 ani 15. puhli h d f lI owing the cele- and it quantity i hey' nd exThe irclI ' \\ (1 . fou nded in bration being held her ept. pectations and that they exp~ct 190 h, ' ~r ed' M nroe 13, '14 and 15. It will include to have a very g ad ea on. 15, famous international clown. The new caf tena was u eli all of the affairs and e vent of A',5 previ u ly c::che :lule i the Thi i it 42 nd '(lIlI)Ual tour. the Celebrati on and many, thi week at th e C rwin plan,t parade, hoI' eshoe pit hin Q' Among the man} attr~ctions pictures of 'the event will b and , it is report d that excep- events , and firew orks will 1 'e will be found aerial a.ct , per. tionall y cYood meal' ,are bein ' he ld on Saturday. Th shown. oap formin animal, medy acroOri inally it was planned to served there. Box , Derby that \\ia t have ats, ducated dog:, ponies,' produce this edition so it would been on Friday' will ,al - be monkey , arid man .o thers. , I e ready by the date of ,the Saturday. The event ,for un Preceedin o- ach performance elebraton but it was later deday have been unchanged . a musical c n rt will he iven cided that by adding the ,events Memorial services of the comn the $5 ,0 aliope. of the Celebration it would bined churches will be held on The circl! 'will b -haw n, rain ' make the edition of much more <;unday morning at 11 :30 a.m~ or shine, ' : NEWS interest. This will b followed by a picnic It has been ann unced that ' The tenative date for the HIGH SCHOOL HAS dinner and the afternoon will th e I cal chool ; will be disfinishing 'of the work on the COMPLETED FACULTY be devoted, to speech hy om missed early in rder for the publication is set at Oct. 1. outstanding peakerS b~ing bstudents t el'\j v the circus perAt the Wayne Township H.igh Books will be ready on or about School tained by th e Committee. formance, an enrollment of 134 in The Sesquicentennial ' Soap that date and those who have On Monda:)!, ept. 15 the the High School and 90 in the Box Derby scheduled to be hel i ordered thefr copies to be mailed Monroe, Bros, Circus will b th on Saturday,. Sept. 13., is r - will receive them shortly after seventh and eigth grad,es )Vas highlir-ht of the day. ceiving entrants fodhe race and that time. Persons who will call reported as of Tuesday of this offiCial entry blanks have been for their copies can receive week. This number will increase slightly when the full tudent issued for each entrant to fili them at the Gazette office. body is present. in an Sign. These blanks can he . Miss Florence Foxbower has obtained from Mr. Bob Mehaffie The annual pknic of t,he ' accepted the position as Comor at the Miami Gazette office. Warren Count M thodist mercial instructor at the High Acco,rding to the applicati on Brotherhood wil1'Qe heler at the . School after resigning a 'like ' blank, applicants must be beA, H. "Cap" ~tubbs, in th e Ma on M€th di t Church next position at Beavercreek school. role f chailJ1un ,0 ..b.e....SSJ.l~­ tween tDe ages of 0 and 15 -'StlAfiay Sept ·~""""r-'---"'-!S,he j~~ghtheJ!. ta~t ' ear :~nd re-. " yeo/s" a resident of. Wayne ville centenni al Parade Committee, The p'rogram con i ting of Signed to accept a pOSition af or vicinity, and other specificaDavid "Buck" Lucas 'Of Mt. Wilmington College. She re- has arranged for one of the best' g od mu ic and an addr s by .tioijs regarding ca'rs, t eerin g ' Holly; age 66, died Thursday rade this' community has ever Dr. Jamc Th nmrt; of the outh cently reSigned there to take pa' apparatus, and rules for signing morning at , St. wihie ed with tw nty- fiv e O'!' Park Methodist Church, will Elizabeth the at Beavercree~_L.ut more float , the application.;.wet1.t.y-t -thirty Hospitaf, Dayton of injuries re- laterposition start at ,4-:60 p, 111. fol wed-by· decided to return here. ri Hng, horses, everal old bU~'g ­ . a picnic , dinner on the church The final date for acceptari °e ceived, when hit by a car on The local schoo] now have a , ies, urreys, '!l team of ox n, lawn. of applications is Sept. 8. All State Route 42 on Tuesday. complim ent of teachers. automobil es, bicyc,l e , and man y He is survjved by his wife, ,fullThe b ys- who plan to be in this ra e All Methodist In n are urged Band und er the direction should sign up at onc to be Anna; fol.lf sans, James at home, of Mr. Don Gahri i bu ily other vehicles both old and new. to attend bringing th ir famili es Raymond of Reeseville, Earl of engaged in "practic for their Aoyone de iring to ent r thi eligible. an~ a picnic ba ket. Highland . county, Ernest of ~ppearance at the local S squi. parade, 'C pecially with h rse Midland City; a daughter, Mrs. ,'centennial Celebr ation and also an j old vehicles or aut mobiles WClJ)', SEPT. 12 Dena Thompson of Midland at the Warren County Fair in will contact Mr. tubbs an i AT LEBANON , make arran "em cnt . City; ' a half-brother, Sam Lebanon. The Warren County W. C. T. Jackson of Hillsbo, r o. U. Convention will be held on * * * HAS Funeral serviCes , ,vere con- GRADE BUILDING Friday Sept 12, at the PresbyMt. Holly ducted. \ at . the terian Church, Lebanon, comRECORD ATTEND~NCE mencing at 10 a. m. There will Methodist Church Sunday at Max Randall, former minister The enrollment at the grade be a covered dish dinner at 2 :00' p. m.' with Rev. Merrill school of the local Church f Christ this year is v,e ry high. ~---;;,~..... The pubfic is invited to Scarff officiating. , and now located in Redwood Burial ' under ,the direction of Three hundred twer , pupils ,attend;· bring a covered ' qish, Falls, Mmn. IS announcmg that Mc€lure Funeral Hom~, 'was were enrolled on Tuesday Miami Chapter No. 107, O. he will leave ihat pastorat,e to simowich:es and table service. 'Yith a possibility of E. S. will meet 111 regular session become a mis ionary in South Mrs. ' MalTlie T. EnSign is thc mad ~ in Middlerun Church ,'morning, a few niOr,e coming later, Cemete" ty. ' on Monday evening, Sept. 8 at Af' guest speaker. Enrollment. by grad es is as elg " ...-~-. ht 0 ' cIoc. k 'F' I' N'Ig ht' , ' nc~. nen dSlIp Mr. RandaiI and Marion 'follows: is being observed .and all the , McKee of Indianapolis will BUSINESS M~TING INJURIES OCCUR IN First grade 53 ' Chapt~rs in District 21 are in- ,leave by Clipper plane next HELD AT SCHOOL ' TWO. CAR COlliSION Second ,grad e 51 vi ted and some outside Chap- July f for South Africa where Mrs. Hiram George" First Mrs. Chester Henderson and Third grade 52 ters are included. Several grand they expect to establish a Grade teacher of HarveysJ)urg two children were cut about ' the g~ade ,Fourth 58 chapter officers and grand rep- college fo,r ministerial' training, held a bu~iness meeting , at the head and' face Labor Day. when 'Fiftl:1 grade 56 resentatives will , be among th e and to ,establish missions among School building, ' Friday after - their car and a car belonging Sixth grade 50 honored guests. , whites ami n,egroes. They plan noon fOT the' Mothers who had to a man from Dayton crashed . ,All Miami Chapter members to make their headquarters in children entering school in head on. ,The aCCident occurred Total 320 a're asked to provide salad, and Johannesbu'rg: . , ' September. in front of the' L. A. Jacobs Mrs. Hastings and Miss Mrs. Rand, a ll and Mr . McKee' sandwiches. A lovely program Th~ meeting was well · at_ home, Mr. L. C. Caudili took W<\lker will have first grade; is being ' arranged. and their families will leave t()1 ·tended and ' the Mothers said, : the injured to ,Blairs Hosp'ital they gaineCi' valuable informa~ ' where their injuries were Mrs. Kersey will h'ave second; join the'ir husbands ' on Oct. i,. ,tion. As Mrs. George went over dressed. , It required several Miss Hardin third; Mrs. Paine ,SPECIAL ADDRESS AT 1948. a second and third combination; UTICA E~ U. ,B. CHURCH " the 'work for th~ year in a very stitches to Lire th e wounds. Mr. Rand~1I has been taking Mis McKiit , eY fourth'; Mi ~s Day in~eresting manner. A special address will be de- flight ,in,strucfiohs since May fifth; Mrs. Sheehan fourth and livered at the Utica E. U. B. and is now a 'full fl edged pilot, After the mee,ting cooling ,C ROCKETT NAMED fifth; Mrs. Elzey sixth. Church Sunday ' morning at and owns and operates a Tay. refreshments were ,served. IN' HONOR LIST AT OSU ' 10:30 o'clock by the pastor, ' ' Iorctaft plane which he has ' , Of the total of 47 Ohio State ' INSPECTION AT , Rev. A. J. ,Furstenberger on the been using in his work. t1e reO' IiAPPY HOUR ,CLUB ' Unive'rsity sel'lidrs graduated GRANGE" SEPT. 6 Subj ect "The Second Coming cently completed a trip' from ,with special , honors in their MEETING, OcrOBER The regular meeting of of Christ." Indianapolis to Flordia. He The Happy Hour .cluQ will fields of study at the slimmer is Invited to The community Farmers' Grange No. 13 will be plans to work out of Redwood 9 :00 a. m. Friceremonies at 'not hold the meeting in Sept~m­ hear, this address a it relates to held Saturday evening, Sept. 6 Falls for the next few months ber., The first meeting of , the d~y, 'Aug. 29, was included the , the generation in whicli we live. in covering the greater part' of ~t 8 :30 p. m. fall season "till be held Oct. 1 4 name of Roy' E. Crockett, is th.e pr~aching service This There will be inspection conthe United States to acquaint at the home of Mrs. Keller Waynesville, cum laud~, in the ferring of 3rd and 4th degrees before Annua'l CorJikence to be Churches of Christ with the ' Coll~ge of Arts and Sciences, Hoak. with a degree of bachelor ,of and refreshments. .A large ~ held at Miami Camp, German. work he plans to do in South 'fN CASE OF FIRE. DIAL 2222 Africa. . town, Sept. t 5 to 1 7. attendance is desired . "rts.' lY


Sept. 8' Final Date. For Derby

.Methodists Holding

'Parade Promises , . Peak Performance

S~Dday F~r Holly' Fatalil~.


Mt t


Picnic At Mason


• , ••


"Friendship Night"

At ,Miami O. E.


Max Randall Will Become Miss,ionary








Mr. and Mr , M . T . vV il i l11 :tn BRIDGE CLUB AT and dau",'hter - of L bm'bu ', Mr, BU~NELL HOME and Mr. Jame \-\ ilull,an ~ I' Mr. and Mrs, Bunn II _ _ ,_and 'Rv:Jo l.~ ent rtained th ir Brid~ C luL) s 11 : Mr. and Mr_', ~ arl Bal'b on Fri a.y en in ' at their h me and on, M'r. Dean Babl f in the un try. F )ur tab I w 'r Jame_town' Mr, Chari tl ,'in pla_ during th ~ ev ,nin o' with Re f Kin~: Mill; M r, an~1 Mr. and Mr . \\'iITiam 'trr re Mr. 0 n<Id Gill, in f \ aine_ iV,in ~ tir ·t pri z anl1 Mr ". panied 'th e 1 ri I > " I ro ther \Vh ville ', Re\, . an j Mr. 'f. In lAo \1" ' V I 11'lam 0' ' t ~ r anlj ' M r. B , I . san eY, "Pr J'm i: ' MI2 ." ar fl' of prin o' \ "all .' : Mr. ',a lid Hill re iv in ' th c n- l ati 11 Dain t refr hmen t 1\\ r . . . R I ~ r t B n ham, c u "i n Mr , J. M. Ea,rnhart and fam - prizes. P f B avertown; Mr. Aia were' erv j by t h h sf. s . ) f th e hride, wa ' I,le r nly atCI :ua Daughter ' , The o'ue t \V re Mr., an i Mr ' . t niant. C;h \\'as attn tivel\' Dakin, Mi ~ ' , WI1 i in a ~ ale I.IUt! .;:t r -t Mr. an I " r . G. H. K in ' r, William Carr of Colum bu , Mr. Pink an i white gl a iinli an i Mr. ,an Mr. Earl Earnhart, Mr. ;lOd Mr . Herb rt Carr, Mr. an I ~ n(\"th dress ~ith O'otd accessorpurpl a_te rs hr \'e an i ar lind and Mr . Har Id B. Earnhart, Mrs. 0 nald C at , Mr. and i ani \\' re a ~ink. arnati n t h fir)~la' in th ' li\in g r m Mi _ Na mi an] Ruth EarnMr ". \t\ illiam t r, Mr. an I . ra' " cre a t ~ j an aUra tiv setting f( r Th hrid \\'h o am e 10 \\'11 hart Mr. ' H'lrlan Earnhart, Mr. ' Mr . Geo rg'e Wall. Mr. ani Mr. the w j ing , f ML ' Erne tin e the t eautiful _tairwa v with and an Mr. A. H. Earnhart, Mr. B. I. Hill and Mr. and Mr ~ . Earn hai"t and Mr. Jam s \\'a giv n in ma rrhig-e by her LaMar Earnhart., Mr. Alt n Charle , 0 ter. ' \Vil man at til hom ' f t h h (I e a I \'> I\' -- t r t Earnha rt, Mr, R t ert E,a rnhart, bride " far nt, Mr. and M ~' . fa th er, Erne: t A. Earnh art, n ar Mt. I no-th aftern n ' m'· I I " f ,Mr. David Earnhart, Mr. ani ~NNOUNCEMENT OF mith Mr. and WEDDI~G RECEIVED H II!; on M n iay enll1 at paste,l pink jer;;ey, tyle j with Mr.. Everett Mr.:: . T. F. ' Earnhart' an j Mr. Fri nds and relativ s 11l; r se ven 0' I k. Th -l1upti, I ' n '\ hi o'h r un ne k.liil ' ap A. Earnhart. and Mrs. E. ha e recei ed in vitati n i the fitted , b ji an :I wa li O'htecl I y whit lamp at sl ev, w d in g- f Mi - Martha nyd i', either n f the fire ~ 1a . pl~ated kirt with \\ hite a da u 'hter f Mr. an] Mr. J. 'F. arff, pa tor f C _ ories. H r nly ' ornam nt ' Rev. T. M. nyder, prin fi ld to Mr. CI de th e Mt. H 11 - Meth i t Chur h , • was a dault , stral1 j f ~ arl E. Fromm n aturday, ptread the d 'ubI rin g s rvic . and he carried a col nial ,emher 6th at f ur thirty p. m. in Prec din ,' the c r m n boquet of white r.o es an the First Luthera'n Chur h, Miss Na mi Earnhart, u in of carnation. \\ edn qay evening, Aug ..... 7 pringfield. A r epUon will the brid , pre nt j a pI' ram Mr~ M . E. Wildman, bro ther follow imm diately at the N al of nuptial mu ie, t'B cau e, I of the bride, rv d hi- bro th r 27, Mrs. Robert Berry and Mis Mary Jean Ri ke deliO'htfully T mple, pringfield'. L v Y u Truly' an ,a c m- as best man. entertained a group of friend _ The brid and 'groom' - at a ' hower held in honor of LEITERS TO THE EDITOR SESQUICENTENNIAL m others appeared in l ovel Mrs. Donald 'Os10rn, at the' Washington, D. C. COMMITTEE summer fr k with pink ro e August 30, 1947 hom of Mi s Rick . ' ~~ Y~ESVILLE, OHIO corsages. Til evening wa spent in , T o the Editor of Pre ~ nts About ue' t wit ne se,d the eautiful and im- playing gam e and a mirin th e; The Miami Gazett.e, pr ive er m ny and attended many b autiful ift receiv d by Waynesville, OhiQ ' Dear ir: th recepti n \vhich f II wed th hon or gue t. Those pre nt wer Mi Enclo ed fin 'rd r f or imm diatel in the h me quic nt nniaI The dining table ar- Sarah Conn r, Mi Ha?:el Vint, a copy. of your ' Miss Virginia Schuler, Mi. ed ition, and wi hing that I ranged with a lace cloth and the Charle" mi 'ht e able to ioin you on Phyllis Rickey, Mrs. beautiful decorated wedding Max Hay, Mrs. Gene this oeca ion, but tIle infirmiti Price, Mrs. cake, which was topped with w.h ite roses and a miniature Thomp on, M r ' . K e n'J1 e.t h qf age ars me and I ~hatt hav Qride and gr om. i e cream Bradley, Mr . Carl Cook, Mrs, to be one of th ha -I" eens, but wishing the dear ali town a with pink slipper m old, cake" , Robert O sbo rn, Mrs. Matth w Turner, Mrs. Robe-rt Woncmall', glorious time. fruit punch an coffee were horior~est, Mrs . . Oonal j .J am yo urs, the served . , Osl;Jorn and the, ho t e, Mr . G./E. Randall Following th e M ar.Jf-'--c *** To the Editor new car for a shoft 'honey m oo n. Jean Rickey. Refreshments were served ' The Miami Gaz tte The bride', wore for tra v~llng wing the ocial period. Waynesville, Ohio f all a navy blue suit with blue and ar Mr. Editor: white acc~ss rie and a corsage Please ' consider me 'a subof yellow roses. The will' r - ~URSES GRAD\j~TING scrib r to the MIami Gazette ,O NE , DAY O~LY side in Jackson, O. wh ere th " FROM MI~MI VAI;LEY for " another. year. ro om is a ociated \\ ith hi Mi s 'Irma Fires, dau hter of With all Good Wishes for parents, Mr. and Mr. Jame Mr. and Mrs. Le\\ is Fires and Wildman Sr., ' in th roc r , , Mi Ruth Burnett, daughter of busin ess~ Mr. and , Mrs. Cliff Burn'ett, will Mes. Wildman i a graduate raduate froll) Miami Vall y of Wayne ville High chool 'an Nur in chool on Septemb r Jacol' Bu in cha ol in' Day- 18, \\ ith raduation exercis to -- Featuring -ton., Mr. Wildman i a graduate be· h I at the N. C. R. 20 Big Circus Acts 20 of Jackson Hi o'h chool an j Th e ~reat ' LaY IJa" rr r U-I)~ . ~~s=el~v~e~d~t~h~ir~t~y~-e~io~l~lt~~~o~n~th~s~u~~~th~~~~~~~~~~~~'!rPE~~~~~~ t the armed forc , The Zalle Tr ul The guest.Ii t for thi 10v ,Iy \\ e jdi nk in cluq ] Mr. an j Mf . HORSES - $10.00 Novelty EM rt~tin I' . J ohn McTaggart an : --on " f -COWS - , $12.00 Mi s FreJa J h11 n Le\\isburg; Mi "s Zinckgraf, Mr. HOGS~$3.00cwt. Que n of the Air. and Mrs. N. L. Ke ' s\l1 ~l' r, Mr. AccerdlnltoSlz,e , a Condition and Mr . A . G. K ~~ ' 'jnge r, Mr. ~Iso, ~II SMALL STOCK PORCEL~IN TOP The G reat I aul 'md Earl ' and ' Mrs. Hob It B nh al11, Mr. REMOVED :P ROMPTLY \ T~BLE Champi on I wl1 ,Jug l)'h:::r and Mr . George vVildman, ,Mr. Phone ONLY Mis adie Lee anl Her and Mrs. E. C. Meek' r; M r .. and XENIA WltMINGTON Train ed Mid o' '' t Hor Mrs. J. ,N,. Robilrl~ n an d l-hil d- , ren and Mr. and Mr ". CharI 's ' Reverse Charle. M onk, y , P ni " :1111 Do ' B. Earnhart ' f Dayt 11 ;


y u and for , th at reg) n of bl ' ed 111 e m r y \V h i h .u rv , J' r main ' Y our - in in erity and I h pc Mr . D. Z, M -Cl I\anl


Wildman -Earnhart 'Wedding Monday L

Dr. J h F gle and Mr. Fo'gle, Mr. anj Mr ". William Pound an i Mr . Helen William.: from C lumbu w r unda y venin " upper ,,'lie t " (!)f Mi Ann a Meredith. Mr J. J . Burske vi it d hi fat h I' M r ' William 13 ursk at' Bethe da ' h pita l n unday He ha the mi f rtune t fall from the porch ' at hi h m il1 er Park and fra , tured h1" hip.


Party Honors Mrs. Osborn






The Great Prof. H opp an j Man y oth'r Curi o itie . Npvelty Act , and Thos Funny elm n . Performanc~s

Twice Daily 2 and 8 P. M.

Big Free ~ct at l' :30 and 7 :30 A Musical Con rt n the ~alli pe Bef re Each ' Performance ~t popular prices 30c 'and 60c tax included. <


A Circus that you must not miss. Show Grounds at WAYNE' P~RK




7 Abie, win Ro mary amid 8 laughter and tars. You'll chuckle and you'll hed a' furtive tear. ~BIE'SIRISH

ROSE ' Michael Chekhov, Joanne DtU and Richard Norris

Starrin g

Also: News ,and C 1 r Cartoon


Their stolen I ve be- 11 tween them and disa ter! In ample mea ure, su ~ en e of a kind not often accomr Ii hed.

THE CHASE w ith RolJert Cummings, Michele Morgan and Peter Lorre, Steve

Cochran. Plus: Technicolor Musical

,,Dinette, Set


$52.65 I




------------------------KEMTO~~, -- G. E. BULBS




WILS'O N Phone 332 M

Marshall, Claude Rains. '


SHERiOOD Refrigeration Sales ============= and' Service PROMPT,



Starrin ,g' Errol ' Flynn, Brenda

SPECIAl All-Metal



5 , A tor full of her ic 6 and combat of man-t -man and hip-to-ship battl : A big swashbuck tin ~ tate.

f r



Waynesville Furniture & Appliance Co. South ,Mai,n Street across from Grange HaD

Telephone 2422 KEM.TON£






The Miami Gazette B S TAB LIS H B 'D 18 '50


PUblished Every Thursday by DAVISSON PRESS FLOYD L. DAVISSON. EdUm .' Intered as Second Class Matter at the . Poet Office , ' SUb6criptlon Rates: $1.50 per Year in 'Advance

. National Advertising Representatives ' ,Ohio WeekIies, Inc., 2465 W. Broad Street, . ~olumbus 4, Ohio Du~ing the e'years, with on ly

Tap Roots

emy, Prindpa.l Bur n impr' ~, sed 111 b hi . ()" ntIe speec h an:i manner; for I ha j co m fro m under the tra inin g f th ' awful' Dr. D odge in my di trict ' 11.0 I a t'l'(111 ' tea hel:·an a lrenll U' believer in "hi k r it. Left to u by n f the pupils f that 'tim ) (wh m ay r rna not have atten jed the A :ademy) . we h~v 111e cop book o'f Jane Satterthwaite, a girl )f ixteen. Fr m it w tak e th following :' Add r'e st . the Almi hty "What con ci nc dictates to be done, Or \\ arn m e not t d , Thi teach me m re th an hell to hun, That m ore than h aven pursue." , On a page of her copy bo ok was written, "In pectej De 6,1844."

Mr. and Mr . C W. Y unce and Mr. and Mr . Everett Clark ( f D 't t n w r ue , t , f t.: l.ei r par 11t , ' d_.....l.LL.L.>.,.._ \\"ilbur lark. Mr. an Mr. and da'llo'hter -, an CY rl v, and arr I L Nan y. Tuml le- n an j ar Ca mp bell t k a: h at ri:i C nev I land, Frlda v. M r. G la i y Min ~ r an :1 111 of On tn -and M r. W illi ~ m 8 rgda ll all ~i n Mr., and Mr . Everett Githen and Mr. Lul a , Gith n, un:la. aft 3rn n. Mr. an Mr, E. B, Lng-a rc and Mr. and Mr ' . Wal t r Kenri k atte nd d t't " fU ll ral of Perr Haine at the wal i Fun ra I H 111 in 'l anon W dne day aft rn o n an ' th e lmria I at Springboro. Mr" and Mr . J hl1 hnn ler and daughters, era ldin e and Jud, return d un day ni ht after v ral da , vi it \\ ith relativ n ar Ca"rl in, K v, and . on Sunday ,attende a ' H me Co min at London, Ky Am ng tho e from 11 ,' 1' who att nded th e ta,t Fai I' at Columbu , 'Thm da w r : Mr. and Mr . Therle Jone , Mr. an 'Mr. Charle ' Bunn II, Mr. and Mrs, Harol d Whitaker an j daught r, Francis, Mr. and Mr-. Campbell Lewi, Mr. I alph Ham m 0 n d and d a u g' h t, e r, ' Marlyn. MI'. and ' Mrs. Milo Milt n_ • breI' and chil ren ' return i home Thur day ev nin after an enjoyable vacation trip t mokey M untain and on t Miami, Flordi a, where the Milt n erg r , visited Mrs. brother-in-law ' and ' ister,. Mr. . and Mrs. Kenneth Fo x and son . Th ey rep ort the t win, L nny Lee and larry Ly nn, dqitl nicely at two month old. While in Flor ia they vi ited Daytonia Beach, Marin eland, S i I've r S'pril!&'.s ~nd man the r: interesting Place. .


A' , .er~ona

Mrs Kather n Bent n an 1 rr v ' of Da·t n pen t fr m Fri .i'l)' until M n ia. ven- \ in ' \vitll Mr. an 1 Mr, Del ert Cong ,r. Mr ' . C ng r return d \\ 'jlh them t pend a fe da s. 11'

primitive tools, WPlea"t wa Mr. an broadcasted and harrowed in, While 11 t l11Ll h i kilO\~ l1 of and cut with a sickle. T th'r . h, the immediate y ' ar that f 11 w it wa placep on the barn fl oo r ( th e 1830 ' ), Volum e 1 of ,'ll1 and tramped out with hor es. Th e straw was rak ed off and on, apprenti bo ' k of W ayne T wp. the grain and ch aff "caved up " give us a picture of one re- to await th'e old-fa hioned wind M r. an t Mr'. Walter Clark cord ed and f6rgoften IQng ago. mill. It was a tim e when every1' ., 'Mr. and Mr. "Valt r Clark "Th,is ind nture made fhe thing was done by hand, such Jr. and on, M i hael w "re IUl1chas weaving, spinning, and th e e n u t f Mr. and Mrs. Earl 2nd day of . March; (832 , preparing of the flax and wool Clark , f On t n at Id River, w itne~ eth , that J hn Myers, for thread a.nd yarn, The price C. R, Park Ja t w k. N. a ed nine yea r , one month and of the ,farmer's pro<1uce were si x day, of Wayn T own hip, l ow. Manufactured and other I/) Mi W anda Clark I' turned Warren County, State f Ohi, necessary articles that the '~ulle eW6 h me un la m min:' fronl hath ,of his own free will and people had to have and could if Manitpulin .I sland, Ontario, accord, and with the approba- not ' make, had fa be rmpor,ted Mrs, Su an ay lor of Dayt n Canada wh r h with Dayt n 1ion of Ner H aines and tephen at relatively 'high prrces. How- spent-la t w,eek at th e h me: Of fri nd hav be n camping and Covert, Tru t e of aid Town- ever, there was a spirit , of Mr. and Mrs.. H arry Graham fi hin ' f r two weeks. ' ship, plac~d and bound him elf neighborly cooperation in all and Mr. and Mrs. Henry Saylor. a an appr ntice unto Abijah work, such as barn raisings, · Garry Moran of nea r CenterO 'Neal ( n of the pi on er quilting parties, husking bee, vill e vi ite:i veral day last BEGINNING SEPT.. 2, 1947 Abijah) f ai Twp. in the C. tc. Labor was coOlm ndabl e week with Mr. and Mrs. TherIe and State afar sard, to learn and was less exhausting when Jones and , Milton. WE ARE PAYING AGENTS the art, trade, my tery, or one could look forward (after Mrs. Everett . Gith ens and FOR GOVERNMENT • occupation of a far:m r which .helping a neighbor) to an ven- . guest, Mrs., LuJa Gith ens pent the said Abi.iah O'N eal ' now ing of fun and frolic, th e latter Thursda with the former' . TERMINAL LEAVE BONDS useth- erve r rand 9uring prolonged to a late hour. Such mother, Mr . Arthur Lac. ,near ~the term of eleven year, ten plays as "Sister Phoebe", Wilmington. These B nds are a ,c;ii rect . months, and twenty-five day "Come Philande", Trimble", Mr. Paul Jphns spent Sunohligati n of the Federal until the, 30th day of Jan., and others were al a equally day in Cincinnati. . Government and it is' not 1844"which time the said John popular at the time. Mr. and Mrs. Leslie Gray and , necessa ry t o en. h thenl at lMyers (if he so' long lives) ' It wa about this tim that children pent Wedn e day at ,will be twenty-one years old." "Treadmill power" was used. the State Fair. this time. Worded ' in tTle old w.ay of Although very little use was, Mr. and Mr. Paul Shipley, If po ssible- we urge you expres'sion, the apprentice was made of it in the country, it was ' son and daughter, ,in company to ' h Id them f r investto serve faithfully in all ways used to some extent on river with Mr. and Mrs. Ross Rolland ment. :required, and Abjjah O'Neal bO'lts in the country~ Th ~re is an attended th e Shipley Reunion must teach him to .' e farmer old phrase the "treadmill of at Columbus, Sunday. : and to provide his clothes, living life" ,that seems to fit this. periQd Mr. and Mrs. Norman ,----~lU_l-\,Idging, and "cause him to of oU'r histgry. As one watched Lindauer are. announcing the 'be faughtanO instructed to read the ever plod,d ing animal con- birth of a son, ' Wil1ianl Eugene, and write and so much Arith- stantly walking ancI climbing . at Good Samaritan Hosp~tat, There is a vic'tory and demetic as wtll include the single and getting nowhere in the - Dayton, Friday Augu t 15. feat-the first and be t of 'J'ule of three, if he can take SQ tr:eadmiH, one can connect this Mr. and Mr . Everett Kenrick much by common exertions. phrase---with the hard work anJ- and children, Bol)by and Jane, . viet rie, the )owest and 'Worst ' And at the expiration of said the panic, or depression, of spent Sunday and Monday ,with of de feats~which each man Waynelville, Ohio term to give ttle said Joon 1837. To, the people it must Mr. and Mrs. Jack Scheid and gains or sustain~ at the hand not f another, but himself. Myers a new bible anq at least hav.e been But familv at Goshen. two uit of common wearing brighter times were just ahead. . Mrs. Margaret Johns was n. .apparel, sixty-five dollars, arid "In 1838 the first turnpike road Sunday gue t of ' Mrs. Effie -a freedom suit worth thirty-five was made through the township Surface near Lebanon. dollars, proviped the said the Cincinnati, Lebanon, anet Messrs James Winks" Vern n ' and ' Ric;hard , Pursley attended apprentice stay 'w.ith said Abijah Springfield Pike." O'Neal until he ,arriy,es at the AI:..I:lOU t 'tll,e year, i , 1 843 ,arge I IY the State Fair at' Col.umbus of] . Tuesday. ,age of twenty-one yeats." thr.ough the instrumentality of Mr: and Mrs. A. D. Sl1}i of BUILDINGS CHATTElS bybbfu Dr, Sylvm~~ber, it was de t~~~~~~~~_~_~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~_~ ' tne ses. terml'n" ed, to bu"lId ~an acad my. thefDayton "4-W &Y ' FA . d b'y everal WI, par t ·Ie a~ ' l d' Pike ente¢ain t" I k . . From the above we have or, as it was gen~rally called a amI y mner ~ IX a c oc ' in the Ohio Farmers will give you broad ' protection against losses . Th,e bUI'ld on Mr, Labor on your ' farm. It -en your buildin-. vnur automobil6, · t t rus t ees fh at t'Ime, a semmary. th e names f tl1e f Irs andDay. Mrs. Charles TumhleD"' your chattel., . 'now knowll. In all of the early ing erected was the nucleu of son, son and daughter ' p~nt and your liability for a~ddeDts to others. Why not see U5 today~ .apprentices, only two. truste ~s what is now "The Stubbs , You Mow )'OU're we when you're insured" in the Ohio Farmers I · d H . , Fun er'"ll ' Home." " fI1'e fil'st Sunday with the latter s parents, t .are men lone. owever, In an Mr. and Mrs. Herman Arthur at , other agreernent, dated April teflcher w:as David ' I?urso~. S'ardinia. '. k~ 8, 1835, Abijah O ' Neal and " Writing of this school, R v. I. . . Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Collin s . 10· ' . ' ,. AN•,O Ner Haines' arearemen' as N. Carman, a descen'dant of the were and Charles of Dayton .POhHonie_ EBCO trustees. Th ere. twotioned volumes early pioneer:, writes: "Thert! Sunday Collins afternoon visitors _ __ •• of records-th e first apprentice was a ' rush to get the benefit f d M . b f th ' . of tl' ~ B·urson en,terprise. Those at · the home 0 Mr. an rs . .appearing e o,re e one gIven "" Walter Kenrick. ' ' _ OHIO ,AIMIIS INDUANIIT co.. .. ~~,_~_'~ fJM. .above (the pages of the book longing for more than the in.Mrs. Bernard M~lloh and . ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~_~~~~~~ .are now lost) and exten\1ing to struction ,of district school s son of Merritstown: spent SunI I ,18(55. , furnished soon filled ' the Acad- day with Mr. J1IJd Mrs. Clyde ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Wharton. M~ .and Mrs: .~otris n .e!ll' In the , fie •• " ADVANCE ORDER FOR SESQUl-C£NTENNIAL COPIES Wharton of Miami Shores were , The Sesqui,~ Centenniat C~mrtlittee .: · . Monday guests. Please reserve copies of' the SesquLCentennial Edition a ~ ' Mr. and Mrs. Claude Riggs,






at 7


'K·ar.')'. D." Da


'yO'U '

.per the following: Name f


Rural .Rt.





I-iumber of copies wanted

at 25c per copy - f ,

,Amount can be paid with order or when copie. are called for. MAIL ORDERS: Add 5c per copy to ('lIver mailing cos5. .

Addn; ~s all orders to P.



ARE I . SUFFEItlNG FROM PAINFUL ARTHIfI.TIS AND ..RHEUMATISM? NUE-OVO literature is free tel sufferers of pairiful Arth,ritis and Hheumatiam~ A li9.,uid compound of :r oota ~d herbs, ,N ue-Ovo is claimE~ to bring relief by users from lnan,. atates...:...though doctors 4iJfer to ita merits._just as they differ to the cause. Write today at no cost or obligation about Nue-Ovo to Research LabOratories, Inc., 403 N W i. 9th Ave., Portland 9, On,gon. Paid Adv.

losur'anee Ag'ency

-- 1.,5A3'!R.'2M~EE O



Maximum yield-both ·quantity and

quality-wise--is what makes successful farmen. I1! is sign~ficant ' to note 'that duriag the -.,ast 20 yean more ' and mote of these successful farmen are using BIG M l3rand Fertilizen~ "Best in the field" i. OW" way of laying that you 'can't use 'a finer fertilizer for all field .crops than freeflowing BIG M-always manufactured up to , standards. never dowr:t to price. Best buy BIG MI

' ·II!.'!lCI IN DA.YTON. OHIO The Miami Fertlll.~r Company: .a",ORY IN IRDIIN. 0lIl0 Orde, no.. lrom


dNler lor


The Mllintl PertDlaer

Company Ie an Independent Miami Vallq concern under dItect oper.tioD of It8 ownen.



,orn e ne ha parked a house trailer on the Wittemore plat behind a lot of building material. rr N Ofle-seems to know to whom Chade Elli ' i alt n iin th ibly be a In d~1a " tate Fair at India n- ' it bel ng" it c uld P tul n traileT .. :q ~ ~ anj Mr . Elli i 'p 'I) iil1 ,~' th We k \vith h 'r dau, 'hter Mr. anj Mr. Karl Babb of Mr. Willi:1t:T1 Mo kalee :1n:1 Jame town, Mr. and Mrs. A. , H. famil 'in akwood. Earnhart, Mr. and Mr. Earl have r Earnhart an:i chil jr Mr. H wad Mill " f In :1 ian . turn d aft r a, \Ve~k at Lak ap Ii and hi ' ister, Mr. Beulah Giliad, Mi h. Thornbur<r f F r t e ,' r ' gun, ' vi it j th ir Halph MainOll and famil Dr . Mar L. oo k an j f troit p nt, th e Labor Day r lutives, la ·t ' We k. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ , week nj with hi parents, Mr. and Mrs. Ray , Main u and Mr . Mainou returned with them for , Ice BOI Raids a hri f visit.

and' Mrs. Elbert Rich, Bobby and Charles spent several days last week in th Smott.y Mountain s.


, With Fruit Punc~ Ii.,.d,

You cau be sure that the refrtgerator and cookie Jar wUl get raided often If you kee frosty fruU panch' and crunchy cookies on tap~ according to the Country CooklnC natlonally-clrculated Capeditor per/,s F ....mer.

of ,

Mr. and Mr . Ro E\.Ji and on have ' returned after a delightful vacation in Flordia an Mr. and Mr . Erwin Ellis had an interestin trip to Alai ama. , Chari Mauri and w,if attended the funeral of Winn r Barkalow ' at the Ungl bee Funeral ' Home in Franklin, W qnesday aft rn on.

Carol and Rhod Mr. and Mrs. Paul Mauric~ Mi,sse Bunnell had a unday ov r- and Jimmy Ewing returned unni 'ht an:i Monday o-u ' t, Mi s day from vacation in Pitsburg; Janet Do t I' of Harv ysb ur o-. , Pen~

" lI.b& ClorD alrap ¥. o. wahr • ataill•• resh mlDt 8 lblp. lemoD JlIloe ,,,. o•• rapefraU Jaloe 'I •• IrID •• r ale

Boil ' corn sirup and water ,together for three minutes'. ,Remove tips from m.i nt stalks and crush the stalks in the hot sirup. Add tips and n~t stal)d for 30 minutes; strain. Add lemon juice and grapefruit juice; ,c hill thoraly. Pour over ice in tall glassei. Add ginger ale just before s,erving. - Gambb----wi Serves six.

Presiure ,Saucepan Sales lime and Fuel · I~ A

comparatIvely short time the pressure saucepan has won an assured place in farm kitchens, ac!:ording to Laura Dailey, in an article in Capper's Farmer, one of the best knoWn farm magazines. , It saves time and fuel. Many Illfterent toods may be prepared in , , • pressure saucepan. ,It is particularly good for those' which need lona eo:oldng. , "Pressure cooking," Miss

Mi Gra e Wil1iam~; on and Mr. H. H. her m ther, William "on p nt unda.Y at til Hal I' uni n in Wilmington.

Mrs. Roy Marin e of Knollwood, Dayton pent aturclay with Orland Holmes and daughters.

Mr.' and Mrs. Carl A. Pitstick ar n w occupyin th Wallace property. recently vacated by Mr. and Mr . John l~ urfller.

Mike Wettemore has commenced work on his' home ,he i's building on the Wettemor plat.

Criticism, as it ,was fir t instituted by Ari totle, wa ' meant as a standard of judging well. ' -J ohn on The world turn a id to let any man pass who kn o\\ s ' where he is going. -David Starr J I'd a1,1




Mr: and Mrs. Earl Davis. Mr. '



• ~ .' .. ....


C' ~ .



We , endeavor to keep our ervice nwd rIl, complete and appropriate

STUBBS Funeral Home



.' ._'j CARS;Any 'm ak'e or ,model' Fred Kahn lWIot,or ' Car~ eo.




Junior , the

FtlR.NIS'H ING,S! "Hard-To-Get" ,Item,S


9 x 12 WOOL RU'GS





a.-Wait until weight or pressure control jiggles or hisses or cooking \ , lndicator is at right position accordIng to your directions before you , ' start counting time. Then, reduce 'the l)eat and let cook for speCified \ime. 4.-Rf;!duce the pressw:e, as each recipe indicates. !5.-After pressure is reduced. be certain to remove the weight, or lift the pressure control, before removing cover. Some farm women are doing a limited am aunt ot canning' in th&J.r pr~.sure sauce pans, Miss ',Dalley points out.


CURTAlNS - 'SLIP COVERS lAMPS (Floor and Table) I ,

• •

STUDIO ' COU.CHES ,( Fully Spring Filled) LIVING ROOM SUITES BED ROOM SUITES STOVES "Complete Home Furnishers"


Leslie R. 'Rothman


," East Main Street at Whiteman"

• .....,.,

AT THE "Friendly Store"

Dailey says, "preserves. tood value, color and flavor." A few rules of operation are im- ' portant: l.-~ever fill the pan J;Ilore than two.:;thi.rds full. 2..-Be ' sure that steam fiows • steadily from vent before you close

,a nd


Laurence Jacobs ' and Mr. and Mrs. Wilber W ,st , Robert , D avis return d home and dau<rhter ' of Ypsilanti, Mich. were week end guests of Labor' Day after a we ~k's fishMr. and Mr. Richard Kai er ing trip in Micll1gan. :and family. Mrs. Barbara Lou Bland is ------~Mr. and Mrs. Charles eni,oying a two weeks vacation Anderson are enjoying a two before reentering Miami Univer;. weeks vacation and are visiting sity for the coming year," . 'f r i end sand r e 1.a t i ve s in Mr. and Mrs. C. E. ' ,I :dington Arkansas. and son, Mark are , enjoying, a Da vid Allen and wife and month of vacation visitjng daughter, Mrs. Lewis Cline of relatives in Denver. Springfield ' were Sunday dinner Mrs. H. L. RyelS convalescing gues s 0 r. an rs. re aj her home after being confined Hook. at the M"iami Valley Hospital for several weeks. Wilson Shepherd and family , f Dayton and Miss Bettie Mr. and M'rs. 'Claud Gray and Oglesbee were callers , of the Charles Shepherd family Sun- Mrs. Imogene Voiers ,attended the Home Coming at . ' Fort day. Ancient, Sunday. , Mrs. Austin Thadena, Mrs. ' Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Bailey Mable Wilson and Mrs. Reba , Braddock were visitor in Wit , have had as their their min ton ' and Hillsboro, Sa,t ur- ni~fe, Mis Judy Bailey of Centerville. day.


Richard tan b rry pent Monday mornin at the home f Miss Mary Kaiser.


Mr . Eunice Lonas and Mr .. Emma Miltenbe,rge r of Green_ ville are pending a few days with Mr. Cora Rich.

f 1

, Mi s Margari e Barger f Lytle pe'n t the w ek llj with Ml Jo c B aI. , '

. Mrs. Eva Long Hammond of Mr. and Mr . K. L. Elz y and Oakland Cal. is visiting her daught r, Marjorie of Dayton , s.i~,t r, Mrs. H. H. Williamson. visited Mr. ' and Mr. Walter Elzey, unday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. C. E. , Edington and son, Mark are spending a Mr. and Mr . Harol 'l hutts , month in Denv~r, Colo. and family are at ' home after ' spending ' a week wlth Mari e Earl Rickey and wife and hutts at P to ky, Miclh. ~ Shirley Ann spent Saturday with relatives ,in Winchester. Laurence hepherd a.nd wife of Xenia and Robert Shepherd and wife were callers If Uncle ' Bert Shepherd, Sunday.



Mr. and Mr. T. . Hardin spent last w ek, vaca ti onin at 'Chautauqua ground.

"'-:- - - -

Mr. and Mr . Frank Hess of Dayton were Sunday gu sts of Mr. and Mr. Erwin Ellis, and Monday <rue ts of Mr. 'and Mrs. Rob rt Berry.

Here is her recipe tor a tangy. thirst-quenching fruit pUnch: MlN'l!ED ADE

Mrs. Hattie Mainous and Nicky Jean spent the week with Mrs. Roy ' Mainou . '





and Mrs. Vernon M'aurice lis at the Good Samaritan Hospital in Dayton.









METHODIST CHURCH R. B. Coleman. Minister 'unday $chool . 9 :30 a.m. J. J. Rurske, ·Supt. 10:3'0 a..m.

W()J' hip Service Y uth F Ilow 'hi'p .

' .

English Girl Wed At St. Mary's Episcopal Church, August 28

-e~ul'clc -nOled I



Thlir day, 7 :30 pm.

MT. HOLLY METHODIST T. M. Scarff, Minister Sunday School 9 :30 a.m E. A. Earnhart, Supt. War hip Service 10:30 a.m. Evening ·Service . 7 :30 p.m. 0


ST. MARY'S EPISCOPAL Samuel N. Keys, Minister 8 :00 a. m., Ante-C mmun i n 1: a. m~, M rnin o' r 't) r and crmon

UTICA E. U. B. CHURCH Rev. A. J. Furstenberger Sunday School 9 :30 a.m .. Mrs. J am~s Garrison, Supt. Preaching. 1 t and 3rd Sundays ' each month 10:30a.m.

:5J,.iench fiome

ha been living wn h h r aunt, Mr. L. A. Ja ob 'f r the p,ast year. .

Mrs. Eval n· Peter on sp nt several ia 'S thi we k at the .e h me of her n ~1 h ' \\' D r. avid T lfair in Ri hm n i, Ind, Mi Minnie all ' Anna MargaI' t E :iwar Meredith \\er " jinner gue t - f ' Mi ~ e Ruth an:i Elizabdh ll~ a ke Chandl er 'It th T wn H ~ in Franklin on Wedn e iay ~ ' nill g', " Mr: and Mr ~ . F. E. 'I'll Ina. Dr. and Mr . La ke f X Ili a \\iith Mr. . and Mr . J. M. Enrnwere Wedn ja ca rr el' " f , hart an . f. mil ani Mr ". J 11n Mi s Mam an j nni Bn \\ n. Rob y f D n t n pent un jay Mi Elizah elh Cha'n :t ier \Va - with Mr. an i MI" . well the dinner gu t on Thur da Th rna and jau g'ht I' wh o are of Mi t lI a Wile) ' in a'k'- vacati nin g: at t. Mary ' Lake, wood. . , Rev. an:t Mr. Ral T1 Mr. Harold M I' ii th a.nd and two childr n, M ~ ent the \\' 0 k 11..1 with fam il Stephen called on Mi Mr. an Mr. Walter W hitak er. and Annie · Br \\ n Monia the met tl1'ir ' 11, afternoon. Jimm in a 'tn.H t: ha ijut MLs Emma Lou Le\\ i (j - returned fr m th Ii htfully ent rtain at inn r Elii' P with th 13 ,at the Town Hou e in Franklin . on Friday, M\ Ruth and erett McMr. Elizabeth ' Chan Her an j Mi Minnie Dod on .


.In tht: impre ive rvi e f . T il' groom, son of 'Mr. and · th Epi pal Church, J 'ce Mrs. James A. Bak r; Leban 11, Cri k, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. i now a tud nt f engineering' FRIENDS Fir t Day School. 9.:30 a.m, S. G, Cri k, Upp I' Hollowa , England, and Thomas Bak r, in tIi Univer ity of CincinnaH, Meting for Worship Mrs. Howard Drumm 'nd and 10:30 a.m. Cincinnati; were married l a t where he wi tl continue stud i until grad uation. F 11 win g a dall Mer, Mi Dorthy DrumIN CASE '01=' FIRE. DIAL 2222 Thur day in t. .M ary' . l rief niot I' .trip of ' .the m:id- mond were rent guest of ST. AUGUSTINE Til . Rev. Frederic B. 'Iv est, the co.upl plan to live in Fath~r Krumholtz, Priest friends . in Bainbrid e an A.tkin on, .ex c~tive, cretaI' ' Ma s 7:30a.m. and 9 :00 a.m. of the Epi copal Dloce e of Cincinnati. . Chillicothe and while th re oweI" I brid, who made her also gue ts at a lunch n at the The ' outhern Ohio, ' celebrat, d FERRY CHURCH of CHRIST fir t trip to America f r the White Club near Wav rly, Lake th marriage rites. He wa Ralph E. Stinson, MiDister seng r n' Mr . Drumtnond and dau hter wedding, wa a pa Bible School 9 :30 a.m. a sisted I y Col. John C. W. also attended the' Ruth Ly ns the S. . Elizabeth' fir t po tMorning Worship '1 0:30 a.m. Lin ley, Chief of Chaplain, Morning Matine· and F od M rnin : "Makm Up M Min i Air Mat.eri I Command, who war voyage l a t month . Show at the Zoo: She first met the· gr om in wa al 0 organi t for th cerAbout Faith.' . london, .in 1945, while he was Y uth Meeting 7 :30 p.m. monies, n' tem~ oral'. duty in England. Mr. and Mrs. J. J. Bur ke had HOURS:' Adult Prayer Meeting 7:30p.m. In a filmy net gown and Evening Evangelistic Service hridal v il of traditional whit, He was then stationed in, as guests from Wednesday until 9-12 each ' morning Germany, a captain aild pilot: Friday evening of the past we k, ' 8:15 p.m. th bride wa led t th altar I 1-5 afte'm oons except Evenin: "The N d For the . Rev. amuel N. Key '; in the Air Tran p rt Command . Mrs. Mina Fry .and Mi sArdell a Wednesday H~ had een much active Schuster of Athen , Mr. and Mr . Per onal Evan 'eii m:' , I' ctdr of t. .M ary' , Mr. and 7-9 Saturday evening _ _ _- A..........iend l Church with a Mrs. Ke s repre' nted the ",,0- serv ice in the Euro ean Theatre John Emish of Mineral and Mrs. of war, and had" been a pilot of tinnieHall of Cleveland. Mr. Other ·evenings by Go pel Mes a e year-o ld Briti h O'irl' parent . glider trailiS in comb-at areas ' and Mrs. William Strou e al Appointment at the wedding. WA\ 'NESVILLE Marcia Baker, the groom " during the Normandy invasion. Joined the group s veral time ' CHURCH OF CHRIST TELEPHONE 62-R During th e lattel' part of the,' during th eir stay. sister, .was bride maid. Jan t' Robert L. VanZile, Minister Keys, daughter. of Mr. and Mrs, war., the bride was €nga~ d in Bible. School 9 :30 a.m. Mr. ' and Mrs. L. A. Jacol Keys, was flower g-irl. The . volunt.eer Red Cross work with Communion 10 :30 a.m. and daughters, Gloria Ann and groom' brother, Will i am the American 'Red ero s in 11 :00 a.m. Sermon Janat Zahn, Mrs. J. F. Jacob ' Baker, now a cadet stationed ' at . England. The couple were a.nd Miss Donna Rae Jacob ' Optometrib Eye Specialist . Evening Service . 8 :00 p.m. ·Corpus Christi Naval Air ta- engaged in M ~y 1946. returned retently fro.m' a t ur 26 South Detroit Street Marri~g:e servic·e were attion, Texas, was best man. of sixte~n stat s. Janat left th e . Mi s ·Baker wore a charminp; . tended by many relative and tour at Pho'enix, Ariz. t m ake XENIA, OHIO n·etted . 'own of'pastel ' bl ue. . friends of the Baker famil y. A ~er home with .her mother. Janet Key wore a floor-I ngth reception was hel i at the hom e t.·..-.c~_a_~~~~t-..c~...-. ~I ~ ..... !' ~ ~ lin e gown of white of the groo m' s parent, near' Mr. and Mr , Jame Jordon princ ~ taffeta, . Lebanon, after the wedding. . SI'. and dau hte r" Harl :In. 'of 'lwfa yneSv lii&'w... ' v. ere .Ml sd ay evening guests of Mr . Jord 3n of h I' grandm oth r, Mr : adie . . .Mr. and Mr . Rhod'e BUl,1.nell parents, Mr. and Mr. W. 'r. Reason. . were Sunday ev ning' dinn r Oil an d, Tar ' Applied Th W. C. T. U, of Harv y Green. . 'uest' of Mr. and Mr '. CharI s ResurfaC?ing and Drivew.a y Recoating Mr. and Mrs, Harry , Cline bur ' ha be n ellin' ticket Do ~ tel'. Jr. and daughter, Geraldin · f this we k for a Home Craft . Mrs. A. "Collett and Mrs . F ,R · E E ·· E ·S T 1 ~ ATE S Columbus, arrived in Harvey - D m0nstration to' be 'held at E u g e n e Aufderheid w re: .burg, Friday evening .t.o · pend 'th GranO'e Hall, Friday 'even- callers in Wilmington, W , dnesa f \V days with Mr . .Cline' Ing. . day . . par nt, Mr. and Mr. Herb rt Mr. and Mr . Charle Easter , Prof. and Mr . H. C. Milli gan 26 Oakwoo4 Averiue LEBANON, OHIO Phone 221-L attended the Milli gan family Do tel'. have l eft for a vacation. trip t . r union hel q Sunday at Clint n. -;.·~~................,o.-......,.-.o~o~~~~~~~,~~.:. Mrs. A. ·S. Collett en'tertained Mkhigan. ~ enL Mi s Joan Beck tt Mr. cttld Mrs. CharI s Do tel' with a dinn 'r at her home Friveral da 'Ia t we, e k vi itin . day noon, i'n honor of Mr. ano and fampy w re gue t to a Mrs. Erne~t Gilliam and famiI dinner Wedne day, ev 'n i6g at relatives in Morro\\ and Ci n'. of New York Ci.ty, ,wh are the coun.t ry home of Mr. and cinnati. , Mr. and Mr . W. P. McCa rrllN vaoationing h e J~e \vith friend ' Mrs. Will Gilliam, \d10 are nand relatives. Beside the g'ue ts tertaini,~g their son and of Walh ounding pent tIre w ek of honor, tho e attei1dillg were ' 'daughter -in law, Mr. am!' Mr '. : nd and Labor Day at OF THI .COMM U NITY FC R M NY .. YE H Mr. alid Mrs. Herbert Do l I' Ernest Gilliam and .family of home iIl: the vill age. . Mr. Kingsley and Mrs. and Mr.· Robert Co,llett. New York City. . I ' ng e!1c )ugh tt e ·tahl,i '11 a r~p­ Mr. and Mrs. Harr '. Tucker Mr. and Mr . W. w~ Co LIm ~teven of Dayton visited Mrs. uIlti on f or fair d e~lIin ~ ' and and dau 'hter, Miss Ev Ivn of Columbus spent the \\ eek en i King 1.ey , dau, 'hter, Mrs. Vera n over th e Tucker are having' a th"ir and Labor Day visitillg th , Chap~ ell an i en ille fun en l I ri~ , It L ' week end. hOuse gue t over 'Labor Da, Doster familie . ~. till (J ur hu. in pc licy. Mrs. ·O e Harl:ln ent rtained Mr . Tucker' sister, Mr . Jenny Mr. ;wd Mr , Jolln P~aly of , Atlanta, Ga., wilt return hom e Mr. Sarah \Nri ght to dinner, B 11 of orn er viJI. . Mr. and Mrs. James Thorn- Suncl ay after being the gue t . Sunday. Th oeca i n heing in .bur) of Harvey burg; and Mr. of Mr. Fe~ly's mother, Mr . honor of Mr. Wr.i~ht' 11irthand Mr. Cecil Lmkau ' f Belle Fealy and family. . day anniversary. Mrs. Marie . Gray f Dayt 11 lebanon have returned from , Mrs. James Park and dau 'h. i visiting at . the home of her a vacation tri p to the moky ters of , Cincinnati \\ ere hou e mOlmtains. guests several day this we'k son-in-law and ..94.tug,hter, Mr.' TELEPHO E 2111 Miss Rhoda Bunnell of near in the home of Mr. and Mr~. and M rs. Charl~s Beck an j dau hters. \\'ayne ville ha( "'en the gul.:Harry~. Tu~ker.





Dr. C. E. Wilkin.


he .. __ ••••.••••••••••••.••••



'Blaektop Driveways \




We Have Served the ' People


( \

McClure Funeral Home





John and Virneda Browning 0 WAYNESVILLE. OHIO. No. 4332 THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 4. 1947 Clal'ence- Bowman, 5 , acres in Union twp. Nollie and Grace Powell to '1'01)f (ha11 II ct iv it i " are ' m i.n g --U.J.---lLL.A~~.ll.U~.ll..I1...u:.-.!.LL.. 0 h i _ rrand hTriett-Baker, 3.95 acres t a I c thi ' \~ e k with th at the Coun il Chamber until in Wiashington twp. , end of the Wa yn Athleti 120'c1 ck nao n ept. 12, 1947, Edward and Hazel H mmerLe to (h juie li ted as the 4th . The • • m.&SSD'IED AD BATES • • for furni hin ' n (1) I :I Ton Harold and Ods ie Fisher, 50 acres r ult ' of the ~ .:\ t week of play tandard ump ~ h rt whe,t:\ in Turtlecreek twp. 25 words or leal. one, ume. •••••• iCio , bcb addtton&l W'CII'd ••••••• ~ •••• lc ba e; dump \ ed, hydrauli E. R. Houston to ·]Lester and i ,a ' fall \- : SPECIAL BATES b1 CONTBADl' hoist, helper . prin , 7.50x20- Marguerite Houst on, 2.114 acres in Au . _7 Mill r _5, R xanna7 Aug. _ Ford ,Harvey burg 7 . I . 8 ply tire duel, ' rear wh el . Roachester. Loaa.Sept. 1 Fairleys 0, Roxanna 17 H.arry and Kathleen ' James to' Each bid mll t contain th 4, Millers 8 . cpt. Ford full name of every per on or . John and Betty Missal" 2 lots in FEDERAL LAND BAN1t LOANS: Lytle. For Ref1nanc1ntr - Rebu11d.lDa Company intere ted in am. 'BUying. 4% Farm loaD8 with long Marjorie and' William J(in'g to ALL STAR RESULTS right i re erved t reame 00 pay. ,P a, part or all aDl' jectThe Ralph Brandenburg, lot in ,MorAll Star were rained out any and all bids. time. row. Friday ni ght Ii , their )'ame By order of the Coun il of LEBANON NA'rL FABIrI LOAN Sl!after and Viola Helton to w.ith Middletown. On chedul ed ASS'N•• Ellis H. StIJrm. 8edJ- Ohio. Gordon and Cora ~oble and Gard- , unday ni )'ht they wo.n 9 t 4 'Treu .. Lebanon, Ohio. Phone ..a Olarle J ames, Clerk. ner and Tres~ie Gevedlon, lot in from Cincinnati W odlawn. t.c - 9-11 South Lebanon. Mary Fermn to' Alejnndro MarReal Eatate For S.Ie.'FUTukE ALL STAR GAMES NOTICE OF APPOINTMENT zo, 4 acres in Hamilton twp. ept. 7, Dayt n FOllndr~ . IF YOU HAVB A PROPI!IRTY OR William and Josephine Bene t o Notice is hereby given that FARM TO SmLL oau or Write Ida .M. Wical who e Po t Office Ben and Delores Conover, 1 acre 000 Henderson. , Tel. K1!:S44e, 6l'7 addre s is Wayne ville, Ohio in Deerfield, twp. IrIllli0na 0; m., Dleca uul Depbe•• HOW THEY STAND are mere"lDe their take-home ...y Loftln Ave.. Dayton. Ohio. tfc R. R. 2 ha been duly appointed' W L Pd. by . the .....ple, • •matte p~ PROBATE Roxanna 16 5 762 Savtap..... IAN. take o.e . . . . as Executrix ' of the Estate 0f Estate of J~mes V. Hankinson, RUL ESTATE . 16 7 696 pie. Sap..,. )'oa teO yoar emplorPeter R. Wical late .of Warren dec'd, Warren C. Younlg" adminis- Peer 's .,oa .... to take se.U 01 you 15 11 577 that FOyd DON'T FORGET TO CALL Courity, Ohio, deceas d. trator inventory heariJrlg set for weeldy p • ., III 80114.. ID tlaree weeD 13 10 565 &be aceUIDalatl•• of ,18.'1 wUJ b1l7 us for Insurance. All types of Dated this 21 day' of Au 'ust Sept. i at 10; application filed Fairl ey 6 18 300 ODe PI ~~. 8oD4. lI~rel., by ,Insurance at a savings. Call 1947. for certificate of transfer of real Harvey burg boldlq these bODIb to m • ID Miller 3 20 1 0 estate. Francis ,Gene Brown, phone Judge of the Probate Court 1. Jean ,.oa are r..._ JODI' taIleEstate of Patrick ' lP. Couglin, , Waynesville 2935 or call b . . . lDeome. . . . every week. It Ralph H. Carey dec'd. Joseph Leroy Hayes, execuII obvlou tlaat tile .o-calle4 t1e41JOcollect. WilminR;ton 2111. Warren C unty, Ohio Me. for Savlap BoDell II DOt • Ietor filed fi.rst, linal and distribulaoUoo lrat • wa., for ,.oa to atore FOR SALE - 'Five Rooms, C. Donald Dilatu h , tive account. by EFFELbD 1IP &lUI iDcreue ,.oar eanalDp for Estate of Frank W. Crew, dec'd, Basement, Bath, Hot ana , . . fatare DIIe. Charles Anderson ad.ministrator From Henrietta NicKins ~y of Cold Water, on Third Street, LODGE NOTICE , U. . S. T"OItI" D,~."""'" A tabula comes a clipning: " Lot SOx 150. Mary WhitaWaynesville Lodge No. 163 filed fir-st and final account . I Estate of 'P eter Wical, dec'd., Ida taken from the Cleveland PlaiIi more. See Mike Whitamore. F. & A, M. stated meeting Tues- Wical ap-point'ed executrix. Deal r of Aug. 24 showing .:1 , -3918 day 'September 9, at 7 :30 p. m. Estate of Joel Kirliy, rl~\";, parade of the Grand Army of Bessie Lee Kirby, administratdx Houaehold Good. - . the Republic. I The caption > inventory av.proved. . ' FOR SA,LE - Dining Room Estate of Eva Wallace, dec;d" beneath the cut states that William ~)]ace executor inven .. among other veterans reviewTable and Six Chairs, Walnut ing the parade one John R. tory approved. Finish; 3 Upholstered Living . NEW SUITS Bennett, 102, Waynesfield, O. Estat~ of Emil· A. Juterbock, Room Chairs. Route 73, . In the matter of .t he Western . Third House from 48 Toward Regular Bap~ist Church of Leb- dec'<l. executor to sell I~ertain per- . was present. This is the 1'02 . year o.1d veteran of which there Waynesville. Any time after anon, authority to sell real estate, sonal property. NORR,IS BIROCK COMPAINY Estate of H. A. ' Cornell, dec'd, was some question two weeks 5.:00 p. m. EItner Scott, Maple ' and Maple. Cincinnati 'U nio,n Stock Yards . Adria \ Braddock, exe,c utrix pro- ago when ' it was fi'rst reported . ILiye W,irfl and Plrogre.siv e . An ,Waynesville, Ohio. -9-11 Grant Black , vs. ,G eneva Black, ceedings, undet' formelr order apora"nizatlon second to none. he was from Waynesville. that Strictly sellerl on the best divorce; gross neglect, J. T. Riley•. proved. all around market in the FOR ALE - Coal Range, Thanks to our reader for her country. Estate of Mattie Creighton, Good Condition. Call 2724. enlightment on this matter. COMMON PLEAS SERVICE THAT oSATISFIEf_ ' dec'd. Wilham CreIghton appointed . WHIO Dayton 12·: 30 E. IS. 1:. 3-918 Earl Conner. Also,. thanks to the p1an:y others Margaret Allen vs. John Allen, Dial 1300 WLW Cin innatl executor. 12: 40. U ia 1 700. for Our Da.lIy div·o rce to plaintiff, cost~ pa4tl;who verbally offered inf rmaElectrical AppliancesMarket Report. tion op .the sa~e subject. Earl Shiflett vs. Ray Shiflett, MARRIAGE LICENSES service of summon on August 7, · , FOR SALE - 11 .0 GALLON 1947 ordered quashed. Harold Weisman, 21 Mason, hatchTELEPIlONES Electro-Master water heater, ' Ester Ruth TaJtman, a minor vs, er~man, Jean Finley, 21 Ma~on. WADlBsVILLB 1091 good condition; al 0 Antique Omar Ra.y Tatman, a minor, de.. l'urse. MOBBOW No.1 Walnut dr~sser. Phone 2931 fendant to pay plaintiff sum of H. Gordon Ballinger 49, LebWaynesville. -.-394 ' $30 per week, temporary alimony anon, filling station operator, LEBANON Office ,'31t al~o attorney fees of $50 within ' Zelda Pardieck, 43, Lebanon. BJI:~. UlL SAND and 'GRAVEL AUTOMOBILESsix weeks. William Tudker, 27, Mason, Fa~BLACK.TOP DRIVES , REAL ESTATE TRANSFERS tory worker Ruth ' Kettler, 24, FOR SALE - DODGE FOU R TAR and ROAD 01", I>aniel R,nd Marie Brown to EsMason school teacher. door Sedan, ' excel1ent con- ther Hail).es, '10 acres in Salem Robert McCarren, 26, Harveys" LAWN ' aDd FILL DIRT dition. Phone 2723, Waynes- t wp. burg, . farmer, Edith Bogan, 25, READY-MIX CONCRETE -94c ville Nellie Edna and William Fischer Harveysburg. aDd DUMP TRUCK, SERVICE EXCAVATING Joe and Gertrude King, lot in Frank Upton, Jr. ' ~~2, . ()ennan'FOR SALE - Dump Truc , to Morrow. town, filling station, attendant, 1937 V-8, 100 h. p. Mot , ilbert Smith Jr. Ito Viola Eil-een Hensley, 19, FI'~nklin. 2 or 3 yard St. Paul Be , mith, lot in South Leb~a~n~on~.~ , ~~~--------~===----~==:~~------------ ----~~----~~~--~~--~--~----~~~--~~~~~, in good condition Arthur and Anna Marie Waegner George' Lon ,g'worth, . ~lerOwner. Price reas I to Bradley arid Anna Young, l01.- mont county, claims 70 years Gilbert Biggs, Waynesville, 30 · acres in Cleercre~k twp. of experience in farQling does Ohio. Rural Route 1. Res. Bradley I;lnd Anna Young to not teach a farmer everything Corwin, Ohio. Phone 2879. Charles and M'Yrtle Howard, lot in about his business. Mr. Longf' , 1-94 ~anklin twp. · , Edwin Wilson to Carl and Mary worth is producing some, me Louise Wiison, 42.34 acres in tobacco in 1947 'On contour LIVE STOCKHar1a~ twp. . ' strips between buffer strips 0f FOR SALE YEARLING Carl and Mary Louise Wilson to an alfalfa-grass mixture. The Duroc Boar, registered. See Edwin Lee and· Mary Wilson, 0.90 meadow strips prevent rains' Morris 'Brown, Rt. 1, Spring acres in Harlan twp. from eroding the tobacco land. VaHey. Phone Centerville Clar~nce Bowman to Millard 7020. --394 and Christine Helton, 3 acres in liN CIASE OF FIRE. ,DIAL 2222 Turtlecree ~NTED- MISC. .

NOTICE "'ill bt.: re i eo f the Village

Uncle Sam Says




Fairly Familiar





Armifage &Son




WANTED-Work On · Farm, By Week or Shares. Lester . Younker, Rt. 3 Waynesville, Ollie; -391 t FORS~~lbE~


FOR SALE- Three Thousand Tobacco Lath;' Phone' 2106 Waynesville. - 3-9 18 "


For Date.. Phone 2894. Wavneayille. Ohio. ReverM CharAH






.Quantity Scarce

$3 cwt.


.X E N I A Rtwene





G. B1&hai....- lac.

X.ia O.


Fairley .Hdwe•.Store '8 -

PHONE 2441'





Fairly Familiar by EPFELDEE ,.




Th~ Miami


'Parade '·To· Form At Grade School


, The W . " . . -. uf ' ll1 Meth ·1 L11l1r(h \\.;\ 1 15t=-=-=--pI n 'd f A 'v k TFI -a '(t un f • J til Warr 'n Count Fa ir , all.! A. I. " :lP" , tuhh - ha: will I /h Id at the hur h, .. 'pt, ali n ull - d th i - ," 'eLk the t all . . 5. Th i' ill he an all-L\y , entri in the Gian t Para ie : -h me ting. du le i f r ~ aturda\ ' aft rn o 11 , We visite j th e Grtld' eho 1 ... pt. 13 wi ll a ' l:ml I 'It tll' B u i ,l d in ~ O il Mon a of thi " Grade . . h I 13l1il di n l!' at J : 0 '. ek. Severa l tim e il h ~l ' h' n p. m. Thi : of c(J ur: e in 'Iud em enti III d that co n :i itiu n :1t , , all t 1, e \\ h a ' ha v a r r a 11 g: e_ thi building \ ere far fro m hc ~ m ent t nter th ' ~ arad and ing on a pla ne wit h the niodern al 0 an oth ~ r \\'hc ' \\' uld lik l! trend of ' ho I hui ldin g' , We to join in thi o'/' ~te ' t f' all did not f 'eI it fair to attempt 11 The , e ' qui ! l t n n i a I , ev nt . write anyt hin g ab(') ut ' u h , C mmitt e i ' gathcr \l1 ~' u~ all Mu h w rk Il a 11 " n k 'O ( ~j conditi n howey r, \\ itll lu t th I e end th i \I.' ~ t: 'k I) j' .:?'f irst seeing' th em in p ron. T parat ry f r the beginnin g of to the bu il din g' f U,j ' parad c attempt to pIa e in writin g \\ h ~H the gr at three -day , f v nL. IIOt onl y in tim e .. ~" ' I1t ):1 Mr. tuhh :!1 jg'nin g' lip the man. we aw taxe th e imagination in om merati on f the 15 th differ nt ~ype f _il idL' an 1 grea tJy. O ur fi I' '1 im ~ r .: sio n . ,ear in the buil ding of a ~rt:at ther nhi · ' lut al n th ~ wa ' th e open sta i rwa l eactin~" omm unity, Wa ne v ill e. part of th o wh ar I,l rin g' from the ba ement to the 1'0 f. GIANT PARADE th para e. It wi-ll Ii .... a' : ':11:1' V ritable f lu in ca e of fire . On aturday afternoo n, ~ 1. affa ir and well w rth eeing. Two f tJle e are 10 a ted in th 13 the giant pa ra:le will I c Hundr~d' of per l. l1 fr J\11 th i.;; east and we t ntran to th' taged on th Main tr e 1. c mn:llnit and .:urr uncim ~ buildIng. On th a t nt ran ;,:' Followii1g thi the ap B x areas wil~ t e n t to witness th,e stairway k'l In..... hI ' IL Derby will be ra ed. Kid oft- th i ev ent. basement i narr , w a 1 I :.a5 .1 hall at Wayne Park with other T h rna "T B" Brann ck, seat j in, hL n'> l y cLqu ;rec\ P1_ m uth turn in it bel ,re r ' ,!:t , ~ t ~" conte t for kid will be augba m ' llt 11 c r. I n \ nl ar W3S Coach, specially designed for his drivin . c mf rt. ·Thi m ented with gam e-, ca n e ion ta ined on a V t eran's Pri ori ty Rat ing ince BnlDn ck wa woun j entran e r eXit tr( m he I a-L:and oth er forms of amu ement d in the lat W rId W ar If, 1 sin<Y both Ie in acti 11 while with m ent lun ch r ,m with. ut K' ,in r( thrqughout th e evening. Thi. thru the hal way I etwcC:11 UOl e .the famed 4th Armored Divisi n ·near Metz, German y on Nov. 9, will be climaxed with a giant furna -e r J ',m and .. ( it ! S " f' J<- 194 4. With th e aid of artificial 'l im b and two ca ne he i able t( di play of fireworks and , th al' ,m I re a h th W ' b b ' l ~': t ·a out and aI ' t o drive his car hich ha proven a great ume Effective a , f thi date th e warding of prizes. of pleasure to him. Special arrang ments ha ve b en made in the 1 c;.t ~' t airway . ' L h'" win I ,w;" e quicentennial , Committee CHURCH SERVICE ', f .u!' l ed d'c.rn ', ' i , t ~ In , .. controls that enables him t o ,drive with perfect confid nce and . will ace pt n rd er for the Sunday will , tea day of '' ' :" ',a r. h a '1.y S r ' tne,: . '':.,:..- ..,afety. squi ent enni al Edi tion of th e "TGmmy" is the so n'of MI'-. France Branno,ck and wa engag:ed mem rial ervi e with th ,I cal Miami Gazette ulll here at tll n 111 L( ~l ' t pa. ment cJ it<.ren ~y. eati g fr ;r iu[ " ' J' in farmin g before enter jn g se rvic . He eery d fifte .n m nt h. . be- church co m b inin ~ in a ser i ,', f or ame a' mpfln ie th e at 11 :30 a. m. a hasket dinn 'r fo're being. w urtded and sp·ent m any months in vari u h() t ,I tal W ul d 1r ap t h ' m in hi ' r 1i1 ani rs. eve ra I 1\\1' rha v 1 een foll ow this and in .the aft rw;th uut an h f (p , A I in England, France, Scotland and u ni~ed tatf:s. " k j with ut J . \11 nt f r 'm ade h ' I fir t f1 r ro 1m I ad k , i i ,.' He is a member of the local Amen an L· glon a t No. 61.) noon addre ses wiII ' a m in advan ·e. The \\ ill 1 e Claren e J. Br ~ 1; ' H an. m ai n h( l l i 'h ha f l" and was awarded a Life Membership in that rganization. ks are Congre .. sman from thi di hid, honor. i a I n g a - l :ail'way a.t ei't her end. F;r' available. T b -lIr..: f delivery " Mr. H az I Phillips ' of the it i advised on thi editi n ,w uld undo ubted l I( Jc,k "l ' Warren County Mu eum and e . t rance '. Th e nl) (/ h~r ; , that thaI e who have placed re" . others. ". fn 1m th e ' ,main ' r ar,- r1 SA'at . . , .'l>'~. ;~~ servati n -\ ith ut pa ment SOfTBALL EVENT j d ~ w ';l;n the a' ~ for ame st 1 ·at th Gaz tte In the evenin an ut t and- offic at once :t nd m ake tll i!' ight f t fr ' m 't he OUil d . Parade , A ssemble at 2,:00 p.m. at Grad cho Bui ldin ing soft ball ga me between pa m ent and rec i e'-a receipt. ()hU: l :l ,a ~ drdPflT r !rst j']'t'lU trsd' ap Box Derhy imm,ediately after parade. Boy age 10 to 15. ,Lov,eland and Ced~rville wiII I oa r IS pro ec e T j seco n Th n th ar ' ~ " ured f reat Wayne Park, A ges 8 to 12 year-. staged at 7 :30 p. m. Both team by two iron e_ apes,_ n on Kids SO,f tball celVIIl tli ir cop i . -~-have won champi on hi ps in Und r n ,rm al ir l11l1 tane th e a t i i e a: ! I '/ 'n ' 1'j t " Wh eelba rr w ra ce; 3 -Iegg:, d, rac ,; ac1.- their re pective district : Thi ~; race; P t ato Race . Children under 1 "Duth id of the huildi'n r. wm be one of the be l' oftball the acceptan e f I'd I' with H , W vIer, da.~ r' m l ~I ~ll' , MANY OTHER' FORMS OF ENTERTAINMEtq out pa ment in advanc w ulLi games o'f th season. b practiced, Ao we er 'ince the CIRCUS DAY 7Jff --between 10, and t 1 p, Ol. monies re 'eived f I' til :> e b k. Monday, Sept. 15 will be goe tc '. : ti nn of a all ( -: d :r. to the · e quicentennial ci rcus day with Monroe Bro. Committ e fo r th e, ~ ubli ati n Electric wirinrr is f the anti I efore fir ~orks. eircu pre nUng act at 2 and of the look and illce money quated ' tyl with ve r. lit , . 8 p. m. In a jditi n to thi s th e left lithting in th el as ro m. ark ver fr m th ~ e quL ' can es i.on and ,other a tivitics da y in wi nter mnk vLi n verv ' ent nnial" . Celebrati on, after a.D1I. of the e, qui -entennial \vi ll .till , diffi ult. " SeatIng cap'a 11. ' i.i . pen :- e ' have t een paid, w ill be i n p rog re ~ . , llat he dividt:d am n l' th e vari ou i.O t! . FI or ' in the ' l a, .J< Basket Lun,.h at Noon Hour Th e hor eJ10 J'i tell ing JIl , groups and o r 'a;1izations th at r m, hallway and tairs a ~' " (F ' d al 0 a vail'abl n groU1 d ) of well ag.ed ami weIl W0rn • H~n. Clarence J. Brow.n, Congressman, 3 :00 p.l1lt. t,est will be caI'ri d '....1 th,r iup'h - h Ip d in its pr m oti on, it is ou t the three da peri , d. w i, fin e- tinder fo r confla.gra. Mrs. Hazel Phillips, Warren C~. Hist. Society n ce ~ ar that all fund bt: p aid ti on Fire hose ale \()(;ated at the-.... i:30-P:-rii. Special vent ~oveland vs Cedarv'l1e into the Committee in advance ~al~ways in several acce sible both champi ons of th eir district. , or durin , the p ri ct of th e ' places. Evidence of th eir hav~n C 1 brati n. been used in testin ~ . of rec~nt , end in our re _ervati on for date were not VISIbl e. 'Fire th e e qll ic'entennial Ed iti n but ex'tinglli her were al so presen,t ' ;a; ' ,Monroe Bros. Circu~ with acts at 2 and 8 p.l1lI. en l o~ r brill)' the ' requir.ed in various places. Whether they Mi. France \\ hitakl:r 0( al11(1 unt t c V I' payment of had been , claecked recently was GAME~~ am 'i n advance. the W an ' w - 0 4 -H Cl l1 h not , tearnecf Two ' d'r inking wa ' ne (1 f two girl in Warrell CIVIC CLUB MEETING fountains on th e first' floor and TAKES POSITION Co unty cho . n t o rep re nt , two on the secon'd comprise the POSTPONED FOR AT LOCAL DOT STORE the , county at th e 4-H Club full amount -of availabl,e drinkWalter Donald so n of C o ngr ~ s heing held in Colum- CELEBRATION ing space aItoted to 320 school Maynard W eItz, Secretary' of Harvey"bur (Y has a . lIm ed ' hi, bus f~o m ~l t. 8 to 1 2. children. An g'ood hog farmer the Civic Club i announcing duties at Stewart Dot Food . Two girls and two 'boys are, that the regular m e·tino· of the would consider his flock of Store 'as ,clerk at th e, m at de- d100 en fro m each county in The W.arren County Fa ;r d swine in bad shape if they had Civic Club scheduled' f or Monsuch a smaW capacity for@Tink~ , be held) at t,he fa i r~r lind ' in partr~l1ent, takin g til. pla.ce o.f the tate to" act as representa- day riil.Tht, Sep.t. , 15 . h'as been Pat Malone who recen,tly re ign - tives. ' .Their activities' whil~ ing water. One ' wa ~ . basin. i,n L~banon next w t k, c: I t. 1('. cd to take o ver hi s own 1', tau- there are vari d. including some set forward to ~ o nday veninO', the boys toilet, two m the, gIrl, 17, 1 i and 1 9 . Th e at1 r ~, ~{kl l1 Sept. . 29 on acco unt ()f the rant, The Idle Hour.. class , work on various subjects, Sesquicentennial toilet, one' on the first floor ami Cekbration Mr. Donaldson will conti'nu e tours, meetings and a banquet. one on the second flO,o r ' gives will be staged ' day and '11 ig-ht being , held n ' tl1at day and small space indeed to , th~ and will inclu'de some outstand- to make his home ' in Harv, ys- , Headquarter for the COltlgress evenIng. nece sity of keepi!lg clean ing features. ' Radng will top burg as his daughter is already , is ' as O. S. U. Announcerh ent \\'i ll be, made hands. One basin ,in the boys the program and judging, band erirolled in the school th ere. Ilene Brow:n was one of th e later as t o \vhere the meeting , toilet has been torn from.. the concerts, Ward Beam's Thrill two 'girls who represented is to be held. wall, the' remains of the drain Show: and many other features Wanen C=ounty ~t , Club Conpipe .givint rriute evidenc~ of will hold the spot light ,at Kress last year. GARDEN CLUB its once havlOg been there .. rhe various tiine's throughout t\!e HOLDS MEETING antiquated system of santtary four, day and night sessions. ' KATHRYN BACON " Miss LldCy Emley ha been The Garden Club met at the Corwin 'Nixon; Secretarv, disposal is , stinking evidence of Mr. and Mrs. Girdon Bacon very ill the past week. Miss home of Mrs. Laurence Furnas. 4his will be one . f announces the possibility ' of wide-spread are announcing the birth of a Emley ' was a fo rmer pc st There were seven members pre_ epidemic among the grade the biggest and most attracti ve daughter, Kathryn born at, mistress of ', Wayn ~;ville 'for sent. A ,very interesting proschool ' children. A concr~te fairs in the history, of ,W ~rren Middlejown Hospital, Sunda , man.y ye~rs retiring a few gram was ,..pre':,entCid. RefreshCounty. , months ago. " On Pale d) Sept:-7. ments .were served. I

We Go Back Ta ' School Again


Sesqui Events Fill Three' Day Plan





Cash, With Order For Special Edition





Sesquicente,nnial Celebration Program of Events Saturday,. 13 .


S , o

Events & Cont'ests

'J ,


t;le\Vi\f,ir~t);~e)l1p~,h ~ FIREWORK~ PRIZE AWARDS



Sunday, Sept. 14 Combined Church Service 11;30


Addresses' SOFTBALL Mon'd'ay, Sept. 1'5 ,'





Warren Co'onty Fair Next 1Veek



Local Girl Nam,ed To 4~H Club Congre~s

Gazetteo. The Miami 1850 SHE D

'E STA BLI ~b I.1s.hf!d EVPI-Y , Thurs day by DAVIS SON FLOY D L. DAVIS SON. Ed1tor




ered as Second Matte r' at the Post Office ~Ubscr1ption ~tes: $1.50 per Year in ,~dvance


Natio nal Adve rtisin g Repr esent ative s Ohio Week lies, Inc.; 2465 W. Broa d Stree t, Colu mbus 4, Ohio , , ,

' Cltl y ii -. tu rh~d 1 y th e g-r :ll numh 'r of ac ident ' 'Ill d i ea th ~, e' p , iallv au cd I y V\ ar , a l11 ( 11 ' c h i l dr~f1 , from t Tr phi .: hr ugh ' '11 m d ra ns, th e britfic fr nt b The ' Nali l1 al Rifle A ciatio n, The ' War Dt:pa 'r tm nt, th e Navy D partm ent, and tl)e have Depa rtmen t Tr a ur, "War form d in ea h tate afety Comm ittee ' t Tr ph, vigor ou camp aign a nduct co to advise vetera ns ab ut th ir and tr phi xpl i v - typ to , their souve nir f irearm a si t th t!m in re CYi tering tho r 'yi trati n fir arm . requir in tat laws and ral un i er Fede th thei' wi and to a_ ist them, consent, to draw th f;tng of th e rna t ian a- rou -. afety' War Troph y Th comis Ohio for ittee Comm posed a follow s: Col. Geor 'e E, Y oung, C. A. C., Unit Instru ctor, O . R. C,,;Mr , Paul B. Mason , Chief , Techn ical L1lformation Branc h, O. R. D.,; Lieut. (j. g. ) Ralph H. Moo re, , Inspe ction Navy Mater ial ; Mr, _John 'R. ~ang, Repre entati v e, Natio n al Rifle' Assoc iation ; anci Mr. Wm. R. Unkle , Inv e tigato r in Charge, Alcoh Ol rax Unit, Intern al Revenue Service, ' The President on July 25, 1947 , heart ily appro ved thi ' ,c ampa ign in the f ollow i ng words: "It has been broug ht to my attent ion that he War, Navy , and Treas ury Depa rmen t and , the Natio nal Rifle AssiCiation joined in a , camp aign of I have instru ction to preve nt the loss of life and destru ction of p ro'perty resulting ' from the possession of explo sive-t ype. war souvenirs. One need ' but scan r u; d

all -t


thi :year , 'For , se v raj re staura nt ha b en the fa vnrik st pping Ilac fo r m any pel pic w 0 de ire -' 11 'I LISl y I r ll<rrt>TI dinn~r - anj .:h( rt rj er ', - 'rv'i amid pJe'l" ant SLlITOUlHi iIW" hy a -taff of c()mpet ' nt wa ikr ' ' !Il 'er e: > , I t is III ' and waitr -aml! ' thi u yc t Ve !ri aim to eXnnall li i tr;ld -er 'i 'e, on pected here, I hal.l en avor to I e full y equip pe j at all, tim e to s rve you chi ken and ' teak di nner -, prepa red in ' th : tra iiti n:)1 mann er, and featur e in additi 111 to this, sh rt orders, fame u Tellin g's eaLte -I; ice cre~m~ ' and a wide electi0l1 of p pillar brand s of 3.2 % beer. I shall appre iate the u ual coope ratio n of aU m y I a tr t1 in helpin g m e maintai n the decency and re pect that has alway s been held for thi s place by so many people. Cordi ally yo ur" Perry O sb rn

ee that uch a th e pap r ' t badl ne ieci : li )'r;1I1l pro afety

graph -:life bv Jane fite

M r , I ~ LL -ell \n H ':, I ay tun, f wi e u f th e Re, erelll , hid In ' ,\vith go li \\ isl1e - tu 'all Ih ~ir V\ aynesv ille 'friend in'lud in g hal11Mr. and Mr. J O-l:i1il ba u 'h f 4th ' tr et.

*** ,

: wee t int-elli gc; nt and charIn ii1g are a ijectiv e t 1 ,lies ril1' Mi s Mary Ann 13 1I r l O ll . Audre y' and H wa nt' dau.o·h ' ter.

I are 2 The Miam i Gaze tk 3 3 No. o ' Wa nc vi ll ,Ohi ~4 7 1 , I '\ Thur ' day, S~p teJ11h er IN CASE OF FIRE DIAL 2222

BEGI NNIN G SEPT. 2,194 7 WE ARE PAYING AGENTS , FOR GOVERNMENT TERM INAL LEAVE BONDS Th e B nd are it dit ct 'oblia-ati on of the Fe eral Gov mm nt' and it is not nece sary t o ca .. h th em at this time. If po sib le- w urge you to .-h old them , r r in vestment.

prima rily' on of ed u 'ati n, It i ' r b(Yret*** tal 1" tlla t a te p f th i - kind Thi s oTd wo rld i a nie pl ac~ was not taken after pa -t wars. to liv,e in but it w ulli be ,nicer Tlli ' ne\l'!ect ha cost u th llif v.e ryone wer m ore l\ke Lou and (f liv sand ' milli on - of and M arlin . L1mmer -. Th y ha ve , do ll ars, alw'!y s be n hi h on my honor vernm nt a enci s "Th roll. and ann -pI' fit ,sport men'. or 'aniza ti n· ha ve band d to:. It e m ~ til Olen and w men t tru ,. rvice, pUbli a in gether are really havll1g th eir "uP' an i the public will hear th m-an d down s" with th ese l1,e w leng-th " heed .. " fashions. nli ting Th e comm ittee i the aid of all loca l law enfor cement a e ncies ;wd will eek the Am uros . and ' Mrs. Mr. coope ration of firear m ', exper ts BILL LEE, Wayn e Park ana and gun miths to adv ise on the Sulliv an of Dayto n and Mr. Wayn eaviI le, Ohio Vi it our, hop durin g thl~ on safe handl ing of rifle, 11 t gun , Mrs. H arold Strou d of L bem Sesq uicen tenn i al spent Sunday eveni ng wi th Mr. pi tols and r v Ivers. Veter ans and their famili es arid Mrs. W . E. Strou d. who 'ha ve ,gun s, shel ls, grenades, land' mines, m orta r mach ine explo sives, heels, .' guns, or any othe' type of ex- ' by " urged are ir ouve"n e plosiv HIe co mmitt ee to take imme dL --------~-----~---------~---------------------, ate steps to cont'act the committee at 339 Post Office Build ing, Cinci nnati "- , Ohio, or ask their local police for advise.

"The ' pr gram i










From Perry Osbo rn, Dear Warre n Coun tains: , So many of you will recall me from the days I opera ted a baker y m '--- t~ba:non for-:-fifteen years., I thoug h t you would be interested to know that I have acquired a lease from Mr. and , Mrs. Wend ell Grah am upon their restau rant at the juncti on of state Routes 48 and 73, pre,vious ly owhe d by Lou and Marli n Summers.



PHONE 1000 ·

Th e Quick Cleaners ' are ' cialists in ' dry cleaning. T ' ey , usc the most mode rn system , which restores new life to 'all garments. The dry clean ing system used by The Quick Cl e~ ner s -not only cleans but restores and bright ens in the most satisfactory manner. , The very lat-e~t mach inery installed in their plant. makes it possible for them to handl e , the finest and most , delicate fabrics and turn them out like new. One fecrture that recomm ~ nd's the servic~ espe¢ially , is their mode rn me~hod


preserve' the wool fabric and prolo ng - the life of the garme nt. They are experts in the clean ing of rugs and carpets, A speci ality is made of c1eani,ng womeI1's , garments.. is rance Your personal appea of ,vital impor tance " both in business and socia llv. At this estab lishm ent pre s ~s i n g and shaping of garm ent is corre ctly " . done. n't efficie For prom pt and on clean ing service call Leban ' , 1000 or take your ttfing~ to 25 South Br~adway in Lebanon.

ADVA NCE ORD ER FOR .sESQ UI.CE NrEN NIAL COPI ES PublicatiQD to be read, about October 1, 1941

The Sesqui-Centermial Comm ittee: Please reserve copies of the Seiqu LCen tennia l Editio n as per the follow ing: , Name St. Address

, City Numb er of copif li wante d

-- Rural Rt. State at 2Sc per copy -:- "

MAll ORD ERS: Add 5c per copy to cover maili~g costs • . ~ddress all orders to P. O. BOX E, 'WAYNESVI(.I .E, OHIO


See ' 'y our dea ler' s display

of the new CERTIFIED LAMPS Brtghtc:o up your home with the beauti ful n~ enll, ," u.mps designed to give you the best possible liahu . '_ for c:ofDfortable seeini and for the chanD of decor adv. efl~ ~ your deal~·.' cUsplay you will bnd lovely 'new lamp designs in the right sizes, colon and conto w'l . ' j " to tt8DSfoDD 'yoW' rooms witJl new beauty. " , I or ,spottY g, Cnlifi ell L""p , do away with glarin Ineffid~t lipt. They are "~iped to furnis h ~ ripe J amoUDt and quality of light ,for comfortable reaclina. lewin g. school studt or o~er eye work ••• with " beaUty. 10' rigid SpedbcatioDS assure you of the e1ectrb1safety, mechanical dunbi Uty and lighting performance ' " of every "C",ifi-tl """"p." , Whent you look at lamps. watch for the tal shown here. It ldend fia pnuin e C.,.,i/Utl LIItIJ/ls, made by 100 leacliog lamp maken.






Page 3 Wayn • viII Thtifs da I

fir.c picnic at the home of. Mr '. Rhod Bunn lJ and famil, 'Gt'rtr upe . 'alt in Da Yln l1, of Rt, 1 \\ er, Sunda ' ev nin ~')' SUllia y eveni ng. gues.t of Momi nia an I Nel1ie The quart e!l v' co mll1un io n Bunn 'II. . ervice ' wa _ h ~': r d at L ,t! The ~ pt J1,1ber me et in 0 f Churc h unda. in harRe the W oman '. 0 iet \' , f L y t1,~ f Ill. a ·tor, Rev, .1 0 ph M 'er " Chur h, whi h met W dne' ay Mr. and Mr . Ha rve I Burn t aftern . n at th e home of Mrs . and Mr, , . H. Burn ' t ';Ltt nd '\ ' Dona ld .Bair j n , til G 'bhar t The annul I ricn ic of the a ousi n's picnic , dinn r ~ un. .Road, pr v d aver enjo. able Warre n Coun t. M th odi t Men' s day at th h 1m Jf Mr. an M r . affair . After the bu in ~ - L: ion Broth erho d held at Morro w ' H arl Harve y in Lehan o n. the I' gram wa in th form M,etho di t church, unda after~ M dam e: ' Nett' mr ick.l of sch. 01, with Mr. Harol d 13 . J one , Halph Hamm e,nL! ' a~ Hami lton a teacher, The noon, Sept. 7 wa attended h com .. about one hundr ed per on', HG ne W~ th The Wind ' at ,mittee in char-ge wa : M ~s, Cleo Low es in Day ton Tue day. . memb er ' of th . variou Gray, Mrs. Mae Wink ·an I Mr. and Mr.. Roy mith an i Mrs. Minni e Foulk s. Gu > t at churc he in th di ·trict and childr en are vacat i onin g f or a the meeti ng were: Mr . CharI their famili es. A ha ket picni :' 'c" upl of week ' at the m okey was enjoy ed at 4 o'cloc k and Morga n and two childr en ait ·after thi an addre ~ wa - giv n Moun tains Dayto n, Mrs. Mary Cath rine . Mr, Mari Short of Leban n Furra y of Bellb rook' and Mr" by, br. Jame Th rna. , of uth Side Metho di t Chur h · who and Mr. John W. ho rt f Love. Margi e Mae Watki ns. spoke on the th me of land were' marri ed ' l y 'J u, tice o f • M e t~odi t l axn s in the pro- the Peace, Walte r K n rif' k at JIlotlOn of the educati n of hi ' hom.e in LytL, atm. ay childr en in the r.' Jlgiou tea h'- aftern oon. _ er6o l",a. e6 Mi Alme iha , te inke, in ings. He a ume j that the futur ' M , mpan y i th . Mr. . Edna r. and Mrs. N ah Newm an ' of the count r and the w rh. anvey , Mr, \ Vi ll iam Ganv e" and family pent la t week in is now in he IHind f th child . ; ~d Mr. arah w ~er of N w K ntuck y vi iting wit h . Mr" . reno Th ir can pt f a r ....1'~· · ( I'> 1 el :moll , visit d frien i in Lima Newm~n' uncle and aunt, Mr. found ati n will ~I) a; ~(,' W dn.esday. . and Mr . J. W. Wad - at Beatty~, m te the pea' th at tt l' · :·.-~I Miss ' Franc i Whita ker is ville, Ky. They al s now s fr.ui tk ,; I \- ::','l!" h fr. r . vi it , attend ing 'a tate 4. H Club many point of 'nterest throu Tho se rr ill); c r ina tt ;1 ! gh. ance wer· Mr an 1 Mr ' . I( C. meeti ng in Colum bu thi we .k" out· the state, ,Mr. and Mr . Verno n Pur ley Mr. and Mr. 'l:·C. MUI"r:l Y Moler and Jam rl m' r, I r. ami, s n, with th latt r' ~ of near ChicaR have ill!' -h,l s d and Mr. A. . av, \r.' and paren t, Mr. and Mr. A. D. th L.V. B'ran hat!) !' pr r'rty Mr . H. UIlCyl ' h " Mrs. ", I). 'mith . pent un :lay with Mr. an will aird, n ma ke t11 -ir 11 11 111 v. ani ' Mr. H. H. C l eman, Mr. Clint )n jark. 'In i Mr . J hn Br w nin at Mt. h re, ' r. Murra y \\ as forme rl. ' rt1 m, Ind. a nativ f Cin innatl an i Mrs. an d Mr. an j . M r -. W a jt, Mrs. Harol d teinke was Mu rray of ' pring t or . Whita reo hall ' red at a ' birthd ay party Mr. and ' Mrs. on aId M Thurs day eveni ng at her home Hawk 1 I Mr. and Mr, ST. JOHN RECEIVES Ha;Ti " "Ech PIa .' ~ penin g of ifts -Mo -h r and daugh ter, Vii' 'ini:1 MASTER OF ARTS and servin g f r fre hmen ts Lee, were unday dinne r ~L1e 'ts to fri nd ' from Dayto n, Van- of Mr. and Mrs. Fred , C. dalia and L tie follow d an n· Hart - k of Milfor d. j able socia l ven'in g. Mr. Frank ' L. Tayl r of Mr. and Mr .. Ralph Barg' r tamfb rd, Conn , i thi we k and childr en, Barba ra and guest of Mr. and Mr. Harri Rand all, mov ed ta t w ek :to ' Mosh er and dau ht r, Vir 'inia Wa -hingt on C. H., wh re Mr. Lee and Mr. an 1 Mr. Rona ld Barge r has taken over his M. Hawk e. fathe r's contr acting and build~ Mr. and Mrs. Georg-e ' Bunn ell ing bu ine ' s. They are living and famil y of t. B rnard were with 1h forme r paren ts for a Wayn e vill vi itor 0 11 atur· few week until their new hom . ..' da. . there is comp let d.- We ar~ sorry Mr. a·nd Mr . J hn Bogan of. to I~ave the Barge rs leave 'ur Leban on vi ited Mr;a nd Mr . comI? unity-. - -= Charles Bog'an in Wellm ai1 1 0., ATTE ND WED DING MI sAnn a L. Hoak 'after a Sunday. AT SPRI NGFI ELD d~lightful va'Cation in New York Mr. and Mr. . A, Ora yo T he g-ue t If ·t from Wayn e ~ . City has r~turned to her work from New York Cit motor e:i ville for the Snyd~r.Fromin at Dr, Youh gs Clinic , Leban on. home. to I e with her. paren t. W liLii ng at th Fir t Luthe ran Ch urch in . pringfi~ld on atur· da, 'aft rnoon ,iIlClud e,d Mr. an j tVI'. J hn Fr mm, Mr. J. C. Hawk e, ' Mr. and Mrs. C. Lee SPECIAL ATfE NTIO N TO OUT -OF- TOW N TRIP S Hawk e, Mr. and M'r .· D n NEW S~VICE IN MORROW PHON E 26R2 H:.wke, Mr. and Mr , M. F. l ( i y, A 'safe, ;-aependable and pas enger and in hiring only Mr.-. deE. F. Earnh art and Mr. La Mar e c p nom i c a I . tran porta tion pendable drive r. '.' . Earnh art. . comp any is one of the gr at . Th~"e drive r, at th · il) . n.ece siHes of cO'm merci al life sistance C?f Mr.' Philli p, ar~ today ., Brevi ty is the .,ul of under string ent rd~r in reg ar i . business today , and . rapi 1 trans· to speed and drivin g i urin,' l. ad porta tion YO.lIr mind w6ath er. To , the e driver s are Mr. Harol d Hami lton , of need not be on the intri adcs in'structed to ex ercis th ':tme Kansas City ~pent several days of mode rn drivin g i impor tant care· in bandl ing pa seng:er L ction . .. last week with his aunt, Mrs. . in itS- transa is the rule in han jl'ng ' t'h~ . taxi Much mone y i expended in safely. They . offer the best. . '. Dona ld Baird and f.amily of Leban on by th ~ D & G Taxi service . at the most rea onu111 Gebh art Rood. Servic e, under -th man ag'ement rates. .'M r. and Mrs. Harve y Burne t . of Willia m Phil1i'p , in tile p·u r. attend ed the Discussio.n Group Call Leban I'l 580 or M orro w Wedn esday even ing-' at the ' chase of ad quat , m I iern 2 D ~~ 2 when in need of safe., home of Mr. and Mrs. Mac autom obiles for the ervicesp edy tran potta tion. Why not · in the 'upke ep f 'thc -' taxIL.a l ~, make U$e of this service the Wilso n near Wayn esvill e. in the k tpi ng ' u r' a ~: e\, uaic next time you are "in Leban on . Mr. and Mrs. Henry Sayl or r or Morro w. and childr en, ' Mr. Willia m insurance which ( :': ~ r'· Creig hton' . and Rev. Joseph Myers attended the Broth erhood meeti ng at ·.Ma o'n, Sun~ ' day. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Acker . ma.n and child~en of Vanda lia, ' . Mrs. W. G. Haines, Mrs. Norm a Pounds and SOil and Mr. "and Mrs. Alva Scott of Dayto n were Sunday aftern oon 'and eveni ng guests of Mr. and Mrs. Walte r Kenri ck. ' PHO NE, . Mr. and Mrs. Harol d Steink e LEBANON, OHIO and Ja-rnes attended a -cam p \


Brotherhood J!icnit Well Attended '




I n°t

Mr. and Mr. : G'or 'e ' Pdcr on er Lahor Dn . Little Fr. nKie Grul r i.' 'ver .i ll with rhcum ati fever. . Mr. ani Mrs. H(wa r:i T inia!l and B bt ie f Mi i i (o wn w ' f' unday ' ev ning aU r of Charl e Maur i an j "'if. Mr, ani M r . L nAIf d of Rc utc 1, ati nd j h Amer i an Le gion C My ntil n I in Y ork Cit. re entl . Th . aLo v i ited in 0 t rait, jrlvin , throu gh Cana 1a, t J e j at Niag-ara Fall -. The r ' turn d home throu gh Vir inia. Mi Geral jin Wh it f Akro n' pent the week elld with her aunt, Dr. Mary L. C k. . Mr, and Mr . Th oma Hardi n have had the er great plea ur' of l1a ving with th "m f I' evera l day their daugh t r, Mr . Jam McCo rmi k and littl '. ~ n Th o m a~ Le, f a t n. Littl Thom as .Lee i their 'fir t gran ichild and thi was hi fir -t vi -it to hem. Mr. and Mrs. Corw in A I' , Mr. and Mr. Ev rett Marla ft j daugh t r Mr. and ' Mr. Kent Ary all of Wayn e ville, Mr. and Mrs. WiIfr d Arya n i 1a ughte r of Miam i h re - aUended tb . A~' y pi ~ ni at V ~ r aill , 0\


young bird in Ohio, if the irds w ig-h 18 pound or le..s. He·a vier id s are J.2 cen ts a pound Jivewei o'ht. Gj' .. de U hir L- will · h e n I -. a pound Ie . J

12 Here om Autr i n 13 a two-g un blazin g fury t . right th badm an' r n s.

SADD LE . PALS Gene Autry , Lynn Roberts, Sterling Hollo way.

. tarrin <r Ala:

Carto on;

14 A m ighty e]'

of ' mer~ '15 i a' t ugh ~ t t own, f those Ja\\ Ie s da v when fr \lUer V\ yomin g r' ared.



T he

Andy Clyde ; Anim al hort.

Ta!k ! n ~

Hump hrey

Barba ra Stanwyck Smith.

r Cart

Adde d: Col

Boga rt,

all j







We endeav r to keep our s r ic c mplet e and a~ propr iat

., .'


mod 1'11, .

.STUBBS Fu ner al ao me TELU HON E 2291



tt 'Be~'

D • G , ~axi "Service



I" the fiel d"


M ;r,~lmum yield- both quan~ity and uality ·wise- is what makes success ·


that during . the past 20' Y,e ara more and more of these succea lful fannen are ' using BiG 'M -Brand Fertiliz era. "Beat in 'the ,field" i. our way of saying that you can't use a finer fertiliz er for all field cl'~p' than freeflowing BIG M-alw aYi 'mailUfactured up to standa rds, never doW"J . to price. Beat buy BIG M·I


-Lytle neW6

Orde, no.. lrom "our dMl., lor laI'. '




C A .S H

fO R US~D Any ma ke or mo de l


Fre d Ka hn Mo tor Ca r Co.


' Iiizer Compa Th• . MI am IFer.t ny



TIle Miami Fertilize r ComPIIDY II _ inde. pendent Miami Valley concern under direct operatio n of ita own.era.




"4-W & Y FAR • . INS URA NCE " .

in the Ohio F~en will give ·you b~ prorectioo apins t yoar farm. It CO\'el'a your bulldi np, your chattels, your automo bll.i and your liability for accidents to othen. ·Why Dot see \II today Yoa _ _ .rout , . ufe wbcD JOU're iaaured ia abe 'OhJo Parme nr , 00




'Karl D. Dakin ''Insurance Agency -'pho

~ ,


ne 153, 20 E. Mulb erry, LEBANON,



... _0 . . .




Gazett' P'lge 4 Piano Duet "Da Dream", , hin No. 4'3.3 3 Dnroth and Mi riam WiLL 11 tpte mll er 1 1, 1l)47 Recitati on " \\ hat lint "", un lhy m ming ' ept. 1--1 til anct r'l imp. 11 at 9 : ' ' c\ ' k /.h Mellw i i:1 family, Mr. <,ln d MT. Ell )'ene l · r ().~Ta m "'<1 llll11itl L: : Chur h wi n have a ~ e 'ial l3( . an an j family a ll f art I Bunn 1\ ~ C -ervic . I'r ,f. Vade Mill 'r, \ a 'ill! viI , Mr. ani Mr. arl Chark n ' Edenfield u( t. f the ch oo l ()f Mil il ~­ Baner and famil of Fayette. D 'I' th Wil -o ll town, will ' pe ak 11' the lh el1h:. ville ' upri ed Mr. and Mr, TllO ' t! r 'ceivin~ ~ pecial "The Fell w hi~ uf Th n" Wh ' hon 1" thi ' ear 'wer' : Ann Charle ' B an of W ellm an n h n r , 'ue t - of tl1 evenin . Care, " I oge r , M did dre- - at ~ t 'ltc: lheir -ll t W edd ing Al1n~ver ·ty . Mr -. Ralph Ha-tin o-' \ a in P ' ia l MU 'ic Fair; Judy " nner, V on til : ,cha.rg of th very entertainin y "0 My ul Bles ' Til u County Health' C nl st; Eileen program a f 11 w ' : V cal J. h vah." ,SSISTANT ' ASSUMES Br wn, Re'pr ntativ for Cluil 0 10, Mi ss Jan H art 0 ' k; Vocal Duet, Mr. : be r t ' Con )'rC$ ; Jennie L. ' t: I3r:l id( k DUTIES AT McCLURE Acrobatic Dance, M i M uily n Chapman, Mrs. ,G il bert Fry . and France Whita re w n th e FUNERAL HOME Burske; Mid ' t Dance Numl er , The church will partici at in C unt Oem 11 tra ti 111 C ntest. Mr. and Mrs. Earl uigley ·Mrs. A. T. Polin ky and M r . th e 11: 3 ervice at th r ark We \.vant t th ank everyo n 1 year old, daugllt r have and Al va Th mp n ; Reading, M rs. als . mov d fr m Davt n, O. t the who ha s help ed in any way t In, Ralph H 'l ting ; Marimba The children of ur I ca l make th'i yea r - work a u ce ' apartm nt on tile . co nd floor Mi - Betty Campbell; Im'pers n. Church cho I wi ll meet at th e ' f th e MLClure Funera l Home. ati n f Al J 1- n by Robert Church, aturLi-ay pr mptly , at and specially th e parents f r s eing that til O'irl comp lete i Mr. Quigley is the a 'i tant of Hastings; ' Miss Naomi Earnhart 2 o'clock and a way wiII be th ir work. ' Mr. Jam es E. M Clur ' in the and Mrs. GI nn Bland w- re provided for th em to go in the .' op' rati )n f th~ Funeral H. Ill ~. accompanists f r th e vari ous parade. All come . ' He assumed hI S 'new dutl e as numbers. COUPLE HONORED :ON of Augu ' t 2~. ' This program received :l 41ST ANNIVERSITY ' Mr. ui gl ey wa ' form'rly great appl ause after which CHEERFUL CIRCLE with the Unite1 tate- Marines Mr. and Mrs Robert Wil on everyone wa invit ,d to the MEETS SATURDAY Mr. ' a nd Mrs. L. V. and family f Dayton, Mr. and in the late war and served thr c dining ro m wh re umn1er B-ranstrator entertained' th Mrs. Denver Bogan and son, y ar a an a,mbulance driver. flowers were beautrfully arranged and salad, sandw iches and Cheerful 'Circle, Saturday even· Mr. and Mrs. D arrell Bogan and Mis Ruth Burnett, nur e at iced tea were served with M rs. ing ot their ,home in Wilmin g- son of Clark ville, Mr. and Mr . D on Hadley as chairman of the ton. T he g-u ts were Mr. and Walter Friend and fa mily, Mr. Miami Va'lley Hospital, is home c mmittee which er'ved so Mrs. J. B." Rich, Mr. ' and Mr . and M rs. F.loyd Lynch and on vacation. many in uch an efficient Ernest Butterw orth, Mr. and , Mrs. Morris Co-rn,ell of Dayton, manner. Mr. and Mrs. Glenn Borden, Different towns represented Mr. and Mrs. Harry Smith and w ere Tippecanoe, Lovel and, Mr. and Mrs. S. S. Ellis. Blanche ter, Maso n, West A.lexandria, MO,rrow, X·eni a, Har. WE ARE IN veysburg, inking pri ngs, WAYNE SO.SIDN 4-H. CONSTANT ATIENDANCE Peebles, Lebanon. New Burling- CLUB ACHIEVEMENT DAY ' ton, Wilmington,- Lync hburg, PROGRAM at our funeral home. With Sabina, Bethany, Bethel and 4-H Club Pledge, Club , Devotion, Barbara Hartsock Spring Valley. living apartm ents In conl1ection~ Mi ss Naomii Earhart, daugh- 4-H ' Club Motto, Colors; Creed, aU calls are answered at the Eileen Brown ter of Mr. and Mrs. Harold ' B. door or by phone, immed iately Earnhart, has ,entered the Miami Song "Dreaming'" N ational 4.'H and at any hour of the day or So~g for girls,.' Chorus Jacobs Business College for the night. I ' two y ears exec4'f,i ye secretarial Address" Mr. Ross Recitation ,"As a Man Thinketh, course. of study. DoilOa Hadley Mr. and Mrs. S. S. Ellis, Mr. 0011", Recitation ' ''Mary's and Mrs. Harry Smith, Mr. and Winnie stout ' rs. Piano Solo "Rustle of Strings", ,Ernest Butterworth, Mr. and Frances. Waifacre IWrs. ." • Rich d Mr. and M • Gle n Borden were Satur- Reading CIA Country Girl';:, Creed", Doris Charlton . day eve ing guests of Mr. and WAYN ESVI,lLE. OH 10 ' , Mrs. L. V. Branstrator in Wit Recitation, Naomi Burton Song, Chorus ' mington. ' Style Revue Mr. and Mrs. Jim Prendergast Demonstration uHow tG make were guests ', of Mr. ' and Mrs. a bed", Jennie Lee Braddock, Jesse Prendergast during the Frances Whita,cre past week. ' Recitation U M' y Mot her's Mrs. A. H. ' Earnhart, Mrs. E. T r a vel i n g Bag,n, Rhoda , F. Earnhart with Mrs. Karl Babb Bunnell and son, Mr. Dean Babb enjoy- Vocal Soio "When Your 'Hair ed lunch at ' the Co'lleg.e of Has Turned to Silver" , Columbus on ' rhursday. Charlene Edenfield 'Mr. 'and Mrs. Milton Hartsock ReCitation, Lorene Salisbury of Baltimore Maryland are Piano Duet" Jennie Lee and Wilhelmina Braddock spending a few days with their Recitation "Entertaining Big parents, Mr. and Mrs, R. H. Sister's Beau.", Patty Brown Hartsock and Mr. and Mrs. , 'R!llph J ~hns, I;Jefore .. resumin g Vocal Soja "All Through The Night'~, Doris Brown their ~t-udies at , University of Address, Miss Bay , Cincinnati. Piano Solo "Valse Bleue" t Janet Michener ' , , , Mr. and Mrs. Fromm are exRecitation '''Can You", Marilyn pecting to be at home with the Gons grooms parents upon their return from a honeymoon in the Recitation "If I Kn ew You", Joan La 'Rue ','Smokies. "

Methodist ChUf,ch Notice '



"Friendship ,Night" Has Large Attendance Miallli Chap,t r 1 7 ,E~ S. met in r'egular ' it n ( n Mon. ' day eveni ng, and "Fri n -i hip Ni o'ht" \\'<l - h ~ erv d with an attendanc f a ut 1 Q'uests and memh' L, Mrs. Olive H'lin , Grand Organi st f Blanch ter ; Mr. William ' Kn wlton, G ra nd Martha of Norwood; Mr. William 0, n ~, Grand entinal of Bethel, Mrs. Ethel Wyl, Grand R pre entative fr om ,B ethan y; Mrs. Lillian h rwood, Grand Representativ ' from Lebaryon; Mr. Wilma Y oemans, Grand Rep resentati ve from L a v e l a 11 d; Mr'. Bernic e Johnso n, Deputy Grand Matron from a ina ; and everal di tingui'shed ,Masons .werthe







.4JU AMERi..H' 'Msn~u'~ , '. ,


MONDAY . SEPTEMBER 15 -- F••turlnl-20 Big ' C~CUI J\cb 2~ The 01 eat LaVelda's Troupe. The Zallee Troupe. Novelty Entertainers. Miss Freda Johnson ' Queen of the Air. The Great Paul and Earls Champion Clown Jugglers " Miss Sadie Lee and Her ,Trained Midg~t Horses Monkey s, Ponies anet Dogs The ' Great Prof. "opp and Many other Cuxiosities. Novelty Acts ,and Thos8 Funn~ Clowns. ,



Pedormau;ace. Twice Daily 2 and 8 P. M.

8ii Free 'Act at' 1 :30 ~d 7 :30 A ,Musical Concert on the Calliope Before Each Performance

At popular pr,icea 30c ad 60c las IDcluded. A CirCUI that JOY mUlt Dot miss.

Show Grounds at WAYNE--2.ARK




• • D U R H 'A M'

SHERWOOD Refrigeration ·Sales =====:=::a&.,=

and Service '==

(Table and' 4 chairs)








ON ' ALL ~ .OF ' EQUIPMENT Representative for


Phone 332 M



Waynesville · F amiture " Appliance Co~ South Main Street acrou from Granae HaD '

Telephoae 2422 " KMI·TONE








.' 1 he Miami Gal.ctk hio Nil, ~)))

5 c ~' ville,

Thur 'da , SC I temiler " " I l) , ~ 7

METHODIST CHURCH R. B. Coleman. Minister Sunday 'S h l)'I ' 9 :30 a.m. J . ,J , Gur -k e, Supt. 10':3 0 'a.m. W .r.;:hipS rvjce :y uth F "ll \\', hip , ' Th,ur. iay., 7 :30 pm .

MT. HOLLY METHODIST T. M. Scarff. Mi~ister C;un dav Seho I ' <;l:30 a.m E. A. Earnh 'ut, Supt. , W or ship Servi e 10 :30 a.m. Evening Service 7 :30 p.m.

ST. MARY'S EPISCOPAL Samuel N. Keys, Minister 8 :00 a. m ., Ante-C mrfluni n 10 :30 a. m" M rnin )' Prayer and Se rmon

UTICA E. U. B. CHURCH Rev. A. J. Furstenberger Sur'lday Seh o I 9 :30 a.m. M'rs. J am e Garri so n, Supt. Preaching-. 1 t and 3 id Sundays each month 10:3 a.m.



first Day Schoo l 9 :30 a.m. M ee ting for W o rship 10:30 a~m.



Father Krumholtz, Priest Mass 8 :00 ,a. m. and 1 :00 a. in.

- of C~RIST FERRY ' CHURCH Ralph E. Stinlon, Minister Bible School 9 :30 a.m. Morning Worship 1 d :30 a.m. Morning: "Making Up My Mind About The Task." Youth Meeting 7 :30 p.m. Adult Prayer Meeting 7 :30 p.m. Evening ,- Evangelistic Service 8:15 p.m. Evening: "Ashamed of Jesus." A friendly ~hurch with a G.QSpel Message ""




WA\ 'NESVlUE CHURCH OF .CHRIST Robert L. VanZile, Minister Bible School ' , 9 :30 a.m. Communion Sermon . Evening Servh:e

10 :30 ' a.m. t t :00 a.m. 8 :00 p.m.

·5~/Jool NEWS



- -\) ll owin ll' a t r'Y of., the tll f'r ,: It do k, \\ ith : hip t o'ew Pl eli.n'e nf All gianc c to - aTI th-e p' rt- of th c w rid, Th~re th ' Flag wl1' ~ h it ll . chool child· ' \\'ns the gr'at pa .- en ~ er I at r~' 11 <I I' \ b ~ in,t!. requi' d tn men1O til > u en M:lry and h( ~t. t , ri e. Thi w a':-:J.l I rnveli 11 t i e ou th Am ri a', ' and ~w > ;en C17tl1 CIl: I ra l , l' Jl1hl y '( hin ',lIld 'LII ( ver the wu rid Ferr at it , 'regu lar ... e ' inn,' I nts to New J I'"e :lll~i I. n ~ I land and then all of a : u jd 11 tll 'r> I \Va. at til f err f r the tntue f Lihert . The-re wa a parkin g jla th ere with a man j,u -t c , m in ut, I w~n t in A FARM DIARY and park d my ar an j t ( k I by the ferry out t til tatu,l f Lil i-ty at I t: han 1. I didn't D. J. Fraizer get ff th e b ' at, as it ma i my feet hurt to loo k at all tll o e Marb l 11 , ai, Ma s, ept. 2, tep ' but it gave me a fine view 194 7. Labor Day i over and of New Y rk fam u sk y line, vacation tim e i at an end. La t From th ere I drove on and n night the cat ru hed I y al l past th e old 'Batt ry whi h i " ni ght fill ed with hom ward bein g torn d Wll, pa t the hound v aca ti oni Is. Th i III rn- Fulton treet Fi h market, pa st , ing even the weath ~ r ay s vaca- the end of Wall tr et and ti n i o ver. Yesterday bright M aiden Lane, under the end f sun shin is Ka ne and til f g i - Broo klyn Brid ge, on pa 't hun d· rolling in from ,the oce an . Th ~ red s- of huge apartments hou e papas have gone back t o work and t enements, to the feat Triand the m amas are bu y g ttin g Borough Bridge, up over it to the children ready for sch ool t o see wha t it was lik e, Th ere I begin. kirt mu t , be let d wn had to. make a qui k decision and waists let ' out , and new which w ay to go a I w nt to clothes bought for th ose wh o the Bronx. On and n I rode gre w too fast to f it la t pring': up one street and d \Vn an oth r clothes. The car is oiled and getting into " all sorts of places greased and the uitcases will be " I had heard of but had never packed for the homewa rd t rip. seen. H arlem where th e faces Just four weeks ago Mrs. of the crowd on the sidewalk Merri ck , M r, Ralph Parks' were all shades from black to mother, and 'I pulled ' out of yellow. Down Park A·v enu, Waynesvill e heade,d east. It was past all the fashionable hotels , a more or less un v,entful across and restaurants that yo u re ad Ohio, a piece of W e t Virginia about in sto ries, Sherry's and and a piece of Pennsylvania to D elmonicos with their uniform the entrance to the great Penn- ed doormen. The Ritz and The sylvania Turnpike. An over _ Plaza Central Park where they night stop , then 'the turnpike, still have open carri ages drawn Harrisburg, Allentown and a by horses for those ' who wish long ' stretch of New , Jersey a leisurely ride. At last I came suburbs of 'New York to the ' to the parking garage which I George Washington ' Bridge and had planned to find ,earlier in then the parkway to Mt. Vernon the day but now it was t1me t o where Mrs. Merrick's brother' go , back to Mt. ' Vernon, bu.t I and sisters live. After a night ,in had seen New York, at least thc ,that hospitabl e home I started outside o f more of it than I had , o.ut to ex'p lore New York. Don' t ' ever seen before. ever hesitate to drive through Now 'l must go and paGk-a-RdNew York if you can drivc' perhaps tomo rrow 1 can again through Cincinnati or even ,go into New York find the pa~k­ Dayton, · you can make it ing garages and go window through ~ew-"",Y ark. The plan shopping and see the insides of was to drive down. the Hendrick Hudson Highway to fifty- some of the great buildings and seventh , street then to find a .stores. then , home again. Vacaparking garage and go shopping tion is over. -----but after looking at the map I decided to try something else. Mrs. R. M. Moler called on I passed fifty- seventh street and , Mrs.. Girdon Bacon, Friday went on and. on till I came past evening. ,~

';J),." Ridge



...on ...

Th e Gil I . '( uts he l i th :> ir

TI W ,'II F' 't , fir ~t In tinK : ince la 't f all on le , a ne \1 e Ulnl u e W . dn . da ' el t. 3 at the Hi "'" , I. A pIJullCt ( d ill pa n ~' ar ClI1-_ _~1 ' , ,.." , h' k I 1 ,c.~'l f n 1I1lCJl1 . \ 1 \\" fl a t t1 y Th e\' re~civ d the ir Girl ha v r c lei \V rd of th t -, ' 'nT f I' t f t t. ' f e u ~ iI1 , ft , tar f( r () Il ' y' ar 'I I I~ S ll pmen ,a ' (C~ 0 memb 'r hip ' tl troc.' p· ere -t th well k~ \~~ Art ' t r~t Wall (th' r dl ir'j ) an i the troop 11nu'm l er one. . ' I ~per. Tl~I ' hlPI11 Ilt Will tall1 a vaned num l er f pa tt rn" ' Tl ' t 111 ,t'lng' ,I ' ~ t f or ' th t ,-I ' " 1 nex 111, newe u' ,I 'n and lJ1 ;l W dn .;: in ' ~ ep t ,\ at 3" 00 'wld rang f PrJ C '. ' . . ," 'I' h'I I's a neW JI1l1lVa ' : t'I 11 t'or 111 th e HIgh . ' h oo l .YIll , J Y ,c J3ea l 'Way nesvil1. and c mmunit t have a loc al t ck of wall Ne \ " Relorter papers n hand -0 that a I '_ t,i n and purcha -e can be m ade qui kl y and ' onvenient ly with_ out th e usua.l waiti ng p ri d f r the order to be shipped . The initial order arriving in a few days will be only a small part of the total stoc k to ev ntually b carried by thi concern. at $2.50 pel' Their plan inclu9 a full rang", ton of patterns 'suitable f r any O ff The C;'rr;er room. The' public, is invited to Roxa nna Canning Co. inspect this , line of fin 'w illL Corwin Plant papers. Convenient storage racks - - -'- are being in ~talled at th uth Main street store room f r th e ,J efficient handling of the st ck. Display easles will be on hand, for' the showing of th e various patterns .of wallpap er ca rried in stock. Of course, patterns not in HOURS' •• stock can be upp l' e I witl ill .1 " few days nqtice. 9-12 esc h morning ~,


rer Sale



1-5 afternoons except · Wednesday


7-9 Saturday evening


Other e,v eninga by




$10.00 $1'2.00 '


$3.00 cwt.

Dr. C. E. Wilkin'~


Optometric Eye Specialist




Fann-Bureau Co-Operative Assn.

"'_a_ a_a



Ace.....ln. t. SI. . . Condition

26 South Detroit Str~et




~ -~--~----~~H-~~~ Ch.r,H











Blacktop Driveway,s Road Oil and Tar Applied Resurfacing and Driveway Recoating ' FREE


26 Oi!·A!!· !!!l!~! 221-L _...-.. _.._D_ ....





_ ..... ~.....~ ..... ...-.~•


, '~I ' pled'ge allegiance to the MANAGED BY RALP;H E . .GUCKIJ\N flag of the United States ' of of America, and to the republic The Mi·ami Gazett~, cover- farUller spends on his Jjve§tock for ' whiCh -it stands; one nation 'ing as it does, a rural and semi- only supplem~nts the proper indivisible, . with liberty an.d rural district, wishes to bdng to feeds which are indispensible to justice for all. I shalt uphold the attention of its readers one operations. In' all lawful civil authority, honor firm in Lebanon' which has this connection, we wholeand , obey my parents' and 'served this district long and heartedly rec ommend , The teachers, and respect the dignity ' well, The Farm Bureau Co- Farm, Bureau Feeds which are of. every person. I promise to o,perativ~ Associatiot:l. They are 'ground and mixed with just one , keep my life morally cleaI:t and <;iistributors 'of Feeds, Fertilizer, purpose, the economical and ' Fendllig, , Oils and prbfitable f~eding of livestock, to live honorably so that 1 Seeds, Farmer~ and their families may merit the respect of my Greases, Roofing and Paint; Throughout OhiQ Itlore than .own ana' operate these Am~ri- I fellowmen and the approval of God, the Suprelpe Judge of my hundred . thousand farm ' can . business en t e r p r i s'e s , condud. " ' families work ' ' together in ' a Throughout Mie sta~e 'are huridpattern of friendly and pur - reds of farm-owned coopera' The total enrollment at the pbseful cooperation. The &ev~ral lives; They mean teamwor·k and ' GJlQde Building Monday of hundred far m cooperat~ve ncighbolly cooperation among ,the second ?reek was 329. ' enterprisei 1:lav~-by increaiing, farmers. They mean greater , Plani are being made ff!){' an farm purchasing ' power-h~lp- p,*hasing power to farmers extwbit at the Warren County' ed fanners , . becom~ the most and rural community alike. And important customers in the they mean a m"Ore effici~nt and Fair tbis year. , rural community. Cooperatives pro9perous agriculture to ,the Weare serv!ng jin average are helping ' to build a sound nation. of 261 ch'i1drell per 'day at the and prosperous American ecThe Farm Buteau Coopera. grade building. Mrs. Robert ono'my. tive at Lebanon is our repre' Chapman is the dietician. Mrs. This ~ommuni'" prides it- sentative of this vast nationWinifred Hartsock and Mrs self on the livestock and poultry wid.etwork~independent yet Bill McKeever ar{" the cooks. raised by its farmers. However" b.ound in friendly alliance for 6mches are 20c-per day, the care and effort whkh every - the good of alt. ,

Girl Scout News

,4 Safe Rule I

To Follow Here~s a suggesti on tha:t will m ake yoU;" car 'Iast longer, rid e smoother, and rUl1 mo re e f fie i e n t.J ':I ' Have your ca r greased and the oil 'changed at'least once every, thousand miles , or every thirty days ' whichever cGme's

.S ·r A ·r , o ·N,' ,... , . first.

And to hav:e the job done as it should bring Y0ur car here. ,Our eqUipment and " Know-How" is your assura·nce tb at- t h work be ' Gone accordhlgly ti> factCfY sp ecificatlO n~. Rel1lember . . . it costs flO more h' get products that are the best and work that you can, Pel~ on. ' " ,





t r () ll ~r h


f r om Page 1)

V ~ r~d

I y , w o den platf )rl11 in whi 'h · lw l.e · hav been ClIt ei ~' a ,t e:tt fn r the i (' il d . : ' Inlier ih i ' eat wa te r :1 rr aw ~t ru n in the tr u ~ h t he r fu ~ , At t'i m e thi. '" tem f ai l t o work . The trl ugh fi ll up, eyen to run nin ,o- ov er n the fl or, down the jer . I adinR t 9 th e toilet roo m. and in t o th e ! a m ent, one (ira in in th locat ed in the ho' r . r nm . T he. e toil et a ~e 1(1 ated ju t a few eet fro m t l e ba m ent dinin g . room where chi l:1 ren c o n tI m e their n o o n . ti m~ . lun che , T o cl ea n t is ro m it i n e c e ~ s ar y to wa ~ h th e f l or down with h.O e and weep t he water th r ugh the basem .nt hall w ay to th e 1 lIle orne ba e_ m en t drai n in the bniJ r roo m , Fl o r in the l a em ent, t Oilets and din ing room we r,~ w et, ~jpp e ry an d sm d ly. La rge ' crack w ere evidenced in t he wa ll s and ceilin gs. of th e ro om. P ssibil it y of fallin . pJa. ter wa om in t ance ind icat ed in where th e pl ast er it self sh owe d jn-n of 'b re ak ing aw ay f rom th e l ath. O ne per on vh o had acces to th attic tat d . the el e tri w irin g- th ere w a :l tangl e of potent i al f ire hazards, O ut ide t he buil j in wa f und ant w ater f uni , n t \vo rk in g-, In ·t l1 e' N v' m il r el cti n the mm unity w ill citiz n, )f this l e called up n t v t 'on a bon d i u f or the bun:tin of a nc.w ~' r .l e ',ch( o J', T he utcom of t ha t e til n \, '11 ddermi!'1 w h e ~ h t' r it hall I ,I vail able, r, if the futLlre g ne ration' i t still be wubje , te:1 to llch def hou . grad,i n g' circum ta n , in g 'lS th Y Ii w, endure. It i inc n ,ei ab le ho w any sane m in I i 1 er n oul d v t , t h er ' ( n ~ 1I h an is ue·. An y t y '

I f toil L had · an out ide chil d ? Mr. ivc to k I'l l' ed'r, ntran ce and .we r well v nt L h ow much do yo u in vest t ) p rOlated th ey co ul d tl1 n hav ' t ect yo ur va lu ahl e a t imaL ? d or . in. ta Ile d at l h in -j i Are yo ur hil ir n o r ulI r ent ran e ~ hich W luld d ) n; uch n e i ~h ho r ' hil ct r n wo rt h' an, l ' th at p: r----l~;:, ? Th i i one ::a - \vh~r ' t alevia te t h m eatc the r -t f th hui ld ing. aet i 'n w ill spea k mu h loude r Lightin g vo lumn ul d be au g. . th an word. Pe rh ap n one H m ' nted b ' tli ' i n t all ati n of no e pecial (1' r . up ca.n h additi I)a l ~ light in g f ix ture ' in blam ed f or th e e.x i tin g co ndi. , t he e ilin , Wha t L the price ti on at our grad· ' 11 0 I. Tim e w e h ul d pa f r th c af t has brought abuut .m;.t'n of th e f olin I t h rc: It i and health of our chil dren? If situ ati o n . the se neGes ary repair ' to th ' pos ible th at a littl e . cl er ' school . bui ld in were to t a ch eck n gen.era l m aint nan t hou and, t w o th ou an 1, fiv e coul d ha ve av oided ma'n y f th e th ousand, is t h at t oo m u h to co nditi on, H owev er, thi . is' pay f o r th e life qf ev n 'one . w at er ov·er t he da m and n


ag ' ()

am ount o f f in din g th ~ : po t t . I n , LH n pIa e an hh m \\ ill h of an y r 1 I ! 1. 4 7 av aiIi n g eHi 11 g: th e i () b. i I ' Il e ) f radica t ing th rrorL. 'I'll" \\' 0 1' . ahea I i one a ti In an ,l \ ! ak h '(l UI' \1 ~ w p ;t~ ' I' for L1t: im me ,i 'l le a ' tiol1, P ' l r (' nt ', ve l I m nt · ea h \\' e 'k ill th e f utur , l ub_, gr up, itizl:l1, it. '1 i'l! f or all of us. n ' f ihe qu ic k c t -I r fi h , Will au help ? ,t , o ar )\\' n fac t c nc. rnin (y thi ' a , Dra w 'fr m f arm im) J'C) ' m ' I I b C: 111 nclu i( n then act r ' obta ine I I , aprl i ll .~ lim e y our ow n acco rdingl y , Conta t · y o 11 r and f, rti lizer on . hi " I :t turl" h 0 1 board, C Ollia t yo ur In 'a l f i r.e chi f, C I1fa t y - u heal th thi h ll o r hefo,:e g ra ~ g ru t il ta rt ne t p ri ng, allth ritie . Let' ge t th e ha ll ,ro ll ing an I g. t om e degree f safety in t allecl at n ce in our HALLMARK TYPEWRITER RIB ~ bons now in stock , '1'ne Gazette. 10 al grade 'h I buildin g.



Warren County ·L EB:A.N0 N·, OHIO .


SEPTEMBER · I6, I7, 1:8, I9 Four Bi$ Days

- Four Big Nights





Greate_t Attraction

&000 I'N PREM '" IU"M'S'

ciregard (I ultin the m il ' j ~tSf-€ltl+ r,er f an y ~e ei'a s'H-Vn' - 1 - : - -- ,~.", in·g-tfH.s-A-1-i1 can ' . . , ' . b di pel led h, visiting th e , s h I btl ild in g, Th ey \0\ ill w elTHE GREATEST DISPLAY OF FARM AND HOME APPLIANCES IN THE HISTORY OF- THE' FAIR im e y ur vi 'it tl. er , As um in o' 'th e a t e' v-. ill arr y th e b nd PRIZES GIVEN AWAY EACH NIGHT issue thi f all, what ' th en 'a re w e t d( 1 b ut tI e pre ent situation in t he n t two or thre uperintend nt f 'r ed, , W, Bi halTUESDAY TuEsDAY ' y-\"~u ' it t ak e t g.d the bui tdi n ' . an ci L I tewart . c m l ete I ? . A re child ren at thi . 1 N ew Auto Tire Whart n Mot or TU~DA"i, SEPTEMBER 16, i 947 fa ce dan ger buil d in g still t 1 0 Tick~t , T own Hall - Law & Blai r , 9 :3 0 ' A ~ M. ~ ... Judgin g in 'variou () ept. 1 :30 .p. M ........... ~ ..... Harness Racin n ' daily in th e f orm. of fir e h azarq , Purse Herb's PI~c e , " Was11in g Machine , 2 :26 CIa . Pace .................... . $400 .0 . (ln d 11 aith condition? Can 1 team Iro n - ' Hawley' s AppIJ ance. 7 :00 P. M .............. : ...... Band Concert 2 :2 6 Cia s Trot .: ...... ~....... . ... 400,0 ( '. n oth i n ,~ t ·e ct ne' to ,correct th e $5.0 0 - 'Better Cleaners, J im Brown g :00 P. M ... ... Ward Beam I THrill h w . conditi .n · n IW exi stin g at this 12 Bottle H og ' Tonic McG etchin" 9 :30 P, M ................ : ............ Drawing WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 1'7, 1947 ,Id ,t';raci e b lilcii ng ? Shall it 5 Silver D ollars -. - McHenry General , Two. y ea r. 0 I d-T rot .S t ak ~.-y..--I6.--?t---I-":"--::' continu ~ t ' . . asan am ( Est) until S0me ' met ; r catastroph e WEDNESDAY , Trophy ·given by Hufford In urane 0, decend upo n us and bl'ci ts, our . WEDNESDAY . 8 00 .00 memory with a ~ tain th at cann ot 9 :3 0 A , M ..... Judging in vari ou Dept. , , 2: 18 Clas Pace ............. ....... 400 .00 be eradicated? Or, shflll w e as 1 New Auto Tire - Sam · Smith & Son, 9 :30 I A •. M ......... . . Judging of Baby Beef 2: 18 Class Trot ............ :......... Citizens of thi co mmunity , as . Auto Glas and Repair , 1 :30 ' P. M ................. Harness. Racing parent of the boys a,ld gi rl THURSDAY, . SEPTEMBER' 18, ·1941 Gross Servic·e Store, .Pre sto Cooker that are f orced t o attend s,hool . 7 :00 P. M .... ~ ................ Band Concert Two. year .,old-Pace Stake, '0. C. Inc. under ' uch conditi ons, ,demand 8 :00 P. M .. ~ .. Ward Beams" thri'll Show. Harold Sharp, (Est) 5 Si·l ver Dollars that s ' m e ·teps be 'taken at - 9:30 P. M., ........ : .. : ........ : ........ Drawing Pleasant Plain Trophy given by Lebanon Citi zen once t o af eg-uard again t any 10 Gal. Paint -' W. W. Shurts, So. National Bank ........... ,........ . 8 0 0 .00 possibility of h arm to them? Lebllnon rhree- Year . Old . Trot Stake" O. C. S. Just as a sugge tion, why can 't THURSDAY Electric I ron Shutts EI ~ ctric ApplL , ( Est) the ' op en ' tairways be cl osed ance Shop, So. Lebanon .' Tro ph ~ by Herb's Place, Lebanon, . with swin lYin g doors a~ the 10:00 A. M ................. Batid Conc~rt Thompson Hardware, ' E'l ectric Fan , ,800'. 00 entranc es so th at in 'case of fire . Ma~on j :0 0 P.· ·M ................. Harness Racing 2:,4 . Class Pace-Race sponsored by these . potential . flues Will 'be King's Grill, Lep~non, 0..... 500.00 7.:U () P. M .... .................. Band Concert 'Stopped, af I,east long enough THURSDAY '8':00 P. M ...... ~ ...... White Horse Troupe ' for th e childr en to escap e ? Why FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 19, 1947 9 :3 0 p. M . ................... : ... ....... Drawing can't additi onal water f ounts be .Thre e~,year .Old 'Pace Steak, . O. C. ' j . New Auto Tire Leban on Motor t'\ ttached to the already ·ex i tin g . (Est) . Inn w. at er suppl y pip:e and . drain t o Trophy Given by King' s .Grill FRIDAY 1 Table L ~ mp W. O. Hay Furnit':lre Irive adequate waterin g facilitie' 800.00 .D xter Wa hing Machine - King' to the ·children? Why can't an · . 2 :22. Class Trot ................. 400.00 , Grill 9 :30 A. 'M ..... Parade & Band Concert ut ide entrance be cut into. the 2 :22 CIa sPace ................ 400 .00 Ch on Yu Nail Set - ,W right & Deck ' J' 1 ': 00 P. ,M ......... Auction of Baby Beefs :,a em enf dinin g room, aha ·into 10 Silver Dollars . BrQadway -Grill . 1:30 IP. M ..:............... Harness Racing Mail entries , to CORW.IN NIXON, ~he basement toilets? The din ~ G. E. Dehydrator - Goodhousekeep~ .8:00 P. M ....... White Horse Troupe Secretary, ' Leban on, Ohio. D. W. ing room out side entrance, or 9 :30 P. M ................ .............. Drawing . BISHOP, Superintendent of Speed. ing Shop exit .would aff(}rd a fir e e cape :md a deli very entrance . . The toilet outside entrances wourd A NEW PLYMOtToFH WJU. BE GIVEN AWAY FRIDAY NIGKF also afford a fire escape and ( I. rance from the' playground.

I)aily Pr¢>graJ.11





Program "of Races



J /

dinne r: Mr. O. ~r. Aatt ln, .J\" t. were gue ~ ts ter daugh 1 an all Ell Mahei Merri tt R hert, Mi The Miam i Ga ze tt ~ Pagg 7 tt Becke n B .' Mr anti Mr. f Wil on f t )uth Charl c_t 11 , )., hi n N() , 4 3 ~ ') day aftern o n. Wayn s.v[lIe , oan J Mi hter, dau and and Mrs: Ge org ,\\, ~l . ( I Pfc: Ellgel'l Clark , son f '1hUj' da j , _ ~ pt e! 1 1, H ·... 7 uri ,- I' nt the , Mr. liv " g, • , Mr, t, 11 I nd.. Mr . G ertr i i t! M r. Ray Clark , ll a returned to 8 kett, ll'n fa y e ' nin r lati v ." ill P ndl with ek w lll': rl: ~ \'h a, r K m r D n t n' f Th ma s of Ri chm nnd ,. I mi. , ~ r. ' . , ;abina nth m nine wa tati on d f r eth' F UrJ1'ls MJ' , Ell a (In k . FIRE PREV ENTI ON -·NEEK , Mr. , Ge ' rianna I in " I ' ft with th U. ,A rmy, He will Hoak, Mr, Paul join ail ing n, .th nati <,)n t nin,g t ' p ' nd a Mrs. Anna da R . 0 Furn a Mr. g t hi h n ntble di ' ha rge in a oncer t j eff rt t preve nt 'fNwedne on, with her' - :la l1 ~ h er, T omlin da n. soo f Wa 'n , ill , fire, Pre ident Trum an ha proHauen t in in Cin Innati. f Mr, Gilbe rt W I 'h f D tr ii c1aimei:i th \ ek I ginnin g M r will Mr. - I a J'I'e 11 R tl~ \V 11 jin g of d w th 'n:l aU he' ~' "l :I 1 the 1 1 . 0 is n s "ea relati ll oftbn wh vi it i f ri, 11 :t and Colum l u alle 'j n hi ~ f rt n 1 er 5 as Fire Preventi 'n h r grand -dau h t r, M rJ. ri play-n f i ' her over the W l' k il j has re- Octob R'~)_ ar o Lin d wiih ' til n n' and M ;tm e B rc w, Mi s Week . ' in, nst Haue l ~ a l pll we k. nex t comin ~, turned home a amI ani :i by In bi ' ~ 1' 0 lamation, th e l izal e!h on last W edn ' j a_ ev ~ n in, Misse s Ruth an d ' f t he h,i mc ther, Mrs. Oba Welc h. Ed enfiel i , m anag-er President said': "I earne tt y r a 1 11 way A ciati( n Wayn e , , Athl tic Mr. and Mr . Ray Clark hay ~ quest eve ry citizen t( elim'i 1at~ Cha'ndl 1', Dr. Emm Gov nun nt r n in "lP-an ' (! ri F nt Clark ,Ali Mr and \ I ilr v,~ z ri ,trip I n ati that va ann unces return d fr m a a' t S. , w I :c1! , for 19 47 will all possible cau s~ f r d "truc- day in Da t on. paid to the wint,le.r of th e pIa - to Michi O'an an i Wi c nsin. ether or n t i w ace ine pl .. 'rm tive fir III hi h me and Emm a Holl oway . return - may dd Dr. off with $25 a n r 't pri ze, $ 15 Mr, an i Mrs. Charl e - G ord n a v:lI lah C to, f busine ," , That pl ea g e da ' fr m attend- such pr tecti n \(rill" hin. 'I', p Wedn on ed Ft. at ,end week a , second and '$1 0 as third. the pent ears, In _ th e hearl f fire preventi n. Th e ing Indian a Yearl y Meeti n g at in futur Team s will ,hold lira \vin g and Laramie Lake. iu I e ill b > ffered in t . \~ o h ce: w, n uran in izatio man y organ Pendl eton, Ind, and vLitin 'r n an games will b ' played Rev. and Mrs. Oti Rich ha ~c n f or - rn an:l oing ti aeh , ,tr " r i fi it is to fi ght at other point: ,in count elimin ation he ule. m oved into th e ree ntly , con- a magn ificen t ' j b, and their relatives .counti ' ", fo r 17 tobacco and in ' a. I'ndian open the of won nage Inn parso arm_ Peers ed struct Last week effort s have been brought to 'a m return d wh,eat. The percentage of Willia Olive Miss e th i he h whi of h Wed Bible Churc from Harve y burg 6 t 3 peak of intensity thi year. But Thursday ,fr om a vi it toO el's in eli ibl e territ ry who ,bu nesday evenin'g. Thursoay ev ~ n­ pa tor. they canno t do much witho ut relatives in Pendl t n, lnd , and polici es, the rate of 1 ~ , and m Gillia t Erne n Mrs. and and score Mr. e th took rain ing other factor wiil affect future public support. The nation can- (ndiana pol is. City York New' k of we this family of g and nce. ' enin preev M nday not provid e a!l army of fi (/~ annual m edjng of plans f r crop insura The r dinne ng eveni y from 0 ,Frida to were Ford took a , n experts t o in pect every yearl y Meeting Board Meml er n a fo fkit an i guests of Mr. and Mrs. Charl e ' home and business buiJdin . Fairle y's for the FriendS H om met he r re iv d a 9 t ) Doste r and daugh ters. Roxanna al carr ct dang er, and " e that Wednesday an th e f ()ll() win :" Miss Evaly n 'Ill ker wa th fro~ Harve y buPJ' by th e am they stay corrected, All ' the persons were 0 u r Q'uest at her of st gu e rd hou FI end t t 0 1 week na route , Roxan authorities can do j to tell u Mr. ter, si and' law tuaiiy a er-ine broth , 8 to 4 in the only gam how to preve nt fire-a nd after Park an \,1 that it i up to the indivi dual. and Mrs. J arne played , during the evening. vestment can prod,uce better , daughters of Cincin nati. fire that s doubt If anyone returns. the ed GAN assum , I\1cCARREN-BO preve ntio,n , ha ALL STAR S WIN CED OUN ency condiANN emerg E an of RIAG e MAR statur On Frida y the All ~" tars 'wlm Anno uncem ent i being made tion, he need only look at the ,from Dayto n 14 to 4. This was age of Mi's statistics. Durin g the first ix their last game of the seas.o,ll. of the recent marri Mr. Robert month s of 1947 alone, fire They , will enter the tourn amen t, Edyth e Bogan to c th e bride and losses in the Unite d states SPIN ACH, . , at Sabina next week in cClmpete- McCarren. , Both of total ering stagg the ysed Harve reach ed attend . ~ Tip-T oe , N~. 2 tion with other team s of t~l i ~;' bride groom ~ were w ell $369 ,276, ooO- and ' that doe and l Schoo High burg distric t. know,n in this comm unity. Mr . not include the majo r portio n McCarren is the daughter of of the Texas City disaster. Loss BEETS, Dot inr HOW THEY STAND simila a shown has ' th~ life of and n, BOKa iCe, Berne Mrs. 2 " can 2 f , 18 6 750 bride groom the son of Mr. and C'rease. 'I n most homes a very Roxanna 708 17 7 small expenditure of time .and Peers Mrs. Frank McCa rren. (i 7 1 1 17 < ;:). will , elimin ate the y and mone Ford APPL E SAUC E Mr. Rus ell K;ssel Sr. 541 in_ 1 ,no 1 nd 13 d.S-~ hazar Fairle y son of Cinci nnati and Mr. Dane commo~ Tipto e N . - ." Or QlJAt,.".. 6 19 240 Harve ysbur g , ~ 20 162 4 Miller s "AL(}J:oL'O r:':J f:c ~ 2 EY KIDN ~ ETAO IN McCUR~EY -

auto ra,ce held in D a ton,


J,. ien j" · fio me


Prizes N'amed ,For ' Softball Play'off,



/:~ ,aT77TfTTTJ.~ 3. ', . r~r .' ' B~ FI 13 ::J. . .r. a " r..



C/D~'Illila r:, ~ . 5 . .




Mr. and Mrs. Harry Shawe and Mr. and Mrs. Lee Collin s of Cente rville were Saturday evening guests at the home of Mr. and' Mrs. H,o ward Collin s. A Home craft Demo nstra tion , sponsered by the local W. C. T. U. was held Frida y aftern oon at ' the Grang e H~II. . r Tucke S. Mr. and Mrs. Harry of were we'ek end house guests' fri~nds in Ameli a, where they attended all' annual get-to gether.

~~~IM~ur~~~s. ~CaiLBrown

For years J. I. Case imple ments have been recognized leaders in farm , equipment, 'their trade mark has stood for qualit y mach inery -and this equip ment has always, given satisfaction. This line is ably repr~sented by The McCu rley Imple ment Co~ at 306 N. Broad way in Lebanon. They supply a large territo ry and have come to be know n io this and adjacent counties as the fQr:emost in their line and by reason of their satisf actory service are. , rapid ly expanding and justly merit their increasing ' 'patronage. ate adequ , this By reaSOn of farm of - dependabie stock

iss Esther Prath er were arid Frida y , , eye'n ing , callers , in LelJ.anon. Mr. and Mrs. W.T . Green ' were callers in Wilm ingto n, ' Satur day aftern oon. l annua her with ng keepi In , Carr S. Lilli,an Mrs. custo m, 'gave a dinne r TuesdaY ,noon at her cou'n try hom~, in hono r of the entire Harv,eysburg school , faculi ty .of which she is , a . memb er. Mrs. George Waterhouse and her neice, ' Miss Mary Ann Burto n, were guests of Mrs; Louise Fite and dawghier, Miss , Jane Fite, Saturday aftern oon; ' Mr and Mrs. Paul Welc h of Lebanon and Columbus, announce the ; birth ,of a, son. The pater nal grandparents are Mr. and Mrs. Thom as Welch of , , Harveysburg. and r Mrs. Mabel Bache daughter,., Miss Vivia~ Bacher, hi! ve returned to their home ia Akron after being house guests of Mrs. Bachers' brotb er-in- Iaw and sister, ~r. and Mrs. Herbe rt Doste r. M'a yor Carl Brow n and Mr. Herbe rt Doste r attended the

OPEN 7 :30 until 5 :30 THURSDAY MON pAY , TUES DAY



afterm~on ,

UP an nA t 'EM Fo r a Go od

~ ~

~ ::;

f r




Rousing , Brea'k~a~t 23c 1 o~

GRA PE FRUI T JUIC E, Dot unsweetened, '4 6oz. tall can No. 2 can " -' , , TOM ATO Jt)IC E, Dot 46 oz. tall can No.2 can - 2 for

25.z 25·:;

17,e Nabisco 12 oz. packag SHRE DDE D WHE AT, DoT COFF EE, 1 lb. vacuum tin 49c; 1 lb. I.apel bag 47 :: 4S :> t lb. paper bag IP TOE COFF EE, I


45.c ' '1 lb. paper bag , 3 lb. paper bag $~' .09 \' '





(: z ,

~ --------------~~~------------- ~ --~~------~ " c FREsH

CH ,40 FathomBACOPER N,


\I , Best Qual ity H, . 73\.:

FR02 ;EN BOIL ING BEEF , lb. 45c;

4 for 47c WILS ON, Ev'aporated Milk, Tall cans 37c 2 % lb. package S\VANSD,O WN Cake Flour 17c 8 oz. package FLAKo. Pie Crull -

until furthe r notice.

SATURDAY, Open until 5»:00 p. m.

MONDAYS & SATURDA~ we will dress Chickens. We are prepared to s~ll BEEF at WHO LESA LE PRIC ES by ' qua~ter or side for LOCK ER BOXES. ,. Please do not bring PROD UCE FOR FREE ZING ,AFT ER

, ,




, WED NESD AY · until i2 O'cIOc", closed , in



machine ylh-e farme rs-for -mife-s. around ,ar.e attracted to Lebanon and the m'oney goes into circula:" tion throu gh the' local , medium .. Secondly, the farmers, know ing a base of supplies is near at: , hand, wilt d a more intensivt: line of farmi ng, which win inqea se' the 'products marke ted here. The manager is thoro ughly 'posted on ' farm " ma_chinery'S various uses and is never too ,busy to de~onstrate or. expla in in detail any new piece of machinery. In this review we , wish to commend this ffrm 'for their honorable husiness methods.

Waynesville Locker Plant,


SAV INcs , , '



,4:30 P. M.

We kllVe a numb er ~f CHO ICE BOXES available , yet, that we would like to have taken. RENT WILL STAR T WHE N







ere,amy Smooth,



ch,oice p~ckage

' 3 lb. jar

'2 5 ,



VEGETABLES~ Borde n's Ice Cr~"m

Stewart's ,- Dot

,Food Store

South MaiD Stree t



T'h . i '1:m i ,.azeH P:}gL: R and " Emma BUl'chw 11 0.67 acre Eil cn Hensley vs. Fra nk Up 011 in , Deerfield twp. · ~' H ' Il~ 'viII, hi N. 4. ~n 1 :00 ' Jr., c,':e dj mi d at 0 t of def Ildant, bond relea ed" Pap'ie P ark ]' C nnOl'S to .Law- :rl1Lir 1:1) , Septemher I 1, I ~~ 7 , p. m. l' n Tuft 2 lot in Lov lan d ' all y National Bank, Pho nix \ . At ;tk ha v n.Farm" I L 'mil ~ Park~ A l'IZ na v . Rani on Lan. sal Juan it a GI nil 10 acl' s in Washouth f Rout 7].'" m Yan k . . . of prop r y order d. . la1 gal·t>t 81)(\ C' ]l!llJ 1 H,'e~ Du t ch r ington twp. t., 1.! mil e' u1l1\ ' ,t f t o RaynlOn(1 TUJ'n l' 0 ill . MaVil'~inia Vand rbrink v ~ il. Alf and Huldah Eesley to LetCentervill . 50 hea \ R ~i l re i, sop . . liam Vand l~bl'ink, et all hearing ch r and Rachael Law 49 .10 acre • ClASSIFIED AD BATB$ • • ' p )tte P Ian I hina B ur and : ~e t fo r Sept. 12 at 10. i 25 -words or less. one t1me. •••••• 2I5c Gilts. Sho,rt I . g d; thi k, ea ~ Hub r t and I o. WI' n to l'Iardin Washington .twp . " Each add1~al word ..•• : •••••• • 10 ing Bolling 0.26 acre' i~ Hamiltandard Bldg and Loan 0, Virgil R bbins e a1. , by he'r iff RPECJAL RATES by CONTRACT fe d r the t p that "1' w fast. vs ' Nilkanth Chavre et aI., ca e ,\tOll tWll. . to Finley a nd Tincie Hall 175.54 For free sale Calal , vi it, di~ed without prejudic or cost J es, e 811d 1111.1 Heizer t o Ro be rt in Deerfield ' twp, write r all R bert Lut , of defendant. Loan I--' and E the!' Howe lot in L banon J. Erne t Kite to harl 'and l1io. Ph 11 Miamis UfO', Hazel Cassidy vs. Chalmer,;: FEDER AL LAND BAl'lK LOANS: rt and R ba Tu.r n l' t Ea rl B Lida Thomp on 2 lots in Lebanon, Cent rvill -79 60. -9~ " , a idy cause di mis ' ed without and Ola Gilbert 0.20 aC1'e in South Por Reflnanctrg - R.ebuUding Albert E rt I to 'harle Calvert FOR ALE 0 xte r Ele tri c record. Bu"1nll 4 ~ Farm loana with long Lebanon. 5 lots in Fosters Park. , Wa her. J. 'H. ackett. Ph dne . Ruth Hormel vs. Frank Hormel tlme to pay. Pay part or all any Dw. i ght and Thelma Keller to harles alvert to Earnes-t and time .. 2274. -91J cause dismisseu wtttlOUlt recor'd, William and Josephine Dupu y, 0 ~6 Lena Lohrey 10 lots in Fosters LEBANON NAT'II FARM · LOAN , In the matter ' of the apPl'ooriaPark. ' acres in Lebanon . ' . ASS·N·, Ems H. Sturm, ' BedyFARM EQUIPMENT tion of the ea ement for highAlf and Hulah Eesle~ to Miley Treas. Lebanon, Ohio, Phone 448 Charl ~s Cook to Berlin and ' Ona way purposes over lands of Helen and Helen Powell 100 ael'es in tc FO~S~ Rea ~rewel' 1 acre in Tl'utlecreek E. Sellers et aI, settled at cost Wa hington twp, twp. BEAT THE HIGH CO T F Real Estate For SaleThe hades A. Maish 00 to St Frank Miller PAINTING We pow r of Dlrector of Highway of th ' State of Ohio. Paul's Evangelical Luthel'n Church lot in Lebanon. pray paint ur farm b~ild, TF YOU HAVE A PROPERTY OR of Franklin lot in Franklin. Samuel and Martha ' Vail to In the matte}' of the appropriain s with tA m t m d rn PARM TO SELL 0811 or Write William and Dorothy Tate to . tion of the easement for highMabtie and ArthU'I' Fritsch 0.79 equipment u inghi h St . Oon Henderson. Tel. KE3446. 617 Robert and Donna Flagel' I.ot in way purposes over lands of acres in Twenty-Mile Stanel. . grade p~int and oil .. F r .LI>1'81n Ave .. Dayton. <?b10. ttc D'e erfield t:wP. Georgetta Stubbs, etc", settled at Lester and Elizabeth Haas to free.estirpate ca ll, Tel phon" Elsie Lewis to Je . e and Ina . George H nry ~nd Elizabeth Zencost . of Director of Highways of 2441 REAL · ESTATE FAIRLEY HWOE. H eizer 1.80 acre in Clearcreek twp. State of Ohio. gel 26 acre in Clearcreek twp. STORES, Wayne ville, hio. Kathryn Brer.nE'l' to MaritI' Essie Harper to Reed and Gu DON'T FORGET TO CALL Gladys Ward vs RogIe r. Ward, -'911c Mar hall 1.Q5 acre in HamiltoT' Hazelwood 15.64 acres in Tursi . divorce, to plaintiff children to U~ for Insurance. An types of FOR SALE-1946 Elear Ho. ~ e twp. . tI creek twp. plaintiff, defendant to pay plain. Insurance a1 a savings. Cal.I , Trailer, 3 Rooms, Practically George and May Archiable to AlbeIt and Nina Moon to Fred tiff sum of $15 per wl~ek. Francis 'Gene Sr wn, phone New, $2200; save $500 .. Frank Atzel 135.62 acre in Deel'and Estella Addis lo t in Lebanon. ~f a Ine _ville 2°35 , or call Herbert Yeazel vs. Nancy Y.eafield twp. Walter D(lnald '}n, H "V' " • S ephen a nd Nona Lowe to 7. ·1, a minor divorce ,to pla'n tif!, collect. Vl ilmington ,2'111. George and Mildred Wil'i 8m~ "', George' a nd I\~ ary Low 50 40 acres ~urg, Ohio. - 911 l:.,i ntiff to pay defen 'ant um of Hubert ' and Donna Sams 0. 1 ., va hington y,rp FOR SAL E '- Five Room, $5. per week fOl UPP (~T of 1\ nor a~res in TUTtI 'creel< twu Edna Hami lton t Minerva N \-_ -r . ~"' LEG IJt.r Basem nt, Bath, Hot antI : L _ _ r.. _ child. Nancy B. F 'ed to M Roo ",,, . '1 '.•lor ,I, ;) at in Hac've s burg. Cold Water, 'on Third Street.. . Seal d l"'i l S " 'ill be re 'cived Horn lot in Lp h'1""o'1 . MARRIAGE LICE NSES . L t .5 x 150 , Mary Whita- by tl~e, Cr un _i. of th~ Vi11~ge Ralph and ";r "" u nrie 01"" - ",1 Arthur :A. Beeson', !~6) ~orrow, more. ee Mike Whitamore. of 'A '! '" tate of Ohio. Kahn 1 aCl'e in Cle?fcre k hV!1 Norma M. Alli son, ~~1, Morrow, -3918 . at th - Council ,Chamber until Fred Kahn to John H.uf~ ord 10 personnel clerk. -----~---12 0'cl0ck noon Sept. 12, 1947, ' in Lebanon. Fred Osborne, Jr. , 21, Midland, Household Good" -for furni hing one (1) '1 % Ton Fred Kahn to Arthur Young, Sr. plater, ,Alverna Mazine Crisp, 18, acres in Clearcreek twp. S tandard Dumn Short whe·el FOR ALE - . , ining Ro om Lebanon, racker. William and Della Hufford tfl , Qase; dump 'bed, hydraulic T able and'. j x Chairs, Walnut .. Arthull Hopkins, ' 50, Oregonia, Warren Co. Farm Bureau CoFinish ; 3 Urh o lst~r,ed Livin g hoist, helper prings, · 7,,50x2 0plumber, . :Arthusa Mc~Carley, 44, Operative association Inc., 0.64 Ro m Chajrs. Route ' 73, 8 ply tire duel, rear, wheels. shoeworker. acres in Turtlecrf!ek twp. Each bid mu t contain ' the Third House from 48 T ward Walter Smart, 25, Dayton tool- . lIarTY. Mount to George and ' NORRIS BROCK COMPANY Wa nesville. Any time after futl name ,of every per on . r maker, .Ruth Stubbs, 29, Lebanon, Ralph Mount 1.9() aC.res in FrankCincinnati UnioLl Stocl< Yards Live Wire and proore slv!!. ",n clerk. 5. :00 p. ttl. Elmer Scott, C mpa ny inte're ted in arne. . .Iin tW]>o oraan ization second to none. Robert Castleman 26, ~banon, The right is re erv ed to reWaj ne vil le, Ohio. :- ' 9-11 Amos. and Setta Fairchild to Strictlv sel!er:; on th.\' cest all around market In the driver, Anita Marie Stewart, 17, ject any and all bid. James and Perlina Sizemore 10 country. . F R SALE - C al Range, Oregonia, stenographer. , Bv 'rder of th·e · COlin il of acres in Ma!'ide 'tw.!>. SERVICE THAT SATISFIEil WlT10 na~rton 12: an 'E. , T. Good Conditi'on. Call 2724. Ohio. Thomas Srmpson, 31, MorrQW, H:.:a::r.::, ol;.;d~G;..:.. . . . :L:;(,:,.w :. :. ;et~or::R~ :.-: o:-::b.::. el~t--=.:.a.nd :. :...:..._~D~I~ a ~J>'"13....,O~O..... 'VL~_ in d nn ', tl 3-918 machinist, Corrinne Russell, 27, . Earl Conner. HelEm , 1 e lot m Ma on. 1::4 0, 11i ' l 700. f I: ur W,. t1\' Charles James, Clerk Mal'ke.t R bort. Morrow, waitress. Clarence Bow!!lan to ~ ames and -9-11 , ArthU!' Bridgewater 43, ":i'ranklin ~,....:...--=-=-_ w ~NTED- MISC.: labor~r, Opal BradshaVi', 35, FrankWANTED-Vlork On Farm, NOTICE OF APPOINTMENT . lin. TELEPHONES Bv W ek ('Ir , hares. Lester WAYNESVILLE 2091 Notice is here,by ,given that Ernes~ Howard, '20, Lebanon yi mker Rt. 3 Wayne ville, Ida M. Wical Whose Po t' Office pres's operator, PhylUs Dill" 18, MORROW No.3 Ohi I . -391 t address is Waynesville, Ohio Lebanon, press operator. LEBANON Office 4'3K .. SAND and .GRA VEL RES. 1291. Merwin E. Scofield '32, ~ason J R. R ::! has been duly appoint d FOR SALEshipping clerk, MaJW1 Spradlin, '25, _. . .... as Executrix of the Estate of BLACK· TOP DRIVES R AI'. --' Three Thousand Peter R. Wical late of Warren ' Mason, waitress. TAR and ROAD OIL Gerald Ray' Oox, 19, German"t'l', ac'o Latl, : Phone 2106 County, Ohio, deceased. LAWN 'a nd ·FILL DIRT tQwn, repairman helpei', Ruth Kin\' i .,\. ';'ilk . -3-918 . C'af. d, this 22 day of All 'ust dred, 16, Fr,a nklin. ' . READY-MIX CONCRETE FOR AL. r TRADE-John 1947.. AHted Racey. Rayburn,26, VinEXCAVATING and DUMP TRUCK SERVIC~ Judge of the Probate Court cenne, Ind., labo'r er, Pauline HazE'1 Deere Letz 10 in. Grinder, Reedy, 21, Fr~nklin, factory workRalph H. Carey , , new, power sacker attached. er. • Warren County, Ohio WaIter Andrews, 9 miles John J. Hitte, 20, Franklin, east of Xenia on Federal C. Donald Dilatush Dorothy .Allen 18, Franklin. --P~i1<e. . -3-925 John Short, 35 Loveland lilbot:er Marie Short 31, Lebanon. FOR SALE-Steamer Stove Robert M E\.ri on O'Neal, . 22, . and 'I obacco ' Ptess. Good , Franklin', qlerk, J~ne' VVilson MayCondition. ' M. L. Field ~ , COMMON PLEAS er, 21, Franklin clerk. . . ' . Route 3, Waynesville, O. Harold K. Sorter, et · a1., VS. John H. Meador" 28, Hartwell, , -1-911 Edward . Bard et aI., demurrer:,. " , Ohio, 'laborer Mary I~uise Eng, man, Mason, Clerk. . .. FOR SAL~ .Dump Truck, over'r uled . Harry and Ina Eickenhorst vs .. 1937 V-8~ 100 h. p. Motor, REAL ESTATE TRANSFERS 2- or 3 yard. t. Paul Bed and Virgil 'R obbins et aI., final distributfon ordered. Major J. and Ednn Frederick Hois't, in good condition. One Ernest Bennett vs. NanC:!y Benrto Frederick and Wlnifr.ed Wirth Owner. Price reasonable. nett case dis~issed without ,pre- 34.28 acres in Harlan twp. Gi.lbert Biggs, WaynesviH, judice ' and without record. Ora and Maude Dumford to Ora

PUBUC SALE Thursday, . October. 2,




Armitage &Son

-- '- - -




Ohio Rural Rout e 1. Res. :' Corw'in, Ohio. -3-925


COWS ·$12;.


TuRN. • rNTO






Quantity ·Scarce


For Dates. Phone 2894. Waynesville. Ohio, Reverse Charg~s







X E.N I A Fertili2er. 4 S 4 . x..._o.. . t;. Reverae




Buch.iab, laC.

Fairley 6 -

PHONE 2441





'Fairly Familiar "


· · ,Th II MI am " I' "GA ZET T E




Committee Publishing Sesquicentennial Ed~tion

Statement made in ,this w. C. 1. John decided not t6 column last week concerning , enter his ~rizd tomatoes at th e , Man. ~ :erso n a urn thal , conditions at the local Grade " J : , . _'_f.~r this year on the ground ·theM+.tmi--6azette is promoting School ' Building were evi ent the printing and ale of the correct as no protest has bee,n that of it would be unfairOne to the . rest the exhibitor. of ' e uicentennial Edition. Thi· received to indicate otherwise. r, ' . ' his tomatoes weighed one pound is a natural as umption ince the In fad, very little comment has and 15 ounces and m a ured been heard ejth~r for or against 1g' inche aroLind ' the oth ' r work i· being done in the newsthe arrtkle. , Some few pers ns E tabli hed 1850 No. 4334 $1.50 Per Year 5c A Copy weighed one pound and thirteen paper plant and the edition will have , had the interest of the ounces and measured 15 inche ' carry th e name of the Gazette. community and ,its school affairs WAY N E S V ILL E, 0 H 10 Thu!.'s day, September 18, 1947 around . P~ rhaps there are some However, this is not tru e. The ' at heart enough to comment in the country th at could beat Sesquicentennial Committee is promoting the printing of ,the favorab]y , on ' the article. It is ' OUR LOU' ___ ' I that" but _ it i_doubtful. edtion ana also th ale of the possible that some person and by' 8ernyce Polinsky copie. Th e Gazette ha only I groups are taking the matt er It's been a whole ' year flamle , contracted to produce the book under consideration and will be Since th£! day yo u left here, according' to their plans and heard from at a later date. It And we'v e missed you . e under their supervision. Of FO,r many weeks he Comhas been said in our pre ence, by", Eacb day that s ' gone course, many persons have however, by orne 'who hav e , , topped at. the Gazette office to ' children who ' have pas~e'd from mittee ha work on the proWe still feel your spirit, ' the Grade Building, that "they , motion of the e q,uicentenl)ial up for their copies of the sign In our hearts, we can hear it, Ruth E. Burr1ett and Irma should worry" now ' that th e Celebratio~. The three day ' f. Y.our mell)ory shall A. "Fires of Waynesville will be forthcoming edition. This was . the past week end, ept. 1,3, 14 h Ne'ver die. ' c I]dren we re no Jon er req uired and 15 culminat ' d the eff rt of graduated from the M'iami quite alright and appreciated, to. go there. "Love thy n ighbor h Valle'y hospital chool of nul' - but since 0 many h~ve assumed entire project was being as thy elf" loses its meanin g t is group t ward the furfilL ing in Dayton, Thursday, ept- the - when statement's of that kind ment of this great event in the done e Gazette'it was conember 18, in ceremonies, at the sid~redby ath duty properly inare made or even th ught. , lm- history of V{a ne ville. National Cash Register audi- form the publictorega rding the day we had the pI a ure r C he. j . ' Comment. fr m many indL torium at 8 :00 p. m., Minnetta facts. , ' \. , ing add res hy ill ree 1'1'. mi. cates that they did not fail in Schafer, director or nurse, nent pers o n ~ . T lL u. e :in ~2T 1-, 'th iT effort, e pecially the Th Gazette till welcomes announced today. anyone ' who wi hes to come to At the Sunday "afternoon ent of Mid le't(,1,rn .: 'li o I in great parade that extended Frank J. Lausche of Cleve'; th e morn i'ng, .- e r ~ tar of the through the Village streets for , session of the .sesq uicentennia] land, former governor of Ohio, " the offic~ to sign up for ,their , Warren ( ~' l ~ Museum "n ("n almost- a mile and, contained Celebration held ' at w ayne will deliver the commencement edition. Others from the Comepre eniative ,to Congr 'e, ,'n 112 different entries. To A. H . . R , Park qUite a large number 0 f adaress to tee class of 42 nurses. mittee will call on ' per ons in th fi t- rno n. In. the mornin g 'Cap" stubbs goes the laur"els citizens qeard the addr. sse de. O. K. Pike. hospital direct r, this community in the near ad9re th e point was rought for this fin e di playas it was livered by. Mrs. Hazel Phillips will preside; Minnetta Schafer, future in promotinO' the sale of out that thi c mmunity was through his etfods and personal , of the Warren County HistorL director of nurses, will present this special e~ition. Since many built n the ability of it peo .1 contacts that the many and~ vari- cal Society who gav,e a very in- the school meda.1 to .the of thes .pers os' will he mem· . teresting talk regarding the graduates. Music wilt. be pro- ber of church or' oth r rgan.. to 11 concerned about one ed entries were' obtained. a n-· th~r. In So doin th ey had Naming this long Ii tt at "this' early incidents connected with vi~ d by the Nightingale izations' it i ' posJhle that per. on's affiliated v. ith such TOUpS Rn ut f th eir. way t ' help time would require too much the, founding of Waynesville; chorus, student sin ing group, prefer to book their rder with 1heir nei hb r5, had sacrifi c d space and to make the coming directed by Anne Charch. th m. hi any ev nt th e monie and lab re in oth r' behalf. Sesquic ntennial Edition more The ho pital will present :t derived from the sale of thi 'r c ntinu t build a c 111- ·entertainin th complete list of $,~OO scholarship fo r advanced edition will all g into a fund all entrie ~ Ilnd their general , munity it 'is neces_al'. th at t " to the r ~d­ nur ing education and be divided eq ually between policy , be contillu . Ip tl~ , description will be included uate who, in th judgment of , all of th e , roup and organizaaft rrl' on v. e heard mu 11 ,lil therein. An way, it was a great the sc,JlOlarship committee, ha - tions that pa'rticipated in the , of the ancestorial treck t tl ! ', , parade with its bands, floats, old , shown' the reatest promise in S.esquicentennial Cel bration. territory, of the pr udn S Ii vel1ic1es, teams of horses, ox'en, her cha en r o fess i'~)I1. the ' present en ration, f th ridi~~ horses, ana marty 'bti1'e . Mothers of the graduate , will 're pon ibilifi f thi s m- entnes. be the gue t of honor, Thurs· munity to uphqld the tra iiti 1_ ••• day afternoon, Septeml er t , set forth by ur f r fath r. ~ ~ MANY THANKS at t :30 p. m., at the Da t n hav e been pattin" our el n "Cap' Stubhs' wishes to take Country Club wh ere the annual th ba k f r fln'l'e- rtme n w, this opportunity to thank everyMother .Daughter luncheo n will one for thei r fine response to t lling each otn r what a fin be held.. The Profe ional Worn n' lot we a re an j how r r u j we h,i ca11 for a g'ood parade. Baccalaur,eate ervice f r th e Club h ]d their fir t me ting of. *** , ale to be !iving in this c mMiami Valley hospital cIa th ear at th'e hom e f Mrs. -munity .. Yet we turn our backs GIRL INJURED -"" were conducted Sunday, piEvel¥n Watkin , on W dnesday , lip n one of th e m , t vital ' One accident marred the day ,<",~ ember 14, at the South Park evel1ln '. ' neC'e siti s that could confront 'when a soap box derby racer Methodi t ChurCh. Dr. J,ame ' The officers taking' charge any community, th'e 'need of a ran out of control and crashed Thomas, the ' pastor, deliv r d for this year are: Pre id nt, pr' per place in which to educate ' into ·the crowd, seriously injurMrs. Winifred Hart ock :; Viceand the Ho.norable Clarence J. the baccalaureate serm n. our children: W permit our ' ing Marilyn Johson, daughter of in ConMis I3uqlett i ,the dau hter Pre' ident, Mr. Jesse PrenderBrown, Representative children's lives fo ,be dailv Mr. and Mrs.- Walter Johnson. Di trict of Mr. and Mrs. Horace Burn tt, gast; ec~etary" Mrs. Oram gress from the Seventh je pardized by all owing. them She suffered a fracture of the hour and Tr,easurer., Mi s to 'enter a bl:lilding that i a leg between -the knee and ankle. who spoke regarding the pro- R. R. 2; and Miss Fir s i th e daughter of Mr. and Mrs. ' Louis 'DOro +.h potential fire' hazard. from many , She was removed to the ho _ blem of today. l' 'y 0 ay.. . " 1 he speakers w re intro~ Fire. R. R. 1. angles and ~lso 'a potential pital in Dayton 'after feceivin ,~ Dl:lring the bu ine ' se sian carrier, of disease through un. , first aic:l at the office of Dr. Earl duc~d by 'Mr. S. S. EUis, who ,_ _-,--,---,-~~_ _ _--,--=-.:.._ _......t. LLb.... e---"c..Lhwlbl.'L.--udecided to , again " t· 1 sanitary disposal faNtitte's';-Do ' Wright. Attempts to, set the in- also gave a few remarks ap- ' sp n er. he Girl couts in t leir you -parents of these , children jured' members proved useless propriate to jhe occas"i-on. Mr. BrO\vn explained quite y~ work. ." ' intend to continue ignoring the , and an operation was performed During the ocial hour, da~nty . dang-ers you submit your,· child_ "lin order to 'g~t the , fraciured fully some of the reasons for our present condition both elt honie sj1ment were '~erved by the ren .to each , day? Ar~n't you bones properly. set. She has been and abroad. 'His explanation officers. concerned enough about them , removed to her, home'where she 'O-"Nshowed that waste and extrava- ' The annual 'conv,ention of th e A,' CCEPT-S-P-'O-S-IT-,Ito make at least one little pro- is conya]escing. gance have entered largely in,to ' Warren County W. C. T. U, test? Tllis column is devoting -~-...........:....... f,r .• \jq. the defeat of the basic purpose held Fri~ay, S pt 1 i, in -I N EUGENE" OREGON efforts in 'y .JI' behalf, trying of 'bringing about w9rld peace. the Presbytenan Church, Lebin its small w~i to stimulatel:'OO['S" ,Rev. and Mrs. R. B. Coleman He does nqt feel that peace can ', anon with a good attendance? drove to Champaign, 111., Tues~nough in'terest in this. matter . to promote some action to_ Taker) from the files of W'Ym~r be obta·ined It ,til these measures despite the weather. day and brought their daughter, , Mrs. Olive Curl of Wayne ~ Mildred Coleman ' home , for a ward the betterment of condi~ Drake's daily' weather records. are corrected. Hons, as they now' exist, at this , L~s.ting temperatures 'and con. Mr.: ' Brown ' further stateer ville and Rev. ,McCoy, ,pastor of vacation. " I.J•• I~ , local Grade School Bunding. dltJ(;ms, five years ago and last that his, policy for a brighter the hostess chu'rch had charge, Miss Coleman will leave soon' , We cannot hope to accomplish . weeK. . ' future inc1uued three basic of the devotions. ,for Eugene, 'Oregori where she plans. 1. A large ' redpction in . Mrs. Mamie T. Ensign, 'S tate has accepted a position 'i'n the. ,much ' unless w,e have the sup1943 ' 1947 port ()f those )vno should be Sept. , 7 70-90 rain 62-88 fair the cost of the op~tation of Dlre,ctor of the, Department of Public Library. -, , most vitally int~rested. A word " 8 68-83 fair "M .. 90 fair gove n~··: .nt. ' (At present ' it Sdentifi,c Temperance was the .ay's income out , of guest speaker at the ; afternoon LEAVE FOR EARLHAM of encouragement, a fetter ~)f . " 9 66-80 fair 64-90 fair take" ce, to pay for goyern- session. She stressed the work comment. ,a sugg.esti~n for , im"10 6_-74 fair 70-88 fair every . ,prov,ement, all ' this wilt , be "11 70-80 fair 7Q...Q '~ fair ment o,pera,ti'on'.) 2. New tools of her ' department and , the COLLEGE, TUE. nAY Misses Margal I. Schnaif~an appreciated. Will 'you as ~ . "12 q8-78 ,fair ' 70.92 rain and new methods for faster teaching of ,the work in the . cit~zen of this community ado "13 70-85 fair 68-88 fair and greater production. 3. , A 'sch?ols to save the youth of our a,nd EsttJer Lukens left Tues' d~y to enter Earlham College your bit toward t,his gre~tly On Sept. 1, 1943 the tempera- g,reater inc-eotive to work and natIOn. , produce more goods. With this " El,ection' of officers was helel -RIchmond, Ind. for their Fresh~ needed cause? Time is most ture was 99; in 1947 it was 88. policy' fonowe~ through, ' Mr. .wi,~h Mrs. Ir.ene Law of ,Lebanon man year of studies there. ' essential; tragedy can ' ~trike at any moment; act qui.ckly.! The Jacob-Earnhart families Brown, believes that a ,sound bem~ elected lS ' President· Mrs , ' til ... III :held their annual family reunion principle of 'understanding can , P~uhne BaIOJ~ of Franldin as Miss M'a r gar e t Minerva In passing out or~hids this at the Harry Smith Park on be brought about between our VIC~ President; Mrs. Walter , Harlan has retUrned to , her week we send a whole box full Sunday with an attendance -of own forces in the "United States WhItacre, of Waynesville as coll,ege studies at the Virginia to "Cap" ,Stubbs for his ' un- about forty relatives " and as well as among other Secretary and Miss Iva Dearth Intermc:mt ,College, Bristol, Va (Odat4Dued OIl ~ 3) countries abroad. of Franklin as Treasurer. for her sophmore year. .' friends.

Celebration Classed ,As ,Big Success

Graduates Of M Valley NurSIng School

Brown Explains Foreign Relations



Clob Continues To Sponsel- Giftl Scouts


we • •'T•.u'•

' 'Names Ott.•• icers




Weather ,Chart



The Miami Gazette BSTABLISHED 1850 Publ1shed Every Thursday by DAVISSON FLOYD L. DAVISSON, Eq1tor


_picture, but those who should know best say it i: a true one.. Perhaps the b t hop for peace li es ih the curren f ar of war, to all the tho,ught pein g O"iven to tr ing to prev nt' it-and to the fact that the peopl of the world, no matt r what th eIr I ajers ma y, have in mind, ar exl,'au ted, an ml1!-t have a' pI' Ion 'ed ea if civilizati nit be maintain d and sfr 11 00thened·

Mr. and M'rs. Nat C. Murray and son, Gorge Jr. entertained of Chicago have purchased and Subscription Rates: $1.50 per Year in on unday to dinner, Mr. and are now .o upying the former Mrs. Geor e Wo liar i ' home of Mr. and M,r . L. y. National Advertising Representaiives of Centerville, Mr. Ma M - ' Branstrator. Ohio Weeklies, Inc., 2465 W. Broad Street, Elfr sh and grand on, ,0 ugJa' ----Columbus 4, Ohio of Wa nesv ille, Mr: and Mrs . Mr. and Mrs. Arthur ZeIt of ' Bud Nartk er and ons, Eu -ene Eri e, Pa. spent til ,week end and St phen of Cincinn"lti. Mrs. with Mr. an j Mrs. eth Furnas An arti Ie in F r iO'Il AfTa ir at Iy after the war are still fr'csh Daisy Ch aney of Hill -b 1'0, and and attenj,ed th e Se quientitled "The ur e - of viet in min q. vVe can still remember Mr Wi ll R. Lewi of Fairview, c nt nnial Celebration. , Con duct" and igl)c! 111 )' with the photographs of th ' firs,t , aIr y 2Lml O. and Erwin L wi of Wayn . the initi al HX", has ar u ed a meetings between our troops , by EFFELDEE ville. ' Mr. a'n i Mrs. J. W. Nilcen tremend us am LInt of c m- and Soviet troops In Germany, (Contmued from Page 1) of Gr en ville were w ,ek end 'm nt. Th rea on r r the com- \vith the han' hake and the _. Th e Roy ' Earnhart families visitor of their 011 and 'wife, ment i th at "X" i auth orita- toasts and th pledges of eternal ti ring effort in a ~ mbling enj oyed a day of reunion at th e 'Mr. and Mrs. Erne t Ni xe n. ' , such a fine parad, for the t iv ly reporte:i t be n ' 'of the fri,e ndship. i , home f Mr. and Mr . CIaI' n' e top men in th e tate D part- . On the practical ,side, OIlly an Se qui entenni al Celebration. Mr an i Mrs. K. L. Rye n unday. A del i i II ment, who e ffi ial itio n unqualifi d ptimist can helieve 'Many hour of eft rt and' I t and d'aught r. Marjorie of forced him to \\ rit anorl y- that thi country is ' m,aking of tel ph lie call: "and drivi nO" basket dinn er wa enj yed an ton vi it i Mr. and Mrs. Wa time was enj yed f r mously. much progress in the diplomatic . entered in to th e I uil din O' ,of athesocial Elzey., Sun jay af,ternoon. , afternoon. ' 1 The basic attitude of the war with the Soviet Union. The such a fine di pIa. f th 112 article; so far as U. S. - oviet ovid policy of causing disrup- different ent ries t hat ext nded Ralph Mainous and famjly of j'elations are c nc rned, , is tion, distrust of U. S., and for a distanee of almost a mile. Detroit were w ek end vi ito rs summed up in th se un quivocal internal di cord ' i prod ucing Truly ~n ut tandin fe'at 'to of Ray Main ou and famil y, Mrs. , sentence,s : "It is clear that the tan &'iole r suIts n two conti_ ,o rganize thi out" tan ing per_ Ray Mainous wa vi iting .in United States cannot expect in nent. The Greek problem is formance. Th:mk:, "Cap ' for Detroit and r turn d home With ' the foreseeable future to enjoy more difficult than ever, and yo ur great help. them. pqIitical intimacy with . the communi t strength is undoubL .' "'** Soviet regime. It mu t co ntmue edly growing. China is in comWe se'e th newly pur 'ha d ' 178E QAzE,I TE CLASSIFIED ADS to regard the oviet Un i~~ as a plete ~aos~and, as in Greece, truck with it coat of reen ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ rival, not a partner, It:! , the the power and the pre tige of paint and yellow letters stating political ar na. It must continue the communists are in the as- it belono.s . to the Village of . to expect that Soviet , policies cendent, G rman y is torn be- Waynesville, goin g ab.o ut the wlll reflect no ab tract love of tween the two conflicting streets the past w'eek or so bepeace and , stabili~y! . no real ideolog'ies, and the Russians- ing jnt,roduced to its many, and faith in the po slblhty of a aid'ed by th powerful comf1)u- varied dutie of , maintainence. permanent 'happy coexistence of nist faction in France-have ' The old truck is still in service Our Service Is 'County Wide the socialist and capitalist , prevented any real start toward and will stiH continue to do duty. AND SO IS OUR LOW P~ ICE worlds, but rather a cautious, German rehabilitation. ' We hope the "dirty" jobs will , ' The Marshall plan for help.' be given the 01 1 truck so we persistent pressure tow,ard the SCH EOULE.' Oi tance a'dds disruption and weakening of all ing 'J:urope to help her.self has can have a bright, new one for nothing t~ the bill. This explains rival influence and rival power." not fail ed. It may still produce some time to come. the ever increa ing number of . ,The patte.rn of e~ents has tremendous dividends . . But it farm fa'mi1ies who permit us to proven that this, in all essence, has become apparent that even ORDINANCE NO. 196 serve them ,when bereavement IS the unde rlyin g theory of the the cooperating nations are far An ordinance .to expend funds strikes. Truman Doctrine. It is obvious- from agreement. This has pro~ , n'ecessary to purchase 'a new Iy the mo~ivating. force behind duced strong repercussions in truck fer mainte:nance and rerecent statements and action,S the United States. Congress will pair of public streets, roads and of ' Secretary Mars~all. And, to view future requests for money highways , within th~ Villa~e. of remove it from any cloud of for , European aid with an Waynesville aAd appropnatmg McCLtfR'E political partisansfiip, i pr(~t-ty- a-ruH:y-ical and jaundiceCI eye. the necessary ,money therefor. , well sums up the point of view That doesn',f mean that ConWher.eas. the truck used by FUN HOM 'E -o f- such Republican experts on gress is turning isolationist. But the Village for repair 'of the foreign policy as Senator it does mean that it will be ex- public streets has ' become WAYN ESVIl LE. OH 10 Vandenberg and John Foster ceedingly reluctant to turn a obsolete and unfit for such purDull e~. ' , flood of dollars loose unless it poses. ' , ' Whereas, the village has no A good many people belieye is certain that they will really , that it is a dangerous and JlllS- be used to help put Europe on other truck , or equipment suittaken attitude. Some of these her fee't and to . once again! make able'for such purposes and must peopl'e belong to the extreme , her self-sustaining. ' acquire ,suc~' truc;ko'r equipment left, pro-Soviet fring -such as , Another unpl easa~t fact that .in tile earliest.. time , allowed by ,';/ the groups which are presently, must be , recorded IS that the law. giving their allegiance t? Henry ~orld is ~~l wh ~.t ,a~ounts 'to Whereas" the village has Wallace's appeas~-Russ1On pro- a war footmg. lt ' IS eVident t~at advertised for bids and has a.n gram. Others, howev~r, are 'of 'the possibility of war ~nder.l~es acceptable bid to furnish such a much more conserva ive turn, both ' Am~lcan and. Soviet ' truck or equipment. 'and ' fear that. the policy is foreign pO,hcy. Unset~hng re. Now ' thefefore, be it ordained wrong because, long" enough , port~ of ~~e magmtude. of_ by the Council of the Vil~age, of perpetuated, jt wil.! make war RUSSia s mlht~rJ: pr~paratlUns Waynesville, State of OhIO, tilat inevitable. But, regardless of. have been . dnftqlg 111. Eno.r" there be expended a sum not to '. ,who is, right and who is wrong, mous factori es hav~ ?ee~. bU1~t exceed $2150;00 for' ,the _pur-, , those whose duty it is to de- beyond the Urals,,: It. IS said, ~o chase of a t~uck for the use of. termine this nation's policy produce war of all the Village in maintenance and toward , Europ,e are convinced kinds - inCluding ,long - range repair of. public streets, roads that U. S. goals and Soviet ' bombers. Vast armies of w~rk. and highways and maintaining' goals, are generally irreconcil- ers have been pres~ed mto and repairing- briages and able service, and some thl~k that viaducts including all work done o.'Kalb developed and It' is p'robable .that A,mericans Russ~ is now us~ng s~ave labor ' upon ' ~ny pu~t'ic road or .hi~h. "• . controlled pa ..ent seed .tock. . do not yet realize the extent to to an e.xtent unequalled even way In which :the eXlstl~g ' which , U. S, -Soviet relations by Na~1 G~rma~y. Every r~,- foundations thereof are used as have deteriorated. The , brave source IS bemg given to atomic subsurface of the improvement DeKaib controlled aeed , thereof and ~or no other purhopes of world uni.ty whiC~ resea~ch. , ThiS doesn t make a pretty pose whatsoever; and that were held during and immedlp ..oductlon. " , . there be appropriated ft~)J11 the , \ ' ADVANCE ORDER FOR SESQUI-CENTENNIAL CQPIES Street Maintenance and Repair Publi~tion to be r~ady about October 1, 19,4 7 Fund (Motor Vehicle Licenses) DeKalb controlled testing, The Sesqui.Centenniat Committee: " ,a sum suffident to pay the'refor. l'n lP.etlan, and p ..ocessing. Please reserve .copies 'of the Sesqui-Cen'tennial Edition as c1a~;lS ?;dig:Il1C:niS ~~:~le:~j , per th'e follow,ing: measure for the immediate pre~ PeKalb Corn Is sold Name , .. ,servation of the 'public safety and general welfare of the ONLY through authorized ,'RuraJ Rt. Village of Waynesville, Ohio, st. Address , ' d I ' and shall go into full force and , '1 effect upon its passage. state City Passed: September '12, 1947 , Warren , Braddock, MaY0r Number of copies wanted at 25c per coP,y :- , Attest: Charles Jame~ Clerk 2-925 MAIL ORDERS: Add 5c per copy to cover ,majl'ing costs. LEBANON, OHIO . RURAL ROUTE NO. 2 , Address all orders to p. O. BOX E, WAYNESVIIsLE, OHIO


i:Dtered as Second '018.56 Matter at 't he Post Office \-

F' · 1 F



The Miami Gazette Page 2 , Waynesville, Ohio No. 4334 Th ursday, September 18, 1947

Mr. and Mrs. Geor e Miller

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\S. , E . ED CD,RM \, The;r 'Business ' '


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R~ , Rothman





Page 3 The Miami Gazette weth and two children of the was selected as a , member of No. 4334 . Lytle and Ferry road moved the Junior . Philharmonic OrWaynes\f'ille, Ohio Thursqay, Septemger 18, 1947 in with Mr. William Creighton c;:hestra of Dayton. Th~s is quite last week. an honor to Milton and we are , proud' of him. Mis, Calvin Lon.gacre and Mr. Herman Smith were dinner Mr. , Everett I:arly was guests of Mrs. Margaret J ohns called to Yellow Springs last and Mr. Paul. Johns on Wed- week on account of the erious nesday, . illness of her moth er, Mrs, J. W. Mr. and Mrs. J ohn Chandler Huston, M·r. Early drive there The Dayton Po~er and Light da ughters spent Sunday every evenin.g and reports her and Company pre se n ted Phil with relatives in Richmond, condition about the same, Spitalny an" his All-Girl Mr. and Mrs. Harold teinke Orchestra · in a mu ical concert Ind. visited Mr. and Mr . Omar Gills Mr. and Mrs, Earl Clark of exc1~sively for its employees at Memorial Hall iI! Dayton, un . Dayton were Sun~ay dir-ner and family in Akron, O. over day, September 14. The ICOll- guestS of their parents, Mr. and the week end, and while there cert was concluded with a radio Mrs. Walter ' Clark" and family attended a choir concert ' broad~ broadcast of the Electric Hour and with ' t.hem heard Hon. cast from the Akron Bapti t -"The Hour of Charm." The Clarence J. Brown at Wayne - Temp'le. , This community is thankful ville in the ·afternoon . . nati'ona] broadcast of "Th to the County Commi si oners Hour of Cha'rm ' is span ored Mr. and Mr ; Harvey Burnet · for ,the repair of the h'eet at by . America's tax-paying, bu L and Mr, and Mr . . eth Furna the railroad eros ing here . ness 'managed el~ctric Ii ht and att nd d the farmer' Club at Orville a va O'e and brother, power companie . The Dayton the home of Mr , Lou lI a OearCharle are pelldin a coupk. Power and Light C mpany i doff in Lebanon, Thur day, ' weeks vacation on a motor one of the 175 compal'li s Mr. and, Mrs. Le Ii Gray of trip to Canada. sponsoring the pr ram. and children, Wilma and Bol by Mrs, Harold teinke .enterThe concert featur d a violin attended the Earn hart r union tained the Fri nd hip' CIa s of 010, "Gypsy Air by Ev el_ n at the c untry 11 me f Mr. and Lytle ullday ho 1 Monday Clarence · R e near evening in honor of the birth . and Her Magic Violin. tller Mr. Wayne ville, unday. number \V 1" outstandin r day of her so n, Dale. Mr. and Mr. Robert Rout. mel odie from , "Th Merry and Mr. , th Furna ~ , n of near Yellow ,-~ p rings Mr.Mr., Widow", un b Mi J ann and Mr, Harv y Burnet, J enn in , and 'l Drum C 11- ~ pent Sunday evening w it h their Mrs. Margaret John . Mr. and cert, featUl'ing- Mi Vi la gi'and-1l10ther, Mrs. Marga ret Mrs. J. B. Jane. , Mr. and Mrs, . Schmi t an j Mi ' Marilyn ~olms. Walter Kenrick, Mr. ~nd Mrs: Tbe Y uth Fell w hip group Erne Martin, Mi' - Martin wa ' YJ'ad ut Harlan ~nd daught r, Mr: ate from Wilmin g-t 11 High of Lytle church had a roller- and Mrs. Walter Clark and Mr. katin 'party at For st Park, WaIter Burdine 'heard Han. h I and Gin inn ati C nDa ton, Friday evelling .. servat ry of M u ' i . Th r' wer Ciarence J. Bro" n of Washingmany 111 I' bea utifu l mu i ~ I . Mr. and Mr'. Everett Kenrick ton D. ' ~ C. at the Sesqui:lnd hildren attended a family centennial Ann i v e r sa r y at number. . i nic dinner at Terry Moore Waynesville Sunday afternoo,n, The ra jio broa j a.:t "The prin o ' , unday. n_ H ur of ' Charm", wa' The ladies of L tIe / Card eluded with the "H mn f th e Club met for lunch Thursday Day' ,-, in which The Da iton at the Peerless Pantry , at P Iwer an i Light C mpany ill Miami urg and enjoyed an ' pJoyees join d the H ur f Jimmy Rickey W'OI1 th,e Con, Charrn eh ir in ingin the afternoon of car.ds there. Mr ', Irma Sweetman and sole Radio and Recor.d Player beautiful H mn, "I'll S. 0111~ ­ family of Dayton were Sunday ' at 'Wayne Park Saturday eve n. where Li t'ning." This 11 °' gu st · f Mr. Alice Trickey ing, it was .... nd prize. wa j di atej t The west rn and Mr. and Mrs. Irvin Harris. College for Women, 'Oxford, Little Dianna Miller of WaynesFrank h pherd and family Ohi" . qf New Burlington were SunThe fa~d _ maestr, Phil ville was also a visitor~ day visistors of the Charles an audition la' s t WedSpitaln , in a llttle impr 'm~ tu Milto!1 Jones Shepherd family. nesday evening, talk at the n lu i n f th p:::s_ program, tat -d. "This i the first· tim in the hi tory of "Th~ H' ur of Charm" neert that one, of the spons ring ,c mAs· TOL,D BY~ CONSERVATION DiViSION panies has bought out the , en_ • m ,_ zrt tire house exclusively for ·the pI asure of their employ e'e ~ . The Dayton Po\ver and Light Company ' is to be congratulated. More companies should d , this art of thing." This was the first nati0nal 'broadcast experience for most Il--~, f ~ 3,OOO-gttestS-attending the "Hour 'of Chafm" p-rogr~m. They , can now say that they ha ve sung on a national radio program broadcast from 'coast to coast,

Mrs. Girdoh Bacon and baby daughter wa I'etUFned to her home ' from the Middletown Hospital, Friday.


,Wilmington' Girt Iii

Hugh , Rid O'e and family of 'West Palm Bach, Fla, visited relatives and friends in Wayne . ville ,Ia t ~veek. ' J

two guns in .the West. . DANGEROUS VENTURE WE ARE PAYING,' AGENTS, William Boyd, Andy Clyde and , . Rand Brooks. FOR G'OVERNMENT Also: ,Grandpa, is an honest TERMIN~ LEAVE BONDS crook who'll teal your h e~ rt. ALIAS MR. TWILIGHT These Bonds are a dir ct Michael Duane, Trudy Marsball obligation of the Federal 21 The Oxheai Woo 's! 22 Govern ment and it is not What in tel' s cret did 'they necessa~y ,to ea h them at hide? Only a cursed man knew. this time. the answer. THE RED HOUSE If possiqle-- we urge. au with Edward G. Robinson, Lon to h Id them for InvestMcCallister an j Judith Anderment. ' , son. Plu : Ne\vs and C lor Cartoon BEGINNING SEPT. 2, 1947



Harne s Ra






STUBBS Funeral Home



, -» ~---~ ~. ~-< --<-, -

"Be.' In the flelel n

farmers. It is significant to note that duri~ the past 20 years mpre and more of these .uccessful' fannen are using BIG M Brand Fertilizen. '-Seat in the ,field" i. our way of The M~aml Pertlllzer saying that you can't use a finer Company • UI indefertilizer for all field crops than freependent Miami Va1l~ flowing BIG M-alwaya manufacconcern under direct operation of ita ownera. tured up to standards, never clowrJ to pricie. 'Beat buy BIG MI . ~ ' - _...._ _ _ _..







lrom your {lMI.r lor lall,

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The Miami Fertilizer Company .AcTon Wi "'E••IH.~HtO '








A large , number of people from Lytle and communi~y atten'ded the ,Sesquicentennial at Waynesville Saturday and enjoyed seeing the fine parade. Mr. Paul Johns left Sunday , e."enirtg for Cincinnati - where he will attend his second year - at the University of Cincinnati. Mrs. Eve~ett Kenrick attended a Care ' Club Wednesday ,afternoon at the home of her mother, Mrs.: Ed Hopkins in . Waynesville. " Mr. Guy Routzahn has been quite iII the ·past week with sciatic rheumatism. He is somewhat improved af this time. , Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Hough and dau'ghter of near Waynes. ville called on thc"ir aunt, Mrs. Nettie Emrick, Friday afterPHONE 1M noon. ,, ' Mr. 'and Mrs, John Cheno-

Anthony Quinn.


---r ___ _ - --


~he h Id ,an 25 inn c nt man life, in the oth·er til car er of her hu ban~. Whi hone t av? THE 'IMPERFECT LAOY tarrin ' Ray Milland, Teresa Wright with Virginia Field and

Waynesville, 'Ohio

- _0

~lfri~' ~/J}1ti~'$

24 In one han d



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i;R,lle neWtJ



Per~onaf nole~ .


19 The fighti.ngest man with 29



,-- -..'----. . . . . . . =-----

Miss Madl n Burske returned to her studies at Bow,lin g Green Univer ity at Bowling Green, O. on Sunday.

AU-Girl Orchestra


Mr. and Mr~, Herbert Edwards 'of Dayton were guests of Mr. and Mrs. Rufus Watkins the pa t ,week.

,I \.



, !









in the , o· Panners will sin you broad prot~OD apinlt IOSIeI ()Q your faun. Ie your buUdinp, your chaueta, your auto ' , ~ , and your liabWty for acddeata to others. Why DOC . ~ us t<iha,,?-' Yoa . . . J'O'I'" ufe ,whea you're imuted in the Ohio Pummi



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The Miami Gazette Page 2 picture, but those who' should Waynesville, Ohio No. 4334 know best say it i a true one. . B 8 T A B ,L ISH E D 1 850 Thursjay, ,September 18, t ~47 ~ . Perhaps the be t hope for peace PubUshed Every Thursday by DAVISSON PR.ES.S Ii s in the current.. fear of war, - r FLOYD L. DAVISSON, Editor to all the th l:Jght being O'iven Mr. and Mrs. , G eorge Mill Mr. and Mrs. Nat C. Murray i:ntered as Second Cl8.S6 Matter at the Post Office to try ing to prevent :i t-an j to and son, Ge9rge Jr. entertained , of Chicago have purchased and 'S ubscription Rates: $'1.50 per Year in Advance the fact th at the people of the , on unday to dinner, Mr. and are now 0 cupyin the former \ orld, no ,matt T '>;\ hat their Mr, ' Ge rge W oo lla ri home of Mr. 'and Mr. L. V. National Advertising Representatives leade rs may have in mind are , of Centerville, Mr-. Ma M- B ral1strato r. Ohio Weeklies, Inc:, 2465 W. Broad Street, " exhall te j, an mu t have a ~ 1'0· Elfr h 4n j grand~on, D ugla ' , Columbus 4, Ohi.o 10n Q'ed,peac if civilization i t of Waynesville, MY. and Mrs. Mr. ~nd Mr . Artliur Zell of be maintain dan::! sfr :!ngthened. Bud Nartk rand ons, Ell 'ene Erie, Pa . 'pent th .w~ek end and Stephen of Cincinnati. Mr . with Mr and Mrs, ' eth Furnas 'An arti Ie in Forci g'n flair at Iy after the war are till fr'csh Daisy Chaney of Hill b r , an i and attelldect the entitled "The ( ul" e "'ot viet , in mind. We still remember e quiMr Will R. L wi f Fairview, c ntennial Celebrati n. Conduct, ' and ,sign d n1y with the photograpll of the first o . an j En\ in L wi f Wa 11 ' the initial "X', has ar u ed a meetings between our troops by EFFELDEE Mr and Mrs. J: W. Nixen ville. 'tremend tl amount of m- and Soviet troops III Germany, (Con ttn'lled from Page 1) of G~eenvill were week end ment. The r a on f I' the com- with the han j hakes and the The Roy Earnhart families vi it'or f their on and wife, ment i that "X'" i ' ~tllh rita- toa ts and th pledges of eternal iiring eff rt in a s ml lin g Mr. and Mrs. Erne t Ni xen. enj oye a day of reunion at th tiv ly rep rted t be ne of the friendship. such a fine parade for the hom f Mr. and Mr . CIaI' nce top men in' the tate Depa rtOn the practic-a1 side, on ly an -S quicentennial Celel rati n. Mr ulld Mrs. K. L. Elzey Rye.on un jay. A' deli i u ment, wh e ffi ial po iti n unqualifi d optimist can believe Many hour f eff rt and I ts basket dinner wa' nj oye 1- and and d'aughter: M'arj rie of Day_ forced him · to writ a~10liy- that Uli country is making of tel phone call " -and ' driving ton vi ' it d Mr. and Mrs. Walter mously. tmuch progress in the' diplomatic entered into th e bui lding of a social time was enj 0 yed fa r Elze , ' un jay afte rnoon. I The basic -atutu e of the war with the Soviet Union. The sllch a fine di pia (f th 112 the afternoon. article, so far as U. S. -S viet Sovi,et po.licy of c~using disrup- different entri s that ext nded Ralph Mainous and family of re lations are c nc rned, is tion, distrust of U. S., and -for a distan e of almo t a mile. Detroit were w ek end vi itors summed up in th ese un q uivocal internal di c rd i' producing Truly an lit tandin )' f at to Ray Main ous and family, Mrs. of sentences: "It is etear' that the tan gible results on two c'onti- organize thi lit tan in p r- Ray Main us wa vi iting ,in Unifed States cannot exp ct in nent. The Greek problem is formance. Thank , "C ap~ ' for Detroit and returned home With the foreseeable future' to ' enjoy more difficult than ever, and your great hel p_. them. political inti!l1 acy wilh the communi t str ngth is undoubL Soviet regime. It mu t continue edly growin g. China i in com. We see th *"'* ' newt , pur has d U8E'OAZWrtE CLASSDnED ADS to regard the Soviet Union as a plete chaos-an j, as in Greece, truck with it ' c at of reen rival, not a partner; in th e the power and the pre tige of paint and yellow letter tating political ar,ena. It must contin ue the communists are ' in the as- it belongs to the ' Villa e of to expect that Soviet polic\es cenden t. G rman is. to rn be. Waynesvifle, goin<r about, the AMBULANCE will reflect no ab tract love of tween the two conflicting streets the pa t week or so be· • peace. and, stabili!y~. no real .i~eologies, and the Russians-- ing introduced to its many and faith In the po slb lllty of a aIded by the powerful commu- varied dutie of n,l'lintainence, PHONE , ' permanent happy coexistence of nist faction in France-have ' The old truck is still in service Qur Service Is Counly Wide the socialist and capitalist , prevented any real start toward and will still,c'ontinue to do duty. .AND so IS OUR LOW PR ICE worlds, but rather a cautious, ' German rehabilitation. , We hope the' "dirty" jobs wil1 persistent pressure toward t~e The M'arshall plan for help- be given the old truck so we 'SCHEDULE. Distance adds disruption and weakening of all ing Europe to help , herself has can haye a bright, new one for , nothing to the bill. This exp lains rival.influence and rival power." not failed. It may still produce some time to come. , the ever increasing number of _ ,The pattern 'of e~ents has tremendous , dividends. But it farm families who permit us to proven that this, in all essence, bas become ~ppare~t that even , ORDINANCE NO. 196 serve them when bereavement is the underlying theory of the th,e cO,operating nah?ns are far An ordinance to expend funds strikes. Truman Doctrine. It is obvious- from agreement. ThiS h.a,s pr?- necessary ' to purchase a new , ly the motJvating, force behind duced stro'n,g repercussIOns !n truck for maintenance and re, recent state:ments and actions the United States. Congress Will paJr of public streets~, roads and of Secretary Marshall. And, to view future reque~ts for. money highways withi!1 the Village of remove it from any cloud of for European aid WIth an Waynesville and, appropri~ting ,McCLU .R'E political partisansliip, it pretty ' analyical and jaundicect' eye. the necessary money therefor. well sums up the point of view, That .doesn"~ m.ean !ha~ Con. Wher,eas. the truck used by FUN ER~L . H,O ME of such Republican , experts on gress IS t ~r~ l~g IsolaboUlst. ~ut the Villa ~ for repair of the foreIgn policy as ena or I oes mean tlla I WI e x... public streets has become WAY N E SV ILL E, 0 H 10 Vandenber.g and John Fost r ceedingly reluctant to turn a obsolete and \.!nfit for such purDulle~. flood of dollars loose .unless it poses. , A good ,nany people belie~e is certain that they Will really Whereas, the village has no that it is a dange rous an~ mls- be used to help put Europe on other truck or equipment suittaken attitude. S.ome of these her feet and t~ once agam make 'able for such purposes and must people belong to the extreme ,her self-sustaming, ' , acquire such truck dr equipment Another unple~sa~t fact that in the earliest time ,allowed by .left, pto-Soviet 'fring -such as the groups whic~ are presently must b,e recorded IS that the , law. ' ' ..... giving their aHeglan,ce to Henry world IS on what a~ounts to Whereas, the vi1lag~ has Wallace's appease-Hussion pro- a war fo.o~i~g. It is'evrdent t~at advertised' for bids and has an gram. Others, howev_er, are of the pOSSIbility of war _, underl~es acceptable bid to furnish , such a much more conservative turn,' both , Amencan and. Soviet truck or equipment. and f.ear that the policy is foreigl1 pO,licy. Unset~lmg r~­ Now therefore be it ordained wron because, long enough port~, of ~~e m~grntud~. of by the Council of the Village of perpetuated it will make war RUSSia s mlhtary preparatIOns Waynesville, State of Ohio, tha~ ,inevitable. 'But" regardless of- have been . drifting in. Eno.r- there be expended al sum not to who is ' right and 'who', is wrong, mous f~ctot~es hav~ ~een. bUIlt exceed $2150.00 for .the purthose whose duty it is to ge- b~yond the Urals, It. IS said, to "chase of a truck fQir the use of termine this natio,n's policy , produce war J1)atenals of all the Village , in maintenance and toward Europ,e are convinced 'kinds - including long - range repair of public streets" roads ~; ~ ~~ that U. S. goals and Sovi~t bom?ers. Vast armies of w~r-k­ and h'ighways and maintaining goals are gener~lly irreconcll- ers have been pres~ed mto and repairing bridges , and able , 'service, and some think that viaducts including all work done d.v.lop.d and . It is probable that Americans Russi~ is now ,using slave labor upon any public road or highcontroU.dp....nt •••d .tock. do not yet realize the ex~en.t to to an ~xtent unequalled even , way 'in which the existing 'which U. S. •Soviet relatIOns by Na~1 G~rma~y. Every r~­ foundations thereof aTe used , as have 'de.teriorated. The brave source IS bemg ,given to ,atomiC subsurface of ,the 'improvement . . . DeKalb controll.d •••d . hopes of world 'unity 'which research. ' thereof and for no other purThis doesn't make a pretty pose" whatsoev~r; and that were held dqring a,nd immedi-: , production. -, ' there be approp'rlated from th.e Street M:aintenance and, Repair ADVANCE ORDER FOR SESQUI-CENTENNIAI:- CSPIES Fund (Motor Vehicle Licenses) Publication to be' ready about October 1, 1-947 ,!' t •• a sum ,stiffident to pay therefor. " ", ' . The Sesqui-CeIit~nnial Committee: Inspection" and proc ••• lng. This .ordinance is hereby ,de. ' Please reserve copies of the Sesqui-Centennlal Edition as " clared to' be an emergency per the following: measure for' the im.'mediate pre.O ', DeKaib Mybrld ',C orn •• ".old Name 1 se'rvationof the public safety , and general welfar,e of t}1e ,O NLY. throug'h ,. 'u thorlz.d Village of WayneSVille, OhIO, , Rural Rt. St. Address ,, d •• I...... . and 'shall go 'into full force and effect upon , its passage. , state 'City Pass,ed: Septem;ber 12, 1947 ' Warren Braddock, Mayor , Nu~ber of copies ~anted at 2Sc per copy - " Attest: Charles James, Clerk • l

'The Miami Gazette


Fairly Familiar




\·,SEED C '



\, lheir .Business ...... .. ..

A .






,V ,, ,


, controlle~




'if ,

MAIL ORDERS: Add Sc per copy to cover majling casts.Address all orders to ,P. O. BOX E, WAYNESVIIsLE, OHIO





Les6e R. Rothman

LEBANON, 0,,-.0



• Page 3

The Miami Gazette weth and two children of the was selected as a member of Mrs. Girdon Bacon and baby Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Ohio No. 4.334 . Lytle and Perry road. moved the Junior ,Philharm nic Or. daughter was returned to her Edwards Qf Qaytoll were guests Thursday, September 18, 1947 in .with Mr. William Creighton chestra of Dayton. This is quite .' home . fro'nl the Middletown of Mr. and Mrs. RufuWatkins last week. an honor to Milton and we al'e Hospital, Friday, the pa t week. proud' of him. ' Mrs. Calvin Longacre and Mr. Herman Smith were dinner Mrs. Everett t::arly was Mi s Maril' 'n Bur ke returned gue ts of Mrs. Margaret Johns called to Yellow Springs ILt to her stud'ies at Bowling Green and Mr. Paul Johns on Wed- week on account of the erious Univer ity at BowlinO' Green, nesday. illness of her moth er, Mrs. J. W. O. on .Sunday. \ Huston. Mr. Early ' drive~ there Mr. and Mrs. John Chandler The Dayton Power and Light Company presented Phil and daughters spent' Sunday every evenin.g and reports--her Hugh Ridge and family of Spitalny . and his All-Girl with- relativ es in Richmond, condition about the arne. West Palm Beach, Fla. visited . Mr. and Mrs. Harold teinke r,elatives and friends in Wayne. Orchestra in a mu ical conc;ert Ind. visited Mr. and Mr . Omar Gills viI1e last w ek. ' . Mr. and Mrs. Earl Clark of exclusively for its employees at and family in Akron, O. over Memorial Hall in Dayton, UIL Dayton were : unday dir-ner 19 The fightingest man with 20 day, Septem ·e r 14. The con- guests of their parents, Mr. and the week end and w~ile there two guns in the West. cert was concluded with a radio .Mrs. WaIter Clark and family attended a choir concert broadBEGINNING SEPT~ 2, 1947 DANGEROUS VENTURE broadcast of the Electri Hour and with them heard Han. cast from the Akron Baptist Temple.' . WE ARE PAYING AGENTS William Boyd, Andy 'C lyde and -"The Hour of Charm." The Clarence J. Brown at Wayne. This community 'j thankful Rand Brooks. national broadcast of "The ville in the afternoon. FOR GOVERNMENT sioner to the County Commi Also: Grandpa is an honest Hour of Charm' i spa n ored Mr. and Mr . Harvey Burnet for ·the repair of the treet at TERMINAL LEAVE BONDS crook who'll teal yo ur heart. by Am erica's tax-pay in g, bu i. and ·Mr. and Mr. eth Furna ALIA MR. TWILIGHT ness managed ele tric light and att nd d th e Farm r' Club at the railroad cros in her. Orville Sava e and brother, These Bonds are a direct power companie . The Dayton the home of Mr . Lou Ila Oear. Michael L Jane, Trudy Marlhall , Charle are pendinO' a coup']... obligation of the Federal Pow~r a~d Light C mpan" 'i doff in Lebanon, Thur day. of \v eks vacati on on a motor ' 21 ' The Oxhea j Woo js! 22 175 compani s one of th Mr. and Mrs. Le Ii Gray trip Governm nt and it is not to Canada. What in ter cret did they sponsoring the PI' rram . an j children, Wilma an j Bohby nece sary to ca h them at Mr. Harold teink enterhide? Only a curse I man' knew The concert feat ur a vi lin att nded the Earnha rt r union tained the Friend hip CIa s of this tim e. th e answer. so lo, "Gyp yA ir' by Ev I n at .the cOUl1try home f Mr. and L tie unday . Monday 'bl THE RED ·HOUSE ' Rye near ev nin in honor hal and Her Magic Vi lin . ther Mr . Clarenc of the birth. If pass! e-- we urge you 'with Edward G. Robinson, Lon · ouJ tand ing 118ml ers \\ cre Waynesville, un ny. day of her s n, Dale. to hold them for InvestMr. and Mr . 'Robert Raul. McCallister and Judith AnderMerr mel di ' fr m "Th Mr. and Mr~ . th Furna ., _ m~nt. ~ _ ._ n of near Y 1I 0w ' pring Wid W", ' un ~ by Mi s J ll1 l1 e and Mr. Harv y Burnet, pent Sunday evening \ ith their Mr. J enn in , it ntI ' l rum ConMrs. Ma-rgaret Jol?n Mr. and cert, featurinO" Mis i la ,grand-mother, Mrs. Margaret Mrs. J. B. Jane, Mr. and Mrs. 24 In on hand 11 h Id an 25 . Walter Kenrick, Mr. an d Mrs: Marilvn ~ alms. Schmidt a l1j Mi inno ntman life, in' the other The youth FeI.Iowship group Erne t Harl an and daught r Mr. Martin . Mi Martin w rattutil- . ar er f her hu .ban9. ate fr 111 Wilmill O't n Hi 11 of Lytle church had a roller. and Mrs. Walter Clark and ~r. Whi h ne t av? katin O' party at Forest Park, Walter Bmdine hard Han. ch )1 a'll Cin innati C nTHE IMPERFECT LADY Da ·ton, Friday evening. ' . servat ry of M LI ie. Th re weI" Clarence J. Brown of Washingtarring Ray Milland, Teresa Mr. and Mr . Everett Kenrick ton D. C. at the Sesquiman mar l1 autiful l11u -i al Wright with Virginia Field and and children attended a 'family ' num b r . centennial Ann i v e r sa r y at Waynes'Yille, Ohio Anthony Quinn. ' . picnic dinner at Terry Moore The radi br ' ad a t ' The n. Waynesville Sunday aft moo ALa: Harne s Ra ing hart. prin , unday. Hour of 'Charm", wa n. Th ladie of L tie Card eluded with the "Hymn f th 2 Club m t for lunch Thursday Day , in wh i h The Da ton at the Peerless Pantry ' at p )W r • nd Li O'il t C lilpan e m Miarnisbur and enjoy~d an pI y e join d the H ur f -aft r1100n of cards there. Jimmy Rickey won th~ ConCh arm choir in . in in the sole Radio and ,Record Player Mr Irma Sweetman and beaut iful Hymn, ' 1',11 B· family' of Dayton were Sunday at Wayne Park ' Sa'turday even. where Li fning." Thi nr ing, it was 2nd. prize. gu st of Mr. Alice · Trickey wa' d di {lted t The W st rn . Mr. and Mrs. Irvin Harris. and C 'liege f I' W men, Oxf rd, Little Dianna Miller of WaynesFrank h pher and family Ohi . of New Burlington were Sunbelong to the co mmunity The famed maestr,' Phil ville wa also a visitor. After an audition .la· s t Wed. day visistors of the Gh-arles Spitall1y , itf a little impr m~ tu .nesday evening, Milton Jones Shepherd family . talk at the n lu i n f .tll pr O' ram, tated. wfhis i the. fit t time in the hi tory of "Th ~ TELEPHONE 2291 ' WAYNESVILLE, O. Hour of Charm" concert that one of the spans ring com:' . -~ -~~~. ~ -..c(._--<_ .. As-TOLD BY~ DiViSION -ca _ _'CONSEI2VATION _ _ panie ha bought ·'out the en_ tire house exClusively for the pI asure of their employee. ·S~UIRREL SEASON" The Dayton .Power and ' Light . ()PENS SEPTEM8fR. 15 ' n 8e.t In the ' fl.leI " .Company is to . be congratuJ MO C/.l)SES · SE~Me1:R.R." 1WENTY"NINS THeSE DAT~S APPLY 7l) ARE.AS IN 7HS lated. More companies should AI:4- DeTiONS .OF STATE 1IIJlilTING . d · this sort of thing." . TIl. STATtI P~ESER.,* SYSTeM This was the first national WILL I!J~ OPEN TO Maximum ,y ield-both quantity and 9QIJIR~EL HIINTERS broadcasl experiellce for most quality·wise-is what makes success"lUIS "Al.L- . of the 3,000 uests attending ,. ful farmers. It is significant to note INC~O AKD1~----~-~ OUT gr·(m. that durin~ the past 20 yean more and more of these 8uccessful fannen They can now say' t they are using BIG M Brand Fertiliz:en. ha ve sung .on . a n~tional radio "Best in the field" i. our way of . . program bn?adcast from coast The MIami Pertnber aayirlg that you can't use: a finer Company Ie , lUI ' indefefl:i1izer for: all field Crops .than freeto coast. pendent Miami Valle, Waynes~iJIe,

Wilmington Girl In All-Girl Orchestra.


. _ __



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... ,



Pe,.~onal nole~ .


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STUBBS 'Funeral ,Home

tlm:ter Ohio SlWis



. ,.;f'lllenwtJ A large number Of people from ,Lytle and community .at· tended the Sesquicentennial .at Wayne$v.ille Saturday and enjoyed seeing the fine parade. Mr.. Paul Johns left Sunday exening for Cincinnati where he will attend his second year at the University of Cincinnati. ' Mrs. Everett Kenrick attended a Car Club Wednesday afternooll at the home of her mother, ~rs. Ed Hopkins in Waynesville. Mr. Guy Routzahn has been quite ill the past week, with sciatic rheumatism. He is somewhat improved · at tl)is time • . Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Hough and daughter of near Waynes. ville called on their aunt, Mrs. Nettie Emrick, Friday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. John Cheno.

flowing BIG M-alwaYI manufac. tured up to standards, never dowrJ . , 'to price. Best buy .BIG' MI ' ,~

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I, I ,


' !.


a _.i.~


Friendship .CJub 'Holds Fall Meeting , , The ,Friendship Club hel i their fi rst meetin f the autumn at the home of Mrs. L. V. Branstrator in \Nilmio O' t n on Wedne day aflte rno n, with , Mr .. M. D. Baird, Mrs. Charles Koogler, Mrs. Fred , Hoo k and Mrs. Elmer heehan as co.Wayn·e Tow n -hip Fa rmer's hostess. Mi Martha n y er, da ughter Club met ept. 11', in Lebano n · The business se sion wa held of Mr. ani Mrs, -J. F. 11 j r, with Mr. Deardoff and Mrs. ' and Mrs. Baird r ad orne very prin O' fi eJd, \\ a wei t - Mr. W st. The -pecial topic for th interesting articles, taken from Clyde Fromm, n of Mr. and day was given by Mr. Swartzel. an old crap book, on the events Mrs. J hn Fr omm, Wa yne- "Recent developement in Med i. and lives of th e early residents vill e at 4 :3.0 p . m . . atu-da , Cine that will Influence Health." of Waynesv ille. September 6 in the Fir t Mr. ChRr] S West was' speaker Contests also were enjoyed. Lutheran Church in · prinf;fieJd , for the d,ay choosing as his sub. . During the social hour dainty with the Rev. Mu 11er offl iat· ject, '·' Our Relations with refreshments were served . . ing.. Russia." One half hour of nuptial ../ . Guests were Mr. and Mrs. music ' preceded th e ceremony Cliff Brant, Mr, and Mrs. Isaac with Mr. Robert Ruauss at the Irons, Mr. and Mrs. Clayt Murrel ,organ and Mr. Paul Matte as and Mr. and Mrs. Le lie th/!osoloist. Earnhart, all of Lebanon. The bride, who walked with October Club 'will meet with The W. S. C. S. of the and was given in marriage ' by Miss Pe rle Riley and Mrs. Methodist church will meet h'er father, chose a wh ite, .lipper Blanche Miller. Thursday, ' Sept. 2S at th satiri gown, with tight fittin O' Church basement room. A bodice, and a full skirt which covered-dish .dinner will be ,was complet~d with a long full served beginning at 12 :30 p. m. train. Her- lac e edged, fin ge r . . Members will furnish their own jip veil fell from a spray of table service. ~ Rolls and coffee seed pearls. Her only ornament will be furnished. was a strand of pearls, a gift of Mr. and Mrs. Erwin Ellis en. , The gues~s speaker for the ihe groom. and she carried a . tertained to dinner on Friday , day will be Mrs. Lupinske, white Bible cC'vered \vit~ white evening Mr. and Mrs. Lewis President of the Dayton District. ) , , roses. Thompson, honoring the birth. Mrs. Charles B. Earnhart was . day of Mr. Thompson. her sister's only atteridant and' During the early evenif\g, a .wore a floor length model ,of call came for all to come down . aqua taffeta with matching to Mrs. Bertie Mills. Upon juliet.cap, shoes aIJd lace mitts. . ' arriving Mr. and Mr~. Thompson She carri ~d a co.1onial boquet of found ,to' their complete sur. yellow roses with yellow shower pris~ that M~s. MITIs had invited ribbons. . ' ' ~ group of friends to · further Mr. ChafIes B'. Ea,rnhart, help in the birthday celebration. friend ' of the, groom served as The gue~ts ' and hostess present. best man and Mr. M lvin Banta, ed Mr. and Mrs. Thompson with brother-in-law, of the groom,' a set of lovely fixtures for the -nG r. -R-&b-e F. SnydeJ, fireplaee- in their new-home. " Cards were the diversion of brother of the bride, served as ushers. . the evening and a delicious The brides mother, Mrs. J. F. buffet lunch was serv,ed. Snyder, w~re a black afternoon Those present were MI.". and dress, 'street length with 'black Mrs. Lewis E. Thompson, Mr. accessories, except pink mitts, and Mts. Erwin Ellis, Mr. and and a corsage of pink roses. Mrs. M. F. Weltz, Mr. and Mrs. Mrs, J. p. Fr.omm; the bride. Don Hawke, .Mr. and .Mrs. Roy ' grooms mother,appeared in Ellis; Mr. !lnd Mrs. Mark Rogers, navy blue , with ' punch,-red' Mr. · and Mrs~ John Kersey, Mr. accessories and · a corsage of , and Mrs. Edgar Smith and the pink ,roses. hostess. Immediately following the ' ceremony a reception was held AUXILIARY HOLDING in the Neal Temple for about BAZAAR, DECEMBER 6 The . Woman's Auxili~"a= "-ry~o'f ~,...--'- sevel1ty ,five guests. Mrs. Robert St. Ma.ry's Churcl) .met 'on FriF. Snyder, ' '. Misses . Virginia Brl,lmfield, Jane Cooper and day, ,Sept. 12 at 2 p. the Virginia Nagel served as host· home of Mrs. Catherine Barn- . esses. hart. Plans. were laid fOI the The bride and left on com\pg year, a~d it was decided a honeymoon through the south to hold the Annual Auxiliary eastern states and are now at Bazaar on ' December , pth. . 'h ome' with the grooms parents . Following the busine~s sess. ion~ the hostess served delicious I n Waynesville. refreshments. The Auxiliary I Willis Mauric::e and 'family of \fill meet with Mrs. Rice Sn'a pp B~lmont were Thursday callers for its next meetin'g on October 10th, of relatives here. (y

Farmers" Club In Fromm-Snyder Wedding Ceremony· 'Lebanon, Sept. 11 s

W. s. C. S. Meeting' At Churcb, Sept. 25

Bir:tbtlay' Surprise For ThOmpSODS'

SHERWOOD Refrigeration Sales ,


.====== and SerVice'==== '!





The Mia:mi Gazette Page -4 Waynesville, Ohi9 No. 4334 ~hursday, September 18, 1947

ADAMS.WILSON MARRIAGE PERFOR~ED Annou ement i ~ being made of the marria e f Mi s hirt~y Wil on and Mr. Donald Adam: of Germant wn which curre i J.a t aturday vening at 5: 0 o"cl ck at th e Luth ran Chul' h in Germ antown. The couple lef .. imm diately for We terville Coll e e wh re Mr. Adams will enter schoo l.

Ronald Tre sler and LanSing Hardin have just ~eturned from a ten day auto trip throuO'h the ea t during which they vi ited New York CitY3 Lake Cham. pl~in, J,.ake Placid, the Thouand J lands and Niaga ra Falls.

Mrs. Frank L. Taylor of M . d M Ce'\ Ha'r tman · tanford, Conn., Mr: and Mrs. r. an. r. CI Fred C. Harts.oc k of Milfo rd, and famIly have returneq , to and Mr. and Mrs. Harris Mosher Denver, ?Olo,. after pt'nd mg , and daughter, Vir 'ini a Le~ two wee ks ,"Y lth th e J. A. were S ndA vening' supper Hartm an famIly on R. R. ,1. u Y Id Miss Rachel Hartman of ue ts of Mr. and Mrs. Rona Franklin was also a house ~ue t M. Hawk_e_,_ _ __ over the we k end, after spendMrs. Will R. Lewis of Fairing six weeks as sw immin. view, O. and Mr . Dai y Chaney instructor at Camp Maria Hillsbo ro,O., aunt of Mrs. of Olbrich, Madi so n" Wis. G o,rge Miller were house guests in their hom over the Mr. Morris Bourn of Hig. week end and enj oyed the ginsport, 0. \vas week nd esg uicentennial Celebration. , gue,st of Mr. and Mr. E ~lrl Woollard and family. Sunday, Mr. and Mrs. E. N. Reed of Mr. Bourne and Mr. and Mrs. St. Berna,rd attended the CeleWoollard accompanied Mi Mildred Bourne to Bowling bration and visited Mr. and Mrs. Green State University, where O. M. Ridge and other friends, she is enrolt'ed as a freshman. Saturday. L


Miss Elizabeth Burnett aL Mr. and Mrs. N. E. Cullom tended the Bacaulaureate ex. , have their house guests the ir ercises at the eptember gradu. and daughter, Mr. ating class of : Miami VaHey . and Mrs. Robert Bowles and HospitCl.l. Miss Irma Fires and little daughter , of Lakeworth" Ruth Burnett are in the cla'ss. Fla.

Your Newspaper an(lOur 'Sehools

SC.hools play' a mighty importan.t " ~n the life of any , c~mmunity. , Man; Aomes revolve around school adlvltle~, so to us our school means a source of ne~s. Tkat's why this newspaper devotes considerable space to school news. We know that our readers are, .interested in any and all news that pertains to school life, and it's our job ,to give our readers local news. It Is our belief that alne way to ma,intain high standards for the scho'ols of our community is to keep Our people fully infor'med on all matters pertaining to them.


Reportling the news of our schools therefore, both from the social and the business' standpOint is ~ne of the community servic~s this newspaper gladly performs.

Represeatative for

WILSON' Phoae 332 M



The .Miami G~zette


Page 5 The Miami Gaz,ette Waynesville, Ohio No. 4334 Thursday,' Sept mber 18, 1947

third or higher in scholastiC ANNOUNCING BIRTH , CARD OF THANKS standing in his ' cTass. This ,ob. M.r. and Mrs. Vincent ' We wi h to thank ever'yo ne viously eliminates ,two.third of Everding are announcin the for their s mp a\h y and contrib u· th e graduates of any class fr0m birth of a bal y son, Peter ti n _ urin le a cid nt of 'our attending these c t l . - F -r Jqs ph. on Augu t o. daul:hter, Maril )ln, this reason it would mad. Mr. and Mr -. Walt r John on , . vi able tRat parent di cu -s their ANNOUNCING BIRTH GRADE SCHOOL NOTES ' pl an with teach r bef re deMr. and Mrs. Jo hn Hover of. METHODIST CHURCH We ha v a new pupil in the termining upon plans for til ir Dayton are ann un in the R. B. Coleman. Minister second ' grade this we k. Donald childr n to attend coll ege. We , birth of their third hild, a n Sunday School 9 :30 a.m. Valle'ry, from New Antioch, 0, have on file for each tudent, bd rn ept mber 8, Their littl e J. J ; Burske, Supt. , The fourth grade ha a new results of int Iligen e or , a· 10:30 a.m. pupil, Joanne Phillips. Worship Service h t hievem nt t t and al 0 hi , daughter, Patt J, i P ndYouth f. Ilowship comes to us from Tampa, Fla. complete chola tic rec I'd fr m lng several day with the gra nd, T.hursday, 7 ;30 pm. Mrs. Sheehan' - room i ha v. the ,time he entered schoo l. parent, Mr. and Mrs. Ralph ing many iotere ting I' ports Th se record can be of 'reat Miller. at $2.50 per from vacation trips. Place' a i tan e in detern,linin a , ton MT. HOLLY METHODIST Some from out of town e n visited by variou pupils in our students probability of succe Off The Carrier T. M. Scarff, Minister room are : Y lI Qw t n National in college. A discu sian between on ur . treets on aturday w re Roxanna 'Canning Co. Sunday School 9 :30 a.m . Mrs. , Ethelyn Britton of Mi h. Mt., teach ers and parent of theSe Park, California, mokey Corwin Plant E. A. Earnhart, Supt. awaka, Ind. ; Mr. anj Mr, Ni a o'ar3; Fall " Boston and records and of the special apt. , Worship Service ' 10:30 a.m. , VIrginia. Arthur Z II of Eri , Pe nn. ; Mr. itudes of the student would be Evening Service ,7 :30 p.m. There are fiv ixth grade w learned by membe r of the and Mrs. Earl Clark o,f Da ton ; boys that took 4-H project t ' faculty at any time. uch. a Mr, and Mr . Milton he han the fai,r thi week. They were proc dure' can and should be of 'Centerville' Mrs. John ST. MARY'S EPJSCOPAL ,William Miller, Jame Miller, of great atvantage to the tu. L mmon 'of Pleasant Hill, 0,; Samuel N. Keys, Mmistel' Mr. and Mr .~ Richard Mill er and Ante.Communi n ,8:0 a. m. ~ames Dickensheet, Bobby dent. ' 9aughter of We t Alexandria Another criticism we hea r is Church School 9 :30 a. m. O'Banion and John Fischl ack. and Mr. and Mr . Alfr d J ane" Teach r and chi! iren have that tudent cannot arrange ,Nursery School 10:30 a. m. of: Bell brook, Mornin g Prayer' 10:30 a. m. been busy during th e pa t we k their sch,ed ules to take cIa ses HOURS: preparin g an exhi it for the that they need. This di'fftc ulty ~ack and Elmer Compton of 9-12 each morning results onlY ,when tudent 'sta rt Warren, County Fair. UTICA E. U. B. CHURCH New Burlington called n uncl e 1-5 afternoons e~cept The school gr un,d at the into their fre hm an year plan. Rev. A. J. Furstenberaer ay. ' Bert Shepherd Sund Grade Building were the scene nin to ' take the vocational 'or Wednesday , ' Sunday School 9 :30 a.m. of the formin of the parade commercial course and' then , 7-9 Saturday evening , Mrs. James Garrison, Supt. W ' ANT E D ' .~) 1ast Saturday. Quite a few ch ild. change their mi.nds in p rhaps Other evenings by Preaching. 1 st and' 3 rd Sundays ren in grades one to six par. the sophomore year and wish to DEAD STOCIt each month . 10 :30 a.m. ticipated and. we wish to give take college preparatory work. Appointmen~ HORSES ' $ 10.00 Mr. Stubbs a "pat on the back" To illustrate thi s pr blem, this TELEPHONE 62-R COWS $12.00 FRIENDS for doing a fine job; We "think situati n has oe'cured thi year. HOGS ~ $3.00 ewt. First Day School , 9 :30. a.m. the parad,e would compare A student last year pla:nned to Acc.rdln. to Size • C.ndltlon Meeting for Worship favorably with any we have .take a vocational cQurse' of Also, AU SMALL STOCK 10:30 a.m. ever seen. study as a freshman. This year REMOVED PROMPTLYo • , •• '" _ as a so phomore, she desired to Optometric Eye Specialist ST. AUGUSTINE Phone ' HIGHSCHOOL HIGHLIGHTS take college preparatory work Father KrUmholtz, Priest XENIA WILMINGTON 26 South Detroit Street It seems probable that the and wanted Latin I which is a Mass 8 :00 a. m. and 10 :00 a. m. school has been neglia-ent in in- freshman subject. Had she 171~ 2362 ' XENIA,Oruo forming parents about certain taken Latin I when she should FERRY CHURCH of CHRIST facts which we have assumed have, the p'roblem would never lC"I_II_a_l_a_a_· a_lI_a_,,_~_a_~~"""''''' ••••••••••••••••••• • Ralph E. Stinson, Mini,ter 'people knew. As a result" many 'have presented itself. As it is, Bible School ' ~ :30 a.m. school patrons ar,e laboring we cannot arrange for her to Morning Worship 10:30 a.m. under certain false ideas which take Latin I in addition to' the Morning: "Making Up My Mind have been in some cases, in- required soph0mo're work. About Revelation." , '{entionally and deliberately Were our high school enrollR 0 ad ' 0 iI and Tar A,p p lie d Youth Meeting 7 :30 p.m. spread. We at Waynesvme have ment double its present si?:e 'we ,Adult PrayeLM,eeting 7 :30 p.m. been told that our High School would be able to 'schedule more Resurfacing ' and Drive.way Recoating Evening Evang,e Istic ' Service Gourse of study does not offer '" than one, class in each subject F 'R E E EST 1 MAT E S , 8 :15 p.m. the students the subjects needed and conflicts in th e schedule. Evening: "Dependability." to enroll in Col1~.e: . Only one could thus be avoided. A friendly Churc~ 'with ' a 'grossly u!)informed or misinIn €onCfusion, it should be Gospel Message . , . formed could be guilty of mak· stated that, 1'. The curriculum 26 Oakwood Avenue LEBANON, OHIO Phone 221-L is as broad as that of any school ing such a statement. WA\ 'NESVlu..E Today, the principal reason , of comparable size, if not CHURCH OF CHRIST in~bi1ity to gain adm,ission , broad,er. 2~ Subjects required for Robert L VanZile, MiiUater, Bible School 9 :30 a.m. 10 College is inad<:quate. grade's , for college entrance are offered. ,Communion 10 :30 a.m. or a low scholastIc rah~g. As ,but students must , begin as a Sermon 11 :00· a.m. yet, no way has been deVised to fr~shman to' prepare 'for college" Evening Service 8 :00 p.m. f.orce ~tudents t~ make good . otherwise they will not be able grades' m the public schools. We to register for all the desired can otfer the course of study courses. 3. Private colleges and ' , and provide ' the teachers and universities usually 'require that n ~'~ h e~u~~Wp~er~ thrtl~rd~'~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~. transportation; but ' we ~annDt a studen ~ te i ~ , There was a fine ...attendance ' provi,de the individual ,'jniti~tive, of his class before he can be . at the Methodist Church for the energy and intelligence that ,is conSidered as an ' applicant. 4. essential for successful school The school will welcome critiSesquicentennial 9 :30' service. dsm so long ' as it is honest and , Mr. Wade' Miller gave a fine work, or any other work. Waynesville ' has a High constructive criticism. However, address on the subject HThe Fellowship , of Those Who School qf the First Grade. Any as a false rumor can result in a' graduate -of any fir:st ,grade run on a bank, so can ,false inCare." SUN~OWL Reflector type Heater, I;3rass Refle.ct9r. 'ScrewMrs. Robert Chapman and , High 'School may 'be admitted formation ' destroy the good type heating element. Heavy wire guan:t. Cord inc1u fed , to any of our state universitils work of your schools. Mrs. Gilbert Frye ' sang very 69 - - -'- - beautifully. the sacred duet, "0 to which he applies regardless ' My. Soul Bless Tho.u Jehovah.", of fhe students s'cholastic stand. The Church ,participated in ing, providing the ' university 'the 11 :30 Union Service at the has sufficient room to admit The Gi'rl Scouts held their him. After gaining , admissioa, Park. last meeting on Wednesday the student must, of COUfse, 10, at the High .School ' , Sept. The first quarterly confer- make satisfactory ' grades in Oym. They elected new officer.s. ~IZONA t!'e'ater. Modern ' Design. For quick heat on chilly 'ence year of '1947 -4,8 will be order to remain, oth~rwise he . They' are as follows: ' 73 days. C~rd r~c1uded . ," . " 'held in the ' Methodist Church will be' sent home at the end of Chickadee Patrol on Friday evening, Sept. 26 at the first quarter, or earlier. Patrol Lt~ader-Linda Ramby We have in Ohio five state 7 :30 o'clock. , This will be a Scribe-Winnie Jo Stout ',' .joint con.fer.ence with' Lytle universities: O. S. U.. at Colum~ Treas~-Rhoda ' Bunnell .Church who will ' meet with us. bus.; Ohio Universjty, at}.the!ls; , News Reporter, Doris Brown Dr. John W. Danford, District Kent State, at Kent; Bowlmg, Tallawanda Patrol ' Supt. 'will cond~ct the meetin~. Green ' University, at Bowling Patrol Leader Dorothy All'officers of the church should C,te,e n; ami Miami' University, ' Wilson . be 'present and every member is , at ' Oxford. Waynesville .grad . . Scribe----,Vera Sherw, o od uates may enter anyone , of requested to come. T,reas.-Nancy Baird ' Chese five universities without ,News Reporter-Joyce Bear The Methodist Church is now exatRination. ~th MaiD Street ~ from Graq~ HaU The next meeting was held Other Colleges and Univerntaking ather extensive im. TeI~boae ~21 WAYNESVI1J.E, OHIO . , Sept. t 7 at the High provements in the way of paint. sities set . up certain ?ther re· "eanesday 109' and r-epairrng the chureh quirements. In-many, If l!ot aU School, KEM·TONE NU·ENAMEL ' G. E. BlJl..B$ News Reporter ~parsonage. Work has al- of them it is a requi'rement that ' Joyce Seal , the graduate be in the upper .read~begun. ,


,~/!ool ,





for Sale








Dr. C. E. Wilkin




. ..~ Q. ·STROUD




G-E . EleetFic . ,




"Girl Scout News








Waynesville FonUture & Aplliiatl~e. Co.




~ ,Growing ' Sport >


INwneroUJ Kennels Through. out Country Provide Stock for Track Use

r, ' , J

Greyhounti racing, which in England ' and Ireland lures more 'patrons than horse ,racing or any other sporting activity, is fast coming to the front in ,this country as a major sports attraction. according to the Gaines Dog Re,search Center. New York City. At th e present time there are 18 dog tracks in operatjon in the United States, ' and over 500 racing , kennels whose dogs appear at these tracks. Own~ ' 'by approxi. mately 2,500 fanciers, around 6;000 Greyhounds are in 'training at aH times, with an equal number 'of breeding animals and youngsters at home in the kennels. , . Breeding fine racing Greyhounds ofttimes has proven a profitable occupation. Well-bred pups bring high J?rices-$500 t~ ~1 ;500, and excepbonally ' promIsIng young stock has brought as much as, $3,500. Most of today's racing Greyhounds are raised in the West by farmers who breed a litter or' two a year as a hobby or sideline to their regular farming activities. Recent years have seen the establishment · of numerous elaborate kennels built for the express purpose of raising racing Greyhounds. While breeding activities are centere~'lm the Middle 'West and 'West, Massachusetts the past 10 ,rears ,c ome to the fore as a breedmg state and now produces around 1,000 racing dogs every year. Most Greyhound track ' stars can tr.~ce their an'c estry back to the

:JriflnJ;, fiomfl Mi s Clara Lile of Washington C. H. is a guest at the Home thi week. Mrs. Ella Dakin spent Friday in Lebanon, the guest ' of re lativ es~

Mrs.. Olive Curl returned Monday from a visit with relatives in Sabi na. Mrs. Georgianna Ivins returned Thursday from a visit 1 with her daughter, Mrs. Henry ' Hauenstein in CinciI;mati \ Dr. Emma Holloway attended the meetings of the Friends" . World Committee for Consulta'ti on at Earlham College in RiChmond, Ind. on Wednesday and Thursday. Mrs. 'Olive Curl and Dr Emma Holloway atten ted the meeting of the county W. C. T. U. in Lebanon on Friday. Mrs. Woodrow Owens and two chHdren, Winnie J o an j . Stevie of Sprino'field and Mis Glenna ' Marsh .'Of Dayton were we k end ' lI e ts of Mr . Lucile Armit~g.e .

Mr . Helen H ugh Eaton of Bryan, O. called on friends at the Hon;te Friday. Miss Elizabeth Chandler J.eft ·Monday to resume h r duties ' in the Educati n Departm nt of Hampton Institute in Virginia. Mr. and Mrs. Gene Davidson of l3edfbrd, Pa. ' calJed 'on friend at , the Home Tu sday mornipg. Mrs. Davidson is the d au ' h t e r f ' Fa ter and Margaretta Heacock, former superintendent and matron here.

Court nw~

Greyhound 'l'ace at Tal,lnton (Mass.) Dog Tra-ck. , same forebears, as they are almost all of the same general bloodlines. The names of famous Greyhounds of the past appear in the pedigrees over and over again, making rac, ing Greyhounds p'ract~cally all one large loosely-kmt family. One of tne best-known racing dogs of'the past century, whose name appears m , many Greyhound 'faihil$' ,trees,,was Master McGrath, an Irlgh dog. His picture was ' on Irish




D&M"-" .......~ .• ;.":

..... -./

''r-"''~.._ _. ~ly . -,("lI:t-.tIf





MARRIAGE LIOENSES Edward C. Chapman, 26, Pleaswelder, Henrietta Malott, 26~ Kings Mills. Marion Cole, 22, South Lebanon, laborer, Barbara Milam, 18, South Lebanon. George Orner So:vrell,.25, Middlet own, stol'ekeeper, Janet Irene Thompson, 17, Franklin. Arthur Armitage, Middletown, crane follower, Nell Birchfield, Fr~nklin, food service. Daniel C. Tooley, 27, Franklin, machinist, Lona Worrel, 24, Frankla. PROBATE Esta-te of Earl B. Fuller, dec'd, Katherine Fuller appointed administratrix.

P~ge '6 Estate of Delbert C. McClanahan defendant, household goods to de- The Miami Gazette No. 4334 Waynesvill e, Ohio -dec'd, Gladys McCl~, nahan execu- :fendant. trix filed appHcation for certificate Bertha Sheperd'vB. Roy Sh.e perd, Thursday, September 18, 1947 of transfer of real estate. cause dismissed without record and Livengo~d, 8 minor, divorce, gr.oss Estate of George Waldo W~ave~ without prejudice; hearing set for neglect , Carl A baecherli. dec'd, J. T. Riley administrator Monday, September 22, at 2 R~y Glosser vs. Ivins Mercer, inventory approved. I o'clock. cognovit, C. 'Donald Dilatush., Estate of Anna B. Roof, dec'd, Bert Alfred Worthington .vs. Virginia Howard vs. Oron HQwAlvin Roof, executor inventory ap- . Clarkie Worthington et ,al cause ard, gross neglect of duty, extreme proved. dismissed without recora and withcruelty, wilfull absence, George Estate of Walte:r C. Foster, ,' out prejudice costs paid. McCandless. Pearl Harrington vs. Walter dec'd, Nellie Foster', adminis,t raJack Schwartz vs. Ruby Eltzroth trix inventory approved. Harrington et aI, defendant grantfor money damages , for personal Estate of Mary B. Taylor, dec'd, ed leave to file answer and cross amount claimed, $3,500, injuries, gross value of estate is $12,688.59. petition forthwith. Kyte, Condon and Keekin. Estate of Gertrude (iQpperion, Joan Kobus vs. Paul Robert KoDave Sparks vs. Mai'Y Elizabeth dec'd, J. T. Riley, administrator bus, cause dismissed with<lUt rec- ' Sparks, divorce, gross neglect, to sell real estate at private sale. ord at request of plaintiff costs Frank C. Anderson. Estate of J. W:alter Barnes, paid. . Bertha Sheperd vs. Roy Sheperd, dec'd, Estella Barnes , executrix NEW SUITS extreme cruelty, C. Donald divorce, filed application for ce~tificate of transfer of real estate. Stanley West vs. Della West, Dilatush. Joan Kobus vs. Paul Robert Kodivorce, gross neglect, C. Donald O. bus, divorce, gl'OSS neglect, Dila tush. ,. til. COMMON PLEAS Finkelman. Floyd Livengood vs. MalOY, Lee Mary Hatfield vs. John Cox et aI, Howal'd B. Snen made party defendant. ( Wat~h This Space Grow) Willis P. Ziehler et al, ~s. John Wood et aI, title quieted. I Arthur Hopkins·vs. Norma Hopkin, divorce to plaintiff, also separation agl·eeme.t. ' Levi Richard~(m vs. Gilbert Hunkins et a!., 'judgment ·on· verdict. . ' Almeda Vena,ble vs. Howard RALPH E. STINSON, Ministe r Telephone Centervill e 7341 Venable, divorce to plaintiff, plain:. tiff I'estol'ed to maiden name. Floyd 'LiV'engood vs . Mary Lee Livengood, a minor s'ervice by publication ordered. American Loan and Realty Co. vs. Roger Sher,woO.d et aI, 'cause dismissed without rell!ord. Mary Sherwood v.s. Roger Sher- NEW POCKET-SIZE WATER wod, divorce to plaintiff, child to Heater Costs Less Than $2.25 plaintiff, household goods and furHEATS WATER FAST nishings to plaintiff, defendant to pay plaintiff $12.50 pel' week, au- Mer ly place a portabl FA TWAY Water Heater in a receptomobile t o defendant. Roy . Glosser vs. Ivins Mercer, tacle containing water. Plu in judgm~nt for plaintiff against , the nearest socket: La anj bedefeNdant in sum of $629.50. hold! FA T-WAY (Y et work Freida Taylor 'vs. Hobert Taylor, at once, heatin water ' like divol'ce to defendant onanswel' and sixty for 101 purpo es a cross petition, minor children to sufficient quantity for athin g-,



Soon .

Evangelistic Service

Ferry Church of Christ



washing,- scrubbin (Y, cleaning cream eparator, etc. The speed depending on quantity. runnin <Y up ani d W !1 1a e"CAUTION:' Directions for u ~ing ,are furnished with eacn m nt tail'. N heatin o- tank fu ll when a few all n ' 1" a. heater. Read and follow. Costs less than $2;25 . No fires to quart is wanted . Han dy! build hot water to carry. No Portable! Inex p n ive. WAYNESVILLE FURNITURE & APPLIANCE CO. PHONE '2422 WAYN~VILLE, OHIO


NORR,IS BIROCK COMPA1NV Union Stock Yards ,Live Wire a,nd p.rogreaaiv,e. An orAanization 'second to none. Strictlv sellers on the best 'all . around market in the Cincinnati


SERVICE THAT SATISFIES 12: 30 E . S . T. Dial 1300 . W\L~1V Cincinnati 12: 40. Dia,} 700. for Our 'Market Report." ,

wmo Dayton

. . ~:

. . ef M'\l~ Cutlet, another ·lrlsh clog, ..

~ .jJ . . .-

and a prolific sire of racing champibns. The outstanding American sire of ,t oday is Never Roll, who stands ,at the top 81 the current list of sires of track winners. , Greyhound ' track rac~g started inthfs aountry about 1906. The invention of the electric rabbit by Owen P.atrick Smith gave the sport its ' first genuine impetus. Smith promoted racing meets throughCDut the Westr and at Emeryville, California, m 1919 the first really successful meeting wu hent. By . 1926 dog racing had achieved· national prominence and, its , sppnsors were reaping hand· 'Io_e financial ' rewards. After Smith's death in 1927, Greyhound racing fell into the controlling ' hands of an unsavory g"! oup' who all but ruined the sport. ·.I'\1though t~e dishonest element has , long , ~ince been banisheti, dog racing ' still su1f~rs the effects 'of this un· fortunate periOd. Conducted under state sanction and supervised by state appointed regulatory bodies, ~GreYhound racing is actually one ' . of the cleanest and fairest of aU American sports, the Center states.

The mo~t practical above ground temporary silo is tl)e one made from snow fence which is line-d with paper.



1. Is my car ready for anot~er year of hard travel r' 2. Are my ti:res in good shap,e? . Have they been inspected for





Servis Texaco Service Station


with A COAT . of NEWPAINr


" , . cuts. abrasions, leaky valves, etc .. ? 3. Is my car always lubricated according to factory s ,., ,.i fir:a _ tions. .

NOW FOR TJfE $64 QUESTION Where can I ta)ce my car ',and be sure of getting the best. gas, oil, lubrication, and all around service?




Netal, Roofing . ,

is STILL SCARCE.. Prolong the life . of your Roof by pafnting with ALUMNIZED ASPHALT or , DURALIN OUVE GREEN






Page 7 - The Miami Gazette N." 34 Waynesville, Ohio "Thursday, Sept rober .i8, 1947",

M. Russell Horn to Elmer, Jr., public, auction in Lebanon Mon' I. G.. Lain to Winfred Powell lot and Janet McCandless 4 acres in ~ay to Mr. and Mrs. Har Id in Frarrklin. Clearcreek twp. Smith of Wayn ville. The preEdward Bahr to Frieda B. DilaGer~ld~ Fay a!1d Wilda C~mp to . ent ten nt · and oc. upant are . tush 2 lots in Leb~non. ' ' Donayld ' Camp 160 acreS in TurtleMr . A. . Collett and son, Mr. an Mr. Clinton Taylor '., Dudley and Nora Neal to Carl creek ~. , Rol ert nt 'rtcli ned with a dinner and th ir dau hter-in-1a\,·, Mr. and Della Hill 0.367 acres ' in Minnie Simp on to Jua~ita Bauer Franklin Wp_ --:-_ _ __ , unda at th ir ' h me. Tho e an j Mr . Willard Taylor. 3.50 acres in Franklin twp. pre ent weI' Mrs, M'lr Wil u Edward and Katherine Hixon to James Ray to Loui se Herrick 2, f X nia Mi ' Ruth Fox, Mi s Henry and Maym~ Hetzler_ lot in GEORGE S.8ENSON lot in Lebano11. Franklin. Pm'tltlrl-J(flftli"l CII"fI' Elizab th Fox f '- :~ "~.;!j ... !'; George Bunce to Walter Bunce' S(,!'t'f. .,4114"1111 and M'T. and Mrs.· Howard Carl and Mary Louise Wilson to 0.217 acre in Ma sie twp. Kermit Morgan 0.24 ,ac.res in HarCo llett of Wilm~i1 gtoii. John. and Frances McNutt to REAL ESTATE TANSFERS lan twp. Charles and Irene Dawson 3.05 Wages and Baskets ev rat I at members of tht. Alva Stivers to Henry Caldwell, acres in Deerfield twp, . ' A real basket of food, according W. C. T. . attend d the C unty' 5 ijcre in Oeerfieldtwp. Carl and Mary Louise Wilson to the Arn'e rican Federation of La. Conven tion, cond uct d in Lebto James Ballard 0.24 acres in' Raymond and Ellen Conner -to bor, is a good unit to use in measTul'tlecreek twp. ,. . uP'ar I et ha rve tint maLeo, 'Ruth al)d Sru:ah Conner, lot , ,uring income. That is,. how many anon, Friday. Arthur Hopkins to Arthusa Hopchin take a lot 'f th ba kach~ . Waynesville. Mr. and Mr. Am s in Leo ba*ets of fpod will your wages knis 1.11 acres in Turtlecreek twp. out feet pro iu ti 11, but men Conner I to Sarah Frances buy? The ':Federation's "Mcr.thly of Wilmington w re 'thursda ' Conner, lot in Waynesville. Eliza Nobl to Gornett Noble familiar with this equipment Survey" for July has put together e enin dinn I" 'll· _ts f Mr. Mary White to Harlin and Mar0.50 acres in Union twp, warn new wn I' that tw gQod some intetesting figures comparing and Mr. Lewi \Val h. Nettie Oglesbee to Thomas Size- workm n ar n 'eded t get tha Hamlin, 2.14 acres in Franklin wages in America in 1940 with ' more 7 acres in Massie twp. t ,Mr. and Richard twp, wages in Europe in 1940. These fig· B. F. Cline to Lester and Pauline let result from tb q uipm n . Lee Field to Herman and Boyd Ballin 'er ar ann un in the 'ures are in terms of baskets conPdce 9 acres in Wayne twp. The tra t r driver hould gauge Cl1arlyne Sander , 2 acres in ~amtaining items for adequate nourish- I irth f a da uO'\lt r. I rn la t Dulcia . Fulmer to John Flins- hi drivinO' t me t \ rkin o ' ilton twp. ' ment. An American family of five \\ e k at Blair Br . Ho pita1. pach lot in Franklin. , c nditi n,· an j th ' harve te'r would need .about four of ~ese bas- Th Albert Hendlicks to Clyde and baby Ballinger s nd Steve and Rowena Stein to Oti s , o ' rat r mu t b al rl en ug-h kets a day. Humphrey, 2 lots in Mason. child has ' be n named Linda Aidria and Edith Rich lot in Ma ie twp. t make ne . ary a ij 1I tm nts One hour's work by a factory Earl and Amy Kimberlain to worker in tne United States in 1940, Anne. John and Mearl Hedge to lemon hi rna hin a they are· and Angela Reece, 3 lots Mr. and Mr , Fr d hen ood Morton acc.o rding to the A. F. of L., would mie Cal·tel' 30 acres in Harlan twp. n e jed, in Fl·anklin. buy 2.83 baskets. In Bntaih an hour returned h me Monday fr m 1 Robert and Mary 'Davis to ChrisHarlin and Martha Hamilton to of work would buy 1.26 baskets. In . va ati n trip to Mi higa.n. tena Aubiel 6 acres in Frank:1in ntrol Louis and Enuna Estridge, 0.906 f a \\ ay t France, 1.11; in Germ.any, l.02; in twp. h The Adult Bil I Cia s of acres in Franklin twp. f the . Itajy, .65; and in Russia, only .40 • . Mary White to Harry and MarJonah Run Chur 11 met at the Ma o'tl Methodist Church Donf Thjs means , that the American garet Gribble 2.14 acres in Frankf Mr. and Mr. R I eit ald Florea, 0.50 acres in Mason, home worker could buy. with his wages lin twp. Marga,ret Goonan to Thomas and Hou 'h, Fri ay -seven times as much food as a RusHarry hnd Margaret Gribble. to sian coulo with his in 1940. ' Mr. and Mr ·. C. D. C ok of Blanche McClain, 1 acre in . Frank- George ' and Ou Cook. 1 acre in Measure of Freedom Wilri1in ton ntertained the lin twp. Franklin twp. These figures are in keeping with Civic League of Harvey bur at Marianna Updyke to Walter UpGordon and Maxine Tinch to personal observations in Europe in lot in Kranklin. dyke, their home, Saturda y afternoon. Earl and Lula Jarvis lot in Frank1936 and again in 1946. The amount and Vieda Noll to Harold Allen Vander V 0 t - f Franklin, a ndPeter lin. . of food a worker could buy With hiJ Beatrice Burton, ' 0.25 acres in Mr. Cook gave an grandson of Gladys Finkleman to Gen~vicve wages was in direct proportion to CompLete plan f r conse rvHamilton twp. Delaney 7.88 acres in Franklin inn- soil an ' for in I' asing its the amount of freedom that ,a work- interesting account of his trip Ida Gross to Frank and Wilda er enjQyed in his own country. Rus- with The Boy Scout Jamporee Jeanne Gross, lots in South. Leb- twp. pr juctivity hav b n made for sia had the least individual freeJ. D. and Rena Jones to Roy to Europe. Mrs. ' A. S. Collett anon. 9,154 acre in 13elhlont county. , dom fiod the lowest wages. Amer- also told of her recent tour of Neace 1 acre in Massie twp. Russell and Lillian McIntosh to ica had the mos~ freedom and the Marjorie and G. E. Humphrey The cou'nty s it i tri t officials Alaska. " D. L. and Effie Goldy, 101.13 acres highest wages. ' • to ,Earl ana Amy · Kimberla'in lot pl:m ,c unty- \do farm improveThe Communi,ty _Club met in Cleercreek twp. More than 20 years of Commument. in Franklin. Mary Wbite to Gus and Anna .nism in Russia •. under, a totalitadltn Wedne day ni ht at t~1e Hi h Al and Anna Countryman to Donohue, 2.14 acres in Franklin , ,I1ate which owns and opex:ates the School gymnasuim. Hosts for Mr. and Mrs. Paul Maurice Robert and Dorothy Oountryman twp. : ' 1001s of production, has failed to the occassion were Mr. James were Saturday evenin caners 2 lots in Franklin.·.. Gws and Anna Donahue to L. 'change the ratio 1.n comparison with Thornbury, Mr. H. S. Tucker Kenneth and Grace Williams to of Vernon Maurice and family' . Harold and Betty Smith 2.14 acres ..America. The "Monthly Survey" Ralph Houston' lot in ·Morrow. ' in Dayton., . . J. right when it comments that his- and Mr. Charles Doster. in Franklin twp . , Ed Nixon to Al and Anna CounGrange Inspection was held 'tory ha. proved' that ."free entertryman lot in Franklin. . ,prise under a democratic form of , Thur day evening ~t the Grange Wilson Shepherd .and family Dr. T. P. GROSVENOR Edward and Katherine Hixon tQ of Dayton saw the parade and .aovernment provld~ the highest Hall. Mr. and Mrs. Dallas Al and Anna Countryman lot in · Optometrist living standards for workers." Worley of Lebanon, Worthy called on relativ,es here, aturWorkers are becoming aware that Master and Worthy Matron Franklin. , 33:S S. Main St. Phone 10 their best opportunitiei lie in preyeorge Jr., and Mariam Noell day: respectively, attended., FRANKLIN, OHIO _ servinl bdividH~ opportunlty_ _ t Bel"1l1JJ.Land Mozelle Ross 5.05 Mr. and Mrs. James Doster, of freedom to' own property and to creacres in Turtlec:;,;r_e_ek~t.wp_._ _ _--IN-.C.A.S.E-O.F-•'m-E-D.IAL--22U-• ate · and operate an industry or Dayton who have returned You'D Marvel at the LOW PRICES business. from a two weeks vacation' trip the BIG SAVINGS! ' , T'nreats Today . ,through the Eastern United I tear, however, that the Arner- .States were week -end guests of Shop at Your DOT store T m rrow lean public does not understand their parents, Mr. and Mrs. e Dogs love its rich, for some ot the threat. being made Herbert Doster and Rev. and C~reals . upon this ve,y essential fador in meaty flavor, can the American way of life. 1 am Mrs. J. P. Thornbury. e Your best housecleaning buy. Perfect Interested in seeing industry pay Mrs. Lutie Tichenor and . Mrs. GRAPE NUT FLAKES .' , ,for ,cleaning pots & pans. 24 oz. pkg. . • the highest possible wages: Arner- ).F rank · Sibcy of Lebanon spent ,_ttealthy, . ta ty. 80z, l4c lca must continue ·to . provide the Wednesday at Mrs. Tichenors' best tor the most. But I see dan- home, "The Springs" a~d called The health ;soap; BO, bar for POST CORN TOASTIES lera, threatening ~ very thing. on fri,ends in the village during e Crispier flakes 130z. l6V2c that enable Americana to buy more ~ New washd'ay miracle pkg ba.kets ot tood than the workers of the afternoon. any land. ' R~cent house guests of Mr. 1ge 1. High taxes are cutting oft In- and . Mrs. Thomas Welch have ~i~~e!U~f~thes_ sparkfing white. . pkg. . o~ WHEATIES Breakfast of Champions vestment of new vertrute ,cap1t~l -- been Mrs. W'elchs' brother-in13 OZ. pkg. l3c This ~ . prevent expansion and law and sister, Mr. and Mrs. Anything- safe in water- is ·safe 11'0wth. New ·tool. and new indusLoyd 'RI'dv,A 01: .... ----•• - • ---in LUX Ige. pkg. tries wlil not be available to provide Se ' l&""...t-~DI -of - ' ;'..- _"': jobs ., ' vera ~IUMO ..... v 2. 'An extravagant fed~~l budget .were in Wa~.;L"''' ~ -.,,~~ continue. to spen~ aod to create in- afternoon to oil _' _ ,' -7'~ '::: dation. ' . This restrains men from centenni'al and view the parade. JELLY, DOT Pure venturini and investing. . Mr and Mrs. James Park Bt'ackberry. 12 oz. jar 39c · 3. Industrial relation. are un- and family elf Cincinnati 'were .teady. This instability again guests Monda'" evening of Mrs.' make. capital afraid kl venture. , J. PRESERVES DOT Pure Way to CoDfidence , Parks parents, Mr. and M~s. Peach. 16 oz. jar 37c Taxe. must be lowered .noUlh H. S. Tucker and daughter, MISS .PORK & BEANS DOT Fla vor-ful: , 2 'for 35e NO.2 can that the ordinary man can keep a Evalyn Tucker. ' CORN' DOT Cream Style, Golden . No, 2 can 2le APPLE BUTTER DOT , larler percentage , of hi. 'earnings, Mr Walter "Babbs" Donaldand .0 that men will ,be inspired son has accepted ~ position iiI GREEN BEANS ' Tip Toe, cut NO.2 Can l8c DeliciouS ' J90z~ jar 37c to mvest and venture into ,buslnen Way n e s viiI e at Beeman POTATOES ' DOT, Irish. . NO.2' Can 2 for 35e enterpriae. We need to overbaul . . the 'federal budget, to let rid of 'ste~arts Dot Foed Stor.e,. ' I PEANUT BUITER DOT . SWEET POTATOES Pride of Ozarks can 19c Homoginized. 1 lb. jar 40~ . ' wasteful and intlatlon(ry ' governMr. and Mrs. .R; 0 be: t ment spending. We need firm but Brandenberg , were vIsitors ill Dar Halves . No. 211., can 35c APRICOTS fri\ndly lridustriel rel~tions. Lebanon, Monday evening; New pack, Whole, Peeled No. 2 'h. cart 45c · ~ CATSUP, Good Value, If these ' ihlngs were achlev.e d, Mrs. William Wetzel, proCRANBERRY SAUCf; Ocean Spray . '1'.6 oz. can 25c 14 oz. bettie ' 25c they could do ~ucb to pl"eserve th~ , prietor , of the local Thrift E essenUaUn'l1'edlent of ~Uf system of Market is \!nable ·to attend her GRAPEFRUIT SEGMENTS DOT Delicious No.2 can, 2 for 43c CHILI SAUCE DOT high wal'. and high .tand,ra of . • ,. • d h llviDl in thilland of the fr.e. duties owmg to l11nes$ an as CHERRIES DOT. Red, sour, pitted. For'delicious cherry Flavorful. 12 oz. bot 29c · employed Mrs.' Walter :Donaldp~es. New pack No,. 2 can 29c son as a substitute. HI HO CRACKERs . Mrs,,' Minia Martin of Dayton ' · Fav:or~ble r~ports on the Suns~ine. 1 lb. pkg. 271: efficiency of three new insecti- was the guest Wednesday of her cides are being made on the sister, Mrs. Mary Pierson and PREMIUM CRACKERS basis of i 947 field tests, but son, Mr. John Syferd. . WAYNESVlIJ..E, OHIO, South MaiD Street Nabisco. 7l,4oz. pkg. l41/2.~ . The Ward Farm Estate northfarmers should wait for recomeast of Harveysburg was sold at mendations from state aiericies-,

,r,oOXIN(/ ,AHEAJr:·


Cou~l · newd






2 25 25

17~ 30




Other Values






Stewart'$ Dot '

Food Store.


Page 8 carries away this wa: te al'ld the heads under, Next they each The Miami Gazette Wa ne ville, Ohio No. 4 334· fall forward as if diving toward last time It tanos in our gutt r '. epte.mber 18, 1947 Thursday, who tand, about the instructor Home aga in, a vacation is a. pleasant' thing and home c m. three feet away and' catch e to let cons ietl ce b their guide, th m. Lat er each one who i because the y have families to ing is good but there are alway so many things , to c.atch u~ on. ready is tau g-ht to fl oat. Bef r~ support. Those who have taken, , . Some of the weeds · had en the ' ummer is over ev n the the ir place in . a many ca es •• a..A881PQD AD. UTa I I cut but th ere we re still m re timi j Jiitle ones hav·e 10 t their hardly know Ice ~ ea from. - . words or Jell, <me am.. ......1Ie there. The corn was loo kin g fear of the water, many three C'oconut bon bans,. and yet are ~ ~ ~ ••••••.••••• lc as well as could be e peeted and four yea r · old can dog' permitted to lou h their frames RBCIAL BATZS bT . COJfrBACr but it is still a long way from... paddle and orne "of t.he bi ger behind the desk, using En glish • b.eing ripe. The past~~es ar,e ones can really swim. There are that would make a mo ron Loana-in unusually good condition and at'so classes for the older one. shudder .and in their poor w<J.Y PlIDERAL LAND BANlt LOANS: the stock looks well but one of There is no hurry or compul n. teach the · younguns, "Jt, ain~t For Reflnanctna - Rebutldtnlr the cows died while I was gone. the little ones watch the bigger right to say ain't, t~at Afnca .IS Buying. 4% Pann 10&Dll wi1a11ong The .tomatoes are just . eginning ones'. and are soon joining in the in Japan, Benjamm. ~ranklJI1 aIDe to pay. Pay part or f!Ioll any, to ripen' and we hav e t1' w bean fun while' the anxious mamas discovered' North Amenca, etc. ~. LEBANON NAT'L FABM LOAN just ready to eat I found the stand and watch and try not to Pl)BUc. SALE Wha't does thi s generation ASS'N.. Ellis H. stann. Sed7wild plums just ripe later than look worried. This i . bein O' mean Treaa.. Lebanon, Ohio. PhOille 448 Thursday, October · 2, 1 :0.0 to it parent? Surely usual, the chickens just frying carried on all over th c untry. to thi. A teacher is just as not p. m. . Size, and the doO's glad to ee It i one of the good thin g the vital as a doctor, a dentist, a At Oak haven Farms, 11,2 miles me; Red Cross is doing and will . Real E.tate For Sal_ . South of Route 725 on Yankee The hot weath er thi week undoubtedly save th ousands of lawyer or j'udge. In fact they are IF' YOU HAVE A PROPBRTY ' OR St., 3 1h miles Southwest of a combination of all the e prohas been good C0rn weather but lives in years to come. PARM TO SELL oan or ·Wrlte Centerville. 50 head Regi~tered, fe ssions. They have t provide it made me long for the"lovely. Don HendersOD, Tel. :K::EM4e, eu Spotted Poland China Boars and peppermint drop for Marys ' beach I had left, and the nicc . Lorain Ave., Dayton. O.b1o: tic Gilts. Short legged, thick, easy bellyache, pull Junior 10 ecool ocean. A beach is a teeth, . arbitrate the pat he~ feed ers, the ·type that grow f~.t. wonderful play place for all REAL ESTATE twe·en Bill and Bob and fan For free sale Catalog, VISit, ages. Yo'u see them yo un g and Tommys pants for acting write or call Robert Lutes, DON'T FORGET TO CALL old, in fact this year. yo u ee by Jane Fite in the school r80m. disorderly Miamisburg, Ohio. \ Ph one us ·for Insurance. ,All types of entirely too .. much of them. Slavery was suppa d to Then they mu t go to th e 3-9 25 Purely from the esthetic point have been ' eradicated, aim st a Insurance at a savings. Call' Centerville 7960.. Francis Gene Brown, phone of view the more 1 !-ee of th e century ago. Yet it still exi is, church, most widely rep r sen ted Waynesville 2935 or caU human form the more I am in as long as chool te ac h ~r must in the community, j in the ' ANNOUNCING collect. ,WilminKton 2'111. favor of clothes. You see all work fOJ dirt che~p wa · . the .W. C. T. U. or Bar er hop The reqpenin g of T he Log Quartet, empty their pocket to kind, tall young thin gs with People pay the ph i ian hi Cabin Inn on Route 42. Home. For Sale-charity and so on. very , brief bathing uits tha t price and not complain or ha ve Open every .day includKeep' the ood. teachers, dis . . make them look all Ie s, a an attorney for an xhorbitant FOR SALE - Five Rooms, in g ul'lday. ervin ' good charge the 'poor ones, r place . group of them walking down fee, and. merely bra 9" what "a Basement, Bath, Hot ana food cooked like yo u like the beach reminds you of a fine lawyer they got, he ,char 'e them with th o e who left the Cold Water, on Third Street. it. Under new manprofes ion for a .worthy cause - Lot SOx 150'. Mary , Whitacentipede, all legs i fat mamas but 'twas w rtll it.' ~ agement. , and give th,em at 'least en ugh more. See Mike Whitamore. with large familie: , yo ung What th e pre'sen~ po t r,it) . PERRY CLINE wage to uy the alt they at. -3918 , mamas StTU 'glJn g to keep babe " will amount to depends upon Manager Government official uO'ge t from eatin O' and or ettin (Y the calibre of the st,hool FOR SALE- 7-Roo m HOU E caught by the waves; ,fat 'Papa - teachers, Today: we ar~O' faced . Ohi~ farmer who row mbr= belonging to the estate of the • in trunks tall kinny papas , in by a hprtage of ... hl h-~~te . than three acres of potatoe per late A. L. Kin g. Located on trunks, smooth ones, hairy ones, t~acher~ because cheap tl~t year prod uce a total of 22;~00 . North Main·St., Wayn esville, brown ones, pink and · ,vhite fl ted Igno~ant people don,t acres of potat es in 1948. and A FARM DIARY. ones, fresh from th office, .want to glv tho m a .wa e that the total Ohio crop e held Ohio. Ross Hartsock, Executor. . 3-102 by . getting too much sunburn ; grey co.mmensurate WIth eXlstant. to 53,1 0, acr¢ .. A nati nal D. J. , Fralzer haired grandmas, who undoubL prIces. potato goal of 1,5 '18,5 0 acres Id G d Hou.eho 00. -edly can .·' remember going . Sure, . we have so me good 'has' een et. New roducti n wimming in skirts "a little teachers left . laves is ' the meth ods have increa ect avera c FOR SALE '- Coal Range, Sep te,ml er 10, 194 7, One below the knee" enjoyinO' the correct term: They are still potato yield. Good Condition, CaJl .2724. E C 3 9 8 hundred and fifty yea rs is a long ~~edom of th~ nl?~.conse rv~~I~~~~~·~a~f~e3el~in~g~o~f~dtiUBt)~'.~~~~~~~~~~~~ arl . onner. - 1 time and a lot can happen in it. tlve type of SUitS avanlable, en- The others can't afford it ,just DI{ ' CASE OF FIRE DIAL 2222 . ALE~, ~ex ter Electric I was hocked arid su~pri~d th ~ 'loying' the watef and helpin g ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~1 ~~l5lher J ·H-.--&teketf Phone ' first time I realized that I could toddlers j,ump the wave . They. TELEPHONES 2274. '.' . -918 rememb er back fifty years. and are all there ' by 'ones . and hvos WAYNESVILLE 1091 . ye~ it was interesting too, there . and family groups unttil at high . MORROW No. a FOR SALE 9')( 12 Rug, were so many firsts that I could tide there is scarcely room to . LEBANON Office t'J3K Furniture, China and Glass- remember, firsts and lasts. Th,e spread a bath towel to sit o~. ware. Must Sell This Week. first automobile in Dayton and One of ,th e most amllsmg SAND and'GRAVEL RES• . U8L J. B. Chapnlan. -918 tbe last horse~car, for those who si~hts is the Red Cross swim. BLACK-rOp PRIVES never saw one, that is a street . mmg class for the youngest TAR and ROAD OIL FOR SALE' ~ Electric Re- c~r drawn. by horses..The 'fi,rst beginners: First ~hey s~at~he!"1 riAWN' and FILL DIRT" . fri gerator, 7 cu'. ft. Mrs. Rice alTplane .fhght ,over a CIty, when . in a long row With thlelr feet 'm READY-MIX CONCRETE , Snapp. .' -':"'9.18 the Wrights flew over Dayt0n the water and. have them splash fOR SALE - 1 Metal Bed; for the first ·time. Waynesville their feet up. and down, then EXCAVATING and DUMP )"RUCK SERVICE has also had its firsts and lasts "they turn oyer on theh tummies Double Coil Springs, Box '. h d f' Mattress. - A-1 Condition. and , it has just fiIllS e a Ine and splash their feet some more. celebration of its one hundred Next th ey take hold of hands Inquire at Gazette office. and fTftieth y,ear. An old timer and make a circle in the water , --:-918 - would fine many. changes but and stoop down and get ·all ' FOR SALE- GLO-BOY OIL there, 'is one thing that is st.j}) over. thetl Jump up and down . TO.o m heater. '3-room capa- jt~ere, the s.aJ?1~ old' st.reams of several times. Then .each one in city. Call 2281'. . -91-8 dlrtywate( IS shlI flowlI~g' down .turn ' ducks his fac;e in fhe water' the gutters of Main street, p r- a few ti·mes. Next they hold their FOR SAL, haps I. should say the saine old noses and duck their who,le FOR SALE--':" Three Thousand puddles are still sta'nding there, . AUCTIONEERING ' Tobacco 'Lath; Phone .2106 if they ' flowed even. it might • Waynesville. ,:,-3-918 not ,be so The "tirst" and $TANLEY' anel KOOGLER ( the '''last'' 'that Should celebraik BROKERS LI'C ErJSE FOR SALE or TRADE-John this one hundred and fifti~{h For Date .. Phone 2894r Wavnelville. Deere Letz 10 in. Grinder, year ,should be the first time " Ohio. Reverae ChUrA" new, power sac~r attac~ed. , Walter Andrews, 9' miles tthl~a~t~th~e~n~e~w~s~e~w~~~s~te~m~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~ east of X'enia on Federal -3 -92 5. Pike. ' WE ·PAY FOR FOR SALE Dump Truck, 19J7 V-8, leo h. p. Motor, · • cows HORSES HO ,. ~ 3 c~t . . 2 or 3 yard St. Paul Bed and Hoi st, in good condition. One Owner. Pric(t reasonable. ACCORDING TO SIZE AND .CONDITION . . ". Gilbert Biggs,· Waynesyilk, Ohio, Rural R0ute 1,' Res. CALL . Corwin, Ohio. -3-9_5



LIVE STOCKFOR SALE Team Gray , Geldings, Harn ess, Wagon. Clarence Gwin, East Third St. 3-102 FOR SALE Col)ie 'Pups, 10 Week s Old. C o ra Herrin gton; Michener Farm. ' 3-. 102 t)SED CLOTHINGFOR SALE - 2 Ladies Cloth Coats, Sizes 20 . and , 44. Reasonable. Mrs. Lee Talmage, Waynesville.· 3-1 02





.'Armitage &Son


$12; .

OFFICE EQUIPMENT~ FOR SALE Underwood Noiseless, Typewriter, Practi. cally New. M-rs. Leo Conner. Phone 2471. -918 -


Quantity.'. Scarce. Order 'Now

$10; .

X EN I A Fertilizer ~h=


E. G. Buch._, . . ..e.



Fairley .Hdwe.Stlre 6 PHONE 2441


;Fairly. F~miliar, by EFFELDEE Tfler i I in ,. di ~ play j in the \,yayne ille ru' tMe wind w this w ek a " innt puff in ball, m aurin 44 in h circurnf rence and weighIng 7 2 pounds. At fir t ttl P nrance it look i be a l arg-~ pumpkin:' The unu ual man tei· wa found by Virgil Wilker on on the Paiterson ' estat . • * .* There' a tory go'in a.round town about "Cap" tubb,s attemptin g t get John Schoonover to grow a beard and enter the , dres ed a a cl own, Not thinking t oo· well of thi ' propo iti n it 'eem 'that J ohn shaved with great. are each , day pri o,r to til parad'e an:i it wa reportect Iat r that . i 1 \\ that time he, l1a .. ) t 'em ~:r ('l'.'; , ' Nothing lik I e;ng t m r,h:l ti' about not I Hin g- r I Ie m a k~ a Clown ut f u.


*. *

Man y per on came into the offic i ust a f w day after th~ S e u ' entennial and a ked if the pial edition was out y t. bviou Iy this is ' out of order t anyo ne who know even ju t a littl about the many ('perati on and the many hours r qui red t produce su h a publicati on. Phot,ograpbs 'f d.esirab]e c~ne have to b btain.ed, . fr m , the e the printing plate have . to ' b made, the ) regarding .t.fle story (or c . activities f. -the ,0 ca ion and with 'reference to ea h pi ture ' compil d a'nd writ ~ n has to this' copy i then . t irH t, ~ e, th linotyp e op rat r' fin Re r' have (0 tau 11 u 1''''1, f er _- .2 ~' ]e t, r in a ~h . ~ or , the 1 y~ e i.e :' pro f d and read f ' r r r r:, 01 f . rl11 " are th o\1 l::uk- Ul . pIa 'c i OJ the PI' ~ ,tl1 he t - I r!nt d . ·f I ~ i,

~1tth r d,

IV "re ;

-tit -he\.', trim,Ii1. . Y ,if qui t (Continued on P age 6)

Th~Miami .




ptembe r ,



:2 5

19 -17

Mrs.. Hyman Suffers


Serious Back Injury

Mr. and Mr. Noah Newman and ons and Mr. H. , R. Thomp on and on , atte'nded "Morning ' Matinee , at tation W L W, Ciilcinnati, . Tue day mornilig. Mr . Newman received the 'corsa e in honor of their elev enth wedding an niver ary.

Mrs. Je s Hyman, who fell at her apartm nt home on Main treef about tw ' wee ks ago ai1d injured her bac k·, ' wa removed to Miami Valley H pital in the tu b ambulan c on Tue day afternoon of thi w eR. Aft ~ r X-Ray pictur were taken It wa i arned a bo ne in the lower he was back was br k,en, placed in a ca t 11 Wedne day and Will be returned to her home in a few days.

Plans For Factory Building Assured '


h w the fir e-do I' 'at th

s uth fire e cap' f the ho I I3ui ldin ., N te th e br ken at h e on the lever handle that run ,a r th e d or, th is hamil i f r rnamental urp , . nly. Wh n it is d pre d n thing happen. The rea h - the ni h~ lat h locat d at t~e rig:ht f th e. d or no w s rv s th purpo f keepin th d r I cked, ariLi a a latch to prevent it fr m comin pen, When the pres ure f on p r on is ,appli ' d a ain t the in id f thi d r it i im~ i I t turn , the ni,:ht lat h and. permit the door t b opened. In ase of a fire ·the chanc s are largely a ain t 1hi d r "" v' r bein o' o~ ened a the preaili)rF' excitement and ru h to obtain ex it in Cft e of u h ,an emerg ncy \\ ould cau a cong , tion and pre sure to l e applied frorn the in ide which would prevent the lock from bing tu(ned. 1

Thi is one f th man hazards found 'exi til1g ilt the Grade Announcement is heing made cho I Building. It i not t~e result of the past few months or this week by the Wayn,esv ille weeks but from th ne leet of year . How ver, thi doe not conDeveIopm·e nt Company, Inc. of done the . pres nt chaol board in all win~: u h . nditi n ' to ex ist. the proposed new structure Matters like the .above, where they n,danger hum an lif are classOOS . planned to be 'erect~d on their ed as criminal negligence. S meone would 'be ',lia Ie in ca: e of a \ newly purchased lots South , serious .f cident as a result of ~hi~ sjJ ~tific neglect. Main street opposite the Water The ' a 'gr gate of all of the many fault 'in e~i ten e at th Grade , Work. , ch I Building adds up such a iremendou "list f rea ,- 11:: why it h uld b replaced .with a new building that it is alm o t imp ibl The Senior 'Band was a large Tenative plans calls for a to beli eve that any citizen f thi c mmunity will r f u e t v te success the · Wa,rren County building 1 OOx 10,0 feet Which for the ond is ' ue in November which will (rive u a h 01 I, uildFair. There can be no doubt in will house a manufacturing coni~ I)' b omin g to our communit , any ones mind. Congratulations cern from Dayton that will em~ . In the meantime, it i quit vicient that methin ~ In to 1 e 10 the band mempers for a job ploy both men and womet;l . done tq a levia~ e the pres~ nt conditi ns and mak the pr·e ent build- . well done. ConO'ratulations to Originall y the plans for , this ing afer. for the, chHdJ'.en attendin 'sch 01 th re, Mr. Oahris for his untiring concern called ·for a bui1din~~ effutts. --- ...-.;~..l11l1f" tAis.;:.size and , at lbat. .tim~~ ~ . Our chihlr n have what it . their. employment et-.up \vould take. Now it is · up to the · give ~mpl~yrrient to about 75 parent to show the children persons. Sinee-the · . ~~ , ITelll, alld quit 'a- few ill faCt, mu t ' with iirty hand we h~ve what it takes. plant has been increased it is and fa . s, N(. ~ a v2r) 0' d bject l _ on ff1r the hi WrLl1 but it • pas ible that t.hi figUl!e will in,- 'h uld b~ a t i ohject Ie n fo'r th r ,wn -ul . itizen " of thi We mu t uild a JLlnior Band crease ' al 0 com mul11ty '; h n th e. go t the polL 1111. ' 11ext I v mber. It , s eoad-onlY t the eni.or Band. ,'. hould also u '[est am imm diate aeti n n tll ' art o'f thl! W want eveJ:Y parent tq come The firm that Wilt occupy the chool board to c.orr ct thi and the man th r fault f )un c,\ at the t . th me tin,g M nda. ept. buil9in g wii] furni h th e greater . present grade buil i in -: 29. at 8,0 o'clock at th Hi o'h ' part f the capital with which h I Au iit .riUI11. Don't let to pay for co nstructi on, the y llr ch il jren down. balance to b f.urnish ed I y t)1 e local Devel ' pment Compan y ~and Boo t r on a ba· . · of a ten _ear loarl with inter , t. A~cording ~o a pO,k ,sm ~n for the Devel9pment<tn-y'l til< plan for thi , ~r jeet ar read to go into , ff ect at ne and con ' truction ca n e tarted wh en the final plans ar completed, '

· B t t Band Boos ers

Senior Band Success ' at


TERI FRANCES GtJSTIN The photograph above was selec~ed from ~h~ ,.manJ on file at the Rembrant Studio in Dayton, OhIO for exhIbition at the recent -opening of their new studio at Canton, Ohio. The subject of this photograph is Teri Frances Gustin, 2.1 month old daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Paul Gustin of Water Street, Waynesville. .

Carl Pitstick, manag r. of the ' Waynesville Farmers Exchange is announcing the change in NEW CENTU~Y CLUB , policy regarding hours, that h ~ls LOCAL SCHOOL BUS FIR$T FALL MEETING been recently ,adopted by the INSPECTION SATURDAY Board of Directors. The State Highway Patrol . Tl"~ ' 'first 'fall meeti'ng of'thi! Effective 'as of Saturday.: Oct. " will ' .begin the "inspection .I,.of New CeQtu'~y Club will be :held .4 the Waynesvill~ Farmers Ex- school busses in this county, on Friday, Sept. 26 at th,e 'ho~e change will be closed on Sat,. starti'ng Sept. '29 at 8,:30 a. m. urday afternoons. This policy for ·Franklin, Blue Ball, Carlisle of Mrs. E. ' F. Earnhart. The program . is in ' charge of" Mrs. is 'being placed in operation to and Sp.ringboro busses. , aleviat.e 't he difficulties' , erlOn Sept. 29 at 1 :30 p. m. S. S ~ · 'Ellis and Mrs'. F. U.,· LeMay. ' , count~red in schedi.ding workiI1lg the WaynesvH1e and Harveys- , The new officers for this hours for e~ployes. burg busses win be inspected at . are Mrs. Glenn Borden, the Waynesville liigh School. Mrs. Raymond Wade was Sept. 30 and Oct. 1 will com- dent~ Mrs. E; F. Earnhart, taken to Grandview Hospital plete the inspection for the president; , Mrs. Fred Gr_ ....,..... ~. on Sunday evening for ob~erva­ balance of the schoo Is in the secretary and Mrs. Harvey treasurer• . tion and treatment. county.

there to gre t me with affection in his bi' eye and \\'a~gin g­ tail,. His name wal- It p when he lived with' the Bo <ran an j he just i itej us; 0 a i nall as dogs do but when the ' 0 ' t another ~ that I}~ diin't lik,e h moved In an l' w ulLin t (:irive him ,away. When I wouldn't feed him h w nt home t cat but h am ri rht bac~ until license time 'tm and Mr. Bogan aid he wouldn' t pay for a Iieen e for a d g that wouldn't stay home so I boug-ht his license and he be arne m dog and ate hi m al with tll . others. Soon "that Bogan ,do o'" was shortened to "Bogan" and ' he forgot that his name had ever been' Shep. Now hi name Will go down in farm memories with Mr. Biscuits Long-dng, Trixie, and th rest. I have lost a good faithful fri end.

The Miami Gazet~e , EST A B LIS H E D '1 8 5 0

, '~bl1shed Every Thursday. by DAVlSSO;N ' PRESS FLOYD L. DAVISSON; Editor at the Post Office

~tered ' as Second Class Matter

Sub6cr1ptlon Rates: $1.50 per Year in Advance

National Advertising Representatives Ohio Weeklies, Inc., 2465 W. Broad Street, Col umbus 4, Ohio

Mr. aRd Mrs. Z. L. Mo ely of "Hilltop Cabin '" ha v as their u ' ts ' the la,tters parent ", Mr. and Mrs. E C. M or f SO\lth' L banon.

the b ,t producin' ra ie cow, based on production records and te ' t as' w 11 as points. uch records are bein kept why not A FARM DIARY show them at the fair. Have a prize for the sow having raised by the most pigs in the current D. J. Fraizer ear. Make it worth while and they , could get plenty ' of exSeptember ,19, '1947. um- hibits! mer is over. Before thi de· The grange , exhibits were to print Aut'umn wi11 be here good this year. The old the , almanack. fashioned kitchen did not win officially b Wayne vi11e ha ucces ful1y one 'o f the highest places ' perSeveral frotn here attended celebrated its one hundred and haps some of the point,s listed fiftieth Birthday and the 1947 were not emphasized as well as the Commenc ment xcerci es of Warren County Fair i over. ' in some of the others but , I Miami Valley Hospital schOOl ~ow we can settle down in thought it wa~ very attractive. for nurses at tlhe N. C. ' R. peace to do fhe fall work and Wayne ville as usual had an , auditorium, Thursday evening. get ready for willter. Thi i unu ual and good arrangement. Misses Irma Fiires ' and Ruth perfect September weather, We were ' very proud that the bright sunshine, blue ki, Juvenile .e:ran.e:e exhibit won Burnett , were ,two of the graduates. warm enough to be good for first prize. the corn, not too 'hot to work, One thing that would have for a day or too it , as c Id helped all the exhibits would 'enough to scare us a little and have be~n better labeling. More make us look at the coal bin, explanations would have made but when the good September some things more interesting ,to ,sun came 'Out, it wa warm a- the public ..There was a case of ' , ' gain. the small dolls called "Story Everyone seems to think Book Dolls" but there was that they had, a good fair this nothing to say whether they year. I went yesterday and had be n dressed by the exhibit. went the rounds. Everywhere ors or only collected by them. you looked you saw new shining Things were marked class such ,refrigerators, freezers, wa her? ' and such but there were no stoves, and every other sort 'of signs telling what that class in3p.pliance .. There , were quan-" cluded. If yo.u had a book you , 'titles a! bIg new farm t r4ctors could look it up but most of the and ' lIttle garden , tractors, casual visitors have no hooks equipment · of every kind t9 and so no idea of what the ex~ake the hard work out o~ farm- hibit ' was supposed to be. There 'seemed to be ' lots of mg and make a greater mve tment in equipme-n-t-n-ecessary. ears parked but the crowd was Th~ stock exhibits were good, small. ,Wouldn't they .e:et more especIally those of the younger people and in the end more people the ,4- H, the FPA, the , mon~y if they charged a Cal! Club and the others. What quarter, to get in as they did , I liked about them wns that- for a' few years. Wouldn't the there were many exhibitors and fair board get more money to ' such fine looking well cared pay for their new grand stands for stock~ If only there was ' as , if people :didn't have to pay so muc!) :interest the older much at the gate that they , people. The ' usuaJ line of fine have nothing left to pay for the , cattle and hogs and sheep from grand- bnd ,eat, at least not the profe sional breeders but more than once. Keep the where are the e~hibits from thl! admissions low enough so that ,general farm ?, I would like to people :vill com~ rnore than ' see \some of flnes tock owned Qnce and have am l?oney to and Ured ' by th , non-pro- spen w en they g\t' m~ Is the , fessionals. Most farmer s ,think fair 'run to take in a rn~ch as it is mi.lch trouble to. bring their pos ible at one time at the, gate stock in, stay with them, f ed or to, show · as many peapll! as them and care for _.them at a . possible what is bein for .time when everyone is busy the farms and homes? when· the professional, \\, ill get L have lost a oo\. fri lid. most of the prIzes anyway but Old Bogan is dead., Ju t as he ,' why not have classes for the had attained his ampi,tion to be non-ptofessionals with elimina- a house ~og. he is not here to Hon cant t n the farms be- enjoy it. Me was old , and lame , fore hand. Then brin o' onl) the , and gray but he wa.s ti11'a faith- ' 'five bes to the fair for final ful watch-dog and 1 mis . him. ' judging. 1lave the pure red He was' no.t a fri ndly do ' to raised o. R n' ral farm in nc ' everyone and did not. encourage class. Then' hav.e a cont st for fam,iliarity 'but he ,a always . . _~ _ _ I . . _ _ _ _ . .









row jin , no


fender ,


distant ' parkin

bumps, and no traffic hazards.

M 'c C ll' · ~ E FUNER~l HOME WAY N E'SV ILL E, 0 HI 0 '


CE'RT I FIE D,' L A ~ P WEE K" ~



----~--~--- . . - - . . - , l' -:~ .. ~

... 1 .,,"

--------~-----------,a •





netecls a ,

,PLA,N " t ,I ' GHT: f "N~ G , FO ,R ' "H"ONOR ~ , LIS' T ,HOMEWORK ..

ADVANCE, ORDER FOR SESQUI-CENTENNIAL COPIES Publication to he ready about Octob~r 1-, 1947: The SesquLC ntennial Committ e: ., Plea e re erve copi of th .. e qui-C ' nt nnial E iition as per the foll owin g : Name i

. Rural Rt.

St. Address

Number of copies w'ante j

at 25c }' ... r c

py ~ "

MAIL ORDERS: Add 5c r er (OP_ to cover m:t'tling costs. Address n,11 crde!'s to r. C. 2C~ ~, '.v.~YNESVILLE, OHIO




, Protect busy young eyes from strain by providing ,modern eye-saving lamps fO,r evening study and,r~'~ding. P.or gO,o d heidth~ gOQd grades and the school success ,that influences your chiidren's fU. ture, provide good li~hting - Certified Lighting. Choose approved 'eye-saving lamps with taIl.bases and wide-Baring white-lined shades-tlCertilied Lamps" that combine the right bulb, the right shade and the right reflector for abundant light without glare or shadows. ".: , LOok for the uCertified" tag shown here. It i~enti­ fies the beautiful new lamps that meet all lOS specIfications for superior lighting performance.



'. ,aIto horns, 10 baritone horn and 10 bas e for the hra ti n; 1 pic 0 10 , 4 flut ::2 0 1 ,e , 2S clarinet. 1 aIt " Iarinet, _ ta clari'neL, alt axaph n , 5 t nor ~axaph ne, 3 baritone saxaph ~e and 1 ,ba s 'axaphone f I' the w odwin d ction; and 6 per ussion i s wit h dr um, ymbaL and bell . 10


.~Jones\ Part

Of F. F. A. Band

Milton J ne, Future Fani1er of America meml er in th~

Wayne To\\ n hip High 11 I Chapter, has he n 1 de t . C7 ' play Cornet in th e National .r .~aniza · F'. P. A. Band at th tion s convention at Kan ~ a City, . by Jane Fite Missouri, October 1.9 to 22. I m tone f th, oUer f rmer Young Jon wa el cted re ident of til Wa nl: vi lle for the band as i.o-nment by mmunity. he i - Mi Wi l n, Dr. H enry . Brunner f Penn . sylvania State Co ll ere, wh will an x- choo l t 'a her, now living direct the band; ·th 'f ir t natio n- in Dayton. Perhap many f al Future Farmer f Am ri a yo u older line fami l ies as Hy s band ever atte.mpted. They will and MClure ' \ ill reca ll her. he rememl er all of y ll. play f or the National F. F.. A, C nventi nand pa'raje . P'~ r­ *** H ow d u f Ik - like the \... sonnel \Va Ie ted fr 111 til ' 238,2 '\ F. ,A . m ' I l b ,':: - I f ,new t Ie dre e and britche ? J ai n t shortin' my slacks and th e nati n. len thin m y dre ' es 'til I ee Ea h mcmh r f the h, n what the folk in Henpeck and wi)] bri n O' a w'hite hirt, I la ' k Waynesville do, then I'll set the bow t ie and I lack ho". ) n correct styl for Harveysburg. arrival in Kan a Cit. h will b~ giv n th e n w wag-gel' t. J Hearty welcome from everycord uro· F. F. A. cap, F. F. A. body in Harveysburg 't o Mr. and cordur y .iack. t ml.l az( n ' 1' Mrs. ThOmas Smith. Mrs. Smith with the ea l and " ati nal is the former, Miss Delia F, F. A. Band" n ha k, an i Dawson, Harveysburg bred and white u k tr u er . Thi , m binati n \vill . c n -titu t th > uni :' . f I'm to h worn thr ue;b(,ut ':1 appearance at th e f, llr-da , C nyention ~md pa rai a. , . ~ 11 as at the A merican R yal Li v > Stock show.










perator. Tho e of yo u . who aren't a quainll.; :I\vith th In ar

Mr. and Mr . Noah Ne\\ man


rhom:L, Ky . and was acm ~ ani d h m Iy Mrs. Hard(n, \\' h 11(1 i h . n p n ing a few iay with r lativ there.

n ent 'rtai ned Mr.:-. J hn veni n,..,

, R-

anniver ar . "'\r. J ) hll Nc\ m, n anj Mr. and Mrs. R ' 1 rt Y un g n \ ere tll th r o·u st and PI' ~ nt.



'Mr. and M r . R bert V il on and fami ly ,of Oa . t 11 , Mr. and . Mr. T. . Hardin and famil y Mr. Darrell B. 'an and family ' pent 1a t un :la\ 'with relative and Mr. and Mr . Denv r 1,3 gan and family of Clark ville Mr. and Mrs. Walter Friend and BEGINNING SEPT. 2, 1947 ' famil, Mr. and Mr. Fl d Lynch and famil. of Wayne-_ WE ARE PAYING AGENTS FOR GOVERNMENT vill and Mr. anti Mrs. Ch(lrles B gall f ' " ellman all enjoyed TERMINAL LEAVE BONDS a l a ket diniler at the h me f These Bonds 'are a' dir c't Mr. and Mr . Carl ,E. Bauer an obligation of the Federal family ' un :lay . Governm ent and it i not nece sary to ca h them at this tim e.

26 'It' a brilliant, tar27 I ark ling, rhythm -pack d acti n ' mu~ic aL me n, you we tern fan!

Swing The Western Way The Hoosier Hotshots, · Jack Leonard, M3ry ' D ugan' and Jerry Wald's Orchestra. Extra: "Give and Cartoon.

to hold them for Inve tment.



NORR·IS BROCK COMPANY Cincinnati Union Stock Yards Live .Wir, and P.roQressive. An ,0rQanizatlon . second to none. . Strictlv sellers on the best all around market in the country. ' SERVICE THAT ,sATISlFIE8 Dayton 12:30 E. ,So T. Dial l300 , WLW Cin-cinnatl 12:40. Dial 700. for Our Daily Mal'\<et Report.



Waynesville, Ohio

My Brother Talks To HorSes hrrin ' "Butch" Jenkins, Peter· Lawford, Beverly Tyler . and Edward ' Arnold. I us: News and Cartoon. 1 Her' th private life of 2 a ma 'nific nt hell wh o brought out' th woman in women .

. The Private Affairs Of Bel Ami . wit h George Sanders, Angela . Lansbury, 'Ann Dvorak with Frances Dee, and John Carrodine.



FO'R , , Any make O~ model Fred Kahn Motor Car ·C o PHONE 3.

OOr service belongs to th e co mmunity


STUBBS Funeral Home,



The Earth"

28 parkling c \\ ith 29 \ ur favorit 80 tar. Even the horse ~re talking abo ut ihi funf t for th e \ h Je family

rt po sible-- \ e lIr(Ye y u


Selection of m embers f r the ' band was made by mail thr ug-h -uestiollfUtir 'and from I tte r.,. . The band, a selected, will 11sist of 18 cornets and trump L,



) n Be~t


in· the flelel" .

91G M


Maxl""um yleld-ooth quantity and qu~IHy - wise-is what makes successful farmers . It is significaqt to note at during the past 20 years ~re ' and more of these successful farmers are using BIG M Brand Fertilizen. "Best in the field" i. our way of saying that you can't use a finer , fertilizer for all field crops than f reeflowing BIG M-always manufactured up to standards, never dow:! to price. ~est buy BIG M I










·Y MAN'S Department Store .,.,.-',




'-~ . _ _ _- - - '

Ordar now from your dealer for lall ,

Ye , paying a'little eac h week on a blank,et i - the m art ' ,:1Y of , tting ready for th e c~ ld w inter. ni o'.hts a'head. Many, ':,. m e; mak I:S in our commuI11ty are d 1I1g- .lt . . . .why d 11 t ou,

C m e in' al)d as . f r fu1'1 detai l ' . ·We have I ." .. .... l , f I' 111 $ 1. i 9 to S I 0.95 . ' .

. ' Miami

The Mlarql Fertilizer Company is an inde. pendent Miami Valtey concern under .d irect operation of I~ owners.


Fertilizer Company

L." ··. '.. M r~,.













LI AB 1.L1lY

U4-WAY · 'FARM ·INSURANCE" . in the ' Ohio Farm~rs will give you broad "<\tection against losses tels, your automobilt on your farm. It cover. your buildings', your and your liability for aCcidents to others. Why not see us today?: You -~ you're iafe when you're insUred i:a ·the Ohio Parmer.i

Karl ,D. Dakin Insurance Agency


Phone 153, 20 E. Mulberry, LEBANON, O.

'oHio ·"KMER111IIUUII. COMPANY , ~ OHIO 'AlM..S I~ eo.. ...4.h ()II.

/ .1 ' ...... --..


Th e Mi ~lmi G aze tt e I age 4 child re n. Th pre ,jje nt then ' CIVIL SERVICE EXAMS W a nesv ill ! O hio N. 4335 ca ll ed atte nti on f or U" memori al AT HIGH SCHOOL SAT. 1 hur - ja , eptemhe r 25, 194 7 t ribut for I' l ativ ,- \\ h had Lc t. r H . I'd n, P -tm a". . t"r ann un ~ e i thi ' we ' k th at 1I1 ' n un jay, , pt. in Lehan J1l ~ '\,i away sin e th l a t r n ' 2K . An hun rabl di char,g-e . e 'xam ihati( ' union, H e ~ ta-ted "I am wi lh th , Ci vil ervi' xtendin g: our \\'ill be i v n at th I cal Hi gh tlr meml I: hi p card i t he 'only ) u all in ch ooi n ' "'~tu r lay , pt. _7 tu H,' ~ u i.:ite f r a i mi i 11 . Fun for ~ ~r m pat h y t al\ ki n m en, ,1 un and old i ' P r mi : eLl . ile nt ,p rayer of on m inute. , ix t en app lica n t fo r th' Ru ral R lit arrier 'P iti 11 pen al who hav pa . d (l\\"'ay -in -e t h ~ la t re uni n," E wa.rd J n , the I cal P _t III . Mr" orour ice-pre id nt, ag'e 67; d n . tat'i it \\' uld be s m e J ohn K ouser, m ar ried to Ej tim I efor th e re ul t ' Of th is , Th e fift e nth ·ann ua l R un i n J ne si tel" E lsi of D odd ; e:nmin ati 11 \ 'iiI' be made 'J II I - • READ THE CLASSmED AnS • Am on the m an f th G u tin b ran he_ f d vVil ja Gu tin S uth ard, a 'e 74 Ii . s en j ant fRed Li n, f r mcr. of Lehan n ; ' D we GU'tin f Iy fr m t he J r . I I t 'm et ~ t fa ll term tartin g thi s \. 'eek arc 'J ne GlI tin , f Blan- " th e farm h m f M r. ln d Mr . th e f II win g : he,st J', a ~r 6 . •I . ' ' p t J oe G u ~ tin un ja. r , ept. 11. m ; 11 m ade a m ati n ' l e Amen an L <.rl on - MILDRED CAMPBELL Ja k Mulf orti Ri h ard h e. The m e ting , a aIl ed t o th nex t re uni n· be held at th f Wlrren C unto an j oi ture Rural Route 2 han, Ri had Whita ke'r, E h 'i n , , ' 7 4 t wil1.h Ii a Vet er- . rd er l the p'r .i de nt" Wi ll O. Waynes~iUe at Lytle Mich n r and D ol' th. Conad sam e pl ac , Mr. an j Mr- , J e , ~' ,. ust in. After '3, l unt ou G u tin' s. Th:ey gav. th invita. an s PI nl at the Fair rr lind ' of th rad uating la s of 47 dinner th National Anth m ti n an d it wa decided t a · ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ hav e ent re i hi ' tat f r t he wa ' ung and an a jdre s was co m ing) ar. cept. Thank s w re ex t en j ed to <.ri en ,b M rs. Ph 1. Baldl"ri i ge t hem for th ei r ac m ' dati n at R ~y ] )1 n C rabbe L aMar Earn· LATE YELLOW FIELD CORN f Pe ebles, O. An uddre \\ a their nice countr home to all h art and Alt 11 Earnh art \., ill real gi v n by W ard Gustin of r Call at the W ay ne"vill e Oft! e Ph n member of the Gu tin famil y. turn to Oh i tate. ' We t Carrollt n an j t he pre i Esth r Luken and M ar 'uret d nt, Will O. Gu ti n als add j ' chnaitman have ntered EarL a fe \\ " . r~1 s f c ng'rat ul ati ons TELEPHONE 2323 ham Coll e e and Na omi Earn. and _tat d th e earli r ane tli rs hart ha be un a hvo ) ar ca m e f r 'm Jers y I I . H read ~--~~--~~~--~~~~~~~~----~~~~~" cour e at , Mi ~mi 'J acoh . th foll o~v in letter fro m Rev. The W ayne vill e Civic Club M adl n Bur k e h as return e M . J. ' M azard of Hillsbo ro, O. t o, Bowlin g Green Uni versity ; , ritten fr m the Jersey I Ie, will hqld th eir regu! lar' m nt)11 y ' ,Mary J ane Ande rson t Ohi Aug. _ 7 194 7. "V;le are enter· meetin g at Cal c! Sprin ~s Inn on o Wesl ~yan' Glad) , Rye t the in ' on ,th e second wee k of new Mano a. evenin ' S ,pt. _9. T,hi Univer ity of Cincinnati ; Vir- ra ti nin . Half f , th e Ja res med in,g wa f rmerl ch duled ginia Harl an to Vir ",-i ni a ,Int r- are 10 e,d beca u e th c have ' t o be held M n a , Sept. 15 but m ont Colle e; M ary D ora noth'in g t o sell. Vve are . b ing w a 'cancelled at th at time be. H ou O'h t o Mary A eurnh am drive n silly ·t.ryin t o pa our , cause of he Se qui entenni al Sch ,01 at Northh amp ton, Mas. way, W e are only allowed 30 Cel ebration. , A dinner w ill be 5erv d at and Jennie ' Lee Braddock t o cents worth of meat per week 7 o'cloc k ' an d a ! rogra m will and the ca~n ed meat w e c,an get Sch ool. ( Dav is" Joe i so' littI that th ere i s nothin <r f ollow can isting of ' t alks by Cl ar nc J Harf 'ock and Fallis , F. Paine left when half 'the \\ ek i gOl1e. two Scouts wh o attended th are study ing at Wilmi~?"t .11 Th ere i no ' po rk to be ,had at Scout W a r! J a ~b o r~e held in 60llege an d Charles P:ri-ce and- , -a,ny price. eO' are $2 per FranLe. Clul m em be r are reque ted Berna'rd Dafe ar rtt Mi ami. dozen but we can get them f ro m Jacobs. th e farmer n th black' m arket to make re erv ation on or beat 25 cents ach. From ,other f or Sept. 26. . sources 1 learn equally bad or e worse. Newspapers, some of ATrEND EASTEFtN STAR 'fO ' aodt,e f ay ·rite. uick AT HARVEYSQURG n f <Yy. 1 z. pk g. , them s ~.y, thin.g are w orse tban . 8 oz. pk g. t2e Mrs. Stanl y .Bailey, ,Mrs. ' they w ere du rin ' the occupaDOT CQFFEE Reg. or Drip 1 l b. ' an 4ge; 1 Ib, Bag 47e ' , , ti n. Th e Jersey pap ers t 11 us J ohn Fromm, Mrs. D. C. Rid ge, TIP TOE COFFEE Reg. or Drip ' '1 lb. bag , 45c Thi s Sunday, ept,:2 will of a great num be r , of minor Mr. Bertie Mills. Mrs. E. F. DIAMOND BRAND COFFEE R eg. ' Or Drip 11b. bag 37e be Homecoming D~ y at Ferr. crimes, theft, etc. This i 'n ot 'Earnhart, Mrs. Ralph ' Hastings, DOT TEA Oranp;e Pekoe~ lb. pk ,~ 28e Church of Chri t. A special ~) ro . surprisin g, when people are Mr . LUf:i1e Armitage ahd Mrs. TIP TOE ICED TEA lh . Ib. pkg. ' 38e Len a Hartsock ' were guests of ' gram has been arran ged f or the half star'ved they wilf steal. DOT TEA BAGS Pekoe 16' pk g. 15e; 48 pkg. 43e aftem on service, 'Nhich, start-s, "I wish I could tell yo u sam. .H a r v e y bur g' East rn Star " e D oe everythin g. Safe suds f or at 2:3 0 p. m. Carl Smith of , t~ing more cheerful but I am Chapter on Thursday evening. , whiter, easier washes. Lg . ,pkg. ,Covington', Va., a f ormer ~lini- afraid the conditions all ov er

Students Start Or Return ,To,College

Gustin Family' Reunion', Sept. 21

Ca, li ~ornia;

Piano lessons

~~~~~N~E;I~~N~~:IC r


B, U

Jamboree Scouts Talk At Civic Club

Homecoming ~t , Ferry Church

t er at 'Ferry will be 'the peaker at the afternoon service. , At the m ornin g w orshi p hour, Ralph Stinso n, the minister will ' peak on th e subject o f "God, The Church · and y o u. ! ~ Th ere will be a basket dinner served at the noon hour. All the friends of Ferry are invited and urged to co~e . The re will not be any , evenin'g serv ice Sunday.

l\tRS. FRYE 'HONORED ' AT BIRTHDAy DINNER Mr.:>. Cora Ri ch and Mr: . Reba Braddock entertained to dinn,er on Saturday , ' ~ nin g hon'oring the birthday anniver. sary of Mrs. Gilbert Frye. Covers were arran<Yed at the lov.ely dinner table for' Mr. and Mrs. Gilbert Frye and son s, Richard and Don, Mr. and Mrs. H. R. Moss, Mis's Mary Moss, Mr. Marion Linder of Dayt r l11, and Mr. William M t)S5.

Etlrope are even worse than FLORIDA FAMILIES th ey are ·in the Isle of J er ey ." REPORTED SAFE J ers y I sle has ~ populat,i on ' .' Relations here of the Homer Ramby famil y at L antana Fla., of , ,35.0 o. Bre ~de :' of J rsej cows there have shipp ed st9ck of the Kenn eth F ox f amily , of ' t o ,the United' States f or th ~ past N orth Miami ani Mr. D ean of Palin ' Beach . have 'Hawk 1 00 y ears. , The program was continued , heard of t1. ": r safety from the by recitations by some of. the recent storm. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

SHERWOOD Refrigeration Sales ==:::::iC: d' ====;:::==

and Ser



Phone 332 M

Compare tbe Quality! Compare the Value~! .C'ompare the Savings!


Kellog's Corn Flakes




CANNED VEGETABLES TIP TOE PORK & ' BEANS N . :2 C an ' 2 for DOT CARROTS, Diced N .' :2 Can , 2 for TIP tOE GREEN BEANS, Cut N o. 2 Can , DOT KIDNEY BEANS. ' Li g-Iit Reo No. 2 C'an TIP TOE TOMATO~S, New Pack N. 2 Can

33e '

1ge ' 18e

14«: tge

CANNED FRUIT ,PEACHES BY THE CASE DOT APRICOTS, Whol e peel ed , N o. 2 %, Can DOT CHERRIES, R d Sour Pitted NO.2 Can 'DOT PRUNE PLUMS, No. 2 1h Can, For lo~1i,e r kin try the 14 day,



Representative for

Roxanna Canning Co.

P a l~olJv e

White-o L'dry• Bleach








MILK COOLERS HOME FREEZERS -......:.&l.-...... 'LJrJ... OHIO &

Bleaches safely Qt. bottle.

2ge ' 30e

', g e

2 2g for





Stewart's, Dot South Maia Sl,'" t

plan .

4Se '

Reg. size Bath size t3e DOT JELLY Pure Grape 12 oz. Glass ' 3le ' DOT EGGS, NOODLES; -Pu~e egg noodies , 1 ' . p'kg. 2Se





Food, Store WAYNSSVllJ.E, OHIO


Page 5 . The Miami Gazette Waynesvill e, Ohi o No. 4335 Thurs jay, . .. ptember ::! 5, 1 4 7

I srael Mosker to Mildred Taylor ' 214. 7 acres i n W atne twp. Ma ri an and William .Pe t ers to Donald Alan P etei' 6 .2 aCI'es in Halan a nd. Was hington twps . Ilion Ce litJ al Li fe I ns ara nee 0 . , incinllati . 0 D. F. Boynton 178.50 a cre in Harlan twp. ..

Albe rt:;l Brannock, treaSure r Pa'h i i a Winks, new r port r

SOPHOMOR E , REA L E STATE TR A N FERS Dan impson pI' -~d nt 'a r 1 and- Ell n Non'is to 1 a1' Harlan Ea 'nhart, vic -pre'ident TewelI lot in Frank li n. M artha Luken , e rebry m el' W . Fedder s to Frank and GRADE SCHOOL NOTES' .Ju!ln ita Meal' 2 lot::; in Franklin. a m new plate ' h.nve been Don R.\ ~ , treasurer, METHODIST CHURCH Ray mond and Martha Weidle to Kathleen Kuel I r, n \\. . re- .J, B. Impson 0.496 aCi'es in FrankR.· B. Coleman. Minister ,,~ ""'_ . t"........ . ,..r-_I,', ,, 1 . . A. p ur' hase +Cl' Sunday Scho.ol 9 :30 a.m. t ria. These have been ~eeded porter . Ilin . I J. J. Bu rske, ·Supt. Stell a LaVerne ouden to Hazel W () r ~hip S· rvice 10 :3 0 a.m. for'q uit ~ some time and we ' are' J NIOR I· iand Dor othy uttery 2 lot ill Lel>glad t have them. Abo ut 27 Youth F ' II \\ _hip . Bol Ha·. tin 'S, pr sid pt ianon . Thursday, 7 :30 pm. J!rexel a nd Vi r ginia F ugett to hildren are .b ing r ed a h' 13 b Hunt 'r, , i e-pr id I1t . :Firman a nd Gold ie Lake lot in , da.· out f th e t tal enro!l ment Eul Hoa k, s-ecr fary , I at $2.50 per Lebanon. . of 334. ton Iud Conn r, treas ur 1" MT. HOLLY METHODIST Fl~a nk h art to Lynn a nd J une Off The Carrier T. M. Scarff, ' Minister Eil 11 Br wn, D 11 Lukens, :Eaton 3.2 acI' 5 in Cleal'cr eek t wp. "" **. On Friday of thi - week th e Elmer a nd Ollie Eckel to AntSun dav ·Schoo l 9 :30 a.m . Roxanna Canning Co. Ilu ine", ' l11anag (:s h o n ~ and Alma Ottke 13.625 acres E. A. Earnh art, Supt. la:i ie f the W. C. T . . \\ ill Corwin Plant in -Sal em t wp. . W rship Service ' 10 :30 a.m. co me to th e h 01 t present EN 10R Ora a nd Maude Dumford to Jo11n Ev ning Service . 7 :30 p.m. ' a Te mp rane . prooT·am. Th ere \ ic Th ompson, pre ide nt and Mildr ed Fosbrink 0.07 acres will be a lad in ea h ('0 Tn to Oni mal! wood, vice-presljent . m Deerfield twp. Il'ma and R eva'.StJ,lmp t o Ru bed . ST. MARYJS EPISCOPAL present th e: ev il - f a l ~o h o l Fay Creech, ec retar. and leo Wren 1 acre in Wayne Samuel N. Keys, Minister vV ilbur Florence,- tr a 'ur r a,n j nar otic . Thi is presentt wp . Ante-C mmuni n a. m. al:[1. Hartso k, r porter E dward, Grace and Mar y Weer hu r h ch I a. m. ed in ' an int rt: 'tin ' and in tru to Lester and Katherine P owe-ll Nu r ery ho I a. m. ti ve mann er. Childre n lea rn 1.75 a u es .in F rankli n t wp . , Mornin 0' Pra r a. m. verse , 0 11 0 ' , and at' '' told . Mary Borden t o Rober:ta Hart . HOURS ,: lot in Lebanon. sto ri e f. what happ ns \V h n Th e Union Central Life I ns u1'9-12 each 'm orning w drink. 'Ne belie e that the e UTICA E. U. B. CHURCH ance Co., Cincin na ti to J. A. P end1-5 afternoons' except Rev. A. J. Furstenberger I ': on \\'ill mak a la tin g imergrass 178.50 a Cl'es in Harlan Wednesday Sunday Scho 1 9 :30 a.m. ~. - i n ' n yO lln . minds. twp. Mrs. J ames Garrison, Supt. Ph be Miranda I cal De7-9 Saturday evening *** ,." ~ ·WANTED Preachin 0" . 1 ,t arid 3 rd un days pU,ty ~ e g i str ar f Motor V hicles ' Other evenings by A new pupil Steph en Ray each month 10 :30 a.m. DEAD STOCK. A ppointmen~ mith was enroll d in th e first stated today that th d a line . -' HORSE,$ $10:00 for Driver's Li cen e. i . TuesGrad.e thi w k. Stephen .Ray . FRIENDS COWS $12.00 TELEPHONE .62-R first Day School 9 :30 a.m. , co me fr m th e Doroth y Lane day, ept. 30 To date the numHOGS $3.00 cwt. M eting fo r Worship Schoo l in Oakwocd . Our total ber of license'S delivered is mall Accordln, to Size & Condition 10:3 0 a.m. compared to the total amount Also, AU SMALL STOCK enrollment in th e Fi rst Grade to be issued. It is advised th at REMOVED PROMPTLY ST. AUGUSTINE is sixty, - thirty in · a h roo m. , Optometrit Eye Specialist Phone all th o_e who desire licenses obFather Krumholtz, Priest XENIA WILMINGTON Mass 8:0 a. m. and '10 : 0 a. m. 26 , South Detroit Street tain them before the .l ast minute HIGH SCHOOL CLASS . 1712 2362 rush to avoid d lay and extra XENIA, . OHIO FERRY CHURCH of CHRIST OFFICERS NAMED Reverse Char,es \vo rk. . Ralph E. Stinson, Minister . The followin g is the Ii t of . .~ The local office .of registera- " ~.~-""""~.--Bible School . 9 :30 a.m. offi er r centl.y appointed to Mornin g Worship 10:30 a.m. th e High hool Ia es: tion is maintain d at .the Roge rs ,7 :30 p.m. Youth Meeting & Simpso n Gara'e in . outh Adult Prayer Meeting 7 :30 p.m. GR ADE 8.L Main street.. Eve nirig Evangelistic Service Ja k Hamm nd, pr sjd·ent /" I R 0 a d '0 iI and Ta r A p p' l i e d 8:15 p.m. Wilh elmin a Bradd ock, viceResurfacing - artd-9riveway' Recoating A fri enctlv-""'Chrrrch \\ ith a president Go pel Message ~'DOC'S" Kath ei'ine Ball, ' secr tary FREE ESTlM. ATES WA\'NESVI~ Beulah Flor e ~l Ge . treasurer 1943 194 7 CHURCH OF CHRIST Sept, 14 7Q-89 56-80 fair GRADE 8-ll.. Robert L. VanZile, Minister Davi:t Hartsock, pre i jent " 15 70-87' 48-65. fai r Bible School 9 :30 a.m. Marta Rush, Vi ce-pre id nt " 16 6 8-75 44-73 fair I 26 O~od Avenue . LEBANON, OHIO Phone 221-L Communion 10:30 a'.m. .;.---.-...-.-.-~~~~.:. . " 17 66-7... 5 2-83 fair Sermon 11 :00 a.m. Judy Davis, ec retary 8 :00 p.m. Jim Rickey, trea urer Evenin g Servi<:e " 18 32-72 frost 60 -'88 fair Mary Caroline Bradley, news " 19 6 5-88 62-90 fair BEAUTIFUL COMBINATION . reportei' " 20 68-85 6 2~92 fair FRESHMAN Mr. and Ben Smith . . .Betty Satterthwaite, president Mrs. Ell:.. Dakin and Mi s Olive Wjlliam ~ spent Thur dax- Dorothy Wilson, vice-president ed on Mr. and Mrs. Fred HO---;k:-'-it-_H~n~¥.~r---;-I-_ _ _ ~~~.... Sunday. Vera Sherwood, secretary in Lebanon and . at the fair. ' Mrs. 0; W. Willit , Mr , J. R. Stubbs and Mi Grace Lewis, all of Pen :l1eton, Ind. were Liberal Trade-In Allowance ' guests of Miss Mary Bo t n, Sunday and Monday. ( . . Dr ... Emma Hanaway spent Thursday at the League for the Hard of Hearing in Dayton. ' Miss Clara Lile left Wednesday for her home in Wa hin gWith removable aluminurn food tray . Can be u d n th e ton, C. H . . back of an ord il1a 'y chair, al a on "aut rn I He ,'ea t : Misses Marne and Annie . Brown spent Friday afternoon 25 in X~nia. . SEE US FOREST.MATES ON CUTTING' DOWN YOUR Very handy t o l~ av ' Miss Margaret Edwards ha's STEEL TRACTOR WH~ AND MOUNfING THEM ON . b~en the guest' for several days FIRESTQNE TIRES. of her' nephew, Mr. Wit on Edwards, near Springfield. 48 HOUR SERVICE Miss Ruth 'Chandler attended KEMTO~E .MODERN METHODS -~ r RANTEES SATISFACTION a meeting of Alpha Phi Chapter, Delta Ka'ppa Gamma, NU-ENAMEL ,. at the home of Mis Evelyn Wilkerson ' ir, Lebanon, atlirG. E. BULBS: day afternoo'n . . , qo WAYNESVILLE, OHIO NORTH rMlN STREET Mrs. F-ran~i ' Gray and sons,

ENSILA6f for Sale


Deadline For Drivers Licenses, Sept. 30


Dr. C. E. Wilkin '


.,.. ....



--- • •



...; _




•• ' ••




I Blacktop Driveways I.


Weather Chart





Gate Leg


Baby Seats


. $5_


Kenneth and Robert have moved to the' home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Sid Ellis. Pete Runyun and wife wilt occupy the place she vacated on the Kenneth Hough farm.


v_ .

. ~~'-:'.;::\;:~~;;~;w~~.~~'!{~:~~~~~:~.~:~*:;~w-~~~i;.W;"'i;:~;:~~·::.·:~~(;~z:w.~OV~~~~~~jfV~·'.';';I;""



' WaYDe~ville

Furniture & Appliance Co.

, South MaiD Street across from Grange Hall . Telephone 2422 WAYNESVILLE, ·OHIC.





Page 6 ML_ Floren c Kai er of Th e Miami Gazett Devotions v, ill 1 e b, Mr. report her conditi n remain 11 i 0 No. Wa vn ill', ' Charle Cllarlton t1lid Topi hy Daytl n Ky. spent aturday and ThuI'" i~ \1 , " ptemher. 25. 4194~ 57 about th am ". by I;FFELDEE unda)' at th h me f Mr, and (Oontlliued 'from Page 1) Mr. and Mr . Ge r , Davies Mrs. B. Ion ',The L mm ittre n-in-1aw an dau gha pro ~ all j 11 requirin and mother, Mr. and Mr . M110 assisti'n IY til- ho te - are Mr '. Mr~ , RlLhai' :t Kai r an i fami ... \ 1', Harr, G. 'clarenc , mith, ' M ·l' , Henr y ' -l I t f ....1_ B k Miltenberger and Mr. and ' Mr . 1m and a ( . , \\ I , ~ ' _ 0 t in Colul11Mr. an:\ M1' _. Charl c avlor an"] Ml" . TI1 1'1' J n '. will Ie rea\.iy f r' :\ Ii er. in Irvin Harris attended a meeting ,¥Ii ~- Wan ~a O;llrk, Mr. an i Zimm el'nian .\V re re C'nt (l" U ,t , bus. Octot r, c n Ltent wit h the , of the Ohi o Southern poultry Mr , Walt I' Clark " r'., Mr. and arri \'a l , f ~ h o t raph ~ , opy, Asso ciation at Ba hOl'e Poultr , ( Watch This Space Grow) MI' . Walter Clark J r, :lld ba , ad , et . that are all n c sary Farm at Dayton, Sunday after80011 for the buildin g up of this noon. December 31 ,to January Micha 1 p nt un 'ia at Clifty DON'T MISS IT>, Fall, In d. and aLI vi ited the ed iti n. , Ha ve pa tience f lks, 3, 1948 was set for the date whil \ e work. ' of the National Poultry Show beautiful ,Lanier H me an Indiana Mem ria l Mu um ,at at Memorial ' Hal1, Dayton. THE INSPIRATIONAL SINGING The 'Woman' ociety will Madison, Ind. Thi ' ~ me \ 'as be entertained Wednesda y built in 1844 and owne:t y a f Ge r(l"e afternoon, Oct. 1, a t the home direct de end 'wt RALPH E. STINSON, Minister Teleph one Cen terVIlle 7341 Richard Whitaker entered of ~rs. Harold Whitake4 vVa hingt n. Oliio State University . at Columbus MOllday for the enserving year. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Martin Mr. and Mrs. Ballard Smith and Mr, Duke Trickey of Dayton were Sunday guests of 'Mrs. you ",:obabl: .remember bow the loc81 grocer used to a jar of bE;!ans m hIS wmdow, and glve a pnze to the one' guessmg nearest to ~he number Alice Trickey. of b~ans. N9 one usually came very close to the correct number. Mr. and Mrs. Thomas CQ~1ins Recently a modern version of this game, was played' iri the U. S. People and Charles Collins of Dayton, ' were asked ' how many individual petrpleum ¢ompanies there were in the country. and Mr. Walter Cast ofWaynesHere, too, ~ the ' guesses were ,plenty wild! ville were Sunday afternoon . callers of Mr. and' Mrs. Walter Eighteen per cent of those guessing said there were 15 or less. The average guess was 28. Wb~t would you say? 100? - ISO? Well. ' ,. Kenrick. get ready for a surprise. There llre 34,000 individual oil compal'!ies in the country today! Mrs~ Raiph Hammond spent Anq, in addj,tion, there are 225,000 service stations. Tuesday and Wednesday with , Here's why the number of oil companies is important to you. These separate her uncle and . aunt, Mr. and .organizati()ns, are rivals for busine~s. Through rivalry in search for new oil they have Mrs. Sam,uel Nichols in Cinincreased , oUr country's oil resources . '. • findi'n g new supplies, and inventing ways to cinnati. get oil thslt couldn't be had before. They compete in building pipe lines for Miss Sar'ah Carine Furnas lower cost tral)sportation. They improve products and services ' so that returned .last week to teaching they can offer you something better than competition can. T~ey work to reduce costs in The Friends Sel ct School so that the price to you will be' more attractive. . in Philadelphia. Whether in the development of a new life-saving medicine, an invention Orville Savage retur-n ed this which-.addls millions of barrels of oil to America's available resources, or a new ' l tf~ lubricant. which helps your car last longer ... everyone profits all the way down the line, week to Ohio State University : at Columbus for the second' " III. ~ 't thanks to the progressive rivalry between 34,000 U. S. oil , companiesl ~/j ~ ~II~ ,f!) "year. , f) ~I ~ , j THE STANDARD OIL, CO. (OHIO) SOHIO Mr. Walter Burdine was best _ _ I. ~~~~ ,~~*) ;J , ~ , man at the wedding of his sister,' 'II ~ ~:~~~,Z .... -Ai'l---+t~kW-~~-. IJ~~;~ _~ :f~ near- Cleve:lanrr&'/I1i'(~~ 11. Mrs. Ralph 'Barger and child{q, r ~ ~:~ ~ ~ • ren of Washington C. H. spent '~%~~~ ' the week , end at their home r;, here and called on friends. Mr. and Mrs, Kenneth Bradley will QCcupy the furnished house of Barger's. Mr. an'd Mrs. Harvey Burnet and Mrs. Charles Mullenix attended the Hayner reunion Sunday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Wetz in Belmont.

F~lrly Familiar ·









E,y angelistic Service ,

· ~'Jft


Ferry"C,h urch of Christ

" ?


~C~ ~any •If you'r~ ol~ e~ough



. .How Many '

'Beans in the Jar? t%


Mrs. 'Elmus Carmon.y and Kenneth Garrette of Springfield were Wednesday callers at t~le home of Mr. and Mrs. Wilbur Clark. Miss Garrette- stayed f()r a ,few days , visit with her cousins. ,Mr. and Mr. Therle J ones entertained to dinner $Linday, . . . Mr. .and Mr . Edwin Nutt, Mis , Minni e Allen an Garry Moran of near CentervHle and Mr, J. B, Jones. Mr. and Mrs. ,Seth Furnas, Mi s, M41'Y Brown and Mr. an 1.1 Mr ,Walt J' Kenrick attended ,th 'me tin 0' ·and picnic 'upper of the Warren County H i ~ tC)fical ociety in th e conce - ion room at Ft. Ancient Monda y evening; the guests of , Mr. an d Mrs. Lawrence Gray . • Mrs. Everett, E,arly spent the week end at her home here. Sh,e is aSSisting a' nurse in ,the care of her mother, Mrs. Huston at Yellow Springs and

. ,





You n g s tow n,

There'• • Plu. Por You Ita Petroiermi. P~;;;;'


Page 7 The Miami G az He Wayn svil\e, hi N( . 4, Thursda, , S"ptemb er, .;5, 19 -+1

,yd, hi ' ph _sician :lid h ~' I. li eved n I ' ne - t hL bnl kcn. Mr, ani Mrs . Cha rle- Li n I-ay we nt to Farm cr ' vill atu rh LV nin o- to att 11 :t tip l11:lrriag'e )f Mr, ,!-ind:a · ' i. t ~ r. Mi -: l\~arj o rie Mi hae l to Mr. Carl Sch oo l wa ' di mL ' ~ d \ r\ L i- Fuhl -. 80 lh th bri k ani hrii n sday an i remain ' d 'I(l:cl g l: m are known m th e until Mond, y m rnin g -, ~ pt. vi ll ag • 22, to permit tll i ent ' t attend Mr. and M:'s, W , P. McCarren un ty sessions f th ~ 'tVarr 3n , of Wa)h unding ~~" nt th e week Fair. On Thllr -da , Mr -, Edna end at th ir h me here, h I l3' lIl n Compt n B g:an' Mr. Charl s Th mp· n I ft playe d to. g th er with th r un ay t visit his -ister, Mr . W arren County ban d . ReI ecca Tra ) in W a hin g't n Miss Ether Pra ther p i1t Court ' Hu e, ·th e. w ek nd vi itin ' r lati ve , Mrs. GeorO' W aterhQu e and in pringfield. , . • Mrs. Nancy W ooley of. Wayne_. Mr. and Mr. J h11 Hardi n vill e· were Satur ay gue t f· of Dayton were week end Mrs. Loui e Fit a'nd daughter, houseguest of Mrs. Hariin s' Jane. mother, Mrs. Cl ara Garjul a an i Mr. Bern e Shidaker f Circle. her mother, Mrs. Ella V o i~ L . ville vi ited his · broth er, Mr.

p a r~ n L ,

/ r, and Mrs. Harold G il il:l m, T i ley left - und ay, to ,nn-if1 ,.. law and vi it til .:: ' lbu c hi I', and' th '~ new t\vin . ,

Mr. and Mrs'. K. N. Hough Miss Edith Davi of. Bridge.. an :l daughter, Mi s- . Mary D ora bo f'O, N/ J. was th e week nd and ' 0 11 , Lorin, an j Mr -: Vi ol a ,gu t of , Cliff Q Ui ll tt an d n Tu e da f r fRmily . H 'lrlan left '" r, and ~ r · . .liTH M ')re "'11· 'N )rth Harnrto n, 'Ma . \Vb- re Orlan :t Holm and fa m ily t rtaine,,· lh i r C~lrd Cl ul at. Mi ss M:Hy. 0 ra H ugh will enter t h ~ , M a r A. Burn ham attended a hirtlH;la Ciinner at urda _' .e / ' n i n ~ at th ir home. ho I for gi rls, f r h r s' n ~ th e h me f Charle .: Marin and r, an -i "'\ r ~ . \ Vi lli am Gi lli am . fa mily at W;rhin ,t n . H. ar. entert a i n~ j the Adult Bib l ~ USE GAZETl'E CLASSmED ADS Cl n s f J n: h~ ' Run Chur h at 'M.r: and Mrs. Rob rt Bruce tl1 eir h ' me; T u i a nin g. and Mr. ' Hattie Main ous of Dr. T. P. GROSVENOR Mr . J . p . Th rn l1 ury \\' a in H amilton and Mrs. Art Raburn ptom etrLt ha 'ge of th e I" l'OQ,Ta m . of Cincinnati w rc callers of th ,1 5 . Main t, Phone 10 A leg~i l ar ssi n f th e E. M afnouses. FRANKLIN, OHIO • \\'a held Thur day v ning at th Ma - ni T emple. Mrs. F rdinand Kaiser of Mr. 'and Mr . Ch arl e Doster Day ton. Ky . spent th e we k an d en d at the home of Mr. and Mrs. ,ind daughters, Jan et I' Experienced p rator f r Barbara wer w ek end house. Richard Kaiser and famil y. and Labelin ' 'Machin ' g'ue ts of friend s In Oberlin. Clo in Ma hin e in CanMr. and Mrs. Robert C. Th e B, F. Y. of the Jonahs nin Plant. Run Church met un day even- Young and so n of Middleto vn Year around w rk were week end guests of Mr. ing. tab lish O pportunity t A r gular metin g of the and Mrs. Noah Newman and with a 'oin ' Co nc rn an j Grange wa held Monday even· sons. n a d in annin g a c n' ing at th G~an O'e Hall. tantl u ed comm odity . Mrs. Mattie Flan ry of Mr. and Mrs. G e(Hge Denn. Good Wages cnt 'rtain ed the Mi s ionary Cir. Hamilton is with her , ister, . THE cle of the J onahs Run Church Mrs. Ray Mainous who i's can. THOROBRED CO., INC. at their country home, Wednes. , ve:lesin g after a recent sick CINCINNATI 3, OHIO da.v afternoon. Mr , D roth .y spell. I



Mrs. A. S. Coli tt enteltain - Carl Shiaak r n Fri ia .I an j ed a gl'ou'p of ladie t card at togeth er' th ey at'tended th e her home 'atu~day ev nin '. Warren County Fair. . Th e forty m del Chevr let One ' tabl e was in play durin g to Mr. ' and Mrs. the evening with Mrs. Sadie b longin Reason, Mrs. Osee Harlan, Mrs. Rob ert "Buddy" Brandenb rg was partially destr9yed by fire Lis ~ Curl and Mrs. Collett. parked in the Nill was in charge f th e proII , , Friday while Peggy and . T eryl Warren County Fair Ground, daughters of , Mr. and Mrs. ram. Cau e of :th e blaze, damaging James Park of Cincinnati w re Mrs. Saral1 Wright spent sevguests of "their grand parent, the rear s. at was und termin e 1, eral day ' this week as the house Mr. and Mrs. H. . Tuck r, v r but the loss was covered ' by guest 'of her cousins. Mr. and insurance . . the wee.k end. Mrs. Joseph Norris of Soul h. and Mrs. Howard ern Hills, Dayton. Mr. Mr. and Mrs . . J. H. Curtis, II ' l entertained guests from Clev . G 'raham, Mr. and 'Mr. Geo rg.e ", son and Miss RUBBER land, O. over the week end~ Wall and STAMPS and Graham att n'ded Kathleen • They were Mrs. Esther Ham'i lMA.RKING DEVIOE.~ . the ,Bevan famity reunion Sunton ' and sons, Richard and GA~ETrE OFFICE William, and ~ r. Lester Curtis. ' day held at the 'home of Mr. Mn Raymond Brooks sus" and Mrs. HOr.ace Bevan of near tained painful injuries Friday Sligo. Mr. and Mrs. leonard Hansen afterno'on when he fell from a of Niagara Fall, N. Y. are 1---45t-Aflf~ ~at hls-h~mLillL , CI arke 'Avenue. Through the extent of announcing the birth of twin daughters. The materna,l grand:. his injuri:es are_undet~rmined a


C Be


Would you select a career In aviation? This you can do, and be guaranteed the train'jng you choose before you enlist! Only requirements. beyond regular physical and mental ex. _: -_ _ _~~~.J.l~~,!L!~y!:!.Y.....JH1~..LU~; graduate, or that you are in th~ Air Force and can qualify. It's toda y's great opportunity to write your own ticket in the Ai.r Free.


~ .

WOUld you

~anf fa ,:arn fa fly? If you

aro , ' I single, 20 to 261/2,' and have had two or more y ars . of college education or the equivalent, you can become an Aviation Cadet"with the U. S. Ail' Force. N ' whc' re el e can )~ou get better train'ino-, for nowhere el e is "m ' ial i )ll a dvancing as fast or as fa r as in our own Air Force~ ,

V"f~uld y~u ~ o +0 a f~ctdership school? lr you J. \ e' flU',ditie of I ad!' 1' hip, wo uld ' u -,v.,ntto Je ':d ':'p th ..m to their !ulle t? U. ". rmy Leader hip hoo1 [!I'e HOW select i.fl O' lik ly

. candidat s from sen -icelUen to ta k~ lh s ' valuabl e

CO U I' ,


'I' It" ' . • '.


Located: on Route 4.8 , ' South of Ro~te 73 at



(YES, it's in, W~r~~ ~C?unty) ,•


Army and Air Fo'r ee are doing e rv, thina I:) possible today to h Ip a h indi vidual develnp al ong lh lin s that he pi ks for ·him elf. Arlll Y and Air F orce tr njn in 1t is th~ rou O'h and take·hom e pay i better than most ci \-jUan jabs. Ol)portunities for ad aneement are wide op e n to every man in ~njf,orm. Make your choice tod ay at your U; S. Army and Air Force Re ....uiting Station.

-29 HIGH



1 •




mi. fiott"




Court ' ne~j

I ag , The' Miam i Gazett 4'~35 l. NI () hi " ill \Va\ Il~~v I 47 25, r ~)temb ~ " ~ia r Thli PROB TE

ORDINANCE NO. 196 An ord in an 10 expend funds MARR IAGE LI ENSE S nece ar. to , I"',ur ha e a r. new , Estate of H emy Shi elds, dec'd, Mt. Hall . home c min ~ Od. Wilbu r ,IE ; Fox, 21, Frank lin, truck for main tcnanC e and rehal'l e ~ J. "v agg,o ner 'apPQinted a • pair of public ,~ tr et , roads Jand .5. Ever on ) come bring y ur pap l' mak 1' , Ali" ... Lou a e Mob· ministl'at91' giving bond with s highwa. s within the Villag of baskets and sp n the da. \vith 1 y, 1 , Frank lin, Le lie Edgec omb, Jr., 25, Bala ,t ic in um of $6000 . Wayn e ville an I appro,priating us. , •• S BATJj: yd, P enn., t el bu ine s, Est ate of .Mary E. Wilson , dec d, AD refor. Cynnw ' • • CLAS SIFIED the nee _ ar. money th non. a Leb. ~ 24, l', •••••• tbtle. pUl'ge one i. Gray execut or filed first and Aug ," H. less. Ruth min , as words or The M t. Holl y h li1e the tru k lLe by a-. r Wh le ti ••••• na ~ •••••• Cincin l ac~ount. 30 word h, fina Each addlto nal Arthu r Fritsc for repair of tht:"! is sc he j uI d t be h 1i 0 t. 5. e Villa the McB&CT Rose CONT el by S Micha BATE s man, 'E<:ta te of Anna B. Roof, dec'd, SPECI AL str ets has become Everyo ne i r ' qII t d to attend. busine publi nd. Lovela Kinley , 22, Alvin Roof' execut or filed applic a· ob Jete and un'fit for uch pur.- Brin a ba ket, sp n:\ the day. Loan an, tion for certificate of transf er of T'hom as Neeley , 22, Dayto ., poses " Leb21, l'eal estate . welde r, Edith Sheph erd, FEDE RAL LAND BANK LOAN S: Comestock of ' Jean Miss . no has e villa' the , ea Wher anon, beauti cian. Estate of 'E. W. Dumfo rd, dec'd, For ,Reflna nc1ng - Rebun dtng dayfew a spent rtown suitBeave long ment with equip gl'OSS value of estate is $5,406 . 65. other truck or Buying, 4% Farm loans any S all or PLEA part ON mus\ Pay Mr. COMM and pay. ses to 13Jne ' able for uch purpo last week with her aunt, , Estate of Stephe n J. Thiel, dec'd, tlme. such truck or equipment T. L. Grum en. Merle SUl'face vs. Donald Surire 'acqu Edith Thiel appoin ted admin istraLEBA NON NAT'L FARM LOAN face, hearin g ~et for Sept. 18 at , tl'ix giving bond with sureti es in in the earlie t time allowed y ASS'N ., ElUs H. sturm , SedyGreen e, Mi, t Rober Mrs. 11:30 o'clock. sum of $24,000. Treas.. Le~on, Ohio. Phone 448 law. Ste. ur Will Black a Mr. r, Gene\ vs.' Mille a Black Wand Grant Estate of Peter R. Wic~l, dec'd, tc Whereas, the yillage has . 'record ut witho sed dismis Wical execu trix invent ory ap.;. cMe Ida and Mr. ed for bids and has , an venson bf Da. ton, vertis ad s, Nichol Irene Nichol~ vs. James proved . Rea) Eltat e For Sale acceptable bid to furnish such MrS. Henry Berges and childr en caSe dismis sed witho ut recoi·d. Estate of Cathe rine S. Woods on, IF YOU HAVE A PROP ERTY OR truck , or equipment. of Beavertown anj Mr. 'ani dec'd, Bryam Moore admin istrato r Now th erefor e b it ordained ,Mrs. Roy Shaw and children of NEW SUITS , PARM TO SELL oa.u or Write ed. approv , Sur d Don H~derson, Tel. KE3446, 61'1 by the Council of the Village of Donal vs. e Surfac Merle and Mrs. Estate of Willia m Hendr icks, tfc Waynesville, State of Ohio, that Xenia call d on Mr Lorain Ave., Dayto n, Ohio. face, alimon y, gross neglec t of dec'd, Georg e and Albert Hendthere be expended a sum not to Lue Morg an, Sunday. duty, C. Donal d Dilatu sh. ricks admin istrato rs proceedin~s Howa rd vs. en Wheel Anne n _ _ _ _ _ _ ' exceed $215 0.00 for the pur-' Dayto of er Mill R::--EA~L_ES~T_~_T_E Harry Mr. under forme r order approv ed. neglec t, gross e, divorc of se en, u ' the Wheel for truck a of chase CALL DON 'T FO'RGET TO called on Mrs. Hiley Gib on on ' H.Z.Gra~ , Franki·e Gruber, the little us for Insurance. All types of the V' lage in maintenance and Saturday evening. Elijah vs. tt Pucke da Berne roads s, street public of Insurance at a savings. Call repair on of Mr. Hazel Grub r i , George Bratten Pu'c kett, divorce, exh'em e cl'uelt y, Mrs. and' aining Mr. maint and ays hIghw and phone n, Brow ' Gene is Franc ' C. Donal d Dilatu sb. till very 'ill with rheumatic and s Day· brid~e in day.; ing few repair a ing and spend call are or 2935 e Waynesvill done ton with their sons. feve r. IN CASE OF FIRE DIAL 2222 collect. Wilmin£'ton 2'111 . ' viaducts 'including all work higJ:ior upon any public road Mr. and Mrs. G. H. Ker in<rer in which the existin g way :-' Sale:TELEP HONE S Hom es For day evening after Satur ed as ed u return are f thereo ations found E ESVIL LE Z091 U HO WAYN m .Roo 7 EFOR SAL on. nt Jacks in veme days impro e few a th of ing rface spend OW No. a subsu MORR the of belonging to the e tate purother no f~r and of there LEBA NON Office t'J3K late A. L. K,ing. Located on Mr. and Mrs. Dewey ComeI that and ; oever whats RES. ~L North Main .st., Waynesville, pose SAN D and GRA VEL stock and family called ort Mrs. the from d priate appro be re the Execu ock, Harts Ross Ohio. BLA CK·T OP DRIV~ Stree t Maintenanc e and Repai' )r Alice Furman, Satur day even\ ' t or. 3-10 2 Fun d (M otor Ve h"lele LIcenses TAR and RoAD OIL i,ng. or. theref pay to ient a sum suffic FOR SAL ELAW N and FILL DIRT Mr. and' Mrs. Erne t Earn. . . de y hereb is ance Ordin , This ' FOR SALE or TRA DE-J ohn elared , REA DY-M IX CON CRET E , to e an emergency hart and family, Miss Clara ,EXC AVA TING and DUM P TRU CK SERV ICE Deere Letz '10 in. Grinder r measure for th:e immediate pre- Daughters, Mr. and Mrs. Ker, , new, powe r sacker attached. ' servation of the public safety singer spent Sunday with Mr. the of re welfa al gener and miles 9 Andrews; 'I- .W alter and Mr.s. John 'McTagge rt and ' Federal . , east of Xenia on -3-9 25 Village of Wa nesvi11e, OhiO, ' son of near Lewispurg. Pike. and shall go into full force and Mrs. LeRoy Shaw of SpringFOR SALE - ' Dump Truck, effect upon its passage. , 1947 12, mber filed called on Mr. and Mrs. . 1937 '-, 001 . Pi MotoJ: Passe,d : Septe r Mayo ' ock, Bradd n Warre and Bed Paul 2 or 3 yard Sf Clar·ence Crawford, Saturday CUST OM SLAU GHTE RING- - - , Hoist, in good conditi-on. One Attest: Charles Jame , Clerk 2-92 5 afternoon. Owner. Pric ' reasonable. COW S AND HOG S Mr. 'and Mrs. Walte r Calla. Gilbert Bigg , Waynesville, Ohio. Rural Route 1. Res. NOT ICE OF APPO INTM ENT han , and family, ' Mr. William -3-9 25 Corwin, Ohio. PROM PT' SERVICE Notic e is herel y given that Callahan of Cincinnati were their of y Sunda A. C. Tomlinson whose ' Post supper guests, , LIVE STO CK- ' Office Address is Waynesville, parents, ' Mr. and Mr . Th o~as g Youn Good ' FOR SALE Ohi o, R. R. NO.1 has been duly Runyon. ' Cow, T. B. and Bangs Test. appointed a" Administrator of and Mrs. Jame s Wild. Mr.. '. Anna Ruth , of Estate ' one , the ed; · ·Ever , ett ' L. Sears of Jack on we,l' > weeke'nd man HARVEYSBU~G, . OHIO en ll1il~ w.est of Wayn esville, on Tomlinson late ' of Warr guests of Mr. and Mrs. Erne t PHON E WAYNESVILLE 2006 2242. - _ County Ohio deceased ro u,~3.. Ph o Earna rt apd family. . . " -925 Dated this 23 day of SeptMr. and Mrs. Lloyd Thom p,~------------- -------1947. r Gray embe Tea.m FOR SA LE son, Mr. Jake Chenowith and Atty. Gray, Z. . H. ~agon , ' s Hame " ,G ldi'ng MI'; Ernest Lucas spent' · the I ' -101 Third East' , Claren ce ,Gwin weekend with Mrs. Anna Luca . 3,-102 St. Miss Minnie 'Crawford spent Don and Doyle Girai'd of Collie Pups, FOR SALE y with Mr. Friday evening with Misses 10 Wee ks Old. Cora Dayt6 n spent Sunda drkill of Herrin ot Ol1, Michener Farm. ' and Mrs. R. B. p.eters, t\leir Dorothy and Margarie , .3-10 2 grandparents. , Dayto n . WE RECEIVED THIS WEE K A SHIPMENT OF THO SE . USED CLO THIN GMr. Junior. the little son of Mrs. Martha Graves of Haz. FAMOUS ' is Cloth s Ladie 2 FOR SALE ard, ' Ky. and Mrs. John Tread- ·and Mrs. Vernon Maurice 44. " , Coats, Sizes 20 and callers at the Ray still very ill ' at the Good Reas onab le. Mr. Lee' way were, Sama ritan HospitaJ in Dayton. ' Talmage, \\'ay nesville. 3-19 2 ' Mainous home, Tuesday.









Armitage &Son

O pe n for B us ln es . G al l G .a rd o n


PUBU C SALE Thurs day, Octob er' 2, 1 :00 p. 'm. Farms, 1lh mile's ven At Oakh a South of Rout,e 725 on Yankee St., 3 'h miles Southwest of Centerville. 50 head Registered, ~potted Poland China Boars and ' Gilts. Short legged, thick, easy feeders, the type that grow fast. For free sale Catalog, visit, write 'or call Rober.t Lutes, ,Miamisburg, .ohio. ' P h 0 n e . ~nterville


3-92 5



Phone 18M.!'•• Ohio. Re~ Cha.....


Thfs is the Model with ~he TWO NINE INCH BU~ERS. :- It really does a £,ood Job of heating -


$12;"' ,HORSES $10;

HOG S ,$3 cwt.


X E N I 'A ' Fe'rtilizer R..... ,4 S 4 o. 'Cha r...


E. G. ..... .... lac.




95 ,

Fairley Hdwe. Store 8 -

PHONE 2441






Fairly Famili,a r by EFFELDEE


-ir 'ula t d

Th'l! Miami GAZETTE , .-

Waynesville ',Hi Band To' Appear At Oakwood-Xenia Football Game, 3rd The Wa y n " v i II c H ig h :h o I M ar ' hin ,~' 13an i ~1I1 L!e r th e di r cti 11 ' f M r. 'D n ahris ak\\,(j ud w ill ap ear at th H iR'h cho 1, Fri day . ct . ) :1t the f ootball , .e:a m hl.? in g hel i 1. eiwe n Oak \\ 0 :I and Xe nia C ntral. Th 1 al ha nd ~\ ill pre ent num rs at t he , penin g f the gam e, and at th e half ,I c:~ ri d th han :i - fr m ak \\' 1 d HiRh, X enia Central and \-Va. 'n e ville Hi gh wi ll en h pr ent numbe r, an I after th i three ban i comptet j th w ill join toge th er to giv ma band n "r t. Th \-V a .. n e v i II e Hi gh .h I Band i ral idl PJO\\i n f~ int . an ouL.tandin g group With th eir mar hl11 g: ta ti c bein,!!: f atu red . It i ' th e p lan f Mr. Gah ri s t , increa e the n lLlm ber f m mb ' r in thi s I an i t 10 and at th co m· p] tion f thi pr ject the ba nd \ ill th en t - kn own a- the 'M ar hin g: 1 "

CIVIC CLUB W.JLL £Ol1PLETE-CABIN At the r gular ept em , r meetinR o f the Civic Club held Monda, pt. 29 at Cold l rin g: - th e fort m mbers pr sent heard a talk b a m em I' of the B c ut 'who recentl y made n triJ t o France in the \Vorl d . . co ut Jamboree; , Th bu In.e.s ·~ s ion included inter stin,g- di cus ion some and i,t "as de id d to don ate $ 10 toward publicity in th c min,!.!' ch 01 bond i . Lf • The also plann ed t o d fin itel co m pl ete th e out cab in in tim e f or th , ... ut Divi ional Roundup which will be h Id h re on Oct. 25 and 26 . Thi i a l ar.e: ) affair in co utin ,g- and will bring' to thi communit a Kr up nf outs from v:uio lL J,.) oints f o r the h\ o·da Ret togetlTe-r.. '

/J;,rfluJ CONNIE LYNN SHAFE'R Mr. and 'Mr. Paul ha f~i' arc the 'p roud pai'ents of a ba l y ,girl, Connie L nn, born at Bethesda Ho ital~ Cincinnati, Se~t.

19, 1947 at 2 :3 5 a. m.,

wel,g ht se v en po unjs thr c ounce . Paul, ,who 0\\ n and ope rat e the. Twin Theatl;e , i alread,Y la ymg plan , for th e y ung: lady' f uture and state he \ ill 'probably have th e J,.1leasure f showin ,~ the picture in w hich hi s da'ug'hter i the tar itl t he not top di t ant fut ure. He base his prediction on her ability to ,e nter~ain , e peciall y in th 'we small hours of th e night and also her beautifully I itched voice, . that ech o~- fhrou ,!.!'hout the neighborhood. in, ace mpa[)iment to her father's m e'astlr d footstells beating ~ path on the bedroom floor. Mr. and Mr . ' John J ,. Burske (lttended the inspection of the ewly instituted Eastern Star apter - at Higginsport on hursday evenin~.

Want 'To See?

SUNDAY PROGRAM AT ,METHODIST CHURCH unia\' t. ' S at 10 :. 0 a. 111. til ,\t\ 'a \ n 'svill M ' tl1 dist ehu r h ~\ ill I; rve "The

Miami District Scouts Here 25-26

\ \' r Iti r-l-1-1+HJ+ _ The hil dren ar' t ha v part in th e L'r iC' an i the m i ni s t~r w ill ive an illu trated t, Ik s~ LL i ~i ll v for t hem. un ia v e ning, :to S at 'I k in the M'ih :li -t Ch urch Th ' R .1'h 111 :1 ' d-· hea:\, m i,n i 'ter of the 'V llmin.!!.·t n Mdhndi t hur h wi ll d ' . Ii\' ' I' an a idre. : ' n th e th Jl1 , . . will ,g'et ~ll1d~J'\ a y ,n "Tll'e mmun isf Mella e' o r aturday th .... 5t h w Ith tr ops " eeing: Rd." 1'. A :l ~ h ~ a:l is f rom Franklin, Carl isl e. 1 rin g-' . boro, , H.n r v e _. I ~I r ~ , ' an.d a scholar an i a fi n -I" 'aker. Thi add re s hould h heard ,Wa ne vill e Pit hlll ,e: th ' \r 111 tent on the am pin.Q: , 'J' un d I v a l ar~ all ii n . The Illunit y i ~ -ord iall y invit d at one a' I -k. After th · tent , . are in rd r th e ca m pi ng groups wi ll org'ani z' th eir area g ttinK fir w d and arnng:in ,e: th e kitchen ar a f r th evening

Church Of Christ Minister Resigns,

bein g mad e Church f , Chri st of th e re i gnati n f th ir mini tel', Robert L. anZ il e \ 110 plans to tak charR 'of th Chur h o f Chri t in to\\ n, In dian a. Mr. anZiI ' and hi ha ve heen at th l ocal f or a out h 0 year , om e here fr m Ea t rn hi o. He w ill '() ndu t hi lin al rt. 1 J vice here in un:i a v, and w ill m ov t hi n w harge durin ,g: til we k f, 110\ ing. The church l ard hh m ad no arran.e,:em I1t for a rep l a e· m 11t t fhi d C\t e: "

by th e Wa n vill

Mother's Club Opens. With Many Plans NEW CENTURY CLUB ,


m al.

Th e tenativ pr gra m h daturday ule a Ca m pfir venin g with a fla shli ght hike f llowih,g, th e host tr p t o be in charge f h th vent. Th 11 all Quiet. unda m o rnin g up and to 1 reakfa t. Church ervi ,e are ched ul q \\ ith Rev. Col m an, Meth od i't Mini st 1', c nductin~ Prote tant ., rvi e on the ,ground and Cath lic youth t ing c n:lu t d t tIi . I ca l chur h. Th ca mpin,g- kill on. t t t run:'! ut the m rnin g. Dinner will he ~ r par d by th e indi vidual tro op - an d camp 1 r ak up h ('tl v aft I' dinn'e r.

,Village Officials Give Facts On Sewer

The C un il VillaR> Th e fir t meetin g: of th e of \ Va_ 11 vill e ha m et many current ear for The M th rs Th e N ew Centur y Club h "ld tiI:n e in th e p::\ :t y ar or so, in Clut v ill b ~ h,eld at the , G~'adc; , its first . eetin~ qf the -194 7. addition te~1:fl m ·nHit es in:;, ,, -.~;"""t'"'~;~ School · bUlldm~ t1 Frrdav - 194'S' year 'af th hom e of MI•. required 11 l aw; an m an y r· aftern n, oct. 3 at 2 0 cl oc k E. 'F . . Earnhart. idents of 't h vi1lag- hav e ' een with the i xth Grade furni hThe n w pr id nt, Mr ' . t11 e 1i ~ht I urllin,l1,' in th c uncil ing th program. , Glenn ,sord n , pre id d. H l' ro ,m until n arl y midni ,I!:ht on Plans f I' the Hall \ e' n t cord ial ,e:r d in,g' t o 111 111 , ' thes particu l ar v nin g . ... u h C arniv al , a y al'l y affair . r 11- 1er ancL.e,'.UJ _. I Iud ne \! hi h a phenom cn n i. s red b y the M oth r Cl uh, with th e r 'a ii ll ,!?: o f an Ed,gar should attract th e attenti n eve n will be full y dL.cus ed at th i Gue t p em 11 Fri end hip. th e mo t de ultnr iliz n f m, etirig-. Al o. til hond i ~- ll ' ' According t cu_t m, t il l o ur co mmunit y in th e Ji g-ht ' f f o r the n w Grad S h oc 1 Constituti on and B - U I\V- 'V ~ r \ th fact that' e~L h indiv idual buildinR will he eli u~ . eel ni1d read at th i f ir t n1 etin,g-. Thi m ember is virtuall d natin ,g plan mad e f r the Pllhlicit, t o was foll ow d by th e read in g f hi s til.lle f I' th e t: long 'l1 cturn at be ~dven thi ca.u_ . the minut s ' an j r 11 call meetm gs; -and ven m r p arf th M th 1" Twenty-one m emh r re. 1 n d ~ ticu l arl , in th li ,g'ht of th e fa t A committ " Cluh w ill me et the \1\ a vne. ed w ith infere -tin ,!!: mill en ts that each 111 "m er Oil Uil il T ownship S hool Ba rd on on th e topic a -iglh.: d th "Ill. 'is ervin R th erein nl hecau "e M onda vening to furth ,']' di . Letters fr m ab nt III "mh "r f hi ivi c lit a ~ a par t f II cus plan f o r ~ r m() tin,g- til w r r ad ~tnd. enj OY'd . dem ocrati c ROV,er1llllent Sli -11 and i u ., and g rad '", h n l Follow ing a hri,d h Ll - in'~s: w e, enjoy in thi na,tiol1 . Improvement. , e ion, th ' m -eting W' l turn It wa not, the re f F ~ , I au c ' Mrs. . N. Key h a ,he n ed v r to th PI' gram ' m· lll € mb ' l' o f lin il in previ ou- . nam :I presid ent th M ) Ih- mHtec. Th f ir t nUIllI, I' \ " L • 'yea If , I It -k ed i 11 k r tin , til ' i I" er' - Club f or the cn lllin n' -ea on a pap er · nt/ti ed , " I culiariti ommunity o r the affa ir f and Mr. Al P lin' of the Plesidcllb," '!'Iep _n,t I th eir ,e: v rtlm ' nt, th at m an y pre iden t . ' • an,d I' ad by Mr . . . . ' . Ell i. .. CIV I prob l eru have xi ted LlI1. Thi ve r y in t r ~ st il1 g: arti Ie l vc ; but LC rlu: e LIi(' . duti c J roug'ht out sam . uit·' Cl mu -in o' "hi h til e l aw rL' 1u irc .' th at but not w ide t. . kn own 'htu'act- c ~ncil m emher . p rf0 1'l11 are , erUic f the men w hc hay m ore than eno U,!!:h t o occ up y h ld th e hi ,lth t o ffi c' in rill1' tim w hich c un il i, ohliga t d l and. t o dev te to th ". vil1a,g:e; with Mr. F . . U, LeMa y I' tid a out , th ' a umpti n' f oth ' r, paper on the. 'H ist r v f 'rn · ta ks, until 'uch task in th emamenta l ' Gard enin.e,·.'" Kn own Accordin ,(l t o ' J J a m .:' ~ , elve hec m e 0 , ur,!!: nt a to a the old e t of all th e art , , preclude furthe,r d l ay . ' I ca l co utm a' t r, plan are being' 1~1ad't: f )r I1rin gin ,Q' Cub gardenin g: ha l en ~ ra 'tic ,d T he anitar cw ra ge ys t m by th e ~ opl of all c untri e J w hich was unaertake'n se ve-ral . couting t n Wa. nesville. T hithrou,Q:h all tho ag , fir: t hI' y ear ag , durin ,~' the dep r ion IS the 'c li cing I r an h seh . use and th en f O'r ll ea. ure. dul ed f or ho l')etw een th whi ~ h pI' .c ~ d e d th pre ent Durin ~ t11 ' cia l hnur, a,g' f 9 and 11 and act a a world condllrofl . , has f r a 100n o' training ,co ur. e for th e entrance. which follow ed adi ournm nt tim e .been a di ,gra e to ,the co ni: w ere munlbi and t co mmon en " into the r.egular Boy Sco ut temptinK refreshm ent served to th m ember , a.nd and the Council and present Rroup. , ~ rollowin, ! !: Kuests: M I: . C l arence Mr. Jame reque ts that anyvillaRe official have h ad the ' one interested in sLlch a m Ive. Rye, Mrs. A lvin Earnhart, Mr . firm conviction ever since as- ' ment in th e community co n- J; J. Bur ke, ' Mr -. Jam es suming office th at ometh in~ Rohinson ' and Mr. Clyd e must be d,one hefore the present. tact him for further details. Fromm. ' term exptres to cure the situaCOLORED MALE tion. Hence, ail ' explanation for .Q UARTET COMING so many ni,ghts of b urn'in~ the TO LOCAL CHURCH proverbIal midnight oil All criticism not be prp'~he Waynesville Church of 1943 ' 1047 Chnsi is announcin',g the f J atcJt:tded by this public s~at~ment, ured· ?in~ii1,~ t,o, be held Sunda y Sept. 21 52-86 fair 64 - 80 rain smce there ' are certam Indivi22 54-88 fair 52-62 fair duals ill any commuriity who m o rmn,g durin,~ the regular church service when a pecial 23 50-79 fair 38-oR fro t will try t~ di credit th e actioPS colo red male quartet f rom 24 48-72 fair 42-76 fair by others m 'the common ~ood, Daoyton - will present everal ' 25 44-64 fair 50-70 fair for financial or other personal 26 34-65 fair 42-64 ' fair r~asons. Furthermore, there numbers. The puhlic is cordially (Oon~ued , ,_ .Pace!,l) . invited to hear these singer 27 ' 38-75 fair 36=70' frost




Cub Scouti~g . May Com'e Here ':,


"DOC'S'~ Weather Chart



rver al of that -io s, t the rna be allottt!d t it, or it can, in many ases, be coml ined with wage-price tructur~, ~ subje t which are an ~ "ta ,Ii h"0 far, pay in rem e" f or mo t \ 'o rkers may hav! off t the ed part of the curricu lum. \-{ ar H ' S f mdh d, the mai n prj' i,n rea "c , But if inflation e er ,ts the oroLl hly be- thing i that th in trLlcti n I) twe n its teeth, th e pur ha in~ , vivi j and forceful- and r all v pow er of v ryone 'w ill decline drive home th fundan:I~n tal " . f , ata trophi all. Th~ o luti'o~, ~or utput t Iff-et the r - f ire preventi on in y LIll O' min ,i:, cord wage - p id in all in ill try today, '

The Miami Gazette ESTABLISH 'ED 1850 PUbllshed Every ThUrsday by DAVISSON PRESS FLOYD L. DAVISSON; Editor Entered 8S Second ClaISs Matter at the Post Office -


SUbscriptlon , Rates: $1.50 per yeat in Advance

Natfonal Advertising Representatives Ohio Weeklies, Inc., 2465 W. Broad Street, Columbus ,4, Ohio

have co t $1, or I seven As part of a nationwi i eju- ) ar ago. Gove rnment ffk:ial TELL iT TO THE CHILDREN cational ~ rO,e:ram t inform th :> d noun e in ju "tr for high Any"long-ran e fir pr vel:America n farm r of th e fir price-- but ay nothing about menace whi h d _trope j $ , the inflationar influence of a tion program that i to pr PLI ~ 000,000 worth of farm pro- $2 0, p, nati nal maximum re ult - rnu "t includ ).: erty a~d claim d ,5 Olive d bt an i prodi al v mment fire instruction in the choo ls of ' on 'farm in 1946, the Nati nal spending. America-both urban an i rural, Board of Fire Und ~r'A riter" ha What We w uld all like, in Traffic afety ha ~ long been is ued a n w ,_4-page bo klet, shorL is to' nj -I 47 in am s taught in thousan i.; of sch oL along , with 194 1 price ". Oe- Fire safety de erv~ equal aL "Fire Saf ty on the Farm." The booklet outlines cor- sirab l as that ream ma be, tention. As one autflOrit said rective measur s for the two it i trictl a piece of fanta ' , "It is apparent thai if af t ba ic cau e of farm fir o far a the fact of life are faulty buildinR: con tru tion, con erned. Your retail merchant education in the field of fir and lack of kn owledR:e. The is charginR: ou more f r what prevention had been ad quately ,presented in the elementary hazards in dwellinR:s, barn and you buy b cau e the in r a outbuitdinR:s are anal zed, with in wholesale co t and bu ine s school durin the pa. t fiftr!en . special emphasi on th in - overh ad force him t. The or twenty year, the l os' f creasing e.tectrical and flam- m anufacturer harge more b - children's live fr om thi d,u e mabIe liquid hazard foun i n cau e there has been a , tre- would be greatly reduced tothe modern mechanized farm. mendau inflati on in th co t day." Recommendations are made, for of lab or. tax • mat rial an i The method used t t a h ver thing el e. All intellig- nt combating two of tlie worst fire prevention may be of farm fire hazards- l ightnin.z , bu ine sm n would like to ee various kinds. Periods of time and spontaneous iR:nition. The lower prices. They are worried booklet also lists fire safe ,~uar ~ for fear that million of conwhich should be included in the sumers will be pr! ed out of th~ construction ,of new building-, market. But pric have simpl y wage-cost-tax ". and provides suggestion ' on followed , the have and "how exi$ting structures rna be trend as the} alwa brought up to a reasonabl e lev I always wilt: And all the talk of fire safety. ' about profiteerIng- we hear these days won't change the iturrtion Of ~reat importance, th handbook is a practical guide for on iota. . , the or~anizations of a 'y t m f home fire prevention, and deTHE PAY ENVELOPE tails what to do when fire breaks out, the equipment needed. an j No theor has 'en more how to fight different t yp s of thorou,~hly exposed , than the fires. ' In addition, ,the ne,ed for argument that higher wag~ rat ~ ,c ommunity fhe protection' an i need not be reflecte.d in the selL , cooperation with volunteer fire in cost of commodities. ,Since 1939, the wholesale price qf departments are stre sed. Sin,g-le copies of "Fi re af t ! • on the Farm" may be obtained m alrufactured goods have risen free from tf1el\Jational Boari 78 per cent. That corresponds of Fire Un rite 8 ohn alm o t exactl to th e in rea e i!;!+~--=--:----"'--------r..z---::..,rr-,~:;-r.:::=::T:"'=";":~r-=i-r=-.:::........:::....::....::.:..:..:..--: n wage costs inc e 1 9 3 973 per cent. , THE OTHER Th e th eory might have had FELLOW'S PRICES' , validity had it includ d the tipuIn an article ' i'n Nation's lation -that production per man Business the pri'ce problem, hour rise alon rr with wage cost" Jack B. Wallach makes tlli ~ per un'it of production. But that sage observation: ,'N ear 1 y has rarel ' been mentioned by . ·th everyone see ms to ,think a pri e is too hig:h if he is buvin,g- and the la o'r economlst--wl one Quite within reason if he ,is ell - or two disting:uished exceptions. ir)g." , On the basis "'of-th e latest avail, That universal attitude ex- able figures, production per man plains a good deal of the debate hour is only about 12 p r cent over prices the e days. The bett r than in 1939, despite workin,g' man kick s like a st er tliat 73 P r ' cent increase in wh he has t~ y $3.50 for cost-. And production per 1J.-...;----'-~-:--~--""T"--dTii-rl--th-o:r+-f"7'ici-'~.,..,.,rn-~f7'\rr::l"",.--~m....:::a'-"'!n-=- h our i u nde r th e 194 '1 the \var-but he i all in favor lev 1. of 'a wage rate that ma y be ' double or more what he ea rn d There is only one real arbit... r Forced-air ventilation P!events in 1941. ' The farmer yells, f pro_p rity-and that is the loss •.• saves soft corn without "Robbery!" when he find that amount of goods the pea pi caI1 delaying wheat planting the cost of a piece of a~ricultural buy, It i obvioLl that doubling . machin r.'l has gone way up:--- the number of joilar in a pay Proper c'on~itioning of t,his year's late , but he d, esn't see anythtng envelope does no ' good if ea h corn croF' presents a serious problem to wrong with record piices for dollar will , buy only half as every fm1ner. Agricultural 'engineers meat and ·grain. And, finall y, much~ In th e past, we managed recommelnd the following methods of the real estate. man regards' hi - to ho.ld down price even as handling, storing and using corn qf Krocer as a lineal descendant of we raised wages becaus workhigh-moisture content: ,Jesse Jam~s when he s es ho\\,' Tittle food, a five-dollar bill will ers and management steadily 1., Ensililllg both fodder and shelled buy-and then goes out to sell increas~d output per man ho~r. ,~ corn houses for $20,000 that would We are now seeing what , the

Pa~6 2 N , 43 6 2, 194 7 '

sh uld _ gi n in cle m ntar ~ch -. I , and 'n n -i -t ur les 1\ ' wht hare 12 , 'il un ler ·to d I Y very Y ung el1 ;1 fr..:n, I:n hiKher rrr 'ld S, m re. Cont inued On P age 3)





2111 McCLURE





~ -




publication to be ready about

oCtob4!r 1, 1947

The Sesqui-Centenni'at Committee: ' Please reserve copies of ' the Sesqui-Centennial Editio n as per the following: Name ., Rural Rt.

St. Address



'Number of copies


at 2Sc per cop,Y -


MAIL ORDERS: Add Sc per copy to cover mailing c~sts . .Address aU orders to P. O. BOX E, WAYNESVILLE, OHIO

2. Sortirlg and early feeding of soft corn to hogs or other livestock . 3. Oelalred harvesting to allow drying of ear ceun in the fields 4. ' Clean husking to eliminate trash that reduces ventilation in the crib 5. Use of screens on the elevator to Icreen out shelled corn, silk or other trash 6. Good distribution in .the ' crib to avoid packe" of shelled com and debris where s,poilag. i. most ,likely to start 7. Stor~lg. of com of highest moisture

' II\

content In the narrowest cribs to facilitate natura' ventilation . 8. Use of adequate ventilators In cribs Early picking and mechanical curing in the crib with ,an eiectric blower is the ' belt answer when wheat-planting Se<:!son finds corn still too ~oft for ordinary handling. : An air volume of 5 to 10 cu'. ft. per minute per bushel, with the fan operated only on clear days when the temperature is above 50 degrees and the rela, tive humidity is 65.". or lower, gives the' best results. In extreme cases of unusually high moisture content and per- . sisting unfavorable weather, mechanical ventilation with ' heated air is a decided . advantage. , For additional' information on electric corn drying, see your County Agent or Vocational Agric~ltur. Teacher. Ask the F(um Representative of The Dayton Power and Ught Company s.rvlng your neighborhood for complet. circular on soft cot" curing.

, <

Pa~e 3 The Miami G:lzette ~ayn vi.1le, Ohio 'No. 433(


Oct ber



2,." ledge A FARM DIARY by D. J. Fraizer Fro t. whit::

the str et. It eemed a ver y' pmper place to' be thinkin~ an i planning for a true world peace. There wa som~thin~ there that i adly needed in , the world t day, and I am ,glad to have he-t!n there. The ~olden rod i unu uall v heautiful Ithi ear. It i one of th~ rna t 1eautiful and ' how weeds that we have. Ye weed, for though it i the nati onal flower of ,the United state of , America it i still a \V ed. It ~rows ,e'ver where o'n p o r oi l at ,good but no matter h .W hun~ry the y are, ,the t "k \ til not eat it. It is a , perenll'ial that ~rows yea r after year an" spreads until it takes ~ po se i on of a .pa ture. orne peopl ar as allergic to it a the Ru jan' are to our idea but with all its faults it makes a lovely h w an d perhap it i a good ymhn l of o ur ideal and principl . If the are a t u,gh and 1 nglived as Kolden rod - we n ed never fear communism.

' Ro~anna


Softball Trophy Roxanna claim

ro wn

Mainou of Hamilton spent un:ia ' with Ra Mainou and famil . . '

9 to 0

0 er Pe r'" Inn l a forfeit when the Pe r's team faiL ed to how. W,edn "sja nit"hf g-a m was betwe 11 Fairle • an i Fri . The eli! ~ination on the pIa _ th off ~a me is through a in ame and out PI' Prize f $25 for 111' -1, $1" for econd an i S I, f r thir i ar , beinK offered in thi ntest and additi nal l riz d nnt- · in, ed by tan BailL: and Ra l ph Edenfield ar~ $1 f I' ever y home rdn in th g-a me an i the Mr. and Mrs. C nrad Main u ~ player who get til 1110 t hit and Mr. an:! Mr. . Huhert will receive a wri ~ \\'at h.


Rev . and Mr . E. J. Finnig-an and Mr . tubb , all of Centerville. called ~ unliay afternoon l)ll Mr. and Mr . Wehard Kai er , nd . fami ly.

ALL-STARS TAKE TWO In ' the ' All-Star final at abina pIa ed on ept. 1 , 23 and :2 4 th e I ca l All- tar team hawed well \\ ith a \\l in f 9 t 8 over Xenia and a t ' l over Greenfield . They were liminated by the fa t Chilli th ) t 'am -+ t o O.

BEGINNING SEPT. 2,,1947 3 Anoth 'I' t P ea saga of 4 th rilL and a j enture. A tale of the brutalit, . n the high seas.




Edward G Robinson, John Garfield, Ida Lupino, Barry Fritzgerald and Gene Lockhart. EXtra: Animal life shoJt and

These Bonds are a dire t ot ligation of the Fejeral Government and it i' n t nece ary to cash them at this time .

Continued From P age 2)

advanced materia l ma y e u e:I, incl udin g ill tru Oon in fire law and ord inance. Finallv, in univer"it instructi 11, mature students rna he ive'n te hnical " dealing with th e m OJ'e complex a pect of the fir pr blem. The re pon il ility f or puttin ,O' uch a program int ffect beto chool author iti ~s Ion


~ u hold them f)J' tnve tment.

If po sible-- we urge


It Happened In Bro,oklyn F ran k Sin a t r a, Kathryn Grayson, Peter Lawford and Jimmy Durante.


Added: Late t Ne\\ s 8 \\ 1 at hap pen n w? ~ ee 9 f hi t r turn d in a a pa J i ture u'll di us for w eeks.


The Beginning Or The End Brian Donlevy, Robert Walker, Tom Drake, Beverly Tyler. w ' 1h

Wayneaville, Ohio ,


NORRIS BROCK ,C OMPANY Cincinnati Union StoCl< Yards Live W ire and progressive. An ora anizatio n secane to none. Strictlv sellers on the ' best all . around market In the Co.~Dt"V. • '., SERVICE ,THAT SATISFIES ,VE10 Ryto n 12: 30 E. ~. T. Dinl 1300 WLW Cincinn n ti 12:40. fn l 7frO, fol' Our D a ily 1\1 a l'k et Repor t.

el ng:s t




• ,




' Fred Kahn Motor Car Co.',

Per. ~


'• • -"'0.. ~




- 11lll11unit






STUBBS Funer'a l Home ,

F'OR Any make or moder ' '





5. It ha 5 er' thin g-, music, 6 , reman e and ' om fin c me·· d. It make no ':I iffercnce v;h re but




. _ ~'~.




•• •




in the field"




yield-both quantity and quaJity- wise-is what makes successful farmers . It is significant to note _~~~~the ast 20 yea ~more and more 0 these succ.e ssful farmers are using BIG M Brand Fertilizers. "Best in the field" i. , our way of saying that you can't use a finer . fert j,lizer for all field crops than freeflowing BIG M-always 'manufactured up to ' standards, never dow:' to price. Best buy BIG M'

AT THE "Friendly Store"


"Hard-To-Get·~ Items ,



Ordftr now flom YOUI d ealer for lall,

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9 x 12 WOOL RUGS

The Miami Fertilizer Com pany Is an inde· pendent Miami 'Valley concern und er direct , operation of It.. owneri.





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"Complete Home ,F urnishers"


"East Main Street at Wbit~man"



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u4-WAY '- FARM INSURANCE" in the Ohio Farmers will give you broad protectioo against 10~ses your fium. It ~en' your buildings, your chattels, your a~tottlobil~ and liability for accidents ,to oth~i. Wby not lee ' us today? You _ _ JOU're talc when you're wured hi . ch. Ohio ' Farmers; 00



Karl D. Dakin Insurance Agency "

~ .

Phone IS'3 , ~O E. Mulberry, ~BANON,




intri at urrcn ~v a~re~m ' nis The Miami Gaz 'He n w in ffe t fl r·~ her"t( n. Wayn ~ viII \ Ohi v'rt POllDl1s intI) dol\ar5, in Thur 1a" 0 ' t9 h er man ca e cv~n wh ~ n pu r- in tan c:, in v chases are n t mad'!:! in 111 ri ' H. f r Europ' a wt!1I 'l ' dLlrabl~ What i' true · f Eng-Ialh\ b i '. But, at I) t, it \\ ill be true of mll h of the w rl i. limit d in . ' p , An~i it applie number . of L~tin ll1 cr i c ~ (1 only to Eur p an ollntrie not l1ati n have iatC!l\ . Iapped within th oviet phere of Mr. and Mrs Baile , v~re re tri ti n ' oil imp rt:, influence. and daug-ht r ' atten ~i" i the ----, ,, be au their d liar rc tit" an i There i alway th p sibil ity fun eral of Mr. Bail ' uncle. Lan. ing: Hflrdin ha . 1' turned gold sto k \\ ere 1.1',- ming of more Ameri an loans, and Mr. Perr W lIer of Centei'vill to \.vilmin.e: ton C I1 c,~ f)r hi credit. But C )11 -re \\ ill move \vhich wa held at th Br,. uO'h se on:l ear. Tre , I r Hardin i dan o' r Llsly depl ted. Funeral Hom in Mi ami hur o' , a.tkn iin :~ hoo l ~lt th~ Uni 1', Th effect .f thi abro:\', '\rill slowly when it comes to this. Mr. and Mr . C. E. rth on undav aftern 11. A nllnl~ ' lty , fDa. ton. be m re belt ti g htenin ~· . and a Tht!rc i' "l feeling that Eur pe of Wayne vill e, hie arc ber of friend al ' attende:t I \\ r tand-ari of livin,l', 'I h ' has n t ma je the III t f the aid ann undng th ng-a,e: ment and fr m Wa ne vill ~ . Mi . Mil dr d C lemall left n n \\ e t Briti h I;ati on clit i an we have 'iven so f. r. . approaching marriap:e f th'ir M nd a f r' Eugc:n. reg:on indicati n of what i ' ha ppc nin ~ . Perhaps the mo t remarkalle only daught r, Edw 'na, to Mr. Mr. and Mr . William M~ ch- \ h r she" ill 'take a p iti n The effe t at h me will he the propo al y t is Mr. l3evin' W,iIli am Allen ElJL. ~ n f Mr. ener, sops and. daughter f PItt '- , in the City Libra r . . I of many hilli n d lIar ' ug g'e ti on that th e . ,di vid and Mrs. D. A., EIIi , of Wil - burg, Pa. arrIved here 11 Fri - , . . worth f busine . up the Fort Kn o gol j in th " min,g'tnn, hi. Th e \Veddin~ day for a sh ort vi it with Mr_ Mr. and Mr. Paul Mauri ~ will take place N vemb r 2 Who wi ll I hit hard ~ t by interest of world rec very. Mich e,ner' parents, Mrand an j Mr. CharI ~. Mauri e atthe Church of Chri tin Wa n - Mr . W. E. C rn ell. . . sao' in xp rts? Th e an 'we'r On e Am eri can r oke 'man bthe d the funeral of a rel ative, tend vi lle. . erv d tll'lt this w ul j inv Iv In their hon or, Mr, ani Mr . Mrs. Milia . Klin at ·Banta to that may I the farm r. T Miss tanforth i a graduate D. R. Salisbury an daughter Funeral Home in Da t n, Mon- take' En 'land a an exam Ie giving the 0 ' Id away and th n of Wa. n v:i1le High 'chool in entertain ed to dinner n ' UI1- da . again, in til fir t half f '1 947 buying ,it a k. It hadl y eems the cia s f 1945-. he ha com· day. Those wh njo y d th she bought a ut $607, 00,000 a f a i Ie id a. pleted her junior yea r at Wil- day with the hon or gu st \\ ere of American 'ood; v ~ r ' .2' 2, At , an l:ate, exp rt are on min,g-ton Coli ,ge where· she was Mr. and Mr. W, E. C rn 11, 000,00 went f r f od tuffs th d wn. This won't cau e affiliated with Delta Om eg'a Mr. and Mr. Willard) Furnas, and $7 7,000, 000 m re c n- . majoJ' up ets in this country so Theta oro rity. She wa at'so Mr. and Mrs. Georg Winner a member of Alpha P iOmega, and dau,g-hter, Me an i Mr. sisted of inedible' fats. Every I ng as dome tic busin ~ S res Week recently ran national . dramatics fraternity, Ronald Salisl ur and on, Mr. an Busin country is makin g desp rat . mains at or about pre ent rea·rticle wh s title, "U. S. and Phi Beta Phi, mu ic and Mrs. ·Ed,ga r mith an j efforts to become a ne·arly self- cord lc:vel .. 13 ut shoul:i U. . Export : End of a Boom," out·fraternity. dau~hter, the ho t, ho te sand su taining as po sible in f ad . purchasing power fall in the lines a 'situation of rapidlv grow.. Mr. Ellis is a graduate of daughter, Some machin r p opl have home market, 10 of xports ing economic importance to this Wilmington Hi,g-h School in th ~ se rious drop in foreign would ~eally be felt. reported cia s of ,1 943. He served two Mr," and Mrs. Mark Ro ,!!' rs country and the world. and one half years in the Un ited and daughtet ente rtained on Since the end· of the war, we sales. But, by and large, Eur .. Mr. Alma B. King- of IndStat~s Army · and has att "nd d Sunday and had' as g'u-e t Mr. have been sellin'g goods abroad will use every po sible penn . . ianapolis, Ind . visited her bro. the University ' of Illinois and and Mrs. H.. G. Rog-ers of Lex- at a tremendous rate. Europe for heav y indu trial equipment. and si ter-in-Iaw, Mr. and ther Wilmin,g-ton Colle,ge. He i now ington, Ky., Mr. an'ct Mr . C, V. presents an insa,tiiable appetite The only hope for ,.Eu rop an Mr . Walter Elzey. M nday and a .student in ' Engineering at Ro,g-ers of Baltimore. Md .. Mr . for the ptoducts of America, e onomic salvation is to rebuild Tuesday~ . the 'University of Dayton where Naomi McCoy of Holl wood, her shattered ba 'ic ' industrie , he has recently been el cted a Cal., Mrs. M. L. Rogers, Mr. and so, to -a lesser extent, do the and she can't get the machin.eTY 'member of the Mechanical and Mrs, Harry 0 Neall and Mr, othet continents. That appetite anywhere except from us. Engineering Society. and Mrs. D. W. Rag I' and son has not slackened in the slightest , Obviously, the market for -but, even so, our exports are of Springboro. now dec1i~ing' in both volum ... anything resembling or GRANGE MEETING AT ---non-essential item will practiLOCAL HICH SCHOOL • Mrs. W. H. Madden was call- and value, and eve,ryone expects cally vanish. MILDRED CAMPBELL Waynesville Farmers Grange ed to Clarksville by the illness they will drop drastically in the All of thi~ may be ,changed Rural Route 2 No. 13 wilt .observe "Booster's and death of , her brother, Mr. future. by futur~ Aqlerican legislative I ~ Waynesville at Lytle NhrHt" . on Saturday, Oct 4 in Mason Hadley on Saturday The reason for this is obvious. action. The Marshall Plan, for - - - - -.:.•~ the High School Gym,'a an mornin,g-. Funeral ser,vice's were American ,exports have lately open meetin$ and with a basket held <?n Monday afternoon. been leaving our ' ports at the supper at 7 :00 p.m. ' Those having btrttrd-a Mr. and Mrs. Ray Smith and rate of $16,000,000,000 a year. Jul August and Se three sons are now occupying- On the other hanel, our imports LATE YELLOW FIEJ,D CORN have been at the rate of only I; --T t - -- - ' - - --,...,..-'....m,;...,.............-,....,...,.J-~..:_..,.,..., rm house which the y n!$6,000,000,000 a year. This ' ber is urged to brinK a guest. cently purchased of Mr. and Phone or Call at the Waynesville Office Also. , eaGh person is asked to J. B. Chapman. Mr. and Mr ; means that the balance of the provide their own table service. Chapman are residin g: at the wor-Id has been' op,erating at a An interestin,g and ' entertain- Preston home until their new deficit of $10,000,000,000 'a ing program has been arranged home is completed. year in foreign t:rade with us . TELEPHONE 2323 , ' . ' by the lecturer. . Mr. and Mrs. J. N. Robinson alone. And it means that its cre~its haye been running GLEAMER CLASS and children of Dayton were dollar WEINER ROAST supper guests of Mr. and Mrs. , out alarmingly fast, and that E F Earnhart on Friday even- the bottom of the pile is definitely in sight. , The Gleamer Class of the ing; Harveysburg Friends ' Church ' 'England, of 'course, presents Mr. and Mrs, L. 'COo Sf;. John' the most publicized example of were de)ig:htfully entertained with a weiner ,roast at the home and Mr. and Mrs. B. V. Smith the trend. The American loan of Mr. and,. Mrs. . Raymond were 'Sunday" afternoon . g-uests of $3,750,000,.000 ' was 'ex. Conlev. Jr .• Saturday evening. of Mr~ and Mrs. John Adams pected to ' thrcugh ,195° 1~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~£w~~~~~?~e~a~r_VV~i~lmington. ' and possibly lon~er. ",",'hen re,gular mont Britain made her last withMr. A. K Day removed the class was he , with Miss 6:00 p.m. to 10:00 p.m. Nellie ' Davis, president, pre- to a CinCinnati hospital last drawal recently, the bcilance ·sidinK. . . , weekend for observation and a was a mere $400,000,000. major operafion. That. is only enough to last her , Mr. aoo Mrs. Eli Furnas took a few months at her latest rate their sOri, Mr. Roy Furnas and A report of. 'the W. S. c, ' S. of'purchasing. The res,lIlt is lhat Miss Jennie ' Lee ' , Braddock, District meeting' 'held at the she is freezing 'the dl?llan:, she daughter of j~\r .1 and Mrs. Ray_local Methodist Church last has left, and is cutting' her pu'r.m ond Brad'dock to Geor,~e Thursday was not received from ' in ' the U. S. to ' the bare :S'chool, Pennsylvania 'durin~ the secretary in time for publL chases bone. Furthermore, she is iI~ -, past week. cation this week. It is hoped the haVing to follow the same\policy aricle will, be available for hr with othercountr\es, in that 'J: Mrs. Beulah 'Wade is re- next week issue. coverin1: at Grandview' hospital in Davton after a major opera'ti / " She expects to be at home soon. Mr. Wade is spendin,g the Sizes 12 to 40 'week with his daughter ' in , Spring Valley. Mr, and Mr. Gait \v. . GQr 1 nand famil \ ent rtain d t a: famil . dinner, Sunday, Mr . Emma Phillip ', ' Da yt n, ,; Mr. and Mr . Clar n'Le Fra ze ll and n , Harry, Ever tt :111 i G r,~' , Farmersvill , 0.,; Mr. an d Mrs. Le b:.: r H. L)rd n, ~ a\'ne ville, . ; an i Mr. :lnd Mr '. CharI E. nt)l1, Har y burg,

Announce Coming Marriage,' Nove 28





E.conomlce HeIghi·IghIs


Piano Lessons



B IJ y


Roxanna ,C anning CO.



·U 08

I ,



Mr. 'and Mrs. Ross H. Hartsock and dau,ghters had as St:' . day dinner 1:uests Mr. and Mrs. Wilton Hartsock and Mr. and Mrs. Oyde Burt and son of Cin, cinnati, Miss Martha Deather'; age, Miss ' ~a'rion Brown arid Mr. Hugh ZImmer of Dayton~ Mr. and Mrs. Eli Furnas en_ tertained the 'East Wayne Ad.,.isorv Council on Friday eveninK. Mr. Sam Tomlinsin ' of Indiana. who is visiting' his broDer, Mr. A. C.,-Tomlinson, was a pest of the evening.




====== and Service ===--PROMPT,



, . n .~






3.i2 M

'2 S·

Don't 'MI•• lihls Sale

W 'I LS'ON' ' PhOt _






I.FJU.NON, OHIO ____________




ROUTE 48. SOtTI'H 01 ROUTE 73 (w....... COla.>


Pa ~ e

5 ' - Th Miami G az Ue Wayn vilt, ODio N. 43 V , Thursday; oct ber 2, 1 -1 7 I



METHODIST CHURCH R. B. Coleman. Minister Sunday ch ool 9 :30 a.m. J. 'J. Rurske, Supt. Worship ervice ' ~ 0 :30 a.m. Youth F ~ 1l w, hip Thur day, 7:30pm. Subscriptions to th e repair fund rna b ~ai d t th .> hur 11 seer tary. Mr . Ray Mill er. MT. HOLLY METHODIST T. M. Scarff. Minister Sundav School 9 :30 a.m .' E. A. Ea rnhart, Supt. Wor hip Service 1 :30 a.m. Evening Service , 7:30p.m. ST. 'MARY'S EPISCOPAL Samuel N. Keys, Minister Ant,e -Communi il a. Church choo l ' 9 :3 0 a. Nursery chool 10:3 0 a. Mornin g Praye r 1 0 :30 a.

GRApE SCHOOL NOTES Th ixth grad \ un jer t h up rv i-i n f Mr '. tI ze.', i ' r e parin~ a pro",ram fo r M th er' Club this Friday. The PI' gTam is as foll ows: 1. on...: " Am ri 'a, Til l:! Beautiful" sixth g rade 2 . New PI d, 'e of Allegian e, cIa 3. Exp lanati n f PI· dge, D riBr wn 4 . Po m Pauline Lamb 5. T ap Dan e ~ anctr ~l im pson 6. al 10 Wi nnie J o' to ut 7. Pia "A afe and ane H alloweeil" e v~ral chi Idr 11 8. Pian 0 10 Wade Turn er 9. Song "Am rica" C1as-


Th Mt. Holl Home Co m\\ ill be held un ia , t. m. 5. A cordial invitati n i xm. end ed to brin ,~ a basket dinn er m. tand pend the day with hom folks. UTICA E. ·U. B. CHURCH ·Mrs. Hiley Gib on and Mrs. Rev. A. J. Furstenberger Morris Lewis att end d the wed Sunday School 9 :30 a.m. dinK of Mr. Charles Leaf and Mrs. J amf:s Garrison, Supt. Miss Reva Gleason, aturda y Preaching. 1 st and 3 rd Sundays e vening at the Meth:li t each month 10 :30 a.m. Church in Lebanon. Callers Sunday at th e Lue Morgan home were Mr. an~ FRIENDS First Day Scho,ol 9 :30 a.m. ' Mrs. Henry Beq;es and children of Beavertown, Mr. Wilbur Meeting 'for Worship Stephens, Mrs. Robert Greene . to :30 a.m. and Mrs. Alta Coppers of Dayton. ST. AU.GUSTINE Mr. and Mrs. Lewis Michael Father Krumholtz, Priest and family of near Bellbrook Mass 8 :00 a. m. ~nd 10 ,: 00 a. m. spent Fri9a y evening- with Mr. FERRY CHURCH of CHRIST 'lnd Mrs. Lawrence Lin/.?: and fa.mily. . ' Ralph E. Stinson, Minister . Mrs. Lawrence Ling pent Bible ,School . 9:30a.m. Monday .in Dayton. . Morning Worship 10:30 a.m. Mrs. Etta Blair of Xenia Youth Meeting 7 :30 p.m'. spent a few days with her Adult Pra.yer Meeting 7 :30 p.m. sister, Mrs. Lue Mor,!!'an. . Evening Evangelistic Service Mrs. Richard Haines of near c- _ _. . 8:t 5 p.m. Xenia sp,e nt Sunday with ·her A friendl y Church with a parents, Mr. and Mrs. Hile , Gibson. Other callers were Mr. Gosp'~l Message . and Mrs. Arnold Clark and WA\ NESVILLE daug-hter, Mr. and ,Mrs. McNeal,' Mrs. JeAftie- Richards, all of CHURCH OF CHRIST Dayton, Mr. and Mrs. T. Robert L. VanZile, Muu.ter Bible School 9 :30 a.m. Pepper ·,and Mr. and Mrs R. , Commuriion 1.0 :30 a.m. Smith of near Bellbrook., ' Mr. and Mrs. Leroy Shaw of Sermon . 11 :00 a.m. near Sprin~field were dinner Evening Service 8 :00 p.m. guests Sunday of Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Crawforc1. m.



:J,.illn~ fiome ·

Mrs. E,lla Dakin pent Slinin Lebanon- a.t.J.he. home of her son, Mr. Paul Dakin. Dr: Mary CObk was the dinner guest on Thursday of Mrs. Oli ve Curl. On this· occasion we celebrated' the birth- . days of Dr. Mary, Mrs. Curl and . Dr. Emma Holloway. Misses Minnie Dodson and Ruth Chandler and Mrs. Evalyn , Pete·rson attended the New Century Club at the home of Mrs. Emerson Earnhart, Friday afternoon. Miss Ina Dearth of Frank.lin spent · Thursday at the Home, the · ~uest of Miss , Olive '·Williams. ' , Mrs. C. N. Berryhill of Bellbrook and Mrs. Fred Grauman . called on Misses Mame and Annie Brown on Wednesday. Mr. and Mrs. · Harry B. Browne of Dayton a·1so Mrs. James Baker and Miss Jean ' Hanlon of Lebano·n were Sunday callers of the Misses Browne. Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Hi.ggins and Mr. and Mrs. Dinlinger and ,. daughter, Linda of Dayton calL ed on Mrs. Alice Oark on Sun-

. Jimn}y EwinK spent the week WIth his father, Logan Ewin,\! in Dayton. '


ministrator inventory approved. George Dell v. Robert Bruer, Estate of Alonzo McPeek, dec'~ for money amouVlt claimed, $898.28 'Mae Williams filed application for intere t and co ts, H . Z. Gray. certi'ficate 'of transfer of rea'l Vera Chapple vs. Milton Chapple by Jane Fite estate. divorce, gro neglect of du ty, H. I' ll be! ' ll lal or un i ' Estate of Geel'g-e We-aver, ~y. b .:e' \\·ill agr c: t h re' Mary Bixby and Edith Weaver ex(Cont1nJUed on Page 6) thi n! in init ial- it n It m _ ecu tri ces filed final account. ' . I th ing in a 1l :ll1l c- ·ini tial: lik \,; Estate of Stephen J. Thiel, dec'd til 'e f R hert Alphan - T aft. Edith Thiel administratrix, inven* ** tory heat ing set for Oct. 11 at 10. 1 We hear pc ~ I grip al li t Estate of Emma Steward, dec'd, teachers I l n ,~ in Edith Crawford executrix inven' 1 )ut. tI . . . ·tory apPToved. \\'h t. ' ei , 'Ill , t we lv an d meti m s fifk ~ n N E\\ SUITS aL in tl1" am \ - hoo1, Dori. chackelford vs. Lloyd, at per Schakelfol'd, divorce, ext'!'eme ton *** Mo r \ th \ cll~elty, Young and Young. ' Alth o ll ,~ h Grac Off The Carrier rt:n wn ed I. ric pran, i k a i arri e B. Hill vs. Elbert and Roxanna Canning Co. in th e ph -i al n - \ . We till l\'lay 'Irons, to declare and enforc \ , Corwin Plant hay her . re or-di ngs to harm a tl'U t for the conveyance of real 1I • A I It t ned t h r r c rd- e tate for an accounting and for in.e.' of Irving Berlin walt z other relief. tan ley and tanley, "Al wa s" I kn w wh -h \\'a:- C. Donald Dilatush. taken fr om 1I • Hl:r v i \vas In the matter of th e Church of to bea uti ful f r th i ea rth, it God, 'for au thori ty to sell real esi ' on that l ,eI ng in He a\ en. tate, Benoy and Sebastian, Maple and Maple. Frances J an Coatney vs. has. Richard Coatney a minor, divorce, extreme cIl'uelty, J. T. Riley. MARRIAGE LICENSES ' Everett and Elsie Bunnell vs, 'HOURS:' Charles. Leaf, 21, M'olTow, clerk, Elmer and Annabelle Raines, The 9-12 , each morning Reva Gleason, 17, Lebanon, Peoples Building and Savings Co., 1-5 afternoons except stenographer. Xenia, foreclosure of mortgage, Wednesday Allen Frederick Betzler, 34, etc, Meryl ·B. Gray. Franklin, electrician, Ma~y Bar7-9 Saturday evening WANTED bara Gruhler, Franklin, nurse. ~





PROBATE Estate of John Hayner VanRiper dec'd, Evelyn VanRiper, administratrix, inventory hearing set for Oct. 6. . Estate of William Yeager, dec'd, William M. Yeage~ appointed administrator giving bond with sureties in sum of $6,000. 'Estate of Minnie DeFosset, dee'd executor to·. sell 2 shares of stock at private sale. Estate of Rutli Anna Tomlinson, dec'd, A. ' C. Tomlinson appointed administrator giving bond with sureties in SUm of $2,025•. Estate of Betty Lou Blair, dee'd, Robert M. Blair, administrator in- · venoory hearing set for Oct. 7 at 10.

Other evenings by Appointment TELEPHONE 62-R

DEAD STOCK. HORSES - $10.00 COWS $12.00 HOGS - $3.00 cwt.




t-o Size & Condition




Dr. C. E. Wilkin Optometric Eye Speciaiist 26 South Detroit Street


R.w....' Chor,••


.. -•....•... -.. -...-..



Blacktop· Driveways · R.o adO i I



A p pi i e d

Resurfacing and Driveway Recoating 8 s:s.o:s. ,.,-'.-1---'Estate of Helen B. &ndergrA dec'd, J. A. Pendergrass, adminisFREE ~ S TIM A T ·E S trator, dfstribution in kind. '. Estate of Bernard L. Jordan, dec'd, W. T. Jordan executor to 'sell personal property, inventory 26 Oakwood Avenue tEBANON, OHIO Phone 221-L hearing set for Oct. 8 at 10. Estate of Frank W. ,Mil1e~, dec'd Billie Miller, administratrix, inventory hearing set for Oct. 8 at




Estate of Sarah Bowyer, dec'd, Frank and Genevra Bciwyer, administrators filed first and final account. Estate of Benjamin Blackburn, dec'd,Benjamin T. BJackbu'rn ad-




Mr Carl Smith attended :l family reun~on ~n Sunday ~! tll'" home of hiS sister, Mrs. 'E Jna Buhrman, near New Carl l.' .




SEnVICE • .....





Durham' $2.Card Tables 80

Beautiful Boudoir Lamps $4. 88






,.,... Fature &: Apptiuce Co.





South .... Streit acrow from Grange Hall T........ 24ZZ . WAYNESvn I E,



Pag'e 0 Martha C~x vs. W.illiam Co;x, N o. 43 a buff'et sUPT er at me home l I divorce to plaintiff, plaintiff reOre . 2, 194 7 Mr . Gertrude \\,,,1l11 in D4 )'- stored to inaiden nam e. Mr and Mr _ Ge r e Denne ' Harold and FrancQs L. Sorter Ed~in and Ruth Wig ht to Leare ' havin~ a th eir h ou ~ c ~ue ~ t ton. Sunday. 'M ~ M J 'l3 J ) 11 " vs. Bert Edward and Pauline Bard, land and Mary Higg in , 2 lots in r. a n ll r . ., . . '( . '- Mr and Mr. GI nn Co k Mr-. Richard on of Oa ton:1 wer e unda y' evel1in~ j inn cr plaintiffs to recllver from defe'.ld- Lebanon. and little d ug:ht r, Lin jc of Bac h, Fla. g-ue ts of Mr. and M r s. Ca rl ants sum of $35,230.88 and cot s Franklin \ er Thu r ia evenCharles Weissman to The Board Mr. and Mr. Harry . expended. in , ' ~ue t , of Mr5. C k' Tu ker and da u ~ ht r, . Mis- . Pickerin g- in Centerville. of Education of Morrow Looal arents, Mr. and Mr ' . B n Eval n Tu cker, Mr. and Mr . J. R. Ca n in. f James Wiilson vs. Clifford Lee 0., School Distl'ict of Warren entertained ck it and iau;l1t r, Joan. near Clark ville m ) v d Tu Tuck cause dismissed without 10.96 acres in Salem tw'p. with a dinn r at their h me, Mi Ether Prather lent unday 'eve ning. , Their gue t- day to the ' small farm here record and without, pte judice. Dorot hy Hall ted to Ted HallWilliam Down ey vs. Dorothy aturday and unday with her were Mr. and Mr. Ho ward I which th ey recentl V pur ha -ed ted, 0.25 acres in Lebanon. f Mr. and Mr . J ohn Chandl r. Downey, divol'ce -to plaintiff child p aren t , at Clarksville. Graham, Mr. and , M r _. Fre j Mary and Donald Tigar to .Tess Mr and Mr John Chandlt I' to plai~tiff. he rw ood ' and Mr. and Mr . M r . and Mrs. Jam es ri5 er and Olive MOl'gan, 6 lots in Cozad Th mas Welc11. and daug-hter " G ra ldin and Kenneth Hough vs. Annie Han- dale. 1I tained .p ainful in,iuri 5 tw Judy m ved W ecl ne tia v t awaIt et aI, cO,n firma t ion, deed and Re v. and Mr. J. P. Th or nw ek a,go when their aut 0Ruth Graubner and Clara Fischtheir new h ome, in Da yton dstribution. . m ohi l e \vas invol'ved in an tury flew. from the Da yton' ~ir er to Arfred Blackburn; 2.37 ,acres w hich th ey r ce ntly , purchased. Betty, Ramsey vs. Lisle Ramsey, ac ident i n Davton. Th ev h ad Port unda Y t New Y rk Oh in Salem twp. , h en vi i ti n ~ their parent in , t o be with their daughter, Mr '. , Mr. and Mr . Junior Wil on divorce to plaintiff, dhild to plainRoy and Candus Spencer to Talbe en are an nuncin.1r the birth of 1 tiff, defendant to pay plaintiff sum the villag-e and were returnin~ Carl Tetrick who ha home \vhen the a cident 0 - admi tted t a h pita1 there f r son, J ody Mark, F r iday, er t. of $87.00 per month, separation ber t Kennard, 1 aC~'e in Deerfield twp. _'6, at the hom e off Mr . Wi1- agreement made. cUTred. Mr. 00. ter receiv ci a rna lor operation . G ol'gia an,d William ChambeJ'1i 1 son' brother. Pet e Bogan in ,. Bertha Shephel'd v . Roy ShepMr. Je s.e Penningt on ha -= contuc::i n and min o r cu t s, an i to Lonnie Ferguson, Jr., 0.75 acres Wa ynesvill e. herd, defendant to pay plaintiff has been relea ed from , t. a umed man ag-ement of th Mr. William 8er,! dall i - sum of $35 per week temporary • in Hamilton twp. Elizabeth H o pital. Mr. D o. ter, Brook Garag-e on M ain 1. I Sll taineci a seri 0u . hould r , pending some time \\ ith , her alimony also s um of $50 for exJohn a nd Mae P atrick Gruhl r da u,ghter, Mr . Edmond M1O ~ er pen es in t his action. to Clarence Balon, 2 lots in Fl'an1{inlurv and i till co nfin ed t, ~ ~ th e ho pital. h owever he i re. J. ' . and famil y in Da t on. Mr. Goldie Snider vs. Norman Snid e)' lin. , Dorted · to be p r gresin.g aU ' Uti Min er h a': te en ill for several divo r ce to plaintiff, ' children to Clar nce Balon to John a~d Mae da . . ' plaintiff. facto rily. (f Patl'ick Gl'uhlel', 5 acres in FrankMr. Ravm on ci Bro ok s wh n Mrs. Efiie urfa e an d Mr ~ . Mr. and Mr . Eve rett KenValley National Bank, Phoenix, l in t wp. usta ined in i uri e f ro m a fall at L ou Ila Deard o fl of Lehanon rick, Mr. and Mr . Ed. H op kins Ari~onia, vs. Harrison Lan,e y, sale Chalmer and Alma ' Ryd er to hi home, ov er a we k a~o , 11a. call ed on Mr, . Mar,ga r t J ohn -=, and Mr. and Mr. Lowell confirmed, distribution. Waid ,Hobbs, 10 ' a c~:e s in Wayn been 'ad mitt ed to 1. Elizab · tIl W edne day aftern0 011 . Th omas attended th " fun raj o f H ertha Schonfeld vs. William t wp. Mr. and Mr . Harold teink , H o pital, wIlen att,ach~ . av .h e Perr W ell er at the l3rou~h Schonfeld, hearing set for Oct. 7. Sherman and Vernona Roberts to has a broken hi p, but I makm Q' an d Mr. D on al d Bai.rd a tten cie~ - Funeral l;;Iome at Miami hur~ Garland Hives vs. Margaret Elmer imd Ol1i" Eckel, 4 acre i!~ ati factory nrogre . a meting of th teele Aluml1l Sunda y attern o n and th e burial Hine s. hearing set for Sat., Oct . TUl'tlecl'eek tw r. Mr. and M r . Her h 1 Hi1 r- at ih ~ ele Au di t rium in Da v- at Cent.ervill e . 4 a t 11. Annie K. Hana\yalt et al, by hrecht and on ' \\ er in Bl an- t n. Thurs: nv eve ning. shel'iff to Harold and Clara Loui se M esdam s J. B. Ion . P. N. Anna Fugett vs. Crawfol'd , Fuche t er over the \ e· k en ' 0 Mr and Mr.. Ev erett Earl mith, 14464 acre in 1\[a -sie twp. Cornell, CharI Tumble on " gett hearing set f or Oct. 4 at 10. att nd e. ions of the· B1an l nt' th weekend ith the l at Mildred Forwarci' to William and Paul hip1 ev, Vern o n Pur 1 v,' Mamie Lou Gal'l'i on; admini sF 11 F f al ter' , m0th r, Mrs. Hu tnn, wh h t Ro alee Conway, 4.50 acres in Roy Winks, Henr v avl r, RrL tratrix vs, Omel' Pattin, cau e l' c eM~e tand ' Mr. G'il1~e rt rem ai n , en ill at h r 'ho me at bert Hunt att-end :i the ZAne moved ,to Di strict COUl't. Clearcl'e('k twp. f Detroit ac om pani Yell o v , J1 rin g- ~ . ' Mazie Wagoner t o Doris Carrol.1 m eetin g and dinn er f the Wel' hs, m the r, M r". RaIl Day wa oh erved at W. R E AL ESTATE' TRANSFE RS Phill1owel', 3 lots in Butlel'ville. . C. of the Mcth ol i q W eI h to h r hn m h re f0 11 L vtl , S u nd~ ' 1 ('lol n , un :.a v. Da t on Di tri t at the Me'l () f ,· t Ernest and Leila P earl H awEdith Sm'face 1'0 ' Lelia Albrigh t, i n ~ a i b re e " e k vLi t , M 1'. an d 'M . G ('If , ~ I , 1' Cl1urch in Wayn viH , Thur- tho,r ne to amuel and Stella Losh, 0.31 acre in Turtlecl'e k twp. tll m. C li n Rnai ~ . at. m ~ ,: : ~ <Continued on Page 8) , 41.04 acres in Ttlrt lecl'eek twp. da . Mr. Hn v ard r oll in wh ha t he 1 irth f a .:- }n F ri ja " pt. he n _eri ou Iv ill at 1 i h 1m ' 26 , .Philip Nixon vs. Margaret Nixon Mr~ . " th Fu n ~ ~ ni Mtr. here i m ll h im r ve i ani (Wqtch This Space Grow) divorce, gross neglect of duty and a)J t b out a·gain. , an i M r5. W alter Ken r' k a - , extreme cruelty, Decker and Loeb. DON'T MISS IT Mr s Ram 0 n d " B 11 i' ten de i th anniv er5'ar v (I f th R. E. He1 inger vs. Ray Phillips BE SURE AND COME fet ed the m mh r: o f Warren unt v Mu~ um at for money only, amount claimed, Conn th GJ. amer Cla ss, :tn n '~a l1 i- Leh anon . Sunda y aft rn on. $'5902.31, C. W. Elliott, Carl Ahaezati 0n of the l ocal Fri end Mrs M arIYaret J o hn ~ pent cherli. " THE INSPIRATIONAL SINGING CI urch, to winer roa t at her aturd~y an i v lInda y w 'th M', ENJOY THE FELLOWSHIP i:: untry h ome, aturday ven - an d Mr . Ear.! Thoma at Cen COMMON P1LEAS tervill and atten d :i til. ox i.n . Betty Ftederick, a minor, --.s. , Mr. an d M r. . C il Link nu roa. t there , aturd ay e\ en 'ng', Art hur Fl'ede)'ick, a minor, divorce , RALPH E. STINSON, Min i. ter Tel ph ne rvi lle 7341 , , an d famil y 0 f Lehan'on "'--, Mr.<md Mrs . .Il)lm M i;;'a1 nf week ni g-u st. of Da y 11 mm ed la-=t v-.. k to the to plai ntiff, costs paid. , In : Oll , na 'I1t !perfv th entl v r u c h as~ T hom a VV 1 h. e j ( f M r, an i M r - . Harr Mr ' Ch a rl - Th oml on 11 (1 ' Jt m 's. Th e lait r h. \ ~ m nv d ,I' tu rn j t I i - home her fl'. m t .oa ·t n. ' a w e k v,i it '\ ith his j st'r, Mr. and Mr. Ther e .l one Mr '. 1 eh cea ' Tracy of Wa I - an d Milton I re ' i inn r ~ u c _ t i n ~ t 111 Cour t H ou . " unda at tl I (1 m nf 'v\'. a lli ' Mr an :i Mr . L yl e Rot ert ) 11 M r s. Ehin II t 11 ar C nt rExtra special values ha j a': th if ,yue-t: l ::L t ,'UI,l d a, vil l e. Mr. Edgti.r'Eh ar . ani f am il ~ i3 A lmetb . t ink' vi-=ite f~atured in this great of ~i :idl to\\ n . at th e home o f ' M r~ . F dna Gue t of M r . Ali e rt oll ' G au, " ai1 i ' ami1 ' in N w la -t , undav w er. Mr. ani \ r . L eI an n () v r the \e k nt C1 arl Lieman 'e '~m d Mr. , Mr. and Mr.. . Milo MiltenWHOLESOME CEREALS, Compare the QUALITY H oward Coll ett of Wilm in O' t n -herg:e r and hi dren we r SunSAVE on these VALUES! and Mr. R b rt of Dayton . evenin ,!?' dinner c:ue s:t of "Breakfa t o f Champi n " 14~ DOT ASPARAGUS, Cut, Th (Jran~ ponsor "d a Mr and Mrs. Ral Ii H am m nd 8 oz. pkg . all ~re n. No.2 can 33c .--:----4c~h i k n .d inn.eL,.- M 0 n a y e v t' n - an CL£.amil \' . 1'J oz . pk o • 20c in , at the ' Gran ,~e H all. Mr. and Mrs, H :1.r Ii . t inke, DOT BEETS. C ut. MOTHER'S OATS , Regular 'or uick, 20 oz. pkg. 17c Mr. and Mr . Paul WIll ani No: . 2% can : 15c CREAM OF WHEAT R " ul ar o r uick.:2 z. pk 2'. 28c ba b y on of eban n \\ er DOT 'CORN. Wh Ie Kerwe,ek end ~u e t f Mr. W I hs' ' POST BRAN FLAKES Cri p. H.ealthful. 8 ,oz. pk g. 14c n el Golden. N ~ :2 can parent, Mr. and M r '. Th om a . 23c

fia.,.ve'li~u"g .

~ ue t of Mr.

and M rs. Harr "


Jam~ ani J u:i v w're ~l! ':- tc




Coming Soon


Evangelistic Service


'Ferry Church of Christ



W,el h. .


Mr and M r ; B I. HIli hav ,_ ~on e · :to Amarilla'" T exas to be with Mr. Hill' aunt, Mr' _ Randall wh o is ill. Mr. Sarah Wri?;ht wa in Dayton Frida aftern on anci ,. attended th e ' 'm otion pi tur production "We1c me tranR er" playin,g- at Keith The at re. The P. T. A. s~ on ored a reception for n ew member s of the school (aculity Wedne day evening- at the . Hi ,~h Sch ool ~ymnasium. New ,m~mber are Prof. Doyle Freshcorn and Mr. Bendett Jackson, coach and Mrs. Yar~er, eJ mintar t eacher. Mr. and Mr . Charl es Cook entertained the A d v i SlO r y Council at their home in \~ ilmih,gton Saturday even'ing-. Mr. Howard ,Warwick , of COIUr11bu ' ' waspresent and showed colore \ slides depe~tin~ views 'of his recent tour th rough the North We s t ern. T err it o r . and C~nadbn Rockies. ' Mrs. -,Lisa Curl is spending a week in Dayton, as the hous'e

,Wheaties '




olid Pack. No.



, 13c TIP TOE SPINACH GritJ.e . No. 2 can 13c TIP TOE'TOMATOES New nack. N o.2 can

Football weather means there's a ~~ nap" in th e air and yo u'll be needin~ heavi er clothin?;! Ha ve it beautifull y cleaned and pressed before yo u wear ' it, they'll ' lo'ok bett r and last longer.

19c DROMEDARY DATES' Pitted. 1 Yl oz. pk~. 23c MY-T-FINE D esserts. 5 dif.flavors. . pkR. 7c RITZ Crackers , ' 1h lb. pkg. . ' 18c' SUNSHINE Kri'spv crackers. 1 lb. pkg-. 24c HYDROX COOKIES



U nswedene:i. N O.2 can IOe 46 oz. can 23c DOT BLENDED JUICE, Oran ye & Grap efruit. \veet: ' , No. 2 can, 2 f o r 23c DOT PRUNE JUICE ", Deliciou . 32 oz. jar 29c TANGERINE JUICE, Pasco Brand. No: 2 can 2 f bI' 23c DOT TOMATO JUICE, Healthful. No. _ can 2 fo r 25c, 46 92:. can 25c DOT GRA~EFRUIT SEGMENTS, No.:2 can , 15c SUNSWEET PRUNES Extra' large. .1 l b. pkg. 23c '


AUNT JEMIMA PANCAKE FLOUR 20 ,oz. pkg. 18c VERMONT MAID SYRUP ' 12 oz. bottle , 25c Cello. pk,g-. 21~· . DROMEDARY CORN MUFFIN MIX, I11h oz. pkg. 17c SANIFLUSH, Effective BLACKBERRl. JELLY , Tip Toe ,12 oz. Jar 23c Sanitary. 22 oz. can 19c I)()T PRESERVES Pure Peach. 16 oz. 'jar 37c HIGHEST QuALITY

" MEA~TS '

Why pay CUn'elllt ~ricea for inferior ~de•. Try our BABY BEEF It', the best

Stewart's Dot South Main Street K



Pa,gc i Th c Miami Gazette Wayn ' vi lle, hi " No. 43 6 Th ursda, ' t )her ~, 1 47 (Con tinued from , Page


n (I . i It ~ 11 t i 0 I~ .n.f pre'! u fiil g ( (in. . trll tI _ cntl I-m, , 0 long ' ,it I ba ' i n ':\ ~ mpletL.: kn \f. led.\!: . f til · l11ultlfari 1I'- and c mpl ex lUt: ·tii n " in v )Iv t: i he· au L: n thin ,~ i ~ o h n fi ci:1 1 to, th e puh li int re t a honc.'t IHl · tr~1 ' li ve cri ti i m . Till! Co un II an I v ill a.!!' offi ial Lin h J e, h wev"'r, tc p w vid ;l bnef hack,g'r lin 1 t . th e PI' 1)1 111,. and t ff ' r t di -cu ' an d :-: plaln any of th ' aspect ' f th (: ma tter I any re de nt f th e· v illag' wh j int er ~ ' t e LAn d f r th at ,rea on onl y are nun il ~ nd th e. vil1a ~·" offi ial t1uhli h. lIl,g n oh ce of tb e fact that th ' urg' d and 'publi c i ordiall invited to att end the ilCXt re. ,g'ular 'e 's ion f Coun iI, at 7 : t p. m" n M nd a. night, tuber (i , 1 47, at whi ch time ~ ti n will. be tak n t place lilt opera tI on th tr m en j LI S inve tment of th taxpa y r ' mon , whi ch ~ ~ s I n .~ he en , d rm ant and a flllancial hurd !1 t th e ommunit. , F r ~ o m e tran,lre r a on. the VIllage ha can i tentl y ' te er j away , form the u e of th e s w, rs,' f r, which all f u ar o . dea rl y pa in g, in tead . Of l a f oundati on for the ultlm at u e f the y . t m . In fa t-u~kn o wn to a mai orit y of ~he re. ~d .nt ' of our Villa.g:e, it I a cnmmal offen e t o b atta hed t " o r using:, tlie ewer' at the pr e.n.t. tim e, and anv-. one now utIII ZIIl ,g- ·th ani tar nl y sewe sy tt;m i n ot brea~tng a very ri ~ i d rdin an e. but I ac.tu~l1y ~ ubiecting him . If to nmtnal pro ec ution an d fi ne. ' Sev ral weeks ago, Coun iI enacted an ordinanc e e tahli h. . in~ a buildin,~ an 1 anitation code f o r the c ntrol of nstruction within the villa~e limits .as a pr~ liminar y m ve t wa,:d Irnprovlllg'. ~he der lorahl allltar y co ndltl n xi tin gthrough out the to\\ n. Council rv i s of en,gineer and oth r p r fe ional m n t o analyze the air and oil to ascertain th e n jition , but, wa m o r t~an a jequatel y eqUlpp,ed for thel oli th mselv s by reason of owning an:1 operating a ,g'ood en ,of Sill "!J and a ,g-ood sen e of i g-ht. ' The most importan't functi n of th~ ~uilding and anita ti on code III Its pre ent f rm, if not provid ~ its only functi on, is for the scientific d'i_p al f sewa,$!e and , imilar wi1ste until such time as it woul i he afe to permit the u e of the ' anitar , d is C d provid,es t at the u e n f sai d sewers will .remain t ! e un ~ lawful until th ~ proc l amati n of the . M~ yo r of the town. pen in,!!,' the dlspo al system to ~'lIbli c use. Th ordinance L ver xplicit a ,to jll t what mu t be done with e\va~e an i othe r such offensive waste m att er. A: time passes, 'and a the need arises, the building and anitati on code is so designed as to permit the addition of controls 0\ er other conditions which , might affect th e public health, an d safety. This was but one s£ep, how. ever. Long 'p rior ,to the enact ment of the buildin~ and sanitation code, the village .offici als had been iri contact with til " Department of Health of , th ~ S1ale of Ohio; and upon ·s'ever-al occasions, representatives f the Chief EnKineer of the· derartment have come to Waynesville for the special meetin~s of the Council. These engineers ha v~ contributed considerable professional ad,vice to the village, but p·r imarHy their function has been to emphasize the fact that it is only . a matter of time' until the State of Ohio will force local ~overnments to rectify unexcusable sanitary -£onditions. In this respect, the Vi1ta~e is In the most enviable position of 3


bein ,..nne of th ver y few ommuntbe t I'ar {!"c , (11" smal,1;' w hi ch ha '~Iread v' compl tei tl1 maj or p rtl( n l f a 'anj br\, ' y -t 111 a ' ptahl to the Deparlm nt of H aith . Cl'her' weI' nl v 114 c .nimu-niti ' ill th e entire tat :~ It.h ~ U h y!e m I' '1 ' 4 ). 1 hl tr lh.i \vill ' ntinu ' and th e 1. _' t . '~' i (\ n If th 'neral ,A ·en.1\) 1 ' nact ... d int In\\ an enah lm,g- statute authorizin,g- the , IUl1 t;; O'ov ~ rnl11 'nt ut i de f Illunicip alitie ', tn 'c' ntr lani tar ' n jiti l1 11 . an i hu il d'in 0' n..: tru ti otr a ' th n ed ari e '~ A II f th i ' notwith tand in (,' the . c nstructi n. of e\\' a ,~~ t r a tm c n ~ and anIt a r d i . r ' :11 Y ten1.:: III the ~ t ate f Oh i ha , been takin ,g- pIa e for m an year . A rdin ,Q' t o th e '- t at ~ Board f H ealth, eng-i neerin(Y difficulti e h ave not pr ve eni~ barra ' sin ,g- in th e 11 tm ti n f sewer for th e m ,t par t, aL th ough m en~ in ering- i ifficulti e ha v pr'e 'en led , th ems Ive in th e dLp al f th e co llected fr m th e wa te w. ra'ge .Y 'tcl1l. Ace rding t th mformati on co mpi l d bv th e State Bani, ewag-e di posal by dillution i the ' Id t m th od 'practiced. It is till ' th e m o' t wid ely u ed method, although concentrati,on f population I in r cent , ea r ha n ce itated f the C\va,g by m o ii~icati n a vanet y of tr atment d vice even in th municipaliti e ~ , l ocated fav orabl e to utilii the dillutiqn meth d. In this re pect; th e VI11a.e:e of Wa yne ville is Ii advanfa,g:eo u l y l ocated . lJnf.o r~unafel y , the uc es ful e n ,~lneertng of ewa~e di posal systems. ha s been curtaile j ' b failure to finance ati factorily such end ea vor, . due to th'c critical e onomic condition of rn o t municipalities in the pa t decade o r m o re. A' tu i y ofth reasons f o r failu re of municipal trea tment w rk in Ohi wa condu~t e d nearl y tw nty. five years a~o, and the result now-. ed that Ie s than 20 per cent of ' the systems were giv ing- adequate serv i.~e be<;ause' no ' 'pedal plan of finanCing- the maint enance and op,erati on of th e work h as been ado ted othe r than to tak e the m oney from th e g-eneral fund. Of co ur e, til ~ .~en~ra~ fund s f a muni ipalit v IS limited · lJoth e c'nomica lly and b law . . i~c e th.e· Council and villag-e offIcIals ' dId n t fe el qualifie i a job of such to undertak magnitud unaid ed, co mpetent I gal and engineering advice had to b.e ou.e:ht. In additi on to .the aid fu.rni ' hed b, the en,gi'neers furnl hed by the tate D e. partm ent Of Health, Council empl oyed a widel -known firm ' of cOl1sultin~ eng-ineers of Da t 6 ~, Ohio~ Based , up n tli " e~hm~tes and sp ecifications compIled b th ' e variolL sources, Council has, after man y ~lOnths of work, arr:iv,ed at fl ,g-ures necessar y: to start usin (Y the villa,g:e se\va~e sy tern in it~ present forni, until m ney can ·l e obtained to ,comrl te th e system. . At ,the pre .. ent time of course, each individuai citizen throu,g-h taxation, is paying his share of -the- tremendous investm ent buried beneath our street, and is receiving no return whatever. Under the plan formulated, and actually read y for adoption in the manner prescribed by law, the sewers can be ,?~ened for public use at no a~~lttonal net cost t o each (Ihzen; and after a period of a few years, the cost will actually decrease, because all bonded inde~tedness of the sewers will be pald. ' There has been clJnsiderable misunderstandin,g- and confusion



tll ;s \dl,1

m ~lIn -

Mr. and Mr. Earl Rickey hirley Ann were we k end an i it r at \Vin 'hester, USE GAZETTE CLASsrFwn ADS

Dr., T. P. GRpSVE OR pt l met ri.: t 3 ~,f., a in t. PI on e 10




ri ,nce-:i O{ erat r f o r an i Labelin g Machine CI in ~ Ma hine in C all· nin g Plant. y ~r (round w o ~k p rtunit t e ta lish with a goi n g en' rn and ' en a 'd in ca n lin ' a can. tant! u ed ommo it . G ood W'lg s






-I er




c::: • D E a





' Located

on Rou~a 48,1 South.of 'R oute 73 ' at

PEER'S' . ,



. -.' .


• it~. in Warr_n County)


,Walls', Can Make Room Cozy or C.,ld

No.· 4 16 2,

FEDERAL LAND BANK LOW COST FARM LOANS ( 1) f eL' o r (_) Int er t rat al:' I w--l '7' (3 ),P a. all : r part a n. ;tim I r inter t n p . rti n pai all - \\ rite - or t:

LEBANON NATIONAL FARM LOAN LEBANON. OHIO, Phone 448 Ellis H. Sturm, Sec'~-Tr~as. Real Estate For Sale-


Wall board of several colora was used ,urn unfinished attic into an .ttractive room 'lor a cbJld. Scalloped border was cut from the board.


ALLS can change the whole ap- , ous colors and sizes of pa nels, You pearance of a room~ As . a can arrange them so the' joints make background they play up or detract vertical or' horizlmtal' lines, block or from the furnishings-make them geometric designs, 'For a novel e1· look cozy Ql' cold, writes , Tharen feet, use 2 ,eolors togeth,er. Many of Petersen in nationally - circulated the wallboards insulate~ as well as Capper's Farmer. decorate. "For' tha t clean, polished look in "Choose colors, textures !'Ind patterns that will do the most for your bathroom or kitchen, there's tile or bome,~' she advises homemaker til~ -patterned board, in several col· readers of the well known farm ors. magazine. , "Wall linolemn is made with a "For a warm, cheery atmosphere, tile pattern as .well as in plain and you'll like walls covered with wood. variegated colors. Thinner t~an floor "I! you hanker tor mod~m, ply- linoleum, it shapes to curved surwood is a possibility. For bathrooms fa,ces easily. It may be pqt on any or kitchen walls, take a look at plas-' sound, dry wall, aroundl the tub and lavatory in the batbroom, and betic-coated wall paneling. "Composition wall boards, usual- tween the fioor and wan cabinets in ly m'a de of wood fiber, come in veri- the I,<itehen, I t ,


, Don Henderson. Tel. KE3446, 617 Lorain Ave., Da~ Ohio. tfc

REAL ESTATE DON'T FORGET TO CALL u for Insurance. All types of Insurance at a savings. ,Call Francis Gene Brown, phone \OVa nesvilJe 2935 or call collect. Wilmington 2'111.

Homes For Sal&'FOR SALE- 7 -Roo m HOU E belo n ing to th e e tate of the late A. L, Kin g . Located on orth Main,", t., Wa vnesville, Ohio. Ros Hartso c k, Executor. -102

e n ' OU,.I '

Willie and Mary Slnton to WaI tel' Fitts, 2 a9t'es i,n Franklin. land, 6 -ro m hue, 1 arn, Henry and Minnie tGlasscock to e t ctricity, S7,OO , O. D 1 H II' th t T b' George and Daisy Hall, 1 acre in h'own by appointm nt ex, oug a 0 mg wor 0 0 las Bretney, 10,t in South Lebanon Franklin. ' Wilhur N. Stacey a'nd E, liza JBradshaw to c pt Sunda. s. Sears, Wayne ville, hi. Daniel Burney to William and Elizabeth Long, 79.75 aAre ' in Arthur and Odl'a Tibbs, 3 lots ~n ?651 Ph on, . - 1 02 Franklin twp. .., F'rankl'lU. LIVE STOCK . Emest and Mamie 'G arrison to Ella Koebel to Jesse P.oe, 1.15 Cl a ra M· a Ie ' Sb aff e1', ' 2 I 0 t S 'm FO R SALE _ T acres in Morrow. Franklin. . ' 7'-- -- --;;;: G:;--;'I'j;-in-.n-.-, - .H..a-r-n-e-s-,---;......~~---A-J-ma Be-n-ge te Cliff.Qw- Williams Maie Shaffer to Ernest and Jot in Fl'anklir.. , M ' G ' 2 1t . S . Clarence Gwin" Ea t Third Lelia Albright to ' Martha Jan!,! bo~~~le a1'1'IS0n, 0 ;s In pl'lng· St. 3-102 Biggs, 0.70 acres in Clea'rcreek twp. George and Elizabeth Zenge! to fOR ALE . C Ilie Pups, Raymond ano' Martha Weidle to Robert and Mabelle Huber, 27 1 Wee k s O l ct. Cor a John and Alice Jones, 0.437 acres acres in Clearcreek 'twp. . F ran kl'111 t wp. hal'les and Ru t h Elizabeth Van" H e rrin ~' t 11, Michener Fal:m. m . 3-102 'H elen Williams to .Arthul' and Riper to Edwal'd Cha'pman, 4. lots Carrie Hill, lot in Lebanon. in South Lebanon. USED CLOTHIN~ ' Jame Bailey to William and JosephiJie Stonel' et al ,to Al'thur Ruth Johnson, ' 14.20 '8cres in and Jennie Beltz, 120.75 acres in FOR SALE ,- 2 Ladies' Cloth Wayne twp. Cleal'cl'eek twp. Coats, Sizes 20 and 44. ' Pauline Hedger to Fred Hariifer, Dewey and Dora Puckett to WilRea son a b 1e. Mrs. Lee 2 lots in Loveland Pal-k. ' Ham Hanington', 1 lot in South Talmage, Waynesvill . 3-102 0 car Dunn to Wilson and Anna Lebanon. Gussie Drake to James ' and Bell Hoski'ns, 8.10 acres in Harlan HELP W ANTED- . twp. Dorothy Mitcfhell, lot in Lebanon. -;-;;;--------~-------~~lIfv+tIl'Hll..... a .... rn~E..... I .... ne""s...t....,a.....l ....(d~l\IJ.ra~u....<ctl-..e-'~~y~a..l-1-' - -Robert Ha1'l'i's on to Donald and WAN TEO Full Time · ace 'to Jack and Bell Gredig, 49.Sarah Schl'ader, 10t iln Franklin. ' Waitre, White Kitchen. 42 ' acres in Harlan and' Hamilton JUliUR Darlington to Gl,l sie C ntervil1e , Ohio. Ph n twps. , Drake, 3 lots in L~bul1on: 7601. John and Vimeda Browing to Timothy eed will be s arce r . Household Goods _ Seldon and Ethel McIntosh, 4.90 acres in Union twp. in '1 948 than the' 1 ' -+1-45 FOR ALE - ' Walnut F ur Robert and Lo~ella Gheen to average, but farm !r, \' ill fin j Poster Bed with tnrt er l ri'ng Leonard Michael, lot in Maineville. about 25 per 'cent mor t' al ' ike Mattre and prinR:, Dr, s'Christena Aubiet to Boyd Field', clover see,d on sate. than \\ a er to match. Call Wayne ~ - 2 acres in Hamilton twp. ' I ville 2552, _ . 10.., Julius Fred, to Ben Browning, offered in that period. F

R SA L E-,- 1 1. ( a re o I v I ,



1.97 acres in South Lebanon. AUCTIONEERING ' Donald ·Flol'ea to Clyde Baston, STANLEY and KOOGLER 0.50 acres in Deerfield' twp. BROKE~S Ll'CENSE 9 , pc. Walnut Dining: Ro 111 , Walter ~Willie and Mary f"or Dates. Phone 2894. Wavnesville. Suite with full size Pad" $15 O. ' Slaton, 1. a~re in Franklin. Ohio. Reverae Charges ,00; 5 pc. ' Breakfast Set with extra leaf, $25.00; , 1 single size i ron Bed, $5.00;' 1 full ' size , WE 'PAY FOit 'mattress, $5.00; 1 Hand painted ' Wood Fire , screert, $5.00; 1 Fireplace, set. including screen, ewt. COWS ~ORSES $15~ HOGS basket and poker set, $25.00; .1 Italian cut work table cloth ' ~nd 12 napkins, larg'e size. AC€ORDING. TO SIZE AND CONDITIO~ Would now cost you $150.00, . like new, $35.00. ,CAt.L '.. , ' , " Many cooking' utensils and other household items. Thi ' furniture is all like new arid in A-1 shape. Please do not call , ' . before Saturday October 4th.









Revene , ',. "Charge.,

Rooks road.



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Edit r and tha.t l h ·

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. din g tb da le h wn rubo v is 52:::. FIoy'd L. iDaviss n, EclltO l' wor·n to nd sub' l'ibed b fo r me this 27th, da y of ' pt. 1947 . 'W~ mer L, 1'a l,e, NlOtary PubIle. My Commi s lon xpil'es J'un e 16,


onaliJ y app ea'r ed Floyd L, D a vi " son, who, hav ing be n duly s wol'n aceo('ding to law, dep es an d - ys Il


'h~nlcsb urg, O. That th e average numb l' of oples of each issue of this puh li it tion old or di tl'i l:)Ult - ), tlll'OUi "11 th mails or olh I'wls , to pa id subsel'ibel' durin th e tw Iv mon th ·· 111"-

County of ", an'en, ,. Before me, a N-ota l'Y Publ1 . in tt nu


IJu,nd hold

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BY THE ACTS OF MARCH 3, 1933, AND JULY 2, 19~6. Of Tl) e Mi a mi Gnz It , p ubli sh

Imo wn

FI' yd L. hit) ,

mortgages or OUl , ' avi ·on. M


we kly at 'Vhy n vi lle, October 1, 1947. IS tate of Ohio,

an d uddl' SSE'.'

2. That th e own l' I s : Davi .' on, \ V:lyn esvill,

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th publi h er, ' elitOl', managing eelit l' a nd b u In ,: ma.ntig l' a r e : JF'l oyd L. Dav isson, \\ Lly n :w ill',







Armitage &Son





'1 9




This is the Mo'd el with the TWO NINE' 'INCH , -


It really does 'a ,e:ood job of heating -


$129. 95


X E NIA' Fertilizer

J~ ELMER WOLF 4 miles north of Lytle on Ct ,

az tt

N tic i h r ty ' iven that , A. C. T o mlin n wh .e P t Offi ~ A:idr i \r\ayn _vill Ohi , R. R. . 1 has b en duly appointed a A jm ini hat r of the E tate f Ruth Anna T mlin on late f \i\ arren ,County, Ohio, j "a' 1. Dated thi 23 ja f eptli1ber 1947. H. Z. Gray, Atty. , . -1'0 '11



f Th ::'11:1a m 1 f II wlllg iH t th ' Ibe t f hi. 1m \\'1 l ~ n n r\ b Ii a 11' 11 , ~ta.l 111 nt of , th o\\'ne1'~hlp, m nnag ' m I1It, e t . of the uf l' il l~l pll'bli ,nUClIl for th dute , hown in til lJov caption, l' qUil' ed b· tlJ • -t of A ug llst 24, 191_. ;I;; li m ml d 1 Y th 11 t~ f ~JHr!h

that h

NOTICE OF APPOINTMENT , • CLASSIFIED AD BATES' " 26 words or less. one tune. .••.•. 25o Each additonal word ............ Ie SPECIAL BATES by CONTRACT



Mr. nd M r , Imer f f, incinn:lti . pent ,' unia aft rn \11.1 \ ith Mr. and N\r. T. S. Hariin and f m il\'.

: '1

4 54

,E.. <L Buell.....,. IDe.

Fairley Hdwe..Store PHONE 2441

6 -


Fairly Familiar by EFFELDEE


The Miami





WE WANT PICTURESOF CELEBRATION 1h Miami Ga z It ' n "e i f,rOO 'r i tur f the e ' ui ell1elll1ial Para j . In

*' * * ,~ *


Mother's Club Will Sponsor Cub Scouts ,


have hea d th ~t the *, , . " 1 autte i runnin g the- _t r _ ( f Th th Grad ~ h o) l and th I n i *' ~ ial e iti n now bein ,e: '" Moth 1" Club wa - held n Fri· . i sue f r a new ho I huildin g * ~ rinte i i ne e-- ar that * da bct. 3 at 2 :()() p,m. at the ',l int the 'round." Thi s 0 111* we re ' ive go d pi tu'r ' '" Gra echo I building, A Vel', ment eems to. 111. n t fr m * of th~ para ie I' any th I' ::< ,good program 'wa pr sen ted bv the I af nt of tn - hild ren wh ' ubject matter p rtainin .e: :1< Mrs. Charl e Elz' ixth attend the h 01, n t fr m the * t the ce lebrat ion . * Grade pupils. * • If 'cp u ha\e 0' j I)ito- _ * tea her, not from the fa ulh Foll ow in~ the pI' Rram, Mrs. r the ch I hoa rd hut fr m * tures, lear and -harp, '" Carlton Cook held d votion , those who. ha v pa. ed th ir .* brin,g: ,them ' in for our in- * The business ion followed. ,~a of. usefulne and ar livi'n g * spectioll. If w 'an u * Mr. Raymond es Braddock pok e, IJ1 retIrement or em:i -retire_ :I: them will glad to do _0 * to the ~roup concerning the ment. Theit thoug-ht arc w ith * and our nam ' as a credit ' * school bond is ue and it upthe' Hold day '" when th e Grade * line \vill be u ed \ ith ,the '" port by the whole commuQit . School buiJdin,g- wa ' a fine * picture. The Mother's Club voted that l ro~ modern ' structure, The * W need them at nce::II , bably went to hoo l ' th er , * Plea e brin~ them in ' at * the or~anization would sponsor , , , them elves anp the, ~'er haps * our earlie t ca n nience, * Cub coutin,g' in Wayne Town . hip during' the c ming- . ar. think the condition o f the The annual Hal1 0w en Carnival buildin.l?: remain tli ~ am" t . pI' ented by the Mother' Club day a it iid tli en, that it , a' will be hel j n Frida, v ning', ~ood enou,g-h fo r them and o tob I' 31 t,' at the 'Hi.l?:h , should be RO d' n () LI ~h f r th e Seho I BuildinR. present ~enerati o n and man y mOfe to come. The J are 1 akinR from their th uRht ( f th past in tead of their vi \V f tl e PI' ent, F r anyone I.e pre ent c;;ch o llu ildin~' ' lJ~'1 ' hP ll feel that thi col umn ' \' " " "' J;' nin,e: the sto rv intn .tI~t [-, 1 1 :1 \ " j an afmi :. i n (' hult\' , j .: ; ';'1 Th e Roxanna Canning' Co. a and re ~Lonin ,~ . Let (lne t ,', divi j~n, f th,e C~urnK J'd, Corp. he defi nitel ' tJll li r. tn ~i, of CmcmnatJ, \\ III h Id a Fi h communit y nlld not fa il Fr_ on aturda, 0 t. 1 I at ' v t th ' h I buil din ' I 1:3 0 p.m, fr it mpl e ani is_u in at 'the omin ' ov el11~row rs: Th affair will b ' held her I H, 'no If a hi!' . of t , e' th Wa, ne viiI plan~ in Cor· a quainta.n e wa ing- for ed wlO. ' t Ii in a fire hazar'doll . Ul1- ' Til cannin," pl;int- at b th an itar r on m or home. 'k ho nf ,Roxanna and C rwin indicated us woula fail to reac h out a they enj ed cl g d 11elpin,g- han i in ase ilad th e durlnR' tl1 pa t few 'V J oriunit\? Then who of u: that th a k f rn ~ a a ov could fail to ff r the ame h 11 averag-e. to our hildren f today ant! the future by ,d vin,g them ad · are ivin ~ man , , (:ent. hoo l uil di n,g in which to lU Ii s a~ to the date the ~o to school? If it '\! ere c m. , r e. ial '- esqui .entenn iaI Edition .l1UL r y that our name' hould will h:e r adv . ,'vVe cann t give appear aJoncr with y ur vote, this date ex act!' a much 'I ill The prejdel'lt of the Band . wh o w uld have the ' unconc rn Boo ters Club, Willis Hunter, An or~anization t e know n depend- n the completi n of 'for our children or ou r com. indi ated thi week that numer- as Warren Count Coun i1 of materials needed t fill the .eii ntly rnunit ,a 'c:tr ngl y a to place 0us inquiries and much inteie t Church Women 'has I' : William H nry Gebhart, a~e · W 'II e. tion., een camp ~ em . a n SVI . b I t d a negatlv v t (In the hand has l'een displa ed by several Women repr s ntin gth PIcture. for one, thmg have 82, pass~d away at his h me i sue? For , urs e1v ~ s. we who , persorts after 110tices ' were ' sent on Township Road early Sunhave pas ed hy tl e s hool a~e out on the la t Band Boosters Churches of Wa ne ville and held up the proiuctJOn to o.m da:y mornin?; after an illness of L tIe and th.e Wa ' nesville ' ~€-xt-€.nt.--Qt-h~--F neooM matenals - and wilt na.Ver -r..eturn, there" about six month. Death was , ineetinK in which the tatement no rersonal :g-ain tn he had fr('m was rna je the Mr. D on Gahris, Moth;ers Club hel i a m tinR at are aI, ~ ' et to come to make attri~uted to a heart condition. a new c1lCl_n l huiJding- exceot orR.anizer and lead r of. the the Friends M e etin ~ House on ~he .edltlOn a co m plete and. atHe is surv ived by hi wif.e, '~ the, great pri . e and , ati faction WHS Band wa aJ 0 conslder- Sept. 10 and 24, tu i d the Isf 111~ ?ne. , . Barbara; two daLJ~hter , Sarah plans ent fr-om the nit j The, work 1I1v?lved , m th_ of ha vin£, l een a nart of the in~ the fruminR of ,a Junior home 'and Mrs. Earl Hook , at Council of Chur h W men, productIOn of thl , book wa cnmmunih wl1n ~ a',: its duty Band and a Grade School Band. thrOu,Rh the Ohio C un i t and , much .Jtreater t~an e?Cpected hy near Harveysburg-. one g'randand ca.rd d it throug-h to coni. The forming of these fwo cided t~lOse who. ~.evlsed It produc- chi,ld,'; and ,!l sister, Mr .. Laura nleti n n. 'T ho e who' come after new branches of the local school the organization w a_ upon. ' .flon, , Obt~mm.R accu.r?-te data Kntzer of Chicag'o. u , the ~hildren of today and to- \ bands will depend on the supar, e bein~ mad to oh. for the hi topcal ;w!lhn~ ~la PI!l,ns Funeral services were COIlmorroW. ~i11 be forever Rrate· port Riven the Band Boosters serve. with appro ria te r . b~en a slo~v and. dIfficult 101 ducted at the McClure Funeral ful for the th u~htfulness nf by the people of the community, their forefather in providin{!, states Hunter. The enior Band ' g'rams, World Communi! :D ay With .much checking- and re- Home on Tuesday afternoon c.11~.ckmg. Ph oto~mphs. ,actver ~ , Oct. 7 at 2 0' clock with burial for them and their cf1ildren the must have complete uniforms on Frida y. Nov, 7. The Warren C unty C. C. W. , tISJl1R, and l1lall~ ~ther angle in Miami Cemet ry. proper place in which to edu- and the instruments purchased are askinR that everyone keep , ~ave ,all ente!~d mto the bmld,cate their offsprin~s. Thi~ is the to. date must first be paid fnr. . _ opportunity for the citizen nf says Mr. Hunter, and b various the d,ate, Nov. 7 open, if p _ mg of the edlbon. Unle~s some unfor een ~IAI. this area ,to display the Golden entertainments, sale, etc. this sible, as it is hoped to present ' intere,tin,e: programs to , \Vhicll~_c~1ty · anses to slow up our PIO$'ule nQt in w0W,s or song 11ut can be done. . ' all are invited. '. ' r~ss we; expect to h.ave th~ . ed.l. in, deed. let us otTair in our Several people have seeri fit tIon ready for delIvery wlthm CARY W. WICAL duty. Not only must you vote to. donate enough ' money to this m'o nth. Mr. and ,Mrs. GeorRe Wical for the bond issue, but you must complete one or' two uniforms NEW GROCERY AND The patience of our read r ' are announcing the birth of an also ee that your friends and ' each. This is a very welcome MEAT MARKET OPENED has> been , appreciated and w eiRht pound, nine ounce SOil, neighbors do likewise. This is help'. feel they will not he' dis a~ into Gary ' W~, born Sept. 26 at St. AT AND MAIN your sacred task. The time is Mr. Hunter stated that he R. L Hawkins; Who resides at ed i'n the edition w]len it is reo .Ann hospital. shortef than y'ou think. Begin wants everyone to ,pull tog- ther • * • , the ' corner of · outh and Main ceived. your personal campaign now. to establish the three hands in streets opened the South End ' , DENNIS ALLEN ' HART this community. He feds it can ' Grocery and Meat Market at MAX RANDALL TO Mr.and Mrs. Jim Hart are an' Fronl tIle many comments be done. that locaion on Vv'ednesda Y, SPEAK AT FERRY nouncing ,the birth of a seven A cordial invitation i: eX· Oct. 1. The estal l i hm ent will Max Randall, a former mini· ' pound, two ounce son, Denni bein,g- heard re,iarding the various .petition hein,l!' cirClilat- tended. to attend the ne xt Band be open for bu iness ea h da y ter of the Wa ne viIle Church Allen. born Oct. 6 at GrandBoosters meetin,g' to be h ' l i nn , inc1udin~ Sunda m ornin g. The of Christ. \ 110 i planning- n view hospital. , ~d requestin.l?: an improvement m service from the Telephone Monday, Oct. 27 at fhe Hi n'h We inesda , aftern oon cl o ing- f,roin,g- to South Africa next' veat ** * as a missionar. , will , peak at Compan " it i verv evident that School auditorium. will be ot erved. Mrs. Wical was the former Ferry Church of Chri t, Sun . the the entire community is, aroused . Mr. Hawkins ha ' I een n· Miss Latone Hildebrecht and to the importance o'f thi condigaged in the Rr cery and m at da morning- at the r e~ ular Mrs. Hart the former Miss Lar- ' mornln~ worship which be.e;ins tion: When service reaches a business 4for man ' ear an i rna Hildebrecht, both dauRhter at 10:30 a.m. point of such low de,g-.ree as to has had a wide experience in Mr. and Mrs., Rudolph Hildei943 , ' 1947 The public i cordially in. of become, actually' hazardous to . particular fi' e ld. He will ,this brecht. Mr. ,and Mrs. Hildethe community and 'its residents Sept. 28 48-80 fair 40-68 rain carry a full line of ',g,roc,erie and vited to hear thi me saRe con- brecht are; indeed proud of these 29 50-85 fair 52-6 4 rain cerninR the chaHenR e of South ' fine new ~randsons. it is indeed time, that omethinJ?: 30 50-8" fair 42-56 fair meats. His store is o.peratin~ on Africa. ' he' done about the state of af- ,Oct. the self-serve plan in a newl 1 50-85 fair 36-6$ fair At ,the evenin,e: service which fairs. The old dod,g-e used by so co~ tructed room adjoininR tb', 2 48-75 fair' '32-68 fair 7 :30 p.m. the minis- UTICA E. U. B. CHURCH, beRins at many durin,l!' the late w~r days reSidence property on the South Frost ter, Rah h Stin on \ ill speak on HAS , NEW MINISTER of "unavailability of materials" street side. ' . 3 44-68 fair 42-78 fair the subject "First Thing-s First". 'The Utica E. U. B. Church , is KettinR worn rather thin. This A 42- 6 5 fair 50-82 rain . is announcin~ ' their new miniwas indicated not man \\ eeks MRS. WADE REMAINS ster. Rev. William Shannon of DEATHS a,Sro :when a similar circ'limA. K. DAY WILL HAVE , IN HOSPITAL Junior, the little son of Mr. Middle,town, who will preach at stance came to a head in BlanMrs. ,J. R. \Vade. who is con. and Mrs. \ ern n Maurice pass;.. the church on the first and third chester, Ohio. The ire of the SURGERY , PERFORMED Mr. A. K. Day who i in the ' ·valescin~ at GrandVIew has. ed away at the Cleveland Clinic Sundays of each month He is town and its officials was arous. , ed to a point where they actual.. Christ hospital in Cincinnati will 'pital and was expected home at Clev_~land p. unday after- replacin ,~ Rev. A. J. Fursten,ly ~ot somethin~ done about under~0 sur~erv in the near fu- durin~ the past week, is still noon. Funeral arrangements berger of Dayton who has been conditions there" with the re- ture. He 'w ili be-confinned to the confined to her ted in the has. win not he made until they the minister at Utica for about the past year. Ocmttnued ft'om Page fa) pifal. arrive home. hospital for some time. W,e





Roxanna 'Softball Team; Winners Of Wayne Athletic Assn. Trophy .


Hypnotist Stagilig Show, Fri., Oct. '17

Fish,Fry Saturday At' Canning ,'Plant

t. , ,' )\



Other Bands In Booster's Plans'

Council 'Of'Cburch Women Formed

Special Edition To Be Ready In October

Gebhart Funeral Conducted ru~sday




"DOC'S" Weather 'Chart

J r Page 2 ,is kn wn that the Ru. sian are American line , The America!;}' The Miami Gazette electric industr y, und r l u in s- Wayne ville, Ohio N. 4337 wor~iI,1R" ,n them at fever pitch, • 8 TAB L I 8 H 'J: D 1 850 p~ecisel as they are workin~ rnanagement, leads it socializ· Thur day,. October 9 , 1947 ~bl1ahed Every Thursday 1?f DAVISSON PRESS with the problems of atomic ed forei~n equivalents by an / FLOYD L. DAVISSON. ~tor~-pow ~r, Beyond the Urals, oviet en rmous margin, judged by ienti t - are. .{!"eWng: ready for co t and abundance . f s rvice, £ntered as Second Class MBtter at the Post Office b, EFFELDBE another war. Americ:an cien- or any other yardstick. 0 i t ~ . Bub6crtptlon Rates: $1.50 per Year in· Advance ,g-oes, in every field of endea,vor, tists, with all the resources the! ~ K'Ontinued from Page 1) The socialized tate alw! y an command, are doing- exact, ... Nati"onal Advertising Representatives .,- ." ... becomes asia ve state .. A recent I th same thin~. now have additional Ohio Weeklies, Inc., 2465 W. Broad Street, ?:overnment r port e timat... ' ult th ....::' quipment installed an:t the erthat the Russian worker' ,wag" PASSING THE BUCK AGAIN Columbus 4, Ohio The latest wave of pric~ will buy only about ten per c'ent vice i bOl k to a pr -war noras much as the American work- mal. It can b d ne, elpeciall y ECONOMIC HIGHUGHTS in.!?:. Its range was short, and it rises has had the u: ual r,esult . -er can buy. Th~t is typical of a1\ when the g-reater part of tbe In its iss,ue of ept. ,th '" could not e a curatel ,guided. Ever, body is lookin~ : for a totalitar.ian Even unsatisfactor c nditionarise Saturda y Eve ning Post print d The ~ -2" b co',mparison with scapegoat. Busihes.5, labor, if socialism ,~overnments. from the human element of'inwere mechanical! an article 'that an edito'rial n te !he mrSSlles now on the draw- ,g,overnment t;lnd :agriculture efficient, which h is not, itsv eftldenc as ·it does In this comcharacterized as "perhap ' the m,t boar s, will e like a muzzle have all passed the buck back dan.!?:,er would still lie in munity. Many, man y case c?l11 most desp rately impotant me .:- loadin.g- blunderbuss opposed to and forth amon,g- tlhem elve . .!?:ravest the fact it abhors freedo m be pointed out \vh ere the equlpsage" it will publish this ·ear. 'a naval rifle . No g-roup admits that it is in as naturethat ment was definitely not at fault, · abhors a vacuum. Entitled "Are We Re,ad for a The techn'ical problem ' con- anyway respori ible for inflaThe kind of education which but th e management an j operaPush-Button War?" and writ- ' ne,ct~d wit~ the deve.lopment of tion-the (ault always is laid at tea.ches that . socialism, com- . tion were sad ly lacking in efticL ten by J oseph and St wart Al-mlssllc:s htterally ta.l~xer the the door of the other fellow tact or any de,g-ree of sop, it deals with the much pub- lay mmd .. Even the Al ops, in This has produced a ,great munism or 'any other form of ency. helpfulness. For the price .licized and little understoo j a 101l,g- article, have rO'om only deal of confusi<~n arnon~ con- dictatorship is ·superior · to the charged for t lephone ervice it to t<?uch some of the hi,g-h pots. ~umers, who ar:e e.agerly search- American system~ is educati n is quite evident that very , topic of ,guided ·missiles. little The of ,guided.mi _ .Ordinary metals would bur t m,g- for . the villam r·espon ible . for disaster. The Link surve of it ,goes toward the payroll as proves that this country need sile warfare is simple! enou.g-h. iilto flame at speeds far below for hi.{!"her prices, Worst of alf, is composed of . the personnel not only more education-but A button on a switchboard will th9s~ proj~cted. Launchin,g a It has tended to eloud the fact . who see m to di regard ' be pushed, and a f w minutes mlsst\e which will proceed in that present pric,e -are an in. accurate education that ag-,g-res- those their duty as one of public insively tells the young how later a rain of missles of incred- se~onds from the ,ground to . evitable result of the economi terest but rather as a discussiotl freedom was won in thi ible destructiveness will descend hel£'hts of 60,000 feet ,or more pressures of the time. The of subscribers faults in no un upo.n enemy tar,gets, There will and there start for . a far,get is nation is in an industrial boom. country, and what must be,done certain terms. be n'o warnin,g. The missles will an ' incredibly complex ope'ra- Wages and all other costs, in- t<? p reserve it. travel infinitely faster than tion .. pesiratJle fuels-capable eluding- tt;lxes, are at an all-time The period befor~ corn plans of many farmers to build sound, and so will arrive in · of £,IVlqg- both sufficient thrust hi£'h. We' are shippitl~~ enormous harvest. is a good time t start .such ponds and frequent rains co.mplete silence. Factories," and .range--.:....are ~till in the Qu~ntities of ,goocts abr ad, . or complete work on dams for have minimized water shortbnd£,es, pO\~er plants, railroads, laboratory phase. And, dwarfing' which tends to create scarcitie ages, but . the ponds will be commUniCatIOns, even whole all, other difficulties, is that of ~nd conseque!ltly hi,g-her price~ farm ponds .in Ohio. Unfavor- needed in average years. in t~e spring halted able weather cities will be instantly destro _ 2;U1din,g- the mi site with bulIet- m the Amencan market, Our ed- alon,g with thousand and ltke accuracy to a ·target thou- ~260,000tOOO,000 public debt perhaps millions of people. The sands of miles away 1S a powerful i nflationar As ~n examp'le of the Jules factor. And, finally, the Amerienemy's capacity to make war , w.ill cea. se to ,exi,st, and the (:on- Vern -like concept'Ion en tenn,g ' can want more 'and betterpeople ,O'oods of, all kl'nds fl ICt Will be dec! ed in a matter into the ,guidance problem the of hours. Alsops cite a projected method . It will Qe particularly' unjust That is the c ncept. We at. whereby what amounts to If consumer resentment i larg- MOST IMPC9RTANT IN ANY ready have; in the atomic bom h ~ navi£,atin,g- brid?:e \\ ill be built ly directed at tbe retailer sim'ply FUNERAL SERVICE, we think, and other weapon the eluir.e: s mto a missile. As the mi silt! because he is on the firin.!?: lin is proper mortuary preparation. these missiles will carry, Th pro~~ed, in trument \ ill take and, ~rov!des a handy tar~et , problem is to produc a uit- position from the , tars, and R.etalh~R.' IS not reslPonsible for To this department of our work able missile. It i, in other constantly communicate rLie r ' ~I,gh pnqes, and has taken posiwe bring years f expe.rlence . words, . purely a .problem f, to . ,other instrum nt whi ch bve acbon to prevent prices and every equipm nt the sci nee developm,g- a vehicle. in turn will operat In cmtro'l from ?:oin,g- even hi,g-her than of f~is profes ion has devel ped.'11 th b b h' they are. According. The Alsops beO'in thei'r re- The missile WI. U . e ro U.I! t author'ltatl've report. n'et ptnrof'ltan. mar ka bl e article with two ~o Its tar,gt:t precisel y as a ship after taxes, of department statements made to them bv a IS brought mto a port. Achlevin,g- ,g-reat distance is ' stores, were b~t 3 7t per cent, of researcher in the field. He 'aid: "The first thin,g to .u'nderstand a~oth~r ,terr!fic problem. One . sales m the SIX months endtng abou t ,guided mis l1es i that SCI~ntist beJt.eve that may 'be July, 31--less. than half of th e there aren't any. Bat the second ultunatel solved by joinin~ level attained in the same period thin,g to understand about Kuid- two or ~ore missiles' together. !ast year. Food chains have ed l11issi.les is that there will be." One. for mstance, would furnish Issued summaries showin?: that WAY N E SV Il L E" ,0 H 10 When will practical mi sites the thrust for taking- the missile their profits are even less. Rebe readv to take to the air- off the ,g-round ,and' into the at- tailing is fi,g-htin,g- inflation with and to the spaces be ' ond? The m<?sphere where, at a Kiven every weapon available-but it Alsop_' offer an answer to that pamt, the second missile carry- ca~'t achieve the impossible. ~ased on ext~ns'ye interro,l!:a- m,g- the warhead would he Pnc~ tags, in the va~t majority hon of the sCIentists. tt is ex- "kicked'.' off, its engine would of ms~ances, are Simply true pected that an antiaircraft aut<?mahcally start. its £,uitiance reflecttons of 1947 economic miSSil e which will be ,g-uided by equIpment would take over conditions, and until those wonderfully perfected 'radar, . and it wQuld proceed to the conditions chanKe, cost of pro. . ' hd!lChtion and prices will remain ' and whose purpose will be to' tar,g-et.. destro, invadin,g- planes, will be What will be the cost of all l,g-. . . ready in ,two to five years, The this? No one really knows tntermeEilate strategic missile Missi,les will cost $6,000,000 EDUCATION FOR DISASTER w~ich, wiII be fired .from planes: or $7,000,000 each to build A recent survey made by , ships or forward bases rna'; be once we--or another nation-' Dr. Henry C. Ltnk of the practical · in' six to t~n years. Jearn how to build ffiem A P.sychological Corporation in· ~k ---.~.a.aJW(:~----'::'---;-----h--fj Finall y, missiles of the ultimate ~uitable wind tunnel for t'est- dlcates that an appalling- numhel~ de tructive power, with range. Jh-,g- will cost more than $1,000 of. American. people ' actually up to 5,000 miles {!·.which will 000,000, not counting main~ ' believe that this country woul i . . . PHONE 328 . I LEBANON, 'OHIO make po sible direct intercon- tenancc. Th e total cost . will be better off if. the ,g-overnment tinentaJ warfare. ma y app~ar in obviously be incredibly g-reat-·_ .owned and manag-ed basic inten 10 eighteen year's. . .!?:r~ater perhaps than the c st of dustry. And, whet) a poll was . ade rs ma y wonder why no devel?plllg and · makin,g' the taken of colle,g-e students a mention has been made here of atomic bomb. The science of substantial majority vote j' in the German V-2 missile which utte r destruction b.ecomes more favor of socialization of incaused tremendous, de truction and more expensive du.str.y and tlle · destruction of in En?:land in the last sta.l1:es of FinaHy, must 'w e g-ive our pnvate enterprise. ' the war. The reasori in that re- monev ' and our scientific As '. .the Charlotte, North searcher re,g-ard it as having energi "S to perfecting and Carolma, ·Observer put it, "Our be n primitive in the extreme manufacturing missil e. ·? Th e colle,g-e students must be mi seven th 9u,g-h. it wa , a marvel f Al op feel that we must. in th ._ educated if, 'after four years in ' m echanical mg- . nUlty and dar- . name of self-preservation. It enterprise, an instituti they n supported by free turn a,g-airist the very system thd made their ADVANCE ORDER FOR SESQUI·CENTENNIAL CO~IES ' education po sible. Th ese students, 63 per c-ent of \vhom be"JUST CIVE US A TRIAL!" . publication to be ready about October 1, 1947 Iieye !hat R"overnment own er- · hip IS more efficient than The Sesqui-Centennial Committ e: Ye :, th at' s all we're askin g t,e prov t o you that our, ervice Edition a~ private enterprise, could no PI~Le reserve · c pie of th Sesqlli-Cent nnial an:! prod u t ~ . are the let. , . for the life of them cit~ a in ,~l e re r t-he foll owing: In t~nce to prove their p inL" \ hyn ot bring y'."' L!-!' .. ~lr in [ 1I ~ ll,' I1~ X t tim " l u ne j gas~ 1 he Ob erv·er ~oe 011 t 'Ii.:- t Name oil, lubri ation, . examples that completelv I' fllt~ th th or that sociali m is Rural Rt. JUST GIVE US A. "fRIAL . • ~ . . SATISFACTION IS st. Address ffi ient. The ' Briti h coal ml,n~ , who e Jcialization was GUARANTEED. UPI o ~ ed to be a ke move to State :ity reviye British industry, are pro_ duclI1.g: much Ie 5 than th~v dirt umber of copies \v~nted at 2Sc per. c py - $ und er their for er \\"ner The European rail d which are MAIL ORDERS: Add 5c 'per copy to cover mailing costs. almo~ t entin~1 'government SOUTH MAIN ST. WAYNESVILLE, OHIO o \\'n e ~~. ~"i.? ~"r i tive iQt!":~ c '_ Add r~5s all orders to P. O. BOX E ' \YAYNESVILLE, OHIO treme when co areJ with th.!

The Miami Gazette

'F airly Familiar '


.....' 'II









M'cCLll RE




FOR , Any ' , Fred Kaha 'M otor Car Co.


Servis Texac8 Service Station

' .


Paie 3 The Miami Gazette Way nesvill e, Ohi o No. 4337 ThuT day, Octob r 9 , 1947 ,

corrected witb0ut a bond issue We hear disq uiet ing. rumors fro m part ' of the ounty about di order on , th~ schoo l bu es and lack of disrip line and order in the hoo l .T hen. th er,e is. the perennia i que t lO n of w hat to do w ith ' the A FARM · DIARY backward one . Teachers with fo rt y or f ifty in a c1 S5 ca nn t by do an thin ~ with th e misfit D. J. Fraizer and non reader and ~ th v j t idl e until they ~e t tired (ln:l October 3, 1947 . An th cr th ' n cause trouble. Fr m all I w eek ' of fro ty ni ght and unn '/ hear ou r co unty cho ols need a days. H re and ther . da m :l., c . g ad g ing ver beginning with l ean h as been done but th the Wayn'e vi lle Grad e choo l and tomat es in ur tru k patch building: ' are sti.JJ standing. W : di In:t ge t G ood luck to th e ne ewe r any of th o e h w r that the. Program . M ay nothin ,gtop it. wea th r man sai j wer u tountil our ,gutters are clean an i da y. The pa tures ar till ~re: n ~ ure a a Iii and the air i un- ·. but the gra ss i 'c tting -hart. t ntamin ate'rI, Let u uph 1i The p urple a t er al ong th c the hands of th e fighters road are in .t heir glory ali j th ~ again t filth even a~ Aaron he l d .\!"ol d n rod i ' still a blaze f up the hand of Mo se - in til gold. A few tree ar I egi nn ing fi ~ht a,g-ainst Amalek. See l Ex. t o turn red. That sari t maple 17 :9-11. Loo k it up. at th·e north end of T hi r i t r ct . is always one of h fir t to 11 \ ' col or. The da lhi a at th . Daillia Farm -on High wa y 4R e" <l !1'd th e frost and ~re .. or 1. ~' ( ' n" th at way to 10 k at. M i s T er sa \ \1a l , h, Mr ", . Thur day I s~i L",pe arah J ane ami Mi s J ane munity al an 1 n' Th mp on f Dayton, and Miss sale of Regi..t red W ol fe at Lehanon w ere W ct. Pola n0 Ch in a -H o, · nesday ev nin ~ gu t f Mr . . R 1 er t Lut ' at Elizab th mith. Farm on Y:-t.nk tree . · i hea j f Ma r h boa r an Rece nt ue (s o f Mr . Elizawer put up for al , It wa nL l eth mith \\ ere Mr. Laura of Ih fanc ale~ with a t ent N vi n f W, 11 ton and Mr. an i :; at an:l n p rinted cataMil ire j Alexand r of ChiIl il o~ue wi th all 1h ped igr e ' othe. there in. The p inl aucti n er fr 111 Iowa did not get th er ~ o F. T. Martin from C ntervi1le Mr. and Mr. . R. Contad, did ih e~l1 iI1 a ."i ted y field Mr. an d Mr. Rohert M.cCa rthy men fr m th ati onal p ttl d and hildr n, and Mr. James· Pr land C l ina' Rull in wh re a I Conra j f Crecent pring, K y., th p dj rrr ee :til j did th talk- Mr . Havien M arksb ur,g of Ft.. in,g-. M ' t of th p 0 )1 weI' _ Th ma, Ky,. and M r. and Mrs. fr 111 other tat an n ei~hh r- Jam M C rm i k and on, hood, In diana an i Keniu k ' T ml1l v of Day ton, sr ent unan d t'v.e n .! o\\'a hut. I th ought .J jay w ith Mr. and Mr, T. sa w Elmer he 1 an an:l a f v H ar i ill an i fa mil v, . (lt t r fa mili:u 1 ~ . Emer on ,ul'fa an i hi 'if w r ther Mi ~ Barl ara Walker pent and · L ':t r Githen at i u t I e. Thur da y and Fri day at , h er h i n I 111 h 1I t J l i Jl ' I ee hi 111 I u y hom . Mis~ Walk r 'i now in an y m ore than I ,i t her' s i1:i . ear f trai nin g at The first 1 ar t o te hr 1I .... ht Miami ane" Ho rita!. in the rij-}-R:~ very ~ . ~ ular an d ' rought f ur hllnd rand anc! M r ', P. L. Rea 11, ten :i lI ar , lut after pric . MrMr. .... , ad i . R a on and Mr . (iro ped to on hun :ired and Ho kett were unda di n:. ix t.v fi ve and then th y ran ,tred Elsie ner gu o t _ f Mr. and Mr. fr '111 i "hty-fi\ to one huncir ci anti t\\ ent .five, The ton L r· n Rea n in Leban on.

;})"'I .Jeffl~

M r. and Mr . F. E. T I1 11l <l had as . un day dinner ~ u e t , Mr. ,lI1d Mr. J. M. Earnhart

Be PaUent At out




him the best possible care and be patient, advises Beulah France in an ·article in Capper's F a rmer. :one of the leading farm magazines. He will deve1tlp only as rap,idly as nature intends. "How fast your baby grows depends on 2 {rungs," Jshe writes in the maga-zine read by 1,300,000 farm families, "One is heredity- traits be inherited from both sides of the family, The other is enviropmentbaby's . surroundings-which include the food he eats and the· tr~atment he feceives." In the earry months, once a week is often enough to weigh your baby, she says. Later. once a month will be sufficient. Baby usually doubles his birth weight in 6 m.onths. At one year h~ should weigh about 3 times his birth weight. Your baby may begin to sit a~one for a moment or two at a time when he is 7 months 0!1. But he must not be propped and left that way. He will sit witho,ut support

Mr. and Mr , Delbert C atten ted a · family dill11 unda at th home of Marth a Walt r . at L ban •


~' .




r. n Mr ~ .


These Bon ds bJi!!,ation of G overnm e.nt ne e_ ar v t this time. ,


are a direct the Federal an j it is 110t a h- them at,

If I 0 , c; ib ·e- \\' urge. 01:1 to h I j them fo r In vestmen t.

Mr. Fred H ook, w ith h r daughter, Mr. H ward Ge 'saman of D a' n attend ed tl1 ' funeral of M. ' . Rice in WiL min,g-ton on aturda Y.


Mrs. Lucile Armitage wa a weekend ,g-Uc t of Mr. and M r~, Woodrow Owen and hildrcn in Sprin,e:fi eJ d. . Mr. all d Mrs. J ohn eat' and son of Berkly , Mich. are th guest of their parents, Mr. and Mr. W II t ur N.




Mr. Max Randa ll, former minister f th e C hur h of Chri t \V h now ha h arRe of a hurch in Red Fall, Minn. is vi il in~ in th e c mmun it y this we I:c, He wi ll. preach at Ferry Church n unday m ornin,g-,


Waynesville, Ohio


ears' . . . . . . . . . .




c 1.



My annual Hampshire Boar and Gilt- Sal e.

Tues., ·O ct. 21, 1947 1:00 P. 'M.

at my farm :2 mil e a ml es ·1 . . a · 1 ml11 l" on. 11 is n herd of h .O" I hav e ev er o\\f1jed. The c hog' ha ve and bo ne, " et pl enty of quality and "m oo thne s, I ~ n trcate·d a 'ain st Ch lera and have pas e i ban g' tc_t..

R ute 38 f the be t ru ggel.ine They have a negative

RALPH SNOOK, Owner' Stanl~y

& Koogler,



I i I i. i






"4-WAY ·FARM I.N SURANCE"· in the· Ohio Farmers will give you broad protection against l~sse. your farm. It coven your buildings, yourl'chattels, your automobil~ and your liability for accidents to others. Why not lee us today? You lIaMII you're Afe when you're insured in the OhiOFarmeni OIl

Karl D. Dakin' Insurance Agency


in y ur til1l~ uf






STUBBS Funeral Home

and walk alone when his bones, n.erves and muscles are ready · for the effort. Between 12 and 1~ months he will try to walk. By a year and : a half ne may be toddling. Between the ages of 2 and 3 he'll become an accomplished walker. Some babies repeat a word or two as early as 10 months. But-the.y generally don't know what they are saying. By a year, your child may call several things by name, includ· ing his father and mothetr. But do .; not expect a child to ulCe phrases before he is 18 months old. Even babies of 2 years may not speak " clearly. "Don't. use baby talk with your chUd," Miss France cautions. ·"Speak slowly, correctly. as you want him to speak when he grcws up. It's unfair to teach a child a language he must later discard. If

FURNISHI·NGS .! '''Hard-To-Get" Items

Phone 912R

Dair herd s ca n he k ep t in hi ,g-h r roduction if some of th e Krain ra ti on i repla ed \\ ith ~ood Qualit. legume ha,\ Feedin,g- trial over long J riod how that air · w wi )) produce . well n m derate, , im r I grain ra I n _ wi th I t f hay..

:YOU'RE concerned about how I Fyour baby is growing, just give

,g-ilt 01j for n e hundred and Mr , Loui t: Co n~e r had a ninet y do llal; . She was a litter mate . to th e top bar. A fe \' her dinner ,g'ue t on W l!d ne day, went at one hun cired and thirtv -' Mr . Charles Miller, Mr . Fra11k five hut th e demand w a n B.ennett, Mrs. Georg-e W ·ertz, sati fiej and · the ' re t went at Mrs. Viola Hoover and · Mr. , hundre:l Leona Da y, all of Da ton and p ri around Qn d (1111\ 1"- . Fat a th y wert' th e,\, Mrs. Louise Wilson. ' W lIld have brouKht aIm t that . as meat. They w ere 0 nearly .r-_ _ -= lik that yo u' could have r i ked ne with yam ·e'yes 11Ut and AT THE "Frien~lf Store"· ,g-('I1 a .troo d one. Almo t th e anI ' difference m y inexperienced e s c() uld see wa that ome , O~E pot s than ha d m ore ' bl ack oth er . Th~re wa some HJ.?:ht differ,ence in size ailli hape and pedi,grees but tbe y all fat 9 x 12 WOOL RUGS and we ll grown, thick and shC;H"t l e~ ,{!· d, I didn't hu y an v though 9 x 12 FELT BASE RUGS I \Va " t mi' ted but I didn't kn ow " what I c ul d do with them thi CURTAINS - SLIP COVERS winter, we · ·have m e ,goo d ones oursel ves. , LA~PS (Floor .nd Table) Monda m white spotte d . , Kilt farrow·ed, fiv e ' little white STUDIO COUCHES. (Fully Spri~g Filled) pi~s with black spots, Tuesday th e' other ,g-ilt f.arrowed six littl ~ LIVING ROOM SUITES pi~s, black \\lith white ~ pots. Th ey are' so · cute t hat I have BED ROOM SUITES spent 11)0st of my t!rne all w~ek leaning over the. gate watchmg STOVES . them. . It is t o be hoped that the absence of public comment "Complete Home Furnishers" mean that ev er vone is so sold on a new school huildin,g- that 'it do esn't ·seem neces ary to say " anytpin~. To provide ~ecen t . housm .~ for our schools I the first Recessit y and it is so methin~ that we can do. The oth er thin~s that come to our atten"East Main Street at Whiteman" tion about the schools are not as concrete and easil y re m edi ~d though possibly could be


and t hildren of Beavertown, Mr. and Mr. J ohn R be of Da ,t n, M r. and Mr . L w )) Th orn a and dau,g-hter . an d M r. ' Will iam Ri key .



Phone 153, 2~_ E~ ,M ulberry, LEBANON,









Mary Moss Married To Marion Linder



Mr and Mr . Hartle R M s ' are announcing the marriage f their da ughter, Mar, to M:-. Mari n Lin jer, n f Mr. Harry Lind er of Dayton. In the pre ence of the immediate fami lies and a f w close fri ends the do uble ce re. mony wa ' oleminz, d at 7 :30 p, m. Friday Octob r 3, 1947, at th e h me of the brid parents with Rev, R. B. Co l man fficiatin g. .Her s i ster~ Mrs. Ollive Fox, serv ed as matron of honor while Mr. Gene Linder acted a be t man for his brother. ' The .bride wore an eg,g'sh II street length dress and c'arried ted roses. Mrs. . Linde r is teachin,g- iR vye twood Da t~:m, O. and M!". · Linder is employed at th ~ .Frig-idaire.

Grange Entertains ·With V·aried' .~rogram

GUEsTs ENTERTAINED ' AT FROMM HOME Mr. and Mr . J hn Fr 111m and Mr. and Mr -. CI (i.: ' Fr mm entertained to d in.n ~r n utt day evening and had a th~ir g-uests Mr. and Mrs. Fran k n '_ der, M'r. and Mr. R hert 11)'der and daught r, Mr _ Kath erine Dillon, Mi - Vir,~ inia Nagel and Mr. Paul n der of prin .~·­ field; Mr. and Mr. Chari B. Earnh art and daug'hter fDa \,ton; Mr. and Mr- . ''M elvin Banh of Jamest wn; an j Mr. J. C. Hawke. GARDEN CLUB AT FRED HOOK HOME Mrs. Fred Hook entertai ned the Garden Club Thursja ¥ afternoon. Eig-ht memb-e rs wer:" pre ent. Refreshment . were served by the hostes . .

:;rienJ~ fiome

Miss MarKaret Edwards, Mrs . Alice .Clark and Mrs. Geor.{?'ianna Ivins spent Frida afternoon with Mrs. Lida Penc in Lebanon. , Mr. and Mrs. Roy M nden·hall ,of Dayton tall d, on th ir

au nt, Mr'.: . Ali 'e Cl:trk n .a t ur ta v aitern )tl ~ Dr. Emma H( \I( \\':1 v EV'lh r1 I.) t~ r"0 n an 1 Mi ~ Ii, > \,\,'ill iam ' atll.?ll t, i th( ~ ar i ~n Cl ul. at t11 home l ) f ~ r . Fr i H OD : , Thu rs hy ,:tftcrn )l) ll. .Mr". LuLiI rm i ta ~'e spent th o w k 'illi with her dau\!hter, Mr , 'vV r" \\ n an famMT. HOLLY METHODIST i! r in p~ng'fiel:1 . Mr... Ev1l+vn P ':ter" n \o"a the T. M. Scai:ff. Minister . un ias Sch I 9:30a.m, gue t 11 u"n a ' f her si t r ·E. A. Earnhart, Supt. , Mr , Franc n' :ir ~ w ne'lr H. rv ·sbur,·. ,-\ ol--h,jp Servi . e 1 ':30 a.m. Ev e ni r~ g Scl'yi e 7:30p.m. : Mr. and Mr . Le~t r God 11 and Mr . Berti Mill w, re inne r guest f MI"- . Martha H n_ ST. MARY'S EPISCOPAL d r on on und a at the \Vis . Sarmiel N. Keys, Minister Cotta,g'e in Wilmmgt n. Antc-C ml11union 8 :00 a. m. Dr. and Mr-. Gale RlL um , Chu r h chool 9 :3 0 a. m. Mi _ Margaret Russum, Mr. and Nursery ho I 10 :30 a. ni. Mrs. Rob I't Kere y 'a'nd chi] jHoly mm ll ni n ' 1 :30 a. Ill . ren of Da ton 'vi ited th ir aunt, , Til : > Rev. Chandler Cru\, fO'd Miss Marian~ t Edward on un, day aftern on. Mrs. Olive Curl spent th . . UTICA E. U. B. CHURCH .. week il1 . Columbus attending Rev. William. Shannon 9 :30 a:m. the es ion of the Ohio Coun- Sunday School Mrs. J ames Garrison, Supt. ci I of Church W men . Preaching. 1st and 3 rd Sundays each .month 10:30 a.m.

METHODIST CHURC'H R. B. Coleman. Minister Sunday' School 9 :30 a.m, J. J. Burske, Supt. to :30 a.m. W r hip Service Youth Fe llowship . Thursday, 7:30pm.

IRemodeling Erases Years From Old House]


Piano Lessons · ......:.

t:.~_~~_~~~~..-..~~..-..,....t ~t~


Blacktop Driveways


'Roail Oil and Tar 'Applied Resurfacing and Driveway Recoating FREE



26 Oakwood Avenue

SHERWOOD Refrigeration.Sales •

===== and Service -============. . PROMPT,






· £NTERTAlNS' CARD CLUB Mrs. ,Don Hawke 'was hostess ,to her Card Club "durinR: the past week. Mrs. Clyde Fromm, -Mrs, M. F. Weltz and Mrs. C. E. Ed~ing-ton also were .{?'uests. Dainty refreshments were ser_ .ved followin/{ the- ~ames.

WA\ 'NESVILLE CHURCH OF CHRIST Robert L. VanZile, Minister Bit le S h nl 9 :30 a.m . Cqmmuni n 10,:3 0 a.m. S rmon 1 1:0 a. m. Evening Service 8:0 p.m.

Mr. Jame_ Do tel', who u taind a ri us "h ullier iniu.ry a a re LIlt of an autom 1 iI'3 accident vel' tw w ek ag, ha been re i a -ed fr m . t. Elizabeth Ho' pita l and hr ught to the home of hi parent, Mr. and Mrs. Herl ert 0 -ter f Maple str et. Mrs. Mar . Tuck r an i on ' ha j a th eir dinn r ,g'ue t la t Sunda , Mr. Everett humakei' of {..o Angle. Calif. Mr. humaker is a f rm r n::sid nt ' f the v ill a ,~e, livin .~ at "Ro e Co urt" n M a~'l e treet. Mrs. Mar. S ferd Piers n, wh wa ill e v ra t · day la t FRIENDS . w ek, ufferin~" from ac Id i First Day School 9 :30 a.m. mu h impr ved. . Meeting for Worship Ra lly Oay ervi were b10:30 a.m. rved unda at the Full Go pel Church . R v, Garj~n ST. AUGUSTINE wh hr a i a -t fr m ChrLtian Father Krumholtz, Priest Tabema I WING was M ~ ss 8 :00 a. m. and 10 :00 a. m. speaker. ,. ", FERRY CHURCH of CHRIST Ralph E.' Stinson, Minister Bible School 9 :3 0 a.m. Morning Worshi~ 10:30 a·.m. Max Randall • 7:0 p.m. Praye r Meeting MILDRED CAMPBELL Yo un ,!?: Peop le' M tin g 7 :00 p.m. Rural R~ute 2 Eve ning- Services 7 :30 p,m. Waynesville at Lytle "First Things Fir t"

BROWN FAM.ILY PRESENTS · EASTE~N STAR PROGRAM • Miami Chapter No. 107, Order of the Eastern Star will TIDS cheerfUl, modem-equipped · farm magazine that reaches 1,300,meet in re,g-utar session on Mon- . black~ white and red kitchen with 000 farm families. ' Oft came three da y evening-, Oct. 13, at 8 :00 inlaid' Unol,eum covering chromiUm-' ·unused· PorChes. White asbestos o'clock. Followin,g the. business . edged counter surface, is an 'exam- shingles masked thE! ~ge of the ex· session an e'nte'rtainin,g- pre~,ram pIe of-what can-be done to erase terior. Gay red shutters gave a will be present~d~ by Mr: and years from an old house by a smart streamline effect. . Ely adding a dorMrs. Roger Brown and family. remodeling job. met, wasted space over the Uvltl8 Refreshments will ' be served bv The .Elmer Klever family dId just room was made Into 'a bedroom. A -~ M~r~ sL!! , ""'OlLL.l.JlaUdJK~er..ns...uey.L...1..~ · M.. . :3.loU. rs ...I/....L.lP.l-e-l.,a4rl'---:th:=-=-;at;=w:....;h;=e=n::.::M==-r~.Klever 'bought a farm a way was built upstairs to save Rid.{?'e, Mrs. Dorothy Stout and in Scott county, Iowa, four years ago, ' gotng through one room to get to an· 'th Betty Lindsay points out in ,!in ar- other. Some windows were Changed. Mr. an d Mrs: D . R . S mi. ' ticle in Capper's Farmer, a leading. There was el~ctricity , in tbe house. farm magazine, The old-fashioned So' Klever installed a water system .ATTEND EASTER STAR house was gloomy ' arid rim down. with a softener, muking p.os'Sible a LUNCH~ON MEETING It had few conveniences. new kitchen sink and a bathroom . . Mrs. Glenn Bland', Mrs. L. C. So mother and dad and the three A new furnace with stoker and blowSt. John; Mrs. R. H. Hart- children, Marilyn, Joan and AI made e~ was added. Modern materials ,sock, Mrs. E. L. ThomaS, Mrs. plans for modernizing the house, Soon carpenters were at work. pepped up the age,d interior. The John Fromm, Mrs.. John J. 'The kitchen Is just one insta· n ce of Kleven slipcovereCl and reflnished Burske, Mrs. D. C. Rid.g-e and what was done Inside and out, Miss old turniture so it would look better Mrs. E. F. Earnhart attended Lindsay tells the readers of the in new surroundings. the luncheon meeting of the Past Matrons and Past Patrons of District No. 21, Order of the Eastern Star. which was held at LynchburR: on Friday...





Far.mers Gran,g-e No. 13 held . an .open m ee tin~ at th gymnasIUm at the Hl,g-h ch 01 on Saturday evening and ob rved "Booster's Night" About one hundred member and ,g'uest enj oyed a most wonderful di nner, after which a pro,!?'l'am wa presented. A number bf yo ung- 1 eople entertaine'd with vocal ami' instrumental sol M Snyder ofLe'~a~ no ~n ~g~a~ v~ e~a~ v~ e= ry~excellent acco unt of th e hi tor of1 e ranie an . 1 S work. After remarks by visiting members, Mr. Sherman Buckley of Kingman entertained everyone with his magic art.

ENTERTAIN AT GOLDEN . . LAMB IN LEBANON Miss Minnie Dodson and Miss Olive Williams entertained to luncheon and brid,g-e . at the Golden Lamb on Monda y with Miss Marg:aret Edwards and Mrs. R. H. Hartsock as their


Phone 332 M

Phone 221-L


Wed., Oct IS, 19416 :00 p.m. to 10:00 p.m.

ur 01 SALE Sizes 12 to 40





Don't Miss 'this Sale At .

Representative for






Ridin ,~er, Mr -. R bert Gr enc

and Harvey M r. ' an:t Mr. ' Clla t'l ' M uL ar " 11l0vin ,g- in part of M r ., in, 'cr will i aughter, L nna Mr. \"iL leni x an i . u [, Mrs. A]a Mar,g-:uet John h u ' . ham , St \ n ' Hl, Mr ' , H nl'\' N rthwu ' fDa\'tol1 - ~ nt Ull· Mr ' . Guv Rout zahn, Mr ' . J. Berg' an j hildren, MI" " Lu~ day \\ itll. Mr. an j M " . D nal i B. Jon: , Mrs. Mar'gar r J oh n ' The interi r f th M "til )di~ t Hart - d, 'llhi ,gTun i daug:hter, Iron.: and children n ' llr L bu- , and Mrs. \IValter K~nrick atten t j a tan ley BULh d 111 n· Church in Harve burg i - bein ' and M r ' . Ro)' 'haw an i ~ h i l L " n n, '/ f M". ,.rene ,'.'\t . B rnie Dill of Zan ' . strati on at til > i.:J'()Jn2 red carate i. Willi am Tinne . 'I t \ Vayn viiI, Master D nald £;3arhll _p "nl Mr: al! i Mr', Alfr j M rgan ville was a dinn 'r ,{!'U -t, unda Thursda afternoon. th e w ek e.nd at t he hum f an f'amll ' 'a lle i ( n Mr. alli f M,r. and M rs . J. 8. ,J Ile,: ani Mr. an i Mr. Harol:i \\ hithi uncle and a~nt, Mr. ani Mr ", M r -, . . Inrl ' Hou ~ h l ld r and in til aftemo 11 th 'v atte nkd J h rm an Montg m ry l f Fl at fami! of SprillKficld, SUllllay. the H m ~ ~ )m ill,g- 'at Mt, H lIy. aker entertain j at, cad 11F rk c mmunit., ' Mr -. Richard Hain'es of n ar Mrs. Ralr h ,Haml11 n i nt 1'- lun 'h eon on la t Frida D. P. & ,L. FAVORITE Mr: and Mrs. Dallas Bartoll; eni 'l -pent the weekend with tained t o din n er, \ edn e- ja.\', ' in g in Il n I' f Mr, an i Mr ' , STORY ON WHIO w nt to Tr y ov r th \\ eek ~r par 'nt' Mr. an j Mrs. Hil v Mrs, L Lov I)' )' .Ri l ,l!' -' vil l e, L nard T inn t:v" wh ar vi i Emil~ ' Bront' "Wuth end to visit r lative -. Gib n. ' Mr '. Hal' \j Tll n l11J s n rln i in g h re frc m Miami, Fla. The Height ' will b pr sente j f II \\ ing' Rue-t were PI' ent: Mrs. Carl Os\. rn L ill Mr , Anna. Lu a p nt a few m th r of Rout 73 . WH 10, Da ton, Tu ja. , t. ' f t da y la -t w e·k \vith her 'on, Mr. alld MI'· , R \. FI' , hall Mr. and 'Mr , Tinlle , ,Mr. an, i 14, at 9 :30 p.m. \vith' R nal i ff su nn,g' r m an a ta k f Elf W 'I ' t . , I' , H rb rt Mer dith, Mr. and th ar . ne~r, I m1l1g on, f Clark r a atten 1 d the fune. ,M Colman a nan'at r, Thi ' i ' ,the Mr , Clar n e Ed\\ ari, h . an j MI -s MInnie ~rawfori pent ral f their br th r- in-I aw Mr a rna. third of the new rad'i ' de_. Mr . A,. . C 1\ ,tt (lnj s n, th e week.end \\ Ith h I' parents, \ Garolton Dier in a,lt 1"1, (l li Mr . Lan ' Brown, M r, all Mr, Fa vorite tory bing pon orTh er! , Jone, Mr. ani Mr Robert ha:i a , un Liay inner Mr. an i Mr. Claren 'e Cra\\'· Tue -da . ed , b the Da t n Powe r an 1 L well Th rna, an j' Mr. an i guests, Mr. and Mr. Walla e fori. M ' Nt· E . k M Light Co. ' Collett an~. . famil y of Cin in\ rs. e tie mrtc, rs. Mrs. 1 homa' Burt n. '-":r ~ ~ Ralph H ~mm o nj ,. M,r. Margnati. Mr. and Mrs. Harr y . Tu ker qr t Johns, M r' . Paul hiple v and daug,ht 'r, Mi Evaly n , U e ewd and Mr . William Berg-dall pe~lt Tuck er el1"tertained Mr. and Mr ' , (1 Tuesday afternoon with Mr'. Richard Williams and famil y f L TILE Edward lCaldwell n ar Clark. Wilmin,g-ton to dinner unday . . Mr Robert Frien j return d ' ville. Mrs. Emrick re main e:i f or The chicken dinner sp,ons red h ome' from Miami alle y ho _ !l v'h t with h r grand-hught r. On Sun jay, Oct. 1 , F 1'1' b, ' the local Gran~e , la t TueS. pital, Sunda afterno on, aft r a Miss Eula H oak of \ -\layne . da y night was well attend ' d. major operation. ville pent Friday n', i,g'ht -" rth Church of Christ will or en a Mrs. Alice Urton had as h r Mr J oel mith move:i to Mi - France Whitak r. series of evan~e1i tic m eetin g- HOURS: ',guests last Sunday, Mr. and Mrs. baytol; on Thur~day . ,.' Mr, and Mrs. Harold Steink e to be held eac h evening' until 9-12 each morning Glenn Drake ' and fam'i ly of A number of Gran~er fr m and Jame \\ er unda v ev 11- Nov. 2, with the xcepti n f Dayton and Mr. an i Mrs. heJe attended Boost ' I' Night of ing dinner guest - of M :s. Z ll a Saturda y evenill~. 1-5 afternoons except Ralph E. tin on, minister f William Drak f Blanchester. the Grange at the High cho I Flatter in Dayton. Wednesday the' church \\ ill d li'v r th " even· ' Mr. arid Mrs. Homer Bond building in Way ne ville, atur. , BIRTH ' of Bellbrook wer.e call er on da evening. Mr. and Mr . Wayn Furra\', 7-9 Saturday evening WANTED 'Mr. J hn Chen weth i quite of the Baird h me n Kenri ck friends , in the v ill ag, ,Sunday. Other evenings by road, are ann uncing th e hirth Miss , Faye K elley entertain. ill with the grippe, Appointmen~ ed the F eal y famil y and Mrs. ,Mr. an j Mr. Donal i M 0- of a dau,g-hter at Sf. Ann' hoHORSES $10.00 Blanche , Carr ' at dinner Sunday. maw an:i b\ 0 dau,r:ht rs of . pital, Dayto'n', Sunda v. t, 5. TELEPHONE 62-R COWS $12.00 ,Mrs. OrviTle Barnh art \\ a 'a Sabina \V re un ia dinner Mr. and Mr . Ra Mill r have HOGS - $3.00 cwt. old th ir pr pertv t Mr. , and w,eek end house guest of h r guests f Mr. and Mrs, CharI" Accordll'll to lize a Condition ' ht . I M l ' bl ' d f 'I Mrs. EI worth Wink wh will son an d d au,e: er-lI1- a\V, 'f. um e on an arm " , m v'~ there I'n , the n ar futlli' . Also, All SMALL STOCK and Mrs. Vernon Lewis f Wil . Mr. Wilbur Foulk i ,seri ou ~ mington. ly ill at his home north of Lytle. Mr. apd Mr. Alh rt PummeH REMOVED PROMPTLY Optometric Eye Specialist Phone ' Mr, and Mrs, Everett Earl Mr. and Mrs. B n Gain sand daughter, Nanc of Cin innat'i attended the Brown Count ' XENIA WILMINGTON 26 South Detroit Street accompanied by Mrs. Lutie Fair at Geor.g'et wn, Thursda . XE~IA, OHIO Tichenor of Le anon w re Mr. and Mrs. Irvin , H arri I' Reyerse Charle. visitor~ of fri ends in tll. villa, 'e, were unda, ,~lIe t of Mr. and . u • • • • • • • • • • ____ • • • • • • • • Sunday. Mrs. tan I y Unk r at . . pring· Mr. and Mrs. Charles mart fi eld. ' Richa d Whitake r f hi entertained a group of friend ' Sunday evening in honor of State Universit. spent the \\ eek BROADFORM ,their wedding anriive r ary, end with his parent. Mr. an i Mr. and Mrs. John Beckett Mrs. Harl:i Whitak r, Ff"an i Auto Insurance Sr. and .son of Franklin \ ere and Rehecca. , Mr. an j Mr Th oma Collin dinner ~uests Sunday of Mr: " , at a 'Saving B ckett's arents, Mr. an:i Mrs. and Charles Collin of Da\'t n Now iosurance for your auto can give their c untry callei on Mr. allj Mr. Walt r 'you not only complete standard covethome, east of evttta~?"e . Kenrick, unda afterno n. ages but also pay for YD. if you are injured in an auto accident as driver, Mr. and Mrs. Eu.~ n Clark , Mr. and Mrs'. Ballard mith pa5lenger or pedestrian. SU90g comand son of Dayton were we'ek and chit ren of Dayton sp nt paoy witb nation·wide .ervie:e, .emiend hou e ~uests of Mr. Clark's Sunday with their grandmother, aonual premiums and mooey saviog parents, Mr. and Mr. Ro Mrs. Alice Tricke.Y, rates througb new ,farm plan. .' 'Clark. Miss Sarahl3urnet of Dayton Mr. and Mrs. John tewart wa a weekend guest of Mr'. an i District Office HAYDOCK INSURANCE and dau,g-hter of Beavertown Mrs. Harvey Burnet and attendThe under igned a Guardian of the E tate f Mary E, SERVICE were Sunday guests of ' Mr$. ed Boosters !'Jight of th e Gran,g-e Francis Gene Brown, Mgr. , Smith, an incompet nt, wilJ offer for sale at public auCti ' n Stewart's p~rents, Mr. and Mrs. at WayneSVille. at the former residence of Mar E. Smith in vVa ne viII Raymond Brook and famil y. Mr. and Mrs. Walter Cl ark Phone 2111- No.8 Murphy Warr,e li County, Ohio, on ' Mr. Brooks who ustained a and Miss Wanda Clark attend- Building, ' WILMINGTON, broken hip as a result of a fall ,ed ~ the funeral of Mrs'. SchouL ~mu1 ,1P~ ~t his home three weeks ago theis, the mother of Mr, and Mutua' Insurance Company IS reported to be recov,erin,go Mrs. aen Schoultheis at Dayton, satisfactorily. ' Ky. on Monday. ' AT 1 :00 O'CLOC~ P. M, -------"'!"'"'-------~ Miss Estti~r Prather 'sp ent th e On '_Elid day~ the personal goods and chattels of said Mar y J;la+ents at E. mith. incllldin~ house hold furniture and oth r per wll thei r home near Clark vill~. ~oods and chattels, including among other th in 's the , f ' \l owing articles: ~n




Ferry Church To Hold Meeting





Dr. C. E.,WDkin




2362 "

Dar ian's a e" i



Sat., Oct. 18, 1947

o:----------.. .




mi. JJo!!'J

Mrs. 'Clarence Crawford, Mrs, ' Hily Gibson called on Mr. Anna Da,kin, Saturday after· noon. ,Mrs. Everett Bunnell and Mrs. Elsie Koester spent la t Wednesday \\;ith Mr. and Mr.-. Bert Bunn'ell of near Utica. Mr: and Mrs. James Wi eman of Jackson spent the week end with their parents, ,Mr. and Mr . Ernest Earnhart and famih. , Mrs. Alice' Furman is pending, a f.ew days with Mr. and Mrs. , Dewey ' Comstock and family of Beavertown. Mrs. Hiley Gibson and Mrs. Alice Furman were , supper R'uests Thursday evenin ,t t , of Mrs. Morris Le\vis and famil y. Mr. and Mrs. Lewis' Crawfoi'd of Xenia 'spent Sunday with Mr. Clarence Crawford. Mrs. Frank Dakin, Mrs. Hiley Gibson and Miss Clare Dau~h­ ters were supper 2'uests of Mrs. Alice . Furman, Wedn e s day evenin,l.!'. ' , Callers at the Lue Mor~an home on Sunday were Mr. Carl





.'• •




Frigi faire, good coal rang, Nesco e 3 burn I' oil , tOY , E tate heatrola, Sellers kitchen cabinet, with -id cupboard ' to match, Walnut corner cupboard, el ctric wa hing m achin e, Ie tric sweeper, el ectric iron, electric hot Rlatc, drop leaf table, 1ining: roo m table, sid e board, 9 dinin,g 1'00 111 chair ', 6 01j fa hioned chairs, 8 r ckin ,go thair , 3 pc. living 'ro0111 uik, player piano and roll, radi and 1. ench, mirror, book ,case and desk, sew ing m achine, stand, 3 9x 12 ruts, sm oking tand, marbl e t p , ' iand, m t:llicine cabinet, Bis els ca rret sweeper, 2 center tal,le , cllckoo clock, man ti e clock, electric clock, 3 beds, 4 dre r, stand s, lot of bedding, lot of ,di hes and cooking ut nsel , old coff ' e ,~ rinde r.

MISCELLANEOiJS 2 lawn mower, scythe, garden plow, 5 0 gal oil drum, small tools, chicken coops, curtain stretcher , quiltin ,~ fram es., , cloth es rack, 22 rifl , clothes hamper, pO'rch ' ,sw in g, ' tub, glass, cans and r:nany others to numerous to m ent'i n. '











That rea ti 1n to a fire drill. tl') me h w ' that th e hild l1a, n t I en ho wn th ri,g'l~t way to meet danR,'cr', ut i je drink.i ng f unTh,tain i . another ye- r and we ll it ill:!. ,r c as l on,g a th children brea k it up ever ' tv. 0 or three week aft r it is put in or]. r. Why ar children s detructive? Am one w ho i ac- ' quainted \\ ith the huild in .~ k now ,h 'the br ak it, . . imply be au_e aftej' :1:3 . p .m. the ' wa ter is tume i oft and th o_e pIa, ing in the choo l vard ar ure th v ha v: tn have a drink, They turn on the f unt~ ain , no wat er - Biff ~ fountain. Po sibly if the M other's Cluh wa nted to 10 so mething that would be al preci ated, th v could put in', a fountain like the o ne at the Bank corner, Th~re i no dou t in m ., min :i, and I , . h pe in the m ajorit" f mind Hloat we need a new Grade huildin,g' but until ' we can ,have one, J·et li S fac e fact --' not fancies-- n ot forgettin~ that the ones wh o ~: t th e hlam e f(l)' ihis'. and that- either to th ir face or behind their ba k are d in ,g' tho be t the, . ~ n w ith w hat thev have 10 do \\ Ith and very likel y if w e were in their hoe - we ,would j ( n bett f, ma be n ot as well . A Rea:t r


)n addition, the great, great, A legal I)1arriaR r, man v will take , place dunng the' ' great, great ,~r~ ndchild of Jolln paReant perf ar m a nee at Heck wIer will be 1aptlzed on ' aftern,oon, durin~ the unda Gnadenhutt n em unday afterpageant. noon, Octob r 1~ at 2 ;';0 . Til olde, t t own in Ohi will ob, erve '. . Th climax of the pageant; it. 175th birthda fr m Frida v, wh ieh will be gi en n . aturda \' the t oth throU lrh '. . und 'l th '12 and unday aft-ern on , October tho The marriag eer m n will 11 and 12, willI e the portraya l portra. the \ ddin.e:. o f J~hn of the d tructi n f th orgina·1 H e kewel jer, ea rl y MoravIan villa ,~e whi h a curre i ' n missionary to th In iian. , t March ,17 8 ... , At thi - time, Sarah Olin b rg .. This wa t11 first wedd1ng of a 'w hit c u~ Ie al ou t 90 Chri -tian In :iian - wc re murdered, in what i now'()hi ,


- -Mr.

and Mr. . K. 'L. Elzey o f Da yton v i ~ ite Mrand Mrs. Walkr EI? V,' I day aftern oon.

The Miami Gazette

Wa ynesville. Ohi Thur da,

Pare 6





Re earch w rker a fe year pe'rfected ' a , pr~ es ~or a,!?: making tiber fr m mIlk a em. Manui'adurers n w prod uce about t 0,00 ,000 p lin i ~ of that fiher from milk an nuall y, Farmer who take extra. pre_ caut ions thi fa ll t have corn hu ked clean l v an i to eparak shell ed kernel, ilk, and other material from the ·ear a ih ey are cribbed will hav e the last troubl e with corn in ~ t ra,~e ~ Any obstructi on to' the free pa of air throu,g-h th e c I'll will increa ~ e th e chance of 10 in ,!?: part of the limited fe~ d supply. .

" taking chanc·es


E.g ,go stored with "-ma ll nd up lose ating . qual ity mu h faster than those turn d w i th ma 11 end down.

child jumpinK out of a win i ow durin,g 11I:e-drill. I would, ~p­ po e, no matt r if a bud l\11g Ro,ger C. Br \\'11 wa ab olutely fire-J r f that there woul d still hav e to e a Editors Note: F II" the ah ve certai n . number o f fire drills', After all, they are reall y a Ie - and th e man v rbar exr I"e s n in obedience and how t o si'ons of app reciation for th e publi heel. we extend protect yo ur-elf in time of 'dan- article ger. omethin g every _ hild our thank, . hould 1 am, ' t hoping th e PREVENT CORN wi 11 never need to use thi kn w ledge 'O n account of real ,STORAGE MOLDS, 'Great care must he excr i c i :iange r. 'Will th i hild act :iifthis fall hy ihe frimier f ferentl y in a new build in ~? Will the w in dow be on a level Ohio in the ' ~tora,!?:e of the orn with the flo J so that he can crop to aVOid l osses fr m ar step out ? Where wa th tea h_ and sto rage rot, warn R. S. er when this happened. if it did? , Davidson, plant path l o,gi t at

How often we parent tak... childr n t ta k f( r asking: "why'? Mayhe if e oul ask ,vhy, ometim -, ,e might I arn a few thin ,~ . Fat instan.ce wh~n th picture was taken f the door l e~ding to the fire e cape at the Grade chool th ey did not lea rn, r if the y di the v jid n t put Ii _h i t - that the pat nt latch \\ as broke n hy (probabl childr,en someone who have not been tau,l!:ht the value of propert, ) and that th repair . were order d- . an j I can add n ow that· ih ,y were rc- ' ceived and in pla 'c al m a t a' S00n as the m ost of Hl - p,eople read the article conc rnin , it. But th ey did not know that. .....-----11-'---1 prmg er w .gra ph in an article c o n cern lll~ a OUl'

the Ohio A,gricultural Eperiment Station, Th~ mature corn rap i vulnerable to attack b y s veral car rot- r m oll whi ch are pr en t on the ear, at the time of harve t. The th er ,group, known a t ra ge ~10 1 j , althou~:h the may' oc ur III the fie ld' on ea r inilll'·ed hv bird and in 'e t, 1I unit, c tlr n the stored ,g-ra in , The ' moisture content f the harvested o'r n together with stora,ge ' temperature are the most important fact;lr in th devel opment ot' th variou ear and stora,ge r t . T~ e m aturi ty of the corn crop thIS ea on at the time of ha rv t ma y a! ~ o be a very important factor in th e sub equent toraR,'e of the am. Tho e m old which effect the corn ears in the field develop be t on corn with a moi sture con ten t of 18 percen t o r above . The molds, w hich infect th stored ,~ra in are dama,gi n g on ,grain with moi ture ontnt a low a t 4 perc nt, The refor e, to pro tect th harve: t d corn crap, it h uld he liri i cio wn a Qui ckly a ~ po sihle tam Ii tu re content of Ie ', than 14 p'rcen t , In th o e ituati n where it is impractical f r th farmer t reduce the m i ture o ntent of ' t he harve te 1 c.. rn h means of artificia l hat, reat are ~ hou l j :he exerci ed in taring it in w 11venti lated crit . Pr victin ,~ the m oistur ant "nt i r iu I elow til e requir d 1 the varioll mali fungi, th e temperatur factor n d au e little c ncern.i n hi o urin~ ' the w inter' m nth a tI e t nlpera ture of an u hate i t ra.,g-e uffi(:i nt1 10\ to PI' vent' mali dev lo~ ment,




( Watch This Space Grow)





Ferry Church of Christ




,RALPH E. STINSON, Minister Telephone Centerville 7341



The . jiffierem washd ay soap w ith · amazing; reult·33 c package


PANTRV SUGGESTIONS" SWANSDOWN CAKE FLOUR For delicious qui k ~akes . 2 ~ 1 19 . p'kg. 37c

DOT EXTRACT Pure vanilla.




C incinnati U"ion Stock. Yards ILive Wire and ProQreelu,v e. An . OrQa'nization second to n9 n e. Strictlv sellers on th!, best all around market In the country. . S,ERVICE THAT SATISFIEii ,,

1':, 10' Dayton 12: 30 E, S, T. DIa.l 1300. WLW ClnclnnEitl . 12: 40, Dial 700, for Our Dall y

Market Report,

Dot ..Apricots . . Tomato Soup Whole peeled; in thick syrup; delicious . for salads' 9~ desserts., No. 2lh can ,


Campbell's n ew packed, Rich C crea m y soup. NO.1 can, 3 ,fo r

2. 9,

. TIP TOE GREEN BEANS cut, tend er NO .2 ca n 18c

Dot Grapefruit Segments For ' breakfast, lunch or dinner, - ' rve . t hi tasty fruit. No. 2 ca n ,


DOT. Spicy, tangy 3 "J,c spread. 29 oz. jar

, .Kraft Velveeta Cheese 2 lb. 81c

l2c 9c

crisp, flaky pie crust. 8 Ih oz. pkg. 17c DROMEDARY GINGER BREAD MIX Rich, spicy ginger ' 2341 bread. Easy and quick to m ake. 14th oz. pkg. DOT RAISINS Seedle~s, Rich in iro n. 15 oz . . pkg 29c .


Apple Butter

% oz. bottle

CALUMET BAKING POWDER Use the be t for . ,the be~t ba kin g results. PILLSBURY PIE CRUST MIX Just add 'water. Makes .

b~king for

add ed flavor. 7 oz. pkg.


DATES Dromedary, pitted. Try them filled with nuts, .



cream cheese, ~tc. 7~ . oz •. pkg.


Stewart's' Dot

'Food, Store'

South Main Street'




.. --'.

Vir'ginia Fuget t 2 lots in LebREAL ESTA TE TRAN FERS Estate of Lydia A. McGuire, 1947 OCTOBER 1947 , t and Faye Duff to ~lph anon: r Huber sa, istrato admin ire McGu Chap 4337 dec'd, N. Ohi0 ". ~ svi\l Wayne Blair to Frank and M. t Rober lot 1 Todd M. of Ruth cate and certifi V. for Thur day. Octob er 9, 194 '; filed applic ation 1 '2 3 4 OlE!tha Sibcy 5.27 acres in Turtle in Union twp. transfe r. of real estate . I 6 7 8 9 10 ! 1 Andre w F. nnd Jessie M. Wair creek tW,p. Estate of Jennie L. Snider , dec'd, Harry and Berth a Emley to 13 13 14 16 16 17 18 Harold Snider appoin ted adminis-' to Willia 'tn T, and Glenn a L. Grain tet--Paul--Mildre J"osep on. I I 20 21 22 23 24 26 t t ator giving bond with sureti es ham 2 lots in Leban on, Leban A. us Deam to Fred Hanife n 36 27 28 29 ~O 31 in sum of, $4000. 2 Treat Mae Ollie Treat, Jr .• and COMMON , PLEA S Estate o.f Ohest er 3awy,er, dec'd, QUICK , READY' CA.SH INTO In the matte r of the Weste rn Bernic e Baum ann, admin istratr ix lots in Deerfi eld twp. TUB.N YOUR ' SURP LUS ITEMS F. and Lena Rose 'Monds. Regul ar Baptis t Churc h of Leb- filed applic ation for certifi cate of USE GAZE1'"l'E GTAS SIFIED ADS ' anon, st}le of premi ses ordere d. Huber t and Faye Duff to. Ralph to Rober t and Beula h Brand enbur g 1 lot in SQuth Leban on. Alice Croll VB. Carl Croll forme r transf er of real estate ; gross value Phebie Shoem aker, qy adminiSdegree amend ed. OR of estate is $13077.29. , Dr T. P. GRO SVEN HAT IS A 'CO"IJN nED Smith Sr' ' to Beulah Ne~on 3 acres ge Floyd trator vs. Eldrid C. 4 Vivi'en Blair Estate of Harry Opt metri t SACI( W01lTH? \ motio n over ruled defend ant grant- dec'd, execu tors_to sell certai n per- in Hamil ton twp. Carl Danie l and Mary Nevin s to 3 5 . Main .t. Ph ne 10 sonal' prope rty at privat e sale. ed 10 days to plead herein . twp. reek Clearc in acres 100 Ross, r Spade Land r Arthu m Esthe Willia vs. of Larid Estate Leona rd FRANKLIN, OHIO ' . Orval and Ruth Ayers to Row' et aI., Ru!h appoin ted dec'd,I gross value of estate IS ena Price lot in Morro w. guard ian and litem for defend ant. $5680.48. ed, Sarah Jane Smith to Roy HudWill of Clyde Murph y, deceas Agnes Griffe e vs. Willar d Grif' , e. son lot in Frank lin. fee divorc e to plaint iff real estate will filed and admft ted to probat "Bixby Mary and er Weav Edith Creigh to plaint iff. The estate of Mattie Experienced op rato rs for Virgin ia Surfac e vs. Paul Sur- ton, deeeas ed, Willia m 'Creig hton, to Roy Hudso n lot in Frank lin. isMachin e and Labelin Gilber t Coppe rton, by admin admin istrato r, the 16th day of Octface et al., partiti on ordere d. HosOd'e ssa White VS. Cliffo rd, White Qber 1947, at 10 o'clock a. m. is trator to Morri s and ,M ary Clo in g Mach ine in Ca,nlin. Frank in lot d. ory. kins ordere invent of ation g public hearin set for servic e by ning Plant . Gertru de Go.Pperton, by admin isThe estate of Minnie DeFos sett, Dorot hy Sulliv an vs. Harol d SulWoodYea r around ' wo rk ' livan divorc e to plaint iff child to deceas ed, estate exemp t from 'in- trator to Paul Long' lot in ' ville. Oppo rtunit y to establish plaint iff. defend ant to pay plain- , herita nce tax . . Gross value of esRay and Helen Bruba ker to Altiff $7.00 per week. tate is $7,655.70, certifi cate of with a 'oing conce,rn and bert Salom e 1.371 acres in Frank Floren ce Mallin vs. Benja min transf er issued . \!l1 ga 'd in canni ng a con' Edith Thiel, admin istratr ix of lin twp. Thom as Mallin petitio n dismis sed. Edwin and Irene Smith to H. L.· stantly used c mmodity. . Joan Kobus vs. Paul Rober t Ko- the , estate of Steph en J. Thiel, on. Leban in acres 0.47 Tress Van $10 Betty iff vs. plaint deceas ed, . plaint iff, bus, defend ant to pay Good Wages Walte r Fitts to Claud e and Besper week. alimon y pende nte lite al- Blanch e Maria nos, Dorot hy JaM THE in Frank so $50 to plaint iff, $25 by Oct. Geckl er, Edith Thiel and The sie Myers 21.80 acres THOR OBRE D CO., INC. " Miami ,Valle y Bldg & Loan Assn. lin twp. 25 and $25 by Nov; 25. Su~ Ooten to Bud and n Payto as Thiel Fran~ vs. Edith r Carde Ohio; F. lin, ette Frank of Jeann CINCINNATI 3, ' OHIO Leban on. Carde r; custod y of child to defend - ' adrnin rix ordere d to sell real Lynch lot in South Renes t Ray and Anna Marily n ant during school year, custod y of estate at the apprai sed value of to Roy Ellsw orth and Janice Miller child to plaint iff during summ er not less than $8500.00. 0.362 acr,es in Wayn e twp. Winks r Meryl B. Gray, admin istrato month s. rd and Ethel Vande rveer to. Richa , anJohn O'Don nell and Ellis C. de Bonis Non with the will an O'Don nel and nexed of the estate of 'Emm a F. Willi'am a~d Mal'Y Jane mnterm Thom pson dba le. in Carlis Thom pson vs. Georg e Glosse r and Smith , deceas ed, vs. Luella Reh- ' 0.60 acres Anne Osbo.rne to Clifand Ray ed to d dimiss ordere Floren ce Glosse r, ,case mert, admin or 8 lots in Cozad dale. ss Burge place said real estate in the hands ford witho ut record . ld to Dreze ll and Hatfie Anna , C. M. Brand enbur g vs. Frank M: of a real estate dealer . The estate of Gertru de Goppe rBowy er, Jr., motio ns sustain 'ed file to leave d ,JONA THAN - SNOW - ,GRIMES grante iff plaint , ton, deceas ed, J. 1'. Riley admin istrator , estate exemp t from inheri tAmen ded Petitio n. Amen ded peti. 15 d grante ant defend filed, ance tax, net value of estate is. tion ' CQO KING $1.5 0 days to file answe r to Amen ded $1104. 99. Beds ' Grain Steel Box & CANN ING Petitio n. The estate 'of Henry Frank enam '" Ided W berg, deceas ed, Josie Frank enbur g, NEW SUITS execut or, estate exemp t from inMounte~ Buzz Saws Eva Gray Willia ms vs. Vernie herita nce tax. ' " Call us forW ELDl l·C Willia ms, divorc e, gross neglec t, The estate of Henry Shie}d.s, deeys. adattorn Maple and Maple ceased" Charle s J. Wagg oner, BILL LEE Vera Mae Hall, a minor , 17 years minis trator, the 24th day of OctoHARVEYSBURG, OHIO of ag'e by her father and next ber, 194~1 at 10 :00 8., m . is set Waynesvillelce~~o~~__~_4~~__~______ e Lenni vs. Allen s ory. friend , Charle Phone 245,1 for hearin g o.n invent Hall, di~orce, ' gross neglec t o.f The estate of Clyde Murph y, deduty, Young and Young , attorn eys. ceased , Dora' Murph y, appoin ted, Alvin J. Bone vs. Gertru de Ann execu trix, Don House , Carl H. EisBone, divorce, gross neglec t o.f enmen ger afld G. E. Foste r apduty; Young and Yo.ung atto.rn eys. pointe d apprai sers. . Odess a White vs. CItffo'rd White , . The settlem ent of the estate of divorc e, gross neglec t, extrem e Elton T. Richar dson, deceas ed. Gil' cruelt y, C. Donal d Dilatll sh. bel't Hunki ns, execut or, inheri tance Gray, s Ruth Gray' vs. Charle tax determ ined. divorc e. gross n~glect, Caspe r and Caspe r. Dorot hy Yunke s vs. Herbe rt Yunke s and the Leban on-Cit izens N atio.nal Bank and The First Mason Bank, divorc e, extrem e cruelty C. Donal d Dll~h._

Pa.(e 7

The Miarni Gaze tt


ne Wj










, MARl AGE LICEN SES Samue l Morga n, 21, Frank lin, statio n attend ant, Mary Lou Kellis, . 21, Frank lin, clerk. Charle s Henry Broth ers, - 24, Mecha nic, Leban on ,and Mildi'ed L. Florea 24, beauti cian, ' Kings Mills, Ohio. Donal d Martz Earnh art 19, farZ~mmerman 18, bookk eeper, J-ebanon. " Lonnie Fergu son, Jr., 24, press operato.r., Lovela nd, Ohio and Marvel Lucill e Rich 28. clerk, Loveland, Ohio.

' venReance 11

10 Mas ked

streaks from the hills. You'll tingle to thi~ action. ' WES T OF DOD GE CITY with Charl es Starre tt, Smile y Burne tte, Nancy Saund ers. Also: Dagwood bets on the horses but Blondie comes in the winne r! BLONDIE~S HOLI DAY

Penn y SingJeton, Arthur Lake.

12 A vast inland plain -it 13 PROB ATE . Estate of Benja m,in E. Black- gave life to the west yet it killburn, dec'd, Benja min' T. Black- ed their love for each other. ' THE SEA OF GRASS burn, admin istrato r ' filed applic aof er transf of cate certifi tion for Featu ring: S pen c e r T r a c y , . real estate Katha rine Hepburn; ,Melvyn Estate of J. Menil Bone, dec'd, DouglaS, and Robe rt Walker~ , Hazel Verbr yke appoin ted execu- AlSo: , Latest Mo.vieton 'News ' trix. Estate of Lydia Mo.ney, ' dec'd, 15 He cracks safes - 'and 16 A , rna t "rAmos , Money appoin ted administr~­ wome n's hearts. tor giving bond with sureti es In criminal turns thief - catches. .sum of $1600. A SCANDLE IN PARIS,' Estate 'o f Franc es E. Paren t, Starri ng: Geo rge Sand er.s, dec'd, Charle s Paren t appoin ted adSigne Haalo, and Carol e Landis minis trator giving bond with surewith Aldm Tami roff and Jo ~ , ties io sum of $2026. . 'El:Itate of Sarah Burris , dec'd, Ann Marlowe. on Carto Lela Eldrid ge, Comm issione r re- Pill : Color port approv ed. \

Loc ated on Rou te 48, ,Sou th of Rou te 73 'at

. '.


'PE ER 'S LO NE SO M E, PI N E IN (YlES, it's in Wa rren Cou nty )


LODGE NOTICE Wavneville L d o. ,16. tated.- M etin~, Tu \ic , oct. 14 , 7:00 ~.m.

• 0LA88D'IBD AD , BATES I • 35 WCJI'Cls or lea Ooe time. •••••• .., ~ addltol2a1 WCI'c1 •••••••••••• lel



FEDERAL LAND BANK LOW ' COST FARM LOANS No fees ' or commis ion ( 2 Intere t rate are low-4 % (3 Pay all Or part an timeStop interest n po~rtibn paid. Call - write - or ee LEBANON NATIONAL FARM LOAN l.EBANON, OHIO, Phone 448 Ellis· H. Sturm, Sec'y-Treas.


REAL ESTATE. DON'T FORGET TO CALL us for Insurance. All types of , Insurance at a savings. Call Francis Gene Brown, phone Wavnesville 2935 or call collect. Wi1min~ton 2'111. Real Estate For SaleIF YOU HAVE A PROPERTY' OR FARM TO SELL Call or Wrlte non Henderson, Tel. KE3446. 617 LQra'l n Ave., Dayton, Ohio. tfc

FOR SALE - Two Lot and , Defense Cabin on Third treet. Clar,ence Gwinn. ' -1 023 10 ACRES Good 6 room hou"e, arn, electricity, land all 'level on black top . road, priced fell. hown by appointment except Sunday. Wilbur N. ears, Waynesville, Ohio. Phone 2651. -109 Homes



FOR SALE- Six room house; - bath ; runnin~ spring water; fuel oil furnace; fire place; home built abo.ut one year; . barn j chicke j



acres Jand; at Caesar's Creek and Little Miami I ridge; on Oregonia Road; Elmer Lamb Rt. 3, Waynesville. 3-1023

Household ,G ood.FOR SALE - Quick Meal Coal , RaI)~e. $20.00. Phone 2695. -109c FOR SAL,E New Pre'mier .. Sw eper, Used Twice $5{). L. ' H~l'din, N. Main. Phone '~ -109 2352. .9 pc" Wabtut Dining Room Suite with full si-re-Pad, $450. 00; 5 pc. Breakfast Set with extra leaf, $25.00; 1 sin~le size 'iron Bed, $5.00; 1 ,full size mattress, $5 .00; 1 hand painted Wood Fire screen, $5.00; 2, hole Electric. hot plate $5.00; Alumin,um c90kln~ utensils and other 'household Items. J. ELMER WOLF .' 4 miJes north of Lytle on , CI, 0 , and Rooks road. ' NOTICE OF APPOI~NT Notice is hereby given that A. C. Tomlinson whose Post Office Address is ,Waynesville, Ohio, R. R. No., 1 has been, duly appointed as Administrator of the Estate of Ruth Anna Tomlinson late of Warren County, Ohio, dec~ased~ Dated this 23 'day of September 1947. H. Z. Gray, Atty. -1011

n aiditi or at '1' .• t a rat not xce~ iin , ~ 1 l1ill f r ea Ii n :iollar 01' \', III ti 11" whi h am unt t 10 'ent - for ea h ne hunirc :1 j liar f va lu ation , f r th purr ' e f C RRE T EXPE ' E, of the chool Di tri t for a p ri' i f 1 year, beginnino- f r the tax ear 1947. ' The polls for ' ai t eIe ti n 0 en at 6 :30 A . M .. and remain pen until 6 :30 p, M. (East rn tandard , Tim) of said da . By order of ·tll ~ Boa rd of Election of , Warren Count , Ohio. D. W . Bi hop, Chairman H. C. Stile, Clerk Ler 19 47,

NOTICE OF ELECTION ON TAX OUTSIDE TEN MILL LIMITATION Notice is hereb ~iven, that in pursuanc 'of a re olution Of the Board of Education ' of WAYNE SCHOOL DISTRICT; pa sed the 7th da of July, 1947, there will e submitted t a' vote of people ' of said School District, at the G neral Election to be held in aid chool District at the re,l?;ularplace of Vi , tin,lt therein, on Tuesday the 4th da of Novem er 1947, an additional tax at a rate n t exceedi'n.g- 3 mill f r each one dollar of valuati 11 \ hich amounts to 30 cents for each ne NOTICE OF ELECTION hundred dollar of va luati on, BOND ISSUE ' fOIi the purpo e of CURRENT ON WAYNE TOWNSHIP EXPENSES OF TH E CHOOL Notice i hereb. ,given, that DI TRICT. for a p~riod f 3 in ~ lIT uance of a re olution 1 v ye,ars be~inning for the tax year the WAYNE TO\ N HIP 1947. TRUSTEE~, \Narren Count y, The polls for ~aid ele tion Ohio as e j the 101h ja of· will open at 6 : , A. M; and , eptemb r· 1947, there wi lt 11 remain open until 6 :30 P. M. ~ ubmitted to a vote of the (Ea tern ' tandard Time) of people ' of Wa. n T wn hi at aid da . the General Ele tion to 11 h ld B orders of the Bard of in aid t \\ nship, at the r Rular Elections, of Warren C unt , pia cS f voting therein 11 Ohio. Tu sda the 4th day f . vemD. \lV. Bi h' p, I r 1 47, a ' B n L'Sll f r the Chairman ~ purp ~ of PRO IDI G FIRE H, C. tile ', A PARAT , APPLIA CE . Clerk BUILDING, R ~ ITE THEREFORE, in thc' um l f· NOTICE OF ELECTION ON Twelve Thou an:1 ( ' 12, 0 . ADDITIONAL TM'OUTSIDE 0) Dollar, an j a 11.. v. f ta xeTEN MILL LIMITATION I e mad out ide the en mill Notice is hereb ~iven" that limitation estimated b the in pursuance of a re -otuti 11 f C unt aud itor t a era,l?;e the council of the ViIla~ f 0.00044 mi11~ f r ea h one Wa, nesvil1e, Warren Count. dollar ' of valuation whi h ~­ Ohio, pa sed the 7th da of ' mounts to no jolla"r and four Jul y 1947', ther , will te ub- and four-tenth ($0.044 ents mitted to a vote of the p pIe for .each one hun he lIars of the Villa.l?:e of Wa ne ville, ' of valuation, for a ma ximum Warren County, Ohio at the period of , ten ('10) ear t General Election t pe h Id in pa the prinCipal arid interest' on said Vil1a~e at the regular pla-ces such bonds. of votin~ " therein, on ' Tue day The ' poll for said ,election the 4th day of Novem er '1947, will open at 6: 0 A. M. and rean additional tax at a rate 'not main open until 6:30 P. M. exceedin~ 2.5 mill for each (Ea tern tandard ' Time) of one C:ioJlar of valuation which said .da . Br order of the Bard f amounts to 25 cents fat each one hundred dollar of valua- , ' Elec' ion, of Warren County, tion, for the purpose Qf Ohio. ' CURREN.T EX PEN E of said D W . B'IShop, VI'll a~e, b" e,gmnmg for t h~ e tax Ch. airman year 194 9 and for a period of H. C. Stile, 4 years t h erea f ter. Clerk 'The pons for said election ...... will open ,at 6 :30 A. M. and remain open until 6:30 P .. M. NOTICE OF ELECTION ON '. (Eastern Standard Time) of BOND ISSUE WAYNE LOCAL SCHOOL DISTRICT " said ctay. Noti.ce is hereby ~iven, that By orders of ,the board of Election, of Warren Counh, in pursuance of a rlesdlution by the BOARD OF EDUCATION Ohio. D. W,. Bishop, OF THE ,W AYN E LOCAL SCHOOL ' DISTRICT Chairman WARREN COUNTY, OHIO, , H. C. Stiles. . passed the ,8th day' of August. Clerk 1947, there wi'll be submitted to a vote 9f !h~ people of said NOTICE OF ELECTION ON 'ADDITIONAL TAX OUTSIDE' ' scho~l dlstnct at the ~ener~l TEN MILL LIMITATION ElectIon .to. be held m said , Notice is he,reby ~iven, that School DIstrIct., at the r e.l?:ular ' in pursuance of a resolution of places of v01mg therem, on the Board of Education, of Tuesday the 4t~ day of NovemMAS S I E LOCAL SCHOOL per 1947, a Bond I,ssue, for the DISTRt'CT, pas ed the 23 rd day purpose of CONSTRUCTING of, July ,1947, there wilt be sub - A FIR E P,RO ,O.1F SCHOOL AUCTIONEf:RING mltted to ' a vote of the people of said Scho~l District, at th e STANLEY and KOOGLER General EJectton at the regular BROKERS LIC,ENSE places of v,otini iherein: on For Dates.. Phone 2894. Wavnelville. Tuesday the 4th day of NoV'emOhio. Rever-ae Chargee



Davisson P:r ess



ACCOUNTING and TAX. Dilatush Euilding -



Lebanon, Ohio



Amlitage &Son


Open for Business CUSTOM SLAUGHTERING "-'---- '" -





- - - ---:-=----:--"--1-::: - -- . .


Gall Gordo.. HARVEYS~URG,


e 're ere! ,







Bl' ILDING ADDITI AND ACQL IRI G THE NECEARY ~ITE THEREF RE, in the stlm 'of Two Hun r j a~l i tw Th ou_a nd Fiv e Hun dr \ B ord r of the Boarci of ($ 20_, ~ O. ) ,jollar , n i a Electi n! f Wa'rren .[ un ty, lev f taxe be made out i i hio. the' ten mill1imitation _tilnat j . W. Bish P. b the c unt.y auditor to <IV ra, e Chairman 3.2 0 mill fur ea h Qne i Har H. C. Sti l • of valuati0n, \ hi h an lInL t Clerk no d liar ', anj Thirt v-two ($0.32) cent for a hone hundred dollars of valuation for a maximum peri d of twentyfi v e ( 2 5 ) . ears t r a t he principal and ' intere t on sllch . bonds. The poll for:ll Ie ti n wiJ] open at 6 :3 0 A. M. and remain open until :30 P. M. (Eastern tandard Tim) of ~ aid day.

$1 ,8; ,,HORSES $20,;' HOGS $6

cwt •






X E,N I A Fertili2er Reverse


4 S4

E. ,G. Bachaleb, lac.

X_i. O. "

Fairley Hdwe. Store PHONE 2441

6 -


Fairly Familiar by EFFELDEE ,



Accor iin g- t tl.e le g. I' Iw tiLe rlllhli h i regal\iin ,' tht' hond i u f r ra i il1R- .., 2-, - ()( ,PO i l r the n"tru ti In f '1 n w in rade ~ h I I uildin ,~ Wa rie T . \Vn~hir, the am unt ,f e °ej p~r S1< 0 .0 ) \ a\uati n is thirty-tw C'L:nt. For the average ' propert wner thi' represent , about ten cenL per week, Jut the p rice of a nice cream cone, a . . unda y paper or a ,good cigar. Is tm too much to a k for the afetv and health much of our children?' Is it t to inve t in 1h future four community? The foundation of our civilization L lai j throu~h education. To be, at it b t, education mu t \) received lin an nvironment that i conductive· ' t ,good. whol some, thinkin,e:. T expect the he t in !he pre ent surroundm~~ found at the old Grad S h I building i b in .!!" extremely optimistic, to ay tile I tI . t. Th new, modern school wiII add ~reatly to the abilit ()f VO l1n ,~ 'minds t ,gra p fun ci'! me'1taJ.:: of buildin,e: ' tl1 1r min d. in til ,' basic ducational tudies. TJ ,,' wi]] he freed of all th () u ~h ~ pertaining t I, dark and din,gy rool11 ; un anitar \' t r~ i' t condItion ; fire hazard. Th . . :n~ structor \I. ill hav e a ne \ , l(lo k and new in enti ' t - . wa r th eir dutie if 'th e ar reIievei (If the e 11stacle. a now en'( u: t r di n th ir dail w rk . Y.e ~ , ' , r the mall inve tment 'of only a thin dime pe,r week, Mr. itiz' n y u an provid.~ for th ' ming' ,gen ration an:l . ev eral m re to fall w them, tl _ m o iern n v' nience of;t ' n w Gra :i e h 01 Building. I:, thi to mu h task?


Roxanna Takes' Play-off Victory'

Th~ Miami


GJ\ZETTE _ CIVIC CLUB NOTES Waynesville Civic Club to med Monday, 0 t t r 2 th, at Cold pring's Tavern. Dinner will be e,rved at 7:0 P. m. foJlowed by a busine me tin g and a very pedal , treat for 1tertainment. ' ' We will hav a ' ue t arti tfor the evening 'The, Gem City Four", a w 11 kn own quartet of accompli he i in'l)eL of BarberShop Harm ny. Tn . . y ha ve mo t rec ntl y won til o t Day cup at C ne I Ian' , Cindnnati, ,in a stat wide C0 11te~t, and hav app ar d on tw National Radi ho kup broad. a ts in Chica~ . Every memb~ i , invited t brinR' a gu st and spend a mo t n i yable evenin Ii ening to . Llr favorite tune of yesterda y an j toda V un,g- in a manner Ill y barber hop harmony can ~ r du e. Thi, promi e to b a gala v...l1inR', so -don't for,!?; t to return our cards tatinR: h w man'y ' reservations ou want, Th 'e ard hould be in by Fri ay evening, October 17th.

OHIO CCW RADIO PROGRAMS LISTED Announce'ment of the follow:ing radio pro~ram~ has been received by Mr . Oltve Curl from Mrs. ' Fenton Fish, Director Oh~o , 'Council of . ' ~ Church Women, Columbus, Ohio. Thur ., Oct. 16, 1 :30 p. m. Pro,e:ram on U. N. E. S. ·C. O. Sun., O~t. 19, 1 :30 p. m. Frederick Cropp, A mer i can Bible Society. Sun., Oct. 26, 1 :30 p. m. J arne ,Y'. Claypool~ American Bil Ie SQciet . Sun" Nov. 2, 1 :30 p. m. Rome A. 8ett , American Bible Society.' From W. 0 S. U. - 820 On your dial.

The Roxanna Softball team that captured the seasonal Wayne Athl tic As ociation trQphylltso-won the' lop hon rs in the llav-off that has been h ld for the past two week. They won for th iT h011(1r5 th... fir f prize' f $ ::!5.00. Fairle Ha :- tiwq ' Te:lm won . econd pIa'ce and $15.00 while Ford, span or d bv Rngers & Sim son Tractor Sale came in fo r third pIa e and $10.00: ' Individual prizes were awar ied to Ro Elli for the mo t hit. SPECIAL MEETING AT made in ' the. play-off. His prize ST. MARY'S RECTORY was a wrist watch. H me ruo- ' Announcement is being made n r. al 0 totaled ei,g-ht with that all men and women in. Williams on, Phil Wnrkman, terested in the welfare and Crai, B. Downey, D. Bradlev, Christian morals of children are --~I-r ,Priee- and Osborn- each cordially invited ' to attend a ~-ak i n .g one dollar. special meetin~ sponsored by , ,' The latter prizes were do- the Woman's Auxiliary of St., nated by Ralph Edenfield and Mary's, 'Church. This meeting will be held on Thursday even'Stanle Bailey, inK, October 2Jrd., at 8 p. Ill., at t.he Rectory. ' 'Miss Marcella Prugh. Dir ctor of Reli,g:ious Education at st. Paul's, 'Oakwood, ,will s.peak. The annual' picnic of the LOCAL CHAPTER EASTERN c1a ses of 1909-'1 0-120. H. S. met Sunday Octqber 12. STAR ENJOYS' PROGRAM with Mrs. Lucile Ar01lta,ge at Miami Chapter met in regular Wa yne ville. O. Tho e present session on Monday e,vening with w.ere Mr. and Mrs. Ross Hart- a nice attendance o.f IJ1 mb f " sock and daughters, Jane and and R:uests. Following 'the busiJean of Wa oe ville; Mr. and ness ~ession, Mrs. Olive Curl Mrs. ' Clarence Nelson ; Mr. and gave a very 'interestin~ talk .on Mr.s Zain Armitage: Mr. and the newly org-anized 'Council Mrs: Stanley Armita1!e and of Church Women," askin,g daughters, Ann, Jean'ie and everyone's cooperatiQn~ . , Mr. and Mrs. Ro,ger Brown Linda of Lebanon; Mr. 'and Mr .. Alton ,Hoff and sons, Bobhv and three lov.ely children enter. and 'Eddie of Kin,g's Mill ; Mr. tained everyone with a pro·' and Mr Dale Watkins and Mrs. gram of sOn!gs and readin,gs. Mary Watkins of Cincinnati; , This was especially fine and en- ' Mrs ' Robert Burnett of Center,,: .ioyed by everyone. ' ville; Miss Glenna Marsh and Cider, doughnuts and candy, Miss Martha of Day- with Halloween appointments were served in the dininK room. t on, 0 . I ' The occassion is always a happy on'e 'and ~rows in interMr and Mrs. Roscoe Furnas est with ,the passmg years. Each and little son recently had as time dear friendships are re- their guest Mr. Furnas' father, newed and made stronR:er in a Judge P. H. Tannehill of ZanesviIle. truly remarkable ~roUp. ,

----AnnuaI Picnic Of

School Classes Held

"Old Men'~ , Staging Final Round-up, Game BAND BOOSTERS TO GET ALL DONATIONS


CANNING PLANTS HOLD FISH FRY The Churn,gold Corporati 11, of Cincinnati, owners f the fit 1 l.:al cannin~ fact ori... R xanna and ,,yaynesvi ll, n_ tertained their emplo , ee and ~ro wers at a fish fr at th e Wa n ville lant aturda V aftern on. About 400 hun dred were erved lunch. The ' want to take 1hi oPP ' rtunity to thank ever on who helped to make thi a succes"ful ear for th m arid are loo kin1! 'forward to seei n .~ them 0 u again. Cburch Qas ' Substitute Minister Officer of the \Va n"es

, BARBARA KAY ALLEN Mr. and Mr. Robed AHen of Detroit, Mich. are annoull, in th birth of ,a abo au,ghfer, ,Barbara Kay, on Octot er 6, 1947. Mrs: Ge r,g Waterhouse is the paternal grandmother of thi little infant and i receivin,g the congratulation of her friends; ,

* **

DANNY CHARLES PRICE Mr. and Mrs. Charle Pri e 1 the fornier Mi Mary Jean Thompson. 'are announcin,g the birth of an ei~ht pound four ounce son t Danny 'Charle, bo rn Octooer 7, at Miami Valle, Hospital. Mr . Price and infant son have now returned to their home.

n 'unda y, t. 1 at 1: 0 P. m. th Id M 'n' Team of Wayne ville will m t the old timer from prin,g Valle y in th la t oft ball r.ame f th e ason to e' taged at Wa ne Park. This finalroupd-up will mark the ' nd of a very ucces ful sea on yen though it got oif to a bad tart due to the incl m nt weather early in the a on. ' In addition to the Old Men'~ ,game the Wayn sville High chool Band wiIi also b pre ent ' to pre ent a concert. Thi latt r feature i bing pon red V th Band Boo ter Club. All proceed from the donation at the game will ~o to thi org-an,izati n for u e in r r motin,g the and.

Meetings'Starting ** * ROGER EVAN WILCHER 'At F~rry, ·Sunday Mr, and Mrs. Eugene Wil 'her '

are anQQuudng- tlte birth of a Evang listic ervic will b .. ba y son. R ~er' Evan, to rn .gin at Ferry Chur h of Christ Oct. 9. Mr. Wilcher wa th ,on unda ·Oct. t with Ralph former Mi s Sara Ga -ert. E. >tin n, mini ter of the church rin,e:in~ the Evan,g'elisti METHODIST CHURCH me ag-e and Harv V" Bream, Go el in ~ r, leading' the s · n,e: REPA.~ WORK DONE ervice. Repair and refini hin ct' work ' For unda 111 rning at the at the M thodi 1 Chur h an the 10 :30 'clock rvi , Mr. par on.age are bein,g mpleted , tin n \\ ill prea -h on "The thi week. Can iderall paintv ning at ing" em nt \\ ork and ther Church' and in .th need,ed r pair ha e I een ne 7 :45 o'clock his mes ag-e will be "The in the ast two week . .mg. " . Art of trai ,ght ThinkR v, Coleman ha been an u iect for th week ar a able as i tant in th variolls f J.I w : M 'n., ct. ' 2 • "Lov dutie. t onn ectej with th e repair Letter '; Tue., Oct. _ 1, "The . work, One Thin,g G d Want Us T Do": Wed., Oct. 22, "The The Girl cout held th ir Pr of of D votion i bedL , en e"; ' Thur., Oct. ' 2 , "Th la t meefin,g- at the ,W a ne ville " High School on Oct. '1, 1947 " New Birth' ; Fri.. ct. ...4, "The accQ.r.di.n,g- t..o , ~ Beal, ReSermon In The ack." Meetin,g- will not b held on p09hi's local Scout troop i aturday evening. The peri d forced with the problem of hav - ' L. H. Gorden, stma tel', f this ' eri s f me ting will ing to discontinue their activi- calls attention to the Hajl we'en continue until Nov.::!. ' ties unle5.S an As r tant cou.t pranksters who indulg-e in the Leader can he procur' j t< hell tearin,g- down of mail 60x a a Mrs, Robert Chapman, cout part of, their activities, to beLeaMder ,. in the \VOI:~: d' . COme familiar with the ' po tal h~ ee t m,gs ,aretJe1l1,g: Iscbn- laws govern in ~ , lIch malicious WINIFRED DEGLER tinued ,until further, notic~ be. de truction of Uncle Sam' proMrs. W.inifred Decyl r" ao'e cause of thi lack of an As i tant pert . These Ja\vs acco d' t ' ' ,( r 1111! a 76, passed .away at the" home /"0.of ' Leader. ee. 2342, Postal Laws and, Re- her son. Millard of Rural Route (Sec , 21, ' W d dOt 8 t Any person in ihis om- ~ulations of 194 e nes a~y, c. a 10:00 munity who feels they can hell Title 18, United fates Cod) 2. in this situation is requested to are very strict on off. ender \\ h p. m., after an illne of five days. Beside the SOI1, she is surcan t ac t ,Mrs. Ch apman at once. are apprehended, for u~ tting" _ _ ~...!:bo!.!.r~~a~k~I'_::fhg, otL ~ othe.rulJse mol- ' vived by a ,grand on and two e tll1g rural mall. t axes" ,great ,g-rand children. OWS S Better I~?k ,l!1 to , tlll "b , '!. . Funeral services were conbefore you ,get m Dutch wIth dllcted Saturday at 2 :00 p. m. your Uncle Sam. . at McClure Funeral Home with , Robert L. VanZile of the Church of Ch rist officiating'. Burial in , "Family ni,ght" wa observe j ,OHIO POETRY ' DAY by the W. C. T. U. on Friday SET FOR OCTOBER 17 Miami Cemetery'. " evening, when the re~ular Ohio Potery Day thi ear * '41. .. :':~T',"" , meeting was held at the home of will be Frid~y', October 17th., - ADA CHENOWETH Mr. and Mrs: 'Truman Wardlow. Dr. Clyde Hissong, tate Direc. Mr. Ada Chenoweth of , A short business' session was tor of Education, ann llnced to- Centervi lle pass-ed away at St. held after which ,an :intere tin~t day. Elizaheth Hospital, Da'ytoll at program was enjoyed., 'On this day plan wi ll I ~ 3 :40 P., m., Tue day, (jct. 14 ,. Mrs. ,Olive Cl,lrl .~ave a trief announced for th e She was 78 ear of age ' dige t of the "Union ignal" of another Anthology 9f Ohi Survivor ar a dau~hte.r followed b a di cu sion. Mr. Verse to be publi hed durin~ the ,Mrs. Ethel Pickering of Center~ Raymond Braidock .~a ve 'a .talk s,umm r of 1948 from ori~ inal ville; a R:rand dauR'hter; and a 011, "Narcotic Educa.tion"; Mr. poems written by both chao) gJeat ' /Zra ndson, , FUl1eral services will be held Minerva Hough a paper on children and adult before the Friday, Oct 17, at 2 :00 p. m. "Church School" and Doris dead line March 1, , 1948, Brown and Geor,ge Hartsock a The poefry program i unde r at Stubb Funeral Horne with re,adin.), on HParental 'Ex.. the direction of -:-Tfoward E. Ralph E. St inson of Ferry ample. , Hamlin of . the. state ' Depart- Church of Chri t officiating .A paper on "Family Wo.r., ment of EducatIOn in coope-ra- Burial will be in Centervit'le ship" by Mr. A,' R. Emery, a ,tion with Countr, Poetry Day Cemetery. song, ' ~'We Will Turn Our CommIttee throu,e:hout Ohio. ----Glasses Down". Mary Frances "We plan to publish the fOUi Mrs. Nora Wardlow of Leband Geor~e Hartsock; a recita- be t poems from each c l1n~y , anon and Mi s Nina Scott spent lion b~1 Wilhelmina Braddock ,; in. the Antholog, ," Dr. Hisson~ Saturday night and Sunday with a paper on the "Scientific Tem- saId. Mr. and Mrs, Je Hess of DayHe exp lain ed that , the pro. ton. perance Movement", by Sara Bradjockcompleted this tine~ iect will be carried on in 450' program ~fter which the bene-· schbols in t,he state to e.ncnurage Mrs. Fred Hook entertained diction 'was given by Rev, scho I pupIls to try thel1: hand at her Good Will Club of Oak_ Coleman. writin~ verse and to ,ga'in a , wood, Thul7sday. Twenty ladies , Light refreshments went deeper appreciation of the ali ~ere present and a covered dish s.erved. of po~try . ' dmner wa~ served . ill

Church of Christ are "announcin~ the h,ave obtairied th ervices of Carl Mi1ler' wh o will fill the pulpit on Sunda mornin cy t. 19 at 10: 'cIa k~ Robert VanZile, who. ha be n th m~ni ter here ,for th l2.a t two ear, left ' la t we k for hi new char,e:e in Ge o rR:~town Ind. where h vill I c mini ter. to the local hurch 1here.



Girl Scouts, Need Assistant Leader.

'Uol'le Sam" Toog'b On Ma'ilbox Spooks 0

War'dl HOSt To WCTV, ,Frl·.day


,'ea t'l


First Fall Meeting Of Friendship Club The H app, H ur Clul m t for its fir t m e tink' f the fa ll at the h m e of Mr " Ann a Honk with ~O In 111 er PI' . nt. The Qominatin:R" c 111 111 i tte ~ r >_ sent d the f II "in nam ' f Jr officer f r the 'min \' which w er a ce ted: ' Pr ident, Mr . Esth r M i hen e'r Vice, pre. Mr, Atha Furn as; ec.-Treas. Mr. Adria ra j dock; A st. eC. Mr. l t r . haffer; Flow r Committe ", Mrs. Ether Gon, M r. Jean Bunnell. The prag-ram committ prvid d the follo wing inter ' ting: program: A book review f th e bo k "Abigail Adam" . Jan t Whitney was given b. Esther Michener. It is ai j f Abi,g'ail Adam that he \\ a tilt 1i I' t AmeriCan emancipat d w mun, wife and mother f Pre id nts. She shared revoluti nlr turm oil, the intri,g-ue of jipl ·nnc. and the weight 'o f th e nati n ~reatest responsibilit. . Mrs. Clarenc Barker .(~v thre pian o 01 ' : Hu h a Lil' Fello w"; "Holi:ia f r String"; "Without A o n, ". Refreshments wer s rved to th e Club m emb r and '~' U t. The guest \\r re Mr, Ball, Mrs, l aughlin, Mr. Barker, Mrs. Benton Hoak an j daughter, Mr. Betnard Dail y and daughter ..

L o at1 EW'j ng \Va- :t dinn r ,g" ue t f Mr. Paul Mau ri" :tIlJ J i l11 111\' E\\'in, . and t ge th r th. v - visit ct Mr . EWing' at ,~ tith\'at ' r anitariUli1 in vt OI1, · lll1da y aft rn n. . . elan v of . Mr' , E. A. M act icra, O. anj Mr . Ralph Edward of outhgat, ali f., pent two da . l a"t \\ ':> k with Mr, and Mr . ·T. C. Ruil ' n' f M t, Holly.


Piano Lessons MiLDRED CAMPBELL . Rural Route 2

W.,..eaviIIe at Lytle

aller 11 Mr. Richard l<iaiser. Mrs, Kai ' r i till in ~ 00 r hea lth and i ' I edfa t ..."' he Ila ' b 11 in hej for th , h ' t thre e m nth . . h . ;\11 I Mr . Kenneth McCull an and J an f Leban 11 \\ere all r at tiP Ba onh me,

'tn j da u g l~ter, Mr. an i Mr . W, A. Callahan at M t. 'W3. "hin ,l(tnn, Cin. Mr, and Mrs. M 10 Ha e , ctaug:ht r, Eva Mayan i S -11, Ro wer Suniavaft.rllCHl caller ' on Mr. and ·v\r. Ri 'hal' Kai r an i family. Rev , E, J, Finlli ~' an lr Cent ' rdll" \Va: a TilLl I'''

unda .

, , ~



COMPLETE .,i ~ !




in Ylur tim"'


f n d,



STUBBS Funeral Home ,



I ,


. M r, and Mr. A. H. ' tubbs were call r - of. the R. B. Pete rs, un a v vening.


• .0-.


• •• . __"

.\ . '


l "



. '



"4-WAY FARM INSURANCE" in the Ohio Farmers will give you broad protection against losses on your farm. It covers your buildings, your chattels, your automoblI~ and your liability for accidents to others. wpy not lee u.s today? · You Jmov you'r. safo when you'te insured in the Ohio Farmerst


Karl D. ' Dakin Insurance .Agency. .8

Pho~e 153, ~O E. !'Iulberry, LEBANON, O • .


4 . - 4 OHIO


.Jfh .fJlt.




Mrs. Clara Dunn of leba n n was- a week end gu t f hel'" sister, Mrs. Nellie Bunnell, Dr. J. P. Bolton, wife and daughter, Mary Kath er n, Mr. and Mrs. Rol1a 'Bolton of COl. umbus called . on th Walter Clarks and other old f riend last Sunday. Mr. and Mrs . ·.Charle Elli vi sited Mr. Ruth Jannev and dauKhtel Louella at Walter Wilhams, Sunday aft m oon' as Mrs.· Janney . is cel elrrating her 8~ th birthday ' and expe ts t o return to th eir home in D land, Fla. before Chri tmas', Mr. Janney is an aunt of Mr. Ellis and is well kno wn in Wa ynesville. . Mrs. Marianna Bo,g-an of Ro.xanna called on Uncle Bert Shepherd one. afternoon last w·ee k. Mr. and Mrs. Paul Maurice and Mr. and Mrs. Charles Maurice attended th e funeral of th eir little ,g'randson at th e Luthman Funeral - Heme and . Corpus Christi Church with burial in Calvary cemetery in Day ton, W ed nesday of last week. . The funeral of Mrs. Louis Degler of Social Row Road,. nC ,ll Centerv'i\1e was l1elct at McClu re Funeral Home, Saturda y after. noon with burial in Mi ami cemetary. Orland ,Holmes . a~d family spent the weekend with D elmar Parks and family at Chillicotlle. Frankie, the . tittle -son of Mrs. Ha?el .Gruber, who h a~ been very i11 f.or some time is much better. , Kellis Peters got his new Buick, Saturday after havin,g- it ordered for more than a year. He to ok his parents, Mr, and Mrs: R. B. Peters to Bellbrook to see his sister, Mrs. Phil Coon and family, Sunday. Mrs. Martha Flanner of Hamilton, who has beep stayinJ{ with her sister, Mrs. Ray Mainous, returned to her h me, Sunday. Mr. 'and Mrs. ' Robert Bunc.e and Mrs. Artie Winn of Hamil. ton were Sunday ' cal1er of Ray Mainous a.nd famity. .

M r , an r M r ~ . Run 'o n p ~ nt un a \ ith '.til ir n - in- l a~




ks to your intA!..tfD know aboutthis proposed ~ather .. ·eddin ...I For sheer feather-bedding, this mock work proposal takes the cake. But it is orily one'of 44 "rules" demands filed by the leaders of the operating uni~DS~ If an these demands were granted, they would cost the railroads ·an added BILLION DOLLARS A YEAR. . .

Increased Wages, Too-

On top of these "rules" changes, the I~ders of the operating uniOIl8 have· filed an additional demand for a wage increase of over 30 per cent. If granted, this would be an added cost to the railroads of $400,000,000 a y~. .


. Where Will.The MoneY,Come From?

increase. No other course is open. RailroacJs Do Not Run For WhElre will 'a ll the money ~me from Employes Alone to play these increases? They total sevRailroads are operated for the benefit eral times as much as the .railroads of not one, but several groups-shipmadle in 1946 or will ~ake in 1947. pers, passenger~J emplo>yes, ' stock,Ill July, the railroads filed an appli. qolders, and the general public. The cation for increased freight rates to interest of all must be served -arid clOB!a the gap :which then existed be· tween wage and material costs, and . that cannot be done uilless the railroads can operate effi~iently and ecorailrOad revenues. Since then it has. been n~, because of further in- . nomically, and unless they are allowed to earn sufficient revenUe to provide ~ in wages and material costs, the kind of transportation service this to IlUpplement that petition and to country MUST HAVE. ask for an additiQna,l freight rate

$468,000,000 To Non-Operating •


Employes In. addition to this, ' an Arbitration


Board 1uu;I just a wage increase of 15 ~ 'cents an hour to the million e~ployes represented by the 17 IIOn-operating unioDS. This will the railroads $468,000,000 a year.



.It .




NEW YORK, NEW' YORIt W. are pubUabJaa thiI aud'Other advertilementa to talk with YCMl ,

at flat band about matters which are important to everybody.

PaKe 3 The Miami Gaz He W ayne vifJe. Ohi N o. 43 8 Th ur da, October 1', 1 47

Mli . Charl oHe Fi h r, !\.'Ir. RiJ la John on, and _ Mr . ,r ie Peell of at ina and Mr. Nellie C. Madden of Clark viII w re recent call r of Mr. Olive Curl. .. . Mrs. Ali e Cl ark p nt lInday with Mr. and Mr. Romo' Ri~~s on ocia1 Row Road . . Dr. Emm a Hol1 way 5J ent Thur da at a me tin~ ' of the Lea,g-ue for the Hard of Hear'inK in Dayton. nte rMrs. Lucile Armita,g tained a ~r up of former Or-eK nia cIa ma·te and .fri ends on Sunday w ith a picnic at thl! Friends Meet i n ·~ Hou e. Mr. and Mr . Irvin 0 d 011 of Indianapoli and Mr. and Mrs. Ghens f Cin innati w"er R'uests of M is M i nl~ie Dod son, Sunda afte rn oon. . Mrs. Oli ve Curl Dr. Emma Hollowa , Mr . Eval vn P terson and Mi s Mary . B . ton altended the W. C. T. . m e e t i' : ~ at t he hom of Mr. T ru m n Wardlow, Friday ,e.venin~ . Mr. and Mr . Ralph McPherson f Sabina, call ed on .1'e ir sister, ' Mr . Olive Curl un a v afterno on. . ~ rs. Be Newland with her dauJ?:hter of Chicag- can j n Mi Mar,garet Edward and ML. e... Marne and Annie Sr wn . on "tV dne -day. . · Mr. anj Mr . G oeffl er, j' and Mr. and M r . Fox of Da t.on called on Mis ' Maq~arc t Ecl wa rd _, Sunday afternoon.

Rot ert Cotn r .of Wilmin ·tOI1, Mr. and Mr.. John G 11 .- U,I1 I children, Mr. and 'r . L Ian I hank of Lima, Mr. an "r.-. Rob rt Gon an :l ' Mr. Jo ep h nderw ood. Mr. and Mr . Lo.yj D n i . an i on had a ~ . uncta V ev nin~ di nner ~ ue t Mr. an i M r~ . Perry Diehl f Warren, . an i Mr. and Mrs. Cecil, M. Davi of Da i on.

. Mr. an \r.. Ralph Ha. ti , .(n:; and -on l1a j (I, und a y , iil1l1e' rrue ts Mr,. and MI" . GC' n r,e:c I orn of M no\\,' and, Mr . C. E. Hizar If Lei an n. Mr. and Mr . L. C. t. J -)\1:1 r turn:l n M nda ' ev l1il1~ after P ' n iing a f w in. V ' \\'iih th ir SOil, Mr. Kenneth ' I. Jnhn wife and daughter in Hubl arli, Ohio .

Mr. Clara Dunn f L han on, Mr. and Mrs. G or,e:e Bunn 11, Mrs. Jo. eph Oav i, ac () 111- Lar r and Karen of t. Be·rnal~i, panied by Mrs. Ruth Fulker on, Mr. 'and Mr .... Rhodes Bunnell, pent tlie week nd in Ft. Caro l an j Rhoda were undav Wa yne, Indian a with h r nel h_ dinner ~ u e ts of M r. Nellie and ew, Mr. Vane GaRe and wif . Mi s Monimia Bunn el l. Mr. and Mrs. Charl e B. Earnhart and dau,ghter, Joan, T he Charles hepherd familv were ,week ·end gu t of M r. ent ertained on un da v, Frank an d Mrs. E. F. ·Earnhart. hepherd an :l wif of Ne\\ Burl-

. :. .


Blacktop .Driveways Road





1; \Vi l ( 11 , h '1her:i an j f. m il\' ; i: Haz ' 1 teph n ; an j Mel in Pri 'e n 1 vifc of Da yt on.






26 O.!!-A!e- L!!o~!Fp~ 221-L I'






o PURE-BRED HAMPSHIRES . , My annual H,ampshire Boar and Gilt Sal e.

Tues., Oct. 21, 194 '7 . 1:00 P. M. at m farm :2 mile uth f Ne, Burlin and 1 1 miles N. W. f Wl1min ton. ·Thi i n herd o f h g I ha v ever 0\ ned. The e ho(l' have and one et pl enty of quality and mo thne~ s. teen treated again t Cho lera and have pas cd bangs tel . '

Resurfacing and Driveway' Recoating

f the be t ru ged ne s T hey have a negative

RALPH SNOOK,. Owner Stanley & , Koogler, , Auction~s·.

~.~~""""""""~~~_ Il _D_~"-"~.:.

The words m:.\y be Fr enr hbu t th prices ar l1 · tfll l-{ It'ar English on a BllJ ot fUI t .



. Mi Virginia chuler pen t th e w ek end with Mi 5 Ph ylli Rickey. .


afe; tr n.e:; ford c·ompactl. ; . a trul y mod rn ' ladder f all the ho\.! hold plIrpo e . 4 step $7.95 5 step $9.75

Mrs. H elen Allen ' of Spri nKfiel d nt unda wit h her parents. Mr. and M rs. Fred H oo k. Mr. and Mrs . R oward Ge 'sam n of . D ayt on were evenin.(!, call er .


of M r.

Mr. ::md Mr . Pau l To mlin on ent rta i ned t o rl inner on Sunday honoring- th birthda v anniv'ersary of Mr. and Mrs. Fr rI Con. The,gu t w r Mr. ani M rs: J. C. G ns, Mr. an i Mrs. Fred G Oll, Mr. A. C. T0mlin on, Mr. and Mr . Ra vrn nd La Rue an d childre n, Mr. and Mrs.



in~· t

'Lawmakers argue about this before it-sa law-:-and law· --.--:-----''------.l~~:(;~ afterwards.

C01Igressiondl BiU.

It-, •

'What ·do . yb~ knaw : .



about bills 1.


for kitchen ba th roo m. or play room . . ONLY ·$2.95 Also m ade in a st ep~ t ool 1 Ie at $7.45 I

WA.L LPAPER Priced to

Large tack of bea'u tiful pattern . Sell. Come in 'and mak your el ecti n and ta~e the. paper with you.

NO DELAYS We are pr ud . of the new ,gai n ~ f r w . custo mers w k now rnail y of them are recommended t u I y their n ei ~ h bo r who ar . our sati fi :I cu tamers. , W he n once yo u try it, . ou, too. w ill talk at out Ollr cleanin,g service a bei ng: a boon to fhrifty, . happy housek eepin '.


. .

Clearallee ·Sale

on COFFEE, LAMP and END TABLES to mak Hol i jay 'merchand i . .



roo m for


Waynesville ' Furniture &.Appliance Co. South Main Street acrosa 'from Grange Hall WAYNESVILLE, OHIO

. Telephone 2422

Tms'one shows you the biggest ·value .you can buy.. 'It stands for a dependable, lQw':'cost servant who can . preserVe, . prep~'re, and cook your food-light, heat, and coo] your hous~o the cleaning and the laundry -keep time, entertain the family, and help do a dozen .other jobs. For the average £~m'ily, every dollar . cn'it buys twice as much electricity as a dollar bought 20 years agol What else represents so much value for so little money as -your Electric Bill? Tune In WHIO, 1290 on your dlal-"Hour of Charm," Sunday, 4 130 P.M. Ronald Colman, Tu••day, 9:30 P.M.


The Miami Gazette B 8 TAB L I 'S HE 0 1 8 50 Pnbllshed Every Thursday by DAVISSON PRESS


Harvey Burnet Has Special Club Topic

._" ......

- -FLOYD L; DAVISSON, Editor Cntered as SeCond Class Matter at the Post Office

Subscription Rates: $1.50 ' per Year in Advance


National Advertising Representatives Ohio Weeklies, Inc., 2465 W. Broad Street, Columbus 4, Ohio '

D•.P. &L. Show On Dayton 'Station' , Ronald C Iman' pe r f rl11an , on the Oa ton P \V r an Light Company's , ne\ radii . show, Favorite Stor.', Tue da. " Octobr21,at 9 :30p .m. r WH 10, Day t n, will be a l aL ;of love, for he'll b pla y in ,~ t,he title rol . in hi own I e t-I o v i i e f literature" "Cyrano 1 Ben~:era .' The star will retain hi r ~ gular duti as hpst and narrat r in addition to his portra yal o f Eqm ond Rostand' immortal long-no ed hero. ,HC rano" is one of th mo t popular pia. s vel' written . Th " leadin,g- r I has chall ng'ed th~ th ateI" gr at actor f I' m an. g'enera ti n . Jo e Fe rrer t arr d in th play's mo _t recent Br a :L way revival la t season. ~ , Am on g: th me"mb I' f up porting a t will Colman" b Janet Wald , radi ' Co rli .: ,Archer; Joseph Kearn, wh ~ omin ou v ic introdu e- ,th netw rk how, " Suspen '; and Arthur Q. Bryan, v t ran c mi , "Wa III n j be t known a Wadcwiff." .

f ll owin g a t11 rou,g'h in pe ti on ' howe d th at at that tin,l e 1'1.: . t kin, c ull1 not b ' re 111mended due t th pre "en o f impurities an i a low nt I1 t of di Ive i X , , ', n.

A NEW' WHEAT FOR OHIO Woo ter, O. - Butle r is th e nam that ha been ~i ven a ne" wheat variet'y r l ease j b tbe Ohi.o Agricultu ral· Experiment Station, reveals aRron mi t C.

A. I:.-amb.


The, new variet y wa



-e1 -

3 and Trum bull. OSU 101-3 am was elected from th cross as Thorne, nam el y Portage by Fulca ter, but is a short, s t i f f-strawed, w h i toe-chaffed, bearded wh eat. The new Butler is also white chaffed and bearded. Yield and straw stiffn e s are ,equal to Th orne, and weiKht per bushel as good asTrumbull. Reaction to scab is similar t o Trumhull, thu ' definitely better than Thorn e. Butler i somewhat more winterhard y th an Thorne. The grain is satisfact r y in quality for soft wheat millers and baker The 1,350 buhels of ee produced in 1947 on the Ree:t , search Farm' of the Ohi Corn Producers was distributed in 90 l ots of 15 bushels each to experienced ,g-rower? of certified seed. The 19.48 crop from thi seed will be available fo r gen ral distribution. A Ii t of growers will , be prepared,in tl~e early summer of. 1948, 'artd \\ III e available fronl the Ohi Seed Improvement Associati n at the Ohio State Univer it ,. 0 r fr om the Experiment tati on at Woo t er.

Mr. M lyin E. Banta, ~ il-i nla\\ of Mr. an i M L , lohn Fr 111111, ha ' bdeh "led d' pr it "nt of the Gr eh COLlIl h' Te a ' her As iati n. Mr. Banta ,i ,th -upervi. in,' ~ rillcip al f th Ros T o\vn hi p choo 1. ' • READ THE CLASSIFJED ADS -


Mr. n.n d Mr '. D elbert (Inge r, Mr Grace 'hul r an j Mr. Marth a \ alkcr \\' ere on a ight cCing trip unda y at Portmouth. .; A h Ian 1, Ky. ; and Huntin, t Oil, W ·t ir,~ tni a ,

CU CHofCHRIST Oet. ·:19 to,Nov.Z 7:46 .p.m.,. (NO .SERVICE QN SATURDAY EVENINGS) ....


Does Your Bible Say About ~

, Oct. 19- "The Church" M t , 16: 'I 8 wit h Epb.- 4 :1-6 ; A ts 8 :1, 9 :31,2 :2 8; I Cor. :3 :11; Eph. 1 :22, 23. <!.

day Evening- "The Art of



1 7 : 1 0 ~ 1 S.



' .

Oct. 20- "t-ove Letters" In,

20 :30 ,

. . '1.

ay, Oct. 21- "The One Thing God Wants Us T o 0 0 " I aIll. 1'- : 1- _ -. • ,


ednesday, Oct. 22...1.:- "The Proof of Devotion Is ' . Obedience" II am. ' 6 :6; In , 14 : 1 -.

LIITLE MIAMI GETS TEST STOCKING The, Little Mi ami River hetween Kin gs Mills 'and F"0skr in , Warren County, wher.c a I) "av killing of ' fi h by polltlti on 0 cllrred in September 1946, \\'ill . receive a shipment of adult catfish Friday , October 17, accord'ing to an announce,nent t day by Con er:vation Cqmmis i n r H. A. Rider. Rid er stat ed that the reI as represents a'n experimental or ' test-stocking to d e t e r min c whether or not the st ream i ' now in condition for co mpl ~te restocking- which ha been d~­ layed f~r some , tin~e followin ,l!' a chemical anal YSIS and t~st­ netting last July. Indicati ons

\\ ay nl1 T ) \\,Il ' hip Farm r ~ Club 111 t 'to , \\' ith M.i::, " Perk Rile \, ami M r, 131ail he M i lle r, Mr. Mari n 11 \ der of Leb. an 11 ga v an in fer e til1 ,e: ta lk 11 th hi t rv f the ' Gran ,!?: m entionin ' tilat Wa 'ne ' ilk Farn'l rs Grange N , . 13 w a' f ounded in 1872 . ' Mr. Harv Burnet ha i t11 peci al topi ~ f I' th' ia v, " Fa m liS Pep I ~ f W ar I' . 11 Count :'

. Gu t \vh ni v i til jay v r e: Mr, L"l n:l Mrs. ~, ): . H art' ~ k, 1\'\1'. ,an j M t" . H ' rs hel Bunn'll an i Mr. and M r . Murre Green l f Leha no n, Th e clul wil l IH' t in N vcmher \\'ith M r. ;Lil li M rs . Mo rri Corn ' ll.

HARVEY BREAM Gospel Singer

Thursday ~ Oct. 2,3- "The New Birth" J n. 3: 1 -1 5.

Friday, Oct. 24-, "The Sermon In The Sack" J lme : : 1-11. Sunday, Oct. 26- "The Lord's Supper" Mt. ~ 6 : _ 6 - ~ l; In. "\ :52-5 9. , Sunday Eveni~g- "Faith" Act 8: 7, Monday, Oct. 27- "Repentance" Acts 2 :]8, 3 :1Q . Taesday, Oel. 28- "Confession of Faith In Christ" I hil 2 .:' 11; l~ol1l. 14: 1 1, 12; M t., 10 :3 2. Wednesday, Oct. 29- "Baptism" Acts I P~t:.3 :21.



,Gul. 3:~i" ;

RALPH E. STINSON , Evangelist

Tl)ursday, Oct. 30- "Holiness' Hell, 12 :14; \I Tim. 2 :19 . Friday, Oct. 31':- "The Na~e of The Church'~ 1 C) r. '1 :2;' I Tim. ' ~:1 · 5; Heb. 1~:23; Ro m. 16: '16; A ts 4 :.12J Phil. 2 :9-1 L S,unday, Nov. 2- "The Prodigal Son" Lu. 15: I t-33. Sunday Evening- "The One Question That Must Be Met and Answered" Mt. 27:2_. COME AND BRING YOUR BIBLE .-:-A FRIENDLY CHURCH WITH A GOSPEL MESSAGE I


Miami Gazett . anLi 11 0 He an i ther No. -1- 3~ a - we 11:l pic: . T h pi l! e hi ctoher t( 1, 1L-1- 7 pie that I had wa '

villa ·e. 1h wedd in will be an event of nc. 't ' umril r. Mr~ , J ( 1111 Hari in, Da vto n , 0 d. . ' ume t tl1' vill age, atui·~ia_L-':';':'':''''''''':'~'-:'';''~'':';'':='.....--:~:':'':''''''':'=::''~::''':':-:~--/-¥~;--\:::>-l - While th i" ale wa ' ,.,:oing on. to tak 11 r moth r. M L . lara a.e: o. 'al1l I" . ( ... r ar\.. JI!tn \va buy ing m \ , al f at ar jul ia and ,'Tan 1l11 othc r, Mr'. staving: with hi ::: par' nts. Mr . th L: Community :a l '. Th . , EII:l \'oier t ) h 'I' home for all and· Mr. H 1'1) 'rt L ( ~ t ' n f 1 r lwht it h me put it in' til " ind tl nite vi:;it, Mrs. ariulia i ' Ma~ 1 tr t. ham 0 lJ y let it SLick, til " .,: in ill h aIth . · Mr. anj Mrs . H . ,Tu k . A FARM DIARY hut the barn j 11' an i .th is Mr. an i Mr . V\ illiam Dc t r' and daught ' r, Mi ' E al 'n wer by m rn i 11 t' it \\ a .. . . ne. \ \ e h a \ ' enkrta'[1 i th " WeIcom Bible '- U1hiav ~u ,t of their q n-'nD. J. Fraizer hunt d UJ) and down the pas- Cla ~' at the i r h m Fri ia \' la\\' :ind daught r, Mr. an li oct ber 1 . ' 1 47 . " 'h ' at tur~ - 1 ked in th p.o n 1S '11 n i~ht. - MI" . Ri ~ har 1 ~ illi am, an j fam . pl antin g an j "h at thre hing: alI ever wh ere el.:e I LIt so far \\' ~ Rallv Oa ' cl:vi , e ~ ily f 11 ar \,yilmingt 11 . haven't f un ~ it. ~'lIrel y it will in ne iaS. Our \V 11 at all j at erv i - at the J nah Run' Re. J. P. Th rnhur,\ rwere sta k 'd last 'umm r an\1 ,g-et h un g-ry a n an i w c> u itv Cl lur I 1, un ay. A musl' t al ~ r -r n ' i fr l m New Y rk ut ,gTam \Va ' PI' t'ntc.i an i Hev, last \\' ek \\ h re he and Mr. Tue jay afb::rno 11 the came find it. ! W turne 1 D } lI and thr hed . We h aj ' ' U h it h I ing: th at he waul i ba \\ I f r .Thornbur " pa t r f th chur h Th rnburv ha· be ~n i itin g . mall am unt f w h ~at tha t w' it and it w ul:t an \\ er but gave an intere ' tin ,!!: talk: n the at the h me f th eir ' n -i n-Ia \ ' did it thi,' \Va so that \v ~ j id far naIf. I th ought ten dollar histor of ~ un ia ~ ho 1. an i daught'r, r. and M 1': . n ot hay to ,{?:et extra help. The wa ' too much f r that alf hut Carl Fe hi k an i bmil \' , h' . Th Communit Cluh met Thnrnhury, will l'I.! III aill lhe r> at tume:i lit h tkr than We it wa aI m st ·the h t to I.e .: Ii fared. We plan t 1 th em la. t but if th at i ' what Wil ' ~ in g in regular s ' i n Wedn by. until Mr - Fe jri k I' over ' h 1 from h r i'eL nt perati c n. spring in the mud an 1- the lI ~'h t o happen [ am Ri a j I iidn't ev nin, ' at the High 01 i g . 11'1. Prof. Do yle Freshcorn, \ jJjn t ·g t a very ,~o d tand I u that litH thr e da h I, ld at the' oth er supt. of Ma ie 'Tw~, w had m ore than ome p "or Ie I ull calf that \\ a tIi R;ue t sp ak:er. for f rt j ' liars. sale an 1 \\ dij .e:et our cl v r 1 he Civic L agu met in reg- Dessert-Bridg~ 'planted and I erhap g t a hdter ular se si n at th e h me f Mr . tan of that th an we m i(!'ht CI vd Levi r , ' aturda y venha ve had the oa t b en thi ker f in "', The annual I· 'tion The hom f Mrs. Hh e It ha b en p rf t \ atli I: ofii er wa held. Mr ', Jenny Bunnell wa t he . n f a In eto work out ide and s the f ed Mr. and M r . Vv·. P. M- Graham \\ as ele t :I. PI' id nt; ly d rt I ridg n Fri ia \' HOURS: r am roof .I?; t a c at of A phal t ~ sp nt Mr. Osee Harlan, 1 t vi - when h ~ ·, an i Mr . C. E. paint an 1 a g: d cleaning Carren f Walh und\ll pre . . and Mi Elizab'th Clark, the w k en i at th ir h m 9-12 each morning Ed,e:in, g t n entertain i a , ~ T u~) r ead to hou t: m y har of th _n d vi e-pre, Mrs. Charl - of frieo js, here. 1-5 afternoons except at . Ther 'U ~ ' till pl ent v f mart I' mained seer lar and The aftem on wa . pent in . Mr. J e P nningt n \\ ho b an in th ' " arien anj thin gWednesday Mrs. Cl \ I.e L i y, tr a ' ure r. playing th int 1" ting: ,~a1l1 e. ti ll 'l ook ,Q r ~ 2 n. Thi warm wa n imitt d t Miami . u-t r \\' :1 ' a M r ~ . Chari H spita,1 la t \ e -'k i; r rte w nth ~ r i \\' ond rful to ripen 7-9 Saturday evening , ue t of Mr::,. Rh d - Bunn 11 WANTED ur nrn l'L1t th apple m en . av t be impr ving. h i ' uff r- of near Wayn ' vilk, ' Tl1urs:l.av, Other evenings by tha't co leI' \\ "'ather ·is hetter for in ,!,!' fr 111 p n~llm onia . . wh . n Mr. .l3unn.!J1 and 11 I' Appointmen~ til apple. Ea h da ' hrin ,(!'_ Mr. an i Mr. arr 11 Bogan HORSES - $10.00 iter. M r -, Ern " to Edging-t n hri,g-ht r 1 r t the I ave . Th e and famil f prin g'h rn w r :> ent rtaine:l. with fl hri 1ge- Iun ' h_ TELEPHONE 62-R COWS ~ $12.00 ' da s ar ·n t 1) n,l (enough for al l unda' geu t f hi ' par nt: , an. HOGS $3.00 cwt. ther i to do . Mr. ani Mr' . Charie B g:an r. Ma vor ';:\.11 j Mr . Carl .Br \\'n Accordlnl to Size & Condition La t und a y mornin ,g' ,d re , W rd was received her > thi s m ot .I:e i t Huntigt n, V\. \ a., Also, All SMALL STOCK I wa up the h call j m ' to un la \' f til ieath of Hom r ~ un ja y. REMOVED PROMPTLY ~e \\ h at th h a. A oon a . Optometric Eye Specialist I3 0nd at Bel1hro k, Mr. on 1. Phone I oul 1 I hurri d nut an ther \ h with hi wife, visit ~ XENIA WILMINGTON 26 South Detroit Street th v hai a larg d ad f ox . . My frien . here nl la t Sun ia tenant. wife ha i h ar:t th died from heart atta k. Mr. . 1712, 2362 XENIA, OHIO turkev m akin ,go a comn1 tion B nd i- t h f I'm I' Mi Clark, R.Y~rI. Chlrles an j he had ~ra l hed th ~ un a·nd Th PTA 111 t at tl" Hig'h hurri ~d out with th d {r, ur School auditorium , ' V\ e jne da v en u,g-h it \Va a f x aft r the venin ,~·. A fo lk dance wa ' pre". turke , He hot at it and th sen I t he pupil f th thi rd dog . took it off acro the andtedfourth BROADFORM ,gTad and tun h ture, up and d Wll th·e hill wa erve i. and back a,g-ain f r a fini~hing Auto Insurance Mr. and Mrs: Harr ' Clin , shot. Ware so ,~Iad becau Jr. and jaughter, Geral1ine f at_a Saving w~ have 16 J:- 0 mud pp ultry thl umm er. Of"1he ten duck- Columbu 'W re the \veekend Now 'insurance (or your auto can give Mr.. Cl ine's you not only complete standard cover· . lin ,g's I 1ought we have iu t two h au e R'u sts ages but also pay (or 1011 if you are l eft. Two of our l argest DUll ,! ; parent, Mr. and Mr . H rbert Dost I:. Injured in aai auto accident as driver. turkeys and n o bne knows how . Mrs. H. -!...,T u.cker, Mrs. W.· puseng~r. orpedestrian.Suongcom. m an y chickens are gone, We E. Fro _t, Mrs. Fred h rwood pany with nation·wide .ervice, .emi. feel better now but th at i no and Mrs . Mary Tucker went to annual premiums and money .avillg sign that the fox ha n't a mate Cincinnati one day la t week to rates through new (arm plan. " and a family. . Dislrict Office This is the season for sales purchase a carpet for th e ·Meth odi t church. Th e ladies repre'HAYDOCK INSURANCE of purebreds. This time it was sented the WSCS which made a SERVICE Thhe undersign d :a Guardian of the. E. tate of Mary E. the High Hollow herd of reS donation of th e carpet. Francis 'Gene Brown, Mgr. mIt , an inco mp ~ t e nt, will offe r sale at I"uhi i aucti n gistered J er eys that went on Announcement is bei n,go made Phone 2111No. 8 Murphy former reSIdence of Mary E.. mith in Waynesville, at the the block. Again it was com. Warren County, Ohio, on of the eng-agement . of Mi s Building, WILMINGTON, O. petin,g- with com munity al and once a~all1 there we r m ore Martha Fox, daughter of Mr . 141 outsiders than people from th e and Mrs . Roy Fox of Blanche ' :- ~~ lP~ Mutual Insurance Company . , . " ~ neighborhood. The two herd ter to Mr. Johnnie Carr, n of bulls that were C50ki----l+rOU,g"ht . ~M_r_,_~_n_d_M~~_._B_r_u_ ce~C_a_r_ r _o_f_ll_1e~::::::::::::::::::::::~--~~~~~ ~1~0 O'CLOCK~ M. ' fiye hundred dollars . ach. One . On . aid .daj, (h e pel's nal good ~ n d chattel of ' aid Mary went 'to M i11 e rb ur,~, 0 : houg-ht E, mlth. 111 ludll1g' hou ehb l J furtl ltur and till': r personal by two m n, C\ppa rent.l y father ~ ods and hattels, in ludin g' am ng ther thin g" th e and son, of dne . of the 111ain following artiel _: .. . . ' sect, ' D unkard or Ami h. Ho\'\! · ever tran ,!,!' their hair ut an i Frigi iaire, g-ood coal j'ang , N oe burn I' il t Ve• . clothe ' ma y l ook t o u , it was E tate · heatr l a, el1 ers kitchen cal in t \\ ith i jc u )jl ' ard '· ev i :tent that . th kn ow fin to match, Walnut c mer cup l ard, de tl'ic wa hing ma ' bin el caWe, Dr. 0 e was bu in g" m t Ie trie sw eper; el ctri iron, elect ri h t plat ' , II' p leaI' of the bargain on a shipment bing 's 'n t t o omeo n in f'J~\\ tab le, dinin g- r om tabl , si 1 loard, 9 din in,!!: rc 111 ha irs , York ' state. Dr. and Mr, 6 olj fa hioned hair, R I' ckin,~ hair, 3 r . livi ng I' 0 111 H rm an " ere th re hut th ey ar 'fa) suite, plftyer pi an an:l. r)11 ,ra:di an j 1 ench, mirm r, b. k rt1f intere ' t d in Guern e\ n th v e and d k \vin,t.:· I1U 'hine, -t-aml " 3 I ~ rug ' , .ca w re not bu ing. Dr. Finley 111 ~inp' tand, marl'L.:~ t >p "tflnd, 111 di ine abind, i and hi s tenant Mr. FloI' nee w re ther I ut didn't ee them \\. ep 1', 1 C nter table ' , ell koo cl k, mantk cl ck, carpet THE. COMPLETE . buv . an thing' though I h ar ele tric cl ck, ' 3 b "d. , 4 jr ~J" , tand, lot f h ' 1 i.l1 ~' I t SERVICE STATION that th ey have a fine he rd of of di he an i coking ut.ens I , Id offce ,gTin lier. . re.l6 tered J ersey . now. Th e t .P pric.e 'paid \\raS six hun ctl'ed MISCELLANEOUS . A LIMITED SUPP~Y 'OF dollar paid for " Standad 2 l awn m ower , ' C the, gtu'l!en plow, ~() gal. il drum, Pi neer Fern." I ' \\ on:t r who SOUTH WIND GAS HEATERS IN STOCK mall to o l ~, chicken c p, curtain str teh I' ,. Ljuilting fram s, thinks lip all th e pedigr 'e c10thes rack, 22 rifl e, cloth~s hamper, p rch ' \\ in g, tlll .:, name.. "Volunteer Maril yn ' Lady", "Fillpail Wonder Act!'l ass 'an and m any other to num ro u t m 'nti n. res ", "Silver De i o'ner Gip " TERMS: CASH each brou.~·ht over four hun jred doJlar and man y, mati mar WAYNESVILLE, OHIO NORTH MAIN STREET hrou .~ht from two hundred to two hundred and fift .. This \Vas another one of tho e sal 5 with AS GUARDIAN OF THE ESTATE O~" the pedi~rees prin.ted ' in a cataMARY E. SMITH, AN INCOMPETE~i __ l<?~ue, 'a tent and a aw d u ~ t nn .~. One of th e churches from WIlBUR N. SEARS Auel. . Springboro served lunch, not WAYNESVILLE, oHio -PHONE 2651 only hambur~ rs hut potato salad and baked bean., chicken


Bunnell Home



Dr. C. E. Wilkin


Dar ian's ae






Sat Oct 18 19 '7 .








~..... - .. _~-

hnrt er N

• -

- , ---


,J 1 ~o




I've Oi"! ri -t OF



In the tate of t al r ), ' 194 7, puhli hed ,i~ re pon ~ t o all rna t. Com I tr 11 r of til urr n under ectlon 5211, , . Revi ed tatu _

, ASSETS Ca h halance with ih rank , i n luding r • 'rY e balance, and ash item in proce s of colle t io n $ United tate _ G ov ernment obligati n , dir ct an j guarant ed . ..... ,.............. ., ... ,..................... . f tates and political u divi in .. .. bli ation ther bon , note, and . d ntures .............. : ... .. Corp orate tock ( Lnc1udin $4,500.00 stock f F deral Reserve Bank) ............................... . L oan ' and discount (inc1udin $32 9.9 . ov·erdrafts) .................................................... . Bank premise owned $1,000.0 , furniture and 'fixtures $1.00 ........................................... . Other As ets ............................. .. ................... .

42 7 9 _6.5 t }

90 , 19.22 295,172 .7 4 54, ) 1.25 4,500.00 292 ,6


1, 0 1. 00 15.85

'T OTAL ASSETS ........................ ;.. : .............. $1,l :W,·!_6 .4 9

LIABILITIES Deman depo its of individuals, partnership . and orporation ................................................ 1,50 ,4S4.17 Tim deposits of individual -, partne r hips an 'corporati ons ............. .................................. . 155,940.77 Deposits of United tate Government . 77,547.44 (includin g po tal . avin<r ) ............... : ................ . 50,4 .7 6 Depo it of fates an politi al su divi ion ........ . 11', 2 5.27 Other, deposit (certifi, d and ca hier' ch ks, etc.) TOTAL DEPOSITS ............ $ 1,803, 7_ .41 TOTAL L1ASI LITlE

.............................. ..


CAPITAL ACCOUNTS Capittll t ock: C mmon t ack, total. par $75,0 0.00 ............... . Surplus . .................................: ....................... .. ndivid d pr 1its ............................................ ... .. TOTAL CAPITAL ACCOUNT

75,0 75, 0 2 ,7 00. 17 6,7 00 . )

TOTAL LlABILlTIE AND CAPITAL ACCOUNTS ............................. 1,98 ,42 6.49

MEMORANDUM As et pledged o.r as igned to eCUT·e liab ilities and for other purpo es .......... .......... ...... ...... . .....

134,93 1.25

State of Ohio, C unty of Warren, s·s. ~l S.·I. Rot inson, cashier of the a ove-n amed . bank, do olemnly wear that the above statement is true to -the best of my knowl @dge and belief. . L. ROBINSON, Ca hier Sworn to and subscribed before me thi 11 th day of Octob r, 1947! L. H. GORDON, Notary Public Correct-Atte t: . (SEAL) RO S H. HARTSOCK GEO. J. WATERHOUSE Directors HOWARD URFACE



Pa,g-e 6

r rent. I pur uant 1( e tion ' 89 1-1 t 1-5 of th hi Gen 1':11 , i e u!, l n all lot ·. l and ' an:l 1 havin g

AN ' ORD!~!' _ NCE I



F I X 11'(; T H ~. : . T :" T) B t: 1947 .HA GEO 8 Y THE 'ILLAGE C. r- \ ,', -1 ' E~ \"ILLE, HI, ag V{tLt.e I \ aler r th r T THE \,V EH ' F BE Elillui d, eith r j ire tI . . \ I' inFITED I I E TY F R TH E anitarv ' ~E F IT. ANITAHY with tl1 dir ctl . int the vil l a.~· ' anita·ry E VERA E 't ..: TEM, R y tem an i t \ th , te1,11, a e ve ra .~, PART T HE EOF, I CL 0- pump ing, treatment anj ii. -. I J THE EW A (J E P M - ~ 0 al work of ai j Villa g • the: servi e harge or n.:ntal ~"Ia 'f ' u h hargr ahl, a her inafter pre ide 'l, J AND TR.EATMENT rr ceed r ntal 0 d.criv e i t o' l 'f r th \V RK IN OFIDEH T PR an in am unt det 'rminable ,a VIDE F NO F R THE u e of the an'tar y _' ". r:1.e,' tern and the r umping, treat- folJ w : MAINTENANCE, PERA. ment ·and , di"p sal \\ ark. f (a) For any I t, P:11' el f land, TI NAND C NTROL F as hereinaft r PI' aid ViJIage, . buildin g r ~ remi e. : ituate I AID Y TEM. vided. within the c rporat limit f WHEREA ,Th ilIa 'e ' o f Section 2. For the r urr o~e the Villag--e of \ a v n ~ ~ ville, Wa ne v ille ha lon O" ince Ohio, and havinR: an y Connecundertaken to bui l d and put in of this ord inance the term "~anitary ewage" and "Industion with the villag anitary operation a sanita'r ewerag tnal Wa tes" are define . It Y tem or a ce iblt: seweraRe f colsy tem for the purpos fol1ows: to said sanitar y sewerage system anitary t wage an j lecting ii re tl¥ wheth er - co nn ected conve. ing the arne away from (a) "Sanitar by defined as th e \Va t.e fr m theret or n ot, or other\; 'ise di 'to a place f di pO~'a l, a·nd has sink. l)ath tub. sho\\ ers, ,\ aiel' chargin . ~ anitary ewa ~~ . in]on,g- sinc undertaken to c n-· urinal, l avatoriec::, closets, du tri al \ ast s, \\ ater ()J' oth I' ewe r , struct interceptin,e,' or inpumpinK tation' , forc mains. househ Id·laundries. ce llar fl or liquid, either directl and a iispo al w rk f r the drains,' garba,~e floor drain. , dir ctl , into the vil1age anL wera.o·e Y tem. (Ii ireatment f uch _,ewa.e:e; an j bars, soda fountain, Ll l'idoL. tary refrigerator drips, drinkii1g char,~e or rental hal1 I. e I as d WH.EREA, Th.e Vil1ag~ fountam, table fln or drain" upon the quantity of water us d CounCI l find , in order to pr - and al1 other imilar wa. teo . thereon or therein a the ' arne mote the public haith, safet I (b) "Indu tr:ial 'I\/a _t " ar i . mea. ured h the villa, 'e w~t er welfare and co nv enienc·e, that ~er~ b'y defin d It be,in ,l!" th meter th re in U , an j ther a stem of anitar ' ew rag'e lJqUld or ther wa te re _ultin go hall he , har ,~ d. f I' th fir t inc1udin~ interceptmg" , w'ers from any co mmerci(ll, manu·-. 20, 00 g-aIlons of water, or : ~nd force main. ew·a.e:e pump- facturing ' or indu trial . r e ra- part thereof, 0 us d per m.e: works and a ewag:e treat- tion or proc _se . quart r· y ar, the um of Five ment work, are nece _ary, and ($5.00); f I' a h Section 3. F r the r u rpo e" Ollar that in o rder i ra y the c t of thousand ~a l1 on of \\ ater u d as provided in Se ti n 1 nl ~ the management, maintenan in 'e c f _o,00 Iral l n operation and r·epai r, r f r the . hereof there i her b levied and not exceeding 3 , 00 gaL 11 l(l t and ase sed up n enlar~em nt and replac ment Ions per quart. r y aI', at th of the sanitar wera~ tem pa.rcel of .land, bui ldin~ or re - rate f Fifteen enL ( , .15) l!11se ~avtng an . ewer nn ana the se\~ag-e pl.1l:npin,g', tr attlOn WIth the anita'r e\ rage per 1, 00 g:all 11-; f I' eac 1 ment and dl po al w rk and t f water in system . of stlid villag'e r th '·r- thou and gall n pa the intere t upon the b ,0 " O'all ns an .j xc' s of wise dischar,e,'inge\vage, e\ver· i su~ an j out tandin.e: and t be· issll j t prov i Ie fun j for the on tru tion there f and t (Watch This Space Grow) retir sai d bon i a the matur jt is necessary to levy and DON'T MISS IT .0Ilect a charge or rental up on BE SORE AND COME the lots, land and premi " S YOU'LL WANT TO HEAR _erved b ' eweni. ge co nn 'ct[ n BRING YOUR BIBLE with the sanitary ' _iewer sy tem of aid VilJa~1.'e; ,ther f re, · BE IT ORDAINED by the Council of the Villaie of THE INSPIRATIONAL SINGING Wa ne ville: . ENJOY THE FELLOWSHIP Section 1. It i her h THEGOSPELPREACHED,~~----------~~ termined and declared to e STUD", THE WORD OF GOD TOGETHER necessar and Gonductive to the protecti on of the l ubli health afet , welfare and conveni nc ! of the Villa,g-e of Wa nesville RALPH E. STINSON, Minister Telephone center ille 7341 . Ohio, to levy and collect



Coming Soon .'

.Evangelistic Service

Ferry Church of Christ

, Master Ronny. mart of WiJmil1g ton pent th pa t w ek 'With his aunt, Mr. Ha ro ld Smart.


Mrs. Louis,e Wil on, Ma ' t r Ronny Smart a Conger pent Friday home 'of Mrs. Martha in Lebanon.

. .



''. : ~



Regular or Dr.i p . . ·. 1 ·Ib. pkg ..

-DOT PRUNE PLUMS- Delicious·

and h ~Ithfu). a app tizer, de sed . No.2 ¥.a can or in alad.

'2 5

HGy_Rocket :. with PEP box top '14~ and 15 . . 8 oz. pk . . ,


-DOT APRICOTS- Whole peeled.

8 Y.'2 C



S,ERVICE THAT SATISFIES WHIO DaY lon 12: 30 E. \ . T. Dial 1300. WLW IncinnaU . ] 2: 40. Dl f\ l 7(){). tor Our ball,y Mark t Report. .

Gentlemen: ~ enc10ae $.... ... Please enter ' a .1·yeCll' subscription to ·your r.ewspaper and Sport Maqazine. NAME . ..... .•••••••••••••••••••••••••

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NORRIS BROCK COMPANY C incinnatl Union Stock Yards .Live Wire ' and Pro~ressive. An oraanization second to none. Strictlv sellers on the best all around market in the




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Mrs. Raymond Farquer ha..: returned after pending: th e· pa t t wo we ks vi itinR,' relati v - in , Flordia.


. assorted cereals with coupon worth 10c. . -Sepcial lIe


South Main Street



not in ex e . of -l ,( )n gaoo n per quart r ar, at t1i nt of enl" ( . 1' ) I' r

T n

1 )) () '

g-allon · ; for a 11 th oll " 1n i gallon water in x -s f 4 g-all nand IH 1 in ex 'e . : f 5 ga 11 11 ,P ' r q tI a rte . ar at the rat f Fiv Cent" .( 0 .05) Ter 1, 000 g'f\ l1 on ; f , r ea 'h th u and ,(!'allon: in x . of 50,000 g:all ri at the rat of T\ an j ne-half nl (50.0_) I r 1,000 ,zall on per quart r; r rovid "'d, th at th min- ' i l11l1n1 harge , hall h 55,on per quarter a.r or l1art til re- '






( f ) For an y lot, parco I f tan:1, 1 uilding or pn;~ mi :> ituat 'ct ut ide of the con ora.te limi t of th e Villag of Wa ne v ill , Ohi , and an nn ~ ti n \\ ith til villa ,~' ~ anitar y sewera~' e ys tem r th rwLe di har,e:in,g- ~ anitar e\ ag- , in iustrbl wa t , wat r or til- r li quid, eith r directly or in :tiredl. , int the vi ll ag' sanit ary \ rag ' sy t 111, ai f chnrg' hall h ha ed UI on th quan tit y of water u.ed ther on or th 'r in as th am i mea ured I a \\ ater mder th er in us ' which m t r hall h to the appr val f th Snare! of Tru te , f Puhlic Affai r : and ther hal l 11 char,g f r the fir t 20,000 g-all.on of water) r part thereof. s u d per quarter y ar, th sum of ' Six D l1 ars , ( $6.00) ; for each th ou and Q"allon of water u d in exce of 2 ,0'0 0 g'atl nan not exceedin,g- 30,0'00 ~a l1 n per quarter \ear, at th rate of Ei,g-hteen C nts ( $0.18 ) per thou and ~al1ons; f reach thou and gallons of water in 'exee of 30,000 ,g:atlon and not exce din ,g' 40,000 g-allon p r Quarter 'ear at the rate nf Twelve cent ( $0.1 2 ) per thousand R'allons for each thou and ,g-allons of water in exce of 40,0 0 .~allon and not' exce din,~ 5 0,000 .. ,~al1 on s "per Quarter at the rate of ix Cent ( $0.06 ) ner thou an gallons ; for each th ousand. ~altons in exces of 50,,000 per Quarter at the rate of Three, ·Cent ($0.03) per 1,000 gallons; provided th at ,the minimum charge shallr. be Six Dollar ( $6. 00) per quarter year or Dart thereof. (c) In the event a tot, parcel of land. buildin,g- 'or premise di sehar~inJ! sanitary sewa.z . in'_ dustrial wast " wate r or other liquids into the vill a'e ~nit ary sewerag-e system, eith er directlv or indirectly, is not a u er of water supDlied by th.e. De ~art - _, ment of Water of vma~e and the water u ed thereo n or there- ' in is not measured by the villa,g-e water mete r. or hy a- meter acceptable to , the Board nf frontier 18 Trustees of Public Af'fairs. then. 17 A: mer i can in 'each such case. the a'mount classic of a vanishing people. of water so used shalt he other- A big picture of a va'nishing wise , measured o.r determined LAST OF THE MOHICANS hy the ,Board of Trustee. of people. A big picture of Indians " Public Affairs in order to de- and w~stetn , ren egades. termine' the sewe'r service St a r r in g: Randolph' , s.cott, ,, charge or rental 'provided in thi ordinance or fhe ,owner or bther Binnie Barnel and others. interested pa rty at h is ex pense Also: Color Cartoon, Animal may install and maintain a short. meter acce'ptable to the Board 19 The toweting story of 20 of . Trustees of Public Affair a turbuient love tolo to the for said purpose. , (d) In the case ·a lot, parcel of thunder of ' horses, hoof beats. land, buitdinR' or premi es dis- A fast moving ,tate of excitecharges industrial wastes, either ment on the race track. directly , or indirectl y, into th e THAT'S MY MAN village ',sanitary sewerage sy- Starring: Don Ameche, tern, and the Board of Trustee Catherine McLeod with RQscOe of Public Affairs finds that it is "arnl, ,J ohn Ridgely. ' not practical-to attempt to Also: News. !Ueasure such wastes by mete r, It shall measure such wastes 'in 22 She was, beautiful and 23 such manner and by such breath. taking. Still a demon method as it may find practic-. ruled her to slay the man she 3:ble i9 the light' of the condi- loved. tIOns and attendant circumBEDELIA sta~ces of the case, in order ' to with Margaret Lockwood, Ian . ' determine the sewer service, Chhar~e or rental, according to HUDter and Barry Barnes. t . e corresponding rates per Also: Joe _McDoakes ancJ.. tthh~usand cubic feet provided in Technicolor musical. , IS ordinance.

A. Ander- 1 0",,3

Dr. T. P. GROSVENOR opt metri -t - , Maill t. ' Ph one 10 FRANKLIN, OHIO

I er E. O. SCOTT , Repre - ntin .....o '





WESTHEIMER & CO. Securities Bought -Sold -Traded Call 'Waynesville 2530 '


AD 3257








Located on Route4El, Soutn of Route 73 at . . .

PEER'S ,L ONESOME PINE INN at only $&86.80


'LODGE NOTICE , \Va ne ville l I. ~ I \1 . 1),) tafed Meetin, ', Tue ' :iay, ct. 14, 7: 0 p.m,

CLRSSIFIED SECTION • • CLASSII'IBD AD UTa ~ . • or lea one tkDe. •••••• 350 "

J5 words

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LoaDaFEDERAL LAND BANK LOW COST ' FARM LOANS ( 1) No fees or commission (- ) Int~rest rate are 1 0~-4 0/0 (3) Pay an or part anytlJ1.1e- , stop intere t on po rtion paid. Call -' , write - or see LEBANON NATIONAL FARM LOAN UlIANON,. OHIO. Phone 448 Ellis H . Sturm, Sec'y-Treas. REAL ESTATE DON'T FORGET 1':0 CALL us for Insuranc~. All types of Insurance at a savings. Call Francis Gene Brown, phone Waynesville 2935 or call colle., t. . Wilmin~ton 2~111.






'Oon Henderson. Tel. KE3446. ~'7 J.,Qraln Ave .• Dayton. Ohio. tfc

NOTICE OF ELECTION ON ADDITIONAL TAX OUTSIDE TEN MILL LIMITATION Notice is hereb ~ ive~J that in pur uan fare olutIon f the Board of Educati n of WAYNE SCHOOL 01 TRICT, pa sed the 7th da of Ju,1y, 1947 there will be su mitted to a vot~ of people of aid School District, at the G eneral E l ~cti. n to be held in said h 01 Ol t~1 t at the regular place of votm,g therein. on Tuesday th e 4th day of November 1947, an additional tax at a rate not exceedin g 3 lriitls. for eac.h , ne dollar of valuatIon whl h amounts to 30 cents fo r each. ne hundred dollar of' va luatIOn, f r 'th e purpo e of CURRENT EXPENSE OF TH E ' CHOOl DI TRJCT. for a period of 3 ye ars beg i ~1I1ing for the ta?, ,ear 1947. . , . The poll for aId election will open at 6: 0 A. M. and remain open until 6 :30 P. M. (Eastern Standard Time) of aid , da . ' . By orders ·of the B ar i ot, Elections, of Warren County, Ohio. D. W. Bi h p, Chairman H. C. tile. Clerk

AND tel' 1~)4"z, an a~ '; ti n,l l t,)·· :It B IlOING AODITIO a rat not eXL :lin ,~ ' 1 mill . f I ACQu IRING THE NECE.ea 'h n dollar of v'lluatlon , '... ARY ITE THE HEF RE, in which amonnt.s t 10 cent- r each ne hun:ired d )llar nf 1ll sum f Tw H Lin :ired and aluation. f r the r ur~ c e f two Th u and Fiv Hun ir i ($20_ 5 0 .0 0) dollar~, an ~ a , C RREN T EX E :) E . f O? levy of ta xe he made . ut - I L hool Di tri t, for a p TlO i of the ten mill limitati n _tInlat d 1 ear, be~innin ~ for the tax t Y the county audit r t a , Ta, 'C , ' ear 1947. 3 .:20 mill for e 11 ne d lIa r The polls f raid el > ti n of valuation, whi h am unt to D. W. Bi h p. will open at 6 :3 0 A. M. and n o , dollars and Thirt ,-t o . Chairman remain op n until 1 :'. 0 P. M. ac~ one (Ea tern ' tandard T lrn ) of ($0.32) . cent for. H. C. Sti le, hundred dollar of valuah n f r <:aid day. , . Clerk By order of th e B 'trd of a maximum period' of twenty- . five (25) years t , ~ ay th Elections of Warr·en C un ty, principal and intere t on such Mrs. Will C . t.' J hn vi ite j Ohio. ' bonds: . Marg-uerite Th o m~ n:tf le D. W. Bi h p, The poll for ' aid ingt n, K '.' over the we k end. Chairman , H. C. tile, Clerk

'FOR SALE - Two Lots and NOTICE OF ELECTION ON Defense Cabin on Third ADDITIONAL TAX OUTSIDE treet. CIa rene Gw'inn. \ TEN MILL LI~ITAT.ION ~1023 Notice is hereby ~lven, that in' pursuance of a re o.luti n f Homes For Sale-the council of the Vll1a~e f Waynesville, Warren Count , . FOR ALE- Six room house; Ohio pa sed the 7th day ,of bath; runnin,g- pring water; Jul y' 1947, there Will be subfue l oil furnace; fire place; vote of the ~ e~ple mitted to a . borne built about one year; of the Villa, g -e of Wa, ne VIlle, barn; chicken house; eiRht Warren County, Ohio at tl),e acres land; at Caesar's Creek General Elec,tion to he held In . and Little Miami brid~e; on said Vil1a~e at th e re~ular places Oregonia Road; Elmer Lamb of votin~ therein, on Tue da V RC 3. Wa nesvi11e. 3-1023 the 4th day 'of November '1947 an additional tax at a rate not liouaehoid Good. excee.din~ 2.5 mjlls. for e~ch one dollar' of valuation whIch FOR ' SALE ~hina. Tea amounts to 25 cents for e Service. Six Cups and one hundred dollar of valua... aucer , . Cream and Sugar, tion, for the purpo e <?f ' Teapot. Other pieces of CURRENT EXPENSES of aId China and Cut Glass. Mrs. Village, be~innin~ (or t~e tax, Peterson. Friends Home. , year 1949 ' and for a perIod of -1016 4. yea rs thereafter. , 'The polls ' for said election FOR SALE - Estat.e Heatrola, will open at 6 :30 A. M: a ct Heats 3 Rooms. Good Condi- remain until' 6 :Bo P M_ tion. Cora H errin~ton, Rt. (Ea:sternopen Standard Time ) ,of 2 Waynesville. -1 016 said day. By orders of the board 'nf, L~VE S'T OCKElection. of Warren County, FOR SALE - 2 year old Re- Ohio. O. W : Bishop, gistere'd Hamsh ire Ram. Also Chairman some ~ood seed rye. Morris H. ·C. Stiles. Brown. Phone Cet;)terville Clerk ' Mo. 702'0. Spring Vattey Rt.


NOTICE OF ELECTION ON BOND ISSUE WAYNE TOWNSHIP Notice is hereb y ,given, that in pursuance of a ' res lution hy" the WAY N E TOWNSHIP TRUSTEES, Warren County, Ohio pas ed the 10th day of September 1947, there wi JI he submitted to a vote of the people of Wa ne Township at the General Election t be held in aid town hip, at the re~ular places of v ting therein, on Tue day the 4th day of November 1947, a Bond. l:sue, for the purpo e of PROYII ING FIRE APPARATUS, APPLIANCES, B U I L D J N G ,OR ITES THEREFORE, in , the lim of Twelve Thou ~ a n d ($ t 2, 00 . 00) DoiI ~TS, and a tevy of tax ~ 1 e mad . outsi ie th ten mIll limitation estimated ty the County auditor 'to average 0.00044 mill for a ~ ne dollar of valuation whl h amounts to ' no d 11ar and f ur and fouT-tenth ($0.044 ents for each one hun rec1 d' lIar ' of val uation, for a rna 'Imum period of t en (1 0 ~ , ear~ to p'ay the principal and inter st on such bond s. The polls f r said election will open at 6 :30 A. M. and remain open until 6 :3 P. M. (East.ern Standard Time' said day. . By order of the Board of Eledions, of Warren County, Ohio. D. W. Bishop, Chairman H .. C. Stiles, Clerk

NOTICE OF- ELECTION ON BOND ISSUE W ~,YNE ' LOCAL SCHOOL DISTRICT Notice is hereby R:iven, th at in pursua'n ce of a reso luti n 11 Y the BOARD OF EDUCATION OF THE W A YlN E LOCAL SCHOOL , DISTRICT WARREN COUN TY , O HI O, passed the i,8th da, of .AlIg'u t t 947, there will be subllllttej ~o 1. -HI .~() , a vote of the people of Iud NOTICE OF ELECTION ON schoc)} district at th'e General USED ,..CLOTHINGADDITIONAL TAX OUTSIDE Election ' to be held in said , 'TEN MILL LIMITATION School bistri~t1 at the regular FOR ALE Man'~ Guod Notice is hereby ~iveq, that Hor chide Leather Coat all- in pursuance of a resolution of places of voting therem, on . woo l plaid lining i size 42; the Board of Education, of Tuesday the 4th day of NovemPhone or Call at Jc e M A S·S I E LOCAL . SCHOOL ber 1947. a Bond Issue, for the Prenderga t on Third St. . DISTRICT. passed the 23rd day purpose of CONrTRUCTING A FIR E PROOF SCHOOL , , --1 03 0 of July 1947. there will be sub mitted to a vote of the people • AUCTIONEERING W.:...:.....:A~N_T_E_D_-~:-M_I_S-:-C_.-:---:---;--' , or said School Distrid, at the STANLEY' .and, KOOGLER WANTED - launderin ,~ t do , General ElectiC?n at the ~e~ul~r BROKERS LICENSE in my home. Twenty-four places' of votm~ therem, 011 For Dates. Phon'. 28~'4,0 Wavnesville. h o ur ~e rvice . Phon 2986. Tuesday the 4th day of Novem-: Ohio. ~8aI.rae Charaes -103 0C

,"DOC'S" :Weather Chart 1943 1947 oct 5 32-65 fro t 48 -8 4 , " 6 45-72 fair 48-84 7"30-75 fro'st 46 ., 1'8 8' 48-80 fair 46-80 9' 45-82 fair 52-76 10' 40-85 fair 44-76 11: 50-~5 fair 52 78


fair ' fair fa'ir fair fair fa!r fal1'


$1 ,8;

AMBULANCf HOME-LIKE AND INFORMAL Our funeral horne with it chape l and modern c n truction is sti1l th e home-like place wher familie can meet in comfort and in privacy. There is no form lit . F r a time, at Je L t, it is inde d y IU!' home.








WAY N E S V IL L E, 0 H I 0

CAs' a fOR


\ Any make o'r model Fred Kahn Motor'Car Co.




Armitage .&Son




, e 're ert. .





This is the Model with th'e ONE THIRTEEN INCH BURNER.




HOGS , $6 cwt•



~'CII" ••,

. E. G.. Buchaieb, Inc.



X E N I A Fertilizer 454 o. Rwarae Charae.


rFairley. Hdwe..Store ,

6 PHONE 2441



Fairly 'Familiar , b:t EFFELDEE The Wa yne Town. hip T t u: tees are presenting- t th~ V( k .~ of Wa yne T own hi~ el t th €- ne},! election, Nov. 4, a h 11 j i . uc I for the provU 11 (,f Fir .. Apparatu, Ap pli:1 ·n , ~ Itnd Building-r it :: tb 're f , in the sum of $1_,OQ () ,()() . The a .. levy for thIS prnp , ed hon j i sue will be f our and f our tenths cent' f or ea h n hun _ dred doIlar of valu:ltion. This amount · r I r I1t ' al _ . proximately 65 ' nt I er y e' r to the avera,ge prop rt () ~ n '. A small amount in je d f( r the . protection that wi II I :. forted ,the villa,ge of \-Va n ' svi l lt: ani the farm communit y in Wa yne . Town hip. Th e mod ern equip ment that will be in. tall e j i. an asset to the to\v n and c m. munity worth m::ln v tim e t h . ' cost of the b ond i~sue. ixt _ five cents p r Vf:tr a- erag-e er til ri . ' cost is a Jittle a post card per w ' ek. I '·t worth that to u Mr, Pr "e rt ... Owner to have at v ur O1 . mand one of th e fi t' t . ',.:fi~htin~ outfits that i b::oi J.(!' p -r. duced today? Hnw c rt! " ,' in any way accom ILl: a cheaper protection? For the safef of y Ul' 1 :- • perty; and your neig-hbor., I t! in the viJIa ,g-e ana-rhe to\\ n. J:; , _ be sure to vote for th e fir truck bond is ue on Nov. 4:

M Ia III . _ . . ~ JU= = Dio = =--= r ~ C la = .J-ss~PJiiJ=ay,---This Frida Th ' z E T T E Ii A l'0i, '


The Juni or CIa ' of W a nes-


vill ir e Hi th ~ layh enthi11e01 d ,,'ill pie








Vi ew of Ea t stairway howing it penin into the Sixth Grade r m. No protection here i'n case f fire: Only liht for this 'ro om i f r m th ese window and a 'mall, din (I'y kylight. Room ' i overcrow d d. Get rid 0f th se conditi on - vat for the bond is ue on Nov. 4. -This picture o n ~ 'red y til Mothe r ' ~ Club

A Hallow 'en Carnival sp or!. sored by the Harveysbur~ P. T, A. will be he'ld Friday ni~h ' , Oct. 24 at the' Harveysbur School Gym, ' . A · supper will be seryec st~rtin,g at 5:30 p. m. an c' l wj]] continue throuR'hout the The 6frl SCOtJt~ fre1d ' their evenin,g, , ,The masked parade will be. 145t meetin~ on Wednesd ay held at 9 :00 p. m. and prizes Oct, 15, 1947. They have acquired an will be awarded f or the various assistant Scout Leader and are cfqssification . continuinj!' the meet·ings. An aucffiJiT wi ll be held ('If They have 8 new Scouts who miscellaneous articles donated into the Scout were welcomed ,by persons of the community. In addition to the e main Wednesday. A 'cerfmony was f.eatures ,t here will al 0 be a given in which they received fortune teller. fish pond, cand , their pins - and membership , cards. Refreshm ents followed popcorn, cider, etc. and a ~ood time was had by The public is invited to atten d all, this affair and enjoy the fun. The next meeting will be Wednesday Oct. 22, 1947 at the High chool.

On Sunday- afternoon at ·Wayne Park th~ld Men'~ o f Waynesv'ille played a softball ~anie with a reputedly old man ~roup from Spnn~ VaHe, . However the latter R'roup proved to be not so ' old since the score was overbalanced in their favor and the local "boys" went ·down to defeat in the 'Iast Kame of ,ball to be played on the local diamond thi • ea on. , Ralph Edenfield, mana~er of the Wa yne Athl tic A ocia tion, donated the proceed from the donated collection to the Band Boo ter' Club for use in their promotional work with the WHS Band. In , additi on t o this collection other funds derived from sellin,g- refre hments broUj!'ht the total amount t o



The WHS Band marche j from the Hij!'h School Building , to the hall diamond where th v ,gave several. numbers under the direction of Mr. Don Gahris, instructor. They were ' ,enthusiastically receive,d l1y the ' many persons present to witne s the band presentation and the ball ,game that followed. The' Band B00ster's Club . wishes to take this opportunity to express their thanks to , Mr. Edenfield for the td onation received and alsQ to Fairley Hardware for the lJ e of their truck.

'''He Was A Gay Senorita"

() n F r i~:

'M. ' en in g,

0 t. _4, at


Mt. Holly Church Holding Lecture

BAND BOOSTER NOTICE The Band Boo ters will hold a rumma,g-,e sale at , Mem orial Hall, Leban on, aturda Nov, 8, 1947, tartin~ at nin e o clock. Will ever one tha can do 0 contrli'uie an y thin ,~ of alable nature. Gather it up an 1 hold it for a later notice n a centI:al deliV er I'oc ation Please attend the next Band Booster me.etinK whi ch will be hel~ at th e Hi gh Sch,ool AuditOrium, M()nday Oct: 2 7 at 8 :00 o'clock. Don't ,go away folks, you haven't Seen anything . et, Band Boo. ter _

A series of archaeolo,gieal lecture , illu trated '" ith clear and brilliant c Inrp(l stereopticon picture, revealing startlinK di coverie about the Bible, will J e cteliverect in th " Mount HoIly Meth di t Church by Rev, John T. M rri , a nati onall. known , peaker, beg-inninruAday ni,e:ht Odober :26, 19 47 at 7 :3 0 o'clock, and continuing very ' night thereaft er at the arne · hour, thru Frida,y ni ~ht, ·Oct.

. 3 1•

Dr, M ('l rri ~ i 1n r iained Presbyterian mini ter, and is an OPERATION PERFORl\-!ED ~---a. ocia.t e mem ber of th e AmeriON "BOB" MEHAFFIE can Schools of Oriental ReBob Mehaffie of Wi' _nessearch. ville was taken to Miami Va.lley . unday ni~ht wit,h 'the sub. Hospital on Tuesday · where he ject, '~The Jews and Mopern "~.-..... Pa lestiTfe, '1"1ie-' viTI h\v oea'uti. underwent a,n appendictomy. The Mother's Club i stag. ful ~olored ' picture .. of the , His condition is reported to be in,g their annual Hallowe en amazm.g' char:g e whIch have R'ood. ' . Carnival on Friday eveningheen, made, m th e land of O t 31 S h 'I' PaJestme. · h t th H C, a e I c 00 M dI1JK ' ht pIC . t ur ~ WI'II ym. . on ay . There will be co ~tume prizes, be shown. of the ,e,xcavatlOt:ts of big prize drawinK dancin~ the anCient cIties. Jencho, bi.n.g'o, palmi try. refreshme'nts Babylo~ and, T el ~sma. Tues~a y, m R'~t; pIctures of the and many other features to pro.. vide a full evening entertain_ hu~e fIsh whl,ch could have The program committee of ment for both. younR' and old. swaJIowed forty men.; and of the Warren Council of Church The costume prize will , h ~ the .f>:cav.atlOn ,.of Nlpeveh .. ~' omen i-s plea'sed to announce awarded f r the best G yp ' V, . ~ ,edn.esday night. Amazm~ that Dr, Willis H. Hall, of the · Hobo. Little Abn~r. Mo t OiL Clvlhzatl~f1 9f the Ur .of History Department of WiL Kinal Clown, Donald Duck and Chaldee~. . witH ' .color,ed PICminKton CoJlege, has been e. Bride and Groom. . , tures <!f. ~he amazing dlscoyery cured to ,give the address at the The bi,g prize d.rawin~ will of a CIVIlized 'p eople who hved IT IS YOUR QUTY . .' service observin,g World Com. award · several fine ' prize , a . Ion£, befor~ hi. tory ~eKan., as a parent to be at the Band munity ' Day to be held in the radio, an electric iron bein,g 'the , Thur ~a,~ tll,ghf hIS sub,ect !3,Ooster Me,eting; Monday even- M.ethodist .Church hl Waynes- major ones li sted , ' w i l l · be Wonde,r of Pa t 1I1,g October 29. ville Nov. 7, at 8 :00 P. m. ,DancinK on the· 50-~0 plan A.g'~s." Marvelo~s deeds of . . . Dr: H all who studied -for will be .held throu~out -the an~l~nt man WI.II be sh,own OPERATION PERFORMED three years in Geneva, witzer _ . evenin£, with Ben Hockman' whIch are beyond the power of . Mrs. Charles LeMay . under-land, is an interestlnK and in. ··Orchestra furnishin~ the mu ic. mo d ~rn man.. . went a major operafion ' at structive spea~er and is much Admissions of 20 cent f r ' f=T1d ay 11 I Q·ht. ,"'The" Hu.,g-e Jewish Hospital" Cincinnati, on in demand for his addre ses on adults and 10 cents f nr tudents Ammals of Adam s Day With Monda,y . " world conditions. are bein,g charg,ed. real rhoto,g-raph C! f the ,great man ter themse!ves. These pictures are very rare: a~d present a educational oppottunity, both in .' Biblieal and secular history, a well as for spiritual. inspiration. The lecture have no denomination _ A group ' of approx imat h al ' t eachin,z, ,\v~atever, and 20 per ons attended the v' n. body l , 1I1vlted. Freewill "Doc ' Richard how at th e Ff rm ,~ . chool Audit riuil1 la t Hi,srh Frida,y evening. Disa,gre ahl weat.her, previ ou 'e n g aK~tn nt " and, In no m all way, sk eptici m ' of many kept the , auditorium .. .from 'h~ i~ g filled a it hould ha ve be,en. If th o e ,who did nol ' attend had known \\.:hat those \vho we re there fund ' At the Wa ne T wnship out, that "Doc" Richard ha Po t ,No. 615" American Le~ion . plenty, "on the ball" th y too meetm~ held on' Monday Oct. would have been J)re, ent. 6, the followin,g 'officers': were It is believe'd that an th r named ' for , th e en suing- year' JDro,gram by the master hVl1n(L Che ter' Carey. Commande'r ;. ' 1tist wiII fill the hall. The ' Band Carl Cook, 1st vic~ CommanC\iBoosters, who. ponsored thi ' er; Wm. Lukens, 2nd \~ce ~;how are trying to ~et a return C mmander~ Robert Osborn View ' of basement hallway in Grade School building show'ing en,gagement for next spring-. Apjutant; ~enneth Bradley: open stairway, congested hall with potential fire hazard piled at The or?;anization cle'ar d Fmar:tce OffIcer; Frank More. ' right. Floor is dark, damp and. smelly. This porti n is only a few about $ 30 on this show whi <th man, Chaplain. adds to their funds for the u"feet from the dining halJ. Eliminate this condition by vC?ting for Formal installation of these the bond Lsue Nov. 4. -Picture spunsored by th~ Mother" Clul,. f ittin&'., and promotion of th ~ officer will b~ held in the near HS Band future.

·Girl Scouts Get Assistant Leader

Band Boosters . Received Donation


.Th ca t of character ' f£) r thi .unu ual pr sentation are as , follow: Larrv , Moore, Bob Hti. tin,!!.·s; Arnold Benjami'n, D on Luck ns; Daniel Benjamin, B h Hunter.; Vera . tewart. 8ett. Campbell; Jun e Gale, Norma f2umrniil;. Pat v,' J oe Ridinger; en oritJ. Co fa de Ja Torriente, Eula .Hoak; Carl otta Fe.rrez, Franc e~ \~ Iritaker; Lena Lutzenh eim, Miriam Johnson; Fritz Lutzenheim, 8i11 tanberry; Mrs. Span~ossi, Pe~KY Tumble on; Dr. Fors the, Biil Mehaffie. . The public is cordially jnvit. ed to attend. The AdmL , ion prices are listed at 40 cent f or adults and 20 cents for children.


p. T. A. Sponsors,' H~nowe'en €arnival

N·e __•

.Mother's Club


Dr. Willis H., Hall Speaks Here .Nov_ 7'

,Fair Attendance At Hypnotist Show

Che$ter .Carey.Now, Head ' Of Legion


FRIENDS First Day School 9 :30 a.m. Meeting tor Worship 10 :30 a.m.

Seventh Degree ~f National Grang~ For th first tim in th e R year' hi tor, of th ' Nati nal Gran,g tw da v will be d vo ted to the c i1f rrin g of the v nth Deg- re \vhen thi naL ional farm rgani zati n 11 I,d it annua l nventi on in C I·, um bus ne t month, .J s ph W. Fi hter, Ma -t r f the hi tate Gran ge, ann unc to. day. ' Plans origin all. mad' f r th e co nventi on provid d for the co nferrin.e: of th e ev nth De. xree, which i th highe t de'gree in th o l~!;anizati o n" six time on Thur oay, Novemher 13. The larg numb r f reo quests from Gran.!;e member in Ohio for tickets for the de· ~Tee have mad it nece ary to ,schedule an add itional pre enta. tion at 8:0 o'clock, Friday mornin g. November 14, Mr. Fichter stated. T-he . presentation of the d . gree six times, Thur da , N. vember 13', and once on Frida , November 14, will make it pos ibl e for 2 1,000 Gran,l?: , members to witness it. The degree will be con ferr d jn Loew' Ohio Theater. Col. um bu , in accordance with the followi~g , ched ule: Thursday, ' Novemb r 13,9:00 a. m. ; 11,: 45 a. m.; 2 :3 0 p. m.; 5 :3 0 p. m.; 8:~5 p. m.;' 10:30 (. m. ; Friday, ,Nov,e mber 14, 8 :0 a.

CAESARS CREEK FRIENDS Rev. David Sta~field, Minister Worship rvice 9 :45 a. m. Sunda Schoo l 10:45 a. m. You are invited to worship , with us.

Since 1933 up to Decem\.;l r 31, 1946 the tU ite,has t(l xeLi th ... motorists in the form , f th e 1l: liquid fuel tax a total of, S 1 7 1, 000,000. From , th,e G ~ n eral Revenue fund the stat ha r .> . turned onl. S43,4 0, 0 f r tate hi ghway , unt and township roa i : and city ( n :\ village street. Th at a diff r· e~ce of $12 8.0 ~O, 0 " 'hi h I,11ight have meant b ' tter r aj ',


~ rifPffM.


iI I I










in the Ohio Farmers ,will give you broad protection against losses on your farm. It, cover~ YOut buildings, your chattels, your automobile and your liability for accidents to others. Why not see w today? You you're .afe 'when you're insured in the Ohio FarmeDt





'Karl D. Dakin Insurance Agency







COMPANY co. ~~ ()~

up 17.'''1,.)



r '

Like things on, your

Grang.e memo r in, several sections' in Ohio have arrang-ed ' for special trains and buses 'fo r' the trip to Columbus, Novem· ber 13 and 14. 'Fichter said .. Also, planes and special trains and buses will bring lar~e de. le~ations fro mother sta tes. A group in the state of Washin~. ton has chartered a special coach on ,one of the' trans-con. tinental trains. '

vi i'ted Mr. and Mrs. Walte r El z y, un day aftern oo n.



Mr. and Mr ', K. L, Elzey and da ught r, Mar jorie of Dayt n,

" Ma ' r:


Gazette ' Page 2 No. 4339 23', 194 7

I , CiBPhone 153, 20 E. Mulberry, LEBANON, O.

STUBBS Funeral Home ,

, j


ready to help you in YOllr time f n e j,





bett r treet, _afer brid,g-c , traffic afet - I w r insurance rate, lives av d! A vote "YE " o n the B ,ttL I' Road ' and treet Amendmen.t Nov mbe.r 4 will rem j thi ' ituation.


shopping list









t: I



~Inctelles tinee 1939, ff9m Department of Labor Indu for moderatt

income familiee in larp cities, and from National Houlina ~aenq.


, METHODIST CHURCH ' R. B. Coleman. Minister Sunday School ' 9 :30 a.m. J. J. Rurske, Supt. 10:30 a.m. Worship Service Youth F Ilowship Thursday, 7 :30 'p m.


.OUlcosts have gone up, too!


MT. ,HOLLY METHODIST T. M. Scarff. 'MiDister ' Sunday School 9 :30 a.m , E. A. Earnhart, Supt. ' Wo " ....._ _ Even ng Servicl! 7:30 p.m.


ST. MARY'S EPISCOPAL Samuel N. Keys, Minister Ante.Commun,ion 8 :00 a. Church Sch,ool 9 :30 a. Nursery School , 10:30 ' a. Mornin g Pray r , 10 :30 a~


' . '

So.ME PEOPLE get along under higher

prices by u~ing less or doing wit~out. Some . have: more mcome to help meet higher tosts. All (:an adjust outgo to income, to large extelilt. ' Bllt a railroad cannot skimp or do without and still provide good, efficient and safe , serviice:-adequate to the needs and desires of the public. " , The chart at left shows why the Eastern 'Railroads have had to ask for an increase in freight rates. The simple reason is that the ' increases allowed since 1939 are nowhere ne'ar.enough to meet today's costs. The rev-




m. m. m. m.

'UTICA E. U. B. CHURCH Rev. William Shannon Sunday Sehool , ' 9 :3-0 a.m. Mrs. James Garris-on, Supt. Pr~aching. 1 st and 3rq Sundays, each month 10 :30 a.m.

under honest, economical and efficier, man~gement, to provide the kind o. service people want.

~ ,Some examples of increased costs

WA\ 'NESVILLE , ,CHURCH OF CHRIST ,Bible School ' 9 :30 a.m. Communion 10:30 a.m. Evening Service 8 :00 p.m.

'ST. ,AUGUSTINE Father Krumholtz, Priest Mass 8 ;00 a. m. and 10 :00 a. m.


FERRY CHURCH of CHRIST Ralph E. Stinson, Minister Bible School 9 :30 Morning Worship 10 :30 Prayer Meeting ' 7 :00 Youn~ People's Meeting 7':00 Evenin~ Services 7 :30

a.m. a.m. p;m. p.m. p.m.

enue the ,railroads get for hauling the average ton of freight is only 15 % more; w~ereas the 'cost of operating the r.ailroads ' has increased more than .63% in that period. Only recently, for instance, an arbitration boar4 added another $468,000,000 to ou~ annual bill for w.ages and wage taxes, of which $187,000,000 Is,borne,by the Eastern Railroads. This brings the increase in these items alone to more than 75% since 1939. All the railroads ask is 'w hat the law ' says they shoul~ be allowed to have . That means just and reasonable rates. The law says there is need. in the. public interest ' ' for .adequa~e and effiCient railway transportation service at the lowest cost' cortsisten ( with furnishing such service. ' • In oth~r word~, all the railmads a. IS suffiCient revenue to enable then


since 1939, ' " aft'ecting

railroad operation •







Increased freight rate. since 1939 have increaaed tl:te revenue from hauling the average ton of freight one mile

only 15%

. e: ... .......................••.•.•.....•..•••••................... .........••• W'~GE




.Eastern Railroad Presidents Conference ROOM 214-1.3 LIBERTY STREBT • NBW YO~K 6, N: Y.



Page 9 ,

T he Miami Gazct1e

Wa YJ1e~vj]).e,


No. 43:1q

Thursda , Octob r ,23;

t,94 7


I \




MJ\RRJAGE LICENSES Edward Kane, 25, Spl'ingiield, pres man as istant, Juliet F. Earnhart, 21; Waynesville. Willis Andrew King, 35, ineinnati. Weldp.l', Mary Jane Peters, 35, P leasant Plain, a embler. Robart Dyas,. 26; Carlisle, Clerk, Ma rtha Steadman, 23, Franklin, Stenographer. Albert Lloyd Essex, . 27, Middlet own, farmers helper, Ev elyn Rose Moore, 26, Kings Mills factory worker. Wayne , Laswell, 21, Loveland, Thousands of hop per protein operator, Katharine Kinner, throughout the Miami Valle , ] 7, Loveland. attending Rik F al l F '_tival , Leon Anthony Boeyingloh, 31, St. al , are eni oy in~ tile n~ w Louis, Mi soud, Lillian Louise , calat or iu t re nil" 11 j Mejnking 22, ,Mason, l'egistered at Ri ke' . Cu tom r have ie· nurse. cribed the e. cal aio r ,as the , Dallas Lamb,' 22, Oregonia f ac· ' mo_t beauti ful they ha v ev er , t ory wOl'ker, Nola Mae Hobbs, '18 n.' Th se escalai r' are takO,r egonia. eu tomer omf rtall and ' _m th l y t a11 even e11in ~ NEW SUITS f1oo r_ at Rik e' . . . ' . fT m' the Anita Younk er, a lint.or v , Ed- ' l1a men! to the ixt h fl oor. ' ward YounKer, divol'ee , e:xtreme In tallation of th e e Lalator cruelty, C. Donald ' Dilatush. ervic e was comp l t :l in 1im ' In he nlatt r of the tran :'(>]" of fo r 'f~i k e' Fall F e tival al funds of the Trustee of Ham ilton . after ten mon1]L of day and ' 1). Warren ounty, transfer of ni.ccht work hy en~in erin',\!" and funde:;. arl Abaecherli. cOlLt,ruction crews. Thirty two carloa of machiner" exclu. Mar'7 E . Walter vs. C. Dani el ive of c:oncrete and reinforce. WaJt,,!" 'and The Lehanon Citizen , National Bank, divorce, €:xtreme ments, we re requir d for the job. ' ... crt lty, ,C, Donald DlJatu's h. The e calatoT are f ur feet Alice Gilmour vs. Ralph Gilmour njyoree, gro s neglect of du ty. wide, the wi de t made, and trave] at 90 feet a minute. ' Y:C1'll'l g and You ng. as a capacit y o f 'Roberta Bray vs. William Bray. Each unit 8,500 rider an' hour. ni vorce. extreme cruelty, C. Donald Dilatu sh. Estate of Stephen J. Thiel, dec'd, Edith Thiel administratrix invenCOMMON PLEAS tory approved, Jack Schwartz vs. Ruby Eltzroth Estate of' Henry Frankenburg, defendant granted leave to' fil e dec'd, Josie Frankenburg executrix motions, demurrer of other plead- filed first and final account. ' ings withjn 'SO days. , Estate Of Alva B. Walker, dec'd, Winifred Millard vs. Albert MH- Mabel Walker~ administratrix filed lar~, divo'l'ce to plaintiff, plaintiff first and 1inal account. restored to maiden name. Estate of J. Merril Bone, dec d, Ruth Gray v'8~arles Gray de~ Hazel Verbryke e:xecutrix, inv.enfendant to pay plaiJ1tif~ sum , of tory hearing set for Nov. 4 at 10. $10 per week temp,orary aj)mon~ Estate of Jul~a A. Lain, dec'd, also $50 to her attorneys on or be- gross value of 'estate is $19,500. fOTe Nov. 9, 1947. Estate of-Clarence Elmer GasClark Melton vs. Hazel Melt on kill, dec'd, W. C. Chesney 'appointdivorce to plaintiff; custody of ed administrator giving bond with boys to plaintiff. custody of frirl sureties in the sum of $7000. ",0 d~fendant, plaintiff to :pay deEstate of Charles Bowyer, dec'd , fendant sum .9f $10 per week. Frank and 'Genevra Bowyer adVirginia Glackin Forney VI>. ministrators filed firs't final and Lawrence Fomey, divorce to plain :- distributive account. ' , tiff. real estate automobile and Est ate of Frank Wade Stanton, household goods to plaintiff, plain- dec'd, Ralph Calvin Stanton eX'E!CUtiff Testored to maiden name. tor proceeding under fo~er order Vera Mae Hall a minor vs. Len- approved, first and final and dis~ie Hall. defendant to pay plain- tributive account filed. ..tiff sum of $1~ pel" week - temEstate of Mary Compton, de'c'd, porary alimony also Sum of $50 Paulin'e Tullis exectrix to sell real to plaintiff's attorney, restraining . estate at private sa.le. order modified. Estate 'of Joseph McKinney, Hertha Schonfeld VB. Wmiam dec'd, Grace McKinney, executrix Schonfeld entry of Sept. 24, ' 1947 gross value of es~te is $11,54'7.16. modified. Estate of Mattie Creighton, Vivien Blair vs. Floyd Smith et dec'd, William Creighton executor a1., partition ordered. , , inventory approved. Garland Hines vs. Margaret Estat~ 01 Frederick Keller, d€c'd, Hines, divorce to plaintiff, child- Elizabeth Keller, executrix filed ren to defendant', defendant to pay appllcation for transfer of real pla~ntiff sum of $20 per week, estate. , Estate of Mary Constable dec'd, ., again ordered to pay $80 hospital bill: " ary Hatfield vs. John CO:?r et a1., service by publication ordered on non-resident defendants. PROBA',rE , Estate of Mary B. Ta:ylor, dec'd ; Walter Taylor, executor filed application for certificate 'of tra~sfer of real estate. Estate of Bertha Florea, dec'd, Byrnie Florea administrator inventoiry hearing set for Oct. 24 at

One of the special ' featu~e whi h make the e escalators a att ra tive i the indire t neon Ji~hting at both side 'of til e al~tor. Th is 1i.R'htin~ i COllidered a n ew 'der arture in maximum illuminati on an j afety, and \\ as d,e ig-ned' e 'clu ivel, f r The Rike - Kumler Coman '. on tube ' e n c l o~ ed in fro 't d Rla ' s cti on rang- a10nR' the in id panel th 1'ng;th of ea h unit. Lon,ge t section of th escalator i that fr om the f irst to he second flo or, a di tance of h ent, feet. Thi unit i powered bv a 20 '11 r-epO\ er motor. Oth-er units 'are f (l U rteen feet high and are moti ated by individual eighteen' ho'rsepower electric motors. In' additi n t6 the in tallati bn of these lovely new escala t r . all floors have been rearra n ~

d and red corated



that shopping at Rike , ;s a w onderful pe\, experienl'e.



Charters D. Maple trustee filed Must be taken IMMEDIATELY to prevent SPOILAGE 6th account. due to warm weather. Estate of Clara B. Van Doren, dec'd Carl ,Gutte'l'y execut or filed GRIMES JONATHAN DELICIOUS first and final account. RED ROME Estate of Bertha Gray, dec'd, CIDER .50 gallon Edgar Ludlum administrator filed first, final. and distributive ae. . count. Estate of Paris Douglas, dec'd,--I- - - - --II Anna Douglas administratrix filed application for certificate of transfer of real estate. HARVEYSBURG,' OHIO Estate of James Rolly Martin, 2 Mile. East of Harveysburg on Route 73 dec'd, gross value of estate is $12,838.62. ~



REAL ESTATE TRANSFERS Cash and Mary Wheeler to Audrey a nd Claude Thomas '10 ' acres in Franklin twp. Harry Kuhlman to Robert and Ada Lewis lot, in Maineville. Robert and Ada Lewis to Harry Kuhlman 'lot in Maineville. Israel and Edna Scott to..Riley and Lela Craycraft 2.75 acres in Wayne twp. ' Ross Hastie to Linley and Kathleen Wetzel 356 acres in Turtle,creek twp. Keith and Grace Boys to Fred Kahn 0.19 acres in Lebanon. J. Bruce and Etta West to Richard Kuebler 30 acres in Wllyne tw}>.

Alma and Floyd Crumbacher , to James and Gertrude Johnson 2 lots in Deerfield twp. ' Martin, Jr. and Eth~l Hess to

SHERWOOD ' Re&igeration Sales ======::::;::,,and Service '===========



Choice selection of BED ROOM

and LIVING ROOM SUITES. Priced to make them move quickly. Come in and see how •............ your money can buy•



DINNERWARE . Open Stock Bargain Prices BOOK CASES $18.55

. CHEST OF DRAWERS $23.65 W~lnut

or Maple Finish

Others at $21.73 each





10. Estat-e of Preston Robinson, dec'd, Callie Robinson administratrix filed first and final account. , In the matter of Trost , created by item two of th~ will of Josepl:tine Barnell, dec'd, Estella Barnes trustee filed 6th account. Estate of P. C. Dial, dec'd, , gross valu. of estate is $80,995.'13.

James and Mary Cassidy 100 acres Ralp,h Terry to Lena Rose Monds in Clearcreek tw;p. ' 1 acre in South Lebanon. J. A. Pimdergrass and D. F. Mary Lucille McElroy to ElizaBoynton to Dena and Sophia Welty beth Anne McEh'oy 10 acres in Deelfield tWfj. • 7 ,50 acres in Harlan tw}3. Donald and Sarah Schrader to Thomas Shockey to James and Vemon and Margaret Orndorf lot Della Lamb 2 acre in Wayne twp, in Franklin tW])o Calvin Franer to Cad Slussel', , Raymond and Geraldine Farquer Jr, lot in Franklin. Raymond and Irene Brown to "to E., liza Lamb 39.25 acres'in C l ea~ N:fjlk twp. ' Lfstel' Brown 1.08 acres in FrankEdward and 1 atherine Hix on to lin twp. Hany and Vannie Mae Powell 0.29 Harold and Ethel Lucas Pennie acre in Franklin twp. to James Bailey 19.21 acres in, Charles and Ethel Butler to leal'creek twp. Rhoda Peters 2 lot in South 'LebFred Kahn to Sherman Roberts anOI1. 2.50 acres in Clearcreek twp. Beatrice Tierney ' to William Fred and Mattie Leonard to Wymer and Mary Drake 2 lots in Simpson 2 aCl'es in Wayne twp. Howard Taylor to W. V, Dyer Waynesville. , 2 lots in Deerfield twp. John McKnight to lar nee and Raymond and I;>orothy Wallace Rose Turvey 1.79 acres in Franklin twp. to Arthur William and Ella Wallace 2 lots in Deerfield twp. , WUlard Piel'ce to Donald Piel'ce, Howard and Lucymae NcNabb ,Sr" 3 lots in Lovel~nd Park. to Ralph and Susie Archdeacon lot Fred and Katherina Slezak to in Franklin. . Christian and Nancy Weinel lot W. W. Shurts to Roy Spenc r lot in Franklin twp. in South Lebanon. Pl'e ton 'pencel' to Payton and Joseph and Fannie Davis to Sue Ooten lot in South Lebanon. ' Joseph and Thelma Davis 5 acres in Deerfield twp. Ova and Georgia, Roberts to Horace and Loraine Sawyer 2 acres ' in South Lebanon. Ida' Johnson to Bert Johnson 1 ' acre in Lebanon. ' Cassie Brinil1get: to Jesse ~Y..ULO<Lo-o-0.225 acres in Franklin twp.




Representative for



Waynesville Furniture & Appliance ' Co. South Main Street across frolP Grange HaD TelepbODe 2422 WAYNESYILLE, OHIO

Grid Stars Pit Manpower os. Horsepolwer ~ l

"Seven iron men V8. 90 horses" •.. the forward ' wall of the Wayne University football team of Detroit works put in novel fashion 'at the blocking sled. providing the perspiration,. while four attractive Tartar fans offer

inspiration. The mechanized practice session sought to discover whether the forward wall could "hold , that line" against a Chevrolet. The Tartar line admitted they'd had a workout, but said they'd never faced prettier competition.



and da ughter, Mis Helen Gillian of Kingman . The local chapter of the Grange met in regular se i n, Mr. an I Mrs. - terlin,g In,gal Monqay. evening. Mrs. Howard Graham. r . and family of Grcc.nfteld were SUl~ d a v gue t. of M r, In~als ceived members of the Mi i n. 'parents, Mr. ani M!'-. Ho ad Collin. , ary Societ,Y at he r untr y Mr. Je se Pennington, w h home, Wedne day. Th e c a~bas been confined to Miami ion representing the annual a I V 11 H .~ I ff' f day meeting. Mr. Charle 1 , ey osplla u el mg ro m Doster wa the pro.N.' raln 1 ad el'. an attack of pneumonia 'return" ed to he r home, Saturday. Other features of the meeting Mrs. Frank Sibcy , and Mr~ , was a dIscussion o'f "mi ionary , Lutie Tichenor of Lebanon call. serving", and White Cros , Achvlties. ed on ,friends ' in the v.i1Jage. The local O. E. S. ladi met t Saturday. Mr. and Mr . Paul McKn.igpt a the Masonic Temple Thurs. of Dayton were week end day evenin g. Fall wing the business hour, refreshments house guests of Mr. McKni ,Q'ht ,were served. motner, Mrs, Myrtle McKnight. Mr.. and Mrs. EU.IYene . Auf. :"I Mr. and M,rs. Charle wind _ 'Jer were Sunday ' dinn~r f,{ue ts derhelde attended the Masonic of their an:l da ugh- Concla ve, held in Cincinn ti tef, Mr. and Mrs Dona ld last week. Conklin, of New Burlinkton. ' Mrs. Ida ' Howe of Dayton Mr. and Mrs'. 'John tewart called on friends in the vijfage, Friday evening. ' Mrs. Bertha Gordan will be an d daug h ters of Beavertown were Sunday guests of Mrs. h Stewarts parents, Mr. and Mrs. t e guest this - week of her :Raymond Brooks and family b.rother jnJCl~ .and ' sister, Mr. their home on Clarke Ave and Mrs. yv, P. McCarren of M ,M rs. Osee Harlan "was the WaJhoundm,g, and '. 'week end house' , IYuest of her . M~s. Bruce W~J1ace and fam ~ J y .t M E F-, .. of Coshocton SIS er, rs. mma Chne III Day. U rs Frede'· k \ ' a It z' a f Ne\\ HI " TIC ton ' Mr. and Mrs. James Do ter Ho~la,nd entertai~ed a g!OUP 9f returned to their home in Day- lad,les. a,t her home Fnday 10 ton Sunday following- a two complIment to her Jr..other, Mrs, weeks stay at ,the home of Mr ' Eva MacDonald of HjlrveysDosters parents, Mr. and Mrs~ b!-lrg, who wa.s celebratIng her anl11versary. Guests Herbert Doster on Maple t Mr. and Mrs. H, S. Tucker froJ'!l Harveysburg: were Mr. and daughter, Mi~s Evelyn SadIe Rea~on, ~rs. Ruth Doste r, Tucker were Sunday g-ue ts 'of Mrs, Malgaret Tucker, Mrs. Mr. and Mrs. Jam e~ Park and Bertha Gordan and Mrs. A. S. daughters of ,Mt. Auburn. Col1ett. , Mrs. Robert McCarren (Edith Mr.. McKa Collett, tudent Bogan) waS" compl imented to a at O. S. U., Colu.mbus was a bridal shower ThuL da \' even':' ~uest Sunday of hiS aunt, Mrs. ing, arranged by Mr _. WillaJ:d Taylqr, Mrs. Walter Donald on ' Mrs. Raymond Rich and Mrs: Ellen Brown a~ the country borne of Mrs. .8og:an, Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Dakin and family had as their jinner ~uest Saturday evenin..g, Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Clark and' c family. . ' ' Mrs. George ,WaterhQuse and NORRIS BROCK ' COMPANY Mrs. Lo'ren Wooley of Wa ne . Cincinnati Union Stock Yards ville were Saturda,y afternoon Live Wir" and Progre •• ive. An OrQanizatlon leCOnd to non •. xuests of Mrs. I.,.oui. e Fite an d Strictlv seller. on the be.t daughter, Miss Jane Fite. .11 around market in the country. Mrs. A. S. Collett and on, SERVICE THAT , SATISFIEa Mr. Robert Collett entertained WH10 Dayton 12: 30 E. S. T. with a dinner' at their home Sun. Dial 1300. 'WLW Clnclnnatl 12: 40. p1al 700. for Our- Daily da-v- .eveni~. The g-uests were Mal'.k-et Report. Mr. ,1;-:..t Mrs. Harold Gillian

Collett and A. Rol S.rt Collett.

on, Mr.


Page 10 No.4 39

:J-,.ien;L ....J/ome

2 ,


Mr '. Ella Dakin pent Th ur . ia in Leban n at th home of Mr: her on , Mr. Paul Dakin. Mrs. J. G.' B t n, Mr. an:! Mr . Hora Boston ' , f Indian. apo li ~, Ind. and ML . E. l{ . Beatt of Ri 11m n:\, In d. w r Mr. and Mr ~ . Luth I' Haine ~inne1' 'Ue t un :la f Mis had as their g: ue-t for the \ e k Mary Bo ton,' , . end Mr. and Mr . Alt ert ShepDr. Emma HolJ way spent h e rd and hildren f Mandonlin th e week end in Richmon-ci , In t Island, Canada. att , ndin g: a Conf r nce 'on Mr. Ra 111 n i WiI so n a . nive rsal Militai'y Training at co mpani, ed ' her da u: ht er, Mr . uaker Hill. ' ' Jeannette Ellis an j chil dren, .Mis ' Margaret Edward i u_an Ga I and. Larry t ca ll pending a weck with her nepn Mr . Mary Kathr n M Inti r , hew and, th eir familie in Da . Monda y aftern on. ' ton and pringfi,eld. , The Y lin g People' M, e eL Mr . Amanda Hartrum sp~nt , Sunday at the home of her s n, inf,{ was held at th h me f Mr. , Mr. Sam tubbs in Baltim re, O. and Mr. Luther Hain , Stin-. , Mrs. Be s Ander on wa th e la y. ev ~ ning. Mr. and Mrs. Ge rald Wil on dinner gut' t on Wedne da and on, Jerr of Da ton and of Mi s Minnie Dads n'. Mi Ruth Chandl r with her Mr. and Mrs : Weldon WiLon ni ece, Mi Gcrtru:le Chandler ca lled in the Bogan hom la t TI1Ur da n'ight. · pent Saturday in Da. ton,

Mr. and Mr.. Ra m on:i Wilson en jllye i a picnic ' dinn er at the home of Mr, an j Mr . Rocoe Beal of the' Mt. Tal r neighhorho , uncta. , Mr. and Mr . Everett Hain were dinner g~ues t of thei r SO il , Mr. and Mr. Wi11iard Haine of near Sapina. Sun ja Oct. 12. Mr. and Mr. Ral igh Bogan hag as their ' und ay d·inner ,guests: Mr. Luc Compt n, Mrs. Mar Bogan, Mr. and Mr -.. William Smith and daught r, Maril yn and Charlev Menden. hall. Afternoon callers were Mr. and Mrs. Evan Bogan, Mr. , and Mrs. Emmett NeVin 'and I

grapft-:life b J Y


F' Ite

ez I tn Kurz·Ka. hs' fir st lad' i Minnie, "I Ji k ~ De oto." e~ ie he, 'uote Yea h, I Iik D ot and I like 'de p p. too . ~ nQuot. Being" raz,v hI ps on t work th ere.

* '" '"

e "Le k' Gordo n, Wa'yl'l , ville' No. 1 Postm'a ter, 10· kin g: , hail and hearty. '" '" '" I?eeman tewart. me a t counter and ,'Bahbs' Donald on f,{o to.gether, iust like .ham and eggs. , ', . ! was g:]ad t

Mr. and Mrs. Carl Wi11iam Bo.e;an and son, who hav e been residing. in . . p.rin gboro. have mov ed IOta theIr recently can. .tructed cottage ,opposite the home of Mr. Bogans' parents, ~-.---.-.------.--~~-~ Mr . .and Mrs. Charles Bogan Sr. . Mrs. Mary Syferd Pier o'n had , as her , Sunday f,{uests, ,Mr. \Walter Morris and daughter of Witch ita, Kansas and Mr. and , Road Oil and Tar Applied .Mrs. David Morris of Sabina. Res':lrfacing and Driveway Recoating ------------~~.f_~-Has our automobile liability E 'S T ). MAT E S FREE \. insurance gone up, The rate you pa:¥ is related to safety on the , hlghwa 's and streets. Safety is re'late:d to the quality' 26 Oakwood Avenue LEBANON~ OHIO Phone 221-L , of roads ' and str-eets and the safety precautions which tan be prOVided with your gasoline and motor- vehiCle tax dollar. (~atch ThiS' Space Grow)







Evancrelistic Service

- D . l....


Ferry Chu~ch , of Christ


'RALPH E. STINSON, .Minister Telephone Centerville 7341



GentlemeD: I enc10H S....... Pleaae a l-ye~ 8Ub~l:J'lptlOD 10 your Dewwpaper and Sport MavCDiDe.


NAME ...•••••••••••• ,•••••••••••••••••





~~FI1~ ••••••••••••••••••••••~ •••

NEW POCKET.SIZE WATER Heater' Coats .Leu, "than $2.25 HEATS WATER FAST placea portable ,fAST~ 'WAY water Heater in a recep. , tade containing water. , PI!J~ in the near-est socket. Lo and be. hold! FAST-W AY goes to work at once, heating water , Hke sixty for 101 purposes' a suffIcient quantity for bathing, washing, scrubbmg, c1eaniJ1~ cream separators, etc. The speed depet'1d\n~ on quantity., , CAUTION: Directions for ,USing' "are fUJinished with each heater. Read and follow~ Costs less than $2.25. No fires to build or hot water to carry. No



running up and down basement stairs. No heating tanks full when a few gallons or a Quart is wanted. Handy I Portable! -Inexpensive. '

WaJll@1iDe F.IiI.e 'A,,&nee Co.,

J.,.moe,.O. =


Page 3 The Miam.i Gazette Wayne vine, Ohio No. 4139 Thursday, October 23, 1947

i.S.C.S. Meets-With Mrs. Roy Conner The Women's Society of Cshristian Service held the reg-ular oct. meeting in Thursday afternoon at the h(lme of Mrs. Roy Conner, with Mr.. H. 'L. Rye, Mr. Ra ymond Conner, Mrs. J. B. Rich, Mi s Sarah SmitH and Mr . M. A . Fulkerson as assj~tant ho te s. Mrs. Glenn Borden, president, presided over th~ business session and Mrs. Charles ' E11i ,gave the deY,otion under the' subject of "Over the Hills of Tomorrow." "The Gospel for our Generation" wa the pro ,gram title and was reviewt;d by Mrs. , E. F. EaPJhart. ' The society adjourned to meet with Mr. Charl e.. Davi in November, after which aver y pleasant socia') hour was enJoyed with refreshments cf pumpkin pie with whipl"len cream and coffee were erv d by the hostess and her a ~ j- ant to about forty members and , guests. -

LaMar Earnhart and Htlr)an at Serpent Mound on Sunday. Earnhart were ' among- tho e' HOME COMING ' from Wa nesville attending the The Lytle C~urch ', w ill hold foot-ball R'ame in Columbus' on Mr. and Mr. Thoma Wi'ttea Home Coming next SU,nday more were dinner .e;uests of Mr . Saturday, Oct. 26. Sunday Sthool Will he , Mr., and Mrs, E. ' S. Earn- Hazer Gruber and family, ttft------.-:.::::~~=~~at 9 :30. A ,sp'ecial sermon by Mr. and Mr . John Fromm hart spent Wednesday in Lan- day. the Rev. Joseph Myers ,at 10: and Mr. and Mrs. Clyde Fromm, caster, O. 30. And a program m the aft~r ­ Mr. and Mrs'. C. Lee Hawke, Miss Barhara Walker of ' A basket dinn r will he Mr. and ,Mrs. ,Fred C. Hart- Miami Valley Ho~pital sp'e nt Mr. J. C. Hawke, Miss Anne noon. served at the Church at the sock of Milford and Mr. and Friday and Saturday at her Weltz, Don and Dick \\,leltz, noon hour, Mrs. Ronald ' M. Hawke were home. " , with Mr. and Mrs. Roy Hawke and dau~hte'r a}1d Mr. and Mrs. Sunday dinner guests of Mr. and IN CASE OF FIBE DIAL ZZZ% Carl Hawke of Dayton picniced ,Mrs. Harris M<;>sher and dau~h­ Mr. and Mr. DIbert Conter,' Vir~inia Lee. ~er with Mr. and Mrs. Shc:rman Wilson pent Sunday with Mr . MRS. WA,DE AT HOME ' M(lble La\v(ence at Marion' O. Mr. J. R '~' ~de who has been confined at Grandview Mrs. Louise Wilson, Mrs. Hospital for the past several Louise Con~er and Mrs. \Valters ponsored by the MOTHER' CLUB weeks, is now convat-escinl( at ~f LebanoQ spent Thur day in her home on Main St. Dayton. indefinite tay with their son and dau,ght r-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Wilfred Squires and dauKhter in Tu con.


Mrs. Benton Hoak , Honor Guest At Party Mrs. Be'nton Hoak was honr'" R'ue. t when Mrs. Lawrenc C ok, as i ted by Mrs. Ea rl W rl ht, entertain,ed a ~roup (If 'fr.iends and nei~nliors on Thur,day. A contest was. enjoyed an rl everyone ioined . in admirin (T the many lovely 'little ~ifb which Mrs,. Hoak found waitin g: her on the dining fable. , , A delicious lUTlch was serve. to the many ~uests by the h stess and her a'ssistant. Those included on the ,g'uest list were Mesdames Fred Furn as of Jamestown, Marv Hardin. of Lebanon, Fred Braddock, Mary I_--?"~~ . Lama--Brewn, Vir~inia Roscoe furnas, Harrv Smith. Clarence Barker, Robert Chapman, Beeman Stewart. Emerson Stewart and dau.g-hter, Beity Stewart. Jor.n Gon , Lucile west. Rhode , Bunnel1. Kellar Hoak. Paul Tomlin ('0 and Robort Gons. The New Century Club wi11 meet on Friday, Oct. ' 24; at two o'clock with Mrs. Evelyn Peterson as hostess at the home of Mr. and Mrs~ J. M. Greene in Lebanon. Mrs. R. E. Asburv and Mrs. Paul TorriTInson are -....2.-ifl--t'fH!~"--fCtt- t h-e:::fl [Q ,g-ra m ~ ,

and Mr. Jame Bourne and daug-hter of Centerville.

HALLOWE'EN ' Caralval ,

Mr. and' Mrs, D. O. WeJ) of Fostona, O. and daughter, Catherine of Cleveland and ~on, Jack of Chica~o visited with Rev. and Mrs. R. B. C leman., Saturday and Sunday. Mrs. Howard Tindall and Bobby of Middletown, Mr. and Mrs. Milton Snyder and Judy of BJuebal1, Mr.~and Mrs. Vernon Maurice ana Mr. ' and Mrs Paul Maurice and Jimmy Ewing were ~unday visitors of Charles Maunce and wife.



Rev. R. B. Coleman was calJed to conduct the funeral service of Mrs. J. B. Thomas at Findlay, 0., Thursday at 2 :30' p. m.



Mr. and Mrs. Walter Whitaker had as Sunday afternoon cal1ers Rev and Mrs. L. C. Raq)ey f New Carlisle and Mr. and Mr . -Ralph Hamel ,(the former Miss Edith Side) of Dayton. '

50·50 Dancipg

Mr.' and Mrs. W. B. Squires ' ,left durin~ the past' week for an






WANTED TO BUY' . V A-CANT ~O'rs Situated Within .Reasonable ,Radius Of Waynesville. ,


' CONTACT AT LONESOME PINE INN South of Flasherlight at Routes 48 and 73,






Fri., Oet. 3t , 194"

Mrs. , M. F. Weltz spent several d,ays durin,g- the_ p-1 t - Mr. and ·Mrs. Charles ' Stites week with Mr. and Mr . K. R. and family were recent dinner Hill and little :5on in Grove g-uests of Ernest Nixen and wife. City. Mr. Weltz and Mr. and Mrs. Don Hawke joined Mrs. Wal,ter Marine and wife, Weltz on-<-S'aturday evenin~ for Marvin Marine and Grandma, the week end. Marine of WashinR:ton', C. H., Mr. and Mrs. Harry McGinnis Dr. Mary Cook, Mrs. Irene and Roy Marine and, wife of Henderson, Mrs, Grace Vice Dayton ,g-ave, Grandma Kitchen and Mr. Claude Stroud 'ere 'a very pleasant surprise on her Thursday dinner guests f Mr. birthday, Sunday at the Orland and Mrs. Lawrence Brown'. Holmes', here. Mr. and Mrs. Earl Earnhart, Lawrence Shepherd of Xenia, son and dau~hter and Mr. Wilson Shepherd ,and family of Harvey Clarey spent the week Day~on, Eu~ene Bogan and in Clay City; Ky. as the ,!!uest ' famlJy and WaIter Hames were of , Mr. Clarey's si ter. They ' caJlers of the Shepherds, Sun- also enjoyed i,gbt-seeing trips into ,the mountains. day. Dr. and Mrs. Earl Wri,ght !v'r. G. W. Fisher, of Chlc~~o who purchased, the an,d daughters w'ere ' Thursday ' ':less property on West Frank- eveniriK ~uests of Mr. ancf Mrs. 1m s.treet. win move to that Lawrence Cook and sons. lo~atlon In the near. future. Mr. and Mrs. John Burske, Glrdon Bacon and famIly, the present 'occupants WI)) move to Mr. and Mrs. William Strouse and Mrs. Leah Mill s were New Haven, Conn. ~uests of Mrs. Burske's aunt in Miss Mildred Bourne of .t\th~ns, O. on Sunday. ' BowlinR: Green, O. spent the, weekend with Mr. ,and' Mrs. Earl , Mr. and' Mrs. Gilbert Frye, , Woollard and famity. They all , Mr. and Mrs. Clyde From'm, enjoyed Sunday dinner with Mr. Mrs. A. H.: Earnhart, Mr. ·

Mr. Lawrence ,Cook, Mr. John Gons Mr. Rob~rt Gons, Mr . Paul Tomlinson, ~r. Luther Hartsock, and Mr. Carlton Sherwood attended ' the International Harvesters' Convention in Chica~o on Monday.



Adults 20e

' Students 10c

Public ,Auction Having old my farm, I will sell at public auction, at my residence, 2 1h miles NE of Spring\. oro, 21k miles N. W. of ,Ridgeville, lh mil s f Five Point, on Bunnell Hill Road, on

Sat., Oct. 25, '1947 Beginning at

i :00 p. 4

M. the following Chatte~ property:


Ll:lolst.ein , yr- . frl<:t, giving 4 gal. milk per day; 1, Holsteir:t cow 4 yrs. old giving 4 ' gal milk p r day; the e are both extra nice cows; 1 Hol stein heifer coming two year old and one Holstein heifer 18 months old. . FEED 2~

tons ~Ifalfa and t~mothy mixed ,hay in mow, put up without any ram on It i one-half mtere t in 15 acres of ~ TIl, to be hu ked and put in 'the crib by the tenant. . MISCELLANEOUS 130 feet new hay rope', 105 feet of good used h'ay rope, double h~rpO'on fork, pulleys, 30 rod new 32 inch hog fence, 60 foot wIre yard ' fence, one roll new barbed wire, 4 sheets new 'corrugated galvanized roofing, 1 roll felt roofin r, new lumber, 12 feet long, 4 2x4's, '1 2x6,1 2x8, 1 2x10, 1 1x12. 50,bu. baskets, 2 oil drums, metal feed drum, hog box, fence stretchers, post auger, post digg~r, wire stretchers, platform cales, 1,000 pound capacity., lawn mower, 3 scythe, 3 garden plows, 2 crosscut saws. saw set, buck saw, ditching spade, anvil, vice, w~ecking ' bar, 2 screw jacks, ca,rpenters large' tool chest, broad axe, .2 axes, 2 new potato forks, ', 2 ne~ stable forks, shove ls; forks ho,es, rake, small lime. spreader; 2 pressure tree sprayers, 3 small hand sprayers, 3 seedr. sowers, 3 grease guns, st raw ,hooks, cow chains, 2 pairs tree pruners" trimming knife, 2 steel clamps, 2 sand screens, ceinent finishing tools, hog wringers and snare, shoe repairing outfit, new veterinary syringe. '



'FOR, BE-ELECTION Vote for • • • •


ra~ ,



for MAYOR of' Waynesville Election, Tuesday, Nov. 4, 1947

Po). Adv.

Warren Braddock, Waynesville, Ohio

Large ste.amer, Iflrd press, au age grinder, 2 meat aw " cleaver, teel knive , new meat ,curJl1 gun . HOUSEHOLD GOODS Old Mahogany settee,Mahogany library ,table, 5 electric table lamps, bra s bed and sprin 0-, 2 , [ urner oil cook stove, coal oU heater, large oak rol1 top de: k, swiv,e l chair, child's high chair, n ur ery chair, odd chair, 5 -10 gal. milk ca~s, 2 milk bucket, trainer, new cream , thermometer" tone churn, step ladder, Conservo canner, copper wash b' iter, lass cans and lot of other sma'll articles. TERMS CASH



Wilbur 'N.,Searl, Auet. Waynesville, Ohio, Pb~e 2651 Thompson and Irwin, Oerks


The Mianli Gazette ESTABLISHED 1850

. Page 4

th ' \\'hi~l of I ,,, I..) Ll ~ ':( ' . t • v; l ~a ~ ,,!'I.:\.!

Publ1shed Every Thursday by DAVISSON PRESS I FLOYD L. DAVISSON, Editor . £ntered as Second· Class Matter at the Post OfficI:'


~l1d s'tddled

The I t mber 19 i.: u of ha_ t fiil j a firm tI at is will ing Life irried an arti I " I \..h I1n to uppJy it. TI1 ' 11 a ' l) U:1.t:1 Il L Dos Pa. - ,tl1 distin gui he i mu t ce.rtif\' til ' \'ar ia .: Ll~ e i AmeriCan nov Ii t. \\'hi h L ne in the PI' vi ' u q'uarte i', Th n 'of th m t ivid and r ' v al- h must en i i i.:' :q u t ' in~ ace unt f t,h " BritLh cri- to th Board f T ra j . sis yet writt n, Mr. , D Pa _ 0 _ toure i En g-Ian I .w ith th pint of view of (\ \\ rit 3r, n t a tati tician-hi ' inter _t l i ~: in p pk; not in r p rt an d ana l. e, He talkei t I gi n 0'£ Englan j men G)1 i \\'11 111 n representinK all J1 liti al f aith and . tlll onomic an l _, in l I vel. In hi ar ti cle, he io e n t e iit rialize-h jm ~ I re port and int rp r t . Mr. 0 Pa ,:' article i calle, "Britiani Dim Di ' tat r. ~ hip;' and it ub-title r ad , "Und r a R verntn Ilt 1£ their own · cr ation, Briti. h \' rking peopl ar ~ra uall, bingst ran,g-]ed t eatl1 in a mora _ of p v rt an j ineptitu , . Th at give a goo:1 idea f \ 'hat the \ riter \Vh h:1 I ll g- I n kno\\ 11 a ;:t li heral and : an advocat f s cial reform, f ound fr om on en fEn , lanjt th other. Earl in hi arti I h' quote, ,ithout c mme'nt' of hi s own, a un, man wh o tal i him in Oxonian tone, "Eng'land 's d ad, quit i a ; quite. W'f. the I t i Ian of the -Atlantic, sunk in the everlastin gennUi . . . It would h ridicul u to a that the Lal or ~overnment- i responsibl e for ' all of Britian" ills. The troubles go de pint . tIl past, long hefore Lahar came to DOW r. But · the im pression the reader get from Mr. Dos ,P,!-s as' piece-like practically all ther writing OIl ·--~--Itf-hh",..e----.,subiect-i that Lah r ' p~licy ha enormously complicated th em. It ha d 11 that, not only thr u"Kh til . pr m ti on of socialism, but h n va t ', teti icm and deeJl .of huPn os reaucracy , Mr. Do write : ct A In a ure after dicta·torial mea ur comes up t ' curtail the already frail lihertie of the individual ' Briton, the ~ arty macb-ine rolls ponderolLly on." In Hyde Par~, wher the oapboxes w re once exctu ively occupied by eccentric advocat . of socialism and c inmllni m, -hg.r.e. . . are now peaker f or fr e· . enterprise. It seems true that the Briti h _...,.,.-_----,,_-l:l~..Q,~ r . as th e c:a vi ng (\'(\ s, i no ' Ion,g-er "putting 11 is hack into iU' An indu triali t tol:i Mr, Dos Passos th at the trouble is ' "that now th ere' no p na1ty for slack wor~ and . no pri.ze for effort." A lea.der of miner told him 'm'uch the same thing. In their electioneeri ng, tile Lahor candidat . went a Iong- · way. in promi ing work rs, 'a Utolla. The work rare \ aitin,g- for it to be d liver d, Young men are refu in,g- to go int the mine -"th e fath r leads the s.Qns past th e pithead." And th e mi~dle-cta ,hurd ened by enormou taxes and re trictions, . i ' being squeezed hard. Mr. Do ' Pa 50S writ of two men who ' started a toolmak er and went into busine s for th mselve 22 years ago. The. told him that it would be impo ·ibl f · r bung men fo do that n w-it would .cost too much, and it would h too difficult to ,g-et the ne d d materials. , What ' can he fairly termed the administrative iti·e enc and sloth bf the ~'o vernment is a terrible barrier to Briti h inctustry. Mr. Dos Pas 0 reports a conversation with the manager of a plant .that manufactures leather ,g'oods with rayon linj~s. To g-et the raYon, he first ._


the re in cllgiall i n whungrv, Dn The. ~c () n I ~ni .. T(~ cks,

.S ubscriptiun Rates: $1.50 per Year in Ativance

National Advertising · Representativeg Ohio Weeklies, Inc., 2465 W. Broad Street. Columbus 4, Ohio

. 4.3 ·9



a ll III I IClcnt,

dictaturial I ureau r:t \' . If thi ' i~ true, wl1\' I. ' l ~ La' I' W 11 e '1' 11l~ nf til 20 I~y-el cti 11 since th .. b ~ t g:eneral el cti on? Mr. Pas) d e n't em \~' er . that cx(licitI y, I ut th e rea on: , in part, 11l~ he f .und h y I'l::ati ing between til ' III~e, Man \' \\'u rk ' 1", r '-' Ill~l1lh 'rIng ·the d I ()nditi' Il S of the' ( , are', hitter a ,~'ain t the C 11 erva tivl..:s. Man y worker " als carn I




SAyING.S ·•• ·•••••









' Pa,!!'e 5 The Miami Gaz~ttc Wa yne vill e, Ohio N.o , 43"3 Thurs~a y , Odober ::! 3" 194 7

~ erienced man· can make a ~rew but the were mall an j ,g-·uess a t how deep th e 'water pun y anti I ha j ju t n mall i r how trong the vei n i ' or ' cupful! off f th ~ m but th an y f the fine pint. I had al- l ar,g-er variet y g;r \11' very I w ly wa y heard about it I ut nev er at fir¥t but n w the are thriv:.. m on: tl~an ever, Iwd i f the h,ad e n it d n I ef r,e. Now it in ,g- and are full o'f blo m ~. ca n 't bu c mm od itie ' due t t' main to he e n whether it Th e w ill tan 1 mor rationing: an j hor age ,- the ros fhan I am h ping- th at th can enjo y th m elve Rami lin o' wa ri ,g-ht r nor. H O'v\ ev r at ilean ,on horse and dog ra eS and three d li ars an:l a half a fo ot \ wi II Ii v Ion g- n u dl f r u t I do n t think I n ail have ~ me pi k a croP: The b'ean " \ e are po'. enterpri t: foo.tbaU heck, w 11 driven to r r ve that pickin g now wer planted th \"hl h ar a m al r indu ' tr in modern ~I~,g:rand . Finall y ' the, ther i - no water where the fir t \\ e k in Au ,~~.Lt. It pa. t metim l.ab r PQ.1ltl .I an - hav e ploit d \ and ~ aid th r'e wa n lie but plant a l ate. gar:len I am int re ted t ' ~ e if we will th e t hings ' 111 h tter than th > cia ' pre lu jlce ' and hatred t a the abs lute limit in their ear h fin j wat r at about t\\ nt y- ea rl y nes ,p ut it i " alwa , even feet as our witch aid \ve ' gamble, for vote. ' man again t " the \V ulli. An ther thin ,~' tl1 'y. ca n \V ath r. Lir ne fi el j f wh at n t t II u is ",heth r it i . g d i c min g up fill" , W planted \\'at er or n t. Tile ld \\ ell ' ha:l a variet that i ' new It us ailI een \\ it hed but it wa _ulphu r e i "Penn y lvania." R port · water, the n w w II wa n t f d rouR:hts 1I1 m an v pIa e and witched \\ had 'to go de, per f loo,d in other a'r n t ver A FARM DIARY but we go t v r, ,good \\ at 1', pr mi ing for in r a -' :1 f ood · by In case any n . i intere t :I producti n so we ' 11lU. t COI1 erv \\ hat v. e have h areful D. J. Fraizer in the ca lf we l ost la t r\.v k I tora,g-e and "oullin't it be Oct bel' 17, 194 7, CI ud\' \\ i h 'to say that we f ound it, h e tt r to f eed people than rat ? and warm thi m ming , hlit ju t a we th ought dO\vn in th e A go d rat killin g' a m ~ ai gn pa ~ ture but we hunte j ,an i w hat d e that mean ? L it the on th e mul e w uld sa v m I' R,' rain than a, en :1 a f a II t h i I' vel ' fit II hunt d, Clar ,n' ah d th e re t of u on f oo t I ut \\'e ek of meatle ,da . ne rat w eath ~ r r will it iu t I rin ,!.!' us until we bro ught lit Guck and can' ,e.' t enough to aim t f e i a pnnk l f rl in and th en a hild. H with e rat ituati n put him on th e traiT \ e ( 1I1 il1't 01 r w ather ? We are ,r all y find it. He put hi ilOun d's no e o n , ur plac ? I e,g-innin,1!: t n ed rain . Th " g r lin d i v r y dr, an i hard . to th e gr und and start d, ff W decided if po il Ie tn ~ I w do\\n th ' hill along th e \V d ne f oul' w :Iv pa ture " and ' back to a mall locu t thi ck t, th en he , topr ed an:l -aid put it int \Vh at but th gr un i and lit jum p d th e wa t h ~ r:l and dr y , to" pl ow , "Woof' Mr . Anna Lu a _p I1t a fe\\' calf. We now ha e it ca re full v a now ware \i aiting to ee da l a t week \\ ith . Mr. and d. . ti what tile:: \\ eath r d es b f re Mi , FI y:1 Th mr _o n t Mi ,Earli er thi w ek I drove w an deci ie w hat we :ir- g: - Ian v el' into Ind iana t vi sit an . ld ing to d . Th y have hu k d a i1eighbor and cam La ck th " Mr. and Mr, M rrL I. ~ \\ i, l ittl rn I l:It it i till t nex t da, . The c unt ry is I autL anj on JerI' and l~ ill ail ed damp t cri b. ful now but it i very dr.v ver on M r. ' and Mr . J t CorneWs We hav b en trying L1r th r v. ors than it i here. The v ' and M'I; . K ost I' Of n ar ti a. l1and at a little water wi t hin g-. ' hav had n rain for a I n gMr. and Mrs. Edm ond and We ha v decided that w> need time and ev r thinK is drv anli son s, Jackie and ' J rr pent anoth r we ll 0 al out tw I rown. Our ' ~1a ture ti ll '10 k -' aturday ev ning: \\ ith M r. an i . v. eeks a ,~'o we had Heini ,~Te n but it i ~ ttinp: very Mr . Elvi Michael f Xenia. Ev rhardt come out and s short. W -sti ll 11a v quantiti ' Mr. and Mr . Georg Bratt n what the pro p ds wcre f r of ,g-reen I ean and ther is a pent a few da s la t w ek with wat r. I had never e n it d n row of pea in , bl om. t have. their sons. Kenn eth and Jame befo re and found it ver int roften hard that if yo u plant Bratten of Oa ton. estin,l!'. You cut a fork d twi ~ p a in th e l at umm el' u Mr. and M r . Hiley Gil _on about two fe et l on g with the w ill ,g-et a crop bef re fro t a dinner ,g-u st, unda y of were tw pron,{!,s of abo ut eq ual this year I tried it. We pl ante:1 Mr ,and Mrs. H arrv G ills n' aild 1- nJ.!th and thickn e from a one row of early as. The son, ' Ervin of Bellbrook . They p '~c h, plum or cherr y tree ,then ho ld it with one en 1. in each hand a~i the end w h re th e JUST RECEIVED A SHIPMENT OF fork i joined U,p in the air and start t walk Slowly acro th e p l ace where- ou_hope t o fin a vein f wat r. I f it i th ere, suddenly ' th,e wan d begins.t turn in you r il and and po mt and down, th en if yo u p~s the pot it loosens and stralg:ht n up again. It pull just as if drawn hy a m a,e:net. W.e all tried ,it an i tried it. It ' om etime ' e me i "HIG" QUALITY and SERVICE at a LOW PRICE lik a live thing in yo ur han d , f cour anI an xb,ut

mi. fiott'}



, Store

Fairley ' Hdwe~ 6 PHONE 2441






call'd on M'r.

MaDY' Attend

O. E. s.

Friendship Night , E. S. +tr--~----;Cw =a~s--= r =I'...;-::r= =n-te a i Im' in ,.....o'L n, Fri ndship Ni, 'ht b Mr. and Mr ". J o hn Bur ke, Mor. J e. ' e Prel1lier 'a t, Mr . R g: r Br w n, M r- . tanle Gail ' " Mrs. L. ' t, J ohn, Mrs , Marv in m ith, Mr. L, V. Bran ~ trat r, Mr'. D. C. Rich!' Mr. I3erti ~ M il ls, Mr . Lucil Armitag > and Mr. E, F . Earnrart. Miami Chapt r

Y ung Am ri ~a- Blu j ail s ",ith a p lai i hirt -ti ' IIlg out


AI' ther Ohio, Th e an \\'er i ICy c Another "Y E " on the Road an i tr t Am n 1111 Nov mber 4 will help r ~ m e the itLl ation,

HOURS: i 9-12 each morning nt ' 1-5 afternoons except iy ' , Wednesday ' .'


, 7-9 Saturday e'v ening Othe~ evenings by




HSRSES ---- $10.00 COWS ' $12.00 HOGS - $3.00 ewt • .


Accordlnl to Size. ,Condition

Dr. C. E. Wilkin Optometric Eye Specialist




26 South Detroit Street

' I'

Rever •• Cheri'"


XENJA, OHIO -u ••••••••••••••••••••••

I h ave renh:d my ho'u e, I w ill ell at pullic s'lle ,


th e

rn er

f 4th, and High str et ', in W aynesvill e, Ohio, on



I, 1947

Beginning at 1 :00 o'clock P

M the following:

HOUSEHOLD GOODS M ah 'any ' dini n . ro'OI11 uit, c n i tinR f t .lhle, l urfd and t:. cha irs; Mahorra ny kn ee h , Ie de k; Oak e ti nal h k 'a e' v i tr I ~ and re cords; piano;, Ma o'ic Chd 'a ran ge; kit 'h n -ai1i net; 2 imported ro e t oupe::Ch nille rug ,ea h t %.' 13 L ; lot 'mall I~ U g- ' ; drape ; cle k ; min~o r" , icture , l amps, di he s, glass war, co 'k in o' uien it, ing' c i:;:, Oak hed, tire ' e. r and wa h tand, l arO'e cupboard, conservo ta nn 1', l ard pre, c uch, ele tric carpet sweeper" Blssels weep r, n'l a Pr ima "Iedric washer, tut .



I '

W ork I ench, grin der \\ ith % h L e ~i weI' el e tri m ot r, croll a\v, h a'nd aws, cr s cut ' aw, wre kin.g' b ar, c m p.1de et auge r hits, ca m p I te ~ et ch i el , pip e wre nche , small wrenclh: S, 2 ta rg'c tool chest', tree pruner, hedge trimm r , step l adder, extenti 11 l adder and many tiler t oo l t a numer u t m enti n.

GARDEN TOOLS Sehsible " wom en expect it an :1 demand it! J.t i only , com m n se nse economy. ' That is wh y yo u 'Il end . l) L!r cle~nin,~ , to us. We c 11 LentIously try to 'iy.e Ll th e m ost iIi quality,' service,' ffidency ai1d dependabilitJ that yo u can ~et for yo ur m 11 t! • And we know Qur su ce - I complete by th e new cust m el's we get through our old ones.




Wh ee! barrow, garden pl,,, w, ga rd 11 ho , l a\\ 11 m W 1', ' y the, m ol e , trap, steel , traps, mdal hi ken coop, l antern, bird hath,. ", ho y I ', p ade, ,p tato f ,J'k" rak e ~ , etc.

ANTIQUES Ro e wood 'library tab!' , M ~ h gan tilt t 'l tahle, 2 cane ~ e 'tt \V a l ~ nut chair, 2 ladder lack r ck crs, 2 ladder 1 a k st raig ht chair~ , Wa lnut hest,. Old bed , Waln ut ' center table, I j F r ench wall , , clock, O ld atl as 186 3, etc. '



~r~x::~t.~f.~jw:p:r/y'£;.~~::~~r.:;%~;~::;:';{: ·~~:':~:~:~"{~~~;;.~.=. :;:~~:~~?:: . .rf.(,:·~,:~;:~f:~·~C"~~o/# ~'~¥Y;'~~·;.- '~"I2a

"Y'UI ,





Page 6 a tated. Our n se ,teIJ u' that colled a charge r r ntal u ' 0 :1 able as hereinafter provil c i, The Miami Gaz.ett· Letters To the 'EditorWa y ne _vi lk~, hiu No. 43 9 n these war'm fall da . We the lots, land and premil:es and in amount determinabi a '1 m thin ' T \ te On Thur da, dol1 cr 21, 1947 will pay $20,00 per year from e,rved by sewerage connection follows: )s 'a pulli'c library a puhli now on be au e of this emer. with the sanitary sew·er system (a) For any lot, parcel f land, u will prohallv ,~ ncy. librar ? _A. Vi1Jage; therefo re, ' of said building or premi es, situ. ted ' thereo n or the r in a the· 'a m~ an ~ wer and I did to , yes But what a out the emerf i mea ureli tw th e vi ll age water ev ning. I genc at. th e Grade Bui1din~? BE IT ORDAINED by the within the corporate limit until T u e ' d a mage of the Village 'of Waynes ill, met er th re in u c, and th~re ehanged my an.: w: then. J The health of tho e children Coun it of the hall be charg·cd. for (he flL t Waynesvi11e: Ohio, and havin,g any can chave ' liv d ar un i thl - t \\/n f need 'to be safeguarded als • _0,000 C'a llo'ns of ,ater, or SectiOn 1. It j. hereby de. tion with the villa:ge sanitar Wa nesville f r a vear an j a We will hav e to vote on that part th ereof, Q use i per sewera~e sy~tem or acce ible half now and wa ~i r it at! '- and the cost doe n' t figure near- termined and Qec1arcd to be r, the urn of FIve quarter yea ystem . to .said sanitary sewerage fied until I had 0 ca into u e ly a hi gh as the sewer on neces ary and conductive to th e protection of the public health, whether connected directl y Dol1ars ($5.0 0 ); for each . Y L1r lihrar. . I ' ha ve d p ited whi ch we do not· ,g-et to vote. thereto or not, or otherwi e dis- thousand gal10n of water used money in the bank. u cd the . "Bill" afe!, , welfare and convenience charging f 20,OQO g-a l1 ons ' sanitary sewage, in- in exce of the Villa.!!'e of Wa ynesville, at dry cleaners, hoppe j and not exceedin ,~ 0',00 gal. and co11ect dustrial wastes, water or other Ohio, ~o lev Hyman ', and patr n1zed the Ions per quarter y.ea r, at th l. We read with interest the charges or r~ntal pursuant to liquids, either directly or in grocery store .and the Drug. rate of Fifteen Cent ($0.15 ) anidirectly, into the ' villa,ge pros and cons of the n'ew Sections 3891-1 to 3891-5 of Store, .and n ·thmg 0 far 'yas for a~h per 1,000 gall on ; aid tary sewerag-e system, schoo1. By all means this issue the Ohio General Code upon said about where I lived. I 1nej thousand gal1 0n of water JI1 in the ' comin,g election houl d charge or rental shall be bas d a11 , lots, land and premises to R'et a book and since ' 1. had served by havin,g- connections upon the quantity of water use j excess of.. 30,00 ~a ll o ns and never been in lh·e li brary thl... not fail. attendent told me I would hav .... Waynesville is settin g in a with ' the sanitary sewerage to . have identification. That ~ood spot to be · an ,important system and by the sewage, wa n't too hard becau e severa l ltttle town. 1 hope the ' people pumpin~, treatment and disin to\ni kn w m . I g t my realize this and begin to up- posal works af said Vi11a,ge., the indentification and then he port all good things for the proceeds of such chanres or told me that I couldn't hav the . benefit and prosperity of all. rentals so d.erived to be for the . use of the sanitary sewerage book because I lived in Mont- Keep plugging, gomery COUIit y. We hav to use system and the purripin~, treat· "A Former Resident" ment and disposal work Of your Po t Office and don t kick said Villa,ge, as hereinafter pro'about that, but why can't we Mr. and Mrs. Charles Shaw. vided. . . u e yo ur 'libra rv? Other c unt. Peter and Peggy . and Mrs .. ie lend int different countie. , Margaret Section 2. For the purposes . Bunnell of East so why can't . Ol)r little lir arv David Road, were Sun- of this ordinance the terms be the sa me. Do au th ink that day R'uests Dayton , "Sanitary Sewage" and" Indus. it' fair? 'A ' put lic li brar is Nellie Bunnell.of Monimia and.. trial Wastes" are defined as suppOsed to be for th e pu lic! follows: (NO SERVICE ON SATURDAY EVENINGS) "Thank You" , . (a) "Sanitary Sewage" is hereAN ORDINANCE by defined as ·th e waste from ' RALPH E. STINSON HARVEY BREAM After reading Effeldee's col- FIXJl'\G THE RATES TO BE sinks, bath tubs, shQwer , water Evangelist Gospel Singer umn in th e last issue of the CHARGED BY THE VILLAGE closets, urinal, lavatories, Miami Gazette, then reading OF WAYNESVILLE, OHIO, household laundries, 4~e11ar floor Friday, Oct. 24- "The Sermon' In The Sack" J ame~ 3 : 1-12, . 1he latest Vi1la~e ordinance on TO THE OWNERS OF BENE- drairis, garbage fl oo r drains, '~ ewage disposal, I t ega n to FITED PROPERTY FOR TH E , bars, soda fountains, cL1spidor , Sunday, Oct. 26- "The Lord's Supper" Mt. 26 :26-30; make com.parison . Effeldee U E OF ITS SA~lrr ARY refrigerator drips, drinkin.~ In. 6:52-59. states th e c st .of a new grade - SEWERAGE YSTEM, OR fountain, 'stabl e flo or drain bui ldin~ would amount to about PARTS THEREOF. INCLUD- and all other similar waste. Sunday Evening- "Faith" Acts 8:' 7, $5.2 p'er ear pe r per on, Out ING THE EWAGE PUMP- (b) "Industrial Wastes" are AND TREATMENT hereby defined as being the of this mall slim we would get- ING Monday, Oct. 27- "Repentance" Acts '2:3 8, 3: 19. a ,complete, room. and fire re- WORKS IN ORDER TO PRO- liquid or other wast,e ' re ulting Tuesday, Oct. 28- "Confession of Faith In Christ" istant buildin~ in which ou' VI DE FUNDS FOR TH E from any, manu. Phil. 2:11; Rom. 14:11,12; Mt. 1 :32 . smaller children could attend MAINTENANCE, OPERA. facturing or industrial pera- . , ch ho )' in comfort and afetv. TION AND CONTROL OF tions or processes.' Wednesday, Oct. 29- "Baptism" Acts . 2:38; Gal,. 3 :_7; Th oll~ \1 this is a trivial. sum it SAID SYSTEM. Section 3. For th e purposes I Pet. 3:21. is the maxi mum allowed bv WHEREAS The Villag-e of as provided in Section 1 and 8 Thursday, Oct. 30- "Holiness' Heb, 12: 14; . II Tim. 2: 19. law , I understand. J::ven thi ' WaynesviJIe has long since hereof there is hereby levied ' ~ rn a ll um cann ot be levied undertaken to build and put in and assessed ' upon . each lot, Friday, Oct. 31- "The Name of The Church" I Cor. 1 :2;. a~ainst us , unle s tli e .rnai rit v operation a sanitary sewerage parcel of land, build i n~ or pre. I Tim. 3:15; Heb. 12:23 ; Ro m. 16:16; Acts 4:12, votes it 0. 1 m , st certaml v shall 'system for the vurpose of , col- mises having any sewer 'connec. Phil. 2 :9-11. yote for it. . lecting sanitary sewage and tion with the sanitary sewerage . Sund~y, Nov. 2---"-''The Prodigal-Son" Lu. 1 5,: 11. 3 2. Now com ar th L 'wi th the . conveying the same away fr om system of said village or otherse ',ag-e di posa.l o rdinanc . Six to a 'place of disposal, and has wise discharging sewage, sewer· Sunday Evening- "The One Question That Must Be Met men ' saw fi t to write a n long since undertaken . to con- age wastes, water or other and Answered" Mt. 27: 22. rdin '~ n ce that says ,\ e shaD Dav struct intercepting ' s ew e r s, liquids, either directly or in. a sum of S34.50 connecting pumping stations, force mains directly into the sanitary COME AND BRING YOUR BIBLE char,g-es and $5.00 minimum . and a disposal works for the sewerage system, ell sewerage ' A FRIENDLY CHURCH WITH A GOSp.EL Mf;,SSAGE per quarter v,ear for the u, e ()f :1. treatment of such sewage; and servke chirge or rental pay. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ WHEREAS, The VIllage ewage ciisp al v tern, (which 1 cannot make m ' e.f helie e Council finds, in order to pro. mote the public health, safety, e. it. at l e ~ sf t1 t the \Va th ordinan'ce de : ~rih E.) t ':: welfare and convenience, that --:because e'v ery .i tem "tated that thi is an emergenc ' a system of sanitary sew ra ge, measure. needed to S'I fr' ~' ua.rl..i inc1uding int e rceptm~ sewers is of finest qualitythe health 0f the peop e ()f th e and force mams. sewage pump. offered at money Vil1a,g-e of \Va yn.esvil1e. I do not ing works and a .sewage treatbelieve a essing the land- ment works, are necessary, and · s~lVing prices! owners will safe ,guard the that .in order to pay the cost of people's hea'lth. It is mv npinion the mana,gement,. maintenance, that. we need a compl'ete ew- operation 'and re air, or for tl e DOT CUCUMBER SLICES 16 ASPARAGUS Sun. CLAPPS I$ABY F09D strained 7---~~~"1'fumn~~~!m--4t:tr-~H:--tffil1l-F£=:em~l--;tHl{j . re p la«nien t oz. jar 25c Choice of . man-y - ki '~''''~--f.H<~*:-bHh-;q.~Fl-:-t~:--l-':---! and I d t mean n·e that I ads of the sanitary sewerage system . 3 fOf' 25c 2 can 29c to stream pollution an la,\'- and the sewage pumpin,g, treatDOT DILL PICKLES Whole, JUNIOR BABY , FOOD 2 for suits. ment and disposal works and to .DOT CORN Cre am , also Kosher. 22~ oz. iar 25c . 23c However cnntradictor the pay the interest upon the bonds style, Golden. No.2. DOT SALAD DRESSING 8 o'z. rdinance m'av be, it i here, We issuf¥l and outstanding . and to can MOTIS Sweet Cider. A favorwill accent it for ,what it is 'be issued to provide funds for jar. 20c 16 oz . .i3:r 31e bOT CORN , Whole ite for fall parti'es. 1 gallon wn.rth nr tak e it to· court, which. the construction thereof and to Kernel, Golden. No. 6Se: lh gallon . 39c DOT CATSUP 14 oz. jar 23c ev er \ e choose .. It is certain retire said bonds as they mature, · 2 can 23e fhat an emen~:ency does ex ist it is necessary to levy and GRAPE NUTS Ask about "My DOT CHILI SAU~E 1 2 oz. DOT PEAS Tiny. Favorite Grocery Store" con29c bottle Garden Fresh. No :2 test. 12 oz. pkg. . 18c · can '3le . I,='or A Clean, Conscientio~s THOROBRED DOG FOOD POST BRAN FLAKES . Crisp TIP TOE PEAS and, Progressive Administra1 lb. 'can 3 for 25c new ' texture. Special Bo ok Sweet. NO. 2 can 20c 8 oz. pkg. 13Y2c Offer. APPLES Comstock, tiOn. DOT CQFFEE or Drip; 1 14 oz. pkg. 20c sliced. For delicious S2c ,Reg. lb. vacuum can · apple pie. 20 oz. jar SUNSWEET PRUNES. GOld or Drip. 1 lb. ba~ SOC . 19c Label. Tenderized for quick eatin,g-. Extra cooking and TIPTOE COFFEE Reg. or Drip VOTE F~R DOT APPRICOTS ,1 lb. bag 48c . Largge size. 1 lb. pkR, 22c Whole peeled. No. 2lh can 39c NO,10 FLEE~Y WHITE LAUNDRY DIAMOND ' COFFEE R e~ . or can $1.09 BLEACH Disinf·e ct, de der. Drip. 1 lb'. bag . 40c izes, removes, stains. 32 oz. DOT PRUNE for MAYOR J'ILLO PUDDING As ortment 12e %' RaJ. bottl e bottle PLUMS No. 2% can of flav ors. Pkg'. 2 for 15c 22c 2S.c ' . of WaynesviUe

Evangelistic . Servic,es at FER RYChurch of Christ at now in progress

.e ach evening

7:45' o'clock

·Pe.o ple Are Talking About



Fresh Vegetables Your



upp rt Appreciated

S. L. Robin60n Waynesville, O. -' ~"-----~---~~---~----~----' "'1 V •


Stewart's ' Dot South




·F rozen Foods MEAT ITEMS Boston Steak Spiced Ham Pepper Loaf

SOc ,Sge S9c

Page 7 The Miami Gazette In addition t the charge r quarter fro m the time "ti -11 Section 7. The ,char, re I' Wayne -vill , Ohi o No , 4 ~ 19 , rental determin e j ace r jing to ewer conn tion is mad o r Irental ' levi 3d pu rsuant to thi.) Thur da ,Octo her' _ , 194 7 th e rates t e ifi ed herein a uch di -char,l!'e int the v ill ag ~ ( rdin an 'e shall b 'II ' cted by , I ' , further charge f ten (1 0 ) ,per ewerage s sten , ither dir ctl t he De lart m nt f ~ V at I' and not in x e f o,no() ~ a 1\ n n c nt of uch amount 0 det r.r indir ctl.\ ) i I egun, until th e per quart I' , ear, at rat nf min d hall be a id e j th ereto n xt f01lowtng quar ter p ri 1, ' ~ __we I' , an the 8 lri of: r ru ' T n Cen t: ( 0 , 1 0 ) p r 1, 0 in e a h ca of fa ilure to make xc ~,t houl i the meas ur i te - f Pub li' Afla ir.= : ll:tllmak.: g-allon' ; for a h th u an:i pro mpt ,pa,)" ment, and th e tota l ervi e exec d the min imum g'aUon watel: in exc - of ' 4(), thus 01 tamed -hall' J e the char,g-e th e rr r n :t in o' mea 00 gall on ahd n t in ex e e\ erag e rvi ha r,g'e r ure j rate or rate ha ll I e li ar, 'f 5 0,000 gall on 11 I' u ~rte r r ntal in eaJ l ~ 11 h c:1se. ' , ar at th e rate of Fiv l: nL Th " reriod within 'which '( 0. 05) p I' 1 ,000 ,~ a ll o n ; f I' payment shall be made in o'rder each th ou an j ,Q'a ll on in e,'c _:-; t b la ified a a "pr mpt of 50 ,000 ~'all o n at the rate of pa 'ment' hall b determin :i C nts by til B ad of Truste ' f Tw and , on -h alf ( So . o~ ) per 1.000 gallon_ reI' I ubli Affa ir an j shall b exQuart 1'; r rov ided , that 1h min- 1 re ed throug-h th e rul I' ifl1um charge hall he .. ,on regulati on whi h aid Boa r :i i p r quarter , ar I' r art th "re_ auth orized I y thi ' ord in anc to f, ' make for th e purp es h reof. ch a r~e Cb) For ,an y lot, par I of land, (f) Th e weI' s rvi hu ildin ,g- or PI' mi , , ituat d or rental ' pro vi Li- d in f)1i ordinan ce shall I payahle utside of th e corp rate Ii tn it of th ~ ViIl a,(!' of Wayne viii , quarterly at Th "'fa ne vill Ohio. and hav in e', anv conn ec- National 'Bank ,an at the op ti- n of of the Boa rd of Tru t ti n with til iII ag anitar f th e sewerage stem or oth 1'\ i..e Public Affair rna be mad pay'able at th e. sa'm e tim as ,di ch arging- anitar e \\ ag industri al W:1_t , wat I' ' or water bills are payalle. othe r liqui d, eith er d'irectt y or ( g- ) - FOfl the purpo e a proA. Andervided in Section 1 and ,8 h reindi rectl y, into th e ,villag' th ere , is hereby levied an j of sanitary _e" rag: s ' t m. ai i a ~ e sed upon each I t, parcel, - '10 2 ') char,g-e hall he ba ed upon th Quantity of "ater used th er on of land, building or premise or making an y ' ewer . (II' th erein as th e am i Dr. T. P. GROSVENOR · measured by a water meter connection, with the anitar Pt ', met ris t ther in us ' which met I' hall sewera~e system of said Villag'e disch arging e\y or otherwise h t the app ro val of the Board , r ain t. 1_' une 10 , ,of Tru tee of Puhlic Affairs. a.l.?:e, industrial waste , water : r FRANKLIN, OHIO and there hall he char~ d (or o-the r -li quid, ith er directI Qr the fir t 2 0 ,000 gallon of indirectly into th ~ Village 'saniwater, or part th ereof. su d tary, ewerage s tern an initi'al per Quarter year, th e sum of service charge or tap-in f e (I f Six Dollars ( $ 6,00) ; for each Thirty-four Dollar an:t Fift y th ousand gallons of water u ed 'Cents ( $ 34.50) wl1i h tap-in f e shan be in , addition to an 111 excess of 20,000 gallon an d not exceeding 30,000 g-all on c.osts and penalties incurred b' pe r Quarter y'ear, at th e 'rate of the 'Villa~e in compel1in~ the Ei,g-hteen Cents ($0.18) per makin~ of sewer connections ) thousand ga\lons.: for each by any property O\vner re'fu in g YOU WAN' thousarid ,g-allons of water in ex- to make the proper connections ces of 30,000 gallon and not after havin~ been dul y notified AND ARE exce,eding 40,000 g'allon per , pursuant to the laws of the.State ; Quarter year at the , rate of of Ohio. PAYING FOR Twelve Cents ( $ 0.12) per , Section 4. For any tot, land, Rep r ~ nti n,Z IEnER ROADS thousand ~at1ons for .each buildih~ or premises troin which WESTHEIMER & co. thousand ,goa'nons of water in ex- connections is made' \\ ith the PROPOSED "MtNDfI'tNT. R£. AND STREETS, SH"u.. THE': El(pr~ID InJR£. OF MONEYS cess of 40,000 R;allons and not villa,goe sanitary sewerage sysLATINC TO THECERT IS T,6.XES R£LATINC Securities ' ) DERIVED FROM exceedin,{?' 50,000 .{!'allons per ,tern or which beR;ins to disTO VEHICL£,S. 8£ "",OPTfJ) lEr'S HAVE Bought -S~ld ~Traded Quarter at the rate of Six Cents char,g-e sewage, an y industri al ($0.06) per thousand gallons; waste, water o~ oth er Hquids 'HEM' Call Waynesville, 2530 for each thO!lSand ~allons in ex- into the village sanitary sewerNot One Cent in New Taxes' cess of 50,000 per Quarte? at age system, either directly or DAYTON AD 3257 Ohl. C.mmltt•• f., I.u., I.ach .,.~ St,..... 9 N. High St,. Col •• 0, Jame, G.' Dol,. the rate of Three Cents indirectly, after this ordinance ""' telI C_m.,cl.t 'ro".I.,.. Wolter W. Grof. Ohio Automobile Club•• Co·Chol"".." " ($0.03) per 1,000 gallons; becomes effectiYe" a char~e 'provided that · the minimum shalt be made pursuant to thIS ordinance, .the same to be a per char~e shall be Six Dollars ($6.00) per quarter year OT diem pro rata amount l1ased upon the minimum rafe per rrart thereof, (c) In the event a tot, parcet of land. uilding or premises dischar~inR; sa1,1itarv sewa,g-e, in _ dustrial wa te, wate r or other liquids into the vi1tal!'e sanitar , ' sewera,g-e sy tern, eith er directl y ' or indirectly, is not a user of water suppJied by the Det')artment of Water of villa,g'e and Qr ther; bV1f1'Fvilla,g-e n is not measu water meter. 'or by a meter acceptable to th e Board of 24 Boys will boys, dogs 25 Trustees of Public Affairs. then " \ViII be dGgs. For the , of in each such,' case, the amount M,ike; don't miss - ' of water so used shall 1 e oth er, "For The Love Of RQsty" wise measured or determined Ted ,Donaldson, Tom Powers, by' the Board of Trust es of Public Affair in ord er to de- Ann Doran. , termine the sewer service Also: The door was botted charg-e or rental provided in thi from the inside but th killer ordinance or the owner or other escaped. BLIND ,SPOT interested party at his. eXRense Cheater Morris, Constance may install and mamtalO a Dowling, S even Geray. meter acceptable to the Board of Trustees of Public Affairs 26 Learn 'how to check 27' for said 'purpose. ' into the , swankiest hotel and (d) In 'the case a lot, parcel of live like a ' ,millienaire on land, 'buitdin'g- ot premises di s~ 15 cents. Whple town is talkcharges 'industrial waste, either ing (and you'll be laughing.) directl y or" indirectly, into the FUN ON A WEEKEND ' vilta~.e sanitary sewerage s Eddie Bracken, Priscilla Lane" tern; and the Board of Trustee , Tom Conway, Allen Jenkins. of Public Affairs finds that it i not practica'l to atteinpt to Also ~ News and Color Cartoon measure such wastes by meter, 29 It's a field day for 30 it shall measure such wastes in Cupid, comedy and chorus such manner and hy such ,method as it may find ' practic~ cuties. THAT'S MY 'GAL , able ' in the liR;hf of the condiLocated Route ,4e~, South of Route, 73 at . . with Lynn ' R obert.: DOD Barry, tions and attendant circumstances of the case, in order to and Pinkie Lee. determine the sewer service Also: She'll make your smoke char~e or rental, accordin~ to dreams come true. the correspondin~ rates per CIGARETrE GIRL thousand cubic. feet prQvided in Lealie Brook. and Jimmy Uoyd. this ordinance. I





-PEER'S 'L ONESOME 'PINE INN at' only $69' 6~OO

The Miami Gaz Ue Pa~e 8 tion, for the purpo " pf main open ' un1i1 6 :30 P. M. \Vayne. ville, hill No'. 4 39 CURRENT EXPENSES of aid (Ea tern Standard Time) )f Thur 'd a, tIe r 23, 1947 . Village, . e ,~inning for tl~e tax said day. By order of th Bard o f Household Goods . ear 1949 and for a penod of Electi n , . of Warren Count ', TEMPLETON ON ye ars thereafter. FOR SALE Kero ene 4 'The Ohio. pens for .said electi O I! D. P. & LIGHT SHOW Superfex Refrigerator, .Two will open at 6 :30 A. M. and D. W. Bi h op, Th blind pian i t, c ryl.pd r, Hundred Dollars.; May tag Chairman open until 6:30' P . M. and entertainer, Alex 1 empleGaselin e Motor, 2 Cylinder, remain , H. C. tile_, (Eastern Standad Time) f • . ' a..&SSd'IBD AD BATBS • • ton, ha selected Ch.arl~~ Thirty Dollars. Raymond Clerk • wcmla ' or leal. me tIme. •••• ~ •.., said da y. Dcken s' "David Copperfield Hatton, Over Dot Footi By erder of the board of 1Dacil addltoaal W'GI'd ••••••••••••• 1e for performarice on the Dayt0,n tore. Wa n·esville, Ohio. 8I'EOJA.L BATEs by OON'J'L\CT , -11 6 Election, of Warren Count y, NOTICE OF ELECTIO~ ON Power and Light Compan y Ohio. , BOND ISSUE WAYNE Fa ve rite Story program, Tue Lo FOR SALE One Medium D. W. Bish p, LOCAL SCHOOL DISTRICT day, October 2S, at 9 :30 PI m. . ana:Size Heatrela in goed, clean Chairman Netice i hereby given, th~t 'over WHIO, Dayt n. FEDERAL LAND BANK conditien, with abeut 10 feet H. C. Stiles. in pursuance ef a reselutien by Templeton, who ha been LOW COST FARM LOANS ef seven inch pipe. R. E.' Clerk 1he BGARD OF EDUCATION biind from birth, ha perform(1) No. f es e r cemmis ion . Fischbach, mile Ea t ef OF THE WAY N E LOCAL ed with ony orc h es~ra (2) Intere t rate ' are I w,-4% Route 48 en Lytle Read. NOTICE OF ELECTION ON . S C H 00 L 0 I T RIC T in cities allmph over th e UnIted (3) Pay all or part 4 a~ . tlme-. Dayton Mo 7458. ADDITIONAL TAX OUTSIDE' WARREN COUNTY, OH IO, States. A composer of innumerStep intere t e n portt n paId. -1023 TEN MILL LIMITATION passed the 18th day of .Augu t tlb le o ri ~dnal wo rks, . Alex Call - write - or ee Notice is hereby given, that 1947, there will be ubmltted ~ o Temp.leton tarred on hIS own LEBANON NATIONAL To My Dear .Friends: in pursuance ef a resolution of 'a vote of the peeple of said radi o program and ha appear, FARM LOAN ~ I surely enjoyed each of tbe , the Board of Educati on, of school district at th e General LEBANON, OHIO, Phone 448 birthday greetings sent on my M· ASS I E LOCAL SCHOOL Election to be held in said ed as ~uest star on many netEllis H~ Stul'in. Sec'y.Treas. 85th anniversary. There w~re DISTRICT, passed the 23rd day School District, at the regular we rk shews. Colman wjJJ app ar - - - - - - - - - - - - - - more tjJan one hundred, so. I ef July 1947 there will be ub- places f votin'g ' the rein, on in Ronald his re~ular role as host and REAL ESTATE cannot answer eac~ one. They mitted to a vote of the ,people Tuesday the 4th day of Novemnarrater for "David Copperfrom ' Floncta, Texas, of , said Scheel District, at the' ber 1947 a Bond I sue, for the DON'T FORGET TO ~ALL ' came fea tur~d field." 'Jerry Farher, Missouri, Columbus, ' New Ply- General Election at the regular purpose of CONStRUCTING us fe r Insurance. An types of mouth, child aCtor on Lux RadlO Van Wert, Dayton, places of voting therein, on A FIR E PROOF SCHOOL Insurance at a savings. Call Franklin, Centerville, Miamis- Tuesday the 4th day of Novem ~ BUILDING ADDITION AND Theater Screen Guild, and Francis Gene Brown, phone bur~, Lebanon and "near Old ber 1947 an additional tax at ACQUIRING THE NECES- other coast to -coast hroadca t , .Wa nesv ille 2935 .or ~all Was n e .s y i·l1 e ". Edna ~nd a rate not exceedin~ 1 mill for SARY SITE THEREFORE:, in will pIa the title role. collect. Wilmin~ton 2'111. Louella 10m me 10 thankln~ each one dollar of valuation, the sum of Tw Hundred and Mrs. Ruth E. Janney which amounts to 10 cents for two Thousand Five Hun dre "DOC'S~' you all. Real E.tate For Sal&--' . . each one hundred dollar of ($20'2,50'0.00) dollars, and a 47 3 NOTICE OF ELECTION ON valuation, fer the purpose ef levy of taxes be made out ide . ' 1.94 5 1 IF YOU HAVE A PROPERTY 'OR ADDITIONAL TAX OUTSIDE CURRENT EXPENSES of the the' ten mi111imitation e timated Oct. 12,45-85 fair ; 0-: 0' a!r FARM TO SELL Cell or Write 13 45-80 42-74 fair; " ' 14: Scho'ol District, fo r a peried 0 f by the county auditor to av ra, e fair; 52-7 48-78 faIr fair Oon Henderwn, Tel. x::EU46, &17 TEN MILL LIMITATION Notice is hereby ~iven, that 1 year, beginnin~ for the tax 3.20 mills ,for each one dollar 15, 40-65 fair; 40-'8 fai,r Lorain Ave., Dayton, ohio. tfc in pursuance of a resolution of · year 1947. of valuation, which amounts t 5 85 f the Board ef ' Educatien of " The polls for aid electi on no dollars and Thirty-tw "16 38-58 fairj 2air FOR SALE - Two. Lots and WAYNE SCHOOL D'ISTRICT, wl'll epen at 6:30 A. M. and . (If 0'.32) cents for each one " 1 i 35-60' frst; 60-7 5 rain fP 18,' 30-65 frez; 54-75 rain . Defense Cabin on Third passed the 7th day e~ July, remain open until 6 :30 P . .M. hundred dollars 6f valuation f r Street. Clarence Gwinn. 1947, there will be submItted to (Eastern Standard Time) of a maximum period f twent - REPOR 'J; TS ATTENDANCE ' . ~i023 a vote of people of School said day. '. five (25) years to pay th TING District, at the General Electien By order ef the Board of principal and interest on uch GOOD AT FERRY MEE . ' 10 ACRES to. be held in said Scheol District Elections of Warren Coun(, bonds. I The Revival ' meting' at Go·0~.6 reom house. barn, elee at the re~ular places of votin,g' Ohio. The polls for said electi,n Ferry Church. of Chr,i t L ~ti1l t.nclty, land all}evel on black therein, on Tuesday the 4th W. Bishop, will open at 6 :30 A. M. and re- in progress with c::ervlce t etn ~ top road, pnc~d . to sell.. day of November ' 1947, an Chairman main open . until 6 :30 P: M. , held ni,g'htly except Saturday H. C. Stiles, . (Eastern Standard ' Time) of at 7 :45 p.m. Shown by app.omtment ex- additional tax at' a rate not ex'. Clerk said day. Ralph Stinson, Minster of th ~ cept Sund.ay. WIlbl}r N. Sears, ceedin~ 3 mills for each one' WayneSVille, OhIO. Phone dollar of valuatien which aBy order ef the Board of Church is brin,gtin~ the Go p~l 2651. ' -102') mounts to ' 30 cents for each one NOTICE OF ELECTION Elections, ef Warren County, messa,{!es and Harvey Br~en IS Home. For Sale-hundred dollars of valuation, ON BOND ISSUE Ohio. . .' c o nductin~ .the son,g- s~r,vlce. for the purpose of CURRENT WAYNE TOWNSHIP . D. W. Bishop. Chairman The meetin~ will close on Notice ii hereby · ~ven, that ~~H~.~C~.=St=i=le~s,~C=le~r=k~·~~~~S~u_n_d~ay~e_v_en_i_n~~,~N_O_V_._2_.~~ FOR ALE- Six room hou~; EXPENSES OF THE SCHOOL bath; running sprin~ water; DISTRICT. for a period 'of 3 in pursuance of a -reso-:.,I'iJut~io~n;.it.ibf--t_""""_"""Iiiiiiiiiii. .~:::t~ fuel oil furnace; fire place ; years beginning for the tax year the WAY N E ,., home built. about one year; 1947. TRUSTEES, Warren County, barn; chicken heuse; ei~ht The polls for said election Ohio. passed the 10th day of ~:"'-"'~--7"acres Jand; at Caesar' Creek. will open at 6 :30 A. M. and September 1-947, there will be and Little Miami bridge; on remain open.. until 6 :3.0' P. M. submitted to. a vote of ·the ' IT IS OUR POLICY TO , Ore~onia Read; Elmer Lamb . (Eastern Standard Time) of people of Wayne Township at SUPPLY AS MUCH as we can Rt. ,3, Waynesville. 3-1023 said day; ·, the General Eiection to b.e held the amount set a ide for fer By orders of the Board of in said township, at the re~ular NOT HOW' the purpose, 'F OR SALE - Sows with JJi~s; EJections, of Warren CeuQty, places of votmg therein, on Ll1TLE. For this reason our 3 milk cows; 1 Short Horn Ohio. Tuesday the 4th day of Novemis mederately priced service anti 1 Swis bull calf. Boh D. W. Bishop, b 1947 B n..a !I s e fo the Wilson. First farm East of er , a a "':. u, r alwa:ys satisfactor AND A Lytle. . Chairman purpose of PROVIIDING FIRE FUNERAL BILL NEVER H. C. Stiles, APPARATUS, APPLIANCES, BURDENSOME. LIVE STOCK . Clerk B'U I L D I N'G S, OR SITES . ' . THEREFORE, in the sum of , 0 Twelve Thousand ($12,00'0. FOR .SALE ~ 2 ye'ar old I{e- NOTICE OF ELECTION ON Meet U'RE gistered Hamshire Ram~ Also ADDITIONAL TAX OUTSIDE 00) Dollars, a~d a levy of taxes . I be made outside the ten mill - some ' ~ood .seed rye. Mo.rris TEN MILL LIMITATION Brown. Phone .Centerville · Netice is hereby ~iven, that limitation estimated by ·the Mo. 7020. Spring .Valley Rt. in pursuance of a reso.lution of County 'auditor 'to average i....~----4-0.-" 10311 the ceuncil of th~ VIllage of 44 / 10'0 mills for each . one WAY N ES V Il L E. 0 H I 0 Waynesville, Warrell County, dollar of va1uation which aUSED CLOTHINGOhio; passed ·the 7tl) day of mounts to no dollars and four July 1947, there wilt' be sub- and four-tenths ($0.044 cents FOR SA~E - . Man's GO?1d . niitted to a vote ef the people for each one hundred dellars , Hor chIde Lea[her Coat a - of the Vma~e of ,Waynesville, ef valuation, for a max'imum weol plaid lining; size 42 j . Warren, Cou~ty, ' Ohio at ~ e .period . of ,ten (10) years to Phone or Call at Jesse General ElectIon to be held to pay the prinCipal a'nd int rest on said Vi11age at the regular places ' such bonds . . Prenderga t on rhird St. ....:...._ _ _ _. _ -1 030 of votin~ . therein, on Tuesda y . The polls .for said election WANTED- MISC. the 4th day of Noveniber '194 7 will open at 6 :30 A. M. and re-. tn additional at a for rate each not AUCTlftNEERING WANTED - Laundering to do' exceeding 2.5taxmill u , in nw home. Twen( -four on e dollar of valuation which STANLEY and , KOOGLER I' h ur ~ rvice. Ph one 2986. ' t t 25 e t f eacl BROKERS LICENSE . . amoun s o c n s or · < 1 For ' Dates. Phone 2894. WayneSVille. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _-_1_0_3_0_c one hundred dollars of valua. Ohio. Reverse' CharQ" WANTED: Ri de frem N. C. R. to WaynesWE PAY FOR Ville leavin,g 5 :00. Call LEBANON, OHIO PHONE a28 2154. -11q


A-1 condition. Ed tandiford. -11 6


Weather Chart










FOR Any make or model ' Fred Kahn Motor Car Co.



FOR · ALE ' Harlf,v Chr. s· anthemum r ea d y n ow , tran . plant ea rl y, .: c h o i c e celers. 5 c. Edn a St. J ohn. Across from T xaco , Waynesville, ' Ohio -11 6 FOR SALE - Apple, Winte r varieties at Orchard Lane, . 4' miles north of Xenia en Rt. 68, lAI ·mile on Route 235. Closed Sunday~. -1113 FO R SALE Double 20 - G .. .. ,.; ~ SpringfielJ Shotgun;






' .



...-- ~ .

HOGS $6cwt.


'X E N I A Fertilizer, Rriene ' Cha~8e.

4 S4



E. G. Buchu•• IDe.








, 'r

Fairly Familiar , b)' "EFFELDEE




J'otal Taxes Asked . ,


ADollar ' '

N x t Tuesd:1 " N cil.l.l.l.:!r ' ·~I. , ' L: ·wi ll ' ha e th ,~Ii.(",1 Il]~ u American I'rl i \C~l' f .t!' \)in · t(, th ~ II ' and ~:L ' ting UlI l' ha ll l,t in ' IZcret f. r th e i " t1L ~ 1'1" elit . e -\, . a c ni i 11 •...: t l ) U r 5i 11 L 'r ' C ) 11 i-t i o n ~ . f or the m ,)S l l ',rrt w \\'ill v te ill ' ,1I1 -i ,!·:t t in n (If the m st fa', r:lhle aSI e -t If the i - Ue : p're s ' nk i, at. I, f 11' til ' ten efi t ) f th e ,~T t':tt ' , t ntll1lI' e r f p ' 1'.- 11 ' in \' () I ~ d. . n 111 ,few \\,j 11 '0 t, fJ I' t h t: i I' P e j' (1 n a I con -i ' mti ns n1 \ , turnin g a deaf ar:1 11 i :1 hlind e\,2 i n tI . need- f the l11ultitu d ' in nrlkr 1. m ai n ta in th t: ir 'nnv: ' li elll (I f 1 "r - nal I cl1 efib. O f thi ?J ti l) it is .e.'rat ify i ng t(, ' :1 the arc in a min orit.v. . \' el 'n . P ' t ')"011 \ \ :1' For the m st pilrt th e itizen s Ie tl1 III 1111 r ,f the ommun itv feel alid of this mann r : entur\' lui Il Fri 1a \ know the urg nco of th e i SUl: $ ) n, b t, 2 , at , the at hand. The ' ho 1 Bond h Jl11 e f Mr _. J, \\ , lssue is n ot al one .f r a n ew Gr 11 of L ban n. .044 build in~. it's al i ' for a new e·ra Aft ' I' ro ll all, h \,' l1i 'h .1 0 in the liv s of the o min ~ h enty mem t er ' r p n kd, ieneration . It will , ·ive. t h m ';1 .1 0 m illu t ) f th ptembe r m in wh.ich . th ir fullest e. in fo!' \ver rea i and :l e~ te 1. ve l pmel1t f min j and cha ra .. . .64 Til r. 1 ing n t u in " t b ter an he hr u,c:ht f rth, It will L rOll, 'h1 b- f re the cluh, the be an asset t th nml11l1n ii ' m etin,g wa turn e j r t til that \v ill far outwei h iL c .- . ~ r gram chairman, Mr.\ R. E, wa: ' An a et that witt attract ne \v A _bu r\'., wh o intro 1I c t M I'-. re i jellt , new propert ~rn-e r . new ta xpa ers tb li.lrhten th Paul Tomlin so,n. brin K the t tal t , $~,7 14 , ta x o f the pre ent eitizen . , Mr. T omlmson , h~d ,J1re . , v idin,!!.' th y all carr . Vot in ~ against an i _ue o f , M ain Hall\\ ay on fir t fl oor of Grade cho I' buildin (Y ' h w il ~ 01 ell ~ are a l al?er ~n th~ HI t ry . Man 1 pro~ erty wners feel thi kind only r tards pr ~re s \\ oden stairwell and two drinkin f untain _. Fire in the e of Jo.urnalJ ~1. Thl . \\ ~ a th new as e ment of properf!1 o t lI~tere _ tm ,l! and mf.1 m a- ti bmin ,g- up thi next ear Jes en busin,es ' orportunitie wO.u ld cut off e cape. Drinkin f lint are f I' T1 Irl\' ne , :1r ' !tve arh k, . y re rc;mllld d '\ iH in r a the taxe ' still an i r 11s th e om munit v of i ' quantity f I' effiCiency . V,ote for the n ew h Ii: ii n;r Nc!,v . .,;. ..·1:. ri rhtful po 'iti on in com~ etiti n :hat th" .fll -~ , am, ~ ,ment t m qre. Thi i n t true ince the with other localitie . Th o e \\ h d1~ C. n, htutl n , ante to tal am unt o f m ney .n eeded fe I the ar.e m'aking a pel' onal NOTICE OF LOCATION OF fr e J • i t ase i on th ~ r nt valua ,g-ai n b aving- a few pennie in PRECINCTS IN VILLAGE The early n w I al r w're tion theref re if th valuati n ta x s per day b y votin ,Q' again . t Of WAYNESVILLE r i il; crea i, the ta x rate will ver .m all he L , with l,ittl 1h is 1I are a tuall r 1 bi l' , Voters south of Nqrth tre et ' no dtspla " makm g "-' .J e r duced ac rdin.e;1, and them elves of dolla'r ~aioe !1e\y nnt, ettm , f t pe al1l th tota l am unt of tax paid v te at th Em rso'n Earnhart thr u,g-h tax income re &iv , re iden e on Miami IIlklllg" ame, wer e all 11 I will be the ame a at th e preThe Met!; di t tr et. .from thers who will come here han j . Up to I 50, m ost ~'aper en t valuation ot r_ north of North treet Wa ;nesvill , will .h . to live. ' • ervices un jay , m rn il. " ere evote) t6 . I ublishin, V\ ith til ireatly incr ' ased v ot at the Fireh oll e. , evenin~, Novemb r 2n C. n~w of n~tlOna l Im\ ortan -e, ' c st of Ii in?:, p-rop'erty value ~ Wa Ilesville i sit uated t no ~ 1;pe Church ch o I \\ ill ti l 11 SlOce that time, 10 aJ new :mel rentals and all commoditie:s ,g'raph aIT, fo l1ecome a Ib,c-i at .9:30 and the Vv r h f~ _ rv i~ ~dverti ,grajuall y as~ull1 Ii it i ~nl y natural to expect sut urI an area for the neig-hh0r. at 10:3 O. , Importance. taxe t also increa . Howin,g- m et ropolitan districts 10 ated ot h We t and South. I , The II j I~ h lrl iJi:c r C . A d li ,"h tflll mu -i al I r;- ever, in e the t ond i ties pr . natural s.eeni.cjeauty in tl e m inK eledi n of. CiIic!nnati ' is furni 111n,-': , '- r-ra-J'li-'-';\f.ft; ~ftl~~rre--senterr at this Little Miami River valley cal of theIr newel ctri r eo d Retalli k and Joan Gro s. Mi c; are to 1 u ed f r uch import. not be surra sed b) any s ot in or an - f or 1his Oc a j n . Retallick pla yed two pian ant matt r a sch 01 on trucMilton J one a junio r in the State. It terraced 'hillsid ,' pecial ' organ l11u -ic will solo - "TQ 'a Wild Rose." hy tion. ch 01 operation, fire preboth to the Ea st and ",f e t f ,Wa, ne Twp. High School and feature the o ~ enin~ If. th ~ McDowell an i "Prelude '. I y vention and, ontr 1 through the river valle are ideal build- a mem l~ r Bf Miami Valle Church cho ol at . : n. The Skabo,' Mi, Gros elections' til tl e f a new and m odern in,lt ite for h om e and ountr ' Chapter FFA, has iu t return ed be were "Val e'~. b Durand and piece f fir -ff hting- equipervice f w r hip will al ',t te . The P0 sibilitie f x- fr m a trip 10 Kan a Cit open d with org-an m usic, Th re "\~aves of th e Oc an,' I y ment, a state 110nu for the .. World ; War II Veteran " and nansi on for thi \ iI1age are un- wh r he ,has been in attend- will al 0 oe an anth m h the Blake. limited, pro iQing the pror er ance at the ' 20th. National ch oir and a 010 b Mr. Wri,e:ht, The program l osed w ith '1 County eX'p en e. ther should step are tak en to m ake it a,1 Conventi on of FFA bo s Th book review, "Give U Our be. no r a nable ar~um e nt prec ding the erman. Conventi on lasted frai11' 0 t, a t a tive I'lac , In the evenjn,g 'at 7:3 Mr. Dr,ea ms" b ArthemL G oe riz, 11g-ll,!I!-t the . 64 . p,er hundred O ne o f the he_t '. t eps to\\ arci 14 to 22 and there " I' r R . . E. Dalson and Mr W A . .given b Mr. A hury. add itIonal ' tax, b m,e: a ked. flJ) m Cana ia~ thi ' ac ompJi shm ~nt i: a J1 '~ " presentative Re d ' of Cin innati \\ il'l j·__ i1 j r .Followin g ad i 0 u-r n m e n t, Northern II' land, a program of instrumental an i ,damt y Grade School huildit1P", In thi s , En~land. r fre hment wer SOUTH WAYNE we mil t not default. Th futur e Scotland and Wales. v mu i • Mr. DaL n is one . erve'el and a plea_ant ' 0 ial COUNCIL MEETS . Milton was on e of f our to of the leadin~ of the ommun'itv depend '011 rani t of hOl,lr enj oye:t M ' it ael vancement in matt. rs Mf represent Ohio on 1he Natio nal Ci n i ri n at i, a!' a _~a!.!.n!"-...JN~.Be!·. . .~C~_ _ _ _-====-----..:...__---r"ntl"TrT!.;nan d Mrs. J.. B. Cra l be ' elltertained the outh Wa n FFA Ba ld, which c nsi ted (f orKanLt, l"ldl 1i ,hett ~r menr.-Fut\.lre ,C'ene . . 1 i 4 pieces from a'll sta.te' of Mr. Rec-d i on. r ~ f r '1 . \ i.11 lonk hack with re ~ Advisory C uncil 'on Tlllir day f the ih , ev enin .~' for the regular m ont111 y Sf t upon th eir forefather.- the U ni on. Thi ' ba nd \va ' m st t nor sol i t t I ' . t m ee1ing. wI ba i for e-i,e:ht ,enough to assembled and or~:a ni zect I ' an .l~ I't a I r en ' l OL t 111 he The u ua'l hu in s es'l n Dr. Henry S. Br llnn ' r prenar " fnr th m a co mmunit Kn x. Pre ' t teri an . hurch. 'I'll ~ L l11i11l1l1it v i ' (l rd ially \vas held and til gener'al di of g j ~chool , good churche ', P.enns lvania State C lle~ei u- j n n 'the I OI1li is u wa RO d h u es-a home town of , ho is to . e congTatulat ... j . 11 in vited t o h ar t h se m I I ia,l1 s. On N o \. 7, Dr. Willi H. ver y !nt re tin ,!.'!'. ' . whi h ti1e \ can h justl y. proud. his abilit to a Seilll)I ' frnJ 1 " wide an o ar a a band \\-J i 11 ex~ Mi s H,all C? f 'v"ilmin gt n C li ege ' Damty refreJlment w r V:I mlL t not fail in our obliKtl- celled in the qualit f \\ ~ek n j in \\ III gJ" , (1 \1 addr at til ' rv d during the a ial h our. hon to th m. Go t . the pollervi . ~ (d t: r in g \.\Iorl j nmguest of next Tu.e da and i ,~' 11 up for a rendered. mu nit\' Da I i he 'h ' I 1 in th e ou nd investm ent in th e future M.etJ ',t hliwt.CI)II!"h at : p,l11. - a ~Q od ¥ch ,.-. 1 1 ui,l din ,e:, In th Ch i'i ian .r: nturv Personal ad va nct' ment an S. FECHHEINER tl. ' re i" an ar i ) CI. I1 ..' rnin ~ $;0 n 'farthe I' than til ' 0 111La st FIJda v the , incinnati . a ,e:rn u ~ o f h\' nt\ -1 \ () farm el: 111llllity in whkh \\ li v. To fr J11 If va \ hi paii til >ir n ' 11 ' paper ca rri ed ll itu ar II I ti retad it crdva n ement i nnl v f im n ~ . Fe hh e.iner wh e.,~'e n - ~' t, Eur op in r(i •. r placin ,~' a re -trainin l!' hand on el i d at hi r id nc in the that t h y m i . ~ · ht in esti c'ate II t! its people. Thi s i.:: not a p'rsonal ~e' rn n Manor, Th e older i'e. ituati n and fi nd out fnr til ' 111 . L u . it is f ril e (' mnlOn g:no selv,e th extent of h un er <l nd SI el~t \\ ill . I:e all he had a of all. To v o t ~ ag'ain t thi privati on, Th e . found tl1at th' m 11 .cJ thm ,g' to r in is ue i the act of a trait or to- • Wa y, n Ville around th tunt f need i er: ,~ reat. ward th communit v, an lll1. o at this me'tin g an nff'r- the e,ntllr y in th Joom n ow Chri tianJike attitude toward ffice. ing \v ill te 'taken, part nf \ l1i h occul i'ed hy the po -t Our fenowman. will I 1I ed to prOn1nte th' Orange Raper WIlS hi as i tant ' Be honest with yours·elf . an i work of the Council of C11ur h M r' . Fechh 'imer's' rer11ain were the other fellow-vote f r the nt to cremated . on Sun(1a v. Womei1 an d pa rt t h ~ New School Building. Europe. . . Mr. James· LoveJ of Rid ,~e . Mrh' and Mi'. Harold B . Mr. and Mr . A. H Earnhart, - Eam art and family w'ere aVille had a surpri eel birthda Mr. Alton Earnhart anel Mr. and , m on.g the g-ue ¥t on part , Sunday evening' with a aturday Mrs, Earl Earnhart and children evenlJ1K when Mr. and ' Mrs weiner roast, 'bi,g birthday cake and all .was furnished ,by Mr ~ At ove is shown the L~oy's r'est room in the ~Grade Stho I 'building. were Sunday ,fYuests f Mr. and Ernest. Earnhart f Mt. · H and Mrs. Ralph Brill and The concrete trough at lett al'sorbs jor, is imr .: il Ie t keep , Mr. Harlev Cartwri,~ht. when entert~med a,gr up 'of relative,,' they , entertained \\'ith a lar~e h?n nng tho~ .:elebrating their Phy11is Jean Brill, Wendell Thomas, Lydia Roberts and clean. Fl oor is wet and slippery. Vote this can :lition out at the family dinner at their home hlrthday anmversaries in OctN ov. 4th'. election. ober. ,near Eaton. Lou Bel1 of Dayton ,

New 'Century Club Meets In Lebanon




Sp'eel-a) Pro'gram at M,ethodist Church





Jones Ohio Member National FFA 'Band


Dr. ·HaII To·Spea'k At MeIh0d-ISt ' Chorch'






. y

The Miami Gazette ESTABLISHED 1850


Pub11Bhed Ever'y Thursday by DAVISSON PRESS FLOYD L. DAVISSON, Editor I:Dtered ' as second Class Matter a.t ,t he Post Office Sub6crlRtlon Rates: $1.50 per Year in Advance

National Advertising Representatives , Ohio Weeklies, Inc., 2465 W. Broad Street, Columbus 4, Ohio

METHODIST CHURCH R. B. Coleman. Minister Sunday School 9 :30 a.m. J. J. Rurske, Supt. Worship Service " 10:30 a.m. Youth F Howship Thursday, 7:30pm.

Page 2 U" C lie, ' f public chool to teach hi ' ' method in hi N. 4340 Ed ucati n , <?ung- t rs how t( ,g t at ng t be l' 30, 1 47 \\ Ith ' other people and ,how t The majority , , be good citizen - 'lOd he thinks quizz d answered rno t oth r ,problems are - "What hould' ho I T a h?" cho I n th~ :lmpu s operated condary to acquiring th t! b :sa ing- "Train ttl ki is h \ in njul1 ti on with the 00l1e .~e kills for ev ry-da li'ving. f Edu ati 11. i pon- ring: n to li ve In a democrac -h \\' WO U, th niver ity tati n, Thafs what 35 stUdent in to get along with other pe pI t( I r 0. ' . a.n.i th world an j -t face the' 1 c,~'.in nll1g P.rofe sor C. B. 'Men j nhall" advanced , educ'atiori cIa at prol l m th '11 ha,\c t fa e , P{o f C'> s or Men ienball i ' actOhio tat Univer it fund in life.' in~ as consuitant t the pr - , out when th y 'took a repregram' planning: nnuniH e n The word sentative 'samp lin,g' of opinion )!' d~ip,~' , along with pe pI," . the place of lum in the from housewive, d rk, pro- 'takm.e; a more acti ve inter st good sch I of t cia . \ fessional peopl ', llaborers an j in their government' turned The poll taken b the O$U white collar employe in C 1- up fr quently in the ~ 011 t~r ' educati n tllj nt - al howed umbus and near-by ar a'. ' that a majority of the public reports. lieve that pre'sent e iucational The data comp'ikd b the The student too k the poll of their friend arld neighbors students will be part of the: difficulties larg Iy stelll from asis for a, n w _eri f ra ji ,inadequatel y train~:i an:i pOOl'as part of an assig'nm nt in an programs on "What I ' A G d l y-paid teacher and al a they education class taught I y PI' chool ' Today? " which th " flamed outmod i ~quipment, fessor Mendenhall, who is in Parent Council of Ulliver'ity , uildiIags and hi-fa shioned charge of secoodar. edu ati n 'School, Ohio tate' - 12-gra J t aching method . '



MT. HOLLY ,METHODIST T. M. Scarff. Minister Sunday School' ' 9:30 a.m, E. A. Earnhart, Supt. Worsh i p Service 10 :3 q a.~. Eveni ng Service 7:30p.m.





ST. MARY'S EPISCOPAL Samuel N. Keys, Minister Ante-Communion 8 :00 a. m. Church School 9 :30 a. m. Nursery School Morning Prayer





10:30 a. m. 10 :30 a. m.


UTICA ' E. U. B. CHURCH Rev. William Shannon S.unday School 9 :30 a.m.



James Garrison, Supt • . Preaching. 1st and 3 rd Sut:ldays 10 :30 a.m. • each month :1.0









Bible School ' 9 :30 a.m. Communion 1-0 :30 a.m. 8 :00 p.m. Evening Servk:e



-ST. AUGUSTINE Father Krumholtz, Priest -Mass 8 :ee~:--l1't;"and 10 :00 a. m. FERRY CHURCH of CHRIST Ralph E. Stin.on, Minister Bi1Dle School 9 :30 a.m. Morning Worship 10:30 Prayer Meetin,g7 :00 _Youn~ People's Meeting'7 :00 Evenin~ Services 7 :30

a.m. p.m. p.m. p.m.

FRIENDS first Day School '9 :30 a.m. Meeting for Worshi,p 10:30 a.m.

Rev. "David Stanfield, Minister W.orship Service 9 :45 a. m. Sunday School 10:45 a. m. you are invited to wbrship with us.


AND ' ARE HOURS: 9-12 each morning 1-5 afternoons except Wednesday ,7-9, Saturday evening Other evenings by Appointmen~


Dr. C~ E. ,Wilkin ,O ptometric Eye Specialist 26 South Detroit Street XENIA, OHIO .~

...•......... •

-....... .


Proll.,.i1i. to ...... Ankle Xli of ... c.~ of .,... .., .dopU.• • _1M. t. be ........... SecUoa ... to .....iWe ... •• peedlt.... of aso ...,. . .,;..ed' &0. arta. . . . . . .:...... to ...lalcl.. for odaor tJaa. h"h •• ~ . . . ........ n.. propo..d , .m•• prohibil' lh........clil... of , .... •• ci.... or licen.. l.... rel.ti... 10 r r..;.a, or _ 0' v.hicl .. 0" p ..bIic h;Ch. .". or lo , ...1.....d propeUinll vehIcle •• 'or p .. rpo ... olh.r' lhon ' Co.l. of .dmlnulntlion. r.fa.d. ... d .dlu.lmenl.. p."menl "' hi.Ia.a, obU.. tio,,1, hi.h... , ..... brid,e cO .. llruello ... rec:onllruclioll..... lnl.n...ce e .. d .... alher hilbw., pu~.... e .. 'orcamenl tr.ffic law.....d ho.ila~ IUlion p.rlOn. injur'" in mOlor ..hiele ' .cdd..... o.














FOR 'rHE ·BETTER ROADS 'AND SIREETS " A' MEIiID~ENT---(4th On the '.Iiot) . Nor ON. elNJ IN NIW- 'AXIS .... c...I"" ... lent, ...... eM ,, , N.~ High St., CeIInR..... Ollie. ,..... G. Defy. URI," C........"I.. ' ..v.I.... Weller W....., "

ow. ......... a.IIIt

c.'Q tl: n 10

Mi relative in . Davtor'l, Contc t'ant Hiz :and Mr-. unda and 111 t, h I~ j-le r, Mr -, f or ' vnriou r pre~,e nt ati I n ~ B 'r n M ohr an i fa mil y of De · were: Patri tic t . l. Miss _'--':'_--,- , - , ,B~rLaf.a , ~ tcr; F r i~ ll: 1: t, Graff. ~p lallnlO ,'l c mmltte e 1_ MI Ma.r I 'II' Ut gall , _1 i. WANTED , the the e D nal i Bartll\; Ml t rigi nal : ,I : t Barl <L1'}j, 13clgan" 2nd, E ina HI' , k; It \\, 11: I 1, David C ~ a , 2 n 1. 1\ a r H ' I C' n COWS - $20.00 Liv in ,~' t ~1; M thel: (J ' ) n ' HOR$S - , $20.00 harader : I ' t. , ar I 11 t3r )W11, ,HOGS - , $6.00 cwt. Accordlnl to Size & Condition 2n:1, JII11I11 Jac h ;' ~ h ara t ~ r in Fi cti n: ' 1 L. Ron al i , ' I1t~ Also, All SMALL STOCK ~ m I' ,2nd, Ma i lin ~ B' k ; REMOVED PROMPTL Y M t unu ual ' )upl >: I ' t; Phone Janet :-ter, a ni L (llIi ~' WILMINGTON XENIA M ar tin; un g: e t 1 c r. ( 11: 1: 1. prize, Jimm y ,h "no\,,' th: I r tti t : 151. Marg: ' Qnlli n )' " Reyerse Charles Cha rI 2nd, Bettv B(l ga 1 and unn ie: : 1 st. Raym an f Eak in, ' Mr, ani Mr. ar l - 1 1rn nand fa mi'J have s Id tJ eir prl p r t, h hind the M th o r.~ t Church and ~ l:1n , to ninv ~ til th if new h me ill a · n, in th e near future. p n 'o red by th e M TH ER' L Mr .' Blan he arr. r turn ' i t h r hom Thul"l av ,- II \\ WAYNESVILLE HIGH SCHOOL in g a t w week vi -it w i 11 h ' r w and i au,~hte r , h, ani 'Mrs. E erett · ord an ani r~l Gl am er Cia f tht: farilily of Kin g;m an. Harv e ' sburR' Friend hu r ~ h 1:-.: . harle - G r ,3. n I aent ertained th Adult. C1L of returned to h I' .h 'me her", the church at a H How ' en f llowing a w ek v i,i t wit h her CO TUME PRIZE 8 TH . brother .in-Iaw and i ter, Mr. party at the h m e of the pr iand Mrs. W. P. McCarr n f dent, Mi s Nelli e Ma r y ,Davi , B IG PRIZE -DRAWING Wednesday, evening-. ' »"alh<?~ndin g and oth r rIa. ucati nal picture. M ost m embers and gu t In an we ring this econd tlV ' In C shocton. rna ked and prizes wer awardCl U ti n, 2 ,per ons sugg,ested H The WSCS atte,nde i !he, ed for the most uniqu costhat m(lre di. Cipline h(luld ,he W eek of Pra ye r m eetmg tumes. ' integ-rated into the teachincy h~ld at haron Church near Deliciou refre hments were , BEN HOCKMAN'S R HE TRA y tem and everal parents held Km ,g-m~n Wedne day. serv,ed, to the following- mem out f r a heavy emphasi on Mr. and ~ rs. Charle D~ ter b er and ,g' U t: "T! (: Three 'R ". w r ca l1 er m Da_~ton, ~rrday . Miss Davi" Mr. and Mr. everal former teacher ere Mr. and Mrs. WJ11 01 ake of Lawrence, .tarr and chi ldr Il, int rv ie wed in th e poll and th Blanchester were ,gu.ests un- , Larry and Carol yn Jean Mr. m io rit of the e ug!l' t d day of Mr. Drakes SI tgr, Mrs. and Mrs. J ohn t arr and dau?,h. ' Adults 20c Students tOc J l (\ re attention to democra.ti Alice urton. , fer, Sonja Kay, Mr. an MI'-. val u nf , cooreratinll tn l. , Mi. Jane Fit 'Yas a bu ine Mayn.ard Hackney and jal,lghera nce and att ention to civil caller rn Way ne vlll, aturday. ter: Bernadine, Mr. an Mrs. 1'1 erti ' and ,the general welMr. and Mr. Jame D oster Eldred Tietm e er. and eh'l ~ ren, ' far f of ociety. f Dayt n . were aturday Miriam, Lin d'a an d Ke ilh , Mr.






Gleamer Class Has Hallowe' en Meeting

Fri., Oct. 31, '1947 50-50 Dancing

, Palmistry



. fiarv(!'J6turg . .' Mr. and Mr . 'Charle windler entertained wi~a dinner at their country hom, unda " , ho noring th e -McKay famili s I Wi Imin gton. ' Mrs .. Gra e Kingsley, Mr. Straum, and Mrs. Stephen ('f Dayton wer unday gue t - of Mrs. , King: le y dau, -ht r, Mr . . , V era Cha~ ~' e l and ons. Miss Esther Prather pent , the week nd w ith h r parent in Clarksvi1Ie: Mr. and Mr . H (bert ,Do te r , were week , end house gue L of their son-in-law ' and ' daug-ht r , Mr. and Mr . 'Harrv Cl ine Jr. anel daughter, Geraldine of C lumbu . ~--- Mrs-7\. S. Collett 4m:lLSQl1, Mr Rotert Collett entertainej th e fo110wing guest , to din,ner at their hom Sund ay even1l1,~. Mr. and Mr'. 'Weldon ' McKay , Mr. and Mr. William Gi1Iiarn, Mr. and Mrs. Georg:e D enny and ' Mrs. Laura CoJlett. ,The l ocal P, T. A. ponsor~d their annual HalJ o)¥ e' en carnival at the Hig.h ho 1 ~ym, Friday ev ning·. · A it i the regular u tOI11 r r on Clme dre s d for the ma querade.




Situated" Within Reasonable Radius' Of Wa ne



vHi- ~ rl~ a t pub Ii c sa Ie, t, in Wa nesviIJ ! Ohio, on

rn-y-htJll ,

of '. Hh. and High tr

nth e c rn e r

'S at. :Nov. I, 1947



Beginning at 1 :00 o'clock P

AT LONESOME PINE INN South of Flasherlight at Routes 48 and 73

M the following:




I--~-Hta ve -r-en-t

Mahoga ny dinin cy roo m _uite, 'can LtillCY of table, buffet and 6 chairs; 'Mah ogan y kn ee hole de -k; Oak ecti hal b ok ca e' victr ol a an j re o rds; piano i Magic Chef ga ran ge; kit hen al i -

net; '2 imp orted rose toup CIl nilt'e rug each 1( 'rox 1 I : I t mall rug ; drapes; clock ; mirro r, ~ icture$~ lamp, di hes, gla -'---- i---4¥IL< ' ara.. +r.l;;.e..-, g uten sils, single b d, Oak Ie" lire E.r and wa -h _ta nd, la rO'e ll~boad, co'n -ervo cann r, lard pre , co uch, electr!c carpet sweeper, Biss Is weepe r, O'la;::'- an, tc.; Prima electric v. lsher, tub .





'Fairley , ·R ·d we,. Stope 6 -

PHONE 2441


CAR....ENTER TOOLS W rk ben ,h, O'r ind r with !l hor e l ower el ectric l11 o t o r~ craIl aw, hand aws, era S cut aw, wI:eckin g I ar, c m pJ.ete et aug'er bits, c(1 I11/,l r te ' et chi el , pip e wre ncll e ,' m il)] \ rench es, 2 lai'O'e to ol c1: -t:::, tr 1 run'er ~ , h dgc trimm er; t "1 'ladder extention l a (i' r an j m an ther t I to nllln r II t o m ntio n.


FOR ·RE~~l.ECTION ' 'Vote for • • •

Wh c I harr w , 2'arde n I I ,w, ,'ad en hU:: t: , l awl1 m ower, y the, m ol e trap, te'el traps, III ~ t a l hi ' ken hoy I , -pli.cte, pot at o f rk, ra k e-, t~.

ANTIQUES' Ro e w ood Ii r ary tabl ' , M Qh gan y ,tilt t P La ~e, 2' ca n seat Walnut chair, ' 2 ladder 't ack r k l' , 3 ladder back t raight chairs, Walnut he t" Old hei, Walnut c ' nter tal ~c , Old French w.all cl ock, ,Old atlas 18 6 3, et .



.for MAYOR of Waynesville _Warren Braddock, Waynesville, Ohio

Elec:tion, Tuesday, Nov. 4, 1947 Pol. Adv.

_ •••


)0 ]1, lante rn, bir:l b ath,

.. _ . _ . __ ______ 7__ ~







- .. --


._ •.




5ebools~ cannot be Too much attached to ' our schools. Visualize, if you will our community without 'its schools. Consider, how much of the social and cultural life of th e community revolves, around our schools and their. activities, import~ nce

, Besid es sports ,

baseball, foot-


of aU the ball, 'basketbalt ," loved by yo ung ' dances, and most i~po rtant and young and old alike, our s~ hools provide the .. place where our children will stay background and 'meeting ' place f<;l r ' people learn the lessons that with '~hem all thrqugh life, many other activities, all important to the" . .' . life of the comm. untty We must not overlook 'the part ,our teachers 'ptay in making our school's Affiliated Association s' with their the important' element they are in the social functions; lectures; plays, debates ~ife of our commun.ity , Witho ut our and oratOI1i'cal contests ; musicals, ,


effici ent staff of teachers our schools would not amount to much. They are the ones who "keep the ball rolling", and instill into the lives of our children those lessons of character building, that develop them into ,!seful men , and women. Our teachers too often do not receive the praise and recognition they so well deserv e for the imp'Ortant part they play in the' life of the 'community.




l' On ly CO ST S Th e AV ER AG E PR O PE RT Y OW NE R ,




















Pa,ge 5 The ~iami Gazett N. 4340 \Vayn esvill e, Ohl Thu rsda : 0 toher 30, 1 47

When W ,got there the p n- abl to w rk n :d su ml11~r, . were full of them, o un~ n , th y mt! t ha ve what th ne i old one, thin ne, fat on . NO''', W 'In't put them in We wer early ani th wer~ cold . t ra 'e and tak th'lll out hu v rt in g them an i Kr:t iing n xt ulll'm r. \Vhat ever we th m. There wasn't a larg- 'are g ing- t ') i lllU t I' don crowd there but m ' t f th 'm NO' '''. hai t hu 0 the l i din gA FARM DIARY wa l'ri k: everal lot · f go 'j CARD OF THANKS by w tern y arling: and lamb ' D. J. Fraizer went for almost thirt d lIa r' a h.ea i, and two an~ thr~,e yea r ctob ~r 2-+~ 1947'. La t 01 i aim -t a ' hi.e:h. Th ' n til y ni,ght the 'thin, hi.e;h. call of th e I .c:an t nd in ome .e: a li wild g'e \\ arneli u ' 11 at (1 m native " .:oli i mouth ,, ' that i where the weI' ~ ha ving cold what th y al1 four an i fi c weath r and this m rnin~ a ar old that still have te th c 01 ea t wind makes u wo nder ,enoug-h to chew th jJ- food, • if Ollr lov ly belat d ummel' and we b , an to bid, auti u I, . da , are ov J . Last week nd We let eve rat lot ~ land AUCTIONEERING we had some good shower ~ then bid on t n of a lot Qf but th warm w ~l:th e r lao ed ei,e:hte n, we got th m and th~n STANLE'Y - and KOOGLER BROKERS LICENSE on and all weel< .it ha be n when the other i ht didn't g:o For Dates. Phone 2894. Wavnesville. lIke summer. Th e rain made quite a high, we 'b ught th ' m Ohio. Reverae Charges it possible to do orn e m re t . Wh n We p;ot them h m plowin g and put in ome m re and loo kej them OYer w were ,"vheat, ' one mall field plant d, v. ell atisfi d. 'They were clean one lar ge field about half plow- and in.e: d c ndition. Now ed . We con ider i waiting and we hop th re will I no more' putting it into corn in th spring- d.e: quarentine, A long as I ut 0 ften we have tr utle our do, ran loa e \\ ha i no .e:ettin'g- thing r ady in the strang dog Qll the place but pring: we' a.r go m.go to put as oo n a Buck wa ti d LIP \~ e it in wheat now if we can K thad do.g troubl e . to ' it. Everything done now wiil we _ave more ~ra in I . means that much Ie to do in eatiti.1r up the chickens Q4ick1y the sprin.e:,. r 'by havin.g p , uttr ytes and The corn i stilt too damp to e~gless day ? The e questi 11 crib safe l. . A frien of mine of how to,.!?: t al ng on I catt ed me up Wedne da y. and we grain are p u zz lin~. It d,oe n't drove up t Troy to ftnd ou~ _ pa to let an kind of tac k get about selling co rn that wa not thtn ~ H co ts more t fatt n dry nou.e:h. .to crib. We t .ok than it does ~o ke p them fat a. sample of ,It , to Altman MIlls and no feed, no eg:g . Thev ' y where they have a drier. It tesL there are ' lar.e:e 'quantities of ed 3 7% moisture which he .con- poultr. in storage and pI-ent sid red too high a p rcent to of dried and frozen eg.e:, 'why crib safely unless special pre- don't we ship som of them? cautions could be taken. They I am a ~ reat believer in eating Happy . is the home in which were takiriR" in corn by the scarcity by more production curtains, furniture scarves, truck load but mo st of it would What is bemg done along tho e _ drapes and other household have to be dried. We ' hu , ked , lines? Are.we helping th em .e:et articles and clothing are kept a little last week but the hO,gs plenty of winter wheat and clean and attractively pressed are eatin~ it so fast that there rye sowed for next yea rs crop? without inconvenience. is no dan~er of its sp oilin.g. Such Feed the hun.e:ry we mu t, btlt Such things , make your a question-pick it now and also we must check and re- family Jj,roud of yo u and th , take a chance or let it ~o and ' check our methods and make home you mana~e. Try it and t.ake a chance that it will be sure that what we send ~o s discover yo ur satisfaction will possible to pick it later and' not promply and safely where it be far 6eyond our m ode rat~. leave it in the field all winter is most needed. changes. like we did a few winters ago. We ca~ put our meat in our Last Saturday we wen~ to t)~e fre'ezing lockers as Soon as it sh~ep sale at the Co-op 111 WII- is ready. We do not need to m1l1gt<?n. ,We aur sheep feed our friers all winter to early 111 the summer after we have chicken to eat when we had had do~ trouble b~t we want it, we can put them' in our have more sheep feed 111 ,th.e lockers but if the people who barn than we have ho~ feed . ' . , so we decided to ~et some more need food pow- are go mg to be if we could get some at a fair ' ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ price. ' They advertised two thousand ewes to be sold, -some GENERAL ELECTRIC 'Westerns and some native.




Rummage Sale sponsored by Band Bo,o sters Sat. Nov, 8, Memorial Hall REGISTERE,D

Nurses ,Wanted' GOOD ~AY

ur s, Ohio.







Peer's Lonesome Pine Inn



SUD 31 Top action western Nov. 1 epic brought back fo~ goo.d , en-' tertainment. Don't miss thIs fast moving show of the good old west in days gone b¥. KIT CARSON Fe a t ,u r in g : Dana Andrews, Lynn Bari and many other top stars. ,Added: Color ,Cartoon.

. 2 You'll hold your sides! 3




CHOCOlATE PARTY MIX Brach's 1 lb. box 9Se CHOCOLATE COVERED ' CHERRIES Brach' . 1 lb. box. $1.00 ' BORDEN CARAMELS Extra ,g-ooa. 1 lb. 39c


$7.$ 0.5 0


5 lb. pkg. Ask about the Word ' Game cont st.


10 lb. pkg.

AUNT JEMIMA Pancake 18e Flour. 20 oz. pk~. ' STRONG MErAL' FRAME . .PANCAKE SYRUP New England.. 12 oz. bottle. 23e ,


A youthful" gay and delightf~l story. The whole ,country wlll love CYNTHIA ' , with EIiz8beth Taylor. George Murphy, "Cuddles" Sakall and , Mary Altor. Added: Lalest Movietone News 5 'A money-mad woman 6 whose craze 'for riches almost sent an innocent mati to his death. . FRAMED with Glenn Ford. Janis Carter, ~ Sullivan and Edgar Bucliaaan. ' Plus: Color' Cartoon and Comedy


CANDY CORN Bi~ Chi e'f Kernel. 1,2 oz. Cellophane ..,....,.:--Ic-'-----=ba.g. . " ' I, '35e BUTTER CREAMS Harvest. 12 ,oz. cellophane ba.e: 35e AUTUMN SPICES 12 oz. 33e Cellophane, b,ag-





SPECIAL BARGAINS FOR THE HAlLOWE'EN ~ARTY 'DOT PUMPKIN DOT 'OLIVES Plain Q ueen. 23c No.5 jar. ' 25c Fancy No. 21h can 'DOT PUMPKIN PIE Stuffed Manz No. Jh SPICE 1 oz. can. .tOe jar. 23~ 'M OTI'S "CIDER Sweet. ' DOT MINCE MEAT *' gal. jug. 39c Condensed. 9 oz. can. 19c 1 gal. .1ug: 6ge DROMEDARY DATES JOLLY TIME POPCORN Pitted or Unpitted. Pitted, White or yellow 1 0 oz. can. 17c 714 oz. pkg., Unpitted, 10 oz. pkg. ' 2Sc DOT PORK & ·BEANS ' 0, can. ' , 2 for 35c ROASTED PEANUTS DOT CATSUP' Fancy. 3Sc 1 lb. 14 oi. bottle. 23c WALNUTS Lar.e:e Eureka. , DOT CHILI SAUCE 43e 2ge 1 lb. bag. 1 2 oz. bottle. DOT MUSTARD MlXW-l.NUTS ~ 16 oz. jar. 12e 1 lb. 4Se DOT PICKLES .Dill or Kosh ~ r Dill, 22 oz~ jar. ALMONDS' Pee rie s. 25e 1 lb. 43c

Ironing Boards $6.75

'Diamond Coffee ~,




TIP TOE PEAS T n ier, sweet. No. 2 ~an ' 17c DOT GREEN BEANS Fancy, Blue Lake; cut. 19c NO.2 can

Regular 0'1" Dl'ip. 1 lb~ bag.


' J




Waynesville Furniture & Appliance CO.,' South Main Street aeross from Grange Hall Telephone 2422 WAYNESVILLE, OHIO

... Roa t 49c '

' Smok d Hams GoO "t \ '.Iu


~~~~~~~~--~~~--~--~--~----I .

Stewart's Dot South Main Street






r '

,l'ocal'·Star 'Members, .

Page () und ay gue l f M r. and No. 4340 Mr. Earl. YOlln ,e: 0f L vtl e w ~r " : . , 194 7 Mr, and Mr . H 'rh Kent, \ r . ani M r~. R hert Li ng and n, Mr. and Mr. Fr i Lang /\11' . and '\ r. ( rvi lle Y o 111 ,~, Ram n Y ung, l tf. Y un,... Edwin My rs all o f Da t n an 1 ,' \1' ani ' Mr::f . N ' \\'man and ' n an 'i h . :1I1i \ r:-. Mol r w re ~ aturLiav ev nin,lt alle r of Gir i n Bac n an I Chari Bun ndl a id lwl fe r' fa mi'l.v. of \V ayn 's vil le. '




, ~ r5 , J(l h11 , I ti l' " , \h ~· . • t :ll1!c' \" B II j Ie \., ~, i' , f) . . C. Rid ' , Mr:. ),; l1n rr ,'111111, ~'r s . 8 rtie MilL, Mr.', . Z. Ha' '0 k and , AI'S. ' arvin l11 ith n V\ i neiay " nin g- f left n Tu '~ l~t\, 1111 JI'I in ,\.: t,\ attend the ''': _SIOIL t , .'Ta ll 1 ,Ia t \~e "k Mrs. Walt er \ hithapt 1', r! r ' f East'rn ,' till' aker a ked Rev, an i Mr' . R. ' B. • Mr. li nd Mr, Ra v M'ain u ,' an·i fami l in - IUIllI LI S. " r '. Bur lee an! C le man to all at tll'ir hom ' ham of Battl n a matte r f bLi in "- -. h rtML. Ba ilv will a.::ist r pr,l'~ ... nt, were linda V inner gu t of pent th week ,in ~~: th t, ' nty fir t .ii. hLt '11. I v after th ir al; riv~1 a numl r al Mr. and Mrs, Earl Kimb, rli n' at latt r' moth r, f the n ar nci, 'hb I' am ~ in " Franklin . th'e or' n i n ~ _csj on an ! !IlS allaLacy . the 0 a · i n heing t l1 > we ti 111 e.:-i oll . , din g anni ve r arv f Mr. and Orland Hol me, and famil y \r_. Lli II Armi :l ,Q'e and and Mr f{()bert Wil 11 Mr. C I man. h s E F. e :'nJ a rt J.:'f I '1 .were \V ek ent' VI itor of hi. andMr(am il v f 'Da yt '11 , • ancl A s t , of bed-roo m l:1mp V\ ~'l1e ' ~a' flr r' m allh cr nJ pa rent, Mr. and Mr . Th oma Mr.. and ' Mr. V\ alter , Fri nd. Holme at Sabina., , ck. All " 'jll atten d· rhe hI' ak- weI' pre, ente j ' and ieli'ioll Mr. and Mr . lifford , W il: , 1'1 ' r fr hment erve i . fa t ' to J1 h 'Id at t h N tt l and famil y and M r. and M r, . Hau e n Th ur in v m rni n ,~' f ' r Mrs. Howard Ge am n and Flo yd LyilCh all of \ ' :!\' 11 Mr. and Mr. a\ re ll , ' i tri t :! 1 ~~ hi ch i in char~e of Mr , Hi ev, Mr. 3': 1 ' Hi ~ v, Mr . K oon of Da vt n call ed 11 ville al ' Mr an:i Mr.;;, I ar r ~'1! Hariin and Mr. Netti " ' T inn Mr . Earnhart. Mr. Ben Hisey an i 1\ 1'. Vernon Mr . Fred Hool<,' Fr,iday after- Bogan of Cfark vine ~ ~ , I d '1 Mr. J. J, ' Burske an i ~ e eral left on Monda to p nct til hutts atten j d the ~ : ri ce at noon. the hom of Mr, :'11 i Mr.: . oth r also wi ll att nd var' U .- winter m onths fn F! rida . , Ow nton on Thur 18. '. Charles B ,g-an in \ 'cllm an . e ~ ion, W. G. Fi her, wife, an i Sun day , , Mr. an j Mrs. J hn KeLe Mr. and Mrs. K. R. HilI and .:.~~~""'~~~~"""l""'f '''''~''''.:. and on were ,~e k -end,gu t son, ' enroute from e n'inn-ati of Mr. and Mrs. Ej . Burton in to th ir home in Grove Cit , Elyria. were luncheon ~ ue ts of Mr., II and Mr . M. F. W eltz. one day • The Ju venile Gran, e 111 " 111 Mr. and Mr . J. R. Bur k e, during th e pa t week . , R 0 a d, 0 i I and Tar A p p lie d bel' en joye d a HalIo \ 'en Mrs. D. C. Rid,ge, Mr. John part at th e Gran~e Hall n Fromm, Mrs. Be rti e Mill , Mr . Resurfacing and Driveway Recoating Mrs. Jenni,e Planck wa aturday evenin. Mr, Earl Harold B. Earnhart, Mrs. Lu ille taken very ill on Fridav night Dunh am a sUed by Mrs: Edwin Armita,ge, Mr . ,E. F. Earnhart, and was taken to the MiddleES"F1MATES FREE urface were , in charg and and Mrs. J. N. Robinson were town Hospital on Sunda y wh ere games, contest., all in ke ping ~uests of Morrow Chapt r 0, she will r main for obs' rvati n w:th the sea. on, and' danc in ~ E. S. . on Fr-ida y evenin~. and 'treatment. .2 6 Oakwood Avenue LEBANON; OHIO Phone 2~I-L Mr. and Mr. D on Hadl ey (Watch This Spaoe Grow) , and dau~ hte r had a . . un :lav DON'T MISS IT dinner gue ts Mr. am Whit- BE SURE AND COME aker and Mr. Morr j- Ha I y of YOU'LL WANT TO HEAR Ore ~on ia. Mr. and Mr . Ralph BRING YOUR BIBLE Webb and s n and M r. and Mrs. THAT GOOD IT IS IN PROGRESS Marvin Pete rs n of Wi.\mington

,Wedding Anniversary of Cole mans Observed


Young Grangers

Blacktop Driveways

,Hallowe'en Party


Coming 'S oon


Mr. and Mr -,·Fr d Hook had as Fdday aft m oon cnller Mr. Howard Ge 'saman and Mr.. Hel'l ert Kuhn ' f )ayton.

.' Evangelistic' Service , , THF. fl'-!SPIRATIONAL SING'ING '



Mi J ea n . Hart:ock enter. tain e i with a pi -ni: upper on Sun day evening ' and, had .as guests the m emb r of the office, where sh e is e'm ployed at Wri~ht ' Pield. About ' thirtyfive ,guests nj oyed th e outdoor picnic. :


Ferty Church of Christ . pI I, PP E, STINSON, M' iter


one Centerville 7341


___ _____ ~


Mr. and Mrs. Louis • cently enjo yed a few the Smokies. Mr. a.nd B. Marlatt occupied th durin,go 1.h ir absence . .

aod 'Service ============ ON



Fire re.:. days in Mrs. O. ir .h me



Mr. :lnd ' Mrs. R. J, Williamon of Cleveland ir th e guest of the , formers" ,,moth,er, Mr. Ann a W illiamson, ithis week.


ALL , MAKES OF EQUIPMENT Representativ e for


ce ' reaID

____. ,

,SHERWOOD Refrigeration Sales PROMPT,



Mr. ' and M j' • ,J o hl1 Bo~an of , Lebanon, O. and Mr. and Mr . Elm er Boorom 'of Detroit,' Mich. caWd , on Mr. ani Mrs. ' Charles Bo~an of Wellman, Sat~rday eVening. '


WaynesviUe DrIIg Store PHONE 2121



Phone 332 M

'For A Clean, Conscientious and Progressive Administration • .


Vetera'n s World War II '! .

. .




VOTE' YES • N.v.4th


Ohio Soldier's Bonus' Bill


of WaybesviUe



P 1. Adv. f






UPP rt Ap~ reciat d

Servic,e ' Director







Page 7 ,Th e Miami ,Gazette: Wayn vill e, Ohit} N , 434() , ' Thursday, Odoher 30, 1 47

Dr. T. P.

Opt fnetri t 335 S, Main t, Phone

, Mr , Elia ' D akin i ' ~ ndin ,~ io a week with relative - in pring-wee k with her daught r, Mr, field and olumbu , ' FRANKLIN, OHIO Gene Alexander and fllmil y of Dr. Emma Hollo\ a ' Delpho , -'-sever'al da s thi \', ~k at til tate Can ven ti 11 of the \ . C, T. U. in Clevelan:i. 12 PARCELS REAL ESTATE Miss 'Nell Me Ka f X Ilin wa a week end gue t f her' aunt, Mr ~ Eval ' 11 Peter n. Mr. and Mr . Murra v Gre ' n of Lebanon were dinner <u·:t SATURDAY NOVEMBER 1, AT 3:30 P. M. on Sunda of 1\lr. Ii \'~ Curl a,nd Mrs, Evalyn P ter on. Loca ted 6 mil e S?uthea t of Cent rville, 0 .; 14 mil e" ou th ' Misses Minni e Db j n. Ruih of Dayton, 0.; 19 IT,-l Il es 'West of Wilmingt n, 0 ., ; '9 mile North Chandler and Mr . live Curl lub of Le ,anon, 0.; 2 md es outh of Lytl ,0. ; 1 and a half mil e East attended the New Centur Friday aft rna n. Mr. Eval vn o~ State Route ~8, 3 fourth mil outh Route 73 on T ownsh ip Peter' on was hoste_ at the ' Lme Road; 4 mIle West of Wayn sville.. home of , .h r br ther, Mr. Murray Greene in Le ap )n. PARCELl , Rev. and Mr. am Ke L:S , 40 ac res impro ved with splendid 10 room mod rn brick hou ' e we re,guest rat dinn r n W e j2 car g'arage, doubl·e crib, 2 large poultry hou e milk house well nesday of Mi e Marne and and ci tern. ' " Annie Brown. Buildin g all paint d white, house complete ly redecorated. Miss Margaret Ed\\ ard reo , ' Excell nt road frontage, be t of oil, om p rmanent pasture, turned on Thur :ia y from a wood land and creek. visit with he r 11 ~ he\ ' and familie, il1 Dayto n and prin g-. field. PARCEL ,2 Mrs. Brixner' and augh r, 76 ac re. Large Balik B~rn, excellent condition, n,ewly pa,.inted Miss Angi e Bri xner and Mi 5 white, 2 room utility building, large brooder hou e, and well. Grace Coo'k, al\ of C rman. Good farm land, woods; pasture and creek. Nice road fronta e. town called n Mr ". An an ~:l Ideal building site. ' Hartrum, un ia af t ' rn nn. These two tracts will be o!fered sep arately and as a whole.

Mr ', R; B, Peters pent l a t

e'y~n in'" .•'0

J,.ienJ" :J/ome




Weather Chart


194 7 ,t. 19 .3 2 -70 fn t () - ~o 20 ' -7_ fr . t 44.7 6 2 1 4_·75 rain 4U- 7 ftd-------'" 22 ' 4 - 5 fair 42·- (: ~ 36 - 9 fair 42 - 5 24 36· ) :2 rain 46- 7 6. _5 4 - 5 rain 5c -7

f;L(r f~lir

fait' fair f air fa ir fa rr'


211.: acres each.


Mrs. Mr . f rural win ner.



Mr. and Mr-. L \Vis Crawford of X nia pent th week end with th eir ar nts, Mr.' an:i Mrs. Clarence Cra wf rd. Mrs. H il~y' Gib on' wa ' a

PARCEL 8, 9, 10, 11 PARCEL 12

15 acr,es. ' All have ' excellent road frontage. Ideal building sites. Th ese parcels will all be sold separately, and as a unit and sold in the manner procuring the highest bid . . Each parcel will be sold at absolute auction to the highest , bidder. , Q~ick posse,ssibn. All · taxes paid until June 1948. Clear warranty title.

TERMS: $1,000 deposit on Parcels 1 and 2. $300 deposit on 3-11.


WESTHEIMER &. co. Securities BOUght' -Sold -Traded '




', T. L. HAMILTON, OWller '--



Call Waynesville 2530 DAYTON AD 3257

$500 deposi4:,Qn No. 12. Balance upol1 delivery of ~eed.




R e prese ntin~




E. '0. SCOTT I'




mI. ,Jloff'l

PARCEL 3, 4, 5, 6, 7

5 acres each.

a rriying:


F. T. MARTIN & C. E. RIE5AU, Au~tiooeer~ 70S COMMERICAL BLDG., ADams 3661





,& a.-Way FAR.. INSURAMC.",i n ihe Ohio Farmen will give you broad protection against losses OQ ' your farm. I( coven your buildings, yoUl' chatte!l, your automobile ,a;acl yo~ UabWty for accidents to others. ,Why not lee us tQday? You ao.. you',. we when you',. luurecI in the Ohio Farmers . , J

, Karl D. Dakin Insurance Agency



PhOne}5~!. 2~~ E. Mulberry, LEBAN;O N, O.

OHiO .AIMERS .........

, , .." OHIO .AlMld


I~ ~ ~.h






We are' ready to help you in your tim of n~ d.

STUBBS Funeral Home





Located on Route 4fl, South of Route 73 ,'a t




at only $&9&.00


• AI pi : an d



. M. ;.j wil l ()~ ' 11 at ( I ~ 3 0 j-em:1in ) ~ en unt il :30 p , \ . ' (Ea:t- I'll a n ~ . r~i Tim "' ) o f ~aid j a '. , B\' '- 'j ~r.: qt th 1 \) ;l r ct )f EI c'ti n, llf \ ,Irr n C/>l1l1l \' , hi D , \\ . Bi:hop . Chai rm an



Underwood Orchard Harveysburg, Ohio


t1. ---

, 25 words or less. one time.. ...•• 2Sc ' Each addltonal

woro ..••.. . .•••• 1e

(1 ) Inie re5t ra t .;: ~r~ I m,,:- ..j.t" , (3) a r all or p nt a ~1 ,\'tllne-. tIp in te l' st (I n p()rt I \ 1n 1;11 d. all 'ri l ' I'



Don Henderson, Tel. KE3446, &1'7 ~raln Ave., Dayton, Ohio. tfc

LIVE STOCKFOR ALE 2 ye ar old Regi tered Hamshire Ram. Al a some ~o o d seed r ye. Morri s Brown. Ph one Centerville Mo. 7020. prin~ Valle y Rt. -1 0 ~U

USED CLOTHINGFOR ALE Man' G nI Hor chide 'Lear,hC! r Cl at all. wool plaid linin g'; si ze ~2 ; Phone o r Call at J e e Pr nder,g' ast on Thi I'd SL -1 0 0

N'oti '~e i ~ h reI. ' giv~ n , that in pu r uan 'e f a l' : lutkll1 f. t he Bp:trd (I f Ed uca ti r) n, of MA. IE L . L H L 01 TR I T , p a -- l,i,l h :? '" ri cia ' of Jul I 47 , th ' rl ·' 11 11' .' l1h ~ mitted t a v ote i t11'l r 'lo~, le of . aid ... chool Di~tri~ .. at Ih2 Gene ral Ele t ion 'l t th2 . '~ 1I 1 ar places of vo ti n~~ t he ·... in , n T u _d a ' t he 4 t h ~1 a\' I) f l ' -, ~ m ' be l' 1947 , an ad iit i )1 a1 tax at a ra t n ot' e~c edin ...: 1 I:li ll f r ea h one d li ar of al uati :))1, \\'hich am ount t( 1 0 ~ nt ' f r each one hundr ct \, i ' . 1r of \'aluati n, f o r th p u r~ -e ( f C URRENT EX PEN E of th e Sch o.ol Distri ct, f or a p rio j of 1 ear, beginning fo r t he tax ear 1947. The polls fo r sai d el d ian , will open at 6 :30 A. M. and remain open until 6 :3 0 P_ M. (Eastern Standa rd Tim) of said day . B order of th e ,B ') ar of Eledion s of Warr n County, Ohio. ' D. ~. Bi 'h op, Ch airm an H. C. tile -, Clerk

NOTICE OF ELECTION ON ADDITIONAL TAX OUTSIDE TEN MILL LIMITATION Notice is hereb given that in pursuance of a r oluti n of the Board of Education of WAYNE SCHOOL DISTRICT, passed the 7th clay of ' July , 1947, there will be submitted to a vote of people of said School District, at th G eneral Election " to be held in "aid School District at the re,g-ular places of v o tin~ therein, on Tuesday th e . 4th day of Novemqer 194 7, an aclditional ta' at a rate n t exceeding- 3 mill f r each ' ne dollar of valuation which amounts to 30 cents f or each one hundred dollar of valuati on, for the purpo e of CURRENT EXPEN ~ ES OF 'THE SCHOOL DISTRICT. f r ,a peri od of 3 years b g'innin~ for the tax ye ar 1947. The ' polls f r' said electi on , will op,en "at 6 :30 A. M. and remain open until 6:3 0 P. M. (Eastern tandard Tim e) f 'said day . By orders of th e Ba d f Elections. oJ Warren Count y, Ohio. D. W. Bi ho~, Chairman , . H. C. Stiles. Clerk

FOR SALE Frigidaire Bl17 EI~ ctri c Ran~'e; II ed tw o , ears; g-ooj ' naiti on; ~ ' .l5 0 . C h a r l e T a l ' r , Cl yo M Road; Dayt on Ph 11 70 43. ' -, 1.030





~ ~ocs



X·EN I A Fertilizer Reverse Char.e.


E. Q. Bach.ieb, lac.




Nov. 10 to Nov. 24 G RAY'S


SERVICE W a'y nesv 'lle,~ -: I ,~

We, the Memb r of the Wa yn'e Local Ba rd f Educati on in vi,e w of the in ad quat accom odation of fhe resent Grade School have deci ded to present to th voter of Wa ne L ocal , ch ool D Ltri t ' a and i sue f or th ' pur.p e of co n structin Q', aCCQrn oda tj Qos f or



Unio!.l Stock Yards Live Wirp and proQreesive. An orapnizatlon second to none. Strlctlv sellers on ,the Dest ' all around market in the. Cincinnati


SERVICE THAT SATISFIEo W HI a yt on .1_ : 0 E . . T.

Dia l 1300 WLW Clnc lnml t1 12: 40. Dia l 700. ror Our l);,dl y :\!l a rk t Report.

IT IS JUST AS ,SENSIBLE to , consider funeral co ~ t as it is to consider anl oth r e x~ ense. And "sen ible' is th e w rd to apply to our ' price ch edule. A complete ervi e,' held in our beautiful chap el;, WITH 1lIE















Any make or model Fred K'ahn Motor :C ar Co. PHONE 828



cwt . '


HELP WANTED- ' MALE A vailat Ie Immediatel Th ~ most profitable Bi.! ine :s in Western Greene C9unt" A on man 'operati on, Act quickly! F. V. Jamt,son, ::! I E. Fifth r 'A ve., Columbus 1, Ohio. -11 6


R \'



N otice i h reI given, that in 'p ur uanc (If a r soluti n by the WAYNE TOW SHIP TRUSTEES, 'Na rr n County; Ohi o pas ed th e l o th day of September 19 47, th ere \ ill be submitt d to a \ ote 0 - The WANrED~ MISC. peopl e of Wa Y11l e T own hip at the G eneral Eie :ti n to be 11 Id , WANTED - L aundering to do in said town hip, at the regular in m y hom e. Twent y-four plac s of votin,l! therein, on h our ervi ce. Ph one 298 . Tuesda y the 4th day of Novem-1030c ber 1,947. a Bond I sue, for the WANTED: purpose of PROVIDING FIRE Ri d fr om N. C. R. t o Waynes. APPA,RATUS, APPLIANCES, Ville ' I avin R: 5 :00 . Call B U I L DIN G S, OR SITES, ' 2154. - ' 11 6 NOTICE OF ELECTION ON THEREFORE, in th e um of Twelve Thousamd ($ 1,, 2, 0 O. -ADDITIONAL TAX OUTSIDE " FOR SALE00) Dollars, and a levy of ta xes TEN MILL LIMITATION , Notic is hereb y ,g-iven, that be made outside .the t en nfll FOR ALE Haray Chrysr ea d y now, in , pursuance of a resol,uti on o f limHation estimated by the anth emllm tran ~I a nt ' ar-ly, c hoi c e the council of the Virtag of County auditor to a'vera,g-e col or. SOc. Edna Sf. John. Waynesville. ,Warren Count y, '44 / 10'0 mills for , ea h on Ohio, passed the 7th day o f dollar of valuation which aA cros s from Texaco Wa "nesville, Ohiq ,-11<5 July 1947, there will be ,ub- mount to no ' clollar and f our mitted to a vote of the peopl > and four-tenths ($0.044 cents FOR ALE 'Apples, Winter of the Villa,g-e of Wa ynesville, , for , each one ' hundred ctollar ' vari eti e at , OrChard Lane, ' Warren County, Ohio at. th 'of valuation, for a ma:-dmum 4 mil e north of X nia on General ' ElecticH1 t o be hel j in period of ten (10) ' y ear to -Rt. 68, 1, mile on Route 235.- said Vi1lag-e at the r ~ular. T laces pay the principal and inter,est on -1 1'13 , of votin~ the i'ein, on Tuesda y such bond • Cl ose I un j ays. , The polls f o r s'aid election FOR A LE. D oubl 20 , the 4th day of November ' '1'94 7 an additional tax at a rat no t open at 6.:30 A. M. an j re,will Gall e "p ~' in gfi l ~i h O~R:lln; mill for each exceeding: 2.5 niain open until 6:30 'p. M. A-I ~ ndltl n. Ed tandtf rd. , (Eastern Standard Time) of ~ dollar of valu ati on whi h on -1-1 6 amoun t t 25 ce nts f or acll said day. B o rder of ' the Board /'\ f Household ~oodl one hundred dollar of \ alua- - - - - - - - - - -,ti on, f l' the, T urpClse nf ' Electi o n ~ , 'o f ' '" arren Cou 1tv FOR SAL~ , Ker r'~ n C RRF T EXPE N. E. (' f. said Ohio. uper f x H ,dnge rator, 1 \\ 0 Vi11ao'e D. W. Hi Iwp, Io.J j i 0 11 M t ,.. . , b ,n. . .'inl1ino' ,.. . fc I' til ta, .x n unll: 'U . ; " .ct ap; ' year 1 49 ;!'l1 d f or a ~ cri od f Chairn 2.:1 Ga ohn e Motor, '- C~ lmder, 4 'ears th ereaft er H. C. 5til~ :- , 0 li ars. I{ aym ond The poll f or' I:aid el "'di an' T hirt Clerk ' H att on, Ove r D ot. Foo d " t r : Wa" n vill e, hio. -II WE PAY FOR





Real Eltate For Sale-

ii1c ~ ,


LoanaFEDERAL LAND BANK LOW COST FARM LOANS ( 1) 'n kc_ lr ~ l l1l1l1i , sinn

ON''\' FOHGE T TO CALL u f r",n urance. All typ s of In uran ce at a sav ings. Call , Franci s G ne Bro\\ n, . ph one , Wa yn - ille 29 35 or call collect. Wilming-ton 2'111.


\..)1 "



'r a 'j ( ne t I \' '- i:.:' h t, i 11 ' Ill i ', , 'uffiL i 'nt ( L:-~ -ar l f a 1 in r a ' in 'c nrld lmen t. He'l tfl! Iv . uhmit tcd K '11 e l' HI 1ak. Pre :: . . J hn (In -, \ice Pre.. ill rt Fr 'e Lo w 11 Th- m iL Harn lJ \Vhi tl k I'


.Armitage &Son





Fairly Familiar " by EFFELDEE

' Th~

Miami li'AIET ·TE

It i n't

ur polic t mi 'lt.: ad 1h ~"1uh li ' in an ,s.tatc lll nt we mak , 11 \ vel' \\'.1 ii~, ~ taf the e qui ent I1nial Edi ti c1I1 w uld b r, ai v hy tl1 en i lIf t b r, Our ' int nti n - \"I.:r~ g oct and our plaq \\'er) m;hie 1 onform t thi ~tatcm nL Vario li thin ghave ent r'li int the picture \\'hich ha v made it imp _ ihl for u t k pour promi ' , F r ne thi n,e:, la ck of $!, i Ll i ture ha ve _I wed up tl1 PI' ~:J'(,, - , (I f' the ~ ublicai ion. We till , nee ' .!rood n - if th can b h ~d , 1 ut w mu 't ha ve th ' l11 thi ' w" ek. Anotlier thing, in uffici ' ni aiv " rti si ng t fi ll the pa~,es of th e b k ha sl \\' , ' up it '1 ro,gre . At thi time a :iRre has' b en t-up f r a d a -lin e 11 adv rtisin a of toda y, ' N v , . ' Picture will b a cepte until atu rda v of thi week, al 0 cia sifi d ire t r adv erti ing-. V\ are makinp," an othe r promi e for " li ver" of th books, thi tim e it i v. 1 and we in ere l hope \\ aren't prevented from m a,kin g g ) '\ our pro mi -e thi ~i me. . . . \\'ho have \ e tha nk th 'oni r d I ' k f r th eir pati n e an :i fru t the wi l1 , i,e nlQre t han _i1 t i f i d \v i t h th e p uI I i ati n \\ hen it is r-ead .


Truman Wardlow 'Passes Away


MIAMI CHAPTER TO. HOLD ELECTION OF OFFICERS, 'MONDAY MiarrrrCha r't r I , 7 E will meet in regu lar es i n on Mona, ev ni ng with a ' vel'ed , i h dinn r at 6 :3 p. m. C ff e and r 11 wi ll 1'1 furn ish ,d b I the ommitt an i each ne is re u t t bi'ing \V J1 ,tahle serv ice. ' C

Community Day AI ' Met~.disl Church ' " The 'W orld Community Da y Pro,gram wilt be 'presented under ' the sponsorship of the Warren County ' Council ' of Church Women at the Methodist Church on Friday, November 7 at ,8 :00 p. m. A program of music and devotions be presented and an address by Or., 'Willis 'H. Hall witt climax the evening. Rev. Samuel Keys of St. Mary' s Church, Rev. R: B.-Coleman ' of the Methodist Church, A. C ~ Tomlinson Eileen, Brown, Frances Whitaker, Eu1a Hoak, Shirley Coppock and J oan We t all have parts in the program. , The sponsors ex,tend a cordial invitation for the public to ' attend this interesting- , event and to hear Dr. Hall who is noted as one . of the finest speakers in the ' country .

, CORWIN , VILLAGE RESULTS M,a ri 11 A dam ' Ie j 11i tW (

ol pon nt in th Ma,v r ra ~, if1 erwin with a t ot al . f :2 vo te ~ 19-17 , 10 G. C. Purke 1 an d , ,. Ru n n '1. !'vrarg-are t ' AII~n \ a- , na m j , to the t:o -t ;r Clerk 'with 36 ote whil Flor en e M ran and Vin a Purke y t tale ' 11 ~ eel ~ h. Gilbert 13io'R re eiv j ") ' vote, for Tr a -Ure r and till'! Vil ln, C un i l nam d l3 rr y Ha tliff, Markm A da m - Til ma ' 0 w , Lamb; H,a Hard in Mill an on ra:l Purk \\ Ith Ray Hend r e n, Ear l E\"lI1S, Ray ' Adam and H 1 ert ' am , tr ~'ilin , '.


Truman ad l w. at!'e Cd , j ie:i 1I j nl at hi w [ rk 'rue ' , day aftern 6n ' v. 4 at 1:') ( 'cia k. H e ha j r'c '\1 ' 1\ I ' 11 ver ' ill fr om il h ;t rt -, 11 , ~liC' n and hi :ieath \Va - atl rihd \ tc ' a heart attack, He .i urv i\ 'I!" his lif" Oliv ; t w d aLl ~ ht..:' r . ! ~:l,r t1' a .an Ruth an d, a _~, n \\,illi . III at 11 0 me ; t \\' ::i " t rs, M:' , Blanche D o jd anli \ 1'5, E.iitll Davi f L hanc 11 ; 'a I r tll' i' , \ rilOn of in innati . · Funeral rvi "" \\'illl " 11 . du te i at the Met hn ii . t hur 11 · Fri ia , IV , 7' I 3: 0 p. m. with ' Rev. R. B. I man offi 'ia tin : Burial in Miami un i r the:: direction Funeral H ~e ,



Mo'ther's Club Carnival Success


Ovet-Seventy-Five~ Percent



Church Women . 'Sponsor Progr~m A pro G f ade 11 01 BlIildin on 14 at I: p. m. pon or :l I t h C un i I f Ch u r h W Iil ' n. Pupil (f the ch 1 \\ ilt take l Rrk i 1 the ,pI' g-ra m, \ ' h tl1 .. ix . ra i l in ~ arran~ed intl"\ I th ~ , ~rollP, t t and 2nd, 3r and 4th and 5th and' 6th, . . . :.f: sim ila r r rogram , in ~.ach ~r up, Vi itor " are in vited te, atten:i the ~OllP in wnich ' the 'ar '" , the m st inter _ted.' The chil dr n" cantril uti nn of new r II e i clo t11 i n ~ ' :tn chool' u t 1i ' for Eur ~ ean childr n will h~ presented uringw hich are the ' . pro~rain he iuled a fo ll ows: Th em e Chil dr n .an :'1 U!lited Nation. · Hvmm h y Chil dre n. Excerp ts o,f prog',ram , pI; arei b, Mable Garret Wa~n r. tM ', "Th e Line On Th e M Olln hit n ' - Alice Geer Kelse v. T n I e t('ld to ~ro up 1 t y' Mr . F re:i B rad,dock : ,e-roup 2 by Mrs. , R07flr Brown; _group 3 t I supP 'led. , . Pre entation of bo 'es and bUlh~ 1 h\ .children. , Dedication of children 's offerin~ by Rev. ' R. B. Coleman , and Samuel N. Keys. Clo sin,g- ~ong' - by children.


New School .Bond Carries

Parents Of Cubs To ,Meet Nov. 13"


Coyle Birtcfiers'.ehaJllpioo Beef For YonReys Cafe' of Lebanon ,


Local Church ~ay Ha,ve New ,Minister Wa

, Officer of t he ne ville Church of Chri t ar ann un 'inK the probabl e erv ic f a n ew mini ter, t eil1 ,g obtained. La t unda v R. M. McBride of th ~ evening

e a

service. Me wili aKain pr-each at the l ocal church on Sunday, m o rnin , N ' v. 9 at the reg-ular, hour, Offic r. of the church are ur~ ing- m embers and friends of the ch'urch to at.:. tend this m eetin g fo hear Mr: ' , Shown above is the Cham piory of Wari'en County b f han gin:f McBr.ide, in t}1e coo lin g, room at Coyle's Packing Plant. \ e , ~ ii g' fr m l eft ' Th e Church of Ch'r i st ha to right are: John; Ernst, head hutcher; Han el Pe rr), hutcher; be.en ' without a mini ter sin ce Earl Coy le, 0 \\ ner of th plant; Herb Y ounkes f Y olln k Cafe, the, middle of Octob er when Robert L. Va'nZile 'l eft to tak e Le.ban on, purchaser of th e beef, ' charge in Indiana. . The Co, 'Ie i 'acl\'n :\' P;;'c I sItuated e a~t of Co'~\" 1i ILl chased f Marga r t Me ..: ' r ' :I t . the W arren County ,Fair the Champi on Beef pf ' \ Va n'en \) County., Shown ill th e a~coni- ' Tl B :i 13 t CI b '11 paning- photograph j the but h- , 1f anl ' Q" er u WI In conjuncti on with a me'et-' ered animal which was pur- ho ld a R\.mlJna,~' alc t his 'Sating of the American .Friend ' ,chased by Youn,k es Cafe in unia , Nov. 8 1 e~inning at Committee at Wilmi,ngton ColWillis Hunter ' nresident ' of Lebanon for servmg t.o their , 9 :00 ·a., m. at M m rial ljall in I~ge, Sunday, Nov. 23 at 2 :3,0 . the Band Booster's Club has customers. ' Lebanon, o c1 ,?ck; Samuel D. Marble \vllI, announced that the Club will , Earl , Coyle, owner of th\.. A tt I d t d f h' I pa€king plant tate d this was r IC e ona e or , t I S a. ,f! be I.naug-era ted as the twelfth sponso'r the dances t o he ,given . following. an home 'basketball one of the finest ' animals he can be delivered i to th e home , preSIdent of .t~,e College. had ever butchered and th at of WiIlis Hunter, pre 'ident, of The meetmg as a .wh.ole WIP Kames this season. ' ~r. Younkes was realLy offe rill ~ the Club, o'r notify him and he 1ast three days begmnm.~ FnThe ~irst ~ame of the new hIS customers somethin~ ahove will collect the articies. day" Nov. 21 thro,u,gh Sunday, sea.son and the dance that will AU articles of clothing, Nov. 23.. the ordinary in choice beef. ' . follow is scheduled for Wednes' The Co yle Packjn~ Plant is h~usehold g09 ds, toy , or fin, • . Man ,.Important. and mtere L da'v, Nov,. 12. The proceed~ from 'th ese enjoying an excellent business thm,g that WIll have a resale . 109 subJects are h sted fo~ th e in the butcherinK of beef, and value will be accep.ted. Be ure th.ree da y ev~nt and t~e clImax dances will ~o toward the fund pork, both for their trad e and and make delivery ' n ot ater will. he the maugeratloll ce re- for the support of 1he ' WHS Band. ' mO~·lIes. custom. th an Friday night.

Rummage .Sale Saturday {'I·ven B·Y Band Booster's. , Colle,ge President To Be Inaugeraled, Nov. 23

BB .Club Sponsor

Basketball Dances '

The Miami Gazette , ESTABLISHED

I" _



Publ1shed ' Every Thursqay by DAVISSON PRESS _ _ _ _-=FLO-==--Y ==D L . DA VISSON, Editor ' tntered as Second Class Matter a.t the Post Office 8ubscript1(j~ Rates:


tp til ' nati ma I in 47 re i r :ent apI. r ' 'im at "I ' ' )( J, Of) famil ies f th e nation's da irYl11en, . L " at '1.1

$1.50 " per Year in Advance

National Advertising Representatives Ohio W eeklies, Inc., 2465 W. Broad Street, Columbus 4, Ohio I



METHODIST CHURCH R. B. Coleman. Minister Sunday Scllo I 9 :30 a.m.


RECOMMENDATIONS' FOR MECHANICAL CONDITIONING OF SOFT OR HIGHMOISTURE CORN Th e ,e; neral re mm H ia _ ti l11l 'on Jl1 th ad f utilizin', h ~llhilin g , :tn i torin g: _ ft or h i~ h-ll1 () i -tur om ' ar \\' II k 11 \. 11 t far m I' in the ' rll

J. J. Rurskc, Sup.t. r omm endati 11: , Wor hip Service 10 :30 a.m. 11Clt. "Th ~~ indu ~ 1I \h r racti' - a_ th e: Youth F :l Ilow hip fa II c wi 11 ...... 0'" Thur day, 7 :30 pm. 1. En ilinl".· bOtll f J ier an h· \led. c rn oriing: an j early f~e ding MT. HOLLY METHODIST .f ' ft L rn to hO....:5 r . ther T. M. Scarff, Minister 11\ to k. Sunda y Scho.ol 9 :30 a.m . . D laved harve_t,in z to E. A. Earnhart, Supt. all \\ maxiinum dryin g: o'f ear 'Worship Service 10 :3 0 a.m. c rn in th field -. ' 7 :30 p.m. Eveni ng Service 4 , Clean hu ' kin .~ t climinat tra -h tint·· r ;.1 e v ntil at i n in th rih. ST. MARY'S EPISCOPAL 5, e of scr · n ' on the Samuel N. Keys, Minister el vat I' t screen auf hell e i Ante-Communi n 8 :00 ii. m. corn, -ilk rather tra h. 6. G i ii tril ution in the Church School 9 :3 0 a. m. Nursery School 10:30 a. m. cril t av i j pocket- of shellej Holy Communion 10:.3 a, 111. corn and el riwh I' p ilaze . The Rev. Chandl I' Crawf rd is mo t likel t start, 7. Storag of c rn of hi, 'h~ t m i ture c nt nt in the narUTICA E. U. B. CHURCH row -t crib t fa iIi tate Rev. Wi11i~ Shannon 'natural ventilation, Sunday School 9 :30 a.m. 8 ... U ~ e of adequat~ v ntilaMrs. J ames Garrison, Supt. tor in crib . P~eaching. 1 st and 3 I'd Sundays D hil d informati n on lIch each month 10 :30 a.m. practi es i 'iv n in Fa.rmers· . Bulletin 19i, "HanctJin~ and WAYNESVILLE . Storin .~· oft Corn,': puhli hed CHURCH OF CHRIST by the U. . Departm nt of 9 :30 a.m. Agriculture, and in bulletin of Bible Sehool 10:30 a.m. the state a,g'riculture 'college. Communion The .use of ,forced-air ventila8 :00 p.m. tion for drying corn on th e Evening Service, - farm, both with and \\ ith out ST• AUGUSTINE ' -r;;--added Reat. is a comparatively ;:--:....:....:.....-T--"-_---,----,F~a-;;;t"" h el2r-07KTTr,umh "-''H0_I''Ttzm';..".Ih:C""T.1aA~''''-'m-o---fT n \ r practice, Becaus of the probahl high-moi tur content of a larg-e part of th 1947 FERRY CHURCH of C~RIST crop, use of this metho j may Ralph E~ Stinson, Minister be required on a lar.g-e l1umJ er , 9:30 a.m. of farms to in ur . the afe Bible School Morning Worship 10:30 a.m. k epin~ of thi co rn. Sa ed on 7 :00 p.~n. pre ent re earch re ult, th Prayer MeetingYoun~ People's Meetin.1?: fa ll win.!?' recomm . nliation - can 7 :00 p.m. ' be made: Evenin~ Ser.vices 7 ·: 30 p.m. Mechanical Ventilation with : out Heat. This method of ventfRIENDS ilation may be used for ear corn first Day School 9 :30 a.m. with a moisture content ran g-in ' from 20 to 28 per cerlt. Meeting for Worship 10:30 a.m. For unh eated air a volume of 5 to 10 cfm (cubic feet per 'minute) for each . bush I of. :~------'C~AI![JEI":SS:lA~RR:Ss-""C~RHE>:IEo;tK~FIi-HR+lIE~~N-~D~S~::;:co~rn ,ilS suggested. Wit h corn Rev. DaVid Stanfield, Minist';r having a moisture content of 9 :45 a. m. 24 to 28 per cent, drying can Worship Service Sunday School 10:45 a. m~ be accomplished only after l o n ~' You ate invited to worship with periods of operation: For us. example, to reduce the moisture content fro'm 28 to 20 per cent may require 'several weeks. Drying will probably not be completed before wmter. Further fan operation may there.fore be necessary after the weather has started to warm up in the late" winter or early spring'. OperatiOn ~f the Fan. Operate th fan onl y- when HOURS: weath er ' is favorable tor ' Lir 9-1~ each morning ·ing, using" temp eratures above 50 F (degrees Fahrenh eit) as 1-5 ' $fternoons except a rough guide. Better and mol" Wedne~day . rapid (.ir ing wiB b~ po sible at 60 F or more. On d~a-r days '1-9 Saturday evening relatiVe humidity u uallv i I w Other evenings by en a u.. . h especlall \' in , fall and Appointment '. winter. Good dryrn~ will oc\.:ur at 65 per cent reIath e humidity TELEPHONE 62-R and lower. The , fan ma ' be operated' either t y electric motor or tractor.


Harvey Burnet Attends Milk Coop Meeting

'DONNA KATHERINE OSBORN Mr, all i MI" . (, \lald -I ( rn are allll l UilCI \1 ~' the 1 i!'tll f ~t L au "/1 t r, I nn'll a Kit th erill e, at IG c i Hl!1a 'ibn H _pital , No v. 1.

BRIAN · LYNN WORKMAN. . Brn ·t Mr, \Iv rkman : t

It ('I l l . '1 11aritan ' to 1 at Ho-pital, aytol1, 6 :_7 a, m., :t 11, l3nan L nil, weight 9 p L1ll ds 1 un e, Th praternal grand par nts ar Mr, and MI' .- J, W. W rkm'm f " M rn' - Pantr " and the PI' LId fath I' i ne f th e partner in the B & R Dry CI aning e tabl i hmcnt,

Ross Hartsock Speaks At.Historical Meeting




F 'ancis rann kcal . '. i Main u:, Tue s~l. 'y


Dr. C. E.EyeWHkin Specialist


26 South Detroi~ Street XENIA,OmO ••••••••••••••••••••••••

. Ad~ting Cribs to Ventilation ' with Fans. Farm cribs can te

, ada~'t

d for mechanical ventilation, In a doubl.c· crib the drivewa ' ~an be seated to prevent air lio!aka~~ I y c verin .~· all openjn~ ;lnL~ cracks a:-flund doors with building paper .

use ,01 electrici~ through, OUlt the borne and farm is Wise and timely. People ev~rywhere are discoverlng for themselves that electricitY does ALL the Jobs-~d does them better, cheaper. 00 . AU· EUCTRIC. today ••• because complete uIS8 of electricity, with e8ly-to-operate, time-and-Iabor-saving conveniences, ~eans "!,tter living and easier working.



. Yel, eledricitj does,tbe job better, cheaper. And when you ... tbia 8ftTBR IVAY (or.' the bi,ti"....,.ndo.enerD-cop.suminA jobs like Refrigeration, Cooking and Water HeaM.~ you gain another advaatage-IoWer electric tates. 00 ALt-ELECTRlC • •• and lighten every b~

den in the home and on the farm with the cheaper, easier,.cleaner All-Electric 'Yayl

fun. In WHIO, 1290 on ,oer "~I- "~ \ \ l "LA ,' , I '"nfl,." .,30 P.M. - rr--AU C~LMA", 'u....." 9,30 II...



Organ Recital Given At Methodist 'Church

Mr. and M r . Che tel' Bo {l'n and, famil y ' f .. t. Pari an Mr. anj Mr. Flov j Lv nch an i littl ' m .;;rent ' unda\' wi th their par nt, Mr. and ' h . CharI, . Bo~a n Of ·Wellm an.

GARDEN CLUB MEETS TONIGHT The Garden lut \\ ill m t 'with Alma Pe ter n Thur d Nov. 6, at '1:3 p. m.

, ' Mr. and Mr. R. B. F t r a ompani d h\ M r. a,nd Mr. ,Phi l Co 11 of B Ilbroo k ::p nt unday with Overton Cain an j fa mil. in Cincinna'ti.

The or,gan re ital hel1 at ill Meth odi t Church on unda ev nin g, Nov . 2 wa iafg I aU nd d an i grea I . np! re iaL ed. Lawr nce hepherct and \\ ife T he church i v r much in- of X nia and Robert h e ~1herd te're ted in the ne\\ ' rga n u Ld and wife called on Un Ie B rt f or tll concert, hepherd, unda),. I M srs Dalto n, I d an j Dani,el of Cincinnati ga v a Walter Hain \\'a a call r f ine pro'gram )f in -t rumental f the hepherd, unda y. and va at mu ic, ~ u 1:1 ve njn~ to a I arg fludi n -. , Mr. and Mr. , Or land Holm Th o r~an ,wi]] b left here and andry and Deann e, -pe nt for u e next Sunday, unday at ' Wa hing-tn n, C. H. Orga n voluntari ~ will be u ed in l oth unday chool Mr. an i Mr , Cl iff ri v\ iLo n and Church and with the and fa mi). of Lylle 'all n numbers rehdered by the cho ir. their, parent, Mr. an j Mr . CharI Bo, an nf \ r Il m:l11, ' ,MT. HOLLY WOMAN u'1da ev ning, SERIOUSLY INJURED IN FREAK FALL Carl B n1 and fam ilv (I f Mrs, Clarence Crawfor of Miami burg wer ullia y' ~a lL Mt. Holl v via in jur d in n er of re lati v 'l _ in \\ , ~l\ J1 L vill e, accident at her hom on at1.l rda y, Nov. 1. h lipped' and rJand Holmes a si tt:d hi fel l on a milk ' ttl e, uffe(in~ father, Thoma H Im e ~ nea r a d "P wound in h r left wri. t. abina get r ad, f r hi publi he als in jured her ri ~ht knee ale of farm impfement" which and prained her left ankl e, h will be hel:l N v, _6. wa removed to Miami Valle Ho pital in Dayton where it Mr. and Mr . Everett Bogan T Qu irect eig:ht- en tich e to , and fa mil y an j Mr. Gene cit :- the wound in her \ 'ri t. Bo,gan and T err 'ca lled on h is now conval esci ng at their ~"\a r e nt of W ellman, 'ather h me in Mt. Holly and I) er urda venin,g. c ,:" ; i , n is reported to be , ood, Tl Gar.0 n_Cl,ub \\ ill O.E.S.BREAKFASTS with Mr. Georg-e Peter n, l'1!l'1 ETY·ONE GUESTS ThuLl;tv v nin g. Mr . tanl y Bai! ... , ~: j ' , J ohn J. Bur, ke, Mr , J(ll n Mr. and Mr . Earl Rickey frr 111m. Mr . D. C. Rid ge, M r.: and hirley and Mr. and Mr. 'p't:rti Mill ~ , Mrs. E. F. Earn- B n Ri' k e, sp nt the we,ek end ,rt, Mr. and Mr. E r t ... · with their I ter, Mildred, at Ear " Mr. Lucile Armitage, Win he ter. ' M E. 1arvin '- mith, Mrs. H. . ' . Earnllart an ' Mr, John B ,:' (' ~ :.' Mrs. Ray Main o ~s received returned on Thur day' from at- word that , her , Sister, Mr. tending the es ion of Gra.nd Collier ' died at a hospital in Chapter ~ in C }.umbus. 01 Lexington, K '" aturda) . 'f the mfer . mg event f r.r ' Joca1 n1eml er wa the breakM r. and Mr. Ra vmond hst f or. meml r o.f District 21 Williamson of Clevelan'd and and wa attena,ed b ninet -one Mr. Ethel Hank and Harold m ml er. Willi amson "of Da ytQn spent a Mr' , Lu iJe ~ teritz of L vn ,h- few days at the b'orne of th ei!' I ur.~ will n ~ fl De ut Granel m ofher~ Mrs. Anna Williamson Matron for thi cii t rict for t] , coming- : ear. , Mrs. Bertie 'Mills spent the 'week end in Columbus as the " , K f>A Y RETURNS Kuest of M is Edn~ Howland. AFTER OPERATION Mr. A. K. Da v ,return ed to hi. home on Saturda v aftern of)n aft,er a five weeks ta y. in the Cincinnati Ho"pital , where he U l ( rwent two maio.r opera - ' tj r n ~ , Hi ffia:nv frienas ar.e hopin g for , a sp~,edy recovery.

o naliBr \ViiI' n t red ni _ v r it v of Cin in nat i [In M nda after ev n week (If in-tell iv work and tudy in r'earch work at \N ri hi Fi 1:1. Mr. and Mrs. Ru ..,el Wil

bO\dl11 .~

, team Palm'r, 1\ \ '5..? , M u}.fc !'i, Hm. amb, an 1 . Gon 11:1 ve b n h I i in .~' ,t ~ h nor at the Wan n C 1I11tV Leag-ue game h I j i n J- l anI n a h Wedne da_ nig:ht, At th

.... E


Mrs" Claren e Ry \\ ith her on, Mr, CharI _ Ry , visited her daughter, Mi Glad, R, , at niver it f Cincinnati n V\ ed ne da, aft rn oo n ani even ing.



o lJ



4 :17

4 17

.> 420



::l .


139 _238 19 16 2 149 __ 18 ' 15


9 Your fa vorite lillY star 10 back-loaded \\ ith co:medv. He shows VO U how boys so mC!tim es know m ore, t ha n m2n. LITILE MR. , JIM 'Butch' jenkin~ James Craig, Francia Gifford and Spring Byington. ' P]us : News and Color Cartoon

12 Don't pass up thi s pistol 13 Mr. and Burnett Butter _ packin' Ma.isie! A hi .~h-heeled .



482 161

1 0

259 144

27 15 18


10 , 0 14 7

v nt, \\hi h ea II \,ear attracts xhihit - t tl:e fi n 'st Ii and rOI (r 111 til tate and Canada .


Mrs. Jennie Plank ha. returned from the M iddletow11 Hospital and i convale . cingat her home.








ri e T otal 44 1 eri ' Avz,. 147 Gra nd T tal 19 Grani 141 Ga mes Aed 14 \.V on 13 Lo t 5 '









Mr. ani Mr , Eli Furna and aug:h te r p nt Frida v afte 1'n on at Unh r itv of Music in Cincinnati and heard the Svmphon , Concert at M u ic Hall' during: the even in g. '

Sunda V dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. ' Earl Tres$ler and Anna Mav were Mr. and Mrs. Walter Roberts and famHy of 7 An , the thri11s of a iip- 8 Os~ood, Ind., and Mr. and Mrs. roaring western " with some Walter Ha'user ann family of smart ' delectin~ ' , near Sprin~boro. Mr. and 'Mr~ HOPPY'S HOLIDAY Roberts and family were week Willi.... Boyd, Andy Clyde, end ~uests. Aft ern00n calters , Rand BroOks. ' . were Mr. and Mrs. Max Hal- AJso: She was the ialk of the Jjn~sworth and '. daughter, town , -" , MILLIE'S DAUGKfER Lenora of Oregoma, and Mrs. Katie Farries and dau~ht er. Mrs. Glady. George, Gay Nelson Vessie Leighly of Springfi eld, and Paul Campbell.

worth and son of Lebanon and copper who gets cau~ht flatMr. and Mrs. Gi1bert Frye and footed. ' sons were Sunday dinner g uest~ UNDERCOVER MAISIE of Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Butter- wit h Ann Southern,. Barr.y worth. Mr. Frank Hess of Day- Ne~, Leon Ames, M~ ton and Miss Mattie Hess of Dameb. . Sprin~ Valley also weu after- ~ Plus: Techmcolor Short and noon guests. Color Cartoon.




Mr . L. M. Hellier n i enjo, i nf' a fe\\ :la.\' ,~ va 'di n fr m her duti e at t h Bank ,at f Mr, and M r , the hom e Alhert Krielin g: in Ci ncin nati.

pre-en t tani ing th e only have 10 win on game out of the plav I to, \ in. top ne ,t thr rIa e in the fi r. t quarter. Lo of th e thr ' 'ames wi ll ti th m for fir t p'la e. The fall wing' i th e. ch liu le (or th'e , ame play ed 0 t, _9: "':i


and famil wer un da I 'ue ts of Mr, and Mr. Willard Fum a at th eir hom e ' n Third ,tr et,


Mrs Frank A. Snider of Miamisburg visited her dau~h­ ter, 'Mrs. J. R. Wade, Sunday. Mrs. Snider ha been in Rochester, N. Y. the past six weeks visitin~ her son. Other callers with Mrs, Snider were Mrs. E. H. DuVall, Mr. Ben Kea'rns of Miamisburg and Mr. Emerson Snider of Chica~o.

) '

tock nit d

Dr. T. P. GROSVENOR rt (l l11etri t " "'35~,

(l in t.Phne l0 FRANKLIN, OHIO


During- th bU"ine e i011, ejection of officer. \\ ill h hel l; and payment of due. f or c rnin~ year will e in rde r. Mrs, W o ir w daught r an j on er "e k end gue t 0f her r.n th :-, 1\ rs, Lucile Armita ge. Miss Maril yn Burske o f BowHng Green C llege wa it week end gu t of her pare nL , Mr. and Mrs. J. J. Bur ke, Mr . and Mrs. Bur k e accomr ill1i thei~ dau,g'hter home i1 .. UI1 day afterno n.



Et;: U




Batt l'. ale an j rechar 'in ', oi l, tire an j t\,lbe a le ~ and repair.

'as l i n ~ , lubrication,

Servis .Iexaco Service Station SOUTH MAIN , ST~




IMixed VEGETl'BLES PEAS--Dot "mall. 25c No. 2 can. PEAS--Tiptoe medium. Tender, sweet No. 2 can.


CHAMPION-FiIJe t quality for many mea tl ess di hes. No. 2 ca n,

CORN-Dot cream tyle, 21c golden, No. 2 can. CORN-Dot wh ol e Kernel, golden. No. 2 can. 23«:

SWEET POTATOESPride of Ozarks. No. 2 1f.!' can . ' . 17c APPLES - Sliced, Come19c stock . 20 oz. jar,

PRUNE PLUMS DOT-:-H ea lthful, tempting combination , No. 2* can.


APPLE JUICE-Orchard Gold. 32 oz. can. 15c APRICOTS-D ot. Whole 39c ' Peeled. No. 2 can .


ITip 'Toe J~~~Y GELATINE--'Kn ox . Spa rkJing'. 1 oz. pk~. 19c CANDIES--Brack' s Delicious / Chocolate Party Mi x




TOMATO· SOU~C anw· bell, No. 1 can 3 for 29c 5ALMON-Tipt oe. Pink. 1 lb. dm. . SSc

SYRUP-Vermont Maid. , 12 oz. botti e. 25c CAKE FLOUR-- Swans3'7 c down. 2% lb. pkg.

Choice of BJackberry, Black Ra herry and Grape. ' 12 oz. glass. COFFEE or Drip. 11b. bag

Dot. Re R:ular can 52c

11b ~

COFFEE Diamond Brand Regular or Drip 1 Jb. bag.



FREE Sweetheart Soap

Send 3. wrappers to Manhatten Soap Co" N. Y: for refund Qf purchase price. J



Stewart's Dot

. South Main St~eet

Food Store


SS Workers Can ' Fire Department WantsJfight-of-Way File Fore Payments 6 - y ar

;Jj,.'J !eJlJe

:Jriencb fiome

\ ark rs 0 v r 0Ij \\'ho were mploy d furin . ...: til f th I La l Fir " Llmm r month ' but a 1'... o partm nt ar' ailing atten - I ng r working : :- h uld ::til nfit tion t the mi 'd rn anar - f th ifi' f th publi' in R neral at the tim of th ~ Hamilton 'ial " e urit y dmini "trat-i n a fir all by bl kin ~ int rfera· oon as ~1 Jbe to av id ing- or th en,\ i c makll1 g a nuisance of lh ' 01 el ve I I dri in .!?; l o" ill ~ . 0 ial . eLurity p'l)' auto111 bile in u'l1 a mann r a ' ments, Mar A. LIo 'd .m ~ na gc.;r to impede th PI' grc ~ f the of the ,Hamilton offi ' ~ taJ i fir truck or therwi c ha111~' I' today . ," Pa 'm nt - un :ler the Fe jernl the activitie of th e firema n. . Oki-Ag' and InsurThe fir call ( uth f t wn anc pI' vi -i n f th ial la t week wa a shining xaml'l e ~lrit.Y A t all be ma'1e f r of this mann r f a ti on wh n ose ll1onth in ,,-hkh an i n~ th the roadwa , wa filled with ured \\ orker arn ~ not m . \ ,car ' ra ing i th ~C n f the than b14. 9 in joh \en~d by fire, resultin,C: in th fir tru k the ~ct , M i LI o.vd 'xplainc i. being- lowed d WI1 m an tim . ' If the \ orker fail to fi1 an Chest I' Care f th :i ~ artm ment tated that thi acti 11 n a~ plicat'ion 11 ma le, e of the pa n1' nt· "'hi h h III j the part of the over-a nx i U " have receive t if he ha a p~ lie i m otorist au d th fi I' tru k f or them. . t o 10_' at lea t five minut - f "Back pa m nt - ar limit j time in the run. In thi parti um nth · t, f re lar ca it made no differen e to a period of the appli ation is fi1 1. ea nal as the , fire wa out wh n the arrived. . H wever, in ,some workers, fr quentI 10 e p'lYca es it au ld m an ' the diff r. ments because of ela in fi lili \Z ence h tw en saving- a huildin~ a,n applicati n, althoug-h all other requirem nt ha v ' h en an j 1) ' iri ~ it. . met," Miss LI yd aid. . On future caJI it i til', ed by A repre entative of th~ th d partm nt that cars r main 0 iaI at a safe di tance in the rear of Hamilton ffi e f th the fire , ruc'k all owin.!?: .it a free $ecurity A imini tration will be 111 the Commi - i ner'" Room ri,g-ht- of-way. This r qu st ' i being- made in the hop e that at the Court House in Lebanon Thursda , N ov mb I' 1 tho at motorists will co.operate in thi respect.Continu d failure 'to do 1 :30 P. m. . 0 will require a more drastic ruling- to' be made for the af tv . Mr. and Mr ". Max D. Hart. sock had as week en i 'ue ' t ()f the fir'e dep'artment and the Mr. and Mrs. W. P. trad' r an i 'Public in general. son of Dayton.


Ell a. Dakin returned from a ' vi it \\ri th pringfi ld and


by D. J. Fr-aizer 1,


19 7.


G ~t

Mrs. George Peter on will be hoste"s to the Garden Cluj on Thursday evening at her ' home in the countr .



122 119


190 '




190 179 173 147 180 168

144 138 136 122 142

W 'arren Braddock .S. L,. Robi'nson

. of





Charles James Walter Elzey

COUNCIL tanl ey Bailey Earl Conner Ralpb Hastings Percy Reason Mark Rogers L. C. St. J9hn J. Prendergast


143 137 139

119 110 122

Robert Furnas Ed Gilliland Lawrence Cook


128 5


141 11

551 22







8 1 ,1

21 3

74 5

lWP.CLERK Ma~nard Weltz

JU1'ICE ptACE C. Crane

W. kenrick

C. Schoonover



8 1


t i

C. P. ' Joy D. Furnas





Kneehole Desks $42.80

.'C edar ~hests .$ 42'. 00 ,





413 54 99 A: H. Stubb$ 1. Earl Smith 1. ,W ill Stroud 1. C. Schoonover 3'" C. Crime 3 . Richard Campbell 1. Warren Braddock 1. Ray Mills 1. C. Anderson 1. . ' Everett Miller 1. Davis Furnas 1 . 154

Ralph Whitacre J. W. King

'WAYNE SCJr.'fiIST. Harold Whit acre M. A. Fu'l kerson .J. Prendergast Da vis Furnas Yes


136 170 172 163

Soldiers Bonus 'Judge Compe.nsation Com. Fund Hgy. Exp. Amend. County Tax Levy

159 73 93 108 100


120 86

112 80

175 172

138 144 1

No 83

61 63 69


' 12 137 106 147


52 56 72 41

'. '


53' 26

, 7.7 60

, 362 252

59 61

,91 103

463 480 1 1

'1 No

Yes ' No

21 20 26




135 158 179 15 6

76 73 74

20 24 19 -

132 128 138



10 31

112 '64 .



33 2S'



65 - 80



479 52:2


25 49 59 40


128 32 75 ' 44 61 ' 52 47 8-107 "68




2 1




334 317 309 269 322 204 1 262 247 261 1



Tuesda..y .election.



C. E. Anderson A. O. Griffy John W. Kersey 6d Gilliland

( wish to express my thanks for your support in the

. 332




To The Voters of Waynesville

225 212



and '


Here Is How .They Voterl In Local Precincts ISSUE MAYOR


464 .. 90

100 15 '7 185 167 225

Occasional' Chairs








GE B_.etrleBI.aket $4S.0_ ,


.·WaynesviUe Furniture & Appliance [Q. South Main Street aero.. from Grange' Hall ,!"elephone 2422 WAYNESVlUE, OHIO

"DOC'S" Weather Chart

f n:: anatic 'Il-a fa't or whi -11 und ubtcdl. vr ,cn te I til U ' f poi ' n p;a ' in til la' t ",'ar, T11 ' ~ oint the pc.' pie mi ',. in th Drak ~.:' pinj on, i..: that \\: llr~ ia n ~enu ' l v h rt f rLt:l.l iatl l rv' in strUll1 nt ' , \"-'e " uki tc ck~'1 atomi b 111"-,Iw th e th LLs:tni" hut ,th \' \ 'c ul i nl t rv u in war Ulile - \\' h:1 I a rea ' mean_ f g, ttin ,g," th 111 to enem , tar,t?' to-ani gettinl,!' til m th r ' at n 'e. A CL rdin g: to Maj I' 11 ral E haL , RlI -.:i'a i I ui,\ iin g ( me. 4-+,OO( m ilitar y ~lal1 , thi - I' ar. \ e art: , building 1, () r 0, An i it i kno\\ n that Hu ia i g,\\,l!l~ unlimit j r t ur '_ to wa'r I re f all kind - with paration th~ ;,It I11j \1 11111 h I :t in,' t I


c -5 .S fair 41-- fair ~()-74 fair -+-+- -' 7 fai r l~) - , .fair 4 fair 4-+-(1() Ov . 1 fair -J. '-6-+ answ'r-

t h \\

U, ' . , Air Fret;?

h .: t I 1111 er i- -till th


A ~reat deal is bein,g' written about the startling- decline in , the size and potency of our military forces. ,On V-J Day, . we had the most powerful Army-Navy-Air Force team on earth. Now, two yea rs' later" we have a ,g-ood but undermanned Navy a srtrn:f1::-..Am1y with a hand/ul of understren i:rth, ~reen divisio~s, and, accordin~ to the experts, practically nothin,go in the wa:y of a modern Air Force. One of the most thought,provoking articles' on the possible ' si~nificance of this leads off th e OctDber issue of the Atlantic Monthly. Written Katherine by FranCis and Drake, it is called "Our Next Pearl Har:bor?" And its tone is found in this sentence: "Our land lies naked before a weapon ' which, in ' the words of the Smyth Report, 'is potentially destructive the wildest ni~htmaresof the irna,g-,i nation: a weapon so ' ideally suited to sudden, unannounced attack th!lt a country's ' ~a.ior cifies ml~ht , be. destroyed evernight by an ostensiblv . friendly power.'" And a little later on the Drakes write: "It is a fact t~at today the United States is Virtually helpless against such an attack (with atomic weap ons) and that we have been slidinR' , at increa sin,g' speed towards a tn~litarv impotence that is an open invitation to disaster." , A ~ood many people seem to think that no power would dare to use the atomic bomb against us because of the fear


Th e Moth r' ' Iul ;ue veri grat fuI t an \Vh h 11"." j 111 the ~ romoti Ii f the Gra:te ' 11.0 I B 11 j i n rna kill ' it a su c ful i u in th > T'ue. '-ia \' ele ti n: Many ~ I" n i v ted their time ar and ffort in its , half and it i ' in j ed ' ati fying' to n t th '\' did , n ( 0 11tribut th eir eff i-t - in vain hu t fath ,I' t ward th e b~IiI t in,!?: f a I11l11unit v f r the futllr , th~t they and th - ~ t C m ' after all th ir them will I e ~ rou j t


'13-.2 ,

, th ugh 111 t xp rt - c n ider it I ( I teo A willie a,Q'o th e Air For ~ot to 'ether lev rv r '- rati nal I3~2 in thuntr " f or a emon trati n in the Ea 't. Th total mu -t r I rodu e j 1 plan e",- and , f the - , .2 8' didn't ,get th reo G '\1 rill Kenn " tl e mmaner of th del11 n trati on, alleli his tin armada "a futile f orce." And, "-a the Drake th :i'm onstraH n wa () lInimpr iye that onl k r gave it the name p rati n FL p ., That. rememl er, wa th force that on - numl r:i ,000 mbat plan s, ani llaste the Japanc an'i German fr m the air. \Ve hav ~o m ~,5 0 B- 29 in dead trag" But it \\ ul d take months, and perhap a y ar or more, to , prepare th m for c mbat and t train th nece sar "ground 'and 'air crews, We had th tim in the last \\1; a1', thank to Briti h re i tan , and the "primitive" \\'eapons tll n in u e. N militar c mmentato'[ thinks \\ ' will have it if war come~ ag;ain, The Drakes 1elieve that nati onal s curity" demands a modern Air , Striking Force eq uippe i with , at lea t 1,000 modern, I neg-orange' bombers, which wi ll be kept in combat re ad in, ~ s at all times. Secondly, they continue, we must have an ade'quatel financed re earch , program , which 'will assure us world leader hip , in aircraft develO lYem.ent. There is an old , saxing- to the effect ' that every mIlitary prane is obsolete as soon as ~uilt-its sup rior is on the drawmg boards. At' pre ent, our research activities see m pitifully inadeq uate. All we have ,is a few ,expenmental prototypes of advanced planes The Air Forces asked $300,000,000 for research and .procurementtheY,were actuall y j{iven $33, 000,000,

rain rain rain ra in fail' fa ir


pn c nt '.

, ~ 1I ,~: r at

1 () -+7, 0 -7 \) rain

1 9 41

0\\ If.




The Happ H ur 'Iuh \\'ill !101 i th ir regular In t in g n ruesda aft ni 11, No . ' 1 I, with Mr. \ Pr J Rea n as haste ~ at her h 111 n ,Third

AUCTIONEERING STANLEY and l{OOGLER BROKERS LICENSE For Dates. Phone 2 94, Wavnesv ill e. , Oh io, Reverse Charges


1~ nkr ill .> 14- Harv ,1/ bur ,~'


21 Fran klin

_6 King-man Miami -I urgLeban



12 Springhor

her there n there th re ' here , hel'e ' h re

Appropriat c rel110ni

f r all faith -,

STUBBS Funeral 'Home




, -+ -~>-, ~. ~--<--<-

, ,


Nurs,es Wan'ted

Stanford Bo~en, MOI'row's sign painter, poet and songwriter has r cently purchasel1 ' lots in that village, locat d in th e center of the town and facing both the main th oroughfares, Route 123 and the CCC. . He' states' he pla'ns to build th ere in th e near future. Bog'en was a' former resident here and in Wilmin ,~ron.



Prominent hospital has several immediate staff openin . The e arc ' permallent with good pay. $20 bonus for aftern,oon or ni 'ht duty. Regular pay in crea c . Liberal ar· rangement for rO,o m and b a.rd. Id eal !iv,ing ' conditions. Hospital has laro-e and able sta ff of doctors. Facilities ant'ong mo t mod, rn ' in Midwt::st. Policies lib ral and tolerant. 0 n't delay. Write' or wire tolia t Di'rector of Nurses, Je\\ i h -H spital, Cincinnati, Ohio, '



The Drakes deal in some details with the potential de:. structiveness of the atomic bomb. They quote the great physicist, Dr. Robert Opp enheImer, who said "atomic weapons might kill 40,000, 000 ' Am~ricans in ' a sin?;le nip:ht.". The bombs dropped m1 Hlroshlma...and Nagasaki affecL ed only three or four miles of area, The scientists think that future bombs may be able to devastate three ,or four hundred ' square, miles-'an . area greater than that of any American dty., And eve.n that would not be the en~. , These giant pom:bs' would release enormous amqunts o.f unshielded nidium the effect of which would be unimagin·able. The Dra'kes touch on the dangerous theory that there will be no atomic war because it would be 'too horrible-that no nation would brin~ itself to employ so fiel)dish a mean of destru(;tion. ' They say in , reply to this attituae: ~'Let' us not forget that there has never been a weapon .invented in human history, from arrows to flame throwers, that , has not been used to the utmost of its capacity. If we, a tolerant and enJightened nation, could brin~



Peer's,Lonesome Pine Inn

I Don't be a dunce, learri , the true economy and conv enience of o'ur modern cleaning service. Here .. your cloth in?; or hous~hold artides are given exactmg care, spotle sl , odorlessly clean-cd and return ed, mended and heautifully pres - " ed, read'y to wea r . ~ . a.nd our charges are n10derate ..








in the Ohio Pannas will sive yOu b~d protection against losses oa JOur farm. Ie COYert JOur buildings. )'Our chattels, )'OW' automobile , aDd fOW' liabUity f~r accidents to others. Why Dot lee us today 'I You . . . , ufe wbeD JOU're ins~ fa the Ohio ParmenJ


Karl ' D. Dakin Insurance Agency


PhODe 153, 20 E. Mulberry. LEBANON, 0





, , I





, ~



.. Page (i caB 1 on th ir f arenL, Mr. a j ,Bert ' Bunnell, unda v. Mr., an Mr. E;11 r J ones and Mr. Harrv 1 11 of In i lana C'tlled n Mr. EL ic Koe t r n n " 1I ~r. at 1he Tuck f and Mr. and Mr , Mor ri ,L . \'L , h 111 \\1", \ r. alli Mi', Jame . CO L 'MB U' , O . Th' Uhi part, at ilL!' 11 me n.ear Fiv , unda. ' Par k 'lll i j a tI R1- t I' f Mt. ,t at . ra nKe, 'cl brati 1 ~ it Point, Frida L enin~. Auburn ' an i Mr. and Mr . Mrs. John Zimm rman p nt d i a1]10 11 jan n i v r ar. " \I P , ~ it · . M r, and M r -. r a1 a Ull der William and fanlily Richard .unday and Monda v \v'ith Mr. . 75th annual n ntil)n n x t ae~ar~ and ' hildren f pringboro an1 f Wilmingt on. ' ", j t 1 . Mr. and Mr, R mith anli and Mrs. George I3raHen . Mr. ild Mr.', .[3 11 Beck, tt " on ay, m r ,In . Miami Quart rl mectin <>' 1. Ra. mond Lu a all d Columl u a a rrelme t ·the WIll be heli at th New Burlin<Y _ ~llldr~n were \\ednl~ day e\(en- on Mr.. hiS mother, M r, Ann '-\. and daug;hter, J oan had a th eir r 81 -t annual Lonv nt i n of the t f lll Fr' n ~ - Meting House, m,ft dmne .' g;ue-t f Mr, and ·unda y. . ue ts unda, Mr. 8nd Mr : ~ Nati nal G ran \vhi h ven ' atur a. Nov, 8, ~~;·iIV. V rn n Pur ' }es an i Lucas, .Rev. and Mr, ~ rri, Mr: .' EU,~ene ' noLigra ' and famil, \V edn e da\' N' vember 11, 'Ulli ANNOUNCING BIRTH Clara and Mr, and Mr '. J hll B k ett AlIce Furman and Mi ontinue f r i n iavs ~ ith Mr. anti Mr, Therle Jon r. and n, J hnni e f Dau~hter were dinn er g-u t' daily e i o n ~ and a ~ r ,ram f Born t Mr. and Mr . Charle att....nded the funeral f the unday f Mr. anq Mrs, Th omas Franklin. t anl y, at., N v, I, a on. latter un I·e, Mr. Ro y ' Baker Runyon. activ1ties "' hi hi e, peLt j to ANNOUNCING BIRTH make thi ne f th m05t ',utMr " Glenna Wil on viite i ~ at Centerville; atur :hv afterMrs. Robert G re en e f Oa vMr. and Mr. M rl 'L wi .: . tan in g erath ring - ,f rural her nel e, Mr _. Mar ,c tt at noon. ton and Mr. Rov ,haw :-l.1i i fo lk~ ever heli in Ohio ' Fortville, Ind., r centlv Mr. anj Mrs. Roh r t 13 nkcr dau ,~hter, Clara Ma of Xenia are ann oun in,g the hirth f a 0 (1, at hom, unda, m rnin g, capitol. Mr. Rnd Mr, uth l~ 'Hain e of Middlet wn w·er dinner called on Mr: and Mr Llle Nov. 2. . While Pr j jent Harry 'ent rtaine i the Fa rm BUI' all .e:u.;;,t unda y of till'. and M 1'5. MorRan. " Mr. JanK War i .f Cnlumh t " Truman ma be prevented fr 111 at the!; hOll1 , Fri ja evenin n · . ' A. O. mith the Da ·ton Pike. M r, and Mr . G o r(Ye Bratten was the week end Rue. I , aU n j ill.~ th Gran r me tin Mr, and Mr -, Will'i am mitl1 Chri · tin avie ' ente:'- ' have ~ o ld their : prol" rtv t Mr due to jev el op ment' in Wa h- and. da ughter nt rtained to ta in d h I' Ec ho I clas' tn a anj Mr " Ev r tt Bunnell \ 'h ' I rother, Mr. Robert Ward. Mr. and Mr.. He r! ,~rt L wi ington and th pecial e ion inner unda, R . an Mr5: . Hall we' ,n I art, at I1l'r h 111 , are p l ann in ~ to m. ve th 'r 'O f Oa ton were we k en! f Con,gre s which he ha aIL David Stanfi'eld an j n of n tl]e Clark Road, ~1 e \ He' ia oo n. hou e .~ ue ts of ~\r, Lew :" d for Nov ember '17, at I a_t 'vVilmi n gt n and Mr. an j Mr 'evenmg. pare.nt, Mr. and M r '~ . \ il tll r ne cabinet m mb r, ecr ta r · al i,gh' B gan, . Mr. A. F. K ' J.c! anj Mrs. , Lew) f Agricultur Clint n P. Mr, and , Mr. a m n i L~ li~ Gra, " p nt MOlida in .1 .ura Mr: and Mr . Herl c' I osk r Anderson, will addre th on - Wil on pent unda ~'v ning- Cm mnati. (I . had a their gue t ,, It ' .\.~:l y , M1' , vention and enator Robert A with their daught er, Mr. Ma ter Garry Moran f nea !' Mrs. Jennv Bell of m r- and Mr . Harry Cli h ' , ~' ail I , Taft, ' Govern or Th oma J~ Jeannette Elli and famil~i. Centerville p 'nt the week end dau~hter, G rildin ( f (' ' !un Herbert and Chi f Ju ti '. Can Mr. and Mr . Vern i with Mr. and Mr . Thede Jones · ville wa ,the' week end h 11 .I{:ue t of her br ther-in-law and htl and Mr, and M rs. Jiff 1' 1 V. Wey~andt will be pr ese nt Matthew an d Mr, and Mr_. and Milton. Ister, Mr. an j Mr, Han , Do ter an j d au~ht r ha. r' ~.! at one or mar . e ion D onald Haine were at Seven Mr. and Mrs. Wa.lter Kenrick , The ke note addre of the Caves near Bainl ri ci e:t:: n un- were uncia ev ning dinner Tucker and daughter, M i ~ of S~ rin , field. ' Ra II v Oa i t b n h frye g-ue t of Mr. and Mrs Everett !=valyn Tucker. Sllnda y after _ ',state convention" ill be deliver- day Oct t er 2" ed by Mr. Fichter at th se i n Mr, and Mrs, Car"V Leigh Kenrick and chi1l1rE'n, honoring -Y Monday evenin g in th , i1 Haine lAr d M ~E ' tt the b.irthday of the latter, Ml·S'. House, wh l' le' the Natl' nal Hame .. , Iand n . an r~. ver were Kenrtck. . on, Marvin jinner e t d f M d Mr . Neftie Emrkk and Mr. Master, Albert, . G as. will 'ver the natl'onal ' ke ynot u s s un ay 0 ofr. an R 1p11 H ammond called ' 0\\ ard Fisher th~ a on Mr ' ., Mrs. , ll Mae Cornell at the, Warren peeth at 7 :30 P. m,' Wedne -- Fairvi ew communit ' R 0 adO i·1 an d Tar A p P ) i e d da , 'November 1 in M emorial Mr. and Mr.' Ra m ond County Home, Fri iay after\ Resurfacing and Drivew~y Recoating Wilson were in Xenia on Tues- noon, . Hal]. ' . Thur lay, N vem r 13th ' day. The \ :11 call d on Mr. Rev. Jo eph Myer of Oa ton FREE ESTlMATES 1 th "big da" of th on- ,an i Mr-, E:i!!'ar Hurle vo f I wand Mr, anci Mrs. Everett vention when the - venth ct _ Burlingi, n Pike, " ava . and hildren w re un~ree-highe t in Gran,g-,e dtualMr . . 'ar 13 g-a n is vi~itin(Y :lay dinner ,e:u ts of Mr. and ISITl and conferred only n ea t th 1nm' f ' h r iaug-ht Mr, \ rn II Pur 1 y . Mr. an i a year-will be put on w ith Mr. Lt'la \ Wil s n . ' , ' Mr. Ric;hard Purslc! f Frank26 Oakwood Avenue LEBANON, OHIO Phone 22t-L classes at 9 : a. m~, 11 :45 a. Madl 'n ' u mith and lin were .aft rna III gu t. m., 2 :30 P. m., 5: 0 , p'. m., f riend, vlvia Am s were gue ts Mr. and Mr. Harve Burnet ••• _'t~~~-"-"I~~. I'-"~~~~...-.c~~.:. 8:1? p. m" ~ 0 :30 p. m. and at .a H allow 'en party at th e left b ' train W -' '!Ille_day mOrn3Ram on Fnday m orning at hom of Mr. an j Mrs. Everett inR t o attend th e National Con.8 :00 a. m. Low's Ohio Theatre Hurley near Srring Vall one ' veIition of ' the C:o-opperative will be u ed exclu ivety f or thi ' evening la t \\ ek. · . Milk As ociati nat t Louis THAT GOOD work. Total numbe r t recei Mrs. Lu y Compton ha be 11 Mr. and Mr. ' VJiH 'u r Clark _~h!.k-~eRre of~Ccr i ~ ex~ e te i on the ick Ii t. ,er Rue ·t at a famil dinner t reach 15, 0 0, the l arge t in Mr. and Mr, Jack Hawk . .: un 1a at t11 h me f Mr. and th.e . histor'y of the fraternity. and chit jr~n atten j j hur h Mr. C. W. Youn e in Dayton. Dlstm .~ui heci memh r f tl1 here unda. Mr . Ruth Wier has returned cla will io ci llcie G vern r to her home in Miichigan, after Herbert, Senator Taft, Chi f ~ a visit with her brother-in-law Ju tke Weygandt and the and si ter, Mr, anti Mrs. William 'U Bergdall and h r niece, Mrs . If Edmond Minse·r and famil y in WANTED , , Mr. Paul J hns of the Uni - Dayton. Mrs. Fred Fisk f Indepenve r ity of Cincinnati pent the dence, K . sent la t week with week -end with his grand- Mr. and Mrs. Lesli ~ Gray and cows - $20.00 mother, Mrs. Margaret 'J hn HORSES - $2'0 .00 chiUtren and Mr. Georg:e ·Gray. Mr. , and Mfs. Everett Earl y She ,returned home with her HOGS - $6.00 cwt Accordln. to Size a Condition attended the Grand Chapter dau~hter, Mrs. Fairest Popp and of the Order of Eastern Star husband, who, were Sunday .Also, All SMALL STOCK FOR THE HOME DEEP-FREEZE in Columbus, several days la't . g;uests of the Grays. ' REMOVED PROMPTLY w eek. and Mrs. 'WilblJr Clark Phone Mr. Levi Greathouse cele- in Mr. company with Mr. and .Mrs. 'XENIA W~INGTON IN 1 GALLON CONTAINERS br a~ed his 91st birtl1day Sunday Claude R,igg's, of Dayton and at the' home of his oaughter, Mr. and Mrs.· E J. Carmon y of . M rs. Clyde . Wharton. 10 Rey.r •• Ch"'a" Mrs. Effie ,Surface of near Springfield.,' returned home Friday evening after a five day A GALLON . 'mo tor , trip to ' the ' Smokey .' Mountains. ' " . A number of relatives and friends tendered Mr. and Mrs. Elsworth Winks a ana shower at their hoine , OF WAYN~V~E for THEIR FINE SUPPORT IN in Lytle ,Saturday evenin~. WAYNESVILLE, OHIO PHONE 2121 • Those. present were: Mr. and TUESDAY'S ELECTl.O N Mrs. Geor~e Cole of Gre~nv i1l e, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Wheel er a'n d fa~i)y, Mr. and Mrs. Geralo BaIrd and Mr. and Mr Earl Kyser of Dayton. Mr. and Mrs. Roy Winks' and children,' Mr. and. ,Mrs ..' Harry Burnete and :' famIly, Mr. and Mrs. , Leslie , Gra,y and family 'and Mr. and Mrs. Vernon Pursle and ' n .

State Grange Has ~iamond Anniversary


Let an n wa a unda c ~ nil1 '" gu . t f Mr '. Marg-aret J 1m .' Mr..:, H ' IH ' a vl or nter1air.ed her unda :hool CIa of litt1e f Ik at a ~a.1I()\\ e' n








JJ.arveIJ. t

.;. . .







~ .....a_ID_~~~~







..L, f'














Waynesville 'Drug Store

Thanks. to the'Voters Charles JaInes'



Situated , \Vithin Reasonab le Hadiu

Of \Vaynesv·ille.



.' AT LONESOME PINE INN South of Flaaberliaht at Routes 48 and 73

.m/~ JJoll'l .

Mr. and Mrs. , Thomas Runyon, ML. Erne~t Earnhart and Mrs. Kersingf!r caneq on Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Crawford, eVening'. Mr. and Mrs. LeWIS Crawford of Xenia were also their cattefs. . Mr. and Mrs. Geor.':e Bratten spent Tuesday Dayton. Mr. and Mrs" erett Bunnell

SHERi(tOD Refrigeration ·.Sales:. ======='and Se"ice ====== PROMPT,







Representative for



Gaz t \ .-\ 1-\ 1 0 , 1947

E ta te of Kathryn l\L Wi e, REAL ESTATE TRANFERS app in ted ndle'la 'oyle to William, and Mardec'd. RHY Whi ministl'a tol' g iving hond wi t h sut/e- garet la in 0.+ ' a cl'P: in Harlan twp . . ti ill sum of :!O. 00. E t ate of J ohn Hayner \ au RiThoma,. an L 1'0 . per, dec'd Evel~rn Yan 'R il 1:!l' adLovel and R T ackett 7 mini -tl'a i)'i:s filed. appl icati n fo,. Pad{~ c nifiC'ate of. h'an _f _. r l' al lOlTi ~ a ll rnell to estat': ' gl'O S va lue of e tat Ray ami J nnie Mainou ~ ~ acrE! in $1 .I' 9.56. . Viayne t w p . E tate of . Idi G. Ha nkins n. ~ -ht.;at· and Marie ie lIthal l' t dec'd gro v~ I ue of ta te i $1 9 ,la t and pell MO l·g·an l O.:"':! act' 300, ,2, ill Dee t'field t\\"P. E tate of Wi11iam H. Gebhart. Lawrence and Juani ta 'thomas nee d, a1':1h l E'11 n r ' tll point I to Hal';r y alld Arloene P nn 5 .62 e'x cutJ·ix. a I , in Clcnrrl' ek t Wll . E tate of Mary H .. Fry e tl<.:! c d William and Norma L Forc to . Donald Dilatu. h ap1) inteu ex h ~1l'h! and Eliza R eI .. n 4 n 're.' Cll tO l' givin g bdnd wi th . 1I1'l' t i ' in ill T ul'i:lec ree k . . sum of $5000. Ro well and Myrtle Weis to , il'E tate of J o~ep h Hine, c1 cd, ~dl and " ' ilma Wricrht lot in l ain Frank And er on and W. W. hurt vi Ie. executor ilwt' ntol'Y heal'inO' s t f l' \ eme W i\lia m ~ and l\L R. n irl l' Nov. 12 at 10. . t ' Lena Beil'l in, lar n ·und BIC' .. ' E tate of Nichola~ Dl'e ch er,. sie P ryman 177..14 aCI'e in \" a~mc dec'd, gross valne . of e tate is $21,and Hnrl.a n· t"l). .


k er ha ' heen r c~


~ Il t


Joe and Gertrude King to Austin an d 18,l'jorie Lind. y 2 lots in Mon·ow. John a nd pal Kuhn to George Boul1ain 10 in ,Frank li n: LeOJlal'(1 and Ru th Vel'gcne We tz, ......-t'icf\g I' iii nd ~ i \' ay Wetz H' ' ~- Wetz :"7.131 acre. in Hamit to) twp , . Jatne: a nd D Ita Lamh to Ro · herl ZOl'a ' Hopkin 1 <cr ill Way n' twp. M. Ru , ell and Ev lYll Horn to T.- . r ei hand l'.lce E ther Boy I()t in Lebanon.· Edwin ann FloI' nee Emma 1J p kin to Robert a nd 'Emnla M e R t l'th wfiite 0.11. acre in Way ne


twp.. Will H. I1·win . r., Tl'u. tee _ Rl1 ley 1'0 h~vaite 13 a cre. Df' e1' i . Id "'p.

to ill

Blanch e Dra ke 0 Richard anll I n! iam ::t11l1 t· Leich y to 01'Iey al1ri Minnie Leever lot in Lchanoll. ',


E tate of ha d es H . Lefe er, d c'd, H. Z. . Gray, adm 'lJ i tra t l' fil ed fir t and final account. Estate of "illiam Arthur Ro dec'd Stanley Ross admin1 trato,:" filed fir t anti fi nal Reount. Estate of Edwin F . Dunham, dec'd, Clal'ence Dunham admini t rator proceedillg' under fO'l'nl 01' order approved. Estate of Ad die M. ·John. tan. dec'd, Haniet l\Iay Kiml er. al1ministl'strix authorized to r 'e deem certain boml . Estate of Ali ce L. Ro!" . dC'c 1, Helen Hu nt R o!"~ , n (h 1illi!"tratl"x , inventory heal'ing' !"et fot' Nov. 22 at 10. Estate of Frank ,~ . Mi leI' , d<.'c'(I, Virginia Surfac-e vs. Paul SurP ersonal 1>1' .. 1 el'ty to be ~ol d for face et a1., confirmation and discash. tribution. NEW. SUITS Irvin and Muy Neibert vs. F rank ' and Edna Stubbs, for injunction, mandatory ' injunction, other relief, damages in sum of $2000 and ,costs Stanley and Stan'R pr ntin g ley C. Dona1d Dilatush. WESTHE!iilFR &.. Cornelia .tSlancne uarner vs. Frank and Edna Stubbs, for inSecurities junction, mandatory , injunction, Bought · ~Sold -Traded by Jane File other relief, ' damages ·in sum of Some infere tin,~ P opl I'v $2000 and costs. Stanley and StanCan Waynesv:lle 2530 met recent1~rs ..Charl - Elli - ley, C. Donald Dilatush. . of R. F: D. ~ Wax n ville. h Ella Lane , vs. Joe Lane, divorce, DAYTON AD' 32rJ7 is jut as nic a I ve b 11 t I:i. extreme cruelty, C. Donald DilaThen there's Mrs.' M. D. Baird, tush. , ? wh hare a c mmon friend Robert Lee Burnside vs. Martha with by · the nClITI f Mr . Ellen Burnside,· a minor, divol'ce, W. C, Tichenor, b th lo v h extreme cruelty, J. T. Riley. lad,ie in my e ·Umation. I think Ella Mehl vs . .Douglas Mehl, diMr. Hawkin, owner f th~ vorce, gross neglect of duty and "South End Mark t", is hi e extreme cruelty. H, O. Finke,lman. t ~)O; and has a nifty ,g-rocery. ' Lee and Ada Field . VS. Boya Lee There are IlJany, ma,n v i jeal Field and Martha Reardon ·f or. acbusmess men ' ar und Wet n - counting injunctiot1 and appointville, ~x perience recentl )' has ment of r-eceiver, Maple and Maple. taught me. Now there' Mr. Harry D. Lollar vs. '£he Loveland Harvey Burnet, \vn at tbe Gas and Electric Co., Loveland' a Locker Plant. I -pent· ev ral Corporation orga~ized and existing minutes wit\l hinl g,: in g all o ver under the laws of the State of anrt-=: beli2v Ale Ohio, money only amount claimed WaYllesvil{e should b'e proud of its modern locker . ~ rv -e and $1895 and costs, C. Donald Dila- · tush. . Mr. Burnet too. Gladys M. Goodpastor, a minor I enjoyed ' seein,{! , Chari s Belcher once again. Chade is vs. Frank'Goodpastor, a minor,' divorce, gross neglect, C. Donald a Harveysburg . g-raduat., \Vh Dilatush. . . I remember as a ,g-reat bi ,~: b. ~' ,












when ,) ' was still ped ilm' a tricycle. . .

e"url"nW:j COl\IMON PLEAS

, R:. E. Heisinger vs. gay Phillips defendant granted 30 days to file motion, demurrer or ,o ther pleadings. In the matter of ~he We.stei·n Regular 'B aptist Church of Lebanon, Wan'en Co., c'o nfirmation. deed and distribution. Stanley West vs. Della West, di~ vorce, to plaintiff. Ira Lilly vs. Hilda Lilley, hearing set for Sat. Nov. 8. at 11 o'clock. Joan Kobus vs. Paul Robert Kobus ,divorce to plaintiff, defendant to pay plaintiff $10 per week alimony, '))laintiff to have custody of child when bOrn defendant to pay all medical expenses when c.hUd is born also sum' pf ,64.38 costs, in this 'case.

MARRIAGE LICENSES, Ralph ' Ward, 23, Lebanon, farmer, 'Katherine Brill, 23, Morrow, factOl'V worker. ' . , Ralph ' Leak, ~7,' .Pleasant Plain, auto worker, Marjorie Romohr, 27, Mason, secretary. Lionel F. Yeager, '27, Middletown, fiTeman, Bertha Shiflett, 25. ' Franklin. . Fred Campbell, 22, Blanchester, buffer, Vipla leary, 18, Pleasant PJain~


Garland Hines, 27, ,Lebanon; as~ sembler, Phyllis Jean Smith, 19, Lebanon. PROBATE Estate of Sue E. Lewis, dec'd, Robert Lewis administvator inventory hearing set for Nov. 17 at 10. Estate of Celia D. Corwin, dec'd, W D. Corwin executor filed first , and final account.' Estate of George D. Mills"dec'd, Leah Mills appointed executrix.

, Located on "R'o ute 48', South' of Route 73' at '

'PEER'S LONESOME .PINE INN at. only ·.$595.00


, • CLASSIFIED AD BATES. • . 25 words or less. one time. ••••••I 25o , Each add1tonal wotc1 ............ 1e SPECIAL BATES, by CONTBAC',I'

tI at

l a ry Chapman \'. Ray and Ella Louif ' mith 5.30 acres in

LODGE NOTICE \Vayn ill e L dge . \(),' F. & A. M'.' ta ted 111 " tin,c: Tu ~ da, ening-, ' v. 1 I at 7 :0 0 0.' I k. Ele ti n of fficers ,

"\ ayn


Herbert and Kathryn Ellis t o Je se and Inez Turnei' 88,~7 ' acres ' in leal' reek twp. , Hel'bert E1li to Clifford, a,nd Margaret Cram l' 1.15 acres in lenl'crcek.

, CARD OF THANKS I wi h to thank m man Loansfriend - f o r th ir kin remerritrance f ni e Lad - and lov ~ FEDERAL LAND BANK I, f1 weI' ent me ,uritlg m ~' , LOW COST ,FARM LOANS recent onfin 'ment in th \ The E itor (1) N ' f or I1lmi, i n ' Miami Gazette, (2) Intere i rat are I w-4 ~ ho pital. Mar LeMa y \Va ne ville, O. (3) Pa all r ~ :lrt' a nytim -, _--.;.___ Dear ir : , St p inter t nn pc rt i )1l paJ:t . You hav a k j f I' Inm ent NOTICE OF APPOINTMENT on civic affair and \ rite r ee FO H \ 'A<: T it Call of m:1tter Noti e , i hereb given that LEBANON NATIONAL Nov 10 to Nov. 24 arah E. <:Gebhart wh - Po t public intere t. It i iffi ult for FARM LOAN· the most experienced Offi e ' addr r Wayn e.: vill, LEBANON, OHIO, Phone 448 GRAY'S BARBER hi l ' R. R. _ ha been ul v b with out preju i e Ellis H. Sturm, S~c'y-Treas. t rmined nvi ti 11 SERVICE aN 1l1ted a . Exe utrix of til: Ze ro subject h exp un d up n. REAL ESTATE E iat f William H. Gebhart Waynesville, Ohio an I n \\ h i In ved late f Warren Count" hi, Therefore to accept our invitati 1I1 is more DO! " T FORGET TO CALL c 'ea et u f r In surance. All types of likel to b Ii" te 1 My Dated thi _9 th cia of 0 to- ctl1an mment an i I' fl ti(lTl ar'e Insurance at a savings. Call bel' '19 47 ' not ,gratuitou - criti, ism h ~'L al1 e Ella Tunning 115.39 acres in Wa hFrancis Gen ... Brm n, phone Ralph i-I. ·Care they are a d on ran, au e, ington t,w p. ' \t\ a n \ ille ' 2935 or call Jud.e:e of the Pr bat e Co urt and proof, and are r pectfu,ll John , and hal'les Fogelman to Warren Count Ohi 'Collect. Wilmil),gton 2'11,1. ubmitted for our publ icati n, Dewey and DOl'a Puck t t 2 lot in C. Donald Dilatu il, Att . Good govern m~nt . in the South Lebanon. . -112 0 Real Estate For Sale- ' ' democratic form i p,redicate j Charles and Marie Herby to GilIF YOU HAVE A ' PROPERTY OR NOTICE OF APPOINTMENT on the priAcipal that " ED CAbert and Kathryn Lop l' 10 acl'eS FARM TO SELL Oall or Write . 1b b . tl t TION AND MORALITY CON- in Clearcreek twp. N t· IS , 1c;re wen 1a STITUTE THE FOR.CE A 0 non Henderson, Tel. KE3446. 617 Leaho Ice Mills \\ ho e - p ' t Office MAJESTY OF FREE GO _ MSl:Y , White to William and Lorain Ave., Dayton, Ohio. tfc ad re s i Wayn sville, hi ERNMENT. ' , Margaret Beachler 2.14 acre in has ' been dul. appointed aAlla'l ze th'at' J'f u WJ'Il, th n Franklin twp'. LIVE STOCKE:xecutrix of the Esta.te f FDA b t Cl c and G D M'II 1 t f W e 1 appl it to , the civic , 0,:,ern m urgy 0 aren e eor.e:e ".1 ae 0 an I m· ent, the publi school, prIvate Lois Bowman 0.50 acres in Union FOR ALE ix Park's' P n County, OtlIO, dece ased. t Dated th i ' 28th da of 0 to- busines, and fina ' :rlll \\ it to wp. k Pedigreed Bar red' R . reflect on indivi l1 :JI iti zl,;n_' Hu ert a n'd R€ba Bakea.' to Fred Cocke 'rel . Pat H o ~kin . bel' 1947. Ralph H. ar ~ , compri zi ng the communit . . ' and Edith Wilson lot in Spring· Wa nesville" O . -112 Judg:e of th PI' ate Cu rt There wa " a time wh n the boro. USED CLOTHINGWarren Count, Ohio , , Villa~e C de made it unlawful William and Mal'y Wakefield t o NORRIS ' BROCK COM ,pANY ,.!' t Emest Charles and Ether, Schutte , . J 'a, A y. ' -11 2 or a proper own n-, t tt f H C Cincinnati ' Union Stock Yards FOR ALE - Girl' all-w 01 struct a epti " tank, within the 0,90 acres in Deerfield twp. Live Wire and Pro~reasive. An orQfln ization second to none. village limit for th us of Benjamin Young to, 'Roy 'and red coat and leKgin'Rs, aIL Letters. To The EditorStrlctlv sellers · on the best woo l ca hmere ' plaid dres, rro tIl E itor ewa~e dispo al. Another tatut Ruth Smith 3.566 acre in Cleal'all around market in the and red velv,et cordliro country. in the same code requir d that creek twp. clre s, all ize 10. erfect ,H~J1 ' \ e ' n ' ~ over, but it 'ure propert ' owner SERVICE THAT SATISFIErR proyide, for Thoma and Mary Wagnel' to 1] U ayton 12: 50 B. . , condition. Al 0, a davenport dldn ~ em Itk. Hall w , en:, In . a,d equate sewaR jis ~ at. Th~ Earl Khk lot in Fl'anklin. DIAl 1300 , WLW C!nlnmlti 12 : 40. Din 1 700. for Our t lly in ,good , c ndition . Mrs. , fIrst pl~ e '"Jl1stead of gO~l1 g latest rodamati n, fro m the John Ten-y to Vallentine Am ,Inrket Report. Harold. Earnhart, Ph ne 'hallowt:enl1l~ and havmg' Ma r a ks that .proT ert own- son 1 a~re in Salem twp, ~614 -1120 tim, prop rty \\ as de troyed~ In . the econd place : Th Hall w- dir p ' nne ewa~e al tot their the 1lin ipe ~ of huried by _~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~? WANTED- MISC. een Carnival wasn't a Hall \\- the WPA , in 1 40, and the An kin r: een Carnival. It wa , a Bing: WANTED law J rohibits .ul.h practi ~ tate, ' until I can r m mb r \vll n: the pr vi 'aed.ii po al plant ha, I een Dome tiC work, b reJiabl EVERY FAMILY HAS ITS wo man. See Alic Kinnard, fun of the Hallowe n Carnival A new . Tad - hool l. uildin ,1?; . Grallt t., Harv ysburg., r OWN FINANCIAL LIMITAinquire at Gazette offic .• was the ma kmg an:i using' th ' has b en' need j fo r everal' TION. We re pect it a we -1 127 mo t riginal ideas for c . yea rs in order to keep up \l ith would like to have our wn _.r....:..._ _ _ _ _- - - - - tumes. Bin~o then was iu t a the standard we all demand. The re pected. mall item at the bottom of th WANTED: intolerabl e tate of affair vaRid from 'N. C. R. to \'Va nes'- bill. (And thi - \Va n't yery long; not emphisiz·ed or ·pre ented to To burden a .family with ' x- : Ville I avin,g 5 :0 0 . e a.! aRo either.) the people ' of Wayne ville 1 v , cessive expense is a breach of ,2154. -11 6 confidence no one ha ev r ex, Now the bill say BINGO in those entrusted to d s an j now we are awkwardly tr ing perienced at our funeral home. farR.'e letters, and has two line FOR, SAL~ abdllt co tum s. It used to be to recti'fy {his lack of planning. ' There are many ' am ong 11 FOR ALE Harcy Chrys- that even the IdeI' folks would Who want to induce:g:r wth a.nd the few dress up but now even anthemum rea d y , n 6 w, industr in our town and realIze that dre s up have no fun. kids tran plant . early, c hoi c e the necessity of more territory rr.:7""--:-----'--.LU..LU.L~:t1.lJ~.J:J.,1na. 8t .J 0 hu. _ -LL.lbat 'has happened to An effort being incorporated. Across from ' Texaco) Wa y nesvill~'~ Annual Hallow- ' Waynesv,ille" Ohio - '- 11 0 een ' Carnival? The answer: was made to induce the adminisMaking 'money is the only goal. ' trators of our' civi'c: affairs to FOR ' SALE - Apples" Winter a d~nation of right-ofA High ' School Student accent varieties a.t Orchard Lane, ways ' fer thiS purpose but this 4 miles north , of , Xenia on unselfish ,effort was sabota~ed , Rt. 68, mile on Route 235, L~tte.r to the Editor: for personal or other reasons. Closed Sundays. ' -1113 , A few weeks ago' there ap- 'A verbal 'c ommitment was made peared 'in your paper a letter by these same administrators. FOR SALE Double 20 from a resiaent of Mont~omery than a year a,l?;o, that Gauge Springfield Shotgun; County who was complainin~ more, water would b.e furnished to A-1 condItion. Ed Standiford. ' because books could not be residents who would build , -116 taken from our Library. homes adjacent to. the vi11a?:e. For the benefit of this person A' v.eteran now walts for them Houlehold 'Goodl -'and all others who may ' be in- to keep the faith. FOR SALE ' ,Ker.osene terested the Wayne T'owllship These are blazing e .~ amt"le Superfex Refrigerator, Tw'o, Library Board wishes tQ ~xpHlin' of condition:; in our vil1a{!'e. We Hundr.ed Dollars.; May tag , Gase>line 'Motor, ,2 CYlinder, 'Mot~r Thirty 'Dollars', Raymond WE PAY FOR l1atton, , Over Dot Food -'PHONE 311 LEBANON, OHIQ Store. Waynesville" Ohio, 'HOGS cwt. COWS ' HORSES -116 HFJ..P ,WANTED- MALE TELEPBONBa I

I Lour 'p


















'Any make or. 'model

,. Fred Kahil


Available Immediately - ' The most profitable B'usines in We'stern G.reene County. A Qne man operation. Act Quickly! F. V. Jamison, 21 E. Fifth Ave., Colu'mbus 1, Oh.iQ. . '- ll6 FOUND - Man's Tan Shoe on road to WeHman. Inquire at WaynesviJJe Shoe Repair, Indentify and pay for this






X=EN I Af1 Fertili~er ' 4 S .4 ' , , E '

Revene Charp. ,


E. G. Bach••• lac.

Car' Co.



WAYNE8vn,~ _I



/ }


Fairly Familiar

Th~ · Miami




Local Players Have Tea~ Iii League '8ob' Sarvi.' <::t ~ ti €m sr onsoring a team of Waynesvill e bo , pl ayed their fir t Miam i Lea.ltue Game, at. Harmon H nl' " n ' Nov. :5. their appon -'nl-,s w ere B &' B Dair. Bar, Lebanon. At the end of the 1st quart- r the core was fairl even with Lebanon leat\in,,! by 3 poiIJt. Durin~ the second and third quarters Lebatlf)tl m~naged ',to have a lead oJ 10 p0mts. Near the last ef the 4th ' .Quarter Sarvjs' s team wa~ put out in front, 1 point by a field go~t. 'There was 23 seconds left m the game after ,Sarvis's ' team took the lead. Just before the whistle blew for t11e ,end :of the game, one of LebaJ1on'~ players made a field ~oal which put them ahead of Sarvis's ,team by one point. The final score was 42-41 in favor of B & B. The points were just about ey.enly' distributed with Hartsock bein,l; hi~h and Ludington ,tr.ailin;r h'i m by 5 points. Sarvis's team lOoks very 'promisin ,~. The , boys had ~o'od ' passwo~k too. , The' box score is as follows: Sackett, John 2 :Bernard, Bob 2 Plank, Bob 2 . Rickey, ' Bill ' 0 Cobb, 'Buddy G Ludin~ton, John '9 Hartsock, Dave 14 Total


WOMANS AUXILIARY MEETS FRIDAY The Womans Auxilia'r y of 1he St. Mary's Church wilt meet at the home of Mrs. Robert Mehaffie on Friday afternoon at 2 :00 o'clock. .

MOTHER'S CLUB MEET Th M 'ther' Clul Ilk the G r a d- ~ •11 () I hut rcttnl",I. .- -rrnFrida\., aftem on of la ~ t 'k and weI' iltertain:i I y a p r , ,,ram of n ,~ and il r Ia \'1 ·t !.:'i en h J til " fifth , 'J'ad e rUI il <. Other than th e ~ r g:ram an ,1 :: hort ,bu ine < ~c j 11 whi h f tl1 in Iud d a ' rep rt Hall we'en ' arni al tilt; 111 tin,!?: \Va une f ntful.

County Farm Bureau Passes Resolutions'

Th e vV arren C ) lIll tv F~nn Burc'w Ilnll al ,M din,!; \i as \\. 11 att end ~ la <t Thur fa ~v enin ,g' . f~ e . n luti n n s. filV Hil 0' a pr t t t thl! Pul Ii ti lilier gar:iin g o VL:l'-Cr wde 'i line an d p or ervice of h hio C ntral Te;:l r h n > C mpany and a re oluti 11 api r v in~ th e 'v rk of our C unt v B ar1 of H ' alth and Health mmi jo ner. A. D. Har've , M. D. an:i th hiring (f 'ft ount y " anitar, En ,lZim; pas ed. Mr. All ert H. Banta wa 1'ele t d Count Pre id e n t . Har Id and L ui > mith will Mauri ' M, ren e wa r lectice Pre id nt, ' Mrs. Lena reopen t heir Recrea.tion and ed I rn and Mrs. J h11 L \\ i, w r c Eat Re taurant thi Thu LLi~l ' reel ted lad dire ' t I' -aL after being- 1 ed thr U,l (h l, Lit tile summ I' m onth . Man y im- larg-e and Mr .. Les li e Fa rnh :~rt provements and a diti , n l~a y" ,\' a' el t j to (ak \ th e ~ la 'e bee n m ade in th furn i hin ~ ­ . f Mr, H , R. Harri, r' tirinJ! of the e t ablL hme,nt t Furth r la d j ir t r. the erv i e o f the ,f!; ad foo '\ TO\v nshi~ , jir ct r r elect '(1 f or which tli 'v are fam u . ver, : Lawr n c avid. 0 Crfi Id T wn hip; . H. Ha ,~eThe maj or imp rov ment i the new Rustic R am I cate j me y r, Hamilt on T vn hip; . tac k f the kit hen e mpart - Luth r Hart ock, Ma ~ . i T wnment, whi 11 ha een ea mplet ~ _hip; M. L. CI ilrk, al m T wn- ' hip; Rob rt Jeff er y, ' Wash _ Iy refurnished in 1110derni ti c rusti c furniture ' and ther 'in,l;t n T wn hip ; and Erne t , acce orie that give it a'll at- Coo k, Wa.Yne Town hip. mosph ere of I i ure and 011Town hip dire tor retirin ,~­ ten,tm ent. Thi room \Va ~ after long and Trtithful ervi c were ,: Earl DuV'lll, Clearcreek The pr ent Grade' School Building that \ a.s vo ted to l ' replac d , primaril de igned for th l.1 ' Town hip; Fred W. H Isin g r, l y a n'w structure at the recent election. ' of the .ounger et. J.t co ntam It has been intimated that, this buildin g III be ol1 ve rt d into a good luk b x. a da nce ~I r Franklin Town hip; G ' rgc 't t'.,\, h ' 'th t' . f' 'l 't· f 11 , and plent of ro m f rIel ure Chapman." . Harl an T wn hip; ~e 'rea Ion aCI I Ie or a . a ~ . hours. d foo d and refre _h- and Walt r Da vi, Turtlecreek a c mmun~1 y '01~~ lug ouse WI !n tl~ ~ 'e nod pnor to the completion. Of. the n e\'! s hool \1Llllu J ~o' ments will be ,giv n pj'itn 11 . Town hip. It Will be neeessary to make som e repaIT s and Imp r vements m sideration in thi r om a well Town hip directms n wly the matte r of fire preventioI!. and health 'afet, . T o iate' l1( p r - as all oth er part of thi m dern leeted w re: Walt r Kruer, ram ha been set up ' for th is but the Boa rd of E i ucath . wi ll restaurant. Th e Ru tic R am Clearcr 'ek Town hi' : G. L, pr bably annouu'ce their intention in thi re peet. ' will also e ~ e j f r parti ,~ , Michael, Frankrn T ownhir; , . clubs, etc. as It afford - a maxI- Ralph Jones; Harlan Townmum of privac y " t ieasil hip; M rri Gooqman, TurtleMETHODISTS HOLDING acce ihl e .from . the main part creek r ownship and Wilbur BOOTH FESTIVAL , oJ th e re taurant. ' Ke.ever, Union T ownship. The Booth' Fe~tiv~t of South Assistin£" Mr. and Mrs. Smith Arthur Hove'rland, [)I tri tt .,. ' D~ yt n Distri,ct will be he,ld at in the operation f thi mod ern Organ~zati o n Manager, spok Ma on, Sunday afternoon and , eating and dining place will be on "Cooperatiqn a elf Helj even ing from 3 :00 p. m. to The ' Band Boater's Club f the latter' parent, Mr.aJ~d Groups." Ralph Guckian, local 8 :30 P. m. The .churches o f the Wa ynesville are pons ri n ~ -!.'L. Mrs., Ralph L. Frazer of Detr It, manage r of 'the Farm Bureau, district , are a ked t o make, a Tar~et Shoot to be held at the woo wl1 <ell' hO'f!1 e Coop told of expan i n plans donation 'for the Children'S Hi~h S~hool Kroun L, un a" here. Mr. Fraze: wa .Agent ~t o f the local plant. ' Th report Home at Worthington. , Nov. 23. This affair i ~ ' for 2_ the ~enny~lvanJa Ra~lr oad In the youth Dele,g-at s, Gwen Thi,s is , ponsored b the calibre rifles only. Ticket of Corwm Rrto.r t leaYII1Jr here of, COliening, Andr w Hilhardt, Yout h -the church. T h entry are bein~ old in ~dv allc f or D etrOit ai out t wenty , ear Audrey Spear, and 'Wallace yo ung people will canvass th , by members of the organ iz:a- a,!!'o, Perro Cfine, who ha been Clemen 'were especiall y v. ell membership for a ca h dona- tfon. ope ratin ~ the La,!!' Cabin, North . , !iven, Mis Sue Furna and tion. Please encoura~e them Other ,feature of til day of Mt. , Holly has al 0 r,eturn ed Wilh,e lmina Bradd ock f.avored and . help a worthy cause. include games 'of Ivari oll k inds. to work. at th e Rec. tlle ~r up with a piano duet. Re.freshments 'will be s rved on Earl Earnhart an,l; a solo with , , ' the grounds. ., Mis Sue Furnas at th e pian . In case of rain it wa stated The memb.ership of th e .Farm the activities will be h eld in the , . Bureau is now 510 which ,l;ive school buildinR with th e exc ~p- ' Warren County three delegat tion of the rifle match. ' to the State Annual Me tin~ . . The schedule calls for 12 :3.0 . the Way ne ~vi1le Ci,~i<;. Club Delegates elected were: Earl Geor~e J. Smith, a,g-e 83 ~ii'd p. m. as ijl~ startin~ tim e. Pro- Will hold its regular meeimg on DuVall, Harold Cox and ,LutheJ1 at the home of ' his sister, Mr<: . ceeds wilt oe used for the WH , on a¥ even-ii1~" c Nbv. 1'7 at Hartsock. Alternates 'Mere Sarah Smith" Wednesd,ty, N v. Band: 7 :00 0 ' clock with a Father and Charles Homan, John Gons and 12 at 3.00 P. m. He had lived Son banquet. Followin1; the ,Howard Graham. ' at his home near the Friends ST. AUGUSTINE ALTAR ' dinner the Rev. Frank Wiley of , Church until last 'week wh n' be SOCIETY SPONSORING C11Urch ' , the United Presbyterian sold his personal property and of Mon'roe will gl,Ye an addres . went to make his , "tome with BINGO • DANCE~ NOV., 22 All members are requested to • • • the sister: . A Bingo and Dance will be return thir acceptance cards by ,He is survived by two d ,l 11 ,~ h­ held at Wa nesville Hig:h I] ters, Mrs. EloiSe Lan~ and Mrs. ' c;hool building' Saturday, Nov. Nov. 14, accorQing tOI Maynara Leale Teff of Cincinnati: a 'son, 22 at S :00 o'clock p.' m., SpOIl. ,WeItz, ecretary. Ralph of ' Waynesvilk; and· 'the sored by the St·. Augustine Altar , Miami ,Chapter ' 1'07 O. E. S. sister, Sarah Smith, al so of Society ~ Music will 1e furnisb,ed m et in re~ular ession ori MonWay'nesville; , . day even inK with a delicious by Vic L} ons orche tra. Funeral services \vill be c ncovered dish dinner served in , Door' prizes of oaskets of ducted Mond ay aftern oon, N ,v: ~ roce ries wilt. be given and also the dining room, The tables 17 at 2 :00 P. in. at the McClure four tllrke. are, to ~e given 'were very lovely with bowls of Funeral ' Home with Rev. R., B. away. varLcolored ch'ysanth~mums. Coleman officiating-. Refreshment will be served. Durin ,! the business session Albert R. Starkey.. 51, :l Friend may ' call at the The adrili'si on ,char',ge' is 50 the election of officers for com· ' farmer of Clearcreek T\V~). who Funeral Horne "after Friday. in~ y ear was held with Mr.s. cents. ' ' lived on Route 48 n ar Rnutc Burial wilt' e made in ~\ia .1! elected as 73, passed away at hi.. he m~ Stanley - Bailey Cemefery. Worthy Matron ; Mr. John J. WILL ST. JOHN AT , Wednesday. MARTINSVILLE' , Mr. Starkey was s'iag: c and , Burske as Worthy Patr.on; WSCS WILL MEET , Mrs. Willi am Strouse as Asso .. Will C. St. John left M,on- is survived by his m,ut ~1 e'r, Mrs. ciate Matr.on; Mr. William AT DAVIS J-IO,ME day of this week , f or a two Lottie Starke ; a jsteJ", Mrs. NEXT THURSDAY Freda Bast both of th~ same J. Strouse as Associate Patron; The WSCS of th e Meth o j-t weeks stay at the Sanitadum neighb(H hood; and a br th l: r, Mrs. E. F. Earnhart as Secre. Church will meet ' at 'the home in Martinsville, Ind. where he Frederick Starkey of ha-ron- tary; Mrs. ,Ll,lcile Armita~e as was a ~uest about this time last of Mrs. Charles Davis on North , year. Treasurer; Mrs. William Sawyer He finds the mineral ville. Main Street, Thursda. , Nov. as Conductress; 'Mrs Marvin Funeral ervi e will he c(jn~ Smith as A sociate Cnnd'uctress 20 Devotions will be under water treatments and the rest the directions of Mrs. Rufus obtained there of ,great benefit ducte j Saturday at ~. ()O p. m. . and Mrs. John J. Burske as to his ph sical welt-being. at the McClure FUI1L:i at H ml~ Trustee for three , ear. Watkins and the program, "t with Rev. Harol j lIen -. f UOrderly World for Children Miss Ann Fl vnn of · Da yton Franklin officiating. led by Mrs. D. R. Sali bury. All Roy. Mainous and family are the week end guest of 'MLs was Burial will 'be made in Leba. prepanng to leave Nov. 18, to ladies of the or,ganization are nOIJ Cemetery. .Elizabeth Burnett. requested to be present. sp e,nd the~wiriter in Florida


Thi' wee k there ~"en i t thi co mmunit y a n,ew l y dec ra t d ,m j nicely , appoint d , re -ta urant and r creati n 1'0 m, ervin)?: excellent food, trul y a place that W a n sv iIl e ca n be iu tl pro'ud of. It not onl y af.fords the older f olk excell nt meal - erv d in ideal surround'ings but al 0 a place w here th 'e teen a','!er can ,g'ather t o' wile away the e venin~ hour. F r the summ r m nth the Re reati on and Eat ha been 1 d. Ext.ensive , repair.s and rerla L ment have been made. Th owners have g:one to a, ~ at amount of expense to fumi h the 'ec reation room f or the yo unger et and also f or parties. cluh. . etc. The community should a'ppreciate this effort and respect it also by d in,g' their part t o make it alI a, e where they can assembl e ' fo~ ,g'ood clean sport and, go d f(lod. Disrespect on the patt f those who use these facilit iL ~ will hrinK ahout condition - t~ · ~ t will be fro" ne~i upon ' b, tl" citizens of the village and th -' ow ner~ of the establIshm en t a well. , It will be a test t{) ee if our oung folks can show the , re~pect and con ideration '·f f ' thers as they should. e kn ~ \' they can d it if they w,ill.

~:ro-~~A!'i ~~ES '

,Restaurant Reopens; Adds Rustic' 'Room


Target,Shoot '00' 'Booster's Progra~


J. Smith"Passes


Club Holding Father, Son Banquet

,Away Wednesday

0 E SElects N'ew 'OtJ,-Icers .

Funeral Saturday For ,A. R. Starkey'




The Miami Gazette EST A B LIS H B 'D 1 8 5 0 Publ1shed Every Thursday by DAVLSSON PltESS -



£ntered , as Second CWis M:at~ at the Post Office

, Subscrtptlon Rates: $MO ~ per Year in Advance

National Advertising Representatives Ohio Weeklies, Inc., 2465 W. Broad Str~et, Columbus 4, Ohio Hiteman, Clude ' t. N Ian', Fere Paine, all of Wayne ville' , Joseph W. Hiteman, Mar, Lo~ Moore. C. Tho mas .Reynold, Jack E. Reyno ld , Jain A. Reynolds, all. of Harv sbur,g'; METHODIST CHURCH Arthur Hopkll1s of Oregonia. R. B. Coleman. Minister Other student from L ban n, Sunday School 9 :3,0 a.m. Fraqklin, Mor row. Fo ter and J. J . Rurske, Supt. Loveland are al oin atte nW or~hip Service . 10:.3 0 a,m. dance. Youth Fellowsh ip T hursday, 7 :30 pm. FIRE AND 'YOUR CHILD Services at the Methodi t "Pire is the le'ading acd-denChurch and Sun day Schoo l are tal killer of children," writes mark d by iricre'asi ng atte n- the Star of augertie ', ' , New dance and interest. York. It then points out that Plans for obse rv anc of while the battle again -t ii 'ea e Christm a ar proKres iog. Any as a cau e of child fata liti s is who may choos to come, tour beinR," won. the baW ag-ain t Sunda:y chool Services at accident is being 10 t. ' 9 :30 and th e se rvi ce of wor6,000 children unde r ship at 10:30 will be welco med theSome a~ e of five di,e in home and w hall appreciate our accidents each yea r. More than help. ' a third die of burn and calds, Brin,!?" our children that the toll than i exa tcd b,v may part!capate in th e Chri t- athelarger dread ji ea e of p Ii . On mas ServIces. Wp of that, for 'ever, hild \\'h The choir will rend r th IS fatall burned man ' m re anthem, " Savior Like a hep:. are crippl j r disfiO'ur f r herd Lead Us" at th e ' 10:30 life . .service Sunday mornin g. " ' No child i I urn ed thro'u, h his ow n fault. Th lame omes trai~ht home to parent ~ w-h , Mr. HOLLY METHODIST throu, h careies n es or i n 'T. M. Scarfft Minister ranc~ r do\ nri ght in ertia, Sunda v School '9 :30 a.m permit the child t be ex osed E. A. Earn hart, Supt. to hazard . The tar cit om Worship Service 10do a.m. su,gg-esti ns, made bv th e Na,Evening Service ' 7 :30 p.m. tional Board f Fire Und 1'\ riters, which ho uld be memo rized b, ' every parent: ST. MARY'S EPISCOPAL 1. Never leave ,children' unSamuel- N. Keys, M"mister . , attended in the home, and be Ante-. mmunion 8 :00 a. m. sure the sitter is res~ion ible, Our. Schoo! 9 :30 a . m. 2 . Keep match es, h9t li quids, 001 10 :3 0 a. m. lamps, ~tc ., out of the reach Pra ' -10:30 a. m. of children~ 3. Don't permit children to play with bonfires or fireworks: una E. U. B. alURCH Stich ements as popcorn , , Rev. William Shannon , roasts amu ,should be held ,under Sunday School ' 9 :30 a.m. adult supervision. Mrs. James Garrison" Supt. 4. ' Avoid dressinR: children in Preaching. '1 st and 3 rd Sundays hi~hly inflammable cl ot hin~" 10 :30 a.m. such as net dresses. , each month 5. In case' of fire, R:et children out of the house then call the WA\ NESVILLE ' fire depa.rtment. CHURCH OF CHRIST ' If aU parents ' will follow Bible School " 9 :30 a.m. these , easy rules, the horrible 10:30 a.m. Communion toll fire now takes in the ,coin '8.00 p.m. Evening Service of children's lives and health w'ill be sharply reduced. ST. AUGUSTINE I



~ I a_ _ The , thi'ok that th .trr wing AND IN RUSSIA of viet action in 'ur ' pre -s Th e ' en rmou.- differ Ii ..: i ' th re ult f o r i I"' fr m th > betwe n t11 Ru ~ : i an an i th' ,overnme nt. N thin g, a ev 1'\' me rican id a ~ f Q'c\ \'ernmenf Am ri an kn w-, c( uld I 'e is perfe tly illustrated l \' th Furth r fr m th e truth . It i ~ , r nt kn un ciati n of ur t the contrar y. the imp1 ~ OI1 press 1 " hig-h vi t o ff ici'l l , eque nce f the fa t th< t th and th 'ir deman:l that r '- trie- majorit f dit I" h c:. l l~Yc th at tive! m a -ure he taken to ,t p th e prinCipl und rly}ng' U. , "unfa"ir' ritichn f RUs~ia for,eign policy are ' rn: ~ t I and The c>viet pol< ~.J11 ~ Il -e 111 in ev itab l . to be all in fav or M' a "fr Th fr pre " -- I ng ' a - it com - all other , freed oms. est ru ' m nt a~re s with, th eir curi us ti n of th e rig'ht to criticizl', tn i dea~ f ri ,~' ht an t wrong. In ~ peak ,n" mind, fllll't !,~ RUSSia, th,e pre - i "fr 'e" tn f 11 w 1 I v th de trllctiln f print governme nt -i n ~;pired edi- he govern m nt. frc: c e!lt rtorial - and fficial hand uts , pri e freed m of r e li !'~:i()n, Th e from the Po lit bur , til > Fo r.?ig'n Sovi t pr> ', i u " 1 a~ a \V 3. 1 ( 11 Offke an:l th KrC ln lin . If t ' e to turn th e ' I ~ u ~ : hn I eop l inslight st deviation fr l l11 th to ,mental r bot ~- 3. n 1 t makL' pa rt lin e i' fou n :l in it ,Ru:sian eve r ' man an j woman " 1;1 vnew' pap r, the u pra ti e i- ish ly think al ik and rep 'at th~ to sen j th ~ e iit9r in ~ har~ f t1 sa me phrase _ The Ru·jan.: a lo ng' voya,!.!',e from which do n't realize it, but ' th eir r , th ere'i no returnin ,~ . centt v,iolent denu nciat i n - of , The Russian may h ' r '1' - th,e Am,e ri pre are ~ fin ~ fectl y incerc ",lien th y a \' tnbute to It-an i t thl\ v:.they ' can not und er -ta n i Am ' rL tern of gov rnm cn t which , ,can new pap~rs . Th L. i ne f make Jt e,xi tence p j h\ '. very f w n,ations ' left. n the face 'of the arth whe re an v TURN YOUR SURPLUS ITEMS ' e ditor, so long as he !-t:l. with- 11IiTTO QUICK, -READY CASH in the law coverin!2' lib 1 an i oth er cri me, can ~ '\ \ hat h\: lJSE GAZETTE CLASSIFIED' A.DS


Th Miami Gaz .. Hc Waynesville, Ohi m

Page 2 N. 4 42 r 13 . 1947

Court neWJ

i\lARRIA E L I ENSE William Gruhl 1', 34, Fra nklin, mail caL'l'i r, Vir 'i nia Lee Clifford, 2-1,' Franklin, bi lling clerk. William H urst, ' 23, Franklin, contracto r, Elizabeth Ruth Tewell, 19, Ft'anldin secretal'Y. J olin Marion Miller, 23, Franklin . a~sl:.'mble r, Elsie Ardella :::; lu ser, 19, Springboro, Clerk. John Mercer, 31, Dayton, weld'er, France Kirk pa trick, 26, clerk. Ellis owall, 24, Wayne ville, farmer, l\lal'v Wil on, 20, Kings !\Ii ll , clerk, ,

PROBATE E tate of Rober t ' Boat\vright, India Rank '1', executrix ' filed firs t, final a.l1P di tributive accou'n t. Estate of F lo Monfort, dec'd, Charles and Belva Sheets, administrators filed first, final and dist l'i butive accounts. Estate of Jessie Jameson, 'dec'd, JOe Janreson apointed administrator giving bond witli sureties i n sum of $2025.

Ashmead's SOHIO ·Service . ,



"42 at 72" __' 'W AYNESVI,LLE, OHIO

North Main St.


Mass 8 !OO a. m. and 10:00 a~ m. ,

FERRY CHURCH 'of CHRIST Ralph E~ Stinson. Minister Bible School 9 :30 a.m. Morning Worship 10':30 a.m. Prayer Meetin,!?" ' ,7 :00 p.m. Youn~ Peopl~'s Meetin,!?"' , 7 :.00 p.m .. :Evenin,!?" Services , 7 :30' P.qt. :FRIENDS :First Day School 9 :30 a.m. .Meeting for ' Worship , 10:30 a.m. CAESARS CREEK FRIENDS Rev. David Stanfield, Minister Worship Service 9 :45 a. Ill. Sunday School 10':45 a. m. You are invited to worship with


STUDErffS ATTENDING WILMINGTON COLLEGE " , Of the thirty-four Warren Countians who are attending Wiltnin,!?"ton Coll ~ge as a part of the record-size stud,e nt l ody of 575, the fol1owin~ are listed accordin~ to colle,g-e officials: C. J Davis, Robert W. Emery, Pau" R. Githens, Thomas L. Hardin, Joe Hartsock, Omar

14 The kin~ of the cowboys 15 in color. Roy and Tri,g',!?"er ride hard in this western thrill er. On The Old Spanish Trail , , (TrucoIor), , Starring: Roy, Rogers, Jane Frazee. ' . ' Plus: Color Cartoon, Sport , Short and Comedy 16 A blazin,e: epic of darin~ 17 western outlawry. A I'awless ' beauty .tradinK h er smile fo r a man ? hfe. \Vhat happens when a gunfi~hte r fr ie to quiP GUN FIGHTERS Barbara Britton, Bruce Cabot, with Charley Grapewin. Plus: News and Passin,{!, Parade 19 A trying' war-time r - 20 manc . ,,,ith' dramatic moments of love and r ckless living:. HER SISTER'S SECRET Starrin~ : Nancy ' Coleman; Margaret Lindsay and Phaip.. Reed with Felix--Bresaart. Added: .T ~,lIli 'uiur Muskal



, .Just ,6al,_ to a •

10-20 Sohio winter grade motor oil.

• S.o hio wl,:,t'. r gear lubricants. ' • Use 501110 winter ,g asoline. . • Have' batte" at 1.250.



II; ,









~. This is the tenth big year for Guaranteed

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You get a ~tteIe .uar~ntee

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.Y"i~nJ6 J/.ome




The PI' felonal V\ ' n~ Club held their ove mber meeting at the home of Mi : , VirKinia H ardin on W edne da v even in~ at her h m in r\vin, Group in,gin.1!' \ a eni ve i and Mr . Helen R. Hill \ as in· traduced as the ~lle s t p 'aker. Her talk wa ex elleni and ver \, much appreciat'ed h\l c ryon ·. The Cluh adiourned l meet . with M t . J es e PI' nd rg'a I in December, with a ever ' i di h dinner and an exchanJ?: of ~.:ift Dainty refr eJlm~nt 'were erved by the ho 't es and her ass i st~n1.


ADVISORY COUNCIL AT HAWKE HOME Mr. and Mrs. R. M Hawke en'tertained the mem'b r of their Advisory Council of the Farm Bureau on Wedne da evenin,g of la t weelC. On ,Thursday evenin,g of la ~ t week. the annual meeting f Warren County Farm the Bureau was held in Lehan n at the J-H~'b School buildin '. A dinner wa erv d at '6 :30 'clock, followed by a busine ~ e i n at which Mr. Ho ertand wa the speaker.

M inn i

D \ ) \.1s~




-in -il1nat i ' w l1 rc

, • tl11:\.i ay in

Mrs. cinnati in~ the parent,

Albert Car er of CinTHe followin.g' person took pent ~Cv ral jay~ du'r- dinn r with Mrs. Cora pitler pa t "eek \ ith her unday. Mr. ' and Mrs. William Mr. and Mr, ·\ . I., KeHer of Oa. ton, Mr. and Mr . . Glenn He of B llhrook. Ca ll_ --.:..__..:::::===-~=; e ern n w re Mr. Cheese Ring PI.eases· Mr. and Mr. . Hard;n and Mr. Jirnm D Barr and f Oa t n, Mr . Kirkan famjl w re unda gu "t - two son I Family's , Eye and Palate patrick and on, T rren and of relatives in Cr s nt r rings, dau,ghter, Fran e and h ' r b 'Ky. trothed, wh o htl " ju ' t re "ntly Give a salad a chance to star aDd It wiD, writes the Country Cooking returned from Guam, wher Mrs. Cha'rles Fe t r of Da ,- he ha been ta ti ncd th la t Editor of Capper's Farmer, ODe of ton 'is the ,guest of her br th roo &he leading farm magazines. ear, in-law and si tel', Mr. and Mr: . P. L. Rea on. Mi Grova ,Pet r ~ f Dayton and 'Warren Girard f CinMr. and Mr. Gitd on B 'l ' n cinnati w-ere w ek ~ nd ~uests and children, who' hay re ided of Mr. 'and Mr ' . R. B, Pet rs. in Waynesville fo.r th pa st ' several m onths, are returning: t Mr . Earl Rick y. Mrs. Milo ' their home in the East. Beal ,and Mr . Orland Holmes attended the M th er' Club Mr, and Mr. Loui _ Fire, me tin,g, Frida, aftern on at Mrs. Doris KeI)ned. and daugh- the grade eh 1. ter ' pent und a ev~n in g \~ ith Mi Irma Fire in Oa, ibn.

William Allen Ellis on Frida'y even in,!!', Novem er 2" at 7 :30 at th Chur h f Christ V\ a ynesyiHe.

he III t h l' brotbcr, Mr. J ('\ D 'ld 11 an j wife _f Ind ianapolis. The accom panied h r t , Wayne viilt: f or the \' k enl\. Dr. :lnd Mrs, F. B. G reg": llf W 11) n g (0 11 , . a r a ,I:: a in m 111 her ' f Ihe H me fa111 il I r th e ,,·inter. D r, Em m a · H 11 0 \\': ~ \. Miss and Mi ~~ Eva l vn Peter~on }iv Wi lliam alten ied til ... Garien Club TllUI'" jay ev 11 in~' at the ountrv h me f M r ~ . P ter n in th ' ~ rin, ' Br. n :) nei .~hborh d. Mi Ruth Chand] l' an 1 Mr . Ol iv Curl with I)r. J\ \an' C ok and Mr. Ro ~ oe filma " attended a Ie ture ill \\ ilmin ... ton. Thur da V ni,g'ht hv Mr:-. Elizabeth Gray Vining', tut r r, the oung prince of Japan. Mi s Ruth Chandl er attc n eli a lun heon. meeting- of Alpha "This savory cheese ring, garPhi Chapter, Delta Kappa nished with watercress, will please, Gamma at the Tr hein man "'I' near Xenia on a.turda an j , everyone' s eye and palate," she points out in the magazine read bY' pent Sund a. with Mr. ' and Mr. J 1m Hilt in CedarviH . 1,300,000 farm families, "What's: more, . it is, easily converted into . , Mrs. Martha Hender on rehearty dish. Just add shrirnll. ' turned Sunday from a w ek' or tuna to· the original reCipe, OI~ vacation pent with Mr, and 1lll the center with a medley of fresh! Mr . Albert Krielin .~ in Cincinfruits. nati and Mr. and Mrs. J. B. _Chapman in ,Wa, ne ville. SAVORY CHEESE BINO,

DRUGGIST MOVES TO HIS NEW HOME J. J. Burske, Mr. Wilham Strouse and Mr . Berti Mill s were Cincinnati visit r on Monday. --~--

. Mrs. Hollis Emer, n an i dau,ghtet of Green ' pri n.~s,O. were recent ~ue ts ' f Mr. an i Mrs. Luther Hartsock and Mr. and Mrs. John Kerse .



Mr. Myron Hagemey er is confined to his home with a badly sprai.ned kn~e.

I tb.'l. 1Ida'Yore' •• ta&l. " . CI. eol4 .ater 1 tbllP. a1llar , t tbap. lem.D Jale. I tap. I tbap •• IDerar I ,to eoUa.e cheese I CI. eva".,.,ed milk " I abap. elul"ed plmlen" . . I aap. eb.pped rreeD, pep,er I abap. ebopped panle}' I abap. mlDced ollloD ~ •• 4leec1 ulerl"

Mr. aDd Mrs. Wymer L. Drak moved 10 th ir new home on Ea t North Street on Miss Jean Hartsock was in Tuesday of this week. The Cleveland this, week where ' he h use was former.! 'Occupied \Va soloist at the weddi.n~ of a hy Mr. and Mr _. Fred Grauman . colle~e classmate. I who moved t the Ge C'r~ Soften gelatin in cold water. then mith property n ar th e Mr. and Mrs. R. E. Asbury dissolve over hot water in double Friends Church. and son, Jack, and Mr. and boiler. Add sugar, leJIlon juice, salt and vinega'r. Blend cheese with milk: Mr.. Cfarence Rye attended the add to gelatin mixtur~. Chill untiil ST. MARY'S CLUB .Fred Warin,g arid his Penns 1mixture begins to set, then fold in SUNDAY EVENING Yanialls concert at Memor'ial the St.,' Mary' Club met at Jiall in Da.Yton, Saturday, even-' .vegetables. Rinse ring mold with cold water, then· pour in cheese' mixturE!. ' the rectory on Sunday evenill~ m g.. , Chill until set. Uiunold, serve with with a lar,g-e attendance. FO'iCooked Salad Dressing. Serves O. lowin,e: the business session, Th e Mr. and , Mrs. Ro.naId · Hawke . Rev. Lawrence Hall of Cincinniertained to Sundav dinner ' WANTED na't l g-ave most entertainin g Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Edwards, and intere flng ecture. ' Mrs. Gene Rhein and ,children, DEADSTOCIt During· the ocial hour daint· Bqbby, Billy and Donna Eliza- , COWS - $20.00 r Jre hment were erved. beth, Mr. and Mrs. George HORSES - $20.00 Edwards and Geor,gianna, Mr. and ' Mrs._. Ewyd Smith and HOGS - $6.00 cwt. Mr. and Mr . F. E. Thoma Accordln. to Siz. a Condition were called to Beavert wn ()n James, all , of Sprin~field, and M nday aftem on where the ' Mrs. Emma H. McClure of Also, . All SMALL STOCK found their son-in-la\\, Mr. J. Franklin. REMOVED PROMPTLY M. 'Earnhart, -eriou I ill. Phone Friends and relatives are reXENIA WILMINGTON· everal members of tl: e cejvin,g invitations from Mr. an j , Wa. ne ville FC!.rmers' Gran~ e Mrs. C. E. Stanford to the we i.. 13 are in' Columbu . this we k din£' of their dau~hter, Miss attend ing- State and National -t:E.2d~w~y~n~a_~S~ta~n~f~.o~r£ld!:....,.jt~o~jM~r.;.;,' Gran~e e sions. ~~-~-~~-~~-~~~~~~~~_~~_~~I'

PUBLIC SALE A . we ar·e l eav in g the tate, we wil1 offer at Public Aucti 11, at re lden e, on farm, known as th' Id H BBtET FA kM _ % miles uth f B{! llbrook, , n WAYNE North f Wayne viII I 5 mile lLLE-BELLBRO K ROAD, at 11:) 'I k a. m., harp, 11

Wednesday, Nov. 19th . 13-HEAD OF ·,CATTLE-13 " (T. B. Te ted - Ban Vaccinated) . Guern ,to fre hen by day 'of sale. pott d H iter, to freshen Decemb r 7. Black C Wi t o freshen December 14, with 4th calf. Black Cow, to freshen December 29, wit h 3rd calf. horthorn, to fr~sh n Januar 5; with 2nd calf. 2 Guernsey's, in good flow of n1ltk. pott~d Cow, Brown wi $, and h rth rn, all fresh 2 mont~ ago, 10. full flow of milk. horthorn Heif~r, in 'ood flow f-m JIk. hst@.Ifl.' an d BJ:e.w1l- Swis-s.,--OOt-A -4-Fe5h en in Fe b ruary , ' in go d flow of milk.

40- HOGS-40 (Doub le




h. and Mrs. M, A. Fulker on and dau,ghter,';:Zana- Mae -"and Mr. T. W. VanPelt were Sunday dinner ~l,lests . of M.r. ·' Fulkerson's parents, Mr. ' and Mrs . .J. W. Fulkerson in .Sprin,g Valley.


'. V· '.. :I 1ANT ~"


' L~TS "

Situated Within Reasonable Radius ·Of \;Y~ynesvi lle.

AT LONESOME PINE INN South ~f FIasherlight at Routes .48 and 73


Dr. C. E. Wilkin Optometric Eye Specialist 26 South Detroit Street XENIA,OmO

- , ... ..... ............ ~

SHERWOOD Refrigeration Sales . ,


Service.;::= , =========




Phone 332 M

FARMALL F-20 TRACTOR On rubber, with Power Lift. Plow. Tractor Di c.

Cultivato rs.


IHC 2-bottom ' 14-inch


uperior 12-7 Grain Drill. Corn Planter, wit)l f rtilizer attach' fllent. Mow r, Wagon and fiat top, 2 Manure Spreadet . pike.tooth Harrow . Garden Tools. Large Fe~d Box or lee Box, etc.

HARNESS- Collars.

Lines. , Bridles.,

DAIRY EQUIPMENT- 6-can W estinghouse 'Electric Milk Cooler. Strainers, etc.

. Hay.

165 bales of Straw.

275 bale of Timothy. 4 tons of loose Hay. .I ,

HOUSEHOf:.D GOODS- 2-pi~~e Living r am Suite, all newly uph Istered 111 tap est ry. Player Plano 'and Rolls. CabiDet Radio. Adjustable Arm Chair. Dining room Suite, with Buffet, Table and 4 Chairs. Other Tables. Chairs. Roll-top Desk. 9x 12 Alexander- mith Rug and Pad. Throw Rugs. Linoleullls. Maple Twin ,Beds, with Coil Spril1gs and Inner.-spring Mattresses. lron Bed, with innerspring Mattress. , Iron Bcd, with felt mattress. Vanity Table. Copper Clad Coal Range. Large size Oil Burner Estate H~ater. Large Circulating Heater. Dishes. I . , ' Gooking, Utensils, etc.

ELECTRIC APPLIANCES- AB Electric Range. aire. 'Thor Washer.

6-cu. f1. Frigid3 Floo'r Lamps.. 2 Tabl~ Lamps, etc. .:

Terms: CASH .


'. . Representative for


Riding Hor ~, will work any plac .

FEED- 1()OO bu. of 'Corn, more or less.


::::;:::::=:=~== and


2 - HORSES - 2 .

Eight 10-gallon Milk Ca~s. : Buckets.



6 White Brood Sows. 34 thrifty

T-t\mlCl!LI:AlNE01t1S::::;:;:;--r-<rrk~smrn:ts:'.--51JU=-c<.:htckl~t ric Bra ad er.


HOURS: 9-12 ,'each morning 1-5 aftemoon~ except W,e dnesday, 7-9 Saturday evening Other ' evenings by . Appointmen! .

ln~mun ed)

Good Work Horse.



Dr. T. P. GROSVENOR opt metri -t • 35 S. Main St. Phone 10 'FRANKLIN, OHIO ·



EARL KOOGLER Ie JESS STANLEY, Audioneers (Dayton Phone--KE 8879) (W~ynesvine 2894) J. R. PENNEWIT & SONS, Clerks Lunch by Sugarcreek Chriatian Church

A FARM DIARY by D. J. Fraizer Nov mb r 7, 1 47." un rc I in th e m rnin .g-." 0 ,' e th old sayin ,g-. Thi m o rn ing the sky was a blaz . of r d half wa up to the z nith, I ut ' in c th n , the un ha n t been ouf an:t e. un t hlow. the 'w ind ha That co lLi weath er from th north we t mu t. b~ .~o ing to move in I hear I am t have / sam c al out f the lo ad that is on th e track nO\ so I can fire up a little more if t h c I'd does com . I put out orne uet for th e birds the other day 1 ut I haven't seen any of th m after· it. Whether that i because they came when there was none . there and were discourag-ed or becau 'e of our cats I do not kn ow We were so overrun with . 'rats that we hav tarted

the buyer of the b\lrn could sa. a farmer on l y want · that build a hous on th~ field in littl e ' iece of .{!'r un ci ,-next t front f the barn but that his. wo uld h ave l eft th hou e and We ha ve b en tr Ul7k j with fort acr<: wi,th o ut an y barn rat ' in the kitchen' and s me and / the buyer of th oth" r part mice wer begi nnin g: t co m e , ith a barn th at is mu .h t \n so I I t the cats in and n \,\,' lar~e for a little ground. H wthe y are almo t a t .ad a pe.:: t ver one f the bidders n th e as the rat. The minut that pad " the d r i " pen in the lid, h ou e ljid on the tw when the. were put up t - three of ·them at least. Y ·t rg-ether; . ia y evenin g' mokev came up The l and on tht! we t ide of t o m and ' ti ~an to hark and ' the ' road had been divided into ma~ a' fus and I got up t let her out but that wa not wha t tw o ' and a half aLlld five a 1" plot which were bid off at very ' ~ h wanted. When I ~ t to' th reasonable prices but in the end kitchen, she ho\'w j me that the whole piece was so ld at the cat was on the id hoard about one hundre~ dollars an eati ng the bread and he didn'·t acre which was lo w but there think that wa ri g-ht. A fe\\ are practically no fenc an i minutes a.g-o he repeated the no buildings. The ne w wne r performance an d I went out ~o did not say \vhether they xpect find the cat eating: out of the to use it all or ' whether th y pan of fre hl y cook d dOR are plannin~ to ell orne f food. She coulcinet all w that eith r. the lots. The lot next to m farm had been sold at private The campai~ n for th e bond , sale at a consillerably hi~her i sue was a ucce s, . hawing price than tbe rest old for 0 'wha t arou ed public op inion I did not bid thou~h I ' heard can do. Now if th .rumors I it could be bought for what the ha ve hea rd are true th re ou.ght buyer had paid for it. They to be ·.a campai~n . f~ r better maintenance and repair of the bu ildin,g-s we hav e. It is still hard t o get things done but m ateri al for repairs are bee min.e: ea ier to .ret an 1 many thin~s could b corrected ·b arousing th pride of tht! pupils in kee·p in .g· the I uildin ,g- ' clean and ·sanitary. Mal;.e rul es and SEE THAT THEY ARE EN FORCED. Let u hope . that the . m ney will b e p·ellt wi el y. That care w ill be taken to .{!,et . th e best plan po ibf,'. I tht! , old-uuilding t be torn do" n and a n ew on huilt th r ~ are they R' in.£!' huild a n \V ne . n the ch 01 gor un is? Th re ar things to l' ai:\ f r - THE fA lJU I..Y SPECIALboth phns. Also if the buil d Maga<ines Ifp/>eai!llg to Eller.,. Member of Your Fizmily! el ~ ew h ere what are th Ma ire Big Sal'i,~ (Itl a Whole Year .of R et1d in.g Plcas.,.e! to do with that l ot? It w uld makt:: a nice 'littl e park. P ople in mall town om etime think th y ' d not n' eli park s, ' t h n when th town .l~ r w " tl}c ar C ltlACAZt~lE5 ' sorry the did not prov i ie f r For Both Newspaper and M agazines , .th~ rn when tll- .. ha:l th chane. ,

to keep cats. Ever time the boys went an" wh re f r a while the ca m e hom e with. another at that . me on had wanted to ~et rid f. We hav a ver y hom I· ~ra v and ye ll ow ·at with wh ite trimmin,g-s, a calic cat, \ hite with black and yellow spot ·, a bla k 'cat wit h yel low streaks a th ugh ome One had wip' j a paint bru h on it and two black and w hite potted ·kittens that w call th Holstein cats. Fbr a white we had som e Holstein calves, some potted . Poland China pigs and the Hoi tein kitt~ns, ~ 1I m arked the ame, wh ite with black spots. aturda afternoon th e old Burton Earnhart farm was re_ sold . . It was divided into parts and sold. piece meal, then sol d as two parts and then offered as a whole but as no on bid on the whole, it was so ld in two parts. ' The part on the east si~e of th roa:l was first sold with the house and forty acres in one plat and the barn and the re t of the land in the other plot. The idea was that





s: 10


The Mi ami Gazett Page 4 Waynesville, Ohio N ) . 4342 Thur da , N vcmber '13, 1 4- 7

ECONOMIC HIGHLIGHTS . The hottest dome "ti i ue at ·the pr sent tim e is th e hi.g-h· co t of livin ~ . And, like all i ue ' "hich com hom with iir t per nal irnpa t to t "' n of million " f peopk, I it ha . been co nfu ed by all kin:ls ( f conflicting charges an j unterchar .~e, a nd b ar,g um n t · which 'contain m r.e pa ion th an fact.' . .Th e Con,gres ional su com: mitt es which have been h 1]in~ pri ce hearings in aeries f k y citi e throu.l!:h ut th United States, have pI' du ed a ma s of testimony from consumers, lab or l eade rs, comm dity dealer, retail rand . others. Som e of. thi testimon y, as was to be expected, i hardl y enlightening-for in stance, th e hearing in an Eastern city wa enlivened by a ' labor official who said categorically tbat waKes had nothing to do with prices. On the othe r hand, a great ,deal of it h as · been th oug-htful, intelli,g'ent and fac· tu al.· . It is · se rvin g; at l east in part, to clear up th · f ~ urroundin.l?: the pri e probl em.. Particular attention ha b en directed at th cost of food : for the simple r a on that it ha gone up fa ter .and farther th an an ythi ng el except tax s. But that doesn t m an that th farmer i . a profite r. H ha_ be n ca ught, as th e evidence shows, by .e xtremelY stiff iump in his o verhead. Farm l abor is at an l all time high. The co t of feed and other upplie L several time the prewar figur . The Department of Agriculture re ntl tated th at the co t of running a farm is now at Hun. pr- cedented hi.~h levels," and wi ll go till higher in 1948. Further rises are fOl'eca _t in th pri e of ed, feed and fcrti li zer. So no va lid h pe fo r 3 .




o Amel'ican Home ............1 Yr. Child LjCe ' ............. _.......1 Yr. C'

D qrrcc

Any Magazine Listed and This 'Newspaper, Both for Price Shown o American Girl ,.......~ ...............$2.50 o American Home ...:.........._... 5•..0 o Boy'! .Life ...............,................ 5.10 o Calling An GirIs.....:......"........ 2.85 o Child Life ..........................".... 1"'5 o Ch:'istian Herald .." ..." ....•..~= ,21.45 o Coronet .................................... 5.50 o Country Gentleman (5 YR.) •• 2.50 o Everybody's Digest ................ 5.41» .

o Flower Grower ........................ 2.91» o Front Page Detec:tive........_ ..: '2.55 o Inside Dttedive .................... 2.55 o Jack Be Jill...........................;....,. 3•..0 o Judy's (News Be Views).......... 8.00 o Modem Romances ................ 2.7·5 o Modem Screen ........................ 2.75 o Moviei in .Review,......:·..:......... 5.45 o Nature' (10 Issues, 12 MOI.).. 4.45 o o.pen Road (Boys) .................. 5.45 o Outdoors ........................_....... 2.50 o Parents' Magazine ...............~.. ~J.25 o Pathfinder (26 Isauea)............ '2.50 o Photoplay ................................ 2.50 o Popular Mechania ................ 3.50 o Popular SOence Monthly...... 8.50 tJ Reader's Digest ...................... ·US o Redhook Mllgazine ................ 5.!SO o Saeen Romances .................... 2.75 o Sport ......................................:. 5.50. . 0 Sporta Afield .............:.............. 2.50 o The Homemaker .................... 11.45 o The W~man ............................ 5.45




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One Magaz ine


Jud's ~('ws &: Views) .. ' \ l.0 ~l l),km ~' I!ell .... .. ... .. .. . 1 ,\;'. 0 R :: ' \!r r'j 19t';it ............ 6 . To. O !t 'clb l}:>k :\1. gazine ....... 1 Yr. 0 Sc:iCl ce Pictoral ......... . 1 fl'. 0 StTecn Roman es .......... 1 1 r. 0 S)lt'I'IS / , fi .' lrl .............. 1 Yt". OTheHIlJn ·l ll( .r ............ l \1. 0 Til' \ 1l l'l1aJ I .. .... ... ...... ... 1 Yr. 0 Tn . CUl lio ......." ........ 1 Yr. 0 Yonr Lif(' ........................ 1 Yr.

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Your Tf "' K BUS IN ES "

t Mi s Barbara · Lou Blan, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Glenn Bland, was one of six student at Miami Universit sel ect d to di cuss the teac hin ~' profe si n. They were , heard from \VMOH on Friday afternoon.



Gentlemen: r enclose $ ....:........................ Please send me the offer checl< d, with a year" subscription to your paper.

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Waynes)'iUe .Furniiure &. Appliance €o. South Main Street across from Grange Hall 1elepbone 2422 WAYNESVILLE, OHIO .

_u,\ mitted con ~ rning- thi - part of the di -tributi n machin ~ iri" dicates that markups a-r as 10\\' or lower than un d~r PA r in pre\!, ~r times, an that I wer fo d co -t can ' logi al1\' ~1rofit ~ r ale are v I' mo j rbe held. ' at ,Th retailu t i fa The operati n f th gratH , \\:ith the 4niv\!r a\ problem of exc han~es ha been th cau hl,l'h wage, I' nt -, tax - nnJ f a maj<H c ntriver· y. Pre -id nt Truman mad e til e he'li- eve!' ything I e. M f f til , e ' line w.ith hi charge t th d- teo tlfying- sai j that th v rai e i fect that "~ambling;" in ,g-rai n Wit h ,g'I'ent reluctance, and ani ' . was pa rtl y re pan ible f r hi gh wIlen no t1~cr \ a opell. The fact I' of taxati on , a a prices. The heads of th e .ex 'hal1~ " cost of livin,l!.' it 111, i , pr htlll \' principal dg'rain while , acce ing to th e Pre i ~ much m re important than till.' dent' · reque t that mar gin bl! average man realize'-. Accor lincr.eased, haye pre en'ted f- ing- to a Universit of Washing-fechve rebuttals. One: of them ton re earch bureau surv e' p inted out that speculation is living; costs went up 74 an integral ~actor itt all agricul- cent between 19 9 and now Food 1'0 e 9 per cent, cloth ing tural operatIOns, from lh e tim 72 per cent, furni hin'g:s 81 p~r seed is planted until the crop i old. All of them fed that the cent and housing 50 per ent. bigg-est problem in the grain Taxes, by contrast" rose 300 market now is the fact that U per cent. Ano th er surv y shows S. crops of corn and oat are that the Federal tax I i'u is n \'v' ,greater, than th ' national f od well below past e tim ate whi l e foreign demand i still at bill. During the hearin,c;s, man I abnormally high I vels. Th e exonsumer ,g-roups deman ied a c han ,~e, they say, are an efficie'nt and essential media for return to rationing and price brin,g-ing- buyer and -ell er to- c ntrol. Thi demand has met a co ld reception in top governget~er on a supp l y and demand ment clrel s. President Truman pasls. in till another important pOint observed that it would re "police ' state." Others have a made at the h~aring-s ' i that. said that it. would dan,g-erou -I v goverI;lment announcement cut production in man y Ii nc , ~oncerning food hortages have and create an enormou bl(lck • 111 themselves contri uted t in_ market. flation by exciting .and fri ,g-htc:nFinally, it is evid l1t that al!ng con umers. Housewives buy most everyone thinks hi - pri e 111 excess of current need , and ~re right but the other hort~~'e appear. Demand outruns supply and prices rise un - fel!ow's are too hi,g-h. That nece ~ ary. Government inter- a,tbtude may be natural, but it undoubtedly a solution f ~rence with the foodec n m ~o the ~ost of living problem, wa al sharply criticized. If there IS any solution, infinite. As ~ sual, l ~bor said high 1I1du tnal profits were a birr ly tougher. We all like to cast inflationary influence, and in: the blame while accepting n n ', of it ourselve . dll try retaliated by pointin,!?: t ~urr nt, record wag; . me IN C~SE OF FIRE DIAL 2222 t~pre stVe t;estiOlony in thi field wa gIven by two r e~ porter for a financial newspaper which ha condu t ed a nationwide tudy of Quildin o ' cost . They aid twent p'~ cent ,f the housiri,g- dollar could , be aved by I' moval of re tric- ' 50U~ tive, union' policie and cite j su h pra tiee , a'ccordin~ to ' the IN -report, ~'ls-1imitin'g- , width of paint bru hes, discoura~in~: apprL: n.t ic~ t.ra inin ,~'; refu in,g- t handle factory-as mbk:d ma, terials and?: neral work In\\,d wn :" Th y added that local bui lding cod are 'oft 11 at fault for requirement which n ed1 Iy waste time, mon y ' an i materials. Retail busin es has come out of t~e hearing; undama~ed , CHUCK ROAST, Choice . ' Pr~ctlca.Jly all of th e ... videnc .. 11h. 49c BOLOGNA 11 h.· 40c FRESH SAUSAGE 11b. 52c Page 5 The Miami Gazctt~ Waynesvi lle, Ohio ' No. 4 4~ Thursday, N v mber ' 11.,' '\ 7




MacDonald was in char~' e of Minnie Ogle hee: and Mr. ( ha Welch aUen jed (,)uark 1'1 y ' the 'program for the vening. Meetingat th e Friend Church ' Mr. 0 a Harlan wa ' a g-u'st in Ne\\' 8urlin~ton, atul\~a. this week en j f her nei e,' Mr . Dr. ani Mr .. W. E. Fm t· Rally Day ervi e \ er.e h- R.ubi, .. tump of Dayt n. , and Maynard, Mr, an i Mr, The W. C. T, U. met in I' g:I' ed at the Meth di t Church, Robert. Eaton of pril1 ,e:! 1' 0 ' ~ll Thur "4a, the un ja. At th n 11 h ur a ular W r vl"it or unja in Fr n'l ha ket di nner \\'as n 'e i in the home f Mr . GeorRe , Wall. bur~, K . Gran, e Hall. In the ev nin)' a Ntr. Oba Wei h wa pI' Tam Tlh Communit H 1\ r: h e a h I' gr up of "pecial rvi 'e.:: l) '> ian an i h Club erve i the el ti n da y them , "Peace," that \\ ill run f I' tw wet!ks. dinn r an j it wa ~ \\ ell patronMr. and Mr. Ben B k tt Mr ", Margaret Hatch Thompn iz~d, ,Mrs. Mar, Bogan h~lct th e s n f Reardon, a f rmer I: - have old their farm. hom Haute 73 t wari Wilmin gton wlllnln.!!' numb I' t . I' elve tl e id ~ nt wa a gu st \Vedne drt ', Y a.nd have m ved ilito the apart- Ang-le Food Cak-' hak~ j f Mr ". Loui e fite, ' Mr. H enr, Murph, . iT r .. taurant ments above th and Mr. and Mr -. Whit Mr. and Mrs. Carl Brown family hay moved here fr m on Main t. were vi itin ,g- I' lati \' e n ar Mr. and Mrs. Glenn Fr -t Dayton into the apartment at Wa hin ,~ton, C. H., unday , . and daught I' of Wilmin ~t O I1 "Twin Pine-" on Maple t. were week n j g' lIe~ ts of' Mr " Mrs. Elda Mont~om e r i Mr. and Mrs. John Fr mm at the , Fro t' parent, 'Mr. and Mr: spending; a f w da and Mr. and Mr . CI de Fromm horne of her on and, dau~hter­ Lyle Rob rt on. in-law, Mr. and Mr -. herman Mr . Al ice Urton, who under- were Saturday ev nin ,g' g-ue -ts MOI;1tgomery of Wellman. ~W' e nt an operati n I' entl ::tt of Mr, and Mr. Fra,nk Snid , r in Spring;field. Mr. and Mr, Mr. and Mrs. Auz\\o d Hale Ho pital, Wilmin g:t n i Clyde Fromm remained over Martin (nee Phylli Shidak 1') recover in~ atisfactory' at 'tb were ,g-uests Saturda of Mr. ' home of. her brother and i "ter- the week end and Mr. and Mr . Martins' father, Mr Carl inJaw. Mr. and Mr , Will Drake John Fromm spent the night and unda with Mr and Mr hidaker. , ' of Blanchester. Mr. and Mrs. Derald Bog-an Mr. and Mrs. Walter onill- Melvin Ba'nta of ' Jame t \ n.. and famil y of Springboro , ,vere son , in , company with th ir unda y guest of Mr. an j Mr. \parents, Mr. ' and Mrs. E. L. AUCTIONEERING Harold Bo,gan ami' Barbara. Donaldson of Wilmin~ton I ft STANLEY and KOOGLER and Mr. ' Howard Thursday for a vaca'tion trip Mr. BROKERS LICENSE Graham left Monda for Alb,er- to Florida. For Dates. Phone 2894. Wavnesv ille. querque, New Mexico wh r Ohio, ·Reverae Chargea Mrs. Edith Davis and jaug·h..; they will be the guest of Mr. tel', Miss Mary ' Davi , Mi•. and Mrs. Clinton Gr y. Th plan to return ' .me"tim in hy December, accompanie j Mr. Graham ' si tel', Mrs. Laura Shidaker, wh ha - t en ,spending- several w k a a guest of the Gre . Mr. and M r. Harry O rr f Dayton w re week i1 i ~ u-e guests of Mr, Li a CurL ' n Sunda Mr. and Mrs.' Will Hoover g;ave a dinner at their 110m for the Orr' and Mrs. Appropriat c remoni e f or all faith ~ . Curt. ' The Civic Leagu urda, evenin,!?: with Mr. MacDonald of Main TELEPHONE 2291 ' WAYNESVI~E, O.


T .... E f!~ ' TENDER



NU rS Wa n ted ,




\,. .• ..,-~ ' > &.~;....... -:.,=~



Prominent hosr ita) ha ' immediate taff ~enino-. The arl! p r~'nanent with 00 pa" . ' j ~S _~~b~nus for aftern 0 11 or nig-ht dut,v" ~V R gular pa in rea " - . Libl.:! ral arran}' ment for 1'0 m and \ ar~L) I at , living conditions. H pital ha " large and able _taff f doctor . Fa ili ti ~ among mo t m j rn in MiLh,, -' t. P ,licie Iii ral an i tolerant, 0 n't d lay. Write or wire t j a ' t DiPAY rector f Nul' ~, Jewi 1 'H sp it al, ' Cincinnati, Qhio.





STUBBS Funeral Home


"'~ I LL



~.:.-.~/ . - ~ . -~':"-;;'~'~ '


,BEANS, Great North rn , 2lbs. 39c SAUERKRAUT, No. ~~ REMEMBER FOLKS can. ' 2 can 25c HOMINY, No. ~ 1 can CANNED, GOODS PUMPKIN, 'lI?:ar 2t _2_9_ c -+-'+-,-_..&U.I.JLJJI...lUJILJ'LL" PORK & BEANS NO.1 2 No. 2 Y~I can 29c can . 2 'can .for 29c EVE~Y FRIDAY NIGHT AT 7:30 P. M.

,. ,. .,


FamOJls F 1-5 H F R I ES

Hawkins Grocery &.Meat Market

, Cor. S. Main St. & SC)uth St.



,Peer's Lonesome Pine Inn

H ••sebold · · ~oods




Whether it's makin,g' the , j " fourth at bridge or dinin~ and ' dancing; you know y.ou'll have just'the frock you want, clean and beautifully press'~d, i~ you elect us to dO' your c}.eanll1'g! Located 2 miles North of Wa.ynes'v ille on Charle Michener'farm Ours 'is a prompt, fficient · on Wayne ville and Ferry Roa L , service that meets , yo ur very Watch next we, k's paper ·'for c mr lete Ii t. Thi is an exceprequirement and i~ a great soutce of sati sfaction to 1is- tio nal,l y (Yood hom~ with the best in fUr't'lishing_. cr iminatin ,~' women.



Sat. 'Nov~ 22 at 1 :00'p.m. , I




F. T. MARTIN & C ,' E. RISEAU, Auctioneers 703 Commercial Bldg., Dayton. Phone ADami 3661





"4-WAY FARM INSURANCE" in the Ohio Farmers ~ill give you broad prot~ction against losses your farm. It covers your buildings, your chattels, your automobile , aod your liability for- accident! to others. Wby not see Us today? You IIatnI )'Ou're we when you're, i.o,sured in the Ohio Farmers' OQ



Karl D. Dakin Insurance Agency · ..s

Phone 153, 20,E. Mulberry, LEB~NON, O.




II ,,i

i I i )

Ii ,

~~_.;;;;;; ....._ _ _O_H.;.. ', IO,,-'AIM_E_kS_,_IN_DIMIG1Y~ __ ~_.::4='~~~Of!::;..fJ~~::.:....J.·I " , I

• "Vanity Fair" On Favorite ·St.ory Hour \Vhat would 1;1 .> the ChIl i ',,: l t a fa molls n ell _t if h' \\' rc

a ked to ~elcct hi h' ' t-ln e i w rk f lit 'ratur ? Pulitzer priz \ inn r _illl:I:Lir e" i nam d a' gr at En,g'Jt h cIa sic ' anit I Fair" b, William M. T hackeray, TI1 (luthol:- of HBahbitt," "Ma in ~ tr et, " " Arrow smith" and ot her di ting-u i h d n vel ' ~ icked " Va nit Fai r' f r radio pr duction on the Da ton ' Pow er and LiKht Com pa n y' Fa v ri te tor , prog-ram,. ~ u e ' day, N v_ ember 1 , at 9 :30 o. m. WH IO . Th,e' not ed Th ack ~ ra y characters w ill be rec rea1ed hy a ca t , f Holly wood film and radi tars. Ronald Colman will ap pear in hi . famili ar r ol a ho t f or Favorite Story. '


1. Wh ereas , th e _ t el eph on e ervices in W arren County are very poor in every respect , an d are 0 in m ost of th e rural co unties 'in Ohi o. Be it re solved that the State Farm Bureau be

rc u t ed to f urn i h 'oun 'cl h) appear with th '-lluntie. b f ore HI wi: I til i ti ' Cnmnii i n p'~I.hg .f r "r atl prov d r ' ice ~ fr m th ent c m ~ an or m ~ anie withi n a pe ified tim . h ul d thi im pf vem nt n t occur w ithin the ti m e pecifi d th en th rig:h t fth e mr ah ie- t do busin s in th e e co unties e 'cancell ed and teps 11 t.aken to s-e ure oth er m re ati f act r y op ra tors. 2 . Be: it re 11ve 1 that w upr rt th e Co urit v Healt h Board, t he Health Coinmi i ner, Dr. Ha rv e' , and hi ' pe r nnel in th eir effort f or a mo re eff ct iv Pub-lic H eal t h Pr .e;ram fo r ur citizen and chool chil dren. That we app rove th e hirin g: of a anitary engi,n'ee r. . 3. Re olv ed : That gasolin e t axe be used ex clusivel'y fo r high way an.d treet purpo e. T hat th e am ount of th e e t axes w hich is paid to th e t ownships an d vi11aR;-es be all ocated on a basis of need by mileage of roads in t ead f th e pr en} s stem. That such ta x limitat ions and alloc ati ns hould be done by the L lative B ody and not 'by Can · tituti onal Amendment. 4. Resolved: . W e urge th e relocation of th e tate Fair-

1 . ___ -

To un j a l ar c ' it and wa 'fr m t he pre ~ ~ n t tratl'i problem_. 5. Rc 1\' i : Tha1 the .. tat HiKh wa y ' Pa tr I te ~ive n t ate\: ide pol,i e r weI' an , th '> i,r nllm b r in rea cd a ncede ~i. 6. Re Iv : That we pp 1 ~ e any attem pt t j IPri ve an, f on.e iul el ted rcco un t pre entati


~:..~", .: "




ago contafning one par agra ph ·

th:-: t astoni shed me. It read : "4f the

- - church COl ference held in this southern djstrict a speec1'\ was m ade against the profit motive. Tha t any Am erican , gr(lUP', particularly a religious group, should raise its voice against the profit motive, struck me as amazing. To 'get rid of the pr ofit motive, you would have to find some subst~ tute for economics in modern civilization. You w.ould have to eliminate ail trading and markE~ting, buying and selling. You would. have to 'get rid of money and other mediums ot exchange. You would have to cellse bartering and swapping. In fact, yoU would have to reduce your modern civilization to self-!JUfficiency of the individual. . II

Only Two W,a y.



Dilatush Building -

Broadway -

Lebanon, Ohio


An OP.,ORTUNITY to lea'rn the TRUTH about



COUNTY BREEDER ENTERS STOCK AT CHICAGO' SHOW H ward J' 1', If ~a son t \Van'en Ull ty , i a m o n ~ tl

m an Ol1i ,t ckmen who will send' exhihits thi \ ar to the In ternational , Li·e t o k Ex"; ".- : ~-i f~ GEORGE S. BENSON . po it ion and Horse' how, a ' I -, Prrsltlr"'--}(lUtfiltl/ Collflt cording t a rep rt r ived Sfllr(N ,lrtoH5W toda . He ha enter,ed f our hea:l (If A Speech Was M2de pur 1 red Aberde. n · An~: u - aWe A letter came to m y de'" a few in th e cia es f o r thi ,bree i at

-'\.+ . . .



. 7, R 0'1v d: T hat \V ,, prov e and u rg' the u_ ' (I f pri n l,abor in v r . lin . of p roduction wh re ii i }"rae : -Ill t lL tll 111 . iR:nect Robert effer ~ ', hah-m an Marsli all M il ler

A mOdern and complicated civilization like oUr· own Icould not do without trade, exchange, manufacturing, raw materials and prod~c­ tion. You' just have to ask more than it cost you. That is what profit means. And without the profit mo· tive. trade and commerce would die. ';l'here are, only two ways that an economy may opel'atE!. In America iri~viduals own 1arm:s, stores. fac~ tories, and run them for the chief purpose of making enough profit to live on. The other WilY is for gOY' er~ment to oWli everything, operating all production m.erely for the pW'pose of feeding the people ' and supplying w,llat i t ,thinks are their needs.

f r om an authoritativ e source. A FREE ·LECTURE on the Compare &he Twol subj ect 'CHRISTIAN SCIENCE, the RELIGION 91 rODAY', The profit motive is the very foun· by Peter B. Biggins, C.S.B. of Seattle, Wash. Member of the ' dation of our American way of life. Board of Lectureship of Th e Mother Chur~l1, rhe :-: irst It is the constitutional way in our Church o~ Christ, Scientist, in Boston, Mass. country. It has produced more en-

I' ag~


anni v r ar y In te rn aat th e . N ine ut of 10 O hi o fa rm 1' pr babl 'y w uld have 1 pl ead I)'uilt i f har,g- d with ,'pourinR m oney down ra t hIe. . " Count y a,g-ricultural ag itt have info rm ati n about po iso n - bait .

A crea m ' parat or w hi h i a Iitt l lit of adj u tm ent an wast many po un d f butterfat in a ea r tim e.

I IBI~~~!?~n d~~ri~~~~YS


"....... . . . . . . . . . . . . ~I~~~. . . . . . . . . . . .. , .



,I ,

Resurfacing and Driveway Recoating FREE



126 Oakw!·~!: t!!o~!~~ .....


22H. . :.

~_a_~ ~ ~

Sale. PUhlic e

Ha ing sold ur 'farm, \\ will offe r all of our FARM CHATTLE at Public, Auction , on farm, 1 0c ate~ Yl mile outh of Be,avertown, O hi o, at tb e co rner of H EM STEAD an d MARSHALL ROAD near WH 10 T o\ver , at 9 :30 O'cl ock , a'.m ., harp, on


'Sat., NoiV. 2Znd 21 -



Re 'i fr ed Heref rd Bull. 5 'Heref ord ,He ifer , w ith · alv es ,by side. 14 Herefod H ifers, bred. J er ey C w . ' 7 I oland Chin a

.7 -


w, eac h

av a



--Pig '.


ALll- CH AL M ER CO MB INE. ALLIS-CHALMERS CU LTI VATOR. 1 Allis-Chalmers 14·in. P lows'. Set o,f FARMALL 14-in. Pl ows . M del M-8 0-7.2 Tiller, with DE.IS,EL ENGINE, .wm plow 6-ft . trip ready for owmg any crop. ThIS IS th e late t pIeCe of m achin er y in thi - section of the country. , GRAVLEY TRACTOR wi1h . 4-ft ickle Cu! ti.vator a~d ' Rotary Pl ow. CORN PICKER . McCorniick Hay Baller. M anu re Load r for A11i ~-Cha]m ers 'Tractor. McCormick H ~ mm e r Mill. WI L LY J,EEP. COM P"L-ETE, ~' I T H f:>.OWER · ,TAKE-OFF. % TON CHEV RO LET ·PI C K.. U I TR C K.

thusiasm, ftner coop~:ration, and a greater abundance of clothing, food, STS. housing, and transporltation than the . , masses ' of the people have ever known in any other (:ountry. 8 :15 p,m. The other kind of economy" owned and operated by'· tiic~ government, attempts to do away with the profit FARM IMPLEMENTS- 2-wheel Met al Trail er. Ga rd en FertIecond Church of Christ, Scientist, CordiaH . Invites Y ou. motive. Actually, it dloes away with lizer, 20-gal. Spray Machine. Wh eat Drill . Rota'ry Hoe. incentives, individual initlative, and procket 'Pulverizer, Corn Planter . Buzz aW ' f r Alli s-Cha'l mer efficiency. This kind of , economy Tractor Br Pl ow. Oa viC! Bradley Corn Sheller. ·New HoL soon settles down to a "what' s·the-!-and Corn SheJJer. Su~er Culti v at or I loe . . 2 Ooubk D~Sf'~ . -.-'=!_:----..-:~ .use" status; offering' only the barest ~ultipack' (s. Ca se Maunre ~pre a d er, on , rubber. JQhn Deere , riecessi,t ies to its people. Russia is 8 good example of this. Russia has Manure Spreader. 'Stee l~ wheeled _ Wagon. ' Rubber:-tired Farm attempted to sUbstitulte other enthuW~go n. McCormick · Hay Loader. pump ,Hay Rak e. Sidesiasms 'for those 01 owning property delJve~y ~a~ e . ~uck Rak~. Harrow . Mower. and making , profit, b~t she has found that whenever she wanted inFEED- 1.000 bu. of old Corn. 800 bu. of Oats. 2 00 bu. ' of creased industrial output she had to Wheat. 1200 bales of Hay. , 400 ,bales of Straw. imitate some ot the incentives that I . are so common in America. . MISCEU.••~NEOUS- El ectric 8-can Milk Cooler. Large Electric Advance Alrents? Refrigerator. Sickle Grinder. . Electric Grinder .. , Hog Houses, The verY concepts of treedom of, complete . Fence Stretcher. Wheelbarrows. StQck Wate.rin g REOPENI. NG the individual spring ft:om the' Bible. Hog Watering Troughs. Hog Feeder. · Electric ChickTroughs. Therein you will findl the foundation en Waterer . Chicken Feeders. Shovels. Picks; Garden Tools. for the freedoms and liberties that ,America has ' built upon. I am unLawn Mowers. ,Post Hole Digger. Electric Fence Control. able to explain why church leaders Wir,e Fence. Barb Wire. Steel Posts. Wood Posts. Drain are willing to attack the profit moTile. Building Lumber . Doors. All kinds of Nails. Hardware'. tive. To do so indicllttes ' tremendous Lot of El ectric Supplies . Plumbing Supplies. Sheet Corrugated . misunderstanding of the American Galv anized Iron. Black Iron Wire. Galv'anized Electric Wire. way of life, of our cOnstitutional Electric ·Emery Wheel. Floor Stone. Grinder. , Electric Drill govern,.r:nent. and tb~ freedoms of ,the individual. Press. Chucks and Dies~ Bench Vises. Pipe' Vises . Ropes. . Lh us not coniusle greed and sin Pulleys . Wi-re Rope Cable. ,,' A lot . of all kinds o~ Hand Tools. witli the profit motive. There is Num rous other item s. . nothing un·Christian, not: anti~ social, in fair and honest buying and sell. T hi5 is one of the greatest Machinery, Tools' and Stock Sale in ' this ing and trading. Oril~ who is against ' e Oon,. eno~gh ,to run a 300-acr~ farm. . ' the profit motive il in 'reality TO THE SAME GOOD EATS op.,osed to ownership of property .. Terms - CASH. for when the p.rofit moUve is taken away, the right to own thin gs must go with' it. It is hi'gh time for some of our religious people t.() start FOR THE YOUTH OF WAYNESVILLE" . thinking through these things. Do- F. T. MARTIN '&: C. E. RIESAU, Auctioneers ing this, perhaps they would refuse 703 Commercial Biela., Phone ADams 3861, Dayton; Ohio .. IN THEIR LEISURE TIME to be used as agents of J(fcia1i ~ m and ,.nn~''''''' Lunch on Grounds.

MEMORIAL, HALL ~}~~Ji: Thursday, -N ov. '20 •



,Recreation'&,Eat RES T,A U RAN' T:

Thursday, Nov.






Page i The Miami Gazette Waynesville Ohio No. 434J Thursday, Novemb " r ,1 I 1 47

to Robert and Edwina W.hite O.SO ' Mary Compton, dec'd, by execu- D01:i Smith 0.63 acres in Wayne acre in Harlan twp. tt'ix, to William and Ruth 'Badion twp. lot in Franklin. Carl and Freda Law on to Ho- , Alma BUT. k to Elmer and Ardi th ' , Paul Surface et aI., y heriff to mel' Rice lot in Franklin. Poyntel' 0.3 . acl' in Mason. An attractive platter of potato ~al. oUl'tner Combs, 51.11 acre in Dory and Viola Baker to Roy Charle and Susie Parket· to ad, cold cuts a.ruI deviled will Union twp. Hud on lot in Franklin. Lucretia Hopkins lot in Franklin. make a real hit at , that next club Co urt ney Combs to Rolin and Maye Turner to Edna Kratzer John a,n d Emma Begley t 1 luncheon, advises the Bural Rome Nettie John 011 46.71 aC'e in Un1 acre in Hamilton twp. editor of Oapper's Farmer. one of Johnse Hillard 0.50 acres in Hamion twp. ' Lauren.ce and Mary Alice Hough the best kJioWD farm magazines. iilton twp. John D0ughman to Fred ie Roto Rohert Hough 2 acre ' in Ma j p For 'a dded zest, make the pota~o , bin on lot in Dalla bUl·g. ,Mary and ' ~ohn Nbnlist t~ Wilt\vp. salad with mustard cream dressing, liam Brock .1.224 acres in , Turt1~ Bess ie' and , Joshua Bratton lo Mabel Benham to Allen AI' hut' creek twp. Everett an d E l ie Bunnell lot in Thompson 1.79 ' acres in TurtleWayne twp. H. E. Roberts to Eugene and , , creek hV'p. , Marjorie and William Kina to Juanita Vanlandingham 3.96 aCL'es Charles and \ Lillie W. rnel' t o A. E. Bogen lot in Morrow. Harlan twp. in William and Hazel Kal' t 5 lot The Western Regular Baptist in Loveland Park. D. L. and Effie Golely ·to Paul Church of Lebanon to J. Alfred Erby and Mary Elizabeth Po- Gl'ewe lOl; aCl'es in Clearcreek Jack on 2 lots in Lebanon. well to Newton and Cora ' . ride r twp. Herbert a.n d Sara Stewart to Edward Ragland, to Larchmont G.33 acres in Turtl'ecl'eek twp. Charles Marion and Florence 'WatWaIteI' Huddles,on to Ova anel ' Realty 0 , 10 lots in Lebanon .. son 2 lot in Franklin. Th rn a and Daphna Clark to Georgia Roberts l .Jt in South LebMiles and Mae Jett to Chal'le Edward Eltzroth lot in Lebanon. linon . and Betty Morgan 0.598 acres i,n Charles William and Nina Irene Flor'ence Gibbs and Velma MOUll South Lebanon. 'A. E. Yeary to Della Frances Coyle 14 aCI'es in Harlan twp. she writes. You can give It an ex· tra tang, too, with diced raw cuW. Cole and Florence Bhxton cumbers or crumbled fried bacon. ' McCreery to Robert and Marian ., \ AlUSTAJU) CREAM AT TH'E "Friendly Store" Ferneding 214.79 ' acres in Harlan POTATO SALAD twp. , e .ollum potat••• Domingo and Mary Fermi! to c. pr.par.d Dlu.tar. c •••• per..... m11k ' John and Rena Turn~l' 2 acre in '0••• ,ar ' ~ o. yta.,ar ' Harlan twp. ~ tap .•• 1* John and Rena Turner to' WaIte)' ~ o. 0111011., ollo•••• ~ o. oeler,., 41ee4 Huddleson 0.17 acres in S01,1 h ,LebI , up. celer, .aU 9 :x 12 "NOOL RU~S anon. Cook potatoes in their jackets unJohn and Rena Turner to Dotil tender. When cold, skin and dice. 9 lit 12 FELT BASE RUGS mingo and Mary Fel'mil lot in For ' dressing'/ comoine sugar, m!JstaTd, milk, vinegar and salt; beat South Leba'non. CURTAINS - SLIP COVERS thoroly. Toss together llghtiy potaMartha Ho!1ing worth. dec'd. toes, 'onion, ~elery, celery salt and by admini t'r ator to Fred and LAM.,S (Floor and Table) 'salad dressing to ' molst~n. Chill be, ' Goldie Elbon 111:21 acres in , TUT(ore .serv~ng. Add hard-coo,k~d egg tlecreek twp. , STUDIO COUCHE:S (Fuily ' SprinJ Filled) 11 desired. Serves 6•. .William HUl'nell to Herbert an ' D. R. Sali'sbury ~o W. Edgar a nd LIVING ROOM SUlTES Nellie Be\1e,Hagel' 2 acres in alem

Mustard Potato SaladA Hit for Club LU1Ch.. \

Estate of J. Men'ill Bone,. dec'd,'_ Hazel Vel'bl'yke inventory approved.

E tate of Je's se F. Ro 11, dec'd, Lucy R,ose~I, administrator filed first .,\nd final account. . Estate 'Qf Woodrow Cor~'.e~Le, dec'd; H. Z. Gt'ny, ~ tratol' filed affidavit in lieu of account with vouchers. Estaoo of Anna Fritz, dec'el, ,Meryl B. Gray adminis trato r' filed fil'st and final account. Estate of William Yeager, dec'd, William M. Yeager, administrator inventory ap'p roved. In the matter of the guardianship <;>f Bergen ,Cowgill, formerly Bergan Carol Schepc~, Raznik, ~ minor Marthana Cowgill, guardian proceed to sell 'r eal property at private sale for ,cash. NEW SUITS Louise Bastin vs. Ray Bastin, divorce, gross neglect of duty. Maple and Maple. Leroy, Catherine, William and , Shirley Gaskins vs. Charles and Frances Marian Kofmehl for 'money only amount claimed $10,sao and costs. Meryl B. Gray and C. Donald Dilatush. Helen Apgar vs. Emmett Apgar, divorce, extreme cruelty C. Donald Dilatush. Elmer Bennett vs, Lucille Ben-, nett, divorce, extreme cruelty, J. T. Riley. ' clffor.d Diehl VB. The Cincinnati Gas and Electric Co., a corp. for damages amount claimed $10,000 ' and mandatory Injunction, Maple and Maple. Arnold Sabin vs. Loraine Sabin, a mino,r change of venue, Hayes and Hayes, Robert Moore. Louise Carpenter, a .minor vs. Walter Cal1>enter, divorce, extreme (!ruelty, J. ~. Ri1~y. . COMMON ,PLEAS Lee and , Ada ' Field vs. Boyd Lee Field and Martha Reardon, case dismissed without record on motion of plaint~f.:...., ' =---:Paul Todd vs. Gertrqde Todd . hearing set for Nov. 8 at 10:30. Helen Apgar vs. Emmett Apgar temporary restraining order "allowed. ' Paul Todd vs. Gertrude Todd, former entry modified, plaintiff to pay defendant 8um of $7 per week and costs of this case.






How to Defrost and Clean Your Home Fr••ier

freezers can be easily deH,OME frosted and cleaned if a few

simple rules are followed, points OJlt the, Country Home editor of Cap. per'. Farmer, one of' the' best known farm magazines. Here are some of her suggestions: For a complete cleaning, remov~ foods and place them in a cardboard contamer, or wrap them in news- ' papers. Scrape the' ~ost from .trips and liner walls with a .patula or piece of hard wood. Do not use an ice pick or any other pointed sharp ln8trument. Clean the exterior regularly with '. m~d soap and wa,t er or a ' liquid wu which adds luster and protecti the surface. Once a year-perhaps In the late spring-clean the lurface of ,t he ' conden~er with a ,'tU! bru.h or vacuum cleaner , attachment. shu, down a home freezer, turn it ' oft. . Ilemove the contents. Defrost and clean the Interior, mopping water from 't he bottom~ Leave, the lid open so air cll"culate.. Inllde .





E. O. 8£011 Re,pr

."Complete H9me Furnial\er."

' entin ,~




Phone 912R

Bought -Sold -Traded ,


Waynesville 2530 DAYTON AD 3257


Street at Whiteman"




Ora and Maud Dumford to Charlie and Pauline Reeves 0.67 a'c res in Deerfield twp!


Tracking Service j







' Also: "Our Garage Service Is Tops'"

Automobiles & 'Tractors . GENERAL, REPAIRING , '










Located' on Route 4€S, South ,of Route 73

at .


PEER'S LONESOME PINE' ,INN at only $&9&~O_O --



GEORGE S.8ENSON Pruid(NI--)(wIlJt9 Co.lll1e Stluq, .1. rl fu/SIl'


25 words or less.. one time. .•.••• 25c Each additonal word •••••••••••• 10 '. SPECIAL ~TE8 by CONTBA.CT

Foreign Aid and Its Effects

ASS brick, bl ack G r tileboa rd an d

an d \',J'i e ch : m e m<.dc: ' :, e

~h.n y

trimmings can h Ip r ooms in even the (l.d e ' \ f ;"rm hOllse. points out the RUl'ai H Ime Editor of Capper's F arn er, one of the best known farm m ' gazines, Here a glass bri ck 'K '!U separates tbe bathroom fr om a small powder room adjoining. Plastic curtains reo peat the green in the wallpa per. ,Both bathroom and po\vder room were part of 8 remoQeling job ' that

An understanding of' huma n nature ,will tell us tha't "'hert we stop • READ TIlE CLASSIFiED ADS giving aid to European nations, Loanamost of 'the countries there will become angry at us, The more aid you FEDERAL LAND BANK give to an 'individual and the longer LOW COST FARM LOANS yo~ give it, the more disgru ntle d he ( 1 ) l\ f ~,- h r ommis i n NOTICE OF APPOINTMENT beco mes when you stop. This seems ( '2) rnter e ~t rate ar l o w-4(~ Notice is ht:reb, ~ i ve n that to be true of na ions, Na turally, now ( 3)Pa ' all or part anytime-' that- we have hinted at a little less tnp in te re t n p -rtion paid; Leah Mills wh 'e Po t Office i Wa n sville, hio liberality toward Europe', some address f )~.; \ ' CA TION . all - writ r have yelled "selfi sh" ,a nd "unsymhas been dul y appoint~ j a LEBANON NATIONAL ' pathetic'" at us. Executrix of the E tate 'o f Nov. 10 to Nov. 24 FARM LOAN The more we give and the longer LEBANON, OHIO. Phone 448 Ge rge D. Mill late f Warren G RA yrs BARBER we giv~ it, the ' greater will grow County, Ohio, decea ed . Ellis H. Sturm, Sec'y-Treas. this scorn toward the give r , When SERVICE . Dated thi 28th day f Oct I": finally ~e have to. stop the How , of , be r 1947 REAL ESTATE Waynesville, Ohio our money toward · Europe, anger . Ra lph Care will be the reaction, That was true J OJ " T FORG ET TO CALL Judge of th e PI' bate Co urt after World War I. Amer ica had u~ for In surance. All types of. . Warren County' Ohi been very Uberal. but when a id was Gra , Atty. -1 l _ O '[!"urance at a savings. Call H. halted, up went the tariff ba rriers, Francis, Gene Bro\vn, phone England campa igned: "Buy Within \Va n ville 2935 or can the Empire," Depression followed. What Results? . collect. Wilmington 2'111. Following World Wa.r II. America' Real Estate F.or Saleagain has been extr~!mely liberal. We have spent some 10 billion dolElliott to Larchmont Realty Co. , IF YOU HAVE A PROPERTY OR lars 'during , each of the past two a corp. 2 lots in Lebanon. PARM TO SELL ' call or Write years, Help we gavle to England Walter and Jessie Maupin ·to transformed an old-fashioned farm non Henderson, Tel.. KE3448. 6i.7 John during the war and since will total and Helen Ross 29;20 aCres home into an up-to-the-minute resinearly 40 billion dollars. We have v>ra~ Ave., Dayton. Ohio. tote in' Hamilton twp. dence, giving the family the ,most not been stingy w'ith our food, our modern convenience •. Irma Jane and Maurice Robigoods, nor our dollars, although this LIVE SlOCK~O)l to J eptba and Harret Leonard drain on our resources bas belped to make things tougher for the averFOR 'SALE - Six Park~s Pen 72,75 acres in Franklin twp. I Ralph and Enid Van Meter· to age Al)1erican breadwinner , Pedigreed' Bar red R c k Loman ano .r aIry 1"ls h el' 9.75 acres All the Lend·Lease. all the UNCockerels. Pat Hopkins. in Union twp. U hem crease's are a problem NRA relief, all the goods, all the O. -1 t 20 d oUars-wha t are the re sults? Eng- when you lengthen skirts this fall. - Waynrsville, .. .... GOl'don Demorest to Helen land is not eyen on her fRet. mucb try steam-pressing, advises the RuHayes lo t in Pleasant Plain. ' USED CLOTHlN~ .less . Europe, The crises seem to tal Home editor of nationally cirNORRIS BROCK COMPANY Floyd • nd Ruth Hale to Ward Press C incinnati' . Union Stock Yards mount, with England rigbt now fac- culated Capper's F afmer, FOR SALE - Girl's all-wool and Verlla Taylor 80.82 acres in Live Wirjt and Progressive. An ing her greatest crisis ainee the . lightweight woo] on the wrong side; oraanizatlon second · to n'one. red coat and leggings" all- Clearcreek twp. war, . All 01 these facts must Jead us a thick w(1{'11 W l the ri ght side. ~r.e Strictly seller. on the be's woo l cashmere plaid ' dress, Roy and M'a rtha Hudson to DOl'Y all around market in the to re-studY. our aid Ito 'E urope and tells t hf' f l"' • r r' f t' "! , :l rm 11" , ..ll country. and red 'velvet corduroy aJid Vi o a Baker Jot in Frankthe possible effect 'o f continuing zin J SERVICE THAT SATISFIEe dress, all ize ,10, pe.rfect lin, ________~~ w no Day ton 12, il U 8, ~ T . handOl~ts to so many outstretched co ndition: Al ,a, a davenport BUY SELL, TRADE BORR'--W D ia l 1 300 WLW ClncinnflU palms, • • ' v 12:40. Dia l 700. for Our Uml,' in good condition. Mrs. • READ THE CLtlSIFUm AD~ ::...._. _ . 'a rket Rellort. , Harold f Earnhart. Phone on giv2614. -t'1 io ~ , ing at the rate of lO .billlon dollars a - ---'-- . . ,. . -----5+-':J6· 8'"'....,-~ · -4-.:-g;L5~-'--.: , ~- year to Europe for ~ th~ next ten, W ANTED- MISC. N Oy . 0ram j - ~ 4 ram t hir 3 42-60 48-5 6 rain wenty, or t ' ty years. Then wMt can we do? It is plain common WANTED , Any ' kind o.r 4 35-65 fair 48- 54 fair sensethat 't he' bestthing we can do DomestIc ' work by reliable :j: 5 32-68 fair 5 -58 rain ' 6 28-65 fair 46-6 4' fal'r is to help Europe figure out bow she· woman. See , Alice Kinnard, ARMISTICE DAY-' can help herself. We must help EuGrant St., Harveysburg or brin~in~ its s Jemn warl17 45-68 fair § 42-58 rain rQpe to ~et up on her own feet and ,inq ui re at Gazette office. . jn~ that ~ecurity is mainta·incd 8' 60 -50 fait *' ",,8-46 fair oft the 'necks of ArrJerican taxpay-1127 :j: P!C;ked b, treatie, 'n r dipi umac not flow ers out of , ~ard,en. ers~ Tha~ is the only :k ind of aid that - - - -------'---,..;.-,..;.- § P1cked flowers ' nor brief ' interludes of peace, ' Qut of 1?:arden. will ever be, worth much to Europe. , ' WANTED TO B Y 20b, First killing Frost. . . ' " The ' sOOller , we get Europe ~ 3 % lb. frys. We have dr essed BUT BY A NATION' FIGHTthlriking in terms of, helping hersell, Roast ing Chtckens in , 1 cke r. ING MEN AND THEIR 'the better it Will be for all of We for immediate detiv'l;: ry. Will . TO DEFEND US. POWER might send her foed and money till Gustin. 'Phone 2542., 1113 doomsday, but it would only make ' FOR SALE-o-ie6- America poor anq . ,vould not make Europe , rich, Europe must underTHANKSGIVING TURKEYS, .Mr. and Mrs .. Albert Hag~e stal1d that V1e problem 'of rehabiliyoung stock, o~ font Mrs. and son svent- the week end tation . is her own problem;-first of Rober.t Baker, Phone -2826., 'with the , latter's par~nts near all, and not entirely ours. We mus.t - '11 '13 .. Buford,'hland County. try to re·ed~ cate Eu:rope in the prinWAYN ESVILLE. OH 10 ciples of American enterprise and , ---------~~---~-~B RIO AD B REA S T ·E n Mrs. Maud Swanow of' Day- ,initiative. ~ard work and seU-deBRONZE 'PURK,EYS, For ton returned home Sunday after penden'ce are among those first Sale. 15 ., to . ,25 lbs., live a two weeks visit . with her principles. Europe needs production. ' We can weight. Mrs. Charles Ha~e- s,ister. Mrs. Cora Spitler. myer, Phone 2956. -1 ·120 supply machinery on the basis that paid for 'with goods pro. Mr. and Mrs. Everett. Smith it may duced. We can keep down our trade FOR SAI.-E Turkeys, Alive are' in the near future . or Dressed,. Mrs~ C. H. to their' new hom e in Spring barrier~ and buy fI'(Im Europe. Only Michener. Phone -2926. Valley and the, former's father, in that ,yay can those nations get on -11'20 M R ' has moved back their feet and buy 'from us. There _ _ _ _ _ _.,.....-_____ r. oy SmIth are definite ways to help war·to·r n .. . FOR SALE - Apples. Winter to his farm. . Europe without im.;posing the s e rio , ous ir.jury of ~'ontin ed, 0 I r .ght varieties at Orchard Lane', aid. Th.e so'o~er our h~lp ge :s on this 4 mile north of Xenia on ~' TYPEWRITER RIlBbasis. the better for' 'e veryb r :1 y, I)on8 DOW in stoCk. ·.l'ne Oa.zeue. Rt. 68., 1h mite on Route 2,35 ,





:'Lengthenlng Skirts{'



,"DOC'S" Weather:Chart 2





1-' er60".a









S~nd, ays.



Any make or 'model Fred Kahn Motor Car Co.

-1113 "





$20; '" cows $20;

HELP WANTED- MALE WANTED ,...-- Man to cut on shares. Trim and ready for' buss aw Donald Carter, 1 % West on Rt, 73. Phone

wood make only: miles 296. .


CARD ' OF THANKS . To my many friend .: "ho votej for me in 'the r ~cent eJe.:- tinn. I wish to expre 5 my ' sir .:(;, _. "h anlts. Walter T. Elzey


HO(~S ,




XENIA' Fertilizer

45 4

E. G. Bucbaieb. lac.



cwt .


Reverie Charael


.Annitage . &Son







INDEPENDENT EAG l.1E , by Betty Thomas _ Wayne vilIe played their . ecnd ~ame la t Thur na (N qv, 13), pringb ro led \A ~ v n "~ ­ ville all the wa\ , e 'cept .Jl1 the first Quarter when ~vne viII nosed Springboro out by on e point. Waynesville ' ke~")t droll1i n~ ,farther and father ' back. but they kept right on tryin g until the end of the gam e, Springb-'>ro had an, aImost un beatable defe n e. The scorin cr on Wa yne ville' s ide was even. ly distributed with 3 pf th hay s sc orjn~ 6 points apiece., anci' _ of the boys scorin ,~ .) pin t apiece. The co rin~ on Sprin ":boro's team wa fairl v even with Masters co1tectin~ 14 points. One of Waynesville's players, ,namel y Bill Saw'?, r, has been absent from the , Waynesville team, because he is in Florida. (The lucky ~u v ) WaynesviJle plays ' thei·r next game on Nov. 20 at 9 :00 in Harman Hall of Leban on a.e:ainst Red Lion. How ab ut cheering these boys on a little? By the way, it hasn t cost an ythin.e: to .e:et in so far, We certainly hope Waynesvill e ha better luck on their 3rd game, YO\;) know they say the thint .lime i the charm. Pt . WAYNESVILLE ackett 6 t,udington 6 Col1h o . Rickey 3 Plank Bernard 3

~ ,

Th~ Miami


REV. KEYS TALKS , BEFORE FARMERS CLUB AT MEETING 'II \\ 'ayn T wnJ1ip F:lrJ11'~r ' luh [11 t 1n Thu Lday at tI' , Meth diS Chur -h, WaYlle . \'ilk with M1'. and Mr. M his C rnLl I a h t and h ' tc " . In th e aftern oon R v, am:· lIel Ke. _ gave an int er ~ ting ta lk on "C mmunit y Interc L and Obligations." Mr, Wil on of Lebanon, who ha char~e of "il con ervatiion in Warren Qunt ga ve ' an intere -tin,e: talk. 'Gue ·t pre cnt were Rev. and Mr. R. B, Coleman, Rev. and . Mr , ,N. Keys and Mr. Ru-ell Stock till of Dayton. The next meetin~ of the Club will be \\ ith Mr, and Mrs, Cha . Elli s at the "W ~s hin g Well' in Centerville and member are a -ked to be there in time ' to serve dinner promptly at twelve o clock!. I


PROGRAMS HELD AT CHURCH AND ' SCHOOL REPORTED VERY SATISFAcrORY The program held ' in ohservance of World Communit y Day at' the Metholi i t Church, ' Friaay, Nov. ., and at th Grade School , building on Friday, . Nov. 14 we re very sati factory, according to the Coun. ' WILMINGTON WILL cil of Church Women who HAVE YOUNGEST COLLECE PRESIDENT the sponsors. . Wilmingt n Col1e',!!'t' will ' Dr. Willis Hall f Wilmington ColleK"e wa the peaker at Ita v the di tin ti n f bing the Methodi t Churc:h me'ting heaq d bv th , un~~est colle,e:e year an i lately at til '" \7Va 'n and hi m st interestin~' ubi ct pr Ident · in the United tat s ., ille Dru.~', tore, Mr, Mer . r was, "The Un ited Nation and when 1· ar.ol j Dr, Samuel i now with the Oa)b 11 p( \\ r Their Worlli." O. Marbk f rni all y, :1S urnes and Light C mpan in Oa \ l n. direction ( f th e in ~tittl li o n un-: Th e program at th' Grad> Th e coupl e w111 m ;:. : e th eir cho I huildin ,~ \\':1 . ~o l1 dl l kd da y aftern oon, N v"mh ~ 2 Mi - Fran 'e Kirkpatrick, h o m Total 2~ \\ ith ". r , t, ~ rce r' - . by the hildr n nf th e ,di tlerent mother. ML . \ eno r:l K. rkuO'htcr of M TI. Venora Kirkda la ,se who pre_ente 1 th ' t ro- BAND BOOSTER'S CLUB Pt , SP RINGBORO. g-ram , The gifts and d nati ns SPONSORING TARGET 14 Masters patrick of Mill street, and Mr, r atHc k, f Ir tire Nl en L received from the chilir n \\ ' rC SHOOT. SUNDAY, NOV. 23 Shaffer 12 John W. Mercer, who ha 9 Githens e peciall gra~if in ,~. A tar,i ' t _ho )t f r 22 caliber ST. MARY'S CLUB ,recently returned from Civil Humbert 4 ervi duty in Guam, were \ PLANS BAZAAR BINGO-DANCE THIS .rifles onl v will , be held Sunday, ~weeney 4 married at the ride' home on FOR DEC. 6~h. SATURDAY NIGHT GIVEN N v. 2 , -tarting at 12 Jo p.m. Kruer o Wedne day ev nin,g-,. Nov, 121 at This,affair i under the sponW men' , f BY ALTAR SOCIETY o 6:30 o'clock. The. weddmg ,t. The Prickett or hip f the Band Bo sk r's - Epi ' alChro h The Sf. AUJa:ustine Altar 0 Club f r the ' beneJlt of ih band ceremony was ' performed by ,met Mary' day aftern ) JI1 at the iety will ponsor their annual £TO UpS Total 43 of the ' ch 01. Prizes Rev. R. B. Coleman , of the homeFri Mrs, Ch arle '\: haffie. BJn,g-o-Dance at , the . Hi ~'h for th ~ winn'er of th match Methodist Church in the preS- A ,g-oodof att.end ance \Va report'MOTHER ' OF L-oeAL ence of the 1 ride's m'Other, her ed. The hi ,l!'hli~ht ~hool ,buildin,{!, thi Saturday _ will be turke y and h ==:;;·~T,.;.,h~is=----_-,-;:.........f) of the pro- nr,g'ht, Nov. 22 at 8 o'clock. shoot i strictly fOT am brothers, Torrence and George gram was a tal k ieli MAN PASSES AWAY; by Vic Lyo ns an'd hi orchestra profe sional being- barred, ' Kirkpatrick, and Misses ',Hazel Rev. S. N. Keys, pa'stover red FUNERAL MONDAY of sf. In addition to the target' Mrs. Florence Tucker Kersev rtaddox and Mary Lou Sup. Mar,y' s on "\\Iark of tbe Epi co- will furnish the music for the dance. Baskets of ,g-roceries will shoot a bingo ,{!'ame and other mger. . :;t ~ed 60, died ~t her home in pal Church in Tow n, allli Coun- be .e:iven as door prizes and fOur entertainment will be held. After the - ceremon y th~ trv." Ore.g-onia. Saturday, Nov. 15 tu'rkeys are to be giyen away , Refreshme'nts will b~ served couple left for a weddin.e: tri~ after a three month illness. . The ~rour planned tor their as special prizes. . on the .e:rounds. . She is survived by three sons, throu~h the East. Bazaar which \ i1J be held on , . , In case of rain all entertainJohn W. of Waynesville; Jf')e Mrs. Mercer was 'forme.rly art Dec ..6 at i :00 p.JTl. DR. E. C. 'WRIGHT ment except the rifle match will ;:I nri Willard ,o f near Lebanon: employee of the National' Cash Refreslrments were eryed by' TALKS AT GRANGE be held inside the school build'~ daug-hter, Mrs. Evelyn Swart- Register Company for, several the hostess.. ' ' ze! of Oregonia ; and 4 .~rand.; ON HEALTH ingA,PPlkations for enterin ,~ .the chIldren. . Gran~,e 13 met in rifle match may be obtained by Farmers' Services were conducted at I re~ular session on Saturday ' contactin~' any member of' the the Oregonia Church, Monda y evenin~ and followin.e: the busiBand ' Booster's Club, at 11 !o.o a.m. Burial in Miami _'' _ _ __ ness session the W. G. C. P. Cemeter under the directi on of Club resented a program and MISS HOUGH LISTED ON by Mr. Berman Ross of TENTH PERIOD JVl~ NY MEMBERS non. GR.A-NGJ;: NO. 13 Mi ss Mary Dor~ Hough, a Dr. E. C. Wright was intro, Sophomore at the Mary A. AT NATIONAL duced as the ,g-uest speaker ann MEET LAST WEEK Burnham School in Northampeveryone enioyed his excellent Mass., dau~ht r of Mr.' and . ton, Amon~ those , attendin,g the talk 'on, H.eatth. ,Mrs. Kenneth N. Hough of R. R. National Granf!e in Columbus ' No.2, Waynesville, was on the durin~ the past 'Week from SESQUICENTENNIAL Hi~h Honors list for the tenth Waynesvi1le Farmer,s' Grang~, EDITION WILL BE consecutive markin,e: period , No. 13 were Mr. and Mrs. EdWin REAnv' S~TURDAY durin~ O dobe r. Surface. Mr. ann Mrs. Ernest , OF THIS WEEK Harlan, Mr. and Mrs. A. H. ' and A fter several delays RESIDENT 'Ea'rnhart: Mr. and Mrs. Therle , hold-ups ' in the, 'produCtion of FORMER DIES .IN FLORIDA; '. Jones, Mr. Robert Carr, Mr. and .. th,e Special Sesquicentennial HELPED BUILD SCHOOL Mrs. U~wrence . Furnas, Mrs. Edition of the Miami Gazette, it Earl Dunham, Miss ' Wanda A lette r was received ' from is assured that delivery witt be. Clark, ' . Mr. and , Mrs.q Jesse Mrs. Tho.mas C011ins , of. Dayton Kin Saturdav" Nov. 22. Mailed Prendergast, Mrs. J. B. Jones, copies wilt be placed in th e , stating Elsworth 'Foster had died M.ts. Amos Cook. Mr. Ernest mails by Monday or Tuesday in Jacksonville, Fla., Saturday,. Cook and Mr. and, Mrs. WalterNov. 15 at the ~~e of 81 years~ of next week. ' Kenrick. Mrs. Edwin Surface , ~ho". n al10ye is Myron Hagemeyer with his Aeronica l3B 'plane ' Those who have copies re- He was a former resident of represented' this ~rangc in the ' which IS owned by himself and his brother Estel Hagemeyer served can ~et them bY ,callin.e: this comrriunity having left in beautiful rose drill. A great nurn1891. He was one of the men - ber ,of the members were ,given' Myron first became interested in flying at Pea;'1 Ha'rbor while with at the Miami Gazette office. ' who helped to build t.he local ' . Grade School building ' with the seventh de~ree which J~ives the ~a~y th~re whe~ he spent nineteen mOhths as refrigeration , them .membership in the Na~ machInists mate. 'He ,ls a g'raduate of Waynesville High School in RUMMAGE SALE NETS Geot:'.e:e Smith t,ln~ many others. the Glass of '43'. He received. his pilots license .on oct. 12, 1947 FAIR SUM FOR THE Mrs. Collins relates this fact as tienal Gran,e:e. her father P.erry E. Ken rick· was from C. A . . A. Examiner Ray, Mees at Washington, C H. Ohio; He BAND BOOSTER'S CLUB ---~NEW CENTURY r~ceived dual training at Wilmington Flying Service a~d of Mrs The Rummage Sale held at the contractor for the building. a.U8~ NOV. ' 28 ' , Helen Williams at Sabina Air Park. . ' . Memorial Hall in Lebanon, SatMr. and Mrs. Fred Gons .enMrs. Alva Thompson wi11 be Mr. Hagemeyer hangars the plane at his home on Rural Route urday, Nov. 8 n~tted the Band hestess , to the New Century 3. His br~ther, Estel is now taking flying instructions preparatory Boost~rs Club a h.ttle over $.40. tertained to dinner on Sunday Club for the December meet- to receiving his pilots license \ , ' ThiS mon,ey WI)) be used for and had as their ~uests Mr. anCl . • . .. \ the promotion of the school Mrs. Robert Gons, Mr. and Mrs. JL'n,e: on Friday Nov. 28. Mrs. C. err plane stnctly brother~ ~Y t.h a~ a P barids. The Club _expresses its J. Q; Gons, ·Mr. and Mrs Paul The .tfagemeyer ee Hawke and Miss Ruth craft and ' do not commerCialize In any way. '-\yron IS em thanks to the persons who gave Tomlinson and -Mr. and' Mrs Chand1er will be in cJlanre of at the West~n Fixture Co. in Dayton as a refrigeration mech articles for the sale. John Gons and d·aughters. • tbe program. ,



'Mercer -Kirkpatrick Wedding Vows Spoken



Thi ' attitu j, isn' t in pired "Loo kin ,~' back ver the Pa.~e 2 Th Mia.mi Gazett,e so ld b th e d liar eo t.of hclp- years, it i 'n't di ffi ult t 'c!e Wa 'ne' vill ,OI'1 iu N 1, 4343 iog Europ e, .It i be :o ming vi- th at hi -tor.) repeat ' it If. Thu r da , " N , mber 'ln, 1Q47 Publ1shed Every Thursday by DA ~N PRESS dent that th drain on our Wh at after th Civil wa r's I j FLOYD L. DAVISSON, Editor ,materi al r s' ur s fo r' Europea n fo r $2 . 5; after the Ru s - MIAMI UNIVERSITY Intered as Second Class Matter &t the P ost Office f e li f i a v r - ri IUS on ,T ' Turkish wa r it s ared to $-.4 5 ; HAS LARGEST put it bluntl " it , i v,ery dou~ t - it went to $( 5 aft r the pan. ENROLLMENT ·IN . ' subsCription Rates: ' $1.50 per Year in Advance ful if we can feed the world 111 - i h- A m e l'ic~ n war', -cln 1 ,to SCHOOL HISTORY definitely. We ju'-t. hay n t $3,5 aft r th fil' t Vv' rl j war. ' vVarren '(lun t\' h a ' a 'Iar,i e National Advertising Representatives en ug:h grai n ,o r anythm . el'e. "Reg-ardle -::s of wh i run - num ber f ,tu i nt: enr 11 'd at <>hio Weeklies, Inc., 2465 W. Broad Street, In additi n. pm ticall ' very 'nin ' 'A merica, the til' t" truth Mi ami' un h r it,', x fl ri, 0" Columbus 4, Ohio auth rit , f el th af Eu r pean whi h must b realizej j - th thi ear. pur hases in a. ti .g'~t mark t. are old fun da mental c nomi law M.1ami' - L'nr Ilment it)tals Partl y re P nSlbl t Olr ev,e r 11Ig:h- of -uppl y and d man d. It ha - 5 1 l' t i "> llt ' tIl l'lro'e t in do ubt dl tak -om kin d of , er commod ity price: at horn . ~ev I' fail ed . It never will, re- tl~ l7ni v l:, it ,-, lil-t r,c. fo. . tep to make. Europe underwrite Th e Eur p an D rob le m ~ a a gardl - of ubsi iie gra nt , 8e au ' Miami ha' attempta pa rt of whateve'r relief pro- conseQ lJ,ence, ti e in, with other doles, rrice-peg-~in g- or other ed to a mft v,e r Ohio v teran pro blems, an d can't be con- artificia stimulI. .W hen the who ha -o u,e:ht t , nroll , t~e gram it decide upo n. Europe' holdin,g- of for ig-n doll ar bat- sid ered eparately. suppl is g-ood, price tend to men' enr llment on the mam METHODIST CHURCH ances in the U, S. is about $9,' The speci al session hould I e be lowe r. Wh en upp ly is short campu totals 3,4 35 . an j the R. B. .Coleman. Minister 000,000, 0 00 . lively. Mr. Truman ,wifl off~'r prices are 'high (pr .v i ~ed th ~ re wo m n ' - enrollment I 1,571, Sunday School 9 :30 a.m. The distri buti on of th ~ his prog-ram, and th e RepubltIS no price control, Il1 whIch Actual veterans enro lle i t tal J. J. Rurske, Supt. i of intere t, .It is esticans have announce j that th ' case the short up ply u ually 2,1 44, including- 1 t wo meh. mol:tey 10 :3 0 a.m. Worship Service dual fo(eiR:n , will ' have a ' program of th e!r finds better customers in th e Th e freshman cIa i ' the mated th at if indivi Youth Fellowship assets were to be seized by the own in the event that the Presl- black mark et at hi gher large t, with 1,638 enr lied, Thursday, 7 :30 pm. government involved, some- de nt's is not sati .facto ry . to prices). . . whil e th,e op h m ore' I~um.her thing like ' $2 ,:5 00,000,000 in them. Mr. Truman will atten,1P t ' ~We are experien inK hi,g:h 1 42 6 Ther are 939 JunIor ,000 to confin e the debate to hl ,g:h wheat prices becau e 40 pe r a:l j 83 1 .: enior. The r mainMT. HOLLY METHODIST , securities and S 1,00 ', in cash could b raised. Another prices ' and European ai d, but cent. of the crop is guing out of in K 1 72 ar ,,raduat. sand T. M. Scarff. Minister source of po tenti ~1 money i th e there is doubt If he wilt succeed. the country. We are expe rien- speci al tude nt , includmg ,1 5 Sunda v School 9 :30 a,m , Alien Prope rty Custodian, who It is very likely that the Que tion cinR: hi~h me at price- f r th e ca jet nul' froll) Middletown. 'E. A. Earnhart, Supt. " now has control of pr perty of tax reduction wH t' be rai se(\ same reason. However" \ve are Th e followin, g: a re amo n ~ the Worship Service to' :30 a.m. $ 500,000,00 Q once mo re, and oth er un ettl d witnessin~ high corn prices br- Warren oun ty tud en'ts from worth about 7 :30 p.m. which is .h eld in the name of issues may be ~lro ught into' th e caus the CrOl)' thi year w,a , Evening Service thi " vicinit: Th mas Florence ; government with which we spotli,!?;ht. COl~~ress has a l~ t on 800,000 ,0 00 bushel hort be- Cla,re Hili ,t r, Robert Ho!liswere at war. There would be its mmd that It wants to air. cause of weather facto r . Ln ter Route _: and Paul Watkms, ST. MARY'S EPISCOPAL l e.~ al obstacle to ove rcome !11 Nov. 9 30-45 * 27- 5 0 fai r :f: an y instance, th a vail abl Ro~te 'I ; all f Wa''y ne ville. SUnuel N. Keys, Minuter ' makin.e; . the e re ources avallhome sup.ply is n ~! suffic i nt t Ante-Communion , 8 :00 a. m. me~t the demand. , Po ult r men a r~ likel to Church School 9 :3 0 a. m. able, but th e iob probabl y co uld HISTORY STILL be done, at least in pa rt. A more REPEATS ITS£LF fi n j that anu ;u " F bruary, or NU5Sery School t o :3 0 a. m. difficult problem. wo uld be to The following editorial .is ~e' Mar h hi ks ' \ \ "i11 b m t, Morning Praye r 10 :30' a. m. ferret out hidden \'l~alth. t d f th W 1 ta 118B· GAZETTE CLAilSIFIED ADS profttable in 1 4 . e rom ~ ICll _~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~_ assets which ar held in ca h prIn Beacon: UTICA E. U. B. CHURCH , and whos~ wNher ab~uts ; s un. "Lack of unde rstand in .~ 0!1 , Rev William ShanDon' " kno.wn .. T1I e ews re ers 0 one th e part of men who are run9 :30 a.m. sug?:estlOn t~a~ has .peen made n:ing' ur ?:o vernment appear Sunday School , hm~ thiS. All pre ' I1 t a blarne ' f or th . Mrs.; James Garnson, Supt. \ for ent acco U. mpli . currency would be to b'e as Oluc Preachmg. t st and 3 rd Sundays declared in valid as of a ~iven ch ao tic condition of prices and 10 :30 a.m. dat t> and. new curr nc wo uld, sUPRly as any other one factor. each month .... , 'Remember back in the be issued to replace, it. Holder days of the depression when th ~ WAYNESVIlLE of our money, here and abroad, government was recommendCHURCH OF CHRIST would have' to , mak the ex-, in.e; plowin ?: under crops be9 :30 a.m. change or take the I s. In as- cause they we re in too abundant Bible School to:3 a.m. much ' as the 'amofunt .of rctu~ supply ? rhose same: experts toCommunion 8 :00 p.. m. U. S. currency in orelR'n .lan day ar'e tryin~ to "plow unde'r' Evening S~rvi<.:e is estimated at $ 2 ,000,000, markets ,because thc~ demand is Sf. AUGUSfINE 000, th e harvest wo uld be great. too ,g-reat. ' , Father Krumholtz, Priest The amount of dollar re"It doesn't take a studeht of Mass 8 :00 a. m. and to :00 a. m. sources officiall y kn own to be economics to tell o,ur g-overnheld by Euro pe a~ ~ourytr:jes ment that prices are .e;Q.verned at FERRY CHURCH of CHRIST which 'would,t') Id under almost eAtirely by supply and the Marshall Plan varies .e;reat- demand-regardless of the con Ralph E; Stinson, Minister , Bible School , 9 :3 a.m. ly. French d ti~e n s owp ' sof!1e trots placed on either as an Morning Worship 10:30 a.m. $500,000,0 0 0 m Am~nc~~ I~- arfificial stimulus for increased Great Bnttan s or decreased prices . , Prayer Meetin~ ' ' 7 :00 J:).m. vestments. dQ llar 'assets were repot,ed. at "The plain truth is that our Young People s Meetin~ / ' $1,000,000,000 some ~Ime , supply is. hi~h, but our demand " 7 :00 p.m. a~o, but J?robabl y ha ve dec1med is gre.ater, b~€ause. of the ex.port Eve~ing' Services 7 :30 p.m. 'sharply since then. Tl)e Dutch policies whIch thIS .country has have more than a billion, followed and is fol1 owin~. FRIENDS known assets of all Suddenly there has I een a 'NIl ,., First Day School . .' 9 :30, a.m. countin~ kinds. BelR:ium is in a similar drastic tut in export' allocations Meeting for Worship ' ,, position. On the other hand, of ~r~ n and flour in an effort , 10 :30 a.m. Italy ~I'\d Greece are dead broke , to 'retard the upward trend of -.:... '- "-Prices. or ,practically S0. , " . , ,I II.' tIlT' foreR:oin: . e; is Simpl y on~ ~--~----~---~. The CAESARS CREEK FRIENDS Rev. David Stanfield, Minilter ' mo re example of the comof the whole ~urop Worship Service ' 9 .45 a. Ill. plexity relief situation. , A cardmal POInnt Sunday School 10:45 Ii. m. in the Marshall "Plan as or~ina y • Qange to Sohio' winter moto~ oil. ' You are invited to worship w.ith proposed hy the Secretary of us. State' in his address at' Harvard • ,a.o~e to ,SQhio winter ,gear lube. ' is that Europe must heln her- ' ECONOMIC HIGHLIGHTS • ~se Sohio, winter ~o1ine. self with all the resources she to, assemble.' Th temper, An informative article in tbe isof'able Con~ress at pres~nt i ~ such .. Have 'y our ' ~~ttery che~ked at '1.2'0 United States News of October 24 observes that" ",Billions of that appropriations ' will be 21 Western action" com~dy 2~ ',a nd dollars, bwned by forei~ers, scrutinized with exactin,g- and andmt:lsic ,combined ,' 111 . thrs , are hidin~ in the United States critical 'eyes. Senator Taft, who Dur'ango Kid. and in other havens of safety wilt have .more ' to ay about THE LONE 'H AND T~N :. '. . The idea is developing' fjnished le.~islatio n , th an any Chades Starrett' !.and Smiley, that, if U. S. taxpayers , are to other sin.e;le individual, has BUl'Dette. ' " put up money to save E;urop,e, announced that he' has orn e Also: Mystery ~nd d~ath lurks ' citizens of European countries very definite view- on the seope ' . , th ' II' ator' fl'lled swamp ,ould make more of a contribu-' and type of relief to .be R'i~ven 'Ill FURY , tion .themselves. The result is Europe, ,and the ~hp~lattons ~.llord Pen,.neton, M~. Con-, U. that officials both here and ,that wilt R:O along With It. And . • abroad are .searchinR: for ways President Truman has indicated and means to chase, privately that he is ,ooposeQ to any blank- 23 AIl' the w'armth, in mo- 24 check policy, and, want s to tion, susp~nse, and heart-tugs owned funds out of' hidin~." The exact amount of these 'accomplish the job at the lowest of the ori~inal out door book. . DIE YEARUNG ' foreign holdings isn't known, cost possible to the American , for the' reason that a good deal taxpayers. (Technicolor) of ' the money is really out of , Many members of Con.e;ress S~a.rring. : Gregory Peck, ~UDe sight. ,But, according to , the believe that ' Europe has ' offen ClaUde ,Jarmaa, Jr. • Willa. News official records indicate made, improper use of relief and that ~fofeign ,gold and dollar funds and supplies in the past, Also: Latest Movidbne News " . 'resources totall some $26,3001 and' they are ,determined that ' coo,ooo. That is a gO?4 dea re2'ulations be la'hi down ' that 26 A romanticJ rollicking 27 more than,the entire ,anticipated will assure a better job ,of it in comedy! He 'marrIed her back cost of the Marsha.ll Plan ,for the future. They will v in those good old da'ys. UVlNG IN A BIG WAY aiding .Europe over a four-year insist that the countries ,to ' be . period And that is why Con- aided stop arguin~ amon'.~ with Geae KeIl.'-,_ Marie Me.Kress when it gets down to con- themselves, and display a ?:enu- Doaal~. WianiDaer ,and ere SIdering the European- Question ine spirit of economic coopera- Ph,w. Plus; C01ur Carto n. , at the special session, will un- tion . '

The Miami ,Gazette B S TAB L I 8 H E Dl 1 8 5 0









Ashme_d SOUIO' Service 'Waynesville, Ohio




"."",.'-,.",. ,



" , S"IT "



WI "", .


Pa,ge 3 The Mi mi Gazette Waynesville Ohio No. 4343 Thursday, Nov.ember 20 19 47

Wedding Ceremony~ ., On Thanksgiving . ,

Mrs. Gilb rt Fr " Miss Wilhelmina Bra'ddo' k and Mrs. Bernard Dale y \ ere gue' t - f the aft. rn oon. Daint refr e ' hm ent we re served durin~ the ' . a ial.h ur,


Mr. and Mrs. Bruc Duncan of Xenia; Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Stroud and Mr. and Mr . Forest raham, with a lqvel dinner an j mavin?;" pictur of .. orne f their r cent vacation trip .

TWO BIRTHDAYS Mr and Mr". Char! BunHONORED SUNDAY nell entertained io 6 'O'clock Mr., and Mrs. Clyde F~ () mm dinner Thursday evenin~. Mr. and Mr, and Mr. Emerson F. and Mrs Walter Pfeiffer ' and Earnhart w,ere amonR: the guest' daughter' of 'Trenton, Ohio and on Sunday evening- when Mr . Mr and Mrs. Harle y Th rna of Charles B. Earnhart :lnd Mrs. Utica. • J. N. Robinson ntertained at Mr. arid Mrs. RORer Brown, the home of the former, honorMr. and Mrs, George Hendering the hirthda y anniversarie on and Rev R. B. Coleman of their little dau,g:hters. Joan Louise Earnhart and Martha were callers 'of the Ra y Mainous family, Su~day afterno~n. Jane Robinson. ' ,

Eloi e Lan~ of Cinc,innati, \\. h \ as called here on ace lunt 'of her fathers death. i~ al 'o a LI 't of Mr. 'and Mr . Gonion.,

winter in Florida. They' will al a vi it their ' on, Mr'. Ralph Bran trat r and wife in Miami, Fla.

Dr. and Mr. E. C. Wri ht had a aturda ' gue t M. and Mrs. E. C. ~ri~ht, th e' t rm r parents, and Mr~. El i Wol ott of payto~.


IS HONORED ON HER 85TH BIRTHDAY Mr and Mr . Charle ' Bunnell and daughter entertained Mrs. Bunnell's grandmother, Emma Lac with a party Satur jay e venin~ in honor of her 85th birthda . At a late h tir, lunch w,as erved to Mr.' and , Mrs. Wa1ter Lacy, Mr. and Mr . Earl Youn .!?: and grandson, Bobbie, Mr. and Mrs., Ernest Lacy, Mr. and Mrs. Howard Lacy, Mr~ and Mrs. Bee Gillotti, Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Candy, Mr. and Mrs. Roman Haas and children, Mr. ,and Mrs. Noah Newman and sons, Mr. and Mrs. Fred lange and son. The group of children, grand hildren and great grand children presented Mrs. Lacy with a lovely floor lamp. Mr. and Mrs. Noah Newman entertained over the weekend Mr. and Mrs. Robert Youn~ and son and Billie Wade of Middletown.

Announcement i being mad -.----:...of the appr'oaching met.rriage of Mis Ruth Curle . ,welfare Mrs. Lawrence ,\Nhiie a nurse for th e Hoo ven and former re,sident, nm of Rich Alli on Co .• ' X nia, to Mr. mond, Ind., was ague t of Mr. Raymon F. Hatfield, Lehanon" and Mrs. N. E. Cullom an j Mr. superintendant f War r e n and Mrs Stanley Baile' dllTin ~ the past' week. , . . County schools. The coupl~ wi\] be married' on Thanksgiving Da at 10 a. Mr and Mrs. Orville Gra m. at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Mr. and Mr. \Vi11iam and Howard Curless, Blanche ter, Sawyer are enjoying ' a vacation 0., brother and sister-in-law of ATTEND WEDDING, Mr. and Mrs. R, B, Peters in Florida. the bride-elect. caned on theJJormer's mother, HELD IN ,DAYTON Miss Curless, formerly ' of Mrs. Hardin pet'ers, who is an Mr. 'and Mrs. Jo enh Sham_ Marie Shutts of CincinBlanchester, is the dauRhter of baugh, invalid at the home of her natiMiss' Mr. and Mr . Raymond was a week end gue t of Mrs. E. J. Curle'ss, Xenia, .and daughter, Mrs. Nora Murray in ,her brother, Wilson, Mr. and Mr, ' R obert Mr. Harold Shutt the late Mr. Curless. She ' IS a Franklin, Sunday. ' Mr. Benn Furnas Furnas and and family. . t:raduate of the nurses' trainin~ attended the wedding of Miss school at , Bethesda Hospital, Mr. ~nd Mrs. Ed Woollard Menker and Mr. Robert Cincinnati, and was head nurse D'oris Mr. and Mrs. L. V. Bran traand son, Harry, Mr. and Mrs. at the H illLothai' r . Winfield at Blair Bros. Hospital, Lehator Wilmington were TuesChurch of the Brethren in Earl Gtissen of Dayton and day of 'non, before comin~ to Xenia a crest overnight guests of. Mr. and Walter Haines of Wilmin~ton Dayton on Saturday evening few years .ago. ' Mrs. Eli Furnas, their s n-inwere Uncle Bert Shepherd's Mr. Hatfield, a graduate of and the reception which follow- callers, Sunday. law and daughter, and 'famil,. Wilmington ' Col1ege, taught in ed at the alem Manor. The Mr. and Mrs. Branstrator left the WaynesvilJe schools before gr:oom is the son of Mr. on Wednesday to spend the Miss Phy11is Rickey Sl)ent''last bec'o ming ,superintendent ,of Lauretta Winfield, sister of Mr . week with friends in Dayton. Mrs. Wil on and Warren County schools. He is Shambaugh, Mrs. Furnas. the son of Mrs. Mary Hatfield, Mrs. Fred Hook entertained Lebanon. the committees for the Garden SHOWER GIVEN FOR Club" Friday afternoon. MISS STA~FORTH ,CI VI C CLUB WILL A shower for the bride-elect, ANNOUNCE NEW 'Edwyna Stanforth, daughter of Mr'. and Mrs. F(ank Be'al ' of As \ve are leaving the tate, we will ffer at Puhtic Auction, at BLUE CROSS PLAN Mr. and Mrs. E. C. Stanforth, Lebanon were dinner .l!'uests of residence, on farm, ~nown as the old HOBBLET FAkM, 2* miles IN NEAR FUTURE was ~iven at the horne of the ,their son. Milo Beal and fam- North of Waynesville, 5 miles uth f Bellbrook, on WA YNESThe Civic Club met in reRu- bride's parents, on Wednesday ily, Sunday. VILLE-BELLBROOK ROAD, at 1 t:() O'clock a.m., harp, on lar session at the ,Methodist vening of last week bv Mrs. hirle Ann Rickey L ill and Church recreation rooms on Walter Beltz, a cousin, and Mrs. could not atten sch ool, MonMonday evening, Nov. 17 with ' Carl W.olf, ;111 aunt. Evenin~'s diversions were day. their Annual Father and on banquet. A large ~roup of 'mem- contests and the , writing of Mr and Mrs cro on Mainbers and their sons or "adopted favorite recipes. Many lovely 13~HEAD OF CAITLE-13 for the evening" sons enjoyed gifts were presented on a table ous o'f St. Petei' l)urg. Fla. are a fine meal and after a busines decorated in pink and white and spending a few da with rela-, , ( T. B. Tested - ·.B an Vaccinated) ineetii1g in which the 'new Blue .refreshment were served with tives here. Guern ey, t fre, hen by day of ~I e. potted Heifer, to f!'eshen , Cross 'Plan was discussed an 1 pink and with appointments. mber 14, with 4th calf. December 7. Bla(k Cow, to, fresh en 0 made reaqy for presentation to About fifty friends and reI· Grandnia Shingle entertain - Black Cow, to fre hen' Dec mber 29 \\ jth 3rd calf. Shorthqrn, to the public. the speaker of th ,itives were present at this most ed her brother-in-Ia.w,' Arthur fre hen ~anuary 5, \\ith 2nd alf. 2 Gu rnseys, in good flow of ' eveninR:, Rev. 'Frank. Wiley of enio able occasion. • Shin~le and wife of California and Mr. and Mrs. ' Ro y Marine milk. Spotted Co'" Brown Swi ,and horthorn, aJI fresh 2 ". the United Presbytenan Church mont~ ago, ,Jn. fuJI flow of mi ~ h r1h01:n Heifet, in good flow ~ LMonro.e,,~ve an interestinR,' , Mr. and Mrs. VIC !=.arpenter of Dayton, Sunda_. of mtlk. a s em an rown 'Swlss, both to fre hen in February, and instructive a (:tress. , of near Blue Ball VISIted Mr. in good flow 0f milk. Rev. Wiley compared ' thi ~nd Mrs. A. K., Day, ~unday . Mr. and ' Mrs. K. L. Elzey and nation and its youh,g- people to Mr. and Mrs ~ .Harry Cowan daughter, of Dayton & 4~HOGS-40 those in Euronean countrie a: of Lebanon VISIted Mr. and visited Mr.' Marjorie Mrs. Walter T. and (Double Immun d) White Brood Sow. 4' thrifty Shoat~. . to their handicaps, ambitions, Mrs. A. K.J)ay., tast Thursday, Elzey, Sunday afternoon. , cultures, environments, etc. 2-HORSES~2 Mr. A : K. Day is convale cGo d Work Horse. Riding Hor e, will work any place. Dr. M arv L. Coo k \\ jJ] pend in,gat his . home after a major FRIENDSHIP CLUB the next week and a half with operation at a ~incinna.ti. ho~­ IN. CHARGE OF FARMALL F-20 TRACTOR ~ pltal recently. HIS condlhon 1 Drs R. J and Jane C. M-acNEW OFFICERS On rubb er, with Power Lift. , Cultivators. IHC 2-bott ' m 14:.inch Millan, Boston, Ma S. .- reported to be fair. Plow. Tractor Disc. ' , ' Mrs. R. ~ Moler onened her Mr. and Mrs. R. L. Brown f ' Mrs. Ed. Murrel of New York FARM IMPLEMENTS home on Wednesday aft.ernoort an.d haq a her ~u.est~ the Cold Springs entertained Satur- City is the house guest of Mr. S · 7 G . D '11 C . . F.nendshlp Clu~ fo~ theIr regular day ni~ht the fo]Jowin~ R,'uests: ' and Mrs. Lester Gordo'n. Mrs. upenor 12ram n. orn Planter, with fertilizer attach~ nlo. nthly meetl~ The host~s ' ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~, nlents. · Mbwe~ ~agon and fiat t~P. 2 Manure S~readers. wa assisted 'by tli'! new officers, , (;,. Spike-tooth Harrow. '






~~i: ~~~~t~~n~lig~;~'er.p~~i~ .

pre ident; Mrs; Russel W i l s o n , , f t TEN ACRE POUL TR,( FARM; MODERN FIVE secretary and Mrs. Leah Mi-tts, 'trea mer. ' ' ROOM BUNGALOW; THREE ROOM GARAGE , ' ~h::.~e·' Rj t~~ CP~~~~:~l' \~~~i~~ APARTMENT; NEW CONCRETE BLOCK BUILD.~,., lNG, 20 x 50 ,FEET; SIX BROODER HOUSE ; c0t:t si ted of readings and muSic. HEN HOUSE RABBIT HOUSE ' ., , ; ' . Shown, by Appointm,e nt

.S at.,Nov. ZZnd

- -II-- M - I-S-C-EIlANEOUS-- Forks. h vel . 500-c1~ick Electric Brooder. Garden Tools. Large Feed Box or Ice Box, etc. HARNESS-- Colla rs. Line. Bridles.



9-12 eac'h morning 1-5 ~fterhoons exc~pt , We,dnesday 7-9 Saturday evening Other e,vening8 by Appointmen! TELEPHONE 62-R

Dr. C. E. ,Wilkin.

SHERWOOD· Refrigeration Sates ======== and·Service -=========== "






................ ...... '


ON 'WI~S' .. I

Phone 332 'M


HOUSEHOLD , GOODS-- _-pi Living room Suite, all newly 1I ~ h ',J ter d in tape -try. Player J ian and Rolls. ' Cabinet Radio. A ij u table Arm Ch air. Dining ro om uite, \yith Buffet, Table and 4 Ch,a ir. Oth er TallIe . Chairs. ROil-top De,s k. ' 9x 12 Alex- ' ander- mith I(U )" and Pad. Throw Ru O's, , Lindleums. Maple Twin Beds, with Coil pring and, Inner-spring Mattr,esses. Iron Bed, v ith innerspring Mattre: · . Irori Bed~with felt , r:nattr~ss. Chiffarobe. Vaflity Table: CON1er Clad Coal ,Range. Large size Oi1 Burner Estat Heater. Large Circulating Heater. Dishes •. Cod.king, UtenSils, etc. ELECfRIC.APPLIANCES-- AB Electri Rang-e.. 6-cu. ft. Frigidaire.. Tho'r Washer. 3 FI or Lamp. 2 Table Lamps, etc. Terms: 'CASH


Representative for


Optometric Eye Specialist ' 26 South Detroit Street


DAIRY EQUIPMENT- 6- an W tinghollse Ele~tric Milk Cooler. Eight 10-gallon Milk Cans. Bucket, . Strainers, etc. " . FEED- .. ' 00 bu. 'of Corn, mor'c or Ie s. ' 275 bal(:!s of Timothy Hay: r 5 bfll:e, of straw. ,4 ton of loose Hay.


JAMES E. ,. ;&RT EARL KOOGLER & JESS STANLEY, Auctioneers (Dayton Phon~K.E 8879) (Waynesville 2894) J. R. PEN NEW IT & SONS, Cl~ ,


Lunch by Sugarcreek Christian Church


Mr, Nl.!\\'tnn arth ' and dauRhtcr, Mi " In a l)earth f F ra J1klin 'a lled In Dr , and Mr ~ . , Frank Grt::f?J[ :un :i'ty aft "r~ n n, M rs, ' uri ' pent th ~ w eek en j at the hom f her 'broth 1', Mr, Eit ner Ma l h r.:on in abina, Mr . Hcnr Haucll tein f Cin in na ti ' p~ n t und'l y ' fte rn n with her m th er ' Mr ' . Ge rg:iann a Iv in , Mr. Lu ilt: ' Arm itage left Frida y night t pen 1 th ~ \\ e k end with her co u ' in, Mi ' Glenn a M'lr h in Da to n, Mr, and M rs . e rg: D enn, of Harve l urg: ca l,l ed on Mr. and F. B. Gr RR: an j Mr ~ . 'Ella Dakin un day rn oon. Dr. Emma Hollowa and li ve Curl attended tli Mr . WCTU meetin ,l?' at the h tn of Mr. R, B. Col m an, Friday ni.e:ht. Mr. Elmu Carmon of Spr\n?:fi ld ' how d the I eautL ful co l red slid of hi , tri p throuRh the West thi ummer, to an app reciativ e audience at the Hom n Friday ev ning-.



D. J. Fraizer

li r .:, I ut in nur Ii\' ' , I' giv,ingIll) ) L1 rs.. 1v h i t h \ ' r v lee, , . I li h" wall- in.Q I efor~ ,the' in h lin·.. -, ~ lI1d ri hte ulU , . .11\ HII'


I er i' 33, en t '


l. r ' d C WI11:t 11 , J r,t rarm " Al ov '" ph ot left to ' l'i 'ht show"'perat r; 'Fre t C wman, r" farm wner; and Herman E. Mu rph , Rural Representativ of the Oayt n P \\ et & Li~'ht 0 mpa ri y t an lin 0 ' be id e the ne w electric co rtl -dr in~ in tall ati n I ate i on th Cowan ·farm near Wilmin gt n, O hi o, Th e crib o.ntain · 7, t II hel f ar c rn,

WILMINGTON FARMER HAS NEW ELECTRIC CORN DRYER Fred Cowman and hi on, Fred Cow man J r" arc takin g n9 chanc n losing' th eir 7,00 'bu h I 1947 c rn r p becaus of it high m oi ture content at th e tim e of harv e t The C wm an In ve in t all >i two electricall , -driven, i1h eated dryer ' , n at a h nd f their 1 5 ' feet long corn crilt Th~se drye r ha v rcd u j th mOL ture co n le nt, f th e c I'll from 30'* t 1 ~ after ten da of con tant o~ erati n. A.e:ri tural ,ex pert " a,gTe that al' corn can be tared safel \ hen its moi tur content i i 8' ~' r less. The corn ri b i 105 f , t long, 1 ~ fe t wi ie and ' 1 ] fe t hi.e:h. A fi~ e f ' t quare air ill ' t, made of concrete bl k, fun s len.e:th-wise at th back of th crib. The back half of th e cri b" not cov ered by th e 'air duct. is covered with [1uildin,g- paper to keep the, air fr om escapin,l!. Th ~ electric drye rs are portable , and are connected ' to each end of the air duct back of the crib Each dr ,er has aSH. P. electric motor which drives a 34-inch fan, forcing- 16,000 cubic f ee t of oit-heated air at one inch (J

November 14, 1947, Cat, cats, cat. No rats se n or head for a week now but th,e cats are , always with us, From bin g- tli,ce r espectable barn cats, they have all become hou e cat and n t so well behaved. Every tim I look around th er is , a cat in somethin'g. Can anyone t me how to train cats to keep off of tables and out of thin~ s .1 was slicing a small piece of liver for m y -supper the other evening and I stepp eq ~c1'Oss 'the room for somethm?; and I ~ t back t}Vo cats and a do~ were en.ioyin~ liver for supper and it was a meatless meal for me. I put th,em out and then some one opens the door and the, stream of cats flows in so fast that they ate all in before the door can be ' shut and we begin all over, a?;ain. But me have neither rats nor mice. Cold . this morning, really c'o ld. The frost was white on the ground and ice was thiCk on every puddle. Most of the leaves are gone and the furnace fire is welcome. Squaw winter they .sometimes calt is fi'rst cold spell. My little

da \'s."


static pre _ur into til air juct , and th ro u,!!,'h ' tli c rtl, Th e \\ arm air pi k- up m i 'lur' Jr m th orn a, it pas 'es through it, thu r " h i ill~ it. m oistur nt' nt, T hi ' i' n f th e fir t ,e l dri I'll dryer in st all at ir n ", u in g- ~ r 11 atc!d ' air, in thi ~ art of ' hi , alth ou?:h ther are man v 1 tricall y-dri en rn dr,' er:, u ' inK unheated air, ' The C wman ' Ipc ra t " a 4 0l a re farm loca t d n R. R. -t, Wilmington, O hi, 11 ~lo hich they feed ut 5) h act f h gs and -,i .. l\ ' hea:\ f h cf cattle annuall v. B " ' id " th e 1100'S a11 i cattle, the rai ' ei 14 a I' '': o f ' corn, 1 10' acres )f \Vh at and 50 acre of ha thi v ar. Accordin g' t . F red Cowman, Jr., th e: pt'an tc? IJ c their ne \' portable electhc :lryer for drying- small o'rain and hay next ar. Mr. H erm an E, Murph, Runtt Repre entativ '" of Th e" Da vt on p , weI' an Li ght Company - a i ted th C \\ mans in plannin ,g- th eir el tri ~ d,ryin ,g- ins:tallati on. Oth r electrical eq UIpment on th e Co\\, man , farm includ,e an elect ri ran~e, ,electric, \va t er heater, electric pressure' water sv tern 'for both the house and the barn. ' a~d an electric feed .g-rinder~


1,~hi~1 l es ,t~l~m

FOR OcrOBER; UP Map~ 'aid, PREDICTIONS FOR Dr. J , I. F',tl - n r, NOVEMBER SALES iami Vall 'y dair ,':\ rm m nt )f Rura l Ec n m i 5, hi arc bei ng: pai i ';1 bien i ~ ri ' ' tat Uni v r itv, ha ' 'l lin un -e I S5" 10 P I' hun 11' li _wei g-I t t h :l tit t h i( f a I' III ~ 1" 2'" 4{/c ~ o l d ol' er. :l ' _ nt - per hundr i\\'eig-ht mor c()r.iing t a reI ~a ' t nda v I .' to )r due milk in ct I r, 'LI~ fi 'c. Mapp, g neral mana. t 0 47 , th an in cpte ml) 1' , 1 4 . p;er of th,e Miami \ a\l ~y C _ Mapp reported that t h r \

~ ! et'ati ve Milk , Pro ill ' r ' A "ofati n. Thi - pri e i ' thr '\: c n t ' P " hundr,e d\ve i :~ht Ie 's th an th ~ pI' ducers ree iv i f)(' milk th ,v o id in "' ept "mber. M app exp lain i 'that this decr a - wa ' due to the dra ' t i d I' P in t1i ~ wh Ie ale outt I' mark 't in Oct ber, The w hole 'll butter market quotati n ar ~ 'ltl ' inta po·rtant fa t r' in jet rminin J' the fluid milk ~ ri e in thi ' an d ' th e mai ority f m arket area . The whol e ' al pri e f I utter avera,g-ed nine ent ' , p'r ~ lit d Ie - in Oct her tha,n in th c ding; month ', Altl) ou?;h 'th farm rs' duction a t haVe gr.2atl It , crea~ed in th la·t 12 III )ntl , ri " f r ct the prod ucer'"



' it ' -li,l!.·ht increa e in th ' hipp r in th ~ . num cr of m ark t area in 0 t( ber, but the ave rag'e dail y shi pm ent P' r pI' ill\.. [:' jropp'ei . ig-nifi antl y , O f the milk market I i n 0 tober, 93 p 1" C nt w a, ut i~ l ized in Clas ' "I -f I' I ttl ed ai ', Thi \Va th arne percentage o f utilizati n a w a reported for thi area in 0 t ' bel'. 1946, Th e total valu e a all milk p led ul1d I' th e federal milk Qrd r w 'l , $825 , 7 75 .00 . M app pr di te i th at , on th e ba'is of the wh Ie al e butt r market trends d urin ~ the fir t hal of November th proU r ' will I' ei ve a hi ,~ h e r bl n j price f I' the milk th ey sell t his m onth, \V









New and Mar" Beautiful Patterns th an ever



the help of the sheriff to pre- will never be crowded from our vent disfi'rrction of the seats in lives. For farm er ~ and ,!?'ardenit- is the ?;reate t festival of his buses. In other pl~ces we ers the year and should be cele,.. hear of rowdyism, of the big brated such. It is th e time1() ones intimidatin?; ' the littt'e .e:ather as to?;ether in families, 'and ,ones of fi?;hts , and rough- ?;roups to eat the South Main Street acr~is ~m Grange Hall fe ast ' with housin.e:,. The driver can ', il0t thankful hearts. Fast on our give much attention to what ,is meatless and eg.e:less days, '?:ive Telephone 2422 WAYNESVIUE, OHIO, goin~ on in the bus for th CARE packa~es instead of useother g-reat danger is from care less drivers on the road. Yester- less Christmas presents to tbose who do not need them, give 17-:--:-::-:--"--'-----.:..,---Irl=....-~.... w-tH' day' th e Sp ri n gb a 1'0 bus \Y as hit everything th~ you can to -~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ can keep the cats from finding: by a careless driver as it wa , the birds we can all be one turnin1!: around at the end of Church World Sf~rvicef but on 'Ott,v spread th e happy family. yesterqav some ' the route , Fortunatly no one ' Thanks.e:iving-' with 'your ' best, t th e taole wild geese were f1 ym?; over was hurt. but surely _no one glory of God and eat th e feast and they' heard our g-eese- an,d could fail to see a school bus ' as a, sacrement of th,ankfull1 ~_s, , three of them stopped and an.d to see one should ~ean say to God from, our hea.·r-t circled round and round before dnve carefully. Here rs a and "And we bese,ech thee, ,g-ive us ' SAND & GRAYFJ. , fly.ill?; on to ' join 'the others. " doublebarrelled pro lem for a1,l that due sense of all '\ t h M'rs. Tenant hilS a vair of white those who are, int~re sted in th e BRICK &: CEMENT BLOCKS geese which make more ' noise we1far~ .of our children. School mercies; and that w~ show fortli'· TOP SOIL & FILL DIRT than any watch doX, it is no authont,Jes, parents, a,nd law ep- thy praise, not only with our UME HAULED and SPREAD wohder , that the flyers over forcement officers take speCial ' FOR StALE head heard them. Now we can notice, these are thing'S which hope for some Indian summ er, should not ~~ tolerated. Pure Bred ,BERKSHIRE Place ' Your Order NOW for Boss Johnson, told a story about Thanksglv111J{ pay is .the it last Saturday and ,said' that twenty-seventh thiS year, IU t , :some 'of the Indians called it two weeks from yesterday. It HARRY WEST Lazy Farmer Summer and had has been crowded off .. the Rt. 1. Phone 2885 a legend that tbe Great Spirit calepdar by the commerclahze~ bad provided it for the benefit , Chnstmas: but , I hope that It Also: ,"Our Garage: ServiCe I. Tops" of those who had failed to .e:et : - - - - -...--------~-----...---~ their crops all in before the ' cold weather came, a sort of second chance and this year, we GENERAL REPAIRING are a'mon~ those w.ho need it. . Giver:t, by ST. AUGUSTINE ALTAR SOCI~TY On.e of the , greatest schq,o l TIRE REPAIR A SPECIALTV. PARTS, " problems is 'created by the at WAYNESVIUE HIGH SCHOOL BUIILDING school bus. Shut up a bus load ACCESSORIES, EXlDE BAnDIES, ' FJR&. of lively boys and girls for thirty or forty minutes or more STONE TIRES. with no one 111 autho.'r itv except 8:00 O'CLOCK a bus driver whose entire a~­ Music by VIC LYONS ORCHESTRA tention should be on the road and there are possibilities of DOOR PRIZE Bia Basket Groceries trouble and as far as I can hear , MAIN PHONE ' FOUR TURKEYS- ' Given Away from various parts of the WAYNESVILLE 28S8 ADMISSION SOc -IWl..VEYSBUR(f· Refreshments county you get it. I even heard that one bus owner ' had to get

Waynesville Furniture & Appliance Co. t



'D.>"' PENNINGTON .TrDcking Service ···

c o




Automobiles'Be'Tractors ,

Saturday, Nov. 22,




Th e Mi ami Gazctt' ' Ohio No. 43-t ov mber 20, '1 47

~l~~W. .

m inu te ' bc:f 1'1.: tl1 g::1me th' parking- I t at t he ,H ig'h ," h 1)1 w a ~ full and car W ' I' n th ' stree t. A go d cro \l '(\ turned u ~ t<. ee w: heth er r not ,,\la yne ' , \\' ulLi keep it rC r i of ex it· jng game . A nq it did. The ' first , ga me Tinn ev arri eli with , hi- 16 point. 'I'll \ game wa fas t but not 0 cI o \: th score : 24. 1 S with Wayne ' . vill e way out in fr nt. ' , The seco nd game-cl e fa t, and very exc iting-- wa a ha rd .c.'ame to r fcree becau it wa 0 fast. everat new ru h.'! w re illustrated th n and ha i t be explain ed t th cr wd. Centerville made three fiel i O'oals before Wayne vill co ul i get a goo d gri p on th halI, but 'a ft er a game f a teeter·totte r score Wayn viII I ull d ahead in the las t qua rter. Centervill e tried to n ak up ' n the team and did fo llow by one po int but Wayne viae kept tllat ha ll and thus wo n the'ir fir t ~ame f the season. Th mp on wa ' hig-h-po int r f I' WaYliesv i11 WIth 9 p in t while Hunt ra nd , Florence followed eTo el with ap iece. WAYNESVILLE VA R ITY F.G. F. T. Pts. Thomp n 3 3 1 0' ickers 4 '0 8 Hunter 4 mallwood 0"'" Luken , o .. 7 J Dakin 2 Florence 3 15

WAYNESVILLE 16 5 RESERVES F. G.F. T. o 1 M'ehaffie o 0 Stanley 2 0 Peters o 1 Q'Banion o 0 Graham 7, .2 Tinney 0 , 0 Earnhart ~ _ _ O Florence 10

Oils Rose







'2 0

0 0 1 0 0 1 0



0 0 0

Swallow Smith , Hig-hfell Alien Thompson


Pts. 6 8 14






r"::; 'V

, -:::. '-



, Y un .1Y

304 6 3575 359 9 1992

14 14 0

E, Ha mh '

407 4 68 434 , 145



P. Pal m r

\Von "lite


r,ut of 3 fr ml

" n "1



t (i






I t,


o o



Do t (" Mason Lon .....o' Williams Grant Leyes


- -+






1 1


first qua rt r I' y


, ra i - I and _. De artmen tal: In p,-ctor, Gra ie , Anim al 11ct ustn', and In pelt r. G ra i \ -i Fee i ' and F rtiliz rs, 0 padme nt of ,A,-!'ri 'ulture ; In -pedor (~ c \11ale) Boa r 1 of Co sm toloR,' ; I nspe tor, Refiner. , 0partmcnt of Ta.:xati n ; In ve ti-, R,'ator, Divi i 11 of Ai 1 fo r th \ A,g-ed' ~ tockke per t re o ke per, Departmental. Dc embt:r 1.3, Chief CI rk, Clerk, Grad, 1 and 2, . an:i Re- fSUYS 'BROWN ' SWISS' ceptioni t, Departmental ; Clerk and Re epti ni t, tat Uni. BULL FROM MONROE; Ra III nJ Farquer, \Va\'ne.:· versiti ~ ; Chief lerk, ~ tate vi lle, Ohio R. R. _ ha rc 'en tl \' In:fituti n '; Ho pital, an i purc ha ed th r gistercli Brl ~' il Clerk, Gra it: 1 and ~' , ~~ t a t · ,,'wiss bull , Clear Water Lu y' Ho l) ital s, In -tituti on-, an i C unt v om e' admini ·tering: G

-l ()

HARVEYSBURG . F.C. F.T. F air hil i l

L 21


s as )11 . ' \\' n til f r the g'a m -.


Irivin Re n I s Wil s n Doster Ma on


T !l 1111l1 \

ach while th tinal ' o r~ hai a _S point differen c:: -l ' - I -. Our econd team 'al 'o ~ii i a . ood d ,al of pia, ing: in th e \ 'arsity game; a co upl· f th ~ - ~ . ond ' tri n ~ eve n competed WIth , 111 of th first fiv f r point .' Dakin, by the, way wa ' fli ,e:h pint I' WIt h 14. , Th box Ore of l th .'·amew re : VARSITY GAME WAYNESVILLE F.G. F.T. Pts. 14 7 Dakin 4 :2 ma ll wo j (i o Thomps n 7 , Flore nce C) Vi ker ' Hunt r imr on 3


t ~~





\ '. Hill

Y ur


BU lNE :


'SI 'e NS

Pis . 6

Morrgw, Ohio




Pts. , .1


AppropriaC c rem ni -

4 1

o 16 o -J


24 Pts.

3 6 0 1 0 0

5 0

15 ,



all faith -. '



5 2


Prominent hospital

F.G. F.T. WAYNESVILLE Tinney -., 4 2 Mehaffi e 4 2 Flore nce 3 Graham 2 1 O'Banion 2 1 Peters 1 ,0



Nurses Wanted




10 ' 10


5 5



. We know all the cleaning !nc~s th,at 'make your cloth 17 6 4 0 mg look and wear ,like new, no matter how so iled or stain ed they may be. CIVIL SERVICE And we know how to give EXAMS FOR MANY , you such ,a cl eaning sen ice at JOBS TO BE HELD the ri. g -ht price. , Open-competitive ci'vil se rvice examinations for many positions in the state serviCe will be held on December 1 i , 13 and 20, accordin g to Gertrude Jones, Chairman of th e State Civil ServiCe ·Cornmtssion. December 12, examination • WAYNESVILLE,O. will be 'held J or Bookkeeper, 0


several Thes~ arC! perman ent · with gooa pay. $2 1, bonus for afternoon or nig ht' duty. Regular p,ay increas . Libe ral arrang ~ m e nt for roo m and board. Ideal living conditions. Hospital ha large and able taff of doc tor. Facilitie: ' among mo t . mode rn in Midw st. Polici ~$ liberal and tolerant. Don't ' delay. Write or wire today to 'Di.: rector of Nurs 5, J ewish l:i ospital, Cincinnati, Ohio .

REGISTERED immediate taff opening·s.









peer's Lonesome Pine Inn ,

BOuseh'. ld Goods

• •,,11 ..




I heard . that Waynesville baSKetball team might have a hard . ~ime with Harveysburg-. Our team must not have lfeard about it because we won all three 'R'ames. , . Yeah, th ree games because the whole crowd (and, there Located 2' miles North of Waynesville on · Ch arles .Michener farm w'as a crowd) turned out for the on Waynesville and ,Ferry Road. .. " . . 7th and 8th grade ' game, too, Watch next week's ,paper for complete list. Th is is an excepWe saw oUr future Varsity give a sample of what Waynesville's tionally good honte with the best in ,furnishings. future in 'basketball Will be and it wasn't bad. The final scpre in, this game was 29- t 6, our favor. Our Reserves, even when the second string was in, took F. T. MARTIN & C. E. RlSEAU, AactiODeers Harveysburg for a ride. Tinney 703 ConnnercW 81••, Da,toa. Ph~ AD. . . 3661 . and Mehaffie scored honors as . high point men with 10 points ,




STUBBS Funeral Home







BROKERS LICENSE F or 'Dates. PI10ne 2894, Waynes vi lle. Oh io. Reve l'"ae Char~es


0, 1 2




o o


Nov. 22 ,at 1:00 p.m.









, in die Ohio Parmers will it.. you, broad protection apmst losses OQ your farm. It COYetS your buildings, your chatteh, your automobile ·1Ad JOW' , UabW" for acddesib to' others. Why ' not 1ft ui today? Yaa .... JOU'n al. ~ JOU're insured lD the 0 " P~t '

Karl D.' Dakin InsuraDce Agency




wi ll -el :i



1 11

pri '


an i

5 4

21 . () from



"'04 466'





H, UI1 S U, R n ~c I. ~~Ilf ord


CENTERVILLE VARSITY F. C. F. T. 3 0 Buriff 3 2 Elliot 2 Beckett -c -62 1 , Turner o 0 Rabold 2 0 Garber o 0 Highfetl





by 'Danny Hartsock Wed ne ' da n i .~' h t alJ JU t <.\-

D:tle, N' ,

pro.1· ram .::,

1&3, 20 E.





.... OHIO ,AIM., lNDIMNIIY co. ",...;, f)~

Hal ~ H ' pital returneJi Mon lh ; and Mr ~ . Walter Ken ri k at:to the home f her nel hew and tended the funera,l servi ,e 0f neice. Mr. anj Mrs. Lyle Rohert:- Mr. G eo r ,~e Smith at · the M~ ­ Home in s n. Mrs. Urton wishes to th ank Clure . Fune ral her many friend - .who have Wa. ne sville Monda" aftern o n. ' CHRISTMAS FIRE r m mhered her wHh card ami Several from he re att n i ' d PREVENTION STEPS letters durin g her illne . the National GranR:e at C lum J o eph B. Hali , pre id~n t n.f On Thur day e v e nin~, Mr. bus Thursday and were induct d The Kr gt:t' C< ., Cincmn Rll, and Mrs. Ben Beckett and into the Seventh De~ree , of the and chairman f the Governor' dauKhter, Joan entertained Mr. ,Grange. The y were Mi,. and Mrs. Fire Prevention "Comm'ittee, and Mrs. JQhn Peterson, Mr. Therle Jones, Mr. and Mrs. . u~~ ests the foll o\\ in ~ step s by Robert Glenn and Mr. Rose Ernest Harlan, ,Mrs. J. B. Jones, Kissel and ' dau,ghter, Janet of Mr. and Mrs.' Walt er Kenrick, which merchants can cooperate fn preventing fire ' in retai1 Cincinnati. " Miss Wanda Clark. Mr. and during the Ch~istma , Mr. a,!d Mrs. Sterliing Ingals Mrs. Vernon Pur ley and Mr. season: , and family of Greenfield were and Mrs. Ro y Winks. ' 1. Use no paper decoration. Sunday guests of Mrs. In,e:als' Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Henry 2. Keep all deco rations' ei?:ht parents, Mr. and Mr . Howard and dau,e:hter, who own the , feet above ,the fl oo r. C011ins. Fisher farm ea t 'of town, left 3. Flame proof all decorations. The W. S. C. S. met ThursI Wednesday to spend the winte r 4. Keep all decorations a safe at the home of day afternoon at Miami, 'Florida. Mr. and Mrs. R'TOund. The yellow letters reSafety slogan signs, in series distance from 1i~hts. Roy Ellis. Ladies assistin~ Johnston of Dayton will occup y of two as shown in the accom- flectorizeq so as to be legible to Mrs. 5. Use no natural decoration Mrs. Ellis ' for the afternoon part of the Henry home and ' panying Illustration, are be,in~ drivers at ili~ht; except wreaths separated a A trial of the safety s19i{an were Mrs. Edwin McCarren, ' look after the farm in their erected by the Ohio Departminimum ' distance of .te 1 Blanche Carr. absence. - ' ment of Highways approximate- siKns has been made Jor Some Mrs. feet. , The ladies of the Friend ' . ly every 109 miles on principal months past at locations iust Church and Mrs. Irvin Harris 6.' 'Use no Christma :- tre . inwill sponsor a Food Sale andMr.Mrs. state highways outside mumci- outside the limits of seleCted beginning Alice Frickey enterside the store. ' 10:00 a. m., Satpalities to bring home to the municipalities. The favorable urday , No' 22, tained to dinner Wednesday, 7. Use Christmas tr 'l' S in sh (\w at tIle GranR:e motoring public the lessons of reception to these trial si~ns on Hall. Mr. and Mrs. Jeff Baker of windows and 'ou t, ide s t (l r ~ ' the part of the motorin~ p~b1ic Springfield and Mr. and Mrs.' buildin,gs , only if they a r l~ safe driving. This comin,lr Sunday C!vening Spaced about 1 50 feet apart, prompted the decisipFl' to adopt will conclude the eries ,of . James Rohm and dau,ghter, Miss properly , flame-pro of d . an d of Ft. Wayne,' Ind. ' approved wirinJt i l1 ~ed . the two signs are read by their general use. special services beinR: held at Rosemary, Mr. and ·Mrs. and guests 8, ' Do everything p ssible n motorists . in the following sethe Methodist Church. Rev. C. visited the Harris Warren prevent promiscuous smoki p,g , quence : ' WHY T A J< E. A L. Wamsley, the palstor, is in Musieum at Lebanon County in the in retail stores. ' CHANCE and PLAY IT SAFE. cha.r~e of devotions and special afternoon. Mr. and Mr. Ra y In this way the safety messa~e s musIc is bein~ presenited by Mrs. Miller and dau,l.t'hter of Wa y n e~­ are 'brou~ht to the attention of Miss Barbara Lou Bland an J Genieve Cox of Wilmore, Ky. ville 'were evening ~uests " the motorists at the most proMiss Lois Wolf of Miami The Gran~e me:! Monday Dr. and Mrs. J. E. Moody pitious time-while the are Mrs. Guy Routzahn and son, University were aturday evenfor installation of we re Sunday ~uests of 'Dr. evening Russell spent the wee k end with ing supper ,g-uests of Mr. and actuall y d rivin~ on the hi ~h ­ ' Moodys' uncle and aunt, Mr. officers. Mr. and Mrs. Earl Mendenhall Mrs. L. C. St. John. wa . Mr. Dallas Barton and his and Mrs. J. R. Hiteman of near and dau,ghler at TipJ' City. Mrs. The safet ' slogan i,~n ' were town. Dr. ' Moody is Superin- mother-in-law, Mrs. Elda Mont- Mendenhall entertain d 'h er WANTED desi~n ed by the Division of ! !,omery were caller:" in Leba. tendent of franklin Hospital, Sunday choot Clas ' and Traffic and Safety of the State Columbus. In the ,afternoon the non, $at~tQay. " DEAD .TOCIt teache r on Saturdavl' evening. H i~hwa y department in furtherMr. Howard Collin _lill reHitemans' s.on arid dau,ghter-in cows - $20.00 ance of the stal e-wide program law. Mr. and Mrs. Joseph, Hite- mains seriously ill at his home.. Mr. Routzahn an i dau,lrhter, HORSES '- $20.00 Mrs. William Tinnev and ch ildbeing developed by the Traffic man and . on, Joseph Jr. of Wit, H OGS - -$6.00 cwt. , ren ' were Sunda v evenin,g dinner ' afel y Coordinating' Committee A~eerdln. to SI •• a Condition guests of the Mende nhall' . min,gton arrived to visit with ~ " of State Officials recent1 y their c usins the Moodys. 1·Also, All SMALL STOCK created b Gov.ernor Thoma Mr. and Mrs. Leon Lor~ and Uti e ew6" REMOVED PROMPTLY J . Herbert and the Ohio Traffi Dr. T. P. GROSVENOR Mr. and Mrs. Clayton Babb of (f Phone ' " afet ·Council. OptoIllc1ri, t Blackwell, Okla. spent two days Mr. and Mr~. A. F. K_te of XENIA - WII:.MINGTON The signs are _'4' x 30 in he -, last week at' 'the home of Mr. 'the Clark Road, have ,go,ne to 335 S. Main t. Phone 10 with yel1()\V letters on red back-- and Mr . Harr y Osborn of n ar an' appartment , in Cincinnati 1712 2362 FRANKLIN, OHIO town. for the winter. ; R.v., •• Che,... _ < Mr. and Mr . JosC!ph Osbo rn ' 'Mrs. Emma Lacy c'lebrated and , ·famil y and " Mrs. Harry her 85th birthday Monday, OsboH~nded the ,Morning Nov. 17, and fd.ends ~ ave her Matinee I ad by Ruth Lyons and a howe r of Birthday g'reeting-s. .ELECTRIC - PORTABL&;.--I---.j~~--I-J~I=I-(H;..;a.t-WLW Wed- Mrs. Earl Young- entertained to 'ACETYLENE nesday. Mr. and Mr. Osborn a party in her honor Saturday were celebrating- their birthday evening. " . anniversaries. Mr. and Mrs. Leon Sa1i~bury Road O 'i,1 and Tar · A p p' l i e d SAVE ON. FUEL Mr. and Mrs. B. l'. Hill enter- of Washington, C.. H: were Resurfacing and Driveway Recoating tained their Brjdge Club, Satur- Sunday evenin,g dirmer ~uests of CUT YOUR OWN Mrs. Netfie Emtick. ' da y evening-. EST1MATES FREE Mr. and Mrs. William Wetzel Mrs. Paul Shipley and Mrs, WOOD WI'rH OUR are annouricin,g the sale of their Margaret Johns spent Friday in MOUNTED BUZZ SAWS Thrifty E Market to Mr. and Dayton. Mrs. Everett George, as of SaL Mrs. Ralph Bar~er: and child'urda~, Nov. ' 15. . rent 'I;3arbara and Randall of OHIO Phone 221-L 26 Oakwood Avenue LEBANON., I Mr. and Mrs. Wall hav~ of. Washin,gton, C. H. were moved from Xenia into the a- : weekend guests at the home of \ WAYNE P.ARK par.tments belon~ing to James Mt. and M'Ts. Fred Ru hand Thornbury on Clarke Avenue. called on friends here . PHONE 2451 . , Mrs; Alice Urton who under ' Mrs. Charles Charlton attendwent an op~ration recently a,t ed a ' meeting of ' Home De~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~I~Jlonstration ~ork at l_ebanon, Tuesday. ' . . Mr. and Mrs. Charles Bunnett entettained to ·a ' family dinner of the Lacys, Sunday. . . Mrs. Mar,p'aret Johns was a dinner ,lruest Sunday,in company, with Mr. and ''Mrs. lR:alph Lewi s of ' Miamisb'urg', t:lt the ' home of Miss Marv and Pany Co,ok , in ~avnesvJlle. '.' . ' Mr .. and Mrs. Frank Ack erman. son (l nti dau,ghte'r (If Van-dalia and Mrs. '~. G. Ha' nt:> f Dayton were Sunday ev nin~ dinner ,{Yuests of Mr. an Mr. , , Walter Kenrick. ' A number of hdie~ of thp CRANBERRIES ORANGJ::S, 1 76 , Woman' Society (If r vtle , , Bulk, It . 39c ' Size, Florida, Doz: 40c Church attended ,District OffiWITH ALL THE TRIMMINGS cers Day at Riverdal e Church POTATOEs, Michi,~a n ' MINCE MEAT, Sweet in. Dayton Tuesdav. Cobblers, 10 lb. . 49c Briar, 1 lb. 2 oz.· jar ' 35c Mr. 'and Mrs. Harve R1Jrn et ilnd Mr. and Mrs. ~eth Furn:lMAKE RESERVATIONS EARLY , ' Special for Thanksgiving Fine for Biking lb. attended th e ~ayne , To wn ~hip Farmers' CJuh. Th ursda y, at th e SWEET POTATOES, Mary Lou, 2 No. 2Ih cans 39c Methodist Church dininl!: Hall at Waynesville, the ,lruest ,of Mr. and Mrs. Morris Cornell of Davton. ' ' Friend here 'receive(i word ' of tbe death of ... Mr. EI worth Foster, al?'e 81, formerly of Waynesville, who ' died at the home of his son, in Jacksonville. Florida. Saturday afterSOUTH MAIN STREET . WAYNESVILLE, OHIO noon. Burial was · made in Jacksonville Cemetery Mondav. Mrs. Everett tick and ,Mr.


I ·.

-ng Weldl



, Dri~ys ,

B.'. B. STR(JBD '

Thanksgiving , Dinner,

. Cure'd.HAMS

Recreation & Eat RESTAURANY



Th Miami Gazett Ohio N. 4-343 Th ursd c, , November J ), 1947 Pa ,~ ~

Hen ley" Cbal'~ers D, Mapl ap- fer of real estat~; first and final pointed guardian a'd li em. acclI>unt filed. William TIndall v'. Gertrude . ' E:state of Frauci A. S'urface, Jone , cae dismissed without re- dec'd, Paul Sul'face e}(ecuto1' bond NEW SUITS cord and without prejudice. reduced. P eyton Ooten v . ~ue uote ~ di· The Morrow Sand and Grav~l "Estate of Albert Stal~e, dec·,d. vere , gl'O neglect of )futy, z. Co. v . F. C. Wellner, case di mis- Fl'E~da S. Bost appointed admini ' . Gray, . sed fo1' want of pl'o~ecution, with · tl'att'i'X giving ' bond \vith ui·etie:. ' F r ua Bo t, admini tratrix of the ou t prejudice. Call rs at the Lu Ml r,Yal' in sum of $16,000. I~state of Elton T. Richal'd.::on. hi III unda y " ere M r ~ . H n l' \' es ate of Albert. R. Starke, dec'd dec:'d, Gilbert Hunkin' executor. B' rg-e and jall,~ht r, Nalll -' v . Agnes G.riffee fol' money and PROBATE distribution in kind. ' L u of Beavert wn, an i Mr. res~l'aining order, amount claim ed Estate 01 Julia A. Lain, dec'd , $:",6 ' 2.16, Maple and Maple. Instate of Delbert . McClanaha n R t ert Gr ene and M r, \ Vi ll iam Art.hut' K, KI'amel' and All tate I. G, Lain , execut01~ filed f ir t and dec:'d, Gladys McClanahan, execu'- teven n of Oa 't n. , , Fi t'e In uranc-e Co~ vs . L. C. final account. tr1:K filed first and fi nal account, Mr . EI ise K tel' r turn :t E state of Anna Belle Ro osa, Estate of Cllinles Edward Hill. ho me Sunday fr om And- ron . Bro ne, for money, amount ' claimdec'd, Earle" and Herbert Roosa, ~d, $400 and costs of suit Pickrel , dec'd, Beatrice Lane, administra· Ind. where she spent two w ek administratol's filed first and final Schaffe and Ebeling. with her brother, Mr. Han trix filed first and final a<;count. account, Est at e Gertrude. Gopperton J nc'. ' Estate of Horace C. Roosa, dec'd, J. T. Riley administrator Mrs. Hiley Gibs ll' an:i Mr ' . MARRI AGE LICENSES dec'd Earle and Herbert Roosa, filE~d final account. Alice Furman w re upper administrators filed 'first and final Mal'ion L. Poland, 31, Xenia, ,guests Monday evenin,1t of Mr. Estate of Helen B. 'Pendergras " account. clel'k, Dorothy Jeanne Mercer, 21, and Mrs. Ever-ett Bunnell an i dec'd, J. A. Pendergrass admini '. Estate of Harry C. Rahm, dec'd, Lebanon, cl-erk typist. fa mily. ' traitor filed fir t and final ac· ViI'gil King, 23, Dayton, factory IQa Bell Rahm, execu~rix filed Mr. Fred Blair and moth r, count. Mrs, Ettie Blair of Xenia called worker, Gwendolyn McIlvain, 19, first and final account. Estate of Joseph Hines, dec'd" ori Mr. and Mrs. Lue M r~a n, Oregonia, clerk. REAL ESTATE TRANSFERS , Monday afternoon. ' Frank James Leight, 18, Frank- Frank Anderson and W. W. Shurts Mrs.' Elvin Michi al of Xeni a lin, mechanic, . Betty May Lee, 19, executors inventory approved. Laura Jackson to Laurence and Estate of Eva Francies Lewis, spent Monday with Mrs. Eddie Franklin, clerk. Muble Fox, ~ot in Lebanon. dec'd , Campl:)ell Lewis, administraMarlatt. t()r, filed application for certificate Mr. Lewis Crawford,of X ·ni a of transfer of real estate. called on his parent .. Monda COMMON PLEAS evening-. , Irene Aszling vs. Russell ThompEstate of · Anna M. Shumaker. Mrs. Erne t Haze was, tak 'n son, motion overruled, defendant ' dec'd, Simon Shumaker, admini to Miami Valley Hospital, Mon- given from this entry to plead to trator filed application for certiday noon. plaintiff's pe~ition. ' ficate of transfer of real estate. Estate of Lyle C. Milb~rn , dec'd ; ' "Mrs. ' Eddie Marlatt \\ as Vivian Blafr vs. Floyd W. Smith brouJ?:ht home from the ho pita\ et al. sale of real estat-e ordered . ,Richard Meiburn, executol,' filed Saturda V afternoon and he is - Al'riqld Sabin vs. LOl'aine Sabin, application for certificate of tr!lns, doin ,( fin e. a ~ninol·. lllJunction granted. fer of r~81 estate. Mrs. Dewe\ ' Come tock and Virginia Howard vs. Dron HowEstate of Clarence Elr~er G&Schildren of Beavertown' spent ard, ' divorce granted to plaintiff, kill, dec'd, W. E. Chesney, administrator inventory , h earin2 set for the week end , with their aunt, minor child t o plaintiff. . Mrs. Alice Furman. Carl- L. Miller vs. Fred Kahn, Nov. 26, at 10. Mrs. Anna Lucas spent a few defendant granted, leave to answer : , ,Estate of Edward Wyrick, dec'd, days. with Mr. and M~ . Ra y- , or otherwise plead forthwi t h. ' Alice Wyrick administratrix filed mond Lucas and famll, n ar . Charles Hensley vs. Carmen application for certificate of trans-

Wa n viii


~l. JJotl;i


J Ohli on ,and Mabel Dalton t ' John and , Haz Hare, 10 Frank1in, Paul a nd Mildred White, Cath 1' ine Pierson, Eva Trailor 0 Burch o born. lot in Morrow, J, Le t-er Kenrick to Dot'othy and Earl Judd" 0.50 acre in Clearcnek twp, ha d e and Betty 'I r "'81\ 0 J hn Teri'Y, lot in Sou h Lehan n, Johnson, and Mabel Dalton to Pre 'ton and Leona Lake, lot in Frllnk lin,

E. '0. SCOTT R pr '·'ntil

, l'


Securities Bought -Sold ' ~Traded Call Waynesville


DAYTON AD 3'257 "

"Your .Lol Can Be My Grounds for Happiness"

WilminJ?:ton. • M~ and Mr~ Morr~ ~wis~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ and son and Mrs. Alice Furman SIGNS OF FALL were visitin ,~ in Wilmington, by Walter G. Burdine Saturda V afternoon. When the harvest days are ,over, And ·the shed is full of w(1od, HAPPY HOUR nUB ' When the haymows fi·lled with clover, AT REASON HOME And the cows contentedly chew the ir cud, The Happy Hour Club met at The,n it's Fall. , the home of Mrs. P. L. Reason When the frost begins to fall, on Tuesday , afternoon with ,2 When the golden-rod's browned, members and one ~uest pr When the leaves begin to faU, __~___,.,. _nt ' When they change the color of the ground, . The progrw--leaders were Then it's Fall. . Mrs. Arthur Hartman and Mrs. When the hickory lo'g is in the fireplace, Carlton Cook and the subject used was on Armistice Day and And the fire is burning very bright, Than kSKivin~~ When the ches.tnuts· are roasting side by side, ' The meetmJ?: was adjourned Ana the old folks ,gather 'round the light, .to' meet with Mrs. Sara Brad,Th<!n it's Fall. ' dock in December. When the wind howls and rages, . . Ver,y dainty and delicious reAnd' the weather's damp and cold, ' freshments ' were served. Then we take the Old Book and thumb the page, Like the f.olks did of old, ' Then it's Fall. , When ,Indian summer comes and goes, ' . And makes the horizon dull and grey, When the geese sees cold weather coming and goes. Southward, their to , stay, . Then here's FalL Everett · and 'Freda Geor~e­ When the first snow flies, widely known throuR:h out this , And the, weather's mostly rain, part 'of Warren County have purchased the Th rift E Market Dad comes in thru the ragin'g storm and c!enies, located ·on Main St. in HarveysThat summer will ,e ver comes again, bur~ from ,'Mom' and' 'Pop' Good-bye to Fall. Wetzel. " .The GeorJ?:es~ plan ' to carry , on , in the same manner, ' providin~ the same service to you, which ' you have al~ays learned to expect. They will carry a complete line of choice me'ats and ve~etables ' and popular brands of canned ' J?:oods. In 'addition to this they will have "Texaco", Kas and ' oil at their fimnJ?: , station run'· in coni unction with ' the grocery. , Mr. ', a~d Mrs. GeocK¢ are very anxioUS to haye all of you pay . then\' a visit at their KroCery and • ·prove to you they ~re interested 10 servin~ your .' needs in a , AU. ,DAY SUNDAY WEl)NESDAY AfTERNOON fri~ndly .and courteous manner. So why not let them prove they can 'Rive yO\! , a combination of ' , • " Oua~y quality, the , mpst for y<?ur ' money and service as you lake ~ ,SALAD ,- ~ JEANS - POTATO SALAD and'deserve. Phone Wa vnesville 28St.









New OWDership Of""Thrift -E"


,7 ' • ' Da:ys a


, The downward trend in production of meats is not likely to chan~e before the spring . of 1949. Farmers and ranchers want "to see a reassurin( crop of f~ed grains harvested. .'








'~Hard-To·Get" Items 9


12 WOOL RUGS , .

9 s 12 T BASE RUGS .f'EL , ,






A.T THE "FrieDdly Store"

STOVES ' "Complete Home Fumiaber." . ,



HOME, P'U RNITURE , NlA Phone 912R ,"

CO. · · ~HlO

"East Maia Street at WhitemllD" •










- -








- - -


UnLler' OI1iO 'S llWs

As TOLD !--






( ...

...-"':;'-_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ""~-.--

- - - - - - .!.-



8JI'IED AD BATItS • • or laaa. one Qme. •••••• JI5c

~ ~ ~

IJJItII !pi 9tJ. Nvnfinr; ~

.•••.••••••• 10

aSPECT THE: 'FAeME~ , and hiS 1'ROPEIf:TY

' &1'ECtAL UTES b7 COJrl'BACl'

Loana,. "


FEDERAL LAND BANK LOW COST FARM lOANS (1 ) No fees o r commis ion (2) Interest rates are low-4 % (3) Pay , aJl or pa'rt any tim eStop interest on porti on p~id. Call - write - 'or see LEBANON NATIONAL FARM LOAN LEBANON, OHIO, Phone 448 Ellis H. Stunn, Sec'y-Treas.

~rOP AND ' ' O&TAIN fellMl~'1ON lOHU\lT'"'"""-



A. ' ~I1T\.E nMe TO $/tOW c,ouA.T!SV TO LANOOWNe~s WILt



ReafEatate For Sale- '" IF YOll BAVB A PBOPBRTY OR


PARM To E1BLL or Wdte Oem HendEmlOD. Tel. K:I!:S4f6, .'1 Lorain Ave., Dayton'. Ohio. tic

i:IVE STOCK- ' FOR SALE Six Park's Pen Pedigreed Bar r e'd Roc k Cockerels .. Pat Hopkins. Wa ynesyilJ~, 0 ; -11 ,20

USED CLOTHINGFOR SALE - ' Girl's all-wool red coat' and le,gginJ{s, al1wool cashmere" plaid dress, and ted velvet corduroy dr.ess, sjze 10, perfeCt cbndition. Also, a da vert port in R'ood condition. Mrs. Harold f Earnhart. · , Phone 2614. -' 1'120

all ·

W ANTEI)- MISC. WANTED 'A~y kina of Domestic work by reliable woman. : Se,e Alice Kinnard, Grant St., HarV'eysbur,g or inquire at Gazette office. ' __ 1127


11 ,0




.FOR SALE BOXED Sarah E. Gebhart whose Post Office address is Waynesville, CHRISTMAS CARDS ,Ohio, R. R. 2 has been dulv 49c to 91c. W.AYNESVILLE appointed as Executrix of the DRUG ' STORE. Estate of WillIam H. Gebhart APPLES & elDER late of Warren COllnty, Ohio, FOR SALE deceased. UNDERWOOD'S ORCHARD , Dated this 29th da ' of OCto. Harveysburg, Ohio 'ber 1947. , Ralph H. ,Care.y HELP WANTED FEMA.LE Jud,ge of the Prol ate Court County Ohio WANTED- W0m~n or Girl C. Warren Donald Dilatuslh, Atty. for j!'eneral housewo rk and . -1120 laundry. Transportaton furnished. Phone Sprin,g Vall~y 3720.6. £?ick Irelan. - . 12{) NOTICE OF APIfl'OINTMENT NotiC~ is hereby given that HELP WANTED- MALE Leah ' Mills whose Post Office WANTED ~ Man to cJJt woocl " address is Waynesvill.e, Ohio on snares. Trim and make - has- b~~n duly appomted as , ready for buss saw only. Execut~lx of. the Estate of Donald Carter 1 ~ miles Geor,ge D. Mills late of Warren West on Rt 73 'Phohe 2963 ' 'County, Ohio, deceased. , " _ ' 1127 Dated this 28th day of Octo':' 'ber 1947. 'Ralph H. Carey LICENSED Operating EngiJudg-e of the 'Probate Court neer; Modern steam and am m 0 n i-a ' Refri~erat~on Warren County, Ohi0 -1 t 20 Plant. ~epl'y Box A, Miami H. C. Gray, Atty.. Gazette,- gwing. experien€e, --~--------------------Laurain Sawyer to ' George qualifications,' full details. Peters,. 0,23' acres :in South Leb, ~1 t' 20 .,




FOR SALE ' - One..half of a NOTICE OF APPOINTM£NT ' Jesse Mentz to Lc)uis and Nanie beef'. ,J. 'B. Chapman. Phone Notice is hereby ,given th~t ' Ri~hardson, lot in,ranklin. 2711 . -1120c B RIO:A4 0.,' 'B R E.A S TEn ' BRONZE- T\JRKEYS~ For ~~~-.:.::::;;,;:::....,~"--...:ua.u..... 1 5 to , 25 Ibs 0, . Ii ~,e . \Velght~, Mrs. Char-Ies Hagemyer, Phone ,2956. ":"'-1120 ", r ,






" FOR 'SALE - Turkeys, Ali~e .. or- '- lVFessed. Mrs C. H ' Michener. Phone 2'926. ' -1120 I

~HANKSGIVING TURKE¥S, Youn~ stock, ' Live or Dre~s· ed, Mrs. RO'bert Baker, Phone 2826. , -1120 .-


Houlebold GOodl FOR, SALE-Small Bathroom or kitchen heater. uses either natural or ' arHficia.1 ~as; also firl's bicycle.: Mrs. Harold Earnhart 'Phone "2614. tfc ' 1

, FOR SALE Dexter Electric·' . Washer, ,S2'5. J. H. Sackett~ Phone 2274 . , .:...-1120

fOR SALE ~ Westin~h'Ouse 1

Electric Ran,ge, excellent ' Condition. I Mrs. Ronald ' Salisbury, R. R. 1, Oregonia. ~ .-::-t26 '

CARD -.OF...H.wcs ' '

We wish to thank all of' our

friends for thefr kind ~ven


durin~ the our ~'Thrift


past twa years at E Market in Harve!sburg and extend to them our best W'lsbe~ Mom· and Pop Wetzel

'" HOAS . ES

'$2',1.\.,' , U

The Miami oa~ttt ' Pai'e S Wa ne 'ville, Ohio No. 4 343 Thur - ia.v Nnvemher 20, 19 4 7 pro e th e lan.d as a public park. The opini on \ a reque ted bv Carl Aba cherli, Prosec,utill,g' Attorn ey ' f W,arren Co.

COUNTY POULTRYMAN JUDGING AT BOSTON Georfe Davies of W~yne - ­ ville , will be among 'the judges of the champion hip birds competin~ for $55',000 in prize money at the nation's qldest and lar,gest poultry show, th e 100th annual Boston show, to be held at the Mechanics buildin,g in the Ba V State capitol ne.xt January 20-24. President of the Southern Ohio Poultry -Institute and an .internationallv reco.R'nized show official, Davi 's is one of the 40 nati onal prominent authoritie invited ti comprise the jud~es panel at the famous poultry cIa sic.





. George Weller to William and Ethel Flaberty, 2 acres in Wayne twp. Ralph and Kathleen Bru~ to Henry and E~ith Pearl Hopkins, 2 lots in Franklin. Henry and Edith Pearl HopkinR to Ralph and Kathleen Bruce, 33.75 acres in Massie twp. ' George Bacon to Robin School, 2 lots in Franklin. . , Russell and Opal Monee to J. K. ' and Dockie Bolin, 1.16 acres in Turtlecreek twp.

1eL.L. HIM ..tOvJ

REAL ESTA"rE DON 'T FORGET TO CALL us for Insurance. All types of Insurance at a savings.· Call Francis Gene Brown, phone Waynesville 2935 or call collect. Wilmin,gton 2'1 11. ' ,.

Ruth Kilburn McMullen to Winf red and Alberta Lewis, lot ill South Lebanon. Theodore and Velma' Toney to Elizabeth Gose, lot in South Leb anon. Mi na an' dBenjamin Butterworth Moses to 'Robert anq Doris Moses, 2 lots in Woodville. ' J. K. and Dockie Bolin to Myron and H~len Osborn, 2 lots in Lebanon. Oharles W. Ross to William S. Edgemon, 127.81 acres in Harlan twp. Lulu ' Maud Woodrey to Danici and Dolly Renner, 80.65 acres in

"DOC'S" Weather ,Chart 1942 1947 '10 30-50 snow 35-66 11 25-45 fair 45 -S4 12 24-45 fair 28-'3 6 13 24-45 fair 28-44 14 18-Sq fair 28-44 15 35-60' rain 42 -54 * Fir t snow % inch. t First Heavy Freeze.

rain rain fair ' fair rain rain .

COUNTY PROSECUTOR • OBTAINS OPINION FROM ATTORNEY GENERAL Attorney General Hu~h . J enkins, durin.R' the past week, held that township trustees have authority under Ohio law to accept .R'ifts of land on behalf of a, township fo r park purposes. Jenkins pointed out that after ac~ept.ance the townsJ1i p may . mamtam; control and Im-



NORRIS BROCK COMPAINY Cincinnati Uniol' Stock Yarde Live Wir, and p'rogre •• ive. An Oraanizatlon second to none. Strictlv .ellera on the beat all around market in the country. , ' ' SERVICE THAT , SATISFIES WHIO Dayton ] 2: 30 E. S. T. Dial 1300, WLW , Clnc, .12: 40. Dial 700. ,tor Our Da.11y

Market ReJ)ort.

THANKSGIVING ' With our feast of abundance , in a hungry world. IT IS TIME TO BE THANKFUL AND A TIME TO SHARE .

Fairly Familiar by BFFELDEB Thank_RivinK Da is a tim set a ide for the ' ~ivinK of !hfhk for all the man y bles !P~S that we have receiv d dl.lrmg: the past year, H L R:ra tif Ting to know" that ,a great man y p'€rsons WIll observe the da in lis true sense. Some \v.i11 ' u s~ it a~ : a holiday to hURt, part VJSlt , , . forgetti'ng th e thank part of the d(l . A few p r _ons ~re broadminded enough tn feel thankful ever ' day and for them ThanksgivinK Dav i nl another one of the 3 5 :lay they observe each year, We have much ~o e thank,ful for in America. We still have our fLeedom of religion, a free press, our friend s, health, happiness . . , innumerable assets for which we can be truly thankful.- Of many blessmgs, freedom is th e ~reatest of all. We should be truly thankful we sti11 possess' this ~reat gitt, and with all our power and ability we should de .. tend this asset above all others Thank God, we are a free c~untry and m'ay our freedom rm~ so true arid so impressive , that other cOl;mtries th rO~Khout the world WIll look, see and believe, to the point where they .too ma, en.ioy the freedom we have held dear sirice the founding .pf these United States of America, for thereby world peace will. be attained. , I,


Th~ Miami

ST. MARY'S BAZAAR ' WIU BE HELD AT TOWNSHIP HOUSE; SATURDAY, DEC. 6 The Annual' St. \ Mary s Bazaar will be. held at the Township Hou e on , North Main tr et, aturday, Dec. 6, at 1: 0 P. m, The Baza:lr w"1I ,consist , 111 fly of food uch as pies,. cake ,a!ld other tasty dishes. In ad~lItlOn t this some cfancy wor k will h offered The . t. Mar Ciub of the t. , Mary' Epi co pal Church is ponsoring: the bazaar. The pu lie 'is invited to p,a rtake , of this qpporh,mit to purchase these home-made 'fooos and fancy work. ' HISTORICAL SOCIETY MEETS AT PHILIPS HOME MONDAY EVENING The ,reR'ular medin~( 0.1 the , Warren Count HLt rical Soc. iety met at the 'home f Mr. and Mrs. Ma em Philip on the Dayton pike, at 8 :00 p.m., Mon. day, Nov. 24, A large number were. in attendance. After the conclusion of routine business, Robert C. Wheel' er,. ne'Yspap~r librarian of the , OhIO State Archaeolo,gical soc. iety gave a talk, "Newspapers Reflect History." bers. At the conclusion of the For this reason the vari uS meetin,g- refreshments were serattempts have been mad e to get ved bv the hostess and a detigh-t_ ' the parents of elh~ible boy to ful ocial time wa enl' oy',ed by ' , attend meetin£,s, Many boy - in all. : this.' a~e group a're yitally ,inter- ' ested in a Cub Scout Pack,' The ' " parent's ar'e \\ holly to b1:'tm _ f r GLEAME:R CLASS , the or,O'anization not hein ENTt:RTAI NED , AT I', .... TEITMEYER HOME fontled .. Tbeir ,appar-.:> nt lack nf Mr, and Mrs. Eld 'r d T eit. concern for the plan, or for th me er entertained th e ( ,Ieamer welfare of tr.~ir ho y for that Chiss of the Harve ys ' urg ' matter, is a stumblil1,C'-bl k in Friend Church at their home HI ' S d the way of the org-anizer , un ay Cub Scoutine- iluilds charaet- ~~~~ing.arveys ~ urg, er in oys 'of ' this a~e ,!!'rollp Miss Nellie Davi , pr'e ident, in a way that it' wiI1 remain with presiged durinR' the business them throu£'hout life. Sinc~ boys ' Of this ~~e wiU ' bec'om,e Thirteen rnembe~s and four :esPonslbl~ . clbzeo$i ~ of . IS .... g..tteits wer ~ i>r.e~nt:~ - At -the ~01;lntry .wlth.m. the next close of the business meetinR', It IS QUite dlffl~ult to see why Mrs. Tietmeyer served delicious al1/Yone, espeClally a parent, ref.reSfl-I'H@nt-s.- -'--~-~...,., would want to do anythinK " that would act as a detrimen1 G.lRL SCOlTTS WIU to the boys the best STAGE PUPPET SHOW ci!izeps possible, Cub Scoutin~ ' IN NEAR FUTURE ,WIll a~d much t{) ,their future The Girl ,Scouts held their a!l~ win make of them better , last meeting' Wednesday ~ov. clt'lze?s. " 19, 1941 at the High ' School. It ~s smcerel.v ~hoped bv the Mrs. Clyde Froml'J1, assistant Scoutm,g Committee and all leader supervised the meetingothcers conc~r!1ed that th.e as Mrs Chapm~n w,as 'unable .parents of ehglble Cub .scouts to attend Mrs. Edgar Smith 10 this c9ri1mu~it:y ~i1J b~come helped. also. ' more cooperative In theIr ef- . They discussed plans for their f;orts ,toward estab1i.shinR' ~ CuP, p!Jp'pet ~how. THe ~if;ferent Pack. Futur~ m~etm£'s wll1 be kmds of pupPet we re drscussed held for. th,lS, purpose and all and the hand pUPRet was de- ' R~rents mvol,vea are JlrgentJ,v cided best._Winnie , Jo stQut,Jierequested to ~et hehmd thIS monstrated how manonettes ' movement to as ure it ultimate ,are used. They plan to choose success.. fairy tales for fh e play'. The next meeting wa held on WednesSERVES O~ PROGRAM day Nov. 2 , 1947 at the High, ' , COMMittEE AT School., ' - MIAMI VALLEY , . Bar:harf.' Walker, R. R. , 1, Wa ne vl'lJe, is rving 'on the,' decor'atii) g ommittee f aT' the " Pil .g-rjm Polka' to 1 e held fo'r tu ie l1t l1u i' e, and theil' ~ue~t at the Mi ami \ all ey Ho pita], Dayton, Frida," eve nin ~, Nov,

CUB SCOUT PACK 'FAILS IN FORMING DUE TO LACK OF INTEREST ON .PART OF THE PARENTS " , ' \ ~ev eral attem~ t h~ e b '( 11 made within th past l ew \ e k ' t o rgal1ize' a Cub ut ack in this community: The Exc u~ ti e Committe of the St9,uting Organization plu couCl aLie; 'have .,!,one all-out in at$1,50 Per' Year 3 , A , Copy tem-pts to promote this ' ~\ rth.i N b 94 7 while plan but hav, been TI ~~~~~~~~~~~~_1_u_rs_l_ay_,~_o_v_en_l~e_r~2_ 7_,_I~ , ~ , ~ymied each time th ~ , have held, a meeting oy the failure of the parents of eliKible 1 ov to be ' present. Boys bet\\ een th e age of eiR:ht to twelve 'an Cub Scouts, which i a group preparatory t fullthe fled,ged scouling, -It la . ~round work toward their enterinK the higher branch iu t as kinder,garden ' classes prepar~ children for reKular cbool work. i While the work in the ell Scouting is carri'ed n under the supervision of duly ap~roved and appointed leade rs art under the ,governing action Of the Scout Committee it also re quires a close cooperation of. the parents ' of boys who are memb,ers, or pro pective mem,

Ii A-ZET'TE Come Here, Big Boy.



JURISPRUDENCE" A Comedy in One Act Time: Friday, November 21 Place: ,Main Street. , Cast' of Characfer .G~ief of Police, Water CommIssIOner, Street Commission _ er, A~sistant ,to the Mayor . , . . ' • - . ~cting Fire Chief ~Ilefl,g'hters, Volunteer Sauad 'visiting Fire Chief, C Dunham HeJpii1K Neighbor, D:C~mpbelI Onlookers, The Public The Hot-Foot..-vidim, Ye Editor Synopsis of Play Act. 1. 'A Fire!' Roof of. the Gazette office is ablaze Nei~hbor" rushes alrQss street to nO~lfy Editor: Editor dashes up stairs, £'rabs metal ,waste can. • AmI S,. . 1ft" • ...,... d....·t ..............,. With. lima. fills with water and continues , aDd • truat, _telae&, ... land. • who1. .oreat o. rtaat .turkey, dash to attic. Douses small - ud what ...... tIIa,' III. bO, wUl IIIIke GOlDe ThaD_avlDa Oa, ; blaze and rushes .after more , AD II beard ...... WL"·NBC ~Inle Arrow ,Show." aired Su· water. ,Second dousinR' retard. at •• :11 ~" aT, '.......nt ether top WLW prod,uct~o.... p ra g-ress of fi re to , a de£,ree 0 f safety. , Fire al~rm ', Kiven. Siren RESIDENT , SPECIAL EDlTtON BOOKS feebly sounds. (Some volun- FORMER DIES, AT DAYTON; B~ING ,CAU..ED FOR AT te~r firemen working in North FUNERAL HELD ,HERE: , A RAPID RATE',; STILL ryd of. town' (ail. to hear siren.) AFTERNOON , HAVE A FEW EXTRA FIreman £,0 ~fl.~()Use.~ Tele- TUESDAY Gran Lewis, '4' , former ' COPIES. BUT HURRY, :-' lJ. pnone out of order Firetruck The e Quic~ntennial , Edition fai ls to start, has to' be pushed , resid,e nt of. Waynesv,ille, pa ed away at" hIS home Ill ' Dayton. of the Miami Gazette is hein ~ to s art metor ' ' Sunday. He was 8,2 ye ars of hande' d out v:ery rapi il v and it' In he meantime: Acting Fire ag-e. . ' r 'will only be ,a 'short time until Ch~ef stat,ions self at corner' of He' is ,survived by t\\ 0 on5, aJl available conie are ,g-orie. Mam arid North Streets to Tres5le~ and Russell' of Oayt n;, ' Since this ( a on '> editiori dir~c t ' traffic and ass.ure ' fite truck a~e crossing. This direc- two SIsters, Mrs. M~rp:ar t :- number it will nnt he reprinte • tIve actl.on ' lasts, for 'approxi_ , T~ylor. of , Dayton, ana ~ 1'5., ' 'so , any who want a CO L' yc;rjJ1 , mately fifteen mmutes as fire- Kathenne Hawes of ' pntl ,!;!,' have to act quickl y. Va1J~y; a , brother, <::;harles 8. 'Call at the Gazl:''tte ,nJil ,e for late for 'its a'ppointment. Flretruck, I acted with 2 fire_ LeWIS' of , ~ayne ~vlll e; ani your copies, h tlt plea e d0n't fi,ghter at laA, make i,t be-: three g- randchlldren , lie ' wa , a nhone about it. We're much t Jated entrance, Actin,!!' Fire !11embe of the I. O. O. F. LOl '.:,.~ husy to be hotl erl..' i \ ith ph ne 2 ' orders or inquirie ~, , ~bief. is fatig-ued by ,' I n:e; 10 ,Lebanon, duechye effort ~ ,Goes 10' nearFuneral service \V r~ conest r~staur~nt for a coolinK, re- ducted Tuesday at 2 :£1(l P, ' m, CHRISTMAS TO Bt:: frt;shl~K CI~at. , Emer~ es with at the ' McClure Funeral H m" OBSERVED ,AT J\I~.TI-lODIST' sal.d CIKar ht a~d moking' pro- \\ jth ' R.ev, RB. f:oJem il n of tl e CHURCH WITH CANTATA fusely, (More 'fIre here than on Met-hoiist Chinch 0,ffici ~ t ;'n o' Plan's are bei'n !)' . ma l~ ,at. th e ", the roof.) .' Budai in Miami, Cenlctery. . ' M:e th di'st Chure} tn !!.·ive th~, In the ' meantime: '\'i itii1 (l' Christmas Cant ata "Bethle·, Chief ;lnd Good Nei~hbor climb METHODIST GROUP . hem", .y Frederick \V atherly t~ ro t. to 'and extin,g-ui h' fire, TAKES FIRST AT r·BOOTH , and George F. Hoot,' Fire bell1,g- out wh,en fire truck FESTIVAL"' IN MASON ' The Cantata will h ,g:iven on 'arrives, ,nothin,g' for firemen to Tne Youtfl Fel1c)\ 'ship Sunday evenin.~ , Dec., 2 ~, Also do .but Id]e about, but itch for 4IBooth Fesfiv"I", Of South a !=hildren's p~o,gram I '" m pre-, actIOn. Want to spray roof with " Dayton District was held at the paration. . water so. ,it wiJI nin throuKh Methodist Church in _Ma~on Cholr practice FFi'day even·i and spod househdld furni, h- ~und~y afternoon and ' even: , in£' of this week at 8':00 o'cloc~, inR's. h'ritated xvhen Ye Editor lOR'. 'and Sunday _a t 2 P. m. ' Fourteen of the local g-roup locks ,doors to buildin~. ,Chief states they cou1d ,get in if they attended. ' ' , Mr. and Mrs, Charles Satter.. , ' realty wan1e<;1 to. ,After much Waynesville ranked 1 st for thwaite and Mrs, Jennie Brad stalbn~ arollnd they finally haviAK tne most' artistic booth, tey attended the funeral of Mrs. make .out' reppii and 'disperse. and 3~d in the am.ount of money Be{z of South Salem, Ohio, Thee ve.· playlet may be raised for, the Children's Home Friday,' Mrs. Betz is the moth ,III ~ I) at Worthington~ of 'Mrs. Emery of Waynesvill ..



Pa.~e 2" · taken me to telephone, chang- d on the W .:t, Tyl r tre t n thr ughout th leng:lh of the The Miami Gazette t r " pre ent a ' rilagni~ici nt Waynesville Ohio N, 4 ~44 • m.Y tir , and helped me' out of the North, Water tre f on the pidur~, Copp~r trimmed glass . ;r'hursday, November 27, 1?4 7 t all tht! ifficulties that 'you ~et Ea t an 1 High 'treet on the lanterns with quaint old fa. h· (I ~ into on the road, Nel~hbors, South, and to t:nforce I' gulato the ' deli,~ht f the hHdren. · tions within this z:one that will ioned figures are used on, th A FARM DIARY tran~ r , friends, truckdriv rs, anta ,him _elf will be in Rike's azards su h as 1 i~e throughout th .~ tL re, As . by ~----a-H-\ ' I more th'an wmak a . au ride up the escalato['\ ~~ch toylan i from No,ve~1 er' 28 roof, fault· wiring a thank u from me f r the unsaf D. J. Fraizer many man time I have been and an . other faults that rna floor . presents . an excltm ' until Chri tma ' Eve, A new helped on th road this packa~e exi t;. Failure to bring: about Chri tma - di·splay. The win- featur~ that Rike" ar ' introNovember 21, 47. Thank '-- is dedicated to you, with hopes the m a ures will surel. bring:· dow', as alway, are l ovd ,( ducing thi ear is ph at graphgiving- Day-or i it jut Foot- that help Will continu to b . about a repetiti n · ing the little tot· whil talking f the with th il: gift diSpla ~ . ball Day.' It doe : 'm a hame pa ed on from one to an th r Wayne ville fire )f aIm st a 'THE NIGHT EF HE t anta, that one of our b -t f ' tivals of in an ellc;tJe s chain until it en- half: entul',Y ago. CHRI TMA " , . n't fail anta and hi to y hand will the 'year hit h en tak v r cir I the g-Iobe with thankWe have been coastil):S~' a- t take th young- ters to see broadcast ever 'da directly b, sport and spoiled as a family fu'ln s . Thai,k ,'au, ' lon ,~' and we have oeen luck. , th w.onderful anima'ted disp la v from Rike' To land, over taholiday, The .. afurda, after but nOw we face a.n emer.g'enc. in Rike's corner window it tion WHIO, Thi pro~ram Thank g-iving' would Jlave jane that needs immediate attenti n. FAIRLY FAMILIAR . illu trate the wett·knowri poem which will g-o on the air at 4. :30 iu t as 'well 'for the g-reat g:ame (OOntJnued' trom Pace 1) If such thing: a 5anitat~on "The Night Before- Christmas," to 4 :45, Monday throu~h Fri'of the seasoil or inde d any and buildin ()' codes can be cia :. staged again, but not b popular anta and his favorite reindee' r day, will feature Santa conother da b.ul, no, the fam j). ed as em'ergencies, th "n th c ,g'O thro'ugh their men prank ' . versation to hi Littl e Head dinner mu t be hurried or demand, building up of an effi ie.! lt fir So. much for the farce, now s1i~li 'ted a that , part of th e fighting d partment · plu a. famil e,an g-et a\\ a y in Hme or fat some biting comment, Exzonin ,g-' or Hnan for the elimiception to this particular case if it is held in the evenin,e: everyone 'is late and too tired to' care has not be·en taken merely be- nation of fire hazard in the congested area f:a n al a b or if their team was the losing- cause it involved Ye Ed itor hut c1a.ssed emerge ncy . t.eam then their appetite are rather because it involv.e the Fire can de tro m ore in a Road Oil and Tar Applied also lost and so it g-oe, I am entire communit , A r ~ d ition ~lad that my Thank giving of such an affair c ulct happen few hour - than 'can l e rebuilt Resurfacing and Driveway Recoating at a time not quite so favor- in yea rs, It is no far e an i can~uests are not football fan , not b tre a t j as :u!=h, I haven't brought in one ·of able to the extingui hin .,· of til ESTIMATES FREE Also, remember it take _ mar the turkeys yet to ee if I can fire, D,isa ter '\v uld ' f It \Y, impl because the than a new fire truck to figbt use one of our own raising. I Wh?, ers of this Villag, ele te lead fires. It mu -t e tacked up b hope a thou~h the ones \\ e to erve ' the p opk effiCient operation am\ mana 'eto office bou~ht were delicious there i 26 O~ood Avenue , LEBANON, OHIO, Phone' 221-L ment to b able t op with somethi.n~ 'm ore of a Thanks- living here, ha ve failed ' to properly' .provide for an effkient th,e fire menac .' '.~~)~~_~_D_D_I J1:ivinl?: feeling in eatin,g' a homegrown meal. Ju t a notion of .fire department. Narrow mind- ' ..,. , , . :: . course, but it i part of ' the ed bi,g-otry served to eliminate RIKE'S. ONE OF AMERICA'S , the be t fir chief the Vil1a~e MOST BEAUTIFUL STORES game, I will have practicall Resident of the ' Miami everything except ani ns, 'pota~ has , had f o r ,some tim. Th toes, sweet potatoe , cabbage char,g-e brouKht again t this ex- Valley have alway been esfor law, e~g are sa.arc but I chief _was pett, compar~d to peciall. proud ' f Rike' in Da think l can find nouR"h, pump- the good he had on. ince ton, at Chri tmas tim , l) call e :ll' kin are plenty, I hav a · ja r o-f that time the Vil1ag ha b- en dLirin,g: that ~ . a on of the the store ' i unu,,:uall y. ' l ov 1y . l ovely mincemeat all th helf without _'an authorized Fir This year, with the installali ,n that a friend ~ave ' me, Cran- Chief, La t Friday . a tiQn f their n ~\V e'calatol" fr !ll berries I must bu'y ecause I do 'p rayed . the ineffici n ' of ~ Ll h Basement to th~ ixth fl,) r, lik.e cranberr "a ucL' with turk- a meas.ure, Immediate 'and ctra tic red oratin,r all j epartm ... nt: f ey thou,g-h I ' ! 1r 0 (. s6 m ~ ntl t: 1' 'ar n ce ary to j?·\=t H the ·tor , an:t a Chri tn a' trim tart sauce like plum might h Chief in a ti n wh e that is truly t reath-takin.c:. alma ~ a g-ood. r am not a stickler f 1" the seven we t ~ that thi Village i etfi i ott\' peopl~ are sav' in~ .eRik' i. and s ,ven ' sours, witho"ut whi'ch prate t ~ d from the hazard ' f certainl ' nc of the m o t I t:a utifultore in America,' A -. OU 1hey say -that no PeDn ylvania fire. putch, meal ' is thou,g-ht 'com. In . addition, Villag Council enter the tore on the niain the . whit: cat he 1ral plete, but the ri,g-ht w,eet and should g:o all 'out , 1. en yak a floor, 'Sours do add a z' st to any meal · zoning: ordinance to in lu ie an candl s glowiM,g- again t the r i . the : illars and cranberry sauc is .\v:edded area bounded b Thir~1 Str t background on to the turkey dinner in my mind. G.E-:BULBS WALLPAPER peaking of sweet . and sours, a sweet ,atermelon pickl is my favorite with a stewed chicken and . dt!i11plin~ dinner, Try it (1m time. ; I received a thank offerm,~ the other day that urvris d me ,g-reatly. Some tim a,~o I had MAGAZINE RACKS $, 5.88 gone ' out t get the mail a Beautiful - Durable usual and there at the .end of the lane a car wa stranded. The ·owner was out 100kin~ the ' COME IN AND SELECT YOUR LAY-AWAYS situation ov,er and there seemed ,to be no doubt that th'" car was out of gasoline" so. a, a CHRISTMAS matter of course, I told him to ' get in and I would take him to WHILE OUR STOCK IS COMPLETE the corner to ,g-et some. The woman staid in thei r 'car and· the ~ man got in WIth me anrl we , , , w'e nt ' up- to the corner, The were out of gasoline, that ,"fa ' so we went up to Lytle' g-ol some and came ·back to the car, He thanked me 'and ~ot out and I -never thou~ht ' any more about South Main ' Street across fr?m Grange ,Hall it until the other day Stanley Bailey called ~e up' ~nd a ked relephone ,. 2422 WAYNE:SVIUl.E, OHIO . me·if I was the person who took Mr. Aman to get some gasoline. I said that I took someone one ,day but I 'd idn't know who he was. So he went on to tell me that .Aman was very w.orried because he wa lea vin.gfor ' California and he \va , • Change to a Sohio winter moto, oil afraid that he , hadn 't even aict , . "'thank you" and -that , he had • Change to a Sobio, win~er lu~' teft a five dollar bill there for • 'Use. Sohio winter gasoline. ,'SAND &; ·GRAVEL . me and had , aid that if 1 " wouldn't take it for myself BRICK & CEMENT BLOCKS • CheCk youtbattery at 1.250 ' which of course I \\ ouido't, that . TOP' SOIL & -FILL DIRT alld we I was , to take and give ' it to , UME HAULED and SPJlEAD 'somethiilg I was interested in, 'Guarantee your motor to start all winter 1001' \ , Of course I couldn't r.~fuse NO tXT.AS • 'NO EXTRA CO·S , that how I takinJr it and Place Your Order NOW for addinF: another to it and I am on my wa,y to se~d a CA.RE package with it and it i de- ,' dicated to all the people .who have pulled me out mud' holes, dug me out nf the snnw, pulled me out of ditches includih~ ~NST• . PHONE those who lifted my car out of HARVEYSBURG WAYNESWLLE 2818 . the gutter in .Waynesville, push'eel my car to get it started,

2Jru Ie · n

Blacktop Driveways


· · B. ' B~




,Chest of Drawers '



Just say-

Waynesville Furniture & Appliance


"Give me Gu,anteed Starting" at

.Ashmead SOBIO·Servic:e , . Waynesville, Ohio



~•., D. PENNINGTON' .~nacking Service




c o





•• It

Page :3 The Miami Gazette WaynesvilJe, Oh'io No ~ 4344 Thursday. November 27, 1947 BTowni , ",vI 0 has- heen left · in of Santa's Work shop 'at the NQrth , Pole. , HoJj ay House n Ri ke ' sixth floor, is' a{lother feature which is attr~ctinR' a ~r e at deal of attention. It is a beautiful house especiall y decorated for the Christmas Season, and shows the very newest id-ea in home decoratinR'. ' , ch a r~e


Lette~ To . , EditorTHE LAW AND THE FIRE DEPARTMENT IN ACTION, , Af . approxim~tely . noem on Friday, November 21, 1947, ' the, peacefur atmosphere of Waynesville was suddenly 9isturbed by the feeble soundm~ of the local fire siren: The roof of the Miam; Gazette Bui1din~ was on fire. Sp,ectators quickly ,S?;athered on 'the side walk across , the street while the constable strate~ically statione~ h~mself at the corner of Mam and North Streets in order to direct traffic when .. ,the Fire Department arrived. Se'veral local citizens not connected with the local fire department, assisted by a visit er from Lebanon, qukkly ex t i n~uished the blaze by the aid of buck ets. Quick detection. of the blaze, tJ e fortunate lack of a stron~ wind and the prompt a tion of th e above mentioned huckpt etail, prevented wha1 m·;r. t ha ve been a erious fir . Approximately fifteen mil utes after the alarm fir t oun d, ,ed, the fire truck with h\ 0 me 1 aboard came dashin g' do r ~ Main Street and was af 1 directed across 'North Street 1 . the local constable, ami d cher <: of the few remaining spectat or ~. A Citizen

had ' as t.heir Sunday dinner ~uests, Mrs. Mary BOR;an. Mrs. Lucy Compton, Mr. and Mrsi.J am Smith and Maril yn Uf'. Willi Little Susan E11i afld brother, Mr . Alice Haine attended Larry pent -part of last week with their grandpare'nts, M r. National Gran~ e in Columbus. Mrs. Dorothy Smith 'and Mrs. and Mrs. Ra ymond Wilson. Mr. and Mrs. Everett Hai ne • Donald Haines and on attendMr. anct Mrs. Luther Haine and ed the W. C. T.' U. meeting- at Mrs. BeJIe J ones, last Tuesda: d au~hter, Phyllis and Mr. and Mrs. Carey Leigh' Haines at~ afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. j ack Hawke tenped the ' inaugerati on ex.. children, ,Gloria J ean an j and ercIses for Dr. Marble, our 'new president of Wilmingt n Co l- Jackie . :visited , relatives , in Urbana, Sunday. ',', ,leKe on Sunday', Mrs. Gold'ie Hawke and Mr: and Mrs. William mito entertained the You'n:~ Friend chi,ldren , r eJlt aturda v ' ev~n­ in ,go with Mrs. Glenn ~ ' Wilson. ~roup at their home ' unday evenmg, Nov. 16. , . Mr. and Mrs. Clifford ' Miar ~ Mr. Howard Warwick 'and of near New Burlington visited friend of Columbus were dinner Mrs. Lucy Compton', Friday Kuests of Mr. and Mrs. ' Ralei gh evening at the home of Mrs. Bogan, last Wednesday. ';, Raleigh Bo'gafl:. ....... Mr. and Mrs. T-heodore Mc~ Intire and sons spent unday evenin~ with Raym ond W,ilson and wife. . Mrs. Carey LeiKh. Hain,e 'and Mrs. Everett Haines att.end ed Mrs. Clara Stacy of near a miscellaneous shower for Mrs., Harold Fisher (nee Evel yn Springboro ' is makmg an ex,ThornburR') Saturda y after- tended visit with Mr. and Mrs. noo.n at the home of Mrs. Leslie Gray and famHy. ., Anthony Ansedin, SprinR:Held. , Mrs. Nettie Emrick entertain, Mr. and ,Mrs: Ralei~hBo R:an ed Mrs. EI1·una. 'Lacy and ' Mr~;.





;r,11e nl!W6

Margaret John s to dinner on ' Wednesday. Mr. and Mr . Edmond ville Cemetery. Minser and children of Da ton ames Ha nes were e ' -p'ent Sunda-y W I , the l'.l"tiers ' an parents} Mr. , and Mr". William tained with other rel~tives to , a B~rgdaJ1. turkey dinner Sunday at. ·the , Mr .and Mrs . William Berg- home of Mrs. Norma Pounds , dall have sold their property and son, her father, ' Joseph he re to Mr. George WeBer oJ Grassi, and broth er, Elwood the Ferry road , and will move Grassi at Belmont. to Dayton in the near future.' , Mr. and Mrs. , Leslie Gray~ Mrs. ' Liddie Coleman of Mr. and, Mrs. Dearth Sheehan WaynesviJ1e ' was a dinner R:uest and Mrs. Clara Stacy attended ,. We,onesday 'at the home of Mr. the fun eral of their aunt, Mrs ..' Perry' 'Earnhart at- the Oswald: and Mrs. Walter Kenrick. " Mr. and Mrs. Gu y Rout zahn Funeral Home at Lebanon and Russell were dinner ~uests Tuesday and the burial at Sunday of the latter's brother Lebanon. The l,..ytJe"Card Club wasertand Wife, Mr. and Mrs. Sperry Boitnott at Trby. ' tertained ' on Thursday after~ , Mr. and Mrs. . Leslie Gray noon at the home .of Mrs~. were dinner' 'guests of Mr. and Thomas Burton at Ferry. The Mrs. A .F. ~y]e in Cincinnati members present were Mrs: on SatUrday. . Harold Whitaker, Mrs., Lowen Mrs,. The.rle Jones visited her Thomas, Mrs. Therle Jone~ R:nind .rnother, Mrs. Eva Nutt, Mrs. Paul Shipley, Mrs. Ralph, Friday who is seriously iJJ at the Hammoncj, Mrs. , Elrp-er ,Graves. home of her dau~hter, Mrs. and Mrs., Stanley .Balley. ~ Gladys Baker near Centerville. The Woman's Society . of Mr. and Mrs .. Therle Jones Lvtle Church will be entertajoattend'ed ' the funeral of the ed to the ' Christmas m~eting latter's aunt, Miss Ann ,Nutt, next Wednesday, Dec. 3;' witii' late , of CenterviJJe 'at · the afol a11 day meetinR' and covered Gebhart·Smith Funeral "Home dish dinner at the home of Mrs.



r ,eady

fer .


:J-riench JJome r

Mrs. 'OJive-curl and M i ~ " Ruth Chandler with ·Mr. and Mrs. La\~ renee, Furnas went to W ilmin~ton Friday evenin r. They ha~ the pleasure of he i n ,~ , an , exce lle~t addre . Cla rence E. Pickett, Chairm an of the American Ftien ' ervice Committee an d also ihe Aeolian choir of Wil min,l'1 0n College. , Dr. Emm a Holloway and Mr . ' Evelyn Peterson p n ' the leek end in Witmin,g-ton aten iing the me ting" of } e , Friend' ~ ervice Ame rican C mmittee and th inau .~l raHan of 9 r -samuel M arhk a re' ide nt ,o't Wilinin ~t n Col.lege. ' , , Mr. and Mrs. Ward H;Hr of G e r m a n t o w n visite d Mrs. Amanda Hartrum, Sun day aft'ern on.

A visit ie our redeeorated' store Is a treat in liself! New escalalon, the widest and most ' beautif ully lighted in the country, lake you speedily from floor to floor without waiting.

Meet Santa Claus in Rike's Toy Wo~. d rland directly in front of th e escalators on the sixth floor.

'·Thf! Night BeCqre Cht i tmas" in a , t;e ries of movi ng tableaux, is a n exci ting a ttracti on in Rike's Corner Wjndow.

Santa on the Air will bronden' t to kid,dj~s direct from Hike's T oyJand each

weekda y from 4:30 to 4:45 over station tarLi ng D~cemb~r 1.


"Holiday HOllse" on Rike's.s'ixth fI'o~r is a' comp lete hoine. decorated especially for the Chr istmas season, using the very newe t 'in home furni shings. "

28 Using .his head. his guns, 29 his horse and his~uitar , Autr v clears · himself from a framed bank robbery. ' ROBINHOOD OF 'TE){AS Gene Au~ Lynne R~erU" Sterling HoDoway an d Adele


A' Baby Ba~ar on Hike,s second floor is bursting with cuddly gifls, for Wee tots celebrating their first Christmas.

Cornelia, Hike's Personal Shopper" : will fill your .mail or telephone orders or


, shop with .you when you come' to Hike?&.. She's full of good gift suggestions.

Plus: Technicolor Short, Col or Cartoon , and My Pal ' Rin~eye. 30 Love, adventure, old Dec.1 and n'ew, in this thti1lin~ sa~a of the sea'i and air. , HIGH BARBAREE featuring: Van JohDaoa. JUDe ~ Thomas MitcbeU, MaIilp &taweD and Claude

J .......... Jr.



, -

and Color Cartoon



Bike'. Budget AecouDI alIoWII JOU tobuy alI your Christmas gUll ~t one time, pay for them. in twelve equal monthlJ IUJD& Open an account DOW at our, enenth loor credit 00ie:e. ~


T ••






,The Miami Gazette

• 8 TAB L I • II • D II '. I 0 Pablfabed Ever, TtlurtllJllI,y~AVI1!iI!tC'Ilf ...., FLOYD L. DA~, IIdMGr ~ as Second a.. M tile ~ 0Wce




8uIJM:rlPtiDIl Rata: ' I .


\ '

per y.,. In AdftllCe

National Advertising B"pteaentativ. Ohio 'Weeklies, Ine., 246& W. Broad Street, "Columbue .., OJaio


...9n mmoriam ·



U. Grant Lewis passed on at his home 20,19 Wayne Ave, Dayton, on Sunday Nov. 23, 1947. He was the son of Jackson and Mary M1eyers Lewis and was born in Homer, Ill. June 4, 1865. He cam.e with the Lewis f~mil..y ,to Waynesville in 1874, where , he spent all his youngest life. 'In 1895 he united in marria~e with' Pearl Phillips, to whom were born three Children, a daughter, Mrs. Margaret Lewis Taylor; and two sons, Russel1 and Tresslar Lewis. In 1918 he moved with his family to Day,'ton whe~e he becarn,e assocIated with ' the General Motors Co .• "'for which firm he worKed until he retired in 1930. Althou~h living in Dayton, he had been a member 'of ,the Odd , Fel!ows" Lodge, first in W~ynesvllle at)d later in Lebanon, for over fifty, years. Mrs. ' Lewis preceded him in death" havin~ passed on June 4, 1946, There reinains' to mourn the ·l .r loss hl's three chl'ldren, Margaret, Russell and T,ressler, all of Dayton, one sister, Mrs. Kate Hawes of Sprin,g- VaHey, ana one brother, Charles B. Lewis of Waynesvilte. ' .'

METHODIST CHUROI Col...... MaW.. Sunday School . '9 :30 a.m. J. J. Rurske, Supt. , W(}r~ip Service 10 :3Q a.m. youth Fellowship , Thu~ay, 7:30 pm.




T. M. Scaiff. Miaiater

Sundav School 9 :30 a.m', , -E. A. Earnhart, Supt., Wotship Service to :3'0 a.m. 7 :30 p;m. Evening Service


Sf; MARY'S EPISCOPAL -Samuel N. K.,., MiDiat. . , Ante-Communion 8 :00 a. m. 9 :30 a. m. Church School Nursery School 10:30 a. IR. Morning Prayer 10:30 a. m. Holy Comm1,lnion 10:3.0 C~aplain John C" W. Linsley



Rev. William Shannon

Sunday School 9 :30 a.m. Mrs. James Garrison, Supt. Preaching. i st and 3rd Sundays 10 :30 a.m. each month


WA\'NESVlIJ..E cHURCH OF 'CHRIST , Bible School , 9 :30 a.m.

Page '~ " honor guest of day. Mrs. Miami ' Valle:t HQspital durin,e: The Miami Gazefte. ' Waynesville Ohio No. 4344 Thompson was a fQrmler r:~si- ' the past week. Thursday, November 27; 1947 dent near Waynesvmt '.lnd has Mr. and 'Mrs. Earl Earnhart ' ' resided ' in Califorr'Hi 1for the 'ears. are entertainin,e: with a lar~e Mr. and Mrs, Vernon Maurice past fe family gathe,ring .on Saturday of Dayton, Wi11is Maurice and Mrs. Vetnoll', Hi1t is con- evening. A hunting party ,will family of Belmont, Mr. 'and Mrs. vaJescing at her hom,e after be enloyed ' durin,e: the after-Howard Tindall and Bobb'l of ~nderp:oin~ an operation at noon. Middletown were Sunda.y guests Miami Valley Hosp'ital durinK ' of Char-Ies Maurice and' wIfe. . the past week. . MIAMI CHAPTER OES ,- - -,- - - -----. RECEIVES INVITATIONS Orland Holmes a,nd family Miss Maude Hearne of Day- FROM OTHER CHAPTERS spent the we'ek end with relaton was a week end gue'st ' of Miami Chapter t 07 0, E. S. tives near Sabina. Mr's. Bertie Mills. " has received invita:tions to in.: stallation of officers 'for coming 'Wayne Ellis and .family o,f Mrs. Hartley R. Moss entered year at WitminrtoQ ·De:c. 1; DaytQn were ·Sunday 'luests' of St. Eljzabeth Hospital on S4J.tur- Sabina Dec. 2; New Burlington Earl Rickey ,and famil¥. day for observatIon an,d tre~t­ Dec. '3; Bla~ch~ster Dec, ' 4; Middletown Dec~ 4; Hi11~oTo Mr. and Mrs. Paul Maurice ment. Dec. 8;' Lima Dec,. 10 t 1g4 7. and Jimmy .Ewin~ caned ·on , , Mrs. [ogian Ewing' at Stilhvater . ; " Mr. and Mrs. Leo Conner and Sanitariufn at Dayton, Sunday~ Mr. 'and Mrs. Lawrence little daught~r and 'Mr. and 'M'rs. 11 Nettie' Tinney Hardin and 'Mrs. Charlie Watkins 'were Saturday evenin,g guests of Mr. and Mrs. ' have . returned afte-r ' spending a ANNoUNCING!! : ' ' Robert Bi1Iett and farni1~ of few weeks in F.lorida. , Wl\SHING 'MACHiNE , CentervilTe. SERVIaMr. and Mrs. 'Frank Hook of Sherwood Refri~eratioh Mr. and Mrs. Jack Collins Wilminrton spent Tuesday with Sales & Service has added and son of CenterviUe were Mr. and iMrs. Fred Hook. to, its staff a competent Sunday eveninK dinne'r ~uests washin~ machine mechanof Mrs. D. C. Ridge. Mrs. Martha Snyder and ic •. We are ' offerih~ the Judie of l31ue Ball and M,rs. same pr<unpt, effiCient serFriends here attendlec;i the Lo;s Maurice were ',e:uests T\Je~ vice on washing mac'hines , funeral services for Mrs. Charles day of , Mr. and Mrs. Charles that (Tur customers are' exBabb: at 'the Neeld Funeral Maurice. , , , periencing with our refri~­ Home' on Wednesday I, aftereration service. noon. Mrs. Babb was the Mrs. J. B. Chapman and DAY PHONE 437 mother -in-Ia w of Mrs. Eleanor Mrs. Ralph, G. !Miller were FriNIGHT PHONE 332M Earnhart Babb, a ·teacher in the day visitors in Cincinnati. Xenia 'schools. r




, ,Mr. and Mrs. Ross Harisock left early on Wednesday morning for Baltimore, Md . , where they will spend the Thanks~iv ~ . h rd 'th th . d mg 0 I a~ WI elr son an daughter.'in-Iaw, Mr. and Mrs. Wilton Hartsock. .






Breakfast-most hurried of meals iD most householDis 'prepar~ more qUickly and with less effort when body, electric appliances such IS toaster, coffee·~aker, .-cooker and OraD. juicer h~p the ~ook. ' You wi116ad, too, .that in electric, ~er, toas,ter, ~ ' ~rOle, broiler 0' ',ri4d1e add new cODvenience t~ yO~,

kitchen, new speed aDd satisfaction, to your cookiDS. See tb~ . new electric appliances DOW available at 'your dealers. Add a Dew. ~ectrical 4 helper to y~pr kitchen this w~k. '02ey,make pod sifts, too.


9 :30 a.m.

, -

10:30 a.m.


Rev. Da~d Stanfield, MinUter Worship Service . 9 :45 a. m. Sunday School 10:45 a. m. You are' invited to worship with us.


Melvin Mehaffie on I LIt 1 • Also an exchan z f pr sent. The committee in char, M r . E, B. Longacre, Mr . Har Id te inke, Mrs. Mar,gatet J ohn aild Mr . Willi am Ro . ' COLEMAN'S WILL HOLD OPEN HOUSE. ,DEC. 3 R ev. R. ' B. Col eman ' an d

wiH op·en t hei·r I' o'rne to' their church and ·co nstituency Wednesday Dec. , from 2 to 5 p . . m. an d 7 to 9 p, m. A 11 Y of their fri,ends wh o ma y de ire to come will be wel com e, famil

Mr. and Mrs, Glenn Bo rd n; Miss Minnie , Mon ,g-er \\ ere the Sun'day eveninK dinner gue ts of Mr. and Mrs. Howard Mon ge r of ·Franklin. Qinner \\ as in honor of Mr. Robert Monger of Beaumont, ' . and!- J!.~r~.--& George- Monger of Tuscola, 111 • .


. A slumber party was enioyed by a ,e:roup of youn~ laaies 00 Thursday n~ght when' th~y were the K\lests of Miss Judy Conner. MISS Conners' guests were Misses Eileen Brown, Eula Hoak, , 'Shirley Coppock, Frances Whitaker and Norma






Meeting .



Communion 10:30 a.m. CLUB ENJOYS . E.vening Service 8 :o~ p.m. FINE DINNER _ The , 'Five Hundred Club enST. AUGUSTINE' ,.............------,-~1-::o::-:y7;;e:=:id~a--=--=:::dr=e-rt1i7i cl=':o-:7 us==-=-=d~l-= n n==e===r~a== n:' d----lP~urt'ln't'l'l"'l1lH'et.l-1l1. Father KrwDholtz, Priest cards at the home of Mrs. -----Mass 8 :~o a. m. and 10 :o.q a. -me CassIe Collett ' on Saturda~y------"-·Mr. and- Mrs. Ed. ' Burton and even~ng. Mr. John Rye of Elyria caned on friends here Friday e.veniri~ FERRY CHURCH of CHRIST Mr. and Mrs. Forest Graham when th ey were enroute to Ralph E. Stinacm, Minister and son recently attended a Bradenton, Fla. where Mr. Rye Bible School " 9 :30 a.m. family dinner at the home, of will r'emain for the winter Morn'jng Worship 10:30 a.m. J Prayer Meeting ' 7 :0.0 p.m. Mr. and Mrs. , Alvin Dyke in months. Dayton. Mrs .. Lawrence Dyke Young People's Me' Mrs. Howard Stanle y under7 :00 p.m. Thompson of Englewood, Calif. went a ma,jor o'J)era'tion at 7 :30 p;m. sister of Mrs. 'Graham was the Evenin,g Services

FRIENDS First Day School





TIle 01)1111 Power ~nd r.ft. ilt-'......

. Light CempaDY .

• f CNA••• " .Sundo" 4:'0', M" -WHIO-IIOI!.. . . co....... .'u••da" ':30'. M.




Pa~e 5 The Miami Gazette Waynesville Ohio No. 4344 ' , Thursday, November '27, 1947 J






~ l\, U' f~ ~ , \l f II,.II\) ..!~ ~~~. Iii. :

Estate of John H; Cook, dec'd, Rhoda Cook, administratrix, fil ed first and final account. Estate of· Howard S. Conover, dec'd, Dean Stan!eY, .administrator, -u:uttrorjzed to, pre~lIt for re~emp­ tion certain land trust certificate, also certain· stock. Estate of ,Karl Parker. dee', Meryl B. Gray, commissioner report approved.


.... '~

o Waynesville finall y C1lm \ tthrou~h with fl in,g- colors. The _ " -:; ,;, en , ~I \ I t-= home-team won b 2 ') oint·. c:: n.J cu .i:: 'L: ..... by 'Danny -Hartlock The ~ame was fast and g-o t <U lJ U) ~I 'Waynes ville tiki a swell job on WAYNESVillE CAGERS the bankboard . Th ere wer ~ DROP FIRST LOSSES IN Quite ' a few fo ul called On both R. G o n ~ ilEAL ESTATE TRANSFERS 2132 142 13 0 15 391 GAME WITH FRANKLIN . teams. Waynesville led Red 0 . Rose John and Hazel Hayes to Nathan 162 4362 27 155 465 · . . Lion in the first and e and _4 144 3474 143 I. Mulfori 428 W aynesville lost It - quarter by ig-ht points. At th e 149 4032 27 V. Hill 152 457 WANTED ' game of ~he seas~n to Franklm end of We third quarter Red E. Ramby _7 , 151 4'078 160 479 at Franklm on, Fnday, Nov. 21. Lion edged Waynesville out by P. Palmer , 1992 142 14 The box ~cores are one point. The last quarter wa Won 1 8; Lost 9 cows '- $20.00 WAY,NESVlU.E the most excitin g. First th e HORSES - $20.00 . TEAMS, StANDINGS: , VARSITY home-tea m made a ba ket and Estate of H. A .. Cornell, dec'd, HOGS - $6.00 cwt. Won Lb t gross value of estate s $17,887.06. , , Accordln. t. lin • Condition 18 9 Thompson F.?: F·oT. ~. ~f~~r ~~~c~i~~U~:11~~ aa~l~s~:it Wa nesville , Estate of Sue ·E. Lewis, dec'd, 12 Also, All SMALL STOCK o playing, Waynesville no ed Red Good Hous eke~pi n<~ 15 Simpson Robert Lewis, administrator, inHenderson '1 12 , REMOVED PROMPTLy o 0 Lion out , by two point. ' Hunter1_ ve~tory approv~d. ' Columbia R c. 15 Phone o 0 Waynesville's s~ nsor, Bob Luckens o Estate of Charles 1. Huffman, ArneI'. legion 14 ' 13 '3 5 Sen;is, was down , J S e his XENIA WILMINGTON Smallwood 1 dec'd, Mary Huffman, executrix, Tommy' Place 14 13 L 3 team play. There were about Vickers 1 Handiga 10 17 filed first and final account. 1712 2362 Dakin • o Estate of Mary Taylor, dec'd, . Ea~'les 7 20 ~ ~an~~ztNO!.e2ot)lefr;~ W~y~:s~ Hasti.ngs o W~lter Taylor, executor, fl'ed 2 2 yille to cheer their bard-playFlorence o final account. COMMON PLEAS o 0 m~ boys on to victory. urel y, Tinney o Estate of Thomas Wi1k~rson, Waynesville ought to have ' a Arnold Sabin vs. Loraine Sabin, dec'd, Mary Huffman, administralarge'r fol1o'win~ than that, not a minot·, plaintiff to pay defend" Total 3' 11 17 tor, filed applic~tion for certifithat those bo 'S didn't reall ant sum of $20 per week tempo·· cates of transfer of real estate; ',appreCiat 'those people who 'rary alimony, first payment du~~ FRANKLIN ' gross value of estate ,is $4,860 . ' . were th~ r e . Their next g-ame Nov. 17, 1947. . , VARSITY Estate of Mary S. Barton, dec'd, Reva Harner vs. Djxie Ohi~ ExF. C. F. T. Pts. will beon De. 3 ( :Oo~ . tn.) George Gates, executor," bond re2 at Harmon Hall in Lebanon. hockle 1 e> press Co., et aI, first, second; duced; second--- acc-OUtlt-f-iled. , 1 - I'm sure it wou ld help th e fourth ' fifth and sixth branches of Stewart 1· Estate of Mary H; Frye, d,ec'd, 15 bo to win, if th kn w the Hubbard 7 1 defendants motion overruled, third, C, Donald Dilatush, executor, ini had a cr \vd cheerin, for them . branch of motion ustained. McCade 1 vento~'y hearing set fOl' Dec. 10 at 1 0 if ou can et all yo ur Dickrickson 1 o 10. '12 nece sary job dc;>ne t ef r then Philpot 4 4 N~W SUITS '. Estate of Elton T:' Richardson, 1 an9 if you don t have an . pia e EayelstQ'l1 o 1 Kllthel'ine Payne a minor V"i. Allen ' GilOOl't Hunkins, executor, dec'd, 11 . in p~rttcular ' t R , ho\'{ ab ut 5 Robert Payne, divorce, gvo s nefiled application for certificate of '1 comm d wn anj s in ur glect y.oung' and Young. ' Hathawa 1 Wayn' viII. team la', tIl ' t Larsdale o 2 Viola Smith, v , Gilbert Smith ' transfer of real estate. Eag'les? Estate of ' Mabelle Richard on, Jr., _divorce, extreme cruelty, C. CORE BARTER dec'd, Gilbel't Hunkins, executor, Total ' 16 ' 1 Donald Dilatush. 1 2 3 4 for certificate 01. filed application WA YNESVIU.E Amos Money, as administratoT WAYNE VIL LE transfer of real estate, RESERVES of the estate of Lydia Money, dec. 1_ _ 2 49 Estate of William G.e~hart, dec'd, mooth sailin~ throu~h one F. G. F. T. Pts. vs. William Phillips, fo; money RED LtO Sarah Gebhart, executrix, invendome tic difficulty, at I a t, for ' Mehaffie 4only, , amoun't claimed $25,000 and 1_ 19 4 7 hearing set for Dec. 3, at 10. ,tory the woman who u-e ' ur fin mallwo d 1 1 costs, Edward 'Everett Rice,' O. W', cleaning service! ·When daug:\l..' " O'Banion 3 Elliott. tel' wants her ev nin g R wn " Cramer 1 0 AUCTIONEER.NG Evelyn Bruce vs. John Bruce, dion hort notic, whc:n Da I Lackey vorce, extreme 'cruelty, J. T. RtleY' ii' STANLEY and KOOGLER .... need hi dinner uit, wh n 11 Graham BROKERS LICENSE wants hi tu edo . . . yo u just MARRIAGE LICENSES , Florence 5 PROBATE For Dates. Phone 2894. Wavnesville. us take car f the s ~ let Ohi 0 , Rever-se CharAes Dale Griswold, 22, Pleasal1 t Earnhart 0 o ' Estate of Nellie Bard Shield, troubles and vour family will appl:entlce pI umbel', Mary Plail'lJ' dec'd, Chestel~ Maple,' executol';---o..r~----"'=",,---===---­ L th e be.::t mana, r Sue Bl'an~eribul'g I 19, Pleasant Total , 6 11 2 proceedings ~ndel' former ord~u' ap'" :' Plain, factory worker. ' proved. . Get' Your TR UCK an d FRANKLIN Hal'l'Y Woodruff, 20, WilliamsEstate of William Carson, dec'd, RESERVE , BUSINESS burg, Ohio, DOl'othy Lemming, 19, ~





'. Cou,.t neWd



Kennedy Abram Adams Hanes . Moore Mathew Shocklef Larsdale Hannan Total

F-. C.

F. T. Pts. 1

1 '\ 6 1



1 1

7 ,3


o o






will ,

a IVlll.l?· ~uests Mr. and Mrs. arpld 'Stroud of Lebanon, M r Grace Vice, Mrs. Irene Henderson and Mr. Claude Stroud. '.

Minnie Carson 'appoi,nted adminis·· Foster, beauticia -:::,. tl'atrix, giving bond wth suretieE! . Leslie Spaeth 23, Mason, dry . in um of $2025. el'eaner, Mal'y Ellen Runyan, 22, Lebanon, T. W. X. operator. Dr. T. P. GROSVENOR Kenneth Hamilton, 19 FJ;'anklin, Optometrist factory wOl'ker, Wanda Melampy, 16, Lebanon. 335 S. Main St. Phone 10 William AUen Ellis, 22, Wit· FRANKLIN, OHIO mi~gton, student, Florence , Edw~·na Stanforth, Waynesville. ,."


S J 'G N S of







Appom~me nt

"Shown by



Appropriate ceremoni'e for a'l1 faith.

STUBBS 'Funeral Home


' TELEPHdNE 2291



" HOURS: 9-12 each morning 1-& ,attemool18, ex,ept , Wednesday 7-9 Saturday eveniD, ~her eveDiDgs' by Appointm~n~


Dr. C. ' E. Wilkin Optometric Specialist. 'E ye

26 South Detroit Street XENIA,ORlO •••••••

• ••••••••••••


SHERWOOD .Refrigeration Sales I II =::;:=======. and .Service '







Representative for






in· the Ohio Parmers will give you broad protection against loss~s ' on your farm. It covers YQur buildings, your chattels, your automobile aDd ,our liability for aCcidents to others. Wby not see us today? You - . , you're tale wbeD you're insured in the qhio Parmers'

larl D. ·~akin ,Insurance Agency, ,

<iB ,

Phone 153, 20

E. ' Mu~berrY,.







co. _~~


S~tion ~

Local Radio


Page 6 ,and Iran (Persia), Alvin o R1, The Miami Gazett ' (the lI1~in~ Guitarist) , 'Wa .iesville, 'Ohio No. 43-44 W6RDX . E d d ie G r ·,e n ThUrsday, J'Jo vember '27 , 19 47.'•. W6WZA (Eddie the Wajier Frank O'Neal and Mary' Nettie" '.., n Duffie's Tavern), Am of Amos and ' And y W6 UT, Sims to Haz~l Bl'ookies, 0.019 acre , Hank. Greenb e r~ \¥ 2LTP, B b in Lebanon. J. C. Yeary to F!orenee' S~ide]t, I Trout, Bill , Ster'o, mo vie stars, Generals, a'it d son ~ writers, and lot in West Woodville . other famous peoQle t 0 nurnerJol),ri and Virheda' 'BroWning t~ ot.t~Jo' lllention. N,eedless to sa Claude Brewer, 5:t5 acres .i n Union , ·tSp~ Qf the abov' have been T wp.r '. " , C1rk,ed by W8ZCV. ' Albert Ertel to ChQ,rles Calv'ellt,


• ~ CL&8SJII'IED AD BATBS • • .3& words 01' lea one ;1&c

ume. ...••

~ ,~ ~

••••.••••••• 10




4 lot~

in F08t~rs Park•• ': . .G. Randall and Marian Lilley to , , Orval and tlutb Ayera ·,O.~79 acresin Salem TWp. ,.'


( 1 ) No fees or commission (2) Interest rates are low-4.0/0 (3)Pay all or part anytimeStop interest on portion paid. Call - . write - or see


LEBANON, OHIO, Phboe 448 Dlia H. Sturm, see'y-Treas. REAL ESTATE . - ..

RealE.tate For SaleIP YOU BA~ A PROPBRTY OR PARM TO SBLL oau or WrIte Oon B~n. Tel. KBS448. 817 Lon1D .\ve.. Dayton. Oblo. tic

WANTED- MISC. Any , kind ot WANTED Domestic work by reliable' woman. See Alice Kinnard, Grant St., Harveysburg or inquire at Gazette office. -1127 H---ou-.-eh~--o-Id-G-o-od-.------

FOR SALE-Small Bathroom or kitchen heater, uses either natural or ' artificial .gas; also ·~irl's bicYi:;le. Mrs." Harold Earnhart. Phone 26'14. tfc , FOR SALE - Westinghouse Electric Rahge, excellent Condition. , Mrs. RonaJd SaJisbury,R. R.. 1, 9reg:onia. ~---






and ,Luna Ross Jones, lot in 'F ranklin. Raymol)d Parker"'to 'E veret t and Katl1erine Shel'W~od ~.614 acres il'} TUl;tlecreek Twp. ". ' Sarelda Ell~n' Ttndal1 to· William and GrQ,ce Belen Tlndah, 4~ acres ' • in Clearcreek Twp. George, Sr., and Ora C90k, to , E<lw8l'd and Idu'm a Price, 1 acre in Franklin 'rwP. Ruth Hathaway to Carloll and Ethel Hathaway. 198.393 .acres in ferred to as havin~ been work- Turtlecreek Twp. ed." Dora Sheritt to . Logan and . S tat ion S w 0 r k e' d fro m Evelyn 12.21 acres in Tur-. W8ZCV incluQe 47 states, West tlecreek Powell, Twp. Virginia bein~ the exception. Logan Powell to ' Charles and About 800 stations in Los Dora Sberitt, 0.41 acres in WashAngeles were worked from , here. Forei~n count ries worked ington Twp. U. S. of America and Reconin~lude Cuba, Chile, E~'ypt, Portugal, Germany" (Amencan struction Finance Corp., to' Texas soldiers) Al~iers, Nova Scotia, Eastern Transmission Corp., 19.81 Prince Edward Islamd, Labora- acres in Oloearcr~k Tkp. ;dor, Canaaa, En~~land, Scot- , Ruth V , Ness to · Ome~ " and land, South \Vales:, Venezeula, Anna',Woodhouse; lot in Mason. Isabelle Back to William Back~ ' MaUa, Hawaii, Gu;am, Panama , C~al Zone, Mexic4D, and man y 44, aCl'es in Deerfield Tw;.


DON'T FORGET TO CALL us for Insurance. All types of Insurance at a ' savings. Call j=rancis Gene Brown, phone Waynesville 2935 or call collect. Wi1min~tori 2'11 t.

CQ CQ CQ, ':p is is Waynesville, I.Ohio calhng 'CQ." This call nleans a general caU to any amateur radio operator in the world a"d a nice ¥isit by radio usually ' follows such a call. CQ is the general call to contact atly ot~er' am~teur within hearing. qf this statIon, then the stahdn hearing the "CQ'~ proceeds ,to callW8ZCV owned and operated b4 Walter G. Burdine locat\ ed 1 'miles north of Lytle, O. on the Lytle Ferry. Road .. If W8ZCV hears a station callm~ him a lively conversation, usuaL shIps at sea to make a total of ly foll ows lastin~ a few · minutes 27 countries. A total of 258 o r hQurs. A conversation was counJries can be worked but so carried on last falJ with W6YXE far tbe, larJrest number \ orked of San Die~o, California for J.. tt'l . b 86 three ,hours and 46 minutes, th'e rvY ,aQY.les. one s a 10~ las ' een countr, ' 1 recor:d from W8ZCV. A few Many famous mlmes dot the others were· G3VR Bradford, roster of the world's Ham list. Yorkshire, En~. 53 , minutes, Some of tliese inc'lude Herbert al~o ZBIE," Malta for 32 H . J th k' fE ' t minutes. Afte'r talkin~ ,to one of oover r., "Je m~s () gyp these 's.tations, that station ~s re'" FOR SAI',E



5 cu. ft. FOR SALE - 5 Room House E)~ctrolux Refrigerator for on Third Street, Howard . Shutts, Phone 2405 'Waynesnatural or ' bottled gas. -1 t 27 Phone M07141, Centerville., ville, Ohio. -1127c · One small FOR, SALe- China Tea ServFOR SALE ice, six cups and sauce rs Radiant Gas Heater for bath- ... cream' and sug;u, tea pot ~ room or kitchen, ijses either also ' cut glass pieces. Mrs: natural .or artificia) ~a~; also Peterson, Fri,ends Home at girl's bicycle. Mrs. Harold -1128c WayneSVille; Earnhart. Phone 2614. '- 1211 APPLES ' &: C'IDER FOR SA'LE'





"DOC'S" Weather Cbart


B,T4MJiS. \ and






"CaHin~ W8~CV,

Mr; and Mrs. Geotlge Waterspent the past w.eek end in Detroit with Mr. and · Mrs: Robert Allen and infant dau~h­ ier. " hou~e




, NORR·18 BROC;K COMP~V ' Cinoinnati Union Stoo1c •Yard. ,Live Wir, aII'd prO,dr,..lve. An '

1942 1'947 ••t,on ..conil ' 'to non,: ' 25-50 'fair 40-53 fair ' oraflni 8trlctlv .eUer. , em th, beet 20'::48 fair 38~41 J air : ai,' arOund mar.ket . In' t", country. 28 .. 62 fair '30-45 fair SERVICE :THAT SA~'8FIE._ 36-67 fair 28-50 fair ,W HlO Dayton 12: 80 • 8. T. Dhl!l 1300 , WLW 'CI clnnaU 20 30-55 fair 2,8-52 fair .12: 40. Dfal · 700. tor OUI' Daily 2i 30-60 fair 28-54 {air Market Report • . 2'~ 30-48 fair. 40-5'2 rain

Nov. 16 17 18 '19

SCOff "

R,epr~sent ing

Weatheimer & -Company Members N'ew YOlik Stock ExchanK'e sand other ' registered Exchanges Invesbnent . Trust Sharea Bought - Sold - Quoted Phone Waynesville 2530 Dayt_ AD32S7

" AT NOON O~' MIDNICIfF WUh us, there is no inconvenience of time1 place or dis.tance.. ' . Our organization . sprin~s' into a(;;iiQn at 2 :60 a. ,pl. as readily as at hl~h noon.' Once you can us, ,all of tlie ' responsibil~ty ~ is ours.

.Ht;LP WA~T£D 'FEMALE , WAN'T ED- Woman or 6irl ' . for Reneral housework and " laund,fy. Tr~nsportaton furnis.bed. Phon~ Sp'ring- Valley 37206. Dick ~rel·an. - 1:26 -HELP WANTED- MAL~ •



WANTED - Man to' cut wood

on shares. Trim ' and make \ ready for .bus _aw onl y. Donald Ca,rter, 1 ¥.i miles West on ·Rt. '73. Phone 2963. " --':11. 27

FOR .SAL .....F...-'FlOTt SALE .~. 150 Bu hel .of , U: s. 13 corn. Virg-il Main e 'on the Charles ~o o,~l r farm, R. .R. 1 Waynesville . on ,Rb,ute 73. . - ' 12, 11 FOR SALE - - (jut~uilding, 8 feet wide, 14 feel l o n ~; ' · iJ:nitation ·. brick sld in~; a : bestos slllng-le roof.. InQuire · GayJe Evans, Corwin. ., , -1127c NOTICE ' LOST Man's tan JlOe on Wellman road. If found call Owen Hartsock. Ph 0 n e 2594. --1121


North Main St.






X £ .N I A Fertilizer ~h= 4 5- 4'· o. c'


E. G-Buchaieb, IDe.




Fairly 'Familiar

':tEF~" in~ to not

It ha been R,'ratif

. ' · , I a nu ' fhl! M GAZETTE'

ST. MARY'S BAZAAR NEW CENTURY Ct{)B SPONSORED BY AUXILIARY MEETS NOVEMBE:R 28 INSTEAD OF ST. MARV'S ' AT THQMPSON ,HOME; , -----------------CLUB AS ANNOUNCED INTERESTING PROGRAM T he ,ann Lll1 Cehlent ILl t w~ck ,GIVEN BY MISS RUTH of .the St. Mary's Bazaar lat d CHANDLER, MRS. HAWKE it was being -ron ' ore i 'by th t. Mary' C lu b. 'n,i 'htem 11 t v. as wronK. t. Mary's '1\1 men

the man favorabl.e-c'omments rec ived the pa t week r ',g-:udIng the artic1 n the fir epartm ,nt. Aq::or(iing tn ' the consensus of opini n f th ~ \\ h commented on the lumn, they all feel as the," riter does ~ n, ceming the matt r with but few Auxiliary ar the :p 11 'or and exceptions. Year 5c A Cop' the Bazaar will be h I i Satur" One exception \Va ror ihl\ day of this wc:ek, 0 . 6 at th Thursday, Decembe~ 4, '1947 l ,rought to our att nti n the exTownship House n North Main ceptionist 'in thi particular ea ~ FARMERS , GRANGE MEETS 'treet, startinp,- ' at 1:0 p.m. ' NEW DEADLINES; HOURS' bein~ ' a Village () ffi ia I wh o . Foods can i ting of ' .'ake .: , didn't a,,g-ree w ith our attitude , ~ATURDAY EVENING; TO SET UP FOR GAZElTE pies and , other tast. dishes will Had h~ let ' it ~ o at that, all feature the Bazaar. In 'Idditinn would' have l en \ ell, h wever GIVE DEMONSTRATION; OFFICE; COOPERATION some fanc w rk will be n IT re i he saw fit to attempt t u e xf r 'ale, EXPECTED FOR HELP tbrtion to brit e thi c lumn to AWARD SEW SO GIRLS ' This Bazaar i an annual "soft-pedal" article' nf c 11Farmer~ Grange No. 13 will IN LABOR SHORTAGE u tom with th e ,Auxiliary group demnation in m atter pertaining: , hold their re,g-ulM meeting n and needs no introduction to to the fire departm nt or ,any aturda, even ing, :tfter which Last week the apprentice other department ir: which the Mr. LawrenCe Puma and Mr' . typesetter at th e Miami Gazette the man l ocal r 'idenb who patron ize it. Village oftlcials had authorit ' . ' S. . EJli wi ll give (~ h tTl ' left for new employment. Thi In this attempt he failed tn e on mics demon ·tra ti ,n, Tl1c leaves· the Editor alone again, reckon with the "fi-eedom of cw . 0 Clut, ,o'irl - also will I c and to gain time to properly MIAMI CHAPTER OF OES ~he pr ss" . which i Ii1ewhnt ,l!'iven their aw'ard' \\hich th "y complete·· the work f printing of a sacred creed to all a so L have won fh i year. the Gaz'ette and other tasks it HOLDS, C~REMONIES FOR ated with new paper or other will be necessary to set up some drastic deadlines for c py alnd THE INSALLATION OF NEW media of n ews makinR. ' , It is hi , or anyone's ~ riv iJ ' ~..: GARDEN CLUB MEETS advertising, and to shorten th OFFICERS, 'NEXT MONDAY ,tQ disaKre.e with anythin g- thi office hours. ' column prints, hmVl ver h .. TODAY AT SIX O'CLOCK All news copy mu t be reMiami ' Chapt~r N • 107, th e The Way ville Garden Club ceived on r betor 5 :00 p.m . . rder f Easter,n tar, ill m et !lOuld dt:f~nd t. hi , u~m t th e will meet with' Jennie Conn r Tuesday. Advertising' pv on , m regular v 's Ion nn Monday TIght for Its bemK printed. · T ~ ~;!! t1: e voic of the p'~inted _ Thur day, Dec. 4 at 6 p,m. ' or before Tuesda y n' on. ' , _. ve nin~,-D a-t :> t, l.:tt . .m. word. I .to c.ondemn ,the ~~e pI.,. The Gard n Clul w i1\ have The office '\V ill be pen nn The r gulal~ b,u in ~v ill b' to a ,ltf f dictator hIp. \Vltho.l~t a Christma ' party and each Monday,. Tuesday anl~ aturda,v hel,d. and 1= re Ilk I ver hy the kr~ wI dg:e of . f(let an i ,a fal~ - member is ·t bring a cover i 'from 9 :00 a.m. to 12:30 p.m . retJrlnK Worth Matron, M re:: . mmd d appraisal f thun. \\ e di hand t abl ' service. Ala, 1 :30 p.m. to 6 :00 p. 111. Jo~n J ; Bur ke, fan we.d by in\\ (1 ul,d soon _find ur. I"e. to a each one is to bring an a'rticl'e CI a ed \¥ednesday Thu r _ stal1~ti on of offic r f r th e f r 11.c?-men.t cOl:nparabl c to the for the fish pond. ' day and Friday. Emerg-en \' omm,(Y jear. Mr \ Netta M. conditions \11 mldleval ao'!' > • busin'e ~ can h handled l';y tIl Sullivan, Pa ~ t Grand MatI' n of This particular ::t ': 'o f at telephon Gran:i hapter f hi. OE~. tempt d bribery wa in \1 f rm CHARLES NICHOLAS . fr m Lima \\ ill , h _ in t al1iJl :,: of e]jminatin~ adv..: rti in ,!'" fr - m . BARKER Mrs., John Fromm. ~r \7 . officer. Mr . LlI 'il t ~ ritz.e :l - ' these column, ith r a· a r 1"1 'i _ Stanl y Baile, Mrs. I3erh~ ut ra nd MiltI' 11 f th e 21 : 1' mt-<'ltIl'dd {or t'l1,'hat thi l · n1,.rT ' Mr, and Mr . Clarenc Barker Mil1 s, ~ M r. Harold B , Ean _ dLtri t, . from L n hl'llr,l!: will N ovem ) 'I' sa e 1Il 1" (nee M onimia Hoak) are an- hart and Mr. E. F. L:1. 'nhart al a 17 an in tallinj!.' l RIc r. i~sue, or" a a per onal a!lr nt 1l0uncinR;' th birth of a 7 pound attended th in iall ~: ' () l1 f An. Miami Chapter membel'~ toward the writ 'r. In .itl' ". s n, CharI Nichola. born on officer's at Wilmington Ea tern arc re 'u l ' d to , PI' v ide salad OJ . the att ri11 t ' h a' e n ! '~, Frida V, No v. 28 ,at McClellan Star Chapter on Monda ven- and anliwiche ' f r refreshsh~J:i en d th ' desir· t pITh.! hospital, X ellia. ' ing e t ~~h~~~ ~~~~~'~ m~~~~~~N~,.~,_.~~~~~~~".~ . ~_n~w~,~~~~~~~ ,~". 1 - ' deeper into tb pUe. ~ d t r- ~ ~~~~~~_ mine', if po slbe, the cha l l TELEGRAM ,that nUl' I en ha punctur d a SEBRIGHT FANCIER hid 11 C ,nditi n that ll1i.trht , Ashtabula, Ohio have an odor iniilar to our WINS GENE YEAGER , . ' , December 2, 1947 The Miami Gazette, Waynesville, Ohio sewer sv MEMORIAL -TR-O- P.-'.HY -,-----'---One ,~ratifYIl1~ , c nc\Jh n f e quicentennial , Editiqn receiv ed. Splendid! Spl end id! It iour littl e new pap r i that no a cr dit to ,your community. AT DAYTON SHOW one adv rti ~r purcha e quit.] Sincerely, Henri etta M cK in ey. enou~h pa e t ca u s~ alarm Earl C. Evans of Route 1 is _ n ur I art ill 'a e they de id e proudly di ~ tl ving a larg silver to t p hu in ,!!'. In fact, the parSnve Focd- 0 YOUR PART NOW .. cup won at th e Dayton Fancy ti 'ular 'Con m with h l din!'" This is everybody's pledge. Cut it out ••. Sign it . ~ . Then paste it in Feather Cl ul Sh w h Id at the Dr. Mary L. Co k ha r turntldr pac in thi. ~ aper a ' a your windpw to let everybody know you are helping to save the peace. Coli eum, 'Nov. _7 t 10. Th " ed from her vi it to her ni e, award of thi CLIP wa' ~ivcn Jane and familY' in f3 ton, Dr. prate hut t toa our statem ... nt, I ;1 :'t spent fJ:a tinn fa pf' r'en W' for the Champion CI an Le~~ d Rohert MacMill an i a F'l1 w in of til ir inc m e f o r :1d erti 'ing:, . Bantam of the ' ntire how. Medicin. at th L'lll ~ y C linic, , t h' refore the new r'ap r ufft: r In additi n to ' th Gene for the s co na y ar. Dr, Jane 11 \ ' ii n ~ncia l lo ~ in t hi case . Yae~er. Memorial Trophy Cup, C. MacMill an 11<1 _ a Residen .Y ' The importal1t thin ,~' tn c Il· Mr. Evan al so won everal in Surgical Path ol( gy und r Dr. sider in a ca f thi s kind i , i f p cial ca h award: and Champ- Shield Warren at Harvard an official ' of the ViUaR'e he. ion Ro ette Ribbon. Medical cho I, working fa I· 0 prdurh dover ' su h c me ' _ _ -H+H_-+_ =-=H;.::ej;--Tis:;,.:-:::ac-..:..:m:=Je;.,::n.:r1-:=-;':-::·~o:-:f--:::.:t1-:::te=::riSre'7-_+-+6,:vard Canc I' Commi ion en n iructive ~ ,a '\\ ~ lng 1 u a Irten ca and ti1e and at New England Deac ne s have ~'iven, is the offidal iu t Sebright. Club o f hi o. His re- Hospial. 'feelin ,~' the; in1portance of his c~nt show winning' were mad e _ _ _ _ __ office, or, IS there some deeper on Silver Sehright ,with a 1 st ' Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence i,g niflcance behind the scenes and 2nd Pullet; 3rd Hen; 4th' Brown" on • and d'au,e:hters enof which we are unaware? Cockerel. tertained on Th anks~iving to For three years w,e have atdinner Mr. and Mrs. Kenn eth tern pted to break throu~h the Barber and qaughter, Mr. and shell cif secrecy surrounding the: FIRE DESTROYS MJ7s. Guy McCoy and son, Mr. offiicial operation of the ViIand Mr Fred Spear and son~ COUNTRY HOME 'lage affairs. yJ have tried in Mr. and ·Mrs. Robed Smith and) everal instance. to ,gain inforAT HARVEYSBURG Xenia' . Mis Frances son, all of mation for publication which of Wilmin ,~tQn and Sheridan , F .J' <If uilld. I't.i.min ed origin comwould , enfiKJ1.ten the citiz ~ n. of Mr. and Mrs. Burnett Butter.. lllel ' y d atn'oy d the bea.uUf)ul the commutllty as to th e dom,gs co un try home of ?l1 r. a nd Mrs. worth and on of I .eh,mon. of their appointed ervant. Oil HOWR.I'd Graham, Friday, afternoon, each occasion we \, ere given Th HaI'\'f:'ysbuJ'Ig F ire D e partment the "go-bi' an,d informed it answer d t.he call, but th fire h ad' ~

, ~ i ------






~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~


De \\litl



on Paa'e

Post Office Notes


gain ed too mu ch peadway before the equlpm nt ar rived. Ii'utile atP ions mail y \1) ' , hrlstmas carus o tempts weJ\e ' made to ! the and p a rlmg- s arly, All cards and household fUI: n'fsbi~,gI3, all of ))a 'kng s few o ut of t.h 't ate shouldi w.ere consumed In 1.h , blaze. Ibo mail d 'Ily Dec, 10, and for State' The Graham's, who have be en ' n nd loc'; I hy D ec. 1I), to rea h their vi8~tlng thel,r n ephew and niece. Mr, d stina t i on by ' Chrtstm8Js. an~ ,M rs. Clinton Gray (If ,L\~bU<liU "rIGRElETL 'G RIDS as (j"st craSS qu , New Mexico, wer'e notitUed 'on matI. A :k ::i t,a mp on YOU!' HoUday Frid ay pig-ht of the · (11s,1 .Ster and g'reeUng en rdS m an s tirst class are to return hel'c tmmdt ately. mall, that is: 'l'b y a;v dlspa~c.bed ant) deli v I' d fll-&t, they are giveil Mr. and Mrs. Leo Conn~r dJre tOI'Y ,el''Yi 'e. If necessa,I'y ~e¥ and dau,g'htets had as Thank '- a l ' forwal'ded free. If undell \'er~ble

Christmas Seals

•• • Your Protection Alaillst Tuberculosis


giving dinner ~uests, Mr. and Mr . Charli Watkin, Mr. and Mr Henry Watkin, Miss Ether Watkins, . Mr. Dale Watkins, Mr. and Mrs. Ra vmond Conner and ML'c RutJ":an~i Sara Cunner

th ey ar ~


rt urned free.

Your post otfl ce or I"ur 1 carder alway h~IR Hn 'ld quate supply of t"tamps on II c1l111 eitl'l r lOOse 01" in handy ooo ){ s. K. l'P a supply on fol' ready use. ,\Yisl)Jng YOU aU a

Merry Chr18tma~: LE TE GO DON,. Postmaster

. " ............................ _ .. _. __ ......_--J .

Chri 't, 'vVeL nJ vilJ~ In the pre 'ence of a' ItH g ga th crin,£!' (f frienj and r lativei , Publ1&hed Every Thursday by DAVISSON PRESS Prece iin,g- and , during , th FLOYD L. DAVISSON, Edi.t or ceremon y, a,' pr ,gTam of nup.CIltered as , Se<:ond CIB.58 Matter at the Post Office tial mu -ic was pre nte:l bv ML Mary Jan ~I eJ of WifSubscrIption , Rates: $1.50 per Year in Advance ming-t n C , II g:~ , piani t, an i 1 Mr, Ge or,~" . hilling, Jr" \\ 11 National Adverti~ing Representatives an,gBe 'au ' e' an j Thin' Ohi~Weeklies, Inc., 2465 W. Broad Street, Alone," ,Columbus 4, Ohio Mr. William Hill ard, fri en:l f tll gTO m erv d ;t as to wh'y thi < be t man, an·lMr. Ralph I, ad pted, Smith ' an:l Mr. I (Jaij i' wer' , Until inf rmati n i f the ush 'I' , min,g- to th·c ntrar, thi ' JMi'5 M'lr Jo Hye,r maid f umn still maintain ' W' nee:l a hono r, wa a ttir d in a g: wn (f METHODIST CHURCH b tter tra in d fir d~part m e nt ceri chill' n V Iv t, fa hi n li R. B. Coleman, Minister an \ :11 nee i a 20 ni11, a di· with ti~ht hodice, " lP !ceve ' full, drapt:!d, floor kn "111 -k i d 9 :30 a.m. nance, Sund ay School If any ne think s \\'e're g in g and mat hin g: ,gauntlet s. sllc.' ' J .. J. Rurske, Supt. War hip Servi'ce 10:30 a.m. t "ba k-up ' ju t h ca u 'we carJ'i. d an ar m b qu ' t f \\ hik m et a little opp -iti on n th pom po m an i American Youth Fellowship subj ect, th e rtt r ,cl ean up th B aut I' se ' ti > 1 ",Wl ,c:o ld ri bThursday, 7:3 O. pm. Id liSp P an i keep rcati in.{!, bon, t eca u e w a( .<oin .tt I ke P. Th e hamm ring: away unlil ' I,n e- . LeMa \ ani Mi s Mar th a Dakin MT. HOLLY METHODIST thin ,g- comes ,out in til ' light. \\ ere in mo' gr en chi tt' n vd T. M. Scarff Minister . vet and carried bronze porn Sundav School ' 9 :30 a.m . porn, tied with c ntr;Ltin .l2.· rib:EDWYNA STANFORTH ' E. A. Ea rnh art, Supt. BECOMES ,BRIDE OF . bons. Each wo r mat hin ,Q: Worshi p Service 10:30 a.m. A. ELLIS AT flow I' in their hanr and ,{!oI1 WILLIAM Eve~ing' Service 7 :30 p.m. CHURCH WEDDING necklace" g'ift from the hrid , The bride, \\ ho, \\ alk l' \\'ith , In a setting of no\\ . whit ST. MARY'S EPISCOPAL mums, palm an i iv. , lig:hted and was ~iv n in marriage 'Y by the glow of tall white tap er her father, chose a b :ll1trfu] Samuel N. Keys, Minister in seven branch candell ra,;n gown of whit lipp ei' 'atin" :k8 :00 a. m. Ante-C mmunion the window, and in the besigned with a \Veetheart neckChurch School 9 :30 a.. m. ribboned pew marker on th . iine, fltt d bodi e~ I n~ pint ' d Nursery School 10:30 a. m. bridal ai le, Miss .Edwyna stansl, e eves; skirt \dth hu tl • Morning Praye r 10:30 a. m. forth became the ride f Mr. back andfull wa completed b , i'1 William A . Elli , on Frida. lon.g· fl win .!?: train, h wore UTICA E. U. B. CHURCH v 'e n i n g, at seven-thirty a fin ,1tcr-tip ' veil f imp rt d Rev. WUliam Shannon . o'clock, " ilk illusion, which ca cad :I Sunday School 9 :30 a.m. impr-es iVe oouble rin .' fr m It r \\ 11 of : e :l r arl :" The . Mrs. J ames Garrison, Supt. ceremon y wa perform d b. She carried white ca rnati m. Preaching. 1st and 3rd Sundays the bride's uncle, Rev. J. ". with an o rchid centc~r, ti d \\ it,h each month 10 :30 a.m. Armstrong: Traylor of W d - a show r of white atin ribb ns. fi ld, Ohio, at the Church f ' H I' onl y ornament \\ a a - - - - - - - - . - - - - - - . strand f b autiful pea rl ' , a WA\'NESVILLE former . ,e:ift t th :> bride.c:r am CHURCH OF CHRIST mother, . " 9 :30 a.m. Bible School .' Mrs, Stat1.forth selected for 10:30 a.m. Communion her dau,l!"hter l wectd'in,g', a plu'lll Evenin~ Servit:e 8': 00 p.m. . crep e model with black acce sorie and the hri lie!?:room" Sf. AUGUSTINE moth er was in royal blue with Father Krumholtz, 'Priest black acce ories, 'eac h \\ carin<Y rose corsa,g-es. . Mass 8 :00 a. m. a 1~ :00 a. m. Immedfately f lI ow in ~ , the ceremon v, a I:ec-e ption f r FERRY CHURCH of CHRIST about on -hundred tw ntv-five Ralph E.. Stinson, Minister Bible School 9 :30 a.m; ANNOUNCING! ! Morning Worship 1·0 :30 a.m. WASHING MA.CHlNE 7 :00 p.m. Prayer Meetin~ SERVICJ:~ 'y oun2' People's MeetinK Sherwood Refri ,~eration 7:00 p.m. Sales & Service has' added 7 :30 p.m. Even:in.~ Services to its staff a competent ... washin ,~ machine mechan ic. We are offerin.1!" the F~IENDS I We've just finished housecleanang first Day School 9 :30 .a.m. t h g tting ready for the same 'prompt, efficient serMeetingfqr Worship , ~ holid!y :~~n e, , , and d~ring the vice on washinJ{ machines ' 10:30 a.m. . pr~ess 'we. did a ~~t. of re-de'!othat our customelrs are ex. ratmg as well. The hVlng aO,d dinperienciI)J{ wit~ our refri~ing rooms were re-papered In one eration service. . CAESARS CREEK FRIENDS of the new deep colored patterns . DAY PHONI~ 437 Rev. David St~6eld, Minister and we transformed a storageNIGHT PHON1E 332M closet to a tiny combination powWorship Servi 9-i4-5 a. m. aer room and den. Sunday School 10:45 a. m. I was skeptical about the dark wall paper at first, .• but an inte.You are invited to worship :with rior decorator friend suggested us.

The Miami Gazette ESTABLISHED 1850







~'uests was ~iven' at the. hothe f the brilte's parents.., M is Mar\' L ,u M re, of Harvey I urg-, MIS Franoe Henr of Wit ming-ton, Mr. 'R g r mith f ' Mt. terlin~, all or rit y i t r • erved as nostc" , Miss Ma,r y J ane Murph y of L n hburg an I Mi Reva Cam p 11 of L ~ba­ non, also sorority sisters, preided at th e t a tahle, which wa' beautifull y armn ,~' d witb lac cover . e l1ler~1ie" of ''II w chr ya rith mum ' taU \\ hit..' taper in silver hold rs anti a silver coffee :l11d 'tea s~rvi , The bride" f ur-ticr · dcc r:tt \V jd i ng ,ca k e. 'a rin g it minature bride and ~T 0 111 al (l \Va ,placed all th -, t'thJc, til first pi e cut b v th e hri i and serve d to her hu hand. T he hom wa' attractively arran.R·ej \\ ith white mum ' . . ' Later the c upt, I >ft for :l short hone 111 0 n nn i th 'hrid _ chose f r t ra v ling a win~ 01 r d uit, with hl ack ac _S and an rchid co rsa,g·e.

The Miami Gazette' Page 2 Wa ne ville, Ohio No.4 45 Thu rsda. , December 4, '194 7


Upon returning the will re, ide temporaril y with th ~ hrid e" parent . Th e bri k L1au.g·hter f Mr. and Mr . C .E. tanf d h, is a .~raduate f Wa yne viII High chool, att nded Wilminghlll Col1 e ,~'c, i a memb r f the Delta mega ororit y and an han r:try ni'e mb r of Alpha P ' j Om .ga , Phi Beta Phi o r ritie ' . , The gT 111 , on f Mr. an i Mr ", D. ' A , Elil f Wilmin .l!·t 11, wh \V I' eel bi'atil1g: their weddi ng- anniversary, ' L a ,QTad uatc of Wilmin ,gton Hig:h 'hool, atte nded Un.ive!' it f Illin [.:, Wilmin,gton. ,CoHeg:1: an j is ~ ow a mem e j' of th e Me hall! ell Engil1eerin ,~' ocie tv. . Mr, and Mr .Ellj ,~ I '(~ 'eiv t l,!lan I ve',y gifts an i I11U h tIm wa -pent, by th recepti n '"O'ue t oo in .ajmirin ,....o· thc'c tokens of 'love and affecti 11 f r thi tine uple,

AT "rHE "Friendly Store"

9ME FURNISH'INGS! "Hard-To-Get" Items ~

. 9 9






LAMPS (Floor and Table) STUDIO 'COUCHES (Fully ,Spring Filled) LIVING ROOM SUITES BED ROOM SUITES STOVES ·'Com,p lete Home Furnishers"

.HO'M 'E ·' FtJRN-I-~tJRE Phone 912R


CO . .• .

",E ast Main Street at Whiteman"


using mirrors on the walls to re. flect the white woodwork and winFAIRLY FAMILIAR dow light: ' Well, I tried it .-.:.. and . (OOntmued from Page 1) the effect is really beautiful! " When we discovered Jhe vlsu"l was all written in the minutes tricks that mirrors coul perform, and open for public inspection, my husband and I began expertIt has always been our conmenting and decided to remodel the that aO'overnin 0' body, .' closet into a powder room and den. 'on tentl ,... ,... The room was long but narrow , . , elected to office to . serve th e 80 we prepared the long walls with people ' who had confidence a gay plaid wall paper and paint. enouJ{h in them to cast votes i,n . ed the end walls. Then we found their behalf, should ' be more ' a modern desk, chests and dressing than willin2' to ,give all the in- , table of the same height . , . and possible concerrtin.,O' formed them into a single unit covformatl'on ... ~ ering one complete side wall, their activities. To continuall y . Above€ithis furniture we placed evade publicity, to even attempt four large mirrors. and ',that tiny a "soft~pedal" attitude towa rd den seemed to widen as if by the newspaper is , a . condiUon magic! Those mirrors reflected the hat is 'tar from bein,ghealth v. ent'ire room - ,and it actuaJly lookt ed twice ' as large! It's surprising As stated many times before , -how mirrors do brighten a rOOJTI. the columns of this paper are isn't it? My decorator friend said Open to anyone who wishes · t J they used them for decorating and express. themselves publicly, brightening every room ' in ' the ,,,ill be publi hed house, .. I was interested, too, in The 'lr wrl'tl'nO's ,..." her remark that most mirror so 1082' as they cO!1tain no slal1manufacturers use Pit t s bur g h der or unthruthful tatem ent, Plate Glass because of its beauty , If the ViIla2'e oftlcial wh and true reflections •. 'She said that a true reflection a mirror must tr 'led to influence thi,s , co lumn for be made of ' plate glass • . . and by hoJdinR' qut ~dvertnn~, .I! ad told me -that those I had selected expressed hI VIe v I, \ rrtlll .!!, were. Because of that fact .. am to the editor, a ,great am u!lt of doubly satisfied with my "Mirror harm would have he\!n a vOld:l. Decorating" - in fact, I am planAs the matter stand~ now, a lot include mirrors amo r.g my of suspicions ar~ b... IIl.~ lruU~q Christ mas· gift selections,



"Your Lot Can 'Be . or


.Happiness" 5 Br~ath-takin?; color. 6 spine-tingling action Wild and ·woolly saga of the 0 i d west. MIQiIGAN KID , (Cinecolor) " 'withJon HaU, VlCtlDr McLagen, , Rita Johnson, And~r Deme. Plus: Cartoon., '",peakitlJ{ of animals' and ShOft. 7 that hot-biooded Ladd ' 8 again slapping the girls around and tracing the ~illers amidst action and thrills~ CALCUIIA Starrin~ Alan Ladd" Gail Rusaell ' and William Bendix. Add d': Latest Movietone News. 10 H came out ' from 11 behind his·book to find that the outside world was full of I ve and laug-hter. The J:'rouble With Women F atming Ray Milland, Teresa


Wright, Brian DOldevy. Plu ; l\ L Sl~ .llld rt Shorts .









Page 3 The Miami Gazette ~a . n ville, "Ohio No .·U-l5 fhursqa y, De emt cr 4, 1 -l7

HARVEYSBURG BOOK REVIEW GROUP MEET IN WASHINGTON, H. Members of th Harve sb ur Book Review" CircJe m'dtore i



WEDDING OF FUTURE ANNOUNCED FOR FORMER REISDENTS , Friend here ar , int ,I', _te i m the coming weddi n e: f Dr. Robert H. PI' ton and Mi ~~ncy. L e W c t erm an in CinIlln'lti, Dr. Pre ton i th :o n of Mr. and Mrs, J. K. PI' _hI former re ident. and Mi ~s W 't erman ha vi ited hde quite often. ' The \\ edlii n ~~: will take place Dec. ' 10, hut ' n ac co unt of the r ecent death f the bride's ,g-randm thc:r an i erious illne of h ~ r father will be witn e ed onl y by i l1l~ mediate relative - and a few ' close fri,ends. Th e bride and ,g-room will ]eave ' for Florida for a hone ,moon, returnin,g to pend th ' Christmas holida ys ' in Cincin nati, They will then lea ve f I' Minne obi where Dr Pre t n will tak e up work and tud anae th e ia. I

to ,Washin,gt9n C. H. where th ey were entertamed at the home of Mr . W e ~ de lJ BriR~ n ,Tue lia. even1l1R Nov, 25. ' ' ' At the cIa e 'f th e l usin s e ion Mr , Lillian Can gave a h rt talk n her fc ent m e,e tin ~ with Cornelia Oti ~ kinn er and Emil y Kimbrou ~ h. The 1 k r view was presented by th pre id n1, Mrs, Harri,et m arl , \Vh ~ave "Linden on the ,augu Branch ' by El li ott Pau l, 'a rn a t el' tor teller. Til 10 k i ' rel11ini ent of hi ho hood da s in ' the mall Ho ton ' ubu rb in whi 11 he wa l orn. The hoo )< \\ a intere t in g', hum r us an:i unusual. F o l1 o\Vi n ~ the T 1'0 , ra m, the ho te ss, as i t d hv her , ist r. Mr. Winifred tarr, served a de licious buffet. andwich and sa lad course, Mr , Harriet mart po urin g at th ' da in ti l v' i rated taN e.


HELD AT JAMES LOVELY HOME, NOVEMBER 26 Mi s Ly dia Ann Roberts an i Mr. Lew i - Bell were marri,ed a th e home of the bride's aunt and lIncle. Mr. and Mrs. James Lovel, near Rid,g-evill e on Route 48 n Wednesday, Nov. 26 a : 0 p,m. T he c·erem ny was perform \1 hy Rev. R. B. Coleman in fr nl f th e candlelit fire plac e. Mr. and Mrs. Wend ell Thoma ~ were the attendant. A reception wa helq aft 'I' th e cer~mony with the foll owi I~ ~ue sts in attendance: Mr. and Mr. Jesse Roberts, Mf . Rail I Bl'ill, Mrs. Phi'llip Siton. M r ~ , Orville Hud~in~s, Mrs. Marth . L y. . and dau,ghter, Mar~ue ritc ' Mr. and Mrs. Fl M. Hall, Mr , Bill Furnace, Mr. Elmer Webt r. Mr. Claude Snyder, Mr. Emory Day, Miss Jo Ann Hom ston, all of ' ~yt-&RTMrs. L ac ' White. Mrs. Burris Calkin of Bellhrook. Mr. Loyde Hok nf Phillipsburg; M r. Ectdi'e Benn ' t of eymollr, Ind. : Rev. Colem an of Waynesville : Mr. and Mr -, James L vel y a.nd dall,g'ht -r Lanora at home.




A number frqm here att n j 'd ' f Mi Anna Nutt ai Gephart and Smit h FUll'ral H<;:>me,. in MiamishurR'. TUL:linv. Mr. and Mr. All rt nider MIN utt wa a p i n t r :' h m I of WiJmin.~ton wer h t at teacher of Warren Co unt y and the ir hom dn Tu > da y v n- lived in and around L \'tI l: 1110 t in~ to the Adult Bible CIa s of , of her lif. h liv ed in c... nt ' rJ nah' Run Baptist Chmc,h. v ille f or a few car , h \Va 5 ars Id. Mi s Grace Lealhing pre entd th e program with picture lid of her recent trip to Can - , Mr. and Mr , Fra nk Th omaa:1a, Th ose attendin g from had a Th ank Riving- i inncr Harve , sb urR' ~ ere, Mr. 'and Mrs. guests, Mr. ahd M r J . M arnJ, P. , Thorn ury, Mr. and Mrs . . bart and children' f 'avi 'n, Charle T, mart. Mr. and Mr . Mr. and Mr, J '111 HoI \ f William Gjllam, Mi Grace T. Dayton and Karen and Dee nn mart, Mr . Ca sie ColJ ett and Thomas. Mrs; Mary LanKer. Milo Beal and famil y 'aU ndMr. ahd Mrs. Earl Earnhart ed the funeral of M r. Sea l's and children entertain ed with a ,g-randm ther, Mr..: Earnhart (f lar,ge famil y party on Saturday Lebanon. Tu e ~ da y , evenin,g' at their home in th e country. Long tabl e were arThanksgiving day ,11:ue t l f ran~ed in the dining room with Mr.' and .Mr. Rob rt FLlrna co vers laid for Mr. and M r . were Mrs. J ean Mi - eld in e and Kart Babb and son, Mr. Dean dau,ghters Barbara and Celia . Babb.. and Mr. Charle Babb f Paintersville, Mr. and Mrs. J. M. Earnhart and two ons and Mr. and Mrs. Harold An i ertwo daughters, Mr. and Mrs. son and children of. C lumbu Charl es B. Earnhart and dau,gh- were , ,guests of their parents, ter of Dayton, Miss Marion Mr. and Mrs. Charle And er on Lon~, of Coldwall. Ohio. Mr. for Thanks.f.!"ivin~ and the week Robert Earnhart. Mr. Willia.m end. Welch, Mr. a'nd Mr . A. lH. Ea.rnhart, Mr. LaMar Ea rnh art, Mr. Alton Earnhart and Mr. and Mrs. E. F. ' Earnh art. \ t~le fun raJ

M r , EI i , H () kett, Mr. adi H a on, M oni mi a and unn II \\' 're' T h'lllksN 11i e giv in g iinn r ,~' u es L of Mr. and Mr , Hh de f3unnl!l l and da ug'ht r . , Mr .and Mr , G ~ p Bun:nell ani famil f St ' L3e rnard ' \\ ere T hank ~ ivin g v ning call r n M nimi a and Nellie Bunn 11. Mr, and Mr. ha rles Ellis pent Thank ,g'iving with · relatIve an j fri nd in en t rville.

E. O. SCOTT, Re~ ~e _ t:ntillg

Westheimcr & Company Membcr New ' Y rk Stock Ex h an ,!~: ' and other ' register d Exchanges Invedment Trust Shares , Bought - So ld - ( uQted Ph on Wayne v:Ue 2530

Dayton AD3257

The home of Mr .and Mr . C. E. tanf rth wa the scene of ' ,a love] . ~atherin,g ThanksMr. and Mrs. Paul Maurice ,~IVJng evenm,g, when they enentertained with a family di.ntertain ed with a turkey dinner, ner Thank ,g-iving day. Th Q e ' the members of Miss Edwyna's, present were Mr., and Mrs. Vert'heir dau~hter, weddin~ party, QfDayton~ Mr, non ' Maurice f( l1r wing a rehersal. ' and Mrs. Willis Maurice,. 0 nThe dinner table was 'l ovel nie and Dickie of Belmont, Mr. with a large center-piece of yeL and Mrs, Howard Tindal and low porn ' poms and tapers in Bobbie, Mr. and Mrs. ,Milton silver holders, Covers were ar- Snyder and Judie of Middleran,ged for the,bride and ,groom, town and Charles Maurice and Mi, s Edwyna Stanforth and Mr. wife. . William A. Ellis, Mr. and Mr . O. A, ,Ellis, Miss M~ry Jo Mr. ,and Mrs. John J. Burske Hye r. MISS Ruth LeMay, ' Miss Martha Dakin, Miss Mary Jane had as Thanksgivin,g holidla y Ables. Mr GeorR'e SchiUin~, Jr., . ,g'uest, their daughter, Miss MariRev .J, A. Armstron~' Trayler, lyn Burske of BowlinR' Gre:en Univ-ersity. Miss Burske retumMr. William E. Hillard, 'Mr, ed to her studies on Sunda AI Gaddis, Mr. Ralph B. Smith afternoon. Mr. an.d, Mrs. Burske and the ho t and hostess. also had as Thanks,giv-iI1,g diinner ,~uests Mr. and Mrs. WiIli~Lm ' Mr. Robert Thomas was the Strouse and Mrs. Leah MiI1s. ,guest peaker at the Kiwani,g Cluh in Lebano-n-:> on Tuesda y Geor~e Peterson, . Jr. spt~nt and ,g:a ve an account of his ex'- Thanks~ivin,g: with his parent, periences in th e World War 11. Mr. and Mrs. G . E 'peterson.



~~-...:.--~~- -

Ashmead S0810 Service, Wayn~sville, O~IO














Wall." .. (D.








:JJ,,'1.~Jge A FARM DIAAY by D. J. Fraizer

~ N vcn{b r ~9 4i .. Wint 'r

w ~th · u • if not by th almanac at ~ast by, weather. For 'a f \.

and then .e: e un j ~ r a~' ai.n. Now if w could jl:l "t hav ' a few . day of "Laz y Farm r's Summer" t fini'" h ,e:~ ttin ,~' in' the co rn ~ ~ r a i the Jim ' \\ .~ . have order d and drill the \\' II. then w c uld ' eiU ' .it \\' 11 t .' cold wea th er and I rhaps ~v 11 dr am f a whi t ~ eilri :tm:1. s,

'therefor and under au th orll y of th laws of Ohio and ol~ The Uniform Bond Act af the GElner a l ode of Ohio, and ·by virtu e oil a vote 'f a more than 65 % majority the el tors of said Township a llll und l' e.nd In accordance with a r laJn Resolution of Ithe Board of Town. ship Tru~teea or said Township. entitled: Resolution Ito Thsu B on 1 -


afitet' SubmJssion to :E lectOl'B, P U"S ed on the 15th d a.y ot N v m h ~ I ' 1.947.


Tea rs N ember and arl y cemb r were s I lea. ant tha·t it ai m t · med tru that wint r dii not rally , gin unt il the tw ntieth of Dec mber but tlli ar mu t·1 elong to an oth I' c lei , w t, co ld Novemb r ~ itll v cry little In li,ian umm er we ather. Thank giving: Day started to be a pleasant day, for a \\ hile th sun hone but by late aft moon it was nowin g hard. Today is c ld and raw arid ~ray Winter is with us and now that Thank givin,g- is over we can b gin to de vote ur full att ntion to preparations for Chri trna.

It is now the

eas 11 f or church bazaars. St. Mar y' Bazaar and food sale will e ' n at. Dec. 6. Christ Church Waffle Shop will serve wa ff le lun ches very day of the vi ek of Decen~~er first. If ~ n y f you are Chnstmas shopp.lng in Dayton, tha t would be a good place to get your .lunch. From Tuesday, Dec. 2 until F~i~ay, Dec. ~, Mr. Keys and , ~vll1 be attending' a C nferenc JI1 Columbus as representativ ' of the Committee for Town an i Count 10/ Churclies of' the Nationa1 Council f the Episc pal Church. The m eetin .~ is a C n'ference on' "'Religiou E ucation and t he ommunit" held by th'e In t rnational COlincil on Re 1i.~ious Education. This i an jl1t~Id enomination'aJ m e~tin R: at WhIch there wilt be representatives of all denominations and also S4ch o,rganlzations as the YWCA, the YMCA, the Grange and many others. Th e general ,chairman is the Hon. Harold Stassen, There. will be man y people there from ail over th e country and we h'ope to brin,g_orne ma'ny items of interest to . the whole community. . The huntin~ season is in full swing. The phesant. easo n is over but , !'~bbit and possums and coons shll . bave ' to look out. Foxes are' too plentiful. The rabbit hunters repo rt see in .~ them bu~ never wh,ere. they can get them. ·As usual the are too smart for them. The weather hasn't been very good fur fox. drives but there have .ilr, 'ady · been two or: three starting frnm Red Lion. day , they will come over thIS wa y and I hope that this time ' tliey will ~~et some. Buck and ·some otner 'coon hunters got a big coon the other ni~ht and one 'or two possums. I had nev~r tasted coon before so they sent me . over a piece, nicely roasted. It bad a pleasant mild flav9r though as I heated it in the pan the fat had a slightly wild smell rather like g'rout)dho~. The birds have found the suet and have been working on it hard. The titmice and the .chickadees ~re there in '{lUmbers and also soine of t he' small bl~ck and white downy woodpeckers. Our red-headed bird, . w.hose name no one has told us yet, is back again. . It looks somewhat like tne picture in 1he bjrdbook of the yellow,beIUed sap-sucker but this bird has the back of the head red as well as the front. Perhap it is just a fre.ak. . . The cold wind is beginning to blow the clouds away a nd the sun com es out for a minut e


Said bonds a l'e 01:' til tl n o IlIination and m ature, r e Pt' tlv cly; 1I ~ follows: \


PROPOSALS ' will he received .at t h e offi ce of til T o wn ship ' Clerk of '"aY tle. T ' " ' 1\ ' h I p, Warren Co'u ruty, 'In W "a.yn svi lI.,. Ohio, u ntil 2: 00 O'cl ock Rill . of ~ecember 27, 19~i fo r t h e PU I' ' has ~­ of bonds of saJd 1'0 ,\\'11 ' hlp. in th ~ aggregate ~mount o f $J 2, 0.0. dat~d the 1st d a y of Dc 111 bl'l' I. I j' and bearing i ntere st at th e r at ' E ~ per cent. per a n'lIum, p a,y , b J~ semi-annuallY" is s u ed r l' t h· pur" pose ot prov id ing Fil' A _I)Pftmtu , App.Uances, ' Bulldi ngs a ndl t· it :; ,

Bond No. iDecember 1, Bond No, Decemlber 1, Bond No. December 1 , Bond

.. ' 0.

$1,200.00, m ot ul'


1949. $l,~WO, O O .


nt ll t ud.

1950. 3 $l,:!OO.OO, nl nll ul't' 19 51. -1 1, 200.00, nwl u l'(' 19 52, 5 $1 200.00 , mat U I'!:' 19 53. ' 6 $U!O O.OO, »l n tuI'\}

Decembel' I, !Bond N o. pecem-bel' 1, tBond No. December 1, 1954.

.--~~--------~~--------------~--------------~, .

People i Spots 'In 'Th~ News

Bond No. 7 $1,200.0, mat.ul·e Dece mber 1, 1955, Bond No, 8 $1,200.00, mature December 1, 1956. Bo~d No. ~ $l,~OO . 0, m a lul' D cembel' I, 1957. Bond No. 10 -$1, 200.00: m 3 tur' December 1, 1958. Any on~ d esiring to do so may pl'esellit a bid or b ids for a id bO~ld . Las e ~ upon t h it· b tll'll11g' 11 d i rfer e n t 'l 'aLe O,f inlel'es t thi n1 t)(\ III d h '1' -' In 8lbove, provid ed , h o \\, "v 1' . th at wh e re a. 'ft'U:OtiOll u lin tel' ~:-;t . ht t I. b id sUlCh frncU n s h all Ip 0)1' quarter of 1 p el' . cen t 0 1' mu ltipl (>s . t hereo t. Said bonds , v iH Ibe sold .to · th e 1l1ghest b idder at the tim e and pIn ' e :'I'bove . :m e ntioned, at not les s thn il liar 8tnd accru ed ~nt e r (;'st. Bids may be mad e ul an 'n 11 0 1' any n umber of b ond " of t h is is UI.'. All bids mu st t n t, the num b ' I' of b.onds bid fOl" a net th e g r o s amount of bid and aNTU d in tel'(>sl to date of d e ll vel'Y. " All bids mu st -be a'Cco mpanl ,n by a Certified Chock dl'a wn In favol' of the Boa,rd of 'l'oWllship Trustee or Wayn e Townsh ip, War'I' !:l ll C oun ty, Ohio, in the sum of $~OO.O O upon , condition that ~f the Ibid a. ept-· e d the !o iddcr wHl l'eeeive and pay for such bonds as may Ibe Is u ed us above set forth, wilthln 30 day.:: of the award, said Certlfl ed h ck 10 be .forfelted 01' SUCll certill d ell k to be retained by salll Wa.yne' Township If said condition is not fu lfill d . The l;3oard of Townsh ip TI·ustC'e. or sald Township reserv s the 1)1'1vlleg;e to r ejeCit a ny ELnd ,all bids. No Co.n ditlonal Blds will be 'on -



The Mia'm i Gazette rage 4 W a n svi ll e, Ohi o N .-1-345 Thur da December 4, 1947 h r ' son, Mr, Alh I' t slublll;l fi11d fumlly. h'. !H I1I' thn Il ' nd ~ t' so ll' W I\S ., a g u ·t tl t l fl hom 'of:vt j ' . R' I'ti MUl s on Th ll nksgi,"ln,g' nay n hd on ullday \\ a~ th dlnn I I' g u est. ' f Mr'. a.nd '1 11" , I _l'I·. r OI·d On. M hr h 'l nl1)le r :ln d 'ni ee, . U ,.;s ~ - rtt ' lId ' t·h a nd lt'l'. S11 ' llt lSatIn Dllyt n, , M a l'g,lI' l 1!-rlw:1 I' 1" t ilt! Th a llic 'lvin g 1 . :-- g'uest or h I ' ll ph ew, l\lr . \\'ibon F: l\I'flrd H ,lIltl fa mily n en l' -·pl ·ir't .... n ·l d. . d 1'8. l!;" Illy n f! t I' son. ;\liHses Minni l oti 'u n UlIU Ruth ( ' h n nd ler nlt nd e l lh ' :-: \Y 'ntul'Y tub at til ~ h o me f ~11· s . " I\'a 'l'h .ll1I p s 11 II FI'jd a y nft I'I1U on . , ft· . \0\ n bLe l' :,\1 K a v r ~ l'U.ll tlC, :'\fi 11'. a nd ;\fl·.·. AII '~ ] I. L a ni eh. u a u g hlel' llf. \.I t I't I kl'H ~' . w i th li tj ll d a u g-hll L' , Sue J tUIl' \'\s i urda~'

_\Ji .,;


~f1 se M am 'tin t! ..\ Hili ·," [,1' \\, 1\ o n Thul' day nflerl1.o n. . Bo th Albel''t tl nu ~\'(l1t . 1' :\1 K y W I'e fo r m e l' l' i<1 nt s' r ",ray n e vil l . , h'[lv ln '" lh- d fO'I' '1 I.LlO llw l· of y a t' in lh h om e,f 1,.dHol' li nd i l·.-. '1'. J . B I·ow n.


Bids should be sealed and ndOl'S-ed "iBids for Fire Appa r'at us Bonds " 'B oard or T ownship TruSitees r Wayne Township, Wa n n OtUl t y OhiO. ' . .. . MAYN.ARlD F. WWL'l'Z, C lel'k, Board of T01VlllShip T l' ust e or Wa yne Tow,n hlp, Warl' II . COUll ty, h in.

HOURS: 9-12 each morning

1-5 afternoons ' except


, Wednesday


7-9 Satur.d ay evening Other evenings 'by Appolntmen~ . 1'11's. Kal'l DakU1 oct !lau g hlt " . 1\1 [·s . Jean Thomson' · of Lebanon. visited Ml". Dakln ' ~ mothel", Mns. 'peorgiar'tna ["In Wl F l·ida.y , a. rt.e l~ ­


Dr. C. E.. · W ilkin' Optometric Eye Specialist


I:, a nd Mt· ":IMilton h e h an of en tel'ville w 'e l' Thanksgiving ' day dlnnel' g.uests ()[ Mt·s. ·Alice Olark.


Mrs. L u cile Armik'l.g pent SUll day and Mo n~ y rut th e home of h el' da u g h ter a nd Bon-in-law. Mr. and ~rs " Robe t·{ 'BlJr net in Centel'vlile. Ml·S. Am lllnda Hartr~um spent Th an ksgiv ing Da)' at Ithe home or

26 South Detroit Street XENIA,OHIQ

_. __ ._ .. ......... r._ ~


.Blacktop Road






Applied '

Resurfacing and Dri:veway Recoating

F R E' E


B~ ' B.

.2 6 Oakwood AVenue




Phone 221-L


WAlJ.PAPER - G.E.BULBS SLOPPY ~ .GOING Dania,. Fla. Bobby ished nose and no

this tomato pie eating (l~ontest at and Jo~ Clemmons; lefL fin· · . upper right, withdrew. ~




nu::!clIO.. cenlter,





o es .am ers ~EAUTIFUL -



$6 .5~ --- $7.20 -

$7,·50 -:- $ ,


8 .52

Place Your Order NOW for "


c o A L


SIC N S of




Waynesville Furniture & Appliance ·Co.


! E 2858.

South Main Street across from Grange Hall t . . . Telephone 2422


. Pa,g-e 5

The Miami Gazette

Wayne, ville, Ohio N ,4345 Thursday, De mber 4, 1 47

il'I'I~ ~119, ~ J ___,~~,<. r - _"

,b y Danny Hartsock

WAYNESVILLE-KINGMJXN GAME, NOVEMBER 24 , The Reserv e h g-a n th e eV~ l1 _ in~ right b r ompin O' ver Kin ')'. man 2 3 -1 4 under til lead 1'hip of Ha ting ~ and M chaftl wbo


ach made 8 pOint -.


TI~ , Val' ity gflme was a di ' . app ~ lI1tm nt. ""stayed ahead'

thr,ollghout the g'am Thompson' ~ acing- ' th

w ith atta k with ' 12 r oint , ' but in 'th la -[ l1alf, Thomp on , wa taken ou.t by f oul and Kin g-man ulled ahead. Th final cor 4- R.



1 homp on



1 0 00 204


mt~l1w I'


Dakin Fir, n 'e





204 3 9 124 12


, KINGMAN VARSITY F.G. F'-T. Graham 1 1


Pis. 3




4 9

2 2 2

10 21

0 0

0 0

0 0






Kenn y




Peters Graham

Flor,ence Lackey Hastings Earnhart

F. G. F. T. Ph.' 408 0"






'f". ...







COLUMBUS, OHIO (Special)~ S-carce, but ample I That's the report on the supply of hybrid seed corn available to Ohio farmers for next season, Recording to Dr. DaVid F. Beard, Extension Agronomist at Ohio State University. Explaining th;e apparent contradiction in his report, Beard says it ' means that early purchasers will have no difficulty, but those who delay may have to select a grade size that .w ill require special pl anter plates. , But sufficient hybrid seed is a vai lable to plant the entire 1948 corn acreage. ,Wjth a favorabl e season in .1948, \ihat means a yield large enough to expand food out- Dr. Da\'id F. Beard with re ults pu t. of comparative germination tests This year's backward seas on re- show-ing complete safety in seed suIted in a smaller hybrid seed carried over from last season unde r corn acr eage than originally plan. proper cO,n ditions. ne d. But favorable weather in August and September, permitting The current season, according to m o -t of the seed corn to mature Beard, has presente'd an important before frost, largely .offset '~he poor ~est for 100% hybrid utilizationstart. Howe ver, combined reduc- and the test has been passed "with tions · in aC1.·eage and yield mean fly ing colors." a tota) production 15 to 20 per cent Now that farmers depend on a less than last year. , few specialized producers for the Olli,o's exper ience, it is pointed ~ew hybrid seed !equired each year out. is in contrast ' to thut of the lnstead of selectlOg seed from any we tern states" als o with POOl' 'c rib or. corn ~eld, a. sing~e year's yi elds. Th re a good start was off- . seed fmlure mIght brlOg dISastrous se t l ater by dl'ought~ re~ults in the form of ~carce, highThis yenr's yield of Ohio Certi- pnced food the follOWing yenr. _ But the hyoridseed corn industry tied seed corn is supplemented by a larger-than -normal reserve from has shown its ability to overcome the big, high.quality crop of 1946, the handicaps of unfavorable seawhen , a record !lumber of acres sons. With the' protection of last were devQted to hybrid seed pro- year's ' reserves, the 'outlook for duction. Dr. Beard reporta that next sea~on is a favorable one, in Ohio Agricultural Experiment Sta- contrast to the exper\ence in 1918 ticn tests show 100 per cent safety when rOOst Ohio fanners had to in using seed carried over from use imported seed of poorly-adapt- . one s 'on to the next under proper ed, open-'P QUinated' varieties, Dr. · c:mditions. Beard rep rts. <-


204 328

MI'. a nd Mrs: L j'Ely Gebhart and guests, "i\'[I', f\;n d 'MJ·s. ,Loren RoutzJimmie , urn etJt of Ridgeville were ahn and daughter of Fl'anklln, MI', guests of Mr. and MI;S, Les0 1 1 ' and IMrs. Morris Wh a l·ton ,a nd ' Mr. ,Sunday lie Gray and family and Mrs, la ra P a ul Keen ey of 'Dayton, , , , Mr, and :\'1I·S. harles Tumlbleson 10 3 23 Mr. a nd Ml·S. C. , W. Youn e. Mr. nnd fa mily s p n.t T~uin'ksgivlng day ,KINGMAN RESERVES and Mrs. Claude Riggs, 1MI'. and witb th e latter's parent s. Mr. and ' F.G ~ F-.X. Pts. Mrs. Herman Arthur aJt Sardinia. Mr's. Paul Flory. MI', and Mrs, Haines 2 2 6 1'.h.'. a nd Mrs. Rob ' rt Corwin en· ' Everett Clark and son of Dayton , Whittin~ 1 2 4 t,ertalned 'were Sund·ay evening ' gu ests of 'Mr. to' a Ttlanksgivlng diu'Burnell , 0 0 0 n~r th~ SI. .Toh,ns, relatives o r MI' , and Mrs. Wlbur Cla l'k, honorng' the birthda.y of their father. Watson 1 0 2, Oorwln, McKinne ' 1 Mr, and Mrs. Calvin Longs cl'e 2 Mr, a nd MI' . William Ebert clos- ' Lewi 0 0 0 ed their gl'O ery h re at the r. ill'on d and children entertained to dinnet· Co ' n 0 0 0 Sialbul'day 'and m ved nea l' M'i:lmilS- Th,a nksgiving, Mr. al~d Mrs. harles Drake, Ml·S. Lou ella Swank. Miss burg. ,5 Ml', and Mrs. Ver non Purs l y had Margie a nd Mr'. J'l mmi . Swa nk ot 14 4 Dayton. oM 1'-. and ' Ml'S, E., B. Long, fOI' th , it· ' SUnday evening dinner ,acre and Mr. Ernest Foulks .. guests, 1.'h'. and· Mrs. CUfford Becket.t anci 1'ainil~r of nea i· Lebanon Ml'S. Je , se Kerchn el" ·Mrs. Irma ' Miss My'r Ue Bay 01' a nd Mr. ' .Ai Sweetman and IMl's. Noi'man ,Hen- ' G'rote of Dayton, rick and son of Da.yton were W e d~ Mr. and IMr. Rall>h Hammond nes,d ay g}uests of their mother, Mrs. Mr. and Mrs. Tl1el'le Jones o,.nd atLended tho ,funeral of Mrs. ' Anna. Allce Trickey, also Mr. and Mrs. MUton, Wltll other relatives spent Mahlmeister a ,t the Holy Trinity II'vin Hal'ris. Thanksgfvhl8' day with Mrs. Joni!s' C,h UI'ch i'n Dayton, Tuesday l1.,t 8 ~30 , Mr, and Mrs. Waiter K enr!C and Pat:'ents, Mr. and MI' . ~viTr"Nmt ' a.m. James Haines w re guests att a near Cetllterv'1I1e. Mr, and Mrs. Calvin LongWCl'e family dlnn,er Thank giving at the Mr. " and 'M l·s. Bartlett Monce at- c~ H ed rut the home of Mr, ~rank ,t nded a Ifamlly dinner ThanksFrie'bes and two I1tt'le- chlldren, ' in' home of Mr. and Mrs. WilHam glvl'ng day at the home ot their son- ' Columbus, Sund y aft-ernoon. Mrs. !H1alnes in , Dayt ol1 in honor of the In- law Mld daugb~er. IMr. and Mrs. 'F riebes passed away Friday. She birthday of Mr. Kenrick and the thirly-fioflth wedding anniversary Hurln St . .John near lMorrow. ' was a cousin, of Mrs. ,Ralph Barger of Mr. and Mrs. HalMa. Mr. and Mrs. Everett Early ' were and well known here. , ~uests ' Brit the Fellowship Class Mrs. Susan Saylor ot Dayton ' .Mr. and Mrs: Milo Miltenberger meeting ot the IU. , B. Church of spent 'last week with Mr. and Mrs. ' and children had for their six Spdn.gbOro at the Grange Hall, on Harry Graham and "Mr. and Mrs. o'clock dinner go'e sts Thanksgiving Monday everiing of last week, Henry Saylol' and chil'dren. il\fr. and /Mrs. Jesse Malcom and Mr. Mr. !Paul Johns, of the University \Mr. and Mrs. Elbert Wallace of Wlll'1am Bernard of Waynesv1lle, of Cincinnati spent Thanksgiving Cincinnati are '-having the garage Mr. a,nd Mrs. Ralph Hammonci and ,and the 'weekend with his grand· on their property hel'e made into' a family, Mr. and Mrs. Ems Baek ',a nd mother, Mrs. Margaret JOb.llS. dwelling. son and Mr. Lawrence Rooney. Mr. and Mrs. Seth, Furnas, Miss Mary Br-own and !Mr. and Mrs. ' 'WIsMer Kenrick attended' the monthly meeting of the Warren COunty IHtlstorlcal S,o oiety on ,Monday evenIng or last week at the b,eauUful coun,try home of' IMl" and Mrs. WH"lla.m, Mason ne4r Lebanon. Mr. and Mrs. Homer Monce and three 's ons , of Plymonth, Ohio were weekend ,guests 'o t their parenits, Mr. and ?,lra. BarUetlt Monce. ' EFFICIENT REPAIR Mr. Frank l\l'ilten berger spent (l'om Wednesday until FI'idary and O~ ALL MAKES OF . EQUIPMENT Thanksglvi'ng wth }:lIs son-in-law and da ughter, MI'. and IMrs, lIf1'ord Archdea.con In Dayton. Representative for Mrs. Marga ret Johns alld Mr. Paul Johns sPElnt !Friday in Dayton , Mr. and 1\11·s. Evel'eU Early were cntel'nalned to dinn er Sutlu ay, Nov. 23, at Ithe home of Mr. and Ml'S, Paul ~ min ms in Le'banon In honor or th birthday of -Mr. E arly., LEBANON, OHIO ' Phone 332 M Mr. and Mr . Clyde -Wharton had l OI" theil' TlHl,nlu:lg ivil1 g dinner


n l'~'

Hore .of P

}I I'

--1..,,,>..'-tT:~rr''"''';:;';ln''"\~ v "''' l-\l'''"':---":On' t , Ul' ) ~:tillm11tad~avy~,--"::':'-=:::::'::"'L:::-=:":":':":'::::"::::::':::"" Mrs, Hal' was OUr gu t ; p et~kel', Mi s Lill a 13 n ha m was n Ma,rilyn u e m It h a ng a s 10, Thank sgi in o' gue_t )f Mr: . IMr. and MI" , Lulh I' If. In . hnd as t ~l il' Tha.n k g iving tla y gue ts Jenni Mull' 11 and Mr, an j Mr::- . Thomas Burton and dau, 'ht t il fo ll owing. Mr, A nd "tr ~, ('har l " of rry. La ird f 11, hlo, ;\lr, n n ~1 )1"r, :Uel\' i'n 'Holling w orlh, :'11' .. an ~ M .. , Donald Hain s nl\ fion, Th ma- of Minn· A ldon, hi ' m o th r < Ul', Ml-, a nd "i\l l' , \\':u:n1 n Brnd(l oe k :l ll Th, nk and , l\1" r . J nn l~ B r add c k a.lI(> d '(lll ,M r, and .1'1', 1 nym ond "'jl~Ol l-j , , ,. Sunday ev ning; WANTED Mrs. P em'! 1n (' 11;Iil' an I hlldr en, ,11" ' , Loll-i ' J nl{lnQ an d L o \' I' ll ',' pent las t Tu sda y e\'en ln \\' ilh Mrs, h arles Stan ley , ~ $20.00 Mis Marily n Su I mit h p nt HORSES --.:. $20.00 I' p ad of la t '~' , It with lVII', 1I rt d M I'l'; , »OGS $6.00 cwt. EVe n ,Boga ll of Dayton. "oc:ordlnc to Size a CondItion . fr, a nd 1:1', al'ey Leigh Hair1 • Also, All SMALL STOCK Mr. and Mrs, Ev \' tt tHa i n and son, Marvin W re dinner gu s ls on REMOVED PROMPTLY Tha nk.sgiving , d a y of Will a rd Phone Huin es u nd wife ' n a l' ab ina, XENIA WILMINGTON . ~h',. a nd 1M'!'. ' harl s I--Jandma n ; an d Mr, a nd , Mrs. R.~. ompt n of in innati 11 d on Mr. a nd Mr , R."erse , C herc•• LutlJel' Haines amd Mrs. Lu cy 001.pton ,a;t the' 1B0ga n h om e, Sunday afternoon, Mr. and Mrs, R ay m nd vViiJson e n tel·ta in ed rth eit' d a ught r, Mlr . Ma.rY Koth~ y n M'cIintire a nd MI', J a nnelta 'Elli and faml)i s to d in · ner Thanksgiv ing a y ev ning. Mr. a nd 'Mrs. a l- y Leigh Hain es spent one vening h er par n Ui; M I', and Mrs .. , Goodin of J a mestown. Mr, and Mr . R :a leig h B gan elltertainEid to dinner Th ank sgiv ing day, !Mr. and Mrs. lEvan Bagan of. Dayton, Mrs. Lu y ' Compton, Mrs, Mary Bogan, Mr. and M l 'S . "WltHa m Smith and Marilyn S'u . Mr. 'a nd Mrs. Weldon vVjil.son called in t'he a1lternoon. ' Mr. Jack Hawk enter a Day,. ton ' hospital, Friday for a s in us operation. Rev. David tan field call d on Lucy C'o mpton, Saturday afternoon, Mr. and Mrs. Everett Haines call ed Smooth sailin~ throug-h one last Tuesday evening, domestic difficulty" at lea t, f r U\:h". and . MES. Ra.ymond Burden the woman who use our finc visited relatlvs hi Tro tWOOd, u'll cleariin~ service! When daugh . day 'a fternoon. Thanksgiving d H~' gue ts of Mr. ter wants her even in g- ~ 'wn' and 'Mrs, " Raymond 'Burden wer'e on short notic-t:, wh ' n Dad Mrs. Sallie Benne tlt, ,Mr. and ,Mrs. need~ h!s ,dinner ~uit, wh en . n John Ben'nett of Dayton, and Ml-. _wants_hls_tuxedo ' .. you ill t and Mrs. Herbert Butaen-~or Rox let ' us take care of these anna: troubles and your famil y will Mr. and ~rs. William Smith wet:e pr~ise ,you as the best manag'er 'lDa:yton visit~rs on Fdday.

r \.





Dr. T. P. GROSVENOR , . Optometrist ' , 335 S. Ma'jn St. phone 10


£'11£ nW~

SHERWOOD . RefrigeratioD Sales: =;::=:::::::::::::=:::==

and Service ============




Appropdate ceremqnies for all faith s.

,', STUBBS' Funeral Home, TELEPHONE 2291


• •,.11 'BUILDINGS,




'-4-WAY FARM INSUR'ANCE" " in ~e Ohio Farmers will give yo~ btoaa protection against losses OIl your f~••I~ covers your buildings, your chattels. yow automobile and )'O~ liabll!tf for accidents to others. Wby not lee u.s today? You iiIOfII you ro we when you're insured in the Ohio Farmers'

, Karl D. Dakin ' In~urance Agency

~ 48

Phone 153, 20 E. Mulberry, LEBANON,




.41~" ()~



iD a,y fe tivlti S.





11O W -

< v el', a n be the fa c tor tha t proMr. lind Mr . H. S, '.ruck r a nd t ,t a nd a ITies Y.O Ul~g liv ' d : u ~ h te l , ~I l s E va ly n T ud, e l' s p nt Th ::J nk ~gi vjtlg with Mrs, Tu k I" ~ th ro ug h t h trou b le-Ii p rlod s , I:o::lt",r pare o LS t o y uunP: ein ..\ 11'. and _ it' . ' Valte,' a lllnha n · i 'lel', ;\irr ', J enrt~ ] II of om el' - . Am l"il'an. a n be a l' wardin xIII . n 11 .. Id a) t h Tur k I' ~ m OL I'v nd f a'mi ly of C ln cln n-ruli W I' e dind to Cin ci nnati wh I'e' Ul<' y d s ile d ' perienc t nd a g'oud d ee 1. ' M OIHhl y n r gu t. T h ul's day of Mr. a nd b a Td. m ec) ! a l 'a r e a nd c lo thi ng t h !r' .on -i n- Iaw fl·nd da ug h te r, £Mr. 1\1 1' . Th m as ' Runyon. nt'e p r ovl(J d. Th l' Qu lJ'ed le a nd M r,· . J amePa r k a nd dau.rh1MI': and M r '. HlI y G it son w r e li ce ns e, a t no cost I to rLh fo::;t el' plll' t t . di nn 'l' g u e' t la st Thur d a y of Mr. ll t S. i s arrange d' fol' by th S UI' a u . I n k ' pi ng with :: I n ann ll a l ' us to m an d ' 1'1'.. {ron is L ewis a nd fa mily, Hs W I'k 1'8 sup rvlise- th e pi a th Do.·t l' fa mily n jo~ L'd th ir Mr, Ul nd 'MI s. Ern est Ea rnh a rt ments m a de and hare l'n t he ov erTh a nksgiv in g D a y dinn er a t. th :~n d on , David s p ent tlh e w e k en d a Jt l' es pon i1J,Hit l 'S a nti nnin g. h om e of Mr, a nd ;\11' . 11 <1 1'1 . D osw ith Mr. and Mrs. J a m es "\i\ il'dm~:tn 'Yhy n ot w rit 01' te l ph n e t oday? t e r a n d d au 11 t r s. f J ack s on , 9hio. . ,



M r s. Lisa ul'l gone t o t h e M r s . Alice Furma n s p n t a few day, la st week , wlith Mr. 'a nd M r . hom e of Mr . an d IVlt-S. H a rry Onwh I' s h will I' m a in until! .aft l' D w y Comestock and fam Ily of ,lh e hl'i tmas h o lid ays. Beavertown. ly de L Icy wer e Mrs . E lsie Koeste r of M e Holl y' , IMr . a nd Mr.. Th a nk sgivin g Day g ue. ts '. of MI'. I ft Sunday afternoon Cor hi 'ago L vicy 's "iSlt r, .M I', Dai sy 'Hnrtto \ I it hel' daughter and fa mily, '(J~' k r Day ton. l\'l r . . and ·Mi·S. William IDuFa u . H er n iec e, Miss A lma Koeste r a ccomp anle,d ~er ' for few days. CHILDREN'S BUREAU OF Mrs. Robert Greene , of Day t on caJIed on her mother, Ml·S. Lue DAYTON SEEKS HOMES M organ) Sunday afternoon. FOR BOYS AND GIRLS · ,Mrs. Ernest. Hasz was !brought Th e hildr .n' - B ureau, 226 :"! orth hopte Sunday mornlng from ' Miami Je ff-er on • t., D a yton, hlo n e eds Va:11ey hospital. Cost I' ho m s. Th e wm' .j - ov 1', but, Mr. and Mrs. Hlly G1'bson called on Mr. and Mrs. lHarold Rog~ rs a nd fa r more tha n' I r ea liz d , its efl'ects E mma GIIbeon of Bellbrook, Thurs- u pon ·fa mily lif c nllnu e to be fe·lt. Th e dislocrutlo n of famil y 'units , th e day ,e vening. Mr. and Mrs. Lewis CraWford of h as ty marriages, t he ec onomic press tir s a r e me-ausur'ed , by orga n izaXen'~a c~led on ' their pare nts. Mr. tiona s uch a s the, B urea u I.n t erms a nc;i Mr",·. Olarence Crawford, Monof broken hom s. It is through: no day night. . fault 'of th-elr own tha t some chi1dMi'. and Mrs. Morris Lewis a nd sons, Jerry and Billy a·nd 'Mr. a.nd r en are being 'd eprlved of the things Mrs. Hlly Gibson ciUled on Mr. and tha t come as a natura l right. Th e hildren's Bureau's ExecuMrs. Henry ,E'lselnm6ng'er of \Franktiv e 'eel' t a l'Y. Rich a rd 'Lewls, Jr . lin, Sunday afternoon. ha s .announc d tha t there is a sho'rrtMr. and Mrs. Eddie 'Marlatt a nd children s pent- the weekend with a ge of fo s ter homes with PI'otestant Mr. , and Mrs. Elvis 'Mioh ael of faml11es a nd that new ones axe badly needed, There is always a C811l . X enia. ' for such 'homes beca use of martial pl'oblems, iHness and death, biut the ' aftermath of wa l' has leU. larger numbers of hlldre n Ith a n usual arveu~ . without th e norma l family tie'S. (I II There are babies, JitU-e tots, a nd Mr'. and Mrs. Joe Davis of Lebaolder boys and g irls .as well ,who a l'e i'n n eed of .care, They ' ar~ not for non were .Sunday aftJernoon guests , adoption /b'ut the y want a chance to ,of Mr. 84'ld Mrs. H. S. 'Ducker and live a child's carefl'ee life unltll they daughter, Mllss Eva.}yn Tucker. !Milia ' Esther Prather . spenlt her can go home again . to Itheir own , ' family groups. ,', Thanksgi~lng vacation with relaCbUdr n who Have ' lost their .1lvea is])ringfl:e1d. · MI'. Charles EHls 'of W'lellman ' own homes, even tem,porarily, have lost som thing that no one a n ever wa accepted into /the local Grange' Monday . evenlmg. . fully repla ce. 'Th e affec tionate '\YelMr. Charl'es Edwards and , son!.., .;.: M~r:..:,_ _c_om_e_'_a_n_d_t_h_e_lo_v_e_a_n_d__~a_r_e--:-t_h_a_t RJa.ymond Edwards were :r'hanksc_.,.....:,..:.-.--=-_-4 g .lvlni' Day QlnJl er guest.s of MI·s. ~lahche __ arr. .' - I '. /¥r.' a nd !MrS. Emers.on Maste rs a nd sons were guests' of Mr, ' Masters' parentS, Mr. and Mrs. Ol'a y Masters tor Thanksgiving dinner. . g lven to' compliment ' tl1eilf gran'd s on alld wife. Mi's, 1M~'y Tuc ker is h e r iste r, Mrs, Etta Plowman. of 'FaIrmont, W t6st "'a. Enroulte' hame,. Mrs . Tu~k er . w111 stop ,at IDuncan ;Fa lls, Ohio wh ere sbe will be the guest o f · h er son ' and daughter-in-law, 'Mr. a nd Mrs . Harry Tu cker an'd family .. Mr. ':;tnd Mrs. Walter ' Donaldson . hav begun cons truction ot: a, new .borne located on the side corner of their propel'lty on ,Main st. • fr. and Mrs. Auzwood " Bu II ~.-!.:...---=-l\1"'::a:::r:tln are m ng Mrs. Martin's 'father, Mr. Karl Shidaker. ' , . ' . 'Mrs, Len a Clark a nd da.ugh te l', lMiss ElIzab'eth' Clark wer e hOS- ' tesses to the Advisory Council a t t h e ir home near Qreg'()Itlia, lFriday .Eve Arden, comedienne-satirist evening. . . of WLW-NBC'I "Village store,'" -Church night was ,o'bsel'veq a t th e heard Thursdays at 9:30 p.m., EST High School A.udltori\,Jm, ' Thursday strikes Ii refleeUve mOod as she evening. Rev. ' C. L. Wamsley, pas.tor IlOndel's .new tricks to try out on : of 'the local Methodist \C burch pre '';':0 '~ ~ " "per Jack Carson. , sented a mot~on picture In ,k eeping


JJ. .


' hUdl' n' B urea u, 2: .. 6 N OI-th J e f fe n ;o n t ., ay ton , Ohio, HM. 7801.

,~ u e" t ,. M r

M·r. and Mr

Mr and ' Mr. Gilbert Fry a'nd " n w ere Thanks.~ ivin ~ ~ ue ts of Mr. an.d Mr. Glen n Fr e in Day t o n.

M r . and Mr . L. C . St. ~ 1111 an d Mr. and Mr . Glenn Bland and dau,g hter w er Thank,giving' ,g,uests of Mr. and Mrs. John Settl em y re and chi.Jdren. ,

Mr . and Mrs. Maynard ' Rkh and family of Pitt burg, a. were gu ests of th eir parent Mr, and Mr , J. B. Rich f( r ' the Thanks,givi,n g holiday.

PertJonal notetJ R v. anj Mrs. l~ . B . ol eman attended the G old n v.. ~ d­ dinR,' anniversary of Mr. and Mrs. John Ary f Xenia. unda y afternoon. ' , '

Mr. ancK Mr . Myron ":h mas



Dilatush Building -

of Daytori-\were Sunda y even ·in,g- g'uests of Mrs. E. L. Th ma .

., Members of a famil y ~lay .com e and go as they please, 'stay as long' a~ they like, 111ake l ocal or long' dl~tanc calls, and r ceive th,eir friend exactly as th e would at heme. ., .




Broadway -

Lebanon, Ohio


Mr. and Mr . Elswo rth Winks had for their Thanks,!!'iving'



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J 9 47




Mrs. , tanley 'Bail ey aU ~ n id a co v ered di h dinn er wi th a ,..O'r oup f , 19 4 Ea tern tar W rth y Matron at L nch bur,g j urit) ,Q' th e pa t w e. k. '

'trickster -.






E. L. Th rna an'd '




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Page · 7 The Miami Gazette Waynesville, Ohio N . 345 Thursday, De ember 4 1947

Mr. and Mr ". Clyde Fromm were gue ts of th taU r' pt.uents in prin'g1i etd f r a part of the Thank gi ing w 'c k ~ n . i.. Mr. Ray Mill s \Va th gue t of Mr. and Mr 'E van on Thank s~i.y ill

1inn ~ r

Helen Apgar vs, Emmett Apgal' case di'missed without l'ec01'd ' and witnout prejudice. HalTY Lollal' v::., 'I he Loveland Gas and Electric Co., defendan t gl'anted 30 day to file demurrel', answer 01' other pleading. Bertha Shepherd vs. Roy Shepher d, divorce to plaintiff,"':"3 minor hildl'ell' to plaintiff, l'eal e t at e to plaintiff, defendant t o pa y plairitiff sum of $35 pel' week. alimony .

Estate of Albert Starke, de9'd, Fl'eda Bost administratI'ix invent ory 'h eat'ng set for Dec. 12 at 10. , E tate of Sue Weil, dec'd, Margar t Ros etta Bustle administntl'ix to ell personal property at priyate sale. E tate of Miles Watkins, dec'd, Mar g aret Wa lldns, a dmini trat rix filed fir t 'an d final accoull t. M ARRIA~E LICENSES Da le Hu bbard 21 , Franklin, t ud nt, Lois Ann Coleman 19, Franklin, secretary. Mar tin J. Dooley, _5, Foste r , pr ess op erator, Cal'olyn Vearil ,19, Loveland press operator. Richard Reedy, 18, Franklin, f a t ory worker, Ine z A . Hurtt, 1 , Franklin. . Henry Bi'ad¥, 60, Lebanon, policeman, Fannie Freeze Surface,' 5 , Le banon. Geol'ge Kraegel', 24 , Franklin, sa1e man, Alma Bri.d ge, 23, 'Franklin. William Robert Burton, 20, Ore g onia, laboratory technician, Frances Eveyln Mitchel, 21 , .Oreg onia student.

PROBATE E ta te of Bernard W. Beel, dec 'd, Martha Beel, admini s tl'atrix fil ed final and distributive account. Mr. and · Mrs. Gayl,' Ev an ' Estat e of Earl B. Fuller, dec'd , and children were Th ank ,g-ivin g- Katherine lfuller, admini tratrix dinn r ~ue t f Mr. and Mr, inventory hearing et fOl' Dec, Eddi Guild f Cincinnati. 5 at 10. . Estate of James H · Bogan, dec'd, Bernice Bogan, executrix inventory ew~ heal'i'ng et for Dec. 12 at 10. E tate of Rachel A. Binegar, COMMON PLEAS dec'd, John Bine gar appointed 'a dFrancis Jean Coatney, minor VS . ministl'atol' giving bond with ureCharles Ri.c hal'd Coatney, minoI', ties , in s um of $16,000 .. divol."ce to plaintiff, children to 'Estate of Joseph P. Rawles, plaintiff, defendant to pay plain-. dec'd, ·Carl. Gallaher, executox: .file~ ,tiff sum of $25 pel' week also $50 first and fmal account. attorneys fees, Estate of John Sheet, dec'd, lola NEW SUIT~ pearl Ha'r rington vs, Walter Wade and Myron Sheets, adminisEsth er Rich , vs. Arvie Scott, bas Harrington et al., cause dismissed tratol'S filed application for certtardy. without record and with prejudice. ificate of' tranfer of real estate, Minnie Macon vs, Oren Jones, Harlin Hensley vi;. Nettie HensEstate of Alice Ross, dec'd, Helen ley, 'cause dismissed without re=-. Hunt Ro administi:atrix InveR- bastardy. Madel~ l1e Loren tz, minor v, cord. tory approved. Clarence Jones .for money only John Francis vs. A. T. Easton, Estate of Ge orgia Mendenhall, amount claimed $1000, Stanley and leave of 30 days given defendant dec'd, Alton Brown executo.r filed ' first 'and final and distributive ac- Stanley. to plead. . John Lorentz vs, Clarence Jones, Rhoda Far.mer vs. Fr~nk Stubb~ count. et aI., defendants ' granted 30 days Estate of Clifford C. Fritz, dec'd, for money only, amount claimed $2990 and costs, Stanley and StanMeryl B. Gray, ~dministrator filed to further plead, Mary B.e ltz et a1., vs, Frank application for certificate C?f trans- ley. . Charles Pawley vs. Chris Pape, Stubbs at al.; defendants given fer . of real estate. Jr. 'f or money j}1dgment, amount 30 days to fur~her plead, Estate of Lel'OY S. Conover, claimed $15,350 and costs, Charl~s Irvin Neibert et a1., . vs. Frank dec'd, Vivian York appointed adStubbs et aI., defendants granted ministratol' giving bond with sure- Boesch and C. Donald Dilatush, Viola Pawley vs, Chris Pape, 30 days leave to further plead. ties hi sum of $2100, Cornelia Blanche Gamer ' vs. . Estate of Ulysses S. White, Jr. for money, judgment amount . Frank Stubbs et a1., defendants dec'd, . administrator hearin'g set claimed $6,000 Charles Boesch, C. . Donald Dilatush. granted 30 days . leave to further for ·Dec. 9 at 10. Maxine Abney, minor vs. Floyd plead. ' _ _ Estate of Jessie R. Jameson, Abney, , 'minor, . divorce, extreme Earl Fummill vs. Henry Green- dec'd, Joe Jameson administrator cruelty, J, T. Riley. wald et aI., motions ' sustained, inventory hearing set for Dec. 9 at plaintiff granted 20 days to fHe 10. amended petition. Estate of Clyde MU1'phy, dec'd, REAL ESTATE TRANSFERS Floyd Livengomi vs;- ,Mal'Y Lee Dora Murphy, executrix inventory Frank and Mary Nettie Sims to Livengood, minor, divorce to plainheat'ing set for Dec, 9 at 10. ' Eldon Ellis 0.069 acres in ~banon, tiff. ' Estate of Wil1iam Carson, dec'd, Ruth Kemper to Alvjn and Mabel William Parks vs. Annabelle Minnie Cal~son administratrix il1- Harrison 2.45 acres in Harlan twp, Welsh Parks, divorce to plaintiff, ventory b.earing setifol' Dec. 9 at S.teila Clore to Nina l'rfurphy lot custody of child reserved for fUl'10. in Lebanon. ther order of court, . Estate of Eva Fl',a ncies Lewis, Samuel and Ladora Ragland to Charles Hensley vs. Carmen d~c'd Campbell L~wis administl'aNeal Haynes 0.44 acres in HamilHensley, mtnor, divorce, to plain- tor filed fir~t and final account. ton twp': ' tiff. Estate of C.Iarence Elmer GasReed Hazelwood to Wilson and . Jam~s Arthur Ballard' vs. Lilly kill, dec'd, W. E. Chesney adminisEvelyn Nicholas lot ' in Lebanon. Marie Ballard, former order modi- . trator inv.entory apPI.'oved. Walter and Jessie Maupin to , fied, . children to plaintiff, plainEstate of Alba Wi:edel'hold, d~c'd, Lena and Ruth , Rineair 103 acres tiff released from payments to Howard Wiederhold administrator in Harlan twp. defendant, defenda"t to have reato sell 'personal property aho Clifford Turner to Harry and sonable rights of visitation. sares of stock at private sal(', disRheba Campbell ' 2 lot! in Leb-,,-_~ Myrtle Corwin vs. Cahrles Cor. _ tributtion in kind. anon. __ _ Harry ' and Rheba Campbell tb , divorce to plaintWt, ~ustody - Estate of Frank Braddock, dec'd, of child to 'g randmother. . ' Fred' Braddock administrator filed Sarah Wolf 2 lots in Lebanon. . Louis Fred,e rick vs. Mildred Irene application for certificate of transGordon and Georgia Hagenmaier Frederick, .divorce to plaintiff, fer of re'a l estate. to Carolyn. L. Davis 15 acres .in minor child to de~endant, plaintiff Estate of Bert F Mull dec'd Harlan ·twp. to pay . defend~nt ~'um of $7 pel' .Beatrie Mull, adininistrato~, filo:.d Edna Krohn to Randall and Mal'wee~ for .suppor~ of minor ,c hild, applicatil)n fOl' certificate of transian Lilley 29.137 acres in Salem separation agreement., made . part fer of t:~~l estate. ' twp. . of entry. ~~~~~~~------~------------------~-----------~atherine Payne min<'J:" w. RoJ. D. Combination STORM SASH and SCREEN bert Payne, defendant to pay plaintiff sum of",$10 per week alimony A unit which can be installed SI MPL Y and at a 'pendent lite also $50 to cover plain'. REASONABLE COST. tiff expel)ses. , Mabel Weidner vs. Ernest ZechGLASS SIZES (with screens) er et at, motion sustained petition and amendment dismissed original papers recertified to Probate 20x28 $6.45 Court. Edna Adkins vs. William Adkins 28x30 $8.25 fonner ' order modified, son Paul 'Adkins 'to defendant, defendant to pay maternal grandparents sum of SIZES (without screens) $15 per week. R. E. Heisinger vs. Ray Phillips 24x16 $3,85 defendant · granted 20 days to file motion demurrer or other pleading, 24x24 ' $4,75 . Jack Schwartz'vs. Ruby Eltzroth " defendant granted leave to file at the e prices motions, demurrer etc., within 20 For Sale at days. Harold K. Sortor et aI., vs. Bert Edward Bard et al judgment satisfied eause dismissed without reWAYNESVILLE, OHIO PHONE 2281 cord.




w. H ..Madden & CO.


Eldred James Gau' <th' to Robert Garrison 104.25 acr es in Turt le,ei'eek twp. Clyde and A idria HumphI' y Lo Charles N el on ar m Mason-, John and Marian Robie n to Velma Ton ey 33 .6 acres in alem

George McGrath to F r ank an Evelyn McGrat h 1 acre in Washington twp, · Alice Marion a n d Lou is F etze r t o sear-and . H elen-€Hff-()i'd 7 a cr es in Harlan twp.

t\Vp •..

W tern lamb u ual.l \' 'h ri n ft' mar than n ativ ' \V h n old as f ed "I' beca u. e tile we t I' ll lambs carr y f. wer in te rnal ~ arasit and are mlol'e t h rift v. L. K, Be, r, anim al hu handl11 an , at ' Ohi o t ate ni ve r it v, -a li rop rl g- r ow n nati v ' la m hoften will f d ut hett r th an w e tern s, t ut no f (l rm r an mak e a pro fit 0 11 :l kn t hea l;l inh whi h ' 1' \ \. () I w l v it didn't v n '1 uild a ~o j fram e.

Myron and Est her Sheets to lola and P erry Wade lot in Spri ng bOI'O. rola a nd Pe l'l'Y Wa Ie to lVl yron and Est her heet lot in Sprin g boro. Robe rt an d Nancy Joh nson to Harold a nd Ru~h McPhel' on lot in Lebanon. Martin Ballard to Willard and Dora McIntosh 2 lo ts in Bu t l e l' ~ vill e. Han k ' LInt \' hel. 1. 'J oe Luc,ious lYloun t to Roy and Katie mil e of open dit hes wh iLh Eltzroth 2 lots in Lebanon. . wen~ dug t 1"11'0 ide I lit . . t. f r WilliJm and Leora Bergdall to farm drain ti le, r a in a ~' -> failGeorge Well er 2.11 a cres in Wa y n ure, in th at area ut '1'0 1' r r twp, ; Albel~t and Ida B ~'adley t o Edna ct u ti n to alm o: t 11 th in,g', and Albert Hill 61.90 acres in USE GAZETTE CLASSIFIED ADS Salem twp. Lovissa, Long et al., to Ethel . AUCTIONEERING VanDe rveer 10.41 acres in' Franklin twp, STANLEY and KOOGLER Dewey and Golden Lee South to BROKERS LICENSE Edgar to Martha Puis lot in Frank- For Dates. Phone 2 94. Wavnesvi li e. Ohio, Reverse Charqes lin,


PUBtlC '"SALE w a r dir:; Ivlt'lg ' p ar Ul r hip w e ' v If I ofl' J' a t Pul II ' A Uf' ti on on h EARL MEHAFFIE F'ARM, on ta t it ute 73, 2 1.! mil ' ' 'l E', t f \\~a~ n :,1 tl lI1 e, 21h mil ~ ~s t of lSta t Rout 48 ' 10 mile Nol'th of Le I a non , mi le \'1 • out\h 9f L YT,LE, at 11.00 O'clock, A, M., on

,Wed., Dec. ,10,' 1647 .


14 MILKERS- Gu rns y H Hel', " a f resh (1u r n.'ey (' (\\', was fl'ash in Oc tober. Guat'o sey. t d fl' . h E'n ' in F I rua l' Y',' UCl'll se' , fl ' sh 'en d in Au g u st. Guel'nfiey, to fl' sh e n in e to b I ', A ll t he s in g( d fl w of milk., Holst in, to ft' e h n last J n ual·Y. :Jel' e~ , to fresh I) In Febru a ry. R ed horth orn, to fl' sh n ,ln M a r h. R ed h o rth orll , g i vin g g o '1 flow of milk. Gu ern ey, to ft'eshen In F brU'<1 IT. 2 G uern,s y s, t ' f r E>s h el't last of .Ja nua ry . Jers y-Gu el'ns y . to 1'1' ' hen mi d dl o f J a nua l' Y. uel'n y Heil' 1'. to fre s hen ftl'St of J a nua ry. 2 G u rn y H e if I" , ( 1' shen I n l\Ial'c h . J I ' ey- Guer.nser H Het', to fr eshen in Ma r Ch. Bro wn wi ~ LH i f 1',



to freshen in ~1a t'ch, 2 Guel'n-sey Heir I'S, m os , o ld . 2 8 mos. old. Red B ull, 7 mos, old, \ hit -fa ad Heif I', 5 m Helfel'. ...~ mQs, qld . Gu el' l1 ~~y H jfel~ ~ mos, 2 'u ern '

u e l'n ~e~r B ul l~ ,

. old. ~ u el' n y ull. , 2 _ lll O;' .

lS~HAMPSHIRE SHEEP-1S Ewes. R gist red Buck, .


12-FEEDING SHOATS-12 Clmlllluh d)

2-HEAD OF HORSES-2 Bla c)\ Mare, smoo'th mouth .


:.w a r e,'

y ea r ' p ld ,

CHICKENS 80 Whit e a nd 113al'red Rock H n ',

FEED 00 to lOOo. 'bu. of ,Corn . '8 ton Hay, Alfa'ifa and Clovel'.


of loo "e Alofa l f a Hay . 300 ha l

::;>t u \)1) le

FARMING IMPLEMENTS ,' l'roy whgon with box bed, IF'lat top, 14-ft.. l o n g', en, ' u lk . Pl o w. 2 O~iv e l Walkh' .... PlOws. 2 Ollvel' I-row C ultiva tol's , Richm ond . h a m»i \I W lh at .DI·ill, -hol e. D ee ring 5-flt. Mow c. Bia k H a \\·k 0 1'11 Pl a.ntel'. Dump Rul<e. Me 'ormick- Deel'ing Hay Loader, 2-wh e e l Tra ile r, 12. 7. 2-wh el"1 Trailer Wagon, ix9. Buc k Rake, Dra,g', pl,k e - t oth H a n o'\\,.





Fence StJ'e llch el's, '2 Block a J1d Taokl'e tA, P Ol\' I' L a wn :\l o \\'e t'. 2 H a nd Mowers. Gal'de n To,ols : Saws. H a m·mer. Many oth el' !:l ll1 a ll tor l s.

HARNESS 3 sides of Hat'ness. Brldl s, 'Lines.


et .


lillght 10-gal. Milk Cans. Stl'~lners . Buckets.

HOUSEHOLD COODS . SUv,e rtone Radi.o. E-Z palnt-ed Chairs. 6 Oak

Bake oal Range. Kitc h 11 a bln e t . T a u,le ' a nd 5 DI'nlng Chah's, IS everal R ockel'S, IBl'Illl Bed with [l'lnerspr~oJIg, MaJttress and ' new springs. IStudlo ouch. Di gh eg, Some Cooking UtensHs. Dutch Oven. ~rg'e and slllall Jars. 2 'a rd TabU~s. Lawn hah's. Child's Wagon wnd ~Iddle Cal'. 'Numerou uth el' a t·tl Ci es.

ANTIQUES Set.h Thomas Clock iBaby CL'ib. Lawn Set-Wash BOWl and Pitc~el' . Lamps,

win g,

O ld-fas hl o n .ct ·



Terms: CASH

c. P.. (Toot) Ellis '& 'Son

.and Earl Mehaffie, Owners •

. JESS STANLEY & EARL KOOGLER, Auctioneers Wayne ville Phone 2894 ---- Dayt n Ph one KE-8R 7




'PageS ~ The ' Miami' Gaz~tte a stiff penalt of heav filTe Wayn sville, OhIO ,\~o .4345 HOME FOR SALEand imprisonment, i. e" up to Thursday, December ~, ~ 1947 $10,000 and 10 ears in Federal prison. AKe i no barrier to operation. Amtlteur·- man equal to tlJe richest behav.e b en conta ' ted at W ZCV cause of a cOI:nmon meefin,gran~ing in age from 2 to 94ground. International ~oC)dwi11 years Qf: a~e. . is built by amateur radlO faster • • CL&8SD'ntD AD BATIDS • • , The cards hown ' in the than by muddlin,g" money 26 words or Ie-. one tIme. •••••• 2ISo picture are ' called Q Lard s. £rabbing politicians and no Badl addltclll&l word •••••••••••• le Q L in radio ' shorthand mean , amateur wants to fi,ght a SPECIAL BATES " CONTBACl' brother he has talked to many 'PI~ase , acknowled~e communitimes. After all, Hams in SouKht catIOn.' These are much DOGS LOST Loans- . after 'and received with ~reat America ' visit regularly with FEDERAL LAND BANK LOST- Three C ck r Spaniel' enthusiam by any Ham oper. Hams all over the world and LOW COST FARM LOANS Ot)e Black male; 1 Blac;k and , ator. The first one from each know ,when his ' kids ' have (1l No fees or commission white male pupt) , ; 1 'J3lac,k state or foreign country is ·a- measles and whoopin.~ cou,gh. (2 Interest rates are low-4'% female, Dr. H. f . .Dye, Pli. Hams visit by radio much as waited with' great anxiety. 2301 , ! " - ,I 2 4 Amateurs have be 11 called two neighbors visit by tele(3 'Pay all or part any tim eur on to furnish communication, pnope and they don't tie up Stop interest on portion paid. HEATING STOVE ~ , in most natural disasters and the party lines so that the other . Call - write - or see , LEBANON NATIONAL fOR ALE- Esiat HeatroJa. during times of national distr s . nei~hbor can't ,~et thru, The operation of, a station., such as FARM LOAN Excellent onditi6~, 2 years H~ms usually' have equipment LEBANON, OHIO, Phone 448 old. Robert FUrIla, Phon ' to operate independently of the W8ZCV a low power outfit, Ellis H. Sturm. Sec'y.Treas. 2953, -1-217 WALTER "Walt" 13 RDINE AC power mains, u uall y from ,costs approximately 3c )e r the car battery or a small ~en. hour. Three coritinent " i~ a v OWIl r an j Operat r of REAL ESTATE ' . ~-- , GAS RANGE ~ GOOD erator run by 'a ,gasoline engine, been contacted within n llc h Uf Station W8ZC S me Hams , have c mplete from ,there. ' It. is ]c"1 :;tl1s of lUll DON'T FORGET TO CALL fOR SALE - ' . Grand Ga ' stations in their cars, W8ZCV and can be enjoyed by any 11' Range. 3 ears old. Franklin us for Insurance. All types of Conwa ~ Penn yroyal rd. Ph. and sev ral frien s by radio has such equipment and it eq~ip'ped. with '(l ,!!.·o d short Insurance at a savings .. Call wave radIO. Miami ur,e.' 516R3, -1218 from W8ZCV f ) 1' h\' hour should be in operation by th Francis Gene Brown, phone and ' 55 minutes. Credit hould time this appears in print. DurWaynesville 2935 , or call · be ,given W7UCP , Tucson, the 'in,g the war W8ZCY was conRADIO STAT~O~W8ZCV collect. Wilmin,gton 2'111. tation at the other end of the nected with the War Emer,~ o· LISTS MANY I~ESTING . circuit. . cy Radio ervice (WERS) Real ,Estate Fo~ Sale-- ' FEATURES AN ,FACTS The requirement for the , operatin~ tw.o station, one operation of a Ham tati n in. mobile in his, car, and one fixed , IF YOU HAVE A PROPERTY OR by Jane Fite (Continued 'frq , last we k) clude adequate equipment f. r station. in his home. , He worked T Il l s Wb k, Mr s. Ch u l'l {'l) E llis , .Ii. PARM TO SELL Call or Write Mess,a~e , a 're ~ taken for any receiving and ending messa.,ges with the" Dayto'n Council, for \' I' Y lov Iy la dy you a ll kn w, 16'f1! O9n Henderson. Tel. KE3446. 61'1 pJac III the brld by an y ,either by International Mor e Defense and was the only orn e 't n g u twls!ters', a t th e 'ffl a Lorain Ave•• Dayton. ohio. tfc ali1at ur and ca'ti be delivered in Code (CW), OI r b Radi Warren Coun~ operator ·in the f o r m e' to puolish , I'm g{)ln" Lo pu b Dayton WERS. Over 1,000 lis h rul o f Ith m. by in ludln g ju t a.much less time fthatl is often re- telephon e, Household Goods Quired b telephone or cable. The tran mittel" can e ither hours of operation were turned f w ea b w e ~k, 'rh e firs t on on h ' r list 1 ver y attra ctl v . a.nd it follow : . Th e messa,g-e are cal)'- simple or 'Iaborate, depending in. A Public Sen ic Certificai FOR SALE - Westin~house ~ram If y u ' -a nd YOUL' folk, ' upon , the pocket! ()ok o f the was awarded W8ZCY f l' Electric Ran,lre, ,exc llent e9 "Traffic", in other word L o \e me a.nd my Calk, , Condition. Mr . Ronald this i called, '~traffic handlin l!''' Ham and his mo ie f e 111- WEHS opcnlti on, Another warLUt e m ' a nd my fa l.Ies , A tr:uL,mitt,er, time operation carried out by . Salisbury, R. R. ,1, Ore,gonia. and man amateurs hcll1dl 'as munication. , Lov y o u a.nd y UI' C He-, much a ' 1 0 riles ag per usuall hnme made, LI L.: d for W8ZCV wa the taking f war -126 .month, Th en n e el' w ouln b \ f Iks, .. M ssa~es mu t b.e han. sendin g C' Lan h a :;im ple one me sa,g-es from Germany and L ov folk 1iI< m ' and my folk ' FOR SAL6 One mall dIed \\ ithout char,ge as pre- while ne f r phone 1 erati n Japan and maiJin,lr them to the 'Lov , YO,U ami yoU!' If lI~s. Radiant Gas Heat r for bath- .scribed by the Federal Com· , is of nece it rath r omplica- nearest of kin, One was mailed roo'm or kitchen, use i1her mun~cations COh1mi ion, uF. C. ted and requir s a, fai r am ount to a 63 year old mothel' , in Mrs. E. F. Earnhart, with natural or artificial R"a~ j also c.". The content of .'any of skill and technical ability to Bertin, New Hampshire. ,1,0.5,6 .other triet offi er of til--.. ,girl's bicycle. Mrs. Harp1 j mes aR' cannot be divul,ged ,get into proper operati 11 c ndL uch messages wel'e received Easterndi Star III - ld Earnhart. Phone 26 14. anyo ne other than those help· tions, _ and sent to 46 states. Stacks of Blanch ster andfr Lynchburg, en-1211 inK to ex pefiite delivery of such At \\l8Zey tIl' ' equipment letter of ap'preciation for these n at th e i .joyed a lunch messa, 'e r to th addte ee. con sist Of a ra jio t lephone- messages w re r ceived from HELP W ANT.ED . FE~ALE This i . also ·cov~red ,. by the F. tran mitter u ing; 5"Q watts in- .t he gratef41 mothers and . Manor in Wilmin~· t 11,' Tu \ day_ C. C. rules and by the Inter- put to the final am Iifier. He is sweetheart. All these duti s WANTED- Woman ' or Girl national rule and 'Reg-ulations, U in ,~ a 11 w me th( d of modul~: V:rere performed .~ratis. Mr. and Mr ' .. Harli n, Earnhart and fami} . \\ t: r~ the for general housework and Traffic 'has. been handled by ,tion ail ed Narrow Band FreAbout 87 % of the Nati n laundry. Transportaton fur- W8ZCY, from many part ' of quency ModulaU n, NBFM. Am'ateur ' Fraternity serv:ed in Thanks,(dvin ,~ dinn e'r g:uests of nished. Phone S rin Vall rr,Q,"1 vOFJd, Hawa-i-i, German, This methbd of tran mission the armed forces and in critical Mr and . Mr . K. . 37206. Dick Irelan, -12 6 th@ Mr Viola Harlan, France ·al1 parts of the U. S. A. was iu t recently adapt d by the War , factories durin,g th~ war Guam. ' Federal C mmul1ication , Com': and performed many deeds of and FOR SALE- ' One day W8ZCV wa hand· mi sion a a new mod of com· bravery. Many paid tile sut reme munication and J;rant d pecial sacrifice and the list of, "silent FOR SALE ' - 150 Bu ' hel of , lin,g 'a m s aie from Lo Ap~ Ie to Pheonix, Arizona priviled~es for testin ,~ for a keys," carried many farrv us U. S. 13 corn, Vit.gii M'aine ' when a voice broke in on the period of one' year endin~ Aug;, Hams' names. In. appreciation on the Charle Koog.'l l' farm, , R. R. 1 Waynesvill e n radio an aid," ay Walt how 1, 1948 . . W8ZCV has be n for service rende'red the armed Route 73. - 1 7·11 far are you frnm Middl et wn'?" usin~ NBFM , ,since 'February forces in conjunction' ",ith · the Walt said, "Twelve . mile ." for, comm.unication .. The an. FCC released some am,a.teur SALTSMEN WANTEDThen th e voiCe , said, ~'tell Del1 tenna consIsts ,of a rotarY, beam frequencies within 48 hOUTs. ,~ ,.. ~''-----------' 'START a Rawleigh Business .in tc? stand bXwhen you talk to a~tenna and a tqwer 9 5% feet after Y. J. Da . h)m ~s thi IS WOJ~.~,\ portal Ie hl,gh, Other antenna , are c~n. This is ' o nlY .a maH portiQn East Central Butler ' Count . 2121 families. Produ t s 1d KH6111 Oahu HawaII, 'A tl1r e~ - t mplated , as a mean ' t 111- of the activities of the opera. NORRIS BROCK COMPANY 25 years. Real 0PP runit v way Qsq en.sued and- ~raffJc crease. covera,ge "of th ,' world ti,on af a Ham station, nOF is it Cincinnati Unio,n 'Stocl< Yards Liv~ Wirlt anel Progre ve. An now for permanent, profit- from Cahforma \~as delivered · , and give better Signal stren~th 'all work and no play to operate o'raflri izatro ... cond n able work nearby. Write In 28 I11J114te YI.a .W7KO.Y, ' . to ,the most remote parts of the ,a station. Lifelon?: friendsbips , Strictl.y ~~ . >-(~~!)--~~-~ G~rtrude Pond. 111 •• Pheol1l~, w<>rld. , are formed by raddo and in, all aroun n RawleiJ!:h's, Dept, OHL 713country. ' KA, Freeport, 111. or 'see Kit'. Anzona., The , ~awallan tq:l.ffIC " ,All amateur o~erators mu t vitations 'have been ·received by SERVICE THAT SATISF.IE8 Phillips, Rt. NO.2, LebanOll, w~s dellver~d 111 4 hours ~2 " pas~ a test on radilo fl!ndamen- radio for a visit in Peurto Rico, WHIO Dayton ' 12:30 E. S. T. m111l!tes . via. W8~RV, ).:es tals, laws, and regulatIOns, and Canada" Massachus~tts, and Dfal'lS00 . -wrLW Clnclnn9Jti OhIO. ' 121,8 12:40. Dfal 700. for Our Dally Mlddl,etown gesplte m~st be able. to send and re- California. Curner, Market Report. ' . the , fact t~at the telephones c~lve Internahon~l Morse Code Ham radio ' makes the poorest CHRI~ (MAS GIFTS were on $tnke. A messa?;e was at the rate of thirteen 5 letter . FOR SALE-H andsome Chri t- taken from a soldier in 'France ~ords per' ~inute. This te t i ~I~'~~'~~~~'~,~~~~,~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ , -mas gifts, Chin.a Tea ,Service, which , prevented a ' Xenia given by the field Engineer in ' China Plates. ahd Cut Glas woman and her husband ftom charge of the Pederal Com· ·dishes. Mrs. Peterson, Fri nds passing in mJd-Atlantic, '. She municati'oris Commission. All H0n:te, Waynesville 124c was ,g-oihg to me t him in American amateurs must be Germany and he was coming American citizens and must not BROODER HOUSEShome. ' insta1l a, station OJ1 the pro erty , ' ' " A former Wayne yille resi- controlled by an alien. Opera.-' · . ' ' ,' FOR SALE- Two g: od I rood. er house at a very r a on:- dent .now ·1ivin,g in Tucson, tion of a station without prop ' r ~ ' ~ :O , al Ie price. Also orne g-ood Arizona visted : with hi parents licen es and authorit card s Black Cochin Bantam, : how Stock, Earl c. Evans Rt. 1, Waynesville, O. -1218 WE PAY FOR LEBANQfi, OHIO PHONE 326 • CIDER and APPLES UNDERWOOD'S ORCHARD HOGS $6cwt. COWS •I ' . Harvey~burg, Ohio j











C· Ii S 'R '


FOR ' . . . A ny Inak or " d e'I Fred Kahn Motor ,Car Co. I











CAli. '

X~E N~I A Fertilizer Reverse



E. G. Bucbaieb, Inc.


Armitage &Son

"~ nLEPB01US , , ..


".YNES~ , 1081

¥OBBOW Xq. ·. LBBANON Oftlce RBS. lItL







Mr. and Mr. J. J. Bur ke very graciou ly ent ertain ed i~t their llome on Frida evenin g:, w ith ' th eir 'fticer of Mian1 i Chapter, 0, E. . for th 'pa t year, a their .c;ue ts. The evenin.e; wa pent in , playing' vari ou g-a mes and ,af ter m uch m rriment, fun m:tk in.c: prizes we r'e award d th e winners. Cand y and "c k " " er ' served durin,e: th e gam 5, after which th e ca rd table were arran ged with white covers and , everyon e f ound th eir pla Ce beautifull y a rran ~el1 \\ ith del i- . d ous refreshm ents and {\aint v' fa vors. Ch rysanthemum wert: arrang'ed through ut th e roo m . . Guests of Mr. and Mrs. Burske f or this ve ry l ovel y even -



iog' were : Mr. and Mr , Marvin Smith, Mr. and Mrs. J. WiJliam trouse, Mr. and Mrs. William awyer, Mr. and Mrs. Everett Early, Mrs: Lucile Armitage1 Mrs_ Bertie Mills, Mrs. G eo rg'e Waterhouse, Mr. and Mrs. Harold B. Earnhart, Mr. and Mrs. . Will C. St. John, Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Hastings, Mr. and John Fromm, Mr. and , Mrs. Stanley Bailey, MI;. and Mrs., Jesse Pren de r~ a t and Mr. and Mrs. E. F. Earnhart. SOUTH WAYNE ADVISORY COUNCIL ' ' MEETS THURSDAY AT EARNHART HOME T he outh ' W a ne Advi .:o r ' Council me e tin ~ 'was held th e home 'of Mr. and Mr . A. H. Earnhart, a si ted by Mr. and Mr. R. E. A bur on Thu r day eve nin ~. Th e fo,l {owin.c: guests \ ere pte ent: Mr. and Mr . J. M. G reene of Leban n; M r. and M r . A. H. Banta, Mr. an j Mr . Earl Earnn art and hil dr n, Mr. and and Mr . E, F. Ea rnh art. T he di u i n 'of th ~ ev ning wa in charg f R. E. A bury, After ' the pr o~ r a m th e ,~u t were eated at t he beau:. tlfull a pointed di ning room tabl e and were se rved with 'escall oped chicken with oysters, cranberry salac!, hot ro lls, co and candy, by th e host and hoste s and th eir assistant.


A11£ND TuRKEY DINNEIl , companied on th eir


SUPERINTENDENT . Rev. and Mrs. R. B. Coleman ' attended a Christm a,s Paft:y_· given in the Epworth Church, D ayton, Tuesd ay, Dec. 9, by, District Superintendent and ' wife~ Dr. and Mrs. D anford, fOir the ministers and families Q1f the' Day ton Distri ct. A turkey dinn er wa s served and an api propriate Chri tm a pro.grann wa ~ i ve n 'after th e dinner. I

GARDEN CLUB MEETS AT HO,ME O'F JEN·NIE CONNER 'rhe Gard n C lu b m e t w ith , h r lsl.rnas .par ty w i th sixte n m e m -, bel' s presen t a t t h e home of J e nni e Conn or . .A d IIc l ou s d i nm-er ~a,s s~r ved . T h e n ext m ~ tin g wi1l ' b e Mar c h 5 at th e h ome of rLoi Ma u · r ice, .J '


GIRL SCOUT NEWS by JOYCE B'EAL, News Reporter T h e Girl Scou ts h eld t h eir last m ting ' on De. 3 a t w hi ch tim e Annett Tin n'ey was Pol cted as n e w T r easurer of th e Talawan d a Patro l. Th 'I'ro( p is l u d y ing Ih G h~1 Scout manual ,a.nd oa h week a d if fer ent G il-I cout \ ill r ad ' a pag'e from the manual. Th e Chick a d ee Patrol i taking ch a r ge o f t h e , readin u nd wh en eaJch o n e h as h ad h r turn t h Tal lawanda P at rol w ill continu with t h e r eading. This will acqu aint th ' Sc ou ts with t he history and mea11l-

FORMER MINISTER t in g of Sco uting. SPEAKS AT LOCAL Th e Troo p di scu lllsed pla n f or CHURCH ON COMING decor a ting th e . d i ning room of' th WORK IN AFRICA Max' Randall of Red Falls, Friend s Hom ' , R. n. comm unity \ Minn" former ministe.r of the proje t. '1'h y a l so discu ss d ph'Ll), l ocal Church of Christ, deHver- ' for Cpristma' ca rOlin g an d f or t h e ed an address at the church, on practictn g of th m . . A f t r the 'bu siness se s ' 1 V:'l, Thur day e venin~ of last week. He, po ke principally of his new ov er ' the ' T roop drew na , 1 s f 'r \ ark in Africa which is schedul- Chris tma g ift. The n ext m eEl(tin g was I Id DEl •. " ed to start next OCtober. 10 a t th'e H igh S chool. Mr. Randall recently purl 'a 'ed a small plane which he will use in 'his 'missionary work Miss ' Lola ~Sears ' of ' Pheo ni~, in thi for ~ i~n land. . ' Ariz. is enjoying' a vaca'ti on and Mrs. Randall and their child- will remain over the Christmas ren will also accompany Mr. ' holdhi ys ·with the parents, Mr. Randall and they will make and Mrs. Wilbur N. Sears. Sh e thei'r home at his South African has now gone 10 Berkle , M ich. headquarters. to see her lleW nepheW., 'John ' ' Mark Sears. WARREN COUNTY MO:T OF TRUSTEES. ,CLERKS AT Mr. Gilbert ,Frye and M r. LEBANON WEDNESDAY Luther Hartsock have 'returned , A meeting of the Warren after spen.din.g'. several days ( ( County Organization of Town- Qeer huntm~ In th e mountains vania. The wereacship Trustee and Clerks was of Pen hel d in Lebanon W ednesday morning, At the business ,session an' el ecti on of officers w as held and Will C. St. John ,vas nam ed, r resid nt f th e ~ r() Up wUh Maynard W eltz receiving- th e ' post of ecretary. Oth er officer and th ose retir,in,g- will be listed at a ,l ate r date. I


huntin ~ trip by Mr. Maynard Rich of Pi tt -' burJ,(, Pa.

MI . 'aud MT . K-enn-etli Ar of ' 1i s A Im ta l i nke , spent the Richm ond, Ind. and Mr. and "\ eek nd with M I' . , Edna Gauvey Mrs. Everett Marl att and daug:h- ' a t New L panon . ter of Waynesvill wer unMr s. Netu Emrick, ,Mrs. lMargday guests 'of Mr. and Mrs. ar t Joh ns and Mrs. Ralp h !HamCo rwm Ar . This \Va th e /fir 't m ond w r e In L l:' banQn, Frid ay a nd time Kenneth had se n hi unc'l e ca lled at t h hom of M I'. a n d Mrs. since he had return ed fro m dut Ben Ja m e '. T h y l'epol't th at Mr . in th e Sou,tll Pacif ic. J a m s i ('on lin ' d to hi E! hed again t h , I'

, Miss Ruth Stin gley of N \\ Burlington is v isit i J1l~ her c u 'in Kent Ary. , Mrs. stanley South cLI;d daul(hter, Pat f ~om Cincinnati , spent Sunday with , her aunt, Mrs. Liddie, Col eman, who has been ill ,th e past two \ve k . ' Mr. and Mrs. ' Phil Zepf and Mrs. Eloise Lanl( were th e dinner guests of Mr. and Mr . H. G ordon, Sunday ev e ni n .~ . M rs. \ Anna William on and Mi s Grace enjoyed Thanksg'ivin ~ turkey at th e' JlOme f . Harold Willi amso n and f amil y . ,in Dayton. Mrs. Anna Willi ams n pent ' her eighty- ixth birthday at th home ,of her'- on-iil-l aw and family , Mr. arid Mrs. Ira Sr wn in Franklin.


ult of


hea rt a ttn k .

Mrs, ~[al'g,lI' t .Joh n l:l \ as a dinner g u t.. ' unday 01' MI· ... ' - tHe Em l'i k. ;\[ 1'" Hur Ii St ei nk and son, Jimmi e W I' unday ev nln g dinner gu ts o f ";\If ... G ~rtl'ude wald

in. Dayton , Ml' . Hal've~"

' llrn ~t w s ente~;

ta l nM t ain n [' Tu Sd ay ~y Mrs. " " Edg3l'\Vllson I n akw ood. Day t on. MI', an I Mi" , Fm,D'k Bl' ow n' ,


Tip} , ity w



k"tl<l ~uests o f

Represe nting Westheimer & Compan'y Memb r ~ \V '1:( r k St ck Exci}ang s ~ n d ()ther r gi ter d E ~ha n ges Investment Trust Shares. Bought hi - ( uoted Ph ne Waynesville 2530 D~yt<ln AD3 257

Mr. and Mrs. Rhode Dunnell and 'qaughter • 'Ca rol :tnd Rhoda we,re dinn er .~ u est s t f Monimia and N Hie Gtlnn ell (; 11 Sun da, ' ,M r , G . W . Fi. h er of

h i.cngo h .1S

hou aeh.old g ds t tb property h e p ur h ast'd on , r !it , Fra nkli n t reet a nd will b l'in g hi, f a mily on T ue 'day of thi w e k . moved hi

Mr . •Fred Hook i

o n t h e si ck

l! ~ t ,

Mr. and Mr s . M ax :H(lll on swor th of Oregonia

a nd C h arl es Woolard


Toiedo wer e call er f th e Char' l f's S h e ph erd family, S unday .


• +-'--..,.-----a-----.:WAYNES~E REPAIR SERVICE

of'llfe rJeWj

'Mr. and Mrs. , h arl es Bogan ot W ellma n s p e n.t ~ at urd ay w ith h a r'les ISh~pherd a nd t amtly. G r a ndma S hl.n,g Je i s ill at th e hom e of , h e r ' d a.u g h ter, M r s . W~l1t el' Mar i n e i n Wnsh ingt on , . . H .


aIFr EXCHANGE Th e Profes ion"al W omen"s Club ,enjoyed , its December meetin~ at th e home of M'I' . , Jesse Prender~ast on W edne day evening. A delicious cov er-, ed dish dinner and an exchang-e of Kifts was enJoyed by about twenty members an.d ,t::'uest . WAYNESV~



CHRISTMAS SERVICE BY THE CHIDREN Pl.A.NNED ' FOR MONDAY EVENING 'DEC. 22 AT METHODIST CHURCH AUDITORIUM A ve'r y ' intere ti'n ~ (,hri ~, t I11a ­ service will be given h\" the chiHtren of th e 10ea I M ethndL t Church on M nday even ing. Dec. "2 2 . Flirther notice w' lt I e ' I(iven next week. 'The Church School officers. and teach ers request 'all the child~en to be present Sund ay morning' at 9 :30 o'clock.


. Re~lar meetjn~ of th'e offi-



CIal board of the Methodist ~urFh will be held Wednesday evemng, Dec. t 7,


~~ter BalD..

waa a caDer un

UDCle !Bert Shepherd, ~'W1c1&7.


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THE MIAMI GAZETTE PAGE 4were Mr, .:md Mrs. tiarry SJ'!reve e.d into group and .the di c~s­ :'\11", W'i1(i a l11 ~'1I tJl1 €I f LU uued in. and d;tug'hte,r, 1MI', Citld Ml'lt. Lee WAY'NESVILLE, OHIO NO. 4348 Ions were hot and interc tin?; \St!lllnti 1 .' at E . at I'n Star at THURSDAY, DECEM~ER 11, 1947 olllna of ent-el'ville and ,Mr" , , \ "n,yn v llle, Monday, Then like the turke s w w 1I1d Th mas Cbllinl:l of Leba O'n. Thh·te, n nl 11 (('om Lytle atte nd· . ,~o and, preen our feathers, ,g-et ed tlle M th'pdi t Broth4~I 'h ()o d meet, MI'. and Mr . Clint Taylor entel'the Harvey bu('g band und l' the so~eth1l1g to at and tart in A FARM DIA'R'y Ing ' ~Ild d'inn I' at th M thodl~t ta.ined the m mbers of th e BYF, an dlrecUon at _MI's, Edna COllllltOI\ agam. by D. J. PRAIZER oh UI' h at elJa n n , Mo~d a v venof the Jonah's Run Bogan d lighted tho audl('nc e witll There isn't room h rc t re- Ing. R Y , .To eph My r', 5 0 lato oohrganization lil' h, at the ir country home, Suntheil' p rfonnanc'e dUl' jng th v n, port all of it but some of the Edit I' of h S ul'llul- H r u.ld In d ay evening. Ing. Deaemb r 8, 1 47. The conclusion , were that the D ayton n n 1 p ,' lor [ the Lytl Mrs. Bertha onion was hostess flock of turkeys that live b m Mr Malbl Bis h III f W a hill1~'~ h,o.lIld st p puttingchurche hm' h ,,-:.t ' spea l_!'1' t the m ~ tin ~ , to th V TU on Thul'suay aftel'hou e ar a mbl ' li on th'e th e emphaSIS on their dillel'ton, C. H, ,was a g u t.~' d ne d ' y n o,n. porch .iu t ut id ' f 111 wino f Mrs . Mary Sy!' I'd. ne and s e how m any thill ' dow. At th ' moment th ey ar -' \\ can find that wean d t8Mr, fi nd IVIt' . Ch a d Pyl f L 1,Mr. u ri Tulbel' t • ud tl,t> ph ew. occupied with pers nal - 11- gether, then s,hare ur differano n w er guests, Sunday of Mr s, Louis Tholllpson w ent to A th e n!!, C rns. uch a. m oo thil1 ,g- and ~ n ce and n ot c vel' them u~) , ~Yle':S s isters. Mrs, A. S, Collett and ,S atuI'day 't II with t 1'. T a l b ... pre ~nlnK th.elr' fe~ther after rhat we hould place the 0 111r8. Laura Shld ker. ' ; fa.ther, iMl'. "V'lliam T a l l! I'l, who havm~ met , Ill c nfer nc \ ith 11', a nd :\lrs, Bel· t , BuI~Jlell oC munity. he.ritage along ide th ~ , Mrs. 1F'101'ence Daughtery of Wi'l- , Buffel'e d a ~t l' ke carll r in th w k. th turkey wh live ov r I y d n mtnatlonal IH:: rita g' . T hat neal' " rn,yn dll we r e dinner m lngton was a we kend house Funel'al sel'vices were (' lldu ,t J th tenant hou e, Ther W'l the re pan ibiIity n ' the part g u esl. u nd ay lit :\'.11', n nd M1'R. gU(}st of her neice" Mrs, Charlos a.t th e ZIOn Bapti t hU I' h, Monmuch,. tail preadin,g' an i turk of til hurch s i - t work unit- EVel' l D unn II an(.\ rallli ~', Easter and Mr, Etl tel' at their ', talk, It even , led to conflict at ca~y ~ to. dev lop an j build a :\11' . Anll a Lu II S s p II t t l. \\' 0 It country hom e "Ho) In 'lhe Wood~" sev ,ral points but now th ey r 11g'lO us atmosphere i \Vh Je- e nd with :\11', nl! "I I'S, la l' n n a 1' th vl11ag. hav each , return ed t their s m ' . Man y ugg-e tion s ' were ThplllP o n ll eU I' Lee I u l'g a nd a la rli s l a rlha Adama of Corwin usual, places and co ntinu their mad as to ho~v th y might' oa.!! d U I1 )11 r, ' I ltd ~rr . Lloyd wa ~ (I g u sl t til hom of h '1' p rsomiI , and ,g-roup c nc rn '. ' w rk t gehter With oth ran· ,[,h mpson, g r andmolh el' , . Ir, . Blanch ' n rr, The feather ar now comf rt - eie but ther i n't room ' f or Mr, R b I'l E :lI' nh ar t alld \-Vl\Frld lty evening, ably settled, f~ey ha v ?;on th m here. If any on want t l1a m 'Whl sh Sl en t tll , \\' 1 e nd 'In MI'. u nd 'Mrs, r oward Gl'Il. ham Itl a~k. t o the bu 111 of g-ettin K know. more al ( ut it, Mr. K y Columllu . company with Mr . Ln.~ra Shldaker a llvm,g-. . or 1WIll be ,g-Iad t t II y u more L a dl e of Ihe lVll. H o ll y hUt'eh For four days la t w ek from of what we heard. Ever ne m t Mondu y (' \' ning" nl t h hurch returned to the ' v1llage Tuesday Tues,day morning t Frida said it was' en ier t I1le tn I'oom to ~"I'a p ),II' ~ents fol' t he 'VUI' mornIng ~rom ' an extended visit with HOURS: afterno~n, at the call of the ~oticlusion in di eu ' ion. than V e t I'U,11!;; to b ent to Dtlyli) n ho!'!- ]vu' , a nd Mr , Jinton Gray of Alburquerqtr, N . M, Th Graham's Il}ternatJOnal Council of R Ii- It was to get the, communities I)itn,l fOl' h dstma s . 9-12 each morning whose home and its contents wa' g;~ous ,Education (which,by the l\'J I' , a lhl 1\11' _ r, FI, r eI' inger, locally to do anythin~ about it. ,1-5 afternoons except VlflY, 15 what used to be the In- Too often we are like the tur.k- !\of r ' , Ernest Eal'n ha 1't t\nd M:iss destroyed by fir ree ntly will reWednesday side !'or the wlntel' months 'at t h e terl}at}onal Sunday School As- eys, meet, ruffle our feath r la r s Daughte rs p nt Thul' dflY IV! home of Mr . E. B . Dakfn on Main st soclatl n) representatives of and talk and then 0'0 hom , Kings 1\1111 $, 7-9 Saturday evening Funeral e rvlc s W I'e' conducted tl1e churches, the int rdeil om- preen our feathers O'et om'Mr s , O. arne tt of R oxanna spent Other evenings by inational bodies, the social thin~ to eat and ' ''on ~llJ lit V'i ed nesday with tM'rs. Anna. !Lucas. at the Mlethodlst Church, Saturday Appointmen! afternoon foI"' Edwat'd Eugene Clade. ~gencies, ' the PT f:.. and the pub- . our ordinary busine Mrs. Robel't Gt'sene spent SunfOUl' months old son of Mr. and Mr, s . hshers of specIal Educati n day a fternoon :with h er moth Mr . TELEPHONE 62-R Eugene Clark of Dayton. The baJbv material, • met in C lumbus for Lue Morgal'll. died ,in Dayton. Th urSdn.y as ' th' , a conference on "The C mMI', and Mrs, L ewi l'u wford of munity and Reli~iou ' EducaXenia spent :the weekend with Mr. result of a c-erebat 'hemorrhage. 1n,t erment was In , Miami cem~tery, tibn". ' ' al)d Mrs. CIaI' nee Cra,weord Paternal ~and'pa:rents, -are Mr. a.nd Mr. Keys and · 1 went at the ' Mr. and ' Ml'S. Hiley OlbsOt~ Mi', Optometric Eye Specialist' request of the Committee for Mr. and Mrs. Guy Routzahn [l'ud , a~d Ml' . Evel' tt BunnelI caned on Mrs. Roy Clark. Mr. and Mrs. John Thompson or Town and Countrv Ch'u rch - son, Russell. Mr, 811d Ml', Robel·t Or ene and 26 South Detroit Street Wilmington ' were gu st::;, W,edneewhich is a part of tile d part~ family, Saturday in D a yton. ' ~[l'. an d. Mrs. Thede .Ton.e nd ment of Hom Mi ion f th ~ Milton attended the fun ' co.l or Mrs. Mr. and Mrs. NOl'lna,n Kersfnger dar of Mrs. Thompson"s nephew, XENIA, OHIO Episcopal Church, The Ma ter Jones' grandmother Mrs. Eva Nutt ' ca1'led OJ) Mr. and ~rs. G. H, l(e1'- M.r. Robert. Ward. When. the bask, tball team of the State Grange was ther , at the Baptist hurch in C nter- singer, Sunday afternoon. They rec~)I1tested tile tea m'S of Bellbrook. of the ville and burial a t the enten lIl e ,turned borne with tJI'lem ,to speh(f a also representative Farm Bureau, the 4-H Club week in Dayton . cemet l'y, Friday. . '.the, Girl Scouts, the Boy Scout, Mrs. Richard HalnEls 'ot Xe~ra Mr. and Mrs. Willla m Bel'gdall 1he ''united Council of Church moved to Dayton, Monday and wtll spen't last Tuesday nd@rht with her ,Women, the YMCA and the stay with their daughtel' and fant- par-en ts, Mr. and 1\11'S, Inley GflJson ~ YWCA and countless others. lly until til. h' home is vacated. Mi'. All' there to see what could ,be and Mrs. Oeol-ge Wellel' of neal: , _ R 0 adO iI a D,d ~T a r A p P I.i ,e d ~~ our chang-ing comFelTY al'e moving this week to th " munitv life. The Hon. Harold , Bel'gdal1 property which they , 1'6ReSurfacing and Driveway Recoating ~ ' Stasse'n, pre ident of 'the. ICRE cenUy , purchased: artl'eUu was F:ene'ral Chairman of the IMl" and IMrs. Robert Corwin a t(I , (I , FRE ,E ESTlMATES ' meetmg. tended the funer~l 01' the latter's Mrs. J, Q. Gons entertained with We spent the first day or brother, Mr. Ra.ndolph t. John at a deIlO'htful dinner at ,!her beaut1ful more trying to define the word Oswald Funeral Hoh1e in Leba non, hOJJlje i;l 'Wif,lm;ington, Saturday "community". In , the geo- 'ruesday and the ' !bul'lal in Leba.- evening (01' the' p;len"sUl'e of her 26 Oakwood Avenue ' LE8l\NON, OHla Phone 221-L graphical sense it is the town non c~metery. ,m any fden'ds In this community, iinlarge or small and all the outlyt6 Mr. an.d Mrs. Harvey Bl,lrn t and ciuding' MI'S, Mlpie Ot~lesbee, Mrs, ing' districts, of which it is 'a cen- Mr. S. H. BUl."net attended a tUl'key Howard Graham, Mr.s. Sadie R~i ter, with the people who trade dinner, Spnday a.t the home of Mr, son, l\Uss Kathleen Ol'ahnm. Mrs, W~AP~ C.E.BULBS NUENAMEL KEMTONE , . there or look too it for social or and Mrs. Brnest ,B utterwol'th near lLaul'a Shldaker, iMrs. ,Os ee Harlan, s~hool life. In , another sense it Waynesville honorIng 'a gathe'r ing, Mrs. Eva Ma.cDorial'd, 'Mrs. Charles was the people of the place 'i n of the Burnet COUSlIllS, Gordon, Mra. A. S. Collett, Mrs. W. their relations to one another, Mr. a,nd ~rs, Seth Furnas iLnd E, Frost, Mrs. Cal:l Moore and Mrs, jtLllielLfe~ of J~elon 'in ' to Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Burneta.tHerbert Carl". other frlen~1S of the that place. to its people am it - tended the Wlayne Township Far- hostess and ber- gvests from . thIs institutions. In the horse and m~r's Club ~eetlng and dln.ner at communlty were Mrs. HarilY SbIdb~~~y days towns like Waynes- \the "Wdshing Well' at Centerv Ille. aker,. Mrs. :Rau'I' Van ,iler Vort and vII1enad a stroll,!!' sense of cOl1'F" Thursday; entertained by ' Mr. and Mrs. Robel't Cotner, allr 0,( Wllming, munity:' The people felt that IMrs. Char-Ies EIlts of Wayne vllla. ton. they belonged there, It wa Mrs, J. B. 'Jones, Mrs, Guy Rout· Mr. and M~8. 'Howard GoLlins ~ntheir town, their schools, their ~hn, ¥l': and Ml·S. Everett Early ,tertained with 8; ' drnner t their chufche , Sometimes, like many ahd ' Mrs. Wilbur Foulks, ,Mr. and ,home la$t Sunday, T1ler guests f~milie,s. !Jley quarreled among themselves but they presented a united front t the rest of the , (world. They \\ ere a community or they h,ad community and it wa a tron,tr force in their live. Today it is different, outside forces 'ar pu1lin~ in every direction. MtlllY continu'e, to work" new people have moved in, whose interests are elsewhere. 'C ommerdal ' recreation dl'aws people away for their pt~asure. REGULAR PRICE $5.95 Even the forces which ' should .. d~a~ .. ' people to~ethe,r become dlvldmg forces. What can be , done to' draw the constructive 'FIRE REPAIRS () GAS (1 OIL () LUBRIC~TION () forces together into a co~mut1dy strong enouR:h to face the WE'LL CHECK REST organized forces of evil and eteate a community strong and TIRES for cuts,. abrasions, leaky valves, etc (). wholesome enoug)l to be fit for ... all of us 'to live in? BATrERY- Gheck and add water, rech~rge if nece~sary () ' For discussion we w~re dividUGHT~ Check and replace bulbs if needed () , and TRUCK Get Your





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WaJD5ViDe Funiture I ,!pp6ance Co. , ~ Maia Street T ....... 2422


frOm GraDp Hall WA~ OIDO


According to I'epol'.t fr'o m F r et1 I d t,s, .' 'l'ct:1l'y or t h Hnnvn wi'!:i S f'a ttl A I' £' dNs' .\ ss';.. 0 R lOll, ~T I ~ .. III fo ll ow i o "l' <:'\1-1' f t h is hI' d w pr r E' n tt y m a.uE': J ohn K m il , R u rnl Rout 1. n l' .g lst r d B r-lI \\'l1 wi s$ hu ll S\\'i. s Btly of Ra(' t'\)o n l '0. 70 344, fl'l1l I hnrl s n , 1]11t 1"lsltl'l' , Rui.lI 101l1 1' l , ,11'ing 'nley . RaYI1H\~ d P': 1', '1\1 I', RIII' It! •.

ay lon. Dr, E lilm n H Il ci W Ll \ ' P I1t Ul\ lIllY in I "hm ( nt!, Int! . !l~ tl m !,; tin g of Frind s in I IH L ilUl'tl m ll' li" r hl nds H m . Mis s le l1l1 ~l il l'S " Il l' Dn. i un h .lI· · o u ~l l\. , TI'S, M u r~' I' Ina nand b l'oth r, M I' , I 'ra nk Holm s f ' o lull)tus

visll U Mi5; es Ma rne a n d Annie r ow n a nd M iss Minni n ds n o ~ .. \Y dn s d lty a ft e l'n oo n .

r gi:'H' I'" I , Ur ( w n -' h r l 'tmu~ F..aI'l y ,_'n, h a l'l s oi l h ' i~h .. , ICY, ,R u r a l R ou t 1. 2,


Emm a. H lJ oway, 1;\,1 1', . EVII I . n r l I'so n a n d ~lI ss Ii \' ' V illi o lltf'; Hend e d th hl'i' t m a. · m "eti ng an 1 d inn er 'of th e Gn l'd n Iu b a t' t1~e h om e of MI' . .T on T hul' d ay nig ht. 1' ,


lll d

< / .. qu

1', TInntl R


' 2.

( I t1 I' W:lt I' L'\JI ' ~" '5 0 1' n d 1 al . ' . , 21 0 tt 1\11' . . R. '1\1. S tOl:m on t , R u m l n o ut 4, ' X n \:t.




-or \

IH owa rd L . Sm ith , ' ay n !,; \' iI\ sold t h b u 11 Pa n .'y ' n n u"ty Lall N o. 46;' " Pol't I' B. Yirl<1nn l', 1"1 mi ngshlll~, K r. . L . A nu r son of R Ul'ItI R out > ~ p urch a d h I' gtlst er d Brow n Sw iss lu ll ,Tun e's u st I' ,h a mpt on N . 52:-4 f r om :\TR Ul"i e Oh l r, 324 hio. L r a in AvE'.. Day tn n.


STUDENT COUNCIL NEWLY FORMED; OFFICERS NAMED Thi V ar th e I a\ Hi, 'h h 1 i . tryin g · ometliin .1! th 'lt by DANNY HARTSOCK i" n w t th PI' "ent stud 'n t . ut wa. tried 11 I etor. , A t \\-11:.1 t a. game! \ Vlt< t a fj·g;n t! "Ve . th e I eg-inn in,g f th \' r th e t . The ' core W fi. a""ains t u bu t met ni · r D emocrac y Cta o ur p laying (UI' o ul lass d Lh se veral time and a ~ a re ult, th Wayne vill e tud ent Activi- Mia misburg teams la!:; Priday w h e n m t th m h I' , W w r e s h ow n tv O buncil ('v\ AC) wa. f I'm - we t h at w Ihas nothing" t wO IT ya b{)u t ed , Th e eniors wr t th e " ~on - w h e n our team ' play. . pl'ingl')/)r o tituti o Jl which in an as embl v of th student h dy wa amend- t hi s F r id ay:



Memhers and nft1c r w r el ect ed and n w t h Council i having- reg-ular meetin,g- , Th member were el ect d as folEN'IORS- * D annv H art ck Pres id nt ; * Wilbur FI renee, Fa y Creech cr tary; Pats y .. Baird; Earl Rye. JUNIOR - Bob Hunter, Vic President; D on Luk ns, Trea 'n,; *P~ ggy Tumbl OPHOMORE *D a n n " imp n; Harlan Earnh art. FRE. HMEN- * 'vVa rr n he hafl; Doroth y Wir on , ( * ) Th ese mem r ar al ' o members of the Executiv Committe e -at \ hi h th e Pre ident presides an j th m mber decid'e what houl j b br light up at the next meeting. The object of the Council is ummed liP in Articl II of th~ Con titution: "( 1) t o prom ote a better und rstanding between .f aculty and students, ( 2 ) t o give the students a voice in all activities, (3) to hell] students learn to assume r~sponsilility and to perform duties,' Several problems which weI' brought up before the Council were, solved very well. Just 'recently the WSAC ha become a charter member of th·e National ASSOCiation of only Counci.\ of this kind in the county ·it hopes to be a great ucce s,






0 ,0

0 1






Graham Longa I' Ear'nh a1' H as tltl g'




MIAMISBURG RESERVES F, G, F. T, PTS , , !) 2 1 Th rna , ha ff l' 0 0 7 3 1 F o~ 0 0 L ong 1 Ro u tza hn Q 2 4 t U r sch I , 3 L iblb

Mia mi Qll1'g se m d 0 t hin k tha since they wo u ld rom p (? ) ov ' r us a nyw y tJhat probab ly non of u ( th e cb e i'in g e c tion ) " ,a uld co m e, a nd w h n we did com e we fou nd t h er wa tan in g room on ly, T he s a t s w e r a ll I' serv ed. I thi n k th game w s a lm o t w orth i t , don ' t :you ? Vve h ad t he 'am e fi ve m e n lIt throughou t the' g a m e while t hey had t o s ubs titu te every once in whil e to b-eat us nd th en th er W O I by 'only 4 pOints . WAVNESVI.LL,E VARSITY F, G. F. T, PTS, .. 3 t1 .Thomps on 9 3 3 Dakin 3 1 1 Florence 2 o 4 Smallwood 6 2 . Vickers








.DEAD STOCK. cows -


HORSES - $20,00 HOGS - $6,00 cW(

Ac:c:ordlnl .to Size






1712 '


Reverse Char •••

' hci l'tage <> f t'a l'm rna hi n l'Y for TO THE E·DITOR: r oft n worid I' if th e c itize n. of p ,r l' \. si x yeo l' s ta ug ht hi W a ynes vill e appl' cl t in full m 'as farmer/:! th a t th lif S 1'\'1 of x ur e th pro ~n'e s lv e n s a nd hea Il l y p9lls iv e louIs a n be pl'o lon g d a of th It, lI t t l v ill rug£' o 1'\' a lw a y s g reat deal if th y a r e g lv ~n prop I' thoug ht oC Vif'tay n s vlll as a min:lc~.tI' e In opera ti on and In toritlg~. ture oity, I ('om pa l' It wi t h v illu,D'es S a m Hub I', s pecia li s t in agrt ulof simlla l' I?e a nd I ti'nd th ~y loack tural engineering, Ohio ta t Unit hOR things tha t add to ' t h'E' om v rstty, s ay g ood cal'e I esp ci a ll y fort s o f lif , W I' ganl :1, entlt\l imp l'tant 1'01' tractors, ~.,C He c~aims /th ' fir s t r eqult' menl s , tod a y . Who of yo u. htl n ' t d cend d lh , (<>1' storing th e ,t.l'actol' ove l' winter .. o1'\vin H1Il' neI look dov e l' into Is to provid ~a lea n, dry p hu' an d 9 U th e ",Wag of " rayne. vill e Iyl.n g then clea n the b w tor th or ugh I)' VARSITY . M IAMISBURG there so graceful a nd plc turesqu ? by removing excess gr 3.: and dir t F, G. F. T. PTS. If you h a ve n't you should g et the with k eros n la 11d a. st iff bru h, 3 1 7 Kirby ja.lopy out 01' u e Y<>Ul' tootsie u nd Cleaning aids inspection! r damag1 2 Trager s e r o· go a short dlstan pas t Coyl e 's ed parts and it als o les s n lS th da n Herm a n 3 6 Packing Plan t , turn a1'ound a nd gel' of damage Iby l'Ust, 1 1 3 'Hell head toward W a ynesville , I Mr, Hulber says the Idl e tra tor' . 1· MoPher on 13 6 thlnl< you'll a gr that it is on e of 'r a nk as should be drain d. W~ sh­ 6 Cole 3 o the pre ttl e t man-mad e sig ht s to ed out with flushing 0'11, and Ih n 'S ohUpp o , , , of all our· work 1 Qur lea ning o o behold, of chndr~n' s ' clothing. Dell l'efUled 'with 011 by 'us ing ·on mol' . , ca t e When I G,)' Waynesvill t' 15; f a r f!We~terr8. drees-up cloth s, c C\'lIt ' qU~t than the il<>rmal amount. Th 37 171 l ahead or other littl.e v11lages I s.l',ly are .all cleaned thoroughly, y et PI'O'fuel ~'lnk Js emptied and th e ngln WAYNESVILLE RESERVES it without prejudice, 'l'.hey are ahead Is run untll the <:arburetor I~ drainte ted agaln ·t wea r and fading. F, G. F. T. PTS, ed. The sediment Il:m lb Is t :t ken OU l, . becrl'use th e y h a ve th thing. whIch And what Is so important wh en Lukens 1 2 c o n t r i 'b u te l6 progre sslvene s, cleaned, a,nd re'p-laced, and th /:LI'an aotlve child lOa kes it neces sary Peters 1 2 Things like the Bank, Lfbl'al' ~r , buretor I:(Jraitl-iltug is left open, to ~end out so much our ' ll r! e .. 0, Florence o o Lock I' Plant. Publl W a tel' ~yst e m . are modera teo , The radiator shou'ld be drained Tinney 3 2 8 model"n ( s tations and g a l',a g s, and ,the drains are lett open , Wor'n eating places, (some of them make radiator hoses should be- I' piace d. tlnetlotl/ of having a first olas Pos~ some of .thos in nay ton look, a Dr. T. P. GROSVENOR I:, . Sparkplu~s ought to 'be removell Om'c e and V\r~yn e Parl<, known for mess ), ::}faYe: y ou ever thou gh t how and a quarter "up of motor oil I UU1' Optometrist miles away? ni~ it is to h a \'e' till' e I'epu ta b I ad In each ~lind1:lI', Th e engine j I think you do a ppr ' ia t e the8e physician s nl hand \, h,e n you'rE' til 335 S, Main St. Phone 10 turned ov er by · h a nd liang enough things 01' yqu wou ldn' t permit the m without having: to. a U severnl mlle. to coat the cylindel' walls with ii , .FRANKLIN, OHIO to -enter yom' "ilIag . Think fol' 1\ away fOl' on e a nd la y in' wait and and Ithe spal'kplugs are replaced , momen t of other towns th c st? of ,. The tr'a ctor being QP ruted In .suffe r 'til h or she a t' I'iYes? Old you yom's, co mpare th em ,. - r e n't you ever think a bout getting ~ jumping wint-er needs a nUfre ze to pr v nt proud? Sure you a r e and I know tooth-ach e, and ha ve to driye ma ydamage, and a lighter oil is used In ometlme in the neal' future YO\1 are be ten mil to have it pulled·? 01' w!.rut r mon t hs, HI'g1h.el' gra d e :fuel going to Improve y<> ul' fir de parthow would ~t be to have no drug wUl ' save starting trou})l a nd wl\1 ment as a means nf prote Uon fOI' store t~ pU.I·chase a prescl'iption, an pr<?vlde more fttclent mot I' opera.t hose thll1gis of yOUl' pride and joy . loe cream soda 01' a hot tie of loan' .. tion, The crankoase plug should 1> Think of a cal' without a steering LilJla,lm e nt for a hie jolrnt..,'? How 10080ned eacte: day and a.!V' wa t r wh ee or a 'wa-t-eh v 1tn't'Hit-llt&l'Hlt!~--'---,iiiiiiii;;;;;;Z - -- __c;=~.;;;/ would It be .not ,to have th Chu1'ch c,ondensed inside s~ould be drained . Likewise to be of use a ' fil' engine of rour own denomin a tion, Pl'otesLess moisture will conden, . ill 'must be kept 0 it· wlll run a n:d a tant 01' Cathollo? Do you n PPl'eclat e . tra-ctor tluel tanks if 'the' tn.nks a l'e man to drive It, l1d m o l' m en rll'e having two beauty salons, a theatre, kept nearly fuB of fuel. A half-a.ndAppropr.late ceremoni s f or nocessal'y to fig ht a fir , ~U t the s e 'a furuiture, t o)'e ,' ph<>tog l'allh el' ;1 half mixture of gasolin e n nd eth I' all faiths men must be p a id fOl' th e il' s er'· veterin ef'i~n, \' 'ni s ta t n.nd in ~rused for pdmlng will p p up c Id ' anee, or a list of 'dlff rent m en to :vIces, the same as we expe t ' to b e motors. , ~a~l upon to . do your w elding 0.1' , . pa id fo'r what we ·d o. The pay w e A radiator sCl:een or shutter wlll radio e palr? Do you a ppreCiate tl:te get is our in c~ntiv . Now fl'8.nkly help keep the motol' t'~ml.eratUl' e meat marke b' a nd mode rn groce l:y TELEPHONE 2291 WAYNESVILLE, O. just HO~· much d o y u apPl'e'C iat high enough so the tra tor work::! stores, a tin shop, hoa I'd wa r e ,store, YOUI' . beau ti illl h o m es a nd -iru Iy well In"-co,ld weather, 011 used ~n the department 8tol'e nnd, shoe . I'epair ·pl'O.g"t'e s ive bu s ili e s 'houses a nd transmission shoul'd be light enolugh . shop, . yOUI' new spa per and bn"~l' offlces? so !Jt' does not· become hard In cold . , A Boostel' shops, Al'en~t you proud of the ' dleweather, Stiff cran,k case oil will be channeled !by ,the genrs a nd, then" the gears do not get pt'Opel' lubdI catl<>n. . A paper pla.stlc caned paprag de- ' veloped during the war has the BUILDINGS CHATTELS AUTOMOBILES LIABILITY weight .of aluminum and the strellg'lth of steel. It Is a w.oOd prod, .' uct but Is fiv.e ,U mes as strong as in the Ohio Parmen will 8ive you broad ' protection against losses the same thickness ot lumber, Wo<>d REPAIR PROMPT, EFFICIENT 011 your farm. Ie C09U. your buildiop, your chattels, your automobile plastics can !be processed. Into de.d J'OUI' UabWty for accidents to others, Why not 'see us today? sired shapes. EQUIPMENT . th




STUBBS Funeral Home

SHERWOOD RefrigeratiOn·Sales ========='

and Service .::=:=:::======.,;


day afternoon for Jam~8 Curtis, 86,

retired Harveysburg farmer, ' whO died Frlda.y. Jnterment was In . the Miami cemetrey, IIr. an4' 'Mr•• H. S. Tucker were

ne.ts lIon4ay evening of their ~n-In-law and da.bter, Mr. and ........ RIchard WI11lam8 and famU,. of near WIJm1naton.




-~.. .







.You .... JOU',.

Representative for


.• . • • .

-,E' ..baa

JOG"" ioaured iA the Ohio Farmenr

Karl ,D. Dakin Iosuranee Agency



113,20 E.lrlulberry, LEBANON,





.4.1i-J, fJII.


,.ap~-;7ile .



by Betty Thomas. . "ayn esville mark d up another vic~ory their ,b oard as th,e y beat the Eagles Oll the IDe . 3 gam e. Although Waynesville ,usually had the 'core doubled on th e Eagles, th ~ Eagles kept up th1:lir spiri t ~d st Ul managed to give Wayn es ville a good game. Th e home tea m pla yed the whol~ game. without any subtitutions as they h a d 'no. substitution players. Russell and <Schlagh ck l' tel' reed the game. Hartsock was high point man with B rn a r d next high for Waynesvtlle. '£h coring D,n the Eag]es 'SIde was , very even. W.aynesv11le's next gam e w ill be played at Harmon ,Hall (Leb.'\non) on ,Dec, 11 8: 00) . So, don 't fo rget ,t o come a nd w a t h th es boys battle the ,team, Pete's PIa' '. The box score: Waynesville IPts. Eagles Pta. Bernard 15 R ynold s 5 Innis J...udln'g ton 6 Sackett 7 Walkel' Hartsock Kibby G 22 p,lanck 2 Gilpin 10 T,O TAL 61








U'I~~_.t:~~'C .e ~ ~ ~ ~ as 8 ~



tl)8rn< C!l8cD.:IlC!l1l:<

C. Palmer 468 166 ' 2460 R. Gons 473 1'58 2605 L. Mulford 562- 184 4026

'---...:.....-.......,...----'---=V::,:..~ HHi


HO~ 4451

145 14',5

17 17





E. Ram by 420 140 '4498 150 30 O. Rose 4362 162- 2:;Won 21; Lost 9. In first place 'b y 8 games. Won 3 g a mes ·,from Go (1 Housek.eeplng 'by 263 pin s .

by Jane Fite


I'll say one thing for those 'cn,lMors at Rlk es, I'd f eJ elevated to rid on them, I c hatted at ieng tb,

Now f o r two of M 1'A, ElJi ' t ng u 't wis ter s. H r ,goes : "!" stnn y Finc h tr i, floundering fi Sh f(lr Fl'an is lI'~oJ ys' fa th er." ;mll : B lIl ha d a bill - board He a lso ha.d a board -'bill Th boat'd-bill bored Bill,


CLOSET LININGS The Natural Moth Preventative ,





. ur ORke wit.1 be do ed DJC. 25 to JAN. 1 Par t~e taklOg f our annual inventory ,


\.\.l~~ ... _


~ f~;,{


, "Papa, why do they rope off the aiSles at a Weddlnf:!j~" "So th e groo m can't ~et away," ;' . GAMBLERS




'Yoor 'Christmas Club Check Was, Mailed -Last Week ~






What a hoon th at Chri tmas Cluh shopping. Be Su re yo u're, 0 11 ur mall in 1948 by starting yo ur deposits NOW!

t ) yo ur Chri 'tmJ. Ii ' t- t r, N vembcr


Each Week in Our Christmas Savings Club $ .25 AND RECEIVE FOR NEXT CHRISTMAS $ 12.50 $ .50 AND RE(:EIVE F.OR NEXT CHRISTMAS $ 25.0Q $1.00 AND RECEIVE





WAY N E S V. L L E. 0 H 10

' i1ag ma oe fl'o m pOOl' CO I'Il hn :; a:lmost eq ual fe din g valu e a Hilag w mll.d e fr om 'nOI'm a l 'Orn crop.


-and , of n essity, ' fll a k government t.he: domin a. nt tfactop , in our Uves. This Is th \\-ay that tyrants om e to power, and 'I h e process has not chang d 1n two . the;> usand ye~ar ~_-I-_ __ ;Of record ed hlstor~. oJ! we p ermit It, It ca n happen h re as w el"



Alth Ugh nation involve:i in World War II count their total war dead at i 5,0 00,000, th ' world' populati on now i 10 per cent larger than it \Va in 1939. That increa e i one of the reasons for cantin ued hunger in countri e which het v n t been able to re tore fo od production to its prewar lev "/.

aturday with Mrs. D . J. Frazi ' r, who ha s p oth' j ng /but praiSe 'for a hevrol t. She , a dmitted she had ow,ned ten of . ttbem . I'm gonna tra de mine of'f- 1 thought one was s upposed to las t a )j fetir.n .

Do you w a nt to di e In on e o.r the most horribl m a nners possib1 '! "THE DISEASE OF I . • • ' GOVERN!",'I;NT" It'san easy triClk. Ju t ta k c ch an e ' In th U nheo t ilt s, wa h ave ' with tire and, ~'ooner Or lat I' , y ur. The worst. pro~iem 'o nt\ontill g number w'ill .cpme up. gone farth e r a lon g th sam roa d t he ",orld today Is wh rut mig ht b e More tha n 10,000' Am el'l . n ~ r O:1.s t han· most of U r eali ze. "V)e ha ve t ca)]ed, the d.lsease of gov ernm ent." that way each yea r . T huu a nd: ). ated ' a n ·' enol'inou ' , ev r -.g'I·ow!ng The wh ol hif.!tory f l\' i1i 7.ati 11 m OI'e a re disft<gured for life. Fh r if,> b llreallC'l'a y which sap otlr eners ince the daw.n....of Ume ha.s lb en th s tOl'Y of man's struggle again,·t 0 1'- ,gles 'Ind ur w.ea lt h, Worst of all , an extl'em. ly ·effi cie n l k ill er ;-1'1 1 mflilmer. we h av, lat'gely l ost to'a- d efini le presslc\Jl . Every school child is I ' I The "'ay. to. ak e '11 ft.nees a r e th e t mn s lones di tin ti ons estab lis h <l by ILhe Con- , one f legion. Sm,oking in , bed in th a.t str the ' signing of stlt ution bet\-veen the three ibrunchth e best. I SQ is doing ' h,m lean in " es or g ovCl'nt:nente xe c u~iy e , judi.,the ,'~J1agna Ca rt.a . th e 'wriUn g of ",," with flammabl e llquids. SCI i st art - . cial a nd legislative, The r suI t of the D ec l a r a~ion of lnd pend e n e, ing fir es with keros e n (~ a nd gasothl.' is mor e un d m or e ··ad,ninistr.ll.and th e r st. All the r evolution:;. l~n . So is ar lessness wit'h illl1mitive govel'nment"- which Is simply ever fought hav e m a rk ed th e atsupplanting a governmept of' law nating gas. tempts of peopi s to fr e themIn ad'd itlon , ' a ll . t'h e u !-;ua l 11 m e by a government of men, selve~ from It.he clli:\Jn s of emperors, hazards , are j'espo ns ibl f I' th iI' Nations, like individu a ls, an dictators, aQd orrupt a nd cr"u I leal'n by example. Europe is showshal'(' 'at d eA th ', ij'~ u1ty 14" tr lcal governm ents. wirin g and eq uipm n ' t; clos ts. a tIng u wh at ha ppe ns wh en W lUt'n Now almost aJ.J of Europ , U nd ti f.; an d bas m nt. full If P .I I' r to gov ernm en t to g ive us "security" ~ n 1 oth er j un)<;; overloa d '(1 a I Ii impropel',ly maintained h n ing stoves and [ul'naCeR-7- th : ,. H I' 1 d e pend ~ bl e ld ll rs, an d in ;I (ldi tlt1 n they Me I' , ponsll?l e fo l' t h d:-,trll'ctio ( of t ns of milli on ' \)f cJ 1MAKING IT EASIER JarS ,w orth f propert3'. (, d } yea r , Always a funeral director Fh" Is roll'lng , merrily a long in bring'S his serv ice t'o a troubled the W~j States no\~ . Th t otal home. If.we are' called) we have , loss:is high a nd lL is no desire to' make the burden I", asl Inct. 's eems to be no heavier with needless expense. end ;' to our e9~. and in<1IfMany families lind our moderference. Iteep the tire ately priced service a very helpde~tm toes- but. ful relief. uJifortu , a limit to wllat ttle ':. 'l'ake


So BW sold his bill- boal'i'I, pay his board-bill ' Th en th e board-bill bored Bill n l mOJ··e.


_ COLUMBUS, OHIO (Special)--': A new variety of soybean, called "Hawkeye," has passed five y,ears of testing and is now ready to take its place among t~e varieties ap- I proved for Ohi o. It will be an.:>tJler year, however , before "Hawkeye" js a vailable fo~' eomll!ercial U!'le in Ohio, according to Dr. Lewis C. Saboe, U. S. Department of Agriculture soybean breeder at Ohio ' State University. ~ext year will be neeclp.o to builrl up a seed supp ly . In Ohio abo ut 300 a$,!res of fou nd - I ation "Hawkeye" soybeans were grown in 1947 under the ,supervision of the Ohio Hybrid Seed Corn Producer s. From these' plantings a fair supply of foun dation t seed wm be available for the pro- Dr. Lewis C. Saooe ins pect . and .duct jon .of certified seed in 1D48. s acks seed of "Hawkeye" s o\'beans Applications for this seed should from one row ' of test plot .. be s nt to ,J. E. Van Fossen , Manager, Ohio Hybrid Seed Corn Pro-, As ,c ompared with " Ri hlaJlld," " Ha wkeye" y ields b tter, by r e ducers, Croton , Ollio , Seed incr ases bushels or more, is as early, stands are also being macle in Indiana, as well, is a:bout three in,ches tail er , . Michigan, Illinois , and Iowa. and "exceeds it in perc4~ ntag s of "Hawkeye" soybeans have bee n J xte nsively tested from 1943 to pl'otein and oi l. . 1947 in Ohio, Indiana, Michigan, However, Dr. Saboe says, "~awk Illinois, and Iowa. In over 70 yfeld . ye" soyb · an s ed is larger an u t e ts during this pe riod, "Hawk- has characteri litics ditre renif· from ye ' has been outstanding in its t hose of other g rain var icti q~ comp 'rfo l'ln:l.n ~ ~ , monly 'grown in Ohio. The I ~eed is .4Hawkeye" soybean, Dr. Saboe light yellow, the hilum (seed scar ) reports, has almost all the good has a da1'k br wn- almost : blackf ,aturcs of both "Richland" and center, surrounded by a ' !reddish " Lincoln," and in some respect it, brown border. The "I(-a v ke y " has , advantages over both. variety produces pUl'p1 e · fl wenl, H eTe's the c mparat.ive scor~- gray pu bescenct' . and ' ip'J, hl'c) \~ sheet : ' pods. As compared with "Lincoln," "Hawkeyc" was de vel ( ~ > ;i y th e "Haw :("ye" yields within a bushel, Iowa A: g,i eulLu ru ' EXgel i ~1 (' nt a, stands better, is five to six days tion, in cooperation wi th ' the U. S , earlier, is about three inches short- , Regional Soybean Lab¢itatory of E7:, is its. equal in percentage , of the U. S. 0 part ment'., of Agrioil and sh~htly higher in percent- culture and by 24 state a~ricultural age of protein. experiment stations. tUrn d Iboc k th clock . They bave wl1Jingl y 0 1' oth rwise, S' U umbed once m r • to f.! uper-governm nt. .Th ey !I n \'. ap pal'en tly pl aced the goal of a d ubi ous 1>hY'ica l seourity a head of that of fl" d om. They hav e ace pted . the ell cipUn{lry w eapons of dlstat r shlp- t he w~ip­ ping post, the ex eou tion block, th e 'on E'ntra ti on ('a mp, slave labor. t ill E v n England, th ug:h sh e 1111 "'8 [0 Lh pasic Ivil liberties, 1)4S gon e a I ng way down th l'oad t hp<t a n nd only in spiri t.ual da rk:n !::II::! a nd Ilh Ru hme l's1on O.r Lh in div lduul spiri t,


THIS IS A FREE SERVICE TO YOU Joining thi ~ Club cost . you nothlIlg; we present its advantages to you as a friendly bank service because * we appreciate your continued ,goodwitl. The' n~xt * Club began Dec. 1, date .of the first weekly payment, * arid on Dec. 1, 1948, you receive a check' for all the * ' money you deposited throughout the year- in time • to do your Christmas shopping early! You can still ill start your Christmas Savings Club TODAY!


* *


:4< III

* ~.










F r the pa t two ar three 'ue thi column ha mad e me on tru tiv cri-bcl m -re~ard ing' the operation f .viI. lage . Th b rvatlOn ' \\' cre made from actual per Ol1a l m n of Wa ne viJl c, under th c nt·acts with condition, fr )rn pbnsorship f til i k Club hear a and · from ,the view.haye er ted a .1arp; Cl:ri '!mas points f other . hviou tv the Tree on .. th Idewalk.ll1 tront tumn ha 1 een a c-e.p~ed h f the O. M. Rid gr2, r i:\ nc orne ,re'ader with acclaIm f. r a ro from th 1 0 t ill . it tand on tiles matter, whil e This tree will be de rate t oth~r read. rs more ;?r Ie ., on and on aturda venin.e:, . ce. the 'receiving end hay., ob' ected t the comment m ~de. this j natural, true _American r action and frankl y It \Va ~x ­ peded' to b thi way. N . reaction, Qr, all n o l~.e. . 19 ' W uld have been urpn 1l1~ mo. deed 'We need r r - and c n on all flutt ers pertainin~ to public interest. Th erel y we find the , ~ d and parts of all suI jed, and, If . we h~v.e the pr~)­ 'per cooperative pmt w~ Will acc pt the ~o d an~. disca rd the bad,' thereby retammg; that which' will do the most ,good for DR. HATHAWAY IN MIAMI al1 concerned. VALLEY HOSPITAL . In this community ~ ~ ~a ve Dr. H. E. Hat.hawa was re~ many groups' and or~al1lzatlo\ls moved to Miami Valle_V ho pital connected with tile churches, on Sunday, suffering fa)m pneuschools, fraternal and fanTi monia. He is in room 216, New groups. they are made up of Building! and his many friend leading- citizens of the area Bob and 'lJO'rothy O'Regan are hop1l1,g for his speedv " "' r Some belong; to more thaIT' ~)\1 e covery. of the~e g'roups. Each org:a~lza- CINCINNATI FAMILY . or,g-anizer and sports official, betion bas 'some: as THEATRE; PURCHASESHAVE LOCAL .TWIN / sides opera.ting as.a Recreation Playlea~ler ;fIl£' tbob,t;~ ', its aim and mspecif~c.oblect attamm.e: these TAKEN for 'the Cll1cll1n(lh projects it is necess~rv that a POSSESION; WILL 'MAKE, Commiss,ion. From 1938 Ito smooth-operating cooperation HOME HERE SOON 1941 . O'Regan was a profes. WAYN~S.V. LE, OHlO be' practiced to make the worJ{ The . local Twin Theatre sional baseball umpire in . the Sm)day evening, Dec. 21 successful. More and more It changed management last Sun- South. has recently been heard th~t day, Dec. 14 when Bob and Mrs. 0' Re'gan, originally . ' " , ,. many such group~ an~ orga\1l- Doroth O'Regan, Cincinnali, from Wilmete, 111., is a grad. ', ' . t"I~1t6m ~ zations are 'expenencmg; some purchased ' the business from uate of Sullins Co1leRe, Va., :U'" IJ &,f'IJ'-' difficulty in obtainin~ there 011- Paul and Betty Shaffer, owners and the University of \1linois, A CANTATA by Frederic E. Weatherly a:nd George F. Root \ .. since October 1946. with postgraduate work at Cot' . . jectives t~~~u.e:h lack of .th pr~per spud of cooperatton~ . Bob . O'Regan, a native : of umbia University, . followil~~ PART I. THE B.IRTH OF CHRI ,. ThiS fault cannot be "place? Cincinnati for over 20 years, which she taught school for se:v- Chorus of the Peop-Ie on :theit wa~ tQ the Temp~: "GOQ' of up0!l t~e shoulders . of the o~· discharged from the Army, erat years at Arlington Hi!l!:h ' Fathers,';". and C~orus' of the Ht~r.0dians accomlla"J4~. rl4SUlE,. %am~atlton as a :Y{ ~~thli~ Dec. 1, 1947, ,following SIX a,nd Ar1ingt~n Jvnior. Colle~~e, '~ 0.. Yl i" ' oin4th." "->0_ _..... " - _••;. _ " . ~ '~'''':''~''' ,' •• ~, ~...~.~,~~. . upon 'he . spec~ IC In 1':1 ~a ... " .Near ·. AL~rxi~~,.h~'v.iD-JW,l.d.!l,""~~"'N.a...,....,-~ " , ''' : - . ..A ", - - - . ~ '8'" (APportion. the voioelt"so that tbe 13lel'odla'n ,uhol'us' w:1l1 not be tgl,twb~ : caqse , d1SS'c:nt'ea·1·~m!U' .Cl:W· eo (rdm ,. tlie~~tade.'· of pFlvate fo The O'Regans met at Des- . prominent when both are ' sung' together) . fli~t. ~!ld .d. s. .s~a y the grade "of .a Major in t~e hon General hospital, Pa, and thIS type '0 : 1~~rVJ~uJl ,IS one Ordnance Dept. O'Regan. spent were' married Oct. 1944. There , Solo, Tenor and ,,Chorus of all ,seeing the Magi approaching in ~hQ craves ~eaaer~hlp or·,power the past t 8 month-Sin Japan Mrs. O'Regan, 1st Lt'. WAC . proc~ssion: "Who are yonder Grey-beards Olden~" . . . ·and' 1ber~..I:e ob,1ects to ~ny and Korea, as Chief, Special headed the Public , Relations TriQ-the Magi:- II I Wl'iere is he that is horn King? " ~~cltaby~' an~ an plans "Su~gested by Services, 61 st Ordn'ance Group, office and her hu.~band was Herod: ' fl am -the King." Chorus of a11 the peopl.e: Long LIve , others, re.e:ard~ess of wheth~r hand1in~ all of ' the athletics ~hief, Reco~d,itioning. the King." . ' they ate ~ood or 1'1 th!s 'and recreation for over 2200 The new ow~e, rs win take '-!p ' Recitative and Aria-Herod: ~'Ah , me, what do I hear?," inodent' pay wh.en everyth~nj!' I troops. ' .. , , ' permanent reSidence on M'un / , ·t t. k~ye.p b) th~ hl.~th, speed, °dfthad-t. . Betor' enii'stiOg in the Army, sf. in WaynesvilJe OR Jan. ~I. Trio-The"Magi; "Wherle thte. df~Ukll EfuPdhra~i;~", and Heci a lye. vaneem~nt It WI] be f<?1;In a O'Regan, who 'attened Xavier , The Shaffers will move to .Her~~: Tell. me, my lear I~ ' ~ 0 rea. / br!?aq-ml!1ded, . consclentuous University and the University of New Vienn/l where they wi.11 be TrlO.- 1 he Magi: Behold! a Child ~s Born. th1l1'km~ IS ~ssenhal t~,pro~ress. . Cincinnati, was active in all affiliated with the Avon Thea- Carol by a few voices: "As the Star, in Di~tant Ages." ("Sicut petty thou~hts an~ halrl~a~-. amateur sports' as a player tre there. · ,Astrum.")" . ed'~ ideas have no place 111 t~1 . , (Eth'er the English or Latin word.s of tlbe 'above 111'0) may be u s d.) ST'. MARY'S EPISCOPAL Full Chorus. 'iThou Bethleh~rn" speeding world'. · Persons' WIth SPRING VALLEY WOMAN uncooperative ~plrit~ ~ct. as a PA.' ~ SES AWAy SATURDAY., CHURC·· CHORAL SED'VIICE "bnike" on-t.he-advancement l)f ~ I?> n ' ., PART II.. THE FL:IGHT INTO EGYPT any organization . .Their actions FUNERAL HELD' HERE ON ON CHRISTMAS EVE AT Herod In his P~lace" gloomy an9 oppressed. Recitative of COllrare a detriment to the welfare of TUESDAY AFl'ERNO.O N THE CHURCH, 11 :15 p.m.. Her5: 1/ Behold, his H~f\rt \5 He~.vy." Music. . others: The' "stranJ,?;/e'::- part of it . CJara M'orris -"thomas, . ag-ed st. Mary's Episcopal Church, A.ngels' Chorus-Trio Of .female yoices: "Glory be t(,.9 0d In al1 ,s the faat that usually. this 84 died /at her home 'qear Spring will celebrate the Nativity \..~ith - aven, " followed bv Recitative- Herpd: ,I I Agam those. J type of perso.a-fs~eJ11l:ier '\n Valley, . Saturday, Dec. 13 at a Choral Service of ,Holy Comhi~h standin~ ip church CIrcles, 11 :00 ~,m. ' . inunion, bep:inning at 11 ,; 15 Mocking VOicr!!s." . Soilg-Contralto: CIA Cry goes up in Rama. " , who,' of an people ·sho.utd be. a . She IS survlveq by a. dauKh- , p.m. on Dec. 24. model of the theory and .bellef. ter, Mrs. Margaret SnIvely of , The celebrant wil1 be Chap- Prelude and, ,Recitative-Soprano: "Ari~e, an.d take the young sustained 'by all -religiou.s ~bupS - YelJow Springs; twosons,Huber lain, Cpl. John ~. W... Linsley, . Child.'" of "Do .unto others as ' you ~ and Homer at home ;' and four Chief of Chaplams, Air Mater(A'll angel appeal'S at Bet~lehem to Josepll, Where with Marv and would have them do unto you." grand~hndren. ,. iat Command. He will be asthe Shepherds he is watchln~ the 'Holy Child. They (hear .the sound Funeral services" were con- · bv the Rev, ·Samuel N. of slaughter In the vllJage ~low.) , . ,We realize that in speaking. ducted T~sday ' afternoon at Key's, .Minister-in-char~e, of Chor'us' '. ' "'HaJ'k '. ,The VOI'ce's ,Draw');ng Near" , frankly of all these ,things we 2 :00 o'clock at the Stubbs St. Mary's~ Funeral Home with Ralph E. Duet-Mary ari:(j Joseph: "Lord, look down from H~avel1." are bound to create some disFull Chorus: '~Fret not thyself because of the ungodlY." sent. We do not expect every- Stinson, Mi'nisler of the Ferry 'FREE THEATRE TICKETS one to a~ree with us but we dQ Church of Christ officiatin~. FOR READERS OF MIAMI . PART 111. THE RETURN expect t~m to have due respect , Burial was made:in Bem .rook ' GAZEIT£; TWIN OWNER Recitative-An,gel: 'I Arise and go int<>" the l~nd ,~f Israe1." for our privileg:e of saying it. cemetery. GIVES FIRST CUSTOMERS Quartet a'nd Chorus: "Hark, those Angel VOices. ~, For · the most · part 'we believe EXTRA TICKETS Recitative-Baritone: "And the Child grew," . our readers will agree that as DO YOU WANT A FREE , Bob O'Regan, new owner of Solo-Soprano:" A~ong the of Nazareth.". . . ' , ,~ . TWIN THEATRE TICKET? (OCIDUDued em .... I) the local Twin Theatre a'n- Finale. Fun Chorus--Choral: "0 Savior, . when thiS life· IS o ,er, . Each week free tickets will nounced today that the first ' " 'd H d r..lory and Chorus in Canon fonh: "Blessing ·an on~r ,an . y .. be given to those \vhose n~mes tkket purchasers last ' Sunday and Power be unto Him that s'ltteth upon th~ Throne." . '. appear at rando~ througbout e venin,~, Clyde Thompson and the page~ of the paper. If yqu Charles . McKeever, both of DIRECTOR, R.. B. Coleman ' . find your name so listed, p~e­ Waynesville, may pick up three ORGAN!. T, Miss Virgmia L. Hardfri sent your copy at the Gazette free tickets apiece for "Northoffice for your free adult pass. west Outpost", Sunday and CHILDREN'S CHRISTMAS PROGRAM Tell your nei?:hbors and your Monday, Dec. 21-22, ' at the friend~ 'to watch for their name office of the Miami Gazette. Our Chidren's Christm~s Progam will be given in these co]umhs. ' All 'theatre patrons ' are urged MONDAY EVENING, DECEMBER 24, 1947 j. to read the details of the week7 :30 ,o'l clock GAZElTE OFFICE CLOSED ly free adult tickets to be given AU. DAY SATURDAY It will represent the ,manger sc~ne at Bethlehem, with the visit away each week throud;1 tbe ,Por this week only the office Miaini Gazette. These winners of the Shepherds and Wise Men. Ifhere -will also -be a c nd,elight of the Miami Gazette will be will be found scattered tbrou~h scene, Christmas in other lands, ristma.s symbols, and a story, closed on Saturday and open the ' various p'ages of this paper of the Christmas tree, on Friday. After tl1is we~k the with the tickets bein~ ~ood for The usual Christmas treat will given the Children after thet office .will close Friday and will any attraction, unless specifiprogram. be open on Saturdays. cally stated otherwise.


'. ((!Jur"rb ..






. .....



Chri$tmas Seals.



.. J


The Miami Gazette E 8 T ,A B L I 8 BED I 8 C5 0


Page 2 c!over desi ,~n were awarded to The Miami 'G aze tt gIrls who had comp'leted 5 Waynesville, Ohio No. 4347 , years of Club work. Silver ear- Thursday, December 18 , 1947 , Publ1shed Every Thursday, by DAVISSON PRESS .of four-l eaf clover d esi,~n rings FLOYD L. DAVISSON, Editor ~ r o up. we re awarded .!?:irls who had Again, th e Clu b ' wishes t Intered M Second ClaaJ Matter at the ~ Office completed 7 years of Club th ank all w,ho have hel ped in WAYNESVILLE BOY work. The ~irl s ' who comple-ted any way in makinK t he' ew· 0 Bub6criptlon Rate&: $1.50 per Year In Adva.nce VICE-PRESIDENT Of Ho~e Furnishing- pro.iects and received an A g-iade we re each 4-H Club so suqcessful' in '1947. COLLEGE CLASS . 'Rober,t W. Emery, Way nes. awa rded fl pin from th e N ~ ti o n- ' ville has been elected vice- al 4-H Clu,b contest at Chicago. FRIENDSHIP CLUB HOLDS preside nt of til J unior Cia s of , Th ese. proJect , Krad s w l'c en- ' DECEMBER MEETING AT Wilmin.e:ton Co ll eg~, sch 01 tered 1!1 the co nt st b~ Mr. Ro s ALVA THOMPSON HOME; of a co ndemnation pro- , official announcd t day. and, MISS Bay. GIFT EXCHANGE HELD c e9lnR' that co uld be brought Emery is also a 'membe r of ' This 4-H Club' scored high. Mrs. Alva Thompson open d ' agamst the Vilt,age 'and th e the Sig-ma 'Zeta Fratern ity and est of any Clu b in Warren cOlm- h r hom ) 11 Main treet on users .of the sewer system fo r' wi:> a member of , the populC}r flY, thereby ea rnin ~ the Honor W'ednesday afte rnoo n and ha pollution of the river ? Can " S'evanai res ' si'ud,ent dance Club award for th e second con- as her gUe ts th e Friendship ,METHODIST CHURCH fees fOJ the use of this system band orga nized on camp u last ecutive year, a desk , fl ag- set Cl~ b, for the regul ar December R. B. COILEMAN, Minister collected while the 'yea r. which i ~ the .Amerka n fla ,g" with meetmg. Mr . Charles Ande rson be Ie,g-al}y Sunday School 9 :30 a.m. Itself remains ilIe.!?:al ?Son of Mr. and Mr ~. A. R. pledge inSCrI bed on th e stand· ' and Mrs. A. H. tu bbs assi ted system " . J. J. Burske, Supt. For our -pe~son a l information .Emery, l.l e is taking jpre-m dica l ~rd ,!-nd a 4-H fla.e: ;Nith pledge th e hostess in receiving the Worship Service 10 :30 a.m. and for the .mform ati on of th e at vy llml~ ~to n ' ColI ,~e . IIl scn bed on th e .tandard. Th e many guests. , " Youth Fellowsh,ip !llany persons who have made - , !-Jollor Club election in count y , Th e most inter tin.!?: fea tu re , Thursday; 7 :30 pm." mqulry at this office we would ,SEW-SO 4·H CLUB: IS based on all local, county and ' of this meetin,g' was the exstate activities which local change of Rifts by th e" ecret like to hear from someone who RECEIVES AWAROS ~lu~s. may enter ; At 0, 0 .11 the S i s t~ rs" and the exch ange of has the. answers. We think it ' is FOR PROJECTS IN' MT. IJOLLY METHODIST mdlvldual grades and pe r. cent ChrIstmas gi fts: , about tIme the sewer sy te rn is THEIR 1947 WORK T~ M. SCARFF, Minister brought out in the light where HONOR SELECTION of mem~ers c;9mpleting proj Mrs. J ohn J. Burske gave the Sun4ay School 9 :30 a.m . J(et a goo d loo k at FOR SECOND YEAR ects on time, etc. devotionals and -Mrs. A. H. we can all ~. ,A. Earnhart, Supt. ' the, facts conce rnin~ it. On Saturday, Dec. 6 at the Worship Service 10:30 a.m. Gran.!?:e Hall, the W ayne SewEvening Service '7 :30 p.m. WOMAN'S AUXILIARY OF ' So 4-H Club members we re preST. MARY'S CHURCH MEETS sented awa,rds by Mr,. Ross, the FRIDAY AFTEROON Warren County Agent, for proST. -MARY'S EPISCOPAL .St,. Mary' s Auxiliary met' on jects ' compl eted in 19.47 . Spe'8A~UEL N. KEYS, Minister Ante_Gommunion 8 :00 a. m. Fnday ,afternoon, Dec, 12 at cial awards of silver pins with Church School , 9 :30 a m the home of Miss Katherine four -leaf clover d ~sign were The regular busi- given the girls who had comNursery School 10 :30 'a: ness meetln,g- was held and the pleted 3 years of 4-H Club, Morning Prayer 10:30 a. m. reports were given' for the work. Gold pins with four-leaf Bazam' whk h was very' successful. After th " meetin.!?: adjourned the hos tess served d, licious refreshments to th e


.Recreation &Eat Restaurant


. OPEN All day .Wednesday, Dec. 24 CLOSED Christmas Day•

. OrlCA E. U. B." OWRCH, ,


REV. WILLIAM SHANNON Sund~y School ' 9 :30


'Mrs. James Garrison, Supt.

P.(eaching. f st and 3 I'd Sundays 10 :)0 a.m. each month




WA\ NES\'IIJ.E CHURCH OF CHRIST 9 :30 a.m. Bjble School Communion 10:30 a.m.

"'J"'~-...a~_'JI IE . AU~;~;~



F.ather Krumholtz~ Priest ' . Mass 8 :00 a. m. and 10 :00 a. m.


FERRY, CHURCH of CHRIST RALPH E. ' STINSON , Minister " ~~-':---;""""'-:---:;;-;;-oo I 9 :30 a.m.

Morning Worship 10:30 a.m. Prayer Meetin~ 7 :00 p.,m. Youn.!?: People's Meetin~ 7:00 p.m. Evenin.!?: Services 7 :30 p.m. FRIENDS first Day School 9 :30 a.m. Meeting for Worship , 10 :30 a.m.


CO~ LADY GIFT SETS $2.50 ,to $6.50

This Week's Sp.eciaJ. SUN PAC or HOPE CHEST ,.. CANS $1 .75 for


' , 24





Worship Service 9 :45 a. m. 10:45 a. m. ' Sunday School You at e invited to worship-With us. FAIRLY FAMILIAR ' ,-

(OODtmuecl from Page 1)


long as we make statements of fact, ' even thou~h they may "strike home" to some, they will ultimately brin~ about some ~ood. For this we strive, and solicit the help and good will of those who believe in the maintenance of a good community spirit. , We have had severa,t per ons inquire at this o ffi c~ ' lateiy re~arding information on ' the sewer situation. Si.nce no publicity has ever been ~jven out' by those in authority regardin.!?: this matter we are an "in the dark" and can offer nothing constructive as to what has, is, or will be, done about it. Accoraing to the Ordinances ' published the ViI' la ge is , supposed to make a: ctlarge for entrance into the sewer. How can this be done when it is iIleg-al to connect to the sewer? The ordinance al so states that a sewage disposal fee wilt be collected each quar- ' ,ter for those who u e the sewer. How can this collection he made without a sewage disposal plant? What wilt be the out-



GIFT SETS $2.50 to $17:50

COMPACTS $1.50 to $2.50

cAMERAS $9.95 BILL FOLDS $2.00 to $5.00 ,


All ,popular brands ofTOBACCO in I lb. Cans 79c up , CIGARETTES - Christmas Wrapped $1.65 Carton CIGARS, --...:. Christmas Wrapped 251, $2.25 to $3.10 PIPES"$J.OO to $3.50 - TOBACCO POUCHES t~ $2.60


GOOD VALUE along with PRICE on







C 0 F F 'E E






aECTRIC RAZORS Shick, Remington, ,Coleman Albert Schnaitman, Rt. 1 $IS.oo to $19.50 TREE ORNAMENTS




Stewart's Dot South Main Street

Food' Store

Waynesville Drug Store

PHONE ~121 .•



Page 3 The Miami Gazette hour daini, refreshments, Centerville Methodist Church, Wayn esville , Ohio No. 4347 ' k epin~ with the Chri tmas in , Miss Nanc y Foste r, of Fosters, seaThursday, December 18 1947 on, w.ere served b th e hostes , Mr. and Mr . Zimm erman , Mrs'. and her as istaFlts. Law.rence Elliott, Mr. Julia , tubbs rea i, , If e h'nst H-a4- ~Zot Moccabee and daughter, Janet , Come." Mrs. W. E. Stroud read "WIS HING WEL L" SCEN E ~ Mrs. M ar~aret Deek er, Miss , the poem, "-Because S mebo dy OF I}ECEMBER MEE TING Geral dine Camp b 11 and Miss

Forg-o t"

~a ve


Mr. R. C. M<ller


,an inter estin .~ tory of. a rippl ed chil li. ' The Club adj jotlrn ed to m eet in January with Mr. Walter ;Vhitaker. During th a ial

Beulah Coop e r, all of Cente iville. and Master Kenneth Gray. The Januar meeting: will be at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Seth Fuma . S. . Elli wi ll have tIi spe ial topic "Our Inter-

nation al iFood I robiem. '


HOLD S REGU LAR MEE TING NEXT MONDAY. EVEN ING The Band Boo tel' Club will hol d their r gular month ly meeting ' ()n Monda v. De. 29 at 8 :0 0 p.m . .at the High chool G m. , A -ho rt nt rta.inm ent w·ill be .~·iv }1 and . th plan f9r th e ne.xt mt-annu al t " I'm \\h ll 1 e dls-




.Phon e 2926





MRS. GLENN BLAND Mr. and Mrs. 'Ernest Lacy and INSTALLS OFFI CERS AT Mr; and' Mrs. Earl YounK atMASON STAR CHA PTER tended the banq uet at .the Bilt-, Mr. and- Mrs. rtf J. BUC:-:I'="f::-;e--.--1fHe-~Hotet , · B-a~ ton, SaturMr . John From m, Mrs. Bertie day night. Mills, Mrs. L. C. t. John~ Mr' • -----Claud ia Stewa rt, Mrs. Marv in Mr. and Mrs. harles 'Ellis en.:. mi'th, Mr . Glenn Bland, Mrs~· tertained with a famil y dinne r tanley Baile Mrs. D. C. ' rn' unda M r. and M'Ts. Law-., RidR:e, Mr. M. D. Baifd ~ Mrs. rence ' Elliott and n and Mr. Lucile Arniitag-e and Mrs. E. F. and Mrs. \Villa rd Mock abee and ~arnpart attended the instal\a- daught r f Oakw d tlon of offic rs at tbe' Mason and Mrs. Ed. Deck er anqand Mr. daug~­ East<:rn Star Chapter on F.r.icta . ters f Centerville. ' Thi was th~ ~venll~g . .Mr .: Glenn Bland wa' ~ nnu a l 'Chri tm~s ' ditme r, ~ !nstalhng 001 r ;:\I1d th n \~ I . given ,,.a t an early date on 'ut aa- ' '. m talled W orthy Matro n and count of M.r. and t . Deck er , Patro n are Mr. and Mr. arl and childref.l. lea'Vin.( Florid a ,', anker. . this "week. ;



111 '

mb r are ur~ed to

in attendan e.


Mr . Jenn ie' Cann el' \ a h te s to ' th , Garde n Club on Thurs da evenin.C: for th · ir annual Chris tnn di nner and exchang-e of R:ifts . Th hom ..and the dinne r table were heaut lfulrna . . Iy decorated in ke p'in ~ with Mr. . . C 11 tt r ad "Th the Yuletide season. ' Chri ·tmas ' tory" in her 'u ual' The' business session was held J fea -ing "mann r. , and'a short proR:ram was nj o Th . Club was favored with ed after which the Club ad iourn -, t \l' heaut iful vocal solo s, "star ed until March. ,t here being no uf Bdhl ehem " and "My Hero" meeting' h Id in Januar y and 1 \' Mi Geraldine Campbell, ac- Febru ary. 'bl11p anid by Miss Beulah C() p r. Littel Karen and D Ann u t who ,enj oyed the day Th mas w re Friday afternoon W re Rev. and Mrs. R .B. Coleguest of their aunt,' Mr . Jo hn ma n, Rev. Thom pson of the Robe y in Dayt n. .


PHON E 235,t

WAYN ES VilLE , 'OH.19

Ask for your copy ,


C OSED for INVE NTOR Y . Our Office will be cl o ed DEC. 25 to JAN. 1 F r the taking of our al1l1Ua~ Inven tory

-- -- -

I' ,

PHON E 2281

People; Sp~ts In The News


,,- -






p , E - GAM E HANDSHAJ{E in front of th e Presid ential box at , the Army -Navy f 0 0 t 'b a 11 classic featur ed Gener al D .w ,i g h ~ Eisenh ower. Pr.e sident Trum an and Visco unt Alexa nder, Governor- Gener al of Canad a. ,Admi ral Willia m Leahy , the Presid ent's Naval Aide, looks on_~ .at~t~h~e-!--~I"_WiT!rt--;]nn;:m-'FlVii17~~~-;r~~~t;;;-7,~~-:rh:::t. ;'::: Club check is to 'y Christmas , ' shopping. ,Be sure you'r e on Ollr mailin g Ji t t · r 'November ,: . 1948 by startin g your 'deposHs NOW'!



YOU Can Still Join ,Our ' 1948' 'Christmas Club TODAY·!

STOK E'S DAIRY "M EADO W GOLD Produ cts" Phone 21 LEBA NON , OHIO FRAN K SI8CY , Repre sentat ive







.'Deposit Each Week in Our Christmas Savings Club ' 'NE,E DLER '-Kee ping raw mater ial suppli.ers on their toes, Dorot hy Hill. Amef~can <;=al1 ;Co. resear cher, gives th~ • ne~le " dally tp sampl es of wax and seahn g compo unds for paper container s and tin cans which she tests in labora tories at Maywod, Ill. W@g~~~Mm~

$ .2.5 AND RECE IVE FOR NEXT CHRISTMAS $ 12~50 , .. $ .50 AND R£C~IVE FOR NEXT · CHRISTMAS $ 25.00 . . . $1.00 AND ' RECE IVE ' FOR NEXT CHRISTMAS.' $ 50.00 . $2.00 AND RECE IVE FOR NEXT CHRISTMAS $100 .00 ' $.5.00 AND. REcEIvE FOR NEXT CHRlSTMAS $250.00 '







~JS IS A FREE SERVICE TO YOU . * , Joining thiS' Clt,lb cost~ you nothll1g:; we present its * advantages to you as a fri endly bank servi"ce because • we app"reci~te your continuea goodwill. The next ' * Club beg~n Dec. 1, date of the first weekly paymen't, * and on Dec. II, 1948 , yo u receive a fot all the ... * , mone y you depl!>sited throughout toecheck year__ in time • lie to do your. Chris tmas shopping early! You can still , III '" start your Chris tmas Saving Club tODA Y! teo



The Waynesville National Bank

COMIC COP... moves down Broadway in the, annua ll ~ac)"s Police estimated 2,000,000 New Yorkers saw the ~vent.



Page 4 The Miami Gazette Waynesville, Ohio No. 4347 thursday, December 18, 1.947


HAPPY HOUR CLUB MEETS Well, Buck was planning to ride will come ,back as ,a soit crtinto the sale with me so I got servancy payment from tht! AT ,RAYMOND BRADDOCK 'him and we, moved tbe quarter ' AAA. I would have liked to HO~ ON TUESDAY; GIFT of beef ,that I had on the hoot have covered the whole farm · ~CHANGE AND PROGRAM into the inside of the car, found and it w'ould have paid me to 0 ,Mrs. Raymond Braddock was an old chicken crate, mended it, it. After all, it wouldn't take so 110sfess to the Happy Hour Club put in the little pig, then he tift- Jmany extra bushels to pay for O()n Tuesday ,at h r home in th .countr . 'Twent -three membe r ed it to 'put 'it in the car. Just as it'. Perhaps I 'ma y do it yet. Still cold ,but 'the sun jut and thr e ,Q'uest , M~ " Bernard he , g~t. it Up , in his arms out

Mr. and Mr , Ralph Nill are Mrs. Osee Harlan was a Sunth birth of a son, ,day dinner gue~t of !'Ar . g,es i at t. Ann ho pital. 'Cook at bel' home near The matrnal g-randparnts are Waynesville . Rev. and Mrs. J. , P. Thornbury. The O. E. ' S. met Saturday Mr. and Mr. H. . Tucker evenin.p: at the Masonic TempI and dau.g'hter, Mi s Ev lyn were for their annual Christmas' dinufld,ay dinner ~uest , of th e' ner and ,g'i ft exchan,~e followTucker' on-in-Iaw and dauKh- ed by a 'jane. tat r in the ter, Mr. and Mr '. Richard Wil· ev ning-. , . liam 'at , the General Denv r Mr. Lou Price 'ha t-e n adHotel in WilmiIigton, ' mitted to Mi ami Valley 110 pitat ' Th Community Club met in Dayton w ' hre he will underVv'ednesday night for a pot- RO a s ries of special treat- , ' luck upp r in the Hom Ec ments. ' ' Mrs. Herbert Dost r, Mrs. ' Room of the H i .~'h 'choo1. Mr. and Mr : William Luken entertained with a overed di h diriner 'an iift hower. at theiT country h me : on unda in compliment to Mr. and M'r: Howard Grah~m, whos and its cbntent were d troyed ' hy' fire a month ago. ' Funeral se'rvices wer c n~ ducted, . ,Saturday aftemo n at HOURS: McClure ,Funeral Home for Mr. Joseph Ellenbarger who l~i d 9-12 each morning suddenly at hi home last 1-5 afternoons e"cept Thursday noon. , :Wednesday" Mr. Charles mart ent 1'tained at home Sctturda V ven- , 7-9 Sat~rday ev.ening , ing for the' pleasu're of th Other evel)ings' by ladies belon~irtg . to the' Civic Appointmen! LeaKue'." The ,ladies enio j th e Annua:.l ,Cluistma Part and TELEPHONE 62-R ' 'gift exch~nge durin,g- 'the esian. Mrs. Smart \va : assisted by Mr-. Ullian-S. Carr a,nd Mr . ~ ,Osee Harla.l).. , ' . , C~ Mrs. " A. . ,Collett and on. Optometric Eye Specialist Mr. Robert Collett entertain d the 'Welcome Bible Class of 26 South Detroit Street .Jonah s Run Bapti -t Church Itt their, home ' 'Frida y ,even ing XENIA, OHIO The group ~njoyed their an: 'nual Christma~ party' at 'the ' _ _ _ _ _______ annollncin ,~ Frida y night

carne th h<?ttom, pig and ' all. looked, out so \v,e may have Fortunately, he put it, down' some .g'ood weather after all. qUickly on toP. of the piR, he ---,-,g'rabbed ' the PIg- and held it while we put ~the ~rate in the car, at:td then with many squeals the P!,g' ~as put safery in the ' c~ate ag~m ,and the top nailed ,fir'mly down. The two hen \ lytle uuday x hool will ,~ive were 'put in a bag and put eside th~ crate, and we "started 'off. We a Christmas ' proRram 'at the Kat the 'pig to the sale ,anq, in, chu rell' next Sunday ,evening, , only to find that I ,didn't have Everyone is cord,ialty invited. I d Mr. and Mrs. E. B, Longacre the' pape'r , t 0 ~ how' tlla t 't I la and Mrs. Calvin Lon"racre pent ' ,been treated, 0 that had to be ,. , 'done o;ye,r 'a.e;ain! Then I ,went W:edllesday. with "Mrs. Long~­ acre's ister, Mrs. Lucy Fite around to the) chicken ent.ranceand Mr. ' MoTlie Davis hl Cin,and found that the y were al. ready selling- chi~ken ' and thete Cll'\~~t~. E. ' 13. Lon:~acre , ~ ttended , were so many , 'ohf hen" there ' th H C '1 Ch' t that they were sell,ing- so cheap : e orne uncI flS rtla that I never even too k mine in, party ,-a t the Court House. in they were worth mol' than th at Lebanon, Friclay. , to me' .to, kill and put in the t MiSdS TCjathectrine tUlnctnJlr-;' lockf(r. But that 'isn't aIr. -When , urn e . lUrs a.y f rom '~ , ege ADVISORY COUNCIL we . came around ' the corner at Wasl~mg-ton, .J). C,. t<~ , spend, CI-lRISTMAS DINNER AT what di'd we see but John with' ,the hollda, S Wlt~,l hel parents, SMITH'S RUSTIC\ROOM ' his load of cfurniture stuck a. Mr. and Mr "E"YI,n~ ~h~mm., .on . 'Phe West 'Wayne 'Advisory g-ain~ T.hey had "begun tile sale Rout ; 73., '.,' Co~ncil en,i9yetl thei r, ann~al " at eleven .thirty their new starfMI, Les!le Gray at1~ Mr , Chnstmas dmner at the Smith ing time, that 'we didn''t know Frank Kllr~lss ~tten~ed a,' ~utft ' Ru ~ Friday evenioO'. · abo,ut ~nd e'ven without my pig ' Ly.~ns progr~m IlJ ~u:rcinnat. on ~~ ,~ .'he w:as tdo ,tate 'to get them on FndaY ,mornlOj;!' c1Jast"weefc . the (Ioor thIS week ' , , " Mr. ,!lnd ,Mrs. L "B. .Lon!p:a~re enterta~lled Rey" Jo eph MyerMrs. Tena.nt and I went on 'nf ' Dayton tQ ,d,inrrer Sund,ay at down fowl'! and someone, g-ave, the Baird Re'staurant:. , h~r :some tIckets tor the APPl~~;" Ml'. alld M'ts~' Tlied Jane, elatIon D~y drawm,g-at Brant s, spe:n t ,Sunday wilth 'tfle l'a'tterTs ,so of course we ~ad to go ,and. parents Mr. and Mrs. EdWIn try our luck but It was oh'e C?f Nutt , Aear ' Centerville . . Mrs. ,those da,y,s f~r us and a n:t,an aunt Miss Minnie Allen after ,enjoyinJt a good named SW,artz 'w:as the fUCKY ,who ' makes ', her home: with he~ were treat~d , ~o an one. We .~Qt " bac~ tg the sal~ to' 'sis'te r, Mrs. , NuU, ' is quite ill a,t fine ,address by , .find ' ~~e I)ttle Pig- III ~he rmg, " thIS time. , ',,' U•.IW'"'' Love gf 9ayton " v:ery lIvely but. , lookllT.g' VJ!~y Mr. Herman' Smith attended , ~~""""-:"'~tt"';..ii!'~;; " on t~e SUl?l ect of small; ell alone.lll the rmg. ~IX the funeral of Ilis, uncle, WHlJur •' e related many mter~st- qollars \,Vas. all I got; for a nl~e Sides, at Morris f,uneral Home , mg. c~es and facts concernmg , lIttle so'y PIg. There was a ,dts- in Dayton, 'Sa.turday and ·; the WIlls that prbv~d to be most puted biG over ,that, but they 'burial at Memorial 'Park ceme- ' R 0 a d ",0 , i I ,a DdT a r ,A p p Ii e ,~ e~tertaininR ,and instructive ' to dJdn't selt it over agaitl. I pro- tery. , ' , ' ' h'ls listeners. ' . tested' but an I g?t, was .~ tecMr, and Mrs. ~:Jeorge D~vi'eS' Resurfacing and 'Driv~way Rec:oatinw' , - f - . ~~----..,..t.u..,re. j .hat f~~y. 'kne~ what tf1~y ~nd dau,g-hter, Christine attend..: 'J. " - e re=~ ,g-:-an- ' cou l1I,l1 the ect the, National Poultry ShQw, FREE ' ', . sale Without, ~ny help fr?m me. ' Saturday .at ,Madison Square t'U , ~ a~ It was so cold and ICY and Garden in' New York City; Tne /I' 'd stormy that I didn't go to Toot , former's motner, Mrs. Elizabeth , 1 Ellis' sale on W·ednesday and Davies,' whe has 'been visitili~" ' •• U ' A', FARM' DIARY 26. 0akwdpd Avenue ' l.EB~ON, OH~O Phone 2,2t-L it was lucky th'a t I didnrt ,Of' , here several.motlths accompani- ' by 10., ,J. FR~IZER that was, the day that they ed tbem to New YOI~k brought the lime to spread on where she boarded a plane Fri- , ~';. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ . ' Dec. ,12t 1947. Cold a~d our ficl~ S~~-three , dollM~ , day, ~yeni~g ~r her~0me at ~_i~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~ray. 'three years ago today the worth! Of ~ou,~se so~e of that ~~ndon, England. " " WALLPAPER - GeE.BULBS '~ mJEN~" KEMTONE 'Item in the diary says "snow g deeper a'll the" time." at was 'the snow that 'stayed on until F~bruarv.. H e r~ ~ hoping better luck t~IS year. There are so many ,thmgs not done yet. ' . ' Daley and ' dau,g-hter, 1MI' , Charles R. McKl1i ,~ht ~I.lld Mr , Wilhelmina Underw 0 L The busirte ,s ssiori \Va h t j -ang an exch,ange of , gifts wa " en.Joy,ed. Mr. Roscoe , Furnas and , Mrs. Harry 'Satterthwa.ite w.e~'e- in c;:h~r~e ' f. the pI;o~ram wl~lch ,conSisted of rea,ding b Mrs ~ ' Elsie Hockett, Mr. Fr d Gons and Mrs. ' Satterthwaite. 'Singing,of Christmas carols aJ 0 , ·~as a part of the, PI' gram. ,,' The " Club adJourned until 'February; thereb ing ,no Januar,Vmeeting'. Mrs. Arthur Hartman ,v..ilJ ,:'b'e the' hostess with M,rs'.' Nellie Bunnell' and Mrs. Elsie , Hockett in charge of the program. ,\ : ~atJ1t.Y refre~hments, with ,Christmas apPollltment were . , served by the,' hostess.



3 ,






; 'I





m ,eetil'1:~ :'

,E. 'Wilkin'



. .u ..............


'Blacktop. Driveways •

'" SJj





B B ' STRO.TD a_._._._a_a;'a_a_._._. \



, ~~m'~~~~~~~~~


, it was L one days, you ' know , the ki.nd: t gar up' early , .and w.ent qut to ' ~'et (t fe~ chick.ens 'off the :ro05t but ,they knew 'it ,was", time,' to J?:et up and' Q'lost of them ' were off ·and g-one be, fore ·:1, cquld catch th~m but I did , Ket two 'old hens and put ,t hem in the coop. When ,Cap 'catn~ over I had, him catch" the little 'Pig ,that J had , de~lded to", ·sen, 'H"·wasa :n\ce 1ittle ·, pi.~. 'lust , : saf'ely , weaned, ' and I thoug-ht I ,.ou~ht , to f ,e t at least ten , dol" ' lars 'for it.' We shut it'l;lP to wait ",till ·John. ' came ,' for it 'with dtbe , , 1tuc1L'We waited but instea of '. /,' ,(:Oininjr " "with ,' the truc;k \ they . ca)ne. for ,the .tractor to ,g-et the ~truck started. Then they went "off. to ~et the. ,stuff that John ' 'bad "bought ,at Toot Ellis' sale. :By al'.,1d' ,by t~ey c,a91e back, and "'in ~ htt1~· while ti!ey had to have ;the tractor ' a~aln to 2'et , the truck .started but this time in, ~tead of coming down to get the pig I saw tbern going out the lan~ and was I burned up? I:. ' , I·

Get Your. TRUCK and

. Beaatiiul,~ Ujholslered ,

Child's '. ROCKERS ,'$ 8.71 '


.Ji' V

Winted~e here. , , Get a writt,e n guarantee your c~ will start all winter long! .', It's tbe tenth' big year for G.. annteed StUtiDgGet it here. ' I"


, a .'iO N. , . .~




Marrow 'Ohio

Asluoead 'SORIO ' ~..,....... , W.''I,...~nl



Wayoesville Furniture &Appliaace .. Co.

~ .Maia SIr••t . . . &Om Graap Hall Teleph""',, 2422 WAYNESvD.u:, OIDO ()


. -.

Page 5, , The Miami 'Gazette Way'nesvifTe,. Ohio No. 4347 Thursday, Decembet 18, 194 7 7 Carl Brown and Mi s Ether Prather. were ca ners in Xenia, Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Glenn ' Coo k· and' family of 'Franklin we r Sund ay dmner gue ts of Mrs.. Cook's parents', Mr. and Mr . Ben Beckett and da u ,~ ht crJ Mi J oa n. .

Won 22 . W ay nesville Henderso n' 20 19 . ~ -=: American Legi n 18 -<~ ' Tomm y's Fish Fry 17 ~ ~ Good Ho u ekeep inR,' ". "Col~m b i a .R cord inK 16 13 Handi ,lras




E a~l es



Lost' 11 13 1-l1~ .

Th omps n Vick rs 1-I un er mallwood Dakin Flo renc


17 20 26

SANTA COMING TO PEER'S LONESOMit ' PINE TAVERN! ! ! While jolly' oLd t. Nick i ' m a kin ~ hi s rounds Wednesda eveniilg, Dec. 24 he i,s ?:oin ,g- to stop at Peer'·s Lo nesome Pine Tav ern, South of fl asher .lij?:ht at State routes 48 a. nd 73 . He 'is expected to arrive at 9. :00 p.m. with a pack of pr sent., one for each 'child ·and ad ult · present. Somehow. Santa enJOYs stopping each Christm a eve at Peer's f r a snack. and meetio,g all his big and littl e fri ends. So dOll' t disa ppoint him. Be there: H e' ll be Iqokingfor yQU to gIve yo u hi litn present. . Mrs. Peer (!'Brownie' th at is) i ,anxious to have you stop in Christmas day too for then sh,£ will be' serv'in,g- turkey din . ners featured at nomin al prices. Now of course Brown ie won't ex actly admit it b ut'sh ~ ' s pr ~ tty handy in the' ki~ch e n , especiall y when it c.omes to preparin ~, tu rke y and· all the trimmins'. And ' for you last mInute shoppers Peer's possi ~ ly can assist you. They are carrying ' an attractive arra y of toilet sets for men or . women, gift boxes of pOPul,ar makes of candy, etc. DON T FORGET.: Your d'a te \\:,ith , SANTA at PEER 'S LON ESOME PINE TAVERN, CH.R IST"MAS EVE. - ' ad\'.



, <I.)

E C'd <.J

S' C'd <.J

...... Vl


c ·


C. Palmer O. Rose I. Mulford V. Hill R. Gons









I I- , !"'j



13 6 139 129 171 227 19 5 165 155 126 213 12 ) I 122

404 593 31 9 465 122





_ n


- - ~?


I. -




WAYNEsVILLE. SPRINGBORO DECEMBER 12 The " Sp' art a in ~ battled the "Panthe rs" last Friday ni g-ht and lost one game and won one. W ynesville won th e rese rve g-ame· 26 -2 1 with Lackey a high point nun . This res rve ,g-ame was just as d os and eX as a game can be. Ever · body was y,ellillg- for all the were worth, both Sprin,g-bo r and Waynesville. Th local led the " Panthers" all the way. F. G. F T. 1 1




E <.J 20 30 29 C'd


lJ <.J 135 2864 143 198 49 55, 165 160 434'5 150 155 491 6 ,149 122 ' 2727 144 CJ)




4 1 o


cu ' ·c <I.)






' 3

1 1



. 8·




Newl and Hause Robin 11 Webster Marstall


. Total'



1 0

6 3




F. T .






0 .0






1 1






2 ,




VARSITY GAME Waynesvile ~e all y gave th e pring-boro team .a battle. Th e pponents led m st of the ~am e but in abo ut the last two min utes of pl ay Wa yne ville startd comlti,g- up and lost to th e ' P(tnth r I ' . by 4 points. Th e 1 eat score was divided fairl y ev n and Houg-h was point man for pring-boro. Waynes' ville made 12 points and their opponets made 4 points durin~ the fourth Quarter. Waynesville did a swell iob on their fout shots as they made 11 out of 15, to Springboro's 9 out of 19. The final seore was 33 -'2 9 in f~vor of Sprin~boro. •




DEAD ·STOCK. cows - $20.00

by Betty Thomas

Total 9 Coach : Barger


Mehaffie ' LaCKey HastingGraham Earnhart ,.

Vl <I.)


F. G.





Burnett Zech Ross . Viars Mot Leisz

II .







i~· \\ ~~T 19. I




E C'd <.J

.. ei: >

2 2 1

F. G.


~ -'"










Mr. Horher Ramb y of' Lantana, Fla. was ca..lled here dur4 10 ing th e past week on_ account of ~-.L....--I,.I.I~~ath -of -h~ iste r, Mr . E11 a 3 Schmjdt 'Of Day t n. Mr. Rami v 1 is the guest of hi on, Mr. Ed . 1 Ramb and family. 2 Mr. arid Mrs. Ru el W ilson 11 29 and family were Sun day di nner ,g'uests of Mr. and' Mr ·. Harold F . T. PTS. Hook near Wilmin ~ to n. 2 4 4 Dr. T. P. GROSVENOR 1 3 2 ·3 Optometri t 1 13 33 5 S.. Main St. Phone 10 1 7 FRANK-.,IN, OHIO PTS.

HORSES - $20.00 HOGS - $6.00 cwt. Ac:c.rdlnl to 51 •• a Cond.l tlon A1so~ AU SMALL STOCK REMOVED PROMPTLY . Phone \ XENIA WILMINGTON

Waynesville marked up an other victory last Thu.rsday night. Pete's Place led Waynesville durin,g-the first Quarter and then W aynesville stepped' out in front for the rest of the ,game. Waynesville did an extra, good iob on their bankboard: This game really held people's interest. because it was very close as can be see n. by the scoring . . Ricke y was' hiKh p.oint man with Ha'r~so ck ri.g-ht beh,in f WayneSVIlle. Henderson was high man for Pete's Place with the ' rest of the s<;:o rin.g- fairl y even. ' . \ . Waynesville will ,plaY. their next ~ame at Harmon Hall in Lebanon on Dec. 18 at .7 :30 p.m. with Marvin's as th eir opponents. This Rromises to be an interesting tang-Ie." WAYNESVILLE Pts. Sackett 4 Planck '4 Bernard 0 Luding-ton 7 Hartsock 12 Rickey 1.5



I "~




Total 10 6 · 26 '- 42 Letters To The EditorTotal Coach: Ed P~yne " '. Wame~o, Kan. ~-----~----------~-----~----------~, - TURN ' YOUR SURPLUS I'l'EMS PETE'S · PLACE Pts. Do your friends.'. ad!'Jl1re your . Dec. 9, 194 7 HALLMARK TYFEWRITm RliS- INTO QUICK, , READY CASH • ' Brunner , 9 olot es ? They w ill if you hav~ t.b em ..... _ ~ r. Floyp L. Davisson, Editor boDS' now In stock. 'l'ne Gazette. USE GAZE'fi'E CLASSD'IIID ADS '4 Buchanon ' . c le.a ned a'nd pressed here. Our ex of f1re- Mta-rn I ~a-ze:tt·e" Traylor 6. ' p er,t m ethods giv e th em the wellWaynesvilJe, Ohio . Kulick 2 groom ed look th at onl'y · profe ssional Dear Mr. Davisson: Henderson 14 s ervice can s upply. My self ' and my brother, Vale 3 F~ank Smith of OR'den, Kan . .. Kibby 2 WIsh to thank vou for the copies . of the Sesquicentennial edition 40 Total of the Miami GazeUe. We are Score by 2 ' .both en.ioyin~ it. We' wt-re both , Quarters .1 3 4 born on' fa~ms near the, City and Wa'vlle 11 20 ' 29 . 4 2 J attended the ' hig:h school until 18 Pete's 13 28 , 40 we left -for Kansas in 1882. We have 'lots of relativ·es who live . there. The BraddoCks VIola ~a!lan and others. I jlOpe to VISIt Waynesville a-,g-ain before long'. I enclose to you my check for $+.50 .for the ~48 editioJ.1 , of the Gazette. By the way th e old' ·hotel on 'south Main street used to' be called the Hammel Hpuse'. I attended the horite com ing at Waynesville in 1906 . . Appropriate ceremonies for The Gazette issued a fine paper all faiths of this,event. ·f had one of them; but "it is misplaced and I wish that I could get another copy if · pas ible. You may have an Sinall"ood~s TELEPHONE 2291 . WAYNESVILLE, O. extra , one ., in your files" if you have I would be . ~lad to have .it. We are havin ,g' our first snow today. With best wishes, tam, Sincerely yours, William E~ Smith, A'tty:, . . . Wamego. Kansas i

Announcement • • •

The following' stores will be open tACH .EVENING and WE.DNHSDAY AFTERNOON until CHRISTMAS . '. •

Hyman!s· Dept. Store Waynesville Furniture &Appliance Co. Fairley Hdwe. Store Dry Goods Store

Editors Note- Sorry, we have but two copies of '1 906 edition . 'and wish to keep them here in the meso ,




Mr. and Mrs. Clyde . Fromm


as Sunday afternoon guests .' Mr. and Mrs~, Frank Snyder and Mr. and Mrs. Robert Snyder and daughter of Sp,ring.field.

Mr. and Mrs. ·K. N., Hough left ' on Monday for North . Hampton, Mass. and on their return will be accompanied by their' daug'hter. Miss Marv Dora Hou.(.h, who' will rem~in for the Christmas holida vs. Miss Hou~h is a student at the Girls' School In North I:fampton. ("I



STUBBS Funeral


SHERWOOD Refrigeration ·. Sales "






======= and Service PROMPr, .







Repre.s entative for .

:..... 33111








= . =




io the Ohio Parmers wilt' pve"you broad protection _gamst IOlse. your fama. II coy.n ~ buiJclinp• .yoar chattel., YOUr'automobile aad JOUr ~W~ for accidents to othen. Why Dot lee us today? You . . . , JOU'~ .... ~ JOG',. ~ ill the Ohio Panilent OG

, lui D. .Dakio larance Agency

~ "

Ph~e 153, 20.E. ~ulbeft7, LEBAN()N,

.AI_ .••z., ..


o. '



, Page 6 lhe MiClmi Gaz'eltc within its border. No. 4347. conferences have n \V Wayne ville, Oh i been held, Kentuck v havinR: the ,'I h ursday, Decem r 18" 1947 nary. .. honor of bein~ , the first. i ' Early next month the Congress will enact the more are in ,p reliminary or ad- our border to c ntinue killingHerter ,BilL setting uj> a bi-partisan organization to vanced sta~es of organizati n tho'usand year aft I' year, withhandle all American foreign relief. 1~his new Authand, preparation. ' ' " out retaliati on? ority 'will take over the relief work that has .been The states wh ich ha've ,gone done ineffectively and inefficiently by ' a divisi,on of alon?: ,with the recommendathe State Depar-tment since the war ended. tions of the Pre ident s ConferCongress is scheduled to adjourn :Friday or Satence are to be congra tulated 0 11 ' urdayof this week - December 19th ~br 20th. Before dischar?:in~ a vital duty t th eir it adjourns the House, at least, and perhaps the people. The tate which hav -' trol, which, incid'entally, contain the greatest oil do ne little or nothin~ are inNEW SUITS resources in all the world. excusably lax.. Fire i one of the , Betty Jane Ripley, minor vs . Senate .also, will pazs legislation car'r ying out the ' .gTeat st de troyer of ohon'le,s, Harold Ripley, divorce, lextreme places of business, matenals, r . cruelty, first portion ,of the Republican progTam for comB, eLJ- RENeE J • •ROW" sources- , veil as it i 'one of Doan. g r6Ss lleg}ect, Bauer and bating inflation. Legislation for ~extending and ~elll~ of Conrnaa. 7th Olalo DI,trld the gioeatest killer of !llen wo mstrengthening export controls will be voted. LikeLena Inman vs. Fullel' Inman, ,en, and childreh. Adequate pub- divorce, Aftel' six lull days of debate on the Floor, during, wise extension of the power to allocate transportaJ. T. lic intere t in ,prev nting- 1'11' , Riley. extreme " cruelty, w~ich numerous amendments were discu~sed and · tion f acilities will be providea. The Federal Reserve , . can never be 'achieved lo'ng - In the matter of the transfer of many 'aqopted, the House' last Thursday, 'b y a Bank Act will be changed to require the Bank to as those whose i b it is to r- funds of the trustees' of Clearvoice vote, passed the Interim Aid Bill. One of the maintain gold reser~es of not· less than thirty-five g'anize and direCt th work ar amendments adopted reduced the' appropriation to ,p er cent against its deposits, and of not less than ek twp., transfer of fund s, Carl Il1sufficientl y inter st d th In- e]; authotize aid to, France. Austria and' Italy to five forty per cent against the Federal Reserve Bank Abaecherli. selves. ' hundred and thirty million ,dollars, wpile another notes in' actual circulation. The Pre:sident will be authorized to consult' with 'represer:Ltatives of inadded sixty million dollars for aid to China, with Fire wHl 'con ume . om COMMON PLEAS thi result that the total ,authorization was for ' five dustry, business and agriculture', and fo approve any $600;000;0 wo rth of pI' p r· LeRoy Gaskins et ill., vs. Cha'rla · vpluntary agreement made by them, for allocation hundred and ninety , million dollars, or just ~eveD ty this yea r- and th e in direct,' hI et aI., 'defendants gran tK of me and inventory controls of scarce commodities to million dollars under. the original request of the imm easurabl e 10_ will b two . d 30 days to answel·. curb speculative trading ' arid to otherwise combat President, The su,eplies be furnished France, to three times a' great. Fire wiIl high prices. Price fixing, however;' Will not be authAustria, I~ly and China under the bill will be conclaim 10,000 to 11,009 liv ,olized. Business concerns and individuals participatfined to' food, fuel and fertilizer. ' and many 'thousands mol' will ... ... ing in such agreements will be exempted from the be disfi ~ ur ed, . and will h(r 11 0 There is every little indication that most of, the , provlsioIlS of, the Anti-Trust Act, alild other legal pitalized for weeks or month, limitations against business agreeme:n ts, for the , or years. Does that plain et o f yotes cast by Members of the House last wee~ for Represe ntin ' facts make fire preventi 11 ' e m the Interim Aid, Bill were cast l·eluctantly. ,Most emergency period. This anti-inflation law will autoWestheimer & Company matically expire March 1st, '1949. . .} Jembers do not 'believ.e the spending of five 'hunworthwhile. And i it ,too mu h M mber. N 'w Y rk t ck to ask that , the authoritie f dred and ninety million dollars duririg the next • • • Ex han ,e:es a ll i th ~ r every state take positive adion Wh!le not much is b,e ing said publicly, official iew months will be of any real benefit in alleviating I' O' i tel' d Ex hanges. to tight thi menace at the earlWashmgton is gravely concerned ovelr the situation hunger in Europe and China,. or ,h ave any , real liest possible time? · in' the ~ear East which has 'resulted, from the re, effect 'on ' the Communistic movement within those Investment Trust Shares cent ' action of the United Nations in establising J., - cmmtliles. A number of the legislators; . however, Wars are started over -th e Boughi ,ld - .Qu ted Palestine as 'a '.:t:'ewish St~te. Already ,a rmed' conflict ' killing- of o'n e ot' two p,e rson . did not want to j;)e plJlced, in t~e position df refusing Phone Waynesville 2530 has ' broken out between the Jews and Arabs.i1J thai to giw food to the hungry or f~el to the cold. Many Is it reasonable f r LIS as a naDayton AD3257 area and the Mosl'flm world is threatening to declare ~f them also feared that if the Gommunists should tion to allow an enemy \vithill this week, but it'will be given. no conside'ration until the regUlar session of Congress convenes in J 'a n-

. .



With ,a Buckeye In Congress•.•





overthrow the governments of any of 1;hese count'ries the demagogic charge, wouid be made that Communism 't riumphed because of the failure of th~ American Congress to extend ' aid.

• • • The' long debate , in the Hou$e

over the, Interim Aid 'Bill, the number and kind of .a mendments wh~ch were 'aQopted' to it, and the close votes by J'hich ,-other ' , were defeated, is strong -evidence Plan to spend some fifteen or dollars for nbuilding and mod~rriiz­ ing 'EUl'Opefm ~ountries wi,11 have t~~gh sailing in ,th~ Congress. The . Aaministr~tionl i~ sc~­ E}duled to submit its legisl~ive program, for carrying ,olit the Marshall Plan to Congress some time

a "holy war." Russia joined , with the United States in sponsoring a Free Palestine. Som.e students of wo'rld affairs insist the ,S'o viet leaders are not sincerely interested in the ~elfare of the Jewish people, but instead are awaiting the opportunity to send troops into Palestine and the Near East, presumablY' for th~protection of the J~wish. people ,under United Nations mand~te, but 'actually for the pul'~ pose of taking ' over the great oil fieMs in the Mosle11l-contro~led countries' of ban, I]~aq anl.SaudiArabia. It is' predicted the Russians will argue ,that in order to protect the . Jewish people and their new State created by the United Nations, it is necessary to ' ' the A.r~bs, an!l in . order to fight , the Arabs Russia must invade the counti ies they' con-



Adm,i nistratrix SALE' By: "PUBLIC' AUCT_ON

.:.' -

benefits- and, infinitely' more import,ant, the intangibles that make for a life of fr eedom. .


ntE, UNITED STATES! . 'Millions ' of Americans seem , to be apathetic towa~d c;har~e ' lNEXCUSABLY LAX that there is somethm~ baSlcthe President's Conat'ly wrong: with 'o ~lr ,;overn- ~ When ~ mental and economic sY'stems, and thai 'socialism, commu,n,ism .,nd t:h~ rest elf the asso rt e~ isms . ' . • have more to otTer. Edward , C; Sammons, president of the United 'tate NatI Bank of PortlClIL Ore., 0n ,that vividfy when .



,LQcated TwO' Miles Southwest of Centerville~ Ohio" Qn the Spring VaDey RQa,d . Washi,n lton Township, Montgol11ery County, Oljio ,

· Far~i' s i'n1pr9Y~ci ~vith 6-ro0rrl frame 'house, ba~ement" " ~l~ctric, , good well , water, "barn, tobacco shed and ther outbuildings. ,Electric in all buildings , Farm is all tillable but 14 acres in blue ' ~rass with. running wa,ter i!l pasture. Farm h~s al1 ideal I'ocatlon · m Washmgton. Town~hlp, near CentervIlle , school, ,good churches) 20-;mmute dnve to Day tOil. Has road fl;ontafie of 2.,QOQ feet,. This ,is a choice cQuntry 'home near', CentervL~. ., , F~rm' is apprais~d ;a~ ':$ ' ~nd .~an~Qt sen 'f~r ' l~ss ~ha~ t~o-, thlr~~ of th.e "apP!,a(sal v.aI4e. ~ TERM?--- $1 ,ooq cas~ day, of . sale, balance wlthm 1 5 days. .ImmedIate pos~esslOn . With deed. , . , . FARM SELLS 'AT 1:00 P. M. At 11:00 a. 'm. We Will SEll the FOLLOW'ING CHATrLE.s: HOUSEHLOD 'G OODS :- Eldridge improved Rotary 'Sewing Machine, drop ~ead; New' Hv,iQg (<;lorn suite; 2- Pi ece O'verst.uf:f.ed; , · Hall tree; ,Chan'S and rockers; Wmdow bl~nds and race curtams; Library table; Sideboard; Dining table; Leather 'couch; New Estate heatrola' 'Radio;, Two 9'x 12 rugs; One 1-1 ft. 3 in ,x 12 ft. rug; 6 'eu!, ft. Frigidaire in ex~el1ent .con~Hiol1; Kitchen. ca~ine~; Breakfast set; Coal range; Good whJte 011 range; 'Medlcme cabInet; Corner cupboard; ,Electric washer; Linoleum, Dishes, Cookirig ut~nsils; Stair carpet and various oth,er items. ' , FARM IMPLEMENTS - Two-horse cultivator; ,Drag'; 2-hqrse .. wagon; box bed; Hay 'rake; Wheat binder; }jisc; Breaking 'plow; Harrow; Small tools 'of vari<)us kinds; 3-horse ridin~-break'in~ plow. Hay; Fodder; 4 rolls new ,fence; Steel posts; Harness; Flynets and' other ·items. , , 1939 Model 40-60' Ford in excellent condition, low mileage, has had excellent care. ' ~'HI 'pOOA\l~pUn Q!.IlV .





DEEP FREEZE LOCKERS: •• Preserve Y'Iu" foods at honae , this' modern way "OOVER SWEEPERS ••• tbe modern, deluxe swteper with

all attachments: It will ~ake the heart of any housewife glad.










'su OUR UN£' OF TOYS FOR CHILDREN ~ They are ,


Fairley PHONE 2441


substa~tial '

and practical


6 ~ BIG STORES -- 6









F. T. MARTIN • c. k: RlESAU, Auc~ 703 COllllll. . . . Bldg., Dayton, AD..3861



Page 7, The Miami G,azette , 'Waynesville, Ohio No. 4347 T~ursday~ Decemb,e ( 18, 1947

168 acres in Harla n twp.


James and , Delta Lamb to Boyd and Lonia Hisle 0.50 acres in On D,ec. 23, lay basketball at one and the Wayn e twp. . -~n i baskettrat ~am , C. M. Bra'ndenburg 'Vs ..'-Fran k arne time. They really , ~ t J. P. and H';llda Lamb to .Robert WIU be a: do~key baske tball Bowyer, J1!., jurY impaneled ~nd throw n off. before they can and Ruth Cb~sman 2 lots m Cor- ~aI!le- that IS, a game sworn, trial concluded~ yerdict of, in climb off; but don't let it fr i ~h t. win. which people ,get on donkey en anyon ,jury in f~vor of def-end~nt. e. Rober t and Alma Richa rdson to and play basketball. ,. , Fol1owin~ this ~ame the Val'. Edwina Lytle vs. 'Henry Lytle, Rober t and Jessie Lutz 0.'18 a~es . The .Civic Club is ,goi n,e: ' to ' sity 'team I ,goin,g to play divorce' to, plaint iff. the 'in Hamil ton twp. , ~av e. some people partiC Hattie Hoove'l' et al VIs. The C' Frank and Edna Stupb s to , lOR, ' In the ~ame. ,Ever ipat. Alumni t am which will Stone Container Corp., et at, rea Thomas and Goldena Green 1 acre should be on hand to see y ne made-up of '46 and 47 g-raduthes ' ates on·ly. ceiver discha.rged, bond discha.rged. in Lebanon. peopl e try to ride d-onk ys an i The date, Dec. 23, Alvin Bone vs. Gertru de Ann Roy and Anita Craft ' to Ge6rg~ Bone,' .divorce to plaintiff~ HilI 0:'1 2 acres , in Clearc reek twp. Nola Philpo t t o Leona rd and MAlutlA:GE 'LICE NSES 'Rena Phelps 0.11 acres in Frank . William Conboy, 16, Frank lin, lin. stud.ent" Ruth Matson, 17, Frank · Cindereila McPeek et aI., to Har· lin, studen t. ry and Paulin e Earnh art 1.12 acres " MEAN ING WEL L" is never a driver~ " TJu~lma Thuney, 20, Leb· in Frank lin twp. ' substi tute for {( KNOWING Mary Schilling to R o~rt and . Don.ald Caq '611, 22, Dayto n, truck HOW ." " . anon, stenograp~er. , , Good int ntio ns are inlpor. ' Ba-r bar.a Eaton lot in Frank lin. Rober t and SteUa Fbher to , Roger Joseph ,Ram,sey, 24, Mid· t~ntl but in mortua'ry prepa raElmer dletow~, ' pho~og.t:aph rep,aix:man, and Blanche Berge r 100 , . tIon, experience is the ' first , , acres in Washi ngton twp. ' Lorena Mae Robinson, 27, Frank.. essen tial 10 the kind of perform, rest re~ulis show that the aver- " Joesse ,Mentz to ' Elmer and Mae lin, beauticia~. ance'l fa mily expects. age dairy cow will drink'over twice Harry Lee Kleath er, 23, West as ,much ,water when autom atic , Brewe r lot in Frank lin. Milton, farm,e r, Emogene 'Green, water ing cups are, provided thafl Willis Maurice and family of 22, Frank lin,' clerk. she will when tU,med o~t twice daUy Home r VerI Lightl e,' 29, Ge'r· to drink ' ,from an outside water 'Belmont were recent visitors of mantown,- . :production manag er, tank. ,Since 87 percen t of milk i~ Cha·d es Maurice and wife. traine e, Viola Eileen Co~e, 26, Leb. water, it can ' easily be seen how anon. " impor tant a good fresh supply of . AUC TION EEIU NG Earl P: Sbatfo rth, ' 21, Gel'ma'n-' water 'is to increa sed: milk pr.odu c· ' STAN LEY and KOO GLER town, tru'ck 'driver , Laura Shockey, ·tion. The milk produ ctl?n of some BROK ERS a..ICENSE 90 Fral)k lin waitre ss . ' herdl;J has ,increa sed ~ much as. 25 For Date~ Phone , 2894. WaYn esville . , . . percen t, whe,n , autom.a tic water mg 0"10. Reve .... Charg e. John Cha,rlton, 21, I?ayton, Amce , ~ .-were -Provided. Pho~o above Russell, 18, Waynesvllle. . . sHows cow drinki ng from one of 'these cups. . ' PROB ATE' . According to I. P.. Blause Ohio E:state o~, Bert ' B. Ball~ dee'd, State Unive rsity ' ~tensionr, AgriRex Ball appointed admin istrato r cultur al Engineer, a dalry cow giving , bond, with .sure.ti es in su~ drink lS'to 25 ,gaUons of water will day. Thus a berd of 10 cows W!ll per reof ~::t!. ~f 'Walte r' Guy, dec'd, quire an averag e of 200' gallons of water per day. To pump this Ruth G~y, admin istratr ix .filed first amaun t of water by nand would re· and final and distrib utive account. quire ~ of 'an hour dally or 'Estat e of Clifford C. Fritz, dee'd', of 27t5 mali ,hours per year.a total This Meryl B. Gray, admb ustrat or filed would be equal to 2'1'h fun ten.ho}1r first and final account. ' .worki ng days per yea,r. QOst of , Estate of, Willtam Carson, dec'd, ' electr icity , to ,' pump ' Tbe the . same M innie Cal!Son admlni stratr1x "i n· ' .amou ntofW a_fol t . . ~wouN be not .more than $5.25. ' vento ry 'approved: An e\ectri c p~~ , water sys-. Estate of ' Clyde ,M urphy" ~ee'd, ' tern is no longer Consid lux. ,Dora Murph y' eacecuttrix, inven- ,ury down'on th~' farm. It·ered·.a u,., a neces .. ,to'ry approved. ~ , sary toot: in increa sing, pro~~ction " Estate of Jessie R. , James on, and decrea sing the drudg ery' n.. NINCI ,OF PEACI' dee'd, Joe 'J ameso n, admin istrato r modern fal'm of tOday. The oldon the . . . . . . yOur door. hand invento:ry approved. . water- pump .is..a.s out of~ate as the INVI1I "'M IN • • • - -;r,,,-, , .:::-Esta te of - U,1yiies=-S:- . White;, horse and 'buggy. ' '. ' dec~i' John White , admin istrato r , hlveb tori appr()ved. " Harol d and Mary Short to ,Gor. Est~te of Isador a \ Ward, dec'd, don and Glayds Lamb 1.25 acres Kenne th Hough, executol' autho rlz. in Turtle ereek twp; - ~ , ed to sell certai n c'hattel prope~y. Campbell, Lewis to Banoy and Estate of, John Alvin Simpson, dec;'d, Clarence Simpson, execu tor Rbeba Campbell 0.20 acres in Leb• . . 'estate " exemp t hom ' inheritanCe .anon. Walte r and · Myrtl e Brown ,to ' tax. ' ,. Paul 'and Loren e Rober ts ',lot, ,In the matte r 'of guard ian. Frank lin. JJ r , sbjip ' o~ ~eanor Anne ,;'RuNner,· Harol d and Mary Wiley to Paul , , mb10r Alma Ruffn er guard ian fil. , Moran and , Raymond Paul Moore e~ 18th account. ,~", , ~tBehoIJ, , IIIllie doOt', Mulll"oell,.. iPl1.. ~ ', Estate of Alba Weiderhold, dee'd, . will heM my t'o;c.'Ij iMUl 0 p'en,'he door, I will come W' Bowa rd Weiderhold, admin istrato r · ,filed appllcati.on for ee'rtift~te of transf er of real estate . cr.:::: Estate 'o f Herm an ' E. Hoover, Glen a;oover;., ~dmi:nistrator · fi1.~d affida vit, in, lieu' of} inal a~~ount. . ' " Estate -of,F :' C. Dial, dec'd, E,nily lIGHT••• Symbol of ~oye and, Truth , Louise Sellers, execu trix ' filed 1st , account. . . ., , " . Estate of Alber t R. Starke , dec'd, Throu ghout the ages 'light has been a symbol Freda S~ 'Bost" adinin latratr ix In. 19 20 k last, action Durango Kid smoking vento'ry approved, ' of Good~ An emblem of truth amici the, dar~ ou t the bandit!'. ' ! • Mr~, C;l ~"na , n 'a ltf"'l of l$Oorance ,and superstiti~n. A beacon of , ' LAW of the CANYON REAL ESTA TE TRAN SFER S , CHAR LES STAR'RETT , SM'ILE Y , , LB~ratn SaWyer to, Qeorge ~e­ hope and safety in times of misfo rtune and d8nSU. , BORN ETT·E · ' .. " , ters 0.29 a¢~s in U:nlon twp." A token af friendliness, hospitality and good cheer, of unselfishness, George . Petten to , YounJr a1i.~ ,Also: 'A musical comedy 'or old ' Broadw a.y. Nellie ·:McIntosh 0.28 acres In Un800dwi~ and lo~e. The joy of Christmas lights dates back to the fon twp •. LI1T LE' M'SS BROADWAY star of lJethlehem. . , Elmer and Mae Brewe r to Pat- JE~'N PORT ER and' JOHN SHEL · rick and, Ver~ O'IMaUey Mot · til TON Today, .. i:D centuries past" only th~ "Prince of Peace" in dle heads Frank lin. ' ' 21.' , , 22 James ' Foley to Harol d and Wlid a~ventu..e in,.a .lonely . of mankind ~ sOlve the w~rI~'s woe~. .Only the wllder- ' Franc es L. Sortor lot in Lebanon. neSs outpost. You will tlhrlll to "Ugh t pf ~e World " can enlighten the' minds of leade,rs Nelson Ed,dy' s voice. ' ·~O~C.NC!! and followers alike and &ive the peoples ot the world· NORTHWEST OUT POST , . , with ' NELS ON EDDY , ILONA '·f· . WASH~~~I~E . Wisdom and understanding. OPly as individuals ,op.en the dOOR of ' , MASS EY a'nd JOSE~H ,SCHilL. Sherwood Refri~eration their hearts ' to love ~d ~th, ' confidence and good will, can KRAU T Sales & Service has added Also: . News and Color Oartoo n die I(Hlg of the nati~ rise in one wpty chorus, '~Glory to God in to its staff a com~tent the ~ghest, washinK machine mechanand on -.nb peace, SOOd will towarct ~en." M J)18.d ~page ot "thr1l1s. la.ugb ter A . ic•. We are offering the and excite ment. 'Her 'b lgpat peril 1a same prom'pt, effident serm.aD trouble. ' vice on washing machines





'Xfdltto/ tlte World


',t .




, .r-..1





are ex-

periencing with our refrigeration service. DAY PHONE 437 NIGK .. r PHONE 332M


(Teohn ioolor) BETT Y HUTT ON, JOHN LUND , ' CONS TANC E COLL IE.R and BILLY DeWO L', Plus: Color Cartoo n


The Miami Gazette Page 8 Waynesvil1e, Ohio N o, 4 347 Thursday December 18. ,1947

Milestone Model" and the Men Who Made It


Bond , No.


$l,20Q. 0,

Deceinlber 1, 1960. 'B ond No. 3 $1,200 .00. D cember I , 1951-


B ond No,


$1,200 ,UO,

111atUl' ,

ma/l.ul· m :t~l r...


Decem'ber 1, '}.g,5.2,

• Loan a-

5 $l,20(}i.0(}, maLU!" 1953, , 6 $1,200.00, ·m a UI ' :1954 . 7 ~1, 2 O,OO,m a.tu r e Decem ber 1 , ' )9 55. ~ IBond IN 0', 8 $1, 200 ,0 0, m a tu!' D ecem ber l , 19 56. B ond N. 9 $1,2 00 .00, ma lur e Decem ber 1, 1957 . . Bond N.o. ]0 $1. 200.00, mat ur · D ecember I, 1958. Any ' one des1iing to do s m a~' presenit a bid or bIds fo r hnno"l • based u pon th i r bea d rrg 11 cl m !, ('I n t r a t'S of ' ln ter es~ tha n sp l ill ~' d lH' I'(' in wbove, provided , h ow'.\'(')', t lt:,1t where a 'fr acti on a l in to!' Ht rn t t' \. bid such ' traction 1511a. 11 h on!Bond N o. 1, B ond No, D eeember I, B ond N o . D~cem'b e l'


(1 ) No 'fees or commission (2) .lntere t rates are .1ow-4 % (3 ) Pay all or part a~'y ti m e-. Stop interest on portIO n paId. . Call ~ ' write - or See

, LEBANON NATIONAL , , FARM LOAN ' ' , LEBANON, OHIO, Phone 448 Ellis ~ty_ Treu. __ _ H. Sturm, __ ______ ____ ~ n ~



. R~~L ESTATE , DON'T FORGET TO CALL us ,for Insuran<;e. All types of '1 Jnsu~ance. at a savings. ,Can ', Francis Gene Brown, phone Wayn esv~ lle 2935 or call ·collect. , Wilmington 2111.

quarter of 1 p er cen t or \1lU l lipl S , thereof. • Said "bondEl wlll Ibe '0 1('1 tu I h t.. hlgbest' bidder at the time :ll1 d pl a'l: ' above m entioned, a.t ,not ) 55 t.h u n ~ l ,par and accrued, interes t. Real ,E ,••te For S.I~ Bids may be made Utlon a)1 (1' any number of' bonds ot ''t'h i,s iss u . , IP . YOU HAW A 'PBOPJIJR'lY , AU bids must sta.te t he n um b rTw~ ~en whose combined , crafta and skills are bis desiins and blueprints, to the polisher with his buffing p~ 'SmLL CIt 'WrIte ~ ot bonds bld 'fo'r alDd t h gr ~ , tepreaentative of the myriad trades cOntributing to prC>-\ tool from the chemist to the hooded welder, these are the amou~t of bid and a ccru ed In t('re~ t , Don B~, Ttl. B"D,te, ." 'duction of a motor vehicle, pose at ' Flint, Mich., wit,h a ,mer: who kee~ the !'atipn:s traffic arteries humming. Deto dat4\. of delLvery. "milestone mode1"-the 20000 OOOth' unit produced by spite production difficulties, Chevrolet has produced its Lonwr Aft..~~ QbIo. tie All bide must ,be accof!1pani ed by Che~olef in it. 3S·year history: From the engineer with latest milliC?n cars and trucks in almost exactly a year. ., 1" a CellUfled C.b~k dr a wn. In fa v,o r SALTSMliiw~ of the Board, of' Township Trus ~ees 01 Wayne Townshrp, 'Wfirre.n Coun'TART a ,Rawleigh BusiqeSs ,in Mr. ' , and Lawre nce , NOTICE OF SALE t,., OhlC), , In' the sum 'of f200.00 uPO I'\. • . EaSt Central Butle(, County,. ' Brown and family had as Sun' OFBONDS condition th.a.t it the Ibid Is accept.21.2.1 families. Pro"ducts sold day "dinner: EuesfS, Miss Mary ISEALED 'PROPOSA(S will be ed the 'bIdder wHl receive a.nd ' pay 25 ,years. " Re'aJ ppporunity Lincoln of- ' ebanon and Miss received at the offlce of t he Town- for lIut:h ,b on.d s as may !be issued a s now , for ' permanent, 'profit- Frances Shirde,n of Wilmington. ihlp' 'Clerk ot' Wa yne Township, above ·,18t torth, w~hln 30 day s o f < sable work nearby~ Write ' Mr. and Mrs'. Burnett- Butter- ' Warren -COUMY, In Wa;ynesviile, the award, said , Certlfted C heck to .Rawleilh's, Dept. OHL·713- worth and son of Lebanon were . ' - - - - - - - - - - -.... Ohio, until 2:00 o'clock ~,m . ' at be tforfelted or such certified ,c heck December 27, 19U for the purchase to 'be retained by Aid Wayne Town KA, Freeport Ht or see J(it afternoon guests. COLUMBUS, OHIO (Spec~a1)Phillips, Rt. ~ . 1 2" Lebapon, " superiority in both yi eld and straw ot bonds of said Township, In the ship If aaJd condition Is not fulfilled . The Board ot ToWJisblp Truste&s ,Oblo. ,- -. , 1218 , u"" an' ~ M'rs. Jam"'s,'WtT..I man, strength through two years of test-, a.cate amount of $12',000.00, dated the, 1st day of Dece'mbe.r 1947, of 8&ld Township re-setves the prl,- , 1:1 . were Sun,~~y U ingrecommend place Clin' , I)"'0ties t s at' for ,theOmo top ' '&lid bearing Interest at the, rate p f vU..e to rej~ any 8l1l<d ,all bids. , .?f JY'" Jl,ekson even'· of 109 caners 0f':Mr. and Mt s. A..,H. farinen.' m 194:~ l ing to 'C, A. ,. ' Pm', cent, per annum, j)aya;bi!·' No , Condlilonarl Bids will be ' con ' I;?r.ood y . ' Earnhart. ,"", /, L~mb, small gr~, I I'eede~ -at the ~ml ..annuaUy, Issued for th e pur- 81,d81:84. 'Blda should' be seated and e ndors poae « providing Fire AppaJTatus, rlfasop,J ,> • • Ohio Agricultura l ;'" periment Sta. AppUance8, Bullcllngs amdlor Sit es , ect 'mlds tor Fire Appara.tus 'B onds '· r Mt. and Mrs. Stanley Bailey tion, Wooster. Board at Township' Trusllees of theretor &Dd under authority of t~~ ... thr..,~, ';.( d ht ' T est II a t ( . ap\.4- ,aug er are now occupyWooster showed We.,ne 1oW!l1shlp, Warr en. Co~n ty, . ,-, i~ country home and Mr. Clint'o n to,' be Act of the General Code of ()1hlo. 1lAYlN'\AJBj[) F. 'WfI!)LTZ, merk, OhiO, an~ "by virtue of a vote 'ot a anq Mrs. ' S. &hepard of Mid- substan tially ~ , CJard of TowlJlshlp Trustee,s o C mOre than 86% majority of the el~­ dletown nave purchased and ' a h e ado fall Wayne Township. W a rren tor a of _Id Township and under are occupying the home vacated competing variCounty, Ohln . \ILD!' I~ ' .accor~~ce with a ~ta1n by Mr .. and Mrs. Bailey. . , eties of ' drill -1218 Ro olutlon of I the Board Of Tp:wn, , . ' sown oats, with 'riUawaa ~ 8a~d Towns!ilp, .M ' H L R h 't ' d a yield of 98.6 ' eg,U Ued: ReaoJUUon ,to IBsueBonds I


OR ,













rs. " . . . ye as re, urne • aft'er ' g' pleasant visit with her 'brother,-in-law and sister, Mr. ' and Mrs. John J'. Fritz and , dau?;hter of Oa~ R ~d?:e, Tenn,

bushels per acre ' C. A, .: b in 1946 and 96.1 bWlbels in t ht: less favorable, season of 1947. Yields of 60 to 80 bushels ,,'e re common in other sections of th p state. Some fields' proQuced a f . ,,:h as 100

Mr. and Mrs. F. E. Thomas b'u shels. ' , Another advantage Jf Clinton, were Sunday dinnerK,uests :9f Mr. Lamb reportS, is that it is ·their' 'son-in-Iaw 'and dau~hter, Mr. and M.ts. John Robey in highly ' reslat,nt to Victoria blight . which pl'oyed ,so disiaBtroulI to Vic-, Qayt~n. ,and er,e evenin?: ~~t(sts land oats this year; , , , OF TH NKS' Farmers are wanled by the Ohio ,CARQ" . ' A Seed im. prove~ent ~ssoeiation, v.fe WIsh to express our sm- : however, against acceptanee of 'cere , a!1d. heartfelt thanks. and "Clinton-type" oat8~ , Lists of proSALE--,- Wood or Coal appr~labon to the relatIves, dueers of Ohio CertifledClint9D ' Ran~e "Red Mountain" ; f:~~end~ ' arid neighpprs for ~he oats may be ' obtained from county . "Man s 'overcoat; almost hew; , kID.dness and sympathy shown ,' agrieUltural ~gents•. ~ • , '" siie44 ; also, good ,suit of us Ih the loss, of' husband,father . ': ' clothes. Mrs. Oliv,e Wardlow) and brother, James H. Ourtis. of Mr•.and_,M;rs. J. M. Earnhart, , , , Es~edally do we ,wish to' apd children 10 Beavertown. 'Phone' '2783. .' " -:-:-122'':' '. "tharlk Rev: ' J. B. for his TURKEYS' FO.R 'SALE consoling wo'tds, and the choir Mr. and Mrs. Paul Maurice beautiful ,selections' render': and Ji,m my Ewin.g, accempani- . CHRISTMAS "TURKEYS for for Dr, Steut for his un,tirin2' ed by ' Logan EWID?; of Dayton ed/ sale. Youn?; -stock., 'alive' or, efforts,.'c and oJ the beau- atterided tne , Moose Christmas ,' dressed. Mrs. Roberf Baker, tiful flowers donors and cards, and the party in Dayton, Monday even- . ' -12'1 8 Phpne 282p. Stubbs Funeral Home for their mg. , courteous and efficient services. HOUSEHOLD ARTI~LES The Family ,FOR SALE - , Good White ',Enamel "South Be'n d" , Coal Range ; Old style, ' writin~ W ,E ' PAYFOR desk; Sideboard; ,Morris c.h.air; Phonograph. Sell eheap. Phone, 2724. Earl HORSES cOWS , ~20~; , HOGS, $6~wt. " Conner, '3rd st. ' -1217 11



alter Subm1a81oll tb ,EJ~tor~,pass­ e4 ba the i6th da:y ot November

UC7. Said bOnd~' 'are ~{ the de~om i­ Ile.Uon and mature, resp'e ctlvely, a s" fOl'lowe: " ' Bond No. ' 1 $1,,20P:OO, mature December 1, ' 1849. \





$20; '

,OUT·BUILDING l=OR SALE - Out-buildin~, 8 ./ feet wide, 1 4 feet long; imi1ation brick sid in?; ; as, If;>estos shing-le rool " Inquire Gayle Evans, Corwin. -1218

LO~ ·NOTICE ! ! ! ' Way~esvi1le


163 F. &. A. M. Special meet in?;, Sat., Dec, 20, 7 :00 p.rn.' Installation of Officers. Refreshinents. .



·X I N .·:A Fertilizer R_.... :4 ,5 ". o. . ~I



. . .. ..








Fairly Familiar

T·he M ia m i GAZETT'E


We enter ulon aNe\ \ -Year accor ding to the calendar, tt i n I y a 1 a in ,Q' mil e t ,n' in th • pathw ay f lif~. Ju 't an ther day, on the eng l . journey that h gll1 at th radlc hut 1oe ' not t:nd at the grave for tho c who accep t the ri .e; ht r adwa 10 ,~ ( , nw'ard, Many ar the y wh o will tray I th \\ ide hi,Q'hwa \ in th 'coming- year. A , few will find the stra ight and n(l now, path that I ads t th " ~highwa y of forev I' '. May man fin I that \ ay (happ ine - fnr th e 0 111111 ,Q: ear.





19 4



Arran gem nt . h 'e n comp leted for ' ,th ( azette to rem.ain in th buildi n g'w here it ha made it h m f r s many year . The mall dilliculties and misun d rstand ing have been overc me an'o it i hOp'ed the arran gemc ll t can la t for many more year t c 1l1e. A<;:cordin ,~


to a ta.(em ent h Carm en Crane, Tue sdav of f1 i , week, he wa appoi p ted a th e VillaR e Fir Chi,' f at th e rc ":ul \ 1' , session of the Villa~ fi icial , on Mond a v ' venin g, anti "Bill ' Sawy er was named his a i iant. This appoi ntmen t climax~ a period of sever al mon th ' tInt th e Villa,!?;e was witho ut a regularlv appoi nted Fire Chief . Th e work was tarrie d' n hy C.h tel' arey, who was named a ' i tant Fre Chief . The new et- up will g a 10n,I!: way towar d makin .e:Wayn esvill e a safe I' ,place a far a - the fire hazard is conce.rned ince the new appoi ntmen t witl hrin,g- about a ' more effici .nf' depar tment . It is a part of th eir plan to not only be equipped and ready to co'mbat fires l ut also to fi.~ht fires befor e th ey sfart by keepln9; a. con'st ant in..,, 51" 'on" of fire htzar ds .., In t, ,is respectiketvwe can be ~istant~ to the Fire '(:hie f bv see. m~ to It that fire 'ha'zards on our own premises are kept at a l ow state . .l:.:et'y nake our mott nfnl' 1948 "No- Fir s in Wa ynesville C minu nity".

Th New Cent:.Ii - On m ~ t WILL IAM A. WHE TZEL on Dec. _6 t the h m ... ' f Mr " Willia m A. Whet a,!?;~d 90, C. T. Elli . Th e 1' 0 1\ all 1 u:l d a forme r resident zel, of Wayn esfiftee n 111 mb ' r: pr ~t..nt. vi ll e, died Sunda y at th~ . Athe r w a ' n lu -inc ~ at ic Home in Frank lin, Ind.Maso nhand the pr gr arn , L ' l11miU et!, He i urviv d by a ,Mr : R. H, Hart , l) k ;tnj N\ i" . CI de L i y o f Harvenephe w, [arl H kett t o k harge . M rs . two n ie, Mrs. J oeysburg-; Davis Hart k int'· dU"eli her , 11, ) f L ban nand Mr., Charles. Wilto n, wh ' POk 2 f a t rip to ndeJ'\\ i f Rural Route ,EO'yp t and th e H I ly Land l11;td ' W ~ ' a n VI'11 • durin g the tiill ~ 1 (~ 'i:!rv L'd :l ' ;1 funer al I' i s w re npilot ' in the l J. ~,An~IY ir 1uct d,on Tu day aftern o on at Corp , 2 :00 p-.m. at th M lur Fun\.\/ 11 il e I at ed ;I i Cari o, h raj H m e rnd er th e dire tion had vi it d th phi:1X an d f the l oca l M,' ni Lod,g . I ral11id .' In Al ex and ri a th e Buria l \\":1 111 :l j itl' Miam i pa ri had vi it d native bazaar s. emetery. Hi gJi li ht f th tri to J ru' aiem in l.udecl vUt t th AMELIA BO~K Gard n f G th :LlJ1an ' \\ ith it ~ Mr' . Am lia G co k, aO' 68 ancie nt live tre, . th J ~ vi h " Waili n ,g' \Val l and th e Chur 11 f ii d at her 11 me on 122 Quitth e Twel V t: ati n ' . At B tl1k _ man ave.. a y t.on, onday h m the y vi Ited th Church ('I f 1110 rnin g-, the rc ' ult nf M <t hart th Nativ it I , built around th e attack . -tahlc: \\'hi 11 was th I irthpl a ~ he i ~ ur v i v d I Y her husof the avi r. hand, Gorg e; thr e brothe rs, This wa a 111 st inrere tin .' Willia m and art O rndor f of a ount, mad mol' I pic- Da ton and J hn rndor f of ture f the places vi itcd. ' a yne vill e. Fotlowin~ adjou r!1m ent, a Fune ral's rvic s were c nodal h ur \Va en 10 eli an duct? today at ~h.e MsCl ure da inty reJre hmen t - were erv- F':I nel al H me at - .no 0 cl ck ed to th emhe rs and 'U ;ts-, - \\ It-h -R-ey. R. G_ Co l em~n .o f the Mr . R. B. C leman and Mr, and M tho~ 1 t Churc h ffi~ lat1l1 ,~. . Mr Wilt n Harts ock, Buna l wa maCTe 111 MIam i . ~e meter .

N'E W H,O P[ · BE ST WI SH ES ----------------------------~--------------,


-. ,

Time. the one mt)na rch ~o whom the • whole world pays obeis ance. poise s his scyth e to sweep back anoth er year into ~tory' s pages . ' Few tears mark the death 01 the old year. b~t there is gladn ess at the adven t ol'lia new era. which man , feels is to prove better and more fruitfu l them the old ODe.



Carrie attert hwait e Knaa ck, daug-ht r of John and Marry Etta mith Satt rthwa ite was The Wayn e Sew-S 4-H Clul horn in Wa yne viIJe on Sept. 23. held it Chris tma party at th 1885 and 'di in Chica ,!tO, 111.. 'May Dew and Dew coura qe home of Mr . Ray Klont z n, th e Dec. 25, 19-t-7. Her be your lot in 1948. even in g- of Dec. 2 ~. '-'Vhen all moth er and th ret: broth father , e r p re-, had arrive d the g-irts w nt car 1- ceded her. in death. She wa ' ing. The remai nder of the even - marri ed to Geor~e Knaac k , Jan~ in,!?; was spent in p)ayin.~ g-ame ' 10, 1920. She leaves her after which delig-htful tefres h- hand three broth ers Charl h IJS, , ' , ment!; were 'served by the hqst- . Wayh esvill e, Herbe;t a.nd e - of Joh" ~~~~~~w.- ~ ' . ' _ Mr~ ,l~ alld . of Uayt on; ' tW-(i) " aun~~ · Mrs. ' ,..~;!:-~,\,~ - ~ , ,.I. .Mrs. ' RaJpl1 Ede1n ftellL Pr'icifla Comp ton and Mrs. erJ ona OtBu .. ' ,Emm a Grub of Dayto n: three receptIOn whIch ~olt,owed at . ' , ' nieces, one nephew and a llumMr. and ~rs. W.arren Brad- the hom~ of the bnde s paren ts , Mr. apd Mrs. Rpbe rt ~haw' J cousins and ,friends. dock enter jamed WIth a. waffle in Germ antow n. Mr. and- Mrs, H~rry M. Turne r was a loving- wife, a g-ood She suppe r ,on Satur day evenm~ a~d iter Mr. Lewis is a nephe w of Mrs. son, Mr. and Mrs~ Wade and a kind and true' friend . ' ~aq as ~uest~ Mr. and Mrs: WIl- Hawk e 'and was a forme r ' t,esi- ~nd furne r and on, and MIS J an Funer al service were conham MIche ner and famIl y of dent , of Wayn esvill e., After a ' \yilso n were Chri tmas eveni ng ducted at the McCl ure Funer PittsburK, Pa., Mr. and Mrs. D. short honey moon al ,Letter!! To The 'Edit orhe and hi dmne r .e:ue t of Mr ,and Mrs. Home on Mond av at 2:00 R Salisb ury :;J and daughter, bride witt reside in, Tacom p.m. a, Ga. J. H. ackett. ~e ville, Ohin Loren e, Sally Lou Smith , Mr. ~er with Rev. R; 8., Colem an of the e Mr. Lew'is i attendin,l! Dec. 28, 1947 . and Mrs. W. E. Corne ll" ,Mr., aml schoo Met~odi t Churc h offic iatin~. l. ' Mr. and Mr . Alvin H. Earn'- Buna l was made in Miam i Mrs. R." G. ' Miller , Mr. Jimm y Dear Edito r: cem, ,.har~, Mr. LaMa r Earnh art and etery. 11 seems to m e that it is about Mitter and Mr. and Mrs. Berna rd ' Mr. and Mrs. Ro,na ld Hawk e Mr. Alton . Earnh art enj o time a good many thing-s wCI:e Daley and oauKhter. and Mrs, Emm a McClu re' spent Chri tma Day at the home ed brou,g-ht out in the open fo r the of ELLS WOR TH BiGG S Chris tmas with the J. Wil'~ on Mr. and Mrs. Earl Eal'nh art. public to pO~lder over and I cerMiss Irma Fires is enioyin~ Ed~vards famil . . Ells wo rth B ig,R's,' a,e:e 5 5 -ea r y near Sprin,!?;tai'nly admir e ,your courage in a two weeks vacat ion from her dIed at his home, Tuesda , Dec. field. Chris tmas dinne r Kuests of 23 at printi ng a colum n on differ ent duties at Miam i Valley hospi tal 12 :30 after 'a Ion,!?," Mr and Mrs. Ross H. Harts ock subjects in your paper when you with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. illness . He wa a tife-Ion ~ res.iMrs. Winif red Harts ock and an~ family were Mr., ~l\1q know tha~ every one is npt ',g'?- Louis Fires. Mr~. de' n t of Wayn esvill e. son, David , ~re enjoyinR' the W.ltton Harts ock of C:;mc ing to like to see some thmgs III mnatl, Survi vin re his wife, May holida ys with, Mr; . . and -M-r~t-fla-Beathel(l,e:e print. H the writtff.e:-,e.f-.these col, OtlY- , Belle; The Claud~ Strou d famil y Frank Hawk e and son ree sons, Willia m and in Evans- ton, Mr. and Mrs. Owen Hart- Robe umns has had anyth ing to do . had as g'uests for the ChriS tmas rt of Davto n and Norm an ' VIlle, I~d. ' sock and Mrs, Lena t:-larts ock. of Wa ynesv with the fact that you have been holida y, Mr. and , Mrs. " Gene ill e; one dau,!?;hter, asked to vacate the ' buildi n,!?; in Ahren s and dau,!?;hter, Mr. and Thelm a of Dayto two stepMr.. and ,Mrs. :Loyd Da.vis Dr. H : ' E. Hatha way , has re- sons, Gi,lhert -andn; 'Ralph which the Gaze tte has been . Mrs. Charl es Azling' and da'ug-hof puhli shed for so many year~, ' I ter Misses Murie l and Marth a were amon K the ,g-uests on turned to his home from Miam i Wayn esvill e; one sister Jenni e think it is a rathe r under hand ed ~zlirtg; and on Sunday Mr. and Chris tmas . Day at the home of . Valley ho pital arid his man y of Michi,{!'an and one f!T<tl1d \ ay to do. 'Wha t has become of Mrs. Harry Wads worth of West their son" Mr. and Mrs. Cecil M. friend are hopi np,' for a pee iy daughter. Carol vn Ann, cla ll !!'h': recov ery . Davi in D~yton. ' that ' Icit: mocra cy" the Amer- Carro llton, Mr. and Mrs. Luthe ter of Wil1ia m. ' r ican people talk abaut so much Perki ns of Sandusky and Mr. He W :t ' :1 re tc'ra n of \ n rld Mrs. D. C ' Rid ,g'e was a RUand bur ' boys 'were fightin,~' for and Mrs. W. E. Stroud. Mr. and Mrs. Orvil l e Gra v 'v\ ar I. Ftln ra l -ervi ce, wer est of relativ es ,in Mans field d'ur- and Mr. and Mrs. Willi am Saw- I' ndl (" 1".1 nt in this last ~ a'r? The word till. bs Funer al ing the Chris tmas week. yer had as Chris tma gues ts M r. Ho me, Friii ~, v, ' De . <H5 at 2 :00 "dem ocrac i , I thoug ht, '?las Gene and ' Toml iw Miller of supposed to includ e "freed om Colum bus -were and Mrs. Irwood Tows on an d p.l11 . w ! ~ h p ,'V R, H. C I man of speec h" wheth er it be by and Mrs. Robc ,~·lI e.;:ts of M r. childr~n and Mr. A. C Bow , Mr. and Mr . Ed Ramh v an i ('Iii iilt in ,!~ , !:: I,tri al ·as mrtd e in rt i£a ker. during childr ton~'ue or by mediu lll of the en, Mr. and Mrs. Hnl1'l.e r ma,n of Frank lin. Mrs. Il, wm :l1 Miam i ce mcter ·. the past week. ' printin,e: pre, s. Ramb v, and ,l!-rantison of Uln- remai n ed f or the \\'eeke,n I. Of course, ever one has a, tana, Fla. were Chris tmas J?:uests " rig:ht to expect truth pullis hed ertGuests of Mr. and Mr, . Hoh- of Mr. and Mrs. Milton Thinn es. Mr. and Mrs, John ~rs. R(1hc Bedi' \' c '( MilJ. f ' had a ' leI' Bilke r for r.h'ri-:tma s ci inn er 'in , Middl etown. and even thoug h SC' nl e villag e Mr.. Hf'me r Dayto n, ' Mr. ~'lIld Mr. ,r, ', ,,, Chns tma dimle r ,C.'lIests, M ;·s. were Mr. ilnd Mr.. I erl1anl Ramh y and ,~Tands()n 'official's vi L1ld ' Ii k,c l)~OP Ie to Earnh art and child ell ,.f H :( . Ruth .Cuper of Cin'in nati, Mr. remained heliev e vou dn lint ha Vc fact " South~rd and -!1 ilt1rCll t1 f (' i" - for a few da \ ~ after '\ hi h th e" . verto wn , Mr. 'and M 1" . I (!\ rc l l Francl' CuLler of C:olumbtI" and 1 kn ow that 'y ( II pnsiti vel\' did 'cinna ti, Mr. and M'J". J;t 'k will again i('in Mr, P,lm' ''' :1 ' ' .., Thom a and daugh t r nf L "ti e. Mr. and Mrs. L, E. Thom pson. Wa~ner o f Davto n, Mr. ~lJ1 d return to their \1nme in Florid a, Mr. Robe rt Thom as and dal!g:h teJJ the truth ill vo ur art",,;k - Mrs. rt Bak r, Sr. an 1 ,1,1', conce rnin .Q' the ove rfl ()\\ (If i11L' E. P. Robe t~rs, Karen and DceAl1n , wer ' ~M.r. and Mrs.. , F. E. Thom a Southard. . tandp ip e and .fhe of11 ~ i a l I ~a d , Mrs. Elsie Hock ett ha 1 as guests of their' parcl 1t, Mr. and We rt.: , 1lndC1. V citnne r ,~'ue -ts of hetter . ,g'et a f·LW fact " fl'ol11 Clnis tmil dinne r {!"llC:t, Mr. Mrs. F. E. Th oma n Ch ri t- M r, ?l1d, Mr. J.. M. -Earnhart and Mr. ' a nd Mrs. Chari " Fire . and Mr, .1. B. Hich, Mr, ;1nd mas ~ay. 'people who have ,lived next t o family III Beav erl 'w'n. the standpipe for over 4\ v ar - and son, Mrs. Dori Kenn ell ',' Mr. P. L ReasQn and Mr, - "- - - and dau,c:hter, Miss Irma Fir ', Sadie Reason; and and 28 year, respectivel y, and .a SUDper Mr. and Mr . JOe Ker.-c y am! , Mr., and Mrs. Harol d B Earnwho have endur ed simila r -itu- and Mr. and Mrs. LOLli Fire, .I!"uests, Mr. and Mr~. C. E. Fdg·- daugh ter of Lebanon, Mr. and hart and f'am.iJy were chi·i, were Chris tmas dinne r ,c:Ucsts of , in~ton and son, Mr. and M':s. Mrs. Willa ,. , ations in jhost! years, for the rd Kersey and dallrh - ,e:uest of Mr. and Mrs. Ktmas Mrs. Rose Fir~ and N Mi " Fins It' Rhode Bunn ell and dauc-htp,\" , ters, of Leban ' most part, in silence. on, Mr. and Mr:. H?lIg h and family and Mrs' ' and Mrs. Sadie Reason. The Frank Swart zel. of OreK onia, Viola It seems mi.c:ht y funny to me, Fires. Hrtrla n ' . hostess and the supper Rue.:ts Mr. a·nd Mrs. Luthe r Hart. ock and ·to others also, that the Mrs.C. Lee Hawk e, MI:. Don spent the late eveninR exchan~­ and sons made a very merry standpipe recen tly had been al.M r. and Mrs. A. H Stubh s and lowed to overf low for . five to Hawk e and Mr. and Mrs. May- in,~ ~ifts a-round the tree at'the family ~atherin,e: on Chri tma . childr en were Sund ay 2'uests of nard Weltz attended thi.! wed- home of Mr. and Mrs. Ed~i day at the home of Mr. and (OGIltIDued aD . . . . I) and Mr. , Earl Heato n' in din~ of Miss Jean Smith and Mr. ton. Mrs. John Kersey and son. ' Middl etown . .


a- .

l-'n' " .



the privil.e~e of watchin~ it for .to use it as a r·ecreation hall or several hours and! if the weather community house as has ' been ' is cold enough, he can ,get ftlOt· sUl{gested, why could it not Publlabecl Bvet'J .Thursday by 'DAVIaJON PBl!SS long icicles off the standpipe, have been made fireproof to PLOYD 1... DAVI8SON. BItitor skate on the ' sidi!walk where it continue its use as a school freezes and perhap ~ even skid buiJdin,g- _instead of ,goin,g- into IIltered .. SeCond Clase Matter at tbe Poet Oltlce , around on the road if the wind the taxpayers pockets to buy a 8ubeCr1p~loD Rates: $1.50 per Year In Advance blows the water that far, as it new site and building; and a~ain so often does. You see, I do not expect the taxpayers to pay for ' Nation'a} Advertising Representati~ea have faith enough yet to ,believe that and a publ ic park, too? Ohio Weeklies; Inc., 2465 W. Broad Street, this condition has been remeThe sewer system th~t has died indefinitely and no doubt been discussed so much bf late Columbus 4, Ohio when sprin,g, rains beg;in and we may be badly needed but what are anxiously waitin,g to ~et property owner wants to attach ST. AUGUSTINE ,gardens planted, the fawn wiII to the system when a lawyer Father KrumholtZ, Priest let loose with its share of water already advised some propMass 8 ;00 a. m. and 10 :00 a. m. from the standpipe to hinder 'us has erty owners there is a lar,g-e fine ' that much long;er. _ for doin~ so without a proper FERRY CHURCH of CHRIST This waste of water, and el c- . sewa,ge disposal .plant.? Where METHODIST CHURCH RALPH E. STINSON, Minister R. B COLEMAN, Minister tricity with which it. is numped is ·the State Board of Health Bible School . 9 :30 a.m. is also expensive to the taxpay- that they are not investi,gatin~ Sunday School ' 9 :30 a.m. Morning Worship 10 :30 a.m. in, g o; citizens of vVaynesville. No this condition? When we read J. J. Rurske, Supt. 7 :00 p.m, wonder we were asked to' vote in the papers that fish and i?:an'le Prayer Meetin~ , Service 10 :30 a.m. Youn~ People's Meetin~ 1 on a bond issue :tor current ex· . or,ganizations are tryin~ to keep llowship \ , 7:00 p.m. penses. There are a few more the streams from bein,g- polluted . Thuc;day, 7 :30 pm. , Evenin~ Services 7 :30 p.m . things I would like. to un'der- in order to save fish, what will stand more fully. Does some- happen if refuse ,goes to the FRIENDS one ha ve the answers? MT. HOLLY METHODIST river from the sewer system T. M. SCARFF, Minister First Day ·School 9:30 a.m. : H we needed i bond issue here and people in cities 'below , for school expenses, why are us have to drmk ~iver water? . Sunday School 9:30 a.m M~eting for Worship 10:30 a.m" lights left burnin,g in the Hhrh E. A. Earnhart, Supt. · Another thin,g that has , been S~hool buildin,g or ~ym several puzzlin,g- me is why a bui1din~ W~rship Service . to :30 a.m. , . nl~hts a week when no one is like the Gazette office, located Evening Service 7,:30 p.m. , (OODtI.nUed tram Pale 1) there? These can be noticed in the heart of the business dist- . six· hours at a time about five any hour of the ni,ght and very rict of Waynesville, has been . ST. MARY's EPISCOPAL out of seven days a week and early in the momin,g before it is allowed to R;O without a fire· 8AMUEL N. KEVS, Minister over a period of about six weeks time for even the janitor to ar- proof ropf all this time until the Church School 9 :30 a. m. at least; ~nd after we all endur· rive. If the Grade School build- rece!!t fire when everyone's atNursery School 10:30 a~ m. ed it so lon~ and my nei~hbor ing" can be made fireproof tentton. was drawn to it? It Morning Prayer 1.0 :30 a. m. phoned the mayor arid told him enou~h for chlidren and adults seems to me there must 'be a lot In no uncertain terms that it had to be stopped, as it does more UTICA E. U. B. CHURCH dama~e to h(!r property even REV. WILLIAM. a ,H ANNON .' than it does to . mine. He said Sunday School . 9 :30 a.m. the pump needed repairs and· it Mrs. James Garriso~, Supt. could not be stopped but it ·was Preaching. 1st. and 3rd Sundays stop{,ed that very day and so each month to :30 a.m. far, It hasn't overflowed since. Doesn't that show nel{lil{ence' WA\'NESVIlLE on someo~e's part? I daresay that if any' villa~e OIURCH OF CHRIST . Bible SChool 9 :30 a.m. offici~l1 owned property where Commuriion . ' 10:30 a.m. this overflow of the standpipe 8 :00 p.m. had done as much damage as Evening Service it has to those of us who do own property here, there would h~ve CAESARS CREEK ,FRIENDS been a lot more said and done R·EV. DAVID STANFIELD, Mini.ter , about it, much sooner. If said :-,---::.-. . "Worship Service 9 :45 a. m. villa2'e official would like to be Sunday School 10 :45 a. m. notified the next time the standY~u are-:invited to worship with pipe overflows, we WOUld. be US. glad to do so and .he can have

. The Miami Gazette '• • "ABLI8BBD 'ISO



A •

The Miami Gazette Page 2 Waynesville, . Ohio, No. 4349 Thursday, January ,1, t 948 of things to be improved upon instead of some people laborin.g for hours, worktn~ out such a . strict buildin,g code that no. one can understand fully, and fl~ur­ inl{ means. by way of. a se\ver system, and other thlll~'S, for aheady overburdened taxpa yer to spend money they do not have, and perhaps people whq thInk ' up all these things are either renters or own property out of town, and therefore do not have taxable property in Waynesville. I believe I hay touched upon all . the subject that have been puzzlin .~ me and hope somebody know. all the ·correct answers. Note: I am siKnin,g m V nam\! in case anyone wishes t know the writer of this arti le, he will not need to bother a busy editor to find out.. Opal Lewis Tresslar; Waynesville, Ohio.




8. G N. ,.

of STANFORD BOGEN Morrow, Ohi9

, \




• At the magic stroke of 12, the New Year will 'm ake its. advent, marking the turning. of ano~er page in the; book ~f our lives. LQ; there ,i s before. us a clean white page, a $l.d. of snow-white marble, whereon must b~ recorded the events 'the coming year. What shall be written 'thereon? . . •




of .

• A saga of peace ,and 'co~ten~ment, of hapo p~ess and joy, of health and happiness. That is our wish fo~ you on the threshold-of 1948. "




Stewart's Dot Soulb Maia 511_

Food Store

Ashmead SOUIO ' S'ervice Waynesville, Ohio

. ..


Page 3 The Miami Gazette Waynesville, Ohio, No. 4 49 Thursday, January, 1, 1948

Mr. and Mrs. Charles LeMa y entertained two family group for Christmas. Sunday gue t were Mr. and Mrs. James Burton of Dayton, M r. and Mr. ''-t- ' -' Russel Ferrel and son and Mr. o e6 and Mrs. RicharG ' Gies~e'mari and son of Xenia, Mr. and Mrs. Mr and Mrs. M: A. FUlker on. Ch~rles Burton and children of. and ,daughter had as dinner Spr.m g Valley, .Mr. Rob~rt Bur~uests for Christmas, Lt. Col ton of St. LO~ls and.MI . L. J. and Mrs. Robert Ashworth of Burton. ' Their Chnstmas day Wright Field and Miss Grace ~uesf~ were Mr. and Mrs. F. U. Evelyn Harper of th e Vau~hn LeMay. Mr. and Mrs. Warren General hospital in Hines 1\1 LeMay of Leban0!l, Mr. and , " Mr,s. Frank LeMay of Dayton, , Mr. and Mrs. Fred Henz and Mr. and Mrs. D. R. Salisbury son of Cleveland. Mi s Ruth L and dau~hter entertained with May of Cincinnati and Mr . L. a family ~athering on Chri tmas J. Burton. and had ~s guests Mr. and Mrs. Will,iam Michener and children Mrs. WiI1 C. St. John, accomof PittSburg, Pa., Mr. and Mr . panied Miss Berneice J hnGeorge ,W mner and dau~ht r son of'byWilmington, on of Lebanon, Mr. and Mrs. Wil- Monday for inton, Ind.left where lard ,Furnas, Mr. and Mrs. W. E. , hey attended fuperal servic CQrnell and Mr. and Mrs. Ed~ar for Miss Madeline Kram r, a Smith. co-worker at Patter on Field.


Mr. and Mrs. Harold Ander~ son and children of Columbu are 'holiday guests 'of their parents, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Anderson. Mr. Charle Chapman and Miss Dorothy 01 en of Chicago were holiday guests of Mr. and Mr . J. B. ,Chapman. Mr. and Mrs. L. C. St. John entertained to unda y dinner, Mr. and Mrs. B. V. Smith, Mr. , and Mrs, Glenn Bland and , tin ughter, Mr. and Mrs. John ,' cttlemyre and children. Mr. and Mrs. Russel McKee ·' ndciau.lrhter of Cincinnati and Mr. and Mrs. Lester Shaff~r and children were Christmas dinner , guests of Mr .. and Mrs. Ralph hatler.


A Christmas 'dinner ,was en,io.yed on the Sunday' befor~ Christmas when Mr. and ' Mrs. Chl,ules EUis en1ertained to diRner Mr. and Mrs. Frank H~s, Mr. and. Mrs. Roy Ellis and 'son and Mr. and Mrs. Erwin Ellis. , r. and Mrs. ctSJHs-also ha~ as ~uests on Tuesoay evenil}g Mr. and Mrs. D. R. Salisburv , and Mr. and Mrs. H. L. Rye. Mr. and Mrs. Gilbert Frye and Mr. and Mrs. John Settlemyre attended the weddin~, of a 'sorority sister. of Mrs. Frve . and , Mrs.' Settlemyre's in Piqua I on Saturday afternoon, and ~Iso ,vere ~uests at the reception that followed.



joyed and

JrienJ<i JJome

andwiches, coffee

and mints were ,served to the

MisseRoth and El,izabe"th, Chandler had dinner on Christmas eve with their' brother, L. W. Chandler and family. _._ ML- and Mrs. Kenneth Thomas of near Lebanon and Mr. , and Mrs. Har.old Berry.hill , and children of near Bellhrook called on their cousins, Misses Marne and Annie Brown on Sunday aftrnoon. , Mr. Tom Stubbs of Cincinnati UniverSity, and Mr. Sam Stubbs, Jr. of Baltimore, Ohio called on their ~randmother, M.r . Amanda Hartrum on Sun. day afternoon. '

' The Home also wi h to exDr. and Mrs. Frank Gre,g'g press their appreciation to enjoyed a visit this week from their son, Dr. Robert Gregg of the groups of carolers who 0 'Carnegie Technical Institute in remembered u this year and to the sponsors of the ComPitsbur~. , . , munity Christmas Tree for th ir Mr. and Mrs. William Mich- ,treat. ener, sons John and Frank and Mrs. Elizabeth Smith i now daughter, Nancy of Pittsbur,g-, a memben of the Home family Pa: called on the Gregj!'s. Christ- for the winter. mas eveninR:. Mr. , Carl Smith spen t unMr. and Mr . Ralph McPher- 'da y at a family dinner at th son of Wi1min~ton spent Chri t- home of his nephew, harles mas day with Mr. MacPherson's Albert Smith near Jame town. sister. Mrs. Olive Curl. Mrs. Lucile Arrriita .l?:e spent Christmas day with her dau.e:hter ,Mrs. Woodrow Owens and family in Sprin~field. Sh e wa accompanied home by Ifer cousin, Miss Glenna Marsh of Day:. ton who spent the weekend here. , Mrs. Evelyn p.eterson I ' spending the holida y at th e home of her isters. Mr . Alice Telfair and Miss Hannah Mr. and Mrs. John J. Gur ke Greene in Wilmtt1R:ton. had as ChrLtmas ,l?:uest, Mr. Miss Minnie Dodson left on and Mrs. J. William Strouse. Wedne' dav for Indianapolis to Mi ss Marilyn Burske and Mrs. spend Christmas at the home of Leah Mills: ' her brother, ' Mr: Joe Dodson and famil y . Mr. an'd Mrs. I:. 'W. ChandMr. J. William Strouse celebrated his birthday anniversary ler and dau,e:hter. Miss Gertrude on Saturday, Dec. 20 and Mrs. Chandler, and Mrs. Mae Harri- ' Strause planned a surprise party son of Cincinnati were Christ-- - . for him. w.hich proved a real mas day ~uests of Misses Ruth . success. and Eizabeth Chandler. Cards, with lovely prize, Misses Marne and Annie were the diversion df the even- Brown enjoyed Christmas , day in~ and dainty refreshments , at the home of Rev. Ralph Parks • • • and a new year. Hopes were served by : the hostess. and family 'near Dayton. Miss Mar,e:aret Edwards wa Guests of ,Mr. and Mrs. rise with t~e sun wh~n its golden Strouse were Mr. and Mrs. Jerry the ,Christmas guest of her nepGarrison of Portsmouth, Mr. hew. Dr. Gale Russum and fama,n d Mrs. Jack Young of Cin- ily in Davton. glow gilds all our prospects. May cinnati, Miss Dorothy Moyer of . The Friends. Home is a,e:aln Germantown, Mr. Ray Swan- most ~rateful to the Girl Scouts son of Kent, Ohio, Mr. Lester and their leader, ' Mrs. Robert all the promises of 1948 be .ful,Durig of Dayton, Miss Sara Chapman and Mrs. Clvde Conner, Mr. and Mrs. Clyde. Fromm , for deconitin~ our dinfilled. This 'is Qur wish for you~ , Fromm and Mr. and Mrs, Leo ' in~ room so bea~tifultv ' for the Conner. Christmas season. rhey also Mr. and Mrs. Strouse also had wish to thank the ProKressive as Sunday dinner guests Mr. and ' Women's Club who sponsor this ' Mrs. John J. Burske, Miss Mari- group. lyn Burske 'and Mrs. Leah Mills. On ' Tuesday evening the Cen, tervi11e Music Club again enMr. and Mrs. W '. E. Stroud tertained the Home familv with MAIN STREET PHONE 2201 attended a family Christmas a. program of musical selertinn" dinner at the 'h om'e of Mr. and including manv..of the ChristMrs. Geo'. White in Mason on mas carnls. Thi.s is much apChristmas da arrd were even- preciated bv the Home and at in,lt ~uests of their sori, Mr. and the close of the concert a most Mr.s. Harol" Stroud in Lebanon. ' deti~htful sociill hour was en~roup.




M.r. and Mrs. Maynard Weltz and sons had as Christmas .g'uests Mr. and Mrs. C. Lee Harte, Mrs. Ida P~sh.aU.r-Mrs. ' ~ Nell Anderson, Mr. and , Mrs . . Don Hawke. Mr. and Mrs. Ethan ' Lewjs. Miss Ann Weltz and Mr. J. C. Hawke.

---------- .. -...

--.- ..

, PROMPT, - ,



ON ALL MAKES OF EQUIPMENT Representative ,for




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Yes, it's time to ch~nge t:he figures. again .. Nineteen hundred ' and 'forty_l e'ight .•• Let's look optimistically . . into , the future. ,With My kind of ' Iud, this should be the, best ,ear we've ever hadl On' this cheerful note. we extend to you our , hearlies~ wishes for 0 Happy New Yeo" '



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FRANK _ SIBCY, Representative











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SHOE ~/'_, R.EBU,tlfJING






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FRI. 2 . -, ' SAT; 3 I SUN. 4 for keeps against a a R'host towtl~ ·· ! Playin~ ~anR' in










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Starring ~ Rogers, David Niven, BUrgesS Meredith. Also': Answer Short.

Magnificent Dull .

Frank Borzage 'directs this notable story .of the day-to:-day life of one of early America's Firsf Ladies-- Dolly Madison




uuuu \l.&.uwua -.... &&a ......V • --.' -. - -- -- .anau~ With I~;- B~"', BO~aDd UUe bout 'lD l i n "York. Neb. . 1I-Mar, Truman, the PreI1clenf·. B~aria. ' &-Prea1dent Trui:nan .. da• •, :SIDIa " on radio In ·d~qt . 2'I.-.\uatrIa aad y. 8.. reacb .......... July .on occupation coaa. empbuizes five DYlJ. . ; with Detrolt qmpboD)'. . '. lJ-Marttn 0rUa takes bantamftigbt PreI1dent of CIltle GabrJel VtdU 3-Tomado IdllJ 11 oW' G1'Ud title , from Harold Dade in t.o. h. . • . April ' pro~es inter· AmerlcaD anD7 to N. D. Belei:' . ~ '~"i . guard tile continent. buSlneaa monopolies. ·housing. taxea . l3-Obartered DC3 uan,.port plaDe and agricultural pro!lpc;ritY-in . an6-Tuberculosis death rate in U. S. hits 3()-o:UNRRA. largest relief dort til bia crashes in swamp . Dear M.eJboUme. ~WIDie Hoppe retaiM world thrMoo nual "state .of the wiioo'! . message. . lowest level in htstory at to.l ~ tory. ends lifter speDcIinI tIuee bU. Fla" k1111ng 21, liij\l1'ID8 15. cushion bUllards ChamlV!JC:::~ 100.000. · .. ' Ted Edwards' an W e1. 10-PresIdent submits , bUdget totallDl 'Don dDllan in four years. 7J ~ 29-Explosion wrecks . beaut;y Ibo~, ~ :n~~ bUllopdollarS. D-Twbdie of smallpox in New York .. . bach win U.' S. ~_dQ1lb ea. eent at funds comin8 from the U. S ' BiiTIsonbur" Va. Ten womeA IdlJed. D-Joaeph City. Mayor · O'Dwyer asks all New Verdeur :b~ new record for 21-Gen. Georle Marshall succeeda 30 persons ~ James Byrnes ... MCretaq of .tate. Yorkers 19 be vaccinated. ." 120 · ·yard brea.atatroke, !:18.•· ill July , ._ 1I-Beynolds Bombsbell, converted ~~astern~ Inter:CoUeglate . ' Swlmm tD, " army bomber. sets ·unofficlal around ls,...:Parla economic conferenCe .-tab August . lealUe. . , .the world flIgbt record by covering umea IS-nation OrganliatioD for Bu· 8-Four die when ~ plane dives 2&-Utah-·defeats Kentucky, 49 to a; tq February ~.OOO miles in 78 · bo~. 55 minutes. r~ economic cooperatloD UDder into chimney" of g.. plant to Everwin , National Collegtate basketball lO-U. 5 : sigM. pea~ ~ttes endtng war Mimhalllllan. ' . ett. Mass. title. .' with Italy, BuIgarta. 'B uncary, Em· 2O-Dutch ·forces. with air support, at· ,May 29;-Gn Dodds runs fastest indoor mile. land and Romania. ' " tack Indonesian Be~llc IIma1la lS-U. S; and Canada· agree to continue September , 4:06.8 in Ch1cago. ' 7~klaboQla state Sen. Tbomas AngUn .' Uooa .on Java and atra, clalm wartime collaboration for "peacesbot :in hip by State Rep. James 3-Labor day weekend takes death toU IDa breach of truce. . time joint aecunty purposes." Scott-; In senate cbamber. SCott fa 28-Protests of 456. compared With '457 in 19016. April .' . on undeclared war m Netb 28-0U. S. cooperates with Mexico in cam· adjudged iDsane. . ll-Twenty killed when excusion boat erlanda Eut Indies pour Into U. N 9-CommiSSiotier Happy Chandle.r sus· paign': to control boof·and·mouth cUa· 17~tock market p'rices slump to lowest blows up at Pittsburgb dock. ~ds ·Leo Durocber. Brooklyn base· ease outbreak. ' . point sinc~ J.anuary. 1945. on reports 2O-Hurricane sweeps In over southern b~ club -manager. for .1947 ' season. of buyer resistance and slowing bUsi· AJIgust · Florida. crosses Gulf ' of .Mexico. 15-Joe ~Jq. ' American beavyw~lgbt 1-U. N. atomic enero commlutoa reo ness activity. strikes Louisiana. MIssissippi and lighter. ' defeats Bruce Woodcock, March ~ . m pape,n on atomtc control Arkansas. Toll: 100 killed. many In· . Britisb champion. in LOndon. . 6-U. S. S~e co~ 8nda John L. June DIana. Ruula l"ejecD propou1.a. jured, property loss of 25 ·to 30 mil· Baseball seaSOlt opens. Brooklyn ta Lewis and Unlted ' Mine Workers ' . . 1&-Jncl1a b;ecomes tree , of fdrefgD rule lion dollars, managed by Burton Sbotton. IUllty of clvlf.and crtminal contempt · ll-New "secret weapon." called as e1· .. Brltlsh relInquisb powers. Two 21-Flood following . burrtcan,e drowna 26-Texas U. take top honors iD · Qrake · . In coal strike of "Novem.ber. 19t8. . fectl\'e as atom bomb' but cheaper' to .. Iovere1ln .tates. Domtillon of IDdla :n in New Orleans area. rehiys -in" Des Moines, Iowa. Dlinota lJ-Prealdent outlineS .. "Truman ' Doc· maki!. announced by. Prof. T. D. J .. aad PAldatan. lovern mMt of bqe 29-Fire on New York City pier results leads in ~nn re~,-,a in PhiladelphIa. . trine" on Europe and ,b lasts Russ~ . Leech of New Zealand. It repu~Jy land. in tnJur1es to 144 firemen. Qve mil· 27 - "Babe Ruth Day" observed at ·all aggression. . . ~ ' Is some kind of electrical "del!.th 21-RusaJan vetoes' keep ItaI7, AuRrIa. lion dollar loss. .. . ball parka in U. S. and Japan. . . l8-Cash wheat I:l1ts so.year of ~.05 ray." . Tranajordanfa, Eire, Porlqal from a bushel in Chicago. . 2f-Freak snowstorm in ~ontarta·Wyo . U. N. memberalilP. lJ-Geor · .uprem~ court ~ ' Mel· ri1irui border region piles u IS·foot May of Ecuador aeIzed III Yin ~ Thompson ta legal lovernor drifts. Three workmen smo~ered 'In 23-G0Yemment 24-FUty.two killed wben transport plane bloodless coUp .by defeaae. mJDISter a-.Tet PUot wiDa Kentucky Derby III of sta~·. ..' mow·buried truck: . . crashes in Bryc, Canyon. Utab. Col CarloS Manc&eno. ·2:06 '4/5: Pblau- jecond. Faultless, 31-Many war power a~ta expire auto· '28-General Eisenhower declares U. S. 2S-Forest fires in Maineldll 17. destroy thfrd. ~ m~t1ca1ly. includlpg .eIectlve servo a~ is now "a poor second" to many bomes. Fires rage througbout t-JiatlonaJ women's senior A. A. ,0. . 'September . ice, CPA controls on steel, resins, RussIa'.a. . no.r tbealtern states. championship Iwtmmlngmeet In 2-Inter.Amer1can treaty of rec1DrQCaJ texWeB • .. IOUd fuelS a€tmlniatratton. 26--Transport hila mountam m Alaska, Seattle won' by Cryst.l Plunce' ch~b aulstance signed' by delega" 'of D trarwportation restrietio~ of ODT. k1111ng 18. . July .of San rranctsco. Ann CW1lI take. and otbel'll. . North and South American aatIoaa 5;-"Ftytng discs" reported by . airlines - indlvlduAl "honors ! , at Rio de Janeiro. November 17-U, S.~ golf team ilJ!glHnS Walker 'cup crew over Emmett.. Ida.. leads. to sweeps India, wUb thowtaDd. April . . I at St~ Andrewa, Scotland. ' trenz:v of similar stories of discs 6-Btotlng of ·fatallties. . 13-Army plane btts Mt. Spokane. Wasb .. ~MaurlRoae wina ' annu~ 500 mUe over ,oiber states. . 7-TeIepbol1e.workel'lllaUfteb dationwlde 22-European naUona uk II~~ bUUoI killing five men . . auto race at tildianaixllls with aver· strike as 340,000 employee. ·of Bell "U-Employment in U. S. passes 60 mil· dollars in aid under- MarllhaD plan 21-Nlne naval ~rsonneJ killed. two age, speed of "116.3 miles. . , . llon. figure set as Ideaf by Henry system leave jobs. ~I~ 29-Arab Higher Committee of Palestine saved in crasb.ilf bomber in Pacific. t-Davld Llllenthal conftrm .aa bead . Wallace. . . tells U. N. commission Arabs wll 100 mUes southwest. of · San Diego. June . of AtOmic Energy co 10D' .after 2'l-Gallup' pon reports IU per cent of ftght to keep Palestine an Arabocon "'Calif. voters would vote for Truman for troDed state. . . 3-Honeymoon seta ew world record. heated senate . ~esldent. 49 per cent for pewe:v. 3O-Greek government reports ",214 for &'!Ven furlon rac.e of 1:21 4/5 ~ 21-PI:es1dent. warns ~t 'tnftaUo~ dangel'll December mlJiutea at Ho Park,. cam. and plead, for voluntar)' price cuts•. Greek clvWans and 4.000 soldiers and t-Army plane crasbes near Goose August polleemen killed by .rebels met Lloyd Marshall 0 Cleveland knocks .... _. ~ Bay. Labrador; 23 die. six rescued. October. 1944. out British ' Ught b vywelght cb8mp· I "'1o.y . . . . 19--.More ~an . a th;1rd (35 per cent) of ll-Two passenger traina coWde head· 10D" in London. . . ,_ l~Bound of tbn!atened .trlkes In ateel veterans who entered college under on near New Braunfels. Tex.• ldlllng G.I. bill of rigbts have dropped o.ut October IS-Lew 'Worsham national ope~ . and heavy ' manufacturUur Industries . two. injuring nine. of schoe)l. VA reports. . ke at St. Loula.· settled b:v· raises of 10 to II cents per golf title by one 5'-Communist partiea of niDe Europeal I2-ArrTiy plane burns and crashes near 23-New minor planel-discovered by' Unl· 18-Harvard rowing rew defeats :Yale bour. .. · nations form ·'Cominform." reviver. MempbJa. Tenn.. killfug 20. v.erslty of California. It ·is 10 mUes in in ' historic · race .at New London. . 1f-P~esldent a~ bDl to el1~te moat Comintern. l5--CAB tabulation "" shoWS 1917 toll ~f d18-meter. 156 miIllon mfies from sun. Conn. . . portal'~JIO&1 pa:v. suits. 19-1' r e n c h antioCommuntat part)' 27. fatalities lri mIShaps ' involving EweU ~ Bl!aekWeD I , C1ncinn~ti Bed8 2O-Last maJOr teleDbon~ worked atrike ___RadIO' tube "alniost as smaD as a -, Charles deGaulle!s RF·J!.- ~reDlaCft scheduled a!r!!nea. · . . eritfil of'"' rice'" developed. pitches first no.~ . game of , seaso.D · -· Communists. as largest French DartY against Boston Br ve~ m. C1nclnDaU. Newb~ . .Masa., · merchantl 21-U. N. establishes permanent Ba1k8n 21-U. of I1llnois' re . National Col· abandoD voluntary' price cut cam· ·"" committee to cover legtate Athletic ssociation eli amp. . , go. . . . · Greece, Yugoslavia, Bulgaria and ~clotron at University of California . lonship In me~t t Salt Lake City. aacccepts new jet.propelled 8gbt•. . Albania " . produces non·~plosive fission of tan· 29-Betty ;Jameson U. S. wom~ er plane, carrier·based XF2J).1, with 3o-New Frencb cabinet aeta vote oi ta~U!1l. tballlum. platinum. lead and . open" golt title inreensboro, N. C. speed of 600 mpb,: . ' • confidence in assembly. avertlnl new btJirnilth. SCientists also discover dja· crtsJa. moneD- are radlo·sensitive and make Jun~ excellent ·counters of radlo·activlb'. January . ' ', ' July . 1-COmmisslon , 0Ji Universal mUltary 18-Department of agriculture rep~ November ~Ov1itgton E. Weller. 8-Amez::lc~ League . All-star base. that 70 cents of every con-sunler dol· 3-Brittsb and Scotch ,elections tum t. training issues ' steiD warning on dan· 84. former U. S. sena. ball . g~e I!, Ch! !lgQ, 2·1. . tar spent dn meat now goes 'to farm· . conservative side as Labor and Com tor from Maryland. L6-Rocky 'Grazlano ' efeatsTonyZale lera of swift annlJillatlon In atomic er. compared with SI cents in 1939. munIst parties lose ground. war without a buge army, extensive 7-Charles S. WoqJwortb. 90. one of to win world'a m ddlewelgbt bdXinl 2'l-"Radac" '(rapld digital automatic 8-Britain forced to ration potatoes. defensive . orta~tzation. foundel'll of atore chain. Utle, . computation) may be . b.asi.s of de· 13-U. N. creates "Little Assembly" tv · II-Eva TanlUay. 68. famous vaudeville 21 -Schooner ...Dolphin wins C8l1fomla· U-President reassertS doctrine of main· fense for rocket weapons, reports act during rec:ess of main body. taining world pe~~ ,by' belping weak ,. . actresa~ . t~.Haw~ , .Ya cht ace in U days. Pl'eaidenHaI Scientific Researcb lS--Communist.tnspired riots and strlke~ naUons. _ . 2O-AndreW J. Volstead. 87. former Min.' ; l.04mmutes. , Slo Cara Mia cap. board. . sweep Ftance. and Italy. \ nesota congressman .who introduced lures , Chicage·to· acldnac raee In 17-House faUs by twovotea to override 17-U. N. accept .Geneva trade alree presldential 'veto of income tax re1919 prohibition act. .39 h.o urs. S:t6m utes. . . men!. signed br 23 nations. . duction bUL 26-Grace Moore. 45. opera, radio and 29 Gus. LeSIle"vIcb . . ligbt heaVYWe!lbt screen star. in air crash. , boxmgcnamplon.. outpoints ' TamI 23-Taft.Hartley bill 'becomes law as con· ,.6-Beulab Overell and George "Bud" 2G-Wedding of Pnncess Ellzabetb ano .Lt. PhilIp Mountbatten In Londor ... GOllum a~qujtted on ' charge of mur· gress o.verrldea preSidential veto . . 2'l-Paul 'p. Harris. 78. founder of Rotary Maur!eUo. heavyweight, In' non·utle· draws world·wlde interest. derin« Beu.lah's parents in yacht 3O-Prealdenl signs rent control bill con· international. ' bout 10 New York. 24-Strikes In France and Italy faJl. a~ . explosion. . tinuIng m0di8ed ~Dtrols unW Marcb workers return to jobs. . 3O-Plot to obtain atomic bomb- secrets August 1. 1SM8. 'February revea1ed in senate fnquiry IDto Bolly·. 29-U. N. partitions Palestine intO Sew 4-I!,e Wllllams· knocks out Bob Mont. . ish and Arab states. wood · communism. 3-Adm. Marc A. Mnscber, 80. hero of ~ tn 'Phflad,e lphia to ~om. -july gume.ry 'both World Wars. . ligh twetght .champlon of world. l8~Senate austailu presideJitial veto 0.1 December 1-0. Max Gardher. N, O. S. amballsa· November • l:l, Victory Song sets new world recent tax reduction bill · income dor to England. 6-U. S. forbtds shipment of 'a rma to ~Dealers blame rumors of nylotl . {OJ trott~rs by running ·" to· President slJm~ preatdential- succes· 1J.-Sldney Toler (Charlle Chan). 80. 81m Palestine. . .. stocking shortage on rad'io commen· aion ,b ill. plaCbig; speaker of the house . t .573/fJ ~dhutes. tn, Springfield. m. star " • t-Ruasla breaa oft trade.' pact dis· tators and newspa,per columnists. &rst in llile. .• 15-Harry it. Tbaw. 76. wealthy playbo:v U - D , ,Lee .B raun of Dallas. Tex.• wiDa cussion with France.. ll-Russia reported to have p.xpJoded pror~sional No.r lh Al;1lerican clay 25-:-Stxty wartime· ' emergency powers . who shot Stanford WhIte. atomic bomb In tests; U. S. scient· . 12-General strike. grips Bom.~ Com· target championship in Vandalla, ended and termination dates set for . munIsts march' on clty. ists doubt possibility. . , '124 others. . Ohio. March 1&-Decommi!;sioned battleship New 15-Sovlet government revaluea Ruu1a', 22 .,.. Willie ,Pep retains featherweight title 26-Bill apprqv~ to un1f;y armed forces. c:urrency. Mexico reaches junkyard In New· by defeatin. Jock Leslie In FUnt. · 2'l-Jam~ Forrestal appointed to ne.wly· ark. N. J .• for scrapping. after wee.k . IS:-London Big Four fore!an rntnbIters' Mich. ,:', '. created poat. secretary of nationaJ L~~ ends in fallure; Secy. of State of ludiCrous "battllng" with &reb oat. College All·Stars beat Chicago Bears defense,.. . hall blames RUlsla for collapse. and writs .. pro Jootball squad .in Chicago. 16·0. Eightieth cona~ ends lint aeuton.


9-Mrs. Carrie Chapman Catt. 88.. wom· an suJIrage leader. 17-Wlll1am C. Durant. .85. founder 01 General Motors corporation.

• .wtn· 'T HEATRE ",



,Janu.• ·r y· _ 948 -






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Stat ment of Ownership, m3nage ent, circ , l"ticn, -te .• required y - the act of Con~t'ess of I , A ' st 24. 1947, as amended bt e acts of March3. '1933, -d Julv 2, 1946.

. f t.he Miami Gazette. pllhIi~h d we~kl v at \Va.\'nesville, Ohi . fnr Octoher I, 1<),17 , ~tat > of Ohio. Cou lt v of \'Varr~ n. 55 : Before me. crNota rv Pul'tic in and for th e Sbltc an d Count .v p~rso nall y appttared Floyd L. Davisson, wh n, havin g been dul y swo rn accf' rdin Q' to . la w, deposes and sa vs th at l" e is the Editor of Th e ' Mi ~ mi Gazette' and that tht> fo ll ()wi J1~ is to the best of his k'1ow1cd!,,'e and belief, a true st at p l1l i~nt 0f, th e J ownership, m an :-HtC m ent. etc. o f the aforesaid pu \J li r atinn for he date c;;hown in th e ab()v e cap ion, req uired bv th e Act o f Au,g-ust 24, 191 .2, as ameneiecl by the acts of March 3. 1933. and July 2 , 1946. embodied in secti on 537, P o~t al La ws and R e~ uJati o n s, to-wit: · 1. Th at the names' and aei -' dresses of th e publisher. ed itor. --,mana,g-tn.g- editor and bus,iness m ana,g-er :-\ re: Flo vd L. Davisson W.a y n e~vi 1te. Ohio. 2. That th e owner is: Fl ovd L. Davi sson. W aynesville. Ohio , 3. That the kn own bnndhol ders, m ortg-agees, and nther securit y h01ders ()wnin~' or h()ldin ,~ 1 percent (lr more ri f t()tal amount of l,,\()nd sj - m ort ~'a g-es or ot her securities are : C, r.. Oa visso n, Mech fl nicsbu rg-. O hi o, - 5. That th e av er ae:e num her of copi (}s of each iSSll f' d t l~: .­ I'ublicati011 ' sol d Of di~tr:h l1t pd. ·throu (Yh the m~i ' s o r ()therwise. to· oaid suh,r rihers during- the t we lve m()nths precedin Q' t he na te sh.()wn ~h0ve iq £\ J2 . _ Fl ovei L. D avi"s0n. Frlit(l r 'Sw()rn to anri 'Ilbsr rib prl h f> , fore m e this 23 I'd d;l v 0 f ,n ee. Puhlic. M v r.0mmissi()n ~~Jl ir{' s Jun e 1n , 1950.

• '9 4 7. W Yme r L Dr::tke, NC"l tan



- Eei itor.;; No tp : Th e fI \1 ()v e wa ' ,. reprinterl as sho wn in th e O ct.· 2. 194 7 edi ti()n w ith th e e'l( ceritinn n f th p notarized d~tf', riue t o '1 s li trht nescrcnanc \: in the ori 9'inal aflidaviL f0und hv a Dostal imnect()r and ~ re nllest w a" ma de fnr ~ new ~ffada v.jt and repri nt of same. '

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F~ • . M.AtHINlAY~



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21-Bani Greent»eri · stpa wUb · Plu. . burgb Ptratel for .,000. 28-Gus l.eInevlch. Habt. bea~ . "champion. .knocks out BUb' 1'_ iii UUe bout inN.., York.


Top' Ten Spot Stories of 1

otI,.. u.,

111M" .




·April ·



. with Detroit qmpboa,y.


1I-MarIar:e& TrwIWl. tile PreI1Clent'a daUlhter, ' on radio In debut '



Inter • American arIQ' to

J~ 5-Secretary IIarJba11 reveals "liar shall PIan".JDr European ald. '0. S. aenatl r.tifies peace treatIeI with 1~,l£wisar,y. 1Io11UU11a aDd BuJcarla. · . J'l-4uatria and '0. s. reacb ........' .OD oeeupatloli coI1L PreI1dent of C61le GabrJeI ~


7-Henry Fo~d, 83. auto manufacturer. 10-Willlam Odom of Roslyn. N. Y.,1Ue:: la-Benny Leonard. 51, former world around world in record 13 hours.cov· lightweight boxing champion ering 19.645 mUes. 2~K1ng ChrIStian X of Denmark 18. . ll-Sensational Hughes mvestigation !?y 24-Wl1la . Cather, 10, famoua noveu.t. senate committee .probmg· army air. plane contract.. suddenly adjourned. (As seucled by 1I4Iiows Jaouary May . lors in Publishns' AuxiN l~U. N. security councD September ' . ......Mart1n ;J. lnaull, 78. brother of Sam.• auarantees ' fndepend· Tlstl-HlIrluy 11&1 ".",oles t .h..., - , . sell a utllities magnate uel and him l-=-Presldent . and Mrl, Truman Visit ence of Free Territory " Wor tnctur.. . It-Sir ~F-rederlck G. Hopkins 88. bioBrazil on 2O-aay ,oodwW mission. . of Trieste. ceded to Italy after chemist who discovered vitamina It-Army imposes · complete ban on MMsbllll pi4n; im:iudi"g World War 1. 21,-Brig, Gen. Evana F. carlson. 51, news of biological warfare develop· ll-Chinese civil war:tare · continua to limJ dolLw~ outl4y,,,,. rine hero. leader of "Carlson'. "1'&1(1. ments. . ' . rage. . ers" . .6orl 1o r.hllbililflle sI..or'l.. ~Farm Income soars 11 per cent In IS-Truce beCOmes dectlve between 31-Ad11ezme Ames, •• actreu and radio put year while operating costs jump ro/l•• French trooplS and nad" rebel forcea commentator. 18' per cent. del:~ent ofagricw· in French Indo-ch1na. , T iIItIin .splosio" MM lure report disc ." 19-Poland holds firsteIecUon for parb· btllfl~ i. TttxtlS Cily, . June " mentary offices since 1935. Mlllb ioU oj 4(J(). October 21-Paul. Ramadler chosert new premler ll-Davtd I. ·Walah. ' .. former U. S. . . . of France. New cabinet leaDl to-left. ator and ,overnor of Ma...chUlett8 J-Food conservation drive · launChed U. ·S.-RMssiim .disp""s l2--Jim Tully, 58, novel1lt and .creeD but not Communism. by President. " Ugb' i. Unit,d NllliOtJS' l~First war dead San Fran· I-Five killed when DC-3 writer. fIIorlil ',lI&tt. February .c1Ico. transport crashes near Julv ~Presldent- calls congress !Q.I' -emer~ 2-Premier Aicide -de ;m,..;. If'1hW_ {ii!li;; . Charle.wn. S. C. ' " -J , gency session on ·November 17. new' Itallan caJililet . _ /U.dom; ";oli.g MIll blbD4Sbllll I-Trarulport plane falls near Carmel. 12-Rep. .Jol~ph 1. Manafteld, 88. Texa. 24-Dlstlllers begin SO·day shutdown to coaHtion of Chri8tian Democrats N _ J ., ldll1ng 3, Inj\ll1ng 20. congressman Jince , 1918 IUld oldeat save grain,. ' /WHIIil. . , Leftists. 12-Airllner crashes near Galu. Va., · member of. house, . . 30-'0. S. justice department files antt· 4-AngJo.Arab;onference on PaIeIUDe GotIWfJorlhil1 MSP",tt ",., •• Gtt~ ldll1ng 18 01 19 aboard. 28-Mrs. MartIit..E. Truman, M. Presl· trust suit against 17 investment . adjourns in failure. as Arat. reject ~Flfteen miners die in ,al ~Iion dent moUler. PI. fIIiIb t\f. E. Tboml1so. tIS ulbanking compa.nies, partition plan. ' . in coal mine in Notur,ham, Pa. 7-Britisb rrillitary ~overnment 01 Ger· Ii""'" ,,"lor. , 3O-Tornado .weep1n~ tbrouah Alabama. August November many announces plan to free 1.000,000 T.r.I1bOfN slrik• . .p com",.,. Tennessee, Arkanau and MJaIourt '-Gipsy R. Smtth. 8'l. noted evange11at. of the I,SOO,OOO_Nazi suspects III zone t-Democrats regain state control In uliims UJiMs",." Mit.. kin. 20. 21-5en. 'lbeodore' G. Bilbo, 69. U. S. First legal Polilb cablnlf. .tnce wu Kentucky by electiJlg Earle C. Clem· .enator from Mialliaaippl, 1935...1. formed by Jo~ Cyrank1ewJca. TeD ents governor, . Pri&. ;,,,/l1li.011 sIIIgg,.., dO",.,," key positions held by CommUDilta . 8-Presldent's advisoQt committee- says Febmary , Se tembet . .co"o"". or Socialists. U. S. must give Europe five and ldIled. 128 1njured wben p MIIrrUIg. 01 BrjhlitJ's P-ri••ss Bl;~· three quarter bffilon dollars In aid zo-Brttisb aDDounce withdrawal froID train plunges over IlM)·foot embark· ' 2G-J'lorello Hi' La Guardia. 64, former India before June. 1948. In 1948. . . 1Ih"b b";"gs 1'0,l1li, i",o U",.· ment In Allegheny mounta1Dl near coDJressman" from New York ltate. lJ-Gov. Earl Warren of California en· 25-Forelin ministers end Loildon COIl' Altoona, Pa. _lB64....maYor of NeW York City and dlrec· ligbt. . ' . ference. with Jlttle ' beadway OD ters Republican presidential race, IO-Exploalon of tank ~ e1ectro_o.uI6 'tor ,enora! of t1NRBA. peace treaties for Auatria .nd Ger· ·17-COngres.s convenes on Preside~t's TNmUI" DQclri,.. MIll Gr,co-T.,./I· f.ctory In central Loa Anlelel ldIl.a -" many_ call to deal with European aid. In· D, InJures 1!58. deinol1lh. area haU October "b -M rwistt4cOfJe'" i" 'flation , mD.e Iquare. /or,;g" i'l"!iom. l1-ArtIuir Hyde, 'l0, former seere~ March ~les Luckman resigns as cllalr· of ' agr1cu1ture. former lovernor of man of citizen's food committee. l-Cbine&e Communiat troo&:~·Jarp March Missouri. _Hobert E. Hanneg~n·s · resigns as scale offensive aga1nat JrcbUD. IS-Wom mlDe ·d1aaater IlDce 1828 ao--.Gov, Earl SueD of Oregon. U. . postmaster general; succeeded by t-Greek government .ppeala to u. 8. September taka toll of 111 Uves In Centralia. James A. Donaldson, former first forimpled1ate. atd. ' l-Amer1can DaVia cup team defeat. . m., exp1OBlon. November assistant. s.;....Jewlsb underlfOund force. baUie Auatralia to retain· cup... I:.. . British soldiera In 'palestfne. ' t--.JohD' G. Winant, 58, former ambasI-N. Y. Glanta pro foomau teamI -14-U. S, - and PbWDplD. alID treat.J December April sador w Enlland. beatll Eastern CoUeae all·.tan;' 21.0, f-Ten " ~oVte writers, producers and l1'antinl U. S. lUHI i-ExploIlon In fireworkS plant In CUn· Zl-James J. Davil, 1', aecretar)' In New York City. .' " naval bases. ~tora liidlcted for contempt of labOr. 1921-30. . ton. Mo., Idlls 10• 'l-Minor league baseball aeuon ends.24-Dqtch and, Indonea1tDl ~ In Red probe. . " cong'ress ~Tornadoea ri~ tbrouab TexU PanJ~ City :Ieaa. International 11--5ecFetary Marshall denounce. a~· recoilUZing Indon~ . handle and Oklahoma, 1dll1nS ' 138, December ·leaaue. Kanau · -Cib'. lbe . A,m.erIcan , "with ao~ere1gnty by JanUU)' stan slun on· V. S.1m London. . lnJuriDa 1,000. Woodward, Okla., u&ociatioD. ~ ' - .~ _congressional Investigation of hardest hit. wilb :1M dead. 2I-Brookiyn· .Dod&el'l c:11ncb -NaUmaal . -crain speculation of 'Edwln Pauley: Apr,il If-Most at Texas City. Tex., destroyed letlaue ~t, NewYor Yapkeea army ' department offic1al. . 2-U. N. l1'aDts U. 5 ••tratQW trus.... by enormoua explosion when fre1&ht· win Am~lcan league 88,. ' ship over former' Ja-paneae-mandatllc1 er, loaded with nitrate fertWzer, ex· l'l-Armed beats Assault' as nation's top Islands. the Caroline. M ....b.n ad plodes In harbor and seta fire to race bone. Compete in '100,000 ~, Mariana groups. . docb, oil tankI· and -(actories. Fire horse race at Belmont Park. N' 'Y : s--chinese CommunUt troops IdJl • I ' raga for tbree daye. Toll; 400, ldll· 28-BeQ Bogan wins InternaUonal ,oU u. S, marines, woUDd 18 In raid 011 . ed, 3,500 injured. " tourney _ m ~gO; marine munition dump. __Tornado destroYJ ' Worth. Mo., Jdll. 24-Moscow conference ends after • Ing 1', Another . twtIter IdllI • In days. after reachiJJB agreement on rural northwest ArkanSas. October • . only a few poi.ntll for Auatrlan and' i-Ne~ YorkYailkeea win World series. ~. . aouary .. January German treaties. ·M ay 18-Army's record of 32 fOQtball games . ~Ford" Motor company 26-Peace negot1aUona begin between I-Bowl footb.O ICOZW: without defeat. broken by p»lumbia. . ~ redUQeI prices on pas· . 8-OutbrUk of 1nfaIi& diarrhea In PbUaIndo,ChInese rebe1i and I'nIneh ROse Bowl. IlUnoIl _ ',:. senger Carl to $50 delphia ar.ea cauaea deaths ~ 71 forces . . -_,... " 45, '0. C. l.. A. t.~ babiel. , !. .' , Ill ,d ort "to halt inSaD~ spiral of Sulat ·Bowl. Georlla . . North caro. November' , _ , -. mountiDa coati and rlslDg prices." May . _Forty.two ldlled wheD .DCfairUner , una 10; ' Cotton Bowl, ArIraJiIu 0•. ~otre Dame ciefeatll ArmYJ rz to 7 . . II-potato IJ'Owers authorized to dump crasbes after take-oft at La Guardla _ Loulaiana __ te, '0; OranIe Bowl. ~ommunlsts ousted from French cab 20 mDUon bushels of low·grade -pota· Held. New York. Seven IW'Vive. met, . Rice '8, Tenneaaee O. Sbr1De ,ame, l .....BWy Fox defeats .Take LaMotta by airllner crubes near I't. Detoes stored-Under ,overnment pricetechnical knOckout in New IYor.k. · 16-Congress passes forelgn reUef bill. West All ,Stan, 13, East t. post&. Md., kWtng an. 53 on board ~Brooklyn Dodger. i;»1IY .st. PauJ ,CIUb · I1IPPOrt plan. . 'providing 350 million dollars (or Aus Two cruhea rank a. worst air dW- at-Bob Feller, Clev~t~dIana p1ichof American As8ocliUon. Feb' " . tria. Greece. Hungary. Italy. Poland er, ' lips' contract· for .."OGO '1 -I _ mary uteri In U. S. b1atory. ' Trieste and China. .[)lus bon... fUr 1M7 INion. _. II-Tornado Itrikea Leedy. Okla., wreCk· ~est narcotic setzure in nine years 2O-First Japanese p.remler under ne~ »-Gir Dod_ ruDI KDtabta Of ColumbUI December Ina town. k11llnI 8.iDalIe in New York wbeJi· federal consltution ill Tets~ Katayama. lit. mDe .in .1IoItoD in reco~ 6:0St.L I-J'oe LOuil retaiDI beavYwelght tiUe lawyer and a Cbrlstian.,. .,enta ' .find $25OJOOO worth of heroIn June in apIlt decialon over Joe Walcott. in poueaslon OJ '0. S. seaman .re· 31-RussIa seizes con:trol' 'of, BUlllarIaD February ' v 6-Notre Dame -beatll ·Southern:_Callfor•., governmeflt through -Hungarian Com· t\Imin,' .from Fr~ce. l-Tomado IdllJ 35 in farmJDa sectton nla• • ' to 7. ' " . , ,'. S-NatlonaJ CoDegtate ' AtbletIC UIOCla· mun1,st , part)' coup. "-Coldest temperature ' ever recorded ne.a r Pine Bluff. ~k. ' , tion- bani nmnlng Ib1ft amana foot· -,1 S-Colle,e of PaCiftc defeats Utah State on North Amertcail continent. 81 de· Premier de Gasperi of Italy forma ~Missisaippi river lIOoda low1,aDds In . baD rule.c;.banges. .'~, . 35 to ·21 ,in Grape Bow] Irfd" game, areea below zero. registered .J Snag . new cab1ne~' -aUnua CommUnllta or northern Mlsaourt. southern ·'" Iowa . ilrpol1 ' in Canadian Yukon. ' and Dlinoil, forcinl 22,000 to aban~ 12--CIIar1es .TrIpp1. pro football afar. SociaUltl. sirna' to p1a7 ~ witb AtlaIlta ~ --.howa average teacher' s- saldon homes. Seven drowned at Ot, club. " . ~in U. S. is $37 weekly, and 350,· tumwa, Iowa. , 000 . teachers teft schools since


13-All 50 on board DC4 a!rUner Idlled 'w hen it .U1kes moUD1a1D near Lees. burg, - Va. ? D-Flaah flood drowns U In cambrfdae.


brU& takes bantamnlatlt Jlarold Dade In ~ AD·


Page 6 Mr. and Mrs'. Guy Routzahn Th e Mi ami Gazett Ohio, No. 4349 Wayne ville, and Russell. Thlir da'y~, Jannar 1', 1 48 Mr. and Mrs. Charles Tum· hles~n a~d children t;' pent th~ • • • Mr. and Mrs. SarI Youn ~ , Mr. Chnstmas day WIth tfie latter's On th.e Labor-front much unrest 'c an , Ie ' expected, and Mrs. Charle Bunnell and . parents, Mr. and Mr . Herman with the strong 'p ossibjlity that st!'ikes will be called dau,g-hters and Mr. and MJ: ' B . .. Arthur at Sabina. , in some 'of the large indust ies, as wen as in' many J. G.ill ott i' attended the weddin.g Mr. and M,rs. Everett Kcnri k smaller ones. However, lead~rs of both Labor and of Miss Francis Martz and Mr. and children attended a bir.thda v Management will endea'vol' to settle their differences Ray Lewis at 7 :30 o, ' clock Satsurprise party for Mr. Lawren e without r~sorting to the strike proc~dure-thanks ,urday evenin,l!' at the St. P'wl Elliott at hi home on Carland to the Taft-Hartley Act--and most 'observers bedrive, Dayton, unda y evening. Methodist church in Daytnn, lieve industrial workers will be given anywhere from Mr. and Mrs. Wilbur Clark, Mr. and' Mrs. Therle Jon s five to twelve and one-half per cent wage increases and Milton entertained to a in conlp,any with the other in the first half of 1948. ,Few major changes will be Christmas dinner, Mr. and Mr. made in present labor laws during the new year, alEdwin Nutt, Miss Minnie All en though ~ strong effort will be made to ' increase the and Gary Moran of near Cc-ntcrminimum wa~. ville and Mr. and Mrs. J, B. Jones, remain at high levels through, most of ,1948. With Mr. and Mrs. Th oma J' lI in less beef cattle on the ranges and ,i n the feed lots arid M r. Charles Collin of D;l \',t han for several years, \leef prices are expected to ton and Mrs. Norma Poul1 cL :tnd . stay up, unless a del>ression reduces the' demand f01' son, Billy of Belmont \\' r Sunmeat. The 1948 wheat crop will be from two hundred day afternoon caller~ at the to thl'ee hundred ,million bushels lower than in 1947 home of Mr. and Mrs. 'v\ ( It er which 'm eans high wheat prices unless f oreign shi;P~ Kenrick. ments are drastically curtailed. ' A bumper corn Mr. and Mrs. Earl YI un !!' 11_ crop, which of course is still in the, lap of the ' Gods, ' tertained their chil dren and grandchildren to dint) r Chri ' tcan bring lower farm and' food prices late in 1948. mas day. Mr. and Mrs. R0\"tert Cor,,;jn . On the international front there is f~very inpicaentertained to a famil di nn cr, tlon that most of the countries of Wefltern Europe relatives of the latter, eh ri tha,,:e turned their backs' OJ! Communism, and that mas day. , theIr governments will turn to the ,right rather, than Mr. and Mrs. Will Ros and to the Left. Great Britain is expected to' swing more dau~hter, Miss Marj ori , attendto , the Right, with the possibility tha.t the Labor No more cleaning clothJng and ed a Christma party of em ~ Government there inay be ousted in favor ' of a more household a.rtlcles 8It home' .It is ployes of tre N.C. R. and their running unnecessary risk of settillg conservative administration. The "hot spot" of the families in Dayton on Saturday the house afire. of having a.l'ti 'Ie old w,:>rld will be the Near East-especially Greec~, eveninR:' of tast week. smell llke cleaning (luid . . . when the Balkans, Palestine, Iran, ' Iraq, and Saudi Mr. and Mrs. Clyde Wharton here. we give ev~ryth ln g th ndded A rabia. Civil wars in China and India are expected had for their Christmas dinner thM only protouch of distinctIon to continue. . R:uests, Mr. and Mrs. Morri's fesldonal sk1l1 can give them, n..t 'Wharton of Miami Shores, Mr. • prioes only a rfC\V -cenls mOl' e than and Mrs. Loren Routzahn ani There seems 1ittl~ likelihood ~hat walr of any size dauR:hter of Franklin 'and Mr, t he home method. will develop in 1948. While the two great powersand Mrs. Bernard Menoh and Russia and the United States-are havi,ng diificulty son of near Lebanon. getting along; neither actually wanta or is ready Mrs. MarR:aret Johns and M'r. for war at this time. If war should COlllle, it will dePaul Johns were amon~ the velop over Russian agg.ression in the: Near East, R:uests at a family dinner Frida v especially if it snoutd be directed to~vard the oilat the country home of Mr. and rich countries of Iran, Il'aq and Saudi Arabia. Mrs. Amos Cook near Waynes• • ville. ' As to politics: U the United States experiences fOl'eign aid a.nd rehabilitation, as ' i'equelsted in the Marshall Plan, will be one of the poli.tica1 is ues in 1948.

With a Buckeye In Congress••• ., eL... ttENC& J. ' a.o.,..

M••~ .f





FolIo,w ing ou.. annual custom, tnis column will be devoted to .looking ah,ead into 1948. However, be,iore making any predictions as to the future, your humble reporter believ~s he should frankly admit his prediction of a year ago that the Uni't ed 'Staws wou!d experience a ,b usiness recession in the latter halt of' 1947, which would result 'i n lower prices by the end of the yoeaT, w'as wrong. Prices did level off - in January, February and March, ,as we predic,ted last yeax;, 'a nd actually were lower in many lines in April and May. However, the thing we eould not iorsee was tpat the Administration, ~~rly in 1947, would take action to ' greatly increase e1c.ports of American commodities, thus creating scarcities ' and higher prices. ,Neither could we fo~see thoe 'short corn crop, or the cashing of Veterans' Terminal ' Leave Bonds, all 'of which had inflationary ,resqlts. So being 'wrong last year in our prediction a!3 to a recession, we will be a little more cautious this yeal·.

• • f•


·I. . · ..


There are many indiaations that "the i~e' near the shore is beginning to crack," and that we are approaching another price leveling off period. Howc'v er, the ,continuation of-the present boom through 1948 depends upon many factors: First, whether the Administration can get Congressional approval of thoe Marshall Plan and thus continue huge exports abroa4 and scarcities and high prices. at home for another year or so; ~ecoDd, whether there will be another round of,strikes and wage increases in 1948; third, whether the Ex~"Cutive branch of the Government will make any real attempt to curb inflation thl'ough tightening up on credits and ~he raising of the rediscount rate; and fourth, whether 1948 will be, a good or bad crop' year., any depression in 1948, President Tr1llman will be ~ ' 'easily defeated. If a third party e~ters, .the political , At the present time it se,e ms rather certain that , pietu~e and develops, any strength, Mr. Truman will the Ttum~n Administration will do all ,it CaD to keep the balloon ot inflation fl9ating the air until after 8]SO meet with defeat. However, on the other hand, the Presidential election on November 2nd. for it is , . the President is able. to ge.t the Re~lubliean Con- . ---:---"~Blte~'d~oJlmll- tbat a p~ in power when a depression hits ' gress to continue to go along in support of his full is returned ~o office. In this connection, while the" orelgn program" wlflch will continue high prices ,President is asking Congress to vote a four-year in thjs countrY, for which he will blame the RepubliEuropean Aid program, ' he ~11 undoubtedly be cans, then the fall politi~a] derby willI be quite a willing to settle for one year. It appears rather contest, with the outcome ' uncertain. The Republicertain that the Congress will' not au~horize foreign can , nominee will :either be Senator Taft of Ohio relief funds' for more than one year from next June or a "dark horse." 30; and there is a strong possibility the' total amount As for all of our read~rs: It is our wish that 1948 of relief fu~ds requesood by the President will be will bring 'th~m health, happiness and prosperity. hea~ly cut. There is even a possi'l>mty the Mapsball Plan, as such, will not be accepted by the Congress, May you carry on with faith, courage and inteUiand that a sub:Jti~ute 111ay be voted .. In a~y event, genee.

• •


.. ..




• • •


' little 'dau~hter returned Friday from Miami Valley hospital to the home of her 'parents, Mr. Miss Bety Wical spent the and Mrs. Ralph Johns. Everett Weidner of near 'N. o lays wlTIi her uncle and aunt Carrollton has been visitinR: his and Mrs. Allen Weidner and , cousin~, Rush Wical of the family at West Carrollton. ~ , The " pastor, Rev. Joseph Waynesvill,e Road. Miss Janet Cowan is spendMyers announced' an 'official Call inR: a few <1a,Ys with her sister, board meetin~ at. L}\tle Church E. MICHENER after the servIces next Sunday, Mrs. Lewis Pursl'ey at South Lebanon. Phone 2926 Mr. Frank Kurfis accomp'ani. Mr. and Mrs. Sperry Boitnott ed Mr. and .Mrs, Chester OIls of Caudill Mrs L C ,Day-ton to Florida fo~ a short of Troy were weekend tuests of viSIt. He 'will return by bus. Mr. ' and Mrs. P. N. CO,rnell are stay' in~ at the Kurfis, home in his ab~ertce. . Mes~~s. Vir~i1 Longacre, Ron-' . aid Rush and Dick Irons left A FINAL MEMORIAL . ~riday for a motor trip ~o Flor SERV,IC~ is the lasf of th is nda~ " world s tributes that. one can Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Jones enoffer. ' ter~ained Mrs. Margaret Johns, Mr. and M,rs. Therle Jones" and This is why we ar~ so C(lrcMessrs. Paul Johns and M ilfon ful ,. in evel'v small, ddail, :: ii1CC Jones to dinner Sunday evening', ' It IS the little thiIlJ!'s· that are Mr. and Mrs. Walter Cowan , so lOll.!:!' rememl, red. Sr. and dauR:ht~r, Janet were .l!'uests of triendsin Middleto\\ n, Saturday evening. " Mrs. Am.os Hill was a Sunday dinner guest of her dauJ,!'hter. Mrs. Kermit Sandusky and famiI y in Dayton. ' The Woman's Society of th' L vtle Church will be entertained WAYNESVlliE, ON 10 '!' Wednesday afternoon, Jan. 7 ~t 'the home of Miss Marv Pre!(' I'r. . M I . C!cne Thompsort-and her














If you don't have-tickets or need more - ASK US FOR THEM \









Page 7,

The Miami Gazette ville, Ohio, NQ~' 4349 ['hur day, Janu;:tr y 1, 1948

Mi'. and Mrs. Wend€l1 Whit ick I know that the Lord is al- A WISH FOR Washing'ton, C. H. :-vays on the,side of the right, but THE NEW YEAR It IS my constant anx iety a11 1 Mr. and Mrs. , Luther Hain c prayer that I and thi s ,na'ti llJ1 , A w tart a New Y"ar we and family 'were Christma ct ::t y and Mrs. Miles C Tem- should be on the Lord's ide. ~ au e ,to loo k hack ver the ol d members of their famil',L--YLeLe 2'uests of Mr. and Mrs. Charle y plinMr. ca' eon, and son of Day on (a am II1 coln -.-'= o""- e jut pa . ed and to thank entertained to a umpti us turk· Laird of Camden. Mr. and Mrs. Hily Gibs n' on a ll of thos who hav shown u: ey dinner at the home' of Mr. Mr. and Mrs. Raymond BlIr- Sunday afternoon. . Adversity has ever been c 1 1. , 0 man y kindnes e . Ma v Oll r and Mrs. 'Coulus Y uncI: in Dc - den very pleasantly ntertainsidered the state in which a man p ... r anal and u ine s as oci aMrs. Alice Furman returned ton, on Christmas day. ' ed the Youn,g Friends Group 0 m~st easily' becomes 'lcqu;iint .J . inn durin ,~ the camin,tr 'year h " home Sunday after spendin~ a Mr. and ,Mrs. Ralph Bar,ger Caes~rs Creek meetin .~, Sunda y \v1~h himself, then, espec iall v. -u h that' we may remember it few days with Mr. and Mrs. Barbara and Randall of Wa h~ evenmg, Dec. 21. bem,g free from flatter r . \\'it h the kinde t thoughts. Dewey Comestock and farilil y ingto.ri, C: ' H. were unda y 'Mr. and Mrs. Charles Stanl y -J'oh l Sl') !1 M.r. Jnd Mr . Walter Elze eventn~· <;Imnet ~uests .of Mr. and family were ,R'u,ests of Mr. of Beavertown. Mr. and Mrs. Bert Bunnell and Mrs. Calvin Lon~acre and and Mrs. Lawren£.e Mitchen r. of near Utica were supper 'gu~sts family. They ,also called at the Sunday. ' evenin,g of Mr. and Mrs. home of Mr. and Mrs. Fred Mrs.' Irene Burden attend i Friday Everett Bunnell,. ' -Rush~ the Churn,gold Corp. Christm~s Mrs. David Lucas spent SunMr. and Mrs. Everett Earl y party ,in Cincinnati, Saturda '. day with Mr. and Mrs. Floyd entertained to dinner Sunda'y Rev. and Mrs. David Stan- Thompson of Modland. ' evening, Mr. and Mr;s. Ro field and son and Mr. and Mrs. Mr. Lewis Crawfo.rd of Xenia Blake . and' .Robert Mor~an of Carey Leigh Haines we re dinPheonlx, Anz. and Mr. and Mrs. ner 1!,'uests of Luther Hain es on spent Sunday with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Clarence CrawPaul Williams of Lebanon. Mr. ISunday. , , ford. , ,and Mrs. , Blake and Robert left Mr. and Mrs. Raymond WilMr. and Mrs. ' Thomas Ronfor hqme Wednesday mornin~. son entertained Mr. and Mrs. spent Christmas dav with Sunday dinner , ~uests of Mr. . Leanord Ellis ,and family to din .. yon Mr. and Mrs. Walter Callenhan and Mrs. Wilbur Clark were Mr. ner Christmas day. . and children of Cincinnati: Errol Dean Haines, ,a student an~ Mrs. Charles Reynard and Mr. and Mrs. . Ber~es children of Salt Lake City Utah at William Penn Colle,ge, Oska- and children of Henry Beavertown Mr. and Mrs. Elinus Ca;mony loosa, Iowa is spending- his va- Mrs. Robert Greene, Mr. Wil-, of Springfield and Mr. Robert cation with his parents, Mr. and Stevenson of Dayton cal .. Carmony and Miss Marian Mrs. Everett Haines and br ther bur led on Mr. and Mrs: Lue ' Mor .. Marvin. Crawford of Columbus gan Sunday afternoon. ' Mr. and Mrs. Raymond WilMr. ,and Mrs. Walter Ken· WE THANK, YOU for your confidence in u' and fot Mr. and Mrs. Haines rick and James Haines were son were ~uests of their daugh- of Xenia and Mr.Richard your cQoperation and good will. and Mrs. Hitv ter and family, Mr. and Mrs. ~hristmas ~uests at " a family were dinner Kuests las t WE.11fANK YOU for the opportunities YO,U have dmner at the home of their nep- . Theodore Mcintire and sons of Gibson Thursday of Mr. and Mrs. Evergiven us to serve your needs. hew and niece, Mr. and Mrs. near New Burlington, Sunday .. ett Bunnell. - Mr. , and Mrs. Jack Hawke James Kaser and children" at WEIHANK YOU for the pleasant association w Mr. and Mrs. Hiley Gibson West Middletown. , and children were £,uests of the called on Mr. and Mrs. Harold , have enjoyed throughout the year. . Mr. !lnd Mrs. E. B. Lon,gacre . latter's sister in Cindnati s~t- Rogers and Mrs. Emma Gibson , AND WE · THANK YOU for helping our ' bank' t entertamed to a family dinner urday evenin~. Mr. and ,Mrs. Carey Leig"h of Bellbrook, Thursday evengrow and p,osper so that we can constantly inChristmas day, ' Mrs. Louella , ~rease .our usefulness to the community. . Swank, Mr. and, Mrs. Charles Haines spent Christmas ,eve with ing.Mr. and ,Mrs. Earl Tresslar Drake, Marjorie and Jimmie the latter's parents in J ames- and dauJrhter. Anna May soent We r~alize .that ,thankfulness is best expressed h y Swank of Dayton, Mr. and Mrs. town. part of the Christmas hotic1avs action rather than by words. Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Bur-Calvi~ Lon~acre and children with Mr. an(1 Mrs Walter RohVirgil, Keith, Norma, Carol and den and dau~hters and Mr. Sam- erts and family of p SP'ood. Ind. AND SO WE PLEDGE ourselves 'to be alert for new stevie, Messrs. Horace ' and uel Burden attended a Golden and better ways to serve you in the days ahead. Mr. and , Mrs. J. R. w~cte had Ernest Foulks and Mr. S. H. Weddin~ celebration for an as Christmas eve ,guests for supuncle, and aunt in Xenia, SunWE WISH YOU .and your~ a most prosperous N 'w Burnett. per the latter's .mother, Mrs. day. Year and happmess' far mto the future. Mrs. Alice Trickey and Mr. Frank A. Snyder. Mr. and Mrs. ' Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Wiland Mrs. Irvin Harris were the Charles Wade and children Christmas din,ner. guests of Mr. son called in the Bo~an home Jerry arid Shirley Jean, Mr~;t. and Mrs.' Ray Miller an~ dau~'h .. . last Friday evening. ' , Mr. John Wilson has been Doris H@yle and children. Fredter, Dlan~ at Waynesvrl1e .. , die and JacQueline Ann . .Mr. and Mr. and Mrs. James \\"ical of . on the sick list. . . , \ Corner Main 8.n d North' Streets The Haines Christmas party Mrs. Milo Wade an~ son. Danthe Waynesville Road entertaill~ ny, and Mr. and ' Mrs. Don:l1d ed to dmner Christ~las the fol- was held at the home of Mr. and Ulw,son. An added attraction of 10win~ ' relatives: Mr. and Mr. Mrs. Luther Haines~ , Saturday the evenin,g- was' a visi.t from , . Wade~~d Mrs. J e evening. . \Vitlra-hu~h sack of g#t-s-. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~""'!""~-~....:i~~~":'. Mr. and Mrs. William Smith . Santa and children, . Mr. and for all. . , Mrs. Charles Baker and son of and Marilyn Sue entertained to Mr. an'd Mrs. J. R. Wade and Springboro, Mr. and Mrs. Fred dinner . Sunday the , follow in,!!' .Mrs. Frank A; Snider attended Wade 'Of Franklin~ Mr. and Mrs guests to ' honor of Robert Bo- a buffet supper ChrIstmas t1i{!'ht Francis Malconet of Lebanon: gan"s birthday: Mr. and Mrs. at their son's home. Mr. :lnd Mr. and Mrs. George Wical and Robert Bo~an and dau£,hter ,. Mrs. Milo" Wade at Sprin{!, Vallson of Ferry and Mrs. I lin 'vVi- Carol Mae, Mr, and Mrs. Evan ey. . Bogan, Mr. and Mrs. Emmett cal. Mr. and Mrs. Walter Cowan, Nevin and sons, Denny and Sr. had for their' Christmas din- Jimmy, Mrs,. Mary Bogan of Brown W C ner guests Mr. and Mrs. Harold Dayton, Mrs. Lucy Compton, AUCTIONEERING .Cowan, Mr. ,and ' Mrs. Murrell Mr. and Mrs. Weldon Wilson · and £,randson, Jerry Wilson and Cowan and son, Hubert Co\van STANLEY and KO()GLER ,and Robe(ta Cowan of Dayton, Mr. and Mrs. Ralei'~h Bo~an. BROKERS LICENSE For Dat... Phon. 2894.•• Mr. and Mrs. Lewis Pursley of . . Ohio, R.v.,... Charlie. oUnderstandin~ the control South Lebanon, Mr. and , Mrs. W. Cowan '-and famH v and 'which L@ve held ever all. Danimps6lroft-eban<>l1 iel felt safe in the lion's den and ANNOUNCING! ! Visi rs in t~e afternoon were Paul proved the ' viper to be WASHING MACHINE . Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Cowart and har~l~ss. - Mary Baker Eddy . SERVIadaughter of Dayton and Mr. 1:00 P. M. and Mrs. Raymond Du~an of , Sherwood Refrigeration Sprlngboro. . ' Located at Lytle, Ohio, ' ~4 miles South of 'Dayton, Ohio Sales & Service has added Johnny Cloud froin Mattoon, to its staff a competent . Prop~rty is ,in;tproved ~ith good 'Frame Building, lar~e store Ill. spent Christmas with his washin~ machine mechanRepresenting room ~Ittl 2 hvmg: rooms, ~arage and other buildings. Electric sister, Mrs. Walter A. -Clark, Sr. ic. We are offerin~ the ·W~theimer & Company and good well water. , M~. and M~s. Walter Clark, \ same prompt, efficient ser,Members New York Stock J r,. 'attended the Ch ristmas eve vice on washin,g' ma.chines H,s an id~al location in Lytle, good schools and churches in , candleli~ht s~rvice at the GerExchan ,~es and other that our customers are exa home owmng community. A golden opportunity to purchase ' man Lutheran church in Dayregistered Exchanges periencing with our refri2'- ' a home and business. Good loan can be arranged clear war~ ton. ' eration service. ranty deed, immediate possession. $500 cash day of 'auction bal~nve ,.tment Trust Shares ance at deed. . ' Dou g~ht - Sold - Quoted ' DAY PHONE 437 NIGHT PHONE 332M . Phone Waynesville 2530 ; Real Estate will sell at 2 :30 p.m. and fixtures will follow' t Dayton AD3257 give buyer of Real Estate an opportunity to purchase same. ~~--~~~----------, Mr. and Mrs. Willard Haines Fixtures consist of 10ft. Electric Refrigerator Meat Case in ' . ~nd ,Mr. and Mrs .. Carey Lee excellen.t condition. , National Casb Register, all white Dayton Haines spe,nt ., Christmas evenComputm~ Scales, Hardware Scales, Meat Slicer Meat Grinder ing with their parent, Everett Coca Cola Box, 12 ft. Drawer Counter. Cigar Case Slant To~; Haines and wife. ' , Case, nearly new Air Compressor, Cannon Stove r~n top Desk Miss Nancy ,Foster of Fo te r. ' ' and Chair, Iron Safe, Etc. , . , Ohio was a ' £,ues't at church I'll I Sunday. She spoke of her 'work . At 1 :00 p.m. all .the clean Fresh Grocery Stock · Toba 'co ' Canned · Goods, Hardware, Paints, Etc. ' , , ' and conditions in Finland. Mr, and Mrs .. Charles Stanley' This Auction YQU will want to attend as everythinR dIs wi h· and family attended a famitv out lin:tit or reserve. . . Appropriate ceremonies for Christmas dinner at ~he , home, of all faiths

ffll.JJoff'J ..





The .Waynesville .National Bank








o. scorr



Wed. Jan. 7th

Caetia,.j Cree' ·




Dr. T. P. GROSVENOR . • Optometrist 335 S. Main St. Phone 10 ~N-,OHlO


STUBBS Funeral Home

1U.EPHONE 2281


o. .

William 'Ebert' F. T. MARTIN &: c. E. RlESAU, AuctiODe.. 70& Commercial Bidl., AD..... 3861 ,

Frank Scearce, 30, Franklin, machiru st, Almeda Davis, 22, · Franklin.

·In memol'iam CLARA MORRIS T,HOMAS Clara Jerush ~ Me rris, dau Rh. tel' f William Spinnin.g- Morri CLASSIFIED AD RATES and Mary Pence, wa born pt1c PER WORD , MINiMUM 25c mber 12, 1863 , and pas ed to 3 'TIMES OR MORE, 1/3 OFF her' eternal rest on Decembe.r • 13,· 1947, havin~ lived 84 yea rs Loansthree rnonths and one day, belast of twelve children. ' FEDERAL LAND BANK , ingIntheearly wo manhood" she LOW COST FARM LOANS made profession of faith ; unitNo f ees or commission , in,g- with the Church of Christ ( 2 Intere t rates are low-40/0 at Salem, in which she foun\i (3 Pay all or part an ytimean abiding interest th ro u~h o ut Stop interest on porti on paid. the ye ars. Call - write - 'or see On Decembe r 29, 189 2 she LEBANON NATIONAL was united in m a rri a~e to Frank FARM LOAN , Cost Thom as, with whom . he LEBANON. OHIO, Phone, 448 spent 36 years. To this union Ellis H. Sturm, Sec'y-Treas. were born four children, three of wh om are left to ca rryon REAL ESTATE the Jabors which she began. two ons, Homer Morris and Geor,!(e DON'T FORGET TO CALL us .for Insurance. All types of Huber, and one dau ,!(hter, Mrs. Insurance at a savings. Call Margaret Snively. ' . In addition to the work of Francis Gene Brown, phone her church she was interested Way nesville 2935 o'r call in community welfare as excollect. Wilmin~ton 2111. pressed in the ideal of home, and the ,g-ood tife on the farm, Real Estate, For Saleexemplified by the Gran~e, , IF YOU HAW A PROPERTY OR often contributin~ throu.R'h eloFARM TO SELL oa.u or Wrtte cution to pro~rams of church Don Henderson, Tel. K'EM4e, 617 and community, thou~h she had lon,g- passed the three score and Lorain Ave.• Dayton. OhIo. tfe ten, atloted for human activi- , ties. CHINA-CUT GLASS , • Aboye all she was a mother, to home and children FOR SALE- Handsqme Gifts. ,devoted and more recently to her four China ' Tea Service, Chjna ,g-rand children, Wayne, plates and Cut Glass dishes. Clarabel and Frank, Emma Louise tt\rs. Peterson, Friends Home Snively. ' .' -11 Waypesville. After months of a stead v physical decline, she heard her .' HOME FOR SALE Master's call and answered her FOR SALE- Move ' in. The summons Quickly. hOIVe of the late T.' J. Smith As a fond mother . when the consistin~ of 8 rooms, mod- day is o'er, ern except furnace. ' This Leads by the hand her little hoine is prioed to Sell to set-. , ' 'child to' bed, 'tIe estate. Se'e Mrs. Will st. John ' after 5 :30 p,m., or Hal" i'illin~, half retuctan t to be led, O.E. Smith at Smith's Meat And leave his broken playthin~s Marke.t ' . ~1 8 " on the floor, Still ,g-azin~ at them thro the DO YOU UKE PETS? open door, • WANTED- Good home for a Nor wholly reassured and spayed terrior do~ and a nice comforted , house-broken cat. Both are By promises of others in their ~ood pets and will , make stead" :' excel1~nt com pail ions. Call at , Which though more splendid, may not please him more; the Gazette office; So Natu~e deals with us and takes away , LAUNDRY WORK DONE Our playtbin~s~, one by one, W ANTE~ Laundryin~ to do and by the hand ,in my home. Quick service. Leads us to rest so ~ently, that Phone 2986. -1.1 5 we go Scarcely knowing if we w,ish to ' ~o or stay, 'I wish to express my , ~rate­ Beio,g- too full ,of sleep to u'nderstand' fulness to Mr. stubbs for his How far the unknown trans.-:;---'-'-- services-Qflti- kindness, to Rev. s~ends the what____ we know. ______ R. B. Coleman for his fine s,erv· iCe and to all the · many friends . and irei~hbors of ours. 'Thanks to, all. Mrs. Ellsworth Bi~~s, Rt. 1, Waynesville, Ohio R (, a d ,0 i I aDd

NEW SUITS Enrique L. Lucas v. , Hersche.l C. Stile, in junction, Enrique L. Lues. ,COMMON PLEAS Roberta Bray vs. William Br ay, divorce to plainti ff, plaint iff rest ored to maiden name. Alice Gilmour vs. Ralph Gilmour . f ormer or der of cou'r t modified. Amos Money, as administrator etc., vs. William Phillips, defendant granted 30 days time in which to' plead. . J ohn Francis vs. A. T. Easton, leave of 30 days given defendant , to plead. i Clifford Diehl vs . 'The Cincinnati Gas and Electric Co., acorp. defendant given leave to plead ' by 15th .day of Jan. 194:8. Mary Hatfield vs. John Cox et a1., Marvin Young appointed attorney to represent defendants in military service.




MARRIAGE LICENSES Clarence , Brown, Jlr.'., 33, Mason, job analyst, Dor is G~,lLyle Platt, 23" Mason, bookkeeper. Bruce M. Blevins, Jr., 23, Lebanon, press opera.tor, Mary Elizabeth Hutchinson 17, Lebanon, student. F~ij~s,m,~~~,~

The Miami Gazette Page 8 Waynesville, Ohio, No . . U 49 Thur day, January I, 194 8


PROBATE Sherley ~nd Reba Motl-ey , 92.77 Estate of Carrie Speidel, dec'd, acres in urtlecreek twp. Geo rge Bradley appointed ,execuMattie V eid t et a1., t;o Williain tor. ' Yeager 90.41 acres in Harlan twp. E state 'of Berna rd L. Jordan, Jeannette Hays to Harry ,Gleis dec'd, executor to sell and convert 188.08 ,acre's in Hamilton, twp. certain bonds into cash. George a'nd Mildred WUliams to E sta te of Stanley Hatfield, 'dec'd, Dellos Worley adminis trat or in- , ' George and, Ethel Maxton 0.175 ventory hearing set for Jan. 6 at acres in Turtlecreek twp. 10. . Margaret Dickson to Nicholas, Estate of Ed Bishop, dec'd, Irene ' John and Frank , Brewster 33.87 Bishop; administratrix inventory acres in Deerfield twp. Ora and Maud Dumford to Finhearing set for Dec. 30 at 10. E state of John Alvin Simpson, 1 y and Verna Gray 0.67 acres in , dec'd, Clarence Simpson filed ap- Deerfield twp. Hadley Fl'anklin to D. C. and plication fO'r certif icate of transfer Maude Carr lot in Franklin. pf r eal estat e. Willi,a m and Clarice Porter ' to Estate , of Fred B. Spaulding, George Brewel' 87.42 acres in Tu'rdec'd j Arthur Bryant, administratlecreek twp. tor filed 'his affidavit in lieu of an account. Sidney ,and Elvra 'Johnson to Seldon ' and Ethel McIntosh 0.135 Estate of Mildred Trumbull, dec'd, Fay Marlatt, administratrix acres in South Leanon. es.te exempt from inhmiatnce F rank Hart to Robert Schmidt , tax. I I 5.53 acres in Clearcreek twp. , Evelyn and Juliu s Wolfe to REAL ESTATE TRANSFERS David and Effie Goldey 100 acres Alma Nilsen ~nd Adam Bridge in Salem twp. to Alma Kraeger 0.23 acres in James 'and Delta Lamb 0.50 acres . Franklin twp. in Wayne twP. Alma Nilsen and Adam Bridge C. D. Walte'r to' .M ary E. Walter t o Nancy Ruedig 0.23 acres in 2 lots in Lebanon! ' ' Franklin twp. Charles Boger to El sie Witt lot Richard and Freda Bullock to in Maineville. ' ~I~ ' _ '

____________________ ___ ~

penter, Edna ,:Yoses, 55, Franklin, factory worker.

NOTICE OF' THE AN.NUAL STOCKHOLDERS 'MEETING ,The Annual meetin2' of the Stockholders ' of Tlhe Wa ynesville National Bank' for the purpose of the Election of a Board of Directors will be held at the bankin,g- house on Tuesday, Jan. 13, 1948 at 2 :00 o'clock p.m. , S. L. Robinson" Cashier , , , 3-18 Card of nUlki-We wish to thank 'atl our ,g'ood friends for the lovely cards floWefS and ~ifts ,we received on our 60th Weddin~ Anniversary. ,Mr. and Mrs. Ben Smith, Waynesville, Ohio ~--~VV~A~N~T~I~~~D~ · ----~I '

DEAD .1~OCK covvs - $:zo.oo '



HORSES - $20.00 HOGS - $6.00 c:wt.

, ,



Acc.....ln. t. Siae • eon..Hlon


We .now of no better way to begin the N&w Year than by ~"ending

our thanks to our friends for their generous patron-







age. We hope that we can be of still greater service to , '

you in 1948, and may the b,est of ev.erything be yoursl -



·Blacktop Driveways . T a .r · A p p I'i e CI .

Relurfacinl' and Driveway Recoating .





26 Oakwood




Phone 221-L

~_, D_II_~_I_I_._._._._r_._._._._._._._._.

FOR Any make . or model ' .

Fred K,al1n Moto,r, Ca'r 'Co.




Cincinnati Union Stock Yards Live Wir, and proQr.,.ive. An orafilnizatJon second to none. Strictly ,eller. on the De,t all ' around , market In the country.

CALL , .



WHlO Dayton 11:30 E. S. T. Dial 1800. WLW Clncinnatl 12:40. Dial 700.' for Our Dally Ma rket Report.

( ha rman, Robert D.





HOGS $6cwt. ,


PHONE :328



Armitage &Son

X E N I It .Fertili~er ~. ·4 5' 4 o. Xenia











Fai rly, Fam ilia r by EFFE LDEE

The M ia m i -li lA ZET TE·

In Opal Tressler'. letter , Ia-st week she unint entio nalli mad the statement that a bond is ue was needed, or passed, for the I curre nt school expen ses. Th~s was merely a mista temen t as .It should have been a tax levy instead· of a bond issue. It \Va , Established 1850 only quite natural that someone No. 4350 sho'uld call our attention to this matte 'r as it was probably the W A y ' N E S V ILL E, O. only error .that could be, found in the letter. , LOCAL CHURCH WILL ' . * •• CONSIDER SUPPLY , It is inconceivable at thi day MINISTER FOR A and age when men are suppa ed REGULAR APPO INTM ENT to have minds of their own, esR. M. Johns ton, }'Iho has act- . pecially those elected to serve ed as suppl y mims ter at the the pe'ople in a public manner, local Churc h of Chris t four Sunthat they should be swayed by the harp'ing vbice of s~me pet~y days lately, witt be the speaker politician who has no mterest 10 a~ain this Sunday, Jan. 11 .. their affairs excep t for what can 'areMembers of the cong're,g-aho~ especially ur,e:ed to he pre,be ,gained to satisfy a personal ent Sunda y morn ing as they will , eKo. Such seems to ne th~ state be asked fo consider Mr. John of affairs, however, even 10 our ton as a full-ti me minister, own midst. Not only is this low A cordia l invita t'ion is ·e)(tendrate political aspirant ~einK. instrumental in formtn,e: the mtntL cd to anyone who to c0t;ne of officials in t.he matte r of ma \1 y to the unday mornm,g- service public affairs, it has also hcen and hear and meet th'e Johns pointed out to this writer that tons. recen t attempts have been made - FIRS T 1"8 MEE TING to .devise some underhanded way to "run said writer out of SCHEDULED FOR W.C. T.U. town ." This particular iridivid-' AT FRIENDS MEE TING -::-_ ual must be one or tbose thin,g- ' HOUSE~ JANU ARY '9 · " that come out from under rocks. The Waynesville W. C. T. U: How lon,g- will people of the will hold the initial meeti n~ of community continue to se~ the!r the year ,;it th~ Friends Meetin ,g-' money, th~ir freeqom and their House, ' Friday, Jan. 9 at 2 :00 , peace :be undermined by ' such p m. Sara Braddock be th:e ,', , 1m-American tactics as have hostess and leader for'will this meetb~en evide nt here in th'e ~st, ing. A full attend ance of mel1land. es,pecialty since this column bers i's desired. , GuestS . are al- . has brought to light some of the hidden factors involved in the ways we Icome. lJehind-the-scenes policy beinK followed by thos~ In cf\a~,g:e 0& affairs. Why should anyth mg be , Why should ' Ques. be . aboijt

, tJ're


. oomm · ity with to its official opera tion? bot the tax payers elect to e those w.ho are supposed :·to be servants ~Lthe people, those ' who should be more than " ~Iad to tell what they are do, In~ a:nd what they plan . tq do .. instead of g-oin~ around In ::\ . secret manner, doin~ ,their work , 1n a darkness that breeds mi . trust and lack of confidence. A /, . secretive method that plac s a , mantel Of darkness ave,r the taxpa yer's heaq, ' with ,.the' ex. , ception 9f ~ sele!=t few who a~e on the mSlde CIrcle of ' knowJedR,'e 'and' power is the usual . ma'nner in which we ,are accustomed to being' ~Qverned. While it is assured that we wilt e out of the picture before ~ > ~.::....-~.::-=:::=:..:ne lact remains that the " . 'Miami Gaze tte ' will still live. A livin,g- example of the one thin.!! I that America still hol9s dear" f·, r> d r m nf the press. No one , 'indiv iduaJ o'r ,any ,~rotlP O.f ' in- , divid ualsc an, ever run tha~ o~t of town because the p'u1;>hc In ' Keneral '~!ll fil!ht 'to t.he de;ath . that thiS .e:reat a.set ml~'ht hve. For anyo ne person to set tbem,. selves as a criterion of what . a newspaper should or sho.uld'. not print, or', what an editor . should or should not say, 'es, peciatly to th¢ pOint whe.,re they attem pt to rnterfere ~ylth the freedom of ' speech is indeed a , matte r of .communitv interest. To aUow, these slimy things that live under rocks to · era w1 (lut in our . mili's( and J (1i~( , 11 t~(-' minds of those we ha" _ J.f:' 't)'\ (1 to lead u~ , is indeed a dan!r 'J'()lIS thin,g- and the l'lnot-heel (:If 1.'111 " lic opinrioh must, .mak~ · ~t"p.lf ~ destructive force in, eltmm:l.tmp· such thin~s fro~ our vil1a~e and communlty affaIrs. We have no disrespect for politicians or for their rartie s as a whole, hqt an ;ndividual who attem pts to "srt as a power in affairs of which be no except




.... - of tlte-


MAYOR ISSUES STATEMENT ON APPOINTMENT OF MEMBERS APPOINTED COMMITTEES; NEW TO OFFICE AT MONDAY COUNCILMAN PRESIDENT EVEN ING- MEE TING A cordill~ to a ,statement reAccordin,g- to a r,eport from leased for public atIOn on Jan. 6 . Mrs. C W. Barnhart, Clerk f from the office of ~e Mayor of ,the W'ayne Township chool The ViI.lag-e of Wayn esville, Ty\r. Board, the tegular meetinl{ of Warren Braddock. the llowmjr the Board held Monday even- i a Ii t I of the Vi1Ja~' ef officia in,e: resulted in the' followin~ that took the oath of office ls at members appointed ac- the reKular session of ·, $1.S0 per Year. 5c Copy cordin,g- tobeiDI{ the newly fo rm ct Jan"S , 1948 , and also commitThursday, , 1~lnuar.v' S, 1948 Board = ' , tee a name d by the Mayor. John Gons, President~ OFFI CIAt S' Gilbert Frye, Vice Pre ident ,Mayo PLEASE CALL FOR THE r, Warr en Braddock. . Harold Whita ker and Lowen Counc il, H. M, Sherwood, presICOPI ES OF SPECIAL Thom as succeed them., elv a dent, EDIT ION ORD ERED AND members of the Board and M. A. son, L. C. St. John , P.' L. Rea· ' Mar.k -Rod~ers, Earl Conn er Fulkerson is the new memher and , Ralph PAID FOR IN ADVANC~ Hastings. elected to the office last Nove mThe Miami Gaze tte office ' i ber. , COM MIITEES ' still holding- approxi~ately ~o FIRE. FINA NCE, PRISON = Kelter Hoak, retiring memh er copies of the SesqUicentenmal of the Board Hastin gs, Rea-so n, St. John Edition ordered and paid for by . f<,?r the past had erved ther-col~ STREET, ALLEY, SIDE WALK, seven year. persons in this community who CURB, GUT TER: were to call at the office for the St. John, Sherwood, Rodgers copies It will indeed 'be appreci- ANNUAL SESSION OF , BUILDING: ated if these persons witt come EASTER'STAR FOR 21ST herwood, ~t. John, Conn er in and ~et their copies so the DIST RICT TO BE HELD IN STREET SUPT .: C. P. Joy. ' records can be cleared. This HILLSBORO, JAN 23. CLER K: Cha . James, Sr. District 21, Gran'd Chap te r CITY OUC ITOR : should be done not later than of Ohio, Order of Eastern Sta~. Jan. 15. Charles And rson, Attorney ,vitI meet in their 16th annual at Law. , session on Jan. 2'3, at the Ma- BOARD of PUBLIC AFFAIRS: sonic Temple in Hillsboro. FREE THEA TRE TICK ETS Jack Kersey, Charles, AnderThe meetin.e: will open at 10 son, Sr. (One vacancy creatARE BEIN G GIVE N AWA Y a.m., prompt, with lunc~ at 12 ed bv the , resi~nation of A: 0.. EACH WEEK TO MIAMI o'clock served by ,the Hill boro Griffy. GAZ E"trE READ~ Chapte~, bv leservation only. VOLUNTEER FIREMEN:' Secretaries. in all the district , Carm an Crane, Chief Look for your name in the , Wm. columns of each edition ,of tbe chapters will take reservation . "Bill" Sawyer, Asst. Chief, The school of Instruction. in Leo ,Conner, Secretary, Wilbur Miami Gaze tte. If you find it char,ge of Zena 'Watkins. Wor- Stansberry, Wm. Mc'Keever~ printed therein and ·(ttt) s~ow­ thy Grand Matron anci \ Lucile . Carl Cpok, Russell Martin, Chas. in~ alon~ beside it, you are enSterit z, Depu tv Gran d Matron, Anderson,. Sr:, Mack DavIs, titled to a free admission ticket to the Twin Theat re without will open at one p.m. ~ernon HIli. Wm. Bradley. All Eastern Star members are any oblig-ation. Watc h fot you,r , name each. week. Names are cordially, invited to attend. Mary Earnh art, p'resictent picked at random from the mallMildred Harmount. V. Pres. 10K list of the Miami Gazette. Louella Mi11igan, Secy. VENORA KIRKPATRICK Jua'1it~ Dewey, Treas: Mrs. Veno ra Kirkpatrick, ., 6, passed away at Miami Va\1ey hospital, Sunday ~t 6:30 a.m:. a an illness of days. "

; k



r. Mrs. Elmer Jane. . Mr. Glenn Hankins \Vere etly 'married on Dec. ' 20 ' in . L--lK-e!iHt:Jfekv;;--a1*~'fter a hrief honeymohn, are noW;, at home with ' the bride's paren ts, Mr. Hopkins is 'the ~on of Mr. flno Mrs. Ed H(mkins ·and is ronneeted with the N C. R. in Oa y~ ton. . , ,MIAMI CHAPTF:R TO HOJ..D FIRST MT£TINc; OF NEW " YEAR: NEW OFFICERS ' TO ,PRES IDE ' , . Miami Chap ter 101 Orde r or' Eastern ,Star will meet in their first session ,of. the new year nn Mondav evening', ,'(l:n. 12 ~t ei,g-ht o'clock. Mrs.. St~nley Bail:.. ' ey, the neW' Wort hy Matron will

WOMEN'S SOCI ETY OF ' CHRISTIAN SERVICE , TO MEET NEXT THVRSDAY Mrs. J. 'J. RIl,rske wilt he , the host,rss to t1lf~ W. S. C, "S: nf ~he . Methociist Cuh rch ' wh _n, -they . meet at her home ne'llt T1:1IP-"" dlay. Jan., 15 fqr ~~eir regular monthly meeting' wlth Mr~ . R. E Asbury. Mrs. , Clarence Rvf, ¥rs. Stan}'ey Bailey.. and, M;'?· F:, 'F. En rn h~ rt :1'1S1stm~. -, A, l'" Carltell Cook. the new ,,, ., ~.~ i , 'dent. wilt oreside o.ver th .. I IJs i ~ ness ses. ion. ' ~'F.",~,r,'T'l-' ~"r

"'UN '"' A; ~ ,

Ef\~"',RG£Nc.v OPF.Q ~ TIO~J Mr" ~nci 'Mrs: q .. 1('1)111 received wnrci th~t th l ir '''11

sons. Torre nee and .Geo.rKe. . at h~l1)e; one Sister, Mrs. F~ancls Welb ert- of Mt. Or~bi , four protherS, Tom ' Gates or \\:'aynesville, Theod?r~e Gates of Rlchf!10~d, I.nd., W~llJam Gates of WllmmgtC?n, Alonzo Ga~es of New York cIty.. . Funeral services were cO,nducted at the Stubbs Funeral Home pn Wednesday at ~ :00 p.m. With Rev: R. B. Colel1]~.n of. the Met.hodlst ,Chur rh .ofhrlat!ng-.. Bunal was · ":lade III the Mlaml cemetery. JAMES WILLIAM TAYLOR Jame s William Taylor. a,g-ed 86, passed away at a rest home ' in Dayton, Saturday, Jan. ' 3 at 6:15 a.m. ' .He is sur~iyed by four s'ons, . Clarence of Dayton. Charles 'of Ft. Way)1~; Ind:, William C. of Mi,!-misburR', and, Jame s, H. Qt Dayto n; one sister, Rachell wHls of Lebanon': dire b rot-her ~ John C. ,of. Columbus~ , Funeral erv,iee w~r,e held nn Monda y at 2 :00 D.m. at tllhbs Funeral' Home ~tifh Rev. Ch\ls. Mulle-r of the Lutheran chll'r ch , officia,ting-. , ' . Burial wa made ill Miami cemetery.

-- -- -

n.A\ Jr.J··r rr:.R ROR N TO,

FRANf{ HAV'KF.'S IN ;,/' ,.•


, , -f



" ~Ar. ~ I" 'j .M :·~. "' Fr~nk Ha"' !,e f f.v;:Jll~,'! i.He"lnd. 'ar ... ' ~nnount­ 'inQ' Ith . hirth of a ciaughter, . Mr. Kenneth Sf. .Jnl'n (If J-tnh .. .leann .. Flizabeth. on Dec. 3:1. bard. Oh'io was' mshecl tn tl,P ' . Mr. Hawke and' litHe spn. JQll'n ho~nifa,' in .youttS!'~town fl'\r ~ n ' were· week clt 0f .his p,ar-!' end ,1nle aop.endbc operation on SllI1drt v ents, Mr . . and Mrs. Ronald; : Hawke. They were' .ac<:ompanted Mrs. ' Hawke's moth er ~r.,",OOl ~ Q~OPEN AFTER , Mrs .• \Vmlfred HartSOCk ill1d son V'ACfa TJON' pto:R Jno Arf: Davll~ . .who had spent the holi"'" ~DA.Y SE,\S ON days in Evansville. , W~, \Tne T(.IwT"shin Cichnnls. r , _

r.. r:

0 ' enpcf '\11 ~~"n"'''u (If th:~ ,.. ,~ .. I .

after beint c10sefi ~~ncp. np.r. l () i oh~ervanr~ ' "f thl'" rhri~+rt1"" New' Year holiday season. ~s!\es are now tartlftp' thei~ s~ac~on:d ·~rrieste .. (If work t'\rt"_

.\'jj"'~I11.'''' •••

to Jrraduation in ·Mav.

,. ~r., 'N"'~ RRiOOE C'.UB MEETS LAST 1UESDAY , I,

M!'s, f' . r . RidO'e opene d her home on Tuesday aftern oon and had as her ?uest s the Arro.. nnt Rrl~f\'e Club witl- ,Mr5. Alva ThompSOn , as a ruest. ' ..

The Miami Gazette ,Pag'e 2 Flatter of the Friends Church. 25th WEDDING A pro~ram of'music, with Mli. WaynesV',iI1e, Ohio No. 4350 ANNIVERSARY OF Starrett, musical director of Thursday, Janua~y, 8, 194 ROBERT BAKER'S. JR. PUbJJsbed Every Thursday by DAVISSON PRIII8 Wilmington College singing, "I CFLEBRATEl» SuNDAY PLOYD L. DAVISSON. EtHtor , Love You Truly' and 'Because', Nurse's Trainin,g' at Miami ' ValWITH SURPRISE DINNER IDtered as Second CluB Matter &t the Poetor!lce ' Mr. and MrS. Robert Baker, preceded the ceremony. ley hospital in Da.Yton. , Mr. Bill Davis, brofher of the Jr. celebrated their 25th wedMr. Luebke is a g'raduate of ' Subecrlptlon Rates: '1.50 per Year' In Advance groom, served as best man. ' ' ' Nicolet Hi,g-h school 'of We -t 'De ~ing- anniversary on Sunday and . Miss Barbar~ ' Webb, a g-irl Pere and spent three year ' in In their honor, their dau,g-hte r ~ational Adve~ing, Representatives fnend of the bride and her only the Armed Forces. He is now and son-in-law planned a sur· OhiO Weeklies, Inc., 2465 W. Broad Street, at.tendant, wore a brown suit , employed in the office of the prise dinner for them. Columbus 4, Ohio . The ,g-uests arrived with many With black accessories and a H, D. Hudson <S.Q. of West De lovely .e:ifts and vell filled bas· white carr:tation co~ag-e. PeFe. . The 'bnde chose' a- ,g-rey suit No definite date has be n set storm sewer was mistaken for kets of , deli i )us food. Mrs. With black accessorie~ and carWagner had the tab.l s arran,g-ed for th weddin.g' a ' Mi' Walker the re,g-ular one which nuns in ried 'ber sister's Eastern Star with a beautifully decorated expects to complete her nurse' s th~ center of the street at this Bible topped with a rul Y throatweddin,e: cake and a lar,e:e i(25'" training:., . P~Il1t. Now , that we have bid white orchid and satin howthIS ',up t<;> the $32 sta.g-e ,would made of silver d( lIar i which ' ed . . er ribbons. ~ METHODIST CHURCH · she presented to her par nts. anyo~e like fo try for the S64 M r. and Mr . Vernon Pur le v The bride's mother wore a R. B. CO,LEMAN, Minister Guests wh ehjoved the cia Question? . ' Ru sel and Bobbv e n ~ and. son , Sunday Scbool 9 :30 a.m. with Mr. and Mrs. Baker were ,g-rey afternoon dress, and ,the ' tertained to a urpri e dinner on *.* Mr. and Mrs. CharI 13urk of groom's mother was in , black, Sunday evening in honor f Mr. J. J. Rurske, Supt. Speakin~ of $64 questions WorShip to:3 0 a.m. what has ilappened to the ne~ Piqua, Mr, .and Mr. 'Orville each wearing carnatioli cor- and Mrs. Henry Saylor and Hause and family, Mr. Leon~ Youth Fellowship wel!s th~t were such a popular Horton Foll.Gwing- the ceremony, a dauKhters, J'anet, Judy and and Mr. 'and Mrs. Jack 'Thursday, 7 :30 pm. subJect not so ton,g- ago? Water Linda. Oth er .g-u ts tHe ent Wagner of Da ton Mr. and reception was .held for the im- . were Mr. arid Mr . Jame Wic\l,. fro~ them was supposed to be Mrs. Bernard Southard and , mediate families , alld relativ Betty and Ru h Wical, Mr. an i f!owll1,gto the standpipe by this MT. HOLLY METHODIST' children f Cincinnati, Mr. and who were th,e weddilJg' g:u sts. Mr . Roy Wink, Jim, Paulin tl!l1e. Of course, that four inch T. M. SCARFF, Minister After the reception the' bride Mr~ . Will ur Swanger of LebaPatricia and Perry Wink. Mr. PlPe tpat 'Was purchased and Sunday School 9 :30 a.m . couldn t be used because it did non, Mr. and Mr '. lnmes Jack- and groom left ' on a hort and Mr '. Charle l3unn 11. Evehoneymoon. .. E. A. Earnhart, Supt. not meet specifications ' may be son and famil,Y of Wilmin.g-ton, anna and Roberta Bunnell, Mr. . The bride is a .{!-raduate of Worship Service 10:30 a.m. , a fac!or in the tie-up of the iob Mr. E. P. South a rd, Mr. and Mr . and Mrs. Forest Lightner, Leesburg High School and i a Evening Service 7 :30 p.m. but It seems that something- Robert Bak r,' Sr. student at Wilmington , Col1e .~'e. should be underway to retrieve Mr. Davis is a ,g'raduate of th e , Mr. Glady Frye, Mr . Eva ' the. taxpayers money' that is BARBARA MANIFOLD WED Waynesville Hi,g-h School, serv- Runyon and Mrs. Frye's granclST. MARY'S EPISCOPAL bl.Jned , 111 those holes in the TO CLARENCI~ J. DAVIS AT ed m the Navy follbwin!r hi - dau,g-hter, Chart t Klon'tz, pent 8AMU~L N. ' KEYS. Mini.ater ,g-round. money buried HOME'OF BRIDE'S PARENTS .g-raduation, and I now a tudent last week in t. P te rsburg, PI ' . Church S,chool 9 :30 a. m. ~here a~ld With also in the sewer pro- IN LEESBURG" DEC~ 3 J at Wilm1ngton Colleg-e. with Mr. and Mr . Archie Kl ontz Nurs~ry Schoo l 10:30 a. m. Ject thiS community is ,g-ettin~ Before an arran,g-ement of ' Mr. and Mr . Davi eXPect to Tressler :Hardin ha I' turne Holy Communion 10:30 a.m. to be a veritable Fort Knox' p~lms, snapdraKons and chI' - reside in Wa ynesville. ayt IJ to ' the q niv'er it. . f The Rev. A. Chandler Crawford santhemums, in the livin,g- room Here'~ another, How many Mr. and Mrs: LoyCil DaVIS, Mr., after havtn .~ pent th ~ Christfeet of fire hose at about $1 per of the bride's parents, ,in L e ~ Bill Davis, Mrs. Josiah Davi' mas vacation witti hi. family UTICA £., U. B. CHURCH foot can the taxpayers afford burK. Ohio; Mi ~; Bar-bara Mani- and Mr. and Mrs, Gilbert Kin .~' and Lan ing: Hardin ha r SUDl·REV . .WILLIAM SHANNON to buy to replace what is des- fold, dau,g-hter of Mr. and Mr . . were amon.g- the,weddinO' ,g'1I st . ed his ~tud 'i esi n Wilmingt ' n , Sunday School 9 :30 a.m. troyed in opening up stoppe(l Walter Manifol I was united in College. ' , marria,g'e to ' M· ~. Clar "nce J. , , Mrs. James Garrison, Supt. . sewers and drain~? WAYNE GROUP HAS The. best answers submitted Davis; son of Mr. and Mr . Loyct WEST Preaching. and 3 r~ Sundays WATCH PAR"TY AT HOME Mi s Mildred Bourne, daugheach month 10 :30 a.m. to these Questiohs will be fram- Davis of Wayn esville, on Wed- OF EVERETr EARLYS' t r of Mr. and Mr. Morri ' nesday afternoon, Dec. 31 The ed a}1d pr~sent~d. to the proper impressive doubl e, J'in g- 'cere-, . Mr. and Mr. Everett Early . Bourne . f Hi,g-ginspol't, Ohio officials WIth flttmp: ·cominents WA,\ 'NESV-IUE ' mony, was perf()rmed by Rev. entertained ' the . West Wayne spent Christmas vacation with aftached. CHURCH OF CHRIST . Discussion Group to a Watch ' her sister, Mrs. Earl Woollard. Party, Wedne'sday evenin~. She .left Sunday evenin.g' for Bible School 9 :30 a.m. ~~----~------~~------ --~--~--~~----. Bowhng Green State University Af~er an exchange of ,g-ifts a deCommunion 10:30 a.m. liCIOUS lunch was .served to the ' where she will continue her' Eve~ing Service 8 :O@' p.m. , studies. , followin,g- guests: Mr. and Mr Ross Hartsock, Mr. and M rs~ 'CAESARS CREEK -FRIENDS Harvey Rye, Mr. a.nd ~rs. GilREV. DAVID, STANFIELD, Mini.te .. ;Mr. ano Delbert Conger, bert Frye, Mr. and ' Mrs. Mortis MISS ' Barbara Walker afld MI'.. Worship Service 9·:4'5 a. m. Fulkerson and Zanna Mae, Mr. Glen.n .were Friday 'S unday School· 10t45 a. m.and Mrs, ~arlan Dye, .Mr. and evenm,g- L~~bke dlhner ,g-uests-Di M -You are inyited· to worship with H--'--'-i'I~. Lawrence Brown, Mr. an 1 Mrs. Wil1iam Bunce ot'l eb~ and us. ' Mrs. Ross Roland, Mr. and Mr . anon. Harold Whitaker and Beeky. Sl. 'AUCUS liNE ' Get Your TRUCK and Father ~olb, Prieit ., LOcAL GIRL ,TO WED BUSINESS Mass 8 :00 a. m. and 10:00 a. m. WISCONSIN MAN AFTER . COMPLETING COURSE • • G N. FERRY CHURCH of CHRIST OF NURSE'S TRAINING of RALP~ .E. SrIN80N. Mini_te.. Mr. arfd Mrs. Delbert Cong-er Bjble School , 9 :30 a.m. STANFORD BOGEN .a re announcing the eng-agem'ent . MOn'ow. Ohio Morning .Worship 10:30 a.m. . of. their niece, Miss Bar.bara Prayer Meetin~' 7 :00 p.m. Walker, to Mr. Glenn Luebke of Young People s Meet,ng West 'DePere" Wisconsin. ' 'Dr. T. p~ GROSVENOR 7:0,0 ,p.m. Miss Walker is a ,g-raduate of Evening S,ervices 7 :3,0 p.m. Optometrist Waynesville High school fn the Class of '4-6 and has made her 3-35· S. Main St. Phone 10 FRIENDS borne with her aunt and l,mde FRANKLIN, OHIO First Day School 9:30 a.m. for the past several years. She IS now m her: second year of Meeting for Worship , 0:30 a.m.

The Miami Gazette .8TABLI8BBD t8ao










rr-. 1INe,1)

:a~(l a::nethical. plans, has ' no :l'lace in .the hfe of any ,COffi-:trounity. Pe:" speaking, t~ writer has ,~O X~J~vance ex· , ~pt that this CO~~ltlon effects the' community as a whole and ,for the ,sake of a better place in which to live, the citizens of this ' area should be concerned about such ,condit,ions, also. , '

, M~'



Dilatush :aui,lding - Broadway - ' L~banon, Ohio . TELEPHONE 511 .

, •."'*

A flickerin~ light an~ a bar~i. ,.cade marks a break-th.rough 10 the street in the east Hlgh s~reet 'area th is week. Last summer a l'Iivate sewer tile' was attached ' to the 'storm sewer, for ::,ume un· ' known reason. Tbis sewa.~e has' been emptyin~ out it1~t ' e~st of the last res\dence on High street much tQ the dis~us,t of the residents ' in that area~ Of c,)urse this work was, done last summer ,when the weather was hot and dig~ing a ditch was difficult. To have tapped on the main sewer would have caused a great .deal m ' re work, and, sine:e the super•ntendent of work was comfort· ably seated under the nearest shade tree it is Quite possible the

. COM' PLeT~

SERVICE ,Appropriate ceremonies .for , all faiths

STUBBS Funeral Home

LINED UP in gang Cl'a style, these fi"t' men arrested on suspicion when police answered a broadcast on Chj,cago's Nort... west. Side t.hat a "robbery was in pl'ogr..ess'.'~ldentifted by police anived. as ex-convicts. these men aUe. . C'~ t ~ f.~c when

TF., :PHONE 2281



. .

Page 3

The Miami Gazette

t.he dinner guest 01\ Saturday evenin~' of Mr. and Mrs. Rohert Chapl1)an and Mr. and Mrs. Joe Chap·man. , ' "Miss Elizabeth Chandler left 'Saturday for Hampton. Va. ' . after spendin~ the holidays with her sister, Miss Ruth Chandler.


Ohio No. 43 .C;o Thursday, January 8, 1948

Miss .Barbara Walker of the Miami Valley hospital and Mr. . GJenn Luebke of West DePere Wisconsin were Friday and Saturday ~uests of Mr. and Mrs. Delbert Con~er. . Mr. and Mrs. T. S. Hardin and family entertained to ·dinner on Friday evenin~, Miss 'Gretchen Hermanies of Mariemont a}1d Mrs. James McCormick and son, Tommy of Dayton. ·Mr. and Mrs. Harold B. Earnhart and family had as New Year's dinner ~uests, Mr. and ,Mrs. Karl Babb and son, Mr . bean Babb of Jamestown. and Mrs. Viola Hadan. Mr. and Mrs. Ross H. Hartsock and daughters ' had as week . end ~uests the laUer's sister Mrs. Blanche Baker of Cin€in~ nati. .


neWJ ',

Mr. and Mrs. Therle Jones were , New Year's Eve .e;uests of Mi. and Mrs. Lowell Thomas. Mrs., ·Mar.e;aret Johns and Paul Johns were Tuesd ay even· in~ dinner · .e;uests of Mr. antt Mrs. Donald Hadley and dau.e;hter, Donna in Waynesville. Mr. and Mrs. Calvin Lon.e;atre and children were dinner .e;uests of Mr. and Mrs. Ralph . Barger, son and dau.e;hter on New Year's Day. Mr. and Mrs., Clarence Sn]ith , were called to Dayton, Samrday by the illness of their son, ,AUen ' Smith, ,vho was taken

Mr. and Mrs. Loyd' Davis and son had as Sunda y ~ue'sts Mr. and, Mrs. Cecil M. Davis of Dayton, Mr. and Mrs. Clarence . Davi and Mrs. Josiah Davis.

sick on his mail route,. as a Cit · deliverer. . .Mr. and Mrs. Earl Mendenhall and dau,l!'hter, Patty of Tipp City spent Saturday and Sunday with the latter's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Guy Routzahn and Russell. Mrs. Everett Earl y attendett· a luncheon of the Western Colle~e Alumni in Dayton on Saturday. Mrs. Mar,g-aret Johns and Paul Johns entertained to din,ner !':Jew Year's Day, Mr. and Mrs. Robert Routson,g- of Yellow Sprin.e;s and Mrs. Ettie Surface of near Lebanon. Mr. Edmond Minser and son Jack ·and Mr. W. C. Ber,g-dall of Dayton spent Saturday in ~ytle. A: lar.e:e number of people in this community are victims of the ~rip or flu. Mr. and Mrs. Hen .y Saylor and children of Five Point are now out of quarantine after two of trye family have had scarlet feve r. . Mr. and Mrs. Everett Ea~ly visited the latter's mother ~ Mrs:

11948 Chevr.olet is Massiv~ I

J. W. Huston at Yellow Sprin~s, Misses Kathlene ·Kuebler, Wilunday. ma Ratliff, Martha Lukens, Mr. . and Mrs. Leslie Gray Gwen Harlan, Esther Watkins, were called to Independence, Ky Mary Ann . {3urton, Alberta. Barbara Hartsock, the first of the week by-tne 8F.3-flJt6 serious illness of the former's Mary Dora Hough, Betty father, Geor~e Gray, at the Thomas, Wilma Gray and I home of his dau~hter, Mrs. Norma Longacre. Fred Fisk. They report him somewhat improved at this time CINCINNATI RADIO Mr. and Mrs. Russell Camp. STATION GOES ON bell and Mr. and Mrs. Everett 24eHOUR SCHEDULE Kenrick and children were enWCKY is extendin~ ifs broadtertained on New Year's Eve at castin,g- schedule to 24 hours, the home of 'the former's bro- startin.e; New Year"s Eve. ther and wife, Mr. and Mrs This was announced by L. 8. Lawrence" Campbell at Sprin~~ . Wilson, president and ,$!erlerat boro. manaR'er, as a puhlic service for . Mr. and Mrs. Guy Routzahn WCKY's vast 39-state ni.e;htand so'n, Russell entertained to time IisteninR' audience. ' The schedule will be held ina Watch ' Party, Wednesday evenm,l!', Mr. and Mrs. J. B. tact as it is now aired, except Jones, Mrs. Mall,l!'aret Johns, from 1 to 7 a.m., when ' the · Mrs. Nettie Emri~, Mr. Paul (I~CKY Ni~hthaw~s" progralJl . Johns and Mr. and Mrs. Walter Will be heard Monday through Kenrick. A delicious lunch was Saturday. The regular i8-hour schedule wi1 be ,maintained on serv~d at! the mid-n'i~ht hour. unda y from 8 to 1 a.m. MISS Marlyn 'Hammond entertained on Tuesday afternoo n, Are we benefited by praya group of classmates to a shower for: Miss Kathlene Kue- in,l!'? Yes, the desire which ~oes bler whose marria~e to William forth hunk'erin~ after righteousBaker of' Man~field will be an ness is blessed of our Father, event of the near future. The " and it does not return unto ijS -Mary Baker Eddy honor R'uest received lovely void. ~ifts. Ice cream and cake wer'e served to the followin,l!' ~uests: • ,BBAD THE CLUSIFIBD ADS • I

Mr::,. D. C. RidR'e entertained to New Year's dinner, Mr. . and Mrs. Earl Davis of Dayton, ~" ". and Mr . Stanlev Bailey and d:lu,g-hter and Mrs. Mabel Well r Mr. and Mrs. Delbert Cong'er were New Year's Day dinner guest f Mr. and MF . S. Wil-



Ronald Hardin left Monday morning for a few weeks in Florida. . Mrs. Leo Conner has beell Quite iIl .with a thro~t infection.

:J.riendr-..JJome .D,r. and Mrs.

F. B. Greg~.

The over-all aimplicity aDd mauivenesa of the new. 1948 Chevrolet i. well Ibown in t:bia thfee.quarter view of the Fleetmalter Sport Sedan. Fenders,' boocI, body and door panell all blend; and the cteaae mouldlnc, below the windowa.lurider than that uaed in previou model•• Note the new T-lhaped c:bnrie center bar on de 'radiator grille.

MISS' Mar~aret Edwards and Mrs. ,Evalyn Peterson were New " Year s day 'dinner ~uests of Mr. , and Mrs. Charles Smart and dau~hter, Miss Gr.ace Smart in Harvey bur~. Mrs. Olive Curl returned . aturday from a visit with friends in ·ClarksviHe and Wilmin,g-ton. Dr. and Mrs. F. B. Gre,g-g were Sunday eveni!l,l!' ~uests 'of Mr. Charles lewIs and Miss Emma Lou Lewis. Mrs. James Baker and Mi~s Marcia ~aker of JJ;banon ca1!• . td on Misses Marne an Annie Br~.wn on Tuesday. Mrs. Martha. ijenderson was ...... _ -


SHERWOOD Refrigeration Sales ===== and Service ======= . PROMPT,


" Le. t • .Iee • .:le Ilgh. niake chores ea.l.r~ •• ,f er




Ralph E. Asbury (ttt)


• Modern electric lighting, indoors and out, mall.. life easier, helps you accomplish mo••. Especially duting the Season of short days, when 50 many tasks must be done without natu~al sunlight, the ' boon of electric lighting speeds w,?rk, cuts fire hazards and prevents m~ny · an accident. Good lighting enables you to see where you , at:e going" what you are doing. ~. ' . On long wi~ter evenings the whole family can .enjoy· eye-saving Cerp6ed Lamps for reading, sewing, school homework and farm account keeping. ~ All year long, ou~door lighting with carefully placed . reflector unit$ protects your home against. prowlers,'YOUl' , poultry and stock against thieves. For advice on farm iighting, c~nsult your Co~nty Ag• ricultural A~ent, or talk over your needs with the Farm Representative of The Dayton Power and Light C~m.. pa~y servina )'our neighborhood. , :"l~',l .. /-

Represd'i'tative for '





9-12 each mnmlna 1-6 afternoon • . except· . WedneMiJl4Y , eu ILDINGS

.7-9 Satur{la~ eveniml'

Other ev.mings b~' A J'P9intmen~ •



. ,






Karl D. Dakin Insurance Agency

XENIA • .oltIo ••

U4-WAY F4RM INIUa.NCE" the Ohio Fanaen will pw you ·a,. .d pratecdoo apiaat lONeS'

Til" • . ill-"NOUI O' CHAIM,·· $undfJ" .9:.10 ,. M.,

SpeciaUIt "



youe fum. It ....... JOUI bailcIia.... ,our cbIaeb, roar aatomobile aDd J'CNI" I~" for acd4eota· to qcben. WII, DOt . . _ Va .... , ..... -Se .... ,..... iDIured ia II. QIaio ,.,...,

Dr. '·C. E.Eye Wilkin




TEI..F:'P lfONE 62-R




~ ,



a.,·. IHI

PIt.a '1&3, 20 E. Mulberry, LEBANON. o.

OHIO 'A.M~.S. ____ _--OHIO








, DA~'O.


ru •• doy,

9:.10 P. M. ' ."



JJarve';j,jturg Mr. and , M r:, H,erh ert Carr entertained their Brid~e lub. Wednesday evening-. f th e The local order Grange ' met in regul ar ' s ion at the Grange Hall, 'on Mond t" evening. Funeral ervices\ were hel d on Tuesday for Mr. William Whd-




Mr. Fred B0~an of near The Miami Gazette _ Page 4 Waynesville, well known form- Waynesville, Ohio No. tU50 er resident of this community Thur day, Januar v 1:> , 1()4~ ,was admitted to Veteran's Hospital, New Years Eve, wh re he been a companic j hy a g-real will ,undergo observation. increase in the Ilumher l f rural Mr Lou Price still remains at home clluipped with " uch m( dMiam'i Valley hospital, Dayton. ern c nvenien a ck tri ' However, he is reported . to be light, tiled bath and· . h,,:vers improving satisfactorily. . and TUl1Ilin,g: water, ' SClHt F. U. Mrs'. Louise Fite and dau~h-, Ortman, chairm an f th Counter. Miss Jane Fite w' re Sunda iI' reside.ntiat c nstru tion dinner ,guest of Mi - Fite ' mmi'tk . cousins, Mr. and Mrs. Frederi k , 73. Electricitv for in tan c, h:1S Mr. and Mrs. Charle Do"ster Muthert, Jr. and dau,I.?;hter, Shir- gone into hlJn.dred of thOLl ·::tnd and daughters entertained with ley Ann and Mrs. D. H. Fite f 'o f rural dwdl\l1~" in thl . tak a. dinn'er at their ' home,. Satur- Glendale. Mr. and Mrs. Clurl,e Lind av . and oth r. ' in the North Central day evening- for the pleasure of area since 19-+0, Ortman I~ot 9. Professor and 'Mrs. H. C. Milli- 'are sp~ndin,g- a vacation \\ ith Mr. More than 5 per cent o f uch gan and Mr. and Mr. Albert Lindsay 's parent in Al burQuer- farm home n w ha 'Ii l ectri ~ Que, N. Mexico. . Reynolds and sons. lights, in contra t t 39 .4 per Mrs. Maude Medle , who j in Miss Esther Prather returned ill health, was taken to Miami cent in '1 940. to her 'home he'r'e, Sundav aft r Valley hospital, Tuesday where More than 33 per cent o f, spendin~ the holidays with , relarural dwelling in th e N rth she will und ergo speci~1 obse rtiyes in Sprln,g-fielld. Ohin. Central r gi on tacta have runvation and treatment. Mr. and Mrs. Auzwood "Bu ning water, and 22 I' CT en t ter" Martin hav return ed home have Nivate hath ~ . ae nrdiIH!' t aft I' spen iin,g' ,th e holida vs with COUNTY'S RURAL the Tile C un il rep rt. In 194 0 PROPERTY SHOWS his relatives in K ntu kyo 17.3 per cent had rUl1nin ,!!- vat · 'Mr. ani Mr ". Charle " Wetzel HUGH VALUATION and 111 t 1.3 P r " nt priv ate of New Vienna, former operatFarm property in ' Warren bath, ors of th "Reel' ation" o.n Main county is now worth more than s1. visited fri n is in th Villag $21,50 7,000, and rural home s PI' fit on th 19 48 spril1~' pi ... ' , Sunday. here and throu,l.?;h lit the tate rap will depen i t :1 ~ r c a t ex are in the b st condHi on in hL t- 'tent liP n the size of t1'l' litt r ' ory, accord ing to a report ill t and th e:! 'number ( f pi,''' ' av . COU'NT,ING ON YOU :! relea ed by til Tile Council )f Brood cn\'s need .~o o d rati 11. America. ' with a rrotein lIPJ'lL'm cnt a.n ~ More than , 6 per cent of the h ulct ~e t m' c ' r I: ' farm dw Ilin,l.?;s in Ohio and the every day. Alfal fa meal 'an 11 North Central tates ' are in ex- inclu cel in th e rati n , to pro cellent condition or ,need nly vide part of the prot in. Pi?: the' such minor repairs as painting' brooders w ill sa. pig in art v or ,g-eneral· maintenance, the rf!- litters. port revealed,. Onlv 69.9 p, r cent were in ,l.?;ood rep air in Th e 'total suppl y (f anne ti 1 940. The report wa based n is large enough t veg:etahle Bureau of Census surve y . "The rise in farm income and permit I' cord or near record property valu s since 1940 has consumptiori in 1948.

sel, aged 90, well known in this community. He is survived by a nepheW', Mr. Clyde Levicy of the Village and ' a neice, Mrs. , Joe Davis of Lebanon. Mrs. - Frederick Voltz enter- , tained ' with a misc lIaneous shower, Tuesday at her home in New Holland, complimentingMrs. Howard 'Graham, Mrs. Voltz was assisted by her moth,er, Mrs. G. M. MacDonald of the;ViIla,g-e. Several local friends f Mrs. Graham at:tended. Mr. and Mrs. H. . Tucker anq, daughter, Miss Eva! yn were . weekend houseguests of the Tuckers' son-in-law alJd dau,~l1ter, Mr. and Mrs. James Park and da'ughters of Cincinn ati. Mr. and Mrs. Albert Reynold and familv of near Wellnlan entertained the B. Y. ,F. of Jonah ' Run Church at their home SunMrs. Ida Howe and on, Mr. Harry Howe of Da yt n wer guests of friend in the VillagS,aturday. The Rev.J. P. Thornbury, pastor of JOllahs Run Chruch, IS ' ill at his home on Maple st. suffering an attac~ of in f1uenza. He was unable to be present for ,church services, Sunday.


Mr. and Mrs. James Doster of Dayton, whb have been va, cationm~ in ChicaKo, -lll. have returned .and \Vere weekend guests of their par,ents, Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Doster and the Rev. and Mrs. J. P. Thornbury. Mrs. Louise Fite and dau,l.?;hter, Miss Jane Fite; in company with Mrs.,e Waterhous'e were' Saturday afternoon guests of Mr. and Mts. Loren Wooley at the country home n Route





First time offered . . .


:The tANTZ Rolling Cutter,only $23.80


Get this Cbampioa-ieed Culler-aad Tume at a Bargaia Price


Planet ,Jr. Tractor Dunham Tra,c tor Dis(:' and Garden Tractors



Harveysbur.g~ ' Ohio

Dial 2834 Save on Bread, Meat and Eggs


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STOKE'S DAIRY , , , "MEADOW GOLD Products" , P"one 21 LEBANON, OHIO '


' e~entative , )

FAA II' .'tIUNIAY " ,..l'f '

~lADQIIAIITEA~~ . ,; .






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LAMPS (Floor and 'rable)



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"Hard-To-Get" Items




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'PHONE 2354


, ~RA~K





.HOME .' FUR'N ITURE Phone CO. . 912R


"Eat Maia Street at Whiteman"



Pag 5, TlJe Miami Gazette W,lynesv iIle, Ohio :S. 4350 Thursday, .'anu arv 1 ~48 THE HOME TOWN P-APER S ub J11 itt~d hy M r '.





Letters To The Edit~r, Phoeni. , riz. Jan.' I , I l) ~' ~ Dear Floyd: 1 h utei' talk al Jut th . \\lea th er - clear, Ilu e ' kie, Lia \" , when sun bUh ar in order and peop le bathe in th e po I f th swank resort, and n,ight · whet') blankets are nece sary for :t ,nice r.estful sleep- but the weath r can' wait until ~ me time in ih future. Let' talk about au an 1 the Miami Gazette. Carefully we I' a 1 yo ur pap ~r . We have notect with adm iration the job 'yo u ct ne In 1I pouting pro~r css i ve m ov ments in the c mrnul1it '. \ V ' v k ' l"' t up on birth.s, 'partie, death ', transfers of PI' p rt y, 1l1arri 'l .~'e · and ball scores thrO ug:h you anLi your pap'erz a!1d I d mean Y(~ L1r paper. So..far I have een no 111-

When the l:v~n in meal i- vcr an' th e dis hc- jJ ut aW ' l Y. An' y u -dtle dO\ 'n to st rc yo ur mind , with ha ppen in of th e day. ' Co mes a peaceful feeli n' 0' cr yo u, hr ushin' from vo ur facl.: a frow n, As yo u 'can the we kl y pap er from yo ur ol'h ome tow n. It tells yo u all abo ut wh 's si k an' those wh come an' ?:o, Likewise the co nlin ' v~nctll e at the farm of JalJez .towe, The burnin " f th e cider mill bel nR:in ' to "Hub" Brown, . Get s a write..;up in ' the pap er fr om yu ur 01' h0111 t wn. Th r ain't an enter.ta itlmcnt (II' a meet in' where they pra • But what ,I knew about it tl1 0 1lgh I'm Iivin' far away. If the ch icken'-pox i i'a,e:in or the mumps is .~oi n ' run' I peruse it in the pap -r 'fro m my 01' home town. read th e mornin" papers ,1IlLi the even in' paper, to , An I sometimes pick a novel up an sort of skip it thr u,e:h; But when I want some' p.a urn . which n where else is f un' I unwrap the little pape,r from my '01' home twon. They say our ,good an' had deeds are recorded up on hi,g-h, .. So that God can clas ify u when it comes our time t

GNew Year'. Day.

2-Georola enten Union. 1788. 3-Postal banksestabUshed. 1911.



S-Capl John Smith captured, 1608.


If that be true, I know a man ' who's ,g-oin,g- to wear a crown. _ He's the ,g-ent who runs' th~ paper in my 01 ,home town. '

LEITER BOXFirst we want to pay our re- . ' spects to Orphan Annie's "Joe Christmas." . We are thankful for those who h'ave the courage to stand up for the Golden Ruie, etc ' " • Also, ~r readina Mr. Bur, t:; t ... d· me s contnuu IOn, we wondered how it would be if everyone would ~rite about the pleasures . own parti. d f rom th elr receive · It ld cu Iar occupa t Ion. wou make good readin,g- and likely "loads of fun" for the writer if, in the . last anal.ysis, all thralls were found to be thrills. . I:, a INo dou bt th e numenca phabetical . con ~ 10m era t e (NAC) is significant and eaSily articulated by "Walt" but to who are not '''hams'' they are a tax on our palatal, dental and lobial waves ( ? ). We rna y even take them to be picture-writin,e: ' a.nd dub W8Ze~ as W,ait (!) Sieze V, alIowin,g- it to stand for Victory, Vision or any thinJ?: that pleases US. Vacation, nti,g-ht be the mo t p. I Howevesr It·rS~ ar. , VI e T'hank You 'WTY)

4-lsaac Newton born. 1642.

I-New Mexico admitted to union. 1912. '-Atlantic t.lephon. opened. 1927. 'W I N _

• our -' __' ! ( . ' ' ' ' you IClIud .... 'rW,"" will.


-01,.., 1.1_

._-- •


IAKOAllY I-&ttle of New Orleana, 1815.

t-Carr\. ChaPman Catt. ~. 1859. .



"'-JttiltiPM I~A~.lIci Earhart ~ Pacific: 1935. Il-Plebl8dte 01".. Saar to - Germany. 1935. I.....B.nedlct Ar,noldborn. 1741.


A clay loam soil may hold over 300 tons of watet per acre, in 'its surface but more than half of that water adheres so closely to soil particles that plants cannot use it.

Ii-Alabama ~ -=slon oftIJnanoe. 1851,

WAN TED ! Your Name here Mr ~dvertiser as a sponsor' (If thiS weekly feature. Inquire ' about the low raies·. New -Almanac each wer-k


COLUMB,US, O. (SPECIAL)Pta nting the right seeds at the! 'right ·times will help Ohio farmers! , to raise .the larger crops required in 1~48 to supply the needs of thiEl country and abroad, according W, Dr. David F, Beard, extension ag·, ronomist at Ohio State University. Helping toward that end is this new adaptatiOil map and chart compiled by the Ohio Agricultural Ex. periment Station and the Ohio State University Agricultural Ex.. tension Service. Each Ohio farmer , can tell quickly ' the best seed 'va.. rieties for his part of the state . Recommendations are based on ex .. tensive tests by Ohio's agriculturall 'specialists and by farmers in thE! field. To guide fa rmers in ttie propel' selections 'of best adapted crop .va~ rieties, the state has been divided ' into seven areas, as shown by thE! drawing in the next column. ThE! best available' hybrid corn, oats" soybeans, clover and winter wheat are indicated for the various sec .. tiona for planting in 1948. The terms "short season," "mid,· season" and "full-season" as applied to good com land in an average season are used to indicate the time required for any hybrid 0 . reach maturity in the particular To determine the co,r red corn hybrids; oata. lioybcans, clover. winarea, with due recognition to thl~ influences of soil productivity, sea- ter wheat and winter barley to plant. locate your farm on the map above sonal conditions; and manag.e ment and check its area number in the table below , -rhe table lista the best hybrids and varieties ' for each area, The information was prepared by activities. ' Rel,a tive maturity of -va rious, Ohi4l) the Ohio Agricultural ~periment Station. the Agricultural Extension· hy.brids is shown 'by the letters M;, Service and the {nited -States' J.)epartment of Agriculture. cooperating. K, W, C and L, the j'M" hybrids - - -- .- - --- ... - - ---- .. - - - ' - requiring .least time, to mature with AREA CORN H \' BRIUS RECOMPtIEND~D the others progressively later at l-(Short-Seaaon) none; (,Mid-Beason) Ohio .M34, M20, M 16i (Full intervals of about three days beSeason) Ohio K24, K23, and K86. j tween each letter group~ , 2 and 8-(Short-Season) Ohio M34, M2Q, M15; ,Mid-Season) ·Ohio "FuI1 season" seed requires ear1:2 K24. J{,36. K23; (Full Season) Ohio W36. W46. W17. Iowa 939" planting, and "short 8~a80n" seed Ohio W30. WlO. ' ' . . " .' .-lShort-Season) . Ohio K24. K36, ,K28; (Mid-Season) Ohio W86, should be used to insure a matul:e crop from late plantings. . , W10. W80. W17. W46., Iowa ~89; (Full Season) Ohio C3B, Iowa For winter wheat, the varietie!s 0&069, Ohio C12• . Butler, Thorne; T~mbull, an~ Ful6-(Shon-Seaaon) Ohio WlO. W36, W30, Wl?, Iowa 939. (Mid- ' hio are good lQr all areas except Seaaon) Ohio C12, cas; Iowa 4059; (Fun Season) Ohio L86, U, s. . the . extreme southwest where 18. . , ] Thorne Is not recommended. ' 6- (Short.Season) Ohio WIO, Iowa 939, Ohio W86' (Mid-Season) Kentucky No. 1 and Ohio No.1 Ohio C12. Ohio C3B, Iowa 4059; (Full Season) U. S. 18. Ohio 1.,86• are recommended· varieties of win7-:-(S~C?rt-Season) U. S" 13: (Mid-Season) fndiana 750; (Full Season) ter barley for all seven area&. 'In :l!1ftu~ ' . ' the case of o~ts, CHnton and Early plantmgs of' 9hlo K36, lowa.939, and Iowa 4059 should be aVOided, are approved for all areas except where European corn borer is 8 serIous hazard. , , the southern WINTER WHEAT Earlv,ana·, ' ( Full Season) RlchCI section, There Columl." bia and inton are advised. 1 to 5 - Butler, Thorne. TrumbUll , land. . For soybeans, the recommended Fulhio. 2 to 5- (1'0 l'rqlOede Winter Wheat) varietie~ to , precede winter wheat 6-Butler , Trumbull Fulh lO Earlyana. Richland; (Full Seaare Earlyana In the e'xtreme northThome. son) Lincoln . east, Earlyana and Richland in 7-Butler. Trumbull. Fillhio. 6 - (To Precede Winter Wheat) most -other portions. RicMand alone '"' WINTER HARLEY: Richland: (Full Beason) Lincoln. 7 - (To Precede ·Winter Wheat) is suggested in the southern part, I to 7 ~ Kentucky No I , Ohf() No Richland , Linooln ; (Full Season. ' I and Richlan,d , and Lincoln 'fn tbe ' . OATS Lincoln _ , extreme southwest. For the fulll 1 to 5-Clinton. Wayne~ , kED (;LOV~,R ~ se~on, the recommended ,soybeans 6 and 7-Clinton. Columbia, are Richland In the northeast and ~ f.'MOTHY 1 to S- Van Fossen Midland. 'l 4-land. Van Fossen. Midland. CumberLincoln for all the rest of the statE!. 1 to -Lorain. Although Hawkeye' 8O,beans and 6 and " ·-Marietta. 5- Van Fossell. Midland. Ajax oats have been added to the ' SOYBEANS 8 and 7 - CumbPrlanrl Kentucky recommended 'lat:; seed-- 215. will not be generally available for - ...-- - - -- -- - - -- -_. -0- ,_ .1948 plantings, and they have thereThe reeo. mmendatio~. for seed /. will plant evenly with the proper tore been omitted tro~ the table ,corn show C()n8Iderabl, more varla- planter prates. This mea,n. tttat the below. . , " tion ~ording to se,.tion and lea ' farmer can plant an average !)f Recommendations on red clovelr IOn, ' and these ~r~ given in detail eight to ten acres per bushel with are · Van Fossen and ,Miciland fOlr in the chart. · small s~e~. 81 ' eompared to seven the northern half with the addition In View ot the limited supply of ,qr eight ,acre! with larger 8ize., ()f Cumberland in the ~ntral ~ , ~It adapted hybrids, Or. Bearo and secure the lame vield/' the tion. In the lOuthem part. Cumber , ' points out the possibilities of plant, 10hio State agronomist SaYs land and Kentuck7,216 are adviseo illl an extra acre with each bushel ~ Lists of growers of Ohio Certl. ' In the case of timothy. the Lora;'! of seed through the use of smallt'r ' ned seeds of all tbe recommended variety ,geta approval tor central seect.. , varieties are ayailable through anp northem Ohio. and Marietta in ",Drilled or checked. the smaller courty agricultural eden.h," t h~ Routhern part. " atsea of Ohio ~rtified hybrid seed agentt'l '


,tI I


To Buy, Sell, Trade:' Rent, Borrow, USE.







------~;;ii~~------~iiF~M~.~ .•.--,~--.-----~~~;.. - )~,~S~U~N~.~I~I--~----~--~M~O~N~.1~.2~~W~E·b~.~1~4----------~T~H~U~S~.~15~-

• wtn



with JAMES STEWART, ~ DIETRICH, Miseha Auer an


.' . ,.. Gable, as you h~e hIm, ndlculm~

D'd .I k ,you ever see a glr ma'e a l'u:1

Destry RidesA(J~- t i~;i~;~i;;~ r~j¥j~~~liri'A'C-


A large scale Western of frontic:r t1 . Is, packed 'f ··· "f forceful entertainm I


lanu'a ry 1948

Doainy. Added: Color Cartoon ancf . ,


F~aturi~able. Deborah Kerr, ' and Keenan Wyan.. Also: Latest News. '

(Technicolor) Starrin~ Esther WiUi~, AlUm Tamiroff, Ricardo MODWbaa. _ Added: cartoon.

of ~nt and 99 centS worth' of pulidt utiij:t') services. Government economists believ~ the American dollar will ,row in pUI'chasing ~~er in the months and years ahead, but will never get back all of its 1989 value. They rather expect the avelrage worth of the dollar in the 1utur~ will be about 80 cents as compared with the purchasing power of the '1939 dollars.

• • •

With a Bu;c!~ey. lr.- Congr.ess••• .~

cuu..c. c...n-. 7.

J•••0 . . .

iI-'!r ••



The second regular session of the 80th Congress co~vened on Tuesday of this week. It Will be one of

'. the most imPortant Congressional sessions in many years, during whieh legisla~ive action must be taken ,.on many grave national problems. Among the more important measures which will come before this ses. sion of Congress are: The bill to make effective the so-called Marshall Plan; legislation to curb inflation; the tax reduction bill; the universal military training bill; amI' legislation to extend reciprocal trade agreements. There are also many. other less important tegislative problems which must be conBidered and solved during this session of Oongress.

• • •

While the Administration is trying to DUDlllllze its effects, the revelations of the market operations by the Assistant Secretary of the Army and former Treasurer of the Democratic National Committee, Ed Pauley, and of the White House :Physici~n,-lJrig. ~D. Graham, as well as 'other Gevernmerit oUieials, has dot:le President Truman's prestige no good. It is reported tha't even more -startling financial operations by Government "insiders" is to come Soon. .

• •••

The announcement' by Henry Wallace th~t he will be an. independent ,candidate ~or rreslident on a "Third Party" ticket has the politicos of Wasbington especially, and of the · nation generally, all "a-twitter." The :pemocratic and Administration bigwigs, who· tried · so desperately to l)revent the WallJlce action, are now saying his can.a idacy will mean nothing. ~owever, most unbiased observers here predicting that Mr. Wallace get sufficient votes in 8> number of crucial S~t«~s-such as New . York, California, O1inois and Penll1sylvaniato make the defeat of Mr. Truman certalin. Wallace, having been Vice President under Roosevelt, and Cabinet Member under both Roosev~dt and Truman, has sufficient inside information on botb New Deal Administrations ·as to make him a most dangerous political factor-especially if he decides to speak out. While Wallace may not be able to take with him all the radical votes that have been g'o ing to the Democratic candidates in recent years, he will un. doubtedly have . the support of a great proportion of them.



and ,Krandchildren in Berlin; At 9 :00 I called D4AEP and turned it over and there was D4AEP sayinK W8ZCV you are 05S8 over here in Berlin and thanks a million for the trouble (which it wasn't). 'A two hour and 45 ~inute qso was th ~ result. It was Ch~istmas eve there. Now you grandmothers call realize how it would be to hear your granddaughter cooin,g- for the first time ~nd 'realize sh e was 400d' miles a~vay. / It did the same to me. 1"11 have to fl:dmit to a weakness in my nature. It was almost a two-handkerchief sh0'6' I'm ~lad .I was alone over the * in the shack. I thank God I was instrumental in makin~ families in two continents happy on Christmas eve. It was the 4 3 rd wedding .anniversary of the grandparents, too. We are tr. 1hR' it again. . Wen, I've got states on 75 meter phone and the other mornin,g- at 5 :00 a.m; 1 had a .roundta1::>le with five states. Ohio, West Vir~inia, J1Iinois, Wisconsin and Indiana, all at the same time. Visitors this week were Bill Menzies, W8ZM E, a~ed 16 and Jim Morrisette, W8BAJ, a~ed 17, and tile father of tJie boy in Berlin and his brother, Donald Schramm came to visit'me yesterday afternoon . "Dad" Schramm said they sure enjoyed the trip to Berlin. We had a very pleasant visit. Doc couldn't make it because of a back injury · but he is Koin,e: back ' t Bethany, W. Va. this week end so the folks are talking of coming down here ' about every two weeks and talk to both Doc and the bay in Berlin. It's 97 miles. The old 75 meter transmitter cau~ht lfi re and burned so I've got to build another for the

The Miami Gazeit '] Page 6 Wayne&ville, Ohio NQ. 41 So Thursday, .Januar_" 8, 1943 last Scedule with ,D4AEP next W ~dnesday. ' Well, that's about all except HAPPY NEW YEAR. May it . brinK health and peace of mind 'to everyone of you each and every d'ay of the new year. . 73 es 88 es BCNU Walt .

While this is bein&, written before the Congress convenes, it is rumored that tne President's budget Wit.h so many helps t make l'equest for the new fiscal year, w.hich begins July cookinK fa ster and easit:: r, so 1st next, will be right at the ' forty billion dollar many thin!{s to ~ iv e u l1ett r mark, or for two and one-half billion dollars more entertainment, is it any wo nder t han his budget request of last year, and for more that th e modern tre nd IS toward .t han four times as much' as was spent in any peacea ~ood cleaning ervice? t ime year under President Roosevelt, or by any preOurs is the type of cleaning for which you've been 10 6 kin~. One ceding President. The Congress cut the President's. trial will pr ve its merits and , budget request for thirty-seven and one-half billion economy. ', dollars last year by approximately three billion dolIf Government experts are correct in their estilars. , At that time ' it was being hoped and predictmates the cash income from air.culture will be $29,ed the bJ1dget for this coming year could be ·held 900,000,000 in 1948 as compared to $30,300,, to around thirty billion, or even less. However, . if 000,000 in 1947. •Wages and salaries will be $127,the President's budget request for the coming year 000,000,000 in . ~48 as compared to $121,QOO,is for forty billiQn doUars, it will be difficult to cut 000,000 last year, with the average liourlly earnings ten billion from it, especially when the Executive 'of factory workers being $1.~2 per hOql this year Branch of the Government fails and refuses to coas against $1.22 in 1947. 68,800,000 civilitLns will be operate in all economy efforts. However, sizeable gainfully employed in 1948 as against Iln average ~eductions , Will undoubt~dly be ma4e. of 68,000,000 last year. Total persQnal jncome for American citizens is expected to reach , $204,000,000,, 000 this ~ar as compared with $1971,000,000,000 : . , ~ /.:'- . As we . sta~t the New Year ~f 1948, it may be in. 'r\~- ' teresting to, note that . the American dollar which last .yea)", But here is the rub: The COB,t Qf living ~ ;;:::""" ... in 1948 will be at the iJidex figure of 132 per cent -.,-..-;------:;lIIr-~ ~ .:.:.--,,--:,:.::-..,...-_w_as worth one hundred cents during 1939 is only worth 60 cents today. Of course actually the buying as compared with the 1926 (taken as a normal year) ' " m ~ 1I/~ p9wer Qf ,the dollar today depends on. the commodi- . figure of 100 per cent and the 1947 figu", of 126 per cent. The wholesale price level is expected to ~ ties or 'services purchased. It will buy only 49* cents worth of food as compared with 100 cents reach 163 per cent of the 1926 figure. Remember aQ lA r, UU worth in 1939; or 54 cents worth of clothing as com- these 1948 figures are all estimates 81nd , many pared with a full dollar's worth in 1939. On the economists predict a break in prices and business . ~C U' ~ ~ • . other hand it will buy approximately 92 cents worth ~ctivities before the )"eRr ' is over. ~~?


• • •


6N IIIN t, 6!

CO de

8ZCV .

dication (jf your chan~in,g- the 'I f t The QSO I told you about with course that you believe to be ' 'VY ' Germany is now past history. corr~ct to appea?e' any public by ,Walter G. Burdine At 8 :45 a.m. WeQnesday, W8W II I h t . ,f ZCV called ' W8UNSlf) at Port.official or advertiser and to me e, been opeunable Do,many did that 's the most adml'rable tral't' haven't to 0Ket'you a- 1~n, n. He answe:re d an d a II of ' a publisher; bout after havin~ such a festive arrangements were made 1here Because my job deals '!Vith all dinner Christmas day. It~s too for a party with the cHildren towns and . ~ommunities in Ari- bad the whole world can't be .as zona outside of P.heonix, I get lucky as we are here in A~eri­ copi~s of. all weekly papers cate . I won't , Strange things, pop up on the .-.,-- ---'-- -pUblIshed III tlt~ say that the MiamI Gazette I~ .air. wav~s here ou-ce in a while . the best weekly pape~ I see e~ch like the. QSO I had . wi!h "f eek . Some of these .pubhca- fellows 10 Wayne, Mich. the tloons have. a~ many as .ten em- Qther morning at 5 :00 a.m. " pi y~s asslstm,l( the edltqr anti Three amateurs in Wayne, Call p~bltsher: . I '!VIII say, thoug-h., W,ayne Cou.nty, Mich. talkii1~ to . t at fo~ smc~ntvof purpose anl' a fellow in Waynesville Wayne c. E. MICHENER down-f1Kht mterest In the com- T . h' h' II ' f' PhOne 2926 munity, you have them all beat. owns ·Ip, 0 10. A out, 01 'I'm sure many others share this _W_a_y_n_e_._~---:-_ _ _ _"",,:,",~_ opinien. That deal about public officials~ Floyd, I wouldn't let it floor me. Waynesville is probably the only town in the' country where people run for office are elected, then try to Kive the NO MA!TTER HOW WIDELY opinion that they are doin~ the family circumstances may :vary to~n. a favor by holdin~ qffice. in personal or financi:ll requireThiS Isn t meant as sarcasm it's ments, McClure service .offers a fa~t. And when one of them asks .,y'ou to stick to facts. t" "" ett1cient and kindly co-operation ~ext time do just , that an i d hI' to all. IOto the job he is doinO' as a . publi~ .official: That mig'ht make some mterestm,g- readin~, if you , l~ on't spare the facts. . There, now vou see t' sholll ti ,have ,. stuck to talk ahout th e ,weather .- it's so much m (' r~ pleasant. ER~· t '· Sincerely, . John S. Turner WAY N E S Y It L E. ,0 " 'I ~D


-. . ~





desire for safety stands . ,.. " ,"s.t. every great and nohle , e:l terpn e. -Tacitus '

- V .-;-

"J ~ ~ ...... .

YOU Can 8tUi Join Olir i 948 Christmas ·Cub TODAY! What.a boon that Christmas €Iub check is to your .Christmas . shopp1Og. Be sure you'r.e on our mailing list tor Novem'bl!r 1. 948 by starting your d~posits NOW!

Deposit Each Week lD Our Christmas Savings Club $ .~5 $ , .50 $1.00 $2.00 $5.00



1, \)

* *




'ftIIS IS A FREE SERVICE TO YOU J oining this Club costs y.ou , nothillg; We;! presem its advanta .~·cs to you as a fnendly bank servi'ce because we appreciate your continued gbo~iwi11. The next Club began Dec. I, date of the first weekly p'ayment. and on Dec. 1, t <)48, you receive a check for alI th~ money you deposited throughout the year- in time to do your Christmas shopping early! You can still start your Christmas Savings Club TODAY!

The Waynesville National Bank



• •

Page 7, The' Miami Gazette · \ .. Waynesville, Ohio No. 4350 Thursday,




'u)OKrNB · A8GAIJ GEORGE S. BEN SON Pmitltll(--""Jiltl (olltlt

St'rrl. ),1••,.,

MAR'RIAGE LICENSES T{)rrence KirkpatriCk, 24,Waynesville • . 6n lCt! . manager, Hazel Hadd'ox, 28, Waynesville, factory worker. John William Innis, 22, Foster~ assembler. Betty Jean Brandenburg, 21, Love land, switch~ board operator. K-enneth Manning, 20. Foster, buffer , Ruth ·Clark, 23, Kings Mills, factory worker. Alfred Thomas; Jr. 23 , Lebanon, factory worker, Elizabeth Tripp, 21, Lebanon. . Blair Snell, 30, Mason, welder, Mary: Amelia Deerwester, 35, Loveland. . Clarence J. Price, 24, Harveysburg , factory worker, Laura Ellen Pickering, 19, Lebanon, clerk.

Metishia Frederick, vs. JameiB Roy' Moore vs. K'e nneth Horn, Es tate of Robert L.' Lehman, ,. Frederick. divorce, gross neglect cause dismissed without record dec'd, Sarah Lehman. ~ecutrix of duty, Carl Abaecherli. a nd, with' prejudice in motion of inventory hearing set for Jan. Hollis Gordon Ballinger vs. Carl plaintiff. uary 12 at 10 ; estate exempt f rom Thompson, declarat ory judgement:, Es ther Ruth Tatman, minor v . inheritance .tax. H~ Z. Gray and Meryl B. Gray. ~mar Ra Ta·t man divor ce to'--_..............,a te_of Jam es A . Gould, dec'd, Wilbur Zimme rman vs. Roberl~ plaintiff, plaintiff restored to gross value of estate is $38,457.10. a nd Lola l"8ust and The Winters m a iden name. Estate of Rudolph St . . J oh n, Nat ional Bank i nd Trus.t Co., par·. . . dec'd , Jewell St. J ohn a ppointed tition, Young and Yoong and C. PROBATE xecutrbc Donald Dilatush. . .Estate of Charles Carroll Eulas. Estate of S. M. Magg, dec·d. Helen Maag a ppointed ad min i. tradec'd, Charters Maple, executor inventory hearing set for January trix giving bond wit h sUl'etie in COMMON PLEAS 12 at 10; cer tain stock to be sold Sum of $2,025 . . Bett y Jane Girton vs. Glenn M. at pr ivate sale. E sta te of Emma F. Smith , dec'cI. Girton, cause dismissed without · . r ecord and without prejudice, costs paid. John Lorentz VS. Clarence Jones defendant granted · 30 days in which to plead. Madelene Lorentz, guardian vs. . Clarence Jones, def.endant granted 30. days in which · to plead. In the matter of the transfer of .funds of the Trustees of Clear.. creek twp. transfer' of funds from general funds to road and 'bridge THEY WILL BE CONTINUED fund ordered. FROM NOW ON, EACH Berneda. Puskett vs. Elijab FRIDAY NIGHT Puckett, cause .dismissed without l'eeord and without prepudice, costs paid.

C~pita1ists "Soak the Rich" used to be quite a popular slogan in som., quarters. Whether the same words are used today, the same .idea stiJ1 appeals to a large number of people. The plan put forward by these folks boils down to one main issue: limit the incomes of citizens in the high bracket. and divide it among' the other people. By putting more money .in the hands of more people they hope to attain a greater prosperity. However, this economic Utopia NEW SUITS theory runs afoul of econo) : fact F rancis Eustis vs. Corwin Fre d: and economic law. Its basic platfor money ohly amount claimed, form is hinged on the idea that most $8,000, ~aple and Maple. of the nation's money is held by a comparative few. A greater mls· conception is hardly possible. In the light of sound reasoning and cold · statistics, the a'b surdity of this notion is obvi ous. No other civilization has seen a more equitable. distribu~ . tion of wealth among 'its people. Tile People's Money For example, a tabulation of income tax returns for 1942 shows the tull impact . of the results ' of ·our American ·system. In that year the group of individuals receiving income of less than $5 jOoo annually; representing 9~ per cent of tpe country's population, paid 1~7 per :cent ' of aU federal personal ll'lCOme taxes. This, too, is the grolipwhich since 1931 has averaged at least 88 per Meatless Tuesdays can be taken cent of the nation·'s annual income. care or with a nourishing dish of lI1' comparison, aome 1,321,000 low-cdst 8paghttn TUfla ' OasBer'ole. people reported incomes in. excess Put 1 tb,p. ,aU into 3 qt,. boiling of $5,000 during the same year. This tOater. Add gradually 6 oz,_ Ipaghet1I'0up-approximately " per cent of tI, bOlIlhg for abOut 12 mins. Drain, the population-paid 53 per cent of rlnae. · .WhUe spaghetti ia cooking, all federal personal income taxes. ~x ~ cup chopped omon. % CUP In the above-$5,OOO group, only 22.3 chopped green pepper, 114 cup.· conp'e r cent of their income came from "6",64, tomoto 10tt" %. WOrC~8. int~re$t, dividends, rentl, royalties, ter.Mre Ba1U16. I lIP. ,alt, % ellP and 4duciaries. 'lbll iI a far cry . flaked . tUM (7-OZ. e&Q). . ~ Cup tram the well' worn "coupon clip. 01'ated American chee.e and-! hardpers'; line of att!lck of radical boiled diced egg. in % cup water. planne'ts. Fold in !Spaghetti. pour into greased , All Groups Share 1% Qt. casserole and bake In moder· Curiously etlotJgb,---the lower in· ate' oyen (350 0 ) 26 mlns... aerv1ng~. come groups are far from being the underdog in distribution of income Leftover pound cake. too dry to tram ' these sources. The aboves' e rve as la, can be allce~', fried In a $5,000 group was responsible for 37 buttered skillet ' a low flame. per cent of all income from interest, both sldea and serve wlth_ Brown dividends. and fidu9iaries. while the jelly_ below-$5.000 group pocketed 6S per cent 9f the income from the same It takes much more gas to keep lources~ The lower income SfOUpS an uncovered vessel. bolUq. If you bve a large stake in the ' nation'. tum the flame to the low"t pOint. buainesl and industry. tbat wit} ~eep ~er~ eonten~ bon· If these planners could limit the ID' eo~'tn..oual' With a great deal . income I of aU individuals to .$10,000 lesl COlt on the tu~l bit.. before taxes and other fixed charge., lome $5.2 billion would be I~ t .... :tamllT ~ '1aJe I~DI ..ome avenable for dlspoibution to the for dluer, MU ~ ean be "Iur income people. Representing put I. the r~arleCJ haii full. little more than 4 ~ cent· of ~ with bot water. aJid kept hot oyer Ilational Inbome, it wouleJ amount to low lame: M"b8d POtatoes ' can be only ~ per capita-provided, of turnecllnto a eauerole. dotteci with cour.e. ~at ther~ had been n~ ecobutter or marprlne, tben popped nomic 'or financial' loss in the procinto a medlum·heated oven. .Juat .,. e.. of ·rediitrlbution. Thil would be' a ,costly pric~ to . fore servtng give tl;lem 'a quick stir. pay for the destruc'tion 'of incent~ve. If y~u bave ,pancakes ~dY ' f6r . whlch would inevitably follow. Most the table and bd no Iyrup .an the "venture" capital would disappear. shelf. ·mlx cream wltb bOllq and Since this is the source ot all indus.u~ 1n place of_the "':~P. trial pr.o gress, . the ! immediate and ' certain result would be a breaking down of the national econo{llY, a reduction of national i"come I\nd of AUCTI,O NEERING , individual income. Freetlom 01 the " . STANLEY and KOOGLER individual and bts unlimited mcenBROKERS LICENSE , ttv. for sain are dependent on e~ch For Oat ••. Phone 2h94 Wavnesville •. other. Thil 'way, everYone benefits. Ohio. Rev ...e Ch ...g . .

. 140 Million




M.'. Bi,

.. * * . of



Visitors at milkin.p: time may re-


dULe the amount ot milk obtain ,·d from the d airy h ~ rd.


E:.O, SCOTT . Representing Weo~eimer & .Company Members New York Stock Exchan.'res and other . r-egis~ered Exchanges ~nvestment

Trust SIaarei BIHI.\!'ht - Sold - Quoted

Ph one Waynesville 2530 . DaytOD AD3257


. SERVICE"" . Sherwood Refrigeration Sales & Service has added

to its staff a competent washin~ machine mechanic. We are offerin~ the same prompt, efficient service on washin~ machines that OUf customers are experiencin~ with our refrigeration service.


Appealing to Every Member of Your . F.mily.! on tI W hoi. Year of Reaa;n, Plea".·.!


TIllS .IEWspl'tB· (.1 y_pr) AND


** *




* * *

ResuIned at' PEER'S' LONESOME PINE Fri. ' Jan. 16, '48

tFor8 •BCtth 'aMOUS ~GAmtES N.w........r. and



$5- lO .

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('N~ws & Views) .. 1 \'1.

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Any Magazine Listed and This Newspaper,

Both for Price Shown o Amertc:aD Girl .....__•_ _..$1.50 o Amerla.a Rome 11•.0 o Boy'. LICe ............ 5.10 o CalUng AU G l d a . t . 8 5 o CUd LIfe ............ :11•• [J Oll'dtWa IknJcI I." o ~et --................: .' o CouaU'J' GallJeman (5 Yn.)_ :t5O DEcUde



I ••

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a Flower Grower ............ 2.95 D Front Pace Detf!di.e..---,-o lailcIe Detedift ........_ _.15 oo Judy" JaCk II JW.....................11.40 (Newa Be VJews) ___ !I.oo o Modem Romances ....... ..15 o Modcm Saem .............._._ 2.15 o Movies in RevJew.................~!1.45 ~5

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This Newspaper, I Yr. AND 3 BIG 50 MAGAZINES .

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o Reader's Digest ................_..... 4.25 o Redbook Magaune ......~...._" 5.50

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.§"A .

o o


Screen RomanCei .................... 2.75 [] SpOrt ..............:........_......._ ...~. 5.50 .Irk . . "X" B""" the • a .. ',.... CII, Lilt Mil I,",,,, ,.'th C...... Spotta Afield .........-~ ......... _:._. 2.50 o The Homemaker ............_...... 5..45 [) 'lbe Wom~ ..........._....._ .. __ 3."5 . ..... FILL IN AND MAIL True Romance .:_ .._ _ 2..50 TO THIS NEWSPAPER 'TODAYI True Story ............... _.__..... 2•.50 . C,..clt m",tI{;"f!J tlf!s;rf!tl tIJIJ f!nclos . ...ilT; COMpon. o U. s. Camm..............._..~ U5 Gentlemen: I udOll .$.........................~... PIe.. lead me the o Walt Dim"'. ComlCl. __._ 2.P 01... dleded, "'tb a ,eu's IUbeatpdem 10 ,ear paper. Your.1Jfe ..............:.:............_ . M5 NAMI! ...................". .................................................. ___........~....... . . . . . . . . . . .Wlal STRUT OJt R .•.D.........._ ....._.._ .............................._ •. 1 'UI, . ! I I TID SHIWI


o o




The Miami Gazette Page 8 Waynesville, Ohio No. ·n ,~ O Thur day, Jal'lu,ary 8, 19 48

Nation's ,First Lady. P ~cd a es ¥l hite House to Save Food

One hunched hen. wh ich are la ying- an avera,ge of 1 0 e~,gs. per day are pro duci n ~ th e e ,(!~ . at a cost f $2 .38 ce nt per d zen. Another 10 hens a,vera,g- . in,l?: ~o eg~s a da y would pro - I duce them at a cost' of 3 7 cents per doz·en. LiR,'hts us~d to lellR,'then the day to 14 hours and w t mash fed at noon are two of th " chea~)e st ways to induce hen ' to increase e,g,g production. Alfa 'h ha y cut feed cost .



No f es r cnmmission In tere t rates are low-40/0 (3) Pa all or part anytimeStop interest on portion paid. Call - write - or see ( 1)

(2 )

On 5 ,g-eneral livestock farms in western Ohi o. th e own ers spent an a vera~ e ,of $ 704 'for new 'tools and macbinerv in 1946 and paid 'O ut an average of $ 300 for ~as and oil. M :1 r l, ine hire and auto expense av er:a~ed $4 45 ' on the same farm s. . rnvestmenls in lanel h" jldi n I! ~ . and fences av e ra .~ t: d $49 on th ose farms.


us for ·Insurance. All types of Insurance at a savings. Can Francis Gene Brown, phone WaynesviHe 2935 'or call collect. Wilmin~ton 2111. Real Eltate For ·S al...... IP YOU HAVB A PROPBRTY OR Jl'ARM TO SJaLL

oau or

Wrtte ·

Oon Hendenon, T81. KB:N4I. .., Lorain Aft., Dayton, Oblo. tie

CHINA-CUT' GLASS FOR SALE- Handsome Gifts. China 'Fea Service, 'China plate's and Cut Glass dishes. . Mrs. Peterson, Friends Horne W.aynesville. -11 . HOME FOR SALE

IIIOOODI 01 &lneriCaD ·bomemalle•• areemulaUD.&beex. ample 01 Mr.. aarr;y s. Triunan. wUe 01 &be Prellden'. lD ob.erm, meatle•• TUesday and .'§.~.I TIIunday at Amer· lea'. Flr.t, Rome. Bere IIi. FIrat La,ur, II .boWll at tile Wbl&e BOUie after .... ".ned &be pledse to -... 'Wbea" .ave , meat


HOUSEKEEPER' wANTED MIDDLE AGED LADY ; private room furnished; care one child; references wanted. Wm. Mote, Rt. 1, Waynes. viJJe. '-:"'122

fOR ·SALE- Move in. The home of the late T. J. Smith consisti.O'~ of 8 rooms, mod,ern except furnace. This PAPERHANGINGh?~e is pr~ced to ·sell t? setC~lI ' at Allen's in tJe estate. See Mrs. W1ll ..St. J H Rainey john after 5 :30 p.m.• . or '. . . Q~ Ii.: Smit~ 'at S~ith's· Meaf ' LODct "N(rtrCE t I ,.. Ma~~et. ' -18. Waynesvltle Lodge No .. 163, ' PO YOU PETS? F~A~ Stated ~eetin.~, · Tuesi7' .day, Jan. 13, 7.00 p.m. . WA.Nt'ED- Good home for a CARD OF THANKS spayed terrior do~ and a nice house-broken cat. Both are , I wish to extend my ~ratitude : ~ood pets and will ' make and thanks to my many friends excellent companions. Call at who visited me and sent cards and ~ifts durin~ my hospitalithe Gazette office. zation. Erwin Lewis



Oil' Road , .

; a n.


and · lave&bepeace ... UndeI.1II1.•• TrWDu•• IIlp8rv1l10D.1IIe Wblte Hou.e II dolD, .... pan a. aD Amencaa bom. dedlcate,d &oward belpln. &0 provide food for Us. UDdenourllbed famWe. 0' W'elten Earope.

World su~ar producti on in 1946-47 totaled 10,600,00 Homer and ,lIlanehe George to, tons. which was below pre-war William and Ruth Pierce, 2.21 levels. Java, the Philippines, acres in Turtlecr~k tWp: and Formosa have not 'vet made Anna Zecher et al to Addie. much recovery toward su~ar Zecher, 148 acres in Turtlecreek production. "


Me'r yl Gray administrator, estate twp. ., exempt from inheritance tax. Estate of Ed Bishop, dec'd. Ernest Z,ec!t~r to Addie Zecher, Irene Bishop administll'atrix inven- 148 acres in Turtlecreek twp. tory approved. Morte anet Emma, Adam~ to EState of John W. Cox, Ciec'd. "Glenn MQore, lot . in South Lebgross value of. estate is ·t2.,908~62. aMD. . . Rutherford and Cora 'Moler to Walter and Betty Fischer; 2 lots in Waynesville. John and Estelle Bruckner to Elbert and Mackey Burdette ~O acres in -Union ' twp. . ' Stanley and Aniy Bailey to Mark and Laura Ann Shepard, lot ~n Waynesville. Nancy Fred to Frank Bradbury 2 lots in Lebanon. ' H. S. Tumer to Catherine' Pick- ' en'S, 99.12 &eres in Washington twp. . ·Bergen Cowgill, })y gua'rdian to Kent and Margaret Lariek, 10.06 'acres in Franklin ~. , 'Ora Lee and Albert Kofmehl to Everett and Ruby Johnson, 19.98 acres in Harlan twp. Kent and Margaret Larick to Percy arid' Helen Rogers, 10.06 acres in Franklin twp. .


Applied ·


26 Oakwood Avenue

F!3 R

Phone 2,21-L

. -"'-"~~_a_'~Il_a_I_D · _D_._a_I_I_._._' .

••D_ - .

$20;. .cows $20;



NORRIS BROCK COMPANY Cincinnati Unio,n Stocl< ' Yard , L'ive Wi,., and ProRre •• ive. An o,.aflnizatlon .econd to none. Strict/v .eller. ' on the 'Deat all .,.oun,d market in the , country. SERVICE THAT SATISFIES 'wmo Dayton 12: 3U E. S. T. Dia.l 1300 WLW Cincinna ti U: 40. Dia l 700, tor Ojlr Da ll r

!\1a rket Report.



I ' ,'TO l ~i




' . ' CAt.L

X·E NIA . Fertilizer 4' . 5 4 ' o. Xenia








Armifage &Son·




Reverie Charge. .


Any 'make or 'model ' Fred 'K'a hll:'; lVI,otor Car Co • .




NOTICE OF THE ANNUAL STOCKHOLDERS 'MEETING h • .T e Annual meetm(Y' (If th r~ S~ockh ol~ers of Th e Wa ytreS"ville National B~n_k fnr the purpose .of th'e EI~ction of a Board of D!rectors Will be .held at the bankm~ house on Tue~da v, Jan. 13, 1948 at 2 :00 o'·dock p.OL S; L. Robinson·, Cashie3-1 R'. Lon Allford (ttt) 1-8-4 .

I C.A.s H


, ,



Total supplies of hurl e~ {nbacco are probably at ap ~ 1l ' time hi~h on Jan. 1, 194 R. Market observers claim tl1erf j a surplus of that type of tnbacCl _

COWS ·- $20.00 HORSES - $~O .OO HOGS - $6.00 cwt. AceNdln. to SI •• a C.nllition Also, All SMALL STOCK REMOVED A . dose of phenothiazine in- ---Phone December, another ~iven next spring, and a supply of saltXENIA · WILMINGTON .phenothiazine mixture on ' pas1712 2362 ture \vill control internal ' paraR.wer•• Char.e. sit ~s of sheep'.

Ree~rfacing' and ' Driveway Recoating

. F 'R ,E E

Dairy ' cows produce more milk per year if milkin ~ time for the herd averag-es aroun ci thrpe minutes per cow. Cup ofm echanidll milkers hnlll d h r f'moved promT)tl y wh en the mil k, in~ is completed. Cun h ouler be dipped in c1ean waL r and in . a . ~hlorine solution hetween cows.



LEBANON Offloe • . , .



Fairly Familiar by EFFe LDEE


Dear Sir: . My family came to Waynesville in 1 866; and I have been a resident of the community for almost fifty years. I ' 'wish to submit a little poenl for publication, if space permits, which expresses the opinion of some OT us older. residents reyardin~ oue Villa~e and its inhabitants -a philosophy which seems to be different from the philosophy of some of our newer ' citizens. Unfortunately the altther of the poem is unknown. OUR TOW N IS ALL




Establishe.d 1 850






. . "WOM AN'S AUXILIARY OF . UP TO CLOS E ST. MARY'S CHU RCH NIGH TSi BUSI NESS BELO W MEET S AT RECT ORY STAN DARD S, ,R EASO N On Friday, Jan. 9, at 2 p.m. A petition ~as circulated to

the Woman "s Auxiliary of St. Mary'& Chruch met at the Rectory. After a short business session, the Rev. Samuel Keys gave a brief review of the study books which the group has for this' year. . . Refreshments were. served by the hostess, Mrs. S. N'. Keys.

fiTld ~ town th~.t ic;

alive and vihr;tnt toward ;J ''-l v~ncement ~I'ld nro ,l!'re"s: Tt ,.. i'l ht' ,:4, town that InoJ<s l1nt t" h '" ., P:1 ~ t for its el1collrarement, lw" r~tlher toward, the future ' ann what it can h()lci , th~s a~e (If r ~ piditv i!1 all ij1 in S!s, no ·town can survive upon th .. t r e~r:' nf ·niscente,. Its food mu t be ity buildin~=-m:eftt- of-~ young, vigorous tbouJ~nts' tl't~t' re ist hein,l( content with ~he. u" lill hut constantlv <:trive ' to .:1r l" th p ·llnll~ua1. To those .(If ltS "b t:l hav ~ 'Nlssed our point · of de~iri",p' tn flovance, hut who are cnntent tn rpst bv the wav~ide in f.,f' . h ~o 'Of memn ry's · lane, . there cnm es prohlems of .~ivinp.· un rtJr pl;lce tn those who , . follow in nllr fnotsteps. orne of ilS fi s;rht (I !!.1\illFt it t" tr p. hit~ ter end Sam/',' . " hn an" more sensible townrd fhp mnnern way are wiHinl!' ·tf) let tlv' np", ideas have full ' ~W;t". r" "n\ vent it i~ . appalient. :1 s h it"t~r'-, 11 r0V€S, that the n'Pw irlp'~~ \' i11 '''rpti,,'m i -




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(1h ~tjn(l tf' '. Th" .. t. :1 ,-'

Tnflm tnn"J" 1':'1 I,.,

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~nd ,,~u. ~nrl \'011. !j: "",

eQuid all agree. If we c."u 1 f" rt"P-f 1"1Ir nocition in lif". if "'/" ·.. :could forR'et our Worldly !!,onds. ~

(c:tait'a1lld . . .. . .


the business hou'ses in Wajin.esvil1e this past week f r the pur-' pose of determiniilJ,; if .they were 111 acco~d tQw~rd a slI,g-gestion for cJosm .1!" their nlace, of buc; jness durin,e: the' evening with the exception of Saturday even- .. !nK~ The result .of this petition Jn~hcllted that the merchants are in full accord for closin~ on Thursday evenings 'of each PROG RESS IVE .WOM EN'S week, but they will remain open CLUB HOLD S MEE TING AT ~m Tuesday and Saturda V eve'nIR~NE AZLIN~ HOM E 1n,(!'S as usual. . ' . MfS. I rel)e Azling was hostThe petition and ' the names ess to the Pro~ressive \Vom \. n's of those wh. Club on Wednesday night at her follows: ' o signed it are as . Home with an ~ttendance of 22 "Due the lon,g- hour. immembers and frien d. Mi s Hu'th posed o'n to the· ss hOI' ';. f Chandler told of her vel'',' in· Wayne ·ville. \msine for which in. ull·,': ' t restin,g- trip throll~h New Engieri t cnnl,'p" "1.til"" of hll .,iD f. S land. 'At the ·soci·a} hour n'· was ed fnr th ir tim e and' .' fre hments of ic.e cream. cake expenreceiv se (f ke epi·n (I' the sta n and coffee were served by' th e nen nn TI1t1r sct~ " ',' vening~s, . it .hostess. . has hee n e ide<i tn c1o 'e" at 6 :00 P.I11 . I ' ll th e' ev'c ning-, effectlvp. as rl-f J ~ IJ. ',, :!. 194 8. " ·ST. MAR Y'S CLUB HEAR S Th e. fnll win g lllercLant ·; · BOO K REVI EW AT THEI R :t,e:reed t() thi ::l ·r r.·~n(y~' m e nt: MEE TING HELD SJJNDAY. . ~tew(lrt'~ J ct F(.:' {Hf :St" ~ : ~n- e the St. 'Mary' Club met () 11 B & R Drv ,r-:leaners ; \.y n \' le. _ Sunday, Jan'. 11 .at 7:.30 )',m viHe Furni at the RectoTY for thc.i'· rejtuiar Co.: R()J"er tllr . ~nd Arplian .:e m.onthly meetin~. The I' 1!:lJlar nllali t ·. ~ !V. .• il11 !l "" n; Lacy's M rket: n. R. Sniithi business me.d ing was hel n, f f' .. \ 'hii e '.'itl a Cr~ r.e rv; FairJ'ey lowed h a review nf ~jTl' Hard\ V ~ r ~tbre; Hvman's DeD-. Robe" by Mrs. ' Lillian ' Carr of artme nt ' Stote ; Bmallwood's: · Har,veysburg: Mr . Carr ~av e ':1 Dr \tn . cis ~toy:e : ,good and ~omnlete revi ew ce rv and Bakin~ Krng-er GroCo . . ' . f thi. best.seller; ;l.nl1 ', enj oyed v r'j much hyit ' \Va' th ' .' . \' , ~. , I r<,J ~·roup. . . RECO VERI NG FROM Mr . Lee Hawke was hflst ss nv.,. 19'1="5~ ~"ST~INED for the m~eHng and ervect deli. AUTO MOB ILE MISH AP IN cioll refre. hments durin,g- ·th e . Mr ,I . J1 °G W It 'oc'al ho . h . a (l1~ al'd I' ur. 1at er. ~". r('r)r.,~e W~lfr n a;-e Mrs. ~)lanley Baile ', Mr . ~eco',, ~pT1 r' frOIJ1. seyere bruises cLOd rntern,,) . rnJunes suffered illiam Stro~se and Mr". E. when rnhar t attended a luncheon in . turnel1their car was hit and over. on State Route t 2" a itmil1gton, Saturday . few days ago. n

man tli t'!. te!l ,..h· ,. tl.", t .,.1 . .. .' " t('lmorf0 \T. H ",,, 1"1'1 h hI") , off we wOl\ld hI' if 1"" ", ("\ " l.ft 1.. ,,1 C(lncentr::tte ~('t" '; p~,...,.+(' "~:-.. " ,4 the :tdvan t em ..nt and eri.1l"' ~lti "' " of these vnun!Ysters in th " ml thev mu~ rl ri in ."'1' nc"" 'f·,hr? instearl (If attemptU12' t "''.1m' the entire . . hrw (l'I"~P'V ,.. " "',. it isn't the f,lillt I"f, .•" ft")'I'" :t' .. you.


. Lew Rob inson. ca hier of' the Waynesvi.IJe National Bank submitted his resi~nation to tak e effect at the close of business Jan. 1 7, in order to assume his: new duties as sales mana,~er of . $ 1.50 . per Year. 5c Copy the Acme Housin,e: Co" Inc., of Thursday, Janua ry 15" 1948 Dayton, Ohi0. The Acme HOllsin,g- Co., Inc. specia lists in ' various ·type of SETH FURN AS HOME teel const ructed I uHdin~s, have SCENE OF JANU ARY just recently acquired the MEE TING OF ·Wl\Y NE ag~ncy oil s-everal building necessities and plan an extensive1WP . FARM ER'S clUB sales promotion und er the dirWayne Township f:armer~' ection and supervision of Mr. Club enjoyed a chic.ken dinner Robinson. with Mr. and Mrs. Seth Furnas Rohinso!1, for many years for their Janua ry ' meeti ni held GEORGE STOLL prior to World War 11, was actlast Thursday. . ive in the manufacturin.e:, sell'As customary in the Club, the' CHRI STIA N LAYMEN in.1[ and di ~trib\ltion of various Pre~ident, Ronald Hawke made TO ORG ANIZ E IN building nroducts. He was at a few opening remarks' aRProCINC INNA TI' AREA . nne t'me Bnmch, M (l na~er of t~e .. priate to the' New Year. 'S. S. Rev. Ke'mper G. M"Comb, Baltimore Branch of the CotEtlis had' the special topic "Our Executive .Secretar:y of Th e umbia' Mills. 'nco manufacturers · International Food Problem," Miss Rutl} Chandler was the Council of Churches of Greater of shade cloth and rollers and Cincinnati announces that sev- later' their ClevetanQ man~~eT: ~uest speaker and told of a trip she took last summer through era1 hundred Christian laymen, He r~si.e:ned from Columbia tQ New England and upstate New representing all of the leadin~ takeo ver the duties nf General Protestant denominations there, · Mana~er nf the Philadelphia York. Guests were Rev. and Mrs. · wil1 meet to or~anize ' the factory and sales aKency of the Christian Laymen's Council, at Yardley Industries, l'nc .. manuBrown and Dr. ' Keever. The Club will meet in Feb- a dinner il1 Masonic Te.mple, on facturers of venitian blinns and ruary, wlth Mr. and Mrs. Kelter Monday, Jan. 19 at 6:30 p.m. other allied products. . At the The purpose of the new or- time of his returnin~ to active Hoak and Mrs. Morris Fulkergaani zation are to corCiinate the duty in the U .. S. Marine Cor~)s son will have for the special activi ties of denominational lay- early in 1942. topic "Favo rite' H0t:ne Songs." s n was men's orRanizalions for com- Divisional . Sales Robin Mana ger of y-wide religious activities ' Yardley's. BROK EN ANK LE SUFF ERED munit ' and for effective action in civic Mr. Robin became affiliBY MRS. CLAR ENCE RYE and secular affairs in which ated with the son local bank in Oct. Mrs. Clarehce Rye had' the Christia:n layme n can partiei- ' 1945. He has heen aCtive in ptisfortune to fall at her. home cipate effectively. .., yarious comml,nit af"airs hav- , durinJ! the' past week, breakin~ The speaker Jan. 19 will he tn~ been connected with , Civic her ankle. " George Stoll, president 'o f tJ1e Club, Waynesyille D~velopStoll Refinin~ Co., e, ment Co .. AmeTl(,fln Le~lon and and chai(man of the e . the Sesquicentennial Committet: n Institutions of the where he has .I?;iven of hi& time of Church and ·efforts .in beha:1f of these or

The ahove obem e Is a ~rf· ~ t truth. ~o town is any' better than tbe neople th at five in .: t ~ow ,m'p ~ town fil1ec1 win.. f'e(lpl e w h " a rp c()nsci-PntiOl " ., ~tlld f"'1O'f'r in t1'l~ir enrff'~v""s t"0ward Cl "' P. ~n()trer and thf' r ,, 0' i., YOU



T.he Miami GAZETTE

Accordin,e: to an ' announcemeht ·In.ade this' we k byC. R. Mehaffie, progr chairman of If you wan't to live in the kind . the Waynesvilleam Civic Club, the of a town, neJtt monthly meetin~ of this Like the kind of a tow·n you or~anization ",viii be held next 'like ." Monday evening, Jan, 19 at You neean 't slip your clothes in Methodist Church .basement. the. a ~rip . , Dinner will 'be s~rved at 7 :00 And start on a lon~, lon,g p.m. and wm 'be followed by a hike. . . progr am in · which the special You'l1 only find what you left event wilt be an aodress by Mr. behind, Paul Wmiams, Director of the Dayton Chamber. of Commerce, For there's n 6thin~ that il: on the functions and purposes It's re:l1 y ~e~t s If h . of a Chamber of Commerce. . \O~k~oCk ~~~~\~wn w en This promises to be a most IT I~J'o f! T THE TOW N. IT'S i1)formatjve.. talk, e~pecially YOU : - smce the CIVIC Club has recen t-· Iy become affiliated with the Real towns are not made hv State Chamber of Commerce. men afraid, Members are to fill in l.est somehody e'lse ~etc.; their ~reservation urged cards and mail ahead. th~m prom to the Secretary ·'Vhe n evervone works and no- · of the Club,ptly Maynard Weltz. . body shirks, YOll can ta,ise, a town from Mrs. Jesse ' Prender~ast has the dead. been Quite ill at her horne on Ahd if. while' vou tnake your Third st. . personal sta~e. Yonr neigbbor can make on , too, Your town will be what you . w~mt to see. IT ISN'T , THE Tow N. IT'S " YOU. . . Ver.y truly ytiurs, e-




~;i;;:;<::~:r:.:<~ ~~~,!::;f,;'W

i~;: ... :';.:~. . , . , histor , of New· ork City, 25,8 !nches, c.l' . 1d <\~( transl:' tion in the great metro polis. Th i!' IS a typlca l pal'kll lg lot$c ene and those black slits rcpl'c '" cnt submc autos. . . _ .









Mrs. Ra Harper, using the Union Signal as a basis for .her d!sc~ssion, .spoke of the several bIlls bef0re Congress which the W. C. T. U. is supporting. Reviewing- a po rtion of Deets Pickett's book ' II The Alcohol Problem," Mrs. Furnas showed the type of mis-information that brought about rep'eal of the 18th Amendment; and Mrs. Brown showing liquor advertisements t~ke~ from ome of the ma,!;azIlles, spoke of the influence these would have upon ou r fa mi· lies. Mrs. Braddock had provi jed post cards which he Ra ve t those present asking that we write to our Con gressmen and Senators asking th'em to 'upport t~e Capper Bill; -2 5, and felItng 9f our opposition to the Universal Militar y Tr'lininO' Bill

The Miami Gazette BSTABLISBBD 1150 Pub'Ushed Every ThurSday by DAVISSON PRP8B FLOYD L. DAVI83ON, EdItor tered aa ~nd ClaaI Matter at ,the Post Office 8ubecrJE)tion Rates: $1.50 per Yev in Advance

National Advertising Representatives . Ohio Weeklies, Inc., '2465 W. Broad Street, Columbus 4, Ohio ,


Sunday School 9 :30 a.m. . J. J. Burske, ' Supt. Wor.ship Service 10:30 a.m. Youth 'F llow hip Th~rsday, 7 :30 pm.


T. M. SCARFF, Minister


Sunday School 9 :30 a.m , E. A. Earnhart, Supt.' 10:30 a.m. Worship Service , Evening Service 7 :30 p ~ m.


servance of the World Day of .Pra,xer on Friday, Feb. 13, this. ervlce to take the place of the regular rneeting. Mrs. Raymond Braddock, CO'ra Rich, . «eva Braddock . .Olive Curl al1d Mr R<;>Ker Brown compose We com~ mlttee appointed to assist in th e arrang.ements for the World ' Day of Prayer, Pro,g-ram leader, Mr, Ray. H, R. 4 2 78 . ,,~ mond Braddock. as isted by Mr , ----,Ray Harper, Mrs. Lawrence Fur· Mr. and, Mrs, 9. L. Ary spent nas and Mrs: Roger Brown preSunday With theIr on Wilfred sent~d an excellent program. Ary and family at Mora ine City.

His Majesty's Court: 'The





Church 'School Nursery chool Morning Prayer UTICA E.


9 :30 a. m 10:30 a. m: 10:30 a. m.

ATrEND WED.DING IN LIBERTY, INDIANA Mr. 'and Mrs. K. N. Hou~h and son, Mrs. Viola Harlan; Mrs. Harold B. Earnhart, Misses Naomi and Ruth Earnhart. Mr.. Harlan Earnhart and Mr. and MFS. Ernest Harlan and daue-h, ter atte,nded the weddin~ of Mr. Wayne Harlan and , Mi s Bett ' , Gephart in Ubertyp Ind. on Saturday afternoon. Mr. Harlan, son of Mr, and Mrs. Geonre Harhn is' a n pht:\\' of Mrs, Vi la Harlan and has visited here a nllmb r f tim ' . The ceremony took place in



Sund,ay Schoo l 9 :30 a'.m. Mrs. J ames Garrison, Supt. Preaching. 1 st and 3 rd Sundays ' .each month 10 :30 a.m.

WorshIp Service 9 :45 a. , Sunday School '1 0 :45 a. m. You are invited to worship with





ST. AUGUSTINE Father Krumholb, Priest Mass 8 :00 a. m. and to :Ooa. m .. FERRY CHURCH. ,o f CHRIST RALP,H ,E. STIN80N, Mini.t.I'


llna founded. 1795.




18-G.neral EalefthOW., a. 1Um. All*f c:ommCmd. , 1944

. .~~ II-Oomel 1782


.........,..,.. Web.ler born.

Mi s Edna Mo s of Loui ville, Ky. and 'sister, Mrs. Irene Grandin of Huntin,!;to n Beach, Cal.. called on Dr. and Mrs. F. B. Gregg on Saturday evening'. , . Mr. and Mrs. Karl Dakin f Lebanon, Mrs. Neva Hauen tein of Cincinnati' and Mr. and Mrs. . Howard Ivins' of Red Lion pent Sunday with tl)eir mother. Mrs. Geor,g\anna (vms, who h a ~ been Quite ill the past week. Miss Olive William ' 1 ft UIlday for Boca Raton, Fla. wher ' she expects to pend a few week with friends,

Get Your TRUCk. and BUS·INESS ·

2O-Ftrlf baskelba 11 Qame played 1892





df STANFORD. ,BOGEN .Morrow Ohio

YOUR' NAME 'HERE Each week for the year will :give ~u an unusual advertiling medium that will be read by, ,e very Gazette lubacn'ber It', reasonable ,too. alk UI. Phone 2143 .

Dr.. T. P. GROSVENOR ' Optometrist . 335 S. Mfin St. Phone 10 FRANKLIN, O~O



'W . C. T. U. MEETING HELD ' AT FRIENDS MEETING., HOUSE, F~IDA~, JAN. ' 9. ,The .J anuary meetinr, of the Waynesville W. C. T. U. was held in the Friend's ' Meeting House, Friday, Jan. 9, with i..') members and three guests present. . Devotionals were led bv Mrs. Leah Mills, reading the 91 st Psalm, with prayer bv Dr. Emma Holloway. During the business session a rnOtif'M carried to unHe with the Council of Church Women in the ob-

5),.iencls JJmne

ll-Balboa arrives at Pana' mao 1514,

U-"Stonewall " lacklon born, 1824 ''''I'IU F._r ..


if we CQuid learn to be coopera" tive. ' if we could' cea'se to be secretive. if we could learn to live to~¢ther, then we could b~ and' do and have what we Unfriendliness, distrust, hatred, back-bitin~, bickerin~, g-ossip, they are all instruments in the path of ·progress. Bring- up our future townspeople in the way they sbould ~o and we will be buitdinR a town that will be their: pride for ~enerations to . come.

FLORIDA VISITORS RETURN HERE FOR WEEKEND Mr. L V. Bran -trat rand Mr. Elmer heehan arrived from Bradenton, Fla. by plane, during the past week, Th ey returned on Saturda V with a frien j. who wa drivin,g- throu.tfh from Cleveland.

Miss Ruth Chandler was a g-uest 'a t the P'rogressive Worn en's Club at the home of Mrs. Grace Aszling on 'Wednesday -Farmer's at the home of Mr. and eth Furnas ~11 ThOTsday. -,-


A man's home may be his castle, bui the indisputable lord 01 the manor. will be the inhabitant of the roorn shown above" Because of his importance, the junior member of the falllily deserves a seUing ' bl'fitting his superior 's tation. . . Teddy bears. puppies, and I<ittens romp across the 'waU pa~r or this-nuraery and give the young man of the house an oppo~unity tt) get acquainted with these animal favorites-: However. the walt paper background is in soft pastels h) insure a restful atmosphere and win not keep his nibs ,awake during his afternoon nap. The same muted shades are carried out for the furniture and accessories. This is a practical toom, too - there is ample space for a good-sized chest, a high chair - well.padded lor eomfol't. and! • pi.n t-sized ~ostumer to hold ,s mall cents and bonnets..

FRIENDS first Day School 9:30 a.m. Meeting fOF- ~H5!RHlI------,----l10:30 a.m. cOOn*-«' .rroca Pap

- - -'---

MrS. Lloyd Hackwell and son, Bobby of Albany, N. Y., also . Mrs. S/lmuel Benedict of Glendale called on Misse's Anni,e and Marne Brown on Frida v.

l$-Unlveraity 01 North Care>

Bible School 9 :30 a.m. Morning Worship 10:30 a.rn. 7 :00 p.m. Prayer Meetin~ Young People s Meeting 7:0.0 p.m. EveninK Senrices 7 :3,0 p.m.


the U. 8.. Church in Liberty and was f 11 \\'ed hy a re ~pti o n j·n the church ~ art r .'

Mrs. Eva lyn Peters n is .spending- a f,ew days in Wilmington with her sist rs, Mi s~ Hannah Greene and Mrs. Alice Telfair.

WA,\ NESVILLE CHURCH OF ' CHRIST ' Bible School 9 :30 a.m. Communion 10:30 a.m. ,Eve'ning Servil:e 8 :00 p.m. . " i CAESARS , CREEK FRlEN~

. REV. D~V~O 8T~NFIELD, Miniit r

The Miami Gazette ' ' Pate 1 Waynesville, Ohio No·: 4351 Thurs~ay, January , 15. 1~4 "

LUEBKE-WALKER WEDDING SURPRIS£ TO FRIENDS AND RELATIVES. HERE Coming- as a complete surprise to her many fnends and . relatives in Waynesvme and qayton , Miss Barbara Walker! mece of Mr. and Mrs. Delbert Cong-er, and 'Mr. Gler:m F. Lue·· bke were quietly married in Richmond, Jnd. on Dec. 30. . Miss Walker was a graduate o,f Waynes~ilIe Hi,g-h School and wa.s .eng-aged in stud ving the , nursinR,' profession at Miami Valley hospital at the time of her ' martiag-e. Mrs. Luebke left Saturday evening for West DePere, Wis. where the couple will make their new home.






Dilatush Building ~ Broadway -

Leban~n, Ohio







SERVICE Appropriate cerl l jf 'nies for . all faiths


STUBBS Funeral Home


n,l.EPHONE 2291 ' - A






~ ~


, I


I. •




Page 3 The Miami Gazette Waynesville, Ohio No. 435 t' Thursday, January. 15, 1948 ·

,L'I11e .nW~



Mr. and Mr , A. F. Kyte of Cincinnati were visitors of Mr. and Mrs. Leslie Gray and family,

Merry Boston



E· ~

LJ ...... .

••• For HOMEMAKERS Potatoes are a good food for aetlve workers and growing children because they are a good source of . calories. ' Potatoes deserve a didly place on your menus because they contain goodly amounts of vitamin C. appreciable amounts ot a vita~ mins, iron, and other food rr.lncrals.



I"day's lIubstantial Peace Plate sugsea· \Ion . (rom home economlsts of the Con· . ulner Service Sectlon L Citizens Food ~ommillee . In fact. tne c:oune·in-one 1l sh. Texas Hash. servel 8. and three ··arlatlons make thta a "Mua(' for .lbe , ecipe book. . With hearty Texas Hash. serve mixed green . pickles and baked potaton, not forgetting to rub a Uttle fat on skins ~re baIdDg. For dessert. treat lbe (aJYlUy to<"lr~plc. calc•• TEXAS BA8R 2 laree oolonl, aIIced . 2 &reen pepperi, cut lIDe . 3 table5pooo~ lat I· pound hambur, 2 cup. canned· tomatoel ~2 cup uncooked rice I teasJ¥)On cb1U powder Z tealipoons. salt ~I.t teaspoon pepper . Cook onions and green pepper slow~ 111 hot fat until onlonl are yellow . 'Add hatnbura and . fry untll 'mlxture rana apart. Add tomatoes, rlce. and season· II1gs and mile. Put In large greased ca.· ,;~ I ' ole, cover. and bake in moderate oven (375°'.) .a minutes. or uoW, done, Serves a. To serve 4. divide recipe tD half ,

Va rlatlons: instead of rlce. uJle l cup uncooked spaghetti, macaroni, or noodles .. 2 Substitute 1 cup chopped celery ,talk. and leaves tor Breen ~epper. ;i Upv I teas@IIQI\ papri~M ,O!tead o' fN!i ~wder. . . I

eup raw carrot. ,rated teaspoon. lalt


tealpoon tbyme .

~ ~aspooD paprl"a ~ cup mel&ed fat



l' ou might say teen-aged Donna Jean was "caught in tbe web:' But wbat a' ,Ieasant web 'to be eaught in. namely the Mutual BrQad- . casting System. Queen Donna stars on a Sunday afternoon show originated at WLW and fed to MBS, from 3 to 3:30 p.m" EST. She also is heard on "Mi!1we&tern Hayride," aired Saturday at 6:30 p.m., EST_ Sis days a week she sines with the Trailblazers at 8 a.m., EST.

unday afternoon.




19 23


'"0 .


LJ "0 rt")

140 138 138 '160 171 130










. LJ




' Vl






151 413 138 3665 131 425 142 5876 147 447 149 5132 141 435 . 145 ' 5821 13 6 437 146 5825

Mr~ Clarence Crawford and son, eWls cane on is brother's, Orner, Leo and Newton Crawford near Mt. Grab, Sunday. .








.;:: cu




.... <U





141 163 147 149 ' 149 '2727 . 1.44 '149

LJ 26


'35 39 39 19 .

dau~hter, Barbara of Beavert wn called 11 Mrs. Alice Fur-·

man, Sunday morninR.

Mr . Arthur HagR'a and son, Warren and Mr. John Spitler pent Friday afternoon with Mrs. Hiley Gibson.

WI. Jlott'J








Dr. ·C. E. Wilkin

- '

SHERWOOD Refrigeration .Sales ==== and Service ====== = ' =



Hang It , ,


Yourself! It's ·easy when


we can furnish \\ ith ea -h




Representative for



Phone 332 M






Paul C. Picking1 hird Street

P_R_O_MP'_: ,--T~ ,


use the

:F 'R EE!



21 20

Lost 15 16 17 18

The new officers of the Woman's Society of Lytle Church Mr. and Mrs. Hil ey Gib on A lar~e crowd ' attended Mr. took. char~e at the Ja,nuary berts's ~roce·ry s'ale, Wednes- meetmg on Wednesdav at the called on Mr. and Mrs, Harold HOURS: day afternoon, near the r.ailroad borne of M·iss Mary Prether. Ro~ers and Mrs .. Emma Gib on 9-12 each morning ' here. The property was purchas- Th~ were: Mrs. Mildred Tum- Sunday evening.. 1-5 afternoons sxcept ed by Mr. - Roberts of Lebanon. bleson, president; Mrs. Jessie Longacre, vice-president; Mrs. ( Callers at the tue Mor~all .Wednesday , Mr. 'and Mrs. l;eo Louis and Hilda Cowan, secretary; Mrs . home,. Sunday were Mr. and . little daughter of Dayton have Arlene Jones, treaSUrer. 7-9 Saturday evening Mrs. Henry Bur~es and child. . mcwed in with t~e latter!s grand ren of Be~vertown, Mrs. Ro Other even~p by mother, Mrs. Allce Trickey and ert Greene and grand da~.,.thter, :' AppoiDtmeD~ Mr. and Mrs. ern-est Harlan, Delores Walker, Mr. vyilbur will 'care for her as she is a "shut ·Mr. and Mrs. Vernon . Purslev in" . . ' stevenson of Dayton. TELEPHONE 62-R and Mr. and Mrs. Roy Winks Mrs. George Davies attended . attended installation of the offiEllsworth Smith of Daythe funeral' of Iher father, Mr. cers of all Grang:es of Warren 10nMrs. called on frienas here Sat. Franklane Sewell, age 81, at County, Friday evenin.g' a't th e . urday afternoon. . . . Madison Funeral Home, Piqua, Gran~e Hall at Lebanon. Optometric Eye Specialist Wednesday, and burial at David Mr. andMr . William Lewi. cemetery near Dayton. Mr. Sew26 South ' Detroit 'Street Mr. and Mrs. Geor~e Davies of near Dayton called on Mr. en passed away at Piqua MemM·rs. Morris Lewis aAd fa,morial hospital. He was .an out- .and daughter 0 f the 'Glellwin and XENIA,omo i1y Sunday afternoon. . Poultry Farm and Mr. and Mrs. standing painter of fowl and Irvin Harris .have moved to .Rt ~ame b-irds. ' 4, Salem, Ohio, where they wiU Mr. Dewey Comestock and •• + • • • • • • • • • • • Mr. and Mrs. Therle Jones at- take charge of the lar~e Keeler tended a program of the Junior Poultry Farm there. Mr. and Philharmonic Orchestra for the Mrs. Albert Pummill are livingpublic, Sunday evenin~ at the .in the Davies home. University of Dayton auditor. Mrs. Walter Kenrick receivium. Their son, Milton is a memed word Tuesday of the death of ber of this orchestra and attends practice in Dayton every Sun- her cousin, Mrs. Emma Archdeacon Peffers, age 73 years) at .day afternoon.



.' pounds *boulder l!lmb, (cal with "poc:ke'" for l&ulllnl) Combine 81'st 10 Ingredtent,a. rlU ~k _t 01 m ~lIl wl~n sluhlng. t ' 8111lln toaethe) wIth Ikewers or tte securelY with com. B~h with addItional fat. "aion wlUl 'I teaspoons addltional ,alt aDd ~ tea· epoon pepper. Roast In moderate ov... (350°1'.). a"owlnl 41 mlnlltes· per 1'Ownd Serve. 8 to I. with leftove .... PoUi·ROA8TBD POTATOES: PaN I . medlum pcttaloel ~ bon 10 mJnutei. Arrang. around rOan ID roastin, pan and bake to.eo m1nuteI. or until tender. turnlna ocea.lonaUy and <ba.tlnI with fat ID PaD. Plan 10 that &be meat ad potato. ~!!!! .~ ~





Two·day 'menu ~1.rmlnI that looks ahtw a 1.(1 MOl1llay s saU.fying Peace Plate Is part of today', ,004 ea~ suggestion {rom some econoiDiati of lbe Citizens Food Committee'. Consumer Service Section. Roast 'Stuffed Shoulder ot Lamb-a meat cut in 'Hoe with the lood conservation progl'am-has aVe,. table Stuffing that sparel bread and ~QDtribute8 special fI~vor with food \Paluel, . Shftrlnl the toa:;ting pan and the meat I fine 8avor are Pan·Roasted Potatoel, Try a salad of diced canned pineapple and sllced raw 'cranben1el tossed with broken·up lettuce leaWi and your favorite <salad dress1n2. I'or Sunday dessert. lerve chocolate or \lanilla ice cream. ROAST SHOULDER ~~ LAMB WITH VEGETABLE STUFFING I lDt'dlum onion. diced ~ cup celery. chopped S tabl.e sroons ,reen pepper. chopped '

" te.lpoon pepper



S ~





home of h~ r dauR'hter, Mr . Ruth H i~gins in Belmont, Oa yton. Funeral service wa held Thursday at Bethel Temple, and burial in Woodlawn cemeterv. Mrs. Peffers was a former resident of Waynesville.


2 cup. lOft bread eru'lDbs





A litLle hamburg J:oes a 1008 way II .



-:; .....


CREAM!;D SALT CODFlfiH· IN POTATO RING 3 tablespoonl fat ' J tablespoons Dour Dasb of pepper Z cu,I)I milk . ~~ cUps Ihredded salt codfisb (10 ounces) ! Ibelled bard·cooke' eus. IUced S cops bot mashed potatoes Melt fat In laucepan, Itir In Oour and peppe.r . (No salt is needed because of tPe salt 8sh used. ) Add milk gradua Uy. wblle . sUrrlng, and cook until smooth and thickened. sUrrln~ constantly. Shred codfish by pulling it aparf with two forks or cutting it wlth sclsson. Freshen it following manufacturer's dl· rections . Draln, cover with cold water. llnd slmmer 15·20 minutes or until tender. Drain. Add to white sauce wlth sllced eggs. Arrange hot mashed- pota- . · toes In a rillg on a platter with creamed fish in center. Sl)rtnkle mashed potato · with paprika or finely chopped pauley · Ir desired. Serves t. . M('nu 8ullea&loos . th Creamed Salt CodJisb lD Pota· t.. RlD,. aerve lemoned .green beans I cuuked or canned beans seasoned with lernon julce. butter or margarlne l salt, a nd pepper): also ,Uced plckled Deets. For dessert. have crisp molasses cook· 'cs and splced 'applesauce made br adding \2 teaspoon cinnamon and ~~ teaspoon nutmeg to 2 cups applesauce. And remember in following any recJPf' to use level measurementl!.


..... 122 156 162 134

C. Palmer O. Rose I. Mulford V. Hill E. Ramby R. pons

-C;,i=,n, Food CO"lIn;I',.


Won 24 23 22 21

... ....'



WaynesyilJ.e Henderson Br s American Le~i ri Columbia Recordin~ Good Hou ekeepinK Tomm y's Place . Handigas 115 EaR'les

Phone '2182 _







j" the Ohio FUlDen wiIJ give 'you broad protection .~'i tOIHI un your far~ ..I~ ()()Ven yo~r buildings. your t:hacte1S, your autornobilll\ ~d yoW' habihty for acc.dents to others, Why aot see us toda,~,. You -.0.., )9U'1'C safe wben you're insured to . . .Ohio


Karl D. Dakin IU$urance Agelicy

~ 8 .

Phone 153. 20 E. Mulberry., LEBANON.

O. OHIO ·'A.MERSIN.IUUN~ C;O. .AIrI . .... OHIC . FAIMEkS INDIMNI1Y co. -4.~: fJla



Morris Brown


Page 4 ally invited (the writer reserves The Miami Gazette 4351 , Waynesville, Ohio No. the' right to dodge brick-bats!) As we go to press, there's Thursday, January 15; ' 1948 . -----,just time to call quick attention to tonig'ht's feature, FIESTA. If THREE BEArtS. I m 'n tion thi yo u haven' t seen it, go see because I think n t n u,g'h ,f anEsther WitHams fight the bull fare i ~iv n these ,hort '-- tl > -lucky bull! This picture is a good one. Th Y,'re ill t arti Met ro ~ Goldwyn-Ma ye r tec-hni- tic e n o u ~h , and III y e ~ o u ,~ h, t , color product. By the way, bring us all a few minute ot ,we' re going to tell Y!l u in ad- m h needed r laxatio n. vance what compal1les mak MIRR R (UI), com:" the films yo u'll be seeing. Y ay in,g-DARK next Wednesday Thursdoubtless ~ have yo ur favorite day, is a piGture I mand .~ In,g- t compani es. In, the interest of say little abo ut, for. tl~ I r a ·on,. space ,conservation, here is a I don't want to spOIl It for ou. list of' abbreviations we'lI u "c- You'll kn ow, what I mean when more ",,'ill be given an n. ,you S ,e aca iel~ly.award vinner Metro-Goldwyn -M a er MGM Olivia DeHavl lan d, . up porte I Paramount Par. by Lew, Ayre an,d that eas ryed Eagle Li ons ' EL actor Thomas-MIt hell, \V rkm ,~ Warrier Brothers WB out a murder, plot that will hold United Artist ' " UA you fascinated. For relief from ' Republic . Rep. the tension: f this drama, Par Cot gives u a tWO-Jeeler 'ttl-eli 'Coll1inbia Universal Internati 'na') UI MID N I G H T SERENADE. This Friday and ,aturtiay, T chnicolot and mu i \ too, in SAN ANTON 10 co mes to yo ur thi deli ~htful h rt. theatre, a WB western tech nith e: end f p rt!vi e \ '~ color. and has iust abo ut every- forThat' this week hdor ·i?'nthing. It's teriffic, and I use that in~ off, wa nt .t l3ut r 'pnrt :1 ru mor adjectiv ad vis dIy, in th e mod " and a "remind r ern sens~, mean ing it's 100% THE RU MO R-that ~ m c; f entertainment. Errol Flynn the small fry and b I~ f!'v, 'too" stars. Iikun da y m " till s at would Here's an inte resting note the TWIN THEAT RE, And abo ut your .featur Sunday and itself in savin~s and profits on Monday. DEAR RUTH (Par) , might like eriats. It -e m a farms. where high quality milk the play that packed 'em in 011 petiti n is Rain,!.!' ar ufld under is produced. Much of the milk BrOadway for months, ( ceived the sponsorship of Rick v Palrejected b milk p1?lnts is due to , all plus marks ' from top-fIiiht mer Nancy Palmer, and Jupe the milk net be ng- roperl y critics. I haven' t read every Me ~denh ali. HO\ (t Ott f t cooled to 5 f . o r less within sheet about it ? If en o u ~h four pathe country, but I'v e one and a half hours after m.ilk- ye t to find a sin,~le " mel1 no.te" tr ns want . unday matinees, in~. The automatiic ele tric milk on this comedy. All say "Go to we'll endeavor to comply: W e cooler offers the Inost satisfac- , see it. " Joan Cau leld and Wil- want to ptease you. tory and co l omical mt:ans of liam Holde.n carry' the lead" THE "REMJNOER"-' that do ing til is. Many c mmercia-I with Billy DeWolfe a ' close sec- Roy Rogers and 'Tri~~ er will be dairies 'pay a premium of IS ond, displa in ~ hi. particularl y back with u next weekend. cents per hund r 'd l) und for hilari()us brand of comedy.' On which is ~ooct news to all. In produced on arms usin.~ tbis same bill, along with the connecti on with that, there's a electric milk co lers. NEWS, is an MGM color car- little human interest story I' The Warren Grimes' farm is ~oon,. GOLDILOCKS and the want to tell 'you about Roy and one of .the most mod rn darry farms in Chaml"aign County. Other electrical equipment , on this farm includies an electric milkin,g- machine,. electric pres- ', - a growin"'. favorite sure water system, electnc feed mixer, home frioid freezer, two , electric ~rain elevators, an P'tp,~­ ~~•• u~~~~~Uftp~~ fertilisers for your Deeds. ' OD aU field croP-I BIG If er~ fertiliaa beariD& the tric corn sheller 'alld an electrifor bieheat 1IJ8flret qUality I BIG M brand performa up cally operated -vehtifating' sy And' it's ~ that W.Y for . to that repu~tion beca~ it tern in the barn. twenty yea.... is a1w.~ made up to bigheat




Sl-tOE lieU IlDI ~IG









~('6~LL I~ /~~~i $& r ~~~~~ 0; . ," I ,

IIU\ 111:\ ~~N 1/ G S'

r )'



..s:yrr / '





The above ph -to shows J 0 SchoJz; farm manager, gettinK a bucket of steamin~ hot water from a ten gallon non-pressure dairy hot water heater in the modern new milk house on Warren Grime's Glenn-Wood farm located on Rt. 3, Urbana,. Ohio. , According tQ Mr. Scholz, to produce high Quality milk, ' the 'model'p milk house must -have a continuous supply of hot water and dependable refrigeration. From long experience as a dairyman, it is his belief that the ' electric hot water heater (shown hi the above pictttr,e) , and rthe electric milk cooteF",do the .best job of filling tbese ' nee s One of the most im, orlant uses of hot water is for cll:;anir~ and sterilizing milkih.e; utensils. Hot water is . also needed for bathing sore and swollen udaers; for washing the udders before milking, and for ·taking care of mother and calf at time of fresh· ~ning. Ih order to draw hot water from the heater, it is only, ne€essary to pour water into th'e inlet funnel on the top and a like amount of hot water is forced out. It is thermostaUcaJIy controlled an'd a supply 'of steamin,ghot water is ' available at all times. , I,t is now , generally agreed among dairy experts that an, , el'e~t1'l'(! milk ·coole-r will pay for




LEN S E ,S by Hql1y Greetings, WaYnesv·ille and surr0unding- communi1i s. This is the first in a series of weekly columns bringilly, Y u news :of the entertainqtent world and, specifically, 'new: of your own TWIN 'TI;-IEATBE. The management hopes you'll enjoy aad ,profit by Ulis col~llpn., Lt~t's m~ke it a c1e'a rin~ boqs~. Your ideas and comm~mts are c<:\rdi~

5. - - - = _____ "lJIi111er Ohio $~S As 1lf 'CONS~INATION OJ.ViS/ON

• Sf :.

While our immediate con- , stand.rds . ' • nev.8I'dcnm to cern is that of, .up.plJ-in. a price. more high-potaih-c'ontent Ord.,

no~ ltom your




he Miami FertJ~lz.r Compa", O.flCI IN DAYION, OHIO .ACTORY IN fIIilllN, OHIO

7he Miarru F.wtllinr c~ it .., independent - Mi.anr V.,,,, conoem ur)du dlr~1 ooeratlon ot it. ~

ia _






AT THE ' ·"Fri_dly Store" ,

OM'E 'F URNt' 'H tN'QS! ~'Hani,·To-Get" ,I tems 9' x 12 '~QOL Rt.JCS ' ' ,


9 x, 12 FELT &ASE RUGS '



" LAMPS (Floor 'and 'fable) STOKE'S DAIRY "MEADOW GOLD Products" Phone 21 LEBANON, DH 10.


STUDIO COUCHES ·(Fully Sprinl Filled) (


I BCY, Representati've



"Complete Home F.-mime"" 'ROGERS & ' SIMPSON TRACTOR ~ALES Phone 2341



Phone 912R "Ea~l

' XENIA alDOl • Main ; •..ftet at Whitemaa"


Pa,g,e 5, The Miami Gazette Waynesville, Ohio' 'No. 4351 Thursday, January· t 5, 1948 '1 rig-~e r,

somcthin,!!" that ha pened when your writer had , ccasion to meet thl,;$e famoll weste'rn chara c t c r~ rlut so 'I ncr ago. But th "l t little sLory come. late r, when I e ~ i.J nex t Thursday in the Miami G az tte,

B&B (naturally we arc hO'pin,g'

f?,' MORROW Schlichter rf 4 boro on the 21 t o f. J :tnutlry at Turner If 3 :00 p.m. 0', e vo u at th e Woods If 1 ball Kam . Bennet c 4 . Lewi rg -i ·THE BOX SCORE: 2 Allison l.gWaynesville, pt~ . Legion pts. 18 Total I Witte Hclrtsock 7 I ra 1 8 Rickey RESERVE Planck. ... Baker ' '14 Ma hah 4 WAYNESVILLE Sackett f.l?: 4 Mehaffle Bernard 4 Bi h p t Ludington 4 Hastings 5 Powell 1 39 Lackey ' . 37 Totals :1 Graham 2 Earnhart 1 Florence :1




Losing- th leag- ue gal,ll e with . Morrow la t Frida y make our ~ea,g'u e tand ing, nc w 11, two lOSt.

by Betty Thomas .

In the first quarter we held our own and nd d with the INOEPENDEN~' LEAGUE score 8-6 · in QUr fayor, but in WAYNESVILLE.LEGION the seco nd quarter, M rr w Wayn svilll! "battl ' ct th pull d ahead and s!0. . d th re Legion lust Wednesday night. until th e end, In the la t quarBy the way, Legion see if y 1I ter, .how ver, we cam ~ up c1 o ~e can' t get there earli r. Th behind them. Th e tlnal co r home team I·ed during th first was 36-41. Hii h po'nt mt;n half. and after that the Legion were Vickers and Thompson team arne.! out and beat th : wll11 1 3 points ach. Waynesville boys by two The Reserv eaj ly topped points, The Le~ion team had a 'Morrow witA a C0 r e f 30 -17. hard time beatmg tlleir oppon- Hastin ,g- led tll attack with 1 () . ents as Waynesville hated t points. . lose their third garpe. . VARSITY Waynesville came out with .l new player., Dick Bradley. He , WAYNESVIUE fg ft pls .s 3 13 was one of the first five on the 1:'h ompson rf Vickers If 5 3 13 WHS Varsity team. We are sure '1 ' Smallwood 0 t Dick will be a valuable addition Dakin rg . 7 1 .3 as' he is a fine capable ball play2 Florence ' lR' 1 o er. Good Luck, Dick! .() Simpson ' rf () o The two men that the people cheered and 'booed were l Cecil Russells and Benny S.chla1:heck. Of course you readers recognize there men as the important referees. The Warnesville boys will do "battle" With the B & B team on Jan, 14 (8 :00 p.m.) . at Harmon . Hall. Did · Y0l.LKuess whp sponsored .theB&Bteam? Why, of course, it, must be the .. 8 & B Restaurant of Lebanon. Don't tor}!et' who Waynesville's sponsor IS. either} Bob Servis' Texaco Station. you know, ~asoline, oil and' s uff. ' After Waynesvi.lle wjns over

·DRIy,f StOW ,IIN .j/,llRAi WI?.'I ,.'

:/ II

I' ..., .



.' ,'/ h'


0 2 0


. 5



pts .3

f ......o'

8 4


10 1

0 1




6 ,3








4 4


1 2 J.

0 0

0 0 t

'1 l' 0 1

4' 1 1 2 1





Ch.arter No. 2220


ASSETS ..Oash, ba la n ces with other bank. in lud,ng r serv United States GOVernment obliga tlon~, direct a nd balance, and ca sh items in· J)rnc(>ss ()f coli' 'ctlon

THE LEITER BOX- . Perhaps if more people would write about the pleasure they 'receive from their own particular occupation thjs world would be a more pleasant place to live. You co'uld reaQ it if you were interested, or skip it if yeu were not. The numerical alphabetiaal , rate (NAC) IS signifi.

.. . . ... . . . .. ......... , . .. . .. ..... . 90·3. 6 8(j. O~ Obligations of tatesand politica l sub divisions ...... '. . . . . , ~0 9,l 9. 5 Otber 'bonds, no,tes, a'lld deben'tures .. .. . , .......... . . .... .. . 54,9 1. 2:i -CorpQrate ,stock (Including $4;'500.00 'Stock of Federa.l Rese,l've ba:nk) .............. ,., .. ...•. , .. . . _... . . , ..... . , .. . 4,600.00 Loans a~d discounts '(includlngl $ none overdrafts) ... . ... . a Ol,G'1 ' .!H Bank premises owned ,600.00, furniture & fixtures 1.00 ... .' .. 501 .0' .



le-ssoh number lin time$like these,



...... ~ . ....... : . " .... . , ... , . . .. _.,.

2.0&\l.149. :'! 7

.,1 -







par $'15.000.00 ... . . . ... .. . : .. .. . . .. '.


CAPITAL AC<;OUNTS ... . ... . . . ...... . •. .. .. ,



~ 75 , !' 5 R . 7L


MEMORAl'IDUM . pledgtd or ass&ened . to sec'ure liabilities and tor other 'purposes ., .. , .•........ . ..•. , .... . .. , ..... : ....... .


" I FIT 5 E. 0 RD f ('~ S I T 5 C C' T 1:' \ f~ EGO 0 lJ '

Undl'Vifded ' proftt~ ... . ... . .. . ... . : . . . , . ..... . ... .. . , ., ...... _ Reserves (ar;td retirement account tor preferred stock) .. .... .

75, OOO:,, (} 7G,OO l . ,) 16,953.71 9,000, 01)



State ot Ohio, County or Warrent 8S: " I, S. L . Roll>tonso~, <:8all1er ot the abov~-named ban k, do . 0Ie u lOly swear that . the above statement . true to the be ~ l of Ill y knowledge and bellef. S. L . ROBINS, No .': s lJi I' Sworn to and subacrl.bed b torE' m' t his 7th day of J ~ U .. l·Y, t!1 8. L. :ft. G )RDON, Notl'l' Y Publl c Correct- Attest: . (SEAL) ROSS' H. HARTSOCK GEO., J. ' WATER~OUSE ,HOWIARD SURFAC E


·1Iomlls · .

1, 500 .0

. ... .. ...... , ... ... . .. ... . .... .. 1.838, 195.01)

Sur,,,lus' ' .. . . . .. . ... . ... . .. .. .. .... , ... '....... " . . . ... ' . . . , "

vr"en :- "



.. . ....... , ... '. . , .. , . .. ..... " . . . ... . .. . .. :


more in valuable food elements' ' Now, more than ever before. " • BUY CAREFULLY • • and remember. that milk is still . your best food , buy'

ReDt, Borrow,. USE.



Caplta.l' ,Stock: Common Stock,


To Buy, Sel, Trad'e.'



'o, Penn, ' MILK is STILL



. TOTA!L .


TOTAL DEPOSITS ... .. ... . , . ... ,...

'bOd ptices Qre skyroCketing, is thot Mill·gives . '!, ,




Other Llablll ties

. ..:,.:-+


" 2,3.'7'. •

guaral1:teed . ... . .. , .. "

. , LIABILITIES . Demand deposits of individuals, partnerships, and {lo~poratlon.g ....... :' ....... . ... , . . , ... : .. , ......... . 1.625,4 '. '0 Time deposits' of Indivldua:ls. partnerships and ' cOl.1por(ltions .... . , .. , ....... , .. • ....... . .. ,. ... . ....... .. . . . .140,86 2.81 Deposits ()f United States Government (Inolu~~ postal savings) ; ., .... ~..,-' , ~. . , _ _ _.__ _ _ ....... l-,;lO a .O. ~ D posits of IStates and po'lltlcal subdiviSions .... ,., ...... , 28,427.0·. Other depOSits «(Jer,tlfted cashier-'s checks,. etc.) , ............. 69'3.17




. . of WAYNESVILLE, OHIO In th e State or Ohfo, at th e close o f .bus ln ess on D em ber 31, 1947 , p u blished in r esponse " " mad Com p t rg lhll' ef the Ctl l' l~elwy , un d 1 S ec tion 521i, U. IS . R e vIsed S tatues .

team met Spring-boro .. Althou,gh a little fellow by the name ',e,£ Frey on Sprin,gboro team played like a veteran, we stopped them 30-10. Hartsock (Dave that is) paced our team with 9 points.



, Reserve District No IREPORT OF ,CONIDITION ' OF

, The Waynesville National 'B~nk

Last Thursday afternoon at

4 :30 p.m. our "comin,g-oner's"






cant and articulated by "Walt" telephone ar,ld call Germ<if) :1.! ..j (W8ZCV). OSO (talk) fn r two h t1J' ;tn l It was also' interestin.g 45 minutes, dn ou r!. ink Y' U enouKh to tlS to accept the iu - co ul:t i it f ):' til fe\" ce ll ~ it vitation t.o visit Wg b·""'~"'¥--THH'I--... ost Walt ?----~---find out the mea nin,g o f all th Of cours NAC. Most amateurs us what advertise the b ' t soap in h ' are known as ' Iham abbr ' via- world r tell yO Ll th . i ~li c y lov.,' . tions" to save tiine. And{ w ~ tory of the day, v () f ' ' ur:'" ; are sure Walt woul . b on til wo uldn't he int'r till.1!" 11 lj . ~ h glad to explain an y pa rt of his to fin d ut tb mcanin ,Z f tilL' articles if any one' i inter k ~1 N A _ f bi ar ti il!, f( I' : . [11'" en uJ?: h t a k hi m. 11 '.1, ma '1'--' P opl e. he will also tell how h.. lpful h. rt W ave Li tene r ( ~ \\,I these "Hams" are in tiin e: oj emergen cy wh en an lih ' j' C 111 . . Th f . I munications are cut oiT h y win , e cost 0 tran 'l1 ortt.n g ' 11.1 snow and ice st orm as qa te n 'foo d products adds ah. lit t \,e r the case ove r til c un tr y in the cent to th e p rice con LIm r I tl ) , and the expe nse of m vin' .pa t few \V L. k ". fr uits and v g-etah l s ra ~) it 1': Listenin ,g- t n JU ....!lOrt - \'v'a e eriouj!h to av id exc . i e w a, t~ receive r We kn w h w imp rt - makes up 0 p r cent f t h ~ ant Ille sag-e w re s nt lhr ucrh total r.ri' . char.o' cI fnr t (' l' I'Ham" stati n. t 1( t th _. r: " c1as es of food . ne (If 1hc afl' ri,would have be n he l up ff.lf cultural r ea rch pmj \ t ap days. pro ved fo r imm diate a tinn i" . Also, in his article aho t t1'l k- an inve tigati n of ,\ /t v tr cut 109 to German y, we think it L fO'od transportati n co t . wonderful t mak '1 op l ha nIN CASE OF FIRE DIAL 2!2! py- If 'O ll \c llld pi k li P \I ( If

" ,oar Hst


...1 ./ /'





MORROW Sonnyca!b De,mitt" 'Craig Coffe y Allen Ber,l!'e r Knapp


ft 3

they will) they will play . pring-


,G.j\ Z·E,T T E ClA551flED

--~~ · ~;;~"-~--~~~~FRnul~.lU'6r-~--~----~S~Ar,T~.i'17ri~~:---~-~~~-:::~:1~~~--~~~~:::;:-::1 SUN. l8' MON. 19 WED. 21 TH~,JS. 22 .

,n •

.TH '{'dE


Janua r




A top Western. picture brou,g-ht back for your perfect entertainment. Com. edy, acti,o n and color of the' old .West!

San Antonio (T.e chnicolor) Errol F1YDD• .AI. . Smith' with

"CuM.." SaW.

B 'oadway's gayest long-ftln comedy becomes the screen's most riotous' fun show.


Caulfield, WiDi. Hold-

t b' d An a )sor 1I1g' an nerve-tingliNg' story that will keep you poised on the ed~e

OfOa-;;k M rror

with Olivia DeHaviland. Lew Ayre. and Thomas Mitchell.


more and greate r produc tion, for more and gl'eatCl' civil rights , fOl' mor e and greate r soil c'onsel'VUtion, for more and greate r flood contro l, for more and 'great er TVAs , for more and greate r emplo yment, for more and 'g reater wages, for mor~ ' and gre(1t er prospe rity- but-h e failed ~o say just .where t he money is comin g from to pay for ali of these "more and greate r" things . Mr. Truma n 'defin itely came out again st sin, povert y, hunge r, ' suff~ring, inflati on, high prices , war, actual tax reduct ion . and the Taft-H artley Act. F. D. R. in his palmie st days nev~r promiS(ld so much, or 'went so f ar.

W ith a Bu ck ey e Ir~ Congress~ .'. . , CLI' UNC E J. " 0 ' " ow. DIeb1ct

M ...1I!w .f Co.."... ~ 1\11

In his me6sa~ on the State of the Union which he delive red in person to a joint sessio n ~f Cong ress W.e dnesda y of last , week, Presid ent Trullla n swung shal'pl y t o the left. The speech , which was a typica l New Deal one, and promi sed "some thing for ,nothi ng" to everyb ody, was 'coldly receiv ed on both sides of the center aisle. Capito l old-tim ers, some of whom have watch ed Presid ents come and go ~or more than fifty years, are saying that ' never in their mem()ry has any Presid ent ever receiv ed such ,a "chilly " recept ion at t~e hands of Congr ess. It is eviden t that th~ break betwe en the L~gislative Branc h and the Execu tive Bl'anc h of the Gover nment is a sharp and deep one.

• • •


would know the CongreSSj of the Gover nment , ·is not subord inate to either the Presid ent or himse lf, and that it is' the, sole' rig~t', privile ge, ' perog ative and duty of tliat body to d'e termin e what laws should be enacte d ana what funds should, be author ized or appro priatM , B,n d' for what purp0 88. ' It seems assure d the Congr ess will not "jump throug h the hoop" for ring maste r Marsh all, but ilfstea d will, in the Const itution al way, determine for itself, ,a fter full inwsti gation , study and debate , what should be done as to furnis ning fur~ , iller 'aid- to Europ e.

• ••

The United States Gover nment has a strike · on its hands . C" I. O. worke rs hi the Gowlr nmen t cafeterias are out on strike . Inasm uch as other Gover nnrent worke rs have to eat, the Gover nment cafeterias are being operat ed on a limite d basis with availa ble help and 'C. I. , O. Presi,d ent Philip Murra y has sent a letter to the Presid ent accusi ng tl\e Governme nt of unfair "union -busti ng" ac~tivities. Just what anoth er divisio n of the Gove rnmen t-the Labor Relati ons 13oard '-will rule in conne ction with this whole affair is not 'yet 1m/own.

Mr. and Mrs. ' Robert "Bud '" ' Mr~ ' and Mrs. Josep h ,Chaney Brandenbur~ have 'assumed the and family who have resided on o.wnership and mana geme nt of Clarke ave. for sever al months, 1he I, Harveysburg Restau rant'" ,move d to Washin~ton, C. H., ' located on Main sf. Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Carl Osbo rn Mr. and Mrs. Charles Lindsa v and family moved ,from their their vacation with property in 'the Vi1Ia~ e, satur - who spentay's parents' iri Alburday to their recently acquired Mr. Linds home on Stewart st., Da vtdn.




Mrs. Mamie Hatfield of I I"h aD on is spendin~ a few da \' thi week a 'the hOll e~ue t of Mr , ' ., Laura Shidaker. Mr. and Mrs. David Ell10n and , , au~hte r, 'Jackie" and Mr. ElI on s mother, Mrs. Ma rtha Elf' n of Morrow were ~atllnia v t'llests of Mr. and Mrs. l3en I\ !ckett anti ~aughte r, Joan. Mrs. Claudia Gray 13 .'anden' '' 'r,~ st!rved as suhstitute teach' (, ,. Mrs. Floyd Hook who I' ~n. ill the ' past week.

- '

Methodist w. S. c. . at her hom on Main st., Thursda y afternoon.





Phone 2926




Mrs. Clyde Levicy. assisted by Mrs. J. W. Snell and Mrs. Laura Shidaker, entertained the ~r

• • •

Miss Esther Prather 5pent the weekend at the home of her va,rents ngar Clarksville.

and ·daughters moved' Saturday , into their recently acquired pr<?perty in' the Westwood ad~ , ditlOn of Dayton. Mr. and Mrs, Sterling ,lnRa\1s and family oJ Gree'nfield were Sunday dinner guests of Mrs. Ingal's parents, Mr.. and Mrs. ' ' Howard Collins.

Mr. and Mrs. Clydt: Levicy accompanied by Mrs: A. S. Collett and Mrs. Osee Harlan were callers in Dayton, Frida y.


The ,Presid ent in his messa ge on the State of the Union came out. for more and greate r foreig n aid, for more and greate r social securi ty, for mOl'e and greate r public )Vorb , ,f or 1'r)or~ and greate r ' educa tion and schools, for more and greate r , national defens e, for more and greate r health pro': grams , for more and greate r ' 'housin g, for more and greate r rent contro ls, for more and greater price contro ls, for more and greate r Tation ing, for

Mr. and Mrs. Charles Beck .

Page 6 The Miami Gazette 4351 No. Waynesville, Ohio, 1948 15, ry Janua Thursday,

Mr, and Mrs. W. Carl Brown Mr. and Mrs. J ahn Peter on, visite friends in Blanchester, Mr. Robert Glenn and Mis::. Saturdday. r Janet Mack of Cincin,nati , and Mr. and Mrs. John Beckett 'Sr. , Mr. and Mrs. Jame sDos ter of son, 'John nie', Mr. and and • • • Mrs.: Olenn Cook and famil y, Dayton and Mr. and Mrs. CHfgive will ess Congr blican u Rep, ' the t 'It is evideR and Mr. and Mrs: Eu.~e n e Snod , retax ents Presid the to eration no ~erious consid ~rass and famil y of Franklin giv is n Marti er S'peak House d, Instea 'ductio n plans. were Sunday Kuests of M1', an Rea. of eration consid for signal ad Mrs. Ben Becke tt and d a u ~ht.... r, ing the go-ahe uced introd was which bill, ion reduct Joan. ' pqblic an tax nadjour sl3 Congre of n Sessio l Specia just before the Mr. and Mrs. William D ') tel' ed last month . This bill would include , in'cNlasing and family entertained with a incom e tax exemp tions for individ uals from five belated Christmas 'ltinner last hundr ed---t o six' hundr ed dollar~; would give an Saturday. The Doste rs pent th e a,dditi onal exemp tion of anoth er six hundr ed .dolla rs ys in Florida and ' l1 ave tc blind person s or indivi duals over sixty- five years , holida tly return ed. Th eir recen ,iust of a~; would recude incom e tax rates in each ed Mr. and Mrs. includ Kuests bracke t, on a sliding scale with , a cut of thirty per m Of Colum bu , Cossu ford l Wi' cent on the first thousa nd dollar s of income, twenty Mr. and Mrs. Charles Doste r per cent for those in the mediu m incom.~ bracke ts, and dauKhters; and Mr, and Mrs. and ten per cent for the highe r bracke ts. Finall y Herbert Doste r. ' the bill would permi t husba nds and wiv es to divide the family incom e for tax purpos es. Speak er MarMr. and Mrs. Auzwood In u tin annou nced late last week he ho~d to have the ter' Martin, accompanied by new Repub lican tax reduct ion bill ready for House Mrs. Louise Fite and daulrhter, action not later than Janua ry 29th ' or 30th. were callers in WilminR'Jane, ~ ton, Saturday. Secre tary of State Georg e C. Marsh all, forme r realize that you should pat, has Mr. , and Mrs. Te x Watson. And ~neral of the Armie~ of the United States ronize our dry cleaning, and who have owned and operated pressin served notice ' on the Congr ess that it must vote g- service regularly. Tt\i ~ the Harveysburg Restaurant for assures you of appeari~~ 'at your for Hall or none" of the Europ ean ' Recov ery Prothe past year and a half have best, alway s, .. an Important gram- other wise known as the Ma~hall Plan. ' In returned fo Dayton. other words , he insists that the IWpre sentat ives of requisite for the man who wants United the of ss Con~re the n bled.i assem the people ~et ahead. Mr. Charl es Edwards cele- to States must rubbe r-stam p the legisla tion he and the brated his 91 st birthday anni-, Presid ent have submi tted to it. Evide ntly Mr. Marversary .Friday at his home in shall is not an author ity on the Const itution or, b~ , ' Village. t~e as the Legisl a,t jve Jlranc h

One of the things the Presid ent has propos ed is that each indivi dual income taxpay er be given a credit or reduct ion of forty dollar s on his tax bill, which would take more than ten millio n Ameri cans off the tax rolls. This proposal', of course , appeals t~ many, but it is so patent ly unfair that it is doubte d Congr ess will give seriou s consid eratio n to it. In fact, it can also be doubte d that the President ever expec ted the forty dollar tax reduct ion idea to be anythi ng else but "suck er bait," for a person whose tax bill is forty dollar s, or less, would get a one hu'n dred per cent tax cut. Howe ver, the man and wife With a net income of three thousa nd ten do~ars would have thei~ taxes reduce d only l annua net It with couple d marrie a pdr cent, while only get wQuld s dollar and ~bou8 incom e of fifteen one. per cen\ reduct ion in tax b~l. Of course , the Presid ent did not actual ly propo8 ~ any over-a ll tax cut,' but instea d asked for increa sed taxes on ,c~rporations to cover the cost of the $40.00 tax ductio n to each individ ual. Inasm uch as the stock ' in corpo ration s is held by indivi dual taxpay ers, and taxes are alway s includ ed in the prices at which ~----'-;:.;;:::.: the proau cti manuf acture d Pi e61',eF ations are ,sold ' to the consu ming public, the oot result of the whole Presid ential , propo sal would be no actual tax cut whats oever to the genera l public .


que rque, N. Mex., returned to their home here, Monday.


CAUTION US a~a:inst l!x tl'avagance in funeral costs. Ke~ping within a ' family 's price limit is it business principle to which we IlC\ (~ r make an exception.



WAYN ESV lllE, OM 10

YOU 'Cail Stal Join Our 1948 Christmas Club TODAY! , What .3. boon that Chri~tmas Club che~k is to yoDl Christm~~ mber sh~ppmg. Be sure you re on our mailing list tor Nove , " 1948 , by starting your deposits, NOW!

Deposit Each Week in Our Christmas Savings Club $ .25 ,AND RECEIVE FOR NEXT $ ' .50 AND RECEIVE FOR NEXT $'1 .00 AND ~ECEIVE FO'R NEXT $2.00 AND RECEIVE FQR NEXT $5~00 AND RECEIVE FOR NEXT



CHRISTMAS $100 .00 CHRISTMAS $250 .00




•* * '"


Joi~ling this Club costs you n~thlllg; we pre;ent ·its advantages to you as a friendly bank service because we appreciate your continued gOOdwill. The next ' Club began Dec. 1, date of the first weekly' paym ent and on Dec. 1, 1948 , you receive ~ check for all th~ money you deposited throughout the year - in time to do your Christmas shopping early! You can still start your Christma.s Savings. Club TODAY!

,.'" •

• •


l BankilLE, O. nesvHille Nationa The Way WAYNESV &. NORT




'I I





Page 7, The Miami Gazette I ford Doster and little dau~hter, Waynesville, Ohio No. 4351 Sherie, of'SprinR'field were Sun,Thursday, January 15, 1948 day guests of their parents, Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Do tel'.



GEORGE S. BENSON Pusid(III-- }llltdill,Cllllql SIII((6. ,Ar/lIllS111

On Waiting for George

Mr, ·and Mrs. Mack Davi rc'cently had th e very ~reat pleasure of havin~ their on and daughter-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Davis of Albuquerq·ul!.. N. Mexico as their ~uests for a few days. Mr .Law'ience· Davi ' and children f Xenia and M r. and Mrs. Lester Shaffer and children also i jned the famil y group _evera l limes :turing th ' ir visit.

My name ~appens to be George. But today I would like to use these paragraphs in presenting the thoughts of a friend of mine named James, who writes labout another Ge.orge: the George that everybody waits for. Our guest writer ia Dr. James W. Fifield, Jr" a minister on the West Coast. An' inspirational reo ligious leader for many years, Dr. Mrs. J. J. Burske had a her Fifield 1s also a leader in his com· guests oil Friday evening, Me'munity~s civic life. dames R. E. Asbury, Davis FurDr. Fifield is much interested in nas, C. E. tanforth, Willh'un the welfare 01 the common man. He Strouse, . John Fromm, tante·y believes ·that national problems de· serve the attention of the entire Baile y, Clyd Fromm, Berti public. A scholar of public opinion Mitts 'and ·E. F. Earnhart. Til .> and public questions for a long evening was taken up with a time, Dr. Fifield is a car~ul obbntsh demonstratlOn an~ game. server of trends. An active contribuA deticiou · 'alac1 COULe wa tor to religious journals and tp radio serv ed 11Y the 110 te . . programs, he knows also how to express his ideas. Mr. ·and Mr . M. A. Fulker· "Who Is George?" son and Mr. and Mr. . E. "Most everyone I know thinks the Edgington w re Saturday even· world is in a mess. They think that ing dinner ,g'uests of M r. and trends in our country are wron g. W. P. Strader In Dayt n. Mrs. that we ' are threatened with dark Mr.. and Mr . Howard Fogt and 'days unless trends are changed; but Mr. and Mr. Fo \\~ler, form r they are waiting for George to Way ne ville re iden ts, a I wer ' change them. guest . "Recently 1 spoke ' to a gathering of educational administrators.' As I Mr. and Mrs. ·Loui Fir _, v'isited with difIer'erit ones, I found them greatly c(:lncer.ned. They feel Mrs. Doris Kenn ' ely. and daugh . there' is more frustration and anxiter and Mr. and Mr. Char1e ~ ety now than· at . any time dtlring the Fires . and son w re dinner war. They recognize that education ,guest of M r. and Mrs. Ra . has belped create the problem mond Stomp in Mi ami hurg on which presenUy exists, but they are Sunday eveni'ng. . ' waiting for G~orge to remedy it. "At a coltlerence of business ex· ecutives recenUy. there was discussion concerning relations with Rus· sia, and concerning United Nations 4ifficulties. . Add Dark Touchet ''There was dIscussIon concei1itn, a concentration of power in· our federal government to Such an extent that people ' practically addressed their prayers t&-Waahington instead of to God. But after aU the dark touches had been added to the pic• tUre it was obvious that they are waiting for George to solve the problem. . "Who is George? '''George is you and me and others like you and me, who have contributed to the problem by our lack of a personal sense of re~ponsibility. We have let· elected officiaJs al)d others run things. for us and have not even voted. We bave eagerly lapped up Wh, not step on your own pergovernment subsidies and benefits IIOnal~curlty seU-starter to make without thinking of their anti-free1948 the best year in your life? When you sip up to buy United states dom implication~. Savlnes Bondll through automatic All .f Us "Georges" P&)ToU .avlnlS right where you "Unless we . qU\!.- wa Uing t2! . work, or the Bond-A-Month Plan ~orge to save the coun ry and unwhere you bank.. you're addlnl less we .ourselves get back to fundamoaey-Uaat-rrows to your Income. mental responsibilities, then the ThOM eloOan yo~ put aside', before thing. that matter most, includina . Ole, have the chance to sprout wines and .,. away, are sure to come In Freedom, are not going to be saved. ,Through resolute action, however, . haDdy later on-to buy a home for your family, ·an education for your the. trends can still be reversed. The chlldrea. or yea,. ' of. leisure for problem doesn't belong to George,ourMIf. hel. best of all, you'll be It belongs to you ~md me." . pt~ .b ack more thaD y~u ,p ut .in No postscript is needed, but inay -$100 at maturity for .t very $75 in1 submit that the future of America , vesleel today. U. S. r,.,asNry Dtpar',",,,' depends pretty · much upon whether you arld I make America's future our ' b.l:1siness. All the problems thaI· AUCTIONEERING our nation is called upon to solv-e, STANLEY aDd KOOGLER and these ·are legion nowadays, call ~ROKERa L.CENSE . be solved ~st at the .level of indio Fol' Dat••, Phone 2894. Wavne.vill •• vidual stat&smanship. America reo OhiO; R.v..... ·CharAa. frtaillJ a nation w·t iere that is · pos' sible; If we exercise our duties a. "itizens, America win always be I ANNOUNCING!! ~' of Uberty and freedom.. WASHING MACHINE


Mr. and Mrs. W. E .Cornell and Mr. and Mrs. Ronald Sati bury and son 'were Sunday guests of · MF·. ana Mts. D. R: Salisbury and dau~ht Ii in th ir new home n ar Cuba. Ohi . , Mrs. Nellie Bunnett, IMiss Monimia Bunnell with Mr. and Mr ·. Geor,ge Bunnell and hilLi· ren of Cincinnati weue unda V dinner ,guests of Mr. and Mr . Rhodes Bunnel\. a~'d daughters. Mr. and Mrs. Corwlll Ary, Mr. and Mrs. Kent Ary and Mrs. Everett MaTlatt attended the funeral of their uncle, Tl1oma ' Martindale at Arthur Funeral Home, Wilmin~ton. Friday p.m.

NEW SUITS Robert Kilburn vs. (;ora Kilburn, divorce, gross n~glect, C. Donald Dilatl,lsh. . Jeannetta Blevins vs. Skyler Blevins, divorce, extreme cruelty, Meryl n. Gray. Martha DiU V'S. W. Harold Dill, q~vorce, gross n~gleCt· of duty, C. Donald J)i1atush. Alta Barkley, administratrix of

Misses Jean and Jane Hart· ock . had as Sunaay dinner guests,. Mr. and Mrs. Jim Moore of Dayton and Mr. and Mrs. Geor~e R9tha~e of Oxford. Betty Jeanne DraR'o from Bronx, New York City, spent the weekend with her parent , Mr. and Mrs. Georg Peterson .


o. SCO~rT


Weatheimer &


Members New York Stock Exchan,l!'cs and other registered ~xchanges .

InveStment Trust Shares 'Bou.!.!·ht - Sold - Quoted Phone W.)'D~viUe 2530

Dayton AD3257

Sherwood Refri,l':eration ~ales & .Service has added to its staff a competent' washin~ mach·i ne mechanic, We are offering the same prompt, efficierit serviCe on washin,l': machines tba't our customers are experiencing with 'our refri~eratioil service. .


MARRIAGE LICENSES H. A. Krouse, Utternei n Home, retired farmer, Ethel Raver, Otter. bein Home, housemother. . Cecil 'Baker, 33, Franklin, refrigerator service,' Ida Elizabeth Ayers, 29, Franklin.

Resultled at

PEER' S LONESOME PINE . . Fri. JanJi 16, '48




. Mis



R. -r.HE




MIJ,IJ{inr, . A.ppea/ing to El'ery Member (If Your Fam;l/! MIJIt~ Bi, Stll'ings on a Whole Year of 'Readi"g Pl~aJ"re!

Uncle Saol. Says


the estate of james Barkley VB. . Ralph Wheeler, for money only, Wilbur D. Spidel. Lester Conger VB. Eva and Stanley and Lucile Conger, partition . of real estate, Stanley and Stanley.







'GROUP A .....L Check One Magazine Judy .~ (New~ lie Views) .. 1 \1. Alnmcan Home ............ 1 Yr. 1\1oOcm Sca cto .............. 1 \ r. OlUd Life ............._...... .l Yr. Reader'!! Di!(est ........... 6 .\ ro. o Rcclbook Magazine ........ 1 \" .. Sdcnce Pictorial ..........1 fr.' o Everybody's Digest ........ I Yr. Screen Rf)mances .......... 1 \ r. O 'Flower Grower , ............ 1 Yr. Spt>rls Afatlld .:................ 1 V't·. o Forum .............................. 1 Yr. The HomclIlllk... r ·............ l " . o FrOnt Page Detrt:tive... . 1 Yr. The Worn " ll ................. 1 ~ !.. Hygeia .............................. 1 Yr. True Com i(:S ................. . t. r . "out' l ,ire.' ...................,.. ! V.. Inside Detective ............ 1 Vr.

o o o o o o o o o o

o ·

Any Magazine ListEtd and This NewspapEtr. Both fQr Price Shown o AmericaD Girl ............_.$2.50

o American Home o Boy's Life ..........._ o CaIIiDs AU GidI,

. 1.40 . 5.10 .. 2.15 o Child Ufe ............ . 3,45 o Christ.... Herald .. •... 1.45 Coronet ....:............ _ _ _.. 5.50 Country Geatlemaa (5 Yn.)~. UO DE.t ude . Mulic M-wlfte.._ . 1.40· Everybq(ly. D~ ...: . _ . 1.45 Flower Grower ........... 2.95 D ·Front Pap DdediYe 2.55 -0 IDIicle Detective .......- - - - r. 2.55 Jack Be JUI.................... ... 1.40 , D Judy's (NeW!! Be Views) ..__ 5.00 o Modem ,Romancea .~..._;......... 2."15 [] }\Iodern Saeco ....................._ . 2."15 Movies in Review........... ;........: 5.45 . [J Nature. (10 Issues, 12 Mos.)... ~.45 Open Road (Boys) ..............: .... 3:45 c;putdoon .....................,.. __ . 2.50 D Parents' Magazine ..............._ , 3.25 o Pathfinder (2&, lsaues) ......._.._ 2.50

o o

o o




o o o

o Photoplay ..:........................_... 2.50 d Popular Mechanics ........... _. 5.50 o Popular_Science Monthly...... 5.50 o Reader's Digest ...................... 4.25 o Redbook·.Magazine ................ ' 5.50 o Sac.'cn Romances ,..._ ..........:.. 2."15 o Sport ..............- ............:.......... 5.50 o Sports Afield ........................~... 2.50 o The Homemaker .................... 11.45 o The Woman ............................ !.45 o True Romance ..........___ 2.50



Check'Two Ma r:Tzir ·~ s


O.American Fniit Grower 2 Yr. 0 N ,tlionaJ

o American Girl ............... .1 Yr.

OAmerican Poultry Jm!. 2 ·Yr. Breed ' G . IY O am tier, H azetu; Id .......... r. o s an era ..........6 Mo: Country Gentlelllan ......6 Yr. o Farm Journal and Farmer's ,-"ire ... _.... 2 Yr. o Ho....old Magazine ....2 Yr.


lid •


I ,ivc 'f u k Pn II utcr .. ..... .. ....... !! \' I 0 Open RmllJ (8o)'s) ........ 1 :1. 0 Outdoor!! .. .. ................ 1 r 0 P afen lS' · rl n' ~a7:'nc ' ........ I VI.. 0 Pathfind~ .. (26 J'I~u('s) .... J \:, . tJ Photoplay ........ ............... 1 \ . [J "oultry Tribune ............2 \ ' . . 0 True Romance ........... ;.. 1 \ '. . 0 Tme. S~ory .. ................... 1 y,·. D U. S. Camera l\fagJziuc 1 Yr.

.,,_ the S Mluzlnu OIl.lred. CII"



and Enclllte with




This Newspaper, 1. 71. AND 3 BIG 50 MAG·Aill N ES All 4 For ·Only



AMERICAN FRUIT GROWER . 1 Yr. AMERICAN roULTRY . JRNL. 1 Yr. BREEDERiS GAZETTB .. . . . 61\,10. FARM JOURNAL 8£ rARMER'S WIPE .. . . .. . 1 Yr. HOUSEHOLD MAGA~TNB . •• . 1 Yr. ~OTHER'S HOME L1FB .. , . .. . 1 Yr. . NATIONAL LlVESTQCK . . . PRODUCER . ...•..• . . , . 1 Yr. PATHFlNDIlR (n luun) . .• . . 6 ,Mo. 'pOUt TRY TRIBUNB .. ... .... . 1 Yr. TRUE ROMANCB .. . . •.••... . 6 Mo.

§ §


MII'It ... ' "X" . Bef_ . th. S, ln.. 0 ...' ..... CII, ,Lilt Iftd Enelo" wltll Ctu ... .

. .... FILL IN AND MAIL TO THIS NEWSPAPER TODAY I True Story .........'" ....;~............ . 2.50 ' Ch~clt mtl1Iarinc~J tltsir~tI and t"cto,. with co"po". U. S. ('.amera. .............. _ ..._ 2.95 Gentlemen: .' enclOIC $ ........~. .............. .. . ... Pleue aead me the D Walt Dime,'. Camics..._..__ 1.55 o&er c:becked! with a F S Aibec:riptioa to yoar paper.

o o

o Your LU~ ................................... 1.45 IIWI'''EI 'I' MAIIAZ.II:I 1 lUI, U_USI TlR. IHlWlI

NAME ...........................................:.........................................._ ..__ S'l'REET OR R.F.D............. _.~..__ ......._..........._ •. _. _ _ p()S'J"()FFI~ ................................ ;.........................................



te:L'R'S$I fl,"E~tJ '

"SECnQ~~ :, _

We wish to extend our thank.

f r the many acts of kindn e :; <

J ,,"





hown us and for, the floral' tributes ~iyen at our recent b reavement. We also thank Stubbs Funeral Home f<1> r the ir courteou servic~s and Rev. R. B.. Coleman for his consoling words. Mrs. -Frances Mercer Geor~e and Torrence , Kirkpatrick

LOW COST FARM LOANS (1 ) No f es o r commission ' WANT, A RIDER? (.2) Intere ~~ t rall: are 10w-4% (3) Pa 1 all or part any time- , RIDE WANTEO- To NCR in st p interest on ' portion paid. Dayton, second shift. 4:30 p.m. Call 2112. -115 Call - write - or see LEBANON NATIONAL LAUNDRY WORK DONE FARM LOAN LEBANON, OHIO. Phone 448 WANTED- Laundryin.e: to do FJIia H. Sturm. Sec'y-Trees. in my home. Quick service. Phone 2986. , " -115 REAL ESTATE ' ,

DON'T FORGET TO CALL us for Insurance. All types, of Insurance at a savings. Call Francis Gene Brown, phone Waynesville 2935 or call colJed. Wilminrton 2111. '

Courl COMMON PLEAS A~sociates

Discount Corp. va. Jack _PayM and Gail Sherrett, order to appear. Real Eltate ,or Sal_ Viola Smith vs. Gilbert Smith, Jr. cause dismissed withoDt record 1P YOU HAVB A PROPJIIR,T!' OR and without prejudice. PARM TO 81JLL cau or WrHe Ella Lane 'vs. Joe Lane, divorce Oon Henderson, Tel. KBH48, .7 to plaintiff, plaintiff to, hav.,e furniLorain Aft.. ~ Obto. tie ture and automobile. Calvert Fire Irisurance Co. a HOUSEKEEPER WANTED corp. et aI, vs. John Browning et al MIDDLE AGED LADY; private cause dismissed at defendants room furnished; care cO~~~ncil of the Inco'rporated 'ViI'chUd; , references ' wanted. lage of South Lebanon 'vs. Gilbert Mote, Rt. 1, Waynes- Smith, Sr., judgment of council ville. ' - '-122 reversed, Gilbert Smith Sr., re-instated 8s Marshall and Chief of PAPERHANGINCPolice of of South Lebanon. Call at , Allen's in ,Corwin. Vivie.n Blair VS. Lloyd Smith et J. H., Rainey. -123 al confirmation, deed and diatribu.. tion. DO YOU ,UKE PETS? Charles Pawley 'VB. Chris Pape, Jr. for . WANTE~ Good home ,for a ' Viola Pawley V!I. Chris Pape, Jr." spayed terrio'r dog and a nice for removal. ,order ' house·broken cat. Both are Robert Kilburn VI. Com KUburn, ~ood pets and will make ser . ce by publication ordered. excellent companions. Call at Jeannetta Blevins va. Skylel:' the Gazette office. ' Blevins ' service by, publication ordi!re(t:' .~"~-:-""~-\;~\AH~~~;;;::;t;;:;;:;:;;-:~· _~Ma.rtha Dill VS. W. Harold Dill I OOt DRGcQEe, . set f or J anuary 1~• a t 10. ,&:.;~v v Size> 14, one earmg




light gray, practically new; one pur,ple, one aQua 'jumper. Call 2612, after 6:00 p~m. , ' -115 AUTOMOBIL • ~ AVAILAB~E, FOR SALE _ 1 94 ~ Chevrolet DX Coach; ~o.od condition; , an hew rubber; Call Centerville M07755. -115

, COOp 'FURNITURE SEVEN, ROOMS FURNITURE. -inc1udin~ Bendix washer; G-E electric ranae', California I f ' l'.. st y,e urnlture; ~nhques. See -~--,----\l,\fade Turner, MiamI st. -115

Edward and Katherme ' Hixon to Mary Shllltz appointed e¥ecutrix. The Miami Gazette Page 8· RoSe Leach 0.248 aC'rel! in FrankEstate of Clarence Justus, dec'd, Waynesville, ·Ohio No. 4351 lin t'Wp. ora Lee Justis appointed aaIl\is- Thursday, January 15, 1948 Howard Herman to Elta Hennan , istratrix, 9,12 acres in Clearcreek twp. , Estate of Stanley Hatfield, dec'd, Floyd Smith et ,al by sheriff'to ' Dellos Worley, administrator, inVivien Blair, 54 acres in Clear- ventory approved. creek tvvp. ' Estate of . Hari·y TrovilJo, dec'd, , George and Thelma It'oxbower to Laura Trovillo appointed ' admisisCharles and Helen ROSIB, 1 ac'r e in tratrix. Harlan twp. Estate of, Ernest Gorsuch, dec'd, ,The Loveland NatioJ1lal Bank to Lizzie Gorsuch appointed exeCllThel~ Bowyer,. 0;33 acres in trix. Deerfield twp. E's tate of Rudolph St.John, dec'd, D. Russell and LuciJ.e Salisbury to Davis Furnas, 8.60 acres in J ewell St. John executrix, inventory hearing, set for. Jan. 23 at 10. Wayne twp. I ' Kahn to Ralph Bl'andel'burg, 2 lots, in Morrow. Plans are underway h' obt:'in SU8annah Williams Hill to a world census of a~riculture in Jesse and Mattie Hale, 99 acres i'n 1950. The statistics would inMassie .t wp. clude crop acreaKes, 'Iiv ~tock Ernest Snider to Lyl-e and owned, size of farms, and type. Dorothy Reynolds, 1).51 acres in of ownership. Ha~ilton twp. , ' I ----------Benjamin, Jr. and Joyce Kearns Far", mortgage debt decreasto Maxine Steffy, 2 lotsl in Spring- ed almost continuoust v fnr 2 1\ boro. years and then started unward Donald and Doris Elizabeth in 1947. A lot of the reduction Boblitt to Robert FiBher, 2 lots in in the first of the period was the Harlan twp. result of foreclosures. .Myrtle Seidel to Le1:toy Theve, 7 lots in Loveland Park.. Periodic inspections of farm Jennie and Elmer Sheets -to buildin~s and removal of fire Agnes Thomes, lot in Springboro. ~a~a.rds will matrially reduce J. T. Riley" guardiall to D. A. losses such as the fobl ; of Harrison, lot' in Franklin. $,OO,OOO,OOQ worth of farm Peny . Williams, tiy lidministra- buildings destroyed by fire in 'dttCAGO ~ Typically American ill the !'tory of J. O. McClintrix ,to D. A. Hunson, lot in 1947. Defective chimneys, imtock, ftrst permanent chid operFra!lldin. properly stored oUs, an"d rub- ' ating executive of ChicagQ's Board bish are hazards. of Trade. ' Son of a farmer, opera~r: of his own farm at 19, grai~ PROBAIrE n1E~rchant ' Mr. McClintock is now E5tate of Effie Conover, dec'd, .. xe~ut;ve v,jee pre8id~nt of the , world's lar,g~st grain ex.change. He Stanley Conovet exlieult6r invenre&i~ed from his poeiti9,D a8 viee tory hearing set for .r'anuary 23 (!l.'esldent' of Coniinent:&l Grain Co., at 10. ' , January 1 ,to take over his new Estate of Leroy Con()ver, dec'd, dutie~ after 8erving Be president Vivian York administratrix hivenof the exchange 'for a year. tory hearing ~et for "January 2~ at 10. Error always addresses the Estate of Wayne 'Pa)~ker, dec'd, passions and pre,judices: truth ' Elizabeth Parker, adn!linist~atrix scorns such mean i~tri.e:ue. an,' inventory hearng set for January only adresses the understand26 ,at 10. in,e: and the conscience. Estate of Jose,p b Hines, dec'd, -Azel Backus 'Frank Anderson ano W. W. Shurts execu,tors, e.,tate exempt from , inheritance tax. Half the misery in ,t he world comes of waQt of cour~ge to Estate of Robert B. Gilmore, speak and to hear ,the trutlL_ dec'd, George Beckenstein execupt~inly, and in a spirtt ,of love . tor, estate exempt from inherita,-tce . -H. B. Stowe tax: .. Estate of William Gebhart,' dec'd. Sarah Gebhart udministl'aEveryone wishes to have trix, filed application for ' certifi.Hmm1 D~raDte Is caalb .. 'II. a truth on his side, hut ,it i not cilte of transfer of real estat~. ' coy mood lor thIa c....catore by everyone that ' sincer:el v wishes Estate of Clau,de Powell, dec'd, to be on the side of t ruth. Sam Berman. Be ...... ID WLW-

Farm Boy Heads. Exchange

Demure Durante

REAL ESTATE TRANSFERS Mary Chapman to Robert Chapman 3.793 acres in Wayne twp. Louis Chatelier to Robert and , -Whatel NBC's. "Jlmm1 PUl'Ulte Show,'" ,Yable Jones; 2 lots in Deerfield ' H a r r y PO,weH, administrator, heard WedDeadaya at 18:3. p.m., , twp. wrongful death claim paid. EST. • Howard Shutts ' to ' D. R. and Estate of Luke Henson, dec'd, ,W AN-TED ' . Lucile Salisbury, 2 lots 'in Waynes- Marvin Young, commissioner' to exville. ecute ' i,nstl,'Uments of I~onveyarce 'Russell Salisbury to Howard and , of' the property.. $20.00': ' OJlJ.~D Marie ~hUtt8, 87:56 aCrie-s in Estate of Ella Ad/ims., dec'd, W. ' HORSES' ~ $20.00 ,,: •• For HOM EMAKERS Wayne twp. " , W. Whiteker: administrator, ptoHOGS - $6.00 cwt. Buttered Brussels sprouts or CB ~ George and Mildred Williams to ceedings under former ' order Acc.dln. to a••• a Cendltlon bage may be given an added touch ·L ucy Frederick, 0.35 aeres i1:1 approved. , , Also, AU SMALL STOCK of texture by sJjrihkling each servTurtlecreek twp. . Estate of Emma Sh1111tz, dec'd, ~._' _ _ ._._'_._._ •._._'_ ._._._._. __ ing with crisp toas~d ' eub~lets "",f! ...i-_I , REMovED PROMPTLY bread, Before toasting ' the bread Phone cubelets. they may be b~ushed WILMINGTON., XENIA lightly with bacon drlPRlrig. or" melted butter or m~r«arine, or, , ,n ril1kl N i with grated chEles~.




'Blackto,p ' D,r iveway;s R o ,a d 0 il and Tar A P,P lie Resurfacing and ' Driveway ,Recoating fREE

, ' ,.,



countr,Y. ,



Fred Kahn MotQr Car

i " ! ',


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1' 1

"Jaw .., ... - • . .



6cwt. ,

Charges if


E. Go Buchai., Inc.


o. Ii





RR5. taL


X E N I A, Fe,r tilizer Rever~


Co~ f


SERVICE T~AT SATISFIE ;". " 'lHO , l ' a " ll:l l~: " W ,,-; , R T , Olal 1: 0(1 'WLW Clnclnn nll 12: 40 , Dhl iOO, for Our D ell ly !o>hnket Report.

., " RN r ' :TO





R."ors. Cit.ra"

I'tlllIl CO"I",ilttt

FOR Any lI:Iake or model

WE ,P AY FOR NOR.RIS BROCK 'e OMPANY ' C incinr.ati Union Stook Yard~ Live Wire and Pro~rell.ive. An Clrannizat lCln £econd to no;, ~ , ~ tr \c +l v Sil lierI'; 0" - the Deat

~ ....

2362 '



~ORSES " $20;

cows' -


26oakwl!-A!e- !!o~!P:! 22H\






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